China's Huawei opens Southern Pacific OpenLab in Singapore Updated: 2016-08-18 09:11 (Xinhua) Visitors at the booth of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd at the Mobile World Congress Shanghai, June 30, 2016. [Photo/VCG] SINGAPORE - Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei on Wednesday opened its Southern Pacific OpenLab here to foster information, communications and technology (ICT) innovation. The Southern Pacific OpenLab, an end-to-end one-stop ICT infrastructure platform, is Huawei's commitment to building an open and sustainable ICT ecosystem through joint collaboration with leading software and industry partners. The newly-launched lab will be connected to a network of Huawei OpenLabs across the globe to facilitate the international exchange of ideas about new business models, market needs, and technical solutions. Tung Meng Fai, Singapore Economic Development Board's deputy director of infocomms and media, said that the establishment of Huawei's Southern Pacific OpenLab will catalyze partnerships with leading enterprises, start-ups and research institutions for the development of digital enterprise solutions, with Singapore as a reference market. "This will support Singapore's Smart Nation vision and ensure our industries are at the forefront of the digital transformation wave," added Tung. At the opening ceremony, Huawei unveiled its Safe City Solutions which can strengthen incident prevention capabilities and shorten emergency response time. The global ICT provider also inked Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with NCS, a subsidiary of Singtel Group, and global security systems leader Tyco to jointly create safe city solutions for smart nation projects. Rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, who has been held on questionable charges since May 2014, in an undated file photo. Three prominent critics of the ruling Chinese Communist Party have been prevented from leaving their homes by state security police in recent days, indicating that they are still living under considerable restriction on their freedom. Bao Tong, former political aide to the late ousted premier Zhao Ziyang, veteran political journalist Gao Yu and top rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang were all prevented from leaving home in recent days, they said. Bao said he was issued with a "counter-invitation" by state security police after being invited to a gathering of prominent intellectuals in the city. "They told me I got an invitation from some people today, but that I wasn't to go, and that they would take me to dinner instead," Bao told RFA on Thursday. "It wasn't until I saw what Gao Yu wrote that I released," Bao said. "It was people visiting town from a long way away who wanted to meet and chat for a while; a perfectly normal social interaction." "I don't know why security has to be so tight ... there are also good reasons for relaxing it," he said. "My feeling is that they are seeing enemies behind every bush and tree." Among those invited to the dinner were Shandong-based writer Liu Yafei, Gao Yu, who is currently on medical parole from a five-year jail term, and prominent rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, who is under restrictions linked to a three-year suspended jail term handed down by a Beijing court last December. Pu's detention was linked to his marking of the 25th anniversary of a 1989 massacre of civilians that ended weeks of pro-democracy demonstrations on Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Sensitive topics An unnamed source in Beijing said the authorities appeared to fear that the assembled group would be discussing the demise of the political magazine Yanhuang Chunqiu, whose reform-minded editors were recently ousted and replaced by a politically compliant team from its parent organization. Mass antinuclear protests in the eastern port city of Lianyungang were also a likely "sensitive" topic, the source said. But Du Guang, a former professor in the Chinese Communist Party School, said he had attended the dinner. "It was just a few friends who were in town, and they wanted to get together," the source said. "There was no ulterior motive here, and no conspiracy." "The state security police stopped Bao Tong from coming by taking him out to dinner," Du said. Du confirmed that the fate of Yanhuang Chunqiu was hotly debated at the dinner. "Yanhuang Chunqiu is a pretty hot topic right now, so of course it was the main topic of conversation," he said. Supporters and editors of the Yanhuang Chunqiu have said they will continue to fight back in the face of the purge. However, a court in the Chinese capital refused earlier this month to accept a lawsuit alleging breach of contract filed by the former editors of the cutting-edge political magazine Yanhuang Chunqiu against the National Academy of Arts that owns it. Now, the magazines former editorial team are garnering widespread support for the publication from its editorial board, advisers and readership, while warning readers not to accept a sanitized version put out by the new editorial team. Curbs on liberty A number of dissidents, including those detained in a nationwide crackdown on human rights lawyers that began on July 9, 2015, have recently faced police curbs on their liberty despite of being "released" from jail or detention, rights groups say. Earlier this week, authorities in the central city of Zhenzhou released veteran activist Yu Shiwen following a jail term handed down after he also tried to commemorate the 1989 Tiananmen military crackdown along with a group of fellow activists. Yu was detained on suspicion of "gathering a crowd to disrupt public order," prompting calls for his release from rights groups, U.N. officials and U.S. lawmakers. But he was released on Tuesday on parole and his status changed to "residential surveillance at home," rather than being released unconditionally, the overseas-based Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) group said in a statement on its website. Yu's wife Chen Wei, who was briefly held around the same time, said the case against Yu hasn't been dropped. "He won't be giving any media interviews, and there are restrictions on which friends he can see," Chen told RFA shortly after his return home. "There are people standing guard outside the door." Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Hai Nan for the Cantonese Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie. Authorities in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang have banned all forms of religious activity in hospitals in an ongoing crackdown targeting the region's burgeoning Protestant Christian community. A public notice posted at the Central Hospital in Zhejiang's Wenzhou, a city that has been dubbed "China's Jerusalem" because of its high concentration of Christians, made patients and their visitors unequivocally aware of the new rules this week. "Religious activities are banned in this hospital," the notice said. The Wenzhou Central Hospital was originally set up as a Protestant hospital. An employee who answered the phone at the same hospital on Thursday confirmed the new measures. "Religious activities in hospitals have never been encouraged ... but some people have been doing it on the quiet, which is understandable, seeing that we are all here to support patients," the employee said. The new rules don't just ban patients from carrying out religious activities like prayer or preaching; they also prevent ministers or pastors from holding prayer meetings for patients in hospital. "Some people were really giving it their all, praying aloud and reading out the Bible," the employee said. "That's not allowed." "The order is shown to patients when they are admitted to hospital telling them that no religious activities are permitted in the hospital," the employee said. "If they do that here, then the nurses and doctors will have a word with them." Further interference Guangzhou-based pastor Ma Ke, of the southern city's Guangfu Church, said the rules represent further state interference with freedom of religious belief in China. "They are interfering with people's religious beliefs, which is against the constitution ... because Chinese citizens should have the freedom to choose their religion, or to have no religion," Ma told RFA. "I think it's perfectly normal ... people depend psychologically on their religious beliefs to a certain extent," Ma said. "If they are dying, for example, they know that they have nothing to fear." "Religion empowers people ... to be more optimistic and accepting of their treatment program," he said. "It helps them face up to times of illness, and also to face up to their own mortality." An employee who answered the phone at the Zhejiang provincial religious affairs bureau declined to comment, saying they didn't know much about the issue. The ban comes after a province-wide crackdown on churches and an urban "improvement" campaign which has seen crosses removed from dozens of buildings. Earlier this year, Zhejiang Protestant pastors and married couple Bao Guohua and Xing Wenxiang of the Holy Love Christian church were sentenced to 14 and 12 years' imprisonment respectively by the Wucheng District People's Court in Zhejiang's Jinhua city after they opposed the removal of crosses. Police-run detention centers in the province have also denied family members requests to deliver Bibles and food to the detained, according to the U.S. State Department's 2015 religious freedom report. 'Hostile forces' Meanwhile, the authorities view many forms of religion as dangerous foreign imports, with Zhejiang officials warning last year against the "infiltration of Western hostile forces" in the form of religion. And the crackdown looks set to intensify and widen to other regions of China. Zhejiang has been lauded by the ruling Chinese Communist Party's ideological arm, the United Front Work Department, for "tackling ... the difficult-to-tackle problems, grasping norms, strong management and promoting harmony and stability," according to a report on the official website of the State Administration for Religious Affairs. Furthermore, this "new situation in religious work" will require an even stronger policy response, the article said, adding that responses will be "problem-oriented, targeted, and pay attention to guidance." Bob Fu, founder of the U.S.-based Christian rights group ChinaAid, said the Zhejiang crackdown is now being extended into other provinces, including Anhui and the northern region of Inner Mongolia. "The Chinese government is taking its persecution of religious believers to another level," Fu said. "They are doing it in the name of the rule of law, but actually it's very clear that there is an element of wanting all religion to be Chinese in character," Fu told RFA in an interview on Tuesday. "The international community should be aware that are stepping up the pressure on religious practice, so that there is gradually less and less freedom," he said. The State Department appears to agree with Fu, saying in its latest report that Beijing continues to exercise state control over religion, restricting the personal freedom of religious believers. It cited a 2012 Pew Research Center report estimating that China is now home to some 68 million Protestants, of whom 23 million worship in state-affiliated churches, and some nine million Catholics, 5.7 million of whom are in state-sponsored organizations. Reported by Lee Lai for RFA's Cantonese Service, and by Qiao Long for the Mandarin Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie. The Yalu River Railway Bridge, seen from the Chinese border town of Dandong, Feb. 8, 2016. Despite U.N.-imposed financial sanctions, many North Koreans are benefiting from an injection of Chinese cash that sources say is helping underwrite business in Sinuiju city that range from a taxi service to high-rise apartment complexes. There are many businesses in which Chinese people invest in Sinuiju, which are not widely known to the outside world, explained a Chinese businessman who manages a sewing factory in the city. Chinese investment in North Korean businesses are made regardless of U.N. sanctions against the country, he told RFAs Korean Service. Sinuiju lies across the Yalu River from Dandong, China, and is the epicenter of North Korea's international trade, both legal and illegal. China is North Korea's only formal major ally, and accounts for more than two-thirds of the country's trade. The reports of Chinese investment come after the U.N. imposed new sanctions against North Korea following a nuclear test and a rocket launch in January and February, respectively. China agreed to the sanctions, but there have always been serious questions about its willingness to enforce the measures or take other steps to pressure Pyongyang. While the sanctions included restrictions on financial dealings with North Korea, Chinese investment in individual businesses appears to skirt the U.N. resolution, which allows transactions with North Korea for livelihood purposes. To find evidence of Chinese investment in Sinuiju, one needs only to hail a cab, the source explained to RFA. Unlike the taxis in Pyongyang, taxis in Sinuiju are dressed in red and are neatly designed, the businessman said. A Chinese-invested taxi business opened in Sinuiju not too long ago. It is the second time that Chinese BYD [a Chinese automobile manufacturer] vehicles will be used as taxis. BYD taxis are also used in Pyongyang, but they are not as nice, the source told RFA. Benefits for the wealthy A wealthy North Korean customer could take one of the red-liveried cabs to the Chung Ryun [Youth] Store in Sinuiju and buy some fancy clothes, in what the source says is another Chinese-backed business. A large-scale luxury clothing store with the sign Chung Ryun Store, which is a Chinese-invested business, opened in Sinuiju not too long ago, the source said, adding: The store manager is the wife of Sinuijus transportation director. That same wealthy Koreans new clothes could have been stitched up from material produced in a sewing factory that was also built with Chinese financing, another source in China told RFA. There are also several large and small roll-to-roll processing sewing factories and wig factories that Chinese people have invested in, that source said. Once the wealthy North Korean customer has outfitted themselves with stylish new clothes, he could head home to an apartment in a high-rise that was built with a healthy injection of Chinese cash. High-rise apartments that were built last year in Sinuiju were reported to have been backed by rich North Koreans, the source told RFA. However, this is false information. These apartment buildings were built from investments made by the Chinese. After unpacking the stylish new clothes, the same wealthy North Korean could step around the corner and pick up a quart of milk and some tea at a convenience store that was built with Chinese investments. Most convenience stores that have opened in North Koreas border cities, including Hyesan City and Sinuiju City, are also stores invested in by the Chinese, the source said. If that wealthy Korean was taking the taxi because his car was broken, he might soon be able take it to a Chinese-backed repair shop. Recently, a Chinese private business and Sinuiju authorities have been consulting on the establishment of an auto repair shop in Sinuiju, the source explained. That investment will be made soon. Reported by Joonho Kim for RFAs Korean Service. Translated by Jackie Yoo. Written in English by Brooks Boliek. Ta'ang National Liberation Army soldiers march to mark the 51st anniversary of Ta'ang National Resistance Day in Homain, Nansan township, in northern Myanmar's Shan state, Jan. 12, 2014. Three of Myanmars armed ethnic groups issued a statement on Thursday saying that they are prepared to join in the governments Panglong Peace Conference at the end of this month if they receive an invitation, a leader from one of the armies said. The Arakan Army (AA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), and Taang National Liberation Army (TNLA) are all non-signatories to the nationwide cease-fire agreement (NCA) that eight other armed ethnic groups signed with the previous Myanmar government last October. I want to tell them we are ready to participate at the Aug. 31 conference if we are invited, said Colonel Ta Phone Kyaw, general secretary of the TNLA. The Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC), headed by State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi who is spearheading the Panglong Conference, decided earlier this week that all armed ethnic groups could attend the event in the capital Naypyidaw. The UPDJC, composed of armed ethnic groups that signed the NCA, political party representatives, and government representatives, is overseeing the drafting process of the framework for political dialogue. They had met to determine the agenda for the conference. Based on the decision of the UPDJC to accept all armed ethnic groups at the conference, we understand that all [armies] including our three-member alliance will have the opportunity to attend, Ta Phone Kyaw said. So far, the AA, MNDAA and TNLA have not received an invitation, but they are hopeful that one will arrive in time for the peace negotiations, he said. At an Aug. 9 meeting between the AA, MNDAA, TNLA and the governments Peace Commission in the Mongla area in Shan state, retired General Khin Zaw Oo, who is a commission member, told the three groups they had to release a statement pledging to lay down their arms in order to attend the Panglong Conference. But all three armies, which have been involved in recent skirmishes with the Myanmar military, refused to disarm. Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmars de facto national leader, has made peace and national reconciliation between Myanmars armed ethnic groups and the government military a priority of the countrys National League for Democracy (NLD) government. Panglong Conference organizers are inviting about 700 delegates from the Myanmar government, national military, and armed ethnic groups to the negotiations. UNFC to meet Peace Commission In the meantime, the Delegation for Political Negotiation (DPN) of the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) will head to the commercial city Yangon on Friday for a meeting with Tin Myo Win, head of the governments Peace Commission. The UNFC, an alliance of nine ethnic armed groups that did not sign the NCA, is advocating for the formation of a federal union in Myanmar. Our main mission is to meet with Tin Myo Win as a follow-up to recent meetings concerning the peace process, said Major General Gwan Maw, the DPN's deputy leader and a high-ranking officer in the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). During their three-day meeting which begins Saturday, the DPN will discuss whether and how it should participate in the peace talks, he said. UNFC leaders also held a two-day meeting in Chiang Mai to discuss whether they should attend the Panglong Conference. In a related development, more than 3,000 people, including local politicians and national lawmakers, attended a rally on Thursday in Myitkyina, capital city of northern Myanmars Kachin state, to show their support for the Panglong Conference. Ongoing clashes between armed ethnic soldiers and national army troops have occurred there as well as in northern Shan state. The civil war will end only if we can build a democratic federal union accepted by all, Ko Ko, the emcee of the rally, told those who had gathered. We believe a democratic federal union can provide us real justice, the rule of law, and peaceful coexistence, so lets give our full support to the conference, he said. Reported by Thiha Tun, Aung Moe Myint and Kyaw Myo Min for RFAs Myanmar Service. Translated by Khin Maung Nyane. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin. A traditional Tibetan horse-race festival was held this week in northwestern Chinas Gansu province with official approval but under heavy guard, with large numbers of armed paramilitary police on hand to discourage anti-China protests by the crowd, according to a local source. The tenth annual Machu Grassland Festival and Gesar Horse Race, named after a legendary warrior-king and Tibetan national hero, ran from Aug. 13 to 17 in the Kanlho (in Chinese, Gannan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures Machu (Maqu) county, an area resident told RFAs Tibetan Service. Hundreds of people from many Tibetan-populated areas gathered together for the festival, RFAs source said, speaking on condition of anonymity. But the authorities deployed armed paramilitary police and a number of plainclothes security officers to watch the Tibetans activities, he said, adding, With such a heavy security presence, the festival grounds looked like a war zone. Announcements were also made forbidding protests and banning the possession of weapons or fire-making materials, with festival-goers warned of serious consequences for breaking the rules, the source said. Additional events including polo matches and the exhibiting of animals such as Tibetan mastiff dogs were also organized during the festival, he added. Traditional gatherings in Tibetan-populated regions of China have greatly increased in size in recent years, as thousands of Tibetans gather to assert their national identity in the face of Beijings cultural and political domination. Though China in recent years has frequently allowed the holding of Tibetan festivals as a sign of stability and progress in Tibetan areas, security forces often monitor and sometimes close down events involving large crowds, fearing spontaneous protests against Chinese rule. Reported by Lhuboom for RFAs Tibetan Service. Translated by Karma Dorjee. Written in English by Richard Finney. Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (2L) looks at one of the victims of a shooting at a local hospital in the northern province of Yen Bai, August 18, 2016. Two top provincial officials of Vietnams ruling Communist Party were shot to death by a forest ranger who later killed himself in a rare firearms-related killing in the Southeast Asian country, according to state media accounts. The officials were killed Thursday in the northern province of Yen Bai, just before a meeting of the local Peoples Council, the official Vietnam News Agency said. It identified the gunman as Do Cuong Minh, the leader of Yen Bais forest ranger unit. The victims were identified as Pham Duy Cuong, the provinces Communist Party secretary, and Ngo Ngoc Tuan, the chairman of the Peoples Council, the news agency said. Police officials said the men were shot multiple times with Minhs service revolver. Gun ownership is tightly controlled in Vietnam, but Minh was allowed to carry a weapon in his official capacity, the news service reported. While a motive for the shooting was not given, police told Thanhnien News they have no plans to launch a criminal investigation into the shooting since the suspect killed himself. Police were searching the 53-year-old forest rangers house and office but had yet to find a suicide note, according to state media reports. Maj. Gen. Dang Tran Chieu, Director of the Public Security Department of Yen Bai, told reporters in a press conference that the decision on the criminal investigation follows Vietnamese law. Speculation on motive Local officials at the press conference said they would still work to discover the shooter's motive. They rejected speculation that the shooting had to do with the ongoing reshuffling of local government staff. The government plans to merge Minh's Forest Ranger Office and the Agriculture Office of Yen Bai, but Pham Thi Thanh Tra, chairman of the local People's Committee, denied there was a link to the shooting, state media said. According to a report by state television outlet VTV, Vietnams Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc went to Yen Bai to direct government investigations, calling the incident extremely serious. Local police and military have been instructed to maintain public order and stability in Yen Bai, a mountainous province northwest of the capital Hanoi, VTV reported. Tra also told reporters that there was no link between the killing and recent reports of illegal logging in province. This incident is not related to illegal logging in Yen Bai. In illegal logging cases, district authorities are responsible, there is no mention of the forest protection agency, so that has nothing to do with Minhs actions, Tra told reporters, according to a Channel New Asia report. The shooting and official statements failed to quell speculation about the killings. I think this shooting has a personal motivation, not a political one, former National Assembly deputy Le Van Cuong told RFAs Vietnamese Service. Maybe there was a personal plot that [the shooter] got into, and then he could not control himself. 'Nobody is crazy enough to shoot others like that' Others werent so sure, as some government critics saw the shooting as another sign of anger over a corrupt regime. Nobody is crazy enough to shoot others like that, said Nguyen Khac Mai, a former chief of the research board of the partys central public relations committee. This is a conflict of power and interests, he told RFA. Nowadays the problem is that the leaders are corrupt and choose someone else as a scapegoat. We need to review the whole system and the people in the system. While its difficult to tell if the killings were politically motivated or came from a personal dispute, Vietnamese freelance journalist Pham Chi Dung called the killings a visible manifestation of the problems that are boiling under the surface in the party. At the moment we dont know if it is because of personal conflict or a professional one, but because it involved such high-ranking officials, it must be very big and very dangerous for the party, pushing the party to the edge of a cliff, he said. I think this case is very special because the tension in the party is so high it exploded into homicide. Reported by RFA's Vietnamese Service. Translated by Viet Ha. Written in English by Brooks Boliek. Tajikistan's government has quietly asserted the right of authorities to control the content of both state-run and privately owned broadcasters in a move that appears aimed at tightening officials' already firm grip on news and mass media. A five-year decree made public this week on "guidelines for the preparation of television and radio programs" stipulates that the government -- through a state broadcast committee -- has the right to "regulate and control the content of all television and radio networks regardless of their type of ownership." The decree, which urges Tajik journalists to promote national interests, describes its aim as providing the post-Soviet Central Asian nation of more than 8 million with "impartial information." But it has prompted criticism that it provides the authoritarian government in Dushanbe with more power to censor independent media. Its a negative development in terms of freedom of speech, in terms of political development of the country, says Edward Lemon, a researcher at the University of Exeter in Britain. Lemon, who specializes in Tajik affairs, says the new regulation gives the government a greater right to monopolize information and make sure everything fits with it representation of political, economic, and social reality. National culture, education, and healthy lifestyles are among topics that should be covered regularly, under the decree. But such obligatory content also includes the "propagation...of government policies in the socioeconomic and culture spheres, as well as in the fields of art, education, science, and sports." The decree cites the need for the regular monitoring and review of TV and radio programs by a special commission -- the so-called Arts Council -- within the TV and radio committee. Some Tajik journalists have likened the Arts Council to the Soviet-era Glavlit, the infamous General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press that controlled content among media outlets. Saymuddin Dustov, a founder of an online publication and a news website, condemned the decree as more censorship by the state. Dustov called on authorities to cancel the regulation, saying it contradicts laws on media freedoms. Zafar Abdulloev, a Dushanbe-based independent media analyst, speculated that the decree won't change much because censorship and self-censorship are already widespread among Tajik media. The Tajik government has been widely criticized for restricting media freedoms and stifling independent media outlets. Tajikistan has consistently been rated Not Free by Freedom House, including in that U.S.-based watchdog's 2016 annual report. The Freedom House report noted that Tajikistans authorities continued to arbitrarily limit free speech, access to information, and the right to civic organization in 2015. Tajikistan was recently ranked 150th out of 180 states in the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) annual index, slipping 34 places from the previous year. RSF said that Tajikistan has eliminated political opposition and is stepping pressure on the remaining independent media on the pretext of combating terrorism. Surveillance of communications is now routine, while the blocking of the main news websites and social networks is virtually permanent, RSF said in April 2016, referring to frequent blocking of Facebook, YouTube, and independent news websites. Researcher Lemon called the latest regulation another symbolic move to say that no one can oppose the government and media cant criticize the government. On August 17, the Turkish prime minister issued a "special decree" announcing the release of 38,000 prisoners, not including any sentenced for murder, sexual abuse, or rape. This includes financial crimes. Tukey's overcrowded prisons and slow court processes have forced all governments to issue some sort of amnesty every year to make room for new prisoners. But the unprecedented scope of the clampdown on suspected supporters of U.S.-based Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen, who has been accused of masterminding the July 15 coup attempt, seems to have played a major part in inducing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government to move quickly and include as many inmates as possible in the amnesty. Thousands of prisoners suspected of actively or verbally supporting Gulen are awaiting court in big detention halls across the country. They need places in a regular prison. "Are we releasing thieves and criminals to make room for coup plotters?" is a question widely discussed in Turkish media these days. There's no question -- the answer is yes. Today I took a look, as usual, at top news from Turkey. Let me give you a summary of the detentions, arrests, and suspensions of the last 24 hours related to the coup attempt. I will also include separate terrorist attacks related to the Kurdish insurgency: -- 24 detained journalists of the newspaper Ozgur Gundem sent to prosecutor's office; -- In a terrorist attack in a village close to the southeastern city of Bitlis, four security officers were killed; -- No trace of detained teacher Demirtas; -- Per "special decree," 187 businessmen to be detained; -- Bomb attack on the police center in Van, eastern Turkey: three dead, 73 wounded; -- Anti-Gulen operation against Istanbul Mayor Kadir Topbas's son-in-law; -- National Radio and TV Committee bans reporting on the bomb attack on the police center in Elazig, eastern Turkey; -- Colonel detained in Gulen-related case tries to defend himself; -- Governor of Elazig in eastern Turkey says three policemen killed, 146 people wounded, 14 of them seriously; -- A "special decree" on the dismissal of 2,360 people from police department and 112 people from armed forces personnel; -- Detention of 86 judges and prosecutors planned. All that in just one day. To be sure, "special decrees" by the president or the prime minister play the role of laws in the current state of emergency. I think the list is not complete. Let's for one moment forget about the terrible terror attacks mostly related to the Kurdish insurgency. How can you follow the daily detentions and dismissals that have been continuing since July 15 without any break? You can't. Nobody but the security agencies can. Journalists try to keep up, though, with statistics. According to some estimates, since the coup attempt 77,000 public servants have been suspended, 5,000 fired, 19,000 detained, and more than 11,000 people arrested. The same sources estimate that the number of 77,000 suspensions will soon rise to 100,000. The president has warned that the "viruses," as he calls Gulen supporters, "are everywhere." He has called on everyone to report them to prosecutors and security agencies "even if they are your friends." With the "special decree" issued on August 17, 2,360 police staff and 112 employees of the Turkish armed forces were fired. Obviously, it is virtually impossible that 77,000, let alone 100,000, people were armed or active supporters of the abortive coup. Anybody suspected of having even talked positively about Gulen in the past is being reported and eventually suspended or detained. Some have reported that occasionally even friends of Gulen supporters were detained. There are also claims that some people spy on others and report them as "Gulenists" to the security services just to take their jobs or businesses. A clarification of these tens of thousands of allegations and cases in open and fair trials may take years -- if it comes to a transparent court process at all. Meanwhile, the accused have lost their jobs and financial security. Together with their families, they will probably amount to around half a million people - or more. Ukraine has protested to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) over the organizations plans to send monitors to the Russian State Duma elections in the region of Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. Ukraines Foreign Ministry on August 18 published a statement saying the CIS has been formally notified about the Ukrainian stance regarding the Russian intention to spread [the elections] into the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea and the Crimean city of Sevastopol. It noted that the elections will not have any legal consequence and added that any monitoring of the farce election will be seen as an unfriendly move. The CIS is an organization of some former Soviet republics. Nine of them -- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan -- are full members, while Turkmenistan and Ukraine are associate states. Georgia withdrew from the CIS after the war against Russia in 2008. Based on reporting by Interfax and RIA Novosti Russia appears to be doing everything possible to make us all believe an all-out invasion of Ukraine is imminent. Troops and heavy weapons have been moved to the north of occupied Crimea, near the Ukrainian mainland. Moscow has also positioned troops in Bryansk, to Ukraine's north and near Rostov, to Ukraine's east. Additionally, Russian troops are reportedly holding military exercises with pro-Moscow separatist forces in Moldova's breakaway Transdniester, on Ukraine's western border. So don't look now, but Russia has basically surrounded Ukraine with battle-ready forces. And the Kremlin has also ratcheted up its bellicose rhetoric. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov this week vowed that Russia would take "exhaustive measures" in retaliation for an alleged plot by Ukraine to carry out terror attacks in occupied Crimea. It should be added that few outside of Russia believe such a terror plot ever existed. So what's going on here? Is Russia preparing an all-out invasion of Ukraine? Or is all this just another psy-op? Who knows? To answer that question we would need to get inside Putin's head. And as we all know, that is a very dark place where it is difficult to see anything. But Putin can't be happy with how things have gone in Ukraine. Despite the annexation and occupation of Crimea, despite more than two years of war in the east, and despite constant pressure and intimidation from Moscow, Kyiv has remained defiant. So Putin has apparently decided to up the ante. He's apparently decided to reset the conflict. So we shouldn't rule anything out. Keep telling me what you think on The Power Vertical's Twitter feed and on our Facebook page. Australia warned over grid deal block Updated: 2016-08-18 10:57 (CRI) China's Ministry of Commerce says the move by Australia to block the sale of AusGrid to Chinese firms is another sign of growing trade protectionism in that country. On August 11, the Australian government announced it was not going to allow the State Grid Corporation of China and Hong Kong-listed Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings from buying AusGrid. The joint bid was worth $7.7 billion. Unspecified national security concerns were cited, but the companies were given one week to amend their bids to mitigate risks. Shen Danyang with China's Ministry of Commerce notes State Grid had been allowed to enter the binding bidding stage before the decision was made. "The MOC also notices that this is the second time this year the Australian government has made decisions to block Chinese applications to conduct business investments in Australia. This decision clearly shows a trend toward trade protectionism, which will severely hurt Chinese enterprises' enthusiasm in investing in Australia." Shen Danyang also says Australian officials need to back up their promises with action. "The Australian side has said many times that it welcomes investment from Chinese companies, but then reverses their decisions. The Commerce Ministry hopes Australia's government works to create a fairer, better and more transparent trade and investment environment for Chinese enterprises." This is the second time this year that Australian authorities have rejected bids by Chinese companies for the purchase of major Australian assets. An offer by a China-led consortium to purchase the country's largest agricultural land owner, cattle company Kidman & Company, was rejected by Australia's government over national security concerns. For his part, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been critical of what he views as a growing protectionist mood among Australian lawmakers. "Protectionism and inward-looking policies are starting to gain a foothold. Political divisions in advanced economies, particularly where there is high unemployment or a high risk of unemployment, are feeding on a sense of disenfranchisement among many people who feel the rapid economic changes of our time have left them behind. Political responses to this mood of disaffection can have the potential to destabilize global growth, perhaps even reversing some of the spectacular gains we have made over recent decades through open markets and free trade." China is a critical trade and investment destination for Australia, with much of the country's mineral wealth being sold to China. China has also become a major investor in Australia in recent years. The overall relationship has been reflected through the upgrading of their official ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership at the end of 2014. A free trade agreement signed by the two countries officially took effect last year. A member of former U.S. President George H.W. Bush's administration says that until the attempted coup against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in August 1991, nobody in the U.S. government imagined the Soviet Union would collapse by the end of 1991. Nicholas Burns -- who was the White House's director for Soviet affairs at the time and attended all seven U.S.-Soviet summits between Bush and Gorbachev from 1989 through 1991 -- had an insider's view of how the U.S. administration formed policies in reaction to the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989 and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which culminated in late December 1991. "The coup against Gorbachev on the 18th and 19th of August 1991 -- when [Gorbachev] was caught in Crimea and the coup plotters in Moscow took over -- was a shock to the rest of the world," Burns, who also was a member of Bush's National Security Council before later becoming the undersecretary of state for political affairs, told RFE/RL in an interview marking the 25th anniversary of the August coup. Burns said Washington was caught by surprise by the attempted coup because of "the history of the psychology of the Cold War." He said the coup plot by hard-line members of the Soviet Communist Party revealed what no Western powers had understood just a month earlier: The Soviet Union was on its last legs. "It was only after the coup, the attempted coup, that it became apparent that it was a possibility," Burns said. "In August and September of 1991, we began to realize it was possible that the Soviet Union might break up -- might cease to exist. It was unimaginable before that." "It was only after the coup against Gorbachev when we saw how weak [Gorbachev] was politically, when we saw that [Boris] Yeltsin was rising [in power as] the Russian republic president; that [future Ukrainian President Leonid] Kravchuk was rising; that [future Belarusian leader Stanislau] Shushkevich in Belarus was rising. [It was] when they became power centers unto themselves." Burns said that before the August coup, the big emphasis of White House policy from 1989 had been how to deal with the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe -- in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, and East Germany. "We knew, obviously, because we had embassies in all of these countries, we knew about the democracy movements in these countries," Burns explained. "We supported the democracy movements. We wanted them to succeed. We wanted to see an end of communism," he said. "But because of the psychology of what happens when you are in a Cold War dynamic, it was really barely believable for a long time to think that the Warsaw Pact could die, cease to exist; that communism could end in a series of countries in Eastern Europe and then ultimately in the Soviet Union. It took time to believe that this was possible." Fears Of 'Loose Nukes' However, Burns said once it became apparent that Soviet power was weakening significantly, the policy of the Bush administration was driven by concerns of a violent breakup of the Soviet Union and the "fear of loose nukes" -- that "nuclear weapons might end up in the hands of violent people." "The Soviet Union, of course, was a great nuclear-weapons power," Burns said. "It had nuclear weapons on the territory of the Ukrainian republic inside the Soviet Union, the Belarusian republic, the Kazakh republic." "That was a danger to all of us around the world if the nuclear weapons were not held securely by responsible authorities," he continued. "We worried about who might have custody over nuclear weapons. We worried about whether warlords would emerge. Would there be a long-running civil war?" Burns said that is why the August coup brought about a new diplomatic approach from Washington of dealing with both "a rising Yeltsin and a sinking Gorbachev." "You could see Gorbachev was losing power and authority," he said. "Yeltsin was gaining it. So when President Bush was dealing with the leadership in Moscow between mid-August 1991 and December 1991, when he called Gorbachev he would normally call Yeltsin the same day just to inform Yeltsin what was happening." "If he called Yeltsin, he would call Gorbachev to say, 'I've had this conversation.'" "We didn't want to divide them," Burns said. "We didn't want to choose. We weren't trying to interfere. We had to deal with both of them -- and the staffs of both of them. It was a balancing act." Burns also said President Bush worked hard "behind the scenes" in the weeks after the failed coup to try to "pressure" Gorbachev to allow and recognize the independence of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. That recognition by the Soviet Union came on September 6, 1991. "As I look back at 1990s and 1991, I think President George H.W. Bush achieved a balance between the Soviet leadership and the Russian leadership that was just about right," Burns said. "Now we know how the story ended, 25 years later. We can look back. We understand. We can see how the entire story ended. [But at the time], we didn't know how that story was going to end," he added. "We were hoping that communism would collapse. But we were also hoping and praying that it would not collapse in a violent way when thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people, might be killed." Written by Ron Synovitz and Nicholas Burns interviewed by RFE/RL's Russian Service correspondent Yury Zhigalkin Ukrainians have increasingly woken up to the sound of suicide drones as Russia turns to Iranian-made imports to destroy civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. Now they may have another deadly Iranian weapon to worry about -- ballistic missiles. Cheap but effective, Shahed-136 and Shahed-131 "kamikaze" drones have already made a deadly impact in Ukraine. If U.S. intelligence assessments pan out, Russia will soon be able to supplement its use of Iranian suicide drones and its own cruise and ballistic missiles with powerful short-range Iranian Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar ballistic missiles. Coming as the Kremlin is reportedly struggling to maintain its depleted stockpile of aerial weapons as it ramps up strikes, the missiles would potentially boost Russia's ability to continue its costly air campaign. Jeremy Binnie, a Middle East defense specialist at the global intelligence company Janes, said having more missiles gives Russia the ability to sustain the bombardment against Ukraine." Going Ballistic The Fateh-110, which was unveiled in 2001 and has a stated range of 300 to 500 kilometers, was developed from a heavy artillery rocket dating from the 1980s. To increase the weapon's accuracy, the Fateh-110 was given a guidance system and movable fins that allow it to be steered as it approaches its target. The Zolfaghar, which debuted in 2016 and also has guidance capabilities, comes from the same family as the Fateh-110 but boasts a much longer range due to its use of a lighter carbon-fiber airframe and a smaller warhead. Binnie said the Zolfaghar's use against the Islamic State (IS) extremist group in eastern Syria confirmed that the missile was capable of reaching at least 650 kilometers, which he said is "a statement of how much the Iranian tactical missile program has really advanced over the years." Iran's claim that the Zolfaghar can travel even farther -- up to 700 kilometers -- would put the western Ukrainian city of Lviv within range of strikes launched from Russian territory, while the more powerful Fateh-110 could potentially hit the city from Belarus, which has served as a staging ground for Russian attacks. While there has been no indication that Russia plans to purchase launching systems from Iran, Binnie suggests that the Russian military could pair the missiles with existing equipment because the Iranian launchers were adapted from a Soviet-era system. "It might be possible for the Russians to quickly adapt some old equipment they have lying around into launch systems," Binnie said. The Iranian military, he added, fitted the Soviet system to trucks, allowing for mobility and concealment. "Those civilian trucks can be covered over to make it hard to spot that they're actually missile launchers," Binnie said. 'Lawnmowers' And 'Mopeds' Iranian military drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have been homing in on targets across Ukraine since late August, according to the United States. The buzzing sound of the Iranian Shahed-136 and Shahed-131 drones, built with off-the-shelf components, have earned them derisive monikers such as "lawnmowers" and "mopeds." But the slow-moving, low-flying drones, which are maneuvered to crash into their target, have proven themselves capable of hitting their mark both in terms of military effectiveness and cost. It is capable of extracting or delivering attrition and damage when launched, but it costs little compared to other UAVs that Russia has in its own arsenal," said Samuel Bendett of the Virginia-based Center for Naval Analyses (CNA). Ukraine alleges Russia has ordered 2,400 of the Iranian suicide drones, and its military has claimed to have shot them down in great numbers, often using conventional anti-aircraft guns or even small-arms fire. But their ability to be launched in bunches of five -- often from the cover of civilian trucks -- improves their chances of reaching their target. "The Ukrainians are stopping most of these, but the whole point of these drones is that they fly in a large mass," Bendett said. "The air defense does not always catch all of them. All it takes is for several or even one to make it through." The estimated range of the Shahed-136 varies, but Iran says it is capable of traveling 2,500 kilometers. The slightly smaller and older Shahed-131, which has been used by Huthi rebels in Yemen to attack Saudi targets in the Arabian Peninsula, has been estimated to have a range of 900 kilometers, according to tests conducted by the Ukrainian military. Ukraine's Defense Ministry has published multiple images of downed Shahed-136 drones in recent weeks, and the Ukrainian National Guard on October 19 claimed to have shot down a Shahed-131. Ukraine has also claimed to have shot down a more advanced Iranian combat UAV, the Mojer-6 drone capable of carrying out both reconnaissance missions and aerial strikes within a range of 200 kilometers. There have also been reports of Russian interest in obtaining Irans Shahed-129 and Shahed-191 combat drones. "When launched from any territory that Russia controls or is allied with -- anywhere from the south, from the Donbas, from Belarus -- they're able to strike a lot of Ukrainian targets," Bendett said. In addition to the U.S. intelligence assessment that Russia will soon boost its arsenal with Iranian ballistic missiles, as first reported by The Washington Post on October 16, the White House on October 20 said that Iranians are now "directly engaged on the ground" in Moscows war against Ukraine after sending "a relatively small number" of personnel from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to assist Russian forces in using the Iranian drones. Iran has denied sending combat drones to Russia, and Moscow has rejected claims that it is using Iranian UAVs. Images of downed Iranian drones appear to show that they have been rebranded to look Russian-made, experts say, with the markings in Cyrillic naming them as the Geran-1 (the Shahed-131) and Geran-2 (the Shahed-136). Observers are widely skeptical of Russia's denials, noting that the drones are essentially identical right down to the font of the serial numbers. Even Russian Defense Ministry experts have unwittingly admitted that the suicide drones are Iranian. But the rebranding of the drones to make them appear to be Russian has opened the possibility that Moscow could, if it is not already doing so, seek to manufacture or assemble the Iranian drones on its own territory. Sustaining A Campaign The new aerial weaponry fits well with the Russian military's renewed focus on striking military and civilian targets far from the front lines in southern and eastern Ukraine. The air assault has ratcheted up following the October 8 appointment of Colonel General Sergei Surovikin, a former Aerospace Forces commander, to lead the Russian war effort. Just days after Surovikin's appointment, Russia launched the biggest air strikes since the beginning of its invasion of Ukraine in February. Moscow said the drone and missile strikes, which targeted civilian areas and infrastructure in cities throughout Ukraine, were in response to a bomb blast that damaged a key bridge linking Russia to the occupied Crimean Peninsula. While the Kremlin has accused Ukraine's intelligence services of carrying out the "terrorist" attack on the Crimea Bridge, Ukraine has denied responsibility. Since the initial air assault in response to the bridge blast, Russia has continued to pound Ukrainian infrastructure, often targeting power plants in what Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said is a deliberate effort to wear down the Ukrainian people by denying them heat and electricity as winter approaches. "Civilian infrastructure is obviously the new layer in this war. The Ukrainian economy is now the target, the Ukrainian population is now the target," Bendett said. Hard To Stop The hypersonic speed and high trajectory of Iran's Fateh-110s and Zolfaghars, should they arrive, would be extremely difficult for Kyiv to counter without a network of high-tech and costly antimissile batteries it currently does not possess. Ukraine has repeatedly requested more advanced missile-defense systems from the West, and in the face of the threat of the delivery of Iranian ballistic missiles reportedly sent an official request to Israel this week for components of its "Iron Dome" system. While the United States has said that it is seeking to expedite the process of sending two U.S. air defense systems known as NASAMS, Washington has appeared reluctant to provide more advanced Patriot missile systems. Janes' defense expert Binnie is skeptical that the delivery of the Patriot system, which has proven to be successful in shooting down ballistic missiles, is realistic for Ukraine. "It's eye wateringly expensive and it's probably not really practical because each [missile] battery only covers one city," he said. "You would never get enough batteries to get the coverage you would want. You just wouldn't be able to find them, produce them, and train enough Ukrainians." Officials in Iran have acknowledged that Russian warplanes are using an Iranian air base but only for refueling purposes and insist that no Russian troops are stationed on Iranian soil. Alaeddin Boroujerdi, the head of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said on August 17 that Russian warplanes are using the remote Shahid Nojeh air base, which is about 50 kilometers away from the city of Hamadan in northwestern Iran. He said Iran's Supreme National Security Council had given permission for Russia to use the air base. "There is no stationing of Russian forces in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Boroujerdi added. Reports the past two days have said Russian aircraft were taking off from Iran's air base at Hamadan to make bombing raids on Islamist militant targets in Syria, making it unclear exactly which air bases Russia is utilizing. Russias Defense Ministry said several Su-34 strike fighters left the Hamadan air field in northwestern Iran to strike targets in Syrias Deir al-Zor Province on August 17, and that all aircraft had returned safely. The ministrys statement claimed more than 150 militants, including foreign mercenaries, were killed. Reports from Syria say Russian or Syrian government air strikes on the rebel-held northwestern city of Idlib had killed 17 people and wounded at least 30 others on August 17, the Civil Defense branch for the region reported, as did the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which said dozens of civilians had been killed or wounded in the attacks. Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov defended the use of the military base in Iran for the air strikes in Syria and rejected allegations by the United States that it could be a violation of UN resolutions. "In the case we're discussing there has been no supply, sale, or transfer of fighter jets to Iran," Lavrov said. "The Russian air force uses these fighter jets with Iran's approval in order to take part in the counterterrorism operation" in Syria. The speaker of Irans parliament, Ali Larijani, said on August 17 that Russia does not have a permanent military base in Iran, but stressed that Iran has good cooperation with Russia and we say that loud and clear. Larijani added that the Iranian Constitution bans any foreign forces from having a military base in the country. Hossein Kanani Moghadam, a former commander in Iran's powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, told the AP that Russia's use of the Iranian air base "doesn't mean that Nojeh is a Russian air base. Iran just lets them land there and refuel their aircraft, and everything is under the control of Iranians there." Many Iranians don't look favorably upon Russia due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1970s and even for Moscow's invasion and occupation of Iran along with Britian during World War II to secure oil fields. The Soviets refusal to leave Iran after the war -- even after the British had left -- resulted in soured relations. With reporting by Interfax, TASS, and AP Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev has prolonged a moratorium on land privatization and land leasing to foreigners until December 2021. The presidential press service said the decision was made on August 18, five days after a land-reform commission recommended the prolongation of the moratorium for five years. In May, Nazarbaev postponed the controversial plan to privatize state-owned farmland by 2017 and ordered to establish the land-reform commission. Nazarbaev's announcement in early May followed nearly two weeks of mass demonstrations across the country. Many participants expressed concern that the plan would allow foreigners to own Kazakh agricultural land. Demonstrators have also expressed concern that the land auctions would not be done in a transparent way and that the country's elite, rather than farmers, would end up owning the land. Based on reporting by Tengrinews and Kazinform OSH, Kyrgyzstan -- Kyrgyz officials in the southern region of Osh have detained a group of religious followers for illegally propagating Islamic teaching. Osh regional police department spokesman Zhenish Ashirbaev said on August 18 that seven members of the Yaqyn Inkar Islamic movement, including teenagers, were detained for propagating their ideas without legal permission. The activities of the movement are not banned in Kyrgyzstan, but religious organizations have to obtain permission from local authorities to promote their views. The group's members live as people did in the seventh century when the Prophet Muhammad was alive. They do not use modern technical devices, travel by foot, do not cut their hair regularly, and wear only traditional white Arabic clothes. Religious experts consider the group an offshoot of the Tablighi Jamaat Islamic group, which is legal in Kyrgyzstan but officially banned in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Russia. The Moldovan Foreign Ministry has complained to Russian diplomats over a recent military exercise involving Russian troops on the territory of Transdniester, a region of Moldova de facto controlled by Russia-backed separatists. The ministry issued a statement on August 18 saying that the exercise was illegal, "provocative, and inadmissible." It aimed to "undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of Moldova, the statement added. The ministry repeated Chisinau's demand that Russia withdraw its forces and heavy weaponry from the country and that the peacekeeping operation be handed over to international organizations. It was the second time that exercises involving separatists and Russian forces have been held in Transdniester this month. Russia has maintained a force of some 1,000 troops in Moldova since a cease-fire was brokered in 1992 after a brief, bloody conflict between the separatists and the Moldovan state. Some 1,500 people died in that conflict. In 1999, Moscow agreed to a complete withdrawal of its forces by 2002, but has failed to implement that agreement despite repeated appeals by the Moldovan government for it to do so. Based on reporting by AP and Interfax Russian President Vladimir Putin says the world faces the most dangerous decade since World War II and predicted that the historical period of the West's "undivided dominance over world affairs" is coming to an end. Speaking on October 27 at a conference of international policy experts in Moscow, Putin said the decade ahead is "probably the most dangerous, unpredictable and, at the same time, important...since the end of World War II." Live Briefing: Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine RFE/RL's Live Briefing gives you all of the latest developments on Russia's ongoing invasion, Kyiv's counteroffensive, Western military aid, global reaction, Russian protests, and the plight of civilians. For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war, click here. Putin laid the blame for the situation at the feet of Western countries, which he said have cast aside the norms of international affairs in order to maintain dominance and hold down countries they see as "second-class civilizations." The Russian leader also said he had no regrets about sending troops into Ukraine and sought to explain the conflict as part of the efforts by Western countries to secure their global domination. Putin claimed in his speech to the Valdai Discussion Club, a think tank, that the West had helped incite the conflict and also seeks to stoke a crisis over Taiwan in an attempt to enforce global dominance. Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine on February 24, triggering the biggest military conflict in Europe since World War II and driving relations with Western countries that back Ukraine and its drive to be part of the European Union and NATO to their lowest depths since the Cold War. Putin cast the conflict in Ukraine as a battle between the West and Russia for the fate of the second-largest Eastern Slav country. It is partly a "civil war," he said, as Russians and Ukrainians are one people. Kyiv has flatly rejected both of those ideas. The goal of what Russia refers to as a "special military operation" is to take the eastern Donbas region, Putin said, adding that in his view the region would "not have survived" on its own had Russia not intervened militarily in Ukraine. WATCH: A local official told Russian conscripts "You are not cannon fodder" in a video published online recently. The men responded by angrily shouting that, actually, that's exactly what they are. But the war has gone far beyond the Donbas region, with Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure, residential buildings, and other nonmilitary structures, killing tens of thousands of Ukrainians across the country. Putin used the speech largely to rail against the West, saying it has nothing to offer to the world "except its own domination," and the goal of globalization "is neocolonialism to dominate the world." He said Russia is only trying to defend its right to exist in the face these Western efforts. Putin also asserted that more and more nations refuse to follow Washington's demands and Russia will never accept the West's attempts to dominate the world. Citing gay pride parades and the acceptance of transgender people in Western countries, Putin also defended "traditional values" and said "nobody can dictate to our people how to develop and what society we should build." He also said Russia has never considered the West an enemy and has many things in common with it but will continue to oppose the diktat of Western neoliberal elites. U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Putin's speech presented no new ideas. "We don't believe that Mr. Putin's strategic goals have changed here. He doesn't want Ukraine to exist as a sovereign, independent nation state," Kirby said. Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said Putin's speech can be described as "for Freud," referring to psychoanalysis founder Sigmund Freud. "The person who invaded a foreign country, annexed its land, and committed genocide accuses others of violating international law and the sovereignty of other countries? One truth: The person who started a wind will get a storm. The storm is coming," he said on Twitter. Answering questions from journalists after his speech, Putin reiterated the Kremlin's assertion that Ukraine plans to use a so-called dirty bomb on its own territory. The claim has been dismissed as false by Ukraine and its allies, who say Russia may have raised the matter because it plans to use such a bomb in Ukraine as a pretext for escalation. "It was me who ordered [Defense Minister Sergei] Shoigu to inform by phone all his colleagues about it," Putin said, adding that Russia does not need to use dirty bombs in Ukraine. Putin also said he supported plans by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to visit Ukraine's nuclear power plants for inspections. "It must be done as soon and as openly as possible because we know that Kyiv authorities are now working to cover up such [dirty-bomb attack] preparations," Putin said, without giving any exact information proving the claim. Ukraine invited IAEA inspectors to visit its nuclear facilities after the Kremlin made its unsubstantiated claim about the preparation of a dirty bomb -- which would use the explosion of a conventional warhead to spread radioactive material or chemicals over a wide area. Ukraine said it would welcome inspections because it had "nothing to hide." According to Putin, Russia has never talked about the use of nuclear weapons in the war with Ukraine despite his own promise to defend Russian territory with any means at our disposal" and saying his words were "not a bluff." "We see no need for [using nuclear weapons in Ukraine]," Putin told reporters. "There is no sense for that, neither political, nor military." Prominent Russian human rights lawyer Mark Feygin has been barred from leaving Russia in a move he says is aimed at preventing him from defending Crimean Tatars at an Organization for Security and Cooperation event in Warsaw. Feygin posted a photograph of the order barring him from leaving on Twitter on August 18 and said it also is intended to block my visits to Ukraine." Feygin was one of the main defense lawyers for Ukrainian military aviator Nadia Savchenko, who spent nearly two years in Russian custody after being captured in Ukraine. The document that Feygin posted indicates that Russian court bailiffs ordered the travel ban because he is a debtor from the Russian Federation. Feygin did not comment on the nature of the purported debt. Russia has a glaring vulnerability and it's rooted in childhood, according to celebrated film director Nikita Mikhalkov. The country's children are faced with a "never-ending current of patchy, often false information" about Russia's history, cultural values, and its overall place in the world, he says. And with that in mind, the chairman of the Russian Union of Cinematographers has proposed the establishment of a Ministry of Children and Adolescents to "deal with issues of childhood, our young generation, their upbringing and education." During an August 17 interview at the Tavrida youth forum in occupied Crimea, Mikhalkov claimed that young Russians interpret news on their own, leading them to do "whatever they please" with Russia in the future. "What did we leave and where did we arrive, having exchanged the Soviet education system -- which had proved its efficiency for decades -- for the Western analogue?" asked the widely celebrated winner of the 1995 Academy Award for best foreign-language film. "If we put aside all the embellishments and illusions, what is left? The following -- our education system was deprived of its main function -- upbringing. Upbringing has been erased and removed from the entire system." Mikhalkov, an ardent supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said the upbringing of Russian children should "be reflected in a governmental program." Russia's (frequently embattled) children's rights commissioner, Pavel Astakhov, criticized the idea of such a ministry on Twitter, claiming that "everyone and everything" must be concerned with how children are raised. "To create a wholesome system of upbringing, we don't need a ministry or simply a strategy and a concept, we need IDEOLOGY," he tweeted. Mikhalkov's claim comes a day after Vitaly Milonov, a controversial lawmaker from St. Petersburg and a vocal proponent of laws punishing gay "propaganda," addressed the Education Ministry with a request to include a chapter on traitors against Russian national interests in history books. "We owe it to Russia's future generations not only to preserve a dry historical canvas," he told the pro-Kremlin Izvestia newspaper on August 16. "We must pass on to our children a correct evaluation of all historical processes and personalities that had influence on our present day." Milonov says he considers anyone who rejects Russia's "unification" with Crimea, which the country forcibly annexed from Ukraine in 2014, to be traitors. The Russian Prosecutor-General's Office has deemed two U.S.-based NGOs as being "undesirable" in Russia and of threatening the country's national security. The prosecutor's office said in a statement on August 18 that it will recognize the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) as "undesirable" and as posing "a threat to the foundations of the Russian constitutional system and the state's security." It added that its decisions had been sent to the Justice Ministry and that the IRI and MDIF will be placed on a list of "undesirable" organizations. The IRI, which is chaired by U.S. Senator John McCain (Republican-Arizona), said in response that "this move really says more about [Russian President] Vladimir Putin than it does about IRI" and is "further proof that he fears democracy and allowing his people to have an opportunity to shape their own future." The IRI was founded in 1983 and says it is committed to "advancing freedom and democracy worldwide," operating in dozens of countries. IRI closed its Russia office in 2012 and runs its Russia program through various programs in Europe. The MDIF has provided financial and technical help to independent news and information businesses in 39 countries around the world since 1996. In March, Russia's Justice Ministry added another U.S. organization -- the National Democratic Institute -- to the list of "undesirable" organizations. Also in March, the NTV television channel broadcast a report alleging that Russian independent media that had worked with the MDIF were "indebted" to the U.S. State Department. The fund has no relationship with the U.S. government. The three organizations recently listed by Russia as undesirable have been supporting the development of democratic institutions in Russia and other former Soviet republics for many years. Critics say the Russian law on foreign NGOs, adopted in May 2015, stifles civil society. With reporting by Interfax Anti-globalization sentiment likely to feed into G20 discussions: Italian expert Updated: 2016-08-18 13:29 (Xinhua) ROME - Brexit and the rising anti-globalization sentiment are among global uncertain factors that are likely to feed into the discussions at the upcoming Group of 20 (G20) summit early next month in China, an Italian expert said. In a recent interview with Xinhua, Giuseppe Sacco, a professor of political science and international relations at LUISS University in Rome, said the fact that US President Barack Obama will leave the White House in a few months may also have an impact. "Some pressing political events are taking place at the global level, and they might divert the G20 agenda or, at least, impact it," said the former division director at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Specifically, Sacco said that the rising anti-globalization sentiment in the heart of the Anglo-Saxon world is a new and interesting phenomenon. "Most intriguingly, this trend is not revealing itself in a country like Greece, for example, which was hit most badly by the global financial crisis and by consequent austerity measures easily ascribable to the globalized economy," he said. "Anti-globalization feelings have instead grown in Britain, and the Brexit referendum is much proof of that, and within the campaign of (Republican presidential nominee) Donald Trump in the United States," he added. China, the rotating chair of G20 this year, has outlined the key points expected to be unveiled at the summit with the theme of building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive global economy. Innovative and inclusive growth is at the heart of the agenda. Experts have said that it is necessary for the world leaders to make globalization work in the interest of all. Multinational firms from the developed economies have benefited the most, whereas even the white collars and middle class in many countries feel that they have not benefited so much from globalization, leading to a rise in anti-globalization. The global challenges and issues have been mentioned in statements of G20 meetings that have been taking place at various levels throughout 2016, showing that world leaders are aware of the urgency. Development will be a key word at the G20 summit this year. It is one of the key words for the summit as China tries to facilitate the transition of the G20 from crisis response to a mechanism focusing on long-term global economic governance. Nevertheless, Sacco expects the G20 leaders to address both the short-term economic issues and those related to development. "Compared to other G20 summits addressing only the ongoing political and economic situation, however difficult it was, the summit in Hangzhou cannot avoid facing structural problems of the global economy," he said. The sluggish growth pace of global gross domestic product, the depressed market demand, the international trade slowdown, and the excess capacities of some industries are among the structural priorities that are expected to be at the core of the G20 agenda. Sacco also said world leaders at the forthcoming summit should pay much attention to the worrying rise of protectionism. "I think Italy will have a keen eye on this, because it is a major exporting economy and risks paying a higher price compared with others for the increasing trade restricting measures," he said, citing the G20 commitment to have consultations aimed at resisting protectionism. The G20 groups the world's 19 economically important countries as well as the European Union (EU). The upcoming G20 Summit is scheduled to be held in China's eastern city of Hangzhou on Sept 4-5. Representatives of international organizations such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and the International Labor Organization, the OECD and some guest countries have been invited to attend the summit. The Italian scholar also said the possible impact of the "still fresh" Brexit referendum is likely to feed into discussions at the summit. "Its impact on Britain and EU's future is still unclear," he said. A Russian boxer was taken out of the arena in a wheelchair amid agony and tears after she injured her arm in a Rio Olympic semi-final fight on August 17. With one minute left of the first round against France's Estelle Mossely, Anastasiia Beliakova, 23, threw a punch at an awkward angle with her left hand and then immediately cried out in pain and stopped. A doctor climbed through the ropes and rushed to her aid, as she stood grimacing in pain and unable to move. She was coaxed gingerly out of the ring and into a wheelchair, and spirited out of the arena as she cried in distress. It was not immediately clear what the injury was, but Mossely said she thought the Russian had dislocated her elbow. Meanwhile,Russian boxer Vladimir Nikitin, whose win over Irish bantamweight world champion Michael Conlan in a quarterfinal round provoked complaints, was eliminated from the Rio Games on August 17 due to an injury. Based on reporting by AFP and TASS ON MY MIND It's quite telling that there are no official events planned in Russia to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the failed hardline coup in August 1991. It's telling that Moscow authorities have denied permission for a human rights group to hold a march in the center of the city to commemorate this historic event and to lay wreaths at a monument to the three men who were killed. It's telling that, as Masha Gessen notes in a piece featured below, this out-of sight-out-of-mind monument to these three men is in disrepair while the famous statue of Soviet secret police founder Feliks Dzerzhinsky has been restored and is displayed in a park near the Kremlin. It's all very telling, of course. But it's not at all surprising at all. IN THE NEWS Municipal authorities in Moscow have denied permission for a commemoration march to mark the 25th anniversary of the failed hard-line coup attempt against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Russian officials say four suspected members of an illegal armed group were killed by security forces in an operation at an apartment building in St. Petersburg. A court in St. Petersburg has jailed three members of the banned Islamic organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir. Authorities in Moscow say two unidentified men armed with guns and axes attacked a police post outside of Moscow. Authorities in Ukraine say they have detained an Uzbek citizen believed to have been fighting alongside Russia-backed separatists in Ukraine's eastern region of Donetsk. Two Interior Ministry officials from Chechnya have been detained in Moscow on suspicion of extortion. Russia's media watchdog has blocked five websites calling for boycotting Russia's September 18 State Duma elections. The Conflict Intelligence Team open-source research organization is reporting that two Russian officers have been killed in Syria. WHAT I'M READING Sanctions? What Sanctions? The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project has a new piece out looking at how, despite sanctions, international trade continues with Russian-annexed Crimea. The Crimea Psy-Op Writing on his blog, Anton Shekhovtsov looks at Russia's allegations of a terrorist plot in Crimea as being a psy-op. Does Propaganda Work? Theodore P. Gerber, director of the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Jane Zavisca, a professor of sociology at the University of Arizona, have a scholarly article in The Washington Quarterly that asks: "Does Russian Propaganda Work?" The Fall of the Cronies Writing on his blog, In Moscow's Shadows, Mark Galeotti looks at the different ways three Putin cronies -- Vladimir Yakunin, Viktor Ivanov, and Sergei Ivanov -- were treated as they were dismissed. The State Of Nord Stream In a piece for EUobserver, Sijbren de Jong of The Hague Center for Strategic Studies asks: "Is Nord Stream 2 Dead?" The Internet And The Coup Historian and journalist Natalia Konradova has a piece in openDemocracy on how an infant version of the Internet helped avert the Soviet hard-line coup of August 1991. A $240-Billion Boondoggle Writing on Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Open Wall web portal, Ilya Klishin looks at Russia's proposed $240 billion transport proposal using dirigibles. August 1991 In an op-ed in The New York Times, journalist Masha Gessen, author of The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin, asks if the Soviet Union ever really ended. Putin's Useful Sympathizers Andrey Makarychev, a visiting professor at the University of Tartu's Skytte Institute of Political Studies and Stefano Braghiroli, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Tartu's Institute of Government and Politics, have a scholarly article in the journal PONARS Eurasia looking at anti-status-quo groups on the far left and far right that have been courted by the Kremlin. Two men armed with axes were killed after attacking a traffic police station outside of Moscow. Officials said two police officers at the station were seriously wounded in the August 17 incident. The two attackers -- one of whom managed to get a pistol from a policeman -- were killed. One was killed at the scene while the second attacker escaped but was later killed by security forces in a shoot-out. The attack occurred in the Balashikha township 20 kilometers east of Moscow. Police said the armed men were natives of Central Asia but refused to identify them or say which countries they were from. Based on reporting by TASS and Interfax Ukraines president has said the likelihood of an escalation of the conflict with Russia and Russia-back separatists in eastern Ukraine remains significant and said he cannot rule out a full-scale Russian invasion. Speaking in the Lviv region on August 18, Poroshenko said that if the situation in eastern Ukraine and the region of Crimea, which Russia forcibly annexed from Ukraine in 2014, continues to deteriorate, we will have to impose martial law and order mobilization. Poroshenko accused the enemy of trying to undermine the Minsk peace process aimed at settling the conflict and of making absolutely irresponsible statements about possibly withdrawing from the so-called Normandy format of talks. Earlier, the military said three Ukrainian soldiers were killed in fighting against the Russia-backed separatists. Military spokesman Oleksanr Motuzyank said separatists fired more than 500 mortar shells and over 300 artillery shells in the last 24 hours in what he said was a similar level of intensity of fire to what the country experienced a year ago. According to the UN, more than 9,500 people have been killed in the conflict since it began in early 2014. Based on reporting by Interfax and AFP TASHKENT -- Uzbek state television has edited a statement by weightlifter Ruslan Nurudinov in a report covering his victory at the Rio Olympics, cutting out a traditional phrase praising God. Nurudinov earn a gold medal for Uzbekistan on August 15 in the 105-kilogram event at Rio Olympics. Talking to journalists after the award ceremony, Nurudinov said, "Thank the Lord (Allahka shukur) I have won this medal for my Uzbekistan." Meanwhile, RFE/RL's correspondents report from Tashkent that Uzbek state TV cut out the first part of Nurudinov's statement in their report. But unedited video of his full statement is circulating on the Internet. The Uzbek government has for years enforced its support for secular society by hunting down men with beards and organizing show trials of alleged Islamists. Media reports say hundreds of Uzbek citizens have joined the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria and Iraq in recent years. Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. China's outbound tourism spending tops $226b, half on shopping Updated: 2016-08-18 13:56 ( A chinese tourist takes a selfie in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, May 5, 2016. [Photo/Agencies] Chinese outbound consumption reached 1.5 trillion yuan ($226.15 billion) in 2015, of which about half was spent on shopping, according to the Ministry of Commerce. However, during the same period, international travelers spent 384.6 billion yuan in China, a mere 2.94 percent increase from a year earlier, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council. On one hand, some foreign tourists are reluctant to come to China as a result of problems such as overcharging and cheating in services. On the other hand, some countries have relaxed their visa policies and have improved their services to attract more Chinese travelers, Economic Information Daily reported. Gao Hucheng, minister of commerce, said earlier that Chinese outbound consumption reached 1.5 trillion yuan in 2015. Of which, at least 700 billion yuan to 800 billion yuan were spent on shopping. Middle- and high-income groups accounted for a considerable proportion of the Chinese shoppers abroad, with their shopping preference shifting from the luxury brands and high-end products to high-quality, cost-effective goods suitable for daily consumption. Easing travel restrictions, good services and attractive prices remain the key drivers underpinning the Chinese outbound tourism growth story, the newspaper said. Visa-free policy offers more convenience, an official at Ctrip, one of China's leading online travel service providers, told the newspaper. For example, Jeju Island in South Korea and Indonesian holiday resort island of Bali offer visa-free travel for Chinese travelers. Thailand also introduced a six month multiple entry tourist visa for Chinese tourists. According to Ctrip's latest data, Thailand recorded most visa applications in the first half of this year. Singapore and South Korea ranked second and third respectively. In addition, adding new flights also bring down tickets prices and stimulate outbound tourism. Take the United States as an example, 75 new direct flights were opened between China and America last year, up more than 30 percent from previous year, according to Chinese online travel agency Qunar. The number of travelers in China's international aviation market rose to 50.07 million in 2014 from 31.92 million in 2010, according to data released by Industrial Securities. Among them, the number of Chinese travelers registered a 131 percent increase. In the future, Chinese outbound tourism is likely to continue to see positive trends. Most of Chinese have never been abroad, with only less than 10 percent of them holding passports, Shi Yuduan, Chief Marketing Officer of Ctrip's Tourism Business told the newspaper. This market still has big potential and will retain its growth trend in long term. We attempted to send a notification to your email address but we were unable to verify that you provided a valid email address. Please click here to update your email address if you wish to receive notifications. Otherwise, you may click here to disable notifications and hide this message. Violence against Chinese in the UK widespread and under-reported Updated: 2016-08-18 10:12 By Angus McNeice in London( A series of muggings of Chinese students in the UK may be part of what one social justice expert calls the "deteriorating situation" of violent attacks, discrimination and hate crimes against Chinese people living in Britain. Anecdotal reports of as many as eight break-ins and muggings of Chinese students since early July at the University of Birmingham have led to suspicions they are being targeted for their perceived wealth and are seen as easy marks. One confirmed attack of a male student in the Selly Oak district resulted in severe facial injuries. A Birmingham student told China Daily that she and her roommate are scared to venture out by themselves after an attempted break-in of their room and having been followed home at night by strangers on a different occasion. "My roommate was at home, she heard violent knocking before someone outside started to pick the lock. She waited until I came back to call the police. It took about 20 to 30 minutes before the police came," Yang Zidan, 21, said. "Now I'm afraid to go out alone." The University of Birmingham issued a statement after the attack on the male student warning students to remain on their guard against violent robbery. The incident in England occurred days after textile-designer Zhang Chaolin was violently mugged in the Parisian suburb of Aubervilliers. Zhang went into a coma after his head struck the pavement and he died five days later. The Mayor of Aubervilliers, Meriem Derkaoui described the attack as a murder "with a racist targeting." Members of the Chinese community in Paris gathered to mourn Zhang last Sunday. A student told media outlet Le Parisien the attack was "based on prejudices that the Chinese are weak, docile and rich." Aubervilliers, northeast of the centre of Paris, is home to a sizeable Chinese community, many of whom work in the cut price fashion outlets in the area. Reported cases of violence against Chinese people are just the tip of the iceberg, according to Gary Craig, Professor of Social Justice at the University of Hull. Craig says that working-class Chinese often from the service industry across the UK are frequently subject to violent crime and racist abuse that goes unreported as the Chinese community has a documented lack of confidence in the police. "The two projects I've worked on both showed very high levels of racism against Chinese people in the UK," Craig said. "If they are subject to racist attacks or abuse, Chinese people tend to be very wary of the police, either because they have had a bad experience in the past or because they don't trust the police will take it seriously. So they don't report it. The whole issue of racism against Chinese people tends to be somewhat hidden." Craig contributed to a 2016 study by Zhifeng Tong of the Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou, into the social and economic issues faced by the Chinese population in the UK's North East. Seventy percent of those interviewed said that reports to the police were not followed up. He also worked on a 2009 study conducted by anti-racist charity The Monitoring Group which concluded that the Chinese community suffers from levels of racial harassment that are perhaps even higher than those experienced by any other minority group. A 2012 survey of over 9,000 students across the UK conducted by the National Union of Students delivered similar findings. Thirty percent of the Chinese students surveyed said they had been victims of hate crimes or incidents, more than any other ethnic group. Addressing crime is made harder due to severe under-reporting of incidents. A 2013 report by the British Chinese Project and the All Party Parliamentary China Group found a "lack of confidence" in the police within the Chinese community. Half of the 520 surveyed said they did not trust the police to "deal effectively with their cases." Manchester's Chinese Community Centre (MCCC) set up a hate crime reporting center in 2005 in response to rising levels of bigotry toward Chinese and the murder of restaurant owner Mi Gao Huang Chen. In April that year, Chen was beaten to death by a large group of youths outside his takeaway in Wigan, Greater Manchester. An MCCC report states that Chinese people are verbally or physically harassed on a daily basis in the northern city. The center found that while 61 percent of Chinese in Manchester had been victims of hate crimes, three quarters said they chose not to report incidents to authorities. This year, hate crimes across the UK surged by 42 percent on the same period in 2015 in the fortnight following the Brexit vote, fuelled by anti-immigrant sentiment. "Hate crimes have come under greater scrutiny in recent times," Craig says. "One structural problem is in the data collection of hate crimes. When you look at the way data is collected in terms of ethnic origin, you get black African, Afro-Caribbean, Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, but Chinese fall under other.' So the Chinese are invisibilized' by public policy. The police collect the data but don't disaggregate it to show the impact on Chinese people." Chesterfield County police are searching for a man who robbed a Dollar General store this week. About 10 p.m. Monday, the man entered the store in the 6700 block of Jefferson Davis Highway, passed a note implying he had a gun to an employee, and demanded money, police said. The man left with an undisclosed amount of money, police said. The man is black and about 5-foot-5, with short black hair and a mustache. He was wearing a blue shirt and black jeans. A man arrested in Richmond in connection with the killing of a mother and three children in North Carolina will return to that state to face trial. Dobin Toone, 39, of Greenville, N.C., waived his right to an extradition hearing Thursday in Richmond General District Court. The order gives North Carolina authorities 10 days to pick up Toone. Richmond police and members of the U.S. Marshals Service Fugitive Task Force arrested Toone Tuesday night in the parking lot of a store in the 1400 block of Hopkins Road near McGuire Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Toone is accused of killing Garlette Howard, 32, and her three daughters, ages 6, 7 and 11. Their bodies were found about 8 p.m. Tuesday after out-of-state relatives told Greenville police that Toone had made disturbing comments about their welfare. At 10:41 p.m., Greenville police alerted Richmond officers that Toone may have been in the area, said Richmond police detective Sandy Ledbetter, who is assigned to the fugitive task force. Within 90 minutes, Toone was taken into custody. During his arrest, Toone, who was found with Howards company-issued Chevrolet Equinox, ignored officers commands to get on the ground until a K-9 unit was deployed, she said. We eventually had to release the dog, and he then complied with our commands, Ledbetter said. Toone suffered minor bites on his leg during the arrest, Ledbetter said. He was treated at VCU Medical Center and transferred to the Richmond jail. On July 22, officers were called to the home after Toone threatened to kill himself. Toone was involuntarily committed at a Greenville medical facility and underwent a psychiatric evaluation, police said. Police are asking the public for help to identify a man suspected in a robbery at South Richmond convenience store last month. According to police, about 2 a.m. July 29 the suspect entered the FasMart store at 5200 Hull Street and asked to use the restroom. After being told the restroom was not available, the suspect walked outside, smoked a cigarette and re-entered the store under the guise he was shopping. Shortly after the last customer left the store, the suspect approached the counter and asked for a carton of cigarettes. As the clerk retrieved the carton, the suspect said he had a gun in his bag and demanded money. The clerk gave him the money and items the suspect had brought to the counter, police said. Before leaving the store, the suspect ordered the clerk to go into the back room and lock the door. The clerk complied, and the suspect ran away on Warwick Road. The suspect is described as a black male, about 23 to 28 years old, about 5-foot-7 to 5-foot-9 and weighing 150 to 160 pounds. He was wearing a white shirt, dark green or camouflage pants and black shoes. When the suspect first entered the store he was wearing a tan fishing hat. This surveillance video from Harshad Patels convenience store at 6811 Walmsley Boulevard shows a teen suspect approach the counter before gunman Trayvon Wilhite rushes forward with a pistol on Jan. 11. Wilhite then leans over the counter and fires a single shot that mortally wounds Patel. Two other teens can be seen moving in the background. Wilhite pleaded guilty Thursday to killing Patel during an attempted robbery. PREVIOUS: "Teen gunman pleads guilty to fatally shooting, attempting to rob Chesterfield store owner, father of twin toddlers" A teen gunman who said he was on LSD and didnt intend to kill a Chesterfield County convenience store owner when he attempted to rob the victim at gunpoint pleaded guilty Thursday to murder and three other felonies. Just more than seven months after Harshad Patel was gunned down inside his Walmsley Boulevard business, his assailant, Trayvon Malik Wilhite, 19, entered guilty pleas to a crime that shocked, angered and distressed many of the victims regular customers and residents who lived near his store. In a 30-minute hearing, Judge David E. Johnson of Chesterfield Circuit Court accepted Wilhites pleas and convicted him of first-degree murder, attempted robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery and felonious use of firearm. He faces up to life in prison plus 23 years when he is sentenced Nov. 15. After initially pleading guilty to the murder, Wilhite at the direction of defense attorney Denis Englisby changed it to an Alford plea after the judge rejected Englisbys interpretation of the first-degree murder statute. Englisby said his client had pleaded guilty under a provision of the law that Wilhites act was not premeditated and is punishable by sentence of between five and 40 years, rather than 20 years to life. There was an intent to rob without a specific intent to kill, Englisby argued, referring to Wilhites confession to police. In an Alford plea, a defendant does not admit to the crime but acknowledges the prosecutions evidence is sufficient for a finding of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the plea is tantamount to pleading guilty. Wilhite is one of three teens charged in the Jan. 11 botched robbery attempt and murder of Patel, 55, a native of India who had purchased The Marketplace #21 at 6811 Walmsley Boulevard about 3 years ago with his wife, Sarla. Police said Wilhite, who confessed to detectives that he was the sole shooter, was accompanied by two other teens, Thomas L. Jennings III, 18, and Wilhites younger brother, Tyqise, 14. Police believe a fourth person was also involved, but he was never identified. The trio was captured on Patels in-house surveillance video as the crime unfolded; it was instrumental in aiding detectives in quickly identifying the perpetrators, combined with Jennings admission to police that the Wilhite brothers were involved in the crime. In the video a portion of which was played in court Thursday Jennings can be seen entering the store first, followed by Trayvon Wilhite, who runs into the store armed with a pistol and leaning over the front counter with his weapon before firing a shot. The round struck Patel, who moments earlier can be seen crouching or ducking behind the counter. A single round entered Patels right arm and cut through his chest, fracturing a rib and penetrating the upper lobe of his lung before slicing a major artery that supplies blood to the right arm. A store customer who entered to buy lottery tickets discovered Patel on the floor and called police, said Assistant Chesterfield Commonwealths Attorney Shawn Gobble. Patels wife was en route to pick up her husband that evening when she encountered heavy police presence at the store and learned that he had been shot. Patel later died at a hospital. Patel and his wife had twin girls, who were only 2 at the time. Sarla Patel attended the hearing but declined to comment afterward. In interviews with police after his arrest, Wilhite admitted to pulling the trigger but indicated he was on acid and could not remember many of the details. He told detectives he went into the store, pointed a gun at Patel and told him to empty the register. As Patel began to back up, it appeared the store owner was reaching for something, and thats when Wilhites gun went off, the teen said. Wilhite said he didnt remember pulling the trigger. Wilhite said that after seeing Patel hold his arm where the bullet entered, he ran from the store, according to a transcript of his interview with police. Wilhite suggested the robbery went awry and that the only objective that night was to get money. I did not mean to kill that man, the teen told detectives at one point. The teen, who lived with his grandmother in Chesterfield at the time of the shooting, also told police that he had mental problems and twice had attempted suicide. Everybody trying to keep me out of trouble ... but ... I got mental problems, yo, Wilhite told the detectives. Eventually I was gonna kill somebody. Wilhite added that he used to go to Patels store often but didnt know why it ended up being targeted the night of the attempted robbery. The teen said he was too high on drugs. Patel was shot with a .25-caliber round, but the gun that fired it was never recovered. Wilhite told detectives the gun wasnt his and he gave it to another person he wouldnt identify after the shooting. Wilhites alleged accomplices have trials or hearings scheduled over the next two weeks. Tyqise Wilhite is set to appear Aug. 25 for a motions hearing. His attorney will ask the court to suppress the teens statement to police, arguing the 14-year-old did not have an attorney, parent or guardian present after he was arrested and taken to police headquarters for questioning, and wasnt fully informed of his rights. Jennings is scheduled to be tried Aug. 30. Recalling his lean years after law school as a homeless business entrepreneur before he made millions by getting in on the ground floor of the cellular phone industry, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., likes to say that he was a worker in the gig economy before it was cool to be gig. So it made sense that the two-term senator and former governor would feel right at home Wednesday at the headquarters of Snagajob the western Henrico County -based national leader in hourly work staffing. But Warner, on a tour through the state while Congress is on summer recess, did not simply snag, or pay, compliments in his time at the online workplace innovator. Instead, he relaunched some ideas on what he thinks needs to be done to protect American workers in a changing global economy, and, in somewhat critical terms, said American business needs to change its approach. Im not running for anything at this point so I can tell you the absolute truth, he told the receptive audience in an employee town hall Wednesday morning. Warner wagered that less than 10 percent of the millennial workforce is likely to work for a single company for more than 20 years, so the new economy will necessitate a new approach to how workers receive benefits such as health insurance, retirement and disability that were traditionally paid by employers. While only about 2 percent to 3 percent of the American workforce are employed by the gig economy, Warner said roughly a third of Americans work on a freelance or contingency basis without a social insurance safety net. He cited a statistic that 47 percent of Americans could not absorb an unexpected $400 bill. We need to design a benefit system that works for the way people are going to work, he said, discussing the need for portable benefits derived from employee wages that follow a worker from job to job. Warner said American corporations also need to change the way they do business. The senator said a shift that began in the 1990s of outsourcing lower-tier corporate jobs not just to overseas but to subcontractors who reclassified employees and independent contractors without benefits, was not the gig economy, but bad behavior. He noted that 45 years ago, the average share of stock was held for eight years; last year the average time held was four months. Twenty-five years ago, Warner said companies invested 50 percent of their profits back into their businesses, but last fiscal quarter 95 percent of corporate profits in America was spent on stock buybacks and dividend purchases. Warner said the practices are driven by people who are not trying to create long-term value, but people saying, Give me the money, tomorrow. And where does that money go? the senator asked rhetorically. Disproportionately, to the investors, disproportionately to the management team. Sure as heck not to the workers. What worries me ... and I am the poster child for American free enterprise I believe strongly in capitalism, Warner said. But Ive got to tell you, in 2016 modern American capitalism, with its focus on short term-ism, is not working for enough Americans. Warner said government incentives such as tax credits for worker training and reforms to capital gains rules could reduce the outsourcing of jobs, and encourage companies to forgo short-term gains to reinvest profits into their businesses and training for middle to lower-tier employees. The senator said that increasingly millennials are starting to demand more responsible business practices and corporate governance from the businesses they work for and buy from. And he said that the message resonates, whether delivered in the friendly, innovative environs of Snagajob or in more traditional blue-collar enclaves throughout the state, where even obtaining broadband internet access is a challenge. When Danville police tried to arrest Christopher Tyrone Bennett, 40, on an outstanding domestic violence warrant, Bennett had one member of the force he wanted to deal with. Over the course of approximately two hours, Danville police tried to arrest Bennett while also reaching out to an off-duty officer that Bennett had a rapport with. But it wasnt enough; Bennett shot himself in the head. He was taken to Danville Regional Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead at 4:43 p.m. At the end of the day, we dont want anyone to die, Danville Police Lt. Mike Wallace said at a news conference. On a hot and humid August afternoon, a patrol officer was at the intersection of Church and Keen streets when he observed Bennett. He told Bennett he had an outstanding warrant on him for domestic assault and battery. Bennett turned away from the officer, a news release stated, and pulled out a handgun, saying, Im going to kill you to the officer. That first encounter took place at 2:24 p.m. The officer pulled out his duty weapon and backed away, telling Bennett to drop the gun before Bennett fled on foot across North Main Street, the news release stated. Neither the officer nor Bennett fired at one another, Capt. Dennis Haley with the Danville Police Department said at the scene Wednesday afternoon. The officer called for backup and additional units responded. Bennett, still holding the gun, was later seen on Sunnyside Street, the release stated. Police continued to try to negotiate with Bennett, but he would not put the gun down. Bennett agreed to drop the weapon and surrender if a specific officer he knew personally would speak with him, police wrote in the news release. Wallace said Bennett had previous encounters with the requested officer. They had developed a rapport, Wallace said. Officers established and secured the perimeter and continued speaking with Bennett. We took steps to make sure people in the neighborhood were safe, Wallace said. Off duty at the time, the requested officer responded to the scene while negotiating with Bennett by phone, the news release continued. The officer arrived on scene and began speaking directly with Bennett, to convince him to drop the weapon. After refusing to drop the gun, Bennett put the weapon to his head and fired. Direct negotiation with Bennett lasted for 48 minutes, the news release stated. The Danville Life Saving Crew and emergency medical workers were on standby at the scene and rushed Bennett to the hospital, where he later died. The warrant for domestic assault and battery on Bennett was a recent one, Wallace said. Police do not have any intention to release the officers name who was called in for the negotiation, Wallace said at the news conference. Growing up, I watched a lot of Westerns. In addition to the cowboy hero, the town sheriff was almost always a model of integrity. He stood for law and order against bank robbers, cattle rustlers and horse thieves all trying to disrupt the peace. A contemporary and real-life version of those fictional good guys is Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Clarke has been trying to restore law and order after several nights of rioting following the shooting death of 23-year-old Sylville Smith by a Milwaukee police officer. Smith had a lengthy criminal record, longer than some peoples resumes. He should have been in prison. Clarke has appeared numerous times on the Fox News Channel, but not so much in other media. On Monday, The Washington Post carried a story about the riots and ignored Clarke, choosing instead to quote Milwaukees chief of police, Edward Flynn. I suspect thats because Clarke speaks some hard truths, which many liberals do not want to hear. In an appearance Monday on Fox, Sheriff Clarke, who is African-American, offered his explanation for the major cause of riots in Milwaukee and other cities: You know what encourages this? The growth of the welfare state. These are underclass behaviors. Seventy percent of the kids born in Milwaukee ... are born without an engaged father in their life. So I look at the progressive policies that have marginalized black dads. They push them to the side and say youre not needed. Uncle Sam is going to be the dad, hes going to provide for the kids, hes going to feed the kids ... Uncle Sam has been a horrible father. Uncle Sam does not love these kids. He might keep a little food in their mouths and that is about it. But we all know the importance of an intact family, what it can do to shape the behavior of kids. Clarke called progressive policies a total disaster, not only in Milwaukee, but in Chicago, Baltimore, New York and elsewhere. These progressive policies have hit the black community like a nuclear blast and until we reverse this government dependency, thats what creates all of this and it encourages it, by the way along with some questionable lifestyle choices. His answer? Until the black community does a self-evaluation and until they begin to self-criticize about some of the lifestyle choices they are making, this stuff is going to continue to fester. A young African-American man found by a TV camera during the weekend riot said: The rich people, they got all this money, and they not ... trying to give us none. Really? All of that tax money spent on anti-poverty programs for the past 50 years never trickled down to him? This poisonous attitude has been promoted by progressives and has not helped the poor rise above their circumstances. This young man should talk to Sheriff Clarke about changing his attitude. Some self-evaluation and an internal re-adjustment would do more for him than any anti-poverty program the Democrats could dream up. Why do African-Americans continue to vote for liberal Democrats who have done little to help them and, in fact, often cause more harm than good? Again, Clarke gets it right: Until we push back against this progressive ideology, this dangerous ideology that has been very destructive to the black community ... and thats what Im trying to do ... its job one right now in terms of messaging this thing is only going to get worse. Now that the candidate field for mayor is set, voters will have the chance to interview eight people to be Richmonds next chief executive officer. So, lets get real. To be clear, Richmond no longer has a ceremonial mayor. The mayor serves full-time, overseeing the executive management of the citys departments and agencies. That person charts the citys direction and holds the hope of continuing progress in his or her hands. At a minimum, the person elected mayor must exhibit critical executive leadership skills, exude confidence and competency and have a passion for our city. Having legislative experience does not automatically qualify one to be our next CEO. Running a small business is not the same as overseeing a $700 million budget with roughly 5,000 employees, numerous governmental departments and agencies. At this tipping point, Richmond does not need a novice at the helm. Having a mayor with little or no executive experience can create the appearance of a leadership vacuum and trigger an unwillingness for the City Council, the School Board or citizens to follow. This will do little to restore voters faith that the citys future is in capable hands. Having a clear understanding of how our local government should work is a must. Our next CEO must know how to create strong functioning teams among the citys personnel he or she is able to hire. People hired by the mayor must be hired on the basis of their skills, not on cronyism. Cronyism creates cynicism, and cynicism prevents progress. Prioritizing sound fiscal management as a performance standard is critical. Having the know-how to manage the budget to support the delivery of critical city services should be expected. The citys budget should provide sufficient school funding and should fund necessary infrastructure improvements, without neglecting funding for public safety or other core government services. Our next CEO must be a proven leader to accomplish these tasks because Richmond deserves excellence, nothing less. As a public servant, the mayor is not only the head of government but is the chief steward of the peoples trust and treasure. The next mayor must be able to strategically direct the use of limited fiscal resources. Knowing how to negotiate agreements involving the peoples treasure and making sure those agreements net solid returns on the investment of taxpayers dollars are hallmarks of sound stewardship and strong leadership. We cannot afford less. Our next mayor must be acutely equipped to navigate these challenges. Believing in transparency and exhibiting it are critical. This restores confidence and trust in government. Our next mayor must not fear audits, but be willing to take responsibility for any revealed shortcomings and eager to work collaboratively with city management, the City Council and/or the School Board to address them. Voters will not expect our CEO to be perfect, but they will expect openness and trustworthiness. Our next mayor must be willing to talk to the surrounding counties on issues impacting the entire region, such as poverty, affordable housing and transportation. Addressing mutual regional challenges requires effective, mutually beneficial communication. We need a strong and capable listener and problem-solver because the future of the region will be impacted by the health and continued progress of the city. A mayor who is a fighter will not necessarily get us solutions to the challenges we face. Lastly and most importantly Richmonds next mayor must articulate a shared vision for the city that continues to speak to our unique, complex and challenging history, our natural resources, our increasing racial and ethnic diversity, our tapped and untapped human capital, our unique cultural and artistic diversity, our assets and our future. During the next three months, there will be several opportunities for voters to interview those vying to be our next CEO. Richmond, lets ask the candidates the hard questions in those interviews. Lets move beyond basing the choice for mayor on dollars raised, on popularity, or on the number of yard signs we see displayed. When we cast our votes for mayor this fall, lets not succumb to politics as usual. Richmond deserves more. Richmond deserves a professional with the real skills to be our next CEO! Get new posts by email: Subscribe It's the kind of wound the Maine doctors expected to be treating when they signed up for this weeklong mid-November trip, organized by Roanoke County-based Angel Missions Haiti . The surgery will take place tomorrow, after which the team is scheduled to care for the wounded and sick in the city's tent cities and slums. Three of the five are residents, young doctors about to learn what it's like to treat scabies, worms and a spate of respiratory infections triggered by the ubiquitous earthquake rubble and the scattered, sour-smelling fires. That's the schedule anyway. Meanwhile, a cholera epidemic the first in Haiti's history is seeping south toward Port-au-Prince . At the moment, one death has been reported in the capital, but 724 Haitians have died nationwide from the water-borne bacteria, most of them in the north. Angel Missions Director Vanessa Carpenter , 49, is busy preparing for its arrival and doing what she usually does on her monthly mission trips: lining up medical supplies, networking with other humanitarian groups, bossing people around. As her husband, Tom Carpenter , put it a week earlier: "When she's in Haiti, she's Mach 3 with her hair on fire." That afternoon, one of her three cellphones rings, as they always do, and the plans shift abruptly, as they usually do. "It's Haiti," Vanessa says, by way of explanation. The U.S. military has called on her before during times of crisis, but, this time, it's the United Nations on the phone. Cholera is slamming the city of St. Louis du Nord , and a U.N. helicopter is on standby waiting to transport the Maine medical team north. A hospital there is inundated. A hundred new patients stagger in daily. Staffers are overwhelmed. Supplies are drying up. Dr. Chiedza Jokonya of the Maine-Dartmouth Family Medical Residency program gathers her team to warn them: What they witnessed in the clinic today will be a stroll in the suburbs compared with what's awaiting them up north. "You'll be in cramped rooms full of people who could be dead by the end of the day," she explains. "People will die because there won't be enough of you to get all the work done." Jokonya, Zimbabwean-born and British-educated, is known as "Chi" (pronounced chee ) to friends and colleagues, a name that fits her no-drama even keel. The 40-year-old pediatrician tells her charges they'll have to be hyper-vigilant to prevent needle sticks. She's brought along plenty of antibiotics but didn't think to pack HIV prophylaxis , so everyone will have to double-glove. More than 120,000 Haitians, or 2.2 percent, are infected with HIV. The choice is theirs, she tells them. If someone doesn't want to go, he or she should speak up now, and the entire group will stay in Port-au-Prince, no questions asked. For a few seconds, no one says a word. Then third-year resident Dr. Lalaine Llanto breaks the silence. "That's why we came here," she says. Meaning, to help. The rest say they're in, too as long as they're able to return to the capital by Tuesday, in time for Wednesday's flight home. Presidential elections are scheduled for Nov. 28, and no one wants to be stuck in Haiti at a probable time of political unrest. No problem, Carpenter says. But Chi has volunteered enough times before to know that things can change here on a Haitian dime. It's Haiti. She wonders: Will they really make it back on time? And what shape will they be in when they do? * * * Three months earlier, Vanessa was at home, working her Haiti contacts only this time from the comforts of her suburban two-story, in the shadow of Fort Lewis Mountain . It's been her Christian calling for 12 years now, ever since a church friend in Illinois invited her on a mission trip to an orphanage and Vanessa responded: "Haiti? What state is that in?" She was a well-known foster parent at the time "the baby whisperer," the social workers in Chicago called her. She was often the only foster mom willing to take on certain high-needs children, including abused kids and crack babies . Though she has a high school education and no medical training, Vanessa has managed to distinguish herself as a child-welfare advocate wherever she goes. Some say it's through sheer force of personality. Vanessa calls it faith. Sometimes, she watches the video from that first Haiti trip just to relive the initial shock: Pulling up to the orphanage, they meet two machete-wielding guards, at which point Vanessa turns to her friend and says, "Donna, we're not in Kansas anymore, are we?" She's run the nonprofit from her Glenvar garage-turned-office since 2003, when the family moved to the Roanoke Valley. It's filled with medical supplies, Maltese puppies (she breeds them as a mission fundraiser) and frequent interruptions from her kids. She has 17, most of them adopted, but most are grown, with "only seven" still living at home. Before the earthquake struck Port-au-Prince Jan. 12, Angel Missions focused solely on children, but the needs are so great now that Vanessa's Haiti staff serves entire families. Entire neighborhoods, actually. "You think it can't get any worse in Haiti, and then it does," she says. Everyone who works in Haiti has a tally of earthquake losses, and this is Vanessa's: her mission's Jeep, the top story of a surgery center that was just about to open, her next-door neighbors in Port-au-Prince and many other friends and former patients. She was in Virginia the day of the quake but flew to Haiti the next week to run triage for the USNS Comfort , the Navy hospital ship where the worst of the injured were sent. She's spent more than half her time in Haiti this year connecting American medical teams with sick Haitians and getting the severest cases to the United States. "Her super power is: She gets people out," says Roanoke County's Sondra Masten-Daroshefski, a nurse who pulled post-earthquake duty with several Roanoke colleagues in February and ended up fostering an injured 10-year-old orphan boy. Vanessa's husband Tom, a laid-off project manager, runs the household and Angel Missions paperwork. Eventually, they'll move full time to Haiti, where they plan to build two schools and an orphanage. But they're trying to get their teenagers through high school first. For now, they're living frugally, mostly off their savings. According to tax returns, neither earns an Angel Missions salary, and all donations go directly toward the mission. Tom describes his wife's work in Haiti as a spider web. It looks chaotic from the exterior, but, from the inside, the connections she's forged among other missions, non governmental organizations and the U.S. military are beautiful and complex. At the center of the web is Vanessa's main weapon in her battle to boost wellness in Haiti: a 25-year-old registered nurse named Keziah Furth aka, Kez from Brookline, Mass . She's a blond-haired, blue-eyed powerhouse who speaks perfect Creole, and she's now the primary care provider for more than 300 tent city and ravine dwellers. Vanessa's only full-time medical employee in Haiti, Kez was visiting friends on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince when the earthquake struck. She rushed home to retrieve her medical supplies and found her own house still standing but many of her neighbors' homes collapsed, some with friends buried inside. "I remember thinking as I climbed over the rubble: 'I'm probably walking over the bodies of the women who sell me fruit and vegetables.' " "The big NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] were able to provide a lot of the tents," Vanessa recalls. "But Kez was there, literally patching people up." And she's still out there most days, asking them how they are and seeing what they need, whether it's a case of clean drinking water or a lesson in cholera prevention. Kez refuses to be paid by Vanessa, but Angel Missions picks up her rent and most of her expenses. Friends and relatives send donations, and, every summer, she works as a camp nurse in Maine; it helps her cover the school fees she pays for 14 neighborhood kids, many of whom she also feeds. Vanessa relies on Kez to run the mission when she's home in Virginia. "Kez is me only younger and skinnier," she says. At the end of the Maine team's first day, Kez begs her boss to let her fly to the northern city of Gonaives to help friends who are inundated with cholera patients in two of that city's slums. "These are good people who have flown down here at a moment's notice when I needed them most," she says. Earlier in the day, Vanessa told her she had to stay with the doctors. But suddenly, everything's changed. As the doctors prep for their flight north, Kez gets ready for Gonaives. Everyone's on cholera duty now, rushing to mix oral rehydration supplies and pack antibiotics. Timing is key, they know the difference between life and death. Most cholera patients have mild symptoms. But among the 20 percent who get very ill, those who can't access treatment to replace the fluids lost to vomiting and diarrhea can die within four hours. When the body is dehydrated, it compensates by rerouting blood from nonessential organs to the brain, heart and kidneys. But in severe cases (especially among malnourished Haitians), the compensation isn't enough, and poor circulation to the brain causes confusion, then loss of consciousness. The kidneys shut down, and, eventually, the heart fails. That's what the residents remember from their textbooks anyway. They've never seen it in person. * * * By the time the team arrives via helicopter in Cap-Haitien, the plans have shifted, again. The group has been redirected to a hospital in Limbe called Hopital Bon Samaritain, which is treating upward of 100 cholera patients a day. So far, 13 have died. Supplies are running low, and the staff doctors there are overwhelmed and exhausted. Earlier that day, Vanessa spent $4,000 on IV fluids for cholera patients. But when she checked in for the flight, the helicopter was already filled with supplies bound for another city, and she couldn't bring hers aboard. It's Haiti. It's Thursday, day two of the trip, and the routine planned for the week has vanished, replaced by a blur of daily, sometimes hourly, problems. By dusk, they land at the airport in Cap-Haitien. A city of 200,000 that flooded in the wake of Hurricane Tomas a few weeks earlier, it's now especially prone to cholera, a bacterial disease spread through contaminated food and drinking water. Rioting is about to break out, a response to rumors that United Nations peacekeepers from Nepal have imported cholera to Haiti. But right now, the team has no idea it may be in danger. "Blan ! Blan!" people shout Haitian Creole for white person or foreigner as the hired driver navigates a pickup through the city's muddy roads, most of which are reduced to a single lane and riddled with mattress-sized potholes. Drivers honk like New York cabbies, and motorcycles roar around blind curves with three people to a seat. Most of the city's population appears to be standing on the streets, as if waiting for a parade. Back in Glenvar, Vanessa had said, "Machetes are tools, not weapons!" But the people clutching them now are grimacing and seem not to have farming in mind. Nina Miller , a residency faculty member, sits in the back of the truck, which is half-filled with hospital cots that have been lashed down with rope. Nina clutches the rope with one hand and offers friendly waves with the other. A few people wave back. Uniformed schoolgirls rub their stomachs to indicate hunger and a few bystanders flip her off and shout, "Blan! Go away!" The roads are so bad that it takes 90 minutes to drive the mountainous 16 miles to Limbe, a small city of subsistence living and roadside enterprise. Old men dry cacao beans on blankets, and children carry river water in plastic containers balanced on top of their heads. By the time they arrive at the American-run hospital , the doctors are cold, bruised and hugely relieved. They laugh when they read what some jokester has carved into an entranceway wall: "KANSAS." The last light moment of the trip has just occurred. * * * By dusk Thursday, there are so many cholera patients that the hospital can no longer contain them to a single indoor ward. A picnic shelter has been converted into an overflow wing, and so has a UNICEF tent. Patients lie on soiled cots in outdoor walkways, some retching and others barely able to move. Bags of IV fluids hang from strips of ripped bed sheets, which dangle from the rafters. "Last night, we went through 120 serums in a 12-hour period," says the hospital manager, Shawn Hodges , whose physician-grandfather built the sprawling compound of white stucco buildings in 1953. It's a Colonial-looking enterprise, part-Californian in design and part-African outpost, and it definitely has seen better days. Brookline, Mass., native now living in Port-au-Prince and working as the Angel Missions nurse. Kez persuaded the doctors to defy United Nations orders to stay put when the cholera riots broke out. Founder William Hodges started it with several missionary friends but ended up going it alone when his colleagues turned out to be more interested in saving souls than treating the sick, Shawn says. Vanessa, whose work in Haiti has been similarly viewed by some missionary colleagues, nods her head. "You cannot go in and preach to people with sick children and tell them God loves them without also helping them with their sick children," she says. The team throws on scrubs and gloves (already abandoning the double-glove rule), and all modern-day practices are out: Thermometers are the backs of hands. Medical charts what medical charts? Tape used to secure IVs onto arms becomes a bandage once the IV is removed. Splints are torn pieces of an old cardboard box. By the end of the night, the doctors are recycling gauze, IV tubing, even needles. Some patients are so dehydrated that it's hard to start an IV. It's nighttime, and Vanessa walks around, holding the ward's rusty desk lamp so the doctors can see better to find a vein. Electrolyte-rich hydration fluids are passed out to the patients who aren't vomiting, with instructions to take "bwe I piti a piti" small sips . But the hospital's also short on plastic cups, and patients begin hoarding them for family members who might get sick later. Some parents drink the sugary-salty drink that's meant for their children, thinking it will protect them from sickness. In a country where 60 percent of the population doesn't have clean water to drink, they know that this serum, at least, is safe. Second-year resident Dr. Suhas Pinnaka , the youngest of the team at 34, stands in the middle of the tent, turning circles and wondering what to do. He's never seen anything like this, not even in his native India: Here, patients have to bring their own bedding and even their own bowls to capture vomit and waste. Here, entire families come to the hospital, as if they're camping out, which, in fact, they are. When he catches a teammate accidentally giving a cup to a patient who already has one (but has hidden it away), he goes back to retrieve it. "At least that's something I can do," he says, shrugging. Chi has already identified several patients on the brink of death, including a year-old baby who's in the cramped, stuffy cholera tent but has severe pneumonia, not cholera. The Haitian doctors were so busy, they missed it. On top of that, with his glazed eyes and distended belly, the baby seems to be starving. There's no time to move him to the pediatrics ward now, so Chi goes to work draining the sepsis from his stomach. First, though, she needs a nasal gastric tube, and there's none to be found. (At Haitian hospitals, patients have to buy most of their supplies before they use them. The tube is secured later, from the hospital pharmacy.) "Let's save this baby," she tells a resident, who fishes supplies from their backpacks on command. Back in the hospital office, Vanessa is Mach 3 as predicted calling and e-mailing everyone she can think of to recruit more volunteers, more supplies, more translators. (The only team member able to communicate verbally with the patients is Chi, and she's fluent in French, which is similar to Creole but more formal.) "I'm calling Kez. I'm calling the military. I'm calling everybody!" Vanessa says. That night, two men lie back to back on the concrete walkway, their heads perched on makeshift pillows and their bodies clad in ill-fitting suits. Flies buzz on their unflinching bodies. Cholera corpses. When a team member walks by and does a double take this is where they lay the dead people? a relative of another patient laughs and shakes his head. As Vanessa put it before the trip: "Haiti's so bad, so crazy. . . If you really tell the truth, no one will believe you." * * * By Saturday morning, the baby is hanging on, barely. His name is Saintilus Duval , and he has refused food for a week. Chi outlines her plans to find oxygen for the boy while Lalaine , one of the third-year residents, slumps into a chair and recaps her night. "We had one mortality," she tells her boss. There were 20-some new admissions, and all the other patients needed their IV lines changed at the same time. "It was just me and Suhas, and all the IV lines were dry," she says. "I'm very stressed out. I'm yelling at Suhas, 'You knew it was dry. Why didn't you replace it?' But we were both just overwhelmed." It was an elderly person who died a feather of a woman, no more than 90 pounds. Neither doctor knew her name. Miller, a nurse practitioner, worries that Chi is spending too much time on the baby. "With this many patients, we all need to be triaging," she says. The baby's father is pleased but equally surprised so much attention has been heaped on his son, the youngest of his three children. The family arrived at the hospital on foot, two days before the Maine team did. Many of his neighbors weren't so lucky. "They died so fast, they didn't have time to get here," Chago Duval says, through an English-speaking hospital visitor. The night before, a mother and two children staggered into the cholera ward on the verge of death, having left the husband and grandmother along the side of the road. They had died during the walk to the hospital, and the mother had no choice but to continue on with her sick kids. Asked what he does for work and how he feeds his family, Chago and the translator both laugh. Silly American. "There are no jobs in Haiti," Chago says. "When God wants to give us food, we have food." He does have a garden, and, sometimes, he gets construction work in the Dominican Republic, three hours away. Third-year resident Dr. Prativa Basnet has worked in Third World conditions in her native Nepal before but never anything this bad. The people here are so desperate for comfort that many refuse to leave when she tells them via emphatic gestures and with the help of Haitian nurses that the worst has passed. For the sake of their health, it's time to get away from these germs . Saturday night, a man shows up carrying his dehydrated 7-year-old son. The boy's pupils are dilated, and his breathing has slowed to five breaths per minute. (Normal is 20.) Lalaine tries to revive him by starting an IV in each of his arms. But before the fluid can do its magic, the death rattle begins. "In the U.S., I could have intubated him to make him breathe," Lalaine says. "I could've given him meds to get his heart rate up. I could've drilled a hole into the bone for quicker rehydration." It's the first child death of her career, the first that could have been prevented with better technology and quicker care. When she tells the team about it, Lalaine is most disturbed by this fact: When she pronounced the boy dead, his father didn't even cry. It's self-protection, in a country where 50 percent of children die before they turn 15. The World Health Organization projects the cholera epidemic will last six months to a year in Haiti, infecting as many as 650,000 people. "The cholera will go on even longer than the earthquake crisis," Vanessa explains. "It will probably affect more people." But on Monday, it's not cholera that ends up killing Saintilus Duval , the infant the team came to refer to as "our baby." It's pneumonia. Hastened by hunger. And poverty. The morning after his son's death, Chago Duval returns to ask the Americans for money to bury his boy. He's not crying, either, but he is rubbing his stomach. Hospital workers advise the team not to give Chago money. The man still owes the hospital from a prior hospitalization, and, besides, if they give money to one family, then others will swarm them demanding money, too. But later, Vanessa dispatches two people from the team to discreetly deliver 250 Haitian dollars the American equivalent of almost $7 and some granola bars. "Merci," he says, and heads immediately for the gate. * * * It's Monday, the team's last day in Limbe, and the doctors are so tired, they're punchy. "I picked up my dirty clothes after my cold shower this morning and said, 'Hmm. Which smells less?' " Chi says, trying to lighten the mood. Within the hour, they learn that, in fact, it's not their last day here: The U.N. has canceled their flight back to Port-au-Prince because of rioting in nearby Cap-Haitien. Protesters are angry at the U.N. for allegedly introducing cholera to the region, a detail later confirmed by epidemiologists across the globe. That morning, there were 900 reported cholera cases in six of the country's 10 provinces. U.N. soldiers have killed two protesters in Cap-Haitien, and local gangsters have set up roadblocks where they're burning tires, hurling rocks at foreigners' vehicles and siphoning gas from their cars. "They're blaming the Nepalese, and politicians are using that to denigrate the U.N., especially with the elections coming up," Chi tells the group. She knew about the Nov. 28 elections when she confirmed the trip but thought the group's Nov. 17 departure date would give them plenty of time to leave Haiti ahead of any political unrest. She hadn't planned on cholera, though. The team is on edge. It's a classic instance of hurry-up-and-wait: Their bags are packed, but they've been told it's not safe to leave the hospital compound. That afternoon, rocks slam against the hospital gate. The protests have hit Limbe. "Where are the police?" Suhas asks the hospital manager. "At the police station," he says. Monday night, protesters torch the Limbe police station. At 3 a.m. Tuesday, Chi and the others awaken to more rocks closer rocks. Protesters are now hurling them at the fence outside their bedroom windows. Rumors have circulated that the Americans are sending patients home to die. That morning, Chi re-packs her bags. This time, she gathers emergency medical supplies all the last bits of gauze, tape and needles she can get her hands on stuffing them into her backpack. They're in real danger now; there's no denying it trapped by the very people they've been called upon to help. Instead of leaving the supplies behind for the Haitians, as she'd planned, she's taking them with her. For her team. * * * At 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, the team is scheduled to rendezvous with the U.N. helicopter on a nearby soccer field. It's too dangerous to drive to the airport in Cap-Haitien, so coordinates have been gathered for the field a half-mile away. "How do you make a five-minute journey safely? That's the question," Chi says. "Could we walk?" Nina asks. "No, you guys are too blan," Chi says. By midmorning, the U.N. deems the flight into Limbe unsafe. A no-fly order has been issued across the region, and the group is told to remain on lockdown and sit tight. Kez is a three-hour drive away in Gonaives and wants to come rescue the group, Vanessa explains. "But I've ordered her to go back to Port-au-Prince. It's too dangerous up north." Vanessa is crippled by a migraine, so Chi makes the executive decision: "We're stuck here, waiting for the U.N., but face it, we're a low priority. With the elections coming up, the longer we stay, the worse it's going to get." She issues an SOS to the group: "Call anyone with connections you know." She calls her boss in Maine, who contacts the office of U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine . Staffers in the office of U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., contact the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince to see about retrieving the group. It's 2 p.m. The team is distracted by the flurry of phone calls and e-mails when in bursts Kez and three of her Christian missionary friends from Gonaives. They were expressly told not to come, but even Vanessa concedes: She's glad they did. On their way to rescue the team, they picked up three local men to help them find the hospital and provide muscle as they negotiated passage through six roadblocks. The doctors are initially reluctant to hop into the industrial-sized Kia pickup they've brought to haul everyone back. They've been told by everyone including the U.S. Embassy that the safest route is to stay put and wait it out. "After the flood in '08, the embassy was supposed to come get us, too and we waited and waited and waited," says the driver, Emory Wilson , who runs a school mission in Gonaives. It was 12 days before the embassy persuaded the U.N. to bring in water and food for the missionaries and the 49 children they'd rescued, says Wilson, a former chemical-plant supervisor from Waynesville, Ga. Finally, Kez and the missionaries persuade the doctors to load their things into the truck. "It looks scary, but it's not," Kez says. "You just get out at each stop, and you talk, and you get the locals to help you." They're facing a three-hour drive to Gonaives. The roads are mountainous and bumpy, lined with banana trees and shacks, and the uncertainty of even more protests erupting as nightfall beckons worries everyone. As the truck pulls up to the first roadblock, a mob of machete-wielding protesters approaches the group. Someone lobs a stone at the truck, hitting rescuer Brian Smith in the hand. "Chi, let's go back! Let's go back!" Lalaine says. Tucked into the back seat , the medical residents are wearing do-rags and sunglasses, trying to mask their south Asian skin. Even though Prativa is the only Nepali in the group, no one wants to be mistaken as a friend of the U.N. peacekeepers. For the first time all week, it's better to be white here than it is brown. Smith, 46, a former Navy man who does construction work in Haiti and Pakistan, leaps off the truck like a high school track hurdler, rushing toward the protesters with his chest out and his Creole at full volume. He slaps the back of one hand against the palm of the other, Haitian-style, for emphasis. The recruited townies help him convince the protesters that the team came here to help Haitians, and harming them will only make the epidemic worse: If you hurt the people who help you, no one else will come. The crowd rolls back the boulders and tamps down the tire fires and lets the truck pass. So it goes through the next two roadblocks, although the passage of time is slippery now. It seems to stand still as the team fears what it will find lurking around each new curve. The fourth roadblock is different. A dump truck is parked diagonally across a bridge, blocking it. As Smith leaps out to negotiate, a man in a Jimmy Buffett T-shirt bashes out the window of the dump truck with a bat, then charges toward the Kia. At that moment, Chi wishes the protesters had guns instead of machetes. At least with guns death might come swiftly. Lalaine thinks only of her kids, ages 6 and 8. Vanessa prays silently; if anything happens to this team, fewer people will want to travel to help the Haitian people. The doctors scream as Smith and his recruits try to corral the man before he reaches the truck. But another protester gets to him first and distracts him by pulling down his pants. "He's just lost someone in his family to cholera," Smith explains later. "By the time we got to him, he was collapsed in tears." The team waits for 10 excruciating minutes before the key to the dump truck is finally located and the bridge unblocked. Forty minutes into the journey, the sixth and final roadblock is broached . The cost of passage: Smith gives the locals he'd recruited the equivalent of $6. He throws out packets of oral-rehydration mix to the protesters standing below. The mountainous three-hour ride to safety is finally, gloriously under way. * * * It's Nov. 30, two weeks since the harrowing hospital rescue. The return from Limbe culminated in a U.S. Embassy escort from Gonaives to the airport in Port-au-Prince the day after the escape. The team has reassembled in Portland, Maine, to honor Chi, who's receiving a humanitarian award for her work in Haiti and Zimbabwe. After the ceremony, Vanessa and the team regroup in Chi's townhouse to rehash the week. Viewed from a distance, the events in Haiti feel surreal, like the folk-art landscapes hawked on the streets of Port-au-Prince. Some residents have had trouble sleeping, thinking about the baby and others who died on their watch. Lalaine found herself on call at the hospital one week after their return, delivering five babies back to back. "I like staying busy," she says. "I don't want to think about the boy I saw die in front of me. I don't want to think about how I could have saved him if we had been here." Prativa can't shake the image of a woman who arrived just as the team was evacuating Limbe. "She died on a stool; she didn't even make it to a bed. "People are dying for no other reason than they live in Haiti." As the team leader, Chi feels responsible for having placed the team in danger, but she also knows there's no such thing as security in Haiti; there's only the illusion of control. When Vanessa explains that the next two Angel Missions teams have already canceled their 2011 trips to Haiti fearing the cholera Chi shakes her head. "You don't get cholera from caring for people," she says. All five members of the team say they're determined to go back, likely next May. As of this week, more than 2,000 Haitians have died of cholera. Back in Port-au-Prince, Kez has returned to business as usual, walking the ravines and tent cities. When she's not on cholera duty, she's treating people for scabies, worms and a growing number of vaginal infections, which she blames squarely on the government's slow response to the earthquake: When women have to urinate outdoors amid rocks, dust and untended rubble, it's hard to stay clean. To prevent cholera, she reminds everyone she passes, please, wash your hands. Expect more muggy, stagnant and potentially dangerous hot weather over the coming years as the planet continues to warm, a report released Wednesday by the New Jersey-based nonprofit research and journalism group Climate Central warns. About 66 percent of the country has seen an increase in days with stagnant summer air conditions since the early 1970s, according to the report, part of the groups States at Risk project. This increase is consistent with what we expect in a warming world and climate models project that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at their current rate, stagnant air events will continue to increase, the report says. Stagnant air occurs when ground level wind is minimum or nonexistent, wind higher in the atmosphere is weak and precipitation is absent, said Alyson Kenward, senior scientist with the nonprofit, which says its mission is to communicate factual information to help the public and policymakers make sound choices about climate change. When stagnant air is up, ozone is up, Kenward said. Its true that were lucky in the U.S. The number of days that ozone hits the hazardous level are very rare. Ground level ozone, the main ingredient in smog, is created when nitrogen oxides combine with volatile organic compounds, including pollution from automobiles, power plants, industry and other sources, in the presence of sunlight, according to the federal Environmental Protection Agency. Breathing it can trigger a variety of health problems, including chest pain, coughing, throat irritation and airway inflammation, the EPA says. Such days are relatively uncommon in Virginia and locally, with EPA data showing just a handful each year in Chesterfield, Henrico and Hanover counties that threaten the general population. Elevated ozone levels can reduce lung function, damage lung tissue and worsen bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma, with children, the elderly and outdoor workers most at risk. Hotter days and stagnant air can also negate what have been major gains in reducing air pollution over the past few decades, Kenward said. Even if pollutants in general are down, when theyre there they can hang around because of the still, stagnant air and then the heat and the sunlight convert them to ozone, she said. Richmond, for example, averaged 13 days between 1990 and 2010 in which the heat index exceeded 105 degrees, the threshold at which the National Weather Service issues an excessive heat warning, Climate Centrals report says. Between 2010 and 2030, the report projects that number will increase to 41, based on the groups analysis of global climate model and assuming current levels of emissions. Richmond had nearly six more days in 2015 that were above 95 degrees than it did in 1970. And mosquito season is also growing, the report contends, with an average of about 131 days of bug bites in the Richmond area now as opposed to 109 between 1980 and 1989. Virginias average annual temperature has risen nearly 2 degrees since 1970, according to the report, which also predicts that by 2100, if greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated, Richmonds summers will resemble those of present-day Pharr, Texas, on the Mexican border at the states southern tip. In Pharr, the current average summer high temperature is nearly 96.7 degrees. Richmonds average summer high is about 87 degrees, the report says. However, Wayne Albright, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Wakefield, hasnt seen anything unusual in this summers temperatures. This certainly isnt the worst summer weve ever had, Albright said. 2010, 2011 and 2012 were worse than this. The service uses averages going back to 1981 to establish normal average temperatures. At this point last summer, the average temperature was about 78.2 degrees, Albright said. This summer so far, its been 78.3 degrees. June was a little below normal, July was a hair above normal and so far August is running a little over 2 or 3 degrees above normal, he said. Maybe if you put it all together, we may average for the summer slightly above normal. Albright would not comment on whether climate change is producing more dangerous hot weather and said the service does not track the number of heat warnings and advisories it issues in a given year. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality also operates an air-quality monitoring network and issues air-quality alerts. Ozone exceedance days, when daily maximum eight-hour average ozone concentrations are greater than the air-quality standard of 70 parts per billion, have fallen dramatically over the past decade in the Richmond region, according to data from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations National Centers for Environmental Information, 2015 was the hottest year since record-keeping began in 1880. It broke the record set only the year before and 2016 could top it. The National Aeronautic and Space Administration says each of the first six months of 2016 set a record as the warmest respective month globally in the modern temperature record. The six-month period from January to June was also the planets warmest half-year on record, with an average temperature 1.3 degrees Celsius (2.4 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the late 19th century, NASA said last month. July was the hottest month in recorded history, according to NASA and NOAA, marking what NOAA called 15 consecutive months of record-breaking heat. Maybe some people still need convincing, Kenward said. But most people identify that things are changing. And increasingly people are accepting the scientific consensus, which is that we are contributing to these changes. Its not just about acknowledging that the change is happening, its then coming to terms with what we have to do to address it. Its a hard thing to address. If there was one easy solution maybe we would have already taken care of it. The UN has at last accepted its role in the deadly cholera outbreak in Haiti. Roanoke Times reporter Beth Macy, now a best-selling author, visited Haiti during the outbreak in 2010. HUNDREDS of pupils across Rotherham have today scooped record A Level results as schools top last year's performances. Students across Rotherham have received their A-Level exam results and overall results show a 98.6 per cent pass rate for the borough - the same as last year. The overall national pass rate has stayed the same at 98.1 per cent, meaning the borough is well above the national average. And some schools have had a record breaking year - including some with 100 per cent pass rates. At Brinsworth the equivalent pass rate is at 100 per cent - an increase of 0.8 per cent from last year. One pupil, Jodie Coburn, has been so successful she is now set to join Yale University, in America. Brinsworth Academy achieved excellent results across all subjects, with a record breaking 50 per cent of student achieving grades A*, As or Bs, and the school is reporting the highest ever number of students achieving A* grades. Joint head teachers Andy Riches and Wayne Barsby said: These fantastic results are the product of tremendous teaching and excellent student attitudes. Our students have achieved excellence and we are hugely proud of their achievements. Wickersley School saw a record number of pupils taking A Levels this year - 226 - but still maintained high levels with more A*s and As this year than ever before - with 22 per cent of pupils gaining one of these grades this year Astons equivalent pass rate is also 100 per cent - an increase by 0.4 per cent from last year. One pupil - Keaton Askew - even achieved a record five A* grades. Wales has increased by 0.2 per cent to an equivalent pass rate of 99.9 per cent while Wath has increased by 0.6 per cent to 99.7 per cent. The overall pass rate at Thomas Rotherham College was 97.5 per cent and principal Dr Richard Williams said: These were the most pleasing results and there are some excellent destinations throughout the class of 2016. Deputy leader of Rotherham Council, Cllr Gordon Watson, said: It is great to see so many young people celebrating and achieving some phenomenal results this year. Rotherham's young people are really making us very proud. Thanks must go to the teachers, staff, governors and families who have helped these young people do so well, but ultimately congratulations must be given to the young people themselves who have really excelled. Clearly these results are the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, outstanding teaching and students who are keen to succeed. I wish all pupils well in the next stage in their lives and careers, whether this is to go into the world of work or onto higher education. For a comprehensive round-up of the results and details of how schools across the borough fared, see this weeks Advertiser. Diamcor more than doubles Q2 revenue Diamcor generated gross revenues of about $3 million from its operations in the interim period ended September 30, 2022, compared to $1,4 million for the same period in the previous year. The company is still conducting trial mining exercises at its... IBJA commits to Declaration of Responsibility & Sustainability Principles The Indian gold industry has signed a Declaration of Responsibility and Sustainability Principles, convened by the LBMA and the World Gold Council, which expresses a commitment to operate responsibly and sustainably, based on a clear set of shared goals... De Beers boosts Q3 output, maintains production guidance De Beers rough diamond production rose 4% to 9.6 million carats, mainly due to the treatment of higher grade ore at both Orapa in Botswana and South Africa as well as continued strong performance in Namibia, according to its parent company, Anglo... Hong Kongs major jewellery fairs are set to return in 2023 An announcement from Informa Markets Jewellery indicates that the industrys two biggest B2B sourcing events will be back in action in Hong Kong in 2023 following a three-year forced pandemic break. The Israeli Diamond Industry will once again be one of the largest national exhibitors at the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair this year. The Israel Diamond Pavilion, organized by the Israel Diamond Institute Group of Companies (IDI), will feature 84 companies and will extend over more than 1150 square meters. There will also be about 15 additional Israeli companies exhibiting at different locations throughout the show. IDI Chairman Shmuel Schnitzer said that he was cautiously optimistic about the show. I am pleased that the Israeli industry will have a strong presence at the show. I am hopeful about the outcome of the show despite the challenging conditions the entire industry is facing. We believe in Asian markets and we are there for the long haul, he said. IDI Managing Director Eli Avidar said Hong Kong is a very important part of our marketing strategy and we participate in four shows during the year. The September show is always the most important since it sets the tone for the upcoming holiday season. This show attracts buyers from all over Asia Hong Kong, China, India, Singapore and even the U.S. and Australia. As usual our exhibitors will work hard at the show and I believe they will be rewarded. Aruna Gaitonde, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Bureau, Rough & Polished According to data collected and analyzed by the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF), fancy color diamond prices edged up in the period between April and June 2016, after a relatively soft first quarter. Overall, price performance during Q2 was broadly in line with long-term trends in which continued demand-driven price increases for pink and blue fancy color diamonds are partially offset by continued price declines for lower-cost, commercial yellow fancy color diamonds. Blue and pink fancy color diamonds saw a 1.1% and 0.7% price increase, respectively, in the second quarter. Yellow fancy color diamonds saw price declines of 0.5%, less than during the first quarter. Overall, prices in the fancy color diamond category rose by 0.4% for the period. In sharp contrast, according to RAPI, white diamond prices declined across the board during Q2 2016, declining between 0.7-5.6% with the 3-carat category again being the worst performer. In terms of specific color and size categories, the strongest performers during Q2 2016 were fancy intense and vivid blues and fancy vivid pinks across all carat sizes. Most notably, the fancy vivid blue category saw an 8.6% price leap during the period, driven by the 1ct and 5ct size brackets. In contrast, the fancy yellow grade category declined by 3.7%, mainly driven by sluggish demand for the 3ct and 5ct sizes. On an annual basis, when compared to Q2 2015, the Fancy Color Diamond Index was up 0.5%, with blue and pink fancy color diamonds up 4.1% and 1.7%, respectively, and fancy yellow diamonds down 3.5%. The Fancy Color Diamond Index is calculated based on live pricing inputs from a large sample of the worlds leading traders of fancy color diamonds in Asia, the United States and the Middle East. FCRF Advisory Board chairman Eden Rachminov commented that unsurprisingly, fancy intense and fancy vivid color diamonds of all colors enjoy robust demand in the market, driven mainly by supply scarcity that is not likely to change in the foreseeable future. He added that the situation is different with commercial fancy yellow goods, which is being adversely affected by sluggish U.S. demand. Alex Shishlo, Editor in Chief of the European Bureau, Rough&Polished ALROSA has lodged no appeal to government regarding Sukhoi Log 18 august 2016 News ( Russia-based diamond miner ALROSA is not so far mulling to take part in the auction for the Sukhoi Log gold field and has lodged no appeal to the government regarding this issue, reporters were told by Yury Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District overseeing the company. ALROSA has not submitted such matters to the government for consideration. If they come out with such a proposal, it will be discussed by the board of directors. Then we will form an opinion at the government and the board of directors. So far, this kind of proposal has not been discussed, he said. Asked about his personal position on the participation of ALROSA in the Sukhoi Log deal and the companys diversification into gold mining business, Yury Trutnev said: There are two very different ways [for the development of companies IF]. There are single-business companies and they have a number of advantages. (There is also the way of diversification). In my opinion, both are possible. I dont know which is the right one, as I am not occupied with the company in such a detail. Sukhoi Log is one of the world's largest gold deposits. According to Russias State Balance of Mineral Reserves, Sukhoi Log contains 1,953,000 tonnes of prospective gold reserves in the B+C1+C2 categories and 1,541,000 tonnes of prospective silver reserves, as well as 799 tonnes of off-balance gold reserves. This gold field has a potential to increase its resource base, as its projected gold resources belonging to the P1+P2 categories reach 1,015,000 tonnes. The Russian authorities have been discussing an auction for Sukhoi Log for many years. The process intensified last year. Another source mentioned however that one woman on board was hospitalized after suffering a fainting spell. The air company had to send a replacement aircraft to Istanbul to ferry waiting passengers onward to its hub in the vast new Hamad International Airport in Doha. State-backed Qatar Airways is one of the Mideasts three biggest carriers. The airline operates a hub-and-spoke network, linking over 150 international destinations across Africa, Central Asia, Europe, Far East, South Asia, Middle East, North America, South America and Oceania, using a fleet of more than 180 aircraft. As of April 2016, the Qatar Airways Group employs more than 40,000 people; 24,000 of them work directly for the airline Hello, I have four days holiday and I want my family visit to Vietnam. Am I wondering what should my family spend for North of Vietnam or south? We heard about Halong bay and other sites but most of them based in northern central and southern. How I manage to visit this places. Im getting consult from Go Indochina Tours travel agent that we going to use their service but still need more experience on your support Japan posted a merchandise trade surplus of 513.510 billion yen in July, the Ministry of Finance said on Thursday. That beat expectations for a surplus of 273.2 billion yen following the upwardly revised 693.1 billion yen surplus in June (originally 692.835 billion yen). Exports were down 14.0 percent on year, missing forecasts for a decline of 13.8 percent after sliding 7.4 percent in the previous month. Exports to all of Asia fell 13.9 percent on year to 3,043.816 billion yen, while exports to China alone were down 12.7 percent to 1,029.906 billion yen. Exports to the United States slipped an annual 11.8 percent to 1,182.479 billion yen, while exports to the European Union eased 6.5 percent to 665.517 billion yen. Imports tumbled an annual 24.7 percent versus forecasts for a decline of 20.0 percent after slipping 18.8 percent a month earlier. Imports from all of Asia fell 23.0 percent on year to 2,556.832 billion yen, while imports from just China alone skidded 21.7 percent to 1,295.867 billion yen. Imports from the United States tumbled an annual 15.2 percent to 588.466 billion yen, while imports from the European Union fell an annual 15.7 percent to 666.651 billion yen. The adjusted trade surplus was 317.6 billion yen - beating expectations for 167.7 billion yen and down from 335.0 billion in June. For comments and feedback contact: Economic News What parts of the world are seeing the best (and worst) economic performances lately? Click here to check out our Econ Scorecard and find out! See up-to-the-moment rankings for the best and worst performers in GDP, unemployment rate, inflation and much more. House prices in majority of the Chinese cities increased in June, figures from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Thursday. On a monthly basis, house prices rose 51 cities out of 70 surveyed by the government. It fell in 16 cities and remained flat in 3 cities. The highest rise in house prices were noted in Xiamen, by 4.6 percent and the steepest decline was seen in Shaoguan, by 1.1 percent. Compared with the same month of last year, house prices grew in 58 cities out of the 70 cities in July, while it dropped in 16 cities. For comments and feedback contact: Economic News What parts of the world are seeing the best (and worst) economic performances lately? Click here to check out our Econ Scorecard and find out! See up-to-the-moment rankings for the best and worst performers in GDP, unemployment rate, inflation and much more. Tyco (TYC) said that it agreed to sell its security in South Africa, which operates locally under the ADT brand, to Fidelity Security Group for approximately ZAR 1.9 billion or $140 million. The business provides security monitoring services, including dispatch of armed response guards, as well as fire detection and protection, access control and other security-related services, to residential and commercial customers. The financial impact of this planned sale was previously disclosed as part of Tyco's fiscal third quarter earnings report on July 29, 2016. After the transaction is completed, Tyco will continue to provide its fire, security and life safety products in South Africa. ADT will serve as a local distributor for Tyco's residential and commercial security products and solutions, as well as Tyco's specialized performance solutions for retail businesses. The transaction is expected to close in late fiscal first quarter of 2017 and is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals. The financial results of this business are reported within the Rest of World Integrated Solutions & Services segment. In fiscal year 2016, the business is expected to generate revenue of approximately $160 million. For comments and feedback contact: Business News Gold futures were slightly higher Thursday morning amid lingering uncertainty about the broader . Gold for December was up 7 dollars at $1355 an ounce, after policymakers of the European Central Bank said more time was needed to assess the impact of the Brexit vote. They said it was premature to discuss possible monetary policy reaction at this stage, the minutes of the rate-setting meeting showed Thursday. For comments and feedback contact: Market Analysis The United States has agreed to pass on its power to govern the Internet domain name system (DNS) fully to ICANN - the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. This is an important milestone in a nearly 20-year effort by the US Government and Internet multi-stakeholder community to privatize the Internet domain name system. DNS, one of the Internet's most important components, pairs the easy-to-remember web addresses with their relevant servers. Without DNS, websites can be accessed only by typing in its IP address. The United States' National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), part of the Department of Commerce, informed ICANN Tuesday that it intends to hand over the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions on October 1. Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator Lawrence E. Strickling said the IANA stewardship transition represents the final step in the U.S. government's long-standing commitment to privatize the Internet's domain name system. For the last 18 years, the United States has been working with the global Internet multistakeholder community to establish a stable and secure multistakeholder model of Internet governance that ensures that the private sector, not governments, takes the lead in setting the future direction of the DNS. To help achieve this goal, NTIA in 1998 partnered with ICANN, a California-based nonprofit organization, to transition technical DNS coordination and management functions to the private sector. NTIA's current stewardship role was intended to be temporary. For comments and feedback contact: Business News Editors Pick Oil major Exxon Mobil Corp. reported Friday a profit for the third quarter that soared from last year, reflecting sharply higher upstream and energy product earnings. Adjusted earnings per share for the quarter topped analysts' expectations, while quarterly revenues missed them. Seattle, Washington-based Services LLC is recalling Amazon Basics Executive Desk Chairs, citing fall and injury risks, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said. The recall involves about 11,400 units of the Amazon Basics Executive Desk Chair. Shares of Swiss Re AG were losing around 3 percent in the morning trading in Switzerland after the reinsurer reported Friday a net loss in its third quarter and the first nine months of fiscal 2022. The results were hurt mainly by weakness in Property & Casualty Reinsurance or P&C Re segment. Going ahead, the company still expects it is unlikely to reach its Group ROE target of 10 percent in 2022. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are locked in a statistical dead heat in Nevada, according to the results of a new Suffolk University poll. The poll showed Clinton with a 44 percent to 42 percent lead over Trump among likely Nevada voters, with the two-point gap within the margin of error. Libertarian Gary Johnson was the choice of 5 percent of voters, while Independent American Party candidate Darrell Castle and unaffiliated candidate Rocky De La Fuente each received 1 percent. The slim lead for Clinton partly reflects strength in Clark Country, which includes Las Vegas and accounts for nearly 70 percent of the statewide vote. "Clinton's lead there is the reason she is winning the state," said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center. "In this instance, what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegasit affects the whole state." The poll also showed the gender gap that has been evident in many other states, with Clinton leading among women and Trump leading among men. Suffolk University also looked at the race to replace Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and found Republican Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nev., and Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto tied at 37 percent. The survey of 500 likely Nevada voters was conducted August 15th through 17th and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points. (Photo: Gage Skidmore) For comments and feedback contact: Political News Millennial Moms Review: 2022 Acura MDX is pretty close to the perfect family car I dont know if perfect is attainable, especially considering weve got the world of options when it comes to modern vehicles. Were spoiled and, as such, we have very specific needs and wants. Driving-wise, the 2022 Acura MDX is one of my favourite ... SNc Channels: Search About Aug-18-2016 15:43 TweetFollow @OregonNews Local Red Cross Sends Eight Responders to Help With California Wildfires Eight Red Cross disaster responders from Oregon and Southwest Washington deploy to California to help people affected by massive wildfires; Eighteen others still on the ground in Louisiana helping flood relief effort. Photo: (PORTLAND, Ore.) - The American Red Cross Cascades Region (Oregon and Southwest Washington) is responding to the massive wildfires in California by deploying eight volunteers to help with relief efforts. Responders from Nehalem, Beaverton, Portland, Keizer, Gresham and John Day, Oregon as well as Battle Ground, Washington are assisting affected communities by managing shelters, providing emergency financial assistance, health and mental health services, transportation services, and coordinating with local government entities to help deliver assistance. Two of the responders include Cascades Region CEO, Amy Shlossman and Regional Disaster Officer, Cara Sloman. "Communities across Louisiana and California have been devastated by fires and floods and many families have lost everything," said Amy Shlossman, CEO of the Red Cross Cascades Region. "Our ability to respond and help people when they need it most depends upon the generosity of our donors. Please help support our disaster response efforts across the country by visiting" THE SITUATION IN CALIFORNIA: Explosive brush fires have ripped through more than 30,000 acres in San Bernardino County. More than 86,000 people have been forced to leave their homes. An unknown number of homes could be destroyed, and there is no containment in sight. Two Red Cross shelters provided refuge to 173 individuals affected by the Blue Cut Fire. In Lake County, three additional shelters are open to support families in need of lodging and support services. And in Kern County, the Red Cross is ready to open an evacuation center should it be needed. For all these wildfires, Red Cross shelters are providing for the immediate needs of those affected. Services include a safe and clean place to stay, food, hydration, emotional support and health services. All facilities will remain open for as long as there is a need. THE SITUATION IN LOUISIANA: The Red Cross continues to help thousands of people impacted by the flooding in Louisiana where the situation remains dire. On Wednesday night, more than 4,100 people were still seeking refuge in 30 Red Cross and community shelters. At the peak of the floods, more than 50 shelters provided safety for more than 10,000 people. The Red Cross and partners have served nearly 138,000 meals and snacks since the onset of the flooding. Mental health disaster workers are visiting shelters to offer comfort. Health services volunteers are helping with things like lost eyeglasses and medications. The flooding danger is not over. More rain is falling in Louisiana and flood waters are moving down-river, which could cause damage in new areas. The Red Cross is closely monitoring the situation to be ready to mount an additional response if necessary. According to meteorologists, more than 6.9 trillion gallons of rain -- enough water to fill 10.4 million Olympic pools -- deluged Louisiana this week. HOW TO HELP: Donations are urgently needed. To help people affected by the Louisiana Floods or the California Wildfires visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS. These donations enable the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to and help people recover from disasters big and small. Source: Red Cross news release> _________________________________________ Oregon | Wildfire | Business | Health | Most Commented on Articles for August 17, 2016 | Articles for August 18, 2016 | Kelly campaign deletes tweets without disclaimers on military endorsements The re-election campaign for Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly deleted social media photos of uniformed military members after leaving out a DOD disclaimer. These are interesting times in paradise in as far as the relationship between law enforcement agencies goes. Judging from the front page of your newspaper on Wednesday 17 August 2016, one can be easily forgiven for asking what on earth is going on in peaceful Samoa. More to the point, is there a war between our law enforcement agencies we were not aware about until now? First there was the story titled Director of Prosecutions arrested and charged. It detailed the very public arrest of the Director of the National Prosecution Office (N.P.O), Mauga Precious Chang, who was escorted from her Office at the Tofilau Eti Alesana Building by Police officers including members of the Tactical Operation Squad (T.O.S.). Now they say a picture is worth a thousand words and seeing images of members of the T.O.S. and multiple police officers present to arrest a woman who posed no physical danger to anyone was certainly chilling. One has to ask whether that was necessary at all? What has Samoa come to? In any case, the Police Commissioner, Fuiavailiili Lincoln Keil, confirmed the charges against Mauga. Police can confirm that they have charged the Director of the National Prosecution Office, Ms Mauga Precious Chang with negligent driving causing injury and dangerous driving, he said in a statement. The decision to charge is the result of a police investigation where the file was then reviewed by an independent prosecutor. Police informed the Director in May shortly after the incident involving three damaged vehicles, that an investigation had commenced and charges were possible. It was further confirmed to her a few weeks ago that charges were now likely. However the matter was then referred for an independent review of the evidence, which is now complete. The Police Commissioners statement added that the decision to charge Mauga followed an independent legal opinion sought by the Attorney Generals Office. The independent prosecutor, Auckland based Barrister, Satiu Simativa Perese, was engaged on advice of the Attorney General to ensure independence, and he will work directly with Police, the statement said. Fair enough then. It will be interesting to follow the proceedings to see where this ends up. But it gets interesting of course. On the very same day, we also learned that Commissioner Fuiava himself had been charged. In his case, he is facing charges in relation to the alleged wrongful arrest of member of the public, Suitupe Misa, at the Fugalei market last year. From what weve been told, the Commissioner is due to appear in the Supreme Court on 29 August to answer to charges including unlawful detention, perjury, providing false statements and disorderly conduct. The Samoa Observer was later told that the Police Commissioner, who has just returned from his holiday, was only informed about the charges on Tuesday. Later, Police Media Officer, Maotaoalii Kaioneta Kitiona, said the Commissioners case was handled by the National Prosecution Office and it was them who decided to file the charges. In the midst of all this kerfuffle of course is the Office of the Ombudsman. Earlier this year, Ombudsman Maiava Iulai Toma blasted the Police in relation to Mr. Misas arrest. For the uninitiated, Mr. Misa was arrested at gunpoint by a contingent of armed plain clothed officers in front of a shocked and distressed Fugalei marketplace. It transpired that Mr. Misa had committed no crime and the arrest was carried out based on insubstantial and second-hand evidence. Mr. Misa then lodged a complaint against the Police, which was investigated by the Ombudsmans Office. The findings of the investigation raised serious questions about the actions of the Police and the Commissioner. The Commissioner of Police failed to meet basic investigation principles and placed undue consideration on second hand evidence, leading directly to the wrongful and unlawful arrest of Suitupe, the reports findings reads. The Commissioners decision to arm and allow the use of firearms by his officers contravened the Use of Force policy, was irresponsible, and could negatively impact the overall safety and security within Samoa. The Commissioner failed to take appropriate steps to identify the actions of his officers as being part of a police operation, leading to widespread distress and in one case serious health issues. There is a lot more to this case but we will stop here. Suffice to say these are very interesting times in paradise. We will follow these developments very closely. You have to wonder though what is the man who is lording over all these agencies thinking. Whats going on in his head? Is there method in thy madness or is he starting to lose control of these people? Stay tuned! Dear Editor, We are British tourists on a British registered yacht currently undertaking our second circumnavigation. We have visited over 80 countries and have been full time cruising for over 20 years. We contribute articles for European sailing magazines and cruisers internet forums. We thought you may be interested in our recent negative experience while in Samoa. As background, we arrived in Pago Pago American Samoa a month ago knowing that the harbour has a bad reputation for poor holding, dirty water, smelly fumes from tuna cannery and we only planned to spend a few days there while we collected our post. Despite the many drawbacks of Pago Pago harbour, the people of American Samoa were a delight to be with. They were helpful, friendly, courteous and we ended up staying for three weeks. During our stay the American Samoan people constantly warned us about visiting Samoa as there had been high crime, a recent brutal rape of an Australian tourist, and theft there. As well seasoned travellers we had heard all these tales about neighbours before and so were not unduly concerned and were looking forward to spending at least a month in Samoa to see the sights of Upolu and Savaii. We knew from articles on line there was a marina that had received negative reports on Noonsite and other online forums. We phoned the Apia Marina before leaving American Samoa to check on current rates. When we arrived we were instructed by Apia Port Captain to anchor in the bay as it was Sunday and the marina was closed. We were instructed to fly the yellow quarantine flag and stay aboard the vessel. We had prior to anchoring gone close to the marina entrance and saw that it was crowded and very tight to manoeuvre and was also disappointingly close to a busy road with noisy restaurant bars. We do have a portable depth sounder that we planned to use in the dinghy to sound out the marina depths on the entry and berth so that we could check that our yacht could safely get into the berth as we ideally would have liked to spend some time on the marina to wash the boat down and have a secure place to leave the boat while we hired a car and travelled to Savaii. In marinas where the berths are shallow we would not just blindly go into a berth without personally scoping out the depths as it is our decision on whether our vessel can get into a marina safely with sufficient depth and whether we choose to go onto a marina or not. After we cleared the health inspection, the marina boat came out and the official asserted that it was now mandatory under Samoan law for all visiting yachts to use the private marina to berth. He issued all anchored yachts an Apia Marina Services Ltd charge sheet with Apia Harbour rules on it which should have been headed up the Managers law. For yachts anchoring out in the bay the marina dinghy dock fee was $200 ST per week and not the ST$50 we had been quoted. A 400% increase. We attach the old marina fee sheet and then the REVISED marina fee sheet so that you can see that different yachts in Apia at the same time were given different rates. The Manager did finally agree after much unpleasant arguing that in our case as he had quoted the ST$50 by phone that he would honor that so we only paid like the other 3 yachts already anchored in the bay the old fee of ST$50. As a private business who is leasing the marina from the Samoa Port Authority then we agree that the Manager can charge what he likes for using the marina dinghy dock but this charge must be applied fairly and consistently. He insisted that the American yacht anchored in the bay should pull into the marina berth but the yacht was not able to use reverse gear so was unable to safely manoeuvre into the marina. We knew the American had engine problems as in Pago Pago as we had gone over with our dinghy along with another dinghy so that the Americans could re-anchor using dinghies to power and push the yacht to another anchoring space. We had sailed over from American Samoa with them so that if they had problems entering Apia Harbour we would be able to tow them in. Despite telling the Manager this he had what we can only describe as a psychotic rage where he ran down the marina dock and started swearing at the American yacht captain who had pulled into the dinghy dock at the same time as ourselves. The American offered to pay ST$50 landing fee which was what the other anchored yachts were paying but he continued to be aggressive and told the American that unless he paid the NEW ST$200 fee, then he would cut or confiscate the dinghy if it was left there. The argument was so loud and abusive that other yacht crews on the marina came out to see what was happening. The Americans used the dinghy dock at the marina only that one-day as after Psycho episode we would use our dinghy to drop the Americans off and collect them at the Aggie Grey Beach so they could avoid any further hassle. During the 9 days that we stayed in Apia Harbour we saw the marina boat come out and hassle the American yacht several times and we were astounded to discover that the Manager on behalf of the Samoa Port Authority issued legal proceedings against the Americans and even more surprised that the Samoa Supreme Court placed a Departure Prevention Order (D.P.O) preventing the Americans from leaving the country. All over a dinghy dock fee of the ST$50 which he refused to accept from the Americans. The lawyer who issued the D.P.O writ should be investigated by the Samoa Law Society and Supreme Court for misconduct in issuing proceedings against a tourist over such a trivial amount without ascertaining the full facts of the matter and for wasting valuable Supreme court time and the firm should send a written apology to the Americans for treating them so badly. The American Consulate had to be involved, the C.E.O of the Samoa Tourism Authority was involved as was the C.E.O of the Samoa Ports Authority, and the Supreme Court .the whole unpleasant incident was a total farce and waste of everyones time over several days. We do not know what local connections this man has but he obviously has a connection very high up in the Samoan government as it would appear that he can make up whatever rules and charges for visiting yachts that he likes. There was a mysterious US$100 (US DOLLARS not Tala) one off payment they were trying to charge on the new revised sheet. When we arrived we met another yacht clearing out of Apia at the port authority office and they could not find anyone at S.P.A to pay this mysterious fee to. Once the Americans had been issued the D.P.O, we sent emails to the Samoa Ports Authority to ask them for the tariff charge and written regulation as we did not believe that the US$100 was a genuine fee nor did we believe that it is Mandatory for yachts to go into a private marina when there is an approved small craft anchorage available in the harbour that does not impede commercial vessels. We spent three hours at the Samoa Port Authority and went around from department to department and no one was able to show us the written regulation and tariff sheet. The next day we went again and this time met with the new C.E.O of Samoa Port Authority who eventually confirmed that due to an oversight when the Apia Marina asset was leased out to Apia Marina Services Ltd, that the port regulations were not amended by the Samoan Legal Team and were currently with the attorney general office for revision. The new C.E.O confirmed there is no official regulation under the 1998 Samoan shipping Act or subsequent revisions that states it is mandatory for ALL visiting yachts to use the marina services and we were entitled to anchor in the bay if we wished. The same oversight meant that there is no USD$100 fee payable under the published Port Authority Dues and Rates Notice 2016. The new C.E.O of Samoa Port Authority assured us that he is keen for this to be resolved by the correct government minister and legal team and once the new regulation and fee has been passed then he will update the S.P.A website so that future visiting yachts can see there is a genuine and transparent fee structure. In the meantime, both the C.E.O of S.P.A and the C.E.O of S.T.A will meet with the Manager of Marina about the recent incident and we would hope that the Manager would issue a written apology to the Americans. Talking to the other visiting yachts that were staying on the marina we discovered that the marina showers were a cold water weak trickle and one yacht actually had to repair the toilet. Another yacht complained about the cleanliness of the facilities and they were apparently told so what do you expect for ST$60 per day. On Friday night late there was a drunken fight between two local Samoans on the marina dock and a bottle was thrown and smashed in a yacht cockpit. Most professionally run marinas have a security gate so that only yacht crews and invited guests can access the dock but Apia Marina has no security whatsoever. When we paid our dinghy dock fee we tried to point out to the Manager that his aggressive strong arm approach, and lack of transparent fees and regulations was not the best way to encourage yachts to stay in Samoa and that we ourselves were now going to clear out and go to Wallis and Futuna instead of staying for our planned month. To which he replied I dont give a **** I can do what I like when dealing with scamsters. The marina staff were polite and pleasant but their boss is a raving lunatic who should not be allowed anywhere near tourists. The Samoan Tourist Board put on such a fabulous cultural show that explained the faaa samoa ways and are obviously working hard to promote Samoa. The enjoyable days out seeing the local sights and eating out at many of the wonderful restaurants in Samoa were no compensation for the downside of dealing with the Marina officials and we will be reporting on the forums about our negative experience accordingly. The Managers parting comment to us was that he looked forward to reading our articleswell we hope he and his mysterious business partner read this and start to invest in the marina facilities and treat visiting tourists with respect and not just see them as cash cows to be abused and milked dry. Paul Liz Stuart 14/8/16 The New Zealand/Samoa Friendship Week Restaurant Challenge ended last night with the Saletoga Sand Resort winning the competition their slow roasted Kiwi duck served with breadfruit hash dish. A prize giving ceremony held at the New Zealand High Commission residence at Letava saw the winners being announced and congratulated. The Minister of Tourism, Sala Fata Pinati, Samoa Tourism Authority C.E.O, Papalii Sonja Hunter joined the Samoa Culinary Association, Samoa Hotels Association, restaurant owners and chefs to celebrate. Between the 5th and the 15th of August, participating restaurants put up new dishes for judging; the dishes had to fuse both New Zealand and Samoan ingredients. This event is all about the growth of tourism, said New Zealand High Commissioner, Jackie Frizelle. The story of the friendship restaurant week goes back a fair way; you could say it goes back 55 years because the friendship that were talking about is the treaty of friendship that was signed by New Zealand and Samoa 55 years ago. According to Mrs. Frizelle, the Challenge has grown over the years. The first year that we had the Restaurant challenge was during the 50th year of celebration of the treaty; now when it was first started it was a one off idea, she said. It was something to celebrate that particular year; but there was so much interest and enthusiasm around it that we thought we would give it another go. And so it grew and it grew and it grew and now after five year I think it has developed a huge life on its own. Its come into its own; the quality of the food, the number of participating restaurants the experience the people are gaining; it has really turned into a huge event its fantastic. Along with the growth of the competition, the quality of the dishes have improved vastly. I do think the quality of food, the fabulous innovatively interesting ideas that has been put on the plates has changed over time, Mrs. Frizelle said. Weve seen Samoa turning into a foodies destination; this year is special because it marks the first year that weve included a few cafes and the first year that weve had a restaurant from Savaii. Mrs. Frizelle also shared her appreciation for everyone who helped keep the restaurant challenge running. I would like to thank everyone who took place in this, she said. I managed to taste only a few dishes and I was really blown away by how creative they were and the incredible taste sensations. I would also like to acknowledge the waiting staff who did a great job; often in explaining the dish and presenting it. I would like to thank the sponsors of this event who have so readily supported this yet again; most of them also supported us last year. We appreciate the help from Lucky Foodtown, Farmer Joe, Samoa Meat Supplies, Niu Sina, Digicel, Air New Zealand, Toa Gas, Samoa Tourism Authority and of course the Samoa Culinary Association. I would also like to give a huge thank you to the judges; I had a little chat with them just before and they were literally misty eyed with the experience so it must have been an amazing experience for all of them. And with the curtains closing on this years challenge, all eyes are eager to see what next year has in stall for everyone. So we are looking forward to next years challenge and were open to ideas, Mrs. Frizelle said. I have heard one already which is a healthy choice award for next year; we will again challenge chefs to create more wonderful and tasty dishes so we can turn this into a fabulous tourism destination for Samoa. But for the happy owners of the Saletoga Sand Resort, Gavin and Lou Brightwell; winning the overall award came as a major shock. We are feeling pretty shocked and happy, Mr. Brightwell told Samoa Observer. We have entered this competition three times now; the first year when we were only open for a few months and we won the best service award which was amazing. Last year we entered and won the most Innovative and skill award and now for us to win the overall award this is just amazing. We know it was a very hard competition with these new resorts now here with their top overseas chef and we are happy that we won with a local chef with a little bit of help with our other chef from Fiji. I have to give a lot of this to Lou who comes from a culinary background and she put a lot into it too; we are also proud of our staff; our chefs and our service staff. Awards: Overall Winner: Saletoga Sand Resort Best New Entrants: Legends Cafe and Amoa Resort Best Service: Seabreeze Resort Best Innovative and Skill: Rokos Restaurant The dead body of a young girl was discovered by five fishermen from Utualii floating in the open sea on Wednesday. Suspected to be between 16 and 18 years of age, her identity remains unknown. Yesterday, Sam Taufao, 25, from Utualii told the Samoa Observer the girl was already dead when they found her. We were out fishing and we saw something floating on the sea, said Taufao. When got closer, we discovered it was a body of a young girl already dead. Taufao said when they found the body, they were scared. I have been fishing for more than ten years but this is the first time I have discovered something like this at sea, he said. Taufao and his three brothers were accompanied by their uncle on Wednesday evening when they found the body. It was lucky we went with my uncle because we would never put her on the boat. Instead, we would have tied her leg to a rope and towed her back to the shore. But my uncle insisted we carry her on the boat because we found her close to the reef and it was far from shore. Taufao said he continues to have nightmares about seeing the dead body. On our way back, her nose started bleeding and it was smelly as well, he said. I couldnt sleep last night and I couldnt get her face off my mind. The smell remains in my nostrils. She must have died the night before we found her. When the body was brought to shore, police was contacted right away. I heard one of the officers taking her photo saying that she is the one who took off in a boat from Matautu, said Taufao. Taufao said he didnt understand what he meant but from what he found our later, a girl had taken off on a boat from the Matautu wharf earlier on Wednesday. It was not possible to get a comment from the Ministry of Police yesterday. In the meantime, the womans body is now at the morgue and the Police are investigating. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe Not all relief programs during the Great Depression were as successful as the CCC. One Post reporter believed that Hoovers FERA program was taking the U.S. down the same road that led to Nazi Germany. Not all relief programs during the Great Depression were as successful as the CCC. One Post reporter believed that Hoovers FERA program was taking the U.S. down the same road that led to Nazi Germany. (Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library) Weekly Newsletter The best of The Saturday Evening Post in your inbox! Join The crisis created by the Great Depression was like nothing the United States had ever seen, and the federal government had to scramble to create programs that addressed the nations problems. FDRs Civilian Conservation Corps, for instance, put young men across the U.S. to work on important, useful, long-lasting projects. But many programs of the time were both more controversial and less successful. With an unemployment rate that reached as high as 25 percent, state and local welfare systems that had been established primarily to deal with the unemployable the blind, the deaf, orphans, the aged were faced with a growing population of educated, experienced, but unemployed adults. In 1932, President Hoover established the Federal Emergency Relief Administration to help states create new unskilled jobs in local and state government and get people back to work. But by 1935, FERA had grown into something that looked more permanent, was a drain on taxes, and simply wasnt improving the situation. Whats more, as Dorothy Thompson argued in Our Ghostly Commonwealth, FERA was leading to a new class struggle not the class struggle according to Marx not the workers against the capitalists, but the working against the workless, the haves against the people they support. And it was creating the same type of social and economic environment that had allowed Adolf Hitler to seize power in Germany. Subscribe and get unlimited access to our online magazine archive. Subscribe Today Our Ghostly Commonwealth By Dorothy Thompson Excerpted from the article originally published July 27, 1935 There exists in the United States, alongside our so-called normal social and economic life, another commonwealth, a ghostly one ghostly because it is largely invisible to those who are not its members, and ghostly in the vague uneasiness which its haunting presence provokes. It is a commonwealth of people who live in a separate world of their own. They are not isolated in some distant state, on some reservation set aside for them, but they live in the midst of us, in our cities and villages, in our very streets. They can vote although it is suggested in some states that they should not they look like the rest of us; they have the same desires, the same needs, the same urges. But not exactly, and always decreasingly, the same hopes. They belong to the same trades, professions, crafts, and skills as the rest of us, and, on the whole, to the same races, although there is a larger proportion of Negroes amongst them than in the other society, our own society, and a slightly larger proportion of Mexicans and Filipinos. There are mechanics and farmers, engineers and executives, lawyers and journalists, artists and teachers, laborers and musicians, dancers and actors, miners, carpenters, stonemasons, clerks, stenographers. They are, indeed, a pretty fair cross section of the United States. There are stockbrokers amongst them, and former $50,000-a-year men, and sharecroppers who never in their lives have handled more than $100 a year in cash money. And lots and lots of children. Curiously, there are, proportionately, rather more children amongst them than the rest of us have. They constitute between one-sixth and one-seventh of our population, because, all together, their number is around 20 million, and the experts tell us there are an additional 25 million potential members of their society. They are the people on relief. But the people on relief are not usually referred to as people. The society in which they live has a nomenclature of its own, as well as a social and economic organization of its own. They are usually referred to as clients or as cases, and, in groups, as a case load. Thousands of them live in barracks, under the supervision of Army officers, but they are not soldiers. They and many of the others work, and at all sorts of tasks: construction, manufacturing, transportation, education, building, mechanics, drafting, moving pictures. They play instruments, sew clothes, manufacture mattresses, till farms, but they do not work at jobs, but on projects. They work, but most of them do not receive wages, but budgets, and the amount which they earn is not decided according to their merits, but according to their minimum needs as determined for them by careful investigation. They produce all manner of things, from iron cots and refrigerators to pictures and plays, but they may not sell anything they produce. Their lives for 10 years back are investigated, recorded, catalogued, and cross-catalogued. More is known about them than about any other part of the population about their race, and skills, work histories, diseases, even about their personalities but the knowledge is in the files of state and federal government agencies, and is not part of the public awareness. In so far as the rest of our society is conscious of them, the attitude is a combination of bad conscience and hostility, and of this attitude they are also aware and repay it, on their part, with a feeling of frustration and hostility. Limitations of Local Relief The poor have long been the charges of state, county, and township governments. But possible taxation for such purposes was severely limited. And the whole mentality of local poor administrators was awry. To them, the destitute were so because they were simply misfits. It was, in essence, their own fault. The attitude was embodied in some New England states by laws which disfranchised recipients of public relief. The local poor-law authorities were trained by tradition and experience to take care of the neer-do-wells, the village idiots, the aged, the infirm, the orphaned. But they were not prepared for a program of relief for Thomas Smith, able-bodied, aged 35, six years ago receiving a salary of $25 a week and a so-to-speak house owner, meaning that he had a house worth $5000 on which he had a $4000 mortgage; four years ago cut to $20; three years ago cut to $12, and unable to pay the mortgage; two years ago dismissed because of lack of business, and today totally without resources. President Hoover, with the experiences of the war, the Belgian relief, the all-European campaign against typhus, the 1930 drought, and the Mississippi flood behind him as justification, believed that there was sufficient goodwill, energy, and organization power in the American people to deal with the administration of this problem on a local and largely voluntary basis. But the analogy with the war and with President Hoovers previous great relief administrations was fallacious in one important particular. The war, the postwar starvation, the drought, and the Mississippi flood were catastrophes which affected all parts of the population. People starved in postwar Belgium because there was actually no food. Everybody starved. The good and the bad, the poor and the rich, the deserving and the undeserving. In the war, the bankers son needed bandages as well as the truck mans. And the Mississippi rose upon the just as well as upon the unjust, upon the efficient as well as the unlucky. There was solidarity of action because there was solidarity of distress. No such solidarity of experience exists between the employed and the unemployed. But one thing which President Hoover foresaw has come to pass. Many of the fortunate, being isolated from any participation in the troubles of the unfortunate, except to pay for them, are developing a callousness and hostility toward them which aggravate the whole social situation, and which no amount of press releases from the publicity bureaus of the various relief administrations can dissipate. This country is dividing into two classes the employed and the people on relief. A genuine class struggle is emerging, but it is not the class struggle according to Marx not the workers against the capitalists, but the working against the workless, the haves against the people they support. The Working and the Workless This is reflected in almost every conversation which one may have with people whom the depression has not touched severely. The Long Island ladies who are indignant that they cannot get a handy man to help lay a carpet; the newspaperman who has kept his job securely all through these last five years; the employers of cheap labor who cant find men at prices they can afford to pay. Being cut off from the problem, which is isolated behind a bureaucracy, they generalize from their own experience, and there are plenty of experiences to bear them out. They see the relief problem in its bulk and implications only in the un-quieting growth of the extraordinary budget. In the great cities, in the winter of 1932, the attempts at local relief had certainly broken down. The local charities were bankrupt. Milkmen could not deliver milk, because their cars were overturned and the milk looted. Grocery windows were smashed. There were riots. Gangsters joined the ranks of the unfortunate, and racketeering was coupled with destitution. There was a clamor from all quarters that something should be done. And President Roosevelt came in, surrounded by youth and social indignation, pledged to action, and a lot of it. And gallantly flinging back their locks from their foreheads, and with a smile cheery and brave, this administration gathered the whole kit and caboodle of the destitute to its bosom. Since then it has been exceedingly busy trying to bounce many of them off again. The federal government had no more experience than anyone else in being an eleemosynary institution. It had vast quantities of goodwill, optimism, and idealism. It was manned with as attractive a crowd of people as ever were got together in Washington; for eagerness and earnestness, youth and enthusiasm are extremely attractive qualities. It is probably the most literate administration that this country has ever had since the early days when politics was believed to be a gentlemans profession, and it is certainly the most talkative. It is also probably one of the most truly representative of administrations, for it shares practically all the illusions of the typical American intellectual. It believes that any action is better than none; that the scientific attitude is synonymous with being willing to try anything once; that economic reform can be interpreted in terms of social uplift; and that the lion and the lamb can be brought to lie down together by persuasion. This is preeminently the administration of goodwill on all sides. But the good, says the proverb, die young. It is the wise who die of old age. A Sympathy All-Embracing This administration has been truly encyclopedic in its sympathies. It has tried, in the midst of depression, to raise wages and preserve profits. It has encouraged monopolies and sought to protect labor. It has advocated high prices and the protection of the consumer; [Secretary of State] Mr. [Cordell] Hull wants to restore international trade, and so does [Secretary of Agriculture] Mr. [Henry] Wallace, but meanwhile Mr. Wallace scales down production to domestic consumption. It believes in inspiration and in the expert. Now, the same ambivalence of feeling dominates the relief program. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration is accurately described by one word in the title, and somewhat accurately by another. It is almost Federal, and it is certainly Administration. But no one whom I have been able to find in the whole organization, whether in Washington or in the field, believes that it is Emergency. On the contrary, its members are convinced that we are settling down to deal with a permanent problem, and they are directing policy with this in view. It is not relief. It is or intends to become a system of employment and, as such, should be no more relief than the check I hope to get for this article. The destitute, in the mind of this government, have a right to support. But there is something humiliating about the exercise of this special right. Therefore, work must be provided for them. But the work must not interfere with private industry. The relief worker must be free, but in order to live on his budget, he must be controlled. The relief worker must not be insulted, but the public must be scrupulously protected. The problems of the immediate present must be met. The problems of a distant future must be met. The chief aim must be to provide immediate projects to meet the needs of the individual unemployed; the chief aim must be to construct lasting works of public importance. Every destitute person in the country must be relieved, but the taxpayer must not be overburdened. Benevolent Serfdom I am amazed that some people consider that the work-relief system is a form of socialism. Go out and look at it, and you see that it is actually a new form of benevolent serfdom. I say benevolent because almost all the people in administrative positions from top to bottom are full of human kindness, full of sympathy. They are not well-paid themselves. They work extremely hard. They are, for the most part, vigorously honest. And most of them know that this system will not work in the long run. Some of them foresee its extension into a universal program of production for use, a sort of nationwide EPIC. Others believe that the government must openly compete with private industry and gradually expropriate it. They should observe that no country yet has managed to edge its way into socialism. Others believe that such a system can only be integrated with the rest of society by political means. Now, the political means of integrating such a society with the rest is fascism. It is, as far as I know, the only political means which has been pragmatically successful. Germany, from 1925 onward, built up a system of work relief very similar to this one. In fact, it is the only parallel which I can find in a study of social service in European countries. It had the same sort of projects subsistence farms, unemployed production for unemployed, and in the Voluntary Works Corps, an organization not unlike CCC. It did not, under this system, stabilize the social order. The resentment of the unemployed against the state was prodigious. According to the classes from which they came, the younger elements flocked to the extreme right or the extreme left. They furnished strong support for Hitler. And when he came into power, he took over the whole system. It was literally ready-made for him. He reorganized it along military lines. He put the workers in camps into uniforms, and the social workers, to a large extent, as well. He kept the system and changed the psychology. Now the subsistence workers are not pariahs of the social order but are hailed as its pillars. They are the builders of the New Germany. They have parades. They are drilled, exercised, trained. Arrangements are made to keep many of them permanently in this status. And a vast propaganda machine with the whole field to itself is busy persuading them that they like it. Well, perhaps they do. But would we? President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 7034 less than three months before this article was printed, establishing the more ambitious and unconventional Works Progress Administration. Like FERA, the WPA was accused of promoting communism, socialism, fascism, corruption, and political favoritism. But its results are difficult to argue against: 651,000 miles of roads, 124,000 public buildings, 800 airports, and 124,000 bridges built or improved; 225,000 public concerts presented; 475,000 works of art and 276 full-length books created; plus public swimming and wading pools, utility improvements, and over a billion school lunches. FERA was dissolved in December of the same year. Read Dorothy Thompsons Our Ghostly Commonwealth in its entirety. Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/18/2016 -- New York Times best-selling author Lisa Kueng will be joining "Making Money Fun with Shanna Tingom" Friday August 19th at 3 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel. Lisa is a national speaker and the developer of many of Invesco's practice-building programs including the "Your Prosperity Picture" workshop for women investors. She is co-author of the book, Picture Your Prosperity: Smart Money Moves to Turn Your Vision into Reality. This best-selling book walks readers through figuring out exactly what you need and want and then showing you how to make the smart money decisions that can help turn your vision into reality. Lisa's extensive experience as a national speaker and developer of education programs for investors makes her the perfect guest for Shanna's upcoming episode "Planning for a Fulfilling Retirement- What Successful Women are Doing Now". Making Money Fun with Shanna Tingom is broadcast live every Friday at 3 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel. Archives of Making Money Fun with Shanna Tingom can be found at: About Shanna Tingom, AAMS Shanna Tingom is an independent financial professional and the founder of Heritage Financial Strategies. Her specialty is working with female entrepreneurs, business leaders, and individuals experiencing life transitions. Shanna keeps active as a member of the Gilbert Small Business Alliance and Gilbert Chamber of Commerce. She also enjoys traveling with her husband, Eric, and spending time with her two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Oliver and Princess. For more information, please visit or call 480-379-1184 About Making Money Fun with Shanna Tingom Making Money FUN with Shanna Tingom is a live broadcast that demystifies money, investing and personal finance topics with lively discussions, relevant guests and great resources. Learn about how the markets work, how your financial professional can help you achieve your financial goals, tips for talking to your kids and spouse about money and much more. Since FUN is a core value for Shanna's company, Heritage Financial Strategies, you can expect to laugh along with her and her guests and enjoy the conversation! Tune in every Friday at 3 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel. Archives of Making Money Fun with Shanna Tingom can be found at: Listeners can download the current versions of the VoiceAmerica Talk Radio App at: Google Play: iTunes: Kindle: Burlington, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/18/2016 -- Those who own beaten up blacktop driveways, parking lots, or private lanes and roads are encouraged to look into driveway paving companies to sealcoat their pavement as soon as possible. With the cold weather encroaching, it is important to keep in mind how much more damage will be inflicted by rock salt and snow plows. Stanley Paving wants local residents and business owners to stay conscious of wear and tear on their pavement by sealcoating their Philadelphia homes and businesses. Sealcoating is a beneficial, bituminous liquid mixture that can be applied to asphalt. Its smooth, non-porous surface acts as a preventative against the vicious Northeastern weather as well as the sun's harmful UV rays. Not only that, but it also guards against gasoline, rock salt, oil, and other harmful chemicals that have the ability to slowly wear down pavement. Sealcoating protects against minute cracks becoming larger and out of hand by filling the imperfections in. And the best part: it is entirely non-toxic, non-flammable, non-tracking, and slip resistant. It is very important to Sealcoat pavement as soon as possible, because if left untreated, any and all cracks will continue to grow, allowing water to get into the base of the asphalt and create even larger cracks. Weather will continue to beat down driveways, parking lots, private lanes or roads until it will have to be repeatedly repaved. With Sealcoating, it will not allow the oxidation or natural erosion to occur, protecting its smooth surface. Contact Stanley Paving with questions or comments by going to their website and using their simplistic message box located on the right-hand side or send them an email at: . You can also call them at their New Jersey number: 609-386-9814 or toll free number at: 866-We-Top-Em. They usually answer within 24 hours with the owner and operator on site 99% of the time. About Stanley Paving With three generations of pavers, Stanley Paving has assisted the Delaware Valley for over 57 years, valuing their commitment to service and expertise. To the Stanley Paving crew, no job is ever too small or too big, whether it be commercial, residential, or municipal, they get it done promptly. Their equipment and experienced paving crew provides the best service in the area. Learn more by visiting: Pittsburgh, PA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/18/2016 -- Seegrid, the pioneer and leader in vision-based autonomous industrial vehicles, announced that the Pittsburgh Technology Council has named it a Tech 50 Awards Finalist for Manufacturing Innovator of the Year. Since 1997, the Pittsburgh Technology Council's annual Tech 50 Awards recognize southwestern Pennsylvania's most successful, innovative, and thought-leading technology companies, which have become the backbone of Pittsburgh's new economy. The awards represent transformative technology centers of excellence with tech companies at all stages of growth. Tech 50 also recognizes the region's top tech executive. "Each year, the Council canvasses the region for the most distinguished public and private technology-oriented companies, and the Tech 50 awards honor those companies that demonstrated the strongest growth and advancement in product or sales success, financial strength, corporate citizenship, job growth and retention and innovative product or technology," said Audrey Russo, President and CEO, Pittsburgh Technology Council. "We are especially excited to announce the category winners at the awards gala this fall. This is the Pittsburgh Technology Council's 20th year celebrating the industry with Tech 50. It is truly a night to honor our region's technology companies and the contributions they have made to our economic vitality." Tech 50 winners will be announced on November 3, 2016 at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh. About Seegrid Seegrid (, the pioneer and leader in three-dimensional vision navigation, provides unique and revolutionary automation technology for materials handling. Engineered with state-of-the-art Seegrid Vision, industrial trucks are transformed into the next generation of AGVs: vision guided vehicles (VGVs). VGVs navigate without wires, lasers, magnets, or tape, and deliver unmatched flexibility. Designed for simplicity and reliability, the Seegrid flexible automation solution is offered in a line of pallet trucks and tow tractors. Experience the maximum benefits of VGVs with Seegrid Supervisor to manage, monitor, and control a fleet of vehicles in context of your operation. Generating economic advantages and operational efficiencies, VGVs optimize workflow processes, increase productivity and throughput, labor optimization and operating costs. An award-winning organization, Seegrid is experiencing significant growth both in employees and clients. Multi-billion dollar organizations focused on lean manufacturing best-practices are turning to the Pittsburgh-based robotics leader. From large automotive operations to retail distribution centers, Seegrid VGVs are advancing the reality of a Fork Truck Free approach. VGVs improve workplace safety, reduce equipment and product damage, and deliver a rapid return on investment. Seegrid customers include: Whirlpool, Kohler, Walgreens, Volvo, Aisin, and Denso. Follow Seegrid on Twitter at @Seegrid. Berlin, Germany -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/18/2016 -- In the world of today, finding a perfect match often seems a challenging process that takes much time and effort. While many people lack this time being busy in their offices, they often face problems when looking for their lifetime partners. No wonder, such agencies as ThaiKisses are just indispensible, because they help people get along with each other and build relationships that may result in the creation of strong families. ThaiKisses is a trusted international matchmaking agency, the services of which are oriented on helping people find their lifetime partners. The company was created in 2006 and can boast over 10 years of excellent service and great reputation with single men and women from Thailand and abroad. Western men are looking for Thai wives here, while girls from Thailand dream of finding strong and reliable men at the website as well. With this purpose, they publish their profiles, describing their preferences and traits of character. Each profile comes with a photo of a girl to attract the attention of users and simplify their choice. The experts working for the agency underline that they see their mission in helping their clients meet and communicate with Thai girls. They are sure that "Thai wives are faithful, devoted, caring and loyal and their world revolves around their families". That is why they are sure that each client, who will be fortunate to meet a lady from Thailand at ThaiKisses, will have high chances to build long-lasting relationships and even create strong families. Actually, they already have several romantic stories of people, who have got acquainted at the website to get married later. ThaiKisses experts work round-the-clock to deliver high quality and valuable services to each and every client, who is interested in finding their second halves. The agency does not only offer free registration and website browsing experience, but also ensures maximum safety protection and confidentiality. If there is anything a client would like to find out, the customer support team of the agency will be eager to solve all the problems in the shortest time possible. For more information, please, take your time to visit About ThaiKisses ThaiKisses is a popular and credible online dating agency, which has been offering professional matchmaking services for over 10 years already. Since the year of their creation (2006), they have won reputation and loyalty of hundreds of people from across the globe. The majority of profiles is added to the website by Thai girls and men from the country and abroad are eager to get along with these ladies on the web. The agency works round-the-clock and makes it possible to register and browse the website without paying any fees for these services. Contact Info: Contact Person: Stefan Frohling Address: Bredtschneiderstr. 12A, 14057 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 2761 752 39 40 Fax: +49 911 308 44 77 844 E-mail: Website: New research published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports has statistically proven that the earliest standing stone monuments of Britain were constructed specifically in line with the movements of the Sun and Moon, around 3000 BC. Nobody before this has ever statistically determined that a single stone circle was constructed with astronomical phenomena in mind it was all supposition, said lead author Dr. Gail Higginbottom, of the Australian National University. Examining two of the earliest dated British great circles: Callanish on the Isle of Lewis and Stenness on the Isle of Orkney (both predating Stonehenges standing stones by about 500 years), Dr. Higginbottom and his colleague, Prof. Roger Clay from the University of Adelaide, found a great concentration of alignments towards the Sun and Moon at different times of their cycles. And 2,000 years later in Scotland, much simpler monuments were still being built that had at least one of the same astronomical alignments found at the great circles. The stones, however, are not just connected with the Sun and the Moon. The team discovered a complex relationship between the alignment of the stones, the surrounding landscape and horizon, and the movements of the Sun and the Moon across that landscape. This research is finally proof that the ancient Britons connected the Earth to the sky with their earliest standing stones, and that this practice continued in the same way for 2,000 years, Dr. Higginbottom said. Examining sites in detail, it was found that about half the sites were surrounded by one landscape pattern and the other half by the complete reverse. These chosen surroundings would have influenced the way the Sun and Moon were seen, particularly in the timing of their rising and setting at special times, like when the Moon appears at its most northerly position on the horizon, which only happens every 18.6 years, Dr. Higginbottom said. For example, at 50% of the sites, the northern horizon is relatively higher and closer than the southern and the summer solstice Sun rises out of the highest peak in the north. At the other 50% of sites, the southern horizon is higher and closer than the northern, with the winter solstice Sun rising out of these highest horizons. These people chose to erect these great stones very precisely within the landscape and in relation to the astronomy they knew, he said. They invested a tremendous amount of effort and work to do so. It tells us about their strong connection with their environment, and how important it must have been to them, for their culture and for their cultures survival. _____ Gail Higginbottom & Roger Clay. 2016. Origins of Standing Stone Astronomy in Britain: New quantitative techniques for the study of archaeoastronomy. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 9: 249-258; doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.05.025 [JAKARTA] Rapid conversion of natural forests in mainland South-East Asia have put more animals at risk of extinction but are not making it to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of threatened species. A remote sensing study led by the United States-based Duke University found that 79 mammals, 49 birds and 184 amphibians in the region now live within less than 20,000 square kilometres, a habitat range which the IUCN defines as an endangered zone. We argue that some species in the region are much more threatened with extinction than IUCN is saying. Stuart Pimm, Duke University The study analysed vast areas in mainland South-East Asia which include Chinas Yunnan province, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and eastern India. The region is said to have the worst deforestation in the world. In 2000-2010, countries in the region cleared around 480,000 hectares of natural forests each year, leading to habitat destruction and fragmentation. This destruction has become a factor in the regions 56 per cent share of the worlds rubber production and 39 per cent of that of oil palm. The study, published in PLOS One (3 August), notes that this rapid rate of deforestation is threatening 122 kinds of mammals, 183 birds and 214 amphibians that are endemic to the region. A traditional species-by-species assessment as done by the IUCN is deemed too slow to deal with this rising threat. Stuart Pimm, one of the studys authors and a conservation professor at Duke University, says the team used remote sensing technology to analyse the changing landscape in mainland South-East Asia and how it has affected the distribution of animals living in the region. The result surprised the researchers who said they found many animals not listed as threatened but were actually in danger. We argue that some species in the region are much more threatened with extinction than IUCN is saying. An example is the red-throated squirrel (Dremomys gularis). It appears to have a large range, but much of it is not at the right elevation, which isnt forested. Its probably in a lot more danger than the IUCN thinks, says Pimm. Four mammals, nine birds and seven amphibians, which the IUCN had listed as species of least concern, are now living within a habitat of less than 5,000-square kilometre. Other endangered animals include the Assam mole shrew, Millets leopoldamys rodent, chestnut-headed partridge, Malayan laughing thrust and Vietnamese green finch. Achmad Farajallah, a zoologist from Bogor Agricultural University, reports the same pattern in Indonesia. In 2014, he published a study in Nature Communications which found that land conversion from natural forests to oil palm plantation has contributed to at least 45 per cent of the biodiversity loss. Regarding the use of remote sensing in evaluating risks of animal extinction, Farajalla stresses that it should not be used as the main indicator. He says that aside from analysing shrinking habitat, risks of extinction can be influenced by other factors.To analyse a species risk of extinction, we need information regarding its generation time, strategy of reproduction, feeding preference and its environmental support, including space and shelter, he says.This piece was produced by SciDev.Nets South-East Asia & Pacific desk. [DURBAN] South Africa is on track to produce the worlds first licensed HIV/AIDS vaccine, a conference has heard. During the t the 21st International AIDS Conference in South Africa last month (18-22 July ), Glenda Gray, president of the South African Medical Research Council, said that they are undertaking a large-scale trial to assess whether HVTN 702 vaccine could South African adults from getting HIV. Carl Dieffenbach, director of the US National Institute of Healths Division of AIDS, explained that it has taken seven years to reach this stage. We hope to have results in five years. Were looking for efficacy of 50 per cent. Glenda Gray, South African Medical Research Council Dieffenbach added that he US-based HIV Vaccine Trials Network, in collaboration with South African researchers, relied on the findings of the RV144 trial, which had an efficacy of 31 per cent in Thailand, to conduct HVTN 100, a smaller initial trial. HVTN 100 used the same vaccines that RV144 tested, but made them specific to the subtype of HIV found in southern Africa, said Linda-Gail Bekker, deputy director of the South Africa-based Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, in a statement. We also added a booster injection to prolong the period of protection. Bekker added: All the criteria were met unequivocally and, in many instances, the HVTN 100 outcomes exceeded both our own criteria and the immune responses seen in RV144. HVTN 702 will seek to confirm findings from HVTN 100 that the modified RV144 regimen is safe, and is being hailed as an important step towards a preventive cure. The placebo-controlled study will enrol 5,400 HIV-negative men and women at 15 research sites across South Africa, and is to begin in November this year after regulatory approval. Participants will receive five injections over the course of a year. After 24 months well look at potency, and at 36 months well assess durability. We hope to have results in five years. Were looking for efficacy of 50 per cent, Gray added. According to Gray, if the HVTN 702 trial is viable, the target will be to provide the vaccine to young girls in schools before they are sexually active. Another trial addressing whether broadly-acting neutralising antibodies could protect against HIV is underway in Sub-Saharan Africa, the conference noted. The HVTN 703/HPTN 081 has enrolled 1,500 heterosexual women from Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Researchers are studying the safety and tolerability of a broadly-acting neutralising antibody called VRC01, given by infusion, and what concentration is required for effective prevention. Bekker says these trials could have an impact on reaching the 2030 goal of zero new HIV infections.Nyarodzo Mavis Mgodi, director of the Microbicide Trial Networks collaborative project between the University of Zimbabwe and the US-based University of California-San Francisco, tells SciDev.Net: If we establish that broadly neutralizing antibodies are potent and will prevent HIV acquisition, then a whole set of scientific breakthroughs could well follow.According to Mgodi, the findings of the trials could help researchers develop an HIV vaccine faster and more efficiently.This piece was produced by SciDev.Nets Sub-Saharan Africa English desk. Huawei is taking the very nice looking Honor 8 smartphone to the U.S. It is one of the top-of-the-line of the Honor series of phones. The Honor 8 features a glass-backed smartphone with a 5.2 inch 1080p full HD display and a dual camera system. It has an 8-megapixel front camera and 12-megapixel rear cameras with flash and a USB-C charging port. Huaweis First U.S. Phone Might Just Be a Flagship Killer at an Affordable Price #Huawei #Honor8 iDrop News (@iDropNews) August 18, 2016 There is also an octa-core Kirin 950 processor running at 2,3 GHz and a 4GB RAM under its hood. You have a choice of either 32 GB or 64GB of internal storage. To add up to about 128 GB more space, it is provided with microSD card slot. A 3,000mAh battery with support for fast charging is also provided, according to The Next Web. Honor 8 is a glass-backed smartphone. Huawei stated that it is the result of 15 various steps in the manufacturing process, from coating to adding optical films to polishing and that "no two devices look alike" because the reflective layer on top of the glass produces various light patterns on each phone. The Verge reported that the US model of the Honor 8 has Huawei's own Kirin 950 chipset. This makes it the first Huawei phone to arrive in the U.S. with a Kirin processor. Meanwhile, the Huawei P9 has the more powerful Kirin 955 chipset. The Huawei executives put emphasis that this smartphone aimed at millennials. They said that millennials like to hold their phones in one hand. You may use the voice command and say "Cheese!" when you take a photo or use the 17 different shooting modes of the camera. You can explore the smartphone just as you want it to be and make an experiment of it. You can also build custom commands when you tap your knuckle on the screen. Meanwhile, the light refractions on the glass back suit the needs of millennials, which they said made their phones stand out in a crowd. It is announced at an event in San Francisco that Honor 8 costs about $400 for the 32GB model. On the other hand, the 64GM model has the price tag of $450. In China, its cost starts at $300 up to $370. This falls still Huawei as in the "affordable" mode for Android phones. The latest wildfire in Southern California has ravaged several structures and thousands of homes as it expanded to over 25,000 acres since Wednesday. The flames were said to have still been climbing the flanks of the San Gabriel Mountains in San Bernadino County, making its way toward the town of Wrightwood, where authorities claim that only half of the residents have complied with communication orders. Battalion Chief Mark Peebles of the San Bernardino County Fire Department cautioned, "This is not the time to mess around. If you are asked to evacuate, please evacuate." He's right - Fox News noted that officials now estimate over 34,000 homes and some 82,000 already under evacuation warnings, and although no deaths have been reported as of press time, cadaver dogs have been searching the ruins, in case they find people overrun by flames. So far, authorities don't have the exact number of homes destroyed in the wildfire, but they have warned communities of possible bad news ahead. "There will be a lot of families that come home to nothing," said San Bernadino County Fire Chief Mark Hartwig. "It hit hard. It hit fast. It hit with an intensity that we hadn't seen before." However, according to The New York Times, officials already warned that these explosive fires are fast becoming common. Glenn Barley, the San Bernardino unit chief of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire) noted, "It's to the point where explosive fire growth is the new normal this year, and that's a challenge for all of us to take on." Among the recent wildfires in California included the Chimney Fire that started on Saturday and burned 7.300 acres in San Louis Obispo. The Clayton Fire in Lower Lake near Northern California started the same day and ravaged 4,000 acres. Finaslly, the Soberanes Fire in Monterey County burned almost 80,000 acres in nearly two months. FLORENCE, S.C. -- Within Florence-Darlington Technical Colleges Pipe Welding Academy, 15 pipe welders, eight valve technicians and six pipe fitters are learning advanced techniques to prepare themselves for high-paying jobs. Because of a gift from the Duke Energy Foundation, those numbers will swell. A check for $70,000 was presented Wednesday to Ben Dillard, president of the school, who was joined by Jill Lewis, vice president of the schools foundation, and Jamie King, the director of the Advanced Welding and Cutting Center. Mindy Taylor, Duke Energys government and community relations manager, said Duke has been a longtime supporter of the welding programs at the school. So it was just a natural extension to continue to support it, said Taylor, who presented the check. Florence-Darlington Tech has one of the premier programs in the country so its always good to partner with them to expand and see that it continues to offer a feeder system to support utility companies in the future. Skilled welders are highly sought after in the power industry, she said, and school officials point to an aging workforce that will see a shortage of welders, fitters and valve technicians in the coming years. Dillard is proud of the 98 percent job-placement rate the welding program has seen, with over 87 percent of the students able to stay in South Carolina. According to May 2015 statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor, welders, cutters, solderers and brazers had a median hourly wage of $18.34 with a median annual salary of $38,150. These jobs are now paying $20 to $30 an hour, with a per diem, King said. So thats good money. Dukes gift is aimed at funding partial scholarships for pipe fitters, welders and valve technicians as the school also seeks to train a nuclear-capable workforce. Demand is expected to increase in the nuclear field in the coming years. It is partners like Duke that are willing to step up to the plate and help us provide the education for these high paying jobs, Dillard said. Lewis said the school cant thank Duke enough for this gift. Thanks to them, a lot of welding students will be able to attend our college and get these great jobs, she added. According to the schools request from Duke, the school can attract more diverse and talented students and produce workers for constructing and maintaining the infrastructure that is crucial to the operations of nuclear facilities. Welders have been trained at the school since 1963, and as part of the states Technical College System, supporting economic development in South Carolina is part of the schools mission. Welding jobs that require classroom and on-the-job experience are expected to grow by 15 percent in the next four years, the request shows. Two nuclear reactors under construction at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station in Jenkinsville already engage about 1,000 workers at each site, school officials noted in the request. They estimate that 3,000 construction craft workers will be in demand over the next three to four years. The two new reactors and one existing reactor in South Carolina will add up to 800 permanent jobs, the request states. King said students work with the same materials -- carbon steel and stainless steel pipes -- that they will work with on job sites. He also said instructors like Herman Smith bring valuable real-world experience to the equation. Smith said he spent 28 years working for Progress Energy and was hired to upgrade turbines before landing a permanent job as a mechanic/welder. Its all Ive ever done. I started in 69 when I was 18 years old, he said. King said Smith lost his right leg to a circulation problem and still came in to teach even in a wheelchair. I taught a whole semester just about with one leg, he said. Thats just the way I am. I could either dry up on the couch or teach welding. FLORENCE, S.C. A quick hop and a skip took Gabe Smallwood from Florence to Furman University. Now a plane will take him on his next adventure: studying music in Europe. Originally, Smallwood graduated from The South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts & Humanities planning to double major at Furman, studying two disciplines he was passionate about. A year later he realizes that he only loved one of those fields. I was on a track at Furman to double major in composition and piano and I just realized that composition wasnt what I wanted to do anymore, Smallwood said. I didnt have the love for it that I thought I did and it wasnt where my passion laid. When I realized that piano was primarily what I wanted to do with my music life, I figured that I needed to go to a conservatory or a place I can get more attention specific training. That somewhere ended up being Europe, more specifically, Germany. I thought it might be the time to go to Europe and see if this is possible right now, Smallwood said. I knew I would end up there someday but I didnt know when. After deciding to leave Furman was the process of deciding where he would go next. Smallwood decided against applying to conservatories in the United States and international ones at the same time. The audition seasons are so different, Smallwood said. In America, typically the application season is in the fall and ends in December or January, then you go and have your auditions; By May 1, you typically will have heard if youre accepted to the school and you have to let the schools know if youre coming. In Europe, at least for the schools I applied to, it was different. The application season for the winter semester, which begins in October, began at the beginning of March and ended at the end of March; there is much more of a time crunch. So, by the time I would have had to let my American schools know, I wouldnt have heard back from my European school. Dipping into his savings, Smallwood ventured abroad after being invited to audition for three different schools. Having studied German since the seventh grade, Smallwood said, traveling and living in Germany for a month wasnt as much of a challenge as it could have been. I had to go to the school and audition in person, Smallwood. I spent a week in Leipzig, then I went to Dresden for a while and then I went to Hamburg and Berlin. It was the first time traveling completely by myself and it was also the longest time I had ever spent traveling, not only that but it was in a different country too. It was a great experience because I was able to solidify my German skills and I get more exposure to the language. Ultimately, Smallwood was accepted to, and decided to attend, the University of Music and Theatre "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig (Hochschule fur Musik und Theater Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Leipzig). Smallwood said that he expects living in Germany to be a rich experience because of the relationship that Europeans have with classical music. The attitude they have toward classical music is completely different from what they have over here, Smallwood said. There are concerts happening all the time and the quality of the concerts is absolutely fantastic; it is just the place to be for classical musicians I think. I consider myself very fortunate to have this opportunity, especially for being so young. Before he leaves, Smallwood wants to put on one last performance in Florence. I heard that Lighthouse got broken into a couple of week ago and they stole diapers, baby wipes and other stuff like that, Smallwood said. Initially what I wanted to do was replenish what was taken from them. We got in contact with them and they had already received an overwhelming amount of support from the community in terms of those specific items. I asked if there was anything else that they needed and they said nonperishable items, specifically things that are rich in protein like peanut butter, canned meats and tuna. The benefit concert will take place at St. Luke Lutheran Church and attendees are asked to take nonperishable items that will be donated to Lighthouse. I had done a benefit concert for them before and I figured it would be a good thing to do before I head off to Germany, Smallwood said. One of my proudest accomplishments is that I have been able to do all of these benefit concerts for all of these different organizations; I just wanted to do one more before I leave. I consider myself a conservative. Now before you start calling me names, remember my blood and your blood is red. We breathe the same air. We also have a heart and a brain. That being said, I am usually optimistic, but now I am a little nervous. As I look around and see the distrust, hate and animosity that are smothering all involved in this year's elections, I see we share many similarities. Most of us are somewhat confused, being hardheaded, not looking at the big picture and a little frightened. We have two people who are scratching the bottom of the cesspool as they try to convince us to let them move into the White House. We also have men and women either wanting to become or remain members of Congress. Each of us has our preferences. Each of us believes we are right with our choices. I believe the presidency is a very important position. The president is the first person who people around the world look at and by which they judge all Americans for better or worse. As American citizens, we need to focus more on Congress. We need a Congress that will stop playing games and be a constitutional body not afraid to stand tall and do their constitutional duties. A group of men and women who will not play games or look the other way because of fear, greed, selfishness or power. We need a Congress that understands the actions of the president are controlled by the will of congressmen who answer to the people as dictated by the Constitution of the United States. We need a Congress that will look at recommendations and requests from the president for content, credibility and legality rather than solely at the president's party affiliation. We need to remember whoever holds an office is human and, like us, not perfect in any way. "We the people" also need to face the reality that we do not know everything. We also need to be willing to make smart election choices based on truth, education and common sense. Although always vigilant, "we the people" must allow our elected representatives do their job. We must accept the fact they have access to information, aka intelligence, that we will never see. Again, we must have trust and faith they will use this knowledge properly. You and I cannot continue letting emotions, fear, hate and distrust guide our every move. As we face the end of this election season, please think about the above comments. If you agree, let them guide you in your choices regardless of party affiliation or fears. If you disagree, that is your right and act accordingly. BILL PICKLE Florence We who are or were in the military do not consider ourselves heroes just because we did our jobs. Heroes go way beyond the call of duty whether they lose their life or not. Does a medal make you a hero? Not always. Some branches hand out awards or medals for just being at a place. And some people are given awards or medals just because of the people they know. Now to reply to someone who called Donald Trump all sorts of names. I do not agree on some of the things that he called Trump. But Trump did not say anything bad about Captain Khan. But he did counterattack the father when he became an attacker for the Democratic campaign while he used his son's death as a shield to do so. Its hard to understand the attack on the mother, but I also wonder why she did not say anything. But her not speaking was OK with me. The father should not have dragged Trump into a time period where President Obama and Hillary Clinton were in the political leadership. But we all can blame Clinton for her many bad deeds and plenty of lies that she has espoused. Now for Trump saying I like people who weren't captured, that was a cut on John McCain. I feel that POWs are not really heroes but are people who surrendered or were wounded and not able to fight back. As an American fighting man, you must not surrender while you have the means to resist. My rule while in Vietnam was not to be taken alive because of what the enemy would do to you. We were advised to kill ourselves with a gun, a knife, a grenade or a poison pill (or a pilot's pill) rather than to be taken alive. To be fair to Trump for saying that soldiers stole money in Iraq, we all really do not know the truth about this, because it disappeared from the news. I also have always been against NATO, for it is a group of countries that seems to want to rule the world and limits what its members can do within their own countries. Did Trump get a deferment during the Vietnam War? Sure. Many rich people like Bill Clinton and others got deferments. Many others like President George W. Bush enlisted in the National Guard. When a war was on and the draft was in effect, most colleges were full with guys who needed a legal place to hide. I do not know why this writer said that Trump was not eligible to get a security clearance, but there are plenty of reasons and proof that someone like Hillary Clinton should never have a security clearance. We must have a strong leader as our next president who must first do away with our idiotic rules of engagement. If even a private gets fired upon, he should be able to return fire without calling papa first. If an enemy shoots at them then drops their weapon and then tries to walk away, they should not be allowed to get away. If an area is shooting at our troops, that area should be leveled and not searched door by door. Why endanger our troops unnecessarily? War is hell and should be fought as such. JOHN H. BETHEA Marion Why does the NRA have so much power that even the politicians are afraid to stand up against them? In our political arena, the NRA has more power than any group that I can think of, even the Angelic Christian Organization. I am not against guns in general. Hunters can use a rifle and others that want to feel they can protect themselves can own a pistol. I see absolutely no reason for anyone to own an assault weapon unless in a war situation. If a hunter uses an assault weapon to bring down his prey, he will only fill his prey with metal. Our children are being shot and killed in their homes, on our streets, in schools and in churches. The police men and women who are trained to protect us are being killed weekly with these assault weapons. It is getting to where it is not safe to go shopping in a mall for fear of a mass shooting. The number of mass shootings over the years is increasing. More people are killed each year with guns than all other weapons put together. This has got to stop! What is it going to take and how many more killings before we get these assault weapons off our streets? I realize it would be nearly impossible to get all of them off our streets, but there must be a way of making it illegal to own such a weapon. Why not make it illegal to sell and purchase these weapons and ammunition? A good suggestion to help slow down the ownership of these weapons and their ammunition is to raise the tax to an extreme high percentage. We raise the tax on gasoline and cigarettes, therefore why not raise the tax on assault weapons and their ammunition? There should also be a double check on background history and a long waiting period for anyone wanting to purchase these weapons or ammunition. It should be illegal for knife and gun shows to sell these weapons as well as any store. The reason nothing is being done is the power of the NRA and the fear of our politicians losing votes if they go against the NRA. Well, then, put the vote to the American people if assault weapons and ammunition should be legal. We have got to put a stop to all the killings in America with these deadly weapons. Maybe it is time to put our National Guards on some streets that seem to have the most crimes. If a neighborhood does not like this idea, then what are they wanting to keep from the police? If you are not guilty of anything, why fear the policemen and women or even the eyes in the sky with cameras around our town? We need to build a better relationship between the police and our neighborhoods. Until then, put our National Guards out to help keep the peace where needed. I remember the days as a child that no one locked their windows and doors at night or when leaving the home. We knew our neighbors and we trusted them. We could walk down the streets day or night and not be afraid. We also knew the local policemen and women who patrolled our neighborhoods. Today many of us do not even know our neighbors, and no one trusts anyone, and we keep everything locked up tighter than Fort Knox for fear someone will break in and kill us or take whatever we have worked so hard to get. When and where did America go so wrong? Americans must pull together to save our precious country. JANE HARTWELL Florence By Alwyn Scott SEATTLE (Reuters) - Boeing Co (BA.N) is not experiencing any slippage in demand for jetliners in China, despite the country's sluggish pace of economic growth, a senior Boeing executive said on Wednesday. "We're not seeing any softness yet," Ihssane Mounir, Boeing's senior vice president of sales for Northeast Asia, said at a briefing marking the 50th 787 Dreamliner delivered to ANA Holdings Inc , Japan's largest airline. "We're watching it close," Mounir added, since global economic conditions could shift. "But if I just look at the Chinese market as it stands today, I'm not seeing any signs of weakness whatsoever." The comments came after other U.S. industrial companies recently reported weak sales growth in China and suggested the weakness could extend through the end of 2016. Global demand for widebody aircraft has also slowed, raising concerns about sales growth at Boeing and rival Airbus (AIR.PA). Boeing said last week it may further cut production of widebody 777 jetliners and not increase output of 787s unless sales improve. A strong exchange rate for Japan's currency has slowed some of China's tourism to Japan, said Hideki Kunugi, ANA's senior vice president for the Americas. But he said ANA's decision to expand its capacity and its network in China is supported by demand. ANA took delivery on Wednesday of a new 787-9, the mid-sized version of Boeing's high-tech, long-haul Dreamliner aircraft. The jet seats 290 passengers in a two-class configuration and carries a list price of $264.6 million, though airlines typically negotiate discounts. ANA is experiencing robust growth in business travel from Japan to Latin America, Kunugi said, adding that it plans to launch a route from Tokyo to Mexico City in February 2017 using the 787 as part of its LatAm strategy. "Our current main target will be Tokyo and Mexico and onward," he said. More than 900 Japanese companies have investments in Mexico and the number is expected to grow to over 1,000 this year, he said. ANA plans to capture more of the travel market using the Mexico City route, its current Tokyo-to-Houston flight and connecting services, Kunugi said. Story continues The 787 used on the new route will be equipped with specially configured engines that are able to provide extra thrust needed for takeoff from the high-altitude Mexico City airport in hot weather, he said. Engine maker Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC (RR.L) is working on the modifications, which should be ready in time for the launch of service in February, Kunugi added. (Reporting by Alwyn Scott, editing by G Crosse and Diane Craft) SAO PAULO, Aug 17 (Reuters) - Brazil's federal auditing court TCU ordered on Wednesday the seizure of about 2.1 billion reais ($655 million) worth of assets from engineering firms Odebrecht SA and OAS SA and some of their executives, to recoup losses from contracts related to the country's biggest ever corruption scandal. Brasilia-based TCU said in a ruling that the decision aims to recover some of the money that state-controlled oil company Petroleo Brasileiro overpaid for services rendered by Odebrecht and OAS in two works at the Abreu e Lima refinery. The scheme drove up the cost of those works by 25 percent, TCU said. The former chief executive and scion of Odebrecht SA, Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht, and his former counterpart at OAS, Jose Adelmario "Leo" Pinheiro, had some of their assets seized, as well as those for four more executives at both firms. The decision also affected Jose Sergio Gabrielli, the former CEO of Petrobras, the state oil company. According to the ruling, councilors at the TCU argued that Bahia Odebrecht and Pinheiro practiced and directed "illicit acts to defraud through auctioning processes at Petrobras in order to maximize illegally the profit of their companies." The lawyers representing both businessmen, who are also major shareholders in their respective companies, could not be reached for comment. The decision highlights the way Brazil's engineering groups and their owners are coping with legal and economic punishment in the aftermath of "Operation Car Wash," which laid bare a system of illegal favors between politicians and business elites. Odebrecht, Latin America's largest engineering group, and OAS are among the 31 builders that allegedly colluded to rig contracts at Petrobras, the target of the corruption probe. The probe also accelerated the downfall of President Dilma Rousseff, who is expected to face an impeachment trial in the Senate next week for allegedly doctoring budget accounts. More than 100 people, including Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht and Pinheiro, have been sentenced on corruption charges linked to kickback schemes, racketeering and money-laundering. Prosecutors say about $1.8 billion worth of bribe money has been recovered from offshore accounts in 36 countries. ($1 = 3.2039 Brazilian reais) (Reporting by Guillermo Parra-Bernal; Additional reporting by Aluisio Alves in Sao Paulo; Editing by David Gregorio) Although the ship's owner is reportedly suffering economic difficulties, and is unable to pay the crew or re-provision the ship, the Hong Kong Shipowners Association (HKSOA) is extremely concerned about the welfare of the seafarers on the vessel, the association said in a press release. While recognising that Hong Kong has not yet had ratification of MLC extended to it by China, HKSOA urges the Hong Kong government through the Hong Kong Marine Department to provide all necessary assistance to the seafarers, who have effectively been abandoned by the owner of the ship, including the immediate supply of provisions and fuel, as well as the repatriation of the seafarers to their homes if so requested. HKSOA managing director Arthur Bowring said: There might not be a legal obligation for Hong Kong to provide such facilities, but there is an extremely strong moral and ethical obligation to do so. "These seafarers must not be left abandoned without flag state support, especially from the worlds fourth largest flag state, one that has repeatedly promoted the quality of the ships flying its twin flags," he reiterated. The AP Moller-Maersk Group subsidiary also plans to reduce its fleet by up to 20 vessels within 18 months, the first 10 of which are expected to scrapped or sold for conversion by the end of the year. We are facing unprecedented market conditions and regrettably we have to further adjust our crew pool. It is an unfortunate but necessary step to safeguard the future of our company, Maersk Supply Service ceo Jrn Madsen said of the decision to cull 27% of the companys offshore workforce. Madsen said the divestment plan was a response to vessels in lay-up, limited trading opportunities and the global over-supply of offshore supply vessels in the industry. One of Maersk Supply Services prime objectives is to attempt to restore the supply demand balance in the offshore supply market. This is why the vast majority of the divested vessels will be recycled or modified by their new owners to compete outside their present segments, he said. In todays statement, Maersk Supply Service said it would flag its four Stingray Subsea Support Vessel new-buildings to the Isle of Man registry. A commercial hub will be established in the UK consolidating ownership and operation of the companys project vessels. This includes the Stingray vessels and five existing project vessels that will also be flagged to the Isle of Man registry. Maersk Supply Service provides marine services to the oil and gas industry worldwide, including anchor handling in ultra-deep water, mooring installations, rig moves and transport of equipment to drilling rigs and production units. Its workforce before todays announcement numbered around 1450 offshore and 260 onshore staff. The 400 redundancies covering all nationalities are expected to be finalised by the end of September. Headquartered in Lyngby, Denmark, Maersk Supply Service is represented globally with offices in Aberdeen, St. John's, Rio de Janeiro, Lagos, Luanda and Perth. It belongs to the Maersk Group's fifth core business, APM Shipping Services, which apart from Maersk Supply Service consists of Damco, Maersk Tankers and Svitzer. In 2015, Maersk Supply Service delivered a profit (NOPAT) of $147m. However, it reported a net loss of $106m in Q2 and the lay up of 13 vessels after flagging a $2m loss in the first quarter of 2016. In its Q2 statement Maersk Supply Service said the global oversupply of OSVs and a margins below what is sustainable for the industry in the long run showed no signs of improvement in the near future. It noted the disposal of one vessel, the Finder (pictured), as part of its on-going fleet renewal programme and said its total new-build order book stood at 10 vessels with six Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels (AHTS) and four Subsea Support Vessels (SSV) due for delivery in January 2017 and January 2018. Maersk Supply Service has installed and in depth industry study in co-operation with customers and suppliers to define an operating model that accommodates the new oil reality. Simultaneously the company is exploring new revenue streams, investigating ways to take advantage of the distressed markets and actively preparing for new buildings entering the fleet, the Q2 report said. RS has signed a five-year contract with the Turkish ship owner to provide a range of classification services and statutory surveys of ships on 49 vessels - oil tankers, chemical carriers and dry bulkers among them - to a total deadweight of 380,000 tonnes. The average fleet age is nine years. Oil tankers capable of river-sea navigation have been built for Palmali under previous RS survey. With no flash point limit and the maintenance of the cargo temperature at 50 degree Celsius, this allows the simultaneous transportation of three types of cargo including crude and diesel oil and gasoline, RS says. This event is significant as [a] demonstration of confidence in the Register from one of the worlds leading operators. Signing of the agreements is considered by RS as an extension of our strategic co-operation, RS director general Kostantin Palnikov said. The Palmali Group of Companies was established in Turkey in 1998, starting out providing agency services for vessels passing through the Bosphorus and Dardanelle Straits. It soon spotted a gap in the market and today operates a fleet in excess of 100 vessels with capacity from 2,000 to 165,000 dwt. Palmali Shipping Company has now shifted its strategic goal to participating in the global transportation market after establishing itself within Russian inner ports, the Black, Mediterranean, Caspian and Baltic Seas. Operations are controlled from Palmali Shipping Companys corporate HQ in Istanbul. The company also operates satellite offices in Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Moscow, Odessa, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Baku, Bourgas, Constanta, Malta, Novorosiysk, St Petersburg, Ceyhan, Poti, Geneva, Singapore and Izmir. A promised fix to a Harrison Township road has paved the way for major business and jobs investment by a Chinese automotive firm. That path, Executive Drive, runs parallel to I-94 between the Interstate and Selfridge Air National Guard Base and services over a dozen businesses in an adjacent industrial park.One of those businesses is Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, a Chinese automotive interiors supplier. Once local officials confirmed plans to rebuild Executive Drive for the first time in its 43-year existence, Yanfeng committed a $56.6 million investment in renovating a vacant building along the roadway; officials expect the investment could generate up to 519 jobs for the Macomb County site.Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel and a host of area business leaders and local and state officials gathered Wednesday, Aug. 10 for a ribbon-cutting, celebrating the official re-opening of the road."Executive Drive is a prime example of how the growth of private industry can spur strategic investment in our infrastructure," says Hackel. "Working alongside Yanfeng (Automotive Interiors), our transportation service providers, economic developers and our community partners, we were able to modernize this key industrial roadway."Built in 1973, Executive Drive has seen few improvements over its 43-year-long lifespan. The resulting deterioration had construction crews tearing up the road and starting over. Beginning April 4, 2016, crews removed the road to its base and installed new infrastructure before rebuilding Executive Drive. An enhanced drainage system replaced the old one and nearby fire hydrants and the municipal fire suppression system received upgrades. A continuous sidewalk was also installed.The Executive Drive reconstruction received funding from both the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Macomb County Department of Roads. MDOT awarded a $1,634,640 Transportation Economic Development Fund grant while Macomb County committed an additional $700,560 to the project.Got a development news story to share? Email MJ Galbraith here or send him a tweet @mikegalbraith Are some ingredients in sunscreens just hiding burns rather than blocking UV? That's the question the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit research organization, wants the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to explore. If ingredients in sunscreen are being used to boost SPF values while masking the harm from the sun's rays rather than protecting against UV, "[s]uch products may encourage people to remain in the sun, where, though they don't see or sense burning, they may in fact sustain subtle or profound damage to the skin, potentially leading to cancer," reads the group's letter to commissioner Robert Califf. In order to boost SPF values, over the last decade or so, sunscreen manufacturers increasingly turn to ingredients with anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties, but the range of effective active compounds available to them has stayed the same over that period, the EWG asserts. Today, some sunscreen products boast an SPF of 70 or greater. The EWG wants the FDA to cap SPF values at 50+ and update its methodology for testing ingredient efficacy. RELATED: The Psychedlic Anatomy of a Solar Flare: Photos Consumers often use the SPF value as a shorthand for the product's strength or effectiveness. But according to a study published last year in JAMA Dermatology, only 43% of people surveyed knew what the SPF stood for (sun protection factor) and what the number after the acronym represents. SPF does not measure how well a sunscreen can protect, but instead suggests how long an individual could be out in the sun without getting burned with product versus without. So a person who normally burns in 15 minutes without sunscreen should be able to stay outside 225 minutes with an effective SPF 15 product. The number is just an estimate, however. Variables can include skin, weather conditions, the amount of sunscreen applied and more. The EWG publishes an annual guide to sunscreen protection, and the latest version is available here. The group isn't alone in taking a closer look at sunscreen effectiveness lately. RELATED: How to Choose a Sunscreen That Products You Last month, a study published in JAMA Dermatology took a look at the 65 most popular sunscreen products on Around 40% of them didn't adhere to the American Academy of Dermatology's guidelines for sunscreens, mostly due to a lack of water resistance. The Northwestern Medicine researchers behind the study also found that prices in sunscreen can vary 3000%, with the higher-end options offering no additional protection over the lower-cost alternatives. Industry advocates stand by their products, however. In response to the issuance of the EWG's guide this past spring, Beth Lange of the Personal Care Products Council notes in a statement that "the FDA regulates sunscreens as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and requires rigorous testing for sunscreen effectiveness (both SPF and 'broad spectrum')." The trade association also pushed back against the July JAMA Dermatology study, stating that "not all effective sunscreens must be water-resistant." WATCH VIDEO: What Exactly Does the Sun Do to Your Skin? Both health research organizations and industry advocates agree on the need for consumers to apply effective, broad spectrum sunscreen regularly in order to prevent skin damage. Seeking shade and wearing protective clothing is also advised. Sun exposure is known to contribute to skin cancer and aging. According to the American Cancer Society, around 76,380 new melanomas will be diagnosed over the course of 2016, and some 10,130 people are expected to die of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common form of the disease and rates have been going up over the last 30 years. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest atom smasher in the world. Located 300 feet below France and Switzerland, it's a 27-kilometer-long particle accelerator that collides protons and heavy lead ions. The LHC is currently conducting some of the most important high-energy physics experiments in the world. To figure out how the LHC works and why it's such an important piece of technology, Trace Dominguez traveled to CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. At CERN, Trace spoke to Mike Lamont, the Operations Group Leader working on the LHC, who broke down the internal processes of the largest particle accelerator in the world. RELATED: Meet The Guy Who Runs The Large Hadron Collider Basically, the LHC is an enormous ring containing two beams that go in opposite directions. Inside these beams are bunches of protons. "Each bunch has about 100 billion protons each." Mike told Trace. "These bunches are about 30 centimeters long, typically about a millimeter wide, dimensions as they're going around the ring. Think about a long, thin, tapered, piece of spaghetti." "We pass these thin hairs through each other, and we get about 30 collisions," Mike continued. "Most of the protons just miss each other and they carry on around the ring; they come back one turn later and they can do it again." Getting the particles to hit each other is extremely difficult. According to CERN's website, "The particles are so tiny that the task of making them collide is akin to firing two needles 10 kilometers apart with such precision that they meet halfway." RELATED: The LHC's New Physics 'Bump' Has Disappeared That's why the LHC needs to attempt these particle collisions constantly. This year their goal is to get to an almost unfathomable 800 million collisions per second. The point of all these collisions is to discover new particles, but the trick is that scientists have to monitor these collisions very closely in order to have the slightest chance at a new discovery. They currently have several experiments set up that actually sit right on top of the LHC ring at certain collision points. But what exactly will these new particle discoveries prove? One thing scientists are hoping to learn from the LHC collisions is what happened during the initial seconds after the Big Bang, the theory of how the universe was created precisely 13.82 billion years ago. They're also hoping to gain a better understanding of dark matter, which scientists believe comprises nearly 85% of the mass of the universe. In other words, the matter that we experience and see through the universe makes up only 15% of the universe. RELATED: LHC Opens the Quantum Physics Floodgates Trace also spoke with Tulika Bose, who runs an LHC experiment called CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid. "Every twenty-five nanoseconds... you have a bunch [100 billion protons] colliding with another bunch. You may have a proton here and a proton there, which has a heart. What we call 'shattering a heart event,' and out of that comes a whole mess of particles," she told Trace. Bose's experiment is kind of like tiny car crashes happening over and over again. Just like glass, metal and plastic explode from a car in a collision, kaons, pions and muons explode from proton collisions. By measuring the curve of the particles in the explosion, Bose is able to calculate their velocity and momentum. While the practical benefits from current LHC experiments are as of yet unknown, research in high-energy physics at the LHC and beyond have yielded some amazing pieces of modern technology. Past research and experiments have helped develop more advanced cancer therapies, cleaner manufacturing processes, advancements in medical imaging like MRIs and CAT scans, and even the thing you're reading this on right now: a web page. The web page was first developed at CERN in order to more easily share large data sets between internationally located physicists. Well done, guys. By creating millions of particle collisions every second, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider all have a common goal in mind. They want to break down the world into its simplest form in order to better understand life as we know it. -- Molly Fosco Read More: CERN: CERN Overview Animation NBC News: After The Higgs, LHC Rounds Up The Unusual Suspects In Particle Physics The Guardian: Excitement Grows As Large Hadron Collider Hints At New Particle A few weeks back, officials in China released an official but curiously defensive white paper asserting that the country supports religious freedom. The statement followed a wave of criticism from human rights groups regarding China's treatment of its Muslim minority. In today's Seeker Daily report, we ask the conspicuous question: How exactly does religion work these days in China, an ostensibly communist nation with increasingly capitalist tendencies and a history of banning religious groups altogether? As you might expect, it gets complicated. In the middle of the 20th century, religion was completely banned in China by communist party leader Mao Zedong, a notorious opponent of half-measures. But the ban was lifted after Mao's death in 1976, and six years later lawmakers amended China's constitution to protect freedom of religious belief. However, the law only recognizes five "patriotic religious associations" -- Buddhism, Catholicism, Taoism, Islam and Protestantism -- and does not guarantee citizens the right to practice or worship. As a practical matter, religious organizations in China have historically faced official discrimination and religious prosecution. RELATED: China Planning Underwater Great Wall of Robots For a good portion of the Chinese population, it's not a problem -- according to the Chinese government, anyway. Government-issued statistics suggest that most Chinese citizens aren't religious at all. The Chinese government itself is, of course, officially atheist. But according to other sources, 85 percent of Chinese people hold some religious beliefs or actively practice a particular faith. In fact, a 2010 Pew Research study estimated that China's fast-growing Christian population to be around 65 million. Chinese government officials are particularly wary of Christian groups, who they perceive to be influenced by Western values. As such, the state has increased harassment in recent years, jailing pastors and removing crosses from more than 1,200 churches in the name of maintaining "peace and beauty." Chinese officials have also gone after Muslim communities, putting schools under surveillance, regulating services and shutting down mosques. It's clear that, despite what its constitution says, China still views organized religion as a threat to the state -- and reacts accordingly. -- Glenn McDonald Learn More: Al Jazeera: China must uphold religious freedom in new year New York Times: China Sentences Uighur Scholar to Life The Guardian: China's crusade to remove crosses from churches 'is for safety concerns' BBC: Why many Christians in China have turned to underground churches Photo: Paleontologists work to excavate a Tyrannosaurus rex skull from a fossil dig site in northern Montana and transport it to the Burke Museum. Credit: Dave DeMar/Burke Museum There's a new Tyrannosaurus rex fossil on the block, with a cute nickname and about 20% of its former body intact, including a well-preserved skull. The T. rex was found by paleontologists from Burke Museum and the University of Washington (UW) in Montana's famous dinosaur-fossil haven, the Hell Creek Formation. It has been dubbed the "Tufts-Love Rex," in honor of the volunteer paleontologists who first noticed bones jutting out of a hillside: Burke Museum's Jason Love and Luke Tufts. RELATED: Pregnant T-Rex Might Have DNA The Burke and UW researchers say they were able to unearth roughly a fifth of the animal, including ribs, hips, jaw bones and vertebrae. (They'll search for more pieces of the iconic beast next summer.) But the centerpiece of the find is the skull, which is about 4 feet long. So far, the scientists can see the right side of the skull -- from base to snout, including teeth -- and they think it's likely the left side, now trapped in rock, is intact too. (They'll begin the painstaking process of removing the remaining rock in October.) The researchers estimate Tufts-Love lived about 66.3 million years ago, making its living toward the end of the Cretaceous Period, not geologically long before a mass extinction wiped out the dinosaurs. They also reckon, due to skull size, that the T. rex was 15 years old when it died, putting it about halfway through a typical T. rex lifespan. RELATED: New Dino Reveals How T. Rex Became Top Predator The fearsome meat-eaters, with enormous jaws and razor-sharp teeth, were around 40 feet long and stood up to 20 feet tall. This find, the researchers say, would have been the height of a city bus at its hips and as long as one from head to tail-tip. Tyrannosaurus rex fossils are uncommon finds, and even more so are well-preserved skulls. The UW and Burke team said their find marks just the 15th fairly complete skull in the world. RELATED: T. Rex Was Likely an Invasive Species The skull is currently encased in a plaster jacket, the whole package weighing about 2,500 pounds. The plaster cover kept the Tufts-Love Rex intact during a move from its longtime home on a Montana hillside to its new digs at the Burke Museum in Seattle. (See video below for its arrival at the museum.) There it will go on display, still in the plaster casing, for a quick look by the public before going into long-term study by scientists beginning in October. Just separating the skull from the rock that surrounds it could take more than a year, the researchers said. When Lauren and Andrew Russell traveled to Alaska on their honeymoon, they didn't know what to expect. They dreamed of being able to see the Mendenhall Glacier near Juneau, a 12-mile long sheet of ice that you can walk across. For the even more adventurous, you can hike into an ice cave created by water runoff from the glacier. But there's a catch. There's no guarantee you'll get to see any of this, because getting to the caves can be extremely dangerous depending on the time of year. Nonetheless, the couple wanted to try their luck. They hired a guide to take them across the glacier, dodging falling rocks and debris and attempting to avoid the occasional massive hole. Actually, these massive holes are known as moulans and they did happen to come across a few. In fact, Andrew climbed down inside one to get some stunning photos. The risky trek paid off. Lauren and Andrew got to go inside one of the glacial ice caves, a site more stunning than anything they've seen on this earth. They spent half an hour in the cave, staring, photographing, and reflecting. "To get to see those ice caves is something that everyone should get the opportunity to do at some point in their life," Lauren said. The experience left a lasting impression on both of them. In recent years, these glaciers have been greatly affected by climate change, but ironically it's the rising temperatures that allow the majestic caves to form in the first place. Looking at the photos is bittersweet knowing that such a beautiful thing can come from the harmful effects of global warming. To add insult to injury, the entire cave collapsed this past July. For Lauren and Andrew, the biggest takeaway they got from their cave visit was the lesson of impermanence. MISSOULA Montana Community Foundation (MCF) recently received $1,000 as part of a gift from Thrivent Financial. The funds will be used to support MCF's mission to create a culture of giving so Montana communities can flourish. Western Montana Thrivent Financial representatives voted to gift $1,000, which was provided by the Northwest Thrivent Member Network. Thrivent Financial provides financial support and other resources for its members to come together to help their communities and congregations through fundraisers and service activities. "Thrivent Financial provides its members and other interested volunteers the opportunity to join in service and use the financial resources of Thrivent Financial to serve people and organizations here in our local area," said Mike Darrington, Financial Associate in Missoula. "Through our mission of helping our members be wise with money and live generously, we connect congregations, institutions and volunteers to make a difference in people's lives." "We are grateful for this generous donation from Thrivent Financial. They understand the important philanthropic work MCF is accomplishing in communities throughout the state and their support of that work is commendable," said Mary Rutherford, MCF President and CEO. All Thrivent Financial members have the opportunity to give back to their communities, congregations and causes they care about through Thrivent Action Teams, Thrivent Choice Dollars and other charitable activities, as well as connect with one another through social and educational events. Anyone can join in volunteer and educational activities hosted by Thrivent Financial. For more information, call 406-541-4665 or visit Press Release August 18, 2016 ANGARA WANTS TO BEEF UP LGUS IN WAR VS DRUGS Amidst the current administration's vigorous campaign against illegal drugs, Senator Sonny Angara has challenged local government units (LGUs) to take a more active role in eradicating the drug problem in the localities. "Gusto nating malaman kung may sapat ba na kapasidad ang ating mga LGU sa pagsugpo ng krisis sa droga. LGU officials, local police, barangay officials serve as the country's first line of defense against drug menace," said Angara, chairman of the Senate local government committee. "Sila kasi ang nakakaalam kung mayroong pusher na umiikot sa kanilang lokalidad. Sila rin ang nakakaalam kung sino ang mga adik na hindi nabibigyan ng kaukulang pagkalinga at rehabilitasyon," he added. Under the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act, LGUs should appropriate a substantial portion of their respective annual budgets to assist in or enhance the enforcement of anti-drug policies, giving priority to preventive or educational programs and the rehabilitation or treatment of drug dependents. Likewise, the Local Government Code gives sangguniang bayan, sangguniang panlungsod and sangguniang panlalawigan the power to enact ordinances intended to prevent, suppress and impose appropriate penalties for drug pushing and addiction, and maintenance of drug dens. "We must ensure that LGUs will not put aside their crucial role in the enforcement of our drug laws, maintenance of peace and order, rehabilitation of drug dependents, and initiation of preventive and educational programs against drug abuse up to the barangay level," the senator said. Based on the latest data to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), from June 30 to July 29 of this year, more than half a million or a total of 531,621 drug personalities (503,422 users and 28,199 pushers) have voluntarily surrendered throughout the country. According to the Dangerous Drugs Board, the Department of Health (DOH) has accredited 15 government-owned and 27 non-government owned treatment and rehabilitation enters as of December 2015 with a capacity to treat approximately 5,000 patients only. Of the nearly 600,000 drug surrenderees, the PDEA said nine percent of roughly 54,000 require confined rehab while the rest can go to program by the DOH. Angara has filed Senate Resolution 104 to assess the existing anti-drug abuse policies, practices, programs and projects of LGUs, particularly the availability of funds and facilities; and the capability of local officials in planning, implementing, and enforcing these policies. "The Congress should also look into the capacity of LGUs to implement long-term solutions, such as providing the drug users and dealers with livelihood opportunities," the lawmaker stressed. Press Release August 18, 2016 Senator Gatchalian Challenges Big Business to Embrace Competitive Business Practices On Thursday, Senator Win Gatchalian challenged corporate heavyweights of the Philippine market to respect and comply with the robust anti-trust measures of the Philippine Competition Act, explaining that building a free and competitive Philippine business environment would be critical to sustaining innovation and equitable economic growth across all sectors, particularly among micro-small-medium enterprises (MSMEs). "The elite firms of our economy should take the lead in fostering a new era of competition and fair play in the market. This means that Big Business should respect the authority of the Philippine Competition Commission," said Gatchalian, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Economic Affairs. Gatchalian said that the full implementation of Philippine Competition Act (Republic Act No. 10667), which created the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) in 2015, would help protect consumers from economic sabotage and anti-competitive behavior by big firms with the capacity to corner certain sectors of the market. As such, Gatchalian urged powerful market players to go beyond pro forma compliance with the directives of PCC in order to build consumer confidence and improve the fundamentals of our developing economy. In particular, Gatchalian urged Globe and PLDT, the two prominent players currently engaged in a heated legal dispute with PCC over the latter's power to review the former's P69.1 billion telcomm buyout deal, to submit to PCC's jurisdiction. As the first big test of the Commission's powers since its creation, Gatchalian said it would be important for PCC to send a strong message as the public's guardian against monopolies and unfair restraints of trade. "Globe and PLDT should cooperate fully with PCC's review of their buyout deal. If this is truly a clean deal beneficial to both the investors and the general public as a whole, then there should be nothing to hide. I am confident that all parties to the dispute will be willing to work together for the common good," said Gatchalian. Press Release August 18, 2016 Legarda Bats for Creation of Fisheries Department Senator Loren Legarda has proposed the creation of a Department of Fisheries to ensure adequate supply of fish for the country in a sustainable manner. Legarda said that as an island nation, the Philippines necessarily depends on its fishery resources for its food. Fish used to be among the cheapest sources of protein for Filipinos but now, some fish products are even more expensive than pork or chicken. The Senator noted that constituting the country's territorial waters is a 220-million hectare fishing ground, of which 193.4 million hectares are oceanic waters and 26.6 million hectares are in the Exclusive Economic Zone. Within it are 38,000 hectares of lush mangrove cover and 810,000 square kilometers of coral reefs, home to mangroves, coral reefs, and fish species. "The utilization and development of these marine and fishery resources had been constrained by inadequate laws and the government's lack of focused attention," said Legarda. She explained that in 1975, all laws and decrees affecting fisheries were revised and consolidated under Presidential Decree No. 704. However, the country's fishery resources have been degraded, if not completely destroyed, by pollution, illegal fishing, and by the use of fishing methods which irreversibly harm natural marine and fresh water habitats. "Among the major causes of degradation, overfishing deserves the most attention. This overexploitation of traditional fishing grounds inevitably resulted to a decline in their productivity," Legarda said. It is in this light that Legarda filed Senate Bill No. 242, An Act Creating the Department of Fisheries, which seeks to protect and conserve the country's fishery and aquatic resources within sustainable limits for the exclusive enjoyment of Filipino citizens, to accelerate the integrated development of the fishery industry, and to protect the rights of small and subsistence fisherfolks and fish workers to preferential use of such resources. "Increasing national productivity is an urgent matter if we are to industrialize by the turn of the century. But development should not be at the expense of rapidly depleting our marine resources. Through this proposed measure, we want to ensure sufficient food supply to millions of Filipinos through the development of the vast potentials of Philippine fisheries," Legarda concluded. Copy of Senate Bill No. 242 Koko and Bato team up to fight drugs and crime PNP Chief Ronald "Bato" dela Rosa and Senate President Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel III affirmed their commitment to the war on drugs and discussed ways on how the Senate can assist the PNP in its mission. Together with PDEA Director-General Isidro Lapena, dela Rosa briefed Koko on the status of President Duterte's war on drugs in a courtesy call in the Office of the Senate President. Koko was very pleased with the 49% reduction in crime rate that dela Rosa reported, as the war on drugs and crime is part of his 11-point legislative agenda. He assured dela Rosa and Lapena of his continued support from the legislative branch to the two law enforcement agencies. The conversation of the three stalwart anticrime advocates expanded their discussion to include campaigns against other illegal activities that continue to victimize the Filipino people. Press Release August 18, 2016 'BATO' HEEDS POE'S CALL ON CIVILIAN IAS Sen. Grace Poe today lauded Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Ronald "Bato" Dela Rosa for his responsiveness to comply with the law by ensuring the appointment of a qualified civilian to head the Internal Affairs Service (IAS). "Iyan nga ang maganda sa inyong liderato. Mabilis talaga kayong gumalaw. At aaasahan po namin iyan. Kasi kami naman, ang trabaho namin hindi lamang magbalangkas ng batas kung hindi siguraduhin na may oversight," Poe told a Senate hearing after Dela Rosa assured senators that appointment of a competent civilian IAS chief is being considered. The PNP Chief, in his earlier statements, stood his ground that appointment of a civilian IAS head may not work in effectively conducting investigation of high-ranking police officers being linked to illegal drugs, and added that senior police officers may "threaten" the civilian IAS chief. But Dela Rosa may have softened his stance, as Poe repeatedly urged that the PNP leadership shall abide by what is indicated in the law. "We would like to acknowledge that the campaign against drugs is very important. On the other hand, we also have to maintain the rule of law and make sure that the rights of every individual are protected," Poe said. "The appointment of General [Leo Angelo] Leuterio as acting head of IAS is temporary. Kapag medyo nag-settle na po kami, kapag na-address na po namin itong problema namin sa bulok sa aming hanay ay ipapasok na po namin yung sibilyan kapag medyo ito'y nawala na. But if you really want that to happen, right away ito ma'am, I can appoint a new IAS," Dela Rosa assured the senator. Poe said, "I have no question about the credibility of the person who's heading the IAS now because I don't really know him yet. Ang punto po dito ay nasa batas po na talagang nakalagay, civilian ang dapat...Marami pong matatapang na sibilyan...May mga taong may kredibilidad, may tapang, mayroong malasakit sa inyong hanay na maiintindihan ang inyong mga gagawin." Under Sections 40 and 41 of Republic Act (RA) No. 8551 or the PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998, the head of the IAS "shall be a civilian" to ensure impartial, independent and objective inspection and audit of personnel, and investigation of cases involving police officers; and shall be appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Director General and duly endorsed by the National Police Commission. During her stint as former chairperson of the Senate committee on public order and dangerous drugs in the 16th Congress, Poe repeatedly called on the PNP leadership to abide by the law and appoint a civilian head of the IAS. She had filed Senate Bill No. 868 or the proposed PNP-IAS Reform Act of 2016 that seeks to form an independent institutional watchdog for the police service and Senate Resolution No. 70 to look into the continued non-implementation of RA 8551 as regards the PNP-IAS. Laying off thousands of workers normally suggests a company is facing serious trouble. But its a little more complicated at Cisco Systems. The San Jose network equipment maker said Thursday that it intends to cut up to 5,500 positions, about 7 percent of its global workforce. The company did not specify which locations or divisions will bear the layoffs. But Cisco has been performing relatively well of late, an impressive feat given the turmoil roiling the industry as companies continue to move toward cloud software and services instead of purchasing expensive hardware like servers and routers. Since February, Cisco stock has jumped 36 percent to over $30 per share. We believe that any headcount reduction at Cisco would be driven by their natural reorganization of the business, George Notter, an analyst with investment bank Jefferies, wrote in a recent research note. The layoffs arent necessarily a negative for Ciscos share-price performance. However, the layoffs show that Cisco still has a long way to go if it wants to stay ahead. Sales of routers and switches, which together account for nearly 60 percent of its annual revenue, are slowing down. In response, Cisco has been focusing on expanding into higher-growth areas like security and data centers. Weve been very smart in where we are putting our money, Chief Financial Officer Kelly Kramer told analysts during a conference call Thursday. Cisco has cut 17,800 jobs since 2011, according to Bloomberg Intelligence (whose figures do not include Wednesdays announcement). At the same time, it has been on a buying spree, acquiring 15 companies over the past 20 months. The company spent $293 million for cloud security firm CloudLock and $1.4 billion on Jasper Technologies, which manages machine-to-machine communications in areas like agriculture and health care. By comparison, Cisco purchased just one company in 2010. Ciscos strategy shows that the company is not seeing adequate results from its own research and development efforts, said Basheer Janjua, founder and president of the CTO Forum, a group of chief technology officers in Silicon Valley. When that happens, companies purchase technology from outside firms and then lay off workers that are not contributing to productive innovation, Janjua said. Last year, Cisco spent $6.2 billion on research and development, a slight decrease from 2014, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Employees have to engage in future creation at all times or head toward the exit, Janjua said. This is the new normal. Air Quality Tracker Check levels down to the neighborhood Ratings for the Bay Area and California, updated every 10 minutes Cisco is hardly the only company facing such struggles. In April, Intel in Santa Clara said it would lay off 12,000 workers, 11 percent of its workforce. A month later, Microsoft said it would cut 1,850 positions from its smartphone unit. Trip Chowdhry, an analyst with Global Equities Research, has predicted that information technology firms will shed a total 333,000 workers this year. Among the companies Chowdhry anticipated handing out pink slips: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP Inc., IBM and Oracle. In the conference call with analysts, Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins said the company is not abandoning its core business of routers and switches. But Cisco needs to focus its firepower on promising areas like security and data centers, he said. Weve experienced a challenging environment with significant volatility, Robbins said. At the same, Were aggressively investing in key growth areas regardless of our environment. Thomas Lee is a San Francisco Chronicle columnist. Email: Twitter: @ByTomLee Millions of people have climbed Telegraph Hill to visit San Francisco's Coit Tower, but few know the secrets, quirks and misadventures connected to the structure, including those of its benefactor, Lillie Hitchock Coit. Lillie Hitchcock Coit was born August 23, 1843 in West Point, New York and died July 22, 1929 in San Francisco. Lillie's father was a successful physician. When he passed away, he left a substantial inheritance. Lillie was a San Francisco eccentric, dubbed the "mascot" fire-fighter with the Knickerbocker Engine Company No. 5. To show her love and devotion for the company, she wore a no. 5 pendant for years after she stopped chasing fires. Per Coit Tower Tours, Lillie smoked cigars, gambled in the men-only storefronts in the North Beach section of the city and wore men's clothing as a way to gain entrance. In her youth, she was referred to as a tomboy. When she died in 1929, she left one-third of her estate to the City of San Francisco to "for the purpose of adding to the beauty of the city which I have always loved." The city used the inheritance to build Coit Tower on top of Telegraph Hill. Contrary to popular belief, the tower was not built to look like a fire hose nozzle. The structure was designed by architect Arthur Brown Jr. The tower is constructed of unpainted concrete and was completed in 1933. Brown was also the architect for San Francisco's City Hall. In addition to building Coit Tower, some of the Coit inheritance was also used to build a monument to firemen in Washington Square Park. Coit Tower opened on October 8, 1933, making today its 86th anniversary as one of the city's most romantic skyline attractions. According to the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department, the tower houses one of the best collections of fresco murals that were created by local artists and their assistants as part of Roosevelt's Federal Art Project. This was a precursor to the Works Progress Administration (WPA), and depict life in California during the Great Depression. When violence broke out during the 1934 longshoremen strike, controversy over the radical content in some of the panels became quite heated. Some parts were painted over. The tower was padlocked for several months before the frescoes were finally opened to the public in the fall of 1934. But that was hardly the only conflict tied to Coit or the tower itself. The stories below and photos above capture some of the history unique to the San Francisco landmark. Lillie Hitchcock Coit witness to murder in her Palace Hotel rooms In 1903, Alexander Garrett, a distant cousin of Mrs. Coit, entered her apartment in the Palace Hotel armed with a loaded gun. A close friend of Mrs. Coit, Major McClung, was there to deliver a message for his wife. Garrett, was said to be upset over some business dealings with Mrs. Coit, but it was McClung who ended up with a gunshot wound. "All the accounts obtainable last night - and there was much effort to keep the affair from becoming public - agreed on the point that Major McClung was wounded - perhaps mortally - in a gallant endeavor to protect the life of a woman. This woman is none other than Mrs. Lillie Hitchcock Coit, who was, in her day, the idol of San Francisco," The Chronicle wrote on November 26th, 1903. "Both the shooter and the victim were Civil War Veterans, who fought for the Confederacy. The motive for the shooting, exacerbated by alcohol, was said to be related business differences. Mr. Garnett had been Mrs. Coit's business agent. He was concerned that Mrs. Coit, who was fairly well off, was planning to remove Mr. Garnett from his position. The two men had been friends, which further supported that Mrs. Coit was the intended victim." Despite what appeared to be a fighting chance, Mr. McClung died from his wound. Mrs. Coit was 60 years old at the time. Due to health issues, Mrs. Coit gave her deposition from her bed in her apartment in the Palace Hotel. Alexander Garrett tried for an insanity plea, but was found guilty of murder and sentenced in October 1904, to fifteen years in San Quentin. Here are a few of our favorite tales. Coit Tower caretaker - SF man lives round life Very few people know that there was a resident couple who lived in a small, round apartment on the premises in the 1930s. "A roundsman of a memorial you might call William J. Brady, who, with his wife, Marie, makes constant rounds in a round tower, rounds of round rounds, and rounds out his day by retiring to a round apartment, where doubtless they now have an appropriate round steak," The Chronicle's wrote on August 6, 1935. In the article, Colonel Brady rued that the building's famous frescoes required constant vigil, and wished that there were woodsheds and strops for those who damaged the artworks. At that time, there were two men in prison for defacing murals. Daughter of noble shoots hail of lead at Coit Tower, misses "Mrs. Honore Gledhill, the daughter of British nobility, owner of the Dead Fish Cafe, 398 Union Street, took shots at Coit Tower from her place of business. She was protesting that it "invaded the sanctity of her Telegraph Hill Bohemia." She was arrested for being intoxicated and discharging a firearm within city limits." The drunken charge was ultimately dismissed, and she was given a 30 day suspended sentence on the gun charge. Man going through divorce dies in Coit Tower plunge Henry Geck, distraught over his divorce, hid in Coit Tower, then jumped to his death after it closed. He hid behind one of the concrete balcony pillars. When the tower closed for the day, he used a dime to unfasten one of the unbreakable windows, designed to prevent such tragedies, and jumped 187 feet to his death. He was identified by his fingerprints. He had previous arrests for arson and for threats against his ex-wife. Shortly after the suicide, someone wrote a letter to the editor saying that the next thing you know, people will be jumping off bridges. Both the Golden Gate and the Oakland Bay Bridges were under construction at that time. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate A beloved Italian restaurant will stay in its white-shingled home in Richmonds Marina Bay neighborhood for now. Salute e Vita, which is known both for its cuisine and for the philanthropy of its owner, Menbere Aklilu, was handed a 30-day eviction notice on Aug. 5, in what some activists and city leaders claim was an act of political retaliation by a landowner who for years has jousted with the city. But on Thursday, the restaurants landlord had a change of heart. Jacqueline Poe, whose firm Penterra Company owns the building, withdrew the notice, saying she would give Salute one more chance to fix what she said were severe plumbing leaks that threatened the health and safety of customers. Such repairs are the tenants responsibility according to the lease, Poe says. Penterras decision to give the restaurant one more chance stems from the corrective actions that are believed to have taken place since the Aug. 5 termination notice, Poe said in a statement. She said the restaurant had recently steam-cleaned the ceramic tile in its bathrooms and kitchen, a measure that her hired environmental consultant had recommended to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. Contra Costa Health Services officials inspected the building in August and dismissed Poes claims of a sewage leak. Richmond Mayor Tom Butt says that Poes son, Richard Poe, is behind the eviction and that it is payback to voters for rejecting two ballot measures he pushed in June. One measure would have granted approvals for a town house project Poe wanted to build along the waterfront; the other would have limited the city managers salary. Butt spoke up for the restaurant shortly after it got notice to vacate. Richard Poe vehemently denied those claims and accused Butt of trying to distract the public from what he said was a landlord-tenant dispute over maintenance issues. The mayor, rather than appropriately dealing with the serious health issue at hand and directing city code enforcement to investigate, chose instead to mislead the public and the press by stating the failure of ballot Measure N as the reason for the landlord-tenant dispute, Richard Poe said in his own statement. Aklilu, who found out about her last chance through news reports rather than from her landlord, called the move a temporary relief. But then what? she asked. Whats going to happen a month from now? Rachel Swan is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter: @rachelswan More than 70 percent of California residents who were uninsured before the Affordable Care Act went into effect now have coverage, even though some worries about costs and access to medical care persist, according to a study released Thursday. The study, the fourth in a series of surveys of Californians who did not have health insurance in 2013, found that 72 percent have since obtained coverage, either through their employer, the state exchange created by the federal health law or through Medi-Cal, the states Medicaid program for the poor. This number is slightly higher than the 68 percent reported last year, a gain that represents hundreds of thousands of newly insured Californians. The state had the largest number of uninsured in the country, with about 6 million residents lacking coverage in 2013. People are largely getting their coverage, and they are keeping their coverage, said Bianca DiJulio, associate director of public opinion and survey research for the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit health policy research organization in Menlo Park. The foundation has been following more than 1,000 Californians who lacked health insurance in September 2013, before the exchange and the major reforms in the health care act went into effect, through the past three open enrollment periods, the latest of which ended Jan. 31. The survey found that the largest share of the previously uninsured study participants about a third received coverage through Medi-Cal, which was expanded to include more people under the federal law. About 21 percent obtained coverage through an employer and 11 percent bought coverage through the state exchange, called Covered California, which has about 1.6 million members. While those recently insured Californians were more likely to say their health needs are being met and that they are less worried about paying their medical bills, more than half reported that they still worry about paying bills in the event of a medical crisis. One in 5 respondents said they did not get medical care at some point during the past year because of the cost. The pain of high costs is only expected to get worse next year with sharp increases in premiums projected for plans sold through the Affordable Care Act for coverage starting in 2017. Covered Californias premiums are expected to rise by an average of more than 13 percent, a jump that follows two years of modest 4 percent increases. That rise is largely due to projected hikes averaging 17.2 percent for Anthem, which sells Blue Cross plans in the state, and 19.9 percent for Blue Shield of California. Other insurers are planning more modest increases. The two largest plans sold through Californias exchange have blamed higher-than-expected use of medical services by members and rising drug costs for forcing them to bump their rates. Similar claims have sparked disruption in plans offered in the exchanges nationwide and prompted even higher premium increases as high as 40 to 60 percent by some plans in other states. Aetna, which never participated in Covered California, announced earlier this week it would drop out of selling coverage in the exchanges in all but four states because it was losing money on that part of the business. This follows decisions by other plans, including UnitedHealthcare and Humana, to scale back their offerings in the exchanges. While thats clearly not good news for the central health policy reform of the Obama administration, the Kaiser Family Foundations DiJulio noted that Covered California accounts for about 1 in 10 newly insured residents. While theyre a very important piece, the exchanges are really only one piece of the insurance picture, she said. At least in California, the Covered California piece is a relatively small share of those who are new to coverage. Under the Affordable Care Act, employers with more than 50 full-time employees have to offer health benefits or pay a tax penalty. On top of that, since the passage of the act, Californias unemployment rate declined from 8.5 percent to 5.4 percent. San Francisco resident Liza Brown, who has participated in the Kaiser Family Foundation survey for the past four years, was relieved to finally obtain employer-backed coverage this spring when she got a new full-time job. Brown, 54, had been uninsured, but said she was able to get medical care through the San Francisco Free Clinic, where she described the services, which included screenings and some preventive care, as top notch. While she was self-employed, Brown opted not to buy insurance through Covered California and acknowledges that she was taking a risk. Still, she said, she supports the expanded options made possible by the federal health law. People I know who wouldnt have gotten covered were able to get coverage, she said. I would have been one of them if I didnt have that great free clinic nearby. Once people get coverage, they are likely to keep it, the survey found. Among the 70 percent of previously uninsured Californians who had gone without coverage for at least two years prior to 2013, two-thirds had coverage for at least a year and nearly half of that group kept it longer. Still, about 27 percent of those in the survey remained uninsured, a figure that includes about 10 percent of participants whom researchers believe are probably not residing in the state legally. They are ineligible for standard Med-Cal and are barred from buying insurance in the exchange. That leaves about 17 percent who are potentially eligible for some form of coverage. When asked why they remain uninsured, 47 percent of the uninsured said insurance is too expensive and 19 percent cited eligibility concerns. The latest and final round of interviews for the survey, which has been supported by a grant from the California Endowment, was conducted between Feb. 10 and June 20 with about half the participants in the original 2013 survey. The surveys margin of error of plus or minus five percentage points for the newly insured raises to nine points for those who remain uninsured. Victoria Colliver is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter: @vcolliver Robin Williams died just over two years ago. His daughter, 27-year-old Zelda, has remained largely out of the public eye since, rarely speaking to reporters or talking about her father, but recently made an exception to discuss with Chelsea Handler her life after losing her comedian and actor father. In an episode airing on Thursday at 12:01 PST (to be clear, late Wednesday night), Zelda will talk about her relationship with her dad, living in San Francisco, and her new projects. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate As the flood waters recede, Louisiana residents are slowly heading out of shelters and will take stock of the damage to their homes. For some, there is another task is at hand: figuring out whether dead loved ones will need to be reburied. Over the weekend, photos of coffins floating in the floodwaters were shared by law enforcement and photographers documenting what is being called a historic flood in the Louisiana area. On Friday, the Walker Police Department in Louisiana shared a photo of caskets that had floated up at a local cemetery due to the rising water. Other areas have reported the chilling sight of coffins floating down streets, such as Livingston Parish, the New York Times reported. A tweet showed a casket floating down a street in Denham Springs. Lashell Barker shared the video below with KTVU, showing the disarray of coffins in a cemetery in her town. In the video, coffins can be seen partially unearthed or even fully outside of its grave and in other areas of the cemetery. Barker told the news station, "I want people to see what's going on in our town of Greensburg, Louisiana." "This is like New Orleans in the Ninth Ward, when Katrina came," Barker can be heard saying in the video. By Wednesday night, the death toll had risen to 13, according to the Associated Press. At its height, more than 11,000 people were being housed in shelters, and at least 30,000 people and 1,400 pets were rescued from the storm. More than 40,000 homes were damaged and a state of emergency for Louisiana was declared on Friday. More for you As Louisiana flood recedes, cleanup, housing challenges begin Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is expected to be in Louisiana on Thursday to survey the federal response to the flooding. The Associated Press contributed to this report. VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK, Hawaii For the first time in three years, lava from a volcano on Hawaiis Big Island has crept down miles of mountainside and is dripping into the Pacific Ocean, where its creating new land and putting on a crackling, hissing, fire-spitting show. Thousands of visitors from around the world have swarmed Volcanoes National Park by land, sea and air to take in the spectacle. The billowy, bright-orange lava pops and sizzles, and reeks of sulfur and scorched earth, as it oozes across rugged terrain and eventually off a steep seaside cliff. When the hot rocks hit the water, they expel plumes of steam and gas and sometimes explode, hurling chunks of searing debris. The 2,000-degree molten rock is from Kilauea, one of the worlds most active volcanoes. Its Puu Oo vent began erupting in the 1980s and periodically pushes enough lava seaward that people can access it. Reaching the latest flow requires a boat, a helicopter or strong legs the hike to the entry point, where the lava meets the sea, is 10 miles round trip on a gravel road surrounded by miles of treacherous, hard lava rock. Pablo Aguayo of Santiago, Chile, took a sunrise boat tour of the flow earlier this month. Its pretty amazing, he said. You start in the middle of the ocean in the darkness, and you end up in this beautiful lava falls. Aguayo said he could feel the lavas heat, and it smelled super funny. Its like welding something, he said. We have many volcanoes back home in Chile. We have plenty. But nothing like this. His tour boat was a 42-foot aluminum catamaran operated by Lava Ocean Tours owner Shane Turpin, who said he navigates to within a few yards of the entry point for the best view. On Aug. 9, a second branch of lava started to spill into the sea, giving Turpins passengers a look at two lava flows about 200 yards apart. Just to have one drip (of lava) touching the ocean is awesome, Turpin said as people snapped photos of the dual flows. But to get a show like youre getting this morning, well, it sets the bar pretty high for a second trip. Volcanoes National Park has seen an increase of about 1,000 to 1,500 visitors per day since the current lava flow reached the sea in late July, boosting attendance to about 6,000 people daily, officials said. DENHAM SPRINGS, La. Keisha Taylor, a 37-year-old mother of four, has spent three nights in two different shelters since her family fled the flooding at their Baton Rouge apartment complex. She doesnt know how much longer they will be sleeping on cots inside the downtown arena where hundreds sought shelter. Taylor probably could stay with relatives in White Castle, a town about 30 miles west of Louisianas capital city, but three of her children are enrolled in Baton Rouge schools that could reopen next week. This is where I live. I need to be home, she said. Taylor is among thousands of people across southern Louisiana displaced by catastrophic flooding and now struggling with where to live. With an estimated 40,000 homes damaged by deadly flooding, Louisiana could be looking at its biggest housing crunch since the miserable, bumbling aftermath of Hurricane Katrina a decade ago. Victims are staying in shelters, bunking with friends or relatives or sleeping in trailers on their front lawns. Others unable or unwilling to leave their homes are living amid mud and the ever-present risk of mold in the steamy August heat. Many will need extended places to stay while they rebuild. Countless others had no flood insurance and may lack the means to repair their homes. I got nowhere else to go, said Thomas Lee, 56, who ekes out a living as a drywall hanger a skill that will come in handy. His sodden furniture is piled curbside and the drywall in his rented house is puckering, but Thomas still plans to stay there, sleeping on an air mattress. Exactly how many will need temporary housing is unclear, but state officials are already urging landlords to allow short-term leases and encouraging people to rent out any empty space available. Terri Ricks, deputy secretary for the Department of Children and Family Services, which helps organize local sheltering efforts, said the state is talking with parishes about running a long-term shelter in the region if needed. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, whose very name became a punch line during Katrina, said it will look into lining up rental properties for those left homeless and will consider using temporary housing units. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson visited Louisiana on Thursday to review the federal governments response to the flooding. But the White House says President Obama is unlikely to break from a New England vacation to survey Louisiana flood damage, despite calls for him to visit. Connor Radnovich/The Chronicle A Lyft driver was robbed and assaulted in San Francisco Thursday morning by three armed bandits who order him to go to an ATM machine and withdraw cash, police said. The holdup occurred about 3:30 a.m. at Fifth and Mission streets in the South of Market neighborhood. At first, Kenneth Walton thought the Arizona state trooper following him and his 7-year-old daughter wanted to warn him of a broken taillight. They were in a rental car, on a stretch of Interstate 40 between Las Vegas and Flagstaff, Ariz., on what was supposed to be a fun Grand Canyon vacation. It was dark, and Walton knew he hadn't been speeding, so - not thinking much of it - he pulled over on an off-ramp, rolled down his driver's side window and waited. That's when things went "terribly awry," according to the San Francisco man's account of what happened last Thursday. "Tonight, I was arrested at gunpoint by an Arizona highway patrol officer who threatened to shoot me in the back (twice) in front of my 7-year-old daughter," Walton wrote on Facebook, hours after the incident. "For a moment, I was certain he was going to kill me for no reason. I'm alive, and I need to share the story." His post, published early Friday morning and updated throughout the weekend, went viral, serving as a lightning rod for discussions about what is appropriate during interactions with law enforcement. The Arizona Department of Public Safety confirmed that the traffic stop took place but disputed the tone and some of the details in Walton's Facebook post, calling it "inflammatory" and "irresponsible." The department is standing by the trooper's actions, including his threat to shoot Walton during the traffic stop, said Capt. Damon Cecil of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. "We sympathize with them; I don't think there's any law enforcement official who would not be just as angry, just as fearful and terrorized if [they were in a similar situation and] officers had guns pointed out," Cecil told The Washington Post. "It's a scary situation. But in light of that, this is a positive story. . . . This case is a prime example of how things should be done." According to the DPS, the traffic stop occurred around 7:43 p.m. on Aug. 11, after the license plate on Walton's rental car came up as stolen. The trooper requested backup and followed the rental car on the Interstate 40 until it exited the highway. The trooper then approached the car with his gun drawn - actions the department said are appropriate for anything considered a "high-risk traffic stop . . . when serious crimes or hazardous conditions may exist." "Initially the driver, identified as Kenneth Walton, was not responding to officer's commands while seated in his vehicle so the trooper moved up the passenger-side window and got the occupant's attention by tapping on the window with his hand," DPS said in a short statement. "It was at this time the trooper realized there was a child in the car as she sat up into view. Mr. Walton was ordered out of the car and detained in handcuffs while the trooper conducted his investigation." The trooper, identified as Oton Villegas, has been with DPS since 2009, the department said. Villegas has not had major disciplinary actions. In 2013, he was named along with several other officers in a civil rights lawsuit that was settled and dismissed without prejudice, Cecil said. According to Walton, however, the department's account is inaccurate: He says the first command came when the trooper tapped on the front passenger window, gun in hand, not before. In addition, Walton said his daughter was sitting in a booster seat in the rear passenger side of the vehicle, not in the front, and was in view - not crouched or reclined - the entire time. Walton said the DPS statement omitted or downplayed details about how the incident unfolded, including how the trooper (referred to by Walton as an "officer") interacted with his young daughter. In his paragraphs-long Facebook post, Walton recounted trying to stay calm while the trooper reportedly escalated the situation. "Suddenly, the officer rapped on the rear passenger side window with his pistol. My daughter, who was sitting inches from the barrel of his gun, jumped with fear as the officer yelled at me to roll down the front passenger window, his service weapon pointed directly at me. I knew something was terribly awry and I tried to remain calm, keeping my hands visible as I slowly fumbled for the window controls in an unfamiliar car. "My daughter rolled down her window and I explained that we were in a rental car, that we had no weapons, and I was having trouble figuring out how to roll down the front passenger window from my driver's side door. The officer didn't listen, and kept yelling louder and more insistently, ordering me to comply with his request as he leered at me down the barrel of his pistol. My daughter panicked and tried to get out of her booster seat to reach forward to roll down the front window, and the officer screamed her at her not to move as he pointed his pistol at her." Walton said he was somehow able to roll the passenger window down, at which point the trooper ordered him to exit the car with his hands up. As he did so, Walton said the trooper came over to the driver's side of the car and screamed at him to face the other direction. "Then, as I had my hands in the air, he yelled, at the top of his lungs, in a voice I will never forget, as my daughter looked on in terror, 'Get your hands away from your waist or I'll blow two holes through your back right now!' My hands were high in the air as he said this, and I was not in any way reaching for my waist. I was utterly terrified. I've heard stories of police yelling out false things like this before they unjustifiably attack someone as a way to justify the attack, and I thought this was what was happening to me. I braced for bullets to hit me and all I could think of was my daughter having to watch it happen and being left alone on the side of the highway with an insane, violent cop." Walton said he got down to his knees and backed gradually toward the trooper, following every order 'as slowly and deliberately' as possible. He was handcuffed and placed in the back of the trooper's car, while more law enforcement arrived soon afterward. His daughter remained in the rental vehicle, frightened and still strapped to her booster seat, he said. Cecil said it was appropriate for Villegas to have escalated the traffic stop, given the circumstances. "Our trooper had a set of facts in front of him and responded the way he was trained, the way that was safest for him and his public," Cecil said. "Putting yourself in the trooper's position: He's giving commands, he's yelling, he's not getting a response. Should he de-escalate the yelling? Or should he escalate? . . . You weren't there. And I wasn't there." Cecil confirmed that Villegas pointed a gun at the 7-year-old, but did so unintentionally, and that he threatened to shoot Walton because he "perceived a threat." "We're not disputing that our trooper said those things," Cecil said. "He absolutely did." Walton initially said on Facebook that dashboard camera footage would bear out his account of the traffic stop because he was under the impression all Arizona law enforcement officers had dashboard or body cameras. DPS told The Post there is no dashboard or body camera footage available from the incident, nor is the agency aware of any amateur video taken at the scene - only audio from the trooper's vehicle before he walked to Walton's car and after he returned with Walton in custody. According to DPS, an investigation ultimately found the rental car company had not replaced the license plates when the front plate was reported stolen, which is why it had been flagged in the system. To complicate matters, Fox Rent a Car said the license plate number in question should have never been placed in the stolen-plates database in the first place. The rental car, a 2015 Nissan Altima, was registered in Arizona, which only issues rear license plates, according to Fox Rent a Car chief operating officer Sean Busking. Last November, the car was reported stolen in California, Busking said. Five days later, the Oakland Police Department recovered the vehicle - along with its one and only rear license plate - and cleared it to return to the rental fleet, he said. "Oakland's police department must have been unaware that Arizona does not issue front license plates when they issued their 'stolen plate' report," Busking told The Post. "However, we are surprised that the Arizona Department of Public Safety would suggest that Fox is somehow responsible for replacing a front Arizona plate [that] never existed." Regardless, Walton and his daughter were released that night without a citation. "Fortunately, the subject in this case was compliant with the trooper and the situation ended peacefully with no one being harmed," Flagstaff District Commander Captain Ezekiel Zesiger said in a statement. Walton disagreed, saying the trooper's aggressive arrest had left both of them physically unharmed but emotionally shaken. "In the process of scaring me, he basically traumatized my daughter," Walton told The Post. "That's sad because we've taught her that [a police officer is] who you go to, that's who you always trust. That's something we would still like to instill in her but I don't know how we do that now." In his Facebook post, Walton said he believed the traffic stop might have ended differently had he not been a "scrawny, 48-year-old white guy" wearing a Mickey Mouse T-shirt, cargo shorts and hiking boots, as he was at the time. "If you are a person who has ever looked skeptically at the claims of Black Lives Matter, or others who talk about police violence, I urge you to consider what happened to me and put yourselves in the shoes of others. I just survived a bizarre gunpoint situation in which I was as innocent as Philando Castile, who was not as lucky as I was. We live in a society where anywhere and everyone can have a gun at any time, and police are responding with fear in dangerous ways. I got lucky tonight. My daughter and I made it to the Grand Canyon and I'm going to try to salvage what's left of our vacation. Many others - because of the color of their skin or the way they look or because of simple bad luck - did not meet the same fate." DPS took umbrage to the post, in particular the insinuation that race played a part, Cecil said. "[Walton] has an opportunity as a parent to use this as a learning experience. A teachable moment for his daughter - a valuable lesson about the community and interactions with law enforcement," Cecil said. "But instead he chose to make it a negative in a very irresponsible way." Walton said he has no intention of inciting anyone, he said, or of being representative of any movement. "It was the first time in my life when I had been approached by an officer with a presumption of guilt and . . . I guess I got a taste for what it's like," Walton told The Post. "I had a realization as a middle-aged white male for what it may be like out there. If this is the sort of aggression people face out there, I can understand why there are problems." Reached by phone on Tuesday, while he was on the way back from vacation, Walton said he was still shaken but considering taking his Facebook post down because of all the attention it had received. Some commenters were sympathetic, while others attacked his credibility, calling out his involvement in a 1999 eBay art forgery scandal - something Walton said he has never tried to hide. "I cooperated with the authorities, plead guilty, served 9 months of probation and took responsibility for my actions," he wrote in an update to his Facebook post over the weekend. "I make no excuses for it. If you think that has anything to do with this, there is nothing I can do to change your mind." This latest incident comes following nationwide unrest after deadly shootings by police officers in Milwaukee, Falcon Heights, Minn., and Baton Rouge, that resulted in fatal encounters. So far, more than 250 people have been shot and killed by police officers in the first three months of 2016, according to The Washington Post database on police shootings. Walton and his daughter eventually made their way the next day to the Grand Canyon - the first time for both of them - and tried in vain to shake what had occurred on the highway. "I was pretty distracted over the next couple of days at the Grand Canyon, thinking about what had happened," Walton told The Post. "Things will get back to normal eventually." Cecil said DPS has not received a formal complaint from Walton. The department, he added, has not been in direct contact with Walton since the traffic stop. "Absolutely not. Absolutely not," Cecil said. "This is not a situation where we feel that we need to reach out to him. He's the one who started this negative relationship and negative communication." TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug 17, 2016) - Forsys Metals Corp. (FSY.TO)(F2T.F)(FSY.TO) ("Forsys" or the "Company") in a press release issued on August 15, 2016 announced that it has received commitments to raise $540,000 at a Unit subscription price of $0.05 per Unit. The Company subsequently received additional interest from existing and new suscribers and has increased the placement to raise $660,000 at a revised Unit subscription price of $0.06 per Unit. Further, the warrant price of $0.07 has been increased to $0.075. The size of the private placement financing has been increased from 10.8 million Units to 11.0 million Units. The commitment from Leonardo Global Trading Ltd has been amended to $530,000 (8.83 million Units), up from $440,000 (8.80 million Units). All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. About Forsys Metals Corp. Forsys Metals Corp. is an emerging uranium producer with 100% ownership of the Norasa project that comprises the fully permitted Valencia uranium project and the Namibplaas uranium project in Namibia, Africa, a politically stable and mining friendly jurisdiction. Information regarding current National Instrument 43-101 compliant Resource and Reserves at Valencia and Namibplaas are available on the Company website. The Ondundu Gold project is 70% owned by Forsys. Shares outstanding: 134.9m On behalf of the Board of Directors of Forsys Metals Corp. Marcel Hilmer, Chief Executive Officer Forward-Looking Information This news release contains projections and forward-looking information that involve various risks and uncertainties regarding future events. Such forward-looking information can include without limitation statements based on current expectations involving a number of risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance of the Company. The following are important factors that could cause Forsys actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements: fluctuations in uranium prices and currency exchange rates; uncertainties relating to interpretation of drill results and the geology; continuity and grade of mineral deposits; uncertainty of estimates of capital and operating costs; recovery rates, production estimates and estimated economic return; general market conditions; the uncertainty of future profitability; and the uncertainty of access to additional capital. Full description of these risks can be found in Forsys Annual Information Form available on the Company's profile on the SEDAR website at These risks and uncertainties could cause actual results and the Company's plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking information. Actual results and future events could differ materially from anticipated in such information. These and all subsequent written and oral forward looking information are based on estimates and opinions of management on the dates they are made and expressed qualified in their entirety by this notice. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information should circumstance or management's estimates or opinions change. The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate With surveys showing declining public support for capital punishment, opponents of the death penalty in California have expressed confidence in repealing it at the ballot box in November, after narrowly falling short four years ago. But a new poll released Thursday suggests voters may not go along. The poll by the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley, conducted online among a statewide sampling of more than 1,500 registered voters, found Proposition 62, which would replace the death penalty with a sentence of life in prison without parole, trailing 54.9 percent to 49.1 percent. The measure was opposed by majorities of both women and men, by all age levels except those between 25 and 34, and by all racial and ethnic groups except black voters, who were 60 percent in favor of the proposition. The poll listed the margin of error at four percentage points. The same poll found overwhelming support 75.7 percent for a rival measure, Prop. 66, that would seek to speed up executions by setting tight deadlines for court rulings, placing some limits on appeals and requiring many more defense lawyers to take capital cases. That finding may have been influenced, however, by the vague wording of the survey question, which asked voters only whether they would want to streamline procedures in death-penalty cases to speed up resolution of those cases, and did not mention further details of the measure. The poll said strong majorities of both Democrats and Republicans favored the proposal. A statewide Field Poll in January which asked respondents whether they would prefer to take steps to speed up the execution process or to repeal the death penalty found 48 percent in favor of a speedup, 47 percent for a repeal and the rest undecided. The UC Berkeley pollsters tried to write brief and fair summaries of the two measures but didnt yet have access to state elections officials ballot descriptions of the initiatives when the poll was conducted between June 29 and July 18, said Ethan Rarick, associate director of the Institute of Governmental Studies. Still, the latest poll raises some doubt about whether Californians are ready to abolish capital punishment. A proponent of the prosecutor-backed measure to speed up executions expressed satisfaction with the results. Voters have made it clear time and time again that they want the death penalty in California for the most vicious of killers, said Jeff Flint, campaign manager for No on 62 and Yes on 66. They know the current system needs to be fixed to end the decades of appeals that bog down the system. Jacob Hay, spokesman for the pro-Prop. 62 campaign, said the polling numbers were totally unreliable because the questions left out details that voters will see on their ballots, including a state estimate of $150 million in annual savings from abolition of the death penalty. Ana Zamora, campaign manager for No on 66, said the pollsters misstated the contents of that initiative. Californians are deeply concerned about the possibility of executing an innocent person, Zamora said. Prop. 66 will greatly increase this risk by removing fundamental legal safeguards. Voters approved the current death penalty law in 1978, expanding a measure that had been enacted a year earlier, over Gov. Jerry Browns veto. A measure to repeal it was defeated in 2012 by a 52 to 48 percent ratio. Most polls since then, in California and nationwide, have shown declines in support for capital punishment. California has the nations largest Death Row, with nearly 750 prisoners. The states last execution was in January 2006, and the law has been on hold since then because of court rulings finding flaws in the lethal injection process and staff training. Bob Egelko is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter: @egelko KALISPELL, MT / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / Gilla Inc. (GLLA), the fast-growing designer, manufacturer and marketer of E-liquid for vaporizers, recently announced their Q2 2016 results. In the filing, significant improvements were made in gross margins, as they jumped from 37% in Q1 2016 to 62% this quarter. This is partly attributable to a higher percentage of sales being from their own product portfolio of premium E-liquid products. The Company also announced yet another award for their Coil Glaze E-liquid brand, which has been honored at recent industry trade shows in Oklahoma City and Las Vegas. Coil Glaze's flavor Whipped Dreamz took "Best All-Around Flavor" and "Best Custard Flavor", while Coil Glaze's flavor Them Applez took top honor as the "Best Bakery Flavor" at the Oklahoma VapeJam 2016, held August 12th - 14th. Whipped Dreamz was also awarded "Best Cream/Custard Flavor" at the Las Vegas Vape Nights contest held on July 31st - August 3rd. This is the fifth award received by the Coil Glaze brand, which was produced by Gilla's own team of mixologists based out of Florida. By having the ability to create their own award winning product line, the company is able to sell more of their own higher margin products, which directly leads to being able to increase gross margins by 25% in a single quarter. Graham Simmonds, Chairman and CEO of Gilla, had this to say in the release, "We are pleased that consumers across the country are enjoying these great E-liquids and it further demonstrates the strength of the Gilla product development and design team." Company Focus Gilla's attention has been on international markets, where in the last year they have inked deals in Hungary, China, and the UK. The international portion of sales now accounts for 43% of total sales, reflecting positive results from the company's focus on said markets. With some 400 million combustible cigarette smokers in Asia alone, the international market for vaping is orders of magnitude larger then the US market. During Q2, Gilla also introduced four new proprietary brands and additional flavors to existing brands "in order to have marketed and sold such new products in the market prior to the regulatory grandfather dates in both Europe and U.S." While many see the regulatory date as a hindrance to the industry, Gilla instead welcomes the regulations and realizes that with their existing product portfolio already in place, they have a first mover advantage as the industry becomes increasingly regulated and barriers to entry stiffen. Looking Ahead To The Second Half of 2016 While net loss was larger in Q2 than it was in Q1, this was primarily attributable to the increased administrative expenses from handling the multiple acquisitions already completed in 2015. As time goes forward, it is "anticipated that the Company will see significant cost savings from the consolidation of certain operating activities now that the acquisitions have been fully integrated." In the release, the company does give a key piece of guidance for investors, "The Company is reiterating its expectation for cash flow breakeven from operations in the second half of 2016." Additionally, guidance on corporate strategy is given by Graham Simmonds, who is CEO and Chairman of the Company, "The Company's strategic plan is coming to fruition very quickly and it's exciting to see our broad brand portfolio now enjoying success across multiple markets, from Asia to North America and from Europe to Africa. Our growth in international sales demonstrates Gilla's significant progress in becoming a leading player in the global vape market. The higher margin business has been our primary focus and our numbers demonstrate major growth in the second quarter for that segment of our operations. This will be our continued focus into the second half of the year as we continue to grow sales domestically while also exploring the opportunities to expand our global footprint." Summary: With increased gross margins to 62%, Gilla is executing on their long-term plan to have their own product portfolio be a higher percentage of overall sales. With Gilla's highest margin products being in the 80-85% range, it would appear that Gilla still has room to make these gross margins even higher in the future. To put the 62% gross margins into perspective, let's look at other companies in the same industry; Electronic Cigarettes International (OTCQB:ECIG) for example had gross margins of 56% in their latest filing, mCig, Inc. (OTCQB:MCIG) most recently had 21% gross margins, and 22nd Century Group, Inc. (NYSE:XXII) actually had gross margins of negative 5% in their latest filing. Looking beyond just the OTC space, Gilla's gross margins are ahead of combustible cigarette giants such as the Altria Group, Inc. (NYSE:MO), who had 45% gross margins or Philip Morris International, Inc. (NYSE:PM) who reported 23% gross margins in their latest quarterly report. Gilla's ability to markedly increase their gross margins by 25% in a single quarter shows that the company's long-term plans and goals are being executed on. With guidance being given that the company expects to be cash flow breakeven by the end of 2016, investors may want to take a closer loo at Gilla Inc. going forward. For additional information on Gilla Inc. please visit Disclaimer: Except for the historical information presented herein, matters discussed in this release contain forward-looking statements that are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. Tamarack Advisors is not registered with any financial or securities regulatory authority, and does not provide nor claims to provide investment advice or recommendations to readers of this release. For making specific investment decisions, readers should seek their own advice. SOURCE: Tamarack Advisors ANKARA, Turkey A string of bombings, blamed on Kurdish rebels and targeting Turkeys security forces, killed at least 14 people and wounded more than 220 others, officials said Thursday. Two of the attacks were car bombings that hit police stations in eastern Turkey, while a third a roadside blast targeted a military vehicle carrying soldiers in the southeast of the country. Authorities say the assaults were carried out by the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which has started a campaign of car bombings targeting police stations or roadside bomb attacks against security force vehicles. Last week, PKK commander Cemil Bayik threatened increased attacks against police in Turkish cities. The wave of attacks come as Turkey is focused on a clampdown on suspected followers of a movement led by U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, which the government accuses of orchestrating a failed military coup last month, that killed at least 270 people. The first car bombing hit a police station in the eastern province of Van late Wednesday, killing a police officer and two civilians. At least 73 other people 53 civilians and 20 police officers were wounded, officials said. Another car bombing hit police headquarters in the eastern Turkish city of Elazig early Thursday, killing at least five people, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. Officials said earlier 146 people were wounded and 14 of them were in serious condition. Video footage showed a large plume of smoke rising from the area. Cars were overturned and the windows of the four-story building and its wings were blown out. In the southeastern province of Bitlis, meanwhile, five soldiers were killed after rebels detonated a roadside improvised explosive device as an armored military vehicle was passing by, officials said. Five other soldiers were wounded in the attack. A government-paid village guard, helping the security forces battle the PKK was also killed in a clash with rebels in the province, the state-run Anadolu Agency reported. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim traveled to Elazig to visit the site of the bombing as well as those wounded in the attack. He told reporters there that both the PKK and the Gulen movement were directed by the same intelligence intent on causing Turkey harm, without elaborating. The (Gulen movement) has lost its assertiveness and has handed over the duty to the (PKK), Yildirim said. The intelligence that directs them is the same. When ones duty ends, the other takes up the duty. Yildirim pledged to fight the PKK until it is eliminated. No terror organization will force this nation to cow in submission, Yildirim said. Speaking in Ankara, Erdogan said Turkey was jointly attacked by various organizations who he said were in close contact with each other and were acting under the same motivations even if they have different names. He said the Turkish security forces have killed at least 182 Kurdish rebels in the weeks after the July 15 failed military coup, insisting that there has been no slackening in the fight against the PKK. Fighting between the PKK and Turkeys security forces resumed last year after a fragile peace process collapsed. Since then, more than 600 Turkish security personnel and thousands of PKK militants have been killed, according to Anadolu. Human rights groups say hundreds of civilians have also died in the clashes. Tens of thousands of people have died in the conflict since the PKK took up arms for autonomy in southeast Turkey in 1984. Turkey and its allies consider the PKK a terrorist organization. On Thursday, authorities imposed a temporary blackout on media coverage of the bombing in Elazig, citing public order and national security concerns. MAIDUGURI, Nigeria It had been more than a month, and Dije Ali was still locked in a military prison with her seven children. She had thought they were being taken to safety. Her family and other villagers had been low on food and feared that Boko Haram was closing in. They ran to Nigerian soldiers for protection. Get in the vehicle, Ali recalled the soldiers telling them. But instead of being whisked to freedom, she said, her family wound up in a military detention center with 130 other women and their children, uncertain when they would be released and why they were there. I didnt know what Id done wrong, she said. I was just praying God would get us out. Here in northeastern Nigeria, soldiers are fighting a brutal battle with Boko Haram, the Islamist extremist group that has terrorized the region for years with its campaign of murder, kidnapping, rape and thievery. But in its aggressive hunt for Boko Haram fighters, the Nigerian military has ensnared and detained scores of civilians, including toddlers and infants, for weeks or months. And sometimes, activists say, innocent people are never heard from again. Nearly 150 people have died this year in just one of the detention centers, Giwa barracks, where Ali was held with her family, according to Amnesty International. Eleven of the dead were children younger than 6, including four babies, it said. The prison this spring held 1,200 people, at least 120 of them children, Amnesty found. Many were arbitrarily rounded up during mass arrests, the group said, often with no evidence against them. Nigeria, which denies the claims, is not the only country in the region criticized as going too far in the fight against Boko Haram. Cameroon has been accused of detaining 1,000 people suspected of supporting Boko Haram, many arrested arbitrarily, in horrific conditions that have caused some to die from disease and malnutrition. The Nigerian military says it detains people it suspects of being Boko Haram sympathizers including people who have been kidnapped to weed out anyone who might be dangerous. Officials have reason to be suspicious: Boko Haram has managed to turn captives into suicide bombers, including children as young as 8. Mothers, boys, girls and other suicide bombers have killed hundreds of people, striking crowds at markets, schools and even camps for people who fled their homes to escape Boko Harams violence. Questioning suspects is a lengthy process, said Col. Sani Kukasheka Usman, an army spokesman, explaining the detentions. It is better to take time to screen them out than to allow a single terrorist to go free and carry out a suicide bombing. Usman said the military follows international best practices and has sniffed out Boko Haram terrorists during screenings. There is nobody, no army in the world that is respecting the rule of law the way we are doing, Usman said. But legal experts accuse the Nigerian military of breaking domestic and international laws in the process. The military has no authority to detain civilians under Nigerian law, argued Femi Falana, a human rights lawyer in Lagos. Other critics cited a long pattern of abuse by the military. JUBA, South Sudan The South Sudanese opposition leader Riek Machar has fled to the Democratic Republic of Congo after being targeted by government troops, his spokesmen said Thursday, as a fragile peace deal to end more than two years of civil war unravels in the worlds youngest country. In accordance with the 2015 peace deal, which received international backing, Machar returned to Juba, the capital, in April to resume his post as deputy to his rival, President Salva Kiir. But clashes between factions loyal to the men erupted months later. Machars residence was destroyed, and he and his troops were driven from the capital. He was being pursued constantly since he withdrew from Juba, said an opposition spokesman, Mabior Garang de Mabior, adding that Machar would soon travel to the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. Peter Biar Ajak, a co-director for South Sudan at the International Growth Center, said Machar had no choice but to flee before his forces were decimated. Aside from avoiding capture, getting out of the country was the only way he could attempt to rebuild support within his constituency and remind the international community that he is still relevant to the peace process, Ajak said from Cambridge, England. A spokesman for the United Nations added a layer of intrigue Thursday, asserting that the organizations peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, known by its acronym MONUSCO, had assisted Machar, his wife and 10 others in safe travel once they had crossed into the country from South Sudan, which happened Wednesday. The spokesman, Farhan Haq, also hinted that Machar had received medical attention from MONUSCO. Haq told a regular briefing at the U.N. headquarters in New York that Machar was now at an unspecified location in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but declined to elaborate on why Machar had needed medical attention. We took him from one part of the DRC to another, Haq said. Right now hes in the hands of the authorities of the DRC. Tens of thousands of people died in a civil war that began in December 2013 and pitted troops loyal to Machar, a former vice president, against the forces of Kiir. Both sides are accused of committing atrocities against civilians. Supporters of Machar cried foul when Kiir accepted the nomination last month of a new vice president to replace Machar in the transitional government. ResMed has filed a patent infringement complaint in the Southern District of California, as well as lawsuits in Germany and New Zealand, and to the US International Trade Commission against Fisher & Paykel Healthcare just days after the Auckland-based company filed its own lawsuit against its US rival in the market for breathing masks and air flow products. F&P Healthcare says it will "vigorously defend the recent allegations of patent infringement and declaratory judgment claims made by ResMed". The US company has also filed claims against F&P Healthcare in Germany and New Zealand. We believe we have good and valid defenses to the claims filed by ResMed and we will vigorously contest these claims," said chief executive Lewis Gradon. "We are also confident in our infringement and validity positions with respect to our own patents." ResMed's legal action comes just two days after F&P Healthcare announced that it was "seeking all available remedies, including damages and injunctive relief" in its proceedings in the US District Court for the Central District of California. The lawsuit says ResMed's "AirSense 10 and AirCurve 10 range of flow generator products, ClimateLineAir heated air tubing for use with such flow generator products and Swift LT and Swift FX masks, infringe patents held by Fisher & Paykel Healthcare". ResMed's suits relate to F&P Healthcare's Simplus full face mask, Eson nasal mask and Eson 2 nasal mask and has also asked the San Diego court "to invalidate patents that Fisher & Paykel recently asserted against ResMed, to declare that ResMed does not infringe those patents, or both." "We remain steadfast in our commitment to defend our intellectual property wherever necessary to ensure patients receive the high-quality care they deserve," said ResMed global general counsel David Pendarvis. "We are confident that when the courts hear all the evidence, ResMed will prevail on its case and defeat any claims asserted by Fisher & Paykel." F&P Healthcare shares fell 0.6 percent to $10.42 on the NZX and have gained 18 percent this year. ResMed shares fell 0.9 percent to US$68.48 and are up 28 percent this year. Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: SKO - FY23 Interim Results Announcement Date - 23 November 2022 Downer awarded $490 million road maintenance contract SKC - 2022 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS AND TRADING UPDATE TCL - Result of AGM TradeWindow secures U.S. footprint with FoodChain ID October 28th Morning Report October 25th Morning Report Mainfreight Investor Day / Market Update GFI - Greenfern - Offer closes 27th Oct MCY - Quarterly Operational Update Duncan Saville is to retire as a director of Infratil at the company's annual meeting later this month after 22 years in the role. Saville's departure from the board comes after the Utilico investment vehicle he manages reduced its stake in Infratil to just 2.5 percent in May, having been one of the infrastructure investor's biggest shareholders with a 20 percent stake before it started selling in 2010. He was appointed as a director of Wellington-based Infratil in March 1994, when the company listed on the NZX. Saville has also served on the boards of several water, airport and utility investment companies. In a statement, Infratil said Saville had been, "an endless source of support, insight, and encouragement". Anthony Muh, Morrison & Co's chief executive for Asia will also leave his post as alternate director, a role that saw him attend board meetings when Saville was unavailable. Saville will remain a director of HRL Morrison & Co, Infratil's manager. Infratil shares fell 0.6 percent to $3.38. Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: SKO - FY23 Interim Results Announcement Date - 23 November 2022 Downer awarded $490 million road maintenance contract SKC - 2022 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS AND TRADING UPDATE TCL - Result of AGM TradeWindow secures U.S. footprint with FoodChain ID October 28th Morning Report October 25th Morning Report Mainfreight Investor Day / Market Update GFI - Greenfern - Offer closes 27th Oct MCY - Quarterly Operational Update Kiwi food and beverage company Little Island Coconut Creamery is moving into exports of coconut milk, kicking off in Australia and then expanding into the US state of California early next year to take advantage of a global trend to plant-based food. Tommy Holden and James Crow started up the Auckland-based company in 2010 making dairy-free, coconut cream-based NiceBlocks and ice-cream, and added coconut milk stored in the supermarket chiller with other dairy alternatives last year. It has partnered with Samoan coconut cream producer Ah Liki for the supply of the base ingredient. Coconut milk now comprises half of the startups $3.2 million in annual revenue and Crow said its focusing first on long-life milk exports as an everyday consumer staple rather than the ice-creams, which are more seasonal and attract lower margins offshore. Hes forecasting revenue to rise to $5.2 million in the 2017 financial year from Australian exports while US revenues should kick in the following year. Tasting panels the startup has just completed showed American consumers preferred Little Island over existing coconut milk products, giving it the confidence to move into the market early next year as a premium product following a few, minor tasting and packaging tweaks. Although Little Island faces a handful of coconut milk competitors already in the US, the number one thing is taste, Crowe said, and he believes that, along with its Kiwi story, will win consumers over. Well have a founder-driven sales pitch in the US, he said. Theyre also hoping to get their products into Australian supermarkets shortly and are about to sign an Australian national distribution deal for the milk range which includes 1 litre and 360 ml bottles in flavours ranging from original, chocolate, strawberry, banana and coffee. Plant-based food globally is undergoing what Crow calls a startup boom. Earlier this year Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google parent Alphabet, picked plant-based protein as one of six hot global trends. Plant-based alternatives to milk and yoghurt are growing at an 11 percent compound annual growth rate in the US and while almond milk has dominated that space until now, the Californian drought is affecting almond production. Crow said the rise in non-dairy alternatives hasnt escaped the eye of the traditional dairy industry. French dairy giant Danone made a US$10.4 billion deal in July, its largest acquisition in a decade, to buy US organic foods producer White Wave Foods. White Wave is the fastest-growing company in the US food and beverage industry with its range including organic, soy, coconut, cashew and almond milks. Little Island was co-founded by the two entrepreneurs with backing from Phoenix Organics co-founder Chris Morrison and another former Phoenix staffer, John Evans, who are both on the board. Marmont Capital, a private capital fund set up to invest in Kiwi food and beverage start-ups, has become its largest shareholder, one of only two investments it has made in the past two years. A further fundraising round of $2-to-$3 million is planned for later this year to fund the US export drive, a leap up from the $700,000-odd raised to date. Marmont Capital co-founder Matt McKendry, who is also on the board, said the coconut brand was a small business facing a big global food trend. There are not too many similar opportunities in New Zealand with such a core value proposition, he said. McKendry reckons any New Zealand food and beverage business should consider exporting to Australia first because of its more competitive retail scene which means theyll gain a lot of fitness in this space, before advancing to other countries like the US or Asia. In New Zealand, Little Islands enemy was dairy and trying to convert people from cow milk to plant-based food, but that shift was already well-established in the US and its enemy will become almond, McKendry said. Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: SKO - FY23 Interim Results Announcement Date - 23 November 2022 Downer awarded $490 million road maintenance contract SKC - 2022 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS AND TRADING UPDATE TCL - Result of AGM TradeWindow secures U.S. footprint with FoodChain ID October 28th Morning Report October 25th Morning Report Mainfreight Investor Day / Market Update GFI - Greenfern - Offer closes 27th Oct MCY - Quarterly Operational Update New Zealand is seeking a place at the negotiating table by ratifying by the end of November the global climate change accord agreed in Paris last year, fearing loss of influence over crucial rule-making if it doesnt do so. New Zealand needs international credibility to influence rules that relate to the agreement but are yet to be negotiated, says a National Interest Analysis tabled in Parliament following Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett's announcement of the intended ratification timetable. Prepared by the Ministry for the Environment and destined for select committee scrutiny along with legislation required to ratify the agreement, the NIA says: Some of these rules may have economic impacts on New Zealand. New Zealands ratification of the agreement will provide certainty that New Zealands interests can be protected in the negotiations. Key among these are accounting rules governing plantation forestry carbon sinks, one of the biggest ways New Zealand intends to meet its commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. Opposition parties say that level is unambitious, but the government continues to insist it will be difficult to meet because New Zealand has a high proportion of agricultural GHG emissions, whereas most developed economies main source of emissions is from fossil fuels for transport, energy and industrial processing. The government also announced the establishment in coming weeks of three technical consulting groups to work on what contribution agriculture can make to reducing emissions by 2030, the role of forestry in reducing GHG emissions, and New Zealands exposure to the infrastructural and economic impacts of climate change. The ratification timing is earlier than was originally intended, reflecting leadership from major signatories to the Paris agreement, including the US and China, which will see complex negotiations on the rules governing the new regime get under way sooner rather than later. New Zealand also wants to regain access to international carbon markets, from which it has been excluded since deciding not to enter the so-called Second Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol, the global climate change deal that the Paris agreement will replace. New Zealands selected forestry and other land use sector accounting approaches are also important in the context of domestic policy, particularly forestrys role and implementation in the New Zealand emissions trading scheme, the NIA says, noting also that New Zealand needs to take an interest in the fact that there will not be a single global carbon market in the future. The Paris agreement does not limit international carbon markets to a single top-down market, although a centralised market is expected at some stage, the NIA says. When and how the centralised market mechanism will be operationalised is unclear, and it may not provide a timely and sufficient supply of emission reductions to be economically practical for New Zealands use. This means that New Zealand will likely need to build future international markets from the bottom up in cooperation with other willing participants. The NIAs publication coincides with the revival of a campaign by the Morgan Foundation, a philanthropic think tank, accusing the government and major industrial emitters of carbon cheating under the Kyoto Protocol by allowing the heavy use of low quality, low-cost carbon credits sourced from the former Soviet Union. Some of the main determinants of New Zealands ability to purchase sufficient international emission reductions include the strength of guidance governing environmental integrity, other countries willingness to participate in international carbon markets, and the level of demand created by other countries and emitters within those countries, the NIA says. Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: SKO - FY23 Interim Results Announcement Date - 23 November 2022 Downer awarded $490 million road maintenance contract SKC - 2022 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS AND TRADING UPDATE TCL - Result of AGM TradeWindow secures U.S. footprint with FoodChain ID October 28th Morning Report October 25th Morning Report Mainfreight Investor Day / Market Update GFI - Greenfern - Offer closes 27th Oct MCY - Quarterly Operational Update Spark New Zealand is backing a plan to run different brands at the budget and premium ends of the market and offer extra service sweeteners to deliver increased revenue in the coming year. The country's biggest telecommunications company is targeting sales growth of zero to 3 percent in the year ending June 30, 2017 on top of the $1.5 billion it reported today and a slightly smaller increase in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of zero to 2 percent on $986 million. The Auckland-based company has completed a three-year plan tilting its business to mobile and data-based services in the face of an increasingly obsolete landline operation, with traditional revenue now accounting for just 20 percent of Spark's sales compared to mobile which accounts for a third. Chief executive Simon Moutter told analysts today that he expects recent gains in the mobile market - which Spark now claims to be the biggest by revenue - will be more muted in 2017, and is targeting 5 percent growth after generating an 11 percent gain this year. "We're still in a tough industry - we do have a better business but we're realistic about some of the drivers of growth," Moutter said. "We're unlikely to be able to continue at that rate with mobile feeling a bit more pressured: we've still got all the usual decliners to manage, we've got a potential new competitor emerging in Voda-Sky and likely to make some plays around how they position themselves for launch." Spark plans to chase price-sensitive clients on its Skinny mobile and Big Pipe ISP brands, which came out of the company's ventures division, while reserving its own brand to pursue premium customers with a view to upselling them to fibre products or unlimited plans with greater data demands from included services such as video-streaming Lightbox and Morepork home security. The company sees wireless broadband as an opportunity to grow the budget end of the market while reducing its reliance on network operator Chorus's copper network. Moutter said Spark is in the process of launching the service and he hopes to have 50,000 customers signed up by the end of the year. Spark's also targeting a 20 percent increase in revenue from platform IT services, such as its data centre and cloud-based offerings, which it sees as a high growth segment. Those products form part of Spark's $658 million of IT services revenue, which rose at an 11 percent pace in 2016. Moutter said the ventures division, which Spark used to nurture the likes of Skinny, Big Pipe and Lightbox, is entering a new phase with some of the bigger units moved into the core Spark business and is setting up for the next round of growth in big data and the Internet of Things under the new leadership of Ed Hyde. The company expects to see more consolidation in the telecommunications sector as thin broadband margins push out marginal players, leaving Spark, a merged Sky Network Television-Vodafone New Zealand, Vocus, and Two Degrees Mobile possibly only firms standing next year. Moutter is backing the multi-brand strategy and "digital service inclusions" to maintain market share and grow revenue. "We do see an increasing trend to these full-service offerings including media," he said. Spark shares rose 2.8 percent to $3.86. (BusinessDesk) Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: SKO - FY23 Interim Results Announcement Date - 23 November 2022 Downer awarded $490 million road maintenance contract SKC - 2022 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS AND TRADING UPDATE TCL - Result of AGM TradeWindow secures U.S. footprint with FoodChain ID October 28th Morning Report October 25th Morning Report Mainfreight Investor Day / Market Update GFI - Greenfern - Offer closes 27th Oct MCY - Quarterly Operational Update Alumna Celeste Beatty Brews Beer, Breaks Barriers Its like making soup. Thats how Shaw University Class of 84 alumna Celeste Beatty describes the essence of the recipe and sentiment of the craft beer she began brewing at home 17 years ago. These days, two stars of Beattys Harlem Brewing Company, Sugar Hill Golden Ale and Harlem Renaissance, stand label-to-label with big-merchandise spirits sold at Wal-Mart. Harlem Brewing Companys Sugar Hill Golden Ale harkens the era of uptown Harlem during Prohibition, when a special beer could be found in Speakeasies - and in the hands of musics great artists. Beattys Harlem Renaissance brew is wheat-based cider with barley, coriander, cumin, a West African spice and orange peel. Those are the things I love cooking with, Beatty said. Its like making my grandmothers homemade soup. You use the same pot, said Beatty, the product of a family of cooks known to showcase signature dishes, and experiment cooking with beer and wine. Beatty compares the water-and barley-based wort, the body of the beer, to the water-based broth of homemade soups waiting for lentils or tomatoes. There is a lot of similarity; putting those ingredients into the pot and adding signature flavors, Beatty said. And in the darkness of science and nature, they are converted to alcohol through fermentation. Its a really exciting experience for anyone who likes cooking and loves being creative with things. Craft beer offers a lot of creativity; more layers of flavor, she said. Credit the universal appeal of craft beers, at least in part, also to changes in foreign policy making it most reasonable to produce goods closer to where consumers buy. Beattys six-packs cost anywhere from $10-$12. The Wal-Mart deal could boost the companys sales as much as 20 percent. Beatty started Harlem Brewing Company in 2001 and it currently is headquartered in Harlem. She runs the company with her son and business partner, Khouri Beatty. Shes also working through challenges of scarce space and high real estate costs to open a brewery in Harlem, home to a robust brewing history dating back to 1905. A campaign is underway for Harlem Brewing to land its chosen spot, and its led by Harlem native and Beatty family friend, actor Antonio Huggy Bear Fargas. Beatty, who grows her own hops for Harlem Brewing, also is working on a cookbook of recipes borrowed from family files, and her own. Think beer-battered fish, and sweet and savory sauces infused with beer or wine. The brewing experience aligns with Beattys International Relations degree from Shaw, and her interests and work in international relations, conflict mediation and cross-cultural understanding. Instead of bringing people to the mediation table, we bring them to the bar, said Beatty, applauding Shaw President Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroys EPIC mandate that champions entrepreneurship. As weve seen the business grow, weve also seen, interestingly enough, it can be a great unifier; to have a conversation about whats going on over good beer, Beatty said. As an African-American woman, Beatty is a rare breed in the beer brewing industry. But the Harlem Brewing Company brand carries nuances of brewing history steeped in the story of the African Diaspora people Beatty discovered through research and travel. Africa has a rich and interesting culture around how beer evolved in the United States and around the world, she said. Its exciting to see we do actually have a very rich brewing history in Africa and America. On a recent visit to Shaw, Beatty talked to Shaws Director of Alumni Relations, Valentino Bryant, about ways to reconnect with Shaw and share my experience, and invite students and alumni to be a part of what were doing, Beatty said. Id be pleased, she added, to expand to Shaw The Art of Brewing: From Africa to America, a class on brewing Beatty will teach this fall at City College of Harlem. Already, Beatty shares her story and lifes passion to celebrate and preserve memories of family, community, institutions and culture. She has hosted a tasting, for instance, in Idlewild, Michigan, which boasts the first black resort; and Sugar Hill Golden Ale, Beattys signature brew, remains on the menu at Sylvias, the legendary soul food restaurant where Sugar Hill made its Harlem debut. When Beatty thinks of even wider distribution and impact, she also has the example of Madame C.J. Walker in mind. Id like to expand the footprint of Harlem Brewing Company beyond brewing beer to create opportunities for people who want to tap into this industry, she said, describing her vision as an advocacy company. It gives us an opportunity to go into markets we havent previously been able to go, Beatty said. The brand has been an interesting way to become aligned with many of these communities, the Harlems of the world. CHARLOTTE, NC and LUXEMBOURG--(Marketwired - Aug 18, 2016) - BSN medical, the global integrated medical therapy solutions provider, announced an ongoing collaboration with NASA to develop a specialized gradient compression garment for protection against post-spaceflight orthostatic intolerance -- the inability to stand upright without experiencing a rapid heart rate, low blood pressure (hypotension), lightheadedness or feeling faint upon return to Earth's gravity. Astronauts who live in space, even for short periods of time, experience physiological adaptations that have noticeable consequences once they return to Earth's gravity. These include changes to balance, coordination, muscle strength, blood volume, and blood pressure regulation, and may impact an astronaut's ability to perform basic tasks such as standing and walking1. According to a study of veteran astronauts, up to 83 percent returning from long duration ( > 1 mo.) spaceflight experienced these physiological changes during postflight evaluation2. Since 2009, Michael B. Stenger, Ph.D., Cardiovascular and Vision Laboratory Lead, and Stuart M. C. Lee, Ph.D., Lead Scientist in the Cardiovascular and Vision Laboratory at the NASA Johnson Space Center have been examining the usefulness of different configurations of BSN's JOBST lower body compression garments as a countermeasure to post-spaceflight orthostatic intolerance. This work has led to the development of a custom-fitted, three-piece, abdomen-high, elastic gradient compression garment designed by BSN engineers. The efficacy of the three-piece compression garments first was demonstrated in healthy subjects following a 14-day bed rest study, an analog of space flight, and in astronauts after two-week Space Shuttle missions. The positive results from these studies were published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including the report by M.B. Stenger, et al., published in Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine3. Story continues Currently, the JOBST three-piece garments are being tested in astronauts returning from four-to-six month stays on the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the joint NASA-Russian Field Test Study. Upon landing in Kazakhstan, crewmembers are taken into a medical tent where they remove their space suits, put on the JOBST gradient compression garments, and participate in the Field Test study protocols. Testing at the landing site includes quickly standing from a seated position, standing quietly for 3.5 minutes after rising from a prone position, walking a straight line, walking over a small obstacle, and posture testing. To date, only a few astronauts have worn the JOBST gradient compression garments during the Field Test, but preliminary observations are promising. Conclusive evidence will not be available until the study is completed. Scientists plan to test a total of 15 crewmembers before deciding whether to transition the JOBST three-piece compression garments from research to normal usage. In the future, the garments might be used for crews traveling to and from the ISS, as well as to Mars and other destinations. Prior to launch, the patented JOBST garments are custom-fitted to each astronaut taking part in the Field Test investigation, and they are designed to accommodate for moderate changes in body weight and size, all of which may occur as a result of prolonged stays in space. "Our team is extremely pleased to be working so closely with NASA," said Felix Dahm, M.D., executive vice president of Innovation and Strategic Development for BSN medical. "The demands of space flight place significant physiological stress on astronauts. Our gradient compression garments have been shown to alleviate post-spaceflight orthostatic intolerance in ongoing studies. We have a world-class team of engineers who are committed to improving compression therapies -- an expertise that also helps prevent certain adverse effects of space flight." "Additionally, NASA's research with the JOBST garments may also help the general population overcome issues such as orthostatic intolerance, as these garments designed for astronauts may hold promise for people who suffer from sudden drops in blood pressure on a regular basis here on earth," continued Dr. Dahm. Effects of Space Travel and Landing on Human Body Upon entering the weightless environment of space, an astronaut's blood moves upwards from their legs to the upper body and head, and blood volume decreases in the first 24 hours of space flight. When they re-enter Earth's gravity and land, blood moves back towards their lower body and the body's mechanisms to return blood back to the heart are not as effective. Consequently, 20 percent of Space Shuttle astronauts did and more than 60 percent of International Space astronauts may experience hypotension, causing them to feel lightheaded and dizzy4. Recovery from the effects of space flight can take several days to weeks depending on the length of the mission and the individual astronaut. As a result, orthostatic intolerance can persist for several days after landing5. About BSN medical BSN medical is a global leader in wound care & related vascular diseases, lymphology and non-invasive orthopaedic products. Founded in 2001, the company currently employs approximately 6,100 members of staff and generated revenues of EUR 861 m in 2015. The company aims to provide an integrated therapy-driven approach -- grounded in a broad portfolio of products, enhanced by insights into current therapeutic areas and complemented by a progressive approach to partnerships. Its well-known brands such as Leukoplast, Cutimed, JOBST, Delta Cast, Delta Lite and Actimove are among the most trusted in healthcare. With its comprehensive product portfolio, BSN medical addresses patients' needs in the most prevalent conditions in wound care and vascular diseases, and orthopaedic treatments. More information: and 1 2 Meck JV, et al., Psychosom Med 2001; 63:865-73 3 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 84, No. 5, May 2013 4,5 Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance Vol. 86, No. 12, Section II Dec. 2015 Image Available: UNITED NATIONS: India has been ranked 66th in a list of most innovative economies, jumping 15 places from last year, according to a new UN report which calls for more transparent policies if the country aspires to become a global driver of innovation. In the report by the UN World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), India moved up 15 spots from 81st last year to 66th this year in the overall global rankings. The Global Innovation Index 2016, released by the WIPO, Cornell University, and the multi-nation business graduate school INSEAD, said India ranks among the top 50 economies overall in two pillars: Market sophistication, 33, and Knowledge and technology out-puts, 43. The country maintains stable or improved rankings across all pillars, with the most significant improvements in Human capital and research, up 40 spots and Business sophistication, up 59 spots. Within Human capital and research, India data coverage increased, specifically in graduates in sciences and engineering, ranked eighth overall this year while this was a missing value last year, affecting the jump in its ranking. India's ranking in the Business sophistication pillar is affected most by a substantial improvement in Knowledge workers, up 46 spots and Knowledge absorption, up 33 spots. India also improves in the ranking of firms offering formal training by 56 spots to reach 42nd place. "Furthermore, India improves across all indicators within the Knowledge absorption sub-pillar and it turns in a solid performance in the GII (Global Innovation Index) model's newly incorporated research talent in business enterprise, where it ranks 31st," the report said. However, India shows weakness in two sub-pillars of business environment, 117th, and education, 118th and within this has potential to improve in the the ease of starting a business and pupil-teacher ratio. "India has all the ingredients needed to become a global driver of innovation: A strong market potential, an excellent talent pool and an underlying culture of frugal innovation. Innovative countries have demonstrated the leverage of their cultural advantage to capture markets," the report said. Similarly, India can build on its cultural bias of frugality and sustainability to capture markets not only within its shores but globally. "For this to happen India's industries need to have the hunger to be at the top of the value chain, its customers have to be more demanding, its policies have to be more transparent, and its talent pool has to get more hands-on experience while simultaneously growing to leverage the global talent pool," the report said. The report showed that for the first time, China, a middle-income country, has joined highly developed economies among global leaders in innovation. "China's progression reflects the country's improved innovation performance as well as methodological considerations such as improved innovation metrics in the GII," WIPO said. However, despite China's rise, an "innovation divide" persists between developed and developing countries, it said. Switzerland emerged as the global leader among innovative economies followed by Sweden, the UK, the US and Finland. Switzerland ranked first in the 2015 index as well. WIPO also noted that the 2016 findings point to an increasing awareness among policymakers that fostering innovation is crucial to a vibrant, competitive economy. "Investing in innovation is critical to raising long-term economic growth. In this current economic climate, uncovering new sources of growth and leveraging the opportunities raised by global innovation are priorities for all stakeholders," WIPO Director-General Francis Gurry said. According to WIPO, among the GII 2016 leaders, four economies - Japan, the US, the UK, andGermany - stand out in "innovation quality", a top-level indicator that looks at the calibre of universities, number of scientific publications and international patent filings. China ranked 17th in innovation quality, making it the leader among middle-income economies for this indicator, followed by India, which has overtaken Brazil. However, Sub- Saharan Africa continued to lag behind. Mauritius took the top spot among all economies in the region, 53rd, followed by South Africa, 54th, Kenya, 80th, Rwanda, 83, Mozambique, 84, Botswana, 90th, Namibia, 93th and Malawi, 98th. Average regional performance shows strengths in the ease of starting a business, information and communication technologies, business-model creation and relative expenditure on education, with weaknesses in firms conducting global research and development, high-tech exports, the quality of local universities and number of scientific publications. Co-editor Soumitra Dutta, Dean at the Cornell College of Business, highlighted the importance of investment in improving innovation quality as essential for closing the "innovation divide". Dutta said, "While institutions create an essential supportive framework for doing so, economies need to focus on reforming education and growing their research capabilities to compete successfully in a rapidly changing globalised world". The Global Innovation Index 2016 ranked nations according to their innovation capabilities and results using approximately 80 indicators that include measures of human capital development and research, development funding, university performance and international dimensions of patent applications, among a host of other important parameters. Read Also: Kerala IT Firm SunTec Strengthens Dubai R&D Centre Digital Guardian Opens 1st India Centre In Hyderabad THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Kozhikode-based financial technology solutions provider Sesame Software today said it has received funding from Speridian Technologies, a US based global IT firm, in lieu of majority stake. The investment will strengthen Sesame's industry leadership while ensuring success for the group, a press release said. It will further boost Speridian's ambitious growth plans for the coming years, by enabling their foray into additional service verticals. "This acquisition adds to our capacity and geographic presence and enables us to deliver exceptional service to our customers and prospects," said Vinod VC, Founder and Managing Director, Sesame. Founded in 1993, Sesame is an ISO certified company with rich experience in the banking vertical, having successfully delivered Core Banking Solutions to hundreds of customers including Co-operative banks with more than 950 branches. Speridian Technologies is into CRM solutions and IT services with a significant presence in the U.S., the UAE, Canada and India. Read Also: Digital Guardian Opens 1st India Centre In Hyderabad Companies that Put India High on the Global Platform BENGALURU: U.S.-based global supplier of semiconductor chips and electronic components Mouser Electronics opened its customer service centre and back office in this tech hub on Wednesday. "The new full-service centre underscores our dedication to serving the world's top design engineers and buyers with customer service and technical support," said Mark Burr-Lonnon, Vice-President of Mouser's business in the Asia-Pacific region. A subsidiary of TTI Inc., Mouser is part of Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway family of companies, focused on distributing new products and technologies to electronic design engineers and buyers the world over. With 20 per cent sales growth and new customers, Burr-Lonnon said the company had emerged as a major player in the Indian market. "Our sales success in India means that we need to increase the local support to our customers with more team members. With the number of engineers growing, the centre will be a new hub of design," noted Burr-Lonnon. As a leading distributor of about 600 manufacturers, Mouser has 22 service centres worldwide to meet the semiconductor and electronic component needs of 500,000 customers globally. To strengthen its ties with the local industry, Mouser has joined the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association, the city-based apex body for electronic system design and manufacturing in the country. "With its unique business proposition and focus on startups and engineering/ research students, we are hopeful that Mouser will remove complexities in procuring electronics components required for research and development, especially by small units," said IESA President M.N. Vidyashankar on the occasion. Read Also: Huawei To Start Mobile Manufacturing In India Zippo Ties Up With William Penn For Distribution In India HYDERABAD: FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO), Hyderabad andTelangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC) today announced to jointly set up a Women Entrepreneur's Industrial Park at Patancheru here. Spread over 50 acres, this flagship project, in collaboration with TSIIC, is a first for both FLO and its parent body FICCI and this park will house women-owned and women-run businesses, in industry verticals, primarily in the green and orange categories, a FLO release said. "The park will be ready in two months. We will commission the park in next two years. Now applications process is underway. The land is allotted at a cost of Rs 45 lakh per acre," Padma Rajgopal, Chairperson of FLO Hyderabad said. The Park will house women-owned and women-run businesses, representing varied industry verticals primarily in the green and orange category, she said. Jyotsna Angara, Governing Body Member FLO, who leads the initiative at Hyderabad said, "Green energy norms and green infrastructure will be a big aspect of the Park. It is a multi-industry vertical park. Priority for allotment of land will be given to FLO members. Presently 50 acres land is allotted and may be extended as the demand increases". "Approximately Rs 200 crore will be invested over a span of three to five years. A cumulative employment of 3,000 will be generated in next five years," Jyotsna added. Read Also: India Claims 66th Rank in this Year's Global Innovation Index Indian Navy's First International Educational Program Starts BENGALURU: As India celebrates its 70th Birthday along with billions of Indians, Google added to the zeal of celebration by offering its users some interesting features. Googles doodle dedicated to the historic "Tryst with Destiny" speech, delivered by Nehru Ji in the Parliament House before the Indian Constituent Assembly. "Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now that time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom," he had said in the speech. As a matter of fact, India also shares its Independence Day with South Korea, which marks the end of Japanese colonial rule in 1945yet another doodle was dedicated for this. Below were some attractive features offered by Google to mark the occasion for Google users in India: Google Search - It allowed Indians users to travel back into the time of India's freedom struggle in their local languagesby entering voice commands, typing questions related to I-Day. Google Translate There were signs on Googles page in some local languages to assist people in translating anything they want. They could use Google Translate and scanned printed texts and app could translate those for them in their own language. Google Maps - Independence Day, that too on a Monday, doubled the joy of Indians as it was a much-awaited long weekend for many. They could breeze through unknown roads, ensure wonderful travel experience with Google Maps, along with real-time traffic alert and voice commands. Google Cultural Institute Google took care of those at home by featuring a virtual tour of the monumentsvia the Google Cultural Institutewhich were closely associated with India's freedom struggleenlisting more than 45,000 artworks in high resolution. Google Now - Google Now enabled users to check news updates, weather forecasts and suggested nearby sightseeing options. If you missed on any of these features this year, keep in mind, there is always something new and exciting coming up with time, just Google it! Read Also: Ranjan Shackles Government; Asks To Free PSU Banks! India's Internet Users To Grow Over 2-Fold To 730 Mn By 2020: Report Noble Corporation NE released its latest fleet status update that included information about a new contract as well as an early termination of another. Noble Corp. has contracted its drillship Noble Bob Douglas with Apache Corp. (APA) at an undisclosed dayrate. The contract is for the period AprJun 2017. The drillship will operate in Suriname. On the other hand, Noble Corp. announced that it has reached an agreement with its customer Quadrant Energy for the early termination of the drilling contracts for one of its jackup rig. The contract is now expected to conclude during the second half of Sep 2016. As part of the contract, Noble Corp. will receive a demobilization fee as well as 50% of the operating dayrate through the original contract expiration date from the customer. Noble Corp. provides diversified services for the oil and gas industry. The company offers contract drilling services with a fleet of 30 offshore drilling units (consisting of 16 semisubmersibles and drillships and 14 jackups). The company renders contract drilling services along with provision of labor contract drilling, engineering and consulting, and project management services. The company offers its services in the United States, the Middle East, India, Mexico, the North Sea, Brazil, and West Africa. In addition, Noble Corp. is a leading offshore drilling firm with a robust portfolio of assets. Though the industry has witnessed a setback in the past few months, the company is likely to be less impacted by it than its peers. This is because it enjoys a strong backlog position ($8.1 billion). NOBLE CORP PLC Price NOBLE CORP PLC Price | NOBLE CORP PLC Quote Noble Corp. remains on track to upgrade its fleet through acquisitions and newbuild projects. Moreover, it continues to benefit from its robust position in the ultra-deepwater market. Noble Corp. carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Some better-ranked players from the energy sector are Sasol Ltd. SSL, Enbridge, Inc. ENB and Total SA TOT. All these stocks sport a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report TOTAL FINA SA (TOT): Free Stock Analysis Report SASOL LTD -ADR (SSL): Free Stock Analysis Report NOBLE CORP PLC (NE): Free Stock Analysis Report ENBRIDGE INC (ENB): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Some college radio stations broadcast commercial playlists and major record labels, others are known for obscure artists and basement jam sessions, and some air an eclectic mix. Whatever their vibe, college radio stations have become newly popular with music junkies and music makers alike. Skidmores WSPN-FM, might look like any other college radio station on the surface -- but when you dig deeper, you find the creative undercurrent that sets it apart. The history WSPN originated as a carrier station of Union Colleges WRUC and then became its own operation in 1972. When the station was WRUC-Skidmore prior to 1972, its studio was on the top floor of the Little Theater. "Entering and exiting, and going to the record library, meant going through a classroom space, which annoyed some of the professors. We sometimes used the fire escape instead," recalls Fred Goldstein '75, chief engineer of WSPN during his time on campus and the person resposbile for installing the oringal FM station and new campus studio. The transmitter has always been located in Jonsson Tower, but the studio was once in Case Center. In 1978, the studio moved to the Jonsson basement, and over the years DJs and music fans have decorated the door with stickers of thousands of musical groups. Lots of memories on the door to WSPN, the campus radio station. #Skidmore #collegeradio A photo posted by Skidmore College (@skidmorecollege) on Aug 5, 2015 at 5:26pm PDT WSPN is a 24-hour, 365-day, full-service, noncommercial station. Using a freeform radio format -- where the DJ is given complete control over what music to play regardless of genres or commercial interests -- its one of the few college radio stations run entirely by a student board. The station hit its stride under the leadership of Steven Rosenbaum 83, who enlisted local community members as well as students as program hosts -- a tradition that continues today. #TBT to 1978 when everyone was invited to the opening of @wspnradio #Skidmore A photo posted by Skidmore College (@skidmorecollege) on Feb 18, 2016 at 8:49am PST The people WSPN just exuded this vibe of independence and creativity, a space for students to express their passions and feel free to experiment with sound. - Ariel Plotnick 15 WSPN reflects the personalities and tastes of its DJs. For Skidmore students, this ranges from music to audio documentaries to live jam sessions. When I was new at Skidmore I remember turning on WSPN and being blown away at the variety, says current general manager Logan Sweezy 17. You could hear everything from a DJ obsessed with the 90s Memphis underground tape scene to Appalachian bluegrass to Tame Impala. WSPN was different, and I wanted to be a part of that. Zac Transport 17, majoring in the physics of acoustics, plays the blues -- everything from the 1920s to now. I love the blues because I was raised on CDs my father played for me, such as Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Blind Lemon Johnson, John Lee Hooker, and so on, he says. I DJ because I love opening up people in my generation to old music theyve probably never heard before. Playing music that I love makes me happy, and I hope to make others happy with me. Behind the DJs, the student board, composed of about 15 members, manages everything from programming to publicity to audio engineering. Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sites/ on line 494 goldfish lake If you've ever dumped a pet goldfish in a nearby body of water and thought your act was harmless, think again. The seemingly innocent creatures are wreaking havoc on ecosystems around the globe. In April 2015, Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials faced an infestation of 4,000 goldfish in a lake in Boulder County a few years after someone was believed to have dumped a handful of pet goldfish into a nearby lake. In 2013, wildlife officials in California reported that the fish had begun taking over Lake Tahoe, likely after pet owners had tossed them there. And for the past 12 years, goldfish populations have been surging in the Vasse River in southwestern Australia, where researchers say the public's well-intentioned disposal practice is a big part of the problem. goldfish lake! The problem is not just that tons of tiny goldfish are in streams where there previously were none the fish are also growing to massive sizes, in some cases getting as big as 4 pounds, according to Dr. Stephen Beatty, a professor at Murdoch University who has been leading research on how best to address the problem in southwest Australia. He and his team members regularly found goldfish weighing about 2 pounds, they told Australian radio station 720 ABC Perth. In Lake Tahoe, US Forest Service fish biologists reported being well acquainted with the supersized fish, which often weighed several pounds and measured between 4 and 8 inches. giant fish 2 In each case, local dumping appears to play a serious role. "Perhaps they were kids' pets where the family have been moving house and their parents, not wanting to take the aquarium, have dumped them in the local wetlands," Beatty told 720 ABC Perth. Story continues Since the goldfish are a nonnative species in these area, wildlife officials are concerned that they are threatening the natural aquatic ecosystem. "It's a bad thing it's a really bad thing," Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesperson Jennifer Churchill told Fox 31 News last year. "They'll start eating up everything that the native fish and the amphibians and the birds are here to eat, and so that can have a really negative effect down the road and this can kill this fishery in a few years." teller lake skitch But questions about how the populations grew to such massive proportions were still boggling scientists. A paper that Beatty and his team published August 12 in the journal Ecology of Freshwater Fish found that goldfish, who were assumed to be pretty limited in terms of how far they could travel, can actually travel long distances to feed and forage, Mashable reported. The researchers also found evidence that the fish are migrating to nearby wetlands and reproducing, which further fuels their population growth. "Just letting go of a pet, no matter how innocuous you think it is in your aquarium or how pretty it is, can potentially cause a lot of damage," Beatty told Mashable. Amanda Macias contributed reporting. NOW WATCH: Forget the gross factor: There are serious health reasons for why you shouldn't pick your nose More From Business Insider WARSAW, Aug 17 (Reuters) - Net profit at Europe's No.2 copper producer, Polish KGHM, fell 75 percent year on year in the first half of this year, as lower copper prices continued to weigh on results, especially at its overseas assets, it said on Wednesday. The state-run firm posted a consolidated net result of 296 million zlotys ($77.65 million) compared to 1.19 billion zlotys a year earlier and 406 million zlotys expected by analysts. The company did not publish a net profit for the second quarter, but according to Reuters calculations it stood at 135 million zlotys and came in below analysts' expectations at 245 million zlotys. At a stand-alone level, on which KGHM's dividends are based, the miner booked a 49 percent fall in net profit to 668 million zlotys, compared to 704 million zlotys seen in Reuters poll. ($1 = 3.8120 zlotys) (Reporting by Agnieszka Barteczko, editing by David Evans) By clicking Agree, you consent to Slates Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and the use of technologies such as cookies by Slate and our partners to deliver relevant advertising on our iOS app to personalize content and perform site analytics. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about our use of data, your rights, and how to withdraw consent. Agree A 15 year-old pedestrian has been rushed to hospital this morning, after the boy was involved in an accident in Chisholm. An ACT policing spokeswoman said the crash involved the boy and one car. The ACT Ambulance Service was alerted to the incident on Isabella Drive at 10.45am. The patient was stabilised at the scene by intensive care paramedics and was transported to The Canberra Hospital in a stable condition. An ESA spokesman said he believed crash happened about 200 metres west of the Chisholm Fire Station. Police said traffic is blocked on Isabella Drive from the roundabout with Kellett Street, heading towards Monaro Highway, and are urging motorists to avoid the area. They could not yet provide further details about the crash. The rising and falling fortunes of Detroit have inspired a music collaboration between an American poet and an ANU composer. Hum is a collection of five poems enfolded in music and will premiere in the former Motor City in September. The piece was created by award winning poet Jamaal May and Australian National University PhD student Andrew Harrison. Australian National University PhD student and composer Andrew Harrison who is creating a musical work with American poet Jamaal May to premiere in Detroit. Harrison says he first met May about 10 years ago and had always wanted to work with him but hadn't found the right opportunity until he embarked on a PhD on history and music at the ANU in Canberra. Hum includes poems from Jamaal May's 2014 book, also called Hum, which dealt with the dramatic crash of his hometown in the wake of the devastating global financial crisis. Harrison says May's poetry is inspiring. "It's quite amazing poetry, it's really emotional and passionate and his use of language is second to none," he says. "Jamaal's poetry addresses the big issues in what he describes as an interior way. He talks about the everyday life of people living in Detroit and also the wider American community. He's also addressing the social stuff that's happened." Harrison has seen first hand the decline in the former American manufacturing powerhouse. He first visited in 2004 and went over again last year while he was working with May. "Jamaal took me through his neighbourhood last year and it was very sad. [The] neighbourhood where he was raised - there are no street lights, and the houses are basically relics, there was no one living in them," he says. "But the city's still carrying on. It's not some kind of ghost town with tumbleweed. There's a grassroots revival and it's an opportunity." One of Canberra's leading advocacy groups for young women has called on the ACT Government to continue its support of school-based prevention programs to prevent violence against women in light of the most recent pornography ring scandal. While YWCA Canberra welcomed the government's 2015 election announcement of $615,000 to support learning programs in the ACT, Executive Director Frances Crimmins said the one-off funding was spread thinly over two years and across a range of prevention, early intervention and tertiary activities. Frances Crimmins, executive director of YWCA Canberra. "Unfortunately, this is consistent with the fact that many programs in Australia have been one-off, ad hoc and lacking the gendered perspective and quality curriculum needed." Ms Crimmins said. "The fact is that early intervention and tertiary responses must have an ongoing and secure funding base." "I lost my temper and punched him, but he was still breathing." Murdered: Neal Keith Wilkinson. Credit:ACT Policing His mother said she wanted to phone police but Lee disconnected the phone and said she wasn't allowed to ring anybody for 15 minutes. Lee then stole the cash, which was stuffed in a pillowcase, and left. His mother struggled from her bedroom and saw Mr Wilkinson lying in the entry hall. A neighbour heard her cries for help and called police. In an interview soon after his arrest, Lee told police he had gone to the house intent on forcing his way inside and got mad. "It got out of hand quickly," he said. "It's actually a relief to be caught. I just ran and ran after it happened, I didn't know what to do." He told police he had taken ice and heroin in the two days before the killing. He was charged and later pleaded guilty to murder and theft. Chief Justice Helen Murrell on Thursday sentenced Lee to a maximum 12 years imprisonment for the killing and two years and six months' jail for stealing the cash. She described the fatal bashing as objectively less serious than most murders. Chief Justice Murrell took into account Mr Wilkinson had been murdered in his own home, but said the fatal attack was not premeditated. An autopsy report stated Mr Wilkinson's head injuries were less severe than typical fatal head injuries and there may have been another contributing factor. "The accused intended to cause serious harm, he did not intend to cause death and was not recklessly indifferent to that prospect." She described the theft of the couple's savings as "callous in the extreme" and said the serious crime was a breach of trust. Lee, a former public servant and business owner, had started using drugs when his marriage broke down a decade ago and was socially isolated and struggling financially due to a gambling habit in the months before the killing. His escalating use of illicit substances and increasingly chaotic lifestyle caused his relationships with his children to deteriorate dramatically and contact with them had been infrequent and strained in recent years. Chief Justice Murrell noted the emotional impact of the offences on Lee's mother, who had not been in contact with him since the murder, would have been profound. "In addition to losing her life partner, with the loss of the deceased she must have lost the capacity to live with relative independence." She noted Lee had expressed immediate remorse, accepted responsibility for his actions and had good prospects for rehabilitation. Colonel Adrian Roberts, the commander of the Armoured Personnel Carrier force that went to the aid of Lieutenant Colonel Harry Smith's beleaguered D Company during the Battle of Long Tan fears the bravery of his men will never be recognised. The retired regular army officer, who said his largely conscript force had fought just as well as professional soldiers, has welcomed the belated recognition of the heroism of many of the soldiers caught up in the Vietnamese ambush ahead of Thursday's 50th anniversary commemoration. Adrian Roberts was the young officer who led the APC relief force that went to the aid of D Company during the Battle of Long Tan. This week marks the 50th anniversary of the battle. Credit:Jay Cronan He, like many others, can't understand why the issue of awards and honours wasn't resolved decades ago. "The politics of these things is disappointing; it does not reflect well on the system," he said. Chinese airlines need to hire almost 100 pilots a week for the next 20 years to meet skyrocketing travel demand. Facing a shortage of candidates at home, carriers are dangling lucrative pay packages at foreigners with cockpit experience. Giacomo Palombo, a former United Airlines pilot, said he's being bombarded every week with offers to fly Airbus A320s in China. Regional carrier Qingdao Airlines promises as much as $US318,000 ($415,000) a year. Sichuan Airlines, which flies to Canada and Australia, is pitching $US302,000. Both airlines say they'll also cover his income tax bill in China. With demand for aviation surging, Chinese airlines need to hire almost 100 pilots a week for the next 20 years to keep up. "When the time to go back to flying comes, I'll definitely have the Chinese airlines on my radar," said Palombo, 32, now an Atlanta-based consultant for McKinsey & Co. "The financials are attractive." Air traffic over China is set to almost quadruple in the next two decades, making it the world's busiest market, according to Airbus Group SE. Startup carriers barely known abroad are paying about 50 per cent more than what some senior captains earn at Delta Air Lines, and they're giving recruiters from the US to New Zealand free rein to fill their captains' chairs. Origin Energy has signalled it wants energy ministers not to interfere in energy markets after recent wobbles in South Australia and ahead of likely further rises in electricity prices. State and federal energy ministers are to meet on Friday and Grant King, the boss of Origin Energy, one of the country's largest power utilities, has a message for the meeting after South Australia's woes in mid-July: "Markets work". Origin Energy's gas export arm is a drag on earnings. Credit:Louie Douvis "Don't be spooked by pricing spikes," he said, referring to the surge in the wholesale price there which topped $10,000 a number of times amid concerns over the supply of electricity. Fears of a shortage prompted the South Australian government to intervene by calling for an idled generator to be restarted to avoid blackouts because electricity could not be sourced from Victoria at a time when the wind wasn't blowing in South Australia, limiting output from its extensive suite of wind farms. Treasury Wine Estates, the owner of Penfolds and Wolf Blass, is sitting on an $800 million pot of gold of luxury wines in its cellars, which should lift profit margins even higher in a buoyant business which is now making more profits from Asia than from its home base of Australasia. Treasury shares jumped more than 11 per cent on Thursday to climb above $10.60 after the wine group reported a net profit after tax of $179.4 million for the year ended June 30, up from $77.6 million a year earlier. The shares have doubled in the past year. Treasury Wine Estates is the owner of Penfolds and Wolf Blass. The company outlined a big rise in the amount of high-end wines it has sitting in storage ready for bottling and sale in years to come, which will underpin continued profit growth and an increase in profit margins. That luxury wine inventory jumped by $255 million to $798 million at the end of June. It will be bolstered further by a high-quality 2016 grape harvest, particularly in the Barossa Valley in South Australia, where high-end shiraz is grown. Treasury chief executive Mike Clarke said the company had exited lower-margin categories in preparation for an even bigger tilt towards higher-margin sales under brands such as Penfolds and its newly-acquired California premium brand. He is trying to source even more higher-end grape supply. Treasury Wine Estates, the owner of Penfolds and Wolf Blass, is now making more profits from Asia than from its home base of Australasia and has lifted its dividend payout sharply higher after a buoyant 2015-16 where bottomline profits more than doubled. Treasury reported a net profit after tax of $179.4 million for the 12 months ended June 30, 2016, up from $77.6 million a year ago, and outdid its own upgraded profit forecast handed down just six weeks ago by generating earnings before interest, tax, and the SGARA accounting standard of $342 million. Treasury shares have been one of the best performers on the ASX in the past year, jumping from around $5.40 this time a year ago to as high as $10.43 this morning. Credit:Cole Bennetts Treasury had previously outlined on July 4 to investors that it expected to produce EBITS of between $330 million to $340 million for 2015-16. Earnings from Asia were up 40 per cent to $102 million, while Australasia found the going tougher, lifting earnings by 4 per cent to $92.3 million. The Americas region, where Treasury acquired the Diageo wine business from the British alcoholic drinks giant for $754 million from January 1, lifted earnings by 64 per cent to $136.3 million. Treasury chief executive Mike Clarke has also brought forward by two years his own target of lifting profit margins to the "high teens". He now expects to reach that mark by 2017-18, and not 2020 as had previously been flagged. Treasury shareholders will be paid a final dividend of 12? per share on October 7. Mr Clarke said on Thursday that "momentum across our business is accelerating". He also emphasised that Treasury was now a much more sustainable and consistent business, in marked contrast to the severe fluctuations of several years ago. At Delta, a group of women pilots have banded together. Credit:AP One reason for the lack of rules is that women make up only about 4 per cent of the United States' 159,000 certified airline pilots - a number that has been slow to rise over the past decade or so. There were no female pilots at the biggest airlines until 1973, when American Airlines hired the first, Bonnie Tiburzi Caputo. In a reminder of how times have changed, that news was reported in The Los Angeles Times under the headline, "Airline Pilot to Fly by Seat of Panties." Captain Deborah Lawrie was the first female commercial pilot in Australia. Credit:Janie Barrett "Airline jobs were really reserved for men," said Caputo, 67, who became something of a minor celebrity when American hired her. She has been retired from the airline for about 18 years. "When we started, there were no maternity leaves, because there were no female pilots." First Officer Brandy Beck, a pilot for Frontier Airlines, at home with her children in Denver. Credit:Credit Theo Stroomer for The New York Times More than 40 years later, the major carriers still haven't resolved this issue. They set their policies for pilots based on the collective bargaining agreements negotiated by the unions. But women of childbearing age account for just a sliver of union membership, so maternity leave and breast-feeding policies have not been at the top of union agendas. Plus, some members oppose the proposals, citing the costs. One local union leader told several women in an email: "Having a child is a personal choice and asking the rest of us to fund your choice will be a difficult sell to the pilot group." The leader declined to be interviewed for this article; the union said he was not an authorised spokesman. Delta's female pilots still hope to win over a majority of their colleagues. They argue that without paid leave, they're faced with a choice to either stay home to breast-feed their babies or earn income for their families. Female pilots can begin to lose wages months before a baby is born. Most contracts at major airlines force pregnant pilots to stop flying eight to 14 weeks before a baby's due date. After the push by Delta's pilots this summer, the airline changed its policy this month. Delta now allows them to fly, with their doctor's approval, until the end of pregnancy if they so choose. Morgan Durrant, a spokesman for Delta, pointed out that once they stop flying, women can use accrued sick days or apply for disability benefits to partially cover their lost wages. Otherwise, the leave is unpaid. Once a baby is born, the major airlines typically don't offer paid maternity leave or alternative ground assignments for breast-feeding mothers. Some carriers, including United Airlines and Alaska Airlines, do offer female pilots up to one year of unpaid leave. Until recently, Delta did not offer such a policy, but the airline has added one year of unpaid leave to the pilot contract. Temporary ground assignments, which were proposed by the pilots at Frontier, could work as an alternative for some who live near company headquarters. But as many as one in five pilots resides at least 1200 kilometres from work. Breast pumping in the plane lavatory Consider what it took for First Officer Brandy Beck, a 41-year-old Frontier Airlines pilot, to pump breast milk. Once the plane was at cruising altitude and in autopilot mode, she would seek the agreement of her captain to take a break. In keeping with Frontier policy, the remaining pilot was required to put on an oxygen mask. Next a flight attendant - to prevent passengers from approaching the lavatory - would barricade the aisle with a beverage cart. Then the attendant would join the captain in the cockpit, in keeping with rules that require at least two people in an airline cockpit at all times. Only then could Ms Beck slip into the lavatory for a 20-minute pumping session. "It's by far not my favourite place to make my child's next meal," Ms Beck said. "But it's a sacrifice I knew I would have to accept because I came back to work." Ms Beck said that after nearly 20 years in the aviation industry, she assumed she could keep her job and nurse her baby. "I guess it never came to light in my mind that I couldn't do both," she said. Frontier's management has argued that extended breaks from the cockpit raise safety issues. The company has not offered an in-flight alternative for breast pumping, however, or made available temporary jobs on the ground. "While there are many workplaces that might allow for nursing mothers to express breast milk during a break from work activities, the duties of a commercial airline pilot present unique circumstances," a Frontier spokesman, Jim Faulkner, said in a statement. Seeking maternity leave The Federal Aviation Administration has issued no official rules for pilots who pump in-flight. But Alison Duquette, a spokeswoman for the agency, said that "leaving the flight deck for 20 minutes would not be acceptable" under most circumstances. A lactating mother often needs to pump breast milk every three to four hours. When she cannot do so, painful pressure can build up in her chest, accompanied by a risk of infection. "It's incredibly distracting and painful," said Ms Beck, "like when you need to go to the bathroom and can't." In a few instances at Delta, according to several of the airline's women pilots, their colleagues had to pump breast milk in the cockpit. The pumps need electricity, and in some older planes, the only plugs available are on the flight deck. The Delta female pilots are seeking a leave policy that would let mothers stay home for six months with pay to breast-feed newborns, and up to two years of unpaid leave. Pilots can earn a base salary of $US200,000 ($259,900) and more in later years. But young pilots often start at low wages as flight instructors, crop dusters, or flying charter or tourism flights, and don't reach the major carriers until their early 30s, a time when they may be planning families. As a result, one Delta pilot said, it is not uncommon for several women in a class of new pilots to be pregnant after a standard yearlong period of probation flying. Ten female Delta pilots agreed to speak to The New York Times on the condition of anonymity, for fear of alienating their employer or the male union members they hope will take up their cause. The union, through a spokeswoman, Kelly Regus, declined to comment on "the substance of internal union discussions." Durrant, the Delta spokesman, noted that the airline had updated some of its policies, and he said it would continue to examine its maternity and paternity leave programs. "Balancing the demands of a career and raising a family present challenges for all working parents, but we recognise there are unique challenges presented for our female pilots as their children are born," Durrant said in an emailed statement. 'The glass ceiling' It has been difficult for the women to compare notes about workplace issues. There are so few of them, they rarely see or fly with one another. That changed with a private Facebook group known as FAST Female Aviators Sticking Together that has grown quickly over the past year. It now has nearly 6000 members. There are also spinoffs like DAMP, or Delta Air Lines Mommy Pilots. The woman who delivered the breast pump demonstration in June did so on behalf of about 100 pilots in that Facebook group. And the Delta and Frontier pilots know they are pressing an issue that still plagues a group long dominated by women: flight attendants. This year, a flight attendant for Endeavor Air, a regional airline owned by Delta, filed a discrimination complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights, claiming the airline failed to provide reasonable breaks or private places to pump breast milk in her workplace. The commission is investigating. Mr Durrant, the Delta spokesman, said Endeavor had worked to accommodate the employee and "has gone to great lengths to provide reasonable accommodations for breast-feeding employees." Joanna L. Grossman, an expert on labour law and gender issues, said the pilots are fighting a complex battle. Last month it was announced that the 2016 Boyer lecture series would be delivered by Sir Michael Marmot, a leading researcher on health inequality. He will explore how health is not simply a matter of genetics and access to healthcare but is intrinsically linked to economic and social factors. This lecture series comes at a time of growing recognition of the increasing inequalities in income and wealth and the subsequent impacts on health. The social determinants of health include the obvious physical things such as clean water and air, healthy workplaces, adequate housing, transportation services and safe communities. Education and employment provide income and make housing, food and healthcare affordable. Equally important are less tangible factors such as social support networks, culture and beliefs, stress and exposure to violence, discrimination and racism. Australia's life expectancy figure does not reflect outcomes for different groups. Credit:Peter Braig The strong associations between these factors and health outcomes mean that providing for the health and wellbeing of the population requires more than hospitals, doctors and prescription pads and tackling the wicked issues such as obesity, ageing, mental health reforms and Closing the Gap on Indigenous disadvantage requires government involvement beyond the Department of Health. There can be no question that government involvement is essential for two reasons: many of the determining factors for health lie beyond the ability of individuals and communities to influence and population health contributes to national productivity and prosperity. Life expectancy is the traditional way we measure population health, the effectiveness of our healthcare system and the value we get for the healthcare dollars we spend. By international comparisons Australia, with an average life expectancy of about 83 years, rates well. But this statistic hides many different stories for many different groups. On average: men die five years earlier than women; Indigenous Australians die up to 17 years earlier than non-Indigenous Australians; people living in rural areas die up to seven years earlier than those in urban areas; and people with mental illness die up to 20 years earlier. Between one-third and one-half of these life expectancy gaps are explained by differences in the social determinants of health. On the afternoon of Friday, August 12, I came home early from my office at the Australian Catholic University. Once settled, I turned on ABC News 24 and saw crawling on their bottom line this piece of news: "Pauline Hanson secures six-year Senate term under major parties deal". Funny that, I thought. Two nights earlier I had been on Sky Business News television saying to interviewer Peter Switzer quite dogmatically: "Pauline Hanson's One Nation party has been resurrected by the collaboration of Malcolm Turnbull, Nick Xenophon and The Greens in their new Senate electoral system. Hanson herself has been ELECTED to a six-year term." It seems the two main parties want to cheat Derryn Hinch out of the six-year terms to which he was elected on July 2. Credit:Scott Barbour, Getty Images So, was Hanson ELECTED to a six-year term or was she to be given it by grace and favour of the generosity of the Labor and Liberal parties in their deal? Later that Friday evening I watched The Drum program on ABC News 24. Panel members were mainly talking about indigenous affairs, but eventually came to this subject. The two politicians from the Liberal Party (Mathias Cormann and Ken Wyatt) spouted their well-rehearsed party line. The others indicated to the audience that they did not have a clue what this was all about. I remember my first ever Gay Pride march. I was in my mid-20s at the time. Trying to get into the after party on the streets of Adelaide, I had to negotiate my way through angry preachers waving placards linking homosexuality with murder and rape. Even though I'd been out of the closet for a few years, the experience left me feeling shocked, angry and scared. Fast-forward nearly a decade and I shudder to think what would happen if this kind of hate was amplified by a national plebiscite on marriage equality. If these preachers weren't just waving placards but were armed with the powerful megaphone that a plebiscite would provide. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the plebiscite might not be held until early next year. Credit:Jean Chung Any LGBTI person who has experienced homophobic or transphobic bullying or abuse knows the impact this can have. For someone struggling on their journey with sexuality or gender identity - a young person feeling scared and alone - this can be catastrophic. A plebiscite on marriage equality would unleash a tidal wave of homophobia and transphobia and put lives at risk. It's for this reason that I oppose it and believe that the Senate should vote against any enabling legislation. Some supporters of marriage equality may well argue that defeating the plebiscite plan puts that reform in jeopardy. They are wrong about this. Ethically, I believe it is irresponsible to support a measure that will cause great harm and damage lives in order to potentially achieve a desired policy outcome. I support marriage equality and I want to see it achieved but I don't want to jeopardise the health and wellbeing of my community to get us there. The lives of LGBTI people are simply too important to gamble with. Senate backing for a plebiscite would also represent poor politics. Despite strong support in the community for marriage equality, there is no guarantee that the "yes" case would win. While a plebiscite might appear an attractive strategy for resolving parliamentary deadlock and finally repudiating the homophobic minority, plebiscites (particular optional ones) produce unpredictable outcomes. And if you doubt this, consider the Brexit fiasco. We know that the Christian Right would do everything they can to marshal their troops in any national vote in Australia. If the "no" campaign wins the day, triumphant conservatives would ensure marriage equality is kicked down the road indefinitely. And the nation would pay a very high price, legitimising ugly homophobia. If the "yes" campaign succeeds this may not necessarily lead to a victory on the floor of the Parliament and conservative senators such as Cory Bernadi and Eric Abetz have already indicated they would flout public opinion and vote according to their own consciences anyway. Voting down the plebiscite's enabling legislation would open up a more certain pathway for marriage equality. Far from being game-over, the Senate's rejection of the plebiscite plan would intensify pressure for a vote in the Parliament. And in such a finely balanced Parliament, there is an opportunity to finally get this passed. The marriage equality campaign has been dragging on for what feels like an eternity in Australia. There is no such thing as a "victory" in war. Any battle has an aftermath which includes shattered lives, bodies and minds. Ask any veteran who has returned from conflict. It is quite easy to see how these conflicts and so called victories in battle are then glorified and how they then continue to add to a national mythology about nationhood. It is this national mythology which is then the basis upon which young and impressionable minds are preyed upon by politicians for whom war is an option. Long Tan was not a victory. It was yet another conflict that impacted upon thousands of Vietnamese and one that was brought home in the disturbed minds of veterans and that was to awaken within them the horrors of what they had endured for many years to come. Andy Busuttil Hazelbrook As a participant of the battle I was the platoon sergeant of 11 Platoon D Company 6RAR, 11 Platoon went out with 29 soldiers that day and had eight left on the next day and who visited The Cross in 2006, I have this view of the restrictions. Regarding visiting The Cross as I understand the situation: the restriction to the wearing of uniforms and medals when visiting The Cross has been a condition since about 1996, the 30th anniversary. There was never any restriction placed on visitors when it was a rubber plantation. There has been with crops. The 40th anniversary in 2006 for the Vietnamese would have been a shock, when a group of Vietnam veterans from South Australia behaved in a disgraceful manner at The Cross. I believe this would have influenced the Vietnamese decision regarding visits to The Cross this year. Robert Buick Mountain Creek (Qld) I cannot be the only one who recalls the large mobs of people on the streets screaming their abuse at our soldiers who fought in Vietnam. And filling our media print and sound with similar abuse. It was clear that they were not only against our fighting in Vietnam, but also totally anti all our soldiers who were doing nothing more or less than their duty. But what do we hear/read today regarding the initial banning of our ceremonies to remember those soldiers who died in that campaign (fortunately the ban is now cancelled)? Not a word! It makes one wonder what those who were so loud in their abuse of our soldiers, think today. Geoff Cass Tewantin (Qld) Had the gutless gormless Coalition Government remained in power beyond 1972 I may have been conscripted to fight in Vietnam. Vietnam haunts all of us, not just the Vietnam vets. The vast majority of Australians who, by 1972, strongly opposed the war, bear no malice nor ill will towards the vets. But let's stop trying to paper over the problem, for otherwise the national wound will continue to fester and not heal. Make this Long Tan commemoration the last. Let the vets and their families reflect privately. And to console them, let's as a nation phase out commemorating the Boer War, WWI and the Iraq debacle, as we had no business being in any of them. Howard Charles Glebe The Vietnam war was virtually a huge and horrible war crime, filled with atrocities against the whole population of Vietnam. Australia was dragged into it as an ally of the US. Our forces, many of them conscripted , also became victims, and the lives of many survivors were damaged forever. It's not surprising that the Vietnamese government has no enthusiasm for a commemoration at Long Tan. We are lucky that our visitors to Vietnam are still treated well. Our servicemen deserve all of our support and help. A commemoration might be more appropriate on the steps of Parliament house. David Garrett Narraweena Deep pockets for sport but science feels the pinch I am a sports "tragic" but cannot help but wonder about the $340 million which has been injected into summer Olympic sports in the four-year cycle leading up to Rio ("Heavy price for the winning edge," August 18). During the same time frame, more than $400 million was cut from five key science and research agencies in 2014 (including CSIRO, which lost one in five jobs because of funding cuts). The $37 million for science climate jobs, recently announced by Industry, Innovation and Science Minister Greg Hunt is smoke and mirrors - the money is coming from funds already announced, not from additional funding. Both numbers, however, are small in comparison with Defence spending, which continues to rise - by more than $2.5 billion in 2015, to a total of more than $32 billion for that year alone. One wonders what the troubled F-35 program will eventually suck out of the public purse, compared with the original estimates. Paul Parramore Sawtell It would be more appropriate if, instead of "PBs", Australian athletes achieved "VBs" ... very bests, that is. Michael Deeth Como West Lindt inquest straying from its focus on important issues The Lindt Cafe siege inquest is as much a witch-hunt as legal theatre, as suggested by former detective Michael Kennedy (Letters, August 18). Experienced, well-trained, but inevitably fallible police officers were dealing with an incident with which they had little experience and so much was unknown the mental state of Monis, the contents of the suspicious backpack, and more. Perhaps wrong decisions were made we can never know. Surely the aim of the inquest is to ascertain how the police can do better next time, not provide a forum for barristers to carry on as if they were in a TV crime show? Ian Falconer Turramurra Seems the only choices the authorities were willing to consider in the Lindt hostage crisis were DA or EA. ("Key question that remains unanswered", August 18) This translates to "kill him now" or "kill him later". If a negotiated settlement was not an option the hostages really were on their own. At least future hostages (and hostage-takers) now know where they stand. Peter Greenland Katoomba During the Lindt coronial inquiry nothing was mentioned about the lack of appeasement towards the gunman. As I recall, a leading imam offered to perform this function but was rejected. Surely this must be a predominant thought in this and similar situations by having relatives, close friends or other contacts attempting to appease the perpetrator prior to physical force applied by the police. Brian Henderson Randwick WA in spotlight Peter Martin castigated WA for indulgent expenditure during the boom times although it proclaimed the prescience that they would end ("Let's say no to Western Australia, the prodigal state", August 18). That is a political judgment on WA's claim for a greater slice of the GST cake masquerading as moral rectitude. He mentioned the state's GST revenue and revenue is the issue he failed to address. We should remember that the whole of Australia benefited from the minerals boom centred in WA and the whole of Australia is in the red, too. The critical issue is the state's per capita revenue during the boom and currently, indexed for special needs such as the largest area of any state, compared with the other states and territories. Anything less is an unbecoming and parochial knee-jerk to what is, very possibly, a valid claim. Gary Wilson MacGregor (ACT) Give WA a greater share of GST than the formula because it might change governments? The Liberal Party is moving more towards the US Republican tea party where losers are rewarded; a tax deduction for corporations plus a nonsensical slogan was not enough. Malcolm deserved to lose the last election. But hey! Give WA 100 per cent of the GST it collects. Give states their own autonomy and embrace the mouthed Liberal principles of small government. State premiers (except WA) are already doing better than Malcolm, even if he is the smartest man in Australia. Charles Jaggers Castlecrag Haberfield under threat Transport analyst Chris Standen poses a couple of interesting questions ("Why Lucy Turnbull needs to know what's happening in Haberfield", August 18). Is the best criterion for planning a city livability or volume of traffic? If the former, then why do traffic engineers and motorway builders have such an overwhelming influence in planning Sydney? Paul Fitzgerald Earlwood As the crow flies Haberfield is not far from where I live but in the minds of many it is a world away from their image of Canterbury. Though my area too has heritage buildings, extensive parks, cycle ways and community facilities it is for most Sydney residents simply a congested roadway beside a stinking river. Canterbury and its adjoining suburbs are as much under threat from development as Haberfield, with little sympathy from government planners to do much to protect the features that locals see of value. I do not expect that we can stop the juggernaut that is the urban consolidation of the Sydenham to Bankstown rail corridor but, I do expect people like Lucy Turnbull to advocate on behalf of residents for adequate design features and height limits, community infrastructure, open space and public amenity. If the chair of the Greater Sydney Commission didn't know about the destruction of housing in Haberfield, what hope do the rest of us have? John Bailey Canterbury "Let them eat Haberfield. l shall nibble on my Point Piper. (Antoinette; cake). Luke Whitington Elizabeth Bay Dragging the chain on Manus We have to hand it to the Turnbull CLP/L&NP/LNP coalition government, the hits just keep on coming since the July 2 election. ("Manus plays down early closure of Manus," August 18.) The census debacle was quickly followed by the Manus Island debacle, they have found themselves with their mistakes catching up on them to the point one wonders what is next? The appointed ministers simply have not done their homework, and have poorly managed their portfolios. These "affairs" were predictable, one due to the "paranoia" of budget cuts and the other, the government was warned months ago of the decision of the PNG High Court, but again failed to act. The refugees on Manus have been there for far too long, the minister should have found a third country to accept these people in the time that they have been detained. Shaun Newman Deeragun School milk memories a sharp reminder When I was a kid in school the best thing ever was being able to drink as much bottled milk at recess as you possibly could. ("Cold Reception for Warm School Milk", August 18). Sometimes we even got these really oily straws. Green milk (or lime) with an inch of cream on the top has never been surpassed as an energy booster. Many years later as a young teacher out west I asked the NSW Department of Education if I could get some milk for my students from what was one of the largest dairy farms in Australia, just down the road. Absolutely not. Imagine my students' elation when some weeks later 200 cans of condensed milk arrived at the school. Watching 14 kids in age from 5 to 12 years sucking condensed milk through a straw in the shade of a peppercorn tree in the middle of summer in the far west of NSW remains, after 50 years, one of my most memorable experiences as a teacher. Brian McKeown Long Jetty Richard Capuano received a letter from Roads and Maritime Services this week. It purported to be some good news finally for the long-suffering St Peters resident. Capuano has been locked in combat with the state government agency over its plans to build the $16.8 billion WestConnex motorway. Just like Arthur Dent in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Capuano's house is in the way and is being compulsorily acquired to make way for the Sydney version of Douglas Adams' intergalactic bypass. As Capuano will tell you, he understands the need for the acquisition in the name of infrastructure provision. Fairfax Media then published an article by chief political correspondent Mark Kenny, which described the two men in harsh terms, including that they had "angry white male certitude". Kenny's point? That consistent with their public repudiation of 18C, the men could choose not to take offence. Senator Leyonhjelm responded by saying he would lodge a complaint with the Human Rights Commission under section 18C, on the basis that the comments were likely to offend some white males. He reportedly said his action was to highlight the absurdity of the legislation to change people's minds, to win Labor and the Coalition over so he can get it repealed. The Human Rights Commission must decide the case on its merits. It is likely to become a cause celebre for angry white males content to wear the cloak of victimhood when it suits them, even as they dismiss the right of others to seek redress for injustices. This to and fro between politics and the media, bastions of white, largely male privilege, must seem semantic to people whose daily lives are tainted by discrimination. Meanwhile a far right nationalist group calling itself the Party for Freedom invaded the Gosford Anglican Church during a service on the weekend. They used a loud speaker to vilify Muslims and multiculturalism. The church and its Father Rod Bower is known for its advocacy for refugees and asylum seekers. It was offensive and intimidatory and it was intended to be. We don't know whether members of the Muslim community will lodge a complaint under Section 18C. We do know that many Muslims are afraid to participate in public discourse about race because of the hate and intimidation that rains down upon them when they dare to raise any concerns, let alone criticisms, about Australian society or their experiences within it. The Muslim community, the Jewish community and other minorities who fear any weakening of the laws grants licence to offend will rightly wonder just whose free speech this latest campaign is defending. Nick (Frank Dillane) is being quite the edgy, surly teen. He's obsessed with death, he enjoys walking around slathered in zombie blood, and when we saw him last he was abandoning his distraught mum and sister to go wandering off into the zombie-filled Mexican night. As the series returns he's decided to walk the 100 baking kilometres to Tijuana in the middle of the day without so much as a hat. This being a solo journey there's relatively little dialogue, though director Daniel Sackheim (a veteran of The Walking Dead and The X-Files) highlights the stark beauty of the landscape and the stark stupidity of Nick's decision-making. It's a suitably moody return for a series that, despite its generally appealing cast, still hasn't sunk hooks into the viewer in the way The Walking Dead did. The episode at least moves the story along and solves one gnawing mystery about the post-apocalyptic ecosystem. Zumbo's Just Desserts Seven, 7.30pm When I think of Adriano Zumbo, I think of colour in particular, I think of those macarons for which he is most famous, created in myriad vibrant hues. On Zumbo's Just Desserts, his colourful macarons are reflected in the rainbow decor of the Dessert Factory, where 12 contestants are competing for the title of Australia's best amateur dessert maker. It's a Willy Wonka-esque world well suited to Zumbo's elaborate, sweet creations but it can't disguise the fact this is a poor man's MasterChef its focus might be more narrow, but the format is almost exactly the same. Every week the contestants must cook to a theme (tonight it's to make something "that is a reflection of yourself and what you bring to this competition" cue multiple declarations of "this is me on a plate") and the two poorest-performing contestants will then face an elimination cook-off in which they must attempt to replicate one of Zumbo's own desserts. But the MasterChef contestants could outcook these guys with their eyes closed, and Zumbo himself is not half as colourful as one of his macarons and not nearly as comfortable in front of the camera as George, Gary or Matt. Better are no-nonsense British co-host Rachel Khoo and delightfully accented Brazilian assistant Gigi Falanga. Annabel Ross The Block Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has conceded fewer than 20 of the 850 asylum seekers held on Manus Island have voluntarily resettled in Papua New Guinea, as the government struggles to deal with the closure of the controversial detention centre. Speaking a day after the PNG government confirmed it would end detention on Manus following an April court ruling finding the centre was in breach on the country's constitution, Mr Dutton lashed out at media reports about conditions in offshore processing and said detainees held by Australia received appropriate mental health care. Asked if it was true that some men who had resettled voluntarily in PNG had later sought to return to the detention centre, Mr Dutton said refugee advocates in Australia were to blame for sending social media messages to detainees telling them not to agree to resettlement offers. Speaking on ABC radio on Thursday, Mr Dutton said Australia was supporting hundreds of asylum seekers and refugees who had returned to their countries of origin. Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove issued a plea on Thursday for Vietnam veterans to ensure that future servicemen and women are not treated as shabbily as they were when they returned from service. In a commemoration service in Canberra to mark Vietnam Veterans' Day and the 50th anniversary of the battle of Long Tan, Sir Peter said it had "rankled" many Vietnam veterans that they were shunned not just by the community but even by many members of the Returned and Services League. The service, which was attended by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, his predecessor Tony Abbott and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, was dominated by speeches tackling the persistent issue of veterans' mental health, with many speakers calling for the lessons of the past to be learnt. "Not too many returned veterans in wars before or since were sometimes booed or occasionally even reviled by their own countrymen or women," Sir Peter told the crowd of several thousand, including many Vietnam veterans. "That will make you feel a little unloved and fragile." Nauru's highest court could be forced to decide whether the indefinite detention of asylum seekers breaches the island nation's constitution after legal action was launched in Australia's High Court. Lawyers representing a Pakistani asylum seeker, who is still on Nauru, say his detention there has denied him "the most basic human right" and resulted in an unfair hearing on his refugee status. If the action succeeds, Nauru's Supreme Court would be forced to abandon its refusal to hear his constitutional challenge and decide if more than 450 asylum seekers can remain in the Nauru centre. The case could also pave the way for hundreds of refugees now living outside the centre to claim compensation from the Australian government for false imprisonment. Papua New Guinea has announced it will close its centre on Manus Island after a similar constitutional challenge succeeded in PNG's highest court in April. The Nauruan government maintains that it no longer detains asylum seekers, after it last year declared its offshore processing centre an "open centre" and said they were allowed to move freely around the island. The son of one of Australia's most notorious underworld figures is facing 20 years in jail after he pleaded guilty to supplying more than half a kilogram of ice. Adam Henry, 34, appeared in Newcastle Local Court via audio visual link from jail on Wednesday. Adam Henry captured in a surveillance photograph in Newcastle. He pleaded guilty to supplying a commercial quantity of a prohibited drug and knowingly dealing with the proceeds of crime. Henry is the son Graham "Abo" Henry, a notorious figure during the Sydney underworld days of the 1970s and 1980s and a close associate of convicted killer and armed robber Arthur "Neddy" Smith. A man sat wearing a blue forensic suit as he explained to police where and why he stabbed his estranged wife, Leila Alavi, 56 times with a pair of scissors in a suburban Sydney car park. "In her heart and in her neck because she did not obey the rule of marriage," he said in an interview shortly after he had murdered his wife. Leila Alavi made 12 unsuccessful attempts to get into a refuge before she was murdered by her estranged husband. When an officer asked why he killed her, Mokhtar Hosseiniamraei, 34, said that Ms Alavi had left him. "Because we were married and before divorce she broke the contract. I could not tolerate it. I could not forget it. The judge who will decide whether Eddie Obeid should be jailed for misconduct in public office has given the former Labor minister's lawyers more time to assemble evidence about his medical condition. But NSW Supreme Court Justice Robert Beech-Jones said on Thursday the administration of justice required Obeid, 72, to be sentenced within a "reasonable time" after conviction. Eddie Obeid leaves Darlinghurst Court in June. Credit:Ben Rushton A sentencing hearing in October was "getting towards the outer limits" of what was acceptable, Justice Beech-Jones said. Obeid was found guilty on June 28 of misconduct in public office for concealing his family's business interest in two Circular Quay cafes when lobbying a senior bureaucrat about the rights of waterfront retailers. Kenny Baker 1934-206 Kenny Baker, the actor, who has died aged 81, starred alongside Alec Guinness and Harrison Ford yet remained forever out of sight, as the diminutive robot R2-D2 in the Star Wars films. Standing at just 1.12 metres, Baker was short enough to fit inside the metal costume and sturdy enough to operate the system of levers that propelled it. It was arduous work, with temperatures approaching 40C on location in North Africa. Cut off from the outside world, Baker had no way of knowing whether a take was over. A crew member had to alert him by banging on the suit with a hammer. Even worse than RD-D2 for physical comfort was the furry, bear-like suit that Baker donned to play an Ewok in the third film, Return of the Jedi, an experience he compared to "being poached". But it was as the mischievous but touchingly loyal R2-D2, who communicated using rather endearing electronic squeaks, that Baker found fame. His on-screen double act with the uptight humanoid robot C3PO was comic and occasionally poignant, although it later transpired that Baker's relationship with Anthony Daniels, who played C3PO, was often strained. Baker thought that Daniels was rude and standoffish. "He really degraded me and made me feel small for want of a better expression," Baker later recalled. After being bullied at his new Sydney school because he couldn't speak English, 16-year old refugee Awkar Ruel had a choice: succumb or survive. His family, Assyrian Christians, were driven out of Iraq into Syria because of religious persecution. The family of five arrived in Australia in 2012, where the former top student was frustrated at his inability to understand anything in class beyond "hi" and "how are you". Awkar Ruel visited the Opera House the day after he arrived in Australia as a refugee. He has now won an exchange scholarship to further his architecture studies in Denmark, where the Opera House's architect Jrn Utzon was born and worked. Credit:Janie Barrett A handful of haters called him an "import" and, worse, told him to get out because he couldn't speak the language."I went home, lay down on my bed, and teared up, and I couldn't understand it. I was one of the good students there [in Syria and Iraq], and now I can't understand anything. What can I do about it? Stay here and cry or do something about it." With near accentless English, Mr Ruel, now 21, said he chose the latter. Last October, Sydney biochemistry student Madeline Christine Sawyer sent a text message that would eventually help police expose her secret double life. "How did the rack go?" the 19-year-old asked in the message to an unidentified man. Madeline Sawyer has avoided jail time. Credit:Peter Rae "Yeah, it was good," he replied, adding: "What are you doing the bags at?" Sawyer responded: "Generally $300 a bag." Ipswich MP Jo-Ann Miller comes from a coal-mining family. Credit:Chris Hyde "As I said, they both died because they were coalminers. That is the real price of mining coal. I thought black lung was gone. I really did. I thought it was over. I thought black lung, or pneumoconiosis, was eradicated in Queensland and Australia and so did the coalminers and their families, so did the CFMEU and so did successive governments. Now we know that the disease is back. Who is responsible? What failures have occurred and why? There obviously has been maladministration in the Department of Mines. "Let us talk about black lung. It is a terrible, terrible disease. The miners tell me that it is like having a ton of bricks on their chest every day. They cannot breathe properly. They are walking around with oxygen bottles. It is a terrible, terrible way to die. Patients have symptoms of shortness of breath and chronic cough. They have more exposure to coal than anyone knows. They are down the mines, they breath it in and they cannot get the coal out so the coal stays in their lungs and it forms fibrosis. It is just dreadful. "There has been a cover-up way back to the Bjelke-Petersen government. There has been a systemic failure, there is no doubt about that, and we need to get to the bottom of it. Earlier this week the black lung victims group wrote to the Premier of Queensland. I table that for the parliament. "I want a royal commission, and I still do, but I also understand that we can get a parliamentary committee up and running quickly. Because of that and my involvement in the industry I really want to get to the bottom of this. So, colleagues, I offer my services as the chair of this committee because I have worked in the mining industry, I am trusted by the industry, I am trusted by coalminers and I am trusted by their families. If this inquiry does not work I will come back in here and I will move for a royal commission myself. " The Queensland Government is understood to be seeking to meet with UNESCO representatives, as it deals with the fall-out from its first major legislative defeat in the hung parliament, over laws it had promised the world heritage governing body would be in place to protect the Great Barrier Reef. The Queensland Government's submission to the UNESCO committee looking at whether to list the reef, which is worth billions of dollars to the Queensland economy, as 'in danger' included a commitment to crack down on land clearing within the reef catchment, in an attempt to limit sediment run off. Jackie Trad, Deputy Premier of Queensland, right, and Cameron Dick, Queensland Minister for Health at a protest this week of about 150 people who support reforming tree clearing laws. Credit:Andree Withey/ABC But the legislation, which had been an election promise, to reinstate the laws the LNP had loosened to give landholders more control when it came to clearing native vegetation, faced strong opposition from farmers, agricultural lobby groups, the LNP, indigenous groups and in the end, the independents which the government needed to pass it. After first believing it had Billy Gordon's vote, having made a commitment to explore the development and sustainability future of the Cape York, the Cook MP announced during the debate he would not be supporting the laws. The loss of his vote instantly lost the minority government the fight, with the LNP having already secured the Katter Party vote, bringing their numbers to the magic number of 45. A media campaign to catch highly sought after fugitives is having success after the second arrest in Queensland in three days. Nicholas Byrne, 46, handed himself in at Townsville police station about 3pm on Thursday, police say. Operation Roam: Nicholas Paul BYRNE Credit:Queensland Police Service Byrne was charged for offences against a child in 2010 and pleaded guilty, however he failed to appear for sentencing in Bowen. It comes after police launched Operation Roam, a campaign on Monday aimed at tracking down Australia's 19 most wanted fugitives, including Byrne. A man who set up a tanning bed business out of his Adelaide garage has become the first person in Australia to be convicted of operating an illegal solarium. He has been fined $2100 and ordered to pay $900 in court fees. An advertised image of the "sharelarium". Jake Martin-Herde, 28, pleaded guilty to two counts of offering and providing cosmetic tanning for a fee to the public following an investigation by SA's Environmental Protection Authority. The 28-year-old had faced a maximum fine of $10,000 for each of his two charges but Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal set a lighter penalty, including a discount for an early guilty plea. (New throughout, adds details on Hunt's planned new bid for Oncor) By Jessica DiNapoli and Tom Hals WILMINGTON, Del., Aug 17 (Reuters) - Energy Future Holdings Corp , Texas' biggest power company, urged a U.S. bankruptcy court on Wednesday to allow the bulk of its operations to exit Chapter 11, in the largest U.S. bankruptcy since the financial crisis. In the company's latest bid to reorganize after two years of battling creditors, "The time has come to ... confirm a plan and actually emerge from Chapter 11," said Chad Husnick of Kirkland & Ellis LLP. "The evidence is going to show that this is the best available alternative," he said at the start of a trial in Wilmington, Delaware, to decide on a plan Energy Future had proposed in May. Energy Future filed for Chapter 11 in April 2014 with $42 billion in debt, the largest bankruptcy since General Motors Corp's in 2009. Much of the debt had been taken on in 2007 when the Dallas-based company was formed through the $45 billion leveraged buyout of TXU Corp, led by KKR & Co, TPG Capital Management and the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs. Energy Future and its creditors have been engaged in expensive legal fights over a wide range of disputes. Other reorganization plans had failed to get support. Under the latest plan, the company would be renamed TCEH and own TXU Energy, the state's largest retail electric utility, and Luminant, Texas's largest power plant operator and largest coal miner. Leading the fight against the proposal are holders of about $650 million of notes issued by Energy Future. They say the plan would not fairly compensate creditors for tax benefits and back office operations that would be transferred to the new company. The noteholders estimated that the transfers would add more than $1 billion to the TCEH operations. "We believe these are a fraudulent transfer," said Richard Pedone of Nixon Peabody LLP, an attorney for the EFH Indenture Trustee, which represents the noteholders. "There's no monetary compensation." Story continues The company has said the transfers would be necessary to avoid triggering large tax liabilities. Energy Future's Oncor power distribution business would remain in Chapter 11. It had agreed in July to sell Oncor to NextEra Energy Inc in a deal valued at $18.4 billion, but is still accepting other bids for the business. Privately held Hunt Consolidated Inc. of Texas had proposed to acquire Energy Future's stake in Oncor in an earlier plan that hit regulatory hurdles. On Wednesday, the Dallas Morning News reported that Hunt was preparing another bid. The latest trial is scheduled to last through the middle of next week. It is the second of its kind for Energy Future, which had confirmed another plan of reorganization last year. That plan never became effective because regulators blocked the sale of Oncor to a group of creditors and investors led by Hunt Consolidated. However, many of the settlements with creditors under that plan have been finalized. (Reporting by Jessica DiNapoli and Tom Hals in Wilmington, Delaware; Editing by Richard Chang and David Gregorio) Lawyers for a man charged with shooting dead an alleged kidnapper say that another man was wrongly acquitted of the crime. Ali Chaouk, who has been charged with murdering Mohammed Haddara in 2009, appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Thursday, via video link from custody. Police allege that Ali Chaouk shot Mohammed Haddara up to five times in the back. Mr Chaouk's lawyer, Mark Gumbleton, told the court that Ahmed Hablas cleared by a jury in 2011 of murdering Mr Haddara was the "correct shooter". Mr Gumbleton said Mr Hablas would be cross-examined extensively at a committal hearing next year. While the couple remains legally married, their marriage exists in a legal grey area. Dr Whetton has been unable to change her birth certificate to reflect her affirmed gender - despite holding an Australian passport that identifies her as a woman - or risk being forced to divorce Senator Rice, in a so-called "trans-forced divorce". More than a decade ago, Victorian Senator Janet Rice's husband Peter Whetton became Penny, and the pair's marriage transformed into a same-sex relationship between two women. Now, new Victorian laws mean they could be legally recognised as wife and wife. When Janet married Penny 30 years ago, their marriage was a heterosexual union between Janet and Peter. On Thursday, the Victorian government introduced legislation that removes legal barriers faced by trans and gender diverse people who want to change their birth certificates. The changes will create a small number of legally-married same-sex couples in Victoria for the first time, although marriage equality activists will have to wait until federal laws change to see true equality. Under the proposed changes, couples who enter into a heterosexual marriage before one partner transitions will no longer be forced to divorce if that partner seeks a new birth certificate. While the federal Marriage Act still stipulates that marriage is between a man and a woman, it's understood this legal definition will not affect marriages that have already been entered into, but which change over time. The laws would also change the complicated and onerous requirements imposed on people wanting to change the gender on their birth certificate: currently they must be unmarried, 18 years of age or over, and to have already undergone sex reassignment surgery. Magistrate Rodney Crisp had seen enough. He'd just watched video footage of a rabbit well and truly alive as Stuart Mills tethered it to a lure for a race-ready greyhound. It was still alive moments later, despite being locked in the dog's jaws. After the second lap, there was no movement. Police are searching for a 13-year-old girl who has been missing for more than a week. Chloe Smith was last seen at her family home in Mulgrave, in Melbourne's south-east, on August 11. Chloe Smith has been missing for more than a week. Credit:Victoria Police Police say the teen often visits the Carnegie, Frankston South, Chadstone and Patterson Lakes areas. They would not say what time Chloe was last seen. A spokesman said she may be staying with friends. Linda Dessau will repay the cost of two lavish meals paid for with taxpayer funds during a visit to London as Governor of Victoria. The costs were incurred when Ms Dessau travelled to London on official business last year to deliver a speech at the World Chinese Economic Forum. Victorian Governor Linda Dessau. The total cost of the meals reportedly reached about $1100. In a statement, Ms Dessau insists she only became aware of the full cost of one of the lunches this week. She says an official secretary arranged payment for the meal, which she attended with her spouse. The Governor also subsequently became aware of another meal, attended by two staff members. Ms Dessau and her spouse were not present at the second meal. A Perth family was left reeling when their pet dog was discovered shot on their doorstep yesterday afternoon. Wandi woman Michelle Radis said her two sons, aged 13 and 15, returned home from school to find five-year-old Hunter lying in a pool of blood. Hunter suffered from bullet fragments in his front leg. Credit:Michelle Radis "They called me straight away, and at first I thought they may be exaggerating," Ms Radis said. "I told them to get a tea towel and hold it on his face, and called my girlfriend, who lives nearby, to come and get him. WA Premier Colin Barnett says Western Australia is open to accepting asylum-seeker families, if the federal government allows people to resettle in Australia. The offer comes ahead of the closure of the Manus Island detention centre in Papua New Guinea. Colin Barnett is open to resettling Manus Island asylum seekers in WA. Credit:Philip Gostelow "We would certainly accommodate a number of (asylum seekers) in Western Australia and we'd certainly support them as a state government," Mr Barnett said. The federal government is under pressure over what to do with the more than 800 asylum seekers on Manus Island. Bangkok: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has declared he wants closer ties with regional allies as the Turnbull government negotiates reviving a people-swap agreement with his country. In a key foreign policy speech Mr Najib, facing a loss of international standing over one of the world's largest financial scandals, referred to Malaysia's role in ending Asia's boat people crisis last year. Scandal-ridden: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Credit:AP "Over the years we have taken in hundreds of thousands seeking refuge from war and persecution," he said. British-educated Mr Najib, a close ally of successive Australian governments, said Malaysia has agreed to accept 3000 Syrian migrants "and we remain committed to playing a responsible role in assisting in the alleviation of humanitarian crises near and far". It is very disconcerting when blatant untruth is published to instill fear into the community in order to get political mileage. It is one thing to make empty promises of grandeur and bling to the people during election time in order to try to get votes but fear mongering is going too far. Case in point is the article regarding the new St. Maarten General Hospital published recently by some media, coming from the Vice President of the UPP. When reading the article it is clear that whoever drafted this article did not know the facts or purposely chose to misconstrue and misinform the general public. The true and correct facts will dispel what is being claimed. I leave it up to you the reader to discern the truth from myth and come to your own conclusion. It is true that SMMC has been losing money mainly because the tariffs the SMMC charges have not been adjusted to keep pace with the cost of providing the medical services and the unpaid services to undocumented at the health care institution. Notwithstanding this situation, the SMMC has not received the subsidy from the government for over 10 years. This has put the SMMC in a difficult financial position that was resolved partly by adjusting the budget and tariffs but also by expanding the services being provided. To be specific services that have to be provided are those for which thousands of patients are being sent abroad to receive treatment. An average of 26 -30 million guilders is spent each year on medical referrals abroad by the SZV, this does not include medical referral by private insurers. Expanding the hospital and its services will result in fewer patients being sent abroad and being treated closer to home, at least 40-50% of what is spent abroad will be redirected to the local economy. Ultimately this will result in an improved quality of health care for the citizen of St. Maarten and a better management of the health care cost in general. In order to make this a reality, the Tripartite Committee has been established where Government, SMMC, and the SZV take part and work together to find balanced solutions to the issues of the SMMC. Based on the concerted effort by the Tripartite participants we have tackled the prevailing issues such as new tariff structure, care demand, proposed partnership with regional medical care facilities abroad, telemedicine solutions, cooperation with the French side hospital, new general hospital and the transparent bidding process for the build, finance and maintenance solution for the new hospital. In coming up with solutions not only did we look at what has to be done from the health care perspective but also what has to be done on the income side of both the hospital as well as the SZV. Instead of going for the easy solution of increasing premiums it was chosen to work on the compliance side regarding the registration of businesses and collection of premiums. The SZV has taken steps to increase compliance by delinquent businesses and we already are seeing the fruits of the steps taken with an increase of contributions collected in comparison to the previous years of at least 20%. In this way, we prevent having to increase premiums. Work is also being done to make and implement health reform policies in order to expand the insurance coverage to those uninsured groups and measures to manage health care expenses better by eliminating waste. As to medical tourism solutions that others imply that they had or have to increase the client base for health care in St. Maarten, the following. Why would St. Maarten entertain groups that profess they can bring medical tourism to St. Maarten while expecting that St. Maarten has to put up all the financing to build facilities for these groups to rent for a limited time while not bringing any equity to the table. So they will reap the profits but St. Maarten has to make all investments. In a report based on a research of a team of British researchers led by the University of York of 2013, Dr. Neil Lunt says Our message is: be wary of being dazzled by the lure of global health markets, and of chasing markets that do not exist. By having a larger modern hospital locally owned and managed we can attract qualified specialist as well as other specialism that presently are not being offered, but are highly necessary, in such way making it possible that our population of St. Maarten/St. Martin as well to our neighboring islands can get improved health care service. You are urged not be fooled by fairy tales and too good to be true stories. Solutions to solve our problems have to be pragmatic and do not have to take into consideration self-interest and nefarious agendas. Reginald Willemsberg, Democratic Party Candidate # 7 PHILIPSBURG:--- Starting in November 2016, the K1 Britannia Foundation will begin its new 6 month program that will provide 16 foster teenagers and 5 teenagers under probationary measures aged 16 to 18 with work experience placements, educational and practical training courses, work-ready workshops and volunteer placements with social development organizations.The program aims to increase the employability of foster teenagers and teenagers on probationary measures on St. Maarten. K1 Program Manager Tony Dunkerley explained, Finding employment is a major problem for foster teenagers and teenagers on probationary measures on St. Maarten - particularly for those with limited higher education, relevant training, work experience, or those with a criminal history. In addition, as they approach 18 years of age and leave the foster care system/join the adult probationary system, there is no further support and they often find themselves unemployed and with limited options. The K1 Britannia Foundation is committed to assisting these youths in a variety of forms, but this relies entirely on the involvement and generosity of the community. The K1 Britannia Foundation are now looking for employers who can offer a 2-month work placement with their respective businesses. Businesses interested in offering a placement or discuss the program further can email Project Manager Mr. Anthony Dunkerly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . For information about the foundation, visit and K1 Britannia Foundation on Facebook. After two-year absence, paralyzed children in Nigeria Millions of doses of vaccine will be given to children in the region. After two years with no reported cases, experts had hoped that the disease was gone from the African continent forever. Now, Nigeria joins Afghanistan and Pakistan on the short list of countries where polio is still actively infecting children. Despite difficult and dangerous social and geographic circumstances, the World Health Organization and other involved groups say efforts to contain the virus will be swift and aggressive. Millions of doses of vaccine, thousands of vaccinators, and the health ministries and militaries of five different countries will be involved in the process. Vaccinations will begin as soon as next week, starting in the two Borno state villages where paralyzed children have been found, and spreading in ever widening circles to include Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Cameroon, and the Central African Republic. Authorities believe that the virus may have been circulating in the area for some time. Only about one in 200 cases produces paralysis. Sick and disabled children may have been overlooked or lost in the panicky political climate. Until very recently, threats by Boko Haram have made Borno too dangerous for the vaccination teams to travel. The vicious Islamic fundamentalist militia has murdered and kidnapped hundreds. Due to the violence, thousands of Kunari people have been displaced and living in refugee camps. A mobile population is hard to reach, and this particular vaccine requires at least three doses over three or more weeks to be effective. Now, after a prolonged effort by the Nigerian Army in cooperation with neighboring militaries, most villages in the area can be reached, at lest intermittently, and the population is returning home. It is believed that there are at least 200,000 unvaccinated children under 5 in the areas that have been altogether off limits for several years, and countless more in the surrounding areas that may not have been vaccinated. The region is also regularly crossed by the nomadic Fulani people and their cattle. The Fulani rarely visit health clinics, so medic teams try to reach them by travelling to cattle markets or tribal festivals, or by accompanying the veterinarians who tend to the care of the herds. In addition to the polio vaccinations, the medical teams encourage visits to temporary "health camps" by offering prenatal care, vitamins, food, and shots for other diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, and measles. Containment of this outbreak is expected to be easier than the last big outbreak which was in the conservative northwest part of the country, and much easier than the ongoing struggles for containment in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In those places rumors persist, some spread by religious leaders, that the vaccination will sterilize girls, or that it contains pork or the AIDS virus. Polio often leads to paralysis in the legs. This distrust of western medicine has hindered the decades-long effort to eradicate the disease. Since 1988, the world incidence of polio has been reduced by 99%, but holdout areas in the Middle East and Africa have prevented its complete disappearance. Rotary International has led the eradication charge, along with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and, more recently, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Nigeria's Rotary International polio committee is helping to coordinate the current campaign. They report that in Borno both religious leaders and average residents accept the vaccine. The new cases were discovered after the virus was detected in sewage samples. This strain was last seen in Chad, where many of the Nigerian families traveled as refugees, so it likely came to Borno with a returning family. Corey Lequieu will serve 2.5 years in prison on Federal Conspiracy charges Corey Lequieu on guard duty with an assault rifle at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside of Burns, according to federal prosecutors. Corey Lequieu has become the first defendant sentenced for the armed takeover the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January. U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown sentenced Lequieu to 2 years in prison followed by 3 years of supervised release in the federal conspiracy case. He must also pay restitution, in an amount to be determined later. Lequieu, 46, was the first of the 26 defendants to plead guilty. He admitted to impeding federal employees through intimidation, threats, or force. A conspiracy charge carries a maximum sentence of six years, but federal prosecutors recommended that Lequieu serve less time as part of a plea agreement. Assistant U.S. Attorney Craig Gabriel said the government took under considered the fact that Lequieu was the first in the case to take responsibility for his illegal actions. Gabriel dismissed Lequieu's remaining count of possessing a firearm in a federal facility. Lequieu, of Fallon, Nevada, had ties to the 2014 Cliven Bundy standoff near Bunkerville, Nevada. The government also agreed not to file felon in possession of a firearm charges against Lequieu in either state. Lequieu's defense attorney, Ramon Pagan, told the court that his client was grateful that they reached an agreement without Lequieu agreeing to testify against other defendants in the case. The government had asked that Lequieu's sentencing be pushed back until December, when other defendants in the case will be scheduled for sentencing, so that the victims could make just one trip to Portland to speak about the fear they felt and continue to feel because of the occupation. The workers, employees of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, couldn't make Lequieu's hearing on Tuesday. Brown decided to move ahead because Lequieu wished to do so. The judge noted that Pagan will no longer be available to represent Lequieu in December because he was recently appointed as a Circuit Court Judge in Washington County. Ten other defendants charged in the case have also pleaded guilty. Gabriel told the court that Lequieu was among a group of protesters, including Jon Ritzheimer and Ryan Bundy, who were first to arrive at the refuge and enter the buildings with weapons on Jan. 2. He jad traveled to Harney County from Nevada in December in preparation for the occupation. Lequieu was clearly seen holding an assault rifle in a video calling for militia members to support the occupation, Gabriel said. He also worked as security for the occupiers and was armed with an assault rifle in that capacity, the government has said. Lequieu has claimed ties to the Nevada and 3 percent militia groups and prosecutors have said that he has made violent threats against the Bureau of Land Management and the FBI. While the government has characterized Lequieu as one of the planners of the takeover, Pagan has said his client didn't play a leadership role. Multnomah County Sheriff Booking mugshot of Corey Lequieu Lequieu left the refuge on January 26 after the FBI and state police arrested Ammon Bundy and other leaders during a stop outside the refuge. He was arrested in Nevada on February 11 and returned to Oregon. In April, U.S. District Judge Robert E. Jones declined to release Lequieu from custody pending trial. "You're just too dangerous to let out at this time,'' Jones said at the time. Pagan told the court that before the takeover, his client hadn't recently engaged in criminal behavior and his life was moving in a better direction. Lequieu then asked if the judge could recommend that he serve his time at the federal prison in Sheridan, which is the closest to his Nevada home, making the trip easier for his family and supporters. Brown agreed to make the recommendation, but ultimately, she said, the Federal Bureau of Prisons will decide where he goes. A plausible scenario of Libertarian success, puts the 2016 election into the House of Representatives Is former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johsnon, the Moses who will lead us out of the wilderness of Trump or Clinton in 2016? Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have duked it out for so long in the national consciousness, that they have entered our subconscious. It's an open secret that no one is excited with our choices, except perhaps fans of The Apprentice ("You're fired.") The Great Excommunicator will probably continue stumbling along, saying stuff that outrages the press and offends the groups that compose the Democratic party. Meanwhile, Clinton will continue to stumble along, with questions about her role in the Obama administration (not everybody loves you, Barry). She will also stumble while walking up stairs, causing legitimate questions about her health. The former First Lady is probably just too frail to be President, but that's the subject of another article. The point is, the American public are by and large really, really tired of both candidates and looking for alternatives. That's why polls show record unpopularity rankings for both candidates. In order to put the election into the House of Representatives, we have to assume that the Libertarians will win at least some entire states. This is because the US Presidential Election is really 50 separate elections, with the winner taking all the Electors for the ... wait for it ... Electoral College. The United States Electoral College is the only current example of a system in which an executive president is indirectly elected, with electors representing the 50 states and the federal district. Each state has a number of electors equal to its Congressional representation (in both houses), with the non-state District of Columbia receiving three electors and other non-state territories having no electors. The electors generally cast their votes for the winner of the popular vote in their respective states. However, there are several states where this is not required by law. In the United States, 270 electoral votes are currently required to win the presidential election. What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes? If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House. This from a US Government website, So can Gary Johnson win entire states? Many election watchers think so. Politico thinks so: The rise of Gary Johnson is the latest plot twist in the most unpredictable presidential election in decades. Almost accidentally, the candidate has become 2016's last bearer of a whole set of modern conservative ideals, from free trade to entitlement reform; some top Republicans wary of Trump have already declared for him and many more are leaning toward doing so. At the same time, Johnson's anti-war foreign policy and liberal stances on social issues have resonated among Bernie Sanders stragglers. And lastly, his message of bipartisanship-or, rather, tripartisanship-is attracting independents frustrated with an increasingly dysfunctional two-party system. To capitalize on this perfect storm, Johnson's campaign has a game plan, a clearly targeted set of states to nail down that-if all the chips fall their way-could upend the election and, in their vision, land Johnson and Weld in the White House. So Gary Johnson's plan is to poll 15% and take part in the debates against Clinton and Trump. Ok then. Which states could he turn? Johnson claims to be polling 12 to 16% in some states. Johnson, and his campaign manager Ron Neilson, figure the Libertarian cannot outspend the major party candidates in large states such as Ohio, California, Texas, New York; nor in swing states like Florida Ohio and Pennsylvania. Instead, Johnson could outspend Trump and Clinton in Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and the Dakotas; states considered firmly Republican. As for blue States, the Libertarians could outspend Clinton and Trump in New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and possibly Oregon. Need we remind you that Marijuana is legal in these states, and Johnson has actually run a pot distribution company? That should play in Peoria, Denver, Little Rock, Portland, and other pot capitols. But I digress. "Their battleground states," Nielson says of Clinton and Trump, "are not our battleground states." So there you have it. Johnson polls his way into the debates with Trump and Clinton. The public increasingly turns to the former Republican governor of New Mexico and his running mate, the former Republican Gov. of Mass, Bill Weld. He wins entire states. Don't they have to vote for one of the top 3 candidates as president? Yes, on the first few ballots. The constitution frees them to vote for anyone on subsequent ballots, and "Mr. Clean" Paul Ryan, has managed to have himself elected Speaker of the House. Ryan will represent a more palatable alternative than Clinton, Trump or Johnson as they try to break the impasse. How many times has the Vice President been chosen by the U.S. Senate? Red and blue states in 2012. In 2016, Libertarians will focus on small states mostly in the West, such asUtah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, North Dakota, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Oregon Once. In the Presidential election of 1836, the election for Vice President was decided in the Senate. Martin Van Buren's running mate, Richard M. Johnson, fell one vote short of a majority in the Electoral College. Vice Presidential candidates Francis Granger and Johnson had a "run-off" in the Senate under the 12th Amendment, where Johnson was elected 33 votes to 17. Update: Kirk Hilliard writes: "You appear to be conflating our Constitution's Twelfth Amendment with the RNC delegate binding rules. Per the 12th Amendment, the house chooses only from the three top delegate winners (Ms. Clinton, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Trump in your scenario). The selection does not open up after a certain number of ballots, but if the House fails to elect a President, then the Vice President-elect becomes acting President. (Here, the 12th Amendment is modified slightly by the 20th Amendment.) The Vice President-elect in your scenario would be chosen by the Senate from the top two candidates, and only if they fail to chose a Vice President would the Speaker of the House (newly chosen or reaffirmed, as you pointed out) become the President." BigRentz Ranks 48th on 2016 Inc. 5000 With Three-Year Sales Growth of 5,093 Percent IRVINE, CA (Marketwired) 08/18/16 BigRentz, the worlds largest online network, today announced that it has made Inc. magazines 35th annual Inc. 5000 list, ranked 48th. This is the first time BigRentz has been on the list, which is the most prestigious ranking of the nations fastest-growing private companies. From 2012-2015, BigRentz achieved a three-year sales growth of 5,093 percent. In that same three-year period, the company grew from two employees to 95. Companies such as Microsoft, Dell, Dominos Pizza, Pandora, Timberland, LinkedIn, Yelp, Zillow, and many other well-known brands gained their first national exposure as honorees of the Inc. 5000. As the 48th ranked company on the Inc. 5000, is the top ranked construction company, the 10th fastest growing company in California and the sixth in Los Angeles. This type of recognition is a compliment to our growing team of professionals who work hard every day to provide a great customer experience, said Dallas Imbimbo, CEO of BigRentz. Its also a direct result of our tremendous supplier network and customers across the country that rely on us every day to help them get things done by providing the right equipment, software and services for all their needs. We couldnt be more excited to see our companys name among the top 50 companies in this years Inc. 5000. The 2016 Inc. 5000 is the most competitive crop in the lists history. The average company on the list achieved three-year growth of 433 percent. The Inc. 5000s aggregate revenue is $200 billion, and the companies on the list collectively generated 640,000 jobs over the past three years, or about 8 percent of all jobs created in the entire economy during that period. Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found at . The Inc. 5000 list stands out where it really counts, says Inc. President and Editor-In-Chief Eric Schurenberg. It honors real achievement by a founder or a team of them. No one makes the Inc. 5000 without building something great usually from scratch. Thats one of the hardest things to do in business, as every company founder knows. But without it, free enterprise fails. With connections to over 7,500 rental locations, BigRentz is the worlds largest network, providing customers with the right tools for all their needs. The company balances traditional services and innovative to deliver a quality rental experience for customers while extending the reach of equipment providers and empowering them with smart solutions to help them be more successful. For more information, visit . Kevin Wilson 513-898-1008 Hard lessons. This post has been updated. Ugandan education officials have called for the closure of 63 nurseries and primary schools operated by Bridge International Academies (BIA), a controversial for-profit school chain that offers standardized, internet-based education in developing countries. Janet Museveni, minister of education and wife of Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni, told lawmakers on Tuesday (Aug 17) that inspections of Bridge International schools revealed poor infrastructure, hygiene, and sanitation that put the life and safety of the school children in danger. Museveni called for the schools in Uganda to be closed at the end of term in September and to remain shuttered until ministry guidelines are met. Ugandas high court previously issued an interim court ruling that the schools should not be closed, in response to similar calls made by Museveni earlier this month. Bridge said that its schools are still operating and that it expects the court to uphold its ruling at its next hearing. The company called claims of safety issues at its schools false allegations. Bridge Internationala startup founded in Kenya in 2008 that now has funding from Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Pierre Omidyar, the World Bank, the education company Pearson, as well as the United States and the United Kingdom offers schooling to poor families for as little as $6 a month, delivering lessons to classrooms via tablets, smartphones, and other tools. A promotional photo for BIA. A promotional photo for BIA. Its mission, to bring education to poor communities in Asia and Africa, has been lauded as one of the most audacious solutions yet to the lack of education resources around the world. Uganda, Kenya, and Liberia host hundreds of Bridge International schools. But lately Bridge International has been accused of hiring cheap teachers and using shoddy school buildings to keep costs low. Critics says its scripted teaching plans require the least amount of interaction between students and teachers possible. Others say the company encourages the privatization and outsourcing of education. Last year, more than 100 organizations in Kenya and Uganda signed a statement criticizing the World Banks support of Bridge International. Story continues Bridge said in a statement that it is sincerely concerned over Uganda threatening to force 12,000 Bridge children out of school and 800 Ugandans out of work. In the meantime, our academies are running as usual as we continue to work with the relevant educational authorities to uphold our commitment to our parents and communities to provide a world-class education to their children, said Michael Kaddu, head of public affairs for Bridge International in Uganda. Sign up for the Quartz Africa Weekly Brief the most important and interesting news from across the continent, in your inbox. Sign up for the Quartz Daily Brief, our free daily newsletter with the worlds most important and interesting news. More stories from Quartz: What you need to know about Powerball and the $825 million jackpot Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Welcome to SwanseaOnline - your home for the best news, sports and what's on coverage of the city. Never miss a Swansea story with our daily newsletter Sign up to comment on our stories here Follow us on Facebook and Twitter | Swansea City news | Ospreys news | InYourArea NASA's OSIRIS-REx is an ongoing mission at asteroid 101955 Bennu, a carbon-rich rock hosting traces of the early solar system. The spacecraft arrived at Bennu on Dec. 3, 2018, and successfully went into orbit around the asteroid on Dec. 31, 2018. In 2023, OSIRIS-REx's sample return capsule is scheduled to bring a piece of Bennu back to Earth. But first, the spacecraft will conduct an in-depth study of the rocky body and help scientists learn more about how sunlight can shift an asteroid's position. Visiting an asteroid The $800-million OSIRIS-REx (Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer) mission was named a finalist for NASA's New Frontiers mission class in 2009, along with missions to study Venus (Surface and Atmosphere Geochemical Explorer, or SAGE) and the moon (MoonRise). In 2011, OSIRIS-REx was chosen as the winning proposal. The New Frontiers program consists of a series of medium-class spacecraft missions intended to help us better understand the solar system. OSIRIS-REx is the third mission chosen for that program; the previous selectees were New Horizons, which flew by dwarf planet Pluto in 2015 and by an object called 2014 MU69 in 2019, and the Juno mission, which arrived in orbit around Jupiter in 2016. OSIRIS-REx launched on Sept. 8, 2016. It briefly returned home in September 2017 to complete a speed-boosting flyby of Earth. The probe arrived at Bennu on Dec. 3, 2018. In the month after its arrival, OSIRIS-REx took detailed measurements of Bennu's shape and mass before precisely slipping into orbit. OSIRIS-REx achieved its orbit on Dec. 31, 2018, just hours before New Horizons flew by 2014 MU69. The asteroid probe set two records: Bennu is the smallest body a spacecraft has ever orbited (the space rock has a diameter of 1,640 feet, or 500 meters), and OSIRIS-REx performed the closest orbit ever of a small body, at just 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) from the surface. Part of the spacecraft's next job is to look for a safe place to land; mission managers will pick two semifinalist locations by July 2020, and OSIRIS-REx will touch down at one of those spots on the surface shortly after that. OSIRIS-REx will follow in the footsteps of Japan's Hayabusa, which, in 2010, became the first spacecraft to bring a bit of an asteroid back to Earth. A successor Japanese sample-return mission, called Hayabusa2, is on its way to asteroid Ryugu (also known as 1999 JU3), with an arrival set for 2020. OSIRIS-REx, however, is the first U.S.-led asteroid sample-return mission. An artists illustration of NASAs OSIRIS-REx spacecraft approaching the asteroid Bennu. (Image credit: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona) Sampling an asteroid Asteroids are the bits and pieces left over from the formation of the planets, and as such, they serve as rudimentary blueprints of the early solar system. Studying them allows scientists to see what the early solar system was like and to get a handle on how planets formed. NASA's Dawn mission visited the asteroid Vesta before moving on to the dwarf planet Ceres. In contrast to the Dawn mission, OSIRIS-REx will bring home a piece of Bennu for in-depth laboratory studies that aren't possible from orbit. The OSIRIS-REx team hopes to collect at least 2 ounces (60 grams) of material to achieve their scientific goals. Understanding how asteroids form will not only provide insight about the early solar system, but also help scientists better understand the space rocks' makeup today. That could be helpful should any such object threaten to collide with Earth. The research could also assist in future efforts to mine asteroids. "The mission will develop important technologies for space exploration that will benefit anyone interested in exploring or mining asteroids, whether it's NASA or a private company," Dante Lauretta, the principal investigator for OSIRIS-REx, said in a statement. (Lauretta was previously the mission's co-principal investigator, along with fellow planetary scientist Michael Drake, who died in 2011 at age 65.) OSIRIS-REx will also help astronomers study the Yarkovsky effect on asteroids. This phenomenon occurs when heat from the sun provides a tiny push that alters the movement of an asteroid or other object. Although the push is minimal, it can build up over time, helping to change the path a space rock travels. But it can be challenging to study this effect, as it varies based on the shape of each asteroid. "The knowledge from the mission will help us to develop methods to better track the orbits of asteroids," Jim Green, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division, said in a statement. Now that OSIRIS-REx has reached Bennu, five instruments onboard the spacecraft are working to study, map and analyze the asteroid in unprecedented detail: OSIRIS-REx Visible and Infrared Spectrometer (OVIRS) By measuring visible and near-infrared light, OVIRS will hunt for organics and other minerals. OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) Using the thermal infrared, OTES will take Bennu's temperature and map mineral and chemical abundances. Together, OVIRS and OTES will map Bennu over a wave of interesting wavelengths to help select the best site to sample the asteroid. OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite (OCAMS) A three-camera suite will help map Bennu. PolyCam, the largest, will acquire the first images of Bennu, taking them from 1.2 million miles (2 million kilometers) out, and capture high-resolution images of the sample site. MapCam will hunt for satellites and dust plumes around the asteroid, map it in color, and take the photographs to create topographic maps. SamCam will document the collection of the sample and its capture. OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA) By scanning the entire surface of Bennu, OLA will send back data to create highly accurate 3D models of the asteroid surface. Regolith X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (RExIS) Studying X-ray emissions of Bennu will help in the creation of a map showing the abundance of different elements on the surface. Unlike other imaging instruments, RExIS will examine the composition of the asteroid at the level of individual atomic elements. Mission timeline Since its launch, the spacecraft has made two deep-space maneuvers. The first took place on Dec. 28, 2016, and set the spacecraft up for its gravity assist with Earth. Almost a year later, OSIRIS-REx made a flyby of the planet, on Sept. 22, 2017, to pick up speed for its journey to Bennu. At its closest approach, over Antarctica, the spacecraft was roughly 10,700 miles (17,200 km) from the surface. The flyby increased OSIRIS-REx's speed by about 8,500 mph (13,000 km/h) and was executed flawlessly. The spacecraft then continued on its journey to Bennu. Along the way, the OSIRIS-REx snapped some stunning images of Earth and its moon from a distance of a little more than 3 million miles (5 million km). On June 28, 2018, the spacecraft aced its second and final major deep-space maneuver before making a series of successful asteroid-approach maneuvers to put it close to Bennu. Once the asteroid has been studied in significant detail, scientists will identify a region to sample. That's where the Touch-And-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM) will come into play. As OSIRIS-REx draws closer to the asteroid, TAGSAM will blast a sample of pure nitrogen gas at the rock's surface. Regolith (dust and broken rock) blasted from the surface will be pushed into the chamber of the sampler. To complete all of the planned science, OSIRIS-REx needs to collect at least 2 ounces (60 g) of asteroid material, but the goal is to collect 5 ounces (150 g) to account for any errors in measurement. The spacecraft will carry three bottles of nitrogen gas to allow for multiple collection attempts, and TAGSAM can carry as much as 70 ounces (2,000 g). To weigh the sample in the low-gravity environment, scientists will measure the angular acceleration of the spacecraft before and after the sample is collected. Although OSIRIS-REx will sample Bennu, the spacecraft won't fully land on the space rock's surface. Contact during the collection process will be brief, lasting only a few seconds. "We kiss the surface," Drake told reporters in 2011. OSIRIS-REx's brief contact with the surface of Bennu is scheduled for July 2020. The spacecraft will depart Bennu in March 2021 for the journey back to Earth. OSIRIS-REx will arrive back home in September 2023 and will drop a return capsule, which will parachute into the Utah desert. The spacecraft will then move into a stable orbit around the sun. The near-Earth asteroid Bennu, as seen by NASA's OSIRIS-REx probe on Dec. 2, 2018. (Image credit: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona) Meet Bennu Originally known as 1999 RQ36, the rock OSIRIS-Rex will visit was renamed Bennu by 9-year-old Mike Puzio in a 2013 contest. Bennu is an Egyptian god usually depicted as a gray heron. Puzio chose the name because he thought TAGSAM and the solar panels resembled the bird god's neck and wings. Bennu is one of several thousand near-Earth objects orbiting within 120 million miles (190 million km) of Earth. Among those, Bennu was one of less than 200 objects whose orbit was well-known and sufficiently similar to Earth's orbit. This asteroid orbits the sun every 436 days and comes very close to Earth every six years. Bennu's also relatively large, at about 1,650 feet (500 m) wide. Rocks smaller than 650 feet (200 m) spin too rapidly for a spacecraft to safely land on them. Only a handful of the asteroids in appropriate orbits were large enough to allow a visit. Among those deemed appropriate, Bennu has a more-attractive composition. The asteroid is relatively rich in carbon-based material; the asteroids that may have brought water and organic material to Earth and helped kick off life would have looked like Bennu. "We're going for something rich in organics, which might have had something to do with life getting started," Drake said. Bennu's close orbit also makes it a potentially hazardous object for Earth, but contrary to what some media reports have said, this space rock isn't a definite threat. NASA scientists calculated that there is a 0.037 percent (or 1-in-2,700) chance that it will strike Earth in the last quarter of the 22nd century. For that to happen, the asteroid would need to have its orbit altered in its 2,135th flyby of Earth. If the asteroid does collide with Earth, the impact won't destroy the planet, though it will wreak havoc wherever it touches down. Experts say that an asteroid of this size would likely devastate the local area around the impact, but it wouldn't cause mass extinctions. Still, the advanced warning provided by OSIRIS-REx could help scientists take preventative measures long before an impact. Further reading: This article was updated on Jan. 25, 2019 by contributor Elizabeth Howell. The Airlander 10, the world's largest aircraft, made its first flight on Aug. 17, 2016. The world's largest aircraft, a helium-filled, blimp-like airship, has taken to the skies for the first time, successfully landing after its maiden voyage from Cardington Sheds in Bedfordshire, England, today (Aug. 17). The company that designed and manufactured the Airlander 10 airship, Hybrid Air Vehicles, was bursting with excitement on their Twitter page. "Airlander takes off on historic first flight. #airlandet #firsts #flight," Hybrid Air Vehicles tweeted today. "How brilliant is this? Testament to a GREAT British innovation and an amazing small company," read another of their tweets. A hybrid that borrows technology from airplanes, helicopters and airships, the Airlander 10 is a whopping 302 feet (92 meters) long that's longer than the largest passenger airliner, the Airbus A380 (also called the Superjumbo). [Huge Airship: See Photos of the Building of the Airlander 10] Though the Airlander 10 is designed to stay aloft at altitudes of up to 20,000 feet (6,100 m) for five days when manned and up to two weeks without humans onboard, tonight's flight was just a quick test, according to Hybrid Air Vehicles. "Landed. Just a quick flight tonight to prove the concept and needed to land before dark," the company tweeted. The company sees plenty of potential for the giant aircraft. "It can stay in the air for days and even weeks carrying a lot of weight on an ultra-stable platform," Chris Daniels, head of partnerships and communication at Hybrid Air Vehicles, told Live Science in March. "And it also has the versatility to land and take off from pretty much any surface, including water, carrying up to 10 tonnes [about 22,000 lbs.] of cargo." With those qualities, Daniels says the Airlander 10 could be used for search and rescue, patrol and surveying, as well as a Wi-Fi platform for rock festivals. Another use? "Passenger flight (think safaris and luxury tourism) or for cargo to remote regions where there aren't good roads or railways, or perhaps an airport doesn't exist," he told Live Science. Original article on Live Science. The content herein, unless otherwise known to be public domain, are Copyright 1995-2016 - Space Media Network. All websites are published in Australia and are solely subject to Australian law and governed by Fair Use principals for news reporting and research purposes. AFP, UPI and IANS news wire stories are copyright Agence France-Presse, United Press International and Indo-Asia News Service. ESA news reports are copyright European Space Agency. All NASA sourced material is public domain. Additional copyrights may apply in whole or part to other bona fide parties. Advertising does not imply endorsement, agreement or approval of any opinions, statements or information provided by Space Media Network on any Web page published or hosted by Space Media Network. Privacy Statement All images and articles appearing on Space Media Network have been edited or digitally altered in some way. Any requests to remove copyright material will be acted upon in a timely and appropriate manner. Any attempt to extort money from Space Media Network will be ignored and reported to Australian Law Enforcement Agencies as a potential case of financial fraud involving the use of a telephonic carriage device or postal service. For Immediate Release Chicago, IL August 17, 2016 Today, Zacks Equity Research discusses the Oil & Gas, part 1, including like Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), BP plc (BP), Cimarex Energy Co. (XEC), Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. (COG) and Range Resources Corp. ( RRC). Industry: Oil & Gas, part 1 Link: Crude Oil U.S. oil futures have been very volatile in 2016 with prices recovering from a 12-year low of $26.21 a barrel in February to $50/barrel mark in early June and then slipping again to under $40. While factors like Canadian wildfires, Nigerian outages/disruptions, production issues in Venezuela and a strike by Kuwaiti oil workers contributed to jump in prices earlier this year that saw the benchmark recover significantly, these issues have largely vanished from the market. As of now, overproduction of crude and a glut of refined products keep the commodity under pressure. At over 520 million barrels, current crude supplies are up 15% from the year-ago period and are at the highest level during this time of the year. As it is, improvement in oil fundamentals remain fragile with the existing stocks of refined product inventories gasoline and distillate remaining at their maximum seasonal levels in at least 20 years despite healthy demand. Piling on the misery is the Baker Hughes report revealing a steady rise in the U.S. oil rig count and pointing to the resurgence in shale drilling activities. A number of major industry players, including Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) and BP plc (BP) have reported sub-standard second-quarter numbers as lower energy prices take a toll. Over the past few trading days, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures have surged around 10% to around $45-a-barrel on renewed expectations of a production freeze from the 14-member OPEC bloc and Russia. However, several analysts have expressed skepticism over this mini-rally, pointing to the last such attempt made in April that failed spectacularly. Story continues Oil is facing the heat on several other fronts as well. Perhaps most important pertains to the mounting worries about Chinas crude demand. In particular, the Asian giants currency devaluation has stoked speculation about soft economic growth in the worlds No. 2 energy consumer. Whats more, in the absence of production cuts from OPEC, the resilience of North American shale suppliers to keep pumping despite crashing prices, and concerns over the effects of Brexit on crude demand., not much upside is expected in oil prices in the near term. Moreover, a stronger dollar has made the greenback-priced crude more expensive for investors holding foreign currency. As it is, with inventories at the highest level during this time of the year, crude is very well stocked. On top of that, the top producers of Middle East pumping at full throttle have indicated time and again that they are more intent on preserving market share rather than attempting to arrest the price decline through production cuts. Therefore, the commodity is likely to maintain its low trajectory throughout 2016. In our view, crude prices in the next few months are likely to exhibit a sideways-to-bearish trend, mostly trading in the $35-$45 per barrel range. As North American supply remains strong and demand looks underwhelming, we are likely to experience pressure to the price of a barrel of oil. Natural Gas "It's cleaner, it's cheaper and it's domestic." - Legendary energy entrepreneur T. Boone Pickens, in reference to natural gas. Over the last few years, a quiet revolution has been reshaping the energy business in the U.S. The success of shale gas natural gas trapped within dense sedimentary rock formations or shale formations has transformed domestic energy supply, with a potentially inexpensive and abundant new source of fuel for the worlds largest energy consumer. With the advent of hydraulic fracturing (or "fracking") a method used to extract natural gas by blasting underground rock formations with a mixture of water, sand and chemicals shale gas production is now booming in the U.S. Coupled with sophisticated horizontal drilling equipment that can drill and extract gas from shale formations, the new technology is being hailed as a breakthrough in U.S. energy supplies, playing a key role in boosting domestic natural gas reserves. As a result, once faced with a looming deficit, natural gas is now available in abundance. Statistically speaking, the current storage level at 3.317 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) is up 361 Bcf (12%) from last year and is 440 Bcf (15%) above the five-year average. Expectedly, this has taken a toll on prices. Natural gas peaked at about $13.50 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) in 2008 but dropped to its lowest level in almost 17 years at $1.611 per million Btu (MMBtu) in the first quarter. Apart from plentiful stocks, which hit an all-time high in November, the selloff was spurred by tepid demand for the fuel due to mild weather spurred by the El Nino phenomenon. In response to continued weak natural gas prices, major U.S. producers like Cimarex Energy Co. (XEC), Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. (COG) and Range Resources Corp. ( RRC) have all taken significant cost-cutting measures, including a reduction in their capital expenditure budgets. With production from the major shale plays remaining strong and the commoditys demand failing to keep pace with this supply surge, natural gas prices have been held back. Industrial requirement has been lackluster over the past few years with demand barely rising. In fact, EIA estimates natural gas inventories will reach 4.042 Tcf by the end of October a record level for that time of the year. In the past, winter weather has played a factor in boosting prices with demand for domestic natural gas exceeding available supply. But with no dearth of new supply, even this association is becoming more and more obsolete. Finally, with improved drilling productivity offsetting the historic decline in rig count, we do not expect gas prices to rally anytime soon. ZACKS INDUSTRY RANK Oil/Energy is one the 16 broad Zacks sectors within the Zacks Industry classification. We rank all of the more than 260 industries in the 16 Zacks sectors based on the earnings outlook for the constituent companies in each industry. (To learn more visit: About Zacks Industry Rank.) The way to look at the complete list of 260+ industries is that the outlook for the top one-third of the list (Zacks Industry Rank of #88 and lower) is positive, the middle 1/3rd or industries with Zacks Industry Rank between #89 and #176 is neutral while the outlook for the bottom one-third (Zacks Industry Rank #177 and higher) is negative. The oil/energy industry is further sub-divided into the following industries at the expanded level: Oil U.S. Integrated, Oil and Gas Drilling, Oil U.S. Exploration and Production, Oil/Gas Production Pipeline MLP, Oilfield Services, Oil International Integrated, Oil Production/Pipeline, Oilfield Machineries and Equipment, OilC$ Integrated, and Oil Refining and Marketing. The Oil U.S. Exploration and Production is the best placed among them with its Zacks Industry Rank #41, comfortably placing it into the top 1/3rd of the 260+ industry groups, where it is joined by the Oil/Gas Production Pipeline MLP with a Zacks Industry Rank of #65 and Oil International Integrated with a Zacks Industry Rank of #72. The Oil and Gas Drilling with a Zacks Industry Rank #97 moves just out of the top 1/3rd and into the middle 1/3rd. There, it is accompanied by the OilC$ Integrated, Oil Production/Pipeline, Oil U.S. Integrated and Oilfield Services carrying respective Zacks Industry Ranks of #105, #105, #105 and #170. The remaining sub-sectors Oilfield Machineries and Equipment and Oil Refining and Marketing are featuring in the bottom one-third of all Zacks industries with Zacks Industry Ranks of #208 and #240, respectively. The location of these industries suggests that the general outlook for the oil/energy space as a whole is Neutral-to-Negative. About Zacks is a property of Zacks Investment Research, Inc., which was formed in 1978. The later formation of the Zacks Rank, a proprietary stock picking system; continues to outperform the market by nearly a 3 to 1 margin. The best way to unlock the profitable stock recommendations and market insights of Zacks Investment Research is through our free daily email newsletter; Profit from the Pros. In short, it's your steady flow of Profitable ideas GUARANTEED to be worth your time! Click here for your free subscription to Profit from the Pros. Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Facebook: Zacks Investment Research is under common control with affiliated entities (including a broker-dealer and an investment adviser), which may engage in transactions involving the foregoing securities for the clients of such affiliates. Media Contact Zacks Investment Research 800-767-3771 ext. 9339 Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. This material is being provided for informational purposes only and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. It should not be assumed that any investments in securities, companies, sectors or markets identified and described were or will be profitable. All information is current as of the date of herein and is subject to change without notice. Any views or opinions expressed may not reflect those of the firm as a whole. Zacks Investment Research does not engage in investment banking, market making or asset management activities of any securities. These returns are from hypothetical portfolios consisting of stocks with Zacks Rank = 1 that were rebalanced monthly with zero transaction costs. These are not the returns of actual portfolios of stocks. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index. Visit for information about the performance numbers displayed in this press release. Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report EXXON MOBIL CRP (XOM): Free Stock Analysis Report BP PLC (BP): Free Stock Analysis Report CIMAREX ENERGY (XEC): Free Stock Analysis Report CABOT OIL & GAS (COG): Free Stock Analysis Report RANGE RESOURCES (RRC): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. 2000 - 2022 24 .- ., () . 24 . 24 . . 24 . Optimization Are you frustrated with a slow pc or a hard disk not performing as it should? Try SLOW-PCfighter to speed up boot time on a slow PC, or try a free scan of FULL-DISKfighter to recover space on a full disk. The latest offering is DRIVERfighter to update your driver updater. Get complete PC optimization and extend the life of your PC with these must-have software tools. Vacations for the Privileged Sam Gregory, program director at the human rights organization, emphasizes the importance of adopting a conscious approach that aligns with the host community's interests -- and an awareness of a voluntourist's privilege that "only those with the money, the access to a visa and the time to (volunteer)" have access to. There's a danger, he warns, that you "get close enough to feel like you've been exposed to another reality, but you're still able to step away." Beyond these ideological dangers that come with voluntourism, there are also real dangers -- economic, physical and cultural -- that have taken root as an unintended result of these interventions. The first is a direct corollary of supply and demand: As more tourists seek authentic experiences through local organizations on the ground in far-flung countries, a sub-economy is springing up to cater to this niche. How to help Louisiana flood victims, should you donate money or send nonperishable goods to those affected by the disaster? Alternatively, should you become a volunteer and give your time and energy? Many people in America, well, all over the world are asking themselves those questions after watching the news or reading an article online about how hard Louisiana has been hit again. Thus far the torrential rains of the 2016 Louisiana Flood have killed 12 innocent people, according to The Louisiana Fire Marshal. Since the rain started on August 12 in South Louisiana, more than 20,000 people, have lost their homes and have been forced to seek refuge in shelters. Over 40,000 homes and buildings have been destroyed. Governor John Bel Edwards called the disaster a historic, unprecedented flooding event that is comparable to Hurricane Katrina, and declared a state of emergency. President Barack Obama, who has been staying up to date on the flooding situation, has offered his prayers to the people of Louisiana. POTUS moved quickly to grant the emergency declaration to four of the parishes that have been hit hardest by the flooding. FEMA is rapidly responding to emergency needs of residents. According to the White House: The presidents disaster declaration means that federal funding will become available to affected individuals in the four parishes, and possibly more if the declaration is expanded as damage is assessed and storms continue across the state. That assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, as well as low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses. The disaster declaration also makes federal funding available for state and local government emergency and recovery efforts. Many famous names such as Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift have donated millions to the state and if you are wondering how can you help the thousands of Louisiana flood victims, here is a great list of organizations that are working around the clock. If you live in the state, dropping off items is the way to go. Things like diapers, clothing, gift cards, canned goods, and pet food are always welcomed. Another way to help is to volunteer via The Red Cross. It is also possible to donate money to the Red Cross online or over the phone by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS or by texting LAFLOODS to 90999. The Salvation Army is also accepting funds to help those made homeless by the disaster. Via the United Way of Southeast Louisianas website, you can either get an application form to become a volunteer or make donations specifically for relief in Louisiana. Money donations can be given to Harvest Food Bank, which provides food and water to victims. The Gulf Coast Floods Childrens Relief Fund, which helps children and families, is accepting monetary donations. STAMFORD A familiar face will headline the Stamford Chamber of Commerces annual meeting and awards ceremony next month. Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, a city native and former mayor, will appear as the keynote speaker at the event, which is scheduled for Sept. 8 at a to-be-determined location. Weve had a tradition of having the governor come to our annual meeting, said Jack Condlin, president and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. The governor gets an opportunity to hear whats going on and hear from the business people. And people are interested in hearing what he says. About 1,200 businesses belong to the Chamber, which is headquartered at 733 Summer St. In June, Malloy appeared as the keynote speaker at the Downtown Special Services Districts annual meeting. At the time, he said the states inadequate infrastructure has impeded Connecticut from attracting businesses that are moving to other parts of the tri-state area from New York City. Malloys long-term plans include widening Interstate 95, reducing commuting time on Metro-North rail between Connecticut towns and cities and Grand Central Terminal and expanding the states bus networks. In that speech, the former Stamford mayor also touted the states support of the citys economic development through programs like the Small Business Express initiative. More Information To register for the Chamber of Commerce's annual meeting and awards ceremony, use the following link: See More Collapse These are not operations that are going to grow and have 200 or 300 people overnight, Malloy said. But every time we made one of those investments, particularly in (20)11, (20)12 and (20)13, when many of those businesses were facing challenges about their own survival, we kept them in business. The Chamber of Commerce has made a number of major changes in recent months, including the hiring of two new staffers, Antoinette Leal, director of events and marketing, and Constance Newton, office manager and member relations coordinator.; 203-964-2236; twitter: @paulschott This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate STAMFORD A 28-year-old city man was on the phone when his minivan collided with a bicyclist who died of head injuries following the Tresser Boulevard accident this spring, a police investigation has revealed. Jerry Bastien, 28, was cited for distracted driving on Thursday for the May 9 accident that killed Abdul Aziz, a 72-year-old city resident who was not wearing a helmet when his bike struck the side of the minivan, according to police. Bastien does not face criminal charges because Aziz was outside the crosswalk in the intersection of Tresser Boulevard and Edith Sherman Drive, according to the results of a police investigation released Thursday by Sgt. Andrew Gallagher, head of the departments Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Unit. The bicyclists actions played a very significant factor in the occurrence of the crash, Gallagher said. According to police, Bastien was driving his 2004 Toyota Sienna minivan eastbound on Tresser Boulevard when the accident occurred shortly after 9:30 a.m. on May 9, according to police. Aziz entered into the path of traffic outside the crosswalk, heading from the south to north side of Tresser, Gallagher said. After his bike hit the side of the minivan, Aziz was thrown and suffered a serious head injury, Gallagher said. Aziz later died at Stamford Hospital. Matthew Maddox, an attorney for Bastien, declined to comment about the citation. He said Bastien and his relatives are deeply sympathetic to the Aziz family. Jerry and his family feel a huge compassion and mourned the death of Mr. Aziz and still feel that way, Maddox said. The circumstances and mechanics of how the accident happened are really not relevant to the tragic loss of life. Aziz was a native of Bangladesh and father of seven who immigrated to the United States 30 years ago. The accident happened as he was running errands. He worked as a parking lot attendant at Landmark Square and also at a Strawberry Hill Avenue condominium complex where he was a doorman on the graveyard shift. Aziz moved to the city in 1999 after living in New Jersey, where he worked 72 hours a week at a Greek diner, his family said. Bastien is scheduled to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford on Aug. 31. A sda owner Walmart today laid bare the scale of the challenge facing the supermarket's new boss Sean Clarke, revealing an eighth straight quarter of falling sales at the grocer. Walmart boss Doug McMillon once again blamed fierce competition for the 7.5% sales decline in the three months to June 30. That compared to a 5.7% slump in the first quarter, then its largest ever recorded, and the 4.7% drop former boss Andy Clarke described as a "nadir" a year ago. "In the UK, the competitive environment and food deflation continued to challenge the market, significantly impacting traffic and comp sales," McMillon said. Asda's position as Britain's cheapest supermarket has been eroded by discounters Aldi and Lidl, which now have a combined 10% market share. The Leeds-based retailer has attempted to fight back, investing 1.5 billion in lowering prices, but the efforts are yet to bear fruit. McMillon said the revivial still has a way to go but management were moving quickly to spur it on. "While our turn-around will take time, Im confident in the new leadership team there and want to assure you were addressing this with urgency." Walmart replaced Andy Clarke with Sean Clarke in June. Sean Clarke first joined Asda in 1996 before abroad to work for the parent company. Most recently he ran Walmart China. A mazon has announced it will create 1,500 jobs by opening a major new warehouse in Essex. Located in the dock area of Thurrock town Tilbury, the "fulfilment centre" will become the retailers 13th in the UK. It will be fitted with robotic arms which carry products to and fro staff. The announcement comes after a spike in online shopping, with UK shoppers spending 16.7 per cent more online this July compared to last year and 1.2 per cent more than this June. Ian Geddes, UK head of retail at Deloitte, said: "The online market now accounts for 14.2 per cent of all retail sales, 1.6 percentage points more than 12 months ago. "Not only does this indicate a step up in online spending, but retailers also appear to be on the right path when it comes to engaging with the online consumer." Tilbury, due to open in 2017, will require operations managers, engineers, HR and IT workers and Amazon said it is currently scouting for the positions. This year alone, the online giant will create 3,500 positions. O il companies can be as slow as tankers when it comes to changing their ways, but two debt-laden oil firms finally showed signs of adapting to cheaper oil prices. Tullow, 3.45p richer today at 237.55p, has begun producing oil from its Tweneboa, Enyenra, Ntomme (TEN) fields off the coast of Ghana, three years after the project was given the go-ahead. It will come as a relief for investors, who last year had feared the project would come on stream later than planned given that it lay in disputed waters. Production, which will help slim its $4.7 billion (3.6 billion) debt pile, will ramp up gradually up to 80,000 barrels per day. Tullow is the operator of TEN and has a 47% stake. Premier Oil improved 0.65p to 77.15p as it informed shareholders that progress was being made in renegotiating its refinancing with lenders, even though that appeared to contradict reports it had managed to seal a deal. Net debt, perhaps the most important figure in the companys first-half report, stood at $2.6 billion, which is lower than at the end of March. Premier, which this year bought E.Ons UK North Sea assets for $135 million to top up its production amid the oil crisis, said underlying earnings slumped to $182 million from $447 million last year, but after tax it swung to a $167 million profit. The FTSE 100 was back to winning ways, up 13.70 points at 6872.85, hoisted higher by mining stocks, including Antofagasta, 19p better off at 561.5p. A bullish write-up from analysts at Exane BNP Paribas lifted Michael Spencers interdealer broker Icap 14.1p to 473p, becoming the latest to back the FTSE 250 firm ahead of its deal with Tullett Prebon. Laird, off 8.7p at 299.3p, continued to reel from the departure of its chief executive, who is taking the reins at Cobham. Boutique investment bank Berenberg slapped a Sell rating on the wireless technology company, convinced it will fall short of profit targets this year after a weak first half, which it saw as a profit warning. To deliver on consensus numbers Laird must deliver an exceptional second half, which we struggle to see happening given headwinds facing the industry and business, Berenberg said. Premier Farnell, the struggling electronic parts distributor, slipped 8.22p to 183.78p as its suitor Datwyler warned it would not be raising its bid, leaving Americas Avnet in the hot seat. T his year has been a game of two quarters rather than halves for Roman Abramovichs steelmaker Evraz, whose improvement since March was not enough to stop profits plunging. The FTSE 250 firm, in which the billionaire Chelsea FC owner has a 31% stake, revealed consolidated revenues slumped 28% to $3.5 billion (2.7 billion) in the first six months of 2016 and pre-tax profits dived 60% to $48 million. Evraz, which is headquartered in London but operates mainly in Russia, said the performance was dependent on steel prices. Shares fell 11p to 161.9p, knocking 48 million off the value of Abramovichs stake. Evraz said it will continue to work with lenders to refinance its net debt of $5.3 billion. The global steel industry has been crippled by oversupply as Chinas industrial revolution continues apace. Chief executive Alexander Frolov said the company was still trying to cut costs to deal with structural overcapacity. Given the higher prices and stronger domestic demand in the second quarter, Evrazs outlook for the rest of the year is cautiously optimistic, he added. Closer to home, the Tata Steel stalemate is yet to be resolved with 11,000 jobs at risk as the Indian firm bids to pull out of the Port Talbot steelworks amid the global crisis. T here's a breed of colleague that often infuriates. A friend of mine calls them swaggerers. They are the self-promotion supremos, who somehow get their pick of projects or assignments. They apply for and win awards youd never heard of before. And they actually use LinkedIn, rather than seeing its incessant emailing as evidence that humanity doesnt deserve to be the dominant species any more, and that we should just hand over to the dolphins. I sometimes envy the swaggerers. Because Im the opposite: a plodder in that same friends vernacular. We plodders work hard yet cringe at the idea of shouting about it misguidedly expecting someone to notice our diligence and achievements. We are Boxer the cart-horse to the swaggerers Squealer; Hillary to their Bill or Barack. Both sexes can fall into either camp. But my experiences suggest a majority of swaggerers are men. And women are more likely to be the most put-upon plodders: the office doormats, incapable of saying no yet still overlooked. This chimes with the way many of us were socialised too: girls to be bashful; their brothers allowed to boast. Is this still an obstacle for women in the workplace, then? I fear so. A recent survey of US women for the careers site Fairygodboss found the biggest issue for them was being passed over for promotion. There will be many factors at play there, including conscious and unconscious bias from bosses. But its plausible too that many organisations systems of promotion favour showier staff. Sometimes it is hard not to buy what the swaggerers are selling. Is the solution, then, that we ape this behaviour? That we all learn to market ourselves more? Certainly, were often told that both women and girls need more confidence. Ive lost track of the number of times during interviews, dinners, debates and panels that Ive heard a female business leader hail the magic c as a panacea. Studies have shown that men tend to over-estimate their abilities and women under-estimate theirs when applying for jobs. I dont disagree. Its just that I feel theres a yin to the yang here. Sure, many of the XX-chromosomed could benefit from having more faith in themselves, just as some Y-chromosome owners could. But there are also those who could do with a little less confidence. Some swaggerers possess a surfeit of self-belief thats wholly unjustified. Like the intern who two days after arriving at this paper told me how to do a job Id done for four years. Or the BBCs John Inverdale. The swaggerer is rarely a good colleague either. When one I know was asked to do a job he considered beneath him, he would employ the childrens chore trick: do it so badly that no one asks again. They can breed resentment in other staff, especially if they freeload. A doctor friend once worked on a ward with the ultimate swaggerer medic. The latter was always off lecturing and making a name for himself, and thus never there. My friend had to fill in to ensure patient care didnt suffer. Some self-doubt can also be a motivator. It means you check everything. And Id rather be treated by a surgeon who asks for help than one who soldiers on unsure. In my industry, many of the best writers male and female are painfully insecure (it keeps you improving) while the worst are usually the over-confident. Addressing this, then, really lies with employers who should scrutinise the way they hire and promote staff. They should check that the industrious plodder isnt being over-shadowed by the swaggerers inflated ego. But then, as a plodder myself, I would say that. Why was Amber cast as a villainess? Split: Amber Heard and Johnny Depp (Jonathan Brady/PA Wire ) / Jonathan Brady/PA Wire The words seem so carefully chosen, so expensive-lawyerly. There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm, the joint statement from Johnny Depp and Amber Heard read yesterday. Not, then, that there was no harm, but that whatever happened was accidental, unwitting. A whiff of the gaslighter there. When Heard first accused Depp of domestic violence many inexplicably cast her as the villain. She must be lying! A gold-digger! Captain Jack Sparrow is a hero! Its telling that some always want to make a defendant of a female plaintiff and assume a woman must just be after a rich mans money. Weve since seen evidence of abuse: photos, text messages, a leaked video. Despite this, Heard has dropped the abuse claims. One might guess why. Depps career will survive Hollywood has form at forgiving men accused of violence but her future was always more vulnerable. Its unfair. Cruel. Incidentally, Heard is a hopeless gold-digger. Shes giving proceeds from her settlement to charity. Swimmer Jack Burnell justified to make waves Jack Burnell is the open-water swimmer who was demoted from third to fifth place before being disqualified from his race in Rio on Tuesday. Afterwards, he criticised the referees who didnt have a clue, and claimed a rival, Oussama Mellouli, had grabbed his legs. Burnells statement was later described as a furious and extraordinary rant. I thought he was remarkably measured considering that hed spent four years working towards that day, only to see his dreams evaporate into farce. And he hardly went full Giles Coren about it. Londoners have thrown bigger strops at tourists who stand on the wrong side of the escalator. Customers are 24-hour Tubes main concern Tomorrow the Night Tube arrives. Which means we no longer have the perfect excuse to escape a party when some bore starts pontificating on property prices or Jeremy Corbyn: I must just catch the last train home. Still, Im thrilled. Well done, Sadiq, and Mike Brown of Transport for London, who implemented the plan. TfLs risk log, which I obtained with a Freedom of Information request, shows quite how complicated creating a 24-hour Tube has been. It catalogues potential obstacles from overheating and fleet management to a difficulty changing the clocks biannually. But what it also shows is that we customers are the real worry. The alcohol ban being flouted. A resultant rise in violent offences. Intoxicated passengers depositing bodily fluids on trains. So were the ones who could make the Night Tube a nightmare. @RosamundUrwin E dinburgh Festival is in full swing, with audiences enjoying and sometimes enduring hundreds of different shows a day. London is decidedly quieter, with comedians and theatre companies heading up to the annual jolly jamboree of performance. But you dont need to feel left out. Its no joke to be missing out on the best comedy shows in the country, but for those who cant be at the Fringe this year, weve rounded up the best jokes of the festival for you. Now youre fully equipped to pretend you just got back from a cultured jaunt to the Fringe. Dont you hate it when people assume youre rich because you sound posh and went to a private school and have loads of money? Annie McGrath Ill tell you whats unnatural in the eyes of God. Contact lenses. Zoe Lyons Edinburgh Fringe Fest 2016 by the numbers I dont run ever even when I was a kid at school in PE, cross country for me was literally a walk in the park. Sarah Callaghan Its tough being ginger. But I know there are far more important social justice movements and next to them we are pale by comparison. James Wilson Taylor I think the worst thing about driving a time machine is your kids are always in the back moaning Are we THEN yet? Paul F Taylor I hate double standards. Why is it that if I have sex with loads of women Im a playa, but if a woman does it, shes a lesbian? Jack Barry My motto in life is always give 100%. Which makes blood donation quite tricky. Tony Cowards Edinburgh Festiv-LOL: There's side splitting galore at the Edinburgh Fringe Sunday morning TV in this country might as well be called White People Eating. Fin Taylor Neil Diamond is the perfect romantic troubadour. Even his name is a brief set of instructions for a successful proposal. Simon Evans I think if you were hardcore anti-feminism, surely you wouldnt call yourself anti-feminism would you? Youd call yourself Uncle feminism. Jenny Collier I was the prettiest, cleverest girl in my class. I was homeschooled. Lou Sanders To give you an idea of the way my dad thinks, we were watching a documentary about Arthur Shawcross, a serial killer who got sentences to over 400 years in prison. He turned to me and said: These days hell do half of that. Adam Rowe Im afraid of walking past construction sites for a couple of reasons. One, that Ill get cat called, or worse, ignored completely. Felicity Ward My father had five children with my mother and five with someone else, because he believed in equality. Njambi McGrath Im not sure about legalizing marijuana. No conversation about someone who smokes weed ends in and they got the promotion. Rory OHanlon I have the confidence to text a man first. And second. And third. And fourth. And fifth. And sixth. And seventh. Basically, till he answers. Sofie Hagen Before I started on my food journey I wasnt healthy at all. I never thought about what I was putting in my body. Which is why I got chlamydia. Bella Younger Theres a common misconception that women try and change men when we marry them thats just not true. We just want you to be the people you pretended to be to get us in the sack. Wendy Wason Apparently one in three Europeans are conceived on an IKEA bed, which is crazy because those stores are really well lit. Mark Smith My show was going to be called Oh no my Mum was right about everything but she didnt like the title. Pippa Evans Im voting for Donald Trump. Heres why: I believe a violent revolution is coming to America. And I want a President whos not going to be able to handle it. Ari Shaffir You have two choices in life. 1) Raise a family so that when youre on your deathbed, youre surrounded by the people you love. 2) Dont raise a family, and use the money youve saved to buy a really amazing deathbed. Henry Paker I saw an article which said 16 year olds in Britain drink twice as much as they did 10 years ago. Of course they do, they were only 6 at the time. Mark Nelson Follow Going Out on Facebook and on Twitter @ESgoingout Review at a glance T he National Youth Theatre certainly isnt resting on its considerable laurels in this its 60th anniversary year. Prior to an autumn season in the West End, the NYT pitches camp at the Finborough for three summer weeks of new writing which include this two-hander from the notable Bola Agbaje. Unfortunately, Agbaje has come up with a 75-minute piece that is tiresome, repetitive and, frankly, credibility-straining. Funke (Tara Tijani) and Cleo (Katherine Humphrey) are teenage vloggers, broadcasting their Sons of Bitches bulletins from Funkes bedroom. But Funkes increasing engagement with the Black Lives Matter campaign means that thorny issues of race have started to flare between the pair to infuse everything they say and do. The trouble is, Agbaje doesnt convince us of a previously halcyon period in the girls relationship, which leads to the inevitable interlinked questions: if the pair disagree so fundamentally about seemingly everything, how were they friends in the first place? And why on earth are they doing a vlog together? Tijani looks to be a find, but there was little to cheer elsewhere in the preview performance I saw as the piece chases its tail in ever-decreasing circles. Valentina Ceschis production is lumpen and cant hide the fact that Funke, feisty, and Cleo, naive and provocative by turns, are mouthpieces rather than characters. Until Aug 20, Finborough Theatre; Follow Going Out on Facebook and on Twitter @ESgoingout T he Germans, who have a word for everything, say Indianthusiam. Its a word that conjures up that nations romantic obsession with all things Native American, from pow-wows to teepees. There is no corresponding word in English but the sentiment remains, buoyed up by a century of cowboys-and-injuns films and pulp novels depicting Native Americans as both noble savages and victims. From a eurocentric perspective the Native American story is still one of feathers and failure. In this encyclopedic survey of Native North America, J C H King, who was for 30 years keeper of anthropology at the British Museums Department of the Americas, paints a different picture. A century after no one expected Native North Americans to do anything other than assimilate and die away there remain more than 1,000 Native nations in Canada and the US, with 5.2 million people claiming American Indian and Native Alaskan heritage. Today, as in the past, American Indians count among their number world-class athletes, politicians, business leaders and artists. More than half a million people make their living in Indian-run casinos in an industry worth $91.1 billion. In the face of historical genocide and continuing discrimination and deprivation it seems Native American resilience and ingenuity has won through. In a panoramic portrait, King divides the first half of the book into broad thematic sections, on Art, Language, Land, and Native spirituality, notably forefronting chapters on Recovery and Success. Each larger section is broken down into smaller mini-essays on a breathtaking range of topics, from the labelling of aboriginal art, through the building of snow houses, to the keeping of Seminole slaves, high-stakes gambling and the hunting of beaver. The second half of the book is more chronological, focusing on the broad geographical areas of East, West, North and Pacific North-West but with the same magpie sensibility. There are ample illustrations too, of everything from Inuit sled dogs sniffing out the wreckage of a crashed nuclear-armed B-52 bomber in Greenland in 1968 to the Queen Mother being presented with a totem pole. Kings curatorial approach, with its kaleidoscope structure, may not satisfy readers looking for a more traditional historical treatment, but its a delight for the browsers and sifters among us who may be more engaged by the stories of early 20th-century Kikapoo travelling snake-oil salesmen than by the minutiae of constitutional haggling and treaty-making. Or vice versa. Either way, what comes through is the extraordinary diversity and persistence of Native cultures and histories. No feather and failure sideshow but a vital and integral part of the American story. More book reviews 1 /24 More book reviews Recovery by Russell Brand Will Russells brand of self-help prove quite so addictive? By Nicholas Lezard. Read review A Life in Questions by Jeremy Paxman Paxo refuses to answer all the really good questions, says David Sexton. Read review Politics: Between: The Extremes by Nick Clegg The basis of this book makes it impossible not to warm to Clegg, says Melanie McDonagh. Read review Serious Sweet by A L Kennedy Thank heavens for London in this tale of self-obsessed lovers. Read review The Last Royal Rebel: The Life and Death of James, Duke of Monmouth by Anna Keay Born a kings b****** and destined for a traitors death. Read review Man Up: Boys, Men and Breaking the Male Rules by Rebecca Asher Getting to the bottom of why boys will be boys. Read review The Course of Love by Alain de Botton A philosophical novel that does run smooth, says Johanna Thomas-Corr. Read review The Tree Climbers Guide: Adventures in the Urban Canopy by Jack Cooke How I gave this book a proper test and ended up with a broken ankle. Read review Reader, I Married Him: Stories Inspired by Jane Eyre Brontes classic tale in the imaginations of other writers, says Claire Harman. Read review Moranifesto by Caitlin Moran Caitlin comes clean about politics the world according to our funniest feminist. By Rosamund Urwin. Read review Spark Joy An Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Art of Tidying by Marie Kondo Theres no messing wih Marie, says Katie Law. Read review Cockfosters Stories by Helen Simpson After 50, a womans life gets better not worse. By Katie Law. Read review Stalins Englishman: The Lives of Guy Burgess by Andrew Lownie Joker in the spying pack. By Richard Bassett. Read review Even Dogs in the Wild by Ian Rankin The darkness that lies at the heart of the novel is offset by a lightness of touch, says Mark Sanderson. Read review Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink by Elvis Costello Elvis proves not quite so lyrical on the page, says Nick Curtis. Read review The Importance of Elsewhere: Philip Larkins Photographs by Richard Bradford His poetry paints better pictures than any camera, says David Sexton. Read review Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith Morality wins out over macabre murders, says Melanie McDonagh. Read review The Grownup by Gillian Flynn Calling all Flynnies: the con girl whos like gone girl. Read review King makes a subtler political point here too, arguing that the relationship between the American government and its Native peoples in the frontier period established the template for later US international relations. Following its independence from the British in 1776, America defined its Indian territories as sovereign dependent nations and its through this contradictory and condescending lens, argues King, that US foreign policy has been conducted ever since. Far from the special relationship between the US and the UK defining us as American poodles, as some would have it, we are, at least so far as US foreign policy is concerned, a species of Cherokee or Navajo abroad. Which might explain why, at some unspoken level, the Germans still set such store by their Indianthusiam. W ho could ever forget Julie Christie as Lara in David Leans 1965 film adaption of Boris Pasternaks epic romantic weepie, Doctor Zhivago? Or, for that matter, Omar Sharif as the handsome, brooding doctor, torn between his wife dull, dutiful Tonya and his mistress Lara, passionate and full of life? The real-life story that inspired it is every bit as vivid, as Anna Pasternak, a great grand-niece of the writer, discovered while researching the life of Olga Ivinskaya, who became Boris Pasternaks mistress for the last 15 years of his life. Its a gripping if sad chapter in history and she tells it well. Pasternak was already a famous poet and translator of Shakespeare when he first met Olga at the offices of the literary journal Novy Mir in 1946, where she was an editor. He was 56, she was 34. He was married to his second wife, Zinaida Neuhaus, who had left her husband, one of Pasternaks best friends, pianist Heinrich Neuhaus, for him. Olga had also been married and widowed twice, and already had two children. Pasternak, whose elongated face was often likened to an Arabs horses hardly flattering partly because he had long yellowish teeth and Olga soon became lovers but Pasternak felt so guilty about his second marriage that he refused to leave Zinaida. Nor could he give Olga up, so he vacillated between the two women, just as Doctor Zhivago was to vacillate between Tonya and Lara, in a state of perpetual torment. When Zinaida discovered her husbands affair Pasternak had left a love letter from Olga out on his desk, the author thinks on purpose Olga attempted suicide and was sent to an asylum. After she returned, Pasternak dispatched Zinaida to tell Olga the affair must finish. But it didnt. Soon after, Olga was arrested by the secret police and sentenced to five years in a gulag in Potma. This was as close as the authorities dared come to attacking Pasternak himself, who while known as an opponent of the regime had Stalins protection, thanks to having translated into Russian some of Stalins favourite Georgian poetry a decade earlier. Stalin is reputed to have said of Pasternak, Leave him in peace, hes a cloud dweller, which was later stamped on Pasternaks KGB file. While Olga toiled in the labour camp suffering a miscarriage early on Pasternak was writing the second half of Doctor Zhivago. By the time she was released nearly four years later, Pasternak, who had had a heart attack, had moved out of Moscow to his dacha at Peredelkino, where Zinaida could keep a watchful eye over him. Olga left Moscow too and set up home nearby. So began a big house, little house arrangement, with Pasternak able to visit Olga several times a day. More book reviews 1 /24 More book reviews Recovery by Russell Brand Will Russells brand of self-help prove quite so addictive? By Nicholas Lezard. Read review A Life in Questions by Jeremy Paxman Paxo refuses to answer all the really good questions, says David Sexton. Read review Politics: Between: The Extremes by Nick Clegg The basis of this book makes it impossible not to warm to Clegg, says Melanie McDonagh. Read review Serious Sweet by A L Kennedy Thank heavens for London in this tale of self-obsessed lovers. Read review The Last Royal Rebel: The Life and Death of James, Duke of Monmouth by Anna Keay Born a kings b****** and destined for a traitors death. Read review Man Up: Boys, Men and Breaking the Male Rules by Rebecca Asher Getting to the bottom of why boys will be boys. Read review The Course of Love by Alain de Botton A philosophical novel that does run smooth, says Johanna Thomas-Corr. Read review The Tree Climbers Guide: Adventures in the Urban Canopy by Jack Cooke How I gave this book a proper test and ended up with a broken ankle. Read review Reader, I Married Him: Stories Inspired by Jane Eyre Brontes classic tale in the imaginations of other writers, says Claire Harman. Read review Moranifesto by Caitlin Moran Caitlin comes clean about politics the world according to our funniest feminist. By Rosamund Urwin. Read review Spark Joy An Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Art of Tidying by Marie Kondo Theres no messing wih Marie, says Katie Law. Read review Cockfosters Stories by Helen Simpson After 50, a womans life gets better not worse. By Katie Law. Read review Stalins Englishman: The Lives of Guy Burgess by Andrew Lownie Joker in the spying pack. By Richard Bassett. Read review Even Dogs in the Wild by Ian Rankin The darkness that lies at the heart of the novel is offset by a lightness of touch, says Mark Sanderson. Read review Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink by Elvis Costello Elvis proves not quite so lyrical on the page, says Nick Curtis. Read review The Importance of Elsewhere: Philip Larkins Photographs by Richard Bradford His poetry paints better pictures than any camera, says David Sexton. Read review Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith Morality wins out over macabre murders, says Melanie McDonagh. Read review The Grownup by Gillian Flynn Calling all Flynnies: the con girl whos like gone girl. Read review In 1955 he finished Doctor Zhivago and the following May agreed for it to be smuggled to Italy and published by Feltrinelli, as the Soviet authorities refused to publish it uncensored. Pasternak told the courier, as he handed over the original 433-page manuscript, You are hereby invited to take part in my own execution. The subsequent facts the novels publication and the worldwide response to it, the announcement that Pasternak was to be awarded the Nobel Prize, his acceptance and later his enforced repudiation of the prize are of course all history. But what of Olga after Pasternaks death in 1960? She and her daughter Irina were sent to another gulag, eventually released, and Olga lived the rest of her life in Moscow, dying at the age of 83. Anna Pasternak not only challenges the accepted family view that Olga played little part in Pasternaks life and literary achievements, she also lays bare his self-absorbed soliloquies, his false modesty, his vanity and his addiction to high drama. Yet in the end, like Olga, she forgives him everything. L ast summer, my mother died. This would be challenging enough, but ours had been a turbulent relationship. For almost a decade, she had refused any contact. This continued until my early 40s, after which communication resumed. There was no apology and no discussion. That first Christmas back in her company was the Christmas of her cancer diagnosis. Six months later, she was dead. Despite having close siblings, the greatest of friends, and a loving partner, only Tom, the ex-boyfriend who had been by my side during the cold shoulder years, could fully understand my agonies. I could try to explain it to other people, but I didnt need to explain it to him, and the relief of being understood without saying a word was seismic. I love the man and always will. And its not just me. Ex-love is a new, tribal phenomenon, especially in London, that great single stalking ground in which exes never disappear. In an Office for National Statistics survey, seven of the countrys top 10 most single areas were discovered to be in the capital. London boasts legions of single people, who tend not to settle down until later, if at all, giving our ex potential more scope. Meanwhile, celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom, and long-time exes Kate Moss and Jefferson Hack, and Elizabeth Hurley and Hugh Grant prove that ex affection can be pulled off even in the heightened realms of slebville. Before I go any further, allow me to say how hotly I adore my current partner. A BBC type whom I met 18 months ago at a Christmas party, he is 42 to my 45, meaning that, ex-wise, we have both covered a fair bit of ground. In the seven years between the ex mentioned above and my present beau, I was a fast-living, epic-drinking lone ranger with a single column in The Times ideologically and professionally single. Today, I am a sober, rather more restrained half of a couple, no longer dancing on tables or getting myself into scrapes. However, the major men in my life from my early 30s onwards and a handful of friendly flings have become non-negotiable allies, blood, kin. Flirtation has expired, in its place an intimate camaraderie. I have their backs and they have mine. We are active friends: emailing, texting, seeing each other all the time, just as I am active friends with their new partners, as and when they arise. They are the best of men, and I would take a bullet for every one them. Which means that my sainted boyfriend is forced to accept that my affection for him is in no way diminished by the love that I harbour for my exes. Hannah Betts Tom, a researcher, and the only man I have ever lived with, was the first of these beloved beings, and the individual who taught me how to be adult in a relationship. I still rely on his opinion in matters of taste: be it writing or behaviour. The sadness when we agreed to part at the age of 37 was lacerating, but both of us worked bloody hard to stay friends. Generously, he even built my new bed when we went our separate ways, causing colleagues to shriek that by doing so I was cursing it with ex-boyfriend voodoo and would never have intercourse again (spoiler alert: I did). I remain extremely fond of his family. When his father died, I wept copiously at his funeral and brought cakes to the wake. I also love his girlfriend she and I email each other constantly and I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that he has found the love of his life. Anna Bu Kliewer Dan, a dishevelled lawyer and the next man I fell in love with, similarly put his back into behaving in a civilised fashion after our time was up, as did I. Sure, I had a couple of years of feeling a tad heartbroken, and the time I overheard him having sex with his next lover wasnt a barrel of laughs (actually, it was hilarious). However, there is no hurt one cannot rise above. It would have been easier to drop each other, become phobic, embarrass our friends. However, we chose to be grown-ups, and the joy of this is that he, like the two loves who came after him, transformed into one of my closest allies. During the 2011 riots, a couple of more casual exes texted to see if I was OK an extremely reassuring gesture. Others have offered Christmas hook-ups, rather a fun prospect when one is single, or have served as platonic plus-ones. Anna Bu Kliewer We have taken each other to hospital, as we have taken each other for break-up pints; we have holidayed with each other, as we have introduced each other to our hot single friends. Having slept together, there is an extra dimension to our friendship, a hinterland that makes allegiance stronger, loyalty more unquestioning. A gay designer friend in his 30s argues: This is merely straights catching up with the gay community, and he may have a point. After a while you come to realise that everyones slept with everyone, and you just have to be relaxed about it. None of us is Doris Day. By a certain age, weve all got a past and our friendship groups are likely to be built on it. Think of it as a ready-made urban family. And, if you think my ex-love is impressive as a 45-year-old serial monogamist, it is nothing compared with that of my twenty-something colleagues. Almost all of my friends are exes, explains 27-year-old tech wizard, Kate, in that I have hook-ups rather than boy- or girlfriends, so everythings more low-key. Theres no big drama when you stop sleeping with someone because there was no big drama to start with. I wasnt in love with any of them while we were having sex, but I definitely love some of them now. Similarly, my fifty- and sixty-something friends have been through so many break-ups that everyone is compelled to be cucumber cool, or dinner parties would be intolerable. (Ill never forget a Notting Hill supper that ended in a baby-boomer bitch fight.) As Max, a silver-fox barrister, jokes: Theres also the fact that one simply cant remember enough to merit bad vibes. Ive probably slept with all my female friends, but, frankly, such things are lost in the mists of time. I should make it abundantly clear that, unlike Max, I havent slept with anything approaching all my friends; which will doubtless come as a relief to their wives and girlfriends. However, enough of my pals are exes of some sort for me to empathise with his post-coital bonhomie. My social life and my sex life have been all the more coruscating for taking a more amicable approach. Incompatibility as lovers does not prevent compatibility as friends. After all, these are the men and women who made us into the functional human beings we are today. The least we can do is love and respect them for it. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @EsMagOfficial # Ive been cooking Caribbean food since the age of 12; growing up in Barbados my evenings were spent in the kitchen assisting my mum or grandma. Theyre both amazing cooks and taught me all the traditional dishes. Ever since I moved to London 17 years ago Ive craved the taste of home-cooked Caribbean food and found myself rooting around in the markets for ingredients. I used to invite friends over to show them what authentic Caribbean food tastes like, and they would always be amazed by the delicious flavour combinations. Word spread and the invite list kept growing, and now I regularly run my supper club, Pop Up Barbados. I mostly cook Caribbean dishes but Im also inspired by my travels around Europe; its really fun to sample plenty of dishes in one evening. Ive been going to the Notting Hill Carnival since I came to London. Its the one event that offers a massive slice of Caribbean culture and it brings people together, wherever theyre from. Im proud of my Bajan roots and would like to see a few more options on offer at Carnival. Sometimes I think the rest of the worlds understanding of Caribbean food is all jerk chicken, curried goat, and salt fish and ackee with rice and peas. Those dishes are delicious but every island has its own cuisine. My souse recipes offer something a bit different, but confident Caribbean cooks will love the way the flavours combine. Barrie Gunning runs regular supper clubs in London, for dates visit Fancy creating a carnival atmosphere in your own home? Try out one of Barrie's souse recipes for yourself Bajan pork souse Ingredients (serves eight) 1kg pork shoulder, chopped into manageable pieces 1 cucumber half a bunch of parsley 6 large limes 1 onion 2 scotch bonnet peppers salt Method 1. Place the pork shoulder in a large pot of water with a teaspoon of salt; boil for around two hours until tender. 2. Finely chop vegetables and herbs. Squeeze limes; setting aside for later. 3. Once the pork is cooked, strain and rinse in freshly-boiled water. 4. Place the pork in a large mixing bowl. Stir in vegetables, lime juice, herbs and salt. 5. Set aside for 30 minutes before serving. Bajan octopus souse Ingredients (serves 8) 1.5kg octopus 1 cucumber half a bunch of parsley 4 medium multicolour tomatoes 4 large limes 2 scotch bonnet peppers salt Method 1. Place the octopus in a large pot of water with a teaspoon of salt; boil for around one hour. 2. Finely chop vegetables and herbs, and squeeze limes; setting aside for later. 3. Once the octopus is cooked, strain, rinse under cold water and chop into bite-size cubes. 4. Place in a large mixing bowl. Stir in the vegetables, lime juice, herbs and salt. 5. Set aside for 30 minutes before serving. For your chance to win a 100 Sainsbury's voucher, send us a picture of your carnival inspired dish. Enter here Visit and enter your postcode to see the full range of African and Caribbean products W hen it comes to party islands, you probably wouldnt think to look at Malta ahead of heavyweight party destinations Ibiza, Aiya Napa and Ios. But the Maltese archipelago - consisting of Malta, Gozo and Comino - has plenty to offer curious Londoners who like to hit the beach as hard as they hit the bar. Just a three-hour flight from London, it's already a favourite holiday destination for the likes of Brad and Angelina, but a younger crowd is now flocking to its shores thanks to a guaranteed 300 days of sunshine per year, a swathe of stylish hangouts and a burgeoning festival scene. But the Maltese islands will soon be known for much more; the historic Valetta is set to be crowned the capital of culture in 2018 - so really, theres no better time to plan a visit. If the promise of pearly beaches, turquoise seas and endless nights hasnt already sold this Mediterranean Island to you, take a look through our gallery above and discover why Malta should be at the top of your bucket list this year. Follow us on Twitter: @eslifeandstyle R ecord numbers of teenagers were today celebrating getting a university place after a surge in the number of offers. Ucas figures showed 424,000 pupils have been accepted to UK institutions up three per cent on last year the highest ever on A-level results day. Thousands more places, including at leading universities, were expected to be made available through clearing as hundreds of extra staff were drafted in to cope with the scramble. Universities admitted that this year could be a buyers market for applications, following the fall in the number of 18-year-olds and the removal of the cap on the numbers they can recruit. London students get their A Level results It has led to claims that universities have reduced their entry criteria in a bid to attract students. Middlesex University said it would be a buyers market and London South Bank University is running a 36-hour non-stop clearing service. This years results showed students from disadvantaged backgrounds are also seven per cent more likely to go to university, following a drive in social mobility. Around 27,400 more girls were offered places than boys, with three per cent more boys getting a place this year. Girls continue to dominate in many degrees. The gap between the brightest girls and boys at A-level has narrowed for the first time in five years. Boys achieved more A* grades 8.5 per cent compared with girls 7.7 per cent meaning the difference in results between the two sexes was just 0.8 per cent. After A grades were included, girls narrowly outperformed their male counterparts by 0.3 per cent, the smallest gap in 10 years. A-level students in the South-East performed the best in England, with London pupils a close second. More than 27 per cent of results in the capital were A* or A. Overall, the proportion of A* and A grades awarded to students in the UK dropped slightly, from 25.9 per cent in 2015 to 25.8 per cent this year. Exam board chiefs claimed the drop which represent just 836 grades was so small as to not be statistically significant. Andrew Hall, chief executive of exam board AQA, said: Its a fairly clear and stable set of results. We dont really see any great surprises. A-Level students react to results using emojis Overall, the pass rate remained at 98.1 per cent, exactly the same as last year, although fewer students sat exams. Maths remained the most popular subject, accounting for 11 per cent of all entries, with almost 20,000 more boys than girls taking the exam. Sharon Hague, senior vice-president of Pearson Qualification Services, said: Thats a long established pattern for maths but there are some encouraging signs. Theres a growth in girls doing economics. Perhaps thats a sign that young people are aware of the skills that businesses are looking for. Mr Hall added that the difference could be down to subjects where students felt more comfortable. Almost four times as many boys as girls took physics. Computing, which was also dominated by boys, saw the biggest jump in entrants, rising by 16 per cent on last year. In London, the state-funded Kings Maths School, which recruits the brightest mathematicians from across the capital, announced that 100 per cent of their pupils received A* or A grades in maths, with 83 per cent getting the higher grade. The fall in students taking modern languages continued with entries in French, German and Spanish all down, although more students received top A* grades, according to the Joint Council for Qualifications. It comes after heads of both private and state schools said that students appealing exam results face the most chaotic and unfair year in a generation. In May, Ofqual, the exam boards regulator, said it would only allow remarking if there were clear errors. T he family of a teenager hacked to death after reportedly being chased by youths armed with machetes have pleaded for an end to the cycle of violence on the capitals streets. More than 100 friends and relatives of Andre Aderemi, 19, last night gathered for a memorial church service on the Croydon estate where he was murdered on Tuesday. His mother Yemi Hughes told the congregation: Ive lost my baby. Hes my everything, my rock... my other two boys are broken. Andre, an ex-pupil at John Ruskin College in Croydon, was an amateur rapper said to be friends with two other young musicians stabbed to death in south London in the past three months. He is the eighth teenage victim of knife crime in the capital this year. Peacemaker: Tributes have poured in for 19-year-old Andre who was stabbed to death in Selsdon Andre was becoming well known in south Londons grime scene, and was friends with Myron Isaac Yarde, a 17-year-old rapper known as MDot, fatally stabbed in New Cross in April. He is also said to have performed with 16-year-old Leoandro Osemeke, known as Showkey, stabbed to death outside a party in Peckham on August 5. The police presence in the Monks Hill estate where he was attacked was stepped up overnight as the investigation into his death continued. Inside St Francis Church, Ms Hughes told his friends: I want you guys to know I dont blame any of you. Andre would not want me to sit here today with hatred in my heart, he loved you all. I want you to grieve, be together, support each other, be among us. Im going to miss him so much. I just dont know how Im going to carry on. Mandy Davis, Andres aunt, said: Please say a prayer for the young people to stop this war thats going on, so another mother or another family arent grieving like we are today. Andres sister Sheniqua has set up an online fundraising page to raise 4,000 to pay for her brothers funeral, which has so far raised more than 1,000. She wrote: He was a passionate for his loved ones and had a priceless heart. Rev Peter Wyatt, who led last nights service, praised the familys dignity saying: His mum was incredibly brave and talked about her son. Its a huge shock, the last time anything like this happened here was 20 years ago. Its a very quiet area. To donate to Andres funeral, visit Two 19-year-olds have been arrested on suspicion of murder and are being questioned in custody. S cotland Yards ability to respond to a terror attack is being threatened by sky-high property prices forcing thousands of officers to become commuter cops living outside London, a new report warned today. It raised the alarm over police officers giving up hope of being able to afford a home in the capital. The Policy Exchange study called for the Met to offer a range of financial support for housing and to encourage 3,000 more officers to live in inner-London over the next five years. The think tank found that of the 18,179 officers assigned to borough policing, only 8,896 just under half lived in Greater London as of last September. In Islington, out of 572 officers assigned to police the borough only two lived there. Report author Glyn Gaskarth said: Having a police force that lives outside London affects the ability of the Met to mobilise sufficient numbers of officers to deal with terrorist incidents or civil disturbances. Officers resident in London were more likely to pick up intelligence, the study added. They were also more use off-duty in the capital than in surrounding counties. The Met has sought to encourage more officers to have homes in London, including the introduction of a rule in 2014 that they must have lived in the city for three out of the past six years before joining the force. Concessionary rail travel that allows officers to commute greater distances has also been cut for new recruits. Scotland Yard said the residency rule had been successful in ensuring new constables better understood and reflected modern London. And the force denied counter-terrorism operations could be undermined by having so many officers living outside the capital. Challenges: London's police officers / Steve Parsons/PA Deputy Commissioner Craig Mackey said: We have tried and tested plans to allow us to respond at pace and effectively to a range of critical incidents and do not believe that these are in any way jeopardised by the places officers currently live. But the think tank, which interviewed 74 officers, found strong reasons to believe the exodus from London could increase, given how property prices have soared. At the beginning of the year, the average London house price of 530,000 was almost 18 times a new police officers salary of just under 30,000, so many share flats or still live at home with their parents. One officer who did not live in the part of London where he worked told of feeling like a migrant worker, adding: I come into work, I do my work there, I go home. Others said that when they were getting towards the end of a police shift, they would be wary of going out on a call that might delay them and cause them to miss their train home. Officers have even commuted in from Cornwall and the South of France, while others have joined other forces or quit the service altogether rather having long commutes, often at antisocial times. During major events such as the London Olympics, the 2011 riots and the Queens Jubilee, officers slept in police stations, vans and even station cupboards because back-to-back shifts meant they could not go home, according to the report called Commuter Cops. Scotland Yard recruited about 5,000 new officers between 2013 and last year. The report proposed a series of measures to offer financial support so more could afford a home in communities where they work. These include working with housing associations to convert old police stations and other Met properties into new flats which could be offered at discounted sale. The force should also provide low-interest loans and top up officers savings being put aside to buy a home. Police choosing to live in areas with higher crime rates could be offered the most help. Mr Mackey accepted the forced faced a challenge over the affordability of homes but added: Having cut 600 million off our spending in the past five years and needing to find another 400 million in the years ahead, our financial and operational future depends on us realising the capital of our under-used estate and re-investing that money in frontline policing. A n elite armed officer for the Metropolitan Police is facing charges of fraud after allegedly lying about his training. PC Ryan McGowan is part of the Specialist Firearms Command team tasked with responding to any armed attacks in London. He was suspended after being accused of falsifying his training record" and now faces fraud and misconduct charges. McGowan, 35, has been summoned to appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on August 24 after Scotland Yard launched an internal investigation into the allegations. A Met spokesman said: The officer was suspended from duty in January 2015 as part of a misconduct investigation examining allegations that the officer had falsified his training record. He has been issued with a summons to appear at court to answer to one count of misconduct in public office and one count of fraud by misrepresentation. A Met constable who assaulted two police officers called to reports of domestic violence has been sentenced to community service. PC Martin Wright, who serves in Hammersmith and Fulham, was found guilty of assault on police, ordered to do a 12-month Community Order and fined 900. The police officers were called to reports of domestic assault in Surrey on March 27. When they arrived at the scene PC Wright assaulted them, leaving them with neck and wrist injuries. PC Wright, 39, was arrested and charged with one count of domestic assault and two counts of assault on police. He pleaded guilty to one count of assault on police and was found guilty of the second at Guildford Magistrates' Court on Friday. No evidence was offered in relation to the domestic assault charge. Detective chief superintendent Matt Gardner, Commander of the Directorate of Professional Standards, said: "It is the duty of police to protect from harm, not to seek to cause it. It is deeply saddening that PC Wright behaved as he did - especially as someone who knows better than most of the challenges officers face when dealing with suspects." The officer has been suspended from duty as a misconduct review takes place. A straight-A student today said he was more nervous meeting Star Wars actor John Boyega than waiting for his clean sweep of results. Jacob Howe, from Hackney, was among thousands of London teenagers celebrating as their exam results were revealed. The gifted maths whizz is facing a bright future after securing one A* and two A grades to land a place studying maths at the University of Bristol. Jacob has spent seven years at Westminster City School, where he also met former pupil and Star Wars actor John Boyega. He was awarded the Robert Lobb Bequest for Mathematics and School Colours and took to the stage for a selfie with the Peckham-born Hollywood star. I got a selfie with him but didnt get much time to chat because hes so busy. Star student: Jacob Howe, 18, who got an A* and two A's / Matt Writtle I think I was more excited meeting him than getting the results but I think that will change when I go to university in September, when I will be ecstatic. He added: Im not sure what I want to do after university. I have been inspired by teachers from this school, especially a maths teacher whos leaving this year. He was outstanding and maybe teaching could be the job I do. Westminster City School was celebrating strong results for the 80 pupils in its sixth form near Victoria. Head teacher James Wilson said he was delighted with the 97 per cent pass mark for students. Almost a third of pupils achieved A* or A grades, with seven out of 10 pupils securing grades in the A* to C range.Half of the pupils achieved A to B grades in their chosen subjects. Success: Westminster City pupils Michael Chi, Jacob Howe, Steven Philips, Iman Benazho, Shadia Aboelhiga and Montel Murrayfield Smith / Matt Writtle Aspiring musician James Cruz, 18, secured a D in psychology but his future could be on stage rather than university after getting through to The Voice live shows next year. James, who performs around Camden, said he will juggle history, psychology and government politics with his TV commitments. He said: I think 2017 will be a big year for me, its going to shape my future. I want to finish my exams so I have something to fall back on. Seventeen-year-old Derick Ofori, from Camberwell, is set to study civil engineering at the University of Surrey after scooping A grades in maths and physics, and a B in economics. He said: I called my parents and they were really proud. Im planning on going out today with the lads to celebrate. Another London teenager celebrating today was Harrison Iloh, 18, who landed his university place after fighting off serious illness while studying for his A-levels. Harrison, from East Ham, was diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease which causes fever, mouth ulcers and severe stomach pain twice in the past 12 months. Due to various family issues, he also moved house four times during his studies. Harrison, who studied at the London Academy of Excellence (LAE), got an A* in economics and As in English and maths and will study economics at Warwick University. Im very pleased, especially as I was ill this year and moved around a lot. It was hard to keep going when I was really sick, especially as my friends were all getting ahead in maths in particular. It was hard not to panic. But I knew those grades were not going to make themselves. So I forced myself to get up and carry on. Theodora Adeniyi, 18, was heading to Birmingham to study psychology after getting an A* in psychology, an A in English and a B in economics. She was inspired to study by her single mother, who graduated from the University of East London after achieving a degree in events management while raising Theodora and her two younger siblings. She is my inspiration, the student from Barking said. I just wanted to make her proud and inspire my younger siblings to work hard and do the same. Sinem Oyzoyn, 18, is from Edgware RoadShe studied at King Solomon Academy and will study Politics and International Relations at WarwickShe gained A-levels in: Politics (A), English (B), History (B) Sinem is a first-generation Greek Muslim. Her mother, who is a housewife, and her father, who is a restaurateur, came to the UK 30 years ago. She is the first person in her family to win a place at university, and she will begin her studies at Warwick in September. She said: I am the first person from my family to go to university. My family just didnt have the opportunities to do further study before, they just had to work. Everyone in Greece has been told I got in to university and they have been going mad all morning. They are so proud, it is a massive, massive deal for us and the community. I am so pleased I was brought up in England and so grateful to have this opportunity. I am Muslim and I am Greek, so politics is important to me. I want to get a good degree to help others, particularly Muslims around the world who are in need. I cant wait to study in September. Teofil Aleksandrov is from Streatham School and attends Harris Academy in BatterseaHe will be going to Churchill College, Cambridge to study maths and physicsA-level results: further maths (A*) and physics (B). He already has an A* in maths Teofil will be going to Cambridge to start studying maths and physics next year [2017] one academic year early. Having relocated from Bulgaria aged 12, he took his maths GCSE and A-level last year getting A*s in both. This summer, he took the rest of his GCSE and A-level qualifications and is also awaiting GCSE results next week. He said: It is a dream to study at Cambridge. It is so well regarded for maths, so I have always wanted to study there. When I get my degree, I will then do a masters and then a PhD in physics. It is such an important subject. It can change the world. Teofils mother Mariya said: He struggled with language at primary school in Bulgaria, which was isolating, but always had maths. He just worked and worked and worked. We are so proud of him for going to university this year. Dr David Moody, head of Battersea Harris Academy, said: He is one of the most exceptional students I have ever worked with. C hildren as young as four have been able to undergo MRI scans without general anaesthetic after scanning their toys in a miniature replica machine. The innovation at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, in Stanmore, has led to two staff being shortlisted for a compassionate care award in memory of campaigning doctor Kate Granger. Normally, child patients are unable to stay still while in the scanner and have to be anaesthetised. But play specialist Zoe Keates and clinical engineer Yoryd Khatri created a 3D-printed toy MRI, complete with movable table, remote control and sound effects. The play scanner helps explain what will happen and how it is part of treating their condition. One eight-year-old patient said: Its good for children who are scared about having an MRI scan, and its a good size for dolls. Encouraging children to have scans while awake avoids the risks associated with an anaesthetic, reduces anxiety and means the patient can go straight home afterwards. Award nominees: Zoe Keates and Yoryd Khatri with the scanner at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore Matthew Shaw, medical director at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, said: Zoe and Yoryd demonstrated innovation and leadership by developing this MRI model. "They have worked extremely hard over the last two years to produce a quite excellent and professionally developed clinical tool. Other nominees include the Pathway service, which organises integrated healthcare for homeless people. It was established at University College Hospital in 2008 after a homeless man died outside a London hospital, and has spread to 10 other centres. Also shortlisted for the awards is North Kensington and Chelsea home treatment team, run by Central and North West London NHS trust, which helps mental health patients avoid hospital admission at times of crisis. Dr Kate Granger, an activist for better patient care, set up the #hellomynameis campaign to encourage NHS staff to introduce themselves to those they are caring for, following her experience as a terminally ill patient. She founded the Kate Granger Compassionate Care Awards three years ago. Before she died from cancer last month, aged 34, she helped shortlist the entries. The awards will be presented at the Health and Care Innovation Expo in Manchester next month. P lanes coming in to Heathrow are to change the way they land to cut noise for west London residents. Pilots have been told to delay the point when they lower the wheels beneath the planes - which causes wind noise which can be heard by residents until they are nearer the runway. The changes will not alter the safety of the landings, an airport spokesman said. Heathrow has told airlines the wheels could be lowered 4.6 miles from the runway, rather than the current average of eight miles, without any risk. The change is part of a plan to appease residents living near to the airport and reduce opposition to a third runway, The Times reported. According to Heathrows most recent league table of the noisiest airlines, El Al is the worst followed by Kuwait Airways. British Airways short-haul planes were the quietest. It is expected a new runway for either Heathrow or Gatwick will be approved within weeks by Prime Minister Theresa May. Other measures in the ten-point plan to cut noise include encouraging more modern planes by introducing cuts in landing charges for newer aircraft, and bringing in 50 monitors to measure the noise. Matt Gorman, the airports director of sustainability and environment, said there was no single solution but small changes can make a big difference. A motorcyclist was today fighting for his life after a serious crash at an accident blackspot in west London. The 47-year-old man was rushed to hospital following the smash in Lime Grove, Ruislip yesterday afternoon. A white Lexus is reported to have hit the biker at the junction with Elm Avenue shortly after 4pm. He was treated by medics from London Ambulance Service and Londons Air Ambulance for life-threatening injuries. Metropolitan Police officers were also called to the scene. A police spokesman said: A 47-year-old man was taken to hospital for treatment to injuries which are described as life threatening. Next of kin have been informed. The car stopped at the scene. No arrests have been made and police are investigating. Horrified residents took to social media to discuss the crash close to the scene of a fatal smash which killed teenager Jack King six years ago. Jackie-Lynn Bowden wrote on Facebook: Something needs doing about that road.. How many more accidents. Kate Smith added: It's a very bad junction hate even walking the dogs by it. Witnesses are asked to call the Serious Collision Investigation Unit on 020 8991 9555. A disused church in south east London has been transformed by volunteers to create a community space for young people. St Katharine with St Bartholomews Church in Bermondsey is now a multi-purpose space for local young people, after undergoing weeks of refurbishment. Replastering, painting and woodwork were carried out by over 40 volunteers from London charity XLP, Southwark council and Thameslink, who joined forces over July and August to transform the space into a hub for community events. More than 50 basement rooms that had been used as storage space have been refurbished to create spaces for young people to carry out art and writing projects. Egerton Gbonda, who is the Priest at the refurbished church, told London Live: Its community-relevant, a space for young people to develop life skills. Were working with XLP, a charity that supports young people, and were going to use this space to continue their good work theyre doing with young people in the community. B uddhist groups have issued warnings after fake monks were spotted hassling London tourists for cash donations in exchange for peace. The men, dressed in orange robes have been reportedly approaching people at the citys tourist hotspots to ask for money in exchange for prayers. The Sun reported four of the monks were approaching holiday-makers stationed between Tower Bridge and Southwark Bridge on Monday evening. They were demanding money in exchange for tokens and reportedly became aggressive if people refused or did not pay enough. Warning: The Buddhist Society said monks are not allowed to touch money / Shutterstock / Noi1990 American tourist Aaron Wagle, 18, told the newspaper he was approached by one of them near City Hall and asked to write down an amount he would like to donate. Mr Wagle said the man did not tell him what his donations would go towards, adding: He didnt really say much. He said he wanted to talk about peace and said he would pray for me. He then asked me to write down how much money I was going to give him. I gave 1 but then he got annoyed and demanded more so I gave him a load of change. I dont think I gave him more than about 1.50. He said it was a donation for something, but he wouldnt say what. Jan, another tourist on holiday with his four children, was also reportedly approached by one of the monks. He told The Sun: He asked me for 10 and I said no, but I still paid 5. It seemed quite aggressive, I felt quite pressured but I still wanted to help him and I said good luck.' The Buddhist Society said it had been receiving calls from members of the public complaining about the Monks behaviour in London. A spokesman said: We had a call from a concerned member of the public about this just yesterday and we have heard of it before. People feel it is demeaning to the image of Buddhism. He explained that the men were likely to be fake because genuine monks are forbidden from handling money. Genuine monks would never ask for money - Buddhist monks cant handle money, he explained. Traditionally though monks are beggars. In places like Thailand they beg and are given gifts of food such as rice which they are allowed to eat but not take money. They wouldnt be able to touch it. B ritain First campaigners have been banned from all mosques across England and Wales for the next three years following a High Court ruling. The order prohibits the far-right groups leaders Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen from entering mosques or Islamic cultural centres without prior invitiation. The pair were also banned from encouraging others to enter such premises. The leaders are also barred from entering parts of Luton after an injunction was granted to Bedfordshire Police last week. Police argued the groups activists were causing community tensions in Luton. The no-go spots include exclusion zones in the Bury Park area and town centre. Demonstration: Far-right protesters outside a London mosque. The injunction also means the pair are not allowed to publish, broadcast, distribute or display any films or images in those areas. Golding and Fransen face arrest if they breach any of the listed terms. Assistant Chief Constable Mike Colbourne of Bedfordshire Police said the injunction was not a decision we take lightly. He said: Luton is an incredibly diverse and vibrant town and we will not tolerate any individual who seeks to cause disharmony or provoke tensions within our communities. I would like to be clear that we would never seek to ban demonstrations or peaceful protest, however we have a duty to protect our communities and will always act in their best interests. Speaking to the International Business Times, Golding hit out at the ban. He said: People who care about democracy should be screaming from the rooftops about this, because a legal political party has been banned from a town center. When has a British police force been this aggressive? In a way, we are flattered that the state is spending so much time and money to ban us, they consider us to be worrying. Golding originally said his party would fight the injunction but a High Court hearing due to take place in September was cancelled after Britain Firsts legal team agreed not to contest the order. S terling has plummeted to a new low, with holidaymakers receiving less than 1 to the pound when exchanging currency at airports. Bureaux de Change at two London airports are selling Euros at a rate of 99 cents to 1, according to the foreign currency specialist Caxton FX. At Stansted, Moneycorp is offering 0.9915, while at Luton, International Currency Exchange (ICE) is selling Euros at 0.990. The Pound has taken a nosedive since the UK voted to leave the European Union in June, falling 12 per cent against the Euro , and about 10 per cent against the US dollar since the Brexit vote. On Monday, it hit its lowest level in three years. However, the airport rates being offered are significantly below the market exchange rate, which was 1.15 this morning. Airport currency exchanges often put a huge mark up on the currency when selling to tourists. Alexandra Russell-Oliver, an analyst with Caxton FX said: "An already weak pound has faced additional woes recently, due to increased stimulus measures and disappointing data from the UK." A British woman was killed with two fellow mountaineers when huge slabs of ice landed on top of them as they scaled a notorious peak in the Alps. The climbers were tackling 14,649ft Mont Maudit which means the Cursed Mountain in French in Frances Mont Blanc range. Stephane Bozon, of Chamonix gendarmerie, said they had not stood a chance: The three victims died instantly due to head injuries caused by a mixture of snow and ice. Some slabs of ice were four metres by three metres. The victims, who have not been named, were a 33-year-old British woman with a Slovak background, a Slovakian national aged 32, and a German mountain guide aged 50. The bodies of the Briton and the Slovak were found in a gully last night. Emergency workers discovered the body of the German at dawn today. The group had set off from Cosmiques refuge, which can be reached by cable car, at about 1.45am on Tuesday. In 2012 nine climbers, including three Britons, were killed by an avalanche on Mont Maudit. Last month former Marine Duncan Potts, 28, from Devon, died in a accident in another part of the Mont Blanc range. D onald Trump has been blasted for peddling deranged conspiracy theories questioning White House rival Hillary Clintons health. The outspoken Republican candidate has mocked the 68-year-old former First Ladys fitness for Americas top job even though he is two years older than her at 70. In a speech on Monday, Mr Trump alleged that Mrs Clinton lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on Islamic State and other adversaries. He has also suggested she gets easily tired, takes a lot of weekends off and slammed her short speeches. Theyre like 10 minutes and lets get out of here, go back home and go to sleep, he said. She doesnt really do that much, Mr Trump said in a speech last night in Milwaukee. Shell give a speech on teleprompter and then shell disappear. I dont know if she goes home she goes home and goes to sleep. I think she sleeps. Hitting back: Hillary Clinton's campaign reacted angrily to the rumours / Getty The allegation was the final straw for the Clinton campaign, which hit back last night, claiming Mr Trump was simply parroting lies. While it is dismaying to see the Republican nominee for president push deranged conspiracy theories in a foreign policy speech, its no longer surprising, said Mrs Clintons communications director Jennifer Palmieri in a statement. Loading.... Hillary Clinton has released a detailed medical record showing her to be in excellent health plus her personal tax returns since 1977, while Trump has failed to provide the public with the most basic financial information disclosed by every major candidate in the last 40 years, she continued. Its time for him to stop using shameful distractions to hide his own record. Doubts over Mrs Clintons health have swirled online since she suffered a concussion in 2012 while serving as Secretary of State. Right wing websites have pushed unsubstantiated claims that she is suffering from dementia and has seizures. But Mrs Clintons personal doctor, Dr. Lisa Bardack, released a statement last year saying she is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States. She issued a new statement last night saying: As Secretary Clintons long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly leaked medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States, she added. A four-year-old girl found beaten and abused told police she thought her name was Idiot. Her mother and boyfriend have been arrested after the little girl was reportedly discovered zip-tied to furniture, covered in scars and with dried blood on her mouth. Jennifer Denen, 30, and Clarence Reed, 47, were detained by cops in Hot Springs, Arkansas, US, on charges of first-degree domestic battery, permitting abuse of a minor and first-degree endangering the welfare of a minor. The police report said she was found with "deep purple bruising on her bottom, lower back and legs; a black eye; swollen right cheek; a bruise on her forehead; healing scars across her back; and dried blood in the corner of her mouth." When police asked the girl for her name, she apparently replied Idiot. Reed, who admitted tying her to the bed as a punishment, regularly used Idiot instead of her real name, police said. He defended himself, saying it was meant as a joke. Denen, who has six children, admitted she had seen her live-in partner hitting her daughter with a plastic bat. She also revealed she had never taken her to get medical attention. The couple could face 32 years in prison. A spokesman for the Hot Springs Police Department said Denens 11-month-old baby, her only child with Reed, had been taken into the custody for the Department of Human Services. The other four children are with their biological father. A four-year-old boy has allegedly been raped by an Afghan man in toilets at a shelter for asylum seekers in Germany. The Iraqi refugee was living with his family alongside 600 other migrants at the centre in Boostedt, north of Hamburg, when he was reportedly assaulted. The youngsters father is said to have found his son and a man with their trousers round their ankles, the Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitungsverlag newspaper reported. The man had been searching for his child after the boys eight-year-old brother spotted his younger sibling in the toilet with a stranger, Kiel District Court heard. Their father told the court he asked the man what he was doing with the boy, and was told he had been helping him go to the toilet. The four-year-old later told his parents he had been forced to perform oral sex on the man a claim allegedly backed-up by DNA evidence. The 22-year-old suspect denies carrying out the attack. A second Afghan man, 29, denies threatening the victims brother with a knife when he tried to stop the assault. The trial continues. T his heartbreaking image of an injured Syrian boy, sitting in the back of an ambulance and covered in dust and blood, has highlighted the plight of children living in the war-torn country. The child, named in reports as five-year-old Omran Daqneesh, apparently survived an airstrike in the town of Aleppo, which has been the worst-hit city in the bloody civil war. Omran was said to be one of five children injured in a military strike on the city late last night. Tragic footage shows the little boy being pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building and lifted into an ambulance. Child pulled alive from rubble in Aleppo The haunting image of a dazed Omran sitting in the vehicle, covered in a layer or dust and with an open wound on his forehead, has drawn attention to the devastating impact the ongoing war has had on children growing up in the Middle Eastern country. The video was filmed and circulated by anti-government activist group the Aleppo Media Center, which captured the footage from inside the Syrian province before posting it to YouTube. The little boy was taken to hospital for treatment after he was rescued, alongside four other children, one woman and two young men, who were also hurt in the attack on the Qaterji neighbourhood. The city of Aleppo has been a key battleground in the fight between rebel groups and the forces of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, since 2011. Loading.... Citizens have been subjected to repeated devastating airstrikes, including an attack on the M10 hospital earlier this month. Omran's picture has been shared tens of thousands of times on social media, after first being tweeted by Telegraph reporter Raf Sanchez. Many Twitter users have commented saying that Omran is just one of many children in Aleppo caught up in the Syrian conflict. Petra Stienen wrote: "His name is Omran. The boy from #Aleppo. What to say to him & the millions of other Syrian children? #nowords #Syria." Another Twitter user said: "We are losing a whole generation of children. Loading.... "This needs to stop." A North Korean diplomat who vanished from the countrys London embassy to defect to South Korea said financial woes led to fears about paying the congestion charge. Thae Yong-Ho became one of the highest ranking officials ever to defect to the South when he suddenly left the embassy in Ealing with his wife and family. South Korean officials said Thae defected to Seoul after he became dissatisfied with Kim Jong-uns secretive regime and wanted life in a democracy. And the newspaper revealed that during a talk he gave at a book shop in Kings Cross in 2014 that the diplomat held financial concerns in London which including stumping up the congestion charge. He said: When I drive out from my embassy I have to think - what about congestion charges? Fears: Thae Yong-Ho said he was worried about driving in central London He added friends in North Korea had little knowledge of how expensive London is and assumed his 1,200-a-month rented flat in west London came complete with a pool and sauna. South Korea government spokesman Jeong Joon-hee said Thae and his family were under government protection after their arrival in the country. "Defection": The diplomat reportedly vanished from North Korea's embassy in Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing / Rex Features He said: We know that deputy ambassador Thae is saying that his distaste for the Kim Jong-un regime and yearning for the Republic of Korea's free democratic system and the future of his child are motives for the defection. Thae's 19-year-old son, Thae Kum Hyok, who was known as "Kum Thae", was a pupil at Acton High School. Friends told the Guardian he had a place at Imperial College to study maths and computer science. Thaes duties while in London included keeping track of North Korean defectors and rebutting criticism of the countrys human rights record. He moved to London with his family in 2004. A decade after Kidulthood hit screens, Noel Clarke is back with the final instalment of his London crime trilogy. Brotherhood, which co-stars Ashley Thomas, Olivia Chenery, Fady Elsayed and Arnold Oceng, sees ex-con Sam finally attempting to break away from his criminal life in the capital. In a brand new, exclusive clip, Clarks Sam confronts a rival gang member while Ocengs Henry attempts to lie to his wife about where he is, pretending to be a traffic warden. The clip gives fans a glimpse of Clarkes trademark combination of humour paired with gritty gangland realism. Brotherhood, is due for initial release in the UK on August 29, eight years after Kidulthood follow-up Adulthood was released. Following Sams release from prison in Adulthood, he tries to settle into a changed London and is forced to recruit old friends to help with new problems. New additions to the cast include London grime artist Stormzy, who stars in his first major role as Yardz. The third film in the trilogy is written and directed by Clarke and also features appearances by Steven Cree, Tonia Sotiropoulou, Nick Nevern and Adjoa Andoh. We have a pair of tickets to the BrOTHERHOOD premiere taking place in London on 23rd August 2016 to give away to FIVE lucky readers. To enter this great competition, simply head to @StandardEnts Twitter and follow and retweet the competition tweet for a chance to win. Full terms and conditions here. T heres less than a week to go until the Great British Bake Off returns and the first trailer has now been unveiled. Following the reveal of the 12 amateur contestants earlier this week, the BBC have released a first look at the bakers in action. They look like another loveable line-up , from Val, who claims she can tell her cakes are done by listening to them, to Jane, who just like all of us sneaks a bit of icing from her piping bag. Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood also seem on friendly form, with Berry praising one bake as very nice, and Hollywood telling a baker that their creation is lovely. The 30-second clip doesnt give us very much to go off for now but with the series beginning on Wednesday, August 24, were about to get to know all the hopefuls a bit better very shortly. This will be the seventh series of The Great British Bake Off, which gave us the most-viewed TV episode of 2015 when Nadiya Hussain won Series 6. Great British Bake Off 2016 - contestants in pictures 1 /17 Great British Bake Off 2016 - contestants in pictures Full tent The bakers taking part in the Great British Bake Off 2016 have been revealed BBC/Love Productions Rav Age: 28 From: Kent Bio: After studying Criminology at university, Rav went on to support students at City University, London. Hes experimental with his baking and is inspired by vegan baking and eastern cuisine Speciality: Flavour combinations BBC/Love Productions Andrew Age: 25 From: Derby Bio: Northern Irish-born aerospace engineer Andrew was taught to bake by his mum and gran. Hes a straight-A student who went to Cambridge University Speciality: Structurally ambitious bakes BBC/Love Productions Louise Age: 46 From: Cardiff Bio: Hairdresser Louise progressed her skills by making cakes for charity sales at work. She adventurous in her designs and in her hobbies having completed a trek around the Andes and various other mountains Speciality: Elaborate cakes BBC/Love Productions Lee Age: 67 From: Bolton Bio: Builder-turned-theologist-turned-Pastor Lee used baking as a way to fill his days in the Eighties when an injury stopped him from playing cricket. Speciality: Traditional flavours, including cherry, hazelnut, vanilla and chocolate BBC/Love Productions Kate Age: 37 From: Norfolk Bio: Qualified nurse Kate is a Brownie leader and uses seasonal fruits which she gathers with her kids in her baking Speciality: Sugar craft BBC/Love Productions Val Age: 66 From: Yeovil Bio: Semi-retired substitute teacher Val incorporates her baking into her teaching. She does aerobics in her kitchen but she might not do so in the Bake Off tent Speciality: Traditional classics BBC/Love Productions Benjamina Age: 23 From: South London Bio: Teaching assistant Benjamina takes inspiration from the likes of Instagram and Pinterest for modern takes on classic bakes. She takes feedback from her family to improve her creations Speciality: Fresh and modern versions of traditional cakes BBC/Love Productions Michael Age: 20 From: London Bio: Currently studying Politics and Economics in Durham, Michael has Cypriot heritage grew up making Greek pastries with his nan Speciality: Big grand cakes BBC/Love Productions Selasi Age: 30 From: London Bio: Ghanaian-born Selasi works in finance, and his hobbies include motorbikes, basketball, and travelling. He recently ran a 10k, half marathon, and trekked through Malawi for charity Speciality: Delicate cupcakes BBC/Love Productions Jane Age: 61 From: Beckenham Bio: Garden designer Jane wakes up at 5am to bake her bread. Her grandfather owned a bakery, and she s passionate about the classics Speciality: Classic cakes, biscuits and pastry BBC/Love Productions Tom Age: 26 From: London Bio: Rochdale-born Tom works for the Royal Society of Arts and is creative with his flavours and ingredients. He lost 30 kilos, and has a have your cake and eat it mentality Speciality: Surprising twists BBC/Love Productions Candice Age: 31 From: Bedfordshire Bio: Secondary school PE teacher Candice was taught to bake by her nan, and loves everything vintage. She lives with her boyfriend Liam and pug Dennis Speciality: Baking the classics like her nan BBC/Love Productions The contestants range from 25 year-old Northern Irish aerospace engineer Andrew, to 46 year-old Welsh hairdresser Louise, and 67 year-old builder-turned-pastor Lee from Bolton. As usual, they will be hoping to impress Paul and Mary with their showstoppers and signature bakes in order to collect the all-import Bake Off trophy. BBC One, Wednesday, 8pm U sually a documentary surrounding a person who has taken several lives will feature their subject behind bars. But for Tony Long, it was part of his job he was a firearms officer in the Metropolitan Police for 25 years. During that time, he shot five people, and killed three of them in the line of duty. Hes the subject of Channel 4s documentary Secrets of a Police Marksman, in which he talks about his career and the things hes had to do to for the public good. If they pose an immediate threat to you, they cease to be a human being, Long says of his victims. They are a target. Your brain has said, they have to be shot, and you shoot them. Some people might find the taking of a human life absolutely abhorrent. But there are circumstances where that has to happen, and somebody has to do it. That somebody happens to be people like me. One case in particular that Long opens up about is the 2005 killing of Azelle Rodney in North London. At the time, intelligence suggested that Rodney had collected fully-automatic machine guns, set to be used against a gang of Colombian drug dealers. Best TV dramas 2016 1 /38 Best TV dramas 2016 The Missing The addictive and twisty second series of the BBC's crime anthology series BBC/New Pictures/Robert Viglasky Dark Angel Joanne Froggatt stared as Victorian mass murderer Mary Ann Cotton in this ITV drama ITV Close to the Enemy Stephen Poliakoff's post-war drama thriller BBC/Little Island Pictures Ordinary Lies The BBC anthology drama returns with more twisted tales BBC/Red Productions/Adrian Rogers The Night Of Riz Ahmed stars in HBO's critically acclaimed crime mini-series HBO Cold Feet The classic ITV comedy-drama returns - and it's just as good as it ever was ITV Victoria ITV have given Poldark some stiff competition with this period drama about a young Queen Victoria ITV Poldark The BBC's hit drama returns with more brooding, and less naked scything BBC/Robert Viglasky One of Us The BBC kept everyone guessing with this claustrophobic four-part whodunit Ripper Street The fan-favourite Victorian police drama returned for Series 4 BBC/Tiger Aspect 2016/Bernard Walsh The Secret Agent Toby Jones led the cast in the BBC's Joseph Conrad adaptation BBC/World Productions/Mark Mainz/Matt Burlem The Living and the Dead The BBC's gothic romance debuted in full on iPlayer BBC Preacher AMC's adaptation of Garth Ennis' cult comic book is available week-by-week on Amazon Prime Amazon / AMC Versailles A raunchy royal romp around the court of King Louis XIV, spicing up Wednesdays on BBC Two Canal +/ BBC Locked Up The Spanish prison drama came to the UK thanks to Channel 4's Walter Presents series Channel 4 / Global Series Peaky Blinders The Birmingham-set gangster thriller was more popular than ever in its third series BBC/Caryn Mandabach Productions Ltd/Tiger Aspect/Robert Viglasky The A Word The BBC gave us a nuanced and emotional take on autism BBC/Fifty Fathoms Marcella Anna Friel stars in ITV's British take on the Scandi-noir thriller ITV Grantchester James Norton is back as the crime-solving vicar ITV / Lovely Day Stag The comedy-thriller from the team behind The Wrong Mans is both hilarious and chilling BBC/Des Willie/Hal Shinnie/Matt Burlem Vinyl Martin Scorsese and Mick Jagger present a glossy drama about the Seventies music industry HBO American Crime Story: The People vs OJ Simpson Cuba Gooding Jr leads an all-star cast in a dramatic re-telling of the 'trial of century' BBC/Fox Happy Valley Sarah Lancashire returned as Sgt Catherine Cawood for a second series of the gritty crime thriller BBC/Red Productions/Ben Blackall The X Files Mulder and Scully return for a brand new set of mysteries War and Peace The BBC's epic adaptation of the Russian literary classic BBC/Mitch Jenkins Call the Midwife The BBC period drama moved into the Sixties for Series 5 BBC/Neal Street Productions/Sophie Mutevelian Dickensian Charles Dickens' most famous characters collide in this historical soap BBC Jericho ITV's British western set in the wilds of Yorkshire Silent Witness The hugely popular detective drama returns for a 19th series Ive seen him duck down and spring back up again, and at that point Im convinced hes got a MAC-10 in his hand, and hes about to open fire, he explains. At that point Ive got not option. However, after Rodney was killed in the back seat by Long, a search of the vehicle revealed that none of the three weapons in the car were automatic, and only one was loaded. Long found himself accused of murder with a not guilty verdict only reached in 2015. The one-off film offers an uncompromising insight into those who have to make these split-section decisions with lives at stake and the effects and consequence that ripple from those actions. Channel 4, 10pm Missionary Medic Training Guatemalan Firefighters Contact: Paul Heier, 239-243-9714LEHIGH ACRES, Fla., Aug. 18, 2016 / Standard Newswire / -- Missionary medic Paul Heier has partnered his organization Mision Hispana with Guatemalan firefighters to provide CPR, First Aid, Wilderness First Responder, and Trauma classes across the country. Heier attended paramedic school with the desire to help people in remote areas and teach these critical subjects to short-term missionaries and national firefighters.The medical mission work started when Heier offered to help a Guatemalan fire chief bring his crew up-to-date in CPR. He couldn't imagine the response that followed. Heier has been asked to teach classes to dozens of firefighters and police officers across the country. He was recently honored with a television interview on a Guatemalan news channel to explain why he's willing to help. Heier says this work is his way of loving his neighbor."This work has been incredibly rewarding for us and impactful for those who are accessing this much needed training," says Heier. "Right now we have more requests than we can handle and desperately need volunteers to come and help teach. We encourage all those who truly want to serve people in need to connect with us and learn more about our mission work and trips."Guatemala and many Latin American countries face severe poverty and the needs of the people are great. Poverty hasn't changed much in Guatemala during the last 20 years, according to the World Bank. Close to 75 percent of the population is estimated to live below the poverty line and almost 58 percent live below the extreme poverty line which the World Bank defines as struggling to afford even a basic basket of food. The services provided by Mision Hispana meet a critical need that is not being met in the country.Mision Hispana recently celebrated 11 years of helping to reach the forgotten in Latin America. The organization relies heavily on volunteers and donor funding to meet its mission. Over the years, Mision Hispana has hosted groups from the U.S. and Canada on mission trips in Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala. For more information about their work, to donate or to inquire about volunteer opportunities, visit Cookie Disclaimer By accessing and using our website you agree to our use of cookies and the collection of your personal information as described in our privacy policy. Stantec values our relationship with you and is committed to protecting your personal information. Our privacy policy explains how we look after your personal data when you visit our website and tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you. If you do not wish to use cookies, this feature can be disabled by changing the settings on your browser. However, if you do disable cookies, certain parts of our site will be unavailable to you. Read More Recently, I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a post about the state of the education system in our country. The post included a video clip from a documentary which demonstrated how different schools are in Finland (and other countries) versus the United States. The documentary also pointed out that Finlands students are ranked number one in the world, while the United States comes in around 29th. Our education system is not the point of this column, so I wont go into the name of the documentary, and who directed the documentary, nor will I get caught up in the politics of it all, as so many people are doing this election year. What this column is about, is our right, our duty, to question... Why? A comment left on that Facebook post noted that the video was by a director they thought to be less than credible. OK, that I can understand, but the facts are still facts, regardless of how we came upon them. The commentor stated that anything this director puts out is American-hating propaganda and that for any of us that believe it, You are the problem. The idea that we cant point out when our country is flawed, is a dangerous one. To go along, idly watching, as the foundation of this country deteriorates and our principles are trampled on by our so-called leaders, sets us up for eventual disaster. While we have had a great many successes in our comparatively short history, we have also failed a good deal. We are not good at taking care of our poor, our aged, our disabled, or even our vets, and no, we do not have a good public education system. Many people will argue with me. Some will be offended. This is not meant to be an attack on the country, or any one person. It is simply a wake-up call to the citizens of this country that we have a lot of work that needs to be done. We can no longer sit back and watch this country slip deeper into mediocrity. It is possible to change. It is possible to thrive. But, not if we just keep going, redecorating the same rut and calling it change. I do love my country. I do not wish to live anywhere else. However, I want to leave my kids a better world than how it is today. I want them to have it better than I have had it. Just as my parents wanted better for me. Right now, I choose to be hopeful for the future, which is extremely hard considering how divided we are as a nation. If we all took a step back, we would all recognize that essentially, we all want the same thing. We want to live safe, happy and productive lives. We want to provide for our families and watch our children grow up and do the same. This election year has made me weary, the options are not good. As long as we can find a way to survive the next few years, I do believe the country will come together. Because, thats what it will take. Enough people coming together and asking why do we keep doing the same thing? Why are we allowing this? Then deciding that we will no longer allow it, we no longer can allow it. As an American, I have a right and a duty to stand up and question my government To demand answers and expect more. I would encourage everyone reading this to think about your kids, your grandkids, your nieces and nephews. Is this the world you want to leave them? Broken, dysfunctional, divided and angry? I sure dont. I dont think any of us do. We need to come together as a nation and demand answers, demand solutions and demand a better future for America. It is only by coming together that we can achieve this. A country can only be as strong as its people. Interim Health Director Paulette Schnell is no longer interim as the Scotts Bluff County commissioners approved a contract with Regional West Health Services to make Schnell the county health director on Monday, Aug. 15. When Bill Wineman retired in June of this year, he recommended Schnell as his interim replacement. Since that time, a transition committee met to review the options and decided to pursue a contract with Regional West to have Schnell continue serving as the county health director in a permanent manner. The contract is effective as of immediately and will be ongoing unless one of the parties decides to end it, which would require 90 days notice. One of the first things Schnell said she plans to take on is partnering with Panhandle Public Health District (PPHD). Were looking at being a health department, within a health district, said Schnell. Things have come up where you are looking at population base and also being accredited, Its very hard now to be a single county department to get the grants and other things that are out there. PPHD recently received national accreditation by the Public Health Accreditation Board. This will help open the door to making it easier to get funding. Also, the partnership will benefit the entire community, Schnell said. They (PPHD) receive money from the Tobacco Program that was established back when the health districts were established in early 2000s. They will receive so much per person and by adding our population to theirs, were actually bringing more money into the Panhandle by doing that. Countries & Areas Search for country or area A Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan B Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi C Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Costa Rica Cote dIvoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia D Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic E Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia F Fiji Finland France G Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana H Haiti Holy See Honduras Hungary I Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy J Jamaica Japan Jordan K Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan L Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg M Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique N Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea North Macedonia Norway O Oman P Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Q Qatar R Republic of the Congo Romania Russia Rwanda S Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria T Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu U Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan V Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Y Yemen Z Zambia Zimbabwe This page may have been moved, deleted, or is otherwise unavailable. To help you find what you are looking for: Enter Search Term(s): Still cant find what youre looking for? Send us a message using our contact us form. To report a broken link or other problems with the website, please include the URL. Thank you for visiting Turkish specialty steel producer Asil Celik A.S. ( Asil Celik ) has announced its financial results for the second quarter and the first half of the current year. In the first half of the current year, Asil Celik 's net profit decreased to TRY 4.65 million ($1.59 million), compared to a net profit of TRY 13.09 million in the same period of 2015, while the sales revenues of the company decreased by 20.3 percent year on year to TRY 282.3 million ($96.39 million). Asil Celik 's operating profit in the first six months amounted to TRY 8.66 million ($2.95 million), declining from TRY 25.59 million in the corresponding period of the previous year. Thursday, 18 August 2016 11:26:45 (GMT+3) | Istanbul According to the data provided by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), in June this year Turkey 's pre-painted galvanized iron (PPGI) exports amounted to 8,893 mt, increasing by 59 percent compared to the previous month and down 7.5 percent year on year, while the revenue from these exports totaled $8.53 million, up 70.9 percent month on month and falling 2.4 percent compared to the same month of 2015. During the first half of the current year, Turkey s PPGI exports decreased by 35.6 percent to 37,636 mt, while the revenue from these exports amounted to $32.44 million, down 39.1 percent, both year on year. Bulgaria was Turkey 's leading PPGI export destination in the January-June period, with imports of 5,792 mt of PPGI from Turkey . In the given period, Bulgaria was followed by Libya and Algeria, with Libyas PPGI imports from Turkey amounting to 3,110 mt, while Algeria received 2,716 mt of PPGI from Turkey in this period. Turkey 's main PPGI export destinations in the January-June period: Thursday, 18 August 2016 13:47:38 (GMT+3) | Istanbul During the past two weeks, demand for Turkish merchant bar in the export markets has remained weak. Due to the rises seen in scrap prices in July, Turkish merchant bar export quotations moved up in the middle of the same month. However, the higher levels of Turkish merchant bar export prices failed to gain acceptance from buyers and have declined to the previous levels of two weeks ago also since import scrap quotations have softened slightly, with demand for Turkish merchant bar exports remaining at low levels. Turkish merchant bar export prices have decreased by $25/mt in the period in question to the following levels: Product Price ($/mt) Angle 410-430 IPN-UPN 420-440 Flat bar 430-450 IPE 420-440 All prices are on FOB basis and for September shipment. A handful of advocacy groups say they are concerned that clinics at Walgreens in Missouri and Illinois may limit patients access to certain types of care and referrals because of the drugstore chains relationship with a religiously affiliated health system. Walgreens announced this year that SSM Health, the Creve Coeur-based Catholic health system, would take over the operations of 27 in-store clinics in Missouri and Illinois. The advocacy groups say they want some assurance from Walgreens that the care provided at the clinics is free from religious influence. SSM Health officials said Thursday in a statement that it would continue to offer the same services that Walgreens had offered. Walgreens said in a statement that the Walgreens-managed clinics were able to prescribe refills for contraceptives. Jason Merrill, a spokesman for SSM, said the health system and its doctors did prescribe contraceptives. Susan Berke Fogel, director of reproductive health for National Health Law Program, said they had not received any reports that care was restricted at these clinics. But her organization is concerned about the presence of Catholic-affiliated health care that may not be obvious to the average Walgreens consumer. The growth of the Catholic health care system has been tremendous over the past 20-30 years, Fogel said. In some instances, she said, that care is governed by religious beliefs at Catholic institutions. For example, its typical for a Catholic hospital not to perform tubal ligation, also known as tying a womans fallopian tubes after birth to stop future pregnancies. Religious restrictions do not allow Catholic hospitals to perform these procedures because they are in conflict with Catholic teachings. The groups pressing Walgreens for answers include the ACLU of Illinois and Missouri, MergerWatch and National Health Law Program. GENEVA Swiss food and beverage giant Nestle says first-half profit dipped due to a one-time tax expense even as revenues edged up behind growth in its key North American food business and despite a slowdown in the Chinese market. Nestle said Thursday that its net income was 4.10 billion Swiss francs ($4.27 billion), down from 4.52 billion francs a year earlier, due to a 400-million franc deferred tax adjustment. The company, which makes Kit Kat chocolate bars, Lean Cuisine meals, Maggi noodles and Gerber baby foods, also is the parent of St. Louis-based Nestle Purina PetCare Co. Sales rose under 1 percent to 43.16 billion francs. Food companies like Nestle, which is based in Vevey, Switzerland, have sought to burnish their reputations on health and nutrition amid concerns about growing obesity rates and pressure they have faced for marketing foods full of fat, salt and sugar. Nestle in June announced it is bringing in health care executive Ulf Mark Schneider as its next CEO starting Jan. 1. Unveiling the latest results, Nestle decried "historically low levels" of pricing in the first half of 2016, but chief financial officer Francois-Xavier Roger said in a conference call that the company was "confident that pricing is going to improve" in the coming months. Nestle affirmed its outlook for the remainder of this year. Innovations and marketing investment helped underpin growth in its North American frozen meals business, particularly at Lean Cuisine and Stouffer's, Nestle said. But growth in the Chinese food and beverage market slowed significantly, with its Yinlu food unit dragging on performance. Roger said demand is "clearly slowing" in China, where Nestle faces "much more price competition." He said the company is nevertheless gaining market share in the world's most populous country. Nestle is working to overcome a setback to its Asian operations last year after pulling Maggi noodles from store shelves in India for five months after the popular snack was found to contain lead above permissible limits. Taylor Sheridan is perhaps best known for his role as deputy chief of police David Hale on the TV series Sons of Anarchy. But its as a screenwriter that hes achieved his greatest success. Sicario (2015), a tale of federal agents determined to bring down a drug cartel, earned critical praise and provided a riveting showcase for stars Emily Blunt and Benicio del Toro. Hell or High Water, Sheridans latest film, traces the trajectory of two bank-robbing brothers (played by Chris Pine and Ben Foster) against the backdrop of the modern West. Sheridan, who grew up in Texas, recently spoke with Go! Magazine about the brilliant crime drama that opens Friday and was directed by David Mackenzie (Starred Up). The interview has been edited for length and clarity. Pine and Foster portray characters who commit crimes yet engage our sympathies. What goes into creating such nuanced characters? I dont know how many people are truly evil or truly good. Thankfully, there are very few Hitlers. And sadly, there are very few Gandhis. The rest of us live somewhere in the middle. I just try to have consequences to my characters actions that feel real. Hell or High Water has a lot of atmosphere and a palpable sense of place. Is the film in any way based in fact? In the 80s, when I was a kid, I remember hearing about these guys who were robbing all these little banks west of Waco, Texas. But I never heard of them getting caught. Maybe they didnt get caught. So thats kind of where the idea came from. Youre set to make your debut as a director with the thriller Wind River, which stars Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen and is scheduled for release next year. You also wrote the film. Is it intended as the third in a trilogy that also includes Sicario and Hell or High Water? Its a thematic trilogy my exploration into the modern American frontier. How much has it changed, and how much hasnt it changed? David Packouz (Miles Teller) is 20-something and struggling. His work as a masseur is unfulfilling, and his plan to sell luxury bedsheets to nursing homes turns out to be disastrous and leaves him in financial straits. But David believes his luck has changed when he runs into a childhood friend: Efraim Diveroli (Jonah Hill), a foul-mouthed but successful entrepreneur. Efraim has hit on a way to make tons of money by bidding on U.S. military contracts during the Bush/Cheney years. As he explains to David, hes content to settle for the crumbs small jobs that major contractors dont bother with rather than go for the whole pie. But the strategy changes when, incredibly, the guys land a $300 million deal to supply arms to the Afghan military. At first, things seem to be going smoothly. But as complications ensue, David and Efraim gradually cross the line from business practices that are not illegal to those that are unambiguously criminal. One of their partners, Henry Girard (Bradley Cooper), may even be a terrorist. David remembers Efraim as always having his back, but also as constantly being a bad influence. Can he trust his old pal with his life? The fact-based War Dogs is a much darker and far more political film than its ads would suggest and a change of pace for director Todd Phillips, who is best known for the Hangover comedies. Working from a screenplay that he co-wrote with Stephen Chin and Jason Smilovic, Phillips delivers a film that raises provocative questions about the economic imperatives of war while masquerading as a buddy comedy. Teller, who was terrific in Whiplash, makes a sympathetic hero. Hill lends nuance to the morally dubious Efraim. And Cooper makes the most of his role as a man for whom shadiness is a way of life. War Dogs is a good movie, but perhaps not the one you signed up for. Severe weather events (extreme heat, extreme cold, storms and floods) are nothing new to St. Louis, but their duration, frequency and intensity are all increasing. In the summer of 2012, there were 21 days of record-breaking, triple-digit temperatures. The city recorded 18 deaths due to the heat. As average temperatures rise, the number of deaths is also expected to increase, said Shontae Fluelen-Hays, severe weather program manager at the St. Louis Health Department. Fluelen-Hays and other experts warned of the health impacts from climate change, at a forum Thursday sponsored by the Sierra Club at Washington Universitys Institute for Public Health. There are three main threats from extreme temperatures: exposure, air quality and food access, she said. Those who are most at risk of hypothermia and hyperthermia are the youngest and oldest in the population, plus people who work outside, are homeless or live alone. Extreme weather can bring a longer pollen season and more allergies. Poor air quality leads to other respiratory illnesses. When droughts or floods occur, crops become scarce and fresh fruit and vegetables are more expensive. The city is particularly vulnerable because of the heat island effect fewer green spaces to absorb heat, Fluelen-Hays said. Climate change is also expected to bring more mosquito-borne disease. Warmer temperatures mean an earlier spring, a longer mosquito season and an expansion of mosquitoes range beyond tropical climates. There have been no reports of mosquito-borne illness contracted in Missouri in 2016, although 21 residents who traveled abroad have caught the Zika virus. The main carrier of Zika, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, has not been found in Missouri, although the less common carrier, the Aedes albopictus, probably has circulated in every county, according to a state vector control expert. There have been 33 cases of Zika spread by mosquitoes in Florida. Dr. Steven Lawrence, an infectious disease specialist at Washington University, said the likelihood of Zika outbreaks throughout the U.S. was low because the Aedes mosquitoes are not predominant in the country. The most common mosquito in Missouri, the Culex, can carry West Nile virus. The virus has been detected this summer in mosquitoes in Jefferson and St. Louis counties. The city of St. Louis recently restarted its mosquito surveillance program but does not yet have data on any diseases the insects may be carrying. JEFFERSON CITY Do justice! Those two words blasted off the marble columns of the Senate gallery on May 6, 2014, when the preachers and clergy from around Missouri who make up the Medicaid 23 raised their voices in righteous frustration. They were there to advocate that the state Legislature expand Medicaid to thousands of poor people who need it. Cole County jurors this week heard the chant while watching a video of the protest. They heard the gavel come down and saw the preachers all but three of them black remain in the gallery and continue their protest. They decided that evidence was enough for a trespassing conviction in the peoples house, a building that is practically a monument to the First Amendment rights of free speech and peaceable assembly. When presented with the decision as to how they would punish the preachers, attorney Jay Barnes asked the jurors to turn to the book at the center of his clients faith. Have mercy. That was part of the protesters message in 2014, and Thursday, it was part of Barnes plea. He read the eighth verse in the sixth chapter of the Old Testament book of Micah: And what does the Lord require of you? the passage reads. To act justly and to love mercy ... A jury of 10 whites and 2 blacks took less than six minutes to reach their decision. It was less than half the time those preachers originally spent singing, praying and chanting in the gallery that overlooks the Senate chambers. There would be no jail time, jurors decreed. A judge will determine a fine, if any, at a later date. One juror told me her version of mercy. She wishes the jury could have decided the fine instead of the judge. I was really kind of hoping we could have recommended $1, she said. In reality, the defendants have spent much more than that from their own pockets over the past two and a half years as Cole County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Richardson waged what Barnes termed a caped crusader effort to punish 23 men and women of faith for exercising their constitutional rights in the building dedicated to protecting them. Wednesday night, after the verdict and before the sentencing, two of the defendants, the Rev. Tony Johnson of the First Baptist Church of Liberty, and Bishop Steve Houpe of Harvest Church in Kansas City, were at JCPenney, refreshing their wardrobe as the trial dragged on to its fourth day. As they checked out, the clerk asked them their story. Im a Marine, Houpe told her. I fought for the very rights they are trying to take away from me. That doesnt seem fair, the clerk said. Be fair, the preachers told the Senate on that May day in 2014. What they wanted was for a Medicaid expansion vote to actually come to the floor of the Senate, but in the six years since the Affordable Care Act became the law of the land and states have had the opportunity to use billions of federal dollars to expand health care for the poor, the issue has never received a meaningful airing in the full Missouri Senate. That would seem a fair thing to do. The reason the issue never comes to anything but symbolic votes, however, is because it just might pass. Privately, enough Republicans in the Legislature admit they would vote for Medicaid expansion if ever given the chance. With their votes combined with Democratic votes, it would become law. But Senate leaders block such action year after year because they would rather protect their members from tough votes than provide health care to the poor. Next January, the issue will be back. So will the Medicaid 23. Its not over, said Rod Chapel, one of the attorneys for the pastors, and also the president of the Missouri NAACP. Richardson, in an attempt to portray himself as the protector of law and order in the state Capitol, has instead energized a movement that will descend on the building in droves from January to May. If theres a conviction, the next time it wont just be the Medicaid 23, the Rev. Cassandra Gould of Quinn Chapel in Jefferson City told me before the trial. It will be 23 times 23 times 23. They will knock on the door of the peoples house and ask to be let in. Do justice, they will demand of the elected officials who walk the Capitols marble halls. Have mercy, they will ask of those who spend the states limited resources. Be fair, they will plead to men and women whose decisions affect a poor womans ability to feed her children. With a unified, righteous voice, they will appeal to a higher power, because they live in a country that says that is their right, even if an overbearing prosecuting attorney seeks to silence them. The Medicaid 23 will not be silenced. They will be vindicated. UPDATED with schools where elevated levels of lead were detected in water. ST. LOUIS Preliminary results from tests conducted this summer reveal that 30 school buildings in St. Louis Public Schools have elevated lead levels in water. Students in about half the districts schools started the year this week to find at least one drinking fountain or one sink shut off because of lead. At Meramec Elementary, one drinking fountain and one sink is turned off. At Patrick Henry Downtown Academy, yellow tape and out of order tags are attached to the first-floor drinking fountain. In June, the governing board of St. Louis Public Schools moved forward with voluntary testing of every consumable water source in all buildings that serve children. The $328,000 contract with Environmental Consultants LLC pays for asbestos abatement as well as the water testing. Consultants collected water samples over the summer from 744 drinking fountains and sinks in each of the districts 74 buildings where children receive any level of service. Of the water sources tested, 82 had elevated lead levels, according to preliminary data. On Wednesday, parents at the 30 affected schools received letters notifying them of the elevated lead levels and the number of sinks and drinking fountains that are now out of commission. They will remain closed until we are able to remediate the lead level concern, wrote Karessa Morrow, principal of Meramec Elementary. The district is providing bottled water at 12 schools where drinking fountains outside the cafeteria are shut off, or where multiple drinking fountains are no longer operating. At Patrick Henry Downtown Academy, near downtown, cases of bottled water were stacked in the main office on Thursday. Bottled water is also being distributed due to lead-contaminated water at Carver Elementary, Northwest Academy of Law, Sumner High, Mann Elementary, Sigel Elementary, Peabody Elementary, Shenandoah Elementary, Nahed Chapman New American Academy, Fanning Middle, Clay Elementary, and the old Beaumont High School, where teenagers take career and technical education courses. Another 18 schools had elevated levels of lead in their water, but most of their drinking fountains had low or non-existant levels of lead. Those schools are: AESM Middle, Busch Middle, Carr Lane VPA Middle, Clyde C. Miller Career Academy, Compton-Drew Middle, Cote Brilliante Elementary, Galludet, Gateway STEM High, Gateway Middle, Herzog Elementary, Hickey Elementary, Laclede Elementary, Langston Middle, Long Middle, Meramec Elementary, Oak Hill Elementary, Roosevelt High and Vashon High schools. Over the years, crews have removed and remediated lead-based paint at all schools that enroll children under the age of 7. District officials believe its the first time water in buildings have been tested for lead. The tap water in St. Louis is regularly tested for lead and other contaminants. There is no concern about lead in the municipal water, but older pipes in homes and buildings could be a source of lead. Where its found historically is inside the buildings plumbing or in the service line, said Curt Skouby, director of public utilities for St. Louis. So you might have a lead service line or a lead solder, and some drinking fountains have components that leach lead. In the district, concern arose after reports of lead contamination in the water supply in Flint, Mich. The districts Special Administrative Board requested that Environmental Consultants do the testing, at a cost of about $900 per school. Skouby said he had not received findings from the districts tests. District officials are awaiting final test results and plan to release them on Thursday. The districts report will indicate where high lead levels were found. District officials are already discussing plans to replace drinking fountains, faucets and pipes. After repairs are made, the water will be retested to ensure elevated lead levels are no longer present, district spokesman Patrick Wallace said. St. Louis Public Schools isnt the only district with aging buildings where lead-contaminated water is possible. A number of districts in St. Louis County and the St. Louis Archdiocese have schools built before World War II. The Environmental Protection Agency requires action to be taken if lead levels in water reach 15 parts per billion. The district lowered the threshold to 10 parts per billion to remove any risk to students, Wallace said. In our district, any source that comes back higher than 10 per billion were shutting down, Wallace said. There is no way a student or staff member will be able to access water from that source until it is fixed. No amount of lead a neurotoxin is considered safe in the human body. Research has indicated that even low-level lead exposure can contribute to subtle changes in intellect and behavior, which can mean a drop in IQ or the development of learning disabilities. In 2014, 9.2 percent of young children in St. Louis or a total of 1,123 who were tested had a lead level above 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood, the federal threshold for intervention. An additional 2,189 children in the city have lead levels between 3 and 5 micrograms, which can cause developmental delays and a permanent drop in IQ. Young children are most at risk from negative effects of lead because their brains and bodies are still developing. The main source of lead contamination in Missouri is lead paint in older homes. State law requires annual blood tests for lead for all children under age 6 in St. Louis and six ZIP codes in St. Louis County with older housing stock, including areas of Ladue, Clayton, Richmond Heights, Maplewood, Brentwood and Kinloch. The 63118 ZIP code, where Meramec Elementary is situated, has the most children with lead poisoning in the city. In 2013, 226 children in the area had blood lead levels above 5 micrograms and 54 had levels above 10. EDITORS NOTE: An earlier version of this story gave incorrect information about the number of drinking fountains and sinks at Meramec Elementary that tested positive for lead. The district has since clarified it is one drinking fountain and one sink at the school, correcting erroneous information in letters sent to parents Blythe Bernhard of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this story. Chef Jeff Henderson, a former drug dealer turned Food Network star and role model for underprivileged youth, will be in St. Louis on Thursday to talk about improving the lives of black men in north St. Louis County. He'll be part of a roundtable talk on prison re-entry, workforce training for African-American men and other topics at the Salvation Army's new Midtown Service and Treatment Center at 2900 Washington Boulevard, according to a Salvation Army news release. The talk will be at 1:30 p.m. The center, which will provide drug and alcohol treatment, is expected to open this fall. Henderson, a former drug dealer from South Central Los Angeles, spent his years in prison honing his cooking talents. He eventually became the first African-American "chef de cuisine" at the Caesars Palace hotel casino in Las Vegas and created the Food Network reality show, The Chef Jeff Project, which gives cooking opportunities to at-risk youth. On Friday, Henderson will also be the keynote speaker for the Salvation Army's Doing The Most Good Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. at Chase Park Plaza. The event honors people and organizations "that have made a difference in improving the quality of life throughout the Bi-State Region." ST. LOUIS The owner of a St. Charles tactical gear and gun parts store claims Facebook and Instagram are targeting him over his political views. TJ Kirgin, the owner of gear store Tactical Sh*t, said his company's Instagram account was shut down without notice some time Wednesday. When attempting to log onto the account, he said he saw a vague message that said the account was in violation of the platform's policies. Kirgin said he thinks the reason for the deletion has to do with his business' pro-Second Amendment and conservative viewpoints. "Honestly, I think we're being targeted at this point," he said. Representatives for Facebook and Instagram, which Facebook purchased in 2012, could not immediately be reached. Kirgin said Instagram's move could hurt the business financially. The Instagram account had garnered more than 217,000 followers in the business' more than three years of operation. Kirgin estimates the business gets 20 percent of its revenue from posts to Instagram . He said the store generated $2.5 million last year. The store's Facebook page was shut down earlier this month without notice or an explanation, Kirgin said. He said the page was restored a little more than a day later. Kirgin said he's not sure whether to attribute the return of the page to his emails to Facebook or to the coverage of the incident by conservative media. He said he questions why some groups are allowed to make posts to social media, naming ISIS and Black Lives Matter, "but if you post a picture of a girl (fully clothed) holding a gun, or a conservative viewpoint or a humorous picture of someone holding an AR-15, you get targeted." Selling and advertising the sale of guns are against Facebook's policies. The company notes on its Facebook page that it only sells gear and gun parts. "We don't sell guns and we don't sell ammunition," Kirgin said. Facebook also prohibits advertisements that express "hatred or intent of violence against any individual or group, particularly surrounding the race, sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or language of that individual or group." The company is directing its supporters to another Instagram page it operates. Kirgin said the company may create a method for fans to subscribe directly to company's content from its website to bypass run-ins with social media platforms. LONDON MARKET CLOSE: FTSE makes weekly gain but banks weigh on Friday Friday, October 28, 2022 - 17:08 The FTSE 100 managed a weekly gain, despite underperforming peers on Friday, while strong results from oil majors lifted the mood in New York, shaking off poor numbers from Amazon. Central banks move into focus again next week. The Federal Reserve announces its rate decision on Wednesday, with the Bank of England following on Thursday. The FTSE 100 index closed down 26.02 points, or 0.4% at 7,047.67 on Friday, but finished the week 1.1% higher. The FTSE 250 ended down 165.25 points, or 0.9%, at 17,916.67 - closing the week up 4.1%. The AIM All-Share closed down 4.09 points, or 0.5%, at 805.37, finishing 2.7% higher over the past five days The Cboe UK 100 ended down 0.5% at 703.81, the Cboe UK 250 closed down 1.0% at 15,378.84, and the Cboe Small Companies ended down 0.5% at 12,320.39. The pound was quoted at $1.1595 at the London equities close Friday, up slightly from $1.1573 at the close on Thursday. Though sterling's marked rise tempered slightly on Friday, the currency has gained 3.2% over the past week. Markets have so far taken confidence from the new UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. In the FTSE 100, Centrica added 5.2% after it announced the reopening of the Rough natural gas storage facility off the east coast of England. Centrica, which owns British Gas, said the facility is operational for winter. The facility increases the UK's storage capacity by 50% despite it operating at just 20% of its previous capacity. GSK closed up 2.3% after it said its majority owned ViiV Healthcare venture has received the European Medicines Agency's validation for its marketing authorisation application for HIV prevention, and said its MAA for respiratory syncytial virus adult vaccine has also been accepted. NatWest was the worst performer. It plunged 8.3% as it reported strong income growth in the third quarter, boosted by both increased lending and higher interest rates, but the bank warned it is keeping a close on eye on any change in behaviour from its customers. In the three months to September 30, operating profit before tax rose to 1.09 billion from 976 million a year before. Putting a cap on the bank's profit, NatWest set aside 247 million in the quarter to cover an expected increase in bad loans, which is reversed from a 221 million gain the year prior. Lloyds fell 3.3% in negative read across. Glencore fell 1.0% as it trimmed annual guidance for some of its commodities after a disappointing third-quarter performance dominated by supply chain disruptions in Kazakhstan, extreme weather in Australia, and strikes in Canada and Norway. In the FTSE 250, ASOS tumbled 11%. The stock was rocked by a Telegraph report which stated some hedge funds have shorted the stock, just days after retailer Frasers bought a stake. Elsewhere in London, China-focused investment trusts fell. JPMorgan China Growth & Income fell 2.9% and abrdn China Investment dropped 3.5%. Investor sentiment turned sour as Chinese cities doubled down on Covid-19 lockdown restrictions. Stocks in New York were firmly in the green at the London equities close, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 2.0%, the S&P 500 index up 1.7% and the Nasdaq Composite up 1.8%. After disappointment from tech stocks, oil majors put some shine on this week's US corporate earnings calendar. Exxon Mobil revenue in the third quarter of 2022 jumped 52% to $112.07 billion from $73.79 billion a year prior. Attributable net income soared to $19.66 billion from $6.75 billion. The oil major's bottom line rose 10% from $17.85 billion in the second quarter. Chevron posted pretax earnings of $14.80 billion, up from $8.06 billion the year before. Revenue increased to $66.64 billion from $44.71 billion the year before. Exxon shares rose 1.8%, while Chevron was up 0.3%. Amazon slid 10%, after its poor numbers overnight. Wall Street also shook off a higher inflation reading for the US on Friday. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Fed's preferred inflationary measure, the core personal consumption expenditures index, which excludes food and energy, shot up 5.1% year-on-year in September, quickening from a 4.9% hike in August. "The Fed's favoured measure of inflation is heading higher, rather than lower, while employment costs continue to rise at double the rate experienced over the past 15 years. The market is probably right to expect the Fed to slow the pace of rate hikes from December, but this is by no means guaranteed," analysts at ING commented. On Thursday, the European Central Bank on Thursday lifted its benchmark interest rates by 75 basis points, as expected. In European equities on Friday, the CAC 40 in Paris ended up 0.5%, while the DAX 40 in Frankfurt ended up 0.2%. The euro stood at $0.9943 at the European equities close Friday, lower against $0.9984 at the same time on Thursday. Against the yen, the dollar was trading at JP147.54 late Friday, higher compared to JP145.90 late Thursday. Gold was quoted at $1,640.91 an ounce at the London equities close Friday, down sharply against $1,662.60 at the close on Thursday. The precious metal has an inverse relationship with the greenback, weakening as the dollar strengthens. Brent oil was quoted at $93.34 a barrel at the London equities close Friday, down from $94.75 late Thursday. In Monday's UK corporate calendar, there are full year results from self storage company Lok'n Store and kidney disease-focused diagnostics firm Renalytix. In the economic calendar, the EU will publish its latest GDP and CPI readings. Copyright 2022 Alliance News Limited. All Rights Reserved. Kineton High School students celebrate their success this morning. STUDENTS will be opening their A-Level results today, Thursday, after an anxious summer of waiting. The Heralds team are out and about throughout the morning to find out how our schools performed, and sharing some of the students success stories. Results are posted here as we get them: 11.30 Clive Sentence, principal at Alcester Grammar School said: Its been the best ever year again. Im very happy with the top grades weve achieved. Its down to the ethos we have here at Alcester; the hard work of the students and the outstanding teaching of the staff. 11.20 Stratford School: Neil Wallace, head teacher at Stratford School said: Were really pleased and its lovely to see so many smiling faces. Its been a very strong performance and weve tripled the number of A* passes this year. Students celebrate their A-level results at Stratford-upon-Avon School, left to right: Ailsa Gavan McHarg, Gurrashpal Khakh, Oliver Beaven, Emma-Jo Ashfield, Kane Knight and Chloe Bramble. 11.00 There are many happy faces at Chipping Campden School this year, with principal John Sanderson declaring the results as good as last year. (Full result report is pending.) Meanwhile the Herald spoke to two of the schools star students who both gained Oxbridge places. Anastasia Unitt and Arthur Griffiths from Chipping Campden School Anastasia Unitt gained A* biology, A maths, A art, B chemistry, and an EPQ distinction [Extended Project Qualification, which is equivalent to half an A Level] and is going to study biological sciences at Oxford. Anastasia said: I am really relieved. I thought I might have done badly, but I think I just worked so hard it made me ill and worried! My ideal job after university would be to be a field researcher; working on a tropical island to save the turtles! Arthur Griffiths gained A*s in EPQ and geography, and As in English literature and history, which has won him a place to study geography at Cambridge. Arthur said: Im very happy and surprised in a good way. Im really grateful for all the support Ive had from the teachers and the school. Im not sure what I will do after university, Im just going to enjoy the experience and see where it takes me." 10.40: Kineton High School: Students at Kineton High School recorded a pass rate of more than 99% at A Level, a result that ensures that 100% of students were successful in accessing their chosen route for next year. All those applying to go to university were also celebrating after all their offers of places were confirmed. At AS almost 30% of entries resulted in A or B grades which will act as a fantastic springboard for students as they return to start their Year 13 course September. Siona Robson, headteacher at Kineton High School, said: "We are immensely proud of all our Sixth Form students who through their hard work and commitment, high quality teaching and support, achieved their personal best." 10.10: King's High, Warwick: The school is celebrating an overall pass rate of 99 per cent, with 60 per cent of girls who sat exams getting one or more A* or A grades. The highest possible grades - four A*s - was achieved by Emma Loveridge, who is women's World 29er Sailing Champion. She was also voted Youth Sailor of the Year during her A Level studies. All King's Oxbridge candidates secured their places. Headmaster, Richard Nicholson, said: "Congratulations to our girls whose results reflect the level of their hard work and dedication." Rebecca Ritchie, Kate Hammond and Harriet Green at King's High in Warwick 9.55am: Alcester Grammar School: The school is celebrating its best ever A Level results, with over 67 per cent of entries graded A* to B - the figure is even higher (over 75 per cent) for those students who have been at the school for the whole of their secondary education. Clive Sentance, principal, said: Were so proud of our wonderful sixth formers who yet again have achieved excellent results and made so much of their time here. "These results are thoroughly deserved our students have put in a great deal of effort to make the most of their talents and our skilled and dedicated staff team have worked tirelessly to support them. The sixth form team, ably led by Viceprincipal Ian Young, have once again shown why AGS is one of the best places to study for A levels. This year, 51 students achieved at least three A grades and over a third achieved at least AAB. There are numerous other personal successes across the A Level ability range and virtually all students are set for a destination of their choice. Results at AS level are also very strong, said Mr Sentance, who added: Many commentators have been really concerned about the potential detrimental effect on schools of significant reforms to A and AS Levels. But our results show that the AGS ethos, along with hard work and great teaching, means that our sixth form students can be confident that they are getting a superb deal and the best preparation possible. "This years results confirm that AGS remains one of the countrys most vibrant and successful sixth forms." 9.51am: Warwick School: The pass rate at A* to B was 84.6 per cent with over 54 per cent of students gaining A* or A grades, which exceeded last years results. Some 49 students achieved three or more A*/A grades with a remarkable 112 boys in a cohort of 143 students achieving at least one A or A* grade. Mathematics results were particularly notable with 76% of candidates securing A* or A grades. AS Level results were the best ever with A* to A at 61.9 per cent - up on the 48.9 per cent in 2015), and A to B at 83.8 per cent - compared to 72.4 per cent in 2015. Head Master, Gus Lock, said: Congratulations to all our Upper Sixth students for an excellent set of A levels results. Once again, I am delighted that our boys have performed so well, improving on last years results and securing places at a host of elite universities in the UK and beyond. "Warwick School boys have, once again, attained these super results through sustained hard work, unfaltering support from their parents and the expertise and commitment of our teachers, and I am equally pleased that they have done this whilst also enjoying a fully rounded education with school sport, music, drama and other activities all as strong as ever. "We will miss this group of young men immensely they have been a real credit to the school and enormous fun and we wish them every success and enjoyment in their continuing education. 9.28am: Sibford School, near Shipston: 18 per cent of the 38 students who sat exams got A* and A grades, half got A* and B grades, with an overall pass rates of 98 per cent. Cate Mallalieu-Needle, head of Sibford Sixth Form, said: The overall results reflect some significant personal achievements and I am absolutely delighted. I would also like to give special commendation to those students who have shown tremendous resilience in the face of challenging personal circumstances. Finally, the school would like to mention the posthumous achievement of B grades in History and Design & Technology awarded to Angus Oakey who tragically died on 23 March this year. I know his family will be extremely proud of his achievement. Twins Alex and Daniel Bullard-James, who go to Sibford School near Shipston. They achieved A*, AB and ABB respectively 9.26am Cllr Colin Hayfield, Warwickshire County Council's cabinet member for education and learning, said: "Once again Warwickshire's young people have worked very hard for their exams and deserve these great results, we are extremely proud of their successes. "The good set of results we are expecting is a testament to each individual and also to the first class teaching, support and encouragement provided by school and college staff, parents and carers." 9.20am King Edward VI School (KES):For the fourth time in five years, KES has recorded record results, with 86 per cent of papers were graded A* to B and 54 students obtaining three A grades or better. Ten students who will be taking up their places at Oxbridge colleges. Bennet Carr, headmaster, said These are truly outstanding results and I am particularly delighted for this year group. They really are a most impressive group of young people who deserve our congratulations for their hard work and commitment. "I have no doubt that they would also be the first to recognise that they could not have achieved such success without the dedication of their teachers or the support of their families, so I think we can all be rightly proud of their wonderful achievements." There will be a full round-up with reactions of headteachers and pictures in next Thursdays Herald. GCSE results are published the following Thursday, 25th August. You can also contact us with your exams stories by calling the newsdesk on 01789 412819 or e-mailing Piper Jaffray reiterated its Overweight rating on shares of CoreLogic (NYSE: CLGX) after hosting investor meetings with Frank Martell, Chief Operating Officer, and Dan Smith, SVP Investor Relations. CLGXs Valuation Solutions Group (VSG home appraisal business) offers mortgage originators a compelling value proposition via higher quality appraisals and faster appraisal cycle times. VSG seems well-positioned to win new originator clients and drive faster organic revenue growth and expanding margins in 2017 and 2018. The analyst believes CLGX can begin marketing its VSG business to new mortgage originators later this year, and will target large and mid-tier originators that use outsourced appraisal solutions. Most originators currently use multiple outsourced appraisal providers, though some key players use their in-house solution. No change to the price target of $48.00 based on a sum-of-the-parts valuation using '17 segment EBITDA estimates. For an analyst ratings summary and ratings history on CoreLogic click here. For more ratings news on CoreLogic click here. Shares of CoreLogic closed at $39.43 yesterday. To focus on those products with the greatest growth potential, Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) announced today it intends to pursue strategic alternatives, including a possible divestiture, for its room and pillar products, which serve a segment of underground soft rock mining customers. The company will also discontinue production of track drills within its Resource Industries portfolio. The company and its dealers remain committed to existing customers and will support those room and pillar and track drill fleets currently in operation. "These moves, which align with Caterpillar's ongoing restructuring, will allow us to focus resources on those areas of the business that provide the highest, sustainable growth and best long-term returns," said Denise Johnson, group president with responsibility for Resource Industries. Room and Pillar and Track DrillsThe room and pillar underground mining products under strategic review include continuous miners, feeder breakers, coal haulage systems, highwall miners, roof bolters, utility vehicles and diesel vehicles. While under review, Caterpillar will stop taking new orders. Production of track drills will be discontinued, and no new orders will be taken. "Caterpillar remains committed to an extensive mining product portfolio. We firmly believe mining is an attractive long-term industry, and we continue to invest in a broad range of products, both surface and underground. We are targeting our investments within the mining product portfolio to concentrate on those areas with the highest profitability potential," said Johnson. "At the same time, we continue to manage through the longest down-cycle in our history. We know these ongoing restructuring actions are not easy on our workforce; I'm grateful for our team's ongoing dedication." Workforce ImpactIn conjunction with the announcement, Caterpillar expects to take actions to reduce the workforce in Houston, Pennsylvania, where the room and pillar products are manufactured. While the company intends to sell the room and pillar products, it will also assess other options, including a possible closure of the Houston facility. Total workforce reductions of up to 155 positions associated with the room and pillar business are expected, with some occurring immediately. These actions will more closely align employment levels with current end-market demand. In Denison, Texas, where track drills are produced, approximately 40 positions will be eliminated as a result of the track drill exit and other facility restructuring. Repurposing of Winston-Salem FacilityIn addition to these moves, the company also continues to evaluate the most efficient and effective use of its manufacturing footprint. The company announced today it will repurpose its Winston-Salem, North Carolina, facility, transitioning it from a mining to a rail facility beginning later this year. Operations will transfer to Progress Rail, a wholly owned Caterpillar subsidiary. As a result, the company will relocate the manufacturing of some components used in large mining trucks from its facility in Winston-Salem to its existing facility in Decatur, Illinois. Emerson (NYSE: EMR) announced it has signed an agreement to purchase the Valves & Controls business of Pentair (NYSE: PNR) for $3.15 billion. The complementary acquisition establishes Emerson's global presence in control, isolation, pressure relief valves and actuation as part of a larger strategy to build a broader automation portfolio. This acquisition delivers on our strategic plan of investing in Automation Solutions and in markets where we have a global leadership position and see significant long-term growth opportunities, said Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David N. Farr. By adding Pentairs Valves & Controls leading technologies and services to our already broad portfolio, we have positioned our businesses to grow while continuing to provide our customers around the world with more complete solutions to their toughest challenges. This transaction follows Emersons recently announced divestitures of Network Power, Leroy-Somer and Control Techniques for a total of $5.2 billion as part of the Companys overall strategic portfolio repositioning that was initiated in June 2015. Headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, the Pentair Valves & Controls business has nearly 7,500 employees around the world. The business has a large global installed base in chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, power, mining and other process industries. With product brands like Anderson-Greenwood, Crosby, Vanessa, Keystone and Biffi, Pentair Valves & Controls has been a global leader in providing valve solutions for customers. The Pentair Valves & Controls business is a strong fit for us as they share many of the same management principles that have defined success for Emerson over the years such as global customer support, service, best cost sourcing and manufacturing, said Mike Train, Executive Vice President and Business Leader for Emerson Automation Solutions. In addition to adding great people and brands to our business, it will allow us to expand our market position and create new opportunities for growth, while also being able to offer our customers the most complete valve solutions portfolio and most extensive service network in the world. The acquisition is expected to close in the next four to six months, subject to various regulatory approvals. Greenhill & Co., LLC served as financial advisor to Emerson and Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP served as legal advisor. Investor Conference Call Emerson will host a conference call for investors today at 5:00 p.m. ET to review the acquisition and answer questions. Access to the live webcast of the discussion will be available at at the time of the call. A replay of the conference call will remain available for approximately three months. About Emerson Emerson (NYSE: EMR), based in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a global leader in bringing technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial and consumer markets around the world. The company is comprised of five business segments: Process Management, Industrial Automation, Network Power, Climate Technologies and Commercial & Residential Solutions. Sales in fiscal 2015 were $22.3 billion. For more information, visit Forward-Looking and Cautionary Statements Statements in this press release that are not strictly historical may be forward-looking statements, which involve risks and uncertainties, and Emerson undertakes no obligation to update any such statements to reflect later developments. These risks and uncertainties include the Companys ability to successfully complete on the terms and conditions contemplated, and the financial impact of, the proposed acquisition of Valves & Controls and Emersons other strategic portfolio repositioning actions, as well as economic and currency conditions, market demand, pricing, protection of intellectual property, and competitive and technological factors, among others, as set forth in Emersons most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent reports filed with the SEC. View source version on For Emerson Mark Polzin, 314-982-1758 Source: Emerson Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HOG) has reached a settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the sale of one aftermarket tuning product used to calibrate motorcycles intended for off-road and closed-course competition. As part of the settlement agreement, the company will no longer sell its competition-only tuner in the U.S. The company will continue to sell a performance tuner designed to ensure Harley-Davidson motorcycles retain 50-state and EPA on-road emissions compliance. The settlement has no impact on the company's other performance product offerings. The EPA alleged that by selling its Pro Super Tuner through its U.S. dealer network, Harley-Davidson enabled dealers and customers to tamper with motorcycles used on public roads. Harley-Davidson disagrees with the EPA's position, noting that the tuner was designed and sold as an after-market, competition-only product used to adapt engine parameters for use with Harley-Davidson after-market equipment. "This settlement is not an admission of liability but instead represents a good faith compromise with the EPA on areas of law we interpret differently, particularly EPA's assertion that it is illegal for anyone to modify a certified vehicle even if it will be used solely for off-road/closed-course competition," said Ed Moreland, Harley-Davidson's Government Affairs Director. "For more than two decades, we have sold this product under an accepted regulatory approach that permitted the sale of competition-only parts. In our view, it is and was legal to use in race conditions in the U.S." Harley-Davidson, one of many suppliers in the aftermarket performance parts industry, has safeguards in place to educate dealers and customers on the implications of installing Harley-Davidson performance products on their Harley-Davidson motorcycles. This includes clear product labeling of competition-only products and detail on what performance enhancements are considered street legal and for competition-use only, the legal consequences of tampering with emission controls and components, and what enhancements would void the vehicle warranty. "Concern for our U.S. customers and dealers weighed heavily in reaching this compromise with the EPA," said Moreland. "By settling this matter, we can focus our future attention and resources on product innovation rather than a prolonged legal battle with the EPA." Harley-Davidson is and has been committed to meeting or exceeding all emissions requirements for its motorcycles in every market it serves. It will continue to offer a broad range of industry-leading, compliant performance products that enable customization and performance enhancements that meet all emissions requirements and maintain the company's vehicle warranty. MGT Capital Investments, Inc. (NYSE: MGT), announced that John McAfee, the Company's proposed Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, delivered an important and well-received keynote address at the Fourth Internet Security Conference (ISC 2016) in Beijing on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at the China National Convention Center. He was joined by more than 100 presenters representing over 70 global networks of security-related institutions and enterprises. In his keynote address, McAfee discussed the history of computing and cybersecurity, highlighting how many things have changed. Noting the decreasing relevance of reactive solutions like anti-virus, McAfee described the present and future landscapes of cybersecurity and how professionals will need to adapt their techniques and tools to become proactive. He also expressed a hope for increased cooperation and understanding between China and America. To listen to John McAfee's keynote address at ISC 2016, please click here. "I would like to thank the ISC and the Chinese government for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with industry and government leaders within the largest country in the world. I am hoping that my words will inspire cooperation in the field of security between China and the U.S., and indeed between and among all countries." ISC is widely recognized as the largest-scale, most influential and professional cyber security conference in Asia Pacific. Attendance for ISC 2016 is expected to exceed 6,000 cybersecurity professionals from across China and all over the world. This audience includes decision makers representing Chinese business - the largest and most rapidly growing marketplace for cybersecurity solutions. The U.S. Department of Justice posted the following to its news blog on Thursday: When most people think of the Justice Department, they are likely to imagine the most visible parts of our job the law enforcement agents who investigate crimes or the lawyers who prosecute them. But the departments core responsibilities go beyond investigation and prosecution. Unlike most states, the federal government puts its law enforcement agents, criminal prosecutors, and correctional officers all in a single department. We handle every step from the start of an investigation to the end of a prison sentence. Our work to house and rehabilitate individuals incarcerated in the Federal Bureau of Prisons is an important part of our responsibility and operations, accounting for 25 percent of the departments budget every year. The federal prison population increased by almost 800 percent between 1980 and 2013, often at a far faster rate than the Bureau of Prisons could accommodate in their own facilities. In an effort to manage the rising prison population, about a decade ago, the bureau began contracting with privately operated correctional institutions to confine some federal inmates. By 2013, as both the federal prison population and the proportion of federal prisoners in private facilities reached their peak, the bureau was housing approximately 15 percent of its population, or nearly 30,000 inmates, in privately operated prisons. 2013 was also the year that the Department of Justice launched its Smart on Crime Initiative after identifying reforms that would ensure more proportional sentences and effective use of federal resources. Today, in part as a result of that initiative, we are experiencing declining numbers in our prison population. We now have approximately 195,000 inmates in bureau or private contract facilities down from a high in 2013 of approximately 220,000. This decline in the prison population means that we can better allocate our resources to ensure that inmates are in the safest facilities and receiving the best rehabilitative services services that increase their chances of becoming contributing members of their communities when they return from prison. Today, I sent a memo to the Acting Director of the Bureau of Prisons directing that, as each private prison contract reaches the end of its term, the bureau should either decline to renew that contract or substantially reduce its scope in a manner consistent with law and the overall decline of the bureaus inmate population. This is the first step in the process of reducingand ultimately endingour use of privately operated prisons. While an unexpected need may arise in the future, the goal of the Justice Department is to ensure consistency in safety, security and rehabilitation services by operating its own prison facilities. Todays memo reflects important steps that the bureau has already taken to reduce our reliance on private prisons, including a decision three weeks ago to end a private prison contract for approximately 1,200 beds. Taken together, these steps will reduce the private prison population by more than half from its peak in 2013 and puts the Department of Justice on a path to ensure that all federal inmates are ultimately housed at bureau facilities. Molecular-level filter could revolutionize energy-intense chemical process Significantly reduces amount of energy used in polyester and plastic manufacturing Research published in nations leading peer-reviewed journal, Science IRVING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Scientists from ExxonMobil and the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a potentially revolutionary new technology that could significantly reduce the amount of energy and emissions associated with manufacturing plastics. Results of the research were published today in the peer-reviewed journal Science. If brought to industrial scale, this breakthrough could reduce industrys global annual carbon dioxide emissions by up to 45 million tons, which is equivalent to the annual energy-related carbon dioxide emissions of about five million U.S. homes. It could also reduce global energy costs used to make plastics by up to $2 billion a year. Using a molecular-level filter, the new process employs a form of reverse osmosis to separate para-xylene, a chemical building block for polyester and plastics, from complex hydrocarbon mixtures. The current commercial-scale process used around the world relies on energy and heat to separate those molecules. Through collaboration with strong academic institutions like Georgia Tech, we are constantly exploring new, more efficient ways to produce the energy, chemicals, and other products consumers around the world rely on every day," said Vijay Swarup, vice president of research and development at ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company. If advanced to commercial-scale application, this technology could significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with chemical manufacturing. The research successfully demonstrated that para-xylene can be separated from like chemical compounds known as aromatics by pressing them through a membrane that acts as a high-tech sieve, similar to a filter with microscopic holes. Commercially practiced separations involve energy-intensive crystallization or adsorption with distillation. Globally, the amount of energy used in conventional separation processes for aromatics is equal to about 20 average-sized power plants. The ExxonMobil and Georgia Tech team first developed a new carbon-based membrane that can separate molecules as small as a nanometer. The membrane was then incorporated into a new organic solvent reverse osmosis process, during which aromatics were pressed through the membrane, separating out para-xylene. "In effect, wed be using a filter with microscopic holes to do what an enormous amount of heat and energy currently do in a chemical process similar to that found in oil refining, said Mike Kerby, corporate strategic research manager at ExxonMobil. The carbon-based membrane developed by the ExxonMobil-Georgia Tech team is about 50 times more energy efficient than the current state-of-the-art membrane separation technology. Because the new membrane is made from a commercially available polymer, ExxonMobil believes it has potential for commercialization and integration into industrial chemical separation processes. Reverse-osmosis membranes are already widely used to desalinate seawater, consuming a fraction of the energy required by thermally driven processes. The new organic solvent reverse osmosis process is believed to be the first use of reverse osmosis with carbon membranes to separate liquid hydrocarbons. By applying pressure at room temperature, the membrane is able to concentrate para-xylene from a mixture at high rates and low energy consumption relative to state-of-the-art membranes, said Ryan Lively, an assistant professor in Georgia Techs School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and the lead researcher. This mixture could then be fed into a conventional thermal process for finishing, which would dramatically reduce total energy input. The technology still faces challenges before it can be considered for commercialization and use at an industrial scale. The membranes used in the process will need to be tested under more challenging conditions, as industrial mixtures normally contain multiple organic compounds and may include materials that can foul membrane systems. The researchers must also learn to make the material consistently and demonstrate that it can withstand long-term industrial use. The implications could be enormous in terms of the amount of energy that could be saved and the emissions reduced in chemical and product manufacturing, said Benjamin McCool, an advanced research associate at ExxonMobil and co-author of the research. Our next steps are to further the fundamental understanding in the lab to help develop a plan for pilot plant-scale demonstration and, if successful, proceed to larger scale. We continue to work the fundamental science underlying this technology for broader applications in hydrocarbon separations. Chemical plants account for about eight percent of global energy demand and about 15 percent of the projected growth in demand to 2040. As global populations and living standards continue to rise, demand for auto parts, housing materials, electronics and other products made from plastics and other petrochemicals will continue to grow. Improving industrial efficiency is part of ExxonMobils mission to meet the worlds growing need for energy while minimizing environmental impacts. The researchers on the technology as written in Science include Lively and Dong-Yeun Koh from Georgia Institute of Technology and McCool and Harry Deckman from ExxonMobil. About ExxonMobil ExxonMobil, the largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, uses technology and innovation to help meet the worlds growing energy needs. We hold an industry-leading inventory of resources and are one of the largest integrated refiners, marketers of petroleum products and chemical manufacturers. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter Cautionary Statement: Statements of future events or conditions in this release are forward-looking statements. Actual future results, including project plans and timing and the impact and results of new technologies, could vary depending on the outcome of further research and testing; the development and competitiveness of alternative technologies; the ability to scale pilot projects on a cost-effective basis; political and regulatory developments; and other factors discussed in this release and under the heading Factors Affecting Future Results on the Investors page of ExxonMobils website at About Georgia Tech The Georgia Institute of Technology, located in Atlanta, Georgia, is a leading research university committed to improving the human condition through advanced science and technology. As a leading technological university, Georgia Tech has more than 100 centers focused on interdisciplinary research that consistently contribute vital research and innovation to American government, industry, and business. For more information, visit View source version on ExxonMobil Media Relations, 972-444-1107 Source: Exxon Mobil Corporation LIVINGSTON, Calif., Aug. 17, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Foster Farms, the West Coast's leading poultry producer, today announced that its board of directors has appointed Laura Flanagan president and chief executive officer effective August 29, 2016. Flanagan, 48, most recently served as president of the ConAgra Foods Snacks Division, one of North America's leading suppliers of packaged foods. She will succeed Ron Foster, grandson of company founders Max and Verda Foster, as Foster Farms' president and CEO. Foster previously announced his plans to step down. He will remain a Foster Farms owner and member of the board of directors. "The board unanimously selected Laura Flanagan as the ideal executive to guide Foster Farms during a time of significant growth," said Foster. "She has an impressive record of transforming and growing household consumer brands across an ever-shifting landscape. We are confident that her strategic approach will lead Foster Farms to new heights within the U.S. meat and poultry industry." Before taking leadership of the Snacks Division, Flanagan served as president of ConAgra's Convenient Meals Division from 2008 to 2011, revitalizing and expanding key brands. She also led initiatives to promote diversity, develop internal talent, and build skills and capabilities throughout ConAgra. "Foster Farms is a strong competitor in the national poultry landscape in large part because of its family-owned roots and its steadfast commitment to truly locally grown, fresh poultry," said Flanagan. "I intend to honor the Foster family's legacy for excellence while growing the business, guiding our dedicated employees and maintaining the trust of a new generation of consumers who care deeply about the food they feed their families, especially organic and antibiotic-free poultry choices." Before joining ConAgra, Flanagan served as vice president and chief marketing officer of Tropicana Shelf Stable Juices at PepsiCo and, from 1996 to 2005, held brand-management positions at General Mills and PepsiCo. Earlier, she was a manufacturing engineer at Saturn Corporation. She earned an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business in 1996. Flanagan currently serves on the board of directors at Core-Mark International, one of North America's largest marketers of fresh and broad-line supply solutions to the convenience retail industry. Under Ron Foster's leadership, the company grew by 70 percent and became the nation's first major poultry producer to be certified by the American Humane Association. In June, Foster Farms was selected as the 2016 Processor of the Year by The National Provisioner for industry-leading achievements in food safety, water conservation and product diversity. While Ron Foster led the company, it raised the National Thanksgiving Turkey for the White House on two occasions, became the No. 1 brand of frozen cooked chicken in the western U.S., and became the largest producer of organic and antibiotic-free fresh chicken on the West Coast. About Foster FarmsCalifornia-based Foster Farms employs more than 12,000 with facilities throughout California, Oregon and Washington as well as Farmerville, Louisiana, and Demopolis, Alabama. Since 1939, West Coast families have depended on Foster Farms for premium-quality chicken and turkey products. Family-owned and operated, the company continues its legacy of excellence and commitment to quality established by its founders, Max and Verda Foster. Foster Farms specializes in fresh, all-natural chicken and turkey products free of preservatives, additives or injected sodium enhancers. Based in California's Central Valley, with ranches in the Pacific Northwest, the company's fresh chicken and turkey are produced in or near each region served. Foster Farms also produces delicious pre-marinated, ready-to-cook and fully cooked products that meet the quality and convenience needs of today's home cooks, retailers, warehouse clubs and foodservice customers. The company's commitment to excellence, honesty, quality, service and people is a source of great pride and a longtime family tradition. Visit to learn more. MEDIA CONTACT: Amy Scarlett 415-326-3199 [email protected] Photo - To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: SOURCE Foster Farms LOS ANGELES, Aug. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Each year, the Asian Business Association (ABA) honors leaders in the Asian American business community. As a leading Asian business organization serving the business community, ABA also recognizes corporations who consistently support the Asian business community and provide opportunities for Asian American entrepreneurs to flourish.This year, the Asian Business Association will be celebrating their 40th Annual Awards Banquet presented by U.S. Bank will be held at the Globe Theatre in Universal Studios Hollywood on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Ms. Hetty Cheng, an Emmy Award-winning reporter for NBC4 Southern California. "ABA's eight founding members transformed a "wish list" into a 40-year milestone of historic accomplishments." said Lynne Choy Uyeda, ABA Founder. "This is a testament to ABA's leadership and benefactors." Hundreds will gather to pay tribute to the significant and often unheralded contributions that Asian Americans are making in business and the Southern California economy. Honoring: "The Asian Business Association has a strong commitment to helping diverse Asian-Americans. Not only are they making a difference in business locally but also impacting the community and our great economy," said awards banquet co-chairs Amanda Ma of Innovate Marketing Group and Jay J. Chung of Lee Anav Chung White Kim Ruger & Richter LLP. "We selected these individuals and organizations because of their business success and their contributions to our economy." said Dennis J. Huang, ABA Executive Director and CEO. "We're grateful also to our sponsors this year for supporting the important work we're doing in the community." Sponsors include: Toyota, Union Bank, Southern California Edison, AEG, U.S. Bank, Northrop Grumman, Southern California Gas Co., Herman Miller, and The Walt Disney Company, to name a few. About the Asian Business Association:The Asian Business Association (ABA) was founded in 1976 to proactively help Asian Americans gain access to economic opportunities and advancement. With more than 700 members, ABA promotes economic development through its educational conferences, seminars, and workshops. These interactive programs are designed to present entrepreneurs with the information, resources, skill-sets, and networking opportunities that they will need to help grow their businesses and successfully compete in the global marketplace. For more information, please contact:Asian Business Association, [email protected] (213) 628-1222 To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: SOURCE Asian Business Association of Los Angeles (ABA) Beth Kurth and Benjamin Navon hired to lead IR and PR functions, respectively BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- LaVoieHealthScience (LHS), a strategic communications agency focused on the health science industry, announced the appointments of Beth Kurth as vice president, investor relations, and Benjamin Navon as assistant vice president, public relations. Beth and Ben are based at the agencys Boston, Mass. headquarters and will report into President and Chief Executive Officer Donna L. LaVoie. The addition of Beth and Ben represents LHS commitment to providing our clients with high-touch, senior-level counsel to lead their strategic communications programs, said Donna L. LaVoie. Our deep experience in both investor and public relations gives LHS clients an unparalleled 360-degree perspective of the healthcare communications landscape to help them build credibility, extend visibility and amplify their business successes. Beth brings 15 years of investor relations expertise including in-house and agency work, across market caps and industries. She has worked with start-ups and established companies in the biotech, medtech and digital health sectors. In her role, Beth provides strategic insight to LHS clients, including an assessment of how best to align scientific developments, market positioning and financial metrics. She earned her Master of Business Administration from Boston University Questrom School of Business, after completing a Bachelor of Arts in English from Tulane University. In todays financial markets, it is critical for health and science companies to differentiate their story to secure the attention of financial decision-makers, said Beth. I look forward to leveraging my expertise on behalf of LHS cutting-edge clients. Ben brings nearly a decade of healthcare communications experience to the agency. Throughout his career, he has worked with a diverse portfolio of publicly-traded and privately-held clients across the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostics sectors. He represented brands at all phases of the company/product lifecyclefrom early-stage scientific and pre-commercial communications to regulatory approvals and new drug launches, as well as programs to bolster established medicines. Ben earned a Bachelor of Science in Communication from Salem State University. This is a bit of a homecoming for me as I began my career at LHS before moving on to roles of increasing responsibility at other healthcare-focused public relations agencies in the Boston area, said Ben. It is an exciting time to be back with the firm, and I look forward to working with Donna, Beth, and the agencys other seasoned professionals to build on LHS already sterling reputation. With the expansion of the senior leadership team, LHS also promoted Ella Deych to the role of assistant vice president, finance and operations, and Lisa DeScenza to senior director, special projects. In her role, Ella will leverage her previous agency-based financial background to manage all accounting and operational functions for LHS. Similarly, Lisa is taking on an expanded role to lead LHS recruiting and inbound marketing efforts in addition to other responsibilities. Furthermore, LHS promoted Alison Chen to account executive and hired Vivian Ni, who first joined LHS as an intern, as a full-time assistant account executive. Both Alison and Vivian work across investor and public relations accounts to ensure flawless execution of client deliverables. Editors notePhotos available upon request. About LaVoieHealthScienceLaVoieHealthScience partners with leading life science brands to build value for their companies, attract capital, and reach key stakeholders through integrated communications and marketing. The firm provides strategic communications, investor relations and public relations to build recognition and increase sales and value for health science innovations. The agency has received 28 awards over the past seven years in recognition of the work it has done for its health and science industry-leading clients. The agency ranks among the 2016 Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing private companies. View source version on LaVoieHealthScience Donna L. LaVoie, 617-374-8800 ext. 107 President and CEO [email protected] Source: LaVoieHealthScience Renewal marks continuation of key relationship in Europe COLUMBUS, Ga. & HORGEN, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- TSYS (NYSE: TSS) today announced it has extended its payments agreement with Swisscard AECS GmbH to continue processing the companys consumer credit and commercial card portfolios on the TS2 platform, as well as to provide other payment services. Swisscard AECS GmbH is a joint venture between Credit Suisse AG and American Express. Swisscard AECS GmbH is the only company in Switzerland to offer the worlds leading credit card brands American Express, MasterCard and Visa from a single source. Customers managed by Swisscard AECS GmbH have the largest choice of credit card products on the Swiss market. Swisscard is a leader in Switzerland, and an important client for TSYS as we continue to grow across Europe, said Rob Hudson, group executive of TSYS International. We look forward to delivering innovative new products and services to help them continue providing excellent service for their cardholders. The stability and availability that TSYS systems have provided us throughout our relationship have been important for our business performance, said Boris Kraus, head of IT Service Management and Control of Swisscard AECS GmbH. They understand where we are today and where we want to go, and we look forward to continue working with TSYS to provide our cardholders excellent card processing services. No terms of the long-term agreement were announced. About Swisscard AECS GmbH Swisscard AECS GmbH was established as a joint venture between Credit Suisse AG and American Express in 1998. The company handles product development, sales and marketing, customer service and card processing in Switzerland. As a merchant acquirer, Swisscard AECS GmbH is also responsible for expanding and handling the American Express network of points of acceptance in Switzerland. Swisscard AECS GmbH combines the strengths of its two parent companies in the credit card business, with American Express being the global leader as far as card management is concerned and Credit Suisse AG owning strong national sales channels. As a market leader in Switzerland, Swisscard manages over 30 card products, tailored to the needs of private individuals and corporate clients, and has leading positions in frequent flyer and business traveler cards, corporate client business as well as co-branding card business (Miles & More) For additional information about Swisscard please refer to About TSYS TSYS (NYSE: TSS) unlocks opportunities in payments for payment providers, businesses and consumers. Our headquarters are in Columbus, Georgia, USA, and we operate in more than 80 countries with local offices across the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific. We provide seamless, secure and innovative solutions across the payments spectrum from issuer processing and merchant acquiring to prepaid program management delivered through partnership and expertise. We succeed because we put people, and their needs, at the heart of every decision. Its an approach we call People-Centered Payments. Our industry is changing every day and were leading the way toward the payments of tomorrow. We routinely post all important information on our website. For more, visit us at View source version on TSYS Media Relations Cyle Mims, +1.706.644.3110 [email protected] or TSYS Investor Relations Shawn Roberts, +1.706.644.6081 [email protected] Source: TSYS A woman walks past a panel displaying stock indices of Hong Kong, U.S. and China markets, outside a bank in Hong Kong June 7, 2016. REUTERS/Bobby Yip/File Photo By Michelle Price HONG KONG (Reuters) - Connecting the giant stock markets of Hong Kong and Shenzhen is unlikely to fast-track the inclusion of Chinese shares in a major investment benchmark index as foreign access to China's markets is still restricted. Approval this week for the long-awaited extension of the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock trading link to Shenzhen's $3 trillion market - and the scrapping of overall investment caps - advanced China's cause to have yuan-denominated Chinese A shares included in MSCI's Emerging Markets Index, but hurdles remain. China wants its stocks included in the MSCI index as this is tracked by $1.5 trillion in global assets and could draw up to $400 billion into China's stocks over a decade. It has said that any global benchmark that doesn't include China A shares is incomplete. Eighteen months after the Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect was launched, many foreign fund managers still can't invest through the link due to operational hurdles and legal issues with the way assets are safeguarded under its custody arrangements. China shares have to be held onshore by the Hong Kong exchange on behalf of beneficial owners. Tuesday's approval for the Shenzhen link reaffirms China's commitment to reform, but is unlikely to be a deal-maker for MSCI, a New York-based index provider, investors and analysts said. "It's getting China A shares one step closer, but there are other issues that MSCI needs to look at," said Arthur Kwong, head of Asia-Pacific equities at BNP Paribas Investment Partners. "The stock link market mechanism is not yet working perfectly, and there could be challenges launching products." MORE WORK For a third year running, MSCI declined in June to add Chinese A shares to its emerging markets benchmark, saying China had more to do to open up its market. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing CEO Charles Li said this week the approval for the Shenzhen link put A shares "on the right track" for inclusion, but acknowledged it did not solve all MSCI's issues. He said additional features and products may have to be added. MSCI said in June it would not include China A shares in its benchmark index until China allows foreign investors to freely repatriate capital under its cross-border Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) investment scheme. It also wants China to scrap a rule requiring foreigners to seek Chinese regulatory approval before launching investment products that include yuan-denominated shares. And MSCI is watching to see if recent rule changes to share trading suspensions in China and the granting of investment quotas are actually effective. The launch of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Connect doesn't immediately fix any of these issues. China's regulators have met several of MSCI's demands over the past two years, but have not indicated if or when they may address the index company's outstanding concerns. "Concerns over capital mobility, share suspensions and restricted availability of A-share products are still being addressed," said Wilfred Son Keng Po, a Hong Kong-based portfolio manager at global asset manager PineBridge Investments. A spokeswoman for MSCI in New York did not respond to requests for comment, while representatives in Hong Kong could not be reached. OPERATIONAL ISSUES MSCI has been in discussions with Chinese regulators and the Hong Kong exchange over the past year and knew of the deal being negotiated on Connect quotas prior to June, said a person with knowledge of those talks. While daily trading quotas for participants buying Shanghai and Shenzhen shares in the scheme are capped at 13 billion yuan ($1.96 billion) for each market, Hong Kong and China have agreed to scrap an aggregate quota, meaning investors could have unlimited access to Chinese shares over time. Many U.S. and European investors can't benefit though because the scheme's operational and custody arrangements breach their legal mandates. "Hong Kong-Shenzhen Connect is an add-on factor for MSCI, rather than a pre-requisite," said Ivan Shi, head of research at Shanghai investment consultancy Z-Ben Advisors. "No mention on Tuesday of any potential change to the beneficial ownership structure probably won't help big managers and institutional investors to use Connect." Asked by Reuters in June if extending the Connect scheme to Shenzhen and removing the quotas would see MSCI move to include A shares, Remy Briand, global head of research at MSCI, said it would be positive, but added that many investors did not want to use the scheme due to these problems. "Hence it's not something that at this stage would be resolving the accessibility issues," he said then. MSCI operates an annual review for A share inclusion, but has said it could hold an ad hoc review if the situation changes. "The launch of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Connect would have little impact, if any, on MSCI's consideration to include A-shares, since accessibility is no longer its top concern," said Qi Wang, CEO of asset manager MegaTrust Investment Hong Kong, and a former head of MSCI China research. "My suggestion to global investors is to avoid relying on an index provider alone to resolve their China investment issues." (Reporting by Michelle Price; Editing by Lisa Jucca and Ian Geoghegan) By Serajul Quadir and Jonathan Spicer DHAKA/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bangladesh's central bank said it has reversed its plans to sue the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the SWIFT money transfer network, and instead intends to seek their help recovering $81 million stolen by cyber thieves in February. "At the moment we have no plan to go for any legal action against the Fed bank or SWIFT; rather we will seek their assistance," said Subhankar Saha, the spokesman for Bangladesh Bank. He declined to provide reasons for the turnabout. A source close to the Asian central bank last month said it was preparing litigation to seek compensation, claiming errors by the New York Fed and SWIFT had made Bangladesh Bank vulnerable. In the February heist, hackers issued false transfer orders on the SWIFT network to move funds out of Bangladesh Bank's account at the Fed. Bangladesh's finance minister had also said in March he was weighing legal action. "We only assessed different options, including the legal (option)," Saha said on Tuesday. "We look forward to cooperation both from the Fed and SWIFT." Officials from the Fed and Bangladesh Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith were not immediately available for comment. The shift came as meetings were to begin in New York on Tuesday between officials from Bangladesh Bank, the New York Fed and SWIFT. It also comes after the New York Fed last week published its standard contract with correspondent banks, which spells out that the burden of preventing and reporting breaches lies largely with the correspondent bank, in this case Bangladesh Bank. Saha said there was no link between the decision not to pursue a lawsuit and the contract. "We were assessing options, and we prefer cooperation," he said. Deputy Governor Abu Hena Mohammad Razee Hassan, who is heading the Bangladesh Bank team in the New York meetings, said the bank operates under the standard Fed contract. He did not comment on any possible lawsuit. The standard contract includes a requirement for the correspondent bank to "immediately" notify the U.S. central bank when it learned it was hacked, and to give the Fed "a reasonable opportunity to act" on cancellation requests. The Fed was bound to then "make reasonable efforts" to halt any fraudulent payments it had made. The New York Fed is liable for acting on unauthorized payments only if it does not comply with agreed authentication messages, or fails to exercise good faith when filling a payment request, according to the contract. The published contract notes litigation must be heard in a U.S. court. In the Feb. 4 heist, the hackers peppered the Fed with payment requests, four of which were filled. Much of the money disappeared into casinos in the Philippines. Reuters reported last month that Bangladesh Bank did not realize it had been hacked and d id not attempt to alert the New York Fed until two days after the money had been sent. By that time, a weekend in New York, the Fed took two more days to respond. Reuters also reported that the New York Fed attempted and failed to cancel the payments and did not immediately inform Bangladesh Bank of its efforts. (Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan and David Greising) By Chris Mfula LUSAKA (Reuters) - Zambia will control spending and act to boost economic growth, President Edgar Lungu said on Thursday, dismissing criticism by the main opposition leader who is challenging his re-election at the helm of Africa's second-largest copper producer. The southern African nation is in the throes of an economic slump due to depressed commodity prices with mine closures, rising unemployment, power shortages and soaring food prices that his rival, Hakainde Hichilema, blames on mismanagement by Lungu. "I have five years now which is sufficient time to take more decisive action. I will take measures to grow the economy and control expenditure," Lungu, a lawyer, said in a statement after meeting business leaders. Hichilema, an economist and businessman and an old rival of Lungu, heads the United Party for National Development (UPND)which plans to file a court petition against Lungu's re-election on the grounds that the ballot in the Aug. 11 vote was rigged. Lungu said on Thursday that Lusaka and the International Monetary Fund had reached broad consensus on the key areas of an aid program for Zambia, though he did not elaborate on this. Zambia has been in talks with the global lender over a possible financing deal. The meetings come against the background of a yawning budget deficit and rising spending on fuel subsidies and power imports. Lungu said Zambia would gradually introduce new tariffs to reflect the cost of production in the electricity and fuel sectors, while an agriculture support program under which the government provides subsidies for farming would be restructured. In February, Zambia scrapped a nearly 73 percent hike in electricity tariffs for industrial and commercial users after Lungu reversed plans to nearly double electricity costs for home users, saying they would hurt the poor. Lungu, who narrowly beat Hichilema in a vote last year to replace late president Michael Sata, won 50.35 percent of the vote against 47.63 for his opponent in the Aug. 11 vote. His inauguration had initially been set for Aug. 23. But a winning candidate cannot be sworn in if the vote is contested in the Constitutional Court, which has two weeks to decide on such a petition. Hichilema's party, which had earlier said it would file a court petition against Lungu's re-election on Friday, said it would lodge it on Monday. The ruling party and the electoral commission have rejected the charge that they deliberately falsified the size of Hichilema's vote. "We are targeting Monday because the volume of work for our lawyers is overwhelming. Evidence (of fraud) is still coming in from all over the country and we don't want to miss any of it," UPND spokesman Charles Kakoma told Reuters. (Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Richard Balmforth) UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): August 18, 2016 ARC LOGISTICS PARTNERS LP (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Delaware (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation) 001-36168 36-4767846 (Commission File Number) (IRS Employer Identification No.) 725 Fifth Avenue, 19 th Floor New York, New York 10022 (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code) (212) 993-1290 (Registrants telephone number, including area code) N/A (Former name or former address, if changed since last report) Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the following provisions: Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425) Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a-12) Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b)) Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c)) Item 7.01. Regulation FD Disclosure. On August 18, 2016, management of Arc Logistics Partners LP (the Partnership) will participate in the 2016 Citi MLP/Midstream Infrastructure Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada and will conduct investor meetings throughout the conference. On August 18, 2016, the Partnership posted the investor presentation associated with this event on the Investors page of its website, . A copy of this presentation is furnished and attached as Exhibit 99.1 hereto and is incorporated by reference into this Item 7.01. The information provided in this Item 7.01 (including the presentation furnished as Exhibit 99.1) shall not be deemed to be filed for the purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, nor shall it be incorporated by reference in any filing made by the Partnership pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, except to the extent that such filing incorporates by reference any or all of such information by express reference thereto. Item 9.01. Financial Statements and Exhibits. (d) Exhibits. 99.1 Investor Presentation dated August 2016 2 SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. ARC LOGISTICS PARTNERS LP By: ARC LOGISTICS GP LLC, its General Partner Date: August 18, 2016 By: /s/ Vincent T. Cubbage Name: Vincent T. Cubbage Title: Chief Executive Officer 3 Investor Presentation August 2016 Exhibit 99.1 Cautionary Note Forward Looking Statements Certain statements and information in this presentation constitute "forward-looking statements." Certain expressions including "believe," "expect," "intends," or other similar expressions are intended to identify Arc Logistics Partners LPs (the Partnership or Arc Logistics) current expectations, opinions, views or beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effect on the Partnership. While management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable when made, there can be no assurance that future developments affecting the Partnership will be those that it anticipates. The forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties (some of which are beyond the Partnership's control) and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Partnership's historical experience and its present expectations or projections. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking statements include but are not limited to: (i) adverse economic, capital markets and political conditions; (ii) changes in the market place for the Partnership's services; (iii) changes in supply and demand of crude oil and petroleum products; (iv) actions and performance of the Partnership's customers, vendors or competitors; (v) changes in the cost of or availability of capital; (vi) unanticipated capital expenditures in connection with the construction, repair or replacement of the Partnership's assets; (vii) operating hazards, unforeseen weather events or matters beyond the Partnership's control; (viii) inability to consummate acquisitions, pending or otherwise, on acceptable terms and successfully integrate acquired businesses into the Partnership's operations; (ix) effects of existing and future laws or governmental regulations; and (x) litigation. Additional information concerning these and other factors that could cause the Partnership's actual results to differ from projected results can be found in the Partnership's public periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including the Partnership's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015, as filed with the SEC on March 11, 2016 and any updates thereto in the Partnership's subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. These factors are not necessarily all of the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any of the forward-looking statements contained herein. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could also have material adverse effects on the Partnerships future results. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date thereof. The Partnership undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements after the date they are made, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The Partnership does not, as a matter of course, disclose projections as to future operations, earnings or other results. However, the Partnership may include herein certain prospective financial information, including estimated EBITDA. To the extent prospective financial information is included herein, such information was not prepared with a view toward disclosure, but, in the view of the Partnerships management, was prepared on a reasonable basis, reflects the best currently available estimates and judgments and presents, to the best of the Partnerships knowledge and belief, the expected course of action and expected future financial performance of the Partnerships assets. However, this information is not fact and should not be relied upon as being indicative of future results, and readers of this presentation are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the prospective financial information. Arc Logistics Overview Arc Logistics is a fee-based, independent logistics service provider formed by Lightfoot Capital Partners, LP (Lightfoot Capital or Sponsor) to acquire, operate and grow energy logistics assets Exchange NYSE: ARCX Common Units Outstanding 13,181,409 Subordinated Units Outstanding 6,081,081 Current Annual Distribution $1.76 Common Unit Price (as of 08.15.16) $15.18 Implied Distribution Yield 11.6% Market Capitalization(1) $292 million 52-Week High / Low $18.25 / $8.66 Partnership Structure Lightfoot Capital (our Sponsor) Common / Subordinated Units Common / Subordinated Units GP Interest 27.1% LP Interest 72.9% LP Interest Corporate Offices: 725 Fifth Avenue, 19th Floor New York, NY 10022 3000 Research Forest Drive, Suite 250 The Woodlands, TX 77381 More information can be found at Arc Logistics website. Includes all outstanding common and subordinated limited partner units. The Partnership is principally engaged in the terminalling, storage, throughput and transloading of crude oil and petroleum products Arc Logistics utilizes its strategically located assets across the United States to provide its customers with multiple supply and delivery modes and a diverse slate of petroleum products 21 terminals in 12 states providing critical services to 76 customers The Partnership is focused on developing existing assets and/or acquiring new assets to serve current and future customers Strong track record of growth through expanding existing customer base, completing attractive internal projects, and successfully integrating third party acquisitions. Recent Developments and Quarterly Results Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure. Please see the reconciliation pages in the appendix to this presentation. Recent Developments Acquired four refined products terminals located in Pennsylvania with added aggregate shell capacity of approximately 816,000 barrels Awarded the International Liquid Terminals Association Safety Excellence Award for its 2015 Safety Performance, for the second year in a row Experienced record throughput volume of approximately 162,500 barrels per day, a year-over-year increase of 154% Second Quarter Results 2016 Paid a second quarter cash distribution of $0.44 per unit, which represents an increase of 3.5% from the quarter ending June 30, 2015 Revenues increased 37% to $26.2 million for the second quarter of 2016 compared to $19.1 million for the same period in 2015 Revenue generated from investment grade counterparties or counterparties with investment grade parents was in-line with the full year 2015 metric of 64% Adjusted EBITDA (1) increased 36% to $14.5 million for the second quarter of 2016 as compared to $10.6 million for the same period in 2015 Investment Highlights A fee-based, growth-oriented, independent logistics service provider Diversified and well positioned asset portfolio Stable and predictable cash flow profile Customer driven, attractive and visible growth opportunities Experienced management team with a proven track record Financial flexibility to achieve growth opportunities Supportive sponsor group with energy industry expertise Commitment to managing to the highest EH&S standards Growth-Oriented Partnership Growth from incremental utilization of existing terminal capacity, organic growth projects and third-party acquisitions Organic Growth Opportunities Potential Contracted Growth Acquisitions from Third Parties Acquisition Opportunities from our Sponsor Customer focused projects to enhance existing asset platform In excess of 250 acres to develop new infrastructure Upgrading receipt/delivery modes (where applicable) for maximum flexibility Many commercial agreements include the following provision to drive growth: CPI escalators Increasing take-or-pay volume commitments Evaluating third party acquisitions to complement the Partnerships existing platform Successful track record of completing third party acquisitions Evaluating opportunities for new business lines and geographic expansion Partners of our Sponsor include some of the largest energy investors in North America Right of First Offer on the remaining 40% interest in Arc Terminals Joliet Holdings Call option to buy out the Portland terminal lease 9.7% interest in Gulf LNG Holdings Group LLC (Gulf LNG) Incentive rate structures Diversified Portfolio of Logistics Assets The Partnership has acquired logistics assets that serve as critical links between supply and demand locations LNG Facility 6 4 Note: For more information on the Partnerships asset portfolio, see appendix to this presentation. Pipeline connections are illustrated on a general level and for presentation purposes only. 6 6 15 13 Barge/Ship access Truck access Pipeline access Rail access 5 2 Supply and Delivery Modes: Transloading Facility Light Products Terminal Heavy Oil / Crude Oil Terminal Service-Oriented Business Model Built a customer base of major oil companies, marketers and retail outlets, and independent refiners by supporting their strategic objectives and by aligning our assets with their commercial opportunities Arc Independent Refiners Major Oil Companies Traders and Marketers The Partnership has the capability to support a wide range of customers who enter into varying contract lengths and volume commitments Major oil companies generally require proprietary infrastructure to support operations and provide long-term ratable volumes Retail outlets buy directly from refineries or marketers and require ratable and long term volumes Producers enter into long-term agreements in support of their downstream supply agreements Marketers and independent refiners activity is driven by underlying third-party agreements and market dynamics Contracted, Stable Cash Flow Profile The Partnerships contract portfolio generates cash flows through committed activity levels, while providing for upside exposure to throughput and ancillary services fees Historical Revenue Composition (in millions) Quarterly Cash Distributions to Arc Logistics from Gulf LNG(1) (in millions) Contribution of cash distributions represents the Partnerships 10.3% limited liability company interest in Gulf LNG. As of December 31, 2015, the remaining term was approximately 16 years. One of the terminal use agreement parties has filed an arbitration proceeding seeking to terminate its terminal use agreement. See the Partnerships disclosures regarding this arbitration matter and its investment in Gulf LNG in its annual report for the period ended December 31, 2015 and its quarterly reports for the periods ended March 31, 2016 and June 30, 2016. Storage & Throughput Services Fees The Partnership seeks to enter into contracts for the receipt, storage, throughput and transloading of crude oil and petroleum products Ancillary Services Fees Heating, blending and mixing services associated with customers activity at the terminal Seek to create stable cash flow and to mitigate exposure to supply and demand volatility and other market factors Typical contract terms include the following provisions: Term between 1 to 10 years Per barrel throughput fee, storage fee or a combination of both, with additional fees based on specific activities Take-or-pay revenue commitments Gulf LNG Distributions The Partnership receives quarterly cash distributions from Gulf LNG Distributions are supported by two 20-year (2) terminal use agreements (3) Proven Track Record of Expansion 2008 Today The Partnership has grown and diversified significantly over the past eight years The Partnerships assets included eight light products terminals The Partnerships assets include 21 terminals with capabilities to receive, store and deliver light products, heavy products and crude oil Majority of the Partnerships customer base consisted of marketers The Partnerships customer base has significantly diversified over the past eight years to include a more balanced portfolio of major oil companies, marketers and industrial manufacturers Customers: 13 Customers: 76 (as of June 30, 2016) Revenue Composition by Customer Type Revenue Composition by Customer Type Growth Opportunities The Partnership is currently undertaking and / or pursuing several organic growth opportunities Marine facility upgrades and expansion projects Installing bio-blending systems in multiple terminals Tank expansion projects in multiple terminals Rail expansion projects in multiple terminals Available land for expansion Financial Flexibility The Partnership continues to position itself to achieve its long-term growth objectives Capitalizing on Financial Flexibility Creatively Structured Acquisitions Maintaining Stable Cash Flows $300 million amended and restated credit facility Ability to access capital markets in future offerings Maintaining a balanced capital structure Joint venture transactions to acquire large assets Lease transactions to acquire operational rights in new geographic locations Issuance of common units to sellers Seek to enter into long-term fee-based growth opportunities Stable customer profile with contracted revenues Focus on counterparty concentration and on reducing identifiable credit risks Independent Strategy Maximizing flexibility to fund growth Competitively positioned to acquire certain assets Aligning interests with potential sellers to grow volumes and capabilities The Partnership does not compete with the potential sellers on the supply side Achieving long-term growth objectives Diversified and well positioned asset portfolio Stable distributions with possibility for growth Proven and Resilient Business Model The Partnership has achieved a track record of successful organic and acquisition growth in a volatile commodity market Shell Capacity (mmbbls) Throughput (mbbls/d) Revenue ($mm) Adjusted EBITDA(1) ($mm) Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure. Please see the reconciliation pages in the appendix to this presentation. Appendix Non-GAAP Financial Measures Non-GAAP Financial Measures The Partnership defines Adjusted EBITDA as net income before interest expense, income taxes and depreciation and amortization expense, as further adjusted for other non-cash charges and other charges that are not reflective of our ongoing operations. Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure that management and external users of the Partnership's consolidated financial statements, such as industry analysts, investors, lenders and rating agencies, may use to assess (i) the performance of the Partnership's assets without regard to the impact of financing methods, capital structure or historical cost basis of the Partnership's assets; (ii) the viability of capital expenditure projects and the overall rates of return on alternative investment opportunities; (iii) the Partnership's ability to make distributions; (iv) the Partnership's ability to incur and service debt and fund capital expenditures; and (v) the Partnership's ability to incur additional expenses. The Partnership believes that the presentation of Adjusted EBITDA provides useful information to investors in assessing its financial condition and results of operations. The GAAP measure most directly comparable to Adjusted EBITDA is net income. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered as an alternative to net income. Adjusted EBITDA has important limitations as an analytical tool because it excludes some but not all items that affect net income. Readers should not consider Adjusted EBITDA in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of the Partnership's results as reported under GAAP. Additionally, because Adjusted EBITDA may be defined differently by other companies in the Partnership's industry, its definitions of Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies, thereby diminishing their utility. Please see the reconciliation of net income to Adjusted EBITDA in the accompanying table. A-1 Reconciliation to Adjusted EBITDA (In thousands, except per unit data) Year Ended December 31, Six Months Ended, LTM 2013 2014 2015 6/30/2015 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Net Income $12,831 $1,275 $6,429 $2,494 $7,572 $11,507 Income taxes 20 58 119 69 51 101 Interest expense 8,639 3,706 6,873 2,469 4,753 9,157 Gain on bargain purchase of business (11,777) - - - - - Depreciation(1) 5,836 7,261 10,486 4,164 6,466 12,788 Amortization(1) 4,756 5,427 9,175 2,965 6,136 12,346 Long-lived asset impairment(2) - 6,114 - - - - One-time non-recurring expenses(3) 3,673 451 5,044 2,732 601 2,913 Non-cash charges(4) - 5,885 5,950 3,154 2,425 5,221 Adjusted EBITDA (5) $23,978 $30,177 $44,076 $18,047 $28,004 $54,033 Total LP Units Outstanding 12,949 19,255 17,470 19,262 Declared LP Distribution $1.610 $1.730 $0.425 $0.440 $1.760 The depreciation and amortization have been adjusted to remove the non-controlling interest portion related to the Partnerships co-investors ownership interest in Arc Joliet. The long-lived asset impairment relates to the Chillicothe, IL Terminal. The Partnership re-evaluated the Chillicothe Terminal and based upon the inability to enter into a service agreement with a new or existing customer, the Partnership recognized a non-cash impairment loss of approximately $6.1 million at December 31, 2014. The one-time non-recurring expenses relate to amounts incurred as due diligence expenses from acquisitions and other infrequent or unusual expenses incurred. The non-cash charges relate to deferred rent expense associated with the Portland, OR terminal lease transaction and non-cash compensation associated with the Partnerships long-term incentive plan. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as a non-GAAP measure. A-2 Cautionary Statement 2 This presentation contains certain forward-looking statements and information, including "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The forward-looking statements and information expressed, as at the date of this presentaiton, McEwen Mining Inc.'s (the "Company") estimates, forecasts, projections, expectations or beliefs as to future events and results. Forward-looking statements and information are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, risks and contingencies, and there can be no assurance that such statements and information will prove to be accurate. Therefore, actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements and information. Risks and uncertainties that could cause results or future events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements and information include, but are not limited to, factors associated with fluctuations in the market price of precious metals, mining industry risks, political, economic, social and security risks associated with foreign operations, the ability of the corporation to receive or receive in a timely manner permits or other approvals required in connection with operations, risks associated with the construction of mining operations and commencement of production and the projected costs thereof, risks related to litigation, the state of the capital markets, environmental risks and hazards, uncertainty as to calculation of mineral resources and reserves, risk of delisting from a public exchange, and other risks. The Company's dividend policy will be reviewed periodically by the Board of Directors and is subject to change based on certain factors such as the capital needs of the Company and its future operating results. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information included herein, which speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to reissue or update forward-looking statements or information as a result of new information or events after the date hereof except as may be required by law. See McEwen Mining's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2016, and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, under the caption "Risk Factors", for additional information on risks, uncertainties and other factors relating to the forward-looking statements and information regarding the Company. All forward-looking statements and information made in this presentation are qualified by this cautionary statement. All currency information quoted in U.S. dollars. To see end notes, technical disclosure and cautionary guidance, and cautionary note regarding NON-GAAP measures, go to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has directed formulation of a mechanism for continuously reviewing the progress and speedy implementation of all the projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor. He was addressing the federal cabinet meeting in Islamabad on Thursday. The prime Minister expressed satisfaction over the pace of ongoing energy and infrastructure projects under the CPEC and directed that the timelines of all the projects must be met. Nawaz Sharif said our future planning in terms of energy and infrastructure requirement must be the top priority if we want to reap the benefits of the ongoing projects. The Cabinet was briefed on progress on different projects being implemented under China Pakistan Economic Corridor. The Prime Minister directed for fast tracking all the energy, infrastructure projects. He also directed for expediting work on the development of Gwadar Port and socio-economic uplift projects in the region. Nawaz Sharif said he is the biggest supporter of exploiting the potential of Thar Coal Reserves. The Cabinet decided to formulate a comprehensive policy for the families of victims of terrorism. The Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif directed that a comprehensive policy to cater for the sustenance and well-being of the families of Shuhada as well as education and employment of their children be formulated. He also directed that feasibility of establishment of a National Endowment Fund for the victims of terrorism be examined at the earliest. The cabinet formed a four-member committee comprising Minister for Housing and Works, Minister for Interior, Minister for Law and Chairman CDA for fine-tuning the proposed housing policy. The Cabinet approved MoU between Pakistan and the Turkmenistan on Defence Cooperation. It also approved signing of Negotiated Treaty on Extradition between Pakistan and Kazakhstan. Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif arrived in Malaysia on a two-day visit on Wednesday. He said on this occasion that Pakistan and Malaysia had same stance on terrorism and it was necessary for eradicating terrorism completely. According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) department, General Raheel Sharif was presented with guard of honour upon his arrival at the Malaysian army headquarters. He also met Malaysian Chief of Defence Staff General Zulkifeli Mohummed Zin and Chief of Malaysian Army General Raja Muhammad Afandi in separate meetings. Military ties, joint exercises and defence cooperation were discussed in these meetings. The Malaysian military leaders praised Pakistans achievements against terrorism and efforts for peace in the region. Army chief General Raheel Sharif said on the occasion that Pakistan and Malaysia has same stance on regional security and terrorism and it was necessary to weed out terrorism completely. Terms of Reference were signed between the two armies for long term military cooperation. General Raheel Sharif also met Malaysian Defence Minister Hishamuddin as well. ISPR told that the Malaysian Defence Minister expressed willingness to improve military cooperation and benefit from Pakistan armys professional expertise. Prime Minister John Key has today announced the establishment of a new ministerial portfolio, Minister for Vulnerable Children. The new portfolio will come into effect in April 2017 with the establishment of the new Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki. The care and protection of vulnerable children and young people is a priority for this Government and the establishment of a new stand-alone, child-centred ministry is a reflection of that, says John. The new ministry will put the needs of children first so that they have the best possible chance of living happy and successful lives. Anne Tolley will be appointed as Minister for Vulnerable Children effective April 2017. Source: Office of John Key. The Mercury Bay 250 Trust launched a new website this week as part of its campaign to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cooks arrival in Te Whanganui a Hei in 1769. A number of events and major projects to take place around Mercury Bay are currently in the works to commemorate Cooks arrival on the Coromandel when the sestercentennial anniversary rolls around in November 2019. Bay residents should expect a relatively cloud-free weekend in what the MetService says will be the last good weekend for winter. There are just two weekends left this winter, and this looks like the one to head outdoors, says a statement from the weather organisation. Superyacht Cacos V found her way to the water in 2013. Since then, she has been cruising the waters of the world, offering the best in on board experience. From the shores, the Admiral Tecnomar Impero 40S superyacht Cacos V is immediately distinctive thanks to the Luca Dini styled rugged, sharp and modern look which paints a picture of a vessel ready for anything. Stepping off the dock, onto the tender and making your way on board, it soon becomes apparent that the visual distinction isnt just on the surface. Her interiors, designed by Admiral Centro Stile are a reflection of modern luxury, combining expert lighting, dark colours and rich textures to provide a sense of both comfort and remarkable Italian style. The interior works with the engineering, to create an overall lifestyle; with a spacious layout throughout, a 50sqm Master Suite and an atmosphere which benefits from extremely low noise with very little vibration underway. The 11 guests on board are comfortably accommodated in a 5 suite layout, with breakfast served on the al-fresco dining table, lunch by the water and dinner in the sophisticated dining area on board before cocktails on the sky lounge as the sun goes down over your chosen backdrop. This is one of the best superyachts in her 40m class, awarded and acclaimed as a charter yacht with distinctive style, vast volumes and a lifestyle par excellence. Available for charter across the East Mediterranean this summer and listed for sale with IYC, find out more about Cacos V by following the links. The European Medicines Agency, currently based in London, may be seeking a new headquarters following Brexit Medical professionals meeting with mayor De la Torre on Wednesday. :: Daniel Perez Leaders and representatives of local doctors and pharmacists, top professionals, academics and representatives from the University of Malaga all joined forces with Malaga city hall on Wednesday in a bid for Malaga to be the new headquarters of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which may move from London in the wake of the Brexit vote. The EMA is a European Union agency for the evaluation of medicinal products. Set up in 1995 with funding from the EU and the pharmaceutical industry, it attempts to harmonise (but not replace) the work of existing national medicine regulatory bodies. Malaga mayor, Francisco de la Torre, believes that Malaga can offer everything that its national competitors, Barcelona and Granada, as well as international competitors, Milan and Stockholm, can put forward. Among the key draws, he says, is the airport which, with 140 different connections can unite all businesses who need the European agency. As well as that, he added the extraordinary quality of life that the city can offer, the lower cost, as well as the citys cultural offering. It is the only Spanish city in Europes top ten for quality of life. Whats more, he outlined the large selection of international schools which could host the children of the EU employees and the citys links to the biomedical and health sectors. As for Granadas bid, De la Torre showed his respect for the decision but again stressed that Malaga has Andalucias international airport. We serve cities like Granada, Seville and Cordoba, he continued, adding that Granadas air connections are not comparable. On the news that acting deputy prime minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria favoured Barcelonas bid, the mayor urged the state not to give its backing to any bid, but also conceded that the Catalan capital had an edge thanks to backing from the Generalitat from minute one. This is a sentiment echoed by Federico Soriguer, member of the Malaga Science Academy, who says:An autonomous community cannot put forward two candidates so the Junta de Andalucia has to decide who it will support. Coherence is key, so in this respect, the project has already been weakened. Agreement clears the way for the investiture debate in Congreso on 30 August; but he may still be short of votes to win Rajoy faces the media in Madrids Congreso on Thursday. :: EFE Spain edged closer towards a new government on Thursday when Mariano Rajoy, leader of the Partido Popular (PP), accepted the six anti-corruption demands of Albert Riveras Ciudadanos (Cs) party. Rivera had tabled his wish list last week. In return for PPsupport for his suggested measures, Rivera offered to have his MPs vote for Rajoy in an investiture debate in the Congreso. Rajoy is leader of the biggest party in the parliament but needs other parties votes to secure majority support to become prime minister. In their list, Cs called for, among other measures, steps against politicians being investigated for corruption, an end to special legal protection for some politicians and changes to the voting system. Rajoy met with his PP executive committee on Wednesday to decide whether to support Cs measures. Talk among Spains political commentators turned swiftly to further general elections, the third in a year, if the current deadlock could not be broken. However, Thursdays announcement by Rivera and Rajoy that they would go ahead with their anti-corruption pact lightened the mood. Rivera, however, will still not form part of any future PP government. Rajoy also promised to finally ask the president (speaker) of the Congreso, Ana Pastor, to set a date for an MPs debate and vote on a new government. The date was formally set later on Thursday for 30 August, with a first vote on PM expected on 31 August. Despite the Cs deal, the PP leader still wont have enough votes to be sworn in as PM. Socialist PSOEsupport, or at least a partial abstention, would still be needed for a Rajoy majority. With Pedro Sanchez of the PSOEstill promising to vote no to Rajoy, it was clear some more negotiation remained to be done. If Rajoy doesnt win a first vote with an outright majority, there will be a second vote two days later, where a tally of more yes votes than no would suffice. If he cannot achieve this, the king may look to ask another leader to try to form a government or the third general election in a year could be held around Christmas. Syracuse, N.Y. A Georgia company has withdrawn plans to build a 17-story student apartment tower that Syracuse University criticized as being way too tall for the university neighborhood. John Langey, an attorney for LCD Acquisitions, told the Syracuse Board of Zoning Appeals in a letter that the company was withdrawing its application for a use variance for the project, which was to be named The Standard at Syracuse. The letter is dated June 29, just a few days after Syracuse University sent a letter to the board opposing the project. SU Associate Vice President Eric Persons said the 17-story structure would "not fit with the existing design, feel and character of the university neighborhood, and would create a barrier between the university and surrounding streets." The Athens, Ga., company, an affiliate of Landmark Properties, sought permission in May to build the high-rise at 610-614 University Ave., the northwest corner of East Adams Street and University Avenue. The proposed building would have contained 8,450 square feet of commercial, retail or restaurant space on the first floor; a parking garage for 384 vehicles on floors 2 through 5; and 256 apartments with a total of 650 bedrooms on floors 6 through 17. It would have been one of the tallest buildings in Syracuse. It's not clear whether the company will submit new plans, perhaps proposing a smaller building that the university would not object to. Langey's letter said the company was withdrawing its "present application" and was doing so "without prejudice," a legal term indicating the company was reserving the right to re-file its application. Langey did not reply to phone calls and an email from seeking comment. The company needed variances from the zoning board because, among other things, the property's Class C Residential District zoning does not permit building heights of more than two stories. Contact Rick Moriarty anytime: Email | Twitter | Facebook | 315-470-3148 IMG_1681.JPG Syracuse police investigate a homicide at McCarthy Manor Tuesday in Syracuse. Homicide victim Sarah Brantley's brother said she was worried about her son, Jamar S. Brown, who is accused of killing her inside her apartment. (Samantha House | shouse@syracuse) SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- When Ned Cooper spoke to his sister, Sarah Brantley, on the telephone last week they talked about what they usually talk about: their kids. Cooper remembers that Brantley expressed concern for Jamar Brown, one of her four sons. Brantley told him that her son "wasn't all there," Cooper said. "She knew he wasn't together," Cooper said Wednesday when reached by phone at his home in Racine, Wisconsin. "His mind, he lost his mind." Days after that phone call Cooper learned his sister was dead. Brown, 22, was arraigned Wednesday on charges of second-degree murder and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon. Police said he killed Brantley, 60, at about 11:30 a.m. Tuesday in her apartment at McCarthy Manor, 501 S. Crouse Ave., Syracuse. Brantley died from "massive traumatic injury" after being hit in the head several times with a blunt object, according to court documents. Police did not identify the weapon used in the attack, though Dollar General workers told they spotted Brown and found a hammer covered in blood that the police collected. Cooper said he had warned his sister not to trust Brown, who he said had been in a mental hospital recently. She was also letting Brown stay with her, Cooper said. "I told her to find him a place of his own," he said. But Brantley demurred, saying she did not want Brown sleeping out on the streets, Cooper said. Jamar S. Brown At Brown's arraignment Wednesday morning a prosecutor with the Onondaga County District Attorney's Office asked Judge Kate Rosenthal for a mental health examination for Brown. Rosenthal noted a previous exam conducted for a separate trespassing case "would suggest he's fine." At the time he was arrested for his mother's murder, Brown was wanted on a warrant for trespassing. Brantley grew up in Tennessee. She had four brothers and an older sister. Her sister, Pollie C. Campbell, of Syracuse, died in 1997. Brantley was disabled and had lived in Syracuse for about 30 years, Cooper said. In addition to her four sons, Brantley also had several nieces and nephews in Central New York. Cooper said Brantley called him about once a month. She loved to talk and they would routinely spend a couple hours on the phone. "I'm going to miss that," he said. Maple Street homicide.JPG Police tape covers the door to 322 Maple St. in July after A'Nickalus Hill was fatally shot. (Jacob Pucci) Left to right: Jashua J. Williams and Harry E. Shelton Syracuse, NY -- A Syracuse man who felt his roommate was using an inappropriate slang term was shot to death after complaining, a prosecutor said today. Jashua Williams, 32, was found guilty today of murder in the July 2015 shooting of his housemate, A'Nickalus Hill, at 320 Maple St. Another man, Harry Shelton, is also accused of participating in the killing. Williams, the murderer, had been repeatedly using the phrase "deez nuts" in the days before the fatal shooting, Senior Assistant District Attorney Melinda McGunnigle said. In a police interview, Williams said he heard the term on the Internet or Facebook, and a trial witness said the term was all over the Internet, the prosecutor said. A'Nickalus G. Hill was fatally shot on July 29, 2015. Around that time, Internet meme "Deez Nuts" was making headlines as an independent presidential candidate. Deez Nuts, the would-be candidate, was in fact a 15-year-old Iowa farm boy, according to media accounts. But the name made noises in a voter poll, the Washington Post reported. Hill, the victim, didn't think it was appropriate for Williams to use the phrase repeatedly, McGunnigle said. The 3-year-old child of the killer's girlfriend had picked it up. Hill complained to someone else that the child's father wouldn't want the child using that term. That person told Williams of Hill's gripe, McGunnigle said. Williams became increasingly angry at Hill for complaining about "deez nuts," the prosecutor said. After driving around for awhile, he returned to the house and got Hill out of his bedroom. After a confrontation in the living room, Hill was shot to death, McGunnigle said. The victim's three children were in another room when their father was shot to death. Williams was found guilty today after a three-day trial. The other man with him, Shelton, is facing trial next month on a murder charge. It's not clear who fired the fatal shot, but McGunnigle said both can be charged with murder under law. Williams had opted for a non-jury trial, so County Court Judge Anthony Aloi read the verdict this morning. Williams faces 25 years to life in prison when sentenced. Putting together a "Killer College Application" is just one of the workshops aimed at young people offered by the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation. (AP FILE PHOTO) Willi Miller Columnist SHARE Author and columnist Carl Hiaasen will lead a workshop Feb. 26 as part of a series aimed at young people by the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation. (FILE PHOTO) If you didn't sign up for the Aug. 20 session of Teen Writers Workshop, fret not. There are more in the series local students will find interesting, educational and even fun. The workshop is offered by the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation. It's free for students who want to know how to put together a "Killer College Application." The instructor is Michael Finnegan, a professor at FIT. Students will get tips not only on filling in the blanks but on writing an attention-grabbing essay to accompany an application. The next session is Feb. 26 with Carl Hiaasen. With no admission charge and limited seating, space will fill up fast. The author/journalist lives in Vero Beach but still writes his award-winning column for The Miami Herald, posted regularly on Facebook and writes guest columns for Treasure Coast Newspapers on a variety of topics, including the ongoing algae crisis. For adult fans of his novels my favorites still are "Native Tongue" and "Tourist Season" who haven't discovered his young adult series, you're missing out. The stories are the same Florida-loving, polluter-hating plots but without the swearing. Hiaasen has a new title about ready to hit the shelves, "Razor Girl." I just finished "Trap Line" and will move to "Bad Monkey" next. What's your favorite? Other workshops this season include acting and writing with the visiting Cambridge University American Stage Tour, Spoken Word Poetry, Speculative Fiction and Humor Writing. Sessions are at the Environmental Learning Center, 255 Live Oak Drive, off the Wabasso Causeway. They're free and vary in their requirements for registration. For more information, call 772-569-6718, send an email to or visit TIDBITS Judy Burgarella, one of the artists who painted the room-size mural at the Community Center in Vero Beach a little while back, is opening a solo show at the Indian River County Courthouse on Aug. 18. She's taking a break from nature and focusing on portraiture these days. She expects to have 40 or more pieces on display through Oct. 7. It's Howl at the Moon weekend Aug. 19 and 20 at Riverside Theatre. Get the schedule for the weekend experiences at Live concerts are included every weekend. Willi Miller writes about Indian River County. Contact her at When Bundchen was at the top of supermodel fame, in Miami Beach When Gisele Bundchen was at the height of her supermodel fame, she visited the Victoria's Secret store in Miami Beach with other supermodels. SHARE Rebecca Negron By George Andreassi of TCPalm Rebecca Negron's congressional campaign talks tough about cracking down on federal spending. The Martin County School Board member has a mixed record on taxes and spending, however, during her four-year tenure, a Treasure Coast Newspapers analysis found. "Rebecca Negron sends a message to Washington: 'We must reign in irresponsible spending,' " says one of her campaign statements. "We must correct years of overspending and bad budget decisions by the current administration and work toward helping our economy recover through spending and tax reform. I am prepared to do just that." Negron, a Republican, has voted with her colleagues to increase the school district's discretionary property tax revenue by more than $2.4 million, or about 18 percent, since she joined the board in November 2012. That added about $112 to the school tax bill of the owner of a home with a taxable value of $150,000. Yet she also voted against 16 expenditures totaling nearly $6 million, mostly on computer equipment purchases, in the past two years far more than any of her colleagues. She was the lone dissenter in nine of those votes and one of two in the minority in seven of those votes. Negron declined to be interviewed on her fiscal conservatism, but her campaign emailed a statement in response to specific questions about her school board votes on taxing and spending. "In the area of technology, I believe there are more sustainable ways to achieve our goal of one-to-one (computer) devices for students," it said. "I voted against special raises for top administrators and voted against unnecessary technology that does not align with our core mission." OPPONENTS SKEPTICAL The state government largely determines how much school boards can raise annually in property tax revenue, so members have little control. The Martin County School Board has increased its budget by $20.3 million or nearly 9 percent in the past four years. That includes a proposed reduction of $4.3 million, or nearly 2 percent, for the current school year compared to the last school year. The final board vote on the proposed $249 million budget for the 2016-17 school year is set for a public hearing on Sept. 9. The schools' property tax revenue has increased by nearly $22 million, or about 18 percent in the past four years. That was after the tax revenue plummeted by $30 million or about 20 percent between 2007-08 and 2011-12 as a result of the economic downturn. Still, Negron voted for the bigger budgets and the tax increases. She shouldn't have, said Brian Mast, one of her five opponents in the Aug. 30 GOP primary, "even if it would have only been a symbolic dissent." "I recognize that the school board has a difficult job, and that a lot of funding and tax decisions are made above their pay grade at the state level," Mast said. "However, the voters in this primary are concerned with issues of taxation, runaway spending, and the growing debt of the federal government. Rebecca is promising the voters that she will fight spending and make Congress live within their means. I believe that she owes the voters of the 18th district an explanation as to why spending was not reduced." Negron, the wife of Florida Senate President-Elect Joe Negron, won an unexpired term on the school board in 2012 and a four-year term in 2014, both times without opposition. In April 2015, she kicked off her campaign to replace U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Jupiter, as the District 18 representative for Martin, St. Lucie and northern Palm Beach counties. Another primary opponent scoffed at the idea of Negron being a champion of spending and tax reform. "All she said is, 'We're going to cut government spending,' " said former state Rep. Carl Domino of Jupiter. "It's sort of like fighting a ghost. What kind of items she would reign in?" 2016 political mailers By Isadora Rangel of TCPalm Outsiders are helping Treasure Coast elections turn nasty. There are political ads linking Republicans to Hillary Clinton. A lawmaker is dubbed a "career politician." And a GOP candidate is called a "liberal." It's unclear in many cases who's behind these attacks. The mailers, websites and TV ads are paid for by political committees and third-party groups with inconspicuous names such as "Truth in Politics." Treasure Coast Newspapers tracked eight such groups, based as far away as Virginia, involved in county, state and congressional races in the three-county region. SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE ON THE GROUPS Unlike campaigns, these groups have no donation caps and don't always have to disclose their donors' identities. If they twist facts or get them wrong, they don't face the same scrutiny as a candidate would. "(Political committees) are a necessity because campaign accounts are limited to $1,000 contributions," said state Rep. Ritch Workman, who's running for a state Senate seat representing Indian River and Brevard counties. Workman is behind a committee that launched ads and a website attacking his District 17 Republican primary opponent, state Rep. Debbie Mayfield of Vero Beach. Workman also has been the target of attacks by an outside group he said is connected to Mayfield, an allegation she denies. These committees are the only way candidates who aren't wealthy can run against those who can fund their own campaigns, Workman said. Mayfield, said she had to put $500,000 of her own money into the race to compete with the money Workman has raised for his committee. There's no limit on how much of their own money candidates can use. Critics of outside money say political committees and other groups keep voters in the dark and allow outsiders to sway an election simply by injecting large amounts of cash into it. Political action committees can transfer money between each other, making it virtually impossible to know which company or individual is the original donor. Treasure Coast Newspapers looked at these groups involved in local races. The Rivers Coalition hosts a meeting June 29 in the City of Stuart Commission Chambers at Stuart City Hall. (JEREMIAH WILSON/TREASURE COAST NEWSPAPERS) SHARE By Bill Dean "Residents, fishermen and environmentalists express increasing frustration as they watch the paradise that drew them to Florida being drowned," reported The New York Times on March 14, 1998. That was 18 years ago. The business community also was deeply affected by that El Nino cycle that delivered downpours, triggering a familiar pattern of toxic discharges from Lake Okeechobee, algae blooms and fish kills. So in May 1998, the Realtor Association of Martin County's "El Nino Task Force" brought together concerned business and environmental groups to form what is known today as the Rivers Coalition. Along with the Realtor Association of Martin County, the founding members included the Stuart-Martin County Chamber of Commerce, the Treasure Coast Builders Association, the Economic Council and the Farm Bureau all working side-by-side with the Martin County Conservation Alliance, Audubon Florida, Florida Oceanographic Society, the St. Lucie River Initiative, as well as fishing captains, biologists, environmentalists and conservationists. The Rivers Coalition continues to be a diverse group with a common goal: to restore the health of the St. Lucie River. This group continues to educate the public and urge our leaders at the local, state and federal levels to take action that will "send the water south." This is a complicated and expensive 80-year-old problem; and unfortunately, for all of us who must endure these costly cycles of environmental degradation, it is not as simple as "closing the dike." We're extremely encouraged by Sen. Joe Negron's recently unveiled plan to purchase land to redirect Lake Okeechobee discharges through existing stormwater treatment areas to Everglades National Park. We must continue to advocate for and support funding to: Restore the Kissimmee River Basin Expedite completion of repairs of the Herbert Hoover Dike around Lake Okeechobee Support water farming endeavors Complete existing water-quality projects, particularly the Indian River Lagoon South project Transition off septic tanks and onto sewer, particularly in areas on the river Complete the elevation of the Tamiami Trail Support acquisition of lands south of Lake Okeechobee to store, clean and convey much needed water to the Everglades Each step is part of the solution. However, no single step is the solution. The Rivers Coalition remains steadfastly united in its determination to restore and protect our waterways, our livelihoods, our property values and our way of life. And so it is deja vu all over again as we witness some of the worst algae blooms our area has ever seen. The economic impact to our property values could equal or exceed the Lost Summer of 2013, when our state association Florida Realtors conducted a study and found "an estimated $488 million reduction in Martin County's aggregate property value." Recent weeks have been difficult on homeowners and small businesses. This current event has fueled the collective emotions of our citizens, and cast a national spotlight on a problem that we must solve together. There is strength in numbers, and the collective voice of the Rivers Coalition and its 85 member organizations representing 300,000 individuals is being heard loud and clear. I am sure that those who began this call for change 50 years ago would be disappointed that we have not made more progress; but I am also sure they would be proud that their message is still strong. But as difficult as this has been, I remain optimistic and determined that we will work toward a permanent solution. I am reminded daily as I make my way along Old St. Lucie Boulevard and over the bridges to Hutchinson Island that we live and work and play in one of the most beautiful places on earth. The "residents, fishermen and environmentalists" set the table many years ago, and that table today is, thankfully, larger and full of committed and caring people who will ensure that Martin County continues to be the paradise we all know and love for our future generations of residents and visitors alike. Bill Dean is the and owner/broker with Century 21 IRP Realty and president of the Realtors Association of Martin County, which is a member of the Rivers Coalition. SHARE PROVIDED PHOTO/Courtesy of Good Samaritan Medical Center/Dr. John Rimmer Dr. John Rimmer PROVIDED PHOTO Dr. John Rimmer PROVIDED PHOTO/Good Samaritan Medical Center By Ryan Lieber, Provided to The Courier Newsweekly Good Samaritan Medical Center offers a new treatment option that is designed to save time and reduce radiation exposure for breast cancer patients. Through intraoperative radiation therapy, patients can receive radiation directly to a small area all at once, as opposed to the usual method, in which a larger part of the body receives radiation for a longer period of time. The standard radiation therapy schedule for a breast cancer patient is five days a week for up to six weeks, whereas IORT delivers all of the needed radiation at one time. This is not only more convenient for patients, but may result in less radiation exposure to nearby organs and tissues. IORT also uses a much smaller radiation dose than external beam radiotherapy. "We are pleased to implement intraoperative radiation therapy at The Breast Institute as part of our commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes," CEO Mark Nosacka said. "Many of our patients lead busy, active lives. By expanding our services to include this technology, we can provide a one-time treatment option, eliminating the need to make multiple trips to the hospital." early stage breast cancer Patients who may benefit the most from IORT are over the age of 60 and have early stage breast cancer that has not spread. IORT is used in patients who have had a lumpectomy (removal of a tumor from the breast), rather than a mastectomy (removal of the entire breast). This method of radiation therapy, provided by Sordina IORT Technologies, offers high-dose radiation directly to the tumor bed during surgery, after the tumor has been removed. The Breast Institute at Good Samaritan Medical Center offers comprehensive care, including breast ultrasounds and diagnostic, digital and 3-D mammograms. The hospital also offers a free breast cancer support group on the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. MORE INSIGHT BY Dr. John Rimmer: "The SIT linear accelerator is a mobile machine that generates electron radiation energy. "Using techniques that I learned at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan Italy, I am able to perform a lumpectomy and deliver a therapeutic dose of radiation to the breast to treat early breast cancer. "This is innovative technology that can shorten the time for surgery and radiation in breast cancer from three months to one day. I have treated fifty patients with this technique and all my patients have been extremely satisfied with their breast cancer care," Rimmer stated in prepared comments. "This is an example of our approach to breast cancer encompassed in the motto "where breast health technology and compassion meet." For more information, please visit Good Samaritan Medical Center Good Samaritan Medical Center is a 333-bed acute care hospital, which has been providing sophisticated, personalized medical care to Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast for more than 90 years. As one of the area's leading cancer centers, The Cancer Institute at Good Samaritan Medical Center provides general and highly specialized cancer services with a patient navigator program. Good Samaritan Medical Center also offers technologically advanced surgical treatment options through its Surgical Institute, which boasts minimally invasive surgical techniques through advanced robotic and computer-assisted surgical technology. The MyNewSelf Surgical Weight Loss Program specializes in multi-disciplinary care, and its experienced team offers some of the most effective procedures available for surgical weight loss in South Florida. The hospital also cares for patients with known or suspected cardiovascular diseases through its Cardiac and Vascular Institute. The Institute now offers electrophysiology services, which includes highly advanced equipment designed to diagnose and treat abnormal heart rhythms. Good Samaritan Medical Center is an accredited Chest Pain Center with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) through the Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care. To learn more about Good Samaritan Medical Center, or for a free physician referral, visit or call 561-655-5511. Ryan Lieber is at Crystal Apicella /SUBMITTED TO YOURNEWS Joe Apicella is pictured with his five trophies from this year's 21st annual South Florida Tattoo Expo. SHARE Joe Apicella /SUBMITTED TO YOURNEWS Award-winning 'Weeping Liberty' by Joe Apicella Joe Apicella /SUBMITTED TO YOURNEWS Award-winning 'Arlington Memorial' (cover up tattoo) by Joe Apicella By Crystal Apicella, YourNews contributor FORT PIERCE Joe Apicella, owner and operator of Southern Samurai Tattoo Studio/80-Grit Productions, was in attendance at the 21st annual South Florida Tattoo Expo in Coral Springs recently. Each year this charitable event raises tens of thousands of dollars for Joe Dimaggio's Children's Hospital. "This was my 15th year attending this awesome event. I am honored to be part of helping the less fortunate. No child should have to suffer in such a way," he said. Apicella is no stranger to helping others. He has been feeding and ministering to the homeless for the past six years and is part of Compassion in Action, a homeless outreach ministry here on the Treasure Coast. He was honored this year by receiving five awards in the annual tattoo competition including top tier artists both national and international. "I didn't expect to win this year. If you saw the amount of stellar tattoos competing, you would understand my pessimism. There was skin art from the top artists in the world, including competitors from the TV series Ink Master," he said. But win he did three first place trophies, one second place trophy and one third place trophy. The name of Apicella's tattoo studio, Southern Samurai, was chosen because the word Samurai means to serve. "To serve others before ourselves is what life should truly be about. Don't get me wrong, trophies of recognition are great, but someday they will end up in a thrift store or garbage heap. The love for others will echo through eternity," he said. That's a win/win situation by any standard. We value your privacy. Focus Taiwan (CNA) uses tracking technologies to provide better reading experiences, but it also respects readers' privacy. Click here to find out more about Focus Taiwan's privacy policy. When you close this window, it means you agree with this policy. Intel on Tuesday presented its virtual reality vision a vision that mixes virtual and real worlds into a kind of merged reality to developers attending a conference in San Francisco. Mixing reality and unreality sometimes can be a recipe for disaster, but Intel thinks it will be a formula for success. At the center of Intels vision is its Project Alloy mobile headset and its cutting edge RealSense software. The Alloy head-mounted device departs from other VR devices in that the headset housese all sensors and computing power. Other headsets either have cords that tether them to a computer or are wirelessly connected to a smartphone. This all-in-one form factor is something new for the VR industry, said Brian Blau, a research director at Gartner. Its exciting, because you can get everything you need in one place and take it with you, he told TechNewsWorld. Power Concerns All-in-one headsets can have disadvantages, though. All-in-one devices may not be as powerful as devices that plug into a desktop, Blau said. Intels Alloy meets the needs for 90 percent of what people do with virtual reality, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich maintained in an interview with Fast Company. There might be a tethered version of Alloy for high-end gamers at some point in the future, he also said. Another issue with a standalone headsets is battery life, as is often the case with mobile devices. Nevertheless, with Alloy, Intel is taking advantage of virtual and augmented reality trends. Over the next few years, VR and AR are going to start to merge functionality, said Gartners Blau. These all-in-one VR headsets are going to be important for that. Open Source Platform Alloy is an open source platform. That means other companies can use the technology to create their own modified-reality products. Intel intends to work with some manufacturers to produce its Alloy headsets. Whats more, Alloy supports Windows Holographic, a version of Microsofts ubiquitous operating system that supports VR and AR. Project Alloy, an All-in-One Virtual Reality Solution Going open source is a really good move, said Eric Abbruzzese, a senior analyst at ABI Research. There is one other open source initiative in the market, but its very small, he noted. Intel, because theyre a massive company they have a lot of reach. When you combine that with Windows, you have a really massive market, he told TechNewsWorld. That enables tons of developers, tons of content to flood in, he said, and thats going to solve the content starvation problem weve seen in VR. Growing Ecosystem Attracting developers to an Alloy ecosystem is important to Intel, said Barbara Kraus, director of research at Parks Associates. It will broaden the content available to the platform. Intel doesnt have its own content as Sony does, she told TechNewsWorld. Intel doesnt have a lot of choice but to go in the open source direction because theyre not a consumer products company, Gartners Blau observed. Going open source at this point in the development of the market makes sense for Intel, said Michael Goodman, director for digital media at Strategy Analytics. This is a nascent marketplace, he told TechNewsWorld. Picking winners and losers is difficult, at best, so having an open approach allows you to work with everybody in the marketplace and pick the best solutions. Merged Reality Unlike VR headsets that offer a totally immersive experience, the Alloy headset uses Intels RealSense software to provide you with a combination of a virtual and real experience. For example, with RealSense you not only can see objects around you but also bring them into your virtual world. It takes away the need for sensors in a room to know where you are, and to use controllers to manipulate the environment that youre in, said Strategy Analytics Goodman. I havent seen anyone else doing that. Everyone is using some form of controller, he pointed out. Intels entrance may boost the VR marketplace, but its impact on the company may be negligible. While its exciting to talk about, VR is still and will likely remain a niche market for the next several years at least, said Roger L. Kay, president of Endpoint Technologies Associates. Intel wants to be associated with a cool trend that techies seem to care about right now, but VR, because of its total immersion, is something that only enthusiasts will pay for, he told TechNewsWorld. Enthusiasts represent a limited market opportunity, particularly for a company like Intel that depends on selling hundreds of millions of chips, Kay explained. Intel can get it right in VR technically, but still not manage to develop a sustainable market. Millions of customers using Amazons Alexa voice assistant technology now can add locks that can be controlled remotely to the growing ecosystem of smart home capabilities. August Home last week announced that Amazons line of voice-assisted products, including the best-selling Echo, now support its smart products, allowing users to lock and unlock their front doors and other points of access using simple voice commands. August product line includes the August Smart Lock, the August Smart Keypad and the August Smart Doorbell Cam, which allow customers to secure and keep track of home security using a smartphone app. Connected home devices are gaining wider acceptance due to the increased use of smartphones, Internet availability, and connected devices that solve real consumer problems and needs, said Lisa Auslen, spokesperson for August. Consumers are definitely adopting voice-enabled devices, often because voice commands bring added convenience to the products they may already have at home, she told TechNewsWorld. August Smart Lock customers using the first- or second-generation locks can use the service by enabling the August Smart Lock skill located in the Alexa app. The service also requires the August Connection WiFi bridge to connect the Bluetooth lock. August officials said the companys product work with a number of different partners, including Airbnb, Apple, Nest, Logitech and Xfinity Home. Growing Ecosystem The ability to remotely control home security marks the latest series of capabilities for Alexa voice-command products, which now have about 1,900 third-party skills from a range of companies, including Kayak, Lyft, Honeywell and others. Customers are using Alexa-enabled devices to listen to music, set alarms, get news, shop online, order pizza, and perform a variety of household talks including controlling lights and window blinds. One of the biggest issues for accelerating adoption of smart home products is the ability to integrate all the various capabilities that communicate seamlessly with each other. The smart home market has been and will continue to be hobbled by a lack of comprehensive and simple methods to integrate the various smart home devices from different manufacturers, said Kevin Krewell, principal analyst at Tirias Research. Amazon Alexa integration is one step towards making the integration easy for users, but it still competes with Apple HomeKit, Nest and other home automation solutions, he told TechNewsWorld. Security Concerns Voice command is the most compelling feature of home automation systems using the Alexa platform, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. However, controlling automated locks presents a unique set of challenges. The concern is that someone either accidentally issues an unlock command or someone outside the house gets heard by Alexa, which then opens the lock, Enderle said. The problem with scripts is they too can include locks, and up until now this capability was disabled. The demand for smart home lock devices took off several years ago, when August and rival Weiss announced early versions of smartphone-controlled door locks, observed Konkana Khaund, principal consultant at Frost & Sullivan. While demand clearly is growing, there are still concerns about the security of connected home devices from hacker intrusions. Most of these systems have confirmed threat potential, Khaund told TechNewsWorld. Securing them will require commitments to device hardening on the part of solution providers, she said, as well as more vigilance in terms of device protection and authentication on the part of the consumer. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Partys presumptive presidential candidate, this week unveiled a technology and innovation agenda that calls for a broader commitment to improving computer science and STEM education, expansion of broadband Internet to the entire United States, and deployment of 5G wireless networks. Clintons plan calls for advancing high-tech training in American schools through collaboration with nonprofits and the private sector to train up to 50,000 computer science teachers in the next decade. It would double the investment in federal training grants to provide computer science education for students. It would provide access to capital for entrepreneurs, and institute measures to promote diversification of the tech workforce. Clinton called for changes to the immigration system to remove barriers to high-skilled workers and entrepreneurs who want to come to the U.S., where technology companies are in dire need of talented engineers and other staff. The plan would create start-up visas for entrepreneurs, and attach green cards to STEM masters and PhDs from accredited colleges and universities. Wider Access Clinton said the digital divide, which has left low income and rural communities without affordable high-speed Internet, should be closed by 2020, and that 5G wireless should be made available to support the Internet of Things, smart factories, autonomous vehicles and other innovative technologies. She also came out in support of Net neutrality, and called for greater competition, backed up by enforcement from government agencies. She said states and localities should reduce barriers to entry. Clintons technology agenda, including her support for STEM education and her plans to expand the new technology workforce, maintain a free and open Internet, and increase emphasis on cybersecurity training, drew praise from Todd Thibodeaux, CEO of the Computing Technology Industry Association. CTIA, which includes more than 2,000 member companies in the information security sector, is based in Washington. The need for high-speed, reliable digital infrastructure is critical to the expansion of innovation and commerce, Thibodeaux added. Strong encryption, favorable trade deals to allow U.S. companies to remain competitive, and high-skilled immigration reform must be part of the conversation, he said. CompTIA is one of more than a dozen technology associations that released a technology sector presidential platform in May. Another is the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, which likewise applauded the Clinton plan, noting its emphasis on cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, diversifying the STEM pipeline and increasing fundamental research funding. Clintons proposal conveys a vested interest in the digital economy and understands the importance of open access to information and a fast Internet, as well as how the issues bolster the growth of our economy and quality of life for consumers and businesses in the Bay area, said Peter Luroe-Munoz, the groups vice president of technology and innovation policy. Staying on Course The Clinton proposals appear to be an extension of existing federal policies, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Its easy to see why some have suggested that Clintons technology-related policies would qualify as an extension of Barack Obamas strategy, he told the E-Commerce Times. Her support for Net neutrality is particularly clear in that respect, and also sets her apart from the presumptive GOP candidate, Donald Trump, who steadfastly opposes it. Clintons likely appointments of pro Net neutrality commissioners to the FCC and other agencies could have a lasting impact even if she were to serve only one term, King suggested. The goal of expanding high-speed broadband to the entire population is praiseworthy, according to broadband technology analyst Craig Settles, but without a commitment to increase the speed and lower the cost, the impact would be limited. If she does not address the issue of lack of competition, its hard to see the U.S. getting an increase in coverage speeds, let alone affordability, he told the E-Commerce Times. The U.S. is woefully unprepared for expanding broadband access, Settles said, because building the infrastructure required to make those services available, including the installation of poles, laying fiber-optic cables, etc., would require thousands of trained workers. Most politicians and most technology executives, for that matter lack a full understanding of these issues, technology analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times. They decide which way will give the government the kind of power it needs, without much concern for marketplace realities. When Google announced earlier this year that it would be removing the backspace navigation shortcut in Chrome, two camps quickly developed - those in favor of the move and those vehemently against it. Nevertheless, Google pressed forward and made good on its plans last month with the release of Chrome 52 to the stable channel. The chatter never died down, however, which forced the search giant to reevaluate its decision. Should the company backtrack, reintroduce the functionality and tick off the rest of the user base or leave things how they were? Fortunately, a third option emerged that should hopefully satisfy all parties involved. Google recently released an extension for Chrome called Go Back With Backspace that restores the backspace key as a back navigation button... that is, unless you're typing text. The description notes that it doesn't restore the functionality on special pages like in the settings or extensions sections but should otherwise do the trick. Google's decision to remove the functionality in the first place stemmed from users that accidentally pressed the backspace key while working on a project or typing data into a form, thus losing their progress. Essentially, by removing it, Google was trying to protect users from themselves. Image credit: aviemil, Shutterstock T-Mobile CEO John Legere on Thursday announced a new "Un-carrier" move that'll likely once again shake up the wireless industry - the end of data plans. As you may have come to expect from wireless carriers at this point, the devil is in the details. T-Mobile's new plan, dubbed T-Mobile One, offers customers unlimited high speed data plus unlimited talk and text for $70 per month for the first line, $50 for the second line and $20 per additional line after that for up to eight lines total. You can add additional lines past eight but they'll cost $30 each. The plan includes unlimited standard definition video streaming - if you want HD streams (up to 4K quality), it'll cost you an additional $25 per month, per line. Earlier carrier perks like Simple Global, Mobile Without Borders, Carrier Freedom, Wi-Fi Unleashed, Stock Up and T-Mobile Tuesdays are all included with T-Mobile One. That sounds like a decent deal at first but it completely undermines its Binge On service which provides unlimited music and video streaming (480p quality) when using select content providers (the list is quite long as this point and includes almost all of the big names). And let's be honest with ourselves - streaming music and video are the main culprits contributing to data overages these days. So really, if these things were already free, what's the attraction here? Furthermore, tethering will be limited to 2G speeds under T-Mobile One, which at this point is more or less unusable in all but emergency situations. You can add 5GB of high speed tethering but it'll cost you $15 per bucket. Also, in the fine print under the "network management" section, you'll see that T-Mobile reserves the right to "prioritize" traffic among its highest-consuming users (currently those that use more than 26GB of high speed data per month). In other words, if you use more than 26GB in a given month (which is incredibly easy to do if you're streaming high-resolution video) then you may see your speeds throttled during times of high network use or congestion. It's worth noting that existing T-Mobile subscribers will be able to hang on to their current plans and aren't being forced into the new plan. T-Mobile's strategy, however, is to eventually phase out all data plans and offer T-Mobile One only. The new approach isn't necessarily a bad deal but it's far less attractive once you unpack the details. As always, do your research and evaluate which carrier and plan is the best for you and your family before making a decision. T-Mobile One will be available beginning September 6 for postpaid customers. Those with prepaid accounts will get the option sometime in the future, we're told. Image courtesy solarseven, Shutterstock With the success of NASA's space missions to other planets, the American space agency now plans to move forward with its "Journey to Mars" program by constructing a space station in Mars' orbit that will serve as a base camp for future explorations. Lockheed Martin, one of NASA's private partners, recently proposed for the space agency and its affiliates in the private sector to work on a planned Martian space station. The aerospace company said this so-called "Mars Base Camp" could provide housing for astronauts who would be working on collecting data on the red planet. "Before we send people to the surface of Mars, we owe it to that crew, to ourselves, to understand if there's life on the planet and if there's anything that's toxic to humans," Deep Space Systems president and chief engineer Steve Bailey said. "This mission will do those two very fundamental things." Bailey and Lockheed chief engineer Steve Jolly were the ones who discussed the details of the Martian space station during a meeting with NASA planners in July. A Base Of Operations On Mars As part of its proposed manned Mars explorations, NASA has begun developing technologies that could be used to send astronauts to the red planet. These include a crew capsule known as Orion and a massive rocket known as the Space Launch System (SLS). While the Orion capsule has already been flown once during an unmanned flight in 2014, the SLS rocket has yet to see some action. NASA engineers intend to have the SLS power Orion on a week-long journey to the moon and back in 2018. Once both technologies become fully operational, Lockheed plans to use them to deliver the necessary supplies to construct the Mars space station. Two Orion capsules will be used as the orbital facility's core component along with two habitat modules or science laboratories. Program developers expect the space station to weigh about 132 tons, making it significantly lighter compared to the International Space Station, which currently weighs 440 tons. The Mars Base Camp's design makes it possible for it to sustain a crew of up to six astronauts, who would live and work on the orbital facility for a year. According to Jolly, they plan to choose career scientists to man the space station instead of test pilots who were trained to do a little bit of geology work. He likened the Base Camp's ideal crew to geologist Jack Schmitt, who was a member of the 1972 Apollo 17 mission. Aside from collecting and analyzing dirt and rock samples from Mars, the scientists will also operate various robotic assets, such as wheeled rovers and winged vehicles, designed to explore the surface of the red planet from the safety of the space station. This will provide them with near-real-time control of the robots, something that is currently not possible given the vast distance between Mars and Earth. Jolly said this could give researchers an opportunity to make major discoveries regarding the red planet. Feasibility Of The Mars Base Camp As far as the feasibility of building the Mars space station goes, Jolly pointed out that it doesn't require any technological leaps in order to make it possible. He added that their plan is also relatively affordable, given NASA's budget for its proposed manned space missions to Mars. Jolly said between the $4 billion to $9 billion NASA is expected to spend on space explorations every year, the space agency will have spent about $50 billion to $80 billion in total expenditures over a 10-, 15- or 20-year period for its manned Mars missions. He added that the Mars Base Camp program would also make it possible to stretch NASA's budget by reusing the same architecture for a series of missions. 2022 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. To the delight of customers, AT&T is finally dropping overage fees, as the carrier unveiled a revised lineup of mobile data plans known as the Mobile Share Advantage plans. Under the new data plans, instead of customers paying overage charges of $15 per 1 GB of data upon exceeding their monthly allotment, data speed will instead be slowed down to 128 Kbps for the remainder of the customer's billing cycle. Customers will still be able to use their data for basic uses, such as checking email and accessing web pages. The data speed slowdown, however, will impact functions such as video and audio streaming, video and picture messaging and other apps that heavily utilize a data connection. With this scheme, AT&T subscribers will no longer experience unexpected bill shocks. Customers still have the option to pay additional fees for their monthly plans in order to access more high-speed data, but AT&T will no longer assume that this is what subscribers want to do each month that they exceed their allocations. AT&T's dropping of overages shows the creeping influence of T-Mobile, which removed overage fees from its data plans back in 2014. Verizon also recently introduced Safety Mode, which is a feature that safeguarded subscribers from overages. However, AT&T noted that is it not going to charge customers with an additional fee in order for them to gain access to the data speed slowdown instead of being charged overages. This is different from Verizon's Safety Mode, which charges subscribers who would like to gain access to the feature if they are signed up for the lower-tier plans of the carrier. The new Mobile Share Advantage plans, according to AT&T, include more data at a lower per-MB cost compared with some of the data plans that the company is currently offering. Under the new plans, a 1 GB monthly data plan will cost $30 per month, a 3 GB plan will cost $40 per month, a 6 GB plan will cost $60 per month, a 10 GB plan will cost $80 per month, a 16 GB plan will cost $90 per month, a 25 GB plan will cost $110 per month and a 30 GB plan will cost $135 per month. Subscribers can also choose to sign up for a 25 GB plan for four lines for $190 per month, which previously cost $235 per month, or a 30 GB plan for four lines for $215 per month, which previously cost $285 per month. AT&T is also offering plans that come with monthly data allocations of up to 100 GB. Businesses can also take advantage of the Mobile Share Advantage for Business plans, which have data allocations of up to 200 GB per month and can accommodate up to 25 lines. The Mobile Share Advantage plans will be available to customers beginning on Aug. 21. They will all come with the same perks of the old Mobile Share Value plans of AT&T, including unlimited domestic text and calls, shareable data and rollover data, while plans with data of at least 10 GB will also be able to enjoy unlimited text and calls to Mexico and Canada. 2022 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Google is making life easier for students, teachers and parents this back-to-school season with a few updates to Google Classroom and Expeditions updates that deserve an A+. In June, Tech Times reported some new Google for Education tools to help empower educators and inspire learning in students. This month, Google is taking education "beyond classroom walls" and going mobile, allowing everyone to access (and doodle on!) learning materials, go on exciting adventures, and stay on top of class requirements through email notifications. Here are the nifty updates to Google Classroom and the exciting new adventures on Google Expeditions. 1. Google Classroom Email Summaries A new feature in Google Classroom will now enable parents or guardians to keep track of a child's homework and other class activities through online summaries. Teachers can invite the parent or guardian to receive weekly or daily updates on what is going on in school, turning each class into its own online community where parents can participate actively. From posting test results to announcing homework and other school projects, the email summaries will not only keep students in the loop but will also involve parents in the overall monitoring of their child's performance. These Google Classroom summaries go hand in hand with the most recent update to Inbox by Gmail, which now groups together important notifications into smart clusters for easy tracking. 2. Google Classroom Whiteboard And Annotation Tool Students sometimes learn better, and express themselves more clearly, when writing things down in longhand or scribbling down diagrams and formulae in freehand. One study shows that writing ideas down with a pen and paper allows students to process information in their own words. Today, students and teachers can make good use of this age-old learning technique of jotting down ideas fast (instead of simply typing up notes) thanks to Google Classroom's new annotation tool. This doodle functionality lets students answer questions in freehand, and highlight important text in different colors. "Using annotations, students can complete assignments, sketch out math problems or even create visuals of creative ideas directly on their devices," write Dina Kachintseva and Felix Wang of Google. Kachintseva is a software engineer for Classroom while Wang is a user experience designer. With their teams, they have given students a "portable classroom whiteboard" to sketch and write notes on, whether the students are at home, in class or even on the school bus. 3. Beyond The Classroom: Google Expeditions Apart from refreshing the Google Classroom app, Google is making sure classroom learning is deeply immersive, vivid and memorable with Google Expeditions. Equipped with the Google Cardboard, students can now go on field trips to almost any corner of the planet through the virtual reality / augmented reality-based Google Expeditions program. With more than 200 adventures on offer, a class simply dons the Cardboard headset and embarks on these VR/AR field trips "from Machu Picchu to Antarctica to the International Space Station" and even inside the human body. 2022 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Verizon Wireless has rolled out a much-welcomed software update for two flagship phones: the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge. According to the largest national carrier in the United States, the update targets some pretty particular points, improvements to Wi-Fi and HD voice calling. Keep in mind that both are Voice Over IP (VoIP) systems. This means that every time a user makes a call over Wi-Fi or taps into HD voice call, they are consuming internet data instead of relying on 2G or 3G connectivity. The immediate effect of the update includes dropped Wi-Fi calls becoming less frequent. What is more, Verizon revamped its systems so that clients are able to sign in for Voice over Wi-Fi calling when roaming. This can be activated even when their smartphone is not connected to the Verizon Wireless network. As the HD Voice Call technology goes, a slew of enhancements are in store. First off, Samsung upped the earpiece volume of calls, meaning that the technology will be increasingly easy to use. Second, the update will let Verizon Galaxy S6 or S6 edge owners to tap into HD Voice Calls only when they are linked to the 4G LTE network. This means that when you are connected to an older and slower route, HD Voice Calls will be unavailable. Last but not least, the handset will notify customers who make video calls over cellular data that they are using their own data. This should help clients be more aware of their data allowance and consequently cut the overage costs. Despite the new features not being revolutionary, they will prove useful to the North American customers. Those who want to make or receive calls using a Wi-Fi network and those who want to make video calls without topping their data allowance will find the new feature a godsend. The recent update takes the software version on the phones to MMB29K.G920VVRU4CPH1, with no other significant new features landing on the devices. Verizon recommends that its customers get the software update by connecting to a Wi-Fi network or over mobile data once they secure a strong Verizon Wireless signal. Additionally, the carrier instructs its clients to make sure that the battery of Galaxy S6 and S6 edge is fully charged, as the update could prove lengthy. The update should land over the air to most devices, but it can be downloaded manually by going into Settings, About Device, Download Updates Manually. The previous Verizon update targeted at Galaxy S6 and S6 edge devices came out in late May and fixed a series of issues. If you like, you can read all about it in our coverage. To give you a general idea, that past update fixed a problem where the handsets encountered download errors within the Google Play Store app. Also, this previous update resolved the accessing of Visual Voice Mail. Samsung's notorious bloatware was trimmed down in the update back in May, and the Amazon Music app has been discarded. One positive change includes making Google "Search" available in the Settings menu. 2022 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. T-Mobile is killing off its service plans with tiered data, instead making all plans unlimited under "T-Mobile One." The news comes just one day after AT&T announced its Mobile Share Advantage plans, which drop overages and revamp data allotments. That's a pretty big shakeup and an attractive offer to beat, but leave it to T-Mobile to heat up the competition. The Un-carrier is constantly trying to offer game-changing deals and services and, on some occasions, it actually manages to do so. Bringing back unlimited plans may just be its new game changer, and the T-Mobile One is shaping up as an offer hard to refuse - unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited 4G LTE data. "With its 12th iconic Un-carrier move, the renegade wireless company today smashed the biggest wireless barrier yet - the data plan," notes the press release. When it comes to pricing, the T-Mobile One plan will cost $70 per month for the first line, the second line will cost $50, while other additional lines, up to eight, will cost $20 each with auto pay. It's also worth noting that without auto pay, it will cost $5 more per month per line. Users will also be able to add tablets to their T-Mobile One plans for $20 per device. "The era of the data plan is over," boasts T-Mobile CEO John Legere. "After Un-carrier 12, the wireless industry will never be the same again." In typical T-Mobile fashion, Legere goes on to mock rival carriers AT&T and Verizon for not keeping up with the times. "Only T-Mobile's network can handle something as huge as destroying data limits," Legere says. "Dumb and Dumber can't do this. They've been running away from unlimited data for years now, because they built their networks for phone calls, not for how people use smartphones today. I hope AT&T and Verizon try to follow us. In fact, I challenge them to try." However, while the "unlimited" T-Mobile is touting actually means unlimited, customers will not be able to get maximum speed for all that unlimited 4G LTE data. As the Un-carrier points out, accounts that exceed more than 26 GB of data in a billing month may get slower 4G LTE speeds, as T-Mobile will prioritize those who haven't crossed the threshold. However, this situation should only affect roughly 3 percent of customers. The new T-Mobile One unlimited plans will go live for new and existing T-Mobile customers on Sept. 6. Current customers will be able to keep their plans if they prefer not to switch to the new T-Mobile One. To get a better idea of the offer, check out the video below. 2022 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Due to the ever-increasing usage of mobile phones throughout the day, consumers frequently complain over short battery life of mobile devices. As power is lost just when really needed, easy to carry and compact battery boosters are the ultimate solution providers. To bring about a solution to this, there has been a growing demand for Powerbanks - an on the go charger for your phone. We bring you a list of top five Powerbanks that strike a perfect balance between price, portability and capacity. PTron Gusto Powerbank | INR 599 If you are looking for a slim power bank that you can slip into your pocket or carry with you in your wallet, look no further,, brings you PTron Gusto, the slimmest pocket sized power bank with a capacity of 3000mAh. PTron Gusto can be used to charge mobile phones, tablets, Bluetooth headsets MP3 players and cameras. It can fully charge an iPhone 6s within 1.5 hours and Galaxy S5 within 3 hours. This power bank also comes with a built-in micro USB cable and embedded connector for all android & iOS smartphones and tablets. Ambrane P-1111 Powerbank | INR 699 The Ambrane power bank comes with a good battery capacity of close to 10,000 mAh, which is more than enough to charge at least two devices fully. The battery type is APB Li-Ion cells. The power bank weighs a mere 300 grams and can be carried around easily. The bank has an efficiency rate of up to 75% and can be a very useful and functional purchase. The Ambrane P-1111 power bank charger has a dual output option of 2.1A and 5V and a single input option of 5V and 1A. It also has a charging time of 12-13 hours and is rechargeable. One can plug in their devices and let it charge. There is also a 1 year warranty that is available and a user manual for one to use. PowerXcel Rapid Charge Power Bank | INR 899 Ergonomically designed, the PowerXcel 11000 mAh is a portable device with a stylish and sleek body. The Power button, indicator lights and flashlight are placed conveniently. It charges all smartphones and tablets from Apple, HTC, Google, Android, Microsoft, Blackberry as well as Digital Cameras and handheld gaming devices. Powerank can charge 2 devices at the same time. It has an Output of 3.1 A max; with 2.1A, 1A outputs respectively. The 2.1A can charge your Tabs and gives your mobile devices a really quick charge. It also comes with a very handy built-in LED flashlight. Double click the power button to switch on / Off the LED flashlight. Lappymaster 11000mAh Power Bank | INR 799 Lappymaster 11000mAh Power Bank is a high quality product manufactured by using best quality components and parts including high capacity original A grade Lithium Ion Cell. This Power Bank supports various models of smart phones manufactured by various companies including Samsung, Sony, Microsoft etc. Some of the important features of this power bank are: Works for longer hours and can charge mobile multiple times faster. Lappymaster Powerbank has three USB output port, can charge three phones together at the same time. Lappymaster Powerbank comes with Top Quality Cell, Electricity Saving Function. It also has a battery indication feature with Four LED lights for battery level indication (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Intex IT-PB11K 11000 mAh Power Bank | INR 949 Intex IT Powerbank is a smart choice for your Powerbank purchase. A power packed 11000 mAh Powerbank to back you up just right. It comes with three USB 2.0 ports to charge multiple devices and charges your smartphone, tablets and devices on the go. Intex IT PB11K 11000 mAh Powerbank comes with a torch and is just a perfect combination for your tours. Powerbanks, PTron Gusto, Intex Power Bank, Lappy Master, Ambrane Power Bank PicsArt Now Available For 4.5 Mn Users Of Indus OS | Indus OS, one of the first regional operating systems (OS) in the world, will now have PicsArt free to download from the App Bazaar, thus giving 4.5 million users of the OS creativity at their fingertips. This partnership between the OS and PicsArt will ensure that Indus OS users will be able to edit, draw, make collages, and use the interface in 12 different Indian languages that the OS is capable of working with. Looking at the move strategically, being the 2nd most popular OS in the country, PicsArt will reach out to a large potential user base, thus making it viable from a marketing standpoint. Our vision is to create a localized smartphone ecosystem of choice for the next 1 billion smartphone users. It is imperative that we make the best of apps available to our users in their preferred languages. We are excited to have PicsArt on board with us. Indus OS users can now edit their photos to truly express their personal style, said Rakesh Deshmukh, the CEO of Indus OS while speaking of the mission of the company in line with the partnership. Also Read: 5 Best Free Photo Editing Apps On Android PicsArt has more than 300 million downloads and 75 million monthly active users, who use the app to make awesome images and share them with the world. PicsArt just raised USD 20 million funding to expand their reach across Asia and the partnership with Indus OS will help them achieve that goal. Additionally, PicsArt will introduce localized content for App Baazar such as fun clip art, fonts and other creative tools specifically catering to the Asia market. Localization of our product and partnerships are key to expand our reach in the Asian markets. We are very happy to be on board with App Bazaar and to make PicsArt available to people in their preferred language and smartphone ecosystem, said Wilson Kriegel, the CBDO of PicsArt. In an effort to encourage localized apps and increase discoverability, the latest version of App Bazaar comes with a strong recommendation engine for providing personalized app suggestions in regional languages. It will also have a superior user interface to aid search & discovery of apps while maintaining its simple and intuitive user experience. Also Read: FotoJet.Com: The Answer To Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing The next 300 million smartphone users in India who will use a smartphone for the first time in the next 3 years will be native language users. This coupled with the fact that Indias regional language internet users are growing at an enormous rate of 47 per cent year-on-year bodes well for the Indus OS PicsArt partnership. Indias email ID and credit card penetration is amongst the lowest in the world. Unlike other popular app stores, App Bazaar does not require email ID or credit card information to download apps. TAGS: Indus OS, PicsArt, App Bazaar Uber Now Allows You To Book A Cab Without The App | We have, most of the time, come across this situation where we need to book a cab urgently... and we don't have the app installed on our smartphones! That's very annoying, especially when we have to go to Google Play Store, search for the app, download it, and then install, login, and then book the cab! This might be a bit worrisome for most of you! But, those worries now seem to fly far away as cab aggregator Uber has recently announced that users can book a cab without the need of the app. Now, this is interesting! This facility allows users to book cabs by directly visiting the company's mobile website, especially if you are in Nagpur, Kochi, Guwahati, and Jodhpur. Also Read: Now Book An Uber Ride Using Snapdeal App All you have to do is login through your phone number and immediately, the mobile website will connect you with the nearest driver, thus helping you in the pickup. Interestingly, if you are in any of the four cities mentioned before, you can even pay for a ride using cash. However, we still do not know whether this feature will roll out in other cities or not, but it definitely looks like very much optimized for a country like India, which has a lot of emerging markets with people using a 2G data connection with low storage budget phones. Also Read: UberMoto, Rapido To Provide Women Safe Commuting TAGS: Uber, Uber Mobile Site On Friday, former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva took advantage of the last debate between candidates before Sunday's presidential elections to accuse the current president,... | Read More A shovel is placed over coal briquettes during a protest in front of the chancellery in Berlin December 3, 2014. Less than a year after the coal industry was declared to be in terminal decline, the fossil fuel has staged its steepest price rally in over half a decade, making it one of the hottest major commodities. Cargo prices for Australian thermal coal from its Newcastle terminal, seen as the Asian benchmark, have soared over 35 percent since mid-June to more than one-year highs of almost $70 a tonne, pushed by surprise increases in Chinese imports. "Coal markets, after five years of declining prices, appear to have found a bottom in the first quarter," Australia's Whitehaven Coal said on Thursday, as its shares hit a three-year high on the release of its annual results. "Reasons for the increase in prices include mine closures in Indonesia, United States and Australia and policy change by Chinese authorities," Whitehaven said, adding it was confident that coal prices will rise. Goldman Sachs, reversing a gloomy outlook it issued last September, said this week restrictions on domestic production by Chinese regulators had turned coal "into one of the best performing commodities so far this year." Global mining majors like Glencore and Anglo American, but also regional Asian players like Whitehaven and Thailand's Banpu, are reaping the benefits. All four have seen their shares rise sharply, particularly since China in April cut mine operating days by 16 percent in a bid to help meet its target of reducing capacity by 250 million tonnes this year. Banpu, which operates several export mines across Asia-Pacific, said this week that it expects to sell its 2016 coal supplies at an average price of over $50 a tonne, up from a previous target of $47 to $48 per tonne. The price recovery is an unexpected boon for miners, who were hit hard by a years-long downturn, and stands in sharp contrast to previous calls by Goldman and the International Energy Agency (IEA), who said last year that coal was in terminal decline. As a result of China's surprise move, Goldman said there was now "support (for) global prices for the foreseeable future." The bank raised its three, six and 12 month price forecasts to $65/$62/$60 per tonne for Newcastle coal, up as much as 38 percent from its previous outlook. Winners and losers Coal has also been garnering support from Asian industrial powerhouses Japan and South Korea, while demand remains firm in India, Vietnam and the Philippines. A worker speaks as he loads coal on a truck at a depot near a coal mine from the state-owned Longmay Group on the outskirts of Jixi, in Heilongjiang province, China, October 24, 2015. REUTERS/Jason Lee/File Photo. Japan and South Korea have both said they want to expand future coal imports while reducing more expensive imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG). China's power consumption has also risen against expectations, jumping 8.2 percent from a year ago in July to reach 552.3 billion kilowatt hours. While almost all thermal coal miners were hit by the previous price decline, and most shut or sold assets, those left with the best assets now stand to benefit from the rebound. The biggest winners are those with mines in Australia, thanks to the high average quality of its coal. Whitehaven said it was confident its high quality coals will continue to attract a premium price. Shares of Anglo American, a major thermal coal miner in Australia, have also recovered from record lows earlier this year of around 2.2 pounds to around 8.7 pounds. Glencore, the world's biggest thermal coal exporter with huge Australian operations, has also seen its shares soar from around 70 pence early this year to nearly 2 pounds. Glencore was not available for comment ahead of reporting its half-year results on Aug. 24. Other miners have not been able to benefit from coal's 2016 boom. Indonesia, the world's biggest exporter of thermal coal, has seen its output fall during the lull, and its miners are unable to raise production due to debt constraints. Japanese air conditioner maker Daikin Industries will spend about US$50 million to set up new offices in Vietnam in 2018 as its business here is growing at a strong pace, the Nikkei Asian Review reported Wednesday. These offices, which will be located in Ho Chi Minh City, will serve as a call center and a place for local employees to receive sales training, the newspaper said. It also said Daikin will relocate its local sales headquarters to the new facility its growing business. The manufacturer expects to have 1,000 employees in the new facility eventually. Earlier this month, Daikin Vietnam signed a land lease agreement with Thang Long Industrial Zone 2 to start construction of a $93.6 million air conditioner factory in the northern province of Hung Yen. The factory is scheduled to operate in April 2018 with an estimated output of about 500,000 air conditioners in 2018, and up to 1 million units in 2020. It is expected to provide jobs for approximately 500 local workers in the first years and up to 1,500 people Vietnams residential air conditioner market is one of the Southeast Asian region's biggest, totaling roughly 2 million units a year, and is growing at an annual pace of more than 10 percent. Daikin holds a quarter of that market, vying with Panasonic for the lead. A mother breastfeeds her baby at an event to promote breastfeeding in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Minh Hung The World Health Organization Tuesday launched the First Embrace campaign with simple steps to save newborns and prevent complications arising from unsafe and outdated neonatal practices in Vietnam. The campaign highlights early essential newborn care, including actions and interventions to address the most common causes of newborn death and disease, such as prematurity, low birth weight and severe illnesses like pneumonia and diarrhea. We lose far too many newborn infants to preventable factors, such as disease, Shin Young-soo, WHOs regional director for the Western Pacific, said. First Embrace addresses this challenge by urging women and healthcare providers across Vietnam to take simple steps to protect babies during the crucial time immediately after birth. According to WHO, Vietnam has made great strides in the last two decades in reducing the number of children under five dying within the first month of life, reaching the UN Millennium Development Goals target of reducing child mortality. However, in 2012 over 17,000 newborns still died within the first month of life. WHOs early essential newborn care stresses the importance of skin-to-skin contact between the mother and child shortly after birth. This simple act transfers warmth, placental blood and protective bacteria, and encourages exclusive breastfeeding. Skin-to-skin contact should be followed by proper clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord with sterile instruments. Breastfeeding is then initiated naturally by feeding cues like drooling, tonguing, and biting the hand. Early initiation of breastfeeding is especially important because colostrum, or first milk, contains essential nutrients, antibodies and immune cells. Other routine steps like providing vitamin K, eye prophylaxis, and immunization; weighing; and a complete examination of the babys health, should be performed after the first breastfeeding, according to WHO. WHO, with support from the Ministry of Health, is launching the First Embrace campaign in Vietnam at three hospitals this week: Tu Du Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, The Obstetrics and Paediatrics Hospital in Da Nang, and the National Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital in Hanoi. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc talks with a foreign tourist in Hoi An on August 8. Photo credit: Quang Hieu/VnExpress Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has apologized after cars in his delegation drove into Hoi An, where motorized vehicles are banned, even as he walked into the ancient town while on a recent trip. On August 8 he was in the town for a tourism conference, walking to the venue without realizing many cars that had accompanied his delegation were driving behind him. Though I was not aware, its my responsibility for failing to manage the incident, he said. Thus, I need to apologize. He said this at another conference held in Hanoi Wednesday to review the progress of administrative reform. He mentioned his Hoi An experience as a lesson for government leaders. People are well aware of what government leaders do. Their credibility is based on peoples evaluation. The administrative system must measure itself based on the public and corporate perception of it, he said. He also made it clear that Vietnam would not have red-light districts or open casinos. Police officers stand guard in front of the office building of the Party's committee of Yen Bai Province, where two provincial leaders were shot to death on Aug. 18 Police have said they will not launch a criminal investigation into the shooting death of two provincial leaders in Yen Bai Province this morning since the main suspect, another senior official, killed himself. Maj Gen Dang Tran Chieu, Director of the Public Security Department of Yen Bai, said at a press conference this afternoon that the decision has been made based on the Penal Code. Local officials at the conference said they would still work to find out the shooter's motives. However, they rejected speculations that the shooting had to do with the ongoing reshuffling of the local government staff. Maj Gen Chieu confirmed that Do Cuong Minh, head of the Forest Ranger Office of Yen Bai, shot Pham Duy Cuong, Secretary of the provincial Party's committee, and Ngo Ngoc Tuan, chairman of the legislative People's Council, in their offices before shooting himself in the head at around 7 a.m.Thursday morning. All three succumbed to fatal gunshot wounds. Minh, 53, had used a duty pistol to carry out the shooting, Chieu said. He had emptied his gun, firing four shots in Cuong's office and four other shots in Tuan's office. Pham Duy Cuong, Secretary of Yen Bai Province Party's committee (L), and Ngo Ngoc Tuan, Chairman of the province's People's Council, were shot dead on Aug. 18 . Chieu said the police were searching Minh's house and office but had not found any suicide note. Minh was a "good-nature person who always fulfilled his task," Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Chairman of the People's Committee of Yen Bai, said at the conference. She said Minh might have undergone a certain "extreme psychological development" and "could not control himself." When asked by reporters if the shooting was related to the planned merger of Minh's Forest Ranger Office and the Agriculture Office of Yen Bai, Tra rejected the link. "While the merger has been agreed, we have not begun [planning] on personnel work," she said. A business-class passenger who slapped a Vietnam Airlines cabin crew has been given a six-month flight ban, according to aviation authorities. The man, identified as Mai Thanh B., 46, will not be transported by any carrier in the next six months, Dinh Viet Son, Deputy Director of the Civil Aviation Authority, told Thanh Nien Thursday. B. was also imposed a fine of VND15 million (US$700) by the Southern Airports Authority after the incident onboard a Vietnam Airlines flight from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City on Aug. 13. After landing in HCMC's Tan Son Nhat Airport, the plane was taxiing when B. told the cabin crew he could not find his iPhone 6 Plus. He said he had left the phone on the table before dozing off, and asked the flight attendant who folded the table before landing if she took it. When she said she didn't see it, B. slapped her in the face. The phone was later found under the seat in front of B.'s B., a businessman who lives in Ho Chi Minh City, told Thanh Nien he knew slapping the attendant was wrong and would pay the fine. He said, however, that he was not convinced by the possibility that the phone had fallen to the floor. He claimed to have searched under the seats carefully but had not found the phone. Pham Duy Cuong, Secretary of Yen Bai Province Party's committee (L), and Ngo Ngoc Tuan, Chairman of the province's People's Council, were shot dead this morning. The party chief and top lawmaker of a province in northern Vietnam were shot to death this morning allegedly by the local chief forest ranger, who then shot himself. According to witnesses, the shooting took place in the office building of the Party's committee of Yen Bai Province at around 7 a.m. Pham Duy Cuong, 58, Secretary of the provincial Party's committee, and Ngo Ngoc Tuan, 52, chairman of the legislative People's Council, were in their offices in the building, preparing for a council meeting scheduled at 8 a.m. Do Cuong Minh, head of the Forest Ranger Office of Yen Bai Province. Do Cuong Minh, 53, head of the Forest Ranger Office of Yen Bai Province, went to Cuong's and Tuan's offices, respectively, and shot them multiple times with a handgun. He then shot himself in the head in Tuan's office. The three officials were rushed to Yen Bai General Hospital where doctors strived to save their lives but in vain. Cuong and Tuan were pronounced dead at noon, while Minh succumbed to a fatal head wound at 1.30 p.m. Doctors said Cuong and Tuan suffered gunshot wounds to the head and chest. A government working group headed by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc arrived in Yen Bai this morning following the shooting, according to the Government Office. The scheduled council meeting was canceled, an official said. There has been a rush for tickets to explore Son Doong Cave, the largest in the world, next year. Chua Me Dat (Oxalis) Adventure Tours, the exclusive tour organizer, said Quang Binh Province authorities have decided to allow only 640 visitors next year. Depending on weather conditions, Oxalis may organize tours for 500-600 tourists, the company said in a statement August 15 when it opened the sale of tickets. Thousands of people have sought tickets, which would be sold on and a first come, first served basis to those who satisfy health requirements, the company said. Oxalis has been organizing five-day tours to the cave with 10 people at most. The cave opens from January to August every year to avoid bad weather. This year 442 people have visited so far, including a group of diplomats from several countries like Argentina, Sweden, Italy, and the Czech Republic. Oxalis, headquartered in the Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park in Quang Binh, has been organizing tours to Son Dong Cave since 2013. A tour party usually comprises around 25 people, including porters, a cook, a tour guide, two cave experts and two park rangers. Tickets for 2017 cost VND66 million (US$3,000) per person. Tourists are required to be fit enough since the tour involves a trek of 50 km (31 miles) in a jungle and mountain; elevation of up to 400m (between road and valleys); 40 river crossings (10-50m wide river, knee deep); 10 km caving including rope climbing, rocky terrain and scrambling; 80m descent with rope and harness; crossing underground rivers with strong currents and five days inside. Son Doong, which is 150 meters high and 200 meters wide, became known worldwide in 2009 when it was explored by members of the British Cave Research Association together with local man Ho Khanh. Oxalis often sells out its tours well before it starts. In July the company obtained a license to organize tours to the Tien 2 Cave, which discovered earlier this year. A cross with a sign that reads 'To the memory of Franco era victims' is seen at the cemetery of Valdenoceda, near Burgos, northern Spain, April 16, 2016. An Argentine judge has started an investigation into the death of Spanish poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca, who is believed to have been executed in 1936 by forces loyal to General Francisco Franco. Garcia Lorca's fate remains a mystery after the site near the Spanish city of Granada where he was believed to have been buried was excavated in 2009 without finding human remains. With efforts by the Spanish justice system stalled, a Spanish human rights group called the Association for the Recuperation of Historic Memory asked Argentine federal judge Maria Servini to take up the case. She has accepted, said a statement by the group on Facebook. "The case has been incorporated into an ongoing investigation by Judge Maria Servini into crimes against humanity," it said. Servini was already looking into Franco-era crimes ranging from torture to extra-judicial killings. Franco ruled for almost four decades after his Nationalist forces won Spain's 1936-1939 civil war. Spain's most famous human rights judge, Baltasar Garzon, opened an inquiry into Franco-era crimes in 2008 but later dropped the case - an example of the issue's political sensitivity. Members of the Andalusian Geophysics Institut work in the site where it is believed that the remains of Spanish writer Federico Garcia Lorca are buried, in Alfacar, Spanish southern province of Granada, September 23, 2009. The Spanish group first requested that Servini, who could not be reached for comment, take up the Garcia Lorca case in April. "The judge has requested that the courts in Madrid release the case file to the association," an Argentine court source with knowledge of the case told Reuters. Unauthorized to speak to the press, the source asked not to be identified. Spain's civil war became a curtain-raiser for World War Two when Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy provided arms and funding for Franco's forces. Soviet leader Josef Stalin backed communists fighting against them and Franco saw himself as a "sentinel" against communism. Volunteers from various countries, known as the International Brigades, traveled to Spain to join the fight against Franco after he launched his revolt against Spain's Republican government in 1936. Historians estimate as many as 500,000 combatants and civilians were killed on the Republican and Nationalist sides in the war. After it ended, tens of thousands of Franco's enemies were killed or imprisoned in a campaign to wipe out dissent. German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends a news conference after talks with Armenia's President Serzh Sargsyan at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, April 6, 2016. Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday refugees had not brought terrorism to Germany, adding that Islam belonged in the country as long as it was practiced in a way that respected the constitution. More than a million people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere arrived in Germany last year. The mood towards them has soured after a spate of attacks on civilians last month, including three carried out by migrants. Two of those attacks were claimed by the Islamic State militant group. "The phenomenon of Islamist terrorism, of IS, is not a phenomenon that came to us with the refugees," Merkel said at an election campaign event for her Christian Democrats in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ahead of a regional vote on Sept. 4. Merkel said many people had traveled from Germany to Syria for training with Islamist militants. In June Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said a total of more than 800 were believed to have gone to Syria and Iraq. "This group has worried us for several years," she said at the event in Neustrelitz, a town 100 km (60 miles) north of Berlin. Merkel's popularity has suffered in the wake of the attacks and 52 percent of Germans think her migrant policy is bad, a poll published last week showed. The influx of migrants, many of whom are Muslim, has boosted support for the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD), which is expected to perform well in elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Berlin. "We have said clearly that an Islam that works and lives on the basis of the constitution ... belongs to Germany," Merkel said. She added that a type of Islam that did not stick to the constitution or accept equal rights for women had no place in the country. Heads up to prevent injury from falls Morning walks in my neighborhood are one of the most enjoyable parts of my day. I love the coolness of daybreak and the special sightings of the stag and two does that frequent our open space. I also enjoy my walk because each day at... Signs that point to the best time for retirement Ive been thinking a lot about retirement lately. One of our amazing staff members, who has been with Senior Concerns for the last 13 years, retired last month. It just doesnt seem real. I always thought of Dana as young. Certainly not the person to... Rethinking the mandatory retirement age How old is too old for working at a job? Last week a news story hit my inbox and it really got me to thinking about age and retirement. The article noted that Target Corp. abandoned its mandatory retirement age of 65 for its CEO,... Tips to promoting a healthy nights sleep for children Question: Help, please. My daughter is almost 2 years old and has been an easy child to put into her own bed. Yet in the past few weeks she is purposefully stretching out the bedtime routine longer and longer. She wants more: more stories, more... Yes, the farmers market has plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables that are grown in Louisiana. But, because we rarely see the process, its hard to imagine the southern staple of yellow corn grits was ever a plant tended by a farmer. Milled grains can be found in farmers markets and online from central to southern Louisiana. When passing through the farmers market each week, I make sure I stock up on any grits or oatmeal to keep on hand for breakfast, and the occasional batch of oatmeal cookies. There are several local grain mills and companies that sell fresh milled products right here in Louisiana. Some are located in central Louisiana and others in south Louisiana. One such resource is Stacys Stone Ground Meal of Bonnecaze farms based in Baton Rouge. I used their yellow corn grits and organic oatmeal along with some other locally sourced ingredients for our breakfast recipes this week. These grits are not for the faint of heart. Theyre rich and creamy and nearly a one-dish meal. The local poblano peppers may be smaller than what you find at grocery stores and produce stands, but they have that same wonderful mild, smoky chili flavor. These peppers match perfectly with the smoky bacon and rich, smoked cheddar cheese. Adding cushaw is a perfect way to sneak in a vegetable with this breakfast oatmeal dish. Cushaws are popping up at the markets, along with butternut squash and other almost-fall squashes. Cushaw is a mildly sweet squash that makes it easy to slip into oatmeal, breads, cakes and other basically sweet dishes. Locally milled grains are fresher than those you buy in boxes at the store. This means they are the best bases for our Louisiana-raised fruits, vegetables and proteins. Teresa B. Day is a local food writer and author of the I Eat BR blog. You can reach her at Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO -- Summer Scholars Class of 2016, a program administered by LSU University College and coordinated by Annette L. Yancy, academic counselor with the Center for Freshman Year, gather during the recent program. Purchases made via links on our site may earn us an affiliate commission Zachary schools will return to class Aug. 23, the school district has announced. But a return date for Central schools is still unclear. Central Superintendent Michael Faulk said schools will reopen no earlier than Sept. 6, the day after Labor day. But that date is subject to change, he said. One school there, Tanglewood Elementary, was badly flooded. +4 Devastation, close calls fuel resolve to reopen flooded Baton Rouge-area schools The once flat gym floor at the former Redemptorist High School, home to decades of basketbal Livingston schools are closed indefinitely. Half of Livingston Parishs 46 school sites are believed to have flood damage, some minor, some major. Ascension Parish has identified six schools so far with water intrusion, on Wednesday adding St. Amant Primary to its flooded school list. In a change, Baker public school district announced that Baker High wont reopen when its other schools reopen on Monday. Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards says he's not concerned that President Barack Obama has not yet visited Louisiana to see the flood crisis first-hand. "I'm not complaining in any way about our federal partnership," Edwards said during a news conference on Thursday. +2 President Barack Obama to get regular updates on Louisiana flooding President Barack Obama has requested regular briefings from the Federal Emergency Management Obama, who is on a family vacation in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts this week, has not commented publicly on the flooding that has sparked disaster declarations for 20 parishes, nor has he announced plans to travel to Louisiana. At least 13 people have died in the flood, and at least 40,000 homes have sustained damage. Gail McGovern, president and CEO of the American Red Cross, said the Louisiana flood is the worst national disaster since Superstorm Sandy struck the east coast in 2012. "It's really devastating," she said. On Thursday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson traveled to Louisiana to meet with Edwards, visit shelters and view flood-affected areas. "The federal government is here, we've been here and we'll be here as long as it takes for this community to recover," he said. Federal Emergency Management Agency head Craig Fugate came to Louisiana earlier this week. Edwards, a Democrat, said that those trips, plus near daily communication with the White House, has shown that the flooding is a priority for the federal government. He said a visit from Obama, which would require heightened security and road closures, would be a drain on resources as the state still works to respond to the flood. "Quite frankly, that's not something I want to go through right now," Edwards said. "I would just as soon he wait a week or two." Edwards praised the local response to the flood. "In Louisiana, taking care of one another is a way of life and we're on our way from response to recovery," he said. A budget hearing at the State Capitol on Thursday shifted to lawmakers' concerns about the flood. Obama's absence to date was a point of contention for several. "Where is the president?" Sen. Conrad Appel, R-Metairie. "We need the president on the ground here, not playing golf." But leaders also praised the work of the federal government as a much-welcomed departure from the difficulties experienced during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. "This is not your 2005 FEMA, said Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne. They have been much more responsive. Senate President John Alario, a Westwego Republican who traveled with Edwards and FEMA leaders earlier this week to flood-struck areas, agreed. FEMA has been around since the first drop of rain hit the ground, he said. Whether the president is here or not, were getting a lot more help from the federal government." FEMA already has started inspecting structures, which is a legally required accountability standard since the federal agency is giving out taxpayer dollars, Dardenne said. Up to 600 FEMA inspectors will be at work in the next couple days as flood waters recede. They want to do everything possible to keep people in their houses, where possible and quick repairs can be made, he said. Johnson, who met with Edwards and surveyed the flood zone before the Thursday afternoon press conference, said he expected to brief Obama on his trip and he said the president has been getting daily updates on the flood. "The president can't be everywhere," Johnson said. "He's very much on top of the situation." EDGARTOWN, Mass. -- President Barack Obama is unlikely to break from a New England vacation to survey flood damage in Louisiana, despite calls for him to visit and meet with responders and victims. The White House insists Obama is not indifferent to the suffering of thousands who were washed out of their homes in the Baton Rouge and Lafayette areas of the state. At least 13 people have died as a result of the flooding, and at one point 11,000 were in shelters. That number has dropped as water levels have receded. In an editorial published Wednesday, The Advocate newspaper in Baton Rouge called on Obama to visit "the most anguished state in the union." The newspaper noted that Obama interrupted his two-week vacation on Martha's Vineyard earlier this week to attend a fundraiser for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on the Massachusetts island. The newspaper said Obama can and should visit now that the once-raging floodwaters are receding. "The president's vacation is scheduled to wrap up on Sunday. But he should pack his bags now, and pay a call on communities who need to know that in a national catastrophe, they are not alone," the editorial said. "The president's presence is already late to this crisis, but it's better later than never." In 2005, then-President George W. Bush was faulted for flying over but not touching down in Louisiana in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The federal government's response to that natural disaster, in which more than 1,830 people were killed and millions more along the Gulf Coast and New Orleans were left homeless, haunted Bush for the remainder of his presidency. Obama has issued no public or written statements about the flooding. The White House said he has been receiving regular updates and briefings on the situation throughout the vacation, including from Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards. Obama also approved a federal disaster declaration for affected areas of the state. FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate visited Louisiana on Tuesday; Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson visited Thursday. "As the president told Gov. Edwards over the weekend, the community of Baton Rouge has faced a difficult, even tragic, summer but can count on the ongoing prayers and unwavering support of the president and their fellow Americans in their time of need," White House spokeswoman Jennifer Friedman said. Edwards, defending the administration's response Thursday, said he has spoken daily with the White House and has received quick responses to each request he's lodged with the administration. He said he'd prefer Obama hold off on visiting because such stops pull local police and first responders into providing security. "Quite frankly that is not something that I want to go through right now. And so while the president is welcome to visit, I would just as soon he give us another a week or two, get back to a greater sense of normalcy here," Edwards said in Baton Rouge while accompanying Johnson. The White House also noted that Louisiana's top elected Republican, Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser, on Thursday also praised the federal government's response during an interview with NPR. ___ Associated Press writer Melinda Deslatte in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, contributed to this report. The deadly flood that has swamped south Louisiana this week will likely mean more mosquitoes this summer as the floodwaters start to recede. State health leaders say that also could mean an increase in West Nile cases and even potentially a bigger threat of Zika virus. "We're going to have standing water all over south Louisiana," Gov. John Bel Edwards said this week, warning about the additional pitfalls that lie ahead as the flood-affected areas transition to recovery mode. "We're going to have more than our share of mosquitoes." The historic flooding, which is the result of what experts are calling a one-in-1,000-year rain, has prompted federal disaster declarations in 20 parishes. Edwards has said he expects that declaration will grow to cover even more as the flood waters shift southward and local officials tally up the damage their areas have sustained. No human cases of West Nile have been reported in Louisiana this year, but the virus has been detected in non-humans, meaning mosquitoes, birds or other creatures here have tested positive in 2016. But that could quickly change with a spike in mosquito activity. "Standing water is mosquito heaven," State Health Secretary Dr. Rebekah Gee said. "Given this is the height of mosquito season, we have to be really cautious." Typically, officials warn people to empty containers and other receptacles for standing water to eliminate places where mosquitoes can breed. Those rules will still apply, there will just be more opportunities for standing water when as the flooding goes down, said Dr. Frank Welch, the medical director for community preparedness for the Louisiana Department of Health. +2 20 parishes now covered by federal disaster declaration Twenty parishes are now covered under a federal disaster declaration in response to severe f Welch said that many larvae may have been washed away by moving water from the storm, creating a lull in the mosquito population, but it won't last long. "We tend to see an increase two-to-four weeks after a flooding event," he said. Leaders say that will put the state at risk for mosquito-borne illnesses, including West Nile. A report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that there was a sharp increase in West Nile cases in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina that was likely attributable to the storm. It could also potentially have an impact on the spread of Zika here, though less so than West Nile because of the specific types of mosquitoes that carry the virus. Those are more likely to be found near Lake Pontchartrain, but Welch warned that increased rain in the area could also cause a spike there. Louisiana, to date, has recorded no cases of mosquito-borne Zika cases. The federal disaster declaration will provide additional assistance for those parishes covered. One of the points Edwards repeatedly stressed to local leaders during a trip to Lafayette, Iberia and Vermilion parishes earlier this week was that federal assistance would be available for mosquito control and abatement through the federal declaration. He urged them to seek additional protection because of the additional threat. FEMA will cover up to 70-90 percent of the costs of additional abatement measures meaning any additional efforts to curb the mosquito population on top of normal control measures will mostly be covered by federal dollars. "That will be instrumental in lowering our risk," Gee said. Gee said that federal assistance will also help cover LDH's additional lab costs for testing for the viruses, as well as community outreach efforts to inform the public about the increased risks. Some local officials said they are already bracing for an increase in non-disease carrying mosquitoes, commonly called nuisance mosquitoes. Those are the mosquitoes that bite and leave itchy welts but are unable to infect people with viruses like West Nile or Zika. Tangipahoa Parish mosquito abatement director Dennis L. Wallette Jr. said mosquito control in Tangipahoa was closed for a couple of days during the flooding, and lots of road closures meant that trucks couldnt get everywhere. He said his biggest concern will be floodwater mosquitoes, which lay their eggs on damp soil. Any egg thats out there will have been flooded, and we do expect a sizeable hatch-off, Wallette said. But he noted that the floodwater may actually end up carrying some larvae further downstream, so its possible that it will not be as bad as theyve seen after other events. Vickie Taylor, director of St. Tammany Parish mosquito abatement, said she also expects an infestation of woodland and marsh mosquitoes. There are going to be a lot of floodwater mosquitoes," she said. East Baton Rouge Parish mosquito abatement director Todd Walker said about a third of his staff has been affected by the flooding, creating some manpower issues. He estimated that the area has had a smaller mosquito population this summer, compared to past years, based on the number of calls for service. Aside from standing water left behind in homes, swimming pools and containers, Walker said that pastures could become a breeding ground for mosquitoes even an indentation from a hoof can create a place for mosquitoes to breed. Walker said that East Baton Rouge has the chemicals and equipment it needs. The plan will be to treat the area by plane, which can cover larger areas more quickly, he said. Add storage space to the list of shortages in the Baton Rouge area. Record flooding rolled a foot of water into Jefferson Storage's 85 self-storage units, but that hasn't stopped flood victims from leasing the handful of spaces still available. "I just have a few left so once they're gone, they're gone," said Scott Soulant, one of the owners of the facility on Jefferson Highway. Soulant said he expects some of his tenants will move their things because of the flooding. But other customers will replace them. Just about every storage facility is full or close to it. And there are fewer units available now because a number of them, like thousands of houses, cars and hotel rooms, also flooded. "There's lots of activity. That's all I can say. I haven't seen it like this in years," Soulant said. "But what do you expect? We all know what happened. It is what it is. You've got to deal with it." Self-storage facilities throughout the Baton Rouge area have seen a stampede of flood victims in the past few days. "It's unbelievable. We had over 100 people on Tuesday and Wednesday," said Michael Ransow, manager of Climate Control of Louisiana Self Storage on College Drive. The 10-by-25 units went first so the facility began bundling smaller units, which gave customers a break on the price. Climate Control also waived the rent for the rest of August. "I'll tell you what I can say. These people are amazing," Ransow said. "They were grateful. They helped each other. They kept their spirits up. They were smiling and joking. It was the true spirit of Louisiana.... There were a lot of hugs and a lot of prayers." The flood victims were also patient while Ransow and assistant Max Hatcher directed traffic. At one point, 50 people showed up at the same time to try and move in, Ransow said. Thousands in shelters face an uncertain future with flooded homes and nowhere to go After riding a boat away from his home in Glen Oaks after dark on Saturday, Williams Cokes a Jamie Edwards, who works for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was among the people who rented space at Climate Control. Edwards lives at the St. Jean Apartments in Baton Rouge. Her second-floor apartment didn't flood, but those on the first floor did. "So we got the mold, the mildew, the spoilage," Edwards said. "I lost all my vehicles and a rental car." Edwards found the storage facility online and thought she would have to lease a couple of smaller units. But she got lucky because there was one large unit available. She was scrambling to move everything in she could Thursday because she had to catch a 5 p.m. flight to man a FEMA call center in Denton, Texas. It's unclear how many area storage facilities flooded. Ransow said he was told there's no space left in Lafayette and that people are starting to try New Orleans. Jameson Olsen, a spokeswoman for All My Sons Moving & Storage, said the company has seen a 50 percent increase in moves in the Baton Rouge area since Saturday. The company is moving around 10 more families a day, but instead of new residences their things are going to storage facilities. "So not only have we seen the increase, the storage facilities are going crazy," Olsen said. So far the moves have been to facilities within 30 miles of Baton Rouge, she said. Mass of evacuees, relief workers leave Baton Rouge hotel rooms in short supply Hotel rooms in metro Baton Rouge are currently in short supply, because of people displaced Al Gardes, director of operations at Elmwood Self Storage and secretary of the Louisiana Self Storage Association, said a number of older facilities one-story, cinder block buildings with roll-up doors, were swamped by the record floods. What lots of people don't realize is the things they place in self-storage are not insured by the facilities, he said. So some people may have lost twice: when their homes flooded and when the storage facilities flooded. The customer has to buy coverage from the storage facility unless the goods are covered by their homeowner's policy, Gardes said. Some flooded-out Crowley residents started returning to their homes Wednesday, and city police concentrated manpower on nighttime patrols to guard against possible looters. Police Chief Jimmy Broussard said water that flooded a third or more of the Acadia Parish city wasn't getting deeper, but had started to shift to south and southwest Crowley. Acadiana region hit with more downpours as waterways continue rising CROWLEY Parts of Acadia Parish, known for its flooded fields of rice and crawfish, braced Meanwhile, water that spilled out from the Mermentau River still covers part of Interstate 10 near Crowley. All lanes for a 68-mile stretch from the U.S. 165 exit in Iowa to Interstate 49 in Lafayette remain closed, and traffic is detouring on U.S. 190. +19 Rising waters cause I-10 closure, Vermilion River tops levee in Lafayette neighborhood Residents of a neighborhood off of Surrey Street in Lafayette were able to declare a rare vi Fourteen miles to Crowley's southwest, officials in the Vermilion Parish town of Gueydan decided to evacuate a nursing home after watching water rise and pose a potential threat. Gueydan Mayor Chris Theriot said medics with Acadian Ambulance transported elderly residents of Gueydan Memorial Guest Home to a facility in Church Point. He said it was a precautionary measure. "We evacuated the nursing home mainly because you have ambulatory people living there" who would have been hard to move quickly, Theriot said. Water in Gueydan rose because of a breach in the earthen structure that allowed water from Bayou Queue de Tortue turtle-tail bayou to seep into town. The bayou is linked to the Mermentau River, which is causing problems to the north of Gueydan. "It's all interconnected," Theriot said. Extremely heavy and continuous rainfall across south Louisiana has destroyed homes and businesses, forced thousands of people into shelters or other lodgings, and prompted President Obama to declare 20 parishes disaster areas. All of the state's flooding problems are linked to unprecedented amounts of rain and the inability of the state's rivers, bayous and canals to drain fast enough. Flooding in Acadia Parish is linked to the Mermentau River, which was still rising slowly on Wednesday and expected to crest Friday morning at 11.5. feet where the river passes through the village of Mermentau east of Jennings. The river on Wednesday afternoon was at 10.6 feet, about an inch higher than during flooding along the river in 2013, according to the National Weather Service. The river has not topped 11 feet at Mermentau since 1955, according to NWS records. The river is expected to keep inching up to a crest over the next two days regardless of whether the area sees more heavy rain, said Jonathan Brazzell, a hydrologist with NWS. He said the Mermentau River draws from a sprawling watershed that includes portions of Acadia, Jefferson Davis, Evangeline, St. Landry, Vermilion and Lafayette parishes. Lafayette city-parish officials warned Wednesday that while much of the parish is drying as the Vermilion River lowers, southwestern portions of Lafayette Parish could still see flooding linked to the Mermentau system. Weekend storms prompt flood warnings Residents in south Louisiana still reeling from last weeks deluge received no respite over Broussard, the Crowley police chief, said that although there had been no incidents of looting, police did receive a report about men checking out evacuated homes. "We're bringing in more forces at night," Broussard said. "That's the time you have to worry about." The number of Crowley evacuees who stayed at a Red Cross-opened shelter at the International Rice Festival building on Mill street climbed to about 80 earlier this week before it dwindled to around 40 Wednesday afternoon, Broussard said. Public schools in Acadiana, which had just begun or were about to begin classes when the rain started falling late last week, have been closed. That includes the school systems in Vermilion, Acadia and Lafayette parishes. All three systems have canceled classes until Monday. This historic Louisiana flood inundated areas that never before have seen waters rise. That has left many without flood insurance -- or experience with flooding -- searching for help. Click the arrows below for helpful tips on a variety of topics. Close About 1500 Vietnam veterans from across Australia saw B-52 bombers in the air for the first time since the end of the war. The planes, both from the United States Air Force's 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, flew an 18-hour, 11,000 km mission from Andersen Air Force Base on Guam to take part in the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan at the Australian War Memorial. Vietnam era USAF B-52 Bombers fly over Canberra to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. Credit:Rohan Thomson Two of the squadron's pilots flew to Canberra to act as liaison officers. "It was a privilege to take part in the ceremony," said one, who cannot be named for security reasons, but goes by the call sign "Slam", told Fairfax Media. A Gungahlin man has been charged with online child sex offences after he allegedly sent indecent material to a teenage girl. Federal police launched an investigation into the internet activities of David Peter Conway, 28, after a tip-off from NSW Police in April this year. Gungahlin's David Peter Conway, 28, was granted bail. Credit:Louie Douvis They searched properties at Gungahlin and Macquarie on Wednesday, seizing electronic devices for digital forensic analysis. Conway was arrested and charged with two counts of using a carriage service to send indecent material to a person under 16. Gillon McLachlan has withdrawn from this year's Carbine Club grand final week lunch after the club failed to meet an AFL-imposed deadline to introduce women into its membership ranks. Breaking a tradition that has lasted for 52 years, the league CEO has told the club he cannot speak at the post Brownlow Medal luncheon. The AFL is also considering withdrawing the Carbine Club lunch from its Grand Final week calendar of events. The 2014 Carbine Club grand final lunch. Mr McLachlan, who is a Male Champion of Change, delivered the message to Carbine Club chairman Graham Halbish last week shortly before travelling to the Rio Olympics. Having threatened to pull out of last year's function, McLachlan attended on the condition the all-male luncheon and sporting club would introduce women members before the 2017 grand final. However some long-standing club members resisted the move on the basis the AFL was forcing their hand and and imposing a deadline upon them. The PNG government has conceded that the Manus facility must close. But while tearing down the fences would be a significant step, the real issue is not the future of the facility itself but of the 854 men trapped inside it. I was on Manus Island last week. I saw firsthand what is and what always has been a dead-end arrangement destined to produce nothing but human suffering. These are innocent people in our care. They are our responsibility, and successive governments have forced them down an unsafe and painful road to nowhere for more than three years. Whatever the policy challenge, continuing to harm these men is not the solution. The only viable and humane way forward is to bring them here. And frankly, we would be lucky to have them. There are some truly incredible people in that group. Just in case you've been trapped down a coalmine for the past couple of days (or kidnapped by space aliens, or otherwise cut off from the global information flow), the most widely shared news story all over the world for the past 48 hours has been about the magic wand shop in the beautiful village of Slaithwaite, near Huddersfield. It won't sell wands to Muggles. In J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books and the accompanying movies, the most important cultural phenomenon of the early 21st century, Muggles are people who just don't have the magic. They are not witches or wizards; they're not even house elves. And Slaithwaite, although it is one of the jewels in West Yorkshire's crown, is not widely known outside the British Isles even in magic circles. What brought Slaithwaite's magic wands to the world's attention was Richard Carter, the proprietor of the aforesaid magic wand shop (called Mystical Moments). He declared to an inquiring journalist that he would not sell any of his lovingly hand-made wands to Harry Potter fans, because they don't really believe in magic. Wands are "spiritual tools", Carter said. "If I had someone come in wanting a wand just because they liked Harry Potter I would not sell them one, no matter how much money they were offering. I can tell what people are like when they walk in by their aura. The US-led coalition in Iraq is preparing for an exodus of jihadist foreign fighters from the Islamic State's teetering capital Mosul to elsewhere in the region and the globe, Defence Minister Marise Payne has said. In remarks that underscore the difficulty of tackling a constantly metamorphosing enemy, Senator Payne said the operation to retake Mosul could still happen this year but military planners were also having to prepare for the knock-on effects of any success. "We know that there will be a reasonable number of foreign fighters who are said to be part of the Daesh numbers in Mosul," Senator Payne said, using an alternative name for the Islamic State or ISIL. "We and many of our partners in the coalition are very conscious of that and what happens to them. They may be victims of the operation. They may try to escape the operation. They may survive the operation and try and go elsewhere. An election-driven burst of part-time employment has pushed the unemployment rate down to 5.7 per cent, disguising a continuing slide in the number of Australians employed full-time. Employment climbed 26,200 in July, according to figures released by the Bureau of Statistics on Thursday, but the jump was the net result of a 45,400 slide in full-time employment offset by an unusually large 71,600 jump in part-time employment. Full-time employment has slid 64,500 since December while part-time employment has surged 136,600. The net result of 72,300 extra Australians in work reflects a hollowing out of employment rather than a boost in hours. There were scarcely any more hours worked in July than in December. The international definition used by the Bureau of Statistics requires it to count someone as "employed" even if they work only one hour per week. Tensions are rising in the government after Treasurer Scott Morrison distanced himself from the Coalition's most aggressive political act against Julia Gillard's minority government in 2011: the decision of the Abbott opposition to block the Malaysian "people-swap" solution. In surprisingly frank comments set to deepen antipathy between Mr Morrison and the Liberal Party's conservative right faction now led by Mr Abbott, Mr Morrison, who had been shadow immigration minister, said the rejection in the Senate of the Labor government plan to stop the boats, was down to Mr Abbott alone. "I acted in accordance with my leader's instructions," Mr Morrison told Sky News when pressed on the reason the opposition had refused point-blank to legislate the scheme at the time. After the High Court ruled its first incarnation was invalid, the Labor government had sought opposition or Greens support to pass enabling legislation in the Senate. Treasurer Scott Morrison has shed more light on which "life events" leading to large financial windfalls will be exempt from a proposed $500,000 lifetime cap on non-concessional superannuation contributions. Following continued tensions over superannuation reforms announced in the May budget, concessions have been flagged and the Treasurer has all but confirmed that divorce settlements will be exempted from the controversial $500,000 cap in addition to accident compensation claims. Treasurer Scott Morrison will not wish to be seen as anti-Chinese investment. Credit:Bradley Kanaris But Mr Morrison poured cold water on suggestions that inheritance windfalls and lottery wins would receive favourable treatment. "We said before the election . . . that one of those events was a settlement that might have come from a compensation claim or something of that nature. Other issues in relation to Family Court matters and things like that, the details of that is being worked through," he told Sky News. Victoria Beckham, former Spice Girl turned fashion designer, is set to launch a limited-edition make-up collection with Estee Lauder in the coming weeks. At this point in time, she can do no wrong, after making the successful leap from pop music to pattern making, her latest foray into the cosmetic arena is no exception. Victoria Beckham has morphed from Spice Girl to fashion icon to emerging beauty doyenne. Credit:Getty Images The limited edition make-up collection for Estee Lauder will land in Australia on October 1 and as a sneak peek she filmed her morning beauty routine to preview her product. The result was very Kate Middleton think perfectly rimmed eyes and nude lips. "I'm just going to spice up my eye," she said, grinning at her well timed pun. Amy Schumer landed between US$8 million (AU$10.4 million) and US$10 million for her new collection of essays, The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo, released on Tuesday. Any pricey book deal comes with high expectations - and the comedian-turned-actress revealed all, from her dysfunctional childhood to some deeply personal, traumatic experiences. On the lighter side, she also answered some questions that you may have wondered (or read about) as she has rocketed from an unknown stand-up comic to movie star in only a few short years. Here are just a few: Amy Schumer was paid more than $10.4 million for her new book, The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo - so what does she reveal in its pages? Credit:AP Is she anything like the "sex comic" persona she portrays onstage? Not at all. "I'm so sorry to disappoint anyone who thinks I walk around at all times with a margarita in one hand and a dildo in the other," Schumer writes at the beginning of the book. "Maybe the misunderstanding comes from the fact that onstage, I group together all my wildest, worst sexual memories - which is a grand total of about five experiences over the course of thirty-five years." The release of the Nauru Files last week, detailing some 2,000 incidents of human rights abuses against asylum seekers, has stepped up pressure on the government over its offshore processing facilities, amplifying the calls to shut them down. While the reaction of immigration minister Peter Dutton was sadly predictable he called the files "hype" Labor Senator Sam Dastyari summed up what many of us were feeling when he called them "horrific" and "just disgusting," before asking: "Who are we as a nation?" The Nauruan government, which rarely allows Australian journalists to visit the island, described the program as an "embarrassment to journalism". Credit:Angela Wylie A good question, and one Dastyari would probably have been better to leave rhetorical, since his own answer "We, as a nation, as a society, are not a people who turn around and turn a blind eye to human rights violations and abuses," is simply not borne out by historical fact. The Guardian's Nauru Files, coming as they do on the heels of the Four Corners investigation into abuse of Indigenous teenagers in juvenile detention centres, should be a cause for soul searching, for asking ourselves why this keeps happening on our watch, in a country that prides itself a human-rights supporting democracy. Christian McCann, Melbourne auctioneer and occasional TV star that was him in a cameo role in the series Winners and Losers is not a noted harp player. But he now appears to be the go-to-man if you want to buy or sell one. "I've only seen two for sale in the previous 20 years," he says. "Now I've had four through my place in the last couple of years." The manufacturer's label on the Erard harp, made circa 1840. Once it would have been difficult to give them away, partly because you'll need two muscular removalists with a van to shift it. Now he says he could have easily sold the fourth of those harps five times already, such has been the response from potential buyers. It's for sale at McCann's next auction this Sunday in Melbourne, with bidding expected to be lively, as it has been for the previous three sold since November 2014. Canberra is mourning the loss of one of its giants of public administration: Bill Harris, the unsung hero of the transition to self-government. Tributes are pouring in for the former public service chief, who died suddenly on Wednesday aged 76. Bill Harris, in his Civic office, was ''absolutely crucial in getting the whole process of government underway and his contribution was invaluable''. He is pictured here in 1987. Credit:Martin Jones The ACT's first chief minister, Rosemary Follett, said Mr Harris's contribution to developing the territory was critical and he was owed "an enormous debt of gratitude". Mr Harris headed the then ACT Administration during its formative years and put in place the structure of government that has endured for the territory's almost three decades of self-government. A young Sydney police officer has broken down while giving evidence about a colleague who pulled out a knife after stopping to question two men about an alleged street brawl. Constable Juan Congdon left the witness box in tears after describing how his colleague had pulled out the blade as they spoke to the men in Marrickville in the early hours of January 18. Constable Darin Christopher Martin leaves court. Credit:Melanie Kembrey "I didn't want to have seen what I saw. It really upset me," an emotional Constable Congdon said during the hearing at the Downing Centre Local Court on Thursday. "I suppose I was naive ... I didn't think that ... we're police ... I feel like we shouldn't even need professional standards. I didn't think these things happened." Several powerbrokers in the NSW Liberal party have been asked to resign from its state council, in the latest push to remove professional lobbyists from positions of influence. Michael Photios, the AHA's lobbyist, is the leader of the dominant moderate faction of the NSW Liberal Party. Credit:Daniel Munoz NSW Liberal state director Chris Stone wrote to representatives of Liberal-aligned firms who are also state council delegates shortly after former prime minister Tony Abbott complained about conflicts of interest during an interview with ABC TV's Four Corners. The request has been sent to left faction powerbroker Michael Photios and centre right faction boss Nick Campbell, who jointly own lobbying firms PremierState and CapitalHill Advisory. Five staff members appear to hold the teenager down. The human rights organisation outlined several incidents from the documents relating to the Townsville centre, including an instance in January 2013 in which a 17-year-old boy, identified as being a high suicide risk, was held down on the floor by staff members after refusing to return to his room. The staff allegedly took the boy into an isolation cell where they "cut his clothing and underpants off with a knife", an Amnesty International statement read. The 17-year-old was held in an isolated cell after allegedly refusing to return to his room. "The boy was left naked in the cell for over an hour, before being given a gown to wear." The Queensland inspectorate recommended an internal review, Amnesty International said, however there was no reference in the documents to one having been done. Images also show an un-muzzled dog approach girl as she is trying to get out of a pool. CCTV images also show the use of a dog at the Townsville facility in August 2015 where a guard lets a dog with a muzzle approach an Indigenous girl in "an aggressive manner" as she is trying to get out of a pool. The documents also outline frequent attempts at self-harm or suicide at Cleveland Youth Detention Centre, with 31 incidents reported last year, up from 20 in 2014. The human rights group is calling for an independent body, separate from the Queensland government, to investigate allegations of abuse in detention. Professor Gracelyn Smallwood, who worked at the centre on and off for two decades, said it was "traumatic" watching the footage, shown to her by 7.30. "I worked on and off for 20 years as a casual nurse but I had never seen that ever not to say that it is not happening, but the nurse is not involved in any of the take-downs, we come after the fact," she said. "I was very traumatised. It looked like something out of Mississippi Burning, the little boy chained reminded me of Don Dale (Youth Detention Centre). "It traumatised quite a number of people in the room." She said the Townsville centre needed to be included in the royal commission into youth detention in the Northern Territory. "It is really quite scary. I don't know why it is not happening. The government don't like inquiries, especially if they get the blame," she said. Graham Pattel worked at the facility for eight years and said he was sacked in 2015 under the Public Service Act for speaking out about the situation on social media. Mr Pattel said the centre was a "toxic" environment and alleged that kids were often "bashed" and "humiliated". "There was a boy in there, they brought his son in, they had him in handcuffs when they brought his kid in for visits, what did they think the kid was going to do?" he said. "They had him handcuffed while he was holding his son. That is humiliation, you don't do that to people, you are talking about 16-year-old kids." Mr Pattel said the staff didn't understand who their clientele were and said tailored training was needed for workers at the facility. "There is a 98 per cent Indigenous incarceration rate in Cleveland, these kids come from very remote areas, english is their second, third language," he said. "The training up here should be a lot different for workers because they don't understand who they are working with, they don't understand the clientele, if you can't communicate or understand where these kids come from, how are you going to assist them? "We are supposed to be their role model to these kids, we are supposed to be helping to turn their lives around, not bashing them." Former Cleveland Youth Detention Centre inmate Russell Johnson, 17, told ABC's Lateline how a guard spat in his food and he was the victim of regular "take-downs" during his time at the centre. "They used to call me black dog, caged monkey, Abo, all sorts of filthy names, mother f---er. It used to hurt me," he said. "I'd have bruising, swelling to my face and back. There was some days I couldn't walk because my back was so sore." Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath said allegations put to the department have been "thoroughly investigated". "In Queensland all the allegations that have been put to the department over a number of years have been thoroughly investigated and referred to police or other investigative bodies where appropriate," she said. "Incidents have been detailed in reports, and recommendations have been made for reform and been put into action. "When problems have been identified over the years, those problems have been addressed through changes to policies and procedures. "This has also seen dismissal of staff where inappropriate behaviour was identified." Ms D'Ath said she cannot respond to the details of each and every individual matter but welcomed the public to make a complaint that she said would be addressed in a "transparent and appropriate" manner. "If permission is given by individuals to discuss their particular matters, I would be in a position to discuss details of a particular matter in more detail," she said. "Unless that occurs, I am restricted from discussing details by the Youth Justice Act restrictions that are in place to protect the privacy and interests of the young people themselves." A Queensland scam defrauding money from Queensland councils and other semi-government agencies could already be operating interstate, an experienced local government finance specialist believes. "This is not just a one-off thing, this is a highly organised, highly sophisticated crime," David Spearritt, an advisor to Queensland's Local Government Finance Officers said. "There is nothing unique to Queensland's local government here. It could be operating anywhere there are large public tender contracts. "I just think the alarm bells need to be raised," he said. The Queensland government has been forced to step in and stop a "death row dingo plan" in which a council set loose sterilised dingoes implanted with time-delayed poison pellets in an attempt to control feral goats on a north Queensland island. In what has been dubbed the "kamikaze canines" solution by some of the more miffed members of the Queensland Parliament, at least two dingoes, with a poison pellet set to take effect in two years, were released on Pelorus Island, which has been overrun with hundreds of wild goats. The dingo suicide squad is not a new idea it was first used in the 1990s on Townshend Island in Queensland. The dingo suicide squad is not a new idea it was first used in the 1990s on Townshend Island, where it had some impact on goat populations, but caused more problems for the native shorebirds, a dingo's natural prey, along with small mammals. Pelorus Island is unique in that it is home to the beach stone curlew, a threatened species found only in Australia that lays only one egg a year, is slow to fly and has a defence mechanism which involves adults luring predators to themselves to keep them away from the young - but no "significant predators". Currently. A Victorian man has been charged with a string of offences after allegedly punching another passenger in a drawn-out mid-air disturbance over far north Queensland. The Ballarat man, 27, is due in Townsville Magistrates Court on Thursday morning following the Wednesday night incident. A man allegedly struggled with police after punching a man on a Jetstar flight. About 7.45pm, a passenger told crew members on the Jetstar flight from from Melbourne that he'd been assaulted. The plane was just half an hour out from Townsville and had already begun its descent. On utes, trucks and giant semi-trailers, they have been transported to the vast fields of north-west Victoria in mind-boggling numbers From as far afield as Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales and across Victoria, the move to the Sunraysia is the biggest transportation of livestock in Australia. But this livestock doesn't go "moo". Instead, they buzz, from tree to tree and from flower to flower. European honeybees have been trucked to the vast almond plantations of the Sunraysia by the billions, where it is their job to pollinate the flowers, so the trees produce almonds. Shoppers have fled in fear through the aisles of a Big W in Melbourne's CBD and a man has been left brutally bashed after a terrifying double-hammer attack in the centre. Police say a man armed with two hammers attacked a 43-year-old Chinese national about 4.15 this afternoon. An injured man outside the Big W. Credit:Channel Nine The attacker was waving the hammers about and yelling abuse as he walked through the aisles of the Big W store at the QV Shopping Centre. Shoppers fled in his wake, Channel Nine is reporting. The man suffered head injuries and was taken by paramedics to the Royal Melbourne Hospital, where he remains in a stable condition. Recap: The weather bureau says that cold front is on the way and will likely hit Melbourne between 10am and 2pm today. Senior forecaster Rod Dickson says there is already some patchy rain in Melbourne but we should expect five to 15 millimetres of rainfall within the next few hours. That cold front has already announced its arrival west of Geelong, where 0.6 millimetres has fallen already. He said there was a "very slight" chance of hail and thunderstorms later this afternoon. But Mr Dickson said the good news is that the wild winds are easing. "We've seen the worst of the wind in the Melbourne area," he says. The temperature in Melbourne has been slowly falling since this morning and we have already reached out maximum temperature for the day. It was about 18 degrees when I caught the cab to The Age building about 5am this morning. By 6am it was 17.3 degrees and it is currently sitting on 16.5 degrees. Former federal ALP Member for Perth Alannah MacTiernan has been backed to return to state politics after veteran Labor MP Ken Travers announced he was quitting WA parliament. Ms MacTiernan confirmed to AAP on Thursday she had been approached about next year's state election and was considering it. Alanna MacTiernan has not ruled out returning to WA politics. Credit:Megan Powell "I'm not ruling it out," she said. Mr Travers, who stepped down as the Opposition's transport spokesman last year citing health concerns, said he expected to formally tender his resignation at the end of next week. Ahead of their grand opening this Saturday, the Height's Bar & Bistro was under pressure to perform, and someone who knows pressure all too well is ex-Eagle turned pub judge Karl Langdon. Langdon stopped by the Heights this week as a part of his quest to find Radio 6PR's Pub of the Year. The chicken parmigiana was 'lovely and moist, and at $15, it's really good value'. Credit:Karl Langdon Located in Alexander Heights Shopping Centre, punters may recognise the Heights' location as being home to old haunts Sherlock, Paddy Malones or Danny Murphies. Open for two months, the Heights has already attracted a loyal clientele in the local Irish community. Up to 9000 homes were left without power in Perth's north yesterday evening, following one of the strongest cold fronts of the year. Winds up to 95km/h caused network outages in Duncraig, Brabham, Greenwood and Beechboro, and fallen tree branches and flying debris affected a number of power supplies. Fallen tree branches cut power to thousands of homes. Credit:Cr Julie Matheson Western Power said it had restored electricity to around 8800 homes by 7pm Wednesday, although 200 homes were still without power on Thursday morning. "Most of the outages from Wednesday were due to trees and debris being blown into powerlines, and in several instances brought down lines," a spokesperson said. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Lex McCulloch has warned against "horseplay" in the workplace, following the conviction of a Perth employee for causing a co-worker serious chemical burns. Senior plant mechanic Chad Gordon Browning was fined $6000 for spraying his co-worker with a highly flammable brake-cleaning chemical in 2014. When the worker began welding his clothing caught fire. Credit:Rohan Thomson His co-worker was unaware of his action, and later began welding. The mechanic reported hearing a "woof sound" and saw flames come up from under his welding mask. Byron Bay woman Sara Connor and British man David Taylor have been detained in connection with the alleged murder of a Balinese police officer on Kuta Beach. The two were brought to Denpasar police station on Friday afternoon accompanied by staff from the Australian consulate in Bali. They were handcuffed when they were taken from the car and into the police office. Police had previously said they wished to question Ms Connor and another man, Tomas Schon, in relation to the deaths. However it has emerged the police had the wrong name. Mr Schon told Fairfax Media he was in Europe and "had never been to Bali in his life". Two general elections in quick succession had failed to deliver the required mandate for such change, and resistance from Mr Erdogan's longtime party ally Ahmet Davutoglu saw him pushed out of the prime minister's job in favour of the more pliant Binali Yildirim. Before the coup attempt, Mr Erdogan had declared that MPs of the opposition HDP - a party which stands in the way of his plans for the presidency - should be stripped of their immunity and charged with terrorism offences. He has now also declared the Gulen Movement - whose US-based leader Fethullah Gulen he accuses of masterminding the coup - to be a terrorist organisation. Mr Gulen has in turn accused Mr Erdogan of pursuing "one-man rule", a problem that has a very long history in the Middle East. A man prays at the Sultan Suleyman Mosque in Istanbul. Credit:AP Photo 2. The problem of religion - and of secularism As his sobriquet "Ataturk" (father of the Turks) suggests, the modern Turkish republic's first leader, Mustafa Kemal, was seen not only as a political leader but as a national parent, who set about moulding his "children" by changing what men and women were allowed to wear, how they wrote their language and the way their society was organised, all in the name of secular modernity and progress. A man could be charged for wearing a hat without a brim, women were discouraged from wearing headscarves and men from growing beards. To this day there is a taboo against any public criticism or ridicule of Ataturk, and Mr Erdogan has also sought to punish those who tell jokes about him. A century before Ataturk's time, the Ottoman emperor Mahmoud II also changed dress codes and installed portraits of himself in Western uniform in government offices, even though this violated Sunni Islam's teachings on icons. It is a practise that has been enthusiastically adopted by leaders of post-Ottoman secular republics seeking to present themselves as the "crown of the nation", from Saddam Hussein and Hosni Mubarak to Bashar al-Assad. Then prime minister Tony Abbott meets Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi in New York in September 2014. Credit:Alex Ellinghausen Ataturk oppressed his people in the name of secularism; Mr Erdogan has been accused of Islamising Turkey by stealth. The Gulen Movement were once considered his allies in this endeavour, but now the movement's extensive network of schools is being targeted by the government. The question of what belongs to Caesar and what to God has dogged all the successor states of the Ottoman Empire. It is a question that becomes more pressing if societies try to abandon Caesars altogether and move towards democracy. When Egyptian general and defence minister Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi led a coup against elected Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi, one of the chief charges was that Dr Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood was not a "patriotic" and "nationalist" organisation but one with a religious agenda. Mr Sisi has since sought to portray himself as someone who can propose religious reform, winning effusive praise from then prime minister Tony Abbott among others. Yet this is a path other military dictators dressed in civilian clothes have tried to walk, including Pakistani leader Pervez Musharraf, who wrote for foreign newspapers about "enlightened moderation" in Islam while suppressing political opposition at home. Leyla Zana, right, and fellow MP Selim Sadak are greeted by supporters in Ankara in 2004 after a decade in jail. Credit:AP 3. The problem of nationalism and minorities The crackdown in recent months on schools, businesses and media outlets associated with the Gulen Movement has been troubling. But since the founding of the republic in the 1920s, the canaries in the coalmine of Turkish civil rights have been the country's Kurdish minority, long regarded as a nation within the nation. Vietnamese officials say the country's communist rulers decided to cancel the 50th anniversary ceremony of the Long Tan battle because of the large numbers of Australians who have travelled to Vietnam for the event. Over decades Vietnam has insisted that groups of only 30 to 40 people attend commemorations and visits to the Long Tan Cross site. But up to 3000 visitors have arrived this week in the nearby town of Vung Tau for a series of events, including a gala dinner Thursday evening at the five-star Pullman Hotel, according to Australian businessmen in the town. They have packed the town's bars and restaurants. News Story not available This story has been published on: 2022-10-29. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. This story is no longer available on our site. Monday 05 September, 2016 Reliable information reaching Biafra writers desk has it that the life of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indi... Captain Steven Hansen has begun his ministry at Fremonts Salvation Army. He comes to Fremont from posts at Albert Lea, Minnesota where he served as Assistant Corps Officer for one and a half years and Ishpeming, Michigan, where he was in charge of the mission for the last five and one half years. He loved that post. The way it works in the Salvation Army is that in Chicago, our territorial headquarters, leaders look at the retiring officers and those serving and begin moving people around. I hadnt asked to be moved. I didnt choose. God sent me here. Hansen grew up in the Salvation Army. His parents were officers stationed in Escanaba Michigan. They had become officers the year before I was born. Growing up, I took on a lot of roles in the Corps. I taught Sunday School at twelve. But then, the secular world called. Hansen really wanted to be in broadcasting. He went to community college, majored in broadcasting, but it didnt quite work out until...I was working at a Corps in Illinois during Christmas Season, the craziest time of year for the Salvation Army. I was offered a job in video recording. It was a dream job, four ten hour days a week. I had to turn it down. I said, O.K., God. Ill follow the path you want not the one I want. It was a choice Hansen does not regret. I will graduate on Monday with a bachelors degree in Practical Ministry from Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois. I took classes on line, in class and through the Salvation Army College for Officer Training. Hansen comes to Fremont a single man. The Salvation Army requires that an officer must be married to an officer. Its challenging to find a spouse serving in ministry, Hansen admits. There will be contacts with other singles serving throughout the world, but its not the usual dating protocol for young singles. He has hopes for the church is serving. He hopes for growth in church attendance. I want to see new people. Id rather see ten people dedicated to the Lord than one hundred lukewarm people. The Salvation Army is well-known for its groups of talented musicians. Thats not where Hansens talents lay. Im not proficient on any instrument. Practice is the easiest thing to drop. The big thing this summer has been the summer lunch food program at the Presbyterian Church. We have volunteers from many churches, but our name is on the paperwork. The cook for the program is a member here. She cooks for the Fremont Public Schools and she knows how to budget, how to do the paperwork and shes a great cook. Hormels and other local companies have stepped up to help. Hardees, though new to Fremont, gave $1,000 to the program. Part of my dream for this place is to be able to remodel our kitchen so that we could host the meal here. We are using household appliances for cooking meals here and thats inadequate for the number of children we are feeding. The Salvation Army in Fremont does the normal social ministry stuff. There are agencies we work with to whom we can connect people who come to us for help. We cant help everyone with everything. There is just not enough money to do that. Most of what we get goes for utilities and food boxes. What we do know how to do well is refer people to where they can get the help they need. We dont send people out the door without helping them find a way or a place to receive what they need. We have contacts with other agencies to make certain that there is no duplication of services. People who ask for help without needing it make it harder on those who really need it. Salvation Army helps weed out those who do not need help. A program called Pathway to Hope takes a holistic approach to Salvation Army social work. Its more deliberate with more contact with clients. Its aim is for them to be sustaining themselves rather than living from paycheck to paycheck. We want to get them past whatever got them into poverty. We want to see people succeed. The long term goal is to help clients become successful and then, in turn, help others. Sometimes its just as simple as keeping after a client to look for work, to help with budgeting and getting the pieces together. We ask not where do you need help, but how do we get to where you dont need this assistance next year. Hansen is joined in his ministry by Kaitlyn Cole, who has been the caseworker there for five years. She knows the community and has created and maintained contacts within Fremont. Im excited to see what God has in store for us here. None of us could accomplish what we want to do here by ourselves. Its the whole organization. Every community has different needs and we want to meet the needs of that community with help and the programs they need. For Dogs, its Trick and Treat Its almost Halloween, a great time to teach your dog a trick and give him a treat. Most trainers are fans of trick training. Its not as silly as it... Muzzle is not a bad word If you see a dog in a muzzle, you immediately think the dog is aggressive. Right? Well, this is not always true. Unfortunately, seeing a dog in a muzzle carries... Honey badger dont give a shitand Donald Trump dont give a shit now, either. Breitbarts honey badger mottocreated by the fringe websites patriarch Steve Bannonmay well be the guiding principle for Trumps general election campaign, because on Wednesday, Trump lured Bannon away from the propaganda-as-news business and to the propaganda proper business when he announced Bannon would be the CEO of his White House bid. Whether this is a sign of the campaigns internal disarray or an indication that Trump is getting smart is a matter of dispute among those inside and on the periphery of Trumps operation. But one thing is clear: Trump, with his polls sinking and his strategy of chaos backfiring with only 82 days until Election Day, needed to make a changeand fast. Until 5:37 a.m. on Wednesday, Bannon was primarily known as the executive chairman of Breitbart News , the deranged, far-right publication founded by the late Andrew Breitbart that, in recent months, seemed to function as an unofficial arm of the Trump campaign. Breitbart frequently parrots his talking points and publishes articles with headlines like Politicos Army of Democrats Driving Anti-Trump Narrative and Exclusive: Donald J. Trump: Hillary Clintons Plans for More Illegal Immigration Into America a Disaster for Our Country. But amid what is reportedly his intense dissatisfaction with the state of his sputtering campaign, Trump decided a cheerleader was exactly what he needed. In a press release sent to reporters early Wednesday, Trump introduced Bannon as the CEO of his presidential campaign, a new position designed to bolster the business-like approach of the operation. Trump jointly announced that he had promoted strategist Kellyanne Conway, a longtime Trump confidante who worked in support of and donated to Ted Cruz during the primary, to serve as campaign manager, filling the role vacated with the firing of Corey Lewandowski in late June. The wisdom of hiring the mastermind behind Trumps Russia Today, a site that caters to people who already agree with and plan to vote for him, was not immediately clear on Wednesday. At this stage in the election, Trump should be making appeals to voters outside of his core constituency of white working- and middle-class voters who fear the country will slip away from them. He cant win with his base, which is narrower than Mitt Romneys was, alone. Never mind that Bannon is not an experienced presidential campaign operative. A cargo-shorts enthusiast who looks like the spawn of The Dude and late-era Jack Nicholson, hes hopscotched among investment banking, TV production (earning some Seinfeld royalties in the process), and the far-right blogosphere with a penchant for conspiracy entrepreneurs. These traits make him an obvious Trump hire, but not an obvious hire for someone who wants to win the general election. But Bannon has a reputation for being what Michael Caputo, a former Trump aide, called an ideas guy. Another source with knowledge of the campaign machinations said Bannon was valuable because of his understanding of new media. In Trump Tower, the hope is that Bannon will help the campaign devise a more focused message that stays true to Trumps character, which the American public is intensely familiar with. Trump won the Republican primary by following his gut, aided by a staff of amateurs who served only to act as yes-men and abided by the rule of Let Trump Be Trump. But it seemed obvious that strategy wouldnt work for the broader electorate. Thats partly why, in March, he brought on some experienced political operatives, like Paul Manafort, an establishment Republican whod worked for George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, to help Trump professionalize his operation and soften the hard edges of his message. In the new structuring, Manafort retains his title of campaign chairman, but the matter of his clout with the boss is uncertain. The decision to hire new strategists seemed to be an admission that Manafort had failed to change Trump, who at 70 is stuck in his ways. Trump never really gave pivoting a shot. There were days when his output of outrageous statements was tempered somewhat, or when he dutifully recited words from a TelePrompterphenomenons. This reliably resulted in speculation that perhaps we were about to see a whole new Trump. But the statesman-ish act could only last as long as Trump could stand to exist without the sound of cheering from the fringe right and the cheap seats, which turned out to be not long at all. And when Trumps small compromises didnt result in improved numbers, it seemed he began to question the wisdom of the people advocating for them. Caputo said he didnt buy the notion that Trumps decision to add more staff members reflected negatively on Manafort, with whom he is close. Caputo blamed that narrative on Lewandowski, who now works as a commentator for CNN. This is Coreys spin, on the record, Caputo said. Corey Lewandowski is working overtime to try to promote this buildup as Manafort on his way out. Corey Lewandowski is out, not Paul Manafort. Reached for comment, Lewandowski denied the accusation that he had done anything to influence opinion on the subject. I havent spoken to the media, and Caputo was fired, Lewandowski, who was also fired, said in a text message. I cant respond to something that is so patently false it shouldnt be reported because it can not be verified. Caputo wasnt alone in blaming Manaforts obvious misfortunes on the former campaign manager, however. Its not the demotion that Corey is spinning furiously, another source, who asked not to be named, said. The source admitted that Manafort might be disappointed on Wednesday, but only because of the media. Maybe hes disappointed that the mainstream media has taken the bait with Coreys spin, the source said. Breitbart had neither independence nor integrity. Thats why its writers were told to take the word of Lewandowski over one of its own reporters when she alleged that she had been manhandled by the man. Whatever the reason for Bannons hiring, in many ways it blows away the last remaining illusion that hyper-partisan media and hyper-partisan politics arent an explicit reinforcing extension of each other. Donald Trump is bleeding women voters out of his wherever, hemorrhaging support from this crucial piece of the electorate as fast as he can find new ways to frighten and offend them. He is losing women nationally and in key battleground states. Hes losing older women and younger women. Minority and white women. In Florida, Trump is trailing Clinton by a massive 30-point deficit. Hes losing Virginia women 56% to 31%. Nationally, his disapproval rating among all women has hovered around the 70% mark since April. Enter into this abyss GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trumps newly tapped campaign manager who, along with Breitbart News Steve Bannon, was brought on board full time this week to helm the struggling Trump campaign. Conway is well known in Washington, D.C., and New York political circles as everything Trump The Candidate is nota level-headed, professional, responsive, conservative with an expertise in winning over women voters. Her roster of clients includes conservative heavyweights like Mike Pence, Newt Gingrich, the late Jack Kemp and Fred Thompson. Earlier this year, Conway ran Keep the Promise PAC, the multimillion-dollar effort to elect Sen. Ted Cruz president and, in the process, defeat Donald Trump in the GOP primary. Through that super PAC, Conway gained what might be her most valuable asset in Republicans goal to beat Hillary Clintonexperience in the best ways to attack Trump, especially among female voters. In an interview with The Daily Beast in January, Conway said shed found the most powerful ammunition in an attack against Trump among GOP women were the mans own oscillating words, gleaned from decades of loud-mouthery and laid against his new political persona. The result was a series of blistering attack ads featuring Trump in his own words and taking him to task for flip-flopping over the years on the core issues of abortion and single payer health care. For women seeing is believing and when they hear Donald Trump in his own words, they can make a clear-headed decision about, Will the real Donald Trump please stand up? Conway said at the time. In her efforts to promote Cruz, said she also found that Trump had dangerously mixed results with women voters with his combative tone. For every woman who is attracted to Trump as the non-political outsider, there are two or three women who say, I dont like bullies or gratuitous attacks that are more personal than philosophical, Conway said. Trump won the GOP primary, of course, but Cruz and the KTP PACs efforts came closest to stopping him. Fast-forward to August and Conway now sits at the top of Trumps campaign, better positioned than anyone in the country to anticipate the attacks that will come against Trump in the fall and how to at least stop the bleeding now, especially among women voters. But even among Republicans who know and like Conway, the consensus seems to be that even she may be powerless to rescue Trump's campaign and rehab his toxic relationship with women, the very group Conway has built a career understanding and reaching. Look, Kellyanne is great, but shes not a miracle worker, said a Republican who worked with several GOP campaigns in 2012.That was the year another one of Conways clients, former Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), blew up many of his colleagues re-election chances when he offered his mind-boggling concept of legitimate rape. Amber Marchand, the former spokeswoman for the National Senatorial Campaign Committee who was working in Missouri GOP politics during the Akin catastrophe, said a staff shakeup does nothing to change the real problem, which is Trump himself. Even the best staffers can't convince voters to support an out of touch candidate who has alienated broad swaths of the electorate with insulting and intolerant rhetoric, Marchand said. Katie Packer Gage, Mitt Romneys deputy campaign manager in 2012 who also works with Republicans to reach women voters, said that just having a woman in charge of Trumps campaign wont change his limited appeal, even to women. It's important to have a candidate that is interested in appealing to women voters and to have women at the table who can deliver the candidates message to the women the GOP needs to attract, Gage said. Trump is and does neither. Gage called Conway a nice, smart, good person, but added, Her active defense of Todd Akin in 2012 showed a tin ear with regard to the kind of general election voters, especially women, that the GOP needs to appeal to in order to win a general election. According to a Washington Post profile, Conway and Trump first met when Conway sat on the condo board of Trump World Tower in 2006. They remained in touch through the years when Trump would call Conway after seeing her on cable news. Although she led a Ted Cruz-aligned super PAC in 2016 that aggressively opposed Trump, she joined a super PAC supporting Trump shortly after Cruz suspended his campaign. While Steve Bannon will bring an aggressive ideological voice to the new regime at Trump Tower, Conway is expected to play the Voice of Reason at the top of campaign leadership. She will reportedly travel with Trump and offer assurances to movement conservatives and Hill Republicans alike that Team Trump may actually be professionalizing operations, even with a bomb-thrower like Bannon inside the tent, too. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the influential pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, said shes known and respected Conway her entire professional life. No one is better at understanding what real people are thinking and how to connect with them than Kellyanne, she said. Newt Gingrich told Fox News Radio that the Trump hires of Bannon and Conway would strengthen Trumps effort. She will bring a, I think again, a very aggressive tough-minded approach, fact-based policy approach to it. Like Trump, Gingrich brought Conway aboard his presidential campaign in 2011 after a campaign near-death spiral and staff shake-up. Although the Gingrich campaign fared far better with Conway than without her, as Republicans warned of her chances with Trump, she wasnt a miracle worker. Gingrich dropped out of the race more than $4 million in debt, including a debt to Conway that he still hasnt repaid. ROME You are forgiven if the spooky details of the mysterious death of a priest in a monastery in northern Italy call to mind Umberto Ecos famous thriller The Name of the Rose. But this story is not a fictional tale of historical intrigue; it is an all-too-true story about larceny and murder. On April 25, 2014, Monsignor Giuseppe Rocco, 92 years old, was found dead on the floor of his cell-like room in Clerics House in Trieste, where he was still active in ministry in the local diocese. Two years later, the priest who gave him his last rites is being charged with his murder. On the morning Rocco died, his housekeeper, Eleanora Dibitonto, whose job it was to wake the aging prelate every morning around 7:30 for mass, screamed when she saw his body prostrate on the floor beside his bed. She called an ambulance and the resident priest, Father Paolo Piccoli, to give the dead man his last rites. When the paramedics arrived, they immediately called the police. Despite Father Roccos advanced age, it was clear that the old man did not die of natural causes, according to court documents reported in the Italian media. The autopsy would later prove the cause of death to be suffocation by strangulation. The paramedics noticed some pretty obvious signs of foul play, including a broken bone protruding from the dead priests neck. Ms. Dibitonto also noticed two spots of blood under the corpse of Monsignor Rocco and pointed them out to police. She was concerned that he may have some underlying condition that made him bleed. Instead, those drops of blood would later be tied directly to Father Piccoli. For the last two years, Roccos death has been the stuff of conspiracy theories in Trieste. It seems that the week before Rocco was murdered, he reported that a holy statuette of great religious value had disappeared from his room. The statue was returned a few days later, but not before Rocco alerted his superiors that he suspected Piccoli was up to his old habit of stealing relics. Father Piccoli had been accused of stealing sacred relics when he worked at a parish in LAquila, where he ministered until a deadly earthquake in 2009 destroyed much of the town and surrounding area. He had never been convicted of any thefts, but, then again, the Catholic Church rarely sends its sinners to a secular court for judgment. Instead, he was apparently made to return a stash of stolen treasures and repent for his sins. According to investigative documents, Piccoli spent much of his youth dressing as a priest long before he joined the priesthood, charging expensive vestments he procured from expensive shops in Rome to his father. While in LAquila, parishioners reportedly told police, he also suffered from paranoia and often led demonstrations against the communists who he said wanted to kick him out of town. Other people who knew him said he often argued publicly with his altar boys, embarrassing and intimidating them, which led to a number of complaints against him. Piccolis allegedly troubled history makes the accusations of theft that Rocco leveled against him all the more important, putting the younger cleric at risk for disciplinary action by the church, according to the court dossier of the investigation into Roccos murder. That was motive enough to kill the old priest, according to the charges against him for Roccos murder, and the drops of blood were damning. Father Piccoli maintains his innocence. Days after the murder, and before he moved on from Trieste to be near his ailing parents in Verona, he told reporters that there were many other people in the Trieste House of the Clerics the night Rocco was killed. I wasnt the only one there, he said, despite the fact that Roccos housekeeper said it was just the three of them in the house that night. People were coming and going all the time in that house, said Piccoli. We were never alone. There was a center for volunteers, a journalist, and a professor who often stayed at the house. When Piccoli was interrogated about Roccos murder, he told Nicola Tripani, the prosecutor in charge of the murder inquiry, that his blood may have ended up on the dead priests body because of a skin condition he had that caused bleeding open sores. He said he might have left the blood during the administration of last rites, though the court documents contradict that theory since the body of the priest was not lifted during the last rite ceremony and the blood was found under the dead mans corpse. The prosecutor says that he has a copy of a letter from the diocese warning Piccoli about the theft of Roccos religious statuette and further disciplinary action. He believes the younger priest woke early on the morning of April 25 and went to Roccos room to confront him about the accusation. He says the two then argued and Piccoli strangled Monsignor Rocco and left him on the floor. He now faces aggravated murder charges because his victim was elderly and weak. In December, a secular court will determine whether to put the prelate on trial. Many is the parent who has decried expensive school fees as a waste of cash upon hearing of their childrens lackluster exam results. However, one father is taking things a little further than merely chastising his child for lack of effort, and suing the private school for the 125,000 he paid in school fees for his sons education after the child left the institution with just one lowly qualification, a grade C in science GCSE, the most basic U.K. school-leaving exam. According to a report in the Daily Telegraph, Scott Craddock, 57, is now suing Abbotsholme School in Staffordshire, England, and demanding a refund, claiming it did not deliver on its promises with regard to his 17-year-old son, David. The headmaster has admitted the school could do better, telling the paper: In regard to last years results, we recognized at the time that our results were not as good as in previous years, and have taken a number of steps this yearand for future yearsto reverse this situation. However, a furious Craddock told the Telegraph: The teachers said he would come away with at least five GCSEsbut he has got one. He wasnt the only one to underachieve, so the standard of teaching there is way below what one would expect from a public school education. No word on whether or not the boys homework and school reports will form part of the evidence. There have been previous efforts in the U.K. to sue schools for poor exam results. In 2011, Roger Webster sued 11,000-a-year Silcoates school after his son did poorly in exams. In 2013, a book, Heads Up, about the challenges facing head teachers, claimed that headmasters were increasingly facing litigation over teaching standards, pupils grades, and the attempted expulsion of troublemakers. It detailed the case of two unnamed parents who sued a prestigious London school for 50,000, claiming teachers backtracked on a deal to give their children good references after they were withdrawn from the institution. In another case, Kate Norfolk, who attended 4,000-per-term independent school Hurstpierpoint College, West Sussex, sued the school after she was predicted a grade A in Latin but came away with an E, after an inexperienced teacher failed to teach the correct syllabus. Norfolk, who got excellent marks in her other A-levelsan A in history and a B in Frenchclaimed the poor result in her third A-level affected her chances of working as a corporate lawyer. The result of the legal action was never disclosed; however, the headmaster, Stephen Meek, admitted in a letter to a university that the teacher had not prepared the students properly. The headmaster subsequently moved to Australia, and took up a role at Geelong Grammar school. The internet asked for the voice actor behind Futuramas Zapp Brannigan to recite a bunch of Donald Trump quotes in the voice of Captain Brannigan, and thats exactly what the internet got during this chaotic election. In recent months, politically astute fans of the animated sci-fi sitcom started noticing similarities between the 2016 Republican presidential candidate and one of their favorite Futurama characters. For the uninitiated, Zapp Brannigan has been described by Futurama executive producer David X. Cohen as half-Captain Kirk, half-actual William Shatner. Zapp is selfish, vain, misogynistic, often clueless, and wages war recklessly. And so, the Trump-Brannigan memes were enthusiastically generated. Quickly enough, people began asking voice actor and comedian Billy West (who voiced multiple characters on the TV series, including Philip J. Fry, Professor Farnsworth, and Zapp) on Twitter if he could record himself, in character, reading various Trump one-liners. West heard their calls, and obliged them: He has been tweeting out his newly recorded sound clips over the past few days to his 40,000-plus Twitter followers, and has no plans to stop yet. The designated hashtag is, of course, #MakeAmericaBrannigan. Here are some of the most recent examples, which feature actual Trump quotes from sources such as Larry Kings show and a deposition. We got a lot of requests on my Twitter to pair Trump with Zapp, sort of, like, super-collide them [because] people noticed that many things Trump said are almost as absurd as things Zapp Brannigan said on the Futurama show, West told The Daily Beast this week, calling in from Los Angeles. I have a partner, Jim Gomez, [and] he's been putting up the selected pictures of Futurama with the selected Trump quotes It was a great idea and it sort of formulated on the internet and we sort of just ran with it. West says he plans to keep this going for a while, and could potentially continue posting these past Election Day in November. He has been picking which Trump sound bites to read based on which are the silliest and most superficial quotes. (I think the issues are for everybody else to think about, he conceded. Im not going to use a character to start getting into that.) People were saying Zapp and Trump are almost alike: the blond hair, the bragging, the posturing, West continued. Having Brannigan do [Trump quotes], this is a way for some people to process him, I think. Theyre dying to get their arms around what this election is about. And nobody seems to know. Westwho emphasizes that he, as an actor and comic, is not endorsing any candidate, by the waysays that he has watched the rise of Trumpism in 2016 with the same level of understanding that hed have if he were an alien from another planet, just watching this, studying how to be silly or absurd. In its own small, goofy way, his Trumpified revival of the Zapp Brannigan character is his means to cope with this years great national melodrama. My thoughts from Day 1 were that he doesnt want to do thishes a businessman, what does he think a president makes a year? West said. I thought hed just take it as far as he could, and have a hoot Im like everybody else, I think: I cant process itthe ideology, the [offensive] remarks, its very hard to figure out what is going on [with him]. I mean, hes not very presidential. I cant figure out what the end game is, its very hard to process Maybe were getting into Italian territoryor something. Where its like, Look, everythings a joke! West isnt particularly excited about either major-party candidate running for president this cycle. He thinks Hillary Clinton seems to have a lot of baggage and was very interested in what Bernie Sanders had to say before the self-described democratic socialist dropped out of the race. But the biggest kick that the 64-year-old actor is getting out of the presidential election is the new onrush of laudatory tweets and messages regarding the Trump/Brannigan mash-ups. There were people who said they were really depressed [over the election, and other things], saying this was the best thing they had ever heard, and that they were listening to it over and over again, he recalled. Ive always been in the business of making people laugh. And hopefully they do Thats what I love doing more than anything. Donald Trumps suddenly demoted campaign chief Paul Manafort, it has been revealed, was investigated a year ago in Ukraine for conspiring with a criminal organization and inciting ethnic hatred and separatism to promote a pro-Russian government in Kiev at the expense of a pro-American one. A year-old legal memo leaked to The Times of London cites a senior Ukrainian prosecutor who found that Manafort was identified as organizing a series of anti-NATO and anti-Kiev demonstrations in Crimea in 2006demonstrations that forced the cancellation of scheduled "Sea Breeze" NATO exercises on that strategic Ukrainian peninsula, which now is occupied and annexed by Russia. This was apparently done at the service of Viktor Yanukovych, who had been denied the presidency and whose political comeback six years later was largely masterminded by Manafort. Yanukovych, a thuggish kleptocrat, regained power by campaigning, at Manaforts suggestion, on a platform that supported an association agreement with the European Union, which Moscow vehemently opposed. Then Yanukovych reneged on the agreement, which led to another Ukrainian revolution, which led to Yanukovychs violent suppression of it, culminating in his ignominious night flight from Kiev to Russia with stolen public funds. (The defector-presidents Party of Regions has since been outlawed in Ukraine and is now characterized by the prosecutor as a criminal organization.) It was [Manaforts] political effort, the document reads, to raise the prestige of Yanukovych and his partythe confrontation and division of society on ethnic and linguistic grounds is his trick from the time of the elections in Angola and the Philippines, where Manafort had advised, respectively, guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi and Ferdinand Marcos. The Ukrainian prosecutor goes on to say in the document that he constantly saw evidence suggesting that Paul Manafort considered Crimean autonomy from Ukraine as a tool to enhance the reputation of Yanukovych with Crimean voters. Manafort was not charged with any crime related to the above allegations, although, as initially reported by The New York Times, he is currently under investigation by Ukrainian anti-graft authorities owing to his names appearance in a black-book ledger kept by Yanukovychs cronies. The ledger contains a list of recipients for seemingly illicit cash disbursements; in Manaforts case, for $12.7 million between 2007 to 2012. Manafort denies taking any such money. He did not reply to the British broadsheet, however, about whether or not he helped sow ethnolinguistic turmoil and secessionist sentiments in Crimea. The Associated Press has also found that Manafort helped route at least $2.2 million in payments from the Party of Regions to two prominent Washington lobbying firms in 2012 and did so in possible violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. According to a leaked document that was brought to Vladimir Putins presidential administration, the takeover of Crimea may have mooted in mid-February 2014, as independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported. Likely prepared in part by Russian Orthodox businessman and future separatist-financier Konstantin Malofeyev, the text envisioned a launching of the process of the pro-Russian drift of the Crimea and eastern Ukrainian territories along with a PR strategy in advance of referendums raising the question of self-determination and further possibilities of annexation to the Russian Federation. Which is more or less what happened. But that an American political Svengali may have been an early proponent cleaving Crimea away from Ukraine, even if for mercenary or opportunistic reasons, puts him squarely side of a rather unsavory history. As Arkady Ostrovsky shows in his superb history, The Invention of Russia: The Journey from Gorbachevs Freedom to Putins War, some of the loudest and earliest proponents of Crimean revanchism were Russian nationalists and Communists who aligned red-brown common cause against the government of Boris Yeltsin. One was the anti-Semitic mathematician Igor Shafarevich who, in 1993, wrote in the reactionary newspaper Den (Day) that the port city of Sebastopol is a key to the resurgence of the country (meaning Russia). First of all, it is one of the historic shrines of Russia. Khersones is where Saint Vladimir was baptized, where admirals Kornilov and Nakhmiov were buried Second, Sebastopol is key to the Black Sea Fleet. Third, Sebastopol is a key to Crimea, which has been torn from the body of Russia by the unconstitutional and voluntaristic decision of Nikita Khrushchev [who assigned it to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic when all the republics were part of Moscows dominion]. People in Crimea have an acute sense of belonging to Russia and have the will to fight for this belonging. As Ostrovsky notes, this was almost the word-perfect recapitulation of the chauvinism and jingoism used 21 years later by Putin when he announced the annexation of Crimea, three weeks after the near-bloodless military coup led by his regular and irregular forces in February 2014. It was what Donald Trump, in his semi-literate fashion, echoed when he told ABC Newss George Stephanopolous that the people of Crimea, from what Ive heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were. (They wouldnt, as it turns out.) Supposing that Manafort has now been marginalized in Trumpland because of these revelations about his dirty work for overseas dictators, we are faced with the rather tragic irony that a long-peddled Kremlin accusationthat Americans interfere in the sovereignty and politics of post-Soviet states in Russias near abroadturns out to be true, but with unintended consequences. Manaforts skullduggery in Ukraine helped lead to a popular uprising against his former client; now the authorities of a democratically elected government of Ukraine may have helped determine the election for Americas next president by scandalizing one of its gray cardinals into submission. It is historical irony that the Putins and Yanukovyches of the world might appreciate, if not quite celebrate. A month after Republicans tried to unify in Cleveland, that effort appears to be canceled. Because Donald Trumps new campaign boss hatesreally, really, really hatesthe Republican establishment. Stephen Bannon, who is the Trump campaigns new chief executive, has spent the past few years as the chairman of Breitbart News and, more recently, the host of its daily morning radio show on SiriusXM. Hes used his perch there to make the case that House Speaker Paul Ryan is a liberal globalist trying to sell out the American worker to foreign Islamist shills. Under his tenure, Breitbart turned its guns on establishment Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. John McCain. Bannon himself took aim at former Republican House Speaker John Boehner, alleging he was involved in a scheme for political contributions. We dont really believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly dont think the Republican Party is that, he said at a National Press Club conference in 2013, in a video first noticed by The Wall Street Journal. The campaign hire raises the question of whether Trump will wage a campaign against Hillary Clinton, given that he hired a campaign boss whose specialty is raging against other Republicans. McConnell and McCain arent the only leading Republicans he loathes. Bannon prides himself on going after The Establishment, and veteran Washington hands share a similar animus toward him. Are Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, and Reince Priebus fine with supporting a campaign run by Paul Manafort and Stephen Bannon? Bill Kristol, the anti-Trump editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine, asked The Daily Beast. Bannons pugilistic attitude toward many Republican insiders led Jason Johnson, a chief strategist for Ted Cruzs presidential campaign, to speculate openly on Twitter about whether the hire didnt mean Trump was declaring open war on Republican incumbents he had previously endorsed. After months of stressing unity, Trump has apparently decided to let Trump be TrumpI dont want to pivot, he said Tuesdaywith all the fluctuating decision-making and Republican friendly fire that entails. All this shows is that he is somebody who is erratic, impulsive, thin-skinned, and responds to whatever pushback he is getting, said Kendal Unruh, a Colorado Republican who led anti-Trump efforts as a delegate at the Republican convention. With less than three months to go until Election Day, Trump has made a third change at the top of his campaign structure: swapping out political novice Corey Lewandowski for lobbyist Paul Manafort in hopes of calming nervous Republicans and getting the moguls message under control. Now thats over, and it appears going back to Trumps original bombastic campaign style is again the plan. This return doesnt exactly inspire the GOP faithful. The first wave of soldiers on D-Day had better odds of survival than a Trump senior staffer, quipped John Noonan, a national-security expert who previously worked for Jeb Bush. Trump is unaware, uncertain, unable, under attack, and underwater. Swapping out captains on a sinking ship isnt going to do a damn thing. This latest captain doesnt have a great winning record. Take his most recent crusade against GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan, who Trump would need to work with if elected. Over the past year, Bannon frequently hosted Ryans primary challenger, Paul Nehlen, on the show. He was raised in a petri dish there at the Heritage Institution, Bannon sneered about Paul Ryan on the April 21 show. Then he essentially endorsed Nehlen. He is the David to Paul Ryans Goliath out there in the first district in Wisconsin, he said. He referred to it as a David versus Goliath campaign again on June 27 when Nehlen came back on the program. But in this case, Goliath won. By 68 percentage points. Ryans spokesman had no comment on Bannons hire. Trumps move will leave the Republican Party more divided than ever. RNC Chairman Reince Priebusa loyal if bedraggled defender of Trumpis extremely close with Ryan, as both are from Wisconsin. An RNC spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. Trumps belated endorsement of Ryan and McCainwhich he read off a TelePrompter just a few days before the primarygave the impression that the partys disparate factions might be, at long last, unifying. But the fact that Trumps campaign is now helmed by a man who built his reputation on attacking Republicansand whom establishment Republicans loathe in turnmeans those hopes of unity are probably toast. with additional reporting by Alexa Corse With a big bowl of booze on the table, courtesy of Stephen Colbert, Larry Wilmore hosted his second-to-last roundtable segment Wednesday night with a man who is never at a loss for words when it comes to politics. Making his seventh and final appearance on the show, Lewis Black held nothing back on this uniquely insane election. Even though I have zero fucks to give at this point, I have plenty of booze to give, Wilmore said, before teeing Black up with a generic question about the state of the presidential race. Fortunately, it doesnt take much to rile up Black, who took the bait. At some point, it has toit has to stop! he shouted. Its over and over and over and over, every day! Black said America would be better off if the media showed a quacking duck instead of Donald Trump, and a barking dog instead of Hillary Clinton. Its senseless! Furthermore, he said that if the election is going to go on this long, they have to take a break between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Just shut up! Black exclaimed. Its the fucking summer! Asked if Trump destroyed the Republican Party, a momentarily calmer Black said, I think the Republican Party let itself be destroyed by him, because they wanted, as the media did, eyeballs. We want to get as many people watching as possible. As soon as Trump started talking about Mexican immigrants raping and pillaging their way across the border, Black said, any party with any moral compass whatsoever would go, You know what? You can run. You just cant run as a Republican. But that was the moment in time when people began to watch and went, Wow! Boy! This is great! This will be fun to fucking watch! It may not have been the most substantive conversation in the shows short history, but at least it made Wilmore laugh. This child did not die but hes become a tocsin for the tens of thousands who have and will continue to do so. Five-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in the seat of a volunteer ambulance, covered in a paste of gray ash, soot, and his own blood, his left eye nearly swollen shut. He stares listlessly at the camera as if unaware that he has just been pulled alive from the rubble of a building that was hit by a Syrian or Russian airstrike. The video and photograph of Daqneeshs narrow survival have gone viral, to use a rather obscene neologism of our hyper-mediated age, and even given way to a variety of memes, all meant to shame the United Nations, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin, much as Aylan Kurdi, the toddler who washed up a corpse on the shores of Antalya last year, was meant to shame them. As one Syrian journalist wrote today, Obama has said most of his gray hair came from his Syria meetings. Lets hope Omrans gray hair doesnt add to the problem. Mustafa al-Sarout, a videographer for the Aleppo Media Center, an activist group which has been documenting the Syrian conflict since its earliest stages, filmed Daqneesh, then his three siblings, ages 1, 6, and 11. Ive seen so many children rescued out of the rubble, but this child, with his innocence, he had no clue what was going on, al-Sarout told the Guardian today. He put his hand on his face and saw blood. He didnt know even what happened to him. Omrans mother and father were also saved by local residents and the White Helmets, also known as the Syrian Civil Defense Forces, a local team of medical volunteers who have just been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Minutes after Daqneeshs rescue the building he was in collapsed entirely, according to Raslan, who was interviewed by the Associated Press. This is in the center of rebel-held territory in Aleppo, just southeast of its famous citadel and west of the Assads regimes air base at the Aleppo International Airport; in other words, nowhere near the front lines of fighting. The so-called Islamic State is not present here, nor is this area populated with large numbers of anti-Assad insurgents. According to the AP, the bomb or bombs fell on Daqneeshs house at 7:20 p.m., exactly one minute after sunset on Wednesday, when locals were inside their homes for evening prayers. Since sunrise and sunset are important data points for any pilot who is filing a flight plan, this attack was likely designed to maximize civilian casualties. Al-Sarout, who filmed Omran for the Aleppo Media Center, notes Daqneesh is only unique for the iconography he now represents. According to the Local Coordination Committees of Syria (LCC), a network of activists who have attempted to record the history of the Syrian crisis since peaceful protests began in March 2011, 83 people were killed across the country on Aug. 17, 21 of them children. According to the LCC, 38 people were killed yesterday in Aleppo alone. The hospital where the Daqneesh children were all taken, which identifies itself only by code name because so many hospitals have been targeted by Russian and Syrian warplanespurposefully, according to human-rights monitorsreported that eight people were killed, including five children in additional airstrikes in the Karm al-Qaterji neighborhood of Aleppo. News anchors have teared up at the sight of a small child, battered like a rag doll, sitting in an oddly pristine orange chair. Opposition and human-rights activists and journalists have done the customary handwringing of grief and frustration, coincidentally on the same day the Amnesty International has released a report about Assads torture-dungeons and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof lamented that a tweet about his dead dog got more sympathetic responses than his column about the death of nearly 500,000 in the Levant. Like The Falling Soldier or the Burning Monk, this could become the face of the Syrian war. In the end, though, this image is unlikely do much to ameliorate the suffering of Aleppo, as world powers continue to wrangle in Switzerland over nonexistent cease-fires and shambolic aid corridors. Police Officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown seemed the embodiment of social progress as he rode with his partner through the simmering North Side of Milwaukee early Saturday afternoon. Heaggan-Brown is a 24-year-old African American who grew up in that very neighborhood and rapped under the name KB Domo before joining the Milwaukee police department three years ago. His grammar school buddies had included the local rising star Dae Flywalker, who had gone into rap at Heaggan-Browns urging. Flywalker had acknowledged the debt last year by inviting Heaggan-Brown to join him in making a video for his first big project, #DIVOMDS. Hes the one who got me rapping in the first place, Flywalker later told a reporter. It was only right that he be featured seeing that he was the one who introduced me to all of this and had retired from pursuing music himself in favor of his new career. For a few hours at Trio Records Studio in downtown Milwaukee, Heaggan-Brown again became KB Domo, rapping in a blue and gold floppy hat about the tribulations of growing up black in a city of struggling schools and stunted futures and cops who too often seemed more like enemies than protectors. Imma start a riot like its Baltimore, he rapped. Then Heaggan-Brown returned to his new career as a rapper turned copper, a hip-hop cop, seemingly just the person to convince the people of the neighborhood that the police are in fact protectors and not enemies. He had been on the job for just six months on the bitterly cold February night in 2014 when he and another cop brought a homeless woman into the warmth of the Copper Kettle diner. The cops handed a waitress $20, telling her to give the woman whatever she wanted and to let her stay until closing at 9 p.m. The cops returned at that hour and took the woman to a shelter. Now how about this kind of caring by our Police Department? wrote the citizen whose letter to the Milwaukee Post brought the good deed to public attention. Heaggan-Brown did have some unspecified difficulties that caused the department to place him on limited duty in the midst of his 16-month probationary period, but he was reinstated after 97 days. At least one citizen would later grumble that Heaggan-Brown was too eager as he patrolled streets where he now sought to bring reason if no longer rhyme. He does not appear to have received any official complaints. A supervisor, Capt. Shunta Boston-Smith, did her part by taking what were called goodwill walks and paused last April to jump rope with a 9-year-old named Zalayia Jenkins. The youngster asked a question that was only reasonable in a city where 15 children had been shot in the previous two years. Will you keep me safe? On May 5, Zalayia became the 16th shot child when she was struck by a stray bullet as she sat in a house while visiting family. The doctors fought to save her, but she was pronounced brain dead on May 16, one day before her 10th birthday. This little girl slipped the bonds of earth and touched the face of God, Capt. Aaron Raap was moved to say. The violence continued, claiming grown-ups as well as children. Five adults were shot to death in nine hours leading from last Friday night into Saturday morning. The police department would later note to the Milwaukee Sentinel that three of those killings were in the immediate area of where Heaggan-Brown and his partner were patrolling on Saturday afternoon. As everyone knows, this was a very, very violent 24 hours in the city of Milwaukee, Assistant Police Chief Jessup later said. Our officers are out here taking risks on behalf of the community and making split-second decisions. Around 3:30 p.m., Heaggan-Brown and his partner pulled over a car after seeing what the police department would describe as suspicious activity. The two occupants scattered, and Heaggan-Brown chased after 23-year-old Sylville Smith. The cop and Smith are said to have known each other in their days at Casimir Pulaski High School. The department would subsequently report that Heaggan-Brown was wearing a body camera and that the footage shows that Smith turned toward the cop with a handgun in his right hand. But Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn reported that the footage does not establish precisely when Heaggan-Brown fired. I cant tell when the officer discharges his firearm because with many body-worn cameras, certainly all of ours, theres a 30-second delay before the audio kicks on, Flynn told the press on Sunday. I dont know when the shots were fired. The manual for the Axon Flex cameras that the Milwaukee Police Department employs in fact reports that both video and audio will be recorded the moment the camera is fully activated. But Heaggan-Brown may not have switched his camera from the STANDBY mode to the EVENT mode until the instants immediately after the shooting. The STANDBY mode includes a pre-event feature that perpetually captures the 30 seconds prior to full activation and then automatically adds it to the recording in EVENT mode. In Saturdays shooting, these pre-activation 30 seconds were apparently enough to capture the entire incident, but there is a hitch: The buffer only records video, not audio. As a resultin what can been seen as either a delay in the device or a delay in the copthe body cam not only failed to record the shots, but it also cannot confirm a report that Heaggan-Brown ordered Smith to drop the gun before firing. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett saw only a still from the silent video, but he seemed more than convinced that Heaggan-Brown had acted properly. There were 23 rounds in that gun that that officer was staring at. I want to make sure we dont lose any police officers in this community, either, Barrett later told the press. As word of the shooting spread, the North Side of Milwaukee erupted in a riot very much like it was Baltimore for three nights. Gov. Scott Walker activated the National Guard. The police reported that the gun had been stolen along with 500 rounds of ammunition during a burglary in June. Smiths family said he had recently obtained a concealed carry license and that he felt in need of a gun because he had been shot twice and robbed four times, once stripped of all his clothing. Whether Smith had such a permit could not be immediately confirmed, though he seems to have been eligible for one, as he had never been convicted of a felony. Smith had been arrested in connection with a shooting and then charged with witness tampering related to that shooting, but all charges had been dropped when the victim said he was no longer sure who had shot him. Smiths family noted that his only conviction was a misdemeanor weapons charge and added that he had a 2-year-old son. A young man identified as Smiths brother angrily showed a TV news crew what he said was the concealed carry license. The brother offered a twist on the usual discussion of gun rights. You give us the right to carry a gun, he said. We got the same rights as yall do, the right to bear arms. Where [are] our constitutional rights then? There remained the issue of Smith fleeing the traffic stop. He almost certainly would not have been shot if he had not bolted. A pistol loaded with 23 rounds necessarily had an extended magazine such as is presently fashionable in the street. Smith may have been holding the gun because the extended magazine would have made it difficult if not impossible to run with it in his waistband. But that would have made the gun appear no less a deadly threat to a pursuing officer. As required by state law, the investigation has been turned over to the Wisconsin Department of Justice, which has promised transparency within the constraints of its duties, but declines to suggest when it might authorize the release of the body cam footage that presumably shows the silent video of the shooting from Heaggan-Browns point of view. If the footage is as exonerating as the police department and the mayor have indicated, the former rapper who once sought fame and fortune with hours of mix tapes will no doubt wish for just 30 seconds of audio that could have established exactly what happened in that critical moment that sparked a riot like Baltimore. In the meantime, Heaggan-Brown got a lesson in what it can mean to be a copper when people who passed judgment without the facts posted his home address online and called for vengeance. A photo of him in uniform standing by a patrol car had originally been posted at the time of his good deed. Now yall see his face if hes seen anywhere in the city drop him, read one post. No tape which KB Domo ever dropped with dreams of future glory could have been as urgently anticipated as the silent 30 seconds that Officer Heaggan-Browns body cam preserved from the immediate past when the cop who seemed the embodiment of social progress double-clicked EVENT. Part-way through my Skype interview with Adrian Jjuuko, executive director of the Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF), in Kampala, Uganda, a dogs loud, insistent barking began. Startled, Jjuuko looked away from the camera. He was not, however, at home and it was not a family pet. Jjuuko was at work, and what my camera could not see were, he told me, the three rows of barbed wire atop the high fences outside his office, the two security guards, the CCTV cameras, the alarm system, the reinforced metal bars on all the windows and doors and the dog. Every day you get used to your prison: we know this is what it is, said Jjuuko. Campaigning for LGBT equality in Uganda is a brave, dangerous profession, and one done dedicatedly by Jjuuko, his HRAPF colleagues, and figures like Frank Mugisha, executive director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), and organizations like Pride Uganda and Chapter Four. Our guard was killed right here in May, said Jjuuko, explaining the security procedures. They [the attackers] left a huge iron bar behind. They spread my documents everywhere and took nothing else. That was very chilling. We saw them [the attackers]. There were four of them. The police are doing absolutely nothing to investigate that case. They have fingerprints, blood samples, pictures, CCTV footage. I have to be strong for my staff. I have been working on LGBT rights for more than eight years now. We have to speak out and engage, because we believe it is right thing to do. Uganda is one of 33 African countries with anti-homosexuality laws. Jjuuko insists that positive change will come in time, and said that before the recent raid on a Uganda Pride-related party, which Frank Mugisha wrote powerfully about in The Guardian, he was optimistic that the fight for LGBTI rights in Uganda was on an upward curve since the successful quashing of the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA) of 2014. Isaac Mugisha of Pride Uganda told The Daily Beast that the group still planned to hold a Pride event later this year, having had to cancel its planned rally after the police brutally raided a party earlier this summer. We are in negotiations with police and ministers about when it will be. It might be very soon, in October. That is what we are thinking for now. We are very hopeful, he said. The event, he told The Daily Beast, would be a parade incorporating a march, a holy communion service, and festival as well. The party targeted by the authorities took place on Aug. 4, three days into Uganda Pride week, a Mr/Ms/Mx Pride beauty pageant event at Venom nightclub in the Kampala suburb of Kabalagala. Sixteen people were arrested after police, armed to the teeth as Mugisha put it, walked into the event. Campaigning group Chapter 4 said the police claimed that they had been told a gay wedding was taking place and that the celebration was unlawful because police had not been informed (police had been duly informed, and the prior two Pride events were conducted without incident on Tuesday and Wednesday nights). There had been around 200 people there, who were locked inside, and detained for an hour. Some had photographs taken of themselves by officers without their consent, according to a statement by the Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CSCHRCL), with officers taunting them their identities could be revealed. In Frank Mugishas account, he writes about seeing transgender people being beaten and touched inappropriately by police officers to establish their real gender. He was insulted, abused, and with other arrestees taken to a police station where they were humiliated and intimidated. One man, trying to escape the beatings by police at the venue, hurled himself from the fourth floor, breaking two vertebrae; his treatment will cost $5,000. At the police station, according to CSCHRCL, two transgender men and one transgender woman were subjected to humiliating and degrading treatment when they were groped and strip-searched by policemen. They were also beaten by the police and other inmates. Another attendee of the party, who requested anonymity, related to The Daily Beast that they, too, had been beaten by police until blood was coming from all parts of my body. In the aftermath of the raid has come an understandable nervousness, as well as a determination on the part of activists to continue their work. The situation is calm, Isaac Mugisha said of the LGBT communitys response to the raid. Of course, the police raid left a lot of problems for people and a lot of community members scared. People are vigilant, looking around, and some are still in hiding. It was quite a scary moment for them. For a long time, the police had not done anything like this to the LGBT community, so it was shock for us when they actually appeared. We have achieved a lot for the movement, so whatever happened was a wake-up call to us, about dealing with police and political leaders are still very homophobic. The international outcry over the polices actions had had a positive effect, he added. *** Before the party raid, LGBTI life had been more settled, said Jjuuko. After the abolition of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, there was a rest period where police were not harassing people. The harassment was from private individuals mostly. It was more relaxed. Now there is tension, members of organizations are in hiding. The Anti-Homosexuality Act had sought to enshrine in law a number of homophobic measures around what it bizarrely termed aggravated homosexuality, aiding and abetting homosexuality, attempt to commit homosexuality, and conspiracy to engage in homosexuality, and promotion of homosexuality. The proposed law became known as the Kill the Gays bill, as one of the proposed penalties for homosexuality was execution (as well as life imprisonment). Quite beyond all those proposed new measures, homosexuality itself remains against the law in Uganda (a penal hangover from British colonial rule), and punishable by up to a seven-year prison sentence. Jjuuko said LGBTI life is an interesting mix in Uganda: There have been four Pride parades (annually, since 2012), until this years was canceled after the party raid. Police will sometimes guard LGBTI parties, said Jjuuko, but they have also broken up meetings, citing the Public Order Management Act of 2013. After breaking up the Aug. 4 party the police cited the same actalthough parties do not come under the acts strictures as it was a private event. The fiercely homophobic Simon Lokodo, the Minister for Ethics and Integrity, in a condemnatory statement published on Aug. 8, decried the promotion of homosexuality, while claiming there was no violence against LGBTI people committed in Uganda, and that the Pride party had been disbanded without any injuries sustained. Lokodo claimed that young people were being offered money to promote homosexuality in Uganda, that children and young people were vulnerable to sexual abuse and deviation, and the government was determined to stop the criminal and illegal activities of the gay community. Lokodo made his anti-gay mission even more brutally clear in an interview last weekend with the Sunday edition of the Ugandan tabloid Red Pepper, under the headline: Homos Want To Rape Me. (Red Pepper had been previously notorious for publishing a list of 200 top gays in 2014, under the headline Exposed.) Lokodo called the people at the club shameless idiots planning to sin. He added, My brother, we seem to wake up when the fire has almost burnt down the entire house. These homos are everywhere; in schools, churches, families, government institutions, villages ooh they are everywhere. Now my commitment is to fight them; even if I remain alone, I will not give up this fight. Lokodo vowed to remove homosexual materials from schools, and said, Every morning I say a prayer asking God to be my shield. The homos have been sending me messages threatening my life. Most of them even say they want to rape me but I dont fear anything. This is a job and I will execute it to the maximum. Lokodo also claimed the son of one of the richest Ugandans had confessed to being gay, and described him in lurid terms, thus: The boy is wearing three Pampers (diapers). His anus was shattered beyond repair. He cannot sit with ease. He is suffering and wallowing in pain. When the boy undressed before me pus was oozing from his rear. The minister concluded his feverish interview by claiming he wanted the Ugandan government to invest in a censor gadget made by the South Koreans which will detect homos and porn actors Lokodos statements are misguided and lies, but unfortunately many Ugandans believe them and they are causing so much harm towards the LGBT community, Frank Mugisha told The Daily Beast. Isaac Mugisha added, His [Lokodos] opinion is not the governments opinion. He doesnt represent the government of Uganda. Weve known him as an enemy from way back. The government is bigger than him: There are a lot of people above him who are progressive and supportive. Is the Ugandan government supportive of LGBTI rights? I asked. I would not say to a high extent, said Isaac Mugisha. But there has been progress, like in the health and justice sectors. The raid cannot make us forget about the successes we have had as a movement. We have to keep pushing and pushing. We have already achieved a lot, and we dont want it to lose it now. Caroline Kouassiaman, senior program officer of Sexual Health and Rights at the American Jewish World Service, a supporter of LGBTI rights in nine countries of the developing world, said the latest wave of homophobia in Uganda, with Lokodo its figurehead, had come on the heels of periodic threats by politicians that the defunct Anti-Homosexuality Act could be revived. Its being used as political leverage to gain votes, sometimes to gain votes or populist support, or to draw attention from other concerns or critiques of the government, she said. In Uganda, she added, there are challenges around stigma, discrimination, and violence. The LGBTI community has been strong, resistant, creative, and resourceful. There is less mob violence than there has been in the past, but people may be kicked out of their jobs, kicked out of their homes and communities, and have landlords evicting them, or be threatened, or be victims of extortion. There are a variety of violences, and part of the work of organizations has been to provide an emergency and secure response to fight harassment. Kouassiaman also accentuated the positive: After the party raid LGBTI people were among those out on the streets of Kampala conducting safer-sex education, she said. She also pointed to LGBTI media operating in Uganda, including a magazine, Bombastic, and news website, the Kuchu Times. In the magazine the focus is on the violence people face, families, love and identities, rather than political issues, said Kouassiaman. They pushed it under all members of parliaments doors, and I think will have really engaged people on a human level. For Jjuuko, while the present time offers grave challenges, he believes that in his lifetime homosexuality will be legalized in Uganda. There is no reason why it shouldnt. Sooner or later Uganda is going to change. Every other country has had its journey. Uganda is having its journey and something will give. Yes, it will happenits just a matter of time. Ignorance was the first and most fundamental block to equality, Jjuuko said, followed by evangelical Christianity. Economic development affects social development, he noted: People in poor areas live in such close quarters in Ugandatheres no privacy if your bedroom is my sitting roomand communities are so tightly knit, there is no privacy for LGBTI people to pursue their lives. After the Anti-Homosexuality Act was passed (and before it was quashed), the number of cases of violence against LGBTI people increased, Jjuuko said. Trans people are at particular risk of violence: they are the most visible. Beatings had been becoming more infrequent, he said. HRAPF met with police on a local level and institutions, but then raids and crackdowns such as the Aug. 4 incident happen and Jjuuko realizes that, for example, police officers will not speak against police officers, and so the arduous task of forming effective alliances continues. Things are getting better, he said. What happened on Aug. 4 will bring visibility to the LGBTI movement, and to what it does. It may bring more of a backlash, but more things will happen. More people will come to the table. Uganda is one of the few countries in Africa where you can talk about homosexuality. Were not doing badly at all. In future we shall change. It has to get worse before it gets better. LGBTI people here are both scared and optimistic. People are being called to police stations, others are hiding away, but we have to remain optimistic. Lose that and we lose our soul. Everything is lost. *** There are some parts of Kampalathe leafy suburbs, Jjuuko saidwhere you can live the life of a New Yorker, and just as there are some parts of New York where you may get beaten up, its the same here. The difference is, in New York the police will protect you. Jjuuko is heterosexual, married, with three children aged 6, 5, and 3 months. In my view, it doesnt matter what sexual orientation you are. I dont believe there is a distinction between me and an LGBTI person. My wife, who helped start the organization, is always supportive. She is practically worried. She is afraid: What is going to happen, are we going to be killed? Are we safe? What if something happens to you, to us? Is this worth it? But she understands why we need to do this work and why it is so important. Thats amazing. We are fighting for a much more inclusive future, for our children. If they turn out to be gay, whats wrong with that? I want them to be gay in an environment which actually supports them to live meaningful lives. Im not worried about them being gay. Im worried about them growing up in a country that doesnt respect the rights of people who are different. Thats the fear I have for the future. Gay or not, we should have a country which respects peoples rights, and values them as human beings regardless of what their sexual orientation is. To that end, Jjuuko is leading a number of test cases through the courts around the registration of groups, the organization of public meetings, violence specifically aimed at LGBTI people, and the arrest of LGBTI people without grounds. We are winning some battles, losing some, but we are pushing legal boundaries and that makes me proud, he said. He is particularly proud of being part of bringing Sexual Minorities Uganda and the Center For Constitutional Rightss case against the evangelical preacher Scott Lively, accusing him of violating international law by stirring up anti-gay hatred in Uganda, starting in 2002. The case is being heard in Massachusetts District Court; a summary judgment hearing is scheduled for Oct. 5. Should the LGBTI activists arguments prevail, it will put an end, said Jjuuko, to evangelicals coming here and importing homophobia. You cant promote hate in other countries. You cant export hate. Jjuuko is most proud, and galvanized, by the successful quashing of the Anti-Homosexuality Act. We fought so hard against that bill: the strategizing, research, fundraising the fight in court, organizing people. It was amazing, I look back, and think Yes, we did it. And yet, Jjuuko said, in HRAPFs office surrounded by fencing and barbed wire, we are prisoners in our own space for fear of the people coming to attack us, and police invasions for all kinds of things. But I believe this is the right thing and we are making progress. We have to suffer the current challenges to be able to get something more or better. People have to stand up and fight, and fight on the frontline. That is the trajectory of human rights everywhere, so Im just doing what everyone has done before. And we need optimism to fight on. They can fight us, but eventually we will win this. We may lose some of the battles, but we will win the war. I asked Isaac Mugisha that, if Pride goes ahead as he hopes in October, would that send a message to the wider world. Yeah, sure. We are still resilient about what we want. We want Pride to happen. People must have freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and human rights. We must make sure as a minority group we achieve that, and there is no reason why we shouldnt. He was optimistic about the future, then? Very much, he said, and repeated the phrase twice more. Tim Teeman has been honored in the 2016 NLGJA (Association of LGBTQ Journalists) Excellence in Journalism awards, in both the Journalist of the Year category and Interviewer of the Year category for his Daily Beast interview with Jane Clementi. With less than 100 days until the general election, some #NeverTrump Republicans are stuck in a political limbo: They wont support Trump, but they also wont endorse Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Heres a list of the top Republicans who are planning to cast a write-in vote, vote for a third-party candidate, or abstainanything to avoid voting for either major partys presidential nominee. August 2016 Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval said on Aug. 15 that he was not currently supporting Trump. Im not supporting him at this time, and Ill be watching to see what he has to say and do, Sandoval told a local Fox News affiliate. Sandovals comment signals a reversal, since in May he wrote on Facebook that he planned to vote for Trump. Republican Sen. Susan Collins refused to back Trump in an op-ed for The Washington Post. Collins added that she does not support Clinton, writing, As we have seen with the dissatisfaction with both major-party nomineesneither of whom I supportthese passions are real and the public will demand action. Fifty senior Republican national security officials signed an open letter opposing Trump, although the letter notes that many of the signatories have doubts about Hillary Clinton. Signatories include Michael V. Hayden, a former director of the CIA and NSA; Robert B. Zoellick, a former deputy secretary of state and later president of the World Bank; and Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff, both former secretaries of Homeland Security. GOP consultant Rick Wilson warned that Trump would be far worse than Clinton as president. I want to be clear here, Wilson added in an op-ed. As a principled conservative, I loathe the high likelihood that Hillary Clinton willbarring a bear attack or some other unforeseen externalitywin this election. Rep. Scott Rigell (R-VA), who is retiring from Congress at the end of his term, declared himself #NeverTrump in March. Rigell openly endorsed Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson in early August. The Harvard Republicans Club announced that the group will not endorse the GOP presidential nominee for the first time in 128 years. The clubs statement did not state if its members planned to support another candidate. Former Minnesota Congressman Vin Weber told CNBC, I wont vote for Trump. Weber, who played a key role in helping Newt Gingrich put House Republicans in the majority, added he wasnt sure if he would support Clinton. Rep. Charlie Dent told CNNs Jake Tapper, Im not planning to vote for either of the two major-party nominees and Im not ready to say Im going to vote for the libertarians either. Dent is a moderate Republican representing a key district in the battleground state Pennsylvania. July 2016 Former RNC chairman Marc Racicot disavowed Trump in a Washington Post op-ed published July 1. I dont know what Im going to do, the former governor of Montana later told Bloomberg. But I do know that Im not going to be casting a ballot for the presently existing Republican nominee. June 2016 Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk pledged to cast a write-in vote, possibly for former CIA director David Petraeus or former Secretary of State Colin Powell. I do not support Hillary Clinton and I told the public that I did not support Donald Trump either, Kirk told a Chicago radio station. I think hes too bigoted and racist for the Land of Lincoln. May 2016 Mitt Romney was one of Trumps harshest critics during the primaries. In May, the former Republican presidential nominee confirmed to The Wall Street Journal that he would support neither Trump nor Clinton. Hopefully, I will find a name I can support, Romney said. If not, I will write in a name. Michael Vlock, a Connecticut investor who has given nearly $5 million to Republicans since 2014, refused to back Trump. Vlock told The New York Times that he was still considering whether to back Clinton. Jeb Bush, former Florida governor and presidential candidate, wrote in an open letter posted on Facebook: In November, I will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but I will support principled conservatives at the state and federal levels. Sen. Lindsey Graham said in a pair of tweets, I cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump because I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative nor has he displayed the judgment and temperament to serve as Commander in Chief. The South Carolina senator has also said he wont support any independent or third-party candidates. Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado (a Republican, although the Miami mayoral post is nonpartisan) said, Im not going to vote for one or the other, referring to Trump and Clinton. Former Congressman Bob Inglis told MSNBC that he will under no circumstances vote for Trump. When asked whom he plans to support, the former South Carolina lawmaker replied, I dont know yet. Its really difficult. Floridas most senior member of Congress, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, announced in May that she does not support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. I think Ill write in the name Jeb Bush, Ros-Lehtinen told the Miami Herald in August. A candidate should espouse optimism. Rep. Bob Dold told a local Chicago radio station that he is opposed to Trump. I want to make that Im clear about this, Im not going to support Hillary Clinton either, Dold added. I would write someone in. The Chicago-area congressman is in a highly competitive re-election race against former Democratic Rep. Brad Schneider. Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said its disappointing that he does not feel confident in either major partys presidential candidate. The things he said about women and Muslims and religious freedom, I just cant support, Baker said of Trump. At the same time, I do believe Secretary Clinton has a huge believability problem. Eliot A. Cohen, who served in the George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush administrations, called for a third-party candidate in an op-ed for The Washington Post. To vote for Clinton is to sacrifice standards and endorse policies and conduct no conservative should; not to vote at all is an escape, not a civic deed, wrote Cohen, who also signed an open letter opposing Trump due to the moguls foreign policy proposals. March 2016 Florida Rep. Carlos Curbeloalso in a close re-election racewas an early critic of Trump and has said he might reluctantly vote for Clinton. What Ive said publicly over and over again to the media is I will not support Mr. Trump under any circumstances, Curbelo told CBS Miami. That does not mean automatically supporting Hillary Clinton. The first secretary of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, wrote in an op-ed: Every four years since my 18th birthday, I have pulled the lever in support of the Republican nominee for President of the United States. That streak will end this November. Ridge, also a former governor of Pennsylvania, added, Similarly, I cannot support Hillary Clinton, a divisive and untrustworthy candidate who will advance and extend failed Obama policies that have greatly weakened our nations economy and security. Former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman wrote in an op-ed: Who my choice may be if Donald Trump is the standard-bearer under the rules of the Republican Party, I do not know. I know it wont be Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And I know it will never be Donald Trump. Rep. Justin Amash has said that Trump cares about power, he doesnt really care about things like the Constitution, and Im concerned that he could push us in a very dangerous direction. The Michigan congressman first endorsed Rand Paul and later Ted Cruz in the Republican presidential primary, and has since floated the idea of casting a write-in vote. Former Jeb Bush spokesman Tim Miller has regularly criticized Trump on social media, first using the hashtag #NeverTrump on Super Tuesday (March 1). Miller has worked with the anti-Trump PAC Our Principles, but told Politico in early August that he has yet to decide which down-ballot Republican candidates he will support. February 2016 Former RNC Chairman Mel Martinez told The Wall Street Journal that he would not vote for Trump. However, the former Florida senator did not clearly say who he plans to support. Martinez said he would not vote for Clintonbut he also said regarding Trump: If there is any, any, any other choice, a living, breathing person with a pulse, I would be there. Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse wrote in an open letter posted on Facebook: My current answer for who I would support in a hypothetical matchup between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton is: Neither of them. The first-term lawmaker added, If Donald Trump ends up as the GOP nominee, conservatives will need to find a third option. January 2016 Conservative radio host Glenn Beck has long shown his disgust at Trumps presidential bid. Beck supported and campaigned with Ted Cruz during the primaries. December 2015 Wisconsin Rep. Reid Ribblewho is retiring at the end of his termdeclared, I wouldnt support Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. The news that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had received his first intelligence briefing Wednesday was met with a shudder inside the national security community. Many braced for what they fear is inevitable, namely that the often shoot-from-the-hip Trump will say something from those briefings publicly. And yet, in the 64 years that presidential candidates have received such briefings, there is no precedent of a candidate publicly revealing classified information, explained David Priess, who wrote The President's Book of Secrets: The Untold Story of Intelligence Briefings to America's Presidents from Kennedy to Obama. So what happens if Washingtons biggest fear bears true and Trump spills a national secret? No one knows. We have never had someone say something explicit from these briefings, Priess told The Daily Beast. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is responsible for presidential candidate briefings, declined to comment or explain when asked by The Daily Beast, only adding to the mystery of what would happen in such a scenario. Priess said that while there technically is a legal option of criminally charging Trump with revealing classified information, proving such a charge would be difficult. A presidential candidate could claim that he was repeating something he discussed with his advisers, not repeating a classified briefing. Even if Trump doesnt reveal top secrets, there already is animosity between him and the intelligence community. In the hours before receiving his first briefing, Trump told Fox News that he doesnt trust the intelligence community, broadly citing their past failing. Not so much from the people that have been doing it for our country. Look whats happened over the last 10 years. Look whats happened over the years. Its been catastrophic, Trump said. And in fact, I wont use some of the people that are sort of your standards, you know, just use them, use them, use them. Very easy to use them, but I wont use them because theyve made such bad decisions. The decision to open the briefings to presidential candidates has been met with unprecedented controversy this election cycle. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid last month reportedly suggested the intelligence community Fake it, pretend youre doing a briefing, but you cant give the guy any information. That same month, Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan urged James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, to deny Hillary Clinton the candidates briefings, citing her mishandling of emails while Secretary of State. Clapper denied the request. If the information released was relatively innocuous, a presidential candidate could get a strict admonishment. Worst case, the intelligence community could to cut off such briefings. And that would have a political cost, especially when, some argue, Trump has an advantage this election cycle when it comes to how the candidates handle classified information. Earlier this summer, FBI Director James Comey described Clinton as being extremely careless with handling of classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State. Should Trump prove too careless himself by revealing classified information from such briefings, he would arguably make it hard for himself to exploit Comeys assessment. There are natural safeguards in place to stop dangerous information slipping out of a candidates mouth. Where the president receives what is known as a presidential daily brief, which includes sources and methods behind the intelligence, the candidates briefing does not include such details. So at least if a candidate reveals whats in his/her brief, it would not allow the candidate to reveal the name and position of someone providing the CIA information, Priess explained. Because the president receives such briefings daily, sometimes the presidents brief will have tactical details about an operation, allowing the commander in chief to follow day-to-day developments. The candidates briefing lacks such details as it only happens occasionallyand inconsistently. Mitt Romney only received two such briefings in 2012. Jimmy Carter so enjoyed his classified briefings in 1976 that sometimes he sat through six-hour sessions, Priess said. Usually such briefings last no more than two hours. The briefings are often more summations of the major security issues around the worldthe war on ISIS, the situation in Syria, and North Korea and its nuclear weapons aspirations, for example. This election cycle the candidates are not expected to receive more than three briefings. President Harry Truman first introduced classified briefings in 1952, after bearing the scar of suddenly ascending to the presidency upon the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt only to discover he had been in the dark as vice president. There was no formal structure then for sharing intelligence with the president, so Truman introduced the briefings as a courtesy, not a legal requirement. He became president and had no idea about the Manhattan Project, Priess explained. Since the start of the PDB in the 1960s, such briefings are not as needed for an incoming president to do his job. Rather, such briefings allow the candidates to be more informed about the implications of what they say on the campaign trail. The main motivation now is that it helps the presidential candidates from saying something that complicates things for the current president or for themselves should they become president, Priess said. Often advisers accompany a presidential candidate to the briefings, even though it usually takes months for citizens to receive a security clearance. On Wednesday, Trump, accompanied by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ret Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, received his first classified briefing. As a retired general and a governor, both advisers likely already had some level of security clearance. Priess said that the officials will often conduct an expedited clearance process for presidential advisers who dont have such clearance. So far, Trump has only made one reference to receiving access to top secret information, when he told a Florida crowd that he had seen secret video of pallets carrying $400 million in cash being delivered to Iran in January as part of Iran deal. He later conceded it was old video that was airing on Fox News. FRENCH SETTLEMENT, La. The little blond girl in striped rubber rain boots and a bright pink shirt knew things could be bad at the house she shared with her grandparents. Floodwaters had consumed much of their Baton Rouge suburb, and some of her classmates homes had water to the roofs. If my house has water in it, Im pretty sure my room has water, said 11-year-old London Guidry as she clambered aboard a small motorboat to check the family ranch house with her grandfather and his friend and fellow riverboat pilot, Josh Boogaerts. The sun was high, the air sultry as they set off Wednesday afternoon into the storm-swollen Amite River beneath a canopy of cypress and oak. Muddy eddies swirled around them. How bad is the current? London asked, wide-eyed. Yall are all gonna see firsthand in just a second, Boogaerts said as the aluminum boat cruised past a submerged street sign and thudded against something as he muttered, unfazed, mailbox. Similar scenes are playing out across the states eight Florida Parishes, part of a former Spanish colony clustered to the east of the Mississippi River. Residents are returning to waterlogged neighborhoods wondering whether their house survived. London and her grandfather, Dugan Phillips, would get their answer after traveling three miles downriver. Fatal flooding unleashed by record rains crept this week from Baton Rouge to suburbs like French Settlement in Livingston Parish. A dank tide of murky swamp water destroyed up to 80 percent of the homes of the parishs 140,000 residents and left others gutted, smelling of dead fish. So far, 13 people have died. Two feet of rain fell in a 24-hour stretch, swelling the Amite beyond its banks and breaking a rainfall record set in 1962. More than 70,000 people have registered for Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance; more than 9,000 have filed flood insurance claims. This is biblical, Boogaerts said as he steered the boat, gesturing to the submerged home of a friend. Hes burnt out. Hes done. He just put in a new game room, Boogaerts said of the friend, whose Camaro also was flooded. They passed two men in another small boat, and Phillips, recognizing a neighbor, waved and shouted, Good luck to you guys! They soon floated toward Boogaerts own house, two stories tall and pale pink. Water had swamped the first floor and a shed packed with equipment. The bottom of my floor joists are gone. Its unsellable, the 43-year-old father of two said, haggard and unshaven after days of these trips. He said he plans to leave: His wife cant stand the risk on the river. All she has to do is hear French Settlement and flooding in the same sentence, and shes gone. Last time, she left the dog on the chain, he said. I just cant keep dumping money into it. But its breaking my heart to leave here. Floodwaters washed out nearby interstates, closed more than a dozen parish schools indefinitely, opened graves and cut off this and other bayou communities for days. Gas and other staples were scarce in the village that claims to be the regions capital for sauce patate, Cajun potato stew. The governor deployed the National Guard, but sometimes even the guards heavy equipment became mired in bayou muck. Stranded locals summoned their own Cajun navy (T-shirts now available online) hundreds of volunteer boaters like Boogaerts who aided law enforcement in rescuing more than 15,000, many from attics and rooftops. They also delivered donated sausage to a shelter at St. Joseph Catholic Church. The makeshift donation center, soup kitchen and shelter refused to close its doors even when the electricity and air conditioning failed, with volunteers still serving up pastalaya (jambalaya with pasta), gumbo, red beans and rice. Father Jason Palermo, a police chaplain who carries his gun in an ankle holster, coordinated shipments of water and other supplies. Town hall is waist-deep, Mayor Toni Guitrau said as she stopped by the church to check on relief efforts after cleaning her own home, which flooded. She said her daughter, a sheriffs deputy, was on looter patrol. The village was settled in 1809 as part of a Spanish land grant, and sawmills soon sprouted to process local cypress. A descendant of those pioneers, 64-year-old Dale Aydell, was among those waiting to get back to his house on Goodtimes Road, once home to Goodtimes Sawmill. The water in his home was waist-deep not much of a good time, he added. There once was a Hardtimes Sawmill here too. FEMA is a concern here, where many feel the agency bungled the Hurricane Katrina response. So many resettled here after Katrina, a subdivision was nicknamed St. Bernard after their New Orleans-area parish, Ricks said. Out on the river, London, Phillips and Boogaerts had almost ended their journey. London covered her eyes. She couldnt look. Then, as the boat neared a white house with dark green shutters, the girl squealed. Our trampoline is still there! Phillips heart also leaped. The water had reached only their porch. Its completely dry. Yes! London shouted as she scaled the front railing. 1 Bulger Takes Appeal to Supreme Court Try, Try Again According to official Guidance, the Sustainable Biomass Partnership (SBP) is the only certification scheme which can 'prove' 100% that the sustainability standards are being met. Note that the sustainability standards, or 'land requirements', are separate from the greenhouse gas standards. However, meeting the greenhouse gas standards is easy for companies because they are allowed to ignore that vast majority of carbon emissions associated with bioenergy. Drax pays for sustainability certification from the Sustainable Biomass Partnership SBP certification for Drax's own pellet production in the US exposes just how meaningless the sustainability standards are, and shows why Drax has had no reason to worry about them. Two SBP certificates were granted on the first of August and applies to two pellet mills built by Drax in Louisiana and Mississippi. Drax has also applied for a more far-reaching 'chain of custody' SBP certificate which could result in all of its biomass electricity being automatically deemed sustainable in the UK, however the latter is still pending. NGO evidence showing that pellets are being made from clearcut wetland forests relates to Enviva, Drax's main supplier, rather than Drax's own pellet mills, where Drax claims to be mainly using wood from pine plantations. This may well be true, at least for now, though it doesn't make the pellets sustainable. Across the southern US, industrial pine plantations continue to be expanded at the expense of biodiverse forests. Forest campaigners from the Dogwood Alliance in the US described the plantations that Drax is relying on for its wood: "Orderly rows as far as they eye can see like a cornfield, regular spraying of fertilizers and herbicides, and plantations are so quiet because they're almost devoid of wildlife. Before they can grow into majestic trees, the heavy machinery chops them down like mowing a lawn." Cutting down and burning a plantation tree still results in high carbon emissions, although the SBP does not even look at climate impacts when assessing 'sustainability'. SBP certification sheds little light on Drax's practices and cannot ensure that the company won't use wood from biodiverse forests in future. An initiative made up entirely of energy companies The SBP was established in 2013 as a successor to the Initiative Wood Pellet Buyers, which had helped drive the emergence and expansion of the global wood pellet trade. It is made up entirely of energy companies. Like other voluntary certification schemes, the SBP relies on external 'certifiers'. These are firms which offer their services to a variety of companies seeking different types of certification under different schemes and standards. This allows Drax to claim: "The SBP Board has no involvement in the certification decision process and has no opportunity to influence its outcome." In fact, there is no need for the SBP Board (chaired by Drax's CEO) to intervene in a particular certification decision: they were able to ensure their desired outcomes by setting the standards, determining what type and level of investigations and verification are required, and devised the appeals procedure. The appeals procedure is only open to pellet producers, energy companies and prospective certifiers who have had an adverse decision against them, but not to civil society groups. Although NGOs could use a separate complaints procedure, that is far weaker and such complaints can be dealt with SBP staff members only. Companies applying for a certificate choose their own certifiers amongst the list of SBP-approved companies and pay them for their services. This creates a strong incentive for certifiers to provide the desired service to their clients, and to be biased in favour of granting certificates. This is a generic problem of voluntary certification schemes. Drax's SBP certifiers: A company with a track-record of granting controversial certificates The certification company chosen by Drax is SCS Global Services ('SCS'), and it is no stranger to controversy. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certificates awarded as a result of SCS assessments include: Certification of the Jari forestry project in Brazil from 2004. In 2015, the certificate was suspended after government authorities raided the company's offices on suspicion of massive fraud and illegal timber laundering. SCS had noted problems with the company's documentation but had chosen to certify them regardless; Certification of Green Diamond Resource Company in California, despite what the Environmental Protection Information Center described as "Green Diamond's aggressive clearcut logging, their legacy of toxic pollution, their decades long history of antagonistic relationships with local communities and civil society organizations, and their corporate culture of greenwash, impunity, and lack of accountability". SBP certification is even less onerous than FSC certification. SCS spent a total of just seven hours inspecting logging operations across two overlapping areas from which Drax's pellet mills source wood, each with 3.9 million hectares of forest. The SCS reports largely summarise 'supply base' reports written by a Drax director. A simple web search casts doubt on some of the claims accepted by SCS: For example, the certification report states that there are no IUCN Red List species (i.e. endangered or threatened species) in the wider sourcing region. In fact, there are 10 Red List species in Louisiana alone, including the Louisiana Pine Snake which depends on Longleaf pine forests. Drax's own report shows that Longleaf pine forms part of the wood mix used by both pellet mills. According to IUCN, "intensive pine silviculture" (pine plantations) is one of two key threats to the species. The best 'sustainability' certificates money can buy The fact that such a questionable SBP certificate has ensured that all of the pellets produced by Drax will be classed as 'sustainable' and thus worthy of subsidies in the UK illustrates the true nature of the Government's sustainability standards. Far from holding any companies to account, 'sustainability' standards simply allow them to greenwash their activities. Standards themselves are of little importance as long as companies can so easily pay another company for providing them with certificates to 'prove' compliance with those standards. This is yet more evidence to back up the argument made in a declaration by 132 civil society groups that biomass sustainability standards cannot protect forests, and that biomass must be excluded from renewable electricity subsidies. Almuth Ernsting is co-Director of Biofuelwatch. Editor's note: Following representations from Drax and SCS Global Services this article was edited on 25th August 2016 to clarify certain contentious issues and provide links to information sources which had been lost from the original owing to a technical error. USDA Rural Development offers more than 40 programs for families, businesses, farmers and communities. Each month, a different program will be highlighted in our guest editorial. Todays column will focus on the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), a program that helps agricultural producers and rural small businesses create energy independence by reducing their energy usage and improve their profitability. REAP is available to agricultural producers (51 percent or more of gross income comes from agriculture production) and rural (any area that has a population of 50,000 or less and is not adjacent to or is not a contiguous part of an urbanized area) small businesses (as classified by the Small Business Administration). The goal of the program is to reduce energy use and cost, and to help meet the Nations energy needs. REAP has two types of funding assistance available: grants and/or guaranteed loans. Assistance is available for energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy systems. The REAP grant has funding available for up to 25 percent of total eligible project costs. Minimum total project costs are $6,000 (grant of $1,500) for energy efficiency projects and $10,000 (grant of $2,500) for renewable energy systems. Maximum total project costs are $1 million (grant of $250,000) for energy efficiency projects and $2 million (grant of $500,000) for renewable energy systems. The REAP guaranteed loan can cover up to 75 percent of the total project costs. The guaranteed loan can guarantee up to 85 percent of a loan through an eligible lending institution. REAP guaranteed loans have a minimum loan amount of $5,000 and a maximum amount of $25 million. An applicant may also be able to get a loan/grant combination where 50 percent of the total project costs could be covered by a guaranteed loan and 25 percent could be covered by a grant. REAP guaranteed loans have a significant amount of funding available with quicker turnaround time than a grant. Energy projects that will help save energy dollars for the business or farm operation may be eligible. Projects funded in Nebraska include: converting diesel/natural gas/propane irrigation engines to electric irrigation motors, installing variable frequency drives on electric motors, replacing grain dryers, replacing heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, replacing refrigeration units in grocery stores, replacing lighting to LED, adding insulation, replacing windows, and replacing doors. An energy audit is required for all energy efficiency improvement projects. Michael Ortmeier in North Bend, NE switched from a diesel irrigation motor to a more efficient electric motor with a variable frequency drive. This project proposes to save 155,192 kWh annually which is enough energy for 14 homes. An annual dollar of produced energy of $1,170 is expected. Renewable energy can be used for energy replacement or energy generated and sold to the power grid. Projects funded in Nebraska include: wind turbines to power center pivots, solar panels for stock wells, solar panels for businesses, geothermal heating and cooling, biodiesel plant that converted waste vegetable oil into biodiesel. Ron Keogh in Oakland installed a 25 kW Dakota wind turbine on a 100 foot monopole tower which generated an estimated 112,200 kWh of electricity annually, enough energy to power 10 homes. An annual dollar of generated energy of $14,197 is expected. Please note: Personal residences are not eligible. Applications must be on file with Rural Development prior to incurring any expenses or beginning any work on the project. The application process for both energy efficiency and renewable energy projects include: REAP template application, energy audit (energy efficiency) or energy resource assessment (renewable energy), bids for project components, tax returns for the previous three years and an environmental review. For energy efficiency projects, energy audits will document current usage (based on historical use) and also project usage and savings after improvements are complete. The audits are completed with the assistance of power utilities and UNLs Manufacturers Extension Partnership. For renewable energy projects, energy resource assessments are completed by the applicant with the assistance of the vendor. The upcoming deadline for REAP grants is October 31. REAP guaranteed loans compete on a monthly basis for funding. Inquire about REAP and see if your project qualifies. Iowa high school football playoffs: All the state quarterfinal games The winners of this week's Round-of-16 games advanced to next week's state quarterfinal round of the playoffs. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate Connecticut has a high prevalence of Medicare beneficiaries living with Alzheimers disease or other dementias, often placing an enormous financial strain on caregivers who are spending thousands of dollars a year on care, reports show. Alzheimers is the most expensive disease in America, said Jennifer Walker, vice president of communications and advocacy for the Connecticut chapter of the Alzheimers Association. The cost of care is very high. Medicare covers most fees for doctor visits, and some hospitalization, if needed; but other costs associated with careincluding home health services, transportation, diapers for incontinenceare not covered. People with Alzheimers often suffer from other chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart and hypertension, which add to the out-of-pocket costs for care. The financial burden is forcing families who rely on Medicare to tap into retirement savings, cutback on food and medical care for themselves, reduce work hours or quit work altogether to be caregivers, according to the Alzheimers Association report Alzheimers Disease Facts and Figures. A recent association survey of 3,500 people nationwide found 28 percent of caregivers lost an average of more than $15,000 in annual income from reducing or quitting work to provide care. In Connecticut, the prevalence of Alzheimers or another form of dementia among Medicare beneficiaries is 11.9 percent, according to 2014 data recently released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Only Texas, with 12 percent, topped Connecticut. The national average is 10.3 percent. About 74,000 people in Connecticut have Alzheimers and that number is projected to grow to 80,000 by 2020. In 2015, there were about 177,000 people in Connecticut caring for loved ones with Alzheimers and other dementias, providing 202 million hours of unpaid care valued at $2.5 billion, according to the associations report. Patricia Lowe of Ridgefield worries that caring for her 80-year-old husband, Frank, who was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2010, will push her into financial ruin. She is his sole caregiver. Its a tsunami, she said of the financial strain. With Social Security as the couples only source of income and Medicare covering a fraction of her husbands medical costs, she worries about expenses she foresees coming down the pipeline. The only thing keeping their costs under control now, she said, is that her husband can still live at home. The couple decided two years ago to forego his medications and frequent doctors appointments instead relying on more natural and holistic remedies. The Medicare system, is a mess, and its a mess on a number of levels, said Angela Mattie, professor and chair of healthcare management and organizational leadership at Quinnipiac Universitys School of Business. We dont have our long-term care financing the way we should have our long-term care financing in this country, Mattie said. Theres no simple solution; these things are politically fought and fought. Medicaid, not Medicare, typically reimburses some of the cost of custodial care for those who cant afford long-term care insurance, she said, and someone must basically become a pauper to get on Medicaid. Is that how we want to treat people in this country? This year total payments for health care, long-term care and hospice care are expected to be $236 billion for those with Alzheimers and other dementias, and nearly half of those costs will be paid by Medicare, according to the association. Nearly one in every five Medicare dollars is spent on Alzheimers and dementia expenses, and it is on track to rise to one in every three dollars by 2050, according to the association. According to the association, costs for long-term care services nationwide on average include: $220 per day ($80,300 per year) for a semi-private room in a nursing home, $250 per day ($91,250 per year) for a private room in a nursing home, $3,600 per month for basic services in an assisted living facility, $20 an hour for a home health aide and $59 a day for adult day services. Lowe, who attends a support group for Alzheimers caregivers, foresees massive expenses looming. I know what the future holds, she said. I have seen people who have had to sell their houses. Lowe said, What nest egg we have right now probably wouldnt cover three years. Having to live this way is very difficult. There is no way I could afford to put him in a nursing home, certainly not in this area [Fairfield County], without completely bankrupting us. She said, This disease is a journey, and Lowe tries to see silver linings wherever she can. We live. We dont dwell. Were not victims. This story was reported under a partnership with the Connecticut Health I-Team ( ). This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate NORWALK Pulling up to the house at 170 Silvermine Ave. or speeding past it as most visitors to this sleepy neighborhood tend to do the home looks like so many others, a well-kept antique reminiscent of another time. What isnt visible from the road, and what makes the property unlike any other, is the backyard. The Silvermine River meanders behind the home, attracting wildlife and offering a serene setting for owner Leah Hartman, who has lived there since 2012. What Im really pulled toward is the water and the sanctuary and the tranquillity of the property, Hartman said. Thats what did it. I was looking at all sorts of properties, and that water view is something that draws me. That little part across the river that I own, no one can build over there. You have that whole expanse beyond the river. It really is like having your own nature park. I found that very tranquil in a busy Fairfield County. Now on the market for $699,000, the property is listed through Cyd Hamer of William Pitt Sothebys International Realty in Westport. Experts who examined the house say it is post and beam construction on the first floor, a combination of post and beam on the second floor and entirely balloon construction on the third floor. The original portion of the house was built in the 1700s, and was expanded in the middle of the 19th century. Low ceilings, wide plank floors and a lumpy but incredibly sturdy foundation are all hallmarks of the antique home. Although not much is known about the house itself, the Silvermine area is rich in history and local legends. When a group of artists settled there in the early 1900s, the area became known as a haven for the arts and the Silvermine Arts Center and Silvermine Artists Guild were born. A commemorative plaque was put on the house by the Norwalk Historical Society in 2003, but at the time, the society did little research into the homes they put plaques on beyond ownership and land transfers. The house is officially dubbed the Rufus Ryder house via the plaque out front, although the man who owned the house most likely spelled it Rufus Rider, according to Norwalk public records. Rider, described in the 1850 Connecticut Census as a 30-year-old white male, was a sawyer, probably at the Buttery or Gutherie saw mill. At one time, the Silvermine River is estimated to have powered at least 12 mills because the water fell steeply enough to make water power profitable. Rider lived at the home with his wife, Elizabeth, and their two children after he purchased the house in 1844. He sold it in 1858. Its estimated that Rider was responsible for the renovations and expansions to the home that occurred during that time. Other than updates to the kitchen and bathrooms, the home has not been expanded since Rider owned the home. Through the years, the house has also been known as The 1789 House and The Civil War Families House, because, according to local legend, the house acted as a sort of commune during the Civil War when it housed families of men who were away fighting the war in the 1860s. Finding a buyer for an antique is finding someone who loves the history, Hamer said. This would be a magical place to grow up. Theres so many places to explore and so much history. Hartman said she is sad to sell the property, which she fell in love with for the Silvermine River that cuts the property in half. Hartmans job causes her to split time between Boston and New York City, so she was forced to give up the home for something halfway between the two cities. Although the house hasnt been expanded since the 1800s, Hartman set to work renovating the property. She opened up the kitchen and installed all new appliances, turned the basement into a large master suite with an accent wall exposing the original foundation and enclosed one of the porches. Im proud of what Ive done, Hartman said. Every time I see it Im, like I really love this house, and I dont want to leave.; 203-354-1021; @kaitlynkrasselt Ask Geotripper Is there something about geology that you are curious about? Do you have questions about the scientific aspects of political controversies? I can try to provide a scientist's perspective. Your questions and possible answers could be a springboard to a blog discussion, or they can be private. Anonymity is always assumed. Contact Geotripper at hayesg (at) CAIRO The public is welcome to the dedication of the Solon Borglum historical marker at 10 a.m. Saturday. The ceremony will take place five miles west of Cairo on Highway 2. The historical marker cost $5,500. Donors to the Borglum project have been invited to the dedication, including Centura Public Schools students, who helped raise $400. Others attending the ceremony will be members of the Hall County Historical Society, including Jo Riedy, who, Ken Harder said, has wanted a marker placed for years. Harder, along with others, helped to bring the project to conclusion. After the dedication, Harder said, there will be a reception with refreshments at the Cairo Roots Museum in Cairo. Members of the Hall County Historical Society and the Cairo Roots have worked a number of years to honor and recognize Solon Borglum, an early Hall County pioneer who went on to become a noted sculptor depicting frontier life in the American West. Last October, members of the Hall County Historical Society and Cairo Roots journeyed northwest of Cairo, where Borglum had his dugout in the late 1880s and where he got his start as an artist, carving the likeness of Native Americans on the soft clay bluffs overlooking Sweet Creek. Harder of the Cairo Roots said the historical marker has been approved by Nebraska State Historical Society, and the Nebraska Department of Roads approved the pullout to be made along Highway 2 where the marker will be located. There has never been a marker in this part of Hall County, and I think that is important, Harder said. With Highway 2 being a gateway to the Black Hills, I think it is important, too, with that tie with Borglum. Borglum is the younger brother of Gutzon Borglum and uncle of Lincoln Borglum, the two men most responsible for the creation of the carvings at Mount Rushmore. We just love history and want to promote it, said Walt Sorensen of Cairo, who was on the committee of members of the Cairo Roots who worked on the project. Up to a couple of years ago, people didnt realize that the Borglum family actually lived around here. We are just trying to enhance history. The historical marker is near where Borglum had his dugout and the nearby bluffs. One of the speakers at the dedication, Jean Lukesh, recently wrote a book about Borglum, Secret Brother, The Story of Solon Borglum, Sculptor of the Prairie. Lukesh is from Grand Island. Secret Brother is a biography. Borglum was a cowboy, rancher, sheriff and early Boy Scout leader before becoming a world-famous artist who earned the title Sculptor of the Prairie. According to Lukesh, the Plains Indians sculptures he carved into the Sandhills bluffs inspired his brother, Gutzon, to carve his own sculptures of American presidents on Mount Rushmore. Solon Hannibal de la Mothe Borglum was born Dec. 22, 1868, and died Jan. 31, 1922. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre by France for his work with Les Foyers du Soldat service clubs during World War I. Lukesh said Borglums father bought the land for the homestead in 1883. Borglum homesteaded the area from 1885 to 1893. Last October, when Lukesh and others toured the site of the Borglum homestead, she said that Borglum always wanted to be a cowboy. But when he was out here, he found banks of natural clay here, and he started molding clay and doing things like that, she said. That was when he was inspired to start carving into the bluffs overlooking Sweet Creek. In 1893, when Gutzon Borglum returned from a visit to Paris, he visited his younger brother and was impressed with his development of his artistic skills and asked him to move to California with him so he could teach him to be an artist. Solon Borglum went on to artistic acclaim and worldwide recognition for his art and sculptures, winning many major awards and commissions and earning a reputation of being among the best American sculptors of the West, alongside Frederic Remington and Charles Russell. And it all got its start here in Hall County, Lukesh said. Despite all the rhetoric coming out of both presidential campaigns, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and free trade in general, are more important than ever to Nebraska. And Nebraska officials and agriculture leaders are in Taiwan right now doing everything they can to ensure that Nebraska ag trade with its Asian partners continues to grow. On Wednesday, a Nebraska trade delegation, led by Nebraska Department of Agriculture Director Greg Ibach, signed letters of intent with Taiwan officials for that country to buy more than $405 million in Nebraska ag products. Included in this agreement are: n 20.2 million to 23.9 million bushels of hard red winter wheat ($115 million to $135 million) n 19.7 million to 23.6 million bushels of corn ($100 million to $120 million) n 77.2 million to 86.7 million bushels of soybeans ($101 million to $113 million) n 77,000 tons of distillers grains ($14 million) n 1,100 to 2,200 tons of pork and pork products ($2.3 million to $4.6 million) n 2,100 to 2,550 tons of beef and beef products ($15.2 million to $18.6 million) The letters were signed by Ibach, representing the state, Nebraska Farm Bureau president Steve Nelson, representing Nebraska commodity boards, and representatives of various Taiwanese meat, grain and export/import associations. It is especially significant that beef and pork are included in this deal, as they have not been part of previous deals with Taiwan. Ibach has emphasized that this deal is a boost for opening up more trade opportunities in the future. Representing Nebraska Farm Bureau, Nelson has said these agreements with Taiwan are of critical importance. The international marketplace is vital to grow demand for the commodities produced on our farms and ranches, especially in the current environment of depressed prices for almost all of the products we produce, he said. These agreements are a step in the right direction to help boost profitability for Nebraskas farm and ranch families. With a record high harvest forecast for both corn and soybeans in Nebraska this year, it is especially important to find international trade partners who need and are willing to buy what our producers are growing. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have emphasized their opposition to the TPP trade deal, with Clinton saying that changes have to be made before it is approved to ensure it will not cost the U.S. jobs. But the Bloomberg View has reported that the U.S. will actually be the largest economic beneficiary of TPP if it is signed. Its provisions have the potential to advance long-standing progressive goals on labor and the environment, dismantle a thicket of protectionist regulations, and reignite global trade liberalization largely on U.S. terms. The deal will also reinforce U.S. strategic interests in the worlds most dynamic region, it said. Last week, Singapores visiting Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called the TPP a test of U.S. credibility and seriousness of purpose. The Asian countries the U.S. has been negotiating with are looking to us to help them stand up in the face of Chinas growing assertiveness. Its also important to note that during the Nebraska trade mission to Taiwan, officials will meet with the director of the Biotechnology Industry Study Centre there. Almost all of the corn and soybeans being grown in Nebraska are biotechnology varieties. The U.S. has been struggling with opposition overseas to GMOs, trying to show that they pose no health risks to human beings. After having worked for the Edwardsville Fire Department for a little over 22 years, office assistant Kathy Leitner will be retiring come Sept. 9. After being hired in May of 1994, Leitner said shell miss the department, but also feels that now is the right time to retire. The main reason is that my husband and I, along with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, own and operate a small winery in Salem, Mo. We do that on weekends and Im just ready to broaden the business down there and make it grow and decided this was a good time to leave, Leitner said. Prior to the job at the fire department, Leitner was a full-time mom. It wasnt until after her kids were raised that she started to look for work, and Leitner said thats when her husband came across the job listing. My husband saw the ad in the paper 22 years ago and it was part-time at the time. I had stayed home to raise my boys until they got into kindergarten so I was a full-time mom at the time, and then once my youngest son went into kindergarten, (my husband) started looking for a job for me. So I applied and Im thankful that he saw that. Its been great and I like it a lot, Leitner said. Having been an Edwardsville resident all her life, Leitner said she never really gave much consideration to working at the fire department. It wasnt until she applied and got the job that she realized the fire department does more than fight fires. Before I came to work here, I really never gave the fire department a thought. I lived in Edwardsville all my life and I never really gave it any thought. They were there and I never thought about what the fire department did. Now that Ive worked here, I just had no clue that they are so busy with so many different activities other than firefighting, with their ambulance services, their inspections and everything they did. Its just real comforting to know that we have that quality of employees here in the fire department for the people of the city, Leitner said. With the new SIUE fire station in construction and the new public safety facility in the works, Leitner said she believes the future of the fire department is very promising even after she retires. Its wonderful that they are finally getting new stations. Theyve talked about that ever since I started working here and its finally happening and its very exciting for them. The growth and getting the new employees that they desperately needed will be a big, giant help for them. Theyll take advantage of that and work it to the benefit of the citizens, thats for sure, Leitner said. When asked about what shell miss the most, Leitner said the people, and that they have grown alongside her every step of the way. Everybody here is like family. You see people coming in, watch their kids grow up for 22 years and you just get to meet and know so many people because (the staff) is here for 24 hours. You come out and bring things to them, their kids coming through to see that, and its really nice. Its different than a normal office experience in a very good way, Leitner said. Theyre all great and Ill miss them a lot. Going forward, Leitner said her perception of the EFD changed overall and hopes the citizens of Edwardsville can erase common misconceptions as well. I didnt realize everything the fire department did and I didnt even realize they worked 24-hour shifts. Im sure theres lots of people that have no idea how much they do. They just think they come up here, work and sleep and sit around and do nothing, but they are very busy people, Leitner said. Rare footage of the first televised presidential debate in U.S. history has been put online by the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, giving voters a chance to see the dramatic change in debate tone and style since 1956. The video captures a debate between Adlai Stevenson II and Estes Kefauver during the 1956 Democratic primary campaign. ABC broadcast it May 21 from Miami just before Florida voters went to the polls. It was moderated by journalist Quincy Howe. Only two copies of the debate are known to exist, and neither has been generally available to the public until now. The ALPLM has made a digital version of its 16mm film copy of the hour-long debate. It can be seen on YouTube at "This video captures two politicians from an earlier era experimenting with a powerful new force - television. The Lincoln Presidential Library is proud to dig into its huge collection and make this video available to the world," said Nadine O'Leary, the ALPLM's acting executive director. In contrast to todays frequently negative and personal political debates, the Stevenson-Kefauver debate shows candidates stressing their common views and staying polite when disagreeing. Each got three minutes for an opening statement and five minutes - an eternity in modern debates - to close. Stevenson, the former Illinois governor, won the Democratic nomination over Kefauver, a Tennessee senator. He went on to lose the general election to Dwight Eisenhower. Stevensons son, former U.S. Sen. Adlai Stevenson III, speaks Thursday at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum about his familys 150-year legacy in state and national politics. Information is available at under special event reservations. Debate topics included school desegregation, small business, nuclear energy and the news that America had detonated a hydrogen bomb. "The future is either going to be a future of creativity and great abundance or its going to be a future of total incineration, death and destruction," Stevenson said, advocating American leadership in controlling atomic weapons. Both men promised support for the Supreme Courts ruling that schools could no longer be segregated by race. This is something where you cant use military coercion. Weve got to appeal to the hearts and minds and to the fairness of people, Kefauver said, 16 months before President Eisenhower used troops to enforce desegregation of an Arkansas high school. The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, a division of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, is dedicated to telling the story of Americas 16th president through old-fashioned scholarship and modern technology. The library holds an unparalleled collection of Lincoln books, documents, photographs, artifacts and art, as well as some 12 million items pertaining to all aspects of Illinois history. The museum uses traditional exhibits, eye-catching special effects and innovative story-telling techniques to educate visitors. With his usual magnetic style and grace, Dr. Eugene B. Redmond, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville emeritus professor of English, demonstrated his poetic prowess during a celebration marking his 40th year as East St. Louis Poet Laureate. SIUE Chancellor Randy Pembrook welcomed Redmond supporters, who turned out Wednesday, Aug. 17 at the Elijah P. Lovejoy Librarys EBR Learning Center on the SIUE campus. Poet Darlene Roy, a retired social services administrator and president of the Eugene B. Redmond (EBR) Writers Club, hosted the event. It is wonderful to have a special collections in a library, because it attracts people, said Pembrook. I supervised the Kansas Methodist Archives housed at Baker University, and I saw the same enthusiasm there as I see here regarding the importance of collections. I want to thank you, Dr. Redmond, for how your work has changed the dialogue at SIUE, and how it has added to the rich culture for our University, region and country. Redmond received written acknowledgments from poets and writers across the country. He also received an award from Michael McMillan, president and CEO of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis. Redmonds longtime friend and media consultant Charlotte Ottley, an East St. Louis native presented the award. He has never tired in telling the East St. Louis story all over the world, Ottley said. He has made it his lifes mission. There is none better. There is none whos stayed the course. There is none who is so important to us all - as Dr. Eugene B. Redmond. He has made us a legend in what he has written, photographed and chronicled. As one of the sons of the City of East St. Louis, the appointment as poet laureate has made me feel like I have a place among the suns of the city, Redmond said. East St. Louis is extremely lucky to have my father, said Treasure Shields Redmond, an assistant professor of English at Southwestern Illinois College. He is not a situational activist, but has been an incredible standard bearer. He will always be in East St. Louis, even after he transcends from this life. Redmond noted the most exciting thing about his years as a poet, historian, cultural activist and archivist: To pass on my mission and vision as a cultural ambassador. Redmond was appointed as poet laureate in August 1976 by then East St. Louis Mayor, Dr. William Mason. Redmonds poet laureateship was among the earliest known to have been conferred by a U.S. municipality. It was also in 1976 that Doubleday published Redmonds critical history, Drumvoices: The Mission of Afro-American Poetry. Redmond is an award-winning author and editor of several dozen books, journals and anthologies. As literary executor of the estate of Henry Dumas (1934-1968), and in collaboration with writers such as Amiri Baraka and Toni Morrison, he has edited several volumes of Dumas works. Redmond won a Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses (1976). In 1986, after he returned home to East St. Louis, a group of local writers, scholars and artists established the EBR Writers Club in his honor. Further examples of Redmonds accomplishments include his winning a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship, a Lifetime Achievement Award from Pan-African Movement USA, a Sterling Brown Award from the African American Section of the American Literature Association (ALA), two American Book Awards (1993/2012) and an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from SIUE (2008), his alma mater. He retired from SIUE in 2007. DES MOINES --- The polls seem to agree on Chuck Grassleys lead in his re-election bid. A new Quinnipiac University poll published Thursday shows Grassley, Iowas longtime Republican U.S. Senator, with a lead of 9 percentage points over Democratic challenger Patty Judge. In a survey of 846 likely Iowa voters conducted Aug. 8 through Tuesday, 51 percent said they plan to vote for Grassley and 42 percent said they plan to vote for Judge. The margin of error was 3.4 percentage points. That lead is consistent with what other polls have shown on the Senate race in Iowa. In five of the six most recent polls tracked by Real Clear Politics, Grassleys leads over Judge were between 7 and 10 percentage points. The lone outlier is a Loras College poll from late June that showed Grassley leading by just 1 percentage point. Iowans have known, liked and voted for Sen. Chuck Grassley for decades. Thats why he appears in strong position to avoid the kind of down-ballot bloodletting that may hurt some Republicans in other states who are not as well attuned to the views and values of their home base, Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a news release. Brown said Grassley is faring better than some other Republican candidates because Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president, is faring better in Iowa than other states. In Quinnipiac poll results published Wednesday, Trump trailed Democrat Hillary Clinton by just 3 percentage points. That is much closer than in some other election battleground states; for example, Clinton leads Trump by double digits in Colorado and Virginia, according to recent Quinnipiac polls there. Sen. Grassleys chances for re-election also are helped by the fact that Donald Trump is running better in Iowa against Hillary Clinton than Trump is in many other states, Brown said. In Quinnipiacs poll on Iowa, Grassley and Judge both have strong support from within their respective parties, but Grassley leads by 20 percentage points among no-party voters, 57 percent to 37 percent. WALLINGFORD A northern Iowa teens joke presidential bid as Deez Nuts recently outpolled a Green Party candidate in Texas. Three percent of the 944 likely Texas voters told Public Policy Polling last week that they would vote for Deez Nuts the campaign moniker for Wallingford teen Brady Olson in a race that also involved Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. Trump garnered most support of the group, 47 percent, with 38 percent saying they would vote for Clinton. Two percent said theyd rather vote for Harambe, a gorilla shot to death in May after a boy fell in his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. Olson, 16, filed for the presidency at the urging of his younger brother, Tyson, who was 12 at the time. Another question in the poll released this week asked who voters would support in a race involving Trump, Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Independent Evan McMullin. Trump earned 44 percent support, Clinton 38 percent and Gary Johnson had 6 percent. The final two candidates, Stein and McMullin, a former CIA agent, each got less support than Deez Nuts. Two percent of respondents said theyd vote for Stein. McMullin had zero percent. At the height of the Deez Nuts campaigns popularity, 9 percent of North Carolina residents questioned by Public Policy Polling said theyd vote for Deez Nuts rather than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Olson could not immediately be reached for comment Thursday on the Texas poll numbers. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Ati Nurbaiti Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 China continues its checkbook diplomacy, boosted by no-strings-attached commitments to business. Thus the nation of some 1.36 billion has gained enough clout to continually dismiss the international arbitration court, which ruled last month that Chinas territorial claim in the South China Sea was baseless. However, although its charms lie beyond money, unfortunately China is dampening its own soft power when acting brazenly against neighbors, like bumping into our fishing boats, declaring traditional fishing grounds, while anyones ancestral claims in the seas could overlap those of others, as well as stating that it is continuing to build facilities and conduct military exercises to secure peace in the South China Sea. The US may stand accused of double standards for bashing China over The Hagues ruling, since it hasnt even ratified the UN Convention of the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS). But smaller nations, like Indonesia, look to UNCLOS and the international court to assert globally recognized rights over their surrounding waters. Chinas actions and rhetoric are provoking its neighbors resentful patriotism, leading to what they fear the potential obstruction of Chinas vast New Silk Road project; its one belt one road plan to cover highways, railways and industrial belts from northwest China to the rest of Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Russia. This 21st century Maritime Silk Road will link Chinese ports with Europe via the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, and the South Pacific Ocean. The project map, covering some 40 nations, including Indonesia and much tense territory, shows why China is courting just about everyone possible. China might be waging that its money and charms will win over allies while resisting US-led bullies mainly to appease the domestic nationalistic audience, many of whom protested the July 12 ruling. As the Chinese dont act like pushy American and Western donors, their appeal indeed includes non-interference. But Chinas soft power has also been its increasing credibility. The Chinese deliver, said an editor during a media cooperation forum held just a few weeks after The Hague ruling by the Peoples Daily, the mouthpiece of Chinas Communist Party. Another said that, to the Nepalese, China was more reliable in realizing the long-awaited hydropower plants for Nepals energy than India. Second, the Chinese showed they were learning. Embarrassing reports, like the Chinese restaurateur in New York who tried to bribe a health inspector, were declining, researchers said, as the Chinese seemed to try to adhere to the standards of the countries where they do business. Third, China is shedding its copycat image not only producing better fakes, as the tycoon Jack Ma boasted but also becoming innovative. In Beijing we enjoyed heavily subsidized Uber fares, just until the local ride-hailing app Didi Chuxing took over. The top social media app, WeChat, where the Chinese chat, shop, hail rides and conduct many other activities, recorded a phenomenal purchase of 32.1 billion virtual angpao, or red cash envelopes, during Februarys Chinese New Year, reports said. Chinese companies investing from west to east and winning over local consumers from foreign rivals, who rightly or wrongly complain of discrimination, are only part of Chinas attraction. Yet soft power needs sustained credibility. The Donald, for instance, has Trumped Uncle Sams preaching of democracy and human rights. To stop ruining our own image and credibility, we first need to realize the problem. The Peoples Daily editors invited input from Asian colleagues in a bid to forge consensus, apparently to better smoothen the New Silk Road. Learning from Indonesia, the Chinese media can avoid repeating our mistakes in forging harmony under the New Order so much so that we shocked ourselves when communal conflicts broke out. Thousands were killed; belatedly we realized simmering discontent in those harmonious lands, which might not have been exposed for fear of job losses and media shutdowns. The media in many nations, including Indonesia, still face the challenge of honest reporting and the ability of sources speaking up without fear. Beijings media gathering took place not long after the authorities reportedly blocked a news website that was often critical of the government. Even the Peoples Daily editors said they often coaxed the government to understand that publishing bad news was inevitable; how long could one ignore angry parents with kids suffering from pollution? The forum closed with agreements between the Peoples Daily and media organizations from Egypt, Portugal, Spain, Kenya, as well as Reuters and others, particularly on content sharing on the New Silk Road. Sharing the projects coverage could make more people aware of the potential, affordable access to new travel destinations and business opportunities, among other things. But uncensored coverage should also help anticipate problems. The earlier controversy around the Jakarta-Bandung express railway, just a few hours drive with no need for the costly project awarded to China after Japan was sure it would get the job, was just one example of the issue of trust, of Indonesians toward their government and toward China. But if China can better abide by regional sensitivities, Indonesia might be a more willing business partner at least to gain better connectivity through part of Admiral Cheng Hos voyage around the archipelago. _____________________________________ The writer, a journalist with The Jakarta Post, was among speakers at the Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Road in Beijing from July 25 to 27, following an invitation from the Peoples Daily. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Teguh Wijaya Mulya (The Jakarta Post) Auckland Thu, August 18, 2016 After a series of symposiums in 2010-2014, 160 young, reputable doctoral graduates affiliated with the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) published a document called SAINS45: Indonesian Scientific Agenda. Outlining 45 scientific questions within eight problem areas, the document provides guidelines for Indonesian researchers and policymakers, particularly toward commemorating Indonesias centennial in 2045. The first question within the first area (identity, diversity and culture) asks: What makes Indonesia Indonesia? Based on a premise that the meaning of being Indonesian is always in flux, this question invites researchers to explore various narratives of Indonesian-ness. Prior to 1945, Indonesian-ness was associated with political mobilization against foreign colonizers. After independence, the identity became a political-ideological project directed toward economic prosperity and the stability of the ruling regime. Considering its new context (post-reformation democracy, regional decentralization and global mobility and interconnectedness), SAINS45 endorses research with a focus on Indonesian identity in terms of the characters and behaviors of Indonesian people, not political and economic projects (p. 34). Specifically, it urges Indonesian researchers to understand and build a comprehensive collection of the beliefs, values, thoughts, characters and behaviors of Indonesian people. While this call for defining Indonesian-ness in contemporary contexts is timely and important, there might be some issues worth considering in relation to this agenda. First, such an agenda might not be completely apolitical, as SAINS45 expects, but still underpinned by political and economic motives, that is, identity and culture as a commodity and resource for enhancing political-economic control. What is different now is the nature and operation of power. It is akin to what postmodern philosopher Michel Foucault called the disciplinary or modern power. Modern power does not control or dominate people as opposed to premodern rulers use of violence to conquer and control the people. Instead, the people are managed, regulated and normalized in ways that support existing power relations. Through institutions like schools, churches, hospitals, factories and families, the people are transformed into and kept in healthy and happy family units, ready to work productively and serve the interests of capitalist society. To this end, understanding the people becomes a means of political control. We need to know them before we can effectively manage, plan for and regulate them. SAINS45 itself indicates this political deployment of identity. It states: understanding Indonesian identity would make planning the future of Indonesia easier to do, while failure to do so might impede national development, and result in social conflicts and disintegration (p. 34). These efforts are aimed to develop harmonious lives and bring happiness to Indonesian individuals, it adds (p. 35). Second, we might need to examine closely ideas that have given rise to SAINS45s call to define Indonesian-ness. Besides the 17 members of its committee, eight problem areas and 45 questions, which represent Indonesias date of independence (Aug. 17, 1945), the very question of what makes Indonesia itself demonstrates an explicit focus on national identity building. Concerns around disintegration, decentralization, ideological conflict based on identity, national development, collective identity and the essence of Indonesian-ness are salient in this SAINS45 document. While a discourse of nationalism enables an appearance of closure or unity, which is politically crucial for maintaining Indonesia as a nation state, it also constrains other ways of seeing, thinking and doing. For instance, it (re)produces an us and them attitude with regards to globalization, resulting in an unquestionable policymaking priority on national prosperity instead of a fair and just global world. In times of crisis, rather than finding alternatives to the zero-sum nature of the global economic game, the focus is lets save ourselves. Care and compassion are then limited to fellow Indonesians, which to a certain degree, might less-humanize others. A dominant discourse of nationalism could reduce our humanness into Indonesian-ness. The third concern regarding this attempt to define our Indonesian-ness surrounds the mechanisms of identity politics operating underneath it. In order to recognize and protect the rights of diverse groups of people, their identities must first be understood, defined and specified this is the logic of identity politics. The problem with this mechanism is that there are always people who do not feel related to and thus are left out by those definitions and specifications, however complex and comprehensive those descriptions of identities are. While SAINS45 notes that articulating Indonesian identity must be conducted with respect to the extraordinary diversity of Indonesia (p. 34), it also seeks to identify core beliefs, moral foundation and collective wisdom which unify us (p. 35). There is a possibility that in our attempts to define Indonesian-ness we might purport to acknowledge differences, while at the same time pinpoint what it means to be Indonesian only to some limited representations of our diverse ways of being. To describe what it means to be Papuan as a part of Indonesia, for instance, might not always be relevant to all Papuans considering the diversity and complexity of the relationship between Papua and Indonesia. Our project of inclusion could become a means of exclusion. To conclude, defining our Indonesian-ness might enable the recognition of the diversity of our identities and cultures to a certain degree. At the same time, such ambition inevitably simplifies the irreducible complexities of our ways of being Indonesian. Understanding the diversity of our identities might improve national strategic planning and policymaking, but simultaneously, it enhances powers grip upon our lives. Perhaps a more important project toward more democratic, humane and diverse Indonesian lives is to continuously resist, rework and recreate whatever theorizations those researchers came up with to articulate our identities, in ways that address inequalities, oppression and injustices. In so doing we would encourage radical diversity, that is, a proliferation of new ways of being Indonesians, and being humans. *** The writer is a lecturer at the University of Surabaya and a PhD student at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. --------------- We are looking for information, opinions, and in-depth analysis from experts or scholars in a variety of fields. We choose articles based on facts or opinions about general news, as well as quality analysis and commentary about Indonesia or international events. Send your piece to For more information click here. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official stance of The Jakarta Post. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Julia Suryakusuma (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 Dont you love birthday celebrations? Well, in mid-August there are two very special birthdays. One falls on the 15th and the other on the 17th, one was born in 1947, the other in 1945, so, 69 and 71 respectively. Spring chickens for countries that is, because of course Im talking about India and Indonesia. One happens to be my country of birth, and the other my country of citizenship. Yup, I was born in India, as my parents happened to be posted at the Indonesian Embassy in Delhi two weeks before I popped out into the world. But its not for that reason that I am intrigued by the two amazing countries and the enduring engagement they have with each other. Would you believe that they had a connection before they were born? If you mark their declaration of independence as a kind of birth that is. But in fact they are both old civilizations that have existed as entities for millennia, engaging in maritime trade, cultural and intellectual exchange. For example, during the Sriwijaya Kingdom period (between the seventh and 13th centuries) many Indonesians studied at Nalanda University in India. Well, I never! Lets face it: India is our mother culture: we got the Ramayana, Hinduism, Buddhism from India, Islam through Gujarati traders, and even our name. Yessiree! The name Indonesia (which dates to the 18th century) is derived from the LatinIndus (India) and the Greek nesos (island) due to the similarity in the two nations culture. The Indonesian language has so many loanwords derived from Sanskrit. I owe not just my birth, but also my family name which means sunflower to the Indians. Secretly, Im a proud Indian, but ssshh dont tell anyone! India and Indonesia are like siblings who grew up separately, but under similar circumstances. Both had to endure a long struggle against a foreign occupation, which was often vicious and brutal, which took centuries to overcome. In a way colonialism interrupted the relationship, but on the other hand it also strengthened it because of the common fate they had to endure. Freedom fighters of both countries were in touch and got inspiration from each other. A fascinating anthology Me Sambal, You Chutney, written by Amol Titus, an Indian expat who has lived in Indonesia since 1998, includes a play entitled Air Visioner (see Me Sambal, You Chutney: discovering Indonesia, India connections through literature, The Jakarta Post, June 6, 2016). Titus starts with an inspiring prologue about how the founding fathers of the two countries egged each other on to sow the seeds not just of independence, but also democracy. In 1955, Indonesia hosted the Bandung Conference, which spearheaded the non-aligned movement, of which India was a strong supporter. Well, at least until the late 1950s. Then the Cold War evolved and India went into a more socialistic closed-economy framework during which time the Indian economy performed badly. Then in 1992, a lot of things happened: the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War, the oil crisis and the disintegration of the USSR, which was a partner to India. They had what was called a ruble-rupee trade, which like the USSR, disintegrated, and the Indian economy went into a tailspin. They had no choice but to open up the economy and were forced into the global market. It took 10 years before India saw any returns, but when things started improving, Indians who had left, causing a brain drain, began to return. The Sukarno regime also closed its doors to foreign investment and aid, but that changed when Soeharto came into power in 1966. While authoritarian politically, the Soeharto regime opened its doors wide open to foreign investment, making its Western-assisted, capital-intensive, growth oriented economic achievements a principal foundation of their legitimacy. But hey, thats in the past. Whatever its ups and downs, now India and Indonesia are recognized as the first-and fourth-largest democracies in the world, albeit still very much works in progress. They face the same challenges of infrastructure, poor logistics, corruption, poverty and class disparities, energy problems, ethnic and religious tensions, and the need to greatly develop their health and education sectors. What can the two countries learn from each other? There are three areas where India has a clear advantage. The first is software and technology. Indians have a knack for mechanical, technical and mathematical stuff so when the software revolution happened 20 years ago, suddenly Indians found their niche. A striking achievement: from 1976 to 2016, India has launched 84 satellites. Approaching 2000 and the Millennium bug scare, Indians were able to cash in. Indian software engineers were at the forefront of solving the problem. These things helped in building up their reputation. It took a while but they never looked back and now India can compete internationally in the high-tech sector. The second is education. Nehru placed a big emphasis on education and set up the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), which is heavily subsidized. In this way India was never short of engineers. Graduates end up on Wall Street in the Silicon Valley, the UN, etc. India also has global level scholars and created an entire academic literature on subaltern studies. But the pro-education mentality is across the board: parents would give an arm-and-a-leg so that their kids could attain a good education. The third is democracy. Sure, its pretty chaotic, messy and full of scandals in both countries, but the difference is that the moderates in India have a loud voice. There is a level of debate that doesnt exist in Indonesia. In Indonesia, with some exceptions, the moderates usually fall into the category of the silent majority. Indonesia has nothing close to what India has achieved in terms of gaining a global reputation. So is there anything that India can learn from Indonesia? Yes, according to Titus. They can learn social skills from Indonesians. In the realm of politics in Indonesia, there are fewer personal attacks against politicians. Indonesians are more respectful and restrained, and are better at consensus building. Perhaps Indians could learn more from Indonesians if the latter made its presence felt more in India. The Indian Embassy has a Festival of India on a regular basis, but I dont think Indonesia has an equivalent in India. So how about it, Ambassador Rizali Indrakesuma? Maybe you could pioneer a Festival of Indonesia in India someday? And while youre at it, get Indonesians to invest in India and take advantage of their growing economy, the way Indian companies are doing here? *** The writer is the author of Julias Jihad. --------------- We are looking for information, opinions, and in-depth analysis from experts or scholars in a variety of fields. We choose articles based on facts or opinions about general news, as well as quality analysis and commentary about Indonesia or international events. Send your piece to For more information click here. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official stance of The Jakarta Post. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Inforial (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta, Indonesia Fri, August 19, 2016 Manpower Minister M. Hanif Dhakiri has asserted that illegal foreign workers and foreign workers who violate labor rules will be immediately deported from Indonesian territory. Hanif asked people to report to the local manpower offices should they find illegal foreign workers or those who are violating the rules. Further action includes sending copies of the reports to provincial-level manpower offices and the Manpower Ministry so that the ministry can directly take firm action. "If people see [illegal foreign workers or those violating the rules], please report it, and well have them deported immediately. If we ourselves in the government find illegal foreign workers, well also promptly have them sent home," said Hanif prior to a meeting with House of Representatives Commission IX in Jakarta on July 19. Hanif said the government could not stop foreign workers coming into the country as many countries around the world employed foreign workers. What is important is how the government reacts to the issue. We dont question the fact that they are coming into Indonesia; we are concerned about their being illegal or violating our rules. If they are here illegally or have violated our rules, we wont hesitate to send them home immediately Its that simple, he said. The minister dismissed the notion that an influx of foreign workers, particularly as has been rumored from China, was a prerequisite for foreign investment. He said that for each business cooperation agreement each country had its own regulations. Hanif believes that the public shouldn't be too worried, as foreign employee regulations in Indonesia are quite strict. All the rules involving foreign workers have been outlined in Manpower Ministry Ministerial Decree No. 16/2015. "In Indonesia we have strict rules related to foreign workers. There are competency requirements, and technology transfers, for example. Basically, only those with skills can come and work here, he said. As long as foreign workers are here legally and are not in violation of the law, then there are no problems. If their presence is illegal and violates regulations, then there is no need to mince words. We will take action. We will kick them out!, the minister said. Data on Foreign Workers The minister said in the period of 2011-2016, there had been only a minor fluctuation. Data from the ministry reveals there were 77,307 expatriate workers in 2011, 72,427 in 2012, 68,957 in 2013, 68,762 in 2014, 69,025 workers in 2015. And until the end of the first half of 2016 there were 43,816 foreign workers in the country. Hanif asserted that the data the ministry had were valid and accountable and the foreign workers met the requirements, including entry and work permits. "We have complete data, along with their names. So, it is not true that 10 million Chinese workers are ready to enter the country. Even on social media, the rumors said it was only hearsay. I cannot respond to hearsay, he said. Hanif explained further that foreign workers could only occupy certain limited posts with specific skills, the lowest being an engineer or a technician. Unskilled workers have no place here and having them here is a violation. And we will take action against any violation, including deportation, he said. Foreign workers wanting to work in Indonesia have to meet all requirements including having work and stay permits, and they must already have obtained all permits before entering the country. Besides, none of the permits can be obtained individually; the companies that hire them must take care of obtaining these permits. So, it is not true that there are 10 million Chinese workers entering Indonesia. Maybe the number comes from Tourism Ministry data, he said Based on the collected data, the Manpower Ministry reported that the total target of international tourists visiting Indonesia in 2016 was around 12 million people. The target will increase every year, with the target for 2017 being 15 million tourists, 17 million in 2018, and 20 million tourists in 2019. Of the total target, tourist numbers from Greater China (China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) are expected to amount to 10.7 million people, with 2.1 million in 2016, 2.5 million in 2017, 2.8 million in 2018 and 3.3 million in 2019. So, its clear that the number [10 million Chinese workers] is an insinuation or a provocative figure. Even the number of expected tourists from Greater China doesnt reach that figure, Hanif stated. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Masajeng Rahmiasri (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 Fans of Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2 (AADC 2) can rejoice as a special DVD box set for the film is set to be released on Friday. Created by Miles Films and Navirindo, the box set will be sold exclusively through online marketplace Elevenia with 3,000 copies available in the first batch, according to a report by Antara news agency. I'm very excited to share this box set with fans of the movie who want to collect these items, as well as people who haven't been able to watch AADC 2 because there are no movie theaters in their city, producer Mira Lesmana said in an official statement. (Read also: 'Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?': 14 years later) The box set will include signed photos of the actors, a polo shirt, a notebook and a booklet. A shawl worn by Cinta (Dian Sastro) is also available as special merchandise for ten lucky winners. With this special edition and its added value, hopefully we'll be able to minimize DVD piracy in Indonesia, said Elevenia's GM partnership and promotion, Anggita Vela Lydia. (kes) (Read also: Ada Apa dengan Cinta 2: Long-awaited sequel doesnt disappoint) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (Associated Press) Nashville, Tennessee, United States Thu, August 18, 2016 Country star Blake Shelton apologized on Twitter for offending people with his language, but denied being hateful after several old tweets referencing gays and non-English speakers surfaced online. Screenshots of years-old tweets posted on his Twitter account, which he controls, prompted criticism online that "The Voice" judge was sexist to women and stereotyped gay people and non-English speakers. (Read also: Leslie Jones, under hateful barrage on Twitter, fights back) Shelton posted a note Wednesday saying he has no tolerance for hate of any kind, but said that his humor could be at times "inappropriate and immature." A representative for Shelton did not immediately return an email seeking clarification and a Twitter spokesperson said they don't comment about individual accounts. Gay rights organization GLAAD asked him in 2011 to apologize for a tweet they called a joke about anti-gay violence. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Andi Hajramurni (The Jakarta Post) Makassar Thu, August 18, 2016 As many as 3,344 adult and child prisoners in South Sulawesi received sentence remissions on Indonesias 71st Independence Day. They are currently serving sentences in nine penitentiaries, 15 state detention houses and one military correctional facility across the province. Of the total, 150 inmates were released immediately after receiving their sentence remissions on Wednesday. They were all convicted of general crimes. An inmate identified as Efendi, 36, said he was happy and grateful for receiving a sentence remission. Todays Independence Day celebration means a lot to me because I received a one-month remission. Im free now. I thank God because I can reunite with my family and go back to work, he told The Jakarta Post at the Class I Gunungsari prison in Makassar on Wednesday. The construction worker was sentenced to eight months in prison for attacking people. Sahabuddin Kilkodo, the head of the Law and Human Rights Ministry in South Sulawesi, explained that the 3,344 inmates had received sentence remissions of between one and six months. Sahabuddin said his office had also submitted sentence remission requests for special crime convicts, such as those serving time for corruption, terrorism, human trafficking and money laundering. Most of them were sentenced to more than five years in prison. However, he said the requests had not yet been approved by the Law and Human Rights Ministry in Jakarta. We have proposed sentence remissions for 237 inmates convicted of special crimes but until today, there has been no decree from the law and human rights minister [Yasonna Laoly], said Sahabuddin. (ebf) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Apriadi Gunawan (The Jakarta Post) Medan Thu, August 18 2016 Activists and journalists are preparing to file lawsuits against the Air Force for violence against residents and two journalists during a protest in Sari Rejo, Medan, North Sumatra. Hundreds of Air Force personnel were caught on camera using violence against Sari Rejo residents who had blocked the road and set tires on fire in front of state high school SMA No. 2 on Jl. Adi Sucipto on Monday. The violence was captured by CCTV camera belonging to Al-Hasanah Mosque on Jl. Teratai. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Ina Parlina, Tama Salim and Haeril Halim (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18 2016 ASEAN and China are on track to expedite the drafting and implementation of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) as a senior officials meeting (SOM) on Tuesday approved a guideline for temporary measures of engagement in the disputed waters. ASEAN and China have agreed on a draft joint statement to enforce the Code of Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES) in the hotly contested South China Sea (SCS), Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi revealed, ahead of further talks to speed up the drafting of the code. The meeting, held in Chinas Inner Mongolia region and cochaired by China and Singapore, also approved a guideline for an emergency communications hotline for senior foreign ministry officials from China and ASEAN. The guideline is set to be launched at this years ASEAN Summit and related meetings in Laos. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Corry Elyda (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18 2016 A number of children lined up impatiently in front of crackers hung with cotton rope while an organizer called their names one by one during a competition to celebrate Indonesias 71st Independence Day in the Bukit Duri subdistrict of South Jakarta on Wednesday afternoon. The road was turned into a field and became noisy as friends, parents, siblings and neighbors shouted, giving support to the children competing in the makan kerupuk (eating crackers) game. The celebration of this years Independence Day was tainted by the fact that it could be the last one for Bukit Duri residents, who are set to be evicted and relocated next month. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login LISBON Representatives of Iowa railroads pressed U.S. Rep. Rod Blum for a permanent extension of a tax credit they said short lines use for maintenance and safety enhancements. Class I railroads the larger lines, spend tens of millions dollars each year on rail line maintenance, Phil Meraz of the Iowa Department of Transportation told Blum during his visit to HiRAILs plant in Lisbon on Thursday. We have a variety of sources not available to short line railroads, Jim Kvedaras, government affairs director for CN said in support of the credit. Short lines use the tax credit for maintaining rail, ties and bridges, said Cory Hoffmann of Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Railway (CRANDIC). Short lines, which are defined by their revenue, not miles of track or tons of freight, connect local shippers, ag suppliers, food processors and manufacturers to main lines. They hook us up in a global economy, said Sean Winkler of the Railway Engineering-Maintenance Suppliers Association. Blum heard similar reports from the Iowa Interstate and Iowa Northern, which operate some of the 3,850 miles of rail line in Iowa. Much of the freight they haul, Onna Houck of Iowa Interstate said, is ethanol. She told Blum that 10 years ago corn and beans accounted for 70 percent of its freight. With growth in the production of ethanol and its by-products, corn and beans amount to 17 percent of Iowa Interstates freight. More specific to HiRAIL, Blum was told more funding is needed to improve safety at the nations 250,000 rail crossings, including about 4,300 in Iowa. The state gets about $1.1 million a year in Section 130 Fixing Americas Surface Transportation (FAST) Act funds for the elimination of hazards at railway-highway crossings on state roads, Meraz said. The state has been putting in between $4 million and $5 million a year into a state program that supports similar improvements on local roads. Still, he said, the DOT has applications for $35 million in assistance. Blum then toured HiRAIL, which was founded in 1983. It manufactures 100 percent rubber railroad grade crossing systems. For over 25 years, HiRAIL has used recycled rubber truck tires as the base material for its products. HiRAIL has seven employees at its Lisbon plant and staffs sales offices from Canada to Mexico. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Bambang Nurbianto (The Jakarta Post) Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Thu, August 18, 2016 The International Peat Society (IPS) has said that the 15th International Peat Congress in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia at which many results of new research were presented, may change the perception of environmentalists about the negative impact of cultivation on peatland areas. A member of the IPS executive board Moritz Bocking said much of the new research showed that the agricultural development of peatland areas, such as by oil palm plantations, did not necessarily have a negative impact on the environment. We hope that more scientists from this region will be more active in conducting research on this issue. We will have a roundtable with NGOs. The IPS will arrange it, Bocking told a press conference on the sidelines of the congress on Thursday. Environmental activists have long criticized the development of oil palm plantations in peatland areas, arguing that it negatively affects the environment causing land subsidence and the significant release of carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warning. But palm oil companies argue that such claims are only made to prevent the development of palm oil, which is tough a competitor to other oils like soya bean and sunflower oil that are developed in the US and European countries. In response to the environmentalists view, Basuki Sumawinata, an expert on land science from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), said experience of Sarawak oil palm plantations in peatland areas where the peatland was compacted before being planted showed that land subsidence did not happen. At the same time the fear of significant carbon release during the cultivation process on the peatland is not proven because the peatland remains intact. Meanwhile, the oil palm trees even help to absorb CO2 from the air, Busuki said. The three-day peat congress attended by nearly 1,000 participants from 30 countries closed on Thursday. (bbn) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Marguerite Afra Sapiie (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 Education experts and practitioners have urged Culture and Education Minister Muhadjir Effendy to take a firm stance in promoting a policy of zero tolerance of violence at school. University of Indonesia professor of sociology, Kamanto Sunarto, said on Thursday Muhadjir's controversial statement that harsh punishment could be applied at school "to some extent" in order to discipline students, could serve as a bad precedent especially since the minister had a crucial role as a senior figure in the education sector. "We don't want teachers to feel that they are backed by the minister when they inflict corporal punishment. The minister should uphold the law [on childrens protection] without any compromise or tolerance," Kamanto said. He asserted that the Culture and Education Ministry should guide teachers to seek a better approach to encouraging students to be disciplined without having to resort to violence. It was also a way to teach students not to bully their classmates. Fidella Anandhita of the Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia Teaching Movement) concurred, saying the minister should instruct teachers to apply a positive disciplinary approach that did not teach children to obey by force, but instead through the consequences and consistency that were needed in their everyday lives, for example, telling them that they simply could not attend the class if they were late. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Ni Komang Erviani (The Jakarta Post) Badung, Bali Thu, August 18, 2016 Foreign inmates at Kerobokan Penitentiary looked enthusiastic as they attended a flag- raising ceremony to commemorate the 71st anniversary of Indonesias independence on Wednesday. They did not seem to mind standing for around 50 minutes in sweltering heat. I have been living in Bali for 10 years. Im half Balinese. Im happy to participate in Independence Day celebrations, said Australian inmate Eric Bevan Gillet, who was sentenced to two years in prison for fraud. Having lived in Bali for several years, Gillet said it was not his first time taking part in an Independence Day celebration. I have attended such events many times, said the Australian, who received one-month remission on Independence Day. Two Bangladeshis, Rashedul Islam and Habibur Rahman, were among foreign inmates attending the flag-raising ceremony at Kerobokan. Sentenced to eight months in prison for using fake passports, Islam and Rahman had been given one-and-a-half months remission each, with Independence Day marking their release. "I am so happy. I will go back to my country and run my cell phone business there," Habibur said after the ceremony. Kerobokan warden Slamet Prihantara said it was not compulsory for foreign inmates to attend the ceremony. "We never force them to attend this event," he said. Fourteen foreign inmates in penitentiaries across Bali received sentence remissions of between one month and six months on Independence Day. (ebf) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Marguerite Afra Sapiie (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 A controversial plan by Culture and Education Minister Muhadjir Effendy to extend elementary and high school hours had the possibility of worsening the cycle of violence at schools, a teacher association warned on Thursday. "With violence, such as bullying and harsh punishment, at school not being addressed properly, a full-day school day would only exacerbate the problem," the Federation of Indonesian Teachers Associations (FSGI) secretary-general Retno Listyarti said on Thursday. A study by childrens rights organization Plan International reveals that seven out of 10 students experience violence at school, while 84 percent of the bullied do not report the incidents to parents or teachers because of pressure from their peers, Retno said, adding that the cycle was completed when the victims turned into attackers once they became seniors at school. She went on to criticize Muhadjir, who said he had used European state schools as a benchmark for his plan, saying that Indonesian state schools could not be compared to those overseas that had comprehensive curricula, complete facilities and supervision mechanisms to support their education systems. Muhadjir was of the opinion that the full-day school system would stop students from spending their days engaged in wasteful activities. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Ayomi Amindoni (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 The government launched on Thursday a pilot project in Jakarta to distribute social assistance via electronic banking facilities at four state-owned banks. In this project, the government will no longer use cash transactions in distributing the benefits of the Prosperous Family Card (KKS) to its holders. The Social Affairs Ministry launched the e-delivery pilot project in Kampung Rawa, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta. Jakarta is the seventh city to try out this pilot project. Earlier, the ministry launched similar pilot projects in three cities in East Java, namely Malang, Sidoarjo, and Mojokerto, Makassar in South Sulawesi, Padang in West Sumatra and Surakarta in Central Java. On Thursday, the government also launched e-Warong, an official grocery store designed to serve social assistance beneficiaries. All commodities offered by the shop will be supplied by the State Logistics Agency (Bulog). Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowodojo said the non-cash social assistance delivery was in line with President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's instruction, in which he wanted benefits for all social assistance card programs to be distributed in non-cash form so they could be directly received by the beneficiaries. "All local administrations should also implement the non-cash distribution system," he said. Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa said the ministry would expand the pilot project to several others cities, including Boyolali and Semarang in Central Java and Palembang in South Sumatra. "The response to this pilot project has been incredible. Many regents and mayors have requested that this pilot project be implemented in their regions," she said. (ebf) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Marguerite Afra Sapiie (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 The government has signaled that it may allow dual citizenship in the future, considering the growing role of the Indonesian diaspora, which could benefit the country, a top minister says. Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan said the country should pay more attention and provide better opportunities to its citizens abroad, those who had settled overseas, to return to Indonesia and fulfill their ambitions to develop Indonesia from within. "Don't argue over regulations that we can still amend. What's more important is that we have the best Indonesians working with future generations to make our country better," Luhut said on Wednesday. The statement follows the controversy surrounding former energy and mineral resources minister Arcandra Tahar, who was recently dismissed by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo from his position for allegedly holding dual US-Indonesian citizenship. There are many Indonesians living abroad in the US, European countries, as well as Australia, who would like to come back to contribute for the benefit of the country, Luhut said, adding that 24 Indonesian professors had settled down in the US, but had expressed interest in returning to the country. Earlier in 2015, Jokowi promised that his administration would seek ways to allow Indonesian citizens and their families living abroad to hold dual citizenship. The President was urged to immediately amend Law No. 12/2006 on citizenship, which currently does not allow citizens to hold dual citizenship. (dmr) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Prima Wirayani (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 The government has promised slightly higher economic growth in 2017 amid a challenging global situation and slow economic recovery. Realistic, credible and sustainable were three words that President Joko Jokowi Widodo highlighted when he spoke in front of lawmakers at the House of Representatives on Tuesday. The annual event saw Jokowi deliver the 2017 state budget, which he said would become a fiscal instrument to support poverty eradication, disparity reduction and job creation. To support them, the upcoming APBN [state budget] needs to be realistic, able to uphold priority programs, credible, resilient and sustainable, whether in a short or medium period, he said. He went on to explain three key policies contained in the budget, namely a taxation policy that will support economic movement, a spending policy that will put an emphasis on productive and priority spending and a financial policy to improve resilience and risk management by maintaining deficit and debt ratio. The speech seemed to be designed to regain peoples trust and confidence about the future on the back of the slow realization of the 2016 state budget, low tax revenue collection, public disputes among the Presidents aides and Cabinet reshuffles due to the unsatisfactory performance of ministers. The cash-strapped administration has so far failed to achieve its economic targets since 2014. Last year the economy only expanded by an annual 4.8 percent, the lowest in the past six years. For 2017, it promises 5.3 percent growth in gross domestic product (GDP), slightly higher than the 5.2 percent growth forecast for 2016. It believes global economic improvement and effects from this years implementation of economic packages will help achieve the growth target, despite smaller revenue and spending outlooks. In taxation, the government claims ongoing tax amnesty and law enforcement programs can help widen the tax base, and at the same time, it plans to offer more consumer- and investor-friendly taxation policies. Meanwhile, in terms of spending, Jokowi laid out six priorities, including infrastructure development and interregional connectivity, improvement in goods expenditure and more accurate subsidy disbursements. The Public Works and Public Housing Ministry which deals with most infrastructure projects is slated to obtain the largest spending allocation again with Rp 105.6 trillion (US$8.1 billion), higher than the Rp 97.1 trillion earmarked this year. Some of the infrastructure projects targeted in the 2017 state budget include the construction of 815 kilometers of roads, 9,399 kilometers of bridges and 14 new airports. At the end of his speech, the President acknowledged that his administration was still taking a guided expansive fiscal policy to increase production capacity with a 2.41 percent budget deficit of GDP. After the event, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati reaffirmed the governments plans. The government will continue to improve tax collection without shrinking economic activities, she told journalists at a press briefing at the Taxation Directorate General. Meanwhile, Coordinating Economic Minister Darmin Nasution, who was present at the briefing, said the government wanted to convey a message that it was optimistic the economy would not slow down even though the global economy was experiencing a decline. Kenta Institute economist Eric Sugandi and Bank Mandiri chief economist Anton Gunawan welcomed the governments efforts to maintain an expansive fiscal policy to boost economic growth. The multiplier effect of government spending wont be big, but it will be in line with next years growth assumption, Anton said. Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) chairman Hariyadi B. Sukamdani said the proposed 2017 state budget was positive as the government had realized that this years budget was overly optimistic. ____________________________________ To receive comprehensive and earlier access to The Jakarta Post print edition, please subscribe to our epaper through iOS' iTunes, Android's Google Play, Blackberry World or Microsoft's Windows Store. Subscription includes free daily editions of The Nation, The Star Malaysia, the Philippine Daily Inquirer and Asia News. For print subscription, please contact our call center at (+6221) 5360014 or Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Veeramalla Anjaiah (The Jakarta Post) Thu, August 18 2016 From Aceh to Papua and Malang to Manado, millions of people on Wednesday were soaked in patriotic fervor to celebrate the 71st anniversary of Indonesias independence. Across the country, even at sea, children, adults and the elderly attended flag-hoisting ceremonies in the morning and later participated in various traditional games, which were filled with fun more than competition. Kites were flown and richly decorated boats set sail in many places of the archipelago. There were enthralling dance performances by students and professional dancers in villages, towns and cities. Children were joyful for the whole day, participating in numerous activities. Indonesia proclaimed its independence on Aug. 17, 1945 and fiercely defended its freedom from the Dutch colonial masters. We may have differences in terms of race, religion, ethnicity and language, but when it comes to national unity, we all are one nation. Even after 71 years of independence, millions of people still face problems of poverty, unemployment, poor health or education and a lack of infrastructure. Putting aside their differences and difficulties, both poor and rich came together to celebrate Independence Day. Every one of us loves our country and is ready to defend it and give our best for the motherland. That spirit was clearly reflected in this years Independence Day celebrations. Long live Indonesia! to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Adam Rizky Nugroho (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini is considered a possible rival to incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahja Purnama in the 2017 gubernatorial election. Many consider the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) member the only possible candidate to compete face-to-face with Ahok. Reigning over Indonesia's second-largest city for six years, Risma has transformed the formally drab city of Surabaya into a well-managed green metropolis. The capital of East Java has become more prosperous in terms of economic growth. How did Risma make it possible? Risma became the mayor of Surabaya on Sept. 28, 2010, succeeding Bambang Dwi Hartono who is now her deputy. The 54-year-old leader is the first directly elected mayor of Surabaya. Trade, hotels and restaurants are major contributors to the city's coffers, contributing 45 percent to total regional revenue. Processing companies and other sources contribute 20 to 25 percent to the capital's income. Risma has managed to increase the city's revenue despite there being no significant changes in economic sources. In 2014, the local government booked Rp 3.3 trillion in revenue, triple 2010's income of Rp 893 billion. The tax policy and Surabaya's significant economic growth have supported the capital's financial performance. Chart: Surabaya Local Internal Revenue (Rp billion) source:(BPS/Bareksa) Economic growth in Surabaya reached more than 7 percent per year from 2010 to 2014, beating Indonesia's overall average economic growth of 6 percent. High economic growth showed a sharp increase in business, which translated into higher revenue. Risma issued mayor regulations No. 56 and No. 57 in 2010. The two regulations became legal bases to increase billboard tax to 25 percent and to levy additional taxes on particular products, such as cigarettes. The regulations increased advertising tax in Surabaya to reach more than that in Jakarta. The policy threatened Risma's position as mayor. The legislative council exercised its right of inquiry to depose of the mayor because of her failure to include regional figures in discussing and preparing the regulations. Although causing controversy, the policy increased city revenue by 7.13 percent in 2011. Regardless of her achievement in supporting economy growth, many have questioned her ability to govern the more complex Jakarta, as the capital city. "She performed well, but Surabaya is a small city the size of South Jakarta," Ahok said. (dan) Source: Bareksa Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18 2016 An Indonesian sailor taken hostage by the Abu Sayyaf group in the southern Philippines is already in the hands of the police after escaping from the militants. Lalu Muhammad Iqbal, the Foreign Ministrys director for Indonesian nationals and entities abroad, said Muhammad Sofyan, 28, was currently being taken care of by the Sulu Police. Currently, representatives from the Indonesian Embassy in Manila and the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao are on their way to Zamboanga City to handle the next process and to check on Sofyans condition, Iqbal said in a statement. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Editors note: This story contains content some readers may find objectionable.HAMPTON Mark Retterath of Osage testified Thursday that he never molested the man accusing him of sexual abuse and he never planned to kill him. Retterath, 52, who is on trial for attempted murder, solicitation to commit murder and third-degree sexual abuse, said he did order castor beans online and printed online instructions for extracting the deadly toxin ricin from them. However, he said he never planned to extract the ricin and mix it with drugs to put on the accusers property as the state alleges. Retterath said he wanted to grow castor plants for their ornamental value and to kill varmints on his land. The state claims Retterath got the idea for extracting ricin from castor beans and mixing it with drugs to kill his accuser from a friend who told him about an episode of the TV series Breaking Bad in which a character used this method to kill another character. Retterath said his friend was at his house one day while he was ordering castor beans online. He said they were being advertised as a deterrent for moles, deer and gophers. The friend looked over his shoulder and saw what he was ordering, and said, You will be able to make ricin, Retterath said. When he asked the other man what he meant, he said he saw it on Breaking Bad. Retterath said he friend started to explain, but then said, Hell, just Google it. Retterath did a search using the term how to extract ricin from castor beans. He printed the instructions. He said he read them but never extracted the ricin. He claimed he opened a file cabinet and tossed the instructions into a folder at random. The instructions were found by law enforcement in a file labeled Roth IRA during a search warrant in June 2015 after the two men Retterath allegedly spoke to about killing his accuser talked to the police about those conversations and the castor beans. Officers also found a small plastic bag containing some catsor beans in a pocket of Retteraths jeans in his bedroom. Retterath denied asking two other men to help him carry out plans to kill his accuser. He said he was angry with the young man and cussed him out plenty. Retterath said he may have said he wanted to kill him while the was venting to others, but actually doing it wasnt even a thought. Retterath said he knew if his accuser was murdered, he would be the primary suspect. The state alleges the accuser, the son of friends of the family, was 13 when Retterath first began acting inappropriately with him while they were alone together in a truck on the property near Stacyville by showing him pornography and encouraging him to masturbate. The prosecution also claims the accuser went over to Retteraths house several times beginning when he was 16 and the defendant molested him there. Deb Rolland, Retteraths long-time girlfriend, said the young man never went with Retterath to plant trees on his land until he was 18. Rolland said Retterath could not have been alone in the house when the accuser came over during high school and as a young adult, even when she was at work. The couples young child, who Retterath cared for while she worked, and some of Rollands older children would have been in the house, she said. Rolland said although Retterath was upset after he was charged with sexual abuse in February 2015 and angry with his accuser, he didnt want him dead. He wanted to clear his name, she said. The accuser testified earlier this week that Retterath had a sword tattoo on his penis. The state showed the jury a photograph of the tattoo, as well as a drawing the accuser made for law enforcement. On Thursday Retteraths attorney, Angela Campbell, showed the jury a photo of another sword tattoo her client has on his arm. Rolland also testified that Retteraths tattoo on his penis is not a family secret. I think pretty much everybody knows it, she said. The trial was moved to the Franklin County Courthouse in Hampton due to pre-trial publicity and all the people involved being from Mitchell County, according to presiding Judge Gregg Rosenbladt. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (The Jakarta Post) Palu Thu, August 18 2016 Security personnel shot dead the last Uighur in the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) terrorist group during a gunfight in Padopi forest, Poso regency, Central Sulawesi, on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. local time. Operation Tinombala chief Brig. Gen. Rudy Sufahriadi confirmed the shooting of a foreigner identified as Ibrohim, who was shot and killed not far from a village. At the time, Ibrohim was reportedly heading to the village with another MIT member in search of food. Rudy, who is also Central Sulawesi Police chief, said security personnel at the site had called out the operation code, but the suspects responded by tossing a grenade at security personnel, and were subsequently shot. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login TheJakartaPost Please Update your browser Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our website. A list of the most popular web browsers can be found below. Just click on the icons to get to the download page. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Nurul Fitri Ramadhani and Ina Parlina (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 President Joko Jokowi Widodo has consolidated power so well that his blunder in appointing American national Arcandra Tahar a minister a move some analysts say could lead to impeachment proceedings at the House of Representatives is unlikely to disrupt his presidency. With the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) being the only party initiating an inquiry into the fiasco, Jokowi will go unscathed through what many consider to be his worst blunder unscathed. There will be no legal implications for Jokowi. Instead, it will be a moment for the President to fix the recruitment system, Dave Laksono of the Golkar Party said. Golkar was once the largest opposition party before it changed its position earlier this year and secured a ministerial post in the latest Cabinet reshuffle. Even the Gerindra Party, which is now the largest opposition party, has refused to politicize the issue. House Deputy Speaker Fadli Zon, a Gerindra legislator, said it was possible for legislators to launch an inquiry but added that he preferred a friendlier approach.If the government can explain briefly the reason behind its mistake, then its enough. Well see later if an inquiry is needed or not, he said. Without support, it will be hard for the PKS to launch an inquiry. The 2014 Legislative Institutions Law (MD3) stipulates that a House inquiry must be proposed by at least 25 legislative members from more than one faction. However, the Islamist party insisted on pushing for an inquiry into the scandal, saying what Jokowi did constituted a disgrace to the country. We have to use our right to inquire into the reason behind Arcandras appointment and dismissal. I really urge all fellow legislators to exercise this right, said PKS politician Nasir Djamil, a member of House Commission III overseeing human rights, security and legal affairs. Constitutional law expert Irman Putra Sidin from Hasanuddin University has claimed Jokowi might have violated the Constitution and said the House should not so quickly forgive the President without a formal procedure asking him to explain the reasons for his actions. The political parties should forgive though an inquiry, or this could damage our constitutional system, he said, adding that excusing the President for his mistake would set a bad precedent. But with a majority of political factions in the House now supporting the government, the President has little to worry about. Of 580 legislators, Jokowi has secured the support of 386 legislators from seven political parties: 109 from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), 91 from Golkar, 48 from the National Mandate Party (PAN), 47 from the National Awakening Party (PKB), 39 from the United Development Party (PPP), 36 from the NasDem Party and 16 from the Hanura Party. Arcandra was seen at the State Palace on Wednesday participating in Independence Day celebrations. Amid the hustle-bustle of the ceremony, he was spotted entering State Palace at noon, two hours before the main flag-lowering ceremony took place. The former minister left the scene shortly after Jokowi moved on from State Palace. Arcandra did not immediately leave the palace compound. He made a short detour to the palace mosque to pray. Arcandra said his visit was only a silaturahmi (a friendly meeting). Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Ayomi Amindoni (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has dismissed public criticism of the possibility of Indonesia allowing dual citizenship, saying the measure may be needed to support national development. "We must appreciate people who have achieved great things. We must begin to accustom ourselves to rewarding people who want to work hard. We should not make a fuss about something that should not be argued about, Jokowi said in Jakarta on Thursday. Many people have made a fuss about dual citizenship, especially on social media. They have attacked each other. I am adamant that this is not in line with the way of doing things in Asia, he went on. The issue of dual citizenship is in the spotlight after the President honorably dismissed Arcandra Tahar as energy and mineral resources minister on Monday after questions emerged over his citizenship status. Jokowi reiterated that Indonesia was currently facing tighter global competition, and that the country should therefore make the most of its human resources and not allow them to be exploited by other countries. I dont want to see any Indonesian people with excellent achievements leaving this country because of an unfavorable situation in this country or because they feel they cannot use their achievements to contribute to development here, he went on. Citing an example, Jokowi said hundreds of Indonesian people worked in Silicon Valley, a technology and creative industry hub in the US. He further said the government was currently striving to bring back talented members of the Indonesian diaspora. Why dont we let them work in Indonesia? This is what we are now trying to do, encourage them to be willing to work in this country because we really need them, he said. (ebf) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Ruslan Sangadji (The Jakarta Post) Palu, Central Sulawesi Thu, August 18, 2016 peration Tinombala personnel shot dead a Chinese Uighur who was a member of the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) terrorist group on Wednesday, further reducing the groups numbers following the death of its leader Santoso. Task force personnel shot the man, identified as Ibrohim, in Padopi forest in North Poso Pesisir subdistrict, Poso, Central Sulawesi, around 8:30 a.m., Operation Tinombala chief Brig. Gen. Rudy Sufahriadi said on Wednesday. The terrorist was said to be visiting a nearby village with another MIT member to look for food. Operation Tinombala members warned the two unknown men, asking them to use a code word for the operation. However, the men instead threw small homemade bombs at the security personnel, which prompted them to open fire. "The dead man was Ibrohim while the other one escaped carrying a rifle. All Chinese Uighurs have been shot dead by security personnel," said Rudy, who is also Central Sulawesi Police chief. Ibrohim was the last Uighur in the group. Ten Uighurs initially joined MIT leader Santoso, aka Abu Wardah, as guerillas hiding in the mountainous forests of Poso, according to police records. The foreigners traveled via Cambodia to Thailand, where they obtained fake passports. They then went to Kuala Lumpur before flying on to Makassar, South Sulawesi. From Makassar, the Chinese Uighurs traveled overland to Poso, Rusi explained. Operation Tinombala personnel killed Santoso on July 18 after an intensive search operation. Fourteen members of the group are believed to be still hiding in the forest. Rudy urged the remaining members to give themselves up to the authorities. (rin) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Fedina S. Sundaryani and Prima Wirayani (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 Interim energy and mineral resources minister Luhut Pandjaitan has vowed to pick up the pieces following the abrupt dismissal of offshore oil and gas expert Arcandra Tahar as the minister, especially on the governments priority projects. Arcandra was chosen in the hope of revitalizing the countrys much maligned oil and gas industry, but those hopes were dashed after 20 days when allegations emerged that he possessed dual US-Indonesian citizenship, which is illegal in the country. Despite the speed bump, Luhut who was recently rotated to become coordinating maritime affairs minister from coordinating legal, security and political affairs minister praised Arcandras work and said he would continue to monitor all priority projects during his stint as interim minister. Priority projects include the 35,000 megawatt (MW) electricity procurement plan and the Mahakam and Masela gas projects. The government is also negotiating with copper and gold mining company PT Freeport Indonesia over a divestment offer worth US$1.7 billion. What Pak Candra [Arcandra] has done is very good as he was able to cut many costs. He also asked for more transparency in structural costs. I understand these things because Im also a businessman, he told reporters at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry. Prior to his dismissal, Arcandra announced that it was possible for the cost of the $16 billion Masela gas block project to be reduced even further to $15 billion. The onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) project is set to be the countrys largest deepwater development, with a projected processing capacity of 7.5 million tons per annum. Furthermore, Arcandra also issued a recommendation for PT Freeport Indonesia to obtain an extension on its mineral concentrate export permit, which currently allows the subsidiary of US-based Freeport McMoRan to continue exporting until Jan. 11 next year. The permit gives Freeport an export quota of 1.4 million tons during the six-month period. The company would not be able to export after the deadline as a nationwide ban on mineral concentrate exports will be implemented the next day. However, Luhut said the ministry would discuss the possibility of extending Freeports permit. The secretary-general spoke about [Freeport]. I will wait for a report from the director general, he added. Freeport Indonesia is also obliged to meet the governments request to divest up to 30 percent of its shares to Indonesian shareholders in the renegotiation of its operating contract, which will end in 2021. It must offer the Indonesian government a 10.46 percent stake in the Grasberg mining site in Papua, the largest gold mine and third-largest copper mine in the world, this year, while the remaining shares must be offered up by 2019. The $1.7 billion price offered, however, was calculated with the assumption that the company would immediately obtain a contract extension. Meanwhile, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) head Thomas Lembong assured that the change of minister would not disrupt any future investments in the energy sector. Golkar Party legislator Satya W. Yudha also expressed confidence that the change would not affect the governments energy targets as all priority projects were stipulated in the National Energy Policy (KEN). There are several priorities that must be continued, including the Freeport divestment plan and the 35,000 MW program. Other priorities include the development of new and renewable energy and how to increase our oil and gas production, he said. This is what the President and the House have discussed all this time. ______________________________ To receive comprehensive and earlier access to The Jakarta Post print edition, please subscribe to our epaper through iOS' iTunes, Android's Google Play, Blackberry World or Microsoft's Windows Store. Subscription includes free daily editions of The Nation, The Star Malaysia, the Philippine Daily Inquirer and Asia News. For print subscription, please contact our call center at (+6221) 5360014 or Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Callistasia Anggun Wijaya (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 Psychiatrist Natalia Widiasih Raharjanti said that defendant Jessica Kumala Wongso had expressed regret at returning to Indonesia, saying that her friend Wayan Mirna Salihin would not have died if she had stayed away. The psychiatrist was testifying at the Central Jakarta District Court Thursday, reporting the result of her examination of Jessica, the defendant in the murder case of Mirna, who died in January this year after drinking coffee in a restaurant in Central Jakarta. "When the psychiatric team examined her, we asked her what made her feel guilty. She said, 'If I had not come to Indonesia, Mirna wouldn't have died," Natalia recalled her conversation with Jessica during her examination at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSCM) in February. When she asked Jessica to elaborate, she only said the incident would not happen if she did not leave Australia and return to Indonesia in December last year, Natalia said. Meanwhile, Natalia said a lie detector test was not done during Jessicas examination because such tests were not always accurate, explaining that a person who was innately calm would easily pass a lie detector test. The team instead conducted psychological tests and consultations. Natalia said Jessica was not always calm. When Jessica faced an unexpected situation, for example when she was given a math test, Jessica seemed very upset. When her detention period was extended a couple of times, she seemed depressed by the situation, Natalia said. (evi) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (The Jakarta Post) Tangerang, Banten Thu, August 18 2016 New players in the premium motorcycle business are optimistic that they can tap into the Indonesia market despite the sluggish sales the country has been experiencing. Garansindo Euro Sports, the sole distributor of Italian luxury motorcycle maker Ducati and French Peugeot Scooters, lined up several new models at the Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) in Serpong, Banten, in an attempt to entice people in the middle- and upper-income brackets. Garansindo became Ducatis sole distributor in the country in January, taking over from PT Supermoto Indonesia, while Peugeot Scooters made its Indonesian debut in 2015. People tend to buy new vehicles in August, plus economic conditions seem better now, Garansindo managing director Dhani Yahya told The Jakarta Post on Monday. Indonesias economy rose to 5.18 percent on an annual basis in June from a yearly rate of 4.91 percent in March, fueling optimism that recovery is under way. However, the countrys motorcycle sales dropped 27.6 percent year-on-year in July, with 305,153 units sold, a more than 40 percent slump from the previous month. Astra Honda Motor (AHM), the countrys leading motorcycle manufacturer, said, however, that the domestic market for premium bikes was still promising and expected its marketing of its big bike model BR250RR to strengthen its grip in that segment. At the countrys biggest auto expo, Ducati rolled out four new motorcycles in the 959 Panigale, Hyperstrada, Hypermotard 939 and Xdiavel S models, priced at Rp 658 million (US$50,008), Rp 570 million, Rp 515 million and Rp 988 million, respectively. Apart from the new models, Dhani said that it was banking on the Ducati Scrambler Sixty2, which made its Indonesian debut in April, to meet demand for entry-level premium motorcycles. The Scrambler Sixty2, named after the year when Ducati first produced its Scrambler model, is equipped with a 400 cc air-cooled engine and is priced at Rp 219 million, discounted to Rp 199 million for GIIAS visitors. We see the price as affordable for middle-income people between 30 and 40 years old, such as managers and entrepreneurs wanting to upgrade their style, Dhani said. In May, Garansindo opened up its flagship store in the elite Kemang, South Jakarta, said to be Ducatis largest dealership after its outlet in New Delhi, India. The 3,000 square-meter flagship store is also equipped with Ducatis one-stop service, spare parts provider and certified used-bike-reseller in the country. Garansindo also relies on the Peugeot Django 150 model to tap into Indonesias growing premium scooter market. At the expo, Garansindo showcased three kinds of Django 150: the Django Sport, Django Evasion and Django Allure, priced at Rp 40 million, Rp 41 million and Rp 43 million, respectively. Indian motorcycle manufacturer Royal Enfield, which entered Indonesia in January, used the GIIAS opening last week to introduce its new Himalayan motorcycle. The brand currently has four types of motorcycle sold in Indonesia Bullet, Classic, Rumbler and Continental GT with prices ranging from Rp 64 million to Rp 172 million. We are currently focusing more on introducing the brand and encouraging people to try and feel the riding experience using our products, said Distributor Motor Indonesia managing director Ade Sulistioputra, whose company is the sole distributor of Royal Enfield in the country. Meanwhile, Russian heavy sidecar motorcycle manufacturer IMZ-Ural, which made its Indonesian debut at the expo, is upbeat that it can expand its market in Indonesia after achieving overseas success in several regions such as the US, Australia, Europe and South America. Ural Indonesia CEO Michael Sofyan said the company targeted premium motorcycle buyers in the country as its segment, hoping that Urals unique design, which was initially tailored for Russian military officers, would lure them into purchasing its products. We are trying to reach big bike communities first, Michael told the Post. Fifty-nine-year old Affandi Permana, a visitor at Urals booth at the expo, said that he was very eager to purchase the makers military-styled Gear-Up model, which is priced at Rp 405 million. The Gear-Up model represents masculinity, Affandi said. (mos/hwa) -------------- to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Bambang Nurbianto (The Jakarta Post) Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Thu, August 18, 2016 Experts say with the current technology, Indonesia has no reason not to immediately extinguish forest fires that have started both in Sumatra and Kalimantan. With the firebird technology, we can follow closely the spread of fires from one location to another, said Suwardi, deputy dean at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB)s School of Resources, Cooperation and Development, said on Thursday. Speaking to the press on the sidelines of the International Peat Congress in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Suwardi said the government needed to immediately utilize the technology to prevent the spread of hot spots, which have increased in number in recent days. On Wednesday, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agencys (BMKG) station in Pekanbaru reported 365 hot spots, mostly were seen in Riau forests. Smoke in Sumatra and Kalimantan has posed health risks and disrupted air transportation. The government needs to take quick action to stop the fires, he added. Meanwhile, Basuki Sumawinata, an IPB expert on land science, added that the technology in place would also help the government enforce the law and immediately prosecute those responsible for the fires and other related parties before the fires spread further. We do not need to play the blame game as everything is clear, Basuki said. (bbn) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Ayomi Amindoni (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has said the distribution of social assistance through an electronic system will speed up poverty alleviation in Indonesia. She said with another program, namely e-Warong, poor people in the country could hopefully be more empowered. It was expected that E-Warong could boost the implementation the Family Hope Program (PKH), a social assistance program to build more prosperous Indonesian families, she added. "Previously, we expected the PKH could be completed within five years. With e-Warong, we expect it can be completed in two years," Khofifah said in Jakarta on Thursday. E-Warong is an official grocery store designed to serve social assistance beneficiaries, in which all commodities offered by the shop will be supplied by the State Logistics Agency (Bulog). E-Warong is regarded as effective in empowering poor people because it will be supported by cooperatives, which will offer saving and loan facilities. This is why the Social Affairs Ministry is optimistic the PKH can be completed sooner than its official schedule In June, as many as 612,816 poor families across Indonesia received social assistance under the PKH. In total, there are 3 million PKH beneficiaries. The ministry said the number of PKH beneficiaries would increase to 6 million in November. "We expect those 3 million PKH recipients can receive the benefits of the program through our non-cash delivery system next year," she said. (ebf) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Andi Hajramurni (The Jakarta Post) Makassar Thu, August 18 2016 The water police directorate of the South Sulawesi Police foiled an attempt to smuggle 17 protected animals from Balikpapan in East Kalimantan to Makassar in South Sulawesi. The animals included three black eagles, two wild cats, two weasels, two otters and six owls. They were all kept at Makassars Soekarno-Hatta seaport. South Sulawesi water police director Sr. Comr. Purwoko Yudianto said on Tuesday that the animals had been smuggled through a cargo service aboard the ship KM Madani Nusantara. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (Associated Press) Seoul Thu, August 18, 2016 South Korea's army says it has conducted its largest-ever artillery drills near the tense border with North Korea. The army says 300 artillery systems deployed by dozens of military units along the border began firing shells at the same time on Thursday afternoon. It says North Korea's military hasn't shown any signs of unusual activities in response. The army says the drills marked what South Korea describes as an artillery exchange between the Koreas in August 2015 following land mine explosions that maimed two South Korean soldiers. There were no reports of injuries in last year's artillery firing. Seoul said North Korea fired first, but Pyongyang denied firing. Thursday's drills come a day after Seoul said a senior North Korean diplomat based in London defected to South Korea. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Simon Tay (The Jakarta Post) Singapore Thu, August 18 2016 Controversies over the South China Sea have dominated headlines, especially after the recent decision by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, brought by the Philippines and denounced by China. But many businesses may look on more quizzically. What is the impact on the bottom line? Will prospects for ASEAN countries diminish if tensions with China escalate? Yes, political differences can spill over to economic engagement and bilateral development assistance can dry up when relations sour. Yes, an outright naval confrontation or incident at sea especially between China and the USA or Japan could be destabilizing. But negative outcomes are not inevitable. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Suzan Fraser (Associated Press) Ankara Thu, August 18, 2016 Turkey began releasing inmates on Wednesday in an apparent move to reduce its prison population to make space for thousands of people who have been arrested as part of an investigation into last month's failed coup. The discharges started just hours after the government issued a decree for the conditional release of some 38,000 prisoners under Turkey's three-month long state of emergency that was declared following the coup. The decree allows the release of inmates who have two years or less to serve of their prison terms and makes convicts who have served half of their prison term eligible for parole. People convicted of murder, domestic violence, sexual abuse, terrorism and other crimes against the state are excluded from the measures. Also, they would not apply for crimes committed after July 1, excluding any people later convicted of involvement in the failed July 15 coup. Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said on his Twitter account the measure would lead to the release of some 38,000 people. He insisted it was not a pardon or an amnesty but a conditional release of prisoners. The government says the attempted coup, which led to at least 270 deaths, was carried out by followers of a movement led by US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen who have infiltrated the military and other state institutions. Gulen has denied any prior knowledge or involvement in the coup but Turkey is demanding that the United States extradite him. The Turkish government declared a state of emergency and launched a massive crackdown on Gulen's supporters in the aftermath of the coup. Some 35,000 people have been detained for questioning and more than 17,000 of them have been formally arrested to face trial, including soldiers, police, judges and journalists. Tens of thousands more people with suspected links to Gulen have been suspended or dismissed from their jobs in the judiciary, media, education, health care, military and local government. In a separate decree, also issued Wednesday, the government dismissed 2,300 more officers from the police force, in addition to another 136 military officers and 196 employees from its information technology authority. Wednesday's decrees also allow the air force to hire new pilots or take back pilots who had resigned or were discharged before the coup to replace pilots who have been arrested or dismissed for alleged participation in the coup or links to Gulen. The government crackdown has raised concerns among European nations and human rights organizations, who have urged the Turkish government to show restraint. Soon after the decree was announced, families began arriving at prison gates to wait for loved ones who were set to be released. Among those released from Silivri prison, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) west of Istanbul, was Emrah Pasa Alissoy, 27, who was sentenced to two years in prison for fraud and was set free four days earlier than scheduled. "We are very happy. We get back to our family. It was our families who were punished," Alissoy said. Turkey's 180,000-person prisons were already filled to capacity before the crackdown on Gulen's movement, with some rights groups claiming that inmates were forced to take turns to sleep on beds. Turkey has issued several prison amnesties over the past decades to ease conditions in its prisons, but the measures proved unpopular with the public. Bozdag insisted Wednesday that those being released would still be supervised. "I hope that the arrangement is beneficial to the prisoners, their loved ones, our people and our country," the minister wrote on Twitter. ___ Bram Janssen in Istanbul contributed to this report. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Hipolitus Yolisandry Ringgi Wangge (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18 2016 Trust is the most crucial factor for a state dealing with regional dissatisfactions that turn to conflict. And the absence of this vital prerequisite for constructive engagement is clear to see when there have been no truly genuine and consistent efforts to build it. Trust, or the lack thereof, is a significant challenge faced by the newly appointed coordinating political, legal and security affairs minister, Wiranto. to Read Full Story SUBSCRIBE NOW Starting from IDR 55,500/month Unlimited access to our web and app content e-Post daily digital newspaper No advertisements, no interruptions Privileged access to our events and programs Subscription to our newsletters We accept Register to read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (Associated Press) Manila Thu, August 18, 2016 Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said he will not raise long-simmering maritime disputes with China at a meeting of Southeast Asian nations in Laos next month, preferring to talk quietly with Chinese officials. "I will only bring the issue when we are together face to face," he told reporters late Wednesday night. "Because if you quarrel with them now and you claim sovereignty, make noise here and there, they might not just even want to talk." In July, a Hague-based arbitration tribunal ruled heavily in the Philippines' favor in a case challenging China's claims and aggressive actions in the South China Sea. China ignored the decision and continued to block Filipino fishermen from a disputed shoal and build new islands. The arbitration case was filed by Duterte's predecessor. Duterte has been lukewarm in his support for the action and has said he was adopting "a softer approach" to resolving the disputes. He said Wednesday that his special envoy to China, former President Fidel Ramos, is paving the way for possible talks with China. "Let us create an environment where we can sit down, talk directly, and that is the time when I would say, we proceed from here," he said. Ramos flew to Hong Kong last week to meet the Chinese legislature's foreign affairs chief, Fu Ying, and a leading government-backed scholar on the dispute, and they agreed on the need to reduce tensions through talks. China welcomed him to visit Beijing for discussions, but the tribunal ruling was not directly discussed, Ramos told reporters. He gave no indication of when any talks might be held. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Nomaan Merchant (Associated Press) Beijing Thu, August 18, 2016 Efforts by Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi this week to bolster ties with her country's dominant northern neighbor China may hinge on whether she can resolve the fate of a massive, Chinese-funded dam project blocked by overwhelming local opposition. Suu Kyi was to be greeted with a formal welcome ceremony on Thursday as part of a visit ending Sunday that will include talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang. It's her first trip to China since her party won a historic majority last year. Now leading Myanmar with the title of state counselor, Suu Kyi is a Nobel Peace Prize winner who spent 15 years in house arrest under Myanmar's former military junta, which was supported for years by the authoritarian Communist Party-led government in Beijing. But analysts say Suu Kyi has shown pragmatism and a desire to re-order Myanmar's relationship with China, its top trading partner and a major investor, while also reaching out to the United States, Europe and Japan. Key to both sides is the US$3.6 billion Myitsone dam project in northern Myanmar, funded by Chinese power interests but suspended in 2011 by Myanmar's former military-backed president, Thein Sein. A spokesman for Myanmar's foreign affairs department said China was expected to raise the dam dispute this week. China sees the dam as an important part of a national strategy to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and meet its targets to cut pollution. It has pursued a charm offensive in Myanmar partly to push for construction to resume. But opponents in Myanmar, also known as Burma, say the reservoir created by the Myitsone dam would create massive flooding on the Irrawaddy River, endangering ecologically sensitive areas and displacing thousands of people. They also question the previous arrangement of China taking 90 percent of the dam's power, while nearly 70 percent of Myanmar has no access to electricity, according to the World Bank. The dam is one of several Chinese-backed projects stalled due to protests from Myanmar citizens newly emboldened to speak out following democratic reforms, part of a larger backlash against China's economic domination of its poor southern neighbor. Suu Kyi's government recently announced a commission to review all hydroelectric projects along the Irrawaddy. Zhao Gancheng, director of the Asia-Pacific Center at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, said that announcement might be a signal that a compromise was possible. "To handle it well will help create a favorable condition for future trade and economic development between the two countries," Zhao said. "Otherwise, obstacles will emerge in attracting investment from China in the future and that is not what the new Burmese government and Aung San Suu Kyi want to see." Aaron Connelly, a research fellow for East Asia at the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney, said Suu Kyi could offer an alternative plan that mollifies China and at least some of the opposition in Myanmar. "That would be the question on the Myanmar side," Connelly said. "Is there something that can be offered that meets the expectations, but does not create a lake the size of Singapore on the Irrawaddy?" Suu Kyi remains an icon to many of the people of Myanmar, and that may give her the standing to seek a deal that allows the dam to go forward under different circumstances, Connelly said. She is also likely to seek more cooperation from China as her government begins a peace conference at the end of August with ethnic minorities from the region where the dam is planned, and may tie the two issues together, Connelly said. China has been involved previously in negotiations between the government and Kachin rebels, who have fought for decades in regions near the Chinese border. "She constantly surprises in what she's willing to do in terms of political agreements that she's willing to strike, and because she's such a singularly popular figure," he said. "She can potentially make a deal here that would be very unpopular and bounce back from that." Beijing supports the peace process because "a politically stable and economically prosperous Myanmar is in China's best interests," China's official Xinhua News Agency said in an editorial Wednesday. "Given the fact that a strong China-Myanmar partnership is important for both sides, it is welcome that Suu Kyi, a key figure in the Myanmar government and the leader of the ruling party, plays a greater role in helping secure a healthy Myanmar-China relationship," Xinhua said. China considers Myanmar strategically important as a gateway to the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal, and wants to secure oil and gas pipelines running across the country to the Chinese border. Along with stalled projects, friction between the countries has erupted over fighting between Myanmar's military and ethnic minority rebels along the border that has killed Chinese farmers and sent a flow of refugees into China. ___ Associated Press writer Esther Htusan in Yangon, Myanmar, and researcher Yu Bing in Beijing contributed to this report. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Liza Yosephine (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is set to meet with President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo on Aug. 24-26 for a leaders' retreat in Semarang, Central Java, in a bid to boost investment opportunities in Indonesia. The Foreign Ministrys East Asia and Pacific director Edi Yusup said the visit would focus on strengthening economic ties and would be marked by an opening ceremony for an industrial area in Kendal in Semarang. "The industrial area is the result of collaboration between [Indonesian company] PT Jababeka and [Singaporean company] Sembcorp. It is the first industrial area in Semarang," Edi told reporters during a press briefing on Thursday. The Prime Minister will be accompanied by his deputy, nine ministers and 14 CEOs from Singaporean companies, Edi said. Singapore is Indonesia's biggest investor and it is hoped the upcoming visit will inspire more investment. According to Edi, there are already 16 companies from Singapore, Malaysia and Japan that have expressed interest in investing in the area. The combined investment portfolio amounts to roughly 3.2 trillion (US$244 million). The companies range from garment, textile, leather, wood processing, beauty treatment products and processed food companies to automotive spare-parts manufacturers, he added. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin News Desk (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, August 18, 2016 After stealing the attention of Popcon Asia 2016 visitors last week, animated film Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani (Pasoa, the Brave) made by students from RUS Animation Studio has attracted the attention of many production houses. The animated film tells the story of Pasoa, a mythical creature that is a combination of several Indonesian animals, which becomes the protector of various living entities in Indonesia. The animated film aims to introduce local wisdom in preserving the environment as well as share the art of making fairytales. (Read also: Creators own it at pop culture festival) Supported by Djarum Foundation and its partners, RUS Animation Studio is a vocational animation program at the Raden Umar Said (RUS) vocational high school. The making of Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani by RUS vocational school took a long time and was not easy, technical advisor of RUS vocational high school Daniel Harjanto told in Jakarta on Monday. Djarum Foundation collaborated with professional storyteller and illustrator Woody Woodman from Walt Disney Animation Studios to mentor the students. They are currently in the process of completing a 3D animated version of Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani. Pasoa dan Sang Pemberani is set to be released in November. (asw) MASON CITY | A man accused of stealing copper wire from an Alliant Energy construction site faces criminal charges. Jacob Ganseveld, 24, of Klemme, was charged with felony second-degree theft. Ganseveld took barrels of copper wire stolen from an Alliant Energy work to a Mason City scrap yard, according to court documents. Investigators believe the wire, worth $2,037, was taken May 31 from the 300 block of First Street in Meservey. One of two people reportedly with Ganseveld at the scrap yard told investigators the suspect told them "Alliant has paid good on this one," according to court documents. 2 North Iowans accused of pawning stolen rifle CLEAR LAKE | Two North Iowa residents are accused of pawning a rifle stolen in rural Cerro G Ganseveld is also currently facing charges for allegedly trying to pawn a rifle stolen from rural Clear Lake at a Rochester pawn shop. He remained jailed Thursday in lieu of $10,000 bond. The Wall Street Journal today is taking a closer look at a powerful labor unions role in persuading the de Blasio administration to lift deed restrictions at Rivington House. 1199SEIU (United Healthcare Workers East) lobbied the city on behalf of the Allure Group. The property owner led people to believe that changing a not-for-profit restriction would allow the home to remain open. Instead, the Rivington Street building was sold to luxury condo developers for $116 million. According to the Journal, recently released documents show just how much power the union wielded: The emails and other documents, which were produced as part of the city comptrollers investigation into the Rivington House deed change, underscored the outsize influence 1199 has in Mr. de Blasios administration and the degree to which city officials assess the unions interests when making policy decisions. At the time Rivington House was being discussed, administration officials were asking whether the deed issue was of critical importance. In one email referencing the union, an aide to First Deputy Mayor Anthony Shorris, responded, Very critical b/c it involves 1199 jobs and they want this done. As the Journal noted: The union was one of the two largest contributors to the Campaign for One New York, a now-disbanded political nonprofit supporting the mayor. The nonprofit received $500,000 from 1199, records show. Federal investigators are looking at whether the mayor traded government action for donations to the nonprofit, people familiar with the matter said. Mr. de Blasio has denied any wrongdoing. Documents show that Allure Group executive Joel Landau was in regular contact with Kevin Finnegan, former political director of 1199. In late 2014, mayoral aide Emma Wolfe (a former 1199 employee) wrote an email indicating that union officials were unhappy about the Rivington House situation. She urgently requested the administrations help in getting Landau what he needed, reported the Journal. As we have previously reported, it was apparent to Community Board 3 from the outset that 1199 was playing a key role in the Rivington House negotiations. In Sept. of 2014, executives with VillageCare (then operator of Rivington House) briefed board members about their predicament. Heres part of our story following that meeting: This week representatives from VillageCare went before the human services committee of Community Board 3 to explain what will potentially happen to the converted school building at 45 Rivington St. that has served as Rivington House since 1995. Matthew Lesieur, director of public policy, said the organization sought, unsuccessfully, to turn the center into an assisted care facility for AIDS patients. Legislation making the conversion possible was approved by the State Legislature three years ago but vetoed by Governor Cuomo. The state also blocked a proposal to convert Rivington House to a nursing home for the general population. The governor has pledged to reduce Medicaid-supported nursing home beds by 5,000, creating an inhospitable environment for institutions in need of a lifeline. Its part of a strategy to support home-based care for more seniors, rather than relying on large nursing home facilities. Just a month later, however, government officials (at both the city and state levels) had a remarkable change of heart. Our report from Oct. 8, 2014: At last nights human services committee meeting, community board members suggested the states posture on the matter has now changed. The panels chairperson, Justin Carroll, indicated that about a half dozen companies responded to a request for proposals put out by VillageCare. It now appears an operator has been selected, although the deal has not been finalized. To navigate the restrictions, the operator would purchase the Rivington House building as a not-for-profit and then petition for a deed change. At that point, the new owner hopes to run the nursing home as a for-profit venture. One reason for the approach, said Carroll, is to avoid laying off the centers employees, who are represented by the powerful labor union, 1199SEIU. If the deal is approved, the union would lose some administrative fees but workers would retain their salaries and benefits. A closure of Rivington House would trigger $20 million in pension payments by VillageCare. Union officials declined to comment for the Journals story. MASON CITY | Officials are urging people to use caution after several people were diagnosed with a contagious intestinal parasite that causes diarrhea. The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health announced Thursday the cases involved the parasite Crypto, or Cryptosporidium. People infected with the parasite develop Cryptosporidiosis, which typically involves watery diarrhea and stomach cramps. Symptoms also can include headache, nausea, vomiting and a low-grade fever. Due to the cases, the Mason City Parks and Recreation Department has closed the city's aquatic center for 'superchlorination.' The cleaning was ordered after officials learned some people with Cryptosporidiosis visited the pool after they began showing symptoms. "Crypto is highly contagious and the parasite is hard to kill, Environmental Health Service Manager Brian Hanft said in a statement."We want to provide the public with helpful prevention tips to lessen the spread of the illness in our area." Public health officials released the following tips to prevent the spread of the parasite: * Always wash hands with soap and water before handling food, eating, after using the toilet, after changing diapers and after handling animals -- particularly cattle. * Use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to clean common surface areas within the home if someone in it has been diagnosed with Crypto. (Crypto is resistant to bleach). * Do not send children with diarrhea to daycare until it has subsided. * If you are showing symptoms, do not go to swimming pools or aquatic facilities while ill and for at least two weeks after symptoms subside. * People should not prepare food while showing symptoms. There are a lot of myths and rumours floating around about Clearing, and these will probably be causing some of you a bit of anxiety right now. But don't worry, it's all a lot more positive than you might have been led to believe. Take it from people who already lived and succeeded through Clearing - in many cases it is the best thing you could do! More than 63,000 students found a course through Clearing in 2015, for various reasons differing from a simple change of heart, obtaining higher (or lower) results than expected, or a last minute decision to go to university. These students share their own experiences of sailing through the Clearing process. Tom Eastwood from the University of Brighton says he was initially stressed about Clearing, but soon became much more relaxed about it. It was a stressful experience at first because I wasnt sure what to do, or if I would be going to uni. After I looked at what was available through Clearing it became less stressful, as there was a lot of availability. He advises to not stress too much and look through whats available as soon as you get the results and suggests ringing the university as soon as you can to try and confirm a place. Hannah Wilcock, who went through Clearing and recently graduated with first class honours from Buckinghamshire New University, says: Hannah Wilcock, who went through Clearing and recently graduated with first class honours from Buckinghamshire New University, says: Look up the university you are interested in on social media. Every student is on social media nowadays so you can get a look from the students perspective as to what their university experience is like. You will often find group pages on Facebook for different courses and societies offered at a particular university, which can always be very helpful to have a browse through. One of the most common reasons for going through Clearing is not quite getting the grades to secure a place at a top choice university; but all hope is not lost, as Grace Seabrook found out: I went through Clearing because I didnt get into any of my options, because I didnt make an impression at the interview or didnt get the grades. I found the process really clear, easy to understand and it was quick, too. I applied on the Thursday, had an interview on the Friday and had a confirmation email two hours later. Im now about to enter my third and final year. I think going through Clearing is the best thing to have happened; the course was something I had overlooked when originally applying but after two years I cant imagine being as happy anywhere else! Bruno Russell, who works in the Clearing office for his university, advises to keep calm over the phone as universities, especially those in the Russell Group, will be getting a lot of calls. He says: Have written down what you want to ask. Dont make mistakes over the phone because youre rushing. If you speak to a Tutor, just try and put across your passion. They already have your grades and personal statement in front of them, so try to tell them something they dont already know. Clearing is a generally straight forward process and theres not too much to worry about, as the students above have described. The next step is to find accommodation, which may seem scary due to late application - however its still easy to find somewhere to stay, as Rehana Nurmahi from Southampton University explains: Having many friends who also are at Southampton, I know that for many of them, they ended up going into private rented accommodation, which I also looked into. There will be plenty of people looking for housemates, and chances are, youll meet great people whilst doing so. Lots of unis do fairs for those looking into private rented accommodation too, which are really helpful. Stay calm, and dont be afraid to just put out on student housing websites that you need somewhere to stay. There are so many people in the same boat, so just find others and work through it together! recently reported It wasthat an Indian Official made a statement during a public function that it is illegal to stare at a woman for 14 seconds. Since Rishiraj Singh, excise commissioner in the southern Indian state of Kerala, made the statement, many people have taken to social media to mock the peculiar claim. Singh said: There are sections in law to jail a man for staring annoyingly at a woman for 14 seconds. Please use it, if it is the case. The law is non-existent, but the very specific law is, quite frankly, hilarious and utterly ridiculous for the following reasons. 1) What if a man looks at a woman for 13 seconds? Or how about 13.9999 seconds? How do they even measure that kind of thing? Will police be forced to wear stopwatches? What if someone stares for 13.9999999 seconds. Math wins. Rule to be followed #14secondrule #rishirajsingh Gautham Reddy (@Gautham_rdy) August 16, 2016 2) What about men wearing sunglasses? It's hard to know where anyone in dark sunnies is looking, let alone potentially predatory men hiding behind a desire to protect their eyes from the harmful rays of the sun. What about men with sunglasses?Kerala cop Rishiraj Singhs 14-sec staring remark. You know men will be men.#FreedomToLive#14seconds Salman Tsf (@Im_tsf) August 16, 2016 3) How will teachers cope? They have to constantly look at their class, and surely if they're constantly aware of how long they've been looking at their female pupils, they won't be able to teach? 4) What about men in relationships? It's a little bit rude isn't it? If you've got to keep looking away from your significant other, or even wife, every 14 seconds. It would make it a little bit awkward at dinner, over morning coffee or even in the bedroom. It's a little bit rude isn't it? If you've got to keep looking away from your significant other, or even wife, every 14 seconds. It would make it a little bit awkward at dinner, over morning coffee or even in the bedroom. 5) Will everyone have to buy stopwatches? All the police will certainly need stopwatches, as mentioned earlier. There will be a huge increase in the number of stopwatches women and men alike are buying. How else are they meant to make sure they avoid jail for 14.01 seconds of voyeurism? Expect a rise in usage of stopwatches in Kerala. #14secondrule #rishirajsingh Varun Nair (@varunnair) August 15, 2016 6) What if youre staring into space but also accidentally looking in the direction of a woman? Everyone zones out from time to time, its hardly worth a stint in prison... 7) What about going to see a show or a concert? Every 14 seconds male audience members will be forced to look away from *insert relevant female star here* on stage. Audiences will have to miss more than a few minutes of a concert to avoid getting arrested. 8) Does blinking count? Surely, if you blink, the count starts again? Some people can't keep their eyes open for 14 seconds without blinking. 9) What difference is 14 seconds rather than 10 seconds? 14 is quite a specific number. What difference does 4 seconds make? What exactly happens in those 4 seconds to turn an innocent glance into a sinister eyeballing? 14 is quite a specific number. What difference does 4 seconds make? What exactly happens in those 4 seconds to turn an innocent glance into a sinister eyeballing? 10) What if the man is blind? What if the woman accuses a man of staring at her for more than 14 seconds and it turns out he's blind? Just a tad unethical. 11) What if the woman is behind reflective glass? Or maybe she's in one of those blacked out cars. Maybe you're checking yourself out in some reflective glass for a good minute and BOOM! life imprisonment. 12) What if the man is an artist and hes using a woman as his focus? "Paint me like one of your french girls" "Ok, but I have to look away all the time." 13) Imagine how many men will end up in jail after they forgot to count. Not everyone will be fully conscious of how long they've been looking at someone all the time. What a palaver. 14) What are you in for? Murder, What about you? I forgot to count/blink/left my stopwatch at home. Despite the social media gold this ludicrous claim has generated, Rishiraj Singh is trying to raise a serious point about womens safety, which is a big issue in India. Public protests in cities such as New Dehli spurred the Indian government in 2013 to strengthen laws for punishing those convicted of sexual crimes, as well as for prosecuting authorities who fail to investigate complaints. There is still a large stigma surrounding the idea that women can and should come forward if they have been the victims of a sexual crime, so despite the ludicrousness of the 14-second rule, at least Singh had his heart in the right place. Thousands of students will collect their A-level results today, amid suggestions of a slight increase in the number of top grades being awarded and warnings of greater volatility in marks. Analysis of the entry levels for the traditionally top-scoring subjects, such as maths, indicates the percentage of students achieving an A or A* will increase. And the number of boys achieving the very top grade could pull further ahead of girls due to a rise in take-up of maths typically a high-scoring subject according to Professor Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at Buckingham University. (Philip Toscano/PA) Last year, boys held a 0.9% lead over girls at A* grade, although girls had a 0.4% lead at A and A* grade combined having out-performed boys every year since the millennium. Entries to maths and further maths in England are up again, with the former now overtaking English as the subject with the highest intake. Since they award by far the most A* grades, this could lead to an increase in A* grades overall. Prof Smithers said that the gap between boys and girls had been narrowing since 2006, and that boys could go further ahead this year due to the increase in people taking maths and further maths. Yet students are bracing themselves for greater volatility in this years results because of changes to the curriculum, a teachers union has said. (Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA) Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT union, said that teachers and students had struggled to get to grips with new syllabuses which were brought in this year and could impact results. The Government introduced changes to the subject content of all AS and A-levels last year. Mid-course exams were also scrapped, meaning that all exams are now taken at the end of the year. Keates said the changes would particularly affect those receiving their AS-level results, as they are the first group to go through the new curriculum. Students and teachers have had a very short timescale to get to grips with the new syllabuses, particularly at a time when they have been trying to prepare for the introduction of revised A-level courses from next month, Keates said. (David Davies/PA) Russell Hobby, general secretary of school leaders union NAHT, warned there could be significant variation in the results, with many students getting grades they had not expected. He said that while the national picture may look stable, the changes to the curriculum and examinations meant there could be big differences at a school and student level. For individual students, teachers and schools this is a real concern, Hobby warned. We are also concerned about the possibility of a further dip in the number of students taking creative subjects at AS and A-level. Ardys Marcella Koller MASON CITY Ardys Marcella Koller took her place in heaven on April 15, 2015, after a short, courageous battle with cancer. She passed away with family by her side. Though her battle was short, not enough can be said about her courage and strength she showed during this unfortunate time. Her last wishes were to tell all of her family and friends that she loves them, something she said multiple times to make sure they all know. This was the way she lived her life. Ardys was born to Norwegian parents, Arthur and Mabel Paulson. She was the fifth child of seven children. Ardys graduated from Mason City High School in 1948 in a class of 267 kids. She ranked 16th in academics. After high school, she applied and was accepted to a position with the Navy Department for a civilian clerical position in Washington DC the same year, a position she held for three years before returning home to Mason City in 1951. Ardys soon after succumbed to the charms of Richard Koller and the two married Aug. 22, 1953, at St. James Lutheran Church. Richard and Ardys would go on to raise 4 children, Robert, Kraig, Susan, and Keith. Ardyss career at Armour foods entailed being the transportation manager. She retired from Armour in 1990. Ardys moved to Roswell, New Mexico, in October of 1994 to help her mother. This is eventually where she decided to live full time. In 2008 Ardys was declared legally blind but she continued to live by herself for the rest of her years unencumbered. Nothing got in the way of her independence. Ardys loved to travel, especially in the southwestern states. Bingo halls, slot machines, and cards with her friends were particular weaknesses of hers. She also spent many hours reading books. Her favorite authors were Grace Livingston Hill and Dorothy Garlock, her personal favorite. Ardys also loved animals and had a special fondness for Chihuahuas. Any form of animal cruelty was absolutely detested by her. Ardys was a devout Christian and was a member of St. Marks Lutheran Church in Roswell, NM, and St. James Lutheran Church in Mason City, IA. At St. Marks she was a volunteer secretary for ten years until her vision made it hard to continue. Ardys also had a political side that was staunchly conservative. Ardys also respectfully requests that the Democratic Party, now that she has passed away, not use her name for voting purposes in the upcoming Presidential election. Ardys was proceeded in death by her father Arthur Paulson, Her oldest son Robert, her husband Richard, her mother Mabel, her brother Robert Paulson, and her sister Inez. Her funeral will be held on Aug. 20 at St. James Lutheran Church in Mason City at 2 p.m. A luncheon will be at noon at 911 S. Illinois prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, Ardys would ask that you do an unsolicited act of kindness for a total stranger in her name. Early-morning commuters on packed trains can finally feel justified in their aversion to their fellow passengers, after a new study found viruses are more dangerous in the morning. A science paper (rivetingly) entitled Cell autonomous regulation of herpes and influenza virus infection by the circadian clock found viruses were 10 times more successful at breaking down their host if the infection began in the morning. The study, by the University of Cambridge, involved infecting mice with either the influenza (the cause of flu) or the herpes virus. Tests showed mice infected in the morning had a viral level 10 times higher than those infected in the evening. Scientists in Cambridge have done some pretty smart stuff over the years (Charles Krupa/AP) Professor Akhilesh Reddy told the BBC: Its a big difference. The virus needs all the apparatus available at the right time, otherwise it might not ever get off the ground, but a tiny infection in the morning might perpetuate faster and take over the body. Viruses hijack living cells in order to replicate and proliferate around the body. It is thought the body clock, or circadian clock as per the paper title, is what makes cells more susceptible to viruses at different times. Bmal1 is the body clock gene scientists in this study identified as the key to this susceptibility and it peaks in the afternoon, increasing resistance to infection. Bmal1 activity is low in the morning however, so we have increased vulnerability. Viruses such as Zika, pictured here, attack cells (Cynthia Goldsmith/PA) So should we all be locking ourselves in quarantine in the mornings for fear of microscopic germ warfare? Well no, but the findings could be helpful in preventing the spread of disease during a viral pandemic. In a pandemic, staying in during the daytime could be quite important and save peoples lives it could have a big impact if trials bear it out, said Professor Reddy. 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Namun jangan khawatir, disini sebagai situs slot gacor MGS88 kami akan memberikan penjelasan lengkap mengenai tentang istilah yang ada di RTP SLOT dibawah ini. Marleen Theesfeld ALGONA Marleen Theesfeld, 67, of Algona, died Monday at Kossuth Regional Health Center, Algona. A funeral Mass will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday at St. Cecelia Catholic Church in Algona. Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursday at St. Cecelia Catholic Church in Algona with a Catholic Daughters Rosary beginning at 4 p.m. and a Scripture Prayer Service beginning at 7 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in her memory, to Parish Families Against Hunger going toward food donations to St. Cecelias twin parish in Haiti. Oakcrest Funeral Services of Algona in charge of arrangements. DES MOINES A proposed pork plant in Wright County, which originally was proposed to locate in Mason City, is getting a second opportunity for $11.5 million in state tax incentives. Despite the opposition of dozens who showed up to a hearing Thursday, Iowas economic development board unanimously approved the tax breaks for North Carolina-based Prestage Farms, which seeks to build a $240 million pork plant in Wright County. It is the same tax relief package the Iowa Economic Development Authority approved in March for Prestage when the company sought to build its pork slaughter and fabrication plant in Mason City. Local government officials nixed that proposal, leading the company to look for another site in Iowa. Prestage settled on Wright County, and reapplied for the state tax breaks. An opposition movement that started while the project was being considered for Mason City continued Thursday, as roughly 70 people filled a conference room for the public hearing, during which eight people spoke in support of the project and 23 spoke against. Most of the concerns centered on opposition to taxpayer assistance for out-of-state companies although Prestage has operated in Iowa since 2003 and can receive the incentives only if it pays state taxes and environmental concerns. Opponents also suggested companies like Prestage would build or expand in Iowa regardless of tax incentives. Why do we have to bribe somebody to come here, said Tom Willett, of Mason City, one of a half-dozen people from Mason City or Clear Lake who traveled to Des Moines to state their opposition to the incentives. Its to their advantage to be here. We dont have to pay them to come here. Board member David Bernstein, of Sioux City, said the economic development board is not permitted to consider environmental issues, that those rulings are made by local officials and the state Department of Natural Resources. Berstein said the proposal meets all the economic requirements the board has established for state incentives, and that the award is similar to others the board has given, including the previous award to Mason City. I see no other way than for us to support this, Bernstein said. Only one board member, Dawn Ainger, of Hiawatha, voted against the incentives. The 675,000-square-foot plant will create 922 jobs, roughly a third of which must pay at least $15.54 per hour to qualify for the tax incentives, according to a board report. The $11.5 million state incentive package includes an $8.6 million tax credit and a $2.9 million tax refund. Bali in firing line as Indonesia considers nationwide alcohol ban PHUKET: Indonesias hotel association has warned that the countrys tourism would implode if a draft alcohol bill becomes law. tourismalcohol By TTR Weekly Thursday 18 August 2016, 09:35AM An outright nationwide ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol in Indonesia would include Bali. Photo: Batle Group According to the Jakarta Post, the association warned the government and the legislative body that Indonesian tourism would collapse if the House of Representatives votes in favour of the bill prohibiting alcohol sales and consumption across the nation. The bill, introduced by the United Development Party (PPP) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), both Islamist parties, fails to take into account the opinions of tourism stakeholders, the association claimed. Despite strong opposition from the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), the House continues deliberations concerning the bill. If the bill is passed, our business will be done. Tourists, who mostly come from Europe, drink alcohol all the time. It will be very inconvenient for them if they cant find alcohol, PHRI head Hariyadi Sukamdani told Jakarta Post last week. If passed, the law will be the first of its kind to impose a nationwide ban on the production, distribution and consumption of drinks with an alcoholic content of just one per cent up to beverages containing 55% alcoholic content. There are already regulations in place on the distribution of alcohol that hit the alcoholic beverages industry. Foreign tourists complain about the difficulty of sourcing alcoholic drinks outside of hotels. No matter how beautiful the country is, if they cant find alcohol, they wont want to come here, Hariyadi told the Jakarta Post. Read original story here. Police to seek arrest warrants for 17 in arson, bombings BANGKOK: Police plan to ask a military court to issue arrest warrants for 17 people, of whom 10 of are already in military custody, suspected of being involved in last weeks multiple arson and bomb attacks in seven provinces, a police source said yesterday (Aug 17). crimedeathmilitarypoliceviolence By Bangkok Post Thursday 18 August 2016, 09:08AM Police inspect a fire-ravaged Taweeesin Plastic store in Surat Thani on Saturday (Aug 13) to find links to two blasts in the city. Police plan to issue arrest warrants for 17 more people in connection with last weeks arson and bombing incidents. Photo: Supapong Chaolan The move came after Maj Gen Wijarn Jodtaeng, the legal chief of the National Council for Peace and Order, and Col Burin Thongprapai, a Judge Advocate-Generals Department officer, filed complaints against the 17 for operating a criminal association known as ang-yee. The charges relate to the attacks last week and were filed at the Crime Suppression Division on yesterday night. The petitions and other documents were presented as evidence. The 17 were charged with violating Section 210 of Criminal Code which deals with offences relating to public peace. Ten of them are being detained at the 41st Military Circle in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. They will be taken to the CSD tomorrow (Aug 19) to answer the charges. The source said CSD police expected to seek warrants for their arrests from the military court of the 11th Military Circle in Bangkok today (Aug 18). More suspects have emerged after investigators found links between last weeks attacks and the May 26, 2013, bombing in Bangkoks Ramkhamhaeng area, based on the methods of attack and assembly of the bombs. Four men were sentenced to 50 years jail in that incident. Insurgent elements in the South have also been linked to the attacks. They believe Ahama Leng-ha, a resident of Narathiwats Tak Bai district and a suspected separatist who is wanted in connection with several violent incidents in the deep South, was the person who assembled the bombs used in the new attacks. A DNA sample collected from the Phuket blast scene last Wednesday (Aug 10) matched that taken from Mr Ahama, for whom an arrest warrant has been issued. His DNA samples were collected twice. Mr Ahama was detained previously in connection with the Tak Bai protest in 2004 and six years later he turned himself in to authorities in connection with an alleged violation of the emergency law. Police officers were deployed to search Mr Ahamas house yesterday morning. His relatives told officers Mr Ahama left the house many years ago. He told them he was going to work in Malaysia, according to Col Patcharapol Na nakon, chief of Tak Bai police. Relatives have been unable to reach him since then, Col Patcharapol said. Meanwhile, A Chiang Mai man allegedly implicated in the fire at a Tesco Lotus superstore in Nakhon Sri Thammarat last week is expected to face fresh charges of arson and bomb possession. The warrant for his arrest one of those being sought with the Military Court. Sakarin Karuehas, 32, was arrested on Saturday on an offshore oil platform off Nakhon Sri Thammarat where he worked. He was charged with committing arson at the store. . The attack was one of 13 bombings and arsons, which killed four people and injured 35 others in seven provinces last Thursday (Aug 11) and Friday (Aug 12). He is being held under an arrest warrant issued by the provincial court. His image was captured by closed-circuit surveillance cameras before the blaze began, a key piece of evidence that led to his being caught, police said. Deputy national police chief Srivara Ransibramanakul said yesterday that the provincial court warrant would be withdrawn as an investigation by Explosive Ordnance Disposal officers had found explosive devices were involved in the attack. Based on a National Council for Peace and Order directive, suspects in such offences must stand trial in the Military Court. Gen Srivara, who leads the investigation into the case, said the new warrant against the suspect would be sought with the Military Circle 41 court based on counts on both arson and bomb possession. The deputy police chief was speaking at Hua Hin police station, where he chaired a meeting to unravel the case yesterday. Officers at the Military Circle 41, where Mr Sakarin was detained, took the suspect to Nakhon Sri Thammarat police headquarters for further questioning. Gen Srivara said police have obtained solid evidence in connection with the bombings, which leads them to believe they have a greater than 50 per cent chance to apprehend more suspects. Deputy police spokesman Piyapan Pingmuang said investigators have not found any link to political groups in the probe, but insisted they cannot be ruled out. He said police are working with Malaysian authorities to check Malaysian SIM cards in the mobile phones used to detonate the bombs, adding that part of the probe is going well. Progress of more than 70 per cent has been made in the investigation, Maj Gen Piyapan said. Read original stories here and here. HAMPTON Two men testified Wednesday that Mark Retterath of Osage asked them to help him kill a man who had accused him of sexual abuse. Retterath, 52, is being tried on charges of attempted murder, solicitation to commit murder and third-degree sexual abuse. The case was moved from Mitchell County to Franklin County. A 20-year-old former Osage resident now living in Sioux City, who described himself as a recovering drug addict, said he has known Rettearth for several years. The witness said Retterath began talking to him about killing his accuser in February 2015, not long after he bonded out of jail following his arrest. The witness made his own accusations of sexual abuse against Retterath several months later, and a trial is pending. However, that information is barred from being mentioned to the jury during Retteraths current trial. The witness said he told Rettearth about an episode of the TV series Breaking Bad in which a character killed someone by extracting the deadly toxin ricin from castor beans and mixing it with a drug. Retterath allegedly later showed the witness instructions he got online for extracting ricin from castor beans. He seemed pretty excited, the witness said. The witness said he also saw the castor beans Retterath ordered. The witness said he was supposed to get heroin so Rettearth could mix the ricin with it. Rettearth also allegedly asked the witness to take the ricin-laced heroin to the home of the man he wanted to kill who also was a drug addict and leave it for him to find. However, in June 2015, the witness told a deputy with the Mitchell County Sheriffs Office about the castor beans. When questioned by Retteraths attorney, Angela Campbell, the witness admitted the man who accused Retterath, who was an acquaintance of the witness, gave him money so he could get drugs for him. The witness said he took the money but never gave him drugs. The witness also admitted he thinks Retterath told his father about his involvement with drugs. Another witness, Stacyville resident Aaron Sellers, said after Rettearth was arrested for sexual abuse in February 2015, he began talking to him about killing his accuser and asked for help. Sellers said he told him, Ill think about it. He said he didnt think Retterath was guilty at the time. Sellers also said he felt a sense of loyalty to Retterath, who had helped him out since he moved to Mitchell County after getting out of federal prison, where he served an 11-year sentence on drugs and weapons charges. Sellers said one day he was talking to Retterath on the phone, Retterath told him to write down a list of items for him. He said he did so and later gave the list to Retterath. The list, which was later found in Retteraths house, includes items such as duct tape, garbage bags, a power cord, five-gallon containers of gasoline and tarps. When questioned by Campbell, Sellers denied the items on the list were things he wanted Retterath to pick up for him. Officers also found castor beans and the instructions for extracting ricin from them during a search warrant. Those officers were among the other witnesses who testified Wednesday. Slow down! Double whammy spurs Phuket speed warning PHUKET: The director of the Phuket Highways Department has put out a warning to drivers living or visiting the island to strictly adhere to road laws and warnings following two identical road accidents being caught on CCTV and video camera just over an hour apart. accidentstransport By The Phuket News Thursday 18 August 2016, 01:02PM A screen grab from YouTube shows the second vehicle careering towards the already badly damaged Mazda. Photo: YouTube Got5275 screen grab Footage of the accidents, which occurred on the northbound lanes of the notorious Maphrao bends on Thepkrasattri Rd in Mai Khao on Monday (Aug 15), has gone viral after being posted on various websites including YouTube and Facebook by a Kusoldhram rescue worker based in Thalang. The recording, which started being taken at around 2:10pm on Monday, first showed the driver of a red Mazda 2 lose control of her vehicle on the first of two Maphrao bends before crashing into an electricity pylon. Then, just over one hour later, at 3:25pm, and while passersby and rescue workers were helping the victim of the first accident, a Honda CRV also lost control on the very same bend, slamming into the back of the already badly damaged Mazda and quickly dispersing the many people who had gathered to help the first victim. Luckily there were no reports of injuries from either of the accidents. However, Kusoldharm rescue workers had to stay at the scene to warn oncoming motorists to slow down and proceed with caution. After being shown footage of the accidents, Phuket Highways Office Director Patiwetwuttisak Sukkhee pointed out that the road where the accidents occurred has two bends within a short distance. About one kilometre before the first bend is a traffic sign warning drivers to reduce speed to 60km/h. At the bend is a second sign advising drivers to reduce speed to 30km/h. At the Maphrao bends we have put up a lot of traffic signs to warn drivers about the road. The speed limit is set for 60km/h. New drivers must follow the traffic laws and pay attention to these traffic signs. Those who already know this route well often go above the limit and drive through the curves at speeds of up to 80km/h, Mr Patiwetwuttisak said. The two vehicles involved in the accidents on Aug 15 are clearly driving above 80km/h, which caused the drivers to lose control of their vehicles. When we looked at more footage from this area we discovered there are many accidents; 85 per cent of drivers hit these bends while travelling faster the speed limit, he added. He continued: We will put up more signs and put speed reducers in place so people cannot drive so fast. This should help reduce the numbers of accidents. In future it is possible that we will increase the radius of the bend or make the road higher, but we have to study the environmental and community effects if we are going to change anything, he said. For now, all drivers must strictly follow the laws for their own and the safety of others, concluded Mr Patiwetwuttisak. Mai Khao resident Sulaiman Kaewngamdee, who lives close to the area where the accidents occurred said, Before you get to the bend the road is straight so most drivers go very fast, but when they reach the bend it is often too late to slow down. Ive seen many vehicles lose control at this spot, he said. Most people involved in these accidents are not from the area, they do not know this route and often care less about the traffic signs. In fact, sometimes accidents happened because vehicles try to take over each other in this very area, he added. The trouble with teachers I wont go into a big spiel about reincarnation, but the first time I was in the Gucci store in Chicago was the closest Ive ever felt to home. Nobody ever said that Kayne West was fit to teach, well, anything. Thursday 18 August 2016, 02:21PM Taktsang Palphug Monastery in Paro valley, Bhutan. by Jason Jellison However, if one were to think about the shopping malls in Bangkok, as well as the decline of Buddhism in the East, that statement would take on a new form of irony. The biggest trouble with teachers is that it is very difficult to find one that wont lead you astray. Take, for instance, the televangelists in America. If ever one should beware of false prophets, these bloodhounds would take the cake. Here are just a few notable pearls of wisdom from these learned men. Pat Robertson apparently forgot the whole turn the other cheek part of the Bible when he once said of Washington, D.C., Maybe we need a very small nuke thrown off on Foggy Bottom to shake things up. In the same vein, (and apparently forgetting that pesky Thou shalt not kill commandment) television huckster Jimmy Swaggart once quipped, Im gonna be blunt and plain, if one ever looks at me like that Im gonna kill him and tell God that he died. Money is, of course, also frequently a topic for teachers. Joel Olsteen is quoted as having said, God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us. Creflo Dollar (aptly named, I might add) got more efficiently to the point when he recently tweeted, Jesus bled and died for us so that we can lay claim to the promise of financial prosperity. Throughout history, women have also been the subject of the most stupid of teachings, even by good teachers. Aristotle once said, The female is a female by virtue of a certain lack of qualities. Plutarch once said, A wife should have no feelings of her own Saint Thomas Aquinas once wrote that woman is made when the semen is weak, Cato the Elder lamented that, Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, Napoleon proclaimed, Nature intended women to be our slaves and even Sigmund Freud stated, The sexual life of women is a dark continent for psychology. I imagine youre thinking that Buddhism would be immune from this chicanery; with all of its sophistication and everything? Not so! With the proliferation of the Internet, there are so many incorrect quotes attributed to Buddha that I could write another column. Sadly, all religions can be taught improperly and improper teaching is disastrous for a follower. There has always been and always will be the crowd who wants to take your money, much like Americas infamous televangelists. There are also far too many teachers who simply learned incorrect knowledge and unwittingly pass it on. The question becomes how do I find an enlightened teacher? Its not easy. After all, in Thailand, you would need a team to translate for you. I do have some advice that can help. First, a sincere Buddhist teacher will not be interested in your money or be hawking goods. Second, you need to know that Buddhist teachers do not perform miracles like Jesus. They cannot take away all of your sorrows and suffering. If youre looking for that, look elsewhere or youll be taken advantage of. Finally, while Thailand is one of the best places for a Westerner to discover Buddhism, Thailand is not one of the best places for most Westerners to learn Buddhism. Yes, there are certainly a few services in English that you can find for yourself on the Internet. You need to understand that Thai culture and Western culture are polar opposites. Many foreign teachers will struggle to accommodate your learning style and translation will also be a serious issue. If you really want to learn Buddhism you may need to make a commitment to return to the west. You may be surprised to learn that many of Thailands best monks actually live in the West now. There are many wonderful temples dotting Europe and America. There is even a Buddhist university in Boulder, Colorado. Bear these things in mind when searching for a teacher. Remember, Buddha urges us to find the truth on our own, for Buddha said, By oneself is evil left undone; by oneself is one made pure Thats something Buddha actually said. Its in Dharmapadda XII, verse 165. Updated at 9:50 a.m. MASON CITY | Service has been restored to all but 40 of the Mason City homes and businesses that lost power on Thursday morning. Approximately 1,500 Alliant customers on the east side of Mason City lost power about 8:30 a.m. Officials said many had been restored as of 9:50 a.m. Crews were still investigating the cause. Check back at for more on this developing story. Our previous story: MASON CITY | Alliant Energy reports power has been out since about 8:30 a.m. for more than 1,500 customers in Cerro Gordo County, most on the east side of Mason City. Officials did not have an estimated renewal time. Several stop lights on Highway 122 east of Federal Avenue were out. Stoplights in the center of town were still working in downtown Mason City and along Highway 122 west of Federal Avenue. City officials have placed temporary stop signs at affected intersections. Check back at for more on this developing story. 11AAA semis will be awesome and more from HS football quarterfinals The Class 11AAA high school football playoffs should be awesome, and 11B and nine-man teams also offer plenty of excitement. Losing in the polls by widening margins his unhinged behavior and alarming campaign ties to Russia no longer acceptable across party lines Donald Trump tried to regain momentum by, once more, stoking American paranoia. No issue serves the purpose better than immigration. So out of his bag of crowd-rousing tricks, Trump pulled out a call for extreme, extreme vetting of immigrants seeking entry into the United States. Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country, Trump said Monday in Ohio. Only those who expect to flourish in our country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas. By those standards, Trump wouldnt be fit to call himself an American. He has banned media he doesnt like from campaign events, First Amendment be damned. He has singled out Muslims for exclusion, religious freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution not standing in his way. He has cast Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, and inspired wholesale anti-immigrant hatred all over the land. In fact, if voters hadnt catapulted him to the GOP nomination and the party sealed the deal, theres no other way the millionaire real estate magnate wouldve made it through the background and security-clearance checks required of a high-ranking federal employee or political appointee, says a former immigration chief. Trump and his Slovenian wife, Melania, wouldnt pass the multi-level government screening in place now and even those if he were in charge, says Perry Rivkind, a Reagan appointee who was associate commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the 1980s and INS district director in Miami. He would be rejected because of his statements, Rivkind said. Hed never be accepted into any other position. Im not sure he could get an appointment because he couldnt pass a security check. He could not get into a U.S. government job based on his statements on Russia, his attacks on people. He couldnt get any clearance. He couldnt have access to classified material. Rivkind should know. He was an insider who vetted candidates at the Justice Department. People were turned down for character flaws less detrimental than Trumps. He was sent to Miami by the Reagan administration and used his discretionary powers to grant refuge to immigrants he didnt want to send back to wars in Central America. Many Hispanic Republicans voting for Trump can thank Rivkind for their citizenship. The INS director he replaced, whose tactics were despotically Trumpian, wouldve sent them packing. Rivkind, now retired in Arizona, also questions how Melania was able to obtain a work visa and travel a speedy road to citizenship. A fledgling modeling career doesnt qualify anyone as exceptional, the category under which her employer would have had to apply for Melania to obtain the necessary visa to legally work here, he said. It raises questions as to what her status was when she came in, Rivkind said, adding that, as aspiring first lady, Melania Trump should open her immigration file to public scrutiny. The media has a right to know. Thats not top secret. The vetting system for immigrants is so strict that the sexy photographs of Melania holding a gun, wearing a mask and posing in sadomasochistic poses shouldve been cause to put a review hold on her permanent status, Rivkind said. And the false college degree claimed on her now-removed website, if listed in her immigration applications, also would be grounds for visa revocation or residency denial. But it was smooth sailing for Melania Trump through the immigration system her husband wants to overhaul for others. Maybe Republicans ought to start extreme vetting their presidential candidates. In 2008, we opposed the Legislatures decision to make a one-cent local-option school infrastructure sales tax, approved within counties across Iowa, a statewide tax. One of our biggest concerns was the state one day would seek to divert money from the school infrastructure tax to other purposes. We believed making the local-option tax a statewide tax violated the trust of voters and eliminated local accountability. Today, our concern about discussion of diverting money is reality. During the last legislative session and again, in a somewhat different form, this summer, Gov. Terry Branstad advocated for using some of the money from the school infrastructure sales tax for water quality. We absolutely support an extension of the school tax, which sunsets in 2029, but again today we advocate for using revenue from an extension only for school infrastructure, as was the original intent. The benefits of this tax speak for themselves in the form of school improvements across the state ... We appreciate how invaluable a tool this tax is in meeting a spectrum of school infrastructure challenges. You will get no argument from us about the importance of water quality to the future of Iowa, but we prefer Branstad and the Legislature discuss the issue separate from school infrastructure. Begin the discussion, we suggest, by revisiting a plan proposed within the House during the last session to direct money for water quality from the states Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, which is funded by gambling revenue, and the state sales tax Iowans pay on their water bill. For purposes of planning and bonding for future infrastructure projects, school districts need an end to uncertainty about the future of the school infrastructure tax. To this end, we urge the Legislature to make extension of the school infrastructure sales tax, with no strings attached, a priority in next years session. By the Sioux City Journal, another Lee Enterprises newspaper. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a non-profit mental health watchdog dedicated to the eradication of abuses committed under the guise of mental health, and founded by Dr. Thomas Szasz and the Church of Scientology in 1969, launched a campaign to educate senior citizens and on their rights under the Baker Act in the hope of reducing unnecessary involuntary examinations of the elderly in Florida. CLEARWATER, Fla., Aug. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In honor of National Senior Citizens Day, CCHR is launching a campaign to help protect the elderly from abuse under the mental health law in Florida with a workshop on Advanced Mental Health Directives on Sunday, August 21 at 2pm at the center located in downtown Clearwater. CCHR opened its Florida headquarters just over one year ago in downtown Clearwater. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at An advance directive is a written document expressing a persons wishes for treatment, services and other assistance they want during a mental health crisis. This document is a clear statement of the persons medical treatment preferences and can also be used to grant legal decision-making authority to another person until the crisis is over. When government insurance coverage for electroconvulsive therapy takes effect, 65-year-olds receive 360 percent more ECT treatment than 64-year-olds in the United States, stated Diane Stein, President of CCHR Florida. With studies showing that ECT shortens the lives of elderly people significantly it is our duty to educate and help senior citizens on their rights and help them to put in place advance directives that will ensure their treatment wishes are honored. CCHR will be hosting a weeklong open house following the Advanced Mental Health Directive Workshop on August 21st and for more information on the workshop, the open house or the protection of elder rights under the mental health law please call 727-442-8820. About Citizens Commission on Human Rights: Initially established by the Church of Scientology and renowned psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz in 1969, CCHRs mission is to eradicate abuses committed under the guise of mental health and enact patient and consumer protections. It was L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, who brought the terror of psychiatric imprisonment to the notice of the world. In March 1969, he said, Thousands and thousands are seized without process of law, every week, over the free world tortured, castrated, killed. All in the name of mental health. After discovering that 55 percent of foster children in Florida had been prescribed powerful mind-altering psychotropic drugs, CCHR documented the abuse to the health department which initiated changes that led to a 75 percent reduction in prescriptions for children under six. Considered a potentially abusive, marketing tool for psychiatrists, CCHR Florida led the charge that got Teen Screen, mental health screening of school children, banned from Pinellas County schools in 2005. For more information visit, SOURCES: remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. FILE - In this Aug.4 2016 file photo made from video, Nissrine Samali, 20, gets into the sea wearing a burkini, a wetsuit-like garment that also covers the head, in Marseille, southern France. France's Socialist prime minister Manuel Valls is expressing support for local bans of burkinis, saying the swimwear is based on the "enslavement of women" and therefore not compatible with French values. (AP Photo, File) Relatives and friends of prisoners wait outside a high security prison complex in Silivri, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) west of Istanbul, Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016. Turkey issued a decree Wednesday paving the way for the conditional release of some 38,000 prisoners, the justice minister said, an apparent move to reduce its prison population to make space for thousands of people who have been arrested as part of an investigation into last month's failed coup. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis) You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close Organisation: United States US Embassy, US Mission in Uganda Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda Salary Grade: FSN-12 (Ugshs 191,547,014to 282,336,746 p.a Inclusive of allowances) Vacancy Announcement Number: 2016-80 About US Embassy: Welcome to the United States Embassy in Kampala, Uganda. The United States has enjoyed diplomatic relations with Uganda for over 30 years. Ambassador Deborah R. Malac currently heads the U.S Mission to Uganda. The Mission is composed of several offices and organizations all working under the auspices of the Embassy and at the direction of the Ambassador. Among the offices operating under the U.S Mission to Uganda are: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Peace Corps Job Summary: The Program Management Specialist- (Deputy HIV/AIDS Team Leader) will work closely with these units on cross-cutting issues and projects such as developing health systems, strengthening laboratories, integrated service delivery, and private sector initiatives. The incumbent provides primary support to the HSS Team Leader in in directing and guiding the strategic, programmatic, technical, and financial directions of this technically complex and challenging portfolio, as well as some project. The incumbent will also collaborate closely with other team leaders and management positions within the mission during the implementation of the country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2.0. The incumbent of this positions services as a Senior Officer and Deputy of the HSS Team within USAID/Uganda Development Objective 3: Improved Human Capacity/Investing in People (DO3). The Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Team consists of one USDH PHN Officer, two expatriate staff (two TCNs), six foreign service nationals, five of which are technical staff. The incumbent will work closely with these units on cross-cutting issues and projects such as developing health systems, strengthening laboratories, integrated service delivery, and private sector initiatives. The HH Office is headed by a US Foreign Service Officer who reports directly to the Mission Director. Managing a budget of over US$200 million in fiscal year 2015 (FY15), the Health Systems Strengthening Division has a significant portfolio in the Mission. The incumbent provides primary support to the HSS Team Leader in in directing and guiding the strategic, programmatic, technical, and financial directions of this technically complex and challenging portfolio, as well as some project. The incumbent will also collaborate closely with other team leaders and management positions within the mission during the implementation of the country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2.0. This position also serves as acting Team Leader during the absence of the HSS Team Leader; including attendance and participation in DO and Mission meetings. The incumbent must have broad technical experience in the areas of health mentioned above, and must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the Ugandan health sector, including decentralization and the Sector Wide approach (SWAp) in Uganda. The incumbent must have prior supervisory experience. This senior position ensures that the Mission has the necessary management and technical expertise to handle and successfully implement health programs and activities in USAID/Ugandas portfolio. The ProgramManagement Specialist- (Deputy HIV/AIDS Team Leader)will work closely with these units on cross-cutting issues andprojects such as developing health systems, strengthening laboratories,integrated service delivery, and private sector initiatives. The incumbent provides primary support to theHSS Team Leader in in directing and guiding the strategic, programmatic,technical, and financial directions of this technically complex and challengingportfolio, as well as some project. The incumbent will also collaborate closelywith other team leaders and management positions within the mission during theimplementation of the country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2.0. Theincumbent of this positions services as a Senior Officer and Deputy of the HSSTeam within USAID/Uganda Development Objective 3: Improved HumanCapacity/Investing in People (DO3). The Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Teamconsists of one USDH PHN Officer, two expatriate staff (two TCNs), six foreignservice nationals, five of which are technical staff. The incumbent will workclosely with these units on cross-cutting issues and projects such asdeveloping health systems, strengthening laboratories, integrated servicedelivery, and private sector initiatives.The HH Office is headed by a US Foreign Service Officer who reportsdirectly to the Mission Director.Managing a budget of over US$200 million in fiscal year 2015 (FY15), theHealth Systems Strengthening Division has a significant portfolio in theMission. The incumbent provides primarysupport to the HSS Team Leader in in directing and guiding the strategic,programmatic, technical, and financial directions of this technically complexand challenging portfolio, as well as some project. The incumbent will alsocollaborate closely with other team leaders and management positions within themission during the implementation of the country Development CooperationStrategy (CDCS) 2.0. This position also serves as acting Team Leader during theabsence of the HSS Team Leader; including attendance and participation in DOand Mission meetings. The incumbent must have broad technical experience in theareas of health mentioned above, and must demonstrate a comprehensiveunderstanding of the Ugandan health sector, including decentralization and theSector Wide approach (SWAp) in Uganda. The incumbent must have priorsupervisory experience. This senior position ensures that the Mission has thenecessary management and technical expertise to handle and successfullyimplement health programs and activities in USAID/Ugandas portfolio. Responsibilities: Key Duties andResponsibilities: 1. Management and Supportive Supervision: 50% A key role of the Deputy position will be to provide day to day management of a subunit, including supervision of staff, within the HSS team. A key role of theDeputy position will be to provide day to day management of a subunit,including supervision of staff, within the HSS team. Coaching/support supervision approximately three (3) technical and administrative staff; which includes development of work objectives, professional development and training plans, complete ad hoc and annual performance reviews. Superviseapproximately three (3) technical and administrative staff; which includesdevelopment of work objectives, professional development and trainingplans, complete ad hoc and annual performance reviews. and mentor all HSS team members, as needed, in effective project and financial management; work in collaboration with PPD, FMA and A&A to develop an orientation and training program for staff who have not yet received C/AOR training or need a refresher; ensure effective coordination and planning with supervisors of other HSS team members Coachand mentor all HSS team members, as needed, in effective project andfinancial management; work in collaboration with PPD, FMA and A&A todevelop an orientation and training program for staff who have not yetreceived C/AOR training or need a refresher; ensure effective coordinationand planning with supervisors of other HSS team members and oversee project planning and monitoring schedule including work plans, quarterly and annual reports, meetings with C/AORs and other staff, integrated field visits. Developand oversee project planning and monitoring schedule including work plans,quarterly and annual reports, meetings with C/AORs and other staff,integrated field visits. Undertake quarterly integrated support supervision with technical and other Mission staff i.e. FMO, A&A. Financial Management: the HSS budget; work in collaboration with the DO3 Financial Analyst to ensure that budgets are up to date; reprogramming is completed; budgetary changes are approved by HSS, DO Team Leaders and DO3 Office Director; ensure working group members are informed of minimum and maximum budget expectations for COP, MOPand OP planning; coordination with other teams for projects with multiple funding sources Monitorthe HSS budget; work in collaboration with the DO3 Financial Analyst toensure that budgets are up to date; reprogramming is completed; budgetarychanges are approved by HSS, DO Team Leaders and DO3 Office Director;ensure working group members are informed of minimum and maximum budgetexpectations for COP, MOPand OP planning; coordination with other teamsfor projects with multiple funding sources Provide technical support to HSS team members in reviewing, understanding and responding to quarterly accruals and pipeline analysis; ensuring that the HSS team is prepared and on the same page for Mission reviews. Planning and Reporting: team participation in the portfolio review process and products. Facilitateteam participation in the portfolio review process and products. Works with PPD to ensure that HSS staff are informed of new developments and are contributing to or participating as needed. 2. Strategic and Technical Guidance: 30% collaboratively with other health/HIV management teams. Workcollaboratively with other health/HIV management teams. leadership in USAID planning and review of HSS portfolio; refocusing, as needed, current and future priorities. Provideleadership in USAID planning and review of HSS portfolio; refocusing, asneeded, current and future priorities. incumbent provides strategic direction and technical input to key USAID governmental and non-governmental partners on their strategies, work plans and monitoring and evaluation as it relates to HSS Theincumbent provides strategic direction and technical input to key USAIDgovernmental and non-governmental partners on their strategies, work plansand monitoring and evaluation as it relates to HSS and facilitate technical staff to identify and employ technical resources in their day to day management. Supportand facilitate technical staff to identify and employ technical resourcesin their day to day management. and strengthen USAIDs collaborative contribution to the USG HSS portfolio and national response. Facilitateand strengthen USAIDs collaborative contribution to the USG HSS portfolioand national response. with USAID HSS Advisors for Donor and Community relations to ensure that activities are effectively integrated with other national initiatives such as the Global Fund Coordinatewith USAID HSS Advisors for Donor and Community relations to ensure thatactivities are effectively integrated with other national initiatives suchas the Global Fund opportunities and strengthen existing opportunities for integration within the Health portfolio and across, other DOs including democracy and governance, conflict and economic strengthening. Identifyopportunities and strengthen existing opportunities for integration withinthe Health portfolio and across, other DOs including democracy andgovernance, conflict and economic strengthening. leadership and act as HSS Team Leader in absence of the Team Leader Provideleadership and act as HSS Team Leader in absence of the Team Leader and help facilitate team building sessions and retreats. Organizeand help facilitate team building sessions and retreats. participate in and contribute to Mission and team meetings as directed. Activelyparticipate in and contribute to Mission and team meetings as directed. Actively facilitate implementation of evaluations of program activities in coordination with M&E Advisor and Health management team. 3. Technical and Project Management: 20% The Deputy will maintain a small technical portfolio to ensure that s/he stays current with the HSS response in Uganda, including new directions and trends, as well as issues related to project management. In doing so, the Deputy is responsible for: The Deputy willmaintain a small technical portfolio to ensure that s/he stays current with theHSS response in Uganda, including new directions and trends, as well as issuesrelated to project management. In doingso, the Deputy is responsible for: substantial input, based on technical and managerial experience, into the planning, design and oversight of USAID HSS activities at national, district and sub-district levels; planning and reporting process include but are not limited to PEPFAR Country Operational Plan, Mission Operational Plan and Malaria Operational Plan. Providingsubstantial input, based on technical and managerial experience, into theplanning, design and oversight of USAID HSS activities at national,district and sub-district levels; planning and reporting process includebut are not limited to PEPFAR Country Operational Plan, MissionOperational Plan and Malaria Operational Plan. strategic direction and technical oversight to key USAID governmental and non-governmental partners to ensure that they develop strategies, work plans and targets that are aligned with USAID goals and objectives. He/she is responsible for undertaking sound project management and will serve as a role model for other HSS staff. Providingstrategic direction and technical oversight to key USAID governmental andnon-governmental partners to ensure that they develop strategies, workplans and targets that are aligned with USAID goals and objectives. He/she is responsible for undertakingsound project management and will serve as a role model for other HSSstaff. technical and programmatic synergy within USAID/Uganda supported HSS activities and between those of government and other development partners by facilitating exchange of technical information and identifying and fostering opportunities for partnership on technical and programmatic activities. Ensuringtechnical and programmatic synergy within USAID/Uganda supported HSSactivities and between those of government and other development partnersby facilitating exchange of technical information and identifying andfostering opportunities for partnership on technical and programmaticactivities. as a senior USAID/Uganda representative in national level technical, programmatic and policy meetings and consultations related to HSS with other donors, government officials and implementing partners. Participatingas a senior USAID/Uganda representative in national level technical,programmatic and policy meetings and consultations related to HSS withother donors, government officials and implementing partners. Drafting talking points, assisting with high level visits (e.g. Congressional, political appointees, senior representatives from USG), developing/updating briefing materials as it relates to the HSS team. Experience: Qualifications, Skills andExperience: NOTE: All applicants must address each selection criterion detailed below with specific and comprehensive information supporting each item. Specialist- (Deputy HIV/AIDS Team Leader) career opportunity should hold a Masters Degree in field relevant to development assistance such as social sciences, social work, public health, organizational development, public or business administration, international development, law or medicine or related degree strongly required. The ideal candidate for the US Embassy Program ManagementSpecialist- (Deputy HIV/AIDS Team Leader) career opportunity should hold aMasters Degree in field relevant to development assistance such as socialsciences, social work, public health, organizational development, publicor business administration, international development, law or medicine orrelated degree strongly required. least five years experience in development assistance, or related work for USAID, other donor agencies, host government organizations or private sector institutions. Atleast five years experience in development assistance, or related workfor USAID, other donor agencies, host government organizations or privatesector institutions. minimum of three years experience of progressively responsible, professional experience in the field of development. minimum of three years experience of progressively responsible,professional experience in the field of development. knowledge of supporting a comprehensive approach to Health is required including strategic planning, monitoring and reporting in the areas of systems strengthening and service delivery. Broadknowledge of supporting a comprehensive approach to Health is requiredincluding strategic planning, monitoring and reporting in the areas ofsystems strengthening and service delivery. knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles, techniques and practices of the multisectoral response to HSS. Broadknowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles, techniques andpractices of the multisectoral response to HSS. knowledge of Ugandas economical, political, social and cultural characteristics and the history of development assistance, in particular the response to HSS in Uganda, including current trends and directions (including health sector strategic planning, health financing, public accounting systems, SWAps, and decentralization). Thoroughknowledge of Ugandas economical, political, social and culturalcharacteristics and the history of development assistance, in particularthe response to HSS in Uganda, including current trends and directions(including health sector strategic planning, health financing, publicaccounting systems, SWAps, and decentralization). knowledge of Ugandas development prospects, priorities and HSS resources. Thoroughknowledge of Ugandas development prospects, priorities and HSSresources. and supervisory experience, including human resource management. Managementand supervisory experience, including human resource management. knowledge and understanding of USAIDs business processes for acquisition and assistance including planning, formation and administration; Broadknowledge and understanding of USAIDs business processes for acquisitionand assistance including planning, formation and administration; knowledge of USAID and GOU/MOH monitoring and evaluation systems. Workingknowledge of USAID and GOU/MOH monitoring and evaluation systems. knowledge of USAIDs businesses processes preferred. Solidknowledge of USAIDs businesses processes preferred. to establish and maintain effective working relationships within the USG Mission including USAID (Mission and Headquarters), State Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Department of Defense, the National Institutes of Health, and Peace Corps. Abilityto establish and maintain effective working relationships within the USGMission including USAID (Mission and Headquarters), State Department, theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Department of Defense,the National Institutes of Health, and Peace Corps. to establish and maintain effective working relationships with implementing partners, private sector partners, other donor partners, and both central and district level Government of Uganda counterparts. Abilityto establish and maintain effective working relationships withimplementing partners, private sector partners, other donor partners, andboth central and district level Government of Uganda counterparts. Analytical ability to: a) analyze ongoing public health interventions to assess their efficacy and efficiency; and b) obtain, analyze, and evaluate data and prepare precise and accurate reports for other decision-makers. StrongAnalytical ability to: a) analyze ongoing public health interventions toassess their efficacy and efficiency; and b) obtain, analyze, and evaluatedata and prepare precise and accurate reports for other decision-makers. and exercise sound judgment and decision-making in a very fast paced, dynamic environment. Multitaskand exercise sound judgment and decision-making in a very fast paced,dynamic environment. and effectively plan, organize, manage and evaluate important, responsible and complex projects for individual and team work. Independentlyand effectively plan, organize, manage and evaluate important, responsibleand complex projects for individual and team work. demonstrate excellent technical and project management skills to review and provide substantive feedback on documents including concept papers, proposals, program descriptions/scopes of work, annual submissions for various operational plan planning processes, oral and written feedback to implementing partners, and other technical and programmatic documents. Consistentlydemonstrate excellent technical and project management skills to reviewand provide substantive feedback on documents including concept papers,proposals, program descriptions/scopes of work, annual submissions forvarious operational plan planning processes, oral and written feedback toimplementing partners, and other technical and programmatic documents. significant economic, political and social trends in the host country and assess their important and impact on USAID development assistance objectives and programs. Identifysignificant economic, political and social trends in the host country andassess their important and impact on USAID development assistanceobjectives and programs. factual and interpretive reports covering complex subject-matter. Draftfactual and interpretive reports covering complex subject-matter. to work in and appreciate a culturally diverse office, and able to translate local customs and culture to American counterparts and senior staff as necessary. Abilityto work in and appreciate a culturally diverse office, and able totranslate local customs and culture to American counterparts and seniorstaff as necessary. collaboratively, professionally, and positively with all other USAID staff to achieve team objectives. Workcollaboratively, professionally, and positively with all other USAID staffto achieve team objectives. interpersonal skills, including diplomacy and tact, to work effectively with people at all levels, from senior officials to support staff, accepting divergent points of view, able to set forth new ideas, and able to help find consensus to achieve team goals. Excellentinterpersonal skills, including diplomacy and tact, to work effectivelywith people at all levels, from senior officials to support staff, acceptingdivergent points of view, able to set forth new ideas, and able to helpfind consensus to achieve team goals. to lead a team when necessary, allowing for two-way communication, bringing divergent views together to consensus, and exercising fair judgment and decision-making. Abilityto lead a team when necessary, allowing for two-way communication,bringing divergent views together to consensus, and exercising fairjudgment and decision-making. to positively appraise staff, write annual performance evaluations, and set mutually agreed-upon and achievable work objectives for staff that s/he supervises. Abilityto positively appraise staff, write annual performance evaluations, andset mutually agreed-upon and achievable work objectives for staff thats/he supervises. ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing and able to help others do the same. Demonstratedability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing and ableto help others do the same. Excellent computer skills including Microsoft Office, web-based databases, and electronic filing, including the ability to help others, and the ability to learn new programs quickly is required to adequately perform in this position. Language Proficiency: Minimum of level 4 fluent in English (written and oral) language. Knowledge of one or more Ugandan local languages preferred. How to Apply: All those interested in working with the US mission in Kampala should send their applications and strictly adhere to the following: Download a completed and signed Universal Application for Employment as a Locally Employed Staff, Downloada completed and signed Universal Application for Employment as a LocallyEmployed Staff, Download it Here Any additional documentation that supports or addresses the requirements listed above (e.g. transcripts, degrees, etc.). Submit Application To: Human Resources Office By email at NB: Your application will be reviewed if you have fulfilled all the requirements including submission of standard file types such as Microsoft Word (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) in a single attachment (No Zipped files, Links or Multiple Attachments) and should not exceed 10MB. Please clearly indicate the position number and title you are applying for on the DS-174 form. Deadline: 28th August, 2016 The US Mission in Kampala provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs. find us on our Facebook page For more of the latest jobs, please visit orfind us on our Facebook page CLEARWATER, Fla., Aug. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boy Scout Troop 313, chartered by the Church of Scientology in Clearwater, came back from their week-long summer camp at Camp Sand Hill, earning a series of awards and nearly 40 merit badges between the scouts. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at Among the various awards the troop earned, Andrew Lumsden, Senior Patrol Leader and Life Scout, received 2nd place in the campwide archery competition with 24 bulls-eyes as well as the Golden Falcon Award, for troop leadership. Three adult leaders, Kevin Sorrells, Delphine Nasr and William Harris, received the Scoutmaster Meritorious Achievement recognition by the Camp Commissioner. Boy Scout summer camp is a yearly activity for most troops, including Troop 313. Nine Scouts and three adult leaders from the troop continued this tradition. For 3 of the 9 scouts, it was their first time attending a summer camp. L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Scientology and Eagle Scout himself, felt that Scouting was very important. He mentioned that the training he received saw him safely through the Second World War, of which he was a U.S. Naval Officer. L. Ron Hubbard said, Of all the various information which became important to me, such as photography, woodlore, signaling and many other subjects, the basis of it was laid in Scouting. I am very indebted to a great many, very fine men who gave their time and attention to a restless, boisterous and extremely active boy and teenager, and I must have tried their patience many times but I never heard of it from them. Troop 313 is open to boys of any faith, as with any troop. Boys in the Scouting program are encouraged to be faithful and loyal, as laid out in the Scout Oath and Law. About the Church of Scientology: The Scientology religion was founded by humanitarian and philosopher, L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in the United States in 1954 and has expanded to more than 11,000 churches, missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 165 nations. Scientologists are optimistic about life and believe there is hope for a saner world and better civilization, and actively do all they can to help achieve this. The Church of Scientology regularly engages in many humanitarian programs, such as anti-drug campaigns, human rights campaigns and global education programs. To learn more, visit But the tribe has a long way to go With monsoon playing havoc in the Cauvery delta, fears of a distress year has gripped Karnataka. The state which has recorded six per cent less rainfall and a storage deficit of 54 per cent across its four reservoirs - KR Sagar, Hemavathy, Harangi and Kabini, wants the neighboring Tamil Nadu to share the distress. According to sources, the state will convey the distress situation to the central water resources ministry seeking to apply the distress sharing formula this year. Given the current situation, the state will not be able to release the stipulated quota of 31 tmc to Tamil Nadu in the first quarter of the water year (June to August), as per the final verdict of the Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal. Meanwhile, the Karnataka government has appealed to its farmers to desist from sowing, water-intensive crops like paddy and sugarcane, this Kharif season. Rationing of water for irrigation and drinking water to Bengaluru, Mysuru and Mandya are proving to be a big challenge, with poor rainfall in the catchment areas. Energy minister D.K.Shivakumar, said, "We had planned not to release water to the irrigation canals. But as the farmers have already started sowing, we are compelled to release water to the canals till August 30. The water release to the canals will be suspended from August 31 and September 10, when the storage level of reservoirs will be assessed to decide on further releases to the canals. We need 40 tmc of water for irrigation purpose over the next 80 days. But we have only 12.5 tmc. Moreover, Bengaluru alone needs 15 tmc drinking water." The farmers in Karnataka are now protesting against the daily release of 4,000 cuses of water to Tamil Nadu, stating that they cannot afford to skip sowing this season, as the state has already suffered two consecutive droughts. Karnataka has an obligation to deliver 192 tmc to Tamil Nadu in a normal water year (beginning June). But the discord between the two riparian states arises over water sharing during the distress (deficit rainfall) years as Karnataka cannot fulfill the monthly quota or even the total stipulated quota during a drought year. Islamabad's tradition of meddling in Kashmir and fomenting terrorism has remained a sore point in the India-Pakistan relations since the partition in 1947 but Prime Minister Narendra Modi , speaking from the ramparts of Red Fort on August 15 changed this discourse. Digressing from New Delhi's traditional stand of demanding an end to cross-border terror in Kashmir, Modi chose to take the discourse forward to touch the Achilles Heel of Pakistan Balochistan. The people of Balochistan, the people of Gilgit, the people of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir have thanked me in such a manner, from places that I have never been and never had a chance to meet, they have sent wishes to the people of India and thanked us, thundered Modi. I am grateful to them. This was the second time in a week that Modi brought up Balochistan. In the All Parties Meeting on KashmirModi had ducked the issue at hand , of controlling the ongoing unrest in Kashmir, by raising the bogey. Pakistan forgets that it bombs its own citizens using fighter planes. The time has come when Pakistan shall have to answer to the world for the atrocities committed by it against people in Balochistan and PoK (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir). It is a major policy shift in our relationship with Pakistan where so far we have been correct in not commenting on the internal affairs of Pakistan and accepting that Pakistan has a role in Kashmir, recognised in the Shimla agreement , and that is why we could talk Kashmir in our dialogue with Islamabad. But diplomatically, it is a bold move where we have given a message to Pakistan that it can be a game of ''reciprocity'' if you try to destabilise India. But it is my uneasy feeling, that it is just a tactical move and not a strategic shift , former foreign secretary Lalit Mansing told THE WEEK. Call it a stick and carrot approach, a day later, New Delhi conveyed its willingness to engage Pakistan with foreign secretary S. Jaishankar accepting the invitation for FS level talks in Islamabad. At the Centre of this approach was a rider and a renewed attempt to de-link Pakistan's K-bogey from New Delhi's demand to reign in terror groups fomenting unrest in Kashmir. The message was clear, India was putting the ball in Pakistan's court. Since aspects related to cross-border terrorism are central to the current situation in J&K, we have proposed that discussions between the Foreign Secretaries be focused on them. We have also conveyed that the government rejects in their entirety the self-serving allegations regarding the situation in JK, which is an integral part of India where Pakistan has no locus standi, said a foreign ministry source. Those who are privy to the fast paced developments atop Raisina Hill, believe that the ''offensive strategy'' being played by India is a two pronged one to extend support to a domestically weakened Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif who is looking to appoint a new army chief who could help settle the civil military tension in Pakistan. It is being speculated simultaneously that General Raheel Sharif may not get a second term but be elevated to the honorary position of a Field marshal. Sharif's weakened position is frustrating Mr Modi. Sharif is talking of Kashmir because of his weak position. At this juncture he needs New Delhi's support and by accepting the offer for talks, we have taken a step in the right direction, A.S Dulat, former R&AW chief told THE WEEK. That New Delhi is walking a tight rope is clear but the diplomatic card played by India could keep Pakistan off-balance for a while. It is unlikely that Pakistan will agree to restrict the dialogue to cross-border terror for the FS talks, says Mansingh. If the dialogue breaks down or does not instil confidence, New Delhi has the option to ratchet up its offensive by taking up the Balochistan- Gilgit reference on the international forum- the United National General Assembly meet next month- highlighting the human rights violations by Pakistan in its southwestern province which was forcibly annexed by Pakistan a day after the partition of India. The passionate campaign that Sharif has been carrying out has resulted in hardening of position on both sides. Pakistan has been needlessly provocative in the way the Burhan Wani (Jaish militant) killing issue has been raised. Some capital that the Pakistani prime minister had built with Mr Modi , which accounted for the latter stopping by at Islamabad, has got depleted. If Islamabad makes a vicious speech at the UNGA mentioning Kashmir, then yes, India has the option of raising the atrocities in Balochistan, former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal told THE WEEK. History documents that fact that the British had annexed Balochistan to British India in 1884. The implications of an expanded Baloch insurgency that could spread to other provinces such as Sindh threatening Pakistan's territorial security is something Islamabad cannot afford today. Mr Modi's Balochistan- Gilgit reference may have a historical link but it's not about territorial claim. Geographically we are away from Balochistan but we have conveyed to Islamabad that if you cannot do justice to your own people who are suffering from the worst human right abuses, why are you talking about Kashmir, Arun Choudhary, former Intelligence Bureau special director who handled Kashmir told THE WEEK. Home Ministry officials pointed out that whenever Pakistani leaders visit India, they meet the separatists. The previous National Security Advisor level talks had to be called off because the Pakistani side wanted to meet Hurriyat leaders. "We don't meet Baluch leaders when we go to Islamabad, said a top official outlining New Delhi's approach towards Balochistan and Gilgit hinting towards what a strategic shift could mean for Pakistan What India has done so far, which unsettles Islamabad, is ''remaining in touch'' with Baloch leaders , which is a legitimate part of diplomacy worldwide. Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) officers who have met Baloch leaders and others who led the Track II dialogue under the previous UPA government told THE WEEK that the Baloch boys are very critical of Pakistan and openly talk of disappearances. For these officers, spying and espionage is also an acknowledged part of states-craft globally but that's another story. Pakistan knows it better than us, they insist. When Pakistani Brigadier Zahir ul Islam Abbasi, the military attache at the Pakistani embassy in New Delhi was caught spying 25 years ago, he was declared persona non-grata and sent back home. That was the most conspicuous case of a high profile Pakistani officer caught spying and declared persona non-grata. But with the arrest of Kulbhushan Jadhav, an alleged R&AW spy and naval officer from Balochistan early this year, Islamabad chose to use it as the biggest evidence so far of India's direct involvement in fueling unrest in Balochistan. Pakistan's claim has fallen flat. Till date, there are no international dossiers against any R&AW spies operating clandestinely in Balochistan or Gilgit nor has Pakistan been able to gather international support to its claim, said another spy. According to the Indian intelligence community, this is ample proof of what sets India and Pakistan apart on the international stage and the sole reason why India also stands tall as a ''responsible nation and a responsible neighbour''. When the 26/11 terror attack happened, there was a chance of a possible confrontation. The provocation was huge. In one month, heads of four countries United states, UK, Japan, France visited India and the whole counseling was to exercise restraint, said a top security official. We can once again use international leverage to reign in Pakistan but we cannot afford to play the role of an 'aggressor', he said. Modi's speech has been heard loud and clear by the intelligence agencies but they explain why such a move is far-off. Our agencies do not move a step forward without political approval. No one will take any step till there is political approval for it. But Pakistan must remember, that the ISI may have been trained by the CIA, the R&AW has trained itself, a top intelligence official said appearing to soak in the aggression that emanated from the ramparts of the Red Fort as both India and Pakistan heard Modi speak. Despite the adrenaline pumping aggressive stance, Indian agencies want to remain cautious. As of now we should keep quiet. Our Achilles Heel is Kashmir and their's is Balochistan. If they target us in J&K, do we have the capacity to handle it? We must understand that their capacity to damage us in JK is much more, cautions the officer recalling the 1999 Kargil withdrawal and the lessons learnt. The past is littered with such lessons and chapters to be re-visited. There were times that the Indian governmentsympathetic as it washad failed the Baloch leadership. In the 1970sthere might have been sections in the Indian government that wanted to toy with the idea, but Indira Gandhi stood firm. Baloch leaders were denied visas because the Indian government hoped that they would be able to strike a deal with Zia-ul-Haq. A prominent Baloch leaderwho lives in Londonstill carries the hurt of rejection even 25 years later. He is believed to have remarked that little can be expected from a country that refuses to even grant medical visas for treatment. This summer Naela Qadri Balocha leader in exilewas granted an Indian visa for two weeks. Qadriwas in India in Aprilat the same time when Uyghur leader Dokul Isa had his visa revoked. She travelled across India to universitiesincluding the anti national JNUto talk about the human rights violations in the hope that she could garner public support for her cause. Indian people have been supportive, she said. The government has been silent. They dont hear us or see us....It is not a policy without political will. Sher Mohammad BugtiCentral Spokesperson of Baloch Republican Partybelieves Modi's statement represents a ray of hope. In exile in Geneva, Bugti says: It shouldnt be seen as a reaction to Kashmir. We wanted to be rescued like the people in Bengal (Bangladesh). We are waiting in hope for that. India is a big democratic country and we hope that implement this and help us free us from the oppressive regime of Pakistan. Like Qadri, Bugti denies any convert involvement of India in the movement. If India was to help, the whole map of Pakistan would be different, he quips. But lobbying for Balochistan--internationally--won't be easy. It will bring India in confrontation with Iran--that shares a border with the Balochistan--and Afghanistan. "The Iranians are allergic to the idea,'' says Sushant Sareen, strategic analyst. The port of Gwadar is in the heart of Balochistan. It remains to be seen whether there has been a policy shift. It will unfold in the next week or days, says Sushant Sareen, strategic affairs analyst. What has Modi said? He has brought up human rights violations, like Pakistan has before like in Gujarat or post Babri Masjid. But will India speak on the behalf of Baloch people at international fora remains to be seen? For Modis speech to be a warning shot firedit will also take more than mentioning Balochistan. It would takethe P word that doesnt always follow grand declarationspolitical will. It doesnt help that the average Indian politician may be willing to jump on the bandwagonespecially when it comes as tit for tat with Pakistan upping the ante on Kashmir but the Baloch cause is only a blimp on their horizon. Unlike Bangladeshpre 1971the Baloch cause hasnt caught the imagination of the Indian politician. An anecdote illustrates that. Post Sharmal Sheikh disasterwhere then PM Manmohan Singhagreed to bring up Balouchistan in the joint statementfor the first time, there was a debate in Parliament. Sharad Yadav made a passionate plea for Balochistan and then went on to speak about Khan Ghafar Khana very prominent leader and friend of Mahatma Gandhibut with no relation to Balouchistan or the Baloch people. Mumbai police are probing a pan-nation network which facilitated supply of foot soldiers for the IS from across the country. The arrest of Mohammed Haneef, a young asatizah (religious teacher) from Peringathur in Kannur, last week put the police on the trail of at least a dozen youths who could have fled the country after being radicalised for IS-controlled territories in the Middle East. Currently, Mumbai police's Crime Branch is investigating whether Haneef was a recruiter for IS and if he had programmed willing youths for embracing jihadi militancy. Also, the probe focuses on determining how many young boys Haneef succeeded in shaping for jihad. In fact, the Mumbai police caught on to Haneef after a boy's father lodged a complaint against him with the Nagpada police in Mumbai. Police officials said the boy, Asfaque, disappeared without a trace after his brief tryst with Haneef. A senior Crime Branch official probing the matter said that Haneef was into "recruiting people for IS through a scattered network. Haneef, investigators said, told them that he was obeying a deeper plan and following a calling. After the arrests of Rizwan Khan and Arshi Quereshi, members of controversial preacher Zakir Naik's Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) in Dongri, the Mumbai police stepped in on the activities of the Kannur-based Haneef . Police are verifying the alleged meeting between Haneef, Khan and Quereshi, which took place in Mumbai and in at least two places in Kerala. Naik himself is in the eye of storm after the attackers of the July 2016 Dhaka siege claimed they were inspired and goaded to act by his teachings. He is also under the scanner over the sources of his funds. The fall-out of this investigation could have a bearing on the activities of the IRF which has been under spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Balochistan Chief Minister Sanaullah Zehri on Thursday said no one in the Pakistani province had supported Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement that the Baloch people had thanked him for his support. "We condemn Narendra Modi's statement on Balochistan. No one in Balochistan supported his statement. There is no comparison between the struggle for liberation in India-held Kashmir and the so-called Balochistan insurgency," Zehri asserted at a rally in Quetta, the provincial capital. Modi in his speech on August 15, India's Independence Day, said "people of Balochistan, Gilgit and PoK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) have thanked me a lot in past few days, I am grateful to them". According to media reports, Modi's comments sparked protests across Balochistan, with large numbers of tribesmen taking to the streets in protest in Dera Bugti, Khuzdar, Quetta, Chaman and other parts of the province. Angry protestors set ablaze the Indian flag and chanted slogans against the Indian Prime Minister at many places. "We didn't ask the people to come out on the streets... They are on the streets themselves," the Pakistan Muslim League-N lawmaker said of the protests against Modi. "The Kashmiris are agitating for their right to self-determination in accordance with UN resolutions, whereas in Balochistan there is only a small group working on the behest of the enemy country," Zehri said, referring to suspected Indian involvement. "I swear on the blood of the dead, wherever these terrorists are, we will hunt them down." "The Indian government fully supports the ongoing insurgency in Balochistan. It is deeply involved in sponsoring elements like Brahamdagh Bugti, Haerbyar Marri, Zamran Marri and Allah Nazar," he said. "Balochistan is part of Pakistan and is run by a democratically elected government," he said. "The Pakistan Army is ours and we will not tolerate any Indian interference in our internal matters," he added. South Korea said on Thursday that North Korea's deputy ambassador to Britain had defected to Seoul, in a rare and major loss of diplomatic face for Pyongyang. The Unification Ministry said Thae Yong-Hothe number-two at the North's mission in Londonhad defected together with his family and they were now in the South Korean capital. "They are under government protection and are going through necessary procedures with related institutions," ministry spokesman Jeong Joon-Hee told reporters. Jeong declined to reveal Thae's defection route, citing the diplomatic sensitivities involved for the concerned countries. "On his reasons for defection, Minister Thae cited disgust with (North Korean leader) Kim Jong-Un's regime, admiration for South Korea's free, democratic system and the future of his family," Jeong said. Increasingly isolated internationally because of its nuclear weapons programme, North Korea maintains relatively few overseas embassies, and defections by diplomats of Thae's stature are extremely rare. The last such case was that of the North Korean ambassador to Egypt who defected to the United States in 1997. South Korea' JoongAng Ilbo newspaper, which first reported Thae's defection yesterday, said he had been under pressure from Pyongyang to combat growing international criticism of North Korea's human rights record. North Korean defectors have been making headlines recently, largely due to an unusual group defection in April by a dozen waitresses and their manager who were working at a North Korean-run restaurant in China. A North Korean army colonel who had handled spying operations on South Korea was announced to have defected last year. And, in July, an 18-year-old student, who was in Hong Kong for an international maths contest, reportedly sought asylum in the South Korean consulate in the city. The Unification Ministry said Thae's defection reflected the loss of faith among North Korea's elite in Kim Jong-Un's leadership. "Awareness that the North Korean regime has reached its limit is spreading and the solidarity of its ruling class is weakening," Jeong said. Thae was believed to have worked at the embassy in London for 10 years, with one of his main tasks being to counter the image of North Korea as a nuclear pariah state and notorious human rights abuser. Over the years, nearly 30,000 North Koreans have fled poverty and repression in their country and settled in the South. But the number of defectorswho once numbered more than 2,000 a yearhas nearly halved since Kim Jong-Un took power after the death of his father and former leader Kim Jong-Il in December 2011. English French Q2 ConfirmMDx revenues up 79%; total revenues up 63% Eight new and expanded ConfirmMDx insurance agreements in Q2 Six new insurance agreements for SelectMDx in Q2 Mark Shaffar appointed as Chairman of the board IRVINE, CA, and HERSTAL, BELGIUM - August 18, 2016 - MDxHealth SA (Euronext: MDXH.BR) today announced its financial results for the second quarter and first half year ended June 30, 2016. Q2 Financial Highlights Q2 total revenues increased 63% to $6.3 million (Q2 2015: $3.9 million) ConfirmMDx revenues up 79% to $5.6 million (Q2 2015: $3.1 million) Q2 net loss of $4.2 million (Q2 2015: $3.0 million) Basic and diluted net loss per share of $0.09 H1 Financial Highlights H1 2016 total revenues increased 65% to $13 million (H1 2015: $7.9 million) ConfirmMDx revenues up 56% to $10.8 million (H1 2015: $6.9 million) H1 net loss of $7.6 million (H1 2015: $5.5 million) Basic and diluted net loss per share of $0.17 Cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 2016 of $20.1 million "Inclusion of our ConfirmMDx test in the US National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Guidelines in Q1 enabled us to effectively execute on key growth drivers, supporting further clinical adoption, facilitating contract negotiations with new payors and resulting in a sharp increase in revenues," commented Dr. Jan Groen, CEO of MDxHealth. "In the first half of 2016, we negotiated ten new or expanded payor agreements for ConfirmMDx, and as of today more than 57% of the male population considered at risk of prostate cancer in the US is covered. To date over 3,000 urologists have ordered ConfirmMDx in a clinical setting on more than 45,000 men at risk for prostate cancer. "The successful launch of SelectMDx in the US and the publication of pivotal SelectMDx validation study results in the leading journal European Urology during H1 led to six new payor agreements for the test and growing clinical adoption by the urology community," continued Dr. Groen. "Since the introduction of SelectMDx, more than 1,000 people have already been tested." H1 Business Highlights ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer ConfirmMDx included in the US 2016 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Early Detection Clinical validation of ConfirmMDx Risk Profile for aggressive prostate cancer published in The Prostate New and expanded payor agreements signed for commercial and Medicare Advantage plans for coverage of ConfirmMDx with Gilsbar 360, USA MCO, Fortified Provider Network, Vanderbilt, JVHL, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska, Fallon Community Health Plan, Three Rivers, Prime Health Services and Equian SelectMDx for Prostate Cancer Global commercial team appointed to drive adoption of SelectMDx internationally SelectMDx launched in the US in Q1 2016 Multicenter, prospective clinical validation study for SelectMDx published in European Urology Established coverage agreements for coverage of SelectMDx with US payors, including MultiPlan, Interwest Health, Midland's Choice, Intergroup Network Services, Fortified Provider Network, and Equian Other business Analytical Validation Study on AssureMDx for Bladder Cancer Published in The Journal of Urology Worldwide, non-exclusive license granted to QIAGEN on MSP technology for use in cervical cancer Post Q2 Events In August MDxHealth announced that it had received a positive medical coverage policy decision for ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer test by Cigna, one of the top five largest health insurers in the US. Cigna's positive policy on ConfirmMDx will provide access to their 15 million global medical members. In July, MDxHealth signed a collaboration agreement with Cerba HealthCare Belgium to commercialize SelectMDx in France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Cerba is a leading healthcare provider specializing in the delivery of advanced diagnostic assays through its 5,000 customers worldwide, serving 15,000 patients per day. MDxHealth is also pleased to announce that the Board of Directors elected Shaffar LLC, represented by Mr. Mark Shaffar, as its Chairman. Mr. Shaffar, a former Abbott Diagnostics executive who joined MDxHealth's Board of Directors in June 2016, has nearly 40 years of experience in the biotechnology sector, having held numerous positions at Abbott Laboratories, including divisional vice-president of acquisition and licensing for 12 years, director of technology acquisition and licensing for seven years, and manager of licensing and acquisitions for five years. He holds a Master of Management with a major in management policy, finance, from the Northwestern University Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mr. Shaffar also serves, through Shaffar LLC, as an independent director on the boards of Biocartis Group NV and MyCartis NV. "On behalf of the Company and our shareholders, we would like to welcome Mark to our Board as Chairman, and thank Edward Erickson (acting through Greenlands Consulting LLC), who retired as Director as well as Chairman of the Board on June 30, 2016, for his leadership, diligence, and hard work for the Company over the last six years," Dr. Jan Groen said. Financial Review Key figures for Q2 2016 and the first half of 2016 (thousands of US dollars, except number of shares and per share data): As of June 30, 2016 Q2 2016 First half year 2016 Q2 2015 First half year 2015 Total revenues 6,278 12,945 3,851 7,860 Total operating expenses 8,042 15,985 5,435 10,499 EBITDA (Loss) -3,405 -6,699 -2,635 -5,277 Operating profit (EBIT) -4,112 -7,528 -2,717 -5,475 Net loss -4,195 -7,618 -2,976 -5,484 Earnings per share, basic ($) -0.09 -0.17 -0.07 -0.12 Number of outstanding shares 45,269,633 43,998,490 Cash and cash equivalents 20,114 40,444 Revenue and Income Total company revenues for the first six months ended June 30, 2016, increased 65% to $12.9 million, compared to total revenues of $7.9 million for the prior year. ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer accounted for 83% of the Company's revenue in H1 2016, compared to 88% in H1 2015. Total revenues for Q2 2016 increased to $6.3 million compared to $3.9 million during the same period in 2015. Revenue from ConfirmMDx represented 88% of total Q2 revenues compared to 81% in the same quarter last year. The growth in Q2 2016 revenues compared to the prior period was principally driven by increased sales of ConfirmMDx as well as royalty and milestone payments from Exact Sciences. The SelectMDx for Prostate Cancer assay, still in the early stages of commercialization, contributed less than 1% of total revenue. The Company's net loss for the first six months ended June 30, 2016, was $7.6 million, or ($0.17) a share, compared to a loss of $5.5 million loss, or ($0.12) a share, for the prior year. The $2.1 million increase in net loss compared to the same period last year is due to the anticipated initial losses of the newly acquired Dutch entity NovioGendix, laboratory investments related to the new SelectMDx for Prostate Cancer assay, and non-recurring corporate development spending in the first half. Operating Expenses Operating expenses for the first six months ended June 30, 2016 increased by $5.5 million to $16.0 million from $10.5 million for the prior year. The year-over-year increase is attributed to increased material costs related to growing ConfirmMDx test volume, expanded laboratory operations, investment in capital equipment and infrastructure to augment increasing ConfirmMDx sales, EU operations, and spending related to the build-up for US and European commercialization of the SelectMDx test, as well as the manufacturing set-up for the SelectMDx CE-marked IVD kit and one-off corporate development projects. During H1, investment in the European and US commercial infrastructure, including laboratory equipment and operations, information technology and expansion of managed care, billing and collections staff, contributed to increased operating expenses. The investment in commercial operations was made to support anticipated volume growth and to support reimbursement efforts. Cash Position The Company's cash and cash equivalents were $20.1 million on June 30, 2016, compared to $40.4 million on June 30, 2015. Collections from ConfirmMDx reimbursements were $8.2 million in 2016 vs. $5.3 million in the first half of 2015. Average net cash burn in the first six months of 2016 was approximately $1.9 million per month. Q3 and FY2016 Outlook The Company maintains its guidance for the full year ending December 31, 2016, and expects continued revenue growth predominantly from product and service revenue in the US and international markets, driven by the inclusion of the ConfirmMDx test in the NCCN guidelines in the US, additional coverage agreements with major payors, for both ConfirmMDx and SelectMDx, and growing adoption of MDxHealth products among the urology community. The continued infrastructure investments over the last twelve months, particularly in the sales force, managed care, and billing and collections are expected to further improve volume, collections, EBITDA and revenue recognition in the second half. 2016 guidance: Revenue growth between 30% to 50% Improved EBITDA compared to 2015 Publication of US SelectMDx validation data Launch of AssureMDx on the US market in H2 Reporting Calendar Q3 results; November 3, 2016 Top-line 2016 results: January 9, 2017 About MDxHealth MDxHealth is a multinational healthcare company that provides actionable epigenetic information to personalize the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The company's tests are based on proprietary gene methylation (epigenetic) technology and assist physicians with the diagnosis of cancer, prognosis of recurrence risk, and prediction of response to a specific therapy. For more information visit and follow us on Twitter at: Statutory Auditor's Limited Review Report : We have reviewed the accompanying interim consolidated statement of financial position of MDxHealth SA as of 30 June 2016 and the related interim consolidated statements of comprehensive income, cash flows and changes in equity for the six-month period then ended, as well as the explanatory notes. The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and presentation of this consolidated interim financial information in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this consolidated interim financial information based on our review. We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity". A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying consolidated interim financial information is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union. Zaventem, August 17, 2016 BDO Bedrijfsrevisoren Burg. Ven. CBVA / BDO Reviseurs d'Entreprises Soc. Civ. SCRL Statutory auditor Represented by Gert Claes Complete Financial Statements:To download the 2016 interim report, go to: For more information: Dr. Jan Groen, CEO MDxHealth US: +1 949 812 6979 BE: +32 4 364 20 70 Jonathan Birt, Chris Welsh, Hendrik Thys (PR & IR) Consilium Strategic Communications UK: +44 20 3709 5701 US: +1 917 322 2571 (Rx Communications Group LLC) This press release contains forward-looking statements and estimates with respect to the anticipated future performance of MDxHealth and the market in which it operates. Such statements and estimates are based on assumptions and assessments of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which were deemed reasonable but may not prove to be correct. Actual events are difficult to predict, may depend upon factors that are beyond the company's control, and may turn out to be materially different. MDxHealth expressly disclaims any obligation to update any such forward-looking statements in this release to reflect any change in its expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based unless required by law or regulation. This press release does not constitute an offer or invitation for the sale or purchase of securities or assets of MDxHealth in any jurisdiction. No securities of MDxHealth may be offered or sold within the United States without registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or in compliance with an exemption therefrom, and in accordance with any applicable U.S. securities laws. NOTE: The MDxHealth logo, MDxHealth, ConfirmMDx, SelectMDx, AssureMDx and PredictMDx are trademarks or registered trademarks of MDxHealth SA. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. [COMMUNICATED CONTENT] For years Yisrael S., helped take care of his children, assisting them with simple, everyday tasks such as eating and getting dressed. Now he is the one who needs this kind of help. __________ Yisrael S., 38, is completely dependent on other people to help him with day to day tasks, though it wasnt always this way. Yisrael happily lived with his wife Shikma, in Ofakim until a few years ago, when after the birth of their fifth child he was diagnosed with an uncommon type of cancer. Yisrael needed surgery to take out several non-malignant but dangerous tumors that were located in vital parts of his body. Yisrael underwent a complicated operation, and several vertebrae in his back were removed. As a result of this he became paralyzed. Yisrael is now confined to a wheelchair and needs assistance with every single thing he does- from eating & drinking to washing, getting dressed, using the bathroom- everything. As if this wasnt enough of an adjustment, there is intense pain that accompanies Yisraels condition. His doctors say that the level of pain he experiences on a daily basis is something an average person could never endure. Despite all this, Yisrael continues living with incredible happiness. Something he is able to still do without assistance is learn Torah, which he does with great joy and enthusiasm. Unfortunately though, the situation at home is not joyful. It is extremely hard for Yisraels family. With their father constantly in the hospital, the children dont have the luxury of spending time with him on a consistent basis. The upheaval in their day to day lives and seeing their father in this different state has caused them extreme emotional distress. Shikma is also suffering. She went from leading a normal, happy life with her family to being left on her own to take care of all her children and her husband who can no longer function as he used to. She is now under the care of a psychologist to help her work through this mental trauma. CLICK HERE to help this family The financial situation is dire. The monthly 5,000 shekel ($1300) Bituach Leumi payment that they receive is not nearly enough to cover their enormous expenses. Shikma does her best to take care of her family alone but the everyday costs of food, help with cleaning, and childcare are just too much to bear. Their small apartment is on the second floor, inaccessible to someone in a wheelchair. But there is no money to move down to a lower floor. There is not one extra shekel in the house for anything. When asked what she would like in her home, Shikma said that she would love a new mattress. Not for herself, but rather for her husband who would really benefit from a clean comfortable mattress. Yisrael recently underwent an additional surgery and has been moved to Beit Levinstein (a rehabilitation facility in Raanana), where he is undergoing rehab for at least the next three months. He receives therapy once a day, but activities end at noon. This means that from 12:00 p.m. and on, there is nothing for him to do and no way for him to move. Luckily, two dedicated volunteers have been accompanying Yisrael every single day since his hospitalizations began. They travel from Ofakim and stay with him until 9:00 p.m. These men take care of all Yisraels physical needs and they are also there to take care of his spirit. They keep him company by talking with him, singing with him, learning with him, and just doing the regular activities that every person needs. The journey from Ofakim to Raanana is over an hour and a half in each direction but these men are dedicated to making Yisraels life as enjoyable as possible and they complete the trip with happiness. Without their help, who knows what Yisraels condition would be. In this heartbreaking situation we would like to do whatever we can to help Yisrael and his family. We are aiming to raise $7,500 which can go a long way by helping to cover part of the transportation costs for Yisraels life-saving volunteers. It will also go toward the purchase of an orthopedic mattress for Yisrael and provide household and childcare help for Shikma, which will ease some of the pressure on her during this summer break. Please donate as generously as you can, spread Yisrael and Shikmas story and help us help them. CLICK HERE to help this family Russias use of an Iranian air base to bomb targets in Syria sends a message to Washington as it weighs a military partnership with Moscow: Join us or well look to your enemies. Tuesdays missions were unprecedented. Iran allowed Russian warplanes to take off from its territory to strike opposition targets in Syria. The move came with little notice to the United States, which has watched helplessly the escalating bloodshed near Aleppo, the countrys biggest city, and even offered an alliance with Russia against Islamic State and other extremist fighters as a way to get Syrias government out of the fight. The negotiations have dragged on for weeks. Russia has grown impatient, with top officials several times suggesting an imminent deal, only to have American officials counter that the sides werent close. The bombing runs from a base near the Iranian city of Hamedan, 175 miles southwest of Tehran, may have been a reminder to the Obama administration that Moscow could be cozying up to Iran if Washington doesnt come around. The Russians are showing they have options in Syria while they have Washington over a barrel on Aleppo, said Andrew Tabler, a Syria expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He said the operations also cement Russias alliance with Iran in the region. Russia and Iran have strongly backed Syrian President Bashar Assads government throughout the five-and-a-half year civil war with rebel groups supported by the United States and allies such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia. But the West has been pinning its hopes on Moscow. When Russia intervened militarily in Syria last August, it claimed privately that its action would ultimately sideline Iran and its proxy Hezbollah force in Syria, making Assad more conciliatory in a peace process, according to U.S. and European diplomats. The argument was one of several by Russia that the U.S. and others have clung to as a potential pathway to peace, and which they hope to test when the U.N. sets up a new round of peace talks in coming weeks, even if they accuse Russia of failing countless previous challenges by persisting in bombing Assads more moderate opponents. The latest Russian-Iranian coordination would suggest Tehran isnt being sidelined. It is virtually unheard of in recent Iranian history for a foreign power to use an Iranian base to stage attacks. And Russia had only used its own territory and assets inside Syria for such operations previously. If Russia is moving closer to the Assad-Iran-Hezbollah alliance, it could spell doom for Syrias besieged opposition. Secretary of State John Kerry called Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday to discuss the operations. Underscoring the U.S. confusion, State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters that Washington was still trying to assess what exactly theyre doing. Col. Christopher Garver, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, said the Russians activated a communications link with coalition officials just ahead of the bomber mission. They informed us they were coming through airspace that could potentially put them in proximity to U.S. and coalition aircraft in Iraq or Syria, he said. Asked how much advance notice the Russians gave, Garver said: We did know in time to maintain safety of flight. The setup at the Iranian air base occurred very quickly, perhaps overnight, said U.S. officials, who werent authorized to speak publicly on military matters and requested anonymity. One U.S. military official said the Russians flew four Tu-22 Backfire bombers to the Iranian air base, along with a Russian cargo plane loaded with the munitions for the bombers, just hours before the missions. Another official said that all the aircraft were back in Russia later Tuesday, suggesting that the action was a test or gesture, not the start of any permanent Russian presence in Iran. Flying missions out of Iran wouldnt appear to provide an advantage, though Russian officials said it enables heavier loads and lower costs. Russia maintains significant numbers of combat aircraft inside Syria, and it has flown long-range bomber missions from southern Russia. Syrias civil war has killed as many as a half-million people since 2011. Millions have fled as refugees, contributing to a global migration crisis. And the Islamic State has seized on the instability to become a worldwide terror threat. Syrian rebels and opposition activists reacted angrily to the news. The Russians are taking advantage of the political vacuum that was left by America and Western countries that withdrew, said Paris-based Syrian opposition figure George Sabra. The deployment in Iran comes a day after Russias defense minister said Washington and Moscow were near agreement on the proposed military partnership. U.S. officials said no agreement was close. The State Departments Toner said the Russian cooperation with Iran doesnt preclude the possibility of a U.S.-Russian partnership in Syria. But such an arrangement would become more difficult if it essentially meant a U.S.-Russia-Iran partnership. Toner also suggested Russia violated last years U.N. security Council resolution enshrining the Iran nuclear deal. The resolution prohibits the supply, sale and transfer of combat aircraft to Iran unless approved in advance by the U.N. Security Council, something he said hadnt occurred. Russia said its planes targeted Islamic State militants and the al-Qaida-linked group formerly known as the Nusra Front in Aleppo, as well as in Deir el-Zour and Idlib, destroying five major ammunition depots, training camps and three command posts. The Russian planes flew over Iraq, apparently without the permission of Iraqs government, a U.S. official said. That by itself is hardly significant. Iran has flown supply and other missions over Iraq to Syria without permission. There is little Baghdad can do to stop those flights, and the U.S. has regularly turned its cheek. (AP) Turkey issued a decree Wednesday paving the way for the conditional release of some 38,000 prisoners, the justice minister said an apparent move to reduce its prison population to make space for thousands of people who have been arrested as part of an investigation into last months failed coup. The government decree, issued under Turkeys three-month long state of emergency that was declared following the coup, allows the release of inmates who have two years or less to serve of their prison terms and makes convicts who have served half of their prison term eligible for parole. Some prisoners are excluded from the measures: people convicted of murder, domestic violence, sexual abuse or terrorism and other crimes against the state. The measures would not apply for crimes committed after July 1, excluding any people later convicted of involvement in the failed July 15 coup. Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said on his Twitter account the measure would lead to the release of some 38,000 people. He insisted it was not a pardon or an amnesty but a conditional release of prisoners. The government says the attempted coup, which led to at least 270 deaths, was carried out by followers of the movement led by U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen who have infiltrated the military and other state institutions. Gulen has denied any prior knowledge or involvement in the coup but Turkey is demanding that the United States extradite him. The Turkish government declared a state of emergency and launched a massive crackdown on Gulens supporters in the aftermath of the coup. Some 35,000 people have been detained for questioning and more than 17,000 of them have been formally arrested to face trial, including soldiers, police, judges and journalists. Tens of thousands more people with suspected links to Gulen have been suspended or dismissed from their jobs in the judiciary, media, education, health care, military and local government. In separate decree, also issued Wednesday, the government dismissed 2,300 more officers from the police force, in addition to another 136 military officers and 196 employees from its information technology authority. Wednesdays decrees also allow the air force to hire new pilots or take back pilots who had resigned or were discharged before the coup to replace pilots who have been arrested or dismissed for alleged participation in the coup or links to Gulen. The government crackdown has raised concerns among European nations and human rights organizations, who have urged the Turkish government to show restraint. Turkeys 180,000-person prisons were already filled to capacity before the crackdown on Gulens movement, with some rights groups claiming that inmates were forced to take turns to sleep on beds. Turkey has issued several prison amnesties over the past decades to ease conditions in its prisons, but the measures proved unpopular with the public. Bozdag insisted Wednesday that those being released would still be supervised. This measure is not an amnesty, Bozdag said on Twitter. The punishment will be served outside through supervised released. I hope that the arrangement is beneficial to the prisoners, their loved ones, our people and our country, the minister wrote. (AP) The number of talmidei yeshivos and avreichim in Israel has increased by 8% in 2015, now reportedly holding at 108,390. The increase follows a decline in the number from 2012 2014. According to the Haaretz report, the current number, 108,390, is almost equal to the number preceding the 2012 2014 decline. Haaretz has taken the numbers from the Jerusalem Institute for Israel and the Israel Democracy Institute, which quote the 108,390 figure, adding of that number, 67% are avreichim and the remainder talmidei yeshivos. In 2012, the state cut funding for talmidei yeshivos and avreichim that did not serve in the IDF by 50%. Even more significant is the fact that there were fewer talmidim arriving from abroad who were learning in chareidi yeshivos in Israel, representing 89% of the cut as the government cut almost all funding for these talmidim. The current government reports it has increased funding for yeshivos from NIS 564 million in 2014 to NIS 984 million at the start of 2016. That number reached an all-time high in June, NIS 1.1 billion not including supplementary monthly payments for avreichim. According to the haaretz analysis, the increase in avreichim joins other data this year indicating the strengthening of the frum community and its clinging to the trends of old led by demographics: Chareidim number over 900,000 people, representing over 11% of the states population and 18% of the young population (0-19) The average chareidi woman gives birth to 6.9 children as compared to the average secular woman, giving birth to 2.1 children Dr. Malach, who is behind the study indicates the numbers speak for themselves and the chareidi kehilla framework remains unbroken, citing some come out to enter the IDF or academic studies but they still remain in the chareidi community by choice. The community by and large no longer distances such people. (YWN Israel Desk, Jerusalem) Hospital infections is a worrisome matter. In fact, an estimated 6,000 Israelis die annually from infections they picked up in a hospital. That in mind, the order has been given to begin publicizing hospital infections on the Ministry of Health website to permit Israelis to decide which hospital places them at higher risk. One of the main causes of in-hospital infections is poor hand-washing by hospital staff along with improper sterilization of equipment. The decision to publicize the hospital infections is the result of the Movement for Freedom of Information battle demanding the ministry make the information known to the general public. According to data released at the 10th Israel Medical Conference at the Jerusalem Convention Center on Tuesday, 12 Menachem Av, about one-third of patients contracted an in-hospital infection following colon surgery in some hospitals but in other hospitals in Israel that number is lower than 8%. This highlights the difference between hospitals in Israel, which might lead to a patient selecting one facility over another. According to Chief of Infectious Diseases at Hadassah Hospital Dr. Shmuel Benenson, the problem in Israel is exacerbated by cleaning staff, often manpower agency workers earning a low salary. He feels that as a result of their low salary and conditions, such a worker is often less than diligent regarding the required precautionary measures to avoid spreading infection. He explains that in England, the maintenance and sanitation staff of hospitals are hospital employees with benefits; not manpower agency employees as is often the case in Israel, often earning minimum wage. As a result, infection rates in hospitals in England are lower, explained Benenson. (YWN Israel Desk, Jerusalem) By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times The controversy has been raging on for close to two decades now. And it has appeared at various venues. There is an Exxon Station on Route 9 in Lakewood, New Jersey at the corner of Route 9 and Countyline Road. There is a Sunoco station right past exit 5 on the Palisades Parkway in New Jersey, as one heads toward the George Washington Bridge. And now, there are ten Starbucks in which the controversy has hit. [For those that feel the list is not exhaustive, there is also a 7-11 on Route 9 in Lakewood, New Jersey too, and a Coffee Bean in Los Angeles, California on the corner of Beverly and Alta Vista. ] NON- JEWISH ESTABLISHMENTS AND CHOLOV YISROEL These gas stations and coffee shops are often visited by coffee lovers across the Charedi spectrum, and the non-Jewish owners are catering to them by making Cholov Yisroel available to add to their coffee. Generally speaking, these gentile establishments are providing their Cholov Yisroel consumers with both the lowfat milk variety (usually with a blue cap and blue label on a half-gallon plastic container) as well as the regular variety (usually with a red cap and red label). THE WARNING Last year, a number of Chassidish Poskim published a warning that an open bottle of Cholov Yisroel in a non-Jewish establishment renders the bottle no longer Cholov Yisroel and thus forbidden according to halacha. Yet numerous Cholov-Yisroel-only Jews continue to consume the milk, assuming that it is quite remote that any gentile worker or owner might switch out the Cholov Yisroel milk with regular milk just to provide religious Jewish customers with kosher milk for their coffee. And now, with the announcement that ten Starbucks are now exclusively stocking Pride of the Farm brand Cholov Yisroel milk the controversy is once again raging. This is not to say, by the way that Starbucks are certified kosher they are not. It is just that if someone wants to drink their brewed coffee Cholov Yisroel is now available. THE PSAKIM This author posed the question to a number of well-respected Chassidish Poskim who stated unequivocally that the milk is not kosher. These Poskim included Dayan Hershel Ausch, the Av Bais Din of Karlsburg [headed by Dayan Yechezkel Roth shlita, the Posaik of the Satmar Rebbe Rav Yoel Teitelbaum ztl], Rav Yisroel Dovid Harpenes, a noted Posek in Williamsburg, and Poskim from Skver. Their rationale was that Cholov Yisroel requires a chosem a seal, and that a] an umdanah (roughly translated as a compelling halachic assumption which can be used to form legal rulings) is not effective when a chosem is required and b] there is, in fact, no umdanah here because the gentile will always want to provide milk for his customers and will thus pour regular milk into these containers behind closed doors. However, Rav Yisroel Belsky ztl, when asked about the Route 9 Exxon gas station in Lakewood, ruled that it was unquestionably permitted. He explained that everyone knows that when one bottle of milk is poured into another bottle of milk that is outside it causes spoilage and no one would do that. Some, however, questioned whether or not workers at a gas station would be aware of this point. This author spoke to another highly regarded litvisha Posaik who expressed his opinion that the milk would still be considered Cholov Yisroel whenever there is no chashash chiluf a concern of switching. He disagreed with the idea that an umdanah is ineffective when a seal is required. ANALYZING THE SOURCES The operative chapter behind this raging controversy is found in the 108th chapter of the Yore Deah section of Shulchan Aruch which contains thirteen sifin or sub-paragraphs. NEED FOR A SEAL The first sif (sub-paragraph) explains that meat or a piece of fish where the fins and scales were removed require two seals (chosmos) when sent through a non-Jewish intermediary or messenger. However, milk or cheese or other things that are only forbidden by Rabbinic law, require only one seal. This is the source in Shulchan Aruch that one seal is required to ensure that Cholov Yisroel is not replaced with regular store bought milk. WHEN THE SEAL IS NO LONGER EXTANT In sif two the Ramah tells us that if the Chosem, the seal, is no longer extant it is still forbidden only if a] there is a concern that he may have switched it and b] he derives benefit from having switched it. The Poskim who forbid the milk would respond that indeed there is a concern that he switched it in order to provide for his customers, and that there is a benefit in the owner making money on the sale. TWO HEBREW LETTERS COMPRISE TWO SEALS In sif three, it is explained that the formation of two Hebrew letters is considered like two seals rather than one seal. In other words, we see that the idea of a seal is not a foolproof tamper-proof system of protection. A gentile who tries hard enough could feasibly forge two Hebrew letters. Yet the assumption is that he will not go through such extensive effort. In sif four we learn that, according to the Ramah, if the item was sent in a bag and the bag had a seal it is not considered a valid seal. The seal apparently must be on the item on not on the outer sack. WHEN THE BETTER ONES HAVE A SEAL In sif five we learn, in regard to a Rabbinically prohibited item, that if he recognizes that some of the products still retain their seal, and they are the higher quality ones then the other ones are still considered kosher since the gentile would have switched out the higher quality ones. We see from here strong evidence that an umdanah is, in fact, utilized even when there is a requirement for a seal. Sif six tells us that the physical signs that an animal was slaughtered is not sufficient to be treated as a Chosem. PUBLIC PLACE Sif seven tells us that if the place in which the gentile was sent with the item is considered a place where the public passes it is permitted. The reason is that the gentile will be concerned that he will be seen and he will be viewed as a thief. However, notes the Shulchan Aruch: Ideally, a person should not send food with a gentile without a seal. This sub-paragraph is fascinating and is in all probability the most germane to the raging controversy under discussion. Some wish to permit the milk based upon the fact that if the owner or an employee switches out the Cholov Yisroel milk with other milk, it will be readily seen by passersby. Indeed the Taz and the Pri Chadash both write that even if the passersby are only gentiles that gentile would be concerned that they would tell on him. ARE THESE PLACES PUBLIC PLACES? They also point out that, generally speaking, you can always look into these Starbucks because their construction is made of glass. The Palisades Sunoco Station is also open 24-7 as well as the Exxon Station on Route 9 in Lakewood. NOT VIEWED AS A THIEF BUT CAUGHT AS ONE Those that forbid the milk could argue that there is a huge distinction between our case and that of the Shulchan Aruch. The Shulchan Aruchs wording is that the gentile would be afraid that he would be caught red-handed and called a thief and hence pounced upon and or jailed as a thief. This is a far cry from switching milk containers which would carry very little repercussions. LAWSUITS ARE JUST LIKE BEING POUNCED UPON AS A THIEF Some Rabbis have pointed out that the fear of being caught red-handed is a real one particularly after the famous 2001 McDonalds Corporation French Fry case where McDonalds agreed to pay ten million dollars for misleading consumers about their French Fries for ten years. In 1990, after being pressured by the vegans, McDonalds announced that its restaurants would no longer use beef fat in cooking French Fries and that only pure vegetable oil would be used. But on May 1st of 2001, a lawsuit was filed in Seattle on behalf of two Hindus who didnt eat meat and one non-Hindu vegetarian. The french-fry category of the official McDonalds ingredient list made no mention of beef tallow or beef extract. They only listed potatoes, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, and natural flavor. McDonalds tried doing damage control by issuing a statement at the time of the lawsuit that said: The natural flavoring consists of a minuscule amount of beef extract, but it was too late. They paid out ten million dollars. Some Rabbis wanted to claim that Starbucks Corporation and perhaps the owners of the Route Nine Exxon and the Exit Four Sunoco are aware of the lawsuit against McDonalds and would thus be very careful. Others claim that they can still switch out the milk behind closed doors or behind the counter, and that most of the workers and managers are completely unaware of the lawsuit against McDonalds and thus the distinction between contemporary times and the times of the Shulchan Aruch is still very valid. ONLY AN EMPLOYEE? There is also the opinion of the Isser vHeter (22:7-8) that we are only discussing a servant or employee of the Jewish owner and not just any gentile where it would clearly be forbidden. Although the Shach and the Toras Chatas disagree with the Isser vHeter, it could be that they would agree with him in regard to this case where there is no Jewish neighborhood per se (Indeed, the Toras Chatas specifically limits the leniency to a Jewish neighborhood). THE WAY STARBUCKS WORKS Inquiries at a Starbucks reveals some interesting facts. The Starbucks are corporate owned they are not franchises. The Starbucks that have Pride of the Farm Cholov Yisorel carry no other milk. If a Starbucks runs out of any product they are instructed to go to another Starbucks to get that product. They would not get that product from another locale, and there is no incentive for them to do so whatsoever. It would seem, however, that they may go the closest Starbucks in such an event and if that other Starbucks is not Cholov Yisroel there may perhaps be a concern. However, rarely if ever would a Starbucks actually run out of milk. CONCLUSIONS It seems to this author that an Umdana certainly would work to permit the milk even if there was no Chosem a seal. Let us also go back to Rabbi Belsky zatzals point that people do not pour milk from one container to another. It seems that this information is actually taught in state-mandated health courses in which one employee and or owner of any establishment that deals with food and refrigeration must attend. It would seem also that if there is ample Cholov Yisroel in the refrigerator there would be an umdana that the milk was not, in fact, switched. The fact that the Ramah says in Sif two that it is only forbidden if there is a financial benefit and an incentive would make it hard to imagine that a gentile employee would care enough to risk spilling and spoilage and the extra effort for a mere sale of a few cups of coffee. True, Sif zayin states that ideally one should not send milk without a Chosem, but it is this authors conclusion that the milk of exit 4 and of Exxon Route Nine still remains Cholov Yisroel it is just not lchatchilah. It also seems to this author that the Pride of the Farm Cholov Yisroel milk in the ten Starbucks would not be a lack of a lechatchila either. There are so many other umdanahs associated with the Starbucks operation that an open Cholov Yisroel container in one of these ten stores would be considered full Cholov Yisroel. Of course each person should consult his or her own Rav, Posaik or Dayan and not rely on the conclusions found here. One should also note that some of the Starbucks actually wash some of the pots with non-kosher. This is also not ideal and often forbidden. The brew baskets of the plain coffees are generally not washed in this manner, however and even if they are it does not present a problem (see an extremely learned CRC document on Starbucks written in 2011 by Rabbi Sholem Fishbane and Rabbi Dovid Cohen). The author can be reached at [email protected] Attention Readers: The seventh volume of Not Your Usual Halacha has just been released. The authors books, including the Not Your Usual halacha Series, Hilchos Shabbos, Hilchos Meuzah, Hilchos Kashrus can be purchased at Agudath Israel of America, a longtime supporter of Floridas scholarship tax credit program, welcomed the Florida appeals court ruling on Tuesday which upheld the dismissal of a teachers union lawsuit. The First District Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the lower court which stated that the Florida Education Association and others failed to show legal standing to challenge Florida tax credit scholarships as they didnt prove how the scholarship programs would harm them. Union officials said they would decide later if they would appeal, but in the past have said they were likely to push their lawsuit all the way to the state Supreme Court. The appellate judges stated in their opinion that this is a quarrel with the Legislatures policy judgment regarding school choice and funding of Floridas public schools. They added, that this is not a matter for the court to wade into but rather it should be left for the ballot box. Floridas students were once again vindicated by the courts said Agudath Israels Florida director, Rabbi Moshe Matz. Nearly 80,000 low-income students, including those in Jewish schools, benefit from the scholarship tax credit program. It is time for the unions to simply drop the lawsuit and allow these children to receive an education in the setting chosen by their parents. (YWN World Headquarters NYC) Dublin, Aug. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Global Vertical Farming Market Analysis & Forecast, 2016-2022" report to their offering. In spite of the lack of awareness about this technology, and high initial investment, the author has estimated that the industry will grow over $6.81 billion by 2022 at a double digit CAGR through 2015-2022, with APAC leading the market. The global vertical farming market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.77% through 2015 to 2022. The report is a compilation of the different segments of global vertical farming market, including market breakdown by the components, growth mechanisms, and different geographical areas. Herein the revenue generated from the growth mechanism, namely: Aeroponics, hydroponics & others; and components, namely: lighting, hydroponic, climate controls, and sensing components is tracked to calculate the overall market size. While highlighting the key driving and restraining forces for this market, the report also provides a detailed summary of the vertical farming systems. It also includes the key participants involved in the industry at the relevant sections. Some of the key companies highlighted in the report are Aerofarms, Illumitex, Koninklijke Philips, Everlight Electronics, and FarmedHere. The report answers the following questions about the global vertical farming market: - What are the different factors driving the market and how will the impact change through the forecast period? - What are the major factors challenging the growth of global vertical farming market and how can they be addressed through the forecast period? - How will the market players leverage on key developments such as acquisitions, partnerships, and product launch among others? - Which region will lead the global vertical farming market by the end of the forecast period? - What are the prevalent components types and what is the market size for each of them? - What are the prevalent growth mechanisms types and what is the market size for each of them? - How will the competitive rivalry evolve through the forecast period? - How are the regulatory bodies participating in the industry? Key Topics Covered: Executive Summary 1 Report Scope and Methodology 2 Industry Analysis 3 Market Dynamics 4 Competitive Insights 5 Vertical Farming Market by Components 6 Vertical Farming Market by Growth Mechanism 7 Vertical Farming Market by Geography 8 Company Profiles - Aero Farms - Agrilution - American Hydroponics - Everlight Electronics co. Ltd - Hort Americas - Illumitex Inc. - Indoor Harvest Corporation - Koninklijke Philips n.v - Moflo Aeroponics For more information about this report visit Related Topics: Agriculture Uber was at surge pricing, but it didnt matter. It had been a busy Thursday at my midtown office and I simply had to rush to the airport to catch my flight. My family was in Toronto; I had been working in New York City since Monday, and I really wanted to be with them for Shabbos. Instead of an Uber X, I scored an Uber Black. Awesome. While trying to get to the Holland Tunnel, I witnessed road rage between the driver of a bus, an SUV, and a cop who had to come break it off before it turned physical. (Note: Trying to get out of Manhattan at rush hour is never ever a good idea!) Thankfully, traffic cleared once we got to New Jersey and it was clear sailing to Newark Liberty International Airport, and I had just about an hour to go before my flight was scheduled to depart to Toronto. I had already checked in online and I only had carry-on luggage, so I whisked straight through to security and arrived shortly thereafter at my gate. Phew, I made it. Apparently my rushing wasnt validated, because my flight to Toronto was slightly delayed. Shouldnt be that bad, I thought to myself. The weather seemed okay both in New York and Toronto, so it was probably just a traffic build-up at the terminal. I opened my laptop and began to do some work for the office. But then, when tens of passengers flooded the waiting area, I knew something was wrong. Apparently, they had been on the 4:00 p.m. flight to Toronto (mine was scheduled for 7:25 p.m.), and they had been sitting on the runway for four hours. And after all that, they got turned back to the gate! Voices were raised, cell phones rang off the hook, and hundreds of agitated passengers began to question their weekend plans. What to do first, I wondered? Davening Maariv was clearly the best choice. There were other religious Jews waiting at the gate, so we tried to get a minyan. Someone was on his way back to yeshiva, another was from Lakewood was going to visit family, and a businessman was in and out for the day. In addition, several counselors and campers from Chai Lifeline (a nonprofit organization geared toward children with developmental disabilities and terminal illnesses) were there, waiting to get home after their summer experience at Camp Simcha. We were nine people and we almost gave up. But just then, a passenger asked one of the guys: Which yeshiva did you go to? Yes, we got bageled, and it happened at the most opportune time. We had a minyan! Then, unsure as to flight p lans (sorry, sir, everything is booked until Saturday), I started to think of alternatives. Do I try to fly standby on Fridays flights? Should I start making plans to stay in New York for Shabbos? My younger brother (who lives in Far Rockaway) generously offered me his car so that I could drive back to Toronto for the weekend. Should I take him up on that? Just then, magic began to unfold. The Chai Lifeline volunteers told us that they might have a plan. They had wheelchair-bound campers that simply couldnt stay at hotels and fly stand-by, so they were sure that Chai Lifeline would organize something for them, even if that meant chartering a bus to get them back to Toronto. At the last second? Doubtful. But if anyone can do it, Chai Lifeline can. One of the volunteers then told us that his cousin from Passaic feels terrible about our predicament. She offered to have us all stay at her house overnight, if wed like, but at the very least, she would be preparing dinner and sending it to the airport. Wow. While waiting to find out if we would get that chartered bus (and if there would be room for all of us), our dinner arrived. And if that wasnt enough, another Chai Lifeline volunteer heard about the stranded campers and showed up at the airport with bags of snacks that she had just picked up from Wal Mart. (Did I mention that this was at about 11:30 on Thursday night?!) Finally, the icing on the cake. Two guys one from Lakewood and another from Monsey volunteered to drive the group back to Toronto; they simply wanted the campers to be back with their families for Shabbos and Tisha BAv. They borrowed a wheelchair-accessible van from Bikur Cholim (in Lakewood) to drive everyone home to Toronto. (Yes, these guys were now going to be spending Shabbos and Tisha BAv in Toronto, just to make sure the campers would be back home!) How many seats were there in the van? Exactly enough! There were ten of us altogether: two Camp Simcha campers, three Camp Simcha counselors; two drivers, and three other stranded passengers (myself included). At about 1:30 on Friday morning, we all boarded the wheelchair-accessible transport and began our trip to Toronto, as planned. It was surreal. It was the day before Tisha BAv, which naturally meant that I was gearing into a more pensive and somber mode: mourning the loss of both Temples, every national tragedy throughout Jewish history, and personal struggles all a result of our historic sinas chinam, baseless hatred. Yet, as I my thoughts wandered throughout my nine-hour road trip to Toronto, with wheelchair-bound youth being beyond taken care of, and random strangers (including myself) being offered a free trip back to Toronto and fed by people we didnt know, I couldnt help but smile. I couldnt help but recognize how proud Hashem must have been of our ahav as chinam (baseless love), and I couldnt help but realize that we are well on our way to rebuilding the third Bais HaMikdash. Combining both of his passions, education and entrepreneurship, Moe Mernick runs business development for an early-stage start-up, mentors budding entrepreneurs at a technology accelerator, and has held numerous communal positions, including Regional Director for The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation (Hamburg, Germany), Senior Advisor at Counterpoint (Sydney, Australia) and City Director for NCSY (Vancouver, Canada). Moe holds an International MBA and Rabbinical Ordination, and he is the author of the newly released book, The Gift of Stuttering (Mosaica Press, 2016). Donald Trump has received his first classified intelligence briefing, meeting with national security officials for more than two hours on Wednesday. The celebrity businessman became entitled to the briefings once he officially became the Republican nominee for president. The briefing was delivered by career staffers from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and was expected to cover major threats and emerging concerns around the world. The afternoon briefing was held at an FBI field office at a federal building in New York City, a facility which has the secure rooms required for such sensitive briefings. Trump did not speak to reporters upon entering or exiting the building and a campaign spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the briefing. But Trump, in an interview that aired just hours before the briefing, suggested he would be skeptical of its contents when he was asked if he trusted the nations intelligence materials. Not so much from the people that have been doing it for our country, Trump told Fox News. I mean, look whats happened over the last 10 yearsits been catastrophic. Trump brought along some top advisers, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, to the briefing. A U.S. intelligence official said that generally, advisers who attend the briefings must have appropriate security clearances. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasnt authorized to disclose information about the candidates intelligence briefings. Defense Intelligence Agency says that the agency maintains security clearances for all its former directors, including Flynn, who served in the post from 2012-2014. The briefing came two days after Trump delivered a speech on national security and just hours after he gathered several advisers for a security round table at Trump Tower. The advisers, including former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, encouraged the GOP nominee to press for more surveillance and more information-sharing with local police departments to fight terror threats if hes elected president. The FBI does share with local police agencies through Joint Terrorism Task Forces. It wasnt clear whether Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton has received an intelligence briefing. (AP) A Virginia man who scaled the all-glass face of Trump Tower last week using suction cups planned his climb, ordering equipment on Amazon, practicing ahead of time and waiting until his parents were away before traveling to New York City, according to prosecutors. Stephen Rogata, 19, dressed in blue hospital garb, answered a judges questions but made no other comments during his court appearance Wednesday via video linkup from a Manhattan psychiatric hospital. This was a well-thought-out, planned stunt, said Pierre Griffith, an assistant district attorney, noting Rogata waited until his parents went on vacation before driving from Great Falls, Virginia, to New York ahead of the Aug. 10 climb. Rogatas hourslong climb of Donald Trumps 58-story namesake Manhattan skyscraper was streamed live by various news organizations and bystanders who watched gleefully as he slowly ascended floor after floor using a harness and climbing ropes. At one point, a laptop he was carrying in his backpack fell out, crashing on the ground below as he plodded along from a fifth-floor atrium to the 21st floor, where he was hauled in through an open window by police detectives, Griffith said. Rogata also politely rejected a police detectives efforts to persuade him to end his efforts, saying, No, thanks, I dont want the rope, when the investigator lowered a line down for Rogata to attach himself to, Griffith said. Rogatas attorney, Tara Collins, said her client was receiving much-needed mental health treatment. At best he was doing something profoundly stupid, she told the judge, noting he made no threats and was hoping to sit down with someone he could never meet. Trump Tower is home the Republican presidential candidates campaign headquarters, his business empire and his personal residence. He was not in the tower on the day of Rogatas climb. Rogata was held on $10,000 bail following an arraignment on four misdemeanor charges, including reckless endangerment and trespassing. After he was arrested, Griffith said, Rogata told a police officer that he had practiced using the suction cups on a three-story building in Virginia, scoped out Trump Tower ahead of his climb and intended to get to the roof. I want to get a message to Donald Trump, he told a Secret Service agent at the hospital, according to Griffith. The content of the message was unclear. Rogata, whose birth name is Michael Joseph Ryan, ran away from home in 2014 after his internet privileges were revoked for spending too much time on a blog on government issues in the United States, according to a police report in Fairfax County, Virginia. His father, a career Navy officer, and his mother, a New Jersey native, were with their son and coordinating his treatment back in Virginia, said Collins, noting there is concern of an ongoing or burgeoning mental health issue. (AP) Police are looking at possible ways to use New York Citys streetlights to fight crime. Police Commissioner William Bratton said Wednesday that the NYPD is considering introducing high-tech streetlights that would double as security cameras. He said the streetlights also could be outfitted with so-called ShotSpotter sensors that pinpoint the sound of gunfire. Last year, the NYPD began using the technology in neighborhoods in Brooklyn and the Bronx that had seen an uptick in violence. According to a city Department of Transportation website, the agency maintains more than 250,000 streetlights throughout the city. (AP) By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times Tu BAv, which occurs on Thursday night this year, is a special day in the Jewish calendar, and it is currently experiencing a resurgence. of sorts, in Eretz Yisroel. Traditionally, it was a day when single young ladies would wear special gowns of white in order to woo a groom. The white indicated that they were free from sin. The Braisah in Taanis (31a) states that the custom was for everyone to borrow white clothing from others so that the poorer girls who, in truth, lacked the financial means to clothe themselves properly, would not be embarrassed that they did not have something to wear. Indeed, even the kings daughter and the Kohain Gadols daughter exchanged clothing. WHY WAS IT ESTABLISHED? So now we know what occurred on this day. But why was it established initially? The Gemorah in Bava Basra (121a,b) provides a number of different reasons: 1. Rav Yehuda in the name of Shmuel: A law existed while we were in the desert after we had left Egypt. This law banned the Shvatim from marrying one another where it would cause changes in an inheritance. This law was rescinded in the 40th year on the 15th of Av. The joy inherent in rescinding this law caused the day to become very special and joyous. 2. Rabba Bar Bar Chana in the name of Rav Yochanan: The Tribe of Binyomin was allowed to marry into Khal Yisroel after the incident of Pilegesh BGivah (see Shoftim 19-21). This occurred on the 15th and signified once again the unity of Israel. 3. Rav Dimi Bar Yosef in the name of Rav Nachman: The people in the Midbar stopped dying on this day. 4. Ullah: It was the day that Hoshea Ben Ellah undid the orchards that Yeravam placed to block passage of those who wished to visit the Beis HaMikdash. 5. Rav Masna: It was the day that the Romans allowed the victims of Beitar to be buried and it was revealed that their bodies had miraculously shown no de-composure. 6. It was the day that the cutting of the wood for the main altar in the Bais HaMikdash was finished so it celebrated that Mitzvah and allowed them to learn. There is a serious historical question, however, with reason number five proposed by Rav Masna. The sources quoted in the Gemorah indicate that Tu BAv was observed during the time of the Bais HaMikdash. This is borne out from the Braisah having mentioned above that the kings daughter and the Kohain Gadols daughter also partook in the exchange of clothing. THE QUESTION But Beitar only fell after the Hadrian came to power! This was many years after the Bais HaMikdash was destroyed! Hadrian was emperor from 117 CE to 138 CE. The Bais HaMikdash was destroyed in 70 CE. How could Rav Masna explain the reason for its establishment after it was observed? TWO POSSIBLE ANSWERS One possible answer may be that each of these opinions listed subscribes to a multiplicity of reasons why Tu BAv was actually observed. Perhaps they actually do not argue with each other, and all these reasons existed. Indeed, this is what the Rashbam on 121a (Yom Shehutar) seems to imply. Another possible response to this problem is found in the Gvuras Ari (Taanis 31a). He seems to disagree with the aforementioned Rashbam and writes that the Braisah in Taanis only actually refers to Yom Kippur and not to Tu BAv [See statement of Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel in the Mishna in Taanis (26b): Israel never had grander days than Yom Kippur and Tu BAv.] DIFFICULTIES WITH BOTH ANSWERS There are difficulties, however, with both answers. Rav Masna seems to say that the reason it was established was because of his reason while he may agree that the other things happened on that day that was not the reason it was established in his view. The Rashbams answer would thus require some further understanding. The Gvuras Aris response is difficult to say as well because the authorial intent of the Braisah in Taanis seems to be applying the idea to Tu BAv as well. While one could say that it is lav davka, that it does not mean what the words imply this is difficult to propose. There is no symmetry that is generally associated with an answer of lav davka. THE TWO STAGE ANSWER Perhaps a different answer might be that the Simcha the joy of Tu BAv was initiated in two separate stages. Stage one was prior to the destruction of Beitar. Tu BAv was instituted during the time of the Bais HaMikdash as a special day of Chesed for Shidduchim. It did not have a particularly joyous significance rather it was a propitious time to get people married. This Shidduch Day was replete with Chessed. But its primary purpose was not to commemorate any of the other incidents. Much later, it also happened to be that on this day, the fallen of Beitar were allowed to be buried. Coincidence? No, not at all. There is no coincidence from the Torahs perspective. According to Rav Masna, the Rabbis re-evaluated the days mentioned in Megilas Taanis, and knew that something extraordinary happened here. The special Chessed of that day allowed for and enabled another chessed that the fallen of Beitar could be buried, and to the delight of their brethren their bodies did not decompose. A recognition of this chessed caused a renewal in the 15th of Av. It would be filled with renewed purpose. This was stage two of Tu BAv. When did this happen chronologically? The Yerushalmi (Taanis 4:5) states that 52 years after the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash, Beitar was destroyed. This would be in 122 CE. THE TIME FRAME The Gemorah in Gittin 57a gives us the background. The people of Beitar had the custom of planting a tree upon the birth of each child. Upon the engagement of two Beitar children, they would cut down the trees that were planted and would build a Chupah. One time the Roman emperors daughter passed by Beitar and her chariot broke down. Her servants cut down a tree that a Beitar resident had planted for his sons wedding. The people of Beiter beat up the emperors daughters servants. The emperor was furious and commanded that they be wiped out. The Yerushalmi indicates that it ended when the next Emperor took over. It is not clear, however, whether the Bavli agrees to the dates of the Yerushalmi. But getting back to this new approach in understanding Rav Masna that Tu BAv had two stages: the first a Chessed Day during the time of the Bais HaMikdash and the second stage a time when this day was enacted by later Chazal as a remarkable Yom Tov- is there a lesson that can be learned? THE POWER OF CHESSED It would seem that when Chessed is done on a particular day, it creates Kochos and forces within the day itself that will have positive repercussions on that day ever onward. We find this idea in the Michtav MEliyahu as well, that time travels in a circle and not straight down. The chessed and Mitzvos imbued on a particular day, change that day forever afterward. Let us keep this in mind for Yahrtzeits, Yomim Tovim, etc. The chessed done on that day has ramifications for that day forever onward. THE LESSON This, is a lesson that we can carry with us about this holiday of Tu BAv throughout the year. Chessed is something that lasts forever. It is an idea that should inspire us in our Dveikus Bashem and is a new insight into the holiday of Tu BAv. The author can be reached at [email protected] Attention Readers: The seventh volume of Not Your Usual Halacha has just been released. The authors books, including the Not Your Usual halacha Series, Hilchos Shabbos, Hilchos Meuzah, Hilchos Kashrus can be purchased at Attorneys for almost two dozen media groups are arguing in federal court in Florida that a lawsuit demanding the release of 911 calls involving the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando should be moved back to state court. Attorneys for The Associated Press, CNN, The New York Times and other media groups are arguing Thursday that the case doesnt belong in federal court. The case pits the City of Orlando against media companies seeking the release of recordings of dozens of 911 calls as well as communications between gunman Omar Mateen and the Orlando Police Department. Mateen was killed by police early June 12 after a lengthy standoff in the shooting that killed 49 people and wounded 53 others. The media groups argue that the recordings will help the public evaluate the police response to the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. The city, which is the custodian of the recordings, claims the recordings are exempt under Florida public records law and that the FBI insists releasing them may disrupt the ongoing investigation. The media groups filed a complaint in state court about 10 days after the shooting, seeking the release of the recordings. Less than hour later, the city filed a complaint in state court, asking that the recordings be declared exempt from public records law. In a legal maneuver, the city filed an amended lawsuit, naming the U.S. Department of Justice as a defendant, and DOJ attorneys moved for the case to be transferred to federal court where Floridas Public Records Act isnt applicable. In court papers, the Department of Justice argues the recordings are federal records and not subject to Floridas public records law. The media companies argue that the Department of Justice is one of perhaps many parties standing on the sidelines and arent a proper party to the lawsuit. This case is a dispute solely between the News Media and the City, the media groups said in court papers. (AP) Chancellor Angela Merkel has dismissed suggestions that the influx of refugees over the past year brought Islamic extremism to Germany. Merkel said late Wednesday that the phenomenon of Islamist terrorism by IS isnt a phenomenon that came to us with the refugees, its one that we had before too. She conceded, however, it can be seen that there are attempts to win over refugees (for terrorism), or we had the case of Paris, where refugees were deliberately smuggled in by IS. Merkel was speaking at a campaign event in the northeastern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where her Christian Democrats face strong competition from the nationalist, anti-immigration Alternative for Germany party in state elections on Sept. 4. The country was shaken by a string of attacks in July, two of which were the first in Germany claimed by the Islamic State group. In those, only the attackers both asylum-seekers were killed. In an unrelated attack, a German teenager killed nine people in Munich. Last week, Germanys interior minister unveiled proposals to boost security among them creating several thousand jobs with federal security services, making it easier to deport foreigners deemed dangerous and stripping dual nationals who fight for extremist groups of their German citizenship. I can understand that security has very, very high significance for people at the moment, thats completely clear, Merkel said in a video released Thursday by her party. We are doing everything humanly possible to ensure security and wherever gaps arise, we must readjust and consider new variations of security. Merkel said its important to prevent people-smuggling and ensure that refugees can live in humane conditions near their homelands for example, through arrangements such as the European Unions deal with Turkey to cut migrant flows. There wont be another way if we want to reduce the number of people coming to us and if we consider the fate of people who can often live better near their homeland, their cultural homeland, than if they come over 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) to us, she said. (AP) For the second time in six months, the Mayor, Police Commissioner and top city officials called on Congress and the White House to swiftly give New York City counterterrorism funding $180 million is at stake. Flanked by three members of Congress, the Mayor and the citys top cop said Washington was letting an appropriations bill languish. It was time for it to move. How many conferences have I had with you, the media, talking about this issue that they have to spend so much time urging that they do something, Bratton said. Its frustrating. This rebuke came just three days after what some say was a chaotic response at JFK airport to a report of shots fired. On Sunday night, police searched for a shooter. No one was found. The so-called gunshots were never substantiated. Now city officials say they need to do a better job coordinating with the Port Authority, who handles security at our airports. We all have to do better at the airports, the Mayor said. There is no question about it. There will be a hot wash of this that we will participate in to look at what worked, said Bratton. The whole incident is currently under review. READ MORE: NY1 The proposal by Village of Kiryas Joel officials to split the Town of Monroe in half creating a new Town of North Monroe is being cautiously considered. Monroe Town Supervisor Harley Doles said he would need assurances that KJs massive bloc vote would never influence Town of Monroe or Monroe-Woodbury school board elections in the future. He said he does not want to see Monroe become the next East Ramapo. That is the school district in the Spring Valley area with neighboring Hasidic communities. The Hasidic children attend classes in their own schools, but the public school board is controlled by Hasidic members. If sufficient petition signatures are secured by residents of Kiryas Joel, the Orange County Legislature would have to approve the new town and its chairman, Stephen Brescia said they would have to take a good, hard look at it. If there enough support in the entire town, I would vote affirmatively, but if there is a lot of opposition to it, I would vote negative, Brescia said. County Executive Steven Neuhaus said he will have the countys Planning and Real Property offices conduct an analysis of the proposal compared to annexation of land. A number of property owners adjacent to Kiryas Joel have already petitions to annex their hundreds of acres into the village. That is in the courts right now. Neuhaus expects the chance the county legislature would consider the North Monroe town proposal is slim to none. (Source: MidHudsonNews) Prisoner Yishai Schlisel, who was convicted or murder for the stabbing death of a young woman at a Jerusalem toeiva parade, was assaulted and beaten again in prison, this time requiring hospitalization. YWN-ISRAEL recently reported that Schlisel was beaten after removing photos from his cellmate, explaining they were immodest. It is reported that Schlisel is not hospitalized in Assaf HaRofeh Hospital after two prisoners beat him in Ayalon Prison in Ramle. He arrived at the hospital under heavy guard and now remains in a prison unit in the hospital. There are no details regarding his condition. (YWN Israel Desk, Jerusalem) January to June 2016*: Global flight traffic up 23% Passenger numbers up 20% Strong performance in America with flight traffic up 145% from first half 2015 Triple digit growth in flights from Europe and the US to Asia Company sells largest single package of hours in its history April to June 2016: Second quarter of 2016 the business' biggest ever Average number of new annual contractual flight hours up to 120 hours per customer Over 3,000 new annual hours sold including multiple 400+ annual flight hour block deals Fleet of over 65 aircraft now performs more than 100 flights per day *Year-on-year LONDON, Aug. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VistaJet, the global leader in business aviation, today announced that despite global economic uncertainty, it has delivered continued growth over the past six months, and had its biggest ever quarter in the three months to June 2016. Global flight traffic was up 23% in the first six months of the year, highlighting that corporations, business leaders and entrepreneurs are actively pursuing new opportunities to build and grow. As VistaJet now regularly serves over 90% of the globe, its flight data provides a unique insight into both business sentiment in emerging markets, and that of businesses in the world's largest economies including the US, UK and Asia. Despite concern about the strength of the US economy and uncertainty ahead of the Presidential elections in November, flights from the country almost doubled in the first half of 2016. VistaJet's performance illustrates the outward-looking nature of American industry, with flights to Europe and Asia experiencing triple digit growth, and traffic to Central and South America up three-fold. Domestic flights were up 187% compared to the same period last year, demonstrating the underlying strength of the US economy. The importance of America's West coast tech sector to its economy is clear, with flights from the area making up 20% of all traffic in the US. While there has been much speculation about whether the recent Brexit vote will have a negative impact both on the UK economy and the country's relationships across the world, the UK's businesses and entrepreneurs have already started pursuing opportunities outside the EU. In particular, there were increasing signs that companies are seeking to enter new, emerging markets and attract a greater range of customers to protect their businesses from potential economic headwinds in the EU. Flights to China from the UK more than quadrupled, and flights to India were up 50%. North America is expected to continue to be a key market for UK businesses, and that was shown in stark relief in the first 6 months of the year, with flights to the US up 50% on popular routings into New York and the West Coast. In the first half of the year, VistaJet sold its largest single package of hours in its history, a clear sign that corporations are increasingly viewing access to an entire fleet rather than ownership of one or two aircraft as a priority. With many developed markets experiencing economic headwinds, more and more businesses are taking a fiscally prudent approach to corporate travel. The average number of annual contractual flight hours also rose in the second quarter to 120 hours per new customer. Clients increasingly compare VistaJet's unique subscription model to ownership rather than the charter market, acknowledging that the company can offer guaranteed availability and a consistently higher quality of service than charter operators, but without any of the asset risk that comes from actually owning an aircraft. The multinational composition of VistaJet's customer base and business reaffirms the rationale behind its decision to move its global headquarters to Malta. With the company now flying customers all over the globe, it is more important than ever that it both has access to the EU, and is headquartered in a central, strategic location. Chairman and Founder Thomas Flohr said: "Our continued growth in the first half of this year demonstrates both the resilience of the VistaJet business model, and that our commitment to delivering the best possible service for our customers, in a way that makes sense in uncertain times, is clearly valued. It also shows that there is an ongoing need for business aviation, that companies will always seek to grow and pursue new opportunities and it's just a question of finding the right, financially prudent solution to access these. That is something that VistaJet is ideally positioned to provide. "We are flying our customers to more places than ever before and had our biggest ever quarter in the three months to June 2016. We are particularly pleased to see the growth in flight traffic to India, Asia and the United States. From the trends we are seeing in the market, we expect Asia and India to play increasingly significant roles in global business going forward, particularly destinations like Shanghai, Mumbai, and Singapore, which have seen notable growth over the past 6 months. "We remain as committed as ever to serving our customers, and are confident that the passion and drive that helped us achieve our current market-leading position will continue to fuel future growth. We are taking nothing for granted, and have several exciting new initiatives scheduled for the second half of 2016." About VistaJet Founded in 2004 by Thomas Flohr, VistaJet has established itself as the global leader in premium long-range private jet travel by consistently providing excellent service and unrivalled quality to its fast growing clientele, connecting them to every corner of the world with point-to-point coverage. VistaJet operates a young fleet - total fleet average age is under two years - of over 65 Global* and Challenger* business aircraft and offers the industry's largest service area, covering all major markets. The Company's unique and successful business model provides all the benefits of owning a personal jet without the responsibilities or asset risk of personal ownership. News and information are available at Information Katie Read James Leviton VistaJet International Finsbury M: +44 (0) 7834 335505 +44 207 251 3851 VistaJet-Fleet FINAL VistaJet Press Release for 18.08.16 HUG#2035785 The community of Charish was originally planned as a new chareidi city but challenges to the plan were successful, resulting in Charish being a city for all, religious and secular alike. However, what may be the final initiative is about to be launched in the hope of bring chareidim to the city. according to a Kikar News report, spearheading the initiative is HaGaon HaRav Shimon Baadani Shlita, a member of Shas Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael. Rav Baadani hopes to bring hundreds of chareidi families to Charish and they will life in inexpensive rentals in stage one, with the assistance of a special fund. The fund established will pay for most of a couples rental, which today is NIS 2,500 for a three-bedroom apartment while the couple will only have to add NIS 1,000. There is also the matter of establishing chareidi schools in the city. A special transportation service will be set up to bring children to and from nearby Pardes Chana, where there is a chareidi education infrastructure in place, which was established by HaGaon HaRav Refael Buvlil Shlita. The report adds that after conferring with gedolim, it was decided to establish a fund and raise millions of dollars abroad to pay for bringing the families to Charish. Kikar adds that gedolim has signaled a willingness to speak with philanthropists on the phone and even travel abroad if there is a need. A meeting was held on Thursday, 14 Menachem Av called , in Charish, to lay the groundwork for the new operation. HaRav Baadani was present along with Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah member HaGaon HaRav Tzion Boaron Shlita. They also read a message sent to participants from HaAdmor Rav David Abuchatzera Shlita. (YWN Israel Desk, Jerusalem) Israel Police has imported 20 dogs from the Czech Republic which will be integrated into operational and interrogative units. The dogs will assist investigators are they are trained to smell drugs, money, explosives, weapons and more. A delegation of three senior canine handlers, veterinary personnel and animal activists from the Operations Division have been conducting tests to determine the abilities of the specially trained dogs; Czech shepherds and Labradors. This includes performance tests and mission performance as well as determining the limits of the dogs sniffing abilities to permit them to select the 20 most suited dogs for the departments needs. The 20 one-year-old dogs selected to join Israel Police arrived on Thursday morning 14 Menachem Av, and in the coming days, they will begin a six-month training period to permit them to join the 220 police dogs already in the field carrying out various tasks in a number of units. (YWN Israel Desk, Jerusalem) Federal prosecutors are investigating whether a Massachusetts town violated the civil rights of an Islamic group when officials there rejected plans for a Muslim cemetery, U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz announced Thursday. Ortiz said the investigation will determine whether the town of Dudley violated the right to religious exercise by the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester. The Islamic group purchased 55 acres of farmland in Dudley for a Muslim cemetery, but town officials rejected the plan, citing traffic and environmental concerns. Jay Talerman, a lawyer for the group, has suggested that anti-Muslim bias played a role in the towns decision to deny needed permits for the cemetery. Ortiz said her investigation will look into whether the town placed unreasonable barriers to the groups cemetery proposal. Federal prosecutors are authorized to investigate allegations of discriminatory treatment under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which prohibits discrimination against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion. All Americans have the right to worship and to bury their loved ones in accordance with their religious beliefs, free from discrimination, Ortiz said. Talerman, who filed a lawsuit against the town in land court last month, said he has had discussions with the towns attorneys to try to come to an agreement about the cemetery. We remain hopeful, but to date we dont have a commitment from the town that meets our expectations, Talerman said. Dudley officials said their denial of a permit for the cemetery did not violate the religious rights of the group. The Dudley Board of Selectmen welcomes this investigation as an opportunity to show that the Towns zoning and land use practices do not violate any religious rights of the Islamic Society, nor do such practices discriminate against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion or religious denomination, the town said in a statement. The Islamic Society, which owns a mosque in Worcester, wants to build the cemetery on a long-idle dairy farm. During town meetings on the proposal, residents of Dudley have said they are concerned that burial practices could contaminate groundwater because Muslims traditionally do not embalm bodies and bury their dead without coffins. They have also cited concerns about noise, vandalism and increased traffic on the narrow road where the cemetery would be built. One resident said he worried he would have to listen to crazy music like the Islamic call to prayer. Proposals for Muslim cemeteries in other states have been met with similar resistance, including in Carlisle, Pennsylvania; Farmington, Minnesota; and Farmersville, Texas. (AP) MIDDLEBURY, Vt., Aug. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A virtual first period for high schoolers in the Piedmont City School District in Alabama is using technology to help students get much needed extra sleep and become more independent learners without altering the daily school schedule. The small, rural district started the program, which allows students to complete first period classwork on their own schedules, two years ago after positive results using Middlebury Interactive Languages' digital courses. "The success of the Middlebury Interactive program was a real eye-opener for us on the potential for digital learning," said Piedmont Superintendent Matt Akin. "Expanding the virtual first period to include other subjects has allowed students to get more sleep, and our new self-paced and mastery-based learning approach has benefitted students and teachers." Research has shown that students who get the recommended 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep per night are healthier and perform better academically than their sleep-deprived peers. On the flip side, too many students don't get enough sleep, leading to struggles in and out of school. These sleep-deprived students have been described as "zombies" and "brain dead" by researchers at the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Across the country, school districts are debating shifting school start times which on average occur at 8:03 a.m. to provide older students with more sleep. However, delaying the start time has proven challenging to many districts due to transportation concerns and conflicts with students' work schedules and extracurricular activities. "Lack of sleep is a quiet crisis in American education, with effects that put students' futures at risk," said Middlebury Interactive CEO Jane Swift. "Piedmont took an innovative approach to helping students get more sleep but also become more self-directed, independent leaders. There are many lessons in the Piedmont approach for school districts across the country." Piedmont turned to Middlebury Interactive after the district's only full-time Spanish teacher left and the district struggled to find a replacement. Through Middlebury Interactive's blended learning curriculum, Piedmont not only saved its Spanish program but also expanded its offerings to provide students access to Chinese, French, German and Latin for the first time. The students are developing a world view that they might not have not found otherwise in a rural school district. "Middlebury Interactive is broadening the horizons of our students," said Superintendent Akin. "They have a stronger background now, not only in learning new languages, but in learning new cultures too." Teachers have also noticed that the integration of technology in the classroom through Middlebury Interactive and the other new digital programs has helped students become more independent learners and has changed the learning culture of the school. "The dynamics of my classroom have changed drastically," said Piedmont teacher Jennie Baer. "Students have a higher level of accountability when it comes to their progress. They also have the flexibility to work at their own pace and can focus on what is important on a particular day. This is an advantage that students in traditional high schools do not have." The virtual first period program has been very popular for Piedmont students, who if they drop below a B-grade average must report to first period in person. Ninety-five percent of Piedmont's upperclassman students are expected to participate in the program this fall. The district reports that some students complete the digital assignments at home or using school computers during the first period block, while others finish their work in the afternoons or evenings. "Through learning online, I am able to go at my own pace, which allows me to get a better understanding of more difficult lessons," said Piedmont High School student Chloe Mobley. "By learning a language this way, I feel I am becoming more self-disciplined." About Middlebury Interactive Languages Middlebury Interactive Languages is the academic leader in K-12 language instruction with engaging world language courses in Spanish, Chinese, German and French and an innovative online curriculum for English Language Learners. Middlebury Interactive provides access to superior language programs and prepares students with the skills and cultural understanding to compete in the 21st Century global marketplace. Middlebury Interactive has taken Middlebury College's renowned world language curriculum, developed and refined over the past 100 years, and translated it to the digital and K-12 setting. Middlebury Interactive also offers in-person language immersion summer academies for middle and high school students in the US and abroad. My family and I were due to fly to Florida on the 27th August but following guidance issued by Public Health England about the risk of the Zika virus we decided we shouldn't go as I am 11 weeks pregnant. I received a letter from my doctor and midwife stating that it was not safe for me to fly and then cancelled the flights which were booked last year with Virgin Atlantic, through the booking site Ebookers. Then to my surprise and shock Virgin told me it would not refund the tickets, which for myself, my partner and my parents which came to 2,700. Virgin won't refund my plane tickets even thought it's not safe for me to travel to Florida It said it would only consider refunding flights to Miami, where cases of the virus had been detected, and that because we were flying to Orlando we were not eligible for a refund. Since then we have spoken to Virgin many, many times and despite my midwife and doctor advising me not to travel, along with guidance from Public Health England and the World Health Organisation, it is still refusing to offer a refund. Although the cases of the Zika virus have been in the Miami area, its not unfeasible to assume the risk could move to other regions in the state. I cant quite believe Virgin is ignoring clear medical advice and this whole situation has become very stressful especially as our decision not to go was made from information issued by the government, Laura Knights, via email. The Aedes mosquito is known to be a carrier of the Zika virus Rebecca Rutt, of This is Money, replies: The Zika virus which is mainly spread by mosquitoes has been in the news for several months now and warnings have been issued to pregnant women travelling to affected areas. The message given by Public Health England and the World Health Organisation is to seek medical advice before travelling and until recently the warning was largely limited to countries in South and Central America. Pregnant women have been advised to postpone non-essential travel to areas with active Zika virus transmission and Florida has now been added to the list after cases were diagnosed in Miami. As you had a family holiday booked to Orlando, which was organised last year, and you are pregnant, you saw this message and then took further action by contacting your doctor and midwife. We cancelled our family holiday to Orlando because of the threat from the Zika virus but now Virgin is refusing to refund our ticket price They agreed it was not safe for you to travel and issued a note to say this and you then cancelled the holiday, expecting to get a refund back from either Virgin or your travel insurance company for the tickets. However, when you spoke to Virgin it said it would not issue a refund stating that because you were flying to Orlando and not Miami you were not eligible for a refund. After several phone calls it refused to budge on this matter and you were left 2,700 out of pocket and with the prospect of not having a holiday this year. When you got in contact with us, we spoke to Virgin to try and find out why it was refusing to issue a refund. After an investigation, a spokesperson came back to us and said there had been a mistake and that you and all the members in your party were entitled to a full refund. A spokesperson said: 'We always endeavour to do the right thing by our customers and anyone travelling to areas affected by the outbreak of Zika, who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant and do not wish to travel, should call our customer service teams for help and advice. Cases of the Zika virus have been found in Miami and pregnant women, or those trying to get pregnant, are advised against non-urgent travel to the area We will look at all options, including rebooking for a later date or alternative destination, or for pregnant customers who no longer wish to travel, a full refund. We will continue to monitor the advice from the leading health organisations and adapt our policy should we need to do so in line with their recommendations. Although a refund is now being issued to you, you were previously told repeatedly by Virgin that you werent eligible for one. In fact it wasnt until we intervened that Virgin reversed its decision and offered the refund. However, in situations such as this it is actually your travel insurance provider, not the travel agent or airline who is usually responsible for giving you a refund, once you've first approached the travel company. This is what travel insurance covers and it should also extend to those of you in the group because they are close family members. This won't be the case with all insurers as the terms and conditions can vary but on the whole if something goes wrong and you have to cancel your holiday, the insurer should be the one to pay out. We spoke to the Association of British Insurers and a spokesperson said in these cases the first port of call is asking the travel company for a refund and if it refuses to then go to your travel insurer. The American owner of Asda has blamed fierce competition among supermarkets and falling food prices for the UK grocer's worst-ever quarterly performance. Asda, which is Britains second biggest supermarket, saw a 7.5 per cent fall in like-for-like sales, excluding fuel, for the three months to the end of June compared to the same period last year, Walmart said. That was the worst ever quarterly sales fall for the grocer and was an increase on a 5.7 per cent slide during the previous quarter - when Asda was already the worst performer among the Big Four supermarkets. Falling sales: Asda's turnaround 'will take time', its US owner Walmart said today The results will put pressure on Asdas newly appointed chief executive Sean Clarke, who was parachuted in last month to kick-start growth at the US business after running Walmarts Chinese business. Walmart boss Doug McMillon said the group was still committed to investing 1.5billion in lowering prices at Asda over five years as previously announced, but that the turn-around of the ailing British supermarket will take time. He said: 'In the UK, the competitive environment and food deflation continued to challenge the market, significantly impacting traffic and comp sales.' And the Walmart boss added: We are simplifying and strengthening our offering through improved availability and assortment discipline, reducing costs and driving sales through strategic price investments. While our turn-around will take time, Im confident in the new leadership team there and want to assure you were addressing this with urgency. Mr Clarke was appointed as the new boss in a bid to bring Asda back into shape as it struggles, like most other big British supermarkets, with competition from German discounters Aldo and Lidl, which have eaten into its market share. Competition: Asda has lost market share to German discounters Aldi and Lidl Recent figures from Kantar Worldpanel showed that Asdas market share shrank to 15.5 per cent last month, down from 16.4 per cent, due to competition from Aldi and Lidl. Paul Thomas, senior consultant at Retail Remedy, described the sales fall at Asda as apocalyptic. He said: 'The limping Asda ship has a new captain and for Sean Clarkes first trading update, it could be no worse. It is too soon for the new CEO to have had any significant impact but a 7.5 per cent decline in like for like sales is apocalyptic for Asda. Mr Thomas said that Asda's unique selling point was that it was the cheapest grocer in the UK, but it has since lost that crown to the discounters. He added: Price investment is inevitable, but Asda needs more. Quality, value for money also go without saying. Walmart said that they had continued with their aggressive cost reduction programs in the UK as well as in Canada. For British holidaymakers sunning themselves on the Amalfi coast, admiring the art in the Uffizi in Florence or idling over an espresso in a Roman cafe, Italy does not feel like a nation on the brink of a crisis. But the country's banking system is swamped with debt and in a scenario that has uncanny echoes of David Cameron's downfall, Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi has called a referendum that could see him toppled from power. If the vote goes against the centre-left premier, it could even lead to 'Quitaly' an Italian exit from the European Union. Analysts do not believe that is likely in the short term. But if it did happen it would be an outcome so cataclysmic for EU leaders it would leave Brexit in the shade. Italy's banking system is swamped with debt and in a scenario that has uncanny echoes of David Cameron's downfall, Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi has called a referendum Ostensibly, the referendum is about reforms that would reduce the power of the Senate, the Italian upper house. In reality it is turning into a vote of confidence in Renzi, who has said he will step down if he loses. Although most observers do not expect Italy to start breaking bonds with Brussels any time soon, it could set the country on that road. It would boost Luigi di Maio, leader of the Five Star movement, who is calling for a referendum on euro membership. Five Star, a protest group founded by comedian Beppe Grillo, has been gaining popularity with the electorate. One of its leading lights, Virginia Raggi, was recently installed as Mayor of Rome. Renzi's referendum is taking place amid a crippling banking crisis and an economy hamstrung by lack of growth. Increasingly with unemployment for young people under 25 running at more than 36 per cent it is also an economy dogged by lack of hope. 'How bad is it? It's bad. The banks have been denuded of their capital and cannot loan money to businesses,' says James Sproule, chief economist of the Institute of Directors in the UK. 'The Italian economy could go into permanent recession. It is not inconceivable that Italy could follow the UK out of the European Union.' An Italian exit would be an enormous blow to European politicians, including German chancellor Angela Merkel. If it were to break away, it could set off a domino effect leading to the unravelling of the union. Unlike the UK, Italy is a member of the single currency. And while in this country, many voted Brexit because they think the UK will do better out, a Quitaly vote would be a mark of despair. 'Voters believe the UK is leaving from a position of strength,' says Sproule. 'The Italians, however, would perceive themselves to be leaving from a position of weakness. The psyche would be very different.' Italy's banks know all about being in a position of weakness. Shares in the largest, UniCredit, have fallen by around 67 per cent in the past 12 months. 'The second biggest, Intesa Sanpaolo, is down by 45 per cent and Monte dei Paschi di Siena, has seen nearly 90 per cent come off its stock market value. It is a nightmare scenario for the country that invented the modern banking system. International banking as we know it dates back to medieval Italy and so for that matter do bank failures. When King Edward III of England defaulted on loans to fund the Hundred Years War, the Florentine banks that had lent him money went under. Rome and Away: Theresa May with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi The historians of tomorrow will look back at today's crisis as one of the worst ever. Monte dei Paschi, the world's oldest bank, has survived since 1472, but is hanging on by the skin of its teeth. It fared the worst out of 51 banks put through recent health checks by the regulators. Italian banks overall have on their books more than 310billion of 'non-performing loans'. That is almost a fifth of total lending. Unfortunately for the Italian populace, bad debt on that scale is not just a problem for a few overpaid bankers, but for everyone. Ignazio Visco, the Bank of Italy governor, says the situation is 'serious, but manageable'. Others are less relaxed. 'The Italian banks did very badly in the recent stress tests,' says Oliver White, economist at Fathom Financial Consulting. 'We are very pessimistic about them.' Mending the broken banks is made more difficult because under EU rules, they cannot be bailed out by the state unless bondholders investors who have lent money to the banks take a loss first. In many countries, including the UK, that would not be a problem as virtually all bank bonds are held by big institutional investors who know the risks and can afford to take a hit. Not so in Italy, where more than 170billion of bank bonds are held by individual savers. The lives of thousands of ordinary Italian investors, many of them elderly, could be ruined if their savings are wiped out. One pensioner who lost more than 95,000 on Banca Etruria bonds last year committed suicide, sparking a national outcry. In contrast to investors who bought bonds, individual depositors who have placed money into ordinary savings accounts are covered under a special scheme. Sums of up to 100,000 75,000 in the UK are protected in full if a bank goes under. The pressure is on to find a way to bolster Monti dei Paschi, hiving off its bad loans and injecting billions of pounds of capital, without penalising small bondholders. 'There is a real test here to find a way to structure the transaction that will get round the problem of pushing losses onto grannies and grandpas,' says Guy de Blonay, a fund manager at Jupiter Asset Management. How will all this affect the UK? British banks have a very small direct exposure to their Italian counterparts, of only around 2billion, but it is impossible to quantify the indirect effects if Italy falls into a full-blown crisis. If Renzi wins the referendum vote and Monte dei Paschi is successfully stabilised, de Blonay says there would be a 'sharp recovery'. If not, the result could be 'disarray'. London has come a lowly 53rd in a quality of life league of the world's cities - faring worse than both Manchester and Dublin According to the study, higher risk of terrorism and petty crime has made living conditions worse in the capital, which is stronger on cultural attractions and infrastructure than Manchester, which came 43rd. Dublin fares better than both cities, ranking at number 40 of a total of 140 in the 'liveability' study carried out by the Economist Intelligence Unit. City buzz: Global business centres like London and New York tend to be victims of their own success as they suffer from high levels of crime, congestion and public transport problems It is difficult to argue that one city is better than another but it can be argued that Manchester has marginally fewer obstacles to people's lifestyle because the threat of terrorism and petty crime is higher in London, said Jon Copestake, editor of the report. However, it will be interesting to see if this changes following the recent Brexit vote which has created a sense of political and economic uncertainty and could see foreign investment suffer in both cities. The report assesses cities liveability based on many different criteria, including crime, terrorism, healthcare, cultural aspects such as levels of censorship and food, education and infrastructure. It has found that, overall in the world, liveability has deteriorated over the past five years, mostly because of a higher level of instability caused by wars and rising terrorist attacks and crime. 40th place: Dublin, the capital of Ireland, fares better than both Manchester and London Paris, for example, has recorded one of the sharpest declines in liveability over the past five years due to a mounting number of terrorist attacks taking place in the city and in other parts of France over the past three years. Unsurprisingly, civil war in Syria has seen its capital, Damascus, recording the sharpest deterioration, making the city the worst city where to live in the world. It's more liveable up North: Manchester ranks 43rd, ten places higher than London Kiev, in Ukraine, Detroit in the US and Tripoli in Libya have also seen some of the biggest declines, according to the report again because of wars and increased criminality. Meanwhile, Melbourne is still the most liveable city in the world and six of the top ten scoring cities are in Australia and Canada, both of which countries have a relatively low population density, according to the report. Paris has recorded one of the sharpest declines in liveability over the past five years due to a mounting number of terrorist attacks Vancouver and Toronto come in third and fourth place, following Austrias capital, Vienna, which again was crowned the second most liveable place in the world. Adelaide and Perth, another two Australian cities, are the sixth and seventh best places to live. Hamburg, in Germany, moved up to tenth place - previously held by Sidney but which instead dropped down four positions because of a heightened perceived threat of terrorism. Top city: Melbourne is the most liveable city in the world, according to a new report However, other German cities, such as Frankfurt and Berlin, have also experienced declines in stability. The report claims that the cities scoring highest in the league tend to be mid-sized cities in wealthier countries with a relatively low population density. These can foster a range of recreational activities without leading to high crime levels or overburdened infrastructure, it says. Hamburg in Germany moved up to tenth place, although other German cities, such as Frankfurt and Berlin, have experienced declines in stability On the other hand, global business centres like London, New York, Paris and Tokyo tend to be victims of their own success, according to EIU. These cities offer many cultural activities, but all suffer from higher levels of crime, congestion and public transport problems than are considered comfortable. BATON ROUGE, La., Aug. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Associa, the industry's largest community management firm, is contributing $50,000 toward helping the victims of the recent flooding in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and surrounding areas. The donation is being made by Associa Cares, Associa's nonprofit organization which assists families across the country in need due to natural and man-made disasters. "Our hearts go out to the victims of the Louisiana floods," says Associa Cares President Andrew Fortin. "In an instant, thousands of families have found themselves facing devastating losses of home and property. We hope this assistance helps them with their immediate needs as they begin the recovery process." The recent torrential rains are to blame for at least nine deaths and the displacement of tens of thousands of people from their homes. More than 30 parishes across southern Louisiana have been declared disaster areas. Associa Cares' volunteers are already working directly with families to get assistance to them as quickly as possible. If you know of anyone impacted by the Louisiana floods, please email Associa Cares at If you want to support the relief efforts, monetary donations can be made to Associa Cares by visiting the website at and clicking on the 'Donate Now' button. Associa Cares is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization created to assist families and communities in crisis as a result of natural and man-made disasters. Through donations raised from Associa employees and at fundraising events across the country, Associa Cares is able to provide necessary goods and services to the families affected by these types of tragedies. If you know of a family that has been the victim of a natural or man-made disaster, go directly to to submit a request. Building and managing successful communities for more than 37 years, Associa is the worldwide leader in community management with over 10,000 employees operating more than 180 branch offices in the United States, Mexico, Canada, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa. Based in Dallas, Texas, our industry expertise, financial strength, and innovation meet the unique needs of clients across the world with customized services and solutions designed to help communities achieve their vision. To learn more about Associa and its charitable organization, Associa Cares, go to or Stay Connected: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Pinterest: YouTube: Google+: KAPAA, Hawaii, Aug. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Courtyard by Marriott Kauai at Coconut Beach in Kapa'a is proud to announce an upcoming charity event for the "epicurious" appetite for the extraordinary, "A Passion for Performance," hosted by and featuring three of Hawaii's most creative artists: James Beard Foundation winner-legendary Chef Sam Choy, the classically French-trained Courtyard Marriott Executive Chef Lucas Sautter and Grammy-award winning musician, John Cruz. On September 30, 2016, The Emerald Island's Courtyard Kauai at Coconut Beach, 650 Aleka Loop, Kapaa, Kauai provides the magical setting for "A Passion for Performance." Ten percent of all proceeds from this unique collaborative celebration of culinary fusion and musical excellence benefits the Kauai Concert Association. Reservations can be made at 808-320-3624. Founded in 1974, the Kauai Concert Association (KCA) brings world-class music and performing arts to Kauai as well as providing musical education opportunities. Your once-in-a-lifetime "epicurious" evening starts at 5:30 p.m. with an extraordinary reception showcasing the true aloha spirit with Hawaiian music, pupus and handcrafted Koloa Rum cocktails, created especially for this benefit. Immediately following, indulge in a specially curated five-course gourmet experience as you are entertained by one's of Hawaii's most celebrated and original musicians, John Cruz. The intimate in Kapa'a is operated by Davidson Hotels & Resorts under license from Marriott International, Inc. Davidson Hotels & Resorts is one of the most respected, successful and creative lodging companies in the industry, specializing in branded and lifestyle hotels in the full-service and premium urban select-service segments. For more information about Davidson Hotels & Resorts, visit ### About Davidson Hotels & Resorts Davidson Hotels & Resorts is an award-winning, full-service hotel management company providing management, development/renovation, acquisition, consulting and accounting expertise for the hospitality industry. Amassing one of the purest full-service hotel portfolios in the industry, Davidson's proficiency ranges from the upper-upscale to near-luxury segments with nearly 12,300 rooms and 1.4 million square feet of meeting space across the United States. A trusted partner and preferred operator of Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt and Starwood hotels, Davidson delivers hospitality and creates value for owners with every single hotel. More information can be found at About Marriott Hotels With 500 hotels and resorts in nearly 60 countries around the world, Marriott Hotels is evolving travel through every aspect of the guest's stay, enabling the next generation to Travel Brilliantly. Boldly transforming itself for mobile and global travelers who blend work and play, Marriott leads the industry with innovations, including the Great Room, Future of Meetings and Mobile Guest Services that elevates style & design and technology. All Marriott hotels participate in the award-winning Marriott Rewards frequent travel program that allows members to earn hotel points or airline miles for every dollar spent during each stay. For more information, visit To join the ongoing Marriott conversation, like us on Facebook (, and follow us on Twitter (, @Marriott). About Sam Choy Sam Choy is a chef, restaurateur, and television personality known as a founding contributor of "Pacific rim cuisine". Choy is an alumnus of the Kapiolani Community College Culinary Arts program. In 1991, Choy founded the Poke Festival and Recipe Contest. In 2004, Choy was awarded the James Beard Foundation Award America's Classics Award for Sam Choy's Kaloko in Kailua-Kona, on the Big Island of Hawaii. The award recognizes "beloved regional restaurants" that reflect the character of their communities. Choy has appeared in several food TV programs, including Iron Chef America. In 2015, Choy broadcast a series on YouTube, Sam Choy in The Kitchen. Choy has designed special Hawaiian inspired dishes for American Airlines first class passengers to and from Hawaii. About Lucas Sautter Chef Lucas Sautter is a French-trained classic chef and a graduate of Scottsdale Culinary Institute in Arizona. Beginning his culinary career at 16 years old as a dishwasher, Sautter worked his way through America's kitchens before becoming Executive Chef at Courtyard by Marriott Kauai at Coconut Beach in Kapa'a. Sautter worked at the Classical French, AAA Five Diamond Award and Mobil Travel Guide Four Star Restaurant, The Tack Room in Tucson, Arizona as well as executive chef of Basilico Restaurante Italiano in Olympia, Washington. Sautter is a member of the American Culinary Federation. About John Cruz Winning the first Grammy ever for Hawaiian music, Cruz grew up in Palolo Valley on Oahu. After seeking a theatrical career in the Northeast, Cruz returned to Hawaii in 1995 to help his brother Ernie record his album. At the time, Ernie was in the immensely popular band, the Ka'au Crater Boys. He invited John to play bass with them as well as his own songs during their shows. The exposure to large crowds gave John's music a substantial fan base before it was even recorded. When his first album, "Acoustic Soul" was released in 1996, it made an artistic and commercial impact like few other recordings in Hawaiian musical history. "Acoustic Soul" won two Na Hoku Hanohano Awards in 1997 -- one for Contemporary Album of the Year and one for Most Promising Artist. In 2005, Cruz added a Grammy Award to his list of honors. His original song "Jo Bo's Night" was featured on the compilation CD Slack Key Guitar Volume 2, which won the first Grammy ever awarded for Hawaiian music. In October 2011, John's rendition of the traditional Hawaiian song "Hi'ilawe" was released on the official Hawaii Five-O soundtrack and featured on an episode of the hit show. In October 2006, a documentary film on his life, "Made of Music - The Story of John Cruz," debuted at the Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival in Honolulu. A few weeks later, it was honored with the Aloha Visionary Filmmaker Award at the Molokai Film Festival. About the Kauai Concert Association The Kauai Concert Association (KCA) began in 1974 with a mission to bring world class music to Kauai. The organization presents between 3-10 concerts per season. In honor of our 40th birthday, we are returning to our classical roots. Our current mission is to provide quality classical and modern performing fine arts and to provide musical education opportunities. Each year, KCA awards scholarships to talented and worthy students of the musical arts. Past recipients have included students of piano, violin, sax, trumpet, drums, tap, ballet, and modern dance. Recipients are encouraged to participate in our events and are invited to attend concerts and receptions to witness and meet first-hand the outstanding artists that perform on Kauai under the auspices of the KCA. This coming season, we plan a total of five educational performances to be held at schools. Educational services provide an opportunity for students and adults on Kauai to interact personally with world class artists in various genres of the performing arts. Kauai Concert Association has been administered for the past 30 years by an all-volunteer staff. Volunteers have selected performers, arranged transportation and hotels, hosted after concert dinners, advertised and sold tickets along with all other aspects of the performance. In the last two years, in order to maintain its planned growth, staff positions have been added to the organization. Volunteers remain integrally involved in the organization. Photos accompanying this release are available at: Addressing fire safety Living in San Diego County, the threat of fires is constant, that is why I have made fire safety one... Supporting animals As a trained Project Wildlife Native Songbird Rehabilitator, my experience raising orphaned and injured songbirds and returning them to the... souvik101990 wrote: A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes. (A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump (B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping (C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump (D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump (E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities Meaning is crucial to solving this problem: Concepts tested here: Tenses + Meaning A: B: practically permitted C: D: Correct. permitted E: Hence, D is the best answer choice. Additional Note: Dear Friends,Here is a detailed explanation to this question-Understanding the intended meaning is key to solving this question; the intended core meaning of the sentence is that a 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump into the Great Lakes. The simple present tense is used to indicate actions taking place in the current time frame, indicate habitual actions, state universal truths, and convey information that is permanent in nature. The simple past tense is used to refer to events that concluded in the past. The past perfect tense (marked by the use of the helping verb "had") is used when a sentence contains two actions in the past; the helping verb "had" is used with the action in the "greater past". The past perfect continuous tense (marked by the use of helping verb "had/have been") is used when a sentence contains two actions in past and one action is in greater past as well as continuous in nature; the helping verb "had been" is used with the action that is in the greater past and continuous in nature. The present perfect continuous tense (marked by "has/have been") is the correct tense to refer to actions that started in past and continue into the present. For referring to the purpose or intent of an action, the infinitive verb form (to + base form of verb"- "to + dump" in this sentence) is preferred over the present participle ("verb+ing" - "dumping" in this sentence) construction.Trap. This answer choice incorrectly uses the past perfect tense verb had been allowed to refer to an action taking place in the current time frame; please remember, the simple present tense is used to refer to actions taking place in the current time frame, and the past perfect tense (marked by the use of helping verb "had") is used when a sentence contains two actions in the past; the helping verb "had" is used with the action in the "greater past".This answer choice incorrectly uses the past perfect continuous tense verb had been dumping to refer to an action taking place in the current time frame; please remember, the simple present tense is used to refer to actions taking place in the current time frame, and the past perfect continuous tense (marked by the use of helping verb "had/have been") is only used when a sentence contains two actions in past and one action is in greater past as well as continuous in nature. Further, Option B alters the meaning of the sentence through the phrase municipalities had been dumping; the construction of this phrase incorrectly implies that the 1972 agreement reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities hadbeen dumping into the Great Lakes; the intended meaning is that the 1972 agreement reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities areto dump into the Great Lakes.This answer choice incorrectly uses the simple present tense verb reduces to refer to an action that concluded in the past; please remember, the simple past tense is used to refer to actions that concluded in the past, and the simple present tense is only used to indicate actions taking place in the current time frame, indicate habitual actions, state universal truths, and convey information that is permanent in nature. Further, Option C incorrectly uses the present perfect continuous tense verb have been allowed to dump to refer to an action taking place in the current time frame; please remember, the simple present tense is used to refer to actions taking place in the current time frame, and the present perfect continuous tense (marked by "has/have been") is the correct tense to refer to actions that started in past and continue into the present.This answer choice correctly uses the simple past tense verb reduced to refer to an action that concluded in the past. Further, Option E correctly uses the simple present tense verb are allowed to refer to an action taking place in the current time frame. Moreover, Option D uses the phrase are allowed to dump, conveying the intended meaning that the 1972 agreement reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities areto dump into the Great Lakes. Additionally, Option E uses the infinitive verb form (to + base form of verb"- "to + dump" in this sentence) to refer to the intent of the action allowed.This answer choice incorrectly uses the simple present tense verb reduces to refer to an action that concluded in the past; please remember, the simple past tense is used to refer to actions that concluded in the past, and the simple present tense is only used to indicate actions taking place in the current time frame, indicate habitual actions, state universal truths, and convey information that is permanent in nature. Further, Option E uses the present participle ("verb+ing" - "dumping" in this sentence) construction to refer to the intent of the action allowed; please remember, for referring to the purpose or intent of an action, the infinitive verb form (to + base form of verb") is preferred over the present participle ("verb+ing" - "dumping" in this sentence) construction.Please note that the verb construction "had been allowed", used in Option A, is the passive version of the past perfect tense construction "had allowed", not a past perfect continuous tense verb.To understand the concept of "Simple Tenses" on GMAT, you may want to watch the following video (~1 minute):To understand the concept of "Past Perfect Tense" on GMAT, you may want to watch the following video (~2 minutes):To understand the concept of "Perfect Continuous Tenses" on GMAT, you may want to watch the following video (~2 minutes):All the best!Team_________________ Governor Cuomo is reportedly proposing new subsidy guidelines that he hopes will satisfy New York City's largest construction union and real estate organizations, and help New York reinstate the controversial 421-a tax abatement program. The '70s-era incentive, which expired in January, provided developers with multi-year freezes on their real estate taxes in exchange for building a portion of below-market rate apartments. Thousands of NYC tenants and advocates marched over the Brooklyn Bridge last summer to voice their opposition for 421-a, which they argue doesn't require an adequate amount of truly affordable housing. The abatement was nevertheless renewed (with slightly higher affordability requirements of 25-30%) but conditionallyreal estate executives and union officials were tasked to come to an agreement by January 15th, 2016 as to whether construction workers on 421-a build projects would be guaranteed a union-level wage. They didn't. The NY Times reports that a one-page memo was sent to Real Estate Board of New York members on Tuesday, outlining the new proposal. Under this new iteration of 421-a, developers would not be required to pay union wages on their projects. However, the state would instate two separate minimum wages for certain new development projects with at least 300 units: $65 per hour plus benefits for Manhattan projects below 96th Street, and $50 per hour plus benefits for projects on the Brooklyn or Queens waterfront. For comparison, the developer trade association and lobbying group New York State Association for Affordable Housing [NYSAFAH] has said that non-union carpenters make about $31 per hour. (Real Affordability for All, an affordable housing coalition that includes many union locals, issued a controversial report concluding that wage-theft is rampant on non-union construction sites.) In Brooklyn and Queens, $15 per hour, or 30% of the rate, would be reimbursed by the state. In exchange, any 421-a recipients would be required to build 25-30% of apartments below market rate. It's still not clear how the amended version of 421-a would be funded. Cuomo spokeswoman Dani Lever did not confirm the proposal Thursday but stated that, "We continue to work to reach an agreement on a successor program to 421-a." "We are working on and considering new and various proposals with all stakeholders but at this point there is no agreement on anything," she added. (Mayor's Flickr) Mayor de Blasio has long heralded 421-a as an important component of his affordable housing plan, which aims to construct 80,000 new units of affordable housing over the next ten years. When union reps started pushing for a prevailing wage on affordable housing construction sites, his administration warned that raising worker wages would deter developers from the program, jeopardizing an estimated 17,000 below-market rate apartments. But housing advocates counter that the program lines the pockets of developers while failing to ensure adequate affordable housing for New Yorkers. 421-a sets its affordability requirements as a percentage of the median income across the metropolitan area, which is significantly higher than the median income in many of New York City neighborhoods. Vicki Been, head of the city's Housing and Preservation Development (HPD), emphasized last month that 25% of affordable units produced under the plan to date, 12,970 of the total, are set aside for New Yorkers who make less than 50% of that median income, or $40,800 for a family of three. For context, a full third of the city's households have an annual income of less than $35,000. Gary La Barbera, president of the Building and Construction Trades Council, did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but told the NY Times that he endorsed the proposal. "We feel this is a viable resolution of the issue," he said. "It's now up to REBNY to agree, or not. The ball's clearly in their court." REBNY President John Banks did not issue a formal endorsement on Thursday, but stated that 421-a is a necessary incentive for developers to construct affordable housing in New York City. "Such development simply is not possible without a tax abatement program like 421-a," he said. "We remain committed to engaging in a dialogue with stakeholders to enact a plan to create affordable rental housing." A spokesman for the mayor's office withheld comment pending a press conference later this morning where de Blasio is expected to address this news. Kerri White, a spokeswoman for the affordable housing nonprofit the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board, told us during the January stalemate between unions and developers over 421-a that tenants were fed up with late-in-the-game squabbling over a tax abatement that is barely enforced as it is. She cited a recent investigation into Two Trees Management's property at 125 Court Street, where tenants were overcharged an estimated total of $368,000, despite 421-a tax abatements. "This is a broken program and it's gone past the point of reform," she said. "It's always frustrating to see all of this political energy going towards making these subsidies work." "This out-of-session energy around 421-a is unacceptable when they refuse to consider strengthening the rent laws," she added on Thursday. "Certain people push these arguments that you have to chose between good jobs and having an affordable place to live. We need to live in a city that offers both." This weekend marks the 25th anniversary of the Crown Heights Riots, three days of sporadic violence, protest, and destruction that placed Crown Heights in the international spotlight and laid bare deep, bitter divisions between the neighborhood's black and Lubavitch Jewish communities. Gothamist spoke to people who were thereactivists, journalists, police, and politiciansabout their recollections of the events of August 19-21, 1991, which were sparked when a black child was killed and his cousin seriously injured by a driver in the motorcade of Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. We also spoke about what happened before the riots, and where the neighborhood is today. Each day this week, we'll be running edited excerpts of our conversations. (Read parts one, two and three of the series.) This mini oral history is not an attempt to offer an authoritative or comprehensive account of what happened during those three days. That would require a book, or several books. (The Girgenti Report, commissioned by then-Governor Mario Cuomo to analyze what happened, clocks in at 616 pagesif you're interested in the chronology of events, the Daily News did a solid write-up.) Rather, these are a series of snapshots. The people with whom we spoke offered different, at times conflicting, narratives of what happened. When their recollections about the chronology or nature of specific events significantly diverged from published accounts we've judged to be reliable, we've noted these discrepancies and linked to relevant accounts. Gothamist: Looking back, how do you judge the response of the Dinkins Administration? Errol Louis Errol Louis is the host of Inside City Hall on NY1. He has written for the New York Sun, the Daily News, and Our Time Press. In 1991, he was living in Crown Heights, working for a nonprofit and freelancing as a journalist. I've talked at considerable length with almost all of the relevant parties. My understanding of itin the end, there was some internal NYPD politics that got in the way of swift resolution of this, meaning Ray Kelly, who was then deputy commissioner, was on the outs with Commissioner Lee Brown, and for that reason alone he was sidelined. It wasn't until they had the 10-13 call for Car One, meaning the Commissioner's car was under attack. It was clear that the situation had spun out of control. My understanding from subsequent reporting is that Kelly then leans over to Brown and says, "Do you want me to handle this?" At which point, Kelly reverted to being a combat marine from Vietnam, set up the right blockades and started doing sweeps and shutting the whole thing down within a day. That was late in the process. Dinkins, true to form, he and his team did their best to settle the situation in a way that was consistent with not just their duties, but with their values. Their values were such that they weren't going to come in there and just slap a curfew on the neighborhood or just start rounding up people by the dozens. They had campaigned on a different approach to inter-group relations, and they tried as best they could to settle it in a way that made sense to them, and that would keep the promises that they had made to the public. The entire administration, and David Dinkins in particular, got a horribly, horribly raw deal both from the media, and frankly, from the Cuomo administration after that. If you look at the handling of that report, including the timing of its release, there is no way to interpret it, in my opinion, other than as an act of extreme political hostility from the administration of Mario Cuomo. That's the story, and that's the gospel within the veterans of the Dinkins Administration. He waited until the opportune moment, and then he stabbed the mayor in the back. The unfortunate part of it is that a really good guy, named David Dinkins, got slammed and slimed in a horribly unfair way. And it struck at the core of his political brand. Because if you remember, when he got elected, when he beat both Koch and Giuliani in that same yearin 1989it was because both of them were seen as divisive. Dinkins was supposed to be the answer. The public, I think especially white liberal voters, were prepared to forgive Dinkins on a lot of things. A slumping economy. Crime that he made a valiant effort to actually contain and reverse, which he actually did. But they weren't going to forgive him on what was part of his core brand, which was that we were supposed to be able to get along better. Crown Heights was manipulated politically to become a symbol that the core promise of the Dinkins Administration was not being met. Philip Gourevitch Philip Gourevitch is an author and journalist. At the time of the riots, he was New York bureau chief of the Forward. He is a staff writer for the New Yorker. I remember very distinctly the impression that the press and the police and the city officials were very anxious to make everything seem like the explosion was coming equally from all sides. You'd read things or people would say things that more or less seemed to suggest that the blacks and the Jews were rioting, which wasn't in fact the case. From the very beginning, the Lubavitchers, the Hasids, were complaining that the police were not doing enough to stop the rioters, that they were just standing around between them. They were making a human shield and trying to contain it, but they weren't really going after them to re-establish control. The city was denying this completely. It was pretty obvious when you were there. I was there during one melee where rioters were throwing rocks and bottles across the streetover the heads of the policeat the Hasids. The police lined up there in the middle were simply ducking. The same thing happened at one point to Dinkins when he came out to the neighborhood. He was stoned and attacked with bottles. That's when he finally increased the police on the streets. [Ed note: On the second day of the riots, while Mayor Dinkins visited with community members at PS 167 on Eastern Parkway, protesters outside threw bricks and other projectiles at the building. The next day, he was met with a similar response.] I had gone one day to the precinct house. I had noticed as I was wandering around the neighborhood, that among the young guys who were sort of milling around the streets there were people with little video cameras. It was something one hadn't seen before. I was talking to a police captain who'd just returned to the precincthe'd been pulled in from vacation timeto try to help out. He was like, "My guys are really upset here. They're saying they're not being allowed to act with force. They're not being allowed to assert themselves here and get control." This was on day two or three. As we continued to talk, I mentioned the video cameras that I'd been seeing. He said, "Yes, I think we are paying the price for the Rodney King incident," which was very much on people's minds at that point. In other words what he was saying was: they're afraid that anything they do that might get caught on camera would look worse than letting this thing sort of run its course. Later, that became one of the great conflicts or debates about Crown Heights. Had the city reacted enough and why did it wait three or four days to really put down what was in fact a relatively small rabble-roused crowd? I think they reacted poorly. I don't think it's in doubt. Mayor David Dinkins David Dinkins served as mayor of New York City from 1990-1993. He is a professor in the practice of public policy at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. We wanted to keep the peace foremost. Under no circumstances were people permitted to do the things that we were accused of letting them do. That just was not true. We met with Jews and with blacks in the community. For me to be accused of holding back the police and permitting blacks to attack Jews is just plain inaccurate. It never happened. If somebody knew nothing about me and didn't know who I was or my history with Jews and Israel, then maybe one might have reached that conclusion. But given who I was and what I have done long beforethat seemed to me eminently unfair. Period. News report on the fourth day of the riots. Rabbi Shea Hecht Rabbi Shea Hecht is the chairman of the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education. At the time of the riots, he was living in Crown Heights and working for the committee. My understanding is the report basically says Dinkins told the police to, to use his words, "tie their hands." He held the police from doing their jobs. As it happens, in his defense, he was doing that because he was getting the wrong information. His people on the streets said, "Nah, it's a few young kids running around, not the whole neighborhood. You're talking about a neighborhood of 200,000 people and you have 300 people running down the streets, what's the big deal? And sometimes it was less than thatit was 50 or 60 kids running through the streetsOK, it's young kids, let them vent." [Ed note: The claim that the administration was not receiving thorough updates on the riots or the tactics being used by the police in Crown Heights is also made in the Girgenti Report.] My understanding is it was well substantiated within the report that, if nothing else, the mayor did a big mistake that night. Based on the information he was gettingit's just just some wild youths, it'll peter out, and that's it. On Thursday evening, when they came and arrested 85 peopleguess what? The riots were over. I don't attribute bad feelings to the mayor. Some of my colleagues have a very different opinion, and feel that I'm a sellout. I've been criticized both in the press and out of the press. I still hold my position: I think it was incompetent, but he wasn't the bad guy. Ray Kelly Ray Kelly served as commissioner of the New York Police Department from 1992-1994 and again from 2002-2013. At the time of the riots, he was first deputy commissioner of the NYPD. He had previously served as commander of the 71st Precinct in Crown Heights. Lee Brown wanted to make certain that it wasn't perceived, as it had been in the past, that the first deputy commissioner was in charge of the chief of department. I was involved in administrative matters, the chief of department would be involved in operational matters. [Ed note: The chain of command in the NYPD at the time is described in contemporaneous reporting and in the Girgenti Report.] So when the event took place, I didn't respond. I didn't have a role on Monday night, and on the next day, I was in my office. It wasn't until Wednesday that I did respond, because I heard the police commissioner's car being under attack in the afternoon. So I went out there, and I went to a school, and in the school was Mayor Dinkins and Lee Brown. They were upset, the police had not taken any action that they thought they should've taken against what Lee Brown described as kids. And they werea lot of 13-, 14-, 15-year-olds in this instance, coming down Eastern Parkway. There came a point in time that I went to Lee Brown and said, "Do you want me to get involved in this?" And he said yes. On Thursday morning I had a meeting in my office with all the chiefs involved, and I said "What's going on here," and they gave me answers I was not satisfied with. This department was too hesitant to take action. We can understand the delicacies of engaging a crowd or a mob, but clearly, they held back too long. I asked them why didn't they provide security to the Mayor when he went to Gavin Cato's house, put officers on the roof. Someone said, "Well, too dangerous," which I thought was an absolutely ridiculous answer. And they hadn't closed streets, why? "Because people had to get to work." Those types of answers. For me, I had some charts and things and went through an operational plan, and charted what I wanted done. We brought in mounted troops and extra police officers, and it ended that day, and we made arrests. But it wasn't the department's finest hour. There was reluctance to take action when action should've been taken. The hesitancy came from police commanders on the ground. I think Commissioner Brown assumed that normal police activities would address the issue of these mobs in the street. Don't forget, he had come from another department. In my view, the commanders on the ground were hesitant because they were trying to read the political tea leaves. You had an African-American mayor, African-American police commissioner, African-American chief of department. So I think they weren't certain as to which way the administration wanted them to go. That resulted in hesitancy. Mayor Lee Brown Lee Brown is a former mayor of Houston and director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. He served as the police commissioner of New York City from 1990-1992. Our response was based on what was occurring at the time. It wasn't a continuous disturbance, it was something that would happen at night-time, except when you had the marchers during the daytime. We changed our tactic as a result of that. What was happening was, they were running from place to place and we were chasing them. We were able to come up with a new tactic where we had a two-fold approach, where you have police officers stationary and also police officers mobile, so we could put a stop to it. That's how we ended up stopping the disturbance. I was in the field taking care of the problem. Mayor Dinkins was not there, so he relied on me to make the decisions about how we dealt with the problem. We put plenty of police on the streets and we met with the community on a regular basis, updating them. There were a lot of rumors that were going around at the time, but we were able to keep the public aware of what was going on with regular news conferences. In retrospect, if you compare what occurred there with other disturbances throughout the United States, the damage was nowhere near what you had in a place like Los Angeles. We contained it and didn't allow it to spread to other parts of the city and arrested those who were committing the crimes. It was contained. It did not spread to other parts of the city. We were sued, the city and myself and Mayor Dinkins and the courts ruled that we acted appropriately under the circumstances. [Ed note: In 1997, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against Dinkins and Brown, ruling that their conduct had met the "objectively reasonable" standard required for qualified immunity.] Sign up for our amNY Sports email newsletter to get insights and game coverage for your favorite teams By Patrick Donachie An East New York man was arraigned Tuesday in the murders of an Ozone Park imam and his associate in broad daylight while Muslim community members expressed fear and frustration about the safety of their families during a funeral ceremony Monday afternoon, blocks from where the killings occurred. Oscar Morel, 35, was charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon in the Saturday slayings of Maulana Akonjee, 55, the imam at the Al-Furqan Jame Masjid mosque and his associate, Thata Uddin, 54, the Queens district attorney said. The mosque is located at 76-18 Glenmore Ave. in Ozone Park, Still wearing his New School janitors uniform, Morel appeared in Queens Criminal Court Tuesday where he faced an additional first-degree murder charge during his arraignment as his family wept in the courtroom. Murder one is a premeditated act. Morel was held without bail and faces in life in prison if found guilty. Queens DA Richard Brown said the motive behind the murders was unclear but his office was still investigating the possibility of a hate crime. Shortly after prayers, Morel, who is Hispanic, allegedly approached the two victims wearing traditional Muslim clothing from behind at the corner of Liberty Avenue and 79th Street and opened fire, shooting both men in the head, police said. The two Bangladeshi victims who lived in Ozone Park were taken to Jamaica Hospital and pronounced dead, according to police. NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce detailed the progression of the investigation at a news conference Monday evening after Morel was brought in for questioning. Boyce said officers found a video of the murder scene that included a black GMC Trailblazer leaving quickly, while three miles away in Brooklyn, at the corner of Pine and Pitkin, there was a hit-and-run car accident shortly after the shootings. They canvassed the area and found a similar car. After watching the car for several hours, officers approached Morel when he tried to enter the vehicle, according to Boyce. Morel allegedly rammed the officers car several times in a getaway attempt, but was placed under arrest, police said. During a search of Morels apartment, officers found a .38 caliber Taurus revolver, police said.. Funeral services were held for both the imam and his assistant at the Grant Avenue Municipal Parking Field at 581 Grant Ave. in Brooklyn. Thousands attended the services, and speakers included Mayor Bill de Blasio, City Comptroller Scott Stringer and Public Advocate Letitia James. De Blasio said he came on behalf of all New Yorkers, and promised there would be a greater police presence to ensure that people of the Muslim faith would feel safe when walking to and from mosques and when they were practicing their religion. For all those here who want justice, we want justice, too, and we will get it, de Blasio said, alluding to what he said was angry rhetoric in the national dialogue decrying Muslim Americans. I look around us and I see proud citizens. I will not let them tear us apart. We will not let them tear us apart. Signs calling for justice were scattered throughout the crowd. Speakers from the community and members of the audience also chanted demands for justice under the hot summer sun. The president of the Center for Islamic-American Relations asked the authorities to continue to pursue leads involving a hate crime and announced a $5,000 donation to the family of each murdered man. At the conclusion of the speakers remarks, a prayer was said for the two dead men, the crowd responding to the moment with silence and sadness. The two bodies were then removed for burial. Laskar Faruq, a Jackson Heights resident, expressed anxiety about the safety of his two children, who often walk to and from school. Always we pray that they will go and come home safely, but there is no safety now, he said. He also spoke about the negative impact he believed presidential candidate Donald Trumps rhetoric was having on some Americans perceptions of Muslims. When we walk, sometimes in their mind, theyre thinking all Muslims are troublemaking people, he observed. Nearby one of four young Muslim men said he had prayed with the iman for years and he was well-respected in the community. In our religion, he said, if you kill one person, its like killing everyone. Sign up for our amNY Sports email newsletter to get insights and game coverage for your favorite teams By Tammy Scileppi Folks who have met Marty Mayol of Martys Camera Repair call him a magician. He knows how to make all kinds of broken cameras work again. Even antique models that are over 100 years old. Standing behind the counter of his cluttered second-floor workshop and camera museum, located at 71-25 Austin St. in Forest Hills, just a few blocks from his apartment, Marty reminisced about the old days of manual cameras and admitted that after 17 years, he still enjoys schmoozing with customers and photographers. He also mentioned that he has been working with schools in the metro area, teaching students how to use manual cameras. There were vintage cameras, lenses and parts everywhere in the workshop. On the counter, in a showcase, in boxes, and on shelves. Marty is part of a generation of old-time craftsmen who offered specialized skills and took pride in their work. But guys like him are no longer in high demand. The digital craze has transformed the entire photographic field, and its hard to keep up with state-of-the-art changes when they happen in the blink of an eye. Since iPhones and Androids came on the scene, everybody has become a photographer and the average person doesnt even need a camera to take amazing, or even good, photos. No light, zoom or distance adjustments; no fussing with all that confusing stuff people had to worry about back in the day, in order to take a decent picture. You just point and shootinstant gratification. But many photographers are bucking that trend. They like taking photos the old-school way and seem intrigued with the wide variety of vintage cameras out there. Plus, those cameras, in addition to taking great pictures, make great collectibles. Its no wonder. Before going digital, cameras were mechanical wonders. It took a while to figure them out and folks marveled at the new technology. Pointing to a showcase filled with an array of vintage cameras, Marty said he preferred the older models to anything that new technology had to offer. Those cameras, you had to adjust the speed, the F stop, the light. Today, the camera will do everything, he said. An avid photographer and history buff, Marty was excited to show off his collection of special models. There were just a few that he truly prized: The Nikon F1, F2, and F3 were his favorites. And all were in working condition. Made of heavy metal, those models were considered top of the line for professionals during the 60s, 70s and 80s and are still used today. Marty demonstrated and explained the motor drive feature, which allowed photographers to take quick, consecutive shots for sports, etc. Then he took out the creme de la creme of his collection: A beauty that was made over a century ago in Rochester, N.Y., and which Marty said still worked. Marty recalled that a woman brought it in two years ago. She found it while cleaning the attic and it had belonged to her grandmother, who was a photographer. The older-is-cooler trend seems to go hand in hand with a yearning for a simpler time, especially among millennials who love to scour thrift shops and flea markets for vintage finds and have a passion for decorating with, collecting and gifting such items from the past as typewriters and record players. That nostalgic yen is quite evident in the photographic world. Over the past several years there has been a resurgence in shooting film photos. It turns out that film pics really do look different from digital images. Before high-resolution digital images, you had to choose the right film size, which would determine the resolution of your final image. Not too long ago, most people used 35mm cartridges. You can still get those, along with APS film, which is smaller than 35mm, as well as medium format; even sheet film is still available. For those who really want to go retro, there are manual-focus cameras. Its an entirely different experience, like driving automatic vs. manual. The stereo camera is another option. In the Fifties, stereo cameras were used every day by the average person. By taking two pictures simultaneously, the camera simulates the way we actually see and therefore creates the 3D effect when viewed. Yet another fascinating gem was an actual James Bond-type miniature Russian spy camera, that was used during the Cold War. Marty said he had fixed it and amazingly, it still worked. He compared it to a miniature made-in-occupied-Japan spy camera, made between 1947 and 1952. Its surprising that before compact pocket film cameras came on the scene, so many camera modelseven those manufactured in the 80swere made from heavy metal. Drop a digital camera today, and you can forget about it, its plastic, Marty noted. As the interview drew to a close, it turned out that Marty was getting ready to move to another location, 60-18 Fresh Pond Rd. in Maspeth. He said he would be doing repairs at Cambridge World. But his commitment to vintage cameras will remain, and the many examples of those cameras that he has collected will help keep an important part of photographys history alive. Sign up for our amNY Sports email newsletter to get insights and game coverage for your favorite teams By Patrick Donachie State Sen. James Sanders (D-Rochdale Village) is facing a challenge in the Democratic primary race to represent a large part of southeastern Queens stretching from Richmond Hill to parts of Far Rockaway. His opponent is Adrienne Adams, the chairwoman of Community Board 12, which includes downtown Jamaica. Sanders was originally a city councilman for parts of southeastern Queens, including Rosedale and Far Rockaway. He served on that body for 12 years before being elected to the state Senate in 2012, when he defeated Shirley Huntley, who had been convicted of corruption. He graduated from Far Rockaway High School and served in the U.S. Marine Corps, according to Sanders site. He framed the race as an opportunity to make more significant changes in Albany. The reforms we started are not finished, he said. Now the Democratic Party is at the edge of taking power in Albany. Now he bills that we fought for can take place. Adams became chairwoman of Community Board 12 in 2012 and headed the boards Education Committee for four years before that. She graduated from Spelman College in Atlanta and has also worked in the fields of educational and executive training, marketing and business management, consulting with several Fortune 500 companies, according to her campaign site. Adams has been endorsed by the Queens County Democratic Committee, Borough President Melinda Katz, U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Jamaica), and Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (D-Middle Village), among others. A spokesman for Adams campaign noted that she was the only person endorsed by the Democratic machine who was challenging an incumbent. Michael Reich, the Queens Dems executive secretary, said Adams was a far superior candidate and pointed out that Sanders had never tried to make contact with the Queens Democratic Party or ask for their endorsement. He chose not to have anything to do with us, he said. Adams said the endorsements were a strong indication of the strength of her campaign in a statement to the TimesLedger. Albany has failed our seniors, our schools and our community. That is why I am running for state Senate. Ill fight for more money for our schools and our seniors, and I will work to make our streets safe while helping to bring real jobs to our community. Our community deserves better, she said. We need a senator we can trust to deliver the jobs, housing and schools our families so desperately need. Sanders noted that many of Adams endorsements came from elected officials outside of the district, and said the potential for significant progress in Albany was a reason for his re-election. In December, Sanders filed paperwork to run in a primary against Meeks, who has been in the House since 1998, though he eventually opted against pursuing a challenge against the congressman. Sanders said he was confident he would be victorious in the primary fight and said the results would send a message about the will of southeast Queens residents. Southeast Queens does not like people imposing things on it, he said. This election will show that. The Democratic primary will be held Sept. 13. A good rule of thumb if you're driving a car with an arsenal stashed in it is that you should follow all the traffic rules to the letter. Otherwise you might wind up like a South Carolina man who police arrested in Washington Heights Tuesday night, after stopping him and finding an AK-47, a double barreled shotgun and numerous rounds of ammunition. Police say that they saw Cleon Cortez, a 45-year-old man from Lorris, South Carolina, driving a 2000 Dodge Durango erratically near 174th Street and Broadway on Tuesday night at about 7:15 p.m. After pulling him over, officers found "an Inter Ordnance AK-47 assault rifle, a Stoeger Industries double-barreled shotgun, two 30-round magazines, 325 shotgun rounds, 86 7.62 rounds, and 2.5oz of marijuana." Cortez was arrested and faces multiple charges including criminal possession of a weapon and criminal possession of marijuana. Here's what to know as the annual dove hunting season approaches Dr. Leroy Schaffner of Henrietta, Texas passed away on Monday, August 15, 2016 at the age of 82. Dr. Schaffner was born March 1, 1934 in Riverland, Texas to Gotfred and Pauline (Bitz) Schaffner. Dr. Schaffner attended Riverland Grade School until 8th grade when he started attending school in Henrietta; his class was among the first to attend this combined Henrietta school. He graduated high school from Henrietta as valedictorian of his class, which was composed of 18 students. After high school he attended Midwestern State University for three years. He took the Medical Entry Exam after his third year of undergraduate studies and was accepted into Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, Texas where graduated with his M.D. in 1959. After medical school, Dr. Schaffner interned at Brackenridge Hospital in Austin, Texas for one year before returning to Henrietta in the summer of 1960. He met his wife Joan (Besse) Schaffner that summer at a gathering for new teachers, and they were married November 18, 1961. Together they had three children: Annette, Randall, and Vicki. Dr. Schaffner practiced medicine in Henrietta for 36 years and impacted many lives during his time as a physician. During his lifetime he served as Chief of Staff at the Clay County Memorial Hospital, County Health Officer, Physician for Burlington Northern Railroad, and Team Doctor for the Henrietta Bearcats. He was also involved with the Northwest Texas Council Boy Scouts of America as a Health and Safety advisor. Throughout his life, Dr. Schaffner was also the owner and operator of J & L Barr Ranch. In addition to the many medical positions he held, Dr. Schaffner was an extremely active member in the community and was a board member for the Clay County Senior Citizens Center, a long- time member of Kiwanis, and was a proud supporter of the Henrietta Boy Scouts, FFA and the local 4-H. He also served on the school board for 18 years and was a long-time member of the Clay County Historical Society and contributed to the 1890 Jail Museum. Dr. Schaffner was awarded Jaycees Citizen of the Year in 1968 and was elected a Henrietta FFA Honorary Chapter Farmer. He was a member and Deacon at Henrietta church of Christ. Dr. Schaffner was a 'cow-chaser' at heart, but he also loved to fish, travel, and hunt. He was an avid reader and, to many, was a walking encyclopedia of fascinating information. He enjoyed playing cards and dominoes and was a constant watcher of the weather. Most of all, he loved being around his family, especially his 9 grandchildren, with whom he found great joy. Dr. Schaffner had a passion for traveling that began when his children were young. He enjoyed sharing new places with his family and passed the gift of traveling on to his children and grandchildren. Among his best qualities was his knack for telling captivating stories of all kinds. He could tell a mean joke and had a smile that could brighten anyone's day. Dr. Schaffner loved helping people along the path of life and was truly a living example of what he preached. He loved well, lived joyously, and laughed heartily during his life. He will be missed by the Henrietta community and his family. A memorial service will be held at 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 19, 2016 at Henrietta Church of Christ in Henrietta, Texas. A private burial will precede the services at Hope Cemetery in Henrietta, Texas under the direction of Davis Funeral Home. The family will be at Davis Funeral Home on Thursday, August 18, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for visitation. Memorials may be made to the Dr. Leroy Schaffner Memorial Scholarship Fund at Wells Fargo Bank, 210 North Bridge Street, Henrietta, Texas 76365 or any of the Clay County Fire Departments. Dr. Schaffner was preceded in death by his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sister. Survivors include his wife Joan Schaffner of Henrietta, Texas; their children, Annette Cawyer and husband John of Plano, Randall Schaffner and wife Kathy of Vernon, and Vicki Yurcho and husband Brad of Henrietta; 9 grandchildren, Jeff Cawyer and wife Jaime, Jay Cawyer and wife Tannah, Allie Cawyer, Austin Schaffner, Audrey Schaffner, Alec Schaffner and wife Courtney, Trent Yurcho, Todd Yurcho, and Katie Yurcho; two sisters, Ella Mae Smith of Wichita Falls, Mary Lou Teague of Henrietta; and brother, Daniel and wife Kay Schaffner of Burkburnett. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online guestbook at Lois Reilly, Wichita Falls A recent letter writer wrote: 'Another four years of Hillary's hubby under whom we enjoyed a flourishing economy, a budget surplus, peace, plenty of jobs and probably the best eight years in American history.' How soon some low information citizens forget! The next administration inherited the aftermath of those wonderful Clinton years. 9/11 followed all these wonderful years and then the housing bust. These things, 9/11 and the housing bust, did not just happen because President Bush was in office, they were all set up by President Clinton during this wonderful time in American history. Our Islamic terrorist enemies found that the American public had lost its nerve and chose then to attack. I read about how President Clinton promised to find out who attacked our military more than 158 times during his time in office and yet he only threatened, he never did anything so of course we had peace. Peace is not always the absence of war. Prosperity came when the government forced banks to help the poor buy housing they could not afford. Thousands, maybe even millions of homes were built. For the first few years, the payments would be within the buyer's reach, but then after a few years the payments would increase as incomes supposedly increased. Guess what! Thousands were not able to make the increased payments. That was OK, though, President Clinton was not blamed, the next president who happened to be President Bush, got the blame. We cannot afford another four or eight years of this type of peace and prosperity. In August 2008, Russian forces invaded the nation of Georgia, igniting the Russo-Georgia War. The Kremlin was testing Western will to defend the diplomatic agreements that stabilized post-Cold War Eastern Europe. Russian leader Vladimir Putin's high-octane vitriol directed at George W. Bush, of course provided evidence of the effectiveness of the Bush Administration's response to Putin's 'creeping war of aggression' in 2008. The Bush Administration met the Russian invasion with aggressive diplomatic action, seeking support from NATO allies and threatening Moscow with sanctions. It also backed diplomacy with military action. As Russian Army regular units approached the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, the Georgian government asked the U.S. to fly the Georgian Army brigade serving in Iraq home to Georgia. The U.S. complied. 2,500 well-trained and reasonably well-equipped Georgian reinforcements were on the battlefield. The Bush Administration demonstrated that it was prepared to act on behalf of an ally, not just talk. At the time, Putin was Russia's prime minister. He's now the president. Under either name, he's the Kremlin's authoritarian boss. In an interview with CNN (August 28, 2008) Putin accused the U.S. of 'orchestrating' the war to benefit a presidential candidate, implicitly suggesting Bush had started a war in Georgia to promote John McCain's candidacy. Outrageous propaganda, of course, but Putin is a master propagandist. He also claimed his forces had to intervene because Russian peacekeepers in the secessionist enclave of South Ossetia had been killed. Why, the U.S. had failed to stop Georgian aggression! False. Moscow orchestrated the entire war. The so-called terrible U.S.-Russia relationship that the Obama administration's 'reset' claimed to correct was the result of aggressive Russian misbehavior and principled U.S. reaction. Russia's 2008 invasion of Georgia eerily echoed the 'creeping war of aggression' Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic launched in 1991 when Serbia attacked Croatia. Serbia would launch an attack, take a small piece of territory, and then hunker down to absorb the political blowback from the U.N. and Western Europe. Then Serbia would attack again. Serbian Special Forces would cooperate with Serb agitators in ethnic Serbian area of Croatia. When firefights broke out regular Serbian military units would join the battle. Serbia used similar military-political tactics when it invaded Bosnia in 1992. The Kremlin's February 2014 invasion of Crimea added two new wrinkles. The first was rapid follow-on action by conventional military forces to support 'threatened ethnic Russians.' The second was outright annexation of territory. In March 2014 Putin shredded the Budapest Accord (signed by the Clinton Administration) which guaranteed Ukrainian territorial integrity. What did the Obama administration do? It complained talk. It imposed economic sanctions. What did Russia do? The 'creeping war of aggression' entered eastern Ukraine, as Moscow accused Ukrainians, Poles and Americans of killing ethnic Russians. Ukraine's slow war continues. Last month (July 2016), Ukrainian and other European media reported an increase in Russian military activity in eastern Ukraine. That was a bad indicator. August is Europe's traditional month for launching a military campaign, with August 1914 being a particularly hideous example. The ground is usually dry enough for maneuvering large forces. If the invaded country fails to surrender, winter will stall the counteroffensive. In 2008, the Bush Administration was heavily engaged in Iraq. Putin wondered if Bush would respond to a probe. He did. In 2016, Putin rattles sabers in Ukraine as the Obama administration seeks Russia's help in Syria. In the next few weeks, Russian forces could seize another chunk of Ukrainian territory, and do so with very little political risk. The Kremlin may also be conducting a political probe. Will Russian war making in Eastern Europe become a presidential election issue? If it doesn't, in 2017 Eastern Europe can expect more war from Moscow. Austin Bay is a commentator on National Public Radio's 'Morning Edition,' covering foreign affairs but often addressing issues in Texas that have a national interest. A 33-year-old Amsterdam man fled in a boat after a bar fight and was arrested on domestic violence and DWI charges, according to the Fulton County Sheriff's Office. Matthew S. Luzinas was arrested Saturday evening in the Town of Broadalbin at the Broadalbin Boat Launch. The Fulton County Sheriff's Office said Luzinas got into a fight at Vic's Tavern in the Town of Northampton with an ex-girlfriend and was choking her. He left by boat and went to the Broadalbin Boat Launch where a deputy located him driving his vehicle while he was intoxicated in the public parking lot. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate Albany The Environmental Protection Agency says the company operating a crude oil terminal at the Port of Albany violated federal air pollution standards and under-reported the amount of ozone-producing compounds being emitted when it sought permission to handle more oil trains. The notice of violation was sent to Global Companies LLC late last July. The Waltham, Mass.-based firm, also known as Global Partners, handles the transfer of crude oil. The oil, much of it from North Dakota's Bakken shale fields, is moved from massive trains to barges that carry the oil down the Hudson River and then to a refinery in New Brunswick, Canada. Global has exceeded the 40 tons a year emission level above which it would need a new permit and likely larger and more complex pollution control measures, according to the EPA. Spokeswoman Mary Mears stressed that the notice, dated July 29, is the first enforcement step, and $25,000-a-day fines and court action are possible if the violations aren't resolved. The notice, dated July 29, was first reported Wednesday online in Politico NY. "We're alleging there could be a violation,'' Mears said, "It starts discussions between us and the company and the state to home in and resolve these violations.'' Global operates under federal regulations with a state-issued permit for the discharges. The jump in emissions would follow the increase in crude oil shipments through the Port of Albany since 2012 when development of oil shale from North Dakota came on the scene. In 2011 Global sought a permit to handle 1.8 billion gallons, up from 450 million gallons. On Wednesday, spokesman Mark Horan said, "Global has been in compliance with the EPA and with the Department of Environmental Conservation permit since it was issued five years ago and we continue to make sure we meet the clean air standards stipulated in that permit. We plan to prove to the EPA and to our neighbors that our Albany facility remains in compliance with federal and state emission standards." Neighbors of the port and environmental organizations are pursuing a federal lawsuit against Global regarding emissions. That case is in federal court. County Executive Dan McCoy and the environmental groups hailed the EPA's notice, saying it backs up their claim about air pollution. The port and oil terminal are in the city's South End and near the Ezra Prentice Homes with about 400 residents, including more than 200 children. Residents of the public housing complex have complained about fumes from the truck traffic coming and going at the port as well as dangers of having oil-filled tanker cars nearby, concerns heightened since 2013 when a train carrying crude oil caught fire and caused an explosion that killed 47 people in Lac Megantic, Quebec. Judith Enck, the administrator for the EPA Region 2 and a former environmental official under former governors Eliot Spitzer and David Paterson, met with Ezra Prentice residents on Wednesday evening. The EPA notice appears to contradict prior state findings. Two years ago, representatives of the state Department of Environmental Conservation, in a meeting with Ezra Prentice residents, said pollution in the area was within safety guidelines. "The bottom line is that we didn't find anything that would be considered a health concern with these concentrations that we measured," Randi Walker, a research scientist with DEC, told residents at an August 2014 meeting. On Wednesday state officials said the 2014 testing focused on one compound, benzene, that tends to come from diesel trucks. That testing, they said, was concerned with-short term impacts. On Tuesday night state DEC officials met with Ezra Prentice residents and told them $500,000 would be provided for an environmental program including an effort to monitor diesel truck pollution. Commissioner Basil Seggos said in a prepared statement: "We are calling on EPA to improve air emission and fuel standards to better protect public health and the environment." One unknown is the extent to which oil train traffic will continue at its current pace. With oil prices low, crude production in the Bakken fields has fallen sharply and with that so has the number of trains coming to Albany. Rob Doolittle, a spokesman for the CSX rail line, said the number in New York is half of what it was in 2014, down to 15 from a maximum of 31 to 15 trains per week. 518-454-5758 @RickKarlinTU This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate Menands The Mohawk Hudson Humane Society will hold its 10th annual Feline Fest on from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday The event offers reduced adoption fees for cats and kittens at five locations: the Humane Society in Menands, Saratoga, and the society's satellites PetSmart stores in Glenmont and Latham and Petco in Clifton Park. "Throughout the summer and fall we have a steady influx of kittens, pregnant cats and strays," according to humane society President and CEO Brad Shear. "We are currently caring for more than 300 felines. These numbers put a tremendous strain on our resources. Feline Fest was first initiated to help cats find new homes with loving families. The goal is still to raise awareness and to find homes for as many homeless cats and kittens as we can." During Feline Fest, the society will offer reduced adoption fees: kittens age six months and under will be half price and cats over six months will be free. Every adoption-ready cat and kitten will be spayed or neutered, vaccinated for distemper and rabies, tested for feline leukemia, de-wormed, treated with flea and tick preventative and microchipped. Times and locations: Humane Society, 3 Oakland Ave., Menands, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MHHS Saratoga, 4255 Route 50, Saratoga Springs, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. PetSmart Latham Farms, 609 Troy Schenectady Road, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. PetSmart Glenmont, 241 Route 9W, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Petco Clifton Park, 6 Halfmoon Crossing, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate An Episcopal priest from Delmar was sentenced Wednesday to three years' probation for trying to film a woman as she changed in a Salvation Army store. The Rev. Adam Egan pleaded guilty in Colonie Town Court in May to a misdemeanor charge of attempted unlawful surveillance. He was arrested Dec. 23 in the store on Troy-Schenectady Road in Latham. At his sentencing, Egan was also ordered to pay $255 in fines and fees and given a host of restrictions on his behavior. Colonie police said Egan tried to flee the building after the victim noticed a camera peeking over the top of a curtain and contacted police. Officers caught him nearby and said Egan tried to delete a video on a device he was carrying. Egan's lawyer said his client regrets his actions and is getting professional help. "He was wrong, and he admits he was wrong. He made a mistake," Stephen Coffey said. "There is no issue of violence. There is no child involvement. There is no claim by the Probation Department he is a risk to anyone. He is now rehabilitating himself." Pastor of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church for six years, the married priest resigned from the post after his guilty plea. He was not allowed to function as a priest after his arrest. Three priests, however, came to his sentencing to support him. Coffey said he remains a priest in good standing with the church. "The Episcopal Church has been very solidly behind him," Coffey said. "It's the old adage: Love the sinner, hate the sin." While on probation, Egan faces a number of restrictions on his behavior that were the subject of discussion before his sentencing by Town Justice Norman Massry. He is not to possess pornography, though Coffey questioned what constitutes pornography. Egan also faces restrictions on his use of social media and computers, and he is barred from encrypting photos on his computer. In every other state, Egan would have to be a registered sex offender but not under the law in New York. There also were discussions of restrictions on who he could get into a car with and the Probation Department being able to require him to inform other tenants in an apartment complex where he will live of his guilty plea. "There is a component of voyeurism" to what Egan did, Albany County Assistant District Attorney Michael Wetmore told the court. Egan also was barred from any contact with the victim. Coffey said that won't be difficult because the woman is a stranger to him. "Oddly enough, he doesn't know who she is," the attorney said. Afterward, Coffey acknowledged his client's action must have been terrifying for the victim. "I feel very badly for her," he said. 518-454-5092 @timobrientu We rely on your support to make local news available to all Make your contribution now and help Gothamist thrive in 2022. Donate today This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate Bethlehem Monolith Solar told town officials last week that it hopes to complete its $4.6 million headquarters project planned for the Vista Technology Campus in Slingerlands 12 months from now. Monolith, a solar installation company based in Rensselaer, had told the Times Union two weeks ago that it had hoped to close on financing for the project this month and break ground at the Vista campus by next week. However, in an Aug. 10 letter to the Bethlehem Industrial Development Agency, Monolith vice president Steven Erby said that Monolith doesn't expect to close on bank financing for the project until November, which would push back completion of the project to August of 2017. Monolith, which first announced the Slingerlands headquarters project back in 2014, is facing an Aug. 25 deadline to begin construction at Vista to still remain eligible for $680,000 in state tax breaks through the IDA. However, in his letter, Erby also asked the IDA if it would extend the deadline another year at the IDA's next meeting, which is Aug. 24. "We are now ready to move forward and would like to be able to locate in the town of Bethlehem as originally planned," Erby wrote IDA chairman Frank Venezia. "We would appreciate this extension of time in order to complete our project." Monolith has already been granted extensions by the IDA board, whose board members expressed anxiety over the status of the project at their last meeting. However, Erby provided Venezia with a copy of a commitment letter from KeyBank for the project as part of his Aug. 10 correspondence that may ease some of the IDA's concerns. Financing for the project, which will include new offices and space for light assembly projects, has been the biggest hurdle for Monolith, which builds large solar farms for schools and municipalities and also does residential work. The company plans to keep its current space in Rensselaer even after the Slingerlands headquarters is completed, with plans to double its workforce of 70 people. Sign up for The Knick Get the latest news and features with our afternoon newsletter. The company's original banker for the project at Kinderhook Bank left for Berkshire Bank, which caused delays. However, earlier this year, KeyBank offered to finance the project through the U.S. Small Business Administration's 504 loan program. The state had also offered up to $800,000 in grant money and tax breaks to Monolith to build at Vista, which is owned by Columbia Development of Albany. 518-454-5504 @larryrulison This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate Any big-screen adaptation of the 19th century Lew Wallace novel "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ" must exist in the long shadow cast by William Wyler's 1959 epic, with its iconic chariot race, sensational Charlton Heston performance and 11 Oscar wins. It's fair to wonder why anyone would compete with the memory of such a landmark. Judah Ben-Hur's story of revenge and forgiveness, inspired by his encounters with Jesus of Nazareth, depends on grandiose spectacle to resonate. With all of cinema's modern tools, there's still no topping what Wyler and company achieved. Despite that massive obstacle, it would be unfair to dismiss this new "Ben-Hur" out of hand. The picture, directed by Timur Bekmambetov from a script by Keith Clarke and John Ridley, has its pleasures. There's an intensely claustrophobic feel to the galley slave sequence, where the title character (Jack Huston), a Jewish prince living in Jerusalem during the lifetime of Jesus, is condemned after his adoptive brother Messala (Toby Kebbell), a Roman centurion, accuses him of treason. More Information ** Review "Ben-Hur" Rated: PG-13 (for sequences of violence and disturbing images) Running time: 123 minutes **** Excellent *** Good ** Fair * Poor See More Collapse The chariot scene, captured with practical effects, unfurls with an appropriate degree of frenetic drama. It's missing the rawness that set Wyler's vision apart from similar counterparts, but it stands up when compared with many other contemporary summer movie setpieces. Sign up for The Knick Get the latest news and features with our afternoon newsletter. Bekmambetov, whose past includes movies like "Wanted" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter," has never shied away from staging complicated action scenes. The whole point of "Ben-Hur," though, is that the A plot doesn't matter. It's not really a story about a slave taking out his vengeance on the Roman Empire, a la "Gladiator." It is, instead, about how the better angels of our nature, in this case embodied by the example of Jesus (Rodrigo Santoro), prevail over our base desires. It's a story of faith and forgiveness shrouded in conventions. To pull that off in an affecting way requires more than the dramatic ploy of Jesus popping up to offer teachings about peace and co-existence. It demands characters with substantial depth and performances that inspire the audience's investment, so that their eventual acquiescence to his message resonates emotionally. In that area, in finding that higher ground the material requires, the movie comes up woefully short. Last February, when my sister-in-law, Katrina, was struggling to put together a six-person, three-generation family trip for spring break, she turned to a nontraditional travel agent: Leo Kugel of Silver Spring, Md. Leo shelved the original Caribbean plan in favor of New Orleans, selected a hotel that had something for everyone, and found an inexpensive flight. But though at 5-foot-10, Leo is at least as tall as your average travel agent, he is actually my 12-year-old nephew. "We were stalled out, planningwise," Katrina told me. "And he said 'I'll take it from here.' I was a little bit skeptical." But aside from a tweak in the flight, everyone Katrina; my brother, Jeremy; my younger nephew, Grady; my mom (aka Grammy); and my Aunt Nancy agreed to his choices, including a five-night stay in Le Pavillon. When I heard about this, I may have tilted my head like a dog when it hears a weird noise. When did kids suddenly acquire travel planning skills? I'm pretty sure the first time I picked a hotel was when I met up with my girlfriend in England at age 23. Actually, she probably picked it. But times have changed. "The general concept of your children influencing your vacation," said Karen Cicero, travel editor at Parents magazine, "whether helping pick the destination or planning part of the trip, is a trend." I'm skeptical when people use the t-word, but she pointed to a 2015 survey of 540 parents by YouGov for HomeAway, the vacation rental site, showing that millennial parents are more likely to let their children ages 6-18 pick a destination themselves, than children of older parents. It makes sense. Trip planning, these days, takes place mostly online, and children know a thing or two about the internet. Considering that Leo shops for sneakers and jackets online, looking for deals to convince his parents, the jump to hotels doesn't seem drastic. Cicero said that social media also played a role. "My daughter is 13, and if you scroll through her Instagram feed, you'll see pics of her friends' vacations it gets kids excited and gives them ideas. If you think back to even 10 years ago, school ended and you didn't find out where your friends had gone until you went back." Involving children has benefits beyond travel-planning experience. "What this highlights is the importance of getting buy-in," said Rainer Jenss, the president and founder of the Family Travel Association. "A lot of parents don't consider getting their kids involved in the planning process, dictate it to them and sometimes make assumptions about what would make the kids happy." That can lead to risk-free choices like Disney World or child-friendly cruises. But "if kids are involved in the decision," he said, "they have ownership." I reached Leo on his cellphone as his parents drove him and Grady to a Massachusetts summer camp. "Everyone wanted to go to the Dominican Republic," he said, "but it's pretty expensive, so I tried to find a place that was warm and not too expensive." That ended up being New Orleans. He checked a weather app to make sure it wouldn't be too cold. The hotel was trickier. He knew his parents wanted to be "close to the center but not so close that it would be so loud I couldn't sleep," Leo said. Sign up for The Knick Get the latest news and features with our afternoon newsletter. He had a priority as well: a pool. A web search led to, where he spotted a photo of Le Pavillon's rooftop pool. He went to, and noted that the hotel was "a short stroll to the French Quarter." And he didn't forget the older generation. "It had kind of a French name, so it sounded like Grammy might like it." Curious if he was on target, I emailed my father, Peter Kugel, who confirmed that his wife might be swayed by a French moniker. He signed the email "Pierre," and cc'ed her. Some experts caution that while involving children in planning is good, there are no precise guidelines. Parents should set limits appropriate to their own children. (Allow me to interpret: Not every 12-year-old is as awesome as my nephew.) "Younger kids and some teens don't necessarily have all the tools to plan a trip in a way that would make everyone happy," said Mark Bertin, a developmental pediatrician in Pleasantville, Westchester County. "But as long as you're aware of what your child's really capable of, you could even involve a younger child a little bit." Maintaining veto power is a no-brainer, but so is setting boundaries to avoid having to use it perhaps by preselecting options for children to choose among. "If they make a choice that is not practical, it puts you at loggerheads," said Dr. Karl Neumann, the pediatrician behind But for children who can handle it, open planning encourages them to consider others' preferences. Hudson The Rocky Romano Bocce Tournament on Saturday promises some serious spinning and trash talk straight out of the old country. Columbia County Sons & Daughters of Italy is hosting the tourney, which begins with court assignments at 9 a.m. Saturday, followed by the rolling and ricocheting of bocce balls at 10 a.m. The annual event at 27 Bridge St. is in memory of Romano, an Italian immigrant, longtime local barber and enthusiastic bocce player who was a member of the group's county chapter. For charter member Phil Abitabile, like many Italian-Americans, bocce is a nostalgic reminder of days gone by and a way to continue celebrating his heritage. More Information Bowl over the competition The Rocky Romano Bocce Tournament begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, at Columbia County Sons & Daughters of Italy, 27 Bridge St., Hudson. Call 828-3824. See More Collapse "I'm Italian-American, and I live the ideals of family, food and religion, mostly in that order," said Abitabile, 67, who helped start the chapter in 1985. "We're facing the same kind of problems that many fraternal organizations are, mainly that young people aren't interested, but bocce is a part of our culture, which still reaches people." Bocce, pronounced casually as bot-chi, can be traced to ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. The word "bocce" is the plural of the Italian word boccia, which means "bowl" in the sporting sense. The sport related to British bowls and French petanque developed into its current form in Italy and is played throughout the world, particularly where Italians have immigrated. It became popular in the United States at the turn of the 20th century and was played on homemade courts. That was the case in Hudson, where a group of 50-plus Italian immigrants, including Abitabile's grandfathers, would gather on Sundays and play in the alley below the former Italian Heritage Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, between Warren and Union streets. "It was very heated and they argued over a quarter of an inch, always in Italian," Abitabile said. "You could watch them, and as kids we were amazed at how good they were, but there wasn't even a question that on Sundays, you don't go down the alley during that time everyone in the neighborhood knew it." There can be from two to eight players on a team. Competitors pitch a pallino a small, brightly colored ball onto the court before the eight other regulation-sized boccia can be bowled. Players then throw those balls to get nearest to the pallino. The closer they are, the more points they potentially have unless they're knocked out of contention with a fly (volo) or other balls. Registration for the tournament is $20. Teams will consist of two people. Play will be double elimination, with each team competing in at least two games on six courts. The courts were rebuilt with donations after a landslide caved in a third of the lodge's property, including the original courts. Trophies will be awarded and the winning team will have its name placed on a permanent plaque, donated by the Romano family, on display at the lodge. Columbia County Sons & Daughters of Italy hosts events throughout the year and works with the Hudson City School Districts' Kindness Club, letting students practice on its courts and sponsoring a bocce team in regional and state Special Olympics games. In turn, team members have volunteered for the organization's cultural events, like the Rocky Romano Bocce Tournament. "The best part for me personally was when my grandson and my father threw out the first bocce ball last year," said Abitabile, whose father, Antonio, died in May. "That's the thing with bocce, it's about families being together, getting spirited, having fun and promoting our culture." @JenSPatterson 518-454-5340 As Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has granted interviews to major media outlets in connection with his organization's release of Hillary Clinton's emails, his fugitive status has been virtually ignored. He fled Sweden for England before authorities could interview him (Swedish law does not allow charges to be filed without such an interview). He fought extradition in England's court system, and, when he lost, he ran to the Ecuadorian embassy in London and sought political asylum. For four years, Assange has been hiding there, questioning the morality of others while simultaneously refusing to face those who have accused him of sexual assault. For that reason, Assange is a hypocrite of the highest order, but Assange is not alone in his hypocrisy. Media coverage of his story is hypocritical, as well. No major media outlet would write or broadcast a story about Bill Cosby without stating that he is facing rape charges. Yet Assange repeatedly is interviewed, featured, quoted and highlighted without a word about his alleged sex crimes. Why the difference in treatment? Cosby is black, Assange is white, and, when it comes to handling such allegations, white privilege is still a thing. Director Woody Allen continues to make movies, even after his stepdaughter Dylan Farrow said Allen sexually assaulted her when she was 7. Former "7th Heaven" star Stephen Collins' admission that he sexually abused underage girls for 20 years went away in a matter of months. And who can forget convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, the acclaimed director who was allowed to hide out in Europe rather than face extradition to the United States to pay for his crime? Assange is seemingly following in the footsteps of those who've gone before him, but he is making an even bigger splash while doing so. While Assange has hidden away in the Ecuadorian embassy, bemoaning the fact that the U.S. government is pursuing him for illegally exposing government secrets, a movie titled "The Fifth Estate" has been made about his life. He has been the subject of books and news stories. And now, although he is an Australian citizen, he has dipped his toe into the American presidential race, not only by releasing Clinton's emails, but also by promising to hack Donald Trump's tax returns. But even as Assange shows up on our televisions and computer screens with accusations against everyone from presidential candidates to law-enforcement officials, Assange and those who cover him have managed to skip the most important fact about his exile. Assange is not in hiding because big governments have victimized him. He is in hiding to avoid being extradited to Sweden on rape allegations. Of course, that's not how Assange tells it. "Our D.C. lawyers are delivering a letter tomorrow to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking her to explain why it is that the now six-year-long national security and criminal investigation being run against WikiLeaks, the reason I have political asylum, has not been closed," Assange said on CNN's "The Lead" on Monday. Sign up for The Knick Get the latest news and features with our afternoon newsletter. Assange, who went on to compare the length of the WikiLeaks probe to the one-year Justice Department investigation of Clinton's emails, essentially was asking why he's still under investigation when Clinton is not. Perhaps that's a legitimate question. However, the bigger question is this: How can Assange be allowed to point the finger at anyone when he is hiding out to avoid extradition on rape allegations? As a black man, I wouldn't receive the benefit of the doubt if I were facing those kinds of allegations. Assange shouldn't get a pass, either. Marilee (Weidner) Springer, formerly of Spartansburg, is shown staffing Indiana Gov. Michael Pence during a meeting with his public safety team, which includes the leaders of the Indiana National Guard, Indiana State Police and Indiana Department of Homeland Security. [August 18, 2016] Choice Logistics Names Jordan Kaufman Chief Information Officer Choice Logistics, the leading provider of enterprise-grade supply chain solutions, today announced that Jordan Kaufman has been hired as Chief Information Officer. Jordan Kaufman will replace Robert Bacchi, who previously held the position, and is stepping down to pursue other interests. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: Jordan Kaufman (Photo: Business Wire) "Hiring Jordan is a pure investment in our future," said Michael Katz, CEO of Choice Logistics. "With the accelerating rate of change in our industry, Jordan is absolutely the right executive to ensure our technology remains a differentiator in the marketplace. Jordan will focus on leveraging technology to allow our clients to manage their supply chains with greater transparency and efficiency." Mr. Kaufman is responsible for software development, application integration, and business intelligence. Additionally, he is accountable or technology infrastructure, network security, and business continuity processes. "I am excited about the opportunity to work with such a highly skilled and committed team. I've been tasked with developing new technology offerings designed to drive efficiencies within our organization and help our client's make better decisions," said Mr. Kaufman. "Jordan's role highlights the importance Choice places on innovation. We believe that a modern supply chain requires transparency, visibility, and creative solutions," said Katz. "Adding him to the executive team illustrates the commitment to our client base." Mr. Kaufman has over 15 years of extensive experience as an information technology professional across a variety of industry verticals. He has managed global IT infrastructures and support services, devised strategic technology investments, and demonstrated success in directing business and technology transformation for both public and private organizations of varying sizes. He is a leader, collaborator, and consensus building change agent who leverages the power of technology to drive innovation and growth, automate process, improve service delivery, and reduce operating costs with measurable results. Mr. Kaufmann holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has published five books relating to strategic technology solutions for modern business. About Choice Logistics For more than 50 years, Choice has helped the world's leading companies better manage their global supply-chains. We offer enterprise-grade warehouse, inventory, and transportation management solutions through our global footprint of over 400 stocking locations, regional distribution centers, and transportation hubs in more than 80 countries. Beyond 3PL solutions, Choice offers parts planning, field engineering, HW/SW configuration, depot repair, and asset recovery support. Companies turn to Choice to compress time-to-market, provide differentiation in the market place, and remove costs. For more information, please visit, or call (800) 861-6900, ext. 4107. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] DriveSavers Offers Data Recovery to Residents Impacted by Louisiana Flooding DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic services, announced today a $300 discount to victims of the recent flooding disaster in the state of Louisiana. As many as 40,000 homes have been affected by devastating floods in Louisiana caused by torrential rain. According to Gov. John Bel Edwards, who spoke at a news conference alongside Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administrator Craig Fugate, well over 20,000 people have been rescued since the flooding began late last week. In Livingston Parish, one of the hardest-hit areas, officials estimate that 75 percent of homes were a total loss. On Sunday, President Obama declared a federal emergency in the state. As some residents begin to return to their flood-damaged homes for the first time, DriveSavers, in coordination with its network of computer service providers in and around the area, look to help by recovering data from damaged devices. The company is offering $300 off data recovery services through September 30, 2016 for single drives, RAIDs, smartphones and tablets that may have been damaged by floodwaters, mud or impact. "Driveavers has more than 30 years of experience recovering photos, videos, contact lists, financial records and other important data that may have been kept on devices damaged or even destroyed by natural disasters," explained DriveSavers President Scott Moyer. "As Louisiana residents begin the process of assessing damage, we hope to provide a resource for those impacted by this devastating event." If your device has been damaged by floodwaters, do not attempt to dry out equipment or recover data using utility software. Keep the hard drive or media wet by placing it in a plastic bag with an airtight zip closure. To start the recovery process, call DriveSavers Data Recovery (News - Alert) at 800.440.1904 or visit for more information. About DriveSavers DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensics, provides the fastest, most reliable and only certified secure data recovery and eDiscovery service in the industry. All of the company's services meet security protocols for financial, legal, corporate and healthcare industries, and it is the only company that posts proof of its annual SOC 2 Type II audit and HIPAA data security and privacy compliance. DriveSavers adheres to U.S. government security protocols, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) Data Security Rule, the Data-At-Rest mandate (DAR) and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). DriveSavers engineers are trained and certified in all leading encryption and forensic technologies and operate a Certified ISO Class 5 Cleanroom. Customers include: Bank of America, Google (News - Alert), Lucasfilm, NASA, Harvard University, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, U.S. Army and Sandia National Laboratories. View source version on [August 18, 2016] ExxonMobil and Georgia Tech Innovation Could Lead to Significant Cuts in Chemical Manufacturing Energy Use and Emissions Scientists from ExxonMobil and the Georgia Institute of Technology (News - Alert) have developed a potentially revolutionary new technology that could significantly reduce the amount of energy and emissions associated with manufacturing plastics. Results of the research were published today in the peer-reviewed journal Science. If brought to industrial scale, this breakthrough could reduce industry's global annual carbon dioxide emissions by up to 45 million tons, which is equivalent to the annual energy-related carbon dioxide emissions of about five million U.S. homes. It could also reduce global energy costs used to make plastics by up to $2 billion a year. Using a molecular-level filter, the new process employs a form of reverse osmosis to separate para-xylene, a chemical building block for polyester and plastics, from complex hydrocarbon mixtures. The current commercial-scale process used around the world relies on energy and heat to separate those molecules. "Through collaboration with strong academic institutions like Georgia Tech, we are constantly exploring new, more efficient ways to produce the energy, chemicals, and other products consumers around the world rely on every day," said Vijay Swarup, vice president of research and development at ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company. "If advanced to commercial-scale application, this technology could significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with chemical manufacturing." The research successfully demonstrated that para-xylene can be separated from like chemical compounds known as aromatics by pressing them through a membrane that acts as a high-tech sieve, similar to a filter with microscopic holes. Commercially practiced separations involve energy-intensive crystallization or adsorption with distillation. Globally, the amount of energy used in conventional separation processes for aromatics is equal to about 20 average-sized power plants. The ExxonMobil and Georgia Tech team first developed a new carbon-based membrane that can separate molecules as small as a nanometer. The membrane was then incorporated into a new organic solvent reverse osmosis process, during which aromatics were pressed through the membrane, separating out para-xylene. "In effect, we'd be using a filter with microscopic holes to do what an enormous amount of heat and energy currently do in a chemical process similar to that found in oil refining," said Mike Kerby, corporate strategic research manager at ExxonMobil. The carbon-based membrane developed by the ExxonMobil-Georgia Tech team isabout 50 times more energy efficient than the current state-of-the-art membrane separation technology. Because the new membrane is made from a commercially available polymer, ExxonMobil believes it has potential for commercialization and integration into industrial chemical separation processes. Reverse-osmosis membranes are already widely used to desalinate seawater, consuming a fraction of the energy required by thermally driven processes. The new organic solvent reverse osmosis process is believed to be the first use of reverse osmosis with carbon membranes to separate liquid hydrocarbons. "By applying pressure at room temperature, the membrane is able to concentrate para-xylene from a mixture at high rates and low energy consumption relative to state-of-the-art membranes," said Ryan Lively, an assistant professor in Georgia Tech's School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and the lead researcher. "This mixture could then be fed into a conventional thermal process for finishing, which would dramatically reduce total energy input." The technology still faces challenges before it can be considered for commercialization and use at an industrial scale. The membranes used in the process will need to be tested under more challenging conditions, as industrial mixtures normally contain multiple organic compounds and may include materials that can foul membrane systems. The researchers must also learn to make the material consistently and demonstrate that it can withstand long-term industrial use. "The implications could be enormous in terms of the amount of energy that could be saved and the emissions reduced in chemical and product manufacturing," said Benjamin McCool, an advanced research associate at ExxonMobil and co-author of the research. "Our next steps are to further the fundamental understanding in the lab to help develop a plan for pilot plant-scale demonstration and, if successful, proceed to larger scale. We continue to work the fundamental science underlying this technology for broader applications in hydrocarbon separations." Chemical plants account for about eight percent of global energy demand and about 15 percent of the projected growth in demand to 2040. As global populations and living standards continue to rise, demand for auto parts, housing materials, electronics and other products made from plastics and other petrochemicals will continue to grow. Improving industrial efficiency is part of ExxonMobil's mission to meet the world's growing need for energy while minimizing environmental impacts. The researchers on the technology as written in Science include Lively and Dong-Yeun Koh from Georgia Institute of Technology and McCool and Harry Deckman from ExxonMobil. About ExxonMobil ExxonMobil, the largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, uses technology and innovation to help meet the world's growing energy needs. We hold an industry-leading inventory of resources and are one of the largest integrated refiners, marketers of petroleum products and chemical manufacturers. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter (News - Alert) Cautionary Statement: Statements of future events or conditions in this release are forward-looking statements. Actual future results, including project plans and timing and the impact and results of new technologies, could vary depending on the outcome of further research and testing; the development and competitiveness of alternative technologies; the ability to scale pilot projects on a cost-effective basis; political and regulatory developments; and other factors discussed in this release and under the heading "Factors Affecting Future Results" on the Investors page of ExxonMobil's website at About Georgia Tech The Georgia Institute of Technology, located in Atlanta, Georgia, is a leading research university committed to improving the human condition through advanced science and technology. As a leading technological university, Georgia Tech has more than 100 centers focused on interdisciplinary research that consistently contribute vital research and innovation to American government, industry, and business. For more information, visit View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 17, 2016] First Data Taps Ivo Distelbrink to Lead Asia Pacific Region First Data, a global leader in commerce-enabling technology and solutions, announced today that Ivo Distelbrink will join the company to lead its business in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Reporting to Chairman and CEO Frank Bisignano, Distelbrink will be based in Singapore and will also serve on First Data's Management Committee. "I am delighted to welcome Ivo to the First Data team as he prepares to lead our business in APAC, where we see significant growth opportunities for First Data," said Bisignano. "With more than 20 years of global banking experience, coupled with extensive regional knowledge, Ivo is the right leader to take advantage of emerging industry trends in APAC, including the continued shift to eCommerce and mobile payments." First Data is a leading eCommerce and mobile technology provider, merchant acquirer, issuer processor, and ATM services provider to financial institutions and businesses across APAC, with operations in Australia, South Korea, India, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and New Zealand. Since its entry into the region in 1992, First Data has expanded its footprint to serve clients in 19 APAC countries, including Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. Distelbrink will take over leadershipfor a region in which First Data has a more than 20 year history of offering innovative solutions catered to the APAC market. In 1995, First Data was one of the first non-Chinese companies to build a data center in mainland China. In India, First Data has a merchant acquiring and issuing relationship with one of the country's leading banks. To address the diverse needs of issuers in APAC, First Data operates a VisionPLUS center of excellence that provides custom development and professional services to financial institution clients within the region. Distelbrink joins First Data from Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML), where he most recently held the role of Managing Director and Regional Head of Global Transaction Services (News - Alert) (GTS) for APAC. Prior to joining BAML in 2010, Distelbrink spent 16 years with Citigroup holding various roles, including Managing Director and Regional Head of Treasury & Trade Solutions, GTS; Managing Director of GTS for China; CEO & Corporate Bank Head for New Zealand; and COO and Director of Strategic Planning for Global Corporate Banking in Brazil. "Having spent much of my career in APAC, I see enormous potential for First Data to further establish itself as a leading commerce enabler in the region, as well as expand its client base," said Distelbrink. "I am excited to join First Data and build upon the company's transformation that Frank and the Management Committee have driven in recent years." Distelbrink holds a business degree from Erasmus University's Rotterdam School of Management and is fluent in Dutch, English, and Portuguese. He is married with three children. About First Data First Data (NYSE: FDC) is a global leader in commerce-enabling technology and solutions, serving approximately six million business locations and 4,000 financial institutions in 118 countries around the world. The company's 24,000 owner-associates are dedicated to helping companies, from start-ups to the world's largest corporations, conduct commerce every day by securing and processing more than 2,500 transactions per second and $1.9 trillion per year. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Kohl's Donates $100,000 to the American Red Cross for Louisiana Flood Relief Efforts Kohl's (NYSE: KSS) announced a $100,000 cash donation toward flood relief efforts in Louisiana. Kohl's is providing this donation to the American Red Cross, which is delivering much-needed emergency supplies and services in the impacted areas. In addition to a financial contribution, Kohl's encourages its associates to volunteer in support of cleanup efforts through its Associates in Action volunteer program. In recognition of volunteer hours, Kohl's will donate additional corporate grants to the nonprofit organizations being supported by Kohl's associates. "We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those families, including many of our Associates, who are impacted by the devastating flooding in Louisiana. Our dedicated Kohl's Associates in Action volunteers are offering assistance and are committed to helping the area recover," said Jen Johnson, Kohl's vice president of corporate communications. "Our business is rooted in these communities which is why we partner with the American Red Cross to provide critical support when it is needed most." Kohl's Associates in Action volunteers help a range of youth-serving nonprofit organizations year-round. Through the Associates in Action volunteer program, more than 1 million associates have donated more than 3.7 million hours of their time since 2001, and Kohl's has donated more than $112 million to the nonprofit organizations served. This program is part of Kohl's overall philanthropic platform, Kohl's Cares, which is committed to supporting children's health initiatives nationwide. To inquire about coordinating a Kohl's Associates in Action volunteer event, contact your local Kohl's store and ask to speak with the store managerabout Associates in Action. Find your nearest Kohl's by visiting About Kohl's Kohl's (NYSE: KSS) is a leading specialty department store with more than 1,100 stores in 49 states. With a commitment to inspiring and empowering families to lead fulfilled lives, the company offers amazing national and exclusive brands, incredible savings and inspiring shopping experiences in-store, online at and via mobile devices. Committed to its communities, Kohl's has raised nearly $300 million for children's initiatives nationwide through its Kohl's Cares cause merchandise program, which operates under Kohl's Cares, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kohl's Department Stores, Inc. For additional information about Kohl's philanthropic and environmental initiatives, visit For a list of store locations and information, or for the added convenience of shopping online, visit Connect with Kohl's: Facebook (News - Alert) ( Twitter (News - Alert) ( Google (News - Alert)+ ( Pinterest ( Instagram ( YouTube (News - Alert) ( View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Mobile TeleSystems Announces Financial Results for the Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2016 MOSCOW, August 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Mobile TeleSystems PJSC ("MTS" NYSE: MBT; MOEX: MTSS), the leading telecommunications provider in Russia and the CIS, today announces its unaudited IFRS financial results for the three months ended June 30, 2016. Key Financial Highlights of Q2 2016 Consolidated group revenue increased by 5.3% y-o-y to RUB 108.1 bln Total revenue in Russia rose by 3.3% y-o-y to RUB 97.4 bln rose by 3.3% y-o-y to Mobile service revenue in Russia increased by 0.1% y-o-y to RUB 72.8 bln increased by 0.1% y-o-y to Sales of goods in Russia increased by 38.7% y-o-y to RUB 10.6 bln increased by 38.7% y-o-y to Active subscriber base increased by 3.5% for the Group to 109.0 mln MTS's proprietary retail network in Russia increased to 5,838 stores increased to 5,838 stores Revenue in Ukraine increased by 13.5% y-o-y to UAH 2.7 bln increased by 13.5% y-o-y to UAH 2.7 bln YTD Free Cash Flow reached nearly RUB 24.0 bln Total Group debt fell to RUB 274.5 [1] bln as Net Debt/LTM Adjusted OIBDA remained stable at 1.1x (Logo: ) Key Corporate and Industry Highlights Paid out in dividends RUB 28.0 bln or RUB 14.01 per ordinary MTS share ( RUB 28.02 per ADR) based on FY2015 results or per ordinary MTS share ( per ADR) based on FY2015 results The Board of Directors recommended that the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders approve semi-annual dividends of RUB 11.99 per ordinary MTS share ( RUB 23.98 per ADR), or a total of RUB 24.0 bln , based on H1 2016 financial results per ordinary MTS share ( per ADR), or a total of , based on H1 2016 financial results MTS through its subsidiary, Dega Retail Holding Limited, repurchased USD 267 mln of Loan Participation Notes due in 2020 (issued in 2010 in the amount of USD 750,000,000 at 8.625%) through a tender offer of Loan Participation Notes due in 2020 (issued in 2010 in the amount of at 8.625%) through a tender offer Sold 50.01% stake in the telecommunications operator Universal Mobile Systems (UMS) to the State Unitary Enterprise Centre of Radio Communication, Radio Broadcasting and Television of The Ministry of Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan Commentary Mr. Andrei Dubovskov, President and CEO of MTS, commented, "For the period, we are pleased to report strong topline growth of 5.3% as total Group revenue increased to RUB 108.1 bln. Factors that have allowed us to build on our successful 3D strategy and set the pace for the market include: strong retail sales; stable service revenue despite on-going weaker usage in certain mobile market segments; growth in B2C home Internet and pay-tv markets; and growth in Ukraine through the steady adoption of 3G data services. -------------------------------------------------- [1] Net of financial leasing and unamortized debt issuance cost adjustment, as of June 30, 2016 Macroeconomic factors and competitive issues continue to impact our performance in many ways, in particular voice and messaging usage in roaming, but in sum, our group revenue performance currently out-paces the market." Mr. Dubovskov continued, "OIBDA performance was slightly weaker in Q2 than anticipated as we witnessed a 4.3% decline in OIBDA for an OIBDA margin of nearly 38%. Our guidance for the year was predicated on changes in the retail environment, but we continue to see strong competitor activity in this space. Retail competition impacts both the gross margin and OIBDA directly, but it also has a sustained impact on effective pricing. These factors, combined with the continued macroeconomic volatility throughout our markets, dampened our performance for the period." Mr. Vasyl Latsanych, Vice President, Strategy and Marketing, commented, "Total revenue in Russia increased by 3.3% to RUB 97.4 bln. Our mobile business revenue grew slightly during the period as we see a continuation of trends that had previously defined our growth: stronger data usage due to both the growth of customer usage and migration to data plans, as smartphone penetration reached over 51%; 3.2% growth in subscribers as we focus more on sales through our proprietary retail channels; and higher handset sales as we continue to implement our retail strategy of upgrading existing feature phone users, as well as attracting new active voice and data users." Mr. Latsanych continued, "In our fixed-line business, revenue decreased by 2.8% to RUB 15.3 bln. We see continuous growth from our B2C broadband and pay-TV markets, as market shares in Moscow in both home internet and pay-tv rose. However, overall B2B and B2G spending has fallen due to macroeconomic factors, which reduces overall voice calling. In Ukraine, revenue for the period increased by 13.5% to UAH 2.7 bln. Key drivers include an increase of subscribers and data consumption, which is rising as we have rolled out 3G to all major population centers throughout Ukraine. Among our foreign subsidiaries, revenue in Armenia declined 18.6% year-over-year, while in Turkmenistan, we saw a 7.5% decline. Both markets remain exposed to macroeconomic trends, which continue to weaken voice and data usage." Alexey Kornya, Vice President, Finance, Investments and M&A, added, "We witnessed a decline in year-over-year group OIBDA of 4.3% to RUB 40.9 bln. While the decline we have seen in the contribution from our foreign subsidiaries has stabilized, Russia witnessed OIBDA decline due to factors we have long identified as having a negative impact on our OIBDA, including higher retail expenses and also roaming costs in light of higher currency volatility. Overall, for the first half of 2016, we are only down 2.2% on OIBDA, which is close to our previous guidance of minus 2%." Mr. Kornya continued, "Group net profit for the period decreased year-over-year to RUB 9.1 bln. Primary this decline was attributable to a number of factors, including OIBDA trends; the accelerated realization of RUB 3.1 bln in interest expense due to our repurchase of USD 267 mln of our 2020 Eurobond notes; and a smaller non-cash FOREX gain compared to Q2 2015 of RUB 1.0 bln for the period, due to relative ruble weakness vis-a-vis our non-ruble denominated debt." "Free cash flow to date amounted to 24.0 billion rubles, an increase of 22% year-over-year for the period. CAPEX equaled nearly RUB 40.0 bln, lower than in H1 2015, but in line with our guidance of RUB 85 bln for the year. Spending is lower in each of our markets as we focus on incremental investments in our more developed data markets and have completed our launch of our core 3G network in Ukraine. "Recently, we paid out dividends of RUB 28.0 bln or RUB 14.01 per share. The Board of Directors also recommended that an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders approve a semi-annual dividend payment of close to RUB 24.0 bln or RUB 11.99 per share, which would satisfy our commitment to deliver RUB 25 - 26 per share in dividends over the course of calendar year 2016. "By the end of the period, total debt stood at RUB 274.5 bln[2], which is trending lower due to our on-going debt repayments as well as financial policies. Our net debt/LTM Adjusted OIBDA remained stable at a manageable 1.1x, a comfortable level for the Company and very low in relation to our peers. Virtually our entire non-ruble debt position is currently covered by a combination of hedges, short-term deposits and stable long-term investments, all of which are denominated in US dollar or Euro. Adding to this, we repurchased USD 267 mln of our 2020 Eurobonds in Q2 to take advantage of a strong market and our favorable liquidity position to provide hedges against currency volatility and balance sheet flexibility. We remain focused on sustaining a strong balance sheet and identifying further ways to optimize our debt portfolio." 2016 Outlook In accordance with IFRS 5 disclosure requirements, from Q3 2016 the Group shall present financial results in a manner that enables users of the financial statements to evaluate the effects of discontinued operations. Results of discontinued operations shall be excluded from the results of continuing operations and presented separately as a single amount in the statement of comprehensive income. Group Revenue: For 2016, MTS amends its Group revenue outlook to 2-3% growth, due to disposal of UMS LLC and expected full deconsolidation of UMS's financial results in Q3 2016 and other factors: Subscriber growth in Russia ; ; Rising data usage and sustained data adoption in Russia and Ukraine ; and ; Increased sales of handsets in Russia ; and ; and Rising share in Moscow B2C broadband/pay-TV markets. Group OIBDA: MTS is compelled to revise its outlook on adjusted Group OIBDA growth to -4% due primarily to the sale of UMS LLC as well as other factors: Sustained competitive pressures in the Russian distribution market and the Company's strategic efforts to sustain market share; The build-out of 3G in Ukraine and non-market factors impacting our profitability; and non-market factors impacting our profitability; Developments in foreign subsidiaries; and Macroeconomic developments and currency volatility throughout our markets of operation. Group CAPEX: MTS affirms its Group CAPEX guidance of RUB 85 bln Additional Information MTS continues to see sustained macroeconomic volatility in its markets of operations that may impact the financial and operational performance throughout the Group. Conference Call The conference call will start today at: -------------------------------------------------- [2] Net of financial leasing and unamortized debt issuance cost adjustment, as of June 30, 2016 18:00 hrs (Moscow time) 16:00 hrs (London time) 11:00 hrs (US Eastern time) To take part in the conference call, please dial one of the following telephone numbers and quote the confirmation code, 9935476 From Russia + 7 495 545 0588 From the UK: + 44(0)20 3427 1906 From the US: + 1 646 254 3361 The conference call will also be available at: via audio webcast. A replay of the conference call will be available for seven days on the following telephone numbers: From the US: +1 347 366 9565 PIN 9935476 This press release provides a summary of some of the key financial and operating indicators for the period ended June 30, 2016. For full disclosure materials, please visit Financial Summary RUB mln Q2'16 Q2'15 y-o-y Q1'16 q-o-q Revenues 108,136 102,691 5.3% 108,090 stable OIBDA 40,885 42,722 -4.3% 41,279 -1.0% - margin 37.8% 41.6% -3.8% 38.2% -0.4% Operating profit 20,053 22,501 -10.9% 21,031 -4.6% - margin 18.5% 21.9% -3.4% 19.5% -1.0% Net profit 9,056 17,074 -47.0% 14,507 -37.6% - margin 8.4% 16.6% -8.2% 13.4% -5.0% Russia Highlights RUB mln Q2'16 Q2'15 y-o-y Q1'16 q-o-q Revenues[3] 97,435 94,336 3.3% 96,302 1.2% - mobile 72,786 72,749 0.1% 71,132 2.3% - fixed 15,263 15,706 -2.8% 15,369 -0.7% - integrated services 1,258 - n/a 2,492 -49.5% - sales of goods 10,552 7,607 38.7% 10,700 -1.4% OIBDA 39,706 41,245 -3.7% 38,583 2.9% - margin 40.8% 43.7% -2.9% 40.1% 0.7% Net profit 10,788 18,746 -42.5% 15,000 -28.1% - margin 11.1% 19.9% -8.8% 15.6% -4.5% Ukraine Highlights UAH mln Q2'16 Q2'15 y-o-y Q1'16 q-o-q Revenues 2,745 2,419 13.5% 2,761 -0.6% OIBDA 827 942 -12.2% 803 3.0% - margin 30.1% 38.9% -8.8% 29.1% 1.0% Net profit 222 214 3.7% 275 -19.3% - margin 8.1% 8,8% -0.7% 10.0% -1.9% -------------------------------------------------- [3] Revenue, net of intercompany between mobile, fixed and integrated services Armenia Highlights AMD mln Q2'16 Q2'15 y-o-y Q1'16 q-o-q Revenues 15,040 18,479 -18.6% 14,151 6.3% OIBDA 5,944 8,491 -30.0% 5,618 5.8% - margin 39.5% 45.9% -6.4% 39.7% -0.2% Net profit/(loss) (1,991) 4,078 n/a 239 n/a - margin n/a 22.1% n/a 1.7% n/a Turkmenistan Highlights TMT mln Q2'16 Q2'15 y-o-y Q1'16 q-o-q Revenues 66 71 -7.5% 67 -1.7% OIBDA 22 27 -17.2% 24 -7.5% - margin 33.4% 37.4% -4.0% 35.5% -2.1% Net profit 10 13 -29.1% 11 -15.8% - margin 14.4% 18.8% -4.4% 16.8% -2.4% Uzbekistan Highlights UZS mln Q2'16 Q2'15 y-o-y Q1'16 q-o-q Revenues 92,372 37,398 147.0% 85,241 8.4% OIBDA 9,770 (22,235) n/a 5,731 70,5% - margin 10.6% n/a n/a 6.7% 3.9% Net loss (10,771) (28,123) n/a (12,507) n/a - margin n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Belarus Highlights BYR bln Q2'16 Q2'15 y-o-y Q1'16 q-o-q Revenues 1,619 1,302 24.3% 1,489 8.7% OIBDA 757 673 12.4% 681 11.1% - margin 46.8% 51.7% -4.9% 45.7% 1.1% Net profit 466 368 26.6% 397 17.2% - margin 28.8% 28.2% 0.6% 26.7% 2.1% CAPEX Highlights RUB mln FY 2015 6M 2016 Russia[4] 79,619 35,306 - as % of rev 20.4% 18.2% Ukraine[5] 12,427 3,155 - as % of rev 44.1% 20.8% Armenia 1,371 281 - as % of rev 15.2% 6.6% Turkmenistan 500 63 - as % of rev 9.8% 2.3% Uzbekistan 2,195 867 - as % of rev 47.6% 20.1% Group 96,111 39,671 - as % of rev 22.3% 18.3% * * * For further information, please contact in Moscow: Joshua B. Tulgan Director, Corporate Finance & Investor Relations Mobile TeleSystems PJSC Tel: +7 495 223 2025 E-mail: [email protected] Learn more about MTS. Visit the official blog of the Investor Relations Department at and follow us on Twitter: JoshatMTS * * * Mobile TeleSystems PJSC ("MTS" - NYSE:MBT; MOEX:MTSS) is the leading telecommunications group in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe. We provide wireless Internet access and fixed voice, broadband and pay-TV to over 100 million customers who value high quality of service at a competitive price. Our wireless and fixed-line networks deliver best-in-class speeds and coverage throughout Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Turkmenistan and Belarus. To keep pace with evolving customer demand, we continue to grow through innovative products, investments in our market-leading retail platform, mobile payment services, e-commerce and IT solutions. For more information, please visit: * * * Some of the information in this press release may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of MTS, as defined in the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can identify forward looking statements by terms such as "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "will," "could," "may" or "might," and the negative of such terms or other similar expressions. We wish to caution you that these statements are only predictions and that actual events or results may differ materially. We do not undertake or intend to update these statements to reflect events and circumstances occurring after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. We refer you to the documents MTS files from time to time with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, specifically the Company's most recent Form 20-F. These documents contain and identify important factors, including those contained in the section captioned "Risk Factors" that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those contained in our projections or forward-looking statements, including, among others, the severity and duration of current economic and financial conditions, including volatility in interest and exchange rates, commodity and equity prices and the value of financial assets; the impact of Russian, U.S. and other foreign government programs to restore liquidity and stimulate national and global economies, our ability to maintain our current credit rating and the impact on our funding costs and competitive position if we do not do so, strategic actions, including acquisitions and dispositions and our success in integrating acquired businesses, potential fluctuations in quarterly results, our competitive environment, dependence on new service development and tariff structures, rapid technological and market change, acquisition strategy, risks associated with telecommunications infrastructure, governmental regulation of the telecommunications industries and other risks associated with operating in Russia and the CIS, volatility of stock price, financial risk management and future growth subject to risks. Attachments to the Second Quarter 2016 Earnings Press Release Attachment A Non-IFRS financial measures. This presentation includes financial information prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS, as well as other financial measures referred to as non-IFRS. The non-IFRS financial measures should be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information prepared in accordance with IFRS. Due to the rounding and translation practices, Russian ruble and functional currency margins, as well as other non-IFRS financial measures, may differ. Operating Income Before Depreciation and Amortization (OIBDA) and OIBDA margin. OIBDA represents operating income before depreciation and amortization. OIBDA margin is defined as OIBDA as a percentage of our net revenues. OIBDA may not be similar to OIBDA measures of other companies, is not a measurement under IFRS and should be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information contained in our consolidated statement of profit or loss. We believe that OIBDA provides useful information to investors because it is an indicator of the strength and performance of our ongoing business operations, including our ability to fund discretionary spending such as capital expenditures, acquisitions of mobile operators and other investments and our ability to incur and service debt. While depreciation and amortization are considered operating costs under IFRS, these expenses primarily represent the non-cash current period allocation of costs associated with long-lived assets acquired or constructed in prior periods. Our OIBDA calculation is commonly used as one of the bases for investors, analysts and credit rating agencies to evaluate and compare the periodic and future operating performance and value of companies within the wireless telecommunications industry. We use a term Adjusted for OIBDA and operating income when there were significant excluded one off effects. OIBDA can be reconciled to our consolidated statements of operations as follows: Group (RUB mln) Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating profit 22,501 27,319 18,876 21,031 20,053 Add: Loss from impairment of goodwill in Armenia - - 3,516 - - Adjusted operating profit 22,501 27,319 22,392 21,031 20,053 Add: D&A 20,221 20,700 21,103 20,248 20,832 Adjusted OIBDA 42,722 48,019 43,495 41,279 40,885 -------------------------------------------------- [4] Excluding costs of RUB 3.4 bln related to the acquisition of a 4G license in Russia in 2015 and RUB 2.6 bln in 2016 [5] Excluding purchase of 3G license in Ukraine in the amount of RUB 7.0 bln in 2015 Russia (RUB mln) Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating profit 23,728 27,275 23,481 21,599 21,954 Add: D&A 17,517 17,252 17,634 16,984 17,752 OIBDA 41,245 44,527 41,115 38,583 39,706 Ukraine (RUB mln) Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating profit 1,190 1,675 1,158 795 627 Add: D&A 1,107 1,358 1,390 1,557 1,530 OIBDA 2,297 3,032 2,548 2,351 2,157 Armenia (RUB mln) Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating profit/ (loss) 412 680 (3,122) 120 136 Add: Loss from impairment of goodwill in Armenia - - 3,516 - - Adjusted operating profit 412 680 394 120 136 Add: D&A 525 626 656 737 681 Adjusted OIBDA 937 1,306 1,050 857 817 Turkmenistan (RUB mln) Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating profit 237 326 330 278 209 Add: D&A 165 203 209 232 207 OIBDA 402 529 538 510 416 Uzbekistan (RUB mln) Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating loss (1,373) (1,404) (1,163) (607) (447) Add: D&A 917 1,275 1,228 760 667 OIBDA (455) (128) 65 154 220 OIBDA margin can be reconciled to our operating margin as follows: Group Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating margin 21.9% 23.7% 16.7% 19.5% 18.5% Add: Loss from impairment of goodwill in Armenia - - 3.1% - - Adjusted operating margin 21.9% 23.7% 19.8% 19.5% 18.5% Add: D&A 19.7% 18.0% 18.6% 18.7% 19.3% Adjusted OIBDA margin 41.6% 41.7% 38.4% 38.2% 37.8% Russia Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating margin 25.2% 26.2% 22.9% 22.4% 22.5% Add: D&A 18.6% 16.6% 17.2% 17.6% 18.2% OIBDA margin 43.7% 42.8% 40.1% 40.1% 40.8% Ukraine Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating margin 20.2% 22.5% 16.7% 9.9% 8.8% Add: D&A 18.8% 18.2% 20.0% 19.5% 21.4% OIBDA margin 38.9% 40.7% 36.7% 29.4% 30.1% Armenia Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating margin 20.1% 26.9% n/a 5.6% 6.6% Add: Loss from impairment of goodwill in Armenia - - 155.0% - - Adjusted operating margin 20.1% 26.9% 17.4% 5.6% 6.6% Add: D&A 25.7% 24.8% 28.9% 34.2% 32.9% Adjusted OIBDA margin 45.8% 51.7% 46.3% 39.7% 39.5% Turkmenistan Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating margin 22.0% 24.3% 23.4% 19.4% 16.8% Add: D&A 15.4% 15.1% 14.8% 16.2% 16.6% OIBDA margin 37.4% 39.4% 38.1% 35.6% 33.4% Uzbekistan Q2'15 Q3'15 Q4'15 Q1'16 Q2'16 Operating margin - - n/a n/a n/a Add: D&A - - 61.1% 34.1% 31.9% OIBDA margin - - 3.2% 6.9% 10.5% *** Attachment B Net debt represents total debt less cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments and long-term deposits. Our net debt calculation is commonly used as one of the bases for investors, analysts and credit rating agencies to evaluate and compare our periodic and future liquidity within the wireless telecommunications industry. The non-IFRS financial measures should be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information prepared in accordance with IFRS. Net debt can be reconciled to our consolidated statements of financial position as follows: As of Mar 31, As of June 30, RUB mln 2016 2016 Current portion of LT debt and of finance lease obligations 46,273 49,586 LT debt 259,968 225,569 Finance lease obligations 10,650 10,297 Total debt 316,891 285,452 Less: Cash and cash equivalents 44,389 24,956 ST investments 30,961 27,978 LT deposits 28,886 30,409 Effects of hedging of non-ruble denominated debt 14,636 12,369 Net debt 198,019 189,740 Free cash-flow can be reconciled to our consolidated statements of cash flow as follows: For the six For the six months ended months ended RUB mln June 30, 2015 June 30, 2016 Net cash provided by operating activities 72,016 63,674 Less: Purchases of property, plant and equipment (40,921) (25,545) Purchases of intangible assets[6] (12,720) (14,126) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 1,326 1,300 Investments in associates - (1,326) Free cash flow 19,701 23,977 LTM Adjusted OIBDA can be reconciled to our consolidated statements of operations as follows: Six months Six months Twelve months ended ended June 30, ended RUB mln Dec 31, 2015 2016 June 30, 2016 A B C = A + B Net operating profit 46,195 41,084 87,279 Add: Impairment of goodwill in Armenia 3,516 - 3,516 Add: D&A 41,803 41,080 82,883 LTM ADJUSTED OIBDA 91,514 82,164 173,678 -------------------------------------------------- [6] Excluding costs of RUB 3.4 bln related to the acquisition of a 4G license in Russia in 2015 and RUB 2.6 bln in 2016 and purchase of 3G license in Ukraine in the amount of RUB 7.0 bln in 2015 *** Attachment C Definitions Subscriber. We define a "subscriber" as an organization or individual, whose SIM-card: shows traffic-generating activity or accrues a balance for services rendered or is replenished or topped off Over the course of any three-month period, inclusive within the reporting period, and was not blocked at the end of the period. *** MOBILE TELESYSTEMS CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION (UNAUDITED) As of June 30,2016 AND As of December 31,2015 (Amounts in millions of RUB) As of June 30, As of December 31, 2016 2015 NON-CURRENT ASSETS: Property, plant and equipment 288 402 302 662 Investment property 359 364 Intangible assets 110 609 109 064 Investments in associates 8 545 9 299 Deferred tax assets 8 816 9 287 Other non-financial assets 682 480 Other investments 34 386 34 667 Accounts receivable (related parties) 3 513 3 335 Other financial assets 17 773 25 203 Total non-current assets 473 085 494 361 CURRENT ASSETS: Inventories 12 813 14 510 Trade and other receivables 37 252 34 542 Accounts receivable (related parties) 2 447 6 326 Short-term investments 27 978 49 840 VAT receivable 7 041 9 815 Income tax assets 3 655 5 190 Assets held for sale 461 549 Advances paid and prepaid expenses, other current assets 5 665 4 781 Cash and cash equivalents 24 956 33 464 Total current assets 122 268 159 017 Total assets 595 353 653 378 EQUITY: Equity attributable to equity holders 145 216 160 115 Non-controlling interests 6 218 8 256 Total equity 151 434 168 371 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: Borrowings 234 634 292 168 Deferred tax liabilities 29 094 27 346 Provisions 2 221 2 565 Other financial liabilities 554 676 Other non-financial liabilities 4 182 4 342 Total non-current liabilities 270 685 327 097 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Borrowings 49 009 53 701 Provisions 5 691 7 863 Trade and other payables 82 981 57 756 Accounts payable (related parties) 1 702 1 809 Income tax liabilities 1 045 831 Other financial liabilities 7 991 9 778 Other non-financial liabilities 24 815 26 172 Total current liabilities 173 234 157 910 Total equity and liabilities 595 353 653 378 MOBILE TELESYSTEMS CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (UNAUDITED) FOR THE THREE AND SIX MONTHS ENDED June 30, 2016 AND 2015 (Amounts in millions of RUB except per share amount) Three Three months months Six months ended Six months ended ended ended June 30, June 30, June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 2016 2015 Net operating revenue Service revenue 195 007 188 831 97 680 95 021 Sales of goods 21 219 14 042 10 456 7 669 216 226 202 873 108 136 102 690 Operating expenses Cost of services (68 374) (63 400) (33 776) (31 028) Cost of goods (20 053) (11 729) (10 307) (7 043) Selling, general and administrative expenses (47 579) (44 745) (23 912) (22 449) Depreciation and amortization expense (41 080) (40 669) (20 832) (20 221) Other operating income/(expenses) 482 (611) (17) (94) Operating share of the profit of associates 1 462 1 643 761 646 Provision for cash balances deposited in distressed Ukrainian banks - (1 698) - - Operating profit 41 084 41 664 20 053 22 501 Currency exchange gain 3 270 107 997 3 616 Other (expenses)/income: Finance income 3 005 4 763 1 309 2 437 Finance costs (16 057) (12 609) (9 323) (6 561) Other expenses (1 294) (599) (608) (594) Total other expenses, net (14 346) (8 445) (8 622) (4 718) Profit before tax 30 008 33 326 12 428 21 399 Income tax expense (6 720) (6 649) (3 457) (4 711) Profit for the period 23 288 26 677 8 971 16 688 Loss for the period attributable to non-controlling interests 275 1 284 85 386 Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Company 23 563 27 961 9 056 17 074 Other comprehensive income/(loss) Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Exchange differences on translating foreign operations (9 603) (12 042) (1 429) (3 085) Net fair value loss on financial instruments (1 736) (3 402) (131) (811) Other comprehensive loss (11 339) (15 444) (1 560) (3 896) Total comprehensive income for the period 11 949 11 233 7 411 12 792 Less comprehensive loss for the period attributable to the non-controlling interests 921 1 604 233 860 Comprehensive income for the period attributable to owners of the Company 12 870 12 837 7 644 13 652 Weighted average number of common shares outstanding, in 1 989 1 988 thousands - basic 1 989 067 1 988 730 424 730 Earnings per share attributable to the Group - basi?: 11,85 14,06 4,55 8,59 Weighted average number of common shares outstanding, in 1 990 1 989 thousands - diluted 1 989 510 1 989 951 174 951 Earnings per share attributable to the Group - diluted: 11,84 14,05 4,55 8,58 MOBILE TELESYSTEMS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (UNAUDITED) FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED June 30, 2016 AND 2015 (Amounts in millions of RUB) Six months ended Six months ended June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 Profit for the period 23 288 26 677 Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortization 41 080 40 669 Finance income (3 005) (4 763) Finance costs 16 057 12 609 Income tax expense 6 720 6 649 Currency exchange gain (3 270) (107) Change in fair value of financial instruments 179 (91) Amortization of deferred connection fees (491) (569) Share of the profit of associates (442) (839) Inventory obsolescence expense 621 86 Allowance for doubtful accounts 1 131 1 483 Change in provisions 6 317 4 752 Other non cash items (793) (294) Movements in operating assets and liabilities: Increase in trade and other receivables (7 458) (4 824) Decrease/(increase) in inventory 950 (2 516) Decrease/(increase) in VAT receivable 461 (1 599) Decrease in advances paid and prepaid expenses 843 3 113 (Decrease)/Increase in trade and other payables and other current liabilities (3 337) 2 103 - Dividends received 1 181 1 471 Income taxes paid (2 960) (4 207) Interest received 2 081 2 062 Interest paid (net of interest capitalised) (15 479) (9 849) Net cash provided by operating activities 63 674 72 016 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Purchases of property, plant and equipment (25 545) (40 921) Purchases of intangible assets (net of purchases of 3G licences in Ukraine and 4G licenses in Russia) (14 126) (12 720) Purchases of 4G licenses in Russia/3G licences in Ukraine (2 598) (7 044) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and assets held for sale 1 300 1 326 Purchases of short-term investments (4 891) (28 790) Proceeds from sale of short-term investments 22 040 4 422 Purchase of other investments (2 591) (39 867) Proceeds from sale of other investments 2 97 Investments in associates (1 326) - Net cash used in investing activities (27 735) (123 497) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Cash flows under capital transactions with related parties 3 063 4 252 Loan principal paid (26 035) (9 009) Proceeds from loans 1 036 43 818 Repayment of notes (17 904) (479) Notes and debt issuance cost paid - (1 213) Finance lease principal paid (168) (224) Dividends paid - (82) Cash outflow under credit guarantee agreement related to foreign-currency hedge (1 034) - Other financing activities - 5 Net cash (used in)/provided by financing activities (41 042) 37 068 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (3 405) (2 924) NET DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS: (8 508) (17 337) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, at beginning of the period, including cash and cash equivalents within assets held for sale of 156 as of January 1, 2015 33 464 61 566 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, at end of the period 24 956 44 229 Less cash and cash equivalents within assets held for sale - (109) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, at end of the period 24 956 44 120 [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] PECO's Intern Program Helping to Prepare Workforce of the Future While school was officially out this summer, PECO (News - Alert) continued its commitment to providing local students with opportunities to advance their education. Nearly 30 students from 13 area high schools completed summer internships at PECO, which culminated in presentations of innovative energy projects to their peers and employees. PECO's internship program introduces students to work experiences built on innovation and personal development. It teaches students how they can help build the future of the energy industry with an emphasis on social and environmental responsibility. This summer, the interns were exposed to more than 20 PECO different departments, gaining insight about the operation of the company's electric and natural gas systems, customer experience initiatives, and business support functions. "With the rising interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies in our schools, we're proud to offer internship programs that give students an opportunity to flex those skills while learning more about the role PECO plays in our communities," said Mary Krick, PECO vice president of Human Resources. Now in its 12th year, PECO's high school intern program has provided internships to more than 220 area students. It also supports the company's diversity and inclusion efforts by providing internship opportunities to female and minority students. "PECO has equipped me with the experience I need to be successful in any corporate setting," said Jonathan McCoy, a PECO summer intern who recently graduated from Cheltenham High School in Montgomery County, Pa. "I feel more confident and aware as a result of my time at PECO, and I'm very lucky to have received this opportunity." PECO also provides summer internships to college students, with more than 10 students participating in this year's program. This year's college interns came from seven schools, including Temple University, Penn State University, Ohio State University and Rutgers University. High school students can apply for summer internships at PECO through the Philadelphia Youth Network by visiting College students interested in PECO internships can get more information by visiting PECO's commitment to area students goes beyond internship programming. Through a partnership with Drexel University, PECO and its parent company, Exelon, hire about 100 students each year as part of a cooperative education program. In addition, PECO has provided scholarships to deserving Drexel students through the Exelon Endowed Scholarship Fund for Women and Minorities in Engineering. More than 120 students have received more than $830,000 in scholarships through the endowment since 2004. PECO also contributes more than $150,000 annually in scholarships for limited-income students at local college and universities - a great investment in our future workforce. Beginning in 2016, the company is providing $10,000 annually to support STEM programming at Bucks, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia Community Colleges. And, in June 2016, the Collegiate Consortium for Workforce and Economic Development announced, in partnership with PECO, a new introductory training program to develop a local skilled natural gas workforce. The hands-on program is currently offered at Delaware County Community College and prepares students for entry-level employment in the natural gas industry. For more information about PECO's educational initiatives, visit Based in Philadelphia, PECO is an electric and natural gas utility subsidiary of Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC). The company's 2,400 dedicated employees provide advanced, innovative energy solutions to 1.6 million electric and more than 511,000 natural gas customers in southeastern Pennsylvania. In 2015 PECO delivered 86.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 38 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. The company also has an estimated annual economic impact of $4.5 billion in Pennsylvania, supporting more than 9,600 local jobs and producing $760 million in labor income. Founded in 1881, PECO is one of the Greater Philadelphia Region's most active corporate citizens, providing leadership, volunteer and financial support to numerous arts and culture, education, environmental, economic development and community programs and organizations. For more information visit, and connect with the company on Facebook and Twitter. If you are a member of the media and would like to receive PECO news releases via email, please send your email address to [email protected]. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] PetersenDean Roofing & Solar Selected to Join Premier Owens Corning Roofing Platinum Preferred Contractor Network Fremont CA-based PetersenDean Roofing & Solar announced today that it has been hand-selected by Owens Corning (News - Alert) Roofing and Asphalt LLC to join their Platinum Preferred Contractor Network of top tier roofing professionals based upon its commitment to service, reliability and outstanding craftsmanship. Owens Corning Roofing Platinum Preferred Roofing Contractors is considered one of the most exclusive contractor networks in the industry; less than one percent of Owens Corning Contractors have Platinum Preferred status. To be accepted into the network, PetersenDean was required to meet the following eligibility requirements including passing an installation workmanship inspection, carry at least $1 million in general liability insurance, and be screened for financial stability and customer service. "As a roofing company with 33 years of industry experience serving Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, and Texas, PetersenDean is honored to become a member of the Owens Corning Roofing Platinum Preferred Contractor Program," said Tim Ramage, Vice President of Consumer Sales, PetersenDean Roofing & Solar Corporate Division. "We will launch our partnership with Owens Corning in California and then extend our services into other states." "Wherever we are consulting with prospective customers, we are very aware that purchasing a new roof is an extremely significant decision. We are proud to have Owens Corning Roofing supporting the commitment to excellence that we bring to every project," Ramage noted. "Additionally, we place great value in the fact the Owens Corning roofing products are made in the USA and have a reputation for superior material advancements leading to long term performance." Ramage said the Owens Corning roofing products that will be used by PetersenDen will be manufactured in the company's Compton, CA (News - Alert) plant and he estimates that PetersenDean will use about 6.5 million square feet of shingles and roofing accessories annually. "We will primarily be installing Owens Corning TruDefinition Duration and Owens Corning Woodcrest shingles," he added. "Owens Corning Roofing Platinum Preferred Contractor Network members are chosen based on their proven market and industry leadership," said Bill Mabry, Owens Corning Roofing Contractor Network Leader. "This network underscores Owens Corning Roofing's commitment to providing value within the building materials industry and ensuring our roofing contractors have the tools and business solutions they need to grow their business." Through the Owens Corning Roofing Platinum Preferred Contractor Network, PetersenDean is able to provide exclusive benefits and peace of mind to its customers, including extended system limited warranties* that also offer a limited lifetime workmanship coverage.** About Owens Corning: Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) develops, manufactures and markets insulation, roofing, and fiberglass composites. Global in scope and human in scale, the company's market-leading businesses use their deep expertise in materials, manufacturing and building science to develop products and systems that save energy and improve comfort in commercial and residential buildings. Through its glass reinforcements business, the company makes thousands of products lighter, stronger and more durable. Ultimately, Owens Corning people and products make the world a better place. Based in Toledo, Ohio, Owens Corning posted 2015 sales of $5.4 billion and employs about 16,000 people in 25 countries. It has been a Fortune 500 company for 61 consecutive years. For more information, please visit About PetersenDean Roofing & Solar: Founded in 1984 by Jim Petersen, PetersenDean is the largest, full-service, privately-held roofing and solar company in the United States. Specializing in new residential and commercial construction, PetersenDean works with some of the nation's largest builders and developers. With more than a million roofs under its belt, the Fremont, CA-based company employs 3,000 workers and operates in seven states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Oklahoma and Texas. Please visit for more details. *See actual warranty for complete details, limitations and requirements. **Lifetime coverage is on laminate shingles only. See actual warranty for complete details, limitations and requirements. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Protective to Acquire United States Warranty Corp. Protective Life Corporation ("Protective") has reached an agreement through its wholly owned subsidiary, Protective Life Insurance Company, to acquire the Pompano Beach, Florida-based USWC Holding Company and its affiliated operating subsidiaries ("USWC" or "Company") via a stock purchase agreement (the "Acquisition"). The Acquisition is subject to receipt of standard regulatory approvals and satisfaction of customary closing conditions. USWC, whose primary operating subsidiary is United States Warranty Corp. currently markets vehicle service contracts, GAP coverage and a suite of ancillary automotive maintenance and protection products nationwide. The Company's marketing footprint and product suite complement Protective's Asset Protection line of business. The Acquisition is expected to provide the combined entities with expanded market reach, enhanced product and operational capabilities, and higher collective growth potential. USWC will continue to operate from its current Pompano Beach, Florida location and the existing Company leadership and employees will join Protective and continue to manage USWC as part of the transaction. Richard J. Bielen,Protective's President and Chief Operating Officer commented, "Under the leadership of Scott Karchunas, our Asset Protection line of business has been performing well and this transaction is a great way to grow the line of business. The two companies both have a history of quality and success, so putting them together creates the potential for the business to grow even stronger and serve more dealerships with these important products. We are pleased to have the USWC team become part of Protective." Closing is anticipated to occur on or after November 1, 2016. Upon closing, the acquisition will be counted among a very long and successful track record of acquisitions by Protective that includes 48 life insurance acquisitions and six previous acquisitions in the Asset Protection business segment. Maynard, Cooper & Gale, P.C. acted as external legal counsel for Protective Life Corporation in this transaction. Sandler O'Neill + Partners, L.P. acted as financial advisor to USWC and Greenspoon Marder, P.A. provided external legal counsel. ABOUT PROTECTIVE LIFE CORPORATION Protective Life Corporation provides financial services through the production, distribution and administration of insurance, investment, and asset protection products throughout the U.S. The flagship subsidiary, Protective Life Insurance Company, was founded in 1907. Protective's home office is located in Birmingham, Alabama. As of December 31, 2015 the Company had assets of approximately $68.5 billion. Protective Life Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited (TSE:8750). For more information on Protective Life Corporation, please visit For more information about Asset Protection visit View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Record-Setting School Supply Drive Kicks Off 8th Year of Main Street America's Partnership with Woodland Acres Elementary School For the eighth consecutive year, The Main Street America Group is continuing its impactful private business-public school partnership with Jacksonville's Woodland Acres Elementary School, a Duval County (Fla.) Public School located in the city's Arlington neighborhood. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: Teachers at Woodland Acres Elementary School, Jacksonville, Fla., display the school supplies they selected for their classrooms from amongst the thousands of supplies donated by employees of The Main Street America Group. (Photo: Business Wire) Main Street America's annual Back-to-School Supply Drive is one example of the Jacksonville-based property/casualty insurance carrier's year-round support of the elementary school. The company's Jacksonville-based employees recently donated thousands of much-needed items, including notebook paper, pencils, erasers, copy paper, washable markers, highlighters and other items. More than 50 large boxes of items, the most ever donated by the Southside company's employees, were packaged and delivered last week so teachers could select the items they needed to set up their classrooms for the first day of the new school year. "You are changing the lives of our children," said Woodland Acres first-grade teacher Brittany Villmow. "This year, I won't have to turn away any students who cannot afford school supplies. Thank you to Main Street America for all that they do for our school and helping to set our students up for success." "As a new teacher, I truly appreciate the resources Main Street America has provided us," added TJ Bartholomew, a third-grade teacher at Woodland Acres. "It certainly helps us start the school year off right!" In addition to the supply drive and a student book fair held last spring, which enabled every K-2 student to select a book to take home and keep for summer reading, a team of dedicated Main Street America employees tutors students onsite each month throughout the school year. Employees spend valuable one-on-one time with assigned students on campus, focusing on literacy learning. Main Street America's partnership with Woodland Acres began in 2009 through the University of North Florida's College of Education and Human Service' Professional Development Schools program. What started small has grown into impactful hands-on involvement with the elementary school, considered the "flagship" for the university's award-winning Professional Development School program. "There are a lot of businesses in Jacksonville that work with schools, but through the years Main Street America has become part of the school," said Christie Stevenson, Woodland Acres' resident clinical faculty member from the University of North Florida. Fifth-Grade Field Trip Main Street America's impactful partnership includes hosting an interactive field trip at its corporate headquarters. Each spring, Main Street America welcomes Woodland Acres' entire fifth grade class to its Southside offices. Nearly 100 students typically participate, learning the basics of the property/casualty insurance industry and what it's like to work at a locally based company. Activities include an office tour and brief presentations from members of the company's claims, underwriting, information technology and products teams. "The field trip is unique in that it gives the students an opportunity to see what a real local business looks like and how it operates. It's really eye-opening and gives them an idea of something that might be a possible career path for them in the future," stated Dr. Susan Syverud, UNF's professor-in-residence at Woodland Acres. "Main Street America has been involved with us for a long time, and with time, our partnership keeps getting better and more impactful." "Main Street America's employees treat our students like young adults and encourage them to ask questions and they become very engaged during the field trip," added Stevenson. "This level of interaction makes them feel very special and broadens their vision." Funding for Technology-Enhanced Instruction and Other Programs Main Street America has also funded the purchase of 25 tablet devices that are being used to tutor struggling readers at Woodland Acres. This use of technology-related instruction at Woodland Acres complements the efforts of our Main Street's employee tutors who work with struggling readers in grades 3-5. In addition, Main Street America has financed the launch of the school's Positive Student Behavior Rewards Program and spearheaded funding to create a community outreach initiative to get parents more involved in their children's education. About The Main Street America Group With roots dating back to 1923, The Main Street America Group is a mutual insurance holding company which writes business through its nine property/casualty insurance carriers: NGM Insurance Company, Old Dominion Insurance Company, Austin Mutual Insurance Company, Grain Dealers Mutual Insurance Company, Main Street America Assurance Company, Great Lakes Casualty Insurance Company, MSA Insurance Company, Spring Valley Mutual Insurance Company and Main Street America Protection Insurance Company. Based in Jacksonville, Fla., Main Street America offers a wide range of commercial and personal insurance, as well as fidelity and surety bond products, to individuals, families and businesses throughout the United States. With nearly $1 billion in premium written exclusively by more than 2,500 independent insurance agents, the 93-year-old company insures 600,000 policyholders in 37 states and writes bonds in 47 states and the District of Columbia. A.M. Best Company rates The Main Street America Group with an "A" (Excellent) financial strength rating and "a+" issuer credit rating. The company has $1.1 billion in surplus (capital) and over $2.4 billion in total assets. Main Street America is the founding company partner of Trusted Choice, the global branding program of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America. Main Street America is also a founding company partner of the consumer agent portal and the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) Research Center. For more information about Main Street America, please visit our newsroom at or connect with us on Facebook (News - Alert) at View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] RiskSense Shortlisted for Three CIR Risk Management Awards RiskSense, Inc., the pioneer and market leader in pro-active cyber risk management, today announced that it is a finalist for three awards in the 2016 Risk Management Awards program by UK-based CIR Magazine. The company's cyber risk management software is a finalist for Risk Management Innovation of the Year, Best Cyber Security Product, and Cyber Security Initiative of the Year. The international CIR Risk Management Awards are judged by an independent panel of experts who are tasked with recognizing individuals, organizations, and teams that have significantly added to the understanding and practice of risk management. The CIR Risk Management Award winners will be announced at a gala dinner and ceremony on November 10, 2016 at the Millennium Hotel London Mayfair in the United Kingdom. "Being named a finalist in three categories of the CIR Risk Management Awards underscores the innovations we are bringing to cyber security management with the RiskSense Platform," said Torsten George, vice president of global marketing and products at RiskSense. "Our unique 360-degree view, assessment, and scoring of cyber threats enables organizations to pro-actively discover and address security gaps that pose the most severe risks to their operations." The RiskSense Platform uniquely extracts actionable intelligence from the massive volume of data generated by the patchwork of cyber security products, including vulnerabilityscanners, threat intelligence feeds, and other complex security systems. This allows organizations to quickly understand their particular cyber risk exposure across a growing attack surface, orchestrate remediation, and monitor the results. This next-gen approach takes them from detection to remediation in minutes versus months, by unifying and contextualizing internal security intelligence, external threat data, and business criticality. The complete list of finalists is posted at: About the CIR Risk Management Awards In its 7th year, the Risk Management Awards are organized by CIR Magazine ( and are designed to celebrate success within the practice of risk management. Judged by an independent panel of experts for exceptional performance, the awards provide an opportunity for organizations and individuals to showcase their best products, projects, and people. Follow the awards @CIRMagazine #RiskManagementAwards. About RiskSense RiskSense, Inc., is the pioneer and market leader in pro-active cyber risk management. The company enables enterprises and governments to reveal cyber risk, quickly orchestrate remediation, and monitor the results. This is done by unifying and contextualizing internal security intelligence, external threat data, and business criticality across a growing attack surface. The company's Software-as-a-Service (SaaS (News - Alert)) platform transforms cyber risk management into a more pro-active, collaborative, and real-time discipline. The RiskSense Platform embodies the expertise and intimate knowledge gained from real world experience in defending critical networks from the world's most dangerous cyber adversaries. By leveraging RiskSense cyber risk management solutions, organizations can significantly shorten time-to-remediation, increase operational efficiency, strengthen their security programs, heighten response readiness, reduce costs, and ultimately minimize cyber risks. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter (News - Alert) at @RiskSense. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Robbins Arroyo LLP: Embraer S.A. (ERJ) Misled Shareholders According to a Recently Filed Class Action Shareholder rights law firm Robbins Arroyo LLP announces that a class action complaint was filed against Embraer S.A. (NYSE: ERJ) in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The complaint is brought on behalf of all purchasers of Embraer securities between April 16, 2012 and July 28, 2016, for alleged violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by Embraer's officers and directors. Embraer designs, develops, manufactures, and sells aircraft and systems in Brazil, North America, Latin America, the Asia Pacific, Europe, and internationally. View this information on the law firm's Shareholder Rights Blog: Embraer Accused of Hiding Bribery Scheme From Investors According to the complaint, throughout the class period, Embraer submitted several filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commision ("SEC (News - Alert)") certifying that the financial information was accurate and disclosed any material changes to the company's internal control over financial reporting. The complaint alleges, however, that Embraer officials failed to disclose that: (i) the company had paid bribes to officials in the Dominican Republic to secure contracts for the sale of aircraft; (ii) Embraer's President and Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") was aware of the bribery scheme; and (iii) the foreseeable consequences of the foregoing conduct would cost Embraer hundreds of millions of dollars. On September 23, 2014, The Wall Street Journal reported that Brazilian authorities filed bribery charges against eight Embraer employees, claiming that they had bribed officials in the Dominican Republic to secure a $92 million contract. On March 16, 2016, various media outlets reported that a sales consultant who purportedly paid bribes on behalf of Embraer told Brazilian prosecutors that he believed the company's top managers, including the CEO, knew of the illicit payments made in connection with the Dominican Republic sales. Embraer then announced on June 9, 2016, that its CEO was stepping down after 32 years with the company. On July 29, 2016, Embraer revealed that it was recognizing a $200 million loss contingency in the quarter ended June 30, 2016, reflecting the likely outcome of investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice and the SEC. In addition, Embraer reported a net loss for the quarter of $99.4 million. Since news of Embraer's troubles became public, its stock declined over 38% to close at $18.27 per share on July 29, 2016. Embraer Shareholders Have Legal Options Concerned shareholders who would like more information about their rights and potential remedies can contact attorney Darnell R. Donahue at (800) 350-6003, [email protected], or via the shareholder information form on the firm's website. Robbins Arroyo LLP is a nationally recognized leader in shareholder rights law. The firm represents individual and institutional investors in shareholder derivative and securities class action lawsuits, and has helped its clients realize more than $1 billion of value for themselves and the companies in which they have invested. Attorney Advertising. Past results do not guarantee a similar outcome. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 17, 2016] Skyworth "Chinese Dream" Showcased On Huge Display Screen Overlooking New York's Times Square NEW YORK and TOKYO, Aug. 17, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- "Chinese Dream" was displayed on the huge display screens overlooking New York's Times Square and Tokyo's Ginza on the morning of August 15, in the respective local times of the two locations. A 30-second video clip promoting Chinese home appliance leader Skyworth displayed to visitors and passers-by in New York and Tokyo an impressive fiery red background color and landscapes, letting the corporate slogan "Skyworth's Chinese Dream Is Displayed Worldwide" become a household expression across Asia and the United States. The "Chinese Dream"-themed video clip conveyed the Chinese maker's confidence in China, in Chinese products and services and in what China can offer the world. Simple yet eye-catching, the video clip included images capturing the grandeur of Tiananmen Square, the magnificent thoroughfares for parades, a space rocket soaring into the sky and Skyworth's contribution to China, showing China in the midst of a burgeoning period during a long and arduous journey towards taking its rightful place among the leader nations of the world. The video clip is a reminder of the disgrace suffered by the people of China in recent history and, with the display on the huge screen overlooking the famous New York square, confirms the message that China does not accept or recognize the ruling of the South China Sea Arbitration and will not participate in or execute the demands ofthe ruling. Despite challenges, China is on its way to becoming a global economic powerhouse. Skyworth sees itself as highly representative of China's manufacturers today, and the release of the "Chinese Dream"-themed video clip at one of the world's most well-known destinations is a testament to the strength of leading companies in China today. China's rise in recent years has been accompanied by the pursuit of excellence on behalf of Chinese makers through continuous improvements in products and corporate competence. With the "Chinese Dream" in mind, the Chinese people have been unremitting in their efforts to support the country's successful rejuvenation. Although it is already becoming a regular event for Chinese firms to make an appearance on world famous platforms such as New York's Times Square and Japan's Ginza, the corporate slogan "Skyworth's Chinese Dream Is Displayed Worldwide" is especially impressive due to its strong feelings for home and country. The "Chinese Dream" is a dream of the revitalization that is leading China to prosperity. With the manufacturing industry as the backbone of China's national economy in mind, Skyworth has actively responded to the guidance from national authorities and has speeded up its pace in research and development. As articulated in the video, "enhancing China's stature through industry and manufacturing with ingenuity is the dream of every person at Skyworth." Skyworth has integrated the goal of the "Chinese Dream" into enterprise development and product innovation. Looking carefully at the 30-second video clip, you may see one of Skyworth's products enduring the clip's closing seconds. The product that appeared in the video clip is "G7", a new flagship product which is a part of the Skyworth "Chinese Dream" series that incorporates the manufacturer's best resources in terms of research, production, supply, sales and services as well as the highest quality hardware quality and premium content. Skyworth G7, with top-of-the-line configurations including benchmarked 4-color HDR image quality, newly upgraded Dolby Advanced Audio v2, 25-core processors, is considered as one of the products with highest technology qualifications within the sector. After 28 years of development, Skyworth has won many awards, including China's Advanced Enterprise on Service Quality, Top Ten Best Enterprises for After-sales Service in China, Top 50 Listed Companies in the Asia-Pacific Region and Contribution Award to China's Aerospace Industry. As an industry leader in the Chinese market in the process of expanding in the international market, Skyworth has now grown to be one of the top six color TV brands worldwide. The appearance of Skyworth's video clip in New York, U.S.A. and Tokyo, Japan showcases the strength of Chinese manufacturers and the strong patriotic feeling felt by every Skyworth employee and is expected to greatly boost the international image of Chinese enterprises. Photo - To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: SOURCE Skyworth [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 17, 2016] Students Return to School Ready to Learn and Explore Students at New Mexico Virtual Academy (NMVA) an accredited, tuition-free, online public school, began their 2016-2017 school year on August 10, excited for a place where they can learn in ways that work best for them. NMVA is a program of the Farmington Municipal School district and is open to New Mexico students statewide. At NMVA, an individualized approach gives students in grades 6 through 12 an exceptional learning experience. The online environment allows students to work at their own pace, giving them time to progress faster in subjects at which they excel, while spending more time on subjects and lessons where they need more help. Through a combination of online instruction, hands-on curriculum and the support of state-licensed teachers, NMVA gives each student the opportunity and support they need to reach graduation. "Helping students achieve their dreams is our goal," said Lynn Barr, director of operations at New Mexico Virtual Academy. "Everything we do at NMVA is about making sure our students are successful both inside and outside the classroom so that when they graduate, students are prepared to succeed." NMVA students are required to successfully complete credits in the areas of English, math, science, social studies, fine arts, physical education, career and technical education and general electives. To help students meet these requirements, teachers offer guidance and support, and interact with students and parents via email, web-based classrooms, online discussions, phone and face-to-facemeetings. This ensures that students and their families feel supported yet challenged in their education in a way that may be different for every student. Earlier this summer, NMVA challenged enrolled families to prevent summer 'brain drain' by offering students free access to LearnBop, a self-paced solution that simulates a one-on-one, personalized math tutoring experience. The award-winning online program will continue to be available free of charge throughout the fall and can be used alongside the regular math curriculum to build math skills or prepare for high-level exams. NMVA has a wide variety of dual credit courses available to students starting as early as the summer after their 9th grade year, concurrently receiving college and high school credit. NMVA is accepting student enrollments for a waitlist this fall. To learn more about enrollment requirements, visit and follow on Facebook. About New Mexico Virtual Academy New Mexico Virtual Academy is an accredited, full-time online public school program of the Farmington Municipal School District that serves students in grades 6 through 12. As part of the New Mexico public school system, NMVA is tuition-free, giving parents and families the choice to access the award-winning curriculum and tools provided by K12 Inc. (NYSE: LRN), the nation's largest provider of proprietary curriculum and online education programs. For more information about NMVA, visit and follow on Facebook. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] TSYS Extends Payments Agreement with Swisscard TSYS (NYSE: TSS) today announced it has extended its payments agreement with Swisscard AECS GmbH to continue processing the company's consumer credit and commercial card portfolios on the TS2 platform, as well as to provide other payment services. Swisscard AECS GmbH is a joint venture between Credit Suisse AG and American Express. Swisscard AECS GmbH is the only company in Switzerland to offer the world's leading credit card brands - American Express, MasterCard (News - Alert) and Visa - from a single source. Customers managed by Swisscard AECS GmbH have the largest choice of credit card products on the Swiss market. "Swisscard is a leader in Switzerland, and an important client for TSYS as we continue to grow across Europe," said Rob Hudson, group executive of TSYS International. "We look forward to delivering innovative new products and services to help them continue providing excellent service for their cardholders." "The stability and availability that TSYS' systems have provided us throughout our relationship have been important for our business performance," said Boris Kraus, head of IT Service Management and Control of Swisscard AECS GmbH. "They understand where we are today and where we want to go, and we look forward to continue working with TSYS to provide our cardholders excellent card processing services." No terms of the long-term agreement were announced. p> About Swisscard AECS GmbH Swisscard AECS GmbH was established as a joint venture between Credit Suisse AG and American Express (News - Alert) in 1998. The company handles product development, sales and marketing, customer service and card processing in Switzerland. As a merchant acquirer, Swisscard AECS GmbH is also responsible for expanding and handling the American Express network of points of acceptance in Switzerland. Swisscard AECS GmbH combines the strengths of its two parent companies in the credit card business, with American Express being the global leader as far as card management is concerned and Credit Suisse AG owning strong national sales channels. As a market leader in Switzerland, Swisscard manages over 30 card products, tailored to the needs of private individuals and corporate clients, and has leading positions in frequent flyer and business traveler cards, corporate client business as well as co-branding card business (Miles & More) For additional information about Swisscard please refer to About TSYS TSYS (NYSE: TSS) unlocks opportunities in payments for payment providers, businesses and consumers. Our headquarters are in Columbus, Georgia, USA, and we operate in more than 80 countries with local offices across the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific. We provide seamless, secure and innovative solutions across the payments spectrum - from issuer processing and merchant acquiring to prepaid program management - delivered through partnership and expertise. We succeed because we put people, and their needs, at the heart of every decision. It's an approach we call 'People-Centered Payments'. Our industry is changing every day - and we're leading the way toward the payments of tomorrow. We routinely post all important information on our website. For more, visit us at View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Washington County, Oregon, Selects Tyler Technologies' Appraisal and Tax Solution Tyler Technologies (News - Alert), Inc. (NYSE: TYL) has signed a contract with Washington County, Oregon, for Tyler's Orion appraisal and tax administration software solution. This agreement includes software licenses, project management, training, and professional services. Officials at Washington County recognized that the legacy assessment and taxation system had reached the end of its useful life, and they sought a new solution to meet today's needs and position the county for future trends. The solution would also need to accommodate Oregon's complex property tax system, in which voter initiatives and legislative actions commonly modify property tax statutes. The county's Department of Assessment and Taxation is responsible for appraising nearly $91 billion in real market value and collecting $963 million in property taxes from 192,000 separate accounts to fund public safety, education, parks and other local and regional government services. After thorough evaluation, Washington County leaders selected Orion based on its high degree of configurability with an integrated set of features and functionalitis to support abundant future growth. Orion incorporates intuitive, web-based tools to help users improve work process efficiencies, provide greater data access and better manage workflows. The county will also benefit from Tyler's evergreen perpetual licensing approach that provides regular and significant, yet manageable, software enhancements without an additional relicensing or service fee, ensuring the county has continued access to evolving technology. Located west of Portland, Washington County has more than 1,900 employees and approximately 570,000 residents, making it Oregon's second most populated county. About Tyler Technologies, Inc. Tyler Technologies (NYSE: TYL) is a leading provider of end-to-end information management solutions and services for local governments. Tyler partners with clients to empower the public sector - cities, counties, schools and other government entities - to become more efficient, more accessible and more responsive to the needs of their constituents. Tyler's client base includes more than 14,000 local government offices in all 50 states, Canada, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and other international locations. In 2016, Forbes ranked Tyler on their "Most Innovative Growth Companies" list, and it has also named Tyler one of "America's Best Small Companies" eight times. The company has been included six times on the Barron's 400 Index, a measure of the most promising companies in America. More information about Tyler Technologies, headquartered in Plano, Texas, can be found at View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 17, 2016] "Segway Day" Wrapped Up on August 12 BEIJING, Aug. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Launched by Segway & Ninebot, a world-class brand in innovative short-distance transport, the much-anticipated "Segway Day", which has become the most far-reaching brand campaign in the self-balancing vehicles and tech industries, was held on August 12. The campaign aimed to showcase intelligent, green and convenient products to promote environmentally-friendly short-distance travel and promote the concept of "creating infinite possibilities for human lifestyles". Segway Day this year included the opening of the Segway Flagship Store, Segway Park, online and offline promotions and a gathering of users across China. Segway investor Yu Quan, representatives of salesagents and users, and Segway's CEO Gao Lufeng participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony. A large number of people visited, experienced and made purchases at the store, saying that they were keen not to miss out on the company's biggest annual promotion. Segway Park A large carnival atmosphere was created during the event held at The Place, drawing many young visitors to experience Segway products. High-tech and fashionable self-balanced vehicles enable everyone to enjoy the freedom of driving. Expert users demonstrated their skills during various cool performances on the single-wheeled vehicles, causing many passers-by to stop and watch. The crowds were amazed by the performances and showed great enthusiasm in learning how to ride. Online and Offline Promotions Segway launched its biggest online and offline promotion on August 12 by cutting prices, holding presales for new products and offering chances to win a free Segway, attracting a large number of customers to visit, experience and purchase items at the store. Its online promotion also drew widespread attention. A total of 50 users from across China gathered in Beijing to exchange riding skills and attend the opening ceremony of the Segway Flagship Store and Segway Park. The team of single-wheeled vehicles led many passers-by to stop and watch. Photo - Photo - [August 17, 2016] Segway Flagship Store in Beijing Receives Large Crowds on Opening Day BEIJING, Aug. 18, 2016 /PRNewsiwre/ -- Segway, a world-class brand in innovative short-distance transport, opened its flagship store in Beijing on August 12, 2016. Segway Group investors Yu Quan (Chen Yufan and Hu Haiquan) and representatives from its global sales agents, Segway company, users, and media attended the opening ceremony to witness the historical moment. Gao Lufeng, Segway's CEO, was the first to deliver a speech at the inauguration. He was followed by investor representatives Hu Haiquan and Chen Yufan, and Mr. Dai, Segway's agent in Japan. Zhao Zhongwei, Segway's COO, and Hang Chen, Vice President of Sales for Asia Pacific Region, issued licenses to eight dealers from across Greater China. All the guests celebrated the ribbon-cutting ceremony and took a group photo, formally marking the opening of the store. The store manager then showed the guests around. The Segway flagship store integrates demonstration, experience, sales and after-sale services and adopts a minimalist interior design, with the black-and-white Segway VI setting the dominant tone. Various cambered elements and intelligent lighting systems create different colors and a time-space atmosphere of a fashionable future. Covering an area of 629 square meters, the store has five functional zones including demonstration, test drive, after-sale services, VIP reception, and an office. The demonstration zone displays Segway and Ninebot's latest offerings and futuristic products including the Segway Robot and PUMA so that customers can have access to its latest creations and experience the most cutting-edge technology products. Segway kicked off its biggest-ever promotion on the day, with customers flooding into the store for a look or to make a purchase. Address of Segway Flagship Store: 1/F, Tower A, Beichen Century Center, Beijing (No. 8 Courtyard, Beichen West Road) Photo - Photo - [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 17, 2016] IDTechEx Research Director to Give Keynote at the Display Innovation Taiwan Conference 2016 BOSTON, Aug. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- IDTechEx Research, a leading provider of independent market research, business intelligence and events on emerging technology announces that Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh will be a keynote speaker at the Display Innovation Taiwan Conference 2016. Dr. Ghaffarzadeh is a leading expert on display technologies and printed electronics and will be presenting on the latest technology and market trends in the display industry. His talk will be part of the "Trends and Futures of Display" keynote session on Thursday 25 August, 10-10.30am. The Display Innovation Taiwan Conference is part of Touch Taiwan 2016. In this presentation IDTechEx will be sharing insights into key technologies in the display industry, covering quantum dots, OLED displays, printing displays, AR/VR displays for smart eyewear and transparent conductive films. Dr. Ghaffarzadeh wil discuss the latest progress in the industry, applications, innovation strategies, regulations, challenges, market projections and more. For more IDTechEx research on all of these technologies see IDTechEx will also be exhibiting at Touch Taiwan 2016 from 24-26 August 2016, booth N227. To arrange a meeting please contact Yasuo Yamamoto, Manager, Business Development Japan, at [email protected]. IDTechEx provides companies with tools that can assist them in making essential strategic decisions in emerging technologies. IDTechEx offers research reports, subscriptions, consultancy, introductory services and events. Learn more at Contact: Alison Lewis Marketing Manager, Reports [email protected] UK: +44-1223-810290 US: +1-617-577-7890 Logo - [August 18, 2016] Tyco Reaches Agreement to Sell its Security Business in South Africa CORK, Ireland, Aug. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Tyco (NYSE: TYC) today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to sell its security business in South Africa, which operates locally under the ADT brand, to Fidelity Security Group for approximately ZAR 1.9 billion (USD 140 million). This business provides security monitoring services, including dispatch of armed response guards, as well as fire detection and protection, access control and other security-related services, to residential and commercial customers. The financial impact of this planned sale was previously disclosed as part of Tyco's fiscal third quarter earnings report on July 29, 2016. After the transaction is completed, Tyco will continue to provide its fire, security and life safety products in South Africa. ADT will serve as a local distributor for Tyco's residential and commercial security products and solutions, as well as Tyco's specialized performance solutions for retail businesses. The transaction is expected to close in late fiscal first quarter of 2017 and is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals. The financial results of this business are reported within the Rest of World Integrated Solutions & Services segment. In fiscal year 2016, the business is expected to generate revenue of approximately USD 160 million. Deutsche Bank is acting as exclusive financial adviser and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP and Bowman Gilfillan are acting as legal advisors to Tyco. ABOUT TYCO Tyco (NYSE: TYC) is the world's largest pure-play fire protection and security company. Tyco provides more than three million customers around the globe with the latest fire protection and security products and services. Tyco has ver 57,000 employees in more than 900 locations across 50 countries serving various end markets, including commercial, institutional, governmental, retail, industrial, energy, residential and small business. For more information, visit ABOUT FIDELITY SECURITY GROUP Fidelity Security Group (Fidelity) is Southern Africa's largest integrated security solutions provider and the industry leader in protection innovation. Fidelity offers a vast range of security services (Guarding, Cash Solutions and Integrated Armed Response) and related products and has around 47,000 employees across 142 integrated points of presence throughout Southern Africa. Fidelity remains well positioned to add value to all its customers, which includes many of the top listed companies, state owned companies and multinational conglomerates. For more information, visit FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This press release contains a number of forward-looking statements. In many cases forward-looking statements are identified by words, and variations of words, such as "anticipate", "estimate", "believe", "commit", "confident", "continue", "could", "intend", "may", "plan", "potential", "predict", "positioned", "should", "will", "expect", "objective", "projection", "forecast", "goal", "guidance", "outlook", "effort", "target", and other similar words. However, the absence of these words does not mean the statements are not forward-looking. Examples of forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, revenue, operating income, earnings per share and other financial projections, statements regarding the health and growth prospects of the industries and end markets in which Tyco operates, the leadership, resources, potential, priorities, and opportunities for Tyco in the future, Tyco's credit profile, capital allocation priorities and other capital market related activities, and statements regarding Tyco's acquisition, divestiture, restructuring and other productivity initiatives. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside of our control, and could cause results to materially differ from expectations. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: economic, business, competitive, technological or regulatory factors that adversely impact Tyco or the markets and industries in which it competes; unanticipated expenses such as litigation or legal settlement expenses; tax law changes; and industry specific events or conditions that may adversely impact revenue or other financial projections. Actual results could differ materially from anticipated results. Tyco is under no obligation (and expressly disclaims any obligation) to update its forward-looking statements. More information on potential factors that could affect the Company's financial results is included from time to time in the "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" sections of the Company's public reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 25, 2015. To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: SOURCE Tyco [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Laboratory Information System Market to 2021 - 9% CAGR led by North America PUNE, India, August 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The laboratory information system (LIS) market is set to reach $2.12 billion by 2021 from growing at a CAGR of 9.1% during the forecast period and driven by utilization of laboratory information system (LIS) for enhancing laboratory diagnosis while the standalone LIS segment is expected to account for the largest share. Complete report on global laboratory information system (LIS) market spread across 169 pages, profiling 10 companies and supported with 86 tables and 44 figures is now available at . The growth of the overall laboratory information system (LIS) market can be contributed to the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, utilization of laboratory information system (LIS) for enhancing laboratory diagnosis, and growing initiatives by government and industry player's to enhance laboratory services. The standalone LIS segment is expected to account for the largest share of the laboratory information system market, by product, in 2016. Standalone LIS have data models tailored specifically to manage laboratory data and operations, useful to enhance the laboratory workflow. The on premise segment is expected to account for the largest share of the laboratory information system market, by delivery mode, in 2016. The large share of this segment is mainly due to data security feature by this system. The LIS services segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the LIS market, by component, in 2016. Ease of services by LIS providers along with high cost of LIS software attributes to large share of this segment. Hospital laboratories are expected to account for the largest share of the global laboratory information system market, by end user, in 2016. Affordability of LIS systems for hospitals is major factor contributing to the largest share of this market. North America is expected to account for the largest share of the global laboraory information system (LIS) market in 2016, followed by Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World (RoW). The large share of the North American region can be attributed to the increasing incidence of chronic diseases, presence of top market players, and growing government initiatives in the region. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth rate in the forecast period, mainly due to the growing chronic diseases prevalence, entry of top players and less stringent regulations in field of diagnostics. Prominent players in the global laboratory information system (LIS) market are Cerner Corporation (U.S.), McKesson Corporation (U.S.), Epic Corporation Inc. (U.S.), Medical Information Technology, Inc. (U.S.), SCC Soft Computer (U.S.), Sunquest Information Systems, Inc. (U.S.), Compu Group Medical AG (Germany), Computer Programs and Systems, Inc. (U.S.), Merge Healthcare, Inc. (U.S.), and Orchard Software Corporation (U.S.). Order a copy of Laboratory Information System /LIS Market by Product (Standalone, Integrated), Component (Services, Software), End User (Hospital Labs, Independent Labs), Delivery Mode (On-premise, Web-based, Cloud-based) - Analysis & Forecasts to 2021 research report at . The laboratory information system (LIS) market witness's high competitive intensity, as there are several big and small firms with similar product offerings. These companies adopt various strategies (deployments, partnerships, expansions, new product launches, and acquisition) to increase their market shares and establish a stronger foothold in the global market. On a related note, another research on Lab Informatics Market Forecasts to 2021 says, the market is expected to reach USD 2.97 billion by 2021 from an estimated value of USD 2.20 billion in 2016, growing at a CAGR of 6.2% during the forecast period. Cloud-based laboratory informatics solutions and emerging countries offer huge growth potential for the laboratory informatics market. This market is categorized on the basis of product type, deployment model, component, industry, and region. Companies like Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., LabWare, Inc., Core Informatics, LLC, Abbott Informatics, LabVantage Solutions, Inc., LabLynx, Inc., PerkinElmer, Inc., Waters Corporation, Agilent Technologies, Inc. and ID Business Solutions Ltd. have been profiled in this 225 pages research report available at . Explore more reports related to healthcare market at . About Us: is an online market research reports library of 500,000+ in-depth studies of over 5000 micro markets. Not limited to any one industry, offers research studies on agriculture, energy and power, chemicals, environment, medical devices, healthcare, food and beverages, water, advanced materials and much more. Contact: Ritesh Tiwari UNIT no 802, Tower no. 7, SEZ Magarpatta city, Hadapsar Pune - 411013 Maharashtra, India. +1 888 391 5441 [email protected] Connect With Us on: Facebook: LinkedIn: Twitter:https: // G+ / Google Plus: RSS/Feeds: [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Tata Consultancy Services and JetBlue Expand Strategic Relationship to Further Drive Airline Innovation NEW YORK and MUMBAI, August 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), (BSE: 532540, NSE: TCS) a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions organization, and JetBlue, one of the leading airlines in the U.S., are ramping up their relationship to strategically optimize and transform key business channels and enhance digital customer touchpoints. During a three-year relationship, JetBlue has leveraged TCS' airline industry expertise and global talent to develop new platforms, and for quality assurance and infrastructure services. As part of a recently signed strategic agreement, TCS will now manage several additional programs alongside JetBlue, including modernization of the airline's IT Foundation platform to enhance data analytics and operational agility, and developing innovative tools for customers and JetBlue crewmembers. Furthermore, TCS will expand its innovation center in Pune, India, over the next two years to support critical JetBlue Digital initiatives, complementing the U.S.-based JetBlue team, as well as TCS team members in the U.S. and Mexico. "This strategic agreement is a reflection of our confidence in TCS as the right partner for our global talent and technology transformational needs," said Eash Sundaram, EVP and CIO, JetBlue. "We love their culture, customer focus and see them as a valued extension of our teams." "To serve digital consumers, companies need to market to a 'segment of one' today instead of taking a more traditional mass market approach," added Surya Kant, President, North America, UK and Europe, TCS. "Organizations need to embrace digital as the default, and we deeply value our relationship with JeBlue as we collectively help to further transform their operations and competitive standing." As part of the expanded relationship, JetBlue can benefit from TCS' COIN (Co-Innovation) Network. This specifically involves access to TCS' Airline and Digital Innovation Labs, which focus on identifying business challenges and opportunities (e.g., operational analytics and optimization) in the Travel and Hospitality sector, and how to leverage technology and airline expertise to more quickly develop solutions. TCS has emerged as a clear partner of choice for airline companies looking to reinvent themselves in this new digital age. The company was recently selected for similar transformational initiatives with leading airlines in North America, Asia Pacific and Europe. About Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS) Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that delivers real results to global business, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT, BPS,infrastructure, engineering and assurance services. This is delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model, recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata group, India's largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 362,000 of the world's best-trained consultants in 45 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $16.5 billion for year ended March 31, 2016 and is listed on the BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange) and the NSE (National Stock Exchange) in India. For more information, visit us at To stay up-to-date on TCS news and events in North America, follow @TCS_NA. For global updates, follow @TCS_News. Media Contact: Harsha Ramachandra [email protected] +91-22-67789078 Tata Consultancy Services [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Nearly 10,000 IT Job Openings Posted in Illinois in July, CompTIA Analysis Reveals DOWNERS GROVE, Ill., Aug. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Employers across Illinois posted nearly 10,000 job openings for core information technology (IT) workers in July, according to an analysis of labor market data by CompTIA, the IT industry trade association. IT job postings statewide for the month totaled 9,961, with the large majority occurring in the Chicago metropolitan area (9,036). Software and application developers, computer systems analysts and informatics specialists, project managers, systems engineer and architects, computer user support specialists and information security analysts topped the list of IT positions Illinois companies were looking to fill last month. "These job categories are in step with the bigger trends we see in the marketplace, both locally and across the country" said Amy Carrado, senior director, research and market intellience. "Companies are becoming more mobile, more security-focused and more cloud oriented; and they need skilled personnel to build, manage and maintain these new systems and solutions." While every job posting does not result in a new hire, and companies may have multiple job postings for a single position, the data is an indicator of where companies are focusing their technology efforts and investments. A range of Prairie State employers were seeking tech workers, including companies in technology, healthcare, management consulting, insurance, financial services and education. "Technology and the tech workforce make up the engine that powers business and industry in Illinois and across the country," said Alexi Madon, director, state government affairs, Midwest, CompTIA. "That's why it's critical for the private and public sectors to work together to address the persistent shortage of IT workers which, if left unaddressed, has the potential to stall economic growth and stymie innovation." Madon noted that that 90 percent of the core IT job postings were in the greater Chicago area, indicating that downstate Illinois has a ways to go in terms of tech placement. But she also emphasized that the demand for tech workers spans the state. "Our research shows that even sectors that are often stereotypically viewed as 'old line, such as agriculture, mining, transportation, utilities, and construction report familiarity with emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, biometrics, robotics and drones," she said. According to CompTIA's Cyberstates 2016 report, Illinois is home to more than 25,400 tech businesses. The state's tech industry generated a total payroll of $22.3 billion in 2015 with an average industry wage of $95,062, significantly higher than the average private sector wage of $54,600. CompTIA IT publishes a number of research reports each year on technology employment, skills and workforce trends. To learn more, visit Logo - To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: SOURCE CompTIA [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] IR Spectroscopy Market Worth 1.26 Billion USD by 2022 PUNE, India, August 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- According to new market research report "IR Spectroscopy Market by Spectrum Sensitivity (NIR, Mid IR, and Far IR), Product Type (Benchtop, Micro, Portable, and Hyphenated), Vertical (Biological, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Food & Beverages, Environmental), and Geography - Global Forecast to 2022", published by MarketsandMarkets, the overall market is expected to be valued at USD 1.26 Billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 6.5% between 2016 and 2022. (Logo: ) Browse 38 market data Tables and 75 Figures spread through 135 Pages and in-depth TOC on "IR Spectroscopy Market" Early buyers will receive 10% customization on this report. The major factors driving the growth of the IR spectroscopy market include regulatory framework for process analytical technology in the pharmaceuticals industry, increase in R&D investment in life science, and continuous technological advancements in IR spectroscopy. The pharmaceuticals sector to hold the largest market share during the forecast period The pharmaceuticals sector held the largest share of the IR spectroscopy market in 2015, while the market for the biological and chemicals sectors is expected to grow at a significant rate between 2016 and 2022. In the current scenario, IR spectroscopy plays a key role in the pharmaceutical excipient manufacturing process. Growing acceptance of new international cGMP & cGDP certification is expected to increase the usage of IR spectroscopy instruments, thereby driving the growth of the market. MID IR spectroscopy plays a key role in the IR spectroscopy market The IR Spectroscopy Market has been segmented on the basis of spectrum sensitivity into NIR, Mid IR, and Far IR; of all these, Mid IR is expected to hold the largest market share during the forcast period, owing to the wide range of applications of Mid IR spectroscopy for the research and industrial sector. Along with this, the market for NIR spectroscopy devices s expected to grow at a significant growth rate during the forecast period. North America expected to hold the largest market share in the near future North America is expected to hold the largest market share and dominate the IR spectroscopy market in the near future because of the factors such as stringent drug development regulations and increase in government funding for R&D in North America. The market growth can also be attributed to the rise in proteomics research and various conferences that provide a platform for key players to showcase new products and technologies. Inquiry Before Buying: The key players in the market include General Electric Company (U.S.), Olympus Corporation (Japan), Ashtead Technology Ltd. (U.K.), Mistras Group Inc. (U.S.), Eddyfi NDT Inc. (Canada), Ether NDE Limited (U.K.), Zetec Inc. (U.S.), TUV Rheinland AG (Germany), Ibg NDT System Corporation (U.S.), Fidgeon Limited (U.K.), Magnetic Analysis Corporation Inc. (USA) among others. Browse Related Reports Infrared Imaging Market by Component (IR Lens System, IR Sensor, IR Detector), Technology (Cooled, Uncooled), Type (Fixed, Portable), Wavelength (NIR, SWIR, LWIR, FIR), Application, & Geography - Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Infrared Detector Market by Type (MCT, INGAAS, Pyroelectric, Thermopile Microbolometer and Others), Technology (Cooled Infrared, and Uncooled Infrared), Wavelength (Short, Medium, and Long Infrared), Application, and Geography - Global Forecast to 2020 Know More About our Knowledge Store @ About MarketsandMarkets MarketsandMarkets is the largest market research firm worldwide in terms of annually published premium market research reports. Serving 1700 global fortune enterprises with more than 1200 premium studies in a year, M&M is catering to a multitude of clients across 8 different industrial verticals. We specialize in consulting assignments and business research across high growth markets, cutting edge technologies and newer applications. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model - GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors. M&M's flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "RT" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. The new included chapters on Methodology and Benchmarking presented with high quality analytical info graphics in our reports gives complete visibility of how the numbers have been arrived and defend the accuracy of the numbers. We at MarketsandMarkets are inspired to help our clients grow by providing apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository. Contact: Mr. Rohan Markets and Markets UNIT no 802, Tower no. 7, SEZ Magarpatta City, Hadapsar Pune, Maharashtra 411013, India Tel: + 1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected] Visit MarketsandMarkets [email protected] LinkedIn @ SOURCE MarketsandMarkets [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Keeping College Safe: LiveSafe Helps Protect Students On College Campuses ARLINGTON, Va., Aug. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Named by The Huffington Post as one of "10 apps every college student should download today," LiveSafe, the world's leading mobile safety communications platform, is providing safety and security solutions for colleges and universities across the country. LiveSafe, which deputizes students, faculty and staff to contribute to campus safety by enabling quick, easy and discreet two-way communication with campus security officials, is used by colleges and universities like Arizona State, Duke, USC, Virginia Tech and many others. "With safety and security more important than ever, we encourage students at all LiveSafe enabled schools to download the LiveSafe app when they return to campus," LiveSafe CEO Carolyn Parent said. "We also encourage parents to make sure their college-bound children are downloading LiveSafe." The crowdsouced information gathered by LiveSafe allows security officials to quickly respond using valuable actionable intelligence. For Virginia Commonwealth University Chief of Police John Venuti, LiveSafe has become an important resource that has required no increase in workload and has opened up communication with students. "LiveSafe is a great additional channel of communication and our students love it," Venuti said. "The system gives us an audible alert when a tip is received, and we often communicate back to the student for more information. Tips are also distributed to all of my supervisors via email simultaneously to being received in dispatch, meaning our people are often on scene even before it's dispatched." LiveSafe, which provides both education and corporate safety solutions, allows users to send text, photos, videos and precise location information to report incidents ranging from routine maintenance needs to suspicious activity to safety threats. For a list of colleges and universities currently using the LiveSafe platform, click here. About LiveSafe, Inc.: LiveSafe is the world's leading mobile safety communications platform delivering actionable crowdsourced safety and security intelligence, preventing incidents before they occur and connecting people to the help they need. LiveSafe is used by Hearst, Cox Communications, the San Francisco 49ers and many other companies. Follow LiveSafe on Twitter @LiveSafe, and learn more at To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: SOURCE LiveSafe, Inc. [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] C&H Financial Services, Inc. Ranks No. 21 on the 2016 Inc. 5000 with Three-Year Sales Growth of 8,053% and $17.3M in revenue Inc. Magazine has ranked C&H Financial Services, Inc. on its 35th annual Inc. 500 | 5000, the most prestigious ranking of the nation's fastest-growing private companies. C&H Financial Services earned the positions of No. 21 overall, No. 3 Top Financial Services Firms, No. 1 Top Illinois and No. 1 Top Chicago Companies. "We are honored to be named 21st on the 2016 Inc. 500 list of the Fastest Growing Privately Held companies in America. Moving up the list this year by more than 200 positions is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our Executive Committee, Dedicated Staff and Sales Associates. Born and raised in Chicago, we are equally as proud to be named the No. 1 Fastest Growing Company in Illinois and No. 1 in the Chicago Metro Area. Our growth is highlighted by our continued development throughout the United States, Canada and beyond and we look forward to broadening our expansion throughout the remainder of 2016." The 2016 Inc. 5000, unveiled online at and with the top 500 companies featured in the September issue of Inc. (available on newsstands August 23) is the most competitie crop in the list's history. The average company on the list achieved a mind-boggling three-year growth of 433%. The Inc. 5000's aggregate revenue is $200 billion, and the companies on the list collectively generated 640,000 jobs over the past three years, or about 8% of all jobs created in the entire economy during that period. C&H Financial Services, Inc. joins companies such as Microsoft, Dell, Domino's Pizza, Pandora, LinkedIn, Yelp (News - Alert), Zillow, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees of the Inc. 5000. More information can be found at Complete results of the Inc. 5000 can be found at and more information About C&H Financial Services, Inc. Established in Chicago, Illinois, C&H Financial Services, Inc. is an international finance company and a top 50 payment processor providing payment processing, small business loans, technology and POS systems, merchant cash advances, residual based lending, ecommerce and mobile payments to the retail, hospitality and medical space along with non-profits, municipalities and companies in niche markets. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Workfront Ranked In Utah Fast 50 for 8th Year in a Row SILICON SLOPES, Utah, Aug. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Workfront, the leading provider of cloud-based Enterprise Work Management solutions, today announced that its ongoing growth has landed it a spot in the Utah Business Fast 50 for the eighth year in a row. Utah Business magazine names the 50 fastest growing companies in the state of Utah every year. Companies are evaluated based on five years of compound annual growth and revenue generation. Workfront made the list at number 30 this year. "Workfront's continued year-over-year growth comes from the fact that we are addressing a huge business problem, but it is also the result of doing things right," said Alex Shootman, CEO of Workfront. "Workfront is a product company, but we constantly ask ourselves 'what if the company itself was the greatest product we build?' And that all starts with amazing people who are passionate about what they do. Culture eats strategy and we focus a ton of energy on building and sustaining a culture in which people have a maniacal focus on the customer and have the opportunity to be proud of their work. A ranking on the Utah Fast 50, highlighting our growth, reminds us of the appreciation we have for our customers and their cotinued confidence in us, but also to our employees for creating such an amazing culture that allows us to continue growing." Workfront experienced steady growth in revenue and market share in 2015, achieving 40% growth in both year-over-year revenue and in global clients paying in excess of $100,000 in annual recurring revenue. Other 2016 Workfront accolades include: Leader in the Gartner Inc., 2016 Magic Quadrant for Cloud-Based IT Project and Portfolio Management Services in the Gartner Inc., 2016 Magic Quadrant for Cloud-Based IT Project and Portfolio Management Services Leader in the Gartner Inc., 2016 Magic Quadrant for Marketing Resource Management in the Gartner Inc., 2016 Magic Quadrant for Marketing Resource Management Leader in the IDC Marketscape: Worldwide Cloud PPM and PPM SaaS 2015-2016 Vendor Assessment Workfront was also listed as one of Utah's Best Companies to Work For in 2015. Find out how you can join the award-winning Workfront team by visiting, Follow us on social: Follow @Workfront_Inc on Twitter Like Workfront on Facebook About Workfront Workfront is a cloud-based Enterprise Work Management solution that helps marketing, IT and other enterprise teams conquer the chaos of excessive email, redundant status meetings and disconnected tools. Unlike other tools, Workfront Enterprise Work Cloud is a centralized, easy-to-adopt solution for managing and collaborating on all types of work through the entire work lifecycle, which improves team productivity and executive visibility. Workfront is trusted by thousands of global enterprises, like, Cisco Systems, Comcast, iProspect, Schneider Electric and Trek. To learn more, visit or follow us on Twitter @Workfront_Inc. Contact: Shelbi Gomez [email protected] 801-477-9813 Logo - To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: SOURCE Workfront [ Back To's Homepage ] JD England reflects on time as Mayor of Mitchell before stepping down JD England reflects on his time on the Mitchell police force, his first term election by just four votes and his accomplishments in office. Picnic area closed for renovation Moose Lake Picnic area located approximately 22 miles southwest of Philipsburg will be closed through Aug. 30 while renovations conducted by the Anaconda Job Corps are being implemented. The Moose Lake Picnic area will receive new gravel pathways and new picnic tables will be installed. The closure will expedite the reconstruction, and maintain worker and public safety while this work is conducted. This is the final phase of renovations that began in 2015 with the installation of a new dock, as well as reconstruction of trails, and shoreline stabilization that were completed by the Anaconda Job Corps and AmeriCorps St. Louis. For more information, contact the Pintler Ranger District office in Philipsburg at 406-859-3211. *** Bow hunters gear up for archery season Montana's archery-only hunting season for deer, elk, antelope, wolf, mountain lion and black bear begins Sept. 3. The bighorn sheep archery season also begins Sept. 3. A $10 bow and arrow license, plus the proper hunting license, is required during the deer, elk, antelope, black bear, wolf, mountain lion and bighorn sheep archery only season or to hunt in areas limited to only archery equipment. Depending on the species and hunting district, some licenses were available only by special drawing. For details on legal archery equipment and the documentation necessary to purchase a Montana bow and arrow license, check the 2016 big game hunting regulations available at FWP offices, license providers and on the FWP website at, click "Hunting." *** Hunters must expect to see bears With Montana's upland game bird season opening Sept. 1, remember that slow-moving, quiet and camouflaged hunters will soon be sharing the landscape with the state's even stealthier bears that may be stalking similar prey. Grizzly bears are found throughout western and central Montana, from the Sweet Grass Hills to the Elkhorn Mountains, not just the Rocky Mountain Front, Bob Marshall Wilderness complex and the Yellowstone ecosystem. Hunters and recreationists should be prepared to encounter grizzly bears when theyre out hunting: Carry bear spray and know how to use it Hunt with a partner and let someone else know your plans Get harvested big game out of the woods quickly Upon returning to a site where harvested game is left unattended, study the site at a distance for any movement or changes and signal your approach by making plenty of noise Never attempt to frighten or haze a bear from a carcass Contact FWP if a bear has consumed a carcass or covered it with debris rendering it unsalvageable For more on bears, visit FWP's website at; then click "Be Bear Aware." *** Antelope 900 series season underway Many archery antelope hunters will be afield beginning Aug. 15 with a 900 series license to archery hunt antelope of either sex in any hunting district starting with a 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Hunting in the 900 series archery hunt is restricted to archery equipment only and runs until Nov. 13. Applications for the 900 series archery hunt for antelope were due in June. Archery antelope season will open Sept. 3 and close Oct. 7. The general rifle season for antelope is set for Oct. 8Nov. 13. Most antelope hunting licenses, including those for the general rifle season, are available only through special drawing. *** Black bear hunters must keep meat Bear meat, or the meat from any other big game animal, cannot be wasted, or allowed in any way to become unfit for human consumption, unless it is infected with trichinella. Bear meat can be tested for trichinella, a parasitic disease found in less than 15 percent of Montana's black bears. FWP does not offer trichinella testing. For further information call the FWP lab at 406-994-6357. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks reminds hunters that the black bear archery season is Sept. 3-14. The general fall black bear hunting season opens Sept. 15 and ends Nov. 27. Hunters should check the regulations carefully for exceptions. Hunters may purchase only one black bear license per year. It is illegal to harvest black bear cubs. Cubs are defined as bears less than one year old. It is also illegal to harvest female black bears with young. Hunters are also prohibited from abandoning in the field the head or hide of a harvested black bear. *** Medicine Springs pack bridge temporary closed A temporary closure of the Medicine Springs pack bridge, located on the North Fork Sun River in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, will remain in place until Sept. 20 or until the bridge repair and reconstruction work is complete. Although the pack bridge is closed, the trail (Trail No. 202) remains open to the public. While the bridge is closed, visitors can ford North Fork Sun River, downstream of the bridge, to continue their trip into the Wilderness along Trail No. 202. For more information contact the Rocky Mountain Ranger District at 406-466-5341. *** Standard Creek Road temporarily closed Standard Creek Road (Forest road No. 237) in the Gravelly Mountains west of Lyons Bridge will be closed. The closure will start at the junction with road No. 237C and stretch west for 5.7 miles. The road closure will be in effect 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, and from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays. The road will be open to public travel Saturdays and Sundays. This closure will remain in effect until logging activities to remove hazardous trees along the roadway has concluded in mid-October. Access to the Wolverine Basin trailhead will be limited and visitors are asked to plan accordingly. For more information, contact the Madison Ranger District at 406-682-4253. Eight years after the death of Dr. Richard Grossman, a legal fight over his $18-million estate is just now getting underway. His sons allege the burn treatment pioneer was duped into writing them out of the will by his wife and her attorney. #1 The Whole Family This family photo is from 2011. Quite a bunch, right? #2 Maddox Angelina adopted Maddox, from Cambodia, in 2002, when she was still married to Billy Bob Thornton, but they separated three months later, so she raised him as a single parent until she got serious with Brad. #3 Zahara Zahara was born in Ethiopia. Angelina adopted her in 2005. In 2006, She wanted to change her children's surname to Jolie-Pitt so she filed a petition to do so.When it was resolved, Brad adopted Maddox and Zahara. #4 Shiloh Shiloh is the couple's first biological child. She was born in 2006, in Namibia, and her picture was sold to People for $7.6 million. The proceeds were donated to UNICEF. #5 Kung Fu Panda Shiloh is now ten. She has said she wants to be called John. Angelina told Vanity Fair that she wants to be a boy Both Shiloh and Zahara have voiced characters in the movie Kung Fu Panda 3. #6 Pax Pax was adopted by Angelina in 2007. He was born in Vietnam, and his biological mother had abandoned him. Later, Brad adopted him. They couldn't adopt him together because laws in Vietnam dont allow a couple that isn't married to adopt. #7 Knox Leon And Vivienne Marcheline Then, came the twins. Theyre 8 now. When they were born, their picture was sold for $14 million. MISSOULA -- The Missoula County Attorneys Office is in full compliance with an agreement made two years ago to improve the way sexual assault cases are handled by local prosecutors, Montana Attorney General Tim Fox announced Wednesday. His office's oversight of the issue has ended, Fox said. In June 2014, Foxs office entered into an agreement with then-County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg and the U.S. Department of Justice, ending a feud between the county prosecutor and the federal agency. This is a big day for her and the team," Fox said of County Attorney Kirsten Pabst, elected after Van Valkenburg retired. "I think this is a big day for the community. This all began in a way that felt like the black cloud. We found the silver lining. In 2012, the Department of Justice launched an investigation into the way the county attorneys office, as well as the Missoula Police Department and University of Montana, responded to sex assault reports. On Wednesday, Fox said news stories about rape and sex assault cases originally drew the federal agencys attention to Missoula. The issue became the subject of a 2015 book by Jon Krakauer Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town. In 2013, UM and the city police department entered into agreements with DOJ that listed a series of stipulations, trainings, procedure overhauls and audits they were required to undergo. Last year, the DOJ announced both agencies had fulfilled their obligations. Since signing onto the agreement the county prosecutor's office, under Pabst, has developed better policies for handling sexual assault cases, participated in additional training for its attorneys, formed a special victims unit to prosecute sex crimes and hired additional staff to better communicate with victims. With all of its changes and reforms, Fox said he believes the Missoula County Attorneys Office represents the model for the rest of the country, not just Montana. Pabst said the special victims unit, which she formed after taking office at the start of 2015, will add a fifth attorney in October. These cases take exponentially more time and preparation to handle, Pabst said. Its a skill set nobody is born with, you have to learn that. Since starting the special victims unit, Pabsts office has located one of its attorneys at the Missoula Police Department, helping investigators in the early stages including meetings with victims and writing search warrants. The police have gone out of their way to commit to doing things right, Pabst said. One of the victims unit attorneys, Suzy Boylan, also compiled a guide for handling of sexual assault cases that Fox said has since been distributed to prosecutors offices across Montana. Attorneys in the victims unit are also taking part in training sessions for law enforcement and prosecutors in the state. As part of the agreement, Pabst hired an investigator and a victim witness coordinator who connects victims of sex crimes with services and acts as a point of contact. Jenny Daniel, coordinator of the multi-agency JUST Response program that focuses on sex assault, domestic violence and child abuse in Missoula, said Pabsts office has been a very active contributor. Theyve been really involved, they are at all of our meetings and work on training and providing a prosecutor's perspective on these important issues, she said. In a letter sent to Fox at the end of June, Anne Munch, hired to assess the progress made by the Missoula prosecutors office, congratulated Pabst and her staff on their efforts and accomplishments, in particular saying they have dramatically improved the way they treat victims. In 2014, during the first quarter Munch monitored cases in Missoula, she found prosecutors took an average of 35 days to contact a victim after a case was referred to them. In her most recent quarterly report, issued in February, Munch said that time period had shrunk to less than a day. Under the agreement, the county attorneys office was required to undergo an independent review by Foxs office, a process Pabst and the attorney general said they intend to continue. Pabst said her office has also contracted with a trauma counselor both to help them better understand the behaviors of the victims of sexual violence and to work with attorneys on how to handle the stress of working on such cases. While the attorney general and county attorney said Wednesdays announcement was a milestone they added there is still a lot of work to be done. Today is truly a celebration but its also the starting line, Pabst said. Fox said a continued focus on outreach and education, as well as reexamining sex crime laws in Montana, are paramount, points Munch also highlighted in her letter as areas Pabst's office should continue to work on. Societal bias, misconceptions and victim blaming make these hard to prosecute, Fox said. Pabst said the prosecutors in her office take every opportunity they get to go to schools and social organizations to discuss domestic violence and sex crimes. Fox said his office will support bills in the next Legislature to reform criminal laws, including a better definition of consent in sexual assault and rape cases. Pabst said it would be helpful to change the law from having to prove a negative to simply having to show that affirmative consent was given. She said her office also supports changes in what it means for a person to be incapacitated and therefore not able to provide consent. Under the current statute and how courts have interpreted it, Pabst said to show a person was incapacitated due to drugs or alcohol, We have to show essentially that they are passed out. BILLINGS -- The 600 fake elk teeth sewn onto Kaitlin Hugs' traditional dress once would have represented great wealth in the Crow Nation. "These were $150, for fake ones," Hugs said. Hugs was one of over 125 kids who participated in this year's Crow Fair Youth Pow-wow. The first day of Crow Fair closed out Wednesday with the event, the first time the fair has had a noncompetitive event that included youth dancers. Crow Fair Spokesperson Noel Two Leggins said the event was created as a chance to put the Crow youth front and center. "In the past during Crow Fair we didn't acknowledge our children," Two Leggins said. "But they are the next generation. They are going to be the ones to enrich our culture in the future." Crow Fair, called the "Tepee Capital of the World," and held in Crow Agency, is one of the largest Native American events in North America. Different entertainment is dispersed throughout the four-day event, including powwows, rodeo and horse racing. Food vendors circle the Apsaalooke Arbor where the powwow dancing was held. Tepees where families camp together also circle the dancing area. Adult powwow events are competitive. The Youth powwow was meant to only encourage Crow children to participate in the culture. Those kids wearing traditional garb were able to sign up for a free backpack filled with school supplies. The supplies inside included tablets, rulers, and pencil boxes; things meant to give kids a little extra before the start of school. The backpacks and school supplies were donated by both Conoco-Phillips 66 and the Elk River Law Firm. "Poverty is so prevalent in Native America," Two Leggins said. The backpacks are meant to also give parents an incentive to get their kids involved in the traditions of Crow Fair. There are already teen events held in Crow Fair, but the noncompetitive format was supposed to give kids a chance to be celebrated, Two Leggins said. Twelve Miss Crow Nations and Crow Princesses were selected this year, the eight princesses representing each of the different Crow Indian Reservation Districts. Hugs was given the title of Arrow Creek Princess and was one of several girls asked to travel to powwows across the country to encourage more people to visit the Crow Indian Reservation during the fair. Now 18, Hugs will be too old next year to compete in the youth powwow, which was open to Crow youth aged 1 through 17. A recent graduate of Billings Senior High School, Hugs heads to Montana State University Billings next year to start her first year of college. She plans to study history education and hopes to one day work in the Billings school district. "I want to help kids going to school off-reservation," Hugs said. "Make it more comfortable for them, give them a teacher they can connect with." Hugs joined and expanded the Native American after school group at Billings Senior High. She remembered starting with the group when there were only two other people in it and watching it grow to over 20 students. Giving students role models and friends who understand their culture is important to their education, Hugs said. Fellow youth powwow participant Corrin Lamere, 14, shares Hugs' experience of going to schools where the majority of students are white. Traveling from Sheridan Wyoming, Lamere said she travels back to Crow as often as she can to visit her grandparents. "After Joe Medicine Crow died, it just hit me how important learning about where I came from was," Lamere said. "Medicine Crow gave me my Indian name and was really important to me." Two Leggins said the fair hoped to host over 100,000 visitors this year. Crow Fair will run until next Monday, with traditional dancing beginning every evening at about 7 p.m., except Sunday when dancing is scheduled to start at 1 p.m. Parades start at 10 a.m. Friday through Sunday. Visitors can come to the fair until next Monday. Tuesday will be devoted to Crow tribal members and their friends. When is 5G coming to you? The definitive guide to the 5G network rollout Carriers are building out their 5G coverage, but when is faster 5G coming to you? Here's everything you need to know about what 5G is and what to expect from it. Sydney five-piece Lepers & Crooks today release Reflections, the newest single from their upcoming second EP The Heathen Circus. Despite only having been together only a couple of years, the band have become a renowned live act, having played over 250 shows and having brought their unique brand of alternative funk-rock to numerous fans already. Produced by honorary Australian and member of legendary rockers The Tea Party, Jeff Martin, Reflections comes as the second single from highly anticipated The Heathen Circus EP. The tracks draws the listener in from the start, delivering an aural-assault of riffs and rhythm, fronted by the electrifying voice of Sam Baker, whose vocal chords would be perfectly suited for the sweatiest pub venue, or the largest stadium show imaginable. The group are set to launch Reflections in Sydney next week with a national tour to follow in the coming months, dates below. Considering the rave reviews the band has been garnering both here and abroad, these shows are surely not to be missed. Lepers & Crooks Tour Dates Reflections Single Launch Thursday 25th Aug Leadbelly, Newtown The Heathen Circus EP Tour Friday 30th Sep Small Ballroom, Newcastle Saturday 1st Oct Long Jetty, Central Coast Friday 7th Oct Beach Hotel, Byron Bay Saturday 8th Oct The V Room, Villa Noosa, Noosa Sunday 9th Oct Sounds of Sunday, Gold Coast Fri 14th Oct Sonnys House of Blues, Brisbane Friday 21st Oct Pelly Bar, Frankston Saturday 22nd Oct Workers Club, Melbourne Friday 28th Oct Edinburgh Castle, Adelaide Friday 18th Nov Commercial Hotel, Milton Saturday 19th Nov The Phoenix, Canberra Friday 25th Nov The Chippendale, Sydney Tickets on sale August 25th Sydneys Twin Fires are set to release their debut EP This Time Im Fine on August 19th. Having already captivated audiences through support slots with The Charlatans and Dune Rats, Twin Fires are getting ready to unleash their bluesy rock to a wide audience. Produced by Tony Buchen (The Preatures, Tim Finn), the EP is an adrenaline-fuelled rockfest that manages to fully encapsulate the groups huge sound, and theyve given us a rundown on each of the tracks. Boss Our guitarist Jake started this one off just running a sweet A chord with heaps of 80s sounding gated reverb. I think we all just wanted a full ham rock and roll song, and we knew this was gonna be it. The intro came about by Tony Buchan getting out some of his more bizarre studio goodies and we daisy chained about 12 pedals together to make that sound. As for the lyrics, we were drunk on red wine at Eds and were getting sick of writing about chicks so we decided to talk about the wingnut gumboot gronk who was in charge of the country at the time. We would never consider ourselves a political band but the lyrics were just too easy to write considering the subject. Plus, its also one of the funnest songs to sing and play live. Two Hands This song is about not being able to make up your mind and not having the guts to call it quits. Sometimes its just so easy to keep going back to something that feels so comfortable. The song came together using a straight drum loop on Garage Band at about half the tempo it is on the record, and building the layers over that into the wall of sound it is now. It was the second last track we recorded with Tony Buchen. We came into the control room for a listen after a long day, he hit play, we all looked at each other and felt so stoked to finally put down a track we are so proud of. Its certainly a favourite for us not that we can choose favourites Everything When we did our first U.S. tour in 2013 (under a different name) we were playing shows almost every night. When we were in Austin we would book a rehearsal room during the day and just write, write, write. Everything was the first song we wrote for this record. The opening guitar line was something Ed started playing and we all just joined in. Its virtually the exact same arrangement as we wrote back in 2013. Being in the U.S. was the first time we spent every single day together for 6 weeks and it gave us all a taste of the touring lifestyle and that is exactly what the song is about. Be Just Fine They say a good song either takes 5 minutes or 5 months to write. While a couple songs on this record took 5 minutes, Be Just Fine certainly didnt and just like writing the song, this one is hard to write about, but we all knew it was a song we had to persist with. The lyrics were written during pre-production and its that old tale about being with someone you shouldnt be with. A special shout-out goes to Michel Rose who Tony Buchen had brought in for a session on this track and Your Face. We knew we had to have some pedal steel on the track but before we could give him any directions he just started playing exactly what was in our heads and then some. It completely took the track to a new place. Let Me Be Your Man This is one of the songs that took us 5 minutes to write. In the first run through it was pretty much complete. The buzz after writing this was something we hadnt had from songwriting before and we hope you can hear it in the song. We recorded the back up vocals and claps in the garage of Rancom Studios, so most if the reverb on those parts is el natural. Its pretty straightforward boy meets girl, boy wants girl to be his. The end. Your Face If were gonna get deep, this is where itll happen, but youll be stoked to know its not about a chick. The song is about some people very close and some very rough experiences that were had that will scar forever. Writing the song was a release for so many reasons and since recording and listening back, its really helped with the healing process. We recorded this track almost completely live, all in the same room with the lights off, we reckon that exact vibes comes through on the recording. Twin Fires Tour Dates Sydney September 22nd @ Brighton Up Bar Tickets Melbourne October 7th @ PennyBlack Free Gretta Ray, the 18 year-old songstress from Melbournes Princes Hill Secondary College, has taken out the 9th edition of triple js Unearthed High. Due to the strength of her track Drive, Gretta managed to beat out the other talented finalists Carl Renshaw, Lastlings, Ninajirachi, and Tia Gostelow. Since releasing her debut EP Elsewhere earlier this year, the Year 12 student has gone from strength to strength, collaborating with producer Josh Barber (Gotye Archie Roach), and even joining the live band of 2014 Unearthed High winner, Japanese Wallpaper. Now that Gretta has taken out Unearthed High, she is due to have her song recorded and produced by triple j, with an official release expected in coming months. Additionally, shell be receiving some songwriting advice from one of triple js favourite artists, Meg Mac, so theres undoubtedly plenty more good things coming in the future from Gretta Ray. Fresh from the release of their aptly-titled 4th album, IV, Canadas BadBadNotGood will be returning to Australia for an East Coast headline tour this December. The four-piece had already announced plans to be in the country for the Meredith Music Festival, but now some extra dates are sure to appease countless fans. Having worked with big names such as Frank Ocean, MF Doom, and Ghostface Killah, the group have gone from strength to strength in recent years with almost all their albums garnering critical praise around the globe. With a reputation for putting on mesmerising, genre-defying performances, these shows are bound to be one of the hottest tickets in town. BadBadNotGood Australian Tour Dates Friday, 2nd December Sunday, 4th December 2016 Disconnect Festival, Fairbridge Village, WA Friday, 9th December Sunday, 11th December 2016 Meredith Music Festival, Meredith, VIC Saturday, 3rd December 2016 Fat Controller, Adelaide SA Wednesday, 7th December 2016 Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane QLD Thursday, 8th December 2016 Metro Theatre, Sydney NSW Friday, 9th December 2016 Corner Hotel, Melbourne VIC Register for more free articles. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Sign up for our Crime & Courts newsletter Get the latest in local public safety news with this weekly email. Sign up! Already a Subscriber? Already a Subscriber? Sign in Terms of Service Privacy Policy U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Kansas City, Missouri, says he was overwhelmed by an avalanche of mean-spirited phone calls after a hacker posted the congressmans cellphone number, home address and other personal information online. Dozens of callers attacked the former Kansas City mayor using profanity and the N word, the congressman said in an interview. Some accused him of being a baby killer or insulted his Methodist faith. Cleaver also received obscene and racist emails, at least one of which appeared to come from a representative of the Ku Klux Klan, he said. The intensity of the attacks prompted the former Kansas City mayor to change his phone numbers and request additional security around his home in Kansas City. Following a somewhat recent fire bomb attempt on his office . . . Authorities claim a hacker connected to Russian intelligence posted the congressman's home address and personal phone number online . . . The aftermath of stalking and threats has caused him to ask for more security.Take a look:Deets:################Developing . . . "It's a split decision in the trial of the so-called "Medicaid 23," a group of religious leaders who staged a protest in the Missouri Senate more than two years ago over lawmakers' refusal to expand Medicaid. Twenty-two members of the group were found guilty of trespassing for not leaving the Senate gallery when ordered to do so by Capitol police. But they were found not guilty of obstructing the operations of the Senate. The case of one other member will be decided later." German travel agents saw their hopes of strong last-minute summer holiday bookings fizzle out last month despite rainy weather as weak demand for Turkey depressed overall sales, fvw reports. Nevertheless, popular Greek destinations did much better as Heraklion grew by 25%, Rhodes was up by 31% and Kos by 16%. Overall, leisure travel sales by German travel agents were 5% lower in July than last year even though poor weather traditionally drives consumers into making last-minute bookings for sunny Mediterranean destinations. This left cumulated sales for the summer 2016 season 8% lower than last year, according to the monthly GfK representative survey of some 1,200 travel agencies. Above all, there was no surge of last-minute bookings, as many tour operators and travel agents had hoped for. The proportion of holiday bookings with departures in July or August was 27.1%, which was well behind last years figure of 31.3%. In terms of departure months, July closed with stable sales revenues compared to last year but August currently has a heavy decline of 18.7% in revenue terms, while September and October also have high single-digit declines compared to last year. The main factor, according to GfK, is the slump in bookings for Turkey. This is underlined by the latest figures from reservations provider Traveltainment for German package holiday bookings to leading destination airports. Bookings to Antalya plummeted by 46% in July compared to one year earlier, following on from heavy double-digit declines in recent months. Moreover, Hurghada was down by 35%. In contrast, eight of the ten top airport destinations showed growth last month after varying trends in the last few months. Palma confirmed its position as the major destination airport with a 16% rise in bookings last month, Heraklion grew by 25% and Rhodes was up by 31%. There was single-digit growth for Fuerteventura, Las Palmas and Tenerife South, and double-digit growth for Varna (+17%) and Kos (+16%). Read more here. RELATED TOPICS: Greece, Greek tourism news, Tourism in Greece, Greek islands, Hotels in Greece, Travel to Greece, Greek destinations , Greek travel market, Greek tourism statistics, Greek tourism report Dubai-based DP World, a leading global shipping terminal operator, today announced strong financial results for the six months to June 30, delivering profit attributable to owners of $608 million, up 50.2 per cent. On a reported basis, revenue grew 10.2 per cent to $2.094 billion compared to the same period last year. Adjusted EBITDA increased by 27.2 per cent to $1.176 billion and adjusted EBITDA margin stood at 56.2 per cent. Earnings per share for H1 was 73.2 US cents. On a like-for-like basis, revenue grew 2.5 per cent and adjusted EBITDA increased by 6.6 per cent, adjusted EBITDA margin 51.8 per cent and attributable earnings were up 4.3 per cent, reflecting the challenging global trade environment, the company said. The companys revenue growth was supported by the acquisitions of Jebel Ali Free Zone (UAE) and Prince Rupert (Canada). Containerised revenue per TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) grew 5.4 per cent on a like-for-like basis. Non-container revenue decreased by 0.9 per cent on a like-for-like basis and increased by 17.9 per cent on a reported basis, it said. Adjusted EBITDA margin reached a new high of 56.2 per cent reflecting the Jebel Ali Free Zone acquisition and increased contribution from other higher margin locations. Like-for-like adjusted EBITDA margin was at 51.8 per cent. The company successfully raised $1.2 billion in a new seven-year sukuk transaction at significantly improved terms, refinancing $1.1 billion of the existing 2017 sukuk through a tender offer and extending the debt maturity profile. DP World made a capital expenditure of $586 million, investing across the portfolio during the first half of the year. Capital expenditure guidance for 2016 remains unchanged at between $1.2 billion and $1.4 billion with investments planned into Jebel Ali port (UAE), Jebel Ali Free Zone (UAE), London Gateway (UK), Prince Rupert (Canada), JNP Mumbai (India), and Yarimca (Turkey). DP World Group chairman and CEO Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem said: DP World is pleased to announce a strong set of first half results, with 50 per cent year-on-year earnings growth, and 56 per cent adjusted EBITDA margins. The more modest like-for-like earnings growth is a reflection of the challenging trade environment. This financial performance has been achieved despite uncertain market conditions, which once again demonstrates the resilient nature of our portfolio. In 2016, we have invested $586 million of capex in key growth markets, and this investment leaves us well placed to capitalise on the significant medium to long-term growth potential of this industry. We will maintain the existing shape of our ports portfolio that has a 70% exposure to origin and destination cargo and 75 per cent exposure to faster growing markets. This positioning will enable us to deliver both earnings growth and shareholder value over the long term. The outlook for trade growth remains uncertain, however, we believe our portfolio is well positioned to continue to outperform the market. We remain focused on delivering relevant new capacity in the right markets through disciplined investment, improving efficiencies and managing costs to drive profitability. Looking ahead to the second half of the year, we expect throughput performance to improve, and like-for-like financial performance (excluding one-off items and foreign exchange movements) to be similar to the first half. Overall, the strong financial performance of the first six months leaves us well placed to meet full-year market expectations, Bin Sulayem said. TradeArabia News Service Japan-based Asahi Glass (AGC), a global glass manufacturing company, has revealed that AGC Automotive Europe will establish its first automotive glass factory in Africa in Kenitra, Morocco, said a report. AGC Automotive Group recently reached an agreement with Induver, a leading glass processing company in Casablanca, in order to co-establish the first unit of the AGC Group in North Africa, added the Morocco World News report. The factorys construction is underway and is expected to begin production in 2019, it said. The AGC Group will create approximately 600 new jobs in Morocco and aims to be the hub of glass production in Africa. The factory will become the 23rd global site producing for Asahi Glass, which provides automotive glass for around 1.1 million vehicles annually, added the report. Ride-hailing service Uber is testing out a new cash payment option for rides in the UAE. The pilot in Dubai and Abu Dhabi makes the UAE the seventh country to test cash payments, following the launches of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Qatar. According to a statement released by Uber, the car ride company is exploring ways of making the service even more accessible and convenient. Under the testing phase, the cash option will only be available to a limited number of riders. "If you do not see the cash option, dont worry. We will roll out this feature gradually as we continue testing it. Meanwhile if you are part of the cash pilot in the UAE, your feedback is essential so we can continue developing a cash option that works best for you," the company said. The cash payment option will not replace the credit card option, said the firm and drivers will not allow fare payments to be split between cash and credit card. - TradeArabia News Service Qatar Airways said that an aircraft that was forced to make an emergency landing at Istanbul's Ataturk airport on Thursday landed safely and that passengers had disembarked as normal. "Today's QR240 from Istanbul Ataturk Airport to Doha has returned to Istanbul and has landed safely. The passengers have disembarked as normal. The pilot followed all QR safety procedures," said a statement by the Gulf carrier. A Qatar Airways spokeswoman said the emergency landing was due to a suspected bird strike. The spokeswoman could not confirm a report by broadcaster CNN Turk that one of the plane's engines caught fire. The Airbus A330 had been headed for Doha but had to turn back to Ataturk airport less than 30 minutes into its journey, after its landing gear failed to retract on take-off, an airport official said. The plane was carrying 298 passengers and 14 crew. Reuters and other sources. BUTTE -- A Montana Tech official has confirmed that 15 students enrolled in summer school have been expelled for cheating. "There were students who participated in academic dishonesty practices that have been permanently dismissed from Montana Tech," Doug Abbott, vice chancellor for academic affairs, said on Wednesday. Abbott declined to release further information about the incident and the dismissed students, including the specific classes in which the cheating occurred; the grade status, major or gender of the students; and whether they were international students. "We don't release student information," Abbott said. "Montana Tech has high academic standards and we take academic dishonesty very seriously. I think the permanent dismissal of these 15 students is evidence of the quality education that we give at Montana Tech," he added. An email obtained by The Montana Standard detailed several alleged specific cheating strategies used including scanner pens, phones hidden in calculators, hand signals and diversion tactics. Engineering calculators and other discipline-specific calculators are used in Tech's science-heavy classes. Most cellphones have general calculators as well. Abbott would not confirm the use of electronic devices or any other specific cheating techniques used, but said that the students who were dismissed violated rules in the student handbook. "If you go to our website, there's a list of five things that we consider academic dishonesty," he said. "It's one of those five things." They include: Aiding another student Copying from the paper of another student while taking an exam Plagiarism Unauthorized signatures; that is, using a person's signature without permission Using unauthorized aids to pass an examination, including "crib notes, electronic devices (e.g. cellphones), books, or any other material to assist ... in passing the examination unless the instructor of the class has specifically given permission to use such materials." It is up to individual professors to establish cell phone usage policies in their classes. When asked if the cheating was a coordinated group effort, Abbott declined to comment. Summer sessions are broken into three sections: from May through June, from July to August and from May through August. Abbott did not say which section the cheating occurred in, or who reported the infractions to his office. Student policy dictates that professors report cheating directly to Abbott's office: "If it is determined that a student is deliberately cheating on an examination or a written or oral assignment, he or she should receive a grade of 'F' on that examination or assignment as a minimum penalty. The instructor may drop the student from the course with an 'F' grade." Furthermore, the policy states: "In reported cases of repeated cheating, the Academic Standards Committee may consider applying additional penalties beyond those imposed by the individual instructors, up to and including expulsion." Abbott characterized the cheating and subsequent expulsions as a one-time incident. "It's not an ongoing phenomenon," he said. "It is an isolated occurrence." Ooredoo, a leading international telecommunications company in Oman, has teamed up with Qatar Airways to add to the numerous benefits already enjoyed by members of its popular Nojoom loyalty programme. The innovative partnership allows Nojoom members to redeem their points for Qatar Airways Privilege Club Qmiles through the Ooredoo App, with 50 Qmiles credited for every 500 Nojoom points. We are continually on the look-out for inspiring ways to enhance our customers Nojoom membership experience and today we are delighted to further extend the range of rewards available with this agreement with Qatar Airways. We are confident that the Qmiles exchange scheme will be well-received by our customers and promise even more exciting benefits and exclusive privileges in the future. Our Nojoom members certainly have a lot to look forward to, said Raed Dawood, Director of Government Relations and Corporate Affairs at Ooredoo. Qatar Airways vice president, CRM, Loyalty and Customer Care Ian Di Tullio said: Qatar Airways is pleased to partner with Ooredoo and to offer more options to earn Privilege Club Qmiles. Qatar Airways Privilege Club is our way of saying thank you to our program members; this partnership extends our thanks for supporting our partner Ooredoo. Through partnerships with Ooredoo, our existing partners worldwide and oneworld member airlines, Privilege Club continues to be ever more rewarding and to enable members to enjoy an exclusive range of benefits when choosing to travel with Qatar Airways. The Nojoom programme was developed to reward Ooredoos loyal customers and to thank them for their continued use of the leading telecommunications companys value-packed products and services. Easy to join through the Ooredoo App or by dialling *147*21#, membership of the programme is available to all Ooredoo pre and post paid customers. Points are awarded for every fixed line or mobile bill payment or recharge. Thanks to the impressive network of alliances that Ooredoo has established with leading brands across Oman, points can be exchanged for a fast-growing range of highly desirable benefits. To find out more about the Nojoom programme, download the Ooredoo Oman app, go to or visit any of the 41 Ooredoo stores located across Oman. - TradeArabia News Service Some posts on this site contain affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these links, we may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). Any time we travel, paying a visit to local food markets is always on the top of our list. And in a food-focused region like Emilia-Romagna, indulging in the Bologna markets was a necessity. The culinary reputation of this Northern Italian city is strong, and its easy to see why. Fresh produce, perfect cheeses, and handmade pastas are available just about everywhere you look. And then theres the meat. Oh, the meat. The narrow streets in the center of Bologna are home to the Quadrilatero market Food markets in Bologna, Italy, are utterly enticing. The local products are carefully grown, hand-crafted based on centuries of tradition, and passionately delivered to customers when theyre at their peak. A walk through the Bologna markets is a party for all the sensesbut mostly for the taste buds. Heres a look at the four markets we visited in Bologna. Bologna Markets to Visit Quadrilatero Market Food stalls in the Quadrilatero market brim with the freshest Italian produce Just off Piazza Maggiore in the heart of the old city is the Quadrilatero market. This bustling area has been home to all types of merchants since Roman times. The streets of the Quadrilatero reflect the areas heritage and are named for the shops that used line the streets Via Pescherie Vecchie housed the fishmongers while Via degli Orefici was home to the goldsmiths and jewelers and Via Drapperie belonged to the upholsterers. Today, the narrow streets of the Quadrilatero are packed with all the things that make Bologna such an amazing food destination. There are wine shops, cafes, and specialty food stores selling all types of cured meats, cheeses, pastas, and local delicacies. Throughout the day, food stalls sell the best fruits and vegetables youll find pretty much anywhere. Fish shops have lined Via Pescherie Vecchie for centuries Like many places in Italy, the market opens in the morning but closes mid-afternoon. In the evening, everything comes alive again when the stalls reopen. As shoppers arrive in search of dinner ingredients and friends meet for aperitivo (the glorious Italian happy hour) at the cafes that line the streets, you can truly feel the lively spirit of Bologna. We stayed only a couple of blocks away and loved wandering through the colorful stalls and people watching. The Quadrilatero food market is worth a visit even if youre not hungry, but with the temptations of Bologna, thats probably unlikely. Mercato di Mezzo Fresh pasta options abound at Mercato di Mezzo Our love of European food halls knows no bounds. From the Market Hall in Rotterdam to Torvehallerne in Copenhagen, we always try to prioritize visiting these dens of gluttony when we travel. And Bolognas Mercato di Mezzo was at the top of our list for our trip to Emilia-Romagna. In a lot of ways, this Bologna market echoes the best of whats available in the Quadrilatero, just in a more compact space. The citys first indoor market, Mercato di Mezzo originally opened in the three-story building in the 1870s. Just before the outbreak of World War II, the historic market closed its doors temporarily before partially reopening in 1946. The renovated space reopened in its current incarnation in spring 2014. Take your pick of pastries at the stalls on the ground floor The idea behind Mercato di Mezzo is simplebring together the best local sellers all in one place. The ground floor hosts a variety of stalls where you can get food made to order or a few prepared options (along with wine and beer, of course) to enjoy at the tables nearby. There is also a traditional pizzeria and an artisan beer pub, so there is way more than enough to choose from. Our favorite experience was pulling up to one of the outdoor tables on an early summer night with fresh pasta and a glass of the local white sparkling pignoletto wine. Mercato di Mezzo is open seven days a week from 8:30 a.m. until midnight, although we found some of the merchants close earlier, depending on demand. Mercato delle Erbe Lots of cured meat and cheese items are available at Mercato delle Erbe About a 10-minute walk from Piazza Maggiore, Mercato delle Erbe offers a local alternative to the more touristy Quadrilatero and Mercato di Mezzo food markets. The indoor market occupies a space just set back from Via Ugo Bassi, which you would probably miss if you didnt know if was there (I did). Once inside, though, theres no mistaking the popularity of the place. Samples! Entering from the main street, we immediately found ourselves in a sea of fruit and vegetable stalls similar to what weve experienced in the indoor markets in Provence, France. As you would expect in Italy, the stalls boast some of the freshest fruits and vegetables around since so many of the products sold here are grown locally. As we continued exploring to the further reaches of the food market, we found pasta, cheeses, cured and fresh meats, and other Bolognese and Italian specialties. One piece of advice: dont try to do any shopping on an empty stomach. Its torture. During the evening, part of Mercato delle Erbe becomes a series of food court spots for aperitivo or a heartier dinner. Everything from pizza to seafood is available. Check the hours before you head to the food market as it is generally open in the early morning and early evening and is closed Sundays, although the schedule seems to vary. Mercato Ritrovato Mercato della Terra has a fabulous selection of hyper-local wines and craft beer Even further off the tourist track is Mercato Ritrovato. On Saturday mornings (or Monday evenings during the summer), the courtyard of Cinema Lumiere comes alive with dozens of farmers, winemakers, and brewers selling seasonal products from within about 25 miles of Bologna. Each stall has a sign explaining the origin of the products and the ways they were made or grown consistent with the Slow Food movement. A fabulous band provided the soundtrack to the evening market A 25-minute walk from the city center found us in the heart of this charming Bologna market on an otherwise quiet Monday night. But Mercato Ritrovato was full of lively music and friends gathering for a bite to eat from one (or more) of the vendors. As couples and groups met to enjoy a bottle of wine or fresh fish from the extremely popular seafood stand, we felt like we were likely the only tourists in attendance. And that is absolutely awesome. The food market takes place every Saturday morning from 9am to 2pm. From May through August, the market is also open Monday evenings from 5:30-11:00pm. Dinner was a made-to-order burger and a glass of sparkling Pignoletto wine We were in Bologna as part of the Blogville project in coordination with the Emilia-Romagna Tourism Board and iambassador. All opinions of the completely delicious are our own. Ceiba Intercontinental airline adds calls center and passenger rewards program, says Victor Mooney, Managing Director, Spirit of Malabo Group. (TRAVPR.COM) USA - August 18th, 2016 - NEW YORK CITY - As part of the countries successful Horizonte 2020 Development Plan, tourism has been identified as an opportunity for growth with the creation of local employment. With that focus, Equatorial Guinea national airline new website - creates greater client relations and accelerates future markets for air travel destinations. The airline has a fleet of new airplanes and currently flys to Accra, Annobon, Bata, Brazaville, Contonou, Dakar, Doula, Liberville, Lome, Madrid, Malabo, Mengomeyen, Point Norte and Yamena. Since 2013, The United States and Equatorial Guinea are parties to an Open Skies Agreement. The Open Skies Agreement establishes a liberalized aviation relationship between the United States and Equatorial Guinea. It creates opportunities for strengthening the economic partnership between the United States and Equatorial Guinea through closer links in transport and trade. On the net: ### In a world facing food scarcity, rising sea levels and looming natural disasters, hope may indeed float. It may even look like this: That's the concept for Oceanix City, a floating colony unveiled April 3 at a United Nations roundtable of builders, engineers and architects. <<< mobile-native-ad >>> Unlike similar ideas floated over the decades that have yet to see the light of day, this island, conceived by architect Bjarke Ingels in collaboration with Oceanix Inc, stands a good chance of becoming reality. Especially with Maimunah Mohd Sharif, executive director of the U.N.'s Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) backing the idea of floating cities, "A thriving city has a symbiotic relationship with its water," he announced at the roundtable "And as our climate and water ecosystems are changing, the way our cities relate to water needs to change, too." No building on the island will be higher than seven stories. Bjarke Ingels Group And Oceanix City couldn't have a closer relationship to the water. Built as a series of hexagonal platforms, it would house about 10,000 people. No cars or trucks would be allowed on the island, although the designers have left the door open for driverless vehicles. Deliveries, via drones, may also be a future option. "This doesn't look like Manhattan," Oceanix CEO Marc Collins reportedly told roundtable participants. "There are no cars." Designers envision Oceanix City as a walker's paradise. Bjarke Ingels Group Most importantly, the people who live in Oceanix City with every hexagon supporting 300 residents who function as a village would be self-sufficient. The city would produce its own power, fresh water and heat. Another key part of that autonomy would be the development of ocean farming using cages beneath the platforms could harvest scallops, kelp and other seafood. The city would grow all the food it needed, either on vertical farms or underwater. Bjarke Ingels Group Fish waste would be used as crop fertilizer and year-round produce would be grown on vertical farms. Speaking of vertical, all buildings would be between four and seven stories tall in order to maintain a low center of gravity for the island. Being able to withstand weather extremes is a key feature of the island's design. In addition to keeping a low center of gravity, an ultra-durable, self-repairing material called Biorock would cover the platforms, giving it the strength to hold fast under Category 5 hurricanes. And, since Oceanix City would always be anchored a mile off the coast of a major city, help isn't too far away. In case of severe weather approaching, the entire city could be towed safely out of its path. And being able to float, of course, gives Oceanix City a major advantage over its landlocked counterparts when it comes to the growing problem of rising sea levels. Being able to float is a huge advantage for a city in times of rising sea levels. Bjarke Ingels Group Naturally, no society can thrive if it hasn't figured out the fundamental question of what to do with its garbage. The answer, for Oceanix City, is to not make much of it all, but rather design everything so that it can be repaired and reused, What little waste residents produce would be sealed in reusable bags and shuttled down pneumatic tubes to a sorting center. Floating habitats like Oceanix City might not be the future we expected, but they could be the one we need. Bjarke Ingels Group Is this starting to sound like a pie-in-the-sea idea to you? Well, maybe it is. But as Collins notes, there's growing will to make it happen. Especially as the world finds itself on increasingly uncertain footing. "Everybody on the team actually wants to get this built," he tells Business Insider. "We're not just theorizing." FORT BENTON -- A former employee has filed a lawsuit against the hospital in Fort Benton, claiming the facility didnt acknowledge or properly respond to a scabies outbreak and that the infestation spread while leadership at the hospital lied about it. Shannon Walden, a former infection control coordinator, was fired Sept. 1, 2015, after she said she sent an email correcting the Missouri River Medical Centers director of nursing over what Walden said was incorrect information about the outbreak. Scabies is an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite, which burrows into upper layer of skin where it lives and lays eggs. It is transferred by skin-to-skin contact or contact with contaminated surfaces. It causes rash, bumps and blisters and severe itching. Those infected can have no symptoms for the first two to six weeks, but can still spread scabies during that period. Walden is suing for wrongful discharge, saying she was terminated in retaliation for reporting a violation of policy and her firing was without cause. She is asking for four years of lost wages, benefits and interest. She was earning $15,000 annually, including benefits, when she was let go. Her job at the center was to oversee the prevention, spread and management of infectious disease among residents, patients and staff. Walden was supervised by director of nursing Janice Woodhouse and CEO Louie King. The center is a critical-access facility, with a hospital and emergency room. There are seven acute-care beds. It also houses a 45-bed nursing home. Woodhouse, acting CEO at the center, didnt return a call for comment Tuesday. Waldens attorney, William P. Rideg, of Missoula, said he couldnt comment on the case, which was filed in the 12th Judicial District Court in Chouteau County. In March 2015, according to the lawsuit, Walden learned residents and staff at the center had scabies. She recommended the center proactively treat all residents, patients and staff, as recommended by guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control, as well as dermatologists at Benefis Hospital in Great Falls. Walden, in court documents, said the center ignored her recommendations and the outbreak grew to affect between eight and 10 residents and staff. People in the community complained about the outbreak to the state Department of Health and Human Services, according to court documents. Officials from that agency made a site visit May 11, 2015. During that visit, Walden said she told the state investigator she was concerned about how the outbreak was being handled. According to documents, Walden told the investigator that the director of nursing was concerned about the cost of treating the outbreak and not following CDC guidelines. On June 23, 2015, Walden contacted the Occupational Safety and Health Administration over continued lack of response from the center. OSHA, a federal agency tasked with ensuring workers safety, visited the center a day later and had a meeting with the DPHHS inspector as well as Walden to review the scabies case log and discuss Waldens concerns, including using scabies medication to treat what the center called rashes, despite recommendations to label the rashes as scabies. By July 16, 2015, Walden had contacted OSHA again and an investigator made another visit July 22. In the lawsuit, Walden cites these visits as the cause of friction with her employer. Ms. Waldens ongoing questioning of The Centers response, and her repeated engagement with DPHHS and OSHA was looked upon unfavorably by The Centers administration, court documents say. Things had not improved a month later, when on Aug. 24, 2015, Walden sent an email correcting statements made by Woodhouse, the director of nursing, during a conference call with physicians and the infection control department at Benefis in Great Falls. According to court documents, Walden sent an email saying that Woodhouse had lied about the number of scabies cases at the center. That same day, the centers Board of Directors held a meeting with several administrators and staff. According to documents, at that meeting the directors decided to fire Walden. Documents say the firing was because of a required reduction in workforce and budgetary shortfalls. Walden was not at the meeting, nor given immediate notice of the action. Walden was told Sept. 1 that she had been fired and asked to leave the center immediately. According to documents, the centers policies call for two weeks notice prior to termination. The center has never given Walden written justification supporting her termination, she said. Walden was hired by the center in March 2004 and was promoted to the position of infection control coordinator, a job she held for six years. Documents say she received positive performance reviews and bonuses. A report from the DPHHS Certification bureau summarizing deficiencies at the center provides more information about the scabies outbreak. Of six residents sampled, all six showed signs of scabies. Most of the residents infected had lived at the center for at least two years and one had been there nearly six. Residents were treated with several creams, some of which are specifically for scabies and some meant to address general skin issues such as crustiness and scaling. Some residents treatment was designated as prophylactic. The report notes that medical records were not detailed or well kept for some patients and often didn't note the progress of treatments or initial assessments of rashes. For example, the report shows a resident who had lived at the center almost two years was ordered to be treated with a cream used to treat itching, crusting and scaling, though not specifically scabies. That was applied on May 10, 2015. On May 21, a doctor ordered a scabies screening, but it was canceled and the doctor instead completed a skin-scraping procedure to test the skin infection. After, the doctor ordered a cream used to treat scabies be applied to the residents skin. The doctor did not clarify in medical records what the skin test was for and a nurse documented the test was positive, but did not clarify what it was positive for. The report shows a lack of isolation measures, including one resident who left the facility for a community function after being treated for a skin infection. A certified nursing assistant who was tested and treated for scabies thought she was infected while caring for a resident. A housekeeper voiced concerns at a facility management meeting regarding lack of precaution signs posted in resident rooms, according to the state report. That person also said the housekeeping department had delays in communication regarding cleaning and sanitizing needs for residents with transmittable cases. A nurses chart for one resident said the resident had a confirmed case of scabies, but documentation didnt show if steps were taken to ensure bedding, clothing and other items were cleaned and sanitized to avoid cross-contamination. The facility identified the resident had scabies in the morning but that person was not put into isolation until several hours later. Records show the director of nursing and assistant director of nursing believed one resident was exposed to scabies from a bathroom she shared with another resident. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid designates the state Certification Bureau to serve as the state survey agency. The bureau conducts surveys at Montana facilities that accept Medicare and Medicaid payments to make sure these facilities meet federal regulations. The bureau conducts three types of surveys; the one at the Fort Benton facility was a complaint survey, which is done after the bureau receives a complaint. Lewis and Clark County commissioners are accepting public comment until Sept. 9 on a request to tap the Open Lands program for the purchase of land along the Blackfoot River near Lincoln for a new park. The request that came before the commission last week, when the 30-day comment period was opened, is for up to $113,300 for nearly 9.5 acres owned by Paul Roos. The overall project cost would be $134,600, according to the level two funding application submitted by Five Valleys Land Trust of Missoula, which lists Prickly Pear Land Trust in Helena as a secondary sponsoring organization. Five Valleys Land Trust would contribute $18,300 in in-kind services, and Prickly Pear Land Trust would contribute $3,000. There are also $28,300 in transaction costs for the project, including money for an appraisal and a fee to ensure future stewardship of the property. An appraisal by Norman C. Wheeler & Associates, which has Montana offices in Missoula and Bozeman, set the value of the land that includes about 1,056 feet of Blackfoot River frontage at $85,000. The property is generally located east of and adjacent to Stemple Pass Road and south of the river that, it was noted during the presentation to the commission, in late summer can be beneath the streambed. The purchase agreement between Five Valleys Land Trust and Roos will expire in December, said Vickie Edwards, the land trusts conservation project manager. The citizen advisory committee for the countys Open Lands program voted 9-0 in support of the project and recommended reimbursing Five Valleys Land Trust for the $28,300 in transaction fees, according to a county staff report. The commission meets monthly in Augusta and Lincoln and is scheduled to next meet in Lincoln on Oct. 7, when a decision could be made on whether to provide funding that would allow Five Valleys Land Trust to purchase and become the owner of the property. Of the $10 million approved by county voters in 2008 for protecting land, water and wildlife, $3 million was converted into cash to fund projects. So far, about $1,975,000 of that has been spent on projects, said Nancy Everson, the countys finance director. Kim Patterson, who made the citizen advisory committee motion to recommend the county fund the project, spoke at the commission meeting and said the committee saw the project as a great investment for the community. While the commission did not disagree about the projects value to the community, Commissioner Andy Hunthausen said the commission was not trying to acquire land on behalf of the county. Both he and commission Chairman Mike Murray expressed concern that, unlike other projects funded through the Open Lands program, this request for the Lincoln Community River Park has no entity other than Lewis and Clark County providing cash to make the acquisition possible. The county is not normally asked to be the sole cash purveyor, Murray said. After the meeting, he noted his support for the project but said he would prefer to see an Open Lands program applicant with between 40 percent and 60 percent of the money needed. I think they need to come up with some cash, Murray said, though he reaffirmed his support for the proposal. I think its still a great project, Hunthausen said, explaining it fits with why voters passed the open space bond. If we had to fund it fully, Id probably still support it, he added. Community interest in the park began more than three years ago, according to the funding application, with local residents gathering to discuss opportunities for a public park along the Blackfoot River. According to the funding application, there are no homes on the land, and the property wouldnt be used by Five Valleys Land Trust for residential purposes. The application noted that the park is within walking distance of the center of Lincoln and would provide a place for activities that include fishing, swimming, wildlife viewing and picnicking. If Five Valleys transfers ownership in the future, Five Valleys would transfer ownership with restrictions in place that would maintain the open space values of the property and would allow for public access, the application stated. Often, it is the charismatic and spectacular that draws people to nature. When wildlife is depicted onscreen, for example, well usually see images of large mammals and skillful predators -- bears, wolves, lions, bison, elk -- all doing their thing amidst some gorgeous and wild landscape. Birding is no different, with raptors garnering much of the publics awe and attention. This shouldnt be surprising -- hawks, owls and eagles are majestic predators that have been honored by human cultures for millennia, appearing in art, literature, oral histories. For many birders though, it is the falcons that hold a special place among birds of prey. There are five falcon species regularly observed in Montana: Gyrfalcon (winter only), American Kestrel, Merlin, Peregrine and the Prairie Falcon. These birds can be differentiated from hawks and others in flight by their strongly tapered wings that terminate in a point, an adaptation which serves a single evolutionary purpose: speed. The falcons are well-known as the fastest animals on earth, and one in particular, is uniquely tied the American West. Prairie Falcons (Falco mexicanus) live solely in the Americas, ranging from northern Mexico to southern Canada, inhabiting huge swaths of the Great Plains. The bird is a medium-large raptor with dark underwing coverts, which when viewed from below, appear as very distinctive dark armpits and is their most reliable field mark. Its overall brownish appearance is an adaptation to the vast deserts, sage and grassland environments where it is most commonly found. They are also capable of using high alpine meadows and tundra habitat provided food resources are adequate. Many of these raptors are year-round residents of their breeding ranges, but some will make short-distance migrations if food availability requires it. Male and female markings are virtually identical, but as with most birds of prey, the females are significantly larger. Rocky cliffs and outcrops are used as nest sites. Genetic analysis has shown that the Prairie Falcon is a fairly close relative to the better known Peregrine Falcon. A split began about 3-5 million years ago as evolutionary pressures honed an ancestral Peregrine to adapt to the open, dry landscapes of the West. The two species will occasionally interbreed where they overlap. Arid ecosystems are unforgiving, difficult places to make a living for any creature and require special adaptations for survival. In these low prey-base environments, a smaller, lighter body enables the Prairie Falcon to get by on fewer calories more efficiently than raptors of similar size, while also allowing them to be more heat-tolerant than a bulkier bird. They use a variety of hunting styles including the well-known stoop (rapid diving attack) on airborne bird prey; a fast, low-altitude ground cruising tactic; or a line-of-sight ambush from high perches. The bird has evolved to become an especially aggressive and opportunistic hunter and will swiftly attack anything from grasshoppers and sparrows to an array of rodents, to creatures as large as a goose or Greater Sage Grouse. All have been taken by the nimble Prairie Falcon, which are also known to cache excess food as a hedge against lean times. The hunting prowess of this raptor was impressed upon me while guiding a birding workshop in northcentral Montana several years ago. We arrived at an area of wetland and prairie midmorning, and began to scan the area for grassland species. A few nighthawks and Wilsons snipe immediately drew our attention but before long, a frantic, persistent calling from somewhere in the grass dominated the morning soundscape. After a few moments of listening and searching, members of the group were able to zero in on the culprits; about 50 yards from us was a pair of Marbled Godwits, both birds freaking out, alarm calling and trying to corral about four chicks which were difficult to see due to their tawny camouflage. We scanned the area but saw nothing that should have set these birds into such a tizzy, so we slowly approached them for a better look. One adult flew to a nearby fencepost, and the other stayed close to the chicks and what may have been their nesting area. All of these godwits were on high-alert and it was clear that they werent reacting to our presence but something else. I began to look for the cause and glassed a low sandstone ridge a few hundred yards away. Bingo: A Prairie Falcon, nearly invisible, was perched on a small rocky outcrop and seemed barely interested in the whole affair. Scopes were set on the bird and our group studied it for a few minutes while the godwits continued their disturbing alarm calls. After a time, this Prairie Falcon had had enough; it quickly focused its gaze toward the sound, raised its wings and shot from the ridge in the probably fastest movement I have ever witnessed in nature. Hitting the nest in the virtual blink of an eye, the falcon instantly removed one of the chicks while human birders stood in awe, eyes and mouths wide open. Some in the group were visibly disturbed by this unvarnished act of predation. Alas, it is what makes the world go around in nature, everywhere, all the time. In this case, a bad morning for Marbled Godwits meant a good one for Prairie Falcons. David Cronenwett writes this column on behalf of Montana Audubon, a statewide wildlife conservation organization ( Cronenwett is a writer, naturalist and Audubon staff member who can be reached at New Delhi, August 18 Moving a step closer to creation of a global-sized bank with assets worth over Rs 37 lakh crore, the SBI board today approved merger of its five associate banks and Bharatiya Mahila Bank with itself. It also finalised the share swap ratio for three of the listed subsidiaries and BMB. "The central board of directors today approved the merger of State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (SBBJ), State Bank of Mysore (SBM), State Bank of Travancore (SBT) and BMB," the country's largest lender said in a regulatory filing. As per the merger proposal, SBBJ shareholders will get 28 shares of SBI (Rs 1 each) for every 10 shares (Rs 10 each). Similarly, SBM and SBT shareholders will get 22 shares each of SBI for every 10 shares they hold. In the case of Bharatiya Mahila Bank, 4,42,31,510 shares of SBI will be swapped for every 100 crore of BMB shares having a face value of Rs 10. The two unlisted subsidiaries are fully owned by SBI. The merger will create a banking behemoth of global scale with a balancesheet of Rs 37 trillion or over $555 billion, making it one of the top 50 global financial powerhouses. The merged entity will have 22,500 branches and 58,000 ATMs serving a customer base of over 50 crore. SBI has close to 16,500 branches, including 191 foreign offices across 36 countries while the five subsidiaries have nearly 6,000 branches. "The share swap ratio is favourable to minority shareholders. We are confident that the ratio would be largely acceptable to all shareholders," SBI Deputy Managing Director in charge of associates and subsidiaries Neeraj Vyas said. The board also approved merger of two unlisted associate banks State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Hyderabad with the parent, Vyas said. Abizer Diwanji, Partner and National Leader for financial services at EY, which advised the share swap deal for SBI, said, "The ratio will be acceptable to all shareholders." PTI Nitin Jain Tribune News Service Chandigarh, August 17 The Centres move to appoint Chandigarhs first independent Administrator with a rank equivalent to that of Lieutenant Governor was put on hold tonight following objection from Punjabs ruling Shiromani Akali Dal. Since June 2, 1984, when Punjab was passing through the black days of terrorism, the Punjab Governor had been holding the additional charge of UT Administrator and the post of UT Chief Commissioner was re-designated as Adviser to UT Administrator. (Follow The Tribune on Facebook; and Twitter @thetribunechd) For the past over a year, Haryana Governor Kaptan Singh Solanki had been holding the additional charge of UT Administrator in his capacity of officiating Governor of Punjab, ever since Shivraj Patil demitted office in January 2015. Today, the presidential warrants appointing VP Singh Badnore as the new Punjab Governor were without separate orders under Article 239(2) assigning him additional charge of UT Administrator. KJ Alphons Kannanthanam, a bureaucrat-turned-politician from Kerala tipped to be the UT Administrator, initially told The Tribune over the phone that he will join office next week, reversing the UT Administrations 32-year-old setup. However, later, he said he got a call from BJP national chief Amit Shah informing him that the decision to appoint him had been put on hold considering reservations expressed by the Akalis. Earlier, Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal issued a strongly-worded statement, asking the Centre to restore the time-tested convention on Chandigarh. It was later withdrawn. Kannanthanam is known as the Delhi demolition man for spearheading a massive demolition drive in 1990s. He quit the IAS in 2006 and was elected as an Independent MLA, backed by CPM-led Left Front. After joining the BJP in 2011, he was inducted into the national executive. Tribune News Service Amritsar, August 18 A city-based Guru Arjan Dev Institute of Development Studies has released e-book titled Water energy and food security nexus to bring out grim reality of increasing world population and scarcity of drinking water in the coming years. It contains 27 papers contributed by eminent scholars having expertise in different fields. These researchers from Nepal, Libya, Albania, Malaysia, Ethiopia and Bangladesh also contributed to the e-book. The institute director, Dr Gursharan Singh Kainth, in his introduction to the e-book said the International Energy Agencys (IEA) warning that water demand would outstrip energy demands by two-fold highlighted the scale of water-energy nexus. He stressed that the reality was more complex. The book states that a global population expansion to nine billion people by 2050, coupled with increased economic growth, will intensify competition for water, as well as increase the need for food and energy, thus creating a dilemma for the 21st century society. It states that traditional water-energy nexus highlights the mutual importance of water and conventional energy. Energy is fundamental to collect, transport, distribute and treat water. Water is essential to extract process and refine fossil fuels. The onset of climate change further exacerbates the inter-connectivity of the energy-water nexus. It advocates that a global water gap of 40 per cent between demand and accessible water by 2030 and water consumption is set to rise from 4,500 to 6,900 billion cubic metres with no change to business as usual practices and policies, posing a menacing threat to the bio-diversity. The e-book states that agriculture accounts for 71 per cent of current total global water withdrawals. A 50 per cent population increase will exponentially raise agricultural output, requiring more water and energy through fertilizers, harvesting and processing. Indias water consumption could double by 2030 to 1.5 trillion cubic metres. It will leave the country with a 50 per cent water gap. Dr Kainth said a call was given for awareness of the nexus between water, food and energy security, as well as climate change. A serious water crisis ahead has been realised as many groundwater resources are depleted, while demand for food and energy is increasing. By 2030, the worlds population and economic growth are expected to lead to a 40 per cent increase in energy and water demand. Demand for food will go up by 50 per cent. Meanwhile, climate change puts additional strain on agriculture, he added. Buttressing his claims he said the increase in food prices in the recent past too had been closely linked to rising energy and oil prices. He said, The poor are particularly affected by high food prices as they spend a high proportion of income on food. Harish Khare The chilling news item was tucked away in an inside page. And not many newspapers had even bothered to publish the agency copy. But every honest, sincere and dedicated bureaucrat, serving or retired, must have felt a cold shudder down the spine as s/he read the news item: a former Coal Secretary, HC Gupta, who has found himself accused in the so-called coal scam, has told the court that he would rather face the trial from inside the jail than apply for bail. Mr Gupta told the CBI court that he was unable and unwilling to spare his limited financial resources on hiring legal counsel. For good measure, he declined the court's offer of legal aid. Simply put, this fine bureaucrat, whom everyone unhesitatingly certifies to be the most honest officer of his generation, has refused to cooperate with the judiciary-monitored sham that bogus righteousness has inflicted on the nation. In very measured words, Mr Gupta told the court: Whatever I did as Chairperson of the Screening Committee or as Secretary Coal was done with a clear conscienceI also believe that the coal block allocation was no scam. The Screening Committee did its job sincerely and in good faith. Yet, he finds himself arrayed as an accused in a number of cases, brought against him by the CBI. An honest man with the very limited means accruing to an honest official, he is pitted against the organisational resourcefulness of a premier investigating agency, infused with a misplaced missionary zeal and bureaucratic clumsiness. His reputation, character and record stand besmirched: perhaps, a minor collateral victim in a larger battle. But he refuses to give in to the sordid logic of let the law take its own course bogusness. For me, one approach could be to remain on bail and deal with the case in a normal manner. However, my conscience tells me not to do so. I am an elderly man suffering from many diseases. It is quite possible that I may not survive the period of trial getting completed. I will not like anyone to think that I escaped punishment because of the time taken in trial. Any person with sensitive nostrils can smell the stench of a Bleak House banality at work in the so-called investigation and trial in the so-called coal scam. While all the powerful businessmen and politicians have escaped the CBI dragnet, a man like HC Gupta has to go through the ordeal of a trial. By refusing to submit to this dehumanising charade and refusing to feel diminished, Gupta has shamed us all and made us feel small in our vindictive pursuit of partisan agendas. Guptas ordeal would be worth it only if we are able to understand the conceit and conspiracies that were at work five years ago when the country was grandly summoned to the barricades by that great revolutionary, Anna Hazare. And, feeling noble, empowered and appropriately angry, we had all responded. The civil society had experienced its finest and its headiest moment. We were intoxicated with hope and optimism that we would flush the corrupt down the drain, once and for all. Nothing of the kind happened, though. Five years later, the high priests of that movement are performing puja and aarti in different political temples. The gurus and the babas have become very, very rich entrepreneurs, the activists have become constitutional functionaries. But, the old man, Anna, himself has been made to retreat to his village in Maharashtra, having no voice, no influence, and no constituency. Five years later, only the most impressionable would want to believe that India has become corruption-free. It would require considerable gullibility to accept that all the black money that was deemed to be stashed away in Swiss bank accounts has been brought back to Mother India. After all that trauma and tantrum five years ago, we have yet to have a Lokpal. Yet, no one feels agitated, leave alone cheated. Instead, we have the HC Guptas being subjected to rites of malevolent judicial processes. Make no mistake: the HC Gupta episode is bound to have a deleterious impact on all those men and women who strive to serve the Indian State. As a matter of fact, it was 30 years ago that we injected into our polity and our bureaucratic system a virus named Bofors. Though we felt virtuous and vindicated about the whole affair, the bottom line is that our defence purchase processes have remained dangerously skewed. We may have settled a few scores against this or that political leader or party, but we have ended up inflicting debilitating damage on our defence forces. No one wants to take a decision; procrastination has become the first line of defence. To make matters worse, we have developed a culture of accusation. It is now almost institutionalised and we have put in place a plethora of authorised regulators the CVC, the CAG, the CBI to ensure transparency and accountability. Yet, we continue to have accusations of this or that scandal in defence purchases, spread across all governments. While nameless middlemen and arms merchants thrive and remain beyond our reach, we happily accuse officers, in or out of uniform, of wrongdoing. The politicians remain unfazed, but we encourage timidity, caution, and indecision among our bureaucrats. There is a price to be paid for all this politics of indignation. If HC Gupta can be subjected to the indignities and humiliation of a criminal trial, which officer would stick his/her neck out? As a nation, we remain hostage to peculiar fancies. Mobs bayed for a powerful Lokpal. The anti-corruption movement five years later should at least cure us of our infatuation for a foolproof vigilance arrangement. PC Parakh, also a former Coal Secretary and self-styled crusader against corruption, found himself subjected to a CBI raid. Parakh fancies himself as a kind of whistleblower and vigorously defends Vinod Rais bizarre calculations and conclusions. In a self-serving book, Crusader or Conspirator? Coalgate and Other Truths, he prattles: a team of dozen (CBI) officers landed at my door to search my flat eight years after I retired. I did not understand what they expected to find in my house. Neither did they. While I took it in my stride, my wife was shocked and traumatised at this reward for 36 years of honest, sincere and dedicated service. The policeman could care less for the Parakhs sensibilities, just as he did not give a fig for HC Guptas reputation. The moral of the story: Mob-induced solutions are rarely anchored in wisdom. All societies have an awe and fear of the mob and a fascination for the leader who can work the mob. Mobs produce inherently anti-democratic and authoritarian solutions. As our democracy takes deeper root, we will need to watch against this danger. (Follow The Tribune on Facebook; and Twitter @thetribunechd) The North Fork of the Flathead River is one of the worst places to visit in the entire United States. Dont go there, ever. Its remote. The dirt roads are bumpy and make dust. The trees are too close together. The place is thick with mosquitoes. Bears live nearby. Thunderstorms appear out of nowhere and dump rain on your tent and campfire. Its also really, really far from almost everywhere. All of these are good reasons for not going. Yet we saw families and Boy Scouts, old guys and young folks, locals and tourists frolicking in and along the river. Why is this place that nearly falls off the edge of the northwestern Montana border so dang popular? Acknowledgements Ill admit there are stunning views of the Livingston Range, looming peaks with cool names like Thunderbird and Vulture that provide a pleasing blue-gray backdrop to the east. And, sure, the crystal-clear waters of the North Fork glide over red, green and yellow stones that appear worthy of display in a fine art gallery. For anglers, those same waters somehow hide dazzlingly bright cutthroat trout that are greedy feeders. You cant keep them off a hook. Fishing folk spend all of their time releasing the feisty buggers. Although the river flows fairly placidly, there are occasional rapids that descend into bottomless emerald green pools that provide perfect swimming holes although the mountain water is teeth-chatteringly cold. Surely these few benefits cant override the negatives. Poor publicity The place isnt even creatively named. The North Fork of the Flathead River is one of three rivers that combine to create you guessed it ta-da the Flathead River. Bet you cant figure out what the other two forks are named? Yep, the Middle and South forks. Oooh! The North Fork is the longest of the three forks. It measures about 150 miles compared to the South Forks 98 miles and the Middle Forks 92 miles. So why didnt they name it the Bigger Fork, the Immense Fork or how about the Enormous Fork? They need to get someone in marketing involved in the mapping business to spice things up a bit. Since the river starts in Canada and borders the western edge of Glacier National Park, it does have a certain cachet that other Montana rivers cant rival. Its also one of only four streams in Montana designated a Wild and Scenic River by Congress, which is meant to preserve certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values in a free-flowing condition for the enjoyment of present and future generations. So the North Fork has that going for it, Ill admit. Even though it doesnt have much whitewater, American Whitewaters website says, It offers paddlers some of the most spectacular vistas in the Northern Rockies, blue-green water, and the chance to see grizzlies from your boat. We didnt see any grizzlies, but we did see a cow elk and whitetail doe. The doe swam across the river for us before posing on the bank in all of her tawny finery. Other points We rafted the upper reach of the North Fork, launching just below the ill-guarded Canadian border. From there it is 58 miles before the North Fork meets the Middle Fork close to Blankenship Bridge. It was 14 miles from the border boat launch to Ford Access, where we camped for two nights. It was then another 10 river miles from Ford to the Polebridge launch site. Because we car-camped at Ford we avoided the necessity of piling all of our camping gear into the rafts, although it did add car shuttling to the daily duties. Since the west side of the river is the Flathead National Forest, there were no special permits required to pitch a tent, which is not the case if you want to camp on the Glacier side. Because the area is so remote, the Polebridge Mercantile is one of the few sources of ice, basic essentials and homemade baked goods. Prices are at a premium; its a convenience tax for there actually being any store located in the middle of whats essentially a vast, isolated chunk of Montana forestland. Given all of this I suggest once again: Stay away from the North Fork of the Flathead River. I know Im never going back. Not this year, anyway. Maybe next year. But Im not telling anyone about it. Neither should you. Brett French is the outdoors editor for the Billings Gazette. New Delhi, August 17 The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) governments decision to hike minimum wages by 50 per cent has not gone down well with the partys trade wing which today threatened to call a strike claiming the step would lead to lay-offs and affect business. Terming the decision as unjustified, the outfit said it would raise the issue with Lt Governor Najeeb Jung. Following a meeting with trade associations here, Brijesh Goyal, the convenor of the body, said the upward revision in wages would not only lead to laying off of workers, but also result in complete industrial and trade shutdown in the national Capital. Goyal met Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and Labour Minister Gopal Rai yesterday and conveyed their objections. PTI The gloves have been off between India and Pakistan since the July killing of Burhan Wani. Pakistans latest offer of a dialogue on Kashmir has all been spurned by India which wishes to discuss only cross-border terrorism. Their self-serving approach reeks of point scoring. The Indian security forces continue suffering avoidable casualties, mostly at the hands of youngsters barely out of teens sent to certain death by their unfeeling controllers across the border. In the Kashmir Valley, bolstered by Pakistans moral support, leaderless youngsters the body count as of today stands at 68 have lost their lives as they do not know how to put a stop to this vicious circle of violence. Not to be left behind, leaders of both countries have forsaken dialogue and have instead sought to address their domestic constituencies with intemperate statements. Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, on a slippery political slope following allegations about his involvement in the Panama Papers, has found a convenient diversion in Kashmir. Publicly, he supports the indigenous struggle in Kashmir but turns a blind eye to the unending supply line of militants from Pakistan to stoke the embers of unrest. Indias energetic Prime Minister Narendra Modi should have found space in his itinerary to visit the Valley. Instead, he has opted for making none-too-subtle hints about upping the ante in Pakistans Achilles heel, Balochistan, while his Defence Minister describes visiting Pakistan as going to hell. Both India and Pakistan need to realise that in the midst of global economic slowdown, they need to focus more on easing the life of the common man. The forthcoming SAARC summit offers an opportunity for a reset. If the two Prime Ministers can eschew the temptation of sounding more aggressive than the other, the spirit of Ufa can be revived. Pakistan needs tranquility on its borders with India to attend to a far graver challenge to its wellbeing from the fundamentalists. If the offer for talks on Kashmir isnt a ploy to ensure Modis attendance at the SAARC summit, it should broad-base the agenda for the talks to make it a workable proposition for both countries. Saurabh Malik Tribune News Service Chandigarh, August 18 The Punjab and Haryana High Court has asked the Haryana Home Secretary, Litigation Branch and Administrative Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, to intervene for streaming the disposal of old cases. The Bench has asked them to tie up with the Advocate-General for making an advance effort to find out the status of oldest cases in the list of cases to be heard. They have also been asked to see whether the cases required determination by the court on merits. State counsel also informed the Bench that the order passed by the court had been taken into consideration and appropriate instructions issued to the quarters concerned for implementation of the orders. Taking note of the assertion, Justice Rajiv Narain Raina also directed that the orders copy be forwarded to the Advocate-General and the Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association President in pious hope for their assistance to the court in the task of handling old cases for their successful conclusion . Justice Raina added the order was aimed at preventing further delay in satisfactory disposal of cases on merits. The significant order came in the two-decade old case of Surat Ram and others petitioners against Haryana and other respondents. The petitioners in the case filed way back in 1995 were seeking regularisation of their services. The court was told that their services were regularised in 1996 in terms of the then prevailing regularisation policy. This renders the petition infructuous when relief prayed for stands granted by the department, Justice Raina added. In his detailed order, Justice Raina asserted that five of the oldest cases in the regular roster were being taken up for final disposal. Justice Raina added some of the cases might have become infructuous or the grant of relief impossible. Tribune News Service Chandigarh, August 18 The Vice-Chancellors of two state technical universities State University of Performing and Visual Arts, Rohtak, and Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram of Sciences and Technology, Murthal (Sonepat) have submitted their resignations to Haryana Governor-cum-Chancellor Kaptan Singh Solanki. The Governor has accepted the resignation of Ashwani Sabharwal, Vice-Chancellor, State University of Performing and Visual Arts, Rohtak; and Raj Pal Dahiya, Vice-Chancellor, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram of Sciences and Technology, Murthal, with effect from August 17, stated a press note issued here. Murthal varsity VC was facing charges Sonepat: Several complaints of nepotism, favouritism, violations of rules and other alleged wrongdoings had been made against Vice-Chancellor Raj Pal Dahiya of the DCR University of Science and Technology, Murthal by the teaching and non-teaching staff associations of the university to Governor Kaptan Singh Solanki . The complaints were also sent to Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and on CMs Window. The government had also taken a decision to order a CBI inquiry into the allegations. Acting on the complaints, the Chancellor had sought Dahiyas explanation about a month back. The Chancellor was reportedly not satisfied with Dahiyas replies that led to his resignation. Majid Jahangir Tribune News Service Srinagar, August 17 Two Army jawans and a policeman were killed as militants ambushed an Army convoy on the Srinagar-Baramulla highway in North Kashmirs Baramulla district in the wee hours today. At least five soldiers were injured in the attack, the first on the highway since 2008 when 10 soldiers were killed in a blast. The militants struck at 2.30 am at Khwajabagh, 50 km from here. The heavily-armed militants lobbed grenades and fired indiscriminately on the convoy, killing two Army jawans and Constable Pritpal Singh, an official said. A police party carrying teargas shells and other equipment was following the convoy. The militants fled amid retaliatory firing. The Hizbul Mujahideen has owned responsibility for the attack. A local news agency in Srinagar, quoting operational spokesperson of the outfit, claimed that the attack was carried out by Hizb's special squad. However, SSP Imtiyaz Hussain Mir said the attack might have been the handiwork of Pakistan-based cadres of Jaish-e-Mohammad which had been active in Baramulla for nearly a month. We have begun investigations. A defence official said a road opening party (ROP) was on the job when the attack took place. This did not deter the militants from carrying out the attack, he said. Search operations are on to trace the assailants. With the Valley on the boil since July 8, when Hizb commander Burhan Wani was killed in an encounter, Army convoys have been moving late in the night to prevent any confrontation with the locals. This is done only after security clearance from ROPs that operate on designated routes. Police sources said the militants, taking advantage of the unrest, were consolidating themselves. A CRPF Commandant has been killed and 14 security personnel wounded in various attacks since Independence Day. Majid Jahangir Tribune News Service Srinagar, August 18 The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has ordered a probe after a US citizen was allegedly issued a death threat by a CRPF man on Independence Day in Srinagar. Irfan Malik of Forest Hills, New York, has formally lodged a complaint with Inspector General of the CRPF Atul Karwal over the alleged death threat and harassment. In his complaint, Malik has said he was driving around 3.40 pm on August 15 when he was stopped by a CRPF man and was abused and threatened. My mother (71) and I were returning from Bohri Kadal and travelling towards Dalgate when I was pulled over by your jawan shortly after we passed the new Bohri Kadal Bridge. Your CRPF jawan exhibited a highly unprofessional, harassing, extremely intimidating and irrational behaviour. I offered him my documents which included my United States passport, an Indian visa and my New York drivers license for identification. The said jawan enquired what I did for a living and I told him that I am a civil servant and work for the government in the US. He further asked me where we were headed and enquired if I knew about an attack on the CRPF that same morning. I further told him that we were heading to our residence next to the IG, CRPF. Immediately, the Jawan ordered me to step out of my vehicle, which I promptly complied with, thinking that he might need to frisk me or perhaps search our vehicle, Malik wrote in his complaint to the IG. Instead of frisking me or searching my vehicle, the said jawan immediately threatened to shoot me without any provocation while my mother was still seated in the front seat, unable to comprehend what was happening. He warned me that he could kill me without any consequences and made actions to demonstrate to me how and where my body would be lying on the street. The jawan lifted his cane above his head with both hands to strike me and just then another CRPF jawan intervened and stood between the agitated jawan and myself just like a wall and directed him to stop and desist, advising him that I was a foreigner and that they would get into deep trouble, he said. I requested them to call their officer; the request was denied by the agitated jawan, stating that he was in charge on the street at that intersection. I was finally directed to leave the scene and further advised by the said jawan that the only reason he spared my life was because my mother would be a witness. I straightaway drove to the office of the IG, CRPF, at Kralsangri, and lodged a formal complaint, he said. The IG confirmed that he had received a formal complaint. I have asked the Commandant, 115 Battalion, to hold an inquiry within seven days. Dinesh Manhotra Tribune News Service Jammu, August 18 As the situation in Kashmir valley continues to be volatile, Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh reached the Capital on Wednesday to give feedback to the BJP high command about the role being played by the party ministers at this crucial juncture. Highly placed sources in the BJP said the party high command was mulling over initiating some steps on Kashmir to break the ice so it was taking the opinion of the local leadership. The Deputy Chief Minister will be meeting senior party leaders, including some Central ministers, during his two-day visit. As the BJPs representative in the coalition government, the Deputy Chief Minister has been called to give his opinion, a source said, adding that the high command was not happy with the worsening situation and it was seriously thinking about formulating a strategy to revive the morale of the nationalist forces. The sources said after the grenade attack on Buddha Amarnath pilgrims on August 13, leaders of some Hindu organisations had lodged complaints before the BJP high command about the deteriorating law and order situation in the state. The Hindu organisations blamed the PDP-BJP coalition government for the terror attack on pilgrims in Poonch. A senior BJP leader, who wished not to be quoted, said the party top brass was also unhappy about the growing dissent in the party as several leaders were openly speaking against the functioning of the government. The party high command was of the opinion that the party ministers in the coalition had failed to connect with the party workers and supporters at grass-roots level. Recently, party veteran and Member of the Legislative Council Ashok Khajuria had hit out at the Deputy Chief Minister for his controversial remarks on the killing of militant Burhan Wani, saying that the BJP does not subscribe to the views of those who termed Burhans elimination as an accident. He had also described the PDP and the BJP alliance for forming the government in the state as unholy and unhealthy and warned that any act of the ruling alliance damaging the interests of the country would be strongly opposed. Another party leader Ramesh Arora had also expressed his anguish over the style of functioning of party ministers. Ehsan Fazili Tribune News Service Srinagar, August 18 A lecturer in English died and more than 25 persons were injured, some of them seriously, when they were allegedly beaten up by security forces in Khrew village of Pulwama district in the outskirts of Srinagar on Thursday night. While the residents blamed the Army for death of college lecturer Shabir Ahmad Mongu (32), the Army said it had started an investigation. Sources said Shabir was detained by the Army during a midnight raid along with many other residents. Shabir was dragged from his house and beaten up ruthlessly. He was later taken to an Army camp where he died, a local resident claimed over phone. Eye witnesses said, men in groups of 15 to 60 persons were beaten up by Army personnel at two or three places. They included two brothers of the deceased college lecturer. One of his brothers, Zahoor Ahmad, undergoing treatment at a hospital here, said he had seen Shabir among those being beaten up. The police said after stone-throwing, a clash took place between the Army and some locals of Khrew village resulting in death of one person Shabir Ahmed Monga and injuries to four others. The police had taken cognisance of the matter and investigation had been taken up, a police spokesman said. It (incident) is regrettable. It was a joint patrol which had gone there, said Lt Gen Satish Dua, GOC of the Srinagar-based 15 Corps of the Army. Thereafter, one death has taken place and I am aware of that, he said while replying to questions from media persons on the sidelines of a function here today. He said, We are looking into it. It is too soon for me to say anything. The GOC said the Army had due process of investigation which is kicked in whether or not anyone asks it to do so. The Army, it is learnt, later informed the police and the body was handed over to them. Later, the body of Shabir, an ad hoc lecturer in English at Government Amar Singh College, Srinagar, was given to the family early on Thursday morning. With Shabirs death, the toll in the ongoing violence in Kashmir has gone up to 66. The Valley has been facing trouble since the killing of militant commander Burhan Wani on July 8. Elsewhere, a violent mob attacked the house of the Shopian MLA on Wednesday night, the police said. The mob set ablaze the belongings, including a motorcycle, of the guard posted for protection of the house. Manpriya Singh A click of a moment makes for a memory of a lifetime. A child swung up in the air, dew drops atop a mountain tree, or even a flower blooming in the backyard. They travel far and wide, places familiar and God forsaken, and return with stories galore. On World Photography Day, those from Chandigarh share some unusual tales, some interesting clicks and of course, their never ending affair with their lens. We listen. Its all about instinct Be it the Horse Galloping event at Ba Shang, Inner Mongolia, China or be it the mother and child shot of a Mongolian family, hobbyist photographer Vinod Chauhan has been in love with the camera for decades now. He has a shot for every spectacle and a story to go with every shot. At the event, hundreds of horses are first allowed to graze and the riders are attired in Mongolian dresses. The dust storm created by these horses and the entire spectacle is a photographers delight. He explains yet another picture, Dressed in all colourful Mongolian dress, the mother and child were riding the camel. When the mother tried to kiss her, the naughty child opened her mouth to bite her mother. I captioned the picture A Million Dollars Kiss, and adds, Photography is all about instinct. People, culture, traditions City-based Simran Jagdev could have easily belonged to the happy snappy generation, and been smugly restricted to the selfie obsession. But the camera gave her a chance to be a part of peoples most important day of their lives. I have covered three Muslim weddings in the past two years. These are one of the unique and conservative weddings, you wish to experience as a photographer. It all helps you appreciate different cultural experiences. Even if the tradition doesnt encourage photography too openly and the brides arent comfortable with male photographers. Anytime, anywhere Love for photography need not get restricted by distant places or exorbitant gadgets. Deepika from Deep Clicks embraces all things challenging her craft. An under-water photo shoot was on the agenda for a long time. Till finally, it happened. The girl did not even know how to swim but the couple co-operated, she shares an under-water photo shoot that happened recently in Ludhiana. Dear current and former MDC employees, Thank you for the outstanding service you have provided to Montana Developmental Center clients. Whether you live in Boulder, Basin, Helena, Butte, Whitehall or elsewhere, thank you for being an integral part of our Boulder community. Thank you for your outstanding work in taking such good care of people with disabilities. The Legislatures decision to close MDC has been very difficult for you and your families; you have responded admirably. Despite the uncertainties and the stress this closure has created in your personal lives, you have continued to place the clients first. You have been unjustifiably berated by those who have not walked in your shoes, but you have persevered putting quality service to MDC clients above politics and rhetoric. If we could compensate you for your time, your commitment, your dedication, your caring attitude and for your perseverance, you would all be millionaires. But, unfortunately we cannot. But, we can sincerely say thank you, thank you, and thank you. We are proud that you are members of our Boulder area community. We hope that you will find a way to stay here. Our community is working hard to encourage other employment opportunities in the Boulder area. Please let me know if you have suggestions for how the Boulder Transition Advisory Council (BTAC) can be helpful to you and your family. With gratitude, Drew Dawson, chair of the Boulder Transition Advisory Committee; Gary Craft, Boulder mayor; Bob Mullen, chair of the Jefferson County Commissioners; and Sarah Layng, president of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce Tribune News Service Ludhiana, August 18 Badish K Jindal, president of the Federation of Punjab Small Industries Associations (FOPSIA), stated that China was making mockery of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) by boosting exports through Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He said slogans like "Make in India and Skill India" were just an eyewash as the economy of the country had deteriorated sharply in the last two years. "A data of the Ministry of Commerce revealed that in the year 2012-13, China had recorded a sale of Rs 265 crore on the export of the bicycles to the country. However, in the year 2015-16, the imports decreased to Rs 69 crore due to the increase of import duty from China. But by taking undue advantage of SAFTA, Chinese companies exported the bicycles through Bangladesh and Sri Lanka," said Jindal. He said the exports of bicycle from these countries (Bangladesh and Sri Lanka ) to India was nil in the year 2011-12, while in 2015-16 these countries recorded a sale of over Rs 150 core through export of bicycles to India. Jindal while referring to the data available with him said during the last two financial years, the imports from China to India surges up from Rs 3,09,234 crore to Rs 4,04,012 crore with an increase of around 29 per cent, whereas during the same period, the exports from India to China dipped down from Rs 90,561 crore to Rs 59,052 crore from 2014 to 2016. He alleged that the wrong policies of Indian government further affected the small industries as the government increased the import duties on raw materials instead of finished goods. "The decision had a major fallout on the small scale industry of the state. The import of bicycle accessory from China increased from Rs 130 crore to Rs 227 crore from 2014-15 to 2015-16," said Jindal. The data further shows that to please a few corporate houses, the government put restrictions on the imports of steel items, which resulted in the increase of 15 per cent in manufactured steel items. Similarly, by imposing the duties on fiber to please a few big houses in 2016, the government put the small manufacturers in trouble. The data shows that in May, 2016, imports of yarn dropped to Rs 442 crore, while in May, 2015, the yarn import stood at Rs 597 crore. However, on the other hand, in May, 2015, the garment import was Rs 200 crore which increased to Rs 388 crores in May, 2016. The policies benefitted a few yarn manufacturers but small scale garment manufacturers suffered a heavy loss. "Due to WTO, SAFTA and ASEAN agreements, the Indian industry is suffering badly. Exports from small countries like Switzerland to India stands more than Rs 1,26,075 crore and exports from Indonesia to India is over Rs 91,845 crores, while the exports from India to Switzerland is merely Rs 6,466 crore and from India to Indonesia is Rs 24,674 crore. Due to the implementation of SAFTA, the imports from Bangladesh to India increased from Rs 2,900 crore to Rs 4,300 crore in the last two years. He said FOPSIA had written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to review the country's trade policy at the earliest. Jindal did not rule out the involvement of some top officials from the Ministry of Commerce, who could be facilitating the Chinese companies to increase their exports to India for their alleged vested interests. Manas Dasgupta Ahmedabad, August 17 Aam Aadmi Partys Gujarat headquarters was ransacked here today allegedly by a group of people belonging to a newly formed outfit, Brahma Padkaar Sena, which claims to be protecting the interests of the Brahmins and other upper caste Hindus. A Sena spokesman said they were protesting against a woman AAP activist, Sangeeta Chandpa, who allegedly used abusive language against Brahmins while condemning the flogging of Dalit youths in Una. He demanded that the AAP chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal take action against her and issue an apology over contemptuous references. Otherwise, we will not allow AAP to keep any office in Gujarat, the spokesman said. AAP state spokesman Harshil Nayak, however, blamed the BJP government in the state for the attack on the office, which was situated close to a police station. The police refused to initiate any action. The BJP is trying to scare away the AAP the way it was trying to create scare among the Patels and Dalits, but it will never succeed, he said. Tribune News Service New Delhi, August 17 Former parliamentarian and Rajasthan minister Vijyendrapal Singh Badnore was today appointed as the Governor of Punjab. Former Union minister Najma Heptulla, who was dropped from the Narendra Modi Cabinet last month, will be the new Governor of Manipur. Banwari Lal Purohit, a four-term MP from Nagpur and owner of English daily Hitvada, was appointed the Governor of Assam and former Delhi minister Jagdish Mukhi the Lieutenant Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in place of Lt Gen AK Singh (retd). (Follow The Tribune on Facebook; and Twitter @thetribunechd) Badnore belongs to the royal Badnore family in Bhilwara. He served as Irrigation Minister in the 1999-2004 Vasundhara Raje government and was elected to the Assembly five times. He is also a three-term MP. This July, he retired from the Rajya Sabha. There is ample scope for doing things and I will like to do my bit to promote good relations between the state and the Centre and will attach importance to transparency, the Governor-designate said. Badnore, 68, is expected to take charge by Monday. Currently, Haryana Governor Kaptan Singh Solanki is holding additional charge since the last incumbent Shivraj Patil completed his tenure in January last year. The Centre also appointed former IPS officer Farooq Khan, who was associated with J&K Police, as the Administrator of the Union Territory of Lakshadweep. Shubhadeep Choudhury Tribune News Service Kolkata, August 18 No museum, no private collector in the world has an emerald of that size, says Rudrajyoti Bhattacharjee as he talks about an idol of Buddha carved out from a huge emerald that was purportedly in the possession of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose while he was leading the INA to engage the imperial British army. The emerald Buddha, reportedly measuring over 17,000 carats, is among the valuables belonging to the INA that went missing after the INA and its global backers lost the war to the allied forces. Bhattacharjee, an advocate, has filed a PIL in the Calcutta High Court demanding the setting up of an inquiry commission to throw light on INAs missing wealth. A Division Bench of the high court headed by the Chief Justice has given the centre two months to reply to the PIL. Thousands of crores in cash, gold and other valuables were donated by patriots for the INA. These were kept in Azad Hind Banks set up in Singapore, Malayasia, Bangkok, Burma and some other places in South East Asia, which were under Japanese control at that time. The Governor of Singapore, in a letter written to a British official on September 6, 1946, mentions the issue of INAs wealth and says this, as well as cash and valuables belonging to the Indian Independence League (IIL), were handed over to a top leader of the then Indian Government. Citing another document, the PIL also mentions that on October 20, 1951, KK Chettur of the Indian Liaison Mission in Tokyo wrote to Commonwealth Mission Secretary S Datta about valuables in the coffers of the INA weighing more than that of its chief, Bose. In another letter (dated May 6, 1950) cited in the petition, the Governor of Singapore wrote to the Secretary of State in London about more than 5 kg of gold and over $10 million recovered from the INA and the IIL in Singapore. Following the recovery, these were kept in the personal account of a top Indian leader in the Indian Overseas Bank, it says. Even in the 1980s, some money belonging to the INA was received by the Government of India. An Intelligence Bureau document prepared in 1987 mentions this. Tribune News Service Chandigarh, August 18 Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) legal head cell Himmat Singh Shergill on Thursday said the party would file a criminal and civil defamation case against its national council member Pavitar Singh and his wife Lakhwinder Kaur for alleging that party leaders Sanjay Singh and Durgesh Pathak had demanded Rs 50 lakh donation to award ticket to Kaur from Phillaur Assembly constituency. Shergill said the AAP would sue any party volunteer or leader who would level such allegations against the party leaders in future as such allegations defamed the party. Reacting to the allegations, Sanjay Singh on Wednesday had said, Such baseless allegations dont deserve reaction. The person levelling these should first provide proof. Had he done so, I would have reacted. Pathak had said, I will not comment as the one levelling the allegations has not provided any proof. Pavitar claimed to have campaigned for Arvind Kejriwal in Varanasi during the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. He, along with his wife Lakhwinder Kaur, had addressed a press conference here on Wednesday. Lakhwinder is joint secretary of the women wing of the party and sought a party ticket from Phillaur. Pavitar claimed that since volunteers from Phillaur had supported Lakhwinders claim for candidature, both were asked to appear before Sanjay Singh and Pathak. We met the leaders in Chandigarh on August 15. They categorically told us that the nomination for the party could be given only to those individuals who could pay Rs 2.5 crore in cash. They said we were being given a discount as I am member of the national council and we both have worked hard for the party in Punjab, so we were required to donate Rs 50 lakh, Pavitar alleged. He claimed that after the meeting, he sent several SMSes to Kejriwal to sound him, but to no avail. London, August 18 Delhi CM and AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal will kick off a European election campaign as part of the party's "AAP Punjab 2017" agenda from next month. Kejriwal will visit Italy in the first week of September along with party leaders Kumar Vishwas, Jarnail Singh and Adarsh Shashtri, it was announced by AAP's UK unit today. The visit to engage with Italy's Punjabi-origin population will be followed by a visit to the UK by Vishwas to hold gatherings across the country's gurdwaras towards the end of September. AAP's team in the UK has been rallying support within the British Punjabi community with a series of events, including at the annual Leamington and Warwick Mela. PTI PK Jaiswar Tribune News Service Amritsar, August 18 The Special Task Force (STF) arrested gangsters Gaurav Sharma alias Goru Bachcha of Ludhiana and Manpreet Singh alias Mani Rayya of Amritsar following an ambush late last night in the Tarn Taran area. With their arrest, the STF claimed to have averted a gang war to avenge the killing of Dilbagh Singh alias Lamma Patti. Another criminal, Akul Khatri, had been critically injured in the gang war between Davinder Shooter Bambiha and Jaggu Bhagwanpuria gangs that rocked Tarn Taran on the intervening night of August 9-10. IG, STF, Kunwar Vijay Partap Singh said that Goru Bachcha and Mani Rayya accompanied by Bobby Malhotra and his accomplices were going for another gang war with the Bambiha gang. The STF had a specific input about their movement, following which police teams headed by DSP Maninder Bedi, Ludhiana STF incharge, and DSP Ramandeep Singh, Patiala STF incharge, were formed, he said. The gangs were moving on five vehicles. When the police teams started chasing them on the Nagoke-Khadoor Sahib road, the gangsters opened fire at them. The police retaliated which later led to the arrest of Goru Bachcha and Mani Rayya. Their accomplices managed to escape, he said. A case has been registered. Kunwar Vijay Partap Singh said Goru Bachcha and Mani Rayya were involved in more than two dozen heinous crimes, including murder. Tribune News Service Dehradun, August 18 Chief Minister Harish Rawat celebrated Raksha Bandhan with inmates of the Nari Niketan here today. The destitute women tied rakhis on his wrist. The Chief Minister distributed sweets, fruits and gifts among them. He enquired about the facilities and services being provided to the differently abled and mentally ill women at the Nari Niketan. The Chief Minister inspected the Nari Niketan complex and had an informal interaction with women. He said the government was committed to providing best facilities to the destitute women and differently abled persons. He said various welfare schemes under the Social Welfare Department of the state government were being implemented for the weaker sections of society. The state government has made arrangements to impart skill development training to the destitute and differently abled women. Later, the Chief Minister went to Government Childrens Home located at Kedarpuram. He took stock of the health and educational facilities being provided to the children. He distributed fruits and sweets among them. Earlier, sisters of Prajapati Brahma Kumaris Ishwari University tied rakhis on the Chief Ministers wrist at the Bijapur guesthouse. Girls from the Valmiki community and Muslim women also tied rakhis on the Chief Ministers wrist. It may be mentioned here that the Chief Minister visits the Kedarpuram Nari Niketan and other orphanages of the city on Divali and Raksha Bandhan every year. I was offended by the editorial written by Lawrence K. Pettit about the Franklin Graham prayer rally and Pettits characterization of the audience. I am an evangelical Christian, one of those he chose to criticize. My attitude toward others outside my faith is one of love, kindness and genuine liking. I dont wish to control them. When I share my faith, it is done with openness to those who ask, and I listen to their viewpoints, too. Most evangelical Christians I know are equally kind. They are generous to those in need. If they lean toward the Republican political stance, it isnt usually because they equate it with their religion, but rather because it better reflects their values. Many evangelicals do prefer Republican government because it supports the values of independence, working hard, being careful with finances, and guarding our nation from harm. There are some evangelicals who prefer Democratic government because they feel the government should help care for those in need. But none of us are happy about some aspects of the Democratic partys effects, such as the displays of civil disobedience and encouraging personal choices that result in problems that require other taxpayers to bail them out. We dont want a dependent, weak society! Its getting out of control, with approximately half the nation living off the other half. Hand-outs can enable negative behavior instead of being a kindness that helps people get back on their own feet. So even those of us who sometimes vote Democrat are not happy with these things. We want to see America grow stronger. Most evangelicals do agree with Graham that prayer is the best answer to the problems we face in America today, just as it has always been. I respect and pray for our leaders, regardless of their political party, that they will make wise decisions that will benefit our community and nation. I am grateful for their service. I believe in participating in the legislative process by communicating with my congressman about concerns. I believe in friendly persuasion, not dominance, in contrast to what Pettit wrote. I think you will find that many Christians feel the same. Prayer is key to our lives. There is a kindness in the evangelical Christian community toward others that exceeds the required kindness of government. When fires burned in Hamilton, it was the churches that organized help for those who lost their homes or who faced evacuation. The Christians gathered to pray for the protection of their community from the fire. They offered their trailers to those whose homes burned. They provided a place to sleep, with blankets and food. Their papers headlines said, The Power of Prayer, honoring the Christians. In Helena, Christians have organized to help those in need: Gods Love, Family Promise, Salvation Army, Good Samaritan, etc. Our people are generous to those in genuine need. When we have emergencies, the Christians organize to help. We are a strong asset to our communities. It is disturbing that the educators in America have cast a negative light on those who disagree with them, and they teach our young people to despise Christians. These professors are far more aggressive and closed minded than they accuse Christians of being! They ridicule our childrens faith and teach them disrespect for our values. They insist that they, the political scientists and philosophers, are the all-wise ones who know what is best for America. They disrespect those whose taxes pay their salaries. It is a great disservice to America, and Lawrence Pettit should be ashamed of himself for speaking ill of those who love and live for Jesus, and for undermining the fabric that holds America together. Sheri Schofield Helena BD Kasniyal Pithoragarh, August 18 Raksha Bandhan that was celebrated across the region today was a somber occasion for orphaned children of Bastari village. As many as 21 residents of the village were killed in a landslide disaster triggered by heavy rains on June 30. Aman and Piyush, children of Chardrakala and Chanshekhar Bhatt, who died in the natural disaster on June 30, say dejectedly that they always celebrated Raksha Bandhan enthusiastically. Their mother used to prepare various delicacies on the festival till last year while his father used to buy rakhis from a nearby market. Without the presence of our parents, there is no meaning of celebrating rakhi, says Aman. After the death of their parents, the children, who study in class IV and I, respectively, are now living with their grandfather Damodar Bhatt. Children keep weeping as miss their parents who died in the disaster. I feel helpless, says Damodar in a choked voice. Another orphaned siblings Manoj and Mamta, children of Indu and Jagdish Bhatt of Bastari village, start sobbing when asked about how they celebrated rakhi till last year. Our parents used to prepare for Raksha Bandhan as it is the time to change Janeu (sacred thread worn by Hindus). We used to go to the nearby market at Singhali to buy rakhis and on return, our parents used to welcome us with specially prepared delicacies and prasad. But our family has been destroyed. The festival has no meaning for us now, says Manoj. Villagers say that they are trying their best to console the orphaned children by ensuring them that the entire village was with them to share their pains. Not only these families of orphaned children but also of other 20 affected households, which lost one or two members, are in deep pain, says Shankar Datt, a social worker. Tribune News Service Mussoorie, August 18 The rise in the cases of viral fever has alarmed the people and district authorities in Mussoorie. The prestigious St Georges College has been closed till September 4 as a large number of viral fever and typhoid cases have been reported from the school for the past few days. Typhoid is a water-borne disease that is known to spread during monsoon in hilly districts. St Georges College senior co-coordinator John Nanda said the school had witnessed some cases of viral fever. Being predominantly a boarding school, the management has closed the institution for 20 days to curb the spread of the disease among students, he said. Nanda said the half yearly exams of the students are scheduled to begin from September 5. The school has been closed from August 15. Parents have been asked to take their children back to their home so that the students can prepare for exams at their homes. The parents have agreed as this is in the interest of their children. The school has its own water cleaning system and the water supplied to the school is tested regularly. The school would clean its water storage tanks once again during the holidays, he said, adding that the students go on outing to the town and it is possible they might have come in contact with the disease. Dr Sandeep Tandon, Medial Superintendent of the Civil Hospital, said, rise in the cases of viral fever and typhoid was witnessed every monsoon. People should ensure that the water they consume is clean and without any infectious bacteria content, he said. Dr Tandon said the hospital had received no such information about the spread of typhoid at St Georges College. We cant carry out any preventive exercise in any school until we are informed, he added. Social activist Dr Sunil Sanon, former doctor at St Marys Hospital in Mussoorie, said, Besides sanitising water, food handlers in the mess should also be monitored and vaccinated. Typhoid is a waterborne disease. The town in the past had an Infective Disease Hospital (IDH) where patients of communicable disease, such as Measles, used to be quarantined but the building has been converted into a housing society for poor, thus showing abysmal concern towards the disease that can easily turn into an epidemic, he said. Dehradun Chief Medical Officer Dr YS Thapliyal said he had asked medical officials in Mussoorie to collect water samples from the school for lab test. He said that the Widal test for typhoid cases does not have 100 per cent authenticity. There is another test, known as S Typhi, which is not available in Mussoorie, he added. Meanwhile, Jal Santhan Executive Engineer VK Saini said had there been something wrong with the water supply, the cases of water-borne disease would have surfaced in other schools too. Residents of the town said health cards of every student should be deposited with the civil hospital so that the monitoring at the government level can be done on regular basis to avoid the spread of communicable diseases. Tribune News Service Dehradun, August 18 Local residents were caught in prolonged bumper-to-bumper traffic jams in the city today as they came out in a large number to celebrate Raksha Bandhan. Police personnel deployed at busy inter-crossings and on arterial roads were unable to streamline traffic, leaving commuters harried. Long queues of vehicles were seen witnessed at Survey Chowk, Haridwar road, Araghar, Haridwar bypass, Dilaram Chowk, Doon Hospital Chowk, Darshan Lal Chowk, Prince Chowk, Bindal, Clock Tower, Nehru Colony, Balliwala, Ballupur, Gandhi road, Chakrata road, Saharanpur Chowk, Prince Chowk, Patelnagar Chowk and the ISBT crossing. TS Semwal, a resident of the Haridwar road, lamented that they regularly get caught in traffic jams. The problem increased manifold during festive occasions. The problem is persisting for the past couple of months due to poor traffic management in the city. Shortage of policemen, non-functional traffic lights and violation of traffic rules and regulations by residents are the reasons for regular traffic jams in the city, he added. SP, Traffic, Dheerandra Gunjyal, said no new traffic management plan would be implemented in any part of the city. The traffic police were focusing on enforcement of the existing traffic plan. Additional policemen would be deployed to streamline traffic at busy inter-crossings. Traffic rule offenders were being challaned heavily. Policemen on duty had been directed to tow away vehicles parked at undesignated places, he added. Traffic jams have become a regular feature in the city. The problem of traffic congestion increases manifold during office or school hours, on public holidays and festive seasons. Beirut, August 18 Syrian opposition activists have released haunting footage showing a young boy rescued from the rubble in the aftermath of a devastating airstrike in Aleppo. The image of the stunned and weary looking boy, sitting in an orange chair inside an ambulance covered in dust and with blood on his face, encapsulates the horrors inflicted on the war-ravaged northern city and is being widely shared on social media. A doctor in Aleppo on Thursday identified the boy as 5-year-old Omran Daqneesh. Osama Abu al-Ezz confirmed he was brought to the hospital known as M10 Wednesday night following an air strike on the rebel-held neighborhood of Qaterji with head wounds, but no brain injury, and was later discharged. Rescue workers and journalists arrived at Qaterji shortly after the strike and began pulling victims from the rubble. We were passing them from one balcony to the other, said photojournalist Mahmoud Raslan, who took the iconic photo. He said he had passed along three lifeless bodies before receiving the wounded boy. A doctor at M10 later reported eight dead, among them five children. The strike occurred during the sunset call to prayer, around 7:20 pm, said Raslan, a correspondent for Al Jazeera Mubashir. Omran was rescued along with his three siblings, ages 1, 6, and 11, and his mother and father from the rubble of their partially destroyed apartment building, according to Raslan. None sustained major injuries, but the building collapsed shortly after the family was rescued. We sent the younger children immediately to the ambulance, but the 11-year-old girl waited for her mother to be rescued. Her ankle was pinned beneath the rubble, Raslan said. In the video posted late Wednesday by the Aleppo Media Center, a man is seen plucking the boy away from a chaotic nighttime scene and carrying him inside the ambulance, looking dazed and flat-eyed. The boy then runs his hand over his blood-covered face, looks at his hands and wipes them on the ambulance chair. Doctors in Aleppo use code names for hospitals, which they say have been systematically targeted by government airstrikes. Abu al-Ezz said they do that because we are afraid security forces will infiltrate their medical network and target ambulances as they transfer patients from one hospital to another. Activists living in opposition areas rely on informers in the government-controlled Latakia province to warn residents of impending airstrikes. AP Kathmandu: Nepals Prime Minister Prachanda is likely to make India his first foreign trip destination after assuming office unlike in 2008 when he visited China first as his special envoy arrived in New Delhi today to prepare the ground for his visit. Prachanda's predecessor, KP Oli, too visited India as his first official foreign destination. But the run up to his visit was surrounded by intense speculation that the Communist leader might visit China ahead of India. PTI North Korean defector arrives with family in South SEOUL: Thae Yong Ho, the most senior North Korean diplomat to flee to the South, is likely to have round-the-clock protection and make a comfortable living at a think-tank run by Seoul's intelligence service, say elite defectors who followed a similar path. Thae defected with his family and arrived in the South Korea, Seoul said. Reuters China gets first data from its hack-proof satellite Beijing: China on Thursday said the first batch of data from the world's only quantum satellite, which can provide "hack-proof" communications at speeds faster than light, has been received by it. The 202 MB of data was in good quality and was transferred to China's National Space Science Centre, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. PTI Istanbul, August 18 Turkish authorities ordered the detention of nearly 200 people, including leading businessmen, and seized their assets as an investigation into suspects in last month's failed military rebellion shifted to the private sector. President Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to choke off businesses linked to US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom he blames for the July 15 coup attempt, describing his schools, firms and charities as "nests of terrorism." Tens of thousands of troops, civil servants, judges and officials have been detained or dismissed in a massive purge that Western allies worry Erdogan is using to crack down on broader dissent, risking stability in the NATO partner. In dawn raids on Thursday, police from a financial-crimes unit entered some 200 homes and workplaces after a chief prosecutor issued 187 arrest warrants. Reuters Washington, August 18 The Obama Administration withheld $400 million ransom that was paid to Iran in a plane till the time its hostages were released by Tehran, a major US daily reported on Thursday in a potentially damaging report for the Democratic party campaign. US officials wouldnt let Iranians take control of the money until a Swiss Air Force plane carrying three freed Americans departed from Tehran on January 17. Once that happened, an Iranian cargo plane was allowed to bring the cash home from a Geneva airport that day, The Wall Street Journal reported. The Obama Administration has insisted that the payment was part of its effort to sort out a long-pending dispute with Iran and was not a ransom. However, the opposition Republican party does not seem to be convinced. $400 million was the first instalment of the $1.7 billion settlement reached by the Obama Administration with Iran. Its time for the White House to drop the charade and admit it paid a $400 million ransom to the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism, the Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus has said in a statement. President (Barack) Obama has foolishly put a price on the head of every American abroad and it should be no surprise that Iran has since detained more US citizens. Hillary Clintons support for this dangerous blunder shows once again she does not have the judgement to be President, Priebus has said. According to the report, executives from Irans flagship carrier Iran Air, organised the flight from Tehran to Geneva where the cash euros and Swiss francs and other currencies was loaded onto the aircraft. Our top priority was getting the Americans home, a US official was quoted as saying. Once the Americans were wheels up on the morning of January 17, Iranian officials in Geneva were allowed to take custody of the $400 million in currency, according to officials briefed on the exchange, the daily reported. PTI It is common practice for our government to threaten curtailment of federal funding if a state fails to comply with certain of its policies. The following example shows how the entire forestry industry has been destroyed basically through mandated and enforced federal restrictions and regulations. Montana is getting closer to 50 percent dependency upon federal funding with controls. Meanwhile, government is going after our land, water, natural resources and even our minds. Some years ago Gary Callihan, well versed in the European proven technology of using forest fuels to produce electricity, attempted to introduce that concept to Montana. This common-sense operation would have helped solve the problem of overgrown and dying trees on mismanaged federal lands, while providing renewable energy production and ongoing productive mill operation. Forests can pay their own expenses, support communities, stay healthy and protect the environment if given a chance. Gradually, government rules and regulations took over. Curtailment of timber harvest led to overgrowth of trees. Ideal 15 to 20/acre became hundreds/acre. Insufficient water and nutrients resulted in beetle kill, disease and death of trees. Fuels reduction of dead and dying trees with timber harvest would have regained forest health and reduced forest fires. Burning forest slash piles was wasteful. Mills do use forest waste for timber drying, but are not equipped to also generate electricity. Biomass cogeneration of both energy and heat would have helped finance the fuels reduction projects in combination with careful thinning of useable timber for lumber. As mills close due to federal restrictions, forest health declines, fires and fire-fighting costs at taxpayer expense increase, to say nothing of investment losses of proclaimed endangered species. Grants to communities compensating for lost timber revenues cannot be depended upon. Firewood collectors could help remove dead and dying timber if given access to gated forests. Demolishing forest roads severely handicaps fire-fighting, endangers lives and smoke-damaged health. When Gov. Judy Martz learned about biomass energy production she assured Gary Callihan that it all made sense to her. She endorsed its economic development but later indicated that the feds had threatened to cut her school funding if she pursued it further. Complications have now been ongoing to finally wipe put our entire timber industry. We must be concerned about such deliberate, knowledgeable, undermining of our system of government built upon the free enterprise system, while initiating governmental policies that increase federal dependency. We need a businessman in the presidency who doesnt walk, talk and think like professional politicians we have known. So much the better! Donald Trump has proven himself a success in the business world and is highly motivated to save our country. He cannot move his many skyscrapers, buildings, tenants, and workers overseas like the factories and financial corporations have done. He wants to put dedicated, qualified, responsible people into positions where they can save America for the people including his own family. We all want to live happy and secure here in America, able to provide for our own needs. Clarice Ryan Bigfork The worlds largest corporate power grab, also known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, is just waiting for Congress to sign it and say, Yes, take away Congress authority. This deal gives an incredible amount of power to the largest corporations in the world over national governments. Yes, that includes the U.S. government. No individual American has the resources or right to ensure his or her economic and political interests are safeguarded within this vast global corporate structure. The clearly desired result of the TPP is to give more power to those with the most money. Indeed, they were the ones who negotiated it, and now they are spending billions to convince you its a good idea. Montanans are smarter than that. We can see beyond corporate profiteering, because we depend on our own communities for success. We care about the success of our local businesses. The TPP contains endless pages with rules for labor, environment, immigration and every other aspect of global commerce -- and a new international regulatory structure to spread, implement, and enforce these rules under the WTO. This new structure will meet, appoint unelected bureaucrats, adopt rules and change the agreement after adoption. If our Montana delegation wants to really represent Montanans, they will vote against this anti-American power giveaway to global corporations. But why havent Rep. Zinke or Sen. Daines come out against it? They did vote to take Congress ability to amend the deal; how much more are they willing to concede? Deborah Hanson, board member, Montana League of Rural Voters Miles City Correction This story originally misidentified the campus where Richard Walter has been teaching. The story has been corrected. A renowned cold-case investigator serving as a temporary professor in Tulsa is lending his skills to a high-profile killing from Tulsa Countys unsolved case files. The expert offered a somewhat cryptic warning to Dena Deans potential killers during a news conference Thursday: My advice to the perpetrators would be, Dont buy any green bananas, said forensic psychologist Richard Walter. Walters message may signal an imminent arrest perhaps even before a bunch of bananas has time to ripen but at minimum serves as a bold statement of progress in the nearly two-decades-old case. He expressed confidence but didnt want to dive into specifics. The proverbial light bulb switched on while scouring reports and evidence, Walter said, and a devious pattern exposed itself. They did stumble with mistakes but think theyre more clever than the rest of us, which he said is fine because more errors will follow. Did they make more errors? The answer is, Yes, Walter said. Did they think maybe they were safe? Possibly. The 16-year-old Dean was last reported alive at the Town West shopping center in 1998. The Webster High School student had just left a west Tulsa Arbys restaurant where she worked, near 5600 W. Skelly Drive. Dean planned to meet a friend at a supermarket near the shopping center. Her car was found abandoned there. Authorities located her body six days later, less than three miles from the store. Walter, who is wrapping up a 13-month tenure teaching in the forensic science program at Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, felt it was time to give back to the community what he called a temporary home. Through local connections, Walter, who also trains investigators at Scotland Yard, offered his services free of charge to delve into the Dean case. Walter is a co-founder of the Vidocq Society, an organization of forensic professionals dedicated to cracking cold cases. Walter said he doesnt need to have a chat with the Dean suspects because they have given me all the details I need anyway. The Tulsa County Sheriffs Office cold case team has made significant process that he wont divulge for fear of offering an unintended heads up. They survived for 18 years; that reign is coming to a close, in my opinion, Walter said. Walter also wondered what sort of reaction those who investigators are focusing on might have to the spotlight brought by media attention after the news conference. Im curious to see how arrogant they are, Walter said. Or whether they think were talking about them. Walter wasnt the only official expressing confidence Thursday. Retired Tulsa police homicide Sgt. Mike Huff, who leads the Sheriffs Office cold case unit, said investigators have been able to really sink their teeth into the case in the past two to three weeks. Fresh scrutiny of the eight to 10 boxes of information in the case has yielded that confidence. Huff said Walters skills shine on the behavioral aspect of killers and circumstantial evidence to unravel and then reconstruct the story of a slaying. But Huff said his focus is presenting a prosecutable case to the District Attorneys Office, which is a lot more than theory. Huff noted he has a pretty good understanding of what District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler requires to file charges in such a case. It comes down to real, hard-core results, he said. A landmark piece of playground equipment in Helena, the rocket slide began its journey to the future Wednesday. Its been a fixture at Bill Carson Memorial Park at the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds since perhaps 1968. Eric Bryson, the countys chief administrative officer who grew up in Helena and played on the rocket as a child, said he believed it was manufactured by the Miracle Equipment Co. in Grinnell, Iowa. A metal spiral staircase inside the rocket-shaped structure, fashioned of steel tubing, allowed children to race up to its nose cone. They could take the slide for the quick trip back to earth. On Wednesday, a crane helped a county public works department crew remove the rocket and load it onto a semi-trucks flatbed trailer for the trip across town to Helena College, where it will be restored. Just when the rocket will make its return isnt certain, county Commissioner Andy Hunthausen said. We didnt put any parameters on that as we recognize its an educational project," he said. Hunthausen asked Helena College to help save the rocket, said the colleges Dean Daniel Bingham. People have played on it for generations, and Hunthausen didnt want to see it lost to history, he explained. Were pretty excited about the opportunity to do this, Bingham said. Restoration of the rocket could be completed by the end of the colleges fall semester that concludes in mid-December, Bingham said. Or it could continue into the schools spring semester that concludes in May. Whats important, he explained, is to have the students prepared for the restoration work they will undertake on the rocket. Theres interest in recreating the slide that was once part of it too, he said. But before work begins, Helena College needs photos of the rocket as it stood in the park. And the college would like to collect stories from those who once played on the rocket to use in compiling a history of it, he added. This will be a great project for us, Bingham said. Rockets were popular in playgrounds in the late 1950s and into the 1960s. A 1963 issue of Life magazine noted the arrival of Space Age playground equipment. The new gear, some of it as colorful as modern art, is as different from the old-fashioned slide, seesaw and teeth-busting swing as Telstar is from a Conestoga wagon, it reported in a pictorial look at playgrounds. The playground at the fairgrounds holds other vestiges of play structures that could also date from the 1960s. A slide for tots would appear to have them riding down the trunk of an elephant. Dull metal jungle gyms for younger children rose but a few feet from the grass. Hunthausen would like to see the rocket, once its restored, returned to the playground and used as a centerpiece display when the fairgrounds playground is updated. While the college is donating its labor and related supplies for welding and restoring the rocket, the county will be paying for materials. Anyone who remembers playing on it as a child and would like to make a donation is welcome to do so, Hunthausen said. For the last 12 or 13 years, the rocket has been closed to use, a decision made after its slide had deteriorated and required removal, said Keith Hatch, the fairgrounds manager. Rust competed with faded red and white paint on the rockets six legs. Small, black plastic signs with orange lettering warned against trespassing and said Keep Out. Hatch watched as work began to prepare the rocket for its journey. He said the fair board talked about what to do with it for years. Within the last three or four months, the discussion became more focused and plans started to take shape. With the crane extended above the rocket and connected to it with canvas straps, the county crew used a torch to cut the rockets six legs and the steel post that ran upward through the spiral staircase to the spaceships nose. Hunthausen, 51, recalled what the rocket meant to him. I played on this a lot, he said. Going up in the nosecone, sliding down the slide, it was quite the deal. I played on it a lot as a kid anytime I could get my parents to bring me down here. And as he watched, the rocket did rise. It was drawn skyward ever so slightly by the crane before it touched back down and was laid gently on the grass. Lifted again by the crane, the rocket was placed on the semi-trucks trailer. When I was a kid, man, that was up there, he said of the rockets 30-foot height. We felt like we were going to take off, he said. We were going to rocket to the stars. Turkish economy has become more resilient after the July 15 coup attempt by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), head of the countrys top business organization said on Tuesday. "We have continued hosting 3 million Syrian refugees, on the other hand we have been fighting with terrorist groups, PKK and Daesh," Rifat Hisarciklioglu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), said at a regional economic corporation meeting in the Iranian capital Tehran. "The July 15 coup attempt came on top of all this," he said. Hisarciklioglu said despite fighting against terrorist groups and the coup bid, Turkey's economy did not suffer. "Our economy has overcome the coup attempt and is even getting stronger," he said. Hisarciklioglu was attending the 21st Executive Committee Meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization - Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECO-CCI) in neighboring Iran. ECO was established in 1985 by Turkey, Iran and Pakistan to stimulate regional development, build economic and technical relations and tighten cultural and historical ties. Other member states such as Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan joined the organization after the collapse of the Soviet Union. CCI, a regional institution within the ECO, says it aims "to contribute to enhance economic cooperation and relations in trade, industry, agriculture, tourism, contracting, engineering and banking sectors as well as to realize joint investments among the member states." Hisarciklioglu said some 16 percent of the world's total oil reserves and 24 percent of the proven natural gas reserves are located in the ECO countries. "We are also standing on the world energy corridors and trade routes. Half of the world population, almost 3.5 billion people, are living in the contiguous countries," said Hisarciklioglu. But he claimed members do not benefit enough from the organization's potential. "We have awesome fertile lands. We have a great history and human capital. Despite all these advantages, we receive only 2 percent share from the global trade," he said. Hisarciklioglu called for removing visa requirements among ECO members. "Although Turkey has no visa restrictions for almost all the ECO members, Turkish citizens have visa-free access to only a few ECO countries," he said. "We should put an end to these malpractices. A man does not need a visa to enter his brother's house." Turkey's government has said the defeated coup, which left 240 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured, was organized by followers of Fetullah Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania since 1999, and his FETO network. Gulen is accused of leading a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary, forming what is commonly known as the parallel state. Anadolu Agency Turkey has demanded the extradition of eight soldiers who fled to Greece in a helicopter just after the July 15 defeated coup, judicial sources said Tuesday. A file prepared by the Justice Ministry was sent to Greece Tuesday through the Foreign Ministry, the judicial sources said on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media. The Justice Ministry's Directorate-General for Law and External Relations prepared the file under an extradition agreement between Turkey and Greece. The extradition request, written by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, said that Turkey demands the return of the eight military personnel, who landed at Alexandroupoli airport on July 16 on board a Turkish Armed Forces Sikorsky S70 Hawk S/N helicopter, as they face charges of violating the constitution through using force and violence, trying to assassinate the president, and crimes against legislative organs and the government, among other charges. The eight soldiers fled to Greece in a military helicopter when the July 15 coup attempt failed and sought asylum in this country. On July 27 Greek authorities issued a months extension on the soldiers asylum request. Turkey's government has said the July 15 coup attempt, which left 240 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured, was organized by followers of preacher Fetullah Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania since 1999, and his FETO network. Gulen is accused of leading a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary, forming what is commonly known as the parallel state. Anadolu Agency Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday reiterated efforts to re-establish relations with Turkey. Putin's remarks came during his meeting with Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev in Russia's Sochi. "We sincerely make an effort for re-establishing of our relations in all dimensions with Turkey, the one who is our friend and we have been establishing cooperation for many years," Putin said. Putin said Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's latest visit to Russia showed the both sides' desire to carry on a comprehensive work to revive and improve the relations. Putin thanked Nazarbayev for his effort for the mending of Turkey-Russia relations. Nazarbayev, in his turn, expressed his appreciation about the reviving of Turkey-Russia relations. Erdogan met his Russian counterpart Putin on Aug. 9 in St. Petersburg, marking the first meeting between the two leaders since Turkeys downing of a Russian warplane last November. Relations between the two countries soured after the downing of a Russian jet that violated Turkeys airspace on the Syrian border in November last year. The issue seemed largely resolved on June 29 through a letter and subsequent telephone calls between the countries leaders. On June 30, Russia lifted a ban on tourist flights to Turkey following a phone conversation between Putin and Erdogan. Turkish and Russian foreign ministers later met in the Russian city of Sochi on July 1. Putin gave his support to Turkey over the July 15 coup attempt and said he stood by the elected government, offering his condolences to the victims of what Erdogan called the most heinous armed coup attempt in modern Turkish history. On July 22, Russia also lifted restrictions on flights to Turkey, which had been implemented temporarily following the coup attempt, after Turkish officials assured their Russian counterparts that additional security measures were being taken. Anadolu Agency Turkey will bring to account all the perpetrators of terror acts "not in revenge but with justice," Prime Minister Binali Yildirim vowed on Tuesday. "Turkish justice will call [the terrorist organizations] to account for our martyrs," Yildirim told a party group meeting at parliament in the capital Ankara. He referred to Monday's PKK car-bomb attack against a traffic police station in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakir, which martyred one child and five police officers. "There is no Kurdish issue for PKK, but there is a PKK problem for our Kurdish citizens," Yildirim stressed. "Our duty is to eliminate this problem and remove that bloody-minded terror organization from our region." Yildirim said PKK is serving for the same purpose as that of the U.S.-based preacher Fetullah Gulen's terror organization, or FETO accused of orchestrating the July 15 coup attempt. "They [the two] made quite a lot of efforts to turn Turkey into a country like Iraq, Syria, or Egypt, both before July 15 and later," Yildirim said. "They worked hard to quicken [a possible] civil war in Turkey. They would later appear as a savior and deepen the brotherhood fight in this country." "However, the solidarity between the public and the state on the July 15 night ruined all such plans," Yildirim said. The foiled putsch last month left 240 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured. Since then, many people in Turkey have been calling for "death penalty" for the coup attempters. Responding to the participants in the group meeting who were also shouting that they wanted the "death penalty", Yildirim said: "Death penalty is death for once; however, there are greater deaths for them, which is objective and fair judgment." About a possible reinstatement of the death penalty in Turkey for those involved in the defeated coup, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated his stance that the decision would be left up to Turkish lawmakers in the parliament. Erdogan repeatedly has said he would approve reinstating the death penalty if the parliament approves. Such a penalty could be imposed on Gulen as well, who is accused of leading a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary, forming what is commonly known as the parallel state. Since the deadly coup attempt, Turkish government has been clearing the state institutions off FETO and parallel state members. Yildirim assured citizens not to be anxious about such steps. "Those Muslim people who have been doing charity work warm-heartedly have nothing to do with these [terror organizations]," he said. "We need to settle a score with those who exploited such good feelings and who took money from our citizens [for charity work] but used it to attack on people with arms, tanks, and planes." Yildirim said they would definitely differentiate between the innocent and the guilty, but admitted: "It will not be easy." Turkish PM said once more that the terror attacks, including the deadly July 15 coup attempt, "did not hit Turkey's economy," adding that both the banking and finance sectors have been operating well. Pointing out that Turkey is available for investments, he said an economic stimulus package was on the way to enliven the economy. "Let's not permit that terror makes the agenda of Turkey any more. Let's focus on economy and development more," Yildirim said. Anadolu Agency President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said Western countries would have reinstated the death penalty and declared an indefinite state of emergency if they faced the same terror threats and attacks as Turkey in the past months. Receiving the President of Union of Turkish Bar Associations Metin Feyzioglu and 70 other bar heads in the Presidential Complex in Ankara, Erdogan said: "Set aside the coup attempt, even if terror attacks in the last months by the PKK and Daesh had happened in any European country, they would have brought in the death penalty and an indefinite state of emergency." He also slammed U.K.-based Amnesty International over its reports of alleged torture against detained coup plotters. "First they [Amnesty International] have to come here and see what happened in Turkey's parliament, how 53 of our security officers died after our security headquarters was bombed," Erdogan said, adding that numerous people were shot dead on Istanbuls Bosphorus Bridge and the presidential complex was fired upon on the night of the foiled coup. "Come and see this, do your part. Then make your statement. Sorry to say, but nobody [will] show respect to you if you just make statements by what you hear," Erdogan said. Turkish officials have both rejected and condemned claims that suspected coup plotters have been subjected to torture in detention. The president also criticized Western leaders, without mentioning any names, of worrying more about the condition of putschists rather than the victims of the defeated coup. "Nobody is asking [about] the situation of our 240 martyrs and 2,195 brothers and sisters who were injured," Erdogan said. "But they are very interested about detentions, arrests and suspensions." Erdogan said Turkey was a country of law and "will continue to be so". "On the night of July 15, our judges and prosecutors, along with the people and our security forces, took a stand against the putschists," Erdogan said. "The fight against the coup plotters was carried out within the range of law from the first moment." FETO working group Feyzioglu told reporters his association was ready to "participate actively" to explain FETO internationally. "If a working group is be established with your [Erdogan's] order to explain the righteous struggle against FETO, the association is more than ready to actively participate in it," said Feyzioglu. The president of the Turkish Bar Association also said FETO members "may try to gain international community support". "Gathering 79 million people on common ground is possible under the roof of justice", Feyzioglu said. "When trust in the justice system is provided, everybody will be proud of being a citizen of the Turkish Republic. Therefore, devious plans will come to nothing." After talking to press, Erdogan and Feyzioglu -- with his delegation -- held a 90-minute meeting. Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag and the Presidency's Secretary General Fahri Kasirga also present. The deadly coup attempt began late July 15 when rogue elements of the Turkish military tried to overthrow the country's democratically elected government, martyring 240 people and injuring almost 2,200 others. The government says the attempted coup was organized by followers of U.S.-based preacher Fetullah Gulen. Gulen is accused of a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through infiltrating Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary, forming a parallel state. Anadolu Agency The CEO of Ramps Logistics says he is "really really disappointed" with the Guyana Revenue A Next week SBS premieres Great American Railway Journeys which, if Euro travel shows are any indication, will be a big drawcard for SBS. UK host Michael Portillo follows Appletons General Guide to the US of 1879, published at a key moment in American history: the turning point from new world to the richest nation ever known. The series will screen on Wednesday nights with Who Do You Think You Are? set to resume on Tuesdays shortly. Michael sets out to rediscover a land built by the railroads. His journey covers two rail itineraries, and along the way he explores the colonial links between the United States and Britain, the role of the railways in the new nations rapid industrialisation, the great migrations of Europeans, the democratic institutions that define the nation today, which were moulded at the time of our guide, and the deep scars left by the recent Civil War. Episode One: Manhattan Island Starting at New Yorks Grand Central Terminal, Michael boards the Manhattan subway system, the busiest rail transit system in the US. In an urban oasis, Michael discovers how a swampy wasteland was turned into one of the largest and finest parks in the world: Central Park. In the Lower East Side, Michaels drawn into a scrap with one of the neighbourhoods infamous historic gangs; and then heads by ferry to Ellis Island, the gateway to America for many millions seeking a new life. He finishes this leg of the journey with a tour of the gleaming new transport hub under construction close to the site of Ground Zero. Wednesday, 24 August at 7.30pm on SBS. Seven West Media has announced an investment in UK-based scripted specialists, Slim Film + Television. Slim, the company behind BBC drama Legacy and comedy series The Art of Foley, was founded by producer Simon Crawford Collins (Spooks, Ashes to Ashes, Hustle). Slim is currently developing projects for UK and international networks such as AMC. Simon Crawford Collins, said: Slim is embarking on an exciting new phase in its growth and, after considering a number of offers, we believe that Seven are the perfect creative partners to support us in our future ambitions. They are not only an exceptionally inspirational group, market leaders in their territory and have massive global aspirations; they also have boundless energy and a great sense of fun. Together we will be looking to further expand internationally and pursue a number of high-end international co-production opportunities that are already in development as well as fully exploit our incredibly exciting slate of programming to produce innovative and highly successful programming for global audiences. Tim Worner, CEO of Seven West Media, said: Seven is committed to growing its international production footprint and we want to do that with the very best people. Simons track record speaks for itself, and audiences in Australia, and in fact all over the world, have loved the shows he has already been involved with. He is now attracting some brilliant writers to Slim, and together we believe we will create more outstanding work to take to audiences everywhere. Seven is the leading content production company in Australia with some of the most successful brands and franchises. We are recognised as the leader in Australian produced television programming. Our success is built on our ability to create and own compelling content, and to deliver that content to the biggest audiences across our media platforms. We are delighted to be working with Simon and his talented team at Slim. Simons credentials speak for themselves and we are looking to create great drama and comedy series with Slim. Seven also has 7 Wonder and 7 Beyond production arms. As part of Sevens investment deal, BBC Worldwide, which held a 25% stake in Slim, is exiting the company. Jarrad Bowe on set They ferry actors to set, pick up local supplies, help out the crew, double as a PA, and whatever else it takes to keep a production running smoothly. Life as a Runner is hectic, requires multitasking and great people skills. In the latest of TV Tonights Spotlight series on craft roles, three Runners tell what it takes to get the job done: Jarrad Bowe (Here Come the Habibs, Hyde + Seek, Seven Year Switch, Q&A, Reuben Guthrie), Katherine Gillespie (Offspring) Elle Reid (Doctor Doctor, Infini, Terminus) How long have you been a Runner and how did you get into the job? JB: Ive been a runner on and off for the last two and a half years now. I got into running, after I graduated from University and chased up some contacts I made and luckily they where needing some volunteer runners for Terminus, which I happily jumped on, following that production, I gained contacts and got chased up a few months later to work on Ruben Guthrie as the Production Runner. Since then I have been working ever since. KG: I started working as a Production Runner in 2013, getting my first job as 2nd Unit Runner on Offspring series 4, which opened the door for me to continue working in television production in various roles, and over the years I returned to Offspring for series 5 and 6. I studied film and television at University and after graduating was looking for a Production Runner role as my entry to the industry, as it offers a solid grounding in most aspects of production and through the daily tasks gives first-hand understanding of the needs of various departments and how they interplay to get the show in the can. Working on short films and music videos after Uni was invaluable in expanding my on-set knowledge and building contacts, and it was through a friend who had already landed a job in production that I heard about a handful of upcoming shows and so knew where to direct my calls and emails, looking for that first job! ER: Three years. I was in my final year at Uni finishing a Bachelor of Digital Media and happened across a callout on Screen Hub for a runner on a feature in Sydney. I tried my luck with shooting them through my resume and enthusiasm and somehow landed the job. They were the best crew and a really awesome introduction to the production world. Shameless plug: go check out Infini! Whats a typical day on set for you involve? JB: Sadly as a Runner, you dont get to spend that much time on set, you will spend more time driving in your car. Most the time you start your day picking up cast members. Once you arrive at unit you check in with the 2nd AD and see what paperwork needs to go back to the office. If youre lucky you have breakfast with the crew then head back to the production office. Before wrap you might have other casts to pick up or return, equipment pick up or return, lunch orders to grab for the production office, cleaning up the kitchen, grabbing coffees or help with paperwork or chasing up equipment orders. When you do spend time on set, you will help ferry cast between set and unit, run waters, and help the crew where you can. At the end of the day, you drop of call sheet and drive cast home, they might also have to handle the rushes and to make sure they are handed over to the editor. Handling the rushes are pretty much the most important job, if they lose or damage the rushes, Im pretty sure they wont be working the next day. But once they are safely in the edit suite, and you have informed the production office then your day has ended and you go home, to wake up and do it all over again. KG: As a Runner, theres the sense of being constantly in motion; a conduit between the production office and the set, supporting the production by doing my part to facilitate whatever is needed to achieve the days work. Its early mornings, transporting cast members to set, collecting and delivering equipment to the crew on set, driving the camera cards (precious cargo as they contain the mornings footage!) to the production facility after lunch, assisting at the office, tidying the kitchen, emptying the bins, photocopying Call Sheets, driving them to the set for Wrap, then driving cast members home. Its countless hours in the car, with more visits to the airport, the supermarket, hardware and office supply stores than I can recall, but its also spending time with incredible people, having great conversations on the way and always learning a little bit more about what it takes to make a show! ER: Depends on the job, but usually its picking up and driving cast to set in the morning. Being on standby with your car on set to travel anyone or anything that may suddenly come up. Making purchases and pickups of anything and everything required for any department. Organising lunches, helping out with paperwork, zipping around the city. Jumping in as a PA on set if they need a hand. Keeping smiles on and spirits high! And ending the day dropping home a cast member or two and traveling rushes to editorial. Theyre big days, but usually full of so many great interactions that you wouldnt get in many other jobs. Elle Reid Whats been the best and worst experience youve had and why? JB: One of the best experiences was my first week on Hide and Seek. I had been a Runner for just under two years and worked on low budget productions. However, this was my first real TV drama and the sheer scope of the show was mind blowing. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I got to watch and learn from a variety of crew, from the production office, to the writers room, all the way to the Producers and how they worked from week to week. As a Runner you get to interact with every aspect of production. One of the most difficult experiences Ive had was on Seven Year Switch. Though the job was a fun and interesting there was one particular day that got a touch stressful. I was using my car, but the air con doesnt work and in my car it peaked to a mild 42 degrees then my phone overheated and died. I had half an hour to pick up some camera gear and I was stuck in peak hour traffic with no GPS. Im pretty sure I lost 5kgs in sweat and aged 5 years older that day. KG: Best: Being part of a team, that sense of unity; each of us, in our own ways, working towards a common goal, and sharing pride in what were creating. Surrounded by amazing people, being immersed in the daily tasks of producing a television show is a rich environment, and though the Runner is a small cog in a big wheel, it plays a vital part. I get a thrill seeing the sunrises and sunsets on-set at some awesome locations charmingly dilapidated buildings or stunning country vistas hidden gems that I wouldnt otherwise know existed. Worst: The unexpected happens often, so its accounted for as much as possible within the schedule of my day, but sometimes something happens that pushes beyond what can be anticipated. Being stuck on a freeway in grid-lock traffic, resulting from some major traffic incident ahead, needing to get an actor to the set is a horrible situation. Staying calm is the key, but knowing how the ripple effect of every minute were delayed impacts on production, makes the gravity of the situation more acute, and when there is nothing to be done but to stick it out and keep going, its pretty awful. ER: Worst: There arent many worsts in my experiences (touch wood) but this one would have to be when I lost my wallet with my petty cash ($600) in it. Id had a handful of stuff at Officeworks and in the confusion left my wallet in the trolley. I was midway back to the production office when I got this sick feeling in my stomach. Luckily, some gorgeous soul had found it and handed it in to the Officeworks team but for a good 10 minutes I thought Id lost a lot of important stuff plus $600 of the productions money. Best: Probably the introduction to the industry I got on Infini my first ever runner gig. Everyone was just so friendly, keen to help me learn and not at all phased that I was such a greenie. And the craziest thing youve ever had to do? JB: I was once asked to collect toilet paper for one of the crew, as we were out in the country and they were on set and unable to get any. However, it had to be a certain kind of toilet paper, which I found very odd, but I didnt question it. Since we were out of the city and local shops dont seem to sell a variety of toilet paper, I drove an hour to the nearest grocery story on the hunt for toilet paper. KG: Sometimes seeing my call time for the next morning seems crazy but the early mornings are a normal part of being a Runner! The strangest task Ive had was when I was Running on a war drama series; I drove to the rural location wed been filming at, down a long and bumpy dirt road, to retrieve a dozen or so bloodied, dismembered prosthetic limbs from storage in a shipping container, putting them into black plastic bags and carrying them to my car. It wouldve been a crazy sight if anyone had seen me! I drove the 45 minutes back to Melbourne, having made sure I had enough fuel as there was no way I wanted to stop at a petrol station with that grotesque cargo in the boot of my car! ER: Nothing overly crazy has happened. I mean, that time a lady ignored a stop sign and slammed into me sending my car into a 360 spin. Or when an actor went walk about without a phone and I had to run around Potts Point looking for him while everyone was frantic. Or when I suddenly found myself on set for the day rigging a big lighting wall with one of the elex cause everyone else was too busy. When I had to run a guy to the hospital who had slipped and hurt his back and every bump I drove over he cried out Yeah, that was pretty crazy. Where will you be in 5 years time? Whats the dream? JB: So I hope in 5 years, whether I am a 3rd AD working in Australia or overseas I want to be progressing in the industry and gaining experience that will help me to become a Director. Though If I got to be the head Producer of my own show, that would be pretty cool too. KG: Im widely interested in the film, television and music industries as collaborative art forms, and as an exhilarating way to contribute my energy and abilities in collectively realising a shared vision. I love the energy and immediacy of the Set, and the big-picture magic that happens at the meetings between the Producers, Directors and Heads of Department. The dream is feeling inspired, engaged and challenged by the projects and the people I collaborate with in telling compelling, insightful and powerful stories that resonate with their audience. ER: Hopefully ADing on something or maybe getting into some writing. Im still pretty new to the industry and still trying to figure out where I want to go with it, but I just love meeting all of these creative, passionate minds and getting to hang out with them five (sometimes six!) days a week for a solid block of time. Ive worked with a bunch of amazing people already and I think the dream at the moment is just getting the chance to keep meeting people like this and creating and collaborating. Sacked Criminal Minds star Thomas Gibson has joined Twitter to thank fans for their support, after being dismissed from the US procedural. I wish I could thank each of you for your friendship & support. I love "Criminal Minds," & I'm disappointed by what's happened #ThomasGibson Thomas Gibson (@ImThomasGibson) August 16, 2016 I'm here on #Twitter so we can stay connected in the days to come, and talk directly with each other. #ThomasGibson Thomas Gibson (@ImThomasGibson) August 16, 2016 The support you show means the world to me and my family. This is not an ending, but a beginning as well. Thank you all. #ThomasGibson Thomas Gibson (@ImThomasGibson) August 17, 2016 CBS and ABC Studios fired him from the show after initially suspending him following an alleged altercation with a writer on set. He has since hired a Los Angeles law firm to pursue possible legal claims against producers. Hi, my name is Scott C. Waring and I wrote a few books and am currently a ESL School Owner in Taiwan. I have had my own UFO sighting up close and personal, but that's how it works right? A non believer becomes a believer when they experience their first sighting. You witnessed it, your perceptual field changes, so now you need to share it. I created this site to help the UFO community get a little bit organized. I noticed that there was a lot of chaos when searching for UFO sighting reports, so I hope this site helps. I wanted to support those eyewitnesses who have tried to tell others about what they have seen, yet were laughed at by even closest of friends. More and more each day the governments of the world leak bits and pieces of UFO information to the public. They have a trickle down theory in hopes of slowly getting citizens use to the idea that we are not alone in universe and never have been. The truth is being leaked drop by drop until one day we look around and find ourselves neck high in it. The discovery of alien species in existence is the most monumental scientific event in human history, suppression of that information is a crime against humanity. About me: I live in Taiwan. I OWN MY OWN ENGLISH SCHOOL, AND ONCE HAD 5 SCHOOLS. Am Former USAF at SAC base (flight line). Age: 42 Educ: BA in Elem ed. Masters in Counseling ed. I had two UFO sightings, (30+bus size orbs) in military and in 2012 personally saw the UFO over Taipei 101 building on New Years Day (and recored it). The seventh wave of mobilization may be declared in Ukraine in case the sharp escalation in fighting in Donbas is observed. Advisor to the President of Ukraine and Advisor to the Defence Minister of Ukraine Yuri Biriukov said this on the air of Channel 5. "The seventh wave of mobilization will be declared if there is a real escalation on the frontline," he said. Biriukov noted that those, who had already participated in the fighting in Donbas, would be primarily mobilized then. ol Russian-backed militants launched 96 attacks on positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbas over the past day. This is reported by the ATO Headquarters press center. "The enemy opened artillery fire six times on the town of Avdiyivka, having launched more than 130 shells of 122mm caliber on our defenders. The same caliber was used during shelling of the villages of Pisky, Novoselivka Druha and Pershe Travnia. About 40 shells were launched on the village of Luhanske," the report says. Despite the intensification of enemy actions, the ATO forces completely control the situation along the demarcation line, the headquarters said. ish Ukraine supports Moldova in its requirement on unconditional withdrawal of Russian arms and equipment from the country. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Moldova Ivan Hnatyshyn said this in an exclusive interview with Ukrinform. "Ukraine supports Moldova in the requirement on unconditional fulfillment of the decision of the OSCE Istanbul Summit-1999 on the withdrawal of Russian arms and equipment from Moldova. We are concerned about the large number of "property" at the warehouses in Transnistria region (more than 20,000 tons according to some estimates)," the ambassador said. ish Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko doesnt rule out introducing martial law and a new wave of military mobilization if the conflict with Russia worsens in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian president said this during an official visit to Lviv region, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. "Unfortunately, if the situation escalates in the east and in Crimea we don't rule out the possibilities that we will be forced to introduce martial law and announce a [new wave of] mobilization, Poroshenko said. At the same time, according to the president, the number of contract servicemen in the Ukrainian Army allows him, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to refrain from announcing a new wave of mobilization. President Poroshenko also noted that at present the principal position of Ukraine is to coordinate relations with international partners, to renew talks with the neighbor-aggressor, as well as to try to force Russia to fulfill its obligations under the Minsk agreements and return the Normandy format. iy Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Sergiy Kyslytsya met with Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to Ukraine Shorsh Khalid Said on the occasion of completion of his diplomatic mission. This has been reported by the press service of the Governments portal. During the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of the bilateral issues as well as the ways to facilitate prospective directions of the cooperation. The deputy minister expressed appreciation to Ambassador S. Said for his contribution in development of cooperation between Ukraine and Iraq. ish Prez greets Govt, people of Afghanistan on eve of their Independence Day New Delhi, Aug 18 (UNI) President Pranab Mukherjee today extended his greetings and felicitations to the Government and people of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on the eve of their Independence Day. In a message to Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Mr Mukherjee said, ''On behalf of the Government and the people of India, it is with great pleasure that I extend warm greetings and felicitations to your Excellency and to the people of Afghanistan on the occasion of Independence Day. ''Our traditional ties of friendship and cooperation have gained strength and substance in recent years. I am confident that our close relationship will continue to contribute to peace, stability and progress in Afghanistan and in our neighbourhood. India will stand by the people and Government of Afghanistan in their efforts to build a strong, united, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan. No one to neither press the brake pedal nor steer the wheel. It seems that Tesla's success in making autopilot project has inspired other established automakers including Ford. Ford has been investing a huge amount of money to fund the research and development for self-driving cars. The bold claim says that the fully autonomous vehicles will be ready in 2021. Ford self-driving car strategy Ford will not sell the autonomous car for private use at first but it will be deployed as commercial mobility service. BBC spoke to Ford's president Mark Fields and obtained some answers on what to expect in 2021. The self-driving cars might work like a taxi or ride-hailing program like Uber instead of selling directly to the consumers. In a separate statement, the CEO claimed that Ford is becoming a mobility company instead of just an automaker. Describing the self-driving car in one concise sentence, TechCrunch explained that this car will 'lack steering wheels, brake or gas pedals'. It will provide level 4 self-driving that no longer need a human to take control of, which simply means, all are passengers in the car and no driver. Self-driving cars will bring huge benefits for the elderly and even for those who can't drive. This technology will also remove human error in the driving process - which means, less road accidents. According to researchers at Georgia Tech, who analyzed driverless vehicle performance, the advanced technology will make it possible for the car to be fully in control with less accident rate, as reported by University Herald. However, according to Ford, these autonomous cars still give humans the control to drive and it only work 'to assist' drivers with the driving functions. The company stressed that the cars will mostly be used in urban areas, for instance, for mass transit, and not for personal transportation replacement. At least not in five years time since it is worth to note that there will be thousands of regulatory changes before all passengers can get inside, eat burgers with their two hands and enjoy the ride. UCLA recently took the second spot on the best public universities in the United States and sat in the 12th place among the public universities around the world. The rank results were based on the August 15 released The Academic Ranking of World Universities as compiled by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Berkeley University claimed the third spot while San Diego University made it at the 14th spot. The ranking results were based on the universities' compliance with the six criteria for excellence. The criteria include researchers who are highly cited, papers listed and cited in the major citation directories, Nature and Science published papers, faculties winning Nobel prizes and medals, the number of alumni gaining Fields Medals and per capita academic performance. This is not the first time that the university has been recognized for its excellence. University of California Los Angeles was recognized in May as the second among all of US public universities in the London's Times Higher Education's World Reputation Rankings assessing the international prestige of higher learning institutions. The university was ranked number eight at the 2016 Best Global Universities as recognized by the U.S. News and World Report. UCLA's service in public interest received recognition as number six in the Washington Monthly College Guide and Rankings. The top 11 United States public universities are as follows. Harvard University at number one, Stanford University at number two, UC Berkeley at third, fourth is the University of Cambridge, fifth the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sixth the Princeton University, seventh the University of Oxford, eighth the California Institute of Technology, ninth the Columbia University, tenth the University of Chicago and Yale University at the 11th spot, The UCLA News Room reported. Shanghai Ranking Consultancy, a China-based independent research organization for higher education is responsible for publishing the annual rankings. The ranking started being published and is conducted among 500 universities around the world, The Daily Bruin reported. Take a quick trip to UCLA, the world's 12th best public university through this video. Visiting a college in person is still the best way for a student to get a feel of the experience he or she will be having in a certain institution. However, there are cases when an individual's time and money are not enough for it. Here's where a virtual college tour can help. U.S. News noted that a virtual college tour only offers a limited view of an institution. There are three ways to enhance the experience in order to maximize this feature to one's advantage. 1. Look for other alternatives. Students who study or graduated at the same college or university usually create their own online communities. Those who want to have a virtual college tour of a certain institution can look for Facebook groups, Instagram pictures, Snapchat stories as well as other blogs that will give a sneak peek of how life is on that campus. Some schools also have groups on different social media platforms like Reddit. This would also be a great way to learn how students at a specific educational institution feel about their campus and its environment. 2. Look for alumni. Pair your virtual college tour with an interview from alumni of that university. Ask them for a short interview and they may be happy to share their story with you. This can give you a deeper understanding of your future experience at a certain college or university. If there are a lot of alumni in your area, look for someone who has the same interests as you. A former fraternity or sorority member would be the best person to reach out to if you are hoping to join a Greek organization while a former science major would definitely know a lot about the school's science programs and undergraduate research opportunities. 3. Look for other virtual college tours of the same institution. Aside from going through an official virtual college tour of the college or university you are planning to enroll in, you can also look for other tours created by private companies. This would provide you with different viewpoints of the same institution. Published: August 18, 2016 UT Junior Analyzes Crime with French Gendarmerie Claire-Marie Maillot 18 is used to traveling with her parents back to France each summer, the country where her father was born. But this year, she went without them and spent a month with the French military police. Maillot had an internship with the Forensic and Criminal Intelligence Agency of the French Gendarmerie outside of Paris. She explored the many divisions within the agency and delved into closed and cold cases, studying the details and analyzing potential motives learned from her criminology courses at UT that shed debate with the officers familiar with the cases, who would reveal if she was right, providing further investigative insights. Ever since I was 15, my passion in life has been to help people, said Maillot, a criminology major in the Honors program from Mandeville, LA. Im interested in solving problems. I love going into a crime scene and seeing how I can analyze all the clues and how they all come together to a single person or group of people. Maillot toured the criminal intelligence central department (SCRC), which specifically concentrates on data processing and runs criminal databases for the French military police, and learned how intelligence for all types of crime that are committed in France is produced, said Cedric Michel, Maillots internship advisor at UT. This internship was the perfect vehicle to determine whether such a career was a good fit for her, said Michel, assistant professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Criminology internships provide an exceptional opportunity for students to apply theoretical concepts that they have learned in the classroom to a more practical setting. They also become familiar with the workings of a criminal justice agency. Maillot, who has a French minor, said the staff she worked with asked her just as much about the American legal system, eager to know more about the similarities and differences between the two countries and cultures. In addition to her research, Maillot was able to translate as needed, such as when Polish law enforcement made a visit to her office and she was called upon to assist in the translation of the English language of the meeting. Claire-Marie had a chance to intern at a foreign criminal justice agency unlike most of our students, said Michel. This approach is in keeping with the criminology departments emphasis on comparative justice and, more broadly speaking, with The University of Tampas mission to expose its students to global issues. In addition to affirming her career aspirations to become an investigator or profiler of violent crimes, Maillot said the internship gave her more confidence in working in a professional setting and being more assertive. It was a summer experience for which she is grateful. Anyone who is really passionate about their work is happy to show you what they do, Maillot said. I would encourage students to look for internships in any major to determine that it's the right career choice for them." NORMAL Heartland Community College students who transfer to Millikin University in Decatur before completing their associate's degrees will be able to obtain those degrees later under an agreement signed Tuesday between the two schools. Under the reverse transfer agreement, Millikin will send transcripts to Heartland indicating what courses the student has completed at Millikin. Once those courses fulfill the requirements for an associate's degree, Heartland will award the degree the student has earned at no charge to the student. To be eligible, students must have completed at least 30 credit hours at Heartland. Heartland already has a similar agreement with Eastern Illinois University and is working on others. Heartland President Rob Widmer described such agreements as perhaps a continuing trend as we look at what's best for our students long term. Widmer said, This is really a service for our students to have this opportunity. Justin Tierney, Millikin's director of transfer admission, called it a win, win, win for students and both schools. There are no losers, he said. Getting credit for an associate degree can be particularly important when unforeseen events such as an illness, accident or birth of a child interrupt a student's path to a bachelor's degree, Tierney explained. Rick Pearce, Heartland's vice president for learning and student success, said, This agreement provides security so students know they have something to show when they go out into the workforce. Millikin Provost Jeff Aper said, By collaborating, we make it much easier for students to make the most of the resources that are available to them. Millikin has similar agreements with about eight schools, according to Tierney. Widmer and Aper signed the agreement on the Heartland campus before the monthly meeting of the Heartland board of trustees. During the meeting, the board learned from Kelli Hill, vice president of continuing education and advancement, that the college's continuing education program experienced a 12.3 percent increase in total number of seats filled from fiscal year 2015 to FY 2016. The total enrollment of 19,357 in FY 2016, compared to 17,244 in FY 2015 includes people who took more than one class. Continuing education includes community education, the Challenger Learning Center, customized training, and traffic safety school. All the latest Uttoxeter news Story Saved You can find this story in My Bookmarks. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. UWyo Magazine May 2016 | Vol. 17, No. 3 Student of the World - ASUW President Brian Schueler Student of the World ASUW President Brian Schueler made the most of his international studies. By Jeff Tatay Growing up in a family that often traveled, Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) President Brian Schueler became interested in thinking beyond the horizons of his hometown in Buffalo, Wyo. It is this thinking that eventually led him to UW, where he is now a senior in international studies and economics. Although this didnt initially take him beyond Wyoming, it wasn't long before he was traveling the world and making international connections. Within my first six months at UW, I got to go to this dinner and meet Mikhail Gorbachev, Alan Simpsona famous senator from Wyomingand a lot of other very important leaders, Schueler says. That was just the coolest thing to think that, as a freshman, I am able to get this opportunity to hobnob with people who will be in history books for a very long time. Traveling the globe: In the years following, Schueler traveled to Seoul, South Korea, for a month with the UW Bahrom International Program in global and area studies and then to China on a faculty-led trip with the Chinese language program at UW. Most recently, Schueler was awarded the Chinese Ambassadors Wyoming Scholarship, which allowed him to stay in Beijing for a year and study the Chinese language. I would say Ive had a rich diversity of experiences through UW International Programs and events happening on campus or around the world, Schueler says. A new perspective on home: Schueler not only broadened his horizons beyond Wyoming and the United States, but he also gained a new appreciation for home: I think you come back to Wyoming and realize that this is such a special place. In the immediate future, I want to go abroad, but for the long term, Wyoming is home. As Schueler prepares to graduate in spring 2016, he reflects on his education at UW and his plans for the future: My hope is to go into international business or diplomacy, and if my Chinese can be at a business level, then it becomes a strategic asset for my career in the future. DECATUR -- As the need for help in the Decatur area rises, so too does the amount raised by the WSOY Community Food Drive. One year after raising 1.27 million pounds/dollars during the annual event, news media outlets and other sponsors of the effort announced a planned goal of at least 1.3 million for the event, which is scheduled for Oct. 7 at the Airport Plaza Kroger on U.S. 36. We all hope there is a day when we dont need to have a food drive and everybody will have their needs met and everyone is gainfully employed and back on their feet, said Brian Byers, Neuhoff Media vice president of development and host of the daylong radio broadcast. But until that day, we feel it is up to us and the community to give. The 1.3 million goal would make for the highest amount ever raised, as the the food drive has set a new record each year since the first one brought in 35,000 pounds in 2002. Byers was surrounded by a dozen members of Neuhoff Media and those representing sponsors of the event, which include Archer Daniels Midland Co., Decatur Back & Neck Center, Dales Southlake Pharmacy and Colee's Corner Drugs, DynaGraphics/Wood Printing, First Christian Church, Herald & Review, J.L Hubbard Insurance and Bonds, Jones & Thomas/JTnet, Kroger, Skeff Distributing, Soy Capital Bank, Ticket-N-Trips, United Way of Decatur and Mid-Illinois and WAND-TV. Also among the group was Marie Rademacher of Catholic Charities and Wesley Dalberg of the Salvation Army, the two agencies that will benefit. In the past year alone, Rademacher said Catholic Charities has served 5,000 households, 1,000 of which were first-time families. The Salvation Army food pantry served more than 28,000 individuals over the same time period, with Dalberg saying roughly a quarter of those were children. It takes a community to help all those people, and were very thankful the community gets behind this great event, he said. If extra food and money is collected, Byers said the plan is to repeat what occurred last year and give some funds to the Good Samaritan Inn, Northeast Community Fund, The Judy Mason Thanksgiving Basket Project, Reasonable Services, Gods Shelter of Love, Interchurch Council of Blue Mound, Boody and Stonington and the Mount Zion United Methodist Food Pantry. The community food drive features a school contest, with cash prizes provided by sponsors. The event will also recognize the top small-, medium- and big-business donors with Good Neighbor Awards and give a Geoffrey Neuhoff Spirit Award. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser Church News October 20, 2022 LIGHT OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH Needing Answers We want God to be like FedEx and deliver overnight. Things dont happen that way, but in... Church News October 13, 2022 LIGHT OF THE VALLEY LUTHERAN CHURCH Natures Therapy The pine tree with its solemn dignity lifts its branches to the sky as if to give... DECATUR Over the years, Jeanelle Norman has been actively involved in efforts to improve the Decatur community. One of her most recent focuses has been to improve communication between community members and the Decatur Police Department. She took a leading part last summer in forming the Area Leaders and Education Response Team, known as ALERT, which was put to the test in July during a high-profile incident when a man was shot by a Decatur police officer. Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe recognized Norman as Citizen of the Year on Thursday during the Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce Awards Luncheon in large part because the group was credited with keeping the situation from escalating like what has happened in other parts of the country. It is because of that partnership Decatur was mentioned as a model response for how these incidents should be handled, Moore Wolfe said. The relationship was tested in the early morning hours of Monday, July 11, but the group was able to ensure calm. Norman, who is president of the Decatur branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said she was humbled by the recognition in receiving the award. She credited Decatur Police Chief Jim Getz and the officers of the department for their willingness to work with the group. Getz joined Moore Wolfe on stage inside Heartland Community Church's Grand Palace banquet facility to present the award to Norman along with officers Jon Jones and Lorne Sturdivant. Despite the shooting occurring in the early morning hours, Getz said Norman answered his call right away and put the response plan into action. Getz said Norman has always been genuine in his interactions with her. Norman was standing by Getz's side a few hours later during a news conference announcing the first details of the case, helping to ensure information was released in a timely, responsible manner. She was there again at an afternoon news conference. If you don't put accurate information out, people will go ahead and make up the story anyway, Getz said. I couldn't be more proud of the citizens in Decatur and how they handled the situation to be patient so we could get the truth out there. The state police investigation into the shooting of 40-year-old Lonnie D. Mitchell II was completed earlier this week. Macon County State's Attorney Jay Scott will review the case. Mitchell, who was allegedly armed with a knife and a BB gun that looked like a semiautomatic handgun, is recovering from his wound, suffered when officer Andrew Wittmer shot him. Wittmer remains on administrative leave. Norman said Decatur's ability to remain calm following the shooting highlights what kind of community it has become. Decatur is generous and giving, making life a little easier for those less fortunate, Norman said. If we work together, we can ensure inclusion, equality and justice. Other award recipients are part of efforts to create more opportunities for young people in the community. The Boys and Girls Club of Decatur was selected as the Non-Profit of the Year. Decatur has some of the most phenomenal children as any community has, said Bruce Jeffery, the club's executive director. The club is a second home for many of them. They can come and feel safe. Most importantly, they can reach a level of success. Jeffery said anyone visiting the club can meet some amazing young people. Chamber President Mirinda Rothrock said all of the nominees and award recipients are well-deserving of recognition for their contributions to the community with quality service and by promoting economic growth. It takes an extreme amount of character and tenacity to be a leader and run a business, Rothrock said. We want to celebrate the contributions of our members. Rothrock said the Chamber's Small Business Executive Council selected the recipients of awards in seven categories from which nominations were received. She said each of the nominees were asked to answer why they would be deserving of the award for which they were nominated. The winners were Lockhart's Barber College for Micro Business of the Year, Brinkoetter & Associates for Small Business of the Year, Lockhart's Barber Shop for Business Expansion, Vieweg Real Estate for Outstanding Development, Decatur Magazine Publisher Beth Stringer as Entrepreneur of the Year, and Investment Planners, Inc. CEO/President David Koshinski with the Leadership Masters Award. Awards for two additional categories did not require nominations. Jason Doyle of Tate & Lyle was picked as Decatur Leadership Institute Alumnus of the Year and Hank Norris of Vieweg Real Estate was named Chamber Ambassador of the Year. SHARE Amy Schumer appeared at Germain Arena this weekend. (May 14) THEATER VENTURA COUNTY "Avenue Q": Young Artists Ensemble Alumni & Friends present the Tony Award-winning comedy starring live actors and puppets in a story about a recent college graduate who moves into a shabby New York apartment and struggles to find a job, love and his purpose in life. Rated R for adult situations and language. 8 p.m. Aug. 19-20, Hillcrest Center for the Arts, 403 W. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks. $20 general admission, $15 seniors and students. 381-1246; "Sugar": Backstage@Santa Paula Theater Center presents the new play by two-time Emmy Award-winning television writer Sindy McKay. The show, which tells the story of a downtrodden woman who is faced with a difficult decision, will be presented as a "work in development," with time allowed for audience feedback after each performance. 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2:30 p.m. Sundays, through Aug. 21, 125 South 7th St., Santa Paula. Donations accepted. For reservations, call 525-4645 or visit "El Bracero - Mariachi Opera": The Moorpark College Foundation and Nueva Vista Media present the one-act opera highlighting the challenges that legal farmworkers faced on the U.S. bracero camps of the 1960s. A pre-show VIP reception, featuring appearances by producer Miguel Orozco and playwright Rosalinda Verde, will be held at 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Aug. 26, Moorpark College Performing Arts Center, 7075 Campus Road, Moorpark. 553-4760; "In the Midst of All That is Good": Elite Theatre Company presents Tom Eubanks' play about an evangelical pastor who tries to escape the struggles of his everyday life by taking a trip into the wilderness. 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, through Aug. 21, 2731 S. Victoria Ave., Oxnard. $18 general admission, $15 seniors and students. 483-5118; "Peter and the Starcatcher": Actors' Repertory Theatre of Simi presents this grown-up prequel to "Peter Pan" written by Rick Elice, with music by Wayne Barber. Based on the novel by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, the musical features a dozen actors portraying more than 100 characters. 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, through Aug. 28, Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center, 3050 Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley. 583-7900; "See How They Run": The 3 Masketeers Theater Group presents Phillip King's three-act farce. 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, through Aug. 28, Ojai Art Center Theater, 113 S. Montgomery St., Ojai. $15. To purchase tickets, visit "Don't Dress for Dinner": Camarillo Skyway Playhouse presents Marc Camoletti's farce set in a stylish French farmhouse where a man plots to entertain his Parisian mistress as soon as his wife leaves for her mother's. 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, through Sept. 18, 330 Skyway Drive, Camarillo. $20 general admission, $15 seniors, students and military. 388-5716; "Farragut North": The political drama by the creator of HBO's "House of Cards" explores the behind-the-scenes political maneuvering that goes on in election campaigns. 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, Aug. 26 through Sept. 17, Conejo Players Theatre, 351 S. Moorpark Road, Westlake Village. $18 general admission, $16 seniors, students and military. 495-3715; "Footloose": High Street Arts Center presents the Tony Award-nominated musical based on the 1984 film about a rural town where dancing was banned. The play touches on themes of single parenthood, family loss and teenage rebellion and features hit songs of the '80s by artists like Sammy Hagar, Deneice Williams and Kenny Loggins. 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, Aug. 19 through Sept. 18, 45 E. High St., Moorpark. $20 general admission, $18 seniors, students, teachers and military, $16 children 12 and under. 529-8700; "The Night Alive": Santa Paula Theater Center presents Irish playwright Conor McPherson's drama that examines the Dublin lives of a group of friends as they search for hope among the struggles of their everyday lives. 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 2:30 p.m. Sundays, Aug. 26 through Oct. 2, 125 South 7th St., Santa Paula. $20 general admission, $18 seniors and students. 525-4645; DOWN SOUTH "One of the Nice Ones": Echo Theater Company presents this black comedy about body image and office politics. Through Aug. 28, Atwater Village Theatre, 3269 Casitas Ave., Los Angeles. $30. 310-307-3753; "As Straw Before the Wind": As Straw Productions presents the world premiere of Filipino playwright Felix Racelis' new work about a Filipina nurse who survives the trauma of World War II, only to discover that her war is not yet over. Lesley Asistio directs and Tita Pambid leads a cast of seven actors in the central role of nurse Nene Santos. 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 3 p.m. Sundays, Aug. 13 through Sept. 4, Ruby Theatre at The Complex, 6476 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood. $20 general admission, $12 seniors, students and groups of ten or more. 800-838-3006; "Tom": Will Geer's Theatricum Botanicum presents this world premiere stage adaptation of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The play offers a new look at the complicated title character and racial inequality through the years. Through Oct. 1, 1419 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga. $15-$38.50. 310-455-3723; "Oktoberfest The Musical: An Almost True Story": The audience will enjoy this musical comedy and interactive theatrical experience in the setting of a lively German beer hall that features music, dance and traditional German costumes. The German beer hall setting offers Hofbrau-Munchen beer and seats at either long tables with benches or cabaret-style sofas and cocktail tables. 8 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays, 7 p.m. Sundays, Aug. 26 through Nov. 27, Westwood Crest Theatre, 1262 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles. $60-$75. 800-838-3006, ext. 2; CLASSES VENTURA COUNTY African drumming class: Malik Sow, an African master drummer from Senegal, and Solo Soro, from Ivory Coast, lead a weekly class in West African drumming from 7:30-9 p.m. Mondays at Lightning Ridge Screen Printing, 4435 McGrath St., Ventura. Cost is $20 per class, and a drum can be rented for $5. For information or to arrange a drum rental, call 650-7455. COMEDY VENTURA COUNTY HashtagComedy: Age-18-and-over comedy shows featuring a different lineup every month. Sept. 17, Hillcrest Center for the Arts Theatre on the Hill. 381-1246. UP NORTH Amy Schumer: Sept. 17, Santa Barbara Bowl. Nick Offernan & Megan Mullally, "Summer of 69: No Apostrope," Sept. 25, Lobero Theatre. DOWN SOUTH Stephanie Miller's Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour: Nov. 5. The Saban, 8440 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills. $45-$150. Rickles & Regis: "Mr. Warmth" Don Rickles' 90th Birthday Laughfest, Classic stories, film clips, fun, hosted by Regis Philbin. Nov. 12. The Saban, 8440 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills. $45-$150. Rickles & Regis: "Mr. Warmth" Don Rickles' 90th Birthday Laughfest, Classic stories, film clips, fun, hosted by Regis Philbin. Nov. 18. The Canyon, 28912 Roadside Drive, Agoura Hills. $98-$168. Rickles & Regis: "Mr. Warmth" Don Rickles' 90th Birthday Laughfest, Classic stories, film clips, fun, hosted by Regis Philbin. Nov. 20. The Rose, 245 E. Green St., Pasadena. $98-$168. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/FOOD NETWORK "Jersey Shore" star Vinny Guadagnino, center, poses with his uncle Angelo Giaimo, mother Paola Guadagnino and the Carretto Siciliano food truck they used as competitors on the Food Network show "The Great Food Truck Race: Family Face-Off." The season debuts Aug. 28; one of the episodes was shot in Oxnard. Lisa McKinnon Columnist SHARE CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/FOOD NETWORK Lei-Away Leidies team members Carey Ofahengaue, Autumn Prescott and Summer Prescott pose with the truck they used as competitors on the Food Network show "The Great Food Truck Race: Family Face-Off." CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/FOOD NETWORK Tyler Florence, host of "The Great Food Truck Race," poses with vehicles representing teams competing in the show's seventh season, which debuts Aug. 28. One of the five episodes was shot in Oxnard. LISA MCKINNON/THE STAR Penne pasta with strawberry-tomato sauce is served by the Carretto Siciliano team during a taping of the Food Network show "The Great Food Truck Race" in Oxnard. The episode will debut Sept. 4. LISA MCKINNON/THE STAR Struffoli with strawberry glaze and powdered sugar is served by the Carretto Siciliano team during a taping of the Food Network show "The Great Food Truck Race" in Oxnard. By Lisa McKInnon For two days last May, five new-to-the-area food trucks appeared at several spots in Oxnard with TV cameras in tow. What looked like the taping of a new season of the Food Network show "The Great Food Truck Race" was exactly that: Working aboard each truck were three-member teams one of them featuring "Jersey Shore" star Vinny Guadagnino competing for the $50,000 grand prize in "The Great Food Truck Race: Family Face-Off." The series will premiere at 9 p.m. Aug. 28. The Oxnard episode is scheduled to debut at 9 p.m. Sept. 4. As in previous seasons, the show includes celebrity chef Tyler Florence as host and a road trip's-worth of food challenges as the trucks travel from one location to the next. The itinerary this season starts with a funnel cake-eating contest at an amusement park in Los Angeles and ends with a mad dash to catch a ferry to Catalina Island. Teams are made up of family members who had never before operated a food truck. As chief order taker, Guadagnino wasn't shy about calling out to passers-by when he and his mother, Paola Guadagnino, and uncle, Angelo Giaimo, parked their Carretto Siciliano truck just outside the Sunday farmers market at Channel Islands Harbor. "There's a new rule. If you look at the menu you have to order something," Guadagnino said as the cameras rolled. The show's Oxnard visit coincided with the California Strawberry Festival, inspiring team Carretto Siciliano to offer penne pasta topped with strawberry-tomato sauce ($12) and struffoli ($7), which Guadagnino described as "a dessert we make around Christmas time," served in a strawberry glaze with powdered sugar on top. Fellow competitors aboard the Lei-Away Leidies truck parked at various spots in downtown Oxnard, eventually settling in near a temporary car-washing operation at Lark Street and Saviers Road. There, team members from Provo, Utah and Laie, Hawaii served teri-strawberry chicken on rice with crab-and-tuna poke ($10), and fried pani popo (coconut bread rolls, $10) with strawberry-guava sauce. Also competing in Oxnard were Bigmista's Fatty Wagon, based in Long Beach; Grilled Cheese All-Stars, representing San Diego and San Francisco, and Sweet Southern Soul, whose members came from Chicago and Atlanta. The quest for the grand prize continued as the non-eliminated teams motored to OstrichLand USA in Buellton and headed for the streets of Solvang to take part in what the show's producers describe as a challenge "steeped in local culture." Titled "An Eggcellent Adventure," the episode is slated to air on Sept. 11. After a stop in Palm Springs (Sept. 18), the finale episode (Sept. 25) takes place in San Pedro and on Catalina Island. For more about the show, click on For a Star video about the trucks' visit to Ventura County, click on Lisa McKinnon is a staff writer for The Star. Her Cafe Society column appears in the Sunday Life section and Fridays in the Time Out section. For between-column updates, follow 805foodie on Twitter and Instagram and "like" the Facebook page VCS Eats. Please send email to JOE LUMAYA/SPECIAL TO THE STAR Royal High School teachers Dean Borth (left) and Richard Letus throws T-shirts to students during a rally to kick off the school year on Wednesday. SHARE JOE LUMAYA/SPECIAL TO THE STAR Royal High School students get into the spirit during a "welcome back" rally on Wednesday in Simi Valley. JOE LUMAYA/SPECIAL TO THE STAR Royal High School's Assistant Principal Mathew Guzzo competes in a game during a rally to welcome students back to school Wednesday. JOE LUMAYA/SPECIAL TO THE STAR Royal High School's cheer team performs at the rally to welcome students back to school Wednesday. JOE LUMAYA/SPECIAL TO THE STAR Royal High School history teachers Richard Letus (right) and Reid Furlong, who is dressed up as a tyrannosaurus rex, pump up students during a rally Wednesday, the first day of school. By Jean Moore of the Ventura County Star Simi Valley schools opened Wednesday, with Royal High School holding a surprise rally for students. The Simi Valley Unified School District is starting the year with several new programs, including an academy where students in kindergarten through sixth grades will be learning Greek, Italian, French and Spanish. The district also is bringing 14,000 more Chromebooks into schools, so that now there are nearly enough for every student, said Superintendent Jason Peplinski. And for the first time in years, Simi Valley has hired new teachers 35 so far, with possibly more to come. Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura colleges also opened Wednesday, with total enrollment up by 241 students over last fall. Schools in the Moorpark Unified School District opened, as well. SHARE CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/VENTURA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Luis Manuel Gonzalez, 62, of Los Angeles. By Megan Diskin of the Ventura County Star A Los Angeles man was sentenced this week to prison in connection with child molestation charges, according to the Ventura County Sheriff's Office. Officials said they began investigating Luis Manuel Gonzalez, 62, on Nov. 29, 2013, after he sexually assaulted a 7-year-old girl while he was visiting her family at a home on Derby Street in Camarillo. As detectives continued working on the case, they discovered two additional victims, authorities said. Gonzalez was arrested at his Los Angeles home on March 20, 2014, authorities said. Two more victims eventually were located, authorities said. However, the Ventura County District Attorney's Office could not file charges against Gonzalez in those two cases due in part to the statute of limitations, Detective Frances Saleh said. All five of Gonzalez's victims were girls between 7 and 12 years old at the time of the assaults, Saleh said. Three were related to him, Saleh said. Beyond the 7-year-old victim from the Camarillo area, the other victims were assaulted in Los Angeles County, Saleh said. Gonzalez pleaded not guilty to the child molestation charges on April 30, 2014, but changed his plea to guilty during the trial's jury selection process June 16, officials said. He was sentenced Monday to three consecutive terms of 25 years to life in prison, authorities said. ANTHONY PLASCENCIA/THE STAR Wilson Chouest, 64, leaves the courtroom during a break in Monday's preliminary hearing. Chouest is accused of killing two still-unidentified women in 1980. One of the victims was found in the parking lot of Westlake High School. SHARE ANTHONY PLASCENCIA/THE STAR Wilson Chouest listens to testimony during a preliminary hearing at Ventura County Superior Court in June. By Marjorie Hernandez of the Ventura County Star A Louisiana man pleaded not guilty to charges in connection with the death of a pregnant woman found at a Ventura County school parking lot and another woman found in Kern County 40 years ago. William Chouest, 64, appeared Wednesday for arraignment before Ventura County Superior Court Judge Bruce Young. Prosecutors allege Chouest stabbed, raped and killed the two unidentified women in July 1980. Senior Deputy District Attorney John Barrick said the body of a woman referred to as Kern County Jane Doe was found in an almond orchard in Delano on July 15, 1980, and the body of a woman referred to as Ventura County Jane Doe was found three days later in the upper parking lot of Westlake High School in Thousand Oaks. Ventura County Jane Doe was 20 weeks pregnant, according to Dr. C. Peter Speth, a former county assistant medical examiner who testified during a preliminary hearing. The case remained unsolved until a 2012 check with the Combined DNA Index System, a database that contains DNA profiles of people arrested across the country. Tests and analysis linked Chouest's DNA to evidence collected on the victims and their clothing, Barrick said. Chouest is facing three counts of murder in connection with the deaths of the two women and the fetus Ventura County Jane Doe was carrying. Chouest also faces several special circumstances, including murder while engaged in rape, murder while engaged in robbery and the commission of more than one murder. He also faces allegations of using a deadly weapon, a knife, and having prison prior offenses. Chouest, a Louisiana native, already was serving a life sentence for an August 1980 robbery and the September 1980 rape, robbery and kidnapping of another woman at College of the Sequoias. Chouest was eligible for parole in 2017, but was arrested Sept. 23 on suspicion of the 1980 deaths. He could face a maximum of three consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole for the murder charges and an additional four years for the weapons and prior-offense allegations, Barrick said. Chouest remains in county jail and is not eligible for bail. He is scheduled to appear back in court on Nov. 8 for a pretrial conference. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Manuel Apodaca uses the mock roof at Moorpark College to practice his solar power installation skills last semester. This fall, for the first time, students who earn a proficiency award in photovoltaics technology will be eligible to take the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners Entry Level Exam. SHARE By Robyn Flans, Special to The Star Moorpark College students who complete an 11-unit photovoltaics program will now be eligible to take an entry-level board exam that school officials say will make them more marketable for the burgeoning job market in solar power. The applied solar technology lecture course that starts Aug. 31 and the lab class that starts on Sept. 10 are the first steps to a proficiency award that will, for the first time, make students eligible to take the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners Entry Level Exam. "This will make them even more marketable," said Howard Davis, Moorpark College's dean of student learning. Photovoltaics is the process of converting solar power into electricity. "Solar is a rapidly growing field, and companies complain that there are more job openings than there are qualified people to fill them," said Peter T. Parrish, who will teach the two lecture and laboratory courses in solar energy and photovoltaics. "What happens is they tend to hire people who have some of the skills, but not all of the skills, and they do a lot of on-the-job training." Moorpark College first tried a solar energy program in 2010, but various attempts did not endure. About a year ago, Parrish discovered Moorpark College was having difficulty finding an instructor to fill what both parties believed to be an important need, so he approached administrators. Parrish, who has degrees in physics, has been both a teacher and owner of a solar company. From 2002 until 2010, his company was a full-service company, but when Parrish realized there was a dearth of people with training in the field, he began to teach part-time and found he enjoyed it. His company changed to a consulting firm, and Parrish wrote the book, "Photovoltaic Laboratory." In the lecture course, students will learn about the sales and design aspects of photovoltaics, and in the lab they will use tools and equipment to do mock installations and practice other parts of the job. Davis said students are encouraged to take both the lecture and the lab. "Even if they are aiming more toward a sales career in solar panels, knowing the application of the actual installation is helpful as well," Davis said. "It's a great hand-in-hand course combination." A total of four courses over one or two semesters, including an optional internship at a local solar company, will earn the student the proficiency award in photovoltaic technology. The program is 11 units, and California residents pay $46 per unit, so earning the award costs $506. The NABCEP Entry Level Exam is another $95. Parrish said one of the challenges that community colleges face in offering solar programs is keeping up with the latest technology in the field. "It takes a fair amount of effort to keep the program fresh and current to use the latest and greatest in technology," Parrish said. Davis said Moorpark College is motivated to make this program succeed. "The state and the federal government want community colleges to offer career technical programs that offer high-paying jobs to the students," Davis said. "And, of course, the environmental benefits make it a good match. That's why we're so persistent." Davis said that three mock roofs are still in place from when Moorpark College first launched a solar power curriculum back in 2010. "They provide a great model for the students to apply the solar panel, and they give them a way to practice that skill in a real-world setting without being on top of someone's roof," Davis explained. "They are maybe 2 feet off the ground, about 20 feet long." Parrish said recent statistics indicate that solar photovoltaics continues to be a promising job market. "There is 20 percent job growth, very competitive wages and a very diverse workforce," Parrish said. "You can't ask for more." SHARE THE STAR By Tom Kisken of the Ventura County Star A new area code is coming to the 805 region because of math. By June 2018, available telephone prefixes in the three-plus county region that currently uses 805 will run out. A plan to add a new area code before that depletion date will be discussed in a public hearing at 2 p.m. Monday at Oxnard City Hall. In the plan, people who currently have 805 phone numbers would keep the area code. But people who move to the region after the change is made or add phone lines could be assigned a new, still unknown area code. Called an overlay, the plan is being proposed by telecommunication industry representatives. It has not yet been approved by the California Public Utilities Commission, which is holding public hearings in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. Some locals said change is inevitable. Others see the 805 as almost a birthmark. "It signifies where we live. It corresponds to Ventura County," said Damien Coffey, born and raised in Oxnard. He'd rather the change affect an isolated corner of the 805. "Some place far away." Regardless of public opinion and the results of the upcoming hearings, a new area code will come, said Joe Cocke. He will be at the meetings as a representative of the North American Numbering Plan Administration. The group administers phone numbers in 20 countries. "The area has a limited number of prefixes," said Cocke on Thursday, noting the region has already consumed about 95 percent of the available numbers. "Once we run out of prefixes, we have to add another area code. It's just a matter of fact." Nine similar overlays are being planned or have been implemented across California over the past decade. The other option would be to split off a sector of the 805 region and assign it a new area code. That appears very unlikely. "We haven't had an area code split in nine years in California," Cocke said. In an overlay, businesses that have incorporated the area code into their name, like Firestone Walker's 805 beer, don't have to worry about losing a brand or an area code, Cocke said. "It's just that there is another code in use at the same time in the same geographic area," he said. If an overlay is approved, people throughout the region will have to dial 10 digits including the area code to make a phone call. The public hearing will include presentations by Cocke and by staff of the California Public Utilities Commission. People have a chance to ask questions and express opinions. The change still has to be approved by the commission and the exact timing is unknown. Cocke said the transition will likely be timed so it happens at or before June 2018 when prefixes run out. Some locals say the change will have no impact on them. To Marla DeSha of Camarillo, a new area code is a sign of change she would rather avoid. She's lived in the county since her family moved to tiny Piru when she was 5. She would rather the area remain small enough so running out of telephone prefixes wasn't a concern. "We don't need to enlarge our area code," she said. The Oxnard meeting will be held at 2 p.m. at city council chambers at 300 W. Third St. For information on other meetings or on submitting concerns in writing, go to STAR FILE PHOTO SHARE By Wendy Leung of the Ventura County Star The city of Oxnard is in data gathering mode when it comes to the controversial topic of short-term rentals. Although vacation rentals, particularly in beachside neighborhoods like Oxnard Shores, have been in place for years, the city doesn't have a specific ordinance regulating them. The issue drew about 150 people on Tuesday to the Oxnard Performing Arts and Convention Center. Most were residents in the coastal community southwest of Harbor Boulevard and Fifth Street. Officials are collecting information and input for a citywide ordinance that will require Planning Commission and City Council approval. Instead of taking public comment at the meeting, officials led a workshop activity that asked participants to place a sticker on poster boards representing which short-term rental regulation they support. Some possible regulations include a minimum distance between short-term rental properties or a minimum stay for renters. One poster board soliciting input on a possible ban on short-term rentals showed just how divided the community is on the issue. About half of the stickers represented people who want the city to ban all short-term rentals, the other half did not support such a ban. The city considers a short-term rental as a dwelling unit that gets rented out to a tenant for less than 30 days. These types of vacation rentals have been treated as residential activity and the city collects a transit occupancy tax only on rental properties that self report. Rick Conrad, a resident on Marlin Way who does not support a ban, said he thought the city-led activity was an open and democratic process. "I am very much for the city taking the lead in doing this in a fair way versus going through the HOA," Conrad said. The Mandalay Shores Community Association, the homeowners association that represents the Oxnard Shores neighborhood, recently approved regulations that would prohibit vacation rentals for less than 30 days. Conrad said there had been large parties on his street from short-term rental properties, but he said many owners are becoming more responsible and leading cleanup efforts. Late-night noise, parking, trash and other nuisance issues are what many residents cite when stating their case for a short-term rental ban. Many supporters of such a ban wore T-shirts with the words "No STRs," or no short-term rentals. The shirt shows a picture of a neighborhood home with people hanging out on a roof. David Laufer, a board member of the homeowners association, said the problem worsened about a year ago when investors started buying properties, adding bedrooms and turning residences into a full-time business. Websites like Airbnb and VRBO have popularized vacation rentals, especially in coastal towns. "Every weekend we have people who live in these houses who don't care," Laufer said. "These businesses are destroying our lives." Stephanie Brown, who lives on Corbina Way, said that one night when her three grandchildren couldn't sleep because of a nearby party, she approached the renters and asked them to quiet down. Brown said she was berated by the renters, who thought they had the right to enjoy the property. "We didn't buy or build our homes to have a hotel next to it," Brown said. For more information on the city's consideration of the short-term rental issue, visit To send comments to the city, email DECATUR Bill and Betty Braun have been longtime supporters of the Decatur Legacy efforts to give back to the community. Decatur Legacy is a group of financial advisers, institutions and other organizations supporting and encouraging the support of charities in the community. It held its annual Do Something Great awards luncheon Wednesday at the Beach House restaurant. The Brauns were among the four honorees, as giving back is not only something they do but part of the advice Bill provides others in his work with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. over the past 67 years. He's helped generations of families throughout his long career, said Wegi Stewart, president of the Community Foundation of Macon County, which provides the administrative work for the Decatur Legacy organization. HSHS St. Mary's Hospital nominated the Brauns for their contributions to its behavioral health division in memory of their son Christopher who dealt with mental health issues before his death earlier this year. St. Mary's and staff has always been there with kindness and expertise, Bill Braun said. Stewart said Decatur Legacy is intended to raise awareness about charitable giving, particularly increasing the number of gifts left in wills. As a nation, charitable giving remains high and relatively consistent, said guest speaker Bryan Clontz, founder and president of Charitable Solutions, a Florida-based financial planning firm. It's in our culture, Clontz said. We're the most generous culture on the globe. It's amazing how many people continue to give back. Other honorees included David and Norma Fathauer of Dalton City, who were nominated by Millikin University for their support of the college and Symphony Orchestra Guild of Decatur. Norma Fathauer said they were surprised to receive the recognition but honored by it. The Community Foundation honored Leo and Anne Pondelick posthumously for their support of the Decatur Arts Council, Decatur Public Library, Scovill Zoo and Macon County Conservation District, Stewart said. Anne was a teacher at MacArthur High School and Leo a musician, Stewart said. We know how much they loved Decatur, Stewart said. They continue to show their dedication to Decatur. The honorees nominated by the Decatur Memorial Foundation have a legacy that dates back a century to mark the 100-year anniversary of Decatur Memorial Hospital. Stewart said the generosity of donors helps to support the legacy the hospital's founders William Barnes and Sue Hagaman started on Jan. 1, 1916 with the opening of what at the time was a 65-bed hospital. SHARE CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Oxnard's Aurelio Agueyo caught a 36-pound yellowtail on a half-day trip aboard the Speed Twin. SALTWATER REPORT Surface fishing continues to be hot even as the summer starts to wind down. It's hard to tell just when these fish, such as yellowtail, barracuda, bonito and calico bass will decide to leave the Channel Islands, but for now they are still plentiful. Channel Islands Sportfishing reported the following whoppers: Andy Huntley of Northridge caught a 25-pound white seabass. James Streeter of Mojave hooked a 22-pound sheephead. Gina Perez of Monrovia caught a 32-pound yellowtail. Mary Thompson of Oxnard caught a 15-pound lingcod. Aurelio Agueyo of Oxnard brought in a 36-pound yellowtail. Jesse Pruit of Los Angeles landed a 35-pound halibut. Hook's Sportfishing had a pair of whoppers come in. A Camarillo angler named Stephen caught a 27-pound yellowtail using live squid and live sardine. An Oxnard fisherman named Gary landed a 40-pound halibut using live sardine. FRESHWATER REPORT Lake Casitas: High temperatures have had a major impact on fishing with anglers seeing most of their success either early in the morning or in the evening. There's been a lot of surface action in the mornings, with best baits being buzz baits, spinning baits and frogs, all cast very shallow. Once the sun gets high in the sky, the fish are retreating to deeper water, so anglers are having success anywhere from 15 to 30 feet in depth. Most effective baits are nightcrawlers, plastic worms and jigs. Most of the bass being caught have been anywhere from 2 to 4 pounds. There have been some spottings of redear, but no catfish nor trout. Lake hours: 6 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Cachuma Lake: Limits are being caught on catfish, overshadowing even a good bass bite and making up for a slowing trout take. The catfish are eager to bite on mackerel or nightcrawlers. The dam is a good place to find them, but anglers should be careful around E Point because the water is very shallow in that area. Cachuma reports a pair of fishermen Saturday came in with more than 70 pounds of catfish with individual fish weighing as much as 8 pounds. Lake hours: 6 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Castaic Lake: Fishing is good with striped bass boiling with bigger fish in the mix. The average size is 4-6 pounds with some as big as 13 pounds. Sardines and lugworms are starting to work well at the buoy line and around Kong Island. Largemouth bass are biting better, taking plastic worms at 15-25 feet deep. Some bass are hitting on shad in the morning in the back of coves. Catfish are starting to pick up. Bluegill have been caught in shallow bushes. Lake hours: 6:15 a.m.-7:45 p.m. STAR FILE PHOTO Highway 101 passes by farmland near Conejo Creek, property included in a SOAR renewal measure for Camarillo. SHARE By Kathleen Wilson of the Ventura County Star A Ventura County judge ruled Wednesday that the SOAR extension measure for Camarillo can stay on the November ballot. Superior Court Judge Vincent O'Neill denied Calleguas Land Co.'s request to block the measure. The company and Camarillo resident Wayne Davey sued city officials over alleged failures in the voter petition process that was used to qualify the initiative. O'Neill found no procedural errors that were serious enough to merit removal of the measure from the ballot. He did suggest there could be litigation after the election over a substantive issue: whether hundreds of acres of agricultural land were incorrectly described as being within the city. That would only occur if the measure passes, according to O'Neill's ruling that runs nearly three pages. Chuck Cohen, an attorney for Calleguas Land Co., said a decision on an appeal would be made by late Thursday afternoon. Elections officials say time is short. They have asked for a final court decision, including the results of an appeal, by Friday to meet ballot-printing deadlines. "I'm disappointed," Cohen said of the ruling. Richard Francis, an attorney for one of the signature-gatherers, said he was "generally gratified" with the decision. "I think the judge had a very difficult case in front of him, and he did an admirable job of dealing with the arguments," Francis said. The various Save Open-space and Agricultural Resources measures across the county, enacted in the 1990s to 2000s, require voter approval for development of protected farmland and open space. Proponents are asking Camarillo residents to renew a growth boundary set for the city in 1998, plus add a "Conejo Creek Voter Participation Area" for hundreds of acres of agricultural land outside the city limits. Voter approval would be required to rezone that property to a nonagricultural use if the city annexes the land. Calleguas, which owns most of the acreage, argued that the description misled voters into thinking they had authority over unincorporated county land. The city attorney's summary shown to petition signers said the land was within the city but it is not. The company had plans to develop 895 acres of agricultural land at the base of the Conejo Grade, but the project was rejected by the Camarillo City Council in the face of stiff community opposition. Calleguas' attorneys cited the description of the voter participation area as one reason the initiative should not appear on the ballot. But O'Neill's ruling said that issue was beyond the realm of procedural matters properly brought before an election, especially given the short time for a decision. Calleguas also claimed that the proponents failed to give required notice to the public and did not include the full text of the initiative in the petition that voters signed and that the measure lacked required language. Proponents published a notice of their intent to circulate the petition in the Ventura County Star. Plaintiffs' attorney Sean Welch said they had to do more than that because the newspaper has not been adjudicated by a court to be a general-circulation newspaper for Camarillo. Notices should have been posted in three public locations on top of that because The Star was adjudicated in Ventura County but not Camarillo, he said. O'Neill, though, agreed with the defendants' claim that The Star acquired the adjudication of the Camarillo Daily News when its former owner purchased the local newspaper in 1992. Plaintiffs said the initiative shown to voters omitted key portions of the original SOAR initiative passed in 1998 and a map. O'Neill said voters were not denied any relevant information. "In sum, petitioners failed to show how the differing language or the different maps would render a voter incapable of understanding the full import of the 2016 measure," he wrote. A missing heading and clause enacting the measure were not disqualifying, he said. The 1998 initiative expires at the end of 2020, and renewal would extend it until 2050. (Photo: Richard Lui/The Desert Sun) SHARE (Photo: Richard Lui/The Desert Sun) (Photo: Richard Lui/The Desert Sun) (Photo: Richard Lui/The Desert Sun) Colin Atagi and Gabby Ferreira, The Desert Sun A wind-whipped, out-of-control wildfire in the San Bernardino Mountains grew to 31,689 acres, or 49 square miles, Thursday morning, after two days of destroying homes and businesses in its path and forcing an ongoing evacuation order of more than 82,000 residents. Not everyone evacuated, though, and fire officials said Wednesday they were concerned about possible injuries or worse. "People make adult decisions. One of the risks they make is deciding to stay," said U.S. Forest Service spokesman John Miller. "All of a sudden, your house could be compromised by fire and we may not be able to rescue you. "We had some folks yesterday refuse to leave as the firefighters said 'Hey, we have to go.'" The Blue Cut Fire also led to an ongoing closure of the heavily traveled Interstate 15 through the Cajon Pass. According to a tweet Wednesday night from the California Highway Patrol Inland Division, the I-215/15 northbound connector was reopened at about 10:15 p.m. Some lanes of I-15 northbound reopened shortly after. I-15 southbound will remain closed until further notice, according to a Caltrans press release. Crews are working to repair damaged guardrails through the pass. The wind-driven fire aggressively swept through the mountains' dry brush Wednesday, jumping the freeway at one point and leaving miles of scorched land on both sides of the interstate. "It hit hard. It hit fast. It hit with intensity that we've never known before," San Bernardino County fire Chief Mark Hartwig said Wednesday at Glen Helen park. "We thought the (nearby) Pilot Fire (last week) burned fast." "It was devastating. A lot of homes lost," he said. The winds weren't always predictable and were expected to reach 25 mph, officials said. The fire mostly burned north Wednesday, scorching hillsides west of the freeway. Billowing smoke flew over the town of Hesperia just north of the Cajon Pass. The Summit Inn, a historic Route 66 diner and landmark in the Cajon Pass, was destroyed. Inn managers Scott and Michelle Keeney lost their nearby home as well. "I was angry last night, but I'm OK right now. This is just a sad reality of where we live," Michelle Keeney said Wednesday morning while walking through the remnants of their home. As the fire threatened her restaurant on Tuesday, Keeney told her employees to give all the diners to-go boxes and to evacuate immediately, she said. The blaze began at Old Cajon Boulevard near Blue Cut for which the wildfire is named. The cause of the wildfire burning about 85 miles northwest of Palm Springs is still unknown. Fire officials originally said Wednesday the blaze had grown to 30,000 acres, but that figure was downgraded by evening to nearly 26,000. It's about 4 percent contained. The containment is near the fire's origin, but they're fighting the fire on three different fronts, Miller said. "Normally, like when you have the Santa Ana winds, the fire's only on one front. This one is in different directions," he said. "We watched it jump the 15 (freeway) yesterday and go three different directions (north, east and south). "It's a challenge. Which piece do you go after? It depends on the resources we have and what's at risk." The Blue Cut Fire is one of four major wildfires burning in drought-stricken California. Its rapid growth in about 18 hours was more typical of a Santa Ana wind-driven wildfire seen in the fall in Southern California, U.S. Forest Service officials noted on Wednesday. Evacuations, including the mountain community of Wrightwood -- known for the Mountain High ski resort -- are still in place. About 4,500 people live there. "It's such a wide area. You couldn't possibly put a fire engine at each house," Hartwig said of the destruction. Two firefighters suffered minor injuries Tuesday after they and four others were trapped by Blue Cut Fire flames while assisting with evacuations and defending homes in the Swarthout Canyon. The six took shelter in a nearby structure and were eventually able to escape the area. The two firefighters were treated and released from an area hospital to return to battling the blaze. Some businesses, homes spared The remains of the Summit Inn stood bare Wednesday, a skeleton of a 1952 building on the historic Route 66. Smoke still wafted from the rubble as beetles frantically climbed around the burnt-out trees framing the structure's shell. Just down the hill is a Chevron gas station that looks ready to serve customers, but the only people in its parking lot were Southern California Edison workers and Katherine Hanoun's family. She and three uncles had just gone to check on the gas station, which one of her uncles owns. Hanoun was working there Tuesday when the police came in and asked everyone to evacuate. "There were about 60-70 people in there," Hanoun said. "We wanted to make sure everyone got out safely." She said she doesn't remember what went through her mind as she thought about the advancing fire. "When it comes down to it, you don't think," she said. "We had a lot of cars and we had to get them out because the fire is coming. I was the last to leave. I locked the doors. It was a nightmare. I'm glad everyone is safe." Just across the highway from the Summit Inn stands a neighborhood of homes. Judging by the presence of some scorched earth, it appeared the fire danced right up to the neighborhood. Maria Navarro was in the backyard with her three dogs Wednesday. She said her son took her to his home in the high desert city of Victorville to escape the fire and her other son came to stay in the house with the dogs until firemen told him to leave Tuesday evening. "The firemen did such a great job saving my house," she said, pointing across the street to some burned vegetation. "I was scared, very scared," Navarro said. "I thought, 'My house is gone. My house is gone.' "I'm grateful to God it's still here," she added. While the mandatory evacuation remained in effect, Navarro said she had no trouble getting back to her house. Oak Hills resident Dale Van Camp was ready to evacuate Tuesday. Her SUV was filled with supplies and she was ready to hit the road with her cat and five dogs. But then she wondered if she even had to go, since she was under a "suggested" evacuation, she said. The 68-year-old took a chance and opted to stay home. The gamble paid off and her home was left unscathed. And like many area residents, Van Camp toured her community to check the damage. "It just breaks my heart to see the devastation," Van Camp said. "It's horrible." At least six homes along Highway 138 had been destroyed, including one where a school bus, tractor and other vehicles stood charred. At one point, firefighters even doused a pile of manure that caught fire. Jim Morrison was among people evacuated near the high desert town of Hesperia, but he was able to check on his home Wednesday. "I'm just glad it's still standing. Everything else is burning too much," said Morrison, 58. Erin Smith, 45, also was evacuated from her home near Hesperia. She was relieved to find her home in tact but was still visibly emotional. "It was just a scary thing and we didn't know what would happen at all," she said. "I never want this to happen again. I hated it." Evacuees wait, worry and wonder Two evacuation centers have been set up. The Jessie Turner Community Center in Fontana is being used as a care and reception center for evacuees, while Sultana High School in Hesperia is an overnight shelter. Larry Fortmuller, a Red Cross volunteer who is acting as a spokesman for the evacuation center, said the Jessie Turner center has about 146 people, but can accommodate as many as 500. The shelter opened at about noon Tuesday. Its usually pretty empty during the day but fills up at night, he said. On Wednesday, the Fontana Police Officers Association provided a barbecue dinner for the shelters residents. The police association here did a barbecue for the residents. Its always good to have that working cooperation with the community and always good to have that community support, Fortmuller said. Were trying to provide the basics so people maintain their dignity. Wrapped in a blanket, Lillian Gaffey, a Lytle Creek resident, sat in the lobby of the Jessie Turner Community Center Wednesday. On the couch next to her were strewn belongings -- a guitar and some blankets. Her grandson, Dustin, sat across from her. I was laying down and Kathy (her daughter) says Mom, theyre saying everybodys evacuating. And I said No, come on! The police were coming door to door. We got my meds, which is the most important thing. Ive been through fires before, but this one happened too fast, she said. A short distance away from Gaffey, Kevin Foree had also wrapped himself in a blanket. Foree said he lives in Victorville but commutes to Orange County for work. On his way home from work Tuesday, along I-15, he found he couldnt get there. I tried going on some back roads but CHP turned us around, he said. I tried going up a canyon road. I rounded one turn and there was just fire everywhere. I threw my car in reverse and floored it. The wind was going 30, 35 mph. It was like the scene from Backdraft. Foree said he was unable to find a hotel or motel room for the night, so he went to the Jessie Turner center. Hes originally from the Bay Area, and said this fire reminds him of the Oakland firestorm of 1991. I talked to my mom (who also lives in Victorville) to check on her, she said Victorville is covered in ash. It looks like its snowing. It is what it is. I doubt the fires going to go to Victorville, he added. Elena Kellogg stood by a small gathering of cots Wednesday night, wrapping what looked like twine into a ball. Three of her five children were clustered around her. The family is from Wrightwood, which was evacuated in its entirety on Tuesday. I was hesitant to leave. I took time to get things ready and we left about 6 (p.m.), she said, wrapping the string between her hands. We thought we would go to Phelan, but we failed to do that. We tried to go back to Wrightwood, but it was closed. So we came here. Kellogg smiled when asked about her reaction to the fire. I am very concerned about the fire, but I understand I can do nothing, so I choose to feel good instead of bad, she said. Kelloggs eldest daughter was in Los Angeles for a college orientation and could not get back home when the fire started. Kelloggs husband was also not at home: he was in Pomona Tuesday. The family of seven reunited at the shelter about 3 a.m. Wednesday, Kellogg said. Weve been watching the news, working on the computers, she said. Were trying to have a good time. Kelloggs 12-year-old daughter, Vasilisa said shes worried about the familys pets. They have three cats and one rabbit. The cats are at our home and the rabbit is with a friend, she said, wiping at one eye as she tugged a dark green blanket around her shoulders. We left extra food and water for them. I just hope it (the fire) doesnt reach Wrightwood. Nancy Vargas and her father were spending their second night night at the center Wednesday. Vargas, a Hesperia resident, was at Kaiser Permanente in Riverside Tuesday, working a shift as part of the Cope Health Scholars. I first heard a patient talking about a fire in Devore, she said. As soon as my shift was over I saw all these messages on my phone. Vargas wasnt able to get home because I-15 had been closed. Her father was also unable to get home. They found out about the shelter and decided to check it out. I wasnt prepared, I wasnt expecting this to happen, Vargas said. It feels like a completely different experience than what I know. I feel hopeless. Her mother and son are in Hesperia and their house is not affected. But Vargas said being without them is difficult. To me, it was just a typical day doing typical things and now Im really trapped. And once shes able to get back home, Vargas said shes sure it will affect her. Its going to hit me hard. I drove up and down that pass for five years. Wildfires have burned more than 112,950 acres across California this year, and the worst of the fire season is yet to come. We are definitely entering a very hot and dry pattern, and drought conditions play a very large role, Cal Fire spokesman Dan Berlant said. We are nowhere near the end of this fire season. Were already seeing so many devastating fires in August, and unfortunately it will likely only get worse in September and October. Mandatory evacuations are in place for: The community of Wrightwood Swarthout Canyon West Cajon Valley Lytle Creek Canyon The area west of I-15, west of Highway 395 and west of Summit Valley The area north of Bear Valley Road and east of Caughlin Road The area north of Highway 138, east of Sheep Creek Road, south of Phelan Road and west of Caliente Road Road closures: Interstate 15 is closed from Main Street in Hesperia to Interstate 215 in San Bernardino. The southbound connector to Highway 395 is closed and southbound 395 is also closed at Joshua Street. State Route 2 is closed from the Los Angeles County line to Highway 138, according to Caltrans. Highway 138 is closed from I-15 to Highway 2 and Highway 138 is also closed from the Los Angeles County line to Highway 173. Old Cajon Road is closed north of Devore Cutoff and Lytle Creek Road is closed at Glen Helen. Beekley Road from Phelan Road to Highway 128 and Highway 38 to Lone Pine Canyon are also closed. Evacuation centers: There are two evacuation centers. One of them is the Jessie Turner Community Center at 15-556 Summit Ave. in Fontana and the other is Sultana High School, 17-311 Sultana St. in Hesperia. Animals: Small animals can be taken to the Apple Valley Animal Shelter at 22-131 Powhatan Road in Apple Valley or the Devore Animal Shelter at 19-777 Shelter Way in San Bernardino. Large animals can be taken to the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds at 14-800 7th St. in Victorville. SHARE Technology changes and advances so much these days that government often struggles to play a constant game of catch-up. But in life-or-death matters such as 911 emergency calls, there is no wiggle room for error. That's why we were pleased this week to see the state Senate approve a bill that aims to ensure that when you call 911 from your cellphone, the call gets routed directly to the proper police, fire or medical emergency agency. The bill is now awaiting Gov. Jerry Brown's signature, and after unanimous approvals in the Senate and Assembly, we encourage him to quickly sign it into law. AB 1564 was authored by Assemblyman Das Williams, D-Carpinteria, who told The Star last year about a man who called 911 from his cellphone to report a family member having a medical emergency. The call was routed to a dispatch center 30 miles away, even though the man lived only a quarter-mile from a Santa Barbara fire station. Emergency personnel didn't make it there in time, and the relative died of an accidental drug overdose. Williams said it was not an isolated incident; that many 911 calls from cellphones in this state are routed to the California Highway Patrol even though the callers are not on freeways. CHP dispatchers must then get more information from the caller, figure out which local police or fire agency should handle the call, and then reroute it. It all adds up to unnecessary delays in potentially crucial situations. Back in 1973, the Legislature passed the Warren-911 Act, which established our 911 system. Before that, the state had thousands of different phone numbers you could call in an emergency. Most 911 calls were made via landline phones back then, allowing them to go directly to the correct local agency. When mobile phones were introduced, 911 calls made from them were all routed to the CHP, because most cellphones were only in cars and the emergencies were assumed to be happening on roads or highways. Today, 80 percent of all 911 calls are coming from mobile devices, yet 49 percent of them still get routed to the CHP, according to the Legislature's analysis of AB 1564. Thanks to a project in 2009 called "Routing on Empirical Data," Ventura County is at "the cutting edge" of 911 cellphone technology, officials said. Because of GPS and other improvements, when someone here reports an emergency via a cellphone, the call is routinely routed to the correct agency. But other areas of the state are not so well-equipped. In downtown Santa Barbara, for example, a cellphone 911 call may be routed to Ventura CHP dispatchers, depending on the wireless carrier, Williams said. His bill requires the state Office of Emergency Services to work with the CHP, local police and fire departments and the wireless industry to regularly review and improve the 911 routing system. Current law allows such reviews, but the bill would require the state to conduct them every year and make any necessary changes to keep the routing system current with new facilities and new technology. Local police, fire or emergency medical agencies also could ask for a specific review of call routing in a certain area. The bill has a long list of supporters, including the American Heart Association, American Medical Response, California Fire Chiefs Association, California Peace Officers' Association, Santa Barbara County and the League of California Cities. There is no listed opposition. Our 911 system has saved countless lives since its inception, and government must do whatever it can to ensure its effectiveness, no matter how much technology changes. URBANA -- The night his 5-year-old daughter died, Tony Galbo said to anyone who would listen: "No parent should ever have to do this. There should be Gabby's law." Four years later, at Presence Covenant Medical Center in Urbana on Thursday, Gov. Bruce Rauner signed into Illinois law "Gabby's Law," with Tony and Elizabeth Galbo, of Monticello standing nearby. "We didn't want another family to go through what we went through," Tony Galbo said. "The state of Illinois needs to take care of its citizens, and today, with this law, it's doing that." On May 11, 2012, Gabby Galbo died from sepsis, the bodys life-threatening response to an infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and death. Gabby developed sepsis from undiagnosed Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Five days earlier, Gabby was released from Carle Foundation Hospital, despite blood work that was later revealed to show she had significant signs of infection. The Galbos were told the night Gabby was released that the blood work was "unremarkable." Gabby's Law, Senate Bill 2403, requires hospitals to "adopt evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock that are based on generally accepted standards of care. It requires the protocols contain certain components, including those specific to identifying and treating adults and children." The bill, championed by state Sen. Chapin Rose, R-Mahomet, passed unanimously in the state House and Senate. This bill is an example of good public policy that will save lives, Rauner said. But we are saddened, because it was due to the loss of 5-year-old Gabby Galbo that this legislation was sent my desk. Gabbys Law will save lives while honoring this little girl's legacy. It will have a tremendous impact in Illinois for years to come. Elizabeth Galbo was emotional, sobbing as she held her daughter Giada. "When we first went to Rep. (Bill) Mitchell and Sen. Chapin (Rose), I wasn't sure where it was going to go, or how far it was going to go," Elizabeth Galbo said. "But Sen. Rose took his time. He told us, 'If we're going to do this, let's do it right.'" When Carle Foundation Hospital in Champaign treated Gabby in 2012, it had a sepsis protocol, but not a pediatric sepsis protocol. Every hospital needs to mandate this protocol," Tony Galbo said. "There are hospitals that have been doing this protocol for many years, but this is for the hospitals that have not." Sepsis kills more than 258,000 people in the United States each year, making it the ninth-leading cause of disease-related deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It accounts for more deaths each year than prostate cancer, breast cancer and AIDS combined. "There are over 1.6 million cases of sepsis per year in the United States, and over half of Americans don't know the early warning symptoms," said Kathy Johnson, an operations director and Telehealth team member for the Presence Health system. "We must raise awareness of it." Early warning symptoms include fever, shivering, extreme pain, discolored skin, extreme sleepiness, confusion and shortness of breath. Anyone with two more of those symptoms should see a doctor. If sepsis is detected early, it can be treated. "If your health care provider doesn't screen you for sepsis, tell them you want them to," Johnson said. Earlier on June 27, Australian aluminium extrusion manufacturer Capral Limited lodged an application to the commission asking for the investigation, reported the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trades Competition Authority. The application alleges that the goods have been exported to Australia at prices less than their normal value and were in receipt of countervailing subsidies from Malaysia and Vietnam, which has caused material injury to the Australian industry in the form of price suppression, loss of profits and increased stocks. The investigation will examine exports of the goods to Australia from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, and losses from July 1, 2012. The product is currently subject to a 5% tariff. Parties concerned are invited to lodge submissions concerning the publication of a dumping or countervailing duty notice sought in the application to The Director Operations 3, GPO Box 1632, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia or email to , or fax to +61 3 85392499, no later than September 22. The official information about the investigation can be found on the website: Eight people were seriously hurt in southern France when an express train crashed into a fallen tree uprooted by a massive hailstorm. (Photo: AFP/Jeff Pachoud) The impact sparked panic, as some passengers feared a militant attack was underway, according to one witness. The regional express was carrying 219 passengers on a service between Nimes and Montpellier when it hit the tree at 140 kilometres per hour, the state rail operator SNCF said. The accident occurred near the town of Lunel, about 28 kilometres southwest of Nimes. A critically-injured individual was airlifted to hospital, according to the head of local rescue services, Christophe Risdorfer. Fifty other passengers suffered minor injuries or shock. "We were on the train when hailstones the size of ping-pong balls started falling, then we heard what sounded like an explosion," said a 24-year-old passenger from Luxembourg who gave her name as Justine. "The train shook for a few seconds and then I saw some people whose heads were covered in blood." Another passenger said some people on the train feared a militant attack was unfolding. A string of terror assaults in Europe in recent months has left the continent on edge. "There was panic, some at first thought it was an attack on the train," said the 35-year-old woman named Virginie. SNCF said around 80 rescue workers, backed by helicopters, were deployed to the scene, where "access is very difficult." The tree was a "very tall pine" located on private property next to the railway line, the company said. Despite the impact, the train did not derail and traffic was expected to resume later Wednesday on one of the tracks of the line. The forum, co-organised by VIR and AVM under the guardianship of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), has attracted 20 expert speakers and 500 attendees from governmental organisations, leading corporations, and investment funds from Vietnam and overseas. Under the theme M&A in Wider Economic Boundaries, the forum will examine M&A potentials as Vietnam joins numerous bilateral and multi-lateral trade deals, notably the ASEAN Economic Community and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This slew of trade agreements is expected to draw international M&A flows into the ASEAN, a diverse market with 600 million people, a growing middle class, and young workforce. As one of the fastest developing economies in the ASEAN, Vietnam is forecast to receive a great part of this increased inflow. In fact, in 2015 the country already recorded $5.2 billion in M&A investments and this figure is expected to climb to $6 billion in 2016, according to the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances in Switzerland. As Vietnam has been integrating deeper and wider into the world economy, this years forum is thus held under the theme of M&A in Wider Economic Boundaries. Apart from exchanging information, evaluating the pros and cons, and sharing experience on M&A deals in Vietnam, the Forum will promote M&A as a vital channel to raise capital and restructure enterprises and the economy, said Le Trong Minh, editor-in-chief of VIR and head of the Organising Committee. A wider economic zone allows Vietnamese firms in the consumer goods, retail, finance, and real estate sectors, among others, to attract foreign M&A flows. This is also a great opportunity for state divestments and the equitisation of state-owned enterprises. The MPI expects that this years forum can deliver adequate assessments on M&A trends and help find wise responses to challenges. It should also promote investment and networking activities between businesses and investors from both Vietnam and overseas, noted Nguyen The Phuong, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment at the event. The forum will include three discussion sessions on various issues of M&A, ranging from raising capital to drafting strategies. Experts from the MPI, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the State Securities Commission, and many more will share their experiences in these discussions. In the morning, investors and 50 top firms have already joined MAF EXPO 2016 to discuss potential M&A deals. As one of the largest annual investment networking events, the EXPO also acts as a platform to introduce soon-to-be equitised firms to the investor community. Following the Forum, the 50 best M&A deals in 2015 will be awarded at the Gala Dinner this evening. >> 2016s largest IPO deals in Vietnam According to newswire, through its subsidiary in Singapore, F&N is searching for an acquisition targets to bolster its market share in Southeast Asia after its war chest grew to nearly $745 million after the sales of beer assets. Accordingly, Vinamilk, where F&N owns an 11 per cent stake, is considered a potential target. Lee Meng Tat, F&Ns chief executive officer for non-alcoholic beverages, said that Vietnams largest milk producer is an example of what F&N wants in an acquisition: a company with market presence, well-known brands, and a strong distribution network. Lee stated that the ideal situation to increase F&Ns ownership rate in Vinamilk is an M&A deal. If successful, it will help the company to enhance its competitive capacity with the two largest US soft drink giants in Southeast Asia, PepsiCo Inc. and Coca-Cola Co. Lee added that if Vinamilk extends its foreign ownership ratio, F&N will follow developments and lay emphasis on the acquisition of sufficient shares. Southeast Asia is considered a potential market with a total population of 600 million. In addition, it contains the economic group having the fastest development in Asia. F&N is among the top three soft drinks players in its home country, Singapore, as well as in Thailand and Malaysia, according to Euromonitor International. However, it isnt ranked among the top five in Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines, where the company is looking to grow. Regarding Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi, the Thai billionaire has expressed interest in Vietnam. In late 2015, Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdis TCC Group, the main investor in Berli Jucker PCL (BJC), completed the purchase of Metro Cash & Carry Vietnam for 655 million ($879 million). The purchase is part of BJCs plans to become a leading regional player covering the entire value chain and to position itself for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Earlier in 2013, BJC bought the Family Mart convenience store chain, then belonging to Phu Thai Group and Japanese company Family Mart, and changed its name to Bs Mart. BJC now has 123 Bs Marts in Vietnam. Cook made the pledge during his trip to China , at least his second in four months, as demand for Apples iPhones has plummeted in the worlds second-largest economy and the government remains wary of foreign technology. Official Chinese state broadcaster CCTV stated that Cook told Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, one of China s most senior officials, that Apples new R&D centre will be built by the end of this year. Earlier in May, Zhang Gaoli said that he hoped Apple could deepen its R&D co-operation with the country and stressed the importance of information security. Along with the $1 billion R&D centre, in May, Apple announced a $1 billion deal with ride-hailing app Didi Chuxing. The move was considered an attempt to curry favour with Beijing . Previously, Huynh Duc Tho, Chairman of the Danang Peoples Committee stated that Apple visited Vietnam s Danang in March, along with other cities, namely Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City , to find investment opportunities. The investor was mulling over a suitable investment location and would make the final decision at a working session with Danangs leaders in August. However, as of now, the city has yet to receive feedback from Apple. A report of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) Can Tho Branch showed that there were 78 IZs and export processing zones (EPZs) in Mekong River Delta as of June 2016, with total area of 14,787 hectares. However, only 3,688 hectares are occupied, while the remaining 11,099 hectares are idle. Meanwhile, all the IZs and EPZs are designed to be located close to the Tien and Hau Rivers, while large areas of orchards and fertile soil for rice fields will be cleared to make room for the IZs and EPZs. There are many IZs which have not been able to attract investors for many years. The 57.4 hectare Xuan To IZ in An Giang province, planned in 2004, for example, still has been struggling hard to call for investors. The 121 hectare Hung Phu 1 and 67 hectare Hung Phu 2B IZ in Can Tho City and 15 out of 43 IZs in Long An province have also been left idle. Can Tho City has 8 IZs with total area of 2,267 hectares, but has leased 567.2 hectares only to 220 projects, capitalized at nearly US$2 billion in total. These include only 21 foreign invested projects with total investment capital of US$198.4 million. The occupancy rate in some IZs is very modest, just 12%-13%. According to Nguyen Van Hong, director of the Can Tho City Planning and Investment, the average land rent in the IZs in Can Tho City is high, at US$80 per square meter at least. The level is higher than that offered by IZs in neighboring provinces, at US$40 per square metre. Meanwhile, Nguyen Minh Toai, director of the Can Tho City Industry and Trade Department, attributes the lack of investors to poor infrastructure conditions. The city has waterways, road and air transport systems, but the items are not developed in an effective way. Foreign investors hesitate to invest in Can Tho because there is no air route from their home countries to the city. Meanwhile, enterprises have to pay an additional sum of US$10 per ton to carry goods from Can Tho to Ho Chi Minh City before shipping goods abroad. Deputy director of VCCI Can Tho Nguyen Phuong Lam pointed out that the IZ density in Mekong Delta is high with 78 IZs and EPZs in 13 cities and provinces. He believes that the existence of too many IZs is a big waste of the land fund. The 23.5-km expressway will be built by a public-private-partnership in build-operate-transfer mode. It will have four lanes and a width of 17m, and pass through two Mekong Delta provinces, Dong Thap and Vinh Long. The expressway is expected to cost VND6.15 trillion (US$276 million) including land acquisition. To recoup the investment, Thang Long is seeking the right to collect toll of VND1,500 (0.07 US cent) per kilometre on the expressway for 20 years and six months and on the HCM City-Trung Luong Expressway or four years and 11 months starting in 2030. If approved, construction will begin this year and be finished by mid-2019. TCC recently became the biggest shareholder in Big C Thailand with a 97.94 per cent stake, after acquiring Groupe Casinos 58.6 per cent majority stake in February and buying CP Groups 25 per cent in May. Big C is a major food retailer and trader of commercial real estate in Thailand, with a network of more than 700 sales points, 125 of which are hypermarkets. On the other hand, Mega Market Vietnam (the official name of Metro Cash & Carry Vietnam starting from this July), where TCC holds 100 per cent, now has 19 wholesale supermarkets throughout the country, a vegetable and fruits distribution centre in Lam Dong, and a fish distribution centre in Can Tho, as well as two office supplies distribution centres in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. In July, TCC brought 100 tonnes of Vietnamese dragon fruit to sell at its Big C Thailand stores. The company said it would continue to export dragon fruit to Thailand at 100 tonnes per month. At the moment, TCC is looking for suppliers of other fruits, such as avocado, King orange, cainito, and sweet potato. Besides, Vietnamese frozen catfish and Da Lat flowers will also appear on Big C Thailands store shelves in the near future. Speaking with VIR recently, TCC chairman Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi said that the company is excited to cooperate with Vietnamese producers to increase exports to Thailand through TCC. He added that another TCC subsidiary, the Japanese restaurant chain Oishi, is looking for Vietnamese restaurants to bring to Thailand. Moreover, Mega Market is considering opening wholesale centres in Thailand. Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi said that Vietnam is a special focus for the company. We went to Vietnam in 1995 and survived the 1997 crisis without giving up. As of now, with our expansion plans having ripened for the past few years, we believe in our decisions and the growth of the Vietnamese market, he said. Earlier many Vietnamese suppliers have raised concerns that Vietnamese goods will have trouble penetrating a Thai-owned distribution channel such as Mega Market right in their home playfield. Regarding these concerns, the chairman said that sourcing locally is beneficial in terms of quality and price, while importing incurs high costs on preservation. Moreover, Mega Market is a wholesale channel and has a low profit margin. If we import a lot, the logistics price is going to be high, pushing this profit margin further down. We are only going to import products that Vietnam does not already have, he said. Two prominent Boeung Kak lake activists were charged with incitement on Wednesday and sent to the capitals notorious Prey Sar prison after the municipal court opted to forgo usual legal procedure and move directly to trial. A Spanish national who had joined a protest led by the Boeung Kak activists the previous day was also detained and deported from the country. The two activists, Tep Vanny and Bov Sophea, were charged with provocation to commit crimes for taking part in a demonstration as part of the civil society-backed Black Monday campaign, which began in May. The demonstration saw the activists putting curses on four headless mannequins symbolizing issues such as corruption in the courts. The Black Monday campaign was launched earlier this year to call for the release of four staff members of the local human rights group Adhoc and a senior election official, who were jailed on connection to the ongoing investigation of a sex scandal that has enveloped the oppositions deputy leader, Kem Sokha. Since 2007, thousands of people have been evicted from Phnom Penhs Boeung Kak lake area to make way for a huge development project operated by tycoon and ruling party Senator Lao Meng Khins Shukaku company. More than 20 people gathered outside the court on Wednesday to protest their trial. Hout Chansovann, 46, Vannys elder sister, said outside the court that the two activists had not broken the law and were only seeking to advocate for justice for the detained rights workers and election official, and for an independent investigation into the murder of prominent political analyst and government critic Kem Ley on July 10. I appeal to all communities and organizations, both local and overseas, to help them, because we are innocent people protesting for justice. Their arrests are so unfair, she said. Officials have repeatedly expressed fears that the campaign could be an attempt to incite the overthrow of Prime Minister Hun Sens administration. Speaking to VOA before her arrest, Vanny said the campaign was only aimed at using their freedom in the name of citizens who cannot accept rights abuses or oppression from todays government. We do not violate any constitutional, state or international laws, she added. Four other Cambodian Black Monday activists were arrested in separate incidents on Monday, however, they were released later that day. Spanish national Marga Bujosa Segado was also arrested while observing the demonstration and reportedly deported by the authorities. Sok Eysan, a ruling Cambodian Peoples Party spokesman, said the arrests were a good thing because they could prevent further unrest. Before a big fire occurs, there are always little sparks, he said. Better that this was prevented now than when it becomes on a big scale, because that can cost hundreds of lives. Court spokesman Ly Sophanna could not be reached for comment. Bo Chhorvy, 40, a Boeung Kak resident, said the case against the two activists was an attempt to smear them. As you know, for seven years we have been beaten and taken to court one after the other, she said. Theres no justice for us. Am Sam Ath, technical supervisor at Licadho, a local rights group, said he thought the decision to jail the activists was intended to provoke a reaction from the community, which could then be used as a justification for further action by the authorities. He added that the human rights situation in Cambodia had plummeted to a critical point since the murder of Kem Ley. The donation of two ambulances and a van by Prime Minister Hun Sen to a popular radio station has raised concerns among observers that the vehicles will be used for illegal activities. The vehicles were given to the popular ABC Radio station by Hun Sen after one of ABCs unregistered ambulances was impounded by the Phnom Penh health department on Thursday. Hun Sen ordered the removal of the departments director, Sok Sokun, from his post on Saturday seemingly for enforcing a standing ministry directive but he was on Monday given a new position as deputy secretary-general for technical affairs at the Health Ministry. The impounded ambulance was found to be carrying ABC-branded fruit juice for distribution to customers, while the station argued it did not need a license because the vehicle was only used to transport corpses for poor families. As ABC staff and callers to the airwaves to decry the action by the health department, Hun Sen personally called in, assuring listeners that the matter would be resolved. Three new vehicles were delivered to the station on Tuesday morning, carrying the label Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Political observers afterwards expressed concerns that the labeling of the vehicles would make it easy for ABC to use them for illegal activities. Yong Kim Eng, president of the Peoples Center for Development and Peace, said putting the names of high-ranking government officials on the cars can scare the general public and others, even police, will not dare to stop them. Drivers in the street are also scared when they see cars with a sign saying this was donated from this or that person, who is a high-ranking government official. So Im afraid that if the cars are used to commit other mistakes in the future, the police will not dare touch them. San Chey, executive director of the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability, said Hun Sen should make it clear to ABC that the vehicles should not be used for illegal activity. If there are any problems or suspicions, the police should take action against those people, because we have seen similar cases; for example, some vehicles carry armed forces plates, national police ones, and even some ambulances have been caught carrying [protected] rosewood, he said. Seng Bunveng, the media mogul who owns ABC Radio, as well as ABCs director, Ly Sovann, could not be reached to respond to the concerns. However, at the handover ceremony, Bunveng said his ambulances were necessary to fill a gap in services left by the government. Opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party Senator Thak Lany has missed two scheduled court appearances where she was to be questioned over comments she allegedly made that linked Prime Minister Hun Sen to the murder of prominent political analyst Kem Ley last month. Her lawyer, Sam Sokong, said on Wednesday after she failed to show for the second court date that the senator would only appear in court if her parliamentary immunity was revoked. A lawyer for Hun Sen filed a lawsuit against Lany on August 1. The immunity [of my client] is a bulletproof power for senators that is guaranteed by the constitution when we summon a senator who has immunity it affects the reputation of the [Senate] and affects other senators. Its an abuse of the constitution and lawyers would like to see the constitution respected and implemented, Sokong said. Oum Sarith, a spokesman for Lany, said the Senates Permanent Commission had scheduled a meeting to discuss Lanys case and her immunity. We have not yet received a permit from the judicial institution or Ministry of Justice. Well wait and see the letter first, he said. Ly Sophanna, a spokesman for the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, said in a text message that there was no formal legal mechanism for delaying the implementation of a court summons. The suspect, Thak Lany, failed to appear at the court for a second time we decided to continue the investigation into the case by examining the complaint, the evidence, and witnesses, he said. CNRP president Sam Rainsy was also the subject of a similar defamation complaint, filed on the same day by Hun Sens lawyer, over comments he made on his Facebook page. He has since repeated the comments and said he stands by the claim that Hun Sen was behind Kem Leys murder. Under article 104 of the constitution, senators are protected from prosecution, detention and arrest stemming from opinions expressed in the exercise of his/her duties. However, if two-thirds of sitting lawmakers vote for immunity to be revoked the rule becomes void. Rainsy remains in self-imposed exile, but has said he is willing to attend a questioning session at the court via videophone. Reginald Savage had an uneasy feeling when he last contacted his American son fighting alongside Kurdish forces against the Islamic State in Syria. "I then knew that I wasn't going to see him again," the father said of his last email exchange in late July with William Savage, who was on the frontlines in northern Syria. Kurdish forces announced late Wednesday that Savage, 27, a native of Maryland and North Carolina, was killed last week in Syria during clashes between U.S.-backed forces and IS fighters in the city of Manbij. He was the sixth foreign volunteer, and the second American, to die fighting with the Kurds against IS. Volunteers like Savage normally receive only food and lodging in return for their service. He was helping civilians flee from the battle as a Kurdish-Arab alliance advanced on Islamic State fighters, the People's Protection Units (YPG) said in a statement. 'Targeted by IS' Savage "was targeted by the gunfire of the thugs" from the Islamic State group, according to the Kurdish-language statement released Wednesday. It said the young American died "suffering from severe wounds." The Kurdish YPG is a key element of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which has U.S. backing in its fight against IS militants in northern Syria. Manbij was cleared of IS fighters last week, two days after Savage's death. The 73-day-long battle left more than 4,000 IS fighters and 264 U.S.-backed fighters dead. Joining the YPG in January of 2015, Savage was one of dozens of American citizens who have volunteered to serve with the Kurdish group. He was known by his Kurdish nom de guerre, Amed Kobani. "He was fearless," said Savage's father, who lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. "He wanted to help the Kurds." William Savage, born in Saint Mary's City, Maryland, in 1989, had said he was leaving the U.S. to study in Greece, his father said, "because he didn't want me to worry about him." No military experience "I couldn't object to his wish to help those people," Reginald Savage said. "But I didn't know he was going to Syria." William Savage, the eldest of four children, worked as a cook at a hotel restaurant in Raleigh. His father said the young man had no prior military experience before joining the YPG. "His dream was to join the U.S. military," the elder Savage said. "But he was denied admission because [of] a seizure he had when he was five years old." Reginald Savage, who owns a chocolate company in Raleigh, said his son nonetheless wanted to participate in the war against IS. A Kurdish commander who broke the news of William Savage's death to his father said the son was one of the fastest-learning recruits the YPG had seen. The best of the U.S.' Macer Gifford, a British volunteer who also fought in the battle for Manbij, said in a Facebook post that Savage was a good soldier. "He represented the best of the foreign volunteers, but also of the United States," Gifford told VOA, praising his fallen colleague. "There is nobody that has a bad word to say about Will. He was universally loved and everyone has a wonderful story about him." William Savage's father told VOA he has asked the U.S. Department of State to help retrieve his son's body from a hospital on the Syrian-Iraqi border. Savage's mother, Nancy, died in 2000. She had volunteered as a young woman to help American troops in Vietnam, Reginald Savage said. "William got his character of helping others from his mother," he said. South Korea's army says it has conducted its largest-ever artillery drills near the tense border with North Korea. The army says 300 artillery systems deployed by dozens of military units along the border began firing shells at the same time on Thursday afternoon. It says North Korea's military hasn't shown any signs of unusual activities in response. The army says the drills marked what South Korea describes as an artillery exchange between the Koreas in August 2015 following land mine explosions that maimed two South Korean soldiers. There were no reports of injuries in last year's artillery firing. Seoul said North Korea fired first, but Pyongyang denied firing. Thursday's drills come a day after Seoul said a senior North Korean diplomat based in London defected to South Korea. More than 100,000 meals in Europe have been saved from the rubbish bin over the past 10 months thanks to an app that allows hungry diners to buy leftover food from restaurants at a fraction of the price, its founders said on Wednesday. The app, Too Good To Go, was launched in Denmark in October last year and has since expanded to Germany, Switzerland, France, Norway and Britain on the back of a growing global effort to cut food waste. Between 30 percent and 40 percent of food produced around the world is never eaten because it is spoiled after harvest and during transportation, or thrown away by shops and consumers. Yet almost 800 million people worldwide go to bed hungry every night, according to U.N. figures. The problem has become so serious that halving world food waste by 2030 was included as a target in global development goals adopted by world leaders in 2015. Chris Wilson, co-founder of Too Good To Go UK, said his team hoped to play its part in ending food waste by "putting food into bellies instead of bins", while raising awareness over the issue. App users can search for meals that restaurants would otherwise throw out and put in an order to collect before closing time. "It's a win-win concept," Wilson told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "From a user prospective it is extremely affordable. From a restaurant point of view ... they are attracting a new market." In Britain, where the app features a variety of eateries ranging from bakeries to high end Japanese restaurants, prices vary from 2 pounds to 3.80 pounds ($4.95). Wilson said since its launch, Too Good To Go, a social enterprise, has amassed more than 350,000 users across Europe and is planning to launch in the United States before the end of the year. ($1 = 0.7683 pounds) New Braunfels, TX (78130) Today A few clouds. Low 53F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight A few clouds. Low 53F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Next month, U.S. President Barack Obama will make what is expected to be his last official trip to Asia. The White House announced Thursday that the president will travel to China on Sept. 2 to attend the G20 summit in Hangzhou. He then will go on to Laos, making him the first U.S. president to visit that Southeast Asian nation. In China, Obama will focus on the importance of a level playing field and broad-based economic opportunity, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said. He also will hold meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping, as tensions continue to rise in the region over the South China Sea and North Korea's nuclear ambitions. In Laos, the president will attend the U.S.-ASEAN meeting, and hold talks with President Bounnhang Vorachith and other key officials to advance cooperation between the U.S. and Laos. The trip also will be a chance for Obama to promote the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, a key part of his Asia strategy that he hopes Congress will approve before his term ends Jan. 20. During his time in the White House, Obama has sought to "rebalance" America's defense and economic policy to counter China's rising influence in the region. The killing of independent analyst Kem Ley and a broad crackdown on dissent in Cambodia has hardened attitudes against Prime Minister Hun Sen among the Khmer diaspora living in Australia and the United States. However, prominent members of the communities warn disillusionment with the long-ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) would not automatically result in further support for opposition leader Sam Rainsy, currently living in self-imposed exile in France. Opposition not benefitting In Australia, Hong Lim, a prominent member of the Victoria state parliament and the Khmer expatriate community, has dropped his support for Sam Rainsy, head of the Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP). He said the opposition leader's performance, after losing four consecutive elections, and a lack of consultation with the diaspora in Australia had cost him. People have lost faith in them because they have sold the community out, he said referring to Sam Rainsy. There is no consultation with him. Sam Rainsy just comes and carries on and it's not going to work anymore. The Australian diaspora has historically provided lucrative support for the opposition, which was forged into the CNRP ahead of elections in 2013, through a merger of the Sam Rainsy Party and the Human Rights Party, run by Kem Sokha, who is currently the oppositions deputy leader. Sam Rainsy refused to return to Cambodia earlier this year after he was threatened with jail from a defamation suit. Kem Sokha is also facing possible jail time over a similar issue and Hong Lim added the CNRP had failed to promote young talent from within it its own ranks. There has never been a succession plan, he said. Adding new leaders, he said, was a major problem confronting the CNRP ahead of commune elections next year and general elections in July, 2018. Crackdown on opposition A further 18 CNRP members and supporters have been jailed while the public shooting of Kem Ley, a popular radio host and political analyst, had flabbergasted and angered the Khmer diaspora, Hong Lim said. The government here in Phnom Penh has become increasingly wary of the diaspora, formed by hundreds of thousands of Cambodians who fled decades of war and found homes as refugees in the West. Interests groups among the diaspora have also been accused of fueling opposition discontent often descending into violent anti-government rallies and that includes unfounded allegations of land grabbing by the neighboring Vietnamese. Hong Lim has also been sharply criticized by the Cambodian government and declared persona non grata after he labeled the CPP-government a beast in regards to Kem Ley's death. US diaspora alarmed and upset In the U.S., Kem Leys murder has also sparked anger among many Cambodian Americans. But concerns are also growing about the ability of the opposition to compete in the current political landscape. Sok Paul Pen, President of Youth and Students Relations for the CNRP in Lowell, Massachusetts indicated campaign finances were emerging as a major issue for the opposition ahead of elections. "We will travel to Cambodia in 2017 and 2018 to encourage young people within our network and beyond to focus on the election and observe the election process, helping out with transportation, and also appeal to them to provide some financial support in preparation of the elections, he said. His sentiments were echoed by Tung Yap, President of the Cambodian American for Human Rights and Democracy, which he said was focused on providing an equal playing field for all political parties in terms of media coverage. As the matter of fact, reports or coverages such as the land grabbing issue in the country where people across the world are aware of is unheard on the state-controlled television and radio, he said. However, Vibol Touch, President of the Cambodian-American Alliance, sounded a more conciliatory note by stressing his organization was in the process of organizing a public forum to enhance diplomatic relations between both countries. Hun Sen recently singled out the American diaspora as a potential base of future support. We try to connect young people in the U.S. with young people in Cambodia to engage, he said. Some young people in Cambodia have engaged with us on the understanding of democratic principles and importantly on the rule of law. A cloud war could be in the offing, with Chinese companies trying to take on giants like Google, Amazon and Apple in the crucial data management market. The moves come in the midst of an intensifying dispute between the United States and China over data hacking, network security and other issues. The entry of Chinese vendors including Alibaba, Baidu and Huawei will give a new twist to the dispute over cybersecurity as they compete with international players for control over data. China's homegrown firms are not only grabbing domestic businesses but also venturing to different countries across the world. But foreign players face regulatory walls that make it difficult to tap businesses in China. Intensifying competition in the business of cloud computing has also raised serious questions about the security of operational data, analysts said. Civilian use of this technology spans data-driven machinery, telecommunications, banking and transport systems, including plans for driverless vehicles. Data concerns "Many multinationals have serious concerns about the protection of their intellectual property in China, on and off line, and there have been a number of recent cases of international firms coming to believe that valuable information has been stolen from them through cyber means," Lee Branstetter, an associate professor of economics at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz School of Policy and Management told VOA. "All of this would give non-Chinese multinationals pause before entrusting their critical data to Chinese cloud computing service providers," he said. But foreign companies with limited technology budgets, and those operating in China, may not have the luxury of higher-priced services offered elsewhere, analysts said. Chinese vendors are establishing data centers in different countries and trying to tap sensitive data management business across the globe. Alibaba has established data centers in the U.S., parts of Asia, the Middle East and Europe. But Branstetter does not think Chinese cloud vendors would pose a major challenge to the likes of Google, Microsoft and Amazon in the data management business. "Chinas efforts to keep out foreign digital players are actually a real global outlier it is certainly the most digitally protectionist major economy. For this reason, I expect Chinese digital players to continue to be dominant at home, but I do not expect them to be very successful abroad," he said. Growing behind the wall Government restrictions on foreign data vendors have left the field more or less clear for homemade cloud computing firms, which are able to get major business opportunities without facing severe competition from international players. This is a massive chunk of business, considering that over one-fifth of the Fortune 500 companies are of Chinese origin. Under the rules, foreign cloud vendors can operate in China only if they have local partners and use servers located in the country. But the Chinese market is too big for foreign companies to ignore. Sheila Jasanoff, director, program on science, technology and society at Harvard Kennedy School, calls for an internationally accepted set of rules on data security. Until then, she worries that rough competition in the cloud computing business may result in a major accident. "Cloud computing is still an unruly territory. People [in the business] are making rules as they go along or taking advantage of the lack of rules. I would think a big tragedy might happen in a large airport or other facility, like a hospital system, and it would result in loss of life," she said. Security safeguards promised to customers by cloud computing companies are "extremely opaque," Jasanoff said. But she doesn't expect an international agreement anytime soon. Zambia's ruling Patriotic Front has called on police to prevent thousands of opposition supporters from gathering Friday at the Constitutional Court to challenge the outcome of last week's presidential election. The United Party for National Development urged its backers to go to the court and back its petition on the August 11 election, won by incumbent President Edgar Lungu. Lungu's deputy campaign manager, Frank Bwalya, said a mass gathering of UPND supporters could create tension and possible violence. The tone in the UPND calling upon their members to turn up in huge numbers to go to court where they intend to file an election petition, the tone is not that of peace," Bwalya said. "It is a tone of incitement to violence, it is a tone of bitterness and a lot of anger." 'Their plan ... is to riot' If opposition party supporters are allowed to gather in large numbers at the court, Bwalya added, "their plan tomorrow is to riot. UPND officials rejected Bwalyas accusation as unfounded. The party had previously asked its followers not to engage in any violence at the court. Opposition supporters said the Patriotic Front's call for police action against them tramples on their constitutional right to assemble. They called this yet another attempt by the government to use dictatorial and draconian means to curtail their freedoms. Bwalya dismissed those criticisms: "To file a petition, you require a lawyer and a few people," not a big group "descending on the court." He called the planned demonstration "unreasonable," an inconvenience to the public and "not the way things are done." "The background is that of a party that is very bitter and angry, claiming that their vote was stolen," Bwalya said, adding that the ruling party was not trying to block the opposition from petitioning the court, even though that might delay the presidential installation ceremony scheduled for Tuesday. Two weeks to decide The Constitutional Court has 14 days to decide whether to accept the UPND's petition. The Electoral Commission of Zambia declared Lungu winner of the presidential election with 50.35 percent of the vote, compared with 47.67 percent for the main opposition candidate, Hakainde Hichilema of the UPND. Lungu's precise vote total is key, since a new constitutional provision requires a vote of more than 50 percent to certify an election winner. UPND spokesman Charles Kakoma told VOA the opposition party has evidence to prove that last week's ballot was rigged in favor of Lungu and his Patriotic Front. There are a lot of irregularities that were discovered in the electoral process, as well as deliberate mistakes by the Electoral Commission of Zambia," Kakoma said. "They manipulated a lot of figures, which they gave to the sitting president to make him win. ... That is doctoring results of an election, and that should not be allowed in a democratic society." Doctors Without Borders said Thursday that it would evacuate staff from six hospitals in Yemen, following the deaths of more than a dozen people in the bombing of a hospital earlier this week. The Saudi-led-coalition airstrike killed 19 people and wounded about 20 others Monday at a hospital in Yemen's northern Hajja province. Doctors Without Borders, the humanitarian medical organization known by its French acronym MSF, said that it repeatedly gave coordinates of hospitals to military parties involved, but the Saudi-led coalition nevertheless conducted "indiscriminate" bombings and gave "unreliable reassurances." MSF said it would withdraw staff from six hospitals in Yemen's northern governorates of Saada and Hajjah. This latest incident shows that the current rules of engagement, military protocols and procedures are inadequate in avoiding attacks on hospitals and need revision and changes, said Joan Tubau, MSF general director. MSF asks the Saudi-led coalition and the governments supporting the coalition, particularly the U.S., U.K. and France, to ensure an immediate application of measures to substantially increase the protection of civilians. Monday, MSF decried the "tragic consequences" of the attack on a "fully functional hospital full of patients," saying it was the fourth such attack against an MSF facility in the past 12 months. Australian officials are trying to decide what to do with hundreds of asylum-seekers at a controversial detention center it has agreed to close in Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guineas Supreme Court ruled in April that the camp on Manus Island, one of two Australian-run immigration facilities in the South Pacific, was unconstitutional. The closure of the Manus Island facility was announced Wednesday in a statement by PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill, who said an agreement had been reached after meeting with Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton in Port Moresby. The question now is what happens to the 850 men housed at the facility? Senior officials in Canberra say the detention center will not close immediately. And they say the migrants will not be resettled in Australia. Most are from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria, so voluntary repatriation is considered by rights groups to be unlikely. They could be transferred to a second offshore processing camp sponsored by Australia on Nauru, a tiny island, where there have been recent allegations of widespread abuse of inmates, including children. In the past, Canberra has asked Cambodia and Malaysia to take in asylum seekers. New Zealand has also offered to resettle detainees held in Australias offshore camps. Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton hopes that many of those housed on Manus Island will decide to go home voluntarily, as has been the case in the past. We provide thousands of dollars of taxpayer's assistance to provide packages of support to help those people return back to their country of origin and many hundreds have done that. Now, in cases like Sri Lanka, Vietnam, other countries like India, we have arrangements where if people refuse to go home, if they have been found not to be refugees that they can be forcibly returned. With Iran, for example, that's not the case. They will take voluntary but not involuntary returns and many hundreds have returned voluntarily to Iran. But people are making a decision in Manus, on Nauru at the moment, to say that they don't want to return even if they have been found not to be a refugee, and we cannot accept that situation, said Dutton. In April, judges in Papua New Guinea said holding detainees on Manus Island was illegal. At a senior ministers meeting Wednesday in the capital, Port Moresby, there was an acknowledgement by both Australia and Papua New Guinea that the courts decision was final and the camp would close, although no date has been set. Asylum seekers who arrive in Australian waters by boat are sent to immigration facilities in the South Pacific where their refugee claims are assessed. Canberra insists its policy of sending asylum seekers offshore is saving lives at sea by deterring other migrants. Refugee campaigners, though, say conditions in the centers are inhumane and that Australia is turning its back on the desperate and vulnerable. Thae Yong Ho, the most senior North Korean diplomat to flee to the South, is likely to have round-the-clock protection and make a comfortable living at a think tank run by Seoul's intelligence service, say elite defectors who followed a similar path. Thae, who was deputy ambassador at the North's embassy in London, defected with his family and arrived in the South, Seoul said late Wednesday. His departure is an embarrassing blow for leader Kim Jong Un's increasingly isolated Pyongyang leadership. Many of the roughly 27,000 North Koreans who have fled the impoverished, repressive North for the wealthy and democratic South struggle to assimilate and are economically marginalized. But well-connected defectors such as Thae are treated as valuable resources who can shed light on a secretive neighbor. Like many high-profile defectors, Kim Kwang-jin works for the Institute for National Security Strategy (INSS), a think tank run by South Korea's spy agency, the National Intelligence Service (NIS). "To live here, of course, everybody needs a job, and the South Korean government offers jobs to people. I was given the opportunity to work at INSS," Kim said. He defected with his family in 2003 while working in Singapore for a North Korean insurance firm that became notorious for involvement in scams. Choi Ju-hwal was a colonel in the North Korean army when he fled to South Korea via Hong Kong during a business trip in China in 1995, making him the highest-level military defector at the time. He was an INSS researcher from 1997 to 2012 before leaving to head the Association of the North Korean Defectors. The government "can't just pay [Thae] for nothing, so it is most likely that he would be given a job" at the INSS research institute, said Choi, now 67. The NIS declined to comment on Thae. Going undercover Some defectors change their names for security purposes and to protect loved ones left behind, or to appear less obviously North Korean. Most keep a low public profile, although some, like Kim, become prominent through media appearances as experts on North Korea. While Thae had a relatively high public profile as a representative of North Korea in London, Choi expects the ex-diplomat to try to live anonymously in South Korea. "He won't pursue a public life, because he has to think about the safety of his family he brought here. Being quiet can hurt people around him less, so I don't think he will do public activities," Choi said. Choi said that for two years, he had four armed policemen guarding him around the clock as a safety precaution. He now has a lower level of police protection. Kim, the former insurance worker, said he used to have a 24-hour armed bodyguard. Ordinary defectors arduous journey Most ordinary defectors make a lengthy and often harrowing overland journey across North Korea's border with China to a third country before flying to South Korea. Upon arrival, they are held for up to 180 days alone in comfortable rooms, and screened to make sure that they are not spies or impostors. After that, they are transferred to a resettlement complex, which they cannot leave, for another 12 weeks, to help them adjust to life in the South. Many end up working in restaurants and other low-paid positions, earning 67 percent of the national average wage, data from the parliamentary budget office shows. Once they finish the resettlement program, each defector receives 20 million won ($18,025) to help find housing and jobs. Some use part of their subsidy to pay private brokers who facilitated their escape. "Ordinary defectors are having difficulties in getting jobs and education and making families here," said Seo Jae-pyoung, who left his homeland in 2001 and now works for Choi's group to support ordinary defectors in the South. "It is not so easy for them as people say." For higher-ranking defectors, the process can be different. Kim said he was in South Korea, where he underwent interrogation within 24 hours of walking into the South Korean embassy in Singapore. Choi was questioned alone at an intelligence agency safe house. The same could be true for Thae. Overall, the number of North Korean defectors to the South has declined since leader Kim took power following his father's death in late 2011. But in the first seven months of 2016. it rose by about 15 percent year-on-year to 814, including a group of 13 workers from a North Korean restaurant in Ningbo, China. Experts say the share of well-connected defectors is rising, an increase that ex-insurance company official Kim said began when the 2013 execution of Kim Jong Un's powerful uncle, Jang Song Thaek, rattled Pyongyang's elite. "In the past, we couldn't have imagined that these kind of people are coming here these kind of people from these kind of families," Kim said. The Israeli military said Thursday it has disciplined three soldiers after a video emerged that seemed to show them hurling a stun grenade at Palestinian men smoking a water pipe in the northern West Bank. In the video, captured by a surveillance camera, an Israeli military jeep pulls up to the four Palestinians, stops briefly, then drives away as a stun grenade explodes in the frame, sending the Palestinians fleeing. The military said a platoon sergeant was sent to jail for 10 days and two other soldiers were also disciplined for acting "contrary to military standards." The video was the latest footage filmed during a recent wave of violence that has been widely circulated in both Israeli and Palestinian media. Since mid-September, Palestinians have killed 34 Israelis and two visiting Americans in stabbing and shooting attacks, as well as attack in which cars were used to ram into Israeli troops and civilians. At least 206 Palestinians have died by Israeli fire in that period, most said by Israel to be attackers. The attacks have tapered off in recent weeks. Palestinians have accused Israelis of using excessive force against assailants who have already been wounded or stopped, and quickly circulate videos which they say back up their claims. In the most high-profile case, Sgt. Elor Azaria is facing charges of manslaughter after he was filmed fatally shooting a wounded Palestinian attacker in the West Bank city of Hebron in March. Earlier this month, another video appeared to show border police officers seizing a bicycle from an 8-year-old Palestinian girl in Hebron. The video then cuts to an officer walking away from bushes, where the bike lies in the dirt. A Palestinian volunteer with the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem filmed the incident. The Justice Ministry said it was unprofessional but did not warrant criminal proceedings. The two most recent videos highlight the daily frustrations of living under Israeli military rule in the West Bank. B'Tselem spokeswoman Sarit Michaeli said that without the video, there was little chance the bicycle incident would have been investigated. "No one would have known about it," she said. The military said soldiers are expected to report instances where troops fail to act in accordance with the army's "strict code of laws and values," regardless of whether the incident was caught on video. The Israeli watchdog group Yesh Din said that between 2010 and 2013, only 1.4 percent of Palestinian complaints led to indictments against soldiers. The military insists its justice system works, saying the low indictment rate does not signal lack of effort. They say the system is independent and that proper measures are taken if there are legal grounds to try and punish a soldier. Occasionally, video supports Israeli claims of Palestinian incitement. In July, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a video to his Facebook page that showed a Palestinian man holding up a toddler and urging Israeli forces to shoot him in the West Bank village of Nilin. Netanyahu called on Palestinian leadership to stop encouraging parents "to call for the death of their own children." The man shown on film said he was demonstrating against Israel's seizure of his village's land when he saw Israeli forces pointing guns at children and held his son up in protest. Earlier this month, Israel's Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan announced a $10.6 million project to equip police with body cameras. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson toured recovery efforts Thursday in the Southern state of Louisiana, where unprecedented flooding has left at least 13 people dead and thousands displaced. The flooding around Baton Rouge came from record-breaking rains of more than 75 centimeters that began last week. An estimated 40,000 homes have been damaged. After touring flood-ravaged areas, Johnson said the federal government "will be here as long as it takes to help this community recover," and was expected to brief President Barack Obama, who is vacationing in the eastern U.S. region of New England. On Sunday, Obama signed a Louisiana disaster declaration and ordered federal aid to the region. Governor John Bel Edwards said Thursday that more than 85,000 people had filed for federal aid in the past few days. "In Louisiana ... we are on our way from response to recovery," Edwards said during a news conference. Devastation Some residents are returning to flood-ravaged homes. "I stayed through hurricanes. I stayed through other things. This has got to be the worst," resident Moosie Benoit said. Another resident, James Lane, said the flooding destroyed his home in Baton Rouge, a place he moved to after losing everything in Hurricane Katrina in 2005. "I can't even think about what to do, just got to go with it as it comes, and when it's done, clean up and start all over," Lane said. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials and volunteers have been on the ground for a few days, as have American Red Cross volunteers. The Red Cross has called the flooding the worst U.S. natural disaster since Superstorm Sandy in 2012, which caused nearly $62 billion in damage. "It's safe to say that the state in general is very accustomed to hurricanes," Craig Cooper of the Red Cross told VOA. "But this was a massive rain incident and what we've learned is that in many, many areas these were communities that have either never been flooded or they have to remember back 30 years." Cooper said the flooding damage in the region was expected to hit about $30 million. More than 30,000 people have been rescued since Friday. The East Baton Rouge parish sheriff's office said it had shifted from search-and-rescue mode to "public assistance and crime prevention," while officials elsewhere said rescue operations were slowing. In addition to the vast physical and emotional damage caused by the floods, the chaotic state of Baton Rouge has lent itself to looters and scams. A nighttime curfew has been imposed in some areas. Criticism While several top government officials have toured the damage, Louisiana's largest newspaper, the Times-Picayune in New Orleans, criticized Obama in an op-ed, saying the president "ought to make a trip to Louisiana himself." The White House said Thursday it was unlikely Obama would travel to the state. Edwards, who like Obama is a Democrat, defended the administration's response to the natural disaster, saying he had spoken with the White House daily and has received quick responses for aid and other requests. The governor said Obama can visit the state whenever he likes, but Edwards said he'd prefer the U.S. leader wait "a week or two" because such visits require local police and first responders to help block roads and provide security, something that would stress the state at this point. The U.S. Department of Justice has decided to phase out its use of private prisons, concluding they are not as safe and effective as federal facilities. In a memo released Thursday, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates wrote that private prisons do not "provide the same level of correctional services, programs and resources," do not provide substantial cost savings and "do not maintain the same level of safety and security." Yates said the goal is "reducing and ultimately ending our use of privately operated prisons." The memo said about 15 percent of federal inmates were in private prisons in 2013. The U.S. government began to use private prisons in the late 1990s because of an explosion in the prison population that began the previous decade. Since the government's War on Drugs began in the 1980s, the number of Americans imprisoned for drug offenses skyrocketed from 41,000 in 1980 to nearly 500,000 in 2014, according to the Sentencing Project, a Washington nonprofit organization that researches the U.S. criminal justice system. Yates said the federal prison population has begun to decline for the first time in decades, thanks to efforts to "recalibrate federal sentencing policy." The decline, she wrote, is primarily due to retroactively applying new drug sentencing guidelines, implementing new policies for charging low-level and nonviolent drug offenders, and continuing the Obama administration's clemency program. The news was not well-received by shareholders of two of the largest private prison companies. As of Thursday afternoon, the stock price of Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group had dropped more than 35 percent from the previous day's close. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Nigeria and Saudi Arabia next week to discuss regional issues, the State Department announced Thursday. Kerry will first go to Nigeria and meet with President Muhammadu Buhari to discuss the threat of terror group Boko Haram, spokesman John Kirby said. Boko Haram, the group responsible for the kidnapping of nearly 300 girls from a school in Chibok in 2014, has killed at least 20,000 people in its 7-year uprising against the Nigerian government. It surpassed Islamic State in 2014 to become the world's deadliest terrorist group, according to the 2015 Global Terrorism Index, published by the Institute for Economics and Peace. Kerry and Buhari also will discuss Nigeria's economy and human rights issues. The capital of Somalia is one of the most dangerous cities in the world, but this week fear of blasts has been overcome by a love for books. Organizers say about 2,000 people turned out on the first day of the Mogadishu Book Fair to meet authors and examine hundreds of titles on display. The three-day event runs through Friday. The book fair shows a different side of a city trying to emerge from decades of unrest, destruction and waves of deadly attacks by al-Shabab militants. Mohamed Dini, the founder of the book fair, said the goal of the event is to help rebuild the nation. "Books and knowledge will be central pillars to the new Somalia we want to see," he told VOAs Somali Service. "Books and pens will have to replace the chaos, screaming and guns." Somalis took to social media to hail the event as a positive development and "images you won't see in mainstream media. Organizers said they were surprised by the huge turnout. The majority of the attendees were young people, between the ages of 15 and 35. Some came for the experience, but most were buying books written in Somali, Arabic and English, including books about late South African president Nelson Mandela and the late co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. Abdinur Mohamed, another one of the organizers, said he was overwhelmed by what he has heard from one of the participating writers, a woman who came from Somaliland. She said to me, Mogadishu Book Fair broke barriers erected by politicians, he said. He was referring to Naima Qorane, author of a new book titled Qoys ilaa Qaran or From Family to Nation. Her book discusses the importance of families in nation-building. The mother is key to raising a good family which then produces good children who contribute to having a healthy society, she told VOA That way you build a nation which will then have a good leadership. Dini said the first book fair last year had a positive impact on Mogadishu, sparking interest in libraries and reading clubs. He said half of the books on display this week are different from last year's. "It's a new year, new book fair, new faces, new picture, he told VOA. This is the second major event Mogadishu has hosted within a week. On Tuesday, hundreds of Somali diaspora members concluded a three-day conference in the city, discussing their role in rebuilding the country. Much of Mogadishu remains in ruins after a quarter century of conflict, and al-Shabab continues to launch suicide attacks on hotels where Somali lawmakers gather. At the end of the first day of the book fair, the participants were relieved it passed peacefully. Without question, Mogadishu will need many more initiatives like the fair to fully shake off the dark days. Despite two new polio cases the first in Nigeria in two years Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is optimistic the African nation will be able to defeat polio, even though intense challenges make it hard to immunize children in the most vulnerable areas. Gates told VOA's "Africa 54" program Wednesday that two newly reported cases of polio in Nigeria are "a disappointment" after so much success not only in Africa, but in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the only other countries where polio is still endemic. "Our main challenge is that we have kids who the vaccinators have a tough time finding," he said. "Reaching those kids in an insecure environment can be very complex...Obviously, we're going to need great partnerships with the governments in the region, particularly up in the northeast," in Nigeria's Borno State. But Gates said he is quite optimistic that as many kids as possible can be protected in northern Nigeria. "We're getting smarter all the time about how we find the villages, how we reach out to the traditional leaders," he said. "We've got a great team up there. The government's working with us. We need to access kids and we need for people to understand the importance of getting all the kids to take this oral polio vaccine." Since 2000, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation the charity started by the computer-technology magnate and his wife has donated $3.5 billion to eradicate polio. Nigeria launched an emergency campaign to vaccinate millions of children against polio, after two cases were found in toddlers earlier this month the first cases in Nigeria in two years. Officials say the 15-month-old boy and 2-year-old girl likely will be paralyzed for the rest of their lives. They were stricken in Borno, part of which is under siege by Boko Haram terrorists. The Islamic militants not only make it extremely difficult to educate parents about the crippling disease, they also make it dangerous and nearly impossible for health workers to immunize children. Nigerian forces are accompanying medical volunteers to guarantee their safety. Teams are also vaccinating children inside a displaced persons camp in Borno and will soon spread out to the neighboring states surrounding the Lake Chad region in Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Polio cannot be cured, and the virus struck fear in parents before Dr. Jonas Salk developed the vaccine in 1952. Kids no longer need a painful needle to get vaccinated, as the vaccine can be administered via a few drops taken orally. Inside the Pentagon's 9/11 memorial chapel, built where Islamic extremists attacked the building nearly 15 years ago, sounds of the Muslim call to prayer softly welcome passersby at around 2:00 p.m. each day. The prayer service is led by Dawud Agbere, one of five Muslim Army chaplains or imams. Since being stationed at the Pentagon, Agbere leads afternoon prayer to give fellow Muslims a chance to connect with their creator. Abdul Zaid, an IT contractor who works in the building, credits Agbere with "running interference" to make the prayer service available. He calls Agbere a spiritual leader who cares, consoling his fellow Pentagon employees during times of grief and occasionally taking them for cookies or ice cream in times of celebration. "It's about the community that he has built here," Habiba Heider, another Pentagon contractor, told VOA. Unusual path to service Agbere will be the first to say he's not a typical U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel. Born and raised in the West African nation of Ghana, Agbere won the U.S. Diversity Visa lottery, which randomly selects immigrants from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States. "When you are growing up in Ghana in Africa, not just in Ghana America is the land of prosperity," he said. He eagerly accepted the visa and got a job teaching high school students in New Jersey, but after months with the unruly students, he yearned for a job with more discipline and order. "So when I saw the Navy was hiring people, I said, That's where I belong,'" Agbere said. He went to boot camp with the Navy until he discovered he could not become an officer without U.S. citizenship. Rather than make him wait, his superiors allowed him to switch to the Army, which did not have the same restriction. Bridging the gaps His Army career has taken him to war zones in Afghanistan and Iraq. As a fluent Arabic speaker and oftentimes the only Muslim in his unit, Agbere says he works to "bridge the gap" between cultures. He said many in the allied armies he worked with "never fathomed" they'd see a Muslim in the U.S. Army. "Then they see one; they are shocked," he said. Only a small fraction less than 3,600 of the U.S. Army active duty and reservists self-identify as Muslim. Despite Agbere's ever-present optimism, his minority status has not always been a positive experience. When he deployed to Iraq, for example, one of Agbere's military leaders was extremely apprehensive of him even before they met. "He had his own misconception about who that Muslim guy is going to be," Agbere said, "but today, he's one of my best friends." Adding Agbere's time in the Army and the Navy, he has served in the U.S. military for nearly two decades. He says he doesn't judge those who have sought to vilify his faith during this turbulent political time, choosing instead to point out the "beauty" of American diversity. "Definitely some of these things are based on ignorance, and I always see this as an opportunity to teach people," he said. "I want to be able to define my story. I don't want my story to define me." A mothballed hydroelectric dam project funded by China is expected to dominate Thursday's talks between de-facto Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing. Aung San Suu Kyi's visit to the Chinese capital is her first major diplomatic mission since her National League for Democracy party won a historic landslide election last year that finally brought an end to five decades of tight-fisted military rule. The Nobel Peace laureate is barred from serving as president under a military-drafted constitution, but holds several key posts, including state counselor and foreign minister. China is eager to restart work on the $3.6 billion Myitsone project in northern Myanmar along the Irrawaddy River. Ninety percent of the power it creates would go to China. But the project was suspended in 2011 under a quasi-civilian government headed by former President Thein Sein, due to vocal opposition. The dam's opponents cite environmental concerns and a lack of electricity in Myamnar as reasons to halt the work. A Myanmar government commission has been formed to review the Myitsone and several other proposed hydroelectric projects. Aung San Suu Kyi is also expected to discuss peace talks between her government and ethnic minority rebel forces along the Myanmar-China border. Fighting in the region has sent a flood of refugees into China She is scheduled to meet with President Xi Jingping on Friday. Mose tapped the screen of his mobile phone to zoom in on a photograph of his wife, Yordanos, pointing to a mole under her eyebrow. "She has a recognizable mark here," the 26-year-old Eritrean said in a park in Rome; after fleeing compulsory military service back home, Mose now lives in an Italian reception center for migrants. He has not seen Yordanos since May 26 when they left Libya, packed by people smugglers on to two separate boats bound for Italy. He was rescued, but her boat sank in the Mediterranean. Helping people like Mose find out their loved ones' fate is becoming ever more pressing as Europe's migrant crisis drags on in its third year and the death toll rises. Teams of forensic scientists in Italy and Greece are painstakingly trying to identify the victims of drowning found at sea, washed up on shores or recovered from wrecks. However, there is no common practice to collect information about these deaths between states or even sometimes within the same country, and a plan by the Dutch-based International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) to start tracing lost migrants is still awaiting funding. Kathryne Bomberger, director general of the ICMP, said the problem was too big to be left solely to front-line countries such as Italy and Greece. "This is a complex, international problem," she said, as the task of identification and notification involves tracking down relatives who may be in their home countries, in refugee camps, or building new lives in the likes of Germany or Sweden. "We are ready to go, we have the necessary database systems, we have an agreement with Italy, we have done our homework. We just need the financial support." The ICMP and International Organization for Migration (IOM) are calling for a strategy to process the data, and a system for repatriating migrants' remains. Replacing Numbers with Names Mose, who withheld his surname for fear of reprisals from Eritrean authorities, clings to the hope that Yordanos was rescued and that she could be recognized from the photograph. If she did not survive, and her body was recovered, her remains are likely to have been buried in one of hundreds of numbered graves in Sicily or the southwestern Calabria region for migrants who have drowned. Both in Italy and Greece, which migrants have also tried to reach on a shorter but still dangerous sea crossing from Turkey, the forensic experts are trying to replace the numbers with names. Sometimes they succeed, despite the practical and financial problems, as in the case of a baby boy found floating near the Greek island of Samos in January. The child, no more than six months old, had been lost in a shipwreck on Oct. 29, 2015 when 19 migrants drowned. For over two months, his body drifted more than 150 km (95 miles) north until it was recovered from the water. In the end, police identified the little boy from a DNA sample given by his Syrian father, who was among 139 people rescued when the boat sank in the Aegean off the island of Kalymnos. "It is the least we can do for these people, under very difficult circumstances," said Penelope Miniati, director of the Greek police's Forensic Sciences Division. For some, the tragedies recall Greece's own history of migration, including in the 1950s and '60s when many escaped poverty for a new life in countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia, breaking up families who sometimes lost contact with each other. "We are Greeks, we also migrated and some people were lost in the journey ... and each time people wondered what had happened to them," said Miniati. "Improvisation" More than three quarters of the 4,027 migrant and refugee deaths worldwide in 2016 so far happened in the Mediterranean, according to the IOM. Most died between Libya and Italy. Hundreds also drowned on the Turkey-Greece route, although arrivals have fallen sharply since a deal between the European Union and Ankara on curbing the flow in March. Many shipwreck victims are never recovered, but about 1,500 have been brought to Italy since 2013. So far, just over 200 have been identified. In a "policy vacuum" the action in Italy and Greece has been driven by "improvisation", the IOM said in June in a joint report with City University London and the University of York. The report praised a deal that Italy's special commissioner for missing persons struck with a university laboratory, which provides free forensic work, and the interior ministry, to adopt a protocol to identify victims and inform relatives. The commissioner records details of corpses and sends notices through embassies and humanitarian organizations asking survivors for photographs of the missing, and personal effects such as toothbrushes that could harbor DNA. In Athens, Miniati's division has a database with information on 647 people who need identifying, about 80 percent of them the nameless dead of the migrant crisis. People who drown and stay trapped underwater for months are often unrecognizable, so accounts of scars, tattoos and dental cavities help. Some people come to Italy to look for missing relatives in the commissioner's files and some take DNA tests. Values That Count Deputy Italian Commissioner Agata Iadicicco said a shared international database would make it easier to reach migrants' home countries and diasporas across Europe. "We need money to standardize this model and to involve all the migrant communities that mainly live in northern Europe," she said. With no sign of a let-up in the perilous voyages from North Africa, Italy feels that fellow EU countries should pull their weight more in handling the crisis. The issue of graves for the victims has become caught up in the ill-feeling. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said he sent the navy to raise a ship that sank last year and bury the more than 450 people found in the wreck to "tell Europe which values really count". For Mose, whose young son is still in Eritrea, even being sure Yordanos had died would be some comfort. "If I find her body, I can find some serenity," he said. "If my son asks whether his mother is, at least I can say where she is buried." Seven years of war against Boko Haram militants have left northeastern Nigeria in the grips of a humanitarian emergency. Borno state has borne the brunt of the violence and is now feeling the pain of an increasing food shortage. More than a million Nigerians have fled to the Borno state capital, Maiduguri, to escape the raids on villages, the suicide bombings, and the military operations that have characterized the Boko Haram insurgency. Many of them live in shanty settlements where they have little access to food and clean water. Across the city, people are squatting in abandoned fields, uncompleted buildings and under trees. To survive, many rely on leaves they gather from the fields. Sometimes they go two or three days without eating. It is not what they expected. We came here to Maiduguri because of high expectations we had that things will be better if we are here, says Ya Falmata, an elderly woman among the displaced. She has set up a makeshift tent made of twigs and bamboo in the middle of a field where more than 13,000 people are living, trying to survive. Talk of famine They become malnourished because they do not eat and they are not adequately fed. And theres no food, says Rebecca Smith, a nurse with Doctors Without Borders. She sees some of the most extreme cases of illness at a hospital that the organization has set up. These cases are malnourished children that come with respiratory distress that needs O2 (oxygen) therapy, that needs blood transfusion, that are very very sick. Common cases are from disease, problems like measles, whooping cough, Smith says. Relief agencies have warned of a possible famine in parts of Borno state, where fighting between government forces and Boko Haram has discouraged farming and cut off some areas from outside aid. In the local markets, the price of produce has increased because of the food shortage. The government runs displaced persons camps, but not enough for everyone who needs shelter. And some Nigerians say food distribution in the camps is unfair. Makkah Mustafa, who lives in a warehouse with dozens of other families, is one of them. We dont know the reason why, but the distributors in the camps do not distribute food to everyone. Some people will get [it]. Some people will not. Some help is slowly coming. A group of children are seen gathered waiting for a food delivery truck from a local charity. They sing happy songs from happier times. Their parents and guardians hope the happier times will return. A Philippine senator has vowed to continue an official inquiry into President Rodrigo Duterte's incendiary anti-drug trafficking campaign despite his accusations and threats against her. Senator Leila de Lima called Duterte's attacks an "abuse and misuse of executive power" during an emotional speech Thursday in Manila. De Lima has launched a legislative probe into the killings of at least 1,000 suspected drug traffickers since Duterte took office in June, having won election on a pledge of ridding the archipelago of illicit drugs and drug criminals. The senator said Duterte's accusations, which he made during a speech Wednesday marking the 115th anniversary of the country's police force, had temporarily caused her to reconsider her position. "It is clear that what is being done to me is what will happen to anyone who does not bow to the wishes of the president," she said. President Duterte also lashed out against the United Nations in his speech Wednesday, saying the world body was making "a very stupid proposition" in criticizing his efforts. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned Duterte's apparent support of extrajudicial killings, calling them "a breach of fundamental human rights and freedoms." The president questioned why the U.N. would be "so easily swayed into interfering into the affairs of this republic" since only 1,000 people have been killed. Official tallies say at least half of those killed were involved in shootouts with police. 4 Left: "I have been planning to get married for more than five years," confided Hossam from Minya, 29. "Since I finished my obligatory military service duty. I havent had a stable job or my own business. I tried to get a loan and a permit to open a kiosk that I can run by myself, but those who have families already got the priority. Right: Egyptian men apply for loans supported by the Egyptian government to open new small projects from the headquarter of the ministry of social affairs and insurance in Cairo. Demonstrators took to the streets in eastern DRC for a second day to protest the massacre of at least 50 people in Beni territory during the weekend. Three people died when a demonstration turned violent Wednesday in Beni town, according to the United Nations. This latest round of protests in eastern Congos North Kivu province follows the killing of at least 50 people in a village on the outskirts of Beni last Saturday by assailants suspected to belong to the ADF rebel movement. The U.N. Mission in Congo reported the killers were disguised as park rangers and detained people returning from their fields before murdering them. The ADF originated as an Ugandan rebel movement, but over the years has recruited many Congolese. It is blamed for the massacre of at least 700 people in Beni territory since late 2014, civil society activists say as many as 1,200 people have been killed. The United Nations says the Beni protest led to the deaths of a policeman, a demonstrator and a third person lynched by a mob, and that a soldier and several civilians were wounded. A peaceful demonstration was held Thursday in the provincial capital Goma. Activist Diego Mutima addressed the crowd of several hundred people. He called for the truth to be established as to who instigated and carried out the massacres in Beni. Mutima also demanded military and judicial action to bring them to justice, whatever their rank and status. Several reports have raised questions about the role of high ranking officers in Benis troubles, but these allegations have not been tested in court. The demonstration in Goma quickly turned political with opposition party supporters chanting he is on the way out" a reference to the end of DRC president Joseph Kabilas two-term mandate in December. Speaking to Congolese media Wednesday, North Kivu province vice governor Feller Lutahichirwa accused activists and opposition members of exploiting the massacres to stir up more trouble. He says those who have been calling on the people to demonstrate are practically aligned with the terrorists, and there might have been ADF terrorists among the demonstrators. Opposition lawmaker Juvenal Munubo rejected the accusation against opposition parties. It is not enough to make allegations, he says, they have to be backed up with proof, and he says the vice governor has not been able to say which opposition party or group was behind the disturbances. A civil society organizer Thomas dAquin Mwiti told VOA a public trial of suspected ADF members will be held next week in Beni. Despite on and off again public calls in Armenia to Stop Buying Turkish Goods, the country cant seem to get enough. Retail stores in Yerevan and beyond are chock full of Turkish stuff from coffee makers toTupperware, from household cleaners to clothing, from citrus fruits to wood items. Like it or not, Turkish imports enjoy a large market share. In the spring, the Armenian government even discussed the matter. In May Prime Minister HovikAbrahamyan had the final say, announcing that the government would not ban Turkish goods. It all comes down to the individual consumer when it comes to buying Turkish imports. Data shows that Turkish imports this year continue apace with last year and that consumers, despite the boycott calls, continue to buy them. According to the National Statistical Service (NSS), Armenia imported US$61.1 million worth of Turkish consumables in the first half of 2016. This is a mere 1.3% drop ($774,000) form the same period last year. Armenia exported just $227,000 worth of goods to Turkey. Talk about a trade imbalance. In terms of the overall trade that Armenia has internationally, Armenia-Turkey commerce comprise 2.7% in the first half of 2016. Armenian exports to Turkey comprised 0% of overall exports and 4.2% of imports. Armenia: Imports from Turkey 2012: $92.1 million 2013: $89.2 million 2014: $106.2 million Imagine the fun and the responsibility of photographing America. Thats what Carol M. Highsmith has been doing for more than three decades traveling the U.S. and taking pictures of the people and places that make America unique. The award-winning photographer shoots everything from small family farms to historic landmarks to stunning landscapes of Americas national parks, plus many other cultural and historic sites. Highsmith wants to capture as many images as she can before those places change or disappear, she said. And shes donating her photos to the Library of Congress in Washington, the largest library in the world, completely royalty free. What better place for them to be stored, she said, than at the nations library? It's a place that, as she put it, "knows all about preservation. When I go out across America, what do I photograph? Everything! Someone said to me, Well, why would you photograph the Golden Gate Bridge, for instance. Everybody's taking photographs of it. Yes, there will be images of the Golden Gate Bridge that may exist 500 years from now, but the ones that we know will exist in high resolution will be mine at the Library of Congress," Highsmith said. IN PHOTOS: Renowned Photographer Captures Americas Treasures in Stunning Images Not that I'm such great shakes. It's just that they need to be tucked somewhere for us so that we can see what we looked like during this time period," she added. Frances Benjamin Johnston Highsmith was inspired to embark on her project by another patriotic American, Frances Benjamin Johnston, a photographer who traveled across the country 100 years ago. When I visited the Library of Congress, I saw the work of Frances Benjamin Johnston, Highsmith said. And she had donated her work royalty free, and so I thought That's what I'll do. I'll donate my work, royalty free. And thats exactly what shes doing. I had the thrill of going to Yellowstone [National Park], where Frances Benjamin Johnston had gone 100 years ago, at a time when you could just go up to the geysers and look straight down didn't matter that it might have blown your face off, she said with a laugh. Johnston had taken a self-portrait there, Highsmith said, so she decided shed like to have one taken there, too. She wrote to the park ranger and asked if he could find that exact spot, and after a bit of searching, apparently he did. So I did it! said Highsmith, proudly, it was such a thrill to sit where she sat! Natural wonders In addition to the thrill of sitting in the same spot as Johnston had a century before, Highsmith also enjoyed capturing the many natural wonders of Yellowstone. Located in Wyoming, the park has the world's largest collection of geysers and spectacular vistas that look different in every season. Highsmith took many photographs of the park during those changing seasons, and she became particularly fond of its resident bison. So you're looking at this vast, gorgeous landscape of Yellowstone, in the winter, in the fall and the spring, and you're seeing the bison babies, the calves and you just think, 'Will this always be?' she said. I would say in all the wildlife images Ive taken, and Ive taken a lot, the bison are the best, in a sense that they look like they come from a hundred thousand years ago. Capturing the present Highsmith shoots at all hours of the day, in every weather condition, and has even had to face her fear of flying. So I finally get to Alaska and I'm going to Denali [National Park], and I hire a plane to take me up there and I'm thinking all the way there, How can I get out of this? I just say, You must do it.' So I did it!" she recalled. But to photograph it, and then to photograph Ruth Glacier, which is huge, and to know that maybe someday it'll be gone it was just an experience and a half! It is that fear of iconic American landscapes and landmarks one day disappearing that motivates her. They say Yellowstone could have an earthquake, it could have a volcano, it could just blow up, she said. You dont know, I don't know, we dont know where history will take us. And the Washington Monument. We had an earthquake here in Washington, D.C. That whole thing could have just collapsed. So I'm just there to capture it as it looks right now. Postage stamps Two of Highsmiths photographs have ended up on U.S. postage stamps, both Washington landmarks honoring past presidents: the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial. That was a thrill, you know, to know your images are traveling all over the world, Highsmith said. And there have been other experiences, she said, that have been meaningful for her. Connecting with history So I'm at Ford's Theatre, 150 years after Lincoln died, right there. And there are re-enactors, and there was this man who held a candle and that's how his face was lit. And I thought, Whoa, you could almost feel like what it must have felt like to be there that night,' she said. I also photographed, for instance, the coat that Lincoln wore the night he died, with his bloodstains on it. So to be close to these artifacts its just incredible." Do I not get that there are millions and billions of photographs being taken every day? Highsmith asked rhetorically. I do. But unfortunately, most of those wont be around over time. So she said that for the Library of Congress to preserve her images, and those of Frances Benjamin Johnston and others who came before her, "is an honor. "I'm just glad to be there," she said proudly. "I'm glad to have this as my job. The Russian prosecutor general's office has added two U.S.-based non-governmental organizations to its list of foreign NGOs whose activities are deemed "undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation." The office said Thursday that the work of the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) "poses a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and state security." The IRI is based in Washington and funded by the U.S. Congress. Its board of directors is chaired by Senator John McCain of Arizona, who also chairs the U.S. Senate's Armed Services Committee and was the Republican presidential nominee in the 2008 presidential election in the United States. The IRI says its programs are aimed, among other things, at encouraging democracy "in places where it is absent" and helping democracy "become more effective where it is in danger." The New York-based MDIF says it "provides affordable financing and technical assistance to independent news and information businesses in challenging environments." In March, the Russian prosecutor general's office added the U.S.-based National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) to the list of organizations whose presence in Russia is deemed "undesirable." Sergei Nikitin, director of the Russian branch of Amnesty International, the London-based human rights group, said Thursday that the latest move against foreign organizations was designed to "send yet another unmistakable message: Russian NGOs and independent media should steer clear of foreign funders and foreign funders should steer clear of Russia. In May 2015, President Vladimir Putin signed a law giving prosecutors the right to declare as "undesirable" foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities are deemed a threat to Russia's constitutional system, "defense capability or the security of the state." Amnesty's Nikitin said Thursday the aim of that law is to isolate Russian civil society, intimidate human rights defenders and suffocate the free press that are facing increasing difficulties in accessing sustainable funding. A new Amnesty International report details allegations of systematic torture of political prisoners and accuses the Syrian government of killing more than 17,000 people held in custody from the outset of the conflict in 2011 to December 2015. The report is based on the recollections of 65 torture survivors. The "catalog of horror stories" included in the report "depicts in gruesome detail the dreadful abuse detainees routinely suffer ... in Syria's notorious intelligence facilities," said Philip Luther, Amnesty's director for the Middle East and North Africa. Torture has long been used in Syrian prisons, but its scale has increased dramatically" since the 2011 conflict began, according to Amnestys Syria expert Claudia Scheufler, who was instrumental in putting the report together. "I was looking through one of our old reports from 1987, she said, and the torture methods that we documented then are scarily similar to the ones that we have documented now, but the scale has changed dramatically." The Amnesty report recounts how survivors of systematic beatings were often surrounded by others who had died alongside them, and how the wounded were kept in cramped, unsanitary facilities, without medical treatment. "For most Syrians, Palmyra prison was where the Syrian regime perfected torture, said Nadim Shehadi, director of the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. The saying [went] that the lucky ones were dead, because life was made so horrible by the brutality of the prison." New and often worse horrors surfaced in the past several years, when the Islamic State group captured Palmyra and other parts of Syria including Raqqa, chunks of Deir ez-Zor and areas outside Aleppo. The "inhumanity of the war keeps reaching new lows," Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, told VOA. IS released video this week, he noted, showing the "slow-motion executions of young boys" who scrawled the word "resistance" in Arabic on the walls of Mosul in Iraq, while members of a rebel group in Aleppo beheaded a 12-year-old boy, joking that they were "worse than IS." It is this inhumanity that demands action, according to Amnesty International. "Historically we will look back at this and think that the international community was very slow to react, and we could have saved lives that were lost, Scheufler said. And that is why it is important that concrete action is taken promptly now, so no more lives are lost." South Africa's two main opposition parties have put aside huge ideological differences to unseat the ruling ANC in major cities it has controlled for 22 years, they said on Wednesday. The African National Congress lost its majority in the local governments that rule Pretoria, Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth this month, its worst electoral performance since coming to power after apartheid, leaving the other parties free to discuss coalitions. In the end, the gulf separating the Democratic Alliance (DA), a party with a largely white voter base, and the leftist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), was too great to form formal coalitions, but they made a pact which will allow the DA to rule the country's economic hubs. Mmusi Maimane, a black politician whose leadership of the DA since last year has helped reform its image as a party for wealthy whites, welcomed the EFF's agreement to vote for it in the municipalities concerned. "It is quite clear that we would never agree on ideological issues," Maimane said. "I welcome their offer to say that they will vote for us." EFF leader Julius Malema, a former ANC youth leader who split from his former mentor President Jacob Zuma in acrimonious circumstances to form the breakaway party in 2013, said although he saw the DA as "white racists" it was worth making a pact with them to defeat the ANC. "We are caught between two devils. The DA is a better devil than the ANC. We are not in bed with them," he told reporters in the Alexandra township in Johannesburg. "We will vote for the opposition because the ANC must be removed from power." The EFF and DA, which both said they would not work with the ANC because their supporters had voted for change, are far apart in terms of policy, approach and experience. The DA is pro-business while the EFF wants to redistribute land from whites to blacks without compensation. Malema said his party would work with the ANC only if it removed Zuma, made education free for all, and nationalized banks and mines. ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe said his party could not accept those conditions. "You don't take those decisions on your feet, or under pressure from the opposition, you don't do that," he told Talk Radio 702. Scrutiny With EFF votes, the DA is now likely to form a minority administration in Tshwane, which includes the capital Pretoria, Malema said, adding that his party's support in Johannesburg hangs in the balance over an outstanding issue with the DA. Malema said the EFF would assist the DA in the symbolically important Nelson Mandela Bay, which includes the manufacturing hub Port Elizabeth, although the DA said it would rule there without EFF help after forming a coalition with smaller parties. But even with the coalition it had formed and the EFF's support, the DA is unlikely to form a government in the industrial region of Ekurhuleni that lies next to Johannesburg and hosts the country's main airport, Maimane said. Some analysts said the minority governments may descend into wrangling, slowing decision-making or triggering new elections at a time when the country teeters on the verge of recession. Other analysts felt that close scrutiny on budgets by rival parties may help fight corruption. "The fact that there are coalitions in the first place, that no party has a majority, is good for governance because now they are all keeping tabs on each other," said head of research at NKC African Economics, Francois Conradie. "The spending is going to happen in a cleaner and better way." South Sudans former first Vice President Riek Machar has fled to neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo, where he may be ill or injured. U.N. Spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters that Machar and a small group of people turned up in the DRC on Wednesday. The U.N. mission there, known as MONUSCO, was alerted to his presence and contacted the Congolese government. The government asked them to facilitate the groups transfer from an area near the DRC-South Sudan border to a location inside Congo which the U.N. has not revealed. We can confirm that an operation was undertaken by MONUSCO on humanitarian grounds to facilitate the extraction of Riek Machar, his wife and 10 others from a location in the DRC in support of the DRC authorities," Haq said. He said the U.N. Mission in South Sudan played no part in Machars arrival in the DRC. Asked whether Machar required medical care, Haq said we have been providing him with whatever medical assistance he needs. Sources tell VOA that the former leader was either ill, injured or possibly both, when peacekeepers met him in DRC. Peacekeepers retrieved Machar and his group from the town of Dungu, near to the border of South Sudan, sources told VOAs South Sudan In Focus. They said he was suffering from exhaustion after having been on the move for weeks. Machar has been in hiding since early July following clashes between his supporters and government troops in South Sudans capital, Juba that killed more than 300 people. President Salva Kiir fired Machar as first vice president and replaced him with Taban Deng Gai, who was backed by a breakaway faction of Machars SPLM-IO movement. A Southern California wildfire raged unchecked in thick brush on Wednesday after destroying an unknown number of houses near a highway corridor between Los Angeles and Las Vegas and forcing as many as 80,000 residents to flee their homes, officials said. The so-called Blue Cut Fire ignited on Tuesday in the mountainous Cajon Pass and quickly ballooned to 30,000 acres (12,140 hectares), putting firefighters on the defensive as they made a stand in front of homes and businesses. The blaze is the latest in an intense series of wildfires this year in the U.S. West, where years of drought have dried trees and brush. "It's to the point where explosive fire growth is the new normal this year," Glenn Barley, a fire chief with the San Bernardino unit of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal-Fire) said at a news conference Wednesday. Given the dryness and ongoing warm weather, U.S. government forecasters have said Southern California faces a potential threat from major wildfires until December. The Blue Cut Fire, named for a narrow gorge north of San Bernardino where it started, was zero percent contained as it threatened the town of Wrightwood near a ski resort and other communities in a partly rural area, authorities said. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Authorities said they were forced to close part of Interstate 15, which runs through the Cajon Pass between Las Vegas and the Los Angeles area, and to order about 80,000 residents to evacuate. Thick columns of smoke blocked out the sky above mountain peaks, as horse owners in the area scrambled to lead their animals onto trailers. Local television station KNBC showed video of several homes engulfed in flames. Officials confirmed houses were gutted by the blaze but could not say how many. "There will be a lot of families that come home to nothing," San Bernardino County Fire Chief Mark Hartwig told reporters. The Los Angeles Times reported hundreds of residents of Wrightwood were staying in their houses, despite dire warnings from authorities. "In my 40 years of fighting fire, I've never seen fire behavior so extreme as it was yesterday," Michael Wakoski, the incident commander on the fire, said Wednesday. About 600 miles (970 km) to the northwest, the so-called Clayton Fire was 40 percent contained on Wednesday morning after charring 4,000 acres in and around the community of Lower Lake and destroying 175 homes and businesses. South Sudan rebel leader and former first vice president in the Transitional Government of National Unity, Riek Machar, will break his silence Thursday, a spokesman for the SPLM-IO movement told VOA Daybreak Africa. Machar has been in hiding since early July following clashes between his supporters and government troops in the capital, Juba. President Salva Kiir then sacked Machar as first vice president and replaced him with Taban Deng Gai, who was backed by a breakaway faction of Machars SPLM-IO movement. Mabior Garang de Mabior, chairman of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) National Committee for Information and Public Relations, told VOA that Machar has been safely evacuated to another country in East Africa and will hold a news conference. He said Machars whereabouts remain secret because the enemies of peace are still pursuing Machar, tracking his every move and phone communication. The government has denied previous allegations that it has tried to assassinate Machar. Mabior referred to Machar as the legitimate first vice president but did not say whether Machar would seek to challenge Gai for his old job. Speaking to reporters in Nairobi Wednesday, Gai said Machar should denounce violence, form a political party and wait for elections in 2018. Three Ukraine troops were killed and six wounded in recent fighting with pro-Russian separatist in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian officials said Thursday. The Ukrainian presidential envoy for the operation in the east, Olexander Motuzyanyk, says during the past 24 hours, separatists have shelled government positions along the 30-kilometer buffer zone separating the two sides forces. In comments carried by the French news agency, Motuzyanyk said the rebels "launched more than 500 mortar and over 300 artillery shells" at Ukrainian positions. Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko warned they have not ruled out martial law or a new wave of military mobilization if the fighting continues. "If the situation escalates in the east and in Crimea we don't rule out the possibilities (that) we will be forced to introduce martial law and announce a (further) mobilization," he said in a televised speech. Last week, Russia accused Ukrainian military and intelligence forces of plotting attacks in the annexed region of Crimea. Ukraine officials have denied the accusations saying the Kremlin was likely to use it as a pretext for a major escalation of the two-year-long conflict in eastern Ukraine. In a pre-dawn operation Thursday, Turkish police issued nearly 200 arrest warrants and raided more than 100 places as they searched for people alleged to have connections to U.S.-based cleric , Fetullah Gulen, who the government claims is behind an attempted coup last month. Turkey's financial police led the raids in search of connections between businesses and sympathizers who fund Gulen's religious movement. On July 15, at least 270 people were killed during a short-lived coup attempt the government claims was masterminded by Gulen and carried out by thousands of police officers and military personnel. Afterwards, the government announced a state of emergency and began rounding up people it accused of plotting the coup. The raids came a day after Turkey said it will free 38,000 prisoners who have less than two years left on their sentence. The announcement Wednesday, was intended to make room in jails for the thousands of people its arrested in recent weeks for allegedly participating in the failed coup. Turkish justice minister Bekir Bozdag cautioned in a series of tweets Wednesday morning that the releases are not pardons but rather conditional releases. This measure is not an amnesty. The punishment will be served outside through supervised released, Bozdag said on Twitter. I hope that the arrangement is beneficial to the prisoners, their loved ones, our people and our country,'' the minister wrote. In addition to those inmates with less than two years left on their sentence, prisoners who have served more than half of their sentences would be eligible for parole. The decree will not apply to inmates jailed on murder, terrorism, domestic abuse or sexual assault charges. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Wednesday that more than 4,200 businesses and organizations linked to Gulen had been shut down. In all, more than 35,000 people including judges, academics and journalists have been detained for questioning, with more than 17,000 of those people formally arrested. Nearly 80,00 government employees have been removed from duty since the failed coup attempt, Yildirim said in a speech broadcast live on television. Bozdag announced a second decree Wednesday that would remove 2,300 more officers from the police force, as well as 136 military officers and 196 government employees from its information technology authority. The government's post coup attempt crackdown has raised criticism from some European nations and human rights organizations which have urged Turkey to show restraint. A civilian and a police officer were killed Wednesday in clashes in northeast Congo during a protest of the governments failure to stop massacres of civilians by rebel groups, according to police. The protests in the town of Beni added to tensions in Democratic Republic of Congo ahead of an election set for November in which the opposition has called for President Joseph Kabila to step down after his allotted two terms. Crowds jeered Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo and two ministers Tuesday when they came to assess security. On Wednesday, residents of Beni and surrounding towns again chanted against the government and army outside the mayor's office, voicing frustration in a region once considered a political stronghold for the government. In the latest example of rebel violence, around 50 people were killed by suspected Ugandan rebels on the outskirts of Beni on Saturday. More than 700 people have died in similar attacks on civilians since 2014. The government blames the attacks on the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a Ugandan Islamist group of a few hundred fighters that has operated in eastern Congo since the 1990s. U.N. experts and analysts say other armed groups, including Congolese soldiers, are responsible for attacks on civilians and Kabila's opponents have seized on the massacres as evidence of government incompetence. The government says the army is rooting out the ADF, but its guerrilla tactics make it difficult to counter. National police spokesman Pierre Mwanamputu said five people were injured Wednesday in the protests, aside from those killed. Police made 79 arrests. Teddy Kataliko, president of the Civil Society of Beni Territory, told Reuters the police had shot dead a man when they opened fire on protesters. A medical source in Beni, who declined to be identified, said one man was killed and five people wounded by gunfire. Mayor Nyonyi Bwanakawa told local radio that a third person was killed Wednesday in Beni by a lynch mob that suspected him of belonging to the ADF. A woman and a young girl were also killed on Tuesday night about 40 km (25 miles) north of Beni by ADF fighters, local army spokesman Mak Hazukay told Reuters. The girl, he said, had been decapitated. Arguing that Armenia is being pressured by the West and doesnt enjoy total confidence by Russia, Founding Parliament member Alek Yenikomshian today told reporters at a Yerevan press conference that a movement has begun in Armenia, embodied by the SasnaDzrer movement, that seeks to form a new, independent and sovereign Armenia. Yenikomshian said that, nevertheless, the regime in Armenia still enjoys the support of Moscow and might seek to create a North Korea-like version of governance in the country. This would only last a few months, given Armenias geographic position and the interests of the Armenian diaspora and other international players, he argued. Yenikomshian, who has been released from detention while awaiting trial for fomenting public disorder last month, said that the first step would be to remove the current regime and its leaders. This, he said, would just be a means to realize the movements primary objective. To achieve this, Yenikomshian has proposed the creation of a government of trust parallel with the current regime. The aim of such a body, according to Yenikomshian, would be to mobilize the people and incorporate such forces that would be able to assist in extricating the country from the existent situation and to present an ultimatum to the regime. Yenikomshian promised to provide details on how he and his cohorts perceive the process of struggle and its tactics at a later date. The SasnaDzrer movement will organize the people around the principles it holds dear the reestablishment of a sovereign Armenia and a principled stance on Artsakh, meaning ruling out any return of land to the opponent, Yenikomshian said. Photo: Saro Baghdasaryan The top U.S. diplomat for Africa says South Sudans peace process is not on track and government and rebel leaders need to resume negotiations. In an exclusive interview, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield told VOA the people of South Sudan have suffered for too many years ... and two years after their independence, they are being tortured, harassed and forced into refugee status again because of lack of leadership of their two major leaders." The world's youngest nation has been rocked by more than two-and-a-half years of ethnically charged fighting that has displaced over 2 million people, with nearly 1 million fleeing to other countries. A peace deal between the government and the rebels a year ago has failed to end the conflict, and last month Juba was rocked by several days of heavy fighting between forces of President Salva Kiir and those loyal to his rival, Riek Machar. Machar was first vice president in South Sudans transitional government but was replaced by another opposition figure, Taban Deng Gai, after going into hiding in mid-July. He was reported Thursday to be in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Thomas-Greenfield said, In terms of appointment of individuals, we have to allow the South Sudan government to make those appointments. We, too, wonder why this decision was made. We are hoping theres a possibility that Dr. Machar comes back to Juba and they are able to continue the process [that existed] before the situation occurred in July. The U.N. Security Council voted Friday to send a regional protection force to South Sudan, a move the opposition requested. The regional protection force has been created in response to the collapse of security in Juba, and it will remain until South Sudan's leaders take the steps necessary to provide that security for their own people, said David Pressman, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for special political affairs. Thomas-Greenfield said the United States is committed to seeing the current situation end, while working closely with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, an East Africa bloc, to implement the regional security force for Juba so parties can move the peace agreement forward. U.S. Ambassador to South Sudan Molly Phee told VOA on Thursday that the deployment of the troops was not solely a U.S. exercise, but a partnership between the U.S. and IGAD, of which South Sudan is a member. She stressed that "American policy toward South Sudan and the people of South Sudan has been constant for decades. We have always wanted to support the people of South Sudan against oppression and discrimination." She said accusations by South Sudanese officials that the United States was trying to undermine their country were "not true." Killings in DRC In the northeastern part of neighboring DRC, suspected rebels killed at least 51 civilians recently, adding to the tension mounting ahead of presidential elections. President Joseph Kabilas term is due to expire, but observers believe he is trying to delay the election. While DRC has one of the worlds largest U.N. peacekeeping forces, Thomas-Greenfield said that in situations when people are bent on killing, even if we have U.N. troops, they are going to find a way until we as the international community and the countries themselves find a way of dealing with the root causes of these conflicts. She said the DRCs problems are the result of not dealing with situations that involve illicit distribution and trafficking of a countrys rich resources. Allowing the people through the democratic process to elect their leaders is the only solution in the DRC, she said. In the first part of Kabila's 10 years in power, the DRC was "relatively peaceful," Thomas-Greenfield said. "He has the opportunity now to take DRC back into another chapter, and that is to transition this government at the end of his term, allow for free, fair and transparent elections," she said. "That would be a legacy that no one in the history of the DRC has ever left. The DRC has borders with nine countries, some of which arent seen as examples of the best democracies in that region. Thomas-Greenfield, however, said she sees Kabila as a beacon of hope. I can be proven right or wrong, but Kabila is different and could be the role model," she said. "He doesnt have to follow that route. He can establish his own road, his own path for his country. The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan urged Afghan leaders Thursday not to allow political differences to undermine recent security gains in the war-torn country. U.S. General John Nicholson made the remarks as President Ashraf Ghani and his governing partner, Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, are locked in a political confrontation, raising questions about the survival of their so-called national unity government. "RS (Resolute Support) respects the Afghan political process, but has no involvement with it. Our only message to all involved is please don't let the political process undermine the security gains and progress within the security institutions that have been made over the last six-nine months," said General Nicholson in written comments that NATO's Resolute Support mission sent to VOA from Kabul. Simmering tensions between Ghani and Abdullah were publicly exposed for the first time last week when the chief executive criticized the president and accused him of not honoring provisions of the political agreement they signed in September 2014, that paved the way for installing the unity government. President Ghani called the remarks counterproductive and not in line with the spirit and principles that shape the foundation of governance. Abdullah responded by demanding total implementation of the agreement on unity government; we don't want anything more or less than that because implementation of the agreement would lead to the survival and stability of the country, he said. The two Afghan leaders met for the first time on Wednesday since the political turmoil erupted and are scheduled to hold more talks in coming days to resolve their differences. The Obama administration has reiterated its support for the Afghan unity government, encouraging both Ghani and Abdullah to work together for a prosperous and stable Afghanistan. I think our assessment is that theyve got significant challenges facing them, but we stand by and ready to support them as they work through these challenges," Deputy State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters in Washington. "We want to see them implement what is an ambitious reform agenda and we believe that they understand the importance of them working together rather than separately," he noted. The political dispute has gripped the Afghan government at a time when Taliban fighters have intensified attacks in 15 of the country's 34 provinces. They have also made significant advances in recent weeks in southern Helmand and two northern provinces, Baghlan and Kunduz. Addressing a gathering at the presidential palace in connection with Afghan independence day on Thursday, Ghani praised national security forces for bringing security to the country. "On this historic day, I call on all Afghans to work for peace, prosperity and stability. And I urge Afghan people to stand with their security forces as our security forces have already proven that they can defeat the enemy. Abdullah was not present at the ceremony and Ghani did not make any reference to the tensions between the two. Ghani and Abdullah were rivals in the 2014 presidential election and both claimed to be winners after polls that many observers declared were marred by fraud and irregularities. The deadlock ended when U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry intervened and brokered a political deal between the two. Under the agreement, Ghani was installed as the president and the post of chief executive was created for Abdullah to equally share power in their national unity government. It was also agreed that electoral reforms will be introduced to prevent a repeat of the controversy-marred presidential polls and a constitutional jirga or grand assembly would be held within two years to give legal cover to Abdullahs office, a deadline due to expire next month. It has not, however, been possible to convene the jirga meeting because a delay in electoral reforms has prevented authorities from holding parliamentary as well as regional elections that together form the assembly. Abdullah's camp insists the delay in electoral and other reforms is deliberate, assertions Ghani aides reject. The Taliban have recently made significant advances in southern Helmand province and northern provinces, including Baghlan and Kunduz. The insurgent group lately has also taken steps to reduce internal divisions, raising fears of a more resilient and unified opposition that may face Afghan security forces in coming months, although they have held certain key areas only with the help of U.S. airstrikes in recent weeks. The cold-blooded killing of a New York imam and his assistant over the weekend has heightened Muslim American fears of rising violence against the 3.5 million-strong community. While prosecutors have yet to uncover any religious motive in the shootings of Imam Maulama Akonjee and Thara Uddin, to many Muslims, the murders illustrate the increasingly violent face of Islamophobia in the United States. The perception among Muslim Americans is that it is potentially a hate crime, said Engy Abdelkader, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and author of a recent report on Islamophobia in America. A surge in Islamophobia seen in recent years has been driven to a large extent by anti-Muslim political rhetoric and violent extremism, among other factors, Abdelkader said. Abdelkader led a study by Georgetowns Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding earlier this year showing hate crimes against Muslim Americans during the 2016 U.S. election cycle have soared to levels not seen since the attacks of September 11, 2001. Between March 2015, when the first candidate entered the U.S. presidential race, and March 2016, there were 180 reported incidents of anti-Muslim violence, according to the study, When Islamophobia Turns Violent." The figures are based on published news reports and incidents reported by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Washington-based Muslim advocacy organization. On average, the study recorded 18 incidents per month during the 12-month period, including 12 murders, 34 physical assaults, 49 verbal assaults or threats against individuals and institutions, 56 acts of vandalism or destruction of property, nine arsons, and eight shootings and bombings. The data reveals that acts and threats of anti-Muslim violence remained significantly higher than pre-9/11 levels with American Muslims approximately six to nine times more likely to suffer threats and attacks, the report says. The actual number may be higher, as many incidents go unreported, Abdelkader said. Steady uptick In the Georgetown study, the number of attacks against Muslims leveled off this year after soaring in November and December but if you compare them to pre-election in March 2015, youre still three to five times higher, Abdelkader said. Though Georgetown hasn't released data for the period since April 1, Abdelkader says anecdotal evidence suggests anti-Muslim acts and threats of violence remain at the highest levels since 9/11. The Huffington Posts Islamophobia tracker, launched in January, tracks a broader range of Islamophobia but shows a steady uptick in cases of aggression against Muslims. Between January and July, the tracker has recorded 87 acts of aggression, a broad category that includes threats, physical assaults and vandalism of mosques. Among incidents recorded in the past two months: On July 18, a note left at the home of a married couple in Tennessee read Im going to kill you Muslim bitchesIm coming for your baby. On July 11, two men stalked a hijab-wearing woman out of a Walmart in San Leandro, California, and attacked her with blows to her head and body with eggs. On June 29, a man approached a group of Muslim men wearing Islamic attire in Minneapolis, Minnesota, made anti-Islamic remarks before opening fire on them, wounding two of them. Inspired by terrorist attacks Corey Saylor, director of CAIRs department to monitor and combat Islamophobia, noted that anti-Muslim attacks have also grown more violent in the past two years. When you go back to 2010 and the controversy over the Ground Zero mosque what we were seeing was a pushback against the construction of a mosque, Saylor said. Now, pretty much since the first Charlie Hebdo attack, what you see is a change to more violent attacks. The sharp increase in anti-Muslim attacks has come during a period of public anxiety over several high profile terrorist attacks in Europe and the U.S. Indeed, three spikes in anti-Muslim violence recorded over the past year followed the Paris and San Bernardino attacks last year and the Orlando shooting in June. In November, Georgetown recorded 35 acts or threats of violence against Muslims in America, up from eight the previous month, after terrorists killed 130 people in a series of coordinated attacks in Paris. In December, it documented a record 53 incidents, after a Muslim couple inspired by the Islamic State killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California. And in June, 2016, the month that saw the largest domestic terror attack since the 9/11 attacks, the Huffington Post documented 24 acts of aggression, the highest monthly figure since it started tracking Islamophobia in January. But Muslim American critics of Islamophobia say terrorist attacks alone dont explain the recent rise in violent attacks on Muslims. Our research shows that even in the first months of 2016, when anti-Muslim violence seemed to have leveled off, it actually still remained 3 to 5 times as high as pre-election levels, Abdelkader said via email. This suggests a positive relationship between anti-Muslim violence and Islamophobic political rhetoric. Anti-Islamic political rhetoric The Georgetown report catalogues a litany of Islamophobic statements made by Republican presidential candidates during the 2016 election cycle, from Senator Lindsey Graham and former New York governor George Pataki talking tough about mosque surveillance and closures to Ben Carson saying he opposed a Muslim serving as president of the United States. The first surge in Islamophobic political rhetoric, according to the report, came in September when former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum told a conservative radio host: There are serious questions about Islam and the spread of Islam and how it spreads Though no terrorist attacks were reported in September, public concerns about the Syrian refugee crisis quickly devolved into Islamophobic rhetoric about an influx of terrorists entering the United States under the guise of being refugees, the report says. The result was a ten-fold increase in anti-Muslim attacks: In September, Georgetown documented 10 incidents or threats of violence, including three murders, compared with only one incident recorded in August. The rhetoric escalated after the San Bernardino shooting, leading Donald Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner at the time and now the GOP nominee, to call for mosque closures and announce his controversial ban on Muslims entering the U.S. And it further heated up after the Orlando shooting when Trump said hed ban all immigration from regions of the world with a history of terrorism. Trump escalated anti-Muslim vitriol in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, in November 2015 rather than urge calm and international unity, the report says. But Brian Levin, who directs California State Universitys Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism and tracks hate crimes, said actual hate crime spikes do correlate to events. The spread of prejudice often is a process that includes a variety of factors that certainly include but are not only limited to political rhetoric, he said. The negative stereotypes about Muslims are present but seem to combust into what is called reactive/defensive hate crimes from a catalytic event, he said. Brazilian police say they might charge U.S. Olympic swimmers with vandalism and giving false testimony after the swimmers admitted they fabricated a story about being robbed at gunpoint. Swimmers Ryan Lochte, Jack Conger, Gunnar Bentz and James Feigen initially told police they were robbed at gunpoint early Sunday morning on their way back from a party outside Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro. But two of the swimmers, Conger and Bentz, admitted to fabricating the story after they were detained at the airport late Wednesday while attempting to head back to the United States. The two boarded a flight back to the U.S. late Thursday after being questioned by authorities. Feigen, however, is still in Brazil hoping to get his passport back to leave the country, while Lochte returned to the United States Monday before any of the news emerged. ABC News in the U.S. reported early Friday that Feigen will pay $11,000 to a charity in Brazil to settle the robbery dispute. The U.S. Olympic Committee has apologized to Brazil for the false robbery claim. Fernando Veloso, head of the civil police of Rio, told reporters Thursday that security cameras revealed the swimmers actually visited a gas station early Sunday morning, and that witnesses said they damaged a bathroom, were confronted by an armed guard and left before police arrived. Brazil's Globo TV on Thursday aired security video of the swimmers showing them arriving at the gas station in a taxi, entering the building, leaving, and later sitting on the curb with their hands up, as instructed by one of the staff members at the gas station. Veloso said the men left $20 and 100 Brazilian reals to pay for the damage to the bathroom, which included broken mirrors and damage to the door. The police chief also said Lochte was "physically outraged" during the incident and was "probably drunk." But he said Lochte could not be held solely responsible for the incident. "That would be a premature assumption of guilt," Veloso said. Despite the visible ire of the police, Rio Games organizers defended the swimmers, insisting, "Let's give these kids a break." Rio 2016 spokesman Mario Andrada told reporters, "They competed under gigantic pressure...They had fun, they made a mistake, life goes on." The gas station is close to Olympic Park, where the sporting events have been overshadowed over the past two weeks by a series of muggings and robberies, including incidents involving other athletes and two visiting government ministers. A Native American village in the U.S. state of Alaska was poised on Wednesday to decide whether to relocate its entire population of some 600 people due to the threat of rising seas. Shishmaref, located on an island north of the Bering Strait that separates the United States and Russia, is losing up to 10 feet (three meters) of shoreline each year, according to research by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Alabama-based Auburn University. Shishmaref is one of dozens of indigenous villages in Alaska that face growing threats of flooding and erosion due to global warming, according to a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Several are weighing options to move, according to the government. Shishmaref's residents, who are members of the Inupiat tribe, voted on Tuesday on a proposition to relocate the community, and the votes were being certified on Wednesday, according to the city clerk. The results were due to be released publicly at 1 pm local time (9 pm GMT) on Wednesday. Residents voted earlier, in 2002, to relocate but that effort stalled. The cost of relocation has been estimated at some $180 million, and authorities are seeking state and federal funding, according to local media. Where to relocate remains to be decided, the clerk said. Two vacant sites on the mainland are being considered. The island, which is seven square miles (18 square kilometers), lies five miles off the mainland. Its economy is based largely on fishing and hunting. Scientists attribute coastal erosion in Shishmaref to global warming that has thawed sea ice that once shielded the island from storm surges. Its permafrost, the layer of permanently frozen soil on which it is built, is melting as well. The village already has moved several homes and a National Guard Armory away from its coastline and built sea walls that have had limited success, according to Alaska authorities. In March, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced $6.5 million in funding to help Native American communities find ways to deal with climate change. Since 2014, more than 140 tribes and tribal organizations have gotten government funding to help address the impacts of global warming, it said. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, or FAO, has started distributing biofortified maize and bean seeds to farmers impacted by drought in Zimbabwe. A good harvest in March is seen as key to helping families escape the lengthy food crisis. "We have had two bad seasons, and a lot of farmers do not have adequate seeds, said Chimimba David Phiri, the head of FAO for southern Africa. We need to support the farmers to have the seed that they need for them to grow this season, and also to avoid a problem of having continued humanitarian support. So it is very important that farmers plant and on time so that we avert hunger for next season as well. I do not think they can take it anymore." Millions of people across southern Africa are dealing with food shortages as a result of El Nino-induced drought. In March, the U.N. Children's Fund said Zimbabwe is facing its worst child malnutrition rates in 15 years. Rural areas have been hit especially hard. The seeds being distributed are designed to produce more nutritious crops. Farmer Mirriam Chagweja from Silobela, about 300 kilometers southwest of Harare, planted some of the biofortified maize and beans in her field in February. She obtained them as part of an initiative funded by the British government, which is also funding the FAO program. I would encourage others to go on board and join, she said. I noticed that for the beans, you get more yields compared to other ordinary varieties. The seed distribution program is targeting about 127,000 small-holder farm households in eight districts, before it rolls out to other parts of the country, according to FAO. Tajamuka-Sesijikile Campaign holds a meeting with UNICEF officials in Harare following claims by the United Nations agency that it is illegal to use children in public demonstrations or any political protest. The family of abducted political activist, Itai Dzamara, recently featured children at Africa Unity Square who handed flowers and cakes to the police when it staged a public demonstration to mark 17 months of the disappearance of the leader of Occupy Africa Unity Square. Zimbabwean vendors march to a local police station to express their dissatisfaction with the manner in which they are being allegedly brutalized by the police. Members of the Women of Zimbabwe Arise today staged a peaceful demonstration in Bulawayo demanding that the government should introduce free primary education, starting this coming school term. Most farmers in Mashonaland West say they are ill-prepared for the 2016/2017 agricultural season. Stay tuned for these stories and more coming up on Studio 7 at 7:30 pm on 9-0-9 Medium Wave and on the 4-9-3-0, 5-9-4-0 and 1-5-4-6-0 shortwave frequencies. We also broadcast on Please check us out on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. This evening on Livetalk our hosts of the Womens Round Table Marvellous Mhlanga Nyahuye and Praxedes Jeremiah will be talking about peaceful demonstrations in Zimbabwe. Participate by sending your messages on our WhatsApp number 001 202 465 0318. The number again 001 202 465 0318. Please note that we are livestreaming on all Studio 7 Facebook pages. Stay tuned!!!!!! Several members of the organization danced and sang outside Unicef offices in Harare denouncing the organization for attacking the Dzamara family for using children at Africa Unity Square last week. Unicef warned the family and activists saying children are protected by various international and local statutes from participating in public protests. It quoted Article 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which relates to freedom of association. Article 15 stipulates in part that children have the right to meet together and to join groups and organizations. This section is silent on the participation of children in public protests. However, some provisions of Section 81 of the Zimbabwe Constitution state that every child has the right not to be recruited into a militia force or take part in armed conflict or hostilities. It further states that every child has the right not to be compelled to take part in any political activity. But Tajamuka-Sesijikile Campaign stressed during their protest today that Unicef should have expressed these sentiments every time President Robert Mugabe used children in his rallies. Speaking outside Unicef offices, Tajamuka-Sesijikile spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi, accused the U.N agency of seeking to pacify the sitting government at the expense of the children it claimed to be representing. As I speak Linda Musarira is in illegal political detention and Unicef has never said anything about that. Itai Dzamara has been missing Unicef has never said anything about that. We know that Elizabeth Mupfumira is a daughter to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare in (Mr.) Mugabe's government and we know that you are trying to pacify Mugabe regime. Her mother, Priscillah Mupfumira has already indicated that she has nothing to do with the Unicef statement. We say this is not right. We do not expect the international community to behave in that way. We do not expect employees of Unicef to use their position in the organisation to push political and partisan agendas. Silvanos Mudzova, a member of the political campaign group, told Studio 7 that they want a retraction of the Unicef statement. We expect them to retract the statement first of all and issue an apology to Itai Dzamara's family directly to say that Itai's children were only looking for their father and were not being political. Fortune Nyoni, another activist, concurred adding that Itai Dzamara's children were at the demonstration seeking answers from the Zanu PF government on the whereabouts of their father. We are here to demand from Unicef why they have issued a statement trying to stop Itai Dzamaras children who were seeking to know from the regime where their father is. Mkwananzi and three other members of Tajamuka-Sesijikile Campaign met with Unicef representatives. He claimed that Unicef has agreed to have a relook at the statement and address the concerns of the campaign group. She agreed that within a week she is going to consult within the United Nations and make a review of the statement they have made and make a public statement clarifying the position of Unicef. Victor Chinyama, chief of communications, confirmed that they held a meeting with Tajamuka-Sesijikile Campaign but declined to disclose what was discussed. Police in Zimbabwe on Thursday severely beat up prominent activist Sten Zvorwadza who led some street traders to the Harare Central Station to express their dismay over alleged police brutality. Zvorwadza, who is the board chairperson of the National Vendors of Zimbabwe, arrived at the Harare Central Police Station together with another activist, Patson Dzamara, while holding flowers that they attempted to distribute to police officers who had already mounted a barricade. Some police officers approached Zvorwadza who tried to explain that their demonstration was going to be peaceful but in no time, some baton-wielding officers came out of the station in full speed and assaulted Zvorwadza while Dzamara took to his heels for safety. Zvorwadza had earlier told reporters that their demonstration was meant to send a message to the police that they were supposed to protect citizens and not to victimize them when they are demonstrating against problems they are facing. He police were violating the constitution whenever they violently dispersed peaceful protesters. Dzamara weighed in saying police were violating citizens right to freedoms of assembly and expression. After assaulting Zvorwadza, the cops went on to beat up people who were at the Charge Office Bus Terminus and in the process an elderly woman was injured on her head while another unidentified woman was arrested. It could not be established how many people were part of the planned protests as most activists were among people who were boarding commuter omnibuses at the terminus. Police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba told Studio 7 that she was unable to comment on what happened at Harare Central Station claiming that she was yet to be briefed about the incident. President Mugabe told the nation recently his government would not allow any form of protests. This, despite constitutional provisions allowing peaceful demonstrations. Meanwhile, a local non-governmental organization, Heal Zimbabwe Trust, issued a statement condemning police brutality on demonstrators. The organization implored the government to swiftly provide effective and independent complaint mechanisms that would receive and investigate complaints from the public against members of the security services in compliance with the constitution. The statement also called on government to use non-violent and engaging processes that seek to address challenges amicably and that the police were violating their own code of conduct by assaulting peaceful protestors. Zimbabweans in the diaspora have been encouraging each other to build their country despite the socio-economic problems currently gripping the Southern African nation. Many organisations have taken the initiative, with one such group being Build Zimbabwe, a platform encouraging Zimbabweans at home and in the diaspora to give back to their country and communities. Build Zimbabwe convener and founder Dr. Noah Manyika, who is based in Charlotte, North Carolina, said his organisation was working on a number of projects, including low-cost housing projects around the country. Dr. Manyika said he founded Building Zimbabwe many years ago with the aim of helping underprivileged children. It was basically my organisation but I decided no, no, let me invite Zimbabweans to build this platform which would accomplish an unprecedented mobilization of Zimbabweans wherever they are, ah, to really bring about change in 2018, but also to make sure that we have an unassailable program to rebuild Zimbabwe, Dr. Manyika said. Hanging by a Thread: Somalis Traumatic Past and Uncertain Future by Mohamed Omar Hashi & Adan Omar Hashi Thursday, August 18, 2016 Across Somalia, on 1 July 1960, there was great jubilation and celebration as the country had gained independence from both Britain and Italy after a long struggle for independence. Having bitterly battled against and survived the devastating tyranny of colonisation, there was a slight uncertainty that the genesis of the new epoch would not only convey political sovereignty, but also lead to the fulfilment of its long-deprived economic liberty and social opulence hitherto unseen in the country. The triumphant achievement, and the ultimate envisioned prospect, was notably depicted in Somalis national anthemSomalia, Wake Up. The national anthem was composed in the 1940s to entice citizens to rise against colonial rule. These noble compatriots, warriors, the Somalia Project, the purpose of its struggles, successfully defeated the enemy who were an existential threat to Somali union, motherland, brotherhood, culture, religion, and to Somali moral and ethical standards/wellbeingby advocating for a united Somalia to keep at bay any prospective threats from neo-colonisers, regional and non-regional, state and non-state actors. As these newly liberated compatriots of Somalia were revelling in the midst of its pristine self-determinations, nonetheless, there was a greater, yet subtle, impending quandary waiting to strike. These malignant manifestations of imperialism recklessly revealed themselves in numerous ways: poor governance, widespread corruption combined with dictatorship; and clan divisions; relentless poverty, devastating diseases and appalling health conditions; decrepit public infrastructures and wretched under-development. Although the Somali citizens have been magnificently liberated from the draconian chains of imperialism, Somalia has today become synonymous with inexpressible misery, tenacious diseases, famine and all the blemish of this planet, which is much more than anything imagined by those patriotic comrades who were out celebrating the fall of colonial rule. advertisements However, can it be said that Somali leaders were, and are completely, stranded in the midst of conditions brought about by issues outside their powerthose initiated and enforced on them by foreigners? We argue that colonialism, neo-colonialism, regional and non-regional, state and non-state interventions are not solely to blame for the current state of Somalia. The Asian Tigers, the Chinese, Japanese, South Koreans, citizens of Thailand, the Taiwanese and Singaporeans, which are the desire of the globe today because of the remarkable achievements of their individual economics, were once faced by the same fangs of imperialism and interventions before they completely recuperated their independency. It is estimated that in the 1960s, many African nations, were more or less economically advanced than countries such as South Korea. Thanks to their political stability, economic models and visionary leadership, today, these countries appropriated exclusive membership of the most developed nations in the world. Their success, despite their colonial legacy and neo-colonisation, is the earnest evidence to most troubled Somalians that the ball is in their court. Although it would be peculiar to reject the heinous legacies of colonialism, neo-colonisation, and the growing regional, non-regional, state and non-state intervention that, respectively, impoverished Somalias young and enthusiastic productive labour force, we should never use these as an excuse, mission impossible type, as their core objective is to demoralise our forward thinking. These same groups are advocating for federal member states in order to weaken the countrys central government with the core objective of forming alliances and affiliations to protect their interests, further destabilising the country and destroying noble ideas to resolve and free the nation of all plights it experiences. Federalism is one of the biggest challenges currently facing the nation - building federal states that serve the interests of the country. Due to lack of trust and land disputes, the process of forming most federal member states has been uptight with adjournments, contestation and disagreements, misunderstandings, tensions running high amongst the rival state formation talks, with a lot of disagreements between the federal government and federal states and in-fighting between the federal member states: Federal Government Versus Federal Member States Conflict between Federal Member States Somaliland (Unification versus independency) Jubaland-South West State Puntland Galmudug-Puntland Hiiraan (Dispute over how the state formation process with Middle Shabelle should occur) Puntland-Somaliland Jubaland Somaliland-Khatumo South West State Khatumo-Puntland These federal member states, are predominantly clan-driven, often signified as clan federalism, have unsettled grievances against one another and have, under the pretext of kinship, amalgamated during the course of the civil war, while their multiplicities and conflicting behaviours, governed by their self-interests, antagonised many resolution efforts to the countrys appalling conflict. There is growing concern that the federal project could further widen and fragment the already polarised nation that is still struggling to recover from the legacy of clan violence and more recently terror organisations such as Al-Shabaab. We fear, like most Somalis, that by crimping the power of the federal government could lead to the balkanisation of Somalia along clan lines and this could trigger a resumption of hostilities between federal member states, rendering peace negotiations. Furthermore, if the federal member states interests take precedence over the national interest, the shared Somali interest, envisaged by the countrys noble warriors, is lost as a result, and that could set a deadly precedent and will remain an intractable problem in the long-term. The countrys rampant corruption and acutely rooted patronage structure is hammering the legitimacy of the government. Corruption is further worsened by the lack of an efficient central government, and administrative capacity, a poor leadership system and a limited capability to pay public officials. It has infiltrated core areas of the economy, for instance port(s) and airport(s), tax and custom collections, immigration, telecommunication and supervision of international aid with practised negligence, and camouflage of existing resource flow. Reasonable or accessible security provision is indeed an essential part of some of the prerequisites for a developed society that is at peace with itself. The effort to rebuild this countrys military and other security forces is taking place amidst an absence of a political coherences and strategy. The security sectors of the country is dispersed, weak, corrupted, under-resourced - lacking leadership, discipline, command and control and mostly being run by either corrupt officials or various non-state militant entities with their own security institutions functioning. To reform such bodies or stakeholders in line with the idea of accountability as well as democratic values is thus significant in such contexts. Observing from within, whether those obstacles lie with the leadership or the Somali people as a whole; from where leaders are chosen, is a different discussion in itself. Be that as it is, we anticipate that you, as a reader, agree with our analysis to some level, what lessons, if any, Somalia gleaned and acquired from this, apparently, totally disastrous and dark past and an uncertain future? These lessons would perform as a guiding post to the current dreadful environments. In order to find a way forward, Somalia needs to learn from the past by being a devoted student of its mysteriesobnoxious or stunning ones! We would like to highlight two quintessential elements: avoidance and emulation. Firstly, all frailties and impairments brought about by the civil war, civil unrest, corruption, poor governance, inequality, injustice, terrorism, insecurity and clientelism, amongst others, must be avoided like leprosy. Secondly, achievements, from the rest of the world, especially the Asian Tigers, must be conscientiously pursued and emulated. All documented achievements in history were formed on the existing knowledge before they were adopted and innovated on. Nevertheless, there is a need for visionary and ideologically inspired leadership, otherwise it would just be a simple wishful idealistic thinking. Weak political, social or economic strategies and policies amongst the governing leaders would signify that they would stand for nothing and can consequently fall for anything: short-sightedness, self-delusion and political expediency. From a political perspective, the government must reform its anti-corruption strategy by establishing an independent panel, naming and shaming corrupt officials, and imposing travel ban and imprisonment. Furthermore, it has to reform its judiciary, protect and promote the rights of its citizens, freedom of speech and human security. From an economic perspective, a meticulously planned, significant balance must be reached between social and economic equality, and free market economy, where the margin between the rich and the poor is kept at minimum. The virus of corruption and poor leadership hinders economic and political freedom. Furthermore, Somalia must reform its currency, utilise its labour force, subsidise and facilitate tax incentives, adopt policies that promote export growth and monitor its tariffs to stimulate the economy. It should also review its monetary and fiscal policy, diversify its economy and utilise its cheap labour force as a competitive edge, concentrating on sectors or niche markets in the country can surpass and therefore, upsurge the countrys exports to the developed nationscreating much desired foreign exchange with which to obtain imports and other indispensable resources not produced in Somalia. With the right leadership, Somalia will certainly make it into the prosperous future envisioned by the aforementioned noble warriors. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana Mohamed Omar Hashi was a Member of the Transitional Federal Parliament of Somalia from 2009 to 2012, and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in International Studies from the University of Staffordshire and an M.A. in International Security Studies from the University Of Leicester. E-mail: [email protected] Adan Omar Hashi is a research scholar and holds a Bachelor Degree in German and English languages from the University Of Salford and an M.S.C in Development Management from the University of East London. Zimbabweans have been of late been staging peaceful protests in the country, which has resulted in President Robert Mugabe, senior members of the national army and some state officials, warming them that the government will take stern measures against protesters. Since July 6th when Zimbabweans staged a massive stay away, the police have been descending heavily over protesters, mostly demanding the resignation of President Mugabe and an address to social and economic problems bedeviling the country. Protesters say their public action is guaranteed by the Zimbabwe Constitution while the government claims that such moves are designed to denigrate the person of the president and dent the image of the country, which is failing to attract meaningful foreign direct investment. Why is the government not keen to see people protesting in the streets? Studio 7 reached Rashid Mahiya of Heal Zimbabwe Trust and Gadzira Chirumanzu, a Zanu PF activist. Mahiya said protesters should not be brutalized by the police. The role of the police is to provide security for citizens and not to injure citizens who are actually enjoying their democratic right to express themselves against whatever issues The role of the police is to ensure that citizens are safe and secure and not to harm them. But Chirumanzu said, The Zimbabwe Constitution allows people to demonstrate but what is shocking even the responsible authorities is the mushrooming of so many organizations that want to protest in the streets and you now wonder where all these organizations are coming from and who is pushing this agenda of protesting and who is financing all these people from their residential places into the kombis or buses for what ever it is to come and demonstrate in Harare. At the end of the day behind the scenes you could see that there is a hidden hand trying to push a certain agenda which at the present moment its not very clear. Pastor Evan Mawarire of #thisflag movement, Tajamuka-Sesijikile Campaign, some vendors and hundreds of people have been staging protests demanding an end to Zimbabwes current social and economic problems. Members of the Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) staged a peaceful demonstration in Bulawayo on Thursday demanding thatgovernment scraps levies in public schools with effect from next term which starts in the first week of next month. WOZA director Jenni Williams told Studio 7 that her organization has since 2006 been campaigning for free primary education and wants government to scrap levies charged in public schools, removing the burden from hard-pressed Zimbabweans. Williams castigated government for having misplaced priorities and said the state must ensure that 20 per cent of the national budget goes towards education as outlined in the Dakar Declaration of 2000 to which Zimbabwe has ratified. The demonstrators sang and marched through the central business district to the Mhlahlandlela government complex where they wanted to deliver a petition to Resident Minister Eunice Sandi Moyo, but were stopped from doing so by police who blocked the entrance to the offices. Reverend Useni Sibanda of the Zimbabwe Institute for Social Transformation, who also joined the march, said he supports WOZAs calls and reiterated that it is governments responsibility to ensure that citizens get quality education by training and paying teachers well. Zimbabwes education system, once the envy of the world, has crumbled amid the ongoing economic crisis compelling parents at one point to fund even the salaries of teachers through levies. Local education officials declined to comment. Dallas guitarist Tommy Katona knows full well the musical pull of the late Texas blues-rock guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan: It captured him as a 4-year-old in his native Hungary when his guitar-playing father, Tamas, showed him a video of the famed guitarist. Katona, 32, grew up under his fathers musical tutelage, joining his band when he was 5 and earning a reputation as a precocious talent. American rock and blues shaped his playing, his formal music school training supplemented by listening to recordings of Vaughan, B.B. King, T-Bone Walker, Albert Collins and Jimi Hendrix. Katona was 6 when Vaughan died Aug. 27, 1990, in a helicopter crash near East Troy, Wisconsin. A visit to Dallas, Vaughans hometown, in 2006 to attend a SRV fan tour and concert planted a desire to return. Katona did the next year, moving from Hungary to Dallas and setting up musical shop. I just wanted to be around the place he was from, he said in a recent phone interview. A musician friend, Steve Buckner, had put together a Stevie Ray tribute band, Voodoo Blue, and, in the general rotation of band personnel, eventually Katona and drummer Travis Montoya came aboard. The threesome clicked and soon was impressing Dallas area audiences with their tight blues-rock sound. Voodoo Blue changed its name to Texas Flood nearly six years ago, taking its name from Vaughans 1983 debut album, and building up a steady performance schedule. That schedule brings them to Hewitts Warren Park on Thursday night as the featured performers for the Hewitt Summer Concert Series. Its one of more than 150 shows the band plays yearly, primarily in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, but stretching to Houston and even the East Coast, where Texas Flood toured earlier this year. Does handling guitar leads and vocals for an SRV tribute band put extra pressure on Katona? Not really, he said. Im not trying to copy or be like him. Im doing my own thing, he said. Were trying to keep Stevie Ray Vaughans legacy alive, but we also play Jimi Hendrix and blues by B.B. King, Albert King, Albert Collins and Buddy Guy. . . . Were pretty high-energy, more rock into the face and kinda loud. That said, Texas Flood doesnt back down from comparisons to the Texas guitarist and his Double Trouble band, with upcoming Houston gigs at clubs where SRV often performed, Rockefellers and Fitzgeralds the latter date on SRVs birthday, Oct. 3. For that occasion, Katona said Texas Flood will try to play the same show Vaughan did there in 1981. Katona said hes aware there are other SRV tribute bands, include a Texas Flood band that is active in Serbia. I actually know them, he said. Theyre a really good band. ----- Texas Flood Hewitt Summer Concert Series Performance: 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday at Creekside Amphitheatre, Warren Park, 450 S. Old Temple Road, Hewitt. Gates open at 6 p.m. Admission: Free, but $2-$5 for parking. An intermediate appellate court Thursday upheld a convicted sex offenders conviction for trying to hire a hit man to kill a state district judge who sent him to prison. Wacos 10th Court of Appeals, in a 10-page opinion written by Justice Al Scoggins, overruled an appeal by William Ray Phillips, 65, and affirmed his conviction and 80-year prison term. Phillips was convicted in February 2015 of solicitation of capital murder after he agreed to pay $30,000 to a man he thought would kill 54th State District Judge Matt Johnson. Evidence at his trial revealed Phillips also had placed U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith Jr. and McLennan County District Attorney Abel Reyna on his hit list. The appellate court rejected Phillips argument that the trial court improperly admitted extraneous offenses, specifically evidence of Phillips desire to also have Smith and Reyna killed. Phillips has previous convictions for possession of child pornography, including lewd photos of his young daughter, and failure to register as a sex offender. Trial testimony showed he became obsessed with wanting to kill Johnson, who presided over two of Phillips previous trials and imposed a 10-year sentence in the failure to register case. Phillips was sentenced to 99 years in prison in 2007 in the sexual assault of his daughter. But his conviction was thrown out by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which ruled the statute of limitations had expired and the case never should have been tried. Johnson also presided over that trial, and Phillips became fixated on the judge after the reversal and his 2013 conviction for failure to register as a sex offender, trial testimony showed. He talked of finding someone to kill the judge with a fellow county jail inmate, who reported Phillips plot to investigators. Authorities made up a sham corporation of mercenaries, and the jail informant got Phillips to write to the company to solicit a hit man to kill the judge. Letters Phillips wrote to the fake company and to friends were intercepted by officials and read to the jury. An undercover Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent posed as a hit man from the fake company in February 2014 and videotaped his meeting at the jail with Phillips. After some cautious conversation in which Phillips asked if he was being taped, Phillips finally confirmed that he was willing to pay $30,000 to have Johnson killed, asking the agent to take care of my problem. Veteran Waco police Officer George Neville was arrested on a misdemeanor assault charge Thursday, accused of assaulting a man he was arresting after a traffic stop in early May, Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said. Neville, an 11-year commissioned officer with the Waco Police Department, turned himself in to McLennan County Jail on Thursday afternoon after Waco police detectives issued a Class A misdemeanor assault warrant for his arrest. As officers, we are sworn to enforce and uphold the law. The behavior which resulted in the arrest of this officer is unacceptable, Waco Interim Police Chief Frank Gentsch said in a statement. It saddens me that the public trust has been violated. We are committed to professional policing and will hold our officers to the highest standards. Officers Kevin Spicer and Adam Beseda stopped a vehicle, driven by Qualon Deshon Weaver, 35, for a traffic violation on May 4 near the intersection of J.J. Flewellen Road and Herring Avenue, police records show. During the stop, officers reportedly observed Weaver moving in the car before he pulled over, appearing to conceal something before he eventually stopped. Weaver came to a stop, then continued driving slowly multiple times before pulling over, according to records. Nearly 10 grams of marijuana was later found in his vehicle, an affidavit for Weavers arrest states. Neville, 33, arrived with another officer to assist with the arrest when the assault allegedly occurred. Police reports stated that Weaver was handcuffed when Neville grabbed Weaver around his neck after the two exchanged words with each other, and the other two officers watched the scuffle, Weavers attorney, Jason Darling, said. We met with police two weeks ago, so this is a mixed-emotions type of day, because obviously you dont want to see law enforcement get arrested when you hope they will uphold the law and protect citizens rights, Darling said. But you have to praise the investigation that was done by the Waco Police Department in having to make a tough decision and hold that officer accountable for his actions. Darling reviewed dash camera video of the incident and said it shows Neville calling Weaver a dumbass, then Weaver returning the same insult. At the point, Darling said Neville can be seen grabbing Weaver around his throat before he is placed inside a police car. Weaver was making no attempt to run or tamper with evidence when Neville grabbed him by the throat, according to the warrant for Nevilles arrest. There really is no excuse for it, Darling said. My client felt like race was the reason he was pulled over, but I am not sure if race was a factor in (the alleged assault). It might have just been an issue of anger. Obviously race could play an issue in this, but with what is going on in the country, you have to pay attention to all these issues, but I dont know if we can say if (the assault was racially-motivated). Weaver, who is black, was arrested on charges of evading arrest in a motor vehicle and possession of marijuana. He later filed a complaint against all three officers in June. In the departments inquiry, Swanton said Neville and Beseda were placed on administrative leave on June 9. Spicer was placed on administrative leave June 16 as the investigation progressed. All the other officers involved in the incident were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing, but internal investigations by the Professional Standards and Conduct Unit remain ongoing, Swanton said. The grabbing of Qualon Weavers throat by Officer Neville was not necessary as Qualon Weaver only yelled at Officer Neville, Nevilles arrest affidavit states. Qualon Weaver was not assaulting or resisting the officers at that point and was not attempting to destroy evidence. Possible lawsuit Darling said he plans to wait for developments in Nevilles criminal case before deciding whether to file a civil lawsuit against the officers or the department. He will most likely file a civil lawsuit at a later date on Weavers behalf, he said. The Tribune-Herald requested the in-car video and other public documents related to Weavers arrest and the alleged assault when the department announced its investigation of Neville. The Waco Police Department is seeking a Texas Attorney Generals opinion on whether releasing the video and other documents would unduly interfere with its investigations. No response to the request had been returned by Thursday. The man police were seeking following a standoff earlier in the week surrendered to authorities Thursday night. Reginald Tyrone White, 29, turned himself in at the McLennan County Jail late Thursday night, according to Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton. Police had issued an arrest warrant earlier Thursday for White, who was involved in a standoff with officers following a domestic disturbance with a woman in a South Waco neighborhood two weeks ago. White was involved in a police standoff in the 1200 block of Carter Drive on Aug. 6, police said. White assaulted his 35-year-old girlfriend the night of the standoff and grabbed her hair, threw her to the ground and hit her multiple times in the face and with some type of stick, according to police. Swanton said officers were called to the residence in an attempt to arrest White for the assault. White contacted police by telephone and reportedly told officers he had a knife to his throat. A large police presence was at the location in an effort to take White into custody without injury. Swanton said White managed to escape the home before officers were able to completely secure the residence. It was widely observed that Brexit was driven by anti-immigrant sentiment. A new Ipsos poll confirms that about half of Brits have a negative view of immigration, while only 35 percent view it positively. Much concern has focused upon European Union citizens currently residing in the United Kingdom (theyll certainly be grandfathered, as will UK citizens living in the EU), but the real question is what kind of long-term immigration policy the UK should adopt. Britains best option is a points-based system along the lines of those in Canada and Australia. Both countries sought, a half-century ago, to replace a system of favoritism by race and national origin with measures of merit including education, English fluency (or French in Canada) and work experience with the obvious design of admitting the most qualified people. Remain campaigners balked when Brexiters proposed the same during the campaign, but Britain should consider the proposal now. Canada and Australia, it is true, are bigger and less populous nations which seek to attract immigrants, but their experiences can work equally well for more densely populated nations such as Britain which seek to limit immigration without choking off supply of needed skilled labor and unskilled workers. Points systems in these two countries have worked as intended, attracting large numbers of qualified people. Apart from the United States and the UK, the two have sustained the most consistently high levels of net immigration among developed nations. Currently, they admit about one-quarter of a million annually. Other nations have experienced spikes in net influxes, including Germanys 1.1 million in 2015. This was not immigration that is, people seeking opportunity but rather asylum-seeking by refugees. A better example is Spains net immigration of 725,000 in 2007, powered primarily by Spains then-booming economy and its law granting citizenship to immigrants from the former Spanish Empire after just two years of legal residency, among other very lenient immigration policies. Since 2013, Spain has experienced net migration. These huge spikes illustrate something else. While the EU enforces a uniform policy for internal movement, there is no uniform policy for entry from outside its borders. Without such a common policy, every EU nations immigration policy is vulnerable to the discretion, whims and weaknesses of each and every other EU nation. For its part, the United Kingdom has experienced markedly increased immigration since net immigration first topped 100,000 in 1998. According to the UK Office of National Statistics, the increase has been dramatic over the past four years, to 333,000 from less than 200,000, an obvious driver of the widely recognized anti-immigrant sentiment behind the Brexit vote. It is not surprising that this sentiment targeted the EU, since net immigration of EU citizens has skyrocketed to 184,000 in 2015 from less than 20,000 in 2004. Not only do the Canadian and Australian successes recommend the point system, but the UK already employs elements of a point system introduced in its 2008 reforms for non-EU immigration, which replaced a maze of about 80 different types of visas. Even a well-constructed points system wont satisfy those who want more draconian limits on immigration. But using explicit criteria for admissions ensures that the immigrants admitted contribute to society and reduces fears that uncontrolled immigration poses social, cultural, economic and security threats. Awarding points for English language proficiency, for example, favors immigrants more predisposed to assimilate and reduces the likelihood of nativist opposition. Brits are not alone in their negative view of immigration, with only an average of 20 percent in the 22-nation Ipsos poll thinking it has a positive impact on their own country. Citizens in 18 of the 22 nations in the Ipsos poll have even more negative views of immigration. Some people continue to believe that most immigrants find their own way to genuine opportunity and naturally fulfill labor market needs. However, this article of faith is difficult to prove. Of course, it cannot be disproved either. But a modified points system at least takes the guesswork out and offers a way to address some urgent concerns expressed in the Brexit vote. Red Jahncke is president of Townsend Group International, a business consultancy in Connecticut, and a freelance columnist who writes on a wide range of public policy issues. WAHOO Looking for ways to reduce recidivism, probation service staff in District 5 are incrementally changing their duties. They are now charged with the duty of post-release supervision of inmates. LB605, adopted by the Nebraska State Legislature, aims to employ the use of probation for people convicted of low-level offenses and to ensure post-release supervision to aid in addressing victim needs. Post-release supervision will focus on transitioning people from prison back into the community, said Carrie Rodriguez, chief deputy probation officer for District 5 Probation. Specifically, probation will engage people prior to coming out of prison to connect them with services that can aid living arrangements and substance abuse treatment. They will also present all services related to rehabilitation, Rodriguez said. According to the National Institute of Justice, recidivism is measured by criminal acts that resulted in rearrest, reconviction or return to prison with or without a new sentence during a three-year period following the prisoners release. The change has not yet affected Probation 5s budget, as salaries and benefits are state funded. But, Saunders County is one of 11 counties in District 5 that contributes to the operating budget. In 2015, Saunders County contributed $35,904. This number is based on population percentage and percentage of active probation cases. There were 358 active probation cases in Saunders County in 2015. Rodriguez does not anticipate much change immediately due to the increase in duties, as the budget request for next year is $34,584. However, when presenting the annual report to the Saunders County Board of Supervisors in June, Rodriguez said LB605 will cause the budget to go up significantly over the next four to five years. Probation officer caseloads will also become filled with more high-risk clients, said Rodriguez. She does not anticipate any difficulties with the transition though. Our officers go through lots and lots of training, she said. Transition efforts with high-risk clients are based on research that shows what works, she added. With a looming caseload increase, probation officers are already utilizing technology to meet the needs of individuals needing services. Video conferencing is utilized for those that dont have transportation to groups. That factor could specifically increase Saunders Countys contribution, as all county contributions go toward office equipment, data processing software, and general computer expenses. State funding does pay for video services and cell phones, she said. The lack of services in Saunders County for mental health, transitional living and medication management could also see an increase. Recent juvenile reform increased the number of people providing services. But, Rodriguez said its unknown whether the same effect will manifest in adult services. District 5 has also been allocated for a new high-risk officer position. That position is posted now, she said. With that addition, high-risk probation officer Suzanne Kusy that serves in Saunders and Seward counties should see a decrease in her caseload. Based on the stipulations of their probation, Kusy connects individuals to services related to addiction and mental health rehabilitation. Ninety percent of them have an addiction of some sort, said Kusy about her clients. The new position would serve in York and Seward counties, decreasing Kusys caseload to a more manageable level, Rodriguez said. Were doing our best to keep communities safe, Rodriguez said. WAHOO Road responsibility issues surfaced at the Aug. 9 Saunders County Board of Supervisors meeting. Public Works Director Steve Mika addressed the board with concerns regarding maintenance responsibility where state and county roads intersect. Its a liability issue for the state, but also us, said Mika. Currently, Nebraska Department of Roads policy states that the county has jurisdictional responsibility for and will maintain the entire part of each county road outside of the traveled lanes of the highway located on state highway right-of-way. Mikas question to the board was whether or not it is legal to spend county tax dollars on state right-of-way. This maintenance could also include higher costs for the county, he added. Fixing potholes is one thing, but if pipes or culverts get plugged, that would cost the county much more, Mika said. Maintenance also includes ensuring all road signs are visible. We have a guy we hire during the summer to trim trees around ridges and traffic signs, said Mika. Following a recent fatality accident in Morse Bluff, the accident report noted the sheriffs deputy observed the stop sign was partially obstructed by hanging tree branches and leaves. The DOR came in and cut down that entire tree, Mika said. In that instance, there was a stop ahead sign that was clearly visible, he added. Mika said its a gray area that needs to be changed or discussed further. Other counties have passed resolutions so as not to spend any money on state right-of-ways, he said. Supervisor Doris Karloff said at the meeting that she would be speaking with the Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (NIRMA) about the issue. OMAHA The Honor and Remember Flag Nebraska Chapter presented Honor and Remember flags to the family of five fallen service members Sunday afternoon, Aug. 7 at Lamb of God Lutheran Church in Omaha. Flags were given to the families of Army Spec. Dustin Workman of Greenwood, Navy LCDR Keith Hanson of Fremont, Army 1LT James Moore and Navy PO3 Gene Moore of Weeping Water and Army 1 LT Mark Noziska of Papillion. The Honor and Remember Flag Nebraska Chapter presented special flags to families of the fallen (Gold Star families) as a national symbol of gratitude and a visible reminder that perpetually recognizes the sacrifice of military members who die while serving or as a result of serving. The flag is inscribed with the service members' name, date of death and place of death. Army Specialist Dustin Workman of Greenwood was born in 1987 in Miami and attended Ashland-Greenwood High School. He joined the Army after high school and was assigned as a Humvee driver, gunner, infantryman, 2/12 Infantry Battalion, B Company, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, Fort Carson, Colo. He was one of five who died and 12 injured on June 28, 2007 in Iraq during an ambush as a result of an improvised explosive device. Family members receiving the flag included his mother and father, Valerie and Dustin Workman, Sr., sister and brother-in-law, Cortney and Jason Trudell, and sister, Krysta Workman. Workman was known to make people laugh, was loving and liked to test the rules. He enjoyed writing poetry, loved singing, listening to music, and playing video games. One of his parents said they were able to meet several of their sons buddies while he was in Colorado, as he could always convince at least one of them to come to Nebraska for the weekend, with, or most of the time, without a pass. He loved his family and the six-hour drive and risk was worth it to him. One of those young men, Sgt. Jonathan Smithers, has become the familys adopted son and was present for the flag ceremony. I may have lost my son, but I gained three, as I have three soldiers that come every year on the anniversary of Dustins death to celebrate his life with us, his mother said. S&P 500 3,901.06 DOW 32,861.80 QQQ 281.22 Zim Integrated Shipping Services Stock: High Yield or High Risk? Apple Inc. Stock Q4 Results Beat Negative Outlook, Stock Rises The One Question that Matters for Altria Stock Elon Musk takes over Twitter but where will he go from here? Why is Amazon Stock Falling? Is the Sell-Off Overdone? McDonalds Stock Sizzles, but Will it Hit a New All-Time High? Share your opinion on this topic by sending a letter to the editor to Include your full name, hometown and phone number. Your name and town will be published. The phone number is for verification purposes only. Please keep your letter to 250 words or less. World-first battery testing taking place in Canberra will reveal critical information about the best ways to store renewable energy for when the sun's not shining and the wind's not blowing. ITP Renewables' new Lithium-ion Battery Test Centre at the Canberra Institute of Technology will run a $600,000 world-first trial, which will test the unproven claim that lithium-ion batteries charge faster, last longer and take up less space than traditional lead-acid batteries. ARENA chief executive Ivor Frischknecht and ITP Renewables' managing director Simon Franklin with the Samsung All In One 10.8kWh battery and the Tesla Powerwall battery, which will both be tested at the CIT's new Lithium-ion Battery Test Centre Credit:Clare Sibthorpe Five lithium-ion batteries will be tested over three years against one conventional lead acid battery, one advanced lead battery and the Tesla Powerwall in a climate controlled building at the CIT Bruce Campus. The much-hyped Tesla Powerwall is a battery system which generates and stores solar energy during sunny periods and can then transmit electricity to your home during peak hours. It also transmits energy directly from the grid during off-peak periods and stores it in the Powerwall battery for later use via a hybrid inverter which converts direct current (DC) energy to alternating current (AC). So what happens to the CEO's salary when a company delivers an $8 billion loss? One thing is for sure, BHP Billiton chief executive Andrew Mackenzie will be doing well to take home as much as last year's $US4.6 million. That said, Mr Mackenzie could take home anything from $US2 million to $US13 million this year, according to the miner's most recent annual report. But this was a year in which BHP was caught up in a dam collapse at its joint venture Samarco mine operation in Brazil, killing 19 people and for which the company has paid a $3 billion clean-up settlement. It remains the subject of an $8 billion civil claim. Late night negotiations between Malcolm Turnbull and his Vietnamese counterpart will see Australian veterans given restricted access to the Long Tan battle site, with wreath laying ceremonies allowed for groups of up to 100 people planned. Mr Turnbull issued a rebuke to Vietnamese authorities on Wednesday, after an announcement that access to the site for the 50th anniversary of the historic battle would be blocked at the last minute because of sensitivities within the local community. On Thursday, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann told ABC radio Mr Turnbull's discussions with Nguyen Xuan Phuc overnight meant veterans would have travelled in vain. "Obviously we are very keen for Australian veterans and their families who have travelled to Vietnam in good faith to be able to pay their respects at Long Tan. His college roommate, Jean McGianni Celestin, who received a credit on the movie, was also charged. Last week and Variety asked Parker about the case, and on Tuesday, Variety reported that his accuser committed suicide in 2012 at age 30. Scheduled to be released in the US on October 7, the film is now attracting unwanted attention because of renewed interest in a 17-year-old case in which the film's director, writer and star, Nate Parker, was accused - and later acquitted - of rape when he was a student at Penn State. In a statement to The New York Times, the woman's family said: "We appreciate that after all this time, these men are being held accountable for their actions. However, we are dubious of the underlying motivations that bring this to present light after 17 years, and we will not take part in stoking its coals. While we cannot protect the victim from this media storm, we can do our best to protect her son. For that reason, we ask for privacy for our family and do not wish to comment further." Nate Parker: "I made this film for one reason: with the hope of creating change agents. That people can watch this film and be affected." Credit:Elliot Davis/Courtesy Sundance Institute But the woman's sister, Sharon Loeffler, said that statement did not represent the sentiments of other family members or the woman herself. "I know what she would've said," Loeffler said, "and that would be, 'I fought long and hard, it overcame me. All I can ask is any other victims to come forward, and not let this kind of tolerance to go on anymore'." Loeffler said her sister had believed there were other victims, and had been broken by the 1999 case and its aftermath. "These guys sucked the soul and life out of her." Parker took to Facebook on Tuesday evening to say he had just learned of the death and was filled with sorrow. "I can't help but think of all the implications this has for her family. I cannot - nor do I want to ignore the pain she endured during and following our trial." He maintained his innocence, but added that he wished he had been more empathetic at the time, writing: "There are things more important than the law. There is morality," and adding, "I look back on that time as a teenager and can say without hesitation that I should have used more wisdom." As a kid, a lot of my friends did ballet, joined brownies and played the recorder. Instead, I chose jazz, gymnastics and the flute. I wasn't particularly good at any of them and I would always look longingly at my ballet friends, with their perfect buns and wrap bodysuits. And the tulle skirts oh, how I wanted one of those. Net gain ... a tutu-style skirt looks great with a logo t-shirt or sweatshirt. Credit:Edward Berthelot Then in my 20s, thanks to Carrie Bradshaw and the opening credits of Sex and the City (and later Natalie Portman in Black Swan) I could finally wear a tutu with careless abandon (read: to the office). Dautovic's business is called The Room Xchange. It connects travellers and guests with busy people who do up to 15 hours of chores around the house in exchange for food and accommodation. "I literally remember when I first had access to the internet and I thought 'how amazing is this?' I was running a video production company and I just had to teach myself," she said. Ludwina Dautovic says the fact she only used the internet at 30 hasn't held her back from launching a start-up. The former marketing and media head said the fact she only first used the internet at the age of 30 doesn't mean she can't succeed with The Room XChange. After all, she's been in love with computers ever since. "We've organically lived this way for a couple of years," she said. "I initially looked at Airbnb as a way to utilise the space but the work involved in getting the room hotel-ready wasn't worth it for me. My children's friends from overseas would come and stay for a few weeks at a time and in exchange, help out around the house. It's a fair exchange." The site is currently open for people to register their interest. Dautovic isn't daunted by the idea of launching a new tech venture at 50. In fact, she's energised by it and says her life experience has been a credit even in the new field. "You can't buy life experience, I've survived cancer, I'm married, I've got adult children who I'm proud of," she said. "That gives me reference points. "A lot of its been unknown to me, whether its social media, or the corporation side of things. If you're passionate for what you're developing, you'll find the right advisers and actually listen to them." Dautovic has two advisers, Chris Adams and Tim Wall, who she says give her a lot of comfort and security. Patrick Norman Pat Chapman is a 34-year-old, Caucasian male who was last known to be in Piedmont which is near the area of Greenville, Missouri on May 10, 2020. Pat had stayed the night with a friend and his wife at their home. In the early morning when the friend woke to go to work. Pat was gone in his own Burgundy color 1995 Ford Escort. That is the last anyone was known to have seen him. The vehicle was later recovered on May 29, 2020 in Mill Spring, Missouri. State Debate: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke blames liberals and media for city's violence, others see more complex problemss Chris Walker: Voters deserve to know where their legislators stand on Donald Trump RACINE A waiter at Iron Skillet restaurant who handed out close to $5,000 in free meals over a seven-month period has managed to avoid jail time for the crime. Prosecutors charged Korey Hintz, 24, of the 17100 block of Durand Avenue in Yorkville, in January with felony theft in a business setting as well as possession of a controlled substance, after Iron Skillet management said Hintz cost the restaurant $4,743.37. On Tuesday, Hintz pleaded guilty to the drug possession charge, which stemmed from the fact that deputies found illegally obtained amphetamines in his possession on the night of his Jan. 15 arrest. The felony theft charge was dismissed but read into the record. According to the criminal complaint, the manager of the Iron Skillet, 717 S. Sylvania Ave. in Yorkville, was informed by an employee that third-shift employees were giving out half-price dinners. The manager checked computer records and observed that several of Hintzs transactions had been discounted down to a bill of $0, deputies said. Hintz allegedly did this by utilizing a $2-off button, created for a promotion the restaurant had not used in over a year. All of the transactions took place during third-shift hours when only Hintz and a line chef were working, the criminal complaint states. On Tuesday, Racine County Circuit Judge Mark F. Nielsen sentenced Hintz to one year probation for the drug possession charge, according to online court records. An additional punishment of 60 days in jail was stayed by the court under the requirement that Hintz obey all the rules of his probation. Nielsen also ruled that the violation could be expunged from Hintzs record as long as Hintz follows the terms of his probation and pays restitution to Iron Skillet. If convicted of the theft charge, Hintz faced up to two years and six months in prison, as well as another two years of extended supervision and fines of up to $15,000. Fort Polk, LA (71446) Today Mostly cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 69F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies early will become overcast later during the night. Low 56F. Winds light and variable. Experts may never figure out why a large oak tree on the Capitol Square that had just been inspected and deemed healthy broke in half Tuesday evening, injuring two men who were walking near it, a Madison arborist said. It will be declared an act of God, said Briana Frank, the owner of Tree Health Management, LLC. The men were pulled free by witnesses and taken to a hospital after parts of the tree fell on them in calm weather conditions at about 6:30 p.m. on the Carroll Street side of Capitol Square at West Washington Avenue, according to Madison Fire Department spokeswoman Cynthia Schuster. Schuster identified the two men as Casey Wittmann and Emmett Strohfeldt. She did not include ages or addresses for the two men. Wittmanns mother, Marita Wittmann, of DeForest, said her son was no longer in the hospital but provided no other information. Weve been advised not to talk to anyone, she said. Were trying to work through some details. Court cases involving tree incidents often get intense, especially if theres a fatality involved, according to Frank. People really want to know why it happened and, unfortunately, sometimes there isnt a great explanation, she said. The state has been proactive in monitoring the health of the trees on Capitol Square to ensure the safety of its visitors, according to state Department of Administration spokesman Steve Michels. He said trees identified for removal by UW-Madison professor of arboriculture Bruce Allison have already been cut down. Allison, a renowned tree expert who has been monitoring the health of the trees on Capitol Square for 20 years, never saw outward signs of rot or distress in the tree that split apart, Michels said. Allison re-examined all the trees in the area Wednesday, he added. Despite advances in testing trees for stress and diseases, its impossible to test every part of one so problems can escape detection, Frank said. There also is a phenomenon called summer branch failure, which occurs when seemingly healthy limbs break off of mature trees in calm weather during summer months. Toronto officials were blaming summer branch failure for an incident at a park there in June when a large limb broke off a Siberian elm and killed a 30-year-old French citizen who was sitting with his pregnant wife. But almost every single case (of summer branch failure) happened after a drought and we havent seen much drought, Frank said. Usually it occurs on a branch that is 3 to 12 feet away from the trunk and this was a failure right at the trunk. She also said the tree showed no signs of limb die-back from injured roots so recent construction in the area most likely isnt to blame. Trees in urban settings sometimes can become more susceptible to breakdowns because pruning for power lines or other reasons change the way the trees biomechanics work, according to Frank. We are constantly managing trees and we do make them more vulnerable, she said. But trees break down in the forest all the time, too. They just dont have the consequences they do in an urban setting. Search of Mayfield home snares alleged meth trafficker and two others Email To : Multiple e-mail addresses must be separated with a comma character(maximum 200 characters) Email To is required. Your Full Name: (optional) Your Email Address: Your Email Address is required. Loading... During World War Two, farming communities in Devon were displaced when American troops moved in to practice for the D-Day landings. One account of US soldiers who promised to help look for a little girl's pet cat, left behind in the move, inspired Michael Morpurgo's children's book The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips. He adapted it for the stage with Emma Rice and Kneehigh; she now brings the family-friendly show to London as part of her first season at the Globe. Given the new name 946 that being the number of soldiers killed in a botched practice landing off Devon's coast in 1944, a tragedy of needless errors the show is, despite this sombre story, largely a feel-good, all-ages tale told with Kneehigh's customary agility and flair. The stage is set with sandbags and propellers, while a band swings on a platform above. Their jazzy, soulful numbers soundtrack most of the action, and prompt lively, jiving dance sequences as West Country folk forge bonds with jitterbugging Black American soldiers. This unlikely meeting of cultures forms just one strand of a busy story, filled with evacuees, refugees, and a menagerie of animal puppets. But at its heart is Lily, a 12 year-old country girl who befriends a solider, Adolphus, who promises to help her find her lost beloved moggy Tips. The missing cat is symbolic, of course: a site for the swirling feelings around loss of loved ones; her father is serving oversees. This is familiar Morpurgo ground, even if 946 never plumbs the depths of hankie-grabbing heartache that War Horse so memorably did. Katy Owen is astonishingly good as Lily, a grown-up actor who it's hard to believe isn't really a hem-twisting, knicker-flashing, spirited little girl. Lithe and nimble, fierce and funny, she rules the stage no mean feat amidst an energetic cast of comic, cross-dressing, saucy, sweet and silly characters. Under Rice's direction, the action is presented with wit and verve; actors bring to life roaring motorbikes, stuttering tractors, battle scenes and barn dances alike. That said, the attempt to recreate the mismanaged military exercise with plastic boats and tin baths proves ultimately more bathetic than effective. And although 946 has a fabulously footloose, skipping energy, it's a shame its story structure follows suit. Most of the narrative simply hops from minor event to minor event, and too much of it feels bitty and insubstantial. For all we warm to these characters, we often don't get to know them sufficiently well before being asked to emotionally respond to their allotted sad backstory. A contemporary framing device also seriously overcomplicates things, opening with a death that needs to be swiftly disregarded and several extraneous characters; it takes a good while for the story to hit its beats. When it does, there's much to enjoy, and it has certainly found a good London home: the music and energy of the show glows on the Globe's stage. 946: The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips is at the Globe until 11 September. Join Tribes To Save America's Most Significant Unprotected Cultural Landscape Bear Ears, a hallowed region for Native Americans, should be a national monumentRed-rock canyons, wide-open plateaus and steep, rugged mountains: Utah has been my home for over half a century. I feel a strong sense of connection to this state, its people and its landscapes, as many of us feel toward the places we call home.Here in the rural American West, that connection to the land is still very much alive, especially for the cultures that are inextricably linked to these sandstone mesas and high alpine meadows. Ranchers are intimately familiar with the lands on which they run livestock. Hunters know where to find elk and deer in late fall. Native Americans have inhabited these landscapes since time immemorial and still harvest herbs, collect firewood and perform ceremonies on their ancestral grounds. As Westerners, we feel a sense of ownership over public lands not only because we use them, but because we belong to them and have stewarded them for generations.Over time, our national monuments commemorate the contributions of underrepresented portions of our history and population. Today there is a proposal for a new national monument in Utah that recognizes and celebrates human relationships to land.Bears Ears National Monument has been proposed by an unprecedented coalition of Native American tribes whose connections to this cultural landscape run millennia deep. For the first time in history, five tribesthe Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, Ute Mountain Ute and Uintah Ouray Utehave joined forces to call on the President of the United States to designate their sacred ancestral lands as a national monument for future generations.Named for a pair of iconic twin buttes that in every Native language translate as Bears Ears, the proposed monument encompasses 1.9 million acres of high desert plateau in southeast Utah. All five tribes of the coalition trace an unbroken line of ancestry here, reaching back thousands of years. Within the proposed boundary lie more than 100,000 archaeological sites that Native people recognize as the dwelling places of their Ancestors. Every canyon and alcove holds significance for tribal members who utilize these lands for subsistence and ceremony.Despite the cultural significance of this area for Native peopleand in a sense, because of itBears Ears is facing serious threats. Looting, vandalism and grave robbing continue to this day, with half a dozen cases reported so far in 2016 alone. As Americans, we would never tolerate desecration of the cemeteries of our pioneers or founding fathers. Yet that is precisely what is taking place within Bears Ears. Oil and gas speculation, as well as uranium and potash mining, also threaten to disrupt the ecosystems upon which we all depend.Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell visited the proposed Bears Ears National Monument in July and met with a diversity of grassroots residents who all care deeply about these homelands. As she observed, There is a desire to protect whats here for future generations. That has been consistent no matter who I have spoken with. I hope Secretary Jewell accepts the opportunity to honor both Native Americans and rural Utahns by recommending that President Obama act to protect Bears Ears. Ongoing stewardship and access to the land is essential to both cultures.The Bears Ears proposal is unique in that it celebrates the timeless bond between people and place. We all feel that bond, whether youre a cowboy working the land for a living, a passerby enjoying the freedom of the open range or a Native American whose people have lived here since time immemorial, with stories and songs that run as deep as the canyons of the Colorado River.That is why I stand with the tribes and a broad coalition of supporters throughout Utah and across the United States asking President Barack Obama to permanently protect Bears Ears as a national monument. These 1.9 million acres and the cultures connected to them are profoundly deserving of our respect. Bears Ears National Monument is an opportunity to honor the land and all the people by moving forward, together. A truck that would soon strike and kill a bicyclist out for a triathlon training ride two weeks ago was seen being driven erratically moments before the crash, witnesses told Dane County Sheriffs investigators, according to a criminal complaint filed Thursday. The complaint charged Kevin D. Meister, 35, of Brooklyn, with hit and run resulting in death and second-degree reckless homicide for the death of Shelton Berel, 33, of Madison, who was killed on Aug. 5 when he was struck by a truck that authorities say was driven by Meister. A crash analysis indicated Meister may have been driving on the wrong side of the road, the complaint states. Meister was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia after investigators searching his truck found materials used to cook, inject and smoke drugs in a pocket of the drivers side door, the complaint states. Dane County Assistant District Attorney Shaun OConnell said Meister gave investigators a blood sample on the day of the crash, after he was found at his workplace, but the results of the tests were not yet available. What we do know, though, is that there were clear signs of impairment, OConnell said. According to the complaint, Meister initially told investigators he thought he had struck a deer, but he was late for work so he kept driving. He admitted, though, that he never saw a deer either before or after hearing a loud bang as he drove on Lincoln Road in the town of Oregon. At the time, he told police, he was reaching down for what he first said was a soda, and later said was a bottle of iced tea, the complaint states. Meister will remain free after posting $5,000 bail last week. His lawyer, Daryl Jensen, argued that the bail money should be returned and Meister should not be subject to the Dane County Bail Monitoring Program because he turned himself in after hearing about the crash in the media and because he has a very limited criminal record and steady work history. OConnell said, however, that even after hearing about the crash, Meister went on with his workday for a landscaping firm and went out to a job site, and that it was false to say he turned himself in. Meister was also fired from his job at Glacier Landscaping, OConnell said, likely because of evidence discovered indicating he may have been stealing equipment from the company. OConnell said charges related to those allegations are likely. According to the complaint: A witness who was about 150 yards behind Meisters truck said she saw the truck being driven in the middle of Lincoln Road in the town of Oregon, and saw it strike what appeared to be a flock of birds. She said she then saw a bicycle wheel rolling down the road away from where the truck had been. The woman said she stopped and found Berel in the ditch. She immediately called 911. Berel died at the scene. A second woman who had been behind Berel earlier, said that she saw the truck go into the ditch as it traveled north on Glenway Road, before it turned onto Lincoln Road. OConnell clarified in court that it was the left ditch that the truck entered, not the right ditch. The woman said that she also saw the truck strike, without braking, what appeared to be a flock of birds, but then saw bicycle parts and a bike in the middle of the road after she got closer. After a description of Meisters truck was released through local media, Meisters sister called the 911 center to say that the truck being described sounded like her brothers, and that he worked at Glacier Landscaping in Verona. Deputies went there and found the truck with fresh damage, including damage to the front passenger side corner, which was missing a headlight. Meister was out at a job site, and his boss went to get him. Paint chips recovered from the crash scene on Lincoln Road matched paint from Meisters truck, the state Crime Lab determined. The trucks Ford emblem was found in the road at the crash scene. Crash analysis also determined that based on the points of impact on the truck from Berel and his bicycle helmet, Berel was facing the truck when he was struck, and the truck was driving entirely on the wrong side of the road when it struck Berel. As youre no doubt aware, Riyad Mahrez defied almost an entire summers worth of tabloid rumour-mongering to sign a new, long-term contract with Leicester on Wednesday afternoon. This came as great news for Foxes fans and as especially bad news for one Arsenal fan in particular, who suddenly found his expensive new replica shirt rendered a pointless, almost worthless exercise in transfer folly. Back on 23rd July, Asad Balal was so certain in his belief that Mahrez would join the Gunners that he went and proudly showed off his new jersey, printed up with the Algerians name and prospective squad number Alas, fate intervened. Mahrez signed up for the long haul at Leicester and Arsenal were left to pursue other options thus leaving our good friend Asad looking a little bit silly. Upon hearing that Mahrez has pledged his future to his current employers, our gun-jumping chum was coerced into performing a very public climb-down Giving away the Mahrez shirt to the Charity Shop #Arsenal #WasFunWhilstItLasted Asad Balal (@AsadBalal) August 17, 2016 What a prat. A second suspect in a January home invasion on Madisons Southwest Side, in which a couple was duct-taped with their children in the apartment, was arrested Wednesday by U.S. Marshals in Chicago, Madison police said. Michael L. Hogan, 26, was apprehended after a foot pursuit, police said. Hogan and Chabris E. Link, 27, robbed a man at gunpoint of his rent money on Jan. 8 at an apartment building on the 6700 block of Schroeder Road, according to a criminal complaint filed in July. The pair then bound the man and his girlfriend in the apartment, as their children sat nearby, and demanded more money, the complaint said. Hogan has been charged with armed robbery, first-degree recklessly endangering safety and false imprisonment. Link, who was arrested by marshals earlier in the year, faces the same charges plus a second false imprisonment offense. According to the complaint, Hogan pointed a gun at the head of the couples 3-year-old daughter and said, You think its a game? Later, after Hogan had left, the 27-year-old father broke free of his bonds and lunged at Link, the complaint said. The victim ended up being shot multiple times, including once in the abdomen, and was taken to UW Hospital. Link was identified as a suspect after DNA testing of a vest left at the scene was linked to him, police said. Hogan was considered a suspect after reviewing Links phone records, police said. The robbery victim has picked Hogan out from a photo lineup and told police, Ill never forget his face, according to the complaint. Hogan has connections in Madison and Chicago, while Link is from Chicago, police said. Both men are in custody in Illinois but face extradition hearings for Wisconsin, according to police. Dane County is looking to contribute $1.75 million to add more than 130 units to the stock of housing reserved for homeless or low-income people. The four projects that would receive funds are in six communities surrounding Madison, County Executive Joe Parisis office said Thursday. A resolution authorizing the awards was introduced at the Dane County Board meeting Thursday night, but not voted upon. The Affordable Housing Development Fund, established in the 2015 county budget, has a goal of providing $8 million over four years to increase the supply of low-cost housing in Dane County. Over two years, a similar program in the city of Madison has contributed more than $7.5 million to projects delivering housing for homeless and low-income people. Both funds have contributed to recent projects to help developers win key federal tax credits. We must continue to meet the needs of our most vulnerable by increasing employment opportunities, creating more affordable housing and helping people stay in their homes, Parisi said. Projects that would receive money this year from the county are: $665,000 to housing developer J.T. Klein Inc., for 83 housing units in Middleton, 60 units devoted to people earning between 30 percent and 60 percent of the countys median income, and seven units for grand families, the term given to grandparents raising their grandchildren. $515,000 to Housing Initiatives Inc., a local agency that finds housing for the homeless who suffer from mental illness. The grant will allow Housing Initiatives to buy an eight-unit apartment building, though the building has not yet been selected. $350,000 to the Dane County Housing Authority to help in the purchase of 56 market-rate housing units in Verona, Stoughton and DeForest and make the homes available to very low income residents. $220,000 to homeless advocate Porchlight, to buy a four-unit apartment building in Sun Prairie, with the apartments for homeless families in the Sun Prairie School District. This round of awards does not include a separate $1 million provided for the $11 million Madison Family Supportive Housing project on Madisons Far West Side. That development, which will provide 45 units for homeless families, also received $1.6 million from the citys housing fund. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/08/2016 (2263 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. A second report in a little over a week shows debt delinquency rates are on the rise in Manitoba, but that consumers here are still carrying less debt than anywhere else in Canada. In its Q2 2016 National Consumer Credit Trends Report released on Thursday, Equifax Canada says the average delinquency rate for Manitoba stood at 1.2 per cent in the second quarter. Thats a 12.9 per cent increase from the second quarter of 2015, when it was 1.06 per cent. Its also the fourth highest year-over-year increase in the country. The only provinces that saw bigger increases were the ones hardest hit by the downturn in oil prices Alberta (up 40.3 per cent), Saskatchewan (up 22.7 per cent) and Newfoundland and Labrador (up 19.4 per cent). FREE PRESS FILES Although those provinces saw much higher year-over-year increases in their debt delinquency rates, their rates still arent a lot higher than Manitobas rate. Albertas average delinquency rate in the second quarter was 1.4 per cent, Newfoundlands was 1.3 per cent, and Saskatchewans was the same as Manitobas at 1.2 per cent. Canada, meanwhile, saw its delinquency rate climb by 4.1 per cent to 1.1 per cent, while four provinces British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick saw their rates decline over the past year. The Equifax report notes that while delinquency rates in Manitoba are rising at the fourth fastest pace in the country, the average consumer debt loads here are still the lowest in Canada. The credit monitoring agency said Manitoba consumers were carrying an average debt load (excluding mortgages) of $18,193 in the second quarter. Thats more than $3,000 below the national average of $21,878 and nearly $10,000 less than Albertas average, which was the highest in the country at $27,753. That absolutely is the good news, Regina Malina,the lead author of the report, said in an interview. If youre seeing delinquency rates increasing, you certainly dont want to see that the debt levels (are also) high. But Malina noted that while the average debt levels is lower here, it increased by 3.5 per cent between the second quarter of last year and the second quarter of this year. If debt levels are increasing and delinquencies are increasing, you might want to pay attention to the situation, she said. Equifax blamed fallout from the plunge in oil prices as the main reason behind rising debt delinquency rates in the three big oil-producing province. In the case of Manitoba, Malina suspects the main driver is rising unemployment levels. She noted Manitobas jobless rate jumped from 5.6 per cent in Q2 2015 to 6.2 per cent during in Q2 2016. That is definitely something that would have an impact on delinquency rates, she said. The best advice she could offer to Manitoba consumers is to also take into consideration both their own financial situation and the economic conditions in their area when assessing whether to take on more debt. You probably have to do a stress test a little bit. If interest rates were to increase, what would that do (to your ability to keep up with your debt payments)? And what is the economic situation in your region in terms of the possibility of you losing your job she added. Another piece of advise is to try and pay down your debt as quickly as possible by making more than the minimal monthly payments. Especially in the case of debt that carries a higher interest rate. Its old advice, but its so true. She said Equifax has noticed that Canadian consumers are already trying to pay off their credit-card debt as soon as they can, and that its rising instalment loans and auto loans, not credit-card debt, that are the driving forces behind rising consumer debt levels in Canada. The Equifax report came out just over a week after another credit monitoring agency TransUnion released its second quarter report which showed similar trends that the average delinquency rate has risen here in the past year, that Manitobas rate is higher than the national average, but that the average debt load here was still smaller than anywhere else in Canada. Help will be on the way soon for scores of Kewaunee County residents whose drinking water has been contaminated by animal waste, a federal official said Wednesday. Details would be wrapped up and announced imminently, a regional U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator said during a meeting of government agencies organized by Sen. Tammy Baldwin to answer public concerns. Baldwin called well contamination in Kewaunee County a crisis, and said the governments failure to supply clean water to families with ruined wells was the top concern she has heard from that part of the state. One of the most unsettling things you can imagine is turning on your faucet and knowing that it is not safe and theres nobody coming to alleviate that, Baldwin said in an interview after the meeting. Most people dont have the resources to deal with an issue like that. Since at least 2004, about 30 percent of tested wells in the county have had unsafe drinking water, but operators of industrial-scale feedlots questioned if the tests were representative and if cows were the source. Kewaunee County has become the center of pitched struggle between farming interests and clean-water advocates as Gov. Scott Walker and the Legislature have curtailed Department of Natural Resources budgets and its authority to set and enforce standards for polluters. Massive regulatory failure led to the widespread drinking water contamination, an administrative law judge said in a 2014 ruling in one of several lawsuits aimed at forcing the DNR to take greater responsibility for the states water quality. After conservation groups that year petitioned the EPA to use emergency powers to protect public health in Kewaunee County, the agency worked jointly with the DNR to form collaborative workgroups, which issued recommendations in June, including one calling for delivery of safe water. Its not clear why the DNR hasnt acted. Midwest Environmental Advocates, a public interest law firm based in Madison, has contacted the DNR several times since October with legal analysis suggesting the department can provide drinking water when wells are poisoned by animal waste, according to email exchanges the group released. And in a letter dated March 28, acting regional EPA administrator Robert Kaplan told DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp that while the DNR worked on a comprehensive plan to prevent further contamination, it was important to ensure county residents had access to safe water. I know you share my concerns about the availability of clean drinking water for residents with private well contamination, Kaplan wrote. We would like to meet with you to discuss your plans in this regard as soon as possible. But on Aug. 3, DNR attorney Judy Mills responded to Midwest Environmental Advocates questions about drinking water in an email that said, I have been informed that this issue will be addressed as part of the overall department response to the workgroup recommendations. DNR spokesman Jim Dick declined to discuss reasons water hasnt been provided to date. DNR has been working with EPA and local groups on this issue but if an EPA announcement is imminent, well leave it to EPA to provide details, Dick said. Tressie Kamp of Midwest Environmental Advocates said people with polluted wells are forced to choose between costly options of purchasing bottled water, drilling new wells or purchasing expensive treatment systems. Kewaunee County has a high concentration of large dairy feedlots, but state officials have said they were awaiting confirmation that farms, and not another source such as septic systems, had caused the health hazard. Residents say the county program of inspecting septic systems for leaks has all but eliminated the possibility that human waste was the culprit. In November, tests ordered by the DNR of 320 randomly selected wells found 110 exceeded standards for total coliform or nitrate, both of which can come from manure or other sources, such as faulty septic systems. The Wednesday meeting organized by Baldwin, a Madison Democrat, took place in Luxemburg in Kewaunee County. During the session, an EPA official acknowledged that it hasnt conducted certain training on regulating manure pollution with DNR employees since 2014, and that the training was necessary to ensure laws are enforced consistently, Baldwin said. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/08/2016 (2263 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. OTTAWA A new discount airline wants to set up a crew hub and airplane-maintenance centre in Winnipeg, but it wont happen unless Ottawa agrees to exempt the company from a 25 per cent limit on foreign investment in airlines. Canada Jetlines Ltd., based in Richmond, B.C., hopes to establish itself as an ultra-low-cost carrier in Canada, flying up to 64 domestic and international routes within eight years. Twelve of those routes would be out of Winnipeg, including direct flights to Canadian cities such as Edmonton, Ottawa and Thunder Bay, Ont., and direct flights to American cities including Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Winnipegs central location and the existence of a maintenance industry make it an ideal place for a regional hub for the airline, said Jetlines chief executive officer Jim Scott. CANADA JETLINES / FACEBOOK The plan could add 60 new direct jobs to the city within three years and 250 within eight years, once a crew base has been established. Another 1,200 indirect jobs could be created, according to the airlines plan. Winnipeg is a great place for us to stop, Scott said. Jetlines requires a federal airline licence to operate, something it can only get by showing financing in place to cover 90 days of operations. In Jetlines case, the Canadian Transportation Agency says that is $27 million. Jetlines said it has an investor lined up that would allow it to hit that target and get planes in the sky within six months, but that investor is not from Canada, and such involvement would exceed the 25 per cent limit on foreign investment in airlines. In May, the airline applied to Transport Minister Marc Garneau for an exemption to the limit. Meanwhile, Garneau is studying a recommendation to raise the foreign-investment cap to 49 per cent from 25 per cent. The recommendation was made in a December report to government on the future of Canadas transportation system. Conservative transport critic Kelly Block said her party supports the change, particularly as it will increase options for Canadians who live in secondary markets that are not well-served by existing airlines. Last month, Winnipeg Airports Authority CEO Barry Rempel wrote Garneau in support of a raised investment limit as a way to encourage growth in the airline industry. This is the kind of thing which will help our economy grow, Rempel told the Free Press in a phone interview. A bilateral agreement with Europe on the airline industry cannot be fulfilled without raising the investment limit, said Rempel. The agreement should allow more access to the European market for Canadian airlines, as well as bring more European carriers to Canada. He said tourism marketers in Winnipeg fight to compete with cities travellers can reach more quickly via direct routes because tourists dont want to have to make two or three connections. Jetlines has a large stack of letters from airport CEOs, mayors and other community leaders asking Garneau to raise the limit or, at least, give Jetlines an exemption from it. Garneaus spokeswoman said the minister had no comment on the application. A spokesman from the department said in an email, The Canada Transportation Act authorizes the minister to provide an exemption when it is in the public interest. Transport Canada is currently reviewing the request by consulting stakeholders and evaluating the public interest. Scott said he would like to see the overall policy changed, but that could take years. He said his company doesnt have that kind of time because its investor will walk away if the limit isnt changed soon. Scott hopes a decision might be made this weekend at the cabinet retreat planned for Sudbury, Ont. Were encouraged, he said. At the beginning, we thought we had a 50-50 chance, but we have had an outpouring of support, and I think we have demonstrated this is in the public interest. Jetlines would compete with Winnipeg-based NewLeaf Travel, which began flying between 12 Canadian cities July 25 after a delayed start to sort out regulatory issues. NewLeaf Travel is not considered to be an airline, but a ticket reseller, because it doesnt lease or own its own planes. NewLeaf contracts with B.C.-based Flair Air for planes and pilots. As such, NewLeaf isnt subject to the foreign-investment limit, nor did it have to acquire an airline licence. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/08/2016 (2263 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Fishers have to wait at least a year before the province is officially withdrawn from the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation. John Wood, interim president of the FFMC, said that the provinces decision on Tuesday to withdraw from the Crown corporation was sprung upon them. We had no forewarning, so it takes a little while to gather ones position on these things, he said. The monopoly is required to buy, sell and trade all fish it receives from its fishers, a policy that has been in place since 1969. JOE BRYKSA / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS FILES John Wood, interim president of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation. The announcement comes after the Tories said during the April election campaign that they would give commercial fishers the freedom to make their own individual marketing decisions about their products. A press release issued by the Manitoba Government stated that the withdrawal will allow Manitoba fishers to market their products outside Manitoba. It also states that the corporation will continue to exist as a marketing option for fishers. Wood said the withdrawal will not happen overnight; signatories have to give a one year notice of intent to withdraw. It is very early days. Obviously we have to work out first what the fishery is going to look like going forward and then decide how were going to respond to that, he said. Frank Stanek, manager of media relations for the department of fisheries and oceans, said there will be no immediate changes to the FFMC operations. DFO will look at all opportunities and options over the next year to ensure freshwater fisheries are supported in western and northern Canada, he said. . . . the Crown corporation will maintain its mandate and operations while analyzing how to modernize and make FFMC more effective. Wood said there are going to be a lot of discussions between the federal and provincial governments over the next year. Over that year were going to be working towards what our own future at Freshwater looks like and that cant happen until we understand what the fishery in Manitoba is going to look like. . . . I know theres a lot of fishers who are concerned about what the future is going to look like, he said. Not everybody is happy with that decision, well put it that way. Fishers stand on both sides of the issue, voicing their opinions both for and against the decision to withdraw. Based out of Gimli, Robert Kristjansons family has been in the fishing business since 1891. He dealt with fish companies before the FFMC was formed and said nothing has changed since then. It is so sad that I cant even put words to it, said Kristjanson, speaking on Tuesday about the withdrawal. Im not saying (it) has been true blue . . . but to add more fish companies to this is not the answer. Frank Kenyon runs the WMM Fisheries Co-operative Ltd., and is a fisher based out of Fairford. He said Manitobas withdrawal will have a positive impact on the price of his fish, the environment, jobs and foreign investment in the province. We have a lot of hopes here and we dont know how theyll turn out, but if were all very careful and work together, and the fishermen stick together, and the buyers, we hope that this move will be better for everyone, he said. With files from Kristin Annable Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 17/08/2016 (2264 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. It was late in the evening on April 19, and a sweaty and exhausted David McLaughlin already had one foot out the door. The veteran political operative and civil servant had just helped Brian Pallister and the Progressive Conservatives win a resounding majority mandate. As Tory candidates and supporters alike danced around the room, McLaughlin was asked if he might stick around in Winnipeg to help Pallisters transition team, or perhaps even take on a role as a senior adviser to the new government? My plane leaves first thing in the morning, he said with a wry smile. MIKE DEAL / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS FILES David Mclaughlin during Brian Pallister's acceptance speech at Canad Inns Polo Park after his party won a majority of seats in the Manitoba Legislature. It was no slight against Winnipeg. McLaughlin is highly respected as a political adviser and commentator who has work and a life back east. During his engagement with the Tories, he lived out of a suitcase, giving no sign a permanent move to Manitoba was ever in the cards. Still, the news Wednesday he was coming back to Manitoba to help Pallister hone the provinces climate-change policy caused quite a stir in Tory circles. Would McLaughlin be working directly with Pallister to file down the rough spots in government operations? Could he possibly help Pallisters political staff sort out who was doing what and in the process provide more support to struggling cabinet ministers? As it turns out, for the next six months or so, McLaughlin will help the premier with a made-in-Manitoba climate-change plan. Its an important file perhaps the most important in all of government made all the more pressing as everyone awaits Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus promised national carbon-pricing plan, expected to be unveiled in early 2017. Trudeau made it clear in media interviews last month it was essential to establish a national price on carbon and he was willing to impose that price, or taxes, or impose a cap, to make progress on reducing Canadas overall carbon output. The response from the premiers has been mixed to say the least: some believe Trudeau is moving too quickly and asking too much; others believe Ottawa should be acting with more urgency and demanding more from the provinces. In an interview, McLaughlin, a former CEO with the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, said he never intended to take on more work in Winnipeg. But the opportunity to work with Pallister again, and on a file that is close to his heart, was just too good to pass up. I couldnt resist this one because its such a great file, McLaughlin said from Ottawa, where he lives with his family. Im not moving to Winnipeg or looking for a long-term or permanent job. But Ive been working on climate change for a really long time, and that made it a great opportunity. McLaughlin said Pallister wants a made-in-Manitoba climate-change plan developed quickly. The former NDP government unveiled a climate-change plan late in 2015, but it appears none of its measures was ever implemented. As an act of leadership, Pallister deserves credit for turning once again to McLaughlin for help. Climate change is one of the biggest and most impactful policy areas facing government in Canada today. There is really no aspect of life in this country from economics to health care, agriculture and resource management that does not have a climate-change angle. Bringing in a hired gun on a top-policy priority is also, perhaps, a sign Pallister recognizes his government has experienced more than its fair share of policy missteps in its first four months. Many Tories and their hardcore supporters continue to protest its early in the mandate and there are bound to be growing pains. However, veteran political observers understand this is a government that has underperformed on many of its most important portfolios. The premiers decision to bring in McLaughlin to manage the April election was nothing less than a stroke of genius. For nearly a year prior to the vote, the gregarious adviser helped remake the culture of the party, converting it from a loosely connected network of independent contractors only interested in how they fared in their own riding to a genuine team all pulling in the same direction. Success has a way of uniting political parties. And the Tories continue to enjoy solid support from the public and no immediate threat from the NDP or Liberals. Both opposition parties are currently floundering, lacking permanent leadership and a discernible, marketable brand. Despite that, the Pallister government continues to find nails to step on, and there is grumbling from the rank and file. The budget was a muddle, and key moments of truth for cabinet ministers have been botched. Officially at least, McLaughlin is not here to fix all that is wrong with government operations. He is back in Winnipeg to help Pallister on what could be a defining file during his first term in office. Perhaps others in government will watch McLaughlins work on the climate-change file and learn from his steady, even-handed approach. Or, perhaps in unguarded moments between meetings and conferences, McLaughlin will be able to advise and support political staff on how to get a handle on their daily message. Either way, strong leaders are defined by the number of strong people they bring in to work with them. McLaughlin is a particularly strong voice, and his presence here, even for a few months, is a net gain for Manitobas new government. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 17/08/2016 (2264 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Every Thursday night since last November, a group of young people has met in the second-floor classroom at the Downtown Y. They range in age from 14 to 20, and they come from all different backgrounds and neighbourhoods, but they are united but a singular vision: to empower girls and women, and affect real change in their community. They are members of the Winnipeg council of Strong Girls, Strong World, a two-year partnership between Plan International Canada and YMCA-YWCA Canada, funded by Status of Women Canada. These councils exist in 10 centres across the country, from Prince George, B.C. to Iqaluit, Nunavut, and each has the been tasked with executing a project that addresses an issue concerning young women and girls. The projects are led by the girls themselves, and are as diverse as the communities they come from. The Winnipeg participants include youth who identify as non-binary, defined as people who dont exclusively identify with one gender. The Quebec chapter is focusing its energy on sexism and social media, while Hamilton-Muskoka is working on a Girls Guide to Civic Engagement. Here in Winnipeg, Strong Girls, Strong World decided to look at a pervasive issue in this province: intimate partner violence. Theyve been working hard over the past several months, learning all they can about the issue as well as its contributing factors, including gender-based violence, poverty, racism, colonization and the ways in which violent behaviours are both normalized and passed down through generations. Theyve taken classes in everything from self defense to conflict resolution. Theyve talked to community leaders and activists. Theyve build friendships and gained self-confidence. JOHN WOODS / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS From left Pamela Campos, Nicole Kaneski, Soomin Han, Ivy Deseiolles and Brianna Jonnie are part of the Strong Girls, Strong World program and photographed at the downtown Y. And on Thursday, they will share what theyve learned with the community at Eckhardt Gramatte Hall at the University of Winnipeg at 5:30 p.m. Their presentation will focus on healthy relationships what that means, what they look like, and how to build them and will be adapted into a teaching tool that can be used by schools and community organizations. Everyone is welcome to attend. When I meet with five of the councils members earlier in the week, they are readying their presentation. The passion in the room is palpable. This matters to them. They know the statistics: Manitoba and Saskatchewan continue to have the highest rates of intimate partner violence in the country. According to a 2011 Statistics Canada report, half of all female Canadian murder victims were killed by a current or former partner. And its an issue that affects young women, too; in 2014, Statistics Canada found that a current dating partner was most often the perpetrator among youth aged 15 to 19 years (51%) and young adults aged 20 to 24 years (44%) victimized by an intimate partner. The group wants to do something about those numbers, and they believe education is critical. Sex Ed, as it exists today, tends to focus on the biology of the act, as well as how to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Whats too often missing is vital information about relationships, and what makes them healthy. Our young people need to be learning about consent, boundaries, self-care, conflict resolution and how to identify abusive behaviour. Its important to know what a healthy relationship is, and thats something they dont teach us in school, says Brianna Jonnie, 14. I believe this group has been helping educate us, and then were able to create this teaching tool to present to others to help them deal with unhealthy relationships and knowing what resources they can use to build up confidence and courage to leave those. You dont think itll happen to you, until it does, says Nicole Kaneski, 14. The sad reality is that it keeps happening, and its happening to a lot of women in particular. And thats just sad, and scary, and I dont like it. I dont like living in fear of walking outside because I dont know whats going to happen to me or my body. Thats not OK. As part of their research, the group spent time unpacking unhealthy relationship behaviours that have been normalized by popular culture such as the idea that stalking, predatory and obsessive behaviour is somehow romantic. Ivy Desbiolles, 17, says researching consent made her reflect on some of the behaviour she used to consider normal. Like at school, when people were annoying you, and the teacher would say, Oh, they like you, you should see it as a compliment. Back then, I didnt see anything wrong with that. Now, I look back and I think its so wrong to tell people that. I think its important to be having these discussions. Thats why our project is so important. Pamela Campos, 20, says that although intimate partner violence affects her age group, its an ongoing problem we ignore because people dont take this age group seriously. As she correctly points out, these formative years are important; the behaviors our young people learn now will carry over into their relationships going forward. Nicole adds that young people desperately want to have these conversations, but are often dismissed by adults. People dont want to talk to us about issues that are deemed more serious because they feel like dont have the same level of insight or understanding. But we do. We have opinions, we have feelings, and this stuff affects us. Establishing healthy relationships doesnt just apply to romantic ones. Soomin Han, 17, says that through working on this project, she gained a lot of insight into herself and how she relates to other people. I have a better relationship with myself, now, because of these meetings. This is what empowerment looks like. Strong girls, strong world indeed. Twitter: @JenZoratti Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/08/2016 (2263 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. The Pallister governments new climate change adviser will not participate in meetings involving the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association while working in Manitoba. David McLaughlin confirmed Thursday his voluntary position as an external advisory panel member for the industry lobby group will not intersect with his time in government. It meets twice a year: May and November. I will not be attending or participating in the advisory panel during my (Manitoba government) tenure, McLaughlin said via social media. MIKE DEAL / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS FILES David Mclaughlin during Brian Pallister's acceptance speech at Canad Inns Polo Park after his party won a majority of seats in the Manitoba Legislature. The political heavyweight was hired by the Pallister government this month to help implement a made-in-Manitoba climate change plan. The hire comes just a few months after McLaughlin helped steer the Tories to victory April 19 as the Progressive Conservatives campaign manager. Since 2014, McLaughlin has been a member of the panel, which has direct access to the CEPA board of directors and provides advice and assistance in determining priorities for the lobby groups Integrity First program. The programs priorities include pipeline safety, environmental protection and socio-economic practices. Alex Paterson of the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition, applauds McLaughlins record on carbon pricing calling him an intellectual leader on the issue but is concerned his ties to the pipeline lobby group may affect his approach to climate change policy. It is an industry lobby group designed to represent the interests of pipeline operators and I have no doubt they develop the best technology they can, but I also have no doubt it is their strategic mandate to increase the amount of pipeline capacity in Canada, Paterson said. McLaughlin was president and chief executive officer of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy from 2007 to 2012. The advisory agencys funding was famously cut by the Harper Conservatives after it produced more than 10 reports promoting a carbon tax, according to then-foreign affairs minister John Baird. The Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition is vehemently opposed to the proposed TransCanada Energy East pipeline, which would transport one million barrels of crude oil a day from Alberta, Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba to refineries in Quebec and a tidewater port in New Brunswick. The pipeline would run underneath Winnipegs aqueduct, which supplies the citys drinking water from Shoal Lake on the Manitoba-Ontario border. The province has requested intervener status in the National Energy Board review of the pipeline. McLaughlin will receive roughly $10,000 a month until his temporary appointment expires March 31, 2017. When asked why McLaughlin who will commute between Winnipeg and Ottawa was hired within the governments priorities and planning department as opposed to as a consultant, a spokeswoman noted it was a purposefully transparent appointment. He is not known as sort of an ultra right-wing Tory. He is seen as more someone can comfortably swing with the red Tories and the hard C-Tories political analyst Chris Adams on the perception of David McLaughlin (right) McLaughlins role with Manitobas government is a limited-engagement, focused appointment made public, purposely, via our transparent (order in council) process, said Olivia Billson. His broad national network and intergovernmental experience will be of great value in this role. Author and political analyst Chris Adams says to attract a heavy hitter such as McLaughlin, a prominent position and title was needed. He is not known as sort of an ultra right-wing Tory. He is seen as more someone can comfortably swing with the red Tories and the hard-C Tories, Adams said. I think he will get more co-operation with civil servants and deputy ministers, etc. I think if youre to bring this guy back from down East, put him in an area which has authority and can offer authoritative advice to the premier this is the way to go. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/08/2016 (2263 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. After more than two weeks on strike, unionized staff from Macdonald Youth Services will return to work Friday morning with no increase in pay. On Thursday afternoon, Macdonald Youth Services management reached a return-to-work agreement with the Manitoba Government and General Employees Union. MGEU represents the nearly 30 employees of Youth Crisis Stabilization System program who went on strike on Aug. 2, requesting a wage increase. The program offers crisis support to Manitoba children, youth and families. Its a bit of a bittersweet, said Michelle Gawronsky, president of the MGEU. Im extremely happy the strike is over and our members can go back to work (But) its a huge disappointment not to have the support of this government to continue on what was agreed to with the previous government. ZACHARY PRONG / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS ] MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky, joined about two dozen workers picketing on Mayfair Avenue. The agreement comes after the province the sole funder of the youth crisis program denied a request from Macdonald Youth Services management to use its own surplus to boost staff pay earlier this week. In the same announcement, the province advised it would keep overall funding for Macdonald Youth Services static at $2.4 million annually, meaning the centre is now entering its fourth operating year with no increase in funding. Staff in the Youth Crisis Stabilization System program have been without a contract since March 31, 2014, and are requesting a wage increase of two per cent per year for four years, beginning April 1, 2014. Earlier this week, Macdonald Youth Services CEO Erma Chapman told the Free Press management supported the increase, and that shed received verbal approval from the former provincial government to allow the centre to use its own surplus to fund the hike. However, she said, nothing was finalized before government changed. Without provincial approval, she said, managements hands were tied. With the strike over, Chapman said management and union will join forces in an attempt to secure provincial funding for the requested wage increase, beginning with a joint request for a meeting with Manitoba Minister of Families Scott Fielding, to be submitted Friday morning. In terms of labour negotiations, its an unusual turn of the tables, Gawronsky said, that Manitoba hasnt seen for 20 years. A spokeswoman for the Manitoba government responded to a request for comment Thursday, saying, Child and Family Services (CFS) recognizes that MYS provides important services for at-risk youth and we encourage the employer and employees to continue to collaborate. On Thursday, Chapman said she was very disappointed to see staff coming back to work without a pay increase, but very relieved to see them return to provide services to youth in crisis. Youth crisis workers typically make about $10 less per hour than their counterparts who work with adults, she said, and the staff at Macdonald Youth Centre could make thousands more a year if they left to work with youth already in the corrections system. If you are a youth care practitioner your wage would top out somewhere around $43,000 a year, she said. Whereas if you were starting as a juvenile counsellor in the corrections system, you would be starting at around $54,000 a year. Chapman said many of her full-time youth crisis staff do work with adults on the side to supplement their pay. It is a labour of love, Chapman said. Their dedication to the youth, their commitment to Macdonald Youth Services, whichever To be paid that much less than someone who is having the same youth incarcerated is a values statement. Last year, staff in the Youth Crisis Stabilization System program responded to 6,000 crisis calls from Manitoba children, youth and families, and attended 1,400 calls. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/08/2016 (2263 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Just in case youve been trapped down a coal mine for the past couple of days (or kidnapped by space aliens, or otherwise cut off from the global information flow), the most widely shared news story all over the world for the past 48 hours has been about the magic-wand shop in the beautiful village of Slaithwaite, near Huddersfield. It wont sell wands to Muggles. In J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter books and the accompanying movies, the most important cultural phenomenon of the early 21st century, Muggles are people who just dont have the magic. They are not witches or wizards; theyre not even house elves. And Slaithwaite, although it is one of the jewels in West Yorkshires crown, is not widely known outside the British Isles, even in magic circles. WARNER BROS. PICTURES Magic wands dont always solve the problems theyre meant to, as Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe, centre) and his friends discovered. Theyre unlikely to help Donald Trumps political fortunes, either. What brought Slaithwaites magic wands to the worlds attention was Richard Carter, the proprietor of the aforesaid magic-wand shop (called Mystic Moments). He declared to an inquiring journalist that he would not sell any of his lovingly handmade wands to Harry Potter fans, because they dont really believe in magic. Wands are spiritual tools, Carter said. If I had someone come in wanting a wand just because they liked Harry Potter, I would not sell them one, no matter how much money they were offering. I can tell what people are like when they walk in by their aura. You wouldnt believe how many real witches and wizards there are knocking about, the wand-maker continued. You would be amazed. They know they can come in here and reveal themselves without people thinking theyre mental. Mean-spirited cynics are suggesting Carter said this because it would get him lots of publicity. Rowling herself came to the defence of her gazillions of heartbroken young readers, tweeting, Oh, yeah? Well, I dont think theyre real wands. But they are real, or at least as real as Carter can make them. He does believe they work, at least in the right hands. And maybe they do. If you secretly believe in magic and you have made promises that are impossible to keep, it would certainly be worth giving one of Carters wands a try, especially as they only cost $25 to $40 each. Which would explain why several foreign-looking gentlemen have recently been seen on Britannia Road in Slaithwaite. One of them was Chinese. Not that Chinese visitors are all that rare in Slaithwaite its a lovely town with a canal running right alongside the High Street but most of them dont come in long, black limos with embassy plates. This gentleman parked around the corner, lurked in the shadows until Mystic Moments opened, then dodged in, spent about 20 minutes in the shop, emerged with a brown-paper parcel under his arm and sped away. Speculation was rife in the Silent Woman public house later in the day that the visitor had been sent by the Chinese government to get a magic wand for President Xi Jinping. Harold Crossley, the reigning geopolitical expert in the saloon bar, opined that Xi is in deep, maybe terminal trouble because he keeps insisting the Chinese economy is in good shape when it is actually near collapse. A magic wand is obviously his last chance. Later in the day, a car from the Turkish Embassy drew up right in front of Mystical Moments, and a diplomat walked into the shop bold as brass. But he came out crestfallen and empty-handed. Crosseley reckons the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, wanted to put a hex on his rival Fethullah Gulen, and everybody knows Carter doesnt let his wands be used for black magic. The most intriguing visitor, though, was an American gentleman who drove up in a rental car. Nobody knew who he was, and to add to the mystery, Grace Robinson, who was in the shop at the same time, said the man had tried to pay for his wand in Russian rubles. And its no use asking Carter, who is always the very soul of discretion about the identity of his clients. The mystery was only solved when Ernie Best, who patrols Slaithewaites 22 parking meters, came into the Shoulder of Mutton for his evening pint. He had been putting a ticket on the Americans car for parking on a yellow line when the man came out of the shop and told him to stop. You cant do that to me. Im Paul Manafort, the man had said. The name didnt mean anything to Best, who made Manafort wait while he finished writing the ticket, but the well-travelled landlady of the Shoulder of Mutton spotted it at once. Thats Donald Trumps campaign chairman, she said. The pub went silent: everybody was shocked Carter would let a man like Trump have a magic wand. But Carter is subtler than that. News is just in that Manafort has been demoted by the down-market Mussolini he works for. The new chief executive officer of Trumps campaign is Stephen Bannon, from the right-wing website Breitbart News, a man who was once described by the websites editor as Trumps personal Pravda. So it looks as if Trumps magic wand didnt work after all. Gwynne Dyer in a independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/08/2016 (2263 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. News of the recent arrest of a waiter at a Sherbrooke, Que., restaurant prompted by a customers severe allergic reaction has triggered a spirited public discussion on where responsibility lies in protecting Canadians with food allergies. It is important we conduct this dialogue respectfully, acknowledging this is a difficult time for all involved. One man almost lost his life; another is potentially facing a criminal charge. For individuals with food allergies and their families, stories such as this hit home. Having children with multiple food allergies, we know the anxiety that can accompany the simple act of eating. One mistake, one miscommunication or one unguarded moment can be the difference between enjoying a meal and enduring a life-threatening reaction. Without knowing all the facts of this specific case or attempting to imagine ourselves in these circumstances, it is imprudent to draw conclusions or cast moral judgment. Food Allergy Canada has long advanced the idea the safe management of food allergies is a shared responsibility. It has made this case both nationally, and locally, including at a Winnipeg conference a few years ago. Individuals for their own protection must strive to take ownership of their allergies. This means following important strategies to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction. Among these preventive strategies are communicating your allergies to restaurant staff, ensuring friends and dining companions know about your allergies, always carrying your epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen) and knowing when and how to use it. Yet, less-than-perfect adherence to this advice does not lessen the communitys role, including that of restaurants to know what is in the food served to its customers. With more than 2.5 million Canadians with food allergies including approximately 95,000 Manitobans and one in two Canadians knowing someone with a food allergy, it is irresponsible not to mention unwise, from a business perspective to suggest this community might not be welcome in restaurants pending the outcome of the Quebec case. The reality is many Canadians with food allergies have and will continue to dine safely and enjoyably in restaurants across the country. Numerous restaurants, from big chains to small establishments, make great efforts to be allergy-aware. Still, if we are to reduce the risk of incidents such as the one that occurred in Sherbrooke (a man with a severe seafood allergy was served raw salmon, and he ended up in hospital for five days where he went into a coma, police said) and these incidents do occur although they are not always reported on it is time we begin treating food allergies in restaurants as a public-health issue. We take for granted many measures that help ensure consumer safety in restaurants. Processes that support reducing the risk of allergic reactions is a natural evolution. To achieve this, education and training on food allergies and the implementation of clear processes and procedures should be required and universally applied throughout the food-service industry. This idea is not a novel concept. These strategies education and training have been used effectively in other domains as part of public policy measures that have fostered understanding and saved lives. Think of the requirements for schools to have measures in place, such as staff training, to protect students at risk of anaphylaxis, and federal food-labelling rules that require clear ingredient lists and allergen warnings. We have an opportunity to transform what was a negative and could have been tragic event, into a positive outcome that brings together Canadians with food allergies and the food-service industry in a spirit of understanding and co-operation for the public good. Lets seize the moment. Laurie Harada is executive director of Food Allergy Canada. Carla Da Silva is a Quebec-based consultant for Food Allergy Canada. Both are mothers of sons with multiple food allergies. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/08/2016 (2263 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. The Green Party of Canada has a problem with Palestinian-rights enthusiasts. As a fringe party focused on a single set of issues, the party is vulnerable to takeover by such highly motivated groups of campaigners. Party Leader Elizabeth May has retreated to her Cape Breton Island home to consider her options. Her best bet is to let that ship sink and await better opportunities. The Greens Palestinian problem came to a head Aug. 7 at the partys national conference in Ottawa. Delegates voted to support an international boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel, saying the country failed to accord equal rights to Arabs in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Ms. May had warned against adopting the resolution. The Green partys problem with Middle East politics goes back a long way. Monika Schaefer, for example, who was a Green candidate in Alberta in 2006, 2008 and 2011, recently posted videos in which she claimed the Holocaust never happened and there were no gas chambers in Nazi death camps. The party disavowed her views and rejected her as a candidate for last years federal election. The boycott-Israel vote at the convention, however, showed the problem has not gone away. ADRIAN WYLD / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Elizabeth May helped form the Green party in 1983. The Green party needs Ms. May, but she does not need it. She is an eloquent, hard-working, thoughtful parliamentarian with lengthy political and policy-making experience. She knows her policy files extremely well. Her contributions to the national conversation are careful and generally free of rancour. Canada will find a way to use her after she and the Green party part ways. She is the only Green party candidate to be elected to the House of Commons. While the party garnered 3.5 per cent of the popular vote last year, Ms. May was re-elected in SaanichGulf Islands with 54 per cent of the vote. Without her as the leader, the party will sink back to invisibility, while she will be free to continue her work without the taint of anti-Israel foolishness. Ms. May could organize a purge within the party aimed at removing the anti-Israel virus. That will be messy and painful, and the best result it could offer is to defend the partys toehold on a corner of the Canadian political stage. She could soldier on in a party she disagrees with, constantly explaining why she marches in such ranks. Neither of these courses will help her advance her environmental principles. Ms. May and others formed the national Green party in 1983. In its 32-year career in federal politics, the party has only been a fringe player. Its share of the popular vote peaked at 6.8 per cent in 2008. The publics verdict on the party during 32 years has been to turn elsewhere for political leadership. Nothing in the current political climate suggests the country is yearning for the Greens to play a larger role. Party loyalists will feel betrayed if Ms. May withdraws from their ranks. The party, however, has little to offer her but grief. She has won a personal audience in Parliament, and in the country, on account of her intellectual qualities and her evident understanding of the wide Canadian public interest. If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is on his toes, he will start recruiting her for the Senate, where she can join the likes of Manitobas Raymonde Gagne and Murray Sinclair in rescuing that institution from its long decline and loss of political credibility. If that does not work out, plenty of universities and not-for-profit agencies would love to make use of her high public profile. She need not spend the rest of her career with a political albatross slung around her neck. First District Congressman Tim Walz was down on the farm Wednesday morning. Walz paid a visit to LaVerne and Arlene Nelson, who, along with their son Ross own and operate the Nelson Family Farm in Altura, Minn. Walz, a member of the House Agriculture Committee, is visiting farms and farm-related events, gathering observations and insights that may be incorporated into 2018 Farm Bill. The Nelson family took Walz, and other organic farmers on a tour of their 365-acre organic dairy farm, offering the congressman their perspective and insights to various organic farming methods. In the last 10 years organic farming has made tremendous strides, Walz said, but theres still more we can do to make things easier for organic farmers. Organic farming doesnt involve the use of pesticides and other chemicals, and keeping their land, crops and animals free of the chemicals used in conventional farm operations is a vital concern to organic farmers We want rules proposed for aerial spray (of pesticides) because that stuff carries through the air and affects our operations, Arlene said, adding that the health and environmental effects of conventional farming took a toll on the Nelson family, motivating them to transition to organic farming. Ross Nelson talked about the importance of the organic farming community continuing to work together. We have to educate ourselves and we also have to inform the public and be more transparent with them when it comes to organic farming, he said. Educating the public about benefits of organic farming is crucial because the programs that will be included in the 2018 Farm Bill will impact the future of farming and sustainability of future food supply. Its not just about this years yield, but the year after that, and the year after that, Walz said. We need to build coalitions with the public and fellow politicians and get them on board with this stuff. Consequently, finding a middle ground between conventional farmers and organic farmers is a matter on ongoing concern. Walz said in recent years the conflict has lessened as organic farming has become more popular and accepted. Walz said he was optimistic about the finding areas of common ground between conventional and organic farming methods resulting in long-term solutions that will ensure future generations of farmers will thrive. Its my responsibility to use my position to get this information out there, he said. The mindset of conventional vs. organic farming is the old way of thinking ... theres room for us all to come together. You guys are writing this bill, youre the ones voicing the issues, he said. I just vet them and write them into the bill ... Im optimistic about this and coming to a way to find an ideal solution. The mindset of conventional vs. organic farming is the old way of thinking ... theres room for us all to come together. Rep. Tim Walz As 1933 dawned, the editorial writers at the Winona Republican-Herald looked forward to a year of tremendous opportunity, an optimism not likely shared by the seven out of 10 Minnesota Iron Range workers who started 1932 with no work and no prospects for jobs. Across Minnesota, more than 20 percent of wage earners were earning no wages. Farmers were selling hogs for 3 cents a pound, milk for 2 cents a quart. Nearly 140,000 families were classified as needy. Winona, despite brave words on the editorial page, was not immune from hard times. In response to the worsening economic conditions, the county board slashed wages by 10 percent. The city budget was cut by $100,000 nearly one-third. As winter took hold, the Salvation Army handed out more than 5,000 meals, until in February, after spending more than $1,500, the money ran out, the kitchen was closed, and the hungry were forced to look elsewhere. As the ballots were counted on election day, the depth of dissatisfaction was apparent. Franklin Delano Roosevelt carried all wards handily, polling a nearly 2-to-1 margin in the city. In the heavily blue-collar 4th Ward, President Hoover managed 98 votes to FDRs 1,794. After three years of depression, it was time for a new deal. The cheering had barely died away on Inauguration Day in 1933 when President Franklin Roosevelt closed the banks. By March 1933, the American financial system was teetering. In those days before federal deposit insurance, if a bank went bankrupt depositors could lose everything. Rumors of financial trouble would send depositors rushing to the bank in a scramble to get their money out before it was all gone. As economic conditions continued to worsen, runs on the nations banks became more frequent and threatened the stability of the financial system. Across the country, more than 5,000 banks had been forced to close. More than 9 million savings accounts had vanished. In a dramatic move, intended to restore confidence in the nations banking system at the depths of the Great Depresssion, Roosevelt declared a bank holiday, intending to allow the banks to reopen only after they had been certified sound and solvent. Using the power granted by the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, the president suspended all transactions by the Federal Reserve and other banks and put an embargo on the export of gold, silver and currency on March 6, then promptly turned to Congress for authority to reorganize insolvent banks and provide protection for depositors. The swiftness of the action took the local banking community by surprise. Longtime Winona banker S.J. Kryzsko remembered the bank holiday in a 1968 interview: I vividly and clearly remember that morning. We had been opened for about a half-hour and we had only a slight flurry of people, but a lot of newspaper publicity. So the order came and we closed the bank doors. We told the people simply that we had just received a telegram ordering us to close the bank. I remember one old gentleman who really had confidence. He said, I will never draw my money out. I have confidence in you people. Im going to leave it all here! He did have a sizable savings account, and his action was very heartening. You see that big vault door out there? I remember that we sat in front of that big vault all the time that the bank was closed. We really didnt know what else to do. The next day, the citys three banks issued a joint public statement: Our people have every reason to maintain their spirit of calmness and confidence. The attitude of the general public in times like these is a vital element in successfully carrying through a situation such as the one that faces the country at the present time. The people of Winona no doubt will accept the situation cheerfully and cooperate fully with our local banking institutions in which they have always manifested their fullest pride and confidence. The impact of the bank closing rippled out through the community. With no idea of when they could get more, businesses and individuals became exceptionally protective of what cash they had. Most merchants preferred to charge items rather than cash a check. The situation became especially critical when it was apparent that the banks would remain closed past payday. To cope with the situation, some businessmen arranged to have credit extended to their employees until they could draw their pay. Around town, old-fashioned blanket-bills appeared in circulation, presumably pulled from between mattresses and out of dusty Mason jars where they had been squirreled away for years. Tensions eased a bit March 8, when the banks were allowed to open for the limited purposes of receiving deposits and making change, a day later payroll checks were accepted at the banks on which they were drawn, and by the 10th, sound banks were cleared to reopen. Mayor James Rice proudly announced that Winonas banks came through the national banking crisis with colors flying. The city should be proud to have three banks so sound they are permitted to open early. Baraboo leaders have asked consultants to evaluate potential uses for dormant properties on the citys east side. This spring the city hired MSA Professional Services to analyze the underachieving business district and guide a redevelopment effort. On Tuesday, project manager Chris Janson reported to the Baraboo Economic Development Commission and the Plan Commission the studys early findings. Members of those groups asked Jansons team to turn its focus to the fate of underutilized properties along Eighth Street. Greg Wise, president of the Economic Development Commission, said the city needs help evaluating the potential of the former Darrows Country Market and Viking convenience store, as well as the former Brittingham & Hixon lumber yard. Wise pushed to find new uses for those buildings, rather than razing and rebuilding. He said the city should offer support services to recruit and retain businesses. Id like us to think more broadly about redevelopment than just physical redevelopment, he said. Jackson farm City leaders also want guidance in determining what to do with the former Jackson farm, 120 acres the city bought along its eastern border in 2001. This land along Highway 33 could become an industrial park, a shopping center or a residential development or it could be sold. Janson suggested asking prospective developers to submit plans for the site. Id love to know the options, Wise said. The propertys fate has been on the back burner, but could become a key piece of the neighborhoods redevelopment, Mayor Mike Palm said. With the east-side study, maybe the heat gets turned up a little bit, he said. Sonja Stauffacher, a member of the Economic Development Commission, said developing a shopping plaza wouldnt make sense when existing storefronts are available. We have empty spaces downtown now, she said. Palm said residential growth on the east side might support new businesses. People like to be able to shop fairly close to home, he said. Others questioned the need for an industrial park, as the city already has five. Theyre virtually full, but theres a private business park, anchored by Teel Plastics, that has lots available. Pat Cannon, executive director of the citys Community Development Authority, said the former Jackson farm offers a unique opportunity to any developer seeking dozens of acres. That changes the whole complexion of the east side if you put somebody in there, Cannon cautioned. Janson asked for contacts with commercial real estate agents to help him evaluate available properties. City overseers will review the east-side study in September. Other factors A community forum and online survey conducted as part of the study found that recruiting and retaining businesses should be a priority. Possibilities identified include a niche grocery store, and electronics and appliance outlets. More sit-down dining options to complement the Log Cabin and Joses Authentic Mexican Restaurant are desired, too. Theres two great restaurants on this corridor, and there might be room for more, Janson said. Leaders discussed creating signs to brand the east-side commercial corridor, and perhaps establishing a special tax district to encourage redevelopment. Its going to take the right project to come through, Janson said. A state Department of Transportation study of the Highway 33 corridor will play a significant role in the neighborhoods future. Its possible the four-lane road will be converted to three: One eastbound and one westbound, with a turn lane in between. Its also possible Jefferson Street will be realigned to go directly through Eighth Stree with a stop light, rather than taking a jog: This could make the Schadde Plumbing and old Viking properties ideal for redevelopment. A lot of whats going to happen depends on what the DOT does, Janson said. The Sauk County Fairgrounds is another key piece in the east-side redevelopment puzzle. Facilities improvements and more aggressive scheduling of events could bring people to the neighborhood, Janson said. Its a great traffic generator, he said. Lets make it look great and find better ways to use it. JUNEAU A 52-year-old Burnett man is facing criminal charges after his family members turned in four firearms to the Dodge County Sheriffs Office that they alleged he owned as a convicted felon. James Voit is charged with four felony counts of possession of a firearm by a felon. If convicted of all charges he faces up to 40 years in prison and $100,000 in fines. During his initial appearance in court, Judge Steven Bauer gave Voit a $5,000 cash bond with the conditions that he may not possess any firearms, must maintain absolute sobriety and may not possess any controlled substances or drug paraphernalia. He also may not leave the state of Wisconsin or have any animals in his care. On Aug. 8, officers were directed to three members of the Voit family who had gone to the lobby of the Dodge County Sheriffs Office. One of the family members said Voit was a convicted felon, and was allegedly in possession of illegal weapons that they wanted to turn into the sheriffs office. The Voit family turned over one Thompson muzzle-loader, .50 caliber, one Springfield Armory XD 40 semi-automatic .40 caliber handgun, one Springfield Armory XD 9 semi-automatic 9mm handgun and one Mossberg International 817, .17 caliber rifle with scope and weapon light. One family member told officers that he had not been to his fathers residence in a long time but went on that day to retrieve one of his own rifles. While looking for his rifle he discovered these additional firearms and removed them from his fathers residence. James Voit pleaded no contest to operating with a prohibited alcohol content of .02 or more, fifth or sixth offense in 2009. He was convicted of the charge and is a convicted felon. Voit will appear in court Aug. 25 at 8:30 a.m. for a preliminary hearing. Anna Boschert, Beaver Dam, was named the 2016 Dodge County Fairest of the Fair Wednesday. When she was announced as the winner, she thanked her family and the judges. Boschert, 20, is the daughter of Bill and Mary Pat Boschert of Beaver Dam. She attends UW-Platteville seeking a degree in animal science and agribusiness while active in Block and Bridle, the agricultural sorority Sigma Alpha, the Agriculture Business Club and Collegiate FFA. She enjoys running, horseback riding and helping her younger brother show pigs and lambs. She was a co-founder of the Generating a Greener Future project at Beaver Dam High School. Each contestant was asked an impromptu question, and Boschert was asked what the most valuable asset is at the Dodge County Fair. Its the people, she said. Boschert replaces 2015 Dodge County Fairest of the Fair Karoline Twardokus. Twardokus, a student at UW-Platteville, spoke about her year wearing the crown, from the ups and downs. It is the opportunity of a lifetime, Twardokus said. She competed in the Wisconsin State Fairest of the Fairs competition at the Wisconsin Association of Fairs Convention in January, one day after her family lost a barn due to a fire at their dairy farm. Her highs included representing the Dodge County Fair at events throughout the year, and she spoke of how much fun she had serving as the Fairest during the 2015 fair. I competed in a kiddie tractor pull and won, in a dress, Twardokus said. Erin OToole, Iron Ridge, was named the first runner-up. She is the daughter of Patrick and Susan OToole. Samantha Laabs of Iron Ridge and Natalie Rennhack of Beaver Dam also competed for the crown. 2016 Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs Gloria Kesler attended the finals competition. Kesler spoke about her fair family, learning the dos and donts of the fair and of her experiences attending fairs as the Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairsfrom chugging milk from a calf bottle to sticking cheese up her nose. She said she will have attended 53 fairs by the end of fair season, and that this was her first time attending the Dodge County Fair. Its all about the experience, Kessler said. Judges for the 33rd Dodge County Fairest of the Fair include Richard Griep, Beaver Dam, a financial advisor with Edward Jones; Christine Lindner, Fall River, who works for Alsum Farms & Produce in Friesland and served as the 63rd Alice in Dairyland in 2010; and Patti Roden, West Bend, who works for the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federaration and served as the 2006 Ozaukee County Fairest of the Fair. Boschert will represent the Dodge County Fair Association at parades and other functions for the next year. She will also participate in promotion programs and media events and assist in the planning of next years Fairest of the Fair program. After three years of barely uttering a word in court, Stephanie McMillen took the witness stand Wednesday, admitting to poor decisions and bizarre behavior, but insisting she never wanted to kill anyone. In the third day of testimony in her second trial stemming from a 2012 incident in which she is charged with first-degree attempted homicide, McMillen, 47, was called as the final witness and only witness for the defense. On Aug. 22, 2013, charged with obstructing an officer, stalking and attempted homicide, McMillen stood mute, resulting in a plea of not guilty. In the three years since, she has appeared in court dozens of times, her voice heard only on rare occasions when absolutely necessary for proceedings. When she was tried on those charges in May 2015, she chose not to testify. But on Wednesday court broke for lunch early to give time for the defense to thoroughly consider the decision and prepare. The testimony began with defense attorney Rich White asking a few open questions for McMillen to introduce herself to the jury. She was born in Iowa, but moved to Baraboo in the fourth grade. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in 1992. She became emotional when White asked her about how she went back to school to become a nurse. She told the jury how she was married in 1994, which ended in a divorce in April 2012. White then asked about her relationship with Mike Tennier, who she described as a co-worker at Divine Savior Healthcare who became a close friend over several years, leading up to a retirement party in 2011 in which, after telling her about his having a difficult marriage, he told her that he wanted to be more than friends and she welcomed it, telling the court that her marriage at that point was falling apart. The two of them would go hiking, cook, debate Scripture and go out with groups of friends, she told the court, leading up to April 2012, when Tennier told her that he was making an attempt to salvage his marriage. Over the next several months she had more non-work-related contact with Tennier, in which he had emailed her messages that were ambiguous about their future together, as testimony with Tennier the day before revealed, sometimes in intimate terms. An Aug. 22 email from Tennier referred to the last chapter not being written yet. I felt many emotions spinning out of control: depression, anxiety, McMillen said about the time following an Aug. 23 phone call that seemed to unequivocally end the relationship. It was impacting every aspect of my life. White began asking McMillen about when the situation started becoming strange, with web searches in late August and early September that detectives would later find on McMillens computer, looking at instructions on bomb making, pipe bombs, dynamite and a call to a fireworks company. I considered that as one way to commit suicide, because I wanted people to know, said McMillen referring to the image of her possibly charred and scattered remains. They might have a lasting impression of me and what they did to my soul. White asked why McMillen sent emails to Tenniers wife in August under the pseudonym Trina Worth. Because I thought if she knew about the affair, she would leave him. Although the Tennier-McMillen affair was already known in the home, the emails referred to more recent meetings between the two, saying that the two were together and looked like a couple, and that Mrs. Tennier should know because, once a cheater, always a cheater. Around the same time, McMillen was researching handguns through friends and the Internet, because, she said, I had incidents at my home and someone tampered with my car, saying that she also received disturbing phone calls, in which she was called, bitch, slut, and worse. Earlier in the week, McMillens neighbor at the time testified to the court that she had been visited by McMillen, who borrowed her cell phone to call her own phone, using *67 to block caller ID to call the fireworks company. Unlisted calls to McMillens home were revealed on two occasions to have come from McMillens daughters phone through the same the same *67 method and from McMillens work phone. McMillen admitted to renting a car from the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells and how that evening she drove it by the Tenniers home in Wyocena. She admitted to calling herself at work the next day to make up an excuse about a sick relative so she could leave early. McMillen told the court how she drove to the Tenniers house, put on a disguise, including a wig and sunglasses and rang the doorbell with the intention of meeting Kimberly Tennier. She admitted to making up a story about a lost cat and convincing Tennier to follow her toward the pond at the edge of the property. And at the point that Tennier went back into the house, McMillen said she got scared and left, telling Tennier the cats dead. I did those things because I wanted her to feel the same things that I felt fear, being uncomfortable, said McMillen. I remember thinking to myself, this is crazy. I went home and I remember laying on the couch thinking that I had hit rock bottom. White asked McMillen if she believed Tennier was responsible for the harassing phone calls and garage break-ins she said she was dealing with at the time. As I sit here, no, said McMillen. On cross examination Assistant District Attorney Crystal Long asked McMillen about the subsequent interview with Detective Sgt. Greg Bisch after the incident, when Bisch, according to his testimony earlier in the day, was dispatched to serve a restraining order and ask follow-up questions about the Tennier situation. Long asked if McMillen felt it would have been relevant to explain her suicidal state as they were asking about this strange visitor at the Tennier house. No, I did not, said McMillen. Long then returned to asking about the vial of morphine reported missing from Divine Savior, which appeared to coincide with web searches by McMillen about morphine, lethal dose of morphine, and a host of other drugs found in the anesthesia work room, which McMillen had access to, and where McMillen had assisted in drug counts the preceding Friday afternoon and Monday morning of the incident, when the count was found to be off by one vial of morphine. I did not take any medications from work, said McMillen who earlier told the court that the searches were part of her research into suicide methods. Its possible that under the right set of circumstances, said Long, that you would have taken them from work. Theres always the possibility of a lot of things, McMillen responded. Over the course of two interviews following the incident, McMillen admitted to almost every point of the accusations against her, except the accusation of attempted homicide and stolen morphine, which remained unsolved. Bisch testified that McMillen was very cordial, but her answers just dishonest. Just before McMillen testified Wednesday, White moved to have the case dismissed on a lack of evidence. It is not the way our system is designed to work, he said, with half-baked theories good enough for a bar stool convention. There was a lot of evidence by the Internet searches, and the affair, said Long. The standard is whether or not if the acts that were taken unequivocally showed that was going to happen, and there were acts that were happening, going on to say, If there was a conversation that needed to happen, why did it need to be by the pond? This is quite certainly circumstantial evidence, said Judge Brian Pfitzinger, but there is enough to support the states primary theory that the morphine was taken and was taken by Ms. McMillen. Closing arguments are scheduled for this morning. On Wednesday, Aug. 24, the Columbus Police Department will be holding a training exercise with the Columbus School District. Multiple public safety agencies will also be participating in this training. The training will occur at the Columbus Elementary and Middle Schools. There will be a significant law enforcement and fire department presence at this exercise. People are welcome to observe from a distance, but the school property will be off limits to the general public during the training. Training will start around 8 a.m. and is expected to be completed around 4 p.m. Some streets and parking around the school will be restricted during the exercise. The school district office will also be closed during training. Questions may be directed to the Columbus Police Department or the Columbus Emergency Management Director/Fire Chief Randy Koehn. A home in the town of Honey Creek was destroyed by fire Tuesday. The Sauk City Volunteer Fire Department responded to the rural house fire Tuesday afternoon after receiving a report that flames were showing through the buildings roof. Sauk City Volunteer Fire Department President Tom Wipperfurth said the property, located in the 7900 block of Petzke Drive near Natural Bridge State Park, was burned to the ground. The fire had a pretty good head start before anyone even called it in, Wipperfurth said. That property is 15 to 20 minutes away from our station, so you can imagine the damage before we got there. Along with Sauk City, four other fire departments responded to help fight the blaze. Water tenders from Loganville, Plain and North Freedom, along with a fire engine from Plain, an aerial truck and an additional fire chief from Baraboo were dispatched. Wipperfurth estimated 25 to 30 firefighters fought to extinguish the fire for more than four hours. We had wires down, so Alliant Energy was also there, Wipperfurth said, and Sauk County Sheriffs Department assisted with traffic. Wipperfurth said the home and its contents are considered a complete loss. There is no damage estimate at this time, and no injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is still undetermined. The Salvation Army is assisting the family with relocation. Beaver Dam is considering how to respond to recent changes in the state statues tied to room tax that will be in effect Jan. 1, 2017. Beaver Dam Area Development Corporation met Wednesday afternoon to look at the options the group and Beaver Dam have moving forward with room tax collection. In 2016 Beaver Dam collected $137,000. The city has a long-term contract that designates 90 percent of the funds for the BD Area Development Corporation and 10 percent for the Beaver Dam Chamber of Commerce. The changes are a result of the lodging and hospitality industry wanting room tax funds used more for tourism promotion and development. According to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, the changes to local room tax include that a municipality must create a tourism entity or commission and room tax revenue must be spent on tourism promotion. This commission or entity must include at least one owner operation of a lodging facility that collects room tax and is located in the municipality. It cant be spent directly by the municipality. Mayor Tom Kennedy said during the meeting that by January there will be a tourism commission. Beaver Dam has an agreement to use room tax fund in its current form up to 2023. When that agreement is up its a whole new game, said Trent Campbell, executive vice president of the Beaver Dam Area Development Corporation. Other than that, the group is deciding to hold off making any changes for the time being. Action by inaction, Campbell said. Wary on potential Dodge/Jefferson development partnership Dodge County may join a regional economic development partnership with Jefferson County, although members of the Beaver Dam Area Development Corporation are hesitant about that. Campbell said he is sharing the information with the group and looking for its input. At the moment, Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium has created a public-private nonprofit organization in an effort to work on community development and tourism. The initiative involves a five-year plan of $4.1 million to attract new developments in the two counties, grow business and job investments and drive tourism. Campbell said it seems like the county wants to move forward with the partnership that would cover the entire county instead of just portions of it. This scenario would cost $85,000 annually for five years and would cover the entire county. Three seats on the GHDP board of directors and a potential seat in the executive committee would be established for a Dodge County representative. A program manager would be placed in Dodge County, with the rest of the Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium staff working to cover the area as well. Campbell said that the $85,000 may come from county sales tax dollars. He and Kennedy said that this will not greatly benefit Beaver Dam. Both speculated that Beaver Dam contributes the bulk of the sales tax revenue in the county. In opposition, the opinion was raised that the sales tax dollars should go back into the Dodge County communities to spur economic development or Dodge County should end the sales tax program. Campbell said Beaver Dam has its own system. Having an economic development group on the county level would be redundant for Beaver Dam, he said. However he said that labor info, demographic statistics and other information from this potential partnership could benefit Beaver Dam. Campbell said that an economic development group on the county level could help smaller communities in Dodge County, but he questioned whether those communities would be able to attract major businesses. Will this really create impact in this area, he said. That is anyones guess. Campbell ended the discussion by telling the group that he will bring the comments to the county. In an election season marked by broad dissatisfaction with the two major parties, Libertarian Phillip Anderson sees a chance to make history in Wisconsins U.S. Senate race. Anderson, a Fitchburg business manager and owner, is the Libertarian nominee for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. That pits him against incumbent Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Oshkosh and Democrat Russ Feingold of Middleton, who are much more widely known. Recent polls show Anderson getting 7 to 8 percent support in the Senate contest. Thats better than a typical Libertarian candidate in a statewide race, but a far cry from giving him a path to contention much less a victory. Anderson says the path exists, however unlikely. My own mother asked me the same question: Do you think you can win? Anderson laughed. His answer: Yeah, theres a path and its narrow. Anderson sees opportunity stemming from the presidential campaign, which could make 2016 a year of broader visibility for the Libertarian Party. Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico, is getting nearly 10 percent support in many polls buoyed by the fact that both major parties and their presidential nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are viewed unfavorably. Far more likely than an Anderson win this November is a scenario in which he plays spoiler. Feingold has consistently led in polls of the race. But if Johnson draws closer to him as Election Day nears, as many political observers and the campaigns expect, its conceivable that Anderson could tilt the election toward the candidate from whom he poaches fewer supporters. Stakes in the Senate race are high because Wisconsin is among a handful of states with competitive races the outcomes of which will determine which party controls the Senate in 2017. Slightly more voters who initially backed Johnson defect to Anderson if given that third option in polls, versus the number of voters who defect from supporting Feingold, according to data supplied by Marquette Law School Poll director Charles Franklin from the two most recent polls in August and July. But despite that and the sizable role libertarians have played in Republican politics in recent years the polls show Anderson pulling nearly equal support from Republican- and Democratic-leaning voters. Anderson and Johnson had a chance personal encounter at the Racine County Fair earlier this month, in which Anderson said Johnson urged him to reconsider his candidacy. The Johnson campaign said that account is not accurate. Johnson spokesman Brian Reisinger said the senator never asked Anderson to reconsider his campaign. Phil Anderson seems like a nice man. Ron had a brief conversation with him and took a photo, but he never asked him to drop out of the race, Reisinger said. The Feingold campaign did not immediately respond to an inquiry about how, if at all, it is addressing Andersons role in the race. Polls: Voters from both parties mull Anderson Anderson is general manager of Green Cab of Madison and owns Silver Compass Realty. He has never held elected office. Two years ago he ran as an independent candidate for a Dane County state Assembly seat, getting 18 percent of the vote. Anderson hopes to capitalize on broad discontent with the two-party system and Washington, D.C., by running a campaign that bashes both. This particular election, we see as a huge opportunity, Anderson said of himself and fellow Libertarians. People are seeing more and more behind the curtain of Washington, D.C. Theyre seeing all the nasty corruption, all the influence-peddling, all the dishonesty that come forth from not only the presidential candidates, but from both parties. Libertarians have had some representation in the Republican Party in recent years most notably, through the presidential candidacies of former Congressman Ron Paul. His son, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, also ran for president this year. Anderson said he is aggressively courting Republicans and Democrats. He believes he can capture some disaffected supporters of Bernie Sanders, an independent U.S. senator from Vermont who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination. Recent polls show at least a handful voters in both parties are open to Andersons message. Recent Marquette Law School Poll results show 5 percent of voters who picked Feingold in a two-way poll between him and Johnson shifted their support to Anderson in a three-way poll. Eight percent of voters who back Johnson in the two-way poll defected to Anderson in the three-way matchup. Sorting Anderson supporters by party produces a fairly even split. About 11 percent of voters who identified as leaning Republican, and 5 percent of those who identified as solidly Republican, backed Anderson in the poll. He got the backing of 11 percent of voters who identified as leaning Democratic, and 4 percent of those who were solidly Democratic. Anderson doesnt have the advantages of being a major-party nominee. He has a small campaign war chest and less of a ready-made campaign infrastructure than Johnson or Feingold. He also has far less name recognition than the incumbent, Johnson, or former three-term senator, Feingold. Anderson hopes to counter those disadvantages with a grassroots campaign powered by personal interaction with voters and social media. Thats our angle, is to get in front of people, Anderson said. Its just a question of being able to compete in the arena of ideas on a somewhat level playing field. And I believe in that sense, well win. Anderson on the issues One issue on which Anderson has strong and in some cases, controversial ideas is foreign policy. He denounces recent U.S. foreign policy as imperialistic and hypocritical and violent. We need to stop the meddling that we do overseas, Anderson said. I think that we have created a lot of terrorists and a lot of ill will across the world. Thats something that we need to pull back from, while still having a strong defense. Anderson said he wants to halt drone strikes against and opposes sending any U.S. troops to fight terror groups overseas. He said he would consider supporting manned aircraft strikes against such groups. Heres a brief overview of where Anderson stands on other key issues: Free trade: Hes generally supportive of global trade agreements such as the Trans Pacific Partnership he actually thinks it doesnt go far enough toward removing trade restrictions and strongly opposes tariffs and other protectionist measures touted by Trump. Monetary policy: Like many libertarians, Anderson stands apart from mainstream thinking in both major parties by denouncing U.S. monetary policy as harmful. He wants to stop quantitative easing, the Federal Reserve policy that increases the U.S. money supply. Abortion: Anderson calls himself pro-life, though he said hes open to circumstances in which abortion would be legal in some cases. Anderson said he favors banning abortion after a certain point in the pregnancy after which the fetus would be deemed an alive human individual based on medical evidence a threshold he said could be anywhere between conception and 26 weeks into a pregnancy. After that point, Anderson said he would oppose any exceptions to an abortion ban, including for rape or incest. Minimum wage: Anderson does not favor increasing the minimum wage, and in the long term hed like to see it abolished. Drug war: Anderson condemns U.S. drug policy as counterproductive. He wants to immediately legalize marijuana. Anderson favors eventual legalization of other drugs too, with U.S. policy in the short term shifting toward treatment of addiction instead of criminal enforcement. Entitlements: Anderson supports privatizing Medicare in the near future, partially privatizing Social Security by allowing beneficiaries to immediately opt out of the program, and incrementally increasing the Social Security retirement age. Health care: Anderson wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act and privatize Veterans Affairs health care. WYOCENA It took more than 10 months, but the graves of 249 indigent people in Columbia County will soon have a marker a historical marker, sanctioned by the Wisconsin Historical Society. Terry Pease of Pardeeville, who has spearheaded the effort to get a monument for the potters field on a Wyocena hillside, said the plaque will soon be affixed to a boulder, which will be placed at the site along Crawford Drive in Wyocena. And, Pease has set a time 1:30 p.m. Aug. 27 for a short, somewhat solemn dedication of the monument. These were indigent people, he said, who were not claimed by any families. Pease said he raised about $1,400 for the project, mostly from local supporters. The money that isnt needed for the monument will be donated to the Columbia County Historical Society. When he was a boy growing up in the Pardeeville-Wyocena area, Pease said, hed heard, from time to time, that his favorite sledding hill might be a cemetery. It is. Its the final resting place of 249 paupers who resided in what was then known as the Columbia County Asylum for the Chronic Insane and Poor House. Of the people buried there between 1871 and 1971, only three have a stone marker: Beulah Lehman (1914-1954), Henry Leo Harry Cummings (died in 1933) and Carrie Popp (1891-1969). The names of the people buried in the cemetery (too many, of course, to be inscribed on the monument) are known, thanks largely to the late Monna Aldrich, who died a year ago. She compiled the names of the 249 people known to be interred in what the local people referred to as the potters field, plus seven more who died at the asylum but who may or may not have been buried in the plot. The names are in a database that can be accessed at the Museum at the Portage website, By clicking on genealogy, a researcher can get the list of all known Columbia County burials, with burial sites listed by town. The listing of the people buried in the potters field is under Columbia County Home and Hospital, in the town of Wyocena. Anna Mae Axness of Portage, who compiled the database of Columbia County burials, credited Aldrich for taking the lead in putting together the names of those buried in the Crawford Drive hillside. Many, however, have only the date of death, because the date of birth was often unknown. Pease said his efforts to get the monument, and get it sanctioned by the Wisconsin Historical Society, stemmed from his desire that the people buried there should not be forgotten. It took several months, he said, but thats par for the course when dealing with the Wisconsin Historical Society, whose officials like to be thorough and accurate. Pease said tentative plans call for inviting a local Christian pastor to say a few words at monument dedication. He said he knows, from clergy who have served in the area, that at least some of the people buried in the potters field had a clergy member present at their burial. Wits and Academic Partnerships agree to educate online Wits signs a MOU with Academic Partnerships to increase access to education through online learning. The demand for quality education and access to education in Africa is increasing, with few resources and infrastructure to accommodate qualifying students. Online learning is important to South Africa because the demand for tertiary education in emerging economies is insatiable but access is a problem. The University of the Witwatersrand and Academic Partnerships (AP) in the USA, which partners with universities to increase access and revenue through online courses, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signaling their intention of participating actively in building online programmes. The MOU was signed at Wits on 8 August 2016. The introduction of online programmes at Wits aims to address some of the challenges of access to higher education in South Africa. In June, the University launched its first three massive open online courses (Moocs) on the EdX platform, the first African university to do so. These Moocs are: System Dynamics for Health Sciences; Research Methods: An Engineering Approach; and Results-Based Project Management: Monitoring and Evaluation. Professor Andrew Crouch, Deputy Vice Chancellor: Academic who signed the agreement with AP on behalf of Wits says that the agreement to launch online programmes, rather than online courses is an exciting development for the University. Academic Partnerships is very reputable. There are partnerships in many parts of the world, and AP has experience in launching and sustaining online programmes,says Crouch. The introduction of online programmes at Wits will enable the University to serve students across the globe through a highly efficient delivery system. Randy Best, Chairman and Founder of AP says the partnership will benefit students, professors and the economy whilst making knowledge more accessible. The online programmes are going to play a critical role in the students life and enhance education. The programmes are also economical; there is no need to deal with infrastructure to support it. It makes the great knowledge of your professors far more available for more people, says Best. According to Crouch, the launch of the online programmes at Wits is awaiting final approval from a number of bodies, including the Department of Higher Education and Training, the Council for Higher Education as well as the South African Qualifications Authority. It will take almost a year before the first online programme can be launched, as the programmes also need to be accredited. The first online programmes will be in business and administration and these will be postgraduate programmes. Other programmes which are currently being explored are in the education area and the health sciences. Only a few programmes will be online. The introduction of online programmes will not replace current contact programmes. Rather, online programmes will increase access to courses where there are too many students and too few lecture halls and lecturers to accommodate all those students, says Crouch. The quality of education for online students will also be important and has to meet Wits standards. The same entry requirements for our full- time students will be prescribed for our online students, so that we are ultimately assured of a proud Wits product. Immunizations *** Special Immunization Announcement *** Effective July 21st, 2016 updates to the Illinois General Assembly Administrative Code have increased the immunization requirements for college students attending all Illinois State schools. These changes have increased the requirements for Tdap, MMR and Meningitis. Immunization records can be faxed to 309-298-2188 All required immunization information must be submitted and in compliance within the first 10 days of the semester on campus. Failure to do so will result in registration encumbrance and a processing fee. All students are encouraged to log in to the secure patient portal at with their ecom credentials to check their current compliance status. Questions may be addressed to: The Immunization Compliance Officer by calling (309) 298-3171 or by emailing What We Can Do For You Assist students in obtaining required immunization records. Maintain, record and retain all immunization records for enrolled students. Provided copies of immunization records. Answer questions about State requirements for immunizations. Illinois Immunization Requirements The following students must comply with the Illinois Immunization Law: Undergraduate students taking 6 credit hours or more Graduate students taking 5 credit hours or more All students taking 3 or more credit hours during the summer session There is a fee for receiving additional immunizations at Beu Health Center by appointment. For details, please call (309) 298-1888. Immunizations offered at Beu Health Center Vaccine Price Gardasil (HPV) $260.00 Hepatitis A $90.00 Hepatitis B $75.00 Menactra $150.00 MMR $95.00 Td (tetanus) $35.00 Tdap $45.00 TBST Tubersol $25.00 Flu Shot Free *Prices may change without notice.* Acceptable Documentation of Immunizations An immunization form is available for use of documenting immunizations. This form is NOT required if an official record can be provided with a verifying signature. Illinois high schools are a good source for obtaining an up-to-date record. A copy of the high school record is acceptable. Copies of a baby book are acceptable providing there is an official signature verifying dates and the name of the person receiving the shots. Your family doctors office may be able to provide the record of immunization. A signature by a health care provider or their nurse is acceptable. Previous Colleges and Universities students have attended may have required immunization information. A copy from a previous College or University is acceptable. Students who are exempt: You may be exempt from the Illinois Immunization Law if you meet one or more of the following students with approved medical waivers students with approved religious exemptions students taking less than half of a full-time load each semester students taking online only classes with no direct physical interaction with other WIU students or the Macomb campus Students must show verified proof of immunity by: Beginning with the Fall term 2016-2017, students who enroll at a post-secondary educational institution shall present to Beu Health Center proof of immunity evidencing the following immunizations: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Students shall provide dates of any combination of three or more doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus containing vaccine. One dose must be Tdap vaccine. The last dose of vaccine (DTP, DTaP, DT, Td, or Tdap) must have been received within 10 years prior to the term of current enrollment. The minimum time interval between the first and second dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days), with the third dose having been received at least six months after the second or last dose of the basic series. Receipt of Tetanus Toxoid (T.T.) vaccine is not acceptable in fulfilling this requirement. Measles Students shall provide documentation of receipt of two doses of live measles virus vaccine on or after the first birthday. The minimum time interval between each dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days). If either dose was received prior to 1968, proof must be provided that a live virus vaccine, without gamma globulin, was administered. Students who cannot provide proof of immunization may provide laboratory (serologic) evidence of measles immunity. Rubella Students shall provide documentation of receipt of two doses of live rubella virus vaccine on or after the first birthday. The minimum time interval between each dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days). Students who cannot provide proof of immunization may provide laboratory (serologic) evidence of rubella immunity. Mumps Students shall provide documentation of receipt of two doses of live mumps virus vaccine on or after the first birthday. The minimum time interval between each dose must have been at least four weeks (28 days). Students who cannot provide proof of immunization may provide laboratory (serologic) evidence of mumps immunity. Meningococcal vaccine. Beginning Fall term 2016-2017, all new admissions under the age of 22 shall show proof of having at least one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine on or after 16th birthday. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS are also required to have a TB blood test to be administered upon arrival at WIU. If the TB blood test is positive, a chest x-ray will be required. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS NEEDING BOTH second TD & MMR -- both should be administered four - six weeks after the initial series. If you are not able to present us with proper documentation, we are required by law to re-administer the immunizations. Revised 07/2018 ITPIR 'Shark Tank' winners announced Diving into the deep end Fourteen teams of student researchers submitted proposals to a panel of faculty judges. Five emerged from the competition. The judges From left: Michael Tierney, Jaime Settle, Stephen Hanson, Daniel Maliniak and Brad Parks. All photos Leilia Magee A powerful proposal Their project: Democratizing Data: A Data Gathering Tool with Infinite Expansions. The team (from left): Nadia Aly 16 MS 17, Ivan Echevarria 18 and Dan Jelf 18. Leilia Magee Photo - of - Hide Caption Fourteen teams of student researchers presented thought-provoking pitches to a faculty panel of judges on Aug. 8 during the second annual Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations (ITPIR) Shark Tank competition.. The students, all but two from William & Mary, worked on project ideas for eight weeks this summer, and provided a five-minute public preview of how their ideas would be implemented and their potential impact. Then, thanks to generous gifts from Tim Dunn 83, Ellen Stofan 83, and Andrew 93 and Sarah Sugerman 92, the panel was able to award funding totaling $20,000 to its five top choices. {{youtube:medium|-Gxu7exnh9Q, A lighter look at Shark Tank 2016.}} Shark Tank provides students with a structured process to refine their own ideas, learn how to write a proposal, learn how to construct a budget and, ultimately, to write a compelling proposal and pitch it to a critical audience, said Michael Tierney, director of ITPIR. Tierney was part of a panel of judges that featured Stephen Hanson, vice provost for international affairs, and assistant professors Jaime Settle (government) and Dan Maliniak (government and public policy) and Brad Parks, executive director of AidData. The five projects they selected are highlighted. Debating Foreign Aid: A Comprehensive Text and Sentiment Analysis of the Congressional Record on International Development, by Samyuktha Mahadevan 19, Ben Neider '18, Amanda Lewe '19. What we hope to find with our study is, firstly, a more comprehensive understanding of the process by which foreign aid policy is developed, Mahadevan said. Secondly [to find] a model of patterns regarding debates on international assistance, which can be used to understand and predict congressional action in the future. In doing this, Mahadevan's group will produce a large-scale analysis and policy prediction model based on the patterns of discussion on foreign aid and an open-source online database that includes the entire Congressional Record for trends in arguments for and against foreign aid and the terminology used over time. Mahadevans group is receiving support and guidance from Professor Maurits van der Veen, assistant professor of government and director of the STAIR lab at William & Mary. Maliniak said he was really excited to see what this team of researchers would produce. Both in the academy and in industry, the use of prose as data is becoming increasingly frequent and sophisticated, he said. Sure, someone could read the entire Congressional Record for all discussion of foreign aid, and try to summarize it and search for patterns, but five different Ph.D. students could do the same task and come up with five different dissertations. Instead, a few W&M undergrads will be able to process more text than one could reasonably read, and look for patterns that might not be obvious otherwise. Modeling Internally Displaced Person Movements: A Case Study of Conflict, Infrastructure, and Urban Travel Time Analysis, by Sarah Harmon 19 and Ethan Harrison (Rappahannock CC). Where do displaced groups relocate following conflict events? Harmon and Harrison asked the judges. They speculated that displaced groups seek shelter in areas with the most developed infrastructure, but other factors, such as cultural similarity or security, might also shape these movements. If they can establish the push and pull factors that drive the movements of displaced people, donors might be able to predict how similar groups will behave at the onset of displacement during future crises, leading to a development and finance policy that would respond more effectively to overwhelming groups of moving people. Verifying and Strengthening the TUFF Methodology, by Graeme Cranston-Cuebas 18. The TUFF (tracking underreported financial flows) methodology recently completed worldwide coverage of all Chinese development finance, Cranston-Cuebas said. However, the methodology has been sharply criticized by some scholars due to its reliance upon open-source media collection. Cranston-Cuebas told judges his project will take a data-driven approach to validating the accuracy of, streamlining and improving TUFF methodology. The first phase will determine the accuracy of the TUFF methodology in tracking development finance at the project level through open-source data collection. The second phase will identify ways to streamline the methodology to improve accuracy and efficiency. The third phase will combine the results of the two and produce a white paper addendum to the current TUFF methodology." While the TUFF methodology has produced the most comprehensive and widely used project-level dataset of Chinese foreign aid that has been cited over 100 times in academic journal articles and now three times in The Economist magazine, we have not yet proven that the TUFF method accurately classifies data by comparing the TUFF data to official records from government agencies," Tierney said. "Graemes research seems like an important and obvious check on the reliability of these data. Tracking International Development Projects and Finance: Open Data on the Activities of Commercial Volunteer-Sending Agencies, by Grace Anderson (James Madison University) and Allison Bowers 18. The popularity of volunteer tourism or voluntourism has seen exponential growth in the past 20 years. Despite this, little has been done to track and map where exactly these voluntourism projects are and what sectors are involved. Their project aims to map and sort by sector a database of voluntourism projects occurring in Cambodia and produce a final paper on various trends that emerge from the data. We have spoken with several organizations, such as Save the Children and ReThink Orphanages, who have expressed strong interest and need for this database on these projects in Cambodia, Bowers said. Democratizing Data: A Data Gathering Tool with Infinite Expansions, by Nadia Aly 17, Ivan Echevarria 18 and Dan Jelf 18. The team proposes an online Decision Support Tool (DST) preliminarily named GUAC that will democratize access to internal tools created by AidData/ITPIR to reduce the time and cost of collecting, processing and publishing data. GUAC is the next logical step for AidData, they told the judges. We have been making high-quality, open data sets for years, and we have taken the same approach with our methodologies. GUAC expands on this by making it easy for anyone to create similarly high-quality data sets. AidDatas core is open data and we want to push forward to become a leader in open data creation. What of the projects that didnt receive funding? Tierney pointed to a project from last year that was not funded, but the students pressed on with their work and it is now in the running for funding from the United Nations Centre for Counterterrorism. Tierney said many ITPIR projects, such as TRIP and AidData, were created and grew from the innovative ideas of undergraduate students. However, he added, as projects get larger and become more hierarchical, the ability of 19-year-old students to weigh in on the operational decisions and strategic direction of a project has a tendency to decline. Shark Tank is an effort to institutionalize student innovation and to ensure that we dont miss the next great idea that could lead to knowledge breakthroughs, inform policy decisions or save lives. Maliniak said that what impressed him most about this years crop of projects was the diversity of questions combined with the innovation used to try to answer them. It was a real reminder of how important it is to have people take a look at a familiar problem with fresh eyes, he said. And, as a William & Mary professor, I was reminded that I get a new crop of very smart people starting at the task every August. China News on Women Sorry, the page you requested was not found. If you're having trouble locating a destination on, try visiting the Womenofchina Home page Repair job complete at Angra 2 pool 18 August 2016 Share Brazil's fuel cycle company INB has celebrated the successful underwater repair of a damaged fuel rod canister in the storage pool of Angra 2. If the integrity of fuel rods in a light water reactor such as Angra 2 is reduced they sometimes begin to release radioactive elements such as iodine-131 into the coolant water. This has no effect on the performance or safety of the plant, but is nevertheless monitored by operators. On the next refuelling outage the damaged elements are removed from the reactor, placed in a sealed canister and stored alongside other used fuel elements in the used fuel pool. During this procedure at Angra 2 in April 2014 the canister itself suffered damage while being manoeuvred. Rather than purchase a new container and transfer the rods, plant owner Eletronuclear and Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) launched a project to repair the canister in situ, some 12 metres underwater and with used nuclear fuel elements inside it as well as nearby. Planning the job took two years for INB and Eletronuclear, based on the technical drawings of the canister, Eletronuclear's capabilities within its power plant and INB's machining skills. After a test run at an INB facility, the team performed the repair "with a high level of technical sophistication and pinpoint accuracy," said Rogger Faria, the mechanical engineer at INB who led the project. INB said the success has led to a partnership for a commercial service offering ultrasound inspection of fuel elements in nuclear power plant used fuel pools and company superintendent Reinaldo Gonzaga said the experience opens the opportunity for INB to become qualified in fuel element repair. Researched and written by World Nuclear News Related topics Urenco signs Ukrainian contract 18 August 2016 Share Urenco is to supply uranium enrichment to Ukraine under a contract signed today by the country's national nuclear company Energoatom and the enrichment firm owned by Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Urenco CEO Thomas Haeberle and Energoatom president Yuriy Nedashkovskyi celebrate the contract at a ceremony in Kiev (Image: Energoatom) The Ukrainian company earlier this year invited Urenco to submit an offer to supply enriched uranium as part of a competitive procurement exercise. The material supplied by Urenco will be used to produce nuclear fuel for Ukraine's nuclear power plants at Westinghouse's fabrication facility at Vasteras, Sweden. Energoatom president Yuriy Nedashkovskyi said contract was part of the company's efforts to strengthen the country's energy security. "This contract is another consistent step by Energoatom to diversify nuclear materials and fuel supply to meet the needs of Ukrainian nuclear power plants," he said. Researched and written by World Nuclear News Related topics Look No Further, It Is All Here Is Message To Students Thinking Of Wrexham This article is old - Published: Thursday, Aug 18th, 2016 The new Vice Chancellor of Glyndwr had a simple message to prospective students today, saying she believes the Wrexham institution has it all. Its been all systems go at Wrexham Glyndwr University this morning as the phone lines and web chats opened to students who are looking for courses through the Clearing process. A designated team of staff are on hand until 8pm this evening to answer all queries from students following this mornings A Level results. Around ten staff at a time at at the university to answer phone calls and answer prospective students questions on the online chat. Preparation for Clearing itself began for staff at the end of June, just a few days before the Clearing process opened up on UCAS. However as readers will know it is A Level results day and the weeks that follow that see an increase in course enquiries. This years team is also larger than normal and has a number of academics on the end of the phone to help deal with any specific student queries. Julie Cowley, head of marketing, recruitment and admissions told that the admissions team started work this morning at 6:30am, with the first call about Clearing coming through at 6:40am. The whole admissions team are giving help and advice to students ringing this morning. We are giving out instant decisions and offers where possible, said Julie. We are a very friendly team and students shouldnt worry about ringing us. Although it is only a few hours into the Clearing process, the number of calls to the university is already on a par with previous years. Courses which have already seen a peak of interest throughout this morning include education, psychology, business and health. Julie said: It is a constant process throughout the day. UCAS has been open since 8am, but we have been getting calls before then. Some students who call have not got a place on a specialised course and want to discuss alternatives with us and we are here to help advise and point people in the right direction. We expect a lot of the calls that come through today to be local. It is potentially a cheaper option some ring today because they have they decided they dont want to move away from home and want to discuss other choices. She added: We are urging students to give us a call, but also invite them to the Clearing Open Day on Saturday where we can offer support and guidance. In the past the Clearing process has been seen as a lesser and possibly scarier option to those who have missed out on the grades for their chosen course. However Andy Phillips, admissions & enquiries manager noted that this perception has changed over the years. He said: It is more of a back up and a second chance really. We want to make sure they make the right decision. We tell them there is no rush to accept this offer, particularly if they have not considered us before. It has also been a busy period for careers advisors at the university, who have been helping prospective students find out more information about the career prospects of particular Glyndwr courses. Andrea Hilditch, careers advisor at the university explained standard queries they deal with include; where do people go at the end of this course, what is the work experience like, what is expected of me on the course and if it fits in with a students personality and what they are looking for. Andrea added: We dont have all the answers, but we can help people get reasonable conclusions. We see potential students and advise them on a set of questions to ask the tutors to help find out if the course is right for them. Job prospects is often a big draw to those who choose to study at Glyndwr, with the university amongst the top performing for student employability in Wales. This, along with the universitys recent increase in student satisfaction, are part of the unique strengths of Glyndwr according to Vice-Chancellor, Professor Maria Hinfelaar. Speaking about the University, Professor Hinfelaar told us this morning: It is very important for students to make the right choices. Is it likely to lead to a job? 92% of students who graduate from this university find jobs inside six months. Professor Hinfelaar added: There is lots of hope and growth in north east Wales. There are lots of opportunities for people to study, then stay and work in north east Wales. There are key growth areas for north Wales, with food, drink, manufacturing and health leading the way. We have our courses in a full sweep of all those sectors. There is a good match, look no further, it is all here! In a sense there are a lot of students from north east Wales who do not appreciate the opportunities there are for them locally. There is an impression people leave Wales to study elsewhere, and there is nothing wrong with mobility, but we can offer an experience in Wales. This does not mean students dont have to feel constrained, there are opportunities for placements outside the region and also internationally. Welsh students underestimate the opportunities inside their own system. Professor Hinfelaar is quite new to Glyndwr, only joining the University in April, and explained: Today is a very big day for the students and a very important day for them with perhaps some anxious moments. We are here to help and answer the questions from students and covert that into firm acceptance and registration, or, if they are still in an orientation process and need a rethink to help them. We asked how the process compares to elsewhere, and what her first impressions were, It is a very professional system compared perhaps to Ireland and the Netherlands. The people here are so focused and professional. There are lots of people in over the summer here with a real service mentality. We are very supportive of students and are open to students from all walks of life, I think that is a great strength of this University. I started in April at the latter end of the UCAS cycle, and have had management meetings every two weeks. We get progress updates on applications and some courses do better than others. For next year we are going to look at the whole programme portfolio and see which ones need refreshing. In my role as Vice Chancellor I need to be speaking with the Students Union all the time, and speaking with students to their input on that. More information about Clearing at Wrexham Glyndwr University can be found here on their website! A Socialist Equality Party (SEP) team campaigning for Jerry White for president and Niles Niemuth for vice president spoke to workers during a shift change at the Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (ATI) Brackenridge mill. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Over 50 workers took copies of the SEP's election statement, with many workers expressing disgust with the Democratic and Republican nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Workers also described the escalating attacks on their jobs and living standards after the United Steelworkers (USW) betrayal of the seven-month ATI lockout. The SEP's call for an independent movement of the working class won a hearing, and some support among ATI workers. When a campaigner explained that the SEP is building a movement in opposition to the banks, corporations, and big-business parties, a worker initially responded somewhat skeptically, Good luck with that. When the campaigner responded We can't do it alone, the worker raised his fist in the air and responded, this time in an earnest tone, Strength in numbers! Toward the end of the shift change, one worker asked, Are other workers taking these [leaflets]? When SEP campaigners responded in the affirmative, they replied Good. Several workers referred approvingly to the consistent coverage by the WSWS of the seven-month ATI lockout. One worker who initially refused a leaflet changed his mind after an SEP campaigner reminded him of the WSWS coverage of the lockout. Many workers expressed hostility towards the big-business presidential candidates. Asked about the election, Bud, an ATI worker, responded, Hillary, we already had her for eight years, and we know how that turned out. We know what she's capable of, and it's not good. Speaking of Trump, he continued, I don't want a president that encourages people to kill the other candidate, no matter how subtle a reference it is. Another Brackenridge worker commented on the election, Which one do you pick? The good, the bad, or the ugly? Just over one year ago, ATI locked out 2,200 workers in its Flat Rolled Products division, including 1,100 workers in Western Pennsylvania, and about 600 workers at the Brackenridge mill. The company demanded major increases in healthcare payments, a two-tier benefit system for new hires, and contract language allowing highly arbitrary scheduling and increased use of outside contractors. The USW isolated the lockout from 35,000 steelworkers at US Steel and ArcelorMittal, and hundreds of thousands of auto, telecommunications, and municipal workers whose contracts expired during the same period. Ultimately, the USW pushed through a contract that gave in to all of ATI's major demands, and allowed the company to idle the Bagdad and Midland plants, leaving 420 workers jobless. An ATI worker from the finishing department described conditions inside the Brackenridge mill: It's the same as before, not nearly enough people. One thing that did change is that initially we were a just-in-time operation. Now they're stockpiling, which they didn't do before, except right before the lockout. In the months before the lockout, ATI forced many workers to work overtime for months on end to manufacture a stockpile of steel, which was then used to fill orders during the lockout. At the beginning of the lockout, workers reported logging as many as 4,000 hours the previous year, averaging roughly 80 hours per week. The global steel industry currently suffers from low demand, and resulting low prices, with corporations opting to hoard trillions of dollars instead of reinvesting in production or rebuilding rotting infrastructure. ATI, like the rest of the US steel industry, has responded to the crisis of the steel industry by attacking the jobs and living standards of ATI workers, shutting down the least profitable plants. Another ATI worker described the effects of the lockout: There arent a lot of the oldest guys left. At least a quarter of everybody retired, a lot of experienced people. A big layoff is coming up, August 1 offered voluntary layoff. They say orders are slow, even though theyre shipping lots of coils out. A lot of coils are only being partially processed in Brackenridge, then shipped to Louisville or to outside non-union shops for post-processing, even though a lot of this could be done in Brackenridge. They might shut down or curtail some departments [in Brackenridge]. The finishing department is just daylight now. So are many others. Steel mills generally run continuously, day and night, in some cases on a 21-turn work schedule. The worker continued: The melt shop is off on weekends now. They dont have enough people or orders to work 21-turn. The two [remaining] operations that were seven days a week are now five days. In the immediate aftermath of the lockout, ATI forced many workers into extreme overtime to restart operations. The worker explained: A lot of guys are pretty burned out, even new guys. They would say, 'This is killing me. Its hard on my family, I never get time off.' Asked about the 420 workers from the idled Bagdad and Midland plants, he said, There haven't been any new hires. They brought in some maintenance people from Bagdad, some salaried people from Midland, none of the worker workers. With the slowdown, it doesnt look like they will be coming back any time soon. While workers pay the steep price of the USW's betrayal, the local USW bureaucrats who helped push it through are being rewarded. Fran has an International job, as a safety coordinator, they said of Fran Arabia, who was president of the Brackenridge USW Local, 1196, during the lockout. During the lockout, Arabia chose to send left-over strike pay back to the International, rather than supplement the miserly $50-100 per week in grocery gift cards doled out to locked-out workers. Chuck, who lives a few miles from the Bagdad plant in Leechburg, spoke about the effect of the givebacks on health contributions for ATI retirees. I think it's terrible. My brother-in-law worked for ATI, he thought his pension was locked in. Then they raised his healthcare, and now he has to work another job to make up for it. When you work for 30 years, you would think you would be locked in. It's crazy, what do they expect these people to do? On Monday, a hacker group calling itself the Shadow Brokers released malware files and code it claimed to have taken from hackers employed by the US National Security Agency (NSA). The codes, described by the group as a state sponsor tool set for spying and exploiting breaches in computer networks of foreign governments and companies, were released in two bundles--one a freely accessible trove and the other an encrypted bundle containing the best files, which would be auctioned to the public for $500 million. There is a lot of consensus among technical experts that the cybertools were indeed stolen from the NSA, most likely from an external command and control server created to launch hacking operations that couldnt be traced back to the US, former NSA General Counsel Stewart Baker told NBC News. The Shadow Brokers group claims to have taken its nearly 300 megabyte collection of malware from an NSA-affiliated hacker team known as the Equation Group. According to the Russian security firm Kaspersky Labs, the Equation Group is a threat actor that surpasses anything known in terms of complexity and sophistication of techniques. How much you pay for enemies cyber weapons [sic]? asks Shadow Brokers in a crudely worded statement on its web page, referring to the NSA. We find cyber weapons made by creators of stuxnet, duqu, flame, continues the statement. The Equation Group is the maker of the Stuxnet worm, a computer virus that was used to infect Irans nuclear centrifuges, significantly hampering the latters ability to develop its energy sector. The New York Times reported that the exposed cache of malicious computer code was used to break through network firewalls and get inside the computer systems of competitors like Russia, China and Iran. The NSA has yet to comment on the evident breach of its security system. The malware programs were mostly dated to June 2013, the month that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed massive illegal spying operations conducted by the US intelligence apparatus around the world. The NSA conducted a systematic revamping of its security protocol after Snowden made these revelations and many of the programs made available by the Shadow Brokers are considered obsolete today. Both the Times and the Washington Post published prominent news pieces on Wednesday, two days after the leak, seeking, without presenting any factual substantiation, to attribute the breach to the Russian government. Both quoted from statements made on social media by Snowden, who said that circumstantial evidence and conventional wisdom indicates Russian responsibility. Snowden suggested the alleged Russian move was more diplomacy than intelligence, related to the escalation around the DNC hack. This was a reference to the campaign of the Democratic Party and much of the US media to blame the Russian government for last months leak of Democratic National Committee emails showing corrupt efforts by the party leadership to undermine the primary campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. The presidential campaign of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and the party establishment, with the tacit support of Sanders, have charged that the leaks amount to an intervention into the US election by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at tipping the result in favor of his agent, Republican candidate Donald Trump. Snowden said the Russian government likely wanted to send a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks that originated from this malware server, and that this could prove damaging particularly if any of those operations targeted elections. The acknowledgment by the corporate media of massive spying, hacking and cyber warfare by the NSA against governments and corporations all over the world underscores the hypocrisy of the current efforts to brand Putin and the Russian government as international pariahs and rogue forces for their alleged hacking into Democratic Party computer servers. Other experts in cyber security have cast doubt on the claims of Russian involvement in the Shadow Brokers hacks. There are so many unknowns here, and a lot of people in the hacking community dont think this is the Russian government, said journalist James Bamford, the author of authoritative books and articles exposing the illegal activities of the NSA. He told NBC News that even the NSA probably doesnt know who did this. Former NSA General Counsel Baker suggested that the more disastrous and less likely scenario is that someone has hacked US infrastructure and extracted large files, and likely has the ability to do so again. Eight years after the 2008 economic crash elderly Americans face continuing hardships due to low incomes and the lack of decent and affordable housing. A large percentage of senior households find themselves in low income or very low income status due to the paltry amount of Social Security they receive. In 2014 the Social Security administration reported that half of all people age 65 and older received less than $14,425 a year from Social Security. Among elderly US Social Security beneficiaries, 22 percent of married couples and about 47 percent of unmarried persons rely on Social Security for nearly all their income. Conditions are particularly dire in the Detroit area, where, nearly two years after the settlement of the Detroit bankruptcy, the Democratic city administration, with the backing of the federal government, has embarked on a program of mass demolition under the guise of blight removal. A World Socialist Web Site reporting team recently spoke to residents and their relatives at a senior complex in Southwest Detroit. Across the Park senior housing is an 11-story facility in Southwest Detroit. Reporters found the deplorable conditions in senior housing, and the shortage of housing for seniors in Detroit are directly related to the mass of foreclosures in the 2008 recession, the loss of auto jobs, and the bankruptcy of Detroit. The reporting team encountered a retired autoworker sitting in front of the building trying to cool off. He worked 20 years in the plants until a serious non-work injury left him unable to continue. He said: Here I am. I lost my house to back taxes. I was living in a hotel. But I was beaten and robbed there. So I had to move. Even the elevators and hallways here do not have air conditioning. I hope they get it together. I don't think this thing is right. Unfortunately, it's like that and a whole lot of people in here are retired auto and city workers. The struggle elderly people face to keep a roof over their heads has corresponded to the worsening of conditions in Section 8 or government subsidized senior housing set aside for low-income retirees. The American Civil Liberties Union recently filed a lawsuit against the city of Detroit stating Detroit residents were either overcharged on their taxes for houses that were plummeting in value, or not informed of programs that could have helped them. The city refuses to budge, saying tax relief would violate the terms of the Detroit bankruptcy settlement crafted with the crucial support of the trade unions, who handed over millions in pensions and wages to the citys wealthy creditors. A major banner covers the web site of the city of Detroit. It says that 10,000 homes in Detroit have been demolished since Democratic Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan took office two and a half years ago. The city plans to demolish at least 8,000 more, the culmination of a decades-long process of foreclosures of once owner-occupied homes in Detroit. The so-called blight removal has led to a precipitous drop in low-income housing units in the city. According to an Urban Institute report there has been a drop in affordable housing units for extremely low income renters in Wayne County, comprised of Detroit and the surrounding metro area, from about 48,000 units to about 24,500. The retiree explained that there was little help left for seniors because of state-level budget cuts: I got bronchitis, high blood pressure. The government should provide money but the state cut me off my Medicaid. So with Medicare only it takes $30 out of my pocket every time I see a doctor. They told me I make too much money and would only get $10 worth of food stamps, which does nothing for me, he said. My income is only $1,243 a month. There is nothing upstairs in the refrigerator so I will have to do without for the next three days. Mariah Howard, 23, a young worker, spoke at length with reporters. She was enraged at the conditions inside the building. She said: My uncle lives on the tenth floor. He is 69 years old. My aunt is 58 years old and stays here when she cares for someone. My father used to live here, too, so I have been coming around here for a long time. It is not right when you pay your rent on time. You should have everything. The apartment management says that air conditioning is working but you don't feel the A/C blowing with your hand. The temperature feels like 90 degrees inside, real hot. It is terrible. There are a lot of old people living here with oxygen tanks. Half the people must use walkers and do not have a car. People breathe normally when they leave the building but their breathing is worse when they re-enter. When a local television station did a nightly news report on the lack of air conditioning at the HUD-financed senior building, residents reported they had been sweltering in dangerous conditions since the heat wave hit at the beginning of July. Mariah said: Management told us someone will come out to fix the A/C tomorrow, but people living here have been going without air conditioning that works right for at least two years. Well see if anything gets done. I was not here at the time but they tell me the apartment manager actually ran out the back door when Channel 7 came. I think it is terrible that old people end up like this after working their whole lives. Even as a young person I can see that this is not right. You just dont treat people like this. A WSWS reporter asked Mariah what she thought about the presidential elections. She held both palms up and said: "They are both working together in the end, Democratic and Republican." She signed up and said she was looking forward to attending an election meeting for Socialist Equality Party candidates Jerry White for president and Niles Niemuth for vice president. The authors also recommends: Low-income retirees in the Detroit-area face abysmal housing conditions [8 August 2016] The New York City police announced late Monday that they had arrested and charged a Brooklyn man with second-degree murder (upgraded the next day to first-degree murder charges) in connection with the execution-style killings of an imam and his assistant in broad daylight near their mosque in Queens. The community of Bangladeshi immigrants in the Ozone Park area was plunged into mourning, and Muslims throughout the city of 8.5 million expressed alarm over the hostility being stoked by the endless war on terror, and the growing attacks on refugees and immigrants. The victims, 55-year-old imam Alauddin Akonjee and his 64-year-old assistant, Thara Miah, were followed and shot in the back of the head at close range, as shown in video footage from nearby cameras. No words were exchanged and the victims never saw the shooter. The killings took place about 1:50 pm on Saturday, soon after they had left their nearby mosque. The imam, who came to the US in 2011, was among many Bangladeshi immigrants who have settled in the Ozone Park area. As reported in local news sources, the police department said that the surveillance cameras showed the killer get into a Chevrolet sport utility vehicle and drive away. This same vehicle was involved in an incident at an intersection only a mile away, in the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn. The car was tracked to the nearby apartment of Oscar Morel, 35. Morel was arrested on Sunday night, after first trying to escape by ramming the car of the detectives who had staked out his home. A police search of Morels home turned up a revolver and clothes that matched the video footage of the Saturday shooting, leading to the murder charges. The gun had been hidden inside a wall in the apartment. The suspect, who works as a janitor at The New School in Manhattan, has no criminal record other than a misdemeanor charge for marijuana possession. Funeral prayers for both murder victims were held on Monday, with many mourners expressing concern and worry over their own safety. According to a report in the New York Times, some held signs stating, We Are Muslims, Not Terrorists, We Want Peace, We Want Justice, and Muslim Lives Matter. Several days after the arrest of Morel, police said they still had no motive in the shootings. Morel, of Hispanic background, has admitted he is in the video, but denies his guilt in the murders. According to the New York Post, the police were considering that Morel had been hired to carry out the killings. The targeting of men in religious garb and the ruthlessness of the attack pointed to some planning. The shooter may have been suffering from mental illness, although Morels family denied any signs of such problems. We want to know as victims why he killed my father, the oldest of the imams seven children told the Times. What was his motive behind killing my father? Whether he was hired or appointed by someone else to kill my father or did he himself plan and kill my father? Whatever the details in the case, it cannot be separated from the Islamophobia being whipped up, not only in the US but elsewhere as well, at least for the past 15 years, since the events of September 11, 2001. As one Muslim immigrant told the Times, I dont feel safe anymore. All of this hatred being propagated, especially by Donald Trump, it puts us at risk. People sometimes pass me on the street and call me bin Laden. I just try to keep my head down and keep walking. While Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is in the forefront of this campaign, with his calls for mass deportations and the building of a wall between the US and Mexico coupled with his increasingly bellicose pronouncements on the Middle East, responsibility is a bipartisan affair. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke at the funeral prayers for the two murdered men, promising protection for the immigrant community. The Obama administration, however, has carried out a record number of deportations while waging endless war. Beneath the hypocritical official veneer of multiculturalism, the ruling elite has worked, especially through the Democratic Party and in response to the growing anger and dissatisfaction throughout the working class, to divide the population along ethnic as well as racial and religious lines. The nonstop depiction of all issues within the prism of race and ethnicity encourages division, the scapegoating of minorities and the pitting of one section of workers against another, in the context of the daily struggle facing the vast majority of working people. University of Sydney management has intensified its cost-cutting attacks on the Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) following the collapse, on July 28, of a proposed merger between the fine arts college and the University of New South Wales Art & Design centre. Early last week, Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence released a Draft Change Plan (DCP) which made clear that the arts college will be forced into the universitys overcrowded Camperdown campus where it will be merged into the Arts and Social Sciences faculty. Under the new plan, academic and professional staff positions will be slashed by 60 percent, or about 50 full and part-time jobs, and specialised courses in glassmaking, ceramics, jewellery and other more resource intensive mediums eliminated. The Bachelor of Visual Arts (BVA) will also be suspended and no applications accepted for Master of Contemporary Arts and Master of Fine Arts. Vice-Chancellor Spence declared that the Rozelle campus, which has 700 students, was costly to run and cynically asserted that the current location of the arts college was constraining choice and options for students. The DCP claims that enrolments for the SCA had fallen by 20 percent since 2011 and that the college was running a $5.1 million annual deficit, including $2 million in maintenance costs, the highest of any Sydney university faculty. The shift, it insists, would reduce the SCA debt to between $500,000 and $1 million a year. The shutdown of BVA, higher graduate programs and specialised courses will lead to further falls in enrolments and be used, in turn, to justify more cuts. The so-called deficit, moreover, is a product of the universitys corporate University Economic Model (UEM) program. The UEM was imposed on all faculties in 2012 and includes a per metre space tax. This heavily impacts on the SCA, which occupies a large area of heritage-listed, state-owned buildings in Rozelles Callan Park. Prior to imposition of the UEM, the SCA had no such debt. Successive state governments, Liberal and Labor alike, have sought to sell-off Callan Park, which consists of 60 hectares of prime foreshore parkland in Sydneys inner west. Senior lecturer in jewellery Dr Karin Findeis, whose job is on the line, told the media that the proposed merger would destroy the college, which would be fragmented and dispersed across parts of the university. SCA staff, she told the Sydney Morning Herald, are concerned that students would no longer have a defined and cohesive contemporary art education. This level of education, she continued, will no longer be on offer to people wanting to work in that field and that will have an ongoing detrimental effect on the whole field of contemporary art. Galleries will disappear, the inclusiveness and the breadth of contemporary art will be challenged. Sydney College of the Arts students and staff have held a series of protests at the University of Sydney and outside the Art Gallery of New South Wales opposing the closure since university management first announced it was planning a merger on June 21. More than 130 students are currently suing the University of Sydney over proposed changes to the Bachelor of Visual Arts degree. Their legal case alleges that the university actions were deceptive conduct under consumer law by misleading already enrolled students who were unaware that access to the Rozelle campus and its various courses were not guaranteed beyond 2020. The SCA student and staff protests, however, have been dominated by the Student Representatives Council and the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) who have promoted the illusion that University of Sydney management can be pressured to withdraw its SCA closure plans. These claims are false and are aimed at preventing SCA students and staff from understanding that the moves to close the college are part of an escalating assault on the basic social right to decent high quality education and access to arts and culture for all by Liberal-National and Labor governments alike. SRC Education Officer Dylan Griffiths, an organiser of the Let SCA Stay campaign, was quick to claim the cancelled merger with the University of New South Wales late last month was an initial victory. He insisted that the protests had put pressure on the university to recognise the faults in the closure. The claim had no credibility. The campaign did nothing to halt the attacks on the arts college. In fact, just over a week later the assault was stepped up. On the NTEUs Let SCA Stay Facebook page the union appeals to university management to engage in a genuine, good faith collaborative process to secure its future and honour its stated commitment to excellence in visual arts education. This is empty posturing. The fact is that the NTEU, at the University of Sydney and other tertiary institutions across Australia, have worked hand in glove with management to impose cost-cutting and pro-business measures. At the University of Sydney in 2013, for example, it assisted management to destroy over 60 jobs and force 100 academics into teaching-only positions. With the assistance of the NTEU, Sydney University has become one of the most corporatised tertiary institutions in Australia. In December last year the universitys senate adopted plans to slash the number of undergraduate degrees from 122 to just 20 and restructure the universitys current 16 faculties and schools into six faculties and three schools. The union is now calling for enterprise agreement talks with university management, which will include negotiations on jobs redundancies, not just for SCA employees but academics and other professionals. * * * Several arts students spoke with the WSWS last week about the attack on the Sydney College of the Arts: Philia, a mature age TAFE student who attended the SCA in the 1990s, was critical of claims by SRC education officer Dylan Griffiths that the previous cancellation of the University of New South Wales (UNSW) merger was an initial victory. How can it be a victory when [the students] are being forced to go on campus? This is all about money. Education has now become a business. USYD is now the biggest business, she said. Philia is currently attempting to find somewhere to study jewellery and object design. She says that the course was axed from TAFE last year, and all that remains is an apprenticeship version. She has tried to contact the SCA about the course, which she said is the last place in Sydney she can study jewellery and object design. Lisa, a mature age student at UNSW Art & Design, said: They seem to be merging arts at other universities as well. My sister studies Natural History Illustration at Newcastle Uni. Theyre talking about offering a degree called creative disciplines [instead] If the SCA is closed, she continued, there will be no alternatives. I dont understand the rationale. I think theyre trying to make us more employable but Im not quite sure how. Were supposed to be more industry ready Ive done life drawing classes. My life drawing class had 24 people in it. Trying to jam enough people around one life drawing model youve got to question whether its turning into a money-making thing. I can understand [SCA students] not wanting to be forced into a merger. Theres not enough space. People are fighting over studio spaces as is. People studying masters came in this semester and found their names had been taken down, and others put up, because theres no space. Ive no idea how they would fit any other people in. The Partei fur Soziale Gleichheit (Socialist Equality Party of Germany, PSG) is placing the fight against war at the center of its campaign for the Berlin House of Representatives. The party is intervening in the elections with a state-wide list of candidates as well as several direct candidates in local constituencies. The PSG is the only party which has put forward an election program that answers the growing threat of war. The response to the campaign has been strong. Volunteers report lively discussions wherever they go. Many people have expressed their concern about the expansion of the military, crisis and warall questions which overshadow local issues. The Berlin elections are taking place in the midst of a deep social crisis. In recent months, the coalition led by Berlin Mayor Michael Muller (Social Democratic Party, SPD) and Interior Senator Frank Henkel (Christian Democratic Union, CDU) has launched its own campaign of law-and-order and carried out massive social assaults. The effects of privatization have been especially severe in the housing market and the health care industry. In their treatment of refugees, one can see the kinds of attacks the government is preparing for the entire working population. At the Jobcentre in the Tempelhof district of Berlin, the question of war is a major topic of discussion. Here one quickly gets a sense of the difficult situation facing refugees. Many who come here have escaped the Syrian war and are now seeking to make a life for themselves in Berlin. Two young men from Syria spoke in support of the PSGs fight against war. It would be great if people came together to stop the war, said Sahin, a young mechanic from Aleppo. His friend, a medical student from Damascus, added, Every day I wish I was back at my university in Damascus. Simaw was a primary school teacher in Aleppo and has lived in Germany for three years now. Her husband made his escape to Germany more than four years ago, shortly after the outbreak of the civil war. During this time, Simaw stayed in Turkey for a year with their three children. Weve been very lucky, she said. I didnt dare travel across the sea with three children. I would have been too fearful of that. But it was difficult for us in Turkey. Everything was expensive and I wasnt allowed to work. We had to pay more than 200 euros each month for rent alone, then you have all kinds of other expenses. I sold all of our valuables. When my husband was finally granted asylum, we were able to enter Germany legally. War is a terrible thing, said Simaw. My brother still lives in Aleppo under difficult conditions and my mother lives in Lebanon. My brother cant come to us because the borders are completely sealed now. Weve all been torn apart. Now I just hope to get further training so that I can work. The worst thing is not having a job. An older worker named Mohamed agreed that the cause of war is to be found in the capitalist profit system. He said: It is the capitalists and their politicians who wage wars for power and raw materials and not ordinary people. I am generally against war and building up the military. It would be much wiser if one took all the money and energy used for that to build new houses and apartments for people. War does not belong in this world anymore at all! added Erol. In the end, its all the same whether a million people or a single person gets shot down. Any one person who has to die in a war is too many. In response to the elections, he said: A politician would only be acceptable to me if he genuinely fought for peace. At the employment offices, the social misery caused by decades of social cuts in Berlin is easily seen. Here one can meet hundreds of people who only make ends meet with the greatest difficulty. One of them is Christina, a German studies and sociology student and single mother in her mid-20s, who pays for school with a mini job at a supermarket. She was very impressed when she listened to campaign workers discuss the building of a revolutionary party and especially the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE). Thats a worthy cause, she said. It is crucial that a youth and student organization be built which is organized internationally and advocates anti-capitalist politics. Christina worried that the possibility that war in the Middle East could escalate is real and extremely dangerous. Salvatore is angry about war and the money spent by politicians to build up the military. Then they always say theres no money! said Salvatore, My problem is Hartz IV has been paying my rent and now Hartz IV is over but my apartment is still there! At the moment, Salvatore has a mini job in a kitchen, but wants to run his own restaurant. Really good Italian food, that would be perfect, he said, Instead, Ive been living for more than six months on 13 euros a day, and I tell you thats not easy in Berlin. Salvatore said he has already received his notification for the Berlin elections, but is more familiar with politics in Italy. In a discussion on the Left party, Salvatore said that in Italy the entire pseudo-left supported the Renzi government but now theyre going to war with Libya again. War is never the solution! said Salvatore with conviction. Any political and diplomatic solution that avoids war is better than bombings and mass killings. Look at Syria, the people there live in fear of death every day. Salvatore was encouraged to hear that the PSG is taking up the fight against war and pledged to vote for the party. Johannes, a social education worker, said suddenly: A huge amount of money will be spent on the Bundeswehr and Germany is also an exporter of weapons. One really cant be proud of that. Johannes expects nothing from the elections, even though he wants things to change. One has to invest money in the social sector and not in arms for the military. The discussion turned repeatedly to the Left Party, which co-governed the Berlin Senate from 2001 to 2011. Their politics were in some instances even more reactionary than the other parties. They managed to carry out social cuts that provoked open opposition from other parties. Disillusioned, many responded by turning away from politics. The Left Party is also no different than all the other parties, said Alexander, a young man who would like to work as a nurse. He insisted that he does not vote. I stay out of it completely. And I know a lot of people, including educated people, who do the same. Alexander witnessed how the hospitals were privatized in Berlin and taken over by the private hospital company Vivantes. The Left Party didnt prevent it either, he said. So much is promised, but in the end nothing changes, or if it does it is in the interest of the economy. Germany is one of the most capitalist countries there are. Gerke said she was disappointed by all of the parties represented in the Senate. I go vote, but I make my ballot invalid to express my opposition, she said. When told that this alone would change nothing and that it was necessary to unite the working majority of the population to give them a voice, Gerke said: Its true that my ballot protest goes unheard. I dont want to belong to the so-called silent majority by doing that. Campaign workers frequently discussed political tendencies that presented themselves as supposedly left and progressive but ultimately supported the Left Party. A young woman from Spain discussed her experiences with Podemos, a Spanish tendency comparable to the Left Party in Germany and Syriza in Greece. Sandra, in her mid-30s, originally from Valencia, Spain, has lived in Berlin for one year. She was active in the Spanish Indignados protests in April and May of 2011 but grew completely disillusioned with Podemos. She said: Im finished with Podemos. They always made a lot of promises, but kept none of them. Pablo Iglesias, the political leader of Podemos, was earlier an active supporter of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, two bourgeois nationalists. Campaigners explained that many politicians of the pseudo-left originated in the Stalinist camp. To this, Sandra said: I am fundamentally opposed to Stalinism. One can put no trust whatsoever in these organizations [The Left Party, Podemos and Syriza]. Sandra said she wanted to come to the PSG campaign meeting on August 18 in Schoneberg to learn more about the Fourth International. Victor, a student, sat in front of the American Memorial Library, and read carefully the PSGs election platform. Finally he approached the partys book table and said he was pleasantly surprised to have discovered the PSG. He had already heard about the IYSSEs campaign Scholarship or War Propaganda at Humboldt University. Munkler-Watch had reported on a lecture that one of his friends had also attended. At first, we thought it was somewhat exaggerated, but now Munklers arguments seem genuinely problematic, Victor said. Diana had spent several years in the US and supported the campaign of Bernie Sanders while she was there. She described her experiences: Today we live in a merciless system of two classes. Now you only have the alternatives of Trump or Hillary over there. Trump is nothing more than Americas Hitler, and Hillary has lied to people from beginning to end. She noted that in the end the Clinton campaign only used [Sanders] to contain oppositional voices. Diana supports the anti-war campaign of the PSG and took flyers and other material for her daughter. She said that she makes a point to call herself a citizen of the world to take a stand against nationalism. Diana and several others said they wanted to read the partys election statement more carefully and promised to come to the election meeting in Schoneberg on Thursday evening to learn more about the program of the PSG and the Fourth International. With 150 years and counting, members of St. Paul United Methodist Church are celebrating a Sesquicentennial Anniversary. Founded three years after the historic Emancipation Proclamation was signed, and just six years after the City of Meridian was established, St. Paul is thought to be the oldest predominately African-American United Methodist congregation in Lauderdale County. Having played a key role in community affairs over the years, church leaders say they are taking steps to continue that tradition well into the future. "St. Paul has a rich and glorious history," says Dr. Hargie Crenshaw, chairwoman for St. Paul's History Committee. The church's history is one that includes being the home to the first African-American Girl Scout troop in the South. It was also a church that was pastored by the first African-American Methodist Bishop to serve in the predominately white southeastern jurisdiction during the Civil Rights Era, and a church that was instrumental in establishing the Carnegie Library for African-Americans during the early 1900s. However, the church's strides in education started many years prior to that time. "Immediately following the Civil War, St. Paul was instrumental in forming the Freemans' Bureau School. That school played a pivotal role in the education not only for black students, but for black adults as well," says Dr. Crenshaw. Currently featuring a picture of the historic Carnegie Library and other relics, part of the church's fellowship hall is where there are plans to open a resource center. If things do go as planned, the congregation hopes to open that center around the start of next year. "St. Paul is on the Freedom Trail," says Pastor Eugene Boger, "but I'm interested in persons coming to St. Paul, and being able to see artifacts that reflect our history." Boger says the church is also taking initial steps to establish after-school programs for young people, and a children's church service. "We have an upstairs third floor that we're anticipating having a children's area where young people can go and just make a whole lot of noise, and learn at the same time," says Boger. "Youth outreach is imperative for the growth of the church, and also for the improvement of the community. The community and church definitely need to work hand and hand." St. Paul's anniversary celebration will continue Friday night with a memorial service at 6:00 to honor church pioneers. This will be followed by an open house at the church from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday, and a church banquet at the Tommy Dulaney Center at MCC Saturday night at 6:00. The guest speaker for the banquet is former Assistant Secretary of State for Elections in Mississippi, Constance Slaughter Harvey. The celebration will conclude Sunday with the morning worship service at 11:00 followed by a free 'dinner on the grounds'. MIAMI, FL. (AP) - Environmentalists and recreational divers filed a federal lawsuit challenging plans to dredge Port Everglades, arguing the project will harm coral reefs. The groups filed their lawsuit Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Miami. The groups including Miami Waterkeeper and the Diving Equipment and Marketing Association argue that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved the project without using the latest science to determine effects on coral reefs. The port, about 30 miles north of Miami, is near reefs that are home to dozens of species of coral. Miami Waterkeeper executive director Rachel Silverstein says they don't want to see the same reef damage that occurred during the Port of Miami dredging. The Corps said it anticipates a new biological assessment to be done in January and that the project will be in planning stages through 2018. TALLAHASSEE, FL (WTXL) - You may see less bears digging in your trash after the agreement signed by the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission and Waste Pro USA. Wednesday morning, the two companies signed an agreement that was intended to reduce human to bear conflicts in northwest Florida. At the event, the companies also showcased a new trash can to prevent bears from digging in it to eat. The container included a metal bar and a lock on top of the trashcan to secure the trash inside. FWC said that bears are attracted to unsecured trash found around Florida homes and businesses. FWC Chairman Brian Yablonski said, "We need to do a better job in Florida of securing our trash with bear resistant cans and dumpsters, making east food, hard to get food. If we do that, then the bears won't be as tempted to get into our neighborhoods and into our communities as well." The FWC and Waste Pro have been working together to make bear-resistant garbage containers more widely available in northwest Florida. You are the owner of this article. Submit An Obituary Funeral homes often submit obituaries as a service to the families they are assisting. However, we will be happy to accept obituaries from family members pending proper verification of the death. Go to form ANKARA -- Three people were killed and 40 were wounded when a car bomb exploded near a police station in Turkey's eastern province of Van near the Iranian border on Wednesday, state broadcaster TRT said, citing the local governor. Police and ambulances were seen rushing in, according to another broadcaster, the privately owned Dogan news agency. The station also serves as a police barracks, TRT said, citing a statement from the local governor. It was not immediately clear how many police and civilians were among the dead and wounded. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on live television there had been an attack on a police station in Van but did not elaborate. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. Police returned the body of Muhammad al-Kalouti, one of the two terrorists who carried out a shooting attack on a bus in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem in March. Al-Kalouti was killed by police at the Damascus Gate after a chase. He was buried in accordance with the conditions police set upon his family -- including burial in a cemetery in East Jerusalem , the presence of fewer than 30 people at the funeral, and a high financial penalty guarantee in the event that one of the conditions is breached. The process of returning the bodies of East Jerusalem terrorists to their families with specific police conditions is expected to continue. KAMPALA- A spokesman for South Sudan's opposition and rebel group says that their leader Riek Machar has fled the country. Mabior Garang of the SPLM-IO said Thursday that Machar had gone to a safe country within the region. After clashes with President Salva Kiir's army in the capital of Juba on July 8th, Machar and rebel forces left the city, putting the country's peace deal in limbo. Hundreds of civilians died in the July fighting. BEIJING- Chinese state media say a top military officer visited Syria this week in a show of support for President Bashar Assad's embattled regime. The official Xinhua News Agency says Rear Adm. Guan Youfei met on Monday with Syrian Defense Minister Fahd Jassem al-Freij in Damascus. It said he also met the same day with a Russian general who is coordinating his country's military assistance to Assad's fight against armed opposition groups. Xinhua said Guan expressed China's willingness to boost military cooperation. Despite the thousands of Hezbollah terrorists in Syria, one of the most worrying things to the West is the newest weapon the terrorist organization has added to its arsenala cheap UAV. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter After Hezbollah launched over the last few years UAVs toward Israel, last week the organization publicized a video showing UVA attacks on the outskirts of Aleppo. Hezbollah UAV in Syria X This UAV however, as written in the Daily Beast, differs dramatically from its predecessors. Although it is capable of carrying much smaller loads of ammunition, it is significantly cheaper and lighter to operate. The clip shows chinese-produced cluster munition being shot from the drone onto the residents. Already in 2004 Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, promised that the Mirsad drone would be able to penetrate deep into Israeli territory while carrying 100kg of ammunition. Two years after this he carried through with his promise and launched three Ababil UAVs into Israel, all of which were intercepted by the Israel Air Force. Mirsad drones and the Ababil drones are strategic weapons for terrorists and are intended to cross borders and instil fear into enemy cities. However, the UAV Hezbollah showed in Aleppo is a tactical weapon. Commercial UVAs are able to fly limited distances while carrying only several kilograms of ammunition. But not only are they cheap, they are also extremely accurate in launching explosions. According to the Daily Beast, the Pentagon estimates that each UAV can cost as little as $200 and will be used by Hezbollah in other combat fields. Consequently, the Americans are working to upgrade their defense against drones. Hezbollah UAV attack in Aleppo This month, the American security apparatus asked scientists and companies to suggest technological solutions to locating, recognizing, tracking and neutralizing UAVs on the move while simultaneously avoiding environmental damage. The Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar published on Thursday morning an article entitled Hezbollah on the ground and in the air. The propaganda article, which is meant to demonstrate Hezbollahs new upgraded systems, features an interview with a senior commander who discussed the changes within the organization since the Second Lebanon War in 2006. After the victory in 2006, we were asked to change our offensive systems and to prepare for what the Israelis fear the mostour infiltration into the Galilee, the official said. Former prime minister Ehud Barak leveled harsh criticism against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday evening, accusing him of having made an unsuccessful "gamble" in his management of Israel's relationship with the United States. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter "After the signing of the American military aid agreement for the coming decade, the magnitude of the damage caused by Netanyahu's reckless gamble will come to light," Barak said during an event organized by the left-wing political movement Darkenu. "Instead of receiving $4.5 billion per yearwhich was both plausible and expected just one year ago, shortly after the signing of the nuclear agreement with IranIsrael will receive $3.8 billion. Even these funds will only be given on the condition that Israel agrees to refrain from demanding any additional funding from Congress." Barak speaking at an event organized by the Darkenu movement (Photo: Courtesy Darkenu) Barak went on to say that because of Netanyahu's gamble, "vital projects will have to be halted or cancelled altogether, resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs in the (Israeli) defense industries." The former prime minister went on to accuse Netanyahu of interfering in US politics. "Instead of having an open and candid dialogue behind closed doors with the president (about the Iran agreement), as any other prime minister would've done, we've witnessed Netanyahu's flagrant interference in American politics, intruding into the domestic partisan dispute," Barak said. "Netanyahu has done all this despite the predictable failure of his actions, and now must face the concrete costs of this failure. Such unforgivable negligence," he added. The Likud party said in response, "When it comes to military aid from the US, Barak should be the last one to talk. While Prime Minister Netanyahu is about to sign an unprecedented aid agreement with the US, which amounts to almost $40 billion, we're still waiting for the $1 billion in US military aid that Barak promised we'll receive during his hasty withdrawal from Lebanon." The High Court of Justice ordered illegal structures in Susya to be demolished two years ago. The Court then requested the state's position on the issue. However, due to international pressure, the state has yet to take a stance. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter The village of Susya is a Bedouin village built without permits in the Israeli controlled Area C of the West Bank. The international community has been putting pressure on the Israeli leadership to not destroy the illegal structures for years, saying that it would make 300 people homeless, and endanger the two state solution. The European Union has built structures on the land for the Palestinians without obtaining building permits from the Israeli government. In an effort to come to an understanding between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority, Israel has said that it wants to move the villagers to a nearby hill and give them 540 dunams next to the Palestinian town of Yatta, from which many of them hail. Meanwhile, the Palestinians have requested to make arrangements to enable the village to continue to exist where it is while giving the villagers 1,500 dunams of land for agricultural purposes. The tent village of Susya with illegal EU built structures (Photo: Regavim) Throughout this time, There have been dozens of attempts by the Israeli government and the Palestinians to try to come to a compromise, but they have all failed due to seemingly insurmountable differences between the two sides. The Palestinians insist that they are not willing to give up the land and claim they will not move under the framework of any solution. The village of Susya (Photo: Regavim) Regavim replied in response, "this is a clan of a few dozen people making a crazy demand for land that is comparable to the size of Beit Dagan or Rosh Pina. The Nawajah family owns homes in Yatta and therefore it's the government's job to evict them to ensure they go back to their homes. Even the solution offered by the government to facilitate their relocation to areas close to Yatta is too lenient." "We expect the Prime Minister to ignore foreign pressure, which constitutes blatant interference in the internal affairs of Israel, and make a decision which reflects the rule of law and the national interests of Israel," Regavim continued. Russia launched a second day of airstrikes Wednesday against Syrian militants from an Iranian air base, rejecting US suggestions its cooperation with Tehran might violate a UN resolution as illogical and factually incorrect. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Iran confirmed on Wednesday that Russia was using its territory for the airstrikes Russia first announced the strikes on Tuesday from near the Iranian city of Hamedan, 280 kilometers (175 miles) southwest of the Iranian capital, Tehran. On Wednesday, Russia's Defense Ministry said another wave of warplanes had departed from Iran, striking targets in eastern Syria. According to the head of the Iranian parliament's national security and foreign policy committee, Alaeddin Boroujerdi the Russians were using Iran's Shahid Nojeh air base some 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of Hamedan, a secluded base where Russian warplanes were detected landing late last year. Russian jet departs Hamedan, Iran to drop bombs on ISIS in Aleppo (Photo: EPA) Boroujerdi said the Russian Tu-22M3 bombers landed inside Iran only to refuel under the permission of the country's Supreme National Security Council, a move that allowed them to carry a larger bomb load of more than 20 metric tons. "There is no stationing of Russian forces in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Boroujerdi added. State Department spokesman Mark Toner on Tuesday called the Iranian deployment "unfortunate," saying the United States was looking into whether the move violated UN Security Council resolution 2231, which prohibits the supply, sale and transfer of combat aircraft to Iran. Russia bristled at those comments on Wednesday after announcing that Russian SU-34 fighter bombers flying from Iran's Hamadan air base had, for a second day, struck Islamic State targets in Syria's Deir al-Zor province, destroying two command posts and killing more than 150 militants. "It's not our practice to give advice to the leadership of the US State Department," Major-General Igor Konashenkov said in a statement. "But it's hard to refrain from recommending individual State Department representatives to check their own logic and knowledge of basic documents covering international law." Moscow first used Iran as a base from which to launch airstrikes in Syria on Tuesday, deepening its involvement in the five-year-old Syrian civil war and angering the United States. Russian jets stationed in Hamedan (Photo: AP) Russia's use of the Iranian air base comes amid intense fighting for the Syrian city of Aleppo, where rebels are battling Syrian government forces backed by the Russian military, and as Moscow and Washington are working towards a deal on Syria that could see them cooperate more closely. Russia backs Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while the US believes the Syrian leader must step down and is supporting rebel groups that are fighting to unseat him. On Wednesday the State Department reiterated its concern, saying Russia's use of the Iranian base "doesn't help" reach a cessation of hostilities in Syria and that US lawyers were still assessing whether it violated the UN resolution. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said earlier any US dismay over Moscow's military cooperation with Iran should not distract from efforts to realize the US-Russia deal on coordinating action in Syria and securing a ceasefire. Lavrov said there were no grounds to suggest Russia's actions had violated the UN resolution, saying Moscow was not supplying Iran with military aircraft for its own internal use, something the document prohibits. "These aircraft are being used by Russia's air force with Iran's agreement as a part of an anti-terrorist operation at the request of Syria's leadership," Lavrov told a Moscow news conference, after holding talks with Murray McCully, New Zealand's foreign minister. BEIRUT -- Syrian government warplanes bombed Kurdish-controlled areas of the city of Hasaka in northeastern Syria on Thursday for the first time in the five-year-old civil war, the spokesman for the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia said. YPG spokesman Redur Xelil said the air strikes had hit Kurdish districts of the city, which is mostly controlled by Kurdish groups, and the positions of a Kurdish security force known as the Asayish. "There are martyrs and wounded," he told Reuters. Survivors of Auschwitz have asked Germanys highest court to resolve the case of a former SS soldier who was convicted of complicity in the murder of 300,000 Jewish prisoners during the Holocaust. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter While the German authorities have pursued prosecution cases of suspected former Nazis with greater intensity, Auschwitz survivors do not have as much time as German justice, said Roman Kent, 90, the New York-based president of the International Auschwitz Committee, a nongovernmental group that unites Holocaust survivors. Oskar Goening on trial X The former SS soldier, Oskar Groening, now 95, went on trial in April 2015 and was sentenced in July 2015 to four years in prison for accessory to murder while serving at Auschwitz death camp. Among other things which emerged in the trail, Groening also used his position to confiscate money and jewels from arriving prisoners. His lawyers and those representing some of the dozens of co-plaintiffs in the case appealed the decision. However, due to technical reasons the arrival of the case at Germanys Federal Court of Justice was delayed. The appeal was formally received on March 22, said Erna Besirovic, a justice official at the court in Karlsruhe.The case is pending, she said, with no date set for a hearing or other action. Mr. Kent, one of the 80 Holocaust survivors and Christoph Heubner, the vice president of the Berlin-based International Auschwitz Committee, said that the elderly had taken some comfort from belated justice Groeings case and that of another former SS guard, Reinhold Hanning, who was sentenced in June to five years as an accessory to 170,000 cases of murder Oskar Groening (Photo: AFP) The two men were among a handful whom Germanys central office for prosecuting Nazi crimes deem fit to stand trial despite their age. For decades, former guards at Auschwitz and other death camps eluded prosecution since the German justice authority determined that they could only be prosecuted providing that concrete witness evidence could link them to specific criminal acts. This approach however, changed with the trial of John Demjanjuk, a former guard at the Sobibor camp who lived and worked in the United States for many years and who was eventually sentenced to five years by a Munich court in 2011. His trial set a precedent making way for the arraignment of other suspected former Nazis. Reinhold Hanning in court (: ) X Mr. Heubner, who has worked at the International Auschwitz Committee for 20 years, said that the survivors whose hope had been renewed in the German justice system following the trials of Groening and Hanning were losing faith once more. These co-plaintiffs had a great new impression of Germany, Mr. Heubner said. Now, it is like being plunged into a bath of cold water; suddenly, again, nothing is happening. He added in a statement that, survivors are harshly critical of German justice, whose almost complete inaction regarding the judgment of SS perpetrators they had to follow for decades. The central office for prosecuting Nazi crimes in Ludwigsburg continues to pursue cases, announcing only last week that it would seek the prosecution of four former male guards and four women who worked in administration at the Stutthof camp, near Gdansk, Poland. Reinhold Hanning (Photo: AP) Last week, the justice authorities confirmed a finding that a 92-year-old woman in north Germany who had served as a radio operator in Auschwitz was not fit to stand trial on charges of complicity in the murder of 260,000 prisoners. In April, a former SS guard at Auschwitz who was scheduled to go on trial in Hanau, near Frankfurt, died days before his case was set to open. ISIS suicide bombers reportedly battacked Libya's pro-government forces in the ISIS' former stronghold city of Sirte on Thursday, detonating two cars bombs that killed at least 10 troops. The death toll is expected to rise, since many of the 20 troops wounded were in Sirte is IS's final bastion in the country, and Libyan troops have been forcing the militants into ever-smaller bits of territory there, backed by US airstrikes. Suicide attacks are a much-used tactic by the extremist group. Libya descended into chaos following the 2011 ouster and killing of dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The country has been split between rival parliaments and governments, based in Tripoli and the country's far east, each backed by an array of militias and tribes. ISTANBUL - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday blamed followers of U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen for playing a role in a series of bomb attacks in eastern Turkey blamed on the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). In a speech broadcast live on television, Erdogan said Turkey was facing joint attacks by various terrorist organisations who act together. He said that Gulen's followers were complicit in attacks by the Kurdish militants that killed seven members of security forces and wounded 224 people in the southeast on Thursday. Ankara blames Gulen for the failed July 15 putsch when a group of rogue soldiers attempted to overthrow the government, commandeering tanks, planes and helicopters. Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the United States since 1999, has denied the charges. Ideologically, Gulen, an Islamic cleric, has little in common with the leftist, secular PKK, which seeks autonomy for Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast. More than 40,000 people, mainly Kurds, have died since it took up arms against the Turkish state in 1984. It is considered a terorist organisation by the United States, Ankara and Europe The Israeli military said Thursday it has disciplined three soldiers after a video emerged that seemed to show them hurling a stun grenade at Palestinian men smoking a water pipe in the northern West Bank. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter In the video, captured by a surveillance camera, an Israeli military jeep pulls up to the four Palestinians, stops briefly, then drives away as a stun grenade explodes in the frame, sending the Palestinians fleeing. The military said a platoon sergeant was sent to jail for 10 days and two other soldiers were also disciplined for acting "contrary to military standards." The video was the latest footage filmed during a recent wave of violence that has been widely circulated in both Israeli and Palestinian media. Video shows soldiers throwing stun grenade at group of Palestinians X Since mid-September, Palestinians have killed 34 Israelis and two visiting Americans in stabbing and shooting attacks, as well as attack in which cars were used to ram into Israeli troops and civilians. At least 206 Palestinians have died by Israeli fire in that period, most said by Israel to be attackers. The attacks have tapered off in recent weeks. Palestinians have accused Israelis of using excessive force against assailants who have already been wounded or stopped, and quickly circulate videos which they say back up their claims. The Israeli watchdog group Yesh Din said that between 2010 and 2013, only 1.4 percent of Palestinian complaints led to indictments against soldiers. The military insists its justice system works, saying the low indictment rate does not signal lack of effort. They say the system is independent and that proper measures are taken if there are legal grounds to try and punish a soldier. Allowing the deployment of Russian bomber planes in the Iranian airport of Hamadan and having those forces make daily trips into Syria constitute a monumental event in Iranian history. Never before has Iran let foreign forces into its territory. This move displays the full the ineptitude of the Ayatollah regime's attempt to subdue Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's dissidents without Russian assistance, in addition to showcasing Russia's failure to determine the Syrian War's outcome. All this while we sit on the border of the and rub up against it. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Understanding Russia's recent moves necessitates a return to the MolotovRibbentrop Pact from August 1939 between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, from a week before the breaking of WWII. The pact was comprised of two parts: a public non-aggression agreement between the two countries, and a secret arrangement made to divide Central Europe into USSR and German-influenced zones. Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: AP) Following the pact, the Soviet Army and the German Wehrmacht invaded Poland, defeating it with ease and throwing a joint parade in celebration. Ten months later, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were all stripped of their independence, and a Soviet law declared that they had never existed. Germany, for its part, managed to conquer Western Europe thanks to fuel provided to it by the USSR. The situation drove Churchill to declare that Britain could very well fall under German rule; if Hitler had not made the mistake of turning against Russia, he might not have been defeated. For decades after the war was over, the MolotovRibbentrop Pact was not to be mentioned in Soviet Russia, with its congress publicly condemning the agreement only in 1992. It is particularly important, though, to track the current Russian President Vladimir Putin's shifting position on the pact: In 2008, he had condemned it during a conversation with the three Baltic countries' presidents. Back then, Putin had stressed that the agreement did not reflect Russian sentiment and should be viewed as no more than "a private agreement between Hitler and Stalin." Two years ago, however, Putin expressed a change of heart, when he justified Russia's conquering of Poland as punishment for Poland's actions, explaining during a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the agreement had intended to secure Russia's safety from Germany, after Russia had unsuccessfully tried to present a firm front against Germany throughout the 1930s. The principles of the MolotovRibbentrop Pact are still alive and well, as is Russia's modus operandi. Its latest moves in the Middle East reflect a desire to secure Russia's influence over geographical locations and regimes. In practice, Russia would like to return to the way things were in 1973, when it wielded its influence over Iraq, Syria, Libya and different liberation movements, including Palestinian ones. It would like to become a major weapons supplier in the area and a force to be reckoned with and considered in any Middle East dispute. Putin possesses a rare level of skill in using his cunning, strategic misdirection, misinformation and simultaneously using what it publicly known and what is kept secret, all while relying on the intel at his disposal. So far, his successes have been greater than his failures. It isn't hard to understand why his own security is linked to the goings on in our area. It is less clear how Israel's security is affected by positioning Russian Tupolev planes in Iran's Hamadan Airport. It would behoove us not to be surprised in the matter. SAN FRANCISCO - Uber passengers in Pittsburgh will be able to summon rides in self-driving cars with the touch of a smartphone button in the next several weeks. Uber also announced that it is acquiring a self-driving startup called Otto, co-founded by Israeli Lior Ron, that has developed technology allowing big rigs to drive themselves. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter With the acquisition of Otto, Uber gets a fast infusion of self-driving expertise, including Otto co-founder Anthony Levandowski, one of the founding fathers of autonomous technology. According to estimates, Uber paid $680 million for the acquisition. Otto promotion X The high-tech ride-hailing company said Thursday that an unspecified number of autonomous Ford Fusions with human backup drivers will pick up passengers just like normal Uber vehicles. Riders will be able to opt in if they want a self-driving car, and rides will be free to those willing to do it, spokesman Matt Kallman said. Uber, which has a self-driving research lab in Pittsburgh, has no immediate plans to deploy self-driving cars beyond the Pittsburgh experiment. But its CEO, Travis Kalanick, has said the ride-sharing company's futureindeed, the future of all transportationis driverless. A documentary dealing with the story of Anne Frank, shot in Gaza and featuring Palestinian young women, was recently given a clandestine screening in Iran, whose Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is a Holocaust denier. The film, titled "Anne Frank: Then and Now,'' was shown to interested lecturers and students. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter "Anne Frank: Then and Now" was shot in Gaza, Ramallah and Jaffa during Operation Protective Edge. It features eight young Palestinian women and follows them as they learn about Frank's story. The film also incorporates excerpts from her diary. An excerpt from the film "Anne Frank: Then and Now" X The Iranian screening was kept secret to protect the safety of those who would view it. The film's director, Jacob Sedler, told the online magazine Deadline that he spoke to the film's Iranian audience. "We talked about the effect that art can have in today's world," he said, adding that "Toward the end, one of the students thanked me for 'teaching us something new.'" He said that he hopes the film will reach a wider audience in Iran. "Tell your friends about Anne Frank," he urged audience members. "Tell them about the Holocaust." One of the women featured in the film Khamenei's denial of the Holocaust has been well-documented: earlier this year, he published a video where he referred to the Holocaust by saying, "Even if this was indeed true, we have no idea how it happened." Two weeks before this year's Holocaust Remembrance Day, Iran declared the start of a caricature drawing contest under the theme of Holocaust denial. The Israel Air Force's (IAF) Airborne Rescue and Evacuation Unit 669 has begun exercises in recent months for direct leaps into the water to rescue the injured from the sea, directly from the helicopter, without cables, all to minimize the extraction time. The IDF has recorded and released documentation on Thursday of these drills. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter 669 exercise (: ") X Such a rescue may be required if a naval ship or gas rig is struck by a rocket. The exercise was carried out 15 kilometers from shores of Haifa and simulated a rescue operation that would require a 100-kilometer flight. The unit's soldiers leapt to the water from a height of ten meters, wearing a light swimmer's vest that allowed them a few seconds' entry into the depth of the water. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson) (Photo: IDF Spokesperson) A senior officer in 669 explained, "Swimming is the hardest task for a rescuer, and also for the rescuee, because it requires a different physical and mental ability. The drill in February included dealing with high seas and cold water. The two teams jumped from the helicopter and connected the rescuees to the chopper's line. The rescue itself lasts from seconds to minutes, but the entire event took about two hours." (Photo: IDF Spokesperson) (Photo: IDF Spokesperson) In the video, the soldiers deal with a complicated challenge: rescuing submariners. The unit's soldiers also drilled in recovering important parts of aircrafts. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson) 669 is one of the IDF's most select units, and soldiers reach it after competitive trials of physical exertion. Over the past year, its soldiers have trained in the United States on the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey, which the IAF is to acquire in the coming years. After months of negotiations, Israeli authorities handed over the body of the terrorist who committed a shooting attack on a bus in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot in March despite firm opposition to the move by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Muhammad al-Kalouti, 21, was buried in a small ceremony heavily guarded by police at the Bab al-Zahra cemetery in Jerusalem last night. Al-Kalouti had been killed by security forces while perpetrating the attack. Eliminating the terrorist (: ) X The Israeli government often holds the bodies of terrorists both as a deterrent against future attacks and because funerals in the past have turned into massive demonstrations of incitement. Officials only returned Al-Kaloutis body after the family deposited NIS 20,000 in collateral with the police and pledged not to have more than 30 people at the ceremony. The terrorists' vehicle at the scene of the attack (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg) Lieberman is a firm proponent of withholding the bodies of terrorists from their families, but Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit ruled that the move did not have legal justification and ordered the body released. The Supreme Court has also demanded answers from the government as to why terrorists bodies have not been handed over after it ruled on the issue in July. The defense minister criticized Mandelblits decision yesterday, telling reporters that the role of the attorney general is to be an advisor, not a judge. Liebermans predecessor Moshe Ya'alon had opposed withholding the bodies of terrorists from their families and had argued that the policy only provoked more attacks. A string of bombings, blamed on Kurdish rebels and targeting Turkey's security forces, killed at least 14 people and wounded more than 220 others, officials said Thursday. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Two of the attacks were car bombings that hit police stations in eastern Turkey, while a roadside blast targeted a military vehicle carrying soldiers in the southeast of the country. Turkish PM visits wounded: X Authorities say the assaults were carried out by the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, which has launched a campaign of car bombings targeting police stations or roadside bomb attacks against security force vehicles. Last week, PKK commander Cemil Bayik threatened increased attacks against police in Turkish cities. The wave of attacks comes as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan clamps down on suspected followers of a dissent movement he believes is led by US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, who the government accused of orchestrating the failed military coup last month that killed at least 270 people. People rush to the blast scene after a car bomb attack on a police station in the eastern Turkey (Photo: Reuters) The first car bombing hit a police station in the eastern province of Van late Wednesday, killing a police officer and two civilians. At least 73 other people53 civilians and 20 police officerswere wounded. Erdogan added that another car bombing hit police headquarters in the eastern Turkish city of Elazig early Thursday, killing at least five people. Officials said earlier that 146 people were wounded and 14 of them were in serious condition. Video footage shows a large plume of smoke rising from the area. Cars were overturned and the windows of the four-story building and its wings were blown out. In the southeastern province of Bitlis five soldiers were killed after rebels detonated a roadside improvised explosive device as an armored military vehicle drove by. Five other soldiers were wounded in the attack. A government-paid village guard, helping the security forces battle the PKK, was reportedly also killed in a clash with rebels in the province. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim traveled to Elazig to visit the site of the bombing as well as those wounded in the attack. He told reporters there that both the PKK and the Gulen movement were directed by the same "intelligence" intent on causing Turkey harm, without elaborating on the matter any further. "The (Gulen movement) has lost its assertiveness and has handed over the duty to the (PKK)," Yildirim said. "The intelligence that directs them is the same. When one's duty ends, the other takes up the duty. Yildirim vowed to fight the PKK until it is "eliminated," adding that "No terror organization will force this nation to cow in submission," Yildirim said. Speaking in Ankara, Erdogan said Turkey was jointly attacked by various organizations who he said were in close contact with each other and were "acting under the same motivations even if they have different names." He said the Turkish security forces have killed at least 182 Kurdish rebels in the weeks following the July 15 failed military coup, insisting that there has been no slackening in the fight against the PKK. Fighting between the PKK and Turkey's security forces resumed last year after a fragile peace process collapsed. Since then, more than 600 Turkish security personnel and thousands of PKK militants have reportedly been killed. Human rights groups say hundreds of civilians have also died in the clashes. Tens of thousands of people have died in the conflict since the PKK took up arms for autonomy in southeast Turkey in 1984. Turkey and its allies consider the PKK a terrorist organization. Amnesty International condemned Thursday's car bombings as "the latest in a series of reckless and brutal attacks." "Those responsible for these crimes show a contempt for the right to life and must be brought to justice," added Andrew Gardner, a researcher at Amnesty. On Thursday, authorities imposed a temporary blackout on media coverage of the bombing in Elazig, citing "public order and national security" concerns. Turkey frequently imposes such bans following deadly bomb attacks. Thursday's order asked media organizations to refrain from broadcasting and publishing anything that may cause "fear in the public, panic and disorder and which may serve the aims of terrorist organizations." Federal prosecutors have opened an investigation into whether civil rights laws were violated by the town of Dudley that has rejected plans for the Muslim cemetery. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter US Attorney Carmen Ortiz announced Thursday that the investigation will determine whether the town of Dudley violated the right to religious exercise by the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester. The Islamic group purchased 55 acres of farmland in Dudley for a Muslim cemetery, but town officials rejected the plan, citing traffic and environmental concerns. Ortiz said she plans on looking into whether the town placed unreasonable barriers to the group's cemetery proposal. Federal prosecutors are authorized to investigate allegations of discriminatory treatment under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which prohibits discrimination against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion. "All Americans have the right to worship and to bury their loved ones in accordance with their religious beliefs, free from discrimination," said Ortiz. A shack located on the disputed land where a Muslim group wishes to build a cemetery (Photo: AP) Jay Talerman, a lawyer for the group, has suggested that anti-Muslim bias played a role in the town's decision to deny needed permits for the cemetery. After filing a lawsuit against the town in land court last month, said he has had discussions with the town's attorneys to try to come to an agreement about the cemetery. "We remain hopeful, but to date we don't have a commitment from the town that meets our expectations," Talerman said. Dudley officials said their denial of a permit for the cemetery did not violate the religious rights of the group. "The Dudley Board of Selectmen welcomes this investigation as an opportunity to show that the Town's zoning and land use practices do not violate any religious rights of the Islamic Society, nor do such practices discriminate against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion or religious denomination," the town said in a statement. The Islamic Society, which owns a mosque in Worcester, wants to build the cemetery on a long-idle dairy farm. During town meetings on the proposal, residents of Dudley have said they are concerned that burial practices could contaminate groundwater because Muslims traditionally do not embalm bodies and bury their dead without coffins. They have also cited concerns about noise, vandalism and increased traffic on the narrow road where the cemetery would be built. Proposals for Muslim cemeteries in other states have been met with similar resistance, including in Carlisle, Pennsylvania; Farmington, Minnesota; and Farmersville, Texas. On Thursday night, the Israel Police arrested six persons for disturbing the peace following a protest that broke out following the arrest of an ultra-Orthodox deserter who was AWOL from the IDF. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Ultra-Orthodox protestors (: 24) X Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox took to the streets and set fire to trash cans and blocked roads at Shabbat Square. Protests in Jerusalem (Photo: Hershi Perlmutter, News 24) The demonstrators were protesting the fact that the deserter was arrested a fortnight before his wedding. Large forces of police came to the scene, where the protestors hurled rocks and insults, such as "Nazis." Protests in Jerusalem (Photo: Hershi Perlmutter, News 24) Half a year ago, serious public disturbances took place in Ashdod when dozens of ultra-Orthodox attacked a force of military police officers who came to arrest another deserter. The protestors flipped the police officers' car. The IDF later explained that in that case, the deserter had not presented himself when called up, as is required. Thus, he failed to prove his ultra-Orthodox background, which would have exempted him from military service. This Account has been suspended. For the second day, Russian warplanes used an airbase in Iran to hit targets in Syria Wednesday in another sign of growing cooperation between Moscow and Tehran to counter U.S. interests in the region. Russia's Defense Ministry also mockingly dismissed U.S. State Department charges that the arrangement for use of the Iranian airbase southwest of Tehran could be in violation of the United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 prohibiting the supply, sale and transfer of combat aircraft to Iran. The second consecutive day of bombing missions from Iran's Hamadan airbase about 175 miles southwest of Tehran involved Sukhoi Su-34 strike aircraft, called Fullbacks by NATO, according to the Russian news outlet RT. Once they reached Syrian airspace, the Su-34 aircraft were escorted by Su-35 fighters, known as Flanker-Es, flying out of the Syria's Khmeimim airbase near the port city of Latakia, RT said, citing the Russian Defense Ministry. The Fullbacks reportedly hit Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, targets near the eastern Syrian city of Deir al-Zour. "Over 150 militants have been eliminated, among them foreign mercenaries," in the strikes, the Defense Ministry said in a statement. On Tuesday, Russian bombers used the Iranian airbase for the first time. The strike wave consisted of Su-34s and long-range Tu-22M3 bombers, called Backfires by NATO, against targets in Deir al-Zour Aleppo and Idlib, Army Col. Chris Carver, a spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, said in a video briefing to the Pentagon on Tuesday. For those strikes, "the Russians did notify the coalition" under the memorandum of understanding on flight safety over Syria that was agreed to by the two countries, Garver said. "They informed us they were coming through. We assured safety of flight as those bombers passed through the area and toward their target and then when they passed out again," he said. It was not immediately clear whether the Russians gave notice for the strikes on Wednesday. Secretary of State John Kerry phoned his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, after the first strikes Tuesday to express U.S. concerns and also to try again to get Russia to use its influence with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to arrange a ceasefire that would ease the siege of Aleppo. "Discussion of the situation in Syria continued with a focus on the situation in Aleppo, where government forces are conducting a large-scale humanitarian operation with Russian support," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on the Kerry-Lavrov phone call. Also on Tuesday, State Department Spokesman Mark Toner said the Russian airstrikes out of Iran had killed civilians and suggested that they might constitute a violation of the UN resolution on military cooperation with Iran. Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for Russia's Ministry of Defense, responded Wednesday in a mocking statement singling out Toner by name. "It is against our rules to provide advice to the leadership of the U.S. State Department, but it's hard to resist a recommendation for some State Department representatives to check their logic and knowledge of fundamental documents of international law," Konashenkov said. In the regular State Department briefing Wednesday, Toner said that the Russian airstrikes out of Iran "continue to hit civilian populations. Our concerns remain very vivid." Kerry's phone call to Lavrov was focused on trying to arrange a ceasefire "and this doesn't help," Toner said. "It only exacerbates what is already a dangerous situation." When asked whether Russia was in violation of the UN resolution, Toner said, "Our lawyers are looking at it. It requires a very detailed legal analysis." -- Richard Sisk can be reached at Despite Flipping in Surf 4 Times in a Year, Marines Say New ACV Is the Future of Amphibious Warfare Some Marine veterans familiar with the vehicle and its operations have worried about the reliability of the ACV. News Belgrade - The Vice President met with President of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic in Belgrade today. The leaders agreed on the critical importance to regional stability of continuing to strengthen Serbia's relationship with its neighbors. The Vice President commended the commitment of Serbia's leadership to implementing reforms that move Serbia forward along its European path. The Vice President also welcomed the deepening of U.S.-Serbia efforts on cancer research, prevention, and care as part of the Cancer Moonshot initiative. Health News Portsmouth, Virginia - The Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) announced the release of an updated ShipShape Program, August 16. The ShipShape Program is the official Navy weight-management program designed to assist active duty and reserve military service members, beneficiaries, and government civilians with making healthy behavior changes in order to lose weight. The curriculum was modernized to reflect the most recent weight-management research and best practices, and the program transitioned to an open enrollment format to provide flexibility and meet an increased demand for the program. William Calvert, deputy director of Population Health at NMCPHC expressed excitement about this update. "For over 15 years, the ShipShape Program has helped participants achieve their weight management goals," said Calvert. "This new and improved version enhances what is really great about the program - an evidence-based approach to weight management offered in a group setting -- and expands it to benefit participants and make it more accessible." Anthony Barkley, NMCPHC's department head for Health Promotion and Wellness and ShipShape program manager, emphasized the benefits of the new program. "In this new open enrollment format, participants have the flexibility to make the program work for their schedule," said Barkley. "They can take the first and last sessions online and attend the in-person group sessions in whatever order they choose, depending on the availability of courses in their area." The flexible program will offer participants greater and easier access to the program. Additionally, the open enrollment format will enable any personnel who fail a physical fitness assessment (PFA) spot check to enter into the program immediately if a course is in session. Other individuals interested in weight management and healthy living can self-enroll at any point throughout the year based on availability of courses in their location. To learn more about the ShipShape Program, visit the NMCPHC ShipShape Program homepage, Follow the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center on Twitter or Facebook for the latest news and updates on the ShipShape Program and other news and programs from NMCPHC. Latest News Okinawa, Japan - Amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) made a port visit to White Beach, Okinawa, today. During the visit, Marines from the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) will join the Bonhomme Richard (BHR) crew for a scheduled deployment. BHR is conducting a fall deployment in the 7th Fleet area of operations to enhance partnerships, maintain forward presence, and increase Navy-Marine Corps integration for amphibious operations. Sailors and Marines from the 31st MEU attached to BHR, flagship of the Bonhomme Richard Expeditionary Strike Group (BHR ESG), will focus on amphibious assault and humanitarian assistance capabilities, disaster relief operations and non-combatant evacuation missions. "The Marines are a vital element of our 'blue-green' team aboard BHR and a key part of our mission," said Capt. Jeffrey Ward, BHR commanding officer. "It's going to be great to have them back, and we look forward to accomplishing valuable training with our Sailors, Marines and allies in the Pacific." The BHR ESG and 31st MEU will conduct a series of theater security cooperation engagements designed to strengthen ties and increase interoperability with allies and partners in the region. Sailors and Marines are scheduled to conduct exchanges with allies and partners across a range of mission sets. The BHR ESG consists of Bonhomme Richard, amphibious transport dock USS Green Bay (LPD 20), and amphibious dock landing ship USS Germantown (LSD 42). New York: A Muslim mother of Pakistani origin has sued a New York school for USD 25 million claiming her disabled son was forced to sign a confession saying he was part of the Islamic State terror group. Nubaisha Uppal, a resident of Long Island, claimed senior staff at East Islip Middle School bullied her son, Nashawn, 12, into falsely confessing he was a terrorist, the media reported on Thursday. Attorney David Antwork said Nashawn, who emigrated to the US from Pakistan, was pressured into signing the confession despite not knowing what the word "terrorist" meant because of his severe social and learning difficulties. According to the Daily Mail, Nashawn was bullied in the school cafeteria on January 6 by a group of older students, who repeatedly questioned his identity. After learning he was from Pakistan, it is alleged that the students began calling Nashawn a "terrorist" and asking him what he was planning to blow up next. The abuse continued for ten to 15 minutes, the suit alleges, before Nashawn finally agreed with his tormentors that he was a terrorist. The suit alleges that Nashawn was only repeating the word "terrorist" without knowing what it meant, and when questioned later said it referred to "someone who travels", like a tourist. Nashawn's family said that the following day of the abuse the assistant school Principal Jason Stanton removed him from a gym class and took him to his office. Inside the office Stanton was joined by Principal Mark Bernard, before the duo grilled Nashawn over his terrorism claims. Stanton conducted an illegal search of Nashawn's bag and was then accused of telling Nashawn that he had to write a confession admitting he was part of the IS and knew how to make bombs before he would be allowed to leave the office. As part of the suit, Nashawn's mental capacity by the district's own staff is made clear that he is unable to understand the meaning of basic words, or follow logic in sentences, the Daily Mail reported. The family is now suing for USD 25 million in compensatory and punitive damages, alleging that they have suffered nightmares, sleeplessness, fear, and stress as a result of the questioning. Istanbul: A car bomb in Turkey`s eastern province of Elazig has killed three police officers and wounded 217 people, including 85 police, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Thursday, adding that Kurdish militants were responsible for the attack. Speaking in Elazig after visiting the police headquarters targeted in the attack, Yildirim said Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants were carrying out random suicide attacks across the country wherever possible and that Ankara has raised its level of alarm following recent bombings. The bombing was the second in less than 24 hours targeting police in eastern Turkey. Three people were killed and 40 were wounded when a car bomb exploded near a police station in the eastern province of Van on Wednesday. Lucknow: Islamic seminary of Barelvi sect on Thursday issued a fatwa against Mumbai terror attacks mastermind and Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed declaring him anti-Islamic. The fatwa was issued against Saeed by Mufti Mohammed Saleem Barelvi, an Islamic seminary in Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh. It dubbed Saeed, founder of the Lashkar-e-Toiba who carries a USD 10 million bounty on his head, as outcast from Islam and declared those following him as illegal. A fatwa is a legal pronouncement in Islam which is given by a mufti, a Muslim scholar of a recognised authority, who is an interpreter or expounder of Islamic law. The ruling came close on the heels of Saeed asking Pakistan Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif to send troops to Kashmir to obey the pending order of Pakistan founder M A Jinnah. The fatwa was issued by Manzar-e-Islam Saudagaran, an institution associated with Dargah Ala Hazrat, in a reply to a question asked by Mohd Moinuddin of Jaipur. It said Saeed has no connection with Islam. Moinuddin had mentioned in his query that Saeed considered those writing against Allah and Prophet Mohammad as Muslims. Besides, he publicised anti-religious ideology and points of view and provoked people to create terror. He asked whether such a person should be considered as Muslim. In his fatwa, Mufti Saleem said that having any type of connection with persons working against the dignity of Allah and the Prophet was illegal and haraam, an act that is forbidden by Allah. It said since Saeed was having contacts with such persons, he has been outcast from Islam. It said that considering him as Muslim and listening to his words was also illegal and prohibited. As per the fatwa, Saeed was a man with terrorist ideology, who with his acts has brought infamy to Islam and Muslims across the world. Therefore, it was compulsory for every Muslim not to follow him and keep away from his ideology. Addressing a rally held under the banner of Defence Council of Pakistan in Karachi on Sunday, Saeed had claimed, Kashmiris had announced before the partition that they wanted to remain with Pakistan. But after the partition, India forcibly sent Army to Jammu and Kashmir. With PTI inputs Kolkata: The Coast Guard has rescued 31 crew members of two Bangladeshi fishing boats off the West Bengal coast after the vessels became non-operational due to engine failure in the mid-seas. The boat 'Allar-dan' with 15 crew and 'Farhad' with 16 crew were evacuated on August 16-17 in inclement weather triggered by low pressure off the coast. The Allar-dan crew was shifted to a local fishing boat whereas Farhad along with its crew was towed to Frazerganj (West Bengal) with the help of local fishing boats, a Coast Guard statement said. The rescued fishermen were provided food and medical assistance by the Coast Guard. The entire operation was coordinated by Coast Guard Regional Headquarters (North East). "We are maintaining enhanced vigil in view of the extremely rough sea conditions. We are ever prepared to render any assistance to seamen in distress," Headquarters Inspector General K.R. Nautiyal said. New Delhi: The CPI (M) on Thursday said the allegations against former army chief and Minister of State for External Affairs General (Retd.) V.K. Singh by incumbent General Dalbir Singh will send a very wrong message to the nation and asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take cognizance of this case. "Such condition has never occurred in the history of nation, that an ex-Army chief and the Current Army chief are accusing each other and have even approached the court in this regard," said CPI (M) leader Brinda Karat. "Moreover, one of them is a sitting minister. The Prime Minister should take a cognizance of this case over the lines that is credible for our armed forces. That a Union Minister is being accused of false conduct by the incumbent Army Chief and he is still in office. What image of India will it give?" she added. In an affidavit submitted in his personal capacity to the Supreme Court on Wednesday, the Army Chief has said that in 2012 he was sought to be victimised by the then COAS General V.K. Singh "with the sole purpose of denying me promotion to the appointment of Army Commander". "False, baseless and imaginary allegations of lapses were levelled against me in the show cause notice" of May 19, 2012 and consequent imposition of an "illegal" discipline and vigilance (DV) ban, the Army chief has stated in his affidavit. The affidavit was filed in response to a petition moved by Lieutenant General (Retd.) Ravi Dastane, who alleged favouritism in Dalbir Singh`s selection as the Army Commander, making him next in line to succeed General Bikram Singh. Dalbir Singh was placed under a DV ban by V K Singh between April and May 2012 for alleged "failure of command and control" after a Court of Inquiry was ordered into an operation carried out in Jorhat, Assam, on the night of December 20-21, 2011 by the 3 Corps Intelligence and Surveillance Unit. Dalbir Singh was then General Officer Commanding of the Dimapur-based 3 Corps.Referring to the Jorhat operation in his affidavit, he has stated "on that day, I was away on part of annual leave and rejoined duty on 26 Dec 2011". His promotion as GOC-in-C, Eastern Command, with effect from June 15, 2012, was cleared by General Bikram Singh, who reversed the DV ban after V.K. Singh retired on May 31, 2012. This delayed promotion, after reserving the vacant Army Commander`s post for 15 days, was challenged by Dastane in the Supreme Court. He contended he was eligible to be Army Commander but was denied the opportunity by General Bikram Singh, who favoured Dalbir Singh despite the latter being under a DV ban at the relevant time. New Delhi: Delhi Police on Thursday were conducting searches for Pradeep Chauhan, who has been missing for the past few days after an FIR for blackmail and extortion was filed against him by the wife of Union Minister V.K. Singh. Chauhan had earlier been questioned by the police following the FIR. His mobile phones are switched off for the past two days, police sources said. V.K. Singh's wife Bharti Singh had on late Tuesday filed a case against Chauhan at Tughlaq Road police station for allegedly blackmailing her and demanding Rs 2 crore as extortion money. In a related development, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Sanjay Singh on Thursday said that Chauhan met him on Sunday and claimed that he has "evidence" against two union ministers of plotting murder. But the audio and video evidence did not have anything substantial, the AAP leader said. Singh told IANS that Chauhan also wanted an AAP ticket for the Punjab elections. "He (Pradeep Chauhan) came to my office on Sunday. He said he is a nephew of Gen (retd) V.K. Singh and has worked for him from Sahibabad during elections," Sanjay Singh told IANS. "He further said that he has evidence against two union ministers of hatching a conspiracy to get a few people murdered and assured that he has audio and video evidence of the same," Singh added. "When I asked him to show the audio and video evidence there was nothing substantial in them," the AAP leader added. Following the claims of Chauhan, Sanjay Singh called up a close relative of Minister of State for External Affairs Singh to confirm if he was really a nephew. "A close family member said that Chauhan is not his nephew," he said. The AAP leader said that Chauhan wanted his support to "expose" the minister and also demanded a party ticket from Punjab for the coming assembly elections. Singh said he told Chauhan that "ticket will be given to party volunteers and not to him". Sanjay Singh then asked Chauhan to leave his office and threatened to call police. In her complaint to the police, Bharti Singh said: "The accused has been threatening me with dire consequences, saying that if I fail to pay him Rs 2 crore, he will make public some doctored audio and video clips, contents of which are unknown to me." Bharti Singh further said that the accused had threatened to ruin her and the reputation of her husband. She has also demanded security from the Delhi Police. Bharti Singh's lawyer Vishwajeet Singh told IANS on Thursday that they will pursue their complaint. New Delhi: Amid reports that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is unlikely to attend the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit to be held in Venezuela next month, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj was extended an invitation to attend the event by her Venezuelan counterpart Delcy Rodriguez here on Thursday. Delcy Rodriguez, Minister of External Relations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, visited India on August 18, 2016 , to personally hand over an invitation for India's participation in the 17th NAM Summit being held in Margarita Island, Venezuela on September17-18, 2016, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup informed the media. The last time an Indian prime minister did not attend a NAM Summit was in 1979 when Charan Singh was the caretaker Prime Minister. Swarup said that Rodriguez was accompanied by a 14-member delegation including Venezuelan Minister of Petroleum and President of Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA), Eulogio del Pino and Venezuelan Vice Minister for Asia, Middle East and Oceania, Felix Plasencia. Stating that Rodriguez held a substantive bilateral meeting with Sushma Swaraj, Swarup said: They discussed the whole gamut of bilateral issues and views were exchanged on various multilateral issues, including UNSC Reform, UN Peacekeeping and terrorism. The ministers also agreed to move ahead for an early finalisation of various agreements in different areas, including extradition treaty, double tax avoidance agreement (DTAA), mutual legal assistance treaty (MLAT) on criminal matters and air services agreement etc. According to Swarup, Sushma Swaraj underlined the importance India attached to NAM, particularly as one of the founder members. She confirmed India's participation and conveyed that the details will be worked out and intimated soon, the spokesperson said. It was agreed that there is huge potential on both sides on the trade front and that the basket needs to be diversified. Swarup also said that both the ministers agreed that the next joint commission meeting should be held soon in Venezuela. India raised the issue to pending payments of both public and private sector companies with the Venezuelan side, he said., adding that the visiting delegation assured that they would look into the matter for an early solution. In the cultural sector, it was agreed that programmes like symphony, film festivals and youth orchestra should be exchanged. The External Affairs Minister thanked her Venezuelan counterpart for their support in successfully organising the International Day of Yoga for two consecutive years, Swarup said. The Venezuelan Minister of External Relations invited External Affairs Minister to visit Venezuela which she accepted. Earlier on Thursday, Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan hosted a lunch in honour of the visiting dignitaries. New Delhi: External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj will visit Myanmar on August 22 following the swearing in earlier this year of the new government of Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD), it was announced on Thursday. During her visit, the External Affairs Minister will be calling on U Htin Kyaw, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and holding discussions with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor and Foreign Minister of Myanmar, the External Affairs Ministry said in a statement. Discussions are expected to focus on the rich bilateral content of the relationship as well as plans for the upcoming BRICS-BIMSTEC Outreach Summit in India, building on the comprehensive discussions during Foreign Office Consultations held in New Delhi on August 9, 2016, it stated. The statement said that India and Myanmar shared close relations with a robust development cooperation programme in areas such as agriculture, IT, human resource development, infrastructure development, culture, etc. The visit reaffirms India's commitment to heightened partnership with Myanmar in areas accorded priority by the new government of Myanmar, it added. During the visit, Sushma Swaraj will be accompanied by Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar and other senior officials of the Ministry of External Affairs. India and Myanmar reviewed the entire gamut of bilateral issues during the 15th round of Foreign Office Consultations here including high level visits, security and defence-related issues, boundary matters and border management, trade and commerce, development cooperation, connectivity, cultural and consular matters. They also exchanged views on issues of mutual interest at regional and multilateral forums. The consultations were of special significance as these were the first institutionalised exchanges between India and Myanmar after the swearing in of the new NLD government in Myanmar on March 30 this year. In the intervening period, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval visited Myanmar as a special envoy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 16, 2016 and Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman led a high-level business delegation to the eastern neighbour for the India-Myanmar Business Conclave on May 18-20, 2016. Last month, in a meeting with Minister of State for External Affairs on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) Foreign Ministers' Meeting, Suu Kyi said that she looked forward to visiting India. As her country's constitution bars her from becoming President, the Nobel peace laureate serves as the State Counsellor and Foreign Minister. New Delhi: Union Minister and former Army chief VK Singh's wife Bharti Singh, has filed a complaint with Delhi Police alleging, her nephew's friend blackmailed her. The minister's wife in her complaint has claimed that the person, Pradip Chauhan, demanded Rs two crore by threatening her with "doctored" audio-video clips to defame her husband. The complaint was filed at Tughlaq Road police station and the police has filed an FIR against the Gurgaon resident. Chauhan made phone calls to Bharti on the intervening night of August 6-7, following which, she spoke to Delhi Police Commissioner Alok Verma. An FIR was filed under Section 384 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code. It is being learnt that the accused had already uploaded a video clip on Youtube. Bharti has claimed that she was unaware about the content of the clips, but Chauhan has threatened to ruin her husband's reputation. A report published in 'The Times of India' the accused is a real estate agent and and has already been questioned by the police. Chauhan is learnt to have denied the allegations of making any extortion calls. However, the real estate agent admitted of being a frequent visit to the minister's family. Chauhan had reportedly told police that he only had informal chats with Bharti Singh and didn't blackmailed. The FIR quoted Singh's wife saying, He has threatened me that he will ruin my husband's reputation. It may be noted that I am a senior citizen and have only two daughters and there is a grave threat to the security of my family as my husband has to travel abroad very regularly for official purposes. She has described Chauhan as a dangerous person, who always carries a gun with him. New Delhi: Expressing its "vulnerability", Maldives has sought India's assistance in key area of counter- terrorism and the chief of its National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) will travel to India from August 29 to discuss the specific requirements in this regard. Maldivian Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim also described India as a "solid friend" and assured that Maldives will not undertake any activity that will jeopardise security of the Indian Ocean. The request by Maldives for intelligence sharing, capacity building and skill development assumes significance in view of increasing threat from Islamic State and reports of radicalisation of Maldivian youth with the government there maintaining that about 50 locals have joined ISIS. "The issue was discussed in detail during the visit of Prime Minister's Special Envoy on Counter-Terrorism Asif Abrahim to Maldives last month and will be taken forward during the visit of NCTC chief's visit here," Maldivian Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim told PTI in an interview. "Because of our small size, we are very venerable and we have sought India's help in strengthening our mechanisms to tackle threats of terrorism," Asim said. The two countries have already inked the Defence Action Plan during Abdulla Yameen's visit here in April. Cooperation in counter terrorism is one of key component of the pact. Apart from cooperation in counter-terrorism, the minister, during his wide-ranging interview, talked about Maldives' efforts to get foreign investments and his country's relationship with China. Asked about apprehensions in India over increasing Chinese presence in various projects in Maldives including infrastructure sector, he said they were purely economic engagements and "Maldives will not undertake any activity which will jeopardise security of the Indian Ocean." New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Thursday launched a Facebook application to help people connect with the Indian missions across the globe any time of the day. Announcing the launch here, MEA spokesperson Vikas Swarup said: "The social media has been a game changer in the way we communicate with each other and the world". He said the ministry has been a pioneer in adapting to digital tools, starting in 2010. "The ministry handles on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, G+, Soundcloud etc. have a collective viewership exceeding four million," he said, adding this particular application will help people in various ways. Speaking on the occasion, Ankhi Dass, Pubilc Policy Director of Facebook for India, South and Central Asia, said it was a good step from the government's side to help people and getting them involved in foreign policy matters directly. "This really is the consumerisation of foreign policy and you have taken distress mitigation and grievance redress literally to the next stage. I think with this app what is happening is that you are putting power in the people's hands to be able to contact to the missions directly," she said. "This is very useful, particularly in distressing times," she said. New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi referred to the Balochistan issue during his Independence Day speech as he was moved by the messages he received from the people of that Pakistani province, a senior government official said on Thursday The Prime Minister was sufficiently moved by these messages of gratitude to share it with the people of India in his Independence Day address, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup said in his weekly media briefing here. He said this while responding to a question on India's policy following reports that several Baloch groups were seeking recognition from the Indian government and they were even trying to set up a government-in-exile with India's support. Putting the scenario in context, Swarup said several people from Balochistan and Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, including Gilgit-Baltistan, had messaged Modi and had been writing to him following his comments at an all-party meeting on August 12 in which he had flagged the atrocities being committed on the people of Balochistan. Prime Minister had been thanked by these people for flagging their cause in the all-party meeting which represents all political segments in India, the spokesperson said. As for India's policy on the issue, he said that the Indian government has made statements about the situation in Baluchistan in the past as well. The only difference this time was that the various messages the Prime Minister had received had sufficiently moved him to share it with the people of India, he said. To a question on comments by Tariq Fatemi, Special Assistant to the Pakistan Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, that Modi's reference to the Balochistan issue has crossed red lines, Swarup described it as an extraordinary remark. I find this an extraordinary remark from a senior functionary of Pakistan that recognises no red lines in its own diplomacy, he said. Pakistan's record of cross-border terrorism and infiltration is at the heart of the problems in the region today. In a first for any Prime Minister in an August 15 address, Modi referred to human rights abuses in Balochistan and the part of Kashmir that Pakistan controls. "The world is watching. People of Balochistan, Gilgit, Baltistan and occupied Kashmir have thanked me a lot in the past few days. I am grateful to them," Modi said, referring to his comments last week on excesses in Pakistan's largest province and in the part of Kashmir it holds. He said the way people from these Pakistani regions "wished me well, gives me great joy". In thanking an Indian Prime Minister, "they have thanked the whole population of my country", he said. "I want to offer my gratitude to these people." Agar Malwa: Three young men were arrested in this district of Madhya Pradesh for allegedly skinning live cows, Superintendent of Police R.S. Meena said on Thursday. Hemraj, Dhanraj and Rakesh were arrested on the complaint of another youth Badri Singh who said he found the three men in Shyampura forest skinning cows that were alive, Meena told IANS. The three accused have denied the charge, saying they were skinning dead -- not live -- cows. Meena said a post-mortem report will help get at the truth of the matter. According to Badri Singh's complaint, he saw some people skinning cows in Shyampura forest where a large number of cows were grazing. When he confronted them to stop them from doing that, they threatened him, he said. Badri Singh said the cows were very much alive and died only after they were targeted by the skinners. New Delhi: In a touching gesture, Union Minister Smriti Irani, Thursday, celebrated the festival of Raksha Bandhan with army jawans stationed on the Siachen Glacier in Jammu and Kashmir. Ms Irani flew on a special Indian Air Force chopper to the icy outpost as part of an initiative taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to reach out to the soldiers guarding India's borders. The union minister personally tied rakhis on wrists of 20 soldiers and wished them and all other soldiers a long and prosperous life. Making the whole event more memorable for the soldiers, Ms Irani also brought special home-made sweets from Delhi and distributed it among the soldiers. Addressing the soldiers, Smriti Irani said that the country remains indebted to its soldiers, who man the borders of the nation. "An honour for me, to celebrate this festival here with my brothers who guard the borders," she added. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti, Women and Child Welfare Minister Maneka Gandhi are also visiting borders areas and interacting with the soldiers. Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of State for Commerce; Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, Minister of State in the Ministry of Food Processing Industries; and Anupriya Patel, Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare are also taking part in the event on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. New York: Indo-US cooperation in defence technology and trade initiatives will be the focus of the US Air Force Secretary's upcoming visit to India during which she will also discuss with top Indian officials proposals to co-produce military aircraft in India. Deborah Lee James will travel to India later this month as part of a maiden visit to four Asian countries that would also take her to Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines and will discuss the situation in the South China sea as well as the growing threat of terrorism. During her visit to India, she will meet Chief of Air Staff Marshal Arup Raha and Defence Secretary G Mohan Kumar and will also discuss with her Indian counterparts proposals to co-produce aircraft in India in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious 'Make in India' campaign. "We will be looking to see how can we deepen our partnerships and how can we take it to the next level," James said in response to a question by PTI at a press briefing here yesterday on what her focus will be during her visit to India. She said she will discuss defence technology and follow up on the trade initiatives, which were launched during US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter's visit to India in April. James replied in the affirmative when asked if she will follow up on American defence major Lockheed Martin's proposals to assemble F-16s in India as well as on discussions to collaborate in bolstering India's fighter jets and the jet engine technology working group. "I will be following up on all of those topics, discussing these counterpart to counterpart on a bilateral basis. I will be seeking the views of my counterparts, what their opinion is on the various proposals on the table and what more needs to happen to advance the ball on some of these proposals. "I am also aware of the Prime Minister's push for Make in India and the importance of creating new jobs in that sector. One of the proposals would be to co-produce certain aircraft in India and that might be one example of something that will be useful from a military standpoint but also might play into the Make in India campaign," she said. James said she would also follow up on the initiatives launched during Carter's visit and the possible outcomes of it from the Air Force perspective. She, however, noted that while some proposals will move forward, others may not if they are not the right fit. Describing the Indian Air Force as a "very effective fighting unit", she said it has been a participant over the years in "red-flag" exercise series, where the US gets together with coalition partners to train and inter-operate and "test ourselves in a high-end and very challenging difficult environment". James added that she also looks forward to congratulating India on the "magnificent execution" of the operation undertaken to evacuate Indian citizens from South Sudan. New Delhi: On the auspicious day of Raksha Bandhan, the widows of Vrindavan, will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the national capital to tie rakhis. Ten widows from Varanasi and Vrindavan will visit PM Modi on behalf of around 2,000 widows of on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. Besides this, around widows of Vrindavan are also expected to send around 1000 rakhis to the Prime Minister. It is being learnt that the 'rakhi sisters' of PM Modi will seek an assurance on national security and better facilities for the widows across the country. The Vrindavan widows said they are very grateful to Sulabh International for bringing in happiness to their lives. This year, besides tying rakhis on the wrist of saints and Sanskrit scholars, they will also share food with upper caste sadhus and brahmins on the occasion. With Sulabh's efforts the widows in the temple town now celebrate festivals like Hol, Diwali and Teej. Earlier, they were barred from celebrating or attending the festivities. Founder, Sulabh International, Bindeshwar Pathak said: "They (widows) are planning to present around 1000 rakhis to Prime Minister. At least ten widows also plan to visit his residence with the rakhis on behalf of widows of Vrindavan." New Delhi: Alleging that the Congress is trying to exonerate Pakistan, the BJP on Thursday hit out the Sonia Gandhi-led party saying that its stand on Kashmir was guided by political opportunism. Congress has once again displayed its insensitivity on J&K issue, its own leaders are not in consonance. Their statements and contradictions smell of political opportunism, said senior BJP leader and union minister Venkaiah Naidu. What's consistent about Congress party's policy on Pakistan and Jammu and Kashmir is inconsistency. It appears that Congress leaders are not guided by national interest but political opportunism, he said. Why is Congress trying to exonerate Pakistan? I appeal them to be sensitive, realistic, and act and speak accordingly, Naidu added. Srinagar: Security forces clashed with protestors on Thursday in the Kashmir Valley after the house of an MLA was attacked in south Kashmir, police said. An irate mob attacked the house of Muhammad Yusuf Bhat, MLA from Shopian, while Bhat and his family were away, a police official told IANS here. "The guard room at Bhat's house in Bimender village was torched by the mob, but all the guards were safely evacuated," he said. Panic gripped the Valley after rumours spread that authorities were planning to embargo supplies, including petrol, diesel and kerosene. Scores of people thronged filling stations, but at most places those in charge of filling station said they had run out of supplies. Kashmir Divisional Commissioner Basheer Ahmad Khan, however, refuted the rumours and maintained that "the oil companies in the Valley have been assured of all essential supplies". Security forces are enforcing a day-night curfew in Srinagar for the first time in 41 days since the ongoing unrest started. At many places, the security forces intervened in areas which had been placed under curfew where shopkeepers tried to open their shops. Meanwhile, the unified separatists camp issued a fresh protest calendar extending the 41-day protest shutdown till August 25. All educational institutions, shops, public transport and other businesses have remained shut in Kashmir since July 9, a day after young rebel commander Burhan Wani was killed in a gunfight with the security forces. Srinagar: A lecturer was killed and 18 others were injured in clashes between security forces and protesters who were opposing a search operation in Khrew area of Pulwama district in Kashmir where curfew and restrictions remained in force for the 41st day today. Shabir Ahmad Monga, a contractual lecturer, died when he and several others were beaten up at Khrew late last night, a police official said. He said 18 other persons, mostly youths, have been admitted to a hospital here. According to the locals, army conducted house to house searches for the youths who were leading protests in the area late last night which was resisted by the residents of Khrew. In the ensuing clash, 30-year-old Monga died. An army official said they were collecting details about the incident and will soon issue a statement. Curfew remained in force in entire Srinagar district, Anantnag town and Pampore police station, which includes Khrew area, while restrictions continued on the movement of the people in rest of the Valley. Normal life has been paralysed in the Valley due to street protests since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani in an encounter with security forces on July 8. Heavy deployment of security forces has been carried out in Srinagar city with all roads leading to the local office of United Nations Military Observers Group (UNMOG) at Sonawar sealed. The authorities strictly imposed night curfew in the city in view of the separatists' call for march to the UN office over a 72-hour period beginning yesterday. Schools, colleges and private offices remained closed while public transport remained off the roads due to the strike called by the separatists. The attendance in government offices was thin. Mobile Internet and mobile telephony services across the valley remained suspended. However, broadband services were restored early this morning after five days. Broadband services and mobile telephone services were snapped Saturday evening. As many as 64 persons including two police personnel have been killed and several thousand injured in the clashes that began on July 9. Udupi (Karnataka): In a brutal incident of cow vigilantism, a BJP worker was killed and another person injured allegedly by VHP and Bajrang Dal activists who waylaid and attacked them near Hebri in this district last night. Praveen Poojary (28) and Akshay Devadiga (20) were surrounded and attacked with sharp weapons by the VHP and Bajrang Dal activists as they were transporting three cows in a vehicle, Udupi district Superintendent of Police K T Balakrishna told PTI. Poojary died instantly while Devadiga has been admitted to a hospital at Bramhavar, he said. Seventeen people were arrested and a hunt was on to nab the others involved, he said. The coastal districts of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada have been reporting cases of cow vigilantism in the last several years. The incident comes days after the Union Home Ministry had cracked the whip on cow vigilantism, asking all states not to tolerate anyone taking law into their hands in the name of protecting cow and to take prompt action against such offenders. The Home Ministry advisory had come two days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi attacked cow vigilantes and asked people to beware of these 'fake' protectors trying to divide the society and the country. He made these comments after his government and BJP came under attack over incidents of violence against Dalits and Muslims by cow vigilantes in various states including Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Meanwhile, Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara said prima facie cattle trade-related business dispute may be the reason behind the killing of the BJP worker. "... Seventeen people have been arrested in connection with the incident, they (police) are suspecting some sort of a cattle trade-related business dispute," he told reporters in Bengaluru, adding police have taken up the case. Noting that he does not see a communal angle to the incident "at this point of time", Parameshwara said "some reason must be there, we will find out". He said "... We don't know at this stage, but they are suspecting some sort of a dispute because of the trade, it is not definite, but they are suspecting. Investigation will give us the final picture." Parameshwara also expressed concern over repeated incidents relating to beef and cattle trade in Karnataka. "We are vigilant, we will definitely try and maintain peace and order. I appeal to the people who are trying to create this kind of disturbance not to do this because we are a tolerant society and we should not create these kind of issues," he said. Jabalpur: In a shocking incident, two eunuchs in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur city got themselves undressed in the middle of a busy road during a bitter fight between two groups over who should get the tip for a Raksha Bandhan wish. The fight reportedly broke out between two groups of eunuchs at an intersection in Jabalpur city as they were at loggerheads over the share of the tip. As their charge and counter-charge began to grow intense, two members of the rival groups started to undress till they are completely naked. This dramatic development caught the public off-guard, whose numbers began to swell as their fight grew intense. The incident reportedly took place in Jabalpur's Blunda market. They reportedly crossed all limits of vulgarity in the heat of the moment, as they danced nude in view of full public glare. According to, the Maqsood group and the Mattoo Hirabai Amkera group of eunuchs were involved in the ruckus. During the fight, they also hurled abuses at each other. The passers-by were amused by their shocking act, but the women members have fled the scene after the fight turned ugly. According to a passer-by, the eunuchs performed a snake dance naked. The fight eventually ended when the police finally intervened. Both the eunuchs were taken to a police station. Chennai:: The one-week suspension of DMK legislators from the Tamil Nadu assembly will not be revoked, Speaker P Dhanapal said on Thursday. When the issue was raised in the assembly by lawmakers of the Congress and DMK parties (members who were not present in the House on Wednesday), Dhanapal said the suspension could not be revoked. Meanwhile Leader of the Opposition in the assembly, DMK's MK Stalin, and other lawmakers of DMK held a sit-in protest at the entrance of the assembly as they were not allowed to enter their chambers. Stalin said the assembly proceedings should be telecast live so that people will know what is happening inside the House. On Wednesday Dhanapal suspended 80 DMK members including Stalin for a week for unruly behaviour in the House. The DMK has 89 members in the 234-member assembly. Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Thursday said her government will file an interim petition in the Supreme Court to secure release of Cauvery river water from Karnataka. Announcing this in the state assembly, Jayalalithaa said the petition will be filed in one or two days in the Apex court and, after appropriate court orders, the state will get its share of water as per the final award of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal. The Chief Minister said Karnataka did not release water during June and July this year as per the tribunal award. She also said that both Karnataka and the central government have not replied to her letters on the release of Cauvery water. Moreover, owing to insufficient water at Mettur Dam, no water could be released for cultivation from there on June 12. If the state does not get adequate water for cultivation by the end of this month the Tamil Nadu government has formulated subsidy schemes worth Rs 64.3 crore for the benefit of farmers. Kolkata: West Bengal's opposition parties CPI-M and the Congress on Thursday demanded the setting up of a commission and a public debate on rechristening the state, while the Bharatiya Janata Party said there was no need to change the name. "Yes, there is nothing wrong in changing the name of the state. In the past, the assembly had twice passed proposals and sent them to the centre, but without success. "We think the matter needs to be publicly discussed and debated. Such vital decisions cannot be taken in cabinet meetings held in air-conditioned chambers," said Communist Party of India-Marxist legislature party leader Sujon Chakraborty. Leader of the opposition Abdul Mannan said a commission should be set up to finalise a name. "Let the Commission take the final decision on a new name, because in the past the assembly had sent two different names," said the Congress legislator after an all-party meeting at the chamber of the Speaker Biman Bandopadhyay to finalise the agenda of a special session of the House convened in the last week of the month. The name change issue would be the main point of discussion at the three-day meeting of the assembly convened on August 26, 29 and 30. State BJP president Dilip Ghosh, however, said his party would continue to oppose any change of name. "We have been opposed to any change of name from the outset, and we stick to our stand. The opinion and sensitivity of the nine crore plus people of Bengal have not been sought," said Ghosh, who leads the three-member BJP legislative party. "They (the government) may bulldoze the bill on the strength of its brute majority. But when the legislation is sent to the centre, it will have the same fate as the two earlier bills." The speaker told media that besides seeking rechristening of the state's name, the state government would move a proposal alleging the centre was depriving the state. The opposition parties have said they want discussions on dengue deaths in the state. "If the opposition moves such a proposal, the matter will be taken up". Chakraborty, however, mocked the state for talking about how the centre was depriving the state. "Those who are depriving the people, are now talking of the state being deprived. This is a dichotomy". Echoing Chakraborty, Mannan said: "We will also talk about how the state was being deprived. But can you (the state government) gloss over the way we (the opposition) are being deprived?" Both Chakraborty and Mannan said the opposition would highlight the state government's failure to tackle dengue fever during the assembly session, which has "taken the shape of an epidemic". Seventeen persons have died and over 3400 have been affected by dengue in the state since January. Earlier this month, the cabinet mooted a proposal to rename the state as "Bengal" in English and 'Banga' or Bangla in Bengali. In Bengali, the state is currently referred to as "Paschim Banga" or "Paschim Bangla". After the partition of India in 1947, Bengal was bifurcated as East Bengal and West Bengal. East Bengal became a part of Pakistan. It was rechristened East Pakistan in 1956 and later emerged as the independent nation of Bangladesh after the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. Colombo: Sri Lanka's Tamil politicians have alleged that over 100 LTTE cadres at rehabilitation centres were injected with poison leading to their deaths, prompting the government to reject their claims on Thursday. Politicians of the main Tamil party TNA politicians and the Tamil media claimed the deaths of some 104 ex-combatants who had allegedly been given poisonous injections. They had claimed physical disability due to the injections being given to them. Northern chief minister C V Wigneswaran has said that the US Air Forces medical team, currently in the Tamil-dominated north, will examine the former rehabilitated LTTE cadres, who he alleged had fallen sick because they were injected with poisonous substances at government detention or rehabilitation centres. State Minister of Defence Ruwan Wijewardene rejected the claims as "false allegations". "It is sad to hear some politicians in the North making false allegations when the government is making a genuine effort to resolve the issue of the Northern people. "Anyone, including those from the international community, can visit the rehabilitation camps after obtaining permission from the government and see for themselves the work that is being done," he said, referring to claims by members of the northern provincial council. Government spokesman and Minister of Health Rajitha Senaratne also dismissed the claims yesterday and said local doctors can be asked to examine them. Bangkok: Thailand's junta today said 15 suspects in last week's bomb and arson attacks against a string of tourist resort towns are being detained at a military barracks in Bangkok. "Authorities have detained 17 suspects at the special 11th Army Circle barracks in Bangkok but we had released two of them," Colonel Burin Tongprapai, the junta's top legal advisor, told reporters. Colonel Burin said authorities were looking to re-detain the two suspects who were released and that the entire group were likely to be charged on Friday. No one has claimed responsibility for the bombing spree, which hit tourist towns in the country's south last today and Friday, killing four and wounding dozens, including European visitors. The attacks were highly unusual in a country where foreign visitors are rarely caught up in the country's frequent bouts of political violence. Colonel Burin's comments highlight the primary role the military have played in the investigation and is the first official admission that scores of suspects have been held since the bombings on army barracks. Local human rights groups had previously said more than a dozen suspects were being held without access to lawyers and called for greater transparency in the investigation. Authorities have remained tight-lipped on the motive of the attackers or the identities of anyone detained. Thailand's junta, which seized power in 2014, and the police quickly ruled out international terrorism, saying the perpetrators were "local saboteurs". Damascus: At least 25 people, including children, were killed in a bombing in Syria's Idlib town, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Thursday. The Human Rights observatory said the victims included two women and 10 rebel fighters, adding that the death toll could rise due to the serious condition of the wounded in the rebel-held Syrian town, Efe news reported. The local media quoted a military official who said that the Syrian Air Force and the army's artillery killed at least 40 "terrorists" in bombing in several villages in Idlib. The airstrikes targeted the villages of Khan Sheikhoun, al-Sheikh Mustafa and Maaret al-Nouman in Idlib. According to the official, the attacks targeted "terrorist groups" such as Ahrar al-Sham, Jund al-Aqsa and other Islamic factions. Idlib is almost entirely controlled by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly Nusra Front, and other allied factions. Ankara: A string of bombings, blamed on Kurdish rebels and targeting Turkey's security forces, killed at least 14 people and wounded more than 220 others, officials said today. Two of the attacks were car bombings that hit police stations in eastern Turkey, while a third a roadside blast targeted a military vehicle carrying soldiers in the southeast of the country. Authorities say the assaults were carried out by the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, which has launched a campaign of car bombings targeting police stations or roadside bomb attacks against security force vehicles. Last week, PKK commander Cemil Bayik threatened increased attacks against police in Turkish cities. The wave of attacks come as Turkey is focused on a clampdown on suspected followers of a movement led by US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, which the government accuses of orchestrating a failed military coup last month, that killed at least 270 people. The first car bombing hit a police station in the eastern province of Van late yesterday, killing a police officer and two civilians. At least 73 other people including 53 civilians and 20 police officers were wounded, officials said. Another car bombing hit police headquarters in the eastern Turkish city of Elazig early today, killing at least five people, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. Officials said earlier 146 people were wounded and 14 of them were in serious condition. Video footage showed a large plume of smoke rising from the area. Cars were overturned and the windows of the four-story building and its wings were blown out. In the southeastern province of Bitlis meanwhile, five soldiers were killed after rebels detonated a roadside improvised explosive device as an armored military vehicle was passing by, officials said. Five other soldiers were wounded in the attack. A government-paid village guard, helping the security forces battle the PKK was also killed in a clash with rebels in the province, the state-run Anadolu Agency reported. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim traveled to Elazig to visit the site of the bombing as well as those wounded in the attack. He told reporters there that both the PKK and the Gulen movement were directed by the same "intelligence" intent on causing Turkey harm, without elaborating. "The (Gulen movement) has lost its assertiveness and has handed over the duty to the (PKK)," Yildirim said. "The intelligence that directs them is the same. When one's duty ends, the other takes up the duty." Yildirim vowed to fight the PKK until it is "eliminated." Speaking in Ankara, Erdogan said Turkey was jointly attacked by various organizations who he said were in close contact with each other and were "acting under the same motivations even if they have different names." Beijing: A top Chinese military officer visited Syria this week in a show of support for President Bashar Assad's embattled regime, official media reported Thursday, underscoring Beijing's backing of fellow authoritarian governments and concerns about the spread of religious militancy. Rear Adm Guan Youfei met on Sunday with Syrian Defence Minister Fahd Jassem al-Freij in Damascus, the Xinhua News Agency said. He also met the following day with a Russian general who is coordinating his country's military assistance to Assad's fight against armed opposition groups, the agency said. Xinhua said Guan expressed China's willingness to boost military cooperation with Syria, while the newspaper Global Times cited the Chinese Defense Ministry as saying that both sides agreed to expand personnel training and humanitarian aid via the Chinese military. The Chinese military "is willing to strengthen cooperation with its Syrian counterparts," it quoted the ministry as saying. Guan is head of the Office for International Military Cooperation under the Central Military Commission that oversees China's 2.3 million-member armed forces. While China has followed Russia's approach in backing Assad, it hasn't directly contributed forces in keeping with its policy of opposing outside intervention in domestic conflicts. During the early months of the 5-year-old civil war, China joined Russia in blocking motions at the United Nations calling for Assad to work for a resolution of the conflict. Despite that, Chinese military advisers are on the ground in Syria helping train soldiers in the use of weapons purchased from China, including sniper rifles, rocket launchers and machine guns, reported the Global Times, which is published by the ruling Communist Party's flagship newspaper People's Daily. Guan's visit illustrates Beijing's enduring recognition of the Syrian government and insistence that the warring parties reach a resolution among themselves, said Wang Lian of the School of International Studies at Peking University. Although China wants to expand government-to-government and military-to-military cooperation, it's unlikely to provide substantial military support, much less send personnel to fight on behalf of the regime, Wang said. "More likely, the Chinese military wanted to use Guan's trip to better understand the current state of the turmoil in Syria," Wang said. "In developing a closer relationship with Syria, one has to take into account the changes at hand in Syria and the region, including the fast recovering relations between Turkey and Russia." Washington: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has sought the help of Muslims to help root out terrorism, saying the community will be blamed if it does not assist in combating the menace. The 70-year-old reality TV star-turned politician, who earlier drew flak for proposing a ban on Muslims entering the US, appealed to the community as they would know "what is going on in their community". "Look, we have to be so tough and so smart and vigilant. And frankly, the Muslims have to help us, because they see what's going on in their community. We do not see it. They have to help us," Trump said in a Fox News town hall which was taped on Tuesday. "And if they're not going to help us, they're to blame also," Trump said and indicated favouring racial profiling otherwise. In response to another question, he said he would throw out Siddique Mateen, father of Orlando shooter. "I'd throw him out. If you look at him, I'd throw him out. You know, I looked at him. And you look, he's smiling," he said. The Republican nomiee called for swift action against the ISIS, which he said is better than the US on social media. "We have to take them out very, very swiftly and viciously if necessary," he said, responding to a question on ISIS. "I mean they're better at social media than we are. ISIS, if you look at what ISIS is doing with social, they're recruiting over the internet. And I also said we have to end that. We have to knock it out," he said. Responding to another question, Trump claimed that his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton is being shielded by the media. "She is so protected. They (the media) are so protective," he said. "She doesn't really do that much. She'll give a speech on teleprompter, and then she'll disappear. I don't know if she goes home ? she goes home and goes to sleep, I think she sleeps." "Who do you want to be at that phone at 3 in the morning?" "I'll be up, I will tell you that. She wasn't there," he said in reference to the Benghazi attacks. Nay Pyi Taw: Myanmar will deploy single-stop inspections at border gates with neighbouring countries to prevent illegal trade, officials said on Thursday. Minister of Commerce Than Myint told the House of Nationalities that discussions wereunderway with the two neighbouring countries -- China and Thailand for the move, Xinhua news agency reported. The system is aimed at preventing illegal trade and boosting the country`s revenue collected from border trade, he said, adding that work was underway to set up customs checkpoints for border trade complete with X-ray machines to inspect containers. He warned that unscrupulous businessmen and corrupt staff in illegal trade activities in border trade would be punished. The ministry revealed that goods worth more than 52 billion kyats (about $43 million) were seized and inedible food worth more than 2.5 billion kyats were destroyed over the last three years until operation of previous mobile inspection teams were shut down in December 2015. Beijing: Myanmar`s Aung San Suu Kyi was to meet Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday in her first major foreign trip since becoming the country`s de facto leader, with a suspended Beijing-backed dam project set to dominate talks. Myanmar sees its giant neighbour -- and largest trading partner -- as its biggest foreign policy preoccupation. Resumption of the $3.6 billion Myitsone dam will be a priority for China, while Suu Kyi seeks Beijing`s cooperation for talks with armed groups operating near the countries` shared border, officials said. Beijing was instrumental in shielding Myanmar`s former junta rulers from international opprobrium while Suu Kyi languished for years under house arrest as a democracy activist. At the time Myitsone was seen as emblematic of China`s economic dominance over Myanmar. In 2011 a quasi-civilian government halted the project in a surprise move after local protests, and Beijing has been pressing for its resumption ever since. "China definitely will discuss about (Myitsone) as it is their main interest," Kyaw Zeya, DG at Myanmar`s ministry of foreign affairs told AFP. As well as Li, Suu Kyi is due to hold talks with China`s President Xi Jinping during her trip, which began Wednesday. On her first visit to China last year, she faced calls to raise the case of her fellow Nobel laureate Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo -- sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 for circulating a petition calling for democratic reforms -- but did not do so. Beijing staunchly objects to foreign leaders criticising its rights record, and few expect her to do so this time.Analysts said the choice of China for Suu Kyi`s first trip to a major foreign capital shows the relationship is a priority after Myanmar`s historic November elections saw a landslide vote to end military domination. With a total of $15.4 billion of approved investments in Myanmar, China is by far its largest foreign investor, despite reforms in recent years that have seen Western firms surge back. Its interests range from a huge oil and gas pipeline and special economic zone, to dams and mining. Chinese firms have continued to win major contracts in recent months. But the Southeast Asian nation has drawn closer to the US during its transition to civilian rule. At the same time Myanmar needs to get Beijing onside as it pursues historic peace talks with armed groups who cross over the border into China to find sanctuary and to trade in illicit items. Fighting in the border region of Kokang between the Myanmar army and local rebels has seen residents flee into China, and shells occasionally landing on its territory, straining relations. "We are prepared to discuss it (about peace) if they would discuss," Kyaw Zeya added. Communist-ruled China launched a diplomatic charm offensive after the November elections, dispatching foreign minister Wang Yi for talks with Suu Kyi soon after her party`s victory. China`s state-run media sought to portray the current trip as a sign that Myanmar`s ties with Beijing are stronger than its links to Washington. "Contrary to the subjective view that a democratic Myanmar will lean toward the West, Suu Kyi`s visit to China carries significant weight," commentator Wang Wenwen wrote in the Global Times newspaper. Several commentators said Chinese investment was still essential for Myanmar, but signalled that Beijing might be willing to make concessions on dam projects by consulting more with locals. Researcher Song Qingrun wrote in the China Daily that "China should make sure local residents approve of the location and size of the hydroelectric stations, and the environmental assessments pass public scrutiny." Manila: The Philippines received the first of ten coast guard vessels from Japan Thursday, the coastguard said, as the two countries boost security ties in the face of their separate maritime disputes with China. The 44 metre (144 foot) BRP Tubbataha has arrived in Manila, the Philippines coast guard said in a statement, adding that it will be used for search and rescue, law-enforcement and transport purposes. They did not specify where it would be deployed. This is the first of 10 Philippine coast guard ships being built in Japan, supported by Japanese aid money, as the former World War II foes seek to boost defence ties in the face of growing Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. Japan -- the Philippines` top source of development aid -- said this month it would give Manila two additional patrol vessels, and that it was discussing the possible lease of surveillance aircraft. Japan and China are locked in a long-running dispute over uninhabited islets in the East China Sea. Manila and Beijing have overlapping claims in the South China Sea. The Philippines has been seeking closer defence ties with Japan as well as traditional allies like the United States and Australia in a bid to boost its capabilities against regional giant China. The Philippine military and coast guard are among the region`s weakest. Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and his Philippine counterpart Perfecto Yasay last week called on China to observe the rule of law in settling maritime disputes. This came after a UN-linked tribunal ruled in July that China`s claim to most of the South China Sea was invalid, handing a sweeping diplomatic victory to the Philippines. Beijing vowed to ignore the decision, and the Philippines and China have been preparing for direct talks to ease tensions. Istanbul: Turkish police launched a vast operation today against businesses suspected of financing US-based Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of masterminding last month's attempted coup, media reported. Prosecutors issued 187 arrest warrants as part of the operation in the country's economic capital of Istanbul and other provinces, CNN-Turk reported. It said around 1,000 police took part in the operation in 15 provinces, which included simultaneous raids in about 100 addresses in several districts of Istanbul. The suspects are accused of financing the activities of Gulen, blamed by authorities for orchestrating the July 15 putsch. In a similar operation on Tuesday, Turkish police raided dozens of companies in Istanbul in search of 120 suspects. Around 100 people were detained. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said late yesterday that 40,029 state employees have been detained in the crackdown on alleged Gulen supporters in the wake of the failed July 15 coup, of whom 20,335 have been remanded in custody. More than 5,000 civil servants have been dismissed and almost 80,000 others suspended, he said in an interview with TRT public television. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to eradicate businesses, charities and schools linked to Gulen, calling them "terror organisations" and "nests of terror". Gulen, a reclusive cleric who has lived in the US since 1999, has been repeatedly accused of running a "parallel state" since a corruption scandal embroiling then premier Erdogan and several of his ministers erupted in 2013. Gulen, in self-imposed exile in the United States since 1999, has denied the government's accusations. Ankara wants Washington to extradite Gulen to face trial back home, indicating that any failure to deliver him will severely damage ties. New York: US Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James has praised the Indian Air Force (IAF) for the "magnificent execution" of `Operation Sankat Mochan` which evacuated Indian civilians trapped in South Sudan last month. James, who is scheduled to visit India, told reporters here on Wednesday that she was "looking forward to congratulating the IAF chief in particular on what I think is a magnificent execution of the C-17 operation where you were able to evacuate Indian citizens from South Sudan. Well done on that." Operation Sankat Mochan, which brought back 156 civilians from South Sudan capital Juba, used C-17 Globemaster aircraft purchased from the US. During her New Delhi visit, she is slated to meet Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, the Chief of Air Staff and Chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee. She described the IAF as "a very effective fighting unit" and recalled its participation in Red Flag exercises with the US Air Force. During the exercise, she said, "we get together with coalition partners and we train together and interoperate together and we go up sometimes against simulated threats so that we test ourselves on a high-end, very challenging, difficult environment." Most recently the IAF took part in a four-week Red Flag exercise in Alaska that concluded in May. India deployed Sukhoi 30-MK and Jaguars fighter jets and IL-78 mid-air refuelling planes. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. Member of Germanys Left Party, Bundestag lawmaker of Turkish origin Sevim Dagdelen is one of those German lawmakers who voted in favor of recognizing the Armenian Genocide on June 2. The Bundestag recognition angered Turkish President Erdogan so such extent that he even made threats and accusations towards the German lawmakers of Turkish origin, even calling their blood dirty. Back in June, Sevim Dagdelen urged to ban Erdogan from entering Germany after receving those threats. And just recently, after the failed coup attempt in Turkey overnight July 15-16, she made an announcement demanding sanctions to be carried out for violence and mass arrests in Turkey, and Erdogan who is carrying out a persecution policy. ARMENPRESS had an interview with Bundestag MP Sevim Dagdelen regarding the recent developments in Turkeys domestic and foreign policy. Mrs. Dagdelen, many views were voiced regarding the reasons of the latest domestic policy events in Turkey, I would like to know your opinion as well. What led to such extreme tense situation? Erdogan and his AKP already followed an authoritarian course prior to the attempted coup detat of July 2016. This policy was backed only by roughly one half of the population. The recent development will deepen the split in Turkish society. What has triggered the so-called putsch right now remains unclear at the moment. It seems to me that theres not only a split in Turkish society, but within the elites, too. Look at the military, the state apparatus, mass media, or the (higher) education system. If, as Erdogan is constantly repeating, the Gulen movement is responsible for the coup, than we are witnessing a fight between former allies. The AKP and Gulen are adhering both to ultra-conservative and Islamic views for Turkeys future. Ironically, the ruling AKP follows neoliberal economics, and Erdogan and his family are facing accusations because of corruption. How do you see Turkeys future, in case of Erdogan continuing such dictatorial policy? Since Mr Erdogan has announced to continue the persecution of opponents in the same brutal and extra-legal way, he will plunge Turkey into a full-scale civil war. Mrs. Dagdelen, after the adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution, you announced that along with several lawmakers of Turkish origin you have been receiving threats, after what you urged to ban Erdogan from entering Germany. Recently you also called for sanctions to be implemented against Erdogan. What is the main reason of making this call this time? To have a hands-off approach to the Erdogan regime means to encourage the new dictator. Personal sanctions against him might have a sobering effect on him and his entourage, while avoiding hardships for the already suffering people of Turkey. What practical steps are you going to implement in the future for realizing your demand? As politician of the Left party, which is in opposition to the fatal government stance towards Ankara, my colleagues and I will further promote sanctions against the Turkish leader. At the same time well support persecuted journalists like Can Dundar, Erdem Gul or other jailed democrats. Well try to shed some light on groups in Turkey, who need a voice from abroad, like the Kurds. Regarding the June 2 Bundestags adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution, what caused you to vote in favor? I have voted pro, since we were witnessing a really historic decision of the German Bundestag. It was the first time that a vast majority of German parliamentarians acknowledged the fact of the genocide against the Armenian people during World War I. This has been also a success of the Left faction in the Bundestag, because our party has always turned against a false consideration of the official Turkish point of view. The fact that this resolution has been adopted means a victory of justice and the principles of enlightenment and a victory over more than 100 years of German denial of German complicity in the Armenian genocide. Mr Erdogan is the mouthpiece of genocide deniers in Turkey. Mr Erdogan holds the view that Armenians have themselves to blame for the genocide, because they had been terrorists. This paradigm is maintained by certain party of Turkish society till today, and therefore a clarification of historic facts is so important. Only wholehearted recognition is the way to reconciliation and a common future. What would you say regarding the further development of Turkish-German relations after this step of Bundestag? Adopting the resolution has meant only a further step of the deteriorating relations between Ankara and Berlin. Mrs. Dagdelen, was Erdogans response predictable in terms of him going really far, up to accusing and threatening Bundestag lawmakers of Turkish origin? If you look at the rude views which are common in the islamist spectrum of Turkey, such a reaction was completely expectable. As the denial of the genocide has de facto been part of the reason of state in Germany for the last century, this applies even more for Turkey. And I would like to know how would you label the first Putin-Erdogan meeting after the long-lasting tense situation which resulted from Turkey shooting down the Russian jet in 2015 over Syrian-Turkish border? Mr Erdogans foreign policy of violence has dramatically failed. Under his leadership Turkeys position in the whole region has become less safe and relations to neighboring countries more tense. You cannot sponsor terrorist groups across the border and live in peace at home. Erdogan is suspecting a NATO-involvement in the recent coup attempt. So thats why in regard to Russia, Mr Erdogan had to fix relations with Moscow after shooting the Russian fighter jet in November 2015. Russia could wait and see, while Russian tourists staying away from Turkish tourist destinations seem to have a sobering effect on the Turkish despot. Im very much skeptical that Erdogan will in the long run change its attitude towards Syria or Iraq. Still the Turkish border is open for new weapons for the IS and there are worrying reports that for Al-Kaida in the West of Syria it is pretty much the same thing. All Erdogan does now with the improvement of the relations with Russia seems he is trying to buy some time. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan received on August 17 USA Global Peace Operations Initiatives Europe Command coordinator Ann Stieglitz and Timothy Byrne, Program Manager for peacekeeping programs of the US Navys post graduate school. The meeting focused on the Armenian participation in UN peacekeeping missions, trainings which are necessary in this context and issues of the upcoming projects of the Global Peace Operations Initiative reconstruction of the peacekeeping training center, acquisition of devices for locating and disposing improvised explosive devices etc. The Armenian membership to the US Global Peace Operations Initiative was confirmed in 2013 and aims at developing the peacekeeping capabilities of Armenia and assisting the process of involvement in UN missions. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. The Government allocated 18 thousand 225 Euros to the Justice Ministry for realizing the demands of the European Court of Human Rights April 7, 2016 verdict on the Simonyan vs. Armenia case. Justice Minister Arpine Hovhannisyan said the ECHRs verdict defined the compensation payment deadline as October 7, 2016. Prime Minister Abrahamyan instructed to calculate the amount which has been allocated during the past three years for ECHR verdicts. I instruct the Finance Ministry and the Governments staff to discuss how much money we have allocated for the ECHR decisions in 2014-2015 and during the 8 months of this year, the PM said. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Shavarsh Kocharyan finds incorrect to speak about concessions of the Armenian side in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. After the Cabinet meeting, reporters asked Kocharyan what the Armenian side is ready to concede, Kocharyan answered : When Baku will speak about concessions, that time it will be possible to speak about mutual concessions. As long as they dont talk there, even asking such questions is at least inappropriate. Its another issue that when talking about the negotiations process the Armenian sides say yes, they are ready for mutual concessions in general, but as long as the stances become even more hard from the Azerbaijani side, talking about mutual concessions from the Armenian side has no sense. In Kocharyans words, the negotiations process implies moving towards mutual concessions, but as long as one of the sides hasnt announced what concessions it is ready to make, speaking about concessions from the Armenian side is a tactical mistake. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. The stance of the Armenian sides is clear: Nagorno Karabakh cannot be part of Azerbaijan, Deputy FM Shavarsh Kocharyan told reporters after the Cabinet meeting- answering to a question what concession does the Armenian side demand from Azerbaijan and what expectations it has. Our goal is very clear: Nagorno Karabakh cannot be part of Azerbaijan, the security of the people and state of Nagorno Karabakh should also be guaranteed. These two questions are clearly stated and have been talked about numerous times. Regarding details, how to achieve this, thats another issue, which also depends on the other sides stance, and the negotiations stance of that side is very tough, and in this case speaking about details is senseless, Kocharyan said. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. RPA faction MP Gagik Minasyan finds the Russian-Turkish rapprochement a risk for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, however the lawmaker is confident that the Armenian side will not make any concessions in this very important issue. The Armenian side cant concede anyhow in this issue, because this is a very important issue for us, we dont have an issue of concession here. Some issues can be laid down at the discussion table in case the sides have an agreement regarding the status of Nagorno Karabakh, Minasyan said. The lawmaker noted that the history of Russian-Turkish relations is centuries-old, during which tensions and friendship have regularly accompanied one another. Now we are witnessing yet another rapprochement, which was preceded by a very tense situation. I think that we caught an important test, when the Russian-Turkish relations were very tense, and calls were being made from Russia, that Armenia should also be used in order to gain profit from that tension, but our society and leadership didnt give in to this temptation. I am convinced that we will respond with the same correctness to possible problems resulting from the rapprochement of Russian-Turkish relations, he said. Gagik Minasyan ruled out the possibility that Turkey can ever become a co-chairing country of OSCE Minsk Group. He reminded that Turkey has always supported Azerbaijan in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement issue, thus such country cannot be among the co-chairing countries. The lawmaker also added that the candidacy of any country to be included in the co-chairing countries of the Minsk Group should be approved by all three sides of the conflict, and Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh will never allow Turkey to become a co-chairing country. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. Russias long-range bombers Tupolev-22M3 and frontline bombers Sukhoi-34 have dealt another strike against Islamic State targets in Syrias Deir ez-Zor province from bases in Russia and Iran, the Russian Defense Ministry said, TASS reported. "On August 18, 2016 long-range bombers Tupolev-22M3 and frontline bombers Sukhoi-34 took off from bases in Russia and Iran to deal a massive strike against the facilities of the Islamic State group (outlawed in Russia) in Syrias Deir ez-Zor province," the Defense Ministry said in a news release. The planes eliminated five large warehouses containing weapons, ammunition and lubricants. "Six command centers were hit and a large amount of artillery positions, armored vehicles and manpower was destroyed," the Defense Ministry said. Sukhoi-30SM and Sukhoi-35S based at Hmeymim, in Syria, provided protection. "All Russian planes coped with their tasks and returned to base," the Defense Ministry said. On Tuesday, Russian planes for the first time used the Iranian airdrome Hamadan to bomb terrorists in Syria. Long-range Tupolev-22M3 bombers and Sukhoi-34 fighter-bombers raided facilities of the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra (both outlawed in Russia) in Syrias provinces Aleppo, Deiz ez-Zor and Idlib. On Wednesday, August 17 Sukhoi-34 bombers again used the airdrome in Iran to bomb IS positions in Deir ez-Zor province. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs that on August 18 the USD exchange rate was 475.30 AMD which is a decrease of 0.01 drams compared to the previous day. The euro increased by 2.41 drams forming 537.94 drams, and British pound rose by 6.02 drams forming 625.59 drams. Russian ruble increased by 0.05 drams forming 7.47 drams on August 18. The prices for precious metals are as follows: the price for silver per gram is 299.05 AMD, gold-20,528.06 AMD, and platinum 16,946.9 AMD. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan received the delegation led by French Schneider Electric company President on Russia and the CIS states Johan Vanderplaetse on August 18, press service of the Government informed Armenpress. The PM welcomed the initiative of the French company to carry out activities and investment projects in Armenia and the implementation of practical steps towards that path. The Armenian PM said there are wide range of opportunities in the energy sector in our country. Johan Vanderplaetse expressed gratitude for the reception and said he has examined the opportunities for conducting investment projects in Armenia and said favorable conditions exist for the electric power production. He said they are going to transfer their technological production to Armenia, to apply the latest production technologies and prepare necessary personnel in cooperation with universities. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. An aircraft has crashed in North Las Vegas between the Nellis Air Force base and the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Clark County Fire Department said, RT reported. Smoke was seen rising from the scene Thursday morning and officials at Nellis confirmed they are investigating an aircraft incident. Police said they are giving assistance following a plane crash incident in the northeast valley. The crash occurred during a Red Flag 16 training exercise, according to an airplane enthusiast who was observing the action. The wreckage came down near Sloan Lane and Ann Road. Nellis AFB officials confirmed a civilian contractor aircraft supporting 57th Wing operations came down near the base at 7.40 a.m. local time, KVVU reports. The pilot sustained minor injuries in the accident and an investigation is under way. There are reports that the plane was an A-4 Skyhawk. Introduced to US Navy service in 1956, the jet was retired in 2003. Several of the aircraft, retired from the Royal New Zealand Air Force, were acquired by the Florida-based Draken International, a private contractor providing training jets for the US military. YEREVAN, AUGUST 18, ARMENPRESS. German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced she is doing everything possible to return the relations with Russia which will make the sanctions unnecessary. Firstly I would eliminate the sanctions against Russia. Unfortunately, we still do not see the implementation of the Minsk agreement. We want through all our forces to return to the relations with Russia which would not make the sanctions necessary, Merkel said, RIA Novosti reported. Merkel said together with French President Francois Hollande, they are doing everything possible almost every day to achieve progress over the implementation of the Minsk agreements. A multi-billion corruption scandal and international criticism have failed to topple Prime Minister Najib Razak. Fresh political opposition isn't expected to work either, analysts say. Malaysia saw the birth of its newest political party, the Parti Pribumi Bersatu, last week. With former premier Mahathir Mohamed as founding chairman and former deputy PM Muhyiddin Yassin as president, it's widely believed the party has one clear goal. "It's explicitly clear that the party [commonly referred to as Bersatu] was created to topple the PM," said Oh Ei Sun, Najib's former political secretary from 2009-2011 and a current senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Indeed, it's no secret that Mahathironce a mentor to Najiband Muhyiddin are the PM's biggest critics. Last June, the PM was accused of receiving $681 million in his personal bank account from state wealth investment fund 1MDB, sparking calls for his resignation, led by Mahathir at home and anti-graft watchdogs abroad. Meanwhile, Yassin was sacked last year for criticizing Najib's handling of the scandal. Early this year, Mahathir rounded up Najib's political enemies to spearhead the 'Save Malaysia' movement-- a campaign to oust Najib and form a national consensus on institutional reforms and a new political system. In March, the movement got more than 1 million people to affirm their concerns over Najib's leadership by signing a document called the Citizen's Declaration and Bersatu's launch is seen as an extension of these efforts. But with general elections expected in 2018, pundits are sceptical of Bersatu's ability to dislodge Najib's ruling partythe United Malays National Organization (UMNO)and its coalition government, the Barisan Nasional (BN). UMNO has helmed Malaysia since independence in 1957 and provides the PM with support of its central leadership and regional chiefs, widely seen as the key to Najib's political survival. In February, Mahathir quit UMNO, saying it was "supporting corruption" under Najib's reign. Story continues Given UMNO's deep roots and historical dominance, Bersatu may not be a formidable enough opponent, suggested Tringh Nguyen, Asia Pacific economist at investment bank Natixis. "It is doubtful that this new political vehicle is going to do much given Mahathir's age [91] and also waning political's unlikely that Mahathir can galvanize support to topple Najib." Moreover, Malaysia's fractured political landscape is another obstacle. "There are many challenges facing Bersatu, especially with the opposition disunited," said Norshahril Saat, fellow at the ISEAS Yusof-Ishak Institute, a research group specializing in Southeast Asian studies. There are already a number of opposition parties to BN, including the People's Justice Party (PKR), Democratic Action Party (DAP), the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah). But infighting between these groups has only solidified the BN's grip over the country, Saat noted. Certain members of PAS left to form Amanah in 2015, uniting with the PKR and DAP to form an opposition alliance called Pakatan Harapan. However, the alliance has already lost two by-elections to BN this year. Meanwhile, other smaller opposition vehicles have united to form another pact called Saksama. Bersatu has said that it will ally with Pakatan Harapan but if that materializes, it's expected to only muddle the opposition landscape further, noted Oh. Still, it will certainly make the 2018 elections interesting, said Saat. "Mahathir's hope is that sentiment against the BN government has not changed since 2013, when more than half of Malaysians voted for the opposition." With a lack of viable alternatives to Najib and slowing economic growth, Malaysia overall is in a state of "strategic survival," said Nguyen. Amid a messy political atmosphere, there is an air of stagnation around the country's medium-term outlook and a lack of debate about how to take Malaysia to the next level of development, he explained. Follow CNBC International on Twitter and Facebook. Will you lose your job to a robot? As technology, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) progresses, Aussies are becoming increasingly concerned about the security of their job. So should they really be worried? Fifty-two per cent of Australians definitely think their job will be affected, according to recruiting experts Hays. In the online poll of 2,706 people, a further 27 per cent said that maybe their job will be affected. The final 21 per cent do not believe their job will be affected at all. Also read: 12 businesses you can start for under $100 So is AI and automation your friend or foe? The answer, says Hays, depends on your willingness to adapt your skills. Automation and artificial intelligence has already begun to impact a diverse range of workplaces and jobs, from automated self-service checkouts in retail stores to assembly lines in manufacturing plants, says Nick Deligiannis, Managing Director of Hays in Australia & New Zealand. But with automation and AI replacing or taking over manual and repetitive tasks, this will leave employees free to focus on the non-routine and more advanced aspects of their job. Theres also the possibility that robots and AI could be used as another tool to help us do our job better, rather than replace us. In this context, automation could be viewed as an enabler, helping us to be more efficient. Of course this makes continuous up-skilling key to remaining relevant in the job market of the future. But Nick warns that its not only technical or hard skills youll need to focus on. When we look at the skills automation is taking over, they are usually hard or technical skills. Soft skills are a lot more difficult to automate or outsource, says Nick. Also read: 4 easy ways to make more money in 2016 So it is soft skills that will add to your value in the years ahead. This includes communication, team work, adaptability, creative thinking and relationship building skills. With employers already looking closely at candidates soft skills, it seems the value of the human touch is growing even greater in an automated world of work, said Nick. Story continues The poll was conducted on between June and August 2016. Hays, the worlds leading recruiting experts in qualified, professional and skilled people. Back in April, we learned that UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi had hired a sleazy "reputation-management" company to scrub her reputation and that of the university after the 2011 incident in which university police lieutenant John Pike hosed down peaceful protesters with pepper spray, jetting chemical irritant directly into their open mouths and eyes. The bill for that "scrubbing" was over $175,000. But turns out that she hired two other companies to try to prevent the taint of scandal from landing on her, spending more than $400K in all on the fruitless exercise. This isn't her first terrible adventure in "reputation management." At her previous job at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, she forced her aides to edit her Wikipedia entry over their protests when it emerged that children of big-ticket donors were given admission preference to the university. Katehi's quest to get rid of online references to the pepper-spray incident led to the hiring of Nevins and Associates, a Baltimore company Katehi found after seeking help from a social media consultant, the report stated. Nevins promised to "expedite the eradication of references to the pepper spray incident in search results on Google for the chancellor." The company collected more than $92,000 before UC Davis decided to replace it with a firm called Purple Strategies, a Virginia company that was paid $44,600 over three months to focus "on improving Chancellor Katehi's personal narrative and online identity, primarily through her Wikipedia page," the report found. That company produced a "UC Davis Bible" filled with suggestions on how to "create a personal narrative for the chancellor" and "engage the Wikipedia community." "Notably, the proposal did not include a strategy to manage UC Davis' Wikipedia page; it was exclusively focused on Chancellor Katehi's page," the report stated. After that contract ended, the school hired Sacramento firm Idmloco "at the behest of Chancellor Katehi," the report says. That firm was paid $270,000 under three contracts to enhance the school's and Katehi's images and to provide "listening reports" on how online news reports and social media were referring to both. 'Get me off the Google,' UC Davis Chancellor Katehi urged communications staff [Diana Lambert and Sam Stanton/Sacramento Bee] (via Techdirt) (Image: STEM Interview: Linda Katehi Chancellor, UC Davis (2) , CaSTEMLearning, CC-BY) By Julie Zhu and James Pomfret HONG KONG (Reuters) - Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd, the country's second-largest insurer, is aiming for a possible fivefold increase in overseas investments and has not been put off Britain by its vote to leave the European Union, its group chief financial officer (CFO) told Reuters on Thursday. Ping An plans to gradually increase its overseas investments to 5-10 percent of total insurance assets if it can find appropriate targets, CFO Jason Yao said in an interview. It currently invests about 2 percent of its total assets abroad, well below the 15 percent cap imposed by China's insurance regulator, giving it ample room to splurge. "That could even happen in the next three to five years as the world is changing very fast," Yao said, naming the United States, Britain and Europe as the key investment markets the company is targeting. Britain's vote on the EU was not an issue, he said. "There will be investment opportunities in the UK ... Britain's stock market and currency have gradually stabilised (since the vote). We've been watching that very closely," he said. Based on Ping An Group's current insurance assets, the company's total overseas investments could reach as much as $27.5 billion (21.02 billion pounds) from about $5.5 billion currently, according to Reuters calculations. Yao said possible investments included property, logistics-related real estate and private equity funds. Ping An bought London office property Tower Place for 327 million pounds in January 2015 and Lloyds Building in the city's financial district for 260 million pounds in July 2013. INVESTMENT INCOME SLIDE Ping An, the country's second-largest insurer by market value, posted an 18 percent rise in first-half net profit, led by a one-off gain in its internet finance business. Yao said it was a "relatively big challenge" to stem the slide in investment income in the second half of this year, after investment returns fell 54 percent in the first half, hit by falling interest rates and the stock market downturn. That increases the impetus to diversify its asset allocation and expand its footprint abroad. However, steady growth in its life insurance and banking businesses helped the rise in profit, in contrast to the declines forecast by rivals. Ping An's overseas ambitions mirror those of other Chinese firms, including Anbang Insurance Group and Fosun International Ltd, which are spending billions on overseas acquisitions in a bid to reduce their dependence on the slowing Chinese economy and weakening yuan currency. Yao said the parent company would push ahead with its plans to list its Ping An Securities arm in Hong Kong by the end of this year at the earliest. Yao declined to specify the size of the IPO, but IFR, a Thomson Reuters publication has reported it could be as large as $1 billion. As for Lufax, a Ping An Group-backed Chinese online lending platform, Yao said a dual listing was still a possibility and could happen next year. Lufax serves as a trading platform for a wide variety of financial products between institutional and individual investors, including wealth management products and peer-to-peer loans. Lufax raised $1.2 billion in its last round of fund raising, valuing the company at $18.5 billion, but Yao said there were no current plans to raise more capital ahead of any IPO. Years of breakneck growth for China's top insurers has been partly fuelled by a splurge on risky investment products that could punch multi-billion-dollar holes in their balance sheets if the slowing economy triggers heavy debt defaults. (Reporting by Julie Zhu and James Pomfret; Editing by Denny Thomas and Will Waterman) Evisa Asia currently offers 40 products consisting of electronic visa, pre-filled form, visa sticker, invitation letter and approval letter Evisa Asia has today launched their travel visa app which caters to a variety of visa products and services in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In essence, they provide visa requirement and visa products and services that cater for citizens of 40 countries worldwide. However, one of their services called Embassy Trip which requires pickup of passport, is available to Malaysian citizens only at the moment. Typically, a Malaysian citizen would require a visa to visit nearly half of the places in the Asian continent. Evisa Asias products and services are specifically created to meet visa needs as such. Also Read: Indias online bus ticket booking marketplace Travelyaari raises US$7M Series B Currently, theyre offering 40 products consisting of electronic visa, pre-filled form, visa sticker, invitation letter and approval letter. The availability of these products depends largely on the visa requirements of a particular country. Hence, this number is not fixed as the product range will adhere to the latest updates implemented by respective governments. The travel visa app utilises a single universal form which caters to single or multiple applications simultaneously and safely. Evisa Asia also provides passport drive-thru facilities for clients to drop off their passports alongside passport photo conversion via a selfie photo. Also Read: Travel platform Touristly secures investment round from Tune Labs Founders - Chiam Wei Kiat (Left) and Lee Earn Pin (Right) Founders Chiam Wei Kiat (Left) and Lee Earn Pin (Right) Formerly, a China visa is obtained either via a travel agent or by personally going through an application process. This travel visa app allows users an alternative by filling up a form (via app) then wait for their passport to be collected and delivered back safely alongside a visa sticker in the nearest time. Even if you are sure about the visa requirement today, it doesnt mean that you are sure about it tomorrow, because visa rules changes. We want to make travel visa application as easy as booking a flight. The Cambodia electronic visa project inspired us to find a way to solve visa problems for Asia, said Lee Earn Pin, co-Founder of Evisa Asia, when contacted by e27. Story continues The design of the new app must allow travellers to find the right information and apply for their visa in no more than three pages, added Chiam Wei Kiat, co-Founder. Founded in 2006, Evisa Asia first started with a single country, Cambodia, where they built the governments first electronic visa system. Their first visa office-cum-Passport DriveThru is currently based in Malaysia. The post Evisa Asia launches travel visa app in Malaysia covering over 60 Asian countries appeared first on e27. By John Tilak and Rosalba O'Brien TORONTO/SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Canada's Kinross Gold Corp is looking to retreat from Chile and has put its main assets in that country up for sale, according to people familiar with the process. The move comes at a time Toronto-based Kinross has suspended operations at Maricunga, its major mine in Chile, because of environmental concerns raised by the Chilean regulator. The world's fifth-largest gold miner by output has hired Bank of Nova Scotia to help find buyers for its two main Chilean gold mines, the sources said. They requested anonymity because the matter is not public. Interest has been very strong, with bids coming from mining companies from Canada, Chile and other parts of the world, the sources said. "We have received expressions of interest for Maricunga and La Coipa, as we do for our other assets from time to time, and we continue to keep our options open," said Kinross spokesman Louie Diaz. He declined to comment on whether the company has begun a formal process to sell its Chilean mines. Kinross shares turned positive after the Reuters report and climbed 1.2 percent before paring some gains. The stock was up 0.5 percent at C$6.48 by mid-afternoon. Citing environmental damage that has been disputed by Kinross, Chile's environmental regulator in March shut down the water system linked to the Maricunga mine. In 2015, that mine accounted for about 15 percent of the country's gold production. After a suspension in May, mining resumed in July, subject to ongoing regulatory proceedings. Diaz said the mine was suspended again that month, following pressure from the regulator. Operations at La Coipa were suspended in 2013. Located in northern Chile, Maricunga produced 212,155 gold equivalent ounces last year, making up about 8 percent of the company's total production. Chile produced 40,829 kilos of gold in 2015, according to government statistics, or about 1.4 million ounces. Spurred by local demonstrations, Chile's enforcement of environmental regulations has become stricter in recent years. Some business leaders have criticized tougher rules and protracted court cases, saying they have driven away investment. For instance, the huge Pascua Lama gold and silver project, run by another Canadian miner, Barrick Gold Corp, has been suspended since 2013 after problems that included permitting issues. On a conference call on July 28, Kinross Chief Executive Officer Paul Rollinson said the company was "not in a situation where we need to sell assets", but no decision had been made on a sale. According to the Chilean governments lobbying transparency website, two representatives from Kinross - Bob Musgrove, VP of operations in South America, and Jose Letelier, VP of external affairs in Chile - visited with Mining Minister Aurora Williams on April 12 to discuss information on the mines situation. Letelier told Reuters on Thursday that the meeting concerned the environmental issue. Kinross also has mines and projects in Brazil, Russia, Mauritania, Ghana and the United States. Last year, Kinross acquired some Nevada assets from Barrick, and sources told Reuters at the time that Kinross was aiming to increase its exposure in safer mining jurisdictions. (Reporting by John Tilak and Susan Taylor in Toronto, Rosalba O'Brien in Santiago; Editing by Christian Plumb and David Gregorio) By Alastair Sharp TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada's main stock index ended barely lower on Thursday as energy stock gains on higher oil prices were offset by weakness in bank shares and some consumer and telecommunications names and a reversal in Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc . The Toronto Stock Exchange's S&P/TSX composite index <.GSPTSE> settled down 1.92 points, or 0.01 percent, at 14,695.68. Advancers outnumbered decliners by a ratio of 1.2-to-1. The heavyweight energy group climbed 1.3 percent, with Suncor Energy Inc up 0.9 percent to C$36.64 and Encana Corp jumping 5.9 percent to C$12.95, as Brent crude rose above $50 a barrel for the first time in six weeks. But six of the index's 10 main groups ended lower, including a 0.5 percent fall for financials and a 0.7 percent loss for the smaller consumer staples group. Ian Nakamoto, director of research at MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier, said the banks may have stepped back as investors bet on a slower pace of U.S. interest rate hikes, following the release of minutes from the U.S. Federal Reserve's last meeting. He expects their earnings, which start being reported next week, to be encouraging for investors as they stick to or increase their dividend payouts. "If Calgary starts to feel better I think the banks in general will get a bit of a kick to them also," he said. Calgary is Canada's oil industry hub. Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc ended down 3.4 percent at C$37.19, after T. Rowe Price sued the drugmaker over what it called a "fraudulent scheme". The stock had earlier risen as much as 5 percent after the company's creditors agreed to amend loan terms. Telecom stocks also weighed, with BCE Inc off 0.8 percent at C$61.68 and Rogers Communications Inc down 0.7 percent at C$56.78. Brookfield Asset Management declined 1.4 percent to C$44.05. A source told Reuters on Wednesday that the company plans to buy a majority stake in a water and sewage company to add to its holdings which include property, infrastructure, renewable energy and construction investments. Foreign investors scooped up Canadian securities for the sixth month in a row in June, driven by the largest purchase of Canadian equities since April 2004, data from Statistics Canada showed on Thursday. (Editing by W Simon and Chizu Nomiyama) Productivity Software Microsoft Adds New Features to Office 365 Education Microsoft has added a couple of new features to its Office 365 Education portfolio of products for students and teachers. In April, the company released Microsoft Classroom, which provides course management operations for teachers. For school IT staff, an updated Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer tool would let them set up shared devices in bulk for classroom scenarios where students share devices. Finally, an updated release of Windows 10 offered Windows Ink, a technology that enables the user to write on his or her device as if it were paper. Now, Microsoft has introduced two new features in time for the new school year. First, a version of Microsoft Classroom and a new software product called School Data Sync will help IT administrators connect existing school systems to Office 365, enabling a single sign-on for teachers and students while automating Microsoft Classroom set-up. Microsoft representatives described School Data Sync as "the easiest way to provision online classrooms in Office 365 Education." It will also allow teachers to create and manage online classes and then connect that data with third-party apps or other databases that the schools might rely on. An advancement on Windows Ink is OneNote Ink that now in addition to letting students shade, sketch, draft, save and share ideas recognizes math equations. The belief is that students will now be able to show their thought processes while working on math problems and teachers can better identify the gaps in understanding. IT administrators can get started with Microsoft Classroom and School Data Sync while teachers learn about the new OneNote Ink. Camposol Holding Ltd. sold 17,597 net MT during 2Q-16, including discontinued operations volume, down 16.3% from 2Q-15 mainly explained by a decrease in volumes of peppers, asparagus, artichokes, grapes, avocados, shrimp and other seafood products, net of an increase in volumes of blueberries. Average price during 2Q-16 was USD 3.08 per net KG, including discontinued operations sales, up 12.0% from 2Q-15 mainly explained by higher prices of shrimp and other seafood products as well as higher prices of blueberries and avocados. As a result, Camposol Holding Ltd. reported sales of USD 54.2 million during 2Q-15, down 6.1% from 2Q-15. Average cost of goods sold during 2Q-2016 was USD 2.50 per net KG, including discontinued operations costs, up 12.1% from 2Q-15 mainly explained by higher costs for asparagus, blueberries, shrimp and other seafood products. EBITDA during 2Q-16, including discontinued operations sales, was USD 6.1 million, down 14.6% from 2Q-15. EBITDA margin during 2Q-16 decreased to 11.2% from 12.4% in 2Q-15. As of June 30th 2016, the Company maintained a cash balance of USD 29.6 million. The Company expects to continue its diversification strategy by increasing the production in the F&V Segment (blueberries) and Seafood Segment (conversion of shrimp ponds), as well as continue to reinforce the Trading Segment (direct sales to retailers), adding value to its clients through commercial, marketing and service initiatives which should result in higher margins. "Second quarter results are in line with our expectations including the effects of our recently declared discontinued operations. We are keeping our renewed focus on our fresh and frozen business and a positive outlook for the year, especially on our avocado and our growing blueberry business. We are grateful to our shareholders for the confidence placed on us as we continue working hard in making Camposol a world-class company", stated Manuel Salazar Diez Canseco, CEO of Camposol Holding Ltd. The long-term growth prospects for exotic fruits and vegetables markets are excellent. Avocados and blueberries consumption is growing, with headroom for increased per capita consumption in key markets. The Company expects good demand for all fresh produce in general in both the United States and Europe. Mr. Manuel Salazar, CEO and Ms. Maria Cristina Couturier, CFO, will host a conference call today, Thursday August 18th at 10:00 a.m. (Lima). For details on the conference call, please see attached invitation details. Please see the full second quarter 2016 report and presentation enclosed (or click on the links below of this release if received by e-mail). For further information, please contact: Manuel Salazar Diez Canseco, CEO Maria Cristina Couturier, CFO Jossue Yesquen, Head of IR Phone: +511 621 0800 Ext.: 7171 About CAMPOSOL CAMPOSOL is the leading agro industrial company in Peru, the first producer of avocados and soon the first producer of blueberries in the world. It is involved in the harvest, processing and marketing of high quality agricultural products such as avocados, asparagus, blueberries, grapes, mangos, tangerines and shrimp; which are exported to Europe, the United States of America and Asia. CAMPOSOL is a vertically integrated company located in Peru, offering fresh and frozen products. It is the third largest private employer of the country, with more than 13 thousand workers in high season, and is committed to support sustainable development through social responsibility policies and projects aimed to increase the shared-value for all of its stakeholders. CAMPOSOL was the first Peruvian agro industrial company to present annual audited Sustainability Reports and has achieved the following international certifications: BSCI, Global Gap, IFS, HACCP and BRC among others. To learn more about CAMPOSOL please visit: Grand Forks North Dakota, Aug. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The University of North Dakota (UND) Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC), a worldwide leader in the development of solutions to energy and environmental challenges, announced increased hiring during Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16), which ended June 30, 2016, with a significant rise in contract awards. Over the 12-month period, the EERC hired a total of 11 new full-time employees, which is the result of continued steady improvement in the overall financial health of the organization. This fiscal year has brought the EERC the best year for new contract awards in 6 years, and weve made some major strides forward this year in expanding our capabilities and our capacity to respond to our clients needs, said EERC CEO Tom Erickson. With the number of new contract awards in recent months, weve had an urgent need to bring additional staff on board to carry out the work and help meet client needs. The response has been so positive that we received more than 120 applications for just one recent position. In FY16, the EERC was awarded more than $36.5 million in new contracts, a 28.5% increase over the previous year and a 49% increase from FY14. Total contract expenditures exceeded $31 million, an increase of 7.5% from FY15. Over the course of the fiscal year, the EERC submitted 150 proposals worth $67.4 million to organizations worldwide. This is the second year in a row that we have seen significant financial progress, Erickson continued. Along with our success in awards, we launched a major internal reorganization focused on efficiency gains and aligning our core business activities, which has allowed us to meet the State Board of Higher Education 3-year financial plan 1 year earlier than expected, regaining our self-sufficient funding model, he said. With last years success, combined with nearly $25 million in contracts already awarded or under negotiation, FY17 is expected to bring a continued need for aggressive hiring. The EERCs success is due, in part, to a new focused approach on developing programs and client relationships to solve the worlds most pressing energy and environmental needs, attracting significant federal, state, and industry support. For example, the EERC has focused on the incredible opportunity that exists in North Dakota to bring together the synergies of coal, oil and gas, renewable, and agricultural industries, resulting in significant opportunity for the state. In FY16, the EERC received over $8 million in state awards to address current issues and enhance future energy opportunities for North Dakota. These projects demonstrate our commitment to serve the state of North Dakota and the businesses active in the state. Erickson concluded, The EERC now has a total client base of 1340 clients in 52 countries, which is a direct reflection of our commitment to strengthening relationships with current partners and our ability to foster new business opportunities. I would like to acknowledge the tremendous effort by our staff this year for their work on our existing core programs, building exciting new initiatives, and strengthening our presence in the states energy sector. Ann Barrett Steps Down from WAMES Leadership Role Rose Schafhauser will replace longtime executive director of Wisconsin association. Ann Barrett, the longtime executive director of the Wisconsin Association of Medical Equipment Services (WAMES), will retire after the associations Sept. 28-30 annual conference. Ann has been the heart and soul of WAMES for almost 25 years, so while we are very happy for her she will be deeply missed, said Rick Adamich, president of WAMES President. WAMESs strength as a state association is largely attributed to Anns leadership over the years. We wish her the best. After reviewing multiple options, WAMES reported that its board has chosen Rose Schafhauser, the President and Owner of Association Management LLC (Stillwater, Minn.) to replace Ms. Barrett. Schafhauser also serves as the executive director of both the Midwest Association for Medical Equipment Services (MAMES) and the Arizona Medical Equipment Suppliers Association (AZMESA). It has been a wonderful experience to work with the many excellent people in and connected to WAMES, Barrett said. Ive seen this association accomplish many great things and I am delighted that Rose is to be the new Executive Director. Schafhausers company also provides administrative support and services for the Region A Council, the Region B Council, the Region C Council and the National Supplier Clearinghouse Advisory Committee. She has also served on the board of directors of the American Association for Homecare and is a past chair of AAHomecares State Leaders Council. As a board, it was important to us that we hired someone with strong industry ties. Rose is extremely advocacy savvy while still being effective administratively, Adamich said. She has everything we were looking for in an Executive Director and more. We are very excited to be bringing on an individual of her caliber. We are very excited to have been chosen to work with WAMES and we look forward to continuing to build on the foundation of excellence that Ann and the WAMES Board of Directors has built over the past 25 years. Schafhauser said. WAMES noted that Barrett and Schafhauser will work closely together over the next several months to ease the transition. As of August 26th, 2021 Yahoo India will no longer be publishing content. Your Yahoo Account Mail and Search experiences will not be affected in any way and will operate as usual. We thank you for your support and readership. For more information on Yahoo India, please visit the FAQ Greetings! I hope that you were all somewhere where the weather broke and you got a respite from the heat. I also hope that when that cool breeze came in, you cranked up your ovens and made the Seafood and Corn Ragout in a Sack. I've been wearing the recipe out knowing that soon corn will be a sweet memory. What have you been up to? Let's hear all about it... News Electronic Frontier Foundation Points to Windows 10 Privacy Missteps The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has taken a position on Windows 10, stating that "Microsoft blatantly disregards user choice and privacy" for those persons using the operating system. The nonprofit organization, which advocates for "civil liberties in the digital world," published an announcement this week asking Microsoft "to come clean with its user community" and to acknowledge its privacy "missteps." It also asked Microsoft to separate "security updates from operating system upgrades going forward." There are some signs of a legal backlash against Windows 10 already, the EFF's announcement noted. Moreover, the EFF is starting to get requests to take action, it added. Last month, a French privacy agency gave Microsoft three months to address a list of privacy issues, including Windows 10's handling of advertising IDs, cookies, PIN security, data transfers and telemetry reporting. The word, "telemetry," typically implies data collection for service improvement purposes or problem-solving purposes, but it's a somewhat ambiguous term. The agency warned that Microsoft could face sanctions if it didn't comply with its change requests. U.S. regulatory agencies haven't been too vocal about Windows 10 and potential privacy issues. But, in general, privacy doesn't appear to be a top-of-mind consideration for those agencies, nor regulation, for that matter. Telemetry Controls Organizations do have the ability to manage Windows 10 telemetry connections, as described in this TechNet article. They can control 31 separate Group Policy settings. However, only Windows 10 version 1607 Enterprise and Education editions offer full control over those settings. Here's how the article described it: Some of the network connections discussed in this article can be managed in Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise, Windows 10, version 1507, and Windows 10, version 1511. However, you must use Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1607 or Windows 10 Education, version 1607 to manage them all. Last month, Microsoft published an Enterprise Products section in its privacy policy, which apparently is new. It's a little more complicated to track such nuances with Windows 10 because even individual features, such as the Cortana personal search assistant, have their own separate privacy policies to read. An organization's overall agreement with Microsoft, though, could supplant all of those individual privacy policies, according to the Enterprise Products segment. Microsoft describes how to use the Windows 10 user interface to remove Cortana at this page, which involves turning off its use with e-mail, calendar, contacts and the Edge browser, among other applications. Cortana is also integrated with Office 365 applications. Group Policy can be used to turn off Cortana more programmatically, which is the option that organizations likely would use. However, a manual registry edit is required with the Windows 10 Home edition, according to this ZDNet article, making that an unlikely option for consumers wanting to turn off Cortana. Trust In terms of security, Microsoft announced in February that U.S. Department of Defense agencies were advised to "standardize on Windows 10." And presumably the DoD is assured about Windows 10's privacy protections, too -- that is, privacy for governmental agencies. Microsoft reportedly was an early collaborator with the U.S. National Security Agency's PRISM program, which secretly harvested people's communications data from around the globe, which, if true, renders Windows 10 privacy assurances kind of moot. In the end, it's all about trust, in a world of mass spying (or marketing) by government and industry. Last year, Terry Myerson, Microsoft's executive vice president for the Windows and Devices Group, said that Microsoft was committed to transparency with regard to Windows 10 and privacy: Trust is a core pillar of our More Personal Computing vision, and we know we have to earn it. We've taken time to expand the documentation on our approach today with this blog, and new content we're posting today for consumers and IT Pros, designed to complement our One Microsoft Privacy Policy. We look forward to the next round of questions and feedback on these new posts. I assure you that no other company is more committed, more transparent and listening harder to customers on this important topic than we are. It's a strong statement of assurance. But at least two organizations now aren't seeing Microsoft's Windows 10 privacy assurances in that way. South Sudan's former rebel leader and ex-vice president Riek Machar has escaped to the capital of Democratic Republic of Congo following violent clashes last month, an official said Thursday. "Riek Machar is currently in DRC, in Kinshasa, and wants to go as soon as possible to Ethiopia," an aide told AFP. An earlier statement from Machar's SPLM-IO party said the leader had been "evacuated to a safe country within the region" without naming Congo. Civil war broke out in South Sudan in December 2013 when President Salva Kiir accused Machar, then his deputy, of plotting a coup. The fighting has split the world's newest country along ethnic lines and driven it to the brink of collapse. A peace deal signed between the government and rebels a year ago has so far failed to end the conflict. And last month Juba was rocked by several days of heavy fighting between Kiir's forces and those loyal to Machar. Machar's whereabouts had been unclear since the fighting flared in Juba between July 8 and 11 and led to his outgunned and outnumbered forces being chased from the city by government troops. He was subsequently replaced as vice president on July 25 by Taban Deng Gai, a former friend and ally. Deng warned Wednesday that Machar should stay out of politics to allow peace despite previously indicating that if Machar returned to Juba he would stand aside. - Cost of war - Machar's intention to travel to Ethiopia, a regional power broker that hosted peace talks through the trade bloc IGAD, suggests he has no intention of being cut out of negotiations or pushed from power. Several former rebel commanders have warned they consider Deng's elevation to vice president to be "treason". South Sudan's civil war has been characterised by war crimes and human rights abuses with civilians massacred -- often along tribal lines -- women and girls raped and children forced to become soldiers. Homes and property have been looted and burned, and entire towns razed. Tens of thousands of people have died and over two million have been forced from their homes. In just the most recent documented atrocity a South Sudanese journalist was killed by government soldiers because of his tribe and foreign aid workers were shot, beaten and raped in an attack on a hotel during last month's fighting in Juba. The targeting of foreigners spurred the United Nations to launch an investigation into why its peacekeepers failed to respond to calls for help while the attack was going on. Last Friday the UN Security Council approved a US-drafted resolution to strengthen the 12,000-person peacekeeping mission with 4,000 additional troops drawn from regional armies and equipped with a more aggressive mandate. Juba has yet to accept the resolution. Germany's Laura Ludwig and Kira Walkenhorst employed a special mind trick to help deal with the raucous home crowd as they crushed hosts Brazil to win the women's Olympic beach volleyball final on Wednesday. A packed house, loud music and swirling wind on the famed Copacabana beach made for an intimidating atmosphere but the Germans kept their cool to see off Agatha Bednarczuk and Barbara Seixas 21-18, 21-14. Afterwards, Ludwig revealed they had practised mind-control techniques and imagined that instead of playing on Brazil's most famous beach, they were at home in Germany and the deafening support was theirs. "It was definitely tough. We knew that it was going to be really loud," she said. "Before (the final) we were talking about it, how it could be a bit distracting. "We had some tools, some routines in our heads which we worked through with our team before. And then we were just in a tunnel and we could play really well from the beginning to the end. "We were just in our own court and we were just hearing our own German crowd. Not really, but in our heads." While the Germans celebrated, it was a chastening night for Brazil who were denied a fourth gold medal of the Games and also missed bronze when Talita Rocha and Larissa Franca lost to Kerri Walsh Jennings and April Ross. World champions Bednarczuk and Seixas had sent home hopes rocketing when they handed American legend Walsh Jennings her first ever Olympic defeat, but it was a different story against the Germans. - Samba band - "Of course it would be wonderful to get the gold medal... but the silver medal is wonderful (too)," said Bednarczuk. "It was a long, hard journey to get here so the feeling isn't sadness, we're very happy." At a packed temporary stadium, complete with dancers and samba band and under a full moon, Walkenhorst was devastating with the spike as Germany bossed the first set. It only got worse for Brazil in the second set as Germany raced to an 11-5 lead and quickly sealed it on their first match point when Seixas hit a serve straight out. "We definitely deserved to win. We played better and better from game to game and we had a strong team behind us. They showed us how to be self-confident, even with this crowd," said Ludwig. Earlier, America's Walsh Jennings added Rio Olympics bronze to her collection of gold medals after beating Brazil's Rocha and Franca in the third-place play-off. The three-time defending Olympic champion and Ross, her new partner after the retirement of Misty May-Treanor, came from behind to win 17-21, 21-17, 15-9 in front of the partisan crowd. The Philippine economy expanded 7.0 percent in the second quarter, official data showed Thursday, but President Rodrigo Duterte's new government said major changes were needed to fix one of Asia's biggest rich-poor divides. The April-to-June period covered the final months of Benigno Aquino's administration, capping six years of stellar growth that helped boost the Philippines' credit ratings and end its reputation as one of the region's economic laggards. However, Duterte won a landslide election victory partly on his railings against the nation's elite who have soaked up much of the benefits of the growth, while leaving a quarter of the nation's 100 million people living below the poverty line. Duterte's economic chiefs on Thursday credited the 7.0-percent growth on annualised basis in the second quarter, the fastest in three years, to Aquino's "sound marco-economic, fiscal and monetary policies", but emphasised the poor were continuing to be left behind. "We need to sustain that rebalancing toward investment-driven growth, especially investment that will lead to more inclusive, poverty-reducing, inequality-reducing growth," Economic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia said. Pernia said the Duterte administration was particularly concerned about the farming and fisheries sector, which accounts for about 10 million workers and their families. "Knowing that the majority of poor Filipinos rely on this sector for their livelihood, this administration will prioritise agricultural development," he said. The sector declined 2.1 percent from April-June, the fifth consecutive quarter of declines. Nevertheless, Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez also said Aquino's administration had helped set the foundations for even stronger overall growth, setting a target of at least 7 percent for the second half of this year and 6.5-7.5 percent in 2017. "Our strong macro-economic fundamentals will buffer the Philippine economy from external shocks," Dominguez said. Story continues The government is aiming to cut the poverty rate from 26 percent currently to 17 percent when Duterte steps down in 2022. Dominguez said this would begin with a stimulus programme focused on infrastructure, education and health. The government on Tuesday unveiled its 2017 budget, announcing an overall increase of 11.6 percent in spending. Education was one of the biggest winners, with a 31-percent rise. Dominguez also said the government would expand a government programme providing free contraceptives to poor couples and allowing sex education to be taught in schools. A landmark law enabling this passed under Aquino but budget cuts by lawmakers in the mainly Catholic nation diluted its effectiveness. Duterte has said helping Filipinos have fewer children is one of the keys to poverty reduction. Singapore is one of the richest places in the world with a stunning 155,000 millionaires. Which means approximately one in 35 people you see every day are millionaires. Theyre not really a rare breed anymore. We have just 30 billionaires on the island a far rarer breed. Basically the Laprases of the Pokemon Go world. We take a look at how these people amassed their wealth and what it is about them that has made them Laprases. Here is a snapshot of the top 10 richest in Singapore. No. Individual/ family Worth (USD) Sector 1 Robert and Phillip Ng 8.6 Real Estate 2 Kwek Leng Beng and family 7.6 Real Estate 3 Eduardo Severin 7.2 Technology 4 Khoo family 6.3 Banking 5 Goh Cheng Liang 5.7 Paints 6 Kwee family 5.4 Real Estate 7 Wee Cho Yaw 4.9 Banking 8 Raj Kumar and Kishin RK 2.6 Real Estate 9 Kuok Khoon Hong 2.5 Palm Oil 10 Richard Chandler 2.45 Investments Forbes 2016 list Read Also: Why Are Millionaires Attracted To Live In Singapore? Self-Made Billionaires Of the top 10 richest in Singapore, just half of them derived their wealth on their own accord. Of these, two, Brazilian-born Facebook co-founder Eduardo Severin and New Zealand-born Richard Chandler, relocated to Singapore recently. This means only three of the top 10 can be considered self-made in Singapore, bucking the trend of Forbes global rankings where eight of the 10 are self-made. The three in Singapore are Goh Cheng Liang, reclusive paints magnate more commonly associated with the Nippon brand, Raj Kumar, one-half of the now disbanded Royal Brothers group and only non-Chinese entry in the top 10, and Kuok Khoon Hong, co-founder of Wilmar International and also dubbed the oil palm king. This is in stark contrast to the global list where the worlds richest self-made entrepreneurs are people who have innovated in the technology sector. The saving grace is that Singapore now boasts third-placed Eduardo Severin, a co-founder of Facebook. As much as Singapore is trying to boost its image as a technology and innovation hub, entrepreneurs in these sectors have not been able to break the top 10, or even top 20 richest list in the country. This is an area that should be looked into closely if Singapore is to play a major role at the international stage. Story continues How Did They Do It? The pace at which family fortunes were able to outgrow earning levels of self-made entrepreneurs in Singapore is an oddity, with only two entries, both from the same company, making it to the list in the global rankings. Another anomaly is that the real estate sector contributes four entries in Singapore while on the global stage, innovation and craft are more highly valued with the real estate sector not represented at all in the top 10 richest. This could be down to the fact that the rich in Singapore have traditionally kept their money in real estate. Over the years, this has not only helped preserve its value but also exponentially grew it. These factors could be down to the fact that property prices in Singapore have risen at astounding levels compared to other regions in the recent decades, enabling both family fortunes and established businesses within the sector to thrive beyond normal levels associated with delivering value. A threat to mirroring that the rich did traditionally, the Singapore government has taken a stance, via policy shifts, to limit residential property prices while global economic forces continue to depress commercial and industrial property prices. Despite this, companies in the sector remain in good stead to weather the storm and they seem unlikely to buckle to selling pressure. For now, their places in the top 10 remain resilient. Further shifts in government policies will be required to place more value on innovation and entrepreneurship rather than real estate ownership. Which Sector Will Potential Billionaires Come From? Interestingly, third-ranked Eduardo Severin and tenth-placed Richard Chandler, among several other entries lower down the local list, chose to relocate to Singapore. This shows the nation is able to attract highly talented people to the country. While there have been contrasting views about how much trickle-down effect they actually deliver to Singapores benefit, the fact is that having more of them around to boost investment in innovation, import foreign expertise through know-how or contacts and backing new entrepreneurship will be beneficial to Singapore. The next billionaire may just come about from an investment into a technology venture here. While it may be disheartening to know that so few self-made Singaporean entrepreneurs made the local top 10 list, the younger entries in the group are indeed self-made and from sectors we would expect Eduardo Severin, 37, from the technology sector and Richard Chandler, 57, from investments, and even further down the list, the younger entries are from the investments, technology and retail. Read Also: 10 Quotes From Warren Buffett We Can All Learn From is a website that aims to provide interesting, bite-sized financial articles which are relevant to the average Singaporean. Subscribe to our free e-newsletter to receive exclusive content not available on our website. Follow us as well on Instagram @DNSsingapore to get your daily dose of finance knowledge through photos. Top Image The post How Singapores Billionaires Amassed Their Wealth appeared first on Thousands turned out Thursday at a victory parade for Singaporean swimmer Joseph Schooling, who clinched the city-state's first Olympic gold medal with a stunning victory over his boyhood idol Michael Phelps. The 21-year-old waved to crowds from an open-top double-decker bus while sporting a new tattoo of the Olympic rings on his right arm. Schooling set an Olympic record of 50.39sec in the men's 100m butterfly final in Rio last Friday after edging out Phelps, the most decorated Olympian in history. The parade started near Schooling's housing estate in the island's eastern suburbs, where hundreds gathered, many of them dressed in Singapore's national colours of red and white. "Thank you for coming out here and waiting so long," he told the crowd. Cheering fans, many jostling to take pictures of the gold medallist, lined the streets waving mini flags before the parade ended at a downtown shopping mall where thousands had waited from as early as 8:00am. The swimmer has been mobbed since returning to Singapore on Monday, when hundreds gathered to meet him at Changi Airport. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong invited Schooling and his parents to parliament where he was formally congratulated. He has also won a four-year exemption from compulsory military service so he can prepare for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Schooling's mixed European and Asian heritage has resonated strongly in the immigrant society of 5.5 million people, which had to rely on naturalised athletes for years to win medals at international events. In an interview with AFP on Tuesday, Schooling said he is mulling a professional career but would prefer to be based in the United States. Ukraine on Thursday reported the heaviest rebel shelling attack in the separatist east for a year in what the president said could be a prelude to a full-scale Russian invasion. Military spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said insurgent strikes had doubled from the previous day as tensions between Kiev and Moscow soar over Kremlin charges that Ukraine plotted to make armed incursions into Russian-annexed Crimea this month. "The rebels launched more than 500 mortar and over 300 artillery shells at our positions," Motuzyanyk told reporters in Kiev. "The last time we witnessed a similar intensity of fire using heavy armaments was a year ago." Motuzyanyk said three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and six wounded in clashes across the 30-kilometre-wide (19-mile-wide) buffer zone splitting government forces from the pro-Russian militias. Kiev and its Western allies accuse Moscow of trying to escalate a 28-month conflict in Ukraine's rust belt that has claimed more than 9,500 lives and began just weeks after Russia annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in March 2014. Petro Poroshenko responded to the reported violence by sending his top army commander into the war zone and warning that he "does not exclude a full-scale Russian invasion along all fronts". "The likelihood of the conflict's escalation remains very high," he said in televised remarks from the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. - Remembering a forgotten war - Poroshenko has issued similar warnings on previous occasions. But he added on Thursday that a further escalation may force him to introduce "martial law and a mobilisation" of reserve troops. The Crimea episode has thrust back into the spotlight a conflict that has effectively ground to a stalemate but remains one of Europe's bloodiest since the 1990s Balkans wars. French President Francois Hollande warned on Tuesday against any "escalation" of the conflict after telephone talks with Poroshenko and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. EU president Donald Tusk on Wednesday said he and the Ukrainian leader both believed Russia's account of recent events in the battle-scarred east and Crimea was "unreliable". And Ukraine has even become an issue in the US presidential race, with Republican candidate Donald Trump's campaign chief embroiled in allegations of receiving secret payments from Kiev's Russian-backed leaders prior to the former Soviet republic's 2014 pro-EU revolt. Analysts remain divided about whether Ukraine is about to enter an even deadlier phase of the war or if Russian President Vladimir Putin is simply adopting a tough posture that could give him the upper hand in any final peace deal. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that Moscow remained committed to a stalled European-brokered truce deal that was signed in the Belarussian capital Minsk in 2015. But he also warned that Russia would take "comprehensive measures to make sure any attempts to make incursions into our territory are nipped in the bud". Kiev and the West accuse Russia of supporting the rebels and deploying troops across the border -- claims Moscow denies -- in order to keep at least a part of its western neighbour within its geopolitical orbit. Poroshenko attended a summit of NATO leaders in Warsaw last month in which the alliance agreed to bolster its eastern flank in order to calm fears of Russia in both Ukraine and among other east European states. Note: Images provided by Hope Technik. Hope Technik is a 10-year old Singapore company, started by four engineering graduates from the National University of Singapore. It employs more than 110 employees, and has completed projects from 18 countries in the past decade. I visited its offices a couple of weeks ago, right next to the Jurong river. Before we continue this story, I want to say something and I admit I might just be speaking about my own prejudices here. For some reason Singaporeans dont seem to give enough credit to Singaporeans. Over the years, Ive come to recognize this odd doubt in myself, and overcome it through seeing the work done by local entrepreneurs and companies, companies like Hope Technik. The first floor of Hope Techniks offices houses a massive garage, where Isuzu D-Max tracks are stripped down to their bare bones, and then rebuilt into muscular Red Rhino fire trucks (officially Light Fire Attack Vehicles) for the Singapore Civil Defense Force. To my ignorance, I had no idea that these Red Rhinos were designed engineered and built right here in Singapore, by a Singapore company. Hope Technik, working together with the SCDF, has been building the last four generations of Red Rhinos, which is now in its fifth incarnation. The entire garage is an eye-opener, like one of those custom garages youd see in a Fast and Furious movie. As we look at the molds for the custom fiberglass body panels, my host reveals something Id wondered but never considered: Why does the SCDF have both the larger fire trucks and these Red Rhinos? The answer is that the SCDF needs smaller fire trucks to maneuver through tight, urban areas like multistory carparks and small roads, which would be difficult for a large fire truck to squeeze into. Next to the Red Rhinos is a massive Mass Decontamination Vehicle, also built in conjunction with the SCDF. The MDV serves as both a personnel carrier, as well as a decontamination center like a big shower bus, almost, where chemical warfare victims can quickly wash themselves down. Story continues I tour a drone lab, where Hope Technik is working on what they call the Water Spider, a drone that can take off and land on water. Developed in collaboration with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), the Water Spider is co-funded by MPAs Maritime Innovation & Technology (MINT) Fund. We also talk about Hope Techniks space plane demonstrator, a project in 2014 with the French Airbus Defence and Space company, in which a 4.6m space plane prototype was designed, built and launched 100km off the coast of Singapore, to test the flight conditions following a return from space. A rehabilitation exoskeleton is in the works, which is being developed in collaboration with the National University of Singapore, which would be strapped to a patients limbs and can guide them to walk. Exoskeletons which would help users lift heavy weights with ease are being developed; think of them as proto-Iron Man suits. Ive visited several multi-national tech companies here in Singapore, which are selling but arent making product locally. Its heartening to see that somewhere in Singapore, there are still local companies that are inventing, designing and engineering things, making the future and not just selling it. Note: This article was first published on 18th August 2016. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday hit out at "stupid" United Nations' criticism of his controversial crime war that has claimed 1,000 lives, warning the global body not to interfere. The political outsider, who swept to a landslide election victory in May largely on a pledge to kill tens of thousands of criminals, said he would continue his anti-drug crackdown despite mounting criticism, including from UN chief Ban Ki-moon. "Why would the United Nations be so easily swayed into interfering in the affairs of this republic? There are only 1,000 (killed)," he said at an event marking the 115th anniversary of the police force. Ban Ki-moon in June condemned Duterte's apparent support for extrajudicial killings, saying they were "illegal and a breach of fundamental rights and freedoms". The UN's anti-drugs office also this month said it was "greatly concerned" by reports of extrajudicial killings of suspected drug dealers and users in the Philippines. The UN has made "a very stupid proposition", Duterte said, warning them not to meddle in the country's politics. "What's the problem? You inject politics. Only one thousand died and you put my country in peril, in jeopardy," he said. He told foreign human rights watchdogs not to "investigate us as though we are criminals," and warned they would not be treated well in the Philippines. Duterte, who took office on June 30, ordered a bloody war on crime that has left 1,054 people dead since the May elections, according to the country's largest broadcaster ABS-CBN. This includes people killed in police operations, and more than 400 people murdered by mysterious vigilantes. Duterte won the election on a promise to wage a war on illegal drugs and other crime that would claim tens of thousands of lives. He has ordered police not to hesitate to kill and even urged ordinary citizens and communist guerrillas to join in the bloodshed. He has repeatedly scoffed at human rights groups opposed to the killings. The second volume of the Lurk NYC Mean Streets series sees the crew head to Boston and hit the streets hard Premier and Pete Rock productions, police vehicles as skate spots and East Coast street vibes for ten and a half hype-inducing minutes.The Lurk crew came through good with this one! New Lurk NYC affiliated board brand Hotel Blue steps into the public eye with a laid back nine minute slice of New York street cruising. Newsletter Terms & Conditions Please enter your email so we can keep you updated with news, features and the latest offers. If you are not interested you can unsubscribe at any time. We will never sell your data and you'll only get messages from us and our partners whose products and services we think you'll enjoy. Read our full Privacy Policy as well as Terms & Conditions. In a square mile radius in Germantown, Maryland are about 6 Asian grocery stores. Yet I visited the one store whose location was way off the main road and was difficult to find. I saw a sign for the business in another Asian grocery store and knew that they stocked goat meat, which is a delicacy for meat eaters from the Indian sub-continent. I cant tell you how many countless times I have used a new business based on their business signs. Business signs work and heres why. 5 Reasons Why Business Signs Work Location For a brick and mortar small business your sign is important as it acts like a guidepost to guide customers to your place of business and attract the attention of new customers. If you are a new business, people driving by will be attracted to stop in and try your business. People moving to the area look for local businesses that they can start visiting. Brand Promise A sign should always be neat and bright and should convey the promise of your brand, convey the high standards of your business, your differentiation. A sign board that is damaged or smudged may fail to convey your brand. Special Occasions In the photo above, SXSW is a large event in downtown Austin and this small business is attracting event attendees walking by. Find local events and community gatherings like parades to create awareness for your business Competition When Groupon rented ad space outside Living Socials offices in downtown Washington, D.C. it created some buzz. You see these signs often on highways advertising restaurants or gas stations just a few miles ahead of an exit ramp. Signage is important in a high traffic location as overflow traffic from other places can find your business and make an impromptu decision to use your business. Online-Offline Connection Take a look at the picture at the very top of this post from an Irish pub in the Cleveland Park area of Washington, D.C. that advertises their Facebook page. Adding your website url to your sign is a good idea for people who dont have time to stop and can check you out later. Adding a QR code is a good idea if your sign can be scanned easily. In photos of your business on your website, it may be a good idea to include pictures of your businesses physical location, signage and neighborhood. So that when people visit, they are already familiar with how the business and surroundings look. More and more people are finding your business online, but that is only half the story. If you have a great location, you can also appeal to new people who are walking past your business every day. Do you have a success story about using signs for your business? Directories have been given a bad reputation because theyre so easy to spam and they make it easy to publish poor quality content, but that doesnt mean that all directories should be off limits. The key is not to find just any directory, but find niche directories. With a little bit of know-how when it comes to finding the right directories and using them correctly, the SEO benefits can be great, even now in 2015. Why Niche Directories Matter For those who are unfamiliar, a directory is a website that includes links to many different websites so that people can stop there and navigate to different webpages. Niche directories simply refer to directories that only focus on including companies from certain niches. Below is a screenshot of AllTop, one of my favorites niche directories that caters to a lot of different niches: The goal is to be included in a few, quality niche directories to help your visibility as well as your SEO. Think of your link on these directories as a link you might earn in a piece of content. It helps show that youre an authority and puts your website in front of the eyes of a targeted audience. Again, Google does not want you to be included in 50 general directories (this would not help your SEO), but a few quality directories is a good sign in the eyes of Google bots. Extra Reminder: Before you go out and try and find niche directories, make sure you do a link audit to get rid of all the links associated with poor directories. They may not have been spammy at the time, but directories tend to go sour with Google fast. How to Find and Analyze Niche Directories Below are a few tips on finding niche directories and then analyzing their quality: How to Find and Analyze a Niche Directory: Start by researching on your own and search for some of your top keywords and then search directory. You should have at least one page of directories that are ranking best, so analyze the first ten with some of the tips described in the next section. According to this article we wrote on SEMRush, you should consider downloading SEOquake and then sorting the directories you see by links or indexed pages by clicking the ? in the SEOquake bar. After you type in a general search query, use your browsers Find function to search for the word directory. For Mac users simply press Apple Key +F, and for PC users press Control key +F. This will highlight which results are directories. A Few Basic Analysis Tips to Remember: Try to find directories with a Page Authority of at least 40. Page Authority is starting to become less and less important, but I find it still helps give a good benchmark to start. You should never be asked to give a reciprocal link. Good directories generally have engaging Web designs just like any other website. This means images, content, and even video. It is possible to find a quality directory without this variety of content, but most will have more happening than just a long list of links. Pay attention to the dates on the directories. The more recent the better. Look to see what other businesses are included in the directory. If theyre spammy, keep moving no matter how good the directory might look. Be prepared that for many quality directories you will have to pay a fee. Whether or not you have to pay a fee does not necessarily guarantee youve found a good directory, however, its just something to keep in the back of your mind. There are plenty of quality directories that are free, but if you find something that asks you to pay, its not a scam. Building Quality Links on Niche Directories When you do finally find a niche directory that you like, its important to not only get your link on the site but also engage with the directory as much as possible. Submit an article or get involved in any comments and discussions to help bring even more visibility to your company. Its also worth noting that finding niche directories is important in terms of generating traffic. Some of the more general directories (though still quality) including Yahoo and DMOZ are great for link juice and visibility but not always traffic. What are the quality directories in your niche? Let us know in the comment section below. Republished by permission. Original here. The human gut is a complex and amazing system, and the more we learn about it, the more amazed we are. It turns out Accessibility Half of High School Seniors Lack Access to Computer Science More than half of high school seniors attend schools that dont offer computer science, according to a new analysis by Change the Equation, a nonprofit organization that aims to mobilize businesses to improve STEM learning. Only 22 percent of 12th graders say theyve ever taken a computer science course, according to the analysis. Just 44 percent of seniors say they have access to any computer science classes, and less than a quarter of seniors have access to Advanced Placement computer science courses, the analysis said. To conduct its study, Change the Equation (CTEq) examined data from the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the Nations Report Card, which is given to seniors and includes survey questions for students, teachers and schools. The data also indicated that low-income students are less likely to have access to computer science courses than higher income students. And African American and Native American students were much less likely than Asian and white students to attend high schools offering the subject. Curiously, Latino students were about as likely as white students to go to a school with computer science, and slightly more likely than white students to attend a school with AP computer science. Seniors in rural areas also face challenging odds. Only 30 percent say their high school offers any computer science classes, and just 15 percent say their school offers an AP computer science course. Meanwhile, its pretty well documented that computer science skills lead to better paying jobs. Last year, a CTEq study using data from Economic Modeling Specialists International found that workers in computing jobs make a median $39 an hour, while people in all other jobs make $21 an hour. And projected job growth in computing jobs is 19 percent from 2015 to 2025, while the rate of increase is only 11 percent for all other jobs during that same time period, according to the CTEq study. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3.8 million people in the United States work in computing occupations. Yet, CTEq determined last year that more than twice as many 7.7 million Americans said they use computers in complex ways in their jobs. More studies and information can be found at Change the Equations website. Computer Science Arkansas Governor Promotes Coding in School Tour The governors 2016 Coding Tour seeks to encourage high school students to take computer science classes in the upcoming school year. Governor Asa Hutchinson will be traveling to nine high schools across Arkansas in an effort to encourage students to sign up for coding classes this school year. In its second year, the 2016 Coding Tour begins on Aug. 22 and ends on Sept. 13. Hutchinson will speak to students directly about the benefits of taking computer science courses, including learning skills that pave the way to in-demand jobs. The governors tour promotes an area of STEM that is often forgotten, with less than half of schools in the United States offering CS classes. Hutchinson has a track record of working to increase CS education in Arkansas. He teamed up with four other governors (from WA, RI, IA and VI) earlier this year to launch the Partnership for K12 Computer Science. Known as GovsForCS, the partnership works with to increase access to CS classes. I look forward to visiting schools across the state to continue promoting my computer science initiative in Arkansas, Hutchinson said in a statement. Its always encouraging to meet students who are excited to learn how to code, and its important that we maintain the momentum of this movement and continue to build awareness of the exciting opportunities in STEM and computer science fields. The 2016 Coding Tour schedule is available on the governors site. - Rumours that a man-eating community from Uganda has entered Kenya have been circulating online - The unconfirmed reports come after Radio Citizen reported a recent case that happened in Kampala - The rumours have been circulating via Facebook and WhatsApp Fear has gripped Wester Kenya residents and the Kenyan online community after rumours that the feared man-eating community from Uganda has allegedly entered Kenya. Through social media, Facebook and WhatsApp specifically, word had has been spreading that the community, which feasts on human flesh, has crossed the borders and is now in Bungoma and its environs. READ ALSO: Railas ex-aide Miguna Miguna talks about violence in 2017 One of the messages being spread around on social media. This comes after Radio Citizen ran a report about cannibalism in Uganda and highlighted a recent case that happened in Kampala. The gut-wrenching audio gives a narration of the humans slaughtered by other humans and how they were later made into a meal. READ ALSO: Gays want to rape me Minister confesses In Indonesian New Guinea, to some members of the Korowai tribe, human flesh is a dish central to their culture and they enjoy it just like others enjoy Nyama Choma in Kenya. The New Guinea community eats everything except the hair, nails, and the penis.Photo: Cannibal suspects have been arrested in isolated cases in Kenya before but the cases have never been rampant. You can listen to the audio report from Citizen Radio below: Source: BAMAKO, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Mali collected 245 billion CFA francs ($422 million) in state revenues from mining companies last year, a near 11 percent fall on the previous year, owing to stagnant production and lower gold prices, the statistics office said on Thursday. The figure came in lower than the 275 billion CFA francs in 2014, despite Mali exporting a record 70.2 tonnes of gold last year. Mali is the third biggest gold producer in Africa behind South Africa and Ghana, and gold overwhelmingly dominates its mining sector, itself about a quarter of government revenues. Mohamed Ouedrago, director of Mali's Planning and Statistics Unit (Stuttgart: UN7.SG - news) , told Reuters the main reasons for lower revenues were a lower average gold price in 2015 of $1,068 per ounce, against about $1,200 per ounce in 2014, and stagnant production. Gold (Other OTC: GDCWF - news) output was virtually flat at 50.502 tonnes in 2015, against 49.865 tonnes in 2014, Ouedrago said. The discrepancy with export figures is because Mali is a also hub for the regional gold trade, receiving supply from artisinal miners in neighbours such as Ghana and Guinea. Gold producers including Randgold Resources and AngloGold Ashanti (Xetra: AOD.DE - news) have operations in Mali. The revenues for 2015 included 165.5 billion CFA in taxes, 33.898 billion CFA in customs duties and 45.57 billion CFA in dividends and other income streams, Ouedrago said. He added that gold contributed 6.2 percent to GDP last year, against 6.5 percent in 2014. The land-locked country expects to produce 47.37 tonnes of gold this year, lower than an earlier forecast of 52.85 tonnes, owing to a failure to restart its Kodieran mine. In March, Mali upgraded its estimated of below-ground gold reserves by a third to 800 tonnes, enough to maintain current levels of output for the next 15 years. ($1 = 580.2400 CFA francs) (Reporting by Tiemoko Diallo; Writing by Tim Cocks, editing by David Evans) DENVER, COLORADO and VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug 17, 2016) - Sandspring Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SSP)(SSPXF) ("Sandspring" or the "Company") is pleased to announce commencement of the 2016 exploration campaign at its Toroparu Gold Project ("Toroparu") in Guyana, South America. Sona Hill Prospect In 2015 the Company completed a 3,700-meter diamond drilling program on the promising Sona Hill Prospect, located 5 km southeast of the main Toroparu deposit. Sona Hill is the eastern most gold anomaly in a cluster of ten gold features located within a 20 km by 7 km hydrothermal alteration halo around Toroparu. Drilling at Sona Hill in 2012 and in 2015 intercepted high-grade mineralization in both saprolite and bedrock, and confirmed the continuity and grade potential of the Sona Hill mineralization. Highlights from the 2015 drill program include: Hole-ID From (m) To (m) Drill Width (m) Weighted Gold Grade Average (g/t) SOD022 53.5 59.4 5.9 23.41 incl. 56.5 58.0 1.5 41.40 SOD029 62.7 66.7 4.0 8.72 incl. 62.7 64.0 1.3 16.80 SOD031 0.0 4.0 4.0 8.45 incl. 0.0 2.5 2.5 11.40 SOD032 86.1 90.0 3.9 5.48 incl. 86.1 87.2 1.1 17.20 SOD009 101.4 105.3 4.0 6.84 SOD009 68.3 74.5 6.2 3.74 SOD038 44.5 55.0 10.5 3.63 * (cut-off grade 0.5 g/t; no grade capping applied) Drilling to date has confirmed Management's belief that the Sona Hill anomaly hosts higher-grade, shallower mineralization that could complement the existing Toroparu and Satellite deposits and improve project economics. To further confirm the continuity of mineralization between existing drill holes, Sandspring has initiated a 5,800-meter infill drilling program in 50 diamond drill holes on 50m x 50m spacing (Figure 1). This drill density is designed to allow the Company to model and estimate a resource for the Sona Hill anomaly that can be incorporated into the mine plan for the Toroparu project. The drill program should be complete in early December, with results available in February 2017. Story continues To view Figure 1 - 2016 Drill Program for Sona Hill Prospect, please visit the following link: Concurrent with the drill program, Sandspring is extending surface exploration west of the Sona Hill anomaly. The program includes saprolite geochemical as well as geophysical surveys designed to identify gold mineralization down-dip and to the west of mineralization currently delineated at Sona Hill. The presence of magnetite in the hydrothermal alteration zones that carry gold mineralization at Sona Hill provide a potential marker for ground magnetics and induced polarization survey methods to trace the mineralization and further define the structural setting in the targeted exploration area. The program includes eight line kilometers of ground geophysics at 100m and 200m spacings (Figure 2), additional sampling to tighten the saprolite geochemistry grid to 100m x 50m, and a small alluvial sampling program. To View Figure 2 - 2016 Sona Hill Surface Exploration Program, please visit the following link: Otomung Concession Geochemical surveys in 2015 identified new gold anomalous features in the Otomung Concession north of Toroparu, suggesting a geological context similar to that of the Toroparu Deposit, as predicted by Sandspring's restraining shear bending zone geologic model for the area (Figure 3). The Toroparu Deposit and surrounding gold anomalies lie at the southern edge of a large bending zone in the Puruni Shear Corridor, a regional feature that can be traced more than 100km into the prolific Venezuelan Gold District. Sandspring's geologic model suggests that the northern part of the large bending zone may contain a similar structural pattern as Toroparu and a favorable geological context for gold mineralization within the Otomung Concession area. To view Figure 3 - Upper Puruni Geological Sketch, please visit the following link: In 2015 Sandspring completed a 100-km2 regional geochemical survey on the Otomung Concession, collecting 764 samples on a 1000m x 100m grid. Sandspring will follow up these results with an extension of the survey grid further to the northwest to explore for other intrusive structures, collecting an estimated 300 samples on a 1000m x 100m grid. In addition, the Company will infill survey lines and sampling in the previously explored area to develop new drill targets, collecting an estimated 700 samples on a 200m x 50m grid. The technical information in this document has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Lucas W. Claessens, P.Geo. and Pascal Van Osta, P.Geo., both Senior Exploration Consultants for Sandspring, who have sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralization under consideration and are Qualified Persons under National Instrument 43-101. Reduced Exploration Concession Area The Company has held mineral exploration concessions in the Upper Puruni River Area of northwestern Guyana, South America, covering an area of 242,691 acres (98,214 hectares) referred to as the "Upper Puruni Property", which hosts the Toroparu Deposit. The Company continuously reviews the composition of its mineral exploration concessions based on the results of exploration work. The results of exploration work to date, including drilling and surface exploration (primarily geochemical and airborne surveys), indicate that the Company should concentrate its land holdings along the Puruni Shear Zone, which runs northwest-southeast along the Puruni River and is believed to extend from the Toroparu Deposit into the Venezuelan Gold District. Accordingly, the Company has been restructuring its mineral exploration concessions to ensure that exploration work and resources are focused on the areas considered to be most prospective. As an initial step in the land restructuring, the Company acquired rights in 2015 to the Otomung Concession. In June 2016, as a second step in the land restructuring, the Company surrendered 96,067 acres. Accordingly, as of June 30, 2016, the Upper Puruni Property covers a total of 154,696 acres (62,603 hectares). The Company will consider further land adjustments as additional exploration work is completed. On behalf of the Board of Directors of Sandspring Resources Richard A. Munson, Director and Chief Executive Officer About Sandspring Resources Ltd. Sandspring Resources Ltd. is a Canadian junior mining company currently moving toward a definitive feasibility study for the multi-million ounce Toroparu Project in the Guyana, South America. A prefeasibility study completed in May 2013 (NI 43-101 Technical Report, Prefeasibility Study, Toroparu Gold Project, Upper Puruni River Area, Guyana, dated May 24, 2013 completed by SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc., available on SEDAR at outlined the design of an open-pit mine producing more than 200,000 ounces of gold annually over an initial 16-year mine life. Sandspring and Silver Wheaton have entered into a gold and silver purchase agreement for the Toroparu Project. Sandspring intends to undertake additional exploration at the Toroparu Project in 2016. Additional information is available at or by email at Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Quality Assurance / Quality Control The drill program and sampling protocol is managed by Sandspring under the supervision of Lucas W. Claessens, P.Geo. and Pascal Van Osta, P.Geo. The diamond drill holes are drilled at HQ and NQ sizes and core recovery to date has averaged 94%. Half core is cut by rock saw and is generally sampled using 1.5 m meter intervals. Analytical testing and reporting of quantitative assays for the results reported in this press release was performed independently by Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada. Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd. is an ISO9001: 2008 accredited laboratory. Gold analyses reported in this release were performed by standard fire assay (FA450) using a 50 gram charge with atomic absorption finish and a gravimetric finish for assays greater than 10 grams per tonne. Samples from the geochemical survey were submitted for analysis of ICP 37 elements (including gold) AQ252 30 gram (Aqua Regia digestion - Ultratrace ICP-MS analyses). A system of blanks, standards and duplicates were added by the Company to the sample streams to verify accuracy and precision of assay results, supplementing a variety of internal QA/QC tests performed by Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories. The half core samples were securely transported by Sandspring personnel from the project site to the Bureau Veritas sample preparation facility in Georgetown, Guyana. Forward-looking Statements This news release contains certain forward-looking information and statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words "potential", "suggesting", "indicating", "will", "plans" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking information and/or statements. Forward-looking statements and/or information are based on a number of material factors, expectations and/or assumptions that Sandspring has used to develop such statements and/or information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although Sandspring believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements since Sandspring can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Such information and/or statements, including the assumptions made in respect thereof, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results and/or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information and/or statements including, without limitation: the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development; risks associated with the uncertainty of exploration results and estimates; results from drilling and exploration activities and Sandspring's ability to identify additional gold mineralization; Sandspring's ability to successfully advance the Toroparu Gold Project toward feasibility; Sandspring's future plans; the availability of financing and/or cash flow to fund current and future plans and expenditures; the impact of increasing competition; fluctuating commodity prices; the general stability of applicable economic and political environments; the general continuance of current industry conditions; uncertainty regarding the market price for gold, silver and copper; uncertainty of conducting operations under a foreign regime; uncertainty of obtaining all applicable regulatory approvals and related timing matters; Sandspring's dependence on management personnel; and/or certain other risks detailed from time-to-time in Sandspring's public disclosure documents. Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release and the Company does not undertake any obligations to publicly update and/or revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of additional information, future events and/or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws. We can help you make sense of the agribusiness industry, extending from chemicals and fertilizers used as inputs into agriculture, to the commodities, food and by-products that are an output to farming, with policy and regulation applied at every step of the value chain. Montana Board of Investments has made $240m in new commitments, AltAssets understands. The board has re-upped into both Great power comes from a great prepaid program. Since launching its first card in 2001, Starbucks has achieved tremendous success with its prepaid program. Today, the coffee mega-chain boasts more than $1.2 billion loaded onto its cards and mobile app. The volume of consumers cash stored on Starbucks cards is impressive in its own right. Whats even more impressive, however, is that this figure exceeds the deposits at many financial institutions (FIs). California Republic Bancorp, Mercantile Bank Corp and Discover Financial Services are just a few of the FIs outmatched by Starbuckss deposits. To win back consumers prone to depositing their money in Starbucks accounts, credit unions should consider bolstering their prepaid programs with strategies straight out of the Starbucks playbook. These may include: Adopting a robust rewards program. By pairing rewards with prepaid cards, Starbucks has successfully transformed a transaction device into a program that attracts (and retains) loyal consumers. Rewards as simple as free beverages work wonders in increasing consumers card usage. Introducing rewards points for a variety of behaviors. Starbucks does not limit its rewards points to purchases made exclusively in its retail locations. Instead, consumers are rewarded with Star Codes for purchasing specially marked Starbucks products at grocery stores. Integrating with a mobile app. Consumers receiving physical Starbucks prepaid cards can easily link those to their mobile accounts. They then have the option to make purchases with the card or the mobile app and reap the rewards. Offering a variety of card designs. Each year, Starbucks releases prepaid cards with holiday themes, colorful designs and other embellishments. While these cards have the same functionality as less flashy ones, they may be more aesthetically pleasing to consumers. Additionally, they offer a personalized touch for consumers getting prepaid cards for special occasions. Establishing an elite group. For its highest rewards earners, Starbucks offers gold level status. Reaching this level comes with special perks including free refills, special promotions and a personalized card. Additionally, it fosters a sense of exclusivity among consumers. Credit unions looking to advance their prepaid offerings should take advantage of the lessons found in the Starbucks business model. The secret to success lies not only with the coffee, but also with a simple, incentivizing program. Oilseed rape prices have continued to climb due to disappointing yields, gaining 7.70/t to average 303.20/t ex-farm in the week to 17 August. Spot demand and spot shorts also caused values to rally as traders sought to meet contracts. In addition DRV, which represents German co-operatives, cut its estimate of German rapeseed production by 10.9%, year-on-year, to 4.46m tonnes. See also: Top 5 yielding OSR varieties Paris rapeseed futures gained more than 6/t (5.20/t) on Monday (15 August) to reach a three-month high of 375.75/t (325.74/t), due to gains in the soya bean market and strong US export demand, said a report by AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds. With the value of the pound falling to a three-year low against the euro, this meant that, in sterling terms, Paris rapeseed futures were at the highest level for the nearby contract since April 2014, it added. The USDA had boosted its forecast of US soya bean exports for 2015-16 by 2.3m tonnes, and its 2016-17 estimate by 0.8m tonnes. This reflected the strong export sale announcements over recent weeks, particularly to major importer China, said the report. The market was further supported by strong soy oil markets, which rallied last week. "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later," Police Training Relocated to San Jose Church Where The Bulletproof Warrior Went Last month, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office withdrew its sponsorship of a "Bulletproof" street survival training course for law enforcement officers after community activists questioned whether the former "Bulletproof Warrior" class should be offered by the department. The most famous alumnus of the two day training is Jeronimo Yanez, the St. Paul, Minnesota officer who shot and killed Philando Castile during a traffic stop. The aftermath of Castile's shooting was posted on the Internet by his girlfriend and viewed by millions when the video went viral on social media. Calibre Press (, the private company that offers the training, had declined to reveal the new location, but Bay Area residents found out that "Bulletproof" got underway yesterday at the Family Community Church, located at 479 Piercy Road in San Jose and will continue throughout the day on August 18th. It is not known how many members of Bay Area law enforcement agencies are participating. "Calibre Press training promotes fear instead of the de-escalation that we need from police," said Stephen McNeil of the Quaker organization American Friends Service Committee. "We urge people of faith to reflect on whether hosting this training is consistent with Christian values." The seminar encourages police officers not to hesitate in the use of their weapons. It is taking place during a broad national conversation about police killings of unarmed black people, which have sparked nationwide protests. According to the Guardian's Counted project, 676 Americans have been killed by the police in 2016 and 1,147 were killed in 2015 and victims were disproportionately Black, Native-American and Latino. Michael Becar, the leader of an international police training association said "...seminars like those offered by Calibre and other firms foster a sense of paranoia among officers." Oakland Privacy member JP Massar commented: "We know that paranoia leads directly to officers shooting at people because they think that toy trucks and cell phones look like handguns." Urban Shield, the controversial police militarization exposition and training, which features a large weapons expo and Bay-Area wide training drills on proto-military operations gets underway in less than a month on September 8th in Pleasanton, California. The Stop Urban Shield Coalition is calling for a mass demonstration on September 9th. Urban Shield is a public face of police militarization, while private companies like Calibre are private twins. Tracy Rosenberg, executive director of Media Alliance and an Oakland Privacy member commented: "Events like the Bulletproof Warrior and Urban Shield reinforce a culture that pits law enforcement against civilians. Police officers are public servants in our communities, not an invading army. Real safety shouldn't mean that police are afraid of the people and people are afraid of the police. We've seen that unnecessary loss of life is the result". Santa Clara County sponsorship of the Bay Area session of "Bulletproof" was canceled on July 27 by County Sheriff Laurie Smith who said the training had not been vetted thoroughly by the Department and cancellation was under consideration when they started receiving calls from community members. Smith told Oakland Privacy member Susan Harman that she shared some of the community's concerns and would raise them in the national sheriffs' associations. Oakland Privacy was formed in 2013 to fight against the growth of the surveillance state. Oakland Privacy recently had a major success working with other civil liberties groups and the Santa Clara Supervisors to pass the country's most comprehensive surveillance privacy policy. Among the groups who have collaborated are ACLU-Northern California, Bay Area Restore The Fourth, Asian Law Alliance, Media Alliance, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, Silicon Valley DeBug, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Code Pink, and the Bill of Rights Defense Committee. - Governor Ayodele Fayose was absent from the PDP national convention - Fayose says he was placed under "house arrest" hence could not attend the event - The Ekiti state governor has decried the ugly development Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti state was reportedly placed under house arrest, hence stopping him from attending the aborted national convention of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Governor Ayodele Fayose says he was placed under house arrest in Port Harcourt, hence, denied the opportunity to attend the PDP national convention. Fayose said he was stopped from attending the national convention of the PDP, in Port Harcourt, Rivers state Wednesday by security operatives that blocked the gate to the old old Presidential lodge in Rivers state Government House, Port Harcourt where he lodged. The Ekiti state governor said the security operatives blocked the gate with an armoured personnel career (APC). READ ALSO: I placed a curse on PDP five years ago Enugu politician spits fire A statement by his media aide, Mr Leye Olayinka described the alleged action of the security aides as a clear case of house of arrest. The media aide said all appeals to the security personnel at the gate to allow the governor go out to attend the convention were ignored. The governor decried the ugly development in the statement which read: "I was under house arrest in PH. I was not at the national convention of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) because I was placed under house arrest at the Old Presidential Lodge, Rivers state Government House where I lodged." The governor, who was conspicuously absent at the convention which was eventually held at the state secretariat of the party after security agencies had sealed off the initial venue, was prevented from moving out as the gate to the Old Presidential Lodge was blocked by an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC). Special Adviser to the governor on social media, Lere Olayinka disclosed that all entreaties to allow Fayose to step out to attend the convention were rebuffed by the security personnel on ground. Punch reports that when contacted for comments, the state police commissioner, Mr Francis Odesanya said it was not true. "That cant be true . It is not to my knowledge. How did the other excellencies( governors) go out of their lodge" Odesanya asked rhetorically. READ ALSO: Fast all in one -- UC Browser Odesanya said that he did not seal off the convention venue of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), but was only providing security. A blockade mounted by the police on a road leading to Sharks Stadium, the venue of the botched PDP National Convention on Wednesday, August 17. Odesanya explained that by his action, he was only complying with a court order, even as he said that he was not in a position to interpret court judgement. Two Federal High Courts in Abuja and Port Harcourt had given conflicting positions on the PDP National Convention that was to hold in the Rivers State capital. While the court in Port Harcourt had ruled that the convention should hold, the Abuja High Court ordered that the exercise should not hold and warned police and the Independent National Electoral Commission to stay away from it. Moscow Road leading to the convention venue. Photo: Punch But while the police seal off the venue of the convention, the state CP insisted that his men were only providing security. I did not seal off the convention venue. I was only providing security. I was only obeying a court order. It is not my duty to interpret court order, Odesanya stressed. However, as of 11.35am, most PDP delegates were nowhere around the Sharks Stadium, venue of the convention. Meanwhile, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta state, Senator Godswill Akpabio, and other leaders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have described the situation surrounding the party as the beauty of democracy. READ ALSO: Tension in Niger Delta: What Navy has unveiled will send militants running (photos) The duo with others, told journalists at the aborted party convention in Port Harcourt on Wednesday, August 17 that the challenges in the party were working for the partys good and would make it come out stronger and more united. PD supporters at the venue of the convention in Port Harcourt. The party stalwarts who were adorned in the PDP uniform, stated that the PDP has structures that were laid to stand the test of time and expressed satisfaction with the large turn-out of delegates, including former governors, former chairmen of the party at the convention. They were optimistic that at the end of the turner the party will weather through the storm and eventually emerge victorious. They said the party, undermining the present challenges, would be prepared to wrestle power from the APC led federal government, saying the APC had failed Nigerians considering the hunger and poverty bedeviling the majority of Nigerians. Governor Okowa, whose Delta State has remained a PDP stronghold since the inception of democracy, said undermining the issues surrounding the party at the moment, it would not relent in its bid provide good leadership to Nigerians and pull the presidency from the All Progressives Congress in APC 2019. Source: - The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has alleged that the group, the Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta is a media arm for the Department of State Service (DSS) - IPOB urged on the Nigerian government to come out clean on negotiations rather than fabricating lies against its leader Nnamdi Kanu - IPOB said said that Nnamdi Kanu is not for sale like some individuals or groups The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has alleged that the Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) now operates as the media and publicity arm of the Department of State Services (DSS). The IPOB said MEND has been captured by President Muhammadu Buhari and converted to a media department for the top security agency. In a statement signed by IPOB's spokespersons Emma Nmezu and Clifford Iroanya, the group said: "We also have intelligence information that as part of the deal accompanying the conversion, MEND or should we say the ever suicidal and mentally imbalanced Charles Okah was promised early release from prison where he is currently being held for his role as the infamous Gbomo Jomo of the tragic terrorist bombing of October 1, 2011 at Eagle Square Abuja." The group also accused Nigerian security agencies of using Okah as a credible source of information for making arrests. Read full statement below: MEND having lost focus and credibility is now the media and publicity arm of Buhari's DSS "The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) can confirm that the moribund terrorist organization known as Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) has been captured by Retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari and converted to the official media and publicity arm of Nigerias Department of State Services (DSS). "Because of this latest conversion, the rogue organization is now popularly called Movement for the Enslavement of Niger Delta (MEND). We also have intelligence information that as part of the deal accompanying the conversion, MEND or should we say the ever suicidal and mentally imbalanced Charles Okah was promised early release from prison where he is currently being held for his role as the infamous Gbomo Jomo of the tragic terrorist bombing of October 1, 2011 at Eagle Square Abuja. "This schizophrenic Charles Okah or Gbomo Jomo who as a matter of public record has attempted to kill himself twice, in his new role as the MEND leader that only exist on the Internet, was given a paltry One Million Naira by the DSS to provide information on the whereabouts of Niger Delta Avengers," IPOB said. "Following this promise of early release from prison, MEND was required to issue a series of fake press statements intended to drive a wedge between IPOB and the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) both of whom have since closed ranks in total pursuit of the restoration of the nation of Biafra. "The initial attempt by MEND to execute their own part of the deal on fake press releases failed woefully even with the backing of Nigerias brown-envelope journalists typified by the APC-financed Sharia Reporters". "Hence they changed tactics with the recent press release in which they lied that the leader of IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, has agreed in secret to renounce Biafra in order to be released. Even if we foolishly accept their assertion, does that not indict Buhari and the Judiciary and prove IPOB right that Nigerian Judiciary is compromised and the case against Nnamdi Kanu lacks merit? "By the way, what has renouncing of Biafra got to do with discussions between Buhari and Movement for the Enslavement of Niger Delta (MEND)? Why is MEND interested in Biafra and Nnamdi Kanus release on one hand and on the other hand assert that Biafra Republic aims to annex the Niger Delta region as part of its territory"? "Is MEND that poorly educated that they are unaware that the last Head of State of Biafra before the war ended in January 1970 is from the same Niger Delta? Furthermore, is MEND aware that it was Chief Frank Opigo from the same Ijaw Clan where MEND leadership comes from in Niger Delta that reminded us that the name of our nation is Biafra at the meeting of Eastern Consultative Assembly held on May 27, 1967? "Niger Delta gave birth to the notion of Biafra and actively nurtured it. Anybody who doesn't know this is ignorant of history and IPOB is not in the business of educating the uneducated. Had Nigeria invested in education especially history in the Niger Delta areas, some of these glaring ignorance of historical facts will be minimized. "The latest fake press release by the Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) is part of several stories planted by Buhari's DSS to save face because the pressure from around the world to release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is becoming unbearable for Buhari and his DSS. "For the information of the public, the so-called Jomo Gbomo of MEND is no other person than Charles Okah who is currently in Kuje prison and in his desperation for freedom has handed over MEND propaganda machinery to the DSS after several late night meetings. "The questions that DSS and Charles Okah (MEND) must answer are: where, when and how did the IPOB leader agree to renounce Biafra? Who was present from DSS/Charles Okah (which is the same as MEND) to authenticate this hogwash of a news? "Where did this meeting take place? If Buhari is looking for a way out he should say so instead of fabricating lies against an innocent man. Nnamdi Kanu is not for sale like Raphael Uwazuruike and Ohanaeze Ndi Igbo. "If anyone wants to see Nnamdi Kanu to find out what he thinks, then let the person go to Kuje prison in Abuja. Nigerian media houses should investigate every press statement from this M.E.N.D. that is now based at DSS headquarters. "It is a shame that MEND or what is left of it run from Kuje prison by Charles Okah in concert with DSS allowed himself to be used as an informant for Hausa Fulani Islamic Nigeria and agent provocateur. He is not alone but all of them will join the long forgotten list of betrayers and turncoats that history has quickly forgotten. "What a tragedy that the same womb that gave birth to the gallant Henry Okah could produce such a coward and traitor to the cause to liberate all territories of Nairaland. We hereby remind MEND that we are into Biafra restoration in order to free the enslaved people of Biafra and by extension other parts of Nigeria that are under the hegemony of Hausa-Fulani domination. "We are not into money-making venture. Biafra restoration is a divine project and it has as all the attributes of a project one of which is time limit, meaning that we are not career freedom fighters" but we are constrained by time to get Biafra liberated from the British criminality called Nigeria. "We advice all discerning people and lovers of freedom to discountenance any press release from MEND because they have officially taken the task of media and publicity arm of the DSS and are hell-bent on the Enslavement of Niger Delta People who are part of the blessed nation of Biafra. Nnamdi Kanu shall NEVER ever renounce Biafra whether in secret or in the open and he and the entire IPOB stand strongly with the N.D.A. Together, we shall restore the nation of Biafra while MEND continues to operate as the official media and publicity arm of Buharis DSS. Biafra or death!!! Signed Barrister Emma Nmezu Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya Spokespersons for IPOB Source: - The MJTF killed and arrested some terrorists in the border town between Nigeria and Cameroon - No soldier was killed in the encounter - The terrorists are finding it hard to operate in Nigeria Troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MJTF) have killed 27 Boko Haram terrorists in the border town between Nigeria and Cameroon. The Punch reports that this information was revealed by the commander of a regional army force on Thursday, August 18. Although Nigeria has been making headway in its fight against terrorism, the insurgent have not been completely decimated with the latest encounter showing some of them still exist. Apart from Nigeria, the MJTF also include Niger, Chad, Benin and Cameroon. Bouba Dobekreo who is the commander of the task force revealed that 11 other terrorists were apprehended. He said: A Multinational Joint Task Force set up by Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Benin and Cameroon to fight Boko Haram across borders, ambushed a group of the terrorists on Wednesday near the town of Fotokol. It is located close to the border with Nigeria. "No soldiers were killed during the clashes. The terrorists who seem to be finding it difficult to operate successfully in Nigeria are choosing border towns as their targets. Meanwhile, in what may be perceived as a supremacy battle, two factions of Boko Haram terrorists are waging war against each other. Since the appointment of Abu Musab al-Barnawi as the new leader of Boko Haram by ISIS, there has been disquiet within the rank of the terrorists as Abubakar Shakau who has been the leader of the group insists he is still in charge. READ ALSO: 5 new facts about Boko Haram you should know In a video by the Wilayat Gharb Afriqiya which is recognises the leadership of Barnawi, the group showed its military strength by firing machine guns and a suicide bomber drives a vehicle into what is possibly the rank of Shakaus boys and explodes in the distance. The group then shows off bodies of dead soldiers from the faction they now consider their enemy. READ ALSO: Nigerian army reacts to new Boko Haram leadership Shekau has insisted that his rival does not have what it takes to lead the terrorist group as it is not possible for a Muslim to profess his faith without kicking against an infidel system. In a statement he released, he claimed he was deceived. All blessings be to Almighty Allah, and his His Prophet SAW. I am Imam Abubakar Shekau. This is the message to the world, to those who can understand Hausa and any other languages it can be translated for a clear understanding of the message, which is why we are sending this message to the world. READ ALSO: Top facts about new Boko Haram leader revealed The content of my message goes thus. We have heard news going round and attributed to people we had earlier pledge allegiance to. Even though we are not against them base on the message we heard in the world radio but we are still honour ideology. We know those we differ with, and I have written on this long ago. All we wrote have been documented with me, some eight pages and some nine pages stating their kind of ideology. Because I stated it clear that I am against the principle where someone will dwell in the society with the infidels without making public his opposition or anger against infidels publicly as it is stated in the Quran. Anyone doing such can't be a real Muslim thick and thin. This is what our ideology proved. And that is where I am, to them, a Muslim can dwell in the society and do his marketing compromising core foundations. I want the world to know that we are still holding our ideology and tied with the Quran, we will not derail and will not revolt but will continue to remain in the cause of Allah. Following Prophet SAW is compulsory for us, and we will follow it to the end. This is our stand, and we are still in the cause of Jamaatu Ahl as-Sunnah li-Daawati wal-Jihad and Allah will help us. May Allah strengthen us to remain in this cause. We are still members of Jamaatu Ahl as-Sunnah li-Daawati wal-Jihad, no matter what they call us, we remain what we are. No matter what we have our basis in Quran. No matter what they call us, what we aspire is to justify our ideology in the Quran which is ultimate because we have not derailed. We are on and in the future, we will not accept any emissary except the one we can attest he is sincere and truthful for Allah and His cause. READ ALSO: Seems Shekau is finally dead, he will forever be in hell Nigerians In the first place, we sat and I was deceived, they said I should write my ideology to be taken if there is a mistake they will point out and bring back. They now deceive me, and it is base on some authorities and today I found out that there is one who is following principles of infidel which they want me to follow, and Prophet has stopped us against such. We are still in the cause of Allah and will never depart in the struggle to establish an Islamic caliphate and standing by Islam. We will continue to work for the cause of Allah no going back. Anyone that caused this, no problem, if it's possible may Allah show him the correct path and if it is not so may Allah protect us from his mischief." Source: A TV station in Egypt has reportedly asked overweight members of its staff, to either shed some weight or forfeit their jobs. While some people have no problems about people being 'overweight', some people are about to lose their jobs over it. According to reports, some TV presenters have been asked by their union to either drop some fat off their bodies, or stand the risk of losing their jobs. The Egyptian Radio and Television Union (ERTU) reportedly asked its members who worked at their national radio and TV stations, to achieve an 'appropriate appearance' in one month, if they hoped to continue hosting their shows. A massive outcry from the workers led women rights groups in the country to champion the cause and try to put a stop to it. They said it's a violation of the constitution and it's some sort of discrimination against women. PAY ATTENTION: Get all the latest gossips on NAIJ Gossip App Some of the presenters expressed their disappointment over why their 'weight issues' should have been discussed with them first, before being made public. A presenter on Egypt's Channel 2 station, Khadija Khattab, reportedly asked her audience to judge her size and decide if her weight should cost her her job. An Academician, Waheed Abdul Majid, asked the channel to spend more time improving on their content, instead of focusing on their presenters' appearances. The ERTU has stuck to its decision, despite all the protests, and has reportedly suspended eight female presenters pending the completion of their weight loss programme. They however promised to pay their benefits and salaries during their suspension period. Hmmmm...What do you think? Source: - Niger Delta Avengers has vowed to declare the Niger Delta region an independent entity on October 1, 2016 - The group said they no longer want to be part of Nigeria - The group had earlier said: By October 2016, we will display our currency, national flag, passport, our ruling council and our territory to the world" The militant group, Niger Delta Avengers, '(NDA) has vowed to declare the Niger Delta region an independent entity on October 1, 2016. In a statement released on the website of the Avengers on Thursday, August 18, Mudoch Agbinibo, spokesman of the Avengers, said that the Niger Delta no longer wants to be part of Nigeria. READ ALSO: We are not ready for dialogue - Niger Delta Avengers "Our prayer for Buhari and the Northern hypocrite (Northern Governors) is that oil should be found in commercial quantity in the North, so they can let the Niger Delta go. The Buhari Led government has fail Nigerians with their misdirected policies that has divide the country, as such nobody wants to be part of that failed state not even the Niger Delta. The October 1, declaration of independence is still sacrosanct. If the Nigeria government fails to retrace its step by restructuring this country. We want to warn the general public that those using NDA to defraud people days of reckoning is close." In May, 2016 the group had said: By October 2016, we will display our currency, national flag, passport, our ruling council and our territory to the world." READ ALSO: Avengers issue strong statement, warn navy For about a few weeks now the group has been giving mixed signals regarding dialogue with the federal government. NDA on Wednesday, August 17, denied agreeing to enter into dialogue with the federal government for a possible ceasefire in the region. The militant group which has claimed responsibility for major attacks on oil facilities in the region in recent times also denied knowing the self-acclaimed spokesman for the dialogue group, Ballantyne Agiri. Source: Founder of Living Faith Ministries, Bishop David Oyedepo and his wife Faith Abiola, have four children in their 32 years marriage. The children - David Jnr., Isaac, Love and Joyce Oyedepo - are doing quite well in all their endeavours and they are sure making their parents proud! Bishop David Oyedepo's family. His children, their spouses and his grandchildren. According to Ecclezzia, two of the children are pastors based abroad. Here are the four children of one most influential pastors in Nigeria: 1. David Oyedepo Jnr. David Oyedepo Jnr and wife He is the first born and the first son of bishop. He was ordained as a pastor in May 2007 by renowned American preacher, Kenneth Copeland. Pastor Oyedepo Jnr. heads the London branch of Winners Chapel. He is married to Kemi Olubu-Oyedepo. Pastor Oyedepo Jnr. is also the regional overseer of the European Network of churches. 2. Isaac Oyedepo Isaac Oyedepo and wife He is the second child and son of bishop. He was also ordained by Kenneth Copeland in May 2007. Pastor Isaac is currently in charge of the Winners Chapel International, South Africa. He tied the knot in 2010 with Ayomitide Omogbadegun. 3. Love Oyedepo-Ogah Love Oyedepo-Ogah and husband She is the third child and first daughter of the Oyedepos. She is also a committed army of God. She often goes on mission trips with her mother Faith Oyedepo. Love got married March 2013 to Stephen Ogah, one of Bishop Oyedepos personal aides. 4. Joyce Oyedepo Joyce Oyedepo The last born of the Oyedepo family is a product of Faith Academy school owned by her father. Joyce is currently studying in America and has certain functions she performs in church during her stay in Nigeria. She recently made news when she took to social media to describe herself as being crazy. What a beautiful family! Source: - The relations between Nigeria and Turkey have been traditionally cordial - But the recent coup in Turkey and a request by the Turkish government to Nigeria may trigger a diplomatic row - The Turkish government had requested the closure of 17 Nigerian Turkish International Colleges (NITC) The federal government has ignored the request by the Turkish government seeking for the closure of 17 Nigerian Turkish International Colleges (NITC). Presidents Buhari and Erdogan During a visit to the vice chairman of the Senate committee on foreign affairs, Shehu Sani, the Turkish ambassador to Nigeria, Hakan Cakil, said his government had requested the Nigerian government to shut down the colleges because they were allegedly linked to Fethullah Gulen, the US-based cleric who was blamed for the failed coup. He went on to say the colleges were run by Gulens movement, a sect which was trying to overthrow the Turkish government as well as train terrorists. The comment by Ambassador Cakil drew the ire of many Nigerians especially whose wards either graduated or are schooling in the colleges. The Nigerian government however reacted quickly, saying the allegation was frivolous because it lacked legal merit. Speaking to journalists in Abuja, the minister of education, Malam Adamu Adamu, said the request by the Turkish government did not hold water because it appeared to be without evidence. He gave the assurance that the schools would remain open until there was substantial fact for government to take action upon. READ ALSO: Tension as Buhari shuts 9 foreign embassies, SEE list The spokesman of the colleges, Mr Cemal Yigit, said the allegation was a deliberate attempt by the Turkish government to smear the image of the colleges. That is how they do the defamation campaign. It is so unfortunate that the smear attack is even reaching Nigeria," Yigit said. According to Daily Trust, he said the schools have about 5,000 students and employed about 2,000 Nigerians. The annual trade volume between Turkey and Nigeria was $1.2 billion by second quarter of 2016, and this consists of clothing, food, engines and automobile parts, as well as pharmaceuticals. In return, Turkey imports sesame seeds, petroleum, raw and semi-processed leather and rubber from Nigeria. Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had said during his recent visit to Nigeria that, Our total trade volume is currently at $1.145 billion. Our export is $314 million and our import is $831 million. As you can see, the result is to the favour of Nigeria. I believe that if the two countries combine forces, making use of our own respective resources, we would be able to come up with even better outcomes. As we speak, our business people are connecting with their Nigerian counterparts. READ ALSO: Shocking: About 10,410 arrested for plotting coup? Meanwhile, Nigerian leading financial institution, the United Bank of Africa (UBA) has also clarified reports linking it to the funding of the failed coup plotted in Turkey. In a press statement released by the bank, it countered the claims by a Turkey-based newspaper, Yenisafak, that some of those arrested in connection with the July 15, 2016 failed coup plot implicated UBA as its sponsors. Source: Whiskey enthusiasts often wax romantic about the balance of this mash bill, or the elegant neck of that copper pot still and sometimes even about exotic yeasts, and how these things play out in the flavor of their favored spirits. Yet its not these things, but the cask and the time spent in it that is the single biggest player in what whiskey tastes like. According to Chris Morris, Master Distiller at Woodford Reserve, aging in new white oak barrels gives his bourbon 100% of its color naturally, and approximately 50 to 60% of its aroma and flavor. For decades, the choice of wood used in whiskey casks was standardized. In America, it was almost all new white oak, as mandated by Federal law. In Scotland and Ireland, most of the casks were old barrels imported from America, plus a few types from Europe. With whiskey around the world surging in popularity, the wood choices are now expanding, as producers reach for new sources of oak and sometimes other woods, and this reach is turning out new flavors. Outside The Wood Bin American whiskeys first major steps away from traditional white oak were made by Makers Mark, which put French oak stave inserts into its barrels to produce Makers 46, and by Morris at Woodford Reserve, who produced a Masters Collection bourbon finished in sugar maple wood. This month, Seattles Westland Distillery took another step with its Garryana American Malt, made in part with whiskey aged in Garryana oak, a species native to Oregon and an all-new choice for whiskey barrels. Compared to the standard white oak, with its sweet vanilla, The flavor profile skews dark: molasses, clove, coffee grounds, blackberry jam, and wood smoke, says Westlands Master Distiller Matt Hoffman. Same Tree, New Forest Remember going to a national park as a kid, and seeing the sawn tree trunk on display, its rings indicating how old the tree was? Those rings tell you a lot more than just the age of the tree. The space between the rings, the grain, also tells you how favorable the climate was to the growth of the tree. That grain matters in whiskey barrels, too. Most of the white oak used to age bourbon and rye whiskey in America comes from a swathe of states in the middle of the Eastern United States. Independent Stave Cooperage in Kentucky, a major barrel-maker, gets its wood from 12 states, but the two biggest are Kentucky and Missouri. Brown-Forman, maker of Jack Daniels and Woodford Reserve, owns its own cooperages, and most of its oak comes from Tennessee, Alabama, Indiana and Missouri, says their Supply Chain General Manager Larry Combs. The similar climates in these places yield trees with similar grains, creating standardized barrel oak. Using oak from places with a shorter growing season, producing a tighter grain, constricts some of the flavors whiskey pulls from the wood as it ages, as some American craft distillers have discovered. Chicagos FEW Spirits uses oak drawn from northerly Minnesota, and the tight grain of the Minnesota oak brings the wood spice and vanillin flavors drawn from the barrel more into balance, making the whiskey lighter on the vanilla and caramel. Another whiskey using tighter oak is WhistlePig 15 Year Old Rye, finished for six months in barrels of Vermont oak harvested from the distillery property. As with FEWs Minnesota wood, the tighter Vermont grain changes the balance of flavors coming out of the wood, in this case playing up the rye whiskeys spiciness. Across the Atlantic, the makers of Jameson reached outside the box last year to make their celebrated Midleton Dair Ghaelach, and in so doing they went in the opposite direction. Drawing on stocks of Irish pot still whiskey aged 15 to 22 years, Dair Ghaelach is then finished for 10 months in casks made of new Irish oak. Compared with its better-known cousins in France and Spain, Irish oak has a wide open grain, due to Irelands milder, wetter climate and long growing season. The result is a kind of super whiskey wood, allowing the spirit to pull heaps of flavors from the oak. Little in whiskey-making looks as timeless as the barrel, lying in the warehouse year after year, waiting for the day its contents are mature. Now the whiskey boom is turning the old whiskey barrel on its head, and these new wood choices are just the first of what is to come. More new whiskey wood projects are already in the warehouses, holding whiskey, awaiting maturity and bottling. Back in May, prominent liberal radio host Dan Savage went off on a caller who asked about voting for Jill Stein. Incorrectly diagnosing the Green Party as only running presidential candidates, Savage did not mince his words: The revolution did not come in 2000 when George W. Bush got close enough to winning to steal the White House. It will not come if Donald J. Trump gets his ass elected. Disaster will come. And the people wholl suffer are not going to be the pasty white Green Party supporterspasty white Jill Stein and her pasty white supporters. The people wholl suffer are going to be people of color. People of minority faiths. Queer people. Women. Dont do it. Dont throw your vote away on Jill Stein/vote for, bankshot-style, Donald Trump. This argument is one weve been hearing a lot this election. A Trump presidency, the reasoning goes, would irreparably injure minority groups in the US, and thus must be avoided at all costs. Anyone who disagrees is likely white and/or does not care about minority Americans. But this with us or against us ideology is dangerous. Speaking remotely at the Green Party National Convention, Julian Assange of Wikileaks said the following: What the Clinton campaign is doing at the moment is trying to say, Well, OK, yes, maybe were committed to arms dealers and to Saudi Arabia, and yes, maybe we subverted the integrity of the Democratic primary, etc., etc., but youll just have to swallow that, youll just have to swallow that or else youll get Donald Trump. Thats a form of extortion. His message was clear: Americans must stop voting out of fear because it leads to intolerable outcomes. Assange had a point. Fear voting allowed the Democratic Party to move to the right, as it could take liberal votes for granted. The country suffered as a resultnobody more so than minority Americans. The party enacted laws that contributed to the rise of mass incarceration, gutted welfare, signed NAFTA, deregulated the financial sector, and expanded US military involvement overseas. These policies, with the exception of the expansion of US interventionism, can be attributed exclusively to Bill and Hillary Clinton. And yet, today, even though there is no guarantee a second Clinton presidency would be any better for the downtrodden than the first, fear voting is alive and well on the left, as Clinton supporters insist that Donald Trump is an existential threat to American Democracy. But, as frightening and downright atrocious as some of the GOP candidates rhetoric is (like his joke about Second Amendment people stopping Clintons judicial picks), it is hard to square the idea that voting for Clinton is voting to save American democracy with the fact that it took a skewed primary election to nominate her. Thanks to the revelations from the recent DNC email release by Wikileaks, we know that the party leadership was acting well outside the bounds of what can be considered neutral. As Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone pointed out in a recent article titled, DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign, it was thanks to the Clinton campaign coordinating with the DNC that the former Secretary of State was able to compete with Sanders grassroots political fundraising network. But it doesnt stop there. The DNC also helped Clinton avoid political fallout after Ken Vogel and Isaac Arnsdof of Politico broke the story that, though the former Secretary had attacked Sanders for not helping down-ballot Democrats, the money raised through the Hillary Victory Funda joint venture between her campaign and the party meant to help the party at the state leveloverwhelmingly went towards her own presidential campaign. In fact, the reporters found that less than one percent of the funds went to the state parties. Also troubling was the fact that the joint fundraising apparatus allowed donors to, in effect, give more than the maximum amount of money allowable to the DNC. Naturally, the Sanders campaign seized on the story, but, the emails reveal that the party leadership actively sought to muddy the waters around it. As Taibbi explains: Whats patently obvious from these emails is that there was virtually no distinction between DNC and Clinton campaign officials when it came to the handling of this media problem. They were all on the same team, working in tandem to try to talk down the likes of Vogel and Emery. Meanwhile, the Sanders campaign is treated as an enemy. After Vogels story came out, Sanders campaign chief Jeff Weaver sent DNC Treasurer Andrew Tobias a letter asking him to sign a petition calling for the state committees to receive all the money allowable from the Victory Fund Tobias circulates this letter to other DNC staffers, saying, Seems awfully unfair and inaccurate? Soon after, communications chief Miranda circulates a note to staffers asking them to search if theres any coverage of Bernie Sanders camp calling the victory fund money laundering. In the end, these efforts seemed to pay off as the story was reduced to little more than a dispute between two campaigns on mainstream news. That said, with the release of the emails, all of that has changed. The burgeoning scandal has resulted in no less than three top DNC officials stepping down in disgraceincluding former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. For her part, Clinton, in a confounding move that made even her allies shake their heads, appointed Wasserman Schultz to an honorary chair position in her campaign. So can we really call it privilege that many voters would throw their hands in the air in disgust and vote a third party in light of the current options? Honestly, it is difficult to say which is worse. On the one hand, you have Trumpa Nixonian strongman figure who has, for some of his appeal, relied on voters most base instincts, and who many, including his own ghostwriter, feel is unfit to hold public office. On the other you have a conservative candidate who only won with the deck stacked in her favor, in spite of starting out with all the name recognition, and all the news coverage. Even then, the she had to break federal election laws regarding coordination with super PACs. Correct The Record, one such independent expenditure group, had to AstroTurf online support for Clinton in an effort known as Barrier Breakers, which amounted to little more than a paid online troll army. And so, while a vote for Jill Stein may, in effect, be a vote for Donald Trump, a vote for Clinton is a vote against our democratic processan endorsement of the DNCs actions, as well as her own, in the skewed 2016 Democratic presidential primary. (For an alternate take on the Green Party, read Jacob Weindlings piece from yesterday.) A jetset lifestyle doesnt have to be all private planes and decadent digs. In Paste Travels Jet-Set Bohemian series, we blend the best of high and low for just the right balance enticing everyone from backpackers to luxury boutique hotel lovers to come along for the ride. as we step onto the cobblestoned alleyways of Plaka, the capital of the island of Milos more than 700 feet above sea level, were swept into a wedding reception. The parade encompasses us as we join the marching band and wind up with the bride and groom in front of the reception site, which just so happens to be one of the top pastry shops on the Greek Cycladic island. Ducking past the band and into the taverna, the brothers behind the family run Kivotos ton Gefseon greet me in front of the multiple assortments of baklava, the phyllo dough-encrusted traditional pastry stuffed with honey, pistachio and walnuts. Theres a reason this spot has become a not-so-secret favorite among locals. Mom uses her own farm-produced honey in the pastries and weaves elements of the islands volcanic nature into her seaside tavern Restaurant Sirocco, roasting seafood and meat underground with heat stemming from volcanic vents. One half of island hopping in Greece is basking on the beaches and seeking out hidden rocky coves, but the other is cruising through these isles sampling what theyve done best for thousands of years. Map out your route by ferry or hop on a Greek-based liner like Celestyal and make the rounds to the more untouched parts of the islands indulging in tradition, eating and drinking likeand withthe locals. As with any good adventure, it all begins with a toast, and Greece is one of the oldest wine-producing regions on the globe. In addition to being known as the birthplace of Greek legends like father of mathematics Pythagoras and historian Herodotus, the island of Samos is famous for producing sweet dessert Muscat wine. Once the home of the Vaticans personal winery, Samos still produces communion wine for the Catholic church today and its vino is in high demand by the French market. If youre visiting the island during the summer season, Samos plays host to a wine festival in Vathy the first 10 days of August where you can fill up a cup for as many rounds of sweet wine as you can stomach. For those who are good at stopping after just a sip, learn the history and sample a few of the more iconic varieties at the Samos Wine Museum, which holds large wooden wine barrels dating back to the early 20th century. Photo by Lane Nieset 25-mile-long island of Kos is closer to Turkey than it is to Greece, the cuisine here sticks entirely to Greek tradition. The spot believed to be the birthplace of physician Hippocrates, Kos features a 14th century fortress at the mouth of the harbor, built by the Knights of Saint John of Rhodes, and still relies mainly on farming crops like grapes, tomatoes, figs and olives. Growing wine since the time of Hippocrates himself, Kos is known for its salty Coan wine, but family run wineries like Hatziemmanouil have made a name for themselves playing with both indigenous and international varieties cultivating grapes on almost 150 acres of vineyards in Afousa. After sampling the spots six vinos, which include the signature Assyrtiko from Santorini, head to the southwestern-most village of Kos, Kefalos, where youll come across another family run business. Third-generation beekeepers behind Melissa, Greek for honey bee, work with over 650 hives to produce the islands traditional thyme honey, used for centuries here as a form of medicine. The family moves its hives throughout the nearby islands to get just the right blend of herbs for its honey thats used in everything from raki liqueur to mini fried donuts called loukoumades. Of course a trip to Greece isnt complete without sampling a spread of mezze, or tapas-style shared small plates that act as an appetizer. Dont expect to eat light while youre here. Part of Greek hospitality is breaking bread with your hosts, preferably at a beachside taverna with a cool glass of local vino. Head from flat-topped Plaka on Milos to the seaside fishing village of Pollonia on the northeastern corner of the island whose coastline is surrounded by white-washed homes. Photo by Lane Nieset thats about as close to the sea as you can get without being on the sand at family run Enalion, whose name translates roughly to living in the water. Start with a glass of local Cycladic Assyrtiko white wine from the restaurants cellar and prepare for a feast crafted from produce grown on Enalions own 7-acre farm, sitting less than a mile away. The traditional spread blends hot and cold plates from eggplant salad and Tzatziki, or Greek-strained yogurt with Milos-grown garlic and cucumber, to grilled squid, tomato fritters and pitarakia, small fried onion and cheese pies. Dishes slowly make their way to the table over the course of a lengthy lunch allowing more than enough time to work through each course and bottle, culminating with a dip in the sea just steps away. Lane Nieset is Pastes Jet-Set Bohemian columnist and a freelance writer covering all things travel from her home base in Nice, France. Zayed University offers M.A. in judicial studies for the first time in Arabic as an open cohort Contact Sara Hassan Media Relations Specialist *** Sara HassanMedia Relations Specialist End -- With the growing need for highly trained legal professionals in the UAE and other Gulf States, Zayed University opened its doors for 26 students who wish to hone their skills and acquire the knowledge and competencies necessary for successful handling and dealing with judicial administration.The Master of Judicial Studies (MAJS) is offered for the first time in Arabic as an open cohort this year.The University's Graduate Studies Office has also accepted 54 more students, who will be studying international business, public relations, tourism and cultural communications, and healthcare administration this fall.The announcement came during an orientation seminar held yesterday's evening at Zayed University in Abu Dhabi campus to introduce the University and its resources, campus services and facilities, and University's departments and faculty.The one-day orientation was attended by Dr Marilyn Roberts, Acting Provost at Zayed University, Chet Jablonski, Dean of Graduate Studies, coordinators of graduate programs as well as students.At the outset of the event, Dr Marilyn Roberts, Acting Provost at Zayed University, gave a welcome speech, saying: "You all have made a decision to start a two year journey as students here at Zayed University. We want you to gain the knowledge that will truly put you in a different place following graduation. Welcome you all at Zayed University and congratulations for making the right choice."The new M.A. in Judicial Studies will provide students with the latest development in the field of law and judicial administration to improve their skills and equip them with the knowledge and competencies necessary for successful handling and dealing with judicial administration in public and private law.Dean Chet also welcomed new students, saying: "Welcome and congratulations on your acceptance for graduate study at Zayed University. I am confident that our master's degree programs will inspire you to achieve your career goals and will prepare you to join the next generation of leaders in your chosen field. You can be assured there will be hard but gratifying work ahead; enjoy it and make the most of your investment. I wish you every success."The program offers a range of core courses, electives, and a major project. The MAJS program is also approved by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.Future MAJS students will have the unique ability to understand the most recent and important developments in different legal fields; relate the theoretical legal studies to the practical conditions in the United Arab Emirates; apply different laws in selected real cases properly; and practice the judicial duty in different legal fields.Graduate Program Coordinator for the MAJS program, Dr Walaaeldeen Ibraheem, said the purpose of offering this program at Zayed University is to deliver high qualified and experienced legal graduates, who are able to deal with new and complex legal issues."Students will embark on a two year academic journey studying diverse subjects on civil law, criminal law, judicial writing and research, advocacy skills, case analysis, and alternative dispute resolution. The MAJS program will help students who wish to pursues careers as judges, prosecutors, advocates, and legal advisors," he added.During the orientation seminar, new students expressed their willingness to achieve better understanding of the judiciary and to generate improvements in the administration of justice by focusing on the study and exploration of the judicial process."I have a passion to learn more about law reform, emerging legal issues, case management techniques, and other matters that pertain to my daily work as a legal officer," Ibrahim Al Memari, who works as a legal specialist, said.Maryam Ashtari, 36 year old employee at Abu Dhabi Judicial Department with more than 15 years of strong experience, can't wait to start her classes that will touch on a critical array of issues relating to judicial institutions, judicial behavior, and decision-making.About 2,250 post-graduate students have enrolled in Zayed University's graduate programs since it was founded.ENDS//Zayed University is today the premier national university in the United Arab Emirates and a regional leader in educational innovation and change. It has created and implemented a skills-rich, outcome-based general education program that systemically develops student skills, knowledge, and values associated with liberal learning and provided a solid foundation for pursuit of disciplinary majors and future careers. Zayed University welcomes national and international students, and provides them with a high quality education, offered by seasoned teaching scholars to prepare them to shape the future of the United Arab Emirates.Zayed University offers Undergraduate and Graduate degrees in the following Colleges: College of Arts & Creative Enterprises (recognized as substantially equivalent by NASAD), College of Business (Accredited by AACSB), College of Communication & Media Sciences (Accredited by ACEJMC), College of Education (Accredited by NCATE), College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Natural and Health Sciences, and College of Technological Innovation (Accredited by ABET). For more information, visit contacts: Sara Sabry, Media Relations Specialist at the Office of the Vice President at Zayed UniversityDir-Tel: 025993630Mobile: 0566561059E-mail: A Comprehensive Overview of the Business and IT Value of SAP's Next-Generation Business Suite By: T.A.Cook Conferences Contact T.A.Cook Conferences *** T.A.Cook Conferences End -- A Comprehensive Overview of the Business and IT Value of SAP's Next-Generation Business SuiteSAP's S/4HANA suite offers companies a great platform for innovation and improved business efficiency. If you and your team are new to the solution or if you are an existing customer and want to explore the full capabilities of S/4HANA, don't miss this two day seminar specifically designed for the oil and gas industry.SAP S/4HANA Seminar for the Oil and Gas Industry takes place on 27-28 October in Amsterdam, Netherlands.Packed with use cases, demos and interactive content join SAP experts and industry professionals to discuss key concepts, deliveries, road map items and considerations when moving your IT landscape. Take this opportunity to have your questions answered, share best practice and take a deep dive into SAP's next-generation ERP business suite.Registration is now live, the Early Bird rate is on and group offers are currently available. Visit the seminar web site to download the agenda and for more information on the event: events/conferences/ details/seminar- s... By: REAL Women in Trucking Media Contact Desiree Wood, REAL Women in Trucking Kristine Gobbo, Spectrum Public Relations kristine@spectrum- Desiree Wood, REAL Women in TruckingKristine Gobbo, Spectrum Public Relations End -- REAL Women in Trucking, Inc. (RWIT) is hosting a conference aboard the Carnival Conquest to unite and honor women in the truck driving industry. The "Queen of the Road on the High Seas" conference, taking place Sunday, March 26 to Saturday, April 1, 2017, will include education sessions on a broad range of topics, including personal safety, discrimination, sexual harassment, and driver health. The agenda also includes a driver advocacy forum, a lady truck driver roundtable and an awards ceremony recognizing women who have overcome obstacles in the truck driving industry. The six-night cruise will depart from Ft. Lauderdale for the Eastern Caribbean with stops at Grand Turk, Dominican Republic and Nassau.The conference - - will provide tools for truck drivers while advancing a voice for RWIT and its members. The sessions will include information on improving technical skills for drivers, promoting advocacy through social media, transitioning company drivers to owner-operator, and much more. A forum of truck driver advocates will also discuss issues that affect the industry. Notable speakers include Allen Smith, host of 'Ask the Trucker;' Anne Balay, published author of Steel Closets: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Steelworkers, a former truck driver, and writer of a recent op-ed published in The New York Times "Long-Haul Sweatshops;" and Christine Gray, Becca Kennedy and Shannon Morris, truck drivers, and advocates for the safety and success of women truck drivers.All interested drivers, professionals within the truck driving industry, and others who encourage and support women truck drivers are invited. Families or significant others are also welcome. The conference schedule has been planned to allow plenty of leisure time to enjoy cruise activities. For those interested in supporting this important event, sponsorship opportunities are available at five levels with details provided at RWIT Lady Truck Driver Conference.Nominations for outstanding female truck drivers, the "Queen of the Road" awards, are welcome. Awards will be presented to three outstanding women who have demonstrated dedication and tenacity in their efforts to become professional commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operators. Nominees must either be past or present CMV drivers that fit the R.E.A.L. criteria, which stands for Reaching Out, Encouraging Others, Achieving Personal Success and Leadership. Nominations will be accepted beginning Thursday, September 1 with a deadline of Monday, November 7, 2016."This conference is important to our efforts of 'breaking the silence' about the treatment of women in the trucking industry." said Desiree Wood, one of RWIT's founders. "At the conference, we hope to provide the tools women need to be more successful in their chosen field. Along with information sessions, participants will have the opportunity to network with fellow drivers. Learning from one another and unifying on important issues is one of our primary goals."RWIT was initially formed in 2010 as a 501(c)(6) membership organization by female truckers to protest poor conditions that were not being effectively addressed by the trucking industry. "Queen of the Road on the High Seas" is the organization's first fundraising event. Proceeds will help establish a 501(c)(3) foundation which will provide a headquarters and facilities with modest truck parking availability for members, scheduled learning conferences and advanced training for entry-level driver training students to develop their skills.For more information, contact Desiree Wood at 561-232-9170 or, or visit . Follow RWIT on Twitter: @womentruckers.About REAL Women in Trucking, Inc.:REAL Women in Trucking, Inc. promotes safety by educating the public about unsafe truck driver training and has created a network of support for women entering trucking. The mission of REAL Women in Trucking, Inc. is to deliver highway safety through leadership, mentorship, education and advocacy. If a city plants trees near a residential area, most homeowners value the likely subsequent boost to their property values, a new University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences study shows. And they're willing to pay an average of $7 more per month in taxes for public trees planted in their city. In the UF/IFAS study, 1,052 surveyed Florida homeowners said they'd like the trees on their land to provide shade and to be healthy, but they'd prefer an increase of $1,600 in their home's value. Residents were separated into two surveys. One asked them to consider a hypothetical home improvement project to better the trees on their property, while the other asked a similar referendum question regarding a city program that would increase their utility tax to increase urban forests in public areas near their homes. There were 526 responses to each survey. Given a range of paying between $1 and $10 more per month in city utility taxes, survey respondents said they want trees in their cities, but they're only willing to pay up to $7 more per month, said Jose Soto, a post-doctoral researcher in the UF/IFAS School of Forest Resources and Conservation. "Our findings indicate that participants find it useful to invest in urban forest infrastructure and are also willing to pay for the benefits of having more trees near their homes," Soto said. Damian Adams, a UF/IFAS associate professor of forest resources and conservation and an Extension specialist, said the study's findings are consistent with basic economic theory. All things considered, people want more value for their property, and more trees can add money to their home's appraisal. "Basically people are driven at least in part, by economic values associated with planting trees, but they appear to be more sensitive to the property value effects of planting trees than other factors," Adams said. "They are clearly concerned about tree shade too, which can lower energy bills and hence reduce costs. But tree shade also increases outdoor enjoyment and aesthetic benefits, which just makes people happy, and that's worth something." It is important to note that while Florida homeowners are willing to pay more for public trees, some Florida programs give trees away for free, and some actually plant trees near homes -- for example, in Tampa, Soto said. Tampa has a program called "Tree-mendous Tampa," in which the city plants free trees in public rights-of-way. You can find more information on that program here: Other cities, such as Portland, Oregon, compensate residents for planting trees, Soto said. Soto and Adams presented their findings this month at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual meeting in Boston. An analysis of about 1,300 peer-reviewed research articles found that few studies included men and women equally, less than one-third performed data analysis by sex, and there was wide variation in inclusion and matching of the sexes among the specialties and the journals reviewed, according to a study published online by JAMA Surgery. Males and females can have different postoperative outcomes, complication rates, and readmission rates, so it is important to know if sex bias is pervasive in surgery. Adequately controlling for sex as a variable with inclusion, data reporting, and data analysis is important because data derived from clinical research are the foundation for evidence-based medicine. Melina R. Kibbe, M.D., of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (formerly of Northwestern University, Chicago), and Editor, JAMA Surgery, and colleagues conducted a study to determine if sex bias exists in human surgical clinical research, if data are reported and analyzed using sex as an independent variable, and to identify specialties in which the greatest and least sex biases exist. For the analysis, data were abstracted from 1,303 original peer-reviewed articles published from January 2011 through December 2012 in 5 surgery journals. Of the 1,303 articles, 17 (1.3 percent) included males only, 41(3.1 percent) included females only, 1,020 (78 percent) included males and females, and 225 (17 percent) did not document the sex of the participants. Although female participants represent more than 50 percent (n = 57,688,606) of the total number (115,377,213) included, considerable variability existed with the number of male (46,111,818), female (58,805,665), and unspecified (10,459,730) participants included among the journals, between U.S. domestic and international studies, and between single vs multicenter studies. For articles included in the study, 38 percent reported these data by sex, 33 percent analyzed these data by sex, and 23 percent included a discussion of sex-based results. Sex matching of the included participants in the research overall was poor, with less than half of the studies matching the inclusion of both sexes by 50 percent (e.g., 100 males to 50 females, or vice versa). During analysis of the different surgical specialties, a wide variation in sex-based inclusion, matching, and data reporting existed, with colorectal surgery having the best matching of male and female participants and cardiac surgery having the worst. The authors write that the implications of these findings are numerous. "First, drugs, therapies, and devices may be developed that are effective for one sex. Second, for therapies and drugs that have an overall low efficacy in men and women when the data are combined, the therapy or drug may be abandoned; however, that therapy or drug may have greater efficacy in one sex vs the other. This result would be known if sex-based analysis and reporting of the data were performed. ... Third, therapies may be developed that have undesirable adverse effects in the opposite sex. For example, the odds of an adverse drug reaction in women is 50 percent greater than in men, women are more likely to be hospitalized because of an adverse drug reaction, and 80 percent of the drugs removed from the market by the FDA were because of undesirable adverse effects in women." "Thus, whereas it is important to collect data of male and female participants, performing independent data analysis and reporting can produce findings leading to valuable contributions to the health and well-being of males or females independently." Commentary: Precision Health Outcomes Require Precise Patient Identification "Because the foundation of precision health is adjusting treatment modalities specifically for each patient, consideration of sex variability is necessary to increase successful outcomes. In addition, we need to consider sex presentation, age, ethnic background, and socioeconomic status because these factors also can determine results," write Julie A. Freischlag, M.D., and Michelle M. Silva, B.A., of the UC Davis Health System, Sacramento, in an accompanying commentary. "Identification of all patients included in clinical trials is essential. Authors, reviewers, publishers, and funding agencies should mandate this process in any publication so that results used to provide quality care are accurate. Diversity and inclusion excellence are important in the success and greatness of academic institutions, and the same can be said for research." A significant portion of preterm births might be avoided by reducing or eliminating three major risk factors. A new Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center study shows that as many as 25 percent of preterm births might be attributed to abnormalities in the interval between pregnancies, the mother's body mass index prior to pregnancy, and the amount of weight gain in pregnancy. All of these risk factors may be modifiable to reduce the risk of premature births -- those before 37 weeks of gestation. The study is published online in the Maternal and Child Health Journal. "The highest risks for premature birth were in women who were underweight, had poor weight gain during pregnancy, or short periods of time between pregnancies," says Emily DeFranco, DO, a physician-researcher at the Center for Prevention of Preterm Birth at Cincinnati Children's and an associate professor of maternal-fetal medicine at the University of Cincinnati. "However, excessive weight gain in obese women also increased the risk." Dr. DeFranco and her colleagues conducted the study from birth records in Ohio from 2006 to 2011. Nearly 400,000 live, non-multiple births were included. Potentially modifiable risk factors for preterm birth were present in more than 90 percent of women in the study. Fewer than half of women begin pregnancy with a normal weight, and only 32 percent achieve the recommended pregnancy weight gain. "Attention should be paid to educational interventions on the importance of birth spacing, achieving an optimal pre-pregnancy weight, and ensuring adequate nutrition and weight gain during pregnancy," says Dr. DeFranco. "Improvements in these modifiable risk factors could have significant influence on premature birth and infant mortality worldwide." According to the March of Dimes, the rate of preterm birth in the United States is 12 percent. This is above the global average of 11.1 percent. If you hate going to the dentist, here's some good news. New research published online in The FASEB Journal, shows that melanocortin agonism may effectively control the inflammation that often occurs in gum tissue, which when unchecked, ultimately accelerates tooth and bone loss. This research involving mice, opens the door to a new class of treatments for gum disease. "Controlling inflammation during gum disease is a key step to avoid alveolar bone resorption, tooth loss and, thus, improve the quality of life of patients," said Mila Madeira, Ph.D., a researcher involved in the work from the Department of Microbiology at the Biologic Science Institute at the Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. To make their discovery, Madeira and colleagues used several groups of mice. The first group was infected with bacteria related to gum disease and then treated them with a melanocortin agonist. The second group had no infection. The third group was infected, but not treated. The final group was infected but treated with a placebo. Melanocortin agonism was associated with reduced alveolar bone resorption and less inflammation, a critical feature to be controlled in gum diseases. "Attenuation of the inflammatory axis of periodontal pathology cannot be overstated in its importance ," said Thoru Pederson, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. "These findings provide an entirely new approach to this highly prevalent condition." Although female certified urologists are still a minority within the specialty, they perform many more procedures on women than their male colleagues, who perform more procedures on men than their female colleagues. As more women opt to specialize in urology, attention needs to be paid to the way gender shapes the clinical landscape, report researchers in The Journal of Urology. Urology has traditionally been dominated by men, but more than 50% of medical school graduates in the United States are now women, and the number of female urologists has risen from a mere 34 women in 1981 to 512 in 2009 -- a thousand-fold increase. The percentage of female urology residents has increased even more quickly, from 5% in 1989 to 23% in 2011. There is a perception that female urologists may be "pigeon-holed" into caring for more female patients and female-specific urological issues than their male colleagues. With the gender landscape quickly changing, researchers decided to look at the surgical practice patterns of male and female urologists over time and the influence of surgeon gender on patients treated. "An assumption is often made that women prefer to go to female physicians and surgeons. There have been reports in the obstetric and primary care literature documenting a preference by female patients for female practitioners; however, to our knowledge no study exists that directly analyzes the influence of surgeon or patient gender on the surgical practice patterns of urologists in the U.S.," explained lead investigator Daniel T. Oberlin, MD, of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Department of Urology (Chicago, IL). Investigators looked at six-month case logs of more than 6,000 certifying urologists from 2003 to 2012, which included over one million cases that were either gender-neutral cases (i.e., they could be performed on either male or female patients) or gender specific procedure groups. These data represented over two-thirds of all urologists in the U.S. based on current estimates. Gender neutral procedures included extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, transurethral resection of a bladder tumor, and nephrectomy. Female specific procedures included fitting a urethral sling for stress urinary incontinence. Male specific procedures included vasectomy and treatment of prostate cancer. Female urologists accounted for 8.4% of the certifying urologists included in the study. The results showed that female surgeons perform a higher proportion of gender neutral index surgical procedures on female patients relative to their male counterparts (54% vs 32% female patients, respectively). This trend for female surgeons remained consistent for each individual gender neutral procedure that was assessed. The surgical volume of gender specific female cases is higher for female surgeons. Among cases that were gender specific, female surgeons performed 14.5% of all urethral sling procedures in women, and only 3.1% of vasectomies and 3.6% of prostate surgeries in men. Male urologists, on average, performed three times as many vasectomies and over twice as many prostatectomies as their female colleagues. The proportion of female patients treated by female urologists was at least 1.65 times higher than their male counterparts in all six geographic regions in the U.S., with the largest discrepancies observed in the northeast and west where female urologists operated on twice as many females as their male counterparts. "Our results are consistent with data from other specialties suggesting that female patients may gravitate toward female physicians," commented Dr. Oberlin. "Women are pursuing medical careers in numbers equal to that of men. As the number of women physicians going into urology grows, increasing attention to practice pattern discrepancies and gender biases is needed to better appreciate how these disparities will shape the clinical landscape." By PTI: Situated in the heart of Hyderabad?s HITEC city, ibis Hyderabad HITEC City is the 13th ibis to open in India. 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MORE BUSINESSWIRE BMR BMR --- ENDS --- Some anxiety is perfectly normal for kidney transplant patients, but new research suggests that medical staff can help patients feel more at ease when they leave the hospital and that could decrease the chances they'll be readmitted. High levels of anxiety a week after a kidney transplant patient went home more than doubled the chances he or she would be readmitted within 30 days of release, researchers found. And anxiety was higher for patients who received inconsistent directions related to post-discharge care while in the hospital and who reported less-than-optimal empathy on the part of nurses, doctors and other caregivers, researchers from The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business and Wexner Medical Center report in September's Journal of Surgical Research. "The more patient-centric the care, the more trust the patient had in the information provided, the lower the anxiety level after discharge," said Aravind Chandrasekaran, study co-author and an associate professor of operations and associate director of Fisher's Center for Operational Excellence. "If you're anxious, you're going to come back." Readmissions can happen for true medical reasons -- such as a patient taking the wrong medications or not adhering to post-transplant safety measures. advertisement They can also arise when the worried well return unnecessarily, said Susan Moffatt-Bruce, study co-author, cardiothoracic surgeon and chief quality and patient safety officer at Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center. "Sometimes we can make ourselves unwell because we've been so anxious," she said. Standardizing post-transplant care and training caregivers to convey more empathy during their educational interactions could go a long way toward keeping new kidney recipients well and out of the hospital, the study concluded. "It comes down to understanding the whole patient," Moffatt-Bruce said. "With some simple interventions, including being kind and being present, we can make a difference." About 17,000 people receive kidney transplants each year in the United States and more than 100,000 are on the waiting list, according to 2014 data from the Health Resources and Services Administration. More than 30 percent of them are readmitted within 30 days of their release, previous research has found. advertisement When patients head home, good self-care -- including taking medications properly and avoiding infection risks -- is critical for maintaining good health. But the list of instructions for transplant patients is long and it can be confusing, Chandrasekaran said. On top of that, patients sometimes hear conflicting advice from different members of their care team. Prior to beginning the study, he and his collaborators reasoned that anxiety after discharge could be a significant player in the high rate of readmissions. Ohio State's research team first interviewed 20 patients who received a transplant at the Wexner Medical Center to get a handle on the quality of care delivered during hospitalization. In general, the interviews suggested that information conveyed to patients varied depending on the caregiver and was delivered "in a somewhat rushed manner." Researchers also shadowed the care team to listen first-hand to the instructions they gave transplant patients after their surgeries. One example of inconsistent advice they witnessed: One nurse recommended "a lot of fluids," another said to drink two liters a day and another told the patient to consume 100 ounces. "There must have been 16 different ways to tell them to drink a lot of water," Chandrasekaran said, adding that this wasn't because the nurses weren't following protocol. Rather, they were passing along various guidelines they'd been told over the years. The researchers then used information from those shadowing experiences and the initial 20 interviews to develop surveys given to another 77 kidney recipients, 24 of whom were readmitted within 30 days. "We wanted to see what was it that caused them to have anxiety and what could we do to alleviate that," Moffatt-Bruce said. "We asked patients, 'What went right, what went wrong?' " The researchers assessed the consistency of patient education using a five-item test that measured the ease of getting information and the level of understanding of symptoms and procedures. To evaluate empathy, they used a three-item scale that asked patients about their comfort level when they interacted with caregivers. The researchers worked closely with the entire transplant team at Ohio State's medical center, including 24 nurses and several physicians. They found a strong association between anxiety levels a week after discharge and readmission within a month. They also found that the odds of getting readmitted increase by 110 percent for a one-unit increase in anxiety levels. They did not find a direct link between consistency and empathy measured in the surveys and readmissions. But they did find that those elements appeared to play a clear role in raising anxiety, which was linked to readmissions. The researchers took into account factors that could skew their findings -- including age, ethnicity, preexisting health conditions and the function of the transplanted organ upon discharge. Since conducting this work, the researchers and transplant staff designed interventions to improve pre-discharge care and attempt to reduce preventable readmissions. The discharge nurses, in particular, played a key role in the changes, which have cut the number of individual instructions given to patients from about 80 to 25, Moffatt-Bruce said. "When you go home you're going to be more confident, you're going to be safer and you're going to be less likely to come back to the hospital," she said. The researchers plan to publish results from the follow-up study soon. An alternative to using Twitter geotags and hashtags to identify community members who have experienced collective trauma, such as a school shooting, shows promise in helping researchers rapidly assess local effects. The approach, developed by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, was deployed to study the impact of deadly gun violence at UC Santa Barbara, Northern Arizona University and Oregon's Umpqua Community College. Followers of local Twitter accounts, such as the city hall's, were identified, and the tweets of these likely community members were then downloaded for data analysis. Results of the UCI team's work will be published in the December issue of Psychological Methods, a peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association. "Twitter's rapid distribution and widespread use enable us to avoid the fundamental difficulties with traditional survey methodologies," said Roxane Cohen Silver, professor of psychology & social behavior and research team leader. "Studying communities impacted by traumatic events is often costly and requires swift action to enter the field when disaster strikes. And individuals are typically studied after the traumatic event, so there's no baseline data against which to compare post-disaster response." Social media such as Twitter offer a wealth of information that can provide an immediate window into a community's emotional response to a collective trauma, but using a big data approach presents its own unique challenges, according to Nickolas M. Jones, lead author and graduate student in psychology & social behavior. "Locating community members who have experienced the trauma can be problematic," he explained. "To infer members' location, prior researchers have either used geotagged tweets, which account for only 3 to 6 percent of Twitter users, or tweets with hashtags, which yields vast numbers of tweets without certainty of the users' location. It's critical for researchers interested in using big data to study how trauma affects a community to identify Twitter users who likely live there, and our method helps achieve that goal." The UCI team compared negative emotional expression via Twitter by people in the impacted communities and those in three matched control communities shortly before and after the campus killings. Despite variation in the severity of violence at the colleges, results showed similar patterns of increased negative emotional expression in the post-event tweets from those in the affected areas, while tweets from those in the matched control locales exhibited no change in negative emotional expression during the same period of time. Based on the findings, the researchers believe Twitter is a creative tool that can be utilized to gauge negative emotion in the aftermath of violence, especially on college campuses, since students are the most likely users within the general population. Long ago, one great ocean flowed between North and South America. When the narrow Isthmus of Panama joined the continents about 3 million years ago, it also separated the Atlantic from the Pacific Ocean. If this took place millions of years earlier, as recently asserted by some, the implications for both land and sea life would be revolutionary. Aaron O'Dea, staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), and colleagues writing in Science Advances firmly set the date at 2.8 million years ago. "Recent scientific publications proposing the isolation of the two oceans between 23 to 6 million years ago rocked the generally held model of the continental connection to its foundations," said Jeremy Jackson, emeritus staff scientist at the Smithsonian. "O'Dea and his team set out to reevaluate in unprecedented, rigorous detail, all of the available lines of evidence -- geologic, oceanographic, genetic and ecological data and the analyses that bear on the question of when the Isthmus formed." "The timing of the connection between continents and the isolation of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is important for so many reasons," O'Dea said. "Estimates of rates of evolutionary change, models of global oceans, the origin of modern-day animals and plants of the Americas and why Caribbean reefs became established all depend upon knowing how and when the isthmus formed." The team of researchers from 23 institutions, including nine current or emeritus staff scientists from STRI and the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and 13 current or previous Smithsonian post-doctoral fellows concluded that records from marine and terrestrial fossils, volcanic and marine rocks and the genes of marine animals split by the formation of the Isthmus all tell the same story. Three key pieces of evidence defined when the land bridge was finally in place: Analysis of the family trees of shallow-water marine animals such as fish and sand dollars from the Pacific and Caribbean (Atlantic) sides of the isthmus show genetic mixing until after 3.2 million years ago. Surface waters from the Pacific and Caribbean mixed until about 2.8 million years ago, as seen in deep-ocean sediments. Massive migrations of land animals between North and South America began sometime before 2.7 million years ago. The first paper to propose an earlier connection, published by Camilo Montes, professor at the Universidad de los Andes, and STRI staff scientist Carlos Jaramillo in 2015, asserted that tiny particles called zircons found in northern Colombia arrived there 15 million years ago via rivers from the Panama Arc along a land bridge. The authors of the new paper reveal that, in fact, there are several possible sources for these zircons, all of which require less convoluted travel to arrive at their resting place in the Magdalena basin. The second paper to propose an earlier isthmus by Christine Bacon, post-doctoral fellow at the University of Gothenburg, suggested that molecular data from terrestrial animals and plants corresponded with geographic splits in marine animals, assuming the correspondence must have been due to a land bridge. The new study questions their use of a universal rate of evolution -- "different species evolve at different rates" Harilaos Lessios, a coauthor, said. They also question their use of genetic splits for land animals as evidence of the continental connection because "a land bridge would not cause genetic divergence, but would, on the contrary, allow greater genetic mixing between the continents." In addition, the new paper mentions that Bacon et al.'s study omitted several important published genetic analyses, which skewed their results and when included, eliminate the main line of evidence that marine and terrestrial events coincided. The authors concluded, "Our review and new analyses aims to clarify the issue by bringing together expertise from a wide array of different lines of evidence. Given all the available evidence, we strongly caution against the uncritical acceptance of the old isthmus hypothesis." The more it swarms, crawls and flies the better it is for humans. This is the finding of a study published in "Nature." More than 60 researchers from a number of universities were involved, including the Technical University of Munich, the Institute of Plant Sciences at the University of Bern and the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre in Frankfurt. A diverse ecosystem populated by many species from all levels of the food chain provides higher levels of ecosystem services, the team reports. Even rather unpopular insects and invisible soil-dwelling organisms are important in maintaining a wide range of ecosystem services. The results underline the necessity of maintaining species-rich ecosystems for the good of humanity. Grasslands full of flowers are not only beautiful they also provide many important services for humans. These include food production, alongside supporting services such as soil development, regulating services such as pest control and climate regulation and cultural services such as the use of the grassland for recreation. A grassland is also a complex ecosystem containing many species belonging to different levels in the food chain, so called "trophic levels." Humans are causing declines in biodiversity for many of these groups and evidence from experiments on plants suggests this might threaten ecosystem services. However, studies had not looked at diversity at many trophic levels at the same time. A 60-strong research team, led by Dr. Santiago Soliveres from the University of Bern, therefore studied all groups in a grassland food chain for the first time. They collected data on a total of 4600 species of animal and plant from nine trophic groups, including often neglected ones such as micro-organisms in the soil and insects that live in the soil or on the plants. "The data was collected as part of a programme supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in 150 grasslands across Germany, the so called 'Biodiversity Exploratories'," says Professor Wolfgang Weisser of the Chair for Terrestrial Ecology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) -- "it constitutes the most extensive ecological sampling in Europe." Biodiversity required within all trophic groups "Working out how different groups affect ecosystem services is like trying to solve a very complicated puzzle but with our extensive data we are able to put together a coherent picture of how important individual groups are for fourteen ecosystem services. Each ecosystem service is dependent on at least three groups and the higher the number of species within the group, the more reliably the ecosystem service is provided. In addition, each individual group influences at least one ecosystem service," Soliveres, lead author for the study, summarises the results. Dr. Eric Allan from the University of Bern adds: "Many different groups are important for providing essential ecosystem services. In order for nature to continue 'working' reliably for us we therefore need to protect biodiversity at all levels in the food chain, including in often overlooked groups such as microbes or insects. This is especially important for regulating processes and cultural services." The importance of overlooked organisms Microbes and insects are overlooked and are not generally considered in conservation. However, this study shows that view needs to change because many insects and soil organisms play a central role, alongside plants, in supplying the services we depend on. "Plants supply biomass which forms the beginning of the food chain, but insects act as pollinators and soil organisms increase soil fertility through the breakdown and retention of chemical elements such as phosphorus. The more different species there are, particularly within these three groups, the more positive the effect on all services," explains Soliveres. Often, fertiliser is applied to the soil in order to increase soil fertility and thus increase plant growth. Fertilisers help in the short term, but if biodiversity is reduced, then the downsides outweigh this. Maintaining high levels of biodiversity throughout the food chain is therefore more economical and wiser in the long term than destroying it for short term gains. The importance of biological diversity for ecosystem services has been underestimated "If biodiversity is rapidly destroyed, what consequences does this have for humans? What courses of action are available? Thus far, there has been insufficient research into this, which is one of the reasons why the international biodiversity council IPBES was founded," explains Prof. Markus Fischer from the Institute of Plant Science at the University of Bern and head of the Biodiversity Exploratories project. This study also shows that the importance of biological diversity has been underestimated because previous research only focussed on individual trophic groups: "Our extensive research programme demonstrates how important it is to study the broader context and that there is a need for action to protect ecosystems," summarises Fischer. The UC Mosquito Research Laboratory in Parlier is the epicenter of California research on the Aedes aegypti mosquito, a tiny, black and white mosquito that can spread the Zika virus. Aedes aegypti were first identified in California in June 2013, when they were found in the San Joaquin Valley communities of Clovis and Madera. They have now been detected in certain Fresno County neighborhoods, plus the Bay Area, and Southern California, according to the California Department of Public Health. To date, the Zika virus hasn't been found in the California mosquitoes, however with thousands of Americans traveling to Brazil for the 2016 Olympics, plus travelers regularly visiting other countries with outbreaks of Zika, some could be carriers of the virus when they come home. The UC Mosquito Research Laboratory, located at the 300-acre UC Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center, is led by entomologist Anthony Cornel, Ph.D. He is working with the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District (CMAD) on research projects aimed at controlling this new mosquito menace. "When Aedes aegypti first came to the United States a few hundred years ago, there were major epidemics of yellow fever in the East and South," Cornel said. "Today this mosquito serves as the vector of three other serious viruses, dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, which are major threats to global public health." What keeps him up at night, Cornel said, is grave concern that there will be a Zika outbreak in California. advertisement "Right now, our only control tool in response to a disease outbreak is use of insecticides," Cornel said. "If Zika breaks out here, we will have to do whatever we can to reduce the number of adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes right away, and a single insecticide application isn't going to do it." The Cornel lab at Kearney and the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District are conducting myriad laboratory and field research trials to evaluate insecticide treatment options, to minimize potential mosquito breeding sites, and to understand Aedes aegypti biology and behavior in order to inform control decisions should such an outbreak occur. Following are summaries of research underway that involves the UC Mosquito Research Laboratory in the fight against the Zika vector Aedes aegypti. Make female mosquitoes infertile Working in cooperation with scientists at the University of Kentucky and MosquitoMate Inc., Cornel and CMAD staff are releasing male mosquitoes that have been infected with a bacterium, Wolbachia pipientis. When these males mate with local females, the females pick up Wolbachia, which causes them to lay eggs that will not hatch. "The infected male mosquitoes are shipped to us from Kentucky overnight twice a week and we release them in the test area in Clovis," Cornel said. "These male mosquitoes are harmless to humans. They do not bite and can't transmit disease." Special traps have been placed in the treatment area and in a nearby control area, where no Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes are released. advertisement "Right now, the number of eggs we are getting is very much reduced in the treated site," Cornel said. Pesticide applications and mosquito resistance Mosquitoes are generally susceptible to the lethal effects of insecticides. "In mosquito control, we use insecticide concentrations much lower than is typically used for controlling other pests that hamper agricultural operations," Cornel said. But Aedes aegypti appear to quickly develop insecticide resistance. In laboratory and field research, Cornel is studying Aedes aegypti's uncanny ability to survive certain insecticide treatments. Cornel maintains colonies of Aedes aegypti in the lab that are susceptible to insecticides. "These are colonies that have been with us for many years," he said. For comparison, the scientists have collected mosquitoes that are living in local neighborhoods. Mosquitoes representing different colonies are dropped inside glass bottles that are coated inside with insecticides. The scientists record how many of the mosquitoes are knocked down and how many die. The experiments have shown that mosquitoes collected locally are resistant to almost all pyrethroid insecticides except one, Deltamethrin, which is not registered for mosquito control in California. However, these mosquitoes are also susceptible to organophosphate insecticides. "Deltamethrin is used effectively in the European Union and other countries, but unfortunately, it is not yet available for use here," Cornel said. "The company that makes the product is working to get California Department of Pesticide Regulation approval for using it in the state." The Cornel lab has also studied various insecticides in field applications. "We placed susceptible and local mosquitoes in sentinel cages in a field and sprayed them from a truck 100-, 200- and 300-feet away in an open field situation," Cornel said. "We recorded knockdown and mortality one hour and 24 hours after application." The field studies verified what the scientists found in their lab tests: local Aedes aegypti have developed resistance to most pyrethroids, but organophosphate insecticides offer effective control. However, the study doesn't prove what will happen in residential areas. "We were in an open field, with no trees and houses to block the spread of the chemical," Cornel said. "Now we should evaluate the efficacy of ultra-low-volume applications of malathion, an organophosphate, in a residential area." Reduce mosquito breeding A well-known approach to reducing mosquito populations is elimination of standing water where mosquitoes can breed. Bird baths, abandoned toys, old tires and drainage plates under potted plants are all potential receptacles for standing water and should be discarded or kept dry. Less obvious are underground yard drains often found in newer housing developments. The scientists believe that the drains, designed to channel rain or irrigation runoff to the gutter in front of the house, may leave a perpetual supply of standing water in the buried pipe beneath the soil surface, which provide sites for mosquito development. To test the theory, the CMAD personnel went door to door in a Clovis neighborhood to work with residents to eliminate water sources and to place fine netting on the ends of the drainage pipes. "We have 80 percent compliance in the testing area," Cornel said. "A few people have refused, which surprised me. But most of the residents were willing to help." The district is monitoring mosquito traps placed in the test area and in another Clovis neighborhood where yard drains haven't been netted. "We have no results yet. When the study is done, CMAD will give me the data and I will analyze it," Cornel said. "If I do see a statistically significant impact on mosquito populations, then that will confirm our suspicions and give us more convincing information to share in communities with Aedes aegypti to get them to eliminate even unseen potential mosquito breeding sites." If the yard drains are a confirmed mosquito breeding location, it may require a redesign to make sure that they do not hold water. Genetics Scientists have sequenced the genome of Aedes aegypti and are using genetics to understand the movement of the pest in California. "We want to know if the population in California comes from multiple introductions, or from a single introduction that has subsequently spread," Cornel said. This research is being done in collaboration with Gregory Lanzaro, Ph.D., and Yoosook Lee, Ph.D., in the Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology at UC Davis, and has not yet been published, but preliminary results show that the population of Aedes aegypti that is south of the Tehachapi Mountains is probably from a separate introduction than the one that settled in Fresno, Clovis and Madera. The scientists are also using genetics to determine the mosquitoes' dispersal patterns. "We need to know this to help us develop effective control strategies," Cornel said. "For example, if we've located an area with a large number of mosquitoes, we need to know how large an area we have to treat." The general consensus from studies around the world is that these mosquitoes don't fly very far from their development site. "We're finding much the same here, usually no more than 80 meters," he said. "Except, there are always a few males that disperse long distances within 24 hours -- sometimes over 300 meters in one night." Pioneering research into GP receptionist interaction with the public over the telephone has revealed how patients have to 'push' for effective service. The study, led by Elizabeth Stokoe, Professor of Social Interaction in the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, examined -- for the first time -- how receptionists interact with patients over the telephone. Professor Stokoe uses conversation analysis to understand the organisation of communication in different interactional settings and to highlight what constitutes [in]effective communication. Conversation analysis of 447 recorded calls from three GP surgeries in England showed that 'patient burden' occurred near the start and at the end of the conversation. In both instances, the onus was increasingly placed upon the patient to drive calls forward in order to achieve good service. For example, patients are left hanging. This pattern occurred when receptionists failed to offer alternatives to patients whose initial requests for information could not be met (for example, requesting an appointment but being told the GP surgery is 'fully booked'), or who failed to offer an alternative course of action (for example, the option of a call-back to let a patient know when their X-ray results were available). Independent patient satisfaction scores for the three surgeries involved in the study, which were collected from the GP Patient Survey, were compared with the relative frequency of 'patient burden'. A strong association was found between increased 'patient burden' and decreased satisfaction survey scores. Professor Stokoe said the findings of the study can be used to boost frontline GP receptionist training, by offering a better communication strategy to help improve patient experience and satisfaction. "The strengths of this study are in its analysis of actual, real-time encounters between the patient and the GP receptionist -- effectively the 'shop window' of the practice," she said. "This research, using conversation analysis, represents an important step forward in evidence gathering of what needs to change in order to improve the patient experience in GP surgeries. The findings can help inform future training, rather than having to rely on post-hoc reports of, or surveys about, communicative encounters. "The study has also flagged, what I would term a phenomenon of interest, whereby rather than the receptionist offering an alternative course of action during the call, the burden is placed on the patient to keep the call going and push for the service they require. This kind of scenario was common across the dataset. In one instance, the receptionist initiates a closing of the call without any alternative proposal being made. In comparison, more effective receptionists made immediate alternative offers when the patient's first request could not be met." The study entitled "Calling the GP surgery: patient burden, patient satisfaction, and implications for training" has been published in the British Journal of General Practice. A 'go-to' guide for the UK's solar park community allowing them to qualify and, where possible, quantify and value the ecosystem services of current and planned parks, is planned. Lancaster University and the University of York are collaborating with the solar park community (civil society, policy and industrial partners) to deliver the Solar Park Impacts on Ecosystem Services (or SPIES) Project. The primary output of the SPIES project will be a succinct and accessible decision-support tool to assess the impacts of solar parks on 'ecosystem services' -- an array of services provided by the natural world that benefit people such as reducing flood risks, providing homes for protected species and carbon storage. With input from the solar park community, the SPIES tool will assist the decision making process of park development and management. For example, what the optimal management of vegetation and site boundaries is. "It is important that we assess the positive impacts of solar parks beyond low carbon energy to ensure that we are gaining all of the potential benefits," says Richard Randle-Boggis, a Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University. "Assessing ecosystem services will also help reduce any negative impacts." To help the project team understand the impacts of solar parks on ecosystem services, they are asking members of the solar park community to complete a short survey (available here: "The scope of the tool will help park owners and developers make decisions that will benefit ecosystems and, in turn, the environment and society," explained Mr Randle-Boggis. "This can, of course, assist with planning, and it has many benefits for developers such as corporate social responsibility impacts. The main focus however is environmental/ecosystem protection." Research Fellow at Lancaster University Dr Alona Armstrong added: "The solar park community will have invaluable data essential for helping us develop the decision-support tool. Every response will contribute towards delivering a tool that will ultimately benefit new and existing parks." Paleontologists with the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and the University of Washington have discovered a Tyrannosaurus rex, including a very complete skull. The find, which paleontologists estimate to be about 20 percent of the animal, includes vertebrae, ribs, hips and lower jaw bones. The team, led by Burke Museum Adjunct Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology and UW biology professor Gregory P. Wilson, discovered the T. rex during an expedition to the Hell Creek Formation in northern Montana -- an area that is world-famous for its fossil dinosaur sites. Two Burke Museum paleontology volunteers, Jason Love and Luke Tufts, initially discovered pieces of fossilized bone protruding from a rocky hillside. The bones' large size and honeycomb-like structure indicated they belonged to a carnivorous dinosaur. Upon further excavation, the team discovered the T. rex skull along with ribs, vertebrae, and parts of the jaw and pelvis. T. rex was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs to ever roam Earth. Measuring an average of 40-feet long and 15 to 20-feet tall, T. rex was a fierce predator with serrated teeth and large jaws. Fossil evidence shows it ate other dinosaurs like Edmontosaurus and Triceratops, with crushed bones from the animals even showing up in the its fossilized poop. T. rex lived about 66-68 million years ago in forested river valleys in western North America during the late Cretaceous Period. The T. rex found by the Burke/UW team is nicknamed the "Tufts-Love Rex" in honor of the two volunteers who discovered it. The skull is about 4 feet long weighs about 2,500 pounds in its protective plaster jacket. Excavation in the field revealed the right side of the skull from base to snout, including teeth. Burke paleontologists believe it is very probable the other side of the skull is present, but will need to carefully remove the rock surrounding the fossil before they can determine its completeness. "We think the Tufts-Love Rex is going to be an iconic specimen for the Burke Museum and the state of Washington and will be a must-see for dinosaur researchers as well," said Wilson. Based on the size of its skull, Burke paleontologists estimate this dinosaur is about 85 percent the size of the largest T. rex found to date. At the hips, the T. rex would have been nearly as tall as a city bus, and as long as a bus from tail to head. advertisement The Tufts-Love Rex is 66.3 million years old. T. rex lived at the end of the Cretaceous Period, 145-66 million years ago, and became extinct during the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction 66 million years ago. Burke paleontologists could determine that the Tufts-Love Rex lived at the very end of the Cretaceous because it was found at the bottom of a hill; a rock layer at the top of that hill marks the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction. Based on the size of the skull -- a good indicator of T. rex age -- the team estimates the dinosaur was about 15 years old when it died. Adult T. rex lived up to 25-30 years. Although arguably the most iconic and well-known dinosaur, T. rex fossils are rare. This remarkable find is one of only about 25 of this level of completeness. The skull is the 15th reasonably complete T. rex skull known to exist in the world. Next summer, Burke paleontologists will search for additional parts of the dinosaur at the site. More than 45 people helped excavate the T. rex over the course of a month this summer. The team was collecting fossils in the area for the Hell Creek Project, a multi-disciplinary project examining vertebrates, invertebrates, plants and geology of the area to learn more about the final 2 million years of the dinosaur era, the mass-extinction event that killed off the dinosaurs, and the first 1.5 million years post-extinction that gave rise to the age of mammals. The project, currently led by Wilson, was founded by Jack Horner and Nathan Myhrvold. Burke paleontologists, volunteers, undergraduate and graduate students from the UW and other universities and K-12 educators participating in the Burke's DIG Field School contribute to the project. "This is really great news. The Hell Creek Project is responsible for finding the most T. rex specimens in the world, with 11 to date," said Myhrvold, Intellectual Ventures CEO and Paleontologist. "The T. rex has always been my favorite dinosaur and I'm really pleased that this one is going to make its home at the Burke Museum." "Having seen the 'Tufts-Love Rex' during its excavation I can attest to the fact that it is definitely one of the most significant specimens yet found, and because of its size, is sure to yield important information about the growth and possible eating habits of these magnificent animals," said Horner, former curator of paleontology at the Museum of the Rockies and current Burke Museum research associate. The T. rex skull and other bones are currently covered in a plaster jacket -- similar to a cast used to cover a broken bone -- in order to protect the skull during transport. The public can see the plaster-covered T. rex skull, along with other T. rex fossils and paleontology field tools, in a lobby display at the Burke Museum from August 20 to October 2. Special T. rex-themed activities will take place over Labor Day Weekend and on Sunday, September 25. After removing the fossil from display, the Burke's paleontology team will begin preparing the fossil by removing the rock surrounding the bone, which may take a year or more. The museum plans to display the T. rex skull in the New Burke Museum when it opens in 2019. Airlander 10, dubbed as the world's largest aircraft, flew for the first time on Wednesday in Cardington, England. By Shreya Biswas: After undergoing much tweaks and changes, world's largest aircraft, Airlander 10, took its maiden flight over the Cardington airfield in Bedfordshire. The 302-foot airship roared into air at around 7.40 PM and took a lap of the airfield as hundreds of photographers and plane-lovers cheered it from the ground. It touched down about half an hour later as dusk fell. advertisement The aircraft has been described as being a hybrid of blimp, helicopter and airplane. Technicalities aside, what you will agree with about this aircraft is its nickname: the "Flying bum" The bigger, the better Airlander 10 earned the nasty nickname because of its bulbous shape, but that does not negate its power. The aircraft has been designed in a way that it uses less fuel than a regular plane, but can carry much heavier loads in comparison (up to 10 metric tons of weight). According to Its makers, Hybrid Air Vehicles, it can fly up to the height of 16,000 feet, travel at the speed of 148 kph and stay aloft for up to two weeks, thanks to its helium-pumped innards. "Think of a big helicopter, a really giant helicopter," said CEO Stephen McGlennan. "This can do the same thing that a helicopter can do. That's to say, provide air transportation for people and goods without the need for a runway." At the same time, it has the potential to gather data and conduct surveillance for days on end. What makes it even more special? It can do all that and at the same time be "cheaper and greener". "It's a great British innovation," said . "It's a combination of an aircraft that has parts of normal fixed wing air craft, it's got helicopter, it's got airship." Looking back Airlander 10 was initially developed for the US military for the use of surveillance in Afghanistan. But in 2013, US dropped its blimp program due to "defence cutbacks". Since then, British aviation firm Hybrid Air Vehicles has sought funding from their government and individual donors to keep the project alive. The hybrid aircraft was revealed to the world for the first time in March at the Cardington hangar, where the first British airships were built during and after World War I. Airlander 10 was supposed to take its maiden flight on Sunday, but the plan scrapped at the last minute because of an unspecified technical issue. advertisement Fortunately, its postponed trip yesterday was successful. @CardingtonSheds some shots for you from the outer fields Helen Fisher (@FisherdhlHelen) August 17, 2016 The 'Flying Bum' has issues Hybrid Air Vehicles is confident that Airlander will have much demand in the market, for both civilian and military purposes. However, its not all sunny for the "Flying bum". Defense editor of aviation magazine AIN, Chris Pocock, said the jury is still unsure whether the aircraft is commercially viable. "Airships and hybrids have still got a credibility gap to cover," he said. "Technically I think they are there now, but economically I'm not so sure." Nonetheless, HAV plans to build even bigger aircraft that will be capable of carrying 50 metric tons by the early 2020s. Well, bigger or not, it will certainly give Kim Kardasian some serious competition. What a sight! Great day for @AirVehicles and a great day for Bedfordshire Tracey Wye (@thewyebird) August 17, 2016 --- ENDS --- Sometimes all it takes to chase the dark clouds away is to have a new friend walk into our lives - or in this case, waddle. Almost two years ago to the day, George the dog lost his partner of 12 years, a Labrador named Blackie. From that point on, says owner Jacquie Litton, he was overwhelmed with grief - growing so depressed she wasn't sure at times that he'd even survive the heartbreak. But then that all changed. Earlier this month, without warning, a friendly duck appeared on the porch of their home in Tennessee - and was immediately drawn to sad old George. As it turns out, the feathered stranger was just what he needed. Dodo Shows Cat Crazy Fluffy Cat Wants To Sit On His Dad At All Times "We have no idea where this duck came from but he sure does love George and since the duck has arrived George has not cried one time," Litton wrote on Facebook. "It is strange for a duck to just appear at our house and be attached to your dog and even more strangely the anniversary week of Blackie's passing." From that moment forward, George and the duck were inseparable. Litton even invited the new arrival inside to sleep. George gave him his bed. It's only been about a week now, but George has already benefitted from the joy of having a new best friend. In a way, it's like he's himself again. "Since the duck has showed up, he's been fine," Litton told news station WKOW. "He's not wanted in the house. He's not whined. He's not meeting you at the car, ya know, looking sad." Chloe was just "one of the many strays that hang around the neighborhood," according to the person who brought her to Anne Arundel County Animal Control (AACAC) in Millersville, Maryland, this July - but the shelter staff fell absolutely in love with her. Not only was she sweet and friendly at only 9 months old, Chloe was also so pregnant she was almost bursting. "She is so calm and personality-filled and followed shelter workers around like a puppy," Chris Collins, a volunteer with Friends of the AACAC, the nonprofit created by the shelter's volunteers to help the animals, told The Dodo. Friends of the AACAC Chloe also had another unique, lovable quirk: She loves walking on a leash. "Except, unlike a puppy," Collins said, "she did great on a leash!" The shelter knew that it had to find the very pregnant Chloe a foster home quickly, because once she gave birth, being at the shelter could be unhealthy for her kittens. Dodo Shows Adoption Day Hairless German Shepherd Puppies Find The Perfect Families "The shelter tries to get pregnant cats or those with nursing kittens into foster homes as soon as possible to reduce the risk that they will get ill," Collins explained. But after Chloe was admitted to the shelter, she had a serious health scare. As is routine for new cats, Chloe was tested for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). "To everyone's surprise and dismay, her snap test came up very, very slightly positive for FeLV," Collins said. "Most rescues wouldn't be willing to take her if she was indeed FeLV positive because almost all foster homes have cats of their own." If Chloe was sick, she could get the other cats sick too. Kim Morrissette The AACAC reached out to its few rescue group partners who do sometimes accept FeLV positive cats, but none of them had room for Chloe - she was running out of time. So the Friends of AACAC took Chloe to get the more sensitive test for FeLV at a local animal hospital. To everyone's relief, Chloe's test results showed that she was actually perfectly healthy. The SPCA of Anne Arundel County offered to take Chloe and her kittens. Late at night on August 9, Chloe gave birth to five healthy kittens. Kim Morrissette Two days later, she and her family were on the way to live in the home of an experienced SPCA foster mom, Kim Morrissette, who reports that Chloe and her kittens - Catelyn, CeCe, Corbin, Cersei and Candice - are doing very well. Friends of the AACAC "Chloe is such a sweetheart," Morrissette told The Dodo. "She loves people and has the cutest little combination purr/meow. She will let you hold her in your arms like a baby and truly just wants to love on people. She is being a very good momma to her babies as well." Friends of the AACAC


The elephant had started refusing to work, shaking tourists off her back as they rode her through the forest in Chiang Mai, Thailand. To try and make her behave, the mahouts (people who work and ride elephants in Southeast Asia) would beat her with a sharp nail on a piece of bamboo, leaving huge welts on her sensitive skin. Even with the constant beatings, the elephant - Mae Kam - refused to behave. Due to her temperament, Mae Kam's owner believed that the only way to transport her to BEES was to ride her using the basket. | BEES Before she was forced to take tourists for rides, Mae Kam spent 37 years working in the Thai logging industry, hauling heavy logs through the jungle. She'd also had two calves - one was stillborn, and the other calf died after being bitten by a cobra. Mae Kam had actually watched the snake bite her calf. Mae Kam had screamed, and pulled hard against the foot chains that tethered her to her concrete stall. When the owner finally unchained Mae Kam, she rushed to protect her baby, but it was too late. For hours afterwards, she charged anyone who tried to get near her. After the tragic loss of her baby, Mae Kam was never the same. When Emily McWilliam and Burm Rinkaew, cofounders of BEES (Burm & Emily's Elephant Sanctuary), learned about Mae Kam, they asked her owner if he'd allow her to retire at their sanctuary. At first, Mae Kam's owner was reluctant. How would he make an income and provide for his family without renting Mae Kam to the tourist camps? McWilliam and Rinkaew offered a solution: they'd pay the owner "rent" to keep Mae Kam at BEES. Pleased with the compromise, the owner agreed. Dodo Shows Faith = Restored Woman Tries Every Day For A Month To Rescue This Dog When Mae Kam arrived at BEES, McWilliam began to understand why her owner had worried about her carrying tourists. "She was very challenging and didn't like being around humans," McWilliam tells The Dodo. "She only trusted Burm and her new mahout here at BEES." Despite her dislike of people, Mae Kam settled in well at BEES. She spent her days doing exactly what an elephant should do - bathing, dusting, foraging, exploring and playing in the mud. She was also able to scratch herself on any tree or rock she wanted, which is something she couldn't do while in captivity. Then, two and a half months later, another retired elephant - a 71-year-old female name Mae Jumpee - arrived at BEES. Similar to Mae Kam, Mae Jumpee had spent her life working in the logging and tourist industries. She was generally good around other elephants, but McWilliam and Rinkaew worried about introducing her to Mae Kam. "Mae Kam was very damaged," says McWilliam, "and we were unsure if she'd accept another elephant into her new home where she'd spent the last two months exploring." When the day of the big meeting came, Mae Kam's caretakers slowly led her towards Mae Jumpee. "At first Mae Kam was very cautious," McWilliams wrote in a media release. "She was slow and sniffed the air. When she came across Mae Jumpee's dung, she let off a huge trumpet and ran away. It took about half an hour to calm Mae Kam down." After several hours, the caretakers tried introducing the elephants again. This time, instead of running away, Mae Kam lifted her truck and touched Mae Jumpee's bottom. And then, something magical happened. "These ground-shuddering vocalizations broke out and the two began to squeak, trumpet and rumble," says McWilliam. "They slowly and gently began to sniff around each other's genitals and temporal glands, even inside each others mouths. They gently rubbed against each other and were being very affectionate towards each other." From that moment on, Mae Kam and Mae Jumpee were inseparable. The two of them now go for long strolls through the forest together to forage for grasses, fruits and bamboo, and take mud baths in the river. When they find a good tree, they take turns scratching themselves on the rough bark. Mae Jumpee might like elephants, but she doesn't like dogs, so Mae Kam helps her chase away the rescued dogs at BEES. "We can never really know why they became such good friends," says McWilliam. "It was a bond that formed instantly, similar to when humans find a soul mate. They love each other dearly." Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., Asias biggest international carrier, says its getting tougher to find premium flyers from Hong Kong. The lack of first and business-class travellers from the Asian financial centre the worst since the global financial crisis days of 2009 is such a dent on Cathays financials that analysts are asking whether chief executive officer Ivan Chu needs to find a Plan B. After more than two years at the helm of the marquee Hong Kong airline his two predecessors stayed for about three years at the top Chu is under pressure to revive earnings that have slumped amid an expansion by his Chinese and Middle Eastern rivals. Cathay shares have lost about 27 per cent of their value since Chu took over while passenger yields the amount earned by carrying a person per one kilometre, and a key metric of profitability slumped to their worst in seven years. With Chinese airlines offering more direct services to the U.S. and Europe from the mainland, Cathays Hong Kong hub is no longer critical. The carrier also reported Wednesday that it lost HK$4.49 billion ($579 million) from fuel hedges in the first half of the year. Everything is quite negative for them and their business model is ripe for change, said Shukor Yusof, founder of aviation consulting firm Endau Analytics in Malaysia. They need to review their hedging and focus on things that have contributed to growth. They should focus more on regional services. The carrier reported Wednesday an 82-per-cent drop in first-half net income. Passenger yields fell 10 per cent to 54.3 Hong Kong cents as an economic slowdown in China hurt premium class demand and depressed corporate travel from Hong Kong to London and New York, Cathay said. Security concerns related to terrorism has also dented travel demand, Chu said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. Hong Kong-based conglomerate Swire Pacific is the largest shareholder of Cathay, owning 45 per cent of the Hong Kong-traded airline. Aviation brought in 20 per cent of revenue last year for Swire, which reported a 27 per cent drop in core profit to HK$3.55 billion in the first half of the year. Cathay launched summer sales for premium class in May, offering as much as 30 per cent discounts, in a bid to boost passenger load in low season of business travellers, Chu said. Theres more pain to come. Chairman John Slosar said in a statement Wednesday that the business outlook remains challenging as the operating environment in the second half continues to face the same adverse factors. Theres not much we can do about the economic environment, Chu said in the interview. We hope it is a short-term issue rather than a long-term one. We are going to have very competitive fares. Chu was elevated to the top job in March 2014 after his predecessor was named chairman of the group in a reshuffle of top management. Chu, Slosar and Tony Tyler, the three most recent CEOs, all served as chief operating officers. Shares of the carrier had their biggest two-day loss in more than seven years. They fell 4.9 per cent to HK$11.34 in Hong Kong Thursday, extending Wednesdays 7.3 per cent decline. Credit Suisse Group AG cut the stock to underperform from neutral, while UOB Kay Hian Pte and Bocom International Holdings Co. downgraded it to sell. We do not expect a recovery in profitability for the second half of 2016 and flag a likely lack of share-price catalysts in the near term, Kelvin Lau, an analyst at Daiwa Capital Markets Hong Kong Ltd. said in an Aug. 17 note, maintaining a hold recommendation. Another change in management will do little to boost its earnings prospects, said Martin J. Craigs, chairman of Aerospace Forum Asia. Its the nature of the airline industry to confront structural and cyclical issues such as the expansion by Chinese airlines and having to hedge fuel, he said, adding Cathays management is its best asset. Some of the problems Chu faces are structural, which he cant really counter, Craigs said. All airlines experience external turbulence. Changing management wont solve all the problems. Cathay has a strong history of getting through difficult times. Instead of counting on the premium segment, they should focus more on their unit Dragonair and boost their regional services to capture a market that is switching to rivals in China, said Endaus Shukor. Chu needs low-cost, and that should be priority for him right now, he said. You have to price your fares more competitively, which they havent been doing. Cathay will add more flights to the U.K. and continue to make long-term strategic investments including in lounges, Chu said. Cathays yields have been under pressure as Air China Ltd., China Eastern Airlines Corp. and others offer more direct services from the mainland. Thats coming at a time when the Middle Easts Big Three Emirates, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways expand more into Asia and offer luxuries such as butlers and shower rooms. Cathay needs to change their business model from being a hub airline to a more point-to-point airline, said Mohshin Aziz, an analyst at Malayan Banking Bhd. But I dont think that will happen in my lifetime. Read more about: SHARE: Local Kanye West fans are praising Yeezus after the rapper announced he will open a pop-up store in Toronto this weekend, the only Canadian location of 21 shops worldwide. The Toronto pop-up will be at 12 Ossington Ave., near Queen St. W., said Dayna Shiskos, a spokesperson for Universal Music. It will be open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, she added. West tweeted a map with red dots indicating the stores locations Wednesday night and also posted it on his website. Fourteen of the stores will be in major cities in the U.S. West appears to be expanding the pop-up store concept following a successful run at a New York City location in March. The New York Daily News reports that shoppers lined up for blocks to snatch a piece of clothing inspired by Life of Pablo, Wests latest album. A recycled Levis jacket customized by West was on sale at the store for $400. West is due to join the club of celebrities who have drummed up the buzz around their brands with pop-ups in Toronto. In May, Justin Bieber fans lined up for the chance to buy $100 hoodies saying Bieber 6 and other merch at a temporary store on Queen St. W. And in April, Drake personally greeted fans and gave away T-shirts at a downtown pop-up before releasing his fourth studio album, Views. For brands, pop-ups are opportunities to test a new market and deal directly with buyers, without paying the high overhead costs associated with permanent locales. But some might wonder what pop-ups appeal is for customers, who often stand in line for hours and pay exorbitant prices. From a consumer perspective, we crave fear-of-missing-out opportunities, explained Jeremy Baras, the CEO and founder of the Chicago-based consulting firm, PopUpRepublic. Over the last three years, the pop-up trend has picked up speed as more and more people seek the newest and coolest items, he said. More traditional artists have also sought to cash in. In 2012, Bob Dylan hired the retail company Vacant to design shops in New York, London and Los Angeles, the Wall Street Journal reported at the time. Dylan signed 15 copies of his album Tempest that sold for $9.99 each. Hours later, some reportedly went for $3,000 apiece on eBay. There was a fight in the New York store because some people had paid a homeless person to stand in line overnight, Vacants founder Russell Miller told the Journal. West hasnt said what wares his pop-ups will carry, but Vogue says each will have tees and hoodies with Los Angeles artist Cali Thornhill DeWitts gothic font. Toronto last caught a glimpse of the rapper-turned-fashion mogul on Aug. 1, when he made a surprise appearance on day two of Drakes OVO Fest. He is set to return to the Air Canada Centre for back-to-back shows, on Aug. 30 and 31. With files from the Associated Press. Read more about: SHARE: Last Wednesday afternoon, when I was idly musing about how hot it was and what to do for supper, a friend contacted me and told me something startling. There is a credible threat of a suicide bomb in downtown Toronto tonight, she said. So be careful if you are out and about. She is my most unflappable friend, not in the media, not interested in gossip or making outrageous statements. She gave me her source, which involved the police and to me, it seemed pretty good. Scary, I said, and asked if she was free for lunch tomorrow. How banal is that? My terrorism sang-froid lasted only another few seconds before I began to worry. My husband was safe at home, my daughter and her husband live in Paris (hah), but my son is always out and about in downtown Toronto. I decided to warn him, as I began searching Twitter and news sites for any hint of a raised threat level. None. I also emailed my editors, with the subject heading: Are you hearing anything about a credible bomb threat in downtown Toronto tonight? By this time, it seemed surreal, sitting at my kitchen counter, warning my son who was about to leave work and board transit that there may be a bomb somewhere, anywhere Transit? Union Station? A public event? How do you even narrow down the choices a suicide bomber could make in downtown Toronto? Please be careful, I thought, not wanting to say stay home. Knowing also he had to get to his home to stay home. I wondered whether I should alert other family, including nieces and nephews most likely to be in the downtown area. But it could be anywhere, I mused. Why scare everyone into changing plans? Within a few hours, the story had broken. A young man named Aaron Driver, who was known to police as a Daesh sympathizer, had just been killed we now know by a single police bullet during a police operation in Strathroy, Ont. The operation had been mounted quickly after the FBI had sent the RCMP a martyrdom video that morning in which a partly masked man, subsequently identified as Driver, 24, warned Canadians would pay today for actions in the Middle East. Authorities believed Driver was about to carry out an attack on a crowded urban centre during rush hour. Driver, apprehended getting into a cab, was carrying at least one explosive which detonated in the cab. He might have been going to a London, Ont., mall and not, as some people were subsequently saying on Twitter, to Union Station. His ultimate destination was unknown. Although late that afternoon, there seemed to be a heavier-than-usual police presence at Union Station. The next day, CBCs As It Happens interviewed Drivers anguished father, Wayne, a retired military officer who says he didnt blame the police action, but was grappling with the death of a difficult son. Things had been tough for Aaron, he said, since at age 7 he had lost his mother to cancer. Drivers history with police began after the Ottawa shooting attack in 2014 in which Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was killed. Driver publicly defended the attack in media interviews and became an outspoken Daesh sympathizer. Police subsequently had him in custody, then on a peace bond with a GPS ankle bracelet. But some sanctions were lifted when he went to Strathroy to live with his sister. He seemed to be no longer under surveillance. Speaking out just so they know he was a human being and that he was loved, Wayne Driver said his daughter, with whom Driver was living, was now, in his words, a mess. She had four children in their home, ranging in age from 9 to 16, as her brother was apparently concocting his deadly plan. Islam isnt necessarily a bad religion. Its what you choose to do with it, Wayne Driver, a Christian pastor in training, told the CBC. Aaron would have turned 25 on Thursday. The family says it will give Aaron an Islamic funeral that day to honour his religion. His father told As It Happens he tried to stay in touch with his son but was rebuffed. More recently, Wayne Driver was quoted by the Stars Alex Ballingall saying he was trying to remember Aarons childhood. One moment in particular sticks out, Driver said: teaching Aaron to roller skate, just before his mother died. Its one of my favourite memories, he said. Id rather remember him that way. Extraordinary that a father is so outspoken and eloquent, and although grieving, still accepts how his son violently died. In the As It Happens interview he said he was surprised" the police hadn't detained his son, although "I guess he hadn't broken any law." Since this event, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has talked about increased vigilance, and a robust security alliance between Canada and the U.S. Nothing seemed robust to me when I got that personally delivered bomb warning. How helpless a local credible terrorism threat can make you feel. Yet how vague and only probable it seems until something actually happens. Ill-defined too before and after. In some recent attacks, there has been a debate terrorism or just another madman? Millions of people all over the world live with this threat on a daily, even hourly basis Israelis, Afghans, Syrians and the French to name a few. They dont think: It might happen. They think: It will happen. Here, I would have still hopefully said might. Now I say will. Or to put it more calmly, a terrorism attack in downtown Toronto, especially by a lone-wolf operative, is entirely plausible. The trick is learning to live with it. Judith Timson writes weekly about cultural, social and political issues. You can reach her at and follow her on Twitter @judithtimson. SHARE: MONTREALAs Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale promised to toughen the requirements on terror suspects who are subject to restrictive peace bonds, newly unsealed court documents show police feared one Montreal man could launch an attack in Canada if he were prevented from travelling abroad. The warning from RCMP Cpl. Brenda Makad is contained in a police affidavit used in support of a peace bond application in 2015 against Daniel Minta Darko. Even though I believe that the desire to leave Canada in order to join the fighting in Syria is Darkos priority, the call to action in the West and the incidents Canada has suffered recently lead me to fear that faced with the impossibility of leaving, Darko would act here, Makad said in the affidavit. The 28-year-old Muslim convert, along with Merouane Ghalmi, 24, travelled halfway around the world to try to shuffle the cards and throw authorities off their trail, the police allege in the affidavit. They were intercepted in Turkey and returned to Canada, the affidavit said. In Canada, RCMP officers investigated and interviewed the two men. Individual affidavits of the interviews were then used to obtain peace bonds with restrictive conditions against both. Among the allegations in the police affidavits: Darko lied to police and Daesh propaganda was found on his cellphone, and Ghalmi enjoyed a close friendship with Canadian jihadist Sami Elabi. The two affidavits were released in a Montreal court Wednesday after a media challenge of the sealing order. Darko did not respond to a request for an interview. Ghalmi could not be reached for comment. The peace bonds against the two men were in effect for 12 months and expired earlier this year, Crown prosecutor Lyne Decarie said in an email to the Star. Goodales focus on peace bonds comes just days after Aaron Driver, a 24-year-old Daesh sympathizer, was shot dead by police in Strathroy, Ont. Driver was within 72 hours of committing a terror attack on Canadian soil, police have claimed. Driver was under a peace bond with restrictive conditions, and was still able to acquire bomb-making materials and make a martyrdom video. Its the restrictive nature of peace bonds that has least one expert wondering if they only further isolate would-be radicals. The problem with peace bonds, said Canadian terrorism researcher Amarnath Amarasingam, is that there are only restrictionson movement, on communication, on associationwithout positive intervention. There is no followup, no attempt to provide further help and supervision, he said. We tell them what they cant do and leave it at that. Peace bonds are used to place restrictions on the movements and associations of people who are believed by police to be at risk of committing a criminal offence, even if there is insufficient evidence to show that a law has been broken. A peace bond is not an admission of guilt and must be agreed to by the person it is issued for. Police have used them a handful of times on people deemed to be at risk of committing a terrorism offence. In the case of the two Montreal men, the Mounties suspected Darko and Ghalmi had travelled from Montreal to Toronto to Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Istanbul, Turkey, with the goal of joining a terrorist group in Syria, the police affidavit said. Darko and Ghalmi left Canada on Jan. 22, 2015, and were turned back by Turkish authorities on Jan. 28, 2015, after arriving in Istanbul, the affidavits said. They returned to Montreal less than two weeks after leaving and were questioned by national security investigators about the depth of their commitment and beliefs, the police affidavit said. The details of the Montreal case raise some of the same questions now being asked publicly in the debate over the death of Driver, including how closely individuals believed to pose a terror threat are being tracked in Canada as well as what support, counselling and intervention they should or do receive. In Ottawa Wednesday, Goodale said the federal government is now considering tougher conditions for terror-related peace bonds that could include mandatory de-radicalization counselling as a package of reforms to last years anti-terrorism legislation. Goodale told reporters that while peace bonds could be a useful tool in controlling individuals deemed to pose a terror risk, they are not a panacea. The case involving Driver and the fact that he was able to assemble a bomb as well as produce and post a chilling martyrdom video to the web while supposedly barred from having a computer and cellphone shows that one particular tool obviously was not effective in dealing with that particular case, Goodale said. In the Montreal case, Ghalmi, a former kick-boxer, was allegedly the mastermind behind the plan to leave Canada for Syria, the affidavit said. He had tried unsuccessfully to make the trip in July 2013 but was arrested at the Turkish-Syrian border and returned home, the six-page affidavit outlining the police investigation said. Ghalmi also had the on-the-ground contacts in both countries, including a close friendship with Canadian jihadist, Sami Elabi, who has fought with the Free Syrian Army, Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra, the police affidavit said. It was Ghalmi who invited Darko to come with him just five days before their departure, which the RCMP learned about only after being tipped off in a telephone call from Ghalmis worried sister, according to the police affidavit. After the two men were turned back from Turkey and returned to Montreal, their passports were seized and they were brought in for questioning, Ghalmi was open about his beliefs under questioning by the police, the affidavit said. On his computer, police discovered photos of dead jihadists, as well as audio files of speeches by leaders of Daesh and Ansar Al-Charia, although Ghalmi allegedly told investigators that the extremist militant group Ahrar Al-Sham was the one that he felt most drawn toward, the affidavit said. He told investigators that living an Islamic life in the West was like trying to mix oil and vinegar, and he felt judged while living in Montreal because of his beard and his lifestyle and said that having his passport seized or being included on a no-fly list would not deter him from his ultimate goal, the affidavit said. I wont be on it for 50 years, he said of the no-fly list, according to the affidavit. In the end I will leave. Darko, who was born in Ghana and had converted to Islam, was evasive under questioning from police and was caught lying about numerous aspects of his and Ghalmis meandering route toward combat, the 12-page affidavit said. Police nevertheless scoured his computer, the contents of which had been erased before leaving Canada, and his cellphone to discover several items of Daesh propaganda, the affidavit said. Investigators also found an image on Facebook from 2012 showing Darko in the company of nine other young Muslims from Montreal, including Mohamed Rifaat, who was among a group that successfully fled to Syria in mid-Janruary 2015, the affidavit said. With files from Tonda MacCharles SHARE: All Canadians will remember Liberal MP Mauril Belanger, who passed away Tuesday at 61, for his grace under the cruel duress of ALS. In recent months many will also have come to know of his deathbed wish to make the English version of O Canada gender neutral. But most of Belangers battles were fought on a different language front. He earned his place in Ontario history as one of a long line of political champions of the provinces francophone community. It is a role that has long come with the job of representing Ottawa-Vanier in Parliament and at Queens Park. Few ridings are more closely associated with the long-standing struggle of Ontarios francophone community to maintain its place on the provinces map. In 1916, it was the site of a memorable standoff between French-language parents and the Ontario government. In protest against regulation 17 which limited French-language instruction to the first two years of elementary school the mothers and grandmothers of the students of Ecole Guigues in Ottawas lower town set up a human chain to protect its classrooms from police interference. When the authorities showed up, the women famously fought back with hatpins and sewing scissors. Among others, one of Torontos French-language elementary schools Ecole Jeanne-Lajoie is named in honour of a teacher who opened a then-illegal French school after losing her job for teaching francophone students in their mother tongue. Not all the battles for French-language rights in Ontario go back a century. Liberal MPP Albert Roy who represented Ottawa Vanier (then known as Ottawa East) at Queens Park in the 1970s brought in a private members bill that would have bound the province to offer services in French. The bill failed but a decade later it served as a foundation for Ontarios first French-language services act. Roy also fought for the right of French-speaking defendants to be tried in their language. It was Bernard Grandmaitre, Roys Liberal successor as MPP, who oversaw the introduction in the late 80s of the act that guarantees provincial services in French in designated areas of the province. Not everyone was happy about it. A number of Ontario municipalities declared themselves English-only, even if the act did not apply to them. Jean-Robert Gauthier represented Ottawa Vanier in Parliament for 20 years as of 1974. The Liberal MP fought relentlessly to have francophones historic place in Ontario recognized, once even taking up rhetorical arms against prime minister Pierre Trudeau. Gauthier did not support the 1982 patriation of the Constitution because it did not include the recognition of French as an official language of Ontario, on par with English. But he did have input on the wording of the section of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that deals with minority education rights. Shortly after it came into effect, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that the English-speaking minority in Quebec and its French-speaking counterparts across Canada had the constitutional right, by virtue of the new charter, to run their own schools. Belanger earned his stripes on the front line of the fight to overturn a 1997 provincial decision to shut down Montfort hospital Canadas only French-language university teaching hospital west of Quebec. Five years and two pro-Montfort court victories later, Tony Clement, as the then-Ontario health minister, waved the white flag on behalf of the Conservative government. Today no one questions Montforts existence. There is a tentative plan afoot to create a French-language university in Ontario. Earlier this year premier Kathleen Wynne offered the provinces francophone community an official apology for regulation 17. But Belanger would not have considered his work done. He would have liked Ottawa Canadas capital to declare itself officially bilingual. Had he not lost his health he would have had a chat with Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould about her contention that a Supreme Court judge can be considered functionally bilingual even if he or she cant hold a conversation in French. Ottawa Vanier is no longer home to as tightly knit a francophone community as it was a few decades ago. The proportion of French-speaking voters who call it home has declined. But it remains an iconic riding for the Franco-Ontarian minority. It is also one of the safest Liberal ridings in the country. There will be no lack of contenders to fill the seat. Belanger would not wish for a faint-hearted successor. Chantal Hebert is a national affairs writer. Her column appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SHARE: The city has put the province on notice that proposed legislation to build affordable housing will leave communities without desperately needed amenities such as community centres, park improvements and child care spaces. While Toronto city council has long pushed for provincial rules that would force developers to create affordable units, a proposal from the province to do just that would exempt developers from paying for other community benefits. Councillors and city staff say the province is asking them to make an impossible choice build badly needed affordable housing or secure every day amenities that make communities livable and are increasingly necessary as the population balloons. The city submitted its official response this week to the provinces proposed legislation, first announced in May, for whats known as inclusionary zoning. The citys housing advocate Councillor Ana Bailao said theyve written to strongly oppose the provinces plans. By creating affordable housing, youre not getting rid of those pressures, Bailao said. Those pressures are still there and having affordable housing competing for what we think are just as important city-building initiatives, I dont think it benefits anybody. When a developer applies to the city to construct buildings taller or denser than zoning rules allow, the city can negotiate Section 37 benefits named for the part of the provincial Planning Act that governs them to compensate the community. Inclusionary zoning, meanwhile, is meant to create homes for those with moderate to low income a middle ground between a booming housing market that is pricing many out of downtown and midtown neighbourhoods and public housing where most live below the poverty line. Without inclusionary zoning powers, the city has had to look for alternatives to building affordable units, such as offering financial incentives for developers through the Open Door program. In one case, the city is moving ahead in partnership with Dominus Capital Corporation to build 80 affordable rental units on surplus city land in CityPlace next to the rail corridor. The province's proposed regulation would allow cities to decide how and where to apply inclusionary zoning rules as part of their official plans. The province has not yet specified whether it will regulate the minimum size of a building that would trigger inclusionary zoning or the minimum number of units that must be affordable. Importantly, developers would not be able to appeal those affordable housing requirements at the provincial land appeals body, the Ontario Municipal Board. But the province has been clear that the cities shouldn't be allowed to impose Section 37 or density bonusing on top of affordable housing. Mark Cripps, spokesperson for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing said, if passed, the regulations could include some circumstances that would allow cities to require developers to provide both affordable housing units and Section 37 benefits. But the province has not outlined how that might work and how rare an exception that might be. In May, when the plan was announced, Cripps told the Star that it is important to explore how Section 37 and inclusionary zoning might work together while still ensuring profitable development projects. Sharon Hill, manager of strategic initiatives, policy and analysis in the citys planning division, said the regulation creates an impossible trade-off. In many ways it would just be business as usual for developers, Hill said, asking them to provide only one benefit or another at a time when existing community infrastructure is already stretched to the limit. Councillor Josh Matlow, whose Ward 22 (St. Pauls) includes the increasingly dense Yonge-Eglinton area, said, Its time for developers to pay their fair share to support the new residents that they are profiting from. It makes no sense to make it an either/or proposition, he said of the waiver of Section 37 benefits. All Torontonians deserve access to a safe and clean home regardless of their income. Our growing population also needs child care, parks libraries, recreation and other services to build livable communities. Councillor Mike Layton, who represents the downtown Ward 19 (Trinity-Spadina) and who has been pushing for inclusionary zoning powers, said Section 37 not only contributes to things such as new recreation centres but is also used to secure needed improvements such as widening sidewalks. He said theres also a concern councillors looking to fund specific projects in their ward may be more reluctant to enforce inclusionary zoning. It shoulders the entire burden on the rest of the community, he said. Those representing developers say they support the provinces proposal. Ontario Home Builders Association CEO Joe Vaccaro said it's unreasonable for the city to ask for both Section 37 and affordable housing a burden he argued would ultimately be borne by homeowners. You have to set your priorities, and with Section 37 being determined on the back of outdated zoning, it simply becomes a piling on effect, he said. We support the proposal because we think this move really signals that the province is directing us into a partnership model. The citys submission to the province also asks that the city be allowed to accept cash-in-lieu of affordable housing units or to dedicate units offsite, which is currently not allowed under the proposed regulations. It also requests that the province set a minimum threshold that 10 per cent of units be designated as affordable. SHARE: A former evangelical pastor accused of sexually assaulting two congregants including a child as young as 5 will remain in custody after he appeared in court Wednesday. Jose Colindres, 64, is charged with five counts of sexual assault and three counts each of sexual interference and sexual exploitation. Police allege the offences took place at various locations in Toronto from 2006 to 2011, while Colindres was the pastor of a group called the Evangelical Christian Congregation. The alleged victims, whose names are subject to a publication ban, are a woman and girl who were former congregants of the group. The woman is now in her 40s and the girl is in her teens, according to police, who said they believe there could be more victims as they distributed Colindres mugshot in a news release Wednesday. Later in the day, the former pastor briefly appeared before a judge in an Old City Hall courtroom. He sat in the prisoners box wearing khaki pants and a green polo shirt and shook his balding head slightly as the Crown lawyer detailed the allegations against him. His lawyer, Juan Lopez, withdrew a bail application and asked that the hearing be rescheduled for next Monday. Four women and a man who came to see Colindres wept as he was escorted away in handcuffs after the hearing. His lawyer declined to comment when approached by the Star. The details of the allegations Colindres faces are also subject to a publication ban, which is routine for evidence presented during bail hearings. Colindres is scheduled to appear in an Old City Hall courtroom again Monday at 10 a.m. SHARE: By PTI: Visakhapatnam, Aug 17 (PTI) The Antwerp Port Authority of Belgium has offered its consultancy services to Indian ports for improving their inland waterways. "In India, the ports are not well connected to the hinterland by inland waterways. In this area we can offer consultancy services to Indian ports," said Chief Commercial Officer of Antwerp Port Authority Luc Arnouts here today. advertisement He was addressing a press conference where Ambassador of Belgium to India Jan Luykx was also present. "Antwerp Port has gained great expertise in improving inland waterways. More than 30 per cent of its cargoes reach Antwerp port through such waterways, where logistics cost is cheap," Arnouts added. He said a delegation from Belgium, led by its Ambassador to India, visited the Visakhapatnam Port Trust (VPT) and its facilities here. Arnouts said he was impressed with the facilities at the port and added in future Antwerp Port and VPT would cooperate to forge close ties. Stating that relations between India and Belgium were excellent, Luykx said his country was first to recognise India after its independence. He said Belgium wanted to improve trade ties with India, especially with the States located on the east coast. PTI COR RSY UZM --- ENDS --- Ever sat back and thought, Man, my life would be perfect except for the fact that I cant watch pandas live for nine and a half hours a day? Worry no longer. The Toronto Zoo has launched an online live-stream of everyones favourite bamboo-munching, nap-happy, Justin-Trudeau-cuddling bears. Starting Wednesday, anyone with an internet connection can peek into the lives of Toronto Zoo panda Er Shun and her two 10-month-old cubs, Jia Panpan and Jia Yueyue, as they play, eat and (mostly) sleep in the indoor portion of their enclosure. We thought it was a great way to engage people and just to share awareness (of animal conservation) around the world, Toronto Zoo marketing manager Kimberly Haider said. The camera, donated to the zoo when Er Shun arrived in Toronto from China in 2013, was originally installed so zoo staff could monitor the animals well-being and collect behavioural research data. The zoo teamed up with TELUS earlier this year to set up the live-stream. Its the only live animal cam at the zoo, Haider said, although there was a tiger cam years ago. With the successful births of the first giant panda cubs born in Canada last year, we are grateful to TELUS for providing this opportunity for people to watch these cubs grow during their limited time in Toronto, Toronto Zoo CEO John Tracogna said in a statement. We hope this will instill the desire in all viewers to learn more about saving this flagship species. The stream is live on the zoos website from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday and is operated by a giant-panda behaviourist who tracks the pandas with the camera and zooms in for action shots. If thats still not enough for viewers, recorded videos of the pandas are available around the clock. The hours for the live cam were chosen because they provide the optimal experience for viewers, Haider said; the behaviour specialist works until 5 p.m., and the stream runs a little longer so people can watch when they get home from work. The Star watched the stream for about an hour Wednesday. Mother Er Shun did not make an appearance, but the two cubs remained on-screen throughout. One was asleep the entire time while the other rolled around on a wooden structure playing with what appeared to be a large red ball attached to a yellow plank, occasionally scratching its head with its back foot. It then climbed over to its sleeping sibling and unsuccessfully tried to wake it up by with repeated nudges and cuddles before slinking back to its own perch. It was unclear which cub was Panpan or Yueyue. The pandas are in Canada on a 10-year loan from China. The family will be moving to the Calgary Zoo in 2018. SHARE: Canadian citizens with dual citizenships will soon be allowed to fly into the country only if they have a Canadian passport. The policy will come into effect Sept. 30 as a final phase of Canadas move to an electronic screening system to step up border security and boost exit control of travellers, including Canadians on government benefits. The upcoming requirement has caught many by surprise calling the practice discriminatory against dual citizens and a money grab, and is expected to create havoc as travellers with dual Canadian citizenships may find out only at the last minute when trying to board on a flight. What is changing is that the Government of Canada is implementing a new electronic system to assist airlines in verifying that all travellers have the appropriate documents to travel to or transit through Canada by air, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada spokesperson Lindsay Wemp told the Star. Air carriers are obligated by law to confirm that all persons seeking to travel to Canada carry both proof of citizenship and proof of identity. A valid Canadian passport satisfies these requirements for Canadian citizens, and is the only acceptable travel document for the purpose of air travel. Currently, Canadian citizens with dual citizenships can use the passport of the other country to enter Canada by air if they can provide proofs of residency in Canada, such as a drivers licence and Canadian citizenship card. According to the 2011 Census, at least 2.9 per cent of Canadians 944,700 people had multiple citizenships; the most frequently reported other citizenships were the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Poland. Ottawa rolled out the electronic travel authorization, or eTA, system last year, requiring air passengers including all applicants for study and work permits, as well as those from countries that currently do not require a visa to come to Canada to submit their biographic, passport and other personal information through the immigration department website for prescreening or face being denied entry. American citizens are exempted. However, Canadian citizens will be ineligible for eTA of Sept. 30, because they will be expected to carry their Canadian passports which, by default, bar dual citizens from using the passport of the other country to return to Canada. What baffles several observers about the new rule is that it only applies to air passengers. This proposed policy change is discriminatory to dual citizens and for the life of me, I cannot see why it is necessary. It would appear to be a money grab with no benefit and huge inconvenience for any of us who live overseas, said Craig Campbell, 60, who was born to a military family in Manitoba and is a dual Canadian-Australian citizen. There is time to fix this appalling discriminatory policy. I served the country of my birth as did my father, uncles, aunts and grandfather before me. This is simply a shameful way to treat one very small category of proud Canadians for no discernible benefit to the country. Calgary-born Carey Du Gray, 45, who has lived in the U.K. since 2009, said he only found out about the new requirement when he was trying to book travel two weeks ago to fly home in October. My daughters were born in the U.K., but they are Canadian citizens. They would not be able to travel to Canada using their British passports. What lunacy, eh? asked Du Gray, a fundraising consultant based in London. What followed was a 48-hour scramble to get all of the documentation and photos together. The guidance on the (Canadian) website said they were taking up to 40 business days to process new passport applications on account of the flood of them that are coming in ahead of the policy change. Canadian expatriate Sandi Logan, who worked in the Australian immigration department, said the requirement on dual citizens travel just doesnt make sense. Its bad policy on so many fronts. It discriminates against dual citizens of Canada for starters. It discriminates against dual citizens of Canada flying into any Canadian port, as opposed to arriving by sea or land, said Logan, 59, who was born and raised in Toronto before settling in Australia in 1980. From my vast bureaucratic experience in the public service, it has all of the hallmarks of being a simple revenue grab masked as border security, with no discernible impact on safe and stronger borders. (It currently costs $120 for a five-year Canadian adult passport and $160 for one that lasts for 10 years.) Wemp said the federal government is doing everything it can to raise awareness among dual Canadian citizens about the importance of travelling using a valid Canadian passport. A handout has been distributed at airports of entry, along with a media and social-media blitz via Canadian overseas missions since March of this year. Global Affairs Canada officials have also notified registered Canadian citizens abroad of the upcoming change by email and through their websites. All Canadian citizens have a Charter-protected right to enter Canada. Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry both proof of citizenship and proof of identity, said Wemp. A Canadian passport is the only reliable and universally accepted travel and identification document available to Canadians for the purpose of international travel. As the government does not want Canadians to face travel-related delays, we strongly encourage all Canadian citizens to travel using a valid Canadian passport. SHARE: WESTBROOK, MAINEA civil-rights group that advocates for the interests of Muslims is calling on authorities to look into written threats against the Islamic community in Maine. Typewritten notes urging violence against Muslims were discovered at an apartment complex in Westbrook on Wednesday, after an Iraqi man went to Westbrook police and told officers he had found a piece of paper that said All Muslims are Terrorists should be Killed. Police responded and found a second note, and were told two additional notes had been discovered by Iraqis living there. Police say they are investigating the threats as a hate crime, but they dont see evidence of any immediate threat. The Council on American-Islamic Relations says local, state and federal authorities should seek to bring the perpetrator to justice. The threats came two days after federal court documents unsealed in Portland revealed that former Maine resident Adnan Fazeli was fighting for the Daesh group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, when he was killed last year in Lebanon. He was an Iranian who came to Maine as a refugee in 2009. The department has set up a meeting Thursday evening with Iraqi community members to address their concerns. SHARE: Ukraine isnt ruling out a full-scale Russian invasion and may institute a military draft if the situation with its neighbour worsens, President Petro Poroshenko said, after three soldiers were killed in the worst spate of shelling by pro-Moscow separatists in a year. The confrontation between Ukrainian forces and the rebels in Ukraines eastern Donbas region has worsened, Poroshenko said in the western city of Brody on Thursday. His comments come a week after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the government in Kyiv of engaging in terror tactics in Crimea, which Ukraines fellow former Soviet republic annexed in 2014. Putin vowed to respond with serious measures. The probability of escalation and conflict remains very significant, Poroshenko said in a televised speech. We dont rule out full-scale Russian invasion. The Ukrainian government, which says Russia is funneling troops, cash and weapons to the separatists, has rejected Putins accusations over Crimea and said its neighbour may use them as a pretext to mass more troops in the disputed Black Sea peninsula. Ukraine has enough forces along its eastern front line and near the border with the territory to resist a possible offensive, military spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said Thursday. Rebels fired more than 800 artillery and mortar rounds at government positions during the past 24 hours, the most since last August, Motuzyanyk said. He added that Ukrainian positions along the front line stretching from near the rebel-held city of Luhansk to the government-controlled port Mariupol on the Azov Sea came under attack. July was the deadliest month since last August in the conflict, which the United Nations estimates has killed at least 9,500 people since 2014. Putin may travel to Crimea on Friday to talk with local officials and visit a summer camp for children, Russian media group RBC reported on its website on Tuesday, citing three people it didnt identify. Read more about: SHARE: BOSTONFederal prosecutors in the U.S. are investigating whether a Massachusetts town violated the civil rights of an Islamic group when officials there rejected plans for a Muslim cemetery, U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz announced Thursday. Ortiz said the investigation will determine whether the town of Dudley violated the right to religious exercise by the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester. The Islamic group purchased 55 acres of farmland in Dudley for a Muslim cemetery, but town officials rejected the plan, citing traffic and environmental concerns. Jay Talerman, a lawyer for the group, has suggested that anti-Muslim bias played a role in the towns decision to deny needed permits for the cemetery. Ortiz said her investigation will look into whether the town placed unreasonable barriers to the groups cemetery proposal. Federal prosecutors are authorized to investigate allegations of discriminatory treatment under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which prohibits discrimination against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion. All Americans have the right to worship and to bury their loved ones in accordance with their religious beliefs, free from discrimination, Ortiz said. Talerman, who filed a lawsuit against the town in land court last month, said he has had discussions with the towns attorneys to try to come to an agreement about the cemetery. We remain hopeful, but to date we dont have a commitment from the town that meets our expectations, Talerman said. Dudley officials said their denial of a permit for the cemetery did not violate the religious rights of the group. The Dudley Board of Selectmen welcomes this investigation as an opportunity to show that the Towns zoning and land use practices do not violate any religious rights of the Islamic Society, nor do such practices discriminate against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion or religious denomination, the town said in a statement. The Islamic Society, which owns a mosque in Worcester, wants to build the cemetery on a long-idle dairy farm. During town meetings on the proposal, residents of Dudley have said they are concerned that burial practices could contaminate groundwater because Muslims traditionally do not embalm bodies and bury their dead without coffins. They have also cited concerns about noise, vandalism and increased traffic on the narrow road where the cemetery would be built. One resident said he worried he would have to listen to crazy music like the Islamic call to prayer. Proposals for Muslim cemeteries in other states have been met with similar resistance, including in Carlisle, Pennsylvania; Farmington, Minnesota; and Farmersville, Texas. SHARE: The Russian military says its ready to back a UN call for weekly 48-hour ceasefires to allow humanitarian aid deliveries to the embattled Syrian city of Aleppo. Russian Defence Ministry spokesman, Maj.-Gen. Igor Konashenkov says that Russia would back the initiative on condition that the aid convoys should travel to both rebel-controlled and government-controlled parts of the city. He says Russia was ready to support aid deliveries starting next week. Konashenkov on Thursday also added that specific dates could be determined upon co-ordination with the United Nations and after receiving guarantees of safe passage of the convoys from the U.S. He says aid could be sent from Gaziantep in Turkey to the eastern part of Aleppo via Castello road. He says another route to the western part of Aleppo would run from Handarat and further along the Castello road. The Russian military says its warplanes have flown from Iran for a third straight day to strike targets in Syria. The Russian Defence Ministry says the Tu-22M3 and the Su-34 bombers flew from bases in Russia and Iran on Thursday to target the Daesh groups facilities in Syrias eastern province of Deir el-Zour. It said that the raid struck five ammunition and fuel facilities, six command facilities and destroyed a large number of militants, artillery and armour. Russia first announced on Tuesday that its planes started flying combat missions from Iran against targets in Syria, a move that represented a historical rapprochement between Moscow and Tehran that could rile U.S.-allied Gulf neighbours, strengthen Syrian President Bashar Assad and impact the war against the Daesh group, also known as ISIS or ISIL. Syrian opposition activists have released haunting footage showing a young boy rescued from a partially destroyed building in the aftermath of a devastating airstrike in Aleppo. The image of the stunned and weary-looking boy, sitting in an orange chair inside an ambulance, covered in dust and with blood on his face, encapsulates the horrors inflicted on the war-ravaged northern city. Photographs of the boy were widely shared on social media. An hour after his rescue, the building the boy was in completely collapsed. Read more about: SHARE: With dispensaries outnumbering ice cream shops in some parts of Toronto, a casual observer could be forgiven for thinking that marijuana is legal in Canada. But as we were reminded again last week with another round of police raids, that is not the case. Make no mistake: at least for now, these neighbourhood drug stores are prohibited by law (subject to certain constitutional arguments available to those selling to documented medical patients). Owners, employees, and customers face potential criminal charges; owners can also be prosecuted and fined under municipal zoning and licensing bylaws; and health practitioners issuing prescriptions can be disciplined by their professional regulator. Our political and law enforcement leaders have emphasized the illegality of dispensaries in recent public statements. In June, after police raided Torontos dispensaries for the second time in a month, Chief of Police Mark Sanders said, Its illegal to sell marijuana unless you have a licence from Health Canada. (Canadas current regulatory regime, the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPRs), only allows marijuana to be sold by licensed producers to patients with a prescription by mail order.) Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould has said that marijuana laws should be obeyed and enforced while they remain on the books. Toronto Mayor John Tory has described the citys dispensaries as bogus and likened their proliferation to the Wild West. And yet, for all the rhetoric, there they are: dozens of dispensaries beside drycleaners, restaurants and shoe stores all seeking to preemptively corner the market with the federal governments announcement that marijuana will soon be legally available, and not just for medicinal purposes. The longer it takes the government to fill in the details, the longer the gap between law and reality will persist. At the federal level, we have only a general sense of what the new regime might look like. The government has promised to legalize, regulate, and restrict marijuana so that possession is removed from the criminal law but the drug is kept out of the hands of children. Meanwhile, at the municipal level, Torontos Licensing and Standards Committee declined to take any steps towards developing a regime for regulating the dispensation of marijuana such as the one adopted by Vancouvers City Council in June 2015. Instead, the committee commissioned a staff report due to be considered in October. The federal taskforce responsible for hammering out the details of the new regime was struck on June 30, and given less than a year to develop an entire framework from scratch. This is no small feat. Canada has never regulated marijuana for recreational use. The existing regulatory regime speaks only to medicinal use. And even that regime is still being perfected: a February ruling of the Federal Court struck down part of the MMPRs as unconstitutional and gave the government until August 24 to put new regulations in place. Earlier this month, the government announced that the MMPRs will be replaced by the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations, which will allow medical marijuana patients to grow a limited amount of marijuana at home or designate someone to do so for them. It may be a tall order, but the government must act quickly to clarify the new rules going forward. When the legal bright lines get clouded in smoke, risk abounds. At the moment: Owners, employees and customers all face potential criminal charges. In the aftermath of its May 26 raids, Toronto police laid 186 charges of possession for the purpose of trafficking and 71 charges of possession of property obtained by crime. Customers who purchase marijuana are in possession of contraband, and police may obtain evidence of those purchases if they discover membership lists in the course of a raid; Dispensary owners operate in a precarious business environment, particularly as new laws may continue to prohibit dispensaries. On top of criminal charges, stores operating in Toronto can face stiff penalties for municipal licensing and zoning violations that carry maximum fines of $25,000 for individuals and $50,000 for businesses. Inventory can be seized; Medical practitioners who assist patients in accessing marijuana through illegal dispensaries can face regulatory sanction. In May, the B.C. College of Naturopathic Physicians suspended a naturopath for providing medical consultations to dispensary patients. The gap between law and reality is in no ones interests. It undermines respect for the rule of law and opens the door to selective enforcement. Having uncaged the magic dragon, all levels of government must now act quickly to put a new, coherent structure in place. Gerald Chan and Benjamin Kates practise criminal, regulatory and civil litigation at Stockwoods LLP. Gerald argued on behalf of the Criminal Lawyers Association in R. v. Smith, a landmark medical marijuana case in the Supreme Court of Canada. SHARE: Contract talks currently underway between Unifor and the Big Three U.S. auto manufacturers are being called the most significant in a generation, maybe a half-century. The union has put future investments at the top of its wish list. Underlying it all is that old existential question: does Canada really need an auto industry, especially now that Mexico is such a magnet for new investment? It's true demand is expanding in Mexico, but it only represents around 10 per cent of all Big Three sales in North America now. Population growth is faster there, and the Panama Canal has just been deepened to accommodate bigger ships, making Mexico a possible launching pad to other emerging markets. But there is a strong business case for why Canada is critical to the Big Three's business plan. It's not a case of Mexico versus Canada, but of Mexico and Canada. Indeed, GM has sunk $1.6 billion between Oshawa, St. Catharines and Ingersoll in the past few years and this June announced it would hire 700 more engineers, bringing the total to 1,000 in Ontario. In February, Fiat Chrysler spent an unprecedented $3.7 billion on the minivan line in Windsor and added 1,200 new jobs. Ford broke hearts in 2014 by choosing Mexico over Windsor for production of a new engine, but last year the companys Oakville plant saw $700 million in investments and 400 new jobs. Unifor is right to focus on future investment, particularly in a year that every one of the Big Three manufacturers are seeing record profits and outpacing expectations this year. What we are witnessing is hardball negotiations: these companies will see even more profit if they can wring concessions from the Canadian union before they announce next steps. High costs of labour aren't the dealbreaker for future investments that we often hear about. Japan and Germany have the highest labour costs in the world and thriving auto industries. Mexican wages are obviously lower than Canadian wages, but Canada is cheaper than the U.S., where these companies are also investing billions of dollars in production. Labour gets 99 per cent of the attention during contract talks but represents a stunningly tiny 4 per cent of the price of an average Big Three car in Canada, the same amount these companies spend on advertising. Canada has a competitive edge even when our dollar is at par with the greenback, partly because of our public health care system that saves automakers $5 an hour per worker compared to U.S. labour costs. But today we've also got a 76-cent dollar, which makes Canadian workers significantly less costly. The exceptional productivity of Canadian auto workers is another factor for reducing costs: 13 per cent of the cars for the North American market are made here, but Canadian plants win 33 per cent of quality and productivity awards. That is partly because 60 per cent of auto workers in Canada have college or university degrees compared to 40 per cent in the U.S. and 15 per cent in Mexico. Linda Hasenfratz, CEO of auto-parts giant Linamar, dismissed the high cost of labour argument, which she noted actually paid off for her company, leading to a 21 per cent increase in sales over the last year. As cars get more complicated, more connected, she said, a smart workforce can improve quality control and innovate processes and products. That spurs savings and creates new markets. And when it comes to markets, consider this: southern Ontario's auto plants are a day's drive from half of all North American sales, and those sales account for 90 per cent of the profits for the Big Three. Auto is not only Canada's number one export industry, bringing in $77 billion last year; Canadian buyers are the fifth largest market for Big Three vehicles in the world. The reason: the Auto Pact of 1965. Increased production of cars in Canada led to more good-paying jobs here, which meant increased consumption. But shut down production and watch consumption fall. The Centre for Spatial Economics estimates closing the Oshawa GM plant would see a direct job loss of 4,100 workers spiral out to affect 30,000 jobs. That would trigger $1 billion in lost provincial and federal tax revenues, creating further pressures to cut jobs or services. If these companies don't invest in Canada, they will lose the buyers who can afford to purchase their most profitable products. It's hard to grow the bottom line when you're killing the top line. It may seem like a man-bites-dog story, but when you add it all up, the business proposition is simple: If the Big Three want to make more money making cars, they should invest in Canada. Armine Yalnizyan is Senior Economist at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and Vice President of the Canadian Association for Business Economics. You can follow her on twitter @ArmineYalnizyan. Read more about: SHARE: The overhaul of United Continental Holdings (UAL) picked up steam with the troubled airline filling its long-vacant chief financial officer position and bringing in a new chief commercial officer. United has hired Andrew Levy, the former president of discounter Allegiant Travel, as CFO and Julia Haywood, currently an industry consultant, as chief commercial officer. As part of the shift, Gerry Laderman, who has been acting as finance chief since August 2015, will resume his role as a senior vice president and treasurer while Jim Compton, the airline's chief revenue officer, will retire at year's end. The moves continue a reshaping of United under Oscar Munoz, a long-time United director who became CEO last September with a mandate to bring the long-time industry laggard in line with its peers in terms of performance and profitability. Munoz suffered a heart attack and went on leave shortly after taking over, but returned to work last March and has been quickly moving to put his stamp on the company. United under Munoz has made peace with some of its largest unions, ending some long-lasting disputes that ate into productivity, and in June outlined a plan to improve operating income by $3.1 billion in the next two years by revamping fare structures, cutting costs and reducing delays and cancellations. Levy and Haywood figure to help in that effort. Levy spent 13 years at Allegiant, a Las Vegas-based ultradiscounter with a reputation for a streamlined operation, serving as CFO and then president before leaving in 2014. While at Allegiant, Levy helped in a restructuring that ushered in an era of good results at the company, taking a leading role in strategy, planning and finance. He is also currently on the board of Panamanian airline Copa Holdings. Munoz, in a statement, called him "the ideal candidate to join United," saying both his deep experience in finance and also operations "is critical as we are redefining all aspects of our business to build a truly great airline." Stifel's Joseph DeNardi, in a note, said that Munoz has talked about the need to position United to better compete against the likes of Allegiant and Spirit Airlines, calling the hiring "the first step in the plan." DeNardi called the hire "a clear positive" both for United, and for the industry as a whole as some had speculated that Levy could consider forming a group to create a new airline once his non-compete expired. Given the industry's existing difficulties with margins, a new discount competitor adding additional capacity would be a blow to all U.S. airlines. Haywood, meanwhile, joins from Boston Consulting Group where she was part of a team working with United on its plans to revamp its network and revenue systems. She has expertise in the delicate task of managing pilot and flight crew schedules to boost productivity within the confines of labor agreements. "I have spent the last few months working with Julia as she has been partnering with our revenue and network teams, and her expertise in global consumer travel will be a tremendous addition to drive United's strategic direction," said Munoz. The hirings also help address criticism that United lacks airline industry expertise. In April, the airline settled with activists PAR Capital Management and Altimeter Capital Management in part by pledging to name directors with more travel experience to the board, and many investors had also called for Munoz, a former railroad exec, to add new voices to his management team. Worth noting that veteran airline investor Par Capital was a substantial holder of Allegiant shares through much of Levy's tenure at the company. NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Shares of Williams Cos. (WMB) were climbing 6.6% to $27.78 on heavy trading volume mid-Thursday afternoon after the company reportedly rejected an offer by pipeline competitor Enterprise Products Partners (EPD), the Financial Times reports. Enterprise remains interested in acquiring Williams Cos. despite the rebuff and may make another offer, sources told the Times. Also, oil prices are advancing today to their highest level in six weeks on speculation of an upcoming output freeze, further boosting Williams Cos. stock. OPEC countries are planning to meet next month at the International Energy Forum in Algeria, fueling reports they may resume talks of stalling output levels. Many OPEC members have been hurt recently by the collapse in oil prices over the last two years, CNBC reports. Crude oil (WTI) climbed 3.18% to $48.28 while Brent crude advanced 2.31% to $51 per barrel. Over 15.65 million shares of the Tulsa, OK-based energy infrastructure company have traded so far today, higher than the 30-day daily average of 12.15 million shares. Separately, TheStreet Ratings objectively rated this stock according to its "risk-adjusted" total return prospect over a 12-month investment horizon. Not based on the news in any given day, the rating may differ from Jim Cramer's view or that of this articles's author. TheStreet Ratings rated this stock as a "hold" with a ratings score of C-. Among the primary strengths of the company is its expanding profit margins over time. At the same time, however, we also find weaknesses including deteriorating net income, generally higher debt management risk and disappointing return on equity. You can view the full analysis from the report here: WMB By PTI: Visakhapatnam, Aug 17 (PTI) The Antwerp Port Authority of Belgium has offered its consultancy services to Indian ports for improving their inland waterways. "In India, the ports are not well connected to the hinterland by inland waterways. In this area we can offer consultancy services to Indian ports," said Chief Commercial Officer of Antwerp Port Authority Luc Arnouts here today. advertisement He was addressing a press conference where Ambassador of Belgium to India Jan Luykx was also present. "Antwerp Port has gained great expertise in improving inland waterways. More than 30 per cent of its cargoes reach Antwerp port through such waterways, where logistics cost is cheap," Arnouts added. He said a delegation from Belgium, led by its Ambassador to India, visited the Visakhapatnam Port Trust (VPT) and its facilities here. Arnouts said he was impressed with the facilities at the port and added in future Antwerp Port and VPT would cooperate to forge close ties. Stating that relations between India and Belgium were excellent, Luykx said his country was first to recognise India after its independence. He said Belgium wanted to improve trade ties with India, especially with the States located on the east coast. PTI COR RSY UZM BAS --- ENDS --- Frank Lloyd Wright was furious with my great-uncle Tommy. The mercurial architect was at work on his masterpiece SC Johnson Research Tower in Racine, Wis., and he had a problem. The glass tubes he wanted to wrap around corners of the tower had a tendency to let in not just the light, but also the rain. Thomas H. Truslow Jr., a general sales manager at Corning Glass Works, proposed a solution of flexible waterproof strips directly to Johnson executives, bypassing Wright. The architect seethed. Are you then unfamiliar with the way of work with an architect, he wrote in a typed letter on Nov. 10, 1948. He added an angry question mark in green ink. The scheme is not the Johnson Companys, the typing continued. It is the architects. Then more green scribbled rage: Mine. Wright summoned Uncle Tommy to meet at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. They got on great. Wright liked the waterproof strips. My uncle came up with classy, glassy adornments for two more Wright projects. Near the end of his life, as his great-nieces and -nephews got married, Uncle Tommy, who didnt have children, would invite them to his house in Geneva, N.Y., to pick a wedding gift from the paintings and figurines he had collected over a lifetime of adventures. When my turn came, the letter wasnt even on display, but thats what I wanted. Uncle Tommy thought I was cheating myself. Now it hangs prominently in my house, a tribute to the pluck of a salesman. David Montgomery, 55, of Takoma Park, Md., is a Washington Post staff writer. More Mine. For stories, features such as Date Lab, Gene Weingarten and more, visit WP Magazine. Follow the Magazine on Twitter. Like us on Facebook. Email us at Maureen Clark, 29, a public health analyst, and Richard Barry, 28, program manager, at Proof in Chinatown. (Courtesy of daters) Interviews by Michele Langevine Leiby Richard Barry, 28, a program manager, is passionate about Catholic volunteer work, has bicycled across the country and juggles. Maureen Clark, a 29-year-old public health analyst, also Catholic, is looking for someone with a genuine concern for others and a desire to make the world a better place. We sent them to Proof in Chinatown. Richard: She seemed pretty nice and pretty cute. She had nice dark brown curly hair. Maureen: He looked really nice and friendly and approachable and down-to-earth. Richard: Shes really attractive. Maureen: I dont have a distinct physical type, but he definitely fits my criteria. Richard: She grew up in Cleveland; I grew up in Northern Virginia. But we have similar backgrounds going to Catholic school, grade school and high school, so we definitely had a lot to talk about. Maureen: I go to a Jesuit parish in D.C., and he did the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and went to a Jesuit high school. My faith is really important to me, so it was cool, right off the bat, thats something he can relate to. Richard: She is really buoyant and not flustered by the idea of being on a blind date. When the waiter suggested: Oh, you should get a bottle of wine, she seemed up for the experience. Maureen: His volunteer experience was working with the Native American population. Ive worked with Native American high school students. Its not super-common that you meet someone whos worked with that population. I was really impressed he dedicated at least a year to full-time service. Richard: It seemed pretty fluid. I mean, we had that bottle of wine to work through. Maureen: He works in public policy and I do as well. We ended up talking about [work] and the election a little bit. Were both pretty moderate, so we agreed on a lot. I really enjoyed hearing what he was working on because its totally different than what I do. Richard: [She] was talking about this trip with her college girlfriends a 48-hour train trip from Chicago to Seattle. They scrimped, not getting the sleeper car. They were frugal about meals [and] just packed a bunch of snacks. It sounded terrible, but she told it in a really entertaining way. Maureen: One of the questions on the Date Lab application was, In what way are you not D.C.?, and his answer was he doesnt really like brunch. I was like, Whats wrong with brunch, why do you not like brunch? He [said]: Its kind of a big commitment. You lose your entire weekend day. If you have a bottomless brunch, the day is definitely done, thats true. We joked about it for the rest of the meal. Richard: She seemed to be enjoying herself. She might have thought, yeah, this is a nice guy to do this weird thing with. I dont know if she had any thoughts beyond that. Maureen: We did hug at the end of the night, but weve all been on enough dates [to] tell at the end whether it was a friendly hug or Id-maybe-be-interested-in-seeing-you-again kind of hug. ... To me it seemed like a more flirtatious hug. And we did exchange numbers. Rate the date Richard: Probably 3, 3.5. It was a really enjoyable time, but maybe there wasnt such a real pull. But a lot of times getting to know someone is better; that develops later. Maureen: 4. He seems like a great person and someone I would be interested in getting to know better. I would definitely be interested in going on another date with him. Update A few texts, but nothing more for now. Presidential candidate Donald Trump's wife Melania spoke at the Republican National Convention July 18. Here are some highlights from her speech. (The Washington Post) Among the earliest times Melania Trump appeared on The Apprentice was on April 15, 2004. This was before her wedding, the birth of her child, the launching of her jewelry and skin-care brands and, obviously, before Cleveland and the day last month when she briefly and inadvertently committed the cardinal sin of upstaging her husband. That appearance was during the finale of Season 1, when she accompanied Donald Trump on a trip to Atlantic City. At the time, she was Melania Knauss, Trumps girlfriend of five years and a model perhaps best known for posing in what appeared to be the altogether for the cover of the British edition of GQ. The Apprentice isnt a documentary. Its a reality show, with the emphasis on show. What happens what we see is what the producers want us to see. And heres some of what we saw, which is instructive when you consider all that has since taken place: First, Trump doesnt wait for Melania when he gets off the helicopter at the Trump Taj Mahal. Then a contestant mispronounces her name. Finally, she gets to say exactly six words, which are: Its so cute. Its really good. Trump and Knauss were engaged less than two weeks after the episode aired, and they married the next year. Shes shown she can be the woman behind me, Trump would later tell the gossip columnist Cindy Adams. Were together five years, and these five years for whatever reasons have been my most successful. I have to imagine she had something to do with that. They each said they wanted a small, simple wedding. He, to Us Weekly: Who needs the big hoopla? I get enough of it. She, to People: I like private, intimate. That didnt happen. This is not to say they lied or even misspoke. Perhaps just that their plans changed or that the very rich have very different definitions for these very ordinary words. Melania Trump takes the stage at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. (Timothy A. Clary/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images) The ceremony was at the Bethesda-by-the-Sea Episcopal church in Palm Beach, Fla., and the reception was just down the road at Mar-a-Lago, Trumps uber-posh club. Melanias Christian Dior gown with its shimmer of beads required nearly a half-year of labor to make. Billy Joel, Elton John, Paul Anka and Tony Bennett performed, and more than 300 guests, a great many of them the global elites that Trump now frequently campaigns against, dined and danced into the evening. Bill and Hillary Clinton attended, and there is a widely circulated photograph of the Clintons and the Trumps at the reception. Donald is talking, gesturing, and Hillary and Bill and Melania are laughing and smiling at whatever it is he is saying. Bill has his arm on Donalds shoulder, and Hillary has her arm around Bill. So, they are intertwined, these three people, one former president and the other two now competing for that job in the ultimate game of musical chairs. [From Wild Bill to Supportive Spouse: Can Clinton stick to his script?] Just off to the side but not quite removed from this braid of ambition, celebrity, narcissism and power is Melania. Depending on turnout in November and a few swing states, she will be either our next first lady or simply and forever the third Mrs. Trump. Donald and Melania Trump with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton at the Trumps wedding reception in 2005. (Maring Photography/Getty Images/Contour by Getty Images) Melania Trump speaks in short, declarative sentences. She is 46 and still carries an accent from her native Slovenia and makes the occasional lapses in grammar and syntax that are charming when spoken by a cultured and wealthy person born abroad. She shares her husbands aversion to introspection or doubt, whether the topic is politics: I follow it from A to Z. I know exactly what is going on. Or parenting: We know what is right, what is wrong. Or our capacity for personal growth: I think the mistake some people make is they try to change the man they love after they get married. You cannot change a person. You accept the person. Perhaps the closest she has come to appearing at a loss for words was during an interview this year for a friendly profile that ran in DuJour magazine. She was asked what she thought about the comedian Louis C.K. comparing her husband to Hitler. Melania did not know who C.K. was. Her enigmatic, cloistered presence has taken on a life of its own. The New York Times published a short story in July loosely based on Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway, with Melania as a brooding wife trying to manage her moody husband and keep a step ahead of his scheming daughters, Tiffany and Ivanka. It can be confusing and lets be honest also a little unfair, this fiction mingling with fact and absence of fact, compounded by Melanias low profile. She declined to be interviewed for this story; a spokeswoman cited scheduling commitments. Melania is an infrequent companion with her husband at political events. She wasnt in attendance when he announced that Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana would be his running mate, and she did not accompany him in the days after the Republican National Convention. In the past, she has tied that decision to her desire to stay in New York with Barron, their 10-year-old son. I made that choice, she told Harpers Bazaar earlier this year. I have my own mind. I am my own person, and I think my husband likes that about me. And that is a constant refrain in Melanias public remarks. Along with her self-assuredness and her statements that Donald has amazing business skills and that the United States can be great again if we just give him the keys to the car called America is another cri de coeur: that she is more than Mrs. Donald Trump. She is Melania. She is independent and capable. And she would like our respect. It is not easy to escape the long shadow of her husband and carve out her own identity. Melania has noted that she is more than just a pretty face. And that is true. She grew up as Melanija Knavs in Slovenia when it was still part of Yugoslavia, graduated from a design high school, then attended the University of Ljubljana before moving to Milan and later Paris for modeling. She has testified in court that she received a two-year degree in architecture from the school, but journalists who have examined her academic record report that she never received any such certification. Her spokeswoman did not respond to a request to clarify her education. Melania Trump modeled for a number of publications, including FHM magazine in 2000. (George Holz/Contour by Getty Images) During the early part of her modeling career, she also changed her name to the more German-sounding Knauss. Melania came to New York in 1996, moved into an apartment by Union Square in Lower Manhattan and made her own way. Acquaintances have described her as smart and disciplined, cautious about dating and largely removed from the disruptions of the citys nightlife. She and Trump met in September 1998 during a Fashion Week party at a place just off Times Square called the Kit Kat Club. In some retellings, Trump arrived with a date; in others, he arrived alone. In any event, he was smitten. Trump was 52 and separated a year from Marla Maples, wife No. 2, whom he would divorce in 1999. Melania was 28, which can be a difficult age in an industry where youth is nearly everything. They broke up briefly in 2000, when Trump was toying with running for president on the Reform Party ticket. Then they got back together, this time for good. Their pairing raised Melanias profile. She got to christen a cruise ship, do modeling for Levis, have a blink-of-an-eye uncredited spot in Zoolander and make a cameo in the 2000 Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition (she hugs an inflatable killer whale). Melania was featured in her wedding dress on the cover of Vogue in February 2005,and the next year she was in the magazine again, seven months pregnant and wearing a gold Norma Kamali bikini. In between, she appeared in an Aflac commercial, where she and the spokesduck swap brains at the hands of a mad scientist. I thought she would be perfect, said Aflac chief executive Dan Amos. Shes the bride of the year, and shes getting enormous publicity. No one really knows her. The commercial is funny, but it also reinforced her new place in the world. The lab assistant simply refers to her as Mrs. Trump. At the time, Melania was often using the hyphenated Knauss-Trump, a style that would continue until at least 2008, according to records from the Federal Election Commission. The Trumps with their son, Barron, at the Ricoh Womens British Open at Donald Trumps Turnberry resort in Scotland in 2015. (David Cannon/Getty Images) Barron was born on March 20, 2006, a few months before Melania became a U.S. citizen, and she was less visible while her son was very young. In 2010 she resurfaced. First came a line of jewelry she designed and was sold on the QVC shopping channel. The Melania collection did well, but QVC is a little down-market if you live on floors 66 to 68 of Trump Tower, flanked by Tiffanys on the north and Gucci on the south, with a view of Central Park spread out below like your own personal picnic blanket. Two years later, she signed a licensing agreement for skin-care products made with caviar and sold in high-end department stores. It was her very own art of the deal. The agreement, which would later become a point of litigation, took a year of negotiations between an attorney for New Sunshine LLC and an attorney with the Trump Organization. Its first statement of fact read: Melania Trump, the principal of Licensor (Melania), is a world-renowned model, celebrity and businesswoman, who enjoys the highest reputation in these fields. The agreement spelled out her advance payments, which were to total $1 million. And it also made clear that the use of her last name was heavily restricted. The brand name was simply Melania, and her full name could appear only directly below the brand itself and always in smaller type. New Sunshine was run by a businessman named Stephen Hilbert. He and Donald had worked together on a big real-estate deal to buy the General Motors Building in New York in 1998 and remained in contact as business and social acquaintances. Both had much younger wives, too. Although Melania said she had been tinkering with skin-care formulas for years, it was Hilberts company that sought her out when New Sunshine wanted to expand its product line because the tanning industry, which had been the companys mainstay, was tanking. Donald Trump with daughter Ivanka, left, and Melania at the Met Gala in 2004. (Evan Agostini/Getty Images) One reason Hilbert wanted to work with Melania was to get discounted access to The Apprentice as a marketing tool. Most businesses paid more than $1 million for their products to be the subject of the contestants often goofy competitions. For Melania, New Sunshine got the friends and family discount: $100,000. The episode, called How Do You Spell Melania, aired April 7, 2013, and is a surreal hour of television. Two teams, one led by Dennis Rodman and the other by Penn Jillette, compete to develop a display for Melania Caviar Complexe C6. Gary Busey, on Jillettes team, at one point says Melanias beauty is such that it makes his genitalia so excited that it spins like a Ferris wheel in a carnival ride. Jillettes team incurs Melanias wrath by referring to her as a mere spokesperson instead of the companys head. Rodmans team misspells her name, M-I-L-A-N-I-A, an error that cannot be made right, and he gets fired. By the time the episode ran, there were more-serious problems. The investment fund that owned New Sunshine wanted to renegotiate the agreement. Among other things, it claimed that Hilbert had cut Melania too sweet a deal in part because of his relationship with her husband (in the summer of 2013, he would sell Trump a vacation property in St. Martin for about $20 million). After a bench trial in U.S. District Court in Indianapolis, a judge ruled that the agreement was valid and that the dispute would be resolved through arbitration. Melania had sought $50 million in damages, but the settlement has not been disclosed. That said, the launch was in essence aborted. Most of the product was never made or shipped. During the trial, attorneys for the investment fund sought to cast Melania as a dilettante and dabbler, a woman playing with house money whose celebrity was tied exclusively to her husbands fame. Licensing expert Erik Rosenstrauch, CEO of Fuel Partnerships, ridiculed the agreements statement of fact that asserted Melanias stature. If you are going to do a licensing agreement, you need to talk to your celebrity as the general public would know the celebrity, and therefore, be able to relate to the celebrity, Rosenstrauch said. And Melania is not Melania is just a name. In her testimony, Melania held her ground, while others on her team testified to her bona fide celebrity. She said she was a hands-on manager, taking part in every step of the process, including package design and the advertising campaign. The collapse had left her frustrated, not just for herself but for her fans. I promoted all around the world, she said. The product was on the national TV all around the world, all the magazines and was nowhere to be found. A 1977 photograph shows Melania Trump, second right, at a fashion review for a textile company in Slovenia. (Nena Bedek /STR/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images) Melania has more than 200,000 followers on Twitter. Her husband has more than 10 million; her son, about 1,100, but he follows only Melania and has yet to tweet. Her personal website was taken down in late July. Before Donalds official candidacy in June 2015, Melania was active on social media, sending forth an inoffensive if perhaps slightly tone-deaf stream of digital flotsam and jetsam. She tweeted pictures of homemade pizza, aerial views of New York snapped from the Trump jet and the occasional selfie, including one a month before Trump announced, taken in her bathroom with the words: Bye! Im off to my #summmer residence #countryside #weekend. But no more. She tweeted just nine times in the 12 months after she and Donald rode the escalator down to the Trump Tower lobby so he could announce he was running for president and would build a wall. Three tweets were in response to an article in GQ (the American version, not the British edition for which she posed all those years ago) that Melanias supporters felt was condescending in tone and exploitative in reach for reporting on her fathers treatment of a son born out of wedlock. The reporter became the target of anti-Semitic threats, which Melania disavowed while also seeming to blame the journalist. I dont control my fans, but I dont agree with what theyre doing, she told DuJour. I understand what you mean, but there are people out there who maybe went too far. She provoked them. In the handful of profiles that have carried Melanias stamp of approval, friends talk of her in glowing and carefully polished terms. They praise her loyalty, her even keel, common sense and grace. Pamela Gross, a CNN producer and former editor of Avenue magazine, told Harpers Bazaar: When he [Donald] is spinning and thinking and blazing forward, she brings this quality of calm and serenity to him. She declined to comment. So did the others. I reached out to nearly a dozen of Melanias friends and business associates. They include fashion designers and photographers, as well as career women who occupy the intersection of wealth and class in a city that knows the difference between the two. None would talk. Some said they would, then changed their minds without giving a reason. Some are politically active and reliable campaign contributors. Several gave to Democrats, and I could find none who had donated to Donald. Of course, Trumps fundraising machine has only recently revved up. That said, some of these women appear to have backed other candidates. Audrey Gruss, a New York and Palm Beach philanthropist who hosted a baby shower for Melania, first gave money to Jeb Bush in July 2015. A month later, it was John Kasich. And a month after that, Chris Christie. Gruss agreed to an interview, then changed her mind. She had said of Melania in an email that I am a friend and have only the nicest things to say. Political conventions used to be messy affairs. Spouses attended, but they didnt make speeches, in part because the nominating process was never a sure thing. In the modern era, as conventions have changed into something approaching the first step in a coronation, the spouses have become part of the act. Their job is to underscore the candidates humanity and decency. Thats how Melania found herself as the Republican conventions headliner on the opening Monday in Cleveland. She was introduced by her husband, and her speech about her values and Donalds commitment to the country they both love was seen as a welcome respite from the other speakers often incendiary remarks about Hillary. She was a hit. Then she wasnt. Melania Trump speaks at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) The first allegations of plagiarism that part of her speech appeared to be largely lifted from the speech that Michelle Obama gave at the 2008Democratic National Convention began even before Melania finished speaking. By Tuesday morning, it was a viral storm, with the campaign staff trying to deflect and defuse the situation without admitting to any borrowing. The problem was exacerbated because Melania had already asserted principal ownership of her remarks. In an interview with the Today shows Matt Lauer a few hours before the speech, she was asked whether she had rehearsed on the flight to Cleveland. She responded, a bit dismissively: I read once over it, and thats all. Because I wrote it ... with as little help as possible. Wednesday morning, an in-house writer at the Trump Organization offered a more expansive explanation and took responsibility. It was a simple mistake, Meredith McIver said in a statement; Melania had read McIver inspiring passages from a wide range of people, including those of Michelle Obama, and phrasing from those passages had made their way into the final draft, which McIver referred to, maybe wistfully or optimistically, as Melanias First Lady speech. Because of the endless parsing of the portion that had a dubious origin (a mere 7 percent, per Chris Christie), there has been little attention paid to the rest of her remarks. They are worth noting. Melania reminded the audience of her immigrant roots and said being a U.S. citizen was the greatest privilege on planet Earth. She lavished praise on her husbands unique ability to get things done. She urged party unity and reminded the audience of the tough road ahead before the election. There will be good times and hard times and unexpected turns, Melania said. And then with a slight pause, a nod of sorts to the new reality show that she finds herself in, she added, It would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama. Ken Otterbourg is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to the magazine. Correction: An earlier version of this story included an incorrect date for Melania Trumps first appearance on The Apprentice. Her debut on the show was Jan. 8, 2004. E-mail us at For more articles, as well as features such as Date Lab, Gene Weingarten and more, visit The Washington Post Magazine. Follow the Magazine on Twitter. Like us on Facebook. Larry Wilmore, center, and two of his contributors (Grace Parra and Jordan Carlos, left) talk to Sen. Bernie Sanders on The Nightly Show. (Bryan Bedder/Comedy Central) Larry Wilmore sipped a glass of wine at the desk of his recently-canceled Nightly Show and reflected on his 18-month run on Comedy Central, which officially ends Thursday. We started our show thinking all the good bad race stuff was done already, but apparently we were wrong, he told viewers Tuesday night. And weve covered race from just about every angle you can think of. Wilmore threw to footage of controversial incidents he had covered on his late-night talk show, including a Texas police officer aggressively breaking up a pool party attended by black teenagers, and a Georgia principal who mocked people exiting a high school graduation ceremony early by saying, Look whos leaving: all the black people. For fans of The Nightly Show, Wilmores smart commentary on race will be sorely missed amid an ongoing debate around fatal police shootings and the racial tension in a presidential election marking the end of a historic presidency the Unblackening, as the show dubbed it in a recurring segment. In an interview with The Post, Wilmore said he was told last Thursday of the cancellation and that it came as a shock. Even if we werent picked up for the next season, I thought wed be on at least through the election, he said. In Jan. 2015, the veteran writer-producer and former senior black correspondent for The Daily Showtook over the 11:30 time slot previously held by The Colbert Report, becoming late-nights only black host before Trevor Noah inherited The Daily Show from Jon Stewart. On Mondays show his first since the cancellation was announced Wilmore made a pointed joke that highlighted the shows unique perspective. My only regret is that we wont be around to cover this truly insane election season, Wilmore said. On the plus side, our show going off the air has to only mean one thing: Racism is solved. We did it. The shows frequent discussions of race often made headlines, but The Nightly Show also focused on gender, economic equality and other social issues. The show introduced a Tampon Tuesday segment to discuss the taxation of feminine products and related subjects. From the beginning, Wilmore said that he wanted his show to be a voice for the underdog. Comedy Central's president says that Larry Wilmore's late-night show "hasn't resonated." Here's why else the show didn't make it. (Nicki DeMarco/The Washington Post) The shows diverse staff reflected those values. The Nightly Show made history by hiring Robin Thede as the first black woman to lead a late-night shows writing staff. Earlier this year, Thede transitioned from head writer to writer-contributor, joining a pool of eight on-camera panelists that appeared with Wilmore and his guests on a rotating basis. Four are women of color. Only one of those contributors showrunner Rory Albanese is white. In an interview, Thede described the writers room as a really fun environment, devoid of the competition thats typical on other late-night shows. Everybody brought their own unique thing to the table, Thede said. Larry also really encouraged us to have clear points of view. Even if he didnt agree with something if you could convince him of it, he was really open to it. Albanese told The Post that the show struggled in its initial format, which involved hosting four different panelists each night. But it found stronger footing after paring down the number of guests and figuring out a comedy style which he describes as early Conan mixed with The Daily Show that worked. The struggle was getting to where we got, and I feel like had we gotten to where we are now faster, people probably would have caught on, Albanese said. The show had to compete against Jimmy Fallon, Jinmy Kimmel and predecessor Stephen Colbert in the 11:30 time slot. Plus his former Daily Show colleagues Samantha Bee and John Oliver each have formidable weekly political talk shows, while NBCs Late Night host Seth Meyers has also emerged as a strong voice in political comedy. As far as political commentary goes, there are a lot of choices, Albanese said. Everyones doing really great stuff. But the biggest challenge may have been Stewarts departure fromThe Daily Show Wilmores lead-in last August. When Jon went off the air, we hadnt really found our show yet, Albanese said. (Stewart also happens to be an executive producer of The Nightly Show.) The Daily Show has declined in ratings since Noah took over for Stewart. And in July 2015, right before Stewarts departure, The Nightly Show averaged just over 1 million viewers, according to Nielsen. This July, the average was 770,000. But The Daily Show has seen success among millennial viewers Noahs show is second in late-night viewership among the coveted 18-to-34 demographic. Recently, Comedy Central touted The Daily Shows success on digital and mobile platforms. Comedy Central president Kent Alterman told the New York Times that The Nightly Show hadnt seen similar growth. We just havent seen it on any level from the general conversation to ratings to any sort of traction on social media platforms, Alterman said. [Larry Wilmores Nightly Show died of antiviral causes] Despite ratings, Wilmore told The Post that he is very proud of the show he and his staff made. We definitely introduced voices that people didnt know about and didnt always see, Wilmore said. We werent a show that was trying to book movie stars because we wanted people who brought a different perspective to late-night. Last year, as protests raged in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray, Wilmore met with a group of local gang leaders who had declared a truce in hopes of curbing escalating violence. Wilmore listened as the men described a city in turmoil. The segment, which the show re-aired Monday night, was offbeat and earnest the kind of segment youd only see on The Nightly Show. Like his peers, Wilmore faced the daunting task of talking about tragic events from a comedic perspective. Our show was at its best when the news was at its worst, he told viewers Monday. I always said, We try to find humanity in a story and then mine jokes out of that, but its very difficult, Wilmore told The Post. But we made a promise to ourselves to try to cover the difficult stories and the things that maybe were afraid to talk about. Thede cites the shows coverage following the Charleston church shooting as one of its best episodes. We had an incredible show not capitalizing on that tragedy, but being able to bring in our audience and empathize with them and make them feel that we understood, that we felt the way they felt and that we were outraged as well, Thede said. That touches a nerve with people, she added. Our audience was small, but it was mighty. Wilmore gave a shout-out to the shows passionate fans at the top of Mondays show. People come up and they never say Hey, nice show. They say, Thank you, he told viewers. Its such a cool thing. Wilmore, who co-created the upcoming HBO comedy Insecure with Issa Rae, told The Post he will take some time after Thursdays final broadcast to think about what he wants to do next. But he wants his fans to know that he hasnt ruled out a return to late night. To be continued. We aint done yet, Wilmore said. Weve only kept it 99. Weve got a ways to go before we can keep it 100. The news and gossip site is shuttering after a lengthy court battle with former professional wrestling star Hulk Hogan, who was secretly backed by Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel. The Post's Margaret Sullivan and Paul Farhi look at Gawker's legacy and how this could be a dangerous precedent for news critics. (Erin Patrick O'Connor/The Washington Post) The news and gossip site is shuttering after a lengthy court battle with former professional wrestling star Hulk Hogan, who was secretly backed by Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel. The Post's Margaret Sullivan and Paul Farhi look at Gawker's legacy and how this could be a dangerous precedent for news critics. (Erin Patrick O'Connor/The Washington Post) In the end, the vengeful billionaire got his wish. Gawker Media said Thursday it will close its always brash and sometimes lacerating news and gossip site,, next week, in a capitulation to legal troubles secretly engineered by a business tycoon who bore a long-standing grudge against it. Gawker was ostensibly brought low by an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit by former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan over a sex tape of Hogan that Gawker posted in 2012. But the $140 million judgment that Hogan won in March was merely the explosive edge of the legal war against the site and its parent company that was quietly funded by Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal., which attracted millions of readers with its insider gossip, scoops, speculation and a snarky writing style that became the default voice of the Internet, ran afoul of Thiel on several occasions, most notably in 2007 when it outed him as gay. He subsequently paid for the payback, covering millions in legal fees for Hogan and a series of other plaintiffs whose suits are pending. The site confirmed Thursday that it was closing 14 years after Nick Denton, a veteran British journalist, founded it in New York and two days after Univision won a bankruptcy auction for its parent company, Gawker Media. Also Thursday, a bankruptcy court cleared Univisions takeover of the company, which will include its six remaining sites Deadspin (sports), Lifehacker (personal productivity), Jezebel (women), Gizmodo (technology), Kotaku (games) and Jalopnik (cars)., the crown jewel of Dentons former empire, will go back into Gawker Medias bankruptcy estate, its value effectively zero, said Jude Gorman, general counsel of Reorg Research, a financial data company. I think the Gawker brand was pretty much tainted by the legal battle, he said. Univision decided to wash its hands of it and start anew. Despite their decapitation of Gawker and Denton, Hogan and Thiel have yet to see any money from Hogans suit; the judgment remains on appeal. However, if he ultimately prevails, Hogan (real name: Terry Bollea) will probably collect only a fraction of what a jury awarded him earlier this year. His claim on Gawker Medias assets which now consist almost entirely of Univisions $135 million purchase price is secondary to the companys secured creditors, who are owed about $40 million, Gorman said. Other unsecured creditors will divide whats left over. But the damage has already been done. In a statement Thursday, Denton said Gawker.coms legal troubles effectively made it toxic for a buyer. We have not been able to find a single media company or investor willing also to take on, he said. The campaign being mounted against its editorial ethos and former writers has made it too risky. I can understand the caution. He added: Even if the appeals court overturns this springs Florida jury verdict, Peter Thiel has already achieved many of his objectives. Denton, who has a $10 million judgment pending against him from the Hogan suit, has filed personal bankruptcy. He wont be joining Univision, and said he will move on to other unspecified projects. In any case, he said, hell be out of the news and gossip business. Although its reporting on Thiel and Hogan was controversial, and a story last summer outing a New York magazine executive drew widespread criticism, Gawker and its related sites produced some major scoops. Among others, Gawker broke stories about Toronto Mayor Rob Fords cocaine habit and about Hillary Clintons use of a private email server. Deadspin broke the bizarre story of Notre Dame linebacker Manti Teos phantom girlfriend. Denton offered praise for the company he started, writing that it had introduced a new style of journalism, sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes snarky, but always authentic. We connect with a skeptical and media-savvy generation by giving them the real story, the version that journalists used to keep to themselves. He said Mondays posts will be Gawker.coms last before it is mothballed in the bankruptcy estate. Gawker has said it will reassign its employees to its other operations. High prices. Long airport lines. Terrorism. Zika. Youve got enough to worry about, between making sure your hotel reservations match your arrival dates and ensuring that all your credit cards will work. And now this? Relax. Here are the most common travel problems and their solutions. Keep this article, slip it into your carry-on and stop worrying. Airline computer outages are just plain bad news, here's what you need to know. (Erin Patrick O'Connor/The Washington Post) Q : Is there anything I have to absolutely know about travel as the summer winds down? A: This summer has been a little different so far. With all thats going on, travel insiders say doing your homework is more important than ever. That means carefully planning your trip and leaving nothing to chance. Consider travel insurance and a reliable medical evacuation coverage. If youre crossing an international border, register with the State Departments Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, which allows you to receive important information from the embassy about safety conditions in your destination and offers a way for the embassy to contact you during an emergency. Know the area, says Sheryl Hill, who runs Depart Smart, a nonprofit organization dedicated to safe travel. Have an emergency plan in case the unthinkable happens. [Airline computer outages like Deltas are bound to repeat themselves. Heres what to know.] Q: How important is my paperwork? A: It probably has never been more important. The most common screw-ups involve still-valid passports that dont comply with a countrys validity requirements. For example, if youre headed for France, your passport must be valid a minimum of six months after you cross the border. Brazil is waiving its tourist-visa requirements for the Olympics, but after Sept. 18, youll have to pay for one. One of the main problems in travel is the unawareness of visa requirements, says Sergio Merino, founder of, a visa-processing service. Q: What should I do about long airport lines, other than showing up three hours early? A: Unless youre flying just before or after a major travel holiday or after a terrorism scare, those legendary three-hour lines are unlikely to remain that long, at least in the near term. Keep a close eye on your airports website, which issues recommendations for screening times. The only way to be sure you wont get stuck in one of these ridiculous lines is to give the Transportation Security Administration your money. Get PreCheck, says Seth Kaplan, editor of Airline Weekly, a trade publication. Yes, the $85 fee is a lot, but even for an infrequent traveler, its a sound investment, he says. After all, the point of flying is to get somewhere as quickly and painlessly as possible, and PreCheck really does make flying much more of a pleasure again. Q: Check or carry on? A: Check it. Better yet, pack extra light and buy any items you may need when you get there. Carry-on luggage clogs screening areas and slows down the boarding process, resulting in longer delays. Greg Geronemus, the co-chief executive of smarTours, a New York-based tour operator, says hes conflicted about that advice, because it only helps the airline make money. But this summer, its not a bad idea to check as much of your luggage as possible, he adds. It might not cost as much as you think. Southwest Airlines, for example, doesnt charge for most checked luggage, and if you belong to an airline loyalty program or carry an airline-branded credit card, you might get the luggage fees waived. [Frequent-flier programs could face tighter regulation if customers speak up] Q: Should I worry about Zika? A: You can worry, but it may not do you much good. The best source for Zika travel information is the website of the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. These concerns what Sarah Lisovich, a senior editor for CIA Medicals educational blog, calls Zika anxiety are common among travelers. Those who are pregnant or hoping to become pregnant, and even those just leery of the notorious virus, are avoiding locations that have announced a presence of Zika, Lisovich says. If you cant change your travel plans, she says, you can help protect yourself against an infection by using insect repellent, staying indoors as much as possible and wearing clothing that covers the skin. Q: What can I do about high travel prices? A: There are ways to get cheap fares. Weve already seen some summer sales and discounting, so the high travel prices arent uniform. The trick may be to stay flexible with your times and dates and most important, your location. Accommodations at popular summer destinations, such as Marylands Eastern Shore, might not be discounted, but if you like to go hiking, you could find a deal in a place like Vail, Colo. Eliminate the roadblocks, says Gracia Larrain, a spokeswoman for, a website that offers a set of tools that allows users to set flexible parameters for travel. Among them: an everywhere feature, which allows you to search a list of destination options in order of airfare cost, and a show whole month option, which lets you to see the best fares for each day of the month. [How online travel agencies are dimming results on hotel searches] Q: What three items do I have to pack? A: Your patience, politeness and sense of humor. Youll probably get stuck in a line, so youll need to keep your cool. Your impeccable manners will ensure that you get the service you deserve and that you dont needlessly draw attention to yourself and possibly get marked as a target. And smile, says Declan Kunkel, a New York theater producer and frequent traveler. Employees, he notes, have to deal with a lot of troubles. If you can make their day even that much better, they will go to leaps and bounds to help you. Q: Any parting advice for someone traveling for Labor Day and beyond? A: Theres no sugar-coating it: The summer of 2016 has been filled with challenges for travelers. But dont let that stop you from getting out there. As my colleague Ed Hewitt of would say, Go anyway. I cant think of more appropriate advice. Read more from Travel: That saucy, borderline NSFW email? Its from your airline. Newly passed air travel legislation is an amazing win for consumers Read past Navigator columns here Elliott is a consumer advocate, journalist and co-founder of the advocacy group Travelers United. Email him at THE DISTRICT Man pleads guilty to shooting girl, 16 An 18-year-old District man on probation for a robbery conviction pleaded guilty Thursday to wounding a 16-year-old girl in the leg in a Memorial Day weekend shooting near the Anacostia Metro Station. Demetri Goldsmith pleaded guilty in D.C. Superior Court to assault with significant bodily injury and unlawful possession of a firearm in the May 29 shooting. Goldsmith, who has been in D.C. jail since his arrest, is to be sentenced Oct. 19. He could face a maximum of 10 to 13 years in prison. According to prosecutors, at about 7:30 p.m. Goldsmith was talking to the teenager near the entrance to the Metro station. Prosecutors say Goldsmith then pulled a gun from his jacket and fired it in the direction of the teen,hitting her in the left leg. Goldsmith then put the gun back in his jacket and biked away. Keith Alexander Man is killed by car near Logan Circle A Maryland man was fatally struck by a vehicle early Thursday near Logan Circle in Northwest Washington, police said. About 2:20 a.m., Armin Amin-Toomaji, 44, of Potomac and another pedestrian were crossing Ninth Street NW, from east to west in the 1400 block, when Amin-Toomaji was struck by a 2003 Mercedes-Benz, D.C. police said in a statement. Amin-Toomaji was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The driver of the Mercedes remained at the scene, the statement said. Police asked anyone with information about the incident to call 202-727-9099. Anonymous information may be submitted to the departments text tip line by messaging 50411. Dana Hedgpeth MARYLAND 9-year-old boy is killed in boating accident A 9-year-old boy died Wednesday in Ocean City after falling from a boat and being hit by its propeller, police said. About 3 p.m., near Buoy No. 4, 17 people were on a pontoon boat rented from Under the Bridge Watersports, Maryland Natural Resources Police said in a statement. Kaden Frederick of Howell, N.J., was bow-riding without a life jacket, his legs dangling in the water, when he fell overboard and was struck repeatedly by the propeller, the statement said. A passing tour boat with two nurses, an emergency medical technician and two out-of-state, off-duty state troopers stopped to help and tried to resuscitate the boy but were unsuccessful, the statement said. Police said the death was Marylands 11th boating fatality this year. Dana Hedgpeth Man, fatally shot, is found in his car Prince Georges County police said they are investigating the fatal shooting of a man who was found wounded in his car outside his home late Wednesday, authorities said. About 11:35 p.m., officers were called to the 7200 block of Joplin Street in Capitol Heights for a reported shooting, police said. When officers arrived, they found Oscar Colindres Garcia, 37, suffering from a gunshot wound, police said. Garcia was taken to a hospital, where he died, police said. Detectives were trying to identify a motive and suspects in the case. They planned to canvass the area for tips Thursday evening. Authorities are asking anyone with information to call 301-772-4925 or 866-411-TIPS (8477). They can also text PGPD with a message to CRIMES (274637). A reward of up to $25,000 is available for information leading to an arrest and indictment. Tipsters can remain anonymous. Lynh Bui Pepco ratepayers Assya and Mario Pascalev are seen by the light of an LED lantern they use as a light inside their home in Bethesda, Md. (Linda Davidson/The Washington Post) Philosophers sometimes pay a high price for standing by their philosophies. Socrates drank hemlock after being convicted of corrupting the youth of ancient Athens. Civilly disobedient Henry David Thoreau went to jail rather than pay his taxes. And Assya and Mario Pascalev, philosophers from Bethesda, Md., are going without air conditioning. Pepco shut off power to the couples Colonial home on Aug. 4 after the Pascalevs both of whom have doctorate degrees in philosophy declined to pay a monthly $14 fee for refusing installation of a smart meter. Theyre sweating out an August heat wave with their two teenage children and their Kerry blue terrier that is, when theyre not taking refuge at Bethesdas Hilton Garden Inn. We can afford to pay, Assya Pascalev said of the couples power bill, which stands at $634.94 after a two-year battle. Its not a matter of money, its a matter of principle. Pepco ratepayers Assya and Mario Pascalev use an LED lantern to navigate their sweltering home at night in Bethesda, Md. (Linda Davidson/The Washington Post) [Grandparents $1,500 swing set creates a rift in wealthy suburb] The couple, whose story was first reported by Bethesda magazine, have put no small amount of thought into their stand. Many Americans may not have noticed as utilities across the country replaced old-fashioned meters read by humans with smart meters that can be read remotely. The Pascalevs, scrutinizing their Pepco bill in their home near Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, did take note and not just because of a one-time $75 opt-out fee that preceded the monthly charge. Mario Pascalev, who works in IT, has an academic paper in the works about moral issues created by complicated software user agreements. Assya is a Howard University professor who studies biomedical ethics. When you have a conscientious objection, its a thought process rather than an arbitrary or emotional reaction, she said. The first problem with smart meters, according to the Pascalevs: a lack of privacy. The meters, designed to help maintain your budget and control your energy costs, according to Pepcos website, offer too much information to utility companies and those who might hack them. Each appliance has a signature and consumes a specific amount of power, a perspiring Mario Pascalev said as he wiped his brow in the sweltering dining room. If I am given this information, I would know where you are in the house. And there are health and safety considerations, the Pascalevs say. Some argue that smart meters cause fires and are a source of dangerous radiation similar to cellphones and microwaves. The Maryland Public Service Commission, the administrative body that governs Pepco, says such concerns are unfounded. [Do cellphones cause cancer? Dont believe the hype.] Jonathan Libber, the president of Maryland Smart Meter Awareness, an anti-smart meter advocacy group, said smart meters were never tested for health effects before being installed en masse. We may find 10 to 15 years from now there is a huge spike in childhood leukemia, he said. What do you say, Were sorry? Citing the preliminary results of a National Institutes of Health study that may link cellphone radiation to tumors in rats, Libber added: I would no longer say that these things may be dangerous. I would say they are dangerous. The Pascalevs say that evidence about health risks from smart meters is inconclusive but that what isnt broken shouldnt be fixed, especially when change compromises personal choice. After all, this couple met in Bulgaria in the 1980s, where, as university students, they fought against the then-Communist nations compulsory military service. Were probably more sensitive to limitations on individual liberties, Assya Pascalev said. Pepco, however, counters that smart meters bring a host of benefits. The meters dont just help consumers save money but communicate information about power use and outages that improves customer service. Smart meters provide tremendous benefits to all of our customers by giving them detailed information on their energy usage and assisting if outages occur, a statement from Pepco spokesman Vince Morris said. We believe every one of our customers should embrace this smart technology and we believe strongly that suspicions that the meters are dangerous have no merit. Company officials say 98 percent of Pepco customers in the District and 99 percent of the ones in Maryland have smart meters. The Maryland Public Service Commission also stands by the move. Saying concerns about health and security are baseless, the PSC this year opposed legislation that would have prohibited opt-out fees and required utilities to notify customers before installing smart meters. Those who refuse to get on board must pay for the old system they insist on sticking to. There is no free opt-out option, the commission wrote in March. Without an opt-out charge, the vast majority of customers who accept smart meters would have to subsidize a parallel and redundant billing and operations system for customers who retain a legacy meter. But the Pascalevs dont think they have a responsibility to their public utility. I dont see how choice is in any way in conflict with the greater good, Assya Pascalev said. As Pepco seeks a 10 percent rate increase in Maryland, the family is not alone in its stand against smart meters. Deborah Vollmer of Chevy Chase known for a seven-year court battle with a neighbor over use of a shared driveway is refusing to pay opt-out fees and is also subsidizing the Pascalevss $200 per night hotel bills. [Declaring war against thy neighbor over a house and a shared driveway] Lets take a deep breath, said Vollmer, who hasnt had her electricity turned off. Dont bully us into accepting something that may or may not prove to be beneficial in the long term. The Pascalevs said their civil disobedience will soon end, although they arent sure when. They have a daughter on the way to college and a dog that needs more relief from the heat than trips around the neighborhood in an air-conditioned car. Thoreau, after all, only spent one night in jail theyve gone without air conditioning for two weeks. When the time comes to pay their balance, their Pepco philosophy will remain unchanged. You know the thing they said about the unexamined life? Mario Pascalev said. Were thinking about stuff. Paying his tributes to the Netaji, Arun Jaitley tweeted, 'Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was an icon of exemplary valour and sacrifice. We remember and pay him our respectful tribute on his death anniversary.' By Indrajit Kundu: The family members of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose have raised serious objection to Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley for terming August 18 as Netaji's "death anniversary". On Thursday, while paying his tributes to the leader, he tweeted, "Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was an icon of exemplary valour and sacrifice. We remember and pay him our respectful tribute on his death anniversary." advertisement Soon, Netaji's family members expressed their shock at the senior minister's comment. Expressing her "outrage" Netaji's niece Prof Chitra Bose said the family was "shocked beyond words". 'MYSTERY STILL BEING UNRAVELLED' "The mystery is still being unravelled with the secret files coming out now. So how can he be so sure?" questioned Netaji's nephew Dr DN Bose adding that he feels Arun Jaitley had been misinformed. Netaji's grand nephew Chandra Bose who was fielded by the BJP against Mamata Banerjee in the recent state assembly elections said, "the family does not accept August 18 as Netaji's death anniversary. We demand that such a statement be withdrawn and a regret be offered stating that it was a mistake." "In the last commission of enquiry constituted by the Government of India, the Justice Mukherjee commission clearly stated that there was no air crash on August 18, 1945. So it is not correct to state this date as the death anniversary of Subhash Chandra Bose," he added. TWEET DELETED Following the outrage expressed by Netaji's family members and activists on Twitter, Jaitley's tweet was subsequently deleted. However, there was no clarification given on whether it was a genuine faux pas. For several years, members of the Bose family have been campaigning for complete declassification of all classified files relating to Netaji in order to unravel the mystery behind his disappearance in 1945. Responding to the families plea, Prime Minister Narendra Modi began the declassification of secret Bose files. The first tranche of declassified files were released at the National Archives in New Delhi in February. West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee who took a lead by releasing the files under the possession of West Bengal government in September 2015 lashed out at Jaitley. "Today is Raksha Bandhan I don't want to hurt anybody. But shocked with @arunjaitley Ji hurtful tweet this morning on Netaji. We're all hurt," she tweeted. Also Read: '2 Netaji files go missing from Prime Minister's Office, home ministry' PM Modi declassifies 100 secret Netaji files, family members welcome move New declassified Netaji files reveal Morarji Desai raised questions about freedom fighter's death --- ENDS --- The acting manager of two D.C. post offices and two of his employees took bribes in exchange for illegally delivering packages of marijuana, according to an indictment filed Thursday in D.C. federal court. Deenvaughn Rowe is charged, along with letter carriers Kendra Brantley and Alicia Norman, with bribery and distribution of a controlled substance. All three were arrested Thursday. According to the indictment, Rowe would monitor the arrival of marijuana packages at the Lamond Riggs and River Terrace post offices. He would then instruct Brantley and Norman to meet individuals, who would offer cash in exchange for the packages, on the street during their routes. They gave the cash to Rowe, according to the indictment. Between September 2015 and August of 2016, Rowe allegedly deposited $31,485 in bribes into his bank accounts. It is not clear how the arrangement benefited Brantley and Norman. To cover up the scheme, authorities, say, the two carriers would either fail to scan or scan with false information the packages containing marijuana. Authorities appear to have been monitoring the trio since at least March. According to the indictment, that month and during the next two months, Brantley and Norman were repeatedly seen exchanging packages for cash with someone in a white Range Rover with California license plates. Phone calls among the three defendants were recorded before, during and after those deliveries. The packages were coming from California and Oregon, according to the indictment. California residents will vote this fall on a ballot initiative to fully legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Oregon legalized the sale of marijuana last year. Although possession of a small amount marijuana is legal in the District, the sale of the drug is not. According to the indictment, more than 100 kilograms of marijuana, or 220 pounds, were involved in the scheme. More than 35,100 pounds of illegal narcotics delivered through the mail were seized by postal inspectors in 2015, according to the U.S. Postal Service. Damaging winds and powerful thunderstorms caused thousands to lose electricity across the region Wednesday night as wind gusts sheared part of a roof from a Southeast Washington apartment building. And authorities said lightning might have sparked three house fires. No injuries were immediately reported, but more than 17,000 customers were in the dark in Fairfax County and the city of Fairfax around 10 p.m. County officials reported that lightning may have ignited a small attic fire at a Centreville-area townhouse about 9 p.m. And trees toppled power lines and blocked roads across the Annandale and Lorton areas. The fire was quickly brought under control, officials tweeted. In the District, fire officials reported that gusts blew roofing from a four-story apartment building in the 1100 block of K Street SE. Several residents were forced to evacuate, but officials initially believed the buildings structure remained intact, according to a tweet from the fire department. In Montgomery County, firefighters responded to a home in the 4000 block of Thornapple Street in Chevy Chase, where a lightning strike might have caused smoke and a fire from a garage, said Pete Piringer, a fire department spokesman. And in Prince Georges County, firefighters quickly extinguished an attic fire sparked by lightning at a house in the 7100 block of Matthew Street in Greenbelt just after 10 p.m. Heavy rains caused spot flooding of streets and gutters in the District and surrounding areas. Pepco reported 14,000 customers without power, including 9,300 in Prince Georges County, 3,000 outages in the District and 1,600 in Montgomery County. Dominion Power sustained 19,000 outages, including those across Fairfax County. Outages were also reported in Alexandria and Arlington. Baltimore Gas and Electric reported 1,300 outages in Prince Georges County. Amtrak Police Chief Polly Hanson attends a news conference at Union Station in Washington, D.C. on Sept.3, 2015. She joins Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson in highlighting nationwide rail safety and security efforts. (Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post) Amtraks inspector general has launched a fraud and conflict of interest investigation involving the rail systems top law enforcement officer, her alleged boyfriend and a counterterrorism contract she helped oversee, according to federal court documents. Amtrak Police Chief Polly Hanson, who oversees 500 sworn officers and other personnel across the country, was deeply involved in preparing a contract that was awarded to ABS Consulting in May 2014, according to a statement from the inspector general filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Hanson who also has served as chief of Metro Transit Police and executive director of the Strategic Services Bureau of the D.C. police force failed to disclose the nature of her relationship with Kerry Thomas, senior director for Homeland Security Support Programs for ABS, the documents allege. A statement from a senior special agent with the inspector generals office said an investigation was initiated in December 2015, based on allegations about Hanson and Thomass relationship. The allegations included that Hanson and Thomas have been romantically involved for a substantial period of time, that they cohabitate in Arlington, Va., and own a residence together in Delaware, and that, consequently, their actions regarding the procurement of the contract . . . were unethical and illegal. According to the court records, Hanson and Thomas are listed as having separate apartments in the same building in Arlington, Va. They are listed as co-owners of a condominium unit in Dewey Beach, Del., and share a mortgage on it. The court documents were filed as part of a response to a civil action by Hanson to limit investigators access to her bank records and other financial information. Sara E. Kropf, Hansons attorney, said Wednesday night that Hanson was aware of the allegations by the inspector generals office and has cooperated fully with the investigation. She said that Hanson did disclose her personal relationship with one of the bidders and that Hanson did not personally benefit from the award of the project at all. Ms. Hanson has been a respected law enforcement officer for 40 years, has a stellar reputation and is anxious to see this matter concluded, Kropf said. Thomas and ABS Consulting did not respond to requests for comment. ABS received a $713,609 contract, funded by the Department of Homeland Security, to provide counter-terrorism, law enforcement and rail specific training courses for Amtrak police under an initiative known as RailSafe, according to the filings. The training would provide information and familiarity with the railroad environment to partner law enforcement agencies across the country that help with rail system operations and emergencies, according to the documents. In October 2015, the contract was changed to include training in 10 additional cities, bringing the total contract to $1,071,597, according to the filings. From information gathered thus far by investigators, the relationship between Hanson and Thomas is quite close and personal, and includes a romantic relationship and a joint financial relationship that appears to go as far back as 2006, according to a filing in May by federal prosecutors representing the inspector general in the dispute over financial records sought in the investigation. The filing continues: This close personal and financial relationship was not disclosed to Amtrak prior to the award of an Amtrak contract to ABS Consulting, a company in which Thomas is a Senior Director in charge of the Amtrak contract. The inspector general is trying to determine whether Hanson violated federal wire- and mail-fraud laws and the federally supported railroads conflict-of-interest rules. The investigation into Hanson was first reported Wednesday night by WTTG-TV (Channel 5) in Washington. Hanson was named Amtrak police chief in 2012. At the time, Amtraks chief executive and president, Joe Boardman, praised her strong police, security and intelligence background and said in a statement that she was exactly what is needed to improve the department. Hanson also spent 27 years at the Metro Transit Police Department, where she started out as a police officer and was eventually promoted to chief of police. Additionally, she worked for three years for D.C. police. The inspector general is also investigating whether Thomas and his company violated the federal False Claims Act and the contracts terms when they failed to disclose the relationship and the nature of the relationship to Amtrak prior to the award of the contract. Amtrak officials declined to comment, citing the active investigation. The inspector generals office did not respond to a request for comment. Thomas Hopkins, the senior special agent with the inspector general, asserted in court filings that in April 2014, Hanson sent Amtraks chief financial officer, who had recently been given the duties of ethics officer, an email that said, I just learned I know the bidder at ABS Consulting. The email failed to disclose that she had known Thomas for 10 years and was in a personal or financial relationship with him, Hopkins wrote. The ethics officer replied: Polly, as we discussed, I do not see an issue moving forward with this purchase agreement, according to the filings. The ethics officer said that he did not recall that conversation but that if Hanson had told him that she had a close personal relationship with Thomas, as she claims to have done, he would have referred the matter to Amtraks legal department. A top Amtrak procurement official and vice president said that if there had been a timely and complete disclosure of what he considers a conflict of interest, ABS would have been deemed ineligible for the contract, Hopkins wrote. Jean-Louis Magda and Jennifer Jenkins contributed to this report. People displaced from a fire that killed two people and injured 31 at an apartment complex in Silver Spring, Md., find shelter and assistance from their neighbors. (Whitney Shefte/The Washington Post) People displaced from a fire that killed two people and injured 31 at an apartment complex in Silver Spring, Md., find shelter and assistance from their neighbors. (Whitney Shefte/The Washington Post) Augusto Jimenez and Maria Castellon had cleaned houses for more than two decades in the Washington area, finally saving enough five years ago to buy a piece of land and build a home in their native Nicaragua. Jimenez, 62, and Castellon, 53, planned to retire there in three years, settling back in the tropical climate of La Paz Centro, a small town known for its markets and pottery, where the couple had started a life together more than 35 years ago. Their plan was shattered a week ago. The couple died Aug. 10 in a late-night explosion and fire that ripped through the apartment building where they lived in Silver Spring, Md. On Thursday, their son, Augusto Jimenez Jr., 35, was making funeral arrangements after police told him Wednesday evening that his parents had been identified as victims of the disaster. Authorities have scheduled an update Friday on the continuing investigation into the cause of the explosion and their progress in identifying the remains of five others recovered from the rubble on Arliss Street. Augusto Jimenez, 62, and Maria Castellon, 53, died in the Aug. 10 explosion and fire at the Silver Spring apartment building where they lived, according to relatives who said police confirmed the identifications to the couples son. (Family Photo) Police did not comment Thursday on the identities of any of those who died. The blast and fire also injured more than 30 and displaced about 100 as occupants of the building dropped children from windows to safety and escaped on stairs that began to collapse beneath them, survivors and witnesses have said. [NTSB to lead investigation of explosion at apartments in Silver Spring] The Jimenez family had watched investigators working at the site and waited for word on the couple, whose remains they plan to send to Nicaragua. It was their dream to build that house, and they worked so hard for it, said Sandra Jimenez, 40, Augusto Jimenez Sr.s youngest sister. Last year, Jimenez and Castellon traveled the 3,500 miles to see their freshly painted two-bedroom brick house and to plan the construction of a studio where Jimenez would have spent his nights making music. They were so happy, said Sandra Jimenez, that they invited the entire family to celebrate and see the home. Jimenez and Castellon left Nicaragua in the early 1990s for the United States in search of economic opportunity. They settled in Silver Spring, and their children joined them a few years later. The couple lived at the Flower Branch Apartments for 16 years occupying apartment 103 on the night of the explosion. Before the couple started their cleaning business, Jimenez had worked as a contractor cleaning a Montgomery County government building in Bethesda and in Bethesda Cares, an organization that works with the homeless. Through the years, many people they met while cleaning offices became clients as they built their housecleaning business. Those clients recommended others, and in time, some clients became the friends now mourning the couple. Maria and Augusto were just the nicest people. They both were reliable, hardworking and took pride in their work, said Nancy Greene of Bethesda, who met them more than 20 years ago when Jimenez was still working in a county building. I cant imagine that anyone who met them would not like them immediately. Maria always had a big smile for everyone and was just so kind. When Jimenez learned that a former social worker at Bethesda Cares was ill and needed someone to help with cleaning and laundry, Castellon immediately volunteered to help, Greene said. She was always so cheerful and friendly and never once missed the job, Greene recalled. Jimenez later offered to go grocery shopping for the ill friend, even though it meant dealing with the friends big envelope of coupons, which made the job more time-consuming, Greene said. When the man died several years later, Jimenez and Castellon were at the wake. Cary Plamondon, another longtime client, described the couple as dedicated and kind. For more than 15 years, Castellon and Jimenez drove the more than 40 miles from Silver Spring to Frederick to clean the Plamondon home. They were the kindest, sweetest people, and I loved that they worked together every day and had such a wonderful relationship with each other, Plamondon said. They worked hard, loved their family and shared some of their stories, as I did with them, Plamondon said. I cant believe we lost them. [An anguished wait for families of those missing in Maryland apartment fire] Even decades after moving to the United States, Jimenez and Castellon were nostalgic about their homeland, relatives say. Most evenings, Castellon prepared a traditional dinner that often featured the Nicaraguan style of mixed rice and beans known as gallo pinto. Jimenez stayed connected with his homeland through music. He stayed up late listening to oldies he had played while with a band back home. He spent his free time playing the keyboard, guitar and flute in the couples two-bedroom apartment and had become passionate about new-age melodies that he said soothed the soul. He recorded his music and gave it to friends and relatives. Each year, the couple would go home to Nicaragua bearing gifts from America for friends and relatives. This year, they were especially excited at the prospect of meeting their newest grandchild, a baby girl born in May, relatives said. Castellon and Jimenez had four children in their family, all boys. Castellon had always wanted a girl and was especially happy at her granddaughters birth. The couple never met her. After so many years working for Washington-area families, Jimenez and Castellon were looking forward to retirement in Nicaragua. They were waiting for him to turn 65 to leave the life they had built in the United States and clients they had befriended, to return home. They will be where they wanted to be, their son, Augusto Jimenez, said. Two urns in their homes living room, where they can rest in peace. Dan Morse contributed to this report. Arvind Kejriwal today lashed out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the raid at Delhi Commission for Women's (DCW) office by the Centre-controlled Anti-Corruption Bureau. By India Today Web Desk: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today lashed out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the raid at Delhi Commission for Women's (DCW) office by the Centre-controlled Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB). In a tweet in Hindi, he said: "Modiji did not spare even the DCW which is doing such commendable work. Modiji has done a very bad thing." advertisement Kejriwal was responding to a series of tweets posted by DCW chairperson Swati Maliwal expressing shock over the raids. Maliwal is a former active member of Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Delhi's ACB today carried out searches at DCW office in New Delhi in connection with complaints by a former Delhi Chief Secretary Omesh Sehgal and an ex-chief of the panel Barkha Shukla Singh. The ACB officials claimed that they had intimated the DCW about their visit to collect certain documents regarding the complaints. Barkha Singh, a former Congress MLA who headed the panel for nine years till last year, had filed a complaint with ACB recently alleging "nepotism and favouritism" by Maliwal in appointing employees to DCW. She had claimed that several AAP supporters were given plum posts in the women's panel, an allegation strongly denied by Maliwal. In another complaint, the former Delhi chief secretary had alleged that Maliwal was misusing her official position by issuing a show cause notice to a club of which he is a member. A woman had claimed that Sehgal had harassed her by bumping into her constantly in the club's swimming pool. The woman had claimed that she and her husband were suspended from the club after they filed an FIR against Sehgal. DCW had sought a reply from the club on the suspension of the couple's membership and the club's failure to forward the woman's complaint to the local complaints committee. Maliwal could not be reached for her reaction on the ACB searches. Kejriwal, as usual, tweeted and blamed the PM for the raids. In the past too, the Delhi CM has held the PM directly responsible for any action taken against his party MLAs, Delhi ministers or officers. He had stooped to a new low by calling Modi a "coward and psychopath" when his official Rajendra Kumar's office was raided. (With inputs from PTI) --- ENDS --- Oscar Morel, 35, pleaded "not guilty" in a New York court on charges he shot and killed a Muslim cleric and his assistant outside a mosque. Police say they found the handgun used in the attack at Morel's house, but his attorney said he denies the charges. ( / Reuters) Ten minutes after Oscar Morel allegedly killed an imam and his assistant, he cursed and then struck an Iraqi man walking his bicycle through a crosswalk, the man said yesterday. Salim al-Shimiri, a fashion designer who fled the Iraq War, saw a black SUV moving erratically, glanced at the driver and tried to get out of the way. Instead, the driver sped up and appeared to drive right at him, al-Shimiri said in an interview Wednesday. I saw his face. It was anger, said al-Shimiri, 52. The force of the impact knocked him to the ground and left him badly bruised. A bystander reported a hit-and-run, police retrieved surveillance video from the accident and the scene of the double murder and saw the suspect fleeing into the car after the slaying and then striking al-Shimiri. Morel, 35, faces the possibility of life in prison without parole in the execution-style killings of imam Maulama Akonjee and his assistant, Thara Uddin, both Bangladeshi immigrants and fathers of three, as they walked down a sidewalk near their mosque after Saturday afternoon prayers. He first was charged in the hit-and-run. Investigators say they have not found a motive in either crime, but have not ruled out charging Morel with a hate crime, as well. A porter at the New School in Manhattan, Morel was charged Tuesday with first-degree murder, an added count that brings the heavier penalty, said Richard A. Brown, the Queens district attorney. He is due in court again Thursday. While the motivation for this violent act is still unclear and continues to be investigated, one of the possible motives being explored is whether this was a hate crime, Brown said in a statement. Crimes motivated by bias or hate are deplorable and can never be tolerated. [Tension roils Queens immigrant community after killings] The killings have sparked deep unease across the area, where many residents are convinced that the two Muslim men were killed in a hate crime. Morel lived in the basement apartment of a house in Brooklyn, in a building that, like many around it, has bars covering the windows. His apartment entrance was around back of the blue house, down a narrow set of concrete steps, and facing an overgrown yard where some neighbors said he sold cars and car parts. He tried to sell me a Lexus, said Ronald Clark, who lives nearby and said he periodically talked to Morel over the past few years. He was cool to me, Clark said Wednesday. He didnt buy the Lexus from Morel other people warned him it might be stolen but he did drive his own car into Morels yard once to help him jump-start it. Another time, Morel tried to sell me a Honda Accord for parts, Clark said. He was a nice person. . . . The only thing is what would make him do that? asked Louis Garcia, who lives around the corner and said he had casual exchanges with Morel every so often. Another neighbor, Gary Dematas, said Morel at one time had a small stand-alone pool in the back yard where he sometimes swam with children. But none of the neighbors seemed to know if Morel had a partner or children of his own. Al-Shirmiri, still recovering from the accident, was badly shaken anew when he learned the man charged with hitting him also was charging with killed two men minutes before. He fled Iraq for the United States in 2008 and said he has sometimes experienced discrimination as an Arab man. A landlord refused to rent to him, hes been kicked out of stores and he often avoids the question where are you from? Sometimes, he uses the name David Hunter. But he views the country as his adopted home. I think of America as the country of security, but I am afraid now, he said in his native Arabic. The best thing about America is the security and the fact that all people and all faiths can live together, but now I am scared. MINNESOTA Chief backs officer who killed black driver The police officer who killed a black motorist in a shooting whose bloody aftermath was live-streamed on Facebook was defended by his chief Wednesday as a level-headed member of the force with a real sound ability when it comes to communicating and relating to people. In an interview with the Associated Press, St. Anthony Police Chief Jon Mangseth sketched a portrait at odds with the image of the officer screaming expletives while pointing his gun at the dying man in the video. St. Anthony police Officer Jeronimo Yanez fatally shot 32-year-old Philando Castile during a traffic stop in nearby Falcon Heights on July 6. Castiles girlfriend streamed the aftermath live on Facebook and said Castile was shot several times while reaching for his ID after telling the officer he had a gun permit and was armed. Yanez was expected to return to work for the first time Wednesday, Mangseth said. He will perform desk duties and other administrative work until the investigation is completed, the chief said. Mangseth wouldnt discuss details of the shooting, including what prompted the traffic stop that preceded Castiles death, citing the ongoing review of the incident. Castiles death set off weeks of protests and calls for Yanez to be charged. It also put the sleepy collection of St. Paul suburbs in which St. Anthony police serve in the group of communities dealing with officer-involved shootings of black men, along with Baltimore, Ferguson, Mo., and most recently, Milwaukee. Associated Press nasa Rockets payload lost in return to Earth NASA on Wednesday said it lost the payload of a suborbital rocket carrying student experiments into the atmosphere as it returned to Earth, a rare occurrence thats being investigated. The 20-foot-long tube carried high-definition cameras, various gauges and antennas from universities and community colleges. It was launched atop a rocket from the Wallops Flight Facility near Chincoteague Island and reached an altitude of about 95 miles before it descended toward the Atlantic Ocean. NASA spokesman Keith Koehler said data was received from most of the experiments during the flight. A parachute was supposed to open at about 20,000 feet, but its unclear whether that happened, he said. Associated Press ILLINOIS Autopsy finds no drugs in teen slain by police Paul ONeal, the black teen fatally shot last month by Chicago police in a controversial incident captured in part on video, suffered a single gunshot wound to the right side of his back, the Cook County medical examiners office determined in an autopsy made public Wednesday. Toxicological testing found no drugs in ONeals system, the autopsy found. The medical examiners report repeated claims that an officer believed ONeal may have fired shots during a chase. Authorities have said that ONeal was not armed. Acting with unusual swiftness a little more than a week after the shooting, city officials released nine video clips from police dashboard and body cameras that showed apparent procedural errors by three officers who fired on ONeal, 18, as he fled July 28 in a reportedly stolen Jaguar and then on foot. Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson stripped the three of their powers, citing potential policy violations. McClatchy-Tribune Boys aboard an abandoned boat collect recyclable items through polluted waters in front of fishing boats at Fish Harbor in Karachi, Pakistan, August 17, 2016. (Akhtar Soomro/Reuters) NORTH KOREA Plutonium work has resumed, report says North Korea says it has resumed plutonium production by reprocessing spent fuel rods and has no plans to stop nuclear tests as long as perceived U.S. threats remain, Japans Kyodo news agency reported Wednesday. North Koreas Atomic Energy Institute, which has jurisdiction over the countrys main Yongbyon nuclear facilities, also told Kyodo that it had been producing highly enriched uranium necessary for nuclear arms and power as scheduled. We have reprocessed spent nuclear fuel rods removed from a graphite-moderated reactor, the institute told Kyodo in a written interview. The institute did not mention the amount of plutonium or enriched uranium it had produced, Kyodo said. According to Kyodo, the North Korean institute said that it had already succeeded in making lighter and diversifying nuclear weapons and that it had no intention of halting nuclear tests. North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test in January. Children sleep on the ground outside the former international airport in Athens, currently used as a temporary camp for migrants and refugees. (Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP/Getty Images) North Korea will also build a 100,000-kilowatt light-water nuclear reactor for experimental use, the institute was quoted as saying, but it did not provide details. Reuters MIGRANTS Greeks, Turks carry out Aegean rescues Greeces coast guard rescued 59 migrants from an inflatable dinghy off the island of Kos on Wednesday while a second vessel reported in trouble in the Aegean Sea was picked up by Turkish authorities. A total of 147 people arrived on three Greek islands in the 24 hours between Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning, including those rescued in rough weather off Kos. Of the others, 44 reached the small island of Kalymnos and the remaining 44 were picked up by the coast guard from another inflatable dinghy off the island of Lesbos. Also Wednesday, Turkeys coast guard rescued passengers on a migrant boat who had called for help citing engine problems, according to Greek authorities. The boat was found in Turkish waters after an initial search on the Greek side between the islands of Samos and Ikaria. The caller said about 50 people were on board. With many islands close to the Turkish coast, Greece is a major entry point for hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees hoping for better lives in the European Union. Associated Press Airstrikes on rebel-held Syrian city reportedly kill 17: A Syrian search-and-rescue group said 17 people were killed in airstrikes on the rebel-held northwestern city of Idlib. The local branch of the volunteer Syrian Civil Defense group said the airstrikes wounded at least 30. The group, which is also known as the White Helmets and operates in opposition-held areas, blamed the attack on government jets. Monitoring groups say rebel-held territory in the northwest has come under increasing attack by Syrian and Russian jets in recent weeks. Four suspected militants killed in Russia: Russias top investigative body said four suspected militants were killed in a shootout with intelligence officers in St. Petersburg. The Investigative Committee said officers from the FSB security service were raiding apartments in Russias second-largest city looking for suspected Islamist insurgents who have fought in Russias North Caucasus. The investigators said the suspects were holed up in an apartment block on the outskirts of St. Petersburg and opened fire when the officers tried to detain them. Indonesia cuts radical clerics sentence by three months: Indonesias government has cut a radical Islamic clerics prison term by three months as part of sentence reductions given to thousands of criminals on the countrys Independence Day, an official said. Abu Bakar Bashir, the spiritual leader of the militant group behind the 2002 Bali bombings, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2011 after being convicted of funding a terrorist training camp in Aceh. It was the second three-month reduction granted to Bashir. Zambian opposition party to challenge election results: Zambias main opposition party will file a court petition against President Edgar Lungus reelection, its vice president said. The United Party for National Development says some electoral officials colluded with the ruling Patriotic Front to rig the vote, handing victory to Lungu over rival and main opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema. The ruling party and the election officials deny the charge. From news services YEMEN Medical charity hit by attacks pares presence Doctors Without Borders announced Thursday that it is withdrawing from northern Yemen because of what the international aid group called indiscriminate bombings and unreliable reassurances from the Saudi-led coalition fighting Shiite rebels in the country. The group, known by its French abbreviation MSF, said an attack Monday on a hospital it supported in the area had killed 19 people and wounded 24 a toll higher than earlier reported. The airstrike on Abs Hospital was the fourth and the deadliest attack on an MSF-supported medical facility during this war, while there have been numerous attacks on other health facilities all over Yemen, the Geneva-based group said in a statement. MSF also said that airstrikes in northern Yemen, a stronghold of the rebels, known as Houthis, have intensified since peace talks collapsed this month. The conflict in Yemen pits an internationally recognized government backed by a Saudi-led coalition against the Shiite Houthi rebels. The coalition, supported by the United States, has been carrying out airstrikes in Yemen since March 2015. MSF said the bombardment had continued despite its sharing of the GPS coordinates of its hospitals with the parties involved in the conflict. Associated Press TURKEY Kurdish rebels blamed for attacks that kill 14 Attacks blamed on Kurdish rebels and targeting Turkeys security forces killed more than a dozen people and wounded more than 220, officials said Thursday. Authorities blamed the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which is conducting a campaign of violence against security forces. The attacks come as Turkey is focused on a clampdown on suspected followers of a movement led by U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, which the government accuses of orchestrating a failed military coup last month that killed at least 270 people. A car bombing hit a police station in the eastern province of Van late Wednesday, killing a police officer and two civilians. At least 73 people 53 civilians and 20 police officers were wounded, officials said. Another car bombing hit police headquarters in the eastern city of Elazig early Thursday, killing at least five people, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. Officials said 146 people were wounded. In the southeastern province of Bitlis, meanwhile, five soldiers were killed when rebels detonated a roadside bomb as an armored military vehicle was passing by, officials said. Five soldiers were wounded. A government-paid village guard helping the security forces battle the PKK was killed in a clash with rebels in the province, the state-run Anadolu Agency reported. Associated Press Russian prosecutors blacklist 2 more U.S. groups: Russian prosecutors have declared two more U.S. nonprofit organizations undesirable under a repressive law intended to tighten the Kremlins control over the political landscape. The prosecutor generals office said the activities of the International Republican Institute and the Media Development Investment Fund pose a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order and security of the state. Five other U.S. nonprofit organizations were earlier blacklisted under the 2015 law. Egypt sentences 418 alleged Brotherhood backers: An Egyptian military court has sentenced 418 alleged supporters of the banned Muslim Brotherhood to prison terms, including life imprisonment, for involvement in violence in 2013. Court documents show that the decision was related to the storming of a police station in the Minya area after the military cleared two Brotherhood protest camps in Cairo, killing hundreds in the process. The court sentenced 350 defendants in absentia to 25 years or life imprisonment, while 68 defendants present were sentenced to two to 10 years. British Ebola nurse under scrutiny: A British nurse who developed Ebola working in Sierra Leone is facing disciplinary action over allegations that she lied about her temperature during health checks on her return. The Nursing and Midwifery Council alleges that Pauline Cafferkey allowed an incorrect temperature to be recorded at Heathrow Airport on Dec. 29, 2014, and intended to conceal that she had a temperature higher than 96 degrees Fahrenheit. The council said a full hearing is scheduled for next month. Cafferkey could lose the right to practice. From news services By PTI: Chandigarh, Aug 17 (PTI) Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to review the decision of appointing an Administrator of Chandigarh, saying the capital city belongs to Punjab and its right over it can never be "diluted or compromised with". In a statement, Badal also asked the Centre not to "disturb" the time tested convention and practice of keeping the Governor of Punjab as the Administrator of the Union Territory of Chandigarh. advertisement While urging Modi to review the decision, he said it violates the premise under which the arrangement was originally made, which was that Chandigarh belongs to Punjab and has to be transferred to the state. Badal also spoke to Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh over the issue this evening. He reiterated that Chandigarh belongs to Punjab and the right of the state on its capital city can never be "diluted or compromised". Holding the successive Congress governments squarely responsible for "injustice and discrimination" against Punjab, Badal said Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi went "back on solemn pledges" made to the people of Punjab on the floor of the parliament regarding the transfer of Chandigarh. He dismissed Amarinder Singhs statement on the subject today as "nothing more than a case of a crocodile shedding tears. "Will captain Singh please tell Punjabis as to who kept Chandigarh and other Punjabi speaking areas out of Punjab? Will he also tell why the city was not transferred to Punjab on January 26, 1986, as promised under the Rajiv-Longowal Accord which he now talks about? Will he also tell why did he not resign as senior minister in the Punjab government when the Rajiv Gandhi government at the centre had betrayed Punjabis at the eleventh hour on the midnight of January 25-26, 1986," Badal said. "Amarinder or any other Congress leader has no moral right to speak on the subject," he said, adding "they are the real culprits for Chandigarh being denied to Punjab as well as other acts of injustice and discrimination against the state." Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) also condemned the Centre on the appointment of Administrator and described the move as "anti-Punjab". The party demanded Badals should clarify their stand on the decision. (MORE) PTI CHS AKA DKS AQS ZMN AQS --- ENDS --- In his Aug. 14 op-ed, Lessons of the failed Soviet coup, Stephen Sestanovich, the U.S. ambassador-at-large for the former Soviet Union from 1997 to 2001, wrote that Russian President Boris Yeltsin picked Vladimir Putin as his successor and made it easy for Putin to become popular. Although Yeltsin handed power over to Mr. Putin, few factors made it likely that Mr. Putin, then an unknown, uncharismatic bureaucrat with less-than-popular career ties to the KGB, would become popular, much less succeed, in the presidency. At the time of his appointment, neither the Russian media nor Yeltsins political opponents were supportive; most were hostile to Mr. Putin as the election approached. The Russian economy was in shambles. Unrest within Russias borders was an obstacle to any Yeltsin successor. Russian oligarchs were very powerful. They had made possible the reelection of a sick and politically weak Yeltsin, divided the Russian economy among themselves and controlled Russian media. The recurring fight with Chechen separatists was serious a bloody conflict with these separatists damaged Yeltsins presidency. Mr. Putins risky decision to attempt a military solution was attacked as shortsighted and foolhardy by Russian and foreign media. There were and there remain real concerns in Russia about the expansion of NATO right up to Russias borders. As far back as 1998, George Kennan, former ambassador to the Soviet Union, said, I think it is the beginning of a new Cold War. Mr. Putins rise to power and popularity was not easy. Lets not underestimate his ability to pose a dangerous threat to Europe and the United States. Thomas Bickerton, Vienna The writer was a staff member of the U.S. Information Agency; a consultant for coordinating exchanges for a U.S.-U.S.S.R. bilateral technical agreement; and a Russian foreign-affairs specialist, economist and remote-sensing coordinator with the U.S. Agriculture Department from 1977 to 2014. OF ALL the murky financial links to Russia and Ukraine involving Paul Manafort, the just-demoted campaign chairman for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, the most disturbing so far was published Tuesday by the Associated Press. Mr. Manafort is reported to have helped a pro-Russian party in Ukraine route at least $2.2 million in payments to a pair of prominent Washington lobbying firms in 2012. According to the AP account, the lobbying firms did not register as foreign agents under U.S. law with the Justice Department, potentially obscuring from public view a foreign political partys attempts to influence Congress. Mr. Manafort has made a career out of working on overseas political campaigns. A generation ago, he advised the Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos. His work in Ukraine over the past decade has been well-known, especially how he helped Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian politician, engineer a turnabout in his fortunes to become Ukraines president, until he fled office in the face of mass demonstrations in 2014, triggering Russian President Vladimir Putins seizure of Crimea and instigation of a violent insurrection in the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk. Mr. Manaforts work abroad has raised questions about whether he might be channeling into the Trump campaign some kind of influence from Russia and Mr. Putin. The questions have been deepened by Mr. Trumps expressed affinity for the Russian strongman, by his association with Russian and Russian American businessmen, and by a change in the GOP platform on Ukraine this summer that was in Mr. Putins favor. Now add this: Mr. Manafort and a business associate were working in 2012 on behalf of Mr. Yanukovychs political party when they steered money to a nonprofit organization, the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, which subsequently paid $2.2 million to the lobbying firms to advocate positions in line with Mr. Yanukovychs government. The two recipient firms were Podesta Group Inc., led by Tony Podesta, whose brother, John Podesta, is now chairman of Hillary Clintons campaign, and Mercury LLC, led by former Minnesota Republican congressman Vin Weber. Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, lobbyists must declare publicly if they represent foreign leaders or foreign political parties and file detailed reports to the Justice Department. A violation carries criminal penalties, although the law is not often enforced. Neither of the lobbying firms registered in this case, and they told the Associated Press they didnt believe it was necessary. Mr. Manafort is no neophyte when it comes to the rules of lobbying and politics. It appears from the AP article that the nonprofit functioned as an intermediary for the money from Ukraine. If not a violation of the letter of the law, it certainly appears to circumvent the spirit. This is precisely the kind of opacity that generates suspicion about Mr. Trump, who has been less than forthcoming about his corporate and personal finances. American voters are right to wonder whether Russia is attempting to meddle in the U.S. presidential campaign, and to what extent Trump & Co. might be enabling that. Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to see Donald Trump become the next president of the United States. To that end, Putin and his government have taken unprecedented steps to influence our electoral process to help the Republican Partys nominee. Whether Russias interventions will succeed is not obvious. But its clear that Putins government has the motives and the means to try. Putin has rational motives for wanting Trump to win: Trump champions many foreign policies that Putin supports. Trumps most shocking, pro-Kremlin proposal is to look into recognition of Crimea as a part of Russia. President Obama and nearly every member of Congress Republican and Democrat have rejected that idea vigorously. Only Afghanistan, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, Syria and Venezuela have recognized Russias annexation of Crimea. Naturally, Putin would love to see the United States join that list. Trump also has made clear his disdain for the United States alliances around the world. Demonstrating his misunderstanding of how NATO works, Trump has demanded that other NATO members essentially pay us for protection, making many of our allies, especially in the eastern part of Europe, nervous about his commitment to defend them. Trump has also disparaged our allies in Asia, creating new opportunities for Russian influence. On trade, Trumps promises to disrupt our agreements also play right into Putins agenda. From Putins perspective, what could be a better way to start the New Year than a trade war between the United States and China or Mexico? Trumps threats to stop paying our debts also would radically undermine our credibility as a lender, another desirable outcome for Putin. On the whole, Trump advocates isolationist policies and an abdication of U.S. leadership in the world. He cares little about promoting democracy and human rights. A U.S. retreat from global affairs fits precisely with Putins international interests. And if Mr. Trump becomes president, experts on U.S. politics predict a tumultuous period domestically. If a President Trump tried to implement his radical ideas regarding immigration or walling off our southern border, a serious push-back effort would ensue, both in Congress and in the country as a whole. A United States convulsed by infighting over Trumps deeply divisive policy proposals gives Putin more freedom to act around the world. If a Trump victory would serve Putins interests, a President Hillary Clinton would not. Clinton will never recognize Crimea as part of Russia, seeks to strengthen relations with our allies and speaks out about human rights. Putin and his government already know Clinton from her four years as secretary of state. They remember the tough line she took in seeking to negotiate a political transition in Syria; her efforts though failed to get Russia to support even modest U.N. Security Council resolutions regarding this humanitarian tragedy; and her early advocacy for arming Syria opponents of Bashar al-Assad, Moscows ally. They remember her public criticism of irregularities in Russias December 2011 parliamentary election, which Putin lambasted as a signal to Russian protesters to take to the streets against him. And they remember her portrayal of Putins prized foreign policy project the creation of the Eurasia Economic Union as a a move to re-Sovietize the region. No one should be surprised that Putin and his government would rather see Trump in the White House. Putin not only has strong motives for wanting to Trump to win over Clinton, but also has some means to try to influence our presidential vote. Kremlin-controlled media outlets have stated publicly their preference for Trump. RT, Russias state-controlled television station broadcasting in the United States, has a clear preference for Trump. In one of many pro-Trump reports, the Russian state-controlled news service, Sputnik, said it confirmed Trumps claim about Obama being the founder of the Islamic State and tweeted the hashtag: #CrookedHillary. With vigor and volume, pro-Kremlin bloggers echoed these same messages on Twitter and Facebook. Putin himself has weighed in, praising Trump as a colorful (yarkii) and talented politician (though not as a genius, as Trump has claimed), who seems more amenable to work with Russia than other candidates. More audaciously, Russians apparently stole emails from the Democratic National Committee, after which Trump then encouraged Russian spies to steal again and publish more of Clintons emails. No one should be surprised that the Russian government uses its incredible cyber capabilities to collect intelligence on important U.S. politicians. That is what spies are supposed to do. What they have never done in the past, however, is publish stolen information to influence a U.S. presidential election. 1 of 60 Full Screen Autoplay Close Skip Ad What Donald Trump is doing on the campaign trail View Photos The GOP presidential nominee is out on the trail ahead of the general election in November. Caption The GOP presidential nominee is pressing his case ahead of Election Day. Nov. 7, 2016 Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event at SNHU Arena in Manchester, N.H. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post Wait 1 second to continue. To be precise, WikiLeaks not the Kremlin dumped this data into the public domain on the eve of the Democratic National Convention with the clear and successful intent of damaging the Democratic Party and their candidate for president. To remind, WikiLeaks is a foreign agent now meddling directly in our electoral process. We are unlikely to ever know for sure if Russian spies gave this data to WikiLeaks, as WikiLeaks refuses to say and probably would not even know. The Russians are sophisticated enough to use intermediaries to make sure the recipients of the stolen information would not know the original source. WikiLeaks is promising to release more emails, fueling expectations about a possible October surprise. U.S. electoral experts, not me, must judge whether Russian efforts will sway the elections this fall. From my amateur armchair, the tactics seem crude and counterproductive. Does Sputnik tweeting #CrookedHillary really win over any undecided voters? I hope not, but I dont know. What I do know is that Secretary Clinton could well become President Clinton on Jan. 20, 2017. Russian officials from Putin to the person running the Sputnik Twitter account might want to start thinking about what they plan to do then, and stop playing around with our electoral process now. Daniel Akerson was chairman and chief executive of General Motors from 2010 to 2014 and was vice chairman and special adviser to the board of directors for the Carlyle Group from 2014 to 2016. I am the son of a World War II and Korean War veteran. As a young man, the men I respected most were my father and my uncles, who collectively fought in the Battle of the Atlantic and the invasions of North Africa, Sicily, D-Day, Iwo Jima and Inchon. I came of age in the service of our nation. I never had a draft card. I entered the U.S. Naval Academy before my 18th birthday and served in the Navy for five years. My older brother volunteered as well. Simply put, it was expected. We were raised in a good Catholic home and believed in God and country. My wife of 44 years and I have sought to pass these values to our kids and grandkids. And I have always voted for Republicans for president. Not this year. The compelling rationale behind this decision: leadership. A good leader must demonstrate such qualities as competence, integrity, empathy, character and temperament. Hillary Clinton has these essential qualities. Donald Trump does not. Trump simply lacks the competence to serve as president of the United States. His knowledge of economic policy and foreign affairs is rudimentary, at best; his views are misguided. His threat to impose prohibitive tariffs on trade would repeat mistakes that contributed to the Great Depression. His words and actions have rattled our European and Asian allies at a time when Russia and China are resurgent. He has demonstrated neither the capacity nor the inclination to learn from experts in global economics. Trump claims great business prowess. Running the U.S. government is perhaps the most complex global chief executive job in the world. Everything one does as the leader of the free world is watched by markets, foreign governments, our competitors and our enemies. This requires a steady hand and temperament. When I worked at General Motors, our global operations comprised more than 100 plants and roughly a quarter-million employees. Supply-chain management and the orchestration of commodities, parts and components around the globe required a multinational, interdisciplinary effort. In every chief executive job I have had, my team and I spent countless hours analyzing global trends, listening to experts, learning from others and making informed, reasoned decisions. Trump does none of that. While running a successful hotel business is honorable and hard work, there is no comparison to running a sophisticated global operation such as the U.S. government. Trump is simply not up to a job of this complexity. During a speech in Youngstown, Ohio, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump outlined some of his plans to defeat the Islamic State and protect the United States. (Sarah Parnass/The Washington Post) Long ago, I learned an old Navy saying from a good friend and now-retired admiral: Ship, shipmate, self. This motto set the priorities for my life during my service. The civilian equivalent would be country, fellow citizen, self. As individuals and as a nation, we must aspire to serve the greater good. We must exhibit the empathy that places the greater good of the nation and its people above individual self-interest. Unfortunately, Trump has appealed to the lowest common denominators in our society: prejudice, xenophobia and intolerance. He has mocked people with disabilities, tarred ethnic minorities, demeaned women and insulted religious leaders, including the pope. When Trump questioned the patriotism and sacrifice of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and, thereby, other prisoners of war, he demonstrated a complete lack of respect for the men and women in uniform, as well as our veterans. He appeared unable to empathize or comprehend the sense of isolation and despair associated with years of imprisonment. But he did not stop there. When asked how he has sacrificed for our country, Trump compared his experiences in real estate to that of a mother who lost her son after that brave young man volunteered for service in the U.S. Army. Trumps complete lack of empathy and his failure to understand the heartache of a grieving mother disqualify him from being commander in chief. What kind of person equates the sacrifice of the loss of a child to that of creating jobs or making money? Trump has resorted to schoolyard name-calling and skewed the truth too many times. I simply do not believe that Trump could stand tall like John F. Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis, demonstrate the strength of Ronald Reagan in bringing about the end of the Cold War or articulate the vision of George H.W. Bush to support a unified Germany when the wall came down. By contrast, Clinton has been tested. She has demonstrated balance, calm and an even temperament. She has an unparalleled knowledge of foreign and economic policy; she has run complex organizations such as the State Department. Over the years, she has demonstrated that she can take criticism and work with even her most strident political opponents. Like other leaders, including myself, she has made mistakes. I believe she has learned from those mistakes. In my opinion, she is ready to be commander in chief on Day One. Many of my fellow chief executives will question my decision to speak out. My choice is grounded in the Midwest values that I learned from my parents and grandparents. I hope and believe that one day my grandchildren will be proud that I stood up to speak out about what is right for our country. Ultimately, our greatest duty to our country is to put our future, and our childrens future, above partisan politics. IT WOULD have made a mockery of justice had the man who did so much to debase politics in the District walked out of court without facing prison time. Incredibly, thats what prosecutors had recommended in the case of Jeffrey E. Thompson, the fat cat city contractor-turned-campaign-finance scofflaw whose shenanigans included masterminding the shadow campaign behind former mayor Vincent C. Grays (D) election in 2010. Providentially, U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, possessed of a broader sense of the publics interest, sentenced Mr. Thompson to three months behind bars, a token but nonetheless meaningful term for a figure she called the leader, organizer, and mastermind of this conspiracy. Mr. Thompson could have faced up to seven years incarceration for illegally funneling more than $3 million to more than two dozen candidates over six years, including more than $650,000 to Mr. Grays campaign. He was saved from that by what prosecutors called his extraordinary cooperation, which he delivered only after the failure of his initial gambits to destroy evidence and spirit a key witness out of the country. His relatively slight punishment, which also includes a $10,000 fine and 36 months of probation, was Mr. Thompsons prize for having spilled the beans on a retinue of his retainers and associates who did his bidding, some of whom are already serving harsher sentences than he received. Its worth remembering that Mr. Thompson, praised to the skies for his candor by prosecutors, clearly implicated Mr. Gray as fully cognizant of the illegal cash sloshing around his campaign. Mr. Gray denies this and refused, two years ago, a proposal from prosecutors that he plead guilty to a single felony count. Late last year, a new U.S. attorney, Channing D. Phillips, pulled the plug on prosecuting Mr. Gray in the face of reports that Mr. Thompsons unrelated personal conduct may have undermined his credibility had he been asked to testify in court. The taint of Mr. Grays close association with Mr. Thompson will linger owing in no small part to the former mayors six associates convicted of felonies arising from the illegal shadow campaign even after his likely return to public office as Ward 7 representative to the D.C. Council after this falls election. Prosecutors made the case that Mr. Thompson, once a local symbol of prestige and financial success, had suffered sufficiently, citing his loss of status and liquidity; he is said to owe many hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably in legal bills. If not for him, they said, the full story of the Districts electoral culture of corruption may not have been told. Granted, it has been a precipitous fall from grace for a fellow who once rubbed elbows with celebrities. Yet for all Mr. Thompsons noble pronouncements One can only accept responsibility with a clear conscience, he told the court his schemes were acts of unalloyed self-interest, intended to grease the wheels of municipal government and keep contracts flowing to his firms. Popular cynicism, distrust and a sense that the system is rigged: This is the legacy of Jeffrey E. Thompson. Regarding Esther Bowrings Aug. 13 Free for All letter, Sorriest bus stop coverage: Under what circumstance does it make sense to spend $3.8 million for a 1,000-foot sidewalk to a bus stop that serves 15 people per day? When the $3.8 million is someone elses money. The Montgomery County Department of Transportation is planning to spend $400,000 per year to provide bus service to a community of 60 people on River Road more than $6,000 per person per year. Thats about $20,000 per family per year. The county could buy each family a new Mercedes-Benz every four years instead. This is the same government that just raised taxes because of a lack of sufficient funds to provide adequate schools and services. And the traffic control devices the department is considering are part of a flood of unnecessary traffic lights popping up throughout Montgomery County at a cost of up to $500,000 each. Other peoples money. Mark Stamm, Potomac Regarding the Aug. 17 Food article Virginia brewer becomes a pariah at its own party: It is true, as Brewers Association craft beer program director Julia Herz said, When a small brewer sells to a large company, they choose to willingly, and should expect their position in the brewing community to change and customer relationships to change. However, we should applaud the success of Devils Backbone and appreciate Anheuser-Buschs ability to recognize changing tastes of beer lovers around the country. Goose Island, once a Chicago-based brewery, was bought by Anheuser-Busch in 2011. Tweaks were made to the original recipes, but Goose Island fans, including critics at the Chicago Tribune, order a 312 Urban Wheat Ale all over the United States. The departure of Devils Backbone from Virginias independent beer scene leaves a space for smaller ventures to gain traction. Hankering for a hoppy brew in the Shenandoah Valley? Try a Neptude IPA from Pen Druid, new to Sperryville. Or replace Devils Backbones Vienna Lager with a Fire in the Sky from Charlottesvilles South Street Brewery. Beer lovers should be happy Anheuser-Busch sees the growing craft beer market as an opportunity instead of competition. The decline of Bud Light sales wont put it out of business, but the award-winning Schwartz Bier from Devils Backbone just might persuade a Budweiser loyalist to try something new. Emily Pomeranz, Washington The top cops have told India Today that the post mortem that was conducted on the bodies have not indicated presence of liquor content in the blood. By Rohit Kumar Singh: The Bihar government has claimed that 13 deaths that took place in the hooch tragedy in Gopalganj are not a fallout of consumption of spurious liquor. The top cops have told India Today that the post mortem that was conducted on the bodies have not indicated presence of liquor content in the blood. Speaking to India Today, Sunil Kumar, IG Muzaffarpur zone said that the postmortem report did not point towards the liquor angle for the deaths. advertisement "The post mortem report does not give a clarity over presence of liquor content in the blood", said Sunil Kumar, IG Muzaffarpur Zone. The government which is facing allegation of trying to hush up the case and dismiss the liquor theory, however, maintained that the blood samples of the dead that have been collected will go through forensic examination before arriving at a final conclusion for reason of deaths. "The FSL team has also reached Gopalganj from Patna to conduct thorough examination", informed Sunil Kumar. On the other hand, family members of the deceased have claimed that the deaths took place because of liquor intake. Speaking to India Today, Umesh Ram, who is uncle of Raju Ram (35), one of the deceased said that his nephew had drunk and come home on Tuesday morning and also later in the evening. Raju was working as a daily wager in a factory in Mumbai and had come back home for to meet his family. "Raju after coming home, complained of stomach ache and uneasiness following which he was rushed to hospital. The doctors referred him to Patna seeing his condition worsening. He died on the way", said Umesh Ram. The government may be aggressively dispelling the liquor theory for the deaths but the symptoms which caused the 13 deaths are similar where the deceased complained of stomach ache and vomitting leading to sudden death. IG Sunil Kumar along with Saran Commissioner Narmadeshwar Lal, DIG Ajeet Rai are camping in Gopalganj after the hooch incident took place leading to 13 deaths. 5 arrested in Gopalganj hooch tragedy, 1,000 litres of spurious liquor recovered --- ENDS --- Here's what you need to know about the Breitbart News chairman who just became Donald Trump's new campaign CEO. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post) Here's what you need to know about the Breitbart News chairman who just became Donald Trump's new campaign CEO. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post) At the lowest point of Donald Trumps quest for the presidency, the Republican nominee might have brought in a political handyman to sand his edges. Instead, he put his campaign in the hands of a true believer who promises to amplify the GOP nominees nationalist message and reinforce his populist impulses. Steve Bannon is a fighters fighter. He is somebody who wants to be the first boots on the beach. In the military, its called the tip of the spear, said David Bossie, a conservative activist. It was Bossie who five years ago introduced Trump to Bannon, the top executive of the new media clarion of the establishment-loathing right, Breitbart News. Breitbart has since become a champion of Trumps candidacy in large part because Stephen K. Bannon himself believes it represents a cause much bigger than a political campaign. Bannon sees Trumpism as part of a global movement that will continue, no matter who is sitting in the Oval Office next January, those close to him say. Last September, when hardly anyone else on this side of the Atlantic was taking the prospect of a British exit from the European Union seriously, Bannon invited influential Republican leaders to a dinner for Nigel Farage, the head of the UK Independence Party, at the Capitol Hill townhouse known as the Breitbart Embassy. Bossie and others hailed Bannons pick as a sign that Trump, whose campaign has wobbled since the GOP convention, will return to the messages that won him the Republican nomination. The Fix's Chris Cillizza explains why Donald Trump demoted campaign chief Paul Manafort and added two new top advisers Breitbart News chief Stephen Bannon and pollster Kellyanne Conway. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) Its been frustrating that the campaign is not as vibrant and agile as we thought it could be at this stage, Bossie said. Steve is all action, action, action. Democrats saw a darker, more divisive turn in the selection of Bannon to hold the new title of chief executive. Robby Mook, campaign manager for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, told reporters on Wednesday: We absolutely expect, with this change, for Donald Trump and the campaign as a whole to double down on more conspiracy theories, more hateful rhetoric, more wild accusations. Mook also called Breitbart News a divisive, at times racist, anti-Muslim conspiracy news site, citing a report earlier this year by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a legal advocacy organization. One headline last October dubbed Bannon the most dangerous political operative in America. In that Bloomberg News article, Joshua Green reported that Andrew Breitbart, the late founder of the site, had described Bannon, with sincere admiration, as the Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party movement, a reference to the infamous and glamorous maker of Third Reich propaganda films. Moviemaking has been one of the many chapters of Bannons career, which had previously included four years aboard a Navy destroyer, a post-MBA stint with Goldman Sachs, and founding an investment firm specializing in media. 1 of 60 Full Screen Autoplay Close Skip Ad What Donald Trump is doing on the campaign trail View Photos The GOP presidential nominee is out on the trail ahead of the general election in November. Caption The GOP presidential nominee is pressing his case ahead of Election Day. Nov. 7, 2016 Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event at SNHU Arena in Manchester, N.H. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post Wait 1 second to continue. In one particularly felicitous deal, Bannons fee included an early stake in Seinfeld, the residuals of which alone would turn out to be enough to make him wealthy. Along the way, he developed a worldview remarkably in tune with what is now regarded as Trumpism: suspicious of free trade and liberal immigration policies, wary of military adventurism, and contemptuous of the old order. Bannon grew up in a working-class Democratic family in Norfolk, Va. He has attributed his disillusionment with the Democrats to his years in the Navy under Jimmy Carter as commander in chief, and said his experience running businesses in Asia while George W. Bush was president convinced him that establishment Republicans were no better. Bannon met Andrew Breitbart at a Beverly Hills screening of a 2004 Bannon-produced documentary on Ronald Reagan. We screened the film at a festival in Beverly Hills, Bannon told Bloombergs Green, and out of the crowd comes this, like, bear whos squeezing me like my heads going to blow up and saying how weve gotta take back the culture. At the time, Breitbart was trying to get his own website going, after having been an editor for the conservative aggregator Matt Drudge and a researcher for Arianna Huffingtons left-leaning Huffington Post. Bannon signed on to Breitbarts new venture. After Breitbarts death from heart failure in 2012, Bannon vowed to carry on his vision by building a global operation of real hell fighters. His operation has a more wonkish side as well, in the form of the nonprofit Government Accountability Institute, which produced the best-selling book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Business Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. Trump was not the first potential president to catch Bannons eye. In 2011, Bannon released a two-hour documentary about Sarah Palin called The Undefeated, attempting to reshape the way that voters and the media viewed the former candidate for vice president. The reason she draws this kind of fire is that she is an existential threat to the establishment, Bannon told Fox Newss Sean Hannity during the films promotional tour. The vested interests in our country are scared to death of her. While Palin dithered about whether to run for president, the documentary flopped, grossing $116,381. But Bannon remained convinced that the GOP was ripe for a populist takeover. That, say former employees of the site, was what set up the sites aggressive coverage of illegal immigration, and what turned into the most pro-Trump news source. In March 2014, after BuzzFeeds McKay Coppins ran an unflattering report on what happened after traveling with Trumps fake presidential campaign, Breitbart published a series of stories in which Trump allies attacked the reporter. This nervous geek isnt fit to tie the Donalds wing tips, Palin said, defending Trump against Coppins. When Trump became a candidate for president, the relationship deepened, and the billionaire frequently made himself available to break news on his race. He went to Breitbart to mock Jeb Bush for speaking Spanish and to attack Republicans for folding on trade. In a typical interview, conducted in November, Bannon joked that he himself had gone to the poets version of business school Harvard, and he helped Trump dump criticism on the Republicans consultant class. Former employees of Breitbart describe a work environment that mirrors the Trump campaign. Reporters who couldnt break or match news were chewed out with profanities; reporters on his good side were drawn into a hypercompetitive battle to own the news. All were encouraged to sign contracts with strict nondisclosure agreements. Several described Bannon pushing reluctant reporters onto stories by telling them: I didnt get where I am by being a Boy Scout. In March 2016, after Trump won Florida and held a news conference, Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields tried to ask Trumps then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski a question and was pushed aside. Chat logs later obtained by BuzzFeed revealed that Breitbart leadership wanted Fields to lay off the story and for members of the team to avoid tweeting about it. Fields quit, followed by several Breitbart staffers, including longtime editor-at-large Ben Shapiro. Hell tell Trump hes doing a fantastic job even if he isnt, Shapiro wrote Wednesday on his new site, The Daily Wire. Thats how Bannon Svengalis political figures and investors by investing them in his personal genius, then hollowing them out from the inside. Theres a reason Sarah Palin went from legitimate political figure to parody artist to Trump endorser, with Steve Bannon standing alongside her every step of the way. A lot of the people that you like and respect have targets on their backs as a result of Bannons ascent to the top, wrote Ben Howe, an editor at the conservative blog Red State who had spoken out against Trump. You have no idea how dangerous this man is. It is going to be score settling time for him if Trump wins. If Donald Trump won the election, and Steve Bannon were his chief of staff, I would have legitimate fears about the use of government power to come after political enemies, Shapiro said. I dont think Steve Bannon has principles. But a current employee of Breitbart, who had not been authorized to speak for the record, disputed that characterization of his boss: What he does is he gets the best out of people. That, it would appear, is what Trump is hoping, as well. A new Afghan biometric ID card, which is supposed to prevent voter fraud, has not been issued because of fights over whether to put ethnic information on the document. (Pam Constable/The Washington Post) It is one of the few things everyone in Afghanistan can agree on the need for a new, electronically readable, biometrically secure ID card that will help build a sense of national identity and prevent the kind of massive voter fraud that has marred the past two presidential elections. The new card was promised by President Ashraf Ghani soon after he took office nearly two years ago and approved by parliament last year. It was designed by experts and financed by international donors. More than 9 million cards have been produced so far, and the cost of providing them to more than 20 million adults is expected to be well over $100 million. Yet to date, not a single card has been issued to the public. Instead, the e-Tazkiras as they are called here, have become the latest casualty in an ongoing war of ethnic sensitivities that caused previous brouhahas, over the images on the Afghan currency and the language of the national anthem. The e-Tazkiras were supposed to be an important early step in electoral reforms that would lead to local and parliamentary elections by this fall. But those have been repeatedly delayed, weakening the legitimacy of the struggling national unity government. Ghani and his top electoral rival, Abdullah Abdullah, were pressured by U.S. officials into a power-sharing deal after the chaotic 2014 election. The rollout of the ID cards was halted because of vocal opposition from various ethnic leaders, who objected to having ethnic background mentioned as part of each citizens official identity. Some minority groups feared it would make them vulnerable to harassment, while some from the dominant Pashtun ethnic group worried it would reveal that their percentage of the population is less than they have always insisted. We have millions of ghost voters with fake cards that have been printed in Pakistan. This is a problem we urgently need to solve to hold future elections, but for some groups, the larger issue is one of social insecurity, said Javid Faisal, an aide to Abdullah, the countrys chief executive. Abdullah recently proposed a compromise in which citizens would be issued two ID cards one for voting with no ethnic information, and a second for other uses with a full list of personal information. But even that apparently has not satisfied some minority critics, who also objected to printing every card-holders nationality as Afghan on the new biometric cards, complaining that Afghan historically has been used interchangeably with Pashtun. Several officials have suggested the cumbersome Afghanistani as a substitute; the simpler Afghani is already in use as the name of the national currency. Beneath the veneer of an emerging modern democracy, in which the United Nations and Western donors have invested enormous resources since the overthrow of Taliban religious rule in 2001, Afghanistan is still a fractured tribal society whose inhabitants identify themselves first as ethnic Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras or Uzbeks, as well as a small Turkmen group. Ancient ethnic lines hardened during the civil war of the early 1990s, when anti-Soviet militias from different groups turned against each other and nearly destroyed Kabul in the process. Since then, national leaders have bought off ethnic bosses by parceling out ministries, governorships and other lucrative posts, although that system is now under pressure from President Ghanis drive to depoliticize the government and build a professional meritocracy. Today, there are no guns being drawn in the name of Pashtun or Tajik supremacy, but their old lions still roar when they dont get enough respect. Even the president, a Pashtun, has gotten grief from his fellow tribesmen on the e-card issue, although it is the former Tajik militia commanders from the north who have roared the loudest about prejudicial wording, calling for protests and walkouts. The e-card was such a simple thing, and now it has become a huge political issue, complained Shinkai Karokhel, a member of parliament from Kabul. Everyone who lives in Afghanistan should be considered an Afghan, she said. These politicians just want to satisfy their groups; they wont take advantage of an historic opportunity and tell people to shut up and do the right thing. On the streets of the capital this week, an assortment of shopkeepers, professionals and tradesmen agreed uniformly that the new foolproof ID card would be a very good thing for the country, especially to prevent Afghanistans neighbors from interfering in elections and to restore trust and accountability to an electoral system that lost both after the fraud-plagued 2014 presidential contest. Perhaps not surprisingly, however, they were divided on the question of whether to put ethnicity on the new ID cards. Some thought the issue was a tempest in a teapot being stirred up by ethnic leaders to prove their clout; others thought it would help establish the true balance of ethnic power in a country where no national census has ever been conducted and every ethnic boss claims to be king of the largest constituency. These self-proclaimed leaders act so foolishly, proclaiming that the Pashtuns or the Hazaras are the majority, said Sherzai Seerat, 25, who manages a small market in West Kabul. The electronic tazkiras will be a vital tool for solving crimes, finding jobs, getting passports. A year ago, people from the government were knocking on doors and telling us about them, he added with a bewildered shrug, but then nothing happened. Ahmad Zaki, 32, an unemployed plumber, said the dispute over the new tazkiras is one in a long list of things that has made him 100 per cent disappointed in the current government. I think they should put down peoples ethnicity, because it is important to know who is who, he said. But we have much bigger problems: security, prices and jobs. I go to my plumbing shop every day, but there is no work at all now. The new president promised to change so many things, but there has been no action. Read more: Young people dont see a future in Afghanistan, so theyre leaving Taliban pushes toward strategic provincial capital in Afghanistan These are the elite Taliban forces fighting for a province once held by U.S. troops Todays coverage from Post correspondents around the world Encep Nurjaman, a.k.a. Riduan Isamuddin but best known as Hambali, was captured in Thailand a year after the 2002 Bali bombing and passed through at least one CIA overseas prison before his transfer to Guantanamo. (John Riley/EPA) An Indonesian man suspected of being al-Qaedas chief operative in Southeast Asia appeared before a Guantanamo Bay review board on Thursday, making his first public appearance since his transfer to the detention facility in Cuba almost a decade ago. Encep Nurjaman, a.k.a. Riduan Isamuddin but best known as Hambali, was described by military officials as an operational mastermind of Jemaah Islamiah, the militant group that conducted the suicide bombing of a Bali nightclub in October 2002, killing more than 200 people in the regions worst terrorist attack. The review board process was established by the Obama administration to conduct periodic assessments of the continued detention of prisoners at Guantanamo and give them a chance to argue for their release. The interagency boards are made up of senior national security officials. Hambali, now 52,was captured in Thailand a year after the Bali bombing and passed through at least one CIA overseas prison before his transfer to Guantanamo. He is held there in the top-secret Camp 7 facility along with a small group of high-profile detainees, including the men accused of organizing the 9/11 attacks. Flanked by U.S. military officials and a translator, Hambali sat quietly through the session, his eyes trained on a sheaf of papers as a statement was read by his representative, an unidentified U.S. military officer. An undated image of Hambali, suspected of being the mastermind of the 2002 Bali bombings, was obtained by Thai police in Bangkok on Aug. 7, 2003. (Reuters) During the unclassified portions of the session watched by journalists via satellite link, Hambali made no acknowledgment of the officials around him. Dressed in a white T-shirt and wearing eyeglasses, he was neatly groomed and appeared to be in good health. Making the case for Hambalis release, his military representative said that his client was respectful, energetic and always smiling. He said the Indonesian had used Rosetta Stone, an audio-learning course, to study English and Arabic, skills he now taught to other inmates. Hambali has stated he has no ill will towards the U.S., the officer said in the statement, adding that his client wanted to live a peaceful life. But in a separate character appraisal, another unidentified officer representing the U.S. government argued against release. He said Hambali appeared to have influence over a number of his fellow detainees, promoting violent jihad during daily prayers and lectures. The officer said Hambali was a key link between Jemaah Islamiah and al-Qaeda. The officer said U.S. officials are confident that if Hambali is transferred out of Guantanamo, he will seek ways to reconnect with his Indonesian and Malaysian terrorism network or attract a new set of followers. His younger brother, Rusman Gunawan, is thought to have joined the Indonesia-based affiliate of the Islamic State, the officer said. The hearing came as President Obama accelerates efforts to empty Guantanamo Bay, a facility he promised on his first day in office to close. To that end, the Pentagon said Monday that it had transferred 15 detainees from the prison to the United Arab Emirates, the largest release under the current president. The fate of most of the remaining 61 prisoners many now described as forever prisoners will be harder to resolve. Indonesian security officials have said they want Hambali to stay in U.S. detention. A 2014 Senate Intelligence Committee report said the CIA used enhanced interrogation techniques often a euphemism for torture on Hambali about a month into his CIA detention. According to the report, Hambali was told by an interrogator that he would never go to court: We can never let the world know what I have done to you. The panel on Thursday issued no decision on Hambalis future. Strings of code were released to the Internet by a group calling themselves "the Shadow Brokers". They claim the code is a tool that can be used to hack into any computer. (Jhaan Elker/The Washington Post) Strings of code were released to the Internet by a group calling themselves "the Shadow Brokers". They claim the code is a tool that can be used to hack into any computer. (Jhaan Elker/The Washington Post) To penetrate the computers of foreign targets, the National Security Agency relies on software flaws that have gone undetected in the pipes of the Internet. For years, security experts have pressed the agency to disclose these bugs so they can be fixed, but the agency hackers have often been reluctant. Now with the mysterious release of a cache of NSA hacking tools over the weekend, the agency has lost an offensive advantage, experts say, and potentially placed at risk the security of countless large companies and government agencies worldwide. Several of the tools exploited flaws in commercial firewalls that remain unpatched, and they are out on the Internet for all to see. Anyone from a basement hacker to a sophisticated foreign spy agency has access to them now, and until the flaws are fixed, many computer systems may be in jeopardy. The revelation of the NSA cache, which dates to 2013 and has not been confirmed by the agency, also highlights the administrations little-known process for figuring out which software errors to disclose and which to keep secret. The hacker tools release demonstrates the key risk of the U.S. government stockpiling computer vulnerabilities for its own use: Someone else might get a hold of them and use them against us, said Kevin Bankston, director of New Americas Open Technology Institute. This is exactly why it should be U.S. government policy to disclose to software vendors the vulnerabilities it buys or discovers as soon as possible, so we can all better protect our own cybersecurity. The weekends release prompted immediate speculation about who might be behind it. A group calling itself Shadow Brokers claimed responsibility. Some experts and former employees suspect, although without hard evidence, that Russia is involved. Other former employees say it is more likely a disgruntled insider seeking to make a profit. Whoever it is, its very concerning that potentially someone working for another government is essentially holding hostage companies that are sitting behind these [firewalls], making them very vulnerable, said Oren Falkowitz, chief executive of Area 1 Security and a former NSA analyst. The firewalls sold by Cisco, Juniper and Fortinet are highly popular and work on large-scale enterprise systems. These are very, very powerful and successful products, Falkowitz said. They arent devices bought by two people. Already, the firms are racing to reverse-engineer the code, identify any flaws and devise patches. Cisco confirmed Wednesday that one of the flaws was a zero-day previously unknown to the public and that it is working on a fix. The flaw was in a tool or exploit code-named Extrabacon. Juniper spokeswoman Leslie Moore said the company is reviewing the released file. If a product vulnerability is identified, we will address the matter and communicate to our customers, she said. Fortinet spokeswoman Sandra Wheatley Smerdon said that the firm is actively working with customers who are running the FortiGate firewall version 4.X and that it strongly recommends that they update their systems with the highest priority. The government has a process for determining when to share software flaws. Agencies such as the NSA and the FBI are supposed to submit any flaws they discover to a multiagency group of experts, who then weigh whether the advantage of keeping the vulnerabilities secret outweighs the publics cybersecurity. White House cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel has said that in the majority of cases, disclosure of the bug is in the national interest. The multiagency process didnt really begin until spring 2014. The NSA had had its own internal process for years before that. Either way, in this case, disclosure never happened. This is what happens when you have security agencies hoarding exploits insecurely poorer security for all, said Kevin Beaumont, a cybersecurity researcher who verified that some of the leaked tools rely on still unpatched vulnerabilities. Former NSA personnel who worked with the tool cache that was released say that when they worked at the agency, there was an aversion to disclosure. While I was there, I cant think of a single example of a zero-day [flaw] used by the agency where we subsequently said, Okay, were done with it and lets turn it over to the defensive side so they can get it patched, said the former employee, who worked at the agencys Tailored Access Organization for years. During that time, he said, he saw hundreds of such flaws. He added: If its something in active use, my experience was they fight like all get-out to prevent it from being disclosed. Said a second former employee, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive government operations: Its hard to live in a world where you have capabilities and youre disclosing your capabilities to your defensive team. This former operator said that sometimes a vulnerability is patched, but that if you weaponize it in a different fashion with a special technique, maybe thats one way to increase the longevity of a tool. In that way, a flaw could still be good for several years. Two or three years is not really a long time for a bug to go undiscovered, said Joseph Lorenzo Hall, the chief technologist at the Center for Democracy & Technology. For example, a major vulnerability called Heartbleed made its way into the code of widely used encryption software in 2011, but didnt come to light until 2014, he noted. Last year, Microsoft fixed a critical zero-day bug that had been lurking in Windows for at least a decade. There are so many vulnerabilities in software that we cant possibly find them all, Hall said. Its really kind of scary, especially when youre talking about technology like firewalls, which are supposed to help keep systems safe. Experts studying the release say the material probably was stolen in October 2013, the date of the last file creation. If thats true, then someone or another spy agency has had time to hack companies using the vulnerable firewalls or watch NSAs own cyber spying. Past NSA employees, including former contractor Edward Snowden, say it is unlikely that the material was hacked from the agencys servers. It is more likely, some say, that the tools were uploaded and inadvertently left by a TAO hacker on a server used to stage hacks on targets. These servers are sometimes called redirectors or staging servers, and they mask the hackers true location. The NSA has always had audit controls on its systems. But particularly in the wake of leaks of classified material by Snowden that began appearing in the media in June 2013, the agency has strengthened its control mechanisms. Read more: Powerful NSA tools have been revealed online Comey defends FBIs purchase of iPhone hacking tool NSA hacking tools were leaked online. Heres what you need to know. Footage released by the Aleppo Media Center on Aug. 17 appears to show a little boy and others being rescued from rubble after an airstrike. (Aleppo Media Center) Footage released by the Aleppo Media Center on Aug. 17 appears to show a little boy and others being rescued from rubble after an airstrike. (Aleppo Media Center) Russia said Thursday it would stop attacks on Aleppo for 48 hours next week to allow delivery of humanitarian aid, indicating it would also prevent the Syrian government from bombing there, provided the United States could guarantee a similar pause by the so-called moderate opposition. The Russian Defense Ministrys spokesman, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, said Russias other condition for implementing the temporary cease-fire was that separate routes would be established for U.N. convoys to bring aid to rebel-controlled eastern Aleppo and to the western side, held by the government. The Obama administration, which has been pushing for a more widespread cease-fire, said it would not turn up our nose at the 48-hour offer. But we really believe its important to get beyond temporary, ephemeral and localized cease-fires, State Department spokesman John Kirby said. News of a possible pause in the fighting came as the world was arrested by a video of a small boy, covered with blood and dust, pulled by rescue workers from the rubble of a building in Aleppo bombed by Russian or Syrian aircraft. Medical workers identified the boy as Omran Daqneesh, 5, and said he was only one of a number of children rescued Wednesday. His parents were later said to have survived the attack. Dazed and expressionless, barefoot and dressed in dirty shorts and a cartoon-character T-shirt, Omran is seen reaching up his hand to his blood-covered face. Seemingly in slow motion, he looks at his hand and then wipes it on the orange leather of his seat in an ambulance as he stares into the distance. The video spread quickly on social media, much like last years image of a dead Syrian toddler, the son of a family fleeing by boat to Europe, whose body washed up on a Turkish beach. By my figuring, that little boy has never had a day in his life where there hasnt been war, death, destruction, poverty in his own country, Kirby said of Omran. You dont have to be a dad, but I am. You cant but help look at that and see that thats the real face of whats going on in Syria. Earlier Thursday, Staffan de Mistura, the U.N. envoy to the Syria crisis, said he had suspended meetings of an international task force working on humanitarian issues in Geneva because there was no sense in having a humanitarian meeting today unless we got some action. The United Nations has said that the level of fighting in August has prevented aid from reaching any of the 18 besieged areas and cities in Syria, most of them surrounded by government forces. But Aleppo, once Syrias largest city, has brought the crisis to a new level of desperation. In recent weeks, intense Russian and Syrian bombing closed the only access road from Turkey, in the north, to an estimated quarter-million people on the rebel-controlled eastern side. Early this month, opposition forces broke through government encirclement of the city in the south to threaten government-held western Aleppo, where up to 2 million civilians live. The United States and Russia, which head a separate international task force trying to implement a cease-fire, have been negotiating for months as the carnage has increased. In a statement issued after news of the Russian announcement of what Konashenkov called a pilot program for possible weekly 48-hour truces, the United Nations said it was ready to begin food and medical deliveries immediately, once security could be guaranteed. The statement said the United Nations counts on Russia to deliver its part, regarding, in particular, the adherence of the Syrian armed forces to the pause, once it comes into effect, and on the United States to ensure that the armed opposition also respects the 48-hour humanitarian pause. Carol Morello contributed to this report. By PTI: Bhubaneswar, Aug 18 (PTI) The BJD-led Odisha government has raised the Mahanadi river issue to divert attention from the killing of five villagers during an anti-naxal drive in Kandhamal and the death of 19 malnourished infants in Jajpur, Union Minister Jual Oram said today. "I feel the Naveen Patnaik government which came under attack over recent Kandhamal killings and infant deaths at Nagada village in Jajpur district is raising Mahanadi river water issue only to divert peoples attention," the Union Tribal Affairs Minister said. advertisement While five villagers, including three tribals, were shot dead during anti-Maoist operation by security men on July 8, at least 19 infants died in a short span at Nagada village in Jajpur district allegedly due to malnutrition. Accusing the ruling BJD of giving contradictory views, Oram said though the state government was now making noise over construction of projects on Mahanadi in Chhattisgarh that could reduce water flow into Odisha, BJD MPs had last year urged the Centre to divert surplus water from Mahanadi to Rushikulya river basin. In a letter to the Union Water Resources Minister on May 23, 2015, BJD MPs had stated that there was surplus water in Mahanadi river basin and sought diversion of the surplus water to the water deficit Rushikulya basin, the senior BJP leader told a TV channel. The BJD MPs in their letter had stated that surplus water of Mahanadi river was flowing into the sea during monsoon season and thus going waste, Oram said. Reacting to Orams allegation, BJD MP Sidhant Mohapatra said the party had sought diversion of Mahanadi water only during monsoon for irrigation and drinking water projects in south Odisha. BJD is agitating over Mahanadi water issue claiming that the Odisha government was kept in the dark about construction of barrages and dams in upper reaches of the inter-state river in Chhattisgarh. It says these projects would severely hit flow of river water into Odisha and affect irrigation and power generation. However, opposition Congress and BJP rejected BJDs claim saying the state government was very much aware of the projects way back in 2001 and that it had received communications in this regard from Chhattisgarh. PTI SKN NN SRY LNS --- ENDS --- This file photo taken on September 11, 2013 shows the logo of the social networking website Twitter displayed on a computer screen in London. (Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images) Twitter said Thursday it has shut down more than 235,000 accounts for promoting terrorism since February, far surpassing the 125,000 it had suspended in the previous seven months. That brings the total number of such suspensions to 360,000 since June 2015. Since February, the world has witnessed a further wave of deadly, abhorrent terror attacks across the globe, the firm said in a blog post. Attacks linked to or inspired by the Islamic State have occurred in France, Germany, Turkey, Iraq and Florida, among other locations. We strongly condemn these acts and remain committed to eliminating the promotion of violence or terrorism on our platform, the company said. For the past two years, the popular social media site has sought to respond to criticism that it wasnt doing enough to crack down on users who promote or are linked to the Islamic State and other terrorist groups. It began mass suspensions in early 2014. [Bloodline: Hes the son of Osama bin Ladens bombmaker. Then ISIS wanted him.] Last December, after the San Bernardino, Calif., mass shootings, President Obama called on tech leaders to make it harder for terrorists to use technology to escape from justice. Earlier this year, senior national security officials, including the attorney general and FBI director, met with tech firm senior executives to discuss ways to use technology to disrupt paths to radicalization to violence. In its blog post, Twitter reported that daily suspensions are up more than 80 percent since last year, with spikes in suspensions immediately following terrorist attacks. Our response time for suspending reported accounts, the amount of time these accounts are on Twitter, and the number of followers they accumulate have all decreased dramatically, it said. We have also made progress in disrupting the ability of those suspended to immediately return to the platform. The company said it has expanded the teams that review reports around the clock, adding new tools to help detect suspicious accounts and hiring people fluent in different languages. The firm said it also collaborates with other social media companies, sharing information for identifying terrorist content. There is no one magic algorithm for identifying terrorist content on the Internet, the company said. But it deploys technologies such as proprietary spam-fighting tools to supplement reports from the public to help identify people who violate Twitters user policies. During the past six months, these tools have helped the firm to automatically identify more than one-third of the accounts that were ultimately suspended for promoting terrorism, the company said. Twitter said it works with law enforcement agencies seeking help in preventing or prosecuting terrorist attacks. It reports on government requests for information twice a year in its transparency report. Read more: What is it like to interview a terrorist? Tracing the path of four terrorists sent to Europe by the Islamic State One woman helped the mastermind of the Paris attacks. The other turned him in. South Sudan's then-Vice President Riek Machar, left, looks across at President Salva Kiir, following the first meeting of a new transitional coalition government on April 29, 2016. (Jason Patinkin/AP) South Sudans former first vice president and top opposition leader has fled the country, according to a spokesman, making the prospect of a sustainable peace in the worlds youngest country even more remote. More than a month after the countrys most recent spasm of violence, Riek Machar has arrived in a neighboring country, according to a Facebook post from his spokesman James Gatdet Dak. A news release from another spokesman, Mabior Garang, late Wednesday called the move an evacuation and said it followed a botched attempt to assassinate Machar. Garang said Thursday that Machar crossed the border into Congo and was airlifted to the capital, Kinshasa, according to the Associated Press. Machar was planning to travel to Ethiopia soon, the report said, citing the spokesman. The split between Machar and President Salva Kiir in 2013 prompted the countrys long descent into civil war, which has left tens of thousands dead. The war has divided much of the country along ethnic lines, with Kiirs predominantly Dinka troops fighting against Machars Nuer followers. Last year, the two agreed to an internationally brokered peace deal, and Machar returned to the capital city of Juba earlier this year with about 3,000 armed men. But last month the feud between the two sides again spiraled into a broader conflict, consuming Juba for days and leaving hundreds dead. [South Sudanese civilians fear U.N. peacekeepers cant protect them from a massacre] Now Machars absence from South Sudan casts further doubt on the resumption of a peace process between the two sides. Without his support or his return to Juba, its unlikely that any negotiation will end successfully. Some experts worry that his self-imposed exile might embolden the Machar forces who remain in the country, as they give up hope of reconciliation. Indeed, officials in the Yei region have reported recent clashes between the two groups. The United States and other members of the international community spent more than two years trying to persuade Machar and Kiir to reconcile. That looked unlikely even before the recent outbreak of violence. The two had a long-standing rivalry that had grown more bitter as they clashed over the spoils of the federal government including many millions diverted from international assistance programs. The fighting in July showed just how much bitterness remained. According to analysts, Kiirs men tried to hunt down and kill Machar after he fled Juba. Many of his Nuer supporters remain in U.N. displacement camps. During last months fighting, 217 women in Juba were sexually assaulted, according to the U.N. human rights chief, Zeid Raad al-Hussein. Most of the victims were members of the Nuer ethnic group, and most of the attackers were members of Kiirs forces the official army of South Sudan. The U.N. Security Council voted this month to send 4,000 additional peacekeepers to South Sudan about 13,000 are already there in recognition of the deteriorating situation. But the peacekeepers have been able to do little to prevent the country from sliding back toward war. The over-focus on a new peacekeeping mandate at the expense of political developments in the country reflects international disunity and a lack of political strategy, the independent International Crisis Group said Tuesday in a report. During the fighting last month, Machar fled the capital, not disclosing his location. Weeks later, Kiir formally replaced him as first vice president with Taban Deng Gai, a former Machar ally. That appointment has created challenges for the international community, including the United Nations, which has been careful in meeting with Gai so as not to validate Kiirs dismissal of Machar. Read more: A muddy field in South Sudan is at the center of a war In South Sudan, bodies are being counted as peace accord unravels Todays coverage from Post correspondents around the world Nicoderm Aristide, left, waits with his daughter Sofia (not shown) as Katiana Presmy holds her daughter Erica Jupiter, 4, at cholera treatment facility in Port-Au-Prince in late 2010. (Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post) Blue-helmeted U.N. peacekeepers sent to conflict zones have long suffered from a reputation for passivity. But the acknowledgment this week by U.N. officials that its troops bear responsibility for Haitis cholera epidemic comes at a time when the organization is already facing criticism for undermining countries it has been sent to stabilize. The United Nations admission that its forces played a role in triggering Haitis 2010 cholera outbreak is seen as a long-overdue official recognition of something that has been widely known but stubbornly denied by U.N. leaders for years. It follows accusations this year that U.N. peacekeepers have committed rape and murder in the Central African Republic, and more recently that they failed to defend aid workers against brutal attacks in South Sudan. Critics say these scandals have laid bare the United Nations struggles to police its forces and investigate claims of wrongdoing and abuse, whether in cases of negligence such as Haiti or the allegations of more serious crimes in Africa. When the United Nations fails to accept its responsibility as well, said Akshaya Kumar, the deputy U.N. director at New York-based Human Rights Watch, the peacekeeping system breaks down. I think one of biggest losses from cases like this is loss of trust between U.N. and communities theyre sent to serve; that is really hard to rebuild, she said. That has been the case in Haiti, where thousands of heavily-armed troops with U.N. blue helmets have been deployed since the bloody 2004 ouster of then-President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The U.N. Stabilization Mission in Haiti is resented by many Haitians who view the foreign troops as an occupying force. But their role in policing the volatile country is considered critical by international donors and foreign governments. [Thousands died when the U.N. brought cholera to Haiti. Heres why its getting off scot-free] U.N. officials have refused for years to accept blame for bringing cholera to Haiti, but suspicions have long settled on a contingent of U.N. troops from Nepal who arrived after the January 2010 earthquake that devastated the capital of Port-au-Prince. A cholera epidemic in Nepal was underway at the time, and raw waste from the latrines at the U.N. troops camp in Haiti was allowed to seep into an adjacent river. In a statement sent to The Washington Post, Farhan Haq, a deputy spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, said that the organization has become convinced in the past year that it needs to do much more regarding its own involvement in the initial cholera outbreak in Haiti and the suffering of those affected by the disease, which has sickened hundreds of thousands and left about 10,000 dead. The U.N. acknowledgment, first reported by the New York Times, comes after top officials were provided a draft report by an adviser criticizing their handling of the cholera outbreak. Haitis 2010 earthquake left as many as 200,000 dead, and the damage has been compounded since then by periodic flare-ups of cholera. A recent report by Doctors Without Borders has raised the possibility the disease may have killed far more Haitians than previously estimated. Cholera spread virulently in the muddy, crowded tent camps where destitute Haitians took refuge after the quake. Nearly six years later, the disease continues to claim new victims, particularly in rural parts of the country without access to clean drinking water. A new spike in infections has been reported this year. Ban has pledged more than $2 billion to fight the disease in Haiti, but has struggled so far to raise the funds from member states. Haq said the Haiti report, written by Philip Alston, a New York University law professor and U.N. special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, would probably be published late next month and presented by Ban at the U.N. General Assembly in October. Alston did not respond to requests for comment. The United Nations wanted to take this opportunity to welcome this vital report, Haq said. [Cholera's fresh attack in Haiti] Without giving details, Haq said the draft report criticizing the U.N. handling of the outbreak, and its recommendations, will be a valuable contribution to the U.N. as we work toward a significantly new set of U.N. actions." He said the United Nations has been working to fight cholera since the outbreak but would present a new set of measures after discussions with Haitian authorities and U.N. member states. A U.N. spokesman who was asked about the report Thursday said the organizations legal position had not changed and that it was working to figure out how to resolve questions of its responsibility in the outbreak. The U.N. charter affords the organization broad diplomatic immunity from lawsuits and other legal action. Beatrice Lindstrom, an attorney for Haitian cholera victims who have filed a suit in U.S. federal courts seeking reparations from the U.N., said an acceptance of culpability could make it more likely that plaintiffs will finally receive financial compensation. The U.N. has broad immunity from national courts, but that has always been conditioned on providing remedies out of court to victims who are harmed by U.N. operations, Lindstrom said. It has been in breach of the treaty granting it immunity in the first place, so if the U.N. follows through on remedies, that would make questions of immunity mute. But Robert Fatton Jr., a Haitian-born political scientist at the University of Virginia, said Haqs statement amounted to little more than the idea that the U.N. might be more receptive to its own criticism. Will that entail more than just empty promises to address the problem? Fatton asked. The question is whether the report will lead to some form of compensation for the victims of the epidemic and whether the moral outcry resulting from the U.N.s irresponsibility will begin to erode the notion that the organization should continue to enjoy diplomatic immunity. Read more The growing U.N. scandal over sex abuse and peacekeepers Venezuela was once an aviation gateway to South America. Now its an outcast. Todays coverage from Post correspondents around the world The Socialist Party (PS) mayor of Sisco on the French Mediterranean island of Corsica has banned the burkini body-covering swimsuit for Muslim women, after a fight erupted between Corsican villagers and three Muslim families of North African origin. On Saturday afternoon, local youth were at the beach along with the Muslim families. The fight allegedly erupted when the Muslim men accused a tourist of taking pictures of his wife and threw a stone at the vacationer. Then, according to witnesses, a Sisco teen recorded on his smart-phone the brawl between the father and the vacationer. He was then himself attacked and hit in the face. He and his friends then called adult villagers for help, and dozens came, there were insults and bottles and stones were thrown. The brawl left five people injured, including at least two badly bruised men of North African origin. Four were briefly hospitalized. Three cars belonging to the North African families were torched. Well before the circumstances of the brawl were established, the French ruling elite seized upon this incident to launch a provocative and reactionary campaign to stoke up anti-Muslim hysteria. On Monday, Sisco mayor Ange-Pierre Vivoni issued a decree prohibiting the wearing of burkini on the beaches of his town. The decree was based on two similar bans, that of the French Riviera towns of Cannes and Villeneuve-Loubet, recently approved by France's administrative court. The ban was the subject of an extraordinary intervention by national authorities and parties. Speaking to La Provence, Prime Minister Manual Valls (PS) said he would support mayors banning the burkini, which he called incompatible with the values of France, while Minister for Family, Children and Womens Rights Laurence Rossignol (PS) defended the bans, stating that the burkinis purpose is to hide womens bodies in order to better control them. The Vice-President of the neo-fascist National Front (FN), Florian Philippot, echoed PS attacks on Muslims. It's not surprising, when the State does not respond to the actions of scum and Islamist violence, he said, calling for a general and absolute ban of the burkini on all French beaches. Vivoni imposed his ban based on unsubstantiated allegations that Saturday's incident was caused by women wearing burkinis. He claimed that the ban was necessary to protect the population. In fact, the ban aims neither to protect the population nor to defend women's democratic rights, but to attack democratic rights and encourage racism, orienting to Corsican-nationalist and far-right forces. Vivoni justified the measure based on arguments from a right-wing protest on Sunday after the incident. Some 500 people gathered on Sunday in areas of Bastia that are home to a large North African community, shouting, Were going up there, because this is our home. Citing allegations from a girl at the rally, Vivoni told AFP: I confirm that women were bathing in burkinis [which are] a fashion statement we see on all Corsica's beaches. Similarly, last month, the right-wing mayor of Cannes signed a decree denouncing burkinis as an incitement to terrorist violence and a threat to public order and hygiene. It stated, Beach wear that ostentatiously indicates religious belief, under conditions where France and its religious institutions are targeted by terrorist attacks, threatens to create the risk of troubling public order (gatherings, riots, etc.) that we must prevent. It imposed a 38 (US$42.90) fine for wearing a burkini. Charges that Muslim women exercising their democratic right to dress as they please are inciting terrorist violence linked to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militia, and thus hostile to France, are baseless and dangerous lies. The relentless incitement of anti-Muslim sentiment, as the Sisco brawl itself shows, has raised ethnic and sectarian tensions in France to the boiling point. It is the ruling elites in France and the other NATO powers that have incited Islamist terrorist forces as part of their wars for regime change across the Middle East and Africa. They fomented proxy wars, arming and financing Islamist militias and terrorist groupsfirst to topple the Libyan regime in 2011, and then to stoke a sectarian civil war in Syria that has claimed over 400,000 lives and forced over 10 million people to flee their homes. The hypocrisy of the campaign against the burkini is staggering. US media have reported that the CIA is arming Al Qaeda-linked opposition militias near the Syrian city of Aleppo with anti-tank missiles and other high-tech weapons to attack Russian-backed Syrian government forces. Yet it is Muslim beachgoers, not the reckless actions of the NATO imperialist powers that are arming terror groups and threatening to provoke all-out war with Russia, that are denounced as threats. Burkini bans are fundamentally opposed to secular principles and violate basic democratic rights. The European Convention on Human Rights' Article 9 on religious freedom states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance. The burkini ban is the outcome of over a decade of escalating attacks on Muslims' democratic rights in France. The conservative government of President Jacques Chirac imposed a headscarf ban in public schools in 2004, followed by a burqa ban introduced by right-wing President Nicolas Sarkozy. These bans were supported by pseudo-left groups, including the New Anticapitalist Party, who then backed the imperialist wars in Libya and Syria as well as the lifestyle justifications for anti-Muslim hatreds such as the headscarf and burqa bans. The current allegations that Muslim swimwear marketed by major clothing stores in Europe incites terrorism underscore the absurd and fraudulent character of these assaults on democratic rights, which have fanned reactionary, pro-FN sentiments in France. Since when did wearing a burkini, in most cases a loose fitting nylon version of a wetsuit, become an act of allegiance to terrorist movements? Huda Jawad asked in the British Independent. Do Marks & Spencer or House of Fraser know that their attempt to raise profits and exploit a gap in the over-saturated clothing market is selling and promoting allegiance to ISIS? The anti-burkini hysteria is aimed above all at the working class, and rising opposition to policies of war and social austerity imposed by the European Union and France's PS government. The European bourgeoisie is seizing on recent terrorist atrocities, like last year's Charlie Hebdo and November 13 attacks in Paris and the March 22 Brussels attackall carried out by forces known to European intelligence servicesto impose police-state measures and authoritarian forms of rule. French President Francois Hollande imposed a state of emergency suspending basic democratic rights, and promoted policies associated to the Nazi-collaborationist Vichy regime, such as stripping French nationality from those supposedly linked to terrorism. The French state of emergency was used principally to justify cracking down on and trying to ban this spring's protests against the draconian attacks on social conditions contained in the PS government's wildly unpopular labor law. The only way forward for class-conscious workers is to oppose the bourgeoisie's attempts to divide the working class along religious and racial lines with reactionary policies such as burkini bans. The Greens preselected Justin Field, a former military intelligence officer, to represent their party in the upper-house of the New South Wales (NSW) state parliament last Saturday. Fields victory followed a bitter factional conflict over the seat, which was vacated in May as a result of the death of sitting Greens member, John Kaye. Fourteen candidates sought selection, which was decided on the basis of a ballot of NSW Greens members. Around 2,000 votes were registered, with Field reportedly winning 955 first preference votes. Field was widely viewed as the candidate favoured by the partys national leadership, including Greens founder, Bob Brown, and current leader, Richard Di Natale. Their support for the former military intelligence officer was directed against a left grouping in NSW, led by federal Senator Lee Rhiannon. In the midst of the campaign, Brown called for a clean-out of the NSW Greens and Rhiannons resignation. The leaderships backing for a figure with high-level connections to the military and intelligence establishment is another sign of the partys right-wing trajectory. Indeed his background was considered an asset to his campaign and was featured in online biographies. The Greens co-convenors in NSW, Debbie Gibson and Hall Greenland, who has for decades postured as a left, immediately issued a statement celebrat(ing) the beginning of Justins parliamentary term... One of the unsuccessful candidates, Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans, summed up the general tenor of the response, stating in an online post that Field was also an army intelligence officer before joining the Greens, so he will add an interesting component and range of talents to our MPs. Field told the WSWS this week that he served in the armys intelligence corps between 2001 and 2007. From 2006 to 2007 he worked as an Operational Intelligence Analyst at the armys Joint Operations Intelligence Centre in Sydney, working on questions concerning our deployment to the Middle-East, but primarily southern Iraq. A job description for the role of Operational Intelligence Analyst on the armys website notes that employees work in a highly classified environment, and have access to intelligence from combat operations, covert surveillance, electronic warfare and satellite imagery which they analyse and provide to battlegroup commanders. In other words, Field was playing a sensitive role in Australias participation in the US-led neo-colonial occupation of Iraq. Field told the WSWS that he left the army in late 2007, having attained the rank of Captain. He said that he had grown disillusioned with the Iraq conflict. Field, however, did not publicly oppose the war. His retirement from the military also coincided with the withdrawal of the bulk of Australian troops from Iraq. Field noted that he had done my time. He went to work as a Security Risk Advisor for the major telecommunications firm, Telstra, for the following two years. Field joined the Greens around 200708, becoming a full-time policy advisor in early 2009. Fields relatively rapid rise to prominence has coincided with a campaign by the Greens to present themselves as a party of parliamentary stability capable of forming a government responsive to the agenda of the corporate elite, including on war and militarism. At the time of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Greens postured as an anti-war party, winning support from layers of students and young people. They sought to divert widespread opposition to the criminal invasion behind impotent appeals to the UN and the two-party parliamentary set-up within Australia. The Greens opposition to Australias involvement in US-led wars in the Middle-East was always tactical. Bob Brown, Greens leader at the time of the invasion of Iraq and in the years following, called for Australian troops to be redeployed to Australias arc of stability in the South Pacific, including to prevent a growth of Chinese influence. Following the 2010 elections, the Greens formed a de-facto alliance with the Gillard Labor government. They played the central role in propping up the minority government, as it aligned Australia with the US pivot to Asia and its aggressive military build-up directed against China. At the same time, the government carried out an offensive against education, healthcare and welfare as part of a pro-business overhaul of public spending. The Greens also backed the US-led regime-change operations in Syria and Libya, and in effect backed Australian involvement in the new US-led war in Iraq and Syria that was launched in 2014. Field enunciated the partys policy in a social media post at the timea criticism of the lack of an overall strategy by the Coalition government, an appeal for parliamentary debate and consensus combined with denunciations of ISIS barbarity and the need for governments to protect their people and sometimes that may include the use of military force. Field, like party leaders such as Di Natale, has also hailed the example of the Gillard Labor government as a model to be emulated. He told the WSWS that the Greens were a party of consensus and that it was necessary to build consensus in the parliament. When this reporter noted the right-wing agenda pursued by the Gillard government, Field stated, just because you empower someone to be in government and seek to get outcomesthat doesnt mean that you buy into their agenda. However, by propping up the Labor government, they bear political responsibility for its policies, whatever limited criticisms that are made. The Greens integration into the political establishment has exacerbated tensions within the party, which were on display during the upper-house contest. Bob Brown told the Monthly in August that They need a clean-out in New South Wales. The people who have been for decades running the NSW Greens need to do what I did: retire and make way for new blood and people more in tune with the electorate in 2016. This is no longer 1986. Brown has elsewhere accused the Rhiannon grouping of introducing factionalism into the selection contest. Rhiannon responded by declaring, Look at the agenda Bob is running here. Hes used to getting his candidate up for pre-selection and when that doesnt work he gives us a hard time. The public conflict followed bitter recriminations between the groupings over the failure of the Greens to increase their representation in the House of Representatives or boost their vote in the Senate in the July federal election. The divisions are entirely tactical. The Rhiannon wing of the party is fearful they will be sidelined as Di Natale and others continue to make overtures to Labor or the Liberals for the formation of a coalition government, and cultivate figures such as Field. For their part, Di Natale and the partys national leadership view the Rhiannon grouping, and its relations with various middle-class protest movements, as an impediment to attracting support from the most affluent sections of the electorate, and the corporate elite itself. The differences between them did not prevent both groupings from coming together behind the Gillard Labor government, as it implemented a program of war abroad and austerity against the working class. The author also recommends: Post-election rifts intensify in Australian Greens [26 July 2016] Grayndler candidate Jim Casey and the fake-left wing of the Greens [24 June 2016] At least 26 people in Huntington, West Virginia overdosed on heroin in the span of a few hours August 15, officials reported Tuesday. This was well above the citys average of 20 overdoses per week. Huntington is a center of the drug crisis nationwide, having the onerous distinction of being the worst-hit city in the state, ranking highest in heroin overdose deaths nationwide last year. Cabell County Emergency Management Services Director Gordon Merry told the Huntington Herald-Dispatch that all 26 victims had been revived by first responders using the opioid blocker naloxone. Local EMTs and police had only recently been equipped with the treatment. Without it the death toll would undoubtedly have been devastating. Most of the overdoses occurred around the Marcum Terrace neighborhood, a high-poverty area of the city comprised of public housing projects. Five people overdosed in the same house, according to officials. A call to 911 described the scene as dead people everywhere in this house. The emergency calls overwhelmed first responders. Just to give you an idea, Merry said, when the first few [calls] came in, three ambulances were already out dealing with overdoses. Seven ambulances, fire and police departments were all mobilized to respond. We had a half-hour span where we had absolutely no trucks to send in the county, Cabell County EMS assistant supervisor David McClure told local television station WSAZ. Merry told the Herald-Dispatch that rescuers had to administer multiple doses of naloxone to some victims, because the heroin they used had been laced with a far stronger substance that has not yet been identified. Last year, Huntington saw 520 heroin overdoses, 35 of them fatal. That rate was 13 times the national average. Cabell County as a whole saw more than 70 deaths. As of July, the city has seen 440 overdoses this year. To June, 26 people have died from drugsa rate that has been described by local media and officials as steady, but actually represents a sharp increase on an annualized basis. Huntington has a population of some 50,000. To give a sense of the scale represented by 26 overdoses, the Washington Post posited an outbreak of the same magnitude unfolding in New York City, with a population of 8.4 million, and projected that over 4,400 people would be affected. Fentanyl, an opioid that is 50 times more powerful than heroin, was found in many previous overdose victims, but officials suspect an even more potent drugcarfentanil, an elephant sedative 100 times stronger than fentanylmay be involved in the latest spate of overdoses. Clusters of carfentanil-laced heroin overdoses have occurred elsewhere in the region. In July, Akron, Ohio saw a staggering 230 overdoses, 20 of them fatal. In Philadelphia and New England, heroin cut with a similar substance called W-18 was contributed to a rash of overdoses. Drug overdoses have risen dramatically in the past few years nationwide, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control, and contribute to rising mortality rates in the United States. Last year, the death rate increased across the board for the first time since 2005, with the working class and poor seeing deterioration in their health and life expectancy. Overdoses from opioids, along with alcoholism and suicide, are primary drivers of rising death rates for young and middle-aged white workers. Last year the CDC reported that heroin deaths tripled in the span of four years (2010 to 2013). In the time since, this trend has only worsened. The official statistics reflect the impact of the protracted economic crisis and attacks on social conditions for the majority of Americans. The availability of cheap heroin is bound up with the protracted US military occupation of Afghanistan, the worlds largest opium producer, now in its fifteenth year. The stagnant economic situation in the US has pushed large numbers of people into destitution and long-term unemployment. Many have turned to drugs. Lack of health care and drug rehabilitation programs, particularly for those addicted to prescription painkillers such as OxyContin, has exacerbated the use of street drugs like heroin. In Appalachia, the growth of drug addiction is worst where industrial and mining jobs have disappeared. West Virginia has the highest unemployment rate and lowest labor force participation rate in the country. Many jobs in the region are labor-intensive, dangerous, and associated with on-the-job injuries and chronic pain. Appalachia was deliberately targeted by pharmaceutical manufacturers for prescription painkillers, which were seen by employers, insurers, and physicians alike as the fastest way to treat injured workers. By 2009, West Virginians averaged 19 prescriptions per person, according to a Charleston Gazette-Mail analysis. After a clampdown on OxyContin and other painkillers, those with addictions turned to cheaper street alternatives. According to the CDC, three of every four heroin users were previously taking prescription painkillers. With the rise in intravenous drug use, West Virginia now also has the highest rate of new hepatitis C cases in the country. Rehabilitation options are limited for addicts, since there are few recovery clinics and most have long waiting lists. Necessary treatment is long-term, and most addicts have inadequate or no health insurance coverage. At Recovery Point in Huntington, the average stay for patients is six to nine months. The Cabell-Huntington Health Department has initiated a syringe exchange program to help hundreds of heroin addicts stay healthier while they await treatment, and to train people to administer naloxone in the event of an overdose. The author also recommends: CDC report: Worsening drug abuse epidemic across US [06 January 2016] Drug overdoses in US drive sharp rise in mortality rates among white young adults [19 January 2016] Escalating heroin epidemic in Huntington, West Virginia [21 August 2016] In a carefully scripted event on Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of his chief of staff, Sergei Ivanov. He is being replaced by Anton Vaino, a young and relatively unknown government insider of Estonian descent who was a deputy of Ivanov. The surprise move is one of a series of recent dismissals of leading officials with close ties to the Putin administration. Ivanov, considered a close personal confidant of the Russian president, was placed in major government posts with Putins rise to power in 1999. He was Putins chief aide for more than four years. Prior to this, he was deputy chief of the Federal Security Services (FSB) and subsequently served as a deputy prime minister and defense minister. Ivanov was regarded as a rival of Dmitri Medvedev for the Russian presidency during the period in which Putin had to leave office due to term limits and effectively handed power to a caretaker. As of August 12, Ivanov has been demoted to the position of special representative of the president of the Russian Federation on questions of conservation, ecology, and transportation. According to RIA Novosti, In recent years in his work as head of the Kremlin administration, Sergei Ivanov devoted considerable attention to questions of ecology, actively supervising a program for the preservation of the population of far eastern leopards and, in connection with this, even met with the model, actress, and animal rights defender Pamela Anderson. The Kremlin and Ivanov himself insist that the move was voluntary and the fulfillment of Ivanovs promised request to only serve till 2016. A special televised appearance with Putin appeared intended to quell rumors of a major rift. Ivanov will continue to serve on the countrys Security Council. Press reports describe Putins new 44-year old chief of staff as a colorless technocrat who has never been implicated in political or financial scandals, although there are some tendentious claims that he has ties to Sergei Chemezov, an oligarch in the Russian defense industry and head of a major state-owned firm. Vaino has been active in the Russian government since 1996, when he served in the Russian embassy in Tokyo. After working for a couple of years on Asian matters for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 2003 he entered the presidential administration. The sudden changing of the guard in the Kremlin has provoked a flurry of speculation in press outlets, with commentators putting forward differing interpretations. Ivanovs dismissal may be part of an effort to cut loose former close allies and bring in a new generation of less experienced but loyal servants, under conditions in which the Putin regime finds itself besieged by an unrelenting economic crisis, a burgeoning geopolitical conflict with the United States and looming parliamentary elections. Despite something of a recovery in oil prices, the Russian budget continues to experience a shortfall greater than official predictions. The deficit, which stood at 3.3 percent of gross domestic product as of July 2016, is .3 percent higher than the upper limit called for by Putin at the start of the year. As a result, government officials have had to tap the countrys reserve funds more than expected. Russia remains mired in a recession that began in 2015. Although there has been a small uptick in wages in recent months and continued low unemployment rates, real incomes have not fundamentally recovered from a near 10 percent decline last year. At the same time, the US is pursuing a relentlessly anti-Russian foreign policy, with last weeks provocations initiated by the US-backed stooge regime in Ukraine against Crimea being only the latest salvo. Washington has made clear its desire for regime change in Moscow and is preparing for war with Russia. Parliamentary elections will occur in Russia on September 18. While the ruling United Russia (UR) party is expected to emerge victorious, deep social discontent exists within the country. In 2011, this boiled over into a major rebuff of UR candidates, allegations of electoral fraud, and the emergence of a protest movement. It is within this context that the Kremlin has been systematically replacing key political and economic leaders. Putin has dismissed eight governors and presidential representatives from regions around the country and sacked top figures regarded as close friends, including the head of the Russian railways, Vladimir Yakunin, in August 2015 and the director of a major state bank, Vladimir Dmitriev, in February 2016. Oleg Belozerov, a relatively unknown 46-year-old logistics specialist and deputy transportation minister, was chosen to replace Yakunin as the director of one of the countrys essential pipelines for the movement of goods and people. Noting the immense power and resources under the discretion of major state firms like those previously overseen by Yakunin, Nikolay Petrov, a professor at the Higher School of Economics, observed in an interview with the Christian Science Monitor, Some of these companies, like Gazprom and Russian Railroads, were like states-within-the-state. This spring Russias antinarcotics official, Viktor Ivanov, left office and in May, Kremlin security chief Evgeny Murov lost his post. Recently, police brought criminal charges against Andrei Belyaninov, the countrys chief customs officer, for alcohol smuggling. Television exposes revealed the allegedly corrupt and illegal dealings of this former insider, including the discovery of over $800,000 in Russian and foreign currency stashed away in his luxury home. Putin has simultaneously replaced the governors of three regionsYaroslavl, Kirov, Kaliningradthe last of which is a geostrategically critical stretch of Russian territory sandwiched in between Poland and Lithuania. The Kaliningrad post was handed to the regional head of the FSB. The fired governor of Kirov oblast, Nikita Belykh, who was not a member of the governing United Russia party and maintained ties with the liberal opposition, is now facing corruption allegations. Whether the Kremlins actions are defensive measures aimed at forestalling an internal rebellion against Putins rule, advance efforts to shore up the Russian presidents position before challengers emerge, or simply a rotation of the elite as some have suggested, is unclear. As the pressures facing it mount, the Putin government will be beset by continuing turmoil. A Socialist Equality Party (SEP) campaign team spoke with residents of Leechburg and Brackenridge in western Pennsylvania's Allegheny-Kiskimenitas river valley, campaigning for the SEP's Presidential candidates, Jerry White and Niles Niemuth. Many residents greeted the campaign with interest and enthusiasm, speaking of low-wage jobs, dwindling retirement benefits and a political establishment with nothing to offer. Campaigners distributed copies of an SEP election statement, and several residents signed up for the SEP newsletter or otherwise sought to stay in contact with the SEP. When SEP campaigners explained that this campaign was independent of and in opposition to the Democrats and Republicans, Don Sweeney, a young unemployed worker in Brackenridge, listened with interest. Speaking of the big-business presidential candidates, Don explained, I don't like either one. If I were to say who I like out of both of them, I would say Trump. Clinton was already in office, and we saw what that was like. After SEP campaigners explained the demand for a workers' government, Don asked how this could be achieved. A lengthy discussion followed in which SEP supporters explained the necessity for creating a mass independent political party of the working class. Historically, western Pennsylvania was a major center of the global steel industry. After decades of plant closures and layoffs, facilitated by the United Steelworkers (USW) union, steel employment in the area is a fraction of what it once was. As a result of these betrayals, young workers face low-wage, casual jobs, and retirees are forced to subsist on dwindling pensions and meager Social Security benefits. Don described the low pay and casual labor conditions facing an entire generation, I just moved back from New York, up near Albany, but I lived around here for ten years. I just got back two weeks ago, and I am unemployed. I was driving a forklift for $12 to $13 an hour in New York. Here I was making $18 to $19 an hour. In Albany, they can lay you off for any reason. If you miss work one day, they can lay you off. Here there are more protections. A Brackenridge truck driver with 30 years experience took a copy of the SEP election statement after expressing no confidence in the Democrats and Republicans. It's getting worse. It's going to get worse if Hillary gets in, but Trump's not ideal either. Both Brackenridge and Leechburg were sites of 2015-2016 lockout of 2,200 workers by Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI), during which the ATI Bagdad plant in Leechburg was idled, putting 220 workers out of work. Christine, a retired schoolteacher from Leechburg, spoke about the impact of the lockout on workers and their families. The Bagdad plant, they have titled it idled, but I don't think it's going to open again. The 200-some people who were laid off. Some of the workers just retired or got other jobs. It's been very hard on the families. Even during the lockout, many of them couldn't afford their medicines without their insurance. They were able to buy some kind of insurance, but it didn't cover much. A lot of the workers did lose their jobs. I think they're trying to find work elsewhere. It's mainly the younger guys who didn't have much seniority. A lot of the older guys went ahead and retired with a lower pension, and just got out. After SEP campaigner quoted Obama's assertion that America is pretty darn great right now, Christine responded, I don't think so. Everyone promises to help the middle class, but no-one does, even the things that Hillary's saying she's going to do on this. I don't think either one of those candidates can relate to middle-class people. They both work for big money, and Obama's not a poor person either. He's got a beautiful home that he's going to move into, that he's renting now. We need a revolution. I think that's what we need to do. It's going to take the younger people, with more energy and drive than the older people Speaking on the bipartisan attacks on Social Security, Christine continued, They're supposed to improve it, but I don't think they're going to do that. If they reduce it, or eliminate it, there would be a revolt for sure. We put our money in there; we deserve to be able to retire. I'm fortunate, I have a pension, a teacher's pension, but they're eliminating teachers' pensions now. Nobody's going to have a pension, that's going to be a thing of the past. Already with the younger teachers, they're having to put money in a 401(k). As far as contributing toward health benefits, health costs are so ridiculous. It's just insane. Things have to change. I hope they change. It's up to you guys, the younger people. You have the energy and drive. We'll pitch in, but you have to initiate. After the discussion Christine donated generously to the SEP election campaign. Brad, a young worker from Brackenridge, spoke of the hardships facing convicts. People should give criminals more opportunities. I'm a convicted felon. I couldn't even get a job at McDonald's. But, I got a job anyway. I work at TruFoods through a temp agency. I make Kind Bars, making $10.07 an hour; it started at $9 an hour. After a few months, they pass you off to TruFoods, and they decide whether to hire you. Then you get a 401(k), and they offer medical, which you have to pay for. Last week I worked 54 hours. It's usually more like 48. I'm a wrapper operator. There are three of us, and there are three shifts, so if one of us calls off, we work together to cover. I just got paid, and I have $4 left to my name. Brad explained the wealth his factory produces. We can put out 100,000 bars per hour, and they cost the company 3.5 cents to produce. Kind Bars sell for over a dollar a bar. Speaking of the nearby ATI Brackenridge mill, Brad argued, They need to have an agreement. If they don't hire the community, they should help rebuild the community, especially with all the soot coming out of there. An older unemployed worker in Leechburg spoke about the lack of decent-paying jobs across the country. I was in Florida for 15 years. There are jobs there, but they don't pay all that much. It's not very good. I had a job in Greensburg making $9 per hour cleaning at a CVS facility. I got laid off. SSDI [Social Security Disability Insurance] or SSI [Social Security Insurance] pays a bit, but it's not enough. You can't live on that. I'm 57. I have a few friends working as janitors for the school district. That's the only good job around here. A retired power plant worker spoke of her family's connection to the mill in Leechburg, My husband worked at the Leechburg [ATI] mill. He's retired now, and we get a small pension. Now he works for the sheriff's department. My dad and my grandpa both retired from Allegheny Ludlum. She expressed concern over attacks on retirees and young people. If they get rid of Social Security, what are we supposed to do? They take a part of our wage every week. We haven't had a raise [in social security benefits] in years. Jobs today are hard to come by for young people. My grandson, he's in college at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He's so far in debt, he'll never get out. Asked about the presidential election, she responded, There's nobody to vote for this time. Hillary's a liar, and he [Trump] is a joke. I've been a Republican all my life. The slams he made about women are unacceptable. Trump doesn't care about anybody. He's got his millions already. By PTI: From K J M Varma Beijing, Aug 12 (PTI) China has evinced interest in establishing diplomatic ties with Bhutan as the two countries held 24th round of boundary talks here to resolve their border dispute. China hopes to work with Bhutan for early establishment of diplomatic relations and solution to boundary issues, Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao said when the visiting Bhutans Foreign Minister Damcho Dorji called on him yesterday. advertisement Dorji is in China to attend the 24th round of boundary talks. "China and Bhutan have yet to establish diplomatic ties but have always respected each other and treated each other as equals," state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Li as saying. Dorji said Bhutan expects to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields and looks forward to settling the boundary issue at an early date, the report said. China has settled border differences with 12 of the 14 land neighbours with boundary disputes pending with India and Bhutan, which had close relations. India and China have held 19 round of Special Representatives talks to resolve their bounder disputes. Strategically placed between India and Tibet, Thimphu remained aloof since 1951 after China took firm control of Tibet, which formed borders with Bhutan. Relations between Beijing and Thimphu remained traditionally strained following border dispute while the two countries maintained friendly exchanges and contacts in recent years. In a surprise move in 2012, then Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and his Bhutanese counterpart Jigmi Y Thinley met on the sidelines of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development at Rio De Janeiro and expressed their willingness to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries and discussed measures to speed up efforts resolve border dispute and to step up bilateral ties. But Thimphu did not pursue the move apparently to avoid creating any misunderstanding in its close ties with India. China and Bhutan, however, continue their exchanges with visits by high level diplomats besides a dialogue to resolve the border dispute. PTI KJV UZM --- ENDS --- The 4,800 nurses at Allina Health in the metro-region of Minneapolis and St. Paul will vote August 18 on Allinas recent contract proposal that guts nurses health care plans. The Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) has called on nurses to reject the proposal with the additional proviso that a two-thirds rejection will allow the negotiating committee to launch an open-ended strike. Allina CEO Penny Wheeler calls the companys most recent proposal a significant compromise. Nothing could be further from the truth. The essence of managements position is to allow nurses to keep two of the union-backed health care plans in name only, while the future expense of maintaining these plans will be shifted unto the backs of nurses. The nurses contract struggle, which began back in February, has been characterized by a determined drive by Allina management to force nurses off their current healthcare plans and onto corporate plans with the result that the company will save $10 million a year. Allina faced a seven-day strike in June at a cost of $20.4 million for replacement workers and other expenses. They hope that a defeat of the nurses will clear the way for even greater concessions in the future in terms of wages, pensions and working conditions. When Brigham and Womens Hospital in Massachusetts spent $24 million to take on their nurses earlier this year, the chief financial officer for the parent company blandly remarked, frankly, at the end of the day, it was the cost of doing business. It is no different for Allina. While the MNA has called on nurses to vote no, nurses should consider carefully the situation they now find themselves in. It was the MNA that started down the road of compromise on the healthcare plans when it was clear that Allina would accept nothing short of their destruction. In its compromise proposal, the MNA hoped to obtain a cover from Allina for its capitulation on the issue of healthcare and in other areas. On wages, it is supporting the companys two-percent annual wage hikes, which will be more than offset by increased healthcare costs. Among the MNA requests was a $1,000 signing bonus. Traditionally, the labor bureaucracy and corporations have used signing bonuses as a means of bribing workers to accept regressive contracts. The cost to management of paying out the bonus will be more than covered through savings on healthcare and other concessions. Management has pursued a strategy aimed at dividing Allina nurses from their co-workers at other hospitals. At the beginning of this year the MNA concluded wages-only contracts with 6,000 nurses at the other five healthcare systems in the Twin Cities, claiming this protected benefits for these nurses. That decision, however, left the 4,800 Allina nurses to fight on their own. Whatever concessions are now imposed by the MNA on Allina nurses will form the basis for future concession demands by other healthcare operators. Nurses should recall the outcry by the corporate and media establishment in 2010 when 12,000 nurses were poised for an open-ended strike that the hospitals were ill-prepared to withstand. Today, there is no outcry from the corporate establishment to the MNAs call for an open-ended strike. This is for the simple reason that it is confident that the MNAs call for an open-ended strike is toothless now that Allina nurses have been separated from nurses at other area hospitals. They believe that nurses can be worn down and ultimately forced to accept concessions that will not only be used as a battering ram against other nurses, but against all hospital workers. Allinas obstinate position over healthcare plans did not develop overnight. Back in 2009 President Barack Obama revealed to Business Week that in discussions with corporate CEOs he advised they copy the policy of slashing the wages and benefits of industrial workers during the 1980s and transfer this to other sectors of the working class. What they pointed out was, there were a couple of sectors that were resistant to that: health care, education, energy, and government, said Obama. Can we introduce the same sort of productivity in the health-care industry, which we know is going to be a growing sector? What is clear is that the struggle by Allina nurses to defend their healthcare plans is part of an overall struggle to defend healthcare for the entire working class. Therefore, it requires the unity and mobilization of the widest possible movement of workers. But the MNA is opposed to this. Instead, it seeks to subordinate the working class to the corporations and banks through its insistence that workers must support the Democratic Party. This was the essence of MNA President Mary Turners article on the MNA website, entitled, Solidarity is Alive and Well, which listed the names of more than 100 politicians as supporters of the MNA. In the presidential elections, the MNA initially endorsed Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as the Democratic candidate, whose rhetoric about a billionaire class and a political revolution resonated more widely among nurses as opposed to the more openly pro corporate candidate Hilary Clinton. But with Sanders endorsement of Clinton, his campaign has been exposed as merely a way of keeping disgruntled workers within the capitalist two-party system. The bluntest warning must be made to nurses. Victory in their struggle will not be in any way facilitated by support from the Democratic Party. It will only come through a struggle against the Democratic Party establishment including such figures as Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton as well as the mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul and the Democratic state legislators and city council. If nurses are to enter into an open ended strike, it will require the broadest mobilization of workers. Immediately, a substantial rank-and-file committee composed of at least 100 of the most militant nurses must be elected to direct the strike. It must send delegations of nurses to rally support from all sections of the working classhospital workers, construction workers, transit workers, government employees and industrial workers. In turn, workers who respond to the appeal of Allina nurses must set up their own support committees that will mobilize workers from their workplaces and neighborhoods for the coming struggle. These committees must ensure that Allina nurses are not starved into submission by management during an open-ended strike. Mass rallies must be held in cities across the state and draw in national support so that the mobilization in defense of Allina will serve as a beacon to all workers who face deteriorating livings standards and are looking for a way to open a wedge against the corporations. Above all workers require a new political strategy. They must break with the two parties of Wall Street, the Democrats and Republicans, and forge an independent political movement of the working class. This party must be based on a program that starts with the needs of workers and their families, not the profit requirements of the richin other words, a socialist perspective. This includes a struggle by the working class to take the healthcare system out of the hands of the corporations and place it under the democratic control of the working class, that is, genuine socialist healthcare. The 2016 US elections mark a new stage in the deep and protracted crisis of American democracy. Political parties that have been in existence for well over a century and a half are breaking apart. New political alignments are emerging, and an extremely dangerous type of politics, in gestation for an extended period of time, is erupting to the surface. In the aftermath of the Democratic and Republican national conventions, Donald Trumps standing in the polls has declined significantly, particularly in key battleground states. From prominent sections of the Republican Party and allied media there are complaints that Trump is not running a traditional race capable of winning office. There are mounting demands that he change course. The editorial page of the Wall Street Journal wrote this week that if the Republican leadership cant get Mr. Trump to change his act by Labor Day, it will have no choice but to write off the nominee as hopeless and focus on salvaging the Senate and House As for Trump, the Journal declared that he needs to decide if he wants to behave like someone who wants to be Presidentor turn the nomination over to [his vice presidential running mate] Mike Pence. What is most remarkable is how little Trump appears to be concerned with either the poll numbers or the increasingly strident complaints from the leadership of the party he nominally heads. The Republican candidate on Wednesday responded to the complaints from the Journal and others by organizing a shake-up of his staff along precisely the opposite lines from those demanded by his Republican critics. He effectively demoted his current campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and appointed Breitbart News head Stephen Bannon to run the day-to-day operations of his campaign. In bringing on Bannon, the Guardian newspaper wrote, Trump shook free the last vestiges of political supervisionwith the appointment of a mavericklikely to favour his freewheeling style. It is a middle finger to the Republican establishment, read a headline in the Washington Post. More significant than issues of style are the political implications of Bannons selection. Breitbart News is at the center of the right-wing gutter press, the network of blogs and talk radio programs that promote the foulest, most nationalist, militarist and fascistic politics. A report published in the Daily Beast on Wednesday pointed to Breitbarts connections to white supremacist organizations like VDare, the National Policy Institute, Alt-Right and American Renaissance. Andrew Breitbart, the founder of Breitbart until his death in 2012, is reported to have approvingly called Bannon the Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party movement, referring to the Nazi propagandist and filmmaker. According to the Post, Bannon has encouraged Trump to run as an unabashed nationalist. Bannon recently made waves when he defended former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski against accusations that he assaulted one of Breitbarts own reporters, Michelle Fields. Breitbart has since been transformed into what amounts to a campaign web site for Trump. Trumps evident disinterest in the opinions of prominent Republican officials is in line with a political orientation he has developed in the course of his campaign. He is calculating that there is a reservoir of social anger and frustration that can be channeled, on the basis of vague denunciations of the elite, in an extremely right-wing direction. As the World Socialist Web Site noted in March, following a string of Trump primary victories on Super Tuesday, It was only a matter of time before one or another right-wing demagogue would recognize the political potential of an appeal to the economic and social insecurity of millions of people. Whether or not he wins in November, Trump is creating the basis for a fascistic and nationalist movement, focused on attacks on immigrants, anti-Islamic hysteria, calls for law and order and demands for an end to all constraints on the police and military. This movement will persist after the elections, with Trump or some other demagogue at its head. In this connection, it is significant that Trump is increasingly raising the charge that the elections are rigged in favor of Clinton and the Democrats, with the clear implication that a Clinton presidency will be illegitimate from the start. In the final analysis, Trump speaks for a section of the ruling class that is well aware of the crisis of its economic and political system, and the growth of social opposition, and is preparing more authoritarian and violent methods of rule. Trump represents a serious danger for the working class. However, his ability to gain a hearing among certain oppressed sections of the population is due above all to the bankrupt and reactionary character of what passes for left politics in the United States. Trumps denunciations of crooked Hillary, his attacks on the media, his broadsides against the political correctness of the liberal elite are meant to tap into a deep well of hostility to the Democratic Party, magnified after seven and a half years of the Obama administration. Over the past month, the World Socialist Web Sites characterization of Clinton as the candidate of the political status quo has been ever more dramatically confirmed. She now has the explicit or implicit backing of everyone from neoconservative Republicans such as Iraq warmonger Robert Kagan, to top intelligence officials such as former CIA heads Michael Morell and Michael Hayden, to the Obama administration, the entire trade union apparatus and former primary challenger Bernie Sanders. To this list must be added major hedge fund billionaires and most of the media. A Clinton presidency would represent an alliance between Wall Street and corporate America, the military-intelligence apparatus, and the upper-middle class layers that adhere to the Democratic Party on the basis of the politics of race, gender and sexual identity. The focus of a Clinton administration would be a vast expansion of US military interventions, particularly in the Middle East and against Russia, as well as an intensification of the Obama administrations anti-Chinese pivot to Asia. The Democrats and the media are seeking to turn the elections into a mandate for war, even as the vast implications for the population of the United States and the world are covered up. The Clinton campaign has centered its criticisms of Trump not on his fascistic policies, but on his alleged ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his unsuitability, for both political and psychological reasons, to serve as US commander in chief. The nature of the Clinton campaignparticularly in the unprecedented intervention of top intelligence and military officialsin its own way expresses the crisis of bourgeois democracy. The program she is preparing requires an escalation of the assault on the working class and a further dismantling of constitutional forms of rule beyond what has already been implemented by Bush and Obama. In the 2016 elections, processes that have been developing for some time are coming to a head. It is now sixteen years since the theft of an election by the US Supreme Court brought George W. Bush to power, an event that was preceded by an impeachment campaign against Hillary Clintons husband based on a manufactured sex scandal. The 2000 elections were followed by the attacks of September 11, 2001. 9/11 was used to justify the war on terror, which brought the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the wars in Libya and Syria and a new war in Iraq, the Patriot Act and domestic spying, Guantanamo Bay, CIA torture and drone assassinations. A quarter century of wargoing back to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the proclamation by the first Bush administration of a New World Orderhas led to an immense growth in the power and influence of the military and intelligence agencies. Underlying the crisis of democratic forms of rule is the long-term decay of American capitalism, accompanied by a process of financialization and the rise of a new aristocracy that has accumulated unimaginable levels of wealth by means of parasitism and speculation. Social inequality is at record levels, and a large majority of the population confronts some combination of unemployment, economic insecurity and poverty-level wages. The basic trajectory of popular sentiment is to the left. Recent polls confirm the undeniable fact that millions of people view the entire political system, including both Clinton and Trump, with hatred and contempt. The widespread support for the Sanders campaign in the Democratic primaries showed that broad sections of the population are looking for a way to oppose the domination of the banks and corporations over economic and political life. The outcome of Sanders campaignwhich the WSWS anticipated and repeatedly warned againsthas ensured that this sentiment finds no political expression. Whatever the outcome of the November election, the crisis of American democracy will intensify. The greatest danger facing working people is that they are not politically organized and they are not conscious of the tasks they confront. The presidential election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party is aimed precisely at developing the independent political organization and consciousness of the working class. The dangers before workers in the United States and internationally will not be resolved through tactical maneuvers or wishful thinking. What is required is an uncompromising political struggle, based on the understanding that the political crisis is a reflection of the crisis of the entire capitalist system. The candidates of the SEPJerry White for President and Niles Niemuth for Vice Presidentare advancing a socialist and internationalist program that represents the interests of the working class and prepares it for the struggles that lie ahead. The World Socialist Web Site speaks each day to tens of thousands of readers. Events have proven the correctness of the perspective and program of the Socialist Equality Party. The time has come to draw the necessary political conclusions. We say to all our readers who recognize the dangers and the need to fight for socialism: Translate your convictions into actions. The building of the Socialist Equality Party is the most urgent political task. Now is the time to join the SEP and support its election campaign. After eight months without a government and two months after the second round of elections in June produced another hung parliament, a major political crisis is rising in Spain with the prospect of a third general election. The Socialist Party (PSOE) is being called on by the media and other political parties to abstain in order to allow a minority Popular Party (PP) government to be formed. Following the June election, there was little political movement towards an agreement and the Spanish bourgeoisie has increased the pressure on the main parties to come to some sort of agreement quickly, out of fear that continued paralysis may deepen the crisis of rule, prevent an agreement with the European Union (EU) on the budget and destabilize Spains social order. The PP, led by caretaker Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, won 137 seats in parliament in June, which is insufficient to form a government. They need the support of other parties to reach a majority of 176 deputies in the first vote, and more yeas than nays in a hypothetical second vote, which news reports suggest would take place in the last week of August. The PP has accepted the six conditions placed on the table by the right-wing Citizens Party in order to obtain their 32 seats supporting a PP minority government. The six conditions include Rajoy setting an investiture date in Congress, expelling PP officials targeted in corruption investigations, ending judicial privileges for elected officials, changing the electoral law, ending amnesties and pardons in corruption cases, limiting the prime minister to two terms in office, and creating a parliamentary commission to look into the Barcenas case involving illegal payments to PP officials. Citizens leader Albert Rivera has previously insisted repeatedly that Rajoys departure was a condition for even beginning to talk to the PP, but that has been dropped. The support given by Citizens to the PP once again shows that the entry of new political forces in parliament, including the pseudo-left Podemos, has not made it more responsive to broad social opposition to austerity. Rather, their role is to channel mass discontent back to the parties that have dominated the post-Franco dictatorship era. Citizens have assumed the role, with wall-to-wall favourable coverage by the national media, of defending the bourgeoisies call for a quick agreement to set aside all tactical differences between the PSOE and the PP. At the same time, its task is to re-brand the PP, widely seen as a corrupt party, in order to aid the PP on moving forward with implementing further austerity in the form of tax hikes and spending cutbacks amounting to 10 billion euros, as demanded by the EU. Last Wednesday, Citizens leader Rivera wrote an open letter titled To My Socialist Compatriots published in El Pais, traditionally a pro-PSOE newspaper that has shifted further to the right and given Citizens wide coverage and a platform. In it Rivera appealed to the PSOE to have a sense of state, calling on the party to abstain to allow the PP to rule. Former Socialist Party Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez has hailed Citizens initiative in helping to clear the way for a PP government, calling on the PSOE to allow Rajoy to govern, even if he doesnt deserve it. Former Defence Minister and PSOE parliamentary spokesperson Jose Bono has also spoken out, calling on the PSOE to abstain because Spain deserves a government and if the PSOE has to abstain to avoid third elections, I think this is based on our responsibility to our country. The PSOE has, to date, remained adamant in its position of No to Rajoy and the PP and No to forming an alternative government with Podemos and regional nationalists. Other than repeating their No, the PSOE and its leader, Pedro Sanchez, have kept as quiet as possible while Citizens takes center stage. Miquel Iceta, the Leader of the Catalan section of the PSOE, stated that a third solution to the political deadlock would be to get rid of Rajoy and propose someone else within the PP or appoint an independent candidate. The PP responded that this is not an option; with PP spokesman Fernando Martinez Maillo saying that Rajoy is our candidate from start to finish. Popular discontent with the current political setup, and all the parties, runs deep. The current vacuum of power is only heightening fears in ruling circles that the country may run adrift; resulting in damage to Spains economic position, its credit rating and its bond spreads. This has been intensified by the drive to secession by separatist bourgeois and pseudo-left parties in the Catalan regional government and parliament, which is being used by Citizens and the PP to put pressure on the PSOE to abstain. If Rajoy fails, the alternative of a PSOE and Podemos government backed by regional nationalists is held in reserve, although no significant figures are saying anything publicly about such an eventuality. Podemos has been licking its wounds after its disappointment in June, when it stood in alliance with the Stalinist-led United Left. Its leaders have mostly remained silent in recent weeks, as they have been pondering how or whether Podemos can regain its previous political momentum. Splits are emerging over electoral strategy, regional alliances, the partys ideology or lack thereof, and other matters. The pseudo-left party, hitherto the young upstarts in Spanish bourgeois politics, is already showing signs of being a spent force. They can no longer credibly present themselves as insurgents against a corrupt political system and ruling caste into which they have now been fully integrated, while pleading for an alliance with the openly pro-capitalist, pro-austerity and pro-NATO PSOE. Podemos and its United Left allies have called on the PSOE to take the first step in forming a progressive government to remove Rajoy and the PP from Moncloa Palace. The major difficulty in forming such a government is that the Catalan nationalists have recently voted through measures in the regional parliament aimed at secession. The PSOE, a stalwart defender of the unity of Spain, is a sworn opponent of such moves. Any such government would be a mortal enemy of the working class. It would flaunt its left credentials, only with a view to shoving EU-imposed austerity down the throat of the population in the same way that the radical left Syriza in Greece has betrayed the Greek working class and acted as European finance capitals must trusted ally in ramming through one austerity package after another. The political crisis is taking place against a background of an unabated and ongoing social and economic crisis, as Spanish workers, especially young people, have suffered a devastating decline in their living standards and hopes for the future. Therefore, even if a government is installed in the coming week, the ruling class fears that it will lack the political strength and social base to implement the social counter-revolution against the working class called for in a new dose of EU-prescribed austerity. Russian bombers used an air base in the northwest of Iran for a second day Wednesday to attack targets inside Syria described by Moscow as arms depots and command centers used to support jihadist militias fighting Syrian government forces for control of the city of Aleppo. The air strikes, carried out by Tupolev-22M3 long-range bombers and SU-34 tactical bombers, mark the first time that Russia has used a base inside a third country to prosecute the bombing campaign that it began last September against Al Qaeda-linked militias and in support of the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad. The long-range planes are too large to use the base that Russia occupies inside Syria. They had previously flown out of southern Russia. The use of Iranian bases cuts flight time by 60 percent and allows the aircraft to carry large amounts of bombs. The move provoked expressions of disquiet within the Washington ruling establishment. It has grown increasingly concerned about the evident debacle confronting the five-year-old US-backed war for regime change in Syria, which has relied upon Islamist sectarian militias armed and funded by the CIA, the Pentagon and US imperialisms regional allies, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. In addition to the State Departments official denunciation of the use of the Iranian base, there has been a rising tide of editorials and news articles indicting the Obama administration for failure to take more aggressive action in Syria, invoking the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo as the pretext for a stepped-up US intervention. Responding to the reports of the Russian air strikes conducted from Iran, State Department spokesman Mark Toner criticized Moscow for a second day Wednesday declaring that the action was not helpful because it continues to complicate what is already a very dangerous situation in and around Aleppo. The complication which concerns Washington is the stalling of a rebel offensive meant to break the governments siege of eastern Aleppo, where a minority of the population has lived under the rule of the jihadi militias. The Al Qaeda-linked forces had boasted that they were on the verge of conquering the entire city through the offensive, which was prepared by the funneling in of massive amounts of arms, including heavy weapons, by the US and its regional allies. However, Syrian government forces, aided by fighters of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement and backed by Russian air strikes, have apparently reversed the initial gains of the Western-backed Islamists. This reversal has triggered the propaganda offensive over the catastrophe in Aleppo, which for the most part completely ignores indiscriminate shelling and gas attacks by the rebels against the vast majority of Aleppos population living under government control in the west of the city. Washington is pressing for an immediate ceasefire and opening up of humanitarian corridors so that it can resupply its proxy forces. The State Department has also over the past two days suggested that the Russian-Iranian action is somehow in violation of a UN Security Council resolution adopted a little over a year ago as part of the agreement over Irans nuclear program. It included language barring the sale or transfer of any weapons systems that could used to deliver nuclear weapons. This allegation is utterly spurious, given that Russia has not placed its warplanes under Teherans control, but is only using the countrys bases. On both days, the State Department repeated charges that the Russian air strikes had hit moderate opposition targets, while failing to provide any details as to the identity of these so-called moderates. The reality is that the dominant force on the ground is the Al Nusra Front, the Syrian Al Qaeda affiliate that last month changed its name and formally disaffiliated from Al Qaeda, along with similar Salafist jihadi militias. While the US pledged that it would secure the separation of the moderates from the Al Qaeda affiliates, it is unable to do so because those armed and funded by the CIA are thoroughly integrated with these forces. The real concern in Washington is the emergence of an alliance that could potentially act as an impediment to the 25-year-old US drive to militarily assert its unquestioned hegemony over the Middle East. The Russian-Iranian agreement marks the first time that a foreign military has been allowed to operate out of Iranian bases since the 1979 revolution that overthrew the Shahs US-backed dictatorship. The basing agreement was preceded by Moscows provision to Teheran of its advanced S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system, which had previously been held back during the tightening of UN sanctions over Irans nuclear program. Components of the missile system have already been delivered, according to Iranian officials. The situation is even more disagreeable for Washington as the Russian planes are flying from Iran over Iraqi territory with the permission of the US-backed government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. Russian media have also reported that the Abadi government has given Moscow permission to fire cruise missiles from the Caspian and Mediterranean over Iraqi territory. Further complicating the situation from Washingtons perspective, the Chinese government announced on Tuesday that it is seeking closer military collaboration with the Assad government in Syria. Guan Youfei, director of the Office for International Military Cooperation of Chinas Central Military Commission, visited Damascus, meeting with top Syrian officials and promising increased military aid as well as training for Syrian government forces. Guan also met with a senior Russian general while in Syria. Chinese officials have cited the participation of Islamists from the Uighur population in Chinas Xinjiang region in both ISIS and the Syrian Al Qaeda affiliate as one of their reasons for seeking increased involvement in Syria. Perhaps even more concerning is the rapprochement between Russia and Turkey in the wake of last months abortive coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which by all indications enjoyed the support of Washington and its European allies. In his first trip abroad in the wake of the July 15 military uprising, Erdogan visited Saint Petersburg, Russias second city, last week for talks with Putin. In the aftermath of the talks, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that a proposal was on the table for Turkey and Russia to carry out joint operations against ISIS. This was followed Tuesday by a statement from a member of the Russian Federation Council Defense and Security Committee, Senator Viktor Ozerov, that Turkey could provide the Incirlik base to the Russian Aerospace Forces for its use in counterterrorism operations [in Syria]. Incirlik currently serves as the base for thousands of US Air Force personnel and private contractors. Its status became a sensitive issue after it served as a base of operations for the abortive coup, which also called into question the safety of at least 50 US nuclear weapons stored there. The unraveling of US policy in Syria was the subject of a paper issued Tuesday by the Center for Strategic and International Studies by its strategic analyst and longtime Pentagon adviser Anthony Cordesman. Stating that the situation seriously threatens the future of the MENA [Middle East and North Africa] region and US strategic interests, Cordesman noted the lack of any serious public discussion over US war policy: For the first time in its national history, the United States may get through a Presidential campaign amidst multiple wars without seriously debating or discussing where any of its wars are going, or what their longer-term impact will be. The developments in Syria, he added, represent not simply a massive and lasting humanitarian nightmare, it is a strategic nightmare as well. He pointed in particular to the growing Russian and Iranian role in the conflict and the likely survival of the Assad government. So far, the United States seems to have done little to address these issues, Cordesman writes. Secretary Kerrys negotiations with Russia seem to have done little more than give Russia freedom of action in backing Assad while the United States focuses on ISISchoices that also empower Iran and raise critical questions about who will really win in Syria if the United States does defeat ISIS. One indication that this same question is being asked in the US military command came with the report that after conquering the city of Manbij in northern Syria, US-backed forces, which are fighting with the support of American special operations troops, granted safe passage to a convoy of between 100 and 200 trucks and cars filled with ISIS members fleeing toward the Turkish border. The effect was to ensure that these forces lived to fight another day, presumably the Americans hope, against Assad. While the Obama administration has sought to limit US engagement in Syria, preferring to concentrate its military efforts on the encirclement of and preparation for war against Russia, Washington is not prepared to accept the restabilization of the Assad government or the consolidation of any regime aligned with Russia in Damascus. The rising tensions over the coordinated actions of Russia, Iran, China and potentially Turkey pose the threat of a military confrontation with globally catastrophic implications. On Tuesday, North Carolina police believed they found the remains of 3-year-old Jordan Ann Dumont and subsequently filed murder charges against her mother's boyfriend, 21-year-old Billy McCullen. Neighbor Dustee Connard tells PEOPLE the news wasn't a complete shock to her because she'd seen disturbing signs from the home McCullen shared with Jordan and her mother, Jaylene Dumont. "We could sit on our front porch and we could hear [McCullen and Dumont] fighting with the kids in the house. Jaylene was screaming, 'Please stop, please Billy,'" Connard says. Connard says she and her family called police three times in the last six months. In the last three years, 49 service calls were made to McCullen and Dumont's home, police said Tuesday. "[Dumont] would tell police everything was fine, that nothing was wrong," Connard says. "It's just horrible." Connard says she grew worried at the family's Easter egg hunt this year when she saw Jordan with a bruise on her face. "Jordan was a beautiful little girl," Connard remembers. "When she came down here she loved to play around the yard but you would see bruises on her." During the egg hunt, when Connard asked Jordan what happened, she allegedly replied she fell. According to police records obtained by PEOPLE, authorities responded to more than a dozen calls to the home between Easter and her disappearance on Monday. Connard says she never saw McCullen hurt Jordan, Dumont or the couple's 13-month-old daughter, Angel herself. However, she says her daughter told her she saw McCullen allegedly smack Jordan so hard she fell off the house's porch before yanking Jordan up by the arm and bringing her inside. "It just blows my mind," Connard says. "[Jaylene] would say it was nothing. I couldn't even image my girls [being treated like that] and of course I was concerned." Story continues Neighbor of North Carolina Toddler Allegedly Murdered By Mom's Boyfriend Said She Saw 'Bruises' on Girl| Child Abuse, Crime & Courts, Death, Murder, Physical Abuse, True Crime Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. On Monday afternoon, McCullen reported Jordan missing, telling police that at 1 p.m. he put Jordan down for a nap and took a nap himself. He said when he awoke two hours later he realized she was not home and the front door was open. On Tuesday, authorities announced they had found remains they believe belong to Jordan and arrested McCullen for first-degree murder. "It appears the remains are that of Jordan Ann Dumont," the Gaston County Police said in a press release, which added, "Tests will need to be conducted by the medical examiner's office to determine a positive identification of the remains as well as the cause of death." Neighbor of North Carolina Toddler Allegedly Murdered By Mom's Boyfriend Said She Saw 'Bruises' on Girl| Child Abuse, Crime & Courts, Death, Murder, Physical Abuse, True Crime At a press conference, Gaston County Police Chief Joseph Ramey said "further charges could be forthcoming," and that authorities will "see where additional evidence leads us." McCullen has not entered a plea and it is not known whether he has an attorney. Freddie Gibbs has been charged with "sexual abuse of a defenseless or psychologically impaired person" following an alleged July 2015 incident in Vienna. Two-and-a-half months after Freddie Gibbs was arrested in France stemming from an alleged sexual assault that occurred in Vienna, Austria in July 2015, the rapper has formally been charged in the incident. A spokesperson for the Vienna criminal court confirmed the charges of "sexual abuse of a defenseless or psychologically impaired person" Wednesday. "[Gibbs] is alleged to have administered knock-out drops to a woman and then have abused her sexually while she was in a defenseless state," the spokesperson said in a statement, accusing the rapper of spiking a woman's drink, Metro US reports. Gibbs could face 10 years in prison if convicted of the charges. Gibbs' Austrian-based lawyer Thomas Kralik denied that the rapper had any sexual contact with the alleged victim. "He strenuously denies [the accusations]," Kralik said. Gibbs' U.S. lawyer Theodore Simon added in an email statement to Rolling Stone, "While Freddie Gibbs was charged with an offense today, it remains only an allegation, and it does not in any way change the actual facts that Freddie Gibbs is 100 percent innocent ... As the investigation and process continues, Mr. Gibbs remains hopeful that a thorough, searching and complete investigation will reveal the actual facts, including the absence of any scientific, physical, or credible evidence implicating him, thereby paving the way for his exoneration and return to his family and one-year-old child." At the time of Gibbs' arrest in Toulouse, France in June, the rapper's lawyer told Rolling Stone in a statement, "Freddie Gibbs adamantly denies the allegations that have been levied against by Austrian authorities. It makes you wonder why it took almost a year for Austrian officials to bring these charges. Freddie will be fighting the extradition request as these are nothing more than trumped up charges." Gibbs was scheduled to perform in Vienna on May 26th but the concert was cancelled due to "transportation issues." A European arrest warrant was issued for Gibbs days later. Related Content: The aviation industry has seen some really heartbreaking disasters in the past couple of years. But Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, is not the only plane to have disappeared into thin air. Mysteries have been playing themselves on the aviation industry since the beginning on the 20th century. Here are 10 of the most perplexing aviation disasters; most of them are still unsolved. Aer Lingus Flight 712 - The fight crashed on its route to London from Cork, in March 1968, with 61 passengers and crew members, due to reasons that remain unknown till date. 14 dead bodies were located and none of the passengers, mostly Irish and a few Americans, could survive the accident. It was a popular speculation that an experimental British missile took it down, but no evidence could be traced to support the speculation. What makes this case interesting is, unlike popular convention of discontinuing a flights number following its crash, Aer Lingus has retained the number for a daily flight flying the same route. B47 Stratojet - The bomber carrying nuclear weapons went missing while flying across the Mediterranean Sea in 1956. Quite mysteriously no remains of the flight could ever be recovered no dead bodies, debris, or missiles. This one is the strangest mystery for the US government. They have lost 11 nuclear weapons and two of them were on B47 Stratojet. Amelia Earhart - She could have realized her ambition of becoming the first woman to have flown around the world in 1937. But while she was over the Pacific Ocean, with Captain Fred Noonan, her flight disappeared. The last time she was heard on the radio she said she was running out of fuel and was unsure of her whereabouts. Search efforts didnt yield any result none of the bodies were discovered. There was no trace of any wreckage or debris. Amidst various conspiracy theories, Earhart was declared dead 2 years from the accident. Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 - The mystery behind the disappearance of Flight 739 in 1962 is another unsolved aviation disaster. This one was clearly the worst mishap in the Lockheed Constellation series. Again, the rescue team couldnt locate any debris or bodies without which the reason of the explosion stayed unsettled. However there are a couple of conspiracy theories that insinuate a sabotage in play. Story continues Egypt Air Flight 990 - The plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, killing 217 passengers including the crew. Heading from Los Angeles to Cairo, Flight 990 was already in Egyptian territory when the accident took place. The Egyptian government carried on some investigations initially, but due to lack of infrastructure they later signed off the duty to US. The outcomes were contradictory and left the Egyptian government unhappy with the investigation of National Transportation Safety. The board considers a criminal event as the voice recorder in the flight had evidence that the officer shut down the engines and said, I rely on God. Pan Am Flight 7 - Flight 7, also known as Clipper Romance of the Skies crashed, as assumed, due to the malfunctioning of its engine. The wreckage was found off route and toxicology reports of 44 dead passengers show high levels of carbon monoxide. But the ultimate results of the investigation do not satisfy the curiosity and hence the possibilities of it being a planned attack have never been written off. It is also believed that the accident was designed and the aircraft carried explosives all this to work out insurance frauds. Dan Cooper and Northwest Airlines Flight 305 - Now this one is like a thriller movie, with a positive note that no passengers were killed during Dan Coopers skyjacking gig. On November 24th, 1971, Dan Cooper a.k. D.B Cooper boarded Flight 305. Midair, he placed a demand of a knapsack filled with $200,000, 4 parachutes and a refueling truck in Seattle. Once the demands met he released all the passengers, and held the crew and one stewardess for a flight to Mexico City. However, he jumped with all the money and parachute shortly after the take off. The man who purchased the ticket by the alias of Dan Cooper has never been identified or found despite many attempts. Air France Flight 447 - The mystery leading to Flight 447s disappearance on June 1st, 2009, was the toughest to decipher. The flight fell into the Atlantic while on its way to Paris from Rio de Janeiro. An extensive search was initiated and then called off with 74 bodies still in water. After 2 years the black box was found and the reason of the accident turned out to be a disconnect from autopilot. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Perhaps the most interesting and heart-breaking aviation mysteries of this century so far was the disappearance of Flight 370. On March 8th 2014 the Malaysia Airlines flight heading to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew members literally vanished from its route. Search efforts began and many countries pitched in to help find the flight but no major wreckage or bodies have been found till date. However, in July 2015 a part of its flaperon was found on the beach of Saint-Andre. The reason of the crash is unsolved. Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 - Radar contact with Flight 8501 was lost within 40 minutes of take-off and after 40 more minutes the flight was declared missing. Debris were reported in Karimata Strait and bodies were found floating. From engine damage to bad weather, a lot of theories have been drawn to explain the crash. From time to time, various conspiracy theories and explanations have surfaced, but none could satiate all the queries enough to be adopted as a solution. Will these mysteries be ever solved - guess the question itself is an enigma. Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sites/ on line 494 Michael Phelps Good morning. Here's everything you need to know in the world of advertising today. 1. The UK government brought out its long-awaited Childhood Obesity Plan, which includes plans to introduce a soft drinks tax. However, the plan doesn't include expected measures to curb junk food advertising to children. 2. Coca-Cola says the UK soft drinks tax "is not the right response." The soft drinks company says the plan will only serve to hit consumers' pockets, damage businesses, and that it won't reduce obesity rates. 3. Michael Phelps' new Sports Illustrated cover could make Under Armour furious. Under Armour's star athlete is wearing Nike. 4. Pinterest has finally started selling video ads. The New York Times reports that the silent autoplay video ads will begin appearing on the Pinterest feed from Wednesday. 5. New guidelines led to a big change for uniforms at the Olympics. Brand logos are showing up more than ever. 6. Snapchat plans to more than double its workforce in New York City. The company has agreed to create 396 jobs in the state of New York in exchange for tax breaks totaling up to $5 million. 7. Russian billionaire Evgeny Lebedev tried to buy The Daily Telegraph, The Financial Times reported. Lebedev, who owns The London Evening Standard, was told by The Telegraph Media Group's chairman Aidan Barclay that the title was not for sale. 8. Mark Zuckerberg said he regretted having to spend $2 billion on Oculus in order to get into virtual reality. "I actually view that as, you know, if we'd done a better job of building up some of the expertise to do some of that stuff internally, then maybe we wouldn't have had to do that" but he added that he's happy with the investment. 9. McDonald's has had to pull its Happy Meal fitness bands. People had reported skin irritation after wearing them, according to AdAge. Story continues 10. Tencent reported strong second quarter results. Net profit rose 47% to 10.73 billion yuan, while revenue was up 52% to 35.69 billion yuan, beating analysts' estimates. NOW WATCH: New guidelines have led to a big change for uniforms at the Rio Olympics More From Business Insider Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sites/ on line 494 In the year 1820, a person could expect to live less than 35 years, 94% of the global population lived in extreme poverty, and less that 20% of the population was literate. Today, human life expectancy is over 70 years, less that 10% of the global population lives in extreme poverty, and over 80% of people are literate. These improvements are due mainly to advances in technology, beginning in the industrial age and continuing today in the information age. There are many exciting new technologies that will continue to transform the world and improve human welfare. Here are eleven of them. 1. Self-Driving Cars Self-driving cars exist today that are safer than human-driven cars in most driving conditions. Over the next 35 years theyll get even safer, and will begin to go mainstream. "so what did you do before self-driving cars?" "we just drove 'em ourselves!" "wow, no one died that way?" "oh no, millions of people died" gregory erskine (@cat_beltane) April 15, 2015 The World Health Organization estimates that 1.25 million people die from car-related injuries per year. Half of the deaths are pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists hit by cars. Cars are the leading cause of death for people ages 1529 years old. Just as cars reshaped the world in the 20th century, so will self-driving cars in the 21st century. In most cities, between 2030% of usable space is taken up by parking spaces, and most cars are parked about 95% of the time. Self-driving cars will be in almost continuous use (most likely hailed from a smartphone app), thereby dramatically reducing the need for parking. Cars will communicate with one another to avoid accidents and traffic jams, and riders will be able to spend commuting time on other activities like work, education, and socializing. Story continues dixon graphic 2. Clean Energy Attempts to fight climate change by reducing the demand for energy havent worked. Fortunately, scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs have been working hard on the supply side to make clean energy convenient and cost-effective. Due to steady technological and manufacturing advances, the price of solar cells has dropped 99.5% since 1977. Solar will soon be more cost efficient than fossil fuels. The cost of wind energy has also dropped to an all-time low, and in the last decade represented about a third of newly installed US energy capacity. Forward thinking organizations are taking advantage of this. For example, in India there is an initiative to convert airports to self-sustaining clean energy. Tesla is making high-performance, affordable electric cars, and installing electric charging stations worldwide. Tesla Charging There are hopeful signs that clean energy could soon be reaching a tipping point. For example, in Japan, there are now more electric charging stations than gas stations. And Germany produces so much renewable energy, it sometimes produces even more than it can use. 3. Virtual and Augmented Reality Computer processors only recently became fast enough to power comfortable and convincing virtual and augmented reality experiences. Companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft are investing billions of dollars to make VR and AR more immersive, comfortable, and affordable. People sometimes think VR and AR will be used only for gaming, but over time they will be used for all sorts of activities. For example, well use them to manipulate 3-D objects. To meet with friends and colleagues from around the world. And even for medical applications, like treating phobias or helping rehabilitate paralysis victims. VR and AR have been dreamed about by science fiction fans for decades. In the next few years, theyll finally become a mainstream reality. 4. Drones and Flying Cars Roads? Where were going we dont need roads. Dr. Emmet Brown GPS started out as a military technology but is now used to hail taxis, get mapping directions, and hunt Pokemon. Likewise, drones started out as a military technology, but are increasingly being used for a wide range of consumer and commercial applications. For example, drones are being used to inspect critical infrastructure like bridges and power lines, to survey areas struck by natural disasters, and many other creative uses like fighting animal poaching. Amazon and Google are building drones to deliver household items. Amazon Drone Smaller The startup Zipline uses drones to deliver medical supplies to remote villages that cant be accessed by roads. There is also a new wave of startups working on flying cars (including two funded by the cofounder of Google, Larry Page). Flying cars use the same advanced technology used in drones but are large enough to carry people. Due to advances in materials, batteries, and software, flying cars will be significantly more affordable and convenient than todays planes and helicopters. 5. Artificial Intelligence It may be a hundred years before a computer beats humans at Go maybe even longer. New York Times, 1997 Artificial intelligence has made rapid advances in the last decade, due to new algorithms and massive increases in data collection and computing power. AI can be applied to almost any field. For example, in photography an AI technique called artistic style transfer transforms photographs into the style of a given painter. Google built an AI system that controls its datacenter power systems, saving hundreds of millions of dollars in energy costs. The broad promise of AI is to liberate people from repetitive mental tasks the same way the industrial revolution liberated people from repetitive physical tasks. Some people worry that AI will destroy jobs. History has shown that while new technology does indeed eliminate jobs, it also creates new and better jobs to replace them. For example, with advent of the personal computer, the number of typographer jobs dropped, but the increase in graphic designer jobs more than made up for it. Master of Go Board Game Is Walloped by Google Computer Program New York Times, 2016 It is much easier to imagine jobs that will go away than new jobs that will be created. Today millions of people work as app developers, ride-sharing drivers, drone operators, and social media marketers jobs that didnt exist and would have been difficult to even imagine ten years ago. 6. Pocket Supercomputers for Everyone I wanted a flying car and all I got was a way for the entire planet to communicate instantly via massively powerful pocket computers. Fraser Speirs (@fraserspeirs) September 29, 2013 By 2020, 80% of adults on earth will have an internet-connected smartphone. An iPhone 6 has about 2 billion transistors, roughly 625 times more transistors than a 1995 Intel Pentium computer. Todays smartphones are what used to be considered supercomputers. vatican mobile Internet-connected smartphones give ordinary people abilities that, just a short time ago, were only available to an elite few: Right now, a Masai warrior on a mobile phone in the middle of Kenya has better mobile communications than the president did 25 years ago. If hes on a smart phone using Google, he has access to more information than the U.S. president did just 15 years ago. Peter Diamandis 7. Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains Protocols are the plumbing of the internet. Most of the protocols we use today were developed decades ago by academia and government. Since then, protocol development mostly stopped as energy shifted to developing proprietary systems like social networks and messaging apps. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies are changing this by providing a new business model for internet protocols. This year alone, hundreds of millions of dollars were raised for a broad range of innovative blockchain-based protocols. If you asked people in 1989 what they needed to make their life better, it was unlikely that they would have said a decentralized network of information nodes that are linked using hypertext. Farmer & Farmer Protocols based on blockchains also have capabilities that previous protocols didnt. For example, Ethereum is a new blockchain-based protocol that can be used to create smart contracts and trusted databases that are immune to corruption and censorship. 8. High-Quality Online Education While college tuition skyrockets, anyone with a smartphone can study almost any topic online, accessing educational content that is mostly free and increasingly high-quality. Encyclopedia Britannica used to cost $1,400. Now anyone with a smartphone can instantly access Wikipedia. You used to have to go to school or buy programming books to learn computer programming. Now you can learn from a community of over 40 million programmers at Stack Overflow. YouTube has millions of hours of free tutorials and lectures, many of which are produced by top professors and universities. The quality of online education is getting better all the time. For the last 15 years, MIT has been recording lectures and compiling materials that cover over 2000 courses. As perhaps the greatest research university in the world, MIT has always been ahead of the trends. Over the next decade, expect many other schools to follow MITs lead. 9. Better Food through Science Earth is running out of farmable land and fresh water. This is partly because our food production systems are incredibly inefficient. It takes an astounding 1799 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef. Fortunately, a variety of new technologies are being developed to improve our food system. For example, entrepreneurs are developing new food products that are tasty and nutritious substitutes for traditional foods but far more environmentally friendly. The startup Impossible Foods invented meat products that look and taste like the real thing but are actually made of plants. Impossible Foods Their burger uses 95% less land, 74% less water, and produces 87% less greenhouse gas emissions than traditional burgers. Other startups are creating plant-based replacements for milk, eggs, and other common foods. Soylent is a healthy, inexpensive meal replacement that uses advanced engineered ingredients that are much friendlier to the environment than traditional ingredients. Some of these products are developed using genetic modification, a powerful scientific technique that has been widely mischaracterized as dangerous. According to a study by the Pew Organization, 88% of scientists think genetically modified foods are safe. Another exciting development in food production is automated indoor farming. Due to advances in solar energy, sensors, lighting, robotics, and artificial intelligence, indoor farms have become viable alternatives to traditional outdoor farms. Compared to traditional farms, automated indoor farms use roughly 10 times less water and land. Crops are harvested many more times per year, there is no dependency on weather, and no need to use pesticides. 10. Computerized Medicine Until recently, computers have only been at the periphery of medicine, used primarily for research and record keeping. Today, the combination of computer science and medicine is leading to a variety of breakthroughs. For example, just fifteen years ago, it cost $3B to sequence a human genome. Today, the cost is about a thousand dollars and continues to drop. Genetic sequencing will soon be a routine part of medicine. Genetic sequencing generates massive amounts of data that can be analyzed using powerful data analysis software. One application is analyzing blood samples for early detection of cancer. Further genetic analysis can help determine the best course of treatment. Another application of computers to medicine is in prosthetic limbs. Soon well have the technology to control prothetic limbs with just our thoughts using brain-to-machine interfaces. Computers are also becoming increasingly effective at diagnosing diseases. An artificial intelligence system recently diagnosed a rare disease that human doctors failed to diagnose by finding hidden patterns in 20 million cancer records. 11. A New Space Age Since the beginning of the space age in the 1950s, the vast majority of space funding has come from governments. But that funding has been in decline: for example, NASAs budget dropped from about 4.5% of the federal budget in the 1960s to about 0.5% of the federal budget today. The good news is that private space companies have started filling the void. These companies provide a wide range of products and services, including rocket launches, scientific research, communications and imaging satellites, and emerging speculative business models like asteroid mining. The most famous private space company is Elon Musks SpaceX, which successfully sent rockets into space that can return home to be reused. SpaceX Perhaps the most intriguing private space company is Planetary Resources, which is trying to pioneer a new industry: mining minerals from asteroids. If successful, asteroid mining could lead to a new gold rush in outer space. Like previous gold rushes, this could lead to speculative excess, but also dramatically increased funding for new technologies and infrastructure. These are just a few of the amazing technologies well see developed in the coming decades. 2016 is just the beginning of a new age of wonders. As futurist Kevin Kelly says: "If we could climb into a time machine, journey 30 years into the future, and from that vantage look back to today, wed realize that most of the greatest products running the lives of citizens in 2050 were not invented until after 2016. People in the future will look at their holodecks and wearable virtual reality contact lenses and downloadable avatars and AI interfaces and say, 'Oh, you didnt really have the internet' or whatever theyll call it 'back then.' "So, the truth: Right now, today, in 2016 is the best time to start up. There has never been a better day in the whole history of the world to invent something. There has never been a better time with more opportunities, more openings, lower barriers, higher benefit/ risk ratios, better returns, greater upside than now. Right now, this minute. This is the moment that folks in the future will look back at and say, 'Oh, to have been alive and well back then!' NOW WATCH: I spent 37 consecutive days playing 'Pokemon GO' here's what I did to catch 'em all More From Business Insider This Colombian woman was raped and forced to leave her home for speaking out against the constant victimisation of women by armed militants in the country. A woman participates in a rally called "March of Whores" to protest against discrimination and violence against women in Colombia. (Reuters Photo) By India Today Web Desk: Up until six years ago, Maria (name changed) used to lead a women's group which denounced militants for subjecting women and girls to sexual abuse, campaigned against the recruitment of child soldiers and most importantly, supported families displaced by conflict. That was until the July of 2010, when the men she spoke against kidnapped her, along with her 13-year-old daughter, and raped her for five days. advertisement Now, she works as a healer, 650 kilometres from home, even as her own wounds remain unhealed. This is a story we've heard too often - of women being 'punished' with sexual violence for raising their voices against injustice. MARIA'S STORY Six years ago, living in her hometown of Quibdo, Maria led the AfroMuPaz group to help support families being affected by an ongoing battle, among the many armed groups operating in the area, to access and control drug-trafficking routes and illegal gold mines. These militants are also known for preying on women. AfroMuPaz was one of the few groups talking about the problem and calling for it to stop. One day, a man invited Maria to his neighbourhood to collect some children's clothes and shoes he wanted to donate to her group. "So I climbed into his truck suspecting nothing," she recounted to BBC News. "But when we started driving out of the city I felt uneasy and asked where the donation was. At that point someone pointed a gun at me and pulled a hood over my head." When her hood was taken off, Maria found herself in the jungle surrounded by armed captors. She also saw her 13-year-old daughter Camila being led out of a hut. Her captors had lured her youngest daughter into a car on the pretext of taking her to her mother. "At first I thought they were going to kill me. Then one of them told me they were going to punish me for talking too much. They started showing me their genitals and I realised what they were going to do. I started screaming: 'OK do whatever you have to do to me but please don't touch my kid. Don't touch my daughter!'" she says. Over the next five days, Maria was assaulted and raped repeatedly by five men. At one point she fainted - and found herself in a hospital when she awoke. Her daughter Camila had been returned to the family, physically unhurt. But the trauma from the kidnapping crippled the young girl. "They'd told her that if she breathed a word of what had happened, they'd come back and kill me. So she stopped speaking altogether. For a very long time she only said 'yes' or 'no' and almost every day she cried," said Maria. advertisement Six months after her ordeal, Maria resumed her work for AfroMuPaz. But one morning a member of her captor group came to her home and told her she had 48 hours to leave town. "I just knew I had to go," she says. A COUNTRY OF HOMESICK REFUGEES Maria fled to Bogota, where authorities gave her a bullet-proof vest, a mobile phone and a monthly budget for taxis as it was unsafe for her to use public transport. Her three kids joined her several months later. Her hometown is one of the poorest regions of the country - most of its population descended from African slaves brought over by Spanish colonisers. In Bogota, Maria uses traditional medicine to heal patients at the Armed Conflict Victims Centre. People come to the state-run clinic to share their stories and get some relief from the war between left-wing guerrillas and the army. She still struggles to adjust to her life in Bogota - she is homesick for her ageing mother, her friends and the sense of purpose she felt in her old job. Her daughters are doing a little better than her, with Camila studying law at university now. advertisement Like Maria, one in every 10 Colombians end up as refugees in their own country. Nearly seven million people have been uprooted and more than 220,000 killed since 1964, when the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) took up arms against the state to demand social equality and land reform. DECADES OF VIOLENCE In June this year, Farc signed a historic ceasefire deal with the state, where an agreement was reached on the creation of a special tribunal to investigate and prosecute human rights violations committed during the last 50 years of conflict. Farc also promised that perpetrators of sexual violence, including rape, will not be eligible for amnesty. But countless other armed groups, including right-wing paramilitaries, continue to terrorise large areas of the country. Nearly half of Colombia's 7.8 million officially registered "war victims" are women. A majority of these have been forced out of their homes by armed groups, while more than 13,600 women have been raped since 1985. These militants are also targeting more and more people like Maria who speak out against them, or champion causes that conflict with their interests. In one four-week period earlier this year, 13 human rights activists, environmental campaigners and community leaders from indigenous tribes were assassinated, according to the BBC report. Last year one was being murdered every five days. advertisement In July, the Colombian government announced a commission on gender issues, to ensure women's suffering was recognised and that their voices would be heard. But Maria remains skeptical about testifying - after all, she and others like her were targeted precisely for reported abuses. She still dreams of returning to Quibdo though, unsure of when that will happen. And she struggles to forgo the scars of those five days. "I can't change what happened to me. I am not able to forget because my body reminds me of it every day," she says. --- ENDS --- coma cluster galaxies abell 1689 chandra xray Astronomers have a very big problem on their hands: Four-fifths of all the stuff in the universe can't be found, a cosmic mystery known as "dark matter." People have searched for tiny, hypothetical particles of dark matter for years in machines deep below the ground and in space, but we have yet to find a single speck. All we know is that it tugs on "normal" matter with gravity. That's why some scientists are revisiting an old idea that black holes born at the dawn of time invisible monsters that could have avoided our detection until now are a prime suspect for all that missing mass. Researchers call these speculative black holes "massive compact halo objects," or MACHOs, since dark matter lurks in a "halo" in and around big galaxies. But a new study in The Astrophysical Journal Letters offers a serious reality check to the idea that MACHOs are dark matter. Timothy Brandt, an astrophysicist at the Institute for Advanced Study, wrote the study after he took a close look at 11 dim, feeble, and weird little galaxies. The stars there are choking with dark matter, at least compared to larger galaxies like the Milky Way or Andromeda, but the little galaxies don't seem to show any obvious signs of harboring a flotilla of old black holes. "These galaxies would be less dense and larger than we see," Brandt told Business Insider. Instead they're inexplicably compact. And that could represent a big threat to the MACHO hypothesis. The mystery of 11 non-puffy dwarfs dwarf galaxy nasa PIA16613 labeled Brandt's interest started with relatively recent discoveries of small, seemingly very old, and ultra-faint star clusters. Some of these clusters are large enough to be called dwarf galaxies, yet are billions of times dimmer than larger galaxies. Such ultra-faint dwarfs are thought to be incredibly common, Brandt says, perhaps outnumbering visible galaxies by 10- or 100-to-one. Story continues Nearly all of their young, bright stars have burned out over the eons, which is why these ultra-faint dwarf galaxies are so hard to find. "If you're looking with your own eyes you'd never see them," Brandt said, noting they can be as small as a few thousand stars. "We've only been finding these things for about 10 years with computer algorithms." What made them so interesting to Brandt is that some of these clusters exist at all. By mass our own Milky Way is somewhere between 70% and 80% dark matter most of it lurking near the outer edge of the galaxy. Meanwhile, ultra-faint dwarf galaxies are roughly 99% dark matter. "The dark matter is holding them together and preventing them from flying apart," Brandt told Business Insider. And that's where Brandt realized he could see if a bunch of old black holes between 20 to 100 times the mass of the sun (a size range for MACHOs that has yet to be ruled out) really exist there. If so, they'd accelerate stars as they passed nearby, causing the entire cluster or galaxy to "puff" outward over billions of years. A diffuse cloud of dark matter particles, on the other hand, would keep the cluster glued together. eridanus ii 2 dwarf galaxy sergey e koposov dark energy survey Brandt focused his attention on one ultra-faint, dark matter-choked star cluster near the center or Eridanus II, or Eri II. Eri II is a 3- to 12-billion-year-old dwarf galaxy that astronomers barely and recently noticed hanging out near our much-larger Milky Way galaxy. Brandt's calculations show that if the cluster's dark matter is made of MACHOs, then it would have puffed out and faded into Eri II a long time ago. But there it was: A small, dim, ancient star cluster that was much too compact, as well as its parent galaxy. He noted the 10 dwarf galaxies that are similar to Eri II should act the same, but that "we don't see puffy ultra-faint dwarf galaxies." "This one cluster could be a coincidence. But if you look at all the other dwarf galaxies, I don't see how [the dark matter] could be black holes between 20 and 100 solar masses," Brandt said. Why dark matter might be ancient black holes black hole Brandt's study comes at a time when scientists like Alexander Kashlinsky, a cosmologist at NASA, have started revisiting the MACHO idea that dark matter may just be a bunch of really, really old black holes. That's because several searches for tiny bits of dark matter, called "weakly interactive massive particles" or WIMPs, keep striking out. "[WIMP] searches have been going on for quite some time, but nothing has been reliably detected, slowly shrinking the box of parameters where [dark matter] particles can hide," Kashlinsky previously wrote in an email to Business Insider. Meanwhile, MACHOs of a few sizes including those weighing roughly 30 solar masses have yet to be firmly ruled out. Scientists figured MACHOs probably formed within a fraction of a second of the Big Bang some 13.8 billion years ago. This was right as the event's hot, energetic soup of plasma cooled into the first subatomic bits of matter (then later into atoms, gases, stars, and so on). These primordial black holes would have lurked in the background as the first stars, galaxies, and planets started to form millions of years later, subtly influencing their destinies while vastly outweighing them; for every bright, shining star, four stars' worth of mass was forever locked away in a black hole. Trouble is, no one could find enough black holes to finger them as dark matter. So this spooky hypothesis lost steam over the past couple of decades. ligo mirror But the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) a 15-nation, 900-scientist, $1 billion experiment recently gave the notion new life. LIGO's first-ever detection of gravitational waves was made possible by two black holes smacking together, each roughly 30 times the mass of our sun. Thing is, this size of black hole is supposed to be rare in nature so detecting two at once is rather remarkable. Calculations suggest black holes of that size could be MACHOs that formed within a second inside the hot, energetic soup of the Big Bang. If so, then a lot more of them are out there, others will eventually collide, and LIGO will keep detecting them as it listens for ripples in space-time. "We should know the answer within a couple of years," Kashlinsky previously said, later emphasizing that this is irrespective of Brandt's challenging findings. "LIGO is starting a new run of observations in September. If they keep discovering these beasts at this rate, every one to two weeks, we should have good enough statistics to rule in the possibility." 'We could be in trouble' cdms dark matter fermilab reidar hahn Both Brandt and Kashlinsky told Business Insider the ultra-dim dwarf galaxy study isn't the end of the end of the line for MACHOs. Although unlikely, the star cluster in Eri II may have recently dropped into the center so its stars may not have had enough time to be accelerated by MACHOs. "It takes a long time for MACHOs to share their energy with the stars" if they exist, Brandt said. Kashlinsky says another possibility, as pointed out in Brandt's study, is that a chance alignment makes the star cluster only appear to be near the core of Eri II. If true, the cluster exists near the edge or outside of the dwarf galaxy, which could explain its non-puffiness (there is less mass nearby to pull on stars and help accelerate them). Brandt's study pegs that possibility at about 1%. "Statistically speaking that is non-negligible at all," Kashlinsky wrote in an email to Business Insider. A more radical explanation is that MACHOs may be smaller than anyone thought, perhaps somewhere between the the weight of the moon and an asteroid. These may be impossible to detect, though, since Brandt said since they'd be less than a millimeter in size. A scenario like that is one Brandt fears the most. "It's possible there is no interaction of dark matter [with normal matter] except through gravity," he said. "If that's the case, we're in trouble. We've never come to that point where we know something is out there but is completely invisible to our experiments." "But I'm not that pessimistic," he said. "Not yet." NOW WATCH: Einstein's powerful equations can't explain the most mysterious point in the universe More From Business Insider It's relatively common to find debris from rocket launches in the waters off Cape Canaveral in Florida, but divers exploring the seabed recently uncovered artifacts from an age of exploration long before America's space program: 22 cannons and a marble monument in what they think are three 16th-century Spanish shipwrecks. The finds include three ornate bronze cannons two that are 10 feet (3 meters) long and one that is 7 feet (2 m) long and the marble monument, engraved with the coat of arms of the king of France, which has been identified from the manifest of a 1562 expedition to Florida by the French navigator and colonialist Jean Ribault. Robert Pritchett, chief executive of the Florida-based company Global Marine Exploration, which explored the wrecks in May and June, told Live Science that it was initially thought that the newfound wrecks might include Ribault's two "lost ships," which sank during a storm in 1565, a few years after the voyage from France. [See Photos of the Colonial-Age Shipwrecks Found Off Cape Canaveral] But records showed that the bronze cannons and monument from Ribault's expedition were installed at Fort Caroline, an early French Huguenot colony on the St. Johns River, in what is now Jacksonville, Florida. In 1565, the cannons and monument were seized in a Spanish raid, "so [the monument] would not be on a French ship if it was removed by the Spanish," Pritchett said. Instead, Pritchett thinks these items were being carried away from Florida as booty on Spanish ships, bound for Havana, Cuba, when they were struck by a storm that banished them to the seafloor. The remains of the three colonial-age ships were found across a wide "scatter field" of debris on the seafloor about 4 miles (6 kilometers) long and about a half mile (0.8 km) wide, along with the remains of a later shipwreck that is thought to be from the 1800s, Pritchett said. Divers discovered the shipwrecks during a marine survey of the area in late September 2015 using underwater magnetometer equipment that allowed them to locate metal items lying beneath the seabed. Story continues In addition to the three bronze cannons and the marble monument, the divers found 19 iron cannons, 12 anchors, a stone grinding wheel, and scattered ballast and ammunition from the ships, Pritchett said. The markings on one of the bronze cannons indicate that it was cast in the 1540s, during the reign of King Henry II of France, he added. Rocket graveyard Pritchett explained that his company had permits from the state of Florida to explore seven areas off the coast of Cape Canaveral, where the wrecks were found an area littered with debris from rocket test launches at the U.S. Air Force base at Cape Canaveral, southeast of NASA's Kennedy Space Center. "We've found hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of U.S. Air Force rockets that they were testing from 1948 forwards, and also shrimp boats, airplane engines, airplanes, " Pritchett said. "We have found some of the actual rocket engines, and lots of rocket tubes some of these things are 30, 40 feet long," he said. "Some are sticking halfway out on the surface, or sticking straight up out of the sand there are literally thousands of them out there. We GPS and photograph everything we find, and we turn that stuff over to the U.S. Air Force, because one day, it will be valuable to someone for a historical reason." The area containing the colonial-age wrecks is in shallow water, and the conditions on the seabed changed from day to day, he said. [Shipwrecks Gallery: Secrets of the Deep] "The sea there is shallow, 15 to 25 feet [4.5 to 8 m], and the sand shifts a lot out there, " he said. "So the cannons could be covered by 3 feet [0.9 m] of sand, or they could be covered by 8 feet [2.4 m] of sand it's different every time the wind blows." Looter danger For now, the cannons and the marble monument remain with the other debris of the wrecks on the seafloor, until Florida authorities approve a permit for Pritchett's company to recover the artifacts, Pritchett said. "We've been letting the state [of Florida] know that these artifacts are at the jeopardy of looters, and of the weather," he said. "These cannons are worth over a million dollars apiece so if looters could find out the location, then a piece of history is gone forever, because it's going to be sold on the black market." Pritchett thinks the marble monument may be worth many times that amount, as "the only one of its kind and probably the most significant piece of maritime history that's ever been found on the entire East Coast of the United States," he added. The monument, which is in the shape of a coat of arms set atop a pillar, is about 3 feet high and 2 feet (0.6 m) wide, "exactly the way it is described in the original records," Pritchett said, and decorated with fleur-de-lis symbols a stylized flower used in heraldry by French royalty and the crown of the king of France. Pritchett said more information about the origin of the wrecks will have to wait until archaeologists on the surface can study them. "It's a mystery at this point, and until we bring all these items up and study them, we're not going to know a lot more about them only what we know from the little bit of research in the water that we've been able to do," Pritchett said. "But right now, we're waiting on the state of Florida." Original article on Live Science. Editor's Recommendations Copyright 2016 LiveScience, a Purch company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. From Road & Track Remember the 1991 Nissan Sentra, the basis for the outstanding B13 Sentra SE-R? Man, that was such a great car. But sadly, it appears that Nissan has finally decided to cancel the B13 Sentra. [Update: See below] Don't worry, though. The current Sentra isn't going anywhere. But as The Truth About Cars reports, you will no longer be able to buy a 25-year-old Sentra brand new anymore. And it's all because of the meddling government. Photo credit: Nissan Mexico Yes, despite the U.S.-spec Sentra ending production in 1994, Nissan continued to sell the B13 Sentra as the Tsuru in Mexico where it's still popular today. Considering it has a base price of around $7000, that's unsurprising. It's also relatively reliable, and is easy to maintain. But Mexico recently passed new safety regulations, and without airbags or anti-lock brakes, those requirements spell doom for the Nissan Tsuru. So farewell, B13 Nissan Sentra. You had a good 25-year run, and we will always remember you fondly. When you get to where you're going, say hello to the original Volkswagen Beetle for us! Update: This post was originally published on August 17th, 2016. Today, Nissan officially confirmed its plans to cancel stop production of the Tsuru. It also announced it will build a limited run of 1000 "special commemorative" Tsurus but did not clarify what will make them special. You Might Also Like When Clare Tattersall and her boyfriend decided to have a child, marriage wasn't top of mind. "Time was obviously a consideration for us," says Tattersall, who became pregnant at age 41. "And we only talked about having a baby, not of marriage." Before the baby talk, Tattersall and her boyfriend were already in a committed relationship. The couple had previously registered as domestic partners. And Tattersall had even been on her boyfriend's health insurance when she worked as a freelancer. The couple didn't need to sign a marriage contract to feel committed, says Tattersall, who works as owner and designer at Primrose & Wilde, a private client fashion label in New York City. "I think having a child is a far greater commitment than getting married," she says. The financial challenges of having a child outside of marriage didn't worry the couple either. Instead, their big consideration was how to handle health insurance. "We wanted to address that," Tattersall says. "For everything else, we rolled with the punches." [See: 10 Ideas for Dating on a Budget.] Tattersall is not alone. About 4 in 10 births are to unmarried women, according to federal data. And while raising a child outside of wedlock isn't always a choice a parent gets to make, sometimes, like in Tattersall's case, the decision to remain unmarried is intentional. But entering into parenthood without first walking down the aisle has its own unique financial planning challenges. Here's what to know. 1. It can be tough to live on a single salary. Not all unmarried parents are single parents. For those who are going it alone, making do on one income raises specific financial hurdles. "Every financial challenge is more difficult if you have a single income than a dual income," says Liz Deziel, senior vice president and Twin Cities head of banking for the Private Client Reserve at U.S. Bank. One common pitfall for single parents to avoid, experts say, is focusing on paying for their child's needs at the expense of their own retirement accounts. Story continues "Save for retirement," says Michelle Scarver, wealth advisor at Exencial Wealth Advisors in San Antonio. "No one's going to loan you anything to retire on." [See: 13 Money Tips for Married Couples.] 2. Think about taxes. Depending on your financial situation, getting married and filing taxes jointly may be beneficial -- or it may incur a penalty. "It depends on the relative salaries whether you have a marriage bonus or marriage penalty," says Steven M. Rosenthal, senior fellow at Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute. Meet with a tax accountant and do the math. For some couples, signing a marriage certificate can drive up their annual tax savings. 3. Consider life after you're gone. Without the built-in legal protections of marriage, couples or individuals raising children need to make doubly sure that there's a plan in place for their child if one parent dies -- or becomes disabled. "If you're not legally married, and if you don't plan, then everything will pass according to the law," Deziel says. "And if you don't have everything spelled out in a will or other legal documents, then [things] won't go as you'd like them to go." Considering life after your death may involve meeting with an attorney to draw up documents, spelling out who will take care of your child and where any savings, insurance payouts and other assets will go when you're gone. Unmarried parents may have to take a few extra steps to ensure they have the financial systems in place that marriage automatically ensures. When you're not married, "you do have to do more planning," says Ed Vargo, certified financial planner and founder and private wealth manager at Burning River Advisory Group in Cleveland. While these topics may not be fun to discuss, it's important that couples entering parenthood have them. "If you're responsible for another human being now, and the financial future of the child is on the line, there's a level of responsibility there, whether it's fun to deal with or not," Deziel says. "If you don't do the pre-work, you're more likely to have conflicts down the road," she says. [See: 10 Money Questions to Ask Your Parents.] Tattersall and her boyfriend eventually married when their daughter was 2-and-a-half years old. The wedding was a celebration and a party, she says, with her daughter as flower girl. Their daughter is now 9 years old. But for Tattersall and her husband, the commitment was always there. "You're going to be stuck with the other person for at least 18 years, and you're going to have to communicate with them," she says. "I think everyone should do what is best for them." More From US News & World Report The fifth adaptation of Lew Wallace's 1880 novel is guaranteed to become at least the fifth-best "Ben-Hur" film as it tells the tale of two childhood friends, one an army officer, the other an ex-convict out for revenge. - Who's in it and what's it about? - A story of both revenge and redemption, culminating in a high-stakes chariot race, and one whose budget-busting, box-office record-breaking 1959 adaptation starred Charlton Heston in the leading role and collected an astonishing 11 Oscars. Quite a reputation to live up to. Here Jack Huston plays the title character, a Judean prince who emerges from the bowels of a slave ship after five years in captivity, returning to his former life to find it comprehensively ruined by none other than Messala, the man who -- in this version -- he once called brother. Huston comes to the film from TV series "Boardwalk Empire" and Oscar winner "American Hustle," while Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman plays his ally and sponsor, Sheik Ilderim; Toby Kebbell of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" and "Warcraft" becomes Messala. Brazilian "Lost" actor Rodrigo Santoro goes from playing Biblical character Xerxes in "300" to Biblical character Jesus in "Ben-Hur," provoking the prince to consider an alternative approach to revolution; while his inclusion is part of the original story, modern faith-based interpretations such as "Exodus: Gods and Kings," "Noah" and History channel miniseries "The Bible" have also been subject to renewed interest in recent years. - Who's behind it? - Timur Bekmambetov of vampire movies "Night Watch" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter," and comic book adaptation "Wanted" worked from a script provided by John Ridley ("12 Years a Slave") and Keith Clarke. - When's it out? - An August 19 release date in the US and Canada follows hot on the heels of same-week releases in Brazil, Russia, Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Story continues Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, India, and Argentina are among territories screening "Ben-Hur" from August 25; it comes to Germany on September 2, France, the UK and Ireland on September 7, South Korea on September 14 and Malaysia the next day, and Japan from January 13, 2017. - Trailers & Social - Debut trailer: (playlist) Facebook page: Twitter feed: Instagram account: While the S&P 500 braved a tech bubble, a financial crisis and two recessions in the last decade to finally hover near its all-time highs this year, Canadian stocks also regained their lost ground. The slump in commodity prices had crippled Canadian stocks for a pretty long time. But, that is a thing of the past. A slew of factors including stocks trading at cheap valuations, a healthy GDP outlook, banks surviving the financial crisis with less stress and the country being home to global mining players make us believe that Canadian stocks still have plenty of room for upside. In fact, this year, their gains have already toppled returns delivered by U.S stocks. Hence, investing in stocks exposed to a thriving Canada is not a bad proposition. Canadian Stocks Surge this Year Through the first eight months of this year, Canadian stocks outperformed U.S. stocks. Canadas TSX Composite indexs year-to-date return is around 12%, way above the S&P 500s return of about 7%. The indexs over exposure to natural resources and energy industries made it vulnerable to a commodity slump. Commodity prices took a beating due to sluggish global economic growth, mostly led by a weak Chinese economy. Almost everything ranging from petroleum to potash saw their prices tank. However, the index made a comeback this year, thanks to commodity prices gaining traction. Needless to say, a weak Canadian dollar better known as loonie boosted exports and a sturdy government under Justin Trudeau instilled confidence in the economy. Do Bulls Still Have Room to Run? Even though Canadian stocks have moved north this year, they are cheaper than their American counterparts. According to Matt Barasch, the chief Canadian equity strategist for RBC Capital Markets, If you go back 35 years and look at price-to-book ratios compared to the U.S., Canada has never been cheaper on a relative basis. Its indeed quite remarkable that Canadian stocks continue to trade at cheaper valuations amid a rise in commodity prices and recovery in earnings. This makes them quite attractive. Story continues Canadas GDP growth for the next year is also poised to beat that of America. According to TD Economics, the Conference Board believes that Canadas GDP is expected to expand at a solid rate of 1.9% in 2017, whereas the U.S. economy is pegged to grow 1.7%. On the other hand, Brexit-affected Eurozone is expected to witness decelerating growth of 1.4%, according to Focus Economics. Robust economic growth will certainly boost Canadas broader markets. Sector Outlooks Encouraging As the GDP is poised to be better next year, the odds of the countrys jobless rate whittling down from 6.9% increases. This in turn could boost consumer spending levels, the backbone of any economic growth. Rise in spending levels will work wonders for retail conglomerate George Weston Limited, doughnut chain Tim Hortons Inc., and media companies Rogers Communications Inc. RCI and Bell Media Inc. Meanwhile Canadian banks unlike their American counterparts indulged in fewer risks to sail though the financial crisis with ease. Canadas central bank hasnt trimmed rates as aggressively as other central banks across the globe. Canadian banks including Toronto-Dominion Bank TD and Royal Bank of Canada RY enjoyed bigger profits, while they paid out hefty dividends. Canadas global mining giants also enjoyed a bull run as global jitters boosted gold prices. The rise in the price of the yellow metal benefited mining majors Goldcorp Inc. GG, Franco Nevada Corp FNV and Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd TRQ. Top 4 Canadian Stocks to Buy Now As prices of oil and other commodities have somewhat stabilized, with consumer-driven companies to banks to mining-behemoths all set to gain, investing in Canadian stocks will be judicious. These stocks are also far more attractively priced than their American cousins. We have selected four such Canadian stocks that have a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) or 2 (Buy). Also, such stocks have a VGM score of A or B. Here V stands for Value, G for Growth and M for Momentum and the score is a weighted combination of these three scores. Such a score allows you to eliminate the negative aspects of stocks and pick winners. IAMGOLD Corp. IAG is engaged in the exploration, development and production of mineral resource properties across the world. The company's mining activities in Canada include Doyon Division with Westwood Mine in Quebec and Cote Gold Project development project in Ontario. IAMGOLDhas a Zacks Rank #2 and a VGM score of B. Its estimated earnings growth for the current year is 110.9%. Richmont Mines Inc. RIC is engaged in activities related to the acquisition, exploration, development and operation of mineral properties. Its segments include Quebec and Ontario. The company has a Zacks Rank #2 and a VGM score of B. The estimated earnings growth for the current year is 261.1% for Richmont Mines. H2O Innovation Inc. HEOFF provides integrated technological water treatment solutions based on membrane filtration technology to municipal, energy, and mining end-users primarily in the United States and Canada. The company has a Zacks Rank #1 and a VGM score of B. Its estimated earnings growth for the current year is 300%. Endeavour Silver Corp. EXK is a mid-tier precious metals mining company headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. The company has a Zacks Rank #2 and a VGM score of B. Its estimated earnings growth for the current year is 113.6%. International investing can be tricky, and especially given the uncertain global landscape we have seen lately. Fortunately, we have our Chief Equity Strategist to scour the Earth for the best stocks with top Zacks Ranks in any market around the world. Click here to learn more about the picks and the International Trader service>>> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report TORONTO DOM BNK (TD): Free Stock Analysis Report ROGERS COMM CLB (RCI): Free Stock Analysis Report GOLDCORP INC (GG): Free Stock Analysis Report IAMGOLD CORP (IAG): Free Stock Analysis Report RICHMONT MINES (RIC): Free Stock Analysis Report ENDEAVOUR SILVR (EXK): Free Stock Analysis Report FRANCO NV CP (FNV): Free Stock Analysis Report ROYAL BANK CDA (RY): Free Stock Analysis Report H2O INNOVATION (HEOFF): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research NextShark Jahrah, who only has a first name as customary in Indonesia, went out to collect rubber on Sunday morning in the forest in Jambi Province on Sumatra Island, Indonesia. The search parties only found success a day later, on Monday, when they discovered a 22-foot-long (6.7-meters-long) python with a bulging stomach resting in the woods. Her family then reported her missing to the local authorities, and a search has been carried out since then, Anto, the local villages chief, said. By PTI: Kohima, Aug 18 (PTI) A criminal revision petition has been filed before the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court in cases pertaining to the educational qualification of Nagaland Chief Minister T R Zeliang. A lower court had earlier dismissed the cases. Filing the revision petition, the petitoners said they were within the limitation period as per the Supreme Court and high court orders. advertisement The HC after hearing the counsel for the petitioner today fixed September 14 as the next date. Senior apex court advocate K N Balgopal represented the petitioners at the hearing. The judicial magistrate first class of Peren district had dismissed the complaint cases on Zeliangs educational qualification on July 29 on the ground that they are barred by time limitation. In November 2015, Maziezokho Nisa of Jotsoma village had filed a complaint against an alleged offence punishable under Representation of People Act, 1951, purported to have been committed Zeliang while filing his affidavit for 2013 state polls. A similar case was filed against the chief minister by K K Kulimbe of Jalukie town in July this year. PTI NBS KK SC LNS --- ENDS --- After Paul Castro "liked" a Facebook status from a local college that offers online degrees, the Yorba Linda, California, resident noticed ads for different online programs popping up on his social media accounts. He came across ASU Online, the online arm of Arizona State University. On its Facebook page, the program highlighted different degree programs, including the now-senior's major in mass communications and media studies. The 24-year-old says it was this social media presence that drew him in. And Castro probably isn't alone. "Within the last 10 years, there's been this huge influx of not only admissions, but student affairs offices -- and colleges in general and marketing departments -- using social media to engage prospective applicants," says Nat Smitobol, an admissions counselor at IvyWise, a higher education consulting company in New York City. Social media platforms aren't the only resources prospective online students should use in their research, experts say, but they are definitely valuable. Because online degree applicants often can live anywhere, social media easily connects them with current students and alumni to answer the questions they would have asked had they visited a campus in person. Here are four ways online degree applicants might use social media to explore their options. [Explore four steps to find the right online degree program.] 1. Find general information about academics and life as an online student: Some online programs, or their umbrella universities, have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram pages that applicants can visit to narrow their list and gain a sense of how online learning works. Oregon State University Ecampus' Facebook page, for example, shares articles about changing careers through online learning, and photos and videos of the online student graduation on campus. Kelley Direct, the online branch of the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University--Bloomington, tweets networking opportunities, alumni achievements and photos from the required face-to-face residency components, like this one: Story continues #OnlineMBA Kelleys learning about "Financing the Enterprise" with professor Tod Perry at #KCW16 -- Kelley Direct (@KelleyDirect) July 26, 2016 2. Engage with current online students and alumni: Features like Facebook groups and LinkedIn networks might be helpful, experts say. "I think that's the most important thing for anybody -- is to get a sense of how someone who's gone through the program or someone who's in the program, what's their opinion of it," says Catherine Dwyer, chair of information technology at Pace University's Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, who researches social media. [Learn four ways to use social media as a current online student.] On ASU Online's Facebook page, Castro, after doing more research online, says he asked enrolled students: "How did you apply? How did the process go? How are your classes? How is this online program different than online classes I've taken in the past?" Kelly Lux, assistant director of the online Communications@Syracuse master's program offered through Syracuse University, says the program connects prospective students with student ambassadors. Experts say applicants can also find students and alumni to speak with on programs' Facebook or LinkedIn groups. As a current online graduate student in Communications@Syracuse, Ashlee Post, 28, of New York City, sometimes receives questions from prospective students on social media about online learning and her program. "I would say any question about what to expect is the biggest conversation out there, because the program is so new, and because the idea of going to school online has been a little bit taboo over the years," Post says. When Post herself researched online programs, she couldn't really ask current students or alumni questions because the program was so new, but she still checked out the Syracuse alumni network on LinkedIn. Being able to gauge these potential connections "was a big deal for me," she says. [Discover what to consider to decide if an online program is legit.] 3. Ask admissions officers questions: Students might simply message an online program on Facebook, or reach out to one on Twitter or LinkedIn, for example. Some online programs also hold Twitter chats to answer applicants' questions, Smitobol says. Pennsylvania State University--World Campus held one in March about transferring credits to the online program -- a topic relevant to many online applicants. During the chat, one prospective online student also asked some general questions about the program, and admissions counselors at Penn State responded. For example: What's the average time required per week per course? #ChatPSUWC -- Kirk Kraft (@KAKraft) March 29, 2016 @KAKraft Undergrad students report spending 10-12 hours per week on each 3-credit course. Grad is closer to 10-15 hours. #ChatPSUWC -- Carli Donovan (@CarliDonovan) March 29, 2016 4. Learn about virtual and face-to-face events: Online programs also advertise events for applicants, from webinars to Twitter chats. Penn State posts information about virtual "open houses" and webinars on Facebook for prospective students, says Cara Bell, the recruitment coordinator at World Campus. In general, "Social media is a great way for prospective students to engage and start that process if they're looking to go to a school online," Bell says. Trying to fund your online education? Get tips and more in the U.S. News Paying for Online Education center. Jordan Friedman is an online education editor at U.S. News. You can follow him on Twitter or email him at defines negotiation as mutual discussion and arrangement of the terms of a transaction or agreement." As a CEO, I negotiate day in and day out. Whether the topic is a business deal or employment terms, negotiation is a process. It's a way to ensure things get done and goals are met. Ive read countless tips on how to negotiate more effectively. "Shark Tank" is one of the few shows I watch, and in my humble opinion, many entrepreneurs on the program need to do a better job negotiating with the sharks. Sometimes the very savvy investors -- seasoned in the skill of negotiation -- take advantage of the guest business owners. Here are five key lessons from past episodes. 1. Youll never walk away with nothing. You can learn something new from each negotiation, and meetings with investors are never a waste of time -- even you dont arrive at a deal. Investors ask thoughtful questions and often challenge you to think about your business beyond the scope you've already defined. These insights and new ways of thinking can be as valuable to growing your business as the negotiation process itself. It's a mistake to walk into a negotiation with the sole purpose of securing an investment. Keep an open mind, ask questions, and be present to learn. Internalize what the investors have to say, and apply their advice as it makes sense for your business. When I was fundraising, I left each meeting with plenty of notes to reflect and follow up on. The best investors ask insightful questions that force you to think even harder about your business. Peter Lee, managing partner of Baroda Ventures, grilled me on our product-market fit for a good month before he invested in my company Retention Science. It was worth it. I didn't walk away with a check the first time, but the back-and-forth discussion eventually resulted in a $500,000 check. Most entrepreneurs featured on "Shark Tank" fail to land a deal, but putting into action the advice they receive can help them building a stronger and better business. Remember: Even when you secure the investment, you don't leave empty-handed. You always can obtain new ideas to help you grow. Story continues Related: Hustling 101: These 5 Entrepreneurs Negotiated Big Value for Small Money 2. Know your limit. Before each negotiation, determine how much company equity you're willing to give up. This helps you make decisions and counter offers based on numbers, not emotions. As "Shark Tank" reveals, negotiating can be a very emotional process. Many entrepreneurs get personal and teary-eyed on the show. At the end of the day, knowing your bottom limit can help you avoid the emotional roller coaster. I shake my head whenever I see entrepreneurs step out of the tank for a few minutes to think about deals on the table -- only to come back and find the sharks either have restructured their offers or withdrawn them altogether. Knowing the lowest possible offer youll accept gives you a toehold during a negotiation and can keep you from giving away too much of your company. 3. Don't get so greedy you ignore a reasonable offer. It happens quite a bit on "Shark Tank." And when a shark offers a reasonable offer (or even the exact deal the entrepreneur asked for), it doesnt help to hesitate or shop around. Likewise, you can offend your potential investor and hurt your chances of closing a deal. This isnt to say you should jump at the first offer you receive. But if you've a perfectly good one in hand and you can see yourself working closely with this investor, you should seriously consider it. In Season Five, Solomon Fallas of 180Cup asked for $150,000 thousand for 15 percent ownership of his company. Daymond John made an offer right away, asking for 20 percent equity. Instead of taking it, Solomon said he first wanted to hear what the other sharks had to say. Big mistake. After Solomon's spiel, all the other sharks told him they were out. Solomon had to appeal to Daymond to put a deal back on the table. By this time, Daymond already had revised his offer -- and took an additional 5 percent equity. Solomon had no choice but to accept $150,000 and 25 percent equity. It's probably the fastest 5 percent of company ownership Solomon ever has lost. As an entrepreneur, I felt his pain. Related: Instead of Always Aiming to Win, Agree to Agree 4. Investors back people, not just companies. It's an obvious but often forgotten fact: You're not pitching only a business, you're pitching yourself. You might have a great product, but if you appear difficult to work with, youll be hard-pressed to find an investor willing to make an offer. Be authentic and genuine. Show investors your best qualities. Convince them youre worth the money. Thats exactly what Kim Nelson of Daisy Cakes did. Nelson said she had the best cakes the sharks had ever tasted, and she was right. Each one of them gobbled up her product. Unfortunately, she couldnt convince them her business was worth the investment. Everyone except Barbara Corcoran passed, saying Daisy Cakes just wasnt a big enough business for them. Corcoran had the same reservation, but made an offer anyway. She believed in product, and more import, she believed in Nelson. The other sharks thought she was nuts. One went so far as to call her a "crazy chick." Corcoran didn't blink. "Not at all," she replied. "I'm going to get my money back. This girl's a hustler." Corcoran was right. Not only did she recover her capital in three weeks, Daisy Cakes went on to become one of her best investments. Related: Personal Styles of 10 Successful Entrepreneurs 5. Keep your cool. Its very common to disagree during a negotiation. And while theres nothing wrong with standing your ground, getting hotheaded is a different story. Stick to you guns -- with respect. Many entrepreneurs on "Shark Tank" take offense when they're challenged by tough questions about market size, pricing strategies or other specifics. Others lost their cool when sharks disagreed with their vision. Consider what happened to Scott Jordan of TEC (Technology Enabled Clothing). Jordan already had built a successful business that caught the sharks' attention. But he got into a heated argument about patents and licensing, ultimately telling the sharks, "You're out!" Needless to say, he didnt close the deal. The current bull run in stocks has lasted longer than any other, save the tech bubble of the 90s. That in itself shouldn't be cause for alarm -- bull markets don't die of old age. What should worry investors, however, is the massive disconnect between economic fundamentals and stock valuations. From weakening retail sales to corporate America heading for its sixth consecutive quarter of declining earnings, the fundamentals of the market conflict with the record highs we're seeing nearly every day. But missing out on further upside isn't an option for most investors either. What to do when all the data screams crash but the market keeps moving higher? You find stocks that beat the market during a crash. A Tale Of Two Worlds, Exuberant Markets Versus Dismal Economics Profit expectations have come down for the third quarter, which is likely to mark six consecutive quarters of falling earnings for companies in the S&P 500. The global economy is struggling and the only thing keeping the United States out of recession has been auto sales and housing. Auto sales are weakening and uncertainty around Brexit may be enough to push the United States into a recession over the next year. Against all this, stocks continue to hit fresh highs with the S&P 500 priced at almost 25 times earnings of companies in the index. There isn't much holding up stocks other than global central bank policy, and even that may be running out of steam. The Bank of Japan said in late July that it would begin a comprehensive assessment of its monetary policy to determine if programs have been effective. [More from This Billionaire Is Building The Next Disney] It's the most definitive admission yet that monetary stimulus hasn't worked as well as authorities would have liked and may result in a new direction. If that new direction limits the tidal waves of money that have been flowing into bonds and stocks, the market could lose one of its only drivers. Story continues How To Make Money And Protect Your Portfolio The dilemma in all of this is that investors don't want to miss out on further upside in the markets. Bull markets don't die of old age. Jumping out of stocks when the economy starts to wobble means trading commissions and risks missing out on returns. But there are stocks that can offer upside while still providing protection if the market starts to tumble. I ran the numbers on some of my favorite best-of-breed stocks to find remaining value, a strong dividend yield and historically low-risk compared to the market. The S&P 500 reached its pre-recession peak on September 10, 2007, but even as the broader market fell each of my safety stocks were able to keep rising. Two picks didn't peak until September 2008 as investors rushed to safety and industry leaders. Market volatility over a rolling six-month period peaked in September 2008, with annualized volatility in the S&P 500 reaching 58%, while the volatility of my safety stocks ranged from just 26% to 42% during the period. Perhaps most interesting is the fact that while the five safety stocks were able to keep rising far after the market peaked, the lows were all within a month of the market trough. Investors didn't have to wait nearly as long for the five stocks to hit bottom and start rebounding. Novartis AG (NYSE: NVS) has an advantage over other drug makers in its diversified business model, with sales in branded pharmaceuticals, generics, eye care and consumer staples. Most importantly here is its generic business through Sandoz, which can recapture some of the branded products' losses when they come off patent protection. Shares have struggled over the last year on fear of generic competition on a few key drugs, but the company has a strong late-stage pipeline including its heart drug Entresto and immunology drug Cosentyx. [More from If History Repeats, This Growth Stock Is Money In The Bank] Shares of Novartis traded for over 20 times earnings in mid-2015, a valuation that could take the stock to $97 on earnings expectations of $4.88 per share over the next year. Drug sales are not as susceptible to cyclical pressure, and the company's generics business helps to capture price-conscious consumers. Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE: PG) is correcting the missteps it made by moving into too many markets without focusing on brand identity. It will finalize a two-year strategy to sell off half of its branded portfolio by the end of the year, and could be ready to boost margins significantly. This renewed focus on quality and profitability will serve it well if the global economy stumbles. P&G still has the size and popular brands to negotiate better shelf space and pricing with retailers which should protect revenue even after it sheds some of its brands. Earnings are expected higher by 5.7% to $3.88 per share over the next four quarters. The company has turned around a string of disappointments to beat expectations four consecutive quarters by an average of 5.2% each quarter. It's the most expensive stock in our list but should do well in a market selloff as investors rush to consumer staples and attractive dividends. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) has struggled along with other traditional retailers on fears of growth in online shopping limiting top-line sales. While critics of Wal-Mart's online platform have a point, the $230 billion retailer has a size and price advantage that will leave it the last man standing in its market. If there is just one brick-and-mortar store left in the world, it will be Wal-Mart. The company's recent acquisition of could help it compete better digitally, and its massive scale gives it a wide economic moat. Shares saw a drop of less than half of what the broader market saw during the crisis, and shareholders only had to wait five months from the high to see the stock start to rebound, more than a month ahead of the rest of the market. Shares of The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) are 6.8% off their April high on weak volume growth, especially in emerging markets, where currency effects have also weighed on earnings. Management downgraded its 2016 guidance to 3% sales growth during the second quarter earnings release. The recent weakness could be a buying opportunity for shares that have jumped 190% since the bottom of the 2009 crisis. The company is diversified across non-carbonated beverages and juices in addition to its portfolio of soft drinks, and it enjoys one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Coca-Cola is selling its North American distribution assets and some manufacturing facilities through 2017, which could mean greater profitability and strong shareholder cash return. [More from Bond Guru Bill Gross' Secret To Investing In An Overvalued Market] Southern Company (NYSE: SO) has added significantly to its electricity distribution with the recent AGL acquisition and its natural gas distribution business. The company has also been aggressively adding solar and wind projects to further diversify. As a holding company for regulated utilities, Southern Company performed better than most during the financial crisis. Shares fell just 30% from the peak, and investors only had to wait five months for the price recovery to begin. Volatility was the lowest among these five safety stock picks, and the shares pay an attractive 4.2% yield. While all five stocks were relatively protected during the last bear market and offer strong fundamentals going forward, Novartis and Southern Company stand out as the best opportunities for safety and return. Each is relatively cheap and pays a strong yield, while also benefiting from company-specific upside over the next year. Risks To Consider: Company-specific factors may mean performance differs greatly in the next market crash compared to that seen previously. Action To Take: Take a position in one or more of these safety stocks that have the potential to provide upside returns while still protecting you from volatility in a market selloff. Editor's Note: The market is overvalued, but that's not the only thing you should be worried about... Virtually every new President to take office has had a devastating effect on economic growth. It happened with Obama, it happened with Bush and Clinton... in fact, it's happened to every president for 183 years. Will these 3 simple plays make you rich while the rest of the nation bleeds? Related Articles Should little girls be required to cover up when theyre at the pool? (Photo: Getty Images) As many parents do on a hot summer day, Stephanie Felkai took her two young daughters to their local public pool in Montreal. Felkais 6-year-old daughter wore her favorite swimsuit shorts without a top. A lifeguard approached Felkai and said that her daughter needed to cover up with a bathing suit top. Felkai felt this was unfair since the upper body of a 6-year-old whether its a boy or a girl looks basically the same, and she argued that if young boys dont have to cover up on top, why should young girls who havent developed yet? At her age, shes indistinguishable from a boy, Felkai told CBC. Her physique is exactly the same as a boys. So how does anyone even know to approach her to tell her shes not wearing an appropriate bathing suit? According to Felkai, the lifeguard responded that women are asked to cover their breasts and genitals, while men must cover their genitals. I said, Yes, thats for a woman and a man, but this is a girl, Felkai said. She added: Theres no gender or age related to this rule. It said that people need to not be nude or partially nude. My interpretation is that my daughter is partially covered because her genitals are covered. The mom filed a complaint with the borough, explaining that she would like the rules amended for young children. My concern for my daughter in my situation is, I dont want her to be forced to identify as girly too early, she said. We dont need that. Just let them be. Borough spokesman Daniel Bussieres to CBC that bathing suits are required for anyone going to the pool and that includes tops for women. However, Bussieres added that the lifeguard who approached Felkai about her little girl may have been overzealous in following the rules. Kristin J. Carothers, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute in New York City, notes that this is a tricky situation. The issue that arises with this scenario is whether or not guidelines for bathing suits at public pools should apply to young children, she tells Yahoo Style. One could argue that the guidelines for wearing bathing suits at public pools are in place to ensure that genitalia are covered for health and safety reasons. Story continues She adds that it can also lead to some confusion: When we think of teaching children about good touches and bad touches to protect them from predators, we usually send the message that any area that could be covered with a bathing suit should not be touched by anyone, and that a child should immediately report inappropriate touching to an adult. [However,] at 6 years of age, boys and girls chests are similar. Usually, boys are not expected to wear tops, while girls are, because they will eventually develop breasts. In this particular case, it seems that the mother does not believe allowing her 6-year-old daughter to swim without a bathing suit top would put her at risk for harm. Carothers notes that if Felkai wants her young daughter to be able to swim without a top, she may need to find other outlets for now. This mom might have to comply with the rules at the public pool; however, she also has the right to decide if her daughter should swim with a top in places where there isnt the rule, like private pools, she says, or she can decide not to take her daughter to pools that have those rules. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. No. 1:Concierges Are Getting a Reboot A number of upscale brands are taking their concierge services digital, using texting, social media, and custom apps to help guests connect with the hotel. In some cases, theyre replacing people with technology altogether. Its quite a change for this very traditional hotel role. And while it may dismay travelers who rely on concierges for assistance and advice, there are definite upsides for guests. Many of the new apps provide a central place to make various kinds of requests. At Conrad Hotels & Resorts, for instance, you can book a spa treatment and ask for restaurant recommendations with a few taps instead of multiple phone calls. You can even select your room and order a room-service meal before check-in, tasks that were challengingif not impossibleat the hotel previously. Useful for those times when youre away from the hotel but want a concierges local insights, Porter & Sail is a city-guide app used at independent hotels. It offers picks curated by distinguished locals (musician Moby, chef Alan Stewart), and is available at more than three dozen properties worldwide, including Soho Beach House, in Miami, and Londons Zetter hotels. Hotel Stay Changes Social-media addicts might appreciate that Hyatt has taken to Twitterdirect-message or tweet at the @HyattConcierge handle, and the 24/7 guest-service team will usually respond within 15 minutes. (Its handy for quick requests, like extra pillows or a restaurant suggestion.) Guests of most Commune Hotels & Resorts dont have to speak to anyone in person, eitherthey can use e-mail or SMS to communicate with the hotel, whether they want to inquire about a car service or complain about noise. And a new function in the Marriott Rewards app lets guests chat with a concierge before they arrive at the hotel. Like the worlds best concierges, some of these apps are fluent in multiple languages. Though Connie, the two-foot-tall robot concierge unveiled in March at the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner, in Virginia, is monolingual, the AI-powered automaton is able to answer simple, common requests (What time does breakfast start?), so guests dont have to wait for attention. Story continues Connie doesnt expect a tipthough for better or worse, apps havent yet eliminated that practice. In fact, they have made it a bit more challenging. Says George Corbin, senior vice president of digital at Marriott International, Some guests have made a point of seeking out in person the associate who helped them online. No. 2: Theyre Padding Your Tab Some hotels are adding vague, even questionable chargeslike facility and hospitality feesto bills. Several in Canada are being sued for making a marketing fee look like a tax. If you dont know what a charge is for, ask. If its not an actual tax and you werent informed about it, politely request its removal. No. 3: Airport Hotels Are Taking Off With architectural pedigrees, fitness classes, and (believe it or not) good food, you might actually want to stay at oneeven if you dont have to. Denver The Westin Denver International Airport, shaped like a whales tail rising above the main terminal, debuted in December. Travelers can recharge in Westins Heavenly beds, swim in the 11th-floor pool, soak in a hot tub with Rocky Mountain views, or take advantage of yoga classes and self-guided art tours. Amsterdam Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo was tapped to create the Hilton Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. The striking, modern building, wrapped in diamond-shaped windows, has 433 chic guest rooms decorated with Dutch art and furnishings, 23 meeting spaces, and a spa with four treatment rooms. Sydney With floor-to-ceiling double-glazed windows and comfy lounge chairs, the 229 rooms at the new five-star Pullman Sydney Airport Hotel feel like stylish apartments. The fitness center is open 24 hours, and the restaurant, Mobius, features an open kitchen and a mix of individual and communal seating. Hotel Stay Changes Alessandro Gottardo No. 4: Direct Isn't Always A Deal Hilton wants you to stop clicking around. Marriott says, It pays to book direct. Hyatt tells travelers they can save big. Hotel companies are tired of paying commissions to online travel agencies (OTAs) like Priceline and Expedia, so theyre trying to convince customers to cut out the middlementhey promise youll find the best prices on their own websites and apps, with loyalty-program members seeing even bigger savings. But do they deliver? We put the brands to the test, to see what kinds of discounts travelers could expect, and got mixed results. In some cases, prices were lower on hotel websites. In others, the very same room cost 20 percent more. So caveat emptorbut remember that if youre trying to collect hotel loyalty points, which you dont get through OTAs, it might be worth paying a little bit more. No. 5: Credit Cards Are Paying Off Hotel-branded cards are gaining on their airline competitors, offering customers these valuable extras. Big Bonuses Cards have been giving record sign-up bonuses this year: the Hilton HHonors Surpass American Express and the Chase Marriott Rewards Premier Business cards each offered 100,000 points for meeting the initial spending requirement, enough for a night at a top hotel. Better Earnings Several hotel cards do better than the usual one mile per dollar spent. The IHG Rewards Club Select card, for instance, pays double points on gas, groceries, and dining. More Perks While airline cards come with benefits like free checked bags and priority boarding, many hotel cards now simply bestow full elite status. The Hilton HHonors Citi Reserve and American Express Surpass cards make you a Gold guestwith 25 percent bonus points on hotel stays, free Wi-Fi, late checkout, and more. Annual Freebies IHG cardholders get a free night every year at any of the brands properties, even the pricey InterContinental Paris-Le Grand (from $549 per night). The Hyatt Visas complimentary stay is only good for hotels in specific categories, but that includes some luxury resorts. Hotesl Stay Changes Alessandro Gottardo No.6: You Can Stay For A Whilein Style If you consider them at all, you might think of extended-stay hotels (a.k.a. apartment hotels) as functional but blah accommodations for businesspeople or families between homes. But a number of properties aimed at leisure travelers have recently hit the market. Theyre upscale, offering rooms that feel like residences (kitchens, separate bedrooms), yet with a level of predictability and service that you generally dont get with vacation rentals. Theres just one element travelers might miss. Some people want to meet the owners and have some hot chocolate with them, says Skyler Reep, marketing director at Stay Alfred, which has serviced apartments in 11 U.S. cities. We dont offer that. For some, that might actually be a selling point. Q&A Residential Hotel, New York City This property in the Financial District offers loftlike digs starting at 500 square feet, done up in a minimalist style. Pets are welcome, and guests get access to a 21,000- square-foot La Palestra fitness center. Have groceries delivered to your suite or, starting next year, just head upstairs to the April Bloomfield and Ken Friedman restaurant. Minimum Stay: One night Starting Rate: $329/night Roost Apartment Hotels, Philadelphia Roosts two locations in Midtown and Rittenhouse Squarehave Midcentury Modern furnishings and bathrooms clad in subway tile. Each unit (from studios to two-bedrooms) is equipped with a Bosch washer and dryer, Apple TV, and Sferra sheets. With the in-house bike-share program, guests dont even need to bother with Uber. Minimum Stay: One week Starting Rate: $155/night Hollywood Proper Residences, Los Angeles Poised to become a celebrity favorite, the just-opened Proper offers one- and two-bedroom suites kitted out by Kelly Wearstler. All units have professional-grade kitchens, and two of the four penthouses come with private plunge pools. Guests can avail themselves of the rooftop pool, open-air yoga patio, and coffee and wine bar. Minimum Stay: One week Starting Rate: $395/night 25 Place Dauphine, Paris Vacation-rental specialist Paris Perfect spent two years renovating this 17th-century building. Situated on the le de la Cit, it contains six apartments decorated with gilt-framed mirrors and contemporary sofas. The kitchens are sleek. While theres no concierge in residence, the company will make your restaurant reservations for a small fee. Minimum Stay: One week Starting Rate: $261/night Hotel Stay Changes Alessandro Gottardo No.7: Rooms Can Be Had By the Hour (Or the Minute) HotelsByDay This app (Android, iOS) and website lets guests reserve rooms in four- to nine-hour blockstypically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Inventory consists of three- to five-star hotels, mostly in U.S. and Canadian cities. Five daytime hours in a deluxe double at Tryp by Wyndham in New York costs $125, versus $249 for a regular stay. Recharge Recharge (iOS) makes upscale hotel rooms at press time, four- and five-star properties in the Bay Area available at the last minute, for 66 cents a minute (around $40 an hour). By comparison, a same-day booking made directly with Park Central Hotel in San Francisco, one of the properties on the app, is $284 a night. Dayuse The only global microbooking service, Dayuse (Web, Android, iOS) has an inventory of more than 2,000 hotels in 15 countries. Youll find plenty of Quality Inns and Best Westerns, but also a few gems. Sort hotels (by cost, proximity to airport, etc.) to find spots like the Pullman Miami, just three miles from the airport. From Redbook The Bachelorette's Chad Johnson spent his time on the show spiking ratings with over-the-top one-liners and insults that earned him a reputation as the show's villain and a general douchebag. And yet - the guy's got some solid love advice. Ask the 29-year-old luxury realtor/season 12 contestant for the relationship rules he lives by, and, oh, will he deliver. So if you're looking to make your relationship better, or just muddling through a love life streak that "ain't all blueberries and paper planes" (to use another Chadism), these nine pieces of relationship Chad-vice are kind of brilliant. RELATED: My Husband and I Lived Like We Were on "The Bachelor" and the Fantasy Suite Got Weird Chadism #1: "I like smiley girls, girls who are happy and positive." What qualities does Chad look for in a girl? "I get along with every girl I meet in real life. Girls love me, I love girls...," he said. (Oh, Chad.) But after a bit more prodding, he elaborated: "I like it when a girl is talkative and happy and positive. I want to be with someone who likes to have fun with things and doesn't hold on to anger." So keep that PMA (positive mental attitude) strong every damn day - not only will your co-workers, boss, friends and fam appreciate it, but your partner or potential suitors dig it, too. Chadism #2: "I'm on my phone all the time when I'm at home or working, but if I'm on a date with a girl, I am with her." Be present. Chad stresses that this rule applies whether you're on your first or your 500th date with someone. It's difficult to connect fully with your husband or get to know someone better when you're passively scrolling through your Twitter feed while they retell an anecdote from their day. It's also a huge turnoff for men. "When I'm on a date, my phone is on silent and in my pocket," he says. Chadism #3: "When a girl holds eye contact, I love that." See Chadism #2 and put that phone down. "My favorite way for a woman to let me know she's into me is eye contact," he says. Sounds obvious, but so often we forget to lock eyes with our significant other or on a date. It's actually a biologically hardwired way to express affection, not to mention a surefire way to make a dude melt. Story continues Photo credit: Giphy And pro tip if you're still looking: The same goes for your online dating profile. Showcase a profile picture where your gaze is locked and steady with the camera, and where your smile is big. "Most guys don't swipe past the first picture until we've already matched," he says. RELATED: 8 Pieces of Relationship Advice You Should Never Take Chadism #4: "When you get home, leave your work and any negative things that happened there." It's great to rely on your BF or husband for support, but making a daily habit out of coming home and venting is, to quote the man, a Bad News Chad Bear. "You can tell me about [those crummy things], but don't dwell on it." (Research agrees with Dr. Chad on this one: Rumination is bad for you.) To blow off steam, find a positive outlet for your negative emotions, like cooking, taking a yoga class, or even organizing your home until your feelings settle. "When I'm in a relationship, I want it to be a positive experience," says Chad. "Nobody wants to get thrashed by all the negative things that happened with your co-worker Stacy throughout the day, all night long." Chadism #5: "I like girls who take care of themselves. If you don't take care of yourself, why would someone else want to take care of you?" An oh-so-Chad way to put it, but he's not talking about being super skinny or Glutes Gone Wild-level shredded. For guys, taking time to carve out a portion each day to prioritize your health is a turn on. "The more you stick to a routine, the better you feel, which allows you to be able to let loose and have fun in your downtime," he explains. Chadism #6: "Personally, I don't care about your clothes, your shoes, anything like that, it's about your personality..." ..."and your face...and I guess your body." But in all seriousness though, Chad just wishes girls would keep their first date looks simple: "I've always said I can look better in a $3.99 white v-neck and jeans than most guys can in Louis Vuitton," he says. Wear what feels comfortable and flattering for you, and that confidence will shine through in how you carry yourself. Photo credit: Giphy Chadism #7: "Be Yourself." Simple, but the guy means it. And while Chad's particular strain of in-your-face realness may rub some the wrong way, guys have a sixth sense for detecting when you're being fake. Not into pumping iron? That brah can smell your alpha amino-infused lie from a mile away. Have a soft spot for country (cough, alllll the Eric Church and Willie Nelson albums ever are stashed under your bed) music? Own it. Hate hiking? Don't make it seem like that eight-hour hike through the Ozarks is total fifth date material when even glamping terrifies you. "Go on and be yourself, do your thing." Unless, of course, you're cast on the series' next season "Then don't [be real] and do what I did. You're just going to be pounced upon by everybody!" Aw, Chadykins. RELATED: 15 Things Dads Should Teach Their Sons About Dating Chadism #8: "A lot of people's dating philosophy is this: Get to know you first, then figure out whether you enjoy each other's company. Mine is the exact opposite." This long-term dating advice actually works, and can help ease first date nerves: "[On a first date,] sometimes girls are like 'you haven't asked me any questions yet!' But why would I want to know about you before I even know whether I enjoy spending time with you? So, on a first date, I don't ask a lot of questions, I just try to have fun in the moment." But if his personality and sense of humor align with his date's? Then he'll dive deeper. "It saves you five hours of learning all this information and then at the end of the night thinking 'well, they're super boring and now I know all this information that is not necessary.'" Like that he wears sweatpants to the gym on leg day and that he reads psychology books in his spare time (kinda cool, actually). Chadism #9: "My ideal first date is always something simple." "I'm not one of those guys who's like 'hey, let's go hiking' - you don't really get to know someone whenever your first date has too much activity" (and we're guessing he'd be cranky after a few hours without a Muscle Milk and VyoPro protein bar). Get an appetizer somewhere, grab a bottle of wine and sit outdoors, or stake out a bench for a coffee break - just keep it low-key. But when it comes to that adage about keeping a first date to an hour, the Chad disagrees. "I don't do the whole hour thing. I'll let it go until I feel like it's time to go." And as for that age-old question: What do guys think of you if you sleep with them on a first date? "Well," he pensively replies. "If she sleeps with me on the first date, yeah, I would consider seeing her, but if she sleeps with someone else on the first date, that would affect my judgment." Photo credit: Giphy You Might Also Like Police have released the audio of the Monday 911 call made by the North Carolina man accused of reporting his girlfriend's toddler missing a day before being charged with her murder. In the six-and-a-half minute call, obtained by PEOPLE, Billy McCullen, 21, frantically tells the operator he's searching for the toddler. "I was taking a nap, I just woke up and I can't find her anywhere," McCullen tells the dispatcher. "I donat know where she's at." McCullen was arrested and charged with first-degree murder Tuesday afternoon after police found remains believed to belong to the 3-year-old. The medical examiner's office has not yet confirmed the identity of the remains. "I have a newborn with me too, a 1-year-old, and I got her and I can't find the other one," McCullen tells the operator. "I really need some help right now." During the call, the dispatcher instructs McCullen to look for Jordan under beds and in closets. "She's not here, she's not here," he says, panicked. "I don't know where my daughter is," the Bessemer City resident adds while apparently breaking down weeping. 911 Call of Man Who Reported Toddler Missing Before Being Charged with Murder: 'I Can't Find Her Anywhere'| Crime & Courts, Death, Murder, True Crime Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. While McCullen awaits for police to arrive, he can be heard walking through the home calling Jordan's name. "I donat know if she's hiding or what, I don't know, I cant find her anywhere," McCullen says before breaking down again. "The door was wide open and I can't find her." "Jordan if you hear me come out, please come out!" he cries. The body believed to belong to Jordan was found 500 to 750 yards from her home, authorities said. Neighbor Says She Saw Bruises on Jordan In a previous interview, neighbor Dustee Connard told PEOPLE the news wasn't a complete shock to her because she'd seen disturbing signs from the home McCullen shared with Jordan and her mother, Jaylene Dumont. During an Easter Egg hunt earlier this year, she says she saw bruises on Jordan. "Jordan was a beautiful little girl," Connard remembers. "When she came down here she loved to play around the yard, but you would see bruises on her." During the egg hunt, when Connard asked Jordan what happened, she allegedly replied she fell. According to police records obtained by PEOPLE, authorities responded to more than a dozen calls to the home between Easter and her disappearance on Monday. In the last three years, 49 service calls were made to McCullen and Dumont's home, police said Tuesday. 911 Call of Man Who Reported Toddler Missing Before Being Charged with Murder: 'I Can't Find Her Anywhere'| Crime & Courts, Death, Murder, True Crime Connard says she and her family called police three times in the last six months. "[Jayelen Dumont] would tell police everything was fine, that nothing was wrong," Connard says. "It's just horrible." McCullen has not entered a plea or been assigned an attorney, Gaston County court officials tell PEOPLE. By Marwa Rashad and Katie Paul QADISIYA LABOUR CAMP, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Migrant construction workers, abandoned in their thousands by Saudi employers in filthy desert camps during the kingdom's economic slump, say they will not accept a government offer of free flights home unless they receive months of unpaid wages. The plight of the workers, stranded for months in crowded dormitories at labor camps with little money and limited access to food, water or medical care, has alarmed their home countries and drawn unwelcome attention to the conditions of some of the 10 million foreign workers on whom the Saudi economy depends. The government says it is trying to resolve the situation by giving the workers -- who normally need their employers' permission to leave the country -- the right to go home and free transport back. It is also granting them special permission to stay while they look for other jobs. But workers say they fear that if they leave they will end up with nothing at all. "We will wait here - one year, two years. We will wait for our money. Then we will go back," said Sardar Naseer, 35, a Pakistani welder at the Qadisiya Labour Camp, which houses around 2,000 workers from construction conglomerate Saudi Oger. Naseer says he is owed 22,000 riyals ($5,900) after receiving no wages for eight months. Workers at the camp, about 20 km (13 miles) from the center of Riyadh, said they had stopped work about four months ago and none had been paid since January. Oger, the family firm of billionaire former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, did not respond to requests for comment for this story. The Hariri family did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment. In July, Oger stopped providing food, electricity, maintenance and medical services at several of its camps including Qadisiyah, prompting the Saudi Labour Ministry to take over provision of basic services there, men at the camp said. They sleep six to eight to a tiny room, with stray cats and cockroaches lingering on torn bedsheets. They sit on the floor to eat food rations provided by the Labour Ministry or their embassies. There is no regular supply of clean drinking water -- a filter on a public water fountain meant to be changed daily has not been serviced in a year -- so they are forced to buy bottled water with their own money. Saudi Oger, which employs some 30,000 workers, has built mega-projects including Riyadh's palatial 500-room Ritz Carlton hotel and all-female Princess Noura Bint Abdulrahman University. It is one of Saudi Arabia's two most prominent construction companies, along with the Saudi Binladin Group. Both have faced financial difficulties as the world's biggest oil exporter has suffered from the fall in the price of crude. Construction projects have been halted or slowed and revenue has fallen. As the salary delays have worsened, frustrated workers have in some cases staged rare public protests. Countries including India, Pakistan and the Philippines have sent senior officials to Riyadh to press authorities to assist their workers. Indian officials said this month that more than 6,200 former Indian employees of Oger were stranded in Saudi camps after being laid off and owed wages. "GOOD IMAGE" Two weeks ago, after Indian authorities raised their concerns, King Salman set aside 100 million riyals of government money to help the stranded workers, mostly from Pakistan, India, the Philippines and Bangladesh. Saudi Labour Minister Mufrej al-Haqbani told Reuters on Wednesday that several distressed local firms, including Saudi Binladin Group, had now started paying overdue wages. Binladin executives promised him that payments would be completed by September, he said. Oger is the only company still broadly withholding payments, and the Labour Ministry will press foreigners' wage claims through the kingdom's labor dispute system, Haqbani said, without specifying when claims might be resolved. "Saudi Oger - now well take it to the courts. Now we are responsible for that. Weve hired lawyers," he said. "As the ministry, we will go through the labor dispute courts to go after Saudi Oger and to collect the claims." He also said the troubles at Oger were not a sign of problems with Saudi Arabia's overall employment of foreign workers, most of whom were choosing to remain in the country. This is a small segment...of the labor market. We have more than 10 million expats working happily here in the country. When a company like Saudi Oger fails to comply with the rules, this will never destroy the good image of our labor market. Philippines Secretary of Labour Silvestre Bello, who visited Riyadh for talks with Haqbani this week, said that with the assistance of Saudi authorities, about 1,000 Filipino workers could be sent home by mid-September. At the camp, Mohammed Niaz, 42, said his two daughters back in Pakistan had stopped attending school because he could no longer send money home for fees. "I'm wasting my time. I want to go to Pakistan," he said. But he added that he refused to leave Saudi Arabia without the 13,000 riyals which Oger owed him. "My family has no money. My daughters are out of school. How can I go to Pakistan?" (Additional reporting by Reem Shamseddine; editing by Andrew Torchia and Peter Graff) Jeff Smith, CEO and chief investment officer of Starboard Value, L.P., speaks at a panel discussion at the SALT conference in Las Vegas May 14, 2014. REUTERS/Rick Wilking The activist hedge fund that shook up Yahoo is crushing it as many of its peers struggle. New York-based Starboard Value's flagship fund is up 8.25% through July this year, according to a performance document viewed by Business Insider. That compares with a 4.36% return for the HFRI event-driven index, which measures Starboard's activist competitors, over the same period. Meanwhile, the average hedge fund, which includes firms employing all strategies, is up about only 3% this year through July, according to Hedge Fund Research. Activist hedge funds try to boost companies' stock values by taking big stakes in the companies and influencing changes with management. Starboard Value, which manages about $4.7 billion in assets, has influenced Yahoo. In April, Yahoo agreed to add four of Starboard's independent directors to its board, for instance. Its stock price has been rising since February this year. Starboard's performance this year represents a return to form for the firm. Last year, the flagship fund dropped 8.55%, for instance. It rose 21.45% and 10.7% in 2014 and 2013, respectively, according to the document. Screen Shot 2016 08 18 at 3.22.24 PM Starboard's Yahoo position is the hedge fund's largest, making up about 15.7% of its fund, the investor update said. Starboard's next biggest stock positions are Marvell Technology Group, Advance Auto Parts, The Brink's Company, WestRock Company, and Depomed, Inc. It also holds positions in Macy's, Office Depot, and Darden Restaurants, according to the document. The firm also announced a new stake in Stewart Information earlier this week, Bloomberg reported. Press contacts for Starboard didn't respond to requests for comment. NOW WATCH: A self-made millionaire describes the financial mistakes to avoid if you want to get rich by 30 More From Business Insider The affidavit revelations have stung the Army headquarters into near paralysis with no reactions or refutations coming from any side. According to an affidavit filed by Army Chief General Dalbir Singh in the Supreme Court, the then Army Chief and present Minister of State (MOS) General VK Singh (retd) tried to 'victimise' him. By Jugal R Purohit: The politics that was played behind the high walls securing the Indian Army's top brass is now out in the open once again with an affidavit filed by the Army Chief Dalbir Singh in the Supreme Court on Wednesday. The revelations seem to have stung the Army Headquarters into near paralysis, unable to refute or react. advertisement On the other side, General VK Singh (Retd), now a minister, who is not exactly known to mince his words, is maintaining a quiet posture. Also Read: General vs General: All you need to know on VK Singh-Dalbir Singh spat WHAT THE AFFIDAVIT SAYS According to an affidavit filed by Army Chief General Dalbir Singh in the Supreme Court on Wednesday, the then Army Chief and present Minister of State (MOS) General VK Singh (retd) tried to 'victimise' him so as to deny him promotion as Army Commander. General Dalbir Singh also mentioned that 'false, baseless and imaginary allegations' were levelled against him. The fact that such a serious charge has been put by a serving Army boss against his retired senior , who happens to be a minister, and that too before the Supreme Court makes the matter unprecedented. An effort made to speak to General Dalbir Singh was thwarted by his security staff who did not allow the correspondent to ask any questions. The General even changed the route of his entrance into his office at South Block today, sending his security detail into a tizzy at the last minute. AFFIDAVIT IS OLD, THE ONE FILED IN 2012 Initially, a source close to the General said the affidavit was an 'old one, filed in personal capacity, way back in 2012'. He also mentioned that 'since General Dalbir was a made a respondent, he had personally filed the reply and it was neither shown to the Ministry of Defence nor scrutinised by their officials'. However, there was no response when it was learnt that the affidavit was actually submitted to the apex court only on Wednesday. In the morning, reliable sources had stated that a clarification was soon to be issued. However, none came till the time of filing this report. It was learnt that General VK Singh (Retd) was in Saudi Arabia in a bid to aid the Indian workers stranded there. Also Read: Relief for stranded Indian workers as Saudi Arabia vows action: VK Singh advertisement While there was no official response from his side, it was learnt that details of the matter, including the affidavit were being quietly collated by his staff. Undoubtedly, this had led to several eyebrows being raised. Many are even wondering if General Dalbir Singh had kept Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar in the picture or not. "How can a serving Army chief say such a thing especially when the person concerned is a serving minister? Did Parrikar not stop him or did it have Parrikar's blessings?" is how an observer put it. Also Read: After VK Singh's wife files extortion complaint, accused goes missing --- ENDS --- The United States is known for having the largest prison population in the worlda dubious distinction thats the result of decades of get tough policies, including mandatory drug sentences and three-strikes laws. Now thanks to an announcement Thursday by the United States Department of Justice, fewer federal inmates will be locked up in privately owned penitentiaries. The Department of Justice announced in a memo that it will close three of the nations 13 private prisons by May 1, 2017, and the rest in the following five years. In the memo, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to either decline to renew contracts with private prison operators or substantially reduce the number of beds inmates inhabit in private prisons. The closure affects about 22,000 federal prisoners in the private prison system, 1 percent of the nations total incarcerated population. RELATED: At This Library, Story Time Doesnt End Because Dads Locked Up Private prisons served an important role during a difficult period, but time has shown that they compare poorly to our own Bureau facilities, Yates wrote in the memo. They simply do not provide the same level of correctional services, programs, and resources; they do not save substantially on costs; and as noted in a recent report by the Departments Office of Inspector General, they do not maintain the same level of safety or security. A report Yates cited in the memo found that the contracted prisons studied had more problems with assault and inmate discipline than federally owned facilities did. In one example, a correctional officer was killed and more than 20 people were injured following a riot in a correctional facility where inmates reported receiving low-quality food and medical care. Given the human rights violations that the Department of Justice has found in private prisons, the announcement seems like a win for activists who have spoken out against mass incarceration. But for Blake Simons, the communications director of the California-based black empowerment collective Afrikan Black Coalition, because most inmates are not locked up in federal private prisons, the closures are only a symbolic victory. Story continues According to Prison Policy Initiative, there are around 6,125 prisons and jails in America. By only closing 13 private prisons, its like putting a Band-Aid on the gaping wound of mass incarceration, Simons wrote in an email to TakePart. The coalition successfully pushed the University of California system to divest $25 million from the private prison industry in 2015 and has worked with Californian cities to reallocate prison funding to community services. Instead of prisons, we need an investment in public schools, health care, social work, and an overall end to poverty in America, Simons wrote. By taking a restorative justice approach, we can begin by eliminating contracts with private and public prisons at the state level, ultimately abolishing them completely. RELATED: Art Class Could Keep People From Going Back to Prison Not all private justice facilities in the U.S. will close or lose their contract. Private care facilities that provide transitional support and operate halfway houses will not be affected, and the Department of Homeland Security continues to operate privately owned detention centers. Jamie Trinkle, the campaign coordinator for antimass incarceration collective Enlace, pinpointed the Department of Homeland Securitys privatized detention centers as the next step the federal government should take in reforming the justice system. The Department of Homeland Security should immediately follow suit and end all Immigration and Customs Enforcement contracts with private prisons, including for ankle bracelet monitoring, privatized transportation, and other practices that expand the ways people are controlled by the state and the ways corporations profit from that increased state control, Trinkle wrote in an email to TakePart. States and counties should terminate and ban contracting with private prisons for prison facilities as well as re-entry services, addiction treatment, rehabilitation services, and electronic monitoring. Sign the Petition: Take Action to End the Overuse of Solitary Confinement in Federal Prisons Related stories on TakePart: UC Divests From Private Prisons After Black Students Protest Heres Why Its a Big Deal That Columbia Divested From Private Prison Companies How a Former Detainee Is Advocating for Prison and Immigration Reform Original article from TakePart Mazar-e-Sharif, March 8, 2008 An Afghan woman enjoys an afternoon with her family near the Blue Mosque. (Photograph by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images) In the fall of 2001, the award-winning American photojournalist Paula Bronstein traveled to Afghanistan on assignment for Getty Images to document the U.S-led "Operation Enduring Freedom" in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. Captivated by the indomitable resilience and spirit of the Afghan people and the rugged beauty of their country's landscape, Bronstein has made Afghanistan her mission ever since. She has returned to the country repeatedly over the past 14 years to document the lives of the Afghan people against the backdrop of a brutal and protracted war. Her remarkable and nuanced body of work is collected for the first time in a powerful new monograph 'Afghanistan: Between Hope and Fear' (University of Texas Press, August 2016). What sets Bronstein's photographs apart from many of her peers is her choice to spend most of her time with the Afghan people. Her work goes beyond war coverage to reveal the full complexity of daily life in what may be the most reported on, yet least understood country in the world. The result is an intimate photographic portrait of this war-torn country's people spanning 2001-2015. With empathy born of the challenges of being a female photojournalist working in a conservative Islamic country, Bronstein gives voice to many Afghans who remain silenced by Taliban repression, particularly women and children. Represented by Getty Images Reportage, Bronstein documents the ongoing challenges facing the country today including human rights abuses, poverty, heroin addiction and increased violence and instability ? to the stirrings of new hope, including women participating in elections for the first time, education for girls and expanded job and recreational opportunities for both men and women. Afghanistan is cited by international rights groups as one of the worst places to live if you are born female and Bronstein's searing photographs bear this out ? from her depiction of the struggle of Afghanistan's over 2.5 million war widows, many of whom are forced to beg on the streets, to the anguish and desperation of Afghan women who practice self-immolation to escape forced marriages and domestic abuse. Bronstein counters the grim realities with positive photographs of women active at political rallies and girls engaged in learning in school classrooms. Story continues At the core of Bronstein's work is her compassion for her subjects and her ability to gain extraordinary access to document the hope and beauty as well as the harsh realities of their lives. She is relentless in her pursuit of stories she believes must be shared with the world, and she goes after them, sometimes at great personal risk. In her afterword in the book, Bronstein writes: "I have made some of the most extraordinary photos of my career in Afghanistan, with face after face offering a complex and intriguing gaze and revealing the constant tension between optimism and reality that shapes the lives of so many here. I keep going back, motivated and inspired by those faces, pushing against the difficulties, hoping to find fewer doors slamming shut and more people seeing reasons to smile." In her introduction, fellow award-winning journalist Christina Lamb describes the gains that Afghan women have made since the overthrow of the Taliban, as well as the daunting obstacles they still face, and Kim Barker, a staff reporter for the New York Times, writes the foreword. Afghanistan: Between Hope and Fear is an eloquent portrait of everyday life, and a story about the legacy of America's longest war. This important and beautiful volume is the most complete visual narrative history of the country currently in print. With over 30 years in the news business, Paula Bronstein is one of America's most distinguished female photojournalists. She has won numerous awards, among them: Pictures of the Year International; National Press Photographers Association (Runner-up: Photographer of the Year); Pulitzer Prize (Finalist: Breaking News); the Overseas Press Club of America (John Faber Award); Foreign Correspondents Club: Thailand (Asia Photographer of the Year); Leica Oskar Barnack Award (Finalist); and China International Press Photo (Photo of the Year). Her work has been featured in numerous individual and group exhibitions, including "Afghanistan's Health Crisis," Lido, Italy, and the Annenberg Space for Photography, Los Angeles; "Women in War" at the 2014 Korea Photo Biennale; and "Women Between Peace and War ? Afghanistan," which traveled to venues throughout the U.S. Other exhibits include War Photo Limited in Dubrovnik; "Women War Photographers," Visa Pour L'Image, Perpignan, France; the Fence, an outdoor photography exhibition; and Photoville, New York. Afghanistan: Between Hope and Fear by Paula Bronstein, book screening at Visa Pour LImage Festival in Perpignan, France, on Friday evening, Sept. 2, and book signing on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 3. The book is available from the University of Texas Press, August 2016). See more news-related photo galleries, and follow us on Yahoo News Photo Tumblr. By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Aid agencies in the Central African Republic said on Thursday they were racing to prevent the first outbreak of cholera in five years from spreading across the conflict-stricken country. The outbreak, which was declared last week, started in the southern Kemo prefecture before spreading to the capital Bangui, and has infected more than 150 people and killed at least 18 people to date, according to the latest government figures. Medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has opened a cholera treatment center in Bangui, and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is supporting an awareness-raising campaign along the country's entire southern border. MSF is also monitoring communities along the Oubangui River who use it as their main water source, and said it was working to prevent the river from spreading the epidemic further. "It is important to react quickly to prevent the spread of the disease because the risk of infection is higher in areas where clean water is limited," said Jose Antonio Sanchez of MSF. Cholera, which spreads through contaminated food and drinking water, causes diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The disease can lead to death by dehydration and kidney failure within hours if left untreated, but most patients recover if treated promptly with oral rehydration salts. The IOM said it was concerned about the risk of the cholera outbreak spreading throughout the capital's 26 sites for people uprooted by fighting, which host some 50,000 displaced. Central African Republic descended into chaos in March 2013 when mainly Muslim Seleka fighters seized power, triggering reprisal attacks by Christian anti-balaka militias. President Faustin-Archange Touadera took office in March after elections aimed at drawing a line under the crisis, but insecurity has since persisted and fresh fighting broke out in Bangui at the end of June. "Early action to prevent a further spread of the disease is crucial, especially considering the state of many displacement sites here in Bangui," said the Anne Schaefer of the IOM, adding that water and sanitation programs were hugely underfunded. The U.N. children's agency (UNICEF) said it was working with the health ministry to give medicine, clean water, purification tablets and hygiene kits to the cholera-hit communities. "Children are at the highest risk of cholera, but so far we have been lucky that not many children have been infected," Souleymane Sow of UNICEF told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Central African Republic was last hit by cholera in 2011, when an epidemic swept through West and Central Africa - one of the biggest in the region's history - infecting more than 85,000 people and killing at least 2,400. (Reporting By Kieran Guilbert, Editing by Ros Russell; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change. Visit Apartment Investment and Management Company AIV, commonly known as Aimco, disclosed the acquisition of Indigo in Redwood City, CA. The move comes as part of the companys portfolio revamping strategy. Aimco met the funding of this $320 million acquisition with 1031 like-kind exchange proceeds generated from asset sales done earlier this year. Currently 27% leased, this ten-story luxury communitys takeover is a strategic fit for Aimco. Its position within downtown Redwood City is around 25 miles southeast of San Francisco and on the northern edge of Silicon Valley. The property enjoys good accessibility. Moreover, with the downtown Redwood City serving as a hub for the adjoining residential population together with a thriving community of tech-related jobs, this property is expected to enjoy decent demand. Notably, Aimco is revamping its portfolio through lowest-rated portfolio dispositions and reinvesting the proceeds in select apartment homes with higher rents, superior margins and greater-than-expected growth. Through these measures, the company increased its conventional portfolio (market-rate apartment communities) percentage net operating income (NOI) in target markets to 91% in second-quarter 2016 from 89% a year earlier. Moreover, revenue per apartment home improved 8% year over year to $1,900 from $1,759 a year ago. Going forward, Aimcos solid portfolio, which is diversified both in terms of geography and price point, is expected to help it enjoy relatively stable revenues despite new supply in various markets. Further, portfolio revamping efforts are expected to help the company improve its overall asset quality and achieve a favorable mix. Yet, even if the divestitures pay off in the long run, its near-term adverse effects on earnings cannot be ignored while stiff competition poses challenge. Aimco currently has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Investors interested in the residential REIT industry may consider stocks like Select Income REIT SIR, Silver Bay Realty Trust Corp. SBY and Sun Communities Inc. SUI. Each of these stocks holds a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Story continues APARTMENT INVT Price APARTMENT INVT Price | APARTMENT INVT Quote Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report APARTMENT INVT (AIV): Free Stock Analysis Report SILVER BAY RLTY (SBY): Free Stock Analysis Report SUN CMNTYS INC (SUI): Free Stock Analysis Report SELECT INCOME (SIR): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research From Country Living Airbnb has stepped in to help its community in the wake of Louisiana's severe flooding, which has damaged at least 40,000 homes. More than 180 hosts from the areas surrounding the most devastated flood zones have set their listings at zero dollars per night, according to People. "People are losing everything they have," Nick Shapiro, an Airbnb representative, told The Huffington Post. "We have an ability to help people, at least in the short term, to get a comfortable bed, a home-cooked mealwhich is a very different experience from what they'd get in a shelter." The flooding has overwhelmed some areas with as much as 30 inches of rain, NBC reports. Eleven people have been killed and another another 30,000 people have been rescued. In one of the hardest-hit areas, Livingston Parish, an estimated 75 percent of homes were a "total loss." Airbnb called upon its disaster response tool, which has previously been used around Superstorm Sandy, the Paris attacks in November, and wildfires in California. In the event of a natural disaster, the tool emails Airbnb hosts around the affected area to see if they can help. If so, fees for the bookings are waived and users still have access to the usual Airbnb customer support tools. For the Louisiana flooding, service changes and free hosting is allowed through September 4, The Huffington Post reports. "We are trying to reach as many residents affected by the flooding as possible, as well as spread the word to Airbnb hosts in the area who are not impacted, so that they can list their home for free and assist in sheltering those in need," Shapiro told People. President Obama released a major disaster declaration on August 14 to make federal funding available to areas affected by the flooding in Louisiana. The Red Cross sent 1,000 volunteers to the area, the beginning of a relief operation that will cost at least $30 million, NBC reports. On Tuesday night, Taylor Swift also donated $1 million to relief efforts. If you need a place to stay in the affected area or can offer your space to those in need, please visit Airbnb for more information. With reporting from The Associated Press. Nothing can ruin a vacation or a business trip faster than getting caught up in airline delays or cancellations. More than 6,000 flights have been canceled today due to the intense late-winter storm, according to FlightAware, which tracks flight data. The storm, dubbed Stella by The Weather Channel, threatens to dump more than a foot of snow in parts of the Northeast. Knowing your rights as an airline traveler can help ease the situation. In some cases, airline travelers may be due compensation from the airline. Airlines wont always alert you to whether you are owed compensation or services, so its best to come prepared with knowledge of the rules and stand up for yourself, says George Hobica, the founder of travel site Airline travelers may be surprised to find out how few rights they actually have. They arent guaranteed a seat, or a flight arrival time, Hobica says. If you buy nonstop, you arent entitled to a nonstop flight. They can change everything. The only thing you are entitled to is a refund. The first step is to read an airlines contract of carriage, he recommends. Each airline has its own guarantees for what it will and wont provide to travelers in case of delays or cancellations. For instance, in case of a cancellation, Delta says it will route airline travelers on the next available flight or, at the airlines discretion, rebook on another carrier. Delta will also provide a refund, if the passenger requests it. Southwest will also provide a refund or place a passenger on the next available flight, but its contract doesnt include the option to rebook on another carrier. Rights also vary by country. Airline travelers whose flights originate in the European Union are entitled to compensation if their flights are delayed for several hours or canceled. Payments can range from about $283 to $680 per person. Unfortunately, that isnt a right for air travelers whose flights originate in the U.S. Story continues Know Your Rights So where do you have some recourse? If your flight is delayed or canceled. The federal government has no requirements about how airlines handle delays or cancellations, and each airline handles the process according to their contract of carriage. The Department of Transportation advises travelers to use defensive planning because of the likelihood of delays and cancellations. Generally, airlines will rebook travelers on one of their own flights. Not all of them will try to rebook customers on other airlines, however. Passengers can also ask for a refund, and then rebook themselves on another flight or make alternate plans. Delays or cancellations can easily ruin expensive vacation plans. Travelers should consider booking their flights with credit cards that offer good insurance for air travel snafus, Hobica says. Chase Sapphire Preferred, for instance, offers trip coverage up to $10,000 for canceled trips and $500 for delays. Travelers do have rights when it comes to getting stuck on the tarmac, however. The Department of Transportation prohibits airlines from keeping planes waiting on the tarmac for more than three hours. Airlines might try to do more for customers who paid a higher fare or who are in their higher-level membership groups, Hobica adds. If you arent satisfied with the outcome, reach out to the airlines customer service department and politely ask for compensation. If youre bumped off your flight. While overbooking isnt illegal, travelers who are bumped involuntarily have rights guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Transportation. If the airline rebooks you to reach your destination within an hour of your original arrival time, the carrier doesnt owe you anything. But if the new arrival would make you between 1 to 2 hours late on a domestic flight (and one to four hours late on international flights), the airline must pay double your one-way airfare, up to $675. If the delay is more than two hours on a domestic flight and four hours on an international one, or if the airline does not make any substitute travel arrangements, you are due four times your airfare, up to $1,350. Some airlines will try to give you a voucher rather than provide the cash, but Hobica advises against accepting the voucher, which may come with restrictions and be worth less than the compensation. You are entitled to a cash payment, he says. If you still want to consider a voucher offer, ask about the catches, such as whether it has blackout days, when it expires, and if its good for international travel. More from Consumer Reports: Top pick tires for 2016 Best used cars for $25,000 and less 7 best mattresses for couples Consumer Reports has no relationship with any advertisers on this website. Copyright 2006-2017 Consumers Union of U.S. LONDON (Reuters) - Online retailer Amazon said it would create 1,500 new jobs in 2017 when it opens a new distribution centre in Tilbury, south east England, maintaining its surge of investment in Britain. News of the investment follows Friday's announcement that it will create 500 jobs when it opens a fulfilment centre in Doncaster, northern England, next year. The new jobs in Doncaster and Tilbury are in addition to the 3,500 Amazon has announced it expects to create in Britain in 2016, spanning head office, research and development centres, customer service centres, a fashion photography studio, Amazon Web Services and distribution centres. Those jobs will take Amazon's total full-time permanent employees to over 15,500 by the end of 2016. Amazon said it needs more distribution centres to meet increasing demand, to expand its product selection of more than 150 million items and support a growing number of independent small businesses who sell on Amazon Marketplace and use Amazon's warehousing and delivery services. The Tilbury warehouse will be the firm's 13th in Britain. Amazon's new UK manager Doug Gurr said in July Britain's decision to leave the European Union had not affected its investment plans for the country. (Reporting by James Davey; editing by Kate Holton) LONDON (Reuters) - Online retailer Amazon said it would create 1,500 new jobs in 2017 when it opens a new distribution center in Tilbury, south east England, maintaining its surge of investment in Britain. News of the investment follows Friday's announcement that it will create 500 jobs when it opens a fulfilment center in Doncaster, northern England, next year. The new jobs in Doncaster and Tilbury are in addition to the 3,500 Amazon has announced it expects to create in Britain in 2016, spanning head office, research and development centres, customer service centres, a fashion photography studio, Amazon Web Services and distribution centres. Those jobs will take Amazon's total full-time permanent employees to over 15,500 by the end of 2016. Amazon said it needs more distribution centres to meet increasing demand, to expand its product selection of more than 150 million items and support a growing number of independent small businesses who sell on Amazon Marketplace and use Amazon's warehousing and delivery services. The Tilbury warehouse will be the firm's 13th in Britain. Amazon's new UK manager Doug Gurr said in July Britain's decision to leave the European Union had not affected its investment plans for the country. (Reporting by James Davey; editing by Kate Holton) By India Today Web Desk: Deepika Padukone is currently on a success-induced high. But does that mean the actor has got no regrets as far as her career in Bollywood is concerned? Hardly. In a recent interview with Filmfare, Deepika shared her unfulfilled wish and biggest regret - not being able to work with ace filmmaker Yash Chopra. "I wish I could have worked with Yashji (Yash Chopra). He was very fond of me and so was I of him," said Padukone. advertisement ALSO READ: Lovers Deepika and Ranveer have been together for 4 years. That's all you need to know ALSO READ: Shah Rukh, not Ranveer, to star with Deepika in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Padmavati? ALSO READ: Deepika Padukone says the world is finally waking up to new talent Yash Chopra, who redefined the concept of love for Indians with his timeless love stories like Silsila and Veer-Zaara, breathed his last in 2012. Chopra was working on Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Jab Tak Hai Jaan when he contracted dengue and passed away suddenly, leaving the film industry shocked to the core. Jab Tak Hai Jaan ended up being called Chopra's swan song. Jab Tak Hai Jaan, which starred Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma, were the last ladies to have received the honour of being called a 'Yash Chopra heroine'. An honour that many of Katrina and Anushka's contemporaries, including Deepika, have regretted not being able to receive. Deepika Padukone is busy with the pre-release work on her maiden Hollywood project these days. The Bajirao Mastani star will be seen alongside Vin Diesel in xXx Return of Xander Cage, which is slated for a 2017 release. In addition to the goings-on overseas, Deepika is prepping for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Padmavati too. The leggy lass is collaborating with Bhansali for the third time, after 2012's Ram-Leela and last year's Bajirao Mastani. --- ENDS --- Amber Heards entire $7 million divorce settlement to Johnny Depp is going to charity, Heard said in a statement on Thursday. Heard said shes donating half of the settlement to American Civil Liberties Union, with a particular focus to stop violence against women, and to the Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, where she has worked as a volunteer for the past ten years. As described in the restraining order and divorce settlement, money played no role for me personally and never has, except to the extent that I could donate it to charity and, in doing so, hopefully help those less able to defend themselves, she said in the statement. As reported in the media, the amount received in the divorce was $7 million and $7 million is being donated, she went on. This is over and above any funds that I have given away in the past and will continue to give away in the future. Both the ACLU and Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles responded to the donations in statements. We are incredibly grateful that Ms. Heard has so very generously shown her support for the important and necessary advocacy for victims of domestic violence, said Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union. For years, we have worked through the courts and legislatures around the country to make sure that domestic violence victims are fully protected by the law and receive the government assistance they deserve. We could not be more thankful for Ms. Heards support- she can be confident that this gift will help other women live safely and freely. On behalf of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles leadership, staff and the thousands of brave patients and their families who will benefit from this donation, I would like to thank Amber Heard for this tremendous gift, said Paul S. Viviano, president and chief executive officer, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. Her generosity will support the lifesaving treatments and cures that Childrens Hospital Los Angeles provides for critically ill children each year. Story continues Heard and Depp settled their divorce case on Tuesday. Heard had previously accused Depp of physically assaulting her on several occasions. She withdrew allegations and retracted her request for a restraining order as well, which she filed on April 27. Related stories Johnny Depp, Amber Heard's Divorce Settled, Domestic Violence Case Dismissed For Sale: A Petite Venice Palazzo Long But Erroneously Rumored to be Owned by Johnny Depp 'Benny & Joon' Musical Set for NAMT's 2016 Festival of Developing Stage Projects LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actress Amber Heard said on Thursday she is donating her $7 million divorce settlement from actor Johnny Depp to charity. Heard, 30, said in a statement that she is dividing the full settlement equally between the American Civil Liberties Union, specifically to prevent violence against women, and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. "As described in the restraining order and divorce settlement, money played no role for me personally and never has, except to the extent that I could donate it to charity and, in doing so, hopefully help those less able to defend themselves," the actress said. Depp's representative did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Heard and Depp, 53, privately settled their acrimonious divorce case on Tuesday, a day ahead of a court hearing on the status of a restraining order the actress had obtained against her estranged husband. The couple released a joint statement calling their relationship "intensely passionate and at times volatile but always bound by love," adding that "there was never any intent of physical or emotional harm." The settlement ended the couple's 15-month marriage after weeks of highly publicized claims of domestic violence by Heard and counterclaims of financial blackmailing by Depp. Depp, one of Hollywood's top actors and box-office draws with franchises such as "Pirates of the Caribbean," married Heard, known for "Friday Night Lights," in February 2015 after meeting on the set of the 2011 film "The Rum Diary." Heard will be starring in Warner Bros' upcoming "Justice League" superhero film, while Depp will reprise his lead role in the next "Pirates of the Caribbean" film. (Reporting by Piya Sinha-Roy; Editing by David Gregorio) Outside of Simone Biles, no one made themselves a bigger star with their performance at the Rio Olympics than Katie Ledecky. The 19-year-old swimmer just wrecked people in the pool, winning four gold medals and a silver during her stint in Brazil. She won most of those medals by beating her opponents so thoroughly that it made it look like Ledecky was swimming against children. On Wednesday, Ledecky returned to the United States. Because she is suddenly a star, she was greeted by a mob of friends, media people, and dudes who look like they are going to try and get her autograph so they can throw them onto eBay in the hopes of making a profit. Katie Ledecky is home Kelyn Soong (@KelynSoong) August 17, 2016 Notice how when Ledecky walked through the doors, she was wearing all of her medals. This, of course, is the single most baller thing you can do after you win any number of Olympic medals. Additionally, Ledecky took some time to briefly talk to the press. She basically said that her next move is to prepare to move into college Ledeckys going to Stanford, where she will swim and beat the bejesus out of every other collegiate swimmer for the next four years and she shouted out her support system. Oh, and she said that shes going to compete in the Tokyo Games in 2020, which shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone, but for swimmers around the world, that gives them something to not look forward to if they compete in Japan. (via SB Nation) On Aug 17, 2016, we issued an updated research report on American States Water Company AWR. The company is benefiting from its organic initiatives and its strength lies in an expanding customer base, extensive water rights and strong credit ratings. On the flip side, dependence on a single state, California, for the majority of its earnings, highly regulated operations, and ongoing drought conditions in the state could adversely impact results. Recently, the company reported second-quarter 2016 pro forma earnings of 45 cents per share, on par with the Zacks Consensus Estimate but 9.8% higher than year-ago earnings. The year-over-year increase was due to higher contribution from its Water and Contracted Services segments. A major portion of American States Water Companys total revenue comes from its Water segment and water rights are essential for a water service provider. Notably, American States Water has extensive rights to provide fresh water services in its service area. Moreover, the companys subsidiary, American States Utility Services, has 50-year contracts with 10 military bases. These long-term defense contracts provide stability to earnings and offer substantial visibility into the financial performance of utilities. AMER STATES WTR Price AMER STATES WTR Price | AMER STATES WTR Quote American States Water has some of the highest credit ratings in the water utility space. In Apr 2016, Standard & Poors Ratings Services (S&P) affirmed its A+ credit rating on the company. Another water utility, Connecticut Water Service Inc. CTWS also has an A credit rating from the same agency. On the flip side, American States Water only offers services to a single state, California, precisely southern California. So, the financial performance of the company is largely dependent on the political, water supply, labor, utility cost and regulatory risks, economic conditions, natural disasters and other risks affecting the state. At present, nearly 60% of California is affected by severe drought. Since the company derives the majority of its revenues from this state, continuation of such weather extremities could hurt its prospects significantly. Also, American States Water operates in a highly regulated environment and any changes in the existing laws and conditions could have an adverse impact on the business of the company. Zacks Rank & Key Picks American States Water currently has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). A couple of better-ranked stocks in the water utility space include Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo SBS and Veolia Environnement S.A. VEOEY. Both the stocks carry a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report SABESP -ADR (SBS): Free Stock Analysis Report CONN WATER SVC (CTWS): Free Stock Analysis Report AMER STATES WTR (AWR): Free Stock Analysis Report VEOLIA ENVIRON (VEOEY): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Beirut (AFP) - Syrian authorities are committing torture on a "massive scale" in government prisons including beatings, electric shocks, rape and psychological abuse that amount to crimes against humanity, Amnesty International said Thursday. More than 17,700 people are estimated to have died in custody in Syria since the country's conflict began in March 2011, an average of more than 300 each month, the watchdog said in a report. Anyone seen as an opponent of the government is at risk of arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearance and death in custody, according to Amnesty. It said the report was based on interviews with 65 torture survivors, mostly civilians, who described "appalling abuse and inhuman conditions" in intelligence agency detention centres and the Saydnaya Military Prison near Damascus. Most described witnessing at least one, if not several, deaths in custody, Amnesty said. Detainees are frequently subjected to a beating, known as a "welcome party", after their arrival at a prison by guards using tools such as silicone bars or hoses. "They had to break us; they treated us like animals. They wanted people to be as inhuman as possible," according to a former detainee identified as Samer, who Amnesty said was arrested while transporting humanitarian supplies. "I didn't see anyone die but I saw the blood, it was like a river," he said. - 'Getting rid of the weak' - Omar S, who was a 17-year-old high-school student at the time of his arrest in 2012 after taking part in demonstrations, said the detainees were asked upon their arrival if they were ill. "It felt like the purpose was death, some form of natural selection -- to get rid of the weak as soon as they arrive," he said. "They first asked my friend and he said, 'Yes, I have breathing problems -- I have asthma.' They started beating him until he died, right there in front of me." Story continues The rights group said it had documented cases of rape and sexual violence against both men and women. They include Said, a pro-democracy activist, who said that he was suspended by one hand while blindfolded. "While I was hanging ... they used an electroshock baton to hit my penis. Then they took the electroshock device and inserted it into my anus and switched it on. This was my first experience of rape. Then one of the guards asked for my face to be uncovered and I saw my father there. He had witnessed all of it." Access to food, water and sanitation facilities is often severely restricted in regime prisons and infestations of scabies and lice thrive along with diseases, according to the report. Amnesty urged world powers, in particular Russia and the United States, to pressure the Syrian authorities and armed groups to end the use of torture and other ill-treatment. "For decades, Syrian government forces have used torture as a means to crush their opponents," said Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa director Philip Luther. "Today, it is being carried out as part of a systematic and widespread attack directed against anyone suspected of opposing the government in the civilian population and amounts to crimes against humanity. Those responsible for these heinous crimes must be brought to justice." I have the ability to kill you here, and no one will ask questions. That was what Abu Anass interrogator at a Syrian Air Force Intelligence branch in Aleppo told him before demanding Anas pay for his release with a $100,000 bribe. To show he was serious, the interrogator shot another prisoner in the head as Anas watched. Bashar is God, the interrogator told him the next day. He can give life, and he can take life. Anas, an Aleppo businessman who was arrested at a protest in 2011, was, in a grim sense, lucky he was able to bribe his way out of prison. He was a tragic exception: An Amnesty International report released late Wednesday found that almost 18,000 people died in Syrian state custody between 2011 and 2015. Those who survived described hellish conditions that included overcrowded cells, long periods of solitary confinement, humiliation and sexual harassment by guards, as well as lack of food, water, sanitation, and medical care. Prisoners were sometimes held in cells with dead bodies for hours or days. Others were subjected to mock executions, threats against family members, and physical and psychological torture. Some were forced to watch as guards beat other detainees with objects like hoses and maces. One prisoner, Muhannad, told investigators from the advocacy group that he tried to kill himself by grabbing a live electrical wire when, after days of torture, the guards convinced him that they were also beating his mother. The report found that anyone who the government saw as a threat including human rights activists, journalists, and people who provide aid to civilians was at risk of being arbitrarily snatched, tortured, and detained in prisons where they might die in custody due to abuse and bad conditions. Torture and harsh treatment are nothing new for Syrias prisons the regimes of both President Bashar al-Assad and his father, Hafez, have used them as tools of intimidation for decades but theyve gotten worse since the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011. While the regime continues to deny that human rights violations are taking place while also keeping human rights investigators out of their prisons groups like Amnesty have been able to gather information by interviewing former captives. Read the full report here. Photo credit: ZEIN AL-RIFAI/AFP/Getty Images From Esquire If you want to get Amy Schumer to notice you, try tweeting at her about Inside Amy Schumer writer Kurt Metzger-she'll immediately block you. Schumer criticized Metzger on Twitter after he publicly defended a comedian recently accused of raping multiple women in New York City. Schumer has received considerable backlash for continuing to employ Metzger; she responded Wednesday afternoon saying that he is no longer a writer on her show: I am so saddened and disappointed in Kurt Metzger. He is my friend and a great writer and I couldn't be more against his recent actions. - Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) August 17, 2016 Kurt does not work for me. He is not a writer on my show. Please stop asking me about it. His words are not mine. - Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) August 17, 2016 And she seemed to be quite serious about the whole "stop asking" thing, because she spent all of yesterday and today blocking anyone who tweeted pretty much anything about it. Seems like a pretty bizarre way to respond: publicly speak out against Metzger, yet block anyone who brings up the issue. Update: Amy Schumer blocked me on Twitter for bringing up the fact that Amy Schumer blocks people on Twitter - Alison Herman (@aherman2006) August 17, 2016 Hey gang. Amy Schumer blocked me on Twitter for this tweet. I was such an enormous, obsessed fan. This is devastating. She has failed women. - Liz Arcury (@LizArcury) August 16, 2016 Real life: @amyschumer blocked me after I retweeted the rape comments by Kurt Metzger to @ComedyCentral - Nancy Upton Amely (@nancyupton) August 16, 2016 I guess I am in good company being blocked by Amy Schumer who I... don't even follow. Okay, girl. - roxane gay (@rgay) August 17, 2016 Soon, we'll be adding "blocked by Amy Schumer" to our resumes, right below "added to the fake Martin Shkreli email." You Might Also Like Amy Schumer is actively distancing herself from a controversy involving one of her writers. (Photo: Getty) Amy Schumer was pulled into a hailstorm of controversy on Twitter (where else) last night, and in the process she revealed her show Inside Amy Schumer is, in her words, done. The flak all has to do with one of her Inside Amy Schumer writers, comedian Kurt Metzger, who has been vocal about a sexual assault scandal thats rocking the comedy world. Updated 11:30am: Inside Amy Schumer has not been cancelled. Schumer tweeted # InsideAmySchumer is not cancelled. @ ComedyCentral has provided us with a wonderful home and we couldnt be happier there. I am just touringDoing Standup and focusing on writing more for the next year at least. We are slated for a season 5 but not in the foreseeable future. Upright Citizens Brigade comedian Aaron Glaser was banned from the popular New York City improv venue this week after two women accused him of rape, and Metzger, who has written for Schumers Comedy Central show since 2013, has been posting long, vehement rants on his Facebook and Twitter accounts blasting the very notion of rape culture and the idea that a womans rape allegations alone should not condemn a person before a proper investigation is conducted by police and guilt is established. Far from measured, his offensive posts have many suggesting hes a rape-apologist and victim-blamer. One particularly abrasive rant came on Monday, when Metzger criticized women who dont take their rape accusations to the police, essentially calling women an unthinking herd of mewling progressive cattle. The Facebook post included such highly insensitive lines as, If we ask them [women alleging rape] to even merely also post a vague account of what happened before asking us to believe that would like re-raping their rape! These women are as BRAVE as they are sore! And, while comparing the legitimacy of a womans word to the Bible (also bunk, in his opinion), You think I would dare ask my God, Lord Jesus Christ the Nazarene to provide any details or evidence of any kind before I believe in him? Or a woman? No, because that be that would be like hammering the nails into Jesus My Lords feet! Or re-raping the victims good hole!!! Story continues #throwback to last night #lateshow when #kurtmetzger was on stage! Catch him on #racewars this week! A photo posted by Stand Up NY (@standupny) on Mar 20, 2016 at 3:02pm PDT According to research from the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), 97 out of 100 rapists receive no punishment, and only 6% of rapists ultimately go to prison. Out of every 46 rapes that get reported to police, only 12 lead to an arrest, 5 lead to a conviction, and 3 lead to jail time. Despite these facts and the obvious humiliation many rape victims face when they have to come forward with their story Metzger continued to point the finger at victims, insisting that they must go to the police and suggesting that their argument is invalid, and theyre doing a disservice to other victims, otherwise. I did not yell at victims to go to police; They are VICTIMS. I am yelling at the people who said, Women CANT go to the police! They have to work outside the system! Metzger wrote. I think thats utter bull**** and leads to rapists walking free. It hurts the victims of sexual assault. Incensed by Metzgers belligerence, social media users began calling for Metzgers firing from Inside Amy Schumer by tweeting at Schumer, considered by many to be a modern feminist icon, en masse. The comedian finally responded yesterday in three tweets posted to her account, expressing her disappointment in her friend Metzger, decrying his missives (his words are not mine), then clarifying that she had not fired him, but rather that he doesnt work for her anymore because we arent making the show anymore. (Metzger took credit for Schumers condemning tweets, writing on Facebook, I specifically told her [Schumer] to do exactly what she did.) I am so saddened and disappointed in Kurt Metzger. He is my friend and a great writer and I couldnt be more against his recent actions. Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) August 17, 2016 Kurt does not work for me. He is not a writer on my show. Please stop asking me about it. His words are not mine. Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) August 17, 2016 I didnt fire Kurt. He isnt a writer for my show because we arent making the show anymore. There are no writers for it. Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) August 18, 2016 Many fans were shocked not just to learn that Inside Amy Schumer is no longer in production (no announcement had been made), but also to find they had been blocked by the comedian on Twitter for asking about the Metzger situation, or for simply mentioning his name. .@amyschumer blocked me for asking her about her writing who supports and seems to encourage rape culture. #byekurt Jamie (@JamieDresher) August 16, 2016 Hey gang. Amy Schumer blocked me on Twitter for this tweet. I was such an enormous, obsessed fan. This is devastating. She has failed women. Liz Arcury (@LizArcury) August 16, 2016 Metzger has since apologized for his inflammatory language, saying on Facebook, If my disjointed swatting at biplanes like King Kong confused and hurt reasonable people who agree with me, I apologize. It was never my intent to antagonize victims or their supporters. My defensiveness came from feeling deliberately misunderstood. I stand by the points I made, but I sincerely apologize for using inflammatory language to make them. His stance on the issue, however, remains the same. Yesterday, the controversy was discussed at length on the podcast Race Wars, which Metzger co-hosts with comedian Sherrod Small. In the episode, which also featured Vocativ deputy editor Erin Gloria Ryan, Metzger continues to further an agenda that comes across as aggressively misogynistic, saying, I kept getting my point just turned into a lie. His dismissed and justified his harsh words, too. I thought it was such a clever, funny way to say it in my head because Im right, he said. So I have to apologize for that part of it [the inflammatory language] because then people cant stick up for me, when Im right! Schumer has moved on from the controversy, which she seems eager to distance herself from, and is busy promoting her new non-memoir, The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo. Metzger continues to address the issue on Facebook, Twitter, his podcast, and any other platform that gives him an audience. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. Iranian food is NOT like Turkish, Lebanese or even Moroccan food. Indulge in unique Iranian flavours at this little restaurant called Nooshe Joon at Nehru Place. By Ursila Ali: If you have been a regular at the Palate Fest or other food festivals in Delhi, chances are, you've already stumbled upon the delicious Iranian fare that Nooshe Joon has to offer. Iranian food, often confused with other Middle-Eastern cuisines like Turkish, Lebanese and sometimes even Moroccan, has little in common with these when it comes to flavours. Tangy and sweet, the cuisine--much like its Parsi cousin--is a vibrant mix of colours, strong fragrances and minced meats. advertisement 'Nooshe Joon' is a phrase every Iranian says before any meal, and it quite literally translates to bon apptit, or 'eat it to your health'. That is exactly the experience this tiny little food outlet in Nehru Place's Epicuria Food Mall wants you to have. Its only drawback is its lack of seating. The space limits the amount of people that can be accommodated at any given time. However, the interiors, a small glimpse into the culturally vivacious nation of Iran, make up for the drawback. If the heavenly aromas don't draw you to the eatery, the interiors of Nooshe Joon definitely will. Persian carpets on the roof, bright tinted glasswork, Moroccan lamps and peppy Persian music all complement the delectable meal wonderfully. Start your meal with the drinks. Go for a simple buttermilk (Doogh Joon), but if you want the complete Iranian experience, we suggest the Evil Eyes Drown, which is nothing diabolical (as the name suggests) but a sherbet of poppy seeds, rose-flavoured water and basil seeds that many will find quite similar to the consistency of bubble tea. At Nooshe Joon, chicken and lamb dominate a menu that has been kept simple, understanding the customer's lack of familiarity with the cuisine. Go for the Kebabs Mezze Platter, a combination of both chicken and lamb skewers served with taziki, hummus and baba ganoush. The platter is a meal in itself and includes most of what the menu offers on one plate. But considering you don't want to stop just there, try the gravy items, especially the Zereshk Polo Ba Murgh, tangy chicken gravy served with berry rice (quite close to the berry pulao you might have tried at Parsi restaurants). Though you won't find any desserts here, a Nutella Brownie Milkshake is the next-best and hearty alternative. Where: Epicuria Food Mall, Nehru Place, Delhi Meal for two: Rs 800 (approx) --- ENDS --- Is Amy Schumers Comedy Central show over? The Trainwreck star posted a cryptic tweet Wednesday night suggesting that Inside Amy Schumer is done after four seasons. I didnt fire Kurt. He isnt a writer for my show because we arent making the show anymore. There are no writers for it, she wrote. The demise of Inside Amy Schumer would be very unexpected, as it was given a fifth season renewal by Comedy Central in June. Reps for Schumer and Comedy Central have not yet responded to TheWraps request for comment. Also Read: Amy Schumer 'Disappointed' One of Her Writers Mocked Rape Accusers The message came after she tweeted about Kurt Metzger, a writer and performer on Inside Amy Schumer who has been writing lengthy online posts about another comedian accused of rape. I am so saddened and disappointed in Kurt Metzger, Schumer tweeted on Wednesday morning. He is my friend and a great writer and I couldnt be more against his recent actions. Metzger caught criticism online after he began writing about Aaron Glaser, a comedian associated with the improv-comedy mainstay Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) in New York City. Multiple women accused him of sexual assault, and he was banned from performing at UCB after an internal investigation. Glaser has not been charged and has denied the allegations. Also Read: 5 Amy Schumer Revelations From Comedian's New Memoir, 'The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo' Story continues Metzger seemed to defend Glaser in days of posting, such as in criticizing the fact that none of Glasers accusers went to the police. He used the apparently made-up name Jiff Dilfyberg as a substitute for Glasers name: Guys I have just heard some disturbing news, this guy Jiff Dilfyberg is a rapist! I know because women said it and thats all I need! Never you mind who they are. They are women! ALL women are as reliable as my bible! A book that, much like a women, is incapable of lying! Schumer was bombarded with questions from angry commentators asking why she had hired Metzger, which she responded to in a string of diplomatic tweets before dropping the bombshell above. See her previous tweets below. I am so saddened and disappointed in Kurt Metzger. He is my friend and a great writer and I couldn't be more against his recent actions. Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) August 17, 2016 Kurt does not work for me. He is not a writer on my show. Please stop asking me about it. His words are not mine. Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) August 17, 2016 But at least she ended the day peacefully 7 Other Comics Accused of Joke Theft Before Amy Schumer (Photos) Getty Images Robin Williams Getty Imags Getty Images denis leary Getty Images Bill Cosby Getty Images Getty Images YouTube Previous Slide Next Slide 1 of 8 Trainwreck star is the latest in a long line of alleged punchline-pilferers, from Milton Berle to Bill Cosby Amy Schumer was recently accused of stealing other people's jokes by stand-up comics Wendy Liebman, Kathleen Madigan and Tammy Pescatelli. Schumer has denied the accusations, but she's far from the first comedian to face such claims. View In Gallery Related stories from TheWrap: Amy Schumer 'Disappointed' One of Her Writers Mocked Rape Accusers Meryl Streep on Who Should Play Her on Film: 'Amy Schumer, of Course' Watching Inside Amy Schumer has often elicited a storm of different reactions: laughter, recognition, shock, occasionally frustration. So its not surprising that this week has been a rollercoaster for those whove followed Schumers meteoric rise. Shock, horror and sadness are only a few of the emotions that swirled online as Kurt Metzger, a longtime writer for the Comedy Central show that launched Schumer to prominence, spent days making offensive and incendiary comments about a situation involving allegations of rape within the comedy community. Via Twitter and Facebook, Metzger mansplained how women should process and report their assaults. His behavior was a textbook demonstration of male privilege and a series of examples of clueless and cruel victim-blaming. And yet as much of this occurred, Schumer remained silent. When she finally commented on Wednesday, via Twitter, she conveyed disappointment about Metzgers actions, but she didnt use the kind of bold, cut-through-the-b.s. language that is familiar from her stand-up material and her show. She distanced herself from Metzger, but in ways that felt equivocal and halting. There was some doubt about where things stood late Wednesday night: Was Metzger fired or not? Was the show canceled or not? She finally cleared things up Thursday morning: The show is not canceled, but its taking a long break, and Metzger no longer works for Inside Amy Schumer, but then again, nobody does, because its not gearing up until next year, after her tour. As the situation played out, observers many of them, like Schumer, self-declared feminists tried to understand how she could have employed a man with such toxic tendencies for so long. Because this isnt the first time Metzger made a series of poor decisions; back in 2013, a similar controversy swirled when feminist writers Lindy West and Sady Doyle accused him of harassing them online. There are few things more tiresome than a comedy bro being offensive to women in the name of speaking uncomfortable truths or whatever his excuse is, but that seems to be Metzgers thing. Sigh. Story continues Perhaps the lowest point of the more recent Metzger affair was when women who asked Schumer to speak up found theyd been blocked by her on Twitter. Its hard to describe the letdown of seeing someone whos positioned herself as a champion of women literally wall off the words of those airing their concerns in a civil fashion. Maybe we should have seen all this coming. After all, Schumer has said things before that crossed lines, only to retreat into the usual excuses about how she didnt mean to offend anyone. Last year, she faced criticism over what one writer called her blind spot about race, and while she apologized for an offensive joke about Mexican men, she also said that those who called her humor lazy are wrong. This is a pretty familiar pattern: The more famous a comedian gets, the more scrutiny he or she is subjected to, and while everyone understand that writers and artists must grow and evolve and possibly make mistakes along the way defensiveness and self-righteousness seem to be the instinctive responses of many in the comedy world when challenged in reasonable ways. But this time felt different. The Schumer-Metzger mess is a huge, exhausting reminder that even when a woman is the boss, she can make other women feel like she doesnt have their backs. If youre a woman over the age of 14 or so, the depressing deflation of being let down by a woman you had admired isnt a new feeling. But to be so disappointed by someone whose whole public persona is based on bold talk, refreshing honesty and confrontations with sexism in all its slippery forms is a huge bummer. As the controversy gained steam, I kept thinking of a sketch that aired in the second-season premiere of Inside Amy Schumer. A focus group made up of men talked in graphic and insulting terms about whether they would sleep with Schumer, who stood behind a one-way mirror, listening to them list her faults. Like a number of her sketches throughout the years (particularly the lauded 12 Angry Men Inside Amy Schumer), it brilliantly captured the ways in which women cant avoid being subjected to unfair and crass judgments. It was yet another comedic distillation of the idea that double standards and unfair limitations too often determine the shape and scope of our lives. At the end of the sketch, Amy asks the focus-group leader a question: A couple of them said they would bang me? He nods, and she turns to the camera and smiles. The joke is that, even though the men shredded her, some part of her wanted their approval. Its funny because its true; Ive been there. A lot of us have been there. So much of Schumers work is based on the idea that, even as women reject the punishments and judgments they know are unfair, they still have to operate inside biased systems, and they can still find themselves responding to the alleged rewards offered to women who conform. A Chick Who Can Hang is another skit that explored how women have to conduct themselves in order to be accepted by men, and how tiring that can be. Because she depicted that kind of everyday sexism and those kinds of brain-melting compromises with such subversive glee and amusing focus, I let the lesser sketches go. I didnt write about being troubled by some of the gender and race content of some of her jokes (and thats my bad). I made allowances, because Amy Schumer, the woman who aired effective comedy sketches eviscerating rape culture, got it, right? Especially as a woman who revealed in her new book that she was sexually assaulted, she got it. Didnt she? Its a confusing situation that partly reflects the binds that so many women are put in on a daily basis. But that explanation is not a justification, and I am clear about one thing: Schumer did not come up with a statement that made it clear that she picks women over Metzger. She tried not to make a choice, but evasion can speak volumes. The banning of Aaron Glaser from UCB for alleged rape is just one of many rape, harassment and assault controversies that have roiled various comedy communities in the last year or two. Those painful confrontations with the toxic elements of comedy culture have, for the most part, happened after the 2013 debut of Schumers show after she came up through that world. Maybe her embrace of feminist concepts in her work helped change the culture she sprang from, and much of her work clearly reflected personal experiences. But maybe her success has made her more prone to compromise, not less. Without her offering a more complete explanation of these events, its difficult to say (and her recent interview with Charlie Rose on this topic didnt help). Speaking of her memoir, it was hard not to feel a few shreds of sympathy for Schumer in the last few days. This week marked the arrival of her book, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, but a thoughtless and selfish man made everything about him and pulled the focus away from her moment. What woman hasnt been there having to deal with a male colleague whose poorly timed and immature hissy fit threatened to undo her hard work? Could he have picked a worse week to have his manbaby meltdown? But this isnt just about that, and attempts to turn the conversation into a discussion of what Schumer has suffered arent working, not for me anyway. As writer and comedian Nikki Black wrote in a compelling essay, the past few days have really been about how women in comedy dont deserve to be treated like our experiences are unreliable. Metzgers actions are typical of the kind of gatekeeper behavior women face, especially as they ascend the ladder. Sometimes when gatekeepers get testy and possessive, you just have to break the gate, and Schumer had that power. But this week has laid bare the kinds of disappointing compromises even powerful women sometimes make in order to succeed in male-dominated professions. When she needed to make it clear to her fans that she valued her feminist beliefs over the actions of a rogue employee, Schumer didnt step up to the plate. Maybe she will in season five of Inside Amy Schumer. If it ever comes to pass. Related stories Amy Schumer on Kurt Metzger: 'He Baits People. He's the Problem, No Question' Amy Schumer Says Her Show Isn't Cancelled After Hinting at Its End Amy Schumer 'Disappointed' in Writer Kurt Metzger After He Comments on Sexual Assault Scandal Andi Dorfman is beyond chill about Josh drama on Bachelor In Paradise Andi Dorfman is beyond chill about Josh drama on Bachelor In Paradise If, like us, youve been totally wrapped up in Bachelor In Paradise the last few weeks, then youve probably also been tracking the Amanda-Josh situation. But for those just catching up, heres a brief recap (spoilers ahead!): Amanda Stanton fell HARD for Josh Murray (who won The Bachelorette Season 10 and was previously engaged to bachelorette Andi Dorfman). However, before Tuesday nights rose ceremony, both Nick Viall and Evan Bass took Amanda aside to warn her about abuse allegations directed at Josh in Dorfmans recent book, Its Not Okay, Turning Heartbreak Into Happily Ever After. Amanda still ended up giving her rose to Josh, but it was clear her certainty about their dynamic had been shaken. And what was Andi Dorfmans response to all this DRAMA, you ask? While she hasnt addressed any of it directly, a sly Instagram post all the way from a vacation in Greece seems to imply shes WAY beyond all this. Here's to Ancient History #blessed #opa #Parthenon A photo posted by Andi Dorfman (@andi_dorfman) on Aug 15, 2016 at 5:27pm PDT Thats right. A literal picture of the Parthenon with the comment, Heres to ancient history. Weekend Update OH SNAP! No matter what this cryptic message may truly mean, its looking like Dorfman isnt all too worried about the situation back in paradise and is moving on with her life in a big way. And to this we can only say, YEAH GIRL! The post Andi Dorfman is beyond chill about Josh drama on Bachelor In Paradise appeared first on HelloGiggles. By Umberto Bacchi LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - More than 100,000 meals in Europe have been saved from the rubbish bin over the past 10 months thanks to an app that allows hungry diners to buy leftover food from restaurants at a fraction of the price, its founders said on Wednesday. The app, Too Good To Go, was launched in Denmark in October last year and has since expanded to Germany, Switzerland, France, Norway and Britain on the back of a growing global effort to cut food waste. Between 30 percent and 40 percent of food produced around the world is never eaten because it is spoiled after harvest and during transportation, or thrown away by shops and consumers. Yet almost 800 million people worldwide go to bed hungry every night, according to U.N. figures. The problem has become so serious that halving world food waste by 2030 was included as a target in global development goals adopted by world leaders in 2015. Chris Wilson, co-founder of Too Good To Go UK, said his team hoped to play its part in ending food waste by "putting food into bellies instead of bins", while raising awareness over the issue. App users can search for meals that restaurants would otherwise throw out and put in an order to collect before closing time. "It's a win-win concept," Wilson told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "From a user prospective it is extremely affordable. From a restaurant point of view ... they are attracting a new market." In Britain, where the app features a variety of eateries ranging from bakeries to high end Japanese restaurants, prices vary from 2 pounds to 3.80 pounds ($4.95). Wilson said since its launch, Too Good To Go, a social enterprise, has amassed more than 350,000 users across Europe and is planning to launch in the United States before the end of the year. ($1 = 0.7683 pounds) (Reporting by Umberto Bacchi @UmbertoBacchi, Editing by Katie Nguyen.; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, property rights and climate change. Visit By Subrat Patnaik (Reuters) - Gap Inc forecast a full-year profit below analysts' estimates as the apparel retailer struggles to attract shoppers to its Banana Republic stores. The company has been working on refreshing its Banana Republic line of clothing, but comparable sales at the company's third-biggest brand fell for the sixth straight quarter as its merchandise did not resonate with shoppers. "The assortment is at the heart of Banana's issues and symbolizes a brand that has simply lost its way," Neil Saunders, chief executive of research firm Conlumino, said. "Customers are confused and, of course, increasingly unwilling to pay the premium that Banana once commanded." Gap forecast a full-year adjusted profit of $1.87-$1.92 per share. The company had earlier forecast a profit of about $1.92. Analysts on average were expecting earnings of $1.96, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. MERCHANDISE MARGINS INCREASE Gap has also been trying to reduce promotions and sell more merchandise at full price. Chic and trendy clothes at lower prices from off-price, online and fast-fashion retailers such as H&M , Forever 21 and Inditex's Zara have lured away shoppers looking for deeper discounts. The company's merchandise margins increased in the second quarter, Chief Financial Officer Sabrina Simmons said on a post-earnings conference call. San Francisco-based Gap has also been controlling inventories and shortening production times as it attempts to replicate the success of its Old Navy brand at its Gap and Banana Republic chains. "After a string of quarters with merchandise margins declines, Q2 represented a turning point, driven by healthy Old Navy selling," Nomura analyst Simeon Siegel said. The company's net income fell to $125 million, or 31 cents per share, in the second quarter ended July 30, from $219 million, or 52 cents per share, a year earlier. Story continues Excluding items, the company earned 60 cents per share, beating the average analyst estimate of 59 cents, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. Net sales were unchanged from the $3.85 billion the company provided on Aug. 8. Shares of Gap, which also owns the Athleta and Intermix clothing brands, were down 0.82 percent in after-hours trading. Up to Thursday's close of $25.88, the stock had lost nearly a quarter of its value in the last 12 months. (Reporting by Subrat Patnaik in Bengaluru; Editing by Maju Samuel) Madrid (AFP) - An Argentine judge known for investigating crimes committed during Spain's civil war will probe the murder of poet Federico Garcia Lorca, a victims' association said Thursday. The Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH), a group seeking justice for people tortured, killed and disappeared in the 1936-1939 war and the ensuing 36-year dictatorship, said it had made an official complaint to Maria Servini. Servini "accepted the complaint and has started working on the issue," said Emilio Silva, head of the association. Servini has previously probed Spain's dark and bloody recent past, having opened a lawsuit in 2010 to investigate rights violations during the war and dictatorship, invoking the principle of universal jurisdiction. In 2014, she issued arrest and extradition warrants for around 20 former Spanish officials, including ex-ministers of dictator Francisco Franco, to face justice in Argentina for alleged crimes against humanity. The extradition demand was rejected by Madrid but she will travel to Spain to question them. After Franco's death in 1975, Spanish leaders signed an amnesty agreement seen as essential to preventing score-settling as they tried to unite the country and steer it toward democracy. - 'Executed by firing squad' - Spanish authorities point to the deal in refusing to investigate alleged atrocities during the Franco era. Servini will ask "the Spanish government for any information related to the case that could exist in any archives," said Silva, adding that she may visit Spain in person as part of the case. Garcia Lorca was 38 when he was killed by firing squad on August 19, 1936, a month after Franco's rebellion against a republican government sparked Spain's civil war. The poet and playwright, whose works dealing with death, passion and injustice are widely studied at universities, is believed to have been buried in an unmarked grave near Granada in southern Spain. Story continues Several attempts to find his remains have failed, and archeologists will try again next month. The ARMH filed its complaint on the basis of a 1965 document that for decades remained buried in the archives of the interior ministry, in which "for the first time the Franco state recognises Lorca's assassination," said Silva. The text, a report written by police in Granada, says that the poet was "executed by firing squad" and buried not very deep in the ground. Buenos Aires (AFP) - Argentina's Supreme Court on Thursday blocked President Mauricio Macri's move to slash natural gas subsidies, a much-hated policy that has sent customers' bills soaring. The ruling is the hardest blow yet to the business-friendly president's move to eliminate electricity, gas and water subsidies which he says are bloating the deficit and sapping the struggling economy. In a unanimous decision, the top court ruled the government must hold public hearings before implementing any rate increase for residential customers. The ruling does not apply to gas prices for businesses. Angry Argentines had filed a flurry of legal challenges to the rate hikes after their utility bills shot up an average of 700 percent. A federal court blocked the electricity rate hike earlier this month. Protests had already forced the government to cap the gas increases at 400 percent for homes and 500 percent for businesses. But lower courts suspended the increases. The government appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, to no avail. Macri's chief of staff, Marcos Pena, said the government would call public hearings "as soon as possible, which is in three weeks." He said the ruling showed that Argentina needs to overhaul what he described as an "energy system in crisis." Political analyst Daniel Kerner of consultancy Eurasia Group said the hearing process would likely result in more modest price increases. "This decision will complicate the government's ability to meet its deficit targets and will create uncertainty regarding the government's ability to define energy prices in the future," he said in a note. In the past 12 years, Argentina has spent $52 billion on gas subsidies and $24.4 billion on electricity subsidies, according to the government. Macri, 57, took office in December vowing to kick-start economic growth with free-market reforms after 12 years of leftist rule. Argentina's economy -- the third-largest in Latin America, after Brazil and Mexico -- is facing a contraction of 1.5 percent this year, according to International Monetary Fund forecasts. Macri, who has ended foreign exchange controls and triggered a currency devaluation, insists his reforms are necessary medicine to restore growth. With the Santa Fe Indian Market to open this weekend, we take a look at how this season is honoring Native American Culture in a variety of creative genres, starting from the vibrant Santa Fe, New Mexico. Native Art markets Santa Fe Indian Market, August 20-21 The largest Native American art show in the US, the Santa Fe Indian Market celebrates its 95th birthday this year with a diverse collection of artwork for visitors to buy and browse: from jewelry and pottery to textiles, paintings and beadwork, as well as a "Diverse Arts" section. The market signals the culmination of Indian Market Week, a week-long festival in Santa Fe featuring Native film, literature, music, fashion and visual art displays. Santa Fe Indigenous Fine Art Market (IFAM), August 18-20 The IFAM is a nonprofit organization that aims to promote Native culture by building and facilitating market places under the motto "Native Art is the Voice of Native People." This year, for the IFAM's third edition, 250 artists will be showing their creations a few blocks away from the Indian Market (above). The three-day event will also include contemporary visual artists and music performances. Native Art exhibitions Twenty-seven tribal nations are represented in Newark Museum's recently redesigned Native American galleries as part of the new "Native Artists of North America" permanent exhibition, featuring over 200 rarely-exhibited artworks from the US and Canada. From October 22, Newark Museum, New Jersey. The successful traveling exhibition "Return from Exile: Contemporary Southeastern Indian Art", featuring work from 32 well-known Native American artists, has announced further dates for its US tour, which will pass through various states before winding up in Oklahoma in August 2017. "Into the Future: Culture Power in Native American Art" is running through October 22, 2017, at the MIAC (Museum of Indian Arts and Culture) in Santa Fe. The show features almost 100 objects by more than fifty Native artists, under the theme of reinterpreting popular Western imagery through the lens of traditional Native culture stories. Story continues Fashion and accessories The Peabody Essex Museum's traveling exhibition "Native Fashion Now" is leaving Portland on September 4 and moving on to the Philbrook Museum of Art. The exhibition celebrates indigenous designers from across the United States and Canada from the 1950s to today. There are also plenty of other ways to learn and appreciate how Native American culture has influenced the current fashion world, with jewelry designers, such as TurquoiseJewelry and SilverTribe, for example, designing dedicated collections for Native Indian culture to correspond with the Native Art markets. The two brothers got attracted to the business of smuggling illegal weapons for the big money it offered. By Tanseem Haider: Delhi Police Special Cell arrested two people, Mohd Rehan Ansari and Mohd Qurban Ansari after a shootout near Indraprastha Park on Ring Road. A total of 10 foreign-made sophisticated pistols and about 157 live cartridges were recovered from their possession, along with several other incriminating materials. SMUGGLING WEAPONS FROM PAKISTAN Information received in the last few days indicated that Mohd Qurban Ansari, his brother Mohd Rehan Ansari and his family members were involved in smuggling of sophisticated foreign weapons from Pakistan and supplying these weapons to their associates in Delhi and NCR. It was also learnt that these residents of Khurja, Uttar Pradesh, were running their network by communicating with their associates through different internet communication platforms. Efforts were made to identify and trace these criminals. advertisement TIP-OFF LED TO ARREST On August 17, a secret tip-off was received that Mohd Qurban and his brother Mohd Rehan will come near Gate No. 4 of Indraprastha Park at about 11.30 PM to deliver the foreign-made weapons to their associates. Acting on the information, the Special Cell team laid a trap near the specified gate. At about 11.50 PM, a Duster car bearing a Delhi license plate came from the direction of Sarai Kale Khan and stopped near the gate. After 10 minutes, an Ertiga car also came from the same side and slowed down near the Duster car. Without wasting time, the police team rushed towards the meeting venue but both Qurban and Rehan whipped out their pistols and fired at the approaching police team. The police escaped unhurt and managed to apprehend both the accused persons after a chase near the boundary of the Indraprastha Park. WEAPONS RECOVERED Ten pistols and about 157 live cartridges were recovered, along with 17 mobile phones. The recovered pistols are of German, American, Chinese and Russian origins. Two cars were also seized from the accused. About two years ago, Qurban came to know that one of their relatives is involved in import and smuggling of illegal foreign weapons from Pakistan via Nepal and supplying the same in the Delhi-NCR region and other parts of the country. Having heard from the relative that there is a huge scope of making money in the illegal trade of weapons, Qurban and his brother Rehan got sucked into the business. --- ENDS --- Ankara (AFP) - Suspected Kurdish rebels have carried out a wave of deadly bombings in Turkish cities in what appears to be an intensified campaign against state security forces in the chaotic aftermath of the failed coup. Turkish leaders on Thursday accused the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) of waging three attacks in less than 24 hours that for the first time struck areas in the east that are not predominantly Kurdish. At least 14 people have been killed in total and around 300 wounded, according to various officials. One of the bombings struck near a hall in the far eastern city of Van where a wedding party was in full swing, sending the bride and groom and their guests fleeing in panic. "Our fight against terror will never cease," President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. The bloodshed comes after a top commander with the PKK -- which is labelled a terrorist group by Ankara and its Western allies -- last week threatened further attacks in Turkish cities. Early Thursday, a car bomb blew up at police headquarters in the eastern city of Elazig, killing five people including three police and injuring more than 200 people. The force of the blast left the building largely in ruins and turned nearby vehicles into blackened, mangled wrecks. The city, a conservative nationalist bastion, had been spared much of the violence that has rocked the Kurdish-dominated southeast since a two-and-a-half year ceasefire collapsed in 2015. Just a few hours later, five soldiers and a village guard were killed when a homemade bomb exploded in the path of a military convoy in the southeastern town of Bitlis. And on Wednesday night, two policemen and a civilian were killed and dozens wounded in another car bombing in Van, which has a mixed ethnic Kurd and Turkish population. Dramatic video footage showed the moment the bomb exploded as a wedding party was taking place in a nearby hall, causing debris to fly everywhere and people to flee, screaming. Story continues The rebels appear to have intensified their attacks since the failed July 15 attempt to overthrow Erdogan, seen by critics as an increasingly authoritarian and polarising figure. - 'West doesn't understand' - One senior politician suggested the PKK was collaborating with supporters of US-based preacher Fethullah Gulen, an erstwhile Erdogan ally now accused by Ankara of orchestrating the coup bid. "Once again, the attacks in Van and Elazig show how PKK and FETO work together," former prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu wrote on Twitter, using the name Ankara gives to the movement led by Gulen. Erdogan, who has come under fire over the massive post-coup crackdown and human rights in Turkey, said his country was facing a battle against both the PKK and the Gulen movement. "The West doesn't understand our struggle, they didn't understand, they don't understand and they won't understand," he said in a speech. Monday was the 32nd anniversary of what is considered to be the launch of the PKK's armed rebellion against the Turkish state. - 'Exploiting the crisis' - Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source close to the Turkish government told AFP that the PKK was taking "advantage of the current atmosphere in Turkey". "Any terrorist organisation likes to exploit crises," the source said, referring to the aftermath of the failed putsch which has seen a massive purge of the army, including the dismissal of almost half Turkey's generals and admirals. Anthony Skinner, head of political risk at Verisk Maplecroft consultancy in Britain, said the Elazig attack was not "that much of a surprise" after the PKK warning. "The PKK wants to show it's very much alive and kicking, and various people do anticipate it will launch more attacks towards central and western Turkey." Davutoglu's suggestions of collaboration between the PKK and so-called Gulenists stand in contrast to the history of tense relations between them. One of the reasons for the acrimonious split between Erdogan and Gulen is said to be the Turkish leader's now failed peace push with the Kurds. Kurdish activists have also long accused Gulen supporters in the police and judiciary of targeting them. More than 600 members of the security forces have been killed in PKK attacks since the ceasefire collapsed, according to a toll given by Anadolu on July 31. Erdogan said Thursday that 182 PKK militants had been killed with more than 3,000 suspects detained since the coup bid. Since the ceasefire ended, the military has waged fierce offensives against the guerrillas in southeastern Turkey, including punishing curfews on urban areas. Anadolu said the operations have killed more than 7,000 militants in Turkey and northern Iraq but the toll cannot be independently verified. SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian ceremony to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a Vietnam War battle has soured into a diplomatic spat after the Vietnamese government restricted access to the site at Long Tan. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull made an 11th-hour appeal to his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Xuan Phuc on behalf of about 1,000 Australian veterans and their families who had traveled to Vietnam but found themselves barred by authorities, who said the ceremony might offend residents. "I thank the prime minister of Vietnam for agreeing last night to arrangements which will, after all, enable our veterans and their families who have traveled to Vietnam, reverently to commemorate the battle as they honor all those who fought and died in those fields so many years ago," Turnbull said in an address in Canberra on Thursday. The commemoration had long been planned in coordination with Vietnamese authorities, but was canceled on Wednesday. Australian Veterans' Affairs Minister Dan Tehan said the formal ceremony at the Long Tan site remained canceled but Nguyen had agreed to ease the restrictions so that smaller groups of veterans could visit the site. Tehan called the cancellation "a kick in the guts". In Vietnam, police blocked roads leading to Long Tan and allowed a small group of veterans and diplomats to lay a wreath at the site. "Very, very sad that the Vietnamese government has taken the attitude they have toward a fairly peaceful commemorative service to honor the dead," Australian veteran Peter Wyldey told Reuters in the nearby seaside resort of Vung Tau, where some veterans had gathered for a private ceremony. A local government official told Reuters that Hanoi feared the service would turn into a victory celebration and put the Australians at risk because families of Vietnamese soldiers killed in the battle still lived nearby. More than 60,000 Australians served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1972 and more than 500 Australians were killed during the deeply unpopular war between the Soviet-backed Communist government of North Vietnam and South Vietnam's U.S.-backed regime. The war ended with the fall of the former Saigon in 1975. The 1966 battle of Long Tan was fought in a rubber plantation in South Vietnam. Eighteen Australian soldiers were killed and 24 wounded. North Vietnamese and Viet Cong casualties numbered about 245 killed and 350 wounded. (Reporting by Matt Siegel and Reuters TV; Editing by Paul Tait and Clarence Fernandez) By Matt Siegel SYDNEY (Reuters) - The premier of Western Australia state, a member of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's Liberal Party, has offered to accept refugees from Australian-funded detention centres amid growing concern about conditions for the 1,350 people held in the camps. Under Australian law, anyone intercepted trying to reach the country by boat is sent for processing to asylum seeker camps on the tiny Pacific island of Nauru or to Manus Island off Papua New Guinea. They are never eligible to be resettled in Australia. Australia and Papua New Guinea said on Wednesday that they would close the Manus Island facility, but gave no timeline, and did not say where the people held there would be sent. "We would certainly accommodate a number of them in Western Australia and we'd certainly support them as a state government," Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett told the Australian Broadcasting Corp on Wednesday night. Barnett has taken a similar position in the past, and his stand demonstrated a rare public split in the conservative Liberal Party over the government's controversial detention policy. A spokeswoman for New Zealand Prime Minister John Key on Thursday said that an offer made in 2013 to accept 150 refugees, which Canberra has rebuffed, still stood. Harsh conditions and reports of rampant abuse at the camps have drawn wide criticism at home and abroad. Australia says its hardline policy is needed to stop deaths at sea during the dangerous boat journey from Indonesia to Australia. Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton on Thursday stood by the government's policy ruling out settling the detainees in a third country, casting doubt over the fate of the remaining 850 refugees on Manus and 500 in Nauru. "It's never been about tearing down the fences, it's about what to do with the people trapped behind them," Daniel Webb, director of legal advocacy at the Human Rights Law Center, told Reuters. "There's absolute clarity about what should happen but no clarity whatsoever about what will happen." There are no plans to close the Nauru camp, which is under renewed scrutiny after a newspaper published leaked documents detailing reports of more than 2,000 incidents of sexual abuse, assault and attempted self-harm, many involving children. News of the closure of the Manus Island facility did not immediately generate much hope amongst the refugees there, many of whom have spent years in detention and suffer from mental health issues. "Everybody is tired, people think this news will make us happy but everyone is same like before," Kurdish Iranian refugee Benham Satah told Reuters from Manus Island. "I want to believe there is something good happening but I can't. I just focus on seeing tomorrow." The Papua New Guinea Supreme Court ruled in April that the detention center at Manus was illegal and ordered it closed. Next week it will hold a hearing into what progress has been made. Webb, the lawyer, said that Australia may have announced the closure of Manus Island as a means of deflecting the court's attention from the lack of progress it has made in implementing the ruling. Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish Iranian journalist and refugee, pleaded with Australia to recognize the court's decision and facilitate the refugees' resettlement. "We don't know what will happen on the next step and this is a big torture for us," he told Reuters from Manus Island. "We are really tired from their political games with our souls and bodies and need to start a normal life." (Reporting by Matt Siegel; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore) VIENNA (Reuters) - U.S. rapper Freddie Gibbs was released on bail in Austria on Thursday after being charged with sexual assault, a Vienna court spokeswoman said. Gibbs, 34, whose real name is Fredrick Tipton, was extradited from France over the accusation that he spiked a woman's drink and sexually abused her while he was on tour in Vienna last year. He denies any wrongdoing. Gibbs was freed on bail of 50,000 euros ($56,560) and had to surrender his passport, the Vienna criminal court spokeswoman said. (Reporting by Francois Murphy; editing by Mark Heinrich) VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian conservative politicians called for a ban on full body veils on Thursday, saying the veils would hinder women to integrate into the mainly Catholic Austrian society. Public debate about a ban on full body veils was ignited in several European countries after three French Mediterranean cities banned body-covering Muslim burkini swimwear, saying the burkini defies French laws on secularism. France, which has the largest Muslim minority in Europe, estimated at 5 million, in 2010 introduced a ban on full-face niqab and burqa veils in public. Austria's Foreign and Integration Minister Sebastian Kurz from the centrist People's Party, who plans to introduce a new integration law next year, said religious symbols such as the burqa were an issue that needed to be discussed. "A full body veil is hindering integration," Kurz told broadcaster ORF, adding that the burqa was "not a religious symbol but a symbol for a counter-society". In Austria, Islam is the second most widely professed religion, practiced by 7 percent of the population or around 600,000 people, according to the Islamic Religious Community. The country has been spared the kind of Islamist attacks suffered by Germany, France and Belgium. But fears and tensions have been growing over the past months, fueled by anti-migrant campaigns of the popular right-wing Freedom Party (FPO). The head of the FPO, which hopes to provide the first far-right head of state in the European Union after the re-run of the presidential elections on October 2, said it was about time to ban the full body veil. "We want to be able to look into peoples faces in our society," Heinz-Christian Strache said at a press conference on Thursday. Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka - as fellow party member Kurz seen as a hard-liner regarding migrant policy - said he would expect a full ban as problematic in terms of constitutional law. But he could imagine a partial ban as when driving a car, when crossing the border or at demonstrations, Sobotka was quoted by Oesterreich daily. Muslim groups called the recent ban in France unconstitutional, divisive and Islamophobic. (Reporting by Kirsti Knollen Editing by Jeremy Gaunt.Editing by Jeremy Gaunt.) From Esquire A son of drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman is in fact among the half-dozen kidnapped from a restaurant in Puerto Vallarta Monday (but not the one previously named), Mexican officials said Tuesday. Jalisco Attorney General Eduardo Almaguer earlier told Radio Formula that "it is presumed," though not yet certain, that Ivan Archivaldo Guzman was among those kidnapped around 1 a.m. at La Leche restaurant on the city's main boulevard by five gunmen. But later Almaguer said that forensic evidence and items found left in the vehicles showed that it was the 29-year-old "El Chapo" son, Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, who was kidnapped rather than Ivan Guzman. Experts say Ivan Guzman took over parts of his father's business when the Sinaloa cartel leader was arrested in January. Authorities believe those involved in the kidnapping are part of cartels. "They were not tourists or residents who work in legal activities," Almaguer said. "They were people tied to a criminal group we can very clearly presume." The prosecutor said the kidnappers appear to belong to the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel, according to an Associated Press report. Witnesses reported that four women in the targeted group were not taken by the gunmen, he said. He said authorities were looking for those women for more information. He said some of those abducted had been vacationing in Puerto Vallarta for a week and authorities found lots of drinks and luxury items inside the restaurant. Five vehicles were abandoned at the restaurant, among them one with Jalisco license plates, but a false registration. "Obviously, those who acted (the kidnappers) - we presume with the information we have - also belonged to a criminal group that acted against members of another criminal group they located here in Puerto Vallarta," Almaguer said. The Associated Press contributed to this report. You Might Also Like A baby girl is having an exciting first week on the planet. After being born on an airplane during a flight from Dubai to Manila on Sunday, Philippine airline Cebu Pacific gave the baby one million air miles, the Guardian reports. The mother, who was not due for another five weeks, went into labor about four hours into the flight, according to the Guardian. Crew members found two nurses among the passengers to help with the delivery. The flight stopped in Hyderabad, India, the airline told the Guardian, so the mother could get medical assistance for her premature baby, named Haven. The stop added about nine hours to the trip, according to another passenger, Missy Berberabe Umandal, who posted about the incident on Facebook. But Umandal had no complaints and called the birth the highlight of her trip to Dubai. Everyone in that plane was blessed, Umandal wrote. Cebu Pacific told the Guardian that baby Havens one million GetGo points wont expire and can be shared with her family. Miami (AFP) - Much like parents who talk to a pregnant woman's belly, some birds sing to their eggs before they hatch, and the reason may be to prepare them for a warming world, researchers said Thursday. The study in the journal Science examined a peculiar habit of zebra finches, which sing to their eggs particularly when the weather is hot -- above 78 Fahrenheit (26 Celsius) -- and the end of their incubation period is near. Eggs are unaffected by outside temperatures and are kept at steady temperature of 98.6 F when the parents are sitting on them. What could they be saying? Could it have to do with the temperature outside? "I would say it translates to: 'it's hot babies, get prepared!'," said lead author Mylene Mariette, in an email to AFP. "That's what they are effectively telling their embryos." To see what impact this chirping chatter might have on eggs, Mariette and Katherine Buchanan of Australia's Deakin University recorded the calls and played them for eggs in an incubator. Some eggs were played regular contact calls from adult zebra finches, while others were exposed to particular calls made by expectant parents, chirping to their eggs before they hatch in warm weather. Those who heard these so-called hot calls grew slower and emerged smaller when they hatched than the other birds. This compact size would present a survival advantage, because having a small body makes it easier to cool down in hot climes. As they tracked these hot-call birds over time, researchers found they had more offspring than the other birds that did not hear the preparatory calls during the hot weather. Researchers believe that the calls somehow affect the babies' growth, since they are delivered in the last one-third of the incubation period when the hatchlings' temperature and regulation system is starting to develop. "By acoustically signaling high ambient temperatures to their embryos before hatching, zebra finch parents can program the developmental trajectories of their offspring," said the study. If such a strategy is found to exist in other animals, it would suggest a previously unknown survival mechanism to help creatures adapt to global warming, researchers said. A Special Investigation Team has managed to bust a human trafficking gang carried out in Delhi and its adjoining states and has arrested eight accused. By Tanseem Haider: A Special Investigation Team busted the notorious gang of human trafficking, operating in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and other parts of India. Police has arrested 8 accused in this case. During the course of this investigation, SIT conducted raids at the various districts of Punjab and Haryana i.e Mansa, Bhatinda, Patiala, Sangrur, Ambala and Kurukshetra. Two girls including one minor have been rescued from the clutches of accused Babli, the kingpin of above human trafficking gang, from her rented house at Kurukshtra. The rescued minor girl aged 15 yrs belongs to Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh while the other girl is from Muzaffarpur in Bihar. advertisement Khajuri Khas Police station registered a complaint from the resident of Janta Colony, New Jafrabad, who stated that her daughter aged 12 years was missing since July 2, 2006 from Khajuri Khas. After the registration of the case, an investigation was carried out by the Delhi Police. HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED After almost 10 years on August 2, 2016, a girl came at the same police station and recorded her statement, stating that she was kidnapped in 2006 when she was on her way to visit her sister. In her complaint, the girl said that she was made unconcious after a handkerchief was put to her face and on gaining conciousness, she found herself in a room full of girls and boys. After enquiring from one of the girls, she was told that she is in Ambala and was brought there for sale following which she was injected to unconciousness. The next day when she regained her conciousness, she was taken to a jungle where a car was waiting to take her to Gujarat on the pretext of taking the girl back to her home. In Gujarat, the girl was kept in a house built in fields where she was raped repeatedly by two cousin brothers and their friend, beaten and forced to work in the fields. She was kept there for three years after which she was marrried to a 40-year-old truck driver. She was sold to 9 time in the year 2009 itself. Also read: Trafficked Delhi girl, tortured brutally, returns home after 10 years --- ENDS --- Lima (AFP) - Acclaimed Belgian filmmakers Jean Pierre and Luc Dardenne will tell the story of an Islamist "fanatic" linked to jihadist attacks in their next film, the latter said in an interview. The brothers' new film, to be shot next year, comes after their native Belgium was rocked by the March 22 airport and subway bombings in Brussels, igniting national debate over home-grown Islamist extremism and how to counter it. But Luc Dardenne said the new project originated long before that. "We've been thinking about it for years," he told AFP in Peru, where he was being honored at the 20th edition of the Lima film festival. "We're going to deal with a fanatical character, a character related to Islamist terrorism," he said, declining to go into further detail. The Dardenne brothers have twice won the prestigious Palme d'Or at the Cannes film festival -- in 1999 for "Rosetta" and in 2005 for "The Child." They are known for minimalist movies focused on characters at the margins of society. Dardenne said both Belgium and neighboring France, which has also been hit by a string of Islamist attacks, were now immersed in "an unusual, uncommon war." "For the past 20 years in Belgium we've had schools where people study Arabic through the Koran, we have Salafist mosques," he said. "They're the ones that trained today's youth, telling them, 'On one side you have us, the true Muslims. On the other side, the Westerners, or the bad Muslims who are not the way they should be. "That kind of education leads to what we have today." The phenomenon, he said, is "Islam reacting to globalization." "The Muslim religion, as a religion that organizes society, senses that that is finished, and they see it on the internet," he said. At 62, Dardenne is three years younger than his brother. They have been making films together since the 1970s. Their latest, "The Unknown Girl," premiered at Cannes in May. "Benghazi mom" Patricia Smith is weighing in after the GOP speechwriter who wrote her searing RNC speech criticizing Hillary Clinton said in an op-ed that he now feels compelled to vote for the Democratic nominee. Smith, whose son Sean Smith, was killed in the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, tells PEOPLE of the speechwriter, Richard J. Cross III, "That's his decision, I don't agree with it. That's his idea, that's what he's going to do, that's not what I'm going to do." Smith adds, "I am still not going to vote for Hillary she killed my son, I don't care how you twist it, she killed my son." "I will not vote for her and I don't agree with anybody that says that they would and I'd like to know why they would." In an op-ed published Wednesday in The Baltimore Sun, the man who wrote the explosive speech Smith delivered at the RNC in Cleveland last month said that while he has always been "GOP to the core," he "cannot vote for Donald Trump." "So instead, I am confronted by two painful choices: Vote for the most divisive political figure in the past 25 years or throw away my vote on a kooky Libertarian ticket." Cross said he was proud of his speech for Smith, which blamed Clinton for her son's death and concluded with the line, "If Hillary Clinton can't give us the truth, why should we give her the presidency?" "But weeks after the end of the 2016 GOP convention, I am confronted by an inconvenient fact," Cross wrote in his op-ed. "Despite what I wrote in that nationally televised speech about Hillary Clinton, I may yet have to vote for her because of the epic deficiencies of my own party's nominee." Cross, who said he idolized Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan as a youth, criticized Trump's proposal to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the U.S., saying, "President Eisenhower would have never proposed banning Muslims from America. Nor would President Nixon. Nor would President Reagan." "Donald Trump has betrayed and perverted their legacies. Consequently, I no longer recognize my party," he wrote. Story continues President Obama Passes the Torch to Hillary Clinton Cross said that the central question of the 2016 election is: "Are Muslim Americans an equal and welcome member of the American constituency?" "For me, the answer is a clear 'yes.' Now, the question becomes: Can we come together and find a positive solution to the issue of illegal immigration, just like President Reagan and congressional Democrats were able to achieve? The answer to that is, 'we must.' " The alternative, he said, would be to embrace fear, as Trump has done but fear "doesn't create jobs, build schools, reduce crime or improve the quality of life for all citizens. Great political leaders help us transcend our fears." Are you planning on voting in this year's election? We want to know! Take our survey: a People Magazine (@people) August 15, 2016 Still, Cross compares the notion of voting for Clinton to Dr. Van Helsing being forced to vote for Dracula. "But the only prospect more terrifying than voting for Hillary Clinton is not voting for her," he concluded. "The reality of American politics today is, she is the only choice." As a Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont vociferously argued for political transparency, especially when money was concerned. Sanders insisted, for example, on complete transparency regarding the funding of campaigns. He decried huge piles of undisclosed cash benefiting candidates. But when federal law required Sanders to reveal, by mid-May, current details of his personal finances, his campaign lawyer asked the Federal Election Commission for a 45-day extension. Request granted. On June 30, Sanders campaign requested a second 45-day extension, saying the senator had good cause to delay because of his current campaign schedule and officeholder duties. Again, regulators approved Sanders punt. Now that Sanders second extension has expired, spokesman Michael Briggs confirmed to the Center for Public Integrity that the senator wont file a presidential campaign personal financial disclosure after all. This story is part of Buying of the President 2016. Tracking the candidates, political committees and nonprofits that are making this presidential election the most expensive in history. Click here to read more stories in this investigation. Don't miss another Politics investigation: Sign up for the Center for Public Integrity's Watchdog email. We were told that since the senator no longer is a candidate there was no requirement to file, Briggs said. FEC spokesman Christian Hilland verified that Sanders has not filed a personal financial disclosure. He likewise confirmed that Sanders, who technically ceased to be a presidential candidate when Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination on July 26, is no longer required to file one. A 2011 legal advisory from the United States Office of Government Ethics provides Sanders cover, stating that the requirement to file a Public Financial Disclosure Report ends when the candidate is no longer seeking nomination or election to the office of president. Story continues On the one hand, who now beside political voyeurs and snoopy journalists, perhaps would care about the investments and income of an also-ran presidential candidate who hasnt been a major factor in Election 2016 for more than two months? But on the other, Sanders expertly exploited a system that effectively allowed him to delay, delay, delay all while he chided Clinton receipt of six-figure paydays for delivering closed-door speeches to officials at investment bank Goldman Sachs and other powerful special interests. (Both Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump filed their personal financial disclosures on time in mid-May without asking for extensions.) Therefore, in the teeth of a Democratic primary where Sanders posed a bona fide threat to Clinton, voters couldnt definitively know whether Sanders historically one of the Senates least wealthy members suddenly parlayed his political fame into personal profit. Or, for that matter, whether he sustained financial distress. The form Sanders didnt file would have detailed his finances through the middle of May 2016. His most recent U.S. Senate disclosure, which details only his 2015 assets, show his wealth concentrated in a collection of mutual funds owned by his wife, Jane Sanders. Beyond his Senate salary, Sanders himself draws a small pension from the government of Burlington, Vermont, where he once served as mayor. And hes also received a handful of modest honoraria for speeches and television show appearances, although he reported donating them to charity. Related story: Tracking TV ads in the 2016 presidential race Sanders also carried up to $50,000 in credit card debt and up to $1 million in mortgage debt, according to his 2015 U.S. Senate personal financial disclosure. Sanders filed that Senate disclosure document on June 6. This somewhat undercuts his presidential campaigns argument, made around the same time, that Sanders was too busy campaigning to complete and submit a presidential disclosure covering his finances during early 2016. Its disappointing that a candidate who spent so much time talking about political reform ... and was critical of Hillary Clintons personal finances, chose not to let us know anything about his own, said policy analyst Richard Skinner of the nonpartisan Sunlight Foundation, which advocates for political transparency. Had Sanders filed a personal financial disclosure report this month, it would have looked more or less like the ones Sanders had filed in the past, Briggs said. Theres a couple decades worth of congressional financial disclosure reports that show pretty much the same thing from year to year, Briggs said. The public will eventually find out how Sanders managed his assets while running for president: As a sitting senator, Sanders must next year file a personal financial disclosure with the U.S. Senate covering calendar year 2016. Versions of this story were published with NBC News, VTDigger and the Huffington Post. This story is part of Buying of the President 2016. Tracking the candidates, political committees and nonprofits that are making this presidential election the most expensive in history. Click here to read more stories in this investigation. Related stories Copyright 2016 The Center for Public Integrity. This story was published by The Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit, nonpartisan investigative news organization in Washington, D.C. Hillary Clinton has been nationally controversial more or less since the 1992 presidential election, when she first became a national figure. In one early incident, Bill Clintons rival for the Democratic nomination, Governor Jerry Brown of California, accused him of sending business to the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, where Hillary Clinton was a partner. She responded by implying the charge was sexist, the sort of thing that happens to women who have their own careers. But reporters kept pressing her, asking if she should have avoided the appearance of a conflict of interest. I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession, which I entered before my husband was in public life, she snapped. The comment blew up, becoming a major gaffe story on the campaign trail. Critics charged Clinton with belittling women who chose not to work, portraying them as quaint homemakers. She was on the defensive for some timeone of the early episodes that led the poisonous distrust of the press Clinton often exhibits today. Recommended: The Era of 'The Bitch' Is Coming There was, however , some sweet revenge for Clinton, if you will. Later that fall, after Bill Clinton had won the Democratic nomination and was running against President George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton participated in a bake-off against First Lady Barbara Bush, sponsored by Family Circle magazine. Each of them submitted a recipe, and then readers were given a chance to bake the cookies and choose for themselves which was better. Clinton won. And she won again in 1996, too. The prospect of a woman president has raised many questions, with some of the least important but most discussed hinging on what happens with the presidential spouse isnt a woman. Perhaps the most mundane of these: How would Bill approach the Family Circle cookie bake-off? Story continues Now we know. Family Circle announced Thursday that the prospective first gentleman had indeed entered, submitting the same oatmeal chocolate chips that carried Hillary Clinton to victory twice before. Melania Trump offered up star cookies made with sugar cream. Its a little disappointing that Bill Clinton went with an old recipe, even if its a proven favorite, rathe than something more original. Couldnt he have come up with a new recipe that would match the vegan lifestyle he now (mostly) leads? Moreover, with the Clinton family facing renewed scrutiny over conflicts of interest, this time related to his work at the Clinton Foundation and hers at the State Department, a little time away from globe-trotting and in the test kitchen might be just the thingmuch more than in 1992. Read more from The Atlantic: This article was originally published on The Atlantic. The scene at the State Bag Drop in Brooklyn. (Photo: Tyler Gustin) It seems as if summer just started, but now here we are already getting into back-to-school mode. And while some parents scurry to clothing and office supply stores to make sure their kids have all the tools they need once classes are in session again, others arent as fortunate. STATE Bags intends to do something about it. The brand teamed up with Roc Nation and President Obamas My Brothers Keeper initiative this summer to donate 30,000 bags to underprivileged kids across America. Together theyve tapped Roc Nation artists and athletes to attend Bag Drop rallies, where backpacks are handed out to the kids. Yahoo Style attended one last week in Brooklyn at P.S. 284, the Gregory Jocko Jackson School for Sports, Arts, and Technology. These Bag Drop rallies encourage kids to adopt a positive, empowered attitude. And it is truly uplifting to see, especially at the end, when each child is given a backpack filled with essential school supplies. We dont like to say that we are changing the world or changing lives because were giving a bag. Were planting a seed and were giving kids something new that they can put their possessions in, that they can feel proud of, that they can wear every single day to school, STATE Bags co-founder Scot Tatelman told Yahoo Style. Performer Santigold poses with NYC kids at the Bag Drop. (Photo: Tyler Gustin) STATE Bags follows the one-for-one business model, meaning that for every bag sold, it donates one filled with supplies. For recording artist Santigold, who was on hand for the Bag Drop, STATEs initiative holds a special place in her heart. We all know the future of our country and our planet is dependent on how well prepared the children are to deal with all the issues facing us, she told us. We need to arm them with an excellent education, to shape them into creative thinkers, innovators who are respectful and open to differences, and understand the value of nurturing a global community. We also need to bridge the widening economic gap to make sure that a good education is accessible to everyone. Each child deserves an opportunity to learn in a nurturing and safe environment. The STATE Bags vision fits right in here, giving kids the necessary tools so that its easier for them to get that education. It might not be something as major as a scholarship, but a good schoolbag is a start. Santigold, who still carries a backpack herself, has a young son and, like any mom, is concerned about the future. This cause provides her an opportunity to help in a small way to secure that future and make it better not only for her child but for all children. [My son is] 2, and hes so interested and articulate everything is an adventure. You see the spirit that they start out with, and you want them to keep that. There are so many reasons why they might lose it. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. Warnes (Bolivia) (AFP) - Bolivian President Evo Morales inaugurated a new "anti-imperialist" military academy Wednesday, calling it a response to the former School of the Americas, a US program that provided training to Latin American military regimes. The leftist leader said the new academy was needed to "confront the empire's cultural, ideological, political and economic domination and capitalist structure." Morales, who has had rocky relations with the United States and expelled the US ambassador in 2008, told the inaugural class of 100 cadets that their mission would be "to defend the people, not the empire." The head of the armed forces, General Gonzalo Duran, said the new school, located in the eastern town of Warnes, would teach about "de-colonization, gender equality, intercultural understanding and social inclusion." The program will be mandatory for soldiers seeking to be promoted to captain. Bolivia returned to democracy in 1982, after a series of coups. Its Cold War-era military regimes received money and training from a United States alarmed over the emergence of militant leftist movements in the region. A country of 10 million people, Bolivia today has an army of some 46,000 troops. The idea of an "anti-imperialist" military academy was initially proposed by late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, who wanted it to train officers from leftist countries around Latin America. The new academy was born out of that project, but it will only train Bolivians. Chavez said such a school was needed to counter the lingering influence of the School of the Americas, which was launched in 1946 and provided anti-communist counterinsurgency training to Latin American officers. Its alumni included top figures in some of the region's most brutal military regimes. Originally based in Panama, it has since been renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation and transferred to Fort Benning in Georgia. (Adds judge's ruling denying request to intervene in settlement) By David Shepardson and Joel Schectman WASHINGTON, Aug 17 (Reuters) - German auto supplier Robert Bosch GmbH was a "knowing and active participant" in a decade-long scheme by Volkswagen AG to evade U.S. emissions laws, according to lawyers for U.S. owners of polluting VW diesel vehicles. In a court filing late on Tuesday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, the lawyers cited confidential documents turned over by the German automaker to plaintiffs attorneys in making the new allegations against the auto supplier. Volkswagen declined to comment on the filing, except to say that it had no effect on its multibillion-dollar settlement of a civil complaint over the diesel scandal. The filing was made a day after sources briefed on the matter said the automaker has held preliminary talks with the U.S. Justice Department to settle a criminal probe into the emissions cheating case. Most of the allegations involving Bosch remain under seal because the documents have been designated as confidential by VW, the plaintiffs' lawyers said in the court filing. A Bosch spokeswoman said the company took the allegations seriously and is cooperating in several investigations, but declined to comment further. The documents include records and communications between Bosch, VW and U.S. regulators. One 2011 email to the California Air Resources Board, among other communications, demonstrates "Bosch's deep understanding of what regulators allowed and would not allow, and what Bosch did to help VW obtain approval," the filing said. "Bosch played a crucial role in the fraudulent enterprise and profited handsomely from it," the court papers say. Bosch has not been charged with any wrongdoing. But German prosecutors said in December that they were investigating whether staff at the Stuttgart-based company were involved in the rigging of emissions tests by VW. Bosch makes an engine control unit, often referred to as the "brain" of the engine, used by several top automakers including VW. That system controls a vehicle's acceleration and power and is extensively customized to give each car model its own unique feel. Story continues Bosch supplied software and components to VW but has said responsibility for how software is used to regulate exhaust emissions or fuel consumption lies with carmakers. In the court papers, the attorneys said Bosch had worked "hand-in-glove" with Volkswagen to develop a so-called cheat device to circumvent emissions tests and trick regulators. The engine control system for VW's clean diesel engine was customized through years of close collaboration between the carmaker and Bosch, the lawyers said. "It is inconceivable," the attorneys wrote, "that Bosch did not know that the software it was responsible for defining, developing, testing, maintaining and delivering contained an illegal defeat device." Bosch chief executive Volkmar Denner said in January he had ordered an internal investigation and was cooperating with authorities. In April, Bosch said it had set aside 650 million euros for potential legal costs, including for an ongoing investigation into the company's role in Volkswagen's diesel emissions manipulation scandal. Reuters reported in November that U.S. federal prosecutors were investigating whether Bosch knew or participated in VW's years-long efforts to cheat on U.S. diesel emissions tests. In June, Deputy U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates said the VW probe is looking at "multiple companies and multiple individuals." VW has agreed to pay up to $15.3 billion to buy back or fix 475,000 2.0 liter diesel vehicles in the United States, offset excess emissions, invest in zero emission vehicle efforts and address some state claims. It still must win approval of plans to address 85,000 polluting 3.0 liter vehicles in the United States. Separately, a federal judge on Wednesday rejected a Virginia VW owner's request to intervene in the settlement of a class-action lawsuit against the automaker. Had the owner been successful, the move could have delayed the beginning of the buyback program, which is expected to begin in October. (Reporting by David Shepardson and Joel Schectman; Editing by Tom Brown) By David Shepardson and Joel Schectman WASHINGTON (Reuters) - German auto supplier Robert Bosch GmbH was a "knowing and active participant" in a decade-long scheme by Volkswagen AG to evade U.S. emissions laws, according to lawyers for U.S. owners of polluting VW diesel vehicles. In a court filing late on Tuesday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, the lawyers cited confidential documents turned over by the German automaker to plaintiffs attorneys in making the new allegations against the auto supplier. Volkswagen declined to comment on the filing, except to say that it had no effect on its multibillion-dollar settlement of a civil complaint over the diesel scandal. The filing was made a day after sources briefed on the matter said the automaker has held preliminary talks with the U.S. Justice Department to settle a criminal probe into the emissions cheating case. Most of the allegations involving Bosch remain under seal because the documents have been designated as confidential by VW, the plaintiffs' lawyers said in the court filing. A Bosch spokeswoman said the company took the allegations seriously and is cooperating in several investigations, but declined to comment further. The documents include records and communications between Bosch, VW and U.S. regulators. One 2011 email to the California Air Resources Board, among other communications, demonstrates "Bosch's deep understanding of what regulators allowed and would not allow, and what Bosch did to help VW obtain approval," the filing said. "Bosch played a crucial role in the fraudulent enterprise and profited handsomely from it," the court papers say. Bosch has not been charged with any wrongdoing. But German prosecutors said in December that they were investigating whether staff at the Stuttgart-based company were involved in the rigging of emissions tests by VW. Bosch makes an engine control unit, often referred to as the "brain" of the engine, used by several top automakers including VW. That system controls a vehicle's acceleration and power and is extensively customized to give each car model its own unique feel. Story continues Bosch supplied software and components to VW but has said responsibility for how software is used to regulate exhaust emissions or fuel consumption lies with carmakers. In the court papers, the attorneys said Bosch had worked "hand-in-glove" with Volkswagen to develop a so-called cheat device to circumvent emissions tests and trick regulators. The engine control system for VW's clean diesel engine was customized through years of close collaboration between the carmaker and Bosch, the lawyers said. "It is inconceivable," the attorneys wrote, "that Bosch did not know that the software it was responsible for defining, developing, testing, maintaining and delivering contained an illegal defeat device." Bosch chief executive Volkmar Denner said in January he had ordered an internal investigation and was cooperating with authorities. In April, Bosch said it had set aside 650 million euros for potential legal costs, including for an ongoing investigation into the company's role in Volkswagen's diesel emissions manipulation scandal. Reuters reported in November that U.S. federal prosecutors were investigating whether Bosch knew or participated in VW's years-long efforts to cheat on U.S. diesel emissions tests. In June, Deputy U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates said the VW probe is looking at "multiple companies and multiple individuals." VW has agreed to pay up to $15.3 billion to buy back or fix 475,000 2.0 liter diesel vehicles in the United States, offset excess emissions, invest in zero emission vehicle efforts and address some state claims. It still must win approval of plans to address 85,000 polluting 3.0 liter vehicles in the United States. Separately, a federal judge on Wednesday rejected a Virginia VW owner's request to intervene in the settlement of a class-action lawsuit against the automaker. Had the owner been successful, the move could have delayed the beginning of the buyback program, which is expected to begin in October. (Reporting by David Shepardson and Joel Schectman; Editing by Tom Brown) By PTI: New Delhi, Aug 18 (PTI) Special Cell of Delhi Police arrested two gunrunners who smuggled sophisticated foreign-made weapons from Pakistan via Nepal, and recovered 10 pistols and 157 live cartridges from them after a brief shootout near Indraprastha Park, police said today. The accused Mohammad Rehan and Mohammad Qurban, residents of Khurja, were brothers and they were caught following a brief exchange of fire near Indraprastha Park last night, said P S Kushwah, DCP (Special Cell). advertisement The duo were involved in smuggling sophisticated foreign weapons from Pakistan and supplying these weapons in Delhi and NCR. It was also learnt that they were running their network by communicating with their associates through different internet communication platforms, said the officer. The arms recovered from them were .30 and .22 bore pistols. The .30 bore pistols were of Chinese and Russian make while two of the .22 bore pistols included a Walther (German) and Sig Sauer (US). About two years back Rehan had come in contact of one of his relatives who was involved in smuggling of illegal foreign weapons from Pakistan via Nepal, and joined him alongwith his brother. The duo had reached Indraprastha Park in an SUV to deliver the pistols and ammunition to one of their suppliers and when intercepted by Special Cell sleuths they resorted to firing at them. No one was injured and they were caught although windscreen of a police vehicle was shattered in the firing exchange, Kushwah added. PTI VIT KUN --- ENDS --- Forget Marcia, Marcia, Marcia money, money, money! Eve Plumb, who originated the role of Jan Brady in The Brady Bunch, is currently laughing all the way to the bank. The former child star, 58, just sold her Malibu home for $3.9 million. According to the Los Angeles Times, she originally bought the pad at age 11 (with the help of her parents) for just $55,300 in 1969. PHOTOS: Celebrity Real Estate The oceanfront bungalow-style residence, which is raised above the ground with wood posts, was designed by Meis Architects. Architect Dan Meis is also behind such venues as the Staples Center in L.A., Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati, and Philadelphia's Lincoln Financial Field. According to the L.A. Times, the cottage is 3,500 square feet and has three bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Some of its desirable features include a retractable roof, floor-to-ceiling windows and a front porch. PHOTOS: Child Stars Gone Bad "The most notable feature was, of course, the site on Escondido Beach Road, with one of the largest oceanfront parcels available in the area," realtors Brian Linder and William Baker of Deasy/Penner & Partners told the Today show via email. "It was essentially a little cottage, with no heat or air conditioning, but a fabulous view on one of the best private beaches in Southern California." Plumb originally listed the home earlier this year for $4.15 million. PHOTOS: TV Shows Gone Too Soon! Plumb is best known for starring as the awkward middle child in the beloved series from 1969 to 1974. The actress, who has more than 60 acting credits to her name, recently played Mrs. Murdock in the Fox TV musical event Grease Live! "It's obviously still having an effect because everybody is still in love with the show," Plumb told TV Fanatic of the Brady Bunch legacy in January. " It's been a very good effect, that everyone loves it and has good memories of it, and that's been great." Related Content: Rio de Janeiro (AFP) - A Brazilian federal court lifted an injunction on the transfer of public funds to the Rio Paralympics to make sure it goes ahead in September, a court statement said. The court imposed the injunction last week saying the cash-strapped Rio 2016 organising committee did not publish credible accounts of how its money is spent. Paralympics organisers had failed to pay promised travel grants to several countries because it had not received government cash. There had been warnings that without the money some poor countries would not be able to get to Rio. RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazilian police accused a group of U.S. Olympic swimmers on Thursday of vandalism during an incident at a Rio gas station last weekend, saying they were considering whether to recommend charges against any of them. Police began investigating the incident after four swimmers, including gold medalists Ryan Lochte and Jimmy Feigen, said they been robbed by gunmen impersonating police officers in the early hours of Sunday, as they returned in a taxi to the Athletes Village from a party in the city. The head of Rio de Janeiro's civil police, Fernando Veloso, said there was no robbery as described by the swimmers and that they had instead offered to pay some money for damage to the gas station. Veloso did not give details on the alleged damage. (Reporting by Daniel Flynn and Brad Brooks; Editing by Mark Bendeich) UPDATE, 9:22 AM: A Brazilian police official said ahead of a scheduled news conference today in Rio de Janeiro that U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochtes claims he and three other American swimmers were robbed at gunpoint over the weekend had been fabricated. The report from the Associated Press comes a day after two of the swimmers, Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, were pulled off a plane at the Rio airport for further questioning from police, who had been having trouble corroborating the claims. The latest revelations in the case come amid reports that a member of the British Olympic team was allegedly held up by an armed assailant in Rio early Tuesday. It prompted the British Olympic Association to issue a strong warning to team members, advising that it is simply not worth the risk to leave the Olympic Village. It is understood the unidentified Team GB athlete in question was in shock, but not seriously hurt. As for the U.S. incident the APs source said Conger and Bentz told police they had made up a story about being robbed at gunpoint. The police official said that early Sunday morning, the swimmers stopped at a gas station but could not get into an outside bathroom there. A few of them pushed the door and broke it, and a security guard confronted them. He was armed with a gun but did not take it out. Eventually, the gas station owner arrived and at some point the swimmers paid him money to fix the door and they left. Lochte and the swimmers originally told police and later NBC that they were stopped in a cab and robbed by armed men posing as police. Lochte said one pointed a gun at his head, but he backed off that claim in an interview with NBCs Matt Lauer on Wednesday. A U.S. Olympic Committee spokesman told the AP today that the swimmers were planning to meet again with authorities. Lochte and the fourth swimmer in the group, Jimmy Feigen, had left Rio before police earlier this week ordered the group to stay to continue the investigation. Story continues PREVIOUS, WEDNESDAY, 7:43 PM: The U.S. Olympic Committee has confirmed that Brazilian authorities removed U.S. Olympic swimmers Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz from their plane tonight and are questioning them as part of an investigation into claims that they were the victims of an armed robbery Sunday morning in Rio. The claims were made public by gold medalist Ryan Lochte, who later told NBC News that the trio, along with fellow swimmer James Feigen, were robbed at gunpoint by assailants posing as police officers. We got pulled over, in the taxi, and these guys came out with a badge, a police badge, no lights, no nothing just a police badge and they pulled us over, Lochte told NBC on Sunday. They pulled out their guns, they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground they got down on the ground. I refused, I was like we didnt do anything wrong, so Im not getting down on the ground. And then the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead and he said, get down and I put my hands up, I was like whatever. He took our money, he took my wallet he left my cell phone, he left my credentials. Lochte later thanked fans and supported in a message posted to his Instagram feed. The claims made global headlines owing to concerns about the safety of visiting Olympians in the Brazilian city, but have in the days since been subject to heavy scrutiny. Police in Rio say they cannot locate the driver of the Taxi the Americans claim to have been in, and have not been able to find corroborating witnesses. In addition, the quartet were captured on video sometime after the robbery was supposed to have occurred in apparent possession of their wallets and phones. Subsequently, a judge ordered Lochte to remain in Brazil for questioning and a warrant was issued for the seizure of his passport, but he had by that time already returned to the United States. A warrant was also issued for Feigen, whose location is not known. Lochte said he wouldnt make up a story like this, Matt Lauer reported tonight. Lochte told him he his three teammates were victims. Lochte has won 12 Olympic gold medals, including one for 4200 freestyle relay at the Rio Olympics. Related stories Ryan Lochte Robbery Report A Lie, Brazil Police Say; USOC Apologizes As 2 Swimmers Return To U.S. - Update 'What Would Ryan Lochte Do?' Marathon Set On Esquire To Commemorate Controversial Robbery Report American Track Sweep & Beach Volleyball Drive NBC Olympics Ratings Day 12 Rio de Janeiro (AFP) - Scandal overshadowed the Rio Olympics Thursday as two US swimmers faced further questioning by Brazilian police after a judge raised doubts about their claims of being mugged, while a new report said a British athlete had been held up at gunpoint. A top International Olympic Committee official was also arrested on Wednesday in a black market ticket sales probe, posing major distractions from the sport in Rio with Usain Bolt casting his sights on a new gold medal. According to the Guardian newspaper, a British athlete was accosted by an armed assailant while out on the town early Tuesday. Details were not immediately available but a British Olympic team spokesman told the BBC there had been an "incident of theft" and that the athlete concerned was "safe and well." On Wednesday, American swimmers Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz were taken off a flight leaving Rio de Janeiro. Conger and Bentz, along with star US swimmer Ryan Lochte and squad member James Feigen, said they were held up at gunpoint in the early hours of Sunday. However Brazilian judge Keyla Blank ordered the passports of all four to be seized to prevent them leaving the country. The Globo media organization posted a video online showing Conger and Bentz walking into a police station on Wednesday. They were released late at night "with the understanding that they would continue their discussions about the incident on Thursday," said Patrick Sandusky, spokesman for the US Olympic Committee. Lochte, who had returned to the US before Brazilian authorities ordered the swimmers' questioning, and Feigen, who remains in Brazil, will cooperate with the investigation, US broadcaster NBC reported. The four made headlines with their terrifying account while returning from a party. Lochte said they were held up by muggers posing as police as they left a party just after 4:00 am. In interviews, he described how he had a gun put to his head and handed over his money and wallet. Story continues - 'Victims laughed' - However, the judge said their story was full of inconsistencies. And Britain's Daily Mail obtained video surveillance showing the four laughing as they returned to their accommodation at 6:56 am on Sunday. Speaking to NBC late Wednesday, Lochte denied the swimmers fabricated their story. "I wouldn't make up a story like this nor would the others -- as a matter of fact we all feel it makes us look bad," he was quoted as saying. Also Wednesday, top European Olympic official Patrick Hickey was arrested over a black market ticket sale scandal. The IOC executive member, head of the European Olympic Committees and the Irish national committee, spent Wednesday night in hospital after being detained at his luxury hotel. Accused of ticket scalping, ambush marketing and conspiracy after tickets were seized from another Irish businessman, Hickey has "temporarily" stood down from his posts. Following a raid similar to the arrest of seven top FIFA officials at a Zurich hotel last year, Hickey was shown in media video answering his hotel room door unclothed before putting on a bath robe. Police said they suspect he had changed rooms to try to evade arrest. Hickey's wife was in another room and at first told them Hickey had left the country, police told reporters. Brazilian police have launched a widening investigation after seizing more than 1,000 premier tickets for Games events, including the opening ceremony. Tickets with a face value of about $1,000 dollars were sold for $8,000, in a racket prosecutors said yielded profits of $3.0 million. The head of a sports ticketing firm, THG Sports, was detained with the tickets on August 5. Hickey's son once worked for THG, but the sports powerbroker denied any wrongdoing in an interview with Irish television last week as the scandal mounted. The arrests diverted attention from the sporting action as Bolt reached the final of the 200m -- the second of his targeted three-gold-medal sweep of the Olympic sprint titles. While Bolt ran the season's best 19.78 sec, his American arch-rival Justin Gatlin, 34, failed to reach the final. Gatlin, who won the 100m silver behind Bolt at the weekend, said he had not fully recovered from an ankle injury suffered in November. "I definitely think I can try for the world record, I definitely feel that," Bolt said. Drug-tainted Russia's only competitor in the track and field, Darya Klishina, failed to reach the final medal battle in the long jump. The 25-year-old blamed the turmoil of the doping scandal for her disappointment. The IAAF gave her the green light for Rio and then banned her because of "new" doping information. She went to the sports tribunal to reverse the ban. Brazil's suffering sports fans got some good news when football star Neymar scored twice -- including the fastest Olympic goal after 15 seconds -- in a 6-0 win over Honduras in the Olympic semi-final. They take on Germany in the final in a revenge repeat of their disastrous 7-1 loss in the World Cup semi-final two years ago. Brasilia (AFP) - Brazil's suspended president Dilma Rousseff said Thursday she will demand "justice" when she defends herself next week at an impeachment trial. Rousseff was suspended from office in May over accusations that she fiddled with state accounts to make the numbers look better in an election year. Senators will vote on whether to remove her from office for good after an impeachment trial starting on August 25. The leftist leader, 68, has denied breaking budget laws. "I expect justice from the Senate," Rousseff told a gathering of foreign correspondents on Thursday. "In the Senate I will argue not only for democracy and respect for the direct vote of the Brazilian people, but also for justice." Rousseff is widely expected to lose the impeachment vote, since media calculate that a large majority of Senators will vote against her. But she said on Thursday she was refusing to think about defeat. She is scheduled to have half an hour on August 29 to present her defense in person. The Senate's final vote is expected on August 31. Rousseff has branded the impeachment drive a "coup" by her former vice-president and interim successor Michel Temer and other conservative rivals. "He did not want to be a mere decorative figure. He wanted to be president," she said. "He betrayed me." She said that if she was spared by the Senate, she would back a referendum on holding early elections. The Supreme Court on Tuesday authorized an investigation into allegations that Rousseff tried to obstruct a corruption probe into the state oil firm Petrobras. The probe has dragged in politicians on both sides of the political fence, including allies of Temer. By Elisabeth O'Leary EDINBURGH (Reuters) - For comics at this year's Edinburgh festival, Britain's vote to leave the European Union has been a blessing and a curse. "I would like to thank the political establishment for giving me the opportunity of rewriting this script every ... day," jokes Matt Forde at the start of his show. Like countless other stand-ups in Edinburgh - the annual career-defining showcase for comic talent - Forde had to rewrite his routine after the June 23 Brexit vote left him with a torrent of rich new material. The pace of surprising events - including the resignation of prime minister David Cameron and the disintegration of the opposition Labor Party - has kept comics on their toes. "It was a fireworks display of news, it was like 'What's this? Who's resigned? What's going on?' And the public felt exactly the same. I remember thinking: 'I can get a lot out of this!'" Forde told Reuters. Brexit has posed unsettling questions about nationalism, democracy and tolerance, with a rise in hate crime in the vote's immediate aftermath. Forde explores the divisions - often along class lines - that the referendum laid bare, joking that the British are now all "Brexit racists", able to recognize "leavers" by their tattoos and "remainers" by whether they carry baguettes. Bridget Christie riffs on the way the leave campaign dismissed expert evidence that Brexit would hurt Britain, joking that she was fed up with her dentist "lording it over me with his tooth knowledge," according The Guardian's five-star review of her show. Nish Kumar, a London-born comic of Indian parentage, gained first-hand experience that an unintended consequence of the vote was to embolden racists, he told Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theater Podcast. At a pre-Edinburgh show the day after the referendum, for the first time in his career a heckler shouted: "Go home!" "I said 'to Croydon?' (a London suburb) and he was not amused," Kumar, a nominee for last year's comedy prize, said. In her routine, Labor Party political adviser-turned-standup Ayesha Hazarika, describes the "middle-class hysteria" of well-to-do parents distraught not at the economic and social impact of Brexit, but at the possibility their children will no longer qualify for an Erasmus EU study trip abroad. From an Indian family, she also lampooned the rise in hate crimes: "After the vote everyone went racist. I only ate white food for a while, just white bread and Philadelphia (cheese) for a week." For Matt Forde, comedy provides an "exorcism" of the issues which many in the country are struggling to come to terms with. "But they are things that were already there, just now they are unlocked and magnified." (Editing by Robin Pomeroy) The evicted DMK members have again arrived at the Tamil Nadu Assembly and are staging a sit-in protest against the enmasse eviction. By Pramod Madhav: A day after all DMK members in Tamil Nadu Assembly were evicted enmasse and its leader M K Stalin physically carried by marshals, the MLAs have again arrived at the Assembly and are staging a sit-in protest. Despite that the government moved a resolution suspending the DMK members for a week which was passed by voice vote, they still have the rights to visit the opposition party leader's office and stay there. advertisement But according to the DMK MLAs, the associates are not letting them inside the building and hence that they are staging the protest. The eviction happened after pandemonium broke out during their strong protests against remarks by a ruling AIADMK MLA apparently ridiculing the Leader of the Opposition. It all began with an AIADMK MLA mocking Stalin's 'Namaku Naame' tour yesterday. Stalin has already accused the Speaker of being partial and not letting DMK speak. Speaker P Dhanapal ordered eviction of the DMK members by Assembly marshals after they stood up and insisted on expunging the remarks even after he rejected their demand and asked them to cooperate for the smooth conduct of the House. Trouble erupted during the debate on demands for grants for the Housing and IT departments when AIADMK member S Gunasekaran, without naming Stalin, made some remarks about the 'Namaku Naame' programme undertaken by the DMK Treasurer in the run up to this year's Assembly election.\ During the 'Namakku Naame' programme, Stalin had extensively toured the state and interacted with people. The remarks about the programme triggered strong objection from the DMK members who wanted the Speaker to expunge them. Dhanapal, however, said the MLA had not made any pointed reference to anyone and therefore there was no need to expunge the remarks. DMK Deputy Leader Durai Murugan said 'Namaku Naame' was an initiative of Stalin and therefore the remarks refer only to him and sought their expunction. At one point, Stalin himself rose and said he was proud that 'Namakku Naame' had featured in an Assembly debate. He also made some remarks which were later expunged by the Speaker. Following this, the DMK members stood up and opposed the Speaker's action even as Dhanapal asked them to cooperate in the smooth conduct of the House. Since the DMK members did not heed his repeated pleas, he summoned the marshals to evict the agitating MLAs. Stalin, who was physically removed, staged a brief sit-in before being finally taken out of the House. The Speaker later said he had to resort to such an action as the DMK members did not heed his pleas for cooperation. Leader of the House and Finance Minister O Panneerselvam then moved a resolution for the suspension of the DMK members for a week, which was passed by a voice vote in the AIADMK- dominated House. advertisement After this, the Speaker said Wednesday's proceedings of the House have ended and asked Housing Minister Udumalpet K Radhakrishnan and IT Minister M Manikandan to give their replies to the debate on their departments tomorrow. Earlier, explaining the rationale behind his decision to evict DMK members, Speaker Dhanapal said they had made it a "practice" to stall proceedings "right from day one" of the ongoing session and not allowing him run the House smoothly. "This was a situation where I had no other option." Later, speaking to reporters, Stalin said the comments by Gunasekaran were "unwarranted". DMK has 89 members in the AIADMK-dominated 234-member Assembly. -With inputs from PTI Also Read: All DMK MLAs evicted, suspended from Tamil Nadu Assembly AIADMK sacks Rajya Sabha MP Sasikala Pushpa for slapping DMK leader DMK members stage walkout as AIADMK leader calls Karunanidhi by his name --- ENDS --- LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A Scottish nurse who contracted then recovered from Ebola is facing disciplinary action over allegations she concealed her temperature on her return from Sierra Leone, according to charges from a nursing watchdog seen by British media. Pauline Cafferkey, 39, contracted Ebola in December 2014 when she was working in a treatment facility in Sierra Leone at the height of the epidemic which swept through West Africa. The nurse is alleged to have given dishonest answers to medical staff when she returned to Heathrow airport that month. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) alleged in a case hearing published on their website that was later deleted, that Cafferkey "allowed an incorrect temperature to be recorded" on December 29, 2014 and intended to conceal from Public Health England staff that she had a temperature higher than 38C. The NMC said an investigation into Cafferkey's conduct was underway, with a case hearing scheduled for next month. "Since these proceedings began the NMC has worked closely with Ms Cafferkey and her representatives to reach an outcome that is fair and meets the public interest in this case," an NMC spokesperson said. Cafferkey initially recovered from the Ebola hemorrhagic fever and was sent home in January 2015. But in October she fell ill again and doctors found the virus was persisting in tissues in her brain. They later said she had developed meningitis caused by the Ebola virus - the first known such case. Cafferkey was readmitted to hospital for a third time earlier this year after falling ill. Ebola killed more than 11,300 people and infected some 28,600 as it swept through Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea from 2013 in the world's worst outbreak of the disease. The World Health Organization declared Sierra Leone free of the deadly haemorrhagic fever on March 17, Guinea on June 1, and Liberia on June 9. (Reporting By Kieran Guilbert, Editing by Ros Russell; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change. Visit On Aug 12, we issued an updated research report on Billerica, MA-based Bruker Corporation BRKR a global manufacturer of high-end analytical instruments utilized within the academic & government, pharma/biotech, clinical diagnostic and industrial markets. The company currently carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Bruker ended second quarter of 2016 on a disappointing note. While the companys earnings came in line with the Zacks Consensus Estimate, revenues missed the mark. Despite significant revenue decline organically, a reasonably better performance by BioSpin group, optics and semiconductor metrology businesses as along with a margin recovery witnessed in the Bruker's Nano-surfaces business, encourage us. Currently, Bruker is in the process of assimilating the Jordan Valley Semiconductor within its Nano segment. Through this acquisition, Bruker expects to capitalize on nano-metrology requirements of smaller feature sizes and three dimensional structures, which are increasingly growing in demand in the semiconductor metrology market. On healthier bookings and backlogs, already in the second quarter, this acquisition contributed 3% growth to the companys revenues. Management anticipates the semiconductor metrology tools to contribute considerably to Brukers top line through the rest of 2016 as well. We believe the recent initiatives adopted by Bruker in this segment will enable it to return to a positive organic growth trajectory going ahead. Bruker is also progressing well with its existing MALDI Biotyper menu. During the reported quarter, the company launched Rapiflex MALDI-TOFTOF for detailed protein characterization in life science research and biopharmaceutical laboratories. Further, we are also looking forward to the companys MALDI PharmaPulse label-free ultra-high throughput screening platform for direct discovery on Rapiflex mass-spec system, which should fetch good orders by pharma companies in the second half of 2016. Story continues On the flip side, unfavorable currency translation continues to be a major hindrance for the stock. Additionally widespread macroeconomic uncertainties prevailing in countries like the U.S., Russia and certain European nations in which Bruker operates might impede its revenue growth significantly, in case of any further economic downturn. Competitive headwinds also continue to pose concerns. Key Picks in the Sector Some of the top-ranked medical stocks are GW Pharmaceuticals plc GWPH, LeMaitre NuVasive, Inc. NUVA and Quidel Corp. QDEL. All the three stocks sport a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report BRUKER CORP (BRKR): Free Stock Analysis Report NUVASIVE INC (NUVA): Free Stock Analysis Report GW PHARMA-ADR (GWPH): Free Stock Analysis Report QUIDEL CORP (QDEL): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research (SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.) A wildfire with a ferocity never seen before by veteran California firefighters raced up and down canyons, instantly engulfing homes and forcing thousands of people to flee, some running for their lives just ahead of the flames. By Wednesday, a day after it ignited in brush left bone dry by years of drought, the blaze had spread across nearly 47 square miles and was raging out of control. The flames advanced despite the efforts of 1,300 firefighters. Authorities could not immediately say how many homes had been destroyed, but they warned that the number will be large. There will be a lot of families that come home to nothing, San Bernardino County Fire Chief Mark Hartwig said after flying over a fire scene he described as devastating. It hit hard. It hit fast. It hit with an intensity that we hadnt seen before, he said. No deaths were reported, but cadaver dogs were searching the ruins for anyone who was overrun by the flames. The cause of the fire wasnt immediately known. Five years of drought have turned the states wildlands into a tinder box, with eight fires currently burning from Shasta County in the far north to Camp Pendleton just north of San Diego. In my 40 years of fighting fire, Ive never seen fire behavior so extreme, Incident Commander Mike Wakoski said a day after the latest blaze broke out Tuesday in Cajon Pass, a critical highway and rail corridor through mountain ranges that separate Southern Californias major population centers from the Mojave Desert and Las Vegas. Residents like Vi Delgado and her daughter April Christy, who had been through a major brushfire years before, said they had never seen anything like it either. No joke, we were literally being chased by the fire, a tearful April Christy said in a voice choked with emotion as she and her mother sat in their minivan in an evacuation center parking lot in Fontana. They did not go inside because their dogs, three Chihuahuas and a mixed-breed mutt, were not allowed. Story continues Youve got flames on the side of you. Youve got flames behind you, Christy said, describing a harrowing race down a mountain road. She was led by a sheriffs patrol car in front while a California Highway Patrol vehicle trailed behind and a truck filled with firefighters battled flames alongside her. She and her mother, onsite caretakers at the Angels and Paws animal rescue shelter in Devore Heights, said it was only moments after they smelled smoke that flames exploded all around them. They grabbed their pets and tried to rescue nine other shelter dogs and three cats, but a sheriffs deputy told them there was no time. You wont make it. Save yourself. Take your truck and leave, Delgado said the deputy shouted at her, adding that he and others would try to rescue the animals. She learned later that authorities did save the animals, but officials could not tell her if her home survived. More than 34,000 homes and some 82,000 people were under evacuation warnings as firefighters concentrated their efforts on saving homes in the mountain communities of Lytle Creek, Wrightwood and Phelan. They implored residents not to think twice if told to leave, but it appears many were staying. From reports that we were hearing, possibly up to half didnt leave, said Lyn Sieliet, a U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman. It does change the way that we can fight fire, she added, Now we have to worry about the people in there as well as trying to protect the structures and trying to build a line of defense as the fire comes toward that area. Six firefighters were briefly trapped by flames during the fires early hours, when occupants of a home refused to leave and the crew stayed to protect them. This moved so fast, said Darren Dalton, 51, who along with his wife and son had to get out of his house in Wrightwood. It went from Have you heard theres a fire? to mandatory evacuation before you could take it all in. This is a tight little community up here. Always in rally mode. Suddenly its a ghost town. Hundreds of cars packed with belongings and animals left the town. The air for miles around the blaze was filled with smoke. Although there was no official count on how many homes were lost, Eric Sherwin of the San Bernardino County Fire Department said Tuesday that he had seen at least a dozen buildings go up in flames, some of them homes. Among them was the Summit Inn, a historic Route 66 diner near Interstate 15. Countless big rigs were parked along both sides of the highway on Wednesday, waiting for it to reopen. Less than 24 hours after the blaze began 60 miles east of Los Angeles, authorities had assembled a fleet of 10 air tankers, 15 helicopters and an army of 1,300 firefighters, many of them just off the lines of a wildfire that burned for 10 days just to the east. At a dawn briefing, half the firefighters raised their hands when asked how many had just come from one of the other infernos burning across California. In all, 10,000 firefighters are fighting the eight ongoing blazes. One major fire, north of San Francisco, was fading and about 4,000 people in the town of Clearlake were allowed to return home. Their relief was tempered by anger at a 40-year-old man authorities believe set the blaze that wiped out several blocks of the small town of Lower Lake over the weekend. That fire destroyed 175 homes and other structures in the working-class community. Damin Pashilk is charged with 14 counts of arson in connection with 12 separate fires dating back to July 2015 and one count of attempted arson. He appeared in court on Wednesday but did not enter a plea. Associated Press writers John Antczak, John Rogers, Robert Jablon and Andrew Dalton in Los Angeles, Sudhin Thanawala in Lakeport, Kristin J. Bender in San Francisco and Don Thompson in Sacramento contributed to this report. Ottawa (AFP) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will travel to China for an official visit at the end of August aimed at boosting diplomatic and trade ties, his office announced Thursday. The August 30 to September 6 trip will include stops in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong where Trudeau will meet with political and business leaders. His staff did not identify the people he will be meeting. Trudeau will also travel to Hangzhou for the summit of leaders of the Group of 20 economic powers on September 4 and 5. In addition, he will try to mingle with the "public at large" in China, likely posing for selfies with locals as he has done everywhere he has gone since being elected to Canada's highest office last year, according to his staff. "On this trip, I will strive for a closer, more balanced relationship between Canada and China -- one that unlocks the untapped potential in our two countries' commercial ties, and advances important issues like good governance, the rule of law and the environment," Trudeau said in a statement. The trip is being made at the invitation of Premier Li Keqiang. It comes less than two months after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's berating of a Canadian reporter while visiting Ottawa provoked a public outcry and led Canada to lodge a formal complaint with Beijing. A visibly irritated Wang Yi told a reporter during a news conference that she had "no right" to question Beijing's human rights record. The reporter had asked Canada's foreign minister about what Canada was doing to pressure China over human rights and its holding of a Canadian man on espionage charges. Despite an apparent eagerness on both sides to grow their trade relationship, Sino-Canadian ties have been strained by the detention of Canadian citizen Kevin Garratt in 2014 on espionage charges. He had run a Christian-themed coffee shop near the North Korean border. According to Canadian government figures, China is Canada's second-largest trading partner after the United States, with exchanges topping Can$85 billion ($66.5 billion) last year. Canada is also hoping to increase the number of Chinese students and tourists coming to the country. Solar cell manufacturer Canadian Solar Inc. CSIQ reported second-quarter earnings of 68 cents per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 40 cents by a whopping 70%. Reported earnings also surged 119.4% from the year-ago tally of 31 cents. Total Revenue Canadian Solar posted second-quarter total revenue of $805.9 million, surpassing the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $711 million by 13.3%. Revenues were also up 26.6% from $636.7 million reported in the prior-year quarter. Of the total revenue, the American markets comprised 47.6%, Asia represented 39.5% and the European and other markets contributed 12.9%, compared with the respective year-ago contributions of 47.6%, 45.5% and 6.9%. Operational Update Solar module shipments in the reported quarter totaled 1,290 megawatts (MW), up 59.5% from the year-ago level of 809 MW. The figure also surpassed managements guidance range of 1,2001,250 MW. Gross profit was $138.5 million, up 43.5% from the year-ago profit level of $96.5 million. Gross margin was 17.2% in the quarter, compared with 15.2% in the prior-year quarter. Total operating expenses were $98.9 million in the quarter, up 54.4%. Operating expenses increased due to higher general and administrative expenses. Selling expenses totaled $33.9 million in the reported quarter, up 5%. General and administrative expenses were $60.0 million, up 118.1%. Research and development expenses were $5.1 million, compared with $4.3 million a year ago. Interest expenses were $11.9 million, down from the year-ago level of $12.9 million. CANADIAN SOLAR Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise CANADIAN SOLAR Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise | CANADIAN SOLAR Quote Financial Update As of Jun 30, 2016, cash and cash equivalents were $495.1 million, down from $553.1 million as of Dec 31, 2015. Long-term debt as of Jun 30, 2016 was $828.5 million, up from $606.6 million as of Dec 31, 2015. Guidance For the third quarter of 2016, Canadian Solar expects shipments of 1,200 MW to 1,300 MW. Total revenue is expected in the range of $660 million to $710 million, with gross margin of 1416%. For the full year, Canadian Solar reiterated its total module shipments expectation in the range of 5.45.5 gigawatts. Total revenue is still expected to be in the range of $3.0 billion to $3.2 billion. Peer Releases SolarCity Corp. SCTY, the largest U.S. rooftop solar installer, posted adjusted loss of $2.32 per share in the second quarter of 2016, narrower than the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of $2.43. However, the figure was much wider than the year-ago loss of $1.61, thanks to the companys rising expenses. First Solar Inc. FSLR reported second-quarter 2016 earnings of 87 cents a share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 58 cents by 50%. The reported number also surged 67.3% from the prior-year figure of 52 cents on the back of higher sales and gross profits. SunPower Corp. SPWR reported second-quarter 2016 adjusted loss of 33 cents per share, wider than the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of 31 cents by 6.5%. In the year-ago quarter, the company had reported earnings of 9 cents. Our Take Canadian Solar is working on improving both module sales and the downstream energy business. The company has the potential to tap into the growing solar markets of Asia. As of Jun 30, 2016, Canadian Solar had late-stage projects totaling 121 megawatt-peak (MWp) in China and 576 MWp in Japan. Solar plants in operation totaled 218.0 MWp in China and 21.0 MWp in Japan. Zacks Rank Canadian Solar presently carries a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report FIRST SOLAR INC (FSLR): Free Stock Analysis Report CANADIAN SOLAR (CSIQ): Free Stock Analysis Report SOLARCITY CORP (SCTY): Free Stock Analysis Report SUNPOWER CORP-A (SPWR): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Theres a full moon rising tomorrow, Aug. 18, and it has a name. Known as the Sturgeon Moon, it marks the time when Native American tribes harvested those meaty, plentiful fish from Lake Champlain and the Great Lakes. According to Sea Grant Michigan, When European settlers arrived in the region, sturgeon were so numerous during the spring spawning run that they were reportedly capable of capsizing fishing boats. Ill bet that wasnt just hyperbolic prose. Sturgeon are the biggest of the freshwater fishes, gargantuan compared with other freshwater species: The largest sturgeon, the endangered beluga of Eurasia, may reach a length of 24 feet and weigh more than 3,500 pounds. A North American lakerup to eight feet long and 300 poundsis no slouch either. Steering a boat through water roiling with them must have been a tricky business indeed. Note the past tense. Sturgeon, which, like salmon, are an anadramous fish, are slow to reach reproductive maturity, and they spawn intermittently, so factors such as habitat loss in the rivers used as spawning and nursery grounds, disrupted migration routes due to dams and hypoxic zones, and poaching for caviar have led to depressing and all-too-predictable results. Globally, there is no telling how many species of sturgeon have gone extinct in the past hundred years. Nor is there any certainty, exactly, as to how many species remain, writes Richard Adams Carey in The Philosopher Fish: Sturgeon, Caviar, and the Geography of Desire. Even molecular analysis of DNA sometimes yields you-pick-em results, but current estimates range from twenty-four to twenty-six species that are still around. Today, a healthy population, like that of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Columbia River of the Pacific Northwest, is a rarity. In other words, one of the most legendary fishes on the planet is in a serious heap of trouble. Its been on the planet for a long, long timesince the time of the dinosaurs, more than 200 million years ago. Its no surprise, then, that the sturgeon is often described as a living fossil. Along with a back armored with razor-sharp pointed plates called scutes and a shark-like asymmetrical tail, it boasts a rather jaunty upturned snout and a toothless mouth fringed with four tactile, dangling barbels that it uses to search for food, like a catfish. Its also no surprise that this primitive family of fishes is going the way of T. rex and company. Story continues Or not, if the aquaculture industry has anything to say about it. Beginning in 1980, a group at the University of California at Davis, led by Russian emigre Serge Doroshov, developed a sturgeon hatchery system using wild fish from the Sacramento and Columbia Rivers for broodstock, writes Jay Harlow in the 1999 book West Coast Seafood. Today, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch program lists six sturgeon species farmed in eco-friendly recirculating aquaculture systems in the United States and British Columbia as best choice. By the mid-1990s, Harlow adds, sturgeon farmers could devote some of the eggs to the production of caviar rather than baby sturgeon. Caviar. Even if youve never seen the glistening, jam-like amalgam of eggs cured with salt, let alone tasted it, you likely have an opinion about it. For some, it reeks of old-world decadence, like peacock tongues, and thats the end of the matter (insert shudder here). For others, its simply an acquired taste not worth acquiring (fish eggs! expensive!). Then there are those who think its clean, marine flavor and wonderful mouthfeel make an occasion instantly memorable. Notwithstanding the billion-dollar black market, Id like to think that most of the folks in that last group draw the line at the most highly prized caviar in the worldthat from beluga sturgeon from the Black and Caspian sea basins. After the fish was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 2004, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service started banning imports of beluga caviar and other beluga products the following year. The New York Times reported in September 2005 that beluga stocks, particularly in the Caspian, had declined by 90 percent in the previous 20 years. Interestingly, beluga caviar is still listed on the website of renowned purveyor Petrossian, but more as a way of educating consumers, with an explanation of why it isnt availableand noting that although it is currently illegal in the U.S. through legitimate purveyorsthere are retailers who continue selling through black market operations and the sale of frozen caviar. Among Petrossians sustainable offerings are Tsar Imperial Transmontanus Caviar, from farm-raised white sturgeon native to California, and Royal Siberian Caviar, from Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) raised in Florida. So the future of caviar, it seems, lies in sustainable, domestic aquaculture, and the best examples from farm-raised fish on the market today have the burst-in-the-mouth texture that connoisseurs dream about. Robert Gardners American Caviar Company sells caviar from farm-raised sturgeon (including one from Americas first nonprofit aquaculture center) as well as caviar from wild hackleback sturgeon and paddlefish, a distant cousin of the sturgeon that is found in the MississippiMissouri River complex. The rainbow trout caviar produced by Sunburst Trout Farms, in Canton, North Carolina, has a concentrated yet gentle flavor, and salmon roe, which typically comes from wild Alaskan fish, is another sustainable choice. Even crisp-textured Japanese tobiko (flying fish roe), a common topping for sushi, makes a great garnish. Theres no need for twee spoons or to otherwise stand on ceremony. Warm some good-quality potato chips in a 350-degree oven, top with a dab of creme fraiche and a little roe or caviar, and celebrate something. Take the Pledge: Help Protect Marine Habitats From Illegal and Unregulated Fishing Related stories on TakePart: Even as Fish Stocks Decline, the World Eats More Seafood Than Ever Its Time to Throw Some Sustainable Seafood on the Grill Fishy Data: Countries Are Catching Far More Seafood Than They Claim Original article from TakePart Join Simran Rastogi and Dhruv Paliwal, as they embark on this breath-taking drive in a special Maruti Suzuki Ertiga to explore the many wonders of our beautiful country. The Seven Wonder Drive is all about connecting the different wonders of India and presenting it to you in a never seen-before way. By Dhruv Paliwal: India, a land of infinite wonders, has always attracted people from all around the world to visit the vast beauty the country has to offer. Over the years, the number of people travelling to India has increased from hundreds to thousands to lakhs. But what makes India so special that it is on most of the travellers bucket-list? advertisement The Seven Wonder Drive is all about connecting the different wonders of India and presenting it to you in a never seen-before way. Join Simran Rastogi and Dhruv Paliwal from the Auto Today team, as they embark on this breath-taking drive in a special Maruti Suzuki Ertiga to explore the many wonders of our beautiful country. We start off on our quest to explore the Seven Wonders of India in a very special Maruti Suzuki Ertiga, which will be our best friend for the entire period of the drive. Day 1 We start off on our quest to explore the Seven Wonders of India in a very special Maruti Suzuki Ertiga, which will be our best friend for the entire period of the drive. On the 7 Wonder Drive, we will be visiting the 7 Wonders of India in a @Maruti_Corp Ertiga AUTO TODAY (@AUTOTODAYMAG) August 17, 2016 The starting point for this drive is the India Today Mediaplex in Noida. Getting out of the famous Film City in sector 16A, Noida, we head straight for the Yamuna Expressway, towards our first wonder. Any guesses on our first destination? When you go out on a mega-drive like this, the most important part is the middle or towards the end. The Seven Wonder Drive is a little different, as the most important wonder is the one we hit on Day 1, the stunning Taj Mahal in Agra. The Seven Wonder Drive is a little different, as the most important wonder is the one we hit on Day 1, the stunning Taj Mahal in Agra. The Seven Wonder Drive is a little different, as the most important wonder is the one we hit on Day 1, the stunning Taj Mahal in Agra. Now this drive is about the seven wonders of India, but out of the seven, the Taj Mahal is the only one that can lay claim to being counted among the seven wonders of the world. The Ertiga gobbled up the Yamuna Expressway with ease. Reaching the Taj Mahal was no difficult task, as the road leading up to Agra, was surprisingly free of traffic. But, we faced a little trouble finding the perfect spot for our photographer to do his thing, as numerous cars stopped a little before the Taj for the same purpose as us. But, we did manage to click some memorable shots of this wonderful construction, which is a blend of traditional Persian and Mughal architecture. No visit to Agra is complete without pethas. We recommend the amazingly refreshing pan-flavoured petha. No visit to Agra is complete without pethas. We recommend the amazingly refreshing pan-flavoured petha. Also not to miss in Agra, Lal Qila built by Mughal Emperor Akbar as a military fortress in late 1500s #WondErtiga AUTO TODAY (@AUTOTODAYMAG) August 17, 2016 advertisement After a few hours of getting immersed in the Mughal era, it was time to hit the road again. I took over the Maruti Suzuki Ertiga from Simran, and we headed for Kanpur, our stop-over for the night. As the moon loomed over us, we gunned the Ertiga and managed to reach Kanpur a little before 11pm. Good roads on NH19 helped us to maintain a healthy average speed of 70 kmph, although we could have done better. After recharging our fuels and also the Ertiga's at Kanpur, we head to our next destination in this Seven Wonder Drive with Maruti Suzuki Ertiga. After recharging our fuels and also the Ertiga's at Kanpur, we head to our next destination in this Seven Wonder Drive with Maruti Suzuki Ertiga. advertisement Keep reading for Day 2. Follow Auto Today on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to get all the live action as we explore India as never before. Also follow the #7WondersDrive on Twitter to know about our journey. --- ENDS --- * Forint, zloty rebound from 2-week low vs euro on Fed minutes * Bond yields retreat as U.S. rate hike expectation weakens * Hungary, Romania hold bond auctions, good demand is seen * Warsaw bucks global equities rebound, bank stocks, KGHM fall By Sandor Peto BUDAPEST, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Central European currencies rebounded from multi-week lows and Hungary's and Romania's bond auctions were seen drawing healthy demand on Thursday as U.S. rate hike expectations have receded. Hawkish comments from two Federal Reserve rate setters knocked down assets in the European Union's emerging markets in the previous session. But the minutes of the Fed's latest meeting, published after European markets closed, showed that the Fed is unlikely to hike its rates soon and make high-yielding emerging market assets in Central Europe relatively less attractive. The leu rebounded from a 4-week low against the euro, the forint and the zloty were off two-week lows and the dinar off a one-week low. The Hungarian and the Polish currencies firmed by 0.3 percent by 0750 GMT, the leu gained 0.2 percent and the dinar 0.1 percent. Poland's 10-year bond yield was down 6 basis points from Wednesday's high, at 2.7 percent, following a 16 basis points rise from 8-and-1/2-month lows touched late last week. Investors will watch later in the session to see if July Polish industrial output and retail sales figures, due at 1200 GMT, add fuel to speculation that the Polish central bank could resume monetary easing. Weak figures could soften the zloty and lift bonds, analysts have said. Hungary's less volatile bonds yields were also lower by a few basis points from Wednesday's fixing, with 5-year bonds trading at 1.88 percent, down 4 basis points. The positive mood signalled that Hungary's auction of 3-, 5- and 10-year bonds will attract good demand, one Budapest based trader said. Yield often rise ahead of auctions as investors position to reach lower prices in the primary sale. Story continues "Good sentiment remains... The auction could see average yields near the current secondary market offers," one Budapest-based fixed income trader said. The auction results are due at 0930 GMT. Romania will also auction 5-year bonds on Thursday. Stock indices were mixed in the region and gainers lagged behind a rebound in Frankfurt and London. Warsaw's bluechip index fell half a percent, dragged down mainly by bank stocks: PKO BP shed 1.4 percent, Pekao 0.6 percent and BZ WBK shed 1.4 percent. KGHM shares fell 0.9 percent after the copper producer reported a bigger than expected fall in net profit in the first half of 2016 on the back of losses on its foreign assets driven by rising costs and falling copper prices. CEE SNAPSHO AT 0950 CET MARKETS T CURRENCIES Latest Previous Daily Change bid close change in 2016 Czech Hungary 0 % Polish % Romanian % Croatian Serbian 0 % Note: calculat previou close at 1800 daily ed from s CET change STOCKS Latest Previous Daily Change close change in 2016 Prague 855.71 850.80 +0.58 -10.52 % % Budapest 27755.4 27790.97 -0.13% +16.0 8 3% Warsaw 1817.48 1824.40 -0.38% -2.24% Buchares 6866.50 6866.19 +0.05 -1.97% t % Ljubljan % Zagreb 1792.45 1789.03 +0.19 +6.09 % % Belgrade Sofia 468.59 467.91 +0.15 +1.67 % % BONDS Yield Yield Spread Daily (bid) change vs change Bund in Czech spread Republic 2-year ps 5-year ps ps Poland 2-year ps 5-year ps ps FORWARD RATE AGREEMENT 3x6 6x9 9x12 3M interb ank Czech 0.29 0.25 0.21 0 Rep (PRIBOR= ) Hungary 0.73 0.7 0.72 0.84 Poland 1.615 1.565 1.545 1.71 Note: are for FRA ask quotes prices ***************************************************** ********* (Reporting by Sandor Peto; Editing by Keith Weir) Chad Johnson came and went quickly on Bachelor in Paradise, but his debut was perhaps the most notorious in not just Bachelor Nation, but all of reality TV history. Chad got very drunk, and according to the show, defecated in his pants. This is something the infamous villain has denied on social media (blaming editing, of course), but Johnson's Bachelorette pal and fellow BIP cast member, Daniel Maguire, says the mess did indeed happen. When ET chatted with Maguire (aka 'The Canadian') on Wednesday, he said he didn't hear about Johnson's issue in his shorts until a few days after it happened. "I thought they were joking!" he shared. "[That night] was worse in person, because this was going on for hours," Maguire recalled. "It was pretty bad, you know, and people were getting kind of worried." Once workout buddies on The Bachelorette, Johnson and Maguire now haven't spoken since the show's Men Tell All taping, when they argued during commercial breaks. "I guess [Chad is] a little sensitive sometimes," he noted. "But if he wants to say hello I'm here." Maguire said he doesn't think Chad whose mother died just months before he went on The Bachelorette -- is at a good place in his life for reality TV right now. Despite a plea to be the next Bachelor, Johnson told me it's not happening. WATCH: Chad Johnson Says He Won't Be the Next 'Bachelor,' But Here's Who He Thinks Will So, who will take on the role? Per the show's formula, it will be another of Maguire's fellow contestants from JoJo Fletcher's season. Luke Pell and Chase McNary are in the running. "If I had a guess, it's probably going to be Luke, because it looked like he really got heartbroken," he pointed out. "Everyone seems to love him. He seems like a great guy, he's just that typical 'Bachelor dude.' It's like, come on, you might as well put the TV on mute because it's going to be boring, to be honest. I'd rather watch Chad be the Bachelor than Luke!' Story continues But back in Paradise, there's plenty of drama left to be seen. Josh Murray's motives on the show have been questioned. "I don't know if I can trust [Josh] or not," Maguire said. "I don't know what to believe." Murray has quickly paired off with Amanda Stanton. Maguire said their make-out sessions were just as obnoxious in person as they seem on the show, but revealed that no one ever calls the two out on their PDA. "Everyone's pretty laid back, everyone's kind of holding it in," he added. Another storyline: Evan Bass' alleged medical emergency this week. Fans (and Bass' love interest, Carly Waddell) wondered if he'd faked an illness for attention. "It's a smart move, kind of sneaky," Maguire said. "He used to work in the medical field, and so he's comfortable being in hospitals and ambulances and that sort of thing. So he's probably like, why not let's go!" Bachelor in Paradise airs Mondays and Tuesdays on ABC. Related Articles The 11.3% visitor arrivals growth isnt spurring spending. Most Singapore retailers suffered through lowif not negativeYoY growth in footfall and sales in the second quarter of 2016, but it remains unclear if this is an omen or just a false alarm, according to analysts. DBS noted in a report that while it is too early to conclude that this could spark further weakness going forward, Orchard Road focused malls may be battered by headwinds given the 11.3% YoY spike in visitor arrivals does not seem to spur spending for malls like Vivocity and Wisma Atria and Paragon. DPU growths also fell to low single digits in Q2, while occupancy rate managed to hover above 90% though there was greater dispersion between retail malls. Its not all bad news, though, as many Singapore retail REITs have been taking advantage of the soft environment as a chance to refresh their offerings by introducing new brands and concepts. Major developments have also kicked offfor instance, asset enhancement initiative works at Northpoint (FCT) commenced in March, and the redevelopment of Funan started in July. Looking ahead, rental reversions are likely to stay flat to low, as managers aim for tenant retention. DBS noted this is on back of increased vacancy rates across selected malls (especially in Central Singapore) likely providing tenants more bargaining power. More From Singapore Business Review As if the multi-party war in Syria werent complicated enough, it now appears that the Peoples Republic of China has decided to take a more active role in the conflict, providing increased humanitarian assistance and possibly military training to Syrian forces, according to Chinas state-run media outlet Xinhua. Chinas announcement that it is increasing its commitment to the Assad regime comes just a day after Russia announced that it had launched strikes against ISIS from an airbase inside the Islamic Republic of Iran. Related: You Wont Believe Where Putin Is Building a Military Base in Syria Combined, these two events create a major foreign policy conundrum for the Obama administration, as three of the countries most resistant to the US on the global stage appear to be teaming up against a non-state actor that has frustrated the US for years. At first glance, it might seem like a lucky break for the US that three of its adversaries are combining to challenge a fourth. However, the problem is that they are doing so in support of a Syrian regime that has brutally repressed a popular uprising through indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations, torture, and the use of banned chemical weapons, a regime that Obama has said must be removed. The Xinhua report said that Guan Youfei, director of the Office for International Military Cooperation of China's Central Military Commission, met Syrian Defense Minister Fahad Jassim al-Freij to discuss expanding a relationship that has so far been more low-key. China and Syria's militaries have a traditionally friendly relationship, and China's military is willing to keep strengthening exchanges and cooperation with Syria's military," Guan said, according to Xinhua. Related: Kerry Hopes to Work With Russia on Syria A decision by China to increase its involvement in Syria would necessarily require closer cooperation between Beijing and Moscow, because Russian forces have been in Syria propping up the regime of Bashar al-Assad for nearly a year now, mainly through air and naval power. Story continues In a three-way war, Assad is fighting rebel groups that oppose his increasingly brutal regime at the same time that he is fighting the terror group ISIS, which holds territory in Syria. Some of the rebel groups fighting Assad are simultaneously fighting ISIS. Iran, where Shia Islam dominates, is a dedicated foe of ISIS, a terror group that holds that Sunni Islam is the only true form of the religion. ISIS holds that all Shia are apostates worthy of death if they refuse to convert. Russias state-controlled media immediately jumped on the possibility that Chinas increased involvement in the conflict suggested a new alliance. China to Play Greater Role in Syria While US Left Out, trumpeted The Kremlin-backed site added, Are we seeing the start of a new anti-Islamic State coalition with Russia, Iran and Chinas involvement in Syria? How could it influence the balance of power in the region? What reaction could be expected from the West, particularly from the countries involved in Syria? Related: Russia and the US Look for a Way to Cool Down Syria Immediate reaction from the White House seems unlikely, but the same doesnt go for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has been a frequent critic of the Obama administrations policies in the Middle East. However, the Trump campaigns path on this question isnt obvious, either. Trump has spent much of his time on the campaign trail calling for the US to cooperate with Russia in the battle against ISIS. But he has also repeatedly attacked the Iranian regime and has made criticism of the Chinese government a standard talking point on the stump. Complicating matters further is a spate of news stories suggesting that Trumps campaign chair, Paul Manafort, has been a paid advocate of a Russia-friendly political party in Ukraine, whose leader was overthrown in a popular uprising in 2014. Among the allegations leveled against Manafort is that he organized protests against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- something that could be seen as working against the interests of the US, which is a member of the NATO alliance. The Trump campaign, meanwhile, is in a state of turmoil after a major staff shakeup was announced Tuesday night. All told, it might be for the best if neither the White House nor the Trump campaign responds to the latest news out of Syria in a hurry. Top Reads from The Fiscal Times: (Repeats to attach to alerts) BEIJING, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Average new home prices in China's 70 major cities rose 7.9 percent in July from a year earlier, an official survey showed on Thursday. That compared with a 7.3 percent increase in June. Home prices in Shenzhen and Xiamen had the biggest surge, rising 40.9 percent and 39.2 percent, respectively, from a year ago. The booming property market has been a key driver of China's economic growth in the first half of the year as weak demand at home and abroad continue to take a toll on trade and investment. But concerns are growing that the property rebound may be coming to an end as local governments tighten restrictions on home purchases to cool sharp price rises, which are sparking fears of asset bubbles. (Reporting by Yawen Chen and Kevin Yao; Editing by Kim Coghill) Chinas One Belt, One Road (OBOR) intercontinental trade and infrastructure project must bring real benefits to participant nations, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday, as his seminal foreign policy initiative faces mounting challenges. Xi told a meeting in Beijing that more than 100 countries and international organizations have so far signed up to OBOR, which is touted as a revival of the iconic land and maritime Silk Road via a trade-and-infrastructure network spanning East Asia to Western Europe and south through Africa. The progress and results of the Belt and Road Initiative have been greater than expected, Chinas state newswire Xinhua quoted Xi as saying. The Chinese President has traveled extensively over Central Asia and Eastern Europe in recent months to champion the benefits of OBOR. However, that message has been tricky to sell. OBOR covers over half of the global population, three-quarters of its energy resources and 40% of GDP, yet, crucially, geoeconomic fundamentals have shifted since its unveiling in 2013. Infrastructure routes through resource-rich central Asia were proposed at a time when raw commodity prices were high, but given todays historic lows, the economic viability of such projects has suffered. Plus there is the added problem of Chinas own economic plateau. Read More: These 5 Facts Explain Chinas Coming Challenges The unbalanced economic development of countries along One Belt, One Road is the main challenge, says Xu Fengxian, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. These countries are opening to different degrees, and have different import-export trade and political situations. Compounding matters, these once freely navigable trade routes, trodden since the expeditions of Marco Polo in the 13th century, are now slashed by festering conflicts most notably in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Burma (officially now Myanmar), Ukraine and large swaths of the Middle East. Chinas own westernmost region of Xinjiang is also prone to outbreaks of strife. Story continues How China and Pakistan set about securitizing the China-Pakistan economic corridor will in particular be a litmus test for the viability of the Belt and Road Initiative, says Alexander Neill, Shangri-La Dialogue senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Singapore. Despite these challenges, Xis propaganda train hasnt slowed. Every day Chinese newspapers teem with dozens of articles exalting the myriad benefits of OBOR. Academics frequently cite OBOR on research proposals, cognizant that any association will radically boost their chances of approval. The OBOR official website is on a recruitment drive ahead of its launch in October. Read More: New Silk Road Could Change Global Economics Forever However, it is overseas where marketing OBOR needs to be improved. There has been a perception that OBOR is simply about China throwing cash around the region. However, its actually supposed to be an inclusive project and Beijing wants international investors to get involved, says Neill. Its not just about countries sitting back and waiting for China to arrive with investment plans and loans. Geopolitically, OBOR is seen as a rival to the Washington-led Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade pact, which Beijing has opted not to join. And one of the principle benefits of OBOR is conflict avoidance with U.S. interests, given the Obama Administrations rebalancing to Asia. Yet convincing Chinas neighbors of the benefits has proved problematic. Although Russia nearing international pariah status since its annexation of the Crimea recently inked a $6.2 billion high-speed rail deal, many countries remaining wary. In March, the Thai government shunned proposed Chinese financing for a $15 billion railway project and opted to pay for a less ambitious rail network itself. A similar $5.1 billion joint venture with state-run Indonesian enterprises has suffered from technical problems and mounting costs, reports the Jakarta Post. Its fizzled a bit and hasnt lifted off as they would have hoped, and a lot of that is to do with the message they are delivering abroad, said Neill. Some target countries felt a bit like deer in headlamps. Beijings overlapping disputes in the South and East China Seas may also be galvanizing suspicions that OBOR is a Trojan horse for extending its geopolitical clout, and dumping excess capacity abroad as its economy flags. As such, peacefully resolving these territorial quarrels and building political capital will take on new impetus for the Xi administration. Beijing has already launched a charm offensive with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Disputes in the South China Sea jeopardize the regional shipping and resource development, adds Xu. The problem should be solved among the countries near South China Sea. We need to reach a consensus on this issue. With reporting by Yang Siqi / Beijing By Cyril Altmeyer PARIS (Reuters) - Ingenico Group has signed a deal with Alipay, China's biggest online-payments platform, that will allow Chinese consumers to use the mobile payment app widely across Europe, the French company said on Thursday. The agreement, signed on Wednesday, marks an opportunity for Alipay, a unit of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, to deepen its mobile-payment push into Europe. "With this partnership, Aliplay will be embedded into Ingenico's in-store payment gateway," Ingenico said in a statement. Alipay boasts over 450 million active users, while Ingenico processed more than 3.5 billion transaction in 2015. China's 10 million visitors to Europe in 2014 represented a total purchasing power of $21 billion, Ingenico said. Jacques Behr, Ingenico's head of Europe and Africa, described the partnership as a "must have" but declined to quantify Ingenico's expected additional revenue. "It's a bit like not offering air conditioning in a car. If you're a serious player in the world of payments you cannot say 'No, I won't do that, it doesn't interest me'." Behr said he also expected Ingenico to benefit from Alipay's ambitions in Africa, where payments are frequently made on mobile platforms such as Kenya's M-pesa. Ingenico already has a presence in China after buying terminal supplier Landi in 2008. A quarter of its staff is employed in China. The next phase for Ingenico in China would be to focus on managing transactions made by Chinese traders using its terminals, Behr said. In May 2015, the group sold a 20 percent stake in its holding company Ingenico Holdings Asia Ltd to Chinese investment fund Fosun in order to accelerate its growth strategy in the country. In December, Alipay and Wirecard AG agreed to a deal to provide mobile phone payment services for Chinese tourists visiting Europe. (Writing by Richard Lough; editing by Michel Rose and Subhranshu Sahu) By Cyril Altmeyer PARIS (Reuters) - Ingenico Group has signed a deal with Alipay, China's biggest online-payments platform, that will allow Chinese consumers to use the mobile payment app widely across Europe, the French company said on Thursday. The agreement, signed on Wednesday, marks an opportunity for Alipay, a unit of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, to deepen its mobile-payment push into Europe. "With this partnership, Aliplay will be embedded into Ingenico's in-store payment gateway," Ingenico said in a statement. Alipay boasts over 450 million active users, while Ingenico processed more than 3.5 billion transaction in 2015. China's 10 million visitors to Europe in 2014 represented a total purchasing power of $21 billion, Ingenico said. Jacques Behr, Ingenico's head of Europe and Africa, described the partnership as a "must have" but declined to quantify Ingenico's expected additional revenue. "It's a bit like not offering air conditioning in a car. If you're a serious player in the world of payments you cannot say 'No, I won't do that, it doesn't interest me'." Behr said he also expected Ingenico to benefit from Alipay's ambitions in Africa, where payments are frequently made on mobile platforms such as Kenya's M-pesa. Ingenico already has a presence in China after buying terminal supplier Landi in 2008. A quarter of its staff is employed in China. The next phase for Ingenico in China would be to focus on managing transactions made by Chinese traders using its terminals, Behr said. In May 2015, the group sold a 20 percent stake in its holding company Ingenico Holdings Asia Ltd to Chinese investment fund Fosun in order to accelerate its growth strategy in the country. In December, Alipay and Wirecard AG agreed to a deal to provide mobile phone payment services for Chinese tourists visiting Europe. (Writing by Richard Lough; editing by Michel Rose and Subhranshu Sahu) By PTI: Panaji, Aug 18 (PTI) Goa Assembly Deputy Speaker Vishnu Wagh was today shifted to a Mumbai hospital from Goa Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) as his condition continues to be critical. Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar told reporters here that Wagh was shifted to Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai by a special air ambulance at 8.05 PM today from GMCH. advertisement The Chief Minister, who was present during shifting of the legislator, said Wagh was accompanied by doctors from both GMHC and the Hinduja hospital. Wagh, a journalist-turned-politician, was admitted to GMCH on August 15 after he complained of uneasiness. "The MLA was diagnosed with high blood pressure and sugar when he was brought to the hospital," GMCH Dean Pradip Naik had said earlier in the day. Since then he remained on ventilator at Cardiac Care Unit of the hospital, Naik had said. Naik said the MLA was shifted to the Hinduja hospital upon request of his family. PTI RPS NRB RG --- ENDS --- Septembers Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, a yearly gathering of world leaders, non-profit officials and celebrities, will be its last, a spokesman confirmed on Thursday. The foundation also will not accept foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton is elected president, according to the Associated Press and a spokesman for the organization. Bill Clinton, who is resigning from the board, made the announcement at a meeting with staffers on Thursday afternoon, according a source. Hillary Clinton is not expected to attend this years Global Initiative, which is being held from Sept. 19-21. It has coincided with the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The event was started in 2005 as a way to try to implement meaningful solutions to world problems such as climate change, world hunger and poverty. Participants at the gathering make commitments that the foundation says has improved the lives of 430 million people. Hollywood figures such as Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck have spoken at the initiative through the years, often to discuss their philanthropic work. Hillary Clinton stepped down from the board of the foundation when she launched her presidential bid, but foreign donations to the foundation have come under scrutiny and have been the target of attacks from her opponents. Related stories Donald Trump Says He Regrets Some Comments He's Made NBC, MSNBC to Simulcast Primetime Forum Featuring Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton to Visit 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' Again By Mark Hosenball, Dustin Volz and John Walcott WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bill and Hillary Clinton's charitable foundation hired the security firm FireEye to examine its data systems after seeing indications they might have been hacked, according to two sources familiar with the matter. So far, no message or document hacked from the New York-based Clinton Foundation has surfaced in public, the sources said. One of the sources and two U.S. security officials said that like hackers who targeted the Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clintons presidential campaign and the Democrats' congressional fundraising committee, the hackers appear to have used spear phishing techniques to gain access to the foundation's network. These techniques include creating bogus emails or websites in an effort to gain access to Clinton Foundation staffers emails and then to the foundation itself. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the U.S. officials said the hackers used the same techniques Russian intelligence agencies or their proxies employed against the Democratic Party groups, which suggests that Russians also attacked the foundation. Kremlin officials dismissed as absurd the allegations of Moscow's involvement, which were made last month amid political party nominating conventions for the Nov. 8 election. Neither former White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, the Clinton Foundations principal lawyer, nor a spokeswoman for the foundation responded to requests for comment on the hacking and the precautions the organization has taken. Officials with FireEye said the company could not discuss its clients. Although no documents have emerged, the attacks have left some Democrats and Clinton campaign officials worried that the hackers might have obtained emails and voice messages that could be used to reinforce Republican charges that donors to the Clinton Foundation were rewarded with access to Clinton and her aides while she was secretary of state or to her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Another concern: hackers or outlets such as the anti-secrecy WikiLeaks website could release documents and emails damaging to her presidential campaign, several people familiar with the foundation's activities said. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee convened a closed-door meeting on Wednesday to discuss best cyber security practices. The meeting, according to people familiar with it, included a recommendation that staff and lawmakers change their phone numbers and email addresses if that information was published online by hackers believed to be working for or with Russian intelligence agencies. One of the U.S. officials said, however, that the spear phishing pattern used against several organizations, appears to reinforce the intelligence community's "preliminary assessment" that the attacks were intended more for espionage than for trying to influence the U.S. presidential election. So far, said a third U.S. official familiar with the attacks, there is no evidence that the hackers were able to follow any of the hacked emails into the State Department's classified email systems. Anxiety in Washington over the possibility that a foreign power might be using hacked information to meddle in the U.S. election has prompted some Democrats and cyber security experts to urge the Obama administration to blame Russia publicly. Rep. Jim Himes, a Democrat on the House of Representatives intelligence committee, said the United States should carry "a big stick" in cyber security matters. "The U.S. government needs to be very clear, very direct, and hold these people accountable." Current and former White House and intelligence officials said the Obama administration is unlikely to blame Russia publicly, given the difficulty of attributing the attacks without revealing American sources and methods, the geopolitical concerns at play, and a fear that doing so could risk aggravating cyber conflict. (Reporting by Mark Hosenball, Joe Menn, Dustin Volz and John Walcott; Editing by John Walcott and Grant McCool) 18 Aug - Cloie Syquia Skarne has been working hard and is determined to win in the upcoming Miss Sweden Universe, and that is by training with the Filipino pageant team. As reported on ABS-CBN News, the 22-year-old daughter of actor Gabby Concepcion and ex-wife Jenny Syquia has recently returned to his father's home country in the Philippines for her pageant training with the same team that helped Pia Wurtzbach win the Miss Universe crown. "There are really good trainers here. I think that could really help me win the Miss Universe Sweden pageant," said Skarne, who would be competing against Philippine-bet, Maxine Medina, if she wins the pageant. When asked about the training that she has been undergoing, Skarne stated that she has been learning how to walk and talk like a beauty queen and admitted that she didn't have any basic training before the pageant. "I'm just learning all the basics that I need," she said. Skarne is also looking forward to returning to the Philippines again if she gets the crown, saying that the Philippines is still close to her heart. (Photo source: CNN is wasting no time taking advantage of the Federal Aviation Administration's new rules on commercial drone use. The cable news network is launching a drone division this week, comprising a new unmanned aerial vehicle and two dedicated staff members, to assist in news-gathering efforts. "CNN will have a designated Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) unit with two full-time UAS operators to fully integrate aerial imagery and reporting across all CNN networks and platforms, along with Turner Broadcasting and Time Warner entities," the company said in a statement released Thursday. This isn't the first time the network has used drones to augment their reporting. The Republican and Democratic nominating conventions, Louisiana flood sites and Flint, Michigan, water contamination zones all had drones contracted by CNN flying overhead. But the Atlanta-based cable channel thinks the technology is worth a long-term investment. "In 2015, CNN was selected by the FAA as one of the first three industry 'Pathfinders' to develop safe uses of UAS in news gathering," the statement said. "CNN has shared data and research that has helped formulate a framework for various types of UAS to be safely integrated into the national air space and continues to work to expand the safe and legal operation of UAS in news gathering." The FAA issued new rules for drones in June that went into effect this week. The rules pertain to drones weighing fewer than 55 pounds and conducting non-hobbyist operations, which means they're of particular importance to the film and television industries. The rules specify that drones must be kept within the line of sight of their operators, a significant creative limitation. Drones have to have anti-collision lights. Flying over people is still not allowed. The photographic possibilities afforded by the new technology continue to excite filmmakers and documentarians. "You're seeing drone camera work get more and more common because it's so affordable," Max Bohichik, a commercial and music video director, told The Hollywood Reporter. "But who knows, this might make it less special over time." A CNN rep told THR that further regulations are expected this month. Matt Null, a CNN senior producer and a former Fox News producer, died on Monday while vacationing with friends in Barcelona. He was 34. Null had been worked on CNNs Early Start for more than three years. The morning shows anchor, Christine Romans, shared the news with viewers on Wednesday. It is with a heavy heart that we report tragic news of one of our own this morning, Romans said, holding back tears. A cause of death has not been revealed. Romans described Null as an exceptional producer who was a rising star here at CNN. He is literally the voice in our head every morning. When terrible things happen around the world, he is the one who brings it to you with calm and fairness, she added. He is someone who really made a difference in the world through his job. Before joining the CNN team, he worked as a producer for Fox News Channels On the Record With Greta Van Susteren, beginning in in 2012. Van Susteren also discussed Null on-air, saying the news of his death stopped me in my tracks. Null worked his way up the producing ranks of local TV news stations at WKBN in Youngstown, Ohio; WFTS in Tampa; WSVN in Miami; and KRON in San Francisco before transitioning to network news. He got his start in the industry as a reporter at KTVO Kirksville, Mo., after graduating from Truman State University. Related stories Roger Ailes Advising Donald Trump's Campaign on Debates (Report) Fox News Names Jack Abernethy, Bill Shine Co-Presidents Roger Ailes Allegations Move From Sex to Surveillance JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Africa's biggest Coke bottler, Coca-Cola Beverages Africa, will rethink its spending plans in South Africa if Pretoria's proposed tax on sugary drinks gets the green light, a spokeswoman said on Thursday. In a bid to fight a growing obesity rate in the continent's most lucrative market for Coca-Cola and fast-food chains in sub-Saharan Africa, the government has proposed a 20 percent tax on sugar sweetened drinks under a plan that has delighted health campaigners and angered drink makers. Coca-Cola Beverages Africa was created earlier this year through a combination of SABMiller and Coca-Cola African soft drink operations. The deal won an anti-trust go-ahead on several conditions that included a commitment to spend 800 million rand to develop farmers and retailers. "It is not what the company is wanting to do but when you look at the impact the tax would have, we will have relook at some investment commitments we have made," said Coca-Cola southern African spokeswoman Vukani Magubane. The proposed levy, which was first announced by Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan in February, is expected to be implemented this year. Last month, the Treasury has asked the public submit comments on the proposal by Aug. 22. It has already received endorsement from lobby group Public Health Association of South Africa, saying it was a cheaper intervention measure to fight obesity-linked diseases such as diabetes. More than half of South Africa's adults are overweight, with 42 percent of women and 13 percent of men obese, according to National Treasury data. Sub-Sahara's most industrialised economy also has its most overweight population, the figures show. A local soft drinks industry body, Beverage Association of South Africa, has already dismissed the proposed tax as "discriminatory" and warned it could lead to job losses. The industry employs about 200,000 people. Britain on Thursday launched a strategy to tax companies selling sugary soft drinks, joining Belgium, France, Hungary and Mexico, all of which have imposed some form of tax on drinks with added sugar. Scandinavian countries have levied similar taxes for many years. (Reporting by Tiisetso Motsoeneng, editing by David Evans) Seoul (AFP) - One year after North and South Korea vowed to resume a constructive dialogue, they have instead resurrected a spirit of Cold War-era antagonism, complete with cross-border propaganda shouting matches, spy messaging and defection dramas. Official contact between the two Koreas has never been easy, but the current situation, with all official lines of communication severed and a host of flash-point issues raising tensions, appears to be particularly volatile and fraught with risk. "The relations between North and South Korea have never been as tense as they are now since the Cold War period of the 1970s", said professor Kim Yong-Hyun, a North Korean expert at Dongguk University. High-profile defections are suddenly back in vogue, with the North Korean deputy ambassador to Britain, Thae Yong-Ho, handing Seoul a propaganda coup this week by defecting to South Korea with his family. Although Thae's motives were probably as much personal as ideological -- he has two children, one of school age -- South Korean officials attributed his decision to a straightforward choice between good and evil. On his reasons for defecting, Thae "cited disgust with (North Korean leader) Kim Jong-Un's regime and admiration for South Korea's free, democratic system," said Unification Ministry spokesman Jeong Joon-Hee. - Communications cut - This sort of old-school diplomatic baiting has become increasingly common at a time of almost zero cross-border contact. As tensions rose in the wake of North Korea's fourth nuclear test in January, Pyongyang shut down the two existing hotlines with South Korea -- one used by the military and one for government-to-government communications. And last month it severed its only direct communications link with the United States when it shut down the so-called "New York channel" which had previously served as a key point of contact between North Korean and US diplomats at the United Nations. Story continues "The total absence of channels for dialogue between the two Koreas as well as between Pyongyang and Washington is a real cause for concern," Kim Yong-Hyun said. Inter-Korean communication has now gone back to the basics, with both sides effectively reduced to shouting across the heavily militarised border. Banks of loudspeakers have been dusted off and brought up to the frontlines, blasting music and propaganda messages into each other's territory. In another nod to Cold War methodology, North Korea appears to have resumed the transmission of coded messages over state radio -- presumably meant for spies operating in the South. The short-wave transmissions -- the first of their type for around 20 years -- were picked up by the South's intelligence agency in mid-June and comprised a female announcer reading long lists of numbers for several minutes. - False starts - It wasn't meant to be this way. In August last year, a top North Korean negotiator was trumpeting a "dramatic turning point" for inter-Korean relations after the two sides agreed to defuse a crisis that had pushed them to the brink of an armed conflict. The accord, which the lead South Korean negotiator also hailed as providing a "new momentum" for cross-border cooperation, included a commitment to resuming a regular, high-level dialogue. But just two weeks later, the two sides were back in familiar territory, trading insults and accusations of insincerity. They did finally manage to hold vice-ministerial talks in December, but the discussions went nowhere and the prospect of further dialogue was then wiped out for good by the North's nuclear test the following month. The strong international reaction to the test emboldened the South to take a hard line and match the Norths brinkmanship, instead of turning the other cheek as it had often done in the past The diplomatic fallout was toxic enough to kill off the sole remaining North-South cooperation project -- the Kaesong joint industrial zone, which had managed to ride out pretty much every inter-Korean crisis thrown up since it opened for business in 2004. "Inter-Korean peace-time relations are really at their worst... with trade, and exchanges of people and dialogue all severed," said Professor Yang Moo-Jin of the University of North Korean Studies. - Flashpoints - The North's state media, meanwhile, has become a vehicle for abusing South Korean President Park Geun-Hye -- often employing coarse and highly sexist language. Tensions are expected to spike again next week when South Korea and the US kick off a joint military exercise involving tens of thousands of troops. The two week-long Ulchi Freedom drill is one of a number of annual exercises viewed as provocative rehearsals for invasion by Pyongyang, which often test fires missiles in a mark of protest. Yang said the North might opt for a low-key response this time around so as to avoid undermining a Cold War-flavoured stand-off that has built up over South Korea's recent decision to deploy a sophisticated US anti-missile system on its territory. While Seoul and Washington insist the deployment is purely defensive in nature, it has been sharply criticised by Beijing and Moscow. Now this is some classy in-flight entertainment. A group of students from Lee University Campus Choir, based in Cleveland, Tennessee, were aboard a Delta flight when they broke out into a beautiful rendition of the hymn "I Love You, Lord." Read: Husband Surprises Multiple Sclerosis-Stricken Wife With Flash Mob Show for 10th Anniversary Footage taken aboard the plane shows the 55 students captivating other passengers while their conductor instructs them from the middle of a row of seats. "Everybody was clapping," Johnna Phillips, co-director of the choir, told Thursday. "They loved it." The group was flying from Atlanta to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands as part of a ministry trip, and they were wearing matching t-shirts at the time, Phillips said. One of the flight attendants noticed the shirts and asked if they could sing. The choir didn't even flinch. They'll sing "in a McDonald's," Phillips said. "Well sing anywhere that they like us to sing." Read: Children's Choir Brings Disney Princess to Tears With Powerful Performance But the performance wasn't the only impressive part of the trip. While the students were in Tortola, they worked with a church, a bible school and daycare and carried out numerous service projects. "We did cleanup work for their elementary school," Phillips said. "We cleaned out their landscaping beds. We did a lot of weeding and we painted." Watch: Choir Serenades Newlyweds During Their First Dance at Bar Related Articles: By PTI: Patna/Gopalganj, Aug 18 (PTI) The death of 15 people in Gopalganj may have been due to consumption of either hooch or spurious substance mixed in some drink, the district administration today said as it mulled sending viscera and blood samples of the deceased for forensic test. Meanwhile Chief Minister Nitish Kumar expressed grave concern over the Gopalganj tragedy, the first major incident after Bihar was declared a complete dry state on April 5. advertisement He told reporters that the incident was serious and expressed confidence that truth would come out in the forensic test of viscera and blood samples of deceased. Gopalganj District Magistrate Rahul Kumar said post-mortem report of the deceased indicated death due to either consumption of hooch or some spurious substance mixed in some drink. "The district administration would approach court to seek its permission to hand over viscera and blood sample of deceased for forensic test," Superintendent of Police Raviranjan Kumar said. Nitish Kumar appealed to the kin of the deceased not to be scared and speak the truth so that the culprits behind the incident could be caught and severely punished. He said if the deaths are due to hooch, compensation of Rs 4 lakh each would be given to the family members of the victims. He said Chief Secretary Anjani Kumar Singh and state police chief P K Thakur were keeping a close watch over the Gopalganj incident and there was no chance of culprits escaping from the law. The chief minister said total prohibition in Bihar since April has taken shape of a social change under which some such unpleasant events would crop up which would be dealt with sternly. SP Kumar said that six persons have been arrested in connection with death of 15 people on Tuesday. An FIR has been lodged against the six and some others with the town police station. DM Kumar said a hectic search is on for two persons released recently after arrest under new Excise law. Even relatives of some of the deceased told us their names, he said but refused to disclose the names which might disturb the probe. The SP said that during search operations in Khajurbanni locality, 45 gallons of mahua (country liquor) hidden inside the earth have been recovered. In addition, 25 empty bottles of a homeopathic medicine Dhuja which has alcoholic contents have been also found from the place of incident, the SP added. The DM said that initially 13 people had died but later two more succumbed at Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) in Patna where four more are under treatment. advertisement The Gopalganj incident has provided opportunity to opposition BJP and its NDA partners to attack the Nitish government. PTI SNS CR ZMN --- ENDS --- BRAZZAVILLE (Reuters) - An opposition leader in Congo Republic, detained since June on charges of violating state security and illegally possessing weapons of war, was denied bail on Thursday by an appeal court in the capital Brazzaville, his lawyer said. Jean-Marie Michel Mokoko, the former army chief and a power broker in the former French colony's 1990s civil war, finished third to long-serving President Denis Sassou Nguesso in a March election criticized by opposition parties and foreign powers for irregularities. Sassou Nguesso's government has accused Mokoko of involvement in an alleged coup attempt in 2007. Mokoko's supporters say the president is trying to stifle dissent, a charge the government denies. Mokoko's lawyer, Yvon Eric Ibouoanga, told Reuters the court's decision "lacked a legal basis". Additional charges of incitement of public disorder were also brought against Mokoko on Thursday, apparently in connection with his calls for civil disobedience after the election results were announced. Sassou Nguesso, 72, has ruled the small oil-producing nation for 32 of the last 37 years. He successfully pushed through changes to the constitution last year that allowed him to stand for a third consecutive term, triggering violent protests that killed at least 18 people. Another opposition leader, Paulin Makaya, was sentenced to two years in prison last month for his role in protests against the referendum on the third term. (Reporting by Christian Elion; Writing by Aaron Ross; Editing by Tim Cocks) For this North Carolina couple, one man's trash is truly another man's "Thriller." Mike and Amber Hernon of Concord were scouring their local thrift store when they purchased an old Michael Jackson cassette for 25 cents. That seemed like a reasonable price, until days later, they realized it was signed by the King of Pop himself. Read: Girl, 8, Tells Obama in Adorable Letter to 'Wear Tie-Dye,' 'Do Something Fun,' President Responds "We were ecstatic," Amber told, "kind of in shock." She said they were looking around their local thrift store, Heavenly Treasures, when two cassettes caught their eye one by Fleetwood Mac and Michael Jackson's "Bad." Mike joked that even though one of their cars had a cassette player, they hardly ever used it. But both their families had been huge fans of Michael Jackson, and for just a quarter, "we couldn't pass it up," Amber said. They tossed it aside, but days later, Amber said she wanted to show their sons pictures of the superstar behind such hits as "Billie Jean" and "Man in the Mirror," and what she found inside the cassette was truly shocking. "We opened it up and realized it was signed," Amber said. Susanne Lambert, the owner of Heavenly Treasures, told most of the goods they sell are purchased in estate sales. "There's no telling what house it came from," Lambert said of the cassette. "They might have passed away." Amber said the piece of memorabilia is "pretty priceless to us," and her husband insisted they weren't interested in finding out the cassette's monetary value. Read: Afghan Boy Who Received Signed Jersey From Soccer Star Forced to Move Amid Safety Concerns Amber said while selling the artifact was out of the question, they would consider having the signature appraised, to confirm that it is the John Hancock of the real Michael Jackson, who died in 2009 at age 50. Story continues Darren Julien of Julien Auctions in West Hollywood, California, told that if the signature is authentic, it could fetch between $1,000 and $3,000. "Having it appraised puts a dollar to it, but that's not really the value to us," Mike said. "It doesn't matter if it's $12 or $1,200. How we got it and who we got it from is worthless in value to us." Watch: Man Discovers Heartwarming Letter Tucked Inside Used Record: 'Play It Loud For Mark' Related Articles: A Utah couple have tied the knot in a unique wedding venue the neonatal intensive care unit of the hospital, where their baby has been since she was born nearly a year ago. Shawn Donovan and Vilayvone Thipsouvan of Salt Lake City knew they wanted their kids present when they got married, so they chose the NICU, surrounded by friends, family and their two daughters. Read: Nurses Inspire Bride With Terminal Cancer to Continue Treatment After Throwing Her a Wedding "Having the option to have it in the hospital seemed like a better option than a courthouse," Donovan said. He told that he and his wife have been talking about getting married for the past two years, but between working full-time jobs, caring for their 2-year-old daughter, and never leaving the bedside of their infant, they never found a moment to exchange vows. Finally, with the help of the hospital chaplain, they were married beside baby Zariah's hospital bed among 20 members of their friends, family, and hospital staff who have provided emotional support to the couple since their baby was born more than 3 months premature. The wedding came a week before Donovan moved to Ohio with baby Zariah in search of better treatment for her conditions, leaving his new wife and 2-year-old Raven behind on the other side of the country. "It was day and night," Donovan said about Zariah's improvement since she was moved to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus. "She's actually smiling and happy." Donovan said their baby girl, who was diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) was given a 0 percent chance of survival earlier this summer, but their odds since transferring hospitals has skyrocketed to a 96 percent chance. Read: Sheriff's Deputy Gently Cradles Baby Girl on the Side of the Road After Crash In recent videos posted to their Facebook page, ZariahStrong, the girl who turns 1 in September can be seen playing with toys and sucking her fingers, a miraculous transformation from just weeks ago when she was medically paralyzed. Story continues In fact, Donovan said it's been "very up and down" since Zariah was born after just 24 weeks of gestation. The average term of pregnancy for a woman is 40 weeks. When Thipsouvan prematurely went into labor, they were turned away from a hospital because their facility didn't have a NICU. The second hospital, Donovan said, didn't consider babies viable until they reach 24 weeks. "My wife looked at me and started crying," Donovan recalled. "She said, 'Don't let him kill my baby. That's not an option.'" So they were airlifted to the University of Utah, where surprisingly, Zariah did better than anyone expected after she was born. But since that moment, little Zariah's life has been spent in the hospital where she's fought off one problem after another. From open heart surgery to a collapsed lung and three bouts of pneumonia, baby Zariah has gone through more in 11-months than most people do in their entire lives. In fact, at their previous facility, doctors gave Zariah a devastating 0 percent chance of survival. According to Donovan, doctors said, "this isn't a way for a child to live. We're going to pull the plug. If she doesn't make it, she doesn't make it." But Zariah miraculously pulled through. Read: 3-Year-Old Boy Battling Terminal Cancer Sworn In as Honorary FDNY Firefighter Doctors at Nationwide Children's Hospital even estimate that in three years, Zariah will walk out of their facility a healthy toddler. But for now, Donovan said baby Zariah is making do nearly 1,500 miles away from her mom and older sister, who asks every night, "Are we going to see daddy?" The family has started a GoFundMe page to raise funds toward their daughter's medical bills. Watch: One of the Smallest Preemies to Ever Survive Is Thriving After Being Born 3 Months Early Related Articles: By Olivia Oran NEW YORK (Reuters) - Credit Suisse Group AG is accusing a group of five investment bankers who left for Jefferies Group LLC in May of stealing confidential information and trying to coax former colleagues to join them. The dispute, which has not been previously reported, offers insight into how the Swiss bank's push into wealth management under Chief Executive Officer Tidjane Thiam may be prompting the departure of bankers that Wall Street businesses want to retain. Credit Suisse said in a petition in New York State Supreme Court in June that the bankers printed out and had access to proprietary information that could be used for the benefit of Jefferies. Documents in the court case also accused the bankers of conspiring to attract members of Credit Suisse's technology banking team to Jefferies. The Swiss bank is asking the court to block the five, all former managing directors, from using proprietary information it said they obtained before quitting. Credit Suisse did not name Jefferies Group as a defendant in the case. The former employees, Steve West, Bill Brady, John Metz, Cameron Lester and Cully Davis, had worked in Credit Suisse's technology, media and telecom investment banking group, handling high-profile deals such as Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's $25 billion IPO. They denied Credit Suisse's allegations. Lawyers for the bankers and Jefferies could not immediately be reached to comment. Credit Suisse declined to comment. The departure of the five to Jefferies raised eyebrows on Wall Street. Several of them had worked at Credit Suisse for over a decade. But in court filings, their lawyers argued they had little choice but to leave Credit Suisse to foster their careers, since the Swiss bank was moving away from "investment banking." The lawyers cited news articles with headlines to that effect and comments from Thiam, who became CEO in June 2015, about the bank's shift toward wealth management and away from capital-intensive businesses such as bond trading. While the term "investment banking" is sometimes used to refer broadly to institutional businesses, Credit Suisse has said it is not moving away from traditional work done by these former employees, like advising on mergers or underwriting initial public offerings. Nonetheless, Thiam's emphasis of wealth management has alienated some of the dealmakers. Credit Suisse has suffered a number of senior banker departures in 2016, including global chairman of M&A David DeNunzio, who left for a role at Wells Fargo & Co . For the first half of 2016, Credit Suisse ranked No. 6 for U.S. announced M&A, down from No. 4 during the same period a year earlier, according to Thomson Reuters data. In court documents, Credit Suisse said its former employees printed and transferred confidential information about transactions, client presentations, conferences and internal research. The bank said they could cause "irreparable harm" if they used the information. They said the information could help the five to pursue deals that were in Credit Suisse's pipeline. David Wah, global co-head of the tech, media and telecom group at Credit Suisse, said in an affidavit that senior managers at Jefferies were also soliciting junior Credit Suisse employees. Wah called the recruitment efforts "ongoing and aggressive" and targeted in such a way that made Credit Suisse suspect the former bankers. Under separation agreements, the five were prohibited from recruiting from Credit Suisse for three months. In court filings, lawyers for the former employees denied they had taken confidential information or courted other Credit Suisse employees, and said the Swiss bank was retaliating against them for leaving. "After publicly announcing that it would shift focus from investment banking and reduce resources allocated thereto, Credit Suisse is now indignant that respondents found another opportunity to attempt to move on with their career," the bankers' lawyers wrote. The filings also revealed retention agreements Credit Suisse had given some of the bankers in 2015 and 2016 to discourage them from leaving. These cash awards, which vested at the end of each year, were on top of their annual salaries and end-of-year bonuses. Such retention agreements are rare, compensation experts said, because they are all in cash. Bank compensation is typically tied up in stock to encourage long-term performance, with a small portion payable in up-front cash. The case is Credit Suisse Securities USA LLC v. Stephen West, William Brady, John Metz, Robert Lester and Charles Davis, Supreme Court, New York of New York, No. 653002/2016 - Brazilian police pulled two US Olympic swimmers off a US-bound plane in a row over their claim of having been victims of an armed mugging, officials said Wednesday. "We can confirm that Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz were removed from their flight to the United States by Brazilian authorities," said Patrick Sandusky, spokesman for the US Olympic Committee. The two were with star US swimmer Ryan Lochte and another squad member, James Feigen, when they said they were robbed at gunpoint early Sunday. A Brazilian judge ordered a probe, saying their story is full of inconsistencies. "The swimmers are here and making statements," an airport police spokesman told AFP, without giving further details. Globo, a leading Brazilian news organization, posted a video online showing the two swimmers walking into a police station. They were later released "with the understanding that they would continue their discussions about the incident on Thursday," Sandusky said. AFP Beni (DR Congo) (AFP) - Authorities slapped a dawn-to-dusk curfew on two towns in northeast DR Congo Thursday, following deadly clashes over the government's failure to prevent repeated civilian massacres. Interior Minister Evariste Boshab announced the 7:00 pm to 6:00 am curfew on Butembo as well as Beni were he flew into following the massacre of 51 civilians in the town last weekend. The slaying in which victims were the latest in a string of massacres that has left more than 700 dead since 2014. The gruesome Saturday night killings prompted an angry march by hundreds of people from Butembo to Beni on Wednesday, which ended in tear gas, gunfire and clashes, leaving a policeman and a protester dead. In a separate incident, a woman was beaten to death with stones and sticks and her body set alight on suspicion of being a member of the rebel group believed to be behind the civilian massacres. - 'What did he come for?' - The violence added to the existing tension in Democratic Republic of Congo, where fears are mounting that President Joseph Kabila plans to hold on to power after his second mandate expires in December. The United States has warned of the threat of more violence in the mineral-rich nation of 70 million people. In Beni on Wednesday, an effigy of Kabila was burned in the town's main market, as were flags of Kabila's ruling People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy (PPRD). The deadly protests came a day after Prime Minister Augustin Matata was booed by hundreds outside Beni's town hall, after he visited the massacre site. "What did he come for? We don't need humanitarian aid, but peace," said Germain Katembo, a survivor of the massacre who lost three members of his family. The killings have been blamed by the government on the rebel Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a partly Islamist armed group of Ugandan origin. The group has been present in DR Congo for more than two decades and is accused of a litany of human rights abuses. The ADF, opposed to Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni, is thought to be heavily involved with criminal networks funded by kidnappings, smuggling and logging. But a report published in March by the Congo Research Group at New York University, which probed the massacres around Beni, claimed that soldiers from the regular army had also participated in the killings. By PTI: Bareilly (UP), Aug 18 (PTI) Hafiz Saeed, Pakistan-based Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief and mastermind of Mumbai terror attack, cannot be considered a Muslim as he has "terrorist ideology" and has "brought infamy to Islam", declared an Islamic seminary here while giving a fatwa (edict) against him. The seminary of the Barelvi sect dubbed Saeed, founder of the Lashkar-e-Taiba who carries a USD 10 million bounty on his head, as "outcast" from Islam and declared that following him or considering him as Muslim is "illegal". advertisement A fatwa is a legal pronouncement in Islam which is given by a mufti, a Muslim scholar of a recognised authority, who is an interpreter or expounder of Islamic law. The fatwa issued by Mufti Mohammed Saleem of Manzar-e- Islam Saudagaran, an institution associated with Dargah Ala Hazrat, said that considering Saeed as a Muslim and listening to his words was "illegal" and "prohibited". As per the fatwa, Saeed is a man with "terrorist ideology", who with his acts has brought "infamy to Islam and Muslims across the world". "Therefore, it is compulsory for every Muslim not to follow him and keep away from his ideology," it said. The fatwa was issued in a reply to a question asked by one Mohd Moinuddin of Jaipur who had mentioned in his query that Saeed considered those writing against Allah and Prophet Mohammad as Muslims. Besides, Saeed publicised anti-religious ideology and points of view and provoked people to create terror, Moinuddin said and asked whether such a person should be considered as Muslim. In his fatwa, Mufti Saleem said that having any type of connection with persons working against the dignity of Allah and the Prophet was illegal and haraam, an act that is forbidden by Allah. It said since Saeed was having contacts with such persons, he has been outcast from Islam. The ruling came close on the heels of Saeed asking Pakistan Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif to send troops to Kashmir to "obey" the pending order of Pakistan founder M A Jinnah. Addressing a rally held under the banner of Defence Council of Pakistan in Karachi on Sunday, Saeed had claimed, "Kashmiris had announced before the partition that they wanted to remain with Pakistan. But after the partition, India forcibly sent Army to Jammu and Kashmir. "On this Quaid-e-Azam, Mohammad Ali Jinnah ordered his commander-in-chief to respond by sending troops but he refused (to obey his orders). Now, I ask Gen Raheel Sharif to send troops in (Jammu and) Kashmir as Quaid-e-Azams order is pending," Saeed said. He said he was not asking for a war with India but they (Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Raheel) must form a strategy regarding the Kashmir issue. PTI COR AVA SMI ZMN AKK --- ENDS --- advertisement (Reuters) - Legendary Russian-American dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov has denounced Donald Trump as a "totalitarian opportunist,' saying the Republican presidential candidate's speeches remind him of his years in the Soviet Union. Baryshnikov, 68, who defected to the West in 1974, made his views known in a video released on Wednesday in which he threw his support behind Democratic White House hopeful Hillary Clinton. "Today, as a citizen of the United States, for the first time, Im hearing rhetoric that reminds me of the Soviet Union of my youth, where it was a crime, and continues to be, a crime to be different," Baryshnikov said. "Take it from one who knows. Hundreds of thousands of people like me have fled from countries led by dangerous totalitarian opportunists like Donald Trump," he added. Baryshnikov's video, titled '#ITrustHer', was produced by Humanity for Hillary, a social media campaign of artists that aims to build support for Clinton ahead of the Nov. 8 election. Baryshnikov, regarded as one of the world's best ballet dancers, defected from what was then the Soviet Union seeking more artistic freedom. He went on to lead the American Ballet Theatre and to co-found the White Oak Dance Project, as well as building a career as an actor in films like "The Turning Point" and the TV series "Sex and the City." You can watch the video here: (Reporting by Reuters Television; Writing by Melissa Fares in New York; Editing by Frances Kerry) Delta Air Lines has introduced what they call the world's first all-suite business class, with suites featuring sliding doors that enclose fliers in their own little cubicle. The airline introduced their Delta One suite this week, touting it as a first for business class travel. Individual suites with sliding doors already exist at Singapore Airlines for fliers who opt for the highest-tiered ticket. Likewise, First Class cabins on Emirates also boast individual suites with privacy sliding doors. The new feature is meant to appeal to business fliers who may need to catch up on sleep before alighting for a big meeting upon arrival, or those who wish to be undisturbed throughout the flight. The Delta One suites will make their debut on the A350, due to enter service next fall, and will feature 32 individual suites. Delta will be the first US airline to take delivery of the A350 which will primarily serve routes between the US and Asia. Along with lie-flat beds, the suites will have customizable ambient lighting, stowage compartments for shoes, headphones and laptops, an 18-inch high-resolution monitor, and universal power outlet and USB port. Following the A350 debut, the Delta One suite will be rolled out on the carrier's Boeing 777 fleet. Delta's business class suites are meant to rival United Airlines' recently announced business class Polaris cabin, featuring flatbeds, electronic dividers, and luxury bedding by Saks Fifth Avenue, which will debut December 1. Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine is heading to late night. Hillary Clinton's running mate is set to visit The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Aug. 25, it was announced Thursday. This marks the Virginia senator's first late-night appearance since he was selected as Clinton's running mate in June. Their first joint interview was also on CBS, specifically for 60 Minutes. So far, Kaine's solo interviews have skewed away from the traditional path. He granted one of his first individual interviews to Telemundo, the NBCUniversal-owned Spanish network. Clinton will appear on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday, Aug. 22, for her first late-night stop since accepting the Democratic Party nomination last month. Earlier this month, Colbert famously discussed the similarities in appearance between Kaine and one of his Late Show staffers, Mark Spada, as seen in the video below. Colbert has increasingly taken advantage of the upcoming presidential election for his show. In addition to taping live shows for both the RNC and DNC, CBS recently announced that The Late Show will air live during the presidential debates. The Late Show airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. on CBS. This article outlines the recent trend in housing in the front range market, and outlines how as home prices in Denver continue to increase, move residents are moving south to cities such as Colorado Springs DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / As the Denver real estate market continues to see large increases in demand for properties with a limited amount of inventory available on the market, home prices are exponentially trending upward, which is forcing residents to move south in search for a less-crowded, more affordable place to live. Colorado Springs is at the very top of that list, as it's only about an hour drive from the Denver metro area, and is a great place to live and work, as the taxes are low and job opportunities are on the rise, with the city creating more payroll jobs than any other city in the country for the second straight month in a row. But along with this love affair of the Colorado Springs area, and the increasing number of Denver residents that are moving there to seek refuge, comes the over-population of this area, which is now experiencing the same increase in home prices as Denver. This trend in increasing property values is also attracting professional home buyers and real estate investors such as who seek to identify distressed properties in the community, and rehabilitate them to full market value for a hefty profit. This is causing residents to look even further south, and buy homes in areas such as Pueblo and Trinidad, which is a good 1 - 2 hour drive from the Denver area. Local real estate experts say that this trend is likely to continue throughout 2017, as we see more out of state residents move into Denver and Colorado Springs, forcing the housing prices to rise even further, and create an ever-increasing demand for homes, as the inventory is still lacking in a big way to supply this ferocious appetite of consumers. Home prices and values will likely continue to keep rising, and residents will continue to move further south in search of affordable housing. The taxes are much lower in the southern cities when compared with the Denver metro area, and while the prices are steadily rising, they're still much cheaper than purchasing in the downtown area, where homes are selling for much more than they are worth due to the high demand for housing from new residents that are flooding the state from different locations all around the entire country. This trend in increasing property values has also attracted a lot of young entrepreneurs and real estate investors to the area, who advertise we buy houses Denver with the hopes of attracting highly motivated sellers who are looking to sell their homes quickly for cash, so that they can then renovate the properties and then list them on the market for a nice profit. With home prices increases 3% - 5% each year, it really does make sense to get into this type of business in 2016, as the market is looking to continue trending upward for at least the next ten years, most experts say. New companies are coming into this marketplace each day, and the competition is extremely fierce. We have received reports that this summer was a cut-throat period in the local real estate market, and some businesses are using underhanded tactics to achieve domination over their competitors. The real estate markets along the front range are only going to continue on this trend for at least another ten years, so it would be best to brace for the impact, as more people move into these cities, and the markets continue to expand at an exponential rate, driving demand for housing up even higher than it already is now. For more information, please visit Contact Info: Name: Brian Rudderow Organization: HBR Colorado Address: 3023 1/2 W. Colorado Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Phone: (719) 286-0053 SOURCE: HBR Colorado The August 4th decision by the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) not to modernize the consent decrees that govern performing rights societies ASCAP and BMI, and its plans to force a "full-work" licensing model into the market, are the equivalent of an earthquake for the global music community, and most of all for songwriters. It opens a new era full of uncertainty for the music industry. Dept. of Justice Makes a Dramatic Change for Music Licensing Official CISAC, which regroups 239 societies from 123 countries, including ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and AMRA in the United States, has been monitoring the evolution of the licensing ecosystem in the US with much concern. Because of the size of the US market and its influence in the world, any changes in the way our US members operate has consequences for sister societies, songwriters and music publishers worldwide. We had high hopes that the DoJ would have taken these factors into account and come up with solutions to ensure a better, more efficient licensing system in the US in its two-year review of the ASCAP and BMI consent decrees. Yet for some reason the much-needed reform of the US licensing landscape took a wrong turn at the expense of creators, music publishers and their societies. The DoJ's statement and its decision to leave the ASCAP and BMI consent decrees unchanged simply means ignoring market realities. Dating back to the 1940s, these decrees desperately need a fresh look to allow ASCAP and BMI, as well as their affiliated creators and publishers, to offer licensing solutions that correspond to today's needs and the rapidly evolving digital marketplace. Failure to update the consent decrees could force rights holders to withdraw rights in order to license them outside of the collective management network, consequently throwing the whole system that has supported songwriters for decades into disarray. This is not only dangerous for the effective functioning of the licensing market, but also unfair to songwriters. Story continues Dept. of Justice Slams BMI's Protest of Licensing Changes Rather than reforming and modernizing the consent decrees, the DoJ has chosen to interpret them in a manner that forces a "full work" licensing scheme, thus bringing to an end the system of fractional licensing that worked for the music community and for licensees for years. The wisdom in doing so is hard to understand from both a market as well as legal point of view. "Full-work" licensing would see rights holders having their rights licensed by entities that were not mandated by them and that they are not affiliated to. It could also see competing societies (either subject to the consent decrees or not) having their rights licensed by rivals. That in itself raises numerous legal issues and is unprecedented in developed and western music markets. From a business standpoint, this approach would likely put pressure on royalty rates and impose further confusion and complexity in a market occupied by multiple licensing entities. This is not the approach that one would expect to find in the world's largest music industry. It is clear that the DoJ's decisions have been made without taking the interests of creators, neither American nor international, into account. It is also clear that they were made with total disregard for the international framework, where fractional licensing is practiced, even if its less of a factor because many countries only have one performance rights organization representing songwriters in their territory. International copyright laws grant songwriters exclusive rights, giving them the power to decide who will license their rights in each territory and it is these rights that underpin the landscape in which authors' societies operate. The international system of collective management of rights, which is based on reciprocal representation agreements and founded on the freedom of choice of the rights holder, would be negatively affected by such level of government intervention, at a time when it needs support more than ever. ASCAP, BMI Announce Plans for Bilateral Fight Against Dept. of Justice Decision Undoubtedly, the US has the right to organize its market the way it sees fit. But taking a system which already requires improvements and further tampering with it in a manner that is so far removed from market realities, international practices and the needs of rights holders makes little sense. It singles out the US, but for all the wrong reasons. Our member societies accept that they are often in a monopolistic position in their respective countries and, because of this, they also understand the scrutiny that comes with this status. However in western economies we rarely see such overwhelming control of collective management organizations by the government. In the land of the free market economy, music is regulated like no other good or service and to the detriment of songwriters. It is as if songwriters were a major threat to... well, to who exactly? It is not very difficult to figure out who will be the beneficiaries of the DoJ's approach and, in particular, the "full-work" licensing scheme. As if paying songwriters their fair share was unbearable for big media and tech companies, the DoJ came to their rescue by tilting the balance even more in their favor. It is very clear that the decisions taken by the DoJ after more than two years of review will create a major imbalance that will certainly not be in favor of songwriters and publishers. This is why, on behalf of four million creators represented by CISAC's members around the world, we fully back and support the undertaking by ASCAP and BMI to join forces against the decisions, to pursue a legislative solution and challenge the DoJ's decision in Federal Court. These are extreme, time-consuming and expensive steps that could have been avoided. Yet drastic times call for drastic measures. We do hope that these measures will eventually open the door to a fruitful and fair discussion on the state of the US licensing market and the solutions that we can find, collectively, to make it more efficient and fairer for all stakeholders. Gadi Oron is the Director General of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), a Paris-based organization that regroups 239 rights societies from 123 countries, including ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and AMRA in the United States. By Anuradha Nagaraj CHENNAI, India (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - More than a quarter of India's land is turning to desert and the rate of degradation of agricultural areas is increasing, according to new analysis of satellite images. A report from the Indian Space Research Organization says land degradation - broadly defined as loss of productivity - is estimated at 96 million hectares, or nearly 30 percent of Indian land. "As a country we should be more than alarmed by this data," said S. Janakarajan, chairman of the South Asia Consortium for Inter-disciplinary Water Resources Studies. "There is no coherent plan to reverse this process or its impact." Analysis of satellite mapping shows new areas in the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir and eastern Indian states like Orissa and Jharkhand turning arid, with nine states together accounting for nearly 24 percent of desertification. In states like Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Delhi, Gujarat and Goa, more than 50 percent of land is under desertification. "Population pressure has resulted in over exploitation of land for cultivation, grazing, water resources and deforestation leading to degradation of drylands," Indian minister Jitendra Singh wrote in the report. The ongoing study, initiated by the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, was led by the Indian Space Research Organization and involved 19 other institutes. It analyzed satellite images over an eight year period to compile the atlas. "This is the first time we are looking at a digital atlas of degradation and it is pointing at newer areas undergoing desertification," A.S. Rajawat of the Space Applications Center told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "It is a ready reckoner to understand where we stand and the impact of land degradation on agricultural productivity." (Reporting by Anuradha Nagaraj, Editing by Ros Russell; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking and climate change. Visit Nate Parker (far right) in The Birth of a Nation (Photo: Fox Searchlight) By Brent Lang and James Rainey, Variety Nate Parker is going ahead with plans to be the public face of The Birth of a Nation despite the furor surrounding rape accusations that were made against the actor, writer, and director when he was a student at Penn State University. He will be on hand at the films Toronto Film Festival premiere next month, where he will participate in a scheduled media junket. Parker and Fox Searchlight, the boutique label behind the film, have no plans to hide the filmmaker from the press. He will still go ahead with a scheduled promotional roadshow, a source close to the studio said one that will take him to major cities such as Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. Although there has been speculation that the controversy surrounding news of the 2001 rape trial would imperil The Birth of a Nations Oscar chances, Fox Searchlight management considers that a secondary concern, sources say. The company, which is opening the movie wide on Oct. 7, as planned, is more interested in the film being a commercial success than it is with capturing awards. Fox spent a whopping $17.5 million to acquire the picture at Sundance and is prepared to make a big media spend, according to a source familiar with the plans. A Toronto Film Festival official says Parkers film will remain on the schedule for the festival, which is often a proving ground for movies hoping to make noise during awards season. TIFF is proud to help bring The Birth of a Nation and the important story it tells to audiences, said a spokesperson, in a statement. We will present the film as planned. Related: Nate Parkers Rape Accuser Committed Suicide in 2012: Her Brother Speaks Out (EXCLUSIVE) Parker stuck to his schedule in the immediate aftermath of news breaking about the 1999 rape case, in which he was acquitted. He received a Vanguard Award Thursday night from the Sundance Institute, which had supported the making of Birth of a Nation through its Feature Film Program. The organization also announced the creation of a Sundance Institute/Birth of a Nation Fellowship, to be awarded to young filmmakers. Over the weekend, he and Aja Naomi King (who plays Turners wife in the film) had a Q&A with Spike Lee at the Marthas Vineyard African American Film Festival, and separately, Fox Searchlight had a private screening of his movie. Story continues As a student at Penn State, Parker and his friend, Jean Celestin, were charged with raping an 18-year old, who claimed she was unconscious after drinking heavily. Both men said the sex was consensual. Parker was acquitted of the rape charges in 2001, but Celestin, who co-wrote The Birth of a Nation, was found guilty of sexual assault. He appealed the verdict and was granted a new trial in 2005, but the case never made it back to court after the woman declined to testify again. That part of Parkers history has been on his Wikipedia page and on several websites, though it was not widely known throughout the industry. This week, however, news broke that Parker and Celestins accuser committed suicide in 2012. In a Facebook post, Parker said he was devastated by the news of her death, while maintaining his innocence. I cant help but think of all the implications this has for her family, he wrote. I cannot, nor do I want to, ignore the pain she endured during and following our trial. Even though Fox Searchlight is moving forward with its publicity plans, it is getting help from an outside crisis PR firm that is routinely enlisted by its parent company, 21st Century Fox. Related: Nate Parker Pens Response to New Details of College Rape Case: I Am Filled With Profound Sorrow After The Birth of a Nation sold for a record amount at Sundance, Parker lined up a series of projects. He was slated to adapt Carry On, a true life story of disabled wrestlers for Walden Media, and he also sold an original feature film idea to Legendary Pictures. A spokeswoman for Walden declined to comment on whether or not the company still planned to move forward with the project. A spokesman for Legendary confirmed that Parker had a project set up at the company, but declined to offer additional comment. rtx1trd5 Eric Ben-Artzi is a brave man. The former Deutsche Bank risk officer was one of three whistleblowers who reported improper accounting at the German bank to regulators in 2010 and 2011. In 2015, the US Securities and Exchange Commission imposed a $55 million fine against the bank over the issue. Ben-Artzi is due a share of 15% of this sum, adding up to $8.25 million. In an opinion piece in the Financial Times on Thursday, he revealed that he had rejected the payout. He said: "But Deutsche did not commit this wrongdoing. Deutsche was the victim. To be precise, the bank's shareholders and its rank-and-file employees who are now losing their jobs in droves are the primary victims. "Meanwhile, top executives retired with multimillion-dollar bonuses based on the misrepresentation of the bank's balance sheet. It is therefore especially disappointing that in 2015, after a lengthy investigation helped by multiple whistleblowers, the SEC imposed a fine on Deutsche's shareholders instead of the managers responsible." And then (emphasis added): "Although I need the money now more than ever, I will not join the looting of the very people I was hired to protect. I never intended to turn a job in risk management into a crusade, but after suffering at the hands of the Deutsche executives I will not join them simply because I cannot beat them. "I request that my share of the award be given to Deutsche and its stakeholders, and the award money clawed back from the bonuses paid to the Deutsche executives, especially the former top SEC attorneys. "I would then be happy to collect any award for which I am eligible." Talk about making a statement. In his piece, Ben-Artzi really homes in on two hot-button issues that get a lot of people on Wall Street uncomfortable: the revolving door between Wall Street and regulators, and the regulators' propensity to fine the firm, rather than the individual. federal reserve On the first issue, he details the numerous Deutsche Bank lawyers who moved to and from the firm and the SEC. This is common on Wall Street, and it is something that the Federal Reserve for one has sought to address. Story continues For example, bank supervisors at the Fed can't join a bank that they had been supervising for a year after leaving. Still, the relationship between Wall Street banks and the regulators supervising them continues to be a focus. For example, Jason Gross, a former Fed employee, last year admitted to leaking confidential government information to Rohit Bansal, a banker at Goldman Sachs. They pleaded guilty to theft of government property in November. Then there is the lack of individual convictions. Earlier this year, Jean Eaglesham and Anupreeta Das from The Wall Street Journal carried out a study on the 156 criminal and civil cases brought by various regulators, including the US Justice Department and the SEC, against the 10 largest Wall Street banks in the past seven years. Less than one in five of those cases, or 19% of them, identified or charged an individual. It's part of the reason why Hillary Clinton has made reining in Wall Street part of her presidential campaign pitch: "There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail." Hillary #DemDebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 18, 2016 In turning down $8.25 million, Ben-Artzi made his stand in one of the most dramatic ways possible. Correction: An earlier version of this post said Ben-Artzi was due $16.5 million. He is in fact due $8.25 million. NOW WATCH: How Merrill Lynch changed the way people are paid on Wall Street More From Business Insider Jamie Curry, the teen comedian whose Jamies World page has nearly 10 million fans on Facebook, has signed with WME for representation. Overall, the 20-year-old New Zealand native has more than 12 million followers across all digital platforms, including YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Curry rose to popularity with her buoyant vlogs and skits on YouTube and Facebook about teen life with a style that has resonated worldwide. Among her most popular videos are My Sister is SO Annoying! and My First Ball. Last year, Currys first book, They Let Me Write A Book!, was published by HarperCollins, in which she recounts my cowboy hat years, the year I dug a big hole, and the time I pulled down my pants at a badminton game. She also toured throughout New Zealand and Australia, and was nominated for a 2015 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award in the favorite internet sensation category for Australia/New Zealand. i roast myself everyday Jamie Curry (@jaamiecurry) August 8, 2016 WME will rep her across all digital platforms and in film, TV, books and touring. Curry will continue to repped by Imogen Johnson and Julie Cooper at New Zealands Johnson & Laird Management and Danny Miller at Hirsch Wallerstein. Her prominence on Facebook, where shes one of the most popular comedic personalities, underscores how the social giant has become a platform for individual creators to reach a large audience. Earlier this year, CAA signed Matt Bellassai, a former BuzzFeed employee who hosted alcohol-fueled comedy series Whine About It on Facebook. Related stories Corporate Citizenship Programs Seize the Chance to Give Back UFC Sale Revives Talk of WME/IMG IPO Meet the Cage-Fighting Congressman Who's Taking on the UFC An interview between a CNN anchor and a top aide to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump devolved into a palpably uncomfortable debate over polls on Wednesday evening. In a conversation with Yahoo News shortly after the conversation aired, Michael Cohen, an executive vice president and attorney at the Trump Organization, said he believed he controlled the interview with Brianna Keilar. I think I unraveled her, Cohen boasted. The awkwardness occurred after Keilar discussed Cohens comments on the changes to Trumps senior campaign staff that were announced on Wednesday. After a tumultuous two weeks since the national conventions, Trump named a new campaign CEO and a new campaign manager. You say its not a shakeup, but you guys are down, Keilar began. Cohen cut her off. Says who? he asked. After a brief pause, Keilar answered. Polls, most of them, all of them, she said incredulously. Both Keilar and Cohen were silent for at least three seconds before he repeated his question. Says who? Cohen asked. Polls, I just told you. I answered your question, Keilar said. OK, which polls? Cohen asked. All of them, said Keilar. CNNs Brianna Keilar interviewing longtime Donald Trump aide Michael Cohen. (Screenshot: CNN/The Situation Room) Major national polls do indeed show Trump struggling against his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Every poll included in the RealClearPolitics average since July 24 has Clinton ahead. Clinton has also been pulling ahead in recent surveys of key battleground states. Clips of the exchange rapidly began spreading online. Politico media reporter Hadas Gold tweeted, I keep getting sent this clip. Many people on Twitter began making jokes based on Cohens refrain of says who? CNBC executive editor Jay Yarow tweeted a picture of some of the commentary and declared, A meme is born. Cohen told Yahoo News he was stunned by Keilars conduct during the interview. I was shocked at the length of the silence as she stumbled to think of an answer, Cohen said. And when she did come up with an answer, it was so generic it could have applied to anything. Story continues Keilar continued her broadcast for over an hour after her discussion with Cohen. During one of the commercial breaks, she sent Yahoo News a response to his review of the interview. Can you just embed the video in your story? My reaction is that people can watch and decide for themselves, Keilar said. In his conversation with Yahoo, Cohen also said he does not trust the polls Keilar referenced during the broadcast. I completely disagree with the polling information, said Cohen. He specifically pointed to Trumps poor numbers in the African-American community as evidence that the polls may be off. Cohen, who has been working with Trump since 2006 and describes himself as fiercely loyal, has helped coordinate some of the candidates African-American outreach efforts and said his anecdotal experience contradicted the poll data. When they say that Donald Trump has a 1 percent favorability amongst the African-American community, I know from my own interactions that that number is absolutely and unequivocally inaccurate, Cohen explained. I speak on a weekly basis to more than 100 African-American Evangelical preachers who are all committed to ensuring Donald Trump becomes the next president of the United States. Cohen went on to say the over 100 African-Americans he has worked with during the campaign are all convinced Clinton would pander to their community with no ability or intent to follow through. These same individuals have all met with Mr. Trump and have engaged in significant dialogue about issues that effect their specific communities. Unanimously, these African-American Evangelical preachers all acknowledge that Donald Trump is colorblind when it comes to race and is only interested in ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to thrive and achieve the American dream, said Cohen. Cohen also pointed to the crowds at Trumps rallies as a sign polls may be off. I think Mr. Trump and Secretary Clinton are substantially closer than the polls indicate, Cohen explained. The proof is the massive 20-, 25- and 30,000-person rallies that he is attending on a multiple-time-per-week basis. In all honesty, Hilary Clinton cant fill a Starbucks even if they offered free ventis. Cohen concluded by disputing the reports that Trumps staffing changes were the result of his frustration with the state of the race. No such thing. No such thing. Totally deny it. Inaccurate reporting, he said. At least four Hindu temples were vandalised in Malaysia over the last month, leaving the minority Hindus in the country concerned about their safety. By India Today Web Desk: Series of hate crimes taken out on temples and sacred idols have left Hindus in Malaysia much concerned about their safety. Reports of such vandals have been coming since early this year. Minority Hindus from all around the world expressed concern as the spate of temple desecration in Penang became more frequent over the last month. advertisement Here's a quick glance at the vandals that have been reported. Muthu Mariamman temple Two statues of deities were vandalised the Muthu Mariamman temple in Ara Kuda early in July, prompting the temple committee considered installing CCTV cameras for security. While nothing was stolen from the century-old temple, idols of Lord Muruga and Goddess Amman had been found smashed on the floor earlier in July. The state government is said to have given RM 10,000 (around Rs 1,67,000) to the temple committee for the damage. On July 13, police arrested a man on the charges of vadalising the temple. Sri Madurai Veeran Temple The Dewa Sri Madurai Veeran Temple at Sungai Nibong Kecil was found vandalised on July 3. Here, too, a statue of a deity worth over Rs 8,000 was damaged just before midnight. Preliminary investigations revealed that the temple was not being used for religious rituals at the time, and its committee had been served with a notice to vacate the area, as it was located on private land. Kuil Sri Muniswarar Priests came in to find signs of a break-in at this temple located in Jalan Baru. Idols of Ganesh, Sivalingam and the main deity Munisverar were found to be damaged with "a sharp object." Deputy Chief Minister Dr P Ramasamy said the padlocked grilles of the nearly 70-years-old temple had been pried open. The trunk and arms of the granite Ganesh idol, and the serpent on the Sivalingam statute had been smashed. "The damage is not extensive but once it's broken we can't use the statue again," said Ramasamy. Statues of deities at the Kuil Sri Muniswarar at Jalan Tunku Kudin were reported to have been broken around July 10. Sri Veera Muniswarar Alayam Hindu temple A statue at the Sri Veera Muniswarar Alayam Hindu temple in Petaling Jaya, Old Town, was reported to have been vandalised on July 20. The Star Online reported that a devotee walked in to find the Nagama snake statue inside shattered. With no CCTV installed in the temple, investigation into the matter became difficult. Nonetheless, the temple committee lodged a police report. advertisement Reaction to the vandals Almost eight per cent of Malaysia's 29 million population comprises of ethnic Indians, most of whom are Hindu Tamils. With at least four temples being vandalised and no items being stolen, it is apparent that these attacks are triggered by "Hinduphobia". Speaking to Free and Independent, Ramasamy said, "The pertinent question is why have four Hindu temples been damaged in a short span of two months, in Penang alone? Are there some forces trying to destabilise Penang? Could this be an IS-inspired attack?" Hindu Stateman Rajan Zed urged Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to 'to come up with an effective strategy to put an end to such reported desecration of religious centers in the country'. Building a wall to hide a temple The Chakra reports that the Malaysian government had plans of building a 700m wide wall around a temple in January, which would hide it from the view of drivers on the highway adjacent to it. However, the temple in question was not named. In 2009, a group of about 50 men had marched with severed cow heads to protest against the construction of a Hindu temple in Malaysia. The march triggered tension among the communities during that time, resulting in six of the protesters being arrested. --- ENDS --- advertisement GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump called himself Mr. Brexit on Twitter Thursday, which some took as a suggestion that he will defy the polls just like the unexpected success of the Brexit referendum earlier this year. Trumpwho supported Brexit after the U.K. voted in favor of ittrails his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by an of 6 percentage points, according to a Real Clear Politics collection of recent polls. He is also down in polls of most swing states. British voters also defied expectations in a referendum earlier this over whether to leave the European Union. That move was approved 52% to 48% despite expectations that the country would stay. They will soon be calling me MR. BREXIT! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 18, 2016 Trumps campaign recently hired Cambridge Analytica, a marketing firm that worked with the Brexit campaign, to aid his ailing campaign. - Brazilian cyclist Kleber Ramos and Chinese swimmer Chen Xinyi were disqualified from the Olympic Games for having failed doping tests, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) said. Ramos tested positive for the banned blood booster EPO Cera while Chen took the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide. Diuretics are outlawed as they can be used as masking agents for other doping products. The Brazilian tested positive in a pre-Games test, although the news only emerged after he had competed in the men's road race 10 days ago. Last Friday, Xinhua news agency said Chen had tested positive after her fourth-placed finish in the women's 100m butterfly on August 7. She was provisionally suspended and scratched from the 50m freestyle with her case still pending. In both cases, CAS said "the athlete is disqualified and excluded from the Olympic Games Rio 2016". AFP Down Ticket is Yahoo News complete guide to the most fascinating House, Senate and governors races of 2016. Coming to you every Tuesday and Thursday until Nov. 8. What you need to know today. _____ North Carolina was supposed to be a purple state. But Democrats are suddenly ahead in all the big races. Whats going on? If you want to understand the larger dynamics at play in the 2016 election and how they are reshaping the clash between Republicans and Democrats in real time, from the top of the ticket to the bottom theres no better place to look than North Carolina. And thats a problem for the GOP. Once upon a time, the Tar Heel State was reliably Republican, at least on the presidential level. Sure, Jimmy Carter a southern governor with strong Evangelical ties won there in 1976. But otherwise N.C. voted for every GOP nominee from Richard Nixon in 1968 to George W. Bush in 2004, and much of the time it wasnt even close: George H.W. Bush trounced Michael Dukakis 16 percentage points in 1988, and his son defeated another Massachusetts Democrat, John Kerry, by more than a dozen points 16 years later. Thats why it was such a big deal when Barack Obama inched past John McCain in North Carolina in 2008; his win seemed to signal some sort of shift. Still, Obamas minuscule margin of victory a mere 14,177 votes suggested that, rather than voting Democratic from here on out, N.C. voters would be toggling back and forth between the parties. The fact that Mitt Romney recaptured the state in 2012 while losing nationally only confirmed the conventional wisdom: North Carolina might not be a solid red state any more, but it certainly hadnt transformed into a solid blue state, either. What to make, then, of the latest N.C. polling? According to an NBC/Wall Street Journal survey conducted between Aug. 4 and 10 by Marist College one of only two firms awarded a statewide accuracy grade of A by FiveThirtyEight Hillary Clinton now leads Donald Trump by a staggering 9 percentage points in North Carolina. Down ballot, incumbent Republican Sen. Richard Burr is trailing Democratic challenger Deborah Ross by 2 points among registered voters, 46 percent to 44 percent. And in North Carolinas gubernatorial race, incumbent Republican Gov. Pat McCrory is losing by 7 points to Democratic challenger Roy Cooper, who leads 51 percent to 44 percent. Story continues Of course, one poll does not a blue state make. But the recent trend lines are not encouraging for the GOP. FiveThirtyEight specializes in forecasting election results. To do so, the groups model combines a weighted, adjusted polling average for each state with demographic data, then simulates the election 10,000 times to get each candidates chance of winning. From July 17 to Aug. 1, the FiveThirtyEight model gave Trump a better chance of winning North Carolina than Clinton; his odds peaked at 63.5 percent. But this month, as the polling has shifted in Clintons favor, the two candidates have traded places and the gap between them has continued to widen. Currently, Clinton is a 3-to-1 favorite. Meanwhile, North Carolinas marquee down-ballot races appear to moving in the same direction. McCrory led in pretty much every early poll. But Cooper, his Democratic challenger, has come out ahead in six of the 10 surveys released since the start of spring. (Of the other four, two showed a tie, and the remaining two the only polls since March to give McCrory the edge were conducted by a conservative group.) Coopers position seems to be improving as well. In July, Marist showed him up by 4 percentage points; now, one month later, his lead has nearly doubled. The picture isnt quite as clear in the Senate race, but early evidence of a shift may be emerging. Burr finished first in every survey released before the presidential nominating conventions (and Trumps subsequent slide in the national polls). But only two N.C. soundings have come out since then, and one of them again, from Marist shows Ross taking the lead. A month ago, the Democrat trailed in the same poll by a dispiriting 7 percentage points; now shes up by 2. That 9-point swing could be a fluke. Or it could be a sign of things to come. Either way, the proof is piling up: North Carolina appears, for now, to be breaking toward the Democratic ticket much faster, and more decisively, than anyone anticipated. In 2008, the Obama campaign was ecstatic to win the state by 0.32 percentage points. But now, if current trends continue, Clinton could clobber Trump by 5 points and propel a new Democratic senator and governor into office with her. So whats going on in the Tar Heel State? And what does it say about the 2016 election as a whole? There seem to be two factors at work here. The first is a combination of broader demographic changes that would have affected the race regardless of who was running. As analyst Jennifer Duffy of the Cook Political Report recently put it, North Carolina is becoming less of a Southern state and more of a Mid-Atlantic state. Arit John of Bloomberg Politics elaborates: The shift has been fueled by an influx of new residents from out-of-state to city centers like Raleigh and Charlotte. Between 1990 and 2010, the number of North Carolinians who lived in a city with 75,000 people or more rose from 17 percent to 28 percent, according to Rebecca Tippett, the director of Carolina demography at UNC-Chapel Hills Carolina Population Center. During the same period the states population grew from 6.7 million to 9.6 million. As it continues to become less rural and more urban, Democrats stand to benefit. Why? Because the kinds of voters who are driving this trend college-educated whites drawn to North Carolinas burgeoning Research Triangle region and Latino immigrants lured by the states fast-growing economy tend to be Democrats already. In November, Cook expects college-educated whites to comprise 35 percent of the North Carolina electorate, up from 33 percent in 2012; at the same time, the share of the states white voters who didnt attend college is projected shrink from 37 percent to 33.8 percent. Likewise, only 10,000 Latinos were registered to vote in North Carolina in 2004; today the number is 135,000. Over the long haul, these are the groups that are turning N.C. purple. Then theres the second factor to consider: Donald Trump. Unlike North Carolinas changing population patterns, Trump isnt a long-term trend. Hes a much more immediate concern. Still, he should frighten North Carolina Republicans, because his nationwide decline has coincided with McCrory and Burrs slipping numbers in the state and that suggests some sort of connection. Well need to see more polling before we draw any definite conclusions, but it isnt hard to hypothesize about what that connection might be. The voters who have gradually been making North Carolina more urban and purple again, college-educated whites and Latinos just so happen to be the exact voters among whom Trump is performing his worst. The data tells the tale. According to Fox News, Trump is currently pulling down a paltry 20 percent among Latinos well shy of the 40 percent that George W. Bush won in 2004 or even Romneys lackluster 27 percent. At the same time, Clinton is trouncing Trump by 8.7 percentage points among college-educated whites a demographic that Romney actually won by 14 percentage points four years ago. A Republican presidential nominee who appealed to Latinos and college-educated whites someone like, say, Marco Rubio might have slowed North Carolinas leftward momentum. (And Virginias, and Colorados the demographic trends are similar.) By the same token, a nominee like Trump, who repulses these groups in particular, could have the power to speed it up and perhaps drag the rest of the ticket down with him. (Thats part of the reason Clinton and her allies are bombarding the state with TV ads. So far, Trump has let their attacks go largely unanswered.) If the GOP can convince voters in North Carolina and elsewhere not to punish down-ballot candidates for Trumps transgressions, they may salvage control of the Senate and rescue some endangered governors. But right now, the Tar Heel State seems to be gravitating the other way. Thats not a good sign for the GOP. _____ Poll Position A weekly look at the latest down-ticket data Theres good news and bad news for Republicans in this weeks latest polls. Lets start with the good news. Despite giving Hillary Clinton a 9-point advantage over Donald Trump in Florida and despite the fact that 6 of the 8 Republicans running in top-tier Senate races have been polling worse since the conventions a new Monmouth University survey suggests that Sen. Marco Rubio is bucking both trends and leading the two Democrats vying to challenge him this fall. (Floridas U.S. Senate primary is Aug. 30.) According to Monmouth, Rubio currently holds a 48 percent to 43 percent lead over Rep. Patrick Murphy, his likeliest opponent; Rubios lead over Rep. Alan Grayson is larger, at 50 percent to 39 percent. Why is Rubio a late entrant who initially promised to retire from the Senate at the end of the year performing so much better than GOP senators elsewhere? The Monmouth poll contains a few clues. First of all, hes very well-known and relatively well-liked. More Florida voters approve (47 percent) than disapprove (39 percent) of the job Rubio has done in the Senate, and 40 percent see him favorably. Only 33 percent have an unfavorable view of the guy. Meanwhile, 68 percent of Floridians have no opinion of Murphy. When one of your choices is a former presidential candidate and the other is someone youve never heard of, the presidential candidate tends to do fairly well. Secondly, Trump isnt hurting Rubio the way hes hurting other senators, such as New Hampshires Kelly Ayotte. Sixty-three percent of Florida voters arent even aware that Rubio eventually endorsed the Republican nominee. Theyre probably more familiar with the remarks Rubio made about Trump during the presidential primaries (this guy is a con artist) than the remarks hes made about Trump since then (the time for fighting each other is over). And Rubio should try to keep it that way: Of the Floridians who knew about his Trump endorsement, 25 percent told Monmouth that it would actually make them less likely to vote for Rubio. Only 9 percent said the opposite. Now for the bad news. Monmouth also released an Indiana poll this week, and in many ways, its the reverse image of Florida. Boosted by his selection of Hoosier State Gov. Mike Pence for VP, Trump is currently leading Clinton by 11 percentage points among likely voters. But unfortunately for the GOP, that boost doesnt seem to be extending down-ballot. In the states open-seat Senate race, former Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh who, like Rubio, only launched his comeback bid earlier this summer leads his GOP opponent, Rep. Todd Young, 48 percent to 41 percent. Like Rubio, Bayh who served two terms in the Senate after serving two terms as governor is well-known and well-liked in Indiana. Nearly half of Indiana voters (46 percent) have a favorable view of Bayh, while just 19 percent view him unfavorably. Hoosiers arent as familiar with Young; a majority (55 percent) have no opinion of him at all. So far, Bayhs popularity seems to be serving him well. While professional Republicans have been attacking his work as a lobbyist and questioning his claims that he stayed in Indiana after leaving the Senate in early 2011, actual Republican voters seem relatively unperturbed. In fact, according to Monmouth, 16 percent of Trump voters are planning to split the ticket and vote for Bayh as well. The same cannot be said of Clinton voters: only 3 percent plan to vote for Young. _____ The trickle-down effect of Trumps latest campaign shakeup The big news in presidential politics this week was Donald Trumps decision to shake up his campaign and bring in Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon as CEO. Theres already been plenty of press about Bannon and how he will influence Trump. Short version: Bannon will encourage the Donald to be the Donald combative, uncouth, controversial. Or as Trump told a Wisconsin interviewer earlier this week: I dont want to change. Everyone talks about, Oh, well, youre going to pivot. I dont want to pivot. But so far theres been less talk about what sort of effect Bannons presence will have on Trumps relationship with the Republican Party especially in the timing of what many regard as an inevitable shift of RNC resources from Trumps campaign to down-ballot races. What we know: Trumps new campaign boss hates really, really, really hates the Republican establishment. As the Daily Beast reports, Bannon has used his perch at Breitbart to make the case that House Speaker Paul Ryan is a liberal globalist trying to sell out the American worker to foreign Islamist shills. Also, under [Bannons] tenure, Breitbart turned its guns on establishment Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. John McCain, with Bannon himself taking aim at former Republican House Speaker John Boehner, alleging he was involved in a scheme for political contributions. What we think we know: That this sort of attitude wont encourage party unity and may even convince the GOP to throw Trump overboard earlier than expected. Heres the CW starting to take shape: top GOP strategist tells me Trump campaign shakeup will accelerate party move to shift resources toward House/Senate races, away from Trump John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) August 17, 2016 Stay tuned for more. _____ Bai: Why its smart politics for GOP leaders to cut Trump loose In his latest must-read, Yahoo News National Political Columnist Matt Bai takes issue with Republican leaders Paul Ryan in particular for failing to disavow Donald Trump and devote themselves to saving down-ballot candidates instead. Trumps probably not going to win in November anyway, and party leaders want to be able to move on with an intact party and maybe even an expanded, energized base, Bai explains. But let me offer an alternative way to look at it. The crux of Bais argument is that GOPs current wishy-washy strategy ignores everything we know about pop-up political movements. More from his column: What Republicans should have learned from the tea party uprising is that you dont really appease or absorb these kinds of rebellions. Their guiding principle is to upend party establishments, which is why John Boehner is home in Ohio now, despite having twisted himself like a yogi to avoid alienating the partys angriest new voices. Ron Pauls voters didnt become party loyalists. Neither did Ted Cruzs. And Trumps wont, either. By not more explicitly renouncing Trumps increasingly appalling campaign, Ryan and the others may well be fumbling the more genuine opportunity to expand their partys appeal. More and more Americans, and particularly younger voters, are wary of party politics, mainly because they suspect rightly that leaders too readily subvert Americans overarching interests to their own partisan agendas. This is, at the moment, a much larger problem for Republicans than it is for Democrats. According to the latest data from Pew Research, only about a third of the public sees the Republican Party favorably. (The Democratic number is more than 10 points higher.) If Ryan, as the countrys ranking Republican, were to finally say enough is enough that, whatever the consequences to himself or his party, he could no longer endorse Trumps candidacy and hope to teach his children anything about decency and public service at the same time then he would send a powerful signal to those voters. Hed be saying that conscience still exists in politics, which is exactly what Cruz got across in his convention speech, and Im betting it serves him well. If you want to know what standing on principle does to your credibility with voters, look at John Kasich in Ohio. He pointedly declined to endorse Trump or attend his convention down the street, and his approval rating is near 60 percent while other governors are tanking. Do you buy Bais argument? Do you think the rewards of dumping Trump outweigh the risks especially for down-ticket Republicans? Let us know on Twitter: @andrewromano _____ The best of the rest Senior Republicans are quietly advising the RNC NOT to pull cash from Trump. @mkraju tells you why: Phil Mattingly (@Phil_Mattingly) August 17, 2016 First on CNN: Romney conducting donor outreach for Rubio @CNNPolitics Chris Moody (@moody) August 18, 2016 Ryan to Cover 12 States Campaigning for House Candidates in August CQ Now (@CQnow) August 17, 2016 Senate Republicans Fear That John McCain And Others Lose Big This Fall : NPR james weaver (@maddogesq) August 18, 2016 Long a proponent of trade, @PatToomey says TPP details fall short. @KatieMcGintyPA says hes trying to save himself: Jonathan Tamari (@JonathanTamari) August 17, 2016 _____ Countdown _____ Drop everything you are doing: Pottermore is looking for writers! Drop everything you are doing: Pottermore is looking for writers! The Harry Potter series is groundbreaking and beloved for so many reasons. As a writer, J.K. Rowlings fully-realized, wonderfully inventive, magical world was definitely one of the very first things that inspired me to create my own fictional worlds. Im sure there are thousands of young writers out there who can say the exact same thing. And Potterheads around the world can never get enough of the series. Beyond the existing Wizarding World theme parks and tours in Florida, California, and England, this year has also brought us the epic continuation of the series with the London stage play (and script book) Harry Potter and the Cursed Child PLUS the spin-off/prequel film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which is set to hit theaters this November. But now, incredibly, there is actually a way for writers to become involved in the world of Harry Potter themselves. Pottermore posted a job listing looking for writers for the site! Yep, you read that correctly: There is an opportunity for freelance writers and fans of the Wizarding World to create original content for Pottermore. Excuse me while I hand-flail forever and express my excitement in a series of appropriately giddy Potter gifs. giphy (2) giphy (3) giphy (5) giphy (4) The job listing was posted via Gorkana Jobs, calling for writers for Pottermore, the Wizarding Worlds digital arm which covers everything from the latest news across the brand, to in-depth features on existing canon and characters. The ad stated that they are looking for Freelance Writers with an eye for a good story, a passion for in-depth analysis and research, as well as strong working knowledge of the Harry Potter stories. So, basically Harry Potter superfans who are great at writing, research, and know a ton about the Wizarding World, this is the gig for you. Writers interested in a Freelance Writer position are encouraged to send their pitches and writing samples to Pottermores Content Editor Krystal Sim via the application form on the listing, which also asks for the applicants CV and cover letter. I cant even imagine how many applications theyre going to get, so Id ~strongly~ suggest you get on this ASAP if youre interested. I know I will. The post Drop everything you are doing: Pottermore is looking for writers! appeared first on HelloGiggles. Johannesburg (AFP) - UN agencies warned Thursday that southern African countries were at risk of another year of food shortages as the drought-hit region is expected to be hit by above-average rainfall likely to trigger floods. The region is still reeling from the effects of the El Nino weather phenomenon which devastated crops leaving some 18 million people in need of food aid, according to the World Food Programme. Meteorologists forecast the region will this year experience more rainfall than normal due to an extreme weather pattern known as La Nina. "What La Nina brings is both good news and bad news," Lewis Hove, regional agricultural coordinator with the UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation told AFP. "The good news is that we are going to get above average rainfall -- which normally means good production from our farmers," said Hove. "But above average rainfall is going to bring with it floods and water logging in some areas of the region," said Hove, speaking on the sidelines of a meeting on drought-resilient agriculture in Johannesburg. To ensure farmers benefit from the rains, the UN officials said they needed to plant early to avoid the floods. But most farmers have little or no capital to buy farming inputs having been hit by two successive droughts. Their governments will struggle to bail them out with cash for seeds and fertilisers. Many of the regional economies are heavily dependent on commodities, prices for which have slumped on the international markets. "If you look at Zambia, they lost something like 47 percent of their income because of the drop in copper (prices)... so the capacity of government is weakened," Chris Nikoi, WFP southern African director told AFP. "You take Zimbabwe for example, if the government is struggling to pay its civil servants -- its ability to ensure that seeds are in the hands of rural farmers on time, obviously is going to be challenged." "The international community needs to step in and help," said Nikoi. Humanitarian agencies including the UN's OCHA last month called for $1.2 billion in aid for seven drought-stricken countries in southern Africa, with Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique among the hardest-hit. On Aug 18, 2016, Zacks Investment Research downgraded DST Systems Inc. DST to a Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell). Going by the Zacks model, companies holding a Zacks Rank #5 are likely to underperform the broader market. Why the Downgrade? There have been frequent downward estimate revisions of late. In fact, the Zacks Consensus Estimate for the current quarter dropped 15.9% to $1.48 per share over the last 60 days. For fiscal 2017, one out of the two estimates was lowered over the same time frame. The Zacks Consensus Estimate was down approximately 11.1% to $6.78 per share. Moreover, DST Systems balance sheet appears highly leveraged. The company exited second-quarter 2016 with $72.7 million in cash and equivalents compared with $73.4 million in the previous quarter. Long-term debt (including current portion) was $712.2 million compared with $721.5 million in the previous quarter. It is worth mentioning that DST has divested its Customer Communications division to focus on financial services and health care segments. During the second quarter, the company successfully sold its North American Customer Communications division to Broadridge Financial Solutions BR for a cash consideration of $410 million. It has also divested its UK Customer Communications Bristol production facilities in exchange for net pretax proceeds of approximately $16 million. The proceeds from the aforementioned divestments will facilitate the acquisition of new businesses in addition to improving flexibility to capitalize on new opportunities in health care and financial services. However, all of this depends how the company utilizes these funds to drive future growth. Furthermore, loss of revenues due to divestments has made us increasingly cautious about the stocks future performance. The company faces stiff competition from the likes of Broadridge Financial Solutions' BEA, Lombardi, Savvion, and TIBCO Software, which offer their premium services at more competitive prices. Some of the companys clients are in a position to develop in-house capacity to perform transaction processing, recordkeeping and output generation services. In-house facilities of these companies could increase competition, leading to lower prices and profits for DST. Furthermore, decreasing organic revenue growth, tough competition from International Business Machines Corporation IBM and Fiserv Inc. FISV, and a high debt burden remain concerns. Story continues DST SYSTEMS Price and Consensus DST SYSTEMS Price and Consensus | DST SYSTEMS Quote Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report INTL BUS MACH (IBM): Free Stock Analysis Report DST SYSTEMS (DST): Free Stock Analysis Report BROADRIDGE FINL (BR): Free Stock Analysis Report FISERV INC (FISV): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Duke Energy Corporation DUK has received a new 30-year operating license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for its Keowee-Toxaway Hydroelectric Project in northwestern South Carolina. Details of the Project The hydroelectric project, comprising two reservoirs with two powerhouses, extends across 25 river miles and covers roughly 480 miles of shoreline. It starts from Lake Jocassee in North Carolina and South Carolina, flows into Lake Keowee and then runs downstream to the Army Corps of Engineers' Lake Hartwell Project in South Carolina. The plant generates 868 megawatts (MW) of hydropower and cooling water for Duke Energy's Oconee Nuclear Station on Lake Keowee. TheOconee power station can generate about 2,500 MW of energy. Keowee-Toxaway will enable Duke Energy to continue operating the Jocassee Pumped Storage Hydro Station, the Keowee Hydro Station and connected lakes. According to Steve Jester, Duke Energy's vice president of water strategy, hydro licensing and lake services, theproject generates renewable hydroelectric power, fulfils regional potable water requirements and offers high-quality recreational prospectsin the region. He believes that the licensealso ensures the availability of these resources for future generations. The License The new license will be effective from Sep 1. It will help the company to executeoperational, environmental and recreational resource development, and benefit the community and the environment in many ways. One such benefit will be improvements in existing public recreational areas on Lake Jocassee and Lake Keowee. Additionally, Duke Energy will execute a Habitat Enhancement Program in the watershed and expects to conserve around 2,900 acres of property adjacentto the lakes. The program will aim to conserve ecologically and culturally important resources. It is the first relicensing for the project in Upstate South Carolina. In 1966, the hydroelectric project received the first 50-year license from FERC. The company has been working with community, environmental and local government groups on the relicensing proposal since 2011. It has filed its formal application in Aug 2014. Story continues DUKE ENERGY CP Price DUKE ENERGY CP Price | DUKE ENERGY CP Quote Renewable Endeavors Duke Energy is a premier utility service provider that offers efficient power and energy services across various states in the U.S. and several international locations. The company has plans to invest $1.5 billion in renewables in its pipeline joint ventures in 2016. Additionally, it intends to invest $3$5 billion in commercial renewables in its gas pipeline through 2020. On Apr 2016, the company raised its 2020 renewable energy goal by 33% on the back of continued growth in renewable energy. The company expects to own or acquire 8,000 megawatts (MW) of wind, solar and biomass capacity by 2020, marking a substantial increase over the 2013 target of 6,000 MW. The company is committed to the construction and expansion of the scale of its solar and wind projects across the U.S. Duke Energy currently has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Stocks to Consider Some better-ranked companies in the utility sector include Spark Energy, Inc. SPKE, Korean Electric Power Corp. KEP and DTE Energy Company DTE. While Spark Energy and Korean Electric Power sport a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy), DTE Energy carries a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report KOREA ELEC PWR (KEP): Free Stock Analysis Report DUKE ENERGY CP (DUK): Free Stock Analysis Report DTE ENERGY CO (DTE): Free Stock Analysis Report SPARK ENERGY (SPKE): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Hotels in Delhi might not cost as much, thanks to an upcoming Bill by the AAP government. By India Today Web Desk: When Delhi's Lt Governor Najeeb Jung gave his approval to the proposal of introducing a luxury tax for the city's hotels, it didn't make too many travellers happy. But if things go right, the situation is going to turn in the travellers' favour. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government is all set to introduce a Bill in the Delhi Assembly, which will do away with the luxury tax on hotels having rent up to Rs 1,500. advertisement Also read: Guess which Indian hotel chain has been voted the world's best by travellers As per the current norms in motion, thanks to the Delhi Tax on Luxuries Act (1996), any person who stays in a hotel room having a tariff of at least Rs 750 a day or above, is entitled to pay the luxury tax. "The Lt Governor has given his nod to the proposal to do away with luxury tax on hotel renting up to Rs. 1,500. The AAP government will thus table the Bill in the upcoming Assembly session," said a senior government official. The aim is to make the city's budget hotels cheaper, thus attracting more tourists to the national capital. Paharganj, Karol Bagh, Mahipalpur and Daryaganj are the areas having most of the budget hotels in the city. (With inputs from PTI) --- ENDS --- By Ju-min Park and James Pearson SEOUL (Reuters) - Thae Yong Ho, the most senior North Korean diplomat to flee to the South, is likely to have round-the-clock protection and make a comfortable living at a think-tank run by Seoul's intelligence service, say elite defectors who followed a similar path. Thae, who was deputy ambassador at the North's embassy in London, defected with his family and arrived in the South, Seoul said late on Wednesday, an embarrassing blow for leader Kim Jong Un's increasingly isolated Pyongyang leadership. Many of roughly 27,000 North Koreans who have fled the impoverished, repressive North for the wealthy and democratic South struggle to assimilate and are economically marginalized, but well-connected defectors like Thae are treated as a valuable resource who can shed light on a secretive neighbour. Like many high-profile defectors, Kim Kwang-jin works for the Institute for National Security Strategy (INSS), a think-tank run by South Korea's spy agency, the National Intelligence Service (NIS). "To live here, of course, everybody needs a job, and the South Korean government offers jobs to people. I was given the opportunity to work at INSS," said Kim, who defected with his family in 2003 while working in Singapore for a North Korean insurance firm that became notorious for involvement in scams. Choi Ju-hwal was a colonel in the North Korean army when he fled to South Korea via Hong Kong during a business trip in China in 1995, making him the highest-level military defector at the time. He was an INSS researcher from 1997 to 2012 before leaving to head the Association of the North Korean Defectors. "(The government) can't just pay him (Thae) for nothing, so it is most likely that he would be given a job at the research institute," said Choi, now 67, referring to the INSS. The NIS declined to comment on Thae. UNDERCOVER Some defectors change their names for security purposes and to protect loved ones left behind, or to appear less obviously North Korean. Most keep a low public profile, although some, like Kim, become prominent through media appearances as experts on North Korea. While Thae had a relatively high public profile as a representative of North Korea in London, Choi expects the ex-diplomat to try to live anonymously in South Korea. "He won't pursue a public life, because he has to think about the safety of his family he brought here. Being quiet can hurt people around him less, so I don't think he will do public activities," Choi said. Choi said that for two years, he had four armed policemen guarding him around the clock due to concerns about his safety. He now has a lower level of police protection. Kim, the former insurance worker, said he used to have one round-the-clock armed bodyguard. ARDUOUS JOURNEY Most ordinary defectors make a lengthy and often harrowing overland journey across North Korea's border with China to a third country before arriving by air in South Korea. Upon arrival, they are held for up to 180 days alone in comfortable rooms, and screened to make sure that they are not spies or impostors. After that, they are transferred to a resettlement complex, which they cannot leave, for another 12 weeks, to help them adjust to life in the South. Many end up working in restaurants and other low-paid positions, earning 67 percent of the national average wage, data from the parliamentary budget office shows. Once they finish their resettlement programme, each defector receives 20 million won ($18,025) to help find housing and jobs. Some use part of their subsidy to pay private brokers who facilitated their escape. "Ordinary defectors are having difficulties in getting jobs and education and making families here," said Seo Jae-pyoung, a defector who left his homeland in 2001 and now works for Choi's group to support ordinary defectors in the South. "It is not so easy for them as people say." For higher-ranking defectors, the process can be different. Kim said he was in South Korea, where he underwent interrogation, within 24 hours of walking into the South Korean embassy in Singapore. Choi was questioned alone at an intelligence agency safe house. The same could be true for Thae. Overall, the number of North Korean defectors to the South has declined since leader Kim took power following his father's death in late 2011. But in the first seven months of 2016 it rose by about 15 percent year-on-year to 814, including a group of 13 workers from a North Korean restaurant in Ningbo, China. Experts say the share of well-connected defectors is rising, an increase that ex-insurance company official Kim said began when the 2013 execution of Kim Jong Un's powerful uncle, Jang Song Thaek, rattled Pyongyang's elite. "In the past we couldn't have imagined that these kind of people are coming here - these kind of people from these kind of families," Kim said. ($1 = 1,109.5500 won) (Writing by Tony Munroe; Editing by Mike Collett-White) Last Saturday, the lead actor from the original Star Wars died, though few people thought of him as such. Kenny Baker was, of course, not as famous as Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford. But R2-D2, the droid given life by Baker from inside a blue and white mobile garbage can, drove much of the action for A New Hope, as he did in subtler ways in the original sequels, the prequels, and The Force Awakens. In 2005, when George Lucas was asked which Star Wars character hed miss the most, he named R2-D2. He's the hero of the whole thing, Lucas said. He's the one that always comes through and saves everybody. Droids are as responsible for Star Warss Star Wars-ness as the Force or daddy issues are. The special emotional blend of original trilogy is in in the melding of R2-D2s wry, can-do unflappability with C-3POs nerdy, terrified wonder. The bad humor, dull reasoning, and interchangeable personalities of The Phantom Menaces battle droids certainly can be seen as a microcosm for that film. And like the The Force Awakens itself, BB-8 was zippy, adorable, derivative, and eager to please. In all cases, as the galaxys great helpers (every few years, someone writes a think piece about how the films are problematic because the bots are actually slaves) droids competence and comedy both enable their masters adventures and keep their melodrama from getting too serious. The prompt for thinking about droids right now is not only Bakers death but also the steadily rising hype for Rogue One, out on December 16. The first in Disneys one-off Star Wars films that will alternate release years with the franchises proper sequels, it tells of the Rebel spies who stole the plans for the Death Star immediately before the events of A New Hope. The full-length trailer that recently premiered during Olympics coverage promises a slick, serious ensemble film with some very cool-looking tweaks of existing Star Wars tropes from Imperial Walkers to desert planets. Perhaps the most intriguing element on displayboth familiar and radical within the tradition of Star Warsis the new droid character, K-2SO. Story continues Recommended: The Saddest Olympic Celebration Visually, K-2SO recalls not his colorful Star Wars predecessors but rather a more archetypical sci-fi robot, gunmetal grey and bipedal, tall enough to make the obvious Iron Giant comparisons relevant. Voiced by Alan Tudyk of Firefly fame, K-2SO tells Rogue Ones protagonist, Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), The captain says you are a friend. I will not kill you. Its a jarring thing to hear from a Star Wars droid-ally: Can you imagine C-3PO threatening anyones life? The filmmakers seem to want us to be drawing such contrasts between the gold-plated protocol droid and this new bot. There is a 97.6 percent chance of failure, K-2SO says elsewhere in the trailer, a clear throwback to C-3POs pesky tendency of telling Han Solos crew their dreadful odds of survival. The movies publicity campaign has given more information about where K-2SO might fit in the droid-hero tradition of the series. (Read no further if you want to avoid knowing anything about the films plot outside of what the trailers have shown). As the insignia on K-2SOs shoulder indicates, he was once Imperial property: a security bot, used as a violent enforcer. Rebel pilot Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) reprogrammed him to side against the Empire, but its clear he still has dangerous capabilities. Interestingly, EWs preview of Rogue One says that the droid is seeking a bit of redemption. K-2SO may show that the porous boundary between dark and light concerns machines as well as man. Even so, it appears he shall continue in the historical droidly role of comic relief. Tudyk has said K-2SO has no filter... he can say insulting things very casually if he thinks theyre true. Hes also said, Hes not an overly emotional guy Hes not like C-3PO, whos like a fucking neurotic mess. The moment in the trailer when he blurts about not killing Jyn confirms that description. This is a darker kind of humor than is typical for Star Wars, but one in line with the grittier tone thats been promised for Rogue One. Moreover, the fact that this droid has crossed from working for the Empire to working for the Alliance signals that Disneys Star Wars are continuing their exploration of moral side-switching. Finn, The Force Awakens turncoat stormtrooper, represented the movie series first significant glimpse into what lifes like for rank-and-file employees of the Dark Side. Now, both K-2SO and a new character named Bodhi (Riz Ahmed) have gone from working for the Empire to working for its enemies. And the Rogue One trailer promises that much of the movie will revolve around Jyn Erso heading undercover as an Imperial. Flipping between dark and light is, of course, the foundational conflict of the entire saga, seen in the arc of Anakin Skywalker. Its possibly much the same conflict that will define the story of Rey and Kylo Ren in the future sequels. From what we know now, K-2SO may not compete with R2-D2 to become the iconic fan-favorite droids of the series, but he will show that the porous boundary between good and evil is one that concerns machines as well as man. Read more from The Atlantic: This article was originally published on The Atlantic. When The Night Manager star Tom Hiddleston showed up in Zelmatt, Switzerland, for the first day of filming AMCs miniseries adaptation of John le Carres novel, he had a suggestion for director Susanne Bier: The script was missing a line from the book that sums up the narrative perfectly. [Olivia Colmans character] asks [my character, Jonathan] Pine, Why did you do it? Why does a respected hotelier snitch on his guests?' Hiddleston said in a recent interview with TheWrap. And I remember I had the novel with me. Its a direct quote from the novel: If theres a man selling a private arsenal to an Egyptian crook and hes English and youre English, you just do it.' Also Read: Tom Hiddleston Wants You to Binge-Watch 'The Night Manager' (Video) That line seemed to me to sum up the theme of the novel, which is John le Carres anger that a man who is in receipt of all the privileges of British citizenship education, wealth and democracy is using those privileges to do the worst things imaginable, he explained. The target of that ire is Hugh Lauries character, Richard Onslow Roper, an arms dealer whose organization Hiddlestons character must infiltrate on behalf of Colmans intelligence agency. Hiddleston described Lauries role on the series as the most charming man in the world playing the worst man in the world. Also Read: Emmy Quickie: Why 'Night Manager' Star Elizabeth Debicki Is So Close to Tom Hiddleston (Exclusive Video) Pines anger is le Carres anger that an Englishman is doing this terrible thing that is creating destruction and poverty and death on a global scale, he said. To me, that really summed up The Night Manager.' Watch the interview above. Emmy Quickie: 'The Night Manager' Star Elizabeth Debicki Exclusive StudioWrap Portraits (Photos) Elizabeth Debicki Elizabeth Debicki Elizabeth Debicki Elizabeth Debicki Elizabeth Debicki Elizabeth Debicki Story continues Previous Slide Next Slide 1 of 6 Star of AMC hit stops by TheWrap for interview and photo session Elizabeth Debicki, "The Night Manager" Photographed by Michael Rowe for TheWrap Styling by Annabelle Harron, Hair by Christian Marc & Makeup by Kirin Bhatty View In Gallery Infamous New England mobster James "Whitey" Bulger wants the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse his 2013 racketeering convictions for his role in 11 murders in the 1970s and '80s, PEOPLE confirms. In a petition filed August 11 and obtained by PEOPLE, Bulger's lawyers have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the 86-year-old's appeal. Whether the high court takes up Bulger's case remains to be seen. The U.S. Supreme Court generally hears just a fraction of the thousands of cases it is asked to review each year. Five months ago, the First U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Bulger's convictions. According to the appeals court's ruling, Bulger failed to show his right to a fair trial had been violated when a judge forbade him from testifying about an alleged immunity agreement Bulger said he established with a now-deceased federal prosecutor. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Bulger is currently serving two life sentences. For nearly three decades, Bulger served as the head of Boston's Winter Hill Gang. He fled Massachusetts in 1994 after an FBI agent warned him he was about to be indicted. Bulger spent more than 15 years on the run, but authorities caught up with him in 2011, apprehending him in Santa Monica, California. Actor Johnny Depp portrayed Bulger in the 2015 film, Black Mass. Bulger's petition to the Supreme Court claims a pretrial ruling prevented him from telling the jury about his supposed immunity deal. That ruling, the filing reads, trampled Bulger's rights to effectively present a defense and to testify on his own behalf. "This error affected the fundamental fairness of Mr. Bulger's trial and his convictions should be automatically reversed as a result," the petition reads. Bulger's lawyer further argues federal prosecutors withheld information regarding certain "promises, rewards and inducements" offered to John Martorano, a self-admitted hit man who testified against Bulger at his trial. Martorano killed 20 people, and served only 12 years in prison. Federal prosecutors have until September 12 to file a response. Federal prosecutors are investigating whether a Massachusetts towns rejection of plans for a Muslim cemetery violated any civil rights. U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz said Thursday the prosecutors will examine whether the town of Dudley violated the Islamic Society of Greater Worcesters right to religious exercise, the Associated Press reports. The Islamic group bought 55 acres of land in Dudley for the cemetery, but local officials stopped the project due to environmental and traffic concerns. Dudley residents have said they fear burial practices might contaminate groundwater, according to the AP, because Muslims often do not embalm bodies and do not use coffins. The groups lawyer, Jay Talerman, filed a lawsuit against the town last month and said anti-Muslim prejudice was behind the towns rejection. Ortiz said the investigation will look at whether the town put unreasonable barriers on the cemetery proposal. All Americans have the right to worship and to bury their loved ones in accordance with their religious beliefs, free from discrimination, she told the Associated Press. Heart-breaking image and video of a bloodied child, pulled out from the rubble in an Aleppo airstrike, reveals the tragic human cost of war in Syria. By India Today Web Desk: Pictures of dead and injured children have tragically turned out to be most powerful portrayal of the ongoing war in Syria. While the world is still finding it hard to come to terms with the photo of 3-year old Syrian refugee Aylan Kurdi swept ashore on a Turkish beach, another heart-breaking one comes up. This time, a devastating image and video of a dazed and bloodied child pulled out from the rubble left by an airstrike in Aleppo was shared widely on social media on Wednesday. advertisement In the YouTube video posted by an activist organization, Aleppo Media Group, the five-year-old child named Omran Daqneesh is carried into an emergency van. As he sits on an orange chair, he touches the blood seeping from his forehead, while still looking dazed. A Telegraph correspondent tweeted pictures of the five-year-old Omran who was injured on a blast that took place on Wednesday. According to the report, the little boy was taken to M10 hospital, where he was treated for the injuries he sustained. Doctor in #Aleppo just sent this photo of a dazed child who survived an airstrike Raf Sanchez (@rafsanchez) August 17, 2016 His name is Omar Daqneesh and he is 5. Here he is after treatment by some extraordinarily brave doctors in #Aleppo. Raf Sanchez (@rafsanchez) August 17, 2016 War-torn Syria has also been struggling to treat patients as many hospitals are bearing the brunt of the bombings. Since 2011, Syria has been grappling with constant bombardment and terror strikes. So far the attacks have claimed more than 3,00,000 lives and millions have been displaced. However, over the past three weeks airstrikes have wreaked havoc in Aleppo. Continuous bombings have pounded the city and left thousands dead. Since 2012, the eastern part of Aleppo has been under a Russian-backed government siege. ALSO READ: Aylan Kurdi's drowning inspired Australian singer Missy Higgins to pay a poignant tribute --- ENDS --- By Ayesha Rascoe WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has not complied with federal requirements to study the effects of the nation's biofuel use mandate, an agency watchdog said on Thursday. EPA's Inspector General concluded that the agency has not issued a report to Congress on the environmental impacts of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) since 2011, even though federal law requires that the agency provide a report every three years. The RFS, which is administered by EPA, sets the amounts of biofuels, such as ethanol, that must be blended into U.S. gasoline and diesel supplies annually. The IG report also said the agency has not evaluated whether the program is causing any harm to air quality and it has no formal process to initiate an update of its data on the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of biofuels. "Not having required reporting and studies impedes the EPA's ability to identify, consider, mitigate and make policymakers aware of any adverse impacts of renewable fuels," the report said. EPA said it mostly agreed with the report's findings. The agency said it has "agreed to a set of corrective actions and timelines" to address the report's conclusions. The agency estimated that it would complete a report on the impact of the biofuel mandate by the end of 2017. The renewable fuel program has faced intense opposition in recent years from oil companies, who argue that the program places undue financial burdens on refiners. A spokesman for the American Petroleum Institute said the oil and gas trade group is still reviewing the IG report. Some environmental groups have also questioned whether EPA has properly evaluated the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of corn ethanol to calculate its global warming potential. They say land-use change associated with its production outweighs the environmental benefits of replacing gasoline. But, biofuel backers have strongly pushed back against these claims. "We are confident that once EPA conducts these required studies, they will show that biofuels like ethanol are significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, even above the threshold reductions," said Renewable Fuels Association President Bob Dinneen in a statement. (Reporting by Ayesha Rascoe; Editing by Cynthia Osterman) AMSTERDAM, Aug 18 (Reuters) - The average annual management charge rate paid by European investors to their mutual fund manager fell more than 8 percent over the last three years, investment research firm Morningstar said in a report. The average yearly fee is now 1 percent of the assets, down from just under 1.1 percent in 2013. The study, which looked at thousands of funds across all European countries, did not look at exchange traded funds and excluded trading costs. Growing demand to invest using tracker funds underpinned the price fall, author Nikolaj Holdt Mikkelsen said. Such funds often charge a full percentage point less than actively managed funds, but still form just 10 percent of the total market. The move to passive comes as many active funds struggle to outperform and as regulatory change forces funds to be more open about the fees they charge, with investors increasingly aware of how fees impact long-term performance, Mikkelsen said Fees varied significantly by country, with investors in Italy and Belgium paying on average 1.42 percent and 1.47 respectively, while those in Switzerland paid just 0.62 percent. British and Dutch investors had both seen large declines in costs over the three-year period, mostly due to the introduction of rules separating trading commissions from fund management costs. Total fees earned by European funds were 61 billion euros ($69 billion) in 2016, up from 53 billion euros in 2013, Mikkelsen said, because overall fund assets under managment increased. ($1 = 0.8840 euros) (Reporting by Toby Sterling; editing by Simon Jessop, Greg Mahlich) The 25th anniversary of the August 1991 revolution is not likely to be met with widespread joy and pride, let alone cymbals. For one, wasnt it more of a revanchist coup attempt than a democratic revolution? Didnt the Soviet Union sort of just collapse on its own four months later? And what does it matter, anyway, in Vladimir Putins 16th year in power? Wrong, wrong, and well get to the last bit later. By any measure, the August 1991 revolt was a classic, great revolution consider its results, impact on Russias future, and, most of all, objectives. Its core aims were moral. Like the American Revolution, the French, and even the uprisings of the Arab Spring, the overthrow of the Soviet system was about human dignity. Those who began the liberalization that ignited the revolution (Mikhail Gorbachev and his top aide, Alexander Yakovlev, the Godfather of Glasnost), as well as those who took it over, propelled by the upswell and radicalization from below (Boris Yeltsin and Yegor Gaidar), sought to end the complete subjugation of society to the state and the daily insults of shortages, fear, repression, lies, lawlessness, and moral degradation that resulted from this subjugation. In 70 years a system was built that is organically indifferent to the real, existing man, hostile to him, Yakovlev wrote. And not only in the mass repressions, the victims of which were millions, but in daily life, where a person means nothing, has nothing, and cannot obtain even basic things without humiliation. To Gorbachev, the essence of perestroika, or restructuring, was the struggle for the dignity of man, his elevation and his honor, according to a seminal 1987 essay by Mikhail Antonov in Oktyabr magazine. Yakovlev defined perestroika as the peoples right to act as independent and rational human beings and responsible citizens no longer powerless subjects of a totalitarian state. The socialist totalitarian state, which was doomed to perennial shortages in one of the most resource-rich countries in the world and which owned justice and the courts (as it owned everything else, including the livelihoods of every one of its 287 million citizens), was the culprit. Hence the aim of the revolution was to erect three tall hedges against the recurrence of such a state: private property, a free market economy, and popular sovereignty over the executive. Story continues In pursuit of these goals, the August 1991 revolution launched one of the most impressive economic and political modernizations in modern history. Those three rainy days in Moscow would usher in a new economic organization, a new political system, and create 15 new, independent states. In the largest privatization on record wrenching, dislocating, and costing millions of Russians their jobs the country sloughed off thousands of hopelessly obsolete subsidized enterprises that had wasted billions of rubles in raw materials and man-hours on things that nobody needed. Marred as it was by favoritism, manipulation, and outright fraud, privatization served as the foundation of the spectacular economic takeoff that began in 1999. Never before have as many Russians had access to as much quality food or as many goods and services as they do now. A 25-year-old today has never seen a food ration coupon. She doesnt know what its like to line up for hours for milk, eggs, or pantyhose or have meat only on major holidays. She cannot imagine a world without tampons and toilet paper or picture nuclear physicists and surgeons being sent to the countryside to dig up potatoes on collective farms. Once gray, dingy, and hungry, the downtowns of most Russian cities are indistinguishable today from their European counterparts. Along the way, revolutionary Russia underwent a self-administered demilitarization, unprecedented for a major power undefeated in war. Following an 80 percent cut in defense expenditures in January 1992, the defense sectors share of Russian GDP fell from at least one-fifth to 2 percent in 1999. The empire that the military guarded was dismantled as well. Between 1992 and 1995, Russia withdrew 800,000 troops from the former Warsaw Pact countries and roughly 40,000 troops from Estonia, shuttering all its military bases there. In December 1991, Moscow recognized Ukraines independence and later signed a Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership with Kiev. It is nonsense to suggest that post-Soviet Russia cut defense because it had no money. What nation spends on its army solely by whats in the till and not by fear, pride, hatred, or aspiration? North Korea still manages to find the money for missiles. Cuba, which rations food, found the pesos to send 24,000 men to fight in Angola and still maintains the strongest armed force in Central America. And, of course, even with half the countrys schools lacking central heat, running water, or indoor toilets, the Soviet Union had more soldiers than the United States, China, and the Federal Republic of Germany combined and twice as many tanks as NATO. But with the average price of oil at around $18 a barrel, post-Soviet Russia in the 1990s steadily increased health care expenditures; by 1999, it spent more than twice as much (7.3 percent) on health care as did the Soviet Union in 1990-1991 (2.9 percent), by share of GDP and more than Putins Russia does today (6.5 percent). Just as spectacular was the attempt at regaining dignity by liberty, the separation of powers, and the limitation of state power by law. Freedom of speech, the press, and of demonstration never before seen in Russia save between February and November 1917 flourished. Three parliamentary ballots (in 1993, 1995, and 1999) and a presidential election (1996) were the freest in Russian history, except for the November 1917 election to the Constituent Assembly. Just as unprecedented was an independent and opposition-dominated parliament, which in 1999 came within a handful of votes of impeaching the president. Exercising its constitutional right to grant amnesty, Russias lower house, the State Duma, ordered the release of the leaders of the October 1993 rebellion, in which black-shirted bands of leftist, anti-Semitic thugs shot at passersby from the top of the parliament building and lobbed grenades into the Ostankino television station. President Yeltsins compliance with the amnesty law was another revolutionary miracle. It is impossible to find another instance in Russias blood-stained history (or, for that matter, in almost any country) of unrepentant leaders of an armed uprising who would have certainly executed Yeltsin had they succeeded being freed by the victors with not one precondition. Since their release from detention, none has been persecuted or harassed in any way; none has been barred from politics; and several were later elected regional governors and Duma deputies. In another historical first for Russia, the First Chechen War (1994-1996) was ended not by defeat on the battlefield, but by free media and democratically exerted pressure on the executive. Yeltsin promised to end the conflict if re-elected in 1996 and he did, withdrawing all Russian troops by early 1997. Meanwhile, the courts, formerly pitiful appendages of state-owned socialist justice, were hugely empowered. For the first time in the countrys history, citizens sued authorities at every level, including the president with courts ruling for the plaintiffs in more than three in four cases. The courts banned the hated propiska, or residency permit, which allowed local authorities to determine (or deny) where people could live; threw out bans on foreign religious denominations (Jehovahs Witnesses and Pentecostals among them); and limited the military draft by affirming the right to alternate service. A St. Petersburg court also acquitted naval officer Alexander Nikitin, charged with espionage by the KGB successor, the FSB the first not-guilty verdict in a treason case brought by security services since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. So where did these stunning accomplishments end up? Consumed without a trace by the Putin restoration utterly cynical, preening, rapacious, belligerent, and corrupt on a scale that makes the accursed 1990s (as the Putin propaganda machine has dubbed the revolutionary decade) look like childs play? Looking back at the French Revolution, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote of the events, mistakes, misjudgments which led Frenchmen to abandon their original ideal and, turning their backs on freedom, to acquiesce in an equality of servitude under the master of all Europe. Putin is not Napoleon (although he undoubtedly would love to be), but in claiming to defend the motherland from alleged NATO aggression, to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine from the fascist junta in Kiev, and to stabilize the legitimate government of Syria while leading the world struggle against international terrorism, he has recovered for his compatriots the lost pride in being a counterweight moral, as well as military to the United States. Again, as in the Soviet days, millions of Russians see their country as a bulwark against evil and a guarantor of world peace. Obscured by the swelling of national pride are the indignities they suffer at the hands of the authorities, whom people consistently describe to pollsters as incompetent, corrupt, and callous. As the great Russian writer Mikhail Lermontov wrote, Ya rab, no rab tsarya vsellenoy! (I am a slave, but I am a slave of the Master of the Universe!) True, reactionary restorations that follow great revolutions may last for decades. But no restoration has ever managed to extirpate completely the revolution it followed and not one has proved permanent. The August revolution of 1991, too, lives on. Its slogans were on the placards of the tens of thousands of demonstrators in more than 100 Russian cities and towns who protested a rigged election and Putins rule in the winter of 2011-2012. It shines through the honesty and integrity of many of my Russian colleagues, scholars, and experts who refuse to be bought or intimidated by the Kremlin. Its spirit animates civil rights activists from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad: courageous men and women who mobilize their fellow citizens to protect the Khimki Forest and Lake Baikal; to fight graft, corruption, electoral fraud, and oppose the destruction of parks, kindergartens, and hospitals to make room for grotesque shopping malls. Although most of these activists are too young to remember the heady days of 1991, in their quest for democratic citizenship their goals are indistinguishable from those of the August revolutionaries. The revolution lives also in the women and men who refuse to surrender their Russia to the thieves and swindlers, as the anti-corruption and pro-democracy leader Alexei Navalny called members of Putins ruling party. And so they continue to come out to the streets, despite being met by truncheon-wielding anti-riot police. Navalny, meanwhile, continues his struggle with the Damocless sword of a suspended prison sentence hanging over his head; his brother, however, has effectively been taken hostage by the regime sentenced to three-and-a-half years in jail. August 1991 also inspired the opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, the first democratically elected governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region and, later, the first deputy prime minister in the Yeltsin government. When he was assassinated in February 2015 just 600 feet from the Kremlin Wall an estimated 70,000 people came to his funeral. And the revolution continues to live in the work of Vladimir Kara-Murza, Nemtsovs close friend and younger associate. After a sudden and near-total organ failure in Moscow in May of last year, most likely due to poisoning, he is back in Russia organizing the pro-democracy opposition movement. Their quest for a democratic Russia may seem quixotic today, but the arc of modern Russian history bends closer to the Navalnys, Nemtsovs, and Kara-Murzas than to the regime trying to suppress them. Given a choice between freely competing parties and candidates, at every critical historical juncture, the majority of Russian voters have opted for democracy, modernization, and reform not authoritarian reactionaries on the left or right: as in the votes for the 1906 Duma, the 1918 Constituent Assembly, and in the 1993 referendum and 1993 Duma. Tocqueville compared enduring national institutions to rivers that after going underground re-emerge at another point, in new surroundings. Driven deep into the ground today by the weight of repression, monopolistic propaganda, and war-mongering paranoia, the great August revolution, too, will re-emerge. Photo credit: MICHAEL EVSTAFIEV/AFP/Getty Images By Alex Whiting ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Anyone with internet access and a passion for seafood will soon be able to track commercial fishing trawlers all over the world, with a new tool that its developers hope will help end the overfishing that has decimated the world's fish stocks. Millions of people depend on fish to survive, and fish will be vital to feeding the world's growing population that is predicted to reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, the United Nations says. But overfishing has diminished fish stocks, and illicit fishing is threatening people's access to food in many poor countries, according to the United Nations. "We currently have around 450 million people globally who get their primary source of food from the ocean. This is 450 million meals a day under threat," said Lasse Gustavsson, executive director of Oceana in Europe on Wednesday. "To solve the overfishing problem, including illegal fishing, we want to create transparency in the oceans," Gustavsson told the Thomson Reuters Foundation from Madrid. Oceana, an international conservation organisation, together with Google and SkyTruth, a nonprofit group that uses aerial and satellite images to track changes in the landscape, are due to launch the Global Fishing Tracker within weeks. The public, non-governmental organisations and local authorities will be able to use it to monitor coastlines and marine conservation areas, follow individual boats in near real-time and track what boats of a particular flag are doing. It will be especially useful for countries like Madagascar which have few resources to patrol and monitor their own coastlines, Oceana said. "You can slice that piece of data in many different ways which we think will be helpful when it comes to law enforcement, increasing public understanding, and catching the kind of people who are doing stuff they shouldn't be doing," said Gustavsson. Some 30 percent of fish stocks were overfished in 2013, up from 10 percent in 1974. Most of the remaining stocks are fully fished, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said. At risk are hundreds of millions of people who depend on fisheries to earn a living, for food and nutrition, according to the FAO. The industry has vessels operating all over the world - some 15,000 European Union-registered fishing boats work off the coast of West Africa for example. Although legal, it is unsustainable, according to Oceana. Fish stocks will quickly bounce back if areas where fish spawn are protected, if fish stocks are managed scientifically, and if destructive and illegal fishing ended, Gustavsson said. "If we do all the right things now, in 10 years we will have twice as much fish in the ocean globally," he said. "We could increase the number of meals from 450 million a day today to maybe 1 billion." An international agreement to curb illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing came into force in June. The Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing allows a country to block ships it suspects of illicit fishing, stopping their catches from entering local and international markets. It will be a key driver in the international community's fight against illicit fishing, FAO said. (Reporting by Alex Whiting, Editing by Katie Nguyen.; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change. Visit Nairobi (AFP) - South Sudan's former rebel leader and ex-vice president Riek Machar has escaped to the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo following violent clashes last month, officials said Thursday. His precise whereabouts remained unclear but a United Nations spokesman confirmed his presence in the country. UN deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said Congolese authorities had asked the MONUSCO peacekeeping mission there to help transfer Machar and his family from a location near the border with South Sudan to elsewhere in DR Congo. "MONUSCO (the UN's mission in DR Congo) became aware yesterday of the presence of Riek Machar in DRC and the DRC authorities requested MONUSCO to facilitate his extraction and transfer," Haq told reporters in New York. "He has been handed over to the DRC authorities," he said, adding that the transfer was done for "humanitarian reasons" and "with his consent". "We have provided him with whatever medical assistance he needs," Haq said, declining to give further details. The UN mission in South Sudan had "no involvement" in Machar's departure, he added. A source close to the matter told AFP that Machar could be in the northern city of Kisangani, but there was no official confirmation. The UN spokesman said the agency did not know A statement from Machar's SPLM-IO party said the leader had been "evacuated to a safe country within the region" without naming Congo. A party source had earlier told AFP that Machar was in the Congolese capital Kinshasa but wanted "to go as soon as possible to Ethiopia". Civil war broke out in South Sudan in December 2013 when President Salva Kiir accused Machar, then his deputy, of plotting a coup. The fighting has split the world's newest country along ethnic lines and driven it to the brink of collapse. A peace deal signed between the government and rebels a year ago has so far failed to end the conflict. And last month Juba was rocked by several days of heavy fighting between Kiir's forces and those loyal to Machar. Story continues Machar's whereabouts had been unclear since the fighting flared in Juba between July 8 and 11 and led to his outgunned and outnumbered forces being chased from the city by government troops. He was subsequently replaced as vice president on July 25 by Taban Deng Gai, a former friend and ally. Deng warned Wednesday that Machar should stay out of politics to allow peace despite previously indicating that if Machar returned to Juba he would stand aside. - Cost of war - If Machar is indeed seeking to travel to Ethiopia, a regional power broker that hosted peace talks through the trade bloc IGAD, it would suggest he has no intention of being cut out of negotiations or pushed from power. Several former rebel commanders have warned they consider Deng's elevation to vice president to be "treason". South Sudan's civil war has been characterised by war crimes and human rights abuses with civilians massacred -- often along tribal lines -- women and girls raped and children forced to become soldiers. Homes and property have been looted and burned, and entire towns razed. Tens of thousands of people have died and over two million have been forced from their homes. In just the most recent documented atrocity a South Sudanese journalist was killed by government soldiers because of his tribe and foreign aid workers were shot, beaten and raped in an attack on a hotel during last month's fighting in Juba. The targeting of foreigners spurred the United Nations to launch an investigation into why its peacekeepers failed to respond to calls for help while the attack was going on. Last Friday the UN Security Council approved a US-drafted resolution to strengthen the 12,000-person peacekeeping mission with 4,000 additional troops drawn from regional armies and equipped with a more aggressive mandate. Juba has yet to accept the resolution. She may be named after a super villain, but Harley Quinn Smith is all about taking the high road! ET spoke to Kevin Smith's daughter at Variety's Power Of Young Hollywood Issue Celebration, presented by the app Pixhug with Vince Camuto on Tuesday, where the 16-year-old actress opened up about how she and her dad recently expertly shut down an online troll trying to tear her down. "It definitely hurts when you see stuff like that." she admitted. "But it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, they don't know you." WATCH: Kevin Smith Destroys Online Troll for Bullying His 17-Year-Old Daughter Harley Quinn: 'You're Being Useless' Smith acknowledged that online hate "can seriously affect you," but said ultimately, "you cant let that get to you because ... it's just a stranger online going off and trying to spread their negativity." "There are so many people being negative," she added. "You should just use that as an example, and as a motivation to be positive." WATCH: Kevin Smith's Daughter Harley Quinn Says She Was Almost Kidnapped by Fake Uber Drivers But even though she has the right attitude, Smith knows that for a lot of people going through bullying, it can be hard. "I know it can hurt, and I know it can really get you down," she said, advising her fans who might be going through similar experiences, "Stay true to who you are, because you're fantastic just the way you are... You cant let anybody demean you of your worth." WATCH: Paris Jackson Slams Online Trolls for Trying to 'Harass' Her Into Writing a Father's Day Post "Anybody that's trying to get you down is obviously insecure and dealing with their own issues," Smith said. "And you just have to separate yourself from that." Meanwhile, Smith also raved to ET about Suicide Squad, which features Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, with whom the young actress shares a name! Story continues MORE: Cara Delevingne Responds to Bad 'Suicide Squad' Reviews, Says It's 'for the Fans' Not the 'Critics' "I feel such a strong connection with [the fictional Harley Quinn]," Smith said. "Not only because we share a name, but Margot Robbie did a fantastic, amazing job, portraying her, and I could not be happier with the performance she gave." Smith said she's already seen the movie multiple times, adding, "I will stand by that movie till the day I die. I love it so much." WATCH: Margot Robbie Talks Permanent Tattoos She Inked on Her 'Suicide Squad' Co-Stars And Smith has just one request for DC Comics -- keep her in mind for a cameo in any spin-offs! "If I was just in the corner, like eating some food or something...literally anything!" she exclaimed. "That would mean the world!" WATCH: Lily-Rose Depp Has a Friend-Filled Prom With Kevin Smith's Daughter Harley Quinn Related Articles By Silvia Ognibene FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) - The chief executive of Monte dei Paschi di Siena , Fabrizio Viola, and the Italian bank's former chairman, Alessandro Profumo, are under investigation for alleged false accounting and market manipulation, a source with knowledge of the matter said. The investigation, which started in 2015 following complaints filed by small shareholders and consumer associations, comes as the Tuscan bank prepares to launch a 5 billion euro ($6 billion) stock sale after emerging as the weakest bank in Europe in industry stress tests in July. A spokesman for Monte dei Paschi said the decision to investigate Viola and Profumo followed a proposal by two shareholders to seek damages from the two executives which was rejected by other shareholders at an April meeting. "(Under Italian law) prosecutors are bound to open an investigation when they receive a complaint," the spokesman said in an emailed comment. This comment reflects Profumo's position, a separate spokesman for Profumo said. Being placed under investigation in Italy does not imply guilt and does not automatically lead to charges being laid. The source said on Thursday prosecutors in Siena alleged the bank did not correctly book two derivatives trades known as Alexandria and Santorini between 2011 and 2014. The inquiry was transferred to prosecutors in Milan in July. They now have 18 months to decide whether to shelve the investigation or seek trial for Viola and Profumo, the source said. Siena prosecutors could have chosen to close the case, the source added. Reuters' calls to the prosecutors' offices in Milan and Siena went unanswered. The health of Italy's third-largest lender poses a threat to the wider banking system, the savings of thousands of small investors and also to the weakening political standing of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who faces a make-or-break constitutional referendum in the autumn. Story continues Viola and Profumo were drafted in at Monte dei Paschi in 2012 to turn it around after it wrecked its balance sheet by overpaying on the purchase of rival Antonveneta in 2007 and engineering risky derivatives trades. Profumo, a veteran Italian banker formerly at UniCredit , stepped down as Monte dei Paschi chairman in August last year after overseeing two cash calls in 2014 and 2015 which raised a total of 8 billion euros. Shares in Monte dei Paschi are trading at record lows, after losing around 86 percent of their value since the bank completed its last share sale in June 2015. In January, Milan prosecutors sent to trial 13 former managers at Monte dei Paschi, Nomura <8604.T> and Deutsche Bank in a separate investigation into the two derivatives as well as a hybrid financial instrument used to partly finance the 2007 acquisition. All the managers involved and the banks have denied any wrongdoing. Prosecutors have said the bank's former management entered Alexandria and other derivative trades to conceal losses after stretching its finances to buy Antonveneta for 9 billion euros. The Monte dei Paschi spokesman said on Thursday the Milan prosecutors had acknowledged the bank's new management was actively helping to shed light on those responsible for the trades. In December, Italy's market watchdog Consob told Monte dei Paschi it had inaccurately booked the Alexandria derivative trade in its 2014 and first-half 2015 accounts. ($1 = 0.8834 euros) (writing by Valentina Za and Stephen Jewkes, editing by Anna Willard) In a move that could further irk Pakistan, there will be a joint Indo-Bangla co-production of 'factual' documentary on the 1971 War of Liberation in which India and erstwhile Prime Minister Indira Gandhi played a pivotal role. By Smita Sharma: Keeping up the momentum of good bilateral relations, India and Bangladesh have agreed to collaborate more closely through their information ministries. In a move that could further irk Pakistan, there will be a joint Indo-Bangla co-production of 'factual' documentary on the 1971 War of Liberation in which India and erstwhile Prime Minister Indira Gandhi played a pivotal role. The two sides will also jointly produce a documentary featuring the life, struggle, politics and assassination of Bangladesh's Founding Father- 'Bangabandhu' Sheikh Mujibur Rehman. advertisement The objective behind the move according to officials is to counter rumour, distortion of history and false propaganda as well as misinterpretation of religion through proper flow of information. 2020 marks the 100th year of Bangabandhu's birth anniversary while Bangladesh will celebrate 50 years of its independence from Pakistan in 2021 .In the run up to these landmark events,the Film Development Corporations and respective departments on both sides will cooperate on Skill development in media and cinema sector, Archiving, Capacity building, and co-production of fictional films to promote cultural bonds. Bangladesh's Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu had nearly two hour long discussions with his Indian counterpart Venkaiah Naidu in Delhi on Wednesday. The two leaders agreed that an MoU would soon be signed for closer collaboration and a joint working group would start work on the 1971 and Mujibur Rehman joint documentaries. Additionally, the two sides have agreed to restart the Indo-Bangla film festivals in each other's countries as a continuous process. Cinema exchange had stopped over the years as anti-India sentiments were fanned across Bangladesh by conservative and hawkish groups. On 23rd of August,President Pranab Mukherjee is expected to launch All India Radio's new project Maitree- An Indian initiative for friendship with Bangladesh. The public broadcasters Doordarshan and Bangladesh TV will also henceforth collaborate for content. According to Hasanul Haq, "The Whole subcontinent is sitting on communal and poverty bombs. Terrorists are trying to trigger the communal bomb which can be diffused only once by destroying terror networks through sharing of information to fight poverty." --- ENDS --- NSA headquarters In the wake of an unprecedented breach of hacking tools and exploits apparently stolen from the US National Security Agency's elite hacking unit, experts are offering two competing theories on how it happened and they're equally disturbing. Some former agency employees believe that the alleged group behind the leak, the "Shadow Brokers," may have hacked an NSA server that had a top-secret hacker toolkit left there by mistake. Others believe that the Brokers may be just a smokescreen for another possibility: an agency mole. "The key thing I think people are missing is that [most are talking] about how someone hacked a command-and-control box somewhere on the internet," Dave Aitel, an ex-NSA research scientist who now leads penetration-testing firm Immunity, told Business Insider. "If you actually look at the files, it really doesn't seem like that is the case." His remarks about looking at the files are interesting, especially in light of a post on Medium by Matt Suiche, the founder of Comae Technologies. He claimed that he was contacted by a former NSA analyst who offered a somewhat-redacted image of an award citation received while working inside the agency for the US Army to prove his bona fides. In the post about this "insider theory," Suiche's source said that the supposed NSA toolkit usually sits on a physically segregated network that never goes near the internet. And even more interesting, the source says, is that when an NSA hacker an operator working in what is called Tailored Access Operations (TAO) is going to carry out a cyberattack on a target, he or she would grab the files from this offline repository and then change many of their file names before they start. "The file hierarchy and the unchanged file naming convention tends to say that the files were directly copied from its source," Suiche writes. Aitel, the ex-NSA research scientist, agreed with that assessment as a valid possibility. Further, Aitel argued that putting those types of files up on a computer that an adversary could find is not a common practice. Story continues "It's not from a [command-and-control] server," he said. "It's just not C2 server stuff. It's operational machine stuff. No one puts their exploits on a C2 server. That's not a thing." A hacker, who requests not to have his name revealed, works on his laptop in his office in Taipei July 10, 2013. REUTERS/Pichi Chuang 'There's all kinds of ugly here' If the leaked files didn't actually get hacked from a server on the internet, then it's possible that the NSA has another "insider threat" problem an especially embarrassing prospect for a spy agency still reeling from the fallout surrounding documents taken by Edward Snowden. The former Booz Allen Hamilton employee who was contracted to work for the NSA leaked an alleged 1.7 million documents to journalists in 2013 before eventually seeking asylum in Moscow, where he remains. "There's all kinds of ugly here," John Schindler, a former NSA analyst and counterintelligence officer, told Business Insider, speculating that "there's fear now that this will bring on a serious mole hunt which, by the way, is completely necessary but never fun for the workforce. This isn't an entertaining thing to have to worry about, 'Is the guy or girl in the next cubicle a Russian spy?'" The previously-unknown Shadow Brokers created a number of social-media accounts earlier this month on Reddit, Github, Twitter, and Imgur, before announcing on August 13 that its "cyber weapon auction," which promised bidders a "full state sponsor tool set" from a hacking unit believed to be within the NSA known only as "The Equation Group." It released a 234-megabyte archive on various file-sharing sites with half being free to view and use which numerous experts say is legitimate while the other half was encrypted. The winner of the auction, the group said, would get the decryption key. shadow brokers cache But an auction for hacking tools and exploits is not something that ever happens, experts say. Instead, exploits are bought and sold on the black market for hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars in private. Also interesting is a newly released linguistic analysis of the group's announcement on Pastebin, a text-sharing site, in which it used broken English. "He is a native English speaker who tried to pass himself off as a foreigner," Jeffrey Carr, a cybersecurity expert and CEO of Taia Global, told Business Insider. The cybersecurity firm analyzed the text of the Shadow Brokers auction announcement and found evidence seeming to indicate that the author, or authors, purposely tried to mislead readers in the way they wrote, which included inconsistent errors in the text. "The cumulative effect of these multiple lines of evidence leads to the conclusion that the author is most likely a native speaker of US English who is attempting to sound like a non-native speaker by inserting a variety of random grammatical errors," wrote Dr. Shlomo Argamon, an expert on linguistics and the company's chief scientist. So what does this all mean? As ex-NSA employees and computer-security professionals analyze the files leaked by Shadow Brokers, it's becoming increasingly likely that they are legitimate tools, exploits, and implants that were used by NSA hackers. But at this point, the way they ended up getting out of the NSA's grasp is not clear, and that's a big problem. "If you don't know how it was lost, there's then a lot of panic in terms of what else is out there, particularly from a counterintelligence perspective," a source who previously worked as a hacker with NSA's Tailored Access Operations unit told Business Insider, on condition of anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters. "Now you have to really worry are all of my operations exposed? I think that's very concerning to people because they want to be covert and stealth." The NSA did not immediately respond to a request for comment. NOW WATCH: FORMER NSA DIRECTOR: America is really good at stealing data from other countries More From Business Insider (Reuters) - Gulf Coast refineries have suffered a spate of outages due to fires, historic flooding and severe weather. Below is a list of the outages. * LyondellBasell Industries was shutting down its 263,776 barrel per day (bpd) Houston refinery on Thursday due to a loss of steam production and power after a lightning strike. The refinery had been at reduced production levels since Wednesday, when the small coking unit was shut to replace piping on the unit that may be subject to corrosion. * ExxonMobil Corp on Wednesday shut a 110,000 bpd crude distillation unit at its 502,500 bpd Baton Rouge, Louisiana, refinery to reduce LPG production amid historic flooding in the region. In addition, Exxon cut production on a 210,000 bpd CDU in half for maintenance planned prior to the floods, the sources said. * Valero told state regulators Thursday that it had an unspecified equipment malfunction at its 205,000 bpd Corpus Christi, Texas, refinery. * Total SA returned a reformer to production at the company's 225,500 bpd Port Arthur, Texas, refinery on Wednesday, one day after a small fire broke out on the unit, said sources familiar with plant operations. * An Aug. 11 fire shut the 45,000 bpd heavy oil hydrocracker at Motiva Enterprises' [MOTIV.UL] 235,000 bpd Convent, Louisiana, refinery. The refinery has had to reduce staffing to essential personnel due to flooding between Aug. 13-20. (Reporting By Jarrett Renshaw; Editing by Bill Trott) Global health officials are racing to better understand the Zika virus behind a major outbreak that began in Brazil last year and has spread to many countries in the Americas. The following are some questions and answers about the virus and current outbreak: How do people become infected? Zika is transmitted to people through the bite of infected female mosquitoes, primarily the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the same type that spreads dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) said Aedes mosquitoes are found in all countries in the Americas except Canada and continental Chile, and the virus will likely reach all countries and territories of the region where Aedes mosquitoes are found. How do you treat Zika? There is no treatment or vaccine for Zika infection. Companies and scientists are racing to develop a safe and effective vaccine for Zika, but the World Health Organization (WHO) had said early in 2016 that it would take at least 18 months to start large-scale clinical trials of potential preventative shots. A vaccine is not expected to be ready for widespread use for at least two or three years. U.S. government researchers said they started their first clinical trial of a Zika vaccine. How dangerous is it? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that infection with the Zika virus in pregnant women is a cause of the birth defect microcephaly and other severe brain abnormalities in babies. The CDC said now that the causal relationship has been established, several important questions must still be answered with studies that could take years. According to the World Health Organization, there is strong scientific consensus that Zika can cause the birth defect microcephaly in babies, a condition defined by unusually small heads that can result in developmental problems. In addition, the agency said it could cause Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that can result in paralysis. Conclusive proof of the damage caused by Zika may take months or years. Brazil reports the number of confirmed cases of microcephaly at more than 1,700 as doctors and Brazilian health officials find that some suspected cases of microcephaly are not the disorder. Suspected ones under investigation had declined to 3,257. Brazil registered 91,387 likely cases of the Zika virus from February until April 2. Current research in Brazil indicates the greatest microcephaly risk is associated with infection during the first trimester of pregnancy, but health officials have warned an impact could be seen in later weeks. Recent studies have shown evidence of Zika in amniotic fluid, placenta and fetal brain tissue. What are the symptoms of Zika infection? People infected with Zika may have a mild fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain and fatigue that can last for two to seven days. But as many as 80 percent of people infected never develop symptoms. The symptoms are similar to those of dengue or chikungunya, which are transmitted by the same type of mosquito. How can Zika be contained? Efforts to control the spread of the virus focus on eliminating mosquito breeding sites and taking precautions against mosquito bites such as using insect repellent and mosquito nets. U.S. and international health officials have advised pregnant women to avoid travel to Latin American and Caribbean countries where they may be exposed to Zika. How widespread is the outbreak? Active Zika outbreaks have been reported in at least 55 countries or territories, most of them in the Americas, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Brazil has been the country most affected. ( Africa (1): Cape Verde Americas (46): Anguilla, Antigua, Argentina, Aruba, Barbados, Barbuda, Belize, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saba, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthelmy, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Eustatius, St. Maarten, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Cacos, U.S. Virgin Islands and Venezuela. Oceania/Pacific Islands (8): American Samoa, Fiji, Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and Tonga. What is the history of the Zika virus? The Zika virus is found in tropical locales with large mosquito populations. Outbreaks of Zika have been recorded in Africa, the Americas, Southern Asia and the Western Pacific. The virus was first identified in Uganda in 1947 in rhesus monkeys and was first identified in people in 1952 in Uganda and Tanzania, according to the WHO. Can Zika be transmitted through sexual contact? The World Health Organization (WHO) said sexual transmission is "relatively common" and has advised pregnant women not to travel to areas with ongoing outbreaks of Zika virus. It also advised women living in areas where the virus is being transmitted to delay getting pregnant. The U.S. CDC is investigating about a dozen cases of possible sexual transmission. Those cases involved possible transmission of the virus from men to their sex partners. But the CDC issued updated recommendations for preventing and testing for Zika infection on July 25, warning that the virus can be transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected female partner. A reported case of female-to-male sexual transmission in New York City, and limited human and non-human primate data indicating that Zika virus RNA can be detected in vaginal secretions, led to the new warning, the agency said. CDC's expanded warnings on sexual exposure to Zika now caution against sex without a condom or other barrier method of protection with any person, male or female, who has traveled to or lives in an area with Zika, including female to female transmission with a pregnant partner. British health officials reported Zika was found in a man's semen two months after he was infected, suggesting the virus may linger in semen long after infection symptoms fade. The PAHO said Zika can be transmitted through blood, but this is an infrequent transmission mechanism. There is no evidence Zika can be transmitted to babies through breast milk. The WHO has identified Zika cases in Argentina, Chile, France, Italy and New Zealand as likely caused by sexual transmission. What other complications are associated with Zika? Zika has also been associated with other neurological disorders, including serious brain and spinal cord infections. The long-term health consequences of Zika infection are unclear. Other uncertainties surround the incubation period of the virus and how Zika interacts with other viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes, such as dengue. (Compiled by the Americas Desk) National Constitution Center Supreme Court correspondent Lyle Denniston looks at an interesting religious freedom case headed to the Supreme Court about a Marine corporal who refused an order to remove a bible-verse sign from her office desk. armedforcesappealscourt320 Already deeply immersed in religious controversy, the Supreme Court soon will be asked to clarify the duty of members of the military services to obey orders, even if they believe that doing so would violate their religious faith. A new case based on the rights protected by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (or RFRA) is on its way to the Justices in an appeal from a military court. The case of United States v. Sterling involves a former Marine discharged from the ranks after her conviction for disobeying one of her military superiors who had posted signs around her desk, each with the same phrase taken from the Old Testament, the book of Isaiah. Each sign read: No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Former Lance Corporal Monifa J. Sterling, formerly on duty at the Marine Corps base at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, was convicted in February 2014 of a series of charges involving refusals to take down the signs, along with other claims of failing to follow orders. But, as the case moves toward the Supreme Court, it will focus solely on the religious dispute surrounding the charges. The guilty verdict, along with a pay cut and a bad conduct discharge (both affecting her eligibility for benefits) were upheld in a 4-to-1 decision last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. That is the highest appeals tribunal in the U.S. military, with appeals from its rulings going on to the Supreme Court if the Justices accept them for review. Her lawyers, including the high-profile Washington, D.C., attorney, Paul D. Clement, have said they plan to appeal. The case attracted a wide array of state governments and advocacy groups at the military appeals court, which was reviewing a decision from a Navy-Marine Corps tribunal. Story continues When Sterling was tried in a military court-martial, she testified that she put up the signs to protect herself, arguing that other Marines were picking on her. At the trial, she began claiming that the signs were based on her faith as a non-denominational Christian, and thus her refusal to take them down when told to do so by a sergeant was protected by the 1993 federal law protecting the exercise of religious freedom: RFRA. That law has had a prominent place in the Supreme Courts work in recent years, most recently in the challenges by Roman Catholic hospitals, colleges and charities to the birth-control mandate of the Affordable Care Act, and in other challenges under that Act. Religious freedom cases based on that and similar state laws are developing around the nation in reaction to the Supreme Courts same-sex marriage ruling. The Justices are divided on such religious questions, and disputes often produce strongly worded dissents. Last term, the court was unable to make a final ruling on the latest birth-control cases and chose instead to try to get the parties to work out a compromise themselves. The Sterling case, though, arises in the special situation of the military, where obedience to orders is a fundamental duty of maintaining discipline in the ranks. The fact that the case arose in that context appeared to be important to the majoritys ruling, The majority, in a decision written by Judge Margaret A. Ryan, ruled that Sterling had failed to prove that the message on her signs was important to her religion and that taking them down violated her faith, and that, in any event, she had not taken steps to let her superiors know that she was, in fact, acting on the basis of faith principles. It also said she should have tried remedies that the military offers for religious claims by those on duty. The majority concluded that the sergeant who told Sterling to take down the signs had acted within his authority as her superior and that he had given her a valid reason that the desk where they were posted was used by other Marines, too. There was no evidence, the court found, that the sergeant knew at the time that the phrase on the signs was religious in nature. Under RFRA, it is illegal for the government (including the military) to take action that imposes a substantial burden on the exercise of religion. The individual making a claim must show that the religious belief was held sincerely. If a burden is proven, then the government must show that it was pursuing a compelling interest and doing so by the means that would have the least negative impact on the individuals religious beliefs. In the appeals courts ruling, it assumed that Sterling sincerely believed that the message on the three signs at her desk was inspired by her faith, and thus moved on to the question of whether her religion had been subjected to a substantial burden. On that point, Sterlings claims failed, according to the majority. A key factor on that point, Judge Ryan wrote, is the importance or lack of it that the individual assigns to the religious reason for acting here, putting up the signs. Sterling, the opinion said, had to show that she had an honest belief that the sign-posting was important to her faith, and she did not meet that test. We reject the argument that every interference with a religiously motivated act constitutes a substantial burden on the exercise of religion, the opinion said. In judging the claim of a burden on Sterlings faith, the majority said that it relied in part upon the fact that she had never told her sergeant that the signs had religious meaning for her. That minimal burden, it said, is certainly not onerous or unreasonable in the military context, where orders are presumed to be lawful, adherence to orders is integral to the military performing its mission, and the military force is made up of diverse individuals with diverse backgrounds with no guarantee those charged with command have any special expertise in religion. The majority said it could not approve a circumstance of disobey orders now and explain why later. Another fact that the majority said helped shape its view that the burden on Sterlings religion did not meet the RFRA test was that she could have, but did not, request a religious accommodation of the posting of the signs. The Marine Corps rules require that a marine obeys her or his orders while waiting for a ruling on such a requested, the opinion noted. Three other appeals judges joined in the Ryan opinion, but Judge Kevin A. Ohlson dissented, arguing that the ruling requires members of the military to do something that RFRA does not require to ask the government, Mother, may I? The ruling, the dissenting judge wrote, imposes a legal regime that conflicts with the provisions of RFRA, contradicts the intent of Congress, and impermissibly chills the religious rights of our nations servicemembers. The Supreme Court is not likely to examine the coming appeal until sometime in the fall. Legendary journalist Lyle Denniston is Constitution Dailys Supreme Court correspondent. Denniston has written for us as a contributor since June 2011. Denniston has covered the Supreme Court since 1958. His work also appears on Recent Stories on Constitution Daily Constitution Check: Might the Second Amendment be redefined? Sister Wives case moves slowly toward Supreme Court After 102 years, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power From Town & Country When a road that runs along the river Arno in Florence, Italy, collapsed into a sinkhole this May, it served both as a frightening reminder of how fragile historic sites can be and a pointed example to the philanthropy community of why private help is needed to keep landmarks from falling into ruin. Fortunately, in Italy a group of well-heeled corporations have already begun leading the charge to preserve history. One recent example of this was unveiled in Florence last year, when the Uffizi Gallery reopened eight rooms that had been revamped with funds donated by the luxury fashion brand Salvatore Ferragamo. "We hoped to join in a competition between companies to contribute to our culture," says Leonardo Ferragamo, executive vice president of Fondazione Ferragamo, the firm's educational arm. The United States has a long tradition of citizens and corporations donating money to preserve public and private landmarks, but in Europe upkeep is often overseen by local governments. The difference in approach can be attributed to variations in political systems, but another reason is taxes. The U.S. offers many financial incentives to contribute; Europe, comparatively few. That changed in Italy in 2014, when the country introduced a 65 percent deduction on gifts made for the restoration and preservation of museums, monuments, archives, and libraries. The fashion industry quickly embraced the new rules. In Rome, Fendi underwrote a restoration of the Trevi Fountain that included new lighting, Bulgari gave money to clean up the Spanish Steps, and Tod's invested in a major overhaul of the Colosseum. Ferragamo focused its attention on the Uffizi. "We adore Florence and the Uffizi, and the opportunity to help was irresistible," says Fulvia Ferragamo Visconti, vice president of the brand's holding company, Ferragamo Finanziaria S.p.A. Indeed, the family has a long history in the city. It is where Naples-born shoemaker Salvatore decided to locate his company after returning to Italy from California in 1927. "My father chose Florence because of its beauty-it inspired his creations," explains Ferruccio Ferragamo, the company's chairman. Story continues The year long project included updating climate and security systems as well as painting the walls a period-appropriate pale moss color-a tone that showcases the artworks perfectly. "I cannot tell you how rewarded we were to see these rooms restored," Leonardo says. "You can see the masterpieces in an exciting new way." The Ferragamos have several other projects coming up, including helping fund the restoration of the 16th-century Fountain of Neptune, a Florence landmark, and contributing to the revamping of the Lungarno Acciaiuoli, the river-front promenade between the Ponte Vecchio and Ponte Santa Trinita. "We feel it is our duty to maintain and contribute to the beauty of our city and its culture," Ferrucio says. "Florence gives to us every day. Now it is time we give back." From Cosmopolitan A Kansas lawmaker whose 10-year-old son was killed on the world's tallest waterslide thanked supporters Tuesday, joining two others who were in the ill-fated raft in hoping that unfolding investigations prevent any such tragedy from happening again. Scott Schwab, in a statement released by the family's lawyer, said "words will never convey the appreciation" the Schwabs have for the public outpouring since Caleb Schwab died Aug. 7 on the 168-foot tall Verruckt ride at the Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City, Kansas. "'Thank You' seems so inadequate to express our appreciation, but it is the only phrase we have. So, from the depths of our hearts, we thank you," Schwab, a Republican from Olathe, Kansas, said in the statement, first reported by the Kansas City Star. "While we try to step forward into the new normal of life without Caleb in our presence, we find hope with the current investigation into the incident to provide answers and assurances that such tragedy will not strike again." Michael Rader, a partner in the law firm hired by the Schwabs, said Schlitterbahn has cooperated with his independent investigation of the tragedy that also injured the raft's two other occupants - Hannah Barnes, 32, and Matraca Baetz, 25. "I can say that my firm and I along with our team of experts are doing everything in our power to ensure that all questions surrounding the cause of this tragedy are fully answered," Rader wrote. Cameron Morgan, a police spokesman, said earlier Tuesday that it's unclear when the investigation will be completed and any findings released. Barnes and Baetz issued a separate statement through their attorney. "Being mothers ourselves, we can only hope that Caleb's family can find some comfort in knowing we are doing everything we know how to do to stop something so tragic from occurring again to any other family," the women's statement said. Story continues Johnson told the Associated Press that Barnes and Baetz "want answers and assurances from Schlitterbahn that that slide will be corrected or not continue to be in operation." "If necessary, there will be litigation," he said, adding that "we have not had the opportunity to have our experts inspect the Verruckt or see the [ride's design] drawings." When it comes to discussing what caused the tragedy, "we would be hesitant to say anything until our experts inform us of their opinions," Johnson said. Caleb Schwab was decapitated in the accident, a person familiar with the investigation told the AP last week on condition of anonymity because that person was not authorized to speak publicly about the boy's death. Verruckt - German for "insane" - features multi-person rafts that make a 168-foot drop at speeds of up to 70 mph, followed by a surge up a hump and a 50-foot descent to a finishing pool. Riders, who must be at least 54 inches tall, are harnessed with two nylon seatbelt-like straps - one that crosses the rider's lap, the other stretching diagonally like a car shoulder seatbelt. Each strap is held in place by long straps that close with fabric fasteners, not buckles. Riders hold ropes inside the raft. Riders are weighed to ensure each raft carries between 400 pounds and 550 pounds. Police on Monday released a report showing one rider at 140 pounds, another at 170, and an unclear weight for Caleb, who would have had to weigh 90 pounds to make the trio's weight reach 400 pounds. But police said weights taken at a hospital after the accident show one person weighed 275 pounds, another 197 pounds and a third 73 pounds, putting the combined weight at 545 pounds. Apprentice by Singaporean director Boo Junfeng will get a North American theatrical release in early 2017. Rights to the film, which premiered in Un Certain Regard in Cannes, were acquired by Film Movement. The sales agent is Frances Luxbox. The film also scored another significant deal when it was licensed to Sahamongkolfilm International, one of Thailands top commercial distributors. That deal was negotiated by Sahamongkol director of acquisitions Panu Aree and the films producer Raymond Phathanavirangoon. The film will have its North American premiere at the Toronto festival next month. Film Movement plans an early 2017 outing followed by online and DVD distribution. The second feature by Boo, who previously made Sandcastle, the drama is the story of a young prison officer who becomes friends with and the trainee of the chief executioner. Having taken five years to make, the film was eventually structured as a five way co-production involving producers from Singapore, Germany, France, Hong Kong and Qatar. Related stories Michael Moore: Donald Trump Doesn't Really Want to Be President Taiwan's Catchplay Launches OTT Movie Service in Singapore 'Train' Runs to Korean Record at Singapore Box Office By PTI: New Delhi, Aug 18 (PTI) India has expressed interest in jointly developing coal fields and iron ore mines in Russia to bolster bilateral trade and economic ties. An India-Russia working group on industrial cooperation and modernisation during its meeting here identified fields such as technology for production of CRGO steel in India, modernisation of steel manufacturing facilities in India and pharmaceutical industry for enhancing cooperation. advertisement "The Indian side expressed interest in joint development of coal fields and iron ore mines in Russia. They agreed to exchange information on such areas having potential for cooperation," the Commerce and Industry Ministry said in a statement. It also said that in the civil aviation sector, Russian side has declared its readiness to participate in the Make in India programme to develop technological and production capabilities of India in this field and potential supplies of the jointly produced equipment to third countries. As regards fertiliser sector, both sides expressed mutual interest in developing the long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of mineral fertilisers, it added. Further India and Russia identified specific areas of cooperation in the field of mining and metallurgy. "The Russian side reconfirmed their interest in receiving information about possible participation of Russian companies in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)," it said. Both sides have agreed to hold the next meeting of the working group in 2017 in Russia. Secretary in the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) Ramesh Abhishek led the Indian delegation to participate in the 5th meeting. The Russian delegation was headed by Alexander Potapov, Deputy Minister of Industry & Trade. PTI RR MR --- ENDS --- Are film tax credits worth the money? Its a hotly debated question. Hollywood contends that tax credits create a multiplier effect that stimulates the broader economy, while skeptics say the benefits dont outweigh the costs. But a new study from a professor the USC Price School of Public Policy says that argument is beside the point. Professor Michael Thom reviewed the effects of tax credits nationwide, and found that the benefits are almost non-existent. The promise was this was going to diversify the economy, that they were going to draw Hollywood out of Hollywood, Thom said in an interview. In general, this does not pay off. Thom analyzed wages and employment levels within the motion picture industry in more than 40 states where incentives have been implemented. In 18 states that implemented transferable tax credits, employment in the motion picture industry increased by less than 1% per year. In 26 states that implemented refundable credits, there was no measurable effect on job growth. Transferable credits had no measurable effect on wages, while refundable credits did produce short-term wage gains, the study found. The study, titled Lights, Camera, but No Action?, also looked at sales tax and lodging tax waivers, finding no effect on motion picture employment from those incentives. The study also found that none of the incentives had a measurable effect on the share of the motion picture business located in each state. The findings fly in the face of the conventional wisdom in Hollywood, which is that state tax incentives have resulted in a massive flight of jobs from California to other parts of the country. That argument was central to the California Legislatures decision in 2014 to expand its tax credit program from $100 million per year to $330 million per year. In pushing for the credit expansion, legislators relied on research from the Milken Institute. Kevin Klowden, the executive director of the institutes California Center, was asked to review Thoms paper. Klowden argued that it was well done for its limited focus, but misses the bigger picture. Specifically, Klowden argued that Thom did not adequately distinguish between different types of incentives. Story continues There are a lot of different states that have thrown money at incentives and they havent worked out, Klowden said. If all theyre doing is using incentives as a lure and nothing else, then as soon as they go away, local film production takes a hit. What makes things work is you need to invest in and build up the local workforce. Klowden argued that states that have provided incentives for investment in permanent infrastructure, like production facilities, have seen the greatest benefits. He singled out New York and New Mexico as states that have been particularly successful. Thom was not impressed with that argument. If its such a successful industry and a profitable industry, you shouldnt need a subsidy, he said. This is a multi-billion dollar industry. In the last couple of years, a handful of states have rolled back or eliminated their incentive programs. In the wake of a number of state-by-state studies showing that incentive programs dont create benefits commensurate with their costs, Thom wondered why more states have not done away with their programs. That led him to write another paper, titled Fade to Black?, that examines the rise and fall of motion picture tax incentive programs. He found that states generally enacted incentives as a response to high unemployment, and also because they were following the example of other states. Policymakers look around and say, If five other states are doing something, they cant all be idiots, so they have to do it to, Thom said. Theres a lot of peer pressure. Thom also looked at states that have eliminated their programs, finding that the smaller the program, the easier it was to get rid of. States that have spent the most on tax credits have generally been the most reluctant to give them up. Many have doubled down, said Thom, adding that regulators and vested interests have become powerful advocates for continuing the larger programs. The people who voted for that money dont want to admit fault. Thom also noted that few programs include a requirement to analyze the effects of the tax subsidy. In California, advocates for film incentives are still awaiting definitive data that would show whether the expansion has had a positive effect, Klowden said. Related stories 'Don't Think Twice' Director Blasts MPAA Over 'Suicide Squad's' PG-13 Rating FAA Announces Final Rules for Use of Drones on Film Sets Matt Bennett Tapped for MPAA Communications Post For the makers of Mission: Impossible 6, the biggest challenge might not be how to keep the franchise fresh, but how to keep shooting the action-packed film in France. In the wake of recent terrorist attacks that have killed more than 230 people, filming in the country is more complicated because of increased security. France has served as the backdrop for many high-voltage action movies, including The Bourne Identity, Taken, and Lucy. But ever since the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January 2015 in Paris, authorities have been reluctant to allow the filming of sequences featuring explosive violence. With the country now locked down after the recent attacks in Paris and Nice, getting permits to shoot action scenes has become almost impossible. The official word from authorities is that we cant film car chases, bank robberies, shootings, or actors dressed in police and military outfits, because these scenes could disrupt public safety and create confusion and panic among residents, says Raphael Benoliel, a French line producer who worked on Woody Allens Midnight in Paris. According to producer Matthias Weber of 2425 Films, the restrictions recently pushed director Yann Gozlan to consider relocating the shoot of his thriller Burn Out from Paris to Amsterdam. Gozlan eventually opted to film certain scenes on private property in Paris, rather than on the street. Director Jalil Lespert did the same for his thriller Iris. The official word from authorities is that we cant film car chases, bank robberies, shootings, or actors dressed in police and military outfits, because these scenes could disrupt public safety. Producer Raphael Benoliel Officials emphasize that France remains open for business when it comes to filming. In spite of the volatile security situation, an increase in the government tax rebate from 20% to 30% has helped make 2016 a record year for production so far. The rebate was a key factor in attracting projects such as Fifty Shades Darker and Christopher Nolans Dunkirk. Story continues But terrorism has taken its toll on Frances industry. After last Novembers attacks in Paris, all filming permits were suspended briefly, including for David Michods War Machine, with Brad Pitt; the films two-day shoot in the French capital was postponed to January. Mission: Impossible 6, which could start filming in January 2017, according to sources, will need to operate under new, more stringent practices, though authorities appear willing to work with filmmakers on ways around the restrictions. It just requires that more resources have to be used and rules followed, says Michel Gomez, who heads Mission Cinema, the organization that coordinates all Paris filming. Shoots must be well-publicized to residents and neighbors in order to avoid disruption to the public order, and when weapons or explosions are used, they have to be soundproofed. Gomez cited Michel Hazanavicius film Le Redoutable, which is currently being shot in Paris. The action takes place in May 1968, and shows scenes of riots in the capital, with actors dressed as cops. Our big advantage is that its a period film, says Francois Pulliat, a veteran head of production whos working on Le Redoutable. So our police costumes are from 1968 theyre easily identifiable. It limits any possible confusion by residents. Under Siege France and Belgium have been targeted by terrorists in recent years. Paris Jan. 15 17 people were killed at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo Paris Nov. 15 Attacks at the Bataclan music hall and elsewhere killed 130 people Brussels March 16 3/16 Airport and subway attacks killed 32 Nice July 16 A truck attack killed 84 people on Bastille Day The shoot called for eight days of demonstrations, which required closing down a large area, and having real police officers on the ground to maintain order. We knew it would have been extremely difficult to get permits to shoot these scenes on the Champs Elysees in the middle of May. Thats why we chose to film them during the first two weeks of August - a very quiet period in an area thats not as affluent, Pulliat says. When they blew up a car, he adds, the production used soundproofing material. Security concerns in Europe have also forced insurance firms such as Tokyo Marine, Circle, Axxa, and Allianz to increasingly take into account the risk of terrorist attacks, restricting coverage and in some cases increasing premiums. In 2013, Allianz launched a crisis-management division specializing in terrorism coverage that can be sold in conjunction with a film insured by Allianz or separately. We do have a volatile security environment in certain countries,- including France, Belgium, and Germany, says Bjoern Reusswig, executive underwriter for terrorism insurance at Allianz. But in general, all film shoots and events in France are insurable. Policies usually cover losses due to terrorist incidents within a defined radius around the filming location. A different bond is required for losses from the threat of terrorism rather than an actual attack. In the case of a threat, a local authority has to order or recommend stopping or delaying the shoot. Weber, who was shooting The Eavesdropper with Francois Cluzet in the Brussels neighborhood of Molenbeek during the massive police operation that followed the March 22 terror attacks in Belgium, lost a permit to shoot a scene at the local police station. Shooting the scene weeks later cost an additional 40,000, but the productions insurance policy covered the loss. Despite the new obstacles, producer Benoliel is confident that France will remain a draw for Hollywood. Though some American producers are now as concerned about filming in France as they would be in the Middle East, he says, they keep coming. The danger can be everywhere, he adds, and France is France well always have iconic sites and good tax rebates. Related stories 'Taken' Director Pierre Morel to Helm Thriller 'Big Stone Grid' Can British-French TV Cooperation Survive Post-Brexit? Some European Film Players Shrug at Brexit Climbing a freezing cold mountain is already hard enough work. But in briefs? Nope. It's too late for Sydney teacher Ben Anderson and four friends. They conquered Australia's highest mountain, Mount Kosciuszko, while wearing very little at all back in early-July. And they lived to tell the tale. SEE ALSO: What is the 22 push-up challenge? The group were inspired by the antics of Wim Hof, a Dutch man nicknamed "The Iceman" due to his ability to withstand extreme cold, holding a number of world records for different feats. "The idea came about last year, [my friend] Blake and I were discussing a podcast on Wim Hof," Anderson told Mashable Australia. "We thought you know what, let's see if we can do that. So in November last year, we thought let's try and make it up Kosciusko in our swimmers in the middle of winter. And so we started training." While it was difficult to train for the winter cold during the blaring heat of summer, the group prepared by taking ice baths, cold showers and going for swims in the middle of the night when temperatures were at their minimum. "It's all about getting the mind and body familiar with what it's like to be cold. That's how you'll survive really," Anderson laughed. The 13 kilometre (eight mile) trek to the summit of the mountain (and back) took four hours, with 3.5 of those hours done in swimwear. But they nearly didn't make it up. The group went up on the last day of their allotted four-day window, when the weather was finally good enough to climb. "The weather is highly unpredictable, and it's not like we were going to go up in a blizzard. So we had to select the best day out of four days, and the Friday turned out to be the best day," Anderson said. Image: kossie in cossies By "best day," Anderson means chilly temperatures of minus four degrees Celsius (39.2 degrees Fahrenheit) at the summit, with winds ranging from 25 to 30 kilometres (15 to 18 miles) an hour. Despite the confronting weather, it was an experience that they relished. Story continues "It was just an absolutely exhilarating experience. We trained and prepared ourselves very, very well so that we were able to do the climb quite easily," he said. "Other people might not believe that, well, most people don't actually they're still wondering how the hell did you do that?" The group did exercises along their trek to help regulate their body temperature, as inspired by Wim Hof. Despite the relative ease in getting up the mountain and the beautiful surrounds of Mount Kosciusko, Anderson isn't rushing to do it all in his swimwear all over again. "I doubt whether there will be a similar sort of experience [again]. It was a really good physiological challenge, and sparked something for most of us to see what our bodies are capable of," he said. It wasn't just for the thrill of it though. The group is also raising funds for Australian depression and anxiety charity, beyondblue, while also trying to show people what can be done with a bit of persistence and resilience. If it's getting your pants off and freezing on an icy mountain for a good cause, so be it. ROME (Reuters) - The bodies of five migrants were recovered and 534 others were saved on Thursday following an array of rescue operations in the Mediterranean sea, Italy's coastguard said. The migrants were picked up from two large rubber dinghies and nine other smaller boats, the coastguard said, giving no details about how the deaths occurred. Vessels from the Italian and German navy joined four ships run by humanitarian groups in the various rescue missions. Latest data from the International Organization for Migrants, released on Aug. 9, said some 100,244 migrants have reached Italy by boat this year, many of them setting sail from Libya. An estimated 2,742 men, women and children have died over the same period trying to make the journey. Italy has been on the front line of Europe's migrant crisis for three years, and more than 400,000 have successfully made the voyage to Italy from North Africa since the beginning of 2014, fleeing violence and poverty. (Reporting by Crispian Balmer; Editing by Toby Chopra) From Good Housekeeping A 74-year-old Florida man was arrested for shooting and killing an alligator that was endangering his horses and later attacked his stepson, according to Florida news station WFLA News - and his friends and family are in total disbelief. The incident occurred earlier this summer when Reginald Blanton first noticed that his horses were behaving strangely out in his field. Unsure of what might be bothering them, Blanton brought his gun with him to check on them. That's when he spotted the gator - and proceeded to shoot it three times in an attempt to protect his horses. Blanton tells WFLA News that he shot the alligator in an attempt to protect his horses. But things only got crazier from there: After Blanton shot at the animal, his stepson, 58-year-old Jack Hildreth, assumed it was dead and approached the scene. The alligator was still alive, however, and it lunged at Hildreth. "It was a burst of lightning," he told WFLA News. "It was just a surprise." Hildreth sustained a severe leg wound in the attack before someone pulled him away from the alligator. Once local authorities arrived on the scene, a licensed trapper euthanized the gator. The next surprise came when a Sumter County deputy arrested Blanton, who was cited for unlawfully killing the alligator. Friends and family tell WFLA News that they're shocked by the arrest. On top of paying for Hildreth's medical expenses, Blanton's family has now also had to pay for bail and an attorney for Blanton - even though he was just trying to protect himself, his family and his property from the dangerous animal. WFLA has reportedly reached out to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to ask if Blanton's motive of self-defense will protect him in court, but the news station has not yet received a response. For more on this story, watch the video from WFLA News below. [h/t WFLA] Profitability analysis is one of the most effective methods to assess the potential of a stock. Using profitability analysis, we can figure out whether a company can generate enough sales revenue not only to meet all its cost and expenses but also to pass on strong returns to its investors. However, if a profitable company has weak fundamentals, it may not be able to give a satisfying stock performance. Several studies have indicated that a company with high profitability normally offers healthy returns to its investors. So, in order to determine the exact profitability of a company, we have used the most effective profitability metric- net income ratio. Net Income Ratio Profitability ratios in general are classified into gross income ratio, operating income ratio, pretax profit margin and net income ratio. Here, we have selected net income ratio in order to assess the exact level of profitability of a company. Net income ratio is measured by dividing net income by total sales revenue. The higher the net income ratio, the better is the companys profitability. This is because it showcases how effectively the company shells out all its business-related expenses and generates funds. Screening Parameters Net income ratio is not the only indicator of future winners. As such, we have added a few additional criteria to arrive at a winning strategy. Zacks Rank equal to #1: Only Strong Buy stocks are allowed. With the Zacks Rank proving itself to be one of the best rating systems out there, this is a great way to start off. 12-Month Trailing Net Income Ratio Higher than X Industry: A higher net income ratio indicates a companys solid profitability. 12-Month Trailing Sales and Net Income Growth Higher than X Industry: Stocks that have displayed higher sales and net income growth in the last 12 months give a better financial performance. % Rating Strong Buy greater than 70%: This indicates that 70% of the analysts covering these stocks are optimistic. Story continues Here are five of the 10 stocks that qualified the screening: Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. AMPH is a specialty pharmaceutical company. This company has an average four-quarter earnings surprise of more than 100%. Parsley Energy, Inc. PE is an independent oil and natural gas company. It has an average four-quarter earnings surprise of 97.9%. Entegris, Inc. ENTG is a leading provider of materials management solutions to the high-technology industries, including microelectronics. The company has an average four-quarter earnings surprise of 20.7%. State Bank Financial Corporation STBZ, through its subsidiary, provides community banking services to individuals and businesses in the middle Georgia and metropolitan Atlanta markets. It has an average four-quarter earnings surprise of 10.4%. HollySys Automation Technologies, Ltd. HOLI is one of the leading automation systems providers in the People's Republic of China. The company has an average four-quarter earnings surprise of 6.1%. While backtesting over a two-year timeframe (August 08, 2014 to August 05, 2016), a portfolio following this strategy provided a total return of 13.8% compared with the S&P 500s return of 9.3%. Thus, this strategy may prove profitable for those looking to beat the markets. Get the rest of the stocks on the list and start putting this and other ideas to the test. It can all be done with the Research Wizard stock picking and back-testing software. The Research Wizard is a great place to begin. It's easy to use. Everything is in plain language. And it's very intuitive. Start your Research Wizard trial today. And the next time you read an economic report, open up the Research Wizard, plug your finds in, and see what gems come out. Click here to sign up for a free trial to the Research Wizard today. Disclosure: Officers, directors and/or employees of Zacks Investment Research may own or have sold short securities and/or hold long and/or short positions in options that are mentioned in this material. An affiliated investment advisory firm may own or have sold short securities and/or hold long and/or short positions in options that are mentioned in this material. Disclosure: Performance information for Zacks portfolios and strategies are available at: Zacks Restaurant Recommendations: In addition to dining at these special places, you can feast on their stock shares. A Zacks Special Report spotlights 5 recent IPOs to watch plus 2 stocks that offer immediate promise in a booming sector. Download it free Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report ENTEGRIS INC (ENTG): Free Stock Analysis Report STATE BANK FINL (STBZ): Free Stock Analysis Report AMPHASTAR PHARM (AMPH): Free Stock Analysis Report HOLLYSYS AUTOMT (HOLI): Free Stock Analysis Report PARSLEY ENGY-A (PE): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research BOCA RATON, FL / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / Foreign visitors are critical to the state's economy. But Florida's open arms to tourists and visitors can't always protect them when they become pedestrians or motorists on the state's often congested and dangerous roadways. Boca Raton car accident lawyer Joe Osborne discusses issues faced by foreign visitors if they become accident victims in a podcast available on YouTube. The Sun Sentinel reports that in 2013 11.2 million international visitors plus 3.7 million Canadians (or about 10% of the country's population) visited Florida. When they come they need to cope with the fact that on average there are almost 700 fatalities a year due to car accidents in South Florida. Many foreign tourists get more than they bargained for when they visit the state. Some go home with serious injuries or coping with the trauma of suddenly losing a loved one in an accident. One of car accident attorney Osborne's cases involves an Irish couple that was visiting Florida when they became victims of a tragic accident in Miami Dade County. Robert and Adrienne Hammond were driving and while making a legal left turn they were struck on the driver's side by a speeding truck trying to illegally pass them. The accident fatally injured Mr. Hammond and caused physical and brain injuries to his wife. Mrs. Hammond had to be airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital. Due to the accident she suffered a loss of motor function and cognitive abilities. Mrs. Hammond spent a significant amount of time at the hospital and was later transferred to a rehabilitation facility. Once she was well enough she was flown back to Ireland suffering serious, chronic physical and mental limitations. "The Hammonds reached out to us through a law firm in Ireland. They have two grown sons who obviously were devastated by the loss of their father and by the injuries to their mother," Osborne says. He says the Irish law firm found him because he and his car accident law firm specialize in representing victims of auto accidents. Osborne answered their many questions about the Hammonds' legal rights as foreigners. Story continues Osborne says foreign visitors can use the U.S. civil justice system just as citizens can. When a person is injured due the negligence of another they can seek compensation for their injuries through the legal system. "Even though the Hammonds were not citizens of the United States as foreign visitors they have the full rights and privileges that citizens do when they are hurt, especially if it's in a situation like this," Osborne says. Osborne says the Hammonds' two sons came to Florida and they met to discuss the case. "We developed a plan to bring a lawsuit for the death of Mr. Hammond and the injuries that Mrs. Hammond sustained. We filed that case in Miami Dade County, prosecuted the case and ultimately got a verdict in their favor." Part of that verdict will help pay for the ongoing care that Mrs. Hammonds will receive in Ireland. "They need to be protected just like everybody else. The Hammonds were not familiar with our civil justice system but certainly their sons were able to reach out to us and we were able to discuss their options," Osborne says. If you or a family member were injured in an auto accident in the South Florida area, whether you're a U.S. citizen who lives here or a foreign national visiting the area, contact Boca Raton car accident lawyer Joe Osborne at (561) 800-4011 or fill out this online contact form. You can discuss your case, how the law may apply and your best legal options to protect your rights and obtain compensation for your injuries. Press Contact: Personal injury lawyer Joseph Osborne 561-800-4020 source: SOURCE: Osborne & Associates via Submit Press Release 123 An underperforming public exchange business and regulatory attacks on the proposed acquisition of Humana are lately hassling health insurer Aetna Inc. AET. Earlier this week, Aetna voiced its concerns over the public exchange business and is mulling over exiting from this business in 11 of the 15 states in which it is currently present. It will reduce its individual public exchange participation to 242 counties from 778 for the 2017 plan year. This development comes after Aetna suffered a pretax loss of $200 million in the second quarter and total pretax loss of more than $430 million since Jan 2014 in its individual products sold via public exchanges. Earlier, Aetna had expected to be at breakeven profitability on this business in 2016, but is now reevaluating it, after witnessing huge claims from sicker-than-expected customers enrolled on public exchanges. The number of healthy and young individuals who enrolled on these exchanges are far less that customers who are aged and had pre-existing diseases who lacked coverage earlier. This adverse mix of customer population led to increased claims leading to losses for the insurer. Aetna is now expecting losses (pre-tax) north of $300 million on policies sold on public exchanges for 2016. Aetna is being troubled by regulators, with the Department of Justice suing it for its proposed merger with Humana Inc. HUM. The merger, which would have lifted the rank of Aetna as the major Medicare provider, a market coveted by all the other players in the industry, is now shrouded in uncertainty. Aetna is, however, determined to overcome the challenge and is divesting Medicare Advantage plans that cover 290,000 people in 21 states to Molina Healthcare, Inc. (MOH) to gain approval for the deal. Aetnas bottom line will also suffer from the suspension of share buyback to lower debt levels to below 40% within 24 months. The companys debt to consolidated capitalization ratio shot up to 53.8% as of Jun 30, 2016 from 32.6% on Dec 31, 2015, due to the issuance of $13 billion of senior notes to partially fund the acquisition of Humana. Aetna is also witnessing hurdles in growing its membership. The company is experiencing continued membership pressure in the middle market and small group businesses due to its previous pricing actions to improve margins. The company now expects losses in its commercial membership to more than offset growth in government membership over the remainder of 2016. The year 2015 saw medical membership decline by 61,000. Also, the company ended the second quarter with 23 million medical members, essentially flat with the first quarter. The company now projects 2016 membership at around 23 million, down from 23.49 million in 2015, as growth in Government membership over the remainder of the year will be largely offset by declines in Commercial Insured membership, including continued attrition within its individual products. Story continues AETNA INC-NEW Price and Consensus AETNA INC-NEW Price and Consensus | AETNA INC-NEW Quote While Aetna, carrying a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold), is trapped in a web of woes, other players worth considering in this space are Humana, United Health Group Inc. UNH and WellCare Health Plans, Inc. WCG. Humana with a Zacks Rank # 1 (Strong Buy) has strong fundamentals. Its strong-performing individual Medicare Advantage and other government-sponsored plans remain the highlights. Also, its Healthcare Services business is well poised and will contribute to its growth. Last month, Humana won a contract from the U.S. Department of Defense to administer TRICARE benefits to about 6 million people, which nearly doubles the number of military beneficiaries served by Humana. However, challenges in its individual commercial medical business are nagging. Also, its merger with Aetna remains uncertain. Nevertheless, the company has reaffirmed its 2016 financial guidance. The company expects earnings of at least $8.56 in 2016 compared with $8.32 predicted before. Humana has also witnessed a 4.9% increase in earnings estimate to $9.28 per share for 2016, over the past 30 days, with all the 10 analysts covering the stock raising their estimates. Its long-term EPS growth rate is 13.5%. HUMANA INC NEW Price and Consensus HUMANA INC NEW Price and Consensus | HUMANA INC NEW Quote UnitedHealth with a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy) is the most diversified health maintenance organization. Though the company also remains troubled by its public exchange business and has exited most of the markets, it remains attractive given the strength in its other business segments. Instead of its heavily regulated Health Benefits business, the company is focusing on investing and growing its health services business branded as Optum. To this end, the company acquired Catamaran last year. The acquisition has been evidently fruitful thanks to the revenue accretion from it. Optum is becoming an increasingly valuable business and is expected to contribute about 42% of UnitedHealth Groups consolidated operating earnings outlook this year. Also, the company has also grown membership over the past five years by nearly 13.5 million or 40% well diversified across commercial, government programs and international offerings. The companys membership is further set to grow in Medicare Advantage, Medicaid as well as commercial plans. UnitedHealth also has a strong balance sheet and generates handsome cash flows which allow it to increase dividend payments and make regular share buybacks. UnitedHealth also witnessed a 0.4% increase in earnings estimate to $7.91 per share for 2016, over the past 30 days, with eight out of the 13 analysts covering the stock raising their individual estimates. Its long-term EPS growth rate is 13.4%. UNITEDHEALTH GP Price and Consensus UNITEDHEALTH GP Price and Consensus | UNITEDHEALTH GP Quote WellCare Health Plans with a Zacks Rank #2 remains well poised to grow in the Medicaid, Medicare and Medicare Part D business. During the second quarter, it closed the Advicare transaction, gaining greater Medicaid presence in South Carolina. The company taking both organic and inorganic steps to fuel its growth and is trying to double its revenues between 2017 and 2021. The company also increased its 2016 adjusted earnings per diluted share guidance to a range of $4.95 to $5.05 from its previous guidance range of $4.55 to $4.70. WellCare Health also witnessed a 7.5% increase in earnings estimate to $5.01 per share for 2016, over the past 30 days, with each of the nine analysts covering the stock raising their individual estimates. Its long-term EPS growth rate is 17.7%. WELLCARE HEALTH Price and Consensus WELLCARE HEALTH Price and Consensus | WELLCARE HEALTH Quote Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report AETNA INC-NEW (AET): Free Stock Analysis Report HUMANA INC NEW (HUM): Free Stock Analysis Report UNITEDHEALTH GP (UNH): Free Stock Analysis Report WELLCARE HEALTH (WCG): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research "Pakistan recognises no red lines in conduct of its own diplomacy," Vikas Swarup, spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, said. By Smita Sharma: Hours after Pakistan said Prime Minister Narendra Modi had crossed the 'red line' by discussing Balochistan, India hit back by saying Pakistan's record of cross-border terrorism was central to the current situation in the region. Vikas Swarup, spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, said, "Pakistan recognises no red lines in conduct of its own diplomacy. Pakistan's record of cross-border terrorism and infiltration were central to the problems in Balochistan. And this isn't just India's view. You can ask some of the other countries in the region too." advertisement "We need to understand the context in which the prime minister made the statements. Several people from Balochistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, including Gilgit-Baltistan, wrote to the PM after his comments at the all-party meet on August 12, thanking him for flagging their cause. PM was touched by these messages and thought of sharing it during his Independence Day speech," he added. Swarup also said that this was not the first time that India had made a statement on Balochistan. "India had made such remarks in the past as well. My predecessor has commented on this issue," the spokesperson said. On India's decision to discuss solely terror and not Kashmir in the upcoming bilateral talks in Islamabad, Swarup said, "The ball is in Pakistan's court now. They made an offer, we responded to it. Now it's up to them to reply." Talking about the atrocities being committed in PoK, Swarup said the MEA would do whatever it takes to assist people in the region. The MEA's remarks at a press conference came after Pakistan today said that PM Modi crossed the "red line" by discussing Pakistani atrocities on people of Balochistan and asserted that it will "forcefully" raise the Kashmir issue at the UN General Assembly session next month. "The Prime Minister strongly pleaded the case of Kashmir during General Assembly session last year and we will again forcefully raise the issue," Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said. "It is the violation of the UN Charter...He (Modi) crossed the red line by talking about Balochistan," he added. Zakaria alleged that India was involved in subversive activities in Balochistan and Karachi. Zakaria also claimed that India was referring to Balochistan to cover up its human rights violations in Kashmir. Zakaria said the UN and international community should remind India that it must fulfil its commitment to give the right of self-determination to the people of Jammu and Kashmir as per Security Council resolutions. "Pakistan strongly condemns the continuing use of force by India and violation of human rights. The brutal use of force has killed at least 80 people and at least 100 have been blinded by use of pellet guns," Zakaria alleged. advertisement Zakaria said Pakistan had proposed to India to hold talks on Kashmir. However, he refused to confirm if India had responded to the proposal. Also read: India will talk to Pakistan only on cross-border terrorism, not Kashmir --- ENDS --- Ankara (AFP) - Three soldiers and a local guard were killed on Thursday in an attack on a Turkish military convoy in the town of Bitlis in the country's troubled southeast, state-run media reported. Another six soldiers were injured in the bombing blamed on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), news agency Anadolu said. The attack was carried out using a handmade bomb that detonated as the armoured vehicle drove by, the agency added. The guard killed was part of a group of local residents who cooperate with Turkish security forces in the fight against the PKK, listed as a terror group by Ankara and its Western allies. The latest attack came after three police officers were killed in an assault earlier Thursday on the police headquarters in the eastern city of Elazig. Two more policemen and a civilian were killed in another car bombing on Wednesday night in Van, another city in the east which has a mixed ethnic Kurdish and Turkish population. The PKK, which has been fighting a deadly insurgency against the Turkish state for three decades, appear to have intensified their attacks since the July 15 failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Over 40,000 people have been killed since the group first took up arms in 1984 in a separatist rebellion led by now jailed leader Abdullah Ocalan. Nate Parker is plunging ahead with plans to be the public face of The Birth of a Nation despite the furor surrounding rape accusations that were made against the actor, writer, and director when he was a student at Penn State University. He will be on hand at the films Toronto Film Festival premiere next month, where he will participate in a scheduled media junket. Parker and Fox Searchlight, the boutique label behind the film, have no plans to hide the filmmaker from the press. He will still go ahead with a scheduled promotional roadshow, a source close to the studio said one that will take him to major cities such as Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Boston and San Francisco. Although there has been speculation that the controversy surrounding news of the 2001 rape trial would imperil The Birth of a Nations Oscar chances, Fox Searchlight management considers that a secondary concern, sources say. The company, which is opening the movie wide on Oct. 7, as planned, is more interested in the film being a commercial success than it is with capturing awards. Fox spent a whopping $17.5 million to acquire the picture at Sundance and is prepared to make a big media spend, according to a source familiar with the plans. A Toronto Film Festival official says Parkers film will remain on the schedule for the festival, which is often a proving ground for movies hoping to make noise during awards season. TIFF is proud to help bring The Birth of a Nation and the important story it tells to audiences, said a spokesperson, in a statement. We will present the film as planned. Parker stuck to his schedule in the immediate aftermath of news breaking about the 1999 rape case, in which he was acquitted. He received a Vanguard Award Thursday night from the Sundance Institute, which had supported the making of Birth of a Nation through its Feature Film Program. The organization also announced the creation of a Sundance Institute/Birth of a Nation Fellowship, to be awarded to young filmmakers. Over the weekend, he and Aja Naomi King (who plays Turners wife in the film) had a Q&A with Spike Lee at the Marthas Vineyard African American Film Festival, and separately, Fox Searchlight had a private screening of his movie. Story continues As a student at Penn State, Parker and his friend, Jean Celestin, were charged with raping an 18-year old, who claimed she was unconscious after drinking heavily. Both men said the sex was consensual. Parker was acquitted of the rape charges in 2001, but Celestin, who co-wrote The Birth of a Nation, was found guilty of sexual assault. He appealed the verdict and was granted a new trial in 2005, but the case never made it back to court after the woman declined to testify again. That part of Parkers history has been on his Wikipedia page and on several websites, though it was not widely known throughout the industry. This week, however, news broke that Parker and Celestins accuser committed suicide in 2012. In a Facebook post, Parker said he was devastated by the news of her death, while maintaining his innocence. I cant help but think of all the implications this has for her family, he wrote. I cannot, nor do I want to, ignore the pain she endured during and following our trial. Even though Fox Searchlight is moving forward with its publicity plans, it is getting help from an outside crisis P.R. firm that is routinely enlisted by its parent company, 21st Century Fox. After The Birth of a Nation sold for a record amount at Sundance, Parker lined up a series of projects. He was slated to adapt Carry On, a true life story of disabled wrestlers for Walden Media, and he also sold an original feature film idea to Legendary Pictures. A spokeswoman for Walden declined to comment on whether or not the company still planned to move forward with the project. A spokesman for Legendary confirmed that Parker had a project set up at the company, but declined to offer additional comment. Related stories Nate Parker Pens Response to New Details of College Rape Case: 'I Am Filled With Profound Sorrow' Nate Parker's Rape Accuser Committed Suicide in 2012: Her Brother Speaks Out (EXCLUSIVE) Nate Parker's College Rape Trial Raises Questions for 'The Birth of a Nation' Release Fox Searchlight has acquired rights to "The Aftermath", a film adaptation of Rhidian Brook's historical bestseller set in postwar Germany. The feature, which reportedly has Keira Knightley and Alexander Skarsgard in talks to star, will be helmed by director James Kent, with Ridley Scott attached to produce under his Scott-Free production banner (via Deadline). The novel, set in Hamburg, Germany in 1946, follows the story of a British colonel charged with rebuilding the shattered city and his wife, Rachael Morgan, who are faced with several challenges and tensions when they decide to share their house with its previous owners, a German widower and his troubled daughter. The script has been adapted for the screen by Anna Waterhouse and Joe Shrapnel. Paris (AFP) - France's unemployment rate dropped below 10 percent for the first time since 2012, statistics bureau Insee said Thursday, eight months before presidential elections in which job creation is expected to be a key issue. Socialist President Francois Hollande has said he will not stand for reelection unless he makes a "credible" dent in joblessness. After stabilising at the start of the year, the unemployment rate fell 0.3 points in the second quarter to 9.6 percent of the working age population. The rate rises to 9.9 percent when France's overseas territories are included. The margin of error for the indicator is 0.3 points. The unemployment rate is at the lowest level since the third quarter of 2012. Over the past 12 months it has fallen by 0.5 points, according to Insee. Shares in Tronc the company formerly known as Tribune Publishing are up more than 2% this morning following a Wall Street Journal report that Gannett has sweetened its previous $15 a share offer. The owner of the Los Angeles Times and other major publications including the Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, and Hartford Courant rejected that unsolicited bid. Although the size of the new proposal is still unknown, Tronc is said to be preparing to respond by the end of this week. Gannett wants to expand its USA Today Network, launched late last year. It encourages collaboration between all of the the companys media properties, giving them a common branding platform. It had hoped to pressure Tronc Chairman Michael Ferro into negotiating. It urged his companys shareholders to register their support for a sale at its annual meeting on June 2 by withholding their votes for the nominated directors. They ended up with a majority of the votes cast, even though most independent owners withheld. Since then Troncs share price appreciated 34.7%. Gannetts fell 22.6% , especially after it disclosed disappointing Q2 results. A few Tronc shareholders sued the company in Delaware, where its incorporated. Some allege that it failed to serve their interests by refusing to negotiate with Gannett. Others also challenge a stock sale shortly before the annual meeting to Patrick Soon-Shiongs Nant Capital: He became the No. 2 investor after the company issued new stock and sold him 12.9% of the total shares for $70.5 million equal to $15 a share. A judge has given the plaintiffs to September 6 to submit a consolidated complaint. Tronc will then have 30 days to respond. Related stories New York Times Reporter Michael Cieply Joins Deadline Tribune Publishing Shares Rise After Gannett Says Buyout Offer Still Stands Is 'Tronc' The Worst Corporate Brand Name Name Ever? UPDATE, 1:12 PM: Univision just officially announced its acquisition of Gawker Media, adding it will not be operating the site. Univision will fold other Gawker-owned properties Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Deadspin, Lifehacker and Kotaku into the Fusion Media Group. That operation is focused on serving Americas diverse youth with digital-first brands that reflect their values and passions, authentically, says Chief News, Entertainment and Digital Officer Isaac Lee. The Gawker properties reach about 50 million readers per month, raising FMGs reach to nearly 75 million. PREVIOUS, 10:18 AM: Univision has agreed to buy Gawker Media but not the 14-year-old site that started the company,, which will end operations this week. Founder Nick Denton told staffers today ahead of a U.S. Bankruptcy Court session to approve Univisions $135 million purchase, the site says. It adds that near-term plans for Gawker.coms coverage, as well as the sites archives, have not yet been finalized. The purchase agreement with Univision, filed at the court yesterday, allowed for Univision to designate as an excluded asset. Properties in the sale will include Gizmodo, Lifehacker, Kotaku, Jalopnik, Deadspin and Jezebel. The Spanish-language broadcaster plans to add them to its digital portfolio which includes Fusion, The Onion, and The Root. The digital expansion could enhance the perception of Univision as a forward-looking media power, which would be helpful if it decides to go public. The company has been mulling the possibility of raising $1 billion in a stock sale. It filed a preliminary prospectus with the SEC last year. Gawker Media filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after wrestler Hulk Hogan won a $140 million verdict in an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit. Gawker had posted a sex tape featuring Hogan. Denton has also filed for bankruptcy. Story continues A Florida circuit judge upheld the award to Hogan, whose legal effort was backed by Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel. Much of Univisions cash will go to Hogan. Denton is responsible for paying $10 million to the wrestler while he and Gawker jointly owe $115 million. Gawker generated $48.7 million in revenue last year, a court filing shows. Its bankruptcy auction only attracted two bidders Univision and Ziff Davis though several took a look. Ziff Davis previously had made a $90 million so-called stalking horse bid, providing a floor for the auction. Related stories Univision's $135M Bid Wins Gawker Media Bankruptcy Auction: Report Univision Sues Charter Communications Over Rates Tied To Time Warner Cable Univision Promotes Isaac Lee To Chief News, Entertainment & Digital Officer Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sites/ on line 494 Nick Denton Gawker Hulk Hogan Gawker Media founder and CEO Nick Denton confirmed on Thursday that he will leave the company following its $135 million sale to Univision. Univision will also shut down Gawker Media's flagship site,, though it will continue to run the other properties. Here is the letter that Nick Denton sent to Gawker staffers, obtained by Politico: "I am relieved that, with the approval today of the agreement with Univision, that we have found the best possible harbor for Gizmodo, Lifehacker, Kotaku, Jalopnik, Jezebel and Deadspin, and our talented writers and other staff. They will be joining The Onion, ClickHole and other beloved web properties in Fusion Media Group, the digital operation of Univision. Isaac Lee and the team at Fusion are fellow spirits, as committed to real journalism and an open future as they are to digital media expansion. "Sadly, neither I nor, the buccaneering flagship of the group I built with my colleagues, are coming along for this next stage. Desirable though the other properties are, we have not been able to find a single media company or investor willing also to take on The campaign being mounted against its editorial ethos and former writers has made it too risky. I can understand the caution. "Even if the appeals court overturns this spring's Florida jury verdict, Peter Thiel has already achieved many of his objectives. I will move on to other projects, working to make the web a forum for the open exchange of ideas and information, but out of the news and gossip business. may, like Spy Magazine in its day, have a second act. For the moment, however, it will be mothballed, until the smoke clears and a new owner can be found. The archives will remain, but Monday's posts will be the last of this iteration. Story continues "I am proud of what we have achieved at Gawker Media Group, both in our work and our business, never more so than in these last few months. "Our bloggers and the alumni now dispersed through the media from the New Yorker to the New York Times have introduced a new style of journalism, sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes snarky, but always authentic. We connect with a skeptical and media-savvy generation by giving them the real story, the version that journalists used to keep to themselves. "Without outside capital, we bootstrapped a profitable digital media operation. With only the talent and energy of our writers and other staff, we have drawn one of the most influential audiences in digital media: our stories connect with 100m people a month around the world. In 2016's dance of media consolidation, the company has found a partner that understands our appeal and character; not all will have that luck. "As for, founded in 2003 and mothballed in 2016, it will live on in legend. As the short-lived killer android is told in Blade Runner: 'The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly.'" NOW WATCH: Amazon has an oddly efficient way of storing stuff in its warehouses More From Business Insider Closing its doors. Gawker announced that its website will officially cease operations next week after its parent company, Gawker Media, was sold to Univision at a bankruptcy auction earlier this week. The business went bankrupt following the $140 million Hulk Hogan lawsuit and several other legal proceedings. PHOTOS: Stars at Court After nearly fourteen years of operation, will be shutting down next week, a statement on the blog read on Thursday, August 18. "The decision to close Gawker comes days after Univision successfully bid $135 million for Gawker Media's six other websites, and four months after the Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel revealed his clandestine legal campaign against the company. The other websites which include Deadspin, Jezebel and Gizmodo will likely become part of Univision once the sale is finalized. PHOTOS: Biggest Celebrity Scandals of 2015 Nick Denton, the companys outgoing CEO, informed current staffers of the sites fate on Thursday afternoon, just hours before a bankruptcy court in Manhattan will decide whether to approve Univisions bid for Gawker Medias other assets, Gawkers announcement continued. "The near-term plans for Gawker.coms coverage, as well as the sites archives, have not yet been finalized. Since Gawker was founded in 2002, it has been an influential and game-changing media presence, and one of the first websites to make blogging profitable. While Gawker faced criticism over the years for some of its more salacious stories, it created a snarky, often-imitated writing style and captured millions of readers with content that ranged from investigative journalism to provocative, funny first-person essays. PHOTOS: Celebrity CEOs: Stars Who Run Their Own Business Empires As previously reported, Gawker Media filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after a judge ordered the company to pay $140 million in the Hulk Hogan lawsuit. The former wrestling pro filed an invasion of privacy lawsuit after the site posted a sex tape featuring Hogan in October 2012. It was later revealed that Hogans case was financed by Thiel because back in 2007, Gawkers now-defunct Valleywag blog outed the PayPal cofounder as gay. Story continues Related Content: India Today's political opinion poll puts debates to rest on who will win if Lok Sabha elections were to be held today. By India Today Web Desk: In our last Mood Of The Nation (MOTN) poll in February 2016, the cover of India Today magazine had 'Resurgent Rahul' indicating a growing popularity of Rahul Gandhi as PM Narendra Modi's biggest challenger. Six months later, is the Congress leader seen with the same perspective? Or, was that only a flash in the pan? More importantly, is Narendra Modi still the person who remains India's No. 1 leader? advertisement MOOD OF THE NATION POLL: INFOGRAPHICS India Today has collaborated with Karvy Insights to bring you the latest MOTN political opinion poll. The Narendra Modi government has virtually reached its half-way point in power. The question is whether the same government will retain power in Lok Sabha polls in 2019 if the elections were held today. Is Narendra Modi still the popular choice for prime minister's post? Who's the most popular chief minister? Who's seen as the best chief minister in the country? These are some of the intriguing questions that the India Today MOTN poll answers. This political opinion poll may not be the real elections, but it might give a sense ahead of a major election year in which way the country is turning. "Such polls are perhaps at least a trailer to the kind of political situation that we find ourselves in today. Is there a TINA factor - There's Is No alternative - to Narendra Modi. Is the Grand Alliance slowly emerging among the Opposition leaders?" said India Today's Rajdeep Sardesai. MODI: MAN OF THE GOVERNMENT Prime Minister Narendra Modi's personal popularity remains intact, according to the August 2016 MOTN poll. Half way into his first term as prime minister of the world's largest democracy, Modi has bounced back strongly after his government's popularity fell precipitously in the last three MOTN surveys. RAHUL IN 2ND PLACE The Congress vice-president is still in second place, but his rating has plunged. Sonia Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal are on third and fourth position for the person best suited to be India's next prime minister. NDA GETS A BOOST If elections were held today, NDA is likely to get 304 seats in Lok Sabha. In 2014 elections, NDA won 336 seats in lower house of the Parliament. But, similar to Modi's popularity in the last three editions of MOTN, the National Democratic Alliance gets a boost after a steep fall in the previous surveys. RAHUL REMAINS BIGGEST MODI CHALLENGER IN 2019 Rahul Gandhi is still the best alternative to challenge Modi in 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar is far behind in second place, followed by Arvind Kejriwal and Sonia Gandhi as potential challengers in 2019. INDIRA REMAINS BEST INDIAN PM EVER The poll still rates late Indira Gandhi as the best prime minister ever. Atal Bihari Vajpayee is rated second in the poll. Narendra Modi comes in at No. 3. SURVEY METHODOLOGY advertisement The India Today Group-Karvy Insights Mood of the Nation (MOTN) poll was conducted by Karvy Insights Limited. A total of 12,321 interviews were conducted, spread across 97 parliamentary constituencies in 194 assembly constituencies in 19 states-Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. In each of the assembly constituencies, different starting points were selected and afixed number of interviews were done in each, rigorously following the righthand rule of household selection. Fieldwork for the MOTN poll was conducted from 15-27 July 2016. The survey followed multi-stage stratified random sample design. All interviews were conducted face to face using a standard structured interview schedule/questionnaire, which was translated into regional languages. The poll was conducted under the supervision of Ranjit Chib, who is a Director of Karvy Insights, and he was assisted by Dixit Chanana, Vice-President, Karvy Insights. --- ENDS --- Berlin (AFP) - Controversial German historian Ernst Nolte, who sparked a massive dispute in the 1980s over his thesis on the cause of Nazism, died Thursday aged 93, this family told AFP. Nolte had contended that it was the Russian Revolution in 1917 -- in which the monarchy was dismantled and which led to communist rule -- that touched off events that led to Nazi rule and finally resulted in the Holocaust. He argued that fascism had gained strength as the middle classes sought a response against communism and that Soviet gulags were the examples on which Nazi death camps were later built. His views sparked what became known as the "Historians' Dispute" that raged from 1986, with his detractors condemning his thesis as coming too dangerously close to justifying the Holocaust. Nolte was born in 1923, and taught at Berlin's Freie Universitaet until his retirement. By Jonathan Gould and John O'Donnell FRANKFURT, Aug 18 (Reuters) - A German politician said on Friday he was trying to persuade foreign banks to make Frankfurt their home after Britain's vote to leave the European Union, and outlined how Europe's biggest economy wants to bolster its financial capital at London's expense. Thomas Schaefer, finance minister of the state of Hesse which includes Frankfurt, said he had spoken to British banks with an arm in Frankfurt as well as others, and sought to persuade potential movers that local labour law and tax were not overly onerous. "We are listening very carefully to the questions that the financial sector has after the Brexit vote," Schaefer, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party, told reporters. "We are campaigning for Hesse because the financial centre of Frankfurt has a lot to offer." Most German politicians have been reluctant to publicly push Frankfurt as an alternative to London. Schaefer's remarks suggest momentum may now be growing behind Frankfurt, less than two months after Britain voted in a referendum to leave the European Union -- a process widely referred to as Brexit. Schaefer did not, however, offer any prospect of special deals to cut tax or any other such concessions. He said the city's infrastructure and the fact that it hosted the European Central Bank were reason enough to move there. Schaefer said he had held talks with "all kinds of players" but that many had wanted to keep the contact secret. "There is a fear of being considered disloyal in the London community," he said. (Editing by Timothy Heritage) By Madeline Chambers BERLIN, Aug 18 (Reuters) - In his decade as a neo-Nazi skinhead in eastern Germany, Manuel Bauer says he beat up foreigners and disabled people, stabbed a cigarette in the eye of a 12-year old boy and assaulted a Muslim man and his pregnant German wife. Bauer, who led two racist gangs, the "League of Aryan Fighters" and "Revenge Act", says groups like his carried out violence on behalf of the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD), which has a seat in the European Parliament and five seats in one of Germany's 16 state assemblies. Bauer was jailed on a 22 month sentence for extortion, causing bodily harm and arson, before he quit the right-wing scene with the help of a support group. Today he works with refugees from Afghanistan and Syria. He says the NPD should be banned. "There is too much democracy if you allow anti-democratic forces like (the NPD) to exist," said Bauer. The NPD denies that it is behind violence, and says it is being unfairly targeted as a group over the behaviour of some individuals. Reuters was not able to verify independently any relationship between the party and Bauer's former groups. The upper house of parliament is trying to impose just such a ban. It has lodged a court case which alleges the NPD is inspired by the Third Reich, believes in ethnic German supremacy and incites people to torch refugee hostels. The Constitutional Court is expected to rule in coming months. Germany recorded 1,408 violent acts carried out by right wing supporters last year, a more than 42 percent rise from the previous year, and 75 arson attacks on refugee shelters, up from five a year earlier, according to an annual report by the BfV domestic intelligence agency published in June. But at a time when far right parties are winning votes across Europe, and Germany itself is struggling to integrate an unprecedented influx of more than 1 million foreigners last year, some experts in right-wing extremism say a ban could be counterproductive. Germany's federal government, while officially supporting the case, has declined to sign on as a party to it. Story continues A ban would deprive the NPD of around 1 million euros it receives in public funds as a lawful political party, and prevent it from contesting future elections, although it is not clear what would happen to its existing seats. The party would be barred from holding rallies in public, and the authorities could punish people who persisted as members. But in practice, followers could avert punishment by forming new organisations, or take their activities under ground, making them harder to detect. That would "make it even more difficult to recognise right-wing extremist players and to develop appropriate ways of countering them," said Matthias Quent, director of the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society in Jena, in eastern Germany. "Bans can easily lead to people and small groups being criminalised and being driven underground and then they radicalise. Then the danger, which is already large, from right-wing terrorism would increase." FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STAYS OUT OF CASE The NPD publicly disavows violence and rejects accusations by the authorities that it is connected to skinhead gangs like the ones Bauer used to lead, or to the neo-Nazi National Socialist Underground (NSU) blamed for the murders of nine immigrants and a policewoman between 2000 and 2007. NPD lawyer Peter Richter said it was wrong to judge the party based on the actions of individuals. "No one can predict whether an acquaintance who seems completely normal today will tomorrow commit a terrible crime," argues Richter in his defence to the court, which he sent to Reuters in response to a request for comment. Individual NPD figures have fallen afoul of German laws that ban Holocaust denial and punish praise of the Nazis. The NPD's European lawmaker Udo Voigt has described Hitler as a "great German statesman". Before being elected to the European parliament, he was found guilty of incitement, including honouring Hitler's SS. He was given a 10-month suspended sentence which was upheld on appeal. The case to ban the NPD is being brought on behalf of the Bundesrat, parliament's upper house, which represents Germany's 16 regional state governments. The federal government's decision not to sign on as a party to the case is seen by some as a sign that Berlin is uncertain of the wisdom of pursuing a ban. The government denies it is half-hearted. "The German government, in particular the BfV domestic intelligence agency, supports the Bundesrat case for a ban and is contributing its expertise. The government therefore does not deem it necessary to have its own motion," said a spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry. She also noted however that a ban's impact would be limited since it "cannot eliminate the extremist mindset". Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, justice minister from 2009-2013 when the federal government was considering its position in the court case, said there was a high risk the trial could conclude without a ban, making it counter-productive. "The NPD is an appalling party. But that is not sufficient for a case to ban them," she has said. BANNING DIFFICULT Despite Germany's strict laws against hate crime and expressing Nazi sympathies, it also sets high hurdles for outlawing political groups. Only two parties have been banned since World War Two - the Socialist Reich Party, a successor to Hitler's Nazis, in 1952, and the Communist Party in 1956. "A ban is a heavy weapon and the hope was, after the war, it wouldn't have to be used. But it is there if necessary," said Christian Pestalozza, a law professor in Berlin. The NPD has been around since 1964 and survived a previous government lawsuit to ban it, which collapsed in 2003 as some of the party officials used as witnesses turned out to be government-paid informants. To ban a party, the Constitutional Court has to find that a party's aims or behaviour seek to undermine or abolish German democracy. But it also has to find that it poses a genuine, serious threat. Declining public support for the NPD may make this harder to prove, said a senior legal source. Support for the NPD has dwindled as Germany's migration crisis has changed right wing politics, with parties that express dissatisfaction with immigration growing far bigger than ever before, but also trying to distance themselves from the radical right fringe to win over more mainstream voters. This past year, a new group, the AfD, founded in 2013, has seen its support in opinion polls swell to about 12 percent by adopting an anti-immigrant stance, while disavowing the far-right trappings and rhetoric of groups like the NPD. The NPD is too small to appear in most opinion polls, but German officials estimate its support has ebbed to just 1 percent from closer to 1.5 percent. NPD membership has fallen to just 5,200 from around 7,000 a decade ago. The AfD now has seats in eight state legislatures, compared to the NPD's one. REMOVING THE SWASTIKA For Bauer, banning the NPD is necessary to stop far right politicians from using racist gangs as muscle. After prison, fearing reprisals, he left his home in the state of Saxony, gave up his nickname "Pistol" and removed tattoos including a swastika. He spoke to Reuters at a location he asked to keep confidential to protect his security. NPD lawyer Richter said he had never heard of Bauer and had no comment on his allegations. Bauer was never a member of the NPD but says some members of his racist gangs were linked to the party, which provided them with vehicles. While party figures would keep their hands clean, they would use gang members to carry out violence, he said, without naming the party figures involved. "If I've got a business and want to harm my enemy I can get someone else to do it for money or for a promise. That's how the NPD does it," said Bauer, between long puffs on a cigarette. "It was racist. We were against people with mental and physical disabilities. Everything the Third Reich targeted." (Reporting by Madeline Chambers; editing by Peter Graff) Well, this is interesting. Jeremy Meeks, the felon who stole our hearts back in 2014 with his exquisite mugshot, seems to have found a friend in Anwar Hadid. RELATED: Remember 'Hot Mugshot Guy'? Check Out His First Modeling Photos Since Being Released From Prison! The 32-year-old, who was sentenced in Feb. 2015 to two years in federal prison for a weapons violation, seems to be making progress on his modeling career, posting a photo with Hadid to his Instagram on Wednesday. Whether the two were together for a shoot or a simple hangout sesh is unclear. The photo actually appears to be from a couple weeks ago, judging by a snap Hadid posted of himself rocking the same shirt on Instagram. RELATED: Move Over Gigi and Bella! Little Brother Anwar Hadid Signs With IMG Models Meeks has been hard at work on his career choice since his release from prison, having signed with a modeling agency, White Cross Management, while still on the inside. The former felon has posted tons of modeling pics to his social media since gaining his #freedom, with his manager telling The Los Angeles Times in March that Meeks has "a multitude of offers on the table." LOOK: Gigi Hadid Rocks Barely There Bikini in Snapchat Selfie Apparently one of those offers involved hanging out with Hadid, who signed with IMG Models -- the same agency that represents his sisters, Gigi and Bella -- in February. While Hadid has since been making a name for himself on the runway, it was revealed late last year that he, like Bella and mom Yolanda, suffers from Lyme Disease. See more in the video below. Related Articles From Harper's BAZAAR With fall sneakily (and quickly) approaching, it's time to start putting boots on the brain. Luckily, your favorite A-list style stars have already done the leg work and discovered this season's must-have bootie. Enter Dear Frances, a buzzy new shoe brand that's already become a hot favorite amongst celebrities like Selena Gomez, Bella Hadid, Emma Roberts, Kylie and Kendall Jenner, and its sleek 'Spirit' boot. The mid-calf boot has cemented its MVP-status amongst street style stars and young It-girls alike-punctuating many a model off-duty outfit along the way. And for those of us (aka all of us) in search of the perfect bootie for fall: this might just be it. With a sturdy block heel, gold zipper and four different styles to choose from (black leather, camel croc, blue velvet and maroon leather), the Spirit boot is versatile enough to pair with any fall wardrobe-even if you're Emma Roberts leaving the Met Gala. Photo credit: Getty Dear Frances, which just made its US launch in Spring 2016 and debuted its new fall collection earlier this week, is surprisingly accessible with prices ranging from $340- $660. With sleek designs, intricate details and and a cult following of A-listers, this is one shoe brand to put on your radar. You can shop the Dear Frances Spirit Boots for $550 at Photo credit: Dear Frances You Might Also Like Theres going to be a Sherlock convention here in the U.S. of A., and can we line up for it NOW? Theres going to be a Sherlock convention here in the U.S. of A., and can we line up for it NOW? Sherlock is one of those near-perfect things that only comes around once like every two years, in a way that only Sherlock can pull off. The BBC series has run for only three seasons, but its spanned the last SIX YEARS, and constantly leaves us wanting more. More Sherlock. More Sherlock episodes. More Sherlock holiday episodes. Just more of absolutely everything to do with the show, and we want it NOW. Since well actually have to wait a few more months for Season (or ~Series~) four to land on our television sets, how about we set our Sherlock sighs on a Sherlock convention instead? giphy (1) Yes, you read that right. Howd you like to attend a Sherlock convention with you and a thousand other Sherlock fans? While a Sherlock convention has taken place a few times over the last few years in England, this one is coming to America, and we could not be more excited. Sherlocked: The Official Sherlock Convention will happen May 26-28 2017 in Los Angeles and that is SO CLOSE, both time wise and distance wise!! SHERLOCKED USA is heading to California to the Marriott LAX in Los Angeles from 26-28 May 2017.Spend a weekend... Posted by Sherlocked The Event on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 Just like the Sherlock convention in London, this one will feature special guests so far, the only two confirmed are showrunner Steven Moffat and producer Sue Vertue, but there will be more! autograph sessions, photo opportunities, and even real sets and props from the series. Tickets are on sale RIGHT NOW, and knowing how huge and passionate Sherlocks fan base is, these wont last long. You can snag one for yourself right here, and see you all at 221B Baker Street the Marriott LAX. The post Theres going to be a Sherlock convention here in the U.S. of A., and can we line up for it NOW? appeared first on HelloGiggles. By Nate Raymond NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) filed a lawsuit on Thursday seeking to force a former managing director to arbitrate his claim for legal fees stemming from probes into his alleged use of confidential Federal Reserve documents. The lawsuit was filed in New York state Supreme Court in Manhattan against Joseph Jiampietro, an ex-Goldman employee whom the Federal Reserve Board this month brought an enforcement case against. Goldman's lawsuit came after Jiampietro in July sued the bank in Delaware Chancery Court seeking to force it to cover at least $350,000 in legal expenses stemming from probes by the Federal Reserve and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority in 2015. Adam Ford, a lawyer for Jiampietro, in a statement called Thursday's lawsuit "a classic example of inappropriate forum shopping" by Goldman Sachs to delay advancing his client's defence fees. The Fed brought enforcement proceedings against Jiampietro on Aug. 3, the same day it announced a $36.3 million settlement with Goldman Sachs for the unauthorised use and disclosure of confidential information. The Fed alleged that Jiampietro in 2014 on multiple occasions asked Rohit Bansal, a Goldman associate who previously worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, to obtain confidential information from a New York Fed employee. The information was then used by Jiampietro and Bansal in connection with Goldman Sachs' regulatory advisory work for current clients and pitches to potential clients, the Fed said. The Fed is seeking to fine Jiampietro and bar him from the banking industry. Jiampietro denies wrongdoing. Bansal and the former New York Fed employee, Jason Gross, both pleaded guilty in November to a misdemeanour charge of theft of government property, and were sentenced to probation in March. The criminal case came after an earlier related $50 million settlement by Goldman Sachs in October with the New York Department of Financial Services. The case is The Goldman Sachs Group Inc v. Jiampietro, New York State Supreme Court, New York County, No. 654364/2016. (Reporting by Nate Raymond in New York; Editing by Cynthia Osterman) A Texas teacher was in line at Walmart, ready to provide a generous 'back to school' gift to her students, but it was the actions of another man that proved to be the good deed of the day. Read: Texas Boy Who Dreams of Becoming a Firefighter Donates 125 Smoke Detectors for Needy Seniors Sabrina Drude, 23, was preparing to start her second year teaching seventh-grade science in San Antonio. "A lot of my kids will say they can't afford their school supplies, or they need to wait until their parents (get a) paycheck," Drude told "So I just figured it's not worth trying to make them feel bad, or have them stress over it." So she and her husband went to their local Walmart and loaded nearly 200 notebooks before approaching the register. The man behind her, Lester Brown, was purchasing dorm essentials for his college-age daughter and began talking to the couple. "I asked her, 'What is all that for?'" Brown told Drude explained even though the school has money for textbooks, most school supplies are paid for by students. As the cashier finished checking her out, Brown interjected, asking how much the notebooks cost. The cashier told him $97.80. "It doesn't make any sense that she should have to buy that," Brown said. "I paid for it. It was the right thing to do." Immediately, Drude began crying. "That is one of the sweetest things I ever heard. Most teachers spend hundreds, or thousands, of dollars on their classrooms every year," she said. Read: Cop Raises Thousands of Dollars For Family After Finding Son Crying Over His Mom's Cancer "That's when I told her, 'You're a teacher, and you deserve to be recognized,'" Brown said. Watch: Teams Celebrate as Teen with Down Syndrome Scores Touchdown: 'The Sportsmanship Was Incredible' Related Articles: The crew of Allar-dan were shifted to a local fishing boat and Farhad with 16 crew members were towed to Frazerganj in Sundarbans with the help of local fishing boats. By Jugal R Purohit: Thirty-one Bangladeshi fishermen were rescued today by the Indian Coast Guard after two fishing boats were stranded due to engine failure. The crew of Allar-dan were shifted to a local fishing boat and Farhad with 16 crew members were towed to Frazerganj in Sundarbans with the help of local fishing boats. The operation was conducted Coast Guard Regional HQ (NE) on August 16 and 17, during poor weather conditions, due to a low pressure developed off the coast of the West Bengal. The coast guard was assisted by Bangladesh Coast Guard ships Swadhinata, Amin, Sangu and Hurricane-3 in the operation. advertisement "Coast Guard is maintaining enhanced vigil in view of the extremely rough sea conditions and we are ever prepared to render any kind of assistance to seamen in distress," HQ, Inspector General KR Nautiyal said. The fishermen were provided with medical assistance by the coast guard. --- ENDS --- Since its creation, we have learned about the Islamic State from its enemies. Its story has largely been told by those fighting the group in Iraq and Syria, traumatized civilians who have escaped its brutal rule, and the occasional defector. That is about to change. This is the story of Abu Ahmad, a Syrian operative for the Islamic State who witnessed the groups lightning expansion firsthand and spent months among its most notorious foreign fighters. In this series of three articles, he provides unique insight into how Abu Bakr al-Baghdadis political scheming paved the way for its expansion into Syria, al Qaedas efforts to stem the groups rise, and the terrifying weapons in the arsenal of the self-proclaimed caliphate. Some names and details have been omitted to protect Abu Ahmad. Read part one here and two here. It was May 2013, and the newly formed Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant was intent on cementing its status as the worlds most fearsome jihadi force. But before it could do so or use the new cache of chemical weapons it had obtained it would have to contend with a new challenge from senior al Qaeda figures. Al Qaedas senior leadership was not about to accept Abu Bakr al-Baghdadis claim to authority particularly in light of his brazen lie that he had been instructed to do so by al Qaeda leader Ayman-al Zawahiri. One month after the historic meeting between the ISIS chief and other jihadi leaders in Kafr Hamra, a small group of men, including a few armed guards, secretly traveled in a couple of vehicles through Syria. Fearing that they might be discovered by Baghdadis loyalists or targeted by the Syrian regime, they moved quietly and carefully. This group was called Lajnat Khorasan, or the Khorasan Committee. Its members had emerged from their underground lairs in Afghanistan and Pakistan and come to Syria on behalf of Zawahiri, who remained in hiding. One of the Khorasan Committee members, a Syrian by the name of Abu Osama al-Shahabi, told his associates to be extremely cautious during their travels. I have information [Baghdadi] was planning to assassinate [Nusra] emir Abu Mariya al-Qahtani, Shahabi said to the others, according to Abu Ahmad. So we too should be careful. Story continues The mission of the Khorasan Committee was to investigate Baghdadis expansion into Syria. Their findings were to be given to Zawahiri, who would then decide al Qaedas response to the situation in Iraq and Syria, where the rivalry between ISIS and the al Qaeda-affiliate Nusra Front clearly had gotten out of control. The Khorasan Committees existence would only become public knowledge in September 2014, when the U.S.-led coalition targeted its members in the first airstrikes in Syria. By then, the al Qaeda veterans who made up the committee had moved on from investigating Baghdadis maneuvering to planning attacks abroad. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said about the group, in terms of threat to the homeland, Khorasan may pose as much of a danger as the Islamic State. But back in summer 2013, the Khorasan Committee was directing its attention not to the United States, but its jihadi rival. The task could not have been more urgent: Each day, it seemed, another jihadi opposition group switched loyalty from al Qaeda to ISIS. If Zawahiri couldnt regain the loyalty of some groups in Syria, or at least stop this mutiny in its tracks, the al Qaeda leader ran the risk of becoming a general without soldiers. Six members of the Khorasan Committee visited the headquarters of ISIS in Kafr Hamra, which previously served as the headquarters of the Majlis Shura al-Mujahideen. Abu Ahmad personally met four of them: Abu Osama al-Shahabi; the Kuwaiti Muhsen al-Fadhli, born in Kuwait (killed in a U.S. airstrike on July 8, 2015, in the Syrian town of Sarmada); Sanafi al-Nasr, a Saudi also known as Abu Yasser al-Jazrawi (killed by a U.S. drone in the northern Syrian town of al-Dana on Oct. 15, 2015); and Abu Abdel Malek, another Saudi national (killed in the same October strike in al-Dana). U.S_State_Department_photo_of_Muhsin_al-Fadhli Muhsen al-Fadhli Abu Ahmad said that the members of the Khorasan Committee were all friendly and had good knowledge of the Quran. All of them had spent years with bin Laden or Zawahiri in Khorasan, an old Islamic historical term for a region covering parts of Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia. Abu Ahmad didnt spend much time with Fadhli. They spoke briefly during a meeting in the northern Syrian town of Sarmada; at the time, Abu Ahmad did not know that he was such a senior figure in al Qaeda. But two years later, after the airstrike killed Fadhli, Abu Ahmad saw a picture online of the man he had met. The photo was part of a Reuters article that quoted a Pentagon spokesman describing him as among the few trusted al Qaeda leaders that received advanced notification of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. In 2012, the U.S. State Department had even issued a $7 million reward for information leading to finding Fadhli. Abu Ahmad knew the two Saudi members of the Khorasan Committee better. He once traveled in a car with both men, and knew Malek rented a house in the northern Syrian town of al-Bab. Jazrawi, meanwhile, was the head of the Nusra Fronts political bureau. He was based in Latakia countryside, in northwestern Syria. When Abu Ahmad heard the news that the duo was killed by an American strike, he felt sad. They looked and behaved like normal guys, said Abu Ahmad. Although they were leaders, they did not behave in an arrogant fashion. Among all the Khorasan Committee members, Abu Ahmad was closest to Shahabi, a Syrian in his forties from al-Bab. Shahabi was in direct contact with Zawahiri, al Qaedas commander in chief. It had taken him one and a half months to move unnoticed from Afghanistan to Syria. He traveled with his pregnant wife, which made the trip even harder. He said to Abu Ahmad: Im already 20 years in jihad, so hardship is nothing new to me. The Khorasan Committees goal was fundamentally political. They were tasked with convincing jihadi commanders who had already pledged allegiance to Baghdadi during the five-day meeting in Kafr Hamra to change their minds. Baghdadis claims were nonsense, they told everyone. Zawahiri had never sent Baghdadi from Iraq into Syria. Zawahiri had never said that other commanders could pledge allegiance to ISIS and to Baghdadi himself. But the Khorasan Committee had a tough sell ahead of them. Shahabi managed to convince an important commander who had recently joined ISIS to meet in a town close to the Turkish border. It is very clear, Shahabi told him, that Baghdadi only created ISIS because he felt Nusra was becoming very powerful. He knew that [Nusra chief] Julani was becoming too big of a leader. We thought Baghdadi was acting on orders from Zawahiri, replied the commander. What you are telling me comes as a shock. Shahabi suggested that he should immediately rescind his allegiance to ISIS. But the commander wasnt ready to do that. I pledged my allegiance to him [Baghdadi], the commander said. Give me time to think and discuss this with others. But I just cannot undo this all of a sudden. Anyhow, we have sent most of the messages and letters [about the investigation] already to al-Zawahiri, replied Shahabi, according to Abu Ahmads recounting of the conversation. He will rule in favor of Nusra, not ISIS. Nusra Front fighters wave their groups flag in the Yarmouk refugee camp, south of Damascus, in July 2014. (RAMI AL-SAYED/AFP/Getty Images) The civil war begins Until this point in May 2013, the rivalry between ISIS and Nusra had been more or less peaceful. Fighters from the rival groups could still travel through the areas the other controlled, and could still visit each others headquarters. The jihadi organizations were still trying to resolve their differences peacefully, and Abu Ahmad had known many of the commanders in the Nusra Front for over a year while fighting under the same banner which is why he was able to meet and speak with members of the Khorasan Committee. But as the balance of power tilted further toward ISIS, the friendship and camaraderie between both groups supporters was replaced by distrust. Nusra members were disgusted by what they perceived as ISISs moves to split and weaken the jihadi movement in Syria. ISIS members accused Nusra of becoming soft and mainstream. Many within the group did not even consider their former friends in Nusra to be Muslims any longer. As the battle lines hardened, the Khorasan Committee finished their field investigation into Baghdadis plans. Zawahiri, upon receiving it, ruled in favor of Nusra and against ISIS. He called on Nusra to lead the jihad in Syria, and made clear that Baghdadis organization should return to Iraq. [Al-Baghdadi] was wrong when he announced the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham without asking permission or receiving advice from us and even without notifying us, Zawahiri wrote in a letter published on May 23, 2013. The ruling made clear that Baghdadi was never Zawahiris man and that the expansion plans were his alone. Some jihadis felt duped by this revelation and reversed course. According to Abu Ahmad, around 30 percent of the Nusra members who had switched sides returned to Nusra after al-Zawahiris ruling. Some factions declared themselves neutral in this growing conflict. Groups like Ahrar al-Sham and Jund al-Aqsa hoped to stay out of this power struggle. They were fighting to kick Assad out of power, not to bicker with fellow jihadis. Of the roughly 90 Dutch and Belgian Majlis Shura al-Mujahideen (MSM) jihadis Abu Ahmads fellow fighters who had joined ISIS, around 35 returned to Nusra; the remainder stayed with ISIS. Abu Ahmad also heard that the high-ranking ISIS commander who Khorasan Committee member Shahabi had tried to convince to defect, in a meeting near the Turkish border a month before, had also left ISIS and rejoined Nusra. People mill around a former ISIS base in the northern town of al-Dana after rebel fighters captured it in January 2014. The al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front regrouped in early 2014 after previously suffering significant defections to ISIS, participating in an offensive against the group that saw it driven from northwest Syria. (ABDALGHNE KAROOF/Reuters) Gag orders Abu al-Atheer, the emir of MSM who had joined ISIS, was firmly committed to staying with the group. He glorified Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. But Atheer was worried about losing more Dutch and Belgians to Nusra. You are not allowed anymore to speak to Nusra members over the internet, Abu al-Atheer commanded. You must cut all communication with them. He even sent a message to the Nusra fighters from Belgium and the Netherlands at their headquarters in Urum al-Sughra, in Aleppo province. Do not dare to contact my men, he threatened the Dutch and the Belgians, who were staying with Abu Suleyman al-Australi, an Australian al Qaeda ideologue. Atheer threatened to confiscate the passports of any foreign ISIS fighters so they could not leave. But this proposal was met with anger from the foreign fighters, who accused their emir of not trusting them. Atheer eventually backed down his men could keep their passports. But old friends now were becoming foes. Each side tried to convince the other to defect. Abu Ahmad noticed a sudden increase of the activities of the ISIS secret police, known as al-Amneyeen. A rumor in ISIS territory was circulated that anybody who wanted to defect or quit would be shot on sight. One of Abu Ahmads friends in ISIS made clear he wasnt happy about the rivalry between the various jihadi groups. He criticized Atheer and Baghdadi for their uncompromising stance and even altered the lyrics in a famous ISIS nasheed a type of vocal chant that does not violate the jihadis rules forbidding the use of musical instruments from our emirs are distant from suspicion to our emirs are distant from the frontline. That same night Abu Ahmads friend sang this nasheed, the secret police rolled up in a car and carted him away to jail. He was kept there for a couple of days but wasnt tortured. Instead, he received a textbook ISIS punishment: He had to torture others. Baghdadis successful coup in April 2013 had brought Nusra almost to the verge of collapse. But now Nusra was regaining strength. They started to reorganize themselves and forged alliances with jihadi Salafi groups like Ahrar al-Sham and even some units of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). As the tensions between the two camps reached a climax, Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, and the FSA started to kick out ISIS from Idlib and parts of Aleppo province. In Daret Izza, where Nusra had stolen the barrels of chlorine and sarin from the Syrian Army base, Regiment 111, Nusra and its allies retook the town. From Daret Izza, ISIS retreated to al-Dana, near to the Turkish border. But after another battle, this town was also lost. From al-Dana, ISIS pulled back to the town of al-Atarib. Here too the same scenario played out: ISIS was defeated by Nusra. Eventually ISIS decided to give up the whole northwest of Syria. On March 4, 2014, it retreated from the strategically crucial border town of Azaz. ISIS regrouped most of its forces near to Kafar Joum, not far from the old MSM headquarters, where the five-day meeting had taken place between Baghdadi and the various jihadi commanders. The fractures that emerged during this period still define the battlefield in northern Syria. Two years on, the Islamic State has dropped the of Iraq and the Levant from its name, but it and Nusra still very much live separate lives and are fighting separate wars. The Islamic State lords over its caliphate in Syrias north and east, and has killed or kicked out moderate rebels from its territory. Nusra, meanwhile, has bolstered its influence in Syrias northwest, becoming a dominant player in Idlib province. The two groups territories barely even border each other any longer the only front line where they stand against each other is in the northern Aleppo countryside. Yesterdays allies today live in separate worlds. On Jan. 20, 2014, the split between Syrias two jihadi powerhouses became final. In Kafar Joum, ISIS prepared a convoy of over 200 vehicles. The cars and trucks were packed with fighters, family members, weapons, and foreign hostages. In the convoy, Abu Ahmad noticed three of the 15 chemical containers he saw Nusra capture from Regiment 111. Then, the huge ISIS train of steel and bodies roared off to the east, toward the city of Raqqa. The hits just keep on coming for Green Day. Frontman Billie Joe Armstrong a vocal critic of the George W. Bush administration and not one to hide his political views is taking aim at another Republican heavyweight. In an interview with Kerrang, Armstrong slammed presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying the billionaire reminds him of Hitler, a comparison he isnt alone in making. He just said, You have no options and Im the only one, and Im going to take care of it myself. I mean, thats fing Hitler, man! Armstrong proclaimed, likely referring to Trumps convention speech. I dont even know how else to explain it, he continued. I wish I were over-exaggerating. And sometimes maybe I do over-exaggerate with Bush. But with Trump, I just cant wait til hes gone. Armstrongs choice words didnt stop there. He also said the worst problem I see about Trump is who his followers are. I actually feel bad for them, because theyre poor, working-class people who cant get a leg up. Theyre pissed off and hes preyed on their anger, he added. Armstrongs political jabs date back to the George W. Bush administration; Green Days 2004 album American Idiot, and its songs American Idiot and Holiday directly addressed his presidency. The rocker joins a slate of other notable celebrities and Hollywood execs who have taken shots at Trump. Earlier this year, George Clooney called Trump an opportunist and a xenophobic fascist in an interview with the Guardian. In a recent Facebook post, NBC chairman Bob Greenblatt wrote a scathing critique of the Republican candidate. The sad state of affairs thanks to a pompous businessman turned reality TV star (whose show consistently ran LAST in its time period, by the way) who thinks speaking his mind is refreshing. Its actually corrosive and toxic because his mind is so demented; and his effect will unfortunately linger long after hes been told to get off the stage, Greenblatt wrote. Story continues Related stories 'Says Who?' Donald Trump's Lawyer's CNN Interview Goes Viral Omarosa Manigault: Donald Trump's Economic Policies Will Help Impoverished African-American Communities Why Are High-Profile Hollywood Republicans Staying Mum on Election? Port-au-Prince (AFP) - The United Nations' belated acknowledgement it played a role in a cholera epidemic in Haiti that has killed nearly 10,000 people was hailed by victims' advocates Thursday as vindication of their efforts to hold the world body accountable. The epidemic broke out in 2010 in the vicinity of a base housing UN peacekeepers, in an impoverished Caribbean country that previously had been considered cholera-free. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's deputy spokesman Farhan Haq promised a "significant new set of UN actions" to respond to the crisis, following a confidential report sent to the UN chief that was critical of the world body's actions. Draft language of the report, prepared by New York University law professor Philip Alston, who serves as a special rapporteur advising the UN on human rights issues, stated that the epidemic "would not have broken out but for the actions of the United Nations," according to The New York Times. "This is a major victory for the thousands of Haitians who have been marching for justice, writing to the UN and bringing the UN to court," said Mario Joseph, a Haitian human rights lawyer representing victims of the epidemic. "It is high time for the UN to make this right and prove to the world that 'human rights for all' means for Haitians too." Already one of the world's poorest countries, Haiti was still reeling from a devastating earthquake on January 12, 2010 that killed more than 200,000 people when its misery was compounded by the cholera outbreak. The first cases appeared in October 2010 on the banks of the Artibonite River, near a base where Nepalese members of the UN peacekeeping mission were quartered in the central town of Mirebalais. "Over the past year, the UN has become convinced that it needs to do much more regarding its own involvement in the initial outbreak and the suffering of those affected by cholera," Haq said. Story continues The spokesman said the new response would be released publicly within the next two months, after it has been agreed with Haitian authorities and discussed with member states. Alston's report will be released in late September. - Unchanged legal position - "The UN must follow this announcement with action, including issuing a public apology, establishing a plan to provide compensation to the victims who have lost so much, and ensuring that cholera is eliminated in Haiti through robust investment in water and sanitation infrastructure," said Beatrice Lindstrom, staff attorney at the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti. "We will keep fighting until it does." French epidemiologist Roland Piarroux has said the scope of the cholera epidemic is "unprecedented" in recent history. As early as November 2010, Piarroux had concluded that the epidemic had been imported from outside the country. Despite numerous scientific studies backing that conclusion, the United Nations had until now refused to acknowledge any responsibility in introducing the disease in Haiti, saying it was impossible to authoritatively determine the source of the epidemic. US courts have rejected complaints filed by families of cholera victims in New York, where the UN is headquartered, due to the world body's immunity. And that is not likely to change, with a UN official saying that "the UN legal position has not changed." Cholera, which is transmitted through contaminated drinking water and causes acute diarrhea, is a major challenge in a country with poor sanitary conditions. Some 72 percent of Haitians have no toilets at home and, according to the UN, 42 percent still lack access to drinking water. Researchers have made alarming forecasts. In a report earlier this month, Piarroux found more than 21,000 cases and 200 deaths took place from January to June. "With a rainy season that will last through November or possibly December, we worry that cholera will be especially deadly this year, easily killing 400 or 500 people." Port-au-Prince (AFP) - Haitian authorities announced anti-fraud reforms for a redo of last year's scandalous elections that left the impoverished Caribbean country in political chaos. The Provisional Electoral Council said that in the October 9 election all Haitians will be required to cast their ballots where they are registered to vote and people working the polling places will receive more comprehensive training. Haiti has been mired in political crisis since the results of the October 25, 2015 presidential elections were annulled because of massive fraud. One key part of the problem was that some Haitians could vote wherever they wanted: political parties could designate individuals to survey the operations, and those people were able to vote anywhere using special "access cards." Election authorities determined that more than 910,000 polling access cards had been trafficked, out of the 1.5 million votes cast last year. "Floating votes will no longer be allowed. Everyone must vote based on a list where the person's name is found and by presenting an election identification card," Leopold Berlanger, head of the electoral council, said in an interview Wednesday. Under normal circumstances Haitian citizens must vote where they are registered using their national identification card. Berlanger also blamed a lack of training, explaining that in the past, poll workers received preparation for a day or less, contributing to human errors in the election process. "Now it will be four or five days, with an improved program that includes practice runs of the tasks needed for the day of the vote," he said. Faced with national skepticism about the integrity of elections, the electoral council also unveiled a detailed $55 million budget for the vote -- a first for the poorest country in the Americas -- as the council seeks to provide greater transparency. "The election must become an institutionalized norm in Haiti and stop being a project or an initiative undertaken somewhat under pressure from the international community," Berlanger said. Story continues The council chief acknowledged that international players, particularly the United Nations could again provide logistical and security support for the organization of the elections, but that foreign meddling in the vote would be unacceptable. "Those who are chosen by the people will be elected. The others should be satisfied if they are not the people's choice. That should be the reality and nothing else," he said. Foreign donors bankrolled much of last year's vote, and the international community has voiced concern that starting from scratch will have serious financial consequences for the country. Haiti has been in a power vacuum since acting president Jocelerme Privert's mandate ended in June without a chosen successor. Parliament had elected Privert in February for a 120-day term when Haiti's previous president, Michel Martelly, left office without a replacement. Last October's top presidential finisher Jovenel Moise, Martelly's hand-picked candidate, is among the contenders signed up for the October vote. PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - Haiti said on Wednesday it would spend $55 million on a new election after the results of the last vote were scrapped, with most of the money to be drawn from the poor Caribbean nation's own coffers as foreign donors are reluctant to pay again. The United States, which contributed $33 million to the last election, strongly opposed aborting the results and said in July that no aid would be forthcoming for the repeat. Washington also asked Haiti to return nearly $2 million. Haiti's electoral council said the new budget would cover a period from June 2016 to March 2017, by which time both rounds of the presidential vote are due to be completed. Finance Minister Yves Romain Bastien told Reuters the polls would be largely paid for through funds collected from a port, the central bank and Haitis National Credit Bank. "The only way for us to have these elections is to get our own financing in place," Bastien said. Funding of other government programs would be largely unaffected because the port and two banks were providing profits they ordinarily do not share with the state, he added. Budget cuts this year for education and health have had no link to the election costs, he said. About 50 presidential contenders vied to succeed former President Michel Martelly in Oct. 2015, but after protests and multiple postponements of a run-off, a non-binding investigation said the vote had been marred by fraud. Subsequently, the electoral council said it should be started from scratch. Haiti has been led by interim president Jocelerme Privert since February to avoid the prospect of Martelly leaving office without a replacement. Privert's 120-day mandate expired in June but parliament has not yet voted on whether he can stay in office. In June, he told Reuters he intended to stay in office until the elected president took office in March. At the time, international observers said the poll results were legitimate, despite irregularities. The European Union has said it will not send observers for the election. The Organization of American States has said it will, urging that the agreed-upon timeline be respected. Haiti will vote in presidential and legislative elections on Oct. 9. Another round of legislative elections and a possible second round will take place Jan. 8. (Reporting by Makini Brice; Additional reporting by Joseph Guyler Delva; Editing by Frank Jack Daniel and Clarence Fernandez) mike pence donald trump What happens if Donald Trump calls it quits and exits the 2016 presidential race? Thats a burning question on the minds of many, according to Google Trends. As Trumps numbers continue to sag and turmoil plagues his campaign, the internet-search giant recorded a spike in interest in the search term earlier this month. The right-leaning Wall Street Journal editorial board tossed more fuel on the fire this week when it published a scathing op-ed calling on Trump to mature his campaign style or hand the nomination to his running mate, Mike Pence. So what would happen in the extremely unlikely scenario of Trump quitting the race? We took a look. Can Trump give Pence the nomination? If Trump did choose to exit, a messy transition would ensue. "I don't think he's going to step aside," Alex Keyssar, a political historian at Harvard University, told Business Insider. But the fact that people are even suggesting that Trump should, Keyssar said, has never happened before at the presidential level. "This is the first time any such discussion has really occurred," he said. If Trump did decide to drop out, Pence would not automatically receive the Republican nomination, Ballotpedia's Charles Aull, an expert on the presidential race and its many rules, told Business Insider. The GOP would have to go through a formal process. How could the GOP replace Trump? The Republican National Committee's rules say it can fill any candidate vacancies that occur because of "death, declination, or otherwise" by either reconvening all 2,472 delegates to vote at another convention, or by letting its 168-member body decide via majority vote. In the latter scenario, each member would get a certain number of votes based on how populous the state they represent is. Aull said this is much more likely, because reconvening another convention would be a logistical nightmare. Story continues Who would replace him? If this happened, Aull said, choosing Pence would be the least controversial option (as opposed to former presidential nominees Gov. John Kasich or Sen. Ted Cruz), because he was already approved by Trump and chosen at the convention. This choice could give some Republicans a sense of relief, Keyssar said, encouraging some voters who don't want to vote for the candidates from either party a reason to cast their ballots on Election Day instead of staying home. Republican National Convention Texas Is it too late to get rid of Trump? This formal re-selection process would take at least a couple weeks, though, and time is ticking down to Election Day. Most states have their own ballot deadlines for presidential elections so people casting absentee ballots can vote for the correct candidates. That means that if the RNC replaces Trump, his name could still appear on the ballot in some states and not the new nominee selected by the party. This could be incredibly confusing for voters who would want to vote for Pence, but would have to select Trump on the ballot, political scientist Josh Putnam told The Washington Post. Several ballot deadlines have already passed, and more are coming up this week. "The deadline for things not being messy is like now," Aull said. "By the end of the month at the latest, that's the non-messy deadline, whereas post-August or end of September is when things start to get really, really complicated. They dont want that." Another state-specific hurdle would come up after the election. When voters select a candidate, they are really telling members of the electoral college in their state to vote for that candidate. In some states, the electors can choose whomever they want for president. Others require they vote for a party based on popular vote. And in a third set, electors are legally bound to vote for the name on the ballot. It's this third category where the Republican Party would have to go to court to transfer the votes for Trump to the replacement. That would be even more time consuming and "messy." What if the party replaces Trump too late? If Republicans win states where the filing deadlines have passed, the RNC would likely have to appeal to the courts in order to give the new nominee the votes cast for Trump, Aull said. That scenario would obviously be a hurdle for the Republicans, so if the party does decide to replace Trump, it would be better off doing it as soon as possible. What if Trump steps aside the day after the election? We have a constitution for that one. The 20th Amendment says: "If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified." In that case, Trump could effectively "choose" Pence to take over if the voters vote him into office and he then decides to step aside. Could the RNC say, 'You're Fired'? Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump attends a campaign rally at Blair County Convention Center in Altoona, Pennsylvania August 12, 2016. REUTERS/Eric Thayer Of course, all of the scenarios so far assume Trump politely steps aside. Most presidential nominees simply don't do that, Keyssar said. "I think it's usually the case that you can assume that people who run for an office actually want to hold the office," he said. "They would not step aside, especially with the presidency. It's fulfilling their lifetime ambition." But a small subset of people are calling for the RNC to use an extreme interpretation of the phrase "or otherwise" in the rules for replacing a candidate as a way to forcibly remove Trump from the nomination. That's unlikely, Aull said, but worth noting. The RNC could also rewrite its rules to force him out, which would take even more time. That's also pretty unlikely. If Trump didn't go willingly, he would probably sue the RNC if they use this "otherwise" clause and take the nomination away from him. Then it would be up to the courts to decide who the nominee could be. Since we're getting into serious hypotheticals here: If Trump (or any candidate) committed a major crime, he could still legally run for president. There's nothing in the constitution banning alleged felons from running for office. Socialist presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs even received a million votes from behind bars in 1920. If Trump were then convicted, the vice president might have to take over (if the new Republican nominee won the White House, that is). Or maybe he could pardon himself we really don't have precedent for that ludicrous scenario. Could Pence win? The most interesting note about this complex process is that if Trump dropped out, Pence could still have a chance of becoming president. For some voters, Keyssar said, replacing Trump could be a bad idea. Most of his supporters are loyal to him and could feel betrayed by the RNC if it attempted to replace him with someone else. But for others, Pence may be seen as their savior. "If there was a replacement nominee, it's still possible that that replacement nominee could win the election," Aull said. "Because so many of the issues that the GOP has been having have sort of centered on Trump himself ... it would probably generate some excitement. People are bound to be excited if somebody like Pence stepped in." NOW WATCH: Trump says he was being sarcastic when he called Obama the 'founder of ISIS' More From Business Insider Today, we celebrate the anniversary of the 19th Amendment (ratified on August 18, 1920). Heres what you need to know: Full Text of the 19th Amendment The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Synopsis: The Constitution has never prohibited women from voting and for many years before the adoption of this amendment women did vote in several states. The 19th amendment established a uniform rule for all states to follow in guaranteeing women this right. Explanation: The states ratified the 19th Amendment in 1920 after a long campaign by advocates, who achieved limited success changing state laws. The womens suffrage movement started in the era of the Andrew Jackson administration. In 1838, Kentucky authorized women to vote in school elections and its reforms were later copied by other states. The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 in upstate New York played a pivotal role in bringing to public consciousness the right of women to vote. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott appealed to like-minded men and women to discuss female inequality in social and political spheres. The first significant victory for suffrage advocates was in 1869, when the Wyoming Territory granted women voting rights on an equal basis with men and continued the practice following its admission to statehood. In 1890, the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was formed from two competing suffrage groups, led first by Susan B. Anthony and then Carrie Chapman Catt. While helping to consolidate efforts and reduce rivalry within the movement, suffrage still focused on individual states to pass laws allowing women full voting rights. But by 1914, just 10 states had joined Wyoming and other legal efforts failed. However, the push toward national Prohibition helped the womens suffrage cause, and the two issues became linked together as prospective constitutional amendments. Story continues In 1913, the day before Woodrow Wilsons inauguration as President in Washington, D.C., Alice Paul and Lucy Burns organized a parade promoting votes for women. National media attention focused on the 5,000 participating women and brought the issue in front of the country. Paul and Burns formed the Congressional Union, later the National Womans Party, a group whose mission was to get Congress to pass a womens voting bill. They tried (and failed) in the 1916 elections to leverage the voting power of women in western states that already had female enfranchisement. In 1919, the necessary votes in the Senate finally solidified. The final obstacle was getting three-fourths of the states to ratify the amendment. By mid-1920, 35 states had approved and Tennessees ratification ensured that the 19th Amendment was added to the Constitution, ensuring that American citizens could no longer be denied the right to vote because of their sex. Recent Historical Stories on Constitution Daily 10 essential facts about Alexander Hamilton 10 fascinating facts for George Washingtons real birthday 10 interesting facts about Abraham Lincolns assassination Woman carries a bag with Arabic text written on it. The text sends out a strong message against increasing Islamophobia. By India Today Web Desk: A female passenger on a Berlin metro decided to do her bit in sending out a message against rising Islamophobia in the world. She carried a bag which has text written in Arabic. The text reads, "This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language." advertisement The image, captured and shared by journalist Nader Alsarras, has gone viral on social media with over 26,000 likes, 14,000 shares on Facebook. Nader had tweeted the image as well, but user Zarah Sultana's tweet with the same image was widely circulated. It got over 67,000 retweets and over 1,00,000 likes. Text on bag reads as: "This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language." Zarah Sultana (@zarahsultana) August 16, 2016 The message was well-received and so a lot of positing responses that people even inquired where they can purchase a similar bag from. ? ? To everyone interested in purchasing this bag by RPS Mafia ? ? Instagram: Facebook: Zarah Sultana (@zarahsultana) August 17, 2016 But some were not really impressed with the whole idea. They asked, "if I can't read it in the first place, how would it make me ponder about Islamophobia?" @zarahsultana @exitthelemming Don't get it! If I can't read something I don't think about it! If you can read it, it means nothing! Susanne Traynor (@Christmaspud) August 17, 2016 @exitthelemming How can something that say it aim to terrify people like me be funny? It doesn't scare me as I wouldn't give a 2nd thought Susanne Traynor (@Christmaspud) August 17, 2016 And some defended the idea. @Christmaspud surely it doesn't mean nothing? It has an important satirical point for people who don't read Arabic (and it's very funny). Samuel West (@exitthelemming) August 17, 2016 Tote bags available ya jama3a A photo posted by Rock Paper Scissors (@rps.mafia) on Apr 25, 2016 at 3:58am PDT --- ENDS --- Washington (AFP) - US motorcycle giant Harley-Davidson on Thursday entered a $15 million settlement with US authorities who accused the company of making and selling illegal devices that increased air pollution from its bikes. The company, the iconic American manufacturer of large and loud motorcycles, agreed to buy back and cease selling so-called "super tuners," which improved performance but increased hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions. The company has produced and sold about 340,000 of the devices, which are prohibited under the US Clean Air Act, the Justice Department said. The announcement comes as the German automaker Volkswagen faces continuing legal woes after admitting that it had installed emissions cheating devices on 11 million diesel-powered automobiles worldwide. Last year, the company sold about 265,000 motorcycles worldwide and 168,000 in the US. Assistant Attorney General John Cruden, head of the Justice Department's Environment and Natural Resources Division, said in a statement that other manufacturers should consider themselves warned. Anyone else who manufactures, sells or installs these types of illegal products should take heed of Harley-Davidsons corrective actions and immediately stop violating the law," Cruden said. The settlement involves both the Justice Department and the US Environmental Protection Agency. In a statement, Harley said it had not admitted liability and took issue with the government's legal positions. "This settlement is not an admission of liability but instead represents a good faith compromise with the EPA on areas of law we interpret differently, particularly EPA's assertion that it is illegal for anyone to modify a certified vehicle even if it will be used solely for off-road/closed-course competition," Ed Moreland, head of government affairs, said in the statement. Under its terms, Harley will pay a $12 million civil penalty and devote another $3 million to a project to replace conventional woodstoves with cleaner-burning stoves in local communities, according to the statement. (Adds additional details on Harley statement, EPA comments, updates shares) By David Shepardson and Meredith Davis WASHINGTON/CHICAGO, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Harley-Davidson Inc agreed to pay a $12 million civil fine and stop selling illegal after-market devices that cause its motorcycles to emit too much pollution, the U.S. Justice Department said on Thursday. The settlement resolves government allegations that Harley sold roughly 340,000 "super tuners" enabling motorcycles since 2008 to pollute the air at levels greater than what the Milwaukee-based company certified to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Harley did not admit liability, and said in a statement it disagrees with the government's position arguing that the devices were designed and sold to be used in "competition only." The company said the settlement represents "a good faith compromise with the EPA on areas of law we interpret differently, particularly EPA's assertion that it is illegal for anyone to modify a certified vehicle even if it will be used solely for off-road/closed-course competition." An EPA spokesman said that the vast majority of these tuners were used on public roads. According to the government, the sale of such "defeat devices" violates the federal Clean Air Act. Harley was also accused of selling more than 12,600 motorcycles that were not covered by an EPA certification governing clean air compliance. The settlement calls for Harley to stop selling the super tuners by Aug. 23, and buy back and destroy all such tuners in stock at its dealerships. EPA said the modified settings increase power and performance, but also increase the motorcycles' emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Harley must also deny warranty claims if owners continue to use the devices. An EPA spokesman said the company's dealers are not part of this action, but "if they are tampering or selling defeat devices on their own, then they could be investigated independently in the future." Story continues Harley will also spend $3 million on an unrelated project to reduce air pollution, the Justice Department said. "Given Harley-Davidson's prominence in the industry, this is a very significant step toward our goal of stopping the sale of illegal after-market defeat devices that cause harmful pollution on our roads and in our communities," John Cruden, head of the Justice Department's environmental and natural resources division, said in a statement. The announcement comes amid greater scrutiny on emissions and "defeat devices" by U.S. regulators after Volkswagen AG admitted to using illegal software to evade U.S. emissions standards in nearly 600,000 U.S. vehicles. "This settlement immediately stops the sale of illegal after-market defeat devices used on public roads that threaten the air we breathe," said Cynthia Giles, assistant administrator for EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Harley must obtain a certification from the California Air Resources Board for any tuners it sells in the United States in the future. For any super tuners that Harley-Davidson sells outside the United States in the future, it must label them as not for use in the United States. In a separate statement, the company said it has sold the product for more then 20 years under an accepted regulatory approach that permitted the sale of competition-only parts and said it believed it was legal to use in race conditions in the United States. Harley shares closed down 94 cents at $53.54, or 1.7 percent. They had earlier fallen as much as 8 percent after news of the allegations had surfaced in a U.S. lawsuit filed in Washington, but before the settlement was announced. Harley said last month that EPA had first sought information about after-market part issues in December 2009. Pat Sweeney, a Harley-Davidson spokesperson, said the company did not have immediate details on how many units of inventory had to be bought back or destroyed, nor details on the cost. EPA said it discovered the violations through a routine inspection and information Harley-Davidson submitted. EPA has been investigating after-market part emission issues for more than five years. In 2012, Suzuki Motor Corp paid an $885,000 fine to EPA for selling 25,458 all-terrain vehicles and off-road motorcycles because they were built to allow for the installation of an after-market part to increase horsepower and emissions. Several other companies have paid fines to EPA in recent years for selling after-market parts to diesel truck owners to remove emission controls and boost horsepower and fuel efficiency. (Additional reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York, Sweta Singh in Bengaluru, Nick Carey and Meredith Davis in Chicago; Editing by Saumyadeb Chakrabarty and Alan Crosby) When Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released in July 2007, many fans were prepared for the final book to be The End. Yes, there would be two new films adapting the novel for the big screen in 2010 and 2011. But the series author, J.K. Rowling, had always said the series would conclude with book seven. Since then, there have been: a proliferation of stories on the companion website Pottermore, a real-life version of The Tales of Beedle the Bard (a fictional set of fables referenced in the series), a forthcoming Potter-world film trilogy starting with Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (out in November), and a new play called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which wasnt written by Rowling, and which had its script released in book form in July. As per an announcement on Wednesday, fans can expect even more from the author: three new e-books about Hogwarts will be released on September 6, including Power, Politics, and Pesky Poltergeists; Of Heroism, Hardship, and Dangerous Hobbies; and Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide. Given that Rowling has long seemed unwilling to put the wizarding world behind her for good, constantly offering new tidbits on Twitter or in interviews, this news shouldnt be surprising. But after the Cursed Child debut, she made a point of saying that the play would, in fact, be the end of Harrys story. He goes on a very big journey during these two plays and then, yeah, I think were done. This is the next generation, you know So, I'm thrilled to see it realized so beautifully but, no, Harry is done now. In a very technical sense, Rowling was being truthful. The books will reportedly explore characters other than Harry: One will delve into the backstory of Dolores Umbridge and how Professor Slughorn met a young Voldemort. Another will revisit Professor McGonagall and Remus Lupin, while the last will focus on Hogwarts. But it seems disingenuous to say that these wont, by extension, change Harrys story in some way. And if fans can only hope to trust Rowlings future announcements on a purely technical basis, then they might as well accept that the fictional magical world will evolve for years to come, perhaps in surprising ways. What if theres a rock opera about Voldemorts childhood? Or a new animated Netflix show about Harry and Ginnys grandchildren? Or an augmented-reality mobile game where users can explore the Forbidden Forest, or battle Blast-Ended Skrewts, or eat an end-of-term feast in the Great Hall? Story continues Considering much of the fan reaction to the script book for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, perhaps Rowling staying away from Harry-specific stories (assuming she does) is a good thing. While reviews of the two-part play itself have been overwhelmingly positive, those who could only get their hands on the book seemed less delighted. Part of this was undoubtedly because scripts, especially early versions, rarely shine on the page like they do on stage. Part was because there were many fans who had mistakenly been expecting an actual novel. And yet there were others who felt that the playwith all its plot holes, occasionally odd dialogue, and apparent revisionismfell well short of the ideal standards for a canonical Harry Potter tale. If Rowling sticks to fleshing out little details and backstories, rather than shepherding along full-blown, brand-new story arcs, perhaps that can be a reasonable middle ground for both the author and fans. After all, a 79-page e-book will generally have lower stakes than a two-part stage production (especially one involving extensive time travel, alternate histories, and secret children). The move will please those hungry for any new Harry Potter stories. But an e-book is also a minor enough release that it can be ignored altogether by fans hoping to preserve the original story in their minds. Recommended: What Kurt Metzger's Rants Say About Sexism in Stand-Up Comedy Either way, Potterheads can all but count on the likelihood of new magic-minded works, whatever the length or medium or subject. Stephen King told The New York Times that he felt Rowling was being influenced by her own love for the characters, and by her millions of fans eagerness for Harry to live on. Writers feel responsibility to their readers, and some of that is a way of saying to the fans, If you want a little more, Ill give you a little more, he said. Perhaps this little more will just be random tweets or e-books or fake Daily Prophet articles. Or maybe one day the world will see whole new series about James Potter and Sirius Blacks adventures at Hogwarts. Either way, it seems clear that, for Rowling and for fans, The End is nowhere in sight. Read more from The Atlantic: This article was originally published on The Atlantic. Earlier this week, a Hawaii woman accused of killing her twin sister after their vehicle plunged off a Maui cliff was arrested in upstate New York on drunken driving charges, PEOPLE confirms. According to a statement from the New York State Police, Alexandria Duval, 37, who was never charged with a crime in Maui, was pulled over Monday afternoon just before 4:30 p.m. in the town of Stamford. Officers charged Duval with aggravated driving while intoxicated and other traffic violations. Her blood alcohol content was allegedly 0.26, more than three times the legal limit, according to police. Duval caught the attention of police after her car allegedly started drifting into the oncoming traffic lane, nearly striking a state police detective's vehicle. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Police allege she was also driving too closely behind the car in front of her, which prompted calls to 911. A state trooper stopped Duval, who was allegedly "highly intoxicated" at the time and was not wearing a seat belt. The police statement alleges Duval presented officers with her Hawaii driver's license and submitted to a breath test, but later refused to say where she lived or be fingerprinted or photographed. Duval is being held on $5,000 cash bail and is due back in court August 23 for her arraignment, where she will enter a plea. Court records do not indicate who her attorney is. Duval and her sister, Anastasia, were traveling in a Ford Explorer in May when they crashed into a rock wall, sending the car plummeting 200 feet onto a rocky shoreline. The accident occurred during an alleged physical fight over the car's steering wheel. Anastasia died in the crash and Alexandria was arrested on a second-degree murder charge. Police alleged she intentionally crashed the car to kill her sister. A judge later ordered Alexandriaas release after determining there was not enough probable cause for the murder charge. The twins formerly owned and operated two popular yoga students in Palm Beach County, Florida, before changing their names. The Hawaii State Health Department ordered the immediate closure of nearly a dozen locations of the restaurant chain Genki Sushi on the islands of Oahu and Kauai amid the states worst Hepatitis-A outbreak in decades. Officials have confirmed 168 cases of the virus since June, including dozens of people who required hospitalization, saying imported frozen scallops served raw at Genki Sushi are likely to blame. The scallops were imported from the Philippines, according to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, and distributed by the Honolulu-based wholesale company Koha Oriental Foods. A Hepatitis-A outbreak of this scale is unusual but not unprecedented in recent decades. In 2003, 565 people were sickened in Pennsylvania after eating contaminated green onions at a Chi-Chis Mexican restaurant. Three people died as a result. That same year, 297 cases of Hepatitis A recorded in Georgia were also linked to contaminated green onions. In 2013, 162 people across 10 states got Hepatitis A after eating products containing tainted pomegranate seeds. Recommended: The Futility of the Workout-Sit Cycle Still, the incidence of the virus has dropped dramaticallyby some 95 percentin the United States since a vaccine became available 20 years ago, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC recommends vaccinating children at 1 year old, but officials believe many adolescents and adults remain unvaccinated, which is part of why outbreaks like the one in Hawaii are concerning. Hepatitis A is rarely fatal, though it can cause fatal liver failure. The virus, which sickens those who consume contaminated food or water, is highly contagious and spreads fastest in settings where personal hygiene is subpar or sanitary conditions are poor. Those who are infected stay contagious for up to two weeks, and are often most contagious before symptoms ever appear. It can take several weeksin some cases even monthsafter an infection before symptoms show up, making the risk of spreading the virus even greater. Many people who get the virus never show symptoms. In young children, the vast majority of Hepatitis A infections are asymptomatic. Signs of Hepatitis, when they appear, can include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, clay-colored bowel movements, vomiting, diarrhea, and yellowing skin and eyes. Story continues Along with closing Genki Sushi for clean-up, the Hawaii State Department of Health also issued a list of establishments where food service workers sickened in the latest outbreak are employedincluding Baskin-Robbins, Chilis, Costco Bakery, Taco Bell, Papa Johns, and several local restaurants on Oahu. This information is important, as Hepatitis A is often spread by food handlers who are themselves infected. Recommended: Modern Medicine Is Too Reliant on Short-Term Studies State officials told the Star-Advertiser that theyre working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to further investigate the origin of the tainted scallops. Raw shellfish are considered particularly risky for spreading Hepatitis A, since shellfish make efficient filters for extracting bacteria from watermaking them great receptacles for the virus when theyre exposed to it. Although many states have regulations aimed at preventing the distribution of contaminated shellfish in the United States, researchers have linked several outbreaks to the illegal harvesting of oysters and scallops. The lesson here, health officials say, is not to eat raw shellfish. Then again, Hepatitis A is unpredictable, which is part of what makes outbreaks so disconcerting. Going back to the 1960s, major outbreaks of the virus have been traced back to frozen strawberries, frozen raspberries, lettuce, sandwiches, salads, glazed doughnuts, and pastry icing. Read more from The Atlantic: This article was originally published on The Atlantic. Even though HBOs The Night Of premiered just last month, the miniseries camerawork informed the look of Nightcrawler, a film released in 2014. A case of cinematographic time travel? Not really. When gearing up for Dan Gilroys Nightcrawler in 2013, DP Robert Elswit knew hed have to shoot digitally, because the feature required many nighttime exteriors and had a low lighting budget. But he had always shot on film. That experience gap figured into Elswits decision to first take on Steven Zaillians 10-part miniseries, which began production three years ago but was stalled after the untimely death of star James Gandolfini (later replaced by John Turturro). The Night Of would serve as a testing ground for the Arri Alexa digital camera. I was able to use everything I learned in The Night Of to help me get the most out of Nightcrawler, Elswit says. [Alexa] was a great way to go because its a little faster. The exposure index is twice as high as the fastest Kodak film stock, and you can get away with murder. By shooting in places that had a lot of street and business lighting, I didnt have to light backgrounds. Set in New York, the 10-part mini tells the story of a man accused of murder, and the suffocating judicial system that works against him. Elswit, who could commit to only the aesthetic-setting first two episodes, says he and Zaillian were inspired by New York-set movies shot there in the 70s, particularly the raw-energy ones, like Report to the Commissioner and The French Connection. In Demand DP Robert Elswit has more than 70 film and TV credits. Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (2015) The latest Mission is darker than the franchises earlier films, including his own Ghost Protocol. The Town (2010) The Boston-set film features a shootout-in-the-streets finale. There Will Be Blood (2007) Elswit earned the cinematography Oscar for Paul Thomas Andersons tale of an oil baron, starring Daniel Day-Lewis. Good Night and Good Luck (2005) Elswit was Oscar-nominated for George Clooneys B&W saga of Edward R. Murrows battle with Sen. Joseph McCarthy. It wasnt a documentary style in the sense that it was handheld camera or anything, but you really felt like you were in the city, Elswit says. Things were theatrical but not artificial. You were in real locations. The lighting would be dictated by the places you picked to shoot. Story continues Elswit also looked back to the 1961 television series The Defenders, starring E.G. Marshall. It was all in black and white and in the streets, he recalls. It was a courtroom drama, but it wasnt like Perry Mason. It wasnt a Hollywood version. You werent looking at a lot of sets. And thats what Steven was hoping youd come away feeling here that youd seen a kind of slice of life. The other eight episodes in the series were shot by lensers Igor Martinovic (House of Cards) and Fred Elmes (Olive Kitteridge). But Elswit doubled back in the end to shoot some additional photography on different parts of the series, which is set all over New York, including Rikers Island. I matched what they did in the courtroom and some other places, Elswit says. I couldnt pull it all apart, and I didnt want to. Steven is a hands-on director and I think thats why the thing looks vaguely consistent with three different DPs. He believes what cinematographers believe, which is that how something is lit how light, how dark it is, where the shadows fall all of these things are keys to an audiences emotional response. Related stories Crafts Community Applauds TV Academy's Plan to Split Creative Arts Emmy Ceremonies in Two HBO Asia Expands Original Production Activity Robert Downey Jr., Nic Pizzolatto Eyeing TV Project at HBO (EXCLUSIVE) The annual Railway Budget may just be a thing of the past, with the Government considering scrapping it and merging it with the General Budget, from 2017. In June 2015, the Bibek Debroy Committee, a high level committee set up for Mobilization of Resources for Major Railway Projects and Restructuring of Railway Ministry and Railway Board, had mentioned, in its report, a number of measures aimed at restructuring the Railways, with getting rid of a separate budget, being one of them. According to the committee, while not much benefit came from holding a separate Railway Budget, a lot of resources were being wasted in the process of preparing and presenting it. As per the reports recommendations, the Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu, had written to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley asking for the practise of presenting a separate Railway Budget to be scrapped. Over the recent years, the Rail Budget has seen a number of announcements and initiatives, along with a lot of protests from states which felt that they were not given their due. With budget due to get scrapped, lets take a walk down memory lane as we highlight some interesting facts about the Indian Railways and the Railway Budget: First passenger train: On April 16, 1853, the first ever passenger train ran from Mumbai to Thane. It took 57 minutes to cover a distance of 21 miles and reach Tannah (Thane). Three locomotives pulled 14 carriages, carrying 400 passengers on board. This was run by the Great Indian Peninsular Railway, the predecessor of the Central railways. Image: William Mitchell Acworth. By Bain News Service (publisher) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons First Railway Budget: It was the recommendations of the ten-member Acworth Committee, headed by British railway economist, in 1920-21, that led to the reorganisation of the Indian Railways. With the Railways being a huge asset, in 1924, the railway finances were separated from the general finances. The first separate Railway Budget was presented in 1925. Railway Minister, John Mathai, presented independent Indias first Railway Budget in November, 1947. Story continues First televised Railway Budget: The Railway Budget was first telecast live on 24 March 1994, by the then Railway Minister C.K Jaffer Sharief. The term Railway budget does not appear in the Constitution, but the budget is introduced and passed in the Lok Sabha under Articles 112 and Rule 204 of the Constitution, in two distinct parts the Railway Budget and the General Budget. Most presentations: Former Railway Minister, Lalu Prasad Yadav, who was in tenure from 2004 to May 2009, presented the Rail Budget a record six times in a row. First and only lady to present the Railway Budget: The first female Railway Minister, and the only lady to present the Budget was current West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress honcho, Mamata Banerjee, who presented it in 2002. Image: Kaziranga Express By Smeet Chowdhury -, CC BY 2.0, Second largest railway network: The Indian Railways has the worlds second largest railway network, carrying over 23 million passengers daily. It employees close to 1.54 million people, making it the seventh largest employer in the world. Image: Gorakhpur railway Station. By Benison P Baby - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Longest platform and highest rail bridge: The worlds longest railway platform is at the Gorakhpur Railway Station in UP, with a length of 1,366m. In fact, seven of the worlds longest railway platforms are located in India. Once complete, the under-construction Chenab Railway Bridge, in Reasi district, Jammu and Kashmir, will be one of the highest rail bridges in the world. The bridge is between the towns of Udhampur near Jammu, and Baramulla in the Kashmir Valley. Image: By Nikhilb239 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, High speed trains: In the 2014 Railway Budget, the then Railway Minister D.V Sadanand Gowda announced the first bullet train, and nine other high speed trains. The 2016 Railway Budget, presented by Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu, saw no hike in fares, WiFi at 100 stations and 17,000 biotoilets and additional toilets in 475 stations before the close of this financial year, among other initiatives. Obamacare hasn't been a cure-all for America's uninsured population but it sure has changed the numbers of people without health coverage, and what the remaining uninsured look like. Two new surveys out Thursday shed new light on the effects of the Affordable Care Act. One details a dramatic drop in uninsured population in California, the nation's most populous state, and one that has fully embraced Obamacare's tools for expanding health coverage. The other survey details how people nationally who still lack health insurance after Obamacare's first two years are more likely to be Hispanic, be very poor, be under the age of 35 and work for a small business. The first survey comes from the Kaiser Family Foundation, which has been tracking the effects of the ACA in California since 2013 in a series of interviews with the uninsured. That year was the last one before individual health insurance plans went on sale on government-run Obamacare marketplaces nationwide, and also the last year before the ACA rule mandating nearly every American to have some form of health coverage or pay a fine took effect. Kaiser's survey in 2014 found that 58 percent of the uninsured population in California had gained health health coverage since the year before. In 2015, the survey found that 68 percent of the previously uninsured had obtained such coverage. The new survey released Thursday found that in 2016, 72 percent of previously uninsured Californians had become covered. The percentage was even higher if uninsured undocumented workers, who are not eligible for either Medicaid or Obamacare plans, are not considered. Among previously uninsured, eligible Californians, 78 percent are now insured in some manner, Kaiser found. When currently uninsured people were asked why they still don't have coverage, almost half said insurance is too expensive for them. Kaiser's report on the survey noted that largest share of the recently insured residents 33 percent have become covered through Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program that covers primarily low-income people. Another 21 percent are insured through employer-based health plans, and just 11 percent are insured through plans sold on Covered California, the state-run Obamacare exchange. The rest of the recently insured said they have other forms of coverage. Story continues Kaiser's survey also found that recently insured Californians "are more likely to report that their health needs are being met today than when they were uninsured" 77 percent this year, compared to 49 percent in 2013. Nearly 80 percent of the recently insured said their experiences with their current coverage has been positive. The second report released Thursday comes from the Commonwealth Fund, with the title, "Who Are the Remaining Uninsured and Why Haven't They Signed Up for Coverage." The group notes that about 20 million Americans have gained health coverage since 2010, when the ACA first began taking effect, with a provision that allowed people under the age of 26 to stay on their parents' health plans. "Yet an estimated 24 million people still lack health insurance," the report said. Of that 24 million, about 21 million of them 88 percent have incomes below about $16,243, were young adults, worked at small firms, and/or are Latino, according to the Commonwealth Fund. In 2013, Latinos, who have the highest rates of uninsurance of any ethnic group, compromised 29 percent of the uninsured population. Latinos now make up 40 percent of the uninsured, according to the report, which notes that is "more than twice their representation in the overall population. At the same time, whites, who previously made up half of the uninsured, now comprise 41 percent of the uninsured. The report noted that 34 percent of the remaining uninsured have incomes low enough to qualify them for Medicaid, but live in one of the 20 states that have not adopted Obamacare's provision that allows nearly all poor adults to be covered by that program, with significant federal financial assistance. In states that did not expand Medicaid under Obamacare, 41 percent of adults with incomes below $16,243 were uninsured as of the summer of 2013. By 2016, the uninsured rate among that population had fallen just to 35 percent hits year which is actually 1 percent more than in the past two years. However, in the states that did expand Medicaid, the uninsured rate among poor adults fell from 30 percent in 2013, to only 17 percent this year. The report found that almost two-thirds of uninsured adults who knew about Obamacare insurance marketplaces, which offers subsidized coverage to low- and middle-income people, had not visited those exchanges "because they did not think they would be able to afford coverage." At the same time, the report said, more than half of the uninsured adults actually had incomes in range that made them eligible for federal subsidies that could reduce the coverage of their Obamacare exchange plan coverage. The first look posters of actor Karthi's upcoming supernatural thriller Kaashmora are out. Going by the posters, Karthi plays a warrior in the film. First look of Karthi's Kashmoora is out By India Today Web Desk: Actor Karthi, who has been patiently waiting for two long years to unveil his Kaashmora, has finally released the first look posters of his upcoming supernatural thriller, which reportedly features the Madras actor playing triple roles for the first time in his career. ALSO READ: Kaashmora- Karthi's first look to be unveiled on August 18 advertisement ALSO READ: Kaatru Veliyidai- Karthi sports three different looks in his upcoming film Karthi took it to Twitter and unveiled the first look posters of Kaashmora. According to reports, Kaashmora is a multi-genre film and has elements of horror, comedy and action, besides period flavour. Santhosh Narayanan, who is basking in the success of Kabali music album, has composed the songs and BGM for Kaashmora. Tipped to be the most expensive project of his career, the film also stars Nayanthara and Sri Divya as the leading ladies. Directed by Gokul, the film is produced by SR Prakash Babu and SR Prabhu under the banner of Dream Warrior Pictures. Also, Kaashmora is said to be the first south Indian film to have used 3D face scan technology for an important sequence in the film, which lasts for 15 minutes. Karthi has already acted in a supernatural thriller Aayirathil Oruvan, directed by Selvaraghavan. --- ENDS --- From Esquire Nate Parker took to Facebook on Tuesday night to express his "profound sorrow" over the suicide of his college rape accuser. Hours after the woman's brother told Variety that she had committed suicide in 2012, Parker posted that although he "maintain[s] [his] innocence that the encounter was unambiguously consensual, there are things more important than the law": "I myself just learned that the young woman ended her own life several years ago and am filled with profound sorrow...I look back on that time as a teenager and can say without hesitation that I should have used more wisdom...I see now that I may not have shown enough empathy even as I fought to clear my name." The incident occurred in 1999, when Parker and his Penn State roommate Jean Celestin-the co-writer of The Birth of a Nation-were charged with raping the woman, then 18, in their apartment. The woman passed away at age 30; the New York Times reports that she had attempted suicide twice after the incident, and she had "suffered severe depression, sleeplessness, and anxiety attacks." "She became detached from reality," the woman's brother told Variety. "The progression was very quick and she took her life...My position is [Parker] got off on a technicality...If I were to look back at her very short life and point to one moment where I think she changed as a person, it was obviously that point." Though Celestin and Parker were acquitted in 2000, the controversy still remains and has been heightened due to Birth of a Nation, which Fox Searchlight bought for $17.5 million, making it the most lucrative film deal in history. "His character should be under a microscope because of this incident," the victim's brother said. "If you removed these two people, the project is commendable. But there's a moral and ethical stance you would expect from someone with regard to this movie." You Might Also Like U.S. oil exports are on the rise after the federal ban was lifted in December. So which country is the top recipient of American oil, aside from Canada? None other than Curacao, the island nation and popular tourist destination. Congress agreed to allow the export of crude oil for the first time in 40 years. Analysts predicted that oil producers would be slow to take advantage of the new policy, mainly because there was little price advantage with the market still reeling from oversupply concerns. Also, Canada was excluded from the ban, and some oil exports to other countries were already allowed under the law. Exporting refined products like gasoline was permitted as well. U.S. oil exports this year averaged 501,000 barrels per day through May, just a 9% increase over the full-year daily average in 2015. The Energy Information Administration noted that exports had already grown by a large margin before the federal government scrapped its export restrictions. Canada wasand isthe most popular customer by far, although oil was also regularly postmarked for five other countries by 2015. But with the ban in the rear-view mirror, more nations are benefiting from the U.S. shale boom. American oil has made its way to a total of 16 different countries so far in 2016. Canada, which received 422,000 barrels of American oil per day in 2015, remains the most popular trade partner for domestic drillers. The EIA said other than Canada, Curacao has been the largest and most consistent U.S. crude oil export destination over the first five months of this year. Exports to Curacao, located in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Venezuela, averaged 54,000 barrels per day through May. Venezuelas state-owned oil company, PDVSA, operates a refinery on Curacao. The Netherlands (39,000 b/d) is the second-most popular destination for American oil this year, followed by Japan (17,000 b/d) and Italy (15,000 b/d). Related Articles OTTAWA, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / Carube Copper Corp. (TSXV: CUC) announces that its joint venture partner, OZ Minerals, has commenced drilling at the Calabash Ridge Prospect at the Bellas Gate Joint Venture (BGJV) in Jamaica. This area is considered a high-priority target after an extensive Induced Polarization (IP) survey identified a large chargeability anomaly that correlates to surface copper mineralization. The first hole at Calabash Ridge will be completed sometime this week. Drilling will also continue at the Provost Prospect to follow up the excellent copper-gold results previously encountered there. Jeff Ackert, President and CEO of Carube Copper noted: We are happy to see our JV partner, OZ Minerals, embark on an aggressive drilling program at Calabash Ridge. It is a high-priority target due to its recently discovered IP chargeability and resistivity responses as well as its proximity to the Connors Porphyry complex, the Northern Alteration Zone and associated mineralizing structures. Figure 1: Plan View of the IP Chargeability Anomaly at Calabash Ridge Showing Location of drill hole CLB-16-001 To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit: [] Calabash Ridge Drilling: The initial drilling at Calabash Ridge is targeting the 15-35 mRad chargeability zone, which is peripheral to the chargeability anomaly. It has been noted in previously drilled holes that the high chargeability areas (+50 mRad) appear more pyritic. It is expected that the peripheral areas will be more copper rich. The first hole drilled at Calabash Ridge is expected to be more than 400 metres in depth. It is very important to note that the Calabash Ridge target area is adjacent to the Connors Porphyry System where previous drilling has intersected 294m of 0.56% CuEq; including 96m of 1.00% CuEq, in diamond drill hole DDH-CON-14-005. Copper equivalents (CuEq) are calculated using a US $3.00/lb. copper and a US$1200 per ounce gold price assuming unlimited internal dilution and 100% recovery of both metals. Story continues Provost Drilling: Another hole of approximately 400m in length will soon be drilled at Provost where a new discovery was made last month (see Press Release dated July 22, 2016). PVT-16-002 intersected consistent and strong copper mineralization - chalcopyrite - through its entire length, returning 339m of 0.34% CuEq, including 10m of 1.79% CuEq. This mineralization exists within a zone of 20-35 mRad chargeability that is coincident with a west dipping resistivity feature, which is interpreted as being caused by pyrite-chalcopyrite bearing veins. This next hole at Provost will target the 20-35 mRad IP chargeability shell that is interpreted to be most prospective for copper mineralisation. To date, OZ Minerals has sole-funded the drilling of forty-five holes, totalling 12,045 metres on BGJV targets as part of a 70% interest earn-in on the BGJV; Carube Copper now holds a 30% interest. OZ Minerals is currently earning an additional 10% interest in the Joint Venture by sole funding Phase Five which includes all work to the completion of a feasibilty study. Please see our press release of February 10, 2016 regarding the work completed and expenditures on the BGJV. Contacts Jeff Ackert, President and CEO 1-613-839-3258 Vern Rampton, Executive VP of Corporate Development 1-613-839-3258 Alar Soever, Chairman 1-705-682-9297 QP Statement: This press release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Vern Rampton, P. Eng. in his capacity as a qualified person as defined under NI 43-101. Carube Copper Corp. (TSXV: CUC) is a Canadian exploration company focused on the exploration and development of copper and gold projects in Jamaica and Canada. In Jamaica, two projects, totalling 188 square kilometres in area, are the subject of separate joint venture agreements with OZ Minerals Limited, an Australian copper-gold producer with a market capitalization of $2B. Carube Copper holds a 100% interest in two other nearby projects, totalling 80 square kilometres. In Canada, Carube Copper holds a 100% interest in three porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum properties, totalling 593 square kilometres within the Tertiary-aged Cascade Magmatic Arc in southwestern British Columbia. Exploration continues on these properties with the goal of joint-venturing them to larger exploration and mining companies. Carube Copper continues to seek opportunities in Canada and the Caribbean for acquisition and development. DISCLAIMER & FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, and by their very nature involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on currently available information, Carube Copper Corp. provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Factors that can cause results to differ materially are set out in the Company's documents filed on the SEDAR website. Undue reliance should not be placed on "forward looking statements". IMPORTANT NOTICE: By reference herewith, Carube Copper incorporates into this release the entire disclaimer set forth on our website at Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. SOURCE: Carube Copper Corp. Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy does not shy away from the fact that guns on are on the national ballot this November. If Donald Trump wins, it will be a pretty dramatic setback, says Murphy, who has emerged as the Democratic Partys most vocal champion of new gun regulation. Not just because how terrible hell be on the issue, but the fact that a presidential candidate who ran asking for a mandate on guns lost. For Murphy, the fight is personal. He had just been elected to the Senate in 2012 when word arrived that there had been an incident at an elementary school in his House district. The Senator-elect watched in horror as Newtown, Conn., became the site of the deadliest mass school shooting in U.S. history. Murphy, an earnest legislator who first won election at age 25, wanted to know what he and other lawmakers could do to help families who were affected by the scene unfolding at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and how he might prevent similar future incidents. His efforts, the Democrat acknowledged over a breakfast interview with TIME this week, were perhaps ahead of their time, if not premature. Sandy Hook was so cataclysmicwas so outside of the normthat peoples reaction was all about simply figuring out how to process it, how to reconcile that level of evil, Murphy said during a candid conversation on Aug. 17. They were trying to reconcile how Sandy Hook could exist in a civilized world. No discussion of policy or politics, he said, could break through the disbelief roiling his constituents, his colleagues and the nation, no matter how much he saw a chance to do good. His ensuing efforts came up in defeat largely at the hands of the National Rifle Association. Murphy is now eyeing action in 2017, which he hopes will be achieved by a Democratic Party-led Senate, if comrades can pick up a net six Senate seats, and championed by Hillary Clinton, who is the most stridently pro-gun-control presidential nominee ever. We have had time now, and a never-ending trend line of mass atrocities, to think about how policy can change to make this less likely, Murphy said as he picked at smoked salmon on a bagel. Story continues Public opinion, at the moment, is on Murphys side, at least for incremental changes to the nations rules for buying guns. Voters seem to favor policies he is pushing: background checks, limits on online sales, measures to keep suspected terrorists from buying a gun at Wal-Mart. Politics, however, is iffy. Im not sure that our movement is ready yet to beat the gun lobby, he said, using the pollster-crafted reference to the NRA. Im not sure that were strong enough. Im not sure that were big enough. I dont want to over-state the movement. Candidates are facing pressure for their votes on gun restrictions. Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire is locked in a tight race for her second term representing a state where guns are part of the DNA. Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania faces skepticism from the Right over his work to boost background checks in the wake of Newtown. The Democrats devoted hours of Clintons nominating convention to the topic, openly calling on tighter restrictions to prevent future massacres. Something has changed within our party, Murphy said. Indeed, campaign consultants for a generation were leaning on the lessons of Bill Clintons crime bill in 1994. Lawmakers who supported it found themselves out of a job, as the NRA came after them with millions in negative ads. Republicans defaulted to the NRA position from a mix of fear and pragmatism. You were told, as a Democratic candidate, you should stay away from guns. Democrats (now) have decided that this a core value for our party and its a winning political issue, Murphy said. Its become a litmus test for Democrats. You have to be strong on the issue of guns or you are ineligible for Leadership in our party. But thats not to say there is the political infrastructure to back them up. The anti-gun violence movement was essentially asleep from 1994 to 2012 and during that time, the NRA and the gun lobby built up an incredibly impressive political organization, Murphy said. The modern movement to stop gun violence and to take illegal weapons off our streets is less than four years old. Indeed, its a movement in its infancy. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has spent millions to criticize pro-NRA politicians with limited efficacy. Former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who survived a 2011 assassination attempt, has led an anti-gun violence group that is preparing an active fall campaign, both on the ground and on televisions. And grassroots activists are seeing an opportunity to run against the NRA, even if some Democratic campaigns are only lukewarm to the strategy. Have faith, Murphy argues. The shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando on a Saturday night in June became the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. Forty-nine people, plus the gunman, died in a shooting that is said to have been inspired by Islamic extremism. It was fundamentally disruptive with the electorate. The new intersection of law enforcement and terrorism has caused voters to elevate the issue on their priority list, Murphy said. Orlando was a policy tipping point. They now knew how to react psychologically to these tragedies because they had practiced it and they were ready to think about policy. Thats not to say Murphy expects the NRA to be sidelined any time soon. I think its still very powerful, 10 years from now. It is whether the NRA has a vice-like grip on the Republican Party, or whether it is another interest groups that wins some battles and loses some battles. They have not lost a fight in decades, Murphy said. My hope is that 10 years from now, while the NRA will still be powerful, Republicans will get used to stepping out and occasionally take on the NRA. Murphy likens the NRA to another industry that survives but with a significantly damaged public image. Guns are the new cigarettes, he said. Hillary Clinton launched a new ad on Thursday attacking Donald Trump for not releasing his tax returns as Democrats tighten the screws on the Republican nominee. The new Clinton ad features television clips of prominent Republicans questioning Trumps decision to keep his tax returns private. Perhaps one more reason why were not seeing his tax returns is because he is deeply involved in dealing with Russian oligarchs, suggests conservative columnist George Will. Either hes not anywhere near as wealthy as he says he is or theres a bombshell in Donald Trumps taxes, the 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney says in a clip with Fox News. The ad, part of the Clinton campaigns existing national cable ad buy, is the latest salvo in the campaigns fight to keep Donald Trumps taxes at the top of the agenda. The speculation around Trumps decision not to release his returns has led to questions about whether he has foreign investments or pays a below-average tax rate. Trump has said he will not release his tax returns until the IRS has completed an audit of his returns. The audit, however, does not prevent him from releasing the records, and President Nixon released his tax returns despite being under audit. Clintons latest tax returns show that she and Bill made an income of $10.6 million in 2015 and $27.9 million in 2014. Trumps taxes are an issue that Clintons aides want to see in the news. Clinton herself has been pressing the issue at rallies, saying that Trump would benefit from his own proposed tax cut. Of course, we have no idea what tax rate he pays because unlike everybody else whos run for president in the last four or five decades, he refuses to release his tax returns, Clinton said at a rally in Cleveland on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee is organizing a gimmicky attack around the country at Trump rallies and outside of the Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan, where protestors are holding signs that say Donald Ducks Releasing His Taxes complete with a Duck mascot. Story continues On Thursday, U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Chris Murphy and Clinton endorsers held a conference call to push a bill, the Presidential Tax Transparency Act, which would require presidential nominees to release their tax returns. The American people deserve to know whether the president of the United States is making a decision in order to advance the best interests of the citizens of the country, or the best interest of his wallet, said Sen. Chris Murphy. The Senate bill would not require members of Congress or sitting presidents to release their returns. The Netherlands festivals Holland Film Meeting and Rottermans CineMart are launching BoostNL, an industry confab dedicated to Dutch movies in development and international projects. Spearheaded by CineMarts Marit van den Eshout and Holland Film Meetings Vanja Kaludjercic (the former head of industry at Les Arcss co-production village), the first edition of BoostNL will present six international projects and five Dutch projects in development, as well as three works-in-progress. BoostNL, hosted during the Holland Film Meeting (Sept. 22-15) and CineMart (Jan. 29-Feb. 1) will connect filmmakers and producers with with international mentors to advise them during development, post-production, marketing and distribution. There is a strong interest on our part to do more for projects throughout the year, especially for those that we have already invested in via the Hubert Bals Fund and CineMart, said van den Eshout, adding that BoostNL programme also allows them to keep track of interesting projects. Kaludjercic pointed out that tailor-made consultancy has always been one of the trademarks of the Holland Film Meeting. What we are creating with BoostNL is a more thorough, more streamlined and longer-running expert programme providing producers and directors with continuous support for projects further development and improvement, Kaludjercic added. One of the anticipated projects is Ali Jaberansaris Tehran, City of Love, which received the Hubert Bals Fund for script and development support last year. From the Netherlands, Sacha Polak will present her English-language debut, Jade. Its a great initiative combining the Holland Film Meeting and CineMart, two platforms that are very dear to us, said Jades producer, Marleen Slot. BoostNL will give Sacha and Viking Film the opportunity to work intensely on the film and will help us to push it forward and to bring it under attention of international financiers and distributors, added Slot. Story continues The six international projects are: Bootlegger, directed by Caroline Monnet (Mobilize), produced by Microclimat Films (Canada) The Bridge, directed by Hala Lotfy (Al-khoroug lel-nahar), produced by DayDream Art Production (Egypt) Jessica, directed by Ninja Thyberg (Pleasure), produced by Plattform Produktion (Sweden) Loveling, directed by Gustavo Pizzi (Riscado), produced by Bubbles Project (Brazil) The Reports on Sarah and Saleem, directed by Muayad Alayan and Rami Alayan (Love, Theft and Other Entanglements), produced by PalCine Productions (Palestine) Tehran, City of Love, directed by Ali Jaberansari (Aman), produced by Here & There Productions Dutch projects in development: Dreamscape, directed by Anna van der Heide (Fidgety Bram), produced by Pupkin Film In the Arms of Morpheus, directed by Marc Schmidt (The Chimpanzee Complex), produced by KeyDocs Jade, directed by Sacha Polak (Zurich), produced by Viking Film Quicksand, directed by Margot Schaap (12 Months in 1 Day), produced by PRPL Totem, directed by Sander Burger (Alice Cares), produced by Volya Films Works in progress: Charlie and Hannahs Grand Night Out, directed by Bert Scholiers, produced by Minds Meet (Belgium) Mormaco, directed by Marina Meliande (The Escape of the Monkey Woman), produced by Enquadramento Producoes (Brazil) Quality Time, directed by Daan Bakker (Jaccos film), produced by Pupkin Film (Netherlands) Related stories Alpha Violet Primes 'The Tribe' Follow-Up 'Luxembourg,' 'Soviet Heroes' Cannes Film Review: 'The Lunchbox' Dutch pics grab the spotlight As far as The Hollywood Reporter was concerned, the film industry reached creative and commercial perfection with 1959's Ben-Hur. MGM's sword-and-sandal epic - a remake of which lands in theaters Aug. 19 - was "more spectacular than any of the previous spectacles a highly rewarding dramatic experience the $15 million production cost [$125 million today] is all there on the screen." And that's just in the review. In a front-page editorial, THR founder and editor Willie Wilkerson called it "the greatest gamble any company ever made. It is a GREAT GREAT picture that will return a GREAT income to MGM for years and years." He was right: The $74 million domestic gross would be $613 million today. The plot centers on wealthy Jewish prince Judah Ben-Hur (the late Charlton Heston, then 35), who is thrown into slavery, regains his freedom and becomes a top-notch chariot racer. While the film does hit some biblical talking points ("A Tale of the Christ" is an opening subtitle), that's like saying audiences were drawn to Ghostbusters II for the paranormal science. The 212-minute drama really is all about the 10-minute chariot race. "It was the only real action in the whole picture," says Joe Canutt, 79, Heston's stunt double. "When a horse went down, there was no room for mistakes. It wasn't digital. All those wrecks were real." Ben-Hur received 11 Oscars, a record that stood until Titanic equaled it in 1998. This story first appeared in a special Emmy issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe. Read more: Box-Office Preview: 'Ben-Hur' Praying for Close Chariot Race With 'Suicide Squad' The National Conference (NC) today lashed out at Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and the PDP-BJP government for their brazen and shameless attempts to prevent essential food commodities from reaching parts of Srinagar. By Ashwini Kumar: The National Conference (NC) today lashed out at Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and the PDP-BJP government for their brazen and shameless attempts to prevent essential food commodities from reaching parts of Srinagar. The NC also condemned the curbs announced on distribution of fuel to petrol pumps. "As if the wanton killing and maiming of our youth was not enough to satiate her appetite for tyranny, Mehbooba Mufti is now supervising a systemic, well-planned policy of an embargo on essential commodities and rations to persecute the people into submission", NC State Spokesperson Junaid Mattu said. advertisement "We are shocked and sickened at the ghastly murder of a young lecturer in Khrew, Pampore last night. This narrative of arrogance and ignorance from the central and the state government, coupled with an increased sense of impunity, has emboldened brutality against civilians to an extent where a young lecturer has been beaten to death," he added. The spokesperson also said that cases like those in the last few days, including the barbaric point-blank shooting of an ATM guard at Chattabal, followed by the targeted killing of a youth in Batamaloo, failed to awaken the dead conscience of the CM and her allies and has also failed to attract the attention of the PM towards Kashmir. "We express our heartfelt condolences and solidarity with the families of these young men who have lost their lives. Their loss is unimaginable", the NC Spokesperson said. Junaid Mattu also condemned the intimidation and harassment of Amnesty International after an event held in Bangalore. "The intimidation of Amnesty International is by no means an attribute or measure of patriotism. This fully patronized harassment of Amnesty International depicts the fascist and intolerant narrative that is thriving under a central government that finds its succor in jingoism and autocracy. If Amnesty International can be booked for a law as archaic and regressive as sedition in the present day and age, one can only dread the imminent elimination of transparency and freedom of speech in the country. This churlish, intolerant behavior goes against the very fabric of the Constitution. The prime minister shouldn't allow this narrative to flourish - its long term implications will be disastrous", the NC spokesperson said. Mattu also expressed serious concern over the safety and security of Kashmiri students studying outside the state and said it was the CM's responsibility to take all possible measures to ensure their safety and well-being. "Mehbooba Mufti should take some time from the frequent practice of putting one's foot in one's mouth at every possible opportunity and call all chief ministers and also exert pressure on her allies in New Delhi to ensure no Kashmiri student is harassed or intimidated. Her failure to call the Chattisgarh chief minister on time over the case of a young Kashmiri professional in Chattisgarh booked in a case of sedition over a Facebook post has emboldened fascist fringe groups and communal organizations across the Country. These groups are now issuing public warnings to Kashmiri students. The onus lies on the chief minister to act and till now her characteristic inaction has cast a shadow of insecurity over our students studying outside the state", the NC Spokesperson added. advertisement "The curb on distribution of fuel is outrageous and will pose enormous difficulties to Hajjis, patients and attendants as well as doctors who have to reach hospitals. That the CM has chosen to do something as atrocious as this after more than a month of curfew speaks volumes about her state of mind. If she wants to torture people into submission - she is grossly mistaken and also a very poor student of history. Mass repression against civilians will worsen the situation and bring with it an enormous risk of public revolt that goes beyond the scope of the traditional operational containment," he added. --- ENDS --- advertisement Minnesota, Austin-based Hormel Foods Corporation HRL is a prominent meat products firm, conducting trade in the global consumer goods sector. The company sells superior-branded high-quality convenient, nutritious and flavorful edible products to its global customers. HRL shares high brand value in the market but is also exposed to certain risks of external market uncertainties. Currently, HRL has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) but that could change following its third-quarter fiscal 2016 earnings report which has just released. We have highlighted some of the key details from the just-released announcement below: Earnings: HRL beat on earnings. Adjusted earnings per share came in at 36 cents per share, surpassing the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 34 cents. Revenue: Revenues of $2,302.4 million came above the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2,238 million. Key Stats: HRL has raised its full year fiscal 2016 earnings guidance to the range of $1.60-$1.64 per share from $1.56-$1.60. The company perceives that higher international, Jennie-O Turkey Store and Refrigerated Foods sales would boost its aggregate revenues for full year fiscal 2016. Stock Price: Stock Price: As of Aug 16, 2016 HRLs closed the trading session at $36.19 per share. HORMEL FOODS CP Price and EPS Surprise HORMEL FOODS CP Price and EPS Surprise | HORMEL FOODS CP Quote Shares price did not show any movement in the pre-market trading session. Check back later for our full write up on this HRL earnings report later! Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days Click to get this free report >> . Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report HORMEL FOODS CP (HRL): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Latosha Lovell is always willing to try something once. "That's sort of my philosophy about life," says the 45-year-old interior designer in Pasadena, California. So when a friend invited her to check out The Sweat Shoppe, a new heated spin studio in North Hollywood, last March, she saddled up. The workout, she thought, could be the perfect cardio substitution for her regular treadmill sessions that had begun to wear on her knees. That first class was a fog. "I was totally exhausted and a little confused" afterward, Lovell recalls. But the prevailing memory is a positive one: "I felt completely amazing." She soon began taking up to five classes at The Sweat Shoppe each week and now credits the studio with her 8-pound weight loss, strong lower body and core, reduced environmental allergies and mental grit. "It's greatly improved my quality of life on the health level," she says. [See: Mantras That Get 11 Diet and Fitness Pros Through Their Toughest Moments.] While The Sweat Shoppe is the country's first heated spin studio, it's not the only place taking a cue from Bikram yoga -- a style of hot yoga that took off in the 1970s. Plenty of studios are turning up the heat during exercise classes, a practice that owners claim intensifies workouts, among other benefits. Gym-goers are eating it up: The Sweat Shoppe, for one, opened with both heated and non-heated classes, but switched to exclusively offering hot classes to keep up with the demand, says Mimi Benz, who founded the studio with her spin instructor husband in 2011 after a broken air conditioner in a spin class spurred the idea. "People were really into the heated thing," she says. The studio has since relocated to a larger space and has seen a relatively consistent 30 percent growth in revenue year over year, Benz says. The heated classes at CorePower Yoga, a studio chain that fuses the mindfulness of yoga with the intensity of other workouts, meanwhile, are the most popular and widely offered, says Heather Peterson, the company's chief yoga officer. The chain opened its first studio in 2002 and now has 150. "A lot of people just love a really good sweat," she says. Story continues Hot and Beneficial or Hot and Bothered? Burn more calories and lose weight by working harder; cleanse the body by sweating more; reduce risk of injury by loosening the muscles -- there are plenty of theories as to why heated fitness classes may be healthier than their cooler counterparts, but most raise eyebrows among exercise professionals. "The only benefits [are] if you're an endurance athlete and you're trying to train for a race and you're trying to acclimatize your body and mind toward exercise in the heat," says Diana Zotos Florio, a physical therapist and yoga teacher in the New York City area. "Otherwise, all of the proposed benefits ... aren't true. There's no point; there's more risk than anything else. We're just not designed for it." Still, most experts agree that people who are in good shape and lack certain medical conditions can benefit from heated workouts, as they would from any exercise. "I certainly advocate and promote exercise -- you just have to have the preparation and the tolerance level for what you're about to undertake, and then it can be a fun thing and probably pretty good for you," says Michael Bergeron, senior vice president of development and applications in the Center for Advanced Analytics in Sport & Health at Game Changer Analytics. "I just don't think there's anything particularly special about it." Tempted to turn up the temperature on your workout? Heed these expert tips first: 1. Know the risks. Some people -- namely those with heart or lung problems -- should avoid heated workouts. Pregnant women and those taking medications that affect body temperature should consult with their doctors before taking a hot class. And everyone else should be aware of the very real risks of dehydration and overheating, says Dr. Jason Zaremski, an assistant professor in the University of Florida College of Medicine's department of orthopedics and rehabilitation. "The major concern is that your body's core temperature will begin to rise and you put your internal organs and central nervous system at risk," he says. Another issue: Getting too tired too soon can affect your posture and alter your ability to control your muscles and movements, boosting your risk for injury, Bergeron adds. As Zotos puts it, "people tend to stretch deeper [in heated classes,] but they're not ready for it," she says. "That's where you tend to get injuries to your tendons or ligaments." [See: 8 Lesser-Known Ways to Ruin Your Joints.] 2. Do your research. "Hot" varies from class to class -- some may hover around 80 degrees; a Bikram yoga class will be close to 105 degrees. Humidity and ventilation differ, too. All make a big difference in your ability to handle -- and benefit from -- heated classes, experts say. Benz recommends talking to the studio ahead of time about the room's environment; The Sweat Shoppe, which keeps its classes at 80 to 84 degrees, for example, has cooler "microclimates" in the room where newbies can sit. 3. Manage expectations. If you're a fitness enthusiast looking for a new challenge or an elite athlete training for a race, a heated class could be a good fit. But if you're trying to burn more calories while doing less work, trim fat or "detox," keep in mind the support for such benefits is thin at best. "Hotter workouts are harder than performing the exact same workout at a lower temperature; thus, you will burn more calories," Zaremski concedes. "But if you cannot maintain the same level of intensity and exertion in a heated environment ... this defeats the purpose." Looking to lose fat? Stick to an air-conditioned gym, Bergeron advises. "As your body heats up, you favor burning carbohydrate versus fat," he says. "So, even though you may feel you are getting a 'better' workout, if burning body fat is your goal, exercise in cool conditions." And while it's true that exercising in hotter conditions can increase plasma volume, reduce resting heart rate, improve cardiovascular efficiency and enhance your sweat mechanism, "these adaptations vary and are dependent on multiple factors," such as how hard, long and often you work out in those conditions, Zaremski points out. Simply exercising, Zotos says, is the safer way to reap the benefits of an elevated heart rate. And the idea that sweating profusely purges your body of toxins? Hogwash, experts say. "What you're sweating out is just sodium and calcium and potassium, and those are nutrients your body needs," Zotos says. "The only way you detoxify is by having a fully functioning liver and kidneys." Even The Sweat Shoppe's Benz agrees that the research isn't there to support heat's cleansing effect on the body. "We don't really do it for the detoxing thing," she says, "even though I know people were drawn to that word." 4. Listen to your body -- and your buddy. The Sweat Shoppe instructors are trained to recognize signs of fatigue, teach modifications and encourage people to sit, stop or slow down if they start feeling lightheaded, Benz says. "We don't push people." That's important, experts say, since the heated environment can actually reduce your capability to recognize your limits. "Overheating can affect your brain and cognitive function; thus, you are often not the best person to assess your own status and stop," says Bergeron, who recommends the buddy system for heated classes. 5. Drink lots -- lots -- of water. The morning after Ali Hines' first Bikram yoga class, she threw up. "It wasn't the class," says the 31-year-old in District of Columbia, whose next heated classes went smoother. "I just didn't prepare or I didn't drink enough water." Indeed, drinking enough water is the No. 1 priority before heading to a hot workout, pros say. And in heated classes, "enough" probably means more than you think. "Make sure you're well-hydrated well in advance of getting there," says Chris Fluck, a Bikram yoga instructor in Philadelphia, who also recommends adding a pinch of salt to your water after class to replenish minerals lost through sweat. [See: 6 Reasons You May Need to Eat More Salt.] 6. Believe in yourself. When Lovell feels like she can't push any harder during a class, she draws on the energy of the riders around her and reminds herself that getting through the workout will only make her stronger. It works. "When you're in there and you're subject to that level of heat, you have to get out of your head, and it takes a lot of mental strength to get through that," she says. "It's helped me in other areas of my life." By Gergely Szakacs BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary's chief prosecutor has asked parliament to lift the immunity of a ruling-party lawmaker who is suspected of corruption involving public funds, a move the legislator himself said he would support. Prosecution spokesman Geza Fazekas told reporters Roland Mengyi was suspected of an attempted misuse of public funds and abuse of the powers of his office. The case involves five other suspects, none of whom hold public office, Fazekas said. Shortly afterwards, Mengyi issued a statement that said, in full: "I will cooperate with the authorities fully and ask Parliament to lift my immunity in order to clarify the reality as soon as possible." Mengyi has previously denied wrongdoing, according to a statement by the ruling party, Fidesz, published in local media. Since coming to power in 2010, Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government has redrawn hundreds of laws and taken control of state media and several public institutions, which critics say has eroded democratic checks and balances. Hungary's ranking has gradually deteriorated in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index in the past years, dropping to 50th in a 2015 survey from 47th a year earlier, on a par with central European peers Slovakia and Croatia. A Median survey published last month in the weekly HVG showed 60 percent of people believed corruption in Hungary was "systemic" and centrally-driven. Some two-thirds suspected the ruling elite of foul play to a "large" or "very large" degree. Prosecutors say Mengyi said he would use his influence as a lawmaker to ensure that a program devoted to social co-operatives received 500 million forints ($1.83 million) worth of European Union funds when it was launched. The prosecutors said Mengyi had asked for 5 million forints as a "constitutional expense" to ensure that the co-operatives involved would receive the funds and for a further 5 million forints after they got the funding. "The parties involved had no intention of implementing the objective of the application," a statement by the prosecutors said. "On the contrary, their intention was to use part of the awarded funds to boost their private wealth." The two offences Mengyi is suspected of being involved in are punishable by up to eight and 10 years in prison. Under the scheme developed by the suspects, prosecutors said the social co-operatives involved would have received just 10 percent of the funds awarded. The rest would be paid as kickbacks to the suspected ring leaders. The prosecutors said in the end no funds were lost under the program, because applications were rejected for formal errors and missing criteria. Mengyi had also paid back the 5 million forints through an intermediary, the prosecutors said. Fazekas added that two suspects were detained and three more were under house arrest. Prosecutors can quiz Mengyi as a suspect only if parliament lifts his immunity. PM Orban's chief of staff, Janos Lazar, told a weekly news conference that lawmakers would probably lift Mengyi's immunity after the MP had also requested this to happen. "I will of course vote in favor of lifting his immunity, no doubt. The situation must be cleared, this is in the interests of my fellow lawmaker, Fidesz as well as the government," Lazar said. He said the government launched an internal probe to establish whether any decisions about the contents of the funding program in question had been unduly influenced. (Reporting by Gergely Szakacs; Editing by Larry King and Toby Chopra) When it comes to hurricanes in the U.S., large-scale trends are not in our favor. In fact, unless action is taken to curb both global warming and coastal development, the American economy may be set to take a perilous bashing from stronger storms, rising seas and too much high value, high-risk property lying in harms' way. By the end of the century, a hurricane that strikes the eastern United States could cause up to three times more economic damage than a hurricane that strikes today, climate researchers warn in a new study. SEE ALSO: Why the extreme Louisiana floods are worrying but not surprising If the world doesnt drastically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and Americans dont move to safer ground, the U.S. could suffer an eight-fold jump in average annual financial losses from hurricanes by 2100, the study found. In the study, published Tuesday in the journal Environmental Research Letters, the scientists from Germany's Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research show that future hurricane-related losses for American families, companies and communities could grow faster than the overall U.S. economy meaning the country wont be able to counteract the damages from extreme weather events by creating more jobs and wealth. On land, and in red: Historical trends in gross domestic product, from 1963 to 2012. In the water, and in blue: Historical hurricane tracks. Image: potsdam institute for climate impact research We find that hurricane losses have risen and will rise faster than the economy, Tobias Geiger, the papers lead author and a climate scientist at the Potsdam Institute, told Mashable. The impacts of climate change cannot be simply economically outgrown," he said. In the U.S. alone, hurricanes caused $400 billion in estimated losses between 1980 and 2014, accounting for more than half of all weather-related economic losses, the German reinsurance giant Munich Re estimated last year. Damages from other extreme weather events including floods, wildfires, tornadoes and droughts are also on the rise due to both human-caused global warming and unchecked development into floodplains, fire-prone forests and waterfronts. Story continues A firefighter sprays the remains of a house destroyed by a wildfire in Lower Lake, California, Aug. 15, 2016. Image: GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images In 2015, the U.S. experienced 10 weather and climate disaster events that each caused $1 billion in total damages and costs, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Thats about twice the annual average of 5.2 billion dollar events experienced from 1980 to 2015. And this year is already on track to outpace 2015 in the number of these expensive disasters. As of July, the country has suffered eight such events, including two flooding and six severe storm events not including the devastating floods in southern Louisiana that have killed at least 13 people and led to 40,000 rescues. Geiger said that few other studies have projected future U.S. damages from hurricanes in a comparable way to the Potsdam Institutes research. Image: noaa A 2010 study in Climate Change Economics and a 2011 research paper by the World Bank both found that hurricane-related losses would roughly double by the end of the century due to climate change alone. But Geiger said his team made a novel finding: That hurricane-related losses in the U.S. will grow faster than per-capita income growth, so that even if the United States grows wealthier as a nation, it will be no better protected from the wrath of warming-fueled hurricanes. Some people hope that a growing economy will be able to compensate for the damages caused by climate change that we can outgrow climate change economically instead of mitigating it, Anders Levermann, one of the studys authors, said in a press release. But what if damages grow faster than our economy? What if climate impacts hit faster than we are able to adapt? A house destroyed by 2012's Hurricane Sandy in New York City, Oct. 8, 2013. Image: Getty Images Kerry Emanuel, a meteorologist at MIT and a prominent researcher examining global warming-related trends in hurricanes, said the study is important because it shows that the U.S. cant compensate for increasing hurricane damages solely by growing the economy. Emanuel contributed research on the synthetic storm events used in the study and reviewed an earlier draft. This adds urgency to the need to revise existing policies that inadvertently promote migration to and building within hurricane-prone coastal regions, he told Mashable in an email. Address climate change and coastal development The Potdsam Institute researchers developed statistical damage models that linked a hurricanes wind speed, the size of the exposed population and per-capita gross domestic product (GDP) to reported storm losses. They also studied information on historical hurricane tracks for the eastern U.S. to determine the connections between storm damages and the other three indicators. The team used those findings to analyze thousands of potential hurricane tracks that could affect the Gulf and Atlantic Coast regions through 2100, using different degrees of global warming. Image: potsdam institute for climate impact research When it comes to the rise in annual financial losses from hurricanes, about one-third of the losses could be the result of global warming, while the remaining two-thirds could come from increased vulnerability on the socio-economic side, Geiger said in an email interview. Geiger said the institutes research shows that adaptation measures such as storm surge barriers, wind-resistant housing and floodgates wont be enough to keep the U.S. or other hurricane-prone nations safe in the warming future. To fully hold costs down, we would have to limit the magnitude and pace of global warming, he said. Reducing emissions of harmful greenhouse gases that cause global warming is perhaps even more essential to limiting the future damage of hurricanes, Geiger said. Although improving adaptation efforts can reduce further harm, it is important to increase climate mitigation in order to prevent or damp still-avoidable consequences, Geiger said. Editor's Note: This story has been edited to remove the quotes from a researcher, Roger Pielke Jr. of the University of Colorado at Boulder, who felt he had been misquoted as disagreeing with the new study's findings. Pielke's research, in fact, is consistent with the study's findings about future storm losses, he said on Thursday. IRVINE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / Khang & Khang LLP (the "Firm") announces that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Tokai Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Tokai" or the "Company") (TKAI). Investors who purchased or otherwise acquired shares between June 24, 2015 and July 25, 2016 inclusive (the "Class Period"), are encouraged to contact the Firm prior to the September 30, 2016 lead plaintiff motion deadline. If you purchased Tokai shares during the Class Period, please contact Joon M. Khang, Esquire, of Khang & Khang, 18101 Von Karman Avenue, 3rd Floor, Irvine, CA 92612, by telephone: (949) 419-3834, or by e-mail at There has been no class certification in this case. Until certification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. You may choose to take no action and remain a passive class member. According to the complaint, Tokai made false and misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: there were significant structural problems with the trial design for its Phase 3 galeterone study, ARMOR3-SV; that ARMOR3-SV was unlikely to succeed in meeting its primary endpoint; the commercialization of galeterone was less likely than investors were led to believe; and as a result of the above, Tokai's statements about its business, operations, and prospects were false and misleading at all relevant times. If you wish to learn more about this lawsuit, or if you have any questions concerning this notice or your rights, please contact Joon M. Khang, a prominent litigator for almost two decades, by telephone: (949) 419-3834, or by e-mail at This press release may constitute Attorney Advertising in certain jurisdictions. Contacts Joon M. Khang, Esq. Telephone: 949-419-3834 Facsimile: 949-225-4474 SOURCE: Khang & Khang LLP Two Indonesian sailors captured by Islamist extremist group Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines have successfully escaped from their militant abductors after being held since early June, Filipino authorities said Thursday. The duo escaped together on Wednesday but fled in different directions with their captors in hot pursuit, Major Filemon Tan, a spokesman for the Philippine military, was quoted as saying by the Associated Press. Ismail, the chief officer of an Indonesian tugboat, was found by troops alongside a road in the southern coastal town of Luuk on Wednesday, while his colleague Mohammad Safyan swam into the ocean and was recovered by villagers after he got caught in fishing nets. Read next: Sun, Sea and ISIS: How Radical Insurgents Have Made the Southern Philippines a No-Go Zone While escape attempts from Abu Sayyaf are not uncommon, they rarely succeed because hostages are unfamiliar with the region and soon get recaptured. The notorious militant group, which is linked to the Islamic State (ISIS), is still holding 16 other foreign nationals including nine Indonesians, five Malaysians, one Norwegian and a Dutchman and at least five locals. [AP] FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) -- IndyCar drivers will have ''Back The Blue'' decals on their cars and wear caps representing local police and national law enforcement agencies when they resume the rain-interrupted race at Texas Motor Speedway on Aug. 27. Just weeks after the June 12 postponement, five law enforcement officers were shot and killed July 7 in downtown Dallas at the end of a protest over protest over police-involved shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota in the days before that. There have been protests this week in Milwaukee after an officer-involved shooting there. Indianapolis 500 champion Alexander Rossi joined Texas Motor Speedway officials Wednesday on visits to the headquarters of the Fort Worth Police Department and the Dallas Police Department. ''It means a lot, we had an opportunity with the race being rescheduled to do something to show our appreciation, and our respect, and gratitude,'' Rossi said. ''I'm just honored to be a part of it.'' Rossi and TMS President Eddie Gossage addressed officers at each department, and presented 200 tickets for the race at each stop. Police personnel will be admitted to the race free, along with a companion, by showing their badge. Gossage said all that is being done is a way to show respect to police and all first responders. ''Our fans' blood runs red white and blue, probably more than any other sport going, so it just made obvious sense,'' Gossage said. ''To put the 'Back The Blue' decals on the car and for each of the drivers to wear a hat from a various police department, as opposed to their sponsor hats, that's a big deal.'' The Texas race in June was first pushed back a day because of rain, then the next day completed only 71 of the scheduled 248 laps before more rain led to an unprecedented 2 1/2-month delay. Fort Worth police officer Matt Pearce, who survived being shot multiple times by a fugitive during a manhunt in March, will return as Grand Marshal and give the drivers command to start their engines - the same as he did in June. He appreciates what TMS and the IndyCar Series are doing for officers when the race resumes. ''It means a lot to every officer, anybody that wears a badge,'' Pearce said. ''I know that for me it was a big morale booster knowing that I had support, not only from my guys, but pretty much every agency throughout the Metroplex. I don't think there's an agency in Tarrant County that didn't chip in to support me when I needed their help, and that's huge. ... I really think that has a lot to do with how fast I have recovered.'' NIA has sought details from Jammu and Kashmir Bank and some other private banks about the accounts of such people whose bank transactions look suspicious. By Kamaljit Kaur Sandhu: A team of NIA has begun investigation into suspicious inflow of funds suspected to be fuelling unrest in the Kashmir Valley. NIA has sought details from half a dozen banks including Jammu and Kashmir Bank and some other private banks. The banks are bound to disclose information to investigation agencies under section 43F UAPA Act and failure to do so can attract three years of imprisonment. advertisement READ | India ready for talks with Pakistan but only on 'relevant issues', says MEA Based on technical inputs, information has been collected that shows certain bank accounts in Jammu and Kashmir have seen huge inflow and outflow of funds during the last few months. These accounts are in names of persons whose income doesn't warrant such banking transactions. Some of these accounts have transactions of lakh to crore, with funds being linked to Pakistan. Some of the transactions under the scanner are for Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) links. Recently Hafiz Saeed announced relief for Kashmiri people. The funds by JuD and other Pakistan based organisations are now being investigated. Since direct funds are not allowed, these organisations look for unscrupulous methods to send in terror or jihadi funds. MODUS OPERANDI The Gulf Contact - Terror outfits are in touch with their counterpart in Gulf countries, who have well oiled system in place. According to the sources, contacts are activated in Gulf countries, those contacts in turn use persons who come to visit the land for pilgrimage or for trade . They are convinced to send money into the account of Over Ground Workers (OGW) in Kashmir Valley. The contacts also get a percentage from that money while rest of the money is used for terrorism or fuelling unrest. Foreign Contact Relative- They are in touch with NRI or relatives of their OGW or other people who have contact in Kashmir. So their account is used to send money. Conventional Root- Srinagar to Muzzafrabad by Teetwal route through trade or OGW ( RISKY ROUTE- used less these days) From Trade- By showing investment in Orchid business and huge amount is also transferred under the cover of Apple trade. Hawala with Code Word CARD- They are transferring money by sending it through gulf countries to the businessman or people who are going to other places for work. Also flow of funds from UK meant for charity is under the scanner. Similarly, information also shows flow of funds into and disbursement from bank accounts of some persons of interest including religious activities in J-K. Fund by JuD also under scanner. READ: India will talk to Pakistan only on cross-border terrorism, not Kashmir To verify the details and to ascertain the end users in the flow of funds, NIA has recently registered preliminary enquiry into the subject and would submit its findings to MHA in due course. NIA is primarily looking at the transactions from the perspective of funding of terrorist or unlawful activities. Also Read: Army chief Dalbir Singh reviews security situation in Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan formally invites India for talks on Kashmir Amartya Sen to India Today: Kashmir brutality biggest blot on our democracy Blame game continues: Mehbooba Mufti accuses Centre for Kashmir unrest --- ENDS --- VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / Inovent Capital Inc. (IVQ-P.V) ("Inovent"), a Capital Pool Company ("CPC"), has signed a definitive agreement dated August 12th, 2016 to acquire 100% of the King's Point Gold-Base Metals Property in the Green Bay area of Newfoundland (the "Property") for a one-time payment of 2,750,000 common shares of Inovent and a 2.5% NSR in favour of the vendor, of which NSR 1.5% is purchasable by Inovent for $1 million. Comprising 129 claims covering 3,225 hectares within two separate blocks, the Property hosts numerous priority mesothermal gold and "Buchans Type" VMS exploration targets in an established precious and base metal mineral belt. The proposed transaction is intended to constitute Inovent's Qualifying Transaction under the Corporate Finance Policies (the "Exchange Requirements") of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") such that, in the result, Inovent will be listed on the Exchange as a Tier 2 Mining Issuer. Completion of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including but not limited to, Exchange acceptance and if applicable pursuant to Exchange Requirements, majority of the minority shareholder approval. Where applicable, the transaction cannot close until the required shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the proposed transaction will be completed as proposed or at all. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the management information circular or filing statement to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of a capital pool company should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange Inc. has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. In addition to the Exchange Requirements noted above, the completion of the proposed transaction is subject to Inovent completing its due diligence investigation of the Property, obtaining an acceptable 43-101 technical report (the "Technical Report"), and completing a concurrent financing (the "Financing"). Inovent has commissioned an independent Qualified Person to visit the Property and complete the Technical Report as soon as possible. The proposed acquisition of the Property does not constitute a non-arm's length qualifying transaction. The amount and terms of the Financing have not been determined and no sponsor has been or is required to be engaged. Story continues Map of King's Point Property with significant gold deposits and prospects To view an enhanced version of this image, please visit: "Inovent management is excited about the discovery potential at the King's Point poly-metallic Property where past drilling and exploration work by reputable companies has identified multiple high priority targets," said Inovent CEO David Brett. "The underexplored Property also lies within in an active gold and base metals district with excellent access and infrastructure." The vendor of the Property, Mr. Dean Fraser, P.Geo, of Paradise Newfoundland, has agreed to manage any exploration activity Inovent may carry out on the Property through his geological and geophysical consulting firm RDF Consulting Ltd. of Paradise, Newfoundland. Mr. Fraser is a highly experienced geologist who has worked on projects around the world, including the Nui Phao poly-metallic skarn deposit in North Vietnam, Ixhuatan Gold and porphyry deposits, Chiapas Mexico, and the Fruta del Norte Gold Project in Ecuador. About the King's Point Gold-Copper-Zinc Property The King's Point Gold-Base Metals Project is part of the prolific Catcher's Pond Greenstone Belt in the Green Bay area of Newfoundland noted for high grade gold deposits and low exploration costs. The Project area, having excellent infrastructure and accessibility, is located only minutes from the communities of King's Point and Springdale, the mining hub of Newfoundland. The Property is host to numerous priority "Buchans Type" VMS exploration targets, as well as advanced stage targets including the Golden Anchor mesothermal gold prospect, the Rendell-Jackman gold bearing "Betts Cove Type" VMS deposit, and the Beetle Pond zinc prospect. These targets lie immediately along strike and adjacent to claims held by Maritime Resources Corp., host to the high grade Hammerdown Gold Deposit, the Orion Gold Deposit and the Lochinvar VMS Deposit. King's Point Project Highlights: Recent sampling of the historic and undeveloped Rendall-Jackman VMS deposit returned 21 of 31 samples assaying greater than 1 g/t gold ("Au") and up to 12.7 g/t Au. Copper values ran up to 9.9% Cu. Ground strategically positioned adjacent to and surrounded by Maritime Resources Corp. and miner Rambler Metals and Mining Pty. Excellent potential exists within the Property to discover additional gold and base metal deposits. Claims contain highly prospective ground for both high grade mesothermal gold and gold bearing VMS Deposits. The northern claim group lies directly along strike to the known Hammerdown and Rumbullion gold vein system and within 200 meters of the Lochinvar VMS Deposit. The claims also host the Rendall-Jackman gold bearing VMS Deposit, Golden Anchor Gold Prospect and Beetle Pond VMS Prospect. Recent Induced Polarization/Resistivity surveys over the Rendall-Jackman Deposit, Beetle Pond and Golden Anchor Prospects have defined new drill targets in areas never tested. Key Targets: Northern Claims Block Golden Anchor Prospect Discovered by Major General Resources Ltd. in 1993, Golden Anchor is characterized by a 500 meter long, 110 degree trending gold in soil geochemistry anomaly that has been compared in size and magnitude to that of the Hammerdown Gold ("Au") Deposit held by Maritime. Only two drill holes have intersected this anomaly with one encountering highly anomalous results of 1.86 g/t Au over 2 meters. Recent geophysical surveys and geological work over this area have delineated significant targets of interest for follow-up work and have provided a new geological understanding of the area. Rendell Jackman Deposit Rendell Jackman was discovered during the late 1890's and experienced a small amount of mining during the early 1900's. The area saw only cursory exploration work during the 1980's and 1990's by Noranda Exploration Company Ltd., who identified two separate stratigraphic VMS lenses. Significant assays from this program included trenching results of 3.09 g/t Au, 7.9 g/t Ag and > 1% Cu over 3.4 m and assays from one of two shallow drill holes returned values of 1.24% Cu, 6.5 % Zn, 14.3 g/t Au, 19.6 g/t Ag over 0.6 m followed one meter deeper by 0.82% Cu, 0.22% Zn, 6.99 g/t Au, 5.8 g/t Ag over 0.7 m. Recent geophysical work and sampling have identified an open ended, strong Induced Polarization/Resistivity response over a strike length of 200 meters along with assays results from the area of up to 12.7 g/t Au, 6.7% Cu and 15.4 g/t Ag. Beetle Pond Prospect Beetle Pond is considered to be the strongest zinc anomaly in the Green Bay area as defined by work performed by Hudson Bay/Anglo Gold. With only very limited work Hudson Bay commented that "Further consideration should also be given to deep exploration in the vicinity of Beetle Pond as this area is host to widespread, visually impressive, alteration and disseminated sulphide mineralization potentially associated with a significant, deeply buried, massive sulphide deposit." Southern Claims Block The Southern Blocks have been explored to a lesser degree and provide significant discovery potential. Ursa Minor The Ursa Minor Zone consists of stringer and semi-massive sulphide mineralization returning low grade base and precious metal assays over broad widths including 0.23 g/t Au and 25 g/t Ag over 30.8 m as well as 1.1% Zn over 13.5 m. Surveys over the Ursa Minor sulphide zone detect the known mineralization as a coincident chargeability high/ resistivity low and suggest the horizon remains open in both strike directions. Pieces Showing Discovered by Phelps Dodge in 1997, this zone is hosted by felsic volcanics of the Indian Brook package and consists of a narrow band (vein?) of high-grade massive sulphide intersected in drilling assaying 12.9% Zn, 8.5% Pb, 1.02% Cu, 54 g/t Ag and 0.11 g/t Au over 0.13 m (hole GF-3, Thurlow, 1997). Subsequent drilling by Phelps Dodge intersected similar sulphides down dip; however, the zone remains untested along strike and at depth below 100 m (Thurlow, 1998). Goldfish Showing Also discovered by Phelps Dodge in 1997, this zone is located in the northeast corner of license 4330 and consists of a 0.65 m wide section of granular, pyritic, massive sulphides intersected in drill hole GF-9 assaying 1.36% Zn, 0.69% Pb, 0.06% Cu, 164.5 g/t Ag and 0.95 g/t Au over 0.65 m (Thurlow, 1997). The mineralization is interpreted to occur at a transitional contact between aphyric rhyolite breccias (Indian Brook felsic package) and an overlying sequence of felsic tuffaceous rocks and sediments (Batters Brook felsic volcanic package). Inovent has commissioned L. John Peters, P. Geo., an independent Qualified Person, to visit the Property and complete the Technical Report as soon as possible. Qualified Person Statement L. John Peters, P.Geo., who is an independent Qualified Person within the context of National Instrument 43-101 has read and takes responsibility for this news release. On behalf of the board of Inovent: INOVENT CAPITAL INC. Per:"David Brett" David H. Brett, MBA Chief Executive Officer & Director For more information please contact: John Gomez, Director Tel. 604-484-7118 David Brett Tel. 604-682-2421 Forward-Looking Statement Cautions: This press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation, relating to, among other things, Inovent's plans for the acquisition of the above-described Property as its Qualifying Transaction (as such term is defined in the policies of the Exchange), the completion of a contemplated, and the future exploration of the Property. Although Inovent believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts; they are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "aims," "potential," "goal," "objective," "prospective," and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "can," "could" or "should" occur, or are those statements, which, by their nature, refer to future events. Inovent cautions that Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Inovent's management on the date the statements are made and they involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Except to the extent required by applicable securities laws and the policies of the Exchange, Inovent undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements if management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change. Factors that could cause future results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include, Inovent's inability to secure the acceptance of the Exchange for the above-described acquisition transaction, delays faced by Inovent in completing a NI 43-101 technical report on the Property, accidents and other risks associated with mineral exploration operations, the risk that Inovent will encounter unanticipated geological factors, the possibility that Inovent may not be able to secure permitting and other governmental or First Nations clearances, or complete the financing necessary to carry out Inovent's acquisition and exploration plans, and the risk of political uncertainties and regulatory or legal changes in the jurisdictions where the Inovent carries on its business, including the Newfoundland and Labrador, that might interfere with Inovent's business and prospects. The reader is urged to refer to Inovent's reports and other disclosure filings, from time to time, publicly available through the Canadian Securities Administrators' System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) at for a more complete discussion of such risk factors and their potential effects This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of any of Inovent securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful, including any of the securities in the United States of America. No Inovent securities issued in connection with the above described Qualifying Transaction have been, nor will they be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration requirements is available. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Not for distribution to United States newswire services or for dissemination in the United States. SOURCE: Inovent Capital Inc. Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sites/ on line 494 Ben Hur Paramount Pictures In March, Paramount released the first trailer for its summer blockbuster, Ben-Hur, a remake of the Charlton Heston Oscar-winning classic, which follows the journey of a Jewish prince, named Judah Ben-Hur, who is betrayed, sent into slavery, and then seeks vengeance. Like the Heston movie, the latest adaptation of the Lew Wallace novel, out Friday, hinges on a thrilling chariot race in which Ben-Hur (played in the latest film by Jack Huston) battles the person who betrayed him, his adoptive brother, Messala (Toby Kebbel). Based on what you see in the trailer, you'd probably assume the race was shot in a Los Angeles soundstage with full green screen. But the film's director Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter) revealed to Business Insider that much of the sequence was done without computer graphics. Those are real horses, real actors driving real chariots on the track, Bekmambetov told Business Insider. Thats 42 horses driving neck-and-neck. According to Bekmambetov, the sequence, which lasts 10 minutes in the movie, took 45 days to shoot on location in Italy. It was a very intense experience, said Bekmambetov, who noted that the actors spent over three months training for the chariot race, which includes 90 horses on a 1,000-foot-long set. That's not to say CGI is entirely absent from the sequence. Many of the wide shots of the crowd were enhanced with computer graphics, and there's a shot in the trailer of a horse that gallops into the crowd done with, yes, CGI magic. (The shot is also in the movie.) But Bekmambetov said the "goal was to do as much in-camera as possible." ben hur 1 copy The lack of computer graphics in the sequence was something Bekmambetov pushed for. And the inspiration for it came from a project he produced, Hardcore Henry. Story continues The unique action movie feels like a video game, with a point of view that comes entirely from a man who's trying to save his wife from a warlord. You really feel youre in that chariot driving it, Bekmambetov said of the Ben-Hur scene. Having seen it, we can tell you it's one of the most thrilling parts of the movie. Watch the Ben-Hur trailer below: NOW WATCH: 7 things you missed in the new Star Wars Rogue One trailer More From Business Insider Getty Image Ryan Lochtes rendevouz at a Brazilian gas station grows stranger by the day. Lochte initially claimed that he and other members of the U.S. swimteam were held up at gun point. The details of that particular story came off as strange from the beginning. It didnt take long for police to unravel Lochtes troublesome tale. Security footage caught U.S. swimmers on tape fighting with a security guard on the night of the alleged robbery. The protocol when one lies about being held at gun point in a foreign country and then try to hop on a plane to avoid any repercussions is to apologize and explain your faulty decision making. These U.S. swimmers dont have any plans to do that. IOC spokesman Mario Andrada chalked up their decision not to apologize as completely normal; that we should give these kids a break. twitter Ryan Lochte is 32 years old. No one would call LeBron James, just a few months younger than Lochte, a kid. There are lots of crazy things about this Lochte story, but treating him like a kid takes the cake so far. (Via Twitter) Iran revolutionary guard hormuz Afghanistan's Hazara minority have a proud lineage, supposedly dating back to Genghis Khan, but a recent piece from Ramin Mostaghim and Nabih Bulos in the LA Times claims that they are fleeing persecution in Afghanistan only to be sent to fight, and often die, in Syria by Iran. Currently, Hazaras have face persecution as Shia Muslim minorities in a Sunni Muslim country. The Hazaras have equal rights under Afghanistan's 2004 constitution, but they were sold as slaves as recently as the 19th century, Al Jazeera reports, and their continued fleeing of Afghanistan in large numbers testifies to their continued persecution. The LA Times piece reports that Hazaras entering Iran are given a choice: Go to jail, face deportation, or fight in the Fatemiyoun Division an all-Afghan Shiite militia that backs Assad and seems to take on some of the dirty work Iranians in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard don't touch. ethnolinguistic map of Afghanistan hazara Iranians see the Hazara as cannon fodder, a Sheik from Qom, told the LA Times. If the Hazara are the Muslim Shiite brethren of Iranians, then why are they the least important people in the devastating civil war in Syria? But some Hazaras see the fight in Syria as noble, protecting fellow Shia Muslims from Sunni persecution by the likes of ISIS and other militias. However, this foreign venture for the ethnic group may be having dire consequences at home. The LA Times suggests an ISIS-claimed bombing in at a Hazara protest in Kabul was retribution for the Fatemiyoun Division's activities in Syria. NOW WATCH: Something is about to happen to Afghanistan's abandoned palace named 'abode of peace' More From Business Insider Madrid (AFP) - An Irishman was shot dead on the holiday island of Majorca, police said Thursday, in what local media reported may have been a settling of scores that went badly wrong. "Yesterday at 9pm (1900 GMT), a person was... shot in the back, which caused their death," a spokeswoman for the Guardia Civil police force told AFP. She said the man was Irish but gave no further details. The shooting took place in Costa de la Calma, a residential area not far from the popular resort of Magaluf. "The person who fired the shots escaped," the spokeswoman said, adding that the perpetrator did not shoot anyone else. Local media on Thursday said the shooter may have mistaken the man for someone else, in what could have been a failed settling of scores. Majorca in the Balearic Islands is a huge tourist draw in Spain, and authorities there predict that more than 10 million people will visit its shores this year. Lieutenant General Satish Dua, Srinagar-based Corps Commander, today said, "This time there have been instances where militants have fired from behind the stone-pelters." By India Today Web Desk: In a statement which exposes the Kashmiri protesters and also seeks to put their sympathisers on the defensive, the Army has claimed that militants have fired from behind the stone-pelters. Lieutenant General Satish Dua, Srinagar-based Corps Commander, today said, "This time there have been instances where militants have fired from behind the stone-pelters." This time there have been instances where militants have fired from behind the stone pelters: Lt.Gen Satish Dua on Kashmir&; ANI (@ANI_news) August 18, 2016 advertisement To a question by the media in Srinagar on the ongoing Kashmir unrest, Lt Gen Dua said initially the protests were spontaneous. However, the protests have become engineered, of late, he said. Despite this new tactics adopted by the protestors, Lt Gen said the security forces have maintained utmost restraint. "My orders are very clear, we exercise restraint to the last," he said. Questioned over the use of pellet guns and demands for non-lethal weapons to control the protesting crowds, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 15 Corps, reiterated that the security forces do not use non-lethal weapons. "There are so many stitches and injuries to Army soldiers due to stone pelting. We don't have non-lethal weapons to respond," he said. "I want to appeal to the youth to introspect, like the CM (Mehbooba Mufti) said 'give peace a chance'," Lt Gen Dua said. I want to appeal to the youth to introspect, like the CM said 'give peace a chance': Lt.Gen Satish Dua on Kashmir; ANI (@ANI_news) August 18, 2016 He said militants firing shots on Army personnel from behind the crowd is a part of a well-thought out strategy. There are allegations that the Kashmiri protestors are paid money from Pakistan to throw stones on the security forces. On the other hand, several sympathizers in the country of the protestors have condemned the use of pellet guns on the protestors. They have alleged that the pellet guns have caused permanent blinding of the protestors. They have demanded a less lethal weapon to control the crowd. However, the latest revelation by Lt Gen Dua will weaken the case of those who demand a ban on the use of pellet guns. This may, in fact, lead the Army to recalibrate its strategy and go for fire power to counter the militants. --- ENDS --- Jared Leto is moving on from Suicide Squad. The 44-year-old actor has signed on to star alongside Ryan Gosling in the upcoming Blade Runner sequel, according to The Hollywood Reporter. MORE: Jared Leto Praises Heath Ledger's Joker in 'The Dark Knight': It Was a 'Perfect Performance' Harrison Ford is set to reprise his role as Rick Deckard in the sequel, which takes place decades after the 1982 original movie. Robin Wright and Ana de Armas will also star in the follow-up. Leto took to Twitter on Thursday with a sage -- if cryptic -- message, writing, "Every day is another chance to be more of who you wish you were." MORE: Jared Leto Covers Himself in Puppies on 'Tonight Show,' Sets New Screensavers Around the World Every day is another chance to be more of who you wish you were. JARED LETO (@JaredLeto) August 18, 2016 The untitled Blade Runner sequel is set to hit theaters in October 2017. Watch the video below to see who was the best Joker ever. Related Articles Jill Stein arrives at a rally of Bernie Sanders supporters on the second day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. (Photo: Dominick Reuter/Reuters) Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein on Wednesday dismissed the criticism that her bid for the White House could help propel Donald Trump into the White House by sapping leftist support from Hillary Clinton. An audience member at CNNs Green Party town hall event asked Stein to directly confront the possibility of being a spoiler candidate. Andrew Fader, a software engineer from the Bronx, N.Y., held little back regarding how he felt about Trump or Steins candidacy. Given the way our political system works, effectively you could help Donald Trump like Ralph Nader helped George Bush in 2000. How could you sleep at night? asked Fader. Without missing a beat, Stein replied, I will have trouble sleeping at night if Donald Trump is elected. I will also have trouble sleeping at night if Hillary Clinton is elected. And as despicable as Donald Trumps words are, I find Hillary Clintons actions and track record is very troubling. A common criticism against third party candidates trying to break up the United States two-party system is that they ultimately draw votes away from the major party candidate whose ideological views are closer to the third partys. If the election is close, the criticism goes, then the election could be thrown to the less preferable of the two major candidates. Jill Stein has been critical of Hillary Clinton foreign policy history. (Photo: Alex Brandon/AP) The questioner invoked the 2000 U.S. presidential election to illustrate his point. Many argue that Democrat Al Gore would have beaten Republican George W. Bush in the battleground state of Florida had liberal activist Ralph Nader not run on the Green Party ticket. But for Stein, who appeared at the Green Party town hall with her running mate Ajamu Baraka, another Clinton administration would not be a victory for liberalism. Donald Trump bashes immigrants and is a xenophobic and racist loudmouth, but Hillary Clinton has been promoting these wars that have killed a million black and brown people in Iraq, for example, she said. Stein, a retired physician, criticized Clinton for allegedly being untrustworthy and hawkish. She also took issue with Clintons use of a private email server out of her home in Chappaqua, N.Y., during her tenure as secretary of state. The FBI announced in July that it would not recommend charges against Clinton or her staffers related to the mishandling of classified information. Story continues Part of the problem with Hillarys abuse of the rules, she was sort of too big to jail on the rules, Stein said. And she violated those rules with a sense of impunity, and she violated them for a purpose which she stated herself. Supporters cheer as Jill Stein speaks at a rally in Philadelphia last month. (Photo: John Minchillo/AP) She continued: So I do have serious questions about Hillarys judgment, her safeguarding of national security information and, above all, her trustworthiness in a job where she will have her finger on the button, given how she handled major decisions both around the War in Iraq but especially around the War in Libya, where she led the charge. Stein only received 0.36 percent of the national vote when she was the Green Partys presidential nominee in 2012, but she hopes to capitalize on the liberal enthusiasm that surrounded Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders bid for the Democratic nod. Sanders, a self-identified democratic socialist, brought many issues that had traditionally been the purview of the Green Party such as economic inequality, corporate influence in politics, climate change to the forefront of the Democratic primary. To people who dont like Donald Trump, Stein said, you know, you have more alternatives out there than just Hillary Clinton. Margaret Flowers and James Lane, the honorary co-chairs of the 2016 Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention, wrote an open letter to Sanders supporters earlier this month. They congratulated the grassroots activists who helped Sanders make it further in the nomination process than any other insurgent candidate ever has in the party and extended an olive branch to those unimpressed by Clinton. We invite you to consider the Green Party. The Green Party platform, which has been and continues to be shaped through a grassroots democratic process for twenty years, is in line with the values of the Sanders campaign. In some ways, it goes beyond Sanders platform, Flowers and Lane wrote. A recent CNN poll found that Stein only had 5 percent of support compared with Clintons 45 percent and Trumps 35 percent. The Libertarian Partys candidate, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, had 9 percent. At the Green Party town hall, Stein warned against succumbing to what she dubbed the politics of fear that encourages people to vote against the people they most dislike rather than for the person they most prefer. Once the Green Partys message is heard, she argued, their campaign might actually flip the vote rather than split it. So that we who are the underdog, Stein said, deserve to be the top dog and actually could be the top dog if we stand up with the courage of our convictions. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (Photo: everett) The Harry Potter novels ended nine years ago, but that hasnt stopped J.K. Rowling from continuing to milk the franchise for all its worth. Most recently, theres been the blockbuster London stage production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, whose script (released in book form two weeks ago) has already sold more than 4 million print copies in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Then, of course, theres this falls highly anticipated movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, an all-new fantasy film set decades before Harry, Ron, and Hermiones adventure, which will kick off its own prequel saga. But even before that movie flies into theaters, Potter fanatics will get a chance to revisit their favorite magical world in just a few short weeks, courtesy of three new e-books from the best-selling author. Related: Magic Is on the Loose in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Comic-Con Trailer Announced yesterday on Pottermore, the interactive fan site created by Rowling, three new e-books are on their way, each of which will run approximately 10,000 words, and will be a combination of J.K. Rowlings writing that originally published on, as well as new work. Whether that means theyre little more than rehashes of prior material remains to be seen, though the short-form tomes will nonetheless provide readers with a more in-depth look at various aspects of the Potter universe. And they certainly suggest that Rowling was being very specific when she said recently that the Harry Potter saga was done. Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide will delve into the details of everyones favorite wizarding school. Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists will focus on Azkaban prison, the Ministry of Magic and Potions Professor Horace Slughorn (played by Jim Broadbent in the movies.) And Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies will shine a spotlight on some of Hogwarts most beloved staff members, including Professor Minerva McGonagall (played by Maggie Smith in the movies.) Story continues All three books will cost about $3 and will be available in digital format on Sept. 6 meaning Potter-philes will have plenty of time to bone up on the franchises rich mythology before Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them debuts in theaters on Nov. 18. Watch the Fantastic Beats cast talk about their favorite beasts: A jury will decide if Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer should have paid a few dollars more for its use of Clint Eastwood classics after a California federal judge allowed some claims to survive summary judgment. PEA Films sued MGM in 2014, claiming the studio has been underpaying for its distribution rights to For a Few Dollars More; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; and Last Tango in Paris. The suit alleges MGM has been using creative accounting methods to lower its payments by inflating expenses, in part by misclassifying Fox as a servicing company instead of as a subdistributor - shorting PEA by $4.6 million. U.S. District Judge Beverly Reid O'Connell found that PEA failed to adequately allege its misclassification claims. The claims were added late in the proceedings and, while O'Connell agreed to hear motions on the issue, she declined to allow PEA leave to amend its complaint. "Plaintiff apparently seeks to bypass the pleading process and informally incorporate its misclassification claim into the proceedings," O'Connell wrote in an Aug. 10 ruling. "To allow Plaintiff to amend its Complaint now would fly in the face of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure." The judge dismissed the misclassification claims with prejudice, so PEA will have one less arrow in its quiver moving forward. O'Connell also addressed whether there is an issue of material fact as to the reasonableness of expenses paid to Fox by MGM. Under the agreement with PEA, MGM is entitled to deduct from its total profit distribution and packaging expenses that were incurred by Fox and charged to MGM. At issue is a $10.6 million expense, which PEA has argued was unreasonable - but the parties dispute whether any evidence was presented before the discovery cutoff. An expert witness made the claim in a supplemental report filed at 8:47 p.m. on the day of the deadline, which MGM argued was untimely. O'Connell noted that PEA complied with the court's deadlines and overruled the objection. Story continues MGM also argued the expert's report was inadmissible hearsay, but O'Connell disagreed and overruled that objection. Moving on to the issues of good faith and fair dealing raised by PEA, O'Connell found that the expert's claim that Fox overcharged MGM by $1.2 million-$1.8 million for manufacturing and by $300,000 for packaging is enough to defeat summary judgment. In dismissing the motion, O'Connell found "a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Defendant acted unreasonably by simply 'adopting' and passing these expenses on to Plaintiff without investigating them or ensuring they were reasonable." PEA on Monday filed an ex parte application for an order clarifying O'Connell's ruling, asking her to make clear the dismissal with prejudice of the misclassification claim is not a ruling on the merits of the claim. In its opposition, MGM argues the application is merely a "thinly veiled motion for reconsideration" and is not appropriate for ex parte relief. Trial is currently scheduled to begin Oct. 4. Two of the U.S. swimmers who were with Ryan Lochte during his alleged robbery in Rio were removed from their plane by Brazilian authorities on Wednesday night, the U.S. Olympic Committee confirmed. Authorities are investigating whether Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, who were both escorted off the plane, were actually robbed at gunpoint early Sunday in Rio de Janeiro as they claimed to the press, along with Lochte and swimmer James Feigen. A judge ordered Wednesday for Lochte to stay in Brazil and issued a search and seizure warrant for the swimmer. Lochte, however, had already left the country before police could seize his passport and ensure that he could answer questions in the investigation. Its unclear if Feigen, for which a warrant was also issued, is still in the country. Lochte flew out of Brazil on Monday, before the order was issued, federal police said. Authorities apparently showed up at the Olympic village on Wednesday, only to find that the swimmers were not there for questioning. The swim team moved out of the village after their competition ended, so we were not able to make the athletes available, said U.S. Olympic Committee spokesman Patrick Sandusky said at the time. We will continue to cooperate with the Brazilian authorities, he added. Lochte and the American swimmers claimed to have been robbed at gunpoint early Sunday after leaving a party, when the taxi they were in was pulled over by criminals posing as police, the U.S. Olympic Committee said in a statement. In an interview with Todays Billy Bush, Lochte described having a gun pointed at his forehead as the robbers stole their wallets. Lochtes mother also confirmed the story to USA Today. It was a story that raised even more concerns over the safety of athletes in Rio de Janeiro. However, in recent days, the incident has been placed under a microscope, with some questioning the veracity of the report. Rio authorities said they have not found the driver of the taxi the men were allegedly in, and have had trouble finding witnesses to corroborate their story. Story continues A video reportedly showing the athletes returning to the Olympic village shows what appears to be their wallets and phones, which they said were taken during the robbery, in their possession walking through metal detectors. You can see the supposed victims arriving without signs of being physically or psychologically shaken, even joking amongst themselves, Judge Keyla Blanc de Cnop said in a statement to the New York Times. Lochte, a 12-time Olympic gold medalist, won a gold medal in the 4200 freestyle relay. Pictured above: U.S. Olympic swimmers Gunnar Bentz and James Feigen stand together during the mens 400-meter relay team medal ceremony in Rio. Related stories Olympian Ryan Lochte Fabricated Robbery Story, Brazilian Officials Say Ellen DeGeneres Responds to Accusations of Racism Over Usain Bolt Tweet TV Ratings: Simone Biles, Volleyball Drive Olympics Viewership on Day 10 By Dan Levine and Heather Somerville SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday rejected an attempt by Uber Technologies Inc to settle a class action lawsuit with drivers who claimed they were employees entitled to expenses. In a case that has been closely watched in Silicon Valley, where many companies use on-demand workers, U.S. District Judge Edward Chen in San Francisco ruled that the settlement was not fair or adequate for drivers. Some drivers had objected to terms of the settlement valued at up to $100 million, which would have affected roughly 385,000 current and former drivers in California and Massachusetts. Uber drivers contended in the lawsuit they should be deemed employees and entitled to reimbursement for expenses, including gasoline and vehicle maintenance. Those expenses are now borne by the drivers. The proposed settlement would have kept drivers classified as independent contractors. Several drivers who were part of the class filed objections with the court, particularly because the proposed amount was well below the total potential damages in the case of roughly $850 million. Chen noted that part of the proposed settlement, $16 million, would only have been paid to drivers if Uber's valuation grew by a certain benchmark within a year of any initial public offering. Because Uber could not provide specific information that such an outcome was likely, Chen said he would not consider those dollars as part of the settlement. The remaining $84 million, Chen said, represented a "substantial discount" on the full value of driver claims. In a statement, Uber said it believed the settlement was fair and reasonable. "We're disappointed in this decision and are taking a look at our options," the company said. An attorney for drivers could not immediately be reached. (Reporting by Dan Levine; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and David Gregorio) Photo: Getty Images Katherine Heigl has been in the news a lot lately, mostly because of the ongoing drama and responses from her former Knocked Up co-star Seth Rogen about her comments regarding sexism in that movie. This is super disappointing because, rather than focusing on this years-old drama, we could be discussing any number of the really cool things going on in Heigls life at the moment like the fact that shes expecting her third child with her hubby Josh Kelley and is making her return to television in the new CBS drama Doubt. All great and exciting things! Heigl recently spoke to PEOPLE and got super real about the challenges of hiding her growing baby bump onscreen. Im excited for Doubt for a number of reasons. Its been far too long since Heigl was consistently onscreen, and shes a great actress. She starred on the short lived NBC series State of Affairs last year but that was cancelled after only one season. Its great that Heigl will finally get to show off her acting chops in a show that looks like it will go the distance the series trailer, released yesterday, has me totally psyched for the series premiere. Also, Laverne Cox co-stars, which is awesome (because shes an incredibly talented actress) and also a ground-breaking step forward in transgender representation in media. The show is about a lawyer (Heigl) who falls in love with her client, who is accused of murder. So, yknow, DRAMA is afoot. Of course, given the shows plot, a pregnancy for Heigls character couldnt be written in. It just wouldnt fit. So when Heigl announced her pregnancy this past June, it quickly became obvious that the show, which is currently filming and premiering midseason, would need to get creative with hiding her growing baby bump. Were working really hard to try to hide [my pregnancy], and its a challenge, Heigl told PEOPLE. Because every day my body changes a little bit more. Heigl went on to explain that, initially, the costume crew had other ideas altogether for her lead character Sadie Elliss costuming. Story continues We started out with really high hopes of like, fitted, pencil skirts and those really great Victoria Beckham dresses, and that became impossible pretty quickly, Heigl said. So now its a lot of big coats. Its either a purse, a jacket. Big coats, purses or jackets are all tried and true ways of concealing a pregnancy onscreen when the portrayer is expecting but the character is not. Shows like Scandal, The Americans, How I Met Your Mother and many more have employed all of these methods (to varying degrees of effectiveness and, occasionally, inadvertent hilarity). Of course, there are ~other~ ways to hide a baby bump. I think I should start carrying a big plant around, honestly just to shake things up, Heigl joked. Maybe a dog! Maybe [Sadie] has a small dog that she carries with her everywhere. Like a service dog. Im gonna pitch that. LOL! Personally, I think the small dog option is an amazing idea. Either way, Im sure Heigl will look radiant and fashionable in the role and cant wait until a premiere date for Doubt is officially announced! The post Katherine Heigl got super real about hiding her baby bump at work appeared first on HelloGiggles. Premium engineering, procurement, and construction company KBR, Inc. KBR recently announced that it has managed to clinch three contracts from major civil infrastructure projects in Australia. These awards entail KBR to provide design management, project management and procurement services for its clients. All of these contracts, whose value has been kept under warps, has been booked into backlog of unfilled orders under the companys Engineering & Construction business segment for third-quarter 2016. The Contracts in Details Gateway South a joint venture between Fulton Hogan and Laing O'Rourke has selected KBR to offer engineering and design services for the Darlington Upgrade Project in Adelaide. Adelaide's North-South Road Corridor happens to be an important transport route of the city and Darlington Upgrade Project is a part of it. This contract has been booked into backlog of unfilled orders for the companys Engineering & Construction (E&C) business segment in the third quarter. The company will be offering design services to deliver a lowered motorway that bypasses five signalized intersections and ten new bridges. Secondly, KBR, as a part of the John Holland Managing Contractor team, will offer professional services for initial works on the Metro Tunnel project in Victoria, Australia. One of the most prominent public transport projects of Victoria, this project includes the excavation of two shafts in Melbourne's central business district to create twin rail tunnels and five new underground stations. Thirdly, KBRs contract with South Australia Water Corporation (SA Water) has been extended for another two years. Per this extension, KBR will continue to offer project management and procurement (PMP) services for capital works projects in the Adelaide metropolitan area. Also, the company will be offering engineering management and construction management services as part of an integrated management team with SA Water. Story continues Our Take KBR has a diverse mix of business portfolio that helps the company combat cyclicality associated with any single market. Presently, the company is banking on the strength of its Technology & Consulting and Government Services businesses to optimize its growth potential. Of late, it has won multiple key contracts and deal extensions in the government sector that have proved conducive to growth. KBR INC Price KBR INC Price | KBR INC Quote The company believes the Government Services and Technology businesses will provide it some balance between hydrocarbons and government projects, which bodes well for long-term improvement. Apart from solid prospects in the Asia Pacific region, KBR also remains bullish about the U.K. governments Army 2020 project as it enters into the next phase and is expected to unlock multiple lucrative opportunities in the second half of the year. KBR currently holds Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Better-ranked stocks in the industry include Willdan Group, Inc. WLDN, Franklin Electric Co., Inc. FELE and AO Smith Corp. AOS. All three stocks carry a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report KBR INC (KBR): Free Stock Analysis Report WILLDAN GROUP (WLDN): Free Stock Analysis Report SMITH (AO) CORP (AOS): Free Stock Analysis Report FRANKLIN ELEC (FELE): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research By PTI: New Delhi, Aug 18 (PTI) Expressing its "vulnerability", Maldives has sought Indias assistance in key area of counter- terrorism and the chief of its National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) will travel to India from August 29 to discuss the specific requirements in this regard. Maldivian Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim also described India as a "solid friend" and assured that Maldives will not undertake any activity that will jeopardise security of the Indian Ocean. advertisement The request by Maldives for intelligence sharing, capacity building and skill development assumes significance in view of increasing threat from Islamic State and reports of radicalisation of Maldivian youth with the government there maintaining that about 50 locals have joined ISIS. "The issue was discussed in detail during the visit of Prime Ministers Special Envoy on Counter-Terrorism Asif Abrahim to Maldives last month and will be taken forward during the visit of NCTC chiefs visit here," Maldivian Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim told PTI in an interview. "Because of our small size, we are very venerable and we have sought Indias help in strengthening our mechanisms to tackle threats of terrorism," Asim said. The two countries have already inked the Defence Action Plan during Abdulla Yameens visit here in April. Cooperation in counter terrorism is one of key component of the pact. Apart from cooperation in counter-terrorism, the minister, during his wide-ranging interview, talked about Maldives efforts to get foreign investments and his countrys relationship with China. Asked about apprehensions in India over increasing Chinese presence in various projects in Maldives including infrastructure sector, he said they were purely economic engagements and "Maldives will not undertake any activity which will jeopardise security of the Indian Ocean." MORE PTI PYK ZMN --- ENDS --- Disneys Bambi is one of the most underrated Disney classics that has gotten lost in all the modern day Disney movies. This is why we were so delighted with the recent release of the Isa Knox x Disney Bambi Collection! Finally some recognition for Bambi! Isa Knox is a recognised Korean beauty brand, that has accumulated a great following in Korea. While the brand has usually stuck to a posh and minimalistic packaging, the newly released Isa Knox x Bambi collection is both feminine and dainty. Micro-foam Cushion Foundation Isa Knox x Disney Bambi L: Micro Foam Cushion, R:Micro Foam Cushion Silk Cover Isa Knox x Disney Bambi A special Bami edition of the brands classics SPF 50 cushion foundation, the micro-foam cushion is available in two variations: the classic foundation for neat finishing in teal color and the silk cover for brightening in ivory. Putting fans of Bambi or in a tough spot, both casings feature Bambi accompanied with floral laurels. Why cant wait to test out its level of coverage! Glow Tinted Lip Balm Isa Knox x Disney Bambi Isa Knox x Bambi - Airfrov Blog This moisturising lip balm not only keeps your lips hydrated, it also protects them from UV rays with its SPF10 properties! The light sketch of Bambi on the lipstick tube is much subtle than the cushion foundation but just as dainty. Glow Cushion Blusher To complete your whole makeup look, the Disney Bambi collection even includes a Glow Cushion Blusher. This blusher is simple to use even for beginners, just tap the center of the cushion to get an appropriate amount of pigmented colour. The moist and bright blusher will certainly add life to your cheeks! Isa Knox x Disney Bambi Isa Knox x Bambi - Airfrov Blog For those who doesnt apply makeup but still love Bambi anyway, heres a surprise for you! Keep your hands moisturised with the collections hand cream Isa Knox x Disney Bambi We also learnt from their Facebook page that there will be free gifts including Bambi handkerchief or pouch. While stocks last! Isa Knox x Disney Bambi While Isa Knox is currently not available in local retail stores, it does not mean that you have to pass this gorgeous product on! Join other Airfrov users as they get their hands on this limited edition makeup collection from South Korea. You would be the first few to have Bambi on your vanity table, that, is something to brag about. Story continues Heres how it works: 1) Post a New request / Shortcut: just click on + on these requests to copy others 2) Input details such as color, willing to pay price (cost price + tips for travellers effort) 3) Wait for traveller to offer help 4) Pay deposit (held safely by Airfrov until traveller returns with correct goods) 5) Wait for travellers to return to Singapore! Click the + sign below to get the Isa Knox x Bambi collection for yourself! Isa Knox x Bambi - Airfrov Blog Image source: IsaKnox website & Facebook Facebook twitter reddit pinterest linkedin mail The post Koreas Isa Knox x Disneys Bambi Cosmetics Collection appeared first on Airfrov Blog. ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A car bomb in Turkey's eastern province of Elazig has killed three police officers and wounded 217 people, including 85 police, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Thursday, adding that Kurdish militants were responsible for the attack. Speaking in Elazig after visiting the police headquarters targeted in the attack, Yildirim said Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants were carrying out random suicide attacks across the country wherever possible and that Ankara has raised its level of alarm following recent bombings. The bombing was the second in less than 24 hours targeting police in eastern Turkey. Three people were killed and 40 were wounded when a car bomb exploded near a police station in the eastern province of Van on Wednesday. (Reporting by Humeyra Pamuk and Daren Butler; Editing by David Dolan) Los Angeles-based duo Uzi -- comprised of producer Mike and visual artist and vocalist Gabe -- have a simple strategy when it comes to their musical output: stay low and build. "We're doing the slow burn," Gabe tells Billboard, calling in from the New York City, where the pair was taking meetings with a few record labels courting them. "We want to get as far as we can while dropping as little as we can." To date, Uzi -- a twosome that adds other creatives to their work as needed -- has only dropped a handful of songs. They've also produced and directed the videos, ranging from 2014's chill groupie alert "Scene Girl" to this spring's release "Games," racking up a couple hundred thousand views respectively. The visuals are lo-fi and dynamic, reviving the gritty VHS look while adding modern graphics. Despite their low key presence, they have assisted some pretty major acts -- including the video for Kanye West's latest single "Famous" and Diplo's 2015 offering "Dr. Pepper" (Gabe briefly makes an appearance in the latter, squatting in prayer position). Today Gabe stars in another self-directed Uzi video for the new single, "Know Me." Shot in Tokyo about a month ago, the video "is a photo series of the coolest kids in that city," Gabe says. "[It's] a time capsule. When it comes to their own musical aspirations, Gabe offers, "We're trying to make cool pop with the same textures and instruments that you might hear in a Calvin Harris song. The lyrical content is a play on what Justin Bieber would say, but it's got a street twist to it because it's talking about weed or fashion." The 100 Biggest Summer Songs of All Time: A Complete List True to his mission, "Know Me" sounds akin to trap pop featuring Gabe's speedy rap flow that leads into a melodic hook, jumping synths and hard-hitting drums. While he confidently says that Uzi has plenty of new material ready to go, don't count on the clique releasing a full project in the near future. "We just want to put each video out as an art piece," Gabe explains. "We have a mixtape ready, but we're dropping one song every few months." Story continues So far, their plan's working just fine. "We went on tour with Wiz [Khalifa] after dropping one song," Gabe says, referring to the rapper's 2014 Blacc Hollywood Big Secret Tour where they performed as openers. Gabe says that Uzi also wrapped shooting and directing OVO Sound signee Roy Woods' forthcoming "How I Feel" video. "We want to become a band that directs as many videos as possible," Gabe says. "It's getting harder to pinpoint an artist to one thing. Like Kanye. It'd be unfair to call him a rapper, because he's got his hands in so much stuff. There's a whole generation under the Kanyes and Pharrells that is kind of genre-less and doing everything. And not just for themselves, they're working with other pop stars and companies. We're just artists." Watch Uzi's video for "Know Me," premiering on Billboard, below. [The naked Donald Trump statue in New York City. Photo: The Verge] Donald Trump may be in North Carolina today but statues of his naked body have already made it to five different states. Early Thursday morning, residents of Cincinnati, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle woke up to enormous naked Donald Trump statues in their town squares and parks. Members of the anarchist collective Indecline came forward and claimed responsibility for the art work. The name of the project is The Emperor Has No Bs. The artists behind the project claimed that they were inspired by the classic Hans Christian Andersen tale, The Emperors New Clothes. [Photo: The Verge] In the story, two weavers sell an emperor a new set of robes that, they tell him, will be invisible to any servants unfit for their positions. The emperors staff and townspeople are too afraid to tell the emperor that he is naked, until a child comes forward with the truth. The artists seemed to suggest that Trump was very much an emperor without his clothes a man obsessed with his own image and blind to his own faults. [Photo: The Verge] Like it or not, Trump is a larger-than-life figure in world culture at the moment, a spokesman told The Washington Post. Looking back in history, thats how those figures were memorialized and idolized in their time with statues. The statues are large, imposing and unflattering. They lack several elements of human anatomy, including testicles. The statues were designed by a Las Vegas artist that goes by the name of Ginger, The Washington Post reports. Ginger enjoys making monsters, and was delighted to design states of Trump, who he considers just another monster. [Photo: The Verge] It was absolutely in my wheelhouse to be able to create these monstrosities, Ginger told The Washington Post. Warning: The following images are not safe for anyone, anywhere, at any time. BONUS: Corgi tea party The Delhi government has blamed Lt Governor Najeeb Jung and the environment secretary for the delay, while the BJP and the Congress have cornered the AAP government for the delay in issuing draft notification over banning Chinese manjha. By Mail Today Bureau: Political blame game began following the death of three people, including two children, after their throats were slit by manjha. Manjha is a strong nylon glass-coated string used in flying kites. The Delhi government has blamed Lt Governor Najeeb Jung and the environment secretary for the delay, while the BJP and the Congress have cornered the AAP government for the delay in issuing draft notification over banning Chinese manjha. advertisement MANJHA FILE DELAYED Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia asserted that Delhi government had not delayed the file on the ban of Chinese manjha. He said as the matter was sensitive, he had cleared the file within seconds but the process got delayed in the Lt Governor's office, adding that Environment Secretary, Chandraker Bharti, is also to be blamed. Sisodia mentioned that Bharti failed to issue the notification before Independence Day despite the Environment Minister approving it on August 5. ENVIRONMENT SECRETARY BLAMED Thereafter, the Lt Governor had given his nod and termed it as gross negligence of primary duty by the senior civil servant. The lack of timely-action by Secretary Environment Chandrakar Bharti has resulted in the unfortunate loss of precious life, Sisodia said. Sisodia also claimed that the file was sent to the L-G office on August 5, and they got it back on August 9. He added, "I received the file at 3.57pm on August 9 and judging the importance of this matter I cleared it within few seconds. After the file was cleared by us it was sent to the office of Environment Secretary on Aug 10. The file was kept there for seven days," he added. Also Read: Supreme Court ropes in NGT for petition seeking ban on Chinese manjha --- ENDS --- The first episode of Billboard's new Latin Connection Podcast is finally here! In the debut show, co-hosts Leila Cobo and Griselda Flores talk hot collabs between Nicky Jam and Mana, Enrique Iglesias and Wisin, and Colombian power duo Carlos Vives and Shakira, which are ruling the Hot Latin Songs chart. Iglesias and Wisin's "Duele el Corazon" has remained on the No. 1 spot for eight consecutive weeks, while Shak and Vives' summer song "La Bicicleta" remains in the top five after getting a boost from the cheerful music video released back in July. New collabs on the Hot Latin Songs chart include Zion y Lennox featuring J Balvin and Maluma's "El Perdedor" remix with Yandel. Switching to some positive news in the Latin music industry, Leila and Griselda talk about the triumphant return to the stage for Banda MS' Alan Ramirez after he was hit on the neck by a bullet after leaving a concert in Mexico City last month. Plus, Selena Quintanilla fans will be able to get their hands on a limited-edition vinyl titled Ones -- honoring the 21st anniversary of her final album Dreaming of You. MAC Makeup Collection & More Selena Quintanilla Highlights to Expect This Fall Also on the podcast, Norteno band Siggno visits Billboard's Los Angeles offices to talk about their first-ever No. 1 Top Latin Albums score with their latest LP Yo Te Esperare. In an emotional interview, the group members, led by frontman Jesse Turner, talk about the tragic car accident back in February that left Jesse's son and band member Jacob Turner in a coma. "This album is totally dedicated to my son," Jesse says in the interview. "And we want people to hear the passion of a father and a son, to hear the passion between brothers ... He's a miracle. He survived. Five months later, here we are. I am even more proud of him today for trying to survive. I'm so proud of him." Listen to Siggno talk about this and more on this week's Latin Connection: Miami (AFP) - Miami Beach now has cases of Zika infection that appear to have been locally transmitted, US media reported on Thursday, suggesting that the mosquito-borne virus is spreading in Florida. The Miami Herald reported a new zone of Zika transmission has been identified in the resort city, citing unnamed local health sources. The New York Times also reported "a cluster" of Zika cases most likely transmitted by local mosquitoes in Miami Beach, citing an unnamed health official. The report described "a handful of cases" in which Zika likely spread among people in close proximity to each other. It added that an official announcement could come later Thursday or Friday. Last month, Florida announced its first cases of local Zika transmission in Miami, in a one-square mile section of the arts neighborhood of Wynwood, north of downtown. Florida now has 35 cases of local Zika transmission. A total of 25 of those cases have been traced to Wynwood. Contacted by AFP, a spokeswoman for the Department of Health declined to comment on the Miami Beach reports. She said investigations are ongoing in "areas in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties where local transmissions of Zika may have occurred." However, the state health department "still believes active transmissions are still only occurring in the area that is less than one square mile in Miami-Dade County." Florida is so far the only state in the mainland United States where local spread of Zika has been reported. Florida Governor Rick Scott released a statement Thursday afternoon that called on state business and health associations to work with the tourism industry on Zika prevention and education. He also called on the state department of health to offer hotels, restaurants and attractions in Miami-Dade County mosquito spraying at no cost. EXCLUSIVE: As the CW is preparing to bid farewell to The Vampire Diaries, the network is eyeing a successor another vampire drama based on a well-known property from a top TV creator. The CW has landed The Lost Boys, a series adaptation of the iconic 1987 Warner Bros horror comedy movie, from Veronica Mars and iZombie creator Rob Thomas, Gulfstream TV and Warner Bros Television. Written by Thomas, The Lost Boys series re-imagines the cult Joel Schumacher film, which starred Jason Patric, Kiefer Sutherland, Jami Gertz, Corey Haim and Corey Feldman. Envisioned for a seven-season, anthology-style run, the series will tell a story spanning 70 years, each season chronicling a decade. Season 1 will be set in San Francisco during the Summer of Love, 1967. Each season, the humans, the setting, the antagonist and the story all change only the vampires, our Lost Boys, who like the Peter Pan characters never grow up, remain the same. The project, which will explore what it really means to be immortal, is executive produced by Thomas via Spondoolie Productions, his frequent collaborators Danielle Stokdyk and Dan Etheridge as well as Gulfstream principals Mike Karz and Bill Bindley. It was Gulfstreams idea to remake The Lost Boys into a TV series through the companys overall deal with WBTV. Thomas, who also is under an overall deal at WBTV, came on board and came up with the new take on the movie that was pitched and landed at the CW in a competitive situation, with two networks pursuing. Gulfstream Television head Juliana Janes, who was instrumental in putting the project together, will oversee for the company. The original movie was about two Arizona brothers, played by Patric and Haim, who move to a California town where they take on a gang of vampires. Here is a trailer: Former CW flagship drama The Vampire Diaries, developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, is heading into its eighth and final season. WBTV has four new series based on movies for next season: Training Day at CBS, Lethal Weapon at Fox, Frequency at the CW, and Time After Time (based on the book and the movie) at ABC. Last season, it produced Rush Hour for CBS. Story continues Thomas is repped by UTA. Related stories Fall Premiere Dates For New & Returning Series: 2016 Edition Is 16-Year-Old Film 'Frequency' Ripe For A TV Reboot? - TCA 'No Tomorrow' Is A Bright, Sunny, End-Of-World Comedy - TCA DENHAM SPRINGS, La. Keisha Taylor, a 37-year-old mother of four, has spent three nights in two different shelters since her family fled the flooding at their Baton Rouge apartment complex. And she doesnt know how many more nights they will be sleeping on cots inside the downtown arena where hundreds sought shelter. Taylor probably could stay with relatives in White Castle, a town about 30 miles west of Louisianas capital city, but three of her kids are enrolled in Baton Rouge schools that could reopen next week. This is where I live. I need to be home, she said. Taylor is one of thousands of people across southern Louisiana displaced by catastrophic flooding and now struggling with where to live. An additional evacuation recommendation was made in Vermilion Parish. Gueydan Fire Chief Evans Bourque told The Associated Press early Thursday that residents in about 60 to 70 homes in an area outside the levee system there were being urged to evacuate amid rising water. Bourque said he did not know how many people the evacuation included but said it was less than 100. With an estimated 40,000 homes damaged by deadly flooding, Louisiana could be looking at its biggest housing crunch since the miserable, bumbling aftermath of Hurricane Katrina a decade ago. For the Baton Rouge area, it was a blow on top of what has already been a tough summer starting with the shooting death of 37-year-old Alton Sterling on July 5. The death of Sterling, a black man, at the hands of two white police officers incited widespread protests in which nearly 200 people were arrested. Then on July 17, a lone gunman shot and killed three law enforcement officers and wounded three others outside a Baton Rouge convenience store. The suspect, Gavin Long, an Army veteran from Kansas City, Missouri, was killed by police. The dead officers all had lived in the area of Denham Springs, a quiet bedroom community near Baton Rouge. Then the rains hit. People now are staying in shelters, bunking with friends or relatives, or sleeping in trailers on their front lawns. Others unable or unwilling to leave their homes are living amid mud and the ever-present risk of mold in the steamy August heat. Story continues Many victims will need an extended place to stay while they rebuild. Countless others didnt have flood insurance and may not have the means to repair their homes. I got nowhere else to go, said Thomas Lee, 56, who ekes out a living as a drywall hanger a skill that will come in handy. His sodden furniture is piled curbside and the drywall in his rented house is puckering, but Thomas still plans to keep living there, sleeping on an air mattress. Exactly how many will need temporary housing is unclear, but state officials are already urging landlords to allow short-term leases and encouraging people to rent out any empty space available. Terri Ricks, deputy secretary for the Department of Children and Family Services, which helps organize sheltering efforts in parishes, said the state is talking with parishes about possibly running a long-term shelter in the region if needed to give people a place to stay while they repair and rebuild. Nobody wants to do a long-term shelter, she said. We want to get people in a more permanent situation. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, whose very name became a punchline during Katrina, said it will look into lining up rental properties for those left homeless and will consider using temporary housing units. But FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate gave assurances that the temporary units wont be the old FEMA travel trailers a reference to the ones brought in after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita that were found to have toxic levels of formaldehyde. The flooding that struck the Baton Rouge and Lafayette areas left at least 13 people dead. More than 30,000 have been rescued, and at least 70,000 have registered for federal disaster assistance. At the height, 11,000 people were in shelters, though that figured dropped to 6,000 by Wednesday. Slideshow: Unprecedented flooding slams Gulf Coast >>> Bryce Richard, Nick Rome and Blake Waguespack (L-R) wait in the boat for a friend to check out her flooded house in Sorrento, La. (Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images) Those with flood insurance will be in a much better place to begin rebuilding but there wont be many of them. Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon said it was shocking that only 12 percent of the homes in hard-hit Baton Rouge were covered by flood insurance, and only 14 percent in Lafayette. Donelon, however, said he understands why the states large population of working poor folks wouldnt pay for flood coverage when lenders tell them its not a requirement. Many flood victims said they werent required to have flood insurance and didnt have it, since nothing remotely like this had ever happened before. One of those people was David Ellis. He and his wife closed on their new house in a Livingston Parish subdivision last Thursday afternoon. It started flooding the very next day, water ultimately rising above three feet inside his home. Like many of his neighbors, Ellis didnt have flood insurance. He said he was told he didnt need it. Friends have launched an online fundraising campaign to help repair the new home. I hate asking for help, but having somebody do that for us is awesome, he said. ___ Kunzelman and Deslatte reported from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. HOUSTON (Reuters) - LyondellBasell Industries 263,776 barrel per day (bpd) Houston refinery was knocked out of production on Thursday after a lightning strike took out steam production, according to Gulf Coast market sources. Lyondell expected to avoid a complete shutdown of multiple units at the refinery, according to the three sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity to preserve business relationships with the company. A company spokeswoman did not discuss the status of refinery production, but confirmed the loss of the external steam supply due to a lightning strike at a third-party provider, triggering the refinery's flare system and sending a thick plume of black smoke over east Houston. "The smoke associated with the flare is due to the lack of steam," Lyondell's Faye Eson said in an emailed statement. "The refinery uses steam to power turbines, compressors, and for the flare system." Eson said initial air testing showed "no level of concern for the surrounding community." Before the lightning strike, the refinery had been at reduced production levels since Wednesday, when the small coking unit was shut to replace piping on the unit that may be subject to corrosion, the sources said. The refinery may attempt to restore production on some of the units later on Thursday, once steam supply is restored, the sources said. A thick black plume of smoke was visible from 10.5 miles (17 km) away in downtown Houston while the refinery's flaring was at its heaviest. The 42,000 bpd coker was taken out of production on Wednesday to replace piping that may be at greater risk of corrosion. It was the second time this month Lyondell has had to contend with an unplanned production interruption. A brief power outage at the sulfur recovery complex on Aug. 9 triggered 12 hours of flaring at the refinery that released 592,500 pounds of sulfur dioxide and 6,400 pounds of hydrogen sulfide, according to a notice the company filed with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Lyondell had replaced most of the piping on the coker during a four-month shutdown of the unit following an April 8 fire. (Reporting by Erwin Seba; Editing by G Crosse and Jonathan Oatis) By PTI: New Delhi, Aug 18 (PTI) Minister of State for External Affairs V K Singh has again gone to Saudi Arabia to help thousands of laid-off Indian workers either to return to India or seek alternative employment in the Gulf nation which is faced with severe economic slowdown that has forced companies to retrench work force. External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said purpose of Singhs visit was to resolve issues being faced by Indian workers wanting to come back home or find alternative employment in Saudi Arabia. advertisement Indians employed with Saudi Oger, Saudi-bin Laden and Saad Group are facing major difficulties and they have no other option but to return to India. "No other option is available to Indian workers belonging to these three companies. MoS VK Singh is in Saudi Arabia right now as there are some issues which need to be addressed so that the retrenched workers either seek alternative employment or return to India," said Swarup. Singh had rushed to Saudi Arabia earlier this month after large number of Indian workers sought Indian governments intervention in taking up their difficulties with the Saudi authorities. The Saudi government, then, had agreed to swiftly resolve plight of the laid-off Indian workers including providing them free passage to return to India and clearing their unpaid dues. Swarup said Singh will try to reach out to Saudi authorities to seek cooperation in helping the distressed Indians. Thousands of Indian workers have lost their jobs due to slowdown in Saudi economy, triggered by low oil prices and cut in spending by the government. The Indian government had requested the Saudi authorities to give the unemployed Indian workers exit visas without NoC (No-Objection Certificate) from employers and also urged it to clear the dues of workers who have not been paid for months, whenever they settle the accounts with the companies concerned. As per rules, no foreign employee can leave the country without NoC by the employers. The Saudi government also agreed to allow transfer of Indian employees, who have lost their jobs, to any other company within Saudi Arabia. As per rules, foreign employees cannot change jobs with permission of the company where they were employed. PTI MPB ZMN --- ENDS --- The Metropolitan court today granted bail to all five doctors of LH Hiranandani hospital who are accused in the kidney racket with a bond surety of Rs 30,000. By Vidya : The Metropolitan court today granted bail to all five doctors of LH Hiranandani hospital who are accused in the kidney racket with a bond surety of Rs 30,000. All five doctors, including Dr Sujit Chatterjee, the CEO of LH Hiranandani hospital, Dr Anurag Naik the medical director and Dr Prakash Shetty the urologist at the same hospital were lodged in the jail along with nephrologist Dr Mukesh Shette who was not working with Hiranandani hospital just as Dr Mukesh Shah, the urologist. advertisement The lawyers tried to make provision for the cash immediately so the procedure for bail could be completed at the earliest and the doctors could be released from jail today itself. The court has directed all doctors to appear before Powai Police Station every Monday between 6 pm and 8 pm till September 26. They cannot leave india without permission. THE CASE The lid was blown off the racket on July 14 when social worker Suresh Gupta, some political activists and members of a trade union stopped a kidney transplant operation midway since the donor and the recipient were allegedly found to be a fake couple - 'husband' Brijkishore Jaiswal and 'wife' Shobha Thakur. Since then, a total of 14 persons have been arrested in connection with the racket at the reputed 12-year-old suburban private hospital with 240 beds. Following the expose, the Maharashtra Directorate of Health Services set up a committee of medical experts, which found irregularities related to at least four kidney transplant cases. Based on the committee's report, the police arrested the five medicos, sending shockwaves in the medical fraternity. --- ENDS --- Since Making a Murderer made him famous last month, former Wisconsin prosecutor Ken Kratz hasnt been shy about defending his work in the 2005 murder prosecution of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey. On Monday, TheWrap reached out to him about suggestions in the Netflix docu-series that his office railroaded two innocent defendants. In an email to TheWrap on Monday, Kratz strongly rejects the criticisms, saying the documentary series got it wrong. The email concludes with Kratz saying Netflix should either provide an opportunity for rebuttal, or alert the viewers that this series was produced by and FOR the defense of Steven Avery, and contains only the opinion and theory of the defense team. Also Read: 'Making a Murderer': Steven Avery Files New Appeal Here is his email to us, in its entirety. It begins with the Calumet County district attorney responding to our question about whether he believed the docu-series left out any evidence: Examples for you to consider: 1. Averys past incident with a cat was not goofing around. He soaked his cat in gasoline or oil, and put it on a fire to watch it suffer. 2. Avery targeted Teresa. On Oct 31 (8:12 am) he called AutoTrader magazine and asked them to send that same girl who was here last time. On Oct 10, Teresa had been to the Avery property when Steve answered the door just wearing a towel. She said she would not go back because she was scared of him (obviously). Avery used a fake name and fake # (his sisters) giving those to the AutoTrader receptionist, to trick Teresa into coming. 3. Teresas phone, camera and PDA were found 20 ft from Averys door, burned in his barrel. Why did the documentary not tell the viewers the contents of her purse were in his burn barrel, just north of the front door of his trailer? Also Read: 'Making a Murderer': Why Steven Avery Says Juror Was Out to Get Him 4. While in prison, Avery told another inmate of his intent to build a torture chamber so he could rape, torture and kill young women when he was released. He even drew a diagram. Another inmate was told by Avery that the way to get rid of a body is to burn itheat destroys DNA. 5. The victims bones in the firepit were intertwined with the steel belts, left over from the car tires Avery threw on the fire to burn, as described by Dassey. That WAS where her bones were burned! Suggesting that some human bones found elsewhere (never identified as Teresas) were from this murder was NEVER established. 6. Also found in the fire pit was Teresas tooth (IDd through dental records), a rivet from the Daisy Fuentes jeans she was wearing that day, and the tools used by Avery to chop up her bones during the fire. Story continues Also Read: 'Making a Murderer': Brendan Dassey's Brother Raps About Steven Avery's Innocence (Video) 7. Phone records show 3 calls from Avery to Teresas cell phone on Oct 31. One at 2:24, and one at 2:35both calls Avery uses the *67 feature so Teresa doesnt know it himboth placed before she arrives. Then one last call at 4:35 pm, without the *67 feature. Avery first believes he can simply say she never showed up (his original defense), so tries to establish the alibi call after shes already been there, hence the 4:35 call. She will never answer of course, so he doesnt need the *67 feature for that last call. 8. Averys DNA (not blood) was on the victims hood latch (under her hood in her hidden SUV). The SUV was at the crime lab since 11/5how did his DNA get under the hood if Avery never touched her car? Do the cops have a vial of Averys sweat to plant under the hood? 9. Ballistics said the bullet found in the garage was fired by Averys rifle, which was in a police evidence locker since 11/6if the cops planted the bullet, how did they get one fired from HIS gun? This rifle, hanging over Avers bed, is the source of the bullet found in the garage, with Teresas DNA on it. The bullet had to be fired BEFORE 11/5did the cops borrow his gun, fire a bullet, recover the bullet before planting the SUV, then hang on to the bullet for 4 months in case they need to plant it 4 months later??? Also Read: 'Making a Murderer': 5 Theories for Steven Avery's Innocence There is more of course. But Im not a DA anymore. I have no duty to show what nonsense the planting defense is, or why the documentary makers didnt provide these uncontested facts to the audience. You see, these facts are inconsistent with the claim that these men were framedyou dont want to muddy up a perfectly good conspiracy movie with what actually happened, and certainly not provide the audience with the EVIDENCE the jury considered to reject that claim. Finally, I engaged in deplorable behavior, sending suggestive text messages to a crime victim in Oct 2009. I reported myself to the OLR. My law license was thereafter suspended for 4 months. I have withstood a boat-load of other consequences as a result of that behavior, including loss of my prosecution career. However, Ive enjoyed sobriety from prescription drug use for over 5 years now, and refuse to be defined by that dark time of my life. All of this occurred years after the Avery case was concludedIm unclear why the defense-created documentary chose to include this unpleasantness in this movie, especially if the filmmakers had no agenda to cast me as a villain. I am not a victim in that whole texting scandalthen again, its exceedingly unfair to use that to characterize me as morally unfit. To identify Lt. Lenk, Sgt. Colburn and myself as being responsible for the framing and knowing false murder conviction of Steven Avery is irresponsible, and inconsistent with a consideration of all the evidence presented. Netflix should either provide an opportunity for rebuttal, or alert the viewers that this series was produced by and FOR the defense of Steven Avery, and contains only the opinion and theory of the defense team. Thanks for your consideration. Finished 'Making a Murderer'? 9 More Infuriating Documentaries Streaming on Netflix (Video) Previous Slide Next Slide 1 of 10 The best documentaries are enlightening, infuriating and sometimes even frightening Making a Murderer certainly was. But if youve finished all 10 episodes of the true-crime saga, check out these docs currently streaming Before we go any further, we have to make sure: You've seen "Making a Murderer," right? If the answer is "no," then what are you waiting for? Watch the trailer to get an idea of what all the hype is about. View In Gallery Related stories from TheWrap: 'Making a Murderer': Steven Avery Files New Appeal 'Making a Murderer': Why Steven Avery Says Juror Was Out to Get Him Steven Avery's Attorney Cites 'New Evidence,' Is 'Confident' of 'Making a Murderer' Convict's Exoneration Paul Manafort, Donald Trumps campaign chairman, personally recruited a top lobbyist to join a $2.2 million campaign aimed at influencing U.S. policy toward Ukraine, but refused to tell him who was behind the effort, the lobbyist, former Republican congressman Vin Weber, tells Yahoo News. Weber, a senior partner at Mercury Group, said in an interview that Paul did recruit me in 2012 to lobby on behalf of the newly formed European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Brussels-based nonprofit that, Manafort told him, was backed by businesspeople who did not want to give their names. Weber said he repeatedly asked Manafort to identify the principals behind the Brussels organization, but he declined to do so. In fact, the backers of the nonprofit had close ties to the hardline, pro-Russian government of then Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, and one of the groups board members was the countrys foreign minister, says Adrian Karatnycky, a Ukraine expert at the Atlantic Council and the former president of Freedom House, a Washington-based human rights group. It would be very hard to look at this entity and say it was not directed by the then Ukrainian government, said Karatnycky. Its pretty clear they were running interference on sensitive issues on behalf of Yanukovych. Manaforts role in setting up the Washington lobbying campaign on behalf of the Brussels nonprofit was first reported Wednesday by The Associated Press. The AP reported that between 2012 and 2014, Manafort helped channel $1.07 million to the Republican-oriented Mercury Group and another $1.13 million to the Podesta Group, a Democratic firm headed by Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary Clintons campaign chairman John Podesta. The fees were meant to promote the publicly announced purpose of the nonprofit: to lobby Congress and the Obama administration to support Yanukovychs bid to gain entry into the European Union. Webers account shows how Manaforts work for the Kiev regime may have gone beyond his self-described role as a campaign adviser to Yanukovych to include active and previously secret efforts to influence U.S. policy in the region. Asked for comment for this story, Manafort Wednesday night said in an email: I never worked for the center. I introduced them to D.C. firms who worked directly for the center. He added that The Associated Press account was wrong. I was not involved in any payment plans from the center to the two Washington lobbying firms. Story continues Vladimir Putin, right, and his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovych at a news conference in Moscow. Moscow granted Yanukovych protection shortly after the leader sought help from the Kremlin, according to an official quoted by Russian news agencies in 2013. (Photo: Ivan Sekretarev/AP) The new details about Manaforts Ukraine work come on a day that Trump shook up his faltering campaign, replacing Manafort as campaign manager with pollster Kellyanne Conway, and naming Steven Bannon, head of Breitbart News, as campaign CEO. Manafort will remain as campaign chairman despite mounting questions about his Ukrainian ties following a report this week by the New York Times. The Times disclosed that the Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Bureau, an arm of the current Ukrainian government of President Petro Poroshenko, is investigating ledgers that appear to show $12.7 million in off-the-book cash payments to Manafort between 2007 and 2012. Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort talks to reporters on the floor of the Republican National Convention at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland in July. (Photo: Matt Rourke/AP) Manafort has strongly denied the report, saying in a statement Monday that he never received any of those payments, nor have I ever done work for the governments of Ukraine or Russia. Calling himself a campaign professional who like other American political consultants has worked overseas, Manafort said in his statement all of the political payments directed to me were for my entire political team: campaign staff (local and international), polling and research, election integrity and television advertising. (He did not respond to a request for comment on this story.) The new details about Manaforts work on behalf of the Brussels nonprofit revive questions that have been swirling for years about his work on behalf of Yanukovychs Party of Regions the political party aligned with Russian president Vladimir Putin. In 2007, the Wall Street Journal first reported that Manafort was advising Yanukovych (then the countrys prime minister) and his principal financial backer, metals billionaire Rinat Akhmetov. Manafort had accompanied Yanukovych on a trip to Washington the year before and helped set up meetings for the prime minister with journalists and a Washington think tank, the Journal reported. Manafort never registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent as he would have been required to do if he was lobbying on behalf of a foreign government or a foreign political party. But in January 2008, another Washington firm, Daniel J. Edelman Inc., parent of the Edelman public relations firm, did register with the Justice Department, stating it had been hired by Manaforts consulting firm, Davis Manafort, to promote Yanukovychs Party of Regions in the United States. Edelman [was] retained by the Ukraine Party of Regions through Davis Manafort International LLC to develop a communication campaign to increase Prime Minister Yanukovychs visibility in the U.S. and Europe, according to a copy of the Edelman filing with the Justice Department reviewed by Yahoo News. Vin Weber, co-chairman and partner at Mercury and special adviser to the economic policy team for Mitt Romney for President, speaks at the Bloomberg Washington Summit in Washington, D.C., in 2012. (Photo: Joshua Roberts/Bloomberg via Getty Images) Weber told Yahoo News that when he was first solicited by Manafort to lobby on behalf of the Brussels-based organization, he was wary. Although Manafort declined to identify the business interests that were behind the nonprofit, it seemed logical that these were backers of the Party of Regions. I never doubted they were tied to Yanukovych. And, Weber said, he told Manafort he viewed Yanukovych as somebody who was in Putins hip pocket. But Manafort sought to convince him otherwise, Weber said. Manafort told me that Yanukovych actually hated Putin, Weber recounts, but was facing conflicting pressures within his party. Gaining American support for Ukraine to join the European Union would help steer Yanukovych toward the West, Manafort told Weber. Weber agreed to take the job. Lobbying reports filed by Mercury on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine indicate its work was not limited to issues relating to Ukraines application to join the European Union. (The application was withdrawn by Yanukovych in 2013.) Among the issues Mercury lobbied on, the reports show, was opposing congressional resolutions to condemn the political persecution and later arrest by Yanukovychs government of opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko, and a resolution condemning illegal Russian aggression in Ukraine. Asked how opposition to these measures related to the stated goal of the center, Weber said our focus was to prevent messages that were sent out from Washington that would undercut the countrys bid to join the European Union. While Weber and Mercury had the task of lobbying Republicans in Congress, Tony Podestas firm, the Podesta Group, was retained to press the nonprofits cause with Democrats and the Obama administration. Podesta in an email told Yahoo News he was recruited by Manaforts deputy, Rick Gates. Kimberly Fritts, chief executive officer of the Podesta Group, stated in a follow-up email: We were not aware that Rick Gates was a Party of Regions consultant at the time he introduced us to the Centre. Our assumption was that he was working for the Centre, as we were hired to do. The AP reported that there a dispute within the Podesta Group as to whether the firm was required to register with the Justice Department as agents of a foreign principal. Neither Podesta nor Webers firm, Mercury, did so, instead filing standard lobbying reports with Congress, identifying their client as the Brussels nonprofit, but making no mention of the Party of Regions, Yanukovych or Manafort. Weber and Fritts both said they relied on a legal opinion by Ken Gross, a well-known Washington ethics lawyer. They say Gross told them registration was not required, based on a written contract with the center stating that none of the activities of the Centre are directed, supervised or financed in whole or in major part by a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. (Weber said his questions to Manafort about the centers backers were a matter of curiosity, not necessity.) But Karatnycky, the Ukraine expert at the Atlantic Council, said the representations that the center made to the Washington lobbyists were suspect all along. As the Daily Beast first reported in 2014, one of the centers first presidents was Leonid Kozhara, a senior member of the Party of Regions who in December 2012 was appointed as Yanukovychs foreign minister. Moreover, the Ukrainian press has reported close ties between the center and two wealthy brothers and businessmen, Sergei and Andrei Klyuyev, influential figures in the Party of Regions. Accompanied by one of Mercurys lobbyists, Sergei Klyuyev, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, had met with Washington officials on behalf of the center in 2013. His brother, Andrei, became Yanukovychs chief of staff and is alleged to have ordered the crackdowns on protesters, leading to the collapse of the government in 2014 and Yanukovychs flight to exile in Moscow. Kozhara and the Klyuyev brothers were the hardline faction around Yanukovych, said Karatnycky. They were three key people in power-structure positions in the Party of Regions. _____ Related Video: KELOWNA, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / Marapharm Ventures Inc. ("Marapharm" or the "Company") (CSE:MDM, FSE:2M0, OTCQB:MRPHF) ( announces today that it has advanced approximately $1.5 million, via its wholly owned subsidiary Marapharm Washington, LLC, to conclude the asset purchase of an operating Tier 3 marijuana production and processing facility in Washington. A "Tier 3" production and processing facility allows the licensee to grow up to 30,000 square feet of marijuana at any one time. "We will enhance the production and processing facility considerably with new equipment and building improvements. This includes a complex HVAC system, botanical oil extraction equipment, sterilization, security and safety equipment, dehumidifiers, nutrient reservoirs and knockboxes. Marapharm Washington, LLC, will receive $2.4 million per year$200,000 payable on the first of each month, with payments contracted to have accumulated since March 2016for providing the facility to the marijuana licensee, Living Green, Inc. Additionally, Marapharm Washington, LLC intends to provide marketing and branding consultation services to Living Green, Inc., optimizing our relationship with Living Green, Inc. while respecting the boundaries set forth by Washington law. This is an exciting opportunity for the Company to generate revenue from a facility involved in the cannabis space in Washington State, stated Linda Sampson, CEO." Marijuana sales in the State of Washington have reached a total of approximately $1 billion since recreational marijuana was legalized in 2014. More than $275 million of tax revenue has been generated from marijuana sales over the course of the past two years. Sales continue to increase and in July the 2016 statewide sales reached $121 million, setting a new record. Ms. Sampson added, "Only retailers pay the excise tax of 37%. Marijuana producers and processors have been exempt from this tax since July 2015. Accordingly, we are very pleased to have this asset package in Washington." Story continues About Marapharm Ventures Inc. Additional information on the operations or financial results of Marapharm are included in reports on file with applicable securities regulatory authorities and may be accessed through the OTC website ( CSE website ( and Sedar website ( under the profile for Marapharm Ventures Inc. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Neither the CSE, the FSE nor the OTCQB has approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. Neither the CSE, the FSE nor the OTCQB accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements contained in this news release constitute forward looking statements. The use of any of the words "anticipate," "continue," "estimate," "expect," 'may," "will," "project," "should," 'believe," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumption but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and the forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be unduly relied upon. SOURCE: Marapharm Ventures Inc. (BEIJING) Efforts by Burmas leader Aung San Suu Kyi this week to bolster ties with her countrys dominant northern neighbor China may hinge on whether she can resolve the fate of a massive, Chinese-funded dam project blocked by overwhelming local opposition. Suu Kyi was to be greeted with a formal welcome ceremony on Thursday as part of a visit ending Sunday that will include talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang. Its her first trip to China since her party won a historic majority last year. Now leading Burma with the title of state counselor, Suu Kyi is a Nobel Peace Prize winner who spent 15 years in house arrest under Burmas former military junta, which was supported for years by the authoritarian Communist Party-led government in Beijing. But analysts say Suu Kyi has shown pragmatism and a desire to re-order Burmas relationship with China, its top trading partner and a major investor, while also reaching out to the United States, Europe and Japan. Key to both sides is the $3.6 billion Myitsone dam project in northern Burma, funded by Chinese power interests but suspended in 2011 by the countrys former military-backed president, Thein Sein. A spokesman for Burmas foreign affairs department said China was expected to raise the dam dispute this week. China sees the dam as an important part of a national strategy to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and meet its targets to cut pollution. It has pursued a charm offensive in Burma partly to push for construction to resume. But opponents in Burma, also known as Myanmar, say the reservoir created by the Myitsone dam would create massive flooding on the Irrawaddy River, endangering ecologically sensitive areas and displacing thousands of people. They also question the previous arrangement of China taking 90 percent of the dams power, while nearly 70 percent of Myanmar has no access to electricity, according to the World Bank. Story continues The dam is one of several Chinese-backed projects stalled due to protests from Burmese citizens newly emboldened to speak out following democratic reforms, part of a larger backlash against Chinas economic domination of its poor southern neighbor. Suu Kyis government recently announced a commission to review all hydroelectric projects along the Irrawaddy. Zhao Gancheng, director of the Asia-Pacific Center at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, said that announcement might be a signal that a compromise was possible. To handle it well will help create a favorable condition for future trade and economic development between the two countries, Zhao said. Otherwise, obstacles will emerge in attracting investment from China in the future and that is not what the new Burmese government and Aung San Suu Kyi want to see. Aaron Connelly, a research fellow for East Asia at the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney, said Suu Kyi could offer an alternative plan that mollifies China and at least some of the opposition in Myanmar. That would be the question on the Myanmar side, Connelly said. Is there something that can be offered that meets the expectations, but does not create a lake the size of Singapore on the Irrawaddy? Suu Kyi remains an icon to many of the people of Myanmar, and that may give her the standing to seek a deal that allows the dam to go forward under different circumstances, Connelly said. She is also likely to seek more cooperation from China as her government begins a peace conference at the end of August with ethnic minorities from the region where the dam is planned, and may tie the two issues together, Connelly said. China has been involved previously in negotiations between the government and Kachin rebels, who have fought for decades in regions near the Chinese border. She constantly surprises in what shes willing to do in terms of political agreements that shes willing to strike, and because shes such a singularly popular figure, he said. She can potentially make a deal here that would be very unpopular and bounce back from that. Beijing supports the peace process because a politically stable and economically prosperous Myanmar is in Chinas best interests, Chinas official Xinhua News Agency said in an editorial Wednesday. Given the fact that a strong China-Myanmar partnership is important for both sides, it is welcome that Suu Kyi, a key figure in the Myanmar government and the leader of the ruling party, plays a greater role in helping secure a healthy Myanmar-China relationship, Xinhua said. China considers Burma strategically important as a gateway to the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal, and wants to secure oil and gas pipelines running across the country to the Chinese border. Along with stalled projects, friction between the countries has erupted over fighting between Burmas military and ethnic minority rebels along the border that has killed Chinese farmers and sent a flow of refugees into China. ___ Associated Press writer Esther Htusan in Yangon, Myanmar, and researcher Yu Bing in Beijing contributed to this report. A Muslim family based out of New York sued their 12-year-old son's school after school officials forced the kid to sign a false confession stating he was a terrorist. By Reuters: A 12-year-old Muslim student with learning disabilities was forced by New York school officials to sign a false confession stating he was a "terrorist," his family claimed in a $50 million federal lawsuit. Nashwan Uppal, a seventh grader at a middle school in East Islip, New York, was harassed by bullies who called him a terrorist and demanded to know what he planned to "blow up next," according to the lawsuit. advertisement Uppal, who did not understand what they were saying due to his disabilities, eventually responded that he would blow up the fence outside the school, the complaint said. Following the incident, school officials yelled at Nashwan and instructed him to admit he was a member of Islamic State before forcing him to sign a false confession and searching his belongings, the lawsuit said. Police officers were also called and searched Nashwan's home. Uppal, 12, is a US citizen of Pakistani background. A spokesman for the East Islip Union Free School District on Long Island declined to comment on pending litigation. --- ENDS --- After 34 years, the curtain will fall on The McLaughlin Group after this weeks installment. John McLaughlin, creator and host of the public affairs TV staple, died at age 89 on Wednesday. The show is so well-established that it likely could have transitioned with a new moderator at the helm. But McLaughlin made his wishes known about the shows future five years ago when he received an offer from Anschutz Media Group to buy the franchise, according to John Roberts, a senior producer for McLaughlin Group. Anschutzs lucrative offer called for McLaughlin retire within two years after grooming a successor as moderator of the four-person panel debating political headlines and issues of the day. We talked about it at some length, Roberts told Variety, noting McLaughlin ultimately passed on the deal. John finally said What would be so wrong if when I finish up I just turn the lights out? Roberts said McLaughlin noted at the time that fellow conservative TV commentator William F. Buckley decided to bring Firing Line to a close after his retirement as host in 1999. McLaughlin missed his first episode of his show only last week as his health failed. The current McLaughlin Group panel consisting of Pat Buchanan, Eleanor Clift, Clarence Page and Tom Rogan is expected to tape one more half-hour on Friday in Washington, D.C., Roberts said. There are plans down the road for an hourlong retrospective episode but those details are still being firmed up. McLaughlin Group has been distributed across the PBS network by WTTW-TV Chicago. Roberts observed that McLaughlins run beginning in 1982 makes him TVs longest-serving single host of a talk show in TV history. McLaughlin surpassed by a few months the mark previously held by Buckley with his 34 years on Firing Line. Given how rapidly the world is changing, Im not sure thats something that anyone will be able to accomplish again, Roberts said. Related stories John McLaughlin, Longtime Host of 'The McLaughlin Group,' Dies at 89 Not only is it a New Era for the WWE in terms of their performers, its also a New Era for their music for the past few years, longtime WWE composer Jim Johnston has been phased out, replaced with the New York-based production duo of John Alicastro and Mike Lauri, better known as CFO$. The pair doesnt do many interviews (believe us, weve asked), but recently opened their studio doors up to to share a bit of their history as well as some insight as to what makes some of their most popular themes so special. Related Links: First up is Catch Your Breath, the arena-worthy theme for Finn Balor. Alicastro explains that the original idea for the song actually came from Triple H, which the duo were able to expand upon using all sorts of atmospheric sound effects as well as sampling their own breath for the suspenseful build before the main guitar riff. The team also went in-depth on The Rising Sun, the electric theme for NXT Superstar Shinsuke Nakamura, giving all the props in the world to violinist Earl Maneein for pushing the song over the edge as well as pointing to an unlikely source of inspiration. One thing that inspired us was the feel of Japanese video game music, Alicastro tells We grew up on The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid. Their soundtracks are brilliant. We wanted to achieve the epic feeling that they all have. Of course, who could forget the theme thats launched a thousand #GLORIOUSBOMBS, Bobby Roodes Glorious Domination. CFO$ explains they were going for a Queen meets Muse vibe, eventually recruiting some friends to add in dozens of gang vocal tracks. The result is, well, glorious. Last but certainly not least, the duo breaks down SAWFT Is A Sin, the banger of a theme song for Enzo Amore and Big Cass. They confirm what everyone already suspected yes, that is Enzo Amore rapping the whole dang thing and isolate some of the more random asides in the vocal track to best showcase just how over the top Amore really is. The real big thing we wanted to do with Enzo & Cass was make a hip-hop version of The Godfather, Alicastro says. The main idea started with the mandolin strumming, creating an Italian atmosphere. Then, we added drums, horns and trombones. From there, we took it into hip-hop territory and made it weird, different and fun. The entire interview with the duo is worth a read. Donald Trump gathered advisers for a meeting in Trump Tower Wednesday on national security and his daughter, Ivanka, joined him. Read: See Awkward Moment CNN Anchor Tells Trump Adviser He's Down in the Polls: 'Says Who?' Ivanka sat in on the summit with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and campaign chairman Paul Manafort, among others. The billionaires 34-year-old daughter, who runs her own fashion empire, has no national security experience. None of Trump's other children were involved in the meeting. Trump posted about the meeting on Instagram, saying: This afternoon - I hosted a very informative #national #security roundtable at Trump Tower. I assure you -- with a Trump Administration, we will make the #safety & security of our nation a top priority. We will MAKE #AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!" Not involved in the meeting was Trumps running mate, Mike Pence. He was campaigning in Nevada. Great crowd in Henderson, NV talking about how Donald Trump and I will Make America Safe Again! #TrumpPence16 A photo posted by Mike Pence (@mike.pence) on Aug 17, 2016 at 3:33pm PDT The roundtable discussion was held several hours before the Republican nominee received his first classified intelligence briefing. Read: Donald Trump Attends 'Informative' CIA Briefing: 'The Issues Are Serious' Arriving with a motorcade at 26 Federal Plaza, Trump brought along retired Lt. General Michael Flynn and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to that meeting. Watch: Christie Brinkley Slams Trump Supporters: 'You're Complicit in His Racism' Story continues Related Articles: Mexico City (AFP) - The brazen kidnapping of Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's son has unleashed fears of a new war between rival cartels in the violence-weary country. Police have confirmed that Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar -- one of Guzman's sons from his first marriage -- was abducted from an upscale bar in the resort city of Puerto Vallarta on Monday along with five other men. Authorities say they suspect the gunmen who seized them were from the Jalisco New Generation cartel, an upstart rival of jailed kingpin Guzman's Sinaloa cartel. Jalisco New Generation emerged in Puerto Vallarta in 2010, when a power vacuum opened after the local boss of the Sinaloa cartel, Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel, was killed in a shootout with the Mexican army. Now, Jesus Guzman's kidnapping could trigger a violent battle between the two cartels for control of the drug trafficking routes to the United States. The governors of the states where the cartels are based -- Jalisco, on the central Pacific coast, and Sinaloa, also on the coast and two states to the north -- have both warned that reprisal attacks may be on the way. The state sandwiched between them, Nayarit, is meanwhile bolstering its security in case of a bloodbath. "We are coordinating with the federal government to reinforce these areas," said Jalisco Governor Aristoteles Sandoval. His Sinaloa counterpart, Mario Lopez Valdez, warned of a potential "flare-up" between the two cartels. That would be the last thing Mexico needs a decade into its heavily militarized, highly violent war on drugs. Since the country started using its army to fight drug traffickers in 2006, more than 166,000 people have been killed and 27,000 have disappeared in a bloody spiral of violence. - Bargaining chip? - According to investigators, 29-year-old Jesus Guzman and his associates were drinking champagne with a group of nine women when their kidnappers stormed into the La Leche bar and restaurant shouting an obscenity-laced threat that roughly translates as: "We'll make you pay." Story continues The question is, what price? "If they use (Guzman) as a bargaining chip, this could go down calmly. But if they liquidate him, there will be chaos up and down the northern Pacific coast," said Jose Reveles, a journalist and author of several books on drug trafficking. Jalisco New Generation has grown into a powerful force in recent years, spreading into Asia and Europe and defying the authorities with attacks and ambushes. Last year it brought down an army helicopter with a rocket launcher, killing seven soldiers. Its leader, Nemesio "El Mencho" Oceguera, is one of Mexico's most wanted criminals. El Chapo is meanwhile languishing in a maximum-security prison after being recaptured in January following a spectacular jailbreak last year. But that has not weakened the Sinaloa cartel, said Reveles. The new Sinaloa boss, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, has so far managed to keep Jalisco New Generation from spreading north of Nayarit. However, crime analysts say internal struggles have erupted in the Sinaloa cartel. Zambada, who keeps a low profile, has a markedly different style from Guzman's sons, who are known for flaunting their enormous wealth. Reveles said it was impossible to rule out that Jesus Guzman's kidnapping was an inside job set up by Zambada, 68. "El Mayo is the dominant one, the veteran, and he's betrayed people in the past. El Chapo's son made the mistake of straying into enemy territory, and he may have taken advantage of that," Reveles told AFP. Investigators say a seventh man who was with the kidnapped group stepped out just before the attack -- opening the door to infinite speculation about a double-cross of some sort. The kidnapping is the latest in a string of incidents apparently targeting the family of El Chapo, who is fighting extradition to the United States. Media reports say gunmen ransacked his mother's house in June, though authorities deny it. Two of his wife's nephews were also killed in July. NFL The Miami Dolphins will face off against the Dallas Cowboys this Friday evening in the teams second preseason contest. It will be a great test for Miami defensive line considering the Cowboys have arguably the best offensive line in the NFL. Not to short sell the Dolphins, Miami has one of the most cultivated defensive lines with Ndamukong Suh, Mario Williams, and Cameron Wake. AROUND COVER32 Power Rankings: Ranking the rookie quarterbacks Hard Knocks: Week 2: Football and mermaids Goodell: Time to talk for Harrison, Matthews, Peppers Preseason: Studs and duds from the first week of games That said, the 2016 Miami D-line is still a work in progress and must establish themselves on the gridiron. The Dolphins defensive line has been mostly dominant in training camp, however, the big question mark is whether it is an issue of a struggling Dolphins offensive line or if the defensive line is efficiently getting it done. Again, lets be clear, this is pre-season and lets try not to take everything we see too seriously. The plays on offense and defense, I think will be very vanilla and not extravagant at all. However, I do want to see how Mario Williams play for the fact that he played unquestionably poorly last season with the Buffalo Bills. It would nice to see for myself if there is any fire left in him or hes just here to collect another paycheck. READ MORE: Dolphins home to be known as Hard Rock Stadium I believe now that Mario Williams is back in a 4-3 defensive that hell thrive and create havoc in combination with Suh and Wake. Unfortunately, as much I want to see a lot Im sure Ill get a glimpse very little luck to zero of anything of seeing what this Miami Dolphins team is really capable of this year. Yes, the first pre-season game wasnt impressive by a stretch but remember last year? The Miami Dolphins dominated the Carolina Panthers in, the joint practice and their pre-season game against one another. We were all cheering and praising until the regular season started and reality sunk in on what the Dolphins really were and what the Panthers were. Story continues I do expect to see a better offensive performance from our Dolphins starters against the Cowboys starters. This Friday evening will be fun, exciting, and a little nerve racking too, because until the first game of the regular season starts in Seattle well be sitting here wondering and waiting. READ MORE: Arian Foster expected to play against Dallas The post Miami Dolphins defense facing stiff test against the Cowboys appeared first on Cover32. By PTI: From Shirish B Pradhan Kathmandu, Aug 18 (PTI) Prachanda is likely to visit India on his first official foreign trip as Nepals prime minister, in a departure from his earlier practice when he visited Beijing ahead of New Delhi in 2008. The Maoist chief, who was elected by lawmakers to the top post for the second time earlier this month, had rubbed India the wrong way when he chose China as his first destination after taking over as the premier in 2008 and attended the Beijing Olympics that year. advertisement Prachandas predecessor, KP Sharma Oli too visited India as his first official foreign destination. But the run up to his visit was surrounded by intense speculation that the Communist leader might visit China ahead of India. Oli, viewed by many as pro-China, visited India in February, when the agitation by Madhesis - inhabitants of the southern plains who share strong cultural and family bonds with Indians - over Nepals new Constitution was at its peak. The protesters had blocked trade transit points with India, creating a huge shortage of essential goods and fuel in the landlocked Nepal. The usual practice of new prime ministers in Nepal is to visit to India, ahead of China. Prachandas China trip in 2008 was the only departure from that practice. It is learnt that he will visit India ahead of China this time, sources said. The development comes as Nepals Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs Bimlendra Nidhi begins his two-day visit to India as Prachandas special envoy today. His visit is aimed at preparing ground for Prachandas forthcoming visit to India, foreign ministry sources said. Nidhi is expected to discuss the possible visit by President Pranab Mukherjee to Nepal and the proposed visit by Nepalese President Bidya Devi Bhandari to India, they said. The visit is also aimed at normalising and improving Nepals relations with India, which was at an all-time low since the promulgation of the Constitution in Nepal last year and over the Madhesi agitation. Prachanda has send a special envoy to China as well. Deputy Prime Minister Krishna Bahadur Maharas visit to China comes following anxieties in Beijing over the fate of projects connecting China and Nepal to reduce dependence on India. PTI SBP ABH AKJ ABH --- ENDS --- microsoft research peter lee Everybody from Facebook to Microsoft to President Barack Obama thinks that chat bots robots you talk to like humans in apps like Facebook Messenger or Microsoft's Skype are the future. In many ways, it's a logical evolution. As showcased by the relative success of gadgets like the Amazon Echo and digital agents like Apple's Siri or Microsoft's Cortana, we're at the precipice of a new kind of computing, where you can use your natural language skills to get stuff done. It's a great idea. The problem is chat bots these days kind of stink out. It's often harder to get stuff done with a chat bot than it is with the suite of apps and websites to which we've become accustomed. Meanwhile, Microsoft's Tay Twitter bot had a high-profile meltdown, showing how far AI still has to go. But while Tay may have been a fiasco, Microsoft has had massive success elsewhere: The Xiaoice chat bot pronounced "Shao-ice" and translated as "little Bing" born as an experiment by Microsoft Research in 2014, reaches 40 million followers in China, who often literally talk with her for hours. At her most active, Xiaoice is holding down as many 23 conversations a session, says Microsoft Research NExT leader Dr. Peter Lee. It's even evolved to become a nice little sideline business for Microsoft, thanks to a partnership with Chinese e-retailer that lets users buy products by talking to Xiaoice. The reason Xiaoice is so successful is she was born of a different kind of philosophical experiment: Instead of building a chat bot that was useful, Microsoft simply tried to make it fun to talk to. "I think we've all made valiant attempts to make this stuff useful," Lee says. "What if we stopped trying to be useful and just focused on chit-chat?" Chit-chat To Lee and Microsoft Research, "chit-chat" has a very specific meaning. When you ask Siri or Cortana a silly question and get a funny response, that's "chit-chat." It doesn't serve a practical purpose, but it makes your AI assistants feel just a little warmer and friendlier. Story continues To teach Xiaoice how to make chit-chat, Microsoft trained her with every public Chinese message board and social-media post they could get their hands on. By feeding Xiaoice the text from some popular Chinese frequently asked question, or FAQ, sites, she learned how to answer questions. Armed with all of that information, Xiaoice was able to hold down a conversation, which is all Microsoft Research wanted from her. It was a very "pure" experiment in optimizing for friendliness, not usefulness. xiaoice weather Then, as she gained in popularity, Microsoft started adding features that made her a little bit more useful. Now she can assess a user's emotional state and provide advice accordingly, going so far as to help users with breakups. With the integration, Xiaoice can suggest products and let users buy them straight from chat. If you ask her for the weather, she'll give you an answer, plus maybe a funny anecdote drawn from social media about a pop star who got caught in the rain without an umbrella. It combines the friendliness that made her so popular in the first place with stuff that actually makes her useful and a desired way to find information. Now Xiaoice is "way less pure and way more intelligent," Lee says. In fact, a Chinese TV station has even experimented with letting Xiaoice do their morning weather reports. That's good news for Xiaoice's millions of users, Lee says. Still, he laments, the more Xiaoice drifts from that original goal of focusing on "chit-chat," the less useful she is to Microsoft Research as a test subject. "What we've learned scientifically has faded," Lee says. Dramatic improvements What Microsoft learned from Xiaoice has led to "dramatic improvements" elsewhere. Thanks in large part to Xiaoice, Microsoft's Cortana digital agent, which comes with every copy of Windows 10, has both a lot of personality and a lot of intelligence, Lee says, and both bots are getting smarter all the time. Microsoft's Tay, which had a disastrous 24-hour run on Twitter earlier in 2016, was supposed to accelerate that science even further by bringing a similar kind of conversational-focused approach in chat bots to an English-speaking audience. While the experiment was ultimately a failure, thanks to a concentrated effort by trolls to trick Tay into saying hateful and racist things, Lee says the whole episode actually proved that Microsoft was on the right track before she shut down, Tay was definitely doing more than the 23 conversations a session boasted by Xioaice. Microsoft Tay AI As tools like Microsoft's own Conversations-as-a-Platform product, which helps developers build smarter chatbots, mature and get more complete, Lee says, developers will be able to benefit from what Microsoft has already learned the hard way from Xiaoice and Tay. On a final note, Lee notes that just because bots like Cortana are the most visible way you work with artificial intelligence today, it's an intellectual hazard to think that it's where this technology begins and ends. "There's a powerful tendency to fixate on machine-learning systems that simulate human characteristics," Lee says. Instead, he reminds us to be aware of the artificial intelligence that's going to do everything from more intelligently route network traffic for faster internet connections to trading stocks and bonds. It's not all anthropomorphic, Cortana and Siri aside. NOW WATCH: 20 Easter egg questions you can ask Cortana to get a hilarious response More From Business Insider Republican vice presidential nominee is diagnosing the problem with his running mate. What ails Donald Trump is the news media. After three weeks of public and messy struggles, the Trump-Pence ticket is returning to a favorite tactic of failing campaigns: blame the woes on those who are chronicling it in real time. Throughout a town hall-style meeting in Manchester, the Indiana Governor kept returning to his grievances about coverage. Left unsaid: Trump, the former reality television star, is largely a creation of the media. Just about every day, the national media latches onto some issue about my running mate. It really does, Pence said at a conference center in suburban Manchester, N.H. I mean, the media is so busy parsing every word that Donald Trump said in the last 30 minutes, they dont have time to cover what the Clintons have been up to for the last 30 years. Pence went on to cite news coverage of Democratic nominee Hillary Clintons emails, her aides ethics and foreign donations to her familys foundation. While the media was focusing on word choices by my running mate, Pence said, we that learned the FBI discussed opening a public corruption case against the Clinton Foundation, but the Obama Justice Department shut it down. He was citing unnamed officials quoted by The Daily Caller, a conservative website. To be sure, distrust of the media runs strong, especially among conservatives. New Hampshire voters are notoriously late to make up their minds, and relish a chance to prove outsiders wrong. Blaming journalists for a sinking campaign is nothing new. Usually, its coupled with complaints about polling methods, too. But it typically comes later in the campaign, not mid-summer, and not so strongly. American voters dont like whiners or losers. Pence seemed certain that his message to supporters, that the deck is stacked against them, could help energize allies. Its pretty rough out there. Its like 2-on-1 most days with the media doing most of Hillarys work for her. The good news is Donald Trump is still winning hearts and minds, Pence said. The most powerful media in America is you. Word of mouth has alwaysand will always bethe most powerful form of communication. Its good spin as to why the Trump campaign has yet to spend a dime on traditional general election television ads. Story continues Pence, a dutiful running mate, kept the focus mainly on Trump and his slogan to Make America Great Again. He gamely turned questions from the audience into laudatory statements about Trump and brushed past questions from voters whom he didnt fully understand. At no point did Pence nod to the problems of Trumps own making: his sloppy language, controversies over his policies that seem to shift with his mood, a campaign at war with itself. Trumps polls are sinking, and Clinton is widening her advantages in a number of states. Privately, Republicans are groaning that the coming weeks will be marred by Trumps stumbles and will drag with them local candidates. Pences message to New Hampshire voters was a candid pay-no-attention-to-the-implosion and a dismissal of the staff shake-up this week that elevated an online provocateur to campaign CEO, a pollster to campaign manager and the sidelined of a veteran lobbyist who retains the title of campaign chairman. It was all the product of media lashing out, Pence said. The campaign was actually winning because, after all, thats what Trump does. Donald Trump gets it, right? Hes a genuine article. Hes a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers. When Donald Trump does his talking, he doesnt go tiptoeing around the thousands of rules of political correctness that the media and the elites impose, Pence said. He tells it like it is. And the American people hear him loud and clear. Trumps poll numbers have slumped in the weeks after his nominating convention in Cleveland, and Republicans grouse that the campaign badly lags the offices and staffers that the Democrats have had in place. Instead, Pence said, the Establishment is conspiring to keep Trump down. Its pretty amazing. The party in power, and their allies in the media, all think the usual things will work against him, right? You can just see it on their faces. They keep thinking they finally got him this time. They (have) finally done him in, Pence said. Donald Trump is still standing stronger than ever before and fighting for the American people. The man never quits. Venus and Pluto are creating positive money vibes during the Full Moon in Aquarius, which features new ideas. Money Ideas Lit Up By Susan Abbott Gidel August 17, 2016 (All times Eastern) Thursday, August 18 is this months top Red Letter Trading Day because of two strong astrological events. First, at 10:17 pm Wednesday, the money planet Venus is in a positive, easy relationship with Pluto. This trine aspect between these two planets is one of the strongest for positive developments in money matters. Second, the Full Moon occurs at 5:27 am Thursday in the sign of Aquarius, which sheds light on bright, new ideas and the unusual people or places that sprout them. In addition, at the stock market open, look for some big, unusual news to break as Mercury and Jupiter are connected to both the Moon and Uranus in a formation that can bring actions that seem fated. This is right when the US Jobless Claims number is being released, and an hour after the European Central Bank releases its most recent meeting minutes, on the heels of the Feds on Wednesday afternoon. Thursdays reports include: 7:50 pm Japan Merchandise Trade 9:30 pm Australia Labour Force Survey 4:30 am Great Britain Retail Sales 7:30 am European Central Bank minutes 8:30 am US Jobless Claims 8:30 am US Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey MrTopStep Group Questions: Follow Us On Facebook and Twitter For More Intra-Day Market Updates! (@MrTopStep) Dont Forget To Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel! Sign Up Here: Facebook twitter reddit linkedin tumblr Rabat (AFP) - A senior Moroccan cleric has lashed out at what he called "nudity" in the Muslim kingdom, claiming that more and more women are immodestly dressed, sparking criticism in the media. Morocco is seen as promoting a more tolerant form of Islam than some Arab countries, and woman in cities and towns often eschew the Islamic veil in public. While the countryside is somewhat more conservative, attitudes to female dress vary according to local social and cultural customs and in the cities many women don Western-style clothes. Omar al-Kazabri, imam of Casablanca's Hassan II mosque, Morocco's largest house of worship, said there is a growing trend among women across the country to go about "unclothed". "Nudity is no longer confirmed to season, it is spreading before our eyes in winter and summer," he said on his official Facebook page earlier this week. "Look at the streets. It breaks your heart to see the situation we find ourselves in. Obscene nudity (is an) affront to God's commandments and an insult and an outrage to the population," he wrote. "Young women, unclothed, smoking cigarettes. Where are their guardians?" he asked. And he warned that "impudent women could go to hell". Kazabri said what he calls "nudity" is part of a "conspiracy" against Morocco by people who wish to "kill modesty, values and principles". The outburst from one of Morocco's most prominent clerics was criticised in the media. "What's gotten into him?" the private news site Media24 asked on Thursday. It said such remarks are "scary" coming from a top cleric. Another private site, Telquel, said Kazabri had a "peculiar concept of nudity". By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) - The type of brain bleeding that causes the most lethal kind of stroke has declined substantially since 1998, possibly as a result of falling smoking rates, according to researchers in Finland. Bleeding in the space between the brain and the thin tissue covering it, known as subarachnoid hemorrhage, affects fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S. each year and represents about 10 percent of all strokes. About 50 percent of all cases die within a year, the study authors note in the journal Neurology. In Finland, however, a decline since the 1990s in rates of subarachnoid hemorrhage, along with an increase in the average age of victims, tracks with a 30 percent drop in national smoking rates during the same period, especially among younger people, researchers found. During recent years, we have noticed that less and less people are admitted with subarachnoid hemorrhage to the Helsinki University Hospital, said lead author Dr. Miikka Korja of the neurosurgery department there and the University of Helsinki. Since Finland has a publicly funded healthcare system, it was unlikely that changing hospital admissions explained the trend, Korja told Reuters Health by email. Its not certain why the decrease has happened, but smoking is the number one risk factor for subarachnoid hemorrhage, he said. When smoking rates plummet rapidly together with plummeting incidence rates of subarachnoid hemorrhage, it is conceivable that smoking contributes to the decreased number of people suffering from this subtype of stroke, he said. The researchers used Finnish national databases of deaths and hospital discharges to identify 6,885 people who experienced subarachnoid hemorrhage between 1998 and 2012, which included 1,771 sudden deaths from a brain hemorrhage away from the hospital. In 1998 there were 510 subarachnoid hemorrhages in Finland, half affecting people younger than 54 years old. In 2012 there were 337 subarachnoid hemorrhages, half affecting people younger than age 60. The overall rates of subarachnoid hemorrhage were almost 12 per 100,000 people per year in 1998-2000, but fell to less than 9 per 100,000 in 2010-2012. Stroke events had decreased gradually over time, especially considering that the population of Europe increased over the same period, but each year around 60 percent of cases were in women, according to the analysis. Smoking among Finns ages 15 to 64 decreased by 30 percent from 1998 to 2012. Over that 15-year period, the number of hemorrhagic strokes decreased particularly among people younger than 50 years old, Korja said. Long-term smokers are less likely to quit smoking and probably therefore the number of these strokes did not decline so dramatically among 50-year-old and older people. But in most countries the true incidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage is unclear, he said, since a quarter of people who experience it die away from a hospital and the specific cause may not be investigated. Smoking has decreased substantially in Western Europe during the last 20 to 30 years, but increased in the Middle East and Africa, he said. We must understand that in many African and Middle East countries there are much more important life-threatening dangers and hazards than this subtype of stroke, Korja said. In future, however, stroke can become an epidemic disease in these countries, not least because of a high prevalence of smoking. Though decreased smoking may be driving the decrease in subarachnoid hemorrhage, high blood pressure also decreased over the same period, said Dr. Marie Softeland Sandvei of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, coauthor of an editorial accompanying the new study. Nevertheless, former smokers should be happy that they managed to quit, and should refrain from starting again, Sandvei told Reuters Health by email. People start smoking almost invariably in their teens and early twenties, Korja said. If anti-smoking campaigns and policies are effective, as they have been in Finland, youngsters do not start smoking during their wild years, and basically never after reaching perhaps a bit more mature state of adulthood. SOURCE: and Neurology, online August 12, 2016. By PTI: From Shirish B Pradhan Kathmandu, Aug 18 (PTI) Nepals new government today announced a compensation of Rs 1 million each to families of 52 people, including 11 security personnel, who were killed during the Madhesis protests over the new Constitution. The Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Prachanda decided to provide the compensation to 41 civilians and 11 security personnel, who were killed in the months-long anti-Constitution protests, minister for environment Jaya Dev Joshi told PTI. advertisement At least 50 people were killed during the six months-long protests in southern Nepal districts last year following the promulgation of the new Constitution. Earlier this month, the Cabinet had decided that Nepali Rs 1 million will be given to the families of those killed in the protests. It also decided to provide free medical treatment to those injured in the agitation. Meanwhile, the government today formed a seven-member probe committee led by former Supreme Court justice Girish Chandra Lal to investigate into violent incidents occurred during the protests. Prime Minister and CPN Maoist Centre Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal "Prachanda" and coalition partner Nepali Congress had recently signed a pact with the agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front and other ethnic groups which agreed to provide compensation to families of the Madhesi unrest and form a commission to probe into the violent incidents during the protest. The Madhesi parties had led the six months-long agitation, mainly to protest against the seven-province federal model enshrined in the new Constitution. The protests by Madhesis, mostly of Indian-origin, had also disrupted the supplies of petroleum products and cooking gas among other essentials to Nepal, creating massive shortage of essential goods. PTI SBP AJR AKJ AJR --- ENDS --- Paris (AFP) - Doctors Without Borders (MSF) on Thursday said it was evacuating its staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen after 19 people were killed in an air strike on one of its facilities earlier this week. Monday's Saudi-led coalition strike on Abs hospital in the rebel-held province of Hajja was the fourth and deadliest attack yet on an MSF facility in war-torn Yemen, according to the charity. The decision to pull staff out "is never taken lightly", the Paris-based aid agency said in a statement, accusing the coalition of "indiscriminate bombings and unreliable reassurances". "Given the intensity of the current offensive and our loss of confidence in the SLC's (Saudi-led coalition's) ability to prevent such fatal attacks, MSF considers the hospitals in Saada and Hajjah governorates unsafe for both patients and staff," it added. The hospitals will continue to be manned by local workers and volunteers, MSF said. Yemen has been gripped by unrest since Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels and allied loyalists of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh overran the capital Sanaa in September 2014. The violence increased after a Saudi-led Arab coalition launched a military campaign in March last year to help shore up the government of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi. The coalition stepped up its air strikes this month after UN-mediated peace talks between the rebels and Yemen's internationally backed government were suspended. - 'Indiscriminate attacks' - Monday's bombing of Abs hospital drew international condemnation, prompting the coalition to announce an independent investigation into the attack. MSF said it had shared the hospital's GPS coordinates with all parties involved in the conflict. "Coalition officials repeatedly state that they honour international humanitarian law, yet this attack shows a failure to control the use of force and to avoid attacks on hospitals full of patients," it said. Story continues "MSF is neither satisfied nor reassured by the SLC's statement that this attack was a mistake." It also accused all sides in Yemen's war of "indiscriminate attacks without any respect for civilians". One MSF worker was among those killed in the Abs hospital attack, while another 24 people were wounded. The group's emergency coordinator Laurent Sury told AFP that "several dozen" international and Yemeni MSF workers were affected by the decision to pull out of the six hospitals. "Our aim is to open programmes, not close them, especially considering the enormous needs in the north," he said. "But today, the minimum security conditions can no longer be guaranteed." He said that civilians were paying a heavy price in the conflict. "Today in Yemen, you risk your life when you seek out care, whether you are a pregnant woman needing a Cesarean or child requiring antibiotics." The hospital strike was the latest in a series of coalition raids that have allegedly hit civilian facilities -- including a school in the rebel stronghold of Saada on Saturday where 10 children were killed. The UN says more than 6,500 people, mostly civilians, have been killed since last March and more than 80 percent of the population needs humanitarian aid. DOHA (Reuters) - Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said it was evacuating its staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen on Thursday after a Saudi-led coalition air strike hit a health facility operated by the medical aid group killing 19 people. "Given the intensity of the current offensive and our loss of confidence in the Saudi-led coalition to prevent fatal attacks, MSF considers the hospitals in Saada and Hajjah governorates unsafe for both patients and staff," the group said in a statement. Countless attacks on health facilities in Yemen have endangered patients and staff and displayed a failure by warring parties to control the use of force, the group said. MSF is one of handful of international medical aid groups operating on the ground in Yemen where a 16-month civil war between a Gulf Arab coalition and an Iran-allied militia has killed over 6,500 people and brought one of world's poorest countries close to famine. On Tuesday a Saudi-led coalition air strike hit a hospital operated by MSF in the northern Hajja province injuring 24 and killing 19 people including one of its staff members, the group said. Another air attack on Saturday hit what MSF described as a school in neighboring Saada province, killing 10 children. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the air strike and called for a investigation, which the coalition said it would conduct. MSF said it had met with officials from the Saudi-led coalition and shared GPS coordinates of the hospital it operates in with parties involved in the conflict but aerial bombings had continued. "The decision to evacuate the staff from a project is never taken lightly but in the absence of credible assurances that parties will respect the protected status of medical facilities there may be no other option," said the statement. Dozens of Saudi-led air strikes and shells launched by the Houthis have hit civilians in Yemen since the Arab coalition began military operations in March 2015 to restore President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power. The cost from damage to infrastructure and economic losses in the civil war is more than $14 billion so far, according to a confidential report seen by Reuters. (Reporting by Mohammed Ghobari; Writing by Tom Finn; Editing by Toby Chopra) franckreporter Now that the presidential race is hurtling forward at a breakneck pace, we got to pondering one of the many prizes at the finish line: the chance to live in the White House! Because lets face it, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is not only the seat of power for the free world, its also a pretty nice place. Sitting on 18 acres of prime Washington, DC, real estate, its 55,000 square feet featuring 132 rooms, 28 fireplaces, and more than 750 historic artifacts. All of which got us wondering: How much is the White House actually worth? In cold, hard cash? Some, of course, might argue that you cant put a price tag on this symbolic structure any more than you could price the pyramids in Egypt or the Eiffel Tower in Paris. But the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors of London, an organization that accredits professionals within property and construction sectors, clearly disagrees. The group, along with L.A. real estate consultant Ann Gray and International Art Advisors president Barden Prisant, decided to crunch the numbers and come up with a real figure. So what magic number did they arrive at? Drumroll, please. They calculated that if someone were to plant a For Sale sign on the lawn of the White House today, someone would buy it for around $90 million. And thats just for starters. To arrive at this figure, Gray relied on three real estate valuation staples: How much it would cost to build the White House today: The original construction in 1792 cost $232,000. Taking into account the rising costs of material and labor, Gray estimated that the cost to rebuild today would come in at around $100 million. How much comparable properties would sell for: For a comp, Gray used Donald Trump s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, FLoften dubbed the White House of the Southwhich is about the same size as the White House (17 acres) with weirdly similar amenities (including fallout shelters, tennis courts, and underground tunnels). Trump bought this place in 1985 for $10 million; today its valued at nearly $100 million. How much income the White House could produce: Lets face it, the White House has way more cachet than Trumps digs, so to factor that in youd have to estimate how much money the White House could bring in as an investment propertysay, a really nice hotel. A decent comp for that is the Jefferson hotel nearby, where a deluxe suite rakes in $1,200 a night with an 85% occupancy rate. Do the math on the White Houses 16 bedrooms, and theyd net $5 million a year. Over time, this would lead to a property worth $86 million. Story continues Average all this together, and you get a White House listing price of $90 million. What if the White House came fully furnished? But theres more! What if the White House came fully furnished with all the fancy art and accoutrements inside? According to Prisant, that would hike up the price of the White House an additional $160,000 million, for a grand total of $250 million. That figure includes the following: Two $5 million Thomas Moran paintings A $5-million-plus artwork by James Abbott McNeill Whistler A $250,000 gilded-bronze table centerpiece A $100,000 grandfather clock A few $20,000 sets of presidential china Could the White House be worth more? But not all real estate agents agree that the price is right. I think $90 million seems on the low side, says Florida Realtor Cara Ameer, who researched her own comps to come to this conclusion. If you look at several significant properties that have been on the market across the country, you can get an idea of value that is north of $100 million. One recent case in point: the Playboy mansion, which just sold for $100 million. It sat on just 5 acres and was 20,000 square feetless than half the size of the White House, Ameer points out. I dont think it would be out of the realm of possibility to value the White House anywhere in the $150 to $250 million range, depending on what was included. The Playboy mansion had a huge celebrity factor going into the sale, which would be on par with the notoriety of the White Housejust a property that everyone knows. Another factor Ameer feels may be shortchanged is the construction costs. With structures like this, the skill sets involved to replicate some of the more unique and historic features has become a lost artand finding craftspeople to do these kinds of things may be nearly impossible today, she says. Not that anyone will get a chance to rebuildor buythe White House any time soon. Still, its a fun exercise to see how much it would cost if someone could. Because who wouldnt find it a hoot to spend a night in the Lincoln Bedroom, knockoff or not? The post How Much Is the White House Worth? Hold On to Your Hats appeared first on Real Estate News and Advice - Related Articles [Photo: Facebook / Deborah Grimshaw Skouson] A mother has been bowled over by peoples generosity after she launched an appeal to find a replacement for her daughters favourite t-shirt. Deborah Grimshaw Skousons daughter Cami, who has autism, has been fixated on a pink flowery t-shirt from Target for more than four years. The mum, who lives in St. George, Utah, explained that her daughter wears the top when she comes home from school and in bed. The shirt is no longer available in store so Deborah took to Facebook in a bid to find a new one. She wrote: She got her first one in kindergarten 5 years ago, and we have found 4 more since then, mostly on eBay. Her current one is almost unwearable, and eBay has gone dry. This shirt is a CIRCO brand from TARGET. They were sold in 2011-2012. [Photo: Facebook / Deborah Grimshaw Skouson] This is where you come in. We need another pink flower shirt, so will you please share this post or even just the photo? We will pay for the shirt and the shipping if someone would be kind enough to sell it to us. It has to be this exact shirt! Weve tried similar shirts, and they dont cut it with Cami! Thank you so much!! (any size is great!) The post was shared almost 4800 times and Deborahs message was also reposted by the Love What Matters Facebook page where it was shared more than 13,000 times. Camis mum later responded to the post revealing that she had received 78 shirts. She wrote: I am so grateful for the kindness that my daughter has been shown! I made this post a week ago in the hopes of finding a few shirts for backup. Cami adores this shirt, and it brings her a lot of comfort and security, which is sometimes hard for her to come by in her chaotic little world. She doesnt wear it all the time, but likes to put it on after school, and she wears it to bed as a pajama shirt. At last count, we are at 78 shirts, and Ive had many offer to make her teddy bears, pillows, blankets, and other keepsakes out of the extras. These are all total strangers. People are inherently good and kind, and Im glad Ive been able to be a recipient of that kindness. May God bless you all! Story continues See, 2016 aint all bad, is it? Heartwarming Images: New Dads React To Meeting Their Babies For The First Time Mans Heart-Warming Post About His Heroic Nurse Wife Goes Viral NEW YORK (Reuters) - An artists' collective took credit for exposing Donald Trump to unflattering scrutiny on Thursday, saying it was responsible for a life-sized nude statue of the Republican presidential candidate that turned up in a New York City park. Copies of the orange-tinted likeness - featuring a massive belly, small fingers and missing some genital parts - were simultaneously unveiled in downtown Manhattan's Union Square Park and public places in four other U.S. cities. The collective titled the work "The Emperor Has No Balls." In New York, the unauthorized installation appeared to surprise passers-by - prompting stares, giggles and shrugs of bemusement from park visitors. Ina Cope, a 58-year-old retiree from the Bronx borough of New York, said she was not expecting to see the Trump statue when she got off the subway to meet a friend for lunch. "It was crazy: I was coming off the train, minding my own business, and there it was," she said, laughing. By early afternoon, workers from New York's Department of Parks and Recreation had taken down the statue. Mae Ferguson, a Parks Department spokeswoman, said the statue was removed because the installation of any unapproved structure is illegal in any city park. The activist collective, a group called INDECLINE that includes artists, musicians and filmmakers, claimed ownership of the work, saying in an email that the statues were also placed in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Cleveland. It said an artist called Ginger helped create the likeness. "These fleeting installations represent this fleeting nightmare and in the fall, it is our wish to look back and laugh at Donald Trump's failed and delusional quest to obtain the presidency," INDECLINE said in a statement. A Trump spokeswoman did not respond immediately to an email with a request for comment. (Reporting by Chris Prentice in New York; Editing by Frank McGurty and Jonathan Oatis) Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth in Thor: The Dark World (Photo: Marvel) There seems to be no stopping the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which continues to churn out hits and to enlist many of Hollywoods best and brightest in its heavily populated superhero sagas. Thatll be true again with next years Thor: Ragnarok, the third standalone adventure for Chris Hemsworths God of Thunder, which will include the participation of Mark Ruffalo (as the Hulk), Jeff Goldblum (as the Grandmaster), and Cate Blanchett (as Hela). One person who wont be back for more intergalactic mayhem however, will be original Thor and Thor: The Dark World costar Natalie Portman and according to the actress in a new video interview, she may never return to the Marvel fold. Related: Tom Hiddleston Returns as Loki and More Photos From the Thor: Ragnarok Set Speaking to The Wall Street Journal senior editor Christopher John Farley, Portman on a press tour for A Tale of Love and Darkness, which she wrote, directed and stars in confesses that, when it comes to Marvel cinema, as far as I know, Im done. Portman, of course, played Thors human love interest, astronomer Jane Foster, in the first two movies; the character was last seen kissing the superhero in a post-credits scene in 2013s The Dark World. (Although Thor did briefly brag about her in Avengers: Age of Ultron.) Portmans remarks arent too much of a surprise considering her absence from the Thor: Ragnarok cast, but the Oscar winner was quick to make it clear that theres always a chance she may be re-recruited for a future Marvel endeavor: I dont know if maybe theyll ask for an Avengers 7 or whatever. I have no idea, but as far as I know, Im done. Even if Portman wont be back, the blonde-locked demi-God will have plenty of illustrious company for his next outing along with the aforementioned cast members, Ragnarok (directed by Hunt for the Wilderpeoples Taika Waititi) will also co-star Anthony Hopkins, Idris Elba, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban and Tom Hiddleston as Thors nefarious brother Loki. Thor: Ragnarok lands in theaters on Nov. 3, 2017. Portmans drama A Tale of Love and Darkness, meanwhile, debuts Friday. The Toronto International Film Festival is moving forward with plans to premiere Nate Parker's Birth of a Nation next month, amid renewed attention on the director's involvement in a college rape trial. "TIFF is proud to help bring Birth of a Nation and the important story it tells to audiences," festival organizers told The Hollywood Reporter in a statement. "We will present the film as planned." The director and his critically acclaimed film have been overshadowed by controversy after it was revealed that Parker, 36, was acquitted in a 2001 trial after an 18-year-old female classmate at Penn State University accused him and his Birth of a Nation collaborator and friend, Jean Celestin, of sexual assault in 1999. Celestin was convicted of sexual assault and sentenced to six months in prison, according to court documents obtained by Variety. But he later appealed the ruling and a judge ordered a second trial, which was tossed out in 2005 after the accuser decided not to testify. On Tuesday, Parker issued a lengthy statement about the case on his Facebook page, expressing the "profound sorrow" he felt after learning that his rape accuser committed suicide four years ago. In the statement, Parker wrote that while he still maintains his innocence, he looks back "on that time as a teenager and can say without hesitation that I should have used more wisdom." By Silke Koltrowitz ZURICH (Reuters) - Nestle , the world's largest packaged foods maker, is counting on new products and price increases in the second half of the year to meet its full-year sales growth target after a weaker than expected first half, the company said on Thursday. The company has missed its long-term target of 5-6 percent annual sales growth for three years but it said it still expects organic growth this year will be in line with the 4.2 percent seen last year. The shares were up 1 percent at 79.1 Swiss francs by 1000 GMT. Organic sales growth, which excludes the impact of acquisitions, divestitures and currency, slowed to 3.1 percent in the second quarter, hit by weakness in China and deflation in Europe, while growth in the first half was 3.5 percent. Analysts had been expecting a rise of 3.6 percent in the second quarter and 3.8 percent for the full six months, according to a Reuters poll. But Chief Financial Officer Francois-Xavier Roger said he thought pricing had hit the bottom in the second quarter and, to underscore the importance of innovation, explained that a third of Nestle sales came from products new to the market in the last two years. New products often fetch higher prices, which in turn boost profit margins. The maker of Kitkat chocolate bars and Maggi noodles has also been cutting costs, shedding underperforming businesses and expanding its presence in the more profitable and faster-growing market for healthcare products. Liberum analysts, who have a "hold" stock rating, said that "may lead to upside surprise although current progress is slow" and the shares remained "an attractive defensive haven". HEALTH DRIVE Faced with more demanding consumers asking for fresh, healthy products, makers of packaged foods are reformulating recipes, cutting sugar, salt and fat. To accelerate its health push, Nestle recruited Ulf Mark Schneider from German healthcare group Fresenius as its next chief executive. Story continues "In our view, the Nestle investment case hinges on incoming CEO Ulf Mark Schneider, who takes over on 1 January 2017. In the meantime, though, we regard this as a competent set of results," RBC Europe analyst James Edwardes Jones said in a note. Asked whether Nestle would increase its dividend this year, Roger only said Nestle had done so in the past despite the strong Swiss franc. ($1 = 0.9609 Swiss francs) (Additional reporting by John Revill and Angelika Gruber; Editing by Michael Shields, Greg Mahlich.) RJD chief Lalu Yadav has advised the Bihar government to take the hooch tragedy seriously in which 15 people lost their lives. By Rohit Kumar Singh: RJD President Lalu Prasad has advised Nitish Kumar government to take the hooch tragedy in Gopalganj seriously in which 15 persons lost their lives. Reacting two days after the incident, Lalu said that the hooch incident was saddening and heart wrenching. Speaking on the incident in Patna, Lalu said that he has been informed by the Gopalganj SP that the local police during investigations have found few homeopathic bottles, which perhaps was used to store illicit liquor. He advised the state government to take the incident seriously. He also raised questions as to why despite prohibition in the state, this tragic incident took place. advertisement "Bihar government should take the incident seriously as to why hooch deaths took place despite prohibition in the state", said the RJD President. LALU DEMANDS PROBE Lalu has asked Bihar CM Nitish Kumar to get the incident probed thoroughly. He also said that the kingpin of the hooch deaths was released on bail last month and is presently on the run after the incident. Lalu advised that people should themselves remain alert and create awareness about prohibition. He said that it was not possible to conduct checkings at all spots and police cannot man each and every citizen of the state. Lalu said that the accused in this incident must be apprehended immediately following which strict action will be taken against them. GOVT OFFICIALS UNDER LALU'S RADAR Lalu also warned that those government officials who acted irresponsibly and did not do their duty will be punished. Lalu said that he will soon go to Gopalganj to meet the victim families. Gopalganj is home district of Lalu Prasad. Also read - Cows give us milk, not votes: Lalu on PM's belated condemnation of cow vigilantes --- ENDS --- Suspended presenter Khadija Khattab [Photo: Twitter/Timkidda] Imagine this: Youre at the height of your career. Youve got all the skills, the drive, the ambition. And then, your boss calls you over for a word, and says that somethings wrong - but it isnt anything to do with your performance. Its to do with your appearance. Unfortunately, exactly this happened to several Egyptian News Broadcasters the other day. Egyptian Radio and Television Union (ERTU) - the countrys state broadcaster - told eight of its female broadcasters that if they didnt lose weight, theyd lose their jobs. Yep. This happened in 2016. [Photo: Giphy] Of course the Womens Centre for Guidance and Legal Awareness has argued that ERTUs decision violates the constitution, but a depressingly high number of people are totally on board with the idea. Lets all give a deep sigh about the medias obsession with controlling womens bodies for a moment, shall we? The first thing wed expect from this scenario is for the person that gave the order to be an old-fashioned man, but no - the director of ERTU is former TV anchor Safaa Hegazy; a woman. Not that that changes anything, but its a harsh reminder that sexism can come from anyone. But it goes on - one woman on Twitter reportedly described Hegazy as a strong woman for making the decision - which is nothing short of surreal. [Photo: Pexels] The women will apparently be allowed on air again once they have an appropriate appearance, and its a terrifying thought for any woman that someone can consider you inappropriate simply for being above a size 12. The presenters havent stayed silent on the matter. According to The Independent Khadija Khattab, one of the suspended presenters, said she wanted people to watch her most recent TV appearances and judge for themselves if she was fat, and deserved to be prevented from working. What do you think about the presenters suspension? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK. Kerri Walsh Jennings Responds to Sideboob Shaming Even Gigi Hadid Gets Sh*t About Her Weight Lagos (AFP) - The Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) militant group on Thursday threatened to pull the oil region out of Nigeria, accusing President Muhammadu Buhari of fuelling divisions in the country. "The Buhari-led government has failed Nigerians with their misdirected policies that have divided the country, as such nobody wants to be part of that failed state not even the Niger delta," the NDA said in a statement. Since the start of the year, the Avengers have carried out a string of devastating attacks on Nigeria's oil pipelines and facilities. The oil rebels said the Niger Delta, home to the country's multi-billion-dollar oil and gas resources might declare an independence on October 1. "The October 1st declaration of independence is still sacrosanct. If the Nigerian government fails to retrace its step by restructuring this country," it warned. Nigeria marks October 1st as the anniversary of its political independence from colonial power Britain in 1960. The Avengers said they wished that northern Nigeria could also strike crude oil. "Our prayer for Buhari and the northern hypocrite (northern Governors) is that oil should be found in commercial quantity in the north, so they can let the Niger delta go," it added. Buhari, a northern Muslim, came to power in May 2015 following his victory over former president Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian from the Niger delta. Oil majors including Shell, Exxon, Chevron, Eni and the state-run oil group NNPC have been targeted in the attacks this year. The attacks have reduced Nigeria's output by a third, hammering government revenue at a time of global low oil prices. The oil sector accounts for 90 percent of the nation's foreign exchange earnings and 70 percent of government revenue. The Avengers claim to seek a fairer share of Nigeria's oil wealth for residents of the region as well as self-determination and political autonomy. They have rejected a government truce to end the violence. The discovery of a 3,000-year-old pyramid-shaped mausoleum in Kazakhstan has gone viral over the past 24 hours, with several media outlets proclaiming the structure to be the world's first pyramid. But archaeologists say the structure, which contains a series of five walls that gradually get higher toward the center, is not nearly as old as these news reports claim. The mausoleum is 6.6 feet (2 meters) high and about 49 by 46 feet (15 by 14 m) long, said Viktor Novozhenov, an archaeologist with the Saryarka Archaeological Institute at Karaganda State University in Kazakhstan who helped excavate the mausoleum. "It's made from stone, earth and fortified by slabs in the outer side," Novozhenov told Live Science. A number of media outlets that reported the discovery did not include the size of the structure, which, compared to Egypt's royal pyramids, is very small. While the exact age of the structure is uncertain, it likely was built during the late Bronze Age, more than 3,000 years ago, Novozhenov said. This is more than 1,000 years after the Egyptians built the step pyramid of Djoser, Novozhenov said, so it is not the "world's first pyramid." [In Photos: Egyptian Pyramid Predates Giza Landmark] The mausoleum's burial chamber had been robbed, although graves found near the mausoleum yielded the remains of pottery, a knife and bronze objects, Novozhenov said. Before the mausoleum was robbed, it would have held the burial of a clan leader, and not a pharaoh as has been stated in some online accounts of the discovery, Novozhenov said. The design of the mausoleum, with its five walls that gradually get higher, is similar in some ways to the step pyramid of Djoser, built about 4,700 years ago at the site of Saqqara in Egypt, Novozhenov explained. The Djoser pyramid, which is far larger than the recently discovered Kazakhstan mausoleum, has six layers piled on top of one another to form a flat-topped pyramid. Story continues While the mausoleum isn't the world's first pyramid it is nevertheless an interesting find said Novozhenov who notes that a lot more work needs to be done. "We need a lot of additional analyses and hard work for interpretation." Novozhenov said that excavation of the mausoleum is being led by Igor Kukushkin, who is also from the Saryarka Archaeological Institute at Karaganda State University in Kazakhstan. Original article on Live Science. Editor's Recommendations Copyright 2016 LiveScience, a Purch company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. DALLAS, TX / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / North American Cannabis Holdings, Inc. (USMJ) in conjunction with Puration, Inc. (PURA) and IJJ Corporation (OTC:IJJP) today released an update to the previously announced joint project to launch a residential treatment facility for U.S. Veterans with chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that includes cannabis (THC and CBD) as a treatment option. USMJ's subsidiary, the American Seed & Oil Company and IJJP originally entered into a partnership last year to build the residential treatment facility on a targeted property in Vermont. Various red tape issues bogged down the Vermont initiative. The project has recently been renewed and refocused toward a targeted property in the Southern Front Range Region of Colorado. Since the launch of the original initiative, USMJ has spun-off a cannabis extraction operation into the independently listed PURA which recently announced a $1 million collaboration agreement with Colorado based Spanish Peaks ScrumpDelicacies that includes the buildout of operations in the Southern Front Range Region. PURA is a natural addition to the USMJ and IJJP partnership. Spanish Peaks has also committed to build into its revenue model a percentage of sales to be dedicated to the ongoing operation of the U.S. PTSD treatment facility. USMJ and PURA both plan to explore with future customers securing commitments similar to Spanish Peaks dedication of a percentage of sales. USMJ has also recently secured new business opportunities in Colorado that furthermore make Colorado a synergistic fit for the U.S. Veterans PTSD treatment facility. USMJ last week announced entering a $20 billion market signing a $1 million licensing agreement in Colorado with Rocky Mountain High Restaurant Group. Since entering into the original partnership, IJJP has undergone a major overhaul of its entire business which is just now coming to fruition with the Company imminently coming current with the OTC Market Current Information reporting requirements. USMJ CEO, Steven Rash and IJJP CEO, Clifford Pope are both wartime veterans. Through their respective personal commitments, the two have maintained the U.S. PTSD treatment facility project as a priority over the past year and actively worked to cut through and ultimately bypass red tape issues. The Treatment Facility plans include the use of cannabis as an option in the treatment protocol as well as resident participation in an education program teaching organic and sustainable farming skills that emphasize organic cultivation. To learn more about IJJ Corporation: To learn more about Puration: Follow Puration on Twitter: Visit Puration on Facebook: To learn more about North American Cannabis Holdings: Follow the Company on Twitter: Follow the Company on Facebook: This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), and as such, may involve risks and uncertainties. These forward looking statements relate to, among other things, current expectation of the business environment in which the company operates, potential future performance, projections of future performance and the perceived opportunities in the market. The company's actual performance, results and achievements may differ materially from the expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements as a result of a wide range of factors. CONTACT: Steven Rash Phone: +1-972-528-0162 Email: SOURCE: North American Cannabis Holdings By Joachim Dagenborg ARENDAL, Norway (Reuters) - Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said she saw some advantages if Britain joined the four-nation European Free Trade Association (EFTA) after quitting the EU, qualifying past doubts about British membership. Solberg also said in an interview with Reuters that Britain's 65 million people would radically change EFTA, which now comprises Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein with a combined population of just 14 million. Prime Minister Theresa May is undecided about her country's future role in Europe after Britons voted to leave the European Union in a June referendum. One option could be to join EFTA, which Britain helped found but quit to enter the EU in 1973, though it is far from clear that is a path that Britain wants to follow. "It's easy to see some advantages of British membership. It's a big country with a big economy," Solberg said. But that benefit of more clout also means Britain might demand conditions that would mainly help it - rather than its putative EFTA partners - when negotiating trade deals. "Some countries will probably think it's fine to have a free trade deal with us (EFTA), but won't necessarily think that it's equally simple to have a free trade deal with Britain," she said. EFTA has about 30 free trade deals with nations including Canada, Chile, Morocco and Singapore. Solberg cited farming as one example of a possible conflict of interest. Britain exported food and drink worth 18 billion pounds ($24 billion) in 2015 while Norway imposes high import barriers to protect farmers in a country that stretches into the Arctic. "I don't think that the EFTA path is necessarily the way Britain should be interested in going," she said. She said her Conservative Party was in "continuous dialogue" with their peers across the North Sea led by May, whose first weeks in office have been dominated by a debate over the terms and timing of Britain's divorce from the EU. Story continues Overall, Solberg's comments were less sceptical about British membership than shortly after Britain's vote, when she stressed that it would "change the balance of power in EFTA". That variable picture has parallels within the EU, where Germany has held out the prospect of granting Britain a special status in its post-Brexit relationship while France has pushed for a more hardline approach. Within EFTA, all member countries have to approve new members, giving each a theoretical veto. "It would be wrong to flag a veto or no veto now, and I believe anyway that we will find good solutions to these problems," Solberg said. She said it was important for all countries to set out their national interests in the debate. "Then all must be prepared for anything, if it turns out that Britain joins EFTA," she said. Alongside being members of EFTA, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein also have free movement of goods, services and people with the 28-nation EU. Switzerland is outside that deal. ($1 = 0.7599 pounds) (Writing by Alister Doyle; editing by John Stonestreet) Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sites/ on line 494 GettyImages 143210146 Dana Perino, a Fox News host and former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush, offered a blunt assessment of the 2016 race on Twitter on Wednesday night. Perino, who has been critical of GOP nominee Donald Trump, said that she wanted to get "a few things" off her chest. The conservative personality then said in a spate of tweets that she "will not lie" to her fans and say that the Republican Party has a good chance of doing well in the November election. "I won't do it," she wrote. "No amount of peer pressure digital or otherwise can move me." Perino said "the future of this party is at risk" and that she wouldn't be a party to the "delusion" that polls don't matter. She was likely alluding to her Fox News cohost, Eric Bolling, who tried to argue that Trump's large crowds are a more important predictor of success than polls. Trump has been down in nearly every national poll for weeks and is down in several of the key battleground states. Read Perino's tweetstorm: Getting a few things off of my chest cold: When it comes to political analysis, I make you a promise - I will never lie to you. Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 Many of you write, wanting me to tell you GOOD things about the gop chances this year. I wish I could do that. But I WILL NOT LIE TO YOU. Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 In 2012, I fell for "the polls are wrong" mantra. I felt sick election night, realizing I'd been suckered into a fall sense of complacency. Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 Romney was not going to win in spite of the "rigged polls" - and I vowed that night that I would NEVER EVER fall for that again Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 The Dems start with 242 electoral college votes to win. They need 270. Even I can do that math - it isn't hard. Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 Sure there are 11 weeks to go and a lot could change. I expect the polls to tighten a lot after Labor Day. But you can't win a general... Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 ...Election with the current state of campaign. Think of how fast 11 weeks goes. Nov 8th will be here before you can buy any Xmas presents. Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 Some of you call me Debbie Downer, Negative Nancy, or even Pollyanna. I've been called a Pragmatic Snob (is there such a thing?) Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 But I will not lie to you about the state of this race. I won't do it. No amount of peer pressure digital or otherwise can move me. Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 So I'm going to keep being a voice that says yes on the one hand but not the OTHER FREAKING HAND, the future of this party is at risk. Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 Maybe you want the party to be at risk. maybe it SHOULD be at risk. But I won't be a party to delusion that crowds > established polls Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 And with that, I'm taking NyQuil, sniffing some Afrin, and GOING TO BED WITH JASPER! (peter is away on business!!) Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 18, 2016 NOW WATCH: Watch the RNC audience boo Ted Cruz for not endorsing Trump More From Business Insider Statues of a veiny, naked Donald Trump appeared in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cleveland and Seattle on Thursday morning. Anarchist group INDECLINE took credit for the statues, releasing a video of the process of creating the bright, unflattering images of the Republican presidential nominee. They titled the project The Emperor Has No Balls, a play on the idiom "the emperor has no clothes," and highlights the part of Trump's anatomy that is missing from the artwork. Photo Credit: @jamesmichael Passerbys began tweeting images of the statue on Thursday morning, with the one in New York's Union Square getting the most attention. "Like it or not, Trump is a larger-than-life figure in world culture at the moment," a spokesman for the group told The Washington Post. "Looking back in history, that's how those figures were memorialized and idolized in their time - with statues." The artist who created the statue is named Ginger, and he has designed monsters for haunted houses and horror movies. "When the guys approached me, it was all because of my monster-making abilities," Ginger said in an interview with the Post about how INDECLINE reached out to him for the four-month project. "Trump is just yet another monster, so it was absolutely in my wheelhouse to be able to create these monstrosities." Read more: Trevor Noah Jokes Donald Trump "Has Hired the Suicide Squad" With New Campaign Staffers By Krishna N. Das and Serajul Quadir (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Bangladesh's central bank have agreed to withdraw additional payment security measures put in place after one of the world's biggest cyber heists, the theft of $81 million from Bangladesh Bank's account at the Fed, two sources said. The decision comes after SWIFT, the global financial messaging platform, promised in May to strengthen security on software tools used by its clients and to develop new tools that would spot a compromised account and raise a red flag when a payment instruction deviates from normal patterns. The decision was taken at a meeting in New York this week between officials from Bangladesh Bank, the New York Fed and SWIFT, said a source close to Bangladesh Bank who has direct knowledge of the matter. They have agreed on a tentative timeline to withdraw the additional security measures but the source declined to give details. "(The New York Fed and Bangladesh Bank) want to use (only) SWIFT for secure communication," said the source, declining to be named as he was not authorized to brief the media. "We are talking about normalizing our communication channels as soon as possible." The New York Fed declined to comment. SWIFT could not be immediately reached. In early February, hackers used stolen Bangladesh Bank credentials to send three dozen SWIFT messages to transfer nearly $1 billion from its Fed account, eventually managing to route $81 million to a bank in the Philippines. Most of the money was laundered through casinos in Manila and remains missing. Following the heist Bangladesh Bank initiated a new protocol under which the Fed could only clear any SWIFT request from Dhaka after a voice authentication. Fed officials had to call one of two or three Bangladesh Bank officials whose voice samples were shared with the Fed. A senior Bangladesh Bank official in Dhaka, who declined to be named, said more time was needed "to improve the system" before moving back to a SWIFT-only transfer mechanism. Both sources said the New York Fed wanted to do away with the additional measure as it delayed genuine transfer instructions. SWIFT has told Bangladesh Bank its system was secure and that the Asian bank needed to tighten its own defenses to prevent criminals from hacking into their computer systems. Bangladesh Bank spokesman Subhankar Saha said he was not aware of the agreement and would comment only after the bank's delegation came back from the United States. The three parties that met in New York this week said in a statement on Wednesday that officials discussed "certain technical details" of the heist to enhance their understanding of how the fraud occurred, as well as "steps that have been and will be taken to remediate the event." The Bangladeshi delegation also requested the New York Fed put more pressure on the Philippines' Rizal Commercial Banking Corp (RCBC) to recover the rest of the stolen money, said the source close to Bangladesh Bank. The funds were routed to four accounts at that bank before they disappeared into casinos in the city. Since the heist, the New York Fed has launched a 24-hour hotline for emergency messages from its banking clients. In June, it also wrote to the Philippines' central bank, prodding it to help Bangladesh Bank retrieve the lost money. Bangladesh Bank officials believe the nudge from the Fed was one of the reasons the Philippines central bank this month slapped a record fine of 1 billion pesos ($21 million) on RCBC in connection with the heist. (Additional reporting by Jonathan Spicer in New York; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan and David Gregorio) By India Today Web Desk: You might be familiar with Germany's famous Oktoberfest, which is conducted every year to celebrate the country's beer. And you might never have heard that North Korea, a country which is politically famous for all the wrong reasons, loves its homegrown beer. So much so that the country's capital is now witnessing their first ever beer festival! advertisement Yes, the so-called 'Oktoberfest of the North' just started in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, and its focus is to familiarize the public and tourists with their local brews, including Taedonggang. For those who don't know, the Taedonggang beer factory was founded by the former leader of DPRK, Kim Jong-il. According to a report in The Guardian, the festival is being conducted despite the United Nations' sanction against the country, which limits its access and activities. The festival is taking place near an illuminated floating restaurant, and can hold about 700 people at once. Also read: Jamie Oliver is on a Super Food journey across Korea The festival invites people to drink from 7pm up till midnight for the whole 20-day period, and it's already pulling a large crowd. The public is served all the varieties of local brews by waitresses in blue and white uniforms, especially Taedonggang, which is supposed to be one of the best beer varieties produced in the peninsula. The fest is taking place near a floating restaurant in Pyongyang. Picture courtesy: Instagram/ianseogyong Taedonggang has an alcohol content of 5% and tastes a bit like British ale. Till a few years ago, this brand wasn't available beyond Pyongyang. But with increasing nation-wide distribution and all the focus during this beer fest, sales are expected to rise along with Taedonggang's popularity. While this particular beer fest is going rather well, another one is already in the cards. The second beer festival is scheduled to start in September, and this time it might actually clash with the real Oktoberfest, which will start on 17 September. --- ENDS --- EDGARTOWN, Mass. (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama next month will make what is expected to be his final trip to Asia, a region at the center of his administration's foreign policy, to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping and other world leaders, the White House said on Thursday. During his time in the White House, Obama has sought to "rebalance" America's defense and economic policy to counter China's rising influence. During the trip from Sept. 2-9, Obama will attend the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China, where he will also meet privately with Xi, the White House said in a statement. He also will travel to Laos to participate in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit and East Asia Summit, where leaders have grappled with China's territorial claims in the South China Sea. Obama will be the first U.S. president to visit Laos. He will have a bilateral meeting with Laos President Bounnhang Vorachith and attend a town hall with young leaders, the White House said. The trip will also be a chance for Obama to promote the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, a key part of his Asia strategy that he hopes the U.S. Congress will approve before his term ends on Jan. 20. Trade deals and their impact on U.S. manufacturing jobs have become a hot-button issue in the Nov. 8 presidential campaign. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump both oppose the TPP, and congressional approval is uncertain. (Reporting by Roberta Rampton; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe) (Reuters) - Britain's energy regulator Ofgem has proposed scrapping some 185.4 million pounds worth of power and gas projects due to be undertaken by National Grid, it said on Thursday. Ofgem, which sets the amount of cash which is granted to National Grid to improve and maintain the country's electricity and gas distribution networks, launched a review into some transmission projects in May. Its biggest proposed cutback to National Grid's budget relates to a 168.8 million-pound Avonmouth gas pipelines project, which it says are no longer needed. It also proposes reducing Grid's allowance by 38.1 million pounds for electricity transmission works. However, Ofgem is allocating an extra 21.5 million pounds to help National Grid manage additional supply and balancing services on Britain's high-voltage network as the country moves to a low-carbon economy, it said. Ofgem said it was consulting on its proposals and would take a final decision this autumn. (Reporting by Oleg Vukmanovic in Milan; Editing by Greg Mahlich) * Steely pair claim Japan's first badminton title * Denmark's hopes of first title in 20 years crushed (Adds details, quotes) By Ian Ransom RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Japan's Misaki Matsutomo and Ayaka Takahashi showed nerves of steel to outdo a formidable Danish pair in the women's doubles final at the Olympics on Thursday and claim their nation's first badminton gold medal. The top-ranked Japanese had to fight for every point against the determined Christinna Pedersen and Kamilla Rytter Juhl and dug themselves out of a huge hole to win 18-21 21-9 21-19 in a thriller at the Riocentro. Trailing 19-16 in the decisive game, their title hopes seemingly shot, Matsutomo and Takahashi digged deep to claim five successive points, closing out the match and crushing Denmark's hopes of a first badminton title in 20 years. "We thought that we would lose but we were trying to get at least one point to surprise them," said 24-year-old Matsutomo, her eyes still shining after being mobbed by Japanese media. "Of course we are so happy to win the gold medal but more than that we put in our best effort. "Winning the gold medal was definitely the goal but more than that we fought until the very last moment. "That was the greatest thing." Winning a furious final skirmish at the net, Matsutomo and Takahashi slumped on the court in relief, having gone one better than compatriots Mizuki Fujii and Reika Kakiiwa, the London silver medallists in the event. Unseeded veterans Pedersen and Rytter Juhl grabbed Denmark's first medal in women's doubles and a seventh in Olympic badminton since the sport's debut in 1992. But they were crushed to have let the gold slip through their fingers. "We were not thinking that we'd already won this final," 30-year-old Pedersen told reporters, her exhausted partner slumped in a chair. "But of course we had our chances. "My dream right now is to go back, play again from 19-16. But we feel that we did the best we could. We have never been so tired as we are right now." The Danes ended China's 20-year dynasty in the event by knocking out the country's world number two pair in the semi-finals. But it was the Japanese who reaped the rewards. "We are happy that we were able to break something that the Chinese doubles (players) had been building up," said Matsutomo. "But the Chinese built the history until now. And we would not be here now if it wasn't for them." In a major surprise, China bowed out without a medal in the event, with Tang Yuanting and Yu Yang slumping to a 21-8 21-17 loss to South Korea's Jung Kyung-eun and Shin Seung-chan in the bronze medal playoff. (Editing by Nina Chestney) * Germans handle gusty conditions to clinch gold * First women's Olympic title for Germans * Walsh Jennings takes bronze, to go with three previous golds (Adds quotes from Germany and Brazil players) By Stephen Eisenhammer and Brad Haynes RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 17 (Reuters) - German beach volleyball duo Laura Ludwig and Kira Walkenhorst took gold in the early hours of Thursday, beating Brazil in gusty conditions to win their country's first female Olympic medal in the sport and silence the partisan Copacabana crowd. The Germans used the wind and their height advantage, with Walkenhorst's dominance at the net proving too much for Brazil's Agatha Bednarczuk and Barbara Seixas as they won 21-18 21-14 in the final that ended past midnight. They were the second Brazilian team to lose on a night of heartbreak for the home crowd after America's Kerri Walsh Jennings and April Ross beat Larissa Franca and Talita Antunes to take bronze. Bednarczuk and Seixas, world champions and playing on home sand, started out as favourites but the Germans quickly showed they would not be cowered by the odds or the hostile crowd. "We worked on how to be self-confident even with this crowd," Ludwig said after the match. "The Brazilians were really loud, even I had goosebumps, it was really special." The wind picked up just before the final, swirling around the temporary 12,000-seat arena and making playing conditions difficult. But the Germans dealt much better with the wind, serving three aces while the Brazilians faulted five times. "There was a storm coming and I thought let's take this storm and make our own storm," Ludwig said. The Brazilians were crestfallen not to win the country's first female beach volleyball gold since 1996, but admitted the Germans had been the better team. "It was not good for us when the wind started," Bednarczuk said, explaining that they had struggled to adapt to the gusty conditions. "They deserved the gold medal today." Earlier on, Walsh Jennings and Ross came from a set down to clinch the bronze. Walsh Jennings, the sport's most successful player with three gold medals, dominated at the net during the second and third sets as the Americans overpowered Brazil's Larissa Franca and Talita Antunes 17-21 21-17 15-9. For Walsh Jennings, it was not the fourth gold medal she had cherished, but she leaves Rio having lost only one Olympic beach volleyball match during her career, Tuesday's semi-final against Bednarczuk and Seixas. Walsh Jennings made six blocks during the match, four of them coming in the final set, as the American showed her experience to keep cool in front of the partisan crowd that booed every U.S. serve and cheered the early Brazilian lead. (Editing by Mark Lamport-Stokes/Greg Stutchbury) RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 17 (Reuters) - A Brazilian judge on Wednesday lifted an injunction on the federal and city government using public money to help finance the organization of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Federal judge Guilherme Couto de Castro said the block on transfers of public money could seriously disrupt next month's Paralympic Games, for which organizers have said they still need additional funding. Brazil's Presidential Chief of Staff Eliseu Padilha announced on Aug. 4, the day before the Rio Olympics' lavish opening ceremony, that the federal government would provide 120 million reais to the organising committee and the city of Rio would make a further 150 million available. The judge said that failure to disburse the funds would mean that the Rio 2016 organising committee would not be able to make payments to national Paralympic organizations for travel, food and uniforms, making it impossible for some countries to participate. The judge said that his order to unblock the funding did not overrule a previous court's decision to require organizers to disclose their revenues and spending. Last week, judge Marcia Maria Nunes granted a request by prosecutors to freeze the transfer of public funds unless the accounts were made public. (Reporting by Rodrigo Viga; Writing by Daniel Flynn; Editing by Meredith Mazzilli) By Amy Tennery RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Hungarian kayaker Danuta Kozak fought off a fearsome pack of competitors to defend her Olympic title in the women's K-1 500 metres final on Thursday. Kozak, 29, claimed the fifth Olympic medal of her career and her second gold of the Rio Games in one minute 52.49 seconds, 1.82 seconds faster than silver medallist Emma Jorgensen of Denmark. New Zealand's Lisa Carrington, who won gold in the women's kayak single 200 metres on Tuesday, uncharacteristically struggled throughout the race. Carrington, who languished behind much of the pack at halfway, battled back to claim bronze in the final stretch. Thursday's field featured five different Olympic medal holders. Maryna Litvinchuk, a member of Belarus' 2012 bronze medal-winning K-4 team, took fourth place and Germany's triple medalist Franziska Weber was fifth, while five-time Olympic medalist Inna Osipenko-Rodomska of Azerbaijan finished last. Kozak, who also took gold in Tuesday's women's K-2 500 metres, will seek a rare triple gold in the sport, returning on Friday for the K-4 500 metres heat. (Reporting By Amy Tennery in Rio de Janeiro; Editing by Brian Homewood) By PTI: Washington, Aug 17 (PTI) Scientists have developed new windows made of transparent wood that could provide more even and consistent natural lighting and keep houses cooler than glass. Led by Liangbing Hu of University of Maryland (UMD) in the US, researchers showed that their transparent wood provides better thermal insulation and lets in nearly as much light as glass, while eliminating glare and providing uniform and consistent indoor lighting. advertisement The transparent wood lets through just a little bit less light than glass, but a lot less heat, researchers said. "It is very transparent, but still allows for a little bit of privacy because it is not completely see-through," said Tian Li from UMD. "We also learned that the channels in the wood transmit light with wavelengths around the range of the wavelengths of visible light, but that it blocks the wavelengths that carry mostly heat," said Li. The teams findings were derived, in part, from tests on tiny model house with a transparent wood panel in the ceiling that the team built. The tests showed that the light was more evenly distributed around a space with a transparent wood roof than a glass roof. The channels in the wood direct visible light straight through the material, but the cell structure that still remains bounces the light around just a little bit, a property called haze. This means the light does not shine directly into your eyes, making it more comfortable to look at. Transparent wood still has all the cell structures that comprised the original piece of wood. The wood is cut against the grain, so that the channels that drew water and nutrients up from the roots lie along the shortest dimension of the window. The new transparent wood uses theses natural channels in wood to guide the sunlight through the wood. As the Sun passes over a house with glass windows, the angle at which light shines through the glass changes as the Sun moves. With windows or panels made of transparent wood instead of glass, as the Sun moves across the sky, the channels in the wood direct the sunlight in the same way every time. Working with transparent wood is similar to working with natural wood, the researchers said. However, their transparent wood is waterproof due to its polymer component. It also is much less breakable than glass because the cell structure inside resists shattering. The process for making transparent wood starts with bleaching from the wood all of the lignin, which is a component in the wood that makes it both brown and strong. advertisement The wood is then soaked in epoxy, which adds strength back in and also makes the wood clearer. The team has used tiny squares of linden wood about 2cm x 2cm, but the wood can be any size, the researchers said. The research was published in the journal Advanced Energy Materials. PTI MHN SAR SAR --- ENDS --- By Mitch Phillips RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Alistair Brownlee won the Olympic triathlon in dominant style on Thursday, outrunning brother Jonny in a British 1-2 to become the first to retain the title and underlining his position as the greatest-ever exponent of the swim-bike-run sport. Jonny, 26, third in London four years ago, went one better to take silver after being outkicked by his 28-year-old brother in the heat of the concluding 10km run, with Henri Schoeman taking the bronze, South Africa's first medal in the sport since it was introduced in 2000. The brothers delivered a textbook performance after coming out of the 1.5km sea swim off Copacabana beach and controlling the 40km bike leg. They then surged clear on the 10km run, defying the heat, with Alistair walking across the line with a Union Flag held aloft. "Every day has been so hard. I have woken up in pain every day." said the champion, who underwent extensive ankle surgery last year. "We knew the first two laps on the bike would be crucial. The last few weeks we have been training to commit and boy we did. "As soon as we got to half way I knew we were going to get two medals and it was just a run for it. "I was pretty confident we would get first and second but I didn't know which way round it would be. I just had the edge on Jonny but he has killed me in training every day. "We have been pushing each other to the max. Jonny had the edge and I wasn't sure I would win, I knew had to go through hell and I did. "I knew the gap was big and I had a chance to enjoy it, I will probably never get the chance again." Slovakian Richard Varga, as expected, led the field out of the 1,500 metre sea swim off Copacabana beach but the Brownlees were right behind him. South African Richard Murray and Spain's Mario Mola, expected to be among the main challengers, were almost a minute back, with their chances already virtually over. The Brownlees took the initiative in the lead pack of 10 bikes, driving hard up the first steep hill on the first lap of eight, and never looked back. By the halfway mark on the bike, the chase group were 73 seconds adrift and out of contention. Despite baking heat, the Brownlees continued to drive up the two climbs from the front of the group, asking questions of their rivals that none have previously been able to answer. The lead group stayed together into the second transition but within the first few metres of the run the Brownlees and Vincent Luis forged clear. After the first of four laps, however, the two Britons were clear and it was going to be another of the family duels that has been their bread and butter for just about all their lives. The brothers worked hard to hold off the effects of the heat having both suffered in previous races, but by the 5km halfway mark they had forged 13 seconds clear of Schoeman. They then ran shoulder to shoulder before Alistair stamped his authority on the race by diving clear on the third lap. (Editing by Brian Homewood and Neil Robinson) As the anticipation builds for the upcoming The Birth of a Nation, the writer, director and star of the film is coming under fire as a past rape case has re-emerged. Read: JonBenet Ramsey Investigators Reunite, New Witnesses Emerge in Documentary About Her Murder All the buzz about the movie, which is about Nat Turner's famous slave revolt, is now being dampened by the explosive story that when Parker was in college at Penn State he was accused but later acquitted of raping a fellow student in 1999. Parker and his college roommate Jean McGianni Celestin went to trial. Celestin, who co-wrote The Birth of a Nation with Parker, was convicted of sexual assault but that verdict was later overturned. Both men testified it was a consensual encounter. The victim spoke out in 2002 in an interview for a story about campus rape. "I won't go on campus. I won't go to Walmart or the grocery store by myself. I wont even go shopping alone," she said. After filing charges against the two students, who were members of Penn State's wrestling team, she says she was harassed by people who heard the story. "Im in my hometown and I can't even feel safe. I'm in my hometown and I can't even go anywhere alone or without being fearful, she said in the local news interview. Tragically, the victim took her own life in 2012 at age 30. Her brother, identified as Johnny, spoke to Variety recently, saying she committed suicide by an overdose of sleeping pills. She became detached from reality, Johnny said. The progression was very quick and she took her life. On Tuesday, Nate Parker posted a statement on Facebook, saying: I have never run from this period in my life and I never ever will. Please dont take this as an attempt to solve this with a statement. I urge you only to take accept this letter as my response to the moment. Parker also added: "I myself just learned that the young woman ended her own life several years ago and I am filled with profound sorrowI cant tell you how hard it is to hear this news. I cant help but think of all the implications this has for her family." Story continues Fox Searchlight paid $17.5 million to acquire The Birth of a Nation at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. Read: Pregnant Through Rape, Women Are Forced To Share Child Custody With Their Attackers The film company released a statement about Parkers past, saying they knew of the situation. Fox Searchlight is aware of the incident that occurred while Nate Parker was at Penn State. We also know that he was found innocent and cleared of all charges. We stand behind Nate and are proud to help bring this important and powerful story to the screen. In the wake of the scandal, a street artist known as Sabo has been plastering doctored images of the films poster around Los Angeles with the phrase Rapist? replacing The Birth of a Nation under Parkers head which is being hung by an noose made from the American flag. 'Birth of a Nation' poster altered to read "Rapist?" by prolific street artist Hollywood Reporter (@THR) August 17, 2016 Watch: Ex-Fox News Reporter Arrested on Rape and Forcible Sodomy Charges: Cops Related Articles: Pakistan's military said Thursday it had killed at least 11 militants in air strikes in a restive tribal region near the Afghan border as part of an ongoing offensive. The latest operation in the Khyber district came just after the military said it had killed at least 14 militants in the same area Tuesday. "Eleven terrorists were killed and four others injured when eight terrorist hideouts close to the Afghan border were destroyed in precision air strikes and synchronised ground operations," the military said in a statement. The army offensive took place in the mountainous terrain of Babar Kachkol, Naray Nao and Tor Sapar areas of Khyber. The conflict zone is remote and off-limits to journalists, making it difficult to verify the army's claims, including the number and identity of those killed. Khyber is one of the seven semi-autonomous tribal districts where the military has been fighting Taliban and Al-Qaeda linked militants for over a decade. Pakistan has been battling a homegrown Islamist insurgency since 2004, following the US-led invasion of neighbouring Afghanistan in 2001 and the subsequent spillover of militants into its territory. The army launched the "Zarb-e-Azb" operation in June 2014 in a bid to wipe out militant bases in North Waziristan tribal area and so bring an end to the bloody insurgency that has cost thousands of civilian lives. TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / Pancontinental Gold Corporation (PUC-H.V) ("Pancon Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has closed the acquisition of the Jefferson Gold Project located in South Carolina, United States, first announced on May 25, 2016. The acquisition has been completed pursuant to the purchase agreement with Firebird Resources Inc. ("Firebird") (FIX.V), Pageland Minerals Ltd. ("Pageland") and Appalachian Resources LLC ("Appalachian") dated May 20, 2016, and Pancon Gold has acquired a 100% interest in the high-potential, advanced exploration stage gold project (the "Jefferson Gold Project" or "Jefferson"). In 2011, Firebird and Pageland drilled a total of four holes at Jefferson with very positive results, providing a base for establishing a significant gold resource. All four holes encountered mineralization, with the best hole averaging 1.27 grams per tonne over 539 feet (164.3 metres) - true width unknown. The drill hole details for all four holes were included in the Company's news release of May 25, 2016. The Jefferson Gold Project is located within one of the most significant historic gold trends in the United States. It contains the nearby Haile Gold Mine, which is less than 7 miles (12 km) from Jefferson. Haile is currently being developed by Oceanagold Corporation and is expected to begin production in 2017, according to Oceanagold's website. Also on this trend is the former Brewer Gold Mine, which was last mined in the 1980's and 1990's and forms the western border of Jefferson Gold Project. The region also includes the former Ridgeway Gold Mine, about 35 miles (56 km) away, which was a 15,000 tons per day open pit mine operated by Kennecott Minerals and produced in excess of 1.6 million ounces of gold from 1988 to 1999. The Jefferson Gold Project consists of over 1,500 acres under lease from private landowners who own the surface and sub-surface mineral rights. Jefferson is along a nearly continuous northeast-striking structural trend of hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization. The mineralized footprint of Jefferson is similar in magnitude to the footprints of the Haile and Ridgeway mines. Jefferson contains multiple drill targets within a mineralized trend over 1.2 miles (2 km) wide. Story continues Pancon Gold has engaged the services of Dr. Dennis LaPoint, PhD, LGeo, to manage the exploration programs at Jefferson. Dr. LaPoint, who originally assembled the Jefferson property package, managed and was responsible for the 2011 exploration program at Jefferson and was the QP when the assay results were originally released in Firebird's March 1, 2012 press release. Pancon Gold is currently reviewing the historic data and is planning for an effective staged drilling and exploration program to develop an initial gold resource at Jefferson. The initial drilling by Pancon Gold will commence in the 4th Quarter of 2016 following a financing, subject to regulatory approval including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. Dr. Dennis LaPoint is a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects" and has approved the technical information contained in this news release. Dr. LaPoint is not independent of Pancon Gold, as he is a consultant of the Company. Dr. LaPoint has verified all the technical data in this release. As consideration for acquiring the 100% ownership in the Jefferson Gold Project, Pancon Gold agreed to pay and issue: to Firebird and Pageland, in aggregate, cash totalling $100,000 ($30,000 was paid on May 25 and a further $70,000 paid on closing), and 1,000,000 common shares (issued); and, to Appalachian, 1,000,000 common shares (issued). In addition, Pancon agreed to settle Firebird's and Pageland's lease arrears with the private landowners of approximately USD $183,000. The common shares of Pancon Gold issued pursuant to the Jefferson Gold Project acquisition are subject to a resale restriction until December 18, 2016. About Pancontinental Gold Corporation Pancontinental Gold Corporation is a Canadian-based mining company listed on the NEX Board of the TSX Venture Exchange, trading under the symbol PUC.H. In 2015, Pancon sold its interest in its Australian rare earth element (REE) and uranium properties, formerly held through a joint venture, and retains a 1% gross overriding royalty on 100% of future production. Pancon Gold is now focused on the exploration and development of the Jefferson Project gold properties. ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rick Mark President and Chief Executive Officer For further information, please contact Mr. Mark at: Email: Tel: (416) 293-8437 Fax: (416) 293-3957 Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Cautionary Language and Forward Looking Statements This news release contains forward-looking information which is not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking information is characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, and other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including those risks set out in the Company's management's discussion and analysis as filed under the Company's profile at Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including that all necessary governmental and regulatory approvals will be received as and when expected. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws.Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. NOT FOR DISSEMINATION INTO THE USA SOURCE: Pancontinental Gold Corporation Pekin Ibrahim has lost his respect over those who have questioned his FFM nominations. 18 Aug Actor and director Pekin Ibrahim has expressed his disappointment towards those who have questioned the nominations garnered by his directorial debut, ""Mat Moto: Kami Mat Moto Bukan Mat Rempit", for the upcoming 28th Malaysia Film Festival (FFM 28). "Is my film that terrible that there are some who are asking if it should even be nominated for FFM? Did these people watch my film or are they just making assumptions based on the title?" "Actually these are the kind of people who have thought me to be a 'fighter' and I am afraid that this attitude will eventually make me ruder than them," he was quoted as saying to mStar. Added the 36-year-old, he has also lost respect towards those he had once idolised. He also said that his first directorial effort is very close to his heart and it did not give a negative influence to audiences, in fact, it has indirect elements of religion in it. Pekin however had expressed his gratitude that his film had received eight nominations for the event and thanked those who had appreciated his work. FFM 28 is set to take place on 3 September at the Planery Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). Tomorrow, Pekin will be officiating his next movie "KL Wangan" which is a collaboration with car manufacturer, Volkswagen. He is also expected to unveil the cast members of the film at the press event. By Joseph Ax NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf on Thursday nominated the state's inspector general to serve as interim attorney general until November's election, temporarily replacing Kathleen Kane, who resigned the post earlier this week after her conviction for perjury. Bruce Beemer, who previously served under Kane as first deputy in the attorney general's office, will have to be confirmed by the state Senate. Wolf said in a statement that he had already conferred with both Republican and Democratic leaders in the Senate and expected a quick confirmation. Beemer would hold the job until a successor is elected in November for a four-year term, and then return to his role as inspector general. Kane announced her resignation on Tuesday, a day after a jury convicted her of leaking sealed grand jury material to a news reporter in an effort to embarrass a political rival. The move will likely end a brief stint as acting attorney general for Bruce Castor, whom Kane had hired as her second-in-command earlier this year. In a statement, Castor said the governor was fulfilling his duties under the law. "I will do all within my power to see that the office of attorney general is in the best possible shape for whenever the next attorney general arrives," Castor said. Castor, the former Montgomery County district attorney, made headlines earlier this year when he testified at a hearing for comedian Bill Cosby in his sexual assault case. Castor said he had agreed not to prosecute Cosby if the entertainer testified in a civil case brought by his accuser. But a court ruled Castor's claims were not enough to prevent the current district attorney from bringing charges. Kane's conviction, meanwhile, ended what had once been seen as a promising political career. Prosecutors said Kane believed former state prosecutor Frank Fina was behind a 2014 newspaper article that said she had abandoned a corruption investigation into Philadelphia officials. In an effort to take revenge, prosecutors said, Kane leaked sealed details about a separate investigation that Fina declined to pursue and then lied about having done so to a grand jury investigating the matter. Kane had portrayed the charges as politically motivated, after she revealed lewd emails exchanged among judges, state officials and prosecutors that she discovered while re-examining the Jerry Sandusky molestation investigation. Several officials, including two state Supreme Court justices, lost their jobs in the wake of the email scandal, dubbed "Porngate." (Reporting by Joseph Ax, editing by G Crosse) Cable and streaming shows continue to make strides in the comedy categories, which have been the one bright area for the traditional broadcast networks when it comes to the Emmy competition. Its not particularly impressive for the broadcasters, but at least they havent been wiped out. For the male comedy stars, returnees Anthony Anderson of ABCs Black-ish and Will Forte from Foxs The Last Man on Earth are hoping that being on one of the big four doesnt hurt their hip factor when it comes to voters who seem to hold edgier shows and their stars in higher regard. Heres how I see this race going. Anthony Anderson Black-ish ABC Bucking the trend against network shows, Anderson made this category on his first time out last season as the sole nominee from ABCs Black-ish. This time he might have a leg up thanks to the increased presence of his show in other categories including Comedy Series. The fact that his series also has important things to say mixed in with the laughs wont hurt his chances here, and clearly the show is trending upward in its second season. Aziz Ansari Master of None Netflix Hes the one to watch. A triple threat in the Emmys this year, Ansari lands his first nomination for Season 1 of his very personal Netflix show, which also brought him additional nods in the writing and directing categories, a rare trifecta for a star in this category and one that should not be underestimated. With earlier Golden Globe and Critics Choice nominations, Ansari was able to break through where other new shows havent, and the deep pockets of Netflix should help him campaign-wise. Will Forte The Last Man on Earth Fox Willing to do just about anything in his role as Phil Millerincluding wearing an outrageous hair styleForte grabs his second consecutive nod for Lead Actor; but unlike in the shows first season, he did not also receive recognition for his writing. Nevertheless, the Fox series seems to be gaining a dedicatedif not blockbusterfollowing, and Forte has been charming voters on the campaign trail which is always a good trait in a crowded field. The series found its groove in Season 2, which could help. Story continues William H. Macy Shameless Showtime Remaining the one bright light at the Emmys for Shameless, this is veteran actor Macys third consecutive nomination for the series since it switched from drama categories to comedy. Unfortunately voters only seem to like him, as the innovative show never seems to gain much more traction than this one category. It doesnt hurt that Macy is widely admired by fellow actors and this is his 12th Emmy nod overall, with two previous wins (both for the TV movie Door to Door in 2003). Thomas Middleditch Silicon Valley HBO Now consistently one of Emmys favorites, Silicon Valley has garnered 11 nominations in its third season, but surprisingly Middleditch is the only actor from the great cast to make the grade. This is his first appearance in the Lead Actor category and first Emmy nod ever as Richard, the complicated center of HBOs strong comedy stalwart. Could the fact he is the only cast member to be recognized help him in the end with actors branch members who have only Middleditch on their ballot? Jeffrey Tambor Transparent Amazon In Transparents first season, Tambor took this prize after the veteran star had gone zero-for-six for his previous series. But in Maura Pfefferman, the transgendered matriarch of a dysfunctional family, Tambor has found his meal ticket to the Emmys with the perfect match of role and actor. The series has received 10 nominations in its second season which means a lot of love for the Amazon staple, and Tambor has enormous goodwill in the industry. PETES PICK: Jeffrey Tambor. Emmys like to repeat, so Tambor should win again. Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series In a category where there are a lot of familiar names, the one standout could be Louie Anderson and his startling gender-bending turn as Christine Baskets in FXs oddly compelling comedy Baskets. He is returning to public consciousness in the role and could be the breath of fresh air the category is seeking. Two-time winner Tony Hale is the reigning champ from Veep, but he faces competition this time from castmate Matt Walsh in a crowded field of seven contenders. Andre Braugher, a veteran Emmy winner, has a shot again with Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but that show is losing momentum, it seems. The over-the-top Tituss Burgess is back again for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, but if he didnt win last year, does he stand much a chance this time around against similar competition? Ty Burrell, a multiple winner here in the past, is the sole acting nominee in the supporting categories for long-in-the-tooth Modern Family. That leaves Keegan-Michael Key as various characters in the final season of Key and Peele, and he could have a good parting shot of a chance if voters watch their screeners. PETES PICK: Louie Anderson. An irresistible choice. Louie Anderson - Baskets.jpeg The post was originally published August 18, 2016. Related stories Emmy's Biggest Surprises: Tatiana Maslany, Kate McKinnon, Rami Malek And More Patton Oswalt Reflects On His Late Wife Michelle McNamara: Emmys Backstage Emmys TV Review: Jimmy Kimmel Soars In Second Stint As Host By PTI: From Lalit K Jha Washington, Aug 18 (PTI) US President Barack Obama will travel to China next month to attend the G-20 Summit which will also be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This would be Obamas 11th trip to Asia after he became the US President in January 2009. Two of these trips have been to India in November, 2010 and January 2015. advertisement "This trip will highlight the President?s ongoing commitment to the G-20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation as well as the US Rebalance to Asia and the Pacific," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement. On the sidelines of the G-20 Summit, Obama among others is likely to meet Modi, which would be the eighth meeting between the two leaders after he became Prime Minister in May 2014. While there has been no word of confirmation from the White House on this, Modi during his joint White House media interaction in early June had said that the two leaders would be meeting in China in September. Earnest said, in China, Obama will participate in his final G-20 Leaders Summit, where he will emphasise the need to continue building on the progress made since 2009 in advancing strong, sustainable, and balanced global economic growth. "He will underscore the importance of G-20 cooperation in promoting a level playing field and broad-based economic opportunity. The President will also conduct in-depth meetings with President Xi Jinping of China in Hangzhou, where the two leaders will discuss a wide-range of global, regional, and bilateral issues," Earnest said. During his week-long Asia trip from September 2 to 9, Obama would become the first US President to visit Laos, where he will participate in the US-ASEAN Summit and the East Asia Summit. Additionally, he will have bilateral meetings with President Bounnhang Vorachith and other key officials to advance US-Lao cooperation on economic, development, and people-to-people ties, among other areas. Obama will participate in the Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative Summit, where he will hold a town hall meeting. "During the ASEAN Summit, the President will discuss ways to strengthen our economic cooperation with the countries of Southeast Asia, which collectively represent America?s fourth largest trading partner and further enhance our collaboration on regional and global challenges," Earnest said. "At the East Asia Summit, the President will coordinate with the regions leaders on efforts to advance a rules-based international order," he said. The visit also will support Obamas efforts to expand opportunities for American businesses and workers to sell their products in some of the worlds fastest-growing markets. advertisement "Central to this effort is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the high-standards trade agreement that will unlock key markets to American exports and cement Americas economic leadership in the Asia-Pacific," Earnest said. PTI LKJ UZM --- ENDS --- MANILA (Reuters) - A Philippine court on Thursday released on bail a former branch manager of a Manila bank in a perjury case linked to the world's largest known cyber bank heist, police said. Unknown criminals tried to steal nearly $1 billion from the Bangladesh central bank account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in February and succeeded in transferring $81 million to four accounts at Rizal Commercial Banking Corp (RCBC) in Manila. Maia Deguito, a former manager of an RCBC branch in Manila, helped arrange the deposit and withdrawal of the money but says she was only following orders from her superiors and denies wrongdoing. Deguito posted bail of a 6,000 pesos ($130) on Thursday, Makati police chief Rommel Mitra said. Deguito also faces money laundering and falsification of documents complaints at the Department of Justice for opening five bank accounts at the bank branch last year. She said a Manila-based Chinese casino junket operator had asked to open the accounts. The stolen funds were deposited in four of the accounts and ended up in casinos which are not covered by the anti-money laundering law. Only about $18 million has been recovered. Deguito's lawyer, Ferdinand Topacio, said she had no idea who filed the perjury case. "We have never heard about it until tonight," he told broadcaster ABS-CBN on Wednesday night after she was arrested. "This is pure harassment. Her rights were violated." ABS-CBN said the perjury case was filed by former RCBC president Lorenzo Tan. In April, Tan filed a civil complaint against Deguito alleging abuse of rights and defamation after she told a congressional hearing that Tan was aware of the opening of the five questionable accounts at her branch. (Reporting by Manuel Mogato; Editing by Nick Macfie) MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines has freed 12 communist guerrilla leaders, police said on Thursday, days before a new round of peace talks with the Maoist-led rebels resumes in Norway to end nearly five decades of conflict that has killed more than 40,000 people. New President Rodrigo Duterte has a reputation as an implacable and ruthless enemy of drug traffickers but he came to power after winning a May election promising to negotiate the end of long-running insurgencies. Talks brokered by Norway between the government and the rebels' National Democratic Front stalled in 2012 over the refusal of the government to free communist leaders who had been in jail for decades. National police chief Ronald dela Rosa told reporters the temporary release of the 12 by courts was a consequence of the president's peace offer and was "one of the most positive developments" in years. "They were only allowed to post bail," he said. "But they continue to face criminal cases in courts". Renato Reyes, secretary-general of the left-wing Bayan (Nation) group, which is allied with the communist movement, said the releases boded well and raised hopes the talks would begin on Aug. 22 "on a positive note". Among those freed were Adelberto Silva, Concha Araneta Bocala, Alan Jazmines and Tirso Alcantara. Alcantara, one of the country's highest ranking guerrilla leaders, was wounded in a firefight with soldiers five years ago. The rebels' top leaders, Benito Tiamzon and his wife, Wilma, are still in prison. Activists are holding a protest outside the national police office on Friday to demand the release of them and six others senior guerrilla commanders. Leftist lawmakers and human right advocates said the government is holding more 500 rebels in detention. (Reporting by Manuel Mogato; Editing by Robert Birsel) The Philippines received the first of ten coast guard vessels from Japan Thursday, the coastguard said, as the two countries boost security ties in the face of their separate maritime disputes with China. The 44 metre (144 foot) BRP Tubbataha has arrived in Manila, the Philippines coast guard said in a statement, adding that it will be used for search and rescue, law-enforcement and transport purposes. They did not specify where it would be deployed. This is the first of 10 Philippine coast guard ships being built in Japan, supported by Japanese aid money, as the former World War II foes seek to boost defence ties in the face of growing Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. Japan -- the Philippines' top source of development aid -- said this month it would give Manila two additional patrol vessels, and that it was discussing the possible lease of surveillance aircraft. Japan and China are locked in a long-running dispute over uninhabited islets in the East China Sea. Manila and Beijing have overlapping claims in the South China Sea. The Philippines has been seeking closer defence ties with Japan as well as traditional allies like the United States and Australia in a bid to boost its capabilities against regional giant China. The Philippine military and coast guard are among the region's weakest. Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and his Philippine counterpart Perfecto Yasay last week called on China to observe the rule of law in settling maritime disputes. This came after a UN-linked tribunal ruled in July that China's claim to most of the South China Sea was invalid, handing a sweeping diplomatic victory to the Philippines. Beijing vowed to ignore the decision, and the Philippines and China have been preparing for direct talks to ease tensions. Aleppo (Syria) (AFP) - A shocked Syrian boy pictured sitting in an ambulance covered in blood and dust after an air strike has become a symbol of civilian suffering in Aleppo, drawing worldwide attention. As international concern mounted, President Bashar al-Assad's key ally Russia said it was ready to halt fire in the battleground northern city for 48-hour "humanitarian pauses" from next week. The announcement Thursday followed pleas from the United Nations and the European Union for a halt in the fighting in divided Aleppo to allow aid deliveries. But it was the haunting image of five-year-old Omran sitting dazed and bloodied in an ambulance that reverberated around the globe, much like the photo of little Aylan Kurdi whose body washed ashore on a Turkish beach last year. Omran was pulled from the rubble after an air raid on Wednesday in the rebel-held district of Qaterji in the southeast of Aleppo, which has been devastated by the five-year war. The Aleppo doctor who treated Omran's head wound said in an interview that the boy had been reunited with his parents and that his family were all believed to have survived the strike. "Omran was afraid and astonished and he didn't cry because he was shocked," the surgeon named by the BBC as Dr. Mohammad said, adding that the child hadn't spoken a word. "Omran had a lucky chance to spread his story over all the media but every day we have many children who have worse injury and sad stories. They maybe lost their lives or limbs, or many of them became paralysed," he said. The US State Department called Omran "the real face" of the Syrian conflict. "That little boy has never had a day in his life where there hasn't been war, death, destruction, poverty in his own country," State Department spokesman John Kirby said at a press briefing. Photographer Mahmoud Rslan captured the image of Omran, who was plopped onto a seat in an ambulance after being carried out of his family's destroyed apartment by a rescuer. Story continues He has a head full of hair that falls into his eyes and is wearing a T-shirt and shorts, but with bare feet that barely reach the edge of the chair. "I've taken a lot of pictures of children killed or wounded in the strikes that rain down daily," Rslan told AFP by telephone. "Usually they are either unconscious or crying. But Omran was there, speechless, staring blankly, as if he did not quite understand what had happened to him." - Aleppo stalemate - Opposition-held neighbourhoods in Aleppo are frequently targeted by air strikes including barrel bombs dropped by regime helicopters. Syrian and Russian aircraft have been carrying out intense air strikes this week on opposition strongholds across northern Syria to prevent rebels sending reinforcements to the city, a monitoring group said. Regime aircraft continued to pound rebel positions across Idlib province on Thursday as well as parts of Aleppo province, it said. Aleppo has been the scene of intense fighting since July 31, when the "Army of Conquest" alliance of rebels and jihadists launched a major offensive to break a regime siege of opposition-controlled districts. But neither side has achieved a decisive victory despite hundreds dead on both sides. In Geneva, UN envoy Staffan de Mistura cut short the weekly meeting of the humanitarian taskforce headed by the United States and Russia, in protest at the failure of warring parties to allow aid to reach civilians. "Not one single convoy in one month has reached any of the humanitarian besieged areas," he told reporters. Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov later announced that Moscow was "ready to implement the first 48-hour 'humanitarian pause' to deliver humanitarian aid to Aleppo residents" next week. De Mistura welcomed the move and said the UN was counting on Moscow's help to ensure "the adherence of the Syrian armed forces to the pause, once it comes into effect". The Syrian conflict has left more than 290,000 people dead and displaced millions since it began in 2011 with the brutal repression of anti-government demonstrations. Amnesty International said Thursday that Syrian authorities were committing torture on a "massive scale" in government prisons including beatings, electric shocks, rape and psychological abuse that amount to crimes against humanity. More than 17,700 people are estimated to have died in custody since the conflict began, an average of more than 300 each month, the watchdog said in a report. Pink Floyd will reissue Atom Heart Mother, Meddle and Obscured By Clouds on vinyl September 26th. The LPs mark the latest batch in the British group's ongoing reissue campaign, which kicked off this summer with re-releases of their first four full-lengths: 1967's The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, 1968's A Saucerful of Secrets and 1969's More soundtrack and Ummagumma double-LP. Atom Heart Mother, Meddle and Obscured By Clouds were released in 1970, 1971 and 1972, respectively, and capture Pink Floyd on the cusp of superstardom. Atom Heart Mother, the band's fifth LP, notably became Pink Floyd's first Number One record in the U.K. Meddle a more experimental effort also charted well, signaling the group's shift from psychedelic to a more progressive rock sound. Obscured By Clouds was originally recorded as the soundtrack for the French film La Vallee, which the band was asked to do just as they'd begun work on their 1973 follow-up, Dark Side of the Moon. Along with the vinyl reissues of their early Seventies output, Pink Floyd will restock previously released vinyl editions of The Wall and The Division Bell starting August 26th. On November 11th, the band will also release a massive 27-disc box set, The Early Years 1965 1972, which will include unreleased outtakes and demos, TV appearances, seven hours of concert recordings, 15 hours of video (including concert performances, interviews and three feature films) and over 20 unreleased songs. Related Content: JOHANNESBURG, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Oscar Pistorius' lawyers will argue that "enough is enough" when his case resumes in court on Aug. 26 to hear an appeal by state prosecutors against his six-year murder sentence on the grounds it is too lenient. In court papers filed by Pistorius' lawyers on Aug. 11 and seen by Reuters on Thursday, his defence team says it will argue "a continuation of this matter is inimical to the interests of justice, patently unfair and that enough is enough." The National Prosecuting Authority spokesman Luvuyo Mfaku said the case would be heard at the High Court in Pretoria next Friday before the original trial Judge Thokozile Masipa. Pistorius is not expected to attend the hearing. The Paralympic gold medallist was sentenced in July for murdering his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, in 2013. The state said last month it would appeal the jail term, which was less than half the 15 years it had sought. A Pistorius family spokeswoman could not be immediately reached for comment. The track star was treated in hospital for wrist injuries earlier this month, but prison officials said Pistorius denied trying to kill himself. The incident coincided with the first day of competition in the Rio Olympic Games. (Reporting by Tanisha Heiberg; Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Andrew Roche) JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Oscar Pistorius' lawyers will argue that "enough is enough" when his case resumes in court on Aug. 26 to hear an appeal by state prosecutors against his six-year murder sentence on the grounds it is too lenient. In court papers filed by Pistorius' lawyers on Aug. 11 and seen by Reuters on Thursday, his defense team says it will argue "a continuation of this matter is inimical to the interests of justice, patently unfair and that enough is enough." The National Prosecuting Authority spokesman Luvuyo Mfaku said the case would be heard at the High Court in Pretoria next Friday before the original trial Judge Thokozile Masipa. Pistorius is not expected to attend the hearing. The Paralympic gold medalist was sentenced in July for murdering his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, in 2013. The state said last month it would appeal the jail term, which was less than half the 15 years it had sought. A Pistorius family spokeswoman could not be immediately reached for comment. The track star was treated in hospital for wrist injuries earlier this month, but prison officials said Pistorius denied trying to kill himself. The incident coincided with the first day of competition in the Rio Olympic Games. (Reporting by Tanisha Heiberg; Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Andrew Roche) Its not easy being an indie standalone channel in the era of cord-cutting and too much TV. Participant Media learned that the hard way, moving in to pull the plug on its three-year old network Pivot TV, writing off a $200 million initial investment and further tens of millions in costs. Cord-cutting continues to dominate investor outlooks, RBC Capital Markets Steven Cahall said this week. Pay TV providers cable, satellite and telcos lost 665,602 subscribers in Q2, according to researcher Bruce Leichtman. Their annual rate hikes have become risky as consumers, especially Millennials, warm to low cost alternatives including Netflix. Many cable owners fear that cord cutting and shaving will accelerate when they face planned live streaming services from Hulu and AT&Ts DirecTV and possibly Apple. These likely will have fewer channels than the traditional expanded basic pay TV bundle, and also cost less. Operators hope to compete by offering their own so-called skinny bundles, just featuring their most popular networks. At the hight of cable and satellite services popularity, small, limited-appeal nets were considered safe when part of a network group featuring channels the cable and satellite providers had to have, which was used as leverage to secure carriage for the lower-profile nets. With the introduction of skinny bundles, that no longer is the case. The danger is even bigger for small, independent channels as cable operators see their profit margins from TV slipping and want to cut costs. That has led to consolidation for instance BBC America was acquired by AMC Networks which itself has been an acquisition target. Some say Pivot TV was doomed from the start as Participant Media went into the indie cable network business without knowing how the market works. There were multiple attempts at a course correction via executive shakeups but nothing could save Pivot TV from going under. Story continues The squeeze is on these little channels, and its going to get worse, said media analyst Hal Vogel, head of Vogel Capital. My guess is this [Pivot] wont be the only one. Viewers have a limited bandwidth of how many hours of TV they can watch a day. Additionally, the younger population is mobile and glued to the phone, Vigel said. They dont watch television as muchIts the move to mobile thats killing this [cable TV] economy. Pivot TV has been targeting the elusive millennial audience. Observers have drawn comparisons to Current TV, which in its original incarnation also was after younger viewers, and the A+E Networks recently rebranded Viceland, which has had a hard time trying to take hold. After a long time on the market, Current TV was able to land a buyer, Al Jazeera, which shelled out $500 million. That network too eventually shut down. This was the last network to sell for its distribution, an industry observer said of the Current TV deal. Participant Media also tried hard to unload Pivot TV but there were no takers. While cord-cutting and Pivot TVs focus on Millennials are considered logical factors in its demise, not everyone is convinced. You can call it the first casualty of cord-cutting, skinny bundling, OTT and delayed viewing phenomenon but thats too easy of an answer, an industry insider said. Maybe it was just a network that nobody needed. Maybe it couldve survived 25 years ago but not today. If your content is not something that is in demand, you are in trouble, and that is especially true if you are a niche network. None of the series Pivot TV put on the air has made a mark. Meanwhile, Adult Swim often dominates the adults 18-49 ratings. With its median age in the low 20s, those ratings are largely driven by Millennials. Millennials are watching linear TV despite what people say, one observer said. Millennials are not abandoning linear TV, they just dont want to watch most of whats on linear TV. Related stories Participant Media Shuts Down Cable TV Network Pivot, Series' Future In Question With 'Deepwater Horizon' and 'Patriots Day,' Peter Berg & Mark Wahlberg Take Two Shots at Everyman's Biggest Fear Participant Media Names Ileen Reich SVP, Publicity & Corporate Communications By Devina Gupta: Even as speculation is rife over the nominees to succeed the RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan, the corridors in the Finance Ministry are abuzz with another nomination race. Bureaucrats are scrambling to meet the Padma Awards nominees deadline of September 15. "Right now recommendations are being sought from the Junior Ministers to give recommendations", a senior official told India Today advertisement Each Union Cabinet minister can nominate people from art, literature, education, sports, medicine, social work, public affairs, civil service, trade, science and engineering. Sources have told India Today a top filmmaker who has graduated from FTII is in the race to be nominated by the Finance Ministry. Interestingly, Padma Awards nomination rules were tweaked earlier this May to make the process more transparent. With emphasis on e-governance, the Modi Government has invited Padma Awards nominees through an online portal. The idea is to ensure transparency during the selection process. But the bureaucracy used to dealing with direct letters of recommendation, the online system is proving to be a challenge. "Since its first time, it's a bit confusing. Earlier they would send a letter attached with the person's name to the Ministry of Home Affairs. Now we need to first create an online account for each Minister, then type out a details of the candidate of their choice. Then get it checked from the seniors, its quite a drill", said a senior official. While even citizens can nominate their favourites this year, the scheme is also open to artists to files their own nomination. The selection committee headed by Cabinet secretary with Home Secretary and Secretary to the President alongwith eminent persons. The final decision rests with the Prime Minister and the President who review the recommendations. --- ENDS --- By Marcin Goettig WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish prosecutors said on Thursday they had begun investigating whether the head of the constitutional tribunal exceeded his authority by not allowing three judges chosen by the ruling parliamentary majority to rule on cases. The inquiry marks another stage in the conflict between Poland's eurosceptic government and its top court. The conflict has already soured investor sentiment toward Poland, eastern Europe's biggest economy. "This investigation is at a very early stage. We are gathering documents and are exchanging letters with the constitutional tribunal," said Ireneusz Kunert, a spokesman for the regional prosecutor's office in the city of Katowice. The head of the constitutional court, Andrzej Rzeplinski, told state news agency PAP the investigation was as an "incompetent attempt" to encroach upon the independence of the judiciary. Earlier this year, prosecutors in Warsaw declined to investigate whether the refusal of the government to publish some verdicts of the constitutional court was legal. "Perhaps this investigation is a form of exerting pressure on the head of the tribunal, but I doubt it will impact actions of the court's head," said Piotr Kladoczny of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Government spokesman Rafal Bochenek said that the decision of the prosecutor's office was independent. Since winning an outright parliamentary majority last year, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has passed several changes to the constitutional court's operational rules. The court ruled some of these change were illegal, but the government ignored the verdicts. Parliament also scrapped last year the previous parliament's nominations for five of the court's 15 judges and put forward its own candidates, which were immediately sworn in by President Andrzej Duda, an ally of PiS. The tribunal later ruled that three of the nominations of the previous party were legal and two illegal. PiS representatives said then that the process of the five new appointments had already been completed. Critics say the government's changes to the tribunal had undermined democratic standards and are part of a broader push to seize more control over state institutions, charges denied by PiS. (Additional reporting by Pawel Sobczak; Writing by Marcin Goettig; Editing by Larry King) Aug 18 (Reuters) - Portola Pharmaceuticals said on Wednesday its investigational drug AndexXa did not get approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. AndexXa is being developed for patients being treated with a Factor Xa inhibitor when reversal of anticoagulation is needed due to life-threatening or uncontrolled bleeding. Factor Xa plays a key role in blood coagulation. The FDA also sought additional information related to manufacturing of the drug. Portola is developing drugs related to thrombosis and other hematologic diseases. Portola's shares fell 11 percent to $23.69 in regular trading on Wednesday, and a further 12 percent in after-hours trade. (Reporting by Bhanu Pratap in Bengaluru; Editing by Sunil Nair) Aug 18 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories in the Financial Times. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy. Headlines * Cisco to cut 5,500 jobs as it restructures * Sage employee arrested over data breach * Cobham chief executive to step down after costly deal strategy * UK jobs figures stronger than expected Overview - Cisco will cut 7 percent of its global workforce or up to 5,500 jobs as it restructures in what it called a "challenging macro environment". - City of London Police said they detained a female employee of Sage Group at the airport on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud. The woman may have been detained in relation to the data breach that hit Sage Group. - Cobham has appointed a new CEO after reporting losses two weeks ago in the first half of the year. David Lockwood, who is currently chief executive of Laird, will replace Bob Murphy before the end of the year. - The number of people in Britain claiming jobless benefits fell in July and the unemployment rate also held steady at an 11-year low of 4.9 percent in a sign of the labour market's resilience. (Compiled by Sangameswaran S in Bengaluru; Editing by Sandra Maler) Aug 18 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories on the New York Times business pages. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy. - Hillary Clinton leaned into her plans to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans on Wednesday, denouncing Donald Trump's tax proposals as a boondoggle for billionaires. - Pinterest has started selling video advertising. Video ads from brands like Kate Spade and bareMinerals will start appearing in the virtual scrapbook-like Pinterest feed on Wednesday and into the coming weeks. - Facing high-profile withdrawals from online insurance exchanges and surging premiums, the Obama administration is preparing a major push to enroll new participants into public marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act. (Compiled by Bhanu Pratap in Bengaluru) It was the fashion sell-out of the year when the then- Kate Middleton wore a blue Issa dress to announce her engagement to Prince William back in 2010. Now the designer is back with an almost-identical version of the iconic dress for $175 a bargain considering the original retailed for $535! Daniella Helayel, founder and former creative director of Issa, has launched a capsule collection with U.K. brand Monsoon featuring 13 of her glamorous wrap-style dresses, including the Gisele, which is strikingly similar to the Issa silk-jersey version that Kate wore six years ago for her first-ever televised interview. Want to keep up with the latest royals coverage? Click here to subscribe to the Royals Newsletter. After dressing Kate for many years in the lead-up to the royal engagement, Brazilian-born Helayel sold the label to Camilla Al-Fayed (daughter of former Harrods boss Mohamed Al-Fayed) in 2013. The new capsule collection, which she describes as having a "wide appeal to every woman," marks her first foray back into the fashion world since then. The Gisele style features the same plunging v-shape neckline, long sleeves and waist-accentuating design that Kate still favors today. Bringing back her signature floral and geometric prints, Helayel says the vintage-vibe dresses should make every woman feel her best: "I like to empower women so they can get on with their lives knowing they look fantastic!" By PTI: Karachi, Aug 18 (PTI) Fourteen years after he killed his first wife, a Pakistani man has murdered his second wife by repeatedly stabbing her before slitting her throat with a knife, in the latest case of "honour killing" in the country. Rahim Daad killed Farzana, 35, inside their home in Sindhs capital Karachi early yesterday, police said. Daad has been arrested and a knife was seized from him. advertisement He repeatedly stabbed Farzana before slitting her throat, Dawn reported quoting a top police official. During interrogation, Daad confessed to murder his wife in the name of honour, the official added. Early Wednesday night, the couple had an argument over some issue following which Farzana wanted to leave the house and Daad. In an ensuing scuffle, Daad took out his knife and killed her. He stabbed her in the abdomen and then slit her throat. The suspect had killed his first wife, a mother of three, citing that she too had shamed the family, the police said. In Pakistan, the victims of "honour killings" are overwhelmingly women, with hundreds killed each year. The crime came under the international spotlight after social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch was killed by brother. Balochs murder sparked an international uproar forcing the Pakistani government to announce strict action against those involved in her murder. Rights groups have for years called for tougher laws to tackle perpetrators of violence against women in Pakistan. PTI ABH AKJ ABH --- ENDS --- Army ACH helmet The US militarys iconic Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) that has seen combat for over a decade has been manufactured by an unlikely source: America's prison inmates. Though the origin of this life-saving equipment may not be reason for concern, the processes and checks to ensure the integrity of each helmet should be which is why a recent investigation from The Washington Post is cause for worry. The Post's investigation revealed that a settlement of $3 million for defective helmets was reached between the Department of Justice and ArmorSource, an Ohio-based corporation that develops and manufactures ballistic helmets for military and law-enforcement personnel. The official DOJ report that was released on Wednesday states that in 2006, the US Army approved a $30 million contract with ArmorSource to manufacture the ACH for soldiers. After winning the contract, Federal Prison Industries (FPI), a corporation that provides services and products made by federal inmates through a correctional program, was subcontracted from ArmorSource to begin production. FPI, which also operates under the trade name UNICOR, then began production of these faulty helmets that were found to have degraded armor, which in turn failed ballistics-testing standards. A total of 44,000 of these helmets, many which were already seeing use in Afghanistan, were recalled in 2010 by the Army. It is estimated that a total of 126,052 helmets were eventually recalled equating to a $19.1 million loss. In addition to these defective units, The Post reports that an initial shipment of 23,000 helmets bound for the US Marine Corps was also held. soldier The investigation revealed that the helmets were scrutinized after finding them to be constructed using unauthorized or degraded materials that attributed to the helmet's deformities. Specifically, parts of the combat helmet were merely filled with dust and fragments of Kevlar, and many of the helmets serial numbers were altered or changed. Story continues The inspector general also found that there was a lapse in operational procedures that were directly attributable to the Department of Defense. The Defense Contract Management Agency, a DOD-operated component that works with contractors to ensure that supplies and services are properly handled, was discovered to have lacked the proper training to conduct an inspection of the helmets. Despite this insufficiency, inspectors submitted false reports that purported to have conducted these reviews. According to The Post, no charges against ArmorSource or FPI were filed by federal prosecutors citing a matter of policy, the DOJ declined to provide an explanation. Having recently won another contract with the US Marine Corps for an order of 10,000 units, ArmorSource still remains a manufacturer of the militarys helmets today. Stating that the case's investigation was old, The Post reported that ArmorSource declined to make any additional comments. NOW WATCH: The US military uses this tactic to get hundreds of troops onto the ground in a matter of minutes More From Business Insider (Yahoo Singapore photo: Safhras Khan) REPORTING FROM BATAM The main door of one house at a quaint neighbourhood in Batam, about a 25-minute drive from the ferry terminal, was unlocked. Lights in the single-storey house in Taman Mediteranian were switched on while clothes were hanging on several laundry lines. But no one was inside the house. A yellow police line taped around the fence was an indication that a crime investigation was taking place. The house was where the alleged mastermind of the plot to launch a rocket attack on Marina Bay, Singapore, used to live. Gigih Rahmat Dewa, the suspected leader of KGR@Katibah GR, a terrorist group linked to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and five others - Trio Syafrido, 46, Eka Saputra, 35, Tarmidzi, 21, Hadi Gusta Yanda 20 and M Tegar Sucianto, 19 did not manage to carry out the plot and were arrested by Indonesian authorities in Batam on 5 August. A friendly and sociable person Yahoo Singapore visited the Taman Mediteranian neighbourhood on Tuesday (16 August), and spoke to several of Gigihs neighbours. They were shocked by the relevation of his radicalisation and arrest - all of them refused to be photographed. Gigih did not show any signs of being a potential terrorist and was a friendly and likeable person in the close-knitted community, they said. Anjas, who goes by a single name, said that Gigih moved into the area in 2012 and appeared to be normal. The 42-year-old construction worker said that Gigih used to attend daily prayers at a nearby mosque and was often helping out during community events. His movements are predictable. He will go to the mosque in the morning before leaving for work and he will come home in the evening. He is friendly and will always be around to gotong-royong (help as a community) whenever there was a cleaning up activity in the neighbourhood, said Anjas. The police raided Gigihs house after he was arrested elsewhere, Anjas revealed. It was during the raid that he found out that Gigih has been under police surveillance since December last year. Story continues The police officers told me that they have been keeping tabs on Gigih and they were monitoring his house. It is scary to know that a terrorist leader has been staying among us for a long time, said Anjas, who moved into the neighbourhood in 2010. More than 40 officers involved in raid The house was empty but the lights inside were switched on. (Yahoo Singapore photo: Safhras Khan) Around 8 am on 5 August, the tranquility of the neighbourhood was shattered by the presence of more than 40 police officers wearing riot gear and equipped with assault rifles. Some of the officers took a battering ram to smash through the front door of Gigihs house. Freddy Siahan, who was appointed as the security officer in charge of the neighbourhood in 2007, said that he was present during the raid. The 36-year-old assisted the officers to carry out the raid. He said that Gigih and his family were not home then. Gigih was arrested somewhere else but the police raided his house to look for evidence. I participated in the raid and was responsible to ensure that local residents stay away from the house. As of now, the house is abandoned and we are unable to enter the building as it has been cordoned off. But it is my duty that the house remains safe and no thieves can enter the place, said Freddy, who stays about 50 metres away from Gigihs house. According to Freddy, the neighbourhood comprises 640 houses with about 1,000 residents. Freddy agreed with his neighbours that Gigih was a friendly person. Gigihs wife works for a government agency and the couple have a daughter who is about two years old, Freddy said. I am shocked. We talked a lot but he never discussed anything related to radicalism with me before, said Freddy, who moved into the neighbourhood in 2003. Since the arrest, police have been stepping up patrols in the neighbourhood. Residents concerned about business impact Gigihs abandoned house is being monitored by Indonesian authorities. (Yahoo Singapore photo: Safhras Khan) The raid has already led to a sharp decline in the number of tourists visiting Batam, most of who are from Singapore, Malaysia and other parts of Indonesia. The Batam residents have expressed concern about the impact on their livelihood given that the tourism sector is a major part of the local economy. Mohammad, a 36-year-old businessman, pointed out that there has been a significant drop in the number of tourists on weekends. Before the raid, it was difficult for me to book a hotel room for my business clients on a weekend. But now, the rooms are almost empty. I have no problem booking a room for my clients who were in town last weekend, said Mohammad, who was speaking to Yahoo Singapore at a cafe near the ferry terminal. I had clients who cancelled their appointments to visit Batam as they were afraid there will be an attack soon. Mohammad said the government must ensure that terrorist groups are dealt with quickly. He condemned these groups, saying that they are a disgrace to Islam. Edison, who works in the tourism industry, said parents have to play a part in ensuring that their children are not exposed to radicalism. The father of four said that educating children from a young age is important, especially with the prevalence of the internet. Although Edison was happy that the suspects had been arrested, he said there must be proof to show that the suspects were terrorists. For now, people are saying that they are terrorists. But I do hope they are given a fair trial and punished only if they are found guilty, said Edison. T. rex skull Seattles Burke Museum took delivery of whats recognized as one of the finest Tyrannosaur rex skulls in the world today, but there are still more bones out in Montana to add to the treasure. Well go back again, Greg Wilson, a University of Washington biologist who led the excavation team at Montanas Hell Creek Formation, told GeekWire at the arrival ceremony. Theres more in the hill. Itll take more than a year to do the preparatory work on the skull and more than 50 other T. rex bone specimens that have been recovered over the past couple of months, including vertebrae, ribs, hips and lower jaw bones. The haul so far appears to account for about 20 percent of the complete skeleton. That puts the Burke Museums set of fossils among the worlds top 25 T. rex finds, Wilson said. He told reporters that the museums T. rex skull will be the only one to go on public display in Washington state. This is a huge discovery for the Burke Museum, science in general, and the state of Washington, he said as he stood alongside the flatbed truck that brought the plaster-wrapped skull to Seattle overnight. Minutes after Wilson spoke, a forklift operator carefully raised the 3,000-pound-plus hulk off the flatbed, moved it onto a pallet, and deposited it in the museums loading dock. The skull, still encased in rock and plaster, will go on display in the museums lobby on Saturday and stay there until Oct. 2. Then the Burkes paleontology team will go to work. The museum expects to put the partially prepared skull on exhibit again next year for its annual Dino Weekend in mid-March, and then show off the specimen in its full glory by the time the museums new building opens in 2019. Greg Wilson with T. rex skull at Burke Museum Wilson and his colleagues already have figured out some of the T. rexs history. It was probably about 15 years old, close to full adulthood, when it died about 66.3 million years ago. That time frame would be 300,000 years before the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs (except for birds, which are considered the modern-day descendants of dinosaurs). Story continues Based on the size of its skull, the T. rex was about 40 feet long and 15 to 20 feet tall in life. Its hips would have come up nearly to the height of a city bus, Wilson said. The discovery drew praise from Nathan Myhrvold, the CEO of Intellectual Ventures, who has conducted and supported paleontological research in the Hell Creek Formation. This is really great news. The T. rex has always been my favorite dinosaur, and Im really pleased that this one is going to make its home at the Burke Museum, he said in a statement. Veteran dino-hunter Jack Horner said the T. rex trove is definitely one of the most significant specimens yet found, and because of its size, is sure to yield important information about the growth and possible eating habits of these magnificent animals. T. rex skull extracted The initial find was made in May 2015, while Burke volunteers Jason Love and Luke Tufts were taking an exploratory hike through a little-traveled area of the Hell Creek Formation. We came around a corner and saw some really big pieces of bone, Love recalled. Their interest grew when they noticed that some of the bones had the honeycomb appearance associated with big predatory dinosaurs like T. rex. Confirmation of the find, and the excavation itself, had to wait until the professionals came onto the scene. Tufts and Love have been fossil-hunters since their college days, but theyre not trained paleontologists. Tufts is an accountant, while Love is a pathologist specializing in blood diseases. We dont do any digging, we dont do any disturbing of the fossils, because were not the experts, Love explained. T. rex honeycomb bone The Burke Museum got into the act because it holds a permit from the Bureau of Land Management to conduct excavations on federal land in the Hell Creek Formation. Wilson said examining the bones in the field was a long process, involving 30 to 45 people. Finally, during this summers field season, Wilson and his team removed more than 20 tons of dirt around the skull and the surrounding rock. At one point, a local rancher lent his hay bale loader to help lift the chunk of rock out of the ground. During excavation, paleontologists exposed the right side of the fossilized skull from base to snout, including teeth. Researchers assume that the rest of the skull will come to light once additional rock is chipped away. To honor the discoverers, Wilson said the specimen would be known as the Tufts-Love Rex. That kind of recognition tickled Tufts and Love, who have been dinosaur fans since childhood. This is a big thrill for a couple of aging guys in their 40s, Love said. Luke Tufts and Jason Love More from GeekWire: Raytheon Company RTN is set to manufacture launchers for the Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile or NSM at its Louisville facility. The company builds Close-in Weapon Systems including Phalanx, SeaRAM and Rolling Airframe Missile launchers at the plant. This contract closely follows Raytheons deal with Kongsberg to construct the NSM launchers in Tucson, AZ. RAYTHEON CO Price RAYTHEON CO Price | RAYTHEON CO Quote The contract also entails the final assembly, integration and test of the NSM at Raytheon's Tucson facility. NSM is an anti-ship missile with a range of over 100 nautical miles. It has a greater capability to strike land and sea targets. Raytheon and Kongsberg believe that NSM is a perfect resolution for navies around the world as well as for the U.S. Navy's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). Back in 2014, the U.S. Navy test fired a NSM from Independence-class LCS USS Coronado (LCS-4). Lockheed Martin Corp.s LMT Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) and an improved version of Boeings BA Harpoon anti-ship missile are likely to pose competitive threat to the Over-the-horizon program. Based in Massachusetts, Raytheon is one of the largest aerospace and defense companies in the U.S. with a diversified line of military products, including missiles, radars, sensors, surveillance and reconnaissance equipment, communication and information systems, naval systems, air traffic control systems, and technical services. Q2 Performance at a Glance Raytheon reported solid second-quarter results wherein it topped the Zacks Consensus Estimates on both the top and bottom line fronts. Further, the companys earnings and revenues improved 3.2% and 6.1% respectively, on a year-over-year basis. Apart from reporting a stellar second quarter, the missile maker raised its 2016 guidance for margins, operating cash flow, EPS as well as bookings. Earlier this month, Raytheon secured a U.S. Navy contract extension to provide conversion, system overhaul and upgrade services as well as related hardware for MK 15 Close-In Weapon Systems or CIWS. This modification contract, worth $288 million, will include purchases for the Navy and foreign allies comprising governments of Turkey as well as Australia, under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. Raytheon is slated to complete work under this contract by Dec 2022. Raytheon has a distinct focus on its overseas business. The company has been witnessing a steady rise in international sales over the past few years. International bookings comprised 31% of total company bookings in the second quarter of 2016. International sales increased 8% in the quarter while 42% of the total backlog was from international customers. Raytheon carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). A Key Pick A better-ranked stock in the defense space is Ducommun Inc. DCO, sporting a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report BOEING CO (BA): Free Stock Analysis Report LOCKHEED MARTIN (LMT): Free Stock Analysis Report DUCOMMUN INC DE (DCO): Free Stock Analysis Report RAYTHEON CO (RTN): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research From Esquire Charlie is taking a well-deserved break this week. In his absence, we'll be remembering some of his greatest hits from throughout this election cycle. Here is his takedown of the House Select Committee on Benghazi after Hillary Clinton's appearance before that body, originally published on October 23, 2015. -The Editors As a public service, I would like to give the voters of Alabama's Second Congressional District a preview of one of the campaign commercials they are going to see next fall, when Congresswoman Martha Roby is running for re-election. There is going to be a serious movie-trailer in-a-world musical introduction and then a clip of Ms. Roby thundering at Hillary Rodham Clinton, "I don't know why that's funny. Did you have any in-person briefings? I don't find it funny at allThe reason I say it's not funny is because it went well into the night when our folks on the ground were still in danger, so I don't think it's funny to ask if you're alone the whole night." And then, Martha Roby-Not Afraid. Paid For By The Committee To Re-Elect The Clueless. What you will not see is Hillary Rodham Clinton's finally breaking into the gale of laughter she'd been suppressing for about seven hours, and those members of the gallery still conscious enough to laugh guffawing right along with her. This is because if you watched the hearings in real time, you would realize, in context, that in her outrage, Ms. Roby looked like nothing more than an angry nun who'd reached for her ruler only to realize that someone had switched in a vibrator on her. It was that kind of day. It was that kind of night. Well, if nothing else, HRC's stalwart performance scared Lincoln Chafee right out of the presidential campaign. Feel the O'Malleymentum! Photo credit: Getty I would like to take a minute to defuse one line of historical analysis that even kindly Doc Maddow fell partly victim to as the hearing finally wrapped up, and as Trey Gowdy returned to his office to fill in his Uncle Beldar on the events of the day. It was said by many people that one of the reasons that the hearing was such an embarrassment to representative democracy was that the overt partisanship set it apart from similar hearings into similar events, like the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983, or the bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996, or the bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. Story continues Partly because HRC and her partisans on the committee had been relentless in pointing out these events as precedents for how dangerous overseas work can be, an argument developed that these previous congressional investigations had been productive exercises in bipartisanship. There was an element of what the most excellent Digby calls "Tipnronnie" nostalgia to this argument that serves to obscure the fact that these investigations are always political. As has been relentlessly argued ever since the issue of Benghazi, Benghazi!, BENGHAZI! was first raised, in the wake of the Marine barracks bombing in 1983, a Democratic congress launched an investigation that had no public hearings and that produced a bipartisan report that parceled out the blame. Nobody, it is said, tried to "politicize" the event. History does not necessarily indicate that this was a good thing. President Ronald Reagan, who was only mildly called to account for his administration's negligence in protecting Marines in a city where the United States embassy already was bombed, went on to deflect the nation's attention by invading Grenada, and he and his national-security team were emboldened to launch in full the various covert enterprises that came to be known as the Iran-Contra scandal. Perhaps a little "politicization" of the investigation might have been a good thing. [contentlinks align="center" textonly="false" numbered="false" headline="Related Story" customtitles="The Committee to Keep Benghazi Alive" customimages="" content="article.39090"] In fact, it is the congressional investigation into Iran-Contra that gives the lie to the nostalgia for the good old days of bipartisan investigation. The special committee chaired by then-Senator Daniel Inouye was intensely political, both on the surface and behind the scenes. Part of the reason that it became so politicized was that Inouye went out of his way to be fair and bipartisan. Among his other decisions, he refused to let the committee subpoena either President Reagan or vice-president George H. W. Bush, the latter of whom was able to duck responsibility for having been hip-deep in the scheme all the way into the White House himself. As Sean Wilentz writes in the Age of Reagan, "A strong Democrat, but a patriot first, Inouye wanted to promote a sense of national unity as well as probity in this new time of trouble. Yet Inouye's aversion to conflict led him and his colleagues to commit tactical errors that helped stack the deck in favor of the White House and its unwavering loyalists." What resulted was an inconclusive investigation that produced two remarkable (and very political) events-the glorification of arms-peddling, Iran-enabling Oliver North, and the minority report of the committee, written by Wyoming Congressman Dick Cheney, that was a blueprint for all the extraconstitutional atrocities that Cheney would commit between 2000 and 2009. Again, maybe a little partisanship would have led to different results. The reason that Thursday's hearing looked so grotesque was not simply that it was a partisan dumbshow. It looked grotesque in the first place because what was being investigated was nothing. The Marine barracks really was destroyed. The Khobar Towers really did blow up. The Reagan administration really did sell weapons to the mullahs. What Gowdy and his merry band of meatheads was trying to find out already had been explained by a number of different investigations, and it still was unclear what Thursday's hearing was supposed to be getting at. [contentlinks align="center" textonly="false" numbered="false" headline="Related Story" customtitles="The Benghazi Committee's $4.7 Million Fishing Trip" customimages="" content="article.39099"] The other reason is that, for two midterm cycles now, the Republican base has been sending lightweights to represent it in a federal government that the base has grown to hate. Say what you will about Cheney, in terms of partisan political warfare, the man is a heavyweight. Instead, we got Roby, inadvertently stumbling into a wilderness of punchlines, and Lynn Westmoreland, who appeared to be lifted whole from Sam Drucker's store and plopped behind the committee table, and angry red balloons like Mike Pompeo and Peter Roskam. Even chairman Gowdy is in Congress only because Bob Inglis proved too much of a liberal for a district down in the home office of American sedition. The Tea Party people are electing each other now. The problem with Thursday's fiasco was not that it was partisanship per se, but that it was an obviously amateur theatrical. Dear United States: Please stop electing morons. Sincerely, America. Click here to respond to this post on the official Esquire Politics Facebook page. You Might Also Like Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sites/ on line 494 Dan Och A multibillion-dollar hedge fund firm considered selling itself earlier this year amid a government investigation, The Wall Street Journal reports. Och-Ziff Capital Management considered selling part of itself to other asset managers, including Pimco, according to The Journal's Sarah Krouse and Rob Copeland. Joe Snodgrass, a media rep for Och-Ziff, told Business Insider that the firm is "not contemplating selling any part of the firm or any other strategic transactions." The Journal's reporters first broke the news on Twitter: Screen Shot 2016 08 18 at 1.29.01 PM Screen Shot 2016 08 18 at 1.25.43 PM Earlier this month, Och-Ziff's partners prepared to set aside $500 million for a settlement with the US government. Och-Ziff has been involved in an investigation about whether it knowingly paid bribes in exchange for an investment from Libya's sovereign wealth fund. The firm said it had added $214 million in reserve for its ongoing Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation, bringing the total reserve to $414 million, according to its second-quarter earnings call. NOW WATCH: MALCOLM GLADWELL: Anyone who gives a single dollar to Princeton has completely lost their mind' More From Business Insider From Cosmopolitan Women are being jailed in America at a faster rate than men and now make up the fastest growing population in America's correctional system. That finding is according to a staggering report by the Vera Institute of Justice and the John D. and Catherine T.MacArthur Foundation's Safety and Justice Challenge, which has found that the number of women in jails has increased 14-fold since the 1970s, driven mostly by county jails. Fewer than 8,000 women were in jail in 1970. Today, there are nearly 110,000 women in jail. Unlike prison, most of the men and women in jail are charged with criminal offenses and awaiting trial, and are therefore legallypresumed innocent. Like men, women in jail are disproportionately black and Latina, low-income, and charged with low-level offenses. While there is evidence that women receive "greater leniency" than men do in decisions pertaining to bail, custody, or release, the population of women in jail also face a distinct set of disadvantages, according to the report. Due to the wage gap, women are less likely to be able to afford bail and associated legal fees than men. In fact, "nearly half of all single black and Hispanic women have zero or negative net wealth" Furthermore, 79 percent of women in jail are mothers, and the report notes that, unlike incarcerated men, these women "are, by and large, single parents, solely responsible for their young children." This means that extended jail time for a woman likely has a devastating ripple effect on families, forcing children into foster care. Women who enter jail are also more likely to be victims of sexual violence and report a higher rate of health issues than men prior to being incarcerated. A high percentage of these women - 86 percent - are victims of sexual violence and 77 percent report being victims of intimate partner violence. And a majority of them have been charged with low-level offenses "and tend to have less extensive criminal histories than their male counterparts." Eighty-two percent of women are in jail for nonviolent offenses. Story continues Women are also far more likely to be sexually assaulted in jail. Between 2009 and 2011, for example, women "represented approximately 13 percent of people held in local jails, but 27 percent of victims of inmate-on inmate sexual victimization and 67 percent of victims of staff-on-inmate sexual victimization," the report says. Despite these statistics, there is very little research that examines why more and more women are ending up behind bars, or how to reverse this trend. Men continue to make up a majority of the population behind bars, and therefore many policies in the criminal justice system are designed with men in mind. The purpose of this report is to highlight the growing challenges that women face in the criminal justice system and seek to rectify them. "Just as the misuse of local jails has been missing from the national conversation on criminal justice reform until recently, the exponential growth of women in jail has been ignored for too long," said Nicholas Turner, president of the Vera Institute of Justice. "This report is an important first step to recognizing this gap - which profoundly and directly affects families as well as the women behind bars - and reversing course on this alarming trend." Follow Prachi on Twitter. PALO ALTO, Calif.A few minutes into the conservative policy seminar, the economist John Cochrane made a point of clarification. This is not, he specified, advice for a Trump administration. At Cochranes elbow, George Shultz, the former secretary of state, muttered, God help us. Shultz, the Republican elder statesman and veteran of the Nixon and Reagan administrations, had spent the preceding months assembling a far-reaching book of policy recommendations on matters domestic and foreign on behalf of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He commissioned a decorated group of expertsmen and women with gaudy constellations of letters after their names, generals and ambassadors and national-security expertsto pen chapters outlining their vision for such topics as health-care reform, banking legislation, counterterrorism strategy, and the U.S. posture toward Asia. On Monday, the group summoned a group of reporters here for a special summit to unveil these policy ideasgrandly titled Blueprint for Americato the world. Recommended: The Era of 'The Bitch' Is Coming Hopefully, said John Cogan, a Hoover economist who wrote the Blueprint chapter on entitlements, these ideas will be picked up by some enterprising politician. Hope springs eternal for the Republican Party-in-exile. The vast apparatus of right-wing policy, built up over decades and seeded with millions of dollars to promote a conservative vision, has never seemed more quaintly irrelevant than it does today. Despite various attempts to allude to the world beyond this leafy campus, an air of unreality hung over the proceedings. In a presidential campaign year in which no candidate seems remotely interested in the fine points of conservative policy, what was it all for? The Blueprint calls for international free-trade agreements and a more liberal immigration system; it recommends reducing spending on Social Security and Medicare and promoting democracy and human rights abroad. Even as the Hoover scholars spoke, Trump was in Youngstown, Ohio, delivering an address on an altogether different vision of foreign policyone in which Americas interests are paramount and relations with allies are transactional, in which immigrants and their children are subject to what he termed extreme vetting. Story continues Other Republicans, like the partys Senate candidates and House leadership, are doing the best they can to make the Republican brand as inclusive as possible, noted Lanhee Chen, a former policy adviser to the presidential campaigns of Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio. But that, he lamented, could only go so far in an atmosphere dominated by Trump: So much is driven by the top of the ticketit just is. Recommended: America Is Ignoring the Worst Natural Disaster Since Superstorm Sandy With the rise of Trump, institutions like Hooverthe sole public monument to the 31st president, who famously was blamed for exacerbating the Depression have come to seem like an alternate universe, created in the vain longing that reality were not so. In todays political climate, it isnt only these particular ideas that seem quaintits the very idea of having ideas at all. And yet the intellectuals persist; what else can they do? Having formulated the Blueprint, there was nothing to do but release it, orphaned, into the world. Shultz recalled fondly a meeting at the Kremlin with then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at which a previous Hoover report came up for discussion. All of a sudden he attacks me for something in the book, Shultz recalled. And I said, Oh, my God, somebody read it! A lively discussion of markets ensued. Chief among the many disturbances to the Republican psyche prompted by Trump is the realization on the part of many of the partys erstwhile mavens that their voters were not nearly as interested in their agenda as they previously believed. The party base proved, in this years primaries, not only willing to go along with a candidate who called many of its dogmas into question, but perhaps actively supportive of his heretical ideas. So much of what you read, whats in the political agenda, is just so wrong, Cochrane sputtered, exasperated. Its really frustrating. Immigration is good, and trade is good! Recommended: What Michael Moore and Donald Trump Have In Common But Republicans dont have anything they agree on anymore, as the conservative columnist Matt Continetti recently noted. There are Republicans who favor more foreign adventurism and those who favor less of it; those who would drastically shrink the government and those who would consider raising taxes; those who favor gay marriage and those who oppose it. (President Hoovers great-granddaughter, Margaret Hoover, is a pro-gay-marriage activist.) Nonpartisan analyses of Trumps tax proposals say it would explode the deficit, something of great concern to budget hawks like Cogan. But, judging by the candidates proposals, Im not sure theres agreement that a problem exists, he said mournfully. The reporters attending the seminar, who represented major newspapers, television networks, conservative outlets such as National Review, and of course The Atlantic, kept asking versions of the same question. How, we wanted to know, could these ideas be made relevant to a skeptical public? Cochrane suggested that, given that people are angry, perhaps their sentiments could be redirected at more appropriate targets. We have to harness their justified rage, he said. The reason your students are getting a lousy education is that teachers unions have taken over the political system and are screwing your kids! Many in the GOP have convinced themselves that Trump is an anomaly, a one-of-a-kind celebrity interloper whose nomination was a fluke. All that is necessary is to wait for the election to be over; then they can return to their regularly scheduled programming. It is as if the presidential campaign is a bad dream from which theyll soon awaken. When the seminar broke for lunch, the eminent scholars could be heard asking the political reporters, in bewildered tones, to explain the state of the campaign. The hope of institutions like Hoover, which are carrying on their business and preparing for the day that the party comes back to its senses, is that this too shall pass. But in other quarters, there are heretical whispers. What if Trump has exposed something fundamentalthe hollowness of the partys old agenda, the troubling priorities of its most reliable voters? What if nobody wants the old-time religion of supply-side economics, or the neoconservatism that produced the Iraq war? Can there be any going back once that realization sets in? At the days final session, the upcoming presidential debates were considered. An attempt was made by the moderator, Bill Whalen, to treat this campaign as a normal one. Who exactly is doing policy for Donald Trump? What does he have in his policy binder? he asked. Who is going to put ideas in front of him so that he can prepare? He put a series of questions to Chen and Kori Schake, a former National Security Council and State Department staffer under George W. Bush, trying to get them to imagine the contours of a Trump administration. The experts seemed exhausted by the very thought of it. Schake, who has endorsed Hillary Clinton and signed a letter declaring Trump a danger to national security, expressed the hope that Trump would not only lose the election but lose it by a wide margin, in order to discredit his ideas. In matters of both policy and rhetoric toward minorities, Chen noted sadly, the party has taken steps back, not forward; its very discouraging to me personally. Conservatives, Chen said, are already having discussions about next steps, forming institutions to revitalize the party and the movement. Trump has surfaced a number of things that Republicans are going to have to deal with after November 9, he said. But before the party can fix itself, it must decide what ails it. After the election, Chen anticipates that this will be the first fight to break out. The establishment faction, he said, will insist that the problem was figures like Ted Cruz who fanned the anger of the grassroots. Others will blame the partys positions and advocate reorienting it toward a populist platform of protectionism and expanding entitlements. And others will say the policies are fine; its merely the tone that needs to be fixed. Maybe the answer is that we wont agreewell always have this roadblock, he concluded. A reporter asked whether Trump winning the election might speed the process of reflection, and Chen shook his head. All the soul-searching we need to do has been provoked already, he said. I would rather not see him win. Thats my view. The impetus is already there. Im not sure what ore is gained by four years of this. At the thought of that prospect, a shudder seemed to go through the room. Read more from The Atlantic: This article was originally published on The Atlantic. (Updates to add detail on disputed products) WELLINGTON, Aug 18 (Reuters) - ResMed Inc said on Thursday it has filed legal action to stop the alleged infringement of its patented technology by New Zealand-based medical device manufacturer Fisher & Paykel Healthcare. ResMed said in a statement it filed legal action with the U.S. International Trade Commission and the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California in San Diego, as well as courts in New Zealand and Germany. ResMed is calling for an injunction banning importation of Fisher & Paykel Simplus full face mask, Eson nasal mask and Eson 2 nasal mask. It asserts the masks infringe ResMed's patents. The masks, which provide continuous airway pressure, are used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where airways are blocked during sleep. It is also calling on the court to invalidate patents that Fisher & Paykel recently asserted against ResMed, to declare that ResMed does not infringe those patents, or both. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare intends to "vigorously defend" the allegations, it said in a statement to the New Zealand stock exchange. The move comes after Fisher & Paykel Healthcare filed patent infringement proceedings against ResMed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California earlier this week. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare argues that several of ResMed's breathing masks and air flow products infringe its patents. The New Zealand company specifically cites the AirSense 10 and AirCurve 10 range of flow generator products, ClimateLineAir heated air tubing for use with such flow generator products and Swift LT and Swift FX masks. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Chief Executive Lewis Gradon said "we believe we have good and valid defences to the claims filed by ResMed and we will vigorously contest these claims. We are also confident in our infringement and validity positions with respect to our own patents." ResMed global general counsel and chief administrative officer David Pendarvis said his company "is confident that when the courts hear all the evidence, ResMed will prevail on its case and defeat any claims asserted by Fisher & Paykel." (Reporting by Rebecca Howard; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Eric Meijer) By PTI: New York, Aug 18 (PTI) A 12-year-old Pakistani-American special needs student was forced by a school here to sign a false confession stating that he was part of ISIS and wanted to blow up the school fence, according to a USD 25 million lawsuit filed by his family. The Muslim family from Long Island has sued the East Islip Union Free School District for USD 25 million, saying their son Nashwan Uppal was taunted by his classmates as a "terrorist" and then was asked repeatedly by school officials if he was a terrorist, if he made bombs, if he knew who "Osama" was and if he was part of ISIS. advertisement The lawsuit, which was filed in Brooklyn federal court on Monday, claims Uppal, a Pakistani-American student, was sitting in the lunchroom of the East Islip Middle School on January 6 when other kids started asking him what he was going to "blow up next", the New York Post reported. Uppal, who has severe learning and social disabilities, attempted to move to another table as adults in the lunchroom did nothing, according to the lawsuit, but the bullies followed him and continued their Islamophobic taunts. The suit says, the next day, Uppal was pulled from gym class by Superintendent John Dolan, Principal Mark Bernard and Assistant Principal Jason Stanton, and interrogated. "Stanton repeatedly asked Nashwan if he was a terrorist, and if he made bombs in his house," the suit says. When he said no, an increasingly irate Stanton allegedly bellowed, "Dont lie to us!" A trembling Uppal was forced to write a confession saying he was "part of ISIS, knew how to make bombs, that he had bombs in his house, and that he was going to blow up the school fence," the suit alleges. Officials eventually let him call his mother, Nubaisha Amar, who was told her son had pledged allegiance to ISIS and was going to blow up the school. Police escorted mother and son back to their home before searching the entire house and concluding he was no threat. However, Uppal was suspended for a week for "criminal activity". Attorney David Antwork said the boy was emotionally scarred. "The defendants trampled on...Nashwans civil rights, berated and humiliated him by forcing Nashwan to confess to crimes which he did not commit while ignoring the fact that he was incessantly bullied and had known social, language and learning disabilities," Antwork was quoted as saying. The lawsuit also claims that Uppal suffered from "severe and extreme emotional distress" including "nightmares, sleeplessness, crying, fear, humiliation and stress" as a result of the incident. PTI ASK AKJ ASK --- ENDS --- Rio de Janeiro (AFP) - Amid the turmoil engulfing Ryan Lochte and three other US swimmers over their mugging story, Rio organisers on Thursday gave them words of sympathy. "Let's give these kids a break," said Rio 2016 chief spokesman Mario Andrada, who had earlier given a full apology for the supposed ordeal they had gone through in a gunpoint robbery. The story has unravelled in a police investigation with reports of Lochte, Jack Conger, Gunnar Bentz and James Feigen in a fight at a Rio gas station. "I do not regret having apologised," Andrada told a press briefing when asked whether he expected better behaviour from Olympians like six gold medal winner Lochte. "I do not expect, no apologies from him or from the other athletes are needed. "We need to understand that these kids were trying to have fun. They came here, they represented their country to the best of their abilities. They trained for at least four years and they competed under gigantic pressure," the spokesman added. "I understand that this issue is under investigation. I cannot go much further into the details, but you know lets give these kids a break. Sometimes you take actions that you later regret. "They are magnificent athletes, Lochte is one of the best swimmers of all times. They made a mistake, it is part of life." On Sunday after the robbery reports started, Andrada told his daily briefing, "We apologize to those involved and regret that violence is an issue in these Games." Ryan Lochte A Brazilian police official has said American swimmer Ryan Lochte fabricated the story that he and three teammates were robbed in Rio, according to the Associated Press, and a gas station owner has accused the quartet of vandalism, according to The official said swimmers Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger, who were blocked from leaving Rio on a plane Wednesday, admitted during questioning that Lochte had made the story up. According to a television report for the Brazilian publication Globo, the police are now saying the alleged robbery involving Lochte, Bentz, Conger, and Jimmy Feigen was actually confusion over a broken bathroom door at a gas station. A second report from, however, features a witness who says the swimmers intentionally vandalized the gas station after being accused of urinating on a sidewalk. According to the first report, security guards at a gas station told the police the swimmers stopped at the station at about 6 a.m. and used the bathroom. The statements from the guards reportedly say that when the swimmers tried to leave, it was noticed that the bathroom door was broken, the taxi was ordered not to leave, and the police were called. 2016 08 18_11 33 15 The police official told the AP the swimmers couldn't open the door and broke it when they pushed it in. The report says two of the swimmers fled the scene down the street and security would have then pointed a gun and shown badges to the other two swimmers to prevent them from leaving. Here is a translation of the report from Google translate: "The guards told in a statement to police that on Sunday at 6 a.m., the taxi driver stopped at the station with four men in the car. He recognized swimmer Ryan Lochte as one of the athletes who were in the vehicle. "In testimony, he also reported that the manager was called to contain a confusion in the gas station funds. And when it came to the bathroom he found the soap dish, the paper, the information board and the damaged door. Then the swimmers went to the taxi, but the taxi driver obeyed the order of safety to await the arrival of the police, which was triggered. Story continues "Also according to the safety, swimmers showed aggressive, changed and clearly drunk. And in that moment, he presented the badge. Two athletes fled to the street, following the flow of vehicles. The security would have pointed, then the gun to prevent other two left the place." However, the second report paints a slightly different picture. According to that report in Globo, the station's owner accused the swimmers of vandalism. Here is the Google translation: "According to the dealer, Ryan Lochte, James Feigen, Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger came to urinate on the spot, despite appeals from officials for them to use the bathroom. ... "Also according to the owner of the station, one of the athletes came to vandalize part of the establishment. They would have torn an advertising board after they urinated. " It was pure vandalism said." The first report goes on to say (via Google translate) that the swimmers became "aggressive" when it took the police a long time to show up, adding that eventually somebody showed up to translate and the Americans offered cash to pay for the door and then left. Security reportedly said in their report that the police did not show up to the gas station until the afternoon, seven hours later. This report does seem to at least be consistent with large parts of what the swimmers say happened, including details such as being forced out of a taxi and somebody showing a badge and pointing a gun. It would seem that the language barrier also played a role and could have added to the confusion. You can see video of some of the incident at NOW WATCH: REPORT: Lochte's teammates told police he 'fabricated' the robbery story More From Business Insider Ryan Lochte said he was robbed at gunpoint after leaving Club France. (Reuters) Medal count | Olympic schedule | Olympic news RIO DE JANEIRO Raked over the coals for months now, portrayed as a bumbling, corrupt, polluted cesspool of crime that never should have hosted the Olympic Games, the city of Rio de Janeiro and the nation of Brazil are punching back, hard at American swimmer Ryan Lochte of all people. Authorities here do not believe Lochte was mugged at gunpoint Sunday morning, as he has alleged in the media and in an interview with police. They dont believe he and three fellow swimmers had their taxi stopped by robbers disguised as police. They dont believe they had guns drawn on them and they certainly dont believe an organized criminal crew like that would take their money but not their cell phones and jewelry. Lochte captured one gold in a swimming relay here but because of past success, his looks and a willing participation in the Hollywood self-promotion machine, he is a big star. His claims of a wild and dangerous night on the streets of Rio went global. Its the very headline that government officials dread, scaring off tourists and business investments alike. If four big, strong Olympic athletes arent safe riding in a taxi then who is? Your kids? Your employees? Rio isnt taking this black eye quietly. [Related: Report: Russian boxer who won controversial match wont fight again in Rio] On Wednesday, a local judge issued an order to seize the passports of Lochte and fellow American swimmer Jimmy Feigen, essentially assuring they couldnt leave the country. He ordered them to be subjected to more questioning, citing inconsistencies in and implausibility of their stories of what happened that night. Lochte had already left Brazil, though, flying back to the United States before the order was issued. He told NBC on Wednesday that no one told him he couldnt go and that he had offered full cooperation. Feigen, however, was still in Brazil after not showing up for his flight. He told USA Today that he would cooperate. The United States Olympic Committee stated that the two other swimmers there that night, Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, were removed from their flight to the United States [Wednesday night] by Brazilian authorities. A representative of the American consulate here was seen at the airport. Story continues This is a major show of force by the Brazilians, especially for what might be, at most, a falsified police report or perhaps some kind of lying to the police by Lochte and Feigen, one of whom already scurried home and the other was in the process of doing so. Its believed neither Conger nor Bentz spoke to police or misled anyone and arent facing any potential charges. If so, the Brazilian government just pulled two passengers from an international flight so they could serve as potential supporting witnesses. Thats how seriously Brazil is taking this. And that is what has to concern all four of the people involved. Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger of Team USA. (AP/Getty) For the sake of argument, assume that the Brazilians are correct, Lochte is lying and there never was a robbery. There are massive holes in the story. The timeline doesnt match up. The inability of Lochte or the others to identify a taxi driver or a taxi company is suspicious. No driver has come forward to police, his cab company, anyone. Perhaps he was involved. Theres no telling, but the swimmers didnt call police or USOC officials at the time. Then there is surveillance video obtained by the Daily Mail out of London of the four men returning to the athletes village at 7 a.m. Sunday. This was three hours after one of Lochtes stories said the incident likely happened. They are wearing jewelry, carrying cell phones and acting casually, not at all like someone who just had a gun pointed at them. One sees that the supposed victims arrived with their physical and psychological integrity intact, even playing with each other, showing that there wasnt any psychological shock inherent to such alleged violence, a prosecutor said in a statement. Still, even if Lochte, who has often acted impulsively, made up a story, this would hardly constitute a crime that would require such resources. If anything, its proof there is one less armed robbery gang out there. Yes, wasting the time and talents of police is a serious issue, but there are a lot of serious issues here in Rio. This one has been deemed the most serious, though, because it picked at a beaten-down city and country. It played off the worst assumptions of a place that has been dragged through the mud. It was four Olympic athletes, Americans no less, after a night of partying, finding a way to continue to sully Brazils image, in this case, the Brazilians believe, for no particular reason. Yeah, Brazil is going to go to the wall to fight that. [Featured: Greg Louganis explains why I thought I was going to die before 30] The story of Lochte, Feigen and the others may still check out. Its certainly possible they were mugged. This is still Rio, like most major cities dangerous and unpredictable. The Guardian reported Wednesday night that a member of Britains Olympic team was held up at gunpoint, prompting British track and field officials to warn their athletes that its not worth the risk to leave the athletes village. Maybe Lochtes story is a bit embellished but still mostly correct. Lochte doubled down on the basics of the incident in an off-camera discussion with NBC, which was relayed by Matt Lauer, although a few details were changed. Why would they all make up the story? There are a million reasons. Why would Lochte almost bask in the attention from it, going to the media with this story? A million of those, too. To NBC, after all, Lochte boldly claimed that in the face of an armed burglary in progress he refused to lay on the ground as commanded, and when a gun was pressed to my forehead and he said, Get down, and I put my hands up. I was like whatever. Now Lochte is telling NBC the gun was just pointed in his direction, not put to his head. Whatever, indeed. Time will tell whether this story stands or unravels. This much is certain: On Wednesday authorities here believed it was all a hoax, another cruel attempt to make them and the city look terrible, incompetent and dangerous. And this time they werent going to take it. Not from Ryan Lochte. No, for Ryan Lochte, theyre going to put everything they have into proving its the lie they believe it is. More Summer Olympics coverage on Yahoo Sports: Moscow (AFP) - Russia said on Thursday it was ready to halt fire for 48-hour periods in Aleppo from next week, following UN calls to extend humanitarian pauses to deliver aid. "Russia's defence ministry is ready to support the proposal by UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura regarding the introduction of weekly 48-hour 'humanitarian pauses' (in Aleppo)," defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement. "We are ready to implement the first 48-hour 'humanitarian pause' to deliver humanitarian aid to Aleppo residents as a 'pilot project' already next week in order to ensure safe cargo deliveries to the city's civilians." "Specific dates and times will be determined after information regarding the readiness of humanitarian convoys is received from the UN, as well as confirmation of safety guarantees from American partners," he said. Russia last week declared it would hold three-hour pause in artillery fire and airstrikes daily around the ravaged Syrian city but the UN decried this as insufficient to help the approximately 1.5 million people in Aleppo. De Mistura had insisted on a 48-hour halt, saying the logistics along mined and destroyed roads made access impossible in just three hours and endangered aid workers. The special envoy welcomed Russia's support for his plan and called fur urgent action. "Our plan is to collectively work out the operational details, and be ready for delivery as soon as possible," he said in a statement. He added that the UN was counting on Russia to help ensure "the adherence of the Syrian armed forces to the pause, once it comes into effect". He also urged "all those with access to or influence on the armed opposition, in particular the United States... to ensure that the armed opposition also respects the 48-hours humanitarian pause." The EU on Thursday called for an "immediate halt" to fighting, as the UN said aid was not reaching the besieged residents desperate for food and care. Story continues "Not one single convoy in one month has reached any of the humanitarian besieged areas," de Mistura earlier told reporters in Geneva. Russia has been carrying out an air strike campaign in Syria since September to help troops loyal to long-time Moscow ally Bashar al-Assad fight rebels and Islamist jihadists in the country. Overall, more than 290,000 people have been killed and more than half the population has been displaced since Syria's conflict erupted in March 2011 with anti-government protests that escalated into a brutal multi-front war. Moscow (AFP) - A senior Muslim cleric in Russia has prompted controversy by urging universal female genital mutilation after a rights group released a report on the practice in the country's North Caucasus region. Mufti Ismail Berdiyev, who heads a Muslim association for the North Caucasus region, said Wednesday that if FGM "could be applied to all women, that would be very good" in an interview with Interfax news agency. The practice, which ranges from pricking of the clitoris to its complete removal, causes infections and loss of sensation. The procedure has come under massive international scrutiny in recent years, with UN chief Ban Ki-Moon in 2014 launching a global campaign to end it. Berdiyev, who was decorated by President Vladimir Putin in March, said FGM does not stop women from fulfilling their ordained role of motherhood and if all women were mutilated, "there would be less fornication". - 'Compulsory ritual' - He later retracted his comments, claiming that he had been joking and Islam does not call for FGM. A controversial Russian Orthodox cleric and blogger, the Church's former spokesman Vsevolod Chaplin, backed Berdiyev saying that Muslims had a right to a "time-honoured tradition". "You probably don't need to 'circumcise' all women, there's no need with Orthodox women as they don't fornicate anyway," he added. The head of the health ministry's public health department Oleg Salagai insisted FGM is "mutilating and not positive in any way," quoted by RIA Novosti news agency. Berdiyev spoke after rights NGO Russian Justice Group released a report Monday on the ritual cutting of young girls' genitals in some mountain villages in the North Caucasus region of Dagestan. The report said that in Dagestan the practice has gone "without any attention whatsoever from the authorities". "In Dagestan, most of society is still not ready to admit that this problem exists," it said, adding that FGM has "almost total support" in certain villages where it is seen as a "compulsory ritual" to control sexual desire. Story continues The group said it managed to talk to 25 women aged 19-70 who underwent FGM, who spoke of the pain and trauma of the operation. UNICEF figures published this year indicate that some 200 million girls in the world are subjected to genital mutilation, 44 million of whom are younger than 15-years-old. More than half of the total figure are living in Indonesia, Egypt and Ethiopia, though data is incomplete in many countries. Pakistan had invited India for talks on Kashmir, saying it is the international obligation of both the countries to resolve the issue. New Delhi told Islamabad that cross-border terrorism should be the focus of any talks between the two countries and that Pakistan has no right to address the J&K issue. By Mail Today Bureau: Rejecting Pakistan's proposal to hold Foreign Secretary-level talks on Kashmir, New Delhi said cross-border terrorism should be the focus of any dialogue between the two countries. Responding to Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry's invitation, Indian counterpart S Jaishankar expressed his willingness to travel to Islamabad but maintained Pakistan has no locus standi to address any aspect of the situation in J&K, which is an internal matter of India, except to put an end to crossborder terrorism and infiltration. advertisement INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATION The response was handed over to Pakistan by Indian High Commissioner to Islamabad Gautam Bambawale. "Since aspects related to cross-border terrorism are central to the current situation in J&K, we have proposed that discussions between the Foreign Secretaries be focused on them. We have also conveyed that Government of India rejects in their entirety the self-serving allegations regarding the situation in J&K, which is an integral part of India where Pakistan has no locus standi," the sources added. Pakistan on Monday had invited India for talks on Kashmir, saying it is the international obligation of both the countries to resolve the issue. The invitation was extended amid tension in bilateral ties due to the war of words between the two nations over the issue. RELEVANT ISSUES IN INDO-PAK RELATIONS Last week, while reacting to a statement by Pakistan Prime Minister's Advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz regarding the invitation, India had made it clear that it would talk on contemporary and relevant issues in Indo-Pak relations and at this time it included stoppage of Pak-supported cross-border terrorism. External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup had said: "India would welcome a dialogue on contemporary and relevant issues in India-Pakistan relations. At this time it includes a stoppage of Pakistani support for cross-border terrorism, infiltration of terrorists like Bahadur Ali. Incitement to violence and terrorism across the border, parading of internationally-recognised terrorists like Hafiz Saeed and Syed Salahuddin, and a sincere follow up on the Mumbai attack trial and the Pathankot attack investigation in Pakistan." PAK-SPONSORED TERRORISM India and Pakistan have been engaged in a war of words over the statements by Islamabad on the situation in Kashmir which is witnessing unrest following the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani. Wani was described as a martyr by Pakistan, which has also tried to globalise the Kashmir issue while India has been maintaining that Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in the Valley is the root cause of the turbulence. India will talk to Pakistan only on cross-border terrorism, not Kashmir Also Read: Kargil diwas: Infiltration across border will increase as Pakistan is frustrated, says Lt General DS Hooda --- ENDS --- Authorities in Rio are currently investigating the validity of claims made by U.S. Olympic swimmers Ryan Lochte, Jack Conger, Gunnar Bentz and James Feigen, who said that they were robbed at gunpoint last Sunday by men posing as police officers. Police arrived Wednesday morning at the Olympic Village to take Lochte and Feigen's passports and gather further testimony from them about the reported robbery, said U.S. Olympic Committee spokesman Patrick Sandusky. As the swimming portion of the Rio Games had come to a close, Lochte had already returned home to the United States. The USOC confirmed late Wednesday that Conger and Bentz had been removed from their return flights, while NBC News reported that Feigen had checked in online from the airport but never boarded his plane. Sandusky and the USOC later released a statement saying, "Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz were detained Wednesday night shortly before their flight was scheduled to depart from Rio. They were released by local authorities with the understanding that they would continue their discussions about the incident on Thursday. James Feigen is also communicating with local authorities and intends to make further statements regarding the incident on Thursday as well. We will continue to provide updated information as it is appropriate." USOC statement regarding U.S. swimmers >> U.S. Olympic News (@USOlympicNews) August 18, 2016 WATCH: U.S. Olympic Swimmer Ryan Lochte Robbed at Gunpoint in Rio On Wednesday night, Matt Lauer spoke with NBC Olympics anchor Bob Costas after interviewing Lochte over the phone from his home. According to Lauer, the 12-time Olympic medalist left Rio without knowing the police wanted to investigate his claims. "[Nobody] in law enforcement, said, 'Hey, it would be a great idea if you stick around Rio while the investigation unfolds,'" Lauer said, recounting Lochte's recollection of the events. Story continues The Today show host also reported that Lochte had been surprised by the casual nature of the Rio police after the swimmers reported their story. Lochte also told Lauer that authorities never questioned his truthfulness, and even congratulated him on his performance at the Rio Games, where he won a gold medal in the men's 4x200m freestyle relay. According to Lochte's original retelling of events, the four swimmers were taking a taxi after a night of partying when their cab was pulled over by men flashing police badges. He said the criminals then proceeded to brandish a gun, putting it to his forehead before making off with their money, but leaving their phones and Olympics credentials. PHOTOS: The 2016 Rio Olympics in Pics Brazilian authorities have stated that they have not found the driver of the taxi in question, and have raised other concerns regarding the validity of their claims. According to Lauer, Lochte's story did change slightly during their conversation when the Olympian recounted the robbery. "He didn't say he was pulled over by these people pretending to be police," Lauer reported, explaining that Lochte remembered the cab pulling into a gas station so the swimmers could use the bathroom. When they returned, Lochte told Lauer, the cab driver wouldn't pull away from the station. That is when the criminals allegedly pulled them out of the car. And, unlike Lochte's previous claim that one robber put the gun to his head and cocked it, Lauer says the swimmer told him, "That's not exactly what happened." "When he talked to me tonight, he said, 'That's when the guy pointed the gun in my direction, and cocked it.'" NEWS: Michael Phelps Claims 28th Medal as Team USA Wins Gold in Men's 4x100M Medley Relay Lauer concluded by sharing Lochte's response to speculation that he and his fellow swimmers made up the robbery to cover up some illicit activity or embarrassing behavior that would have possibly gotten them in trouble. "He stopped me quickly and strongly denied that. He said, 'That's absolutely not the case. I wouldn't make up a story like this, nor would the others. As a matter of fact, we all feel it makes us look bad. We're victims in this and we're happy that we're safe,'" Lauer reported. As for Conger and Bentz, NBC reports that the swimmers are currently being questioned by Brazilian authorities, and their lawyers, as well as a representative from the American consulate, have visited them at the police station. Related Articles UPDATED, 8:05 PM: The U.S. Olympic Committee has issued an apology for the scandal involved four American swimmers who claimed to have been robbed. The behavior of these athletes is not acceptable, nor does it represent the values of Team USA or the conduct of the vast majority of its member, USOC CEO Scott Blackmun said. The statement comes as two of the swimmers Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz reportedly have left Brazil for home. No update on the status of James Feigen, the fourth swimmer involved in the case. PREVIOUSLY, 1:20 PM: There was no robbery, Rio de Janeiros chief of civil police Fernando Velosa said today of U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochtes claim he and three other American Olympic swimmers were robbed at gunpoint over the weekend. In the latest bizarre twist to the story that has completely hijacked NBCs Games coverage, U.S. medal counting, and talk of Lochtes brilliant post-Olympics endorsement future, the police chief said a security guard at a gas station did pull a gun on the athletes. But only after Lochte got particularly angry and unruly after gas station staff and guards tried to prevent them from leaving. They did so because the swimmers had vandalized the gas station bathroom, including breaking mirrors, and were trying to duck out without paying, Velosa indicated. The police chief called the security guards behavior justified because he was dealing with four strong and intoxicated athletes. The security guard may have demanded money, several reporters concluded after hearing the police chiefs very disjointed explanation at his bizarre news conference. The swimmers did give someone at the gas station money, which the police chief said was offered to pay for the damage. Velosi said one of the American athletes has confirmed reports that a robbery did not occur. This backs up statements, Velosi said, that police have gathered from witnesses including someone who acted as translator during the incident between the English-speaking athletes and Portuguese-speaking gas station staffers. Some or all of the athletes could be charged, Velosi said, but would not elaborate. At the very least, the U.S. athletes owe the city of Rio an apology, he added. Story continues One of the athletes was really disturbed and he was actually kind of angry, so there is the use of this weapon to control one of them, the police chief said, later identifying that athlete as Lochte, who he said was very angry because he was intoxicatedhe was probably drunk. During the news conference, one reporter told the police chief that an attorney for Lochte has accused him of creating a circus in the way this investigation has been conducted, which presumably includes the news conference. Do you see a clown nose on my face now? Velosa shot back. That would be my answer. No, we dont have anyone here with a nose clown. What this attorney is saying deserves that kind of answer. Brazilian police sources had told news outlets ahead of the news conference that Lochte and three other American swimmers made up their story about being robbed. This in marked contrast to Matt Lauers report on NBC this morning, saying Lochte told him, We wouldnt make this story up, adding, according to Lauer, Were victims in this and were happy that were safe. On Sunday, Lochte had told NBC News Billy Bush that a a man posing as a police officer pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead and said get down. I was like (puts hands up) I put my hands up. I was like whatever. He took our money, he took my wallet. Lochte claimed in that initial interview that the robbery took place in a taxi early that morning as they returned to the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro. Two of the swimmers, Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, subsequently were pulled off a plane at the Rio airport for further questioning from police, who had been having trouble corroborating the athletes claims. Lochte and the fourth swimmer in the group, Jimmy Feigen, had left Rio before police had ordered the men to stay while an investigation into the incident continued. Conger and Bentz told police they had made up a story about being robbed at gunpoint, the Associated Press reported in advance of the presser, citing a local police source. The swimmers stopped at a gas station early Sunday morning to use the bathroom and broke the door when they were unable to get in, AP reported. A security guard confronted them; he was armed with a gun but did not take it out, that report said. The swimmers offered 100 reals and $20 to compensate for the damage, ABC News reported this morning, also citing an unnamed police source. Lochte and the swimmers originally told police, and NBC, which is broadcasting the Rio Olympics, they were stopped in a cab and robbed by armed men posing as police. Lochte said one put a gun to his head, though he backed off that claim slightly, saying the gun was pointed at him but was not put at his head, in a Wednesday interview with NBC News Matt Lauer. Lochte told Lauer that the swimmers used a restroom at a gas station and when they got back to their taxi, the driver did not drive away. Thats when two men approached with guns and badges and told them to get out of the vehicle and down on the ground, Lochte said. Lochte and the fourth swimmer in the group, Jimmy Feigen, had left Rio earlier this week, before police ordered the group to stay to continue the investigation. United States Olympic Committee spokesman Patrick Sandusky said today that all of the swimmers are represented by counsel, and being appropriately supported by the USOC and the U.S. Consulate in Rio. Related stories Olympics Ratings Hit New Rio Low For NBC, 'Superstore' Gets Big Bounce Ryan Lochte To Speak With Matt Lauer In First Interview Since Rio Robbery Scandal U.S. Swimmer Gunnar Bentz Details Events Leading To Ryan Lochte's False Robbery Claim By Joachim Dagenborg ARENDAL, Norway (Reuters) - Nearly a year after mobile operator Telenor (TEL.OL) announced it would sell its $2.5-billion stake in Vimpelcom (VIP.O), it is still planning how it will go about it, its chief executive told Reuters, underlining the difficulties of the process. The Norwegian firm said last October that it planned to sell its 33-percent stake in company, which in February paid $795 million to settle a U.S. and Dutch probe into a bribery scheme in Uzbekistan. Telenor has been in open conflict with Vimpelcom's other major shareholder, Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman, over control of Vimpelcom, to the point where it became a diplomatic issue between Oslo and Moscow. "We have hired financial advisers that are helping us to plan how our exit will happen but we don't know what the structure will look like. We are in a planning phase," Chief Executive Sigve Brekke said in an interview, declining to give further detail. JP Morgan is advising Telenor. The process is difficult because Telenor has few options available, analysts said. "The ownership structure in Vimpelcom has left Telenor with only one obvious buyer, Fridman's LetterOne, which leaves Telenor little bargaining power if they want to sell all-in-one," said Carnegie analyst Haavard Nilsson, who has a "Hold" rating on the stock. "(And) there are only a limited amount of potential buyers, seeing as telecom is viewed a strategic asset in Russia," he said. An alternative solution would be to split up Vimpelcom and sell the Russian business to a Russian telecoms company and then European operators could be interested in its other European assets, the analyst added. Those European operations include Italian business WIND which is merging with 3 Italia, owned by CK Hutchison Holdings . to create Italy's largest mobile business. In addition, Vimpelcom's price stock has languished, down 50 percent over the past two years and lagging the European telecoms (.SXKP) index up 4 percent over the same period. Story continues The Norwegian company began an aggressive expansion in Eastern Europe and Asia in the 1990s and was quick to enter growth markets when new licenses were put out for tender. Brekke said the firm would take part in planned 2017 and 2018 spectrum auctions in Thailand, a market that made 14 percent of the firm's total revenues in the second quarter. "We definitely want to be part of the next rounds," he said in an interview in the southern Norwegian city of Arendal. "We want to have more spectrum." Bangkok plans to auction two new frequencies in 2017, of 2,300 megahertz (MHz) and 2,6000 MHz, and reauction in 2018 the 1,800 MHz band, which Telenor currently holds. "It is of major importance, because demand for data in Asia is huge," said analyst Rapolas Peciulis at Norne Securities brokerage, who has a "Buy" rating on the stock. "Successful participation in spectrum auctions is vital in order to maintain competitive position and catch up with the market trends." (Writing by Gwladys Fouche; Editing by Keith Weir) Japan defender Atsuto Uchida is set to fly home on Friday to be treated by a specialist doctor after suffering with on-going knee problems, his Bundesliga club Schalke 04 confirmed. The 28-year-old, who missed the whole of last season with injury, has been blighted by knee problems for two years and has been out since a relapse in April 2015. Schalke will start their new Bundesliga season at Eintracht Frankfurt on Saturday August 27 without Uchida, who has made 74 appearances for Japan. After a period of rehab in Japan, Uchida flew back to Gelsenkirchen last month to take part in Schalke's pre-season training, only for the injury to return and now he will fly east again to be treated by his specialist Japanese doctor. "He arrived back here with a lot of hope and euphoria," Schalke's director of sport Axel Schuster told magazine Kicker. "During our camp in Austria, he took part in some Under-23 team training. "But unfortunately, we have to sum up that he is not quite that far along and has suffered a set back. "There (in Japan) he will have a fixed time scale of treatment, we think about 14 days, with special measures, courses of injections and similar," added Schuster. The right-back played his last game for Schalke in March 2015 and travelled to Japan last year, against the advice of his club's doctors, for an operation on his knee. His Schalke contract expires in June 2018. (Photo: Getty Images) Zika virus has dominated headlines for months, and with good reason. But the mechanics of how the virus causes brain damage in newborns has been largely a mystery until now. A new study from Yale University has identified how Zika virus travels from the mother to the baby, crossing the placental barrier and causing microcephaly, a dangerous birth defect that causes babies to be born with unusually small heads. For the study, researchers used three different strains of Zika virus to infect three types of cells that are found in the placenta (the organ that forms during pregnancy to help nourish the baby through the umbilical cord). The cells Hofbauer cells, cytotrophoblasts, and fibroblasts were taken from normal pregnancies. What they found: Fibroblasts and Hofbauer cells were susceptible to being infected by Zika virus. Board-certified infectious-disease specialist Amesh A. Adalja, MD, an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, explains to Yahoo Beauty why thats a big deal: The placenta is supposed to form a barrier, protecting the baby from infections that the mother might battle. The fact that we know that Zika is causing infection raises the question of how it was doing it, he says. Trying to understand the mechanisms is crucial to understand how Zika is causing fetal abnormalities. Study co-author Michael Simoni, MD, agrees, noting that this is a step in the right direction. This finding helps toward understanding a critical mechanism of the virus, he tells Yahoo Beauty. If researchers continue down the path, it could shift how we counsel and protect those women who are at risk for Zika. But what does it mean, exactly? Basically, Zika virus, traveling through the pregnant womans blood, worms its way into the placenta, board-certified ob-gyn Pari Ghodsi, MD, explains to Yahoo Beauty. There, Hofbauer cells become infected and the virus replicates inside them. Hofbauer cells have direct access to the fetal blood supply, so the Zika virus shimmies its way into the fetal blood supply and infects the fetus, she says. Story continues Unfortunately, this doesnt change the fact that theres no treatment for pregnant women with Zika virus. Currently, women who are infected with Zika or are at risk of exposure have increased screening done and thats it, Sarah Yamaguchi, MD, an ob-gyn at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, tells Yahoo Beauty. There is testing that is recommended to be done on all pregnant woman that are within a two- to 12-week window since exposure, she says. But Sherry Ross, MD, an ob-gyn and womens health expert at Californias Providence Saint Johns Health Center, tells Yahoo Beauty that its important to talk to your doctor if you suspect youve been exposed to the Zika virus, especially if youre pregnant. If you suspect you have been exposed, its important to treat the symptoms, get plenty of rest, drink a lot of fluids, and, most importantly, get your blood tested by a perinatologist to confirm exposure, she says. Despite the new findings, Adalja says that there may not be a treatment for Zika virus anytime soon, especially given that 80 percent of people who are infected with the virus have no symptoms. Sometimes findings like these dont exactly translate into treatments, but it does help us understand why these abnormalities are occurring, he says. Once you understand why, you can start to think about the ways the virus attaches to these cells and what mechanisms are used that can lead to a treatment. However, there are still a lot of questions about how to treat this. Simoni agrees, noting that scientists still have a long way to go. I think we are far from a proven, effective treatment or vaccine, he says. But any significant information we can learn about the virus could bring us one step closer to those results. Lets keep in touch! Follow Yahoo Beauty on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. By Justin George Varghese Aug 18 (Reuters) - Most Southeast Asian stock markets rose on Thursday as risk-taking appetite improved after minutes of the U.S. Federal Reserve's July meeting showed policymakers were in no hurry to raise interest rates. Fed policymakers agree that more economic data is needed before raising rates, although some see a need to tighten policy soon, the minutes showed. MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan rose 0.6 percent, as investors added to positions after a 14 percent rise over the last two months. Indonesian shares rose more than 1 percent and led gains in Southeast Asia, with consumer and financial stocks accounting for more than half the rise. PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk and PT Astra International Tbk were among the top percentage gainers. Thai shares rose over 1 percent and were headed for their first rise in four sessions, driven by industrials. Philippine shares eked out small gains after data showed second-quarter annual economic growth picked up to 7.0 percent from 6.8 percent in January-March. Singapore shares were up after five straight sessions of losses, led by consumer goods and services. Bucking the trend, Vietnam and Malaysia traded lower. For Asian Companies click; SOUTHEAST ASIAN STOCK MARKETS STOCK MARKETS Change on 4:40 GMT Market Current Prev. close Pct Move Singapore 2845.06 2843.35 0.06 Bangkok 1547.65 1531.63 1.05 Manila 7948.77 7946.19 0.03 Jakarta 5442.716 5371.846 1.32 Kuala Lumpur 1693.4 1694.32 -0.05 Ho Chi Minh 659.67 660.51 -0.13 Change this year Market Current End prev yr Pct Move Singapore 2845.06 2882.73 -1.31 Bangkok 1547.65 1288.02 20.16 Manila 7948.77 6952.08 14.34 Jakarta 5442.716 4593.008 18.50 Kuala Lumpur 1693.4 1692.51 0.05 Ho Chi Minh 659.67 579.03 13.93 (Reporting by Justin George Varghese in Bengaluru; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu) El Chapo Alfredo Ivan Guzman Mexico kidnapping Earlier Monday morning, a group of gunmen burst into a trendy restaurant on a main boulevard in Puerto Vallarta, a resort city on Mexico's Pacific coast, abducting at gunpoint six men who were in the restaurant. In the confusion that followed, reports emerged that one, or possibly two, of Sinaloa kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's sons had been kidnapped, allegedly by members of the Jalisco New Generation cartel (CJNG), the Sinaloa cartel's only real rival in terms of power. Mexican officials later confirmed that Jesus Alfredo Guzman, the kingpin's youngest son, was taken along with five others, and reports that Ivan Archivaldo, Guzman's oldest son, remain unconfirmed. The Jalisco state prosecutor, however, did admit that the CJNG was behind the abduction, setting the stage for a clash between two of Mexico's most powerful cartels. Below, you can see video, leaked by an unknown source and reposted on social media, of when gunmen stormed into La Leche restaurant, just after 1 a.m. local time. The video shows the victims in the restaurant's main room, sitting around a long table with several women, reportedly celebrating the 33rd birthday of Ivan Archivaldo. Just after one of the abductees gets up to use the phone in the lobby, the gunmen, with faces uncovered, burst in, waving rifles. Without firing a shot, the attackers are able to round up six of the men in the restaurant, forcing them to their knees in the lobby before then presumably escorting them out at gunpoint. In an interview with El Universal, Eduardo Almaguer, the Jalisco state prosecutor, said that 16 people nine women and seven men were in the restaurant. One of the men left before the arrival of the gunmen, who he said were members of CJNG. El Chapo Alfredo Ivan Guzman kidnapping Mexico Unconfirmed reports have said the man who left just before the gunmen got there was Ivan Archivaldo; others have suggested that because someone left right before the attackers arrived indicates there was someone on the inside involved. Story continues Almaguer, speaking with El Universal, did not rule out that Ivan Archivaldo was one of the two victims who remain unidentified and stressed that the Jalisco state prosecutor was working with the federal prosecutor's office to determine who was missing. Law-enforcement sources also told El Universal that Ivan Archivaldo was among those taken, and one of the elder Guzman's lawyers said family members had told him it was very likely Ivan was kidnapped with his younger brother. The CJNG's purported involvement gives the incident even more sinister implications, as a move against the Sinaloa cartel could be the start of a full-scale cartel war. The governors of the states where the cartels are based Jalisco and Sinaloa, both on the Pacific coast have warned that reprisal attacks may be on the way. The state sandwiched between them, Nayarit, is bolstering its security in case of a bloodbath. La Leche restaurant Puerto Vallarta mexico "We are coordinating with the federal government to reinforce these areas," said Jalisco Gov. Aristoteles Sandoval, according to AFP. His Sinaloa counterpart, Mario Lopez Valdez, warned of a potential "flare-up" between the two cartels. What happens next with Alfredo and Ivan, if he was taken may influence the fate of both the Sinaloa cartel and Mexico itself. "If they use (Guzman) as a bargaining chip, this could go down calmly. But if they liquidate him, there will be chaos up and down the northern Pacific coast," Jose Reveles, a journalist and author of books on drug trafficking, told AFP. NOW WATCH: There's a terrifying reason people are warned to stay inside at 5:45 p.m. in parts of Mexico More From Business Insider There was an awkward exchange on CNN with a top Donald Trump adviser over the appointment of a new campaign manager. Read: Donald Trump Attends 'Informative' CIA Briefing: 'The Issues Are Serious' Executive vice president of the Trump organization and special counsel to the real estate tycoon, Michael Cohen, appeared on CNN Wednesday to discuss the appointment of Stephen Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to the campaign hierarchy. He also spoke of the apparent demotion of former campaign manager Paul Manafort. CNNs Brianna Keilar asked Cohen: You say it's not a shakeup, but you guys are down. He replied: Says who? Polls, most of them. All of them, the host said. Cohen again replied: Says who? Polls. I just told you. I answered your question, Keilar stated. He then asked: Ok. Which polls? All of them, she answered. When asked about being down in the race, Trump adviser replies, "Says who?" The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) August 17, 2016 The exchange went on for nearly 30 uncomfortable seconds before he finally accepted defeat. Read: Less Than 3 Months Before The Election, Trump Shakes Up Top Campaign Staff Again Hillary Clinton is leading Trump in 11 battleground states by an average of 45.2 percent to 39 percent, acccording to Politico. Watch: Ex-Congressman Who Was Caught Sending Lewd Messages to Teens Is Spotted Behind Trump at Rally Related Articles: This girl fell into the river and drowned while attempting to click a selfie. Her parents also died trying to save her. By India Today Web Desk: The selfie mania has claimed yet another life, this time of a girl in Pakistan. An 11-year-old girl drowned on Tuesday after falling into a river in northern Pakistan while trying to take a selfie, a Gulf News report said. But that was not the end of the tragedy. When both her parents tried to rescue her, all three of them also perished. advertisement THE TRAGIC INCIDENT The incident happened in the Kunhar river in Beesian village which falls in the hilly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Other tourists at the spot witnessed the incident. "The girl, Safia Atif, was trying to take a selfie along the river when she slipped and fell," local police official Arshad Khan said. Safia's mother Shazia also jumped in to save her daughter but was carried away by the fast-flowing river. "Seeing both his wife and daughter in trouble, the father Atif Hussain also jumped in to rescue them but unfortunately he too met a similar fate. The bodies of the mother and daughter have been recovered while we are still looking for the body of Hussain," Khan said. WHAT'S LEFT OF THE FAMILY The parents of the girl were doctors and were out for a holiday. They are survived by a nine-year-old daughter and a six-year-old son, who also witnessed the tragic incident. --- ENDS --- By Justin Madden CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago's police superintendent has recommended that seven officers be fired after they were accused of lying about the details of a black teenager's fatal shooting by a white officer in 2014, a police spokesman said on Thursday. The decision comes 22 months after Officer Jason Van Dyke shot Laquan McDonald 16 times. Van Dyke has been charged with first-degree murder and is on unpaid leave. The shooting made national headlines and sparked protests after the release of a dashboard video of the incident last fall. The video shows the officer continued to fire after McDonald, 17, fell to the ground. The Chicago Police Department is under federal investigation over officers' use of lethal force. Of 10 officers who were investigated over their roles in the McDonald shooting, seven were accused of making false reports or false statements, police spokesman Frank Giancamilli said in a phone interview on Thursday. The seven were not identified. Two of the 10 have since retired and "there is insufficient evidence to prove those respective allegations" for the tenth officer, Giancamilli said. The police reports on the shooting conflicted with video footage of the incident, sparking accusations that Van Dyke's fellow officers were trying to cover up an unjustified shooting. The Police Board, whose members are selected by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, must consider Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson's recommendation and make the decision on firing the officers. Johnson's move came in response to a recent report on the shooting by the city's inspector general which recommended that the 10 officers be fired, local media reported. "While I know that this type of action can come with many questions and varying opinions, please know that these decisions were not made lightly," Johnson wrote to officers, the Chicago Tribune reported. "Each of these decisions was based on a methodical and substantive review of the facts by both internal and external counsel. Each officer will have their right to due process." Separately, a special prosecutor is investigating whether the officers lied to justify the shooting death of McDonald and will decide whether to bring criminal charges. (Editing by Matthew Lewis) When in doubt, disclose, the bourse said. Amid the criticism swarming Swiber Holdings disclosures leading up to its liquidation filing, the Singapore Exchange has sternly reminded firms the importance of disclosing relevant information to stakeholders. In a speech at the State of Corporate Governance Disclosures organised by the Singapore Institute of Directors, SGX Chief Regulatory Officer Tan Boon Gin told firms to announce any information which is necessary to avoid the establishment of a false market in its securities, or would likely impact the price or value of its securities. He further advised companies to avoid adopting narrowly prescriptive qualifications for materiality. There is no mention of what financial figures to compare against, and rightly so, Tan said. The fundamental determinant of materiality is whether the information will be useful to your investors in making their decisions. And the cardinal rule iswhen in doubt, disclose. Tan also underscored that firms should consider the prevailing economic landscape when determining the materiality of certain information. So when the industry is humming along, the macro-economic environment is stable, and there is no real volatility in your business, what might be considered material could be quite different from information investors might need when your industry is going through extreme volatility and/or a protracted down-cycle, such that the financial position of your company is at risk of deteriorating quickly, Tan stressed. More From Singapore Business Review NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / The following statement is being issued by Levi & Korsinsky, LLP: To: All Persons or Entities who purchased Cardinal Financial Corp. ("Cardinal Financial") (CFNL) stock prior to August 18, 2016 . You are hereby notified that Levi & Korsinsky, LLP has commenced an investigation into the fairness of the sale of Cardinal Financial to United Bankshares, Inc. (UBSI) for 0.71 of a United share for each Cardinal Financial share. To learn more about the action and your rights, go to: or contact Joseph E. Levi, Esq. either via email at or by telephone at (212) 363-7500, toll-free: (877) 363-5972. There is no cost or obligation to you. Levi & Korsinsky is a national firm with offices in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, and Washington D.C. The firm's attorneys have extensive expertise in prosecuting securities litigation involving financial fraud, representing investors throughout the nation in securities lawsuits and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for aggrieved shareholders. For more information, please feel free to contact any of the attorneys listed below. Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. Joseph E. Levi, Esq. Eduard Korsinsky, Esq. 30 Broad Street - 24th Floor New York, NY 10004 Tel: (212) 363-7500 Toll Free: (877) 363-5972 Fax: (212) 363-7171 SOURCE: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / Levi & Korsinsky announces it has commenced an investigation of Hudson Technologies Inc. (HDSN) concerning possible breaches of fiduciary duty by the board of directors of the company. To obtain additional information, go to: or contact Joseph E. Levi, Esq. either via email at or by telephone at (212) 363-7500, toll-free: (877) 363-5972. Levi & Korsinsky is a national firm with offices in New York, New Jersey, California, Connecticut and Washington D.C. The firm's attorneys have extensive expertise in prosecuting securities litigation involving financial fraud, representing investors throughout the nation in securities and shareholder lawsuits. Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. CONTACT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Eduard Korsinsky, Esq. 30 Broad Street - 24th Floor New York, NY 10004 Tel: (212) 363-7500 Toll Free: (877) 363-5972 Fax: (212) 363-7171 SOURCE: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Affordable Cool-Girl Denim Affordable Cool-Girl Denim Courtesy of Cotton On Gucci Australian brand Cotton On is becoming the go-to destination for on-trend pieces that dont break the bank (even Kendall and Gigi are fans). With its laid-back aesthetic, the retail giant from Down Under specializes in versatile contemporary basics such as jeans, tees and knits at affordable prices. And since denim is its forte, the brand recently launched a limited-edition capsule called 91:LTDa range of denim dresses, jackets, jumpsuits and skirts that offer an alternative to the regular blue jean. The best part? Price points go from $35 to $75 so you can nab a gorgeous patchwork mini and zipped one-piece just in time for fall without spending a fortune. Ahead, six of our favorite selects to shop now. Men are fighting over Simone Biles, as they should be. After the Olympic champion finally met her dream man, Zac Efron, the man she referred to as her "Brazilian boyfriend" two weeks ago is ready for a fight. Brazilian gymnast Arthur Nory isn't backing down just because some High School Musical bro is swooping in. SEE ALSO: Simone Biles and Zac Efron's golden Twitter romance Well first off, Mr. Nory, Simone Biles belongs to no man, or country, even. She may honor America by wearing the Team USA uniform, but as a nation, we bend at her will not the other way around. That being said, your devotion is properly placed. You seem like a nice, flexible boy and your bronze Olympic medal, though certainly not gold, is quite impressive. Three days ago, the posed for a cute kissing selfie smooching their medals, not each other, but whatever. But then this happened: So, Nory, forget the Olympics this is the fight of your life. From Esquire Charlie is taking a well-deserved break this week. In his absence, we'll be remembering some of his greatest hits from throughout this election cycle. Here's his reflection on the Pope's speech before Congress, originally published on September 24, 2015. -The Editors Poor Mr. Madison. He didn't even want to pay for congressional chaplains. And, in the greatest defense of secular government ever written, he made sure to remind his fellow citizens of the following: During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution. Well, OK, then. And here was the Pope of Rome, standing at the Speaker's rostrum in the United States House of Representatives, the legislative body in which Madison ultimately served, and talking with quiet modesty-and quiet quiet, occasionally edging on inaudibility-about the great issues of the day, and about what the responsibility of elected officials are. God only knows, you should pardon the expression, what Mr. Madison would have thought of the event itself, but it's hard to believe he would argue with Papa Francesco's assertion that: Your own responsibility as members of Congress is to enable this country, by your legislative activity, to grow as a nation. You are the face of its people, their representatives. You are called to defend and preserve the dignity of your fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good, for this is the chief aim of all politics. A political society endures when it seeks, as a vocation, to satisfy common needs by stimulating the growth of all its members, especially those in situations of greater vulnerability or risk. Legislative activity is always based on care for the people. To this you have been invited, called and convened by those who elected you. Story continues It was not the stemwinder people expected. It was more of a homily than an address. Very likely, the Pope was trying as best he could to be a grateful guest of the nation. "He knew where he was speaking," said Senator Bernie Sanders. "He didn't want to be rude or antagonistic. But I think his calling out for social justice, his talking about income inequality and social justice, his talking about creating an economy and a culture that works for everybody, rather than just the few, is a very, very powerful message on its own." Photo credit: Pool/Getty Buttonholed at the top of the staircase just outside the House chamber, Sanders was positively aglow over Papa Francesco's choice of Dorothy Day as one of the four examples of the American spirit. Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. are automatic. (Although the sight of John Lewis nodding and smiling when the pope name-checked Dr. King got the air in the press gallery curiously dusty, at least for me.) But it was the other two names, Day and Thomas Merton, whom the pope used as an example of the prayerful life and the wish for peace, that got heads turning. Merton was a monk whose writings were the bulwark of liberal Catholicism from the 1950's until his accidental death in 1968, and Day, the founder of the Catholic Worker movement, was a genuine radical, an avatar of progressive Catholicism for decades. Day was a devout pacifist and a ferocious advocate for social justice, who once took on the inexcusable Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York when Spellman used seminarians as strike-breakers against the archdiocese's grave-diggers. [contentlinks align="center" textonly="false" numbered="false" headline="Related Story" customtitles="Was Pope Francis Swindled into Meeting Kim Davis?" customimages="" content="article.38440"] (How radical was she? William F. Buckley, whose Catholicism stopped at the Council of Trent, once derided her as slovenly, dangerous, and not a Catholic. Dorothy Day is now a candidate for sainthood. WFB is, ah, not.) During the brawl with Spellman, Day wrote in her newspaper, The Catholic Worker: A Cardinal, ill-advised, exercised so overwhelming a show of force against the union of poor working men. There is a temptation of the devil to that most awful of all wars, the war between the clergy and the laity." And on Thursday, Papa Francesco told the Congress: But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. He did not use Dorothy Day idly here. He knew exactly what he was doing, and that is what put the glow on Bernie Sanders. "I think this would be perhaps one of the very, very few times that somebody as radical, that somebody as committed to social justice as Dorothy Day's name has been mentioned," Sanders said. "Somebody can check it out, but I suspect that her name has not been mentioned terribly often." The one thing we did learn from the speech was that this pope is a master of strategic ambiguity-almost Jesuitical in that regard, one might say. This was most evident in the very brief attention he paid in his address to what we laughably call the "social issues" in our politics. When he said, "The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development," the zygote-fondling caucus went wild but then, as a real world example of what he was talking about, he pivoted to this: This conviction has led me, from the beginning of my ministry, to advocate at different levels for the global abolition of the death penalty. I am convinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes. You could feel the air go out of the congresscritters who'd leaped to their feet. Both of Trey Gowdy's faces fell. [contentlinks align="center" textonly="false" numbered="false" headline="Related Story" customtitles="Pope Francis Is Hunting Down Shady Vatican Bankers" customimages="" content="article.39421"] And when he talked about his concern for The Family, he did so in such a way that almost anyone could take almost anything from what he said. It is my wish that throughout my visit the family should be a recurrent theme. How essential the family has been to the building of this country! And how worthy it remains of our support and encouragement! Yet I cannot hide my concern for the family, which is threatened, perhaps as never before, from within and without. Fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family. I can only reiterate the importance and, above all, the richness and the beauty of family life. That could be any family, constituted however it is. This is why you don't fck with The Society. They will fck your stuff up for you. It is clear that Papa Francesco's definition of "social issues" is very different from that held by, say, Ben Carson, who was in the House today, by the way. Photo credit: Mark Wilson/Getty The Pope was far more direct, and far more detailed, in his condemnation of the arms trade, in his extended discussion about the environmental crisis, and in his lengthy and passionate disquisition about our obligation to what the Gospels call the least among us. (Even here, he wrongfooted them. Out along the aisle, Paul Ryan bobbed his head when the Pope talked about "subsidiarity," which is a Catholic doctrine that Ryan doesn't understand any more than he understands theoretical physics, but that he uses as a theological basis for his zombie-eyed granny-starving. However, the Pope actually talked about "reciprocal subsidiarity," which is a whole 'nother thing. Again, and we told you this before, Paul, don't fck with the Society.) Alas for his audience, the pope lost his place early on and omitted the most powerful section of his prepared text. Here I think of the political history of the United States, where democracy is deeply rooted in the mind of the American people. All political activity must serve and promote the good of the human person and be based on respect for his or her dignity. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" (Declaration of Independence, 4 July 1776). If politics must truly be at the service of the human person, it follows that it cannot be a slave to the economy and finance. The Vatican press office hustled to tell the assembled media that the passage had been left out by accident-I give Papa Francesco credit for doing as well as he did, since English is about his fourth language-and that the pope stands by it. I tend to believe the papal flacks because the idea of poverty as a new kind of slavery popped up several times in the address, and Papa Francesco made sure to link it not only to what Dr. King once called the original "promissory note" in the Declaration of Independence, but also to the struggle to end actual slavery under Lincoln, and the struggle to end the de facto slavery of Jim Crow under Dr. King. There wasn't an accidental syllable in the whole speech. And, for one morning, the spirit of Dorothy Day walked the halls of the United States Capitol. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't feel that was a blessing. Click here to respond to this post on the official Esquire Politics Facebook page. You Might Also Like On the front. American forces are closer to the front lines in the fight against the Islamic State in northern Iraq than is often portrayed by the Pentagon, and special operations forces are taking the lead in ops with their Kurdish allies. Thats according to a group of veteran Kurdish officers interviewed by Buzzfeed along the front near Mosul. Somewhere in the area is Camp Wheeler named after Master Sergeant Josh Wheeler, who was killed in a raid on an ISIS compound in October where U.S. and Kurdish commandos live. Theres also an expanding base at the Erbil airport which houses roughly 2,500 personnel from the US and its coalitionSpecial forces are mixed with conventional troops and US military contractors, sleeping in rows of tents. And then theres Camp Swift about 50 miles south of Mosul, which houses about 150 American troops. Theres a photostream of life inside the camp, which will look pretty familiar to anyone who has ever stepped on one of the hundreds of American forward operating bases in Iraq or Afghanistan over the past 15 years. The story marks the second time a reporter has been allowed inside Camp Swifts operations room, after The New Yorkers Robin Wright visited for a story published in March. More on the $400 million. New details are emerging about the $400 million Washington shipped to Tehran in January, which some say was ransom for U.S. citizens being held by the regime, but which the White House says was an agreed-on settlement of a decades-old dispute. The Wall Street Journal says that according to anonymous people in the U.S. government, Washington wouldnt let Iranians take the money until a Swiss Air Force plane carrying three freed Americans departed from Tehran on Jan. 17. Once that happened, an Iranian cargo plane was allowed to bring the cash home from a Geneva airport that day. Rethinking things at the U.N. Senior U.N. officials tell FPs Colum Lynch that the world body will threaten to put the Saudi Arabianled military coalition operating in Yemen back on a blacklist of states, rebels, and terrorist groups that kill or inflict extreme suffering on children in conflict zones unless Riyadh halts its indiscriminate bombing of schools and hospitals. Lynch writes in his exclusive get that the move reflects deepening frustration by Ban and his top advisors that long-running efforts to persuade Saudi Arabia and its allies to prioritize the protection of children have failed. The action is likely to set the stage for a major confrontation between the U.N. leader and senior officials from Saudi Arabia, who have threatened to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance to the United Nations if it didnt take the coalition off the list, according to U.N. sources. Story continues Elsewhere at the U.N. A new report expected to come out of Turtle Bay as early as next week may be unwelcome news for the Obama administration, as it is likely to officially attribute a number of instances of chemical weapons attacks over the past three years to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who officially gave up his stockpiles of such deadly agents in 2013, according to Politico. Assad, remember, agreed to give up his chemical weapons after his forces used agents such as sarin to kill hundreds of people, mostly civilians. Russia, which has been backing up the regime for years, is expected to block any move to impose additional sanctions on Damascus. In related news, check out this great piece of reporting by FP contributors Harald Doornbos and Jenan Moussa on how ISIS managed to get its hands on the regimes chemical weapons in Syria. Good morning and as always, if you have any thoughts, announcements, tips, or national security-related events to share, please pass them along to SitRep HQ. Best way is to send them to: or on Twitter: @paulmcleary or @arawnsley Whos where when 10:00 a.m. U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Michael Shoemaker, commander, Naval Air Forces and Naval Air Force Pacific Fleet, talks about the future of Naval aviation at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Livestream here. North Korea North Korea has openly admitted to carrying out plutonium reprocessing at its Yongbyon nuclear facility, Voice of America reports. The admission by North Koreas Atomic Energy Institute that its back in the nuclear weapons fuel business prompted a State Department spokesman to label the move a clear violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. North Korea originally agreed to suspend reprocessing at Yongbyon following a round of the Six Party talks in 2007. Come at me, bro The U.S. Air Force has flown all three of the services bombers for a brief photo op over Guam and some not-so-subtle messaging. Defense Tech reports that the Air Force took the B-1, B-2, and B-52 bombers out for a spin over Guam in what a press release says is the first time all three have flown together, dispersed and then simultaneously conducted operations in the South China Sea and Northeast Asia. The move comes as China has been building up its military forces on man-made islands in the South China Sea and following a series of ballistic missile tests by North Korea. Syria Amnesty International has built a 3D model of one of the Assad regimes most notorious prisons with the help of witness interviews and satellite imagery. The human rights organization released a new multimedia report on the regimes network of prisons, where it says 17,000 people have already been killed and 65,000 remain missing after being arrested. Saydnaya, the most notorious of the prisons, was the scene of countless acts of torture. Amnesty researchers interviewed former detainees, using their recollections of and descriptions of sounds to flesh out the internal structure of the facility. Libya The CIA was grateful for the services of Libyas General Khalifa Hifter back in the 1980s when he helped the U.S. try to overthrow the Gadhafi regime, but now the Agencys erstwhile ally is proving to be something of a pain as the U.S. tries to buttress the internationally-backed government in Tripoli. The Washington Post reports that in 2014, Hifter launched an effort to clear eastern Libya of Islamist militants like Ansar al-Sharia, earning him a slot in the Tobruk-based government and the favor of backers like Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Since then, hes helped fuel opposition to Libyas unity government as he appears to try and position himself for a more senior leadership role in the country. Meanwhile, the U.S. Air Force in Libya has been pretty busy, carrying out 48 airstrikes already this month since the bombing campaign against the Islamic State in Sirte began, according to Air Force Times. Cybersecurity United Nations counterterrorism experts are warning in a new report that jihadists use of encryption is growing. The AP, which snagged an early copy of the document, reports that even the most sophisticated agencies now have trouble reading intercepted messages of suspected terrorists messages. Online recruiters for jihadists groups now make a point of quickly introducing new recruits to encrypted communications apps early on when interacting with them online. Photo Credit NurPhoto/Corbis via Getty Images It's 9:40 pm on Wednesday evening at the Ace Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. The historic 1600-seat Theatre is packed to the brim (with a line nearly twice that wrapped around the block), and Skrillex and Wiwek have just premiered their new short film, Still In The Cage. "I don't know if I've ever heard this much bass in a movie theater before," Skrillex says, and he's probably right. Watch Skrillex & Wiwek's Trailer for Debut Short Film 'Still In The Cage' The 18-minute short, written and directed by Canadian filmmaker Jodeb, is akin to an extended music video, spanning an entire EP's worth of music -- in this case, Wiwek's recent OWSLA release, The Free and Rebellious. As the story progresses along, tracks from the EP -- including Wiwek's collaboration with Skrillex on "Killa" -- provide an aggressive, oftentimes anxious, soundtrack. Set in Bangkok, the film charts a dark, existential narrative, following a group of friends as they leave the city's urban sprawl in search of a mythical community along the river. Downright hair-raising at times, the sinister composition recalls the art direction of Skrillex's surreal "Red Lips" video. Skrillex Explores Filmmaking with Surreal 'Red Lips' Music Video (Interview & Premiere) Outside of its thrilling narrative and avant-garde editing techniques, Still In The Cage serves to depict the unique universe of 'jungle terror': Wiwek's homegrown subgenre blending elements of grime, dubstep, electro and more. "We wanted to create the meaning and the visual behind what jungle terror is," Skrillex said. On a larger scale, the film serves as a metaphor for one's individual search for freedom: "No matter where you are, you can't escape yourself until you face yourself," Skrillex stated in the official Q&A. Wiwek further added: "When searching for freedom, you have to start from the inside." Watch the film in its entirety below: The Kill Dill actor was wishing a friend on his birthday where she asks him to 'eat less, become thin'. By India Today Web Desk: Parineeti Chopra made the headlines last year when she released a series of posters on getting fit, flaunting her newly-acquired abs. The Ishaqzaade actor had spent the last few years combatting the label of being a cute, pudgy actor not fitting Bollywood's requirement of a lean, mean lady. advertisement However, the social media has done a u-turn on the once 'cute, bubbly' actor when they heard her wish a friend on his birthday by saying, "eat less, become thin..." The b'day wish invited comments from calling it incredibly harsh on the part of someone who used to be chubby herself at one point. The video and tweet has since been taken down by the actor and her Twitter fan clubs, however, the reactions have not stopped on the issue. One particular tweet said, "I can understand your relief at having lost weight but please be a little responsible about what you say..." Others were well, less kind in response to the wish After Parineeti herself was fat shamed you'd think she'd be a little more sensitive to a poor BIRTHDAY GIRL wtf man jaz (@desiavan) August 17, 2016 eat less...become thin my esteem for Parineeti Chopra is ZERO! nice Birthday wish for a friend....NOT -_- CoffeeWithBollywood (@BollyArabfan) August 16, 2016 parineeti chopra used to be acclaimed for changing the view on women's body image in india but she turned out to be a fake jasmine (@mindofjasmin) August 17, 2016 Parineeti has become so obnoxious, it's obvious she's obsessed with body image. Cancelled. pari (@sansaslady) August 16, 2016 Time to preach what you practiced Parineeti Chopra? At least some sensitivity on your part wouldn't hurt. --- ENDS --- After just a couple of weeks past a bear market fall off, crude oil futures moved backed into bullish territory Thursday. Meanwhile, some larger traders jumped into a smart-beta, energy sector exchange traded fund on the suddenly rosier outlook in the oil market. Crude oil futures are now trading 20% higher since spending a day below $40 per barrel on August 2. West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures were up 3.1% to $48.25 per barrel Thursday while Brent crude oil futures were 2.1% higher to $50.9 per barrel. The oil markets would confirm bullish conditions if WTI crude settles above $47.41 per barrel and if Brent settles above $50.16. Meanwhile, the United States Oil Fund (USO) , which tracks West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures, gained 2.7% Thursday and is trading back above its 50- and 200-day simple moving averages. The United States Brent Oil Fund (BNO) , which tracks Brent crude oil futures, added 2.2%. Leading the charge on Thursday, the John Hancock Multifactor Energy ETF (JHME) surged 3.6% on an exceptionally high 532,600 shares exchanging hands, compared to its average daily volume of 666 shares, according to Morningstar data. Additionally, the sudden huge creations in shares has had a limited impact on the funds price, with JHME actually trading at a -0.10% discount to its net asset value at last check. SEE MORE: Its Game Time For Oil ETFs JHMEs underlying index select components based on company size where a premium is given on smaller companies over larger companies, relative price where value stocks are selected over growth and profitability where more profitable companies are overweight. Additionally, the underlying index implements market-capitalization adjustments where it increases the weights of smaller companies and decreases the weights of larger names. The weighting methodology suggests that the ETFs may follow a more equal-weight tilt with greater exposure to smaller companies than traditional market-cap weighted index funds. Story continues In contrast, the widely observed market cap-weighted Energy Select Sector SPDR (XLE) gained 1.6% Thursday. The oil market and energy sector have been strengthening in recent weeks on ongoing speculation that the worlds largest exports, including the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and Russia, may cooperate and implement an output freeze at current levels to stabilize prices, the Wall Street Journal reports. A dip in U.S. crude and gasoline inventories are also diminishing fears of a supply glut. SEE MORE: Gasoline ETF Back on Trend as Supply Glut Concerns Abate Moreover, the sudden bullish sentiment has caught many short traders off guard, forcing many to scramble out of bearish positions and buy back contracts, which further fueled the sharp price increases. When you post up a record short position of that size, the resulting unwinding tends to be rather dramatic, Bob Yawger, director of the futures division at Mizuho Securities USA Inc, told the WSJ. The OPEC headlines are the spark thats feeding the fire. For more information on the crude oil market, visit our oil category. United States Oil Fund Volunteers at an expo center-turned-shelter in Gonzales, Louisiana, handed out free snow cones or snowballs, as theyre called in Louisiana to those affected by the historic flooding that inundated Baton Rouge and the surrounding area. Louisiana has seen an outpouring of support in the wake of the flooding, including donations of clothes and supplies, from its own residents as well as people from other states. The Louisiana National Guard, along with the American Red Cross, are coordinating relief efforts at shelters across Louisiana including the Lamar Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales, Louisiana. The record flooding has left at least thirteen people dead as of Thursday, August 18. Credit: Instagram/@studiogabriella When Sofia was in her 20s, she didnt use sunblock as much as she should have. (Photo: Getty Images) While Sofia Vergara is known for her gorgeous looks, the 44-year-old actress recently confessed to her biggest beauty blunder. In my 20s, I started to use sunblock on my face, she told PeopleStyle. I wish I had put it on my chest too. And even though Mrs. Joe Manganiello also shared that she currently applies sun protection each day, she added: I think its too late, but what can I do? Does the CoverGirl have a point? Khloe Kardashian Urges Others to Have Skin Cancer Screenings A little sun before heading to Mexico lindooooo today !!! are u packed @reesewitherspoon A photo posted by Sofia Vergara (@sofiavergara) on Jun 21, 2015 at 1:08pm PDT Yes, some damage thats been done by the sun is probably permanent, Mark B. Faries,, surgical oncologist and director of the Donald L. Morton, MD, Melanoma Research Program and director of Therapeutic Immunology at the John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence St. Johns Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif., tells Yahoo Beauty. In fact, there will be an increased risk of skin cancers and other skin changes as a result from that damage and were the most vulnerable to that kind of damage when were youngest. However, he applauds the Modern Family star for being diligent about applying sunscreen today. Its definitely a great thing at any time to be taking good care of your skin, so that the chance of a problem down the road will be as small as it can be, states Faries. She may not be able to make up for everything [shes done in the past], but certainly it is an important step in terms of decreasing any future damage. Women Still Use Tanning Booths but Want Stricter Policies Pool time #hm #ilovesummer A photo posted by Sofia Vergara (@sofiavergara) on Jun 19, 2016 at 12:09pm PDT He strongly advises everyone especially adults who have a history of sunburns and/or basking in the sun to seek a full-body evaluation, either from their dermatologist or physician. If something that looks unusual is skin cancer or even precancerous changes, those cases are easier to treat if theyre caught early than if theyre allowed to get out of hand, concludes Faries. Lets keep in touch! Follow Yahoo Beauty on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Soldiers raided a village in restive Indian-administered Kashmir overnight in an attempt to quash ongoing protests, leaving one civilian dead and dozens injured, police and witnesses said Thursday. Villagers said soldiers from a nearby Indian army camp ransacked homes in Khrew village and beat residents with bamboo sticks, leading to the death of a teacher. "They beat up men, women and children and took away many young men with them. We discovered the battered body of Shabir Mangoo on a village street in the morning," said one villager who asked not to be named, fearing reprisals. Army spokesman Colonel N.N. Joshi confirmed the raid on the village 25 kilometres (16 miles) south-east of the main city of Srinagar, saying "the incident is being investigated". Indian-administered Kashmir has been in the grip of almost daily anti-India protests and rolling curfews sparked by the killing on July 8 of a popular rebel leader, Burhan Wani, in a gunfight with government forces. "One person was also found dead after the raid," a police officer told AFP on condition of anonymity, adding that around 28 villagers were taken away by the soldiers. The army raid -- the third in recent days -- comes after five weeks of unrest that have left more than 60 people dead. India has clamped down hard on protests, with the army accused of using brutal tactics to suppress demonstrators. "First the electricity went off and soldiers soon started attacking our home, beating up all of us including my 10-year-old niece," villager Ghulam Hassan told AFP from his hospital bed in Srinagar. Dr Nazir Chaudhary, medical superintendent at the main SMHS hospital in Srinagar told AFP 24 injured villagers had been admitted for treatment. A daytime curfew in place across the territory was extended to night-time Wednesday, with police forcing shops to close and soldiers setting up additional roadblocks and checkpoints to restrict residents' movement. Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan since their independence from British rule in 1947. Both claim the Himalayan territory in full. Several rebel groups, including Wani's Hizbul Mujahideen, have fought for decades 500,000 Indian troops deployed in the territory, demanding independence for the region or its merger with Pakistan. Police who answered a 911 call Wednesday about a dead woman in the backyard of her home in an affluent New York City suburb have arrested her son and accused him of drowning her in her own pool, PEOPLE confirms. Denis D. Cullen, 23, was arrested on a charge of second-degree murder for the death of his mother, Elizabeth Cullen, 63, Suffolk County Police Commissioner Timothy Sini tells PEOPLE. The Cullens' sprawling property on White Hill Road in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, is located in an area of multimillion-dollar homes where crime is rare, reports NBCNewYork. Sini did not reveal a motive. "The investigation is ongoing," he says. He tells PEOPLE that Lloyd Harbor police received a call around 3:45 p.m. Wednesday "about a possible intentional drowning" at the address where Denis Cullen lives with his parents. It was unclear who placed the call. "When they responded to the scene, they discovered the deceased in the backyard," Sini says. "She was actually found outside the pool in the backyard." He adds, "The evidence at the scene suggested that she was intentionally drowned, as the call indicated." Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. The Lloyd Harbor department then alerted Suffolk County Police, which intervenes in homicide cases, and Suffolk County investigators arrived about 4:15 p.m., Sini says. "While we were processing the scene, the suspect returned and we arrested him, and that occurred about 5:50 p.m.," he says. He would not say what identified Denis Cullen as a suspect. Denis Cullen is scheduled to be arraigned today and has not yet entered a plea. It could not be determined whether he has obtained a lawyer. The second-degree murder charge, says Sini, carries a sentence of 25 years to life in prison. Johannesburg (AFP) - The South African government is to pay damages to victims of a 2012 police shooting that left 34 mineworkers dead and dozens wounded, the presidency said Thursday. In a victory for the victims and their families, the government said it was "ready to make an offer to settle these claims in the next few months". The announcement comes two days after the four-year anniversary of the killings in which the miners were gunned down after police were deployed to break up a wildcat strike that had turned violent at the Lonmin-owned Marikana platinum mine northwest of Johannesburg in August 2012. It was the worst police violence in South Africa since the end of apartheid 21 years ago. "Government is currently in the process of determining the quantum and will make offer of payments in full settlement of claims," said a statement issued by the president's office. Presidential spokesman Bongani Ngqulunga told AFP that there were 34 claims for loss of support, 81 for injuries suffered during the shooting, and 275 for unlawful arrest. Some of the claims overlap, he added. Last year families of the victims lodged compensation claims against the government, listing a total of 326 dependents as having been affected by the violence. An official inquiry established by President Jacob Zuma put much of the blame for the massacre on police tactics used to disperse the strikers, but it did not go as far as recommending compensation. George Bizos, one of the lawyers that represented the affected families during the Marikana inquiry would have preferred for the families to receive "temporary relief" while the compensation amounts were being finalised. "We welcome the statement, but I am concerned that it's going to take another few months for the widows that have had nothing for the past over years," Bizos told AFP. "I appeal to those responsible that the matter is a matter of urgency and I hope that they take immediate steps of a temporary nature," said Bizos, who represented Nelson Mandela during the Rivonia Trial that sentenced the anti-apartheid icon to life in prison. Ten other people were killed in the days preceding the Marikana incident, including two police officers and four non-striking workers. By Joe Brock and Zimasa Mpemnyama JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa's two main opposition parties have put aside huge ideological differences to unseat the ruling ANC in major cities it has controlled for 22 years, they said on Wednesday. The African National Congress lost its majority in the local governments that rule Pretoria, Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth this month, its worst electoral performance since coming to power after apartheid, leaving the other parties free to discuss coalitions. In the end, the gulf separating the Democratic Alliance (DA), a party with a largely white voter base, and the leftist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), was too great to form formal coalitions, but they made a pact which will allow the DA to rule the country's economic hubs. Mmusi Maimane, a black politician whose leadership of the DA since last year has helped reform its image as a party for wealthy whites, welcomed the EEF's agreement to vote for it in the municipalities concerned. "It is quite clear that we would never agree on ideological issues," Maimane said. "I welcome their offer to say that they will vote for us." EFF leader Julius Malema, a former ANC youth leader who split from his former mentor President Jacob Zuma in acrimonious circumstances to form the breakaway party in 2013, said although he saw the DA as "white racists" it was worth making a pact with them to defeat the ANC. "We are caught between two devils. The DA is a better devil than the ANC. We are not in bed with them," he told reporters in the Alexandra township in Johannesburg. "We will vote for the opposition because the ANC must be removed from power." The EFF and DA, which both said they would not work with the ANC because their supporters had voted for change, are far apart in terms of policy, approach and experience. The DA is pro-business while the EFF wants to redistribute land from whites to blacks without compensation. Malema said his party would work with the ANC only if it removed Zuma, made education free for all and nationalised banks and mines. ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe said his party could not accept those conditions. "You don't take those decisions on your feet, or under pressure from the opposition, you don't do that," he told Talk Radio 702. SCRUTINY With EFF votes, the DA is now likely to form a minority administration in Tshwane, which includes the capital Pretoria, Malema said, adding that his party's support in Johannesburg hangs in the balance over an outstanding issue with the DA. Malema said the EFF would assist the DA in the symbolically important Nelson Mandela Bay, which includes the manufacturing hub Port Elizabeth, although the DA said it would rule there without EFF help after forming a coalition with smaller parties. But even with the coalition it had formed and the EFF's support, the DA is unlikely to form a government in the industrial region of Ekurhuleni that lies next to Johannesburg and hosts the country's main airport, Maimane said. Some analysts said the minority governments may descend into wrangling, slowing decision-making or triggering new elections at a time when the country teeters on the verge of recession. Other analysts felt that close scrutiny on budgets by rival parties may help fight corruption. "The fact that there are coalitions in the first place, that no party has a majority, is good for governance because now they are all keeping tabs on each other," said head of research at NKC African Economics, Francois Conradie. "The spending is going to happen in a cleaner and better way." (Additional reporting by Tanisha Heiberg; Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Robin Pomeroy) Piali - The Curry Bistro serves all the Indian curries you love to eat, and many more from around the world. By Mohini Mehrotra: Curries dominate the Indian thali--from Gatte Ki Sabzi in Rajasthan to Bhutta Methi Malai in Uttar Pradesh, Amritsari Cholley in Punjab and Assamese Black Sesame Curry in West Bengal. So what happens when you find a variety of curries from different states of India, and some of your favourites from across the globe, under one roof? With over 40 varieties of curries from across the world on their menu, you will be spoilt for choice at Piali - The Curry Bistro at Connaught Place. advertisement The low-lit interior, a bit old-fashioned in appearance, is cosy and comfortable. You can choose a window side table which overlooks the PVR Plaza or relax on one of the laidback quilted black chesterfield sofas. The bar is well-stocked and serves a number of interesting cocktails to choose from. From their signature cocktails, try the Kala Khatta, a tangy concoction of vodka, gin, tequila with kala khatta syrup--that will 'punch' you back to the good old college days of street bought ice lollies. Piali serves a variety of curries from across India and the world. Photo: Piali Pair your drink with Khumb aur Singhade Ki Galouti which will leave you confused at its vegetarian-ness, for it is super-delicate and mouth-watering delicious. For those who can't do without a non-vegetarian starter, go for the Roast chicken and caremalised onion Spring roll--its crisp casing and sweet, spicy and tender chicken filling make it a great bite. Also read: Check out the new Chor Bizarre outlet at Bikaner House, Delhi Coming to main course, their Daab Chingri--a traditional Bengali preparation of prawns cooked in mustard and filled inside a coconut is worth trying. The combination of mustard and coconut in the dish is lovely and goes well with gobindobhog rice. From the international spread, the creamy and flavourful Burmese Khao Suey is a good pick. Unlike most restaurants in the city, the dessert menu is strictly limited to only two options--Piali Pineapple Halwa and Rum Flambe Gulab Jamun with vanilla iceream. So why not try both, we say! The next time you're looking for a relaxed place that serves delicious curries and heady cocktails, head to Piali - The Curry Bistro. Address: K 41, Level 1, Opposite PVR Plaza, Connaught Place, New Delhi Meal for two Rs. 1200 plus taxes Timings 11.30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Contact no 9205050970, 9205050971, 9205050972 --- ENDS --- JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa's rand recouped the previous sessions losses as expectations for a September U.S rate hike subsided, and as traders looked on to a string of local and global economic data due later in the session. * At 0650 GMT, the rand trades at 13.2600 per dollar, 0.82percent firmer from its Wednesday close. * The U.S Fed July meeting minutes published on Wednesdayshow Fed policymakers were generally upbeat about the U.S.economic outlook and labour market. * Statistics South Africa to release wholesale trade salesand tourism and migration data today and the release of USInitial Jobless Claims and July's US Leading Index data. * The local bourse was set to open higher at 0700 GMT, withthe blue chip futures index up about 0.3 percent. * In fixed income, the yield on 2026 benchmark governmentbond fell 9.5 basis points to 8.355 percent. (Reporting by Zimasa Mpemnyama; Editing by Tiisetso Motsoeneng) JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Thousands of subscribers of South Africa's biggest landline provider Telkom SA were cut off its network after the firm's cables were cut and some set ablaze, in acts of vandalism it blamed on striking workers. Telkom agreed a pay deal with two of it three largest labour unions in June, but the Communications Workers Union (CWU), which had initially agreed to the deal in principle, later rejected the offer and called a strike on Aug. 1. Telkom said the cables in a number of cities, including parts of the capital Pretoria, were damaged on Wednesday, interrupting telephone and Internet links to about 6,000 customers, spokeswoman Jacqui O'Sullivan told Talk Radio 702. The CWU has denied the claims of vandalism. O'Sullivan said striking CWU members had blocked entrances to Telkom's offices in Centurion, near the capital on Monday, and threatened some employees who were not part of the strike. "Historically there has always been a close link between industrial action and sabotage in the telecommunications sector," she told the radio. O'Sullivan said police were investigating the vandalism. She could not be reached by Reuters for comment. Telkom's spokesman Gugu Maqetuka said "yes, of course" when asked if the firm blamed the striking workers for the vandalism, but did not elaborate. The CWU, which has 4,500 members at Telkom all of whom have downed their tools, rejected claims of vandalism. "We are denying anything of our members being involved ... there is no evidence which has come to the fore," CWU President Clyde Mervin told Reuters. ($1 = 13.2938 rand) (Reporting by Zimasa Mpemnyama; Editing by James Macharia and Susan Thomas) SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea has expanded a probe into whether foreign carmakers besides Volkswagen AG falsified documents on emissions and noise-level tests, in the wake of the German automaker's emissions-test cheating scandal. Foreign carmakers found guilty of wrongdoing may face a sales suspension and a fine, which could put the brakes on strong sales rises they have enjoyed in recent years, helped by trade deals. About 100 models from 23 companies face investigation, which will take two to three months, said Hong Dong-gon, a director at the environment ministry. "Last week, we launched a preliminary probe into foreign carmakers to see whether there are cases similar to that of Volkswagen," he added. South Korea has sought to punish Volkswagen aggressively, suspending sales of most of its models for allegedly forging documents on emissions or noise-level tests. (Reporting by Hyunjoo Jin; Editing by Clarence Fernandez) By Denis Dumo and Michelle Nichols JUBA/NEW YORK (Reuters) - South Sudan's opposition leader, Riek Machar, is in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo, the United Nations said on Thursday, several weeks after he withdrew from the capital, Juba, during fierce fighting with government troops. The world body said its peacekeeping mission in the DRC became aware of Machar's presence in the country on Monday and contacted the Congolese government, which then asked the mission to pick up Machar. That operation took place on Wednesday, U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters in New York. "Riek Machar has been handed over to the authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We're not in a position to confirm his location," Haq said. A spokesman for the DRC government, Lambert Mende, denied it had been in touch with any party on helping the former South Sudanese vice president, but Haq said Machar was removed from an area close to the border with South Sudan. "We can confirm that an operation was undertaken by MONUSCO (U.N. mission) on humanitarian grounds to facilitate the extraction of Riek Machar, his wife and 10 others from a location in the DRC in support of the DRC authorities," Haq said, adding MONUSCO was considered the best-suited party to move Machar safely. A statement issued by the leadership of the SPLA In Opposition (SPLA-IO) said he had left on Wednesday to a "safe country within the region". Machar led a two-year rebellion against forces loyal to his longtime rival, President Salva Kiir, before the two sides reached a peace deal in August 2015. Under the deal, Machar returned to Juba in April to resume his role as vice president. But fighting flared last month, leading Machar to withdraw with his forces from Juba around mid-July. Opposition spokesman James Gatdek Dak, writing on his Facebook page, said opposition fighters had "successfully relocated our leader to a neighboring country where he will now have unhindered access to the rest of the world and the media." Machar had sustained a leg injury from weeks of walking in the bush but not serious enough to require medical attention, Gatdek Dak said. Since the July fighting, Kiir has sacked Machar from his post and appointed Taban Deng Gai, a former opposition negotiator who broke ranks with Machar, as vice president. The United Nations told Kiir any political changes must be consistent with the peace deal, which stated that the vice president must be chosen by the South Sudan Armed Opposition. (Additional reporting by Michelle Nichols in New York and Aaron Ross in Kinshasa; Writing by Edmund Blair and Duncan Miriri; Editing by Toby Chopra and Peter Cooney) By Alex Dobuzinskis LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A Southern California wildfire raged virtually unchecked in thick brush on Wednesday after destroying dozens of houses near a highway corridor between Los Angeles and Las Vegas and forcing as many as 80,000 residents to flee their homes, officials said. The so-called Blue Cut Fire ignited on Tuesday in the mountainous Cajon Pass and has exploded to cover 25,626 acres (10,370 hectares). Firefighters had carved containment lines around only four percent of the blaze by Wednesday night, fire officials said. They described the blaze as unusually fierce, even for a year of intense wildfires in the U.S. West, where years of drought have placed a heavy burden on firefighting resources. "In my 40 years of fighting fire, I've never seen fire behavior so extreme as it was yesterday," Michael Wakoski, the incident commander on the fire, told a news conference on Wednesday. As many as eight wildland fires were burning in California on Wednesday, three of them scorching thousands of acres as firefighters sought help from emergency responders from other states and the California National Guard. U.S. government forecasters have said Southern California faces a potential threat from major wildfires until December, given the dryness and warm weather. Santa Ana winds, which sweep desert air to California's coast while driving the fires, are due to kick up next month, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal-Fire) spokeswoman Lynne Tolmachoff said by phone. September and October are often the peak of the state's wildfire season. The Blue Cut Fire, named for a narrow gorge north of San Bernardino where it started, threatened the town of Wrightwood near a ski resort and other communities in a partly rural area, authorities said. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Authorities said they were forced to close part of Interstate 15, which runs through the Cajon Pass between Las Vegas and the Los Angeles area, and to order about 80,000 residents to evacuate. Thick columns of smoke blocked out the sky above mountain peaks as the fire overran a number of properties, leaving behind barren lots with blackened appliances and vehicles stripped of nearly everything but metal. Louis Penna, a spokesman for the San Bernardino County Fire Department, said in an email an official damage estimate was not available but that dozens of destroyed structures were clearly visible. San Bernardino County Fire Chief Mark Hartwig told reporters: "There will be a lot of families that come home to nothing." The Los Angeles Times reported hundreds of residents were staying in their houses, despite dire warnings from authorities. Among them was Nico Santucci, who was standing sentry outside his home in Lytle Creek with his young son by his side. "If the first house catches on fire here or the fire breaks this mountain here, then I'm gone, then we're gone," Santucci said. About 600 miles (970 km) to the northwest, the so-called Clayton Fire was 40 percent contained after charring 4,000 acres in and around the community of Lower Lake and destroying 175 homes and businesses. California had spent $164 million by Aug. 12 to combat wildfires this year, Cal-Fire's Tolmachoff said, not including the Blue Cut or Clayton fires. (Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis in Los Angeles and Sharon Bernstein in Sacramento, Calif.; Editing by Alistair Bell and Matthew Lewis) MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's lower house of parliament will begin to discuss acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's bid for a second term in office on Aug. 30, the house speaker said on Thursday, meaning he will likely face a confidence vote the following day. The Spanish parliament usually stages a debate to invest a prime minister before holding a vote on their plan for a government the next day. If the candidate fails to secure an absolute majority on the floor of the 350-seat lower house - at least 176 votes - then a second vote is held 48 hours later. At the second vote, the candidate only needs a simple majority of votes cast. (Reporting by Sarah White, Editing by Catherine Bennett) By Selam Gebrekidan (Reuters) - On the night of June 2, 2015, gunmen blocked a highway on Libya's northern coast and stopped a white truck speeding toward Tripoli, the capital. The men trained their assault rifles on the driver. Three climbed aboard to search the cargo. Ruta Fisehaye, a 24-year-old Eritrean, was lying on the bed of the truck's first trailer. Beside her lay 85 Eritrean men and women, one of whom was pregnant. A few dozen Egyptians hid in the second trailer. All shared one dream to reach Europe. The gunmen ordered the migrants off the truck. They separated Muslims from Christians and, then, men from women. They asked those who claimed to be Muslims to recite the Shahada, a pledge to worship only Allah. All of the Egyptians shouted the words in unison. "There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God." "Allahu Akbar," the gunmen called back. Fisehaye realized then that she was in the hands of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Her captors wore robes with beige camouflage print clothes she had not seen on other men in Libya. Most of them hid behind black ski masks. A black flag waved from one of their pickup trucks. "We were certain that they were taking us to our deaths," recalled Fisehaye, a Christian who wears a black-thread necklace to symbolize her Orthodox faith. "We cried in despair." Her captors had another end in mind. As Islamic State battles to expand in Libya, it is rewarding its warriors by exploiting the great exodus of African migrants bound for Europe. Since the group emerged in Libya in late 2014, some 240,000 migrants and refugees have traversed the war-torn country. Over the past 18 months, Islamic State fighters have abducted at least 540 refugees in six separate ambushes, according to 14 migrants who witnessed the abductions and have since escaped to Europe. The fighters then enslaved, raped, sold or exchanged at least 63 captive women, nine of whom described their ordeal in detail to Reuters. Their stories comprise the first corroborated account of how Islamic State turns refugee women into sex slaves using them as human currency to attract and reward fighters in Libya. It is the same blueprint of abuse it employed on Yazidi women in Syria and Iraq. Because of its proximity to southern Europe, and its shared borders with six African nations, Libya is Islamic State's most important outpost outside Syria and Iraq. It is territory that the group is fighting hard to defend. In August, U.S. fighter jets bombed Sirte the stronghold of Islamic State in Libya in an attempt to wrench the city from the group's control. The airstrikes have revived a stalled military assault that Libyan brigades launched earlier this summer. Sirte is strategically important for Islamic State. The city sits on a highway connecting two hubs of Libya's people-smuggling trade Ajdabiya in the northeast, where migrants stop to settle fees with smugglers, and fishing ports in the west, where boats depart for Europe every week. From this bastion, Islamic State has found numerous ways to profit from the refugee crisis, despite the group's declaration that migration is "a dangerous major sin" in the September issue of its magazine, "Dabiq." The extremist group has taxed smugglers in exchange for safe passage and has used well-beaten smuggling routes to bring in new fighters, according to Libyan residents interviewed by phone, a senior U.S. official and a U.N. Security Council report published in July. Brigadier Mohamed Gnaidy, an intelligence officer with local forces mustered by the nearby town of Misrata, says Islamic State has recruited migrants to join its ranks, offering them money and Libyan brides. It has also extracted human chattel from the stream of refugees passing through its territory, according to the accounts of Fisehaye and the other survivors who were interviewed. Five of six mass kidnappings verified by Reuters took place on a 160-km stretch near Sirte in March, June, July, August and September of last year. The sixth occurred near Libya's border with Sudan this January. This story is based on interviews with Fisehaye, eight other women enslaved by Islamic State, and five men kidnapped by the group. Reuters spoke to the refugees in three European countries over four months. Two women agreed to speak on the record, risking the stigma that besets survivors of sexual violence. Reuters was unable to reach the Islamic State fighters in Libya or independently corroborate certain aspects of the women's accounts. BETTER SHOT THAN BEHEADED Before she left Eritrea, Fisehaye (rhymes with Miss-ha-day) felt trapped in her job as a storekeeper for a government-owned farm. Like most young Eritreans, she was a conscript in the country's long-term national service, which lasts well beyond the 18 months mandated by law. She could hardly get by on her meager wages of $36 a month. But she also felt she could not quit and risk angering the state, which is often accused of human-rights violations. Fisehaye, a petite woman whose smile easily takes over her entire face, decided to take a risk. In January 2015, she walked across the border into Sudan with a cousin and two friends, her heart set on Europe. In Khartoum, Sudan's capital, Fisehaye spent four months raising the $1,400 she needed to pay a smuggler for a trip to Libya. She tried and failed to find a lucrative job. So, like thousands of refugees before her, she called on relatives abroad to pitch in. She talked to recent emigres and found an Eritrean smuggler whose clients gave him a glowing review. Before setting off into the desert, she heard stories about armed outlaws who rape women in Libya. She paid a doctor for a contraceptive injection that would last for three months. "Once you leave Eritrea, there is no going back. I did what any woman would do," she said. The first leg of her journey went off without a hitch. In May, her convoy crossed the Sahara and reached Ajdabiya in northeast Libya. Fisehaye believed the worst was behind her. Though no one counts migrants who die from sickness, starvation and violence in the desert, refugee groups say more may perish there than drown in the Mediterranean Sea. "No one stopped us in the Sahara and the smugglers told us we shouldn't worry about Daesh," she said, using an Arabic acronym for Islamic State. "I never expected to see an organized state like theirs in Libya." She was wrong. On the night of the kidnapping, the armed Islamic State fighters ordered Fisehaye and the other Christians back onto the truck. The men climbed onto the front trailer and the women, 22 in all, onto the back. They drove east, threading the same road they had driven hours earlier. A pickup truck with a mounted machine gun trailed close behind. A half hour later, the truck turned right onto a dirt road and the soft glow of a town's lights shimmered ahead. A few male captives had seen videos of Islamic State beheadings. Realizing the gunmen belonged to the group, the men jumped off and ran into the flat desert. Gunfire erupted. Some fell dead, others were rounded up. A few got away. "We thought it would be better to get shot than beheaded," Hagos Hadgu, one of the men who jumped off the truck, said in an interview in Hallsta, Sweden. He wasn't caught that night and made it to Europe two months later. "We didn't want to die with our hands and legs bound. Even an animal needs to writhe in the hour of death." The fighters deposited the migrants at an abandoned hospital perched in a scrubland near a desert town called Nawfaliyah. They searched the women for jewelry, lifting their sleeves and necklines with a rod, and hauled them into a small room where a Nigerian woman was being kept. The next morning, one of the fighters' leaders, a man from West Africa, paid the women a visit. He brought a young boy, one of at least seven Eritrean children Islamic State had kidnapped in March, to serve as his translator. "Do you know who we are?" the man asked. The women were silent. "We are al-dawla al-Islamiyyah," the man explained, using the Arabic for Islamic State. He reminded the women that Islamic State was the group that had slain 30 Eritrean and Ethiopian Christians back in April, filmed the massacre, and posted the video online. The caliphate would spare their lives because they were women, he assured them, but only if they converted to Islam. "Or we will let you rot here," he warned. Fisehaye found conversion an unholy thought. Along with the other women, she fired a volley of questions at the man: Can we call our families and tell them where we are? Can they pay you a ransom for our freedom? Can you tell us what you did to our brothers? Our husbands? The man offered few answers and no solace. Three weeks later, in the first week of Ramadan in June, fighter jets bombed the abandoned hospital compound and some of the buildings collapsed. It is difficult to determine who was behind the attack. Both the U.S. military and western Libyan groups have claimed raids on nearby towns around that time. In the ensuing chaos, Fisehaye and the other women sprinted past the debris and ran barefoot into the desert. The hot ground seared their feet. The captive men, who had been held in the same compound all along, ran ahead. Before long, the fleeing captives made out the silhouettes of a pickup truck and men with assault rifles ahead of them. The armed men waved for the migrants to stop then opened fire. The women stopped. Most of the migrant men escaped, but eleven were rounded up and flogged. Their whereabouts are unknown. The airstrikes continued through the week. Eventually, Islamic State fighters moved the women to the abandoned quarters of a Turkish construction company in Nawfaliyah, two hours away. The makeshift prison housed graders and dozers from road-work projects of the mid-2000s, their metal bodies rusting under the intense heat. Itinerant workers had scribbled their names and countries on the compound's walls. Fisehaye and the other women stayed in a small room where the drywall sweated when temperatures rose. A Korean family a pediatrician, his wife and her brother were jailed in another room. It only took a week for Fisehaye and the other women to attempt another breakout. Nine escaped, but not Fisehaye. Instead, she was brought back to the makeshift prison and whipped for days. The Korean doctor tended to her wounds. A few weeks later, in early August, 21 other Eritrean women joined Fisehaye's group. They too had been kidnapped along a stretch of highway in central Libya. One woman came with her three children, aged five, seven and eleven. CONVERSION Throughout the summer, Islamic State consolidated its hold in central Libya. In Sirte, Islamic State fighters crushed a Salafist uprising by executing dissenters and hanging their bodies from lampposts. In Nawfaliyah, they paraded decapitated heads to silence dissent. Then, in September, the group's emir in Libya, Abul-Mughirah Al-Qahtani (more commonly known as Abu Nabil), advertised his domain's "great need of every Muslim who can come." He summoned fighters, doctors, legal experts and administrators who could help him build a functioning state. He levied hefty taxes on businesses and confiscated enemy property, just as his group had done in Syria and Iraq. The ranks of Islamic State fighters swelled. At its peak, the group may have had 6,000 fighters in Libya, based on the U.S. Army's estimates, although the Pentagon drastically cut that estimate this month to a thousand fighters in Sirte. The single men, most of whom flocked from other parts of Africa, needed companions, and Islamic State enlisted older women in Sirte to help. The women, called 'crows' because they dressed in black, visited townspeople's homes and registered single girls older than 15 as potential brides, says Brigadier Gnaidy of the Misrata forces. As the group's ambitions grew that summer, so did its need for women. Islamic State's take on sharia permits men to take sex slaves. The kidnapped women, unprotected and far from home, became easy targets. In mid-August, more than two months after Fisehaye was abducted, Islamic State fighters moved the 36 women in their custody to Harawa, a small town they controlled some 75 kilometers (46 miles) from Sirte. As Fisehaye and the seven other women Reuters interviewed describe it, life in Harawa was almost quotidian at first. There were no air strikes, beatings or threats of sexual violence. The captives the Eritreans kidnapped in June and August, including Fisehaye, two Nigerians, and the Korean couple and their relative lived in a large compound by the town's dam. In the next few weeks, they were joined by 10 Filipino medical workers kidnapped from a hospital in Sirte, a Bangladeshi lecturer taken from a Sirte university, a pregnant Ghanaian captured in Sirte, and an Eritrean woman captured with her 4-year-old son on the highway to Tripoli. It was here that Fisehaye bonded with Simret Kidane, a 29 year-old who left her three children with her parents in Eritrea to seek a better life in Europe. She was among the women kidnapped in August. Kidane befriended one of the guards, Hafeezo, a Tunisian mechanic turned jihadist in his early 30s. Hafeezo helped the women navigate their new life in captivity. He brought them groceries and relayed their demands to his superiors in Sirte. He comforted them when they cried. He counseled them to forget their past lives and embrace Islam. That way, he promised, they may be freed to find a husband among the militants. They may even be allowed to call home. The women asked for religious lessons, and Hafeezo brought them a copy of the Koran translated into their first language, Tigrinya. He also brought a small Dell laptop and a flash drive on which he had uploaded religious texts and lessons on the lives of fallen jihadists. Fisehaye succumbed first. In September, after three months of captivity, she converted to Islam and took on a Muslim name, Rima. Her conversion had a domino effect across the compound; Kidane and the others followed suit a month later. "I could see no other way out," Fisehaye said. "Islam was one more step to my freedom. They told us we would have some rights as Muslims." After their conversion, Hafeezo brought them black abayas and niqabs, loose garments some Muslim women wear to cover themselves. He kept his distance and refused to make eye contact. Instead, he supervised their piety from afar. Another guard, an older Sudanese fighter, taught them to pray. He recited verses from the Koran and made the women write down and repeat his words. When the guard moved to a new job in Sirte, Hafeezo brought a flat-screen TV and played them videos of religious lessons and suicide missions. As promised, Hafeezo allowed the women to call their families. In December, frequent gunfire punctured the relatively quiet life in Harawa. Food became scarce. Hafeezo was often called to the frontline and disappeared for days. One day, he took Kidane aside and told her to prepare for what was to come. The leadership had changed Islamic State's emir in Libya had died in a U.S. airstrike a month earlier and the women's fate along with it. "You are now [[i]]sabaya,[[/i]]" Hafeezo told Kidane, using the archaic term for slave. There were four possible outcomes for her and the other women, he explained. Their respective owners could make them their sex slaves, give them away as gifts, sell them to other militias, or set them free. "Do not worry about what will happen to you in the hands of men," Kidane says Hafeezo told her. "Concern yourself only with where you stand with Allah." Kidane did not share this detail with Fisehaye or the other women, hoping to save them from despair. Later, one of Hafeezo's superiors came to the compound to take a census. He wrote the women's names and ages on a ledger. He asked them to lift their veils and examined their faces. He returned a week later and took two of the youngest women, aged 15 and 18, with him. On December 17, he sent for Kidane. That day, he gave her to a Libyan member of an Islamic State brigade in Sirte. Despite her repeated pleas, her new owner refused to reunite her with Fisehaye. Kidane and the teenage women escaped and are now seeking asylum in Germany. SABAYA In late January, a stomach ulcer confined Fisehaye to her bed. Stress made matters worse. Returning from a hospital visit one afternoon, she witnessed a child, no older than 9, shoot a man in the town square. Soon after, she and the remaining female captives moved to a warehouse in Sirte where Islamic State stored appliances, fuel and slaves. A group of 15 Eritrean women, who had been kidnapped in July, and three Ethiopian women kidnapped in January joined them that week. The warehouse became, to the women, a last frontier of defiance. As new Muslims, they argued for better healthcare and the abolition of their slavery. They absorbed beatings in response. Resistance proved futile. An Eritrean fighter called Mohamed, who had often dropped by to survey the women, purchased Fisehaye in February. He never said how much he paid for her. But he seemed gentle at first, asking after her waning health and her past life in Eritrea. "I was confused. I thought he was going to help me. Maybe he had infiltrated Daesh. Maybe he wasn't really one of them. I started harboring hope," Fisehaye said. Instead, he raped her, repeatedly, for weeks. "No one ever showed us which part of the Koran says they could turn us into slaves," Fisehaye said. "They wanted to destroy usso much evil in their hearts." She plotted her escape but could not find a way out. Then her owner lent her to another man, a Senegalese fighter. Known by the nom de guerre Abu Hamza, the Senegalese had brought his wife and three children to the Libyan frontline. Fisehaye was to work, unpaid, in Abu Hamza's kitchen. The work was busy but bearable, until one night in mid-February when Abu Hamza brought an Eritrean woman from the warehouse. He raped the woman all night. "She was screaming. Screaming. It tore my heart," Fisehaye recalled. "His wife stood by the door and cried." The next morning, Fisehaye convinced the battered woman to run away with her. They left the city behind and ran into the desert. No one stopped to help them and they were caught by religious police on patrol outside the city. The police returned both women to captivity. The battered Eritrean woman went back to Abu Hamza. Mohamed took Fisehaye to a three-story building in Sirte that he shared with two other fighters. Fisehaye moved in with a 22-year-old Eritrean woman and her 4-year-old son, both of whom belonged to a Tunisian commander named Saleh. Another 23-year-old Eritrean lived down the hall with her 2-year-old son and a daughter to whom she gave birth while in Islamic State custody. That woman and her children belonged to a Nigerian fighter who called himself al-Baghdadi. Fisehaye's roommates said the men raped them on multiple occasions. They told their stories on condition of anonymity. "There was no one there to help me. So I kept quiet and took the abuse," the Eritrean mother of two later said. "I stopped resisting. He did as he pleased with me." ESCAPE In April of this year, Libya's nascent unity government stationed itself in a naval base in Tripoli. Separately, rival factions the Petroleum Facilities Guard in the east and brigades from towns in the west plotted to attack Islamic State from opposite flanks. In Sirte, meanwhile, Fisehaye and her roommates learned that one of them, the mother of two, would soon be sold to another man. The revelation pushed them to plot an escape. They pretended to call their relatives but talked, instead, to Eritrean smugglers in Tripoli. They studied their captors' schedules. They surveyed their surroundings whenever the Tunisian commander Saleh, in a cruel prank, left the house keys with his slave but took her son with him. Finally, on the early morning of April 14, the women grabbed 60 Libyan dinars, about $40, from Saleh's bag and broke out of the house through a backdoor. But Sirte looked ominously deserted in the early morning and, fearing they would be caught, the women returned to the house. They ventured out again, hours later, when the city came to life. They walked for hours before a cab stopped for them. Fisehaye negotiated with the driver in halting Arabic. She told him they were maids who had been swindled by an employer. She gave him a number for an Eritrean smuggler in Tripoli. The driver negotiated with the smuggler over the phone. He agreed to drive them for 750 dinars ($540), to be covered by the smuggler once the women arrived in Bani Walid, five hours away. In the end, it took the women 12 hours to get to Bani Walid. As promised, the Eritrean smuggler paid for their escape and took them to a holding cell. There, they shucked off their niqabs and cried with joy. They prayed for the dozens they had left behind. Fisehaye borrowed the smuggler's phone and called her father in Eritrea. Soon, word of her escape spread among her friends and relatives. They settled her debt and paid the smuggler another $2,000 to get her on a boat to Europe. In May, during a month when 1,133 refugees drowned at sea, Fisehaye crossed the Mediterranean. Her 10 months of captivity had come to an end. She traversed a path trod by many refugees, across Italy and Austria, and reached Germany a month after her escape. She is now seeking asylum there. (Gebrekidan reported from Ulm and Hanover, Germany; Catania and Rome, Italy; and Hallsta, Fur and Vetlanda, Sweden; Additional reporting by Patrick Markey and Aidan Lewis in Sirte, Libya; Ali Al-Shouky in Marsa Matrouh, Egypt; and Jonathan Landay in Washington; Edited by Alessandra Galloni) From Town & Country Last year, St. Paul's senior Owen Labrie was sentenced to a year in jail for sexually assaulting a freshman at the school in 2014. The victim's parents, who have remained anonymous in court filings and media reports about the case, sued St. Paul's for not doing enough to prevent the assault-and now the school wants their anonymity revoked. A motion St. Paul's filed in federal court on August 11 states that "judicial proceedings are supposed to be open and transparent," the Boston Globe reports. The school wants the court to reject the family's use of pseudonyms (the father and mother have been referred to as John and Jane Doe, respectively, and their daughter has been identified as J.D.) in court documents. St. Paul's accuses the family of orchestrating "a national media campaign attacking the character, credibility and reputation of the Schoolwhile simultaneously extolling [the] Plaintiffs' own character, credibility and reputation." It goes on to state that the plaintiffs' "blatant attempts to try this case in the media-up to and including attempting to set a range on a potential jury verdict-from behind a cloak of anonymity should not be countenanced." The motion asks that: "a. The parties, their counsel, and others acting on their behalf shall refrain from making any further public statements about this matter or the facts underlying it until the litigation is completed; b. The School shall be entitled to identify Plaintiffs and J.D. during the discovery and fact investigation process to third parties and during depositions, and Plaintiffs shall bear the cost of redacting any documents ... filed with the Court bearing Plaintiffs' and J.D.'s names or personally identifiable information; c. Plaintiffs and J.D. should not be allowed to proceed under pseudonyms atthe trial of this matter." For his part, St. Paul's board president Archibald Cox, Jr. (Class of 1958 and the son of the Watergate special prosecutor Cox, Sr.) issued a statement on Monday clarifying the school's position. It read, in part, "It appears the media has not read, or is not accurately reporting about our filing. We did not oppose the family's use of pseudonyms, and certainly did not request that the young woman's name be made public. Rather, we agreed to the family's use of pseudonyms during pretrial phases of the litigation, provided they agreed to stop improperly attacking the School's character in statements to the press. The point of the pleading was to suggest that the family's request to proceed anonymously should incorporate the School's desire for the matter to be handled responsibly in court and not through coordinated media attacks." Cox's statement does not address the third condition of the filing, the request that the pseudonyms be disallowed. Labrie's bail was revoked in March after he violated the curfew terms of his release eight times. Barack Obama sad The StateDepartment says that a $400 million cash payment to Iran was contingent on the release of American prisoners. Spokesman John Kirby says that negotiations over the US's returning Iranian money from a decades-old account was conducted separately from a prisoner swap in January, in which seven Iranians detained in the US were exchanged for Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian and three other Iranian-American prisoners. But Kirby acknowledged for the first time that the US withheld delivery of the cash as leverage until the US citizens had left Iran. According to The Wall Street Journal, the US refused to hand over the $400 million cash payment that was being held at Geneva Airport "until a Swiss Air Force plane carrying three freed Americans departed from Tehran." The release of the prisoners and of the $400 million to Iranian control occurred January 17. Kirby spoke after The Wall Street Journal reported that the departures of the crisscrossing planes were linked. Administration officials initially denied that the $400 million cash transfer was tantamount to critics' assertion of a ransom payment, insisting that the funds were part of a $1.7 billion financial settlement that the US had reached with Iran as part of the nuclear deal. "As we've made clear, the negotiations over the settlement of an outstanding claim ... were completely separate from the discussions about returning our American citizens home," Kirby told The Journal, which first reported the $400 million cash payment, earlier this month. "Not only were the two negotiations separate they were conducted by different teams on each side, including, in the case of The Hague claims, by technical experts involved in these negotiations for many years," he added. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani speaks during a news conference in Islamabad, Pakistan, March 26, 2016. REUTERS/Faisal Mahmood/File Photo That President Barack Obama failed to disclose the transfer of foreign hard currency to Iran by an unmarked cargo plane raised initial questions about the administration's transparency in its dealings with Iran, however. Story continues That scrutiny is bound to intensify now that the State Department has admitted to withholding the funds until the prisoners were released from Iranian custody a move that some might perceive as the US effectively allowing Iran to use American detainees as bargaining chips. "There are arguments by some analysts that downplay the transfer as a ransom payment because this was money owed to Iran in principle and interest," Amir Toumaj, an Iran expert at the Washington, DC-based think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Business Insider earlier this month. "But we wouldn't be having this discussion if the Islamic Republic were a government that abided by international norms and did not arbitrarily hold hostages as bargaining chips," he said. The prisoner swap fueled skepticism about the extent to which the US may have appeased Iran in the name of finalizing the landmark nuclear deal. The exchange was later revealed to have been a year in the making, despite claims by administration officials that the subject of a prisoner release was never broached during nuclear-related negotiations. The swap was also finalized on the same day that the nuclear deal was implemented and the nuclear-related sanctions on Iran were lifted a "coincidence," as officials characterized it, that left some experts wondering whether the exchange was aimed at bolstering overall support for the deal inside Iran. "The administration announced the transfer of the $1.7 billion, of which the $400 million is the first installment, in January," Toumaj said. "Still, the timing of this first installment is suspicious," he added. "And it's difficult to imagine that the prisoner swap and money transfer were not part of a quid pro quo arrangement." The Associated Press contributed to this report. NOW WATCH: Obama said the White House previously announced the $400 million payment to Iran here's the footage More From Business Insider Two teenage Pokemon Go players were terrorised by laser-wielding, pig-masked Swedish couple who were having public sex. By India Today Web Desk: Two teen siblings were on a Pokemon Go hunt in Sweden but it turned out more like a 'Pork'emon hunt. The teenagers ran into something indescribably strange. They spotted a couple having sex wearing pig masks and matching shirts labelled King and Queen. Fancy, eh? In the event of any disturbance during their swiney sex session, the couple had their guards up. As soon as they were spotted by the Pokemon players, they flashed a green laser light at them. advertisement The teenagers' mother told a local newspaper that the weird pig-headed couple, 'started squealing and waving their green light' at them. Luckily the laser beam hit the teen's face but missed the eye. Laser beams when directed at the eye can cause instant blindness. In the middle of this chaos, the hammy couple also managed to block traffic in the town. Baffled passersby stopped to catch a glimpse of the madness that was unfolding. Police are still on the look out for the 'sex-pigs' who caused quite a stir in the town. --- ENDS --- The transportation sector, which includes airlines, truckers, shipping stocks and railroads to name a few, is grappling with a number of challenges. The headwinds have hurt the second-quarter 2016 results of this widely diversified space (one of the 16 Zacks sectors). This can be made out from our latest Earnings Trends report which shows that the transportation sectors second-quarter performance was worse than the first quarter of 2016. The report states that the bottom line has declined 12.4% year over year in the second quarter for transportation companies (in the S&P 500 space) while the same had expanded 3.3% in the first quarter of the year. The numbers make a sorry reading even with respect to the top line as well. In the second quarter, revenues shrunk 1.3% while the same had declined only 0.9% in the first quarter. With the broader sector undergoing tough times, how can the airline sub-group be spared? The sorry state of affairs is reflected by the bearish Zacks Industry rank of 241 (among 260+ groups) carried by the Transportation-Airline segment. Stocks in the airline space are facing a number of headwinds ranging from the surge in terror attacks, uncertainty following the Brexit vote, unit revenue issues and technological glitches, to name a few. Moreover, declining airfares have the potential to hurt the top line of airline companies. The mixed second-quarter 2016 performance by airline behemoth Delta Air Lines DAL throws more light on the plight of the airline stocks. The Atlanta, GA-based carrier kicked off the second-quarter earnings season for the airline sector on Jul 14. Even though the carrier beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate for earnings, it continued to struggle on the revenue front with the top line shrinking 2.4% mainly due to currency woes. Revenues also fell short of the Zacks Consensus Estimate. DELTA AIR LINES Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise DELTA AIR LINES Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise | DELTA AIR LINES Quote Story continues Unit revenue issues have been plaguing Delta, like its peers for quite some time. This is reflected by the declining metric passenger revenue per available seat mile (PRASM: a measure of sales relative to capacity for a carrier). PRASM declined 4.9% in the second quarter of 2016 to 13.59 cents mainly due to currency woes. That the PRASM-related issues are not a thing of the past at Delta can be made out from the 7% drop in the metric in July. The sharp drop was due to foreign exchange woes along with the ongoing supply-demand imbalance in the Transatlantic and softness pertaining to domestic yield. Earlier in the month, the carrier suffered yet another setback when a power outrage in Atlanta disrupted its operations causing undue harassment to passengers. In view of this gloomy backdrop, it is of little surprise that the 2016 Zacks Consensus Estimate declined in excess of 8% over the last 60 days to $5.79 per share. Additionally, the Delta stock lost 26% year to date. The Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell) carried by Delta further reinforces the fact that investors should avoid this stock for now. 4 Other Airline Stocks to Avoid With the airline sector struggling, we pinpoint four other stocks in the space that are underperforming and should be dumped without further ado. Dallas-based low-cost carrier Southwest Airlines Co. LUV is struggling big time. The stock lost value following the release of its second-quarter results on Jul 21 wherein earnings lagged estimates. Moreover, the carrier suffered a technology outage recently, which resulted in cancellation and delays of over 2000 flights. The setback caused the carrier to slash its third-quarter operating revenue per available seat mile (RASM: a key measure of unit revenue) guidance earlier this month. RASM is now expected to decline in the range of 3.5% to 4.5% in the third quarter as compared to the earlier projected range of a decline of 3.0% to 4.0%. SOUTHWEST AIR Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise SOUTHWEST AIR Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise | SOUTHWEST AIR Quote In view of this gloomy backdrop, it is of little surprise that the 2016 Zacks Consensus Estimate has declined almost 5% over the last 30 days to $3.87 per share. Additionally, the stock lost in excess of 14% year to date. The Zacks Rank #5 carried by Southwest Airlines further reinforces the fact that investors should keep away from this stock at present. CA-based low-cost carrier Virgin America VA is also best avoided at the moment. The Zacks Rank #5 company reported lackluster second-quarter results with both earnings and revenues lagging expectations. The carriers earnings per share of 93 cents missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.17 and also declined 36.3% year over year. Quarterly revenues of $426 million also missed the consensus mark of $447 million. VIRGIN AMERICA Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise VIRGIN AMERICA Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise | VIRGIN AMERICA Quote Also, Santiago, Chile-based LATAM Airlines Group S.A. LFL should be avoided going by the present scenario. The carrier, carrying a Zacks Rank #5, performed disappointingly in the second quarter of 2016 reporting wider-than-expected loss. Moreover, the quarterly loss of 17 cents per share was wider than the year-ago loss of 9 cents. Revenues declined in excess of 14% to $1,967 million in the reported quarter. Due to the below-par results on Aug 11, the 2016 Zacks Consensus Estimate declined over 34% to 17 cents over the last 7 days. LATAM AIRLINES Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise LATAM AIRLINES Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise | LATAM AIRLINES Quote Last but not least Germanys Zacks Rank #5 company Lufthansa DLAKY should also not make it to your portfolio now. The carrier reported year-over-year decline in earnings and revenues in the second quarter of 2016. The carrier stated last month that travel demand to Europe has been waning following multiple terror attacks and the uncertainty following the Brexit vote. The carrier also said that advance bookings, especially on long-haul Europe-bound routes, have been hurt by the above-mentioned headwinds. The company now expects 2016 adjusted earnings before interest and taxes to be below 2015 levels (the previous guidance had hinted at the measure being slightly above the 2015 figure). Shares of the carrier have shed over 25% so far this year. LUFTHANSA -ADR Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise LUFTHANSA -ADR Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise | LUFTHANSA -ADR Quote If you want to know which stocks we think every investor should be avoiding right now, then you need to checkout our Short List. This service takes a look at a variety of fundamental and technical factors in order to find the best candidates to short right now. Click here to learn more information about the Short List>>> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report SOUTHWEST AIR (LUV): Free Stock Analysis Report LATAM AIRLINES (LFL): Free Stock Analysis Report DELTA AIR LINES (DAL): Free Stock Analysis Report LUFTHANSA -ADR (DLAKY): Free Stock Analysis Report VIRGIN AMERICA (VA): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Sieg Heil! Baron Rudolf-Christoph von Gersdorff barked, keeping his left hand in his pocket as he raised his right arm to salute Adolf Hitler. The Fuhrer acknowledged the sign of respect, and, with his concealed hand, Gersdorff ignited a chemical fuse connected to a cocktail of explosives. Intelligence Officer Gersdorff acquired the hardware for this March 21, 1943, assassination attempt through his work with Col. Henning von Tresckow, who was one of a group of officers tasked with strategizing the invasion of the Soviet Union. The officers were also part of a conspiracy ring aimed at taking Hitlers life. Gersdorff removed his hand from his coat pocket and beckoned Hitler into the exhibition hall of Berlins Zeughaus military museum. As he led the Third Reichs chief on a guided tour of captured Soviet equipment, acid in the bombs fuse began to saturate wads of cotton wool. Once a hidden wire was severed by the acid, a striker pin would be set off, detonating the explosive. This would take 15 to 20 minutes, and the tour was scheduled to take about 30. The only problem? Hitler was in a rush. I did not need much time to answer yes to the most momentous question that anybody ever asked me. Rudolf-Christoph von Gersdorff, Soldier in the Downfall According to Gersdorffs memoir, Soldier in the Downfall, he was given less than a weeks notice when Tresckow asked whether he would be willing to take Hitlers life during the Fuhrers Memorial Day activities. Tresckow didnt reveal any details of the plot, other than that it required Gersdorff to kill himself. Gersdorff was a widower and his only child, a daughter, was under the care of his brother. At that time we were so caught up in the mission, wrote Gersdorff. I did not need much time to answer yes to the most momentous question that anybody ever asked me. 220px bundesarchiv bild 146 1976 130 51, rudolf christoph v. gersdorff Baron Rudolf-Christoph von Gersdorff Source CC Gersdorff claimed he had harbored anti-Nazi sentiments since the late 1930s, noting that his first impressions of Hitler were of a repulsive jumped-up proletarian who may have been mentally abnormal. In 1941, as Hitlers war ground east, Gersdorff received orders he described as monstrous and criminal. One enabled German soldiers to execute Russian citizens without fear of prosecution; the other mandated that any captured commissars were to be immediately executed. But, according to Gersdorff, it was the massacre at Borisov, Belarus, that determined the conspirators that killing Hitler was their only option. The Jewish ghetto at Borisov, which was located close to Gersdorffs barracks in Smolensk, Russia, was the site of an SS massacre of 15,000 men, women and children in 1942. A bulletin from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that the adult victims were machine-gunned, while the children were buried alive. Eyewitnesses reported seeing the graves breathing for two hours following the slaughter. Story continues Gersdorff prayed that Hitler would slow down during his tour of the Zeughaus. But Adolf plowed through in less than five minutes, leaving Gersdorff alone with a ticking bomb. A common criticism of anti-Nazi conspirators, including Gersdorff, is that they found a passion for resistance only after it became clear that Germany would lose the war. The suggestion that officers trying to overthrow or kill Hitler were hoping to save their own careers may apply to some, says Peter Hoffmann, a history professor at McGill University who spoke to Gersdorff in 1967. But, he says, that criticism is not a valid one in Gersdorffs case: [He] did what he could to prevent or limit the shooting of Soviet political commissars, and the killing of the Jews. Felix Romer, of Londons German Historical Institute, disagrees. He believes Gersdorff acted out of patriotism and a desire to rescue his fatherlands reputation. There was probably some moral outrage about the atrocities, says Romer. But I think the moral motives have been exaggerated. Romer agrees that Borisov may have been the tipping point. But, he says, Gersdorff seemed unconcerned with earlier war crimes, citing recently discovered SS reports detailing massacres of able-bodied Jewish men that Gersdorff received, signed and forwarded in 1941. Whatever his motivation, theres no denying that Gersdorff was willing to die for the cause. After watching Hitler leave the Zeughaus, the would-be suicide bomber still faced the prospect of dying but for nothing. He briskly made his way to the nearest lavatory, yanked out the fuse and flushed everything down the toilet, thwarting a detonation. The resistance was exposed in 1944, but key conspirators suicides and resilience in the face of Gestapo torture kept Gersdorffs involvement a secret. The highly decorated baron died in Munich in 1980, age 74, after decades of wondering what might have been had he managed to slow the Fuhrer down. Related Articles From Delish Those who have never tried sushi typically fear it for the health implications of consuming raw fish. While it's more often than not totally safe to eat, there are some rare cases in which pathogens are passed and outbreaks occur. But the latest out of Hawaii is particularly scary. According to Hawaii News Now, the Hawaii State Department of Health is currently investigating 168 confirmed cases of Hepatitis A that was likely caused by a batch of imported frozen scallops that were served raw. Those who have fallen ill ate the tainted seafood at Genki Sushi restaurants in Oahu and Kauai. "The restaurants have been closed tonight to prevent any further illness and protect the public," health officials said. Mary Hansen, Genki's chief administrative officer, said the company was shocked to hear news that their restaurants were linked to the outbreak. "Genki Sushi cares about our customers health and safety. We immediately complied with the order," she said. Photo credit: Getty But there are other eateries of interest that the health department has listed but may not fully investigate because they are not believed to be sources of the outbreak. "The likelihood that patrons of these businesses will become infected is very low," the department explained. "However, persons who have consumed food or drink products from these businesses during the identified dates of service should contact their healthcare provider for advice and possible preventive care." But before you go and boycott scallops forever, the tainted sea port bay scallops-a.k.a wild-caught Philippine Bay scallops-were distributed by Koha Oriental Foods. And while the distributor True World Foods also had the same type of scallops at the ready, they've been impounded by the health department. What's more, the distributors have already changed where it sources scallops. Follow Delish on Instagram. A 5-year-old Syrian boy sitting in shock in an ambulance is reminding the world about the sheer destruction of pro-government airstrikes amid the ongoing civil war. Syrian or Russian jets struck the northern city of Aleppo on Wednesday, indiscriminately raining explosives on more than 300,000 civilians trapped in the eastern part of the city, which is held by rebels battling the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Slideshow: Syrias children caught in the crossfire of civil war >>> Bombs hit the family home of Omran Daqneesh, 5, who became the latest symbol of Syrian government bombing campaigns meant to drive rebel-held areas into submission as the war drags on in its sixth year. His parents and three of his siblings, ages 1, 6 and 11, were also rescued from the destroyed building. Daqneesh was one of 12 children under the age of 15 treated on Wednesday, according to medical workers, who said that a similar number of children are victims of airstrikes on any given day in the besieged city. More than 450,000 people, including 50,000 children, have been killed during the war. Many deaths occur amid widespread airstrikes by the Syrian government and more recently its Russian allies. The rebels do not have an air force. Video of the latest airstrike aftermath quickly spread online. The video shows Daqneesh being taken from the rubble that was his home and placed in the back of an ambulance. Once sitting, the boy, in shock and covered with blood and dust, looks around and tries to wipe his face. Realizing that removing the carnage is futile, he looks at his hand and wipes it on the ambulance seat before continuing to stare off into the distance as more children are brought into the ambulance. Beirut (AFP) - Photographer Mahmoud Rslan has taken many pictures of children killed in Syria's war but none as haunting as the one showing Omran, four years old, dazed and covered in blood. Shot after an air strike that hit a rebel-held district the battlefield northern city of Aleppo, the picture of Omran shows the brutality of Syria's five-year conflict and the suffering of people trapped by fighting. "I've taken a lot of pictures of children killed or wounded in the strikes that rain down daily," Rslan told AFP on Thursday, the day after he captured the image that has gone viral on social networks. "Usually they are either unconscious or crying. But Omran was there, speechless, staring blankly, as if he did not quite understand what had happened to him," he said by telephone. A video filmed by the Aleppo Media Centre, a network of activists in the divided northern city, shows Omran sitting still in an ambulance, his face, arms and legs caked with blood and dust. He stares into space, raises his arms to touch his bloodied forehead, looks at his hand then wipes it on the ambulance seat. Omran has a head full of hair that fall into his eyes. He is wearing a T-shirt and shorts but his feet are bare, having apparently lost his shoes when he was pulled out alive but in shock from the family apartment destroyed in an air raid. Wednesday night's air strike hit the Qaterji neighbourhood in rebel-held east Aleppo, Syria's former economic hub which is divided between insurgent and regime control. Rslan was nearby when he heard the raids at 7:15 pm (1615 GMT). "It was dark already but I saw a building that had totally collapsed and another half destroyed," he said. He and rescuers rushed to the buildings to search for survivors. When they reached the first building, they had to step over three bodies before they could go inside and once there they could not go any further because the staircase had collapsed. Story continues Rslan and the rescuers went next door and found Omran and his family, wounded but alive. - 'Symbol of innocence' - They were plucked out of the building one by one, brought down through balconies. Omran was the first to be carried to an ambulance, followed by his 5-year-old brother, his sisters, 8 and 11, and finally the rescuers took out the parents. "When we placed Omran in the ambulance there was some light, so I was able to take pictures," Rslan said. "Omran was in a state of shock, a wall had collapsed on him and his family," he said. "This child like all children in Syria is a symbol of innocence. They have nothing to do with wars." Syrian and Russian aircraft have been carrying out intense air strikes this week on opposition strongholds across northern Syria to prevent rebels sending reinforcements to Aleppo, a monitoring group has said. Aleppo has been the scene of fierce fighting since July 31, when the "Army of Conquest" alliance of rebels and jihadists launched a major offensive to break a regime siege of opposition-controlled districts The haunting image of Omran reverberated around the globe, much like the photo of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi whose drowned trying to reach Europe with his family last September. Aylan's body washed ashore on a Turkish beach. Thousands of Syrian asylum seekers have continued to attempt the deadly crossing to Europe in rickety boats, joining thousands others from Africa and other Arab countries hoping for a better life. The Syrian conflict has killed more than 290,000 people and displaced millions since it began in 2011 with the brutal repression of anti-government demonstrations. PV Sindhu outclassed world No. 6 Nozomi Okuhara of Japan 21-19, 21-10 to become the first Indian shuttler to reach an Olympic final. By Indo-Asian News Service: India's PV Sindhu thumped Nozomi Okuhara of Japan to enter the final of the women's singles event of badminton competitions, assuring the country at least a Silver medal at the RIo Olympics on Thursday. (Rio Olympics: Full Coverage) World No. 10 Sindhu registered a 21-19, 21-10 triumph in the semi-finals over world No. 6 Okuhara to become the first Indian shuttler to enter the final of the Olympics. advertisement With this win, double World Championship bronze medallist Sindhu improved her head-to-head record against reigning All England Open champion Okuhara to 2-3. In the final, she will face two-time reigning world champion Carolina Marin of Spain, who beat defending champion Li Xuerui of China 21-14, 21-16. Irrespective of the colour of the medal in the final on Friday, it will be India's second medal in the Rio Games after wrestler Sakshi Malik bagged a Bronze in the women's 58 kg category. For Sindhu, who was on a giant-killing spree after dismissing two higher-ranked opponents - Chinese Taipei's Tai Tzu Ying and World No. 2 Wang Yihan of China in the pre-quarter-final and the quarter-final respectively - Thursday's win was also an extension of her good form. Sindhu's height and long reach gave her a lot of advantage against the pint-sized Okuhara, who also had her right thigh strapped. Especially, Sindhu's sharp cross-court game and half smash helped her get off to a fine start. In the first game between the two 21-year-olds, Sindhu started the match on a positive note, taking a 4-1 lead before the Japanese reduced it to 3-4. But Sindhu took two straight points to hold a 5-3 lead before Okuhara got a point to sit at 4-5. But Sindhu upped the ante and took a 8-4 lead before Okuhara bagged two points as Sindhu hit wide. Sindhu reached the mid-game interval with a 11-6 lead and after a two-minute break, Okuhara's delectable drop shots helped her bounce back. She was trailing 10-12 when Sindhu forced her to hit the net and take a 14-10 advantage. Later, Sindhu took a 15-12 lead that became 17-14 but Okuhara's net game helped her almost reduce the deficit. She kept coming back at Sindhu, forcing the Indian to make some unforced errors - hitting wide. But Sindhu remained always in the lead, albeit a slender one-point advantage, before winning the game 21-19. In the second game, Sindhu again began convincingly taking a 3-0 lead before Okuhara took five straight points to sit at a 5-3 lead. Afterwards it was a neck-and-neck contest. Sindhu rattled Okuhara with two straight points as the Japanese hit wide and failed to return a fierce smash from the Indian. advertisement Okuhara again held the lead at 7-5 and at the mid-game interval Sindhu led 11-10. After the break, Sindhu turned more aggressive and played a fearless game to stun the Japanese who looked short of ideas. Sindhu kept earning points, hitting one smash after another to enjoy a comfortable ride. As many as 10 points on the trot catapulted her to the final with a 21-10 win in the second game. Afterwards, what followed was a screaming celebration from Sindhu and her camp. --- ENDS --- Hasakeh (Syria) (AFP) - Syrian government aircraft bombed Kurdish positions in the divided northeastern city of Hasakeh on Thursday, the first such strikes against a Kurdish-held area of Syria, an AFP correspondent reported. The strikes hit three Kurdish-manned checkpoints and three Kurdish bases, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. They came after heavy clashes broke out on Wednesday between Kurdish fighters who control two-thirds of the city and pro-government militia who control the rest. The clashes have left 11 people dead -- four civilians, four Kurdish fighters and three government loyalists, a medical source told AFP. The two sides share a common enemy in the Islamic State jihadist group which controls most of the Euphrates valley to the south but there have been tensions between them in Hasakeh that have sometimes led to armed clashes. The Kurds, who control much of northeastern and northern Syria along the Turkish border where they have proclaimed an autonomous Kurdish region, recently demanded that the pro-government National Defence Forces disband in Hasakeh. A government source in the city told AFP that the air strikes were "a message to the Kurds that they should stop this sort of demand that constitutes an affront to national sovereignty." The Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) are a key US ally in the fight against IS. Washington regards them as the most effective fighting force on the ground in Syria and has provided weapons and special forces military advisers. (Adds Valeant's response, background; updates shares) Aug 18 (Reuters) - T. Rowe Price Group Inc has sued Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc , alleging that investors in the Canadian drugmaker lost billions of dollars as a result of the company's "fraudulent scheme". Valeant's U.S.-listed shares reversed course to close down 3.4 percent at $37.19 on Thursday. They had risen as much as 5 percent, after the company's lenders agreed to an amendment to loosen covenants on its $31 billion of debt. T. Rowe Price, one of the biggest investment managers in the world, said Valeant had used a secret pharmacy network, deceptive pricing and reimbursement practices, and fictitious accounting to shield the company's branded drugs from generic competition and artificially inflate revenues and profits. Valeant's relationship with specialty pharmacy Philidor RX was revealed last fall, including the aggressive tactics used to receive payments from insurers. Scrutiny of the company's dealings with Philidor and sharp increases in drug prices last year sent the company's shares plunging. The stock is down about 90 percent from its August 2015 high. Valeant said on Thursday it was aware of the lawsuit but had not been served yet. ( T. Rowe Price, which held a 6.4 percent passive stake in Valeant as of Dec. 31, filed the lawsuit in the District Court of New Jersey on Monday. The filing was made public on Thursday. The lawsuit comes a week after the Wall Street Journal reported that lawyers at the U.S. Attorney's Manhattan office were probing whether Valeant obscured from insurers its relationship with Philidor. Institutional investors, including TIAA-CREF and CalPERS, filed securities fraud lawsuits against Valeant in New Jersey last year, accusing the company of inflating its share price by not disclosing the use of specialty pharmacies to prop up sales of high-priced drugs. Valeant has taken a series of steps to restore investor trust, including cutting off ties with Philidor last October, replacing Chief Executive Michael Pearson and adding top investor Pershing Square's Bill Ackman to its board. T. Rowe Price and Pershing Square Capital Management declined to comment. (Reporting by Ankur Banerjee and Arathy S Nair in Bengaluru; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila) AT&T Inc. T, one of the big players in the U.S.wireless carrier market, has announced discarding its policy of charging fees to customers exceeding data caps. The carrier will instead lower the connection speed something which has been done by its rivals for a while now. New Plans Additionally, AT&T has been reshuffling its data packs in order to entice customers who have high data requirements. While raising data prices per gigabyte in the smaller packs viz 1GB/2GB data packs, the carrier is lowering the price of its large data packages like 30GB. This should be favorable for those who utilize data for watching online videos. Industry Trend AT&T and Verizon Communications Inc. VZ communications has been under pressure from its smaller telecom rivals like T-Mobile US Inc. TMUS and Sprint Corp. S for both customer retention and addition. The aggressive stance of the latter two has compelled the former two companies to launch accommodative plans lately. Notably, the competition in this space is intensifying, with T-Mobile registering high subscriber growth in the recent quarters. Furthermore, with the launch of new smartphones lined up, notably the iPhone 7 from Apple Inc. AAPL, aggressive promotional activities are anticipated by these carriers to draw customers. The Bottom Line High market saturation and ever shrinking margins owing to escalating cost of promotional activities have been affecting the wireless carriers for some time now. Notably, industry players like AT&T and T-Mobile US are trying to diversify their operations geographically outside the boundaries of US, while trying to penetrate the rural parts of the country simultaneously. Conversely, due to high investments required for the implementation of the plan, as well as spending on promotional activities, we except high level of cash burn for sometime. AT&T INC Price AT&T INC Price | AT&T INC Quote AT&T currently has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report AT&T INC (T): Free Stock Analysis Report SPRINT CORP (S): Free Stock Analysis Report VERIZON COMM (VZ): Free Stock Analysis Report T-MOBILE US INC (TMUS): Free Stock Analysis Report APPLE INC (AAPL): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Taiwan's new government unveiled its first budget Thursday as it tries to kickstart the island's fragile economy, but the cautious spending plan raised questions over whether it was investing enough. President Tsai Ing-wen was voted in by a landslide in January partly because of public anger over stagnant wages, lack of job opportunities and a rising cost of living. Trade deals with China under former leader Ma Ying-jeou were seen as helping big business, not the ordinary citizen. Tsai has pledged to boost innovation in several sectors, including technology and defence, as well as diversifying away from reliance on trade with China. But the first budget under Tsai, announced by the cabinet, only raised spending for 2017 by 1.1 percent. The biggest increases were in education and social welfare. Defence was given a marginal lift. The budget also included Tw$186.9 billion ($5.96 billion) on public works and Tw$45.9 billion to foster five key industries flagged by Tsai, including creating a "silicon village" for Asia. Analysts said it may be too conservative to provide meaningful growth. "This is perhaps much too cautious given that the world is going through a longer period of stagnant growth," Angela Hsieh, an economist at Barclays, told AFP. Hsieh compared it with Korea, which already has higher growth momentum than Taiwan and may be increasing spending by at least 3.5 percent to boost sluggish performance. But Premier Lin Chuan defended the plan to reporters, saying economic growth could not be provided through government investments alone. "The purpose behind the government's (investments) actually is to create a good environment for private investments to increase," he said after the budget was approved by the cabinet. The budget will be deliberated in parliament, with a date yet to be set. Traditionally an export-driven technology hub, Taiwan has suffered from increased competition and stagnating demand globally. Story continues In May the government revised down its 2016 growth forecast to 1.06 percent, down from earlier prediction of 1.47 percent. However, the island managed to come out of recession in the second quarter after three successive quarterly contractions, thanks to demand for components for Apple's new iPhone 7. Tsai is under pressure to show results as her approval rating this week slipped to under 50 percent for the first time. Ties with China have deteriorated since she took office in May, as Beijing does not trust her China-sceptic Democratic Progressive Party. From Cosmopolitan Taylor Swift announced Tuesday she is donating $1 million to Louisiana to help those affected by the devastating flood that has killed at least 11 people. In a statement to the Associated Press, Taylor said, "We began the '1989' World Tour in Louisiana, and the wonderful fans there made us feel completely at home. The fact that so many people in Louisiana have been forced out of their own homes this week is heartbreaking." The flooding has damaged at least 40,000 homes, while more than 60,000 residents have registered for disaster aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), according to Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards's office. Twenty parishes have also been declared a major disaster area. The AP adds that more than 30,000 people have been rescued since Friday. Photo credit: Getty Photo credit: Getty In related news, Taylor recently made a donation to African Parks, a conservation NGO, on World Elephant Day. The organization called her gift "generous." Thank you @TaylorSwift13 for your very generous donation to @AfricanParks on #WorldElephantDay - African Parks (@AfricanParks) August 13, 2016 Follow Peggy on Twitter. By Dan Levine and Kristina Cooke SAN FRANCISCO(Reuters) - When San Francisco passed an ordinance this year imposing fines on home rental companies for listings by hosts not registered with the city, Airbnb sued, saying the measure runs afoul of Section 230 of the U.S. Communications Decency Act. The case is the latest test of Section 230, a federal law that has been a trusty workhorse for the technology industry. By protecting website operators from liability for content posted by others, the 20-year-old statute helped pave the way for the explosion of social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as online marketplaces, including Amazon and eBay. But detractors say the law has been applied too broadly, and judges have pushed back in a string of recent cases. Lawyers for web operators are closely watching the Airbnb case where the utility of the legal shield is at issue. Section 230 was intended to protect free speech online by removing liability for a newspaper, say, for libelous comments posted on their websites by readers. The law has shielded social media and e-commerce sites from activities not even imagined when it was enacted in 1996. used it to beat back part of a lawsuit over the sale of stolen photos. EBay used it to defeat a claim over the sale of an unsafe product. Craigslist prevailed in a case alleging it had "knowingly and intentionally" facilitated prostitution. In those cases and others, websites successfully argued any offending offerings on their pages were not their responsibility because they had been posted by others. In its lawsuit against San Francisco, Airbnb says it cannot be held responsible for ensuring hosts have complied with the city's laws. The disputed ordinance requires Airbnb and similar services to verify that people offering short-term rentals on their sites have registered with the city. The services would face fines of $1,000 each time they process a booking from an unregistered host. Story continues The ordinance "violates federal law," Airbnb said in a statement. But Deputy City Attorney Robb Kapla said Section 230 doesn't apply. "San Francisco is regulating commercial transactions, not speech," he said. JUDGES PUSH BACK Some say Section 230 has been stretched too far. Mississippi lawyer Leslie Roussell - who lost a case over the sale of a recalled product on eBay - said he strongly believes in the free flow of information online. But, he said, "when free speech gets to the point it harms other people, it is no longer free speech." Another attorney, Elizabeth Brancart, defeated a company's attempt to use Section 230 to shield itself from liability in a suit she brought. But she believes the law often shields companies that don't need the protection to succeed. "I feel like we're in 1890 and we're protecting the railroads," she said. Some advocates of the law see things differently. Eric Goldman, a professor at Santa Clara Law and supporter of Section 230's protections, including in the Airbnb case, follows Communications Decency Act cases closely. Since June 2015, judges have rejected Section 230 defenses in at least 17 cases, according to his research. While it is difficult to comprehensively track cases where the law is asserted, Goldman said it has been a rough period for the defense. In one case, Twitter cited Section 230 in an attempt to persuade a San Francisco judge to dismiss a suit filed by a woman receiving unwanted tweets on her phone. The woman's mobile provider had given her a recycled phone number, and it was still receiving Twitter feeds its former owner had signed up for. She repeatedly asked Twitter to stop the feed, texting "STOP," but it kept coming. In her suit, she asserted Twitter was violating consumer protection laws against unsolicited calls and texts. Twitter argued that Section 230 should bar the lawsuit because its users composed the tweets, not the company. But a judge ruled against Twitter's motion this year, saying that what mattered is who sent the tweets, not who composed them. In ruling the case should proceed, U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria wrote: "The lawsuit does not depend on the content of any tweet but rather on the fact that the tweets themselves are a nuisance. Thus Section 230 doesn't apply." EVOLVING CASE LAW Section 230 was introduced in 1996, when the internet was still new, by then-Congressmen Christopher Cox, a Republican from California, and Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat who is now a senator. Their goal was to encourage robust dialogue on the internet without burdening website hosts with policing third-party content. Cox and Wyden said they were proud of the role the law has played. "Without question, we would not today have Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn or any of the hundreds of social media sites without [Section 230's] protections," Cox said. Wyden said he worries about the law's future. "There's a lot at stake in the courts right now," he said. Website operators are watching two cases pending against the classified advertising site that could prop up or erode the law. One was filed in 2012 by three young teenagers who alleged they were raped multiple times after being advertised on the site. The girls, the oldest of whom was 15, sued Backpage for claims, including sexual exploitation of children, alleging its posting rules were intended to instruct pimps how to post trafficking ads that evade law enforcement. Backpage argued its rules are meant to prevent unlawful posts and invoked Section 230, asserting the ads themselves were third-party content. Some free speech advocates filed briefs in support of its position. But the Washington state Supreme Court disagreed, ruling last year that, since the plaintiffs claimed Backpage did more than "simply maintain neutral policies prohibiting or limiting certain content," the lawsuit could go forward. Attorneys for Backpage did not return calls and email seeking comment, and a lawyer for the plaintiffs declined to comment. Earlier this year a similar trafficking case involving children against Backpage in Massachusetts was dismissed by the First U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which said the free speech principles embodied in Section 230 were paramount. An attorney for those plaintiffs said they will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has not heard a case about Section 230. (Reporting by Dan Levine and Kristina Cooke; Editing by Sue Horton and Lisa Girion) CHICAGO (Reuters) - A teenager who was shot and killed by Chicago police officers last month suffered a single gunshot wound to his back, according to an autopsy by the Cook County medical examiner's office made public on Wednesday. Toxicology reports also found 18-year-old Paul O'Neal did not have drugs in his system. His death has been ruled a homicide, the autopsy report said. "We knew he (O'Neal) didn't have any drugs in his system," said Michael Oppenheimer, a lawyer for O'Neal's family. "We're pleased for that." O'Neal, who was not armed, was fatally wounded by police officers on July 28 after he crashed a stolen Jaguar into a police car and then fled into a backyard where he was shot. During the foot chase shots were fired by unidentified officers at the scene. An officer "believing the shots being fired were coming from O'Neal fired his Glock 9mm handgun five times in an attempt to stop the threat," the autopsy said. The shooting death of O'Neal adds to list of fatal encounters between police and black men and women in U.S. cities that have fueled protests over the past two years and stoked a national debate on race and police tactics. The Chicago Police Department is currently facing a federal probe of allegations of racism and abuse against minorities. Protests rocked the city last year after dashboard video showed another black 17-year-old teenager being shot by a white cop as he jogged away from police officers during an October 2014 encounter. Authorities released videos that captured the moments before and after police shot O'Neal, but not the shooting itself because a police officer's body camera was not recording. No firearms were found on O'Neal. Three Chicago police officers have been stripped of their law enforcement authority, a more severe step than a mere suspension, for their roles in the shooting. (Reporting by Justin Madden; Editing by Bernard Orr) GENEVA (Reuters) - A Russian delegation told a U.N. meeting on Thursday it would support a 48-humanitarian pause in Aleppo from next week to allow aid deliveries, but the terms have not yet been agreed, a Western diplomat said. The diplomat, speaking after a closed-door meeting of the cessation of hostilities task force in Geneva, said it was important for the United Nations to lead the effort to deliver aid to some 2 million civilians in the divided northern city. "It is not a Russian operation, it has to be a U.N. operation to be a good and credible operation," he told Reuters. "It would start at the beginning of next week on condition that there is an agreement between the U.N., Russia and the (Syrian) regime on modalities." (Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay; editing by Andrew Roche) Tesla Model S Tesla is making big moves to get ready for its first mass market car, the Model 3. In addition to ramping up construction at its giant Gigafactory, honing in its manufacturing practices, and buying SolarCity so that the company can provide the energy needed to power the Model 3, the electric car maker is now rethinking the design of its showrooms. "Were throwing preconceived notions of auto sales out the window and starting from the ground up," Ganesh Srivats, Tesla's Vice Presiden of North American sales, told Fast Company in a recent interview. The car is set to be released in late 2017. Unlike other car companies, Tesla doesn't sell its cars via dealership networks. Rather, it uses a direct-to-consumer sales approach, selling its vehicles both online and at its own retail locations. Because direct sales are banned in a few states, including Texas and Arizona, Tesla is forced to also set up galleries instead of stores to showcase its products. At these galleries, interested buyers can talk to product specialists and can take cars on test drives, but no sales are allowed. Tesla store Tesla CEO Elon Musk said during an analyst call in June that the company would also integrate SolarCity's offerings, like solar panels, into its stores. "Looking ahead, particularly to next year, selling Model 3, something on the order of a $35,000 car, if were selling Powerwalls and solar systems of comparable value and doing so in the same sales footprint with the same person, of course this is an approximation, but our cost of sales should drop in half," Musk said. "Youre basically selling almost twice as much in a single transaction as you otherwise would." Basically, Musk is betting that the Model 3 will ramp up foot traffic in its stores, thus creating the perfect opportunity to also sell people other Tesla products. Story continues It's a good plan, but only time will tell if it actually works. NOW WATCH: We went inside Elon Musk's futuristic Tesla factory filled with over 150 robots More From Business Insider Here are the last photos of Machli as Ranthambore's pride bids adieu. People and many police officers came together for her cremation ceremony. By India Today Web Desk: Machli, Ranthambore's pride, the most loved and photographed tigress in the world, died this morning. The 19-year-old tigress who was the oldest big cat ever known to have walked the wilderness, sadly passed away. Also Read: Queen of the jungle: All you need to know about Machli, the tiger who took on a crocodile Save the Tiger posted photos of her cremation ceremony on Facebook that was attended by a lot of people. advertisement She was thought to be the world's oldest surviving tiger in the wild. Photo: Facebook - Save the Tiger Machli was one of the most photographed tigers in the world. Photo: Facebook - Save the Tiger Photo: Facebook - Save the Tiger She shot into the limelight when an amateur video captured her taking down a 14-foot crocodile. Photo: Facebook - Save the Tiger She was named Machli as she was often seen hunting and playing around water bodies. Photo: Facebook - Save the Tiger Machli was first spotted in 1997 and was also called "Lady of Lakes" or "Queen Mother". Photo: Facebook - Save the Tiger Many people including police officers and forest officers attended her cremation ceremony. Rest in peace Machli. --- ENDS --- By Jessica DiNapoli and Tom Hals WILMINGTON, Del., Aug 17 (Reuters) - Energy Future Holdings Corp , Texas' biggest power company, urged a U.S. bankruptcy court on Wednesday to allow the bulk of its operations to exit Chapter 11, in its latest bid to reorganize after two years of battling creditors in the largest U.S. bankruptcy since the financial crisis. "The time has come to ... confirm a plan and actually emerge from Chapter 11," said Chad Husnick of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, at the start of a trial in Wilmington, Delaware, to decide on a plan Energy Future had proposed in May. "The evidence is going to show that this is the best available alternative," he said. Energy Future filed for Chapter 11 in April 2014 with $42 billion in debt, the largest bankruptcy since General Motors Corp's in 2009. Much of the debt had been taken on in 2007 when the Dallas-based company was formed through the $45 billion leveraged buyout of TXU Corp, led by KKR & Co, TPG Capital Management and the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs. Energy Future and its creditors have been engaged in expensive legal fights over a wide range of disputes. Other reorganization plans had failed to get support. Under the latest plan, the company would be renamed TCEH and own TXU Energy, the state's largest retail electric utility, and Luminant, Texas's largest power plant operator and largest coal miner. Leading the fight against the proposal are holders of about $650 million of notes issued by Energy Future. They argue that the plan would not fairly compensate creditors for tax benefits and back office operations that would be transferred to the new company. The noteholders estimated that the transfers would add more than $1 billion to the TCEH operations. "We believe these are a fraudulent transfer," said Richard Pedone of Nixon Peabody LLP, an attorney for the EFH Indenture Trustee, which represents the noteholders. "There's no monetary compensation." The company has said the transfers would be necessary to avoid triggering large tax liabilities. Story continues Energy Future's Oncor power distribution business would remain in Chapter 11. It had agreed in July to sell Oncor to NextEra Energy Inc in a deal valued at $18.4 billion. The latest trial is scheduled to last through the middle of next week. It is the second of its kind for Energy Future, which had confirmed another plan of reorganization last year. That plan never became effective because regulators blocked the sale of Oncor to a group of creditors and investors led by Hunt Consolidated of Texas. However, many of the settlements with creditors under that plan have been finalized. (Reporting by Jessica DiNapoli and Tom Hals in Wilmington, Delaware; Editing by Richard Chang) Kiev, Ukraine Kiev is ranked 131st out of 140, making it the 10th least livable city on earth. Its overall rating is just 44.1 out of 100, and it scored just 20 for stability. A decline in liveability in a number of cities worldwide is said to be a result of heightened fears of terrorism, according to new research. The latest figures come from a report by the The Economist Intelligence Units Global Liveability Ranking which provides scores for lifestyle challenges in 140 cities. The study shows that factors such as social unrest in many U.S. cities, tensions in Eastern Europe and Asia and the ongoing civil wars in Ukraine, Syria and Libya have contributed to the slipping levels. Some of the steepest score declines came from Tripoli in Libya which crumbled 4.1 per cent and Lagos in Nigeria dropped by 3.7 per cent. Only six cities have managed to buck the trend, with improving liveability, although of these the Tehran is the only one to see a noteworthy change. Jon Copestake, editor of the report, said: The latest rankings paint a very somber picture. We are seeing greater instability around the world including unrest in the U.S., political disruption in Turkey and Thailand and geopolitical disputes in Eastern Europe and Asia. Two medal ceremony incidents from Rio have grabbed the headlines all over the world. Gabby Douglas was part of the US gymnastics team which won the gold medal. But she irked more than a few back home and in the stadium, by not saluting during the national anthem. She is not the first one, though. In 1972,Vince Matthews and Wayne Collett, the first and second place holders in the 400m, talked and laughed incessantly while The Star-Spangled Banner was played. They were booed by the German crowd and the IOC banned them from further competition. Even the victorious 4x100m relay team of 2000 ( which included Maurice Greene) laughed and joked while the national anthem was being played during the medal ceremony. They were not really reprimanded for their action but became a talking point for their rather poor behavior. But there was one who did the salute in the US way despite representing Switzerland. In 1996, Xeno Muller won the gold medal in single scull. He grew up in Switzerland, Germany, Spain and France before attending Brown University in the U.S. He was so Americanized that he placed his hand over his heart in the American way when the national anthem was played- the Swiss national anthem! Renaut Lavillenie, the French pole vaulter was beaten into silver medal position by Brazilian Thiago da Silva. He compared the treatment he received from the partisan Rio crowd to the one Jesse Owens received from Nazi Germany. He later apologised, though. During the victory ceremony the crowd booed him and that, in effect, made Lavillenie burst into tears. This is obviously not expected in this big an event but this too has happened before in the Olympic games. And guess the culprits on that occasion. The French themselves! In 1924, around 40,000 people watched the home team being defeated in the finals by the unfancied team from USA. Fighting broke out in the stands and a student from Illinois was knocked unconscious. At the medal ceremony, The Star-Spangled Banner could not be heard at all as the boos were too clear and too loud. The US team had to be escorted from the field under police protection. Its been more than 90 years since this happened but the home crowd phenomenon has not changed much. [Photo: Instagram/pilatesflavianamoreira] Deep down, all of us have this one insecurity about our bodies: That our toes arent hench enough. Just kidding (we hope), but if you do want a way of strengthening your toes, a gym machine now exists for that - this mini pilates machine. [Photo: Instagram/pilatesflavianamoreira] The toe corrector claims to correct toe misalignment, improve bunions and strengthen your feet. Its made up of two leather straps to wrap around your toes and a resistance spring in the middle. Theres a light-spring option, which has red straps, or for the more hardcore toe exercisers out there, a heavy-spring option with black loops. To use it once fixed on, you move your feet or toes from side to side. Simple, huh? [Photo: Instagram/pilateswithsafiah] Pilates and yoga fans are loving it, too, and recommending the little device all over Instagram. One said: The power of a rubber band! For those of you who wear high heels and/or have bunions, this will help amazingly well! Its all about connecting to the glutes. Her glutes were on FIRE!! [sic] Its amazing how the feet are connected to postural muscles. Another commented: Your toes will be happy after, take more reps if it feels right! Hmmm. It sure looks unusual, but perhaps its one of those things you just have to try in order to understand? Would you use the toe corrector? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK. Just Thinking About Working Out Makes You Stronger, Apparently Woman Wears Bikini For First Time After Losing An Incredible 15 Stone Bronze medalist Kristi Castlin, silver medalist Nia Ali, and gold medalist Brianna Rollins of the United States pose with Alis son, Titus, after sweeping the womens 100m hurdles. (Photo: Getty) Brianna Rollins, Nia Ali, and Kristi Castlin Olympians on Team USA swept the womens 100-meter hurdles on Wednesday night, earning some coveted accessories in the process: gold, silver, and bronze medals, respectively. And they looked fabulous while doing it. Astute viewers who werent completely dumbstruck by the trios performances might have noticed their other amazing accessories. For one, a rhinestone bindi worn by Castlin. The 28-year-old bronze medalist and Atlanta native rocked the bindi where its traditionally worn by Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim (among other) women: in the center of her forehead. Photo: Getty Gold medalist Rollins, a 25-year-old Miami native, was rocking a throwback to the 80s a superskinny headband in a patriotic pattern. A simple nose ring and multiple ear piercings gave her an enviable look. Photo: Getty Not to be outdone, silver medalist Ali wore a glamorous red pout. The Philadelphia and Pleasantville, N.J.-raised 27-year-old also carried the cutest accessory in all of Rio: her 15-month-old son, Titus, who was all smiles and grabbing at microphones as he helped his mom celebrate her victory. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. What its like to be a Third Culture Kid in the age of social media What its like to be a Third Culture Kid in the age of social media Instagram is pretty effing dope. I know that sounds arbitrary, but just think about it: you follow people, sometimes they follow you back; you can watch, emulate, fawn over, covet, inspire, and be inspired by these people who, oftentimes, you dont even know! You can find similarities with these strangers, and its pretty powerful when you realize damn, someone out there is just like me. Instagram has motivated me to connect with other like-minded women who are speaking their truth and living an existence parallel to my own. It has given me the bravery to speak up. An app was the catalyst to my own becoming. Through my perusing, I stumbled upon a term that I never knew, but that Ive felt through my own experiences and my siblings experiences Third Culture Kids. Third Culture Kids refers to children who were raised in a culture different from their parents culture for a significant part of their developmental years. It was something I knew I had lived through, but I did not know it was recognized or even had a name. It was cool learning about other third culture kids. Reading their immigration experiences and witnessing them essentially find their own identities has taught me how to open up about my own immigration story. Story continues My family immigrated to Canada from Botswana in 2000 when I was 13 years old. Many people are actually surprised by that fact because Im so well adjusted and eloquent They assume that I only began speaking English at age 13, and gained no social skills in Africa. The reality is that I went to some of the worlds top international schools, was very well-traveled, and was asked to tutor kids in English when I began school in Canada. In many ways, I shattered the stereotypes of poor African girls who had no hope for a future. I was interesting and had a unique background. As a result, I was popular all throughout high school, and even into university. At times, I resented the attention I got adjusting to a new life was tough enough without constantly being asked to divulge my past. Sometimes I felt like I wasnt really liked for being Danai, myself, but for being a caricature. I was liked for representing this idea of who people thought I should be. Still, I absolutely had a story to share. I felt like I could educate people about the realities of being born in Zimbabwe and living in Botswana. I could tell them how different, and amazing, and developed those countries were in comparison to their portrayal in the media. The dichotomy between trying to fit in while wanting to share my unique story was a tough place in which to exist. The truth is, moving here wasnt easy. The idea of starting a new life was an exciting one, especially because we had hit the literal jackpot by getting accepted to live in Canada as landed immigrants. We even tried to apply for permanent residency in Australia and Switzerland, but Canada was the winner. It was a big deal, because the process of immigration is a long and hard one. My family had experienced moving to a different country before; I was 5 when we left Zimbabwe for Botswana. But this was different. Even though Canada is so multicultural and liberal, adjusting to Canadian culture was profoundly more difficult than I couldve anticipated. Difference and diversity is so widely accepted, but there is a level of assimilation required in order to feel like a citizen not an immigrant. I witnessed the hardships my father faced to find a job and calibrate to cultural norms and that transition, in many ways, broke his spirit. Thankfully, I was young and malleable, and I became accustomed. In order to avoid the difficulties my parents faced when learning basic cultural nuances and colloquialisms, I inadvertently unlearned my African self. It still trips me out that I moved here with a strong foreign accent that I completely lost by high school. Looking back, it made sense. It was almost a relief that I no longer sounded different, and I could finally fit in. But I never really did, and I still dont. danai As Ive grown up and met people with this shared Third Culture Kid experience, Ive reintroduced the African parts of myself again. I dont worry so much about wearing my hair straight or in a weave so I can appear Westernized. Wearing braids helps me feel connected to my roots. I still mispronounce words when my old accent rears its head if someone catches on, I get self conscious. Still, Im embracing my identity and opening up more about the journey that got me here. Thats whats really cool about living in the age of social media and connecting with so many women across the world. Through our discovered solidarity, Ive been able to let out a huge sigh of relief and say me too. There is something profoundly powerful about knowing that youre not alone in your existence. Thanks, Instagram. My uniqueness is now a comfort not a burden I have to carry or feel embarrassed about. Its taken me a long time to understand that. Even when I still feel stuck between who I was born as, and who I am now, I can understand it. I remember when I taught young kids in Korea, theyd ask, Danai teacher, are you African? Id say, Yes, but Im also Canadian, and thats my home. Theyd tilt their little heads, perplexed. The looks on their faces exemplified exactly how I often felt in my own life, but in those moments, Id think, hmm, I was born Zimbabwean, but I hold Canadian citizenship, and I live in Korea, and because Im free, I can live and do and create wherever I want to. How damn lucky am I? Dont get me wrong its still hard at times. Its often easier to develop my Canadian cultural identity because I am so physically far from my Zimbabwean culture. Some days I identify so much with my Zimbabwean self: when Im around my grandma, or laughing with my beautiful cousins, or looking at photos of the beauty and wonders that country has to offer or when I m brought to tears over the disparity in Zimbabwe or the family Ive left behind. Other days, I still get butterflies like I did when I was 13 years old arriving at Pearson Airport in Canada, almost in disbelief that this could be my life. Every single time I see a Canadian flag, I am proud that I get to call this country mine. As a third culture kid, I always have the perspective of other in a culture that has not seen or experienced anything different from their norm. Its the reason Im so empathetic to the immigration experience. I know how truly difficult it is to move to a new country while trying to maintain some of your old traditions. And yes, Instagram is a construction, but it helped me find my identity, and that is very real. Perhaps the trick is that, really, I dont have to identify as either Zimbabwean or Canadian. Existing in the in-between means that I have free reign to carve out whatever life I want to create, while always remembering my parents journey to get me here, and being thankful that I can make a wonderful future in this smorgasbord of history and culture. Danai Mush is a communications pro and freelance writer who still feels 17 at heart. While she has no formal dance training whatsoever, she hopes to be part of a professional hip hop troupe some day. You can follow her escapades on Instagram and Twitter, or visit her website The post What its like to be a Third Culture Kid in the age of social media appeared first on HelloGiggles. [Photo: Pexels] Like our hair colour or height, our eye colour is one of the first things we learn about ourselves when were little. And since most people in the world have brown eyes, if you have blue eyes, you probably learned that you were pretty special. And now, a study has revealed why your eyes are the colour they are. Apparently all people with blue eyes have a single common ancestor. Yep - just one. The study by the University of Copenhagen found a genetic mutation which happened 6,000 to 10,000 years ago and determined the eye colour of all blued-eyed people today. Professor Hans Eiberg from the study told Science Daily that originally, everyone had brown eyes, but that a genetic mutation affecting a gene in our chromosomes turned off the ability to produce brown eyes. [Photo: Pexels] This gene affects our levels of melanin, which is what determines our eye, hair and skin colour. But for some reason this mutation just ended up altering our eyes rather than the whole package. If that gene (called OCA2) was totally turned off, for example, it would cause albinism. The reason scientists think it all goes back to one ancestor is that blue-eyed individuals only vary a little in the amount of melanin in their eyes - while brown-eyed peoples vary a lot more. From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor, Professor Eiberg said. They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA. What do you think about Professor Eibergs study? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK. This Is The Weird Biological Reason Why You Get Car Sick 5 Kinds Of Breast Lumps That Arent Cancer Los Angeles (AFP) - Firefighters battled to douse a series of wildfires fueled by high winds, scorching temperatures and dry vegetation, which have forced tens of thousands of Californians to flee their homes. A blaze scorching sections of the Angeles National Forest, in southern California, two huge infernos in the central part of the state and another fire further north have displaced entire towns. "Our fire activity has definitely picked up in past weeks in number and severity," said Daniel Berlant, a spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The Angeles forest fire -- dubbed "Blue Cut" -- has devoured 31,000 acres (12,545 hectares), an area more than twice the size of Bermuda, and is just four percent contained. The fire has been spreading at such an alarming pace that it appears as if it were "running at you," according to Michael Lopez, a spokesman for fire information website Inciweb. More than 82,500 people potentially in Blue Cut's path are under evacuation orders, including the entire populations of Wrightwood and Lytle Creek, towns of a few thousand people, and most of those in nearby Phelan. On Thursday evening some people in the towns of Hesperia, Oak Hills and Phelan will be allowed to return home, the San Bernardino sheriff's office said. Many had sought refuge with family or friends but motels in the area are full. Many businesses have doubled their prices, leading to a warning from the authorities that "price gouging" is against the law. Colette Martinez, 50, fled with her husband and son to a Red Cross center hastily installed at a school in Hesperia. "We don't know if we'll have a home to go back to," she told AFP, in tears. No deaths have been reported, although two firefighters surrounded by flames on Tuesday sustained minor injuries. Some 1,600 firefighters are committed to Blue Cut, while 5,000 are battling the larger Soberanes fire, which has charred 79,000 acres in the Big Sur tourist region, further north. Story continues Near Santa Barbara, north of Los Angeles, a new fire broke out Thursday afternoon and spread quickly, charring more than 500 acres. Meanwhile 4,000 people have fled the Clayton fire, started by an arsonist, according to police, in the northern Clear Lake area, near the wine regions of Sonoma and Napa. Since the beginning of the year, some 4,600 fires have ripped through some 300,000 acres of Californian scrub and forest. Istanbul (AFP) - Three people were killed and 40 more wounded on Thursday in a car bomb attack in Turkey's eastern city of Van carried out by Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants, a local official said. The attack targeted a police headquarters in the central Ipekyolu district of Van city, Van deputy governor Mehmet Parlak was quoted as saying by the state-run Anadolu news agency, blaming the "regional terror group", the official phrase for the PKK. He said that the three killed were all civilians while two of the 40 wounded were police. Anadolu said that after the bombing police were sent to the scene, identifying a militant named M.O. suspected of bringing the car bomb in front of the police station. He had been wounded and was detained and taken to the main police headquarters in Van city for questioning, it said. The Turkish security forces have been hit by near daily attacks by the PKK since a two-and-a-half year ceasefire collapsed in 2015, leaving hundreds of police and soldiers dead. But Van, a city with a mixed Kurdish and Turkish population and a popular tourist destination, has generally been spared the worst of attacks like those seen in the nearby city of Diyarbakir. The PKK has kept up its assaults in the last weeks even after the unsuccessful July 15 coup by rogue elements in the military aimed at unseating President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Eight people -- five police and three civilians -- were killed on Monday in a PKK car bomb attack on a police traffic control building on a highway leading southeast from Diyarbakir. The government has vowed to press on with the campaign to eradicate the PKK from eastern Turkey despite a purge in the army for those responsible for carrying out the coup. Over 40,000 people have been killed since the PKK first took up arms in 1984 with the aim of carving out an independent state for Turkey's Kurdish minority, although now it focuses more on rights and demands for greater autonomy. It is proscribed as a terrorist group by Turkey, the European Union and the United States. Actor Rajinikanth has praised the Tamil political satire film Joker, which has been getting outstanding reception from the audience and critics. By India Today Web Desk: Superstar Rajinikanth, who returned to Chennai after holidaying in the US, is likely to resume the shoot of his upcoming mega-budgeted 2.0, the sequel to the blockbuster Tamil film Enthiran. ALSO READ: Enthiran 2.0- Thalaivar Rajinikanth's first look to be unveiled in November ALSO READ: Enthiran 2.0- Rajinikanth to resume shoot next week in Chennai advertisement Apart from being a global star, people adore Rajinikanth for his humility and simplicity. He's one actor in the industry who has never ceased to praise talents and appreciate one's work. Now, the Kabali actor has appreciated the recent Tamil political satire film Joker. Rajinikanth took it to Twitter and wished the entire team. I applaud the team of #joker, brilliant film ! Rajinikanth (@superstarrajini) August 18, 2016 Joker is based on a middle-aged man, who lives below the poverty line and feels that feels that it is the responsibility of people to not just elect political bodies but also expel them if they are corrupt. Ever since its release, Joker has been getting outstanding reception from the audience and critics. Producer of the film SR Prabhu shared this exciting news on Twitter. Got a call from the one & only @superstarrajini sir! Appreciated the whole team for #joker #magizhchi ?? S.R.Prabhu (@prabhu_sr) August 17, 2016 Rajinikanth, who joined Twitter in 2013, now has over 3 million followers. Though the Kabali actor is not an avid user of the platform, he posted a tweet wishing the team of Joker. Meanwhile, the first look poster of 2.0 is expected to release in November this year. Bankrolled by Lyca Productions, the film co-stars Amy Jackson, Akshay Kumar and Sudhanshu Pandey in pivotal roles. --- ENDS --- The following timeline charts the origin and spread of the Zika virus from its discovery nearly 70 years ago: 1947: Scientists researching yellow fever in Uganda's Zika Forest identify the virus in a rhesus monkey 1948: Virus recovered from Aedes africanus mosquito in Zika Forest 1952: First human cases detected in Uganda and Tanzania 1954: Virus found in Nigeria 1960s-80s: Zika detected in mosquitoes and monkeys across equatorial Africa 196983: Zika found in equatorial Asia, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan 2007: Zika spreads from Africa and Asia, first large outbreak on Pacific island of Yap 2012: Researchers identify two distinct lineages of the virus, African and Asian 201314: Zika outbreaks in French Polynesia, Easter Island, the Cook Islands and New Caledonia. Retrospective analysis shows possible link to birth defects and severe neurological complications in babies in French Polynesia March 2, 2015: Brazil reports illness characterized by skin rash in northeastern states July 17: Brazil reports detection of neurological disorders in newborns associated with history of infection Oct. 5: Cape Verde has cases of illness with skin rash Oct. 22: Colombia confirms cases of Zika Oct. 30: Brazil reports increase in microcephaly, abnormally small heads, among newborns Nov. 11: Brazil declares public health emergency November 2015-January 2016: Cases reported in Suriname, Panama, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, Paraguay, Venezuela, French Guiana, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Guyana, Ecuador, Barbados, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Curacao, Jamaica Feb. 1: World Health Organization (WHO) declares public health emergency of international concern Feb. 2: First case of Zika transmission in United States; local health officials say likely contracted through sex, not mosquito bite Feb. 5: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says virus being actively transmitted in 30 countries, mostly in the Americas Feb. 8: U.S. President Barack Obama requests $1.8 billion to fight Zika Feb. 12: Brazil investigating potential link between Zika infections and 4,314 suspected cases of microcephaly. Of those, 462 confirmed as microcephaly and 41 determined to be linked to virus Feb. 17: Brazil investigating potential link between Zika and 4,443 suspected cases of microcephaly. Of those, 508 confirmed as microcephaly and most of those cases are linked to the virus. WHO seeks $56 million to fight Zika. Feb. 18: CDC adds Aruba and Bonaire to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 32. Feb. 23: CDC investigating 14 cases of possible sexual transmission of Zika. CDC also adds Trinidad and Tobago and Marshall Islands to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 34. Feb. 25: Brazil says confirmed microcephaly cases number more than 580 and considers most of them to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. Brazil is investigating an additional 4,100 suspected cases of microcephaly. Feb. 27: France detects first sexually transmitted case of Zika. Feb. 29: CDC adds St. Maarten, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 36. March 1: Brazil says confirmed microcephaly cases rose to 641 and considers most of them to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. Brazil is investigating an additional 4,222 suspected cases of microcephaly. March 8: WHO advises pregnant women to avoid areas with Zika outbreak and said sexual transmission of the virus is "relatively common." March 9: CDC adds New Caledonia to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 37. March 15: Cuba reports first case of Zika contracted in the country. March 16: Cape Verde identifies first case of microcephaly. March 18: CDC says during Jan. 1, 2015 to Feb. 26, 2016, 116 residents of the United States had evidence of recent Zika virus infection based on laboratory testing. Brazil says confirmed microcephaly cases rose to 863 and considers most of them to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. Brazil is investigating an additional 4,268 suspected cases of microcephaly. March 19: CDC adds Cuba to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 38. March 21: South Korea confirms first case of Zika. March 22: CDC adds Dominica to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 39. Bangladesh confirms first case of Zika virus. Brazil says confirmed microcephaly cases rose to 907 and considers most of them to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. Brazil is investigating an additional 4,293 suspected cases of microcephaly. March 29: Brazil says confirmed microcephaly cases rose to 944 and considers most of them to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. Brazil said the number of suspected cases of microcephaly dropped slightly to 4,291. March 31: According to the World Health Organization, there is a strong scientific consensus that Zika can cause the birth defect microcephaly as well as Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that can result in paralysis, though conclusive proof may take months or years. April 1: CDC adds Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 40. April 4: CDC adds Fiji to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 41. April 5: Vietnam reports first Zika infections. April 6: Brazil says confirmed microcephaly cases rose to 1,046 and considers most of them to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. The number of suspected cases of microcephaly dropped to 4,046. April 7: St. Lucia confirms first two cases of Zika, contracted locally. April 12: Brazil says confirmed microcephaly cases rose to 1,113 and considers most of them to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. The number of suspected cases of microcephaly dropped to 3,836. It was the second week in a row that the overall total figure fell. April 13: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that infection with the Zika virus in pregnant women is a cause of the birth defect microcephaly and other severe brain abnormalities in babies. The CDC said now that the causal relationship has been established, several important questions must still be answered with studies that could take years. CDC adds St. Lucia to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 42. April 14: Colombia confirms two microcephaly cases linked to Zika. April 18: Peru reports first case of sexually transmitted Zika virus. CDC adds Belize to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 43. April 19: Chilean authorities find Zika mosquito for first time in decades. April 25: Canada confirms first sexually transmitted Zika case. April 26: Brazil says the number of confirmed cases of microcephaly climbed to 1,198 from 1,168 in the week through April 23, but suspected ones under investigation continued to decline to 3,710 from 3,741 a week ago. Brazil registered 91,387 likely cases of the Zika virus from February until April 2, the health ministry said, in its first national report on the epidemic. April 29: Puerto Rico reports first death related to Zika, according to the CDC. The country also confirmed 683 Zika cases, including 65 pregnant women, and five suspected cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome from Zika, the CDC reported. May 4: Panama confirms four microcephaly cases tied to Zika. May 6: Spain gets first case of Zika-related brain defect in a fetus. May 9: CDC adds Papua New Guinea, Saint Barthelemy and Peru to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 46. Honduras suspects first case of microcephaly in Zika patient. May 11: Brazil says the number of confirmed cases of microcephaly dropped to 1,326 in the week through May 7 as doctors and Brazilian health officials find that some suspected cases of microcephaly are not the disorder. Suspected ones under investigation continued to decline to 3,433. May 12: CDC adds Grenada to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 47. May 13: Puerto Rico reports first case of Zika-related microcephaly. May 20: WHO says an outbreak of Zika virus on the African island chain of Cape Verde is of the same strain as the one blamed for birth abnormalities in Brazil. May 24: Brazil reports the number of confirmed cases of microcephaly at 1,434 for the latest week to May 21. Suspected ones under investigation declined to 3,257. May 26: CDC adds Argentina to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 48. June 9: WHO issues updated guidelines on prevention of sexual transmission of the Zika virus, including advising women living in areas where the virus is being transmitted to delay getting pregnant. June 14: El Salvador confirms first case of microcephaly linked to Zika. June 23: CDC reports seven babies in the United States with microcephaly or other Zika-related birth defects such as serious brain abnormalities, and five lost pregnancies from either miscarriage, stillbirth or termination. June 28: First baby with Zika-related birth defect microcephaly born in Florida. June 30: CDC adds Anguilla to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 49. Guinea-Bissau confirms three cases of Zika, government says. Spain records first case of sexually transmitted Zika virus, health authorities said. July 8: CDC confirmed that a Utah resident's death last month is the first Zika-related death in the continental United States. July 14: CDC adds Saint Eustatius to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 50. July 15: New York City's health department reports the first female-to-male transmission of the Zika virus. July 18: CDC reports that caregiver of Utah man who died of Zika tested positive for virus. July 19: Florida health officials are investigating a case of Zika virus infection that does not appear to have stemmed from travel to another region with an outbreak. July 21: CDC reports 400 pregnant women in U.S. with evidence of Zika infection, up from 346 a week ago. The health agency also reports three more babies born in U.S. with birth defects linked to the Zika virus, bringing total to 12. Florida Department of Health said it was investigating a non travel-related case of Zika in Broward County, marking the second such case in the U.S. July 22: New York City health officials reports first baby born with Zika-related birth defect. July 25: Spain reports first case in Europe of baby born with Zika-related defect. CDC issues updated recommendations for preventing and testing for Zika infection, warning that the virus can be transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected female partner. July 26: Honduras detects 8 cases of babies with Zika-related defect. CDC adds Saba to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 51. July 27: Paraguay reports first cases of microcephaly linked to Zika. July 29: Florida authorities report what is believed to be the first evidence of local Zika transmission in the continental United States. Aug. 1: Florida identifies 10 more cases of Zika virus caused by mosquitoes, bringing total to 14. CDC issues guidelines for pregnant women who live in and traveled to affected area in a Miami neighborhood. Aug. 2: Health authorities in Florida add one more case of locally transmitted Zika, bringing total to 15. CDC adds Antigua, Barbuda, and Turks and Cacos to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 54. Aug. 3: U.S. researchers said they launched Zika vaccine clinical trial. Aug. 4: Cuba reports two cases of locally transmitted Zika. Aug. 5: Florida health authorities report another locally transmitted case, bringing total to 16. Aug. 8: Florida said it was investigating new case of locally transmitted Zika in Palm Beach County. Aug. 9: Texas health officials said death of infant born with microcephaly is linked to Zika, the first casualty in the state associated with the virus. Cayman Islands reports two locally transmitted Zika cases. Florida announces four more cases of locally transmitted Zika, bringing total to 21. Aug. 11: Florida reports three additional cases of locally transmitted Zika, bringing total to 25. CDC adds Cayman Islands to countries and territories with active outbreaks, bringing total to 55. Aug. 12: Florida health officials said three more people test positive for locally-transmitted Zika, bringing total to 28. The department of Health and Human Services declares public health emergency in Puerto Rico over Zika with 10,690 laboratory-confirmed cases. Aug. 15: Florida health officials said two more people test positive for locally-transmitted Zika, bringing total to 30. Aug. 16: Haiti reports first case of microcephaly linked to Zika. Aug. 17: Guatemala confirms first case of newborn with microcephaly linked to Zika. Aug. 18: Florida health officials have found evidence of local Zika transmission in Miami Beach, according to media reports. The Florida health department said there are 35 cases of likely local transmission in the state. SOURCES: World Health Organization, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Reuters (Reporting by Ben Hirschler; Editing by the Americas Desk) As Emmy season continues final voting runs through Aug. 29 Yahoo TV will be spotlighting performances, writing, and other contributions that we feel deserve recognition. Season Five of Veep has been a roller coaster of anger, insult and emotion. Selina Meyers last ditch effort to retain a spot in the White House even if it meant she would have to eat crow and return to the vice presidency often resembled a slapstick version of Hitler in the bunker at the end of the war. And like the leader of the Third Reich, President Meyer was going to take everyone down with her. Naturally, these high-stake hilarities netted the series, crew and actors twelve nominations for the 2016 Primetime Emmy Awards, including a fourth Supporting Actor nod for Tony Hales performance as Gary Walsh, the bag man and floor mat to Julia Louis-Dreyfuss President Meyer. Hales ability to hold back and be seen, but not heard amongst a cast that is constantly running their filthy mouths is a feat in and of itself, but his character, Walsh, was finally given the opportunity to unleash his true feelings that hed kept hidden for years. The passion with which Gary spits out You fers reveals the full force of his anger at Meyers team of buffoons, who have consistently ridiculed Gary despite their own mistakes and flaws. Gary Walsh worships the ground [Selina Meyer] walks on, and when she doesnt become president, not only does she lose what shes been going for, Gary feels like hes losing his identity, Hale says. Meyers staffers dont realize the diamond before them that they could easily give to the nation. In reality, shes an awful human being; in Garys world, shes Jesus. Hale let us into the process of rehearsals that the showrunners afford the Veep actors to nail down scenes like this. And clearly, they have paid off as Hale, Louis-Dreyfus, Matt Walsh, Anna Chlumsky, and Martin Mull were all nominated for acting awards this year. Story continues Tony Hale: Who is the Donald Trump of Veep? Donald Trump has changed the nation and the nature of politics, and this has to be inspiring, or at least befuddling, the Veep writers as they go into another season of the HBO series. We asked Hale about who he believed was the closest in personality to the divisive GOP presidential nominee, and without even taking a beat, he answered the former White House liaison turned New Hampshire congressman, Jonah Ryan. Jonah has those elements of a clinical narcissist. Its like child behavior and childlike reactions. Ryan, who is expertly played by the lanky Timothy Simons, bum-rushing a focus group tasked with evaluating his image definitely brings to mind Trump and his thin-skinned responses to any sort of criticism about him. The 68th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards will air Sunday, Sept. 18, on ABC. Cheryl Boone Isaacs, president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, is set to bring her push to improve diversity and inclusion in Hollywood to the Toronto International Film Festival. Boone Isaacs is headed to Toronto as the Academy continues to work to create more opportunities for minorities in the film industry. Her appearance as part of the festival's Moguls section, alongside onstage conversations by The Weinstein Company president and COO David Glasser and Olsberg-SPI chair Jonathan Olsberg, comes as TIFF on Thursday filled out the lineup for its industry conference next month. Fest organizers also announced master classes by Invisible director Doug Liman, Queen of Katwe helmer Mira Nair and Feng Xiagang, often hailed as the Steven Spielberg of China as that country's top-grossing filmmaker. And Toronto booked additional panels, including one on indie film distribution with Picturehouse's Clare Binns and Mongrel Media's Tom Alexander, and another on film casting, which will include Sony Pictures vp of casting Tamara Hunter and casting director Stephanie Holbrook. The seven-day industry conference previously announced that it would feature panels assessing the impact of Brexit and the film industry's gender gap. The fest's Doc Conference on Thursday also revealed it will feature onstage conversations with Oscar-winning director Jonathan Demme; I Am Not Your Negro helmer Raoul Peck; Joe Bini, editor on Werner Herzog films including Cave of Forgotten Dreams and Into the Inferno; and the creative team behind CNN's Great Big Story digital video series, including executive producer Courtney Coupe. TIFF also unwrapped its Primetime sidebar of global TV premieres by announcing first looks for new episodes of Amazon's Transparent from Jill Soloway; Netflix's Black Mirror, Charles Booker's dystopian anthology series from the U.K.; Kenyan crime thriller Tuko Macho; and Czech Republic mystery miniseries Wasteland for HBO Europe. Story continues "We are proud and excited to be producing this major original piece from one of the most talented young screenwriters in our region," Antony Root, executive vp, original programming and production at HBO Europe, said in a statement about Wasteland series creator Stepan Hulik. The Toronto International Film Festival is set to run Sept. 8-18. Aug. 18, 10:15 a.m. Updated with quote from HBO Europe about Wasteland drama. Read more: Toronto Film Fest Sets Industry Conference Panels on Brexit, Gender Bias The Toronto Film Festival is standing by plans to give Nate Parker's Sundance sensation The Birth of a Nation an international premiere next month to launch the movie's Oscar campaign. "TIFF is proud to help bring Birth of a Nation and the important story it tells to audiences. We will present the film as planned," festival organizers told The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday in a statement. Toronto is sticking with The Birth of a Nation after a woman at the center of a college sexual assault case involving director-writer-star Nate Parker was revealed to have died in 2012. Parker has found himself in the middle of a media firestorm after speaking out about the rape accusations he faced while in college at Penn State in 1999. He was acquitted of the charges while his Birth of a Nation co-writer Jean Celestin (his roommate in college) was originally found guilty. Celestin would go on to win his appeal. On Tuesday, it was revealed that the accuser, a woman also attending Penn State at the time, had later dropped out of school and eventually made several suicide attempts. She died at the age of 30 in 2012. Parker issued a statement on his Facebook page Tuesday night, saying: "I myself just learned that the young woman ended her own life several years ago and I am filled with profound sorrow. I can't tell you how hard it is to hear this news." (Read the full post here.) Parker's Birth of a Nation became a sensation at Sundance, where it debuted and was sold to Fox Searchlight for a record $17.5 million after an all-night bidding war. Fox Searchlight plans an Oct. 7 release for Birth of a Nation, and an awards-season campaign. The film centers on slave Nat Turner, who led an uprising in 1831. Toronto artistic director Cameron Bailey wasn't available for comment on the upcoming screening of Birth of a Nation in Toronto. Bailey on July 25 tweeted the festival was "honored to be bringing #TheBirthOfANation to Toronto audiences. Can't wait for the night!" That followed Parker on his own Twitter account indicating he was "honored" to have his film accepted into Toronto. Read more: Nate Parker's 'Birth of a Nation' Faces Uphill Battle Amid Resurfaced Rape Claims Few conventions in political campaign coverage are as straightforward and unassailable as quoting a public figure verbatim. After all, how can there be any doubt when you are putting down the exact words someone says? And yet, as with many other parameters of the process, Donald Trump has complicated this, too. The rhetorical challenges of Trump are not just those of substance or the lack thereof, but of syntax and the lack thereof. His unscripted speaking style, with its spasmodic, self-interrupting sentence structure, has increasingly come to overwhelm the human brains and tape recorders attempting to quote him. Trump is, simply put, a transcriptionist's worst nightmare: severely unintelligible, and yet, incredibly important to understand. Given how dramatically recent polls have turned on his controversial public utterances, it is not hyperbolic to say that the very fate of the nation, indeed human civilization, appears destined to come down to one man's application of the English language and the public's comprehension of it. It has turned the rote job of transcribing into a high-stakes calling. Say nothing of the greater struggle journalists have pinning him down on what he means: The first big test is getting the source material right. "Almost every time we have done a transcript of him there is something in there that makes you wonder what is going on," said Elizabeth Pennell, president of ASC Services, which produces verbatim political transcripts for Congressional Quarterly and many of the news networks (but not CNBC). Trump's menace to semantics exemplified in the initial dust-up of his "Second Amendment people" comments last week, when he seemed to suggest gun-rights supporters may want to assassinate Hillary Clinton to prevent her judicial appointments. Even before the media attempted to measure how out-of-bounds this latest inflammatory remark was and before Trump eventually claimed it to be "sarcastic" the question was where to put the periods and commas in a quote that defied both campaign and grammar norms. Because that can matter. Story continues "Trump is a very sloppy speaker," said Pennell. "He is very hard to transcribe and because what he says can be such a bombshell and so badly parsed by the consuming public and the media, you just got to take so much more care. Because everybody out there is literally hanging on every word he says in a way I have never seen happen before in a race." Trump's crimes against clarity are multifarious: He often speaks in long, run-on sentences, with frequent asides. He pauses after subordinate clauses. He frequently quotes people saying things that aren't actual quotes. And he repeats words and phrases, sometimes with slight variations, in the same sentence. To untangle the jumble, his stenographers are increasingly reliant on a punctuation known as the "em dash" (), which are used to separate parentheticals within the same sentence. Philip Rucker, The Washington Post's national political correspondent, said that among reporters covering Trump, he has become known as the "em-dash candidate." For comparison, Pennell provided transcripts her company did for speeches Trump and Clinton delivered last Wednesday. Trump's remarks to a crowd in Abingdon, Virginia, produced 9,345 words and 157 em dashes. Clinton's transcript from a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, clocked in at a much shorter 2,251 words, with only eight em dashes. However, unlike with the words themselves, punctuation is often a matter of interpretation: Is a certain pause conveyed best by a comma or a dash? The New York Times and The Washington Post used em dashes in quoting Trump's Second Amendment comment, but in different places; The Associated Press stuck with commas. In any case, everyone is spending a lot more time listening to tapes. Pennell estimates it takes her transcriptionists twice as long to transcribe a Trump speech as it does for Clinton and additional safeguards have been in place for the GOP nominee. "Basically, you can't do Trump in real time," said Pennell. "Trump is a team approach with a secondary editor acting as secondary review point, and there is a lot that can be lost in the mix." Rucker, who conducted a 50-minute interview with Trump earlier this month, said journalists following the GOP nominee have been forced to pay attention to every word he is saying when he speaks. In 2012, when Rucker was covering Mitt Romney's campaign, he said, "you could sit through the rallies and something he said was something you already heard before and you didn't have to keep up with it so carefully." That's journalistic malpractice with Trump, who routinely creates headlines with his parenthetical asides and subsequently quibbles with the quotes or the paraphrases that result. This dynamic has prompted mainstream news outlets particularly print to publish transcripts of Trump interviews in conjunction with their interviews. The New York Times, which twice interviewed Trump this year on foreign policy, published "edited" transcripts of each, but did not release the tape recording of the interview. (Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy told "We only edited out 'off the record' comments and it was never a consideration to post the audio." She declined to explain why.) Earlier this month, in a podcast interview with former CBS anchor Bob Schieffer, Times reporter David Sanger, who conducted the Trump interviews with colleague Maggie Haberman, said his paper decided to publish transcripts to protect itself from charges it had mischaracterized the Republican nominee. "That's because we're in a situation and a political atmosphere right now where you get a lot of people saying, 'Oh, you know, the liberal media took Mr. Trump out of context or asked a trick question or whatever, " Sanger said. "I think these days in things as important as presidential interviews it is important that we do that." In the transcripts, the Times kept its punctuating to a minimum: It used just 61 em dashes in its first interview with Trump, which took place over two telephone calls on March 25. In its second interview on July 21, which was shorter, there were 41 em dashes. (Sanger and the Times' politics editor, Carolyn Ryan, did not respond to requests for comment. In an email, Haberman declined to comment.) In March, The Washington Post produced a transcript and the audio of its editorial board's in-person interview with Trump. Even before the meeting, much thought had gone into how the paper would reproduce the written exchange. It assigned 10 Post journalists to break up the transcribing work and tasked James Downie, digital opinions editor, to oversee the final product. Downie told he was "nervous" from the start, particularly with what to do in the event Trump innocently misspoke. Fortunately, Downie said, no such incident occurred, but the endeavor of merely conveying Trump's speaking style was a uniquely difficult deadline assignment. "It was very much unlike any other transcription I have been a part of," Downie said. After pulling together the various chunks his reporters transcribed, Downie relistened to the entire audio. Ultimately, the transcript resulted in 81 em dashes and 57 ellipses. The other big question Downie grappled over was how to capture the extra-verbal aspects of the interview, without overly editorializing it. He ultimately decided to interject in two places: once, when Trump was pointing to a Washington Post columnist while speaking, and at another point, when he was relaying an anecdote that included an expletive. The transcript noted that Trump said it "in a hushed voice." "He tried to mouth it as much as possible," Downie recalled. "In both cases, I think it helped [the] reader and made it a more accurate transcript." But all this meta-analysis can numb the media's mind after a while. The tedium of fine-parsing Trumpspeak can at times find reporters and pundits dumping block-quotes of Trump speeches under headlines with the phrase "word salad." At other times, the media has taken to mock-crowd sourcing the syntax of Trump's sentences. During a live podcast show in July, the hosts of Slate's Political Gabfest attempted to diagram a Trump sentence from a speech he gave in South Carolina. Conceding defeat, they later turned to their online followers for assistance. But the levity shouldn't obscure the severity of the work. "The problem with transcripts is if you get something wrong, you can create an incident," said Catherine Hagman, a former transcription team leader at Federal News Service. In 2005, a controversy erupted over the transcript of a White House press briefing, when President George W. Bush's press secretary, Scott McClellan, was asked about the Scooter Libby trial. Federal News Services, which transcribed White House briefings at the time, quoted McClellan as having said "that's accurate" when asked if former Bush advisor Karl Rove had a conversation with a covert CIA officer. The White House later challenged that McClellan had said the opposite and insisted that the official transcript be changed. FNS, after reviewing the tape, stood by its draft. In 2008, an FNS transcript of the congressional testimony of Gen. Burwell Bell, then commander of U.S. Forces in the Korean Peninsula, caused tension with South Korea. Bell was quoted as saying that the key U.S. ally would pay $10 billion to relocate U.S. troops in the country, when it had actually agreed to only pay half that much. Afterward, Bell and the Pentagon insisted that he was misquoted. FNS again stood by the accuracy of its transcription, but acknowledged that the words may not have conveyed the proper context. Throughout this campaign, Trump has routinely claimed that he has been misquoted or taken out of context by a media he argues is treating him unfairly. At the same time, there's an ongoing press debate as to whether quoting Trump verbatim conveys him most accurately. This debate divides, in part, between those who think Trump is merely inarticulate, and those who think he's being savvily obtuse. The renowned cognitive linguist George Lakoff is among those who argue the latter. "Any unscrupulous, effective salesman knows how to use (your) brain against you, to get you to buy what he is selling," Lakoff wrote earlier this year, in an article titled, "Understanding Trump." He added that Trump's coercive tactics include his grammar and phraseology. "With Trump, it is important that people look at the full interview and get the context," said Angie Drobnic Holan, editor of the Tampa Bay Times' PolitiFact. "Don't get me wrong. The context might be as appalling as the quote lifted out of it, but it is, I think, in most cases necessary to have the context." The iconic Howard Baker line during the Senate Watergate hearings "what did he know and when did he know it?" might well be updated thusly in 2016: What did he say and how did he say it? Yet oftentimes, the answer is unclear. In arbitrating whether Trump's Second Amendment comment constituted a threat of violence against Clinton, PolitiFact was forced to punt last week. "Our only conclusion: Trump's rather elliptical words certainly left room for interpretation," the website demurred. As it were, transcribing Trump has redefined the roles and divisions in the political media food chain, as all interested parties are now compelled to take up the original source material. Media Matters, the left-leaning, pro-Clinton watchdog group, said that Trump has not only changed the the nature of its work, but its relationship to the mainstream press. "It is very new terrain where some of the deficiencies in coverage is not with bias or agenda, but the literal technical challenge," said Angelo Carusone, Media Matters' executive vice president and in-house Trump cryptologist. "It does create a dynamic where you see more camaraderie, because now you have multiple different entities trying to decipher what they just heard, and nobody wants to be responsible for providing the quote or comment that is wrong." More From CNBC traviskalanick Travis Kalanick has to get Uber's bet on self-driving cars right. "It starts with understanding that the world is going to go self-driving and autonomous," he told Business Insider in an interview. "So if that's happening, what would happen if we weren't a part of that future? If we weren't part of the autonomy thing? Then the future passes us by basically, in a very expeditious and efficient way," he said. On Thursday, Uber took a step into that future when it announced that Pittsburgh riders will be able to take free rides later this month in the self-driving cars that it's been developing. Riders will request a car as usual, but the one that shows up may just drive itself at this point with two highly-trained engineers in the front seats documenting its every move and ready to take the wheel if need be. It's not just a bet on passenger cars, but a belief that self-driving technology will change everything. This summer, Uber bought Otto, a self-driving truck startup, so it can get into the trucking business as well. These are big, bold, and aggressive moves characteristic of the Uber that has already changed how millions get around in cities across the globe. But they also show the growing existential threat that Kalanick feels if his company doesn't wake up to the impending revolution in transportation. And he's not willing to cede any ground to giants with hundreds of billions of dollars in the bank, like Apple or Google. "If we are not tied for first, then the person who is in first, or the entity that's in first, then rolls out a ride-sharing network that is far cheaper or far higher-quality than Uber's, then Uber is no longer a thing," Kalanick said. Business Insider spoke to Kalanick about what an Uber that relies on self-driving cars looks like and what will happen to all of those drivers who tote people around if this is its future. The following Q&A has been lightly edited for clarity. Biz Carson: You called the development of autonomous vehicles existential to the company, and you've also called buying Otto another existential move. So what is so existential about it and where is that threat really coming from? Story continues Kalanick: I think it starts with understanding that the world is going to go self-driving and autonomous. Because, well, a million fewer people are going to die a year. Traffic in all cities will be gone. Significantly reduced pollution and trillions of hours will be given back to people quality of life goes way up. Once you go, "All right, there's a lot of upsides there" and you have folks like the folks in Mountain View, [California,] a few different companies working hard on this problem, this thing is going to happen. So if that's happening, what would happen if we weren't a part of that future? If we weren't part of the autonomy thing? Then the future passes us by, basically, in a very expeditious and efficient way. Carson: How soon will self-driving cars realistically be a significant portion of Uber's fleet? Kalanick: That is the trillion-dollar question, and I wish I had an answer for you on that one, but I don't. What I know is that I can't be wrong. Right? I have to make sure that I'm ready when it's ready or that I'm making it ready. So, I have to be tied for first at the least. What I know is that I can't be wrong. Carson: Do you think you're in that position right now? Kalanick: No, I don't. I think we're catching up. Look at some of the folks and how long they've been working on it. Lots of respect for an area that they've pioneered, and we've got to do some catch-up. And that's OK, but it means we gotta wake up early and we're going to bed late. Carson: What's holding self-driving cars back right now other than technology? Kalanick: Isn't that the thing? [Laughs] I could give you self-driving nirvana if it's in the desert, there's no oncoming traffic and there are no pedestrians. I can do it right now. The problem is I don't think I could take you anywhere that you wanted to go. [Laughs] So, that's just the state of technology. Remember, Uber is a global business. We don't think just in terms of [the] US. There's a ton of places around the world that will clear the path to make sure that safer roads, that are more humane, that give time back to the people, that have less congestion and are less polluting they'll make that happen tomorrow if the tech is right. So it's all about the tech. I could geek out with you on the tech and what needs to be done, but in order to make this a reality, there's literally things that haven't been invented yet. That's what makes this problem special and interesting and challenging. It's not just an engineering challenge that's deterministic, and I know what I have to build. We are figuring out as we go what has to be built because, even when you have the world's experts on this challenge, there are things that even if you're Google, or even if you're anybody, Apple, all the guys that are working on it, there are things that haven't been invented yet. And that's part of the fun. Carson: You mentioned Google and Apple. With so many of these companies working on it, why do you think Uber will have an advantage? Why do you think Uber will be tied for first if not in first place? Kalanick: Well, it's not about whether I think it is it's that it has to be. So, if we are not tied for first, then the person who is in first, or the entity that's in first, then rolls out a ride-sharing network that is far cheaper or far higher-quality than Uber's, then Uber is no longer a thing. Carson: What is your timeline for this existential threat? Are you looking at "Next year, if Uber is not in this, we're dead," or is this 10 years down the road? Kalanick: I wish I had the exact timeline. If you had the exact timeline, then it would mean everything was deterministic, that you knew exactly what needed to be built, and you could sort of logically figure it out. That is not the case. We just don't know all the things. There are still things to be invented. But this is a years thing, not a decade thing. But how many? Shoot, I don't know, but I'm going to be hustling to get it out there. Carson: How do you keep Uber's driver partners excited about working for Uber when today's announcement is that you're one step closer to replacing them? I believe your engineering director said you're trying to wean riders off having drivers. Kalanick: The first part is that the timescale is pretty long. We've got income opportunities today and we got ways of serving the city today. That's part 1. Part 2 is that if you're talking about a city like San Francisco or the Bay Area generally, we have, like, 30,000 active drivers. We are going to go from 30,000 to, let's say, hypothetically, a million cars, right? But when you go to a million cars, you're still going to need a human-driven parallel, or hybrid. And the reason why is because there are just places that autonomous cars are just not going to be able to go or conditions they're not going to be able to handle. And even though it is going to be a smaller percentage of the whole, I can imagine 50,000 to 100,000 drivers, human drivers, alongside a million-car network. I can imagine 50,000 to 100,000 drivers, human drivers, alongside a million-car network. So I don't think the number of human drivers will go down anytime soon. In fact, I think, in an autonomous world, it goes up. In absolute figures. Of course, in percentage, it's down. But then you also think, what about the tens of thousands of jobs that are necessary to maintain that fleet? Carson: Will Uber be in charge of maintaining? You have always said you will not be the ones manufacturing these cars. Kalanick: Yeah, we are definitely not building the cars, and I don't know who is going to own the fleet, but somebody is going to have to maintain it. Carson: So you see this in some ways as job creation or ... ? Kalanick: Yeah, I believe it is. And at the same time, remember, technology moves forward, we are talking about a million lives a year being saved. You know there was once a time you made a phone call and there was a person that, the operator, had to do switching, right? Or there were literally hundreds of thousands of people employed to build telephone booths. And then cellphones came and it is a beautiful thing, but then that created a whole new industry and all new kinds of jobs. And look at Uber. Uber exists because of mobile telephones. And what did we do with that? Well, there are millions of people that make an income every day because of it. And that happened in six years. It couldn't have been predicted. So what's next? So in that way, I guess maybe I am a technology optimist, but I have a lot of good data on my side. Carson: By buying Otto, does that mean that Uber is going to be getting into this trucking and transportation of goods industry? How big of a part will it be in Uber's future? Kalanick: Part 1 is, yes, we are getting in the trucking business. We are getting in the trucking business. Part 2 is that it is a multitrillion-dollar business globally as well. I have always talked about the consumer ground-transport business being a multitrillion-dollar business. Now there's this other one called trucking. It is a challenging, interesting, nuanced business, and it is going to be intense getting into it, but that's exciting to me. We'll just have to see how it grows over time, and it is a bit early. We are still in sort of the R&D phase, if that makes sense. Carson: So with the acquisition of Otto, you're expanding your self-driving research beyond Pittsburgh and will have more offices around the Bay Area. Why stay in Pittsburgh for the tests? You already have a little trouble with the bridges there. Do you have plans to expand those tests outside of Pittsburgh? Kalanick: Well, first I've got to get those bridges right, Biz. If I don't get them right, I've got a real problem. Our main jam right now is Pittsburgh. I literally have hundreds of scientists and engineers. You want them to be close to the action, period. Yes, now we've got a new West Coast thing, too San Francisco as well as Palo Alto. And that's important because my whole thing on this is ... we need to be working with all the great minds, and San Francisco ain't enough, like you've gotta be in Palo Alto because these folks don't want to be on the 101 [the congested highway that links Silicon Valley to San Francisco]. We're gonna get those bridges right, I promise, but you also want your engineers and your scientists close to the action, and that's why Pittsburgh is where we start. Carson: And where will you go in the future? Are you looking at conquering the easy deserts and then residential roads? Or is it city by city? Kalanick: It'll be city by city, but I promise you we will go to all of them. NOW WATCH: Uber will be offering free rides in self-driving cars later this month More From Business Insider analyzes the search patterns of our visitors each week. By sharing these trends with our readers, we hope to provide insights into what the financial world is concerned about and how to position your portfolio. This week retail companies have stolen the spotlight by releasing their earnings reports, many of which painted an image of the broad U.S. economy. Emerging markets represented by China equities and Russia have attracted our readers for market-related and geopolitical reasons, respectively. Meanwhile, corn bulls were disappointed after hearing forecasts of a record harvest this autumn, and equity bears are on the lookout for a short opportunity. Bubble%20chart Retail: All Eyes on Earnings Top U.S. retailers have been reporting their quarterly earnings over the past week, making our readers interested in the ETFs tracking companies such as Wal-Mart Stores (WMT), Home Depot (HD) and Target (TGT). As a result, the retail page has seen its traffic jump 118% week-over-week. While some retailers (i.e., Home Depot) posted good results , others disappointed (Target), contributing to a relatively mixed performance of ETFs. For example, VanEck Vectors Retail ETF (RTH B+) has dropped 1% over the past five days, but year-to-date is up 3.74%. Retail Target released its second-quarter results on Wednesday, saying net income fell 9.7% and sales were down 7.2%. The company lowered its full-year sales guidance, citing a difficult retail environment. The earnings per share results were higher than analysts had expected, but investors were not impressed, bidding the stock down more than 6% on Wednesday. Home Depot, meanwhile, released results on Tuesday that matched forecasts, and the stock has barely moved since then. Wal-Mart is set to issue its quarterly report on Thursday, and expectations are for the company to post good results. Wal-Mart has also been in the news for its recent $3.3 billion acquisition of online retailer, prompting pundits to wonder whether the brick-and-mortar giant launched a race after the clear online leader Amazon (AMZN). Other parts of the retail landscape are much grimmer, particularly clothing. Macys (M) recently announced plans to close 100 stores in a bid to boost efficiency and reverse flagging sales. The overall retail landscape looks somewhat healthy. U.S. retail sales increased in the three months through July. The growth was flat for July, however. China Equities: More Welcoming Chinese equities have benefited from good news this week from the government, which announced plans to further open up its stock markets to international investors. Traffic to China equities was up about 91% this week, as investors wondered what to make of the announcement. iShares China Large-Cap (FXI A-) has risen 2.26% over the past five days, extending year-to-date gains to 6.35%. China On Wednesday, the Chinese government said it will connect its bourse in Shenzen with the Hong Kong stock exchange, effectively allowing traders of both exchanges to trade each others stocks. The move is part of a plan by China to slowly give unrestricted access to international investors willing to invest in the country. Until now, traders were allowed to invest in the country through the Hong Kong-Shanghai connect. Elsewhere, China announced a fall in new yuan loans to $70 billion in July, prompting market observers to raise eyebrows. A large part of that lending was to finance new home purchases, boosting property developers. Corporate lending, however, remains sluggish. Russia Russian equities have seen their traffic rise more than 60% over the past week, as the countrys relations with the West are deteriorating on renewed tensions over Ukraine. Shares have still edged up slightly over the past week, with iShares MSCI Russia Capped (ERUS B+) increasing 1.48%. Year-to-date, iShares MSCI Russia is up an impressive 29.38%. Russia The good news for equities has been a potential cooperation with Saudi Arabia on freezing oil output to support prices. The sides were close to reaching a deal on stabilizing the market earlier this year, but talks collapsed after Saudi Arabia insisted on Iran joining the accord. The bad news for Russia has been the escalation of the Ukraine conflict. Tensions have been rising since July, and Western allies observed a build-up of Russian forces along the shared border in Crimea. The ruble weakened as a result, and costs to insure Russian debt increased. If tensions escalate and a new armed conflict erupts, Russian equities are expected to decline further on the threat of additional sanctions from Europe and the U.S. Corn: No Light at the End of the Tunnel The only ETF tracking corn, Teucrium Corn (CORN B), has jumped slightly over the past few days, although prospects for further gains look grim at the moment. Corn has seen 54% more viewers this week than in the past, as investors were disappointed to acknowledge that a recovery in prices may not come anytime soon. The U.S. Agriculture Department said last Friday that the country was on track to harvest record amounts of corn this autumn, about 15.2 billion bushels of compared to the previous record of 14.2 billion achieved in 2014. Higher demand is not expected to offset the increase in supply, putting further pressure on prices. Corn Teucrium Corn has risen 1.77% over the past five days, but is still down 10.74% since the beginning of the year. Inverse Equities: Waiting to Short Inverse Equities ETFs have taken the last spot in the list with a 34% rise in viewership over the past week. The ETFs gaining from a slide in stock prices have had a bad year so far, given the U.S. equities are hovering around all-time highs. For instance, Short S&P500 (SH A+) has dropped 0.71% this week, extending year-to-date losses to nearly 9%. Short Despite the obvious optimism in the market, many reputable voices have condemned this bull run, pointing to fundamental weaknesses and sluggish economic growth both in the U.S. and the rest of the world. Perhaps, the U.S. stocks are becoming more attractive for a short position as the bull market continues its advance. The Bottom Line Retail companies have posted mixed results for the second quarter, with apparel struggling the most and online in high gear. Chinese stocks have been boosted by news of a connection between the Hong Kong and Shenzen bourses, while Russian equities could suffer from the resuming of the Ukraine conflict. Corn, which took fourth place in the list, is not likely to see a rebound in prices anytime soon given the record crop forecasts, and inverse equities drew interest for the short-selling possibility. By analyzing how you, our valued readers, search our property each week, we hope to uncover important trends that will help you understand how the market is behaving so you can fine-tune your investment strategy. At the end of the week, well share these trends, giving you better insight into the relevant market events that will allow you to make more valuable decisions for your portfolio. Click here to read the original article on On Wednesday night's The Daily Show, Trevor Noah took on Donald Trump's campaign shake-up, with the Republican presidential candidate naming Breitbart boss Steve Bannon as campaign CEO and pollster Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager. There are also reports that former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes is giving Trump advice. "If Trump is the Joker, he has hired the Suicide Squad," Noah joked. "Kellyanne Conway - she's a legendary Republican pollster; Roger Ailes, the sexual harassing architect of Fox News." He continued, "And Steve Bannon - this is the boss of Breitbart, an arch conservative website that often has headlines like this: 'There's No Hiring Bias Against Women in Tech. They Just Suck at Interviews.'" Noah said the Trump campaign is operating like the final season of Lost. "They should be wrapping things up, but instead they're adding more and more characters. And everyone's like, 'Hey, how are you going to make this work? Oh! I get it! They don't know what the f - they're doing!' That's what's happening." That's not all Noah said about Trump. The Daily Show host mocked the Republican presidential candidate for speaking to black voters but not near black voters. He was referring to a speech Trump made about police discrimination in West Bend, Wisconsin, which a news report says is 95 percent white. Read more: Trevor Noah Mocks Olympics Issues and Marco Rubio's Zika Response "You know things are bad when a rich white man is asking black people for help," said Noah. "Normally, the only time a 70-year-old billionaire is asking black people for help, it's usually their nurse, and it's usually because they've shit themselves which, technically, the Trump campaign has, so I guess it makes sense." He criticized Trump for implying that black communities don't feel oppressed because of their experiences but because its what Democrats have tricked them into thinking. Story continues "Like before that, black people didn't know what was happening to them?" asked Noah. "They were like, 'What? This is oppression? I thought the officer was massaging me with his night stick! Oh, I didn't know. Why, thank you, Mr. Democrat.'" Read more: 'The Daily Show' Reveals What Donald Trump's "Extreme Vetting" Could Look Like VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 18, 2016 / True Leaf Medicine International Ltd. (CSE:MJ). In a letter sent today to the Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat, True Leaf, a BC-based medical marijuana company, makes four recommendations on the future production and distribution of legalized marijuana in Canada. Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould has established a task force to advise the Canadian government on how best to move forward with its plan to legalize marijuana. Chaired by Anne McLellan, former deputy prime minister and health and justice minister, the task force is seeking public input and will advise the government on the design of the legislation and the regulatory framework for a new system marijuana sales and distribution. True Leaf Medicine International Ltd. is one of 400-plus companies in the process of applying for a licence to produce and distribute medical marijuana under the previous government's Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) program. The new plan to legalize marijuana will replace the MMPR process. True Leaf Chair Michael Harcourt, the former Premier of British Columbia, has written a letter to the task force outlining the company's vision for a new plan, calling for both recreational and medical marijuana to be produced and distributed via the same system. Mr. Harcourt's case and supporting points are contained in the letter, which is included in this message. To interview Mr. Harcourt or True Leaf CEO Darcy Bomford, please contact: Danielle Johnson Associate, BreakThrough Communications (604) 803-0341 Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat Address locator 0602E Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9 Email: August 10, 2016 As the federal government contemplates the means by which it will implement its laudable commitment to legalize marijuana, a task force has been created to advise on the design of a new system. The Task Force is seeking the views of Canadians on issues that are key to that design. They will then provide the federal government with a final report. Story continues This letter represents True Leaf Medicine International Inc.'s response to the call for public input. PRODUCTION Among the Canadians most knowledgeable about the safe and secure production and distribution of marijuana are those companies, including our own, which have applied to become licensed producers of marijuana for medical purposes. As one of the 416 applicants in the queue as of June 28, 2016, we agree with the government's discussion paper that this current regime could be effectively adapted for the full-scale production of marijuana in Canada. Of course, this process was established to produce marijuana for medical purposes under regulation (MMPR), but it has also generated a repository of knowledge, expertise and skill that can be seen as a formidable asset as the government contemplates wider legalization. There are currently 33 licensed producers who have been through an exhaustive seven-part process, and as mentioned above, another 416 who are currently working their way through the rigors of the process, which include screening, security clearance, review, pre-licence inspection and, finally, licensing. Along the way, attrition has been extensive. Hundreds have been refused, rejected, or withdrawn. In a number of cases, products have been recalled to protect client safety. This is a comprehensively and carefully regulated sector, unlike the ad hoc blossom of illegal dispensaries around the country, which have sprouted up to be in position for legalization. Whatever the ultimate fate of those dispensaries, the quality and safety of the product has to remain paramount - and the MMPR companies provide a ready-made source of supply that will comply with the strictest safety standards. The discussion paper points out that the relatively small numbers of medical marijuana users suggests that adopting the current model would not be in the public interest in the context of the larger number of users expected in a legalized market. Yet in addition to the licenced producers, there are the more than 400 applicants at various stages in the queue, and prior to the change in government, movement through the process was characteristically slow. An intensified focus on resolving partially-completed applications will serve to increase supply, while ensuring the quality of that supply. As well, companies with licences have untapped capacity allowing for production increases. While using an adapted version of the current model may lead to a limitation in the supply at the outset, starting from scratch or instituting a parallel process will undoubtedly introduce troubling uncertainty in quality and security of the supply (at least), as has been the case in the US states legalizing marijuana for the public. The current model, which the discussion paper calls the market-driven competitive model, offers the best start, with a large number of qualified, screened and cleared sources of supply ready to scale up and address the demand. DISTRIBUTION Turning to distribution: A number of options have been outlined in the discussion paper, including the through-the-mail system currently used in the distribution of marijuana for medical purposes. Another possibility is modeling the distribution system after the alcohol or cigarette distribution system. One of the key considerations is protecting young Canadians by keeping marijuana out of the hands of children and youth. While these systems have merit, it is time to acknowledge that marijuana is a unique substance that is sought for its medicinal as well as its recreational benefits, unlike other controlled substances. There is an outside-the-box argument to be made that marijuana distribution should be controlled by or grounded in a coalition of health care professionals, including doctors, naturopathic doctors and pharmacists. Today, even the illegal dispensaries often go through the formality of requiring the approval of a licensed health professional as a condition of purchase. While this may amount to window dressing, the idea of a licensed dispensary, for both medical and recreational marijuana, is worth further consideration. A network of licensed dispensaries already exists - pharmacies. A licenced system including some of the more professionally run dispensaries and alternative health care practices, carefully integrating health care considerations into the recreational marijuana narrative, may prove surprisingly beneficial immediately and in the long run. RECOMMENDATIONS Production of the medicinal and recreational supply, other than plants grown for personal use, can be most effectively, safely and securely supplied by commercial licenced producers. Now that the MMPR process is scheduled for change, we see this as an opportune time to licence more of the already screened, qualified and cleared applicants in anticipation of increased demand. Distribution of medical and recreational supply should be worked out co-operatively between Ottawa and the provinces. In BC, it will likely occur through a combination of Liquor Control Board outlets and private facilities. We recommend that pharmacies and alternative medical practices, as well as licenced existing dispensaries, be included in the distribution network for recreational as well as medical supply. Naturopathic doctors are professionally trained practitioners and herbalists; they are experts in both the historical uses of plants as well as modern pharmacological mechanisms. Therefore, we recommend that prescription for medical marijuana should expand beyond medical doctors to include both naturopathic doctors and pharmacists. Production and distribution issues aside, more research is needed on both recreational and medicinal use. True Leaf Medicine International Inc. sees the need for evidence-based research on the most effective dosages and strains required for the various applications of medicinal marijuana: pain management, nausea from cancer treatment, and epilepsy, among others. We are prepared to work further with our contacts in the medical community, along with pain management centres and organizations such as the Canadian Arthritis Society. If you are interested in discussing these ideas further, we would be pleased to do so. Sincerely, Michael Harcourt Chair, True Leaf Medicine International Inc. SOURCE: True Leaf Medicine International Ltd. Ram Gopal Varma does it again, insults actor Rajinikanth on Twitter. By India Today Web Desk: Despite being a maverick filmmaker, Ram Gopal Varma will be remembered for the number of controversies he is associated with. This is not the first instance when the Satya director has been in the news for taking a dig at superstar Rajinikanth. SEE PIC: MS Dhoni copying Kabali Rajinikanth is the best thing you'll see today advertisement ALSO READ: Rajinikanth heaps praise on Joker, calls it brilliant film While praising Kannada actor Kiccha Sudeep for his recent hit Kotigobba 2, Ram Gopal Varma compared actor Kiccha with Rajinikanth as saying, "I just saw kotigobba 2 and I honestly think u shud change ur name from Kiccha Sudeepa to Rajni Sudeepa." @KicchaSudeep I just saw kotigobba 2 and I honestly think u shud change ur name from Kiccha Sudeepa to Rajni Sudeepa..????????? Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) August 16, 2016 While insulting actor Rajinikanth, RGV went to insult another legendary Kannada actor Vishnuvardhan, who featured in the prequel of Kotigobba 2. He said Vishnuvardhan's performance was amateur. @KicchaSudeep Saw Kotigobba..compared to ur performance in Kotigobba 2 Vishnuvardhan looks amateur n if his fans disagree they also amateur Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) August 16, 2016 But the rant didn't stop there. He said, "But Rajni can do just only one type whereas u proved ur better versatility from Autograph to Eega to Kotigobba 2 to many more. @KicchaSudeep But Rajni can do just only one type whereas u proved ur better versatality from Autograph to Eega to Kotigobba 2 to many more Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) August 16, 2016 In the next tweet, he said, "U can anyday do a Robot in ur sleep but Rajnikant can't do a Eega even in his dream..Respect". @KicchaSudeep U can anyday do a Robot in ur sleep but Rajnikant can't do a Eega even in his dream..Respect??? Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) August 16, 2016 Reacting to his tweets, Kichcha replied saying, "thanks fr th appreciation sir....but I'm nowhere close nor a comparison to th two legends,,Vishnusir & RajiniSir.." @RGVzoomin thanks fr th appreciation sir....but I'm nowhere close nor a comparison to th two legends,,Vishnusir & RajiniSir.. Kichcha Sudeepa (@KicchaSudeep) August 16, 2016 However, Gopal's potshots triggered the ardents fans of Rajinikanth who slammed the him on Twitter. @vijay_Aero @RGVzoomin thank god film making became digitized! All the FILM #RGV wasted would have gone as toilet paper! VJ Abishek (@cinemapayyan) August 16, 2016 advertisement @RGVzoomin @KicchaSudeep Dear RGV, I am a fan of ur movies, for u health sake plz do concern my request, Do visit a psychiatrist near by!!! Vijay (@vijay_Aero) August 16, 2016 SlipperShot ??? to Joker Rajini and his dumb fans ---- @RGVzoomin @KicchaSudeep They deserve craps like #kabaliflop only. Mass Maharaja (@Mass_Maharaja) August 16, 2016 @RGVzoomin @KicchaSudeep Similarly u can never be a sensible human in your sleep nor your dreams sachin (@urmirror10) August 16, 2016 Notably, RGV, while praising Amitabh Bachchan's Te3n, he had take insulted Rajinikanth to which actor Dhanush gave him a fitting reply. --- ENDS --- Dont look now, but the era of big government may be returning. Its slowly sneaking up on us, but both the present and the future shows that its return may be inevitable. A generation ago, President Bill Clinton famously declared an end to the era of big government in his January 1996 State of the Union speech. Four days later, Clinton repeated his pledge about the end of big government in his weekly radio address while calling for a balanced budget as the status quo. That call came the day after Congress ended a government shutdown that had as its purpose a meaningful cut in the size of federal bureaucracies. At the time, Clinton had to prepare for his re-election campaign after taking a beating in the 1994 midterms when Republicans took control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Then-President Clinton adopted a strategy of triangulation, attempting to co-opt Republican priorities and messaging so as to re-establish himself as the nations political leader. Co-opting Republican distaste for big government gave Clinton some cover as he maneuvered his way into re-election. Related: Apathetic Workers in State and Local Government Are Costing Taxpayers Billions Regardless of Clintons intent, the Republican Congress managed to make significant cuts in federal employment after the 1994 revolution. When Newt Gingrich took the gavel as Speaker in 1994, the federal government employed 3,038,000 people, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By the end of the Clinton presidency in 2000, that number had dropped to 2,741,000, a reduction of nearly 10 percent. When Democrats won back control of Congress in January 2007, federal employment had drifted down even further to 2,707,000. It was the smallest federal workforce (excluding decennial censuses) since the launch of Lyndon Johnsons Great Society heralded the era of big government. After the financial crisis of 2007-8, the federal government almost immediately began expanding, thanks to the stimulus program proposed by President Barack Obama and passed by fellow Democrats in Congress. In the previous two years, Democrats had added 65,000 to the federal rolls, and at the end of his first two years, Obama added another 79,000. A series of budget standoffs with Republicans after they took back control of the House rolled back the new expansion of the federal workforce. Story continues Related: 7 Unbelievable Ways the Government Wasted Your Money in 2015 However, big government had not ended for good. Instead, it simply bided its time until conditions became ripe for its rebirth. And that time may have already arrived. Last week, the BLS noted a new upsurge in federal hiring. The federal workforce has once again gone above 2.8 million, the first time it has reached that level since the sequester of the 2013 budget agreement. Julys preliminary employment report shows 33,000 more federal workers than a year ago. Its a gain of almost 80,000 since the post-sequester low in May 2014. Just the addition alone would rank the federal government in the top ten privately-held employers in the US. That expansion has not come in a vacuum, either. This weekend, The New York Times hailed the outgoing president as one of the most prolific authors of major regulations in presidential history. In a valediction to Obama, Binyamin Applebaum and Michael Shear declare that Obama once had deep misgivings about executive power, but that he had spent almost eight years using his executive authority to insert the United States government more deeply into American life. Applebaum and Shear blame Republican Congresses for Obamas reliance on regulation and unilateral action, but admit that once Mr. Obama got the taste for it, he pursued his executive power without apology, and in ways that will shape the presidency for decades to come. Related: Federal Civilian Workforce Soars to 2.79 Million After Years of Restraint No kidding. One only need to look at the signature legislation that will forever bear his name, Obamacare. It aimed for the most personal of all intrusions into the lives of citizens healthcare decisions and forced Americans to engage in insurance markets on his terms. Health and Human Services has passed a deluge of regulations to put Obamacare into place, including the mandate that employers provide free contraception to their employees regardless of whether they have religious objections. Obamacare has injected the federal government into the ledger of every business and forced every business owner to be part of the decisions made in the bedrooms of its employees. The bad news is that the expansion of government, both in size and in impact, is likely to grow no matter the outcome of the presidential election. Republican nominee Donald Trump has largely dispensed with the smaller-government priorities normally championed by its presidential candidates. His immigration policies alone will require significant expansion of the federal government, but Trumps declaration that conservatism is irrelevant makes his approach clear. His argument that he alone can save the US and that he plans to use his executive power to get things accomplished promise even bigger and more intrusive government, rather than rolling both trends back. Related: Bankrupt of Ideas, Clinton Turns to Obamas Big Spending Plans If Trump signals staying the course, then Hillary Clintons campaign shouts ramming speed on big-government momentum. The Democratic nominee has promised to double down on Obamas executive orders on immigration, which have already been suspended by courts. The former First Lady wants to impose more regulation on gun ownership, political speech, and wants a massive expansion of the regulatory regime to fight against environmental injustice. Clinton also declares that she will defend and expand the Affordable Care Act, promising to expand federal initiatives on a number of fronts in service to a regulatory system that has almost collapsed the health-insurance industry already. And so the era of big government returns with a vengeance. The only question, at least for the next four years, is whose hands will be on its levers and whether the abuses to come will finally awaken Americans to the dangers that concentration of power holds. Top Reads from The Fiscal Times: Donald Trumps latest proposals for preventing radical Islamic terrorists from entering the country by temporarily barring immigrants from the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world and engaging in extreme vetting of immigrants ideological beliefs could profoundly alter the religious makeup of refugees and others allowed to enter the U.S. in the future. The Republican presidential nominee and his advisers have provided few details of the potential impact of their latest proposal for choking off the flow of refugees and immigrants from Syria, Iraq, North Africa and other terrorism hot spots. Related: Trump Promises to Get Vicious With Radical Islam However, the Pew Research Center reported this week that nearly half of the more than 63,000 refugees who have entered the country so far in the current fiscal year are Muslims. Experts say that number would likely be slashed dramatically if Trump were suddenly in charge of the countrys immigration policies. Using data from the State Departments Refuge Processing Center, the Pew researchers found that the U.S. has accepted 28,957 Muslim refugees so far since last October, or 46 percent of the total. That means that already this year, the U.S. has admitted the highest number of Muslim refugees of any years since 2002, when data on self-reported religious affiliations first became available, according to the report. The Obama administration set a ceiling of 85,000 on the number of refugees who will be allowed into the country this fiscal year, meaning there is room for 22,000 more before the deadline Sept. 30. Even that number is considered paltry compared to the magnitude of the problems of more than 10 million refugees displaced by the civil war in Syria alone. As of earlier this month, the countries of origin for the majority of these refugees entering the United States included Myanmar (10,464), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (10,417), Syria (8,569) and Iraq (7,479). Taken together, these four countries represent 58 percent of all refugees allowed to enter the U.S. this year. Story continues Related: The Russian Government Could Be Manipulating the US Election Christians made up the second-largest group of refugees, with 27,556 entering the country. In the past, Christian refugees slightly outnumbered Muslims, but that began to change in fiscal 2006, when large numbers of Somali refugees flocked to the U.S., according to Pew. Yet refugees constitute only about a tenth of the roughly one million immigrants granted lawful permanent residency in the United States every year. And that doesnt include the millions of others who annually enter the country on temporary H-1B work visas and student visas, or simply enter as tourists. While its impossible to say with certainty the percentage of total immigrants who are Muslim, a 2013 report by the Pew Center roughly pegged that number at 10 percent. Experts say that Trumps latest proposals for vetting immigrants, visitors and refugees to root out possible terrorists could force profound changes in immigration patterns for years to come. Related: As Young Voters Flee Trump, Republicans May Be Losing a Generation I dont know what extreme vetting is, Marie Price, a professor of geography and International Affairs at George Washington University, said in an interview Wednesday. But it could have significant impacts well beyond the refugee population, which is very, very small. Muslim refugees entering the US The refugee flows are an important obligation we have in holding up the principles of refugee resettlement, she said. Michael OHanlon, a foreign policy expert with the Brookings Institution, said that without congressional support, there are limits to what Trump could do as president by executive fiat to slam the door on Muslims seeking to enter the country if he is truly serious about it. Does he realize hes overplayed his hand, and look for a symbolic way to toughen up what is, I think, already a fairly vigorous and rigorous screening/interview process? OHanlon said in an email. Or does he try to make the process so onerous that one essentially has to prove ones innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt, and thereby really clamp down on the numbers? I dont think we really know. Related: Heres What Happens If Trump Decides to Quit With Trump, at this point, Im inclined to believe the more extreme interpretation, but I dont think we can be sure until he tells us what extreme vetting actually consists ofand even then, it may not be clear, OHanlon said in an email Wednesday. Trump, who is trailing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in the polls, outlined his view on Monday during a national security speech at Youngstown State University in Ohio. Since calling for a temporary ban on most Muslims from entering the country until the U.S. gets a better handle on domestic terrorism, Trump has been under pressure to better define what he has in mind. And many in his own party, including House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, have objected to his more draconian proposals for excluding Muslims. Just as we won the Cold War, in part by exposing the evils of communism and the virtues of free markets, so too must we take on the ideology of radical Islam, Trump said. Trump has promised as president to impose a vigorous even extreme process for vetting of refugees and immigrants attempting to enter the country to cut down on the possibility of Muslim immigrants or their children. Related: Warren Buffett Scolds Donald Trump: Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir? The common thread linking the major Islamic terrorist attacks that have recently occurred on our soil 9/11, the Ft. Hood shooting, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino attack, the Orlando attack is that they have involved immigrants or the children of immigrants, Trump said in his Ohio speech. Clearly, new screening procedures are needed. Top Reads from The Fiscal Times: By Steve Holland and Emily Flitter (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Donald Trump overhauled his presidential campaign team on Wednesday for the second time in less than two months, hiring the head of a conservative news website to bolster his combative image and try to reverse poor opinion poll numbers. Trump named Steve Bannon, head of the Breitbart News website, as campaign chief executive officer, a new position. He also promoted senior adviser Kellyanne Conway to the post of campaign manager. The latest shake-up combines Bannon, a conservative flamethrower, with Conway, a measured, data-driven analyst who might be able to broaden Trump's appeal to women and independent voters. It offers Trump's team a chance to return to the "let Trump be Trump" style practiced by former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski that helped Trump, who has never held elective office, win the Republican presidential nomination for the Nov. 8 election. Lewandowski, ousted in the last campaign reorganization in June, said on CNN that Bannon was "a street fighter" like himself. A Trump campaign statement announcing the changes touted a Bloomberg Politics article that branded Bannon "the most dangerous political operative in America." Whether that style will work in the fight against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is unclear. Trump, a New York real estate developer and former reality TV host, has largely been unable to extend his reach beyond white middle-class voters who pack his rallies. Trump trails Clinton in national opinion polls and in many battleground states, potentially facing a big defeat that could also cost Republicans congressional races. Trump, who relishes revving up crowds with off-the-cuff remarks, drew criticism for comments insulting women, Muslims and Mexican immigrants during the primary campaign for the Republican nomination. He has since faced a barrage of criticism from Republicans over his campaign style and his refusal to stick to a policy message. In particular, he has been rebuked for his prolonged feud with the family of a Muslim U.S. Army captain who was killed in the Iraq war. On Wednesday afternoon, Trump received his first intelligence briefing from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Retired U.S. Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, a Trump adviser who attended the briefing at the New York field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said the officials who conducted the two-hour session were "absolutely professional" and that it was "a great conversation." Intelligence officials brief the major-party U.S. presidential candidates on foreign policy and national security issues but do not disclose ultra-sensitive information about ongoing U.S. undercover operations, methods or the identities of intelligence sources. DIFFERENT STYLES Wednesday's campaign appointments amounted to a demotion for Paul Manafort, who was brought on as campaign manager in June to bring a more professional touch to Trump's campaign but has struggled to get the businessman to rein in his freewheeling ways. Clinton, a former secretary of state who has called Trump temperamentally unsuited for the White House, said staff shake-ups did nothing to change the candidate and his rhetoric. "Donald Trump has shown us who he is, he can hire and fire anybody he wants from his campaign, they can make him read new words from a teleprompter, but he is still the same man who insults Gold Star families, demeans women, mocks people with disabilities and thinks he knows more about ISIS than our generals," she told a rally in Ohio. Conway and Bannon may prove to be opposing forces in Trumps campaign. Conway is analytical and numbers-driven and often offers a more pragmatic approach to winning campaigns. She is expected to travel with Trump. Bannon likes to push the limits of polite conversation and revels in taking the fight up a notch, strategists say. "For Steve and I, we also recognize that we are different when we say we have different styles, but we have one vision," Conway told reporters. Bannon was a key figure in producing and promoting a movie called "Clinton Cash" that accused Bill and Hillary Clinton of doing favors for high-dollar donors to the Clinton Foundation charity, a theme that Trump has been touching on in his campaign speeches. "My guess is Bannon will be a bull in a china shop and Conway will be focused on messaging and paid media," said Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak. The appointment of Bannon suggested Trump was aiming not to tone down his aggressive style but to be more disciplined in emphasizing themes that resonate strongly with the voters he is trying to court, such as his tough stance against illegal immigration and withering personal criticism of Clinton. "I am who I am, I dont want to change," Trump told Wisconsin television station WKTB on Tuesday. "If you start pivoting, youre not being honest with people. The shift to new leadership may not be a good sign at this stage of a campaign, but some Republican strategists said it was not too late for Trump. "I've thought for a while that they've needed more smart, senior people and it looks like they just got them," said Republican strategist Charlie Black. "It's only the middle of August. This race is going to be close in the end, but he does need to tighten up his performance." Conway told Fox News she was advising Trump to take his case directly to the people. With Donald Trump, he is still his own best messenger because people see him as very authentic.". She has worked to improve the Republican Party's standing with women voters and to push back on Democratic accusations that Republicans are waging a "war on women." Manafort drew unwelcome attention this week when The New York Times reported his name was on secret ledgers showing cash payments designated to him of more than $12 million from a Ukrainian political party with close ties to Russia. Manafort denied any impropriety on Monday. The current RealClearPolitics average of national opinion polls puts Clinton six percentage points ahead of Trump, at 47.2 percent to his 41.2 percent. (Additional reporting by Alana Wise, Amanda Becker, Ginger Gibson, Luciana Lopez, Mark Hosenball and Eric Beech; Writing by Alistair Bell and Peter Cooney; Editing by Frances Kerry and Jonathan Oatis) New York (AFP) - Donald Trump's campaign went on the offensive Thursday, promising to "sharpen" its message and let the Republican candidate be his authentic -- if controversial -- self as rival Hillary Clinton leads the polls. The New York billionaire, whose multiple self-inflicted wounds have left him trailing in virtually every battleground state, spent the day in North Carolina, meeting law enforcement officials and addressing supporters later Thursday. "I know how well we're doing with law enforcement. That could be unanimous. That could be no matter where you go in the country, we get no negative vote," Trump boasted, as Clinton held talks in Manhattan with police chiefs. The evening rally in Charlotte will be Trump's first since he overhauled his campaign team this week for the second time in as many months, in a bid to regain some momentum in the drive to win the White House in November. Clinton leads Trump 47 percent to 41.2 percent, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average, following weeks of errors that have alienated establishment Republicans and seen his own supporters tear their hair out. On Wednesday, Trump appointed right-wing news executive Stephen Bannon CEO and promoted pollster Kellyanne Conway to campaign manager. Conway embarked on a series of television interviews Thursday, insisting that the emphasis going forward would be on policy. She is the first woman ever to manage a Republican presidential campaign. "I think it helps us to be a little bit behind," she told CNN. "It lights a fire under us and reminds us what we need to do to get this done." "We're going to sharpen the message. We're going to make sure Donald Trump is comfortable about being in his own skin -- that he doesn't lose that authenticity," she added. - Nastiness - Trump has been badly damaged since engaging in a lengthy war of words with the parents of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq -- one of the so-called Gold Star families who have lost loved ones in military service. Story continues Critics accused him last week of inciting violence against Clinton in a remark about the right to bear arms, and media reports have swirled about a campaign in crisis and a candidate apparently incapable of reeling in crass remarks. Conway said she was confident Trump "can stay on message" and accused Clinton of waging "disappointing and unbecoming" attacks on her Republican opponent. "There's not a single job that gets created from that, there's not a single uninsured American who gets health care from that kind of nastiness," she said. Wednesday's shake-up comes with campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who has spent years lobbying for dictators, unsavory foreign clients and rogues, in the headlines in connection with a Ukrainian corruption investigation. Conway praised Bannon, who is on leave from the virulently anti-Clinton Breitbart News as campaign CEO, calling him a "brilliant tactician." But the Clinton campaign has slammed his appointment, saying they expect it to lead the Trump campaign to "double down on more hateful, divisive rhetoric." In an email to supporters, it called Breitbart News "not just conservative but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power in this country." As Donald Trump runs on the platform "Make America Great Again!," donors giving money to the campaign of the Republican presidential candidate are investing in his message and his ability to win. But with the constant missteps and a big drop in the polls by Trump, those donors are increasingly concerned about a return on investment as they weigh giving more to his campaign. Donors like Victor DeFrisco, 60, an owner of Exit Realty Premier in South Florida, said the time is now to double down on Trump. DeFrisco said he is still behind Trump and hopes the missteps stop. "Hillary's past actions are more harmful than his rhetoric," he said. "I don't think she is beating him. He is beating himself down. He just has to tone down his rhetoric and get back to the issues. But I don't know if he will." DeFrisco who has donated twice to the Trump campaign for a total of $350, vows he is going to donate for a third time in the near future. Small-business owners like DeFrisco make up a good portion of Trump's donor base, said Steve Mnuchin, national finance chairman for the Trump campaign. Mnuchin also said the Trump campaign will be adding small-business owners to its economic council in an effort to focus on delivering policy solutions to the economic challenges facing small businesses. The Clinton campaign did not respond to CNBC's follow-up inquiry on small-business owner donations for the Democratic candidate. The latest federal election filings revealed that the GOP presidential nominee's campaign ended June with more than $20 million on hand, a big jump from $1.3 million at the end of May. Clinton's campaign committee reported more than double that, with $44.4 million on hand. The July numbers are expected early Sunday. As an investor in Trump, DeFrisco said it is frustrating to read Trump's tweets and watch his over-the-top comments. He hopes the candidate would listen more to his team, "He is obviously not listening to the donors or his family. He has really good people around him and he is obviously not listening to them," DeFrisco said. Story continues Support from one of Trump's larger donors continues as well. Wilbur Ross, a donor and member of the Trump economic council, said despite the "bumpiness" of the last two weeks, he will continue to support Trump. "The lynchpins of the Clinton economic program simply don't work," said Ross. "We would be left with job-killing increases in taxes and regulation." Added Ross: "Her infrastructure bank would create subprime lending for infrastructure and her energy plan is out of the failed clean energy Obama playbook. So what's left of her economic plan is Obamacare, which is self-destructing before our very eyes." The rhetoric does concern donors like broadcast billionaire Stanley Hubbard, who recently threw his wallet and support behind Trump. Hubbard who had been a "Never Trump" megadonor, said on CNBC's "Power Lunch ," while he doesn't love Trump, he will stand by him. "I am backing him because I don't want Mrs. Clinton picking a Supreme Court justice. We don't need more regulations in our country ... I think Hillary Clinton is more dangerous," said Hubbard. "We know what Mr. Trump is going to do. That is why I am backing Mr. Trump. I am hoping the American people realize, whether they like him or not, Trump would be the best for them." Several high-rolling Republican donors said, under the condition of anonymity, that they while they can't support Trump, they want to support their party and were allowed to earmark their donations to the Victory Fund for the lower tickets and not Trump. The Republican National Committee did not respond to CNBC's request for comment. "Major donors are concerned with keeping the Senate but not going Trump," said Charles Spies, former chief financial officer and counsel for Gov. Mitt Romney's 2008 presidential campaign. "With Trump on top of the ticket he can't lose by a landslide. Trump must have money or the Senate and House could be lost. The candidates in the key states will be impacted if Trump loses by more than 5 points." Trump on the campaign trail has complained numerous time he has raised money for the Victory Fund but has not seen a lot of that money in return for his efforts. Trump's slide in the polls comes after the repeated attacks on Khizr and Ghazala Khan, a Gold Star family who lost their son, an Army captain in Iraq. Trump's doubling down on his comments and his tongue-in-cheek call to Russia to find and expose former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's lost emails have not helped to instill confidence in the candidate. "I believe donors are concerned. This has been disappointing to a lot of people," said Gary Emineth, former chairman of the North Dakota Victory Fund for Trump. "While Trump has disappointed many people with his lack of discipline and off-the-cuff comments, we still hold out hope that he can grow up and get his act together. It has been very frustrating to see a race Republicans ought to be leading by 10 to 15 points." Emineth stepped down from his post with the Trump Victory Fund in protest after the floor fight at the Republican National Convention over the way anti-Trump forces were treated. GOP insiders tell CNBC the management announcements of Stephen Bannon as CEO of Trump's presidential campaign and the promotion of Kellyanne Conway from a senior advisor and pollster to campaign manager, makes for strong headlines, but Republicans say it doesn't change the campaign rhetoric or "unpresidential" like behavior of Trump the real reason for the drop in the polls. "At this point there is no rational reason to invest in Trump," said Spies. "It's an emotional decision. Either the donor has a personal relationship with him or they dislike Hillary so much they feel the need to do something." According to Federal Election Commission documents, Trump's economic advisors are also his biggest donors. For example, Mnuchin, Trump's national finance chairman donated $425,000 at the end of June. With Trump's negatives going up and his poll numbers going down, Emineth tells CNBC if Trump can't get back on track, it could hit the campaign coffers hard. "If he doesn't pick up in the next 30 days you might see funds dry up for his campaign." Some donors looking to cancel their recurring campaign donations through the Trump campaign website were having difficulties navigating the website to stop their payments. said it has received numerous calls from donors looking to cancel their recurring campaign donations. The group did not immediately respond to a CNBC request for comment. Still, Mnuchin said, "An investment in Donald Trump is an investment in our future with economic growth, job creation, and financial and physical security for all Americans." DeFrisco added the stakes are high this election and the candidate with the best economic policies for America should win. "My investment in Trump is more than money. It's about the direction he will take this country in. Hillary is the most unfit candidate I have ever seen in my life." Said DeFrisco: "Trump has the policies and plans to strengthen this nation and help small-business owners like myself." Ross echoed DeFrisco's call on the need for Trump to focus on the economic issues at hand. "If the Trump campaign keeps addressing the issues facing the country and explaining why her plan won't work I believe that Trump will be elected president. Remember how far down in the polls Ronald Reagan was during the summer before he was elected Remember too how similar the criticisms of Reagan were to the criticisms of Trump." Athens (AFP) - Turkey has officially requested the extradition of eight military officers who fled the country after July's failed coup, Greek officials said Thursday. "The demand was received yesterday and sent to the justice ministry," a diplomatic source told AFP. The requests will be handed on Friday to state prosecutors for examination, the officers' lawyer Stavroula Tomara told AFP. The eight men -- two commanders, four captains and two sergeants -- requested asylum in Greece after landing a military helicopter in the northern city of Alexandroupoli four days after the attempted government takeover on July 15. Their asylum hearings are to begin on Friday, when Captain Feridun Coban will have his case heard. The rest will have their cases examined one by one from this weekend to August 30, Tomara told AFP. In late July, the court of Alexandroupoli sentenced the eight -- who face a military trial in their homeland if sent back -- to suspended two-month prison terms for illegal entry. The men were subsequently relocated to Athens and are in police custody until their asylum applications are heard, a process expected to take a month. The eight claim they will not receive a fair trial in Turkey, where the authorities have detained thousands of people over the coup, including top generals. If sent home, their lives could be in danger, one of their lawyers has claimed. Rights group Amnesty International has said it has "credible evidence" of the abuse and torture of people detained in sweeping post-coup arrests -- something Ankara has denied. The case threatens to strain ties between the uneasy NATO allies, with Ankara labelling the eight "terrorists". Istanbul (AFP) - Turkey on Thursday ordered the seizure of assets belonging to 187 businessmen suspected of links to US-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of masterminding last month's attempted coup, state media reported. Police launched a vast operation in the economic capital Istanbul and other provinces into the alleged Gulen-linked companies -- the biggest crackdown on business since the July 15 failed putsch, the Anadolu news agency said. Local media said around 1,000 police took part in raids at 204 addresses in 18 provinces, including simultaneous operations at around 100 sites in Istanbul. Prosecutors issued arrest warrants for 187 suspects including the CEOs of leading companies, with the Istanbul chief prosecutor's office ordering their assets to be seized, state-run Anadolu said. Sixty-five of the suspects were detained including Omer Faruk Kavurmaci, CEO of the Aydinli Group clothing retailer, it added. The raids targeted major companies like Aydinli -- present in 39 countries with 476 stores and 3,500 employees -- as well as fashion company Eroglu, with 14,150 employees globally, and bakery Gulluoglu Baklava, reports said. Anadolu said Eroglu's CEO Nurettin Eroglu, Gulluoglu's CEO Nejat Gullu and its owner Faruk Gullu were also among the detainees. Gulen, a reclusive cleric who has lived in self-exile in the United States since 1999, vehemently denies he was behind the coup attempt. With a powerful network of influence in institutions such as the judiciary and police as well as the media, the former ally of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long been accused of running a "parallel state" in Turkey. Tens of thousands of his alleged supporters have been detained or sacked in a sweeping post-coup purge that has worried Ankara's Western allies. - Gulen books seized - Aydinli CEO Kavurmaci condemned the failed coup in a statement on the website of the group, which also has interests in the construction sector. Story continues "We support our president, our prime minister and our government elected with the will of the people," he said. Police seized books by Gulen and a plaque awarded by the preacher to Kavurmaci during a search Thursday of the CEO's office, Anadolu said. Rizanur Meral, president of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (Tuskon), was also among those sought by police, the news agency reported. Founded in 2005, Tuskon has 55,000 members and is accused by the government of financing pro-Gulen activities. The suspects were accused of "membership in a terrorist organisation" and "financing the activities" of Gulen, according to the private Dogan news agency. In a similar operation on Tuesday, Turkish police raided dozens of companies in Istanbul in search of 120 suspects including CEOs. Around 100 people were detained. That operation targeted Akfa, largely involved in construction, and the A-101 supermarket chain which has 6,300 stores across Turkey, reports said. - 'Let us try Gulen'- Turkey has imposed a three-month state of emergency which it says is needed to hunt down the coup plotters, and Erdogan has vowed to eradicate businesses, charities and schools linked to Gulen, calling them "nests of terror". Ankara wants Washington to extradite Gulen to face trial back home, indicating that any failure to deliver him will severely damage ties. "We are telling America 'aren't we strategic partners? Don't we have a mutual agreement on the return of criminals'," Erdogan said in a televised speech on Thursday. "We want a terrorist from you... Let us try him," he added. Gulen's legal team in Washington, meanwhile, called Ankara's claims regarding Gulen as a flight risk from the United States as "baseless and false". "For the last 17 years, he has lived in modest accommodations at a retreat center in rural Pennsylvania, where he spends his days praying, studying, teaching and editing his book manuscripts," they said in a statement. "He sees no need to change his living circumstances." US Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Ankara next week, the White House said, in the highest ranking visit to Turkey by a Western official since the coup. Turkish prosecutors this week demanded two life sentences and an additional 1,900 years in prison for the preacher. In a 2,527-page indictment, the so-called Fethullah Terror Organisation -- the name Ankara gives the group led by Gulen -- is accused of collecting funds from businessmen and channelling the "donations" to the US through front companies, among other charges. Gulen, 75, has strongly denied all of the government's accusations. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said Wednesday that 40,029 state employees had been detained in the post-coup crackdown, with 20,335 remanded in custody. More than 5,000 civil servants have been dismissed and almost 80,000 others suspended, Yildirim said in an interview with TRT public television. ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday blamed followers of U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen for playing a role in a series of bomb attacks in eastern Turkey blamed on the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). In a speech broadcast live on television, Erdogan said Turkey was facing joint attacks by various terrorist organizations who act together. He said that Gulen's followers were complicit in attacks by the Kurdish militants that killed seven members of security forces and wounded 224 people in the southeast on Thursday. Ankara blames Gulen for the failed July 15 putsch when a group of rogue soldiers attempted to overthrow the government, commandeering tanks, planes and helicopters. Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the United States since 1999, has denied the charges. Ideologically, Gulen, an Islamic cleric, has little in common with the leftist, secular PKK, which seeks autonomy for Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast. More than 40,000 people, mainly Kurds, have died since it took up arms against the Turkish state in 1984. It is considered a terrorist organization by the United States, Ankara and Europe. (Reporting by Humeyra Pamuk and Patrick Markey; Writing by David Dolan) Twitter said it has shut down 235,000 accounts in the last six months for violating its policies prohibiting the promotion of terrorism, as it looks to show that its proactively responding to critics who charge that the social media service is a haven for extremist groups around the world advocating violence. In February, Twitter said it had shut down more than 125,000 accounts since mid-2015 for violating its policy on terrorism, bringing the total number of suspensions for terrorism to 360,000 in the last year. Daily suspensions of Twitter accounts are up over 80% since last year, with spikes in suspensions immediately following terrorist attacks, according to the company. Our response time for suspending reported accounts, the amount of time these accounts are on Twitter, and the number of followers they accumulate have all decreased dramatically, Twitter said in a blog post. We have also made progress in disrupting the ability of those suspended to immediately return to the platform. In January, Twitter was sued by a Florida woman whose husband and another man were killed in an attack by militants in Jordan, alleging that the company allowed ISIS an unfettered ability to use the social service; Twitter said the lawsuit was without merit and the case was dismissed earlier this month. In June, the family of an American woman who died the Paris terrorist attacks last November sued Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, alleging the companies knowingly permitted the terrorist group ISIS to use their social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda. Meanwhile, ISIS-linked groups have issued threats aimed personally at CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, in response to the companies efforts to purge user accounts spreading terror propaganda. In its announcement Thursday, Twitter said it is using proprietary anti-spam tools to supplement user reports to identify repeat abusers of terrorism accounts, and the company said such automated tools have helped catch more than one-third of the accounts suspended for promoting terrorism. The company said it will provide regular updates on its fight against terrorism as part of its Transparency Report starting in 2017. Story continues In addition, Twitter said its public policy team is working with an expanded set of partners to fight terrorism on the platform, including Frances Parle-moi dIslam, the U.K.s Imams Online, Indonesias Wahid Foundation, United Arab Emirates Sawab Center and True Islam in the U.S. Separately, Dorsey has said the company is boosting efforts to curtail abusive attacks against individual users on the service. No one deserves to be the target of abuse on Twitter. We havent been good enough at ensuring thats the case, and we need to do better, he said on Twitters financial earnings call last month. Dorseys comments came after actress Leslie Jones was the target of numerous racist comments on Twitter, which prompted Twitter to ban conservative columnist Milo Yiannopoulos and other accounts over the attacks. Related stories Twitter in Talks With Apple to Stream NFL Games, Other Live Content on Apple TV (Report) Bollywood's Shah Rukh Khan Detained by U.S. Immigration (Again) Twitter to Live-Stream 'Suicide Squad' Red-Carpet Premiere in NYC By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) - About 361,00 children were seen in U.S. emergency departments between 1990 and 2010 for injuries sustained while riding in a stroller or carrier, according to a new study. "Its over 17,000 injuries per year, which is equivalent to about 50 children every day or two injuries every hour," said study author Kristin Roberts, of The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. Strollers and carriers can include a range of products from portable cribs on wheels to backpack-like devices. "I use them to transport my children for daily activities but we wanted to see what types of injuries are occurring," Roberts told Reuters Health. For the new study, the researchers used data on stroller- or carrier-related injuries among children 5 years old or younger recorded in the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System between 1990 and 2010. "Its injuries serious enough to require trips to the emergency department," Roberts said. The researchers found data on 360,937 children treated in U.S. emergency departments for stroller- or carrier-related injuries during that time period. While the average annual rate of injuries was high, the researchers note in Academic Pediatrics that injury rates did decline during the study period. For both stroller- and carrier-related emergency department visits, injuries were most likely to occur among male children under 1 year old. Heads and faces were the most likely places to be injured. About 40 percent of children in stroller accidents were diagnosed with soft-tissues injuries like bruising when they were brought to the emergency department, followed by traumatic brain injuries and concussions making up about a quarter of stroller injuries. In carriers, about 48 percent of children were diagnosed with soft-tissue injuries at the emergency department and 35 percent with traumatic brain injury or concussion. About 7 percent of children in carrier-related accidents were hospitalized, compared to about 2 percent of those in stroller accidents. "A majority of the hospital stays for both products were for traumatic brain injuries or concussions," Roberts said, adding that the results don't represent all children who may be injured by strollers or carriers. "We know this is actually an underestimate of stroller and carrier injuries, because its only the ones that warranted a trip to the emergency department," she said. Parents can take a few simple precautions to keep their children safe in strollers and carriers, Roberts said. They include making sure the child is buckled into the device and secure during each use. Also, parents should be aware of anything that might tip or topple over the device, such as putting it on an elevated surface or weighing it down with heavy objects like purses. "If parents can take a few extra steps to avoid injuries and falls, then parents can hopefully use these product more safely and reduce the likelihood that their children will be injured," said Roberts. SOURCE: Academic Pediatrics, online July 8, 2016. By India Today Web Desk: Ranbir Kapoor looks more sombre than he has ever looked recently, as he sits down to talk about Katrina Kaif, their alleged relationship and then their break up. In an interview with CNN News 18, the Barfi actor was most transparent he has ever been amidst all the speculation surrounding his relationship with Katrina Kaif. ALSO READ: It hurt, she was the most influential entity in my life, says Ranbir Kapoor on break-up with Katrina Kaif advertisement "I've not even said that I've broken up you know, don't feel the need to talk about it. My personal life is very dear to me and what my relationship with Katrina is, was and will always be very influential in my life. Whatever I shared with her, I hold it very dear to me, there is no sense of bitterness, no neagtivity." When asked if working with her post break-up was different, Ranbir denied it flat out saying, "Working with Katrina is fun, she's very passionate about her work. There's no awkwardness, and I hope we can keep working together even in the future." In the past, we have seen Ranbir and Deepika Padukone sail through a much in-the-public break-up. Both the actors are good friends now and have worked in two films post break-up too; Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and Tamasha, both of which saw the two cast as a pair. When Ranbir was asked if he could ever reach that level of comfort with Katrina Kaif too, the Tamasha star said, "We're actors, we can't bring our personal lives and emotions to the sets. Katrina, in fact, makes it easy. With her, it's not awkward or weird at all. Both of us believe in being professionals and bringing our A-game to the set. We share a great creative partnership." --- ENDS --- Tyco International plc TYC, a leading fire protection and security service company, recently inked a definitive deal worth ZAR 1.9 billion ($140 million) to sell its security business in South Africa to Fidelity Security Group. Fidelity Security Group is South Africa's largest integrated security solutions provider. The company offers a wide range of security services and related products. With approximately 47,000 employees and presence across 142 locations in South Africa, Fidelity provides its services to top listed and state owned companies along with multinational conglomerates. The South African security business of Tyco functions under the ADT brand. The deal is expected to be completed by first-quarter fiscal 2017. On completion of the sale, the company will focus on its core business which provides fire, security and life safety products in the region. TYCO INTL PLC Price TYCO INTL PLC Price | TYCO INTL PLC Quote Tyco is repositioning its portfolio to improve its top line and bottom line. The strategic divestment is an endeavor in this regard. This segment of the company is expected to generate revenue of approximately $160 million, for the fiscal year 2016. Deutsche Bank AG DB is the exclusive financial adviser, whereas Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP and Bowman Gilfillan are the legal advisors to Tyco on this agreement. Tyco is the largest fire protection and security company in the world, serving over three million customers. With an employee base of over 57,000, the company has branches in more than 900 locations, stretching across 50 countries in various end markets. Tyco currently has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). A couple of stocks that look promising in the same industry include Alarm.Com Holdings, Inc. ALRM and Ascent Capital Group, Inc. ASCMA , both carrying a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report DEUTSCHE BK AG (DB): Free Stock Analysis Report TYCO INTL PLC (TYC): Free Stock Analysis Report ASCENT CAP GRP (ASCMA): Free Stock Analysis Report ALARM.COM HLDGS (ALRM): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research The Department of Justice wants to end the federal governments reliance on private prisonswhich could mean a big change for thousands of federal prisoners currently doing time in private facilities. Private companies now run 14 federal prisons across the country that hold about 22,000 federal inmates. The DOJ plans to stop renewing some of those contracts, beginning the process of reducingand ultimately endingour use of privately operated prisons, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates said in a memo. The move follows a DOJ report released earlier this month finding that private prisons incurred more safety and security incidents per capita than those operated by the Bureau of Prisons. The DOJ directive will reduce the total private prison population to fewer than 14,200 inmates by May 2017, a 50% reduction since 2013. But where will all those prisoners go? The answer likely lies in the federal governments own existing prisons, which will have the space to absorb additional inmates because the nations prison population has declined over the past decade, experts say. The memo is premised on the belief that a decline in the number of federal prisoners will free up space for others, says Martin Horn, a corrections professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. The growth of private prisons mirrors the decades-long increase in inmates around the country. In 1980, there were roughly 300,000 state and federal prisoners nationwide, but by 2013 there were 1.5 million, leading to prison overcrowding and the outsourcing of inmates to privately held companies. Private prisons in 1980 held just 25,000 federal prisoners and hit a peak of almost 220,000 in 2013. But over the last several years the number of prisoners has ticked down as states have overhauled mandatory minimum sentencing laws, given judges more discretion in sentencing, especially in juvenile cases, and focused on programs to prevent recidivism. Story continues In 2014, the number of prisoners overall decreased nationwide by 1%, while the number of federal prisoners has declined by more than 20,000 to roughly 197,000. Federally run prisons are still 20% over-capacity, but it appears that officials believe that number will continue to go down, clearing space for new prisoners to move in. Read more: Privately Held Prisons Hold Inmates Longer, Study Finds The DOJ report harshly criticized conditions found at several private prisons that it studied, a reality that has been the subject of numerous stories by national publications and news outlets. One incident that appears to have spurred the DOJ to look into private prisons occurred in May 2012 when a correctional officer was killed during a riot at the Adams County Correctional Center in Natchez, Miss., a facility run by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). The inspector generals report used to buttress this decision has significant flaws, said Jonathan Burns, a CCA spokesperson, in an email. The findings simply dont match up to the numerous independent studies that show our facilities to be equal or better with regard to safety and quality, or the excellent feedback we get from our partners at all levels of government. Along with CCA, the other companies that run federal prisons in the U.S. are the Geo Group and Management and Training Corporation (MTC). While the DOJ memo is significant, it isnt binding for states, which currently have roughly 100,000 of the total 130,000 inmates who are living in privately run prisons, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. But opponents of privately prisons are hoping that states will take a second look at their contracts following the DOJs directive. I think it should and hopefully will provide an impetus for states to reduce their reliance on private prisons and ultimately ban them entirely, says David Shapiro, a Northwestern University law professor. I think it adds to a growing movement to reject for-profit incarceration. (UNITED NATIONS) The United Nations says it needs to do much more to address its own involvement in the introduction of cholera to Haiti and the suffering of those affected, estimated at more than 770,000 people. Researchers say there is ample evidence that cholera was introduced to Haitis biggest river in October 2010 by inadequately treated sewage from a U.N. peacekeeping base. The United Nations has never accepted responsibility, and has answered lawsuits on behalf of victims in U.S. courts by claiming diplomatic immunity. U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haqs statement referring to the U.N.s own involvement, which was sent to The Associated Press on Thursday, came a step closer to an admission of at least some responsibility and was welcomed by lawyers for the victims. This is a major victory for the thousands of Haitians who have been marching for justice, writing to the U.N. and bringing the U.N. to court, said Mario Joseph, a Haitian human rights attorney whose law firm is leading a high-profile claim on behalf of 5,000 cholera victims who blame the U.N. for introducing the disease. It is high time for the UN to make this right and prove to the world that human rights for all means for Haitians too, he said. Haq said in the statement that the United Nations has been considering a series of options, and a significantly new set of U.N. actions will be presented publicly within the next two months. It was first reported by the New York Times. Five U.N. human rights experts criticized the United Nations in a letter to top U.N. officials late last year for its effective denial of the fundamental right of the victims of cholera to justice. At least one lawsuit was dismissed because of the U.N.s diplomatic immunity claim. But a U.S. federal appeals panel in New York is weighing whether the lawsuit that Haitian lawyer Joseph is involved in can proceed, or if the United Nations is entitled to immunity. Story continues Haq reiterated Thursday that the U.N.s legal position in claiming diplomatic immunity has not changed. According to government figures, cholera has sickened more than 770,000 people, or about 7 percent of Haitis population, and killed more than 9,200. As of March, it was killing an average of 37 people a month. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere and only 24 percent of Haitians have access to a toilet. Sewage is rarely treated and safe water remains inaccessible to many. Researchers said cholera was first detected in the central Artibonite Valley and cited evidence that it was introduced to Haitis biggest river from a U.N. base where Nepalese troops were deployed as part of a peacekeeping operation which has been in the country since 2004. Cholera is endemic in Nepal. In December 2012, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced a $2.27 billion initiative to help eradicate cholera in Haiti and the neighboring Dominican Republic, which share the island of Hispaniola, but the ambitious 10-year plan is underfunded. According to a report last November, only $307 million has been received. Haq said the announcement of U.N. plans for new action to address cholera was made in response to a draft report by the U.N. special investigator on extreme poverty and human rights. Ahead of its release, likely in late September, he said we wanted to take this opportunity to welcome this vital report. Haq said its findings and recommendations will be a valuable contribution to the U.N. as we work towards a significantly new set of U.N. actions. Associated Press writer David McFadden in Port-au-Prince, Haiti contributed to this report. Medal count | Olympic schedule | Olympic news The United States womens 4100-meter relay team crossed the finish line last in its qualifying heat at the 2016 Olympics after the baton exchange between Allyson Felix and English Gardner was impeded by a runner in an adjacent lane. The U.S. filed a protest immediately after the race, and the protest was successful. The Americans will re-run the race at 6 p.m. ET. Felix was set to hand off to Gardner for the third leg of the relay when Felix appeared to make contact with Brazilian runner Kauiza Venancio in the lane to her right. Felix, slowed by the contact, grimaced, and lunged to get the baton to Gardner, but couldnt reach Gardners outstretched hand. Felix threw the baton out of desperation, and it tumbled to the track. After a moment of confusion, Felix went and picked up the baton, handed it to Gardner, and told Gardner to finish the race. She said afterward in an interview with NBCs Lewis Johnson that she did so because she knew that, If something is protestable, you have to finish. The U.S. team of Tianna Bartoletta, Felix, Gardner and Morolake Akinosun filed a protest within minutes. Felix said in the interview with NBC after the race that she did feel contact. The contact appeared to occur in the Americans lane. Only eight teams can advance to the final, so track and field officials were left with a difficult decision. In a similar situation in the mens 4400-meter relay in 2012, officials allowed nine teams to advance to the final due to a protest. A South African runner was tripped by a Kenyan runner during a semifinal heat. The Kenyan team did not qualify for the final, so its disqualification didnt matter. The South African team was given a ninth spot in the final. But the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Stadium track only has eight lanes. According to Olympic historian Bill Mallon, never before had a time trial been used in a similar situation for an Olympic relay. In the re-run, the U.S. team will have to beat 42.70 seconds, the time the eighth-place Chinese team ran in the heat. The U.S. is the defending gold medalist in the event, having won it over Jamaica in 2012 in London. Felix was the only member of that team who is also part of the 2016 team. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Thursday it released $400 million in cash to Iran under a tribunal settlement only once it was assured that American prisoners had been freed and had boarded a plane. "The payment of the $400 million was not done until after the prisoners were released," State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters. "We took advantage of that to make sure we had the maximum leverage possible to get our people out and get them out safely," Kirby added. It was the first time the administration has said publicly that it used the payment as leverage to ensure the prisoners were released by Iran. Three of the five prisoners, including Jason Rezaian, the Washington Posts's Tehran bureau chief; Saeed Abedini, a pastor from Idaho and Amir Hekmati, a former U.S. Marine from Flint, Michigan, as well as some family members, were part of a prisoner exchange that followed the lifting of most international sanctions against Iran following a nuclear deal in 2015. One more prisoner, Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari, chose to remain in Iran, while a fifth prisoner, American student Matthew Trevithick, was released separately. Both U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have denied that the payment was ransom for the release of the prisoners or tied to the Iran nuclear deal. The White House announced on Jan. 17 it was releasing $400 million in funds frozen since 1981, plus $1.3 billion in interest owed to Iran, as part of a settlement of a long-standing Iranian claim at the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal in The Hague. The funds were part of a trust fund Iran used before its 1979 Islamic Revolution to buy U.S. military equipment that was tied up for decades in litigation at the tribunal. The payment was made by the United States in cash due to international sanctions against Iran. The administration has maintained that negotiations over the funds and the prisoners were conducted on separate tracks and were in no way linked. Representative Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has asked Kerry to appear at a future committee hearing to discuss the payment. (Reporting by Lesley Wroughton; Editing by Jonathan Oatis) Aug 18 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has sued Harley-Davidson Inc for allegedly violating environmental laws, court filings showed on Thursday. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), accused the company of violating the Clean Air Act and on-highway motorcycle regulations. The lawsuit is related to 12,682 motorcycles that did not conform with EPA regulations governing engine emission standards, according to court filings. The civil lawsuit, filed in the federal court in Washington, D.C., seeks to impose fines for sale of non-compliant motorcycles. Harley-Davidson's shares were down 7.5 percent. (Reporting by Sweta Singh in Bengaluru; Editing by Saumyadeb Chakrabarty) The ride-sharing experience of the future is coming to Pittsburgh this month, when Uber will launch a fleet of autonomous carscustom Volvo XC90sthat come with a human being to supervise in the drivers seat. While many experts would say truly self-driving cars are years from hitting the road, Ubers CEO Travis Kalanick sees it differently. We are going commercial, he told Bloomberg Businessweek. This cant just be about science. Starting later this month, Uber will allow customers in downtown Pittsburgh to summon self-driving cars from their phones, leapfrogging over companies like Google and Tesla, who have also been working on autonomous vehicles. Once theyve requested a car, theyll be paired with a driverless vehicle at random, though the test cars will for now come with safety drivers. Related Stories from Consumer Reports Tesla Losing Key Autopilot Supplier Tesla's New Master Plan: Autonomy, Pickups, Buses & Car Sharing Will Self-Driving Cars Make Our Roads Safer? The State of the Self-Driving Car Guide to Self-Driving Cars Theyre trained engineers who sit with their hands on the wheel, prepared to take over if something unexpected happens. A copilot will assist from the passenger seat, taking notes, and everything is recorded by cameras inside and outside the vehicle. Theres also a tablet in the backseat telling passengers whats going on, and urging them to pretend the other humans arent there. The goal is to wean us off of having drivers in the car, so we dont want the public talking to our safety drivers, Raffi Krikorian, the companys engineering director, told Bloomberg. Trips will be totally free at first, instead of $1.30 per mile, the local rate for Uber in Pittsburgh. Eventually, prices will fall so much that the cost of a driverless ride will be a lot cheaper than one in a private car, Kalanick says. As for why the company picked Pittsburghits where Uber has been working with robotics experts at Carnegie Mellon University. Story continues Volvo will be providing about 100 cars for the fleet by the end of the year, though Uber will also be working with other carmakers as well. Ubers First Self-Driving Fleet Arrives in Pittsburgh This Month [Bloomberg Businessweek] More from Consumer Reports: Top pick tires for 2016 Best used cars for $25,000 and less 7 best mattresses for couples Consumer Reports has no relationship with any advertisers on this website. Copyright 2006-2016 Consumers Union of U.S. By India Today Web Desk: Just when you thought the ever-so-phenomenal Rihanna couldn't get any more perfect, she goes ahead and meets herself. Yes, it's exactly as it sounds. The pop goddess who is the epitome of perfection for multiple reasons, recently paid a visit to a massive statue of herself in Berlin, Germany. Also Read: Unlike you, Barack Obama knows all the lyrics to Rihanna's Work Work Work advertisement But this isn't one of your normal statues. This one in fact, is a gigantic and headless version of Rihanna. Created by Colombian artist Juan Sebastian Pelaez, the statue was created as a part of the ninth Berlin Biennalle for Contemporary Art. Also Read: The top 10 moments from Billboard Music Awards But it doesn't there. The Can't Remember to Forget You was a total goofball as she documented her tryst with the statue on her official Snapchat account and basically made us fall in love with her for the 908769373656th time. Titled Ewaipanoma (Rihanna)the art work can be seen at the Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art. Went to visit my boobs the biggest they'll ever be by #JuanSebastinPelez at the @BerlinBiennale Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art! Too wild. #Berlin ?? A photo posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Aug 17, 2016 at 10:08pm PDT --- ENDS --- * Underlying sales slump 7.5 pct * New CEO started in July * Turnaround will take time -Wal-Mart CEO * Eighth consecutive quarterly sales fall * Britain's most profitable supermarket (Adds detail, CEO, analyst comment) By James Davey LONDON, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Supermarket chain Asda warned on Thursday a recovery under its new boss would take time after Wal-Mart's British subsidiary suffered its worst drop in quarterly sales and lost customers to rivals. Sean Clarke, former boss of Wal-Mart's China business, took the helm at Asda last month after CEO Andy Clarke was fired. He has been tasked with defending a UK market share that has slipped nearly 1 percentage point over the last year to 15.5 percent. Asda needs to win back shoppers from German discounters Aldi and Lidl and from traditional rivals Tesco, Sainsbury's and Morrisons, who have all upped their games. Asda said sales at stores open more than a year, excluding fuel, tumbled 7.5 percent in its second quarter, which ended on June 30. The company's eighth consecutive quarterly fall comes a year after a 4.7 percent fall which its then-CEO deemed Asda's "nadir". The 7.5 percent like-for-like sales fall was made up of a 6 percent decline in customer numbers and a 1.5 percent fall in average spending. "The competitive environment and food deflation continued to challenge the market, significantly impacting traffic and comp sales. Our strategy to turn things around is focused on improving the retail basics," Wal-Mart CEO Doug McMillon said. "While our turnaround will take time, I'm confident in the new leadership team there and want to assure you we're addressing this with urgency," he said. NO 'RETAIL ARMAGEDDON' Shares in Asda's rivals were sent higher by its statement that maintained, rather than increased, a commitment to price cuts of 1.5 billion pounds ($1.97 billion) over five years which began in November 2013. Shares in Tesco were up 2 percent, Sainsbury's up 2.8 percent and Morrisons up 2.5 percent. Story continues "There has been much market speculation about what Asda may or may not do to solve its trading woes with some suggestions that a form of retail Armageddon was about to strike the UK," said Clive Black, analyst at Shore Capital. "Today, we believe that Wal-Mart dispels such a possible expectation, doing as we felt it would. That is outlining a rational plan within existing price parameters." Wal-Mart's McMillon said Asda would also improve product availability and reduce costs. CEO Clarke was optimistic. "There is no doubt in my mind that the culture that has always been at the heart of our success is still there," he said. "I feel positive about the future." While Asda has lagged peers in sales performance for two years, it has been Britain's most profitable supermarket. Asda said its gross profit was up in the second quarter but did not provide details nor any guidance for the full year. Wal-Mart raised its annual profit forecast on Thursday after beating quarterly earnings expectations. ($1 = 0.7616 pounds) (Reporting by James Davey; editing by Paul Sandle and Jason Neely) KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Thursday he did not rule out introducing martial law and a new wave of military mobilization if the conflict with pro-Russian separatists worsened. Poroshenko made his comments as fresh tension with Russia over Crimea reignited fears that a fragile ceasefire deal hammered out in the Belarussian capital Minsk in February 2015 could collapse following the deadliest month of fighting in a year. "If the situation escalates in the east and in Crimea we don't rule out the possibilities (that) we will be forced to introduce martial law and announce a (further) mobilization," Poroshenko said in a televised speech from the western Lviv region. Poroshenko did not make clear what introduction of martial law might mean, and whether he was talking about martial law in the whole country or only in some parts. Ukrainian law stipulates that martial law is passed through a presidential degree that needs to be approved by parliament. It could include restrictions of the movement of people, banning political parties and certain institutions and public gatherings. Since 2014, Ukraine's pro-Western leadership has announced several waves of mobilization, calling up Ukrainian men to join the military in its fight in the eastern Donbass region. Earlier on Thursday, the Ukrainian military reported that three servicemen had been killed and six wounded in fighting over the past 24 hours. Meanwhile separatist officials accused the Ukrainian military of firing at rebel-held territory, including with heavy weapons that were meant to be withdrawn from the front line according to the Minsk deal, the separatist news site DAN reported. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the 18-month-old ceasefire agreement, has reported a "high number" of violations in eastern regions this week. That includes artillery and gunfire and the movement of heavy weapons. (Reporting by Alessandra Prentice; editing by Matthias Williams and Richard Balmforth) Kiev (AFP) - Ukraine on Thursday reported the heaviest rebel shelling attack in the separatist east for a year in what the president said could be a prelude to a full-scale Russian invasion. Military spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said insurgent strikes had doubled from the previous day as tensions between Kiev and Moscow soar over Kremlin charges that Ukraine plotted to make armed incursions into Russian-annexed Crimea this month. "The rebels launched more than 500 mortar and over 300 artillery shells at our positions," Motuzyanyk told reporters in Kiev. "The last time we witnessed a similar intensity of fire using heavy armaments was a year ago." Motuzyanyk said three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and six wounded in clashes across the 30-kilometre-wide (19-mile-wide) buffer zone splitting government forces from the pro-Russian militias. Kiev and its Western allies accuse Moscow of trying to escalate a 28-month conflict in Ukraine's rust belt that has claimed more than 9,500 lives and began just weeks after Russia annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in March 2014. Petro Poroshenko responded to the reported violence by sending his top army commander into the war zone and warning that he "does not exclude a full-scale Russian invasion along all fronts". "The likelihood of the conflict's escalation remains very high," he said in televised remarks from the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. - Remembering a forgotten war - Poroshenko has issued similar warnings on previous occasions. But he added on Thursday that a further escalation may force him to introduce "martial law and a mobilisation" of reserve troops. The Crimea episode has thrust back into the spotlight a conflict that has effectively ground to a stalemate but remains one of Europe's bloodiest since the 1990s Balkans wars. French President Francois Hollande warned on Tuesday against any "escalation" of the conflict after telephone talks with Poroshenko and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Story continues EU president Donald Tusk on Wednesday said he and the Ukrainian leader both believed Russia's account of recent events in the battle-scarred east and Crimea was "unreliable". And Ukraine has even become an issue in the US presidential race, with Republican candidate Donald Trump's campaign chief embroiled in allegations of receiving secret payments from Kiev's Russian-backed leaders prior to the former Soviet republic's 2014 pro-EU revolt. Analysts remain divided about whether Ukraine is about to enter an even deadlier phase of the war or if Russian President Vladimir Putin is simply adopting a tough posture that could give him the upper hand in any final peace deal. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that Moscow remained committed to a stalled European-brokered truce deal that was signed in the Belarussian capital Minsk in 2015. But he also warned that Russia would take "comprehensive measures to make sure any attempts to make incursions into our territory are nipped in the bud". Kiev and the West accuse Russia of supporting the rebels and deploying troops across the border -- claims Moscow denies -- in order to keep at least a part of its western neighbour within its geopolitical orbit. Poroshenko attended a summit of NATO leaders in Warsaw last month in which the alliance agreed to bolster its eastern flank in order to calm fears of Russia in both Ukraine and among other east European states. Khartoum (AFP) - UN chief Ban Ki-moon has expressed disappointment over the failure of talks between the Sudanese government and rebels on a ceasefire in Darfur and two other conflict zones. The talks on a cessation of hostilities in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan were held in Addis Ababa last week after three prominent rebel groups signed a roadmap brokered by African Union mediators for ending the conflicts in the three areas. Their signing of the roadmap, which had already been signed by the Sudanese government, had raised hopes of a breakthrough after successive rounds of abortive talks. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced in the three regions as ethnic minority groups rebelled against President Omar al-Bashir's Arab-dominated government. The signing of the roadmap by two Darfur rebel groups -- the Justice and Equality Movement and the Sudan Liberation Army - Minni Minnawi faction -- and the main rebel group in the other two areas -- the Sudan People's Liberation Movement - North -- prompted the renewed ceasefire talks but they again broke down. "The secretary general is disappointed that the Sudanese parties failed to reach an agreement on a cessation of hostilities in Darfur and the two areas of Blue Nile and South Kordofan states," a UN statement released on Wednesday said. "He reiterates that there can be no lasting alternative to a negotiated settlement and stresses that a cessation of hostilities is the first, indispensable step towards achieving this goal." The African Union mediating panel criticised the Darfur rebels for the failure of the talks. "The panel believes that the parties have allowed a real and critical opportunity to slip out of their hands," it said in a statement. It blamed the JEM and SLA-Minnawi for the failure of the Darfur talks, saying the two groups had "reopened numerous issues that had previously been agreed and others which contradicted the roadmap agreement". Story continues The panel said that the talks on Blue Nile and South Kordofan had been derailed by disagreements over the handling of humanitarian aid. "The impasse ... has frozen the prospects for peace for the people of Darfur and the two areas," it said. The conflicts in the border states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile erupted when South Sudan broke away in 2011. The Darfur rebels took up arms in 2003, triggering a conflict in which at least 300,000 people have been killed and 2.5 million fled their homes, according to the UN. The war of words between Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and the United Nations escalated Thursday, with a UN envoy warning that "state actors" could be held responsible over hundreds of killings in a controversial anti-drug crackdown. More than 1,500 people have died in Duterte's fight against narcotics, police chief Director General Ronald de la Rosa told a Senate hearing, saying that 665 drug suspects were killed in "legitimate (police) operations" with another 889 were killed by vigilantes. "Claims to fight illicit drug trade do not absolve the government from its international legal obligations and do not shield state actors or others from responsibility for illegal killings," the UN Special Rapporteur on summary executions, Agnes Callamardv said in a statement. The warning came a day after President Rodrigo Duterte, who swept to a landslide election victory in May largely on a pledge to kill thousands of criminals, called the UN "stupid" and vowed to continue his anti-narcotics offensive despite mounting criticism, including from UN chief Ban Ki-moon. The UN statement, posted on the website of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said Duterte had repeatedly urged police and the public to kill drug suspects, while promising to protect police from prosecution. "Directives of this nature are irresponsible in the extreme and amount to incitement to violence and killing, a crime under international law," Callamard said. UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Dainius Puras, added that the fight against the illegal drugs trade must "respect the human rights of each person." On Wednesday, Duterte warned the United Nations not to meddle in the country's politics and told foreign human rights watchdogs not to "investigate us as though we are criminals". UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in June condemned Duterte's apparent support for extrajudicial killings, saying they were "illegal and a breach of fundamental rights and freedoms". Story continues The UN's anti-drugs office also this month said it was "greatly concerned" by the reports of extrajudicial killings. But Duterte's spokesman Martin Andanar said the public supported the crackdown. "President Duterte has time and again warned us during the (election) campaign that if you vote for me, this is going to be bloody," he said, adding that there is "no war without casualties". (Adds executive, analyst and investor comments, stock price, byline) By Jeffrey Dastin Aug 18 (Reuters) - United Continental Holdings Inc said on Thursday it appointed a new chief financial officer and chief commercial officer in the first major management shuffle since Oscar Munoz took the helm of the airline last September. United, the No. 3 U.S. airline by passenger traffic, named Andrew Levy its CFO, filling a job that has been vacant for more than a year. Levy had multiple roles including CFO at low-cost airline Allegiant Travel Co. United also said Julia Haywood, a former Boston Consulting Group partner, was named chief commercial officer (CCO). Chief Revenue Officer Jim Compton will retire at the end of 2016, the airline said. Haywood's role will be the same as Compton's despite the change in title. The moves are the latest attempt by United and its reshuffled board to shape a new strategy and boost its stock price. The airline has lagged larger rival Delta Air Lines Inc in on-time arrivals and profit margins. "The older blood, within the airline industry, was seen as potentially negative," said Craig Juran of Denver Investments, who manages a fund with a stake in United. Levy "fits the description where he's in the industry, but he's not 100 percent in the industry. He's a little bit different." PAR Capital Management Inc partner Edward Shapiro won a seat on United's board following the hedge fund's activist campaign last spring, and the fund was a major Allegiant shareholder during Levy's time. Allegiant's stock more than quadrupled by the time Levy departed in 2014 from its 2006 initial public offering price, which industry observers attributed to his efforts. "He is a colorful guy who doesn't shy from bluntly speaking his mind," Wolfe Research analyst Hunter Keay said in a note. "The question is, can he find a balance of challenging the status quo with fresh ideas while 'conforming' to a more structured corporate culture? Story continues "Given (United's) spotty track record over the last few years, it seems like it's worth the calculated risk." One industry consultant said it was unlikely that Levy would usher in blockbuster growth similar to Allegiant's. Levy "had a situation out there that had unrealistically and unmaintainable low costs," said consultant Robert Mann. "It won't be a story like that going forward." United's shares dropped nearly 2 percent to $47.24. In the last 12 months, shares are down 19 percent. The CCO is responsible for developing strategies for pricing, routes and product development that drive growth. Haywood recently worked on a revenue and network transformation project for United and has consulted for more than a dozen airlines. (Reporting by Jeffrey Dastin in New York; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe) United Insurance Holdings Corp.UIHC recently announced a merger agreement with RDX Holding LLC, the parent company of American Coastal Insurance Company (ACIC). The transaction will enable United Insurance emerge as a leader in the specialized personal lines and commercial lines underwriter space. The deal is valued at approximately $310.36 million. Pursuant to the agreement, shareholders of RDX Holding will own a 49% stake in United Insurance. The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2017. Rationale of the Merger American Coastal Insurance Company boasts a strong foothold in the Florida commercial residential market. Moreover, the company has recently inked an exclusive MGA agreement with AmRisc. The company also has a track record of strong bottom-line growth as well as of offering high returns on equity. These factors not only ensure solid near-term fundamentals for United Insurance, but also pave the way for a healthy performance over the long run. Notably, the company has been focused on establishing itself as a premierprovider of property insurance in regions prone to natural catastrophes. This transaction hence is a strategic fit for the insurer creating over $1 billion of premium in force. On the other hand, RDX Holding expects to utilize United Insurances expertise to strengthen its base among other specialty cat underwriters. The transaction is expected to be immediately accretive to both earnings per share and return on equity for United Insurance. Through the merger, the company projects realizing near-term cost savings through reinsurance synergies. The deal is also aimed to createa tax-free reorganization. Inorganic Growth Story In the past, United Insurance had adopted the inorganic strategy to improve its growth profile. In Apr 2016, the company acquired Interboro Insurance Company to foray into the markets of New York and South California. In 2014, it had taken over Hawaii-based Family Security Holdings LLC (FSH) in a bid to expand into Louisiana and Hawaii. Story continues Peers Following a Similar Strategy Acquisitions and mergers have always been considered an effective inorganic growth strategy. Recently, Assurant, Inc. AIZ acquired American Title, Inc. for a cash consideration of $45 million to strengthen its capabilities in the housing market. Arch Capital Group Ltd. ACGL has also agreed to acquire United Guaranty Corporation and AIG United Guaranty Insurance Limited from the parent company to expand its private mortgage insurance business. Meanwhile, American Financial Group Inc. AFG has inked an agreement to buy all shares of National Interstate that are not currently owned by AFGs wholly owned subsidiary, Great American Insurance Company. UTD INSURANCE Price UTD INSURANCE Price | UTD INSURANCE Quote Zacks Rank United Insurance currently carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report ASSURANT INC (AIZ): Free Stock Analysis Report ARCH CAP GP LTD (ACGL): Free Stock Analysis Report AMER FINL GROUP (AFG): Free Stock Analysis Report UTD INSURANCE (UIHC): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Vinesh had sustained a knee injury during her bout vs Sun Yanan of China in the quarter-finals of the Women's Freestyle 48kg category. By Indo-Asian News Service: Amid the celebrations over Sakshi Malik's bronze medal, the Indian contingent at the ongoing Rio Olympics received another piece of good news with doctors announcing that her fellow female wrestler Vinesh Phogat will recover from her injury within two weeks. (Rio Olympics 2016 full coverage) Vinesh had sustained what seemed to be a serious knee injury during her bout against Sun Yanan of China in the quarter-finals of the Women's Freestyle 48kg category at the Carioca Arena 2 here on Wednesday. (Rio 2016: Freak injury costs wrestler Vinesh Phogat quarter-final bout) advertisement "She has only a tendon tear, no fracture. The doctors said she would recover in a couple of weeks since there was no fracture," Indian chef de mission Rakesh Gupta announced. The Haryana grappler, one of India's best bets for a medal, had received a bye in the opening round. She then started her campaign on a rousing note with a dominant 11-0 thrashing of Alina Emilia of Romania in the pre-quarterfinals. (Also read: Wrestler Sakshi Malik gives India its first medal in Rio Olympics 2016) However, disaster struck during the quarter-finals as Vinesh twisted her leg badly while attempting a hold on her Chinese opponent. The 21-year-old, who was leading 1-0 at the time also lost her grip following the injury allowing Sun to score a couple of points and take the lead. The match was immediately stopped to allow medical attention to Vinesh. After the Indian physio declared that Vinesh will not be able to continue, Sun, who was leading 2-1, was declared the winner by injury. Vinesh, who got her injured knee wrapped, was taken off on a stretcher as the injury seemed to be a very serious one. --- ENDS --- Gawker Nick Denton at Ignition Univision, which bought Gawker Media for $135 million in a government-ordered auction, is shutting down, the company's flagship site, founder Nick Denton told staffers on Thursday. will shutter next week. Univision will still maintain Gawker's other properties, like Gizmodo, Lifehacker, Jezebel, Deadspin, and so on. "[] staffers will soon be assigned to other editorial roles, either at one of the other six sites or elsewhere within Univision," Gawker's J.K. Trotter wrote. began as a site mostly focused on New York media gossip, but it has evolved over the years and recently pivoted to politics around the upcoming election. It is also the site that has been the focal point of Gawker Media's recent legal troubles, particularly the $140 million verdict won by Hulk Hogan. After buying Gawker Media, it was initially unclear whether Univision would take over, but Gawker staffers were cautiously hopeful. "We've heard a lot about [Univision's news chief] Isaac Lee's commitment to fearless journalism. He has a reputation for a guy who very much buys into the idea of fearless journalism," Gawker staffer Hamilton Nolan told CNN. "I hope he demonstrates that by keeping open." The case Hogan, whose real name is Terry Bollea, was awarded $140 million in damages in March stemming from a Gawker news article published in 2012 that included a clip of him having sex. It was revealed in late May that billionaire Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel had secretly financed the lawsuit and others against Gawker Media to try to put the website out of business. "I saw Gawker pioneer a unique and incredibly damaging way of getting attention by bullying people even when there was no connection with the public interest," Thiel, who Gawker publicly outed as gay in 2007, told The New York Times. Gawker Media was handed a legal loss in May when a judge in Florida denied Gawker's motion for a new trial. That meant the damages would not be reduced. The judge also denied Gawker's request for a stay. This led to Gawker's decision to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Story continues NOW WATCH: Jon Stewart broke his silence to call out 'man-baby' Trump and the medias 'corrupt' investment in his rise More From Business Insider Washington (AFP) - The US Department of Justice on Thursday announced it was ending the use of private prisons to detain federal inmates, severing itself from a practice that had become increasingly controversial. The decision will affect only a small share of the detainee population within the United States, which represents one in four prisoners held around the world. In an internal memo released by the department, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates said her agency would begin the gradual process of reversing the privatization of some US prisons, a practice which had proved more problematic but no less costly than the use of government-managed correctional facilities. "They simply do not provide the same level of correctional services, programs and resources; they do not save substantially on costs," Yates wrote. Yates also cited a recent report by the department's internal watchdog, the Office of the Inspector General, which found that private prisons were more dangerous than those in public hands. - Rising scrutiny for private prisons - The decision will affect 13 privately run prisons housing just over 22,000 people, or about 11 percent of the federal prison population. Most are foreign nationals, mainly Mexicans incarcerated for immigration violations. The prisons are run by three companies: Corrections Corporation of America, GEO Goup and Management and Training Corporation. Shares in CCA and GEO Group nosedived on the news, both down nearly 39 percent by midafternoon. In the United States, the federal government detains a relatively small share of the overall prison population, currently about 1.6 million people, according to the Prison Population Initiative. Since peaking in 2013 at nearly 220,000 inmates, the federal prison population has declined in recent years to fewer than 194,000. The news was quickly hailed by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a former presidential candidate in 2016. "Due in large part to private prisons, incarceration has been a source of major profits to private corporations," Sanders said in a statement. Story continues "We have got to end the private prison racket in America as quickly as possible." However, Peter Wagner, executive director of the Prison Policy Initiative, said private prisons received outsized attention for their relatively small share of the prison population. "This is a small black eye to the private prison industry, which is a very small corner of the prison system in this country, which is overwhelmingly publicly run," Wagner told AFP. "The federal prison population is declining and they have concluded the obvious, which is that private prisons are not as good," he added. "They are going to have to close some prisons and they're choosing to close the ones that are not performing." The changes will not be immediate. According to Yates, the Bureau of Prisons will not renew existing contracts to the private operators as they expire, or reduce them in scope as allowed by law as the inmate population declines. The total population of federal inmates housed at privately run facilities will drop to 14,200 by May of next year, Yates said. Calls for criminal justice reform have gained favor in recent years among both Democrat and Republican lawmakers. The Justice Department's decision comes as the private prison industry has fallen under increasingly critical scrutiny. The magazine Mother Jones in June published the results of an undercover investigation during which a reporter worked at a CCA-run prison in Louisiana. The report exposed widespread violence among inmates and poor medical and mental care, among other conditions. In its most recent two seasons, the popular Netflix drama "Orange is the New Black," which dramatizes the lives of female federal inmates, painted a harsh portrait of a fictional private company that seeks to maximize profits at the expense of prisoners' human rights. Rio de Janeiro (AFP) - Beach volleyball legend Kerri Walsh Jennings said she had "no idea" whether she'd be back for a fifth Olympics after bouncing back from her first ever defeat to win bronze in Rio on Thursday. The 38-year-old won three consecutive Olympic titles with the now retired Misty May-Treanor before suffering a shock loss in the Rio semi-finals with new partner April Ross. Speaking after their 17-21, 21-17, 15-9 third-place play-off win over Brazil's Talita Rocha and Larissa Franca at Copacabana beach, Walsh Jennings deflected talk about retirement. "I've no idea, I don't know. But I'm very happy tonight," she said, when asked whether fans would see her at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. "You're going to see me with my kids very soon." Walsh Jennings added that she was so stunned by Wednesday's defeat that she barely slept, before finally snapping out of it and being able to focus on the play-off. "Devastated pretty much captures how I felt last night. We came here to be at our best and I was so sub-par," she said. "I talked to myself all night long, I didn't sleep and at some point I said, 'You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have no one else to blame. This is an honour to have one more day to fight for what you want'." The Americans had to scrap to rescue a match which was slipping away from them until they rallied with a determined fightback in the second set. Walsh Jennings came out fired up as she belted a series of spikes, but errors crept in as the Brazilians put the Americans under pressure with their greater variety. Rocha scored point after point with her soft shots at the net and she clinched the first set 21-17 with a trademark touch into space near the right boundary line. Walsh Jennings and Ross collided and both hit the deck as they slipped 8-11 behind in the second set, before they roared back to take it 21-17 and force the decider. And after a tight start, they took control of the final set and clinched it 15-9 when Walsh Jennings blocked Rocha's spike. Washington (AFP) - The United States Thursday expressed shock at a photo circulating worldwide on social media that shows a dazed Syrian boy covered in blood and dust, calling him "the real face" of the country's war. "That little boy has never had a day in his life where there hasn't been war, death, destruction, poverty in his own country," State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters during his daily press briefing. Departing from his usual diplomatic talking points, Kirby asked the reporters how many among them had seen photos of the child. The shocked boy, a four-year-old named Omran, is pictured sitting in an ambulance covered in blood and dust after an air strike Wednesday in the rebel-held district of Qaterji in the southeast of Aleppo, which has been devastated by the five-year war. "You don't have to be a dad, but I am. You can't but help look at that and see that that's the real face of what's going on in Syria," Kirby said. Since the image's release, the photo has reverberated around the globe, much like that of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi, whose body washed ashore on a Turkish beach last year. Kirby, whose boss John Kerry has for months attempted to forge a pathway with Russia to end the war, said Thursday that "we all have to pull together to try to reach a better outcome." Kerry "continues to urge Russia to work with him on a set of proposals that we agreed to in Moscow and teams are still trying to work out, try to get the cessation of hostilities to be more enforceable across the wide expanse of Syria in an enduring way," Kirby said. In July, Washington and Moscow reached an agreement to cooperate more closely in an attempt to salvage a failing truce and focus on battling the Islamic State jihadists. The American roadmap to end the war includes a national ceasefire, opening up of humanitarian aid, and the resumption of political negotiations between the Syrian regime and opposition in Geneva. Under a cessation of hostilities, Kirby said, people would hopefully be spared "any more images like the one of that young boy today in Aleppo." Washington (AFP) - The United States acknowledged that it waited for Iran to release American prisoners before delivering $400 million in cash that it owed the country, but again insisted the payment was not ransom. Republicans including Donald Trump pounced on Thursday's admission as proof that President Barack Obama's government had misled the American people. "With concerns that Iran may renege on the prisoner release... we of course sought to retain maximum leverage until after American citizens were released," State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters. "That was our top priority," he said. In January, five American prisoners were released as Washington granted clemency to seven Iranians and withdrew arrest warrants for 14 others. Immediately thereafter, the United States helped airlift $400 million worth of Swiss francs and euros to Iran. The US government insists that money was meant to settle an old debt stemming from a military purchase by Iran. The money was delivered on January 17, just one day after a landmark nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers took effect. "We were able to conclude multiple strands of diplomacy within a 24 hour period, including implementation of the nuclear deal, the prisoner talks and a settlement of an outstanding Hague tribunal claim," Kirby said, referring to the money claimed by Iran. "It's already publicly known that we returned to Iran its $400 million in that same time period as part of the Hague settlement agreement," he said. In early August, the State Department had said the prisoner release and delivery of money were completely separate, although Kirby acknowledged Thursday that the two were in fact related. "I'm saying that the events came together simultaneously... it would have been foolish, imprudent, irresponsible for us not to try to maintain maximum leverage," Kirby said. The ordeal has set off a tidal wave of condemnation from Republicans, who have questioned the timing of the two events and said the government paid ransom for the prisoner release. Story continues Republican presidential Trump was quick to attack. "Speaking of lies, we now know from the State Department announcement that President Obama lied about the $400 million dollars in cash that was flown to Iran," he told a rally in Thursday in North Carolina. "He denied it was for the hostages, but it was. He said we don't pay ransom, but he did. He lied about the hostages openly and blatantly," Trump said. Trump's opponent in the race for the White House, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, was no longer serving as the nation's top diplomat when the accord came into effect. Still, Trump senior communications advisor Jason Miller said that "by helping put together a deal that ultimately sent $400M to Iran that was likely used to fund terrorism, Clinton has proven herself unfit to be president of the United States." House speaker Paul Ryan said Obama had set a dangerous precedent. "Today the State Department admitted what we've long suspected -- that the president and his administration have been misleading us since January about whether he ransomed the freedom of the Americans unjust imprisoned in Iran," America's top elected Republican said. "The president owes the American people a full accounting of his actions and the dangerous precedent he has set," Ryan added. Neither Usain Bolt nor Canada's Andre De Grasse was sweating the competition in the pair's 200 meters semifinal at the Rio Olympics on Wednesday night. Bolt, as he is wont to do, steadily built a big lead during the race, with De Grasse hanging around in second in the lane next to him. Bolt then, as he is also wont to do, slowed down, seemingly taunting opponents while keeping some gas left in the tank. That's when De Grasse surged, pushing Bolt for first, though Bolt ultimately won by a hair. With the two top sprinters qualifying for the finals, Bolt and De Grasse were so comfortable that they made eyes at each other and laughed their way across the finish line: bolt de grasse 1 They laughed as they crossed the finish line, too. Note how far they are ahead of the other runners: bolt de grasse 2 And Bolt had to lecture De Grasse for trying to sneak up on him and take first place: bolt de grasse We'll see if things are so friendly in Thursday night's 200m final. So far Bolt hasn't given much reason to doubt that he wouldn't beat De Grasse if he runs hard the entire race. NOW WATCH: Here are all the animals Usain Bolt can outrun More From Business Insider From Woman's Day Toronto parents are appalled and frightened for their kids' safety after reports that vandals have been smearing peanut butter on playground equipment across the city, potentially targeting children with peanut allergies. According to theToronto Star, mom Sarah Bolton recently spotted the common allergen at the playground in Dufferin Grove Park, which she was visiting with her two-year-old son Lewis. "It's just a really scary situation. It was would have to take a sociopath to do something like this," she told the news outlet. She estimates there was enough peanut butter to fill three jars spread over the swings, slides, and handrails. She quickly took to Facebook to warn other parents, and the disturbing news went viral. For children with an allergy to peanut butter, any contact with it is extremely dangerous. "Given that even a small amount of peanut butter, if ingested, could cause a serious allergic reaction and be potentially life-threatening, it is an upsetting situation for everyone," said Food Allergy Canada in statement. Even more upsetting, this incident has reportedly happened before. Matthew Cutler, a spokesperson for Toronto's Parks, Forestry and Recreation department, told CTV News that peanut butter sightings have been reported in Carleton Park, Perth Square, and Hillcrest Park. But Matthew says staffers never actually found any peanut butter when they arrived at those park locations. But in the case of Dufferin Park, staff did find the peanut butter-and quickly cleaned it up. Despite the multiple sightings and viral warnings, no official reports have been made to authorities. "As soon as someone calls the police, an investigation will begin," a police spokesperson told the media. (h/t Daily Mail) Download the free Woman's Day Now app to stay up-to-date on the best healthy recipes, relationship advice, craft ideas, and more. They finally did it! Vanderpump Rules stars Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz tied the knot on Wednesday, August 17, in Northern California. PHOTOS: Celebrity Engagement Rings of 2016 Im so happy to have married my best friend and love that I finally get to call Tom my husband, Maloney told E! News. Celebrating with our closest friends and family has been nothing short of an amazing experience. The groom told E! that that the couples wedding theme was woodsy elegance. We wanted to be secluded and in the woods, and we are just that, he said. PHOTOS: Most Over-the-Top Celebrity Weddings The longtime couple got engaged on July 7 last year after some not-so-subtle hints (and even an ultimatum) from the 30-year-old beauty blogger, who founded Pucker & Pout, about wanting to get married after years together. After some missteps (remember when he gave her the ring on a necklace?), Schwartz surprised his love by popping the question with a champagne diamond ring during dinner with a group of friends. Their engagement, like much of the relationship, was documented on the hit Bravo show. In November, the waitress who also works at Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Vanderpumps Beverly Hills eatery Sur told Us Weekly exclusively that she was looking for a vintage vibe lace and nothing poofy for her wedding gown. I will stick to the ivory and white family of colors, for sure. PHOTOS: Stars Who Got Their Start on Reality TV Bravo renewed the RHOBH spinoff for a fifth season in April, and if Vanderpump star Scheana Marie Shays 2014 nuptials are any indication, fans of the reality show will get to see Maloney walk down the aisle when the show returns later this year. Related Content: A new research has revealed that being in a bad relationships affects your sleep in ways more than one. By Indo-Asian News Service: How well you think your partner understands and cares for you is linked to how well you sleep, new research suggests. "Our findings show that individuals with responsive partners experience lower anxiety and arousal, which in turn improves their sleep quality," said lead author Emre Selcuk from Middle East Technical University in Turkey. One of the most important functions of sleep is to protect us against deteriorations in physical health. However, this protective function of sleep can only be realised when we have high quality uninterrupted sleep, known as restorative sleep. advertisement Restorative sleep requires feelings of safety, security, protection and absence of threats. For humans, the strongest source of feelings of safety and security is responsive social partners--whether parents in childhood or romantic partners in adulthood. "Having responsive partners who would be available to protect and comfort us should things go wrong is the most effective way for us humans to reduce anxiety, tension, and arousal," Selcuk said. Using data from the Midlife Development in the US project, past projects from the researchers showed connections between partner responsiveness, physical health and psychological well-being over several years. "Taken together, the corpus of evidence we obtained in recent years suggests that our best bet for a happier, healthier, and a longer life is having a responsive partner," Selcuk noted. The results were published in the journal Social Personality and Psychological Science. --- ENDS --- Sydney (AFP) - Vietnam will allow an Australian war commemoration to go ahead on the site of the Battle of Long Tan on Thursday's 50th anniversary, reversing an earlier ban, a minister said. Canberra announced Wednesday that Vietnam had cancelled the ceremonies at the last minute describing the surprise move as "a kick in the guts". More than 1,000 veterans and their families have travelled to Vietnam to remember the most costly single battle fought by Australian soldiers in the Vietnam War, 18 of whom died as a result of the encounter. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull appealed to his Vietnamese counterpart late Wednesday to understand Australia's position, Veterans Affairs Minister Dan Tehan told Sky News. "That message has thankfully hit a chord. "We will now... be able to conduct a wreath-laying ceremony today in Vietnam and also there will be access given to the Long Tan site to groups of up to 100 at a time," Tehan said. "This is a welcome change of heart from the Vietnamese government." The Australian and New Zealand ambassadors will lay wreaths along with a representative of the veterans affairs department. Tehan stressed that Australia was very aware of Vietnamese feelings about the war. "There was huge loss of life on the Vietnamese side as a result of the Vietnam war, we have always remained sensitive to that." A force of just 108 Australian soldiers held off an assault by around 2,000 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese fighters at Long Tan on August 18, 1966. Seventeen Australians were killed in action and 25 wounded, one of whom later died from his injuries while at least 250 Vietnamese fighters perished. With commemorations marking Long Tan under way in Australia, Tehan said Canberra had gone out of its way to ensure the Vietnam event was low-key. It appeared the decision to halt the ceremony was based simply on the sensitivities relating to Long Tan, and did not relate to any other aspect of Australia's relationship with Hanoi, Tehan said. Vietnamese authorities in both Hanoi and southern Ba Ria Vung Tau province, where the battle took place, did not respond to requests for comment on Wednesday. By Liz Hampton HOUSTON, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Swiss commodity trader Vitol SA criticized Exxon Mobil Corp this week for failing to be transparent about maintenance at its Los Angeles refinery following a February 2015 blast, which contributed to tighter gasoline supplies and higher prices. Speaking before a committee of the California Energy Commission on Tuesday, Brad Lucas, a West Coast trader for Vitol, said that lack of information from Exxon made it difficult to time cargo deliveries into the West Coast market. The explosion at Exxon Mobil's 149,500 barrel-per-day Torrance refinery, which provides about 10 percent of California's gasoline supply, knocked a gasoline-producing unit offline for more than a year. The higher prices created an incentive for traders to import fuel into California, but only if they could gauge when prices might fall after a refinery restart. Lucas said at the meeting that Exxon kept promising that the Torrance refinery would come back online "next month," but that it never seemed to happen. "In my opinion, there was a lack of transparency with what was going on with Torrance," he said. "Basically, the lack of transparency kept cargoes at bay." The meeting by the Commission's Petroleum Market Advisory Committee was to discuss gasoline price volatility and policy alternatives to mitigate price spikes. Exxon in an emailed statement on Thursday rejected Vitol's claims, saying it operated responsibly and in strict compliance with all laws. PBF Energy acquired the Torrance facility from Exxon on July 1. Vitol's comments came after California Attorney General Kamala Harris issued subpoenas to refiners in the state in May as part of a probe into whether they manipulated gasoline prices since 2014. California's gasoline prices are among the highest in the continental United States, in part due to special blending requirements mandated by the state, and because it imports much of the crude oil it refines. In July 2015, refinery outages and tightened supplies pushed Los Angeles wholesale CARBOB gasoline prices to record levels of more than a $1.30 a gallon premium to the U.S. RBOB futures contract. Kinder Morgan, which operates pipelines and terminals, also spoke at the hearing. (Editing by Terry Wade and Matthew Lewis) If you want to know more about your relationship, just look at how youre sleeping If you want to know more about your relationship, just look at how youre sleeping If theres one thing every single one of us can agree on, its that sleep is pretty much sacred. Not only is sleep necessary to stay alive, getting enough sleep is imperative for you to have a healthy body and mind. When youre not getting enough sleep, or your sleep isnt restful, this can lead to a lot of negative side effects. Of course, various aspects of your life can cause you to sleep poorly: stress, illness, changing schedules, and mental health can all come into play. Plus, according to a new study released in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal, if your partner is keeping you up at night, this could be a sign of a problem within your relationship. Mind you, if your partner is keeping you up by snoring or moving while asleep, that isnt cause for concern. In fact, these findings dont have anything to do with your partners body at all. As far as lead researcher Dr. Emre Selcuk (a developmental and social psychologist at Middle East Technical University in Turkey) is concerned, these results suggest implications that go beyond your partner snoring too loudly or hogging the covers. giphy (16) As Dr. Selcuk explains, Having responsive partners who would be available to protect and comfort us should things go wrong is the most effective way for us humans to reduce anxiety, tension, and arousal. Unsurprisingly, feeling safe and secure leads people to a better, deeper sleep. As Dr. Seluck continues, Our findings show that individuals with responsive partners experience lower anxiety and arousal, which in turn improves their sleep quality. So a dreamy relationship will essentially lead to even sweeter dreams. giphy (17) And this study is no joke, either. The research team surveyed 698 married or cohabiting adults between the ages of 35 and 86, suggesting that they got a diverse sample size for their results. All participants filled out surveys about their partners responsiveness, symptoms of depression and anxiety, and sleep problems. Taking the study a step further, researchers then had 219 participants participate in a week-long sleep study where researchers could monitor how restful their sleep was. Pretty intense, right? If you sit back and realize you havent been sleeping all that well lately, and none of the usual suspects seem present, it might be time to have a little conversation with your partner to see if something deeper is on your mind. The post If you want to know more about your relationship, just look at how youre sleeping appeared first on HelloGiggles. Some stories are best suited for prose. Others seem to demand the Hollywood treatment. When director Todd Phillips read Guy Lawsons 2011 Rolling Stone article The Stoner Arms Dealers, about a pair of young Miami dudes who got in way over their heads as, well, arms dealers, he knew it was meant to be a movie. Even Lawson appears to have considered the storys big-screen potential, intermittently describing his characters as though they were the star[s] of a Hollywood blockbuster. Five years later, that blockbuster is War Dogs (Aug. 19) and its stars are Jonah Hill and Miles Teller, who play Efraim Diveroli and David Packouz, respectively, childhood friends who exploited a government procurement opportunity to land a $300 million contract to supply the Afghan army in 2007. It was the kind of business that would normally go to a heavy hitter like Raytheon. Diveroli and Packouz, meanwhile, were half-baked and flying by the seats of their pants. Phillips is best known as the director comedies like The Hangover and Old Schoolbromances, if you will (though Phillips wonthes not a fan of the term) about grown men getting tangled in untenable circumstances and then attempting to riddle their way out, often ungracefully. What drew him to this story, though, wasnt the male bonding part, but the untenable circumstances part. I like situations in which characters, whether theyre male or female, make bad decisions and get themselves in over their heads, he says. Im just sort of attracted to chaos. And Diveroli and Packouzs story is nothing if not chaotic. The real-life friends met, wholesomely enough, at their orthodox synagogue in Miami. They struck up a friendship that was interrupted when Diveroli was kicked out of high school in the ninth grade and went to work in Los Angeles in the family businessarms dealing. When he returned to Miami years later, he reconnected with Packouz, who was hitting a ceiling on his entrepreneurial efforts selling bedsheets to nursing homes while working as a massage therapist. When Diveroli offered Packouz the chance join his growing venture and make millions, Packouz eagerly accepted. They embraced the derogatory term applied to hustlers like them: war dogs. As AEY Inc., they took advantage of a government requirement that a certain percentage of contracts be awarded to small businesses, working their way up from helmets to AK-47s. What ensued was a web of shady contracting, cocaine-fueled crises and international diplomacy best left for the movie (or, if you want the whole story, Lawsons 2015 book Arms and the Dudes). Though much of what they did was legal, some wasnt (forging company information in order to make bids more attractive, for example, or procuring illegal ammunition), and the whole affair would ultimately come crashing down. Phillips and co-writers Stephen Chin and Jason Smilovic changed many of the details: Audis were swapped for Porsches, the nationality of the shady arms dealer played by producer Bradley Cooper was switched from Swiss to American. Phillips subscribes to the adage never let the facts get in the way of the truth, and he appreciated the freedom afforded by his subjects relative anonymity. As he explained, Were not making Lincolnwere making a movie about two stoners from Miami. In casting Hill and Teller, Phillips sought a balance between what Teller calls that guy who can come into any room and take over and the one who is very much not that guy, but respects that guy. As Efraim, Hill is as crude as they come. Hes a chameleon, assuming false identities to ingratiate himself with whoevers on the other end of the phone. In one scene hes a devout Christian, and in the next hes waxing philosophical on last weeks Torah portion. His expressions of joy, punctuated with a high-pitched cackle, arrive whenever money is on the table, and his opposition to the war is trumped by the opportunities it presents to line his pockets. Still, hes magnetic in his crassness. If you meet him in real life, hes a great guy but hes not necessarily electric, says Phillips. But when hes onscreen in movies, he vibrates. That was why I wanted him so badly. I wanted this guy to be one of those guys that you fall in love with in the beginning, and by the end youre supposed to hate him, but you kind of walk out and go, Hes kind of cool, still. With Hill playing an untouchable spectacle, it falls on Teller to be a way in for the audience, a challenge he welcomed coming off of playing the flamboyant boxer Vinny Pazienza for the forthcoming drama Bleed For This. I enjoyed playing the guy with the redeeming qualities, he says. Its nice to actually play a guy that you like. Teller spent time with the real-life Packouz on setpay close attention and youll catch his cameo playing Blue Oyster Cults (Dont Fear) The Reaper at a nursing homebut by that point he had largely completed his preparations for the character. (Diveroli, who was released from prison last year, did not participate in the film). Anytime you can meet the person youre playing its always interesting, says Teller, though hes wary of peoples tendency to edit their own stories to their benefit. Its not a documentary, so I didnt feel the need to imitate him. Though Phillips was drawn to the storys human tale, its inextricably entwined with its political context, and he hopes viewers dont confuse the storys victims for its villainsor feel the need to draw such simple conclusions at all. I think if you watch this movie through the correct lens, you dont see it as these guys are horrible, he explains. You see it as an indictment on the governmentthe lack of checks and balances that exist at the Pentagon. The government was fully aware that you couldnt source a hundred million rounds of ammo after two Iraq warstheres literally a drought of ammobut the government didnt give a st where it came from. It was for the Afghans. It wasnt for our soldiers. Or, as Teller puts it, They dont make the statutesthey just figure out what they can do to make some money. They dont call them war dogs for nothing. US-led coalition airstrikes in Iraq and Syria continued throughout July as a part of Operation Inherent Resolve, with bombing runs taking place in northern Syria in the run up to the liberation of Manjib by Arab and Kurdish forces. The GIF below shows a July 21 airstrike on an ISIS fighting position near Manjib. via GIPHY Anti-ISIS forces liberated Manjib in mid-August, after a protracted fight in and around the town. According to an August report verified by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, ISIS had kidnapped fleeing residents of the town, using them as human shields as the terrorist group retreated from Manjib to Jarabulus in an effort to slow the advance of SDF soldiers. After Manjib's liberation, Syrians gathered in the streets to celebrate ISIS' retreat. Syria Manjib ISIS liberation See the full video of the airstrike below: NOW WATCH: The US Army is sending Apache attack helicopters to fight ISIS in Iraq More From Business Insider Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sites/ on line 494 cow la nina CEOs, investors, and economists love to blame the weather. Here's a short sample of excuses from the past several quarters alone: Bank of America Merrill Lynch said the warmer-than-average October last year probably negatively affected the month's retail sales. (October 2015) Macy's CFO attributed weak interest in the company's fall apparel to warm weather. (November 2015) Dick's Sporting Goods CEO said slowing sales could be attributed to "funky weather." (November 2015) High Street retailer NEXT said "unusually warm weather in November and December" led to a "disappointing" holiday season. (January 2016) The basic thinking here is that unseasonably warm or cold weather alters the way Americans shop. This makes sense, to a certain extent: If it's 80 degrees outside, you might not exactly be in the market for a parka. But the cynical read here is that companies and economists use "the weather" as an excuse for other, real problems with their business and/or the economy. Perhaps our hypothetical American shopper didn't buy a certain winter coat at a given department store because the person bought it on Amazon or because the department store looked chaotic or because wage growth has remained low since the Great Recession not because of the weather. F0r what it's worth, back in January, Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Michelle Meyer, said her team found "little evidence of a weather effect on total sales." She plotted the deviation for total retail sales excluding cars for the month of December over the past 25 years against the same measure for temperatures over that same time period and found no correlation. screen shot 2016 01 12 at 10.59.52 am But even though everyone blames the weather in what feels like every earnings call, folks fall silent when it comes to effects from the weather that could actually change things up, such as La Nina and El Nino. Story continues "La Nina episodes can have an outsized economic and financial impact ... Yet surprisingly little about evolving weather developments finds its way into the business or popular media until after the fact," a Deutsche Bank team led by strategist John Tierney observed in a note. "And historical evidence suggests that investors can be slow to price in weather patterns until things are fairly far along. A key reason is that most people simply do not understand the underlying weather drivers." For those unfamiliar, La Nina is characterized by powerful monsoons that could flood low-lying areas, while El Nino comes with unusually dry weather. And the National Oceanic Administration Agency confirmed that La Nina was on its way this year. Here's Deutsche Bank again: "Given the many far-reaching implications, investors should pay closer attention to the potential flipping of the weather conditions from El Nino to La Nina in the near future. A moderate La Nina will benefit Southeast Asia and Australia by bringing an end to the prevailing drought conditions and improve the production of agricultural commodities such as rich and palm oil. In contrast, a very powerful La Nina event would cause widespread destructive flooding, offsetting the benefits of more rain in the region." As Business Insider's Akin Oyedele noted earlier, one area of particular interest to Deutsche Bank time around is Asian currency markets. honda thailand Though these weather events hit the equatorial Pacific particularly hard, they could also have ramifications on other economies, including the US's, given increased global integration. Back in 2011, for example, heavy rains and flooding forced many factories in Thailand a major hub for hard disk drives to close down. That led the worldwide production of hard drives to drop by 28% and the production of notebooks, digital video recorders, and other devices to stall. Intel's profits fell by $1 billion in Q4 2011, according to data cited by Citi Research in 2014. And the total estimated losses attributed to the floods were $45.7 billion, according to Citi. That seems like a more appropriate time to blame the weather. NOW WATCH: EX-UNDERCOVER DEA AGENT: What I did when drug dealers asked me to try the product More From Business Insider By India Today Web Desk: Television star Roshni Chopra welcomed her new baby in the world recently. The actress was treated to a grand bash by her family when she finally returned home with her precious bundle of joy. Roshni's sister Diya was quoted telling The Times of India, "We were all happy that she delivered on a Sunday. The wee hours of August 14 had us all rushing to the hospital and everything went off really well." advertisement Also read:Soon-to-be-mother Roshni Chopra's baby shower pictures are adorable Roshni's baby boy has been named Reyaan. The Kasamh Se fame actress also has a three-year-old son, Jaiveer. The actress had posted this picture of herself on Instagram a while ago. Picture courtesy: Instagram/roshnichopra The actress' friends and family also threw her a baby shower recently. Preeti Simoes, the creative director of the comedy reality show, The Kapil Sharma Show, was just one of the attendees at the function. . We wonder if anyone else from the Indian television industry was also invited to the more recent party that Roshni's family have organised for her. Anyway, many congratulations, Roshni! --- ENDS --- BERLIN (Reuters) - The governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Britain and the United States welcomed the appointment in Libya of an interim panel to run the country's sovereign wealth fund, Germany's foreign ministry said on Thursday. "The governments (of those countries) call on all Libyans to support the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) in preserving and protecting the independence and integrity of the Libyan Financial Institutions for the benefit of all Libyans," the ministry said in a statement. Libya's U.N.-backed government said on Monday it was appointing a five-member caretaker committee to run the $67 billion sovereign wealth fund. [nL8N1AW4C9] (Writing by Madeline Chambers, Editing by Andrea Shalal) Last Thursday, the Movement for Black Lives got together for an emergency conference call. One week after the drafting committee released its political platforma long document that covers everything from U.S. policing to education reform to mass incarcerationthe activists felt they needed another deep internal discussion, as they called it, on one small section toward the end: their statement on Israel and Palestine. Of all the positions included in the platform, this is the one that has generated the most backlash. The conflict is largely one of language: Jewish groups have been most upset about its use of the words genocide and apartheid to describe Israels actions against the Palestinians, describing the terms as offensive and odious. Some progressive, social-justice-oriented organizations have condemned the statements in part; others have condemned the movement in full. Church groups have repudiated it. Jews of color have struggled with it. In the wake of what should have been a powerful moment, black activists have found themselves at odds with the one group that may have been most ready to support them as allies. But this is also a conflict of history. Jews and blacks in America have long danced around one another, at times feeling solidarity and at others, opposition. Both groups have developed a self-understanding rooted in a history of oppression and struggle, often in solidarity with others in need. Their clash on Israel may be a testament to how much U.S. views have changed on this issue, or how much Israels self-vision has changed since 1948. But its also a sign of how thoroughly elements of these groups have become alienated from one anotherhoping for justice, but hearing different things when they try to speak its language. Its not clear what the Movement for Black Lives will do about the backlash against this part of its platform, if anything. An informal spokesperson for the drafting committee, Zakiya Scott, declined interviews, saying, Folks have been getting a lot of criticism for the divest / invest piece of the platform. Before we say anything as a group, it has to be agreed upon by the members of the leadership team and the endorsing organizations. Recommended: The Era of 'The Bitch' Is Coming On every side, the clash over language and history in the Movement for Black Lives platform is a story of loss. Relationships have been damaged, and political momentum lost. And the hope of liberation, cherished by black and Jewish Americans alike, has been cut with resentment. * * * The word genocide was coined to describe the Holocaust. Six million Jews were systematically eliminated from the earth on the basis of blood and faith. Subsequently, a nation was formed where those who survived could goincluding those fleeing the homes they tried to return to, only to be met with rejection and renewed violence. The dream of the state of Israelof freedom, radical equality, and survivalantedated the Holocaust, but in its wake, it assumed new urgency. Yet, that was not the genocide the Movement for Black Lives elected to highlight. The U.S. justifies and advances the global war on terror via its alliance with Israel and is complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people, the activists wrote in the platform. They go on to call Israel an apartheid state, condemning Israeli settlements and the apartheid wallpresumably the security barrier that roughly follows the countrys border with the West Bank. These two wordsgenocide and apartheidhave been the focus of the outcry in Jewish communities. We were stunned and outraged by the erroneous and egregious claims of genocide and apartheid, the Rabbinical Assembly of the Conservative movement said. Truah, a progressive organization that describes itself as the rabbinic call for justice, said it was extremely dismayed by the use of genocide. The Union for Reform Judaism went a step further: We reject wholeheartedly the notion that effective anti-racism work can only be done by denouncing and excoriating Israel, it said. Recommended: America Is Ignoring the Worst Natural Disaster Since Superstorm Sandy There are as many positions on Israel within the Jewish community as there are Jews, and including many who adamantly oppose the countrys treatment of Palestinians or its erection of the security barrier. But the broadness of the outcryreaching across progressive and left-leaning groups, with few exceptionssuggests its about more than policy. The most basic explanation is that its a disagreement over language. From the perspective of the platforms drafters, the word genocide is simply descriptive. We recognize that the use of the word genocide is controversial, whether used in reference to the systemic killing of black people here in the U.S. or the killing of Palestinians, said Janae Bonsu, the national public-policy chair for a Chicago-based group called Black Youth Project 100, who was involved in drafting the platform. But we do believe that it is accurate from a legal perspective and a moral perspective. This reliance on vague, theoretical terms that the left has been using in general has not been helpful. Yet others would say that this represents a slide of meaning: Genocide is not just a charged word to use in the context of Israel, they argue; applying it requires redefining it. Genocide means the deliberate wiping out of a group of people based on their ethnic or racial background, said Cheryl Greenberg, a professor of history at Trinity College who has written about the history of black-Jewish relations in the U.S. But in the past 20 years, the word genocide has become much broader, and it has come to mean any kind of massive, racialized oppression. Recommended: The Republican Party in Exile Part of this fits with language used throughout the Movement for Black Lives platform. The United States is an empire; the world is shaped by interlinked systems of white supremacy, imperialism, capitalism, and patriarchy. The claims are sweeping and conceptual; theyre written in a revolutionary idiom cribbed from academia. Even people who essentially agree with the Movement for Black Lives on the facts might find its language jarring, disagreeing over style rather than substance. This reliance on jargon-y, sweeping, vague, theoretical terms that the left has been using in general has not been helpful, Greenberg said. It obfuscates important differences by [painting with] this wide brush. This tendency to move to these emotionally laden jargon words is not doing their argument service. The problem is not that they are inadequate orators or inept rhetoricians; its that theres a disconnect of meaning, Greenberg said. When one group uses the word genocide, they mean something different from the other. Jewish groups have also objected to what they hear as coded anti-Semitism in the linking of Israel, Zionism, and thus Jews to oppressive systems of global power. To try to conflate the military-industrial complex with Americas support of Israel is to play on some pretty discomforting tropesanti-Semitic tropes about Jewish power and the way that Jewish power is leveraged in the world, said Daniel Burg, a Baltimore-area rabbi who serves on the board of the progressive group Jews United for Justice, speaking on behalf of his own views rather than any of the institutions he represents. As a Jewish American, and as a rabbi, I am concerned about the increase in anti-Zionism in the world that is bleeding into anti-Semitic language tropes and canards, he added. Its not to say that everyone who disagrees with Israel is anti-Semiticon the contrary. But I do think that, increasingly, the rhetoric around Israel and those who critique Israel can be anti-Semitic rhetoric. These feelings were echoed separately in statements put out by a number of Jewish groups. And for some, the split is more fundamental. The Movement for Black Lives position against Israel violates a core convictionenough, say groups like the Jewish Community Relations Council of Boston, to warrant repudiation of the whole movement. The platform calls for boycotts, divestments from, and sanctions against Israel; it calls for an end to military support and aid to the country. For some Jewish groups, these actions would represent an existential threat to Israelsomething they cannot support in any way. I dont know how you can be for ending state-sanctioned violence ... and be supportive of [Israel]. The Movement for Black Lives wasnt trying to offend Jews or be insensitive, said Bonsu of BYP 100. We remain unequivocally supportive of Palestine and critical of Israel, but I dont think that precludes Jewish people who are pro-Israel from supporting other aspects of the platform, she said. And yet, its difficult to seefrom either sidehow that alliance would work in practice. Even in saying that out loud, I dont know how you can be for ending state-sanctioned violence in its many different forms and be supportive of a heavily militarized, occupied state like Palestine, said Bonsu. The Movement for Black Lives is trying to advance what it sees as a global struggle for liberation, including the struggle of Palestinians. Jews are expressing deep hurt at what they see as an attack on their history and homeland. Neither side seems to accept the others reasoning; both sides seem willing to walk away from their past and potential coalition. But unlike splits between black activists and other American groups, this one isnt new. Jews have long accused black activists of anti-Semitism. And black activists have long accused Jews of forgetting the stranger, even though they were once strangers in a strange land. * * * In 1967, James Baldwin wrote an essay for The New York Times, as declarative in its title as in its prose: Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because Theyre Anti-White. Poor blacks in New York hated the Jewish landlords and grocers and pawn-shop owners who ran their communities, he said, but they mistakenly attributed their animus to Jews themselves. The most ironical thing about Negro anti-Semitism is that the Negro is really condemning the Jew for having become an American white manfor having become, in effect, a Christian, he wrote. He is singled out by Negroes not because he acts differently from other white men, but because he doesnt. Once they got to America, Baldwin argued, the long-oppressed Jews had become complicit in the oppression of others. [The Jew] is playing in Harlem the role assigned him by Christians long ago: He is doing their dirty work, he wrote. Where Jews and blacks should have been allies, they became enemies. Baldwin was writing at a time when the relationship between American Jews and blacks had become particularly fraught and contested. When Israel was founded, many Jewsand blackssaw it as a utopia. The kibbutzim, or collectivist farms and living communities, were the socialists pastoral fantasy. The strong union movement, centralized in an organization called the Histadrut, represented the ideal of radical equality for workers. American Zionists and black activists had a natural connection, especially through the 1950s and 60s.The civil-rights movement presented this great moment of affinity, said Marjorie Feld, a professor at Babson College. Rabbis joined arms with black freedom fighters in the South; the image of Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the most prominent rabbis and Jewish writers of the 20th century, marching with Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma has become iconic. Jews also died for the cause: Andrew Goodman and Mickey Schwerner, two Jewish men in their 20s, died alongside James Chaney in the slaughter that was later memorialized in the film Mississippi Burning. Israels fall from grace was very powerful. But even while that was going on, there were lots of indications, starting the 50s, that African Americans would start linking their activism to broader, third-world causes, such as Palestinians in Israel, Feld said. Israel maintained close ties with France while the European country struggled to maintain control of Algeria. Israel also had a tense relationship with Egypt under the leadership of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who was a leader of the pan-Arab and pan-African movement. After Israel captured Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula during the Six-Day War in 1967, even some black liberal allies of Israellong-standing black liberal allies of Israel, including [Martin Luther King Jr.]did not know how to contend with the occupation, Feld said. In the following decades, the sense of division between black activists and supporters of Israel deepened, especially as many Americans pushed to boycott, divest from, and sanction South Africa over the issue of apartheid. Israel was one of the last developed countries to maintain diplomatic and military ties with the apartheid government, although it eventually severed them in the late 1980s. For some black activists, Israels fall from grace was very powerful, Feld said. In this way, the Movement for Black Lives platform is not anomalous; it follows a long tradition of activists critiquing Israel for its involvement in alleged colonialist activity. The platform drafters believed the movement for Black lives must be tied to liberation movements around the world, as they wrote in the platform. The Black community is a global diaspora and our political demands must reflect this global reality. In drafting their platform, Bonsu and her peers felt the bind of history. Being committed to a fight for global freedom, we saw no choice, really, to not include a critique of the way the U.S. enables the state-sanctioned killing on an occupation of black and brown people globally across the diaspora, she said. Our freedom fight knows no borders, so that has to include unequivocal support for the Palestinian struggle for freedom and peace. While many Jewish leaders disagree with this framing of history and the current situation on the ground in Israel and Palestine, what seems to matter to them almost as much is being singled out. While the platform names a number of nations, claiming theyve been victimized by the United States colonial-style foreign policy, it condemns only one foreign government: Israel. The platform does not express sympathy with the Kurds in Iraq or the Rohingya in Burma; it does not condemn Qatars treatment of migrant workers or Saudi Arabias oppression of Shiite Muslims. Perhaps, just like the landlords and grocers and pawnshop brokers of New York, Israel is held to a different standard by black activistsbecause Jews, they think, should know better. Or perhaps the special focus on Israel traces back to the pan-African movement, or owes a debt to the prominence of pro-Palestinian activism on American campuses. Whatever the origin, the result is the same. While the Movement for Black Lives platform drafters may have wanted to express solidarity with Palestinians and the global diaspora, the backlash to their statement shows the near-impossibility of creating a coalition around a global liberation movement. The Movement for Black Lives has tried to articulate not only their narrow concerns, but framed those concerns in a more global and universal context, said Greenberg. I think, ultimately, that is the right thing to do. It is the ethical thing to do. Its the effective thing to do. Its the moral thing to do. But, she added, The problem is, once you articulate a whole vision in which you are a part, you open the door for other people to pick apart those details. Just like the landlords and grocers and pawnshop brokers of New York, Israel is held to a different standard by black activists. The fact that the platform drafters did not anticipate this kind of backlash and were forced to regroup once it happened, combined with most Jewish groups unyielding condemnation of the language of the platform, shows how distant the relationships between many black and Jewish activists have become in the United States. Burg, whose congregation stands in a historically Jewish neighborhood that is now predominantly black, said he sees the platform as a reflection of the lack of healthy dialogue right now between those who support BDS and whats actually happening on the ground in the state of Israel. The members of his largely progressive community expressed a sense of hurt and betrayal during a discussion on the Shabbat after the platform came outthere was a sense that this platform speaks in the un-nuanced way that black and brown Americans hope white Americans wont use in speaking about them and the issues that matter to them. But its impossible to know how to listen to another groups hurt when you dont know any of its members; Bonsu said she does not know a single Jewish person who supports the state of Israel, although, as she pointed out, she is just one person. No matter how deeply hurt many members of the Jewish community may feel about the language of the platform, the debate over Israel and Palestine has distracted from its impact. While some may recognize this with regretfor me to try to pretend that the document is all about the Jews and the state of Israel is also, I think, doing a disservice to an underprivileged class and race in this country, said Burgthe Jewish community as a whole has been very effective at mobilizing around this issue. The Movement for Black Lives platform drafters tried to use strong language to rally their supporters; in return, Jewish groups have used strong language to rally theirs. That has produced more noise than justice and division rather than empathy. Fundamentally, Burg said, the spirit behind the Movement for Black Lives is one found at the heart of Judaism: We should remember the widow and the stranger and the orphan and the oppressed, because we were orphans and we were strangers and we were slaves. But if, as in the case of the disagreements over this platform, we close ourselves off to those who are different from us, who have different backgrounds, who have different races and ethnicitieseven those who have different beliefs and opinions, he said, "we do ourselves a disservice. We do them a disservice. And, to my mind, we violate Gods will. Read more from The Atlantic: This article was originally published on The Atlantic. New Yorkers flock to ashrams in the Appalachian Mountains, Europeans to refurbished hermitages in the Umbrian countryside, but where do Asians go to get away from it all? Sure, there are Balinese yoga retreats and meditation centers run by Nepali beekeepers. But for a growing number of Chinese, the ultimate escape is the ultimate in oppression: North Korea. To be clear, North Koreaa rogue state that probably has nuclear weaponsisnt suddenly a land of milk-and-honey baths, and woe betide anyone who requests a chemical peel at a Pyongyang hotel. But a corollary of being the most isolated place on earth is utter sequestration from modern banes. And ever more Chinese visitors are, out of curiosity, making the short hop across the Yalu River at border town Dandong and going back for the relative serenity they find. Without cell phone, computer or any modern communications, the feeling of isolation lets me find peace, says history teacher Bai Xuejiao, 28. Of course, Orwellian societal controls dont lend themselves to a relaxing vacay, and the totalitarian regime of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un isnt known for its laissez-faire attitude even to holiday snaps. (Tour guides and government minders will tell you that only front-on and well-framed photos can be taken of founding father Kim Il Sungs statue.) There are also serious ethical questions about funneling cash to whats considered the worlds most repressive regime, under which 25 million people live under the imminent threat of extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, according to a 2014 U.N. report. As such, organizing tours to North Korea remains a somewhat secretive industry, and none of the dozen Chinese tour operators contacted by TIME agreed to comment for this article. However, travel advertisements increasingly home in on the nations natural splendor. The sea by North Korea is 100% clean, you wont see any garbage, claims an advertisement for Yan Bian Century tourism agency. The whole of Rason City [on the Sea of Japan in North Koreas northeast] is an organic place. Beautiful, gentle and shy North Korean girls will give you the memory of a lifetime. Tourism dollars have taken on new significance for the Kim regime since Marchs ramped-up U.N. sanctions, which have made traditional methods of acquiring foreign capitalgenerally exporting coal and mineralsfar trickier. From July, Chinese nationals could enjoy visa- and passport-free half-day tours from Dandong to the North Korean city of Sinuiju, right on the other side of the border. Already, 85% of all Chinese tourists to North Korea use this route. North Korea also has a plush ski resort at Masik Pass, boasting nine pistes, a luxury hotel, several well-heeled restaurants and a rental shop stocked with high-end gearan attraction that only the countrys elites can afford. Luxury, however, seems the opposite of what many Chinese visitors to North Korea seek. I planned to make my son experience some hardship, but our North Korea trip gave me a new perspective, posted one Chinese travel blogger. Without wi-fi, we saw their simple lives and it eased our minds. We climbed the mountains and watched a waterfall. We are amazed by natures craftsmanship. It was truly natural and pollution-free. Other than pollution, food safety consistently ranks as a top concern among Chinese today, as an antiquated agriculture system struggles to feed 1.3 billion hungry mouths by adding more fertilizer to fields and cramming more hormone-pumped cattle into cages. This has led to a raft of food-safety scandals, and one of the greatest draws for Chinese visitors to North Korea is the perception that what they eat is chemical- and additive-free. I trust food safety in North Korea as it is all organic, says one Dandong-based Chinese trader who regularly travels all over North Korea. I can feel the organic taste from potatoes and beans in North Korea, but in China you rarely get food like that. For the Chinese, though, much of North Koreas allure is its resemblance to a simpler China, harking back to an era before mass industrialization and commercialization. The idyllic scenery in North Korea is beautiful, posted one user to Chinas Twitter-like microblog Weibo. When I saw the uniformed people riding bicycles, it feels like I am traveling through time. Its Vintage Week at Yahoo Style! In honor of our favorite environmentally friendly way to make sure youre never wearing the same outfit as anyone else, were bringing you insider intel on the best vintage what to look for, where to find it, and how to make the most money when selling yours. Stay tuned all week for more. (Illustration: Courtesy of New York University) Shopping for vintage can feel like an exercise in futility. By the time you locate a piece you love, it not only has to be in good condition and the right price, but it also has to be in your size. Finding the first two is a miracle, but finding all three is almost too much to ask from the universe. In fact, it often is, especially if you wear a plus size. Its so hard that we have to ask: Does plus-size vintage even exist? Or is the whole category a myth? The first theory waving its hand in the air is our weight. Have you heard? Its higher than its ever been. The Centers for Disease Control has been watching the scale for decades, and it has damning stats at the ready: On average, American women weighed 18% more in 2010 than they did in 1960, with the average weight going from 140 to 166. True as this all may be, weight has always varied, and obesity wasnt invented in the 90s. Julie Smolinski, co-curator of this years Beyond Measure: Fashion and the Plus-Size* Woman exhibit at New York University, says clothes have catered to larger women since the early 20th century at least. Plus-size vintage is not necessarily a myth because these women existed, and they needed to clothe themselves, she tells us. Illustration: Courtesy of Lane Bryant. Lane Bryant, which opened its doors in 1904 as a store for maternity clothes, was focused on larger sizes for stout women by the 1920s (it would go on to rebrand stout as plus misses in 1922). And in 1924, Smolinski says the New York Times declared stout as women with bust sizes between 38.5 and 52.5" the latter being the modern equivalent of a 3XL. Story continues Until the 1940s, womens sizes were determined solely by bust measurements. The custom was a holdover from ready-to-wear menswear, which dates back to the Revolutionary War. Women resisted the idea of ready-to-wear fashion until the 1920s, when they realized its relative low cost (as compared to dressmakers) allowed them to update their wardrobes more frequently. It was an epiphany we can undoubtedly thank the burgeoning ad industry for, and it would go on to bring sweeping changes around how clothes are sized and categorized. The first non-bust-centric sizes came in the 30s, and there was no size 0, not even a size 2. In the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, most clothes intended for adult women started their sizing off at 8, 10, or 12, writes Jessica Cangiano on Chronically Vintage. She adds that clothes from the 30s to the 50s are about double the size of what they would be today. A dress from the 1950s with a size 18 tag would likely fit a woman today who wears a modern size 8 or 10. This is a relief to anyone whos ever tried (and failed) to fit into a vintage dress nearly twice their size. But it still does not answer the real question: Where are all the plus sizes? If a size 18 is a really a size 8, and its almost impossible to find anything above a size 18 in pre-80s vintage, what is going on? Is everyone with an appetite for both pussy-bow blouses and office birthday cupcakes destined to a life devoid of vintage? The reason [plus-size vintage] may be rarer may have to do with the notion that this demographic was even less catered to than it is today by both designers and manufacturers, Smolinski tells us. There is little to be found because it simply wasnt produced in high volume, so there is less surviving and less in circulation. I know [from] hunting on Etsy, it was very hard to find pieces that would work for our exhibition, but they were certainly out there. Its a sad tale but a true one. Ragini Nag Rao of Curious Fancy, a vintage-skewing plus-size blog, is a pro at foraging for plus-size vintage. She agrees the dearth of plus-size vintage can be attributed to the fact that less of it was made. It doesnt help that most of what was made was unattractive or unflattering, and what was attractive was worn to death either by its original owner or a vintage pioneer who struck gold long ago. When I first started shopping for vintage back in 2004, the 60s and 70s dominated the scene, Rao says. Now it seems only the smalls and extra smalls remain on the racks because a huge number of these sizes were manufactured to begin with, and there arent enough people who wear them. Unfortunately, she says, its a trend that will only become more common as time goes on. The good news is plus-size vintage is a very real thing, and with a little bit of strategizing, you can still find it. Alissa Wilson of Stylish Curves says if youre shopping for vintage, you should be willing to travel. Some of the best vintage can be found at estate sales and even garage sales, she says. And if youre looking for 80s vintage, she suggests heading directly to the nearest rich neighborhoods vintage store. Rao, who lives in India, is an Internet-shopping pro. She loves using Etsy and eBay, and mining these sites has taught her an important lesson: Dont be put off by bad photos. Good photos, she says, come with bigger price tags, and as long as you examine the pics carefully, you can still spot flaws. Besides, she adds, asking sellers for more photos is always an option. Plus-size vintage may not be myth, but it is a bit of a white whale. Just thinking about all the options that werent available to women decades ago makes us grateful we live in a time where plus-size fashion is having a moment. Still, its good to know its out there for anyone willing to put in the work. We just wish it was a little less work. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. AISs spectrum acquisitions and 4G launch outweigh uncertainties. While there are uncertainties around Advanced Info Services Public Limited (AIS)s dividend policy, Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel)'s latest maneuver in acquiring its biggest shareholder shows a sign of confidence. According to BNP Paribas analyst Wei Shi Wu, Singtel's expansion of its stakes in InTouch Holdings Public Company Limited (Intouch) and Bharti Telecom Limited (Bharti Telecom) signals the group's trust in the competence of the two telcos. Intouch is the biggest shareholder in AIS, the largest mobile operator in Thailand. Bharti Telecom, meanwhile, is the holding company of Indias biggest telecommunications company, Bharti Airtel Limited (Airtel). According to Wu, the risk around AIS's dividend policy is offset by its strengthened fundamentals with its spectrum acquisition and 4G launch. "While there are uncertainties around AISs dividend policy beyond 2016, Singtels latest move may be viewed as a sign of its confidence in AISs dividend outlook. We are positive on Airtel given its spectrum and network leadership, and exposure to data growth," Wu said. The proposed acquisition would boost Singtel's effective interest in AIS to 31.8% from 23.3% and in Airtel to 36.3% from 32.9%. Meanwhile, Wu estimates that it would take time for the proposed transactions to affect Singtel's earnings per share (EPS). "We estimate the proposed transactions would be neutral to Singtels FY17 EPS, taking into consideration larger earnings contributions from AIS/Airtel for three months, offset by slight debt increase and an enlarged share base. We believe the EPS impact could be mildly (1-2%) positive in FY18-19," she said. She added that the transaction worth $2.47 billion may raise the eyebrows of investors who may question if the capital would have been better invested in higher-growth digital businesses. More From Singapore Business Review By Siddhartha Rai: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has reiterated its position on Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) two days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi raked up the issue in his Independence Day speech. "PoK must be liberated from Pakistan at any cost," a top RSS functionary told Mail Today. J&K INTEGRAL PART OF INDIA Modi's mention of PoK and Balochistan and the alleged human rights violations by the Pakistani army has pushed Pakistan on the back foot after the latter tried to take advantage of the recent violence in the Kashmir Valley. advertisement "The RSS' position on PoK is the same as Parliament declared in its unanimous resolution in 1994," Manmohan Vaidya, RSS' Rashtriya Prachar Pramukh told Mail Today. "Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India; the only thing remaining is to liberate it from Pakistan and amalgamate it in India. The Indian government should try to implement that resolution." Vaidya's reference is to the parliamentary resolution moved on February 22, 1994, under the Congress government led by late Narasimha Rao.The resolution stated that 78,114 sq km of Jammu & Kashmir was under illegal occupation of Pakistan and demanded the "Indian government to re-conquer the PoK". POK INTERGRAL PART OF INDIA The resolution, unanimously adopted, read: "The State of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means," adding, "Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression." Vaidya's views were seconded by RSS ideologue and Delhi University professor Rakesh Sinha. "The RSS believes in the undivided map of India and thus considers PoK an integral part of India," he told. Sinha said the RSS has been categorical in its stance that India has to claw back the occupied territory from Pakistan. "The more the time we waste in not acting against Pakistan and taking our territory back , the more we are losing it. Because Pakistan is consequently institutionalizing its position there in the same measure," Sinha said. TAKE BACK ALL AREAS PAK ILLEGALLY OCCUPIES Parliament has clubbed Chinese with Pakistani occupation of the state and in the context of its liberation stated in the 1994 resolution: "It will be decisive blow to security threat to Republic of India from Communist-Islamist alliance. Pakistan has substantially changed the demography of POK and attempts are under way to do the same in Gilgistan-Baltistan. Shia majority of the area is being routinely terrorized by Pak army backed Sunni Islamist groups. Forced conversion, abduction of girls has reached alarming new height." The RSS has passed several resolutions demanding the government to "endeavour to take back all those areas which Pakistan has illegally occupied". advertisement Also Read: Anari ki foreign policy: Salman Khurshid on Modi's Balochistan, PoK remarks --- ENDS --- A woman who cops suspected of killing her twin sister after their car plummeted off a Hawaii cliff was arrested in upstate New York for drunk driving when she nearly hit a cop's car, police said. Alexandria Duval, 37, was arrested Monday after she allegedly swerved out of her lane on State Route 23 in Delaware County, nearly striking a New York State Police investigator's vehicle, cops said. Duval, who has family in the area, continued to swerve as she drove too close to another vehicle, officials said. She was pulled over as she drove onto Main Street in the Village of Stamford, where a trooper discovered she was driving without wearing a seat belt. Duval took a breathalyzer test, which revealed her blood alcohol content was 0.26, more than three times the legal limit, police said. Read: Teen Babysitter Driving 4 Kids Charged With DWI After Good Samaritan Stops Her She refused to be fingerprinted, photographed or say where she lives, authorities said. Duval was driving on Maui's Hana Highway with her twin sister Anastasia on May 29 when they slammed into a rock wall and drove off the road. Duvals Ford Explorer landed 200 feet below on a rocky shoreline, killing Anastasia after what witnesses described as a violent fight between the women before the crash. Though investigators alleged Duval deliberately caused her sisters death, a judge later ordered her release saying there was no probable cause for the second-degree murder charge for which she was jailed. Read: Money Troubles and Anger Issues May Have Led Woman to Kill Twin Sister - 'They Had a Rage Problem' Prosecutors in Hawaii said they planned to search for further evidence in the case. The twins did most things together including running two successful Twin Power yoga studios in Palm Beach County, Florida from 2008 to 2014 but were reportedly often at odds. They had a rage problem, an anger problem [and] were arrested several times with anger incidents involving even the police, gossip columnist Jose Lambiet told Inside Edition at the time. Story continues Duval was ordered held on $5,000 cash bail at Delaware County Jail after her arraignment in Stamford, where she remained Thursday. She is due in court on August 23. Watch: Woman Leaves Hawaii After Murder Charges In Twin Sister's Death Are Dropped Related Articles: (Reuters) - A New York state teen who allegedly plotted an attack on a school and put bomb-making materials on a list of items was arrested by sheriff's deputies on Wednesday, authorities said. The suspect, Kyle Gorden, 19, of Fairport, a Rochester suburb, had told people that "he was going to attack a school at a future date," the Monroe County Sheriff's Office said in a statement. Gorden has admitted making a list of items for an attack, including bomb-making materials, ammunition and knives, and buying many of them, the statement said. Investigators said they found that Gorden had been trying to get a gun. The statement said he was arrested on felony charges of making a terroristic threat. A sheriff's spokesman could not be reached for information on a lawyer for Gorden. (Reporting by Ian Simpson in Washington) The NSA was hacked by a group that calls itself Shadow Brokers, a report earlier this week revealed, with some of the stolen cyberweapons being auctioned off to the highest bidder. Since then, experts who have seen some of the stolen files believe that the NSA has indeed been hacked, with Russia being one of the prime suspects. As for the strange auction itself, it looks like nobody is really interested in paying for the hacked documents at this point. DONT MISS: iPhone 7: Our biggest question was just answered A new report from Business Insider reveals that the NSA itself was not hacked. However, a server used by the Equation Group, a highly sophisticated cyber-security company thats believed to support the NSAs Tailored Access Operations (TAO) hacking group, was hit. Security researchers who have seen the stolen data believe it's authentic, including Kaspersky researchers and Nicholas Weaver. Even Edward Snowden commented on the matter, suggesting that a server may have been hit. "NSA malware staging servers getting hacked by a rival is not new," he said on Twitter. "A rival publicly demonstrating they have done so is." Meanwhile, some security experts believe that Russia is behind the hack. Theres no real proof for now, but considering the timing and nature of the attack, security experts see the country as a potential backer of the Shadow Brokers. "High level US political officials seemed quite upset about the DNC hacks, which no doubt resulted in a covert response, which this is then likely a counter-response to," former NSA employee Dave Aitel said. "No team of 'hackers' would want to piss off Equation Group this much. That's the kind of cojones that only come from having a nation state protecting you." "The list of suspects is short: Russia or China," Weaver said. "And in the context of the recent conflict between the US and Russia over election interference, safe money is on the former." Story continues Even Snowden said the attack might be a warning to the US against accusing Russia publicly of hacking the DNC. As for the contents of the files stolen from the NSA computer, nobody is really looking to buy them, Wired reports. With over 24 hours having passed since the auction was made public, the highest bid is at $937.15. Thats nowhere near the asking price of 1 million bitcoin that the hackers are looking for (thats $576 million). The auction is rather strange and isnt really an auction, per se. The Shadow Brokers expect bidders to pay in advance, with the highest bidder set to receive the stolen cyeberweapons. Everyone else would lose their bids. However, the attackers if they're indeed enemies of the US may be more interested in sending a message than making any money off the hack. This leak is likely a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks that originated from this malware server, Weaver wrote. That could have significant foreign policy consequences. Particularly if any of those operations targeted US allies.Particularly if any of those operations targeted elections. Trending right now: See the original version of this article on For Immediate Release Chicago, IL August 18, 2016 announces the list of stocks featured in the Analyst Blog. Every day the Zacks Equity Research analysts discuss the latest news and events impacting stocks and the financial markets. Stocks recently featured in the blog include JetBlue Airways Corporation (JBLU),Southwest Airlines (LUV),GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A. (GOL),Copa Holdings (CPA) and Delta Air Lines Inc. (DAL). Today, Zacks is promoting its ''Buy'' stock recommendations. Get #1Stock of the Day pick for free. Here are highlights from Wednesdays Analyst Blog: Airline Stock Roundup: A4A Bullish, JetBlue Improves The past week saw premier trade organization Airlines for America (A4A) revealing a bright forecast for U.S. carriers. It is expected that U.S. airlines will make hay in the upcoming Labor Day holiday period (Aug 31 Sep 6) with travel demand projected to increase 4% on the back of low air fares. Apart from the A4A forecast, the past week saw the Bureau of Transportation Services revealing data on air fares for July according to which the monthly fall wasthe sharpest in over a year. On the traffic front, JetBlue Airways Corporations ( JBLU) share price surged following an improvement in the carriers July load factor (% of seats filled by passengers). On the other hand, Southwest Airlines (LUV) share price declined following its July traffic report as the carrier provided a bearish outlook for operating revenue per average seat mile (RASM: a key measure of unit revenue) for the third quarter. On the earnings front, Latin-American carrier GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A. (GOL ) revealed disappointing numbers for the second quarter of 2016, hurt by currency issues. TRANSPORTATION-AIRLINE Industry Price Index Read the last Airline Stock Roundup for Aug 10, 2016 . Recap of the Past Weeks Most Important Stories 1. According to a forecast made by A4A, approximately 15.6 million passengers are expected to avail the services of U.S. airlines on Labor Day this year, up 4% year over year. The forecast translates into 2.23 million fliers per day during the period (Aug 31Sep 6), an increase of 82,000 over the comparable figure last year. Story continues Cheap ticket prices are one of the main reasons behind the bullish forecast. According to the organization, air fares declined 5.2% in 2015. The downtrend has continued this year with ticket prices down 6% so far. 2. Southwest Airlines suffered a technology outage last month, which resulted in the cancellation and delay of over 2000 flights. This has affected operating revenue per available seat mile (RASM: a key measure of unit revenue) for the third quarter by 0.5 points on a yearly basis. Given the negative impact, RASM is expected to decline in the range of 3.5% to 4.5% in the third quarter as compared to the earlier projected range of a decline of 3% to 4% (read more: Southwest Airlines July Traffic Up; RASM Guidance Hits Stock ). 3. Traffic at JetBlue Airways climbed 6.6% in Jul 2016 from the comparable month a year ago. On a year-over-year basis, consolidated capacity increased 5.5%. Load factor improved 80 basis points to 87.8% as traffic growth outpaced capacity expansion (read more: JetBlue July Traffic Rises, Stock Up on Load Factor Growth ). JetBlue was also in the news for wrong reasons when its flight 429 experienced turbulence, injuring many on board. The flight was en route from Boston to Sacramento when the unfortunate incident occurred (read more: Brutal Turbulence on JetBlue Flight Injures 24 People ). 4. GOL Linhas, weighed down by weak economic conditions and currency headwinds, reported dismal numbers in the second quarter of 2016. Net revenue declined 2% year over year to R$2,089 million (approximately $614.4 million). Cargo revenues improved 4.8% while passenger revenues declined 3%. Revenue passenger kilometers (RPK) deteriorated 11.2% year over year, mainly due to a decrease of 10.6% in International RPK and 11.2% in domestic RPK (read more: GOL Linhas Reports Profit in Q2; Revenues Decline ). 5. According to data released by the Bureau of Transportation Services, airfares declined 4.6% (on an unadjusted basis) in Jul 2016 from the comparable figure in Jul 2015. Moreover, the airfares for the month showed an 8.5% decline compared to Jun 2016, courtesy soft oil prices. Apart from cheap oil, capacity-related woes, which have hurt airline companies for quite some time, are being cited as the reason behind the substantial fall in July airfares. With airline stocks already struggling, the July reading on airfares imply further struggles for the carriers on the top-line front. The sharp fall in air fares prompted by weak oil prices is however an encouraging piece of news for fliers. 6. Copa Holdings (CPA) posted a rise in air traffic for the month of July this year. Traffic measured in revenue passenger miles (RPMs) came in at 1.63 billion, up 9.8% from 1.49 billion recorded in Jul 2015 (read more: Copa Holdings Posts Impressive Growth in July Traffic ). 7.Delta Air Lines Inc. (DAL) announced plans to launch a new business-class service the first of its kind in the industry. The company will launch the Delta One suite in fall 2017. Each suite in the business class cabin will have a sliding door which ensures enhanced privacy for customers. The new service will be available on Deltas A350 flights. Notably, Delta will be the first airline in the U.S. to take order for the A350. The airplane is expected to operate on routes between Asia and U.S. Deltas new business class suite is also expected to feature on its Boeing 777 fleet after it features on the A350. Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Today, Zacks is promoting its ''Buy'' stock recommendations. Get #1Stock of the Day pick for free. About Zacks Equity Research Zacks Equity Research provides the best of quantitative and qualitative analysis to help investors know what stocks to buy and which to sell for the long-term. Continuous coverage is provided for a universe of 1,150 publicly traded stocks. Our analysts are organized by industry which gives them keen insights to developments that affect company profits and stock performance. Recommendations and target prices are six-month time horizons. Zacks "Profit from the Pros" e-mail newsletter provides highlights of the latest analysis from Zacks Equity Research. Subscribe to this free newsletter today. About Zacks is a property of Zacks Investment Research, Inc., which was formed in 1978. The later formation of the Zacks Rank, a proprietary stock picking system; continues to outperform the market by nearly a 3 to 1 margin. The best way to unlock the profitable stock recommendations and market insights of Zacks Investment Research is through our free daily email newsletter; Profit from the Pros. In short, it's your steady flow of Profitable ideas GUARANTEED to be worth your time! Register for your free subscription to Profit from the Pros. Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Facebook: Zacks Investment Research is under common control with affiliated entities (including a broker-dealer and an investment adviser), which may engage in transactions involving the foregoing securities for the clients of such affiliates. Media Contact Zacks Investment Research 800-767-3771 ext. 9339 Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. This material is being provided for informational purposes only and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. It should not be assumed that any investments in securities, companies, sectors or markets identified and described were or will be profitable. All information is current as of the date of herein and is subject to change without notice. Any views or opinions expressed may not reflect those of the firm as a whole. Zacks Investment Research does not engage in investment banking, market making or asset management activities of any securities. These returns are from hypothetical portfolios consisting of stocks with Zacks Rank = 1 that were rebalanced monthly with zero transaction costs. These are not the returns of actual portfolios of stocks. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index. Visit for information about the performance numbers displayed in this press release. Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report JETBLUE AIRWAYS (JBLU): Free Stock Analysis Report SOUTHWEST AIR (LUV): Free Stock Analysis Report GOL LINHAS-ADR (GOL): Free Stock Analysis Report COPA HLDGS SA-A (CPA): Free Stock Analysis Report DELTA AIR LINES (DAL): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. For Immediate Release Chicago, IL August 18, 2016 Today, Zacks Equity Research discusses the Oil & Gas, part 2, including like Devon Energy Corp. (DVN), EOG Resources Inc. (EOG), Chevron Corp. (CVX), Enbridge Energy Partners L.P. (EEP) and CONE Midstream Partners L.P. ( CNNX). Industry: Oil & Gas, part 2 Link: Crude oil considered to be in a bear market is currently down significantly from its recent highs. Is now the time to be buying energy stocks? While record high inventories and robust production could still push the commodity to the depths of multiyear lows, signs are emerging that oil prices are likely to stabilize and gradually pick up. Not only is global demand expanding but energy companies have significantly scaled back on plans to explore for and bring out more oil. This should lead to lower future production and supply/demand rebalancing. However, not all oil stocks are the same. In fact, one needs to have an appetite for risk in order to invest in the energy sector. For savvy investors though, there are opportunities to earn big returns. Look at E&Ps with Strong Balance Sheets While all oil/gas-related stocks stand to move with fluctuating commodity prices, companies in the exploration and production (E&P) sector tend to be the most affected, as their products values are directly dependent on oil/gas prices. However, some upstream energy companies stand out from others with their ability to absorb volatile prices. These entities have restructured costs or taken other measures to deal with the prevailing situation. In this event, it may be a good idea to look at energy companies that have low debt capital ratios, which make debt servicing relatively easier for them. They boast of a conservative balance sheet with enough cash on hand and a manageable leverage. This provides the companies ample flexibility to make acquisitions or grow internally. Moreover, driven by operational efficiencies, these entities have been able to reduce unit costs -- an impressive achievement amid the low realization scenario. Story continues We advocate large-cap companies such as Devon Energy Corp. (DVN) and EOG Resources Inc. (EOG). Integrated Majors Still Attractive In this current turbulent market environment, we advocate the relatively low-risk energy conglomerate business structures of the large-cap integrateds, with their fortress-like balance sheets, ample free cash flows even in a low oil price environment and steady dividends. Thanks to their integrated structures, companies like Chevron Corp. ( CVX) have been able to withstand plunging oil prices better than the rest and protect their top and bottom lines to a certain extent. The companies financial flexibility and strong balance sheet provide them with a larger war chest to draw upon in this highly-uncertain period for the economy. Most of them remain in excellent financial health, with ample cash on hand and investment-grade credit ratings with a manageable debt-to-capitalization ratio. On top of this, managements have established quite a track record of conservative capital management and cash returns to shareholders. They also pay a safe dividend, yielding attractive returns. While all of them have suffered from the crude carnage over the past 24 months, holding on to them can still prove to be an astute move. MLPs: A Safer Way to Play the Sector The Master Limited Partnership (MLP) business model looked like a goner earlier this year. As oil prices plummeted to a 13-year low in Feb, the Alerian MLP index dived 30% in just five weeks. However, market sentiment has improved considerably thereafter. Importantly, the collapse in crude has markedly reduced the average price of U.S. gasoline, the most widely used petroleum product. This has resulted in record gasoline volumes across pipeline systems and a boon for operators whose compensation is based on the quantity moving through their system. Given the current weaknesses in petroleum stocks, MLPs are probably the best method of investing in the sector. They also offer liquidity and tax benefits, which add to their appeal. This is why these stocks would make good additions to your portfolio. With capital market access remaining tough for most sector components, we suggest buying stocks with clean balance sheets. Our picks would include the likes of Enbridge Energy Partners L.P. (EEP) and CONE Midstream Partners L.P. (CNNX). Check out our latest Oil & Gas Industry Outlook here for more on the current state of affairs in this market from an earnings perspective, and how the trend is looking for this important sector of the economy. About Zacks is a property of Zacks Investment Research, Inc., which was formed in 1978. The later formation of the Zacks Rank, a proprietary stock picking system; continues to outperform the market by nearly a 3 to 1 margin. The best way to unlock the profitable stock recommendations and market insights of Zacks Investment Research is through our free daily email newsletter; Profit from the Pros. In short, it's your steady flow of Profitable ideas GUARANTEED to be worth your time! Click here for your free subscription to Profit from the Pros. Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Facebook: Zacks Investment Research is under common control with affiliated entities (including a broker-dealer and an investment adviser), which may engage in transactions involving the foregoing securities for the clients of such affiliates. Media Contact Zacks Investment Research 800-767-3771 ext. 9339 Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. This material is being provided for informational purposes only and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. It should not be assumed that any investments in securities, companies, sectors or markets identified and described were or will be profitable. All information is current as of the date of herein and is subject to change without notice. Any views or opinions expressed may not reflect those of the firm as a whole. Zacks Investment Research does not engage in investment banking, market making or asset management activities of any securities. These returns are from hypothetical portfolios consisting of stocks with Zacks Rank = 1 that were rebalanced monthly with zero transaction costs. These are not the returns of actual portfolios of stocks. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index. Visit for information about the performance numbers displayed in this press release. Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report DEVON ENERGY (DVN): Free Stock Analysis Report EOG RES INC (EOG): Free Stock Analysis Report CHEVRON CORP (CVX): Free Stock Analysis Report ENBRIDGE EGY PT (EEP): Free Stock Analysis Report CONE MIDSTREAM (CNNX): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Saina had cited an inflammation in her right knee, which hampered her on-court movement, as the reason for her shocking group league exit from the Rio Olympics. By India Today Web Desk: Ace shuttler Saina Nehwal was admitted to a hospital in Hyderabad to undergo treatment for her knee injury. Saina claimed that the the injury was one of the key reasons behind her disappointing run at the Summer Games as it affected her badly. The 26-year-old lost to Ukraine's Maria Ulitina in her second group match to crash out of the Rio Olympics. advertisement "Saina has been hospitalised for the last two days and is undergoing treatment for her injury, which got worse during her match against Maria at Rio Olympics," Saina's father Harvir Singh told PTI. Saina had cited an inflammation in her right knee, which hampered her on-court movement, as the reason for her shocking group league exit. Singh said Saina was back home on August 16 and next day got admitted to a hospital in Hyderabad and underwent treatment for her injury. He, however, did not divulge the contents of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan. "The doctors have not revealed the contents of the MRI scan to me. I will be able to talk about it tomorrow, not today," Singh said. Singh also said Saina will be flying to Mumbai for advanced checkup tomorrow. "The doctors here have referred her case to a hospital at Mumbai, and she will be flying from Hyderabad," he said. The World No 5 lost her second group league encounter 18-21, 19-21 to World No 61 Ulitina to crash out of the competition. Saina had said the injury happened during training before the Olympics and it got worse during the match. (With PTI Inputs) --- ENDS --- For Immediate Release Chicago, IL August 18, 2016 Today, Zacks Equity Research discusses the Oil & Gas, part 3, including like HollyFrontier Corp. (HFC), Weatherford International plc (WFT), Natural Gas Services Group Inc. (NGS), Chesapeake Energy Corp. (CHK) and ONEOK Partners L.P. ( OKS). Industry: Oil & Gas, part 3 Link: Stuck in a long-term bear market, money managers are warning of more pain ahead for energy stocks. In fact, fundamentals as in ample stockpiles, plentiful refined products and rising production in Iraq and Saudi Arabia suggest that the odds are firmly stacked against a sustained rally and point toward lower for longer commodity price expectation. After several industry biggies came out with abysmal quarterly results, some sector observers feel that the door is open for one more retest of the multi-year lows that oil and natural gas fell to in the first quarter. With no guarantees that things will improve in the near-to-medium term, investors would be better off ignoring the following set of stocks. Challenging Refining Backdrop Weighs on Downstream Operators Till recently, U.S. downstream (refining and marketing) stocks were seen notching up healthy gains and earnings beats. This is because the companies use oil as an input from which they derive refined petroleum products like gasoline, the prime transportation fuel in the U.S. Hence, lower the oil price, higher will be their profits. But with the cost of gasoline, heating oil, and other refined products catching up on the beaten down crude price, crack spreads (or refining margins) are under pressure. This is expected to impact the refiners near-term profitability. As per the U.S. Energy Department, the existing stock of gasoline is significantly higher than the year-earlier level and is comfortably above the upper half of the average range. This refers to low demand for the most widely used petroleum product and has cast a deep shadow over the performance of refiners Story continues As a result of these bearish factors, the tendency for a downward estimate revision has been more obvious in recent times. Companies like HollyFrontier Corp. (HFC) look to be in most trouble. E&P Cuts Hurting Oilfield Equipment Suppliers With new competitors entering the market and shrinkage of capital expenditure spending by the drilling contractors, oilfield machineries and equipment suppliers have seen their pricing fall drastically. In particular, the companies margins have been hit hard by the ongoing North American drilling slump. The situation characterized by tepid demand and weak pricing is not expected to normalize anytime soon. While firms catering to North American land drillers have been the worst affected, lack of new deepwater drilling orders are starting to haunt the subsea part of the industry. As it is, the commodity price rout has made a number of deepwater drilling projects uneconomical. With contract backlog down, most of the players are facing continued pressure on revenues, earnings and cash flows. In particular, we suggest avoiding exposure to Weatherford International plc (WFT) and Natural Gas Services Group Inc. ( NGS). Depressing Prices Make It Difficult for Gas-Weighted Companies Natural gas has rebounded strongly (by around 60%) since hitting 17-year lows of around $1.6 per million Btu (MMBtu) in the first quarter. The phenomenal run up notwithstanding, the commodity is struggling to reach the psychologically important $3 per MMBtu level. And with expectations of surging supplies in North America amid tepid demand, there appears no reason to believe that the supply glut will subside and natural gas will be out of the dumpster in 2016. Consequently, natural gas-weighted exploration and production companies like Chesapeake Energy Corp. (CHK) are in for a tough time. Gas-focused partnerships like ONEOK Partners L.P. (OKS) tend to suffer too, from falling sales for their natural gas liquids (NGL) processing. Check out our latest Oil & Gas Industry Outlook here for more on the current state of affairs in this market from an earnings perspective, and how the trend is looking for this important sector of the economy. About Zacks is a property of Zacks Investment Research, Inc., which was formed in 1978. The later formation of the Zacks Rank, a proprietary stock picking system; continues to outperform the market by nearly a 3 to 1 margin. The best way to unlock the profitable stock recommendations and market insights of Zacks Investment Research is through our free daily email newsletter; Profit from the Pros. In short, it's your steady flow of Profitable ideas GUARANTEED to be worth your time! Click here for your free subscription to Profit from the Pros. Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Facebook: Zacks Investment Research is under common control with affiliated entities (including a broker-dealer and an investment adviser), which may engage in transactions involving the foregoing securities for the clients of such affiliates. Media Contact Zacks Investment Research 800-767-3771 ext. 9339 Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. This material is being provided for informational purposes only and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. It should not be assumed that any investments in securities, companies, sectors or markets identified and described were or will be profitable. All information is current as of the date of herein and is subject to change without notice. Any views or opinions expressed may not reflect those of the firm as a whole. Zacks Investment Research does not engage in investment banking, market making or asset management activities of any securities. These returns are from hypothetical portfolios consisting of stocks with Zacks Rank = 1 that were rebalanced monthly with zero transaction costs. These are not the returns of actual portfolios of stocks. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index. Visit for information about the performance numbers displayed in this press release. Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report HOLLYFRONTIER (HFC): Free Stock Analysis Report WEATHERFORD INT (WFT): Free Stock Analysis Report NATURAL GAS SVC (NGS): Free Stock Analysis Report CHESAPEAKE ENGY (CHK): Free Stock Analysis Report ONEOK PARTNERS (OKS): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. By Caroline Copley and Rene Wagner BERLIN (Reuters) - Zalando, Europe's biggest pure online fashion retailer, plans to open two new distribution hubs in France and Poland next year, stealing a march on competitors by cutting average delivery times by 1-2 days in an market where prompt dispatch is key. The two new centres located close to Paris and Szczecin will be its only foreign hubs outside of Milan and should help Zalando better cater to its French market as well as customers in Poland and the Nordics, Head of Operations David Schroeder said in an interview. Faced with growing competition from Amazon which is expanding into fashion, Zalando is also investing in logistics and technology to offer customers more delivery options. "Logistics play an incredibly important role for the success of our firm," said Schroeder. Delivery time, costs and the returns process heavily influence levels of customer satisfaction, he added. With customers growing to expect ever faster, cheaper and more convenient delivery, analysts believe e-commerce retailers like Zalando and rival Asos are better positioned than their bricks and mortar peers. Zalando's warehouse and logistics network enables it to currently offer same-day delivery to 12 percent of the European population and next-day delivery to 56 percent. By 2020, it expects this to rise to 20 percent and 75 percent respectively. In future, a package may even be able to locate the customer by using a GPS tracking sensor, Schroeder said. "We have this vision that the package should fit in with the customer's life and not that the customer should fit in with the package." STAMPING BY HAND Established in 2008, Zalando's founders used to package every single order by hand in a Berlin apartment and stamp the wall with a postmark to celebrate each parcel they sent. The company has since grown to become Europe's biggest online-only fashion group by sales with revenue of 3 billion euros (2.6 billion pounds) in 2015 when it handled some 55 million packages. Story continues Zalando has four distribution hubs in Germany and opened a warehouse in northern Italy at the start of this year. Managing board member Rubin Ritter said last week it was weighing up the Nordics, Spain, Britain and France for further satellite hubs. "Now is the right time to start the next phase and pay more attention to local customer needs," Schroeder said. The company no longer wants to be simply Europe's biggest online fashion retailer, but market leader in Germany, France, Italy and other individual countries. That will only work if it differentiates its service according to country, he said. While Germans like to pay by invoice, the French prefer to use credit cards and in Italy and Poland customers like to hand over cash on delivery. "You are only successful if you approach every single market in a targeted way," he said. Zalando will invest 150 million euros in a 130,000 square metre distribution centre close to Szczecin, which will open next summer and employ over 1,000 people, he said. In addition, Zalando will open a local warehouse operated by an external provider close to Paris at the start of 2017, which will allow same-day or next-day deliveries to customers. "If we continue to grow our sales by 20 to 25 percent, we will need new logistic capacity in one to two years," Schroeder added. (Editing by Alexandra Hudson) LUSAKA (Reuters) - Zambia's main opposition party will file a court petition against President Edgar Lungu's re-election to the helm of Africa's second-largest copper producer on Thursday, its vice president said on Wednesday. The United Party for National Development says some electoral officials colluded with the ruling Patriotic Front to rig the vote, handing victory to Lungu over rival and main opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema. Both sides deny the charge. "We have been robbed of this election, that is a fact and it shall be proved after 14 days," the party's vice president, Geoffrey Mwamba, told a news conference in the southern African nation's capital. "We have enough evidence to secure us a judgment which has so much being awaited by the Zambian people," Mwamba said. The inauguration of the president had initially been set for Aug. 23, but a law introduced in January says the winning candidate cannot be sworn in if the vote is contested in the Constitutional Court, which has two weeks to decide on such a petition. Secretary to Zambia's cabinet, Roland Msiska, acknowledged the Aug. 23 date would have to be revised because of the petition. "The inauguration will depend on how quickly the Constitutional Court disposes of the case," he told Reuters. The UPND said on Saturday data from its own parallel count showed economist and businessman Hichilema beating Lungu, a lawyer, "with a clear margin" with about 80 percent of votes counted. The election results released on Monday means Hichilema has now lost five presidential elections. The election was fought around an economy suffering an economic slump due to depressed commodity prices that has led to mine closures, rising unemployment, power shortages and soaring food prices which Hichilema, blamed on Lungu's mismanagement. Lungu blames Zambia's economic woes on its over-reliance on copper exports, and says his government has been working to diversify the economy by investing in other sectors like agriculture. (Reporting by Stella Mapenzauswa and Chris Mfula; Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Richard Balmforth) 18 Aug - Chinese director Zhang Yimou has refuted the claim of Asian-American actress and "Fresh Off the Boat" star Constance Wu, who cried "Hollywood white-washing" against his movie, "The Great Wall", for depicting Hollywood actor Matt Damon as a warrior defending the Great Wall against Chinese monsters. As reported on China Topix, Wu previously took to social media to express her annoyance with the casting of Damon in the movie, saying that people should stop perpetuating the racist myth that only a white man can save the world. "Our heroes don't look like Matt Damon. They look like Malala, Ghandi, Mandela," she said. When asked to comment about Wu's statement, Zhang stated that the movie, which was directed by a Chinese director, and stars more Asian actors than their Western counterpart, is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. "Our film is not about the construction of the Great Wall. Matt Damon is not playing a role that was originally conceived for a Chinese actor. The arrival of his character in our story is an important plot point. There are five major heroes in our story and he is one of them - the other four are all Chinese," Zhang stated. Zhang also added that as a Chinese man who has directed over 20 movies as well as the Beijing Olympics, he will not cast a film that is "untrue" to his "artistic vision". (Photo source: A cruise to the Bahamas is a tempting vacation treatso close by, and yet so sunny and warm, just when youre craving a seaside escape. The allure of white sand as soft as powdered sugar, and the appeal of pale blue water to chill your warm skin, is undeniable. Once there, you can also snorkel, dive, and admire the fish-filled reefs that are common in this part of the world. So why arent you sailing there now? After all, there are lots of embarkation ports to choose from: Miami, Port Canaveral (near Orlando), Fort Everglades (Fort Lauderdale), and even New York City. Indeed, if you choose to depart from Manhattans West Side cruise ship terminal, you may save yourself a flight if you live within driving distance, but you will add on several days until you reach the sand-in-your-toes islands of the Bahamas. Once there, you can get a day-pass to a popular resort and be by the surf while the hotel guests are still waking up. Another unique appeal of the Bahamas, when compared to other warm and beachy cruise destinations, is the temptation of private islands. These islandsoften just peninsulas, or acres of land gated off from the rest of the isleserve as hotel-less resort areas for use exclusively by cruise ships. Youll find a whole slew of fabulous amenities: think lounge chairs, water sports, 5K challenges, cabanas for rent, BBQ cookouts, adults-only beaches, and yes, even water slides, splash parks, swimming pools, zip lines and roller coasters. In addition, when you visit one of these private islands, you can also sign up for shore excursions that include snorkeling trips and boat rides. Best of all, if you want to just lie in the sand ordering frozen drinks all day, the lines make that as easy as waving your arm in the air. Here, some of the ships that sail to this gorgeous destination. Sherri Eisenberg is the Editorial Director, a new cruise deals and advice site. From Town & Country Update 8/17/16: The New York Times traveled to Tulum for yesterday's update on the story T&C broke back in June, and the news is that the situation in the idyllic beach community remains bleak. "The 17 properties seized in June are now guarded by the same group of men who participated in the evictions, some of whom are armed with machetes," the newspaper reports. "Business signs have been torn down, gates padlocked, entrances walled off with cinder blocks. On a recent day, a group of protesters with poster boards denouncing the evictions closed two Tulum roads: "At one point, a group of men dropped from a truck and hopped over the fence of one of the properties. Witnesses said they heard sounds that suggested clashing machetes and perhaps gunshots. The attackers were repelled, jumped back over the fence, climbed into their truck and took off." The picketers eventually moved on, but it seems the armed guards have yet to vacate the beachside hotels, shops, and residences they seized. Original 6/20/16: Tulum is known for its balmy blue water, perfect white sand beaches, and captivating Mayan ruins. But last Friday, the scene was far from pretty as 16 hotels, restaurants, shops, and private residences along the Mexican beach were seized in a government land dispute. "It's essentially a war for the land," Sophia Perlstein of Tulum's KM33 boutique tells T&C. KM33 is next door to Coqui Coqui, the region's buzziest hotel and spa, where guests were reportedly forced to leave during the raid. Three hundred tourists in the area were evacuated by 200 privately hired security guards, and some of those who resisted were met with tear gas. Instagram users have rallied around the hashtag #freecoquicoqui to express their support for what is one of the most photographed and Instagrammed destinations in the region. The evictions were in response to an alleged breach of an oral lease contract between business owners and the municipality and were supposedly the subject of a judicial order, Mexico News Daily reports. One hotel operator told the outlet that the local governor has "strong interests" in the Tulum area: "We know well that all this is in response to the sale-with false documents-of several beachfront pieces of land by the governor. Now, before he leaves office, he wants to make sure he doesn't lose what he earned from the sale." The eviction victim said told Mexico News Daily that the officials maintained they weren't paying rent, but in fact they had been paying it and keeping up their end of the agreement. The unfortunate reality is that for many seemingly idyllic havens around the world, this kind of oral agreement between local hotels and developers is the norm, not the exception. It may be wishful thinking, but here's hoping that all parties involved can come to an amicable agreement. - By Shudeep Chandrasekhar After living in the shadow of Google Search (GOOG) for many years, Microsoft's (MSFT) search engine Bing seems to have found a second wind. With search advertising still in double digits but starting to show an upswing, there seems to be enough momentum to take it a long way. 4qtPYepH40mSFZ6Q2dRG0Q_4GiyxGiG9k5D873iK Of course, that is not to say they will displace Google in the next five years, because that ship has sailed. The best they can do now is to keep that momentum going, so they have a larger and stronger user base that can continue generating ad revenues. Let's see how they are going about it. The Uphill Task for Microsoft Bing The company knows only too well that it is going to be an uphill task to gain market share against Google, but instead of throwing in the towel and calling it a day, Microsoft has been forging partnerships for Bing that promise high longevity. KMnBGMOFcbR5gIOxym3knain6gLUeS7bQJIPjm32 Here are some of the key deals they have struck and how it will impact Bing. Microsoft-Yahoo Deal This is basically a deal update that will improve the search experience for Yahoo (YHOO) users and bring more advertisers into the fold. The original agreement was signed in 2009 and this update is an extension intended to provide more stability and productivity into the relationship, for mutual benefit. Microsoft hopes that this will continue to foster user growth as well as advertiser growth, both of which Bing needs in order to gain market share. Microsoft-Apple Deal For the past three years, Apple's (AAPL) virtual assistant Siri has had an assistant of her own, Bing. The search engine helped Siri by providing relevant web links and even specific answers whenever a search-type query was thrown at it. This is a critical component of artificial intelligence, since AI bots must be able to scour the internet in microseconds for large amounts of data, and Bing scored big when chosen by Apple for the introduction of iOS 7 in the fall of 2013. Story continues Microsoft-AOL Deal Here is one area where Bing is actually displacing Google. Under the terms of engagement with AOL (NYSE:AOL), for a 10-year period, Microsoft Bing will allow AOL to handle all of its advertising on Skype, XBox and other assets. In exchange, Bing will become AOL's preferred search engine, effectively putting Google out of the picture. This is a tremendous coup because AOL's assets alone - HuffPost, TechCrunch, etc. - have over 200 million monthly unique visitors. But what makes the deal really sweet is that they were able to edge out Google, which had been providing the search capabilities for AOL for a long time. What is Microsoft Really Doing Here? By staying in the shadows and striking deals with key partners, Microsoft has managed to keep Bing relevant in our eyes. And by really hanging in there, the company finally has started to taste some success. Bloomberg estimates Microsoft's search advertising revenue to be around $5.3 billion, which is significant. Even though it is dwarfed by Google's ad revenue numbers, it is a major win for a search engine that many literally wrote off years ago. hqmnu1Iv7czmua2xBC5m2kFccD4FECwu2OKKe8tq Google has a huge ace up its sleeve and that is Android. With more than 80% of the world's smartphones operating on Android, Google Search will always be there when the world needs information. Microsoft does not have that strength, so it will have to rely on its partners to keep it in the hunt. Microsoft has been reducing its focus on selling advertisements and is increasingly relying on partners such as AOL to do the job. A smart move considering the content empire AOL and its parent company, Verizon (VZ), has been building in the last few years. These strategic deals will lead to an increase in advertising contribution to Microsoft revenues, but it does two other things as well. First, it frees Microsoft's time so more attention can be given to core growth drivers such as Office 365, cloud infrastructure and Windows. Second, and more importantly, it will keep Google on its toes because Alphabet knows full well that one slip up like the one with AOL may not hit them hard, but a series of such missteps could be disastrous to their core revenues. Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. Start a free 7-day trial of Premium Membership to GuruFocus. This article first appeared on GuruFocus. At the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, USA, the microprocessor maker demo-ed Project Alloy, a standalone virtual reality headset allowing wearers to explore and interact with a virtual world while keeping one foot firmly in reality. The headset was presented by Intel CEO Brian Krzanich, who claimed that Project Alloy completely redefines what's possible from a VR device. In fact, Project Alloy offers a new immersive experience thanks to Intel RealSense technology, which notably monitors the various movements of the body. The headset is a completely standalone device, with no need to hook up to a computer or external sensors, so wearers can move around and explore virtual environments with total freedom. It is, however, equipped with several cameras that scan the surrounding environment so that wearers can also interact with real-world objects when the need arises. This could be climbing stairs or opening a door, for example, or raising a glass to toast with another person. Intel is calling this approach to VR "merged reality." Virtual and augmented reality Although Project Alloy won't necessarily end up being released commercially, it's a formidable showcase for Intel's RealSense cameras (short- and long-range), which are already found in certain hybrid PCs. In 2017, Intel plans to open up this ecosystem to developers looking to create their own headsets and/or custom environments. Note that Intel is still working in close collaboration with software giant Microsoft (who already caused a stir with their HoloLens VR glasses) in the fields of virtual and augmented reality. Two major new virtual reality headsets are due out this fall, with the Oculus Rift landing in Europe September 20, followed by the PlayStation VR on October 13. Check out Intel's merged reality in this video: "India's daughter Sakshi Malik has earned a new strength and respect for the tricolour on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan," Modi said. By India Today Web Desk: Congratulating Sakshi Malik for opening India's account at the Rio Olympics by winning a bronze , Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said the wrestler has earned a new strength and respect for the tricolour. "India's daughter Sakshi Malik has earned a new strength and respect for the tricolour on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. I extend my heartiest wishes and congratulations to her," Modi said while laying the foundation stone of the BJP's new office in New Delhi. advertisement Malik, 23, is the first Indian female wrestler to win a medal at the Olympics. She clinched the bronze medal in the Women's Freestyle 58kg category by beating Aisuluu Tynybekova of Kyrgyzstan. Congress president Sonia Gandhi also congratulated the grappler from Haryana, terming it "a moment of pride and honour for India". In a statement, Sonia said Sakshi's extraordinary journey and success is inspiring. Haryana Chief Minister ML Khattar said, "It is a matter of happiness that India's daughter has won a medal for the country." Khattar's West Bengal counterpart Mamata Banerjee took to Twitter to congratulate. "Whole of India says with you together 'Jai Hind'," Banerjee tweeted this morning. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: PM Modi congratulates Sakshi Malik, says 'India's daughter has made us proud' Also Read: Sakshi Malik a reminder of what can happen if you don't kill a girl child: Virender Sehwag 'It took a woman athlete to slap Shobhaa De'. Twitter cheers Sakshi Malik after Bronze medal Rio 2016 - It was a dream to run with the Indian flag: Sakshi Malik to India Today --- ENDS --- China Mobile Ltd. CHL, the largest wireless operator in China and Finland-based Nokia Corporation NOK seem to have strengthened their alliance in the optical network space. China Mobile recently offered a 30% partnership to Nokia in its 2016-2017 100G optical network project to rollout mobile broadband services for the world's largest 4G network. The 100G optical network deal has been structured to support the Broadband China strategy, the countrys efforts to meet rising mobile data demand in the cloud era. However, this new contract is subject to the initial one-year framework deal worth 1.36 billion ($1.5 billion), which was signed by Nokia and China Mobile in Jun 2016. Broadband China Strategy China Mobiles 100G project is based on the Broadband China strategy. Under the deal, China Mobile will help Nokia utilize its 100G Optical Transport Network (OTN) and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) backbone based on the recently announced packet-optical transport platform Nokia 1830 PSS-24x. The centerpiece of the network architecture is a four-port 100G DWDM line card for Nokia 1830 PSS-24X. This high density line card leverages the Photonic Service Engine 2 Compact (PSE-2c) Nokia's low-power 100G-optimized digital signal processor. In combination with CFP2 (C form-factor pluggable) analog coherent pluggable optics, the line card allows China Mobile to add optical capacity faster. Nokia assures to deliver its latest optical transmission innovation to help China Mobile optimize its networks and make new opportunities available for subscribers. This resourceful optical platform is expected to help China Mobile function better rapidly add optical capacity, fulfill increasing mobile data demand in the cloud era and offering the best speed and quality to the expanding 4G customer base. Initial Framework Deal In Jun 2016, Nokia had signed a one-year agreement worth 1.36 billion ($1.5 billion) with China Mobile to provide the operator with infrastructure and equipment for operating a cloud network. As per the deal, Nokia will help China Mobile transit to a flexible cloud network infrastructure with the help of its 5G-ready AirScale Base Station and deliver mobile, fixed, IP routing, optical transport, customer experience management technologies and operational support, global services throughout the year. Presently, the Chinese market is dominated by China Mobile, China Telecom Corp. Ltd. CHA and China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited CHU. Story continues Nokias Latest Coverage in China This month, Nokia signed an agreement with China Telecom to forge ahead with 4G rollout in 19 provinces of China, enabling China Telecom to expand coverage and capacity as well as the quality of service for subscribers. This agreement paves the way for the introduction of 5G technology and lays the foundation for China Telecom's launch of Voice over LTE (VoLTE) services in 2017. The Bottom Line Undoubtedly, China has one of the fastest growing technology sectors in the world. However, a downward trend has been observed in the recent months. Reports state that China Mobile recently recorded a 5.6% hike in profits compared to last year due to continued rise in 4G customers. China Mobile had 837.04 million mobile customers in June, 2016 versus 817.2 million a year ago. Out of the total, 4G customer count stood at 428.54 million versus 189.66 million a year ago. China Mobiles 4G network is expected to gain over 300 million of subscribers, which would make it one of the largest 4G networks in the world.The latest association between China Mobile and Nokia is a crucial win for Nokia as it will help the latter safeguard its leading position as a technology service provider in China. Both Nokia and China Mobile currently have a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). NOKIA CP-ADR A Price NOKIA CP-ADR A Price | NOKIA CP-ADR A Quote CHINA MOBLE-ADR Price CHINA MOBLE-ADR Price | CHINA MOBLE-ADR Quote Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report >> Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report NOKIA CP-ADR A (NOK): Free Stock Analysis Report CHINA TELCM-ADR (CHA): Free Stock Analysis Report CHINA UNICOM (CHU): Free Stock Analysis Report CHINA MOBLE-ADR (CHL): Free Stock Analysis Report To read this article on click here. Zacks Investment Research Android fans, you're now officially one day away from seeing the hottest phablet in the history of phablets hit store shelves. Some shipments went out a little early and retailers in some markets actually began selling the Note 7 a week early, but Friday is Samsung's official launch date for its brand new Galaxy Note 7 smartphone. If you read our in-depth Galaxy Note 7 review, you know that we were absolutely blown away by Samsung's latest new handset. It features an incredible design, outstanding software features and killer performance that ranks among the best in the world. But as it often does, Samsung is releasing two different versions of the Galaxy Note 7. Will the US finally enjoy the more powerful model this year, or will the trend continue and see Samsung's international version outperform the US model? MUST SEE: The 7 best features on Samsungs Galaxy Note 7 (none of which are on the iPhone) Samsung designs and builds its own mobile processors, but it doesn't always use them in its smartphones. In versions of its flagship phones that are sold in the United States, the company often uses Qualcomm chipsets instead to cut down on the network licensing fees it has to pay. Versions of Samsung smartphones powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon processors are generally on par with versions powered by Samsung's own Exynos chipsets, but in the past we've often seen the edge go to Exynos in terms of both performance and battery life. While the jury is still out on battery life, mobile blog PhoneArena put both versions of the Galaxy Note 7 to the test to see which one outperforms the other. Here are some charts that show the test results, with scores from the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S7 edge mixed in as well: Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 8.19.50 AM Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 8.20.23 AM Each model outscored the other in some tests but overall, it looks like the performance edge clearly goes to the Snapdragon 820-powered US version of the Galaxy Note 7. Trending right now: See the original version of this article on By PTI: New Delhi, Aug 17 (PTI) Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) will float tenders for setting up wind projects with cumulative capacity of 1,000 mw to supply power to non-windy states. "SECI will float tenders for total wind power capacity of 1,000 mw. This will be tariff based competitive bidding and will be awarded to bidders quoting lowest price (power tariff) bid," a senior official said. advertisement The official said: "At present the rate of wind power ranges between Rs 3.9 per unit (lowest in Tamil Nadu) and Rs 5.5 per unit in other states. This bidding may result in drop in prices of wind power as happened in case of solar power." The New and Renewable Energy Ministry has planned to set up grid-connected 1,000 mw wind energy projects, which will supply power at price discovered through competitive bidding. According to the scheme approved by the ministry for setting up this 1000 mw wind power capacity, the project capacity will be determined by SECI for each tender, but will not be less than 25 mw for a single project developer at one site. The scheme for setting up of 1000 mw wind power projects connected to transmission network of Central transmission Utility (CTU), through SECI will be implemented to supply power to discoms of non-windy state, the ministry had said earlier in June. SECI is the nodal agency for implementation of this scheme. It is working on e-bidding process followed by e-reverse auction for eligible bidders. The body will also develop a suitable mechanism for monitoring the performance of the projects. The scheme provides that no separate funding shall be provided by the ministry to SECI for implementing this scheme for setting up 1000 mw wind power capacity. The objectives of the scheme is to facilitate supply of wind power to the non-windy states at a price discovered through transparent bidding process. Besides it will encourage competitiveness through scaling up of project sizes and introduction of efficient and transparent e-bidding and e-auctioning processes. It will also facilitate fulfillment of Non Solar Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) requirement of non-windy states. The wind power deployment in the country started in early 90s. The present wind power installed capacity in the country is nearly 26.7 GW sharing around 9 per cent of total installed capacity. Globally India is at 4th position in terms of wind power installed capacity after China, USA and Germany. Centre has set an ambitious target of target of achieving 175 GW power capacity from renewable energy resources by 2022 and out of this 60 GW to come from wind power. PTI KKS ABK --- ENDS --- advertisement Aryan Khan is in Los Angeles at film school. Now, he's looking as good as his dad in this new photo. Do we have a rising star on the horizon? By India Today Web Desk: Given the doting father that Shah Rukh Khan is, it is most natural that he cannot get enough of his childen. Recently, SRK shared a picture of his youngest, AbRam on Instagram. In his latest Instagram post, King Khan and his eldest son Aryan are seen wearing shades. Looking dapper, Prince Khan. SEE PIC: Shah Rukh Khan kicked by youngest AbRam on camera, well, almost advertisement Shah Rukh shared the picture on Thursday (August 18) with the caption "Objects in the mirror....r closest...sigh...!!!" Objects in the mirror....r closest...sigh...!!! A photo posted by Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) on Aug 17, 2016 at 9:42pm PDT The 50-year-old actor recently accompanied Aryan to his orientation at the film school at University of Southern California (USC). ALSO READ: Dad Shah Rukh Khan escorts son Aryan Khan to film school at California As reported by Filmfare Magazine, Shah Rukh was quoted as saying, "I am showing Aryan a lot of films because he is going to film school now." Aryan recently graduated from Seven Oaks High School in London, where both son and father looked dapper in black suits during the son's graduation ceremony. Aryan is expected to join films, after he's studied them in his under-graduate. Shah Rukh was quoted as saying, "I had done my masters and my kids are pursuing their graduation. As far as following my footsteps as an actor is concerned, it is up to them what they want to do." --- ENDS --- By PTI: Pamba, Aug 18 (PTI) Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan today suggested that the practice of providing special darshan for VIPs in the hill temple of Lord Ayyappa at Sabarimala should be done away with and that the Tirupati temple model queue system for pilgrims needs to be introduced. The Chief Minister, who held a review meeting of various facilities at the temple prior to the start of pilgrim season, also wanted the shrine, which sees a heavy rush of pilgrims every year, to be kept open on all days. He also enquired if Tirupati model darshan tickets of Rs 1,000 and Rs 250 could be introduced for Sabarimala pilgrims. advertisement Prayar Gopalakrishnan, President of Travancore Devaswom Board, which manages the world famous shrine, however turned down the three suggestions of the ChiefMinister at the meeting, which also saw heated exchanges between both of them. "The temple cannot be opened on all days as it follows certain rituals and customs," Gopalakrishnan said. There are no separate queue for VIPs, he said adding only those who offer poojas for over Rs 500 are allowed to have darshan after standing in a special queue. The Tirupati model tickets also cannot be introduced as it would amount to discriminating devotees, he said. The TDB president said only women of a particular age group are not allowed inside the temple. The Chief Minister also suggested that a rope way and airport for pilgrims who come from far off states need to be considered. "We need to think of an airport as people from different states are coming", he said. Vijayan said the parking facilities are not enough at Pamba and suggested a multi-level parking facility. State ministers - K K Shylaja, Kadakkampally Surendran, K Raju, A K Saseendran and K T Jaleel besides TDB officials and members from various departments participated in the meeting. PTI UD APR KUN MVV --- ENDS --- These women run their house like a married couple but do not engage in sexual intercourse. By India Today Web Desk: Straight women in a certain remote village of Tanzania are getting married to each other as a means of reclaiming their independence and freedom. The above-mentioned women who happen to be members of the cattle-herding Kurya tribe in Tanzania take other females as their spouses under a local tradition named, Nyumba Ntobhu that roughly translates into 'a house of women'. advertisement A recent feature by Marie Claire delved into the tradition and noted that women in such relationships--much like a married couple--eat, cook and raise children together but do not have sex with each other. Also Read: Jaipur: Two married women get married to each other. Then it gets complicated These women have the freedom of indulging in sexual intercourse with men outside their marriage--but any child thus produced, belongs to the all-women household. As per Tanzanian journalist Dinna Maningo, this tradition is quite practical as Kurya tribe rituals do not allow a widow to keep property--but under Nyumba Ntobhu "if a woman without sons is widowed or her husband leaves her, she is allowed to marry a younger woman who can take a male lover and give birth to heirs on her behalf." Also Read: 10 women confess what REALLY happened on their wedding night This tradition seems like quite a liberating and novel one, as men have no control or say in the functioning of a female household. Women are also spared from being subjected to domestic abuse and violence which is a raging issue in the Tanzanian community. In fact, according to Marie Claire's report, a survey in 2013 by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare had revealed that as many as 45 per cent women aged between 15 to 49 had experienced domestic abuse. Not just their households, women of the Kurya tribe who abide by the tradition of Nyumba Ntobhu also have complete autonomy over their bodies and consent--the importance of which cannot be emphasised upon enough. --- ENDS --- By Mail Today: Wego The Company is known for its award winning travel app and website tailor-made for travel enthusiasts in Asia Pacific and Middle East regions. Wego's competitive edge lies in the fact that it leverages simple yet state-ofthe-art technology that automates the entire process of searching and comparing results from a multitude of airline, hotel and online travel agency websites out there. The platform features travel products and prices which enables shoppers to find the best deals and from where to book the deal from - from an airline or hotel directly, or from a third party aggregator website. Headquartered in Singapore, each month ,Wego sends flight and hotel booking referrals worth US$1.5B to travel partners. advertisement Tripadvisor Tripadvisor is the world's largest travel site. TripAdvisor offers advice from travelers and compares hotel prices from around the world to offer the best that is there, to their customers. The platform covers 350 million reviews and 6.5 million accommodations, restaurants and attractions. Some USPs include: Strong international presence in 45 countries like U.S., U.K., India, France, Germany etc. "Just For You" feature in the app offers personalised travel recommendations for customers. A pioneer in Hotel and flights booking, vacation rentals, restaurant finding and travel guides. ixigo The fastest growing travel meta search engine in Indian travel industry. Founded in 2007 in Gurgaon, ixigo connects over 80 million travellers with content and deals from over 25,000 online and offline travel and hospitality businesses. With a mission to simplify the lives of travellers by building apps, ixigo makes their travel search and planning hassle??free. It aggregates and compares real-time travel information, prices and availability for flights, trains, buses, cabs, hotels, packages and destinations. Recent developments ixigo launches book a cab through ixigo without Internet or GPS. Launch of Intercity cab booking in 10 cities. ixigo launches ixibaba-AI powered personal travel assistant. Launch of Ixibook to simplify your travel bookings. Travelocity is a premier online travel app where travelers can make airline, hotel, car rental reservations, book cruises and vacation packages, search information about destinations, and access a range of other travel-related services. It is a joint venture by Sabre Interactive and Worldview Systems Corp. Cleartrip A simple, easy to use and comprehensive online bookings portal, Cleartrip?fs services includes online booking and reservation services, booking status check, schedules and guides for both international and domestic flights, trains and hotels, IRCTC railways reservation and PNR status. The USPs include: Simple and user-friendly Interface and processes. Prominent presence in the international business arena. Highly customer oriented. Tieups with select airlines, corporate houses and hotel chains. --- ENDS --- By PTI: Mumbai, Aug 18 (PTI) Director Anees Bazmee says he will soon announce the names of two "established actors" who will join the star cast of "Aankhen 2". Makers of the sequel of 2002 "Aankhen" last night officially announced the star cast for the film, which has megastar Amitabh Bachchan, Anil Kapoor, Arjun Rampal, Arshad Warsi, Ileana DCruz, southern actress Regina Cassandra on board. advertisement A video clip of the star cast was screened at the event which also showed a character in the film, named Rahul - The mysterious man - whose identity is yet to be unveiled. "There will be two more actors for Aankhen 2, one who will play the role of a blind man, named Rahul. The actor who will play this part is a well known actor from the younger generation. There would be another well known actor who would be part of the film as well," Bazmee told PTI. In the second installment, Arjun, Arshad will play the role of blind men, while there would be one more young actor who would join the duo to carry out the heist. The "Welcome Back" helmer without divulging much about the role of another well known actor, said, "He is a grey character, but he is comedian also." Meanwhile, grapevine was abuzz that either Akshay Kumar or Abhishek Bachchan was going to be a part of "Aankhen 2". When asked about it, Bazmee said, "There was lot of speculation happening about the casting like Katrina Kaif is going to be part of it, Abhishek and Akshay but we never gave out any names." According to Bazmee, official announcement about the two actors will be made soon. First part, "Aankhen" saw three blind men, played by Arjun, Paresh Rawal and Akshay Kumar, rob a bank that was once headed by Bachchan. Though the basic premise of the story is same, Bazmee says, sequel will have a different angle with the heist centring around a casino. "The three blind men will rob casino. Till now no robbery has taken place in a casino. We will shoot in a casino abroad for this," he added. PTI KKP ARS JCH RDS --- ENDS --- By PTI: Chandigarh, Aug 18 (PTI) Union Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa today reviewed the progress of the proposed roll out of the Public Financial Management System (PFMS), administered by the Controller General of Accounts, with Chief Secretaries of the States of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. M J Joseph, Controller General of Accounts (CGA) and other senior officials attended the meeting, said an official release. advertisement PFMS provides an end-to-end solution for processing payments, tracking, monitoring, accounting, reconciliation and reporting of transactions. The system provides scheme managers a unified platform for tracking releases of funds to implementing agencies and monitoring their last mile utilization. The objective of Government of India is to promote fiscal discipline in both the Union and State Governments and greater transparency in the fund flow management of various schemes implemented by States. "Efficient utilization of resources and establishing a transparent mechanism to transfer resources and track the transactions till the benefits reach the target recipients is the objective of the PFMS", the Finance Secretary said. At various review meetings, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emphasized on the need for better utilization of central funds transferred to the state governments and their implementing agencies. In this context, it has been decided that PFMS will be tasked to develop and implement a system that facilitates Just in Time (JIT) release of funds and complete monitoring of end usage of funds up to the last beneficiary, a release said. The state governments play an important role in attaining these objectives through integration of their state treasuries with PFMS. During the review meeting, States indicated the level of preparedness of treasury integration with PFMS. Gaps in implementation were also identified and necessary support mechanisms for full roll out in a time bound manner were discussed, it said. Central Government would provide financial assistance for computerisation of State treasuries and training of personnel. The State Governments would set up the State Project Management Units (SPMU), District Project Management Units (DPMU) etc, the release said PIT CHS RG --- ENDS --- By PTI: From Lalit K Jha Washington, Aug 18 (PTI) The Obama Administration withheld USD 400 million ransom that was paid to Iran in a plane till the time its hostages were released by Tehran, a major US daily reported today in a potentially damaging report for the Democratic party campaign. "US officials wouldnt let Iranians take control of the money until a Swiss Air Force plane carrying three freed Americans departed from Tehran on January 17. Once that happened, an Iranian cargo plane was allowed to bring the cash home from a Geneva airport that day," The Wall Street Journal reported. advertisement The Obama Administration has insisted that the payment was part of its effort to sort out a long pending dispute with Iran and was not a ransom. However, the opposition Republican party does not seem to be convinced. USD 400 million was the first instalment of the USD 1.7 billion settlement reached by the Obama Administration with Iran. "Its time for the White House to drop the charade and admit it paid a USD 400 million ransom to the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism," the Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus has said in a statement. "President (Barack) Obama has foolishly put a price on the head of every American abroad and it should be no surprise that Iran has since detained more US citizens. "Hillary Clintons support for this dangerous blunder shows once again she does not have the judgement to be President," Priebus has said. According to the report, executives from Irans flagship carrier Iran Air, organised the flight from Tehran to Geneva where the cash ? euros and Swiss francs and other currencies ? was loaded onto the aircraft. "Our top priority was getting the Americans home," a US official was quoted as saying. Once the Americans were "wheels up" on the morning of January 17, Iranian officials in Geneva were allowed to take custody of the USD 400 million in currency, according to officials briefed on the exchange, the daily reported. PTI LKJ SUA AKJ SUA --- ENDS --- By PTI: Lalit K Jha Washington, Aug 18 (PTI) References to Baluchistan, Gilgit and PoK by Prime Minister Narendra Modi signals a change in Indias Pakistan policy, top American experts on South Asia have said as they sought more clarity on New Delhis new approach towards disturbed areas in Pakistan. "Hes (Modi) either appeasing hardliners at home or deliberately signaling to Pakistan in an effort to strengthen Indias hand in future discussions," said Vikram J Singh, a former Obama Administration official who served in key positions in State Department, playing an important role in shaping its Af-Pak policy and later in the Defense Department. advertisement "If the latter, it could backfire but be viewed as worth the risk," cautioned Singh, vice president, national security and international policy at the Center for American Progress, a top US think-tank based in Washington DC. So far, Modi has demonstrated both a willingness to work with Pakistan and a willingness to take a hardline stance, he said. However, Singh felt Modis deeper challenge is ensuring India has the allegiance of the majority of Kashmiris rather than growing resentment and resistance, much as Pakistan needs the Baluch to have a stake in the Pakistani state. "In the long term, the local people matter more to long term stability than do the far right political and chattering class. Appeasing hardliners for political ends leads to bad policy outcomes," Singh said in response to a question. "The reference to Balochistan in this years Independence Day speech certainly signals a change in tone in the Modi governments Pakistan policy," said Lisa Curtis of The Heritage Foundation, a top Americana think-tank, which is considered close to the Republican establishment. The attack on Pathankot air base earlier this year by Pakistan-based terrorists just six days after Modis goodwill visit to Lahore seems to have convinced Modi and his advisors of the futility of pursuing dialogue with Pakistan, Curtis noted. While the previous Manmohan Singh government persevered with dialogue in the face of terrorist attacks, it can be argued that such forbearance paid few dividends for India, she said. "Still, its unlikely that the Balochistan reference heralds any significant new actions on the ground by India. Modi seems instead to be laying down a marker that his government will be less patient than its predecessor when it comes to Pakistani terrorist provocations," Curtis said. The Obama Administration, however, has refrained from making any comments on Modis Independence Day speech with regard to PoK, Baluchistan and Gilgit. Refusing to be drawn in the Kashmir debate, State Department Spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau told reporters at a news conference on Monday, "Our position, as you well know, on Kashmir has not changed. The pace, the scope, the character of any discussions in Kashmir is for the two sides to determine," she said. PTI LKJ SUA AKJ SUA --- ENDS --- advertisement By PTI: New Delhi, Aug 18 (PTI) India and Venezuela today held "substantive" talks to explore deepening of ties in a range of areas including in trade and investment and hydrocarbons sector as the two countries agreed to finalise a number of key pacts including double tax avoidance agreement. During talks with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, her Venezuelan counterpart Delcy Rodriguez personally handed over an invitation for Indias participation in the 17th edition of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Venezuela next month. advertisement It is understood that the invitation is for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The two sides agreed to move ahead for an early finalisation of a number of agreements in different areas, including Extradition Treaty, Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA), Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) on Criminal Matters, Air Services Agreement etc, said External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup. About NAM, he said Swaraj underlined the importance India attaches to it, particularly as one of its founder members and confirmed Indias participation. She conveyed to Rodriguez that the details of Indias participation will be worked out and intimated soon. Earlier asked whether Modi will attend the summit, Swarup said decision on Indias level of participation has not been taken yet. The last time an Indian Prime Minister stayed away from attending NAM was Chaudhary Charan Singh in 1979. Rodriguez is here to personally hand over the invitation for Indias participation at the NAM summit to be held in Margarita Island from September 17-18. The Venezuelan Foreign Minister is accompanied by a 14- member delegation including Minister of Petroleum Eulogio del Pino and Vice Minister for Asia, Middle East and Oceania Felix Plasencia. "They discussed the whole gamut of bilateral issues and views were exchanged on various multilateral issues, including UNSC Reform, UN Peacekeeping and terrorism," said Swarup. He said it was agreed that there is huge potential on both sides on the trade front and that the basket needs to be diversified. "India raised the issue to pending payments of both public and private sector companies with the Venezuelan side. They assured that they will look into the matter for an early solution," Swarup said adding the ministers also agreed that the next Joint Commission Meeting should be held soon in Venezuela. A luncheon meeting was also hosted for Rodriguez by Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan during which both sides agreed to step up cooperation in the hydrocarbons sector. In the cultural sector, it was agreed that programmes of symphony, film festivals and youth orchestra etc should be exchanged, Swarup said. advertisement The Venezuelan minister invited Swaraj to visit Venezuela which she accepted, said Swarup. PTI MPB ZMN --- ENDS --- From kissing to ragging; Yeh Hai Mohabbatein's upcoming track has it all. By India Today Web Desk: Ekta Kapoor's Yeh Hai Mohabbatein has never failed to delight its loyal viewers. And it is about to do the same again. We kid you not. According to BollywoodLife during theupcoming track of the show, Shagun will be stopped from meeting Pihu by none other than her own daughter Ruhi. Ruhi will also be seen blaming Shagun for trying to snatch away Pihu from Raman and Ishita. advertisement Also read:Karan Patel is NOT leaving Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, so fans can sigh in relief On the other hand, Raman will instruct the school principal to not allow any kind of meeting to take place between Pihu and Shagun. A still from the show. Picture courtesy: YouTube Meanwhile, Ishita, who has enrolled into an MBA course, will face a lot of ridicule from her fellow classmates. She will even be ragged and asked to walk whilst balancing a stack of books on her head. Raman, upon seeing 'this,' will fly into a rage. But, the sauciest for the last, guys. Your favourite couple, Raman-Ishita, will soon be seen locking lips on the small screen. The on-screen couple might be seen sharing a kiss soon. Picture courtesy: Instagram/yehhaimohabbatein Yes, you are not dreaming. Stay tuned to Yeh Hai Mohabbatein for all this and more. Yeh Hai Mohabbatein airs at 7:30 pm on Star Plus. --- ENDS --- Diagnosis? Too many dumplings. Alice/Mayo back to the Vet! Two recent developments in U.S. patent law mean mixed news for the bio-pharmaceutical industry. First, the bad news -- the U.S. Supreme Court declined to accept for review the closely-watched Ariosa Diagnostics v. Sequenom case concerning the patentability of a diagnostic method. Second, the good news -- a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued the Rapid Litigation Management v. Cellz Direct decision further clarifying application of the two-step Alice/Mayo test (1. claim directed to a patent ineligible category and 2. lack of inventive concept) concerning laws of nature. Prior to the U.S. Supreme Court's issuance of the Mayo v. Prometheus case invalidating claims to a diagnostic, there was general concern about patents inhibiting the use of diagnostics. Indeed, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Association of Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics was also, in part, directed to the use of claimed inventions for diagnostic purposes. Since the issuance of the famous Alice v. CLS Bank International case and Mayo v. Prometheus, there is a concern that the Supreme Court has pushed too far against patent eligibility. Post-Mayo, it appeared that few diagnostic inventions would be patent eligible.In Ariosa Diagnostics v. Sequenom, a three-judge panel of the Federal Circuit found that Sequenom's diagnostic patent was patent ineligible. This was despite the fact that the discovery made by Sequenom was very beneficial to patients and apparently against previous wisdom concerning the utility of the material used in the diagnostic. Moreover, the patentee asserted that the natural phenomenon/law of nature was not preempted by the claimed invention. Notably, Sequenom requested an en banc rehearing , but was denied by the Federal Circuit . Interestingly, Judge Dyk wrote a concurrence essentially expressing concern that the Mayo case's sweeping test prohibiting the patenting of diagnostics would result in insufficient incentives for the invention of diagnostics. Importantly, Judge Dyk set forth a way to distinguish and apply Mayo that would allow for some diagnostics to survive the Alice/Mayo test. However, Judge Dyk signaled to the Supreme Court that it should take the case. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court did not accept the invitation to hear the closely watched case.In Rapid Litigation Management v. Cellzdirect, a three-judge panel of the Federal Circuit found that claims directed to a method to preserve liver cellswere patent eligible. The Federal Circuit further clarified the application of the Alice/Mayo test in the context of laws of nature/natural phenomenon. As in the Enfish case, the Federal Circuit focused on the first prong of the Alice/Mayo test by finding that the claimed invention was not "directed to" a patent ineligible concept--the discovery that certain liver cells can survive multiple freeze/thaw cycles. While the discovery was certainly made by the inventors, the patent claimed a "new and useful laboratory technique for preserving" those cells "for later use." This approach seems to track part of Judge Dyk's analysis in his concurrence to deny en banc review of the Sequenom case. The Federal Circuit further found that the second prong--inventive concept--was also satisfied to find patent eligible subject matter. Notably, even though the additional steps were well-known, a method to preserve the cells was not known or present in the prior art. An instruction to apply a known step a second time in the claims is essentially an inventive concept if prior art directed not to apply the known step again.A press release issued by Sequenom notes that it has "equivalent" claims in enforceable and valid patents in other jurisdictions, including Europe, Japan and Australia. It also states it is enforcing those patents in some jurisdictions. From the perspective of global innovation, will there be less innovation in diagnostics if the Federal Circuit does not continue to "clarify" the U.S. Supreme Court's approach? However, as reported by Irans foreign ministry, Brge Brende and Mohammad Javad Zarif signed three export credit deals aimed at funding development and infrastructure projects. Brende said, After the lifting of sanctions, good opportunities have emerged for cooperation and Norway is ready to utilise the post-deal situation to expand cooperation in various fields, according to the The Local. He met with many officials during his one-day visit, including Supreme National Security Council secretary Ali Shamkhani, before leaving for Pakistan. The Iranian opposition warns that Brendes visit may be used for propaganda purposes and to justify its repressive policies at home and its support for international terrorism and Islamic extremism. Shahin Gobadi of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in a statement provided to The Local, This trip takes place amid a wave of mass executions in Iran. Just today [Wednesday, ed.] the regime carried out five public executions, and added, The notion of moderation under [President Hassan] Rouhani is a total myth, and all the factions of the regime are in consensus regarding human rights abuses and export of terrorism, Gobadi added. The regimes human rights abuses and its appalling record should be addressed publicly and explicitly during this trip. Because of Irans relationship with the death penalty, and particularly because that penalty is sometimes given to political prisoners, the 22 human rights organizations have formally reiterated the call for an immediate moratorium on executions throughout the country. The joint statement also called upon both the United Nations Human Rights Council and the European Union to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran over this and other human rights issues. The mass executions that took place early in August have certainly become one of the newest hot button human rights topics regarding the Islamic Republic. The related controversy has continued to grow as more information has emerged about the incidents. On Tuesday, Al Arabiya reported that the families of some of those who were executed found that when they recovered their loved ones bodies, they bore marks that were indicative of torture prior to their hanging. It had previously been reported that the condemned men were physically assaulted by prison authorities before being taken to pre-execution solitary confinement. There are many such reports of abuse in the Islamic Republic, and there would likely be more if not for the regimes efforts to suppress details of what happens inside Iranian prisons. Al Arabiya also reported that Iranian intelligence agents had warned the relatives of some hanging victims to not discuss the condition of their bodies with the media or other outside sources. In some cases, relatives were even instructed not to hold public funerals, presumably out of fear that these could become rallying places for activism or political dissent. Regardless of all this surrounding context, the August 3 hanging of 20 men was quickly described as one of the worst incidences of mass execution in recent years, although smaller scale mass executions throughout 2015 had contributed to a final total of nearly 1,000 executions in that year alone. Iran consistently ranks as the country with the highest per-capita rate of executions in the world, and last years figures were reportedly higher than any in the past 25 years. But only a few years prior to that, the Iranian regime set a considerable record when, in the summer of 1988, it executed as many as 30,000 political prisoners, mostly members of the Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran. This incident returned to the headlines around the same time that human rights groups began to speak out regarding this months executions. On August 9, Ahmad Montazeri, the son of an Iranian cleric who was once slated to take over the leadership of the Islamic Republic, posted an audio recording online featuring his father speaking out against the 1988 executions and thereby making additional information about the incident publicly available for the first time. On Wednesday, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, which is made up in large part of the Peoples Mojahedin, reported that Ahmad Montazeri had called upon the leadership of the Islamic Republic to apologize to the families of victims of the 1988 massacre. He added that the regime should disclose the locations of those victims burial sites and allow families to visit them for the first time. Such commentary highlights the fact that at the same time that new human rights controversies are emerging in the Islamic Republic, there are longstanding human rights issues that remain unresolved and to a great extent un-acknowledged. The NCRI has expressed concern that too few people are aware of the 1988 massacre or its true extent. Montazeris comments threaten to bring that incident into sharper focus, but it remains to be seen whether international human rights groups or Western policymakers will commit their own attention to the 28 year-old incident in the midst of more recent, but much smaller mass executions and the ongoing Iranian crackdown on persons with connections to the West. The International Campaign reported on Tuesday that an American citizen who was arrested in July while visiting his native Iran has now been formally charged after spending long stretches of time in solitary confinement. Robin Shahini is said to be facing charges of acting against national security, participating in protest gatherings in 2009, collaborating with Voice of America television and insulting the sacred on Facebook. He is one of at least six foreign nationals who have been arrested in Iran in recent months on vague or unspecified charges, amidst unsubstantiated accusations of spying for Western governments. The arrests have been widely interpreted as part of an effort to minimize cultural contact and information exchange between Iran and the West. Notably, that project promises to limit Iranian awareness of international statements regarding Irans human rights abuses. Toward that end, Irans civilian militia destroyed some 100,000 confiscated satellite dishes in July, and the Human Rights Activists News Network reported that a new round of confiscation began on August 8. These refugees, mainly members of the Peoples Mujahedin of Iran (otherwise known as the MEK) are unarmed, innocent people who have been forced to flee their homes because of their opposition to the tyrannical theocratic regime in Tehran. They have endured decades of exile outside of Iran marked by continuous suffering and persecution. Camp Liberty has been the target for seven rocket attacks since 2013. Hundreds of people have been wounded, and the death toll lies at around 139 residents. The attacks are believed to be the work of Shiite militias in Iraq linked to the Iranian regime, or by agents of the Iranian Quds Force. To date, no one has been arrested, no one held accountable. The Iraqi government signed a Memorandum of Understanding ensuring the safety and security of the residents of Camp Liberty, however, it now appears that the Iraqi government isnt, in fact, protecting Camp Liberty. Because they are not safe in Iraq, the freedom fighters are to be relocated outside of the country. Albania has taken in many of the refugees leaving Camp Liberty. Congressman Poe says that, Recent reports from MEK sources within Tehran now suggest that the Quds Force is contemplating another major strike on Camp Liberty before the remaining refugees are allowed to leave. At the same time, Quds Force-linked paramilitary forces have been increasing their presence in Baghdad International Airport a troubling sign that could presage another strike on the camp that is located not too far from the airport. He adds, The Iranian government would like extend the reign of terror it wages at home against any and all people who speak out against it- including the dissidents in neighboring Iraq. How many more people have to die? How many more times will unarmed refugees be attacked by rockets? The Iraqi government must live up to its commitment and protect these refugees until every last one of them finds his or her way to safety. Congressman Poe sadly concludes, And thats just the way it is. It has been held by the Islamic State, also known as Daesh, since 2014 and is hailed by the terrorist group as the capital of its self-proclaimed caliphate. Now Iraqi forces, backed by U.S.-coalition airstrikes and with technical support from 500 American troops, have recaptured four villages on the outskirts of Mosul Tal Hamid, Qarqasha, Abzakh and Qura Takh and are already constructing an airbase near the village of Qayyara, which will be used as a staging post for the impending assault on the city. Stevenson believes that the successful recapture of Ramadi and Fallujah from IS, has sectarian tensions on the rise. He explains that, Shiite militias armed and commanded by the Iranian regime spearheaded the so-called liberation of these major Iraqi cities, exploiting the opportunity to exact a brutal campaign of revenge against the predominantly Sunni population. The Shiia-dominated Iraqi government has launched an investigation into allegations of executions and torture of Sunni civilians and the disappearance of over 1,000 Sunni men. According to Stevenson, there are Kurdish Peshmerga, some fighters loyal to the pro-Sunni former governor of the city and a number of Shiia militias gathered around Mosul. The diverse political objectives of these military forces are widely contradictory, sparking fear in the leaders of the Peshmerga. Sheikh Lukhman Sharawani, a Kurdish military commander, says the Sunni population of Mosul fear they will face the same fate as their brothers and sisters in Ramadi and Fallujah. They fear that the Iranian-led Shiia militias are taking advantage of the war against IS to implement a ruthless policy of ethnic cleansing in Iraqs Sunni provinces, according to Stevenson. Additionally, Last month, New York-based Human Rights Watch asked Iraqs Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to exclude the Shiia militias from the battle for Mosul. But there is little hope that this will happen, as the Iraqi military is so riven with corruption that few believe it has the capacity to mount an effective offensive against IS without the assistance of the militias. Abadi, a puppet of the theocratic Iranian regime, has allowed the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Gen. Qasem Soleimani to take command of the Shiia militias inside Iraq. Stevenson also says that, Soleimani and the IRGC are listed as international terrorists. Soleimani directed the attack on Fallujah, which led to widespread destruction, with most buildings in the city damaged or destroyed. Thousands of civilians were killed and injured and men and boys were ruthlessly rounded up and tortured by the brutal Shiia militias, who claimed they are trying to identify Daesh militants fleeing from the crumbling metropolis. The widespread purge of Sunnis from the political scene in Iraq, means that Sunnis may fear the sectarian militias more than they fear IS. Its unsure whether or not the eventual collapse of IS in Iraq will bring peace and safety for the Iraqi people. Iraqs political system is such that any vacuum created by the removal of Daesh may be quickly filled by new threats to security. Stevenson states that, U.S. pledges of airstrike and logistical support for the Shiia militias surrounding Mosul may prove to be a costly mistake with the price being paid by innocent Sunni men, women and children who face imminent death and destruction. The real victors will be the mullahs in Tehran who will forever thank U.S. President Barack Obama for helping them to ethnically cleanse Iraq of its Sunni population and to enable their theocratic Iranian regime to extend its evil influence exponentially across the Middle East. By defeating IS in Mosul, Obama wants to leave a good foreign policy legacy for himself or at least to decrease his disastrous legacy of failure in Iraq and Syria. But this cannot happen by using Shiia militias affiliated to the Quds force at the expense of the Iraqi Sunni population. Americas ominous cooperation with the criminal Shiia militias, even if it ultimately leads to the expulsion of IS from Mosul, will strengthen the jihadists in the long term and as soon as the U.S. military and air force leave Iraq, IS will return. If he wants to preserve any kind of reputation in the Middle East, Obama needs to do several things, according to Stevenson, and he outlines his suggestions: Firstly he must insist on the expulsion of the Shiia militias from Nineveh province; they can be replaced by actively recruiting and organizing local Sunni tribes and forces in Mosul and its suburbs. The United States should arm and train these recruits and treat them as an equal partner in the liberation of Mosul, as they are the only ones who can keep IS out of Nineveh Province in the long term. Secondly, the United States should strengthen the Iraqi army, purging it of all pro-Iranian elements. Thirdly, Obama must be seen to support al-Abadi in his bid to carry out radical reforms. No one can expect a miracle in Iraq. But leaving a wrecked and devastated Iraq will not be a sound legacy for Obama. If he adopts the correct strategy, he still has time. Even if by Jan. 20, the battle for Mosul is still raging, it will be a just and honorable battle to the credit of Obama. But a shattered Mosul, 2 million homeless Sunni men, women and children and IS waiting in the wings to re-emerge, will not be an honor or distinction for anyone. Struan Stevenson is the President of the European Iraqi Freedom Association, he was also a member of the European Parliament from 1999 to 2014, and was president of the European Parliaments Delegation for Relations with Iraq from 2009 to 2014. At a recent meeting, he spoke about the the regimes monitoring of womens veiling over the past 15 years, and that the situation has worsened, saying that, the current status of the hijab and virtue does not conform to an Islamic society. At the virtue and the veil meeting, held on August 12, addressed the area of chastity and public morality. Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari-Dolatabadi said, 24 departments have responsibilities Despite the fact that specialized courts have been set up in Tehran to encounter these types of offenses, a lack of coordination among relevant departments, has prevented progress. he also stated that the presence of people who do follow the regimes rules is predominant in public places such as parks, restaurants, etc. and it is necessary to overcome this atmosphere by providing solutions. He called on the regime officials to deal with offenses against public chastity and morality. (State-run news agency ISNA, August 12, 2016), referring to Khameneis orders on womens veiling. On July 20, 2016, Khamenei said, Any discussion over the voluntary or mandatory nature of the Hijab (womens veil) is deviatory, and does not have any place in the Islamic Republic. If it turns out that something is religiously unlawful (haram), the Islamic regime is duty-bound to stand against such haram. The Womens Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran issued a statement condemning the Iranian regimes backward and repressive positions against women. There is no doubt that in fear of the Iranian people and womens growing protests, the misogynist regime seeks the remedy in further escalation of oppression of women. They know, however, that this will only foment the Iranian peoples fury against the regime as manifested in the protests by various strata of society. [August 17, 2016] NDT Services Market Worth 8.55 Billion USD by 2022 PUNE, India, August 17, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the new market research report "NDT Services Market by Testing Technique (Ultrasonic, Radiographic, Eddy Current, Magnetic particle, Acoustic Emission, Terahertz Imaging), Type (Inspection, Renting, Training, Calibration), Vertical, & Geography - Global Forecast to 2022", published by MarketsandMarkets, the NDT services market is expected to reach USD 8.55 Billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 8.52% between 2016 and 2022. (Logo: ) Browse 71 market data Tables and 50 Figures spread through 177 Pages and in-depth TOC on "NDT Services Market" Early buyers will receive 10% customization on this report. The major factors driving this market include the outsourcing of NDT services to third party service providers and aging infrastructure and increasing need for maintenance. Ultrasonic testing technique to hold the largest share in the NDT services market The ultrasonic testing (UT) is expected to occupy the leading market share between 2016 and 2022. It uses high-frequency sound energy to examine and measure defects. UT can be deployed to inspect objects that are not easily accessible for inspection through direct contact, for example, for inspecting piping system buried under the earth surface. Some of the advanced technologies under UT such as immersion testing and guided-wave ultrasonic can be used for critical applications in sectors such as oil & gas and aerospace. This has enabled UT to be used as a substitute for other NDT techniques as well, making it the largest technique for NDT inspection. The market for the manufacturing vertical is expected to grow at the highest growth rate The NDT services in the manufacturing vertical are expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This vertical is receiving a boost from the emerging markets such as China, India, and South Africa. The various government initiatives such as "Make in India", "Industry 4.0" in Europe, and "National infrastructure plan" in South Africa are designed toincrease the manufacturing output from the respective regions. North America is expected to hold the largest share in this market during the forecast period North America has been a leading region in this market. UT technique accounted for the most used technique in this region. Construction and manufacturing activities in North America have driven the NDT services market in this region. Also, the rapid growth of transportation, power transmission and supply, oil & gas, and aerospace and defense vertical, and so on is driving the growth of this market. For instance, upcoming power plant construction projects such as coal power plant in California, Kanas, Missouri, and Texas are an opportunity for NDT services in the power generation market. The U.S. held the largest market share in the NDT services market in 2015 and is expected to be the leading player in North America. Inquiry Before Buying: The key players in the market include GE Oil & Gas Digital Solutions (U.S.), Ashtead Technology (U.K.), Mistras Group Inc. (U.S.), Zetec Inc. (U.S.), Intertek Group (U.K.), Yxlon international GMBH (Germany), and TUV Rheinland AG (Germany) among others. Browse Related Reports Terahertz Technology Market by Type (Terahertz Imaging, Terahertz Spectroscopy, and Terahertz Communication Systems), Technology (Terahertz Source and Terahertz Detector), Application & Region - Analysis & Forecast to 2022 Machine Condition Monitoring Market by Monitoring Type (Vibration Monitoring, Ultrasound Monitoring, Thermography, & Others), Components, Monitoring Process (Portable & Online Condition Monitoring), Applications, and Geography - Global Trend & Forecast to 2020 Know More About our Knowledge Store @ About MarketsandMarkets MarketsandMarkets is the largest market research firm worldwide in terms of annually published premium market research reports. Serving 1700 global fortune enterprises with more than 1200 premium studies in a year, M&M is catering to a multitude of clients across 8 different industrial verticals. We specialize in consulting assignments and business research across high growth markets, cutting edge technologies and newer applications. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model - GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors. M&M's flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "RT" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. The new included chapters on Methodology and Benchmarking presented with high quality analytical info graphics in our reports gives complete visibility of how the numbers have been arrived and defend the accuracy of the numbers. We at MarketsandMarkets are inspired to help our clients grow by providing apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository. Contact: Mr. Rohan Markets and Markets UNIT no 802, Tower no. 7, SEZ Magarpatta City, Hadapsar Pune, Maharashtra 411013, India Tel: + 1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected] Visit MarketsandMarkets [email protected] LinkedIn @ SOURCE MarketsandMarkets [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 17, 2016] HVR Strengthens Credentials as Data Replication Experts HVR Software has released version 5 of their flagship data replication software. This release strengthens HVR's position as a leading provider of data replication software for businesses that need to be confident in their data, whether stored in the cloud or on-premises. The main developments with HVR version 5 are deeper heterogeneous capabilities and better performance. HVR 5.0 cements HVR's place as the data replication software of choice for businesses that operate within increasingly complex data environments but require simple tools to use. With outstanding performance and cloud integration, DDL replication, and improved SQL Server log-based capture, HVR is a leader in heterogeneous database and mixed file replication. "Over the last few years I have seen the Cloud develop from a flexible sandbox for development projects into a primary storage location for many reputable organizations," said Anthony Brooks-Williams, CEO. "I am very excited to see HVR play a key role in Hybrid Cloud data management infrastructures as both existing and new clients adopt Cloud technologies. With HVR 5.0 the engineering team delivered technology even better equipped to support Cloud use cases." Details of the new release show 10x faster performance for loading into AWS Redshift, improved performance in the cloud and heterogeneous environments and the ability to support larger volumes of data while using fewer network resources. The update ensures swifter management of replication set up to minimize latency for business critical data. Check-box-simple replication in heterogeneous environments is offered and a "DVR for data" allows users to look at all logs in the past to double-check data-even before the software was installed. "HVR continues to lead with high-performance real-time replication in heterogeneous environments," said Mark Van de Wiel, CTO. "Beyond generic performance optimizations HVR 5 extends this commitment with faster log-based capture from SQL Server, improved loads into Teradata (News - Alert) and Amazon Redshift, and full support for log-based Change Data Capture on open source PostgreSQL. Rich support for heterogeneous setups combined with a flexible hub and spoke architecture allows our customers to avoid database vendor lock-in, both on-premises and in the Cloud." For organizations where real-time data replication is a mission critical process, HVR has been proven to be a reliable, secure and scalable solution implemented by some of the largest global companies and leading government and defense organizations. HVR Software is a privately held company with offices in North America, Europe and the Asia Pacific. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 17, 2016] Solid Lenovo 1st Quarter FY16-17 in Face of Industry & Currency Headwinds Lenovo (News - Alert) Group (HKSE: 0992) (PINK SHEETS: LNVGY) today announced results for its first fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2016. Quarterly revenue was US$10.1 billion, a six percent decrease year-over-year (or four percent decrease in constant currency). Quarter-to-quarter, this represented a 10 percent increase. First quarter pre-tax income increased 297 percent year-over-year to US$206 million. Net income increased 64 percent year-over-year to US$173 million. Lenovo's first quarter financial performance occurred during a period when the core markets saw either slow growth or year-over-year industry declines: PCs were down 4.1 percent and tablet shipments fell 11.1 percent, while server industry shipments were essentially flat with smartphone markets growing 0.7 percent. At the same time, the RMB continued its depreciation, capping overall growth potential during the quarter. "Although the macro-economy and our industries remain challenging, causing a decline in our revenue, we significantly improved our profit year-on-year through innovative products and strong execution. Our PC business delivered strong profits and our smartphone business stabilized compared to last quarter," said Yuanqing Yang, Chairman and CEO of Lenovo. "Going forward, in PCs we will focus on high growth segments and leverage industry consolidation to resume growth. In smartphones, we will leverage innovative, differentiated products and continue to shift to higher price bands to drive growth and turn around this business. In data centers, we will continue to expand in hyperconverged technology, and improve profitability in the hyperscale business." The Company's gross profit for the first fiscal quarter decreased 7 percent year-over-year to US$1.5 billion, with gross margin at 15.3 percent. Operating PTI for the quarter increased 97 percent year-over-year to US$281 million. Basic earnings per share for the first fiscal quarter was 1.57 US cents, or 12.19 HK cents. Net debt as of June 30, 2016, totaled US$1.2 billion. Business Group Overview In the PC and Smart Device Business Group, or PCSD, which includes PCs and tablets, Lenovo's quarterly sales were US$7 billion, down seven percent year-over-year. Pre-tax income was US$370 million, an increase of 2.4 percent year-over-year. Pre-tax income margin was strong at 5.3 percent, improving 0.5 points year-over-year, aided by good margins in China and increased profitability of the Latin America and Brazil PC businesses. Lenovo remained #1 worldwide for the 13th consecutive quarter with 21.1 percent market share, with gains in every geography except EMEA. It shipped 13.2 million PCs in the quarter, a 2.3 percent decline, which represented a 1.8 point premium to the overall market, which saw a 4.1 percent decline. The tablet business was profitable with a double-digit growth premium to market. Lenovo continues to make steady progress towards its goal of achieving 30 percent worldwide PC market share. In the Mobile Business Group, or MBG (News - Alert), which includes products from Motorola and Lenovo-branded mobile phones, Lenovo quarterly sales were US$1.7 billion, down 6 percent year-over-year, but nearly flat in constant currency. MBG's total pre-tax loss was US$206 million, with a pre-tax profit margin of negative 12.1 percent. The transition to higher priced products drove pre-tax profit margin up 2.9 points year-over-year. In mainstream price bands, MBG is streamlining costs and expenses, while at the high end it is focusing on innovation. Overall, the group is strengthening its cohesiveness and building a more consistent culture within its global team. With the enhanced product portfolio that includes Moto Z and Moto Mods and further expanding channels in China, the Mobile business is making steady progress. In the Data Center Business Group, or DCG, which includes servers, storage, software and services sold under both the Lenovo ThinkServer and the System x brands, sales were US$1.1 billion, up 1 percent. DCG's reported PTI - which included non-cash, M&A-related accounting charges - was negative US$64 million with a pre-tax profit margin of negative 5.9 percent. DCG continues to face stiff challenges in mature markets, but it strengthened its #1 market share position in China, increasing revenue 14 percent year-over-year, driven by growth in the hyperscale business. DCG's global accounts sales group, which services Fortune 500 clients, saw a 45 percent year-over-year increase in revenue, driven by a significant increase in customers who had not previously purchased from Lenovo. DCG will deploy strategic investments in sales force capabilities, marketing, channel programs and portfolio partners to drive future growth opportunities, while improving its financial footing with better cost competitiveness and an increased attach rate of storage, networking, services and options. Geographic Overview In China, consolidated sales in the first fiscal quarter, declined 9.8 percent year-over-year to US$2.9 billion, accounting for 28.4 percent of the Company's worldwide sales. Pre-tax profit margins were flat at 4.8 percent amidst softening PC demand. The mobile business is successfully shifting the portfolio to higher price bands and improving user experiences, while the successful launch of the ZUK Z2 model received good initial market feedback. China data center revenues grew at 14 percent year-over-year - a premium to the market - supported by growth from hyperscale and contributions from the new partnership approach. In the Asia Pacific region, Lenovo achieved sales of US$1.7 billion, or 16.7 percent of Lenovo's worldwide sales, while pre-tax profit margins were down 1.2 points to 1 percent, mainly due to contraction in the Japan PC market and the impact of currency fluctuation. The Asia Pacific business saw continued PC market share gains, up 0.4 points to reach 16.4 percent. The mobile business outgrew the market in key countries, including India and Indonesia, while the data center group continues to work on improving profitability. New leadership and business management systems in the data center business delivered stable revenues. Lenovo in Europe, Middle East & Africa had consolidated sales in the first quarter of US$2.5 billion, a year-over-year decline of 7.3 percent driven by a mix of operational and macroeconomic challenges. EMEA accounted for 24.5 percent of Lenovo's total worldwide sales. Pre-tax profit margin was negative 2 percent, a decrease of 3.5 points year-over-year. In PCs, the Company took action to improve channel inventory to address challenging conditions and return to future growth. Mobile saw traction over the previous quarter as a result of new products coming to market. The data center business remained challenging with a year-over-year revenue and margin decline. In the Americas, Lenovo saw consolidated sales decline 6.6 percent year-over-year to approximately US$3 billion in the first quarter, driven by the product transition in the mobile business. This represented 30.4 percent of Lenovo's total worldwide sales. PC market share was up 1.4 points year-over-year to 14.4 percent, driven by strong growth in North America and improvement in Latin America, especially Brazil. Mobile shipments declined in North America due to product transition, but stabilized in Latin America. The data center business worked on building the right sales model, while strong competition put pressure on the business. * see IDC (News - Alert) data 2Q 2016 About Lenovo Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) is a $45 billion global Fortune 500 company and a leader in providing innovative consumer, commercial, and enterprise technology. Our portfolio of high-quality, secure products and services covers PCs (including the legendary Think and multimode YOGA brands), workstations, servers, storage, smart TVs and a family of mobile products like smartphones (including the Motorola (News - Alert) brand), tablets and apps. Join us on LinkedIn, follow us on Facebook or Twitter (News - Alert) (@Lenovo) or visit us at LENOVO GROUP FINANCIAL SUMMARY For the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2016 (in US$ millions, except per share data) Q1 16/17 Q1 15/16 Y/Y CHG Revenue 10,056 10,716 -6 % Gross profit 1,534 1,647 -7 % Gross profit margin 15.3 % 15.4 % -0.1pts Operating expenses (1,289 ) (1,551 ) -17 % Expenses-to-revenue ratio 12.8 % 14.5 % -1.7pts Operating profit 245 96 157 % Other non-operating expenses (39 ) (44 ) -9 % Pre-tax income 206 52 297 % Taxation (38 ) 50 N/A Profit for the period 168 102 65 % Non-controlling interests 5 3 62 % Profit attributable to equity holders 173 105 64 % EPS (US cents) Basic 1.57 0.95 0.62 Diluted 1.56 0.94 0.62 View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 17, 2016] Grace Century's Electronic Health Records Partner Gains 12th Patent Approval RAS AL-KHAIMAH, United Arab Emirates, Aug. 17, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Grace Century's Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) Project, the Quantum Group, has received approval from the U.S Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for its 12th patent. Logo - The patent, entitled "Method and system for regulating entry of data into a protected system", represents a breakthrough in the protection of confidential patient data from certain type of malware including viruses, worms and Trojan horses which pose a risk to systems containing such data. The approach described in the patent details a double-protection system against malware, whereby an unbreakable "taster" processor preempts any attempts from malware programs to compromise the main processor which executes anti-malware protection software. The processes work completely and seamlessly in the background, in no way compromising the user experience of the main system in which the processors are being used. Grace Century CEO and Director of Research Scott Wolf said "Quantum have once again demonstrated their dedication to pioneering research and development with their 12th patent, which consolidates their position at the cutting-edge of Electronic Health Records, a field which is increasingly being shown as having the potential to transform the way health professionals use technology to enhance the quality of care and even save the lives of their patients. The Electronic Health Records market is expected to experience growth for seveal years to come, with a recent market research report estimating that the expected compound average growth rate (CAGR) of the market will be of 5.4% from 2015 to 2023, reaching an estimated global value of US$30.28 by by 2023. The reported value of the market in 2014 was $18.93 million, meaning that the 2023 estimate would represent an overall market growth of 60% over this period. About Grace Century, FZ LLC Grace Century FZ LLC is an International research and private equity consultancy located in Ras Al Khaimah, (north of Dubai) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Grace Century specializes in "game-changing" life science and health related private equity projects. For portfolio or company information please email [email protected] or call +971 (0)7 206 8851 Please direct all media enquiries to [email protected] or call +971 (0)52 712 1777 Website Facebook - LinkedIn - Twitter - Blog Pressroom About The Quantum Group, Inc. The Quantum Group, Inc. is an innovation-driven organization purposefully designed to bring effective change to the U.S. healthcare industry. The foundation of the Company has been in design, development and deployment of innovative solutions, technology, products and services to the healthcare industry. Our purpose is to seek and assist physicians and hospital providers, as well as government and private sector payers, in managing the treatment outcomes through a patient-centered wellness concept. This content was issued through the press release distribution service at For more info visit: To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit: SOURCE Grace Century [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] RiskSense Co-Founder to Discuss Cyber Risk Management at Transportation Summit RiskSense, Inc.: WHO: Mark Fidel is a cyber risk management expert and co-founder of RiskSense where he is responsible for corporate development. Fidel is a licensed attorney with over 14 years of experience in law and litigation and has held financial positions at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, in commercial insurance, and at Intel (News - Alert) Corporation. Fidel holds a Bachelor of Arts and Economics degree from New Mexico State University, an Executive Master of Business Administration from the University of New Mexico, and a law degree from the University of Denver (News - Alert). WHAT: The U.S. transportation industry is in the cross-hairs of global cyber-crime attackers. The trucking industry is particularly exposed, as many carriers continue to rely on an outdated patchwork of information technology systems to conduct business electronically. In this session, "Who is Driving this Rig? Cyber Security Concerns in the Transportation Industry", Mark Fidel will discuss the biggest security challenges facing companies and outline best practices they can use to pro-actively address cyber risks through threat prevention, detection, and response. WHERE: TrueNorth Transportation Risk Summit, DoubleTree Hotel, 350 1st Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. To register, visit WHEN: Thursday, August 18, 2016 HOW: To schedule a conversation with Mark Fidel, contact Marc Gendron at [email protected] or 781-237-0341. About RiskSense RiskSense, Inc., is the pioneer and market leader in pro-active cyber risk management. The company enables enterprises and governments to reveal cyber risk, quickly orchestrate remediation, and monitor the results. This is done by unifying and contextualizing internal security intelligence, external threat data, and business criticality across a growing attack surface. The company's Software-as-a-Service (SaaS (News - Alert)) Platform transforms cyber risk management into a more pro-active, collaborative, and real-time discipline. The RiskSense Platform embodies the expertise and intimate knowledge gained from real world experience in defending critical networks from the world's most dangerous cyber adversaries. As part of a team that collaborated with the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Intelligence Community, RiskSense founders developed Computational Analysis of Cyber Terrorism against the U.S. (CACTUS), Support Vectors Intrusion (News - Alert) Detection, Behavior Risk Analysis of Vicious Executables (BRAVE), and the Strike Team Program. By leveraging RiskSense cyber risk management solutions, organizations can significantly shorten time-to-remediation, increase operational efficiency, strengthen their security programs, improve cyber hygiene, heighten response readiness, reduce costs, and ultimately minimize cyber risks. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter (News - Alert) at @RiskSense. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] [August 18, 2016] Fitch Places Heartland Health (MO) Revs on Rating Watch Negative Fitch Ratings has placed on Rating Watch Negative the 'A+' rating on approximately $202 million of series 2001A, 2001B, 2001D, 2009A, and 2012 revenue bonds issued by the St. Joseph Industrial Development Authority (MO) and Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority on behalf of Heartland Health (Heartland) (the series 2001A, series 2001B, and series 2001D bonds were rolled into two direct purchases with US Bank and Bank of America). SECURITY Debt payments are secured by a pledge of the gross revenues of the obligated group and a first mortgage on Heartland Regional Medical Center (HRMC, dba Mosaic Life Care), the sole member of the obligated group. As of June 30, 2012 HRMC has satisfied the mortgage release provisions of the master trust indenture but has chosen to keep the mortgage in place at this time. KEY RATING DRIVERS REVIEW OF MISSOURI SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING PROGRAMS: A review of Missouri's provider tax program (known in the state as Federal Reimbursement Allowance, FRA) and Medicaid disproportionate share (DSH) concluded that in prior years certain hospitals in the state were overcompensated. Based on analyses by third party accountants, management expects this will affect Heartland Health negatively. The exact amount of the overpayment is still being reviewed; estimates are expected by October. STRONG LIQUIDITY: Heartland's liquidity remains strong, with cash on hand of 326 days and cash-to-debt of 211% at unaudited March 31, 2016. CORE OPERATING PERFORMANCE IS ADEQUATE: Heartland's core operating performance remains adequate (the review of prior year reimbursement notwithstanding), although margins are somewhat modest at the rating level. Operating EBITDA margin measured 8.9% through nine months unaudited FY 2016 and 9.6% in audited FY 2015. STRONG MARKET POSITION: Heartland has a dominant 80% inpatient market share in its primary service area. Heartland recently expanded its clinical expansion into northern metro Kansas City, which has broadened its regional footprint, although also exposes the system to new competition. RATING SENSITIVITIES RESOLUTION OF REIMBURSEMENT REVIEW: Fitch expects to resolve the Rating Watch on Heartland Health after the review of prior year Federal Reimbursement Allowance (FRA)/Medicaid disproportionate share (DSH) reimbursement is complete, which is expected by October. Heartland Health also plans to publish its fiscal 2016 audt (June 30 year end) at that time. CREDIT PROFILE Heartland Health is composed of: Heartland Regional Medical Center (dba Mosaic Life Care), a 352-operated bed hospital located in St. Joseph, Missouri; Heartland Long Term Acute Care Hospital; Northwest Medical Center (acquired in December 2014); Community Health Plan Insurance Company; Midwestern Health Management, Inc.; and HHS Properties, Inc. Total operating revenue in fiscal 2015 measured nearly $580 million. Additional information is available at ''. Applicable Criteria Revenue-Supported Rating Criteria (pub. 16 Jun 2014) U.S. Nonprofit Hospitals and Health Systems Rating Criteria (pub. 09 Jun 2015) Additional Disclosures Solicitation Status Endorsement Policy ALL FITCH CREDIT RATINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN LIMITATIONS AND DISCLAIMERS. PLEASE READ THESE LIMITATIONS AND DISCLAIMERS BY FOLLOWING THIS LINK: HTTP://FITCHRATINGS.COM/UNDERSTANDINGCREDITRATINGS. IN ADDITION, RATING DEFINITIONS AND THE TERMS OF USE OF SUCH RATINGS ARE AVAILABLE ON (News - Alert) THE AGENCY'S PUBLIC WEBSITE 'WWW.FITCHRATINGS.COM'. PUBLISHED RATINGS, CRITERIA AND METHODOLOGIES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THIS SITE AT ALL TIMES. FITCH'S CODE OF CONDUCT, CONFIDENTIALITY, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, AFFILIATE FIREWALL, COMPLIANCE AND OTHER RELEVANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE 'CODE OF CONDUCT' SECTION OF THIS SITE. FITCH MAY HAVE PROVIDED ANOTHER PERMISSIBLE SERVICE TO THE RATED ENTITY OR ITS RELATED THIRD PARTIES. DETAILS OF THIS SERVICE FOR RATINGS FOR WHICH THE LEAD ANALYST IS BASED IN AN EU-REGISTERED ENTITY CAN BE FOUND ON THE ENTITY SUMMARY PAGE FOR THIS ISSUER ON THE FITCH WEBSITE. View source version on [ Back To's Homepage ] ARM (News - Alert) technology has cemented its position in the smartphone market. Its become so popular, in fact, that none other than Intel Corp. is licensing technology from ARM Holdings Plc. The booming smartphone market is almost exclusively based on microprocessor technology from tiny ARM, a British chip design company with no manufacturing capability and a market cap that, for most of the pre-iPhone era, was smaller than Intels (News - Alert) advertising budget, Jon Stokes wrote in a May 2016 piece for TechCrunch. A new deal between ARM and Intel, which was announced at the Intel Developer Forum Tuesday in San Francisco, will enable Intel to manufacture ARM chips for third-party semiconductor companies at the Intel Custom Foundry. The 10 nm design platform at Foundry will provide access to ARM Artisan physical IP, including POP IP, based on ARM cores and Cortex series processors. Optimizing this technology for Intels 10 nm process means that Foundry customers can take advantage of the IP to achieve best-in-class PPA (power, performance, area) for power-efficient, high-performance implementations of their designs for mobile, IoT and other consumer applications, Zane Bell, vice president in the technology and manufacturing group and co-general manager of Intel Custom Foundry, wrote in an Aug. 16 Intel blog, in which he noted that the ARM Artisan platform includes high-performance and high-density logic libraries, memory compilers, and POP IP (for future ARM premium mobile cores). While Intel retains its position as the worlds largest semiconductor company, the company faces a PC market thats in decline and has not seen much success in the smartphone market, which is where the growth is. In fact, the company recently laid off 12,000 of its employees. This deal with ARM could better position Intel to play a bigger role in the smartphone space and assert a position in the growing Internet of Things world. A Bloomberg (News - Alert) Technology article by Ian King earlier this week suggested the deal with ARM could help Intel win chip fabrication business from such mobile industry giants as Apple Inc. and Qualcomm Inc., which today rely on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (News - Alert) Co. and others for such work. Edited by Maurice Nagle proxima Representante del KKL en Cuba: Ponemos enfasis en la actividad de educacion CHARLESTON -- A sales tax touted as a way to fund schools and help property taxpayers will get a third try with Coles County voters. On Wednesday, the Charleston school board approved a referendum that will ask for a 1-percent sales tax to be put in place for school facilities expenses. The Mattoon and Oakland school districts have also approved the referendum for the Nov. 8 general election. District Superintendent Jim Littleford mentioned the money the state owes the district because of its budget problems as well as cuts put in place as a result of that. "School districts need to find ways to be less reliant on the state," Littleford said. "We need to find ways to generate more money ourselves." The board's voted unanimously in favor of the referendum and also on a resolution committing the district to the ways it would spend the money. The lack of a guarantee on how the money would be used was one concern about the sales tax opponents mentioned during the last two votes. County voters rejected the proposal in 2010 and again in 2014, both times with about 55 percent opposed. If approved, the additional sales tax would be added to most items for which sales tax is now collected and would be in place countywide. One advantage to the tax that proponents often mention is that some of the revenue would come for people who shop in, but don't live in, Coles County. Money from the 1-percent sales tax would be divided among the three Coles County-based school districts based on enrollment. The revenue could be used for building renovations and similar projects but not for salaries or education supplies. On Wednesday, Littleford told the board that sales tax rates in the county would still be lower than those of many others counties that draw area shoppers, such as Champaign, Douglas and Effingham counties. He estimated a $2 million-per year revenue source from the sales, which would start coming into schools in about a year. He added that the state has been about $3.5 million short on its state aid to the district over that last six years. Littleford also said schools can issue health/life safety bonds for repairs and needed renovations but then have to levy property taxes to repay those bonds. The sales tax revenue could be used for that instead, he said. He also told the board that it's been about 15 years since the district has done any extensive repairs, other than in emergency situations. "It's not going to be long before we have some major issues," he said. Littleford also said the sales tax, unlike property taxes, would be something all residents would share in paying. On a similar note, board member Kelly Miller said the district has seen an increase of families with school children living in rental property and not directly contributing to property taxes. The board also voted 7-0 on the resolution that was supposed to be a commitment to how the sales tax revenue would be used. Littleford said the resolution isn't legally binding on the district but it's important to "reveal" the intended uses for the funds. Among those, he said, would likely be work on the modular building at Mark Twain Elementary School and a "major overhaul" of the oldest section of Jefferson Elementary School. The resolution specifically addresses improvements to security, flooring, roofing, electrical systems, heating and air conditioning, outdoor lighting, windows, plumbing, parking lots, technology, ceilings and lighting, energy efficiency and disabled access. AREA 51 AREA 51 . It has since been transformed to described my current watering hole. Since joining AOL Journals in December of 2006, I began adding honorary members to the AREA 51 menagerie. AREA 51 is a state of mind and not always a location. The majority of the members have escaped from a home and are constantly looking over their shoulders. They are intelligent, fun loving and enjoy life to its fullest. sign made and placed it over the barstool where I always sat. Since that day years ago, there was always an began as a location in a local watering hole where my friends and I would always sit. Soon thereafter, people began stopping by and asking me why the area was always full and so popular. I would tell them that we were the descendants of the UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico and that we always sat together. My friends then had an On 3-5 October 2017 Kyiv is going to host the Space and Future Forum to network international experts and youth, many of whom will also participate at the first CosmoHack in the world. Joinfo provides media coverage of the Forum, and some of its topics were already discussed ... Lincoln City Council members who dont want a property tax rate hike can be compelled to approve one, according to an opinion from the city law department. The opinion becomes important as the four-member Republican majority on the council and Mayor Chris Beutler, a Democrat, head toward a potential budget showdown next week. The council amended Beutler's proposal, cutting it to eliminate the need for a property tax hike. It is expected to give final approval to the amended budget, which could then face a mayor's veto. Republican council members say they disagree with the legal opinion, and some are seeking a second opinion. Several of them also said it appears Beutler has been preparing for this kind of a conflict for several years, since the opinion on the veto and resulting tax rate hike was written in 2009. In it, then-City Attorney John Hendry describes the budget veto scenario and what would happen if the city ends up with a budget requiring a higher property tax rate. The council has a duty to enact a tax levy increase, if the final budget requires it, the opinion says. And if the council majority refuses to approve a higher tax rate, the city can go to court and compel it to do so through what is called a writ of mandamus. The city must have funds to operate and the failure or refusal of the council to perform its obligation cannot be permitted to create a crisis, Hendry wrote. Here is how the veto situation would work, based on the opinion and the potential pending confrontation between the mayor and council Republicans. If the council majority passes its version of a final budget Monday and Beutler vetoes it, the council needs five votes to override. If it doesn't have them, the mayor's original version of the budget stands. It's unlikely the majority could muster the five votes because one Democrat would have to vote with the four Republicans, and so far the Democrats have lined up solidly behind the mayors plan. So, if the veto stands and the budget reverts to the plan proposed by Beutler in early July, a tax hike of about 1.17 cents per $100 valuation, or about $18 a year on a $150,000 home, would be required. And based on the Hendry opinion, the council must approve the tax hike. The adopted budget, as law, imposes a duty upon the council to enact the tax levy increase, he wrote. If the seven-member council cant get four votes to approve a property tax levy hike, the city administration can take the issue to court, seeking to compel council approval. The specific duty of the council to pass the tax levy resolution is clear and plain by Article IX, Section 26 (city charter), leaving no discretion for the council to exercise," Hendry wrote. "Therefore council can be compelled by mandamus action to perform this ministerial duty. Hendry, who retired as chief justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court before taking the job as city attorney, wrote the opinion in April 2009 as the city faced the aftermath of the stock market crash and recession. Jeff Kirkpatrick is city attorney now, and he agrees with Hendry's analysis. He shared the Hendry memo with the City Council after members asked for it early this week. The memo also refers to a 1998 opinion from then-City Attorney Bill Austin that addresses the veto override issue. Hendry said he agreed with Austins assessment of the veto situation -- where the budget would revert to the mayors original proposal if there were a successful veto. Then, Hendry went on to look at the question of what happens if the council is unwilling to pass a tax increase resolution. City Councilman Jon Camp, an attorney, disagrees with the memo and said he is getting some other people to review it. Councilwoman Cyndi Lamm, too, plans do do her own research on the questions. "It's incorrect," said Lamm, an attorney. "I think it's based on a faulty premise." Councilman Trent Fellers said it looks like the Beutler administration has been planning for such an impasse. Beutler has been mayor since 2007. They had this (opinion) in their back pocket in case there was some different balance on the council, Fellers said. Ive been around enough that Ive seen lawyers draft opinions to fit with what their boss wants to happen, he said. Two years ago, Fellers voted with the Democrats to pass the mayors proposed budget when Democrat Councilman Doug Emery was out of town on business. But this year, he wrote the first set of cuts that removed enough spending from Beutlers plan to eliminate the need for a property tax increase, and he has consistently voted with the Republican majority. The opinion exposes a major flaw in the city budget process, said Fellers. When the mayor can veto back to his original proposal and require the council to raise the property tax, he has no incentive to negotiate, he said. Republicans have complained throughout the spring and summer that they did not get enough information early enough in the budget process to have much effect on it. He can form a budget and can raises taxes with no input from the people, Fellers said. The council is charged with holding a budget hearing and listening to peoples thoughts. People who came to the hearing said they didnt want their taxes raised, and the mayor was not responsive to that, Fellers said. Camp said the Beutler administration has a very disruptive approach to city governance." "They are just fighting everything. They have to win every time. And it is very disappointing. Former City Attorney Bill Austin, who wrote one of two earlier opinions on the Lincoln mayor's budget veto power, said he might arrive at a different conclusion today than he did in 1998 based on changes made to the Lincoln City Charter in 2010. And based on state law, he said, the City Council may have the authority to set a lower tax levy than a budget requires. Austins current analysis contradicts an opinion written by another former city attorney, John Hendry, which gives the mayor the upper hand in budget battles. The Republican majority of the City Council cut enough from the budget proposed by Mayor Chris Beutler to eliminate the need for a small property tax hike. Beutler could veto that budget, and the Hendry memo says that if the council does not get five votes to override that veto, the mayors original proposal -- which does require a property tax hike -- would become the citys two-year budget. Hendry also concluded the council would then have to approve the higher tax rate because that vote would simply be a ministerial function. The city administration could force that approval by going to court, Hendry said in the 2009 opinion written for Beutler during a tough financial year. Hendrys opinion on the veto power was based on a 1998 opinion by Austin, then city attorney for Republican Mayor Mike Johanns. Johanns asked Austin whether the Lincoln mayor had a line-item veto power, as the governor does. In his opinion, Austin said, the mayor does not have line-item veto power but must veto the entire budget plan passed by the council. Austin also concluded that if that veto was not overridden, the mayors original proposal would become the budget. But Austin, now in private practice with Baylor Evnen, said he might come to a different conclusion today since the city charter was changed in 2010 to allow for a two-year budget process. There is a pretty good argument that this is an administrative function, and in that case the two-year budget plan approved by the council may not be subject to a veto at all, he said. In his 1998 memo, Austin did not address the question of whether the council can set a lower tax levy than the budget requires. Id have to say that is a close question, he said in a telephone interview Thursday. "State law obviously gives the council the obligation and duty to set the level. Can they be compelled to set a certain levy? Im not sure you can ministerially compel them to set a specific levy, he said. If no new levy is set, it clearly reverts to last year's levy, he said. In this case, the old levy is what the Republican majority wants. Growing up, I watched a lot of Westerns. In addition to the cowboy hero, the town sheriff was almost always a model of integrity. He stood for law and order against bank robbers, cattle rustlers and horse thieves all trying to disrupt the peace. A contemporary and real-life version of those fictional characters is Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Clarke has been trying to restore law and order after several nights of rioting following the shooting death of 23-year-old Sylville Smith by a Milwaukee police officer. Smith had a lengthy criminal record, longer than some people's resumes. He should have been in prison. Sheriff Clarke has appeared numerous times on the Fox News Channel, but not so much in other media. On Monday, The Washington Post carried a story about the riots and ignored Clarke, choosing instead to quote Milwaukee's chief of police, Edward Flynn. I suspect that's because Sheriff Clarke speaks some hard truths, which many liberals do not want to hear. In an appearance Monday on Fox, Sheriff Clarke, who is African-American, offered his explanation for the major cause of riots in Milwaukee and other cities: "You know what encourages this? The growth of the welfare state. These are underclass behaviors. Seventy percent of the kids born in Milwaukee ... are born without an engaged father in their life. So I look at the progressive policies that have marginalized black dads. They push them to the side and say 'you're not needed.' Uncle Sam is going to be the dad, he's going to provide for the kids, he's going to feed the kids ... Uncle Sam has been a horrible father. Uncle Sam does not love these kids. He might keep a little food in their mouths and that is about it. But we all know the importance of an intact family, what it can do to shape the behavior of kids." Sheriff Clarke called progressive policies "a total disaster," not only in Milwaukee, but in Chicago, Baltimore, New York and elsewhere. "These progressive policies have hit the black community like a nuclear blast and until we reverse this government dependency, that's what creates all of this and it encourages it by the way, along with some questionable lifestyle choices." His answer? "Until the black community does a self-evaluation and until they begin to self-criticize about some of the lifestyle choices they are making, this stuff is going to continue to fester." A young African-American man found by a TV camera during the weekend riot said: "The rich people, they got all this money, and they not ... trying to give us none." Really? All of that tax money spent on anti-poverty programs for the last 50 years never trickled-down to him? This poisonous attitude has been promoted by progressives and has not helped the poor rise above their circumstances. This young man should talk to Sheriff Clarke about changing his attitude. Some self-evaluation and an internal re-adjustment would do more for him than any anti-poverty program the Democrats could dream up. Why do African-Americans continue to vote for liberal Democrats who have done little to help them and, in fact, often cause more harm than good? Again, Sheriff Clarke gets it right: "Until we push back against this progressive ideology, this dangerous ideology that has been very destructive to the black community ... and that's what I'm trying to do ... it's job one right now in terms of messaging -- this thing is only going to get worse." CHICAGO -- Like millions of children across the country, last week I went back to school. After 10 years of being away from the classroom, I'm teaching high school students the same age as my own children. Lots of things are the same as when I last taught, and others are quite different -- such as the technology used to teach, plan lessons, give assessments and enter grades. But what is most surprising by far is something I hadn't anticipated: the diversity of the Hispanic students at my school. In 2012, the Pew Research Center's Hispanic Trends Project reported that about a quarter of all pre-K through 12th-grade public school students were Hispanic. But I hadn't seen with my own eyes what that really looks like. I'm teaching in a middle- to upper-middle-class community in a suburb of Chicago that saw an approximate 30 percent increase in its Latino population since the 2000 census. And within the cohort of Hispanic students, most of whom have dark hair, olive skin and parents of Mexican descent, there are large numbers of kids from Hispanic and non-Hispanic white (and black and Asian) families who seem to come in two types: the semi-visible and the hidden. Though the school is about 43 percent Hispanic, my classes include semi-visible Hispanic students. What I mean by this is that they have names such as Kevin Gonzalez, Todd Chavez, Madison Vargas or Kaylee Escobar (these are not real names) and have a wide variety of features -- sometimes even blond hair and blue-eyes like the actress Cameron Diaz -- and speak little, if any, Spanish. The hidden ones have names like Tyler Warner and Jenna Lee who are half-Hispanic. But because they may have features associated with other races and don't have typically Hispanic-sounding names, they go through life with deep cultural ties to the Hispanic community, yet no visible ones. The misperception about what a majority-minority school district looks like was silly of me. Of course, not all of the Latino students are brown-eyed Diegos or Marias -- I should have known that from my own family. Like myself, my two cousins are half-Mexican, half-Ecuadorean. One married a woman from the Philippines and their two boys take after their mom's side of the family. My sons look like my husband's white family and carry clear-as-day Scots-Irish first and last names. My other cousin married an African-American woman, and their daughters are mixtures of both their backgrounds. I imagine all our kids' teachers' eyebrows went up when they looked at our clan's demographic data. I know mine did when I compared my rosters to the kids sitting in my classrooms. For a decade, I've been writing about how America's racial tensions will ease as the children of interracial and interethnic marriages become a larger share of the population. The Pew Research Center says that in 2010, regardless of when they married, the share of intermarriages reached an all-time high of 8.4 percent. In 1980, that share was just 3.2 percent. It's obviously not that simplistic, but it's still neat to see such a transition play out in real life. There will always be social stratifications in high schools, but when groups of young people who have parents from a mixture of ethnic and racial groups gather, they seem to tend toward being able to relate to each other's similarities, not their differences. Throughout the course of the day, kids who look like they might be purely European break out native-level Spanish language skills when immigrant parents walk into the room. When we talk about news items involving racial issues, students will chime in with tidbits about their diverse demographic family constellations that inform discussions that might otherwise veer into taking sides or us-versus-them mentalities. Even the cafeteria tables are pretty well integrated. This is all unscientific observation, but it's still uplifting. Demographic shifts often are characterized sensationally -- news headlines typically shriek about rising minority populations with thinly veiled terror about reverse-supremacy and "The End of White America." But if the rest of the country's shift to majority-minority is as cosmopolitan as it is in just one American suburb, things are looking up Like many Lincoln taxpayers, the Journal Star editorial board hoped that the City Council could come up with a responsible way to avoid a property tax hike next year. Thats why we declined to endorse the budget presented by Mayor Chris Beutler when he presented it more than five weeks ago. The council labored mightily. But the changes it made for the most part just delayed necessary spending to the future. City Hall will be forced to address those expenses eventually; the bill will be bigger when elected officials finally get around to it. And the last cut made on a partisan basis, with the four Republicans on the officially nonpartisan council, voting in favor of cutting the budget for the mayors office by the equivalent of two positions, just seemed petty. Like the majority of those who testified at the council meeting on the councils proposed version of next years budget, the editorial board prefers Beutlers budget, even with a property tax increase that will add $18 a year to the city tax burden for a home valued at $150,000. The tax increase will give residents of the city specific benefits, rather than just growing government in a general sense. Its Mother Nature, to cite one example, who is giving City Hall more work to do. The emerald ash borer already has been found in Greenwood, and its only a short matter of time before it is discovered in Lincoln, where it will kill every one of the 70,000 ash trees in Lincoln over a 15-year span. But budget okayed by the council slashes the $950,000 the mayor wanted to spend on the emerald ash borer. In Omaha, where the city property tax rate is 46 percent higher than in Lincoln, city officials are not ignoring the issue, adding tree-trimming positions and planning to spend an additional $1 million a year. When it comes to local taxes, its clear that Lincoln residents are getting a lot for their money. Of the 15 largest cities in Nebraska that like Lincoln have a local sales tax, Beutlers proposed budget would make it the sixth lowest. Heres a list of the cities with a higher city property tax rate: Bellevue, La Vista, North Platte, Omaha, Hastings, Papillion, South Sioux City, Beatrice and Fremont. Under the budget process laid out in the voter-approved city charter, Beutler has no authority to make line-item changes to the council budget. He can either accept it or veto it. Its too bad the council was unable to come with a better plan. Of the two alternatives, the budget originally presented by the mayor is the more prudent and sensible approach. OMAHA The Omaha Police Department says internal investigations have found that two officers violated policies and procedures. The department announcement Wednesday said it wouldn't disclose the nature of any discipline pending or received by Officers Thomas Deignan and Bryan Kulhanek. The officers have declined to comment. The department said last month that Kulhanek had posted potentially inappropriate content on his Facebook page. He'd said the Black Lives Matter movement is racist and is against white officers. Officials said Deignan threw a teenager to the ground as he attempted to book her into the Douglas County Youth Center on May 15. The 16-year-old suffered a fractured eye socket. The State Patrol said it found no evidence of criminal conduct, and prosecutors have agreed. RACINE The Music & More Season Finale Concert will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 19, at First Presbyterian Church, 716 College Ave. Doors open at 6 p.m. Featured performers are Martin OLeary, Ami Bouterse, Karen Archbold, John Stumpff and Nick Barootian. Pianist and composer Martin OLeary from Dublin, Ireland, will perform during the first half of the concert. His compositions have been heard throughout Europe, Israel and the U.S. His program will sample works by six contemporary Irish composers, with all pieces receiving their first performances in America. OLeary began composing at the age of 14. He earned a Ph.D at Trinity College, Dublin, and is on staff in the Department of Music at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. The Belle Ensemble vocal group will perform during the second half of the concert. Soprano Ami Bouterse is an associate professor of music at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. She received voice and opera theater performance degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Carnegie Mellon University. Mezzo soprano Karen Archbold received first place in the 2016 Sinfonietta Bel Canto Voice Competition. She studied classical voice in Bremen, Germany. Tenor John Stumpff is an active performer and teacher in the Milwaukee and Chicago region. He teaches voice at Loyola Academy. Baritone Nick Barootian is the founder of Belle Ensemble, a vocal music group aimed at bringing first class vocal performance to Racine and its neighbors, and at developing collaborations among talented vocal musicians and other artists in the Milwaukee-Chicago corridor. A silent auction of paintings donated by the estate of a local artist will be held with the proceeds benefiting the Music & More program. Concert-goers can view the paintings and bid before the concert and during intermission. Checks and cash will be accepted. Tickets cost $10 at the door. For more information, call 262-632-1686. Donations received at the 10 noontime concerts will be divided among the Health Care Network, Racine Habitat for Humanity and Racine Vocational Ministry Inc. The Mearl Mahl Youth Music Scholarship will be presented to a young musician. The church is air-conditioned and handicapped-accessible, with an elevator at the parking lot entrance. Additional parking is available in south adjacent parking lot at Living Light Community Center. The Origins of Hip Hop event will return to Racines lakefront on Saturday, Aug. 20, and everyone is welcome to come share this exploration of the culture of hip-hop, from 4 to 10 p.m. at Smoked on the Water, 3 Fifth St. In its fifth year, Origins of Hip Hop aims to highlight the five primary elements of hip-hop culture: DJ-ing, emceeing, graffiti art, breakdancing/all-styles hip-hop dancing and knowledge, according to Nick Ramsey, one of the event organizers. It will do so through a series of performances, workshops and competitions, or battles, which together will not only celebrate the rich culture of this music genre, but raise awareness about it. By learning more about hip-hop culture, people will be better able to understand it, said Ramsey, a local emcee, poet and self-described addict of hip-hop culture. Presenters will include local performers and artists, as well as those from as far away as Milwaukee and Louisville, Kentucky. And representatives of each element will present mini workshops designed to showcase that aspect, Ramsey said. His own presentation about the art of emceeing, for example, will include information about its historical roots in ancient storytelling, as well as practical tips about everything from meter and line to mic-holding skills, he said. Attendees will also have opportunities to get involved in the action. Anyone interested in trying their hand at graffiti art can do so on special panels provided at the event. And area hip-hop DJs, emcees, dancers and more are invited to enter competitions in their categories, with a chance to win cash prizes. Registration for competitions is available at the event, but must be done prior to the start of each competition (See event schedule below for details). Cultural diversity This event is really about everybody young, old, all races getting together and celebrating cultural diversity, said Ramsey. The thing I am most proud of is the way the Origins of Hip Hop really represents this city. Since its inception, Origins of Hip Hop has expanded its reach throughout the community to include a variety of partnerships with businesses, organizations and individuals including Black Hand Tattoo, Christi Beerntsen, the College of Art & Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Downtown Racine Corp., Family Power Music, the Racine Public Library, Sweatshop Movement, Willys Sole Kitchen and Smoked on the Water. In years past the event has drawn as many as 300 people, and Ramsey said organizers are expecting between 400 and 500 this time around. Caleb Robinson owner of Smoked on the Water, who has been involved with the event since its start said he, too, appreciates the diversity of Origins of Hip Hop. What I love most about this event, is that it has such a positive feel, Robinson said. Its really about bringing people together and I wish everyone would stop down and see what it is about. Everyone is welcome. Admission to the Origins of Hip Hop event is free (donations will be accepted), including all performances, presentations and competitions. Food and beverages will be available for sale at Smoked on the Water during the event. Robinson said the venues usual menu will be available, featuring specialities including pulled pork sandwiches and chicken wings. Origins of Hip Hop 5 T-shirts will also be available for sale, on a first-come, first-served basis. Origins of Hip Hop 5 events (Schedule is subject to change) 4-5 p.m. DJ spinning old-school Hip-Hop and graffiti artists beginning their pieces 5-5:15 p.m. DJ workshop 5:15-5:45 p.m. DJ battle (DJs must register by 4:30) 5:45-6 p.m. Performance by ESCH, of Racine 6-6:15 p.m. Graffiti workshop: Pre-made backdrops will be available for people to create their own graffiti art 6:15-6:30 p.m. Performance by Sypher Lady X of Milwaukee 6:30-6:45 p.m. Breakdance workshop 6:45-7 p.m. Dancer warm-up and opportunity for attendees to try out their new knowledge 7-8 p.m. Breakdance and All-Styles dance battles (dancers must register by 6 p.m.) 8-8:15 p.m. Performance (performer TBA) 8:15 8:45 p.m. Freestyle Emcee Competition (emcees must register by 7 p.m.) 8:45-10 p.m. Performance by RMLLW2LLZ , of Louisville, Kentucky For more information, go to BURLINGTON Burlington residents will get the chance Nov. 8 to advise their City Council on whether it should fund the construction of a new community pool. The referendum is posed as a yes-or-no question and is nonbinding, meaning the council isnt required to adhere to the result of the vote. The wording was approved by the City Council at Tuesdays meeting, according to Burlington City Clerk Diahnn Halbach. It is moving forward, she said. It will be on the November ballot. The referendum reads as follows: Should the City of Burlington construct a community facility at Devor Park, 394 Amanda Street, funded by taxes with the following conditions: (1) Spending and/or borrowing on the facility is not to exceed $5,400,000.00 (5.4 million dollars) and; (2) the facility will be built within the corporate limits of the City of Burlington. According to City Administrator Carina Walters, the $5.4 million in tax funding for the pool project was amended from $4.7 million, at Tuesdays meeting. Council President Tom Vos said he was frustrated at how high the price had risen, since it originally was proposed at $3.5 million. Its disappointing that it came in higher than expected, Vos said. As we went through that process, things kind of changed. City Treasurer Steve DeQuaker estimated at the Aug. 2 Committee of the Whole meeting that the tax increase for the project would be 30 to 50 cents per every $1,000 of assessed property value for the duration of the 20-year loan. Vos said that since the median home value in Burlington is $179,000, it will cost Burlington taxpayers roughly an additional $82 per year. Vos said that very rarely in his 34 years as a city alderman has the city taken a major funding issue to referendum. On most of the things, weve never gone to a referendum because were not obligated to do that, he said. The city has been working with Ayres Associates, a Wisconsin architectural and engineering services firm, to develop plans to redesign and rebuild the pool. The process is currently in its third and fourth stages, which includes referendum assistance. Vos worries that the referendum could be voted down no matter what dollar amount appears on the ballot. In that instance, since the referendum is nonbinding, Vos thinks the project may not necessarily die. What the council is going to be faced with is if the eight of us and the mayor and the city administrator really feel strongly that this is something that will benefit our community as a whole, then we have to vote our conscience, he said. RACINE With two new schools set to open this school year and a third expanded and renovated, Racine Unified officials are already looking ahead to future building needs. On Monday night, the Racine Unified School Board approved a $3 million contract with Partners in Design, a Kenosha-based architectural firm, to oversee renovations to accommodate the move of the REAL School to the Sturtevant Sportsplex building, 10116 Stellar Ave. The Racine Educational Alternative Learning School is a charter school based at the former Olympia Brown Elementary, 5915 Erie St., Caledonia. District officals plan to relocate the REAL School in 2017 to the recently acquired Sturtevant Sportsplex building. A new Olympia Brown opens this school year on 5 12 Mile Road in Caledonia. The district also is opening a new Knapp Elementary School, 2701 17th St., Racine, and a renovated and expanded Gifford Elementary, 8332 Northwestern Ave., Caledonia. The School Board on Monday also approved a contract to have architectural consultants on retainer for smaller remodeling projects throughout the district. Partners in Design, along with Milwaukee-based Zimmerman Architectural Studios, are being awarded a collective contract of up $2.5 million for that work. Both of those firms have been involved with the district, said David Hazen, Unifieds chief operations officer. Hazen noted that Partners in Design has worked on recent projects at Gifford, Mitchell and the Case High School Fieldhouse. Zimmerman has worked on Olympia Brown. The committee looked at not only price, but the experience level and the work that they had done for the district in the past, Hazen said. New health resources A new health class resource, The Great Body Shop, will be available for fifth-graders in the district. The board on Monday approved purchasing the program, which costs $84,360. It comes in 10 units throughout the school year, said Chris Thompson, Unifieds director of curriculum and instruction, adding it helps the children learn more about nutrition, fitness, emotional health, substance abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. It comes in a magazine format for the teachers to use with the students. Its a piece of informational, nonfiction text that can be incorporated into reading class. Thompson said theres also a parent and family component that students can use at home. For grades 6-8, Thompson proposed purchasing the McGraw Teen Health resource, which will provide teachers additional support when they plan health lessons for students becoming teenagers. Were looking at the well-rounded individual and what we want them to know as adults, Thompson said. The board on Monday approved the McGraw purchase at a cost of $7,768.80. Library partnership The board on Monday also approved a proposal that would enter the district into a partnership with the Racine Public Library to provide all Unified students library cards. Every child has access now to the public library as a result (of the board vote), said James OHagan, Unifieds director of digital and virtual learning. Not just elementary, but this is every RUSD student this is equal access to everybody. The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents endorsed a budget request Thursday asking the state for $42.5 million more in funding to support a package of initiatives designed to help students earn degrees more quickly with skills for a 21st century workforce. A plan titled 2020FWD, with an emphasis on dynamic learning, creativity and innovation reflecting concerns of state residents and business leaders, is a step in the right direction, Board of Regents President Regina Millner said. But we have hard work ahead of us to convince the governor and the Legislature that UW can serve as an economic engine for all of Wisconsin, she said. The 2020FWD plan packages expansion of programs in four areas: educational pipeline, the university experience, business and community mobilization, and operational excellence. This is the Wisconsin Idea in action, UW System President Ray Cross told regents in a lengthy presentation of the plan that stressed its development with input from listening sessions across the state and surveys of experts on the needs of communities and business. The Wisconsin Idea is great, but its not the last word on everything, said Regent Margaret Farrow. She called for a blue ribbon committee to size up the educational and workforce demands in not only Wisconsin, but other states, to best prepare Wisconsin to attract and retain the best students, faculty and workers. We have to know who the competition is so we know how better to meet it and win the battle, Farrow said. Regent John Behling said that the initiative, together with controversial changes made to faculty tenure last spring through a committee he headed, make a good case for responsible stewardship of the public's money. "I think this is a good follow-up to the strong work we did on tenure," Behling said. Regent Tony Evers, the state superintendent of public instruction, protested that while he supported the 2020FWD initiative, the budget "falls far short of what the UW System needs," especially since the campuses absorbed $250 million in cuts in the last biennium. Evers cast the lone vote against the budget request. UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank spoke in support of the request, saying it's necessary to make new investment in educational programs. The UW Systems budget request to the state for the 2017-2019 biennium is due Sept. 15. The state has already said the system will receive $50 million more in that budget, as required by a 2015 law. UW administrators have said the cost of the new initiative can be covered by projected savings in such costs to continue expenses as utilities and benefits for staff. In addition, Gov. Scott Walker has said he will propose further increases in funding for the UW System that will be tied to performance metrics that have not yet been revealed. How performance metrics will fit into the new plan is not yet clear, Cross said. There are already metrics in place to measure effectiveness of many programs, including some in 2020FWD, but more are needed, he said. State funding helps support the UW Systems operating budget, which is $6.2 billion for the current 2016-2017 fiscal year. State funding has declined in recent years, even as enrollment has grown, UW administrators pointed out in a budget summary. For example, general purpose revenue funding was $1.034 billion for the 2000-2001 school year, when total enrollment at UW System schools was 160,567. In 2015-2016, state funding was $1.029 billion and enrollment was 178,571. System funding, then, had dropped by $5.22 million while enrollment increased by 18,004. Many of the initiatives in 2020FWD beef up efforts already underway, Cross said. The additional state funding sought for each of the focus areas of 2020FWD in the 2017-2019 budget are: Educational pipeline: $26.1 million Expand opportunities to earn college credit in high school, prepare students for college in middle schools and train K-12 teachers to teach college level courses. Expand academic, career and financial advising for students to help students stay in school and graduate. Update technology to help students transfer among UW and Wisconsin Technical College System schools. Make the Wisconsin Grant program more flexible so adult learners can access it. Funding to allow UW institutions to identify and target critical workforce needs. University experience: $6 million Four new programs would train staff, provide technology and connect students to Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, UW-Milwaukee Research Foundation, SiSys and other organizations to foster innovation and entrepreneurism by students. Business and community mobilization: $6.4 million Expand the UniverCity Year program that has student and communities partner on projects to all four-year campuses and UW Extension. Partner with health care providers in Wisconsin Vitality to produce more healthcare professionals to meet growing needs in rural and underserved areas. Fund campus-level CareerConnect web portal efforts to connect students with employers. Convene Wisconsin Ideas Summit on pressing state challenges. Operational Excellence: $4 million Provide incentives to UW institutions to maintain current levels of accountability and address performance areas where resources are needed. Develop UW System performance metrics. Register for more free articles. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox! Sign up! Already a Subscriber? Already a Subscriber? Sign in Terms of Service Privacy Policy Yes, you can transfer your domain to any registrar or hosting company once you have purchased it. Since domain transfers are a manual process, it can take up to 5 days to transfer the domain. Domains purchased with payment plans are not eligible to transfer until all payments have been made. Please remember that our 30-day money back guarantee is void once a domain has been transferred. For transfer instructions to GoDaddy, please click here. 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Nidhis agenda: Fixing dates for high-level engagements Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Bimalendra Nidhis visit to India will focus on enhancing ties between two countries and fixing dates for high-level visits between two countries, officials and experts have said. Once war-makers, now peace-keepers As many as 28 former Maoist fighters who during the decade-long insurgency made war on the state now are set to work as peacekeepers in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Suicide bombers hit Libyan troops in Sirte, kill at least 8 Libya's pro-government forces say suicide bombers detonated two cars near their forces in the Islamic State group's former stronghold city of Sirte, killing at least eight. 3 handed down 34-yr sentence each for murdering CNP employee The Chitwan District Court has handed down a 34-year sentence each to three persons convicted of murdering a Chitwan National Park (CNP) employee. Pramod Mishra is a biweekly columnist for The Kathmandu Post. He is the department chair of English Studies at Lewis University in the United States. Turkey car bombs: Police station attacks kill six and injure 219 Two big car bombs have hit police stations in separate cities in Turkey, killing six people and wounding at least 219 others. Two shepherds hurt and 72 sheep killed in lighting strike Two shepherds were hurt and at least 72 sheep killed when lightning struck them at Girka in Myagdi on Wednesday night. UNHCR to exit Bhutanese refugee camps by 2019 The UNHCR will exit Bhutanese refugee camps in eastern Nepal at the end of 2019 after nearly three decades of continued humanitarian support to refugees who numbered over 107,000 at one point. Prahlad Rijal is a business reporter at The Kathmandu Post, focusing on the energy sector. Before joining the Post, Rijal was an online reporter at The Himalayan Times. Writing on the wall The clock is ticking for Nepal to take a decision on the remaining Bhutanese refugees Yes, its hard to to tell when one enters the city limits Yes, they will make the city more inviting Maybe ... does it really matter? No, the signs in place are fine No, it would be a waste of taxpayer dollars Vote View Results A choir member of St Joseph Catholic Church in Patongo Town Council in Agago District has been killed by a mob for allegedly stealing a parish priests cell phone. Christians had accused the deceased only identified as Ochan of stealing the mobile phone belonging to Fr.Lioncy Akena. The priest reportedly demanded that the deceased brings back his phone but he denied being in possession of the handset, prompting other Christians to beat him to death. Patongo Parish Council chairperson, Alfonse Odongo, confirmed the unfortunate incident He however denies reports that the parish priest also participated in the lynching of the suspected thief. The Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigations Department of Agago Central Police Station, Ben Kilama says one person has been arrested in connection with the incident. No Yes, a light case Yes, two or more light cases One serious case Two or more serious bouts Vote View Results We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form Six dogs made their way across the United States last week in hopes of a second chance at life. The pack traveled more than 1,200 miles to escape the high euthanasia rates of the South and take refuge at the Coulee Region Humane Society. Though the Onalaska shelter has been nearing capacity this August, the staff was more than willing to take on the extra pups. The transfer from the Bandera County Humane Society in Texas was one of three out-of-state dog transfers since January 2016, all of which were arranged and financed by donors. The shelter also accepted seven dogs from North Carolina and two coon hounds from Kentucky, with the agreement that the shelters will take them back if necessary. Local people use their own funds and resources to bring the dogs up, said Heather Hankins, executive director of the Coulee Region Humane Society. A lady in Minnesota facilitates with high-kill shelters, and they run transfers twice monthly to multiple shelters. A La Crosse woman arranged for the coon hounds. We have a really soft spot when people say these dogs will be euthanized. We want to save them all. The dogs come ready to adopt, with their heart-worm tests, vaccinations and certificates of veterinary inspection completed, and most are already spayed or neutered, saving the shelter hundreds of dollars per dog. They come in more medically sound than some other dogs might, said Amber Grosch, kennel operations manager. All we have to do is a behavior evaluation and get them on the adoption floor. The CRHS has taken in 89 transfers so far this year, frequently partnering with the Crawford County Humane Society and occasionally trading animals, finding that a change of scenery might help them get adopted. However, the shelters open admission policy was changed in January 2015, and now CRHS will only take in strays once the mandatory state of Wisconsin stray hold is up and the shelter becomes the legal owner of the animal. A fee is charged for out-of-county surrenders. We want to focus on La Crosse County thats the community were supposed to be serving, Hankins said. Places were saying, Call Coulee Region, theyll take anything. Weve had a bit of push-back, because every shelter tries to do their best, but we cant take up the slack for everyone. The changes were made to force other counties to address their animal overpopulation issues, but Hankins is sympathetic to the limitations of other shelters and says they will take in a transfer if there is even a minuscule amount of space. Were all in this together. Networking is part of running a shelter, Grosch added. It can be hectic at times, but if someone asks us for help were going to do our best. The shelter hasnt had to euthanize a dog due to of lack of space in over five years, and the average stay is about a week. Grosch and Hankins credit the amazing community, staff and volunteers as well as their growing foster system, which has housed more than 200 dogs, cats, and small animals in three months. If it comes to the point of over capacity, one of our staff or foster homes would take the animal in, Hankins said. Weve come to this point (of not having to euthanize to make room) and we dont want that to change. While the Texas dogs have adjusted well to their new location and half have already received applications, the shelter is having trouble placing coon hound Hank, 8, who arrived in late July from Hancock County Animal Shelter in Kentucky. Hes sweet, loves other dogs, respects cats, but isnt eating well, Grosch said. Were looking for someone to adopt or foster him. Hes the man we need help with. For more about Hank or the CRHS foster program, go to Jim Rogala, who was leading a hike on the Holland Sand Prairie last Saturday, twirled a whorled milkweed plant in his fingertips while explaining to a couple dozen hikers that the delicate plant with grass-like leaves was a food source for monarch butterfly caterpillars. Hes a tall, lean and genial guide wearing tall boots in the wet grass. A thick plant reference book bulged in a pocket of his cargo pants. The milkweed, one of some 150 species on the 61-acre prairie west of Holmen, has the same milky juice as the common milkweed that is being planted and promoted by those hoping to boost the endangered monarch population. On closer examination, the hikers saw that the tiny white flowers on the tip of the whorled milkweed were just like the fragrant clusters atop its beefier relative. Rogala, a fisheries biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, is one of the volunteers working with the Friends of the Holland Sand Prairie to help manage the property that was purchased by the Mississippi Valley Conservancy more than a decade ago to save the land from imminent development. The conservancy later turned it over to the town of Holland under a conservation agreement known as an easement. The town, which participated in the purchase by providing about 25 percent of the total cost, maintains the property as prairie and provides financial and other assistance to help the volunteers. The balance of the purchase cost was covered by the state Stewardship Program and the conservancy. Another of the prairie volunteers, Mike Nied, held his 10-month old son Braxton, as he pointed out a clasping milkweed among the other plants underfoot. Rogala noted that the plant has the unusual trait of reclining on the sandy ground. As the sun broke through the morning clouds, Rogala introduced the hikers to the naked sunflower (no leaves on the stem), just one of the bright splashes of color on the prairie. We also saw the rare silky prairie clover, rich purple of the clustered poppy mallow, New Jersey tea, leadplant and the early bright purple blooms of blazing star that will color an entire slope on the prairie later this month. The grasses included porcupine grass, big bluestem, little bluestem, switch grass and prairie drop seed. Rogala reminded the hikers that if the conservancy had not stepped in to buy the prairie remnant, it would, and he swept his hand toward the subdivision across the road, look like that. He noted that the citizens of the town had voted in a town meeting to participate in the purchase. Rogala also serves as the secretary for the Prairie Enthusiasts, a regional organization working to preserve and protect prairies the remnants of the great North American prairie that was once continuous from Indiana to the Rocky Mountains. He said in response to a question from one of the hikers that he had become interested in prairie plants after noticing the diversity of plants on hunting land that he owns. While I was reviewing all the plants we had learned about during the hike, it occurred to me that the diversity that makes our areas prairies so fascinating to visit has a counterpart in the diversity of the efforts to protect them. Rogala represents the hundreds of volunteers, organizations, government units and businesses who have invested time and money in land protection. The prairies will be in their glory this month. Grab a guide book and pay a visit to these places that have been saved for us, for those who come after us and the plants and critters that inhabit them. A guide to the Holland Sand Prairie flowers is available online at or at the kiosk, and the prairie at the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge Visitor Center on Brice Prairie is open to hikers. The Coulee Life Church is a resurrection of sorts, a new life rising from the painful demise last fall of the old Sand Lake Wesleyan. Once a growing church of more than 200, the 33-year-old Sand Lake congregation closed its doors after reaching an impasse during a pastoral transition. Although the old church is now a statistic, a core group of 25 people survived, convinced that they had been called to serve the Holmen/Onalaska community. Sensing their commitment, the Wisconsin District of the Wesleyan denomination called on Craig Coe, who was then working as Assistant Admissions Director for Indiana Wesleyan University. Today, the soft-spoken Coe, who had previously served as Sand Lakes Pastor of Ministry from 2010 to 2013, is directing the resurgence under a new name: Coulee Life Church. But beyond that, he has already logged six years of church planting experience in Aurora, Colo., and more importantly, wrestled with issues confronting the church-at-large in the wake of pastoral transitions. In 2004, Coe and his wife, Priscilla, and three other couples left Indiana to start a new church in Colorado, but storm clouds soon gathered over the less than two year old project. The burgeoning 150-member congregation suddenly faced the resignation of its lead pastor. Coe, as the assistant pastor, never saw it coming and the event forced him into a decision he never anticipated. I had a lot of questions as to what God had for us next, Coe recalled, noting that it was a big decision for him to accept the lead role. He remembers telling God that if he took the position, Id have to rely on his strength and power. Coe took the position, and learned a lot in the process. Its not something we expected, but God used us to help people walk through that transition, he said. Now at Coulee Life, its like history repeating itself. But this time, Coe has the field experience to help the congregation dig a secure footing. We spent time building a foundation, he said, as he described the first meetings. We needed to understand our role in the community. So they asked themselves, What is a church? What is the role of the church? And what had God called them to do? Three ministries quickly grew out of their introspection: parents night out, a babysitting service for nearly 30 children so couples could spend time together, meal service for Holmen Hope, and the Salvation Army extension program. Before school begins, the group will add a fourth project landscaping at Sand Lake Elementary School. Not surprisingly, social justice concerns and community activism happen to be in the DNA of the Wesleyan denomination. We stem from the Methodist tradition on the evangelical side, Coe explained. The Wesleyans formed in the 1800s when they sided with the abolitionists over the slavery issue. Coe hopes to increase visibility for the new start-up with a spot in the Holmen Kornfest Parade, followed by a scoop night at the church the Wednesday after the parade. This will let people know better who we are, he said. Well be talking about the vision of the church and what God has called us to do. Well lead people up the timeline to launch, he said. As a run up to launch, the church has scheduled two preview services for September with the first official service set for sometime in October. Weve already checked, he says with a grin. All the Packer games are late games. According to Coe, the Sunday morning worship service will feature a contemporary band but will weave in more traditional songs and hymns. But the focus will always be on families. Thats a large part of the demographics here, he said. Yet, even now, Coe and his group are looking far beyond October. We also have a far-reaching regional outreach, he notes, pointing to his core group that extends from West Salem to Trempealeau and points in between. Eventually we also want to be a sending church, he said. We want to understand each community and help plant another church in the area within the next five years. But for now, the goal is more immediate. Our people want to see individuals and families experience the life God has for them, he said. We want to start something fresh and new. The road to annexation isnt an easy one, and it sometimes hits familiar bumps. The La Crescent City Council again found that out at its Aug. 8 meeting, during a public hearing for the annexation of 102 Kinder Rd., which has been initiated by the property owner. Cheri Olson, who along with Douglas Nelson, signed the petition to annex in, was in attendance and said the request was generated to obtain city services for sewer. Olson said her neighbors to the south have already been annexed, and her biggest concern was what would happen to the road. We have a road that were currently privately maintaining, Olson said. Obviously, one of the appeals for us is to have the road maintained by the city now. She wanted to know the next step for the road, and she wasnt alone with a query. Joshua Whitson, who lives at 104 Kinder Rd., was also in attendance, and since he lives next door to 102 Kinder Rd., he wanted to know what its annexation meant for him. Is it true that Im also being annexed into the city? Whitson asked. City attorney Skip Wieser deferred an answer until the public portion of the hearing was complete, so Whitson pushed forward with more inquiries. The road shares both of our properties, he said. Am I, or am I not, up to become part of the city? Olson rejoined with yet another question. What is happening in our backyards, she asked. It was hard to tell from the information shed received, she said, and she wasnt clear what was happening with this race track thing, as well as possible annexations of other things. Our land is in a conservation easement, she said, so Im assuming that, when you annex it, that that conservation easement stands, and that you wouldnt come in and develop condos in wetlands, or something like that. Olson wanted to know if there were other things that come with this annexation, specifically any future city developments. With the public comment period then closed, Wieser took over to answer some of the questions posed. At the June 27 council meeting, Wieser said, when the council accepted Olsons petition, the status of Kinder Road was discussed, and it currently is a private easement that services three property owners. One of those has already been annexed, he said, and now Olson and Nelsons property will be, too. What we would be doing after the annexation is done, Wieser said, is, we would be, because its by private easement, its not by a dedicated street, a plat, is wed be preparing an easement agreement where they would basically turn over that road to the city, and then that would make all future maintenance, repairs, those sorts of things, the citys obligation. The road will also be factored into the citys state aid calculations, he said. As for Whitson, he said, his property is included in the joint resolution passed that night by the council, and was negotiated with La Crescent Township. Whitsons property, after the attendant annexations in the area, would then be 90 percent-plus surrounded by the city, Wieser said. The township agreed it should be annexed, too. That news didnt sit well with Whitson, who said he was never informed his property would be annexed. I think this was very poorly orchestrated, Whitson said. While he understands there was no legal obligation for the city to inform him of the impending annexation, he said it was a matter of civility to at least send him a notice. Its not necessarily that I disagree, he said, but I dont know that that speaks well for the integrity of the city if I dont even know whats happening with my own property. Mayor Mike Poellinger said this comes up every time theres an annexation; the city simply doesnt have a mechanism for negotiation with individuals. Whitson countered he wasnt seeking negotiating rights; he simply wanted to be informed. I understand my position in this, Whitson said, and that I cannot change it. Wieser said the matter is an inter-governmental process, and the obligation is the townships; it must communicate with its residents regarding how and why they do or dont make those kinds of decisions. Its kind of beyond our control, Wieser said. Councilor Dale Williams voiced his concern, as he has many times before, about how this type of annexation was being handled; he asked Wieser if, as has been requested by the council in the past, the township had been asked to send its property owners a letter of notification. I can see the frustration on this gentlemans part, Williams said. Wieser said the request was made to the township, but its beyond the citys control. Williams said notification has been discussed, and he and the council agree its the right thing to do, but it falls to the township to do that. Annexation, he said, should be smooth, simple, and it shouldnt be forcibly taking someone. He apologized, and stressed he was not trying to pass the buck here. I know your frustration as you sit there and hear this, Williams said. I was there 15 years ago. Once again, he stressed communication needs to happen. Regarding the conservation easement, Wieser said, he wasnt aware that any such easement exists, and he had already checked the county recorders office. As for the race track property, he said, there are no pending applications or zoning requests for development in the area. The council unanimously approved the annexation request. More annexation matters Prior to the public hearing, Wieser brought forward a joint resolution for annexation of a large swath of property along CTH 6, which included Hickory Lane, Kinder Road, and the property generally referred to as the racetrack, south of CTH 6. The council previously approved the notice of intent to annex the properties; the township has been served, and, Wieser said, they had already informally agreed to permit the annexation, but the town board would make it official later that night at its regularly scheduled meeting. The council needed to approve the agreement with a joint resolution, which it did unanimously. The resolution included a two-year tax reimbursement clause the minimum required, Wieser said which says in the first year following the year the city could first levy on the annexed area, the amount would be $2,640, with the same amount reimbursed to the township in the second and final year. The parcel totals approximately 97.5 acres. In other news The council unanimously approved the development agreement with SpringBrook Village, a move that was anticipated, but not without agreeing to certain conditions requested by the developers of the senior housing project. Since the (council) packet went out, Wieser said, weve received communication from the developers. Two requests that they are making is were suggesting proposed amendments to the development agreement. The first is, the developers requesting reimbursement of $11,250 for looping of the water main. The water main connects the highway to the Rosewood area, Wieser said, and permits better flow. Wieser said the amendment would come with a condition: It would not be paid until the building was completed. And then the second item that theyre requesting, Wieser said, with regard to the development agreement, is parallel to CTH 25, running generally in the east-west direction, we currently are requiring that they provide a sidewalk. Therell be a sidewalk within the development which would be private for the residents that live there; this would be a public sidewalk, running along Hwy. 25. Theyre asking that they not be required to construct that until such time as that sidewalk is being constructed all the way around Hwy. 25. The council unanimously approved both amendments. Wieser added that two definitions are being fine-tuned within the agreement, but once those are satisfactorily reviewed, the council gave its unanimous approval for the proposed development agreement to be signed. On recommendation of the citys planning commission, the council unanimously approved the motion to opt out of a Minnesota statute regarding the creation of temporary health care dwellings on the driveway of a home for up to six months. An ordinance to that effect had to be adopted, which the council duly did. Had the council not voted to opt out, the statute would have automatically gone into effect. Planning commission chairman Don Smith said a public hearing was held on the matter, and no one was there in support of the state statute. The council also unanimously approved the acceptance of a proposal by Stantec for professional planning services aimed at consolidating and coordinating shoreland development regulations with the citys zoning code. The costs for the services are estimated at $5,600, with part of the cost coming from the general fund budget in 2016, and the balance from 2017. The council also unanimously approved a motion to accept the citys new comprehensive plan at its Sept. 12 meeting. The council unanimously voted to award the bid for the water main project extending the water main from the citys Well No. 2 to the transmission line on Stoney Point Road to Zenke, Inc. in the amount of $124,128, the lowest bid received. The work will be done in the fall. Also unanimously approved, the low bid of $73, 380 from Hydro-Klean, LLC to line the sanitary sewer along Elm Street, from North Second Street to North First Street, and along North First Street from Elm Street to the highway. If, as the saying goes, a true compromise leaves no one happy, that may have proved to be the result of the Aug. 11 Winona County Planning Commission. The commission, having grappled over several meetings with the both the gritty specifics and philosophical implications of a proposed ban on frac sand, came to a conclusion late that night: Revise, but dont ban. The commissions decision is just a recommendation, and now heads to the Winona County Board of Commissioners at its Aug. 23 meeting. It would add limits to the size and number of potential industrial mineral mines, but would not ban them outright. It also wouldnt address processing or transporting operations, with the commission concluding those operations would be better off guided under existing sets of processes and regulations. The commissions final meeting on the issue, scheduled for Monday, was canceled. The proposal, introduced by commission member and board commissioner Steve Jacob, would limit the total size of mines to an area of 40 acres, and operators couldnt exceed that without reclamation of previously mined areas. Jacobs proposal would also limit the number of Winona County mining sites to six, and no permit could be issued for a new one until another one was officially inactive and not permitted. Jacob said he had heard from just as many people wanting the commission and board to make a decision and move on as he had heard arguments for or against a ban. It offers a chance for both sides of this issue to find common ground as a compromise, Jacob said. It doesnt give anybody everything they want. The recommendation was approved 5-3, with commission members Robert Redig, Cherie Hales and Chris Meyer dissenting. Joy Fabian-Ewing was not present. No one got everything they wanted. Several of the nights speakers, continuations of the long list of testifiers for or against frac sand mining from Monday and previous meetings, were asked by Jacob whether they would support a compromise. Dennis Egan, a representative of the Minnesota Industrial Sands Council, said while he didnt necessarily love the 40-acre restriction, he said his group would work with you on identifying that kind of compromise, absolutely. Egan had spoken earlier against the ban, arguing that existing permitting and regulation were already effective tools. Johanna Rupprecht, policy organizer for the Land Stewardship Project, said she didnt think the people against frac sand mining wanted a compromise, and that the regulation wouldnt address the environmental and health concerns that brought the debate to the county. We will not support this, Rupprecht said. The commission members were equally adamant on their positions. Commission members Gene Hansen and Don Evanson unequivocally referred to a ban as the worst kind of government and poor government, respectively. Those dissenting maintained that the ban was supported broadly by county residents, and just reducing the number of mines wouldnt change what they were trying to prevent by banning any amount of new mining. I really dont see how this goes far enough, Meyer said. This reduces the amount of mining, but it doesnt really address the affects of mining. The testimonies leading up to the decision continued the back-and-forth exchanges continued from Mondays hearing, where rosters of people with credentials ranging from doctors to lawyers, not all of whom have expertise in environmental law or health or technical issues related to mining, took turns contradicting each other. Thursdays meeting was mostly a repeat throughout the four speakers, who were split two and two for and against. First was Mike Flynn, a representative of the Winona County Township Association, presenting the resolution against the ban, saying that the group was of the belief that it was contrary to the countys comprehensive plan, which he was involved in creating. Its intent was to regulate and not ban, Flynn said. We knew that was a tool that could be used effectively and most likely wouldnt be challenged down the road. Following Flynn, Rupprecht spoke of the documents Land Stewardship had submitted, which included legal precedents they felt supported the ban, and geological studies that showed the potential of adverse effects to water and air quality, including one by the state of Minnesotas Environmental Quality Board in their guide to planning for and regulating silica sand projects. She said that fit in with the larger goals of the comprehensive plan by protecting its citizens, geography and resources. She received rebukes from both Jacob and Evanson in their questions. Jacob asked Rupprecht, since she had cited both legal and geological data, if she was a lawyer or a geologist. None involved in the questioning or answering were either, though Rupprecht was presenting material created by experts in both fields on their behalf. Evanson, in response to the ban proponents claim that the ban had broad support, said: You imply that the majority of the county is in support of a ban, Evanson said. Are you able to understand that majoritarianism, even if you have the majority, can be a form of tyranny? The proposed language recommended in the end was formed by removing a portion of the original proposed ordinance, and replacing it with language from Florence Township in Goodhue Countys ordinance on frac sand. Hidden off a fork in the road on Hwy. 44 just outside Hokah, theres a little taste of something special. Its called Union Valley Vineyard and Winery, and if you havent heard about it, you will soon enough. When it opened in October, owner Robin Schlegel said it was after years of planning. Shes on eight acres of land, but that includes her home, and not quite a half-acre is now filled with rows of 220 vines that carry seven different varieties of grapes. Then theres the 1,280 square-foot building, which is the winery, where tasting and production commences. They crush and press the grapes on the patio, then bring them in to steel tanks and ferment them. They bottle in the same production area, which as of now isnt closed off. Yet. Maybe, she said, there will be glass windows installed, so folks can look in at the production area. She hasnt made a final decision on that, but theres time. Its still a work-in-progress, Schlegel said. The name came because, for 19 years, the Schlegels have lived on Union Ridge Road in Union Township, but theyre not on the ridge. We are in the valley, she said. But, of course, the idea for the entire enterprise came some years before the name. One day, they were picking Concord grapes and they made some wine. Then a friend told her about her brothers vineyard in Coon Valley, Wis.; they went up, picked some Edelweiss grapes, and became super-enthused about it. All of it. We just loved the beauty of the vineyard, she said. And it was just fun. Very exciting. Something about picking the grapes, bringing them back, making their own wine. It got in her bloodstream. I kind of developed a passion for it through that, she said. That was back in 2007. It sounds simple enough, but passion isnt as easily tended as grape vines are. Over time it spread, then leapt, into the desire to build what has become known as Union Valley Vineyard and Winery. Fruit wines actually came next; Schlegel loved the whole fermentation process. Then she went to school. It was called VESTA, an enology program, which is an alliance between Iowa State University, the University of Missouri, and (now) the University of Minnesota. Some of it was online, but a big part of it got the students out into different wineries doing workshops and learning exactly what it takes. I worked at a couple wineries through harvest, she said, so I began to understand the whole process from start to finish. Its a hobby that turns into a passion, but its also a serious business. Schooling was important; the classes were always full. Many people are beginning to take a real interest in the process. It can be fun, its true, but it takes real skill. Mistakes, she said, are costly. When you make a wine, you want to make sure you know what youre doing, Schlegel said. The hope is to produce a good-quality wine, and not just Grandmas hooch in a crock, you know? Theyre a farm winery, she pointed out, something Minnesota offers as a commercial opportunity. They must produce less than, say 3,000, maybe 5,000 gallons. Shes never made more than, say, 800. So far, thats been plenty to support, she said, because were a pretty small and local area. At first, she wasnt too focused on a customer base; it was more about getting the winery developed. Nothing like it was here in Houston County, she said. I believe were the first farm winery licensed in Houston County. Were the first one in the books. Theres a menu board mounted on the wall with the wines she currently has on offer: La Crescent, Brianna, Moonlight, Fire Sky and Edelweiss. Schlegel is a pro when it comes to describing the quality of each grape each wine that tastes like magic in a bottle. Weve had really good success so far with the roses, she said. Prices range from $8 to $13 per bottle; the cost is dependent on the wine itself, she said, and the quality of the grapes. It all goes into what it takes more of to produce, she said. Shes learned what people who come in like to drink, and thats what she tries to give them. Its not so much trial-and-error as it is professional experimentation. It takes a lot of time. Its almost like youre designing a wine, she said. Its also important to her to buy local, which she most decidedly does when it comes to growers. Its all about community, which is an integral part of her family. Her husband, Jimmy, works alongside her. He handles all the vineyard work. That includes tending to the grapes, spraying, monitoring, mowing and maintenance. She says hes great at it. He even did all the inside finishing work on the winery. He did a really nice job, Schlegel said. Randy Dobbs of La Crescent also works there, and theres an even wider network out in the valley. Family and close friends helped construct the building itself, she said. It was a real neighborhood effort. Union Valley Winery is usually open Saturdays from 1 to 5 p.m., but Schlegel noted theyll be closing down for a couple of weeks during harvest, which is the first three weeks in September. We need to get the grapes in, she said. Come October, though, the winery will be open again. Last Tuesday, two local women and a girl come in; theyre having a wedding shower at the winery soon. Yes, the winery does special events like that. Theyve even had a canvas and wine evening with 18 in attendance. If its feasible, and she can accommodate the people and the time-of-year, shes most willing. A wealth of happiness: Thats what Schlegel says she gets from doing all of this. You get to see something grow so beautifully, and the hard work and the harvest. Its the camaraderie. Its to see people smile, she said. The winery has a Facebook account. Word-of-mouth also helps, and Schlegel is doing some advertising. She wants to retire in 3.5 years (shes an engineer in circuits at CenturyLink); until then, shes happy watching the place grow. Just like the grapes. A lessening of demand for natural gas from frac sand mining customers has caused WE Energies to cancel a $21.4 million pipeline that was to be built between the village of Taylor and the city of Blair. The Milwaukee-based utility asked the Public Service Commission in November to approve construction of the 20-mile-long Blair Lateral Project in November. However, declining oil prices, idled drilling rigs in North Dakota and layoffs in the sand mining industry apparently prompted WE Energies to pull the projects plug. Through the project review process, we solicited additional information from the potential large industrial customers in the project area. The updated information collected showed that the projected demand in the area has not increased as significantly as previously projected, WE Energies spokesman Brian Manthey said. Large natural gas users, including grain dryers and sand plants, plus some growth in demand from residential and commercial customers, were counted on to make the project financially feasible. However, the boom-and-bust cycle of the petroleum industry returned the project to its original timeline, Manthey said. Our process for determining the need for a project is based partially on the projected demand and growth in an area. Based on inquiries we received from potential customers at one time, we accelerated this project from our initial plan which was to propose it several years from now, he said. In this case, however, those short-term projections for natural gas changed when market conditions for our customers changed leading us to return to our original plan. WE Energies initially planned to begin constructing the pipeline in November and have it in service by August 2017. PSC staff spent 700 hours analyzing the two routes WE Energies proposed for the pipeline, said Elise Nelson, PSC spokesperson. It was conducting an environmental assessment for the project when the utility officially notified the PSC on July 29. The amount the PSC will bill WE Energies has not been determined. The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection produced a 96-page draft Agricultural Impact Statement in July but a call to the agency regarding its billing WE Energies for its analysis was not returned by press time. Manthey said the utility will review the costs from the state agencies when received and pay them. The Blair Lateral Project was announced a little more than a year after the utility began construction of the West Central Lateral project, an 80-mile-long natural gas pipeline between Tomah and Fairchild. Then Commissioner Eric Callisto, who voted against the West Central Lateral in June 2014, called the frac sand industrys interest conjecture since it had signed no supply contracts with WE Energies. The cost of the pipeline will be spread across the (WE Energies) system while theres a relatively small amount of customers who would be served by the line, Callisto said at the time. The village of Hixton is served by the West Central Lateral. The Blair Lateral would have provided a second pipeline in addition to the Viking Gas Transmission pipeline which serves Taylor and Blair. In its November 2015 construction application to the PSC, WE Energies estimated that the customers served by the Blair Lateral would have accrued gas cost savings of $1.44 million to $9.6 million over the life of the project due to providing a second source of natural gas to the area. The application also stated the utility was not dependent on a sand mine customer, not identified in the public version of the application, to make the Blair Lateral economically feasible. The analysis looked at the economics without an anticipated sand mine customer and found the project was still economically justified, according to WE Energies application. Thus, no contribution is anticipated from this customer. Cancelling the project will not negatively impact the utilitys ability to serve the area around Blair and Taylor, Manthey said, and the project could be resubmitted to the PSC if conditions improve. We have sufficient capacity to serve the existing customers in the project area for the near future. We will continue to analyze the need for the Blair Lateral project in the future, he said. A former Gundersen Health System employee parking lot that will house the Gundersen Hotel & Suites was a field of dirt Thursday as Premier Hotel Properties broke ground on the four-story structure on South Avenue. The hotel developer and hospital system gathered on the site to celebrate the beginning of an estimated year-long construction process for the hotel, which is a collaborative effort between the two entities. Mark Platt, senior vice president of business services at Gundersen, was excited to see the project, which is scheduled to be completed July 1, get started after years of planning. Its a thrill that were going to be able to build this property attached to our campus, because we do believe that having our patients and their families connected to our healthcare system when they are in those times of need is going to make a difference, Platt said. The hospital has considered collaborating on a hotel for its patients and their families for decades but had been unable to find the right deal. Its been a long road to find the right partners, but I think we did, Platt said. The owner of the hotel will be Premier, a Missouri-based hotel company that also owns and operates the Holiday Inn Express in Onalaska. Spencer Schram of Premier said the company was prepared to serve the unique needs of the hotels patient clientele. We know that were going to have people who are under stress at greater frequency than those who just have somebody who is going to visit La Crosse to have a good time at Oktoberfest, Schram said. We need to be ready to help those people under stress, and thats our pledge to Gundersen. The hotel will include extensive landscaping outside, as well as 65 rooms. There will be 16 extended-stay suites, which will include a full bedroom, walk-through closet to the bathroom, and a range and refrigerator to allow guests to cook their own food. It will also feature a 100-foot-long underground tunnel connecting it to the Gundersen Founders Building. The Gundersen and Powell-Poage-Hamilton Neighborhood Associations collaborative strategic plan called for a hotel among other things in 2012, primarily for those taking advantage of the hospitals services. Were not in the hotel business, Platt said. Were in the make communities better business. From the hospitals perspective, they want to see the neighborhood thrive because it promotes overall well-being. We are not in the business of trying to compete with leisure travelers and business travelers who are going downtown, he added. This is about taking care of our patients and families, and taking care of their families. Despite the focus on patients, there will also be rooms available for tourists and other visitors to La Crosse. La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat was happy to see the continued focus on providing a place for patients to stay during a vulnerable time. Theyll have that just one less thing to worry about, Kabat said. Kabat praised Gundersens forethought and investment in the Powell-Poage-Hamilton Neighborhood as a whole, including its properties, new medical resident housing and contribution to Poage Park. I think it really is a strong testament to this city, to this region and especially to this neighborhood, that they are engaged in all of these things, Kabat said. It really does make La Crosse a great place. It really does boost our neighborhood. Those engagements are part of Gundersens overall philosophy, according to Platt. Wed much rather keep people healthy than fix them when theyre broke, Platt said. La Crosse County law enforcement Friday launches a campaign designed to combat drunken driving. Additional officers will patrol for longer hours during the annual Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over statewide enforcement that runs through Sept. 5. Although drunken driving is 100 percent preventable, 190 people were killed and another 2,900 were injured in alcohol-related crashes in Wisconsin last year, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse police detective Chris Schuster said. About 24,000 people were convicted last year of drunken driving, according to the state Department of Transportation. In the first seven months of the year, police in La Crosse County issued 141 citations for drunken driving, seat belt violations, speeding and operating after revocation or suspension. Drunk drivers will find themselves arrested, jailed, ordered into court and facing steep fines and other penalties, Deputy District Attorney Jessica Skemp said. The La Crosse County Tavern League encourages bar patrons to take advantage of its SafeRide program, where they can get a cab ride home at no cost. More than 7,000 people used the program between July 1, 2015, and June 30. Any one of those could be someone who injured someone, tavern league president Mike Brown said. There is no excuse not to take a free ride. Authorities encourage those who have been drinking to use the DOTs Drive Sober free mobile app, which will help users locate a safe ride home and features a blood-alcohol estimator. About 70,000 people have used the app since it launched three years ago. Statewide, 33 task forces will participate in the campaign. Overtime costs are covered by federal funding through the state DOT Bureau of Transportation Safety. Last weeks flooding did roughly $2 million worth of damage to public infrastructure in Buffalo County but not enough for the county to qualify for federal disaster relief. Emergency management officials with the county began their assessments this week, as did officials in Trempealeau County, needing to find a combined $8 million of public damage before they could receive federal money. Overall estimates haven't been anywhere near that, said Stephen Schiffli, emergency management director for Buffalo County, and officials have already shifted their attention to securing the next best thing. Were going to require the state to provide assistance to our municipalities, Schiffli said. There are programs that could help our communities immensely. Thats what theyre there for. There shouldnt be any issues with that. Schiffli said most of the needs in Buffalo County could be handled through the Wisconsin Disaster Fund and grant programs under the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The county would make repairs with the understanding it would be reimbursed by the state, he said. Buffalo County is still calculating its private damage, Schiffli said, and residents should report any damage they see. In parts of the county, thunderstorms Aug. 11 and 12 dumped nearly a foot of rain. Families are still reclaiming their yards and homes from the floodwaters, and roads are still closed thanks to washed out bridges. Crews have repaired many county and town roads that were blocked off after the storm but with more rain forecast over the next couple days, Schiffli said the county is bracing for the possibility some of that work might be undone. With the amount of road damage weve had, roads have a high probability of getting damaged again, Schiffli said. If that happens, we want people to turn around and dont drive through water. The last thing we need is someone driving through water. Schiffli reported no injuries from last weeks flooding but said there are displaced families still being supported by the county. CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that FEMA officials conducted damage assessments this week in Buffalo and Trempealeau counties. The assessments are being conducted by county officials, and are ongoing. As Donald Trumps prospects have diminished, so too has the likelihood that Gary Johnson, Jill Stein or Evan McMullin will play any significant role in the 2016 election. To do so would require a close race between Trump and Hillary Clinton and enough support for at least one of them to qualify for the nationally televised debates. So far, neither is happening. American presidential campaigns are replete with unsuccessful bids by third-party hopefuls who aimed to influence the outcome, displace one of the major parties, provide a vehicle for protesting the major candidates or achieve some combination of those goals. But though Americans frequently dislike both main candidates, few independents ultimately had much electoral impact. For example, in 1960, Southern segregationists sought to withhold enough electoral votes from both John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon to throw the election into the House of Representatives, hoping it would elect someone more sympathetic to their views. They won electors in two Southern states but failed to prevent Kennedys election. In 1948, left-winger Henry Wallace cost Harry Truman New York, and segregationist Strom Thurmond captured four Southern states. Truman still won. And in 1992, computer magnate Ross Perots support in early polls spurred speculation he could win a three-way race. He finished third, and studies showed that, despite polling nearly 20 million votes and making the debates, he didnt change a single states result. There are two exceptions, one quite recent. In 2000, onetime consumer activist Ralph Naders Green Party candidacy drained off enough liberal votes in New Hampshire and Florida to elect President George W. Bush over Democrat Al Gore. Nader got fewer than 3 million of the 105 million votes cast, but his 22,198 votes in New Hampshire tripled Bushs margin over Gore. In Florida, Naders 97,488 total was more than 100 times Bushs disputed 537-vote margin. Victory in either state would have given Gore the presidency. The most clear-cut case occurred more than a century ago, in 1912. Former President Theodore Roosevelt, running as the Progressive Party nominee after losing the Republican nomination, split the GOP vote so Democrat Woodrow Wilson won easily with incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft third. Roosevelt proves the exception to the rule that independents who influence the outcome are generally not high profile hopefuls but mavericks who get relatively few votes in the right places. Nader fit that pattern. So did former Minnesota Democratic Sen. Eugene McCarthy, who in 1976 ran as an independent, drew only 740,000 votes but nearly enabled President Gerald Ford to defeat Democrat Jimmy Carter by tipping three closely divided states to the GOP. Sometimes, third party candidacies produce results opposite the predominant views of their voters. That was true in 2000, when Naders voters were generally disaffected liberals who thought Gore too centrist. The result was the most conservative presidency of the past quarter century. Theodore Roosevelts 1912 candidacy cost Republicans the White House, though he may have preferred Wilson to the increasingly conservative Taft. Others impact long-term ideology more than a single election. Former Alabama Gov. George Wallaces strong showing in 1968 spurred President Richard Nixon to increase his appeal to conservative Southerners, helping build a national GOP majority for the next two decades. This year, all three independent hopefuls are primarily protest vehicles for voters who dont like either Trump (Johnson and McMullin) or Clinton (Stein). Stein has attracted some outspoken liberals who backed Sen. Bernie Sanders primary challenge to Clinton. Johnson and McMullin are getting support from anti-Trump Republicans who also reject Clinton. As a group, polls show theyre attracting more backers than recent independent hopefuls. But despite anecdotal evidence theyre appealing to disaffected mainstream voters and some prominent politicians, their numbers have stayed relatively stable Johnson close to 10 percent, Stein with about half that. McMullin, just starting, doesnt register yet. Barring a big change, none seems likely to reach the Commission on Presidential Debates 15 percent national threshold for inclusion in the first debate scheduled Sept. 26. Still, given deep dislike for both Clinton and Trump, it would be no surprise if the three totaled more votes than in any election in 20 years. Polls suggest support for Johnson and McMullin could undermine Trump sufficiently to cost him a state or two, notably Utah. But history suggests their totals will decline as Election Day nears and voters acknowledge the real choice, once again, is between the two major party nominees. Once upon a time, a scantily clad lass padding down a beach might cause a riot at least of eyeballs eager to extend the sidelong glance. Today, its the fully clothed woman who overheats the passions in France, where three towns have banned the burkini. Leave it to the French to criminalize modesty. Latest to the ban-wagon is the Corsican village of Sisco, where three Muslim families and a group of local teens recently got into a row when one of the Muslim men became upset as a tourist photographed his burkini-clad wife. The next day, riot police were needed in a nearby town to quell 200 protesters who stormed a housing area of mostly North African people, shouting this is our home. The precise cause of that flare-up wasnt known. Did a burkini do it? No clue, according to local authorities, but Sisco is banning the ultimate cover-up, anyway, to protect the population. Back on the mainland, the mayors of Cannes and nearby Villeneuve-Loubet also have banned burkinis. Two Muslim associations unsuccessfully challenged the Cannes ban, but have promised to appeal the lower court decision. In the strangest justification offered for the wardrobe ban, Lionnel Luca, mayor of Villeneuve-Loubet, said it is unhygienic to swim fully clothed. For whom? The fish? Tensions in France between Muslims and others may be understandable in light of recent events, including the July horror in Nice when a truck driver shouting paeans to Allah mowed down hundreds of Bastille Day revelers, killing 85 people, as well as the recent jihadist slaying of the beloved, 85-year-old priest Jacques Hamel in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. But how the practice of modesty associated with many Muslims religious beliefs became an offense against the majority society is hard to fathom. The burkini also provides an interesting study in the metamorphosis of a symbol and its use in rationalizing other beliefs and actions that bear striking similarities to the extreme religiosity the caused such consternation in the first place. Suddenly, the burkini has become Frances Confederate battle flag. Like the flag, the burkini means different things to different people, yet it has become such a powerful symbol of the cultural clash between overzealous French patriots and Muslim immigrants that it has become a prompt to man the barricades. It is hardly shocking that women are the objects of such aggression. Or that men are the ones fighting over what women ought to be doing with their bodies. Depending on the era and often the prevailing religion women are either showing too much or too little. Frankly, Id like to see more not fewer burkinis on the beach, especially for Speedo-lovers over 50. Guys, do you own a mirror? (Please dont send pictures.) It isnt just men concerned with burkinis. Some feminists and the enlightened French see the burkini as a visual face-slap to womens egalite. Among other things, equality means never having to cover up just because your natural self gets anothers gander up. Non-Muslims in the West may disapprove of the practice and prefer our mores over those of strict Muslims, but were in no position to be smug. Less than 100 years ago in Washington, modesty police literally measured womens bathing suit skirts to ensure adherence to the legal standard of only six inches above the knee. In 1921 Atlantic City, women were also required to wear stockings pulled above the knee with their swimsuits. When young women protested the stocking law, it was the League of Women Voters that urged strict enforcement. While beach patrols searched out bathing suit violators, they also scouted for their ogling male counterparts, described in a newspaper story of the time as bald beach lizards. One brave woman, novelist Louise Rosine, went to jail rather than cover up her knees with stockings. It was none of the citys darn business, she said, whether she rolled em up or down. Weve come a long way, baby. And along the way, with few exceptions, weve found it possible to allow people to don (or not) their apparel as they wish. Some schools may ban message-emblazoned shirts. And we dutifully shed our jackets, scarves and shoes during security checks. But liberte ought to mean that one can wear a burkini on the beach or a thong, if you must. Neither suits my personal fancy, but its hard to imagine that a Muslim woman dressed traditionally is a threat to any but her own comfort. Like the lady said, its none of the citys darn business. After viewing the recent Republican National Convention and hearing Donald Trumps remarks last week about how the National Rifle Association could take care of Hillary Clinton, Americans should be extremely concerned about the prospects of a Trump presidency. The convention and Trump painted a dark picture of our country that reeked of pessimism, hatred and fear. If elected, Trump claims he will make America great and safe again. He says violence on American streets will end, world terrorism will cease and America will regain the respect of world leaders. His claims are difficult to believe considering his history. Trump has boasted about plans to build a wall on our southern border with Mexico and deport millions of immigrants. More than 30 years ago, however, a Trump contractor used undocumented Polish workers to clear the site where Trump Tower was built in Manhattan. They worked 12-hour days, seven days a week, and at times were not even paid. In Las Vegas, where Trump owns a hotel with gold-gilded windows, some of his workers are employed part-time, have no healthcare and are paid under $10 an hour. These are some of the tens of thousands of jobs he claims to have created. And he also claims all of his employees are treated well. Trumps public appearances continue to show the person he really is. He cant help himself from insulting women and minorities, the disabled, military heroes and so many more. EAU CLAIRE Gerald Jerry Garber, 65, of Eau Claire went to rest peacefully Monday, July 18, 2016, at MCHS, surrounded by the love of his family, after a short but courageous battle with lung cancer. Jerry was born Jan. 16, 1951, in Black River Falls, to Leroy and Betty (Bullock) Garber of Tomah. Jerry graduated in 1969 from Tomah High, and shortly after he enlisted in the U.S. Army where he bravely served from 1969 to 1972, fighting in the Vietnam War. Shortly after his honorable discharge from the U.S. Army, Jerry met the love of his life, Leaf (York), and Jan. 15, 1981, they were married, and through the good and the bad, through sickness and in health they recently celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. Jerry worked many jobs throughout the years but the ones that meant the most were working for Uniroyal Tire Company for over 20 years up until the Eau Claire location closed, mechanic at Ricks Service Center, maintenance supervisor at the former Quality Inn, and his most recent position that he retired from, as a floor technician at Syverson Lutheran Home. Jerry enjoyed spending time outdoors with his family and those he held close, keeping the house clean, the yard looking nice, and watching game shows. Jerry will always be remembered as hardworking, compassionate, someone you could always rely on, and someone who always put everyone else before himself. Jerry was always a protector and now will continue to protect and look over those close to him. Jerry is survived by the love of his life, Leaf; children, Josh and MacKensie (Brian) Garber; his little buddy and grandson, Izaiah; siblings, George (Karen) Garber of Great Falls, Mont., Judy Keeth of Waynesville, Mo., James (Linda) Garber of Warrens, Jack (Connie) Garber of Warrens, Rita (Todd) Steffel of Tomah, and Carol (Gary) Mitchell of Waynesville; sister-in-law, Sonja Rieder of Chippewa Falls; many nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, and close friends. Jerry was preceded in death by his infant son, Nicholas; parents, LeRoy and Betty Garber; grandparents, Ralph and Grace Garber, Perl Bullock and Leah Gentille; mother and father-in-law, Sully and Sigrid York; and nephew, Nathan Garber. Per Jerrys wishes, there was no funeral service, but a celebration of life was held Sunday, July 31, in Eau Claire. There will also be a celebration of life for family and friends 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 3, at his brother, James (Linda) Garbers house in Warrens. Lenmark-Gomsrud-Linn Funeral & Cremation Services assisted the family. Teaching dance always attracted Misty Lown she was leading her own classes when she was 16, having started dancing at 3. But she thought dancing professionally was her true calling, and a dream that was within her grasp. As a college student at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Lown was accepted into a prestigious year-long training program with the acclaimed Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York City. I thought, This is going to be my life, Lown said. Before going to New York City, though, Lown went to Madison to see a performance by the Alvin Ailey troupe. During their closing number, Revelations, I had what I can only call a God-whisper on my heart that said, What will you remember of this performance a week, a month or a year from now? Lown recalled. Then she thought of the impact she could have on her dance students, imparting both art and life lessons that they might well pass on to more students themselves. That was it for me, Lown said. I left that theater with tears streaming down my cheeks and knew the classroom would be my stage. Over time, Lowns classroom grew. In 1998, barely into her 20s, she opened a dance studio, Mistys Dance Unlimited, in a brand new building in Onalaska. Nine years later, she built a bigger home that now has 800 students. Then she launched an organization to help other dance studios that now reaches 60,000 students a week. Now she has an ever-more demanding schedule as an inspirational speaker on leadership and entrepreneurship. And now Lowns classroom is getting a lot bigger again. In early July, Lown published a book called One Small Yes: Small Decisions That Lead to Big Results that in its first five days alone had more than 10,000 online e-book downloads on Amazon, hitting No. 5 on the list of most downloaded books during that period. The book has an uplifting, empowering message, one that draws heavily on Lowns own life in an effort to help people find their own calling as she did. The message is centered on my belief that everybody was DNA-wired to do something great that only they can do. So you have a special calling in your life. Its the great privilege and responsibility of life to figure that out and then start making small yes choices in that direction, Lown said. If you can figure out, or at least ask the question What am I here for? and then make an earnest yes effort to move in that direction, I think thats where people get a lot of joy out of life. Beginnings My parents were doers, they just made things happen, Lown said of her childhood on La Crosses North Side. We didnt always have all the resources we might want ... but they made it happen. She recalled when she was about 11 and her father, Paul Averill, lost his job as a truck driver. He was the familys sole breadwinner, but he insisted that rather than go on public assistance he was going to dig ditches for the railroad if he had to. And he was 40, so my age, Lown said. And that left an indelible mark on me. It made me realize everything is figure-out-able. Her mother, Sandy Averill, had the same kind of can-do attitude, and Lown recalled that her parents were always quick to help anybody else who was going through a hard time. I just think compassion is important. When you see somebody has a need, you need to act on that, said Sandy, who has worked at MDU since it opened. Lown saw her parents as great role models. They were so giving and they just faced each challenge, they just kept saying yes to the challenge of life, the daily grind of life, Lown said. If my dad was willing to go and dig ditches for me so we wouldnt lose our house, by golly, I owe it to him to face the challenges in my life. And I tell that story to my kids. Her father did go to work on the railroad, but he put himself through railroad signal school and rose to the top of his field, the equivalent, Lown said, of going from the mailroom to a corner office on the top floor. Starting dance lessons at Lorraines School of Dance when she was 3, Lown faced challenges of her own: asthma and a club foot. But the dancing helped her foot straighten out, Sandy said, and dance gave Misty a growing sense of confidence and helped develop her perseverance. Lown proved to be a superlative dancer, and Paul Averill said he thought his daughter might end up a professional dancer. She was just a bright kid. I knew that whatever she wanted to do, shed succeed at it, he said. Misty the teacher Lown was on track to become a Spanish teacher her bachelors degree is in Spanish, and she earned a masters degree in education from UW-L. But she knew that teaching dance was a way in which she could have more impact and more satisfaction. I got into the Spanish classroom, and I thought, I could be turning cartwheels in here, and I dont think the kids would be very interested, Lown said. But when I go to the dance studio ... they cant wait to hear what I have to say. At first, Lown taught most of the dance classes at Mistys Dance Unlimited. But, as she attracted more students, she taught new teachers to lead classes. Kristina (Smaby) Schoh was one of the many dancers turned teachers, teaching when she was just 15. Schoh, a Miss Wisconsin Pageant winner, recalled praying at night when she was 9 or 10 to wake up and be Misty. I so badly wanted to emulate her in every way from a dancer to a teacher to a person, she said. But Schoh said Lowns mentorship taught her she didnt need to be someone else, just her best self, and that was a message Schoh and other MDU teachers passed on to their students. Shes unstoppable, invincible, Schoh said of Lown. Misty could have stopped at Mistys Dance Unlimited and she would have been defined as successful. Its been really fun for me and empowering to see that you dont ever have to stop. These days, Mistys Dance Unlimited draws about 800 dancers every week, and MDU reaches another 600 area kids through community outreach, including classes at Boys & Girls Clubs branches, preschools, community events and more. Five years ago, Lown started More Than Just Great Dancing, a company that provides member dance studios with a template that can help them emulate Mistys Dance Unlimited. I was out speaking on the national circuits, writing for a national magazine, and people were just really interested in how we built what we did, and how we did it without losing our families, our minds, or compromising kids, because those are pretty common things to happen in the industry, Lown said. After five years, there are 164 affiliated dance schools in 34 states, Canada, Australia, Aruba and Dubai serving 60,000 young dancers every week. More Than Just Great Dancing has become a very full-time job for Lown, and she has 10 employees in the MTJGD enterprise, eight of them full-timers (including her sister, Alana Hess, nine years her junior). Lown also has a reach beyond those 60,000 young dancers through an online magazine called More Than Dancers, which started a year ago. Last month, the site had 200,000 visitors (from more than 90 countries) with a million Facebook engagements, and More Than Dancers is among the top 10 most popular dance-related accounts on Twitter. More Than Dancers is launching a new summer dance festival in the Twin Cities next year. Its expected to draw 500 dancers, mostly from MTJGD-affiliated schools. Unlike most large gatherings of dancers, its not a competition. The emphasis will be on learning and not just about dance. There will be breakout sessions to help participants work out their paths in life after high school. Nobodys done a dance festival that has this life- and college-planning focus, and I think thats really necessary, Lown said. More than busy Lown also regularly speaks on business development, creating wow experiences for clients, marketing, community service, work-life balance and other business and entrepreneurial topics. She recently returned from speaking at a convention of mortgage bankers in the Virgin Islands. Lown also takes part in four or five Dance Revolution events a year as a performer and teacher basically 2-day Christian dance conventions. All but two months this year have her traveling, but April and September on her calendar say no speaking family time. Those months were strategically chosen, Lown said, for the beginning of school in the fall and for preparation for the annual MDU spring dance recitals, which draw thousands of spectators for multiple performances every year at Viterbo Universitys Fine Arts Center. Family time is important to Lown. Shes had an extended break from teaching dance classes to make more time for her husband, Mitch (her high school sweetheart at La Crosse Logan), and their daughter and four sons: 15-year-old Isabella, whom Lown says is an even stronger dancer than she was at that age; 13-year-old Mason, an avid water skier; 11-year-old Sam, a talented dancer and member of the MDU competitive hip-hop team; 9-year-old Max, who is into all things sports, all the time; and 7-year-old Benji, who loves music and science and is extremely inquisitive. As busy as she is between her family and ever-growing enterprises, Lown makes it a point to find time for charitable work. Most notably, she started and led for seven years the annual Dancing With the La Crosse Stars fundraising event that raised $400,000 in those years for the American Red Cross and she won top honors in the first one with her dance partner, UW-La Crosse Professor Robert Richardson. She also started a free adaptive dance class for youths with disabilities, launched a dance education program at the Boys & Girls Clubs along with scholarships for 10 BGC members per year to take classes at MDU. And a grant program she helped start in 2011 has given $25,000 to area schools so far, with students writing their own proposals for grants of up to $250. MDU also gave more than $200,000 in cash and in-kind scholarships before starting the Chance to Dance Foundation three years ago. And these are just the public things. Sandy Averill said her daughter does a lot of things anonymously, something confirmed by Mike Desmond, executive director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse. (The Lowns) as a couple seem to really understand the meaning of what were all called to do, which is to make a difference in other peoples lives, especially the most vulnerable, Desmond said. Now that all her children are in school full-time, shes going to ease back into teaching at the studio for the first time in five years with an advanced ballet class on Tuesday nights. Thats my sweet spot, working with teenagers, because they are making those daily choices about who they are and what they stand for and what they want to be when they grow up, she said. After her early July trip to the book launch in Washington, D.C., coming back home to the chaos of a five-child household helped Lown put life into perspective again after the dizzying success of her book launch. You come home and theyre like, Hey, welcome home, did you pick up milk? Lown said with a laugh. My real life is very real, so it definitely keeps me grounded. Writing a book Last fall, Lown started writing a book called Eight Steps to a Better Dance Studio, with the thought she could help more studio owners and teachers than she can reach through her More Than Just Great Dancing organization. She was an old hand at writing, having written about 50 stories for various publications over the years. Lown was about halfway through writing it when she sat down with key members of her team. She had some doubts about where the book was going and wanted their advice. Her core team members there are about 15 between the dance studio and MTJGD pressed her on what studio owners ask her when they ask her for advice. And they always ask, How did you do it, and I always say, Just take it one small yes at a time, Lown recalled. Then we had this a-ha moment as a team where it was like, well clearly Im writing the wrong book. Lown enrolled in a three-month, online book writing course called Make a Difference through a publisher called Difference Press that focuses on publishing books meant to have an impact for good on readers. The course forced Lown to ask herself hard questions she hadnt considered. You know, who is your ideal reader? Who is the audience? What is your purpose? Why are you doing this? We worked backwards through the outline, so it was really a reverse engineered process, Lown explained. They say the worst thing you can do when you want to write a book is to start writing. You have to build the structure. What Lown came up with had implications well beyond how to build a successful dance studio business. This book is about creating a path between where you are and what you feel like you are called to do, she said. For the launch of the book, Lown and the six other authors in her class gathered at the publishers office in Washington, D.C., for a launch party on July 7, Lowns 41st birthday. Difference Press launches books by offering free downloads on Amazon for five days. By the end of the launch, One Small Yes topped 10,000 downloads, by far the most of any of the 174 books published in the history of Difference Press. Hitting the 10,000 mark was extra sweet for Lown because the publisher had offered a reward for hitting that: a $1,000 donation to Global Groundwork, the charitable initiative launched by Lowns husband in the wake of the 2010 Haiti earthquake to establish a school in Port-au-Prince. Shes our superstar, said Angela Lauria, the woman behind Difference Press and The Author Incubator, which put on the class Lown went through to write her book. I think the reason why her message was so appealing is it was so doable. So many people have these big messages about living your dreams. I think her message is so accessible. Lown was very happy about her books reception and the quantity of downloads. Weve had 90 five-star reviews, so I think its something people were glad they took the time to read, she said. As far as Lowns mother is concerned, the book could not have been better. I thought it was very inspiring, she said. She just has a wonderful gift in telling her story in a way that people see themselves in it and they can relate to it. Lown signed a publishing contract with Morgan James Publishing, which specializes in books on entrepreneurship. Some of my heroes of the entrepreneurial world were published by Morgan James, so for me, that was an especially sweet thing, she said. For all the success of the book so far, Lown says she has tried to put that in perspective. My real reward is what I learned through the process, another layer of can-do. I can do this, I can discipline myself to get this done, and I can apply that discipline to something else. Lown is quick to point out that the successful launch of the book, which will have a print edition that will be in Barnes & Noble stores next spring, went far beyond her own efforts. In addition to the editors and designers who helped get the book ready for publication after she had written it, there were also about 150 people on her launch team that read the book in advance and helped spread the word. Success means many things to many people, but to me it means giving credit where credit is due and never forgetting the people who helped you along the way, Lown added. Ill talk about that as long as I have breath, and I think thats really important to model to kids. VIROQUA Harold C. Sturgill, 97, of Viroqua passed away Monday, July 25, 2016, at the Bethel Home in Viroqua, where he had been a resident since May 3, 2016. He was born Aug. 11, 1918, to Walter and Edna Sturgill in Ashland, W.V., and graduated from Elkhorn High School in Elkhorn, W.V., in 1935. Harold began working for the Appalachian Power Company until 1937. Later he began working as an inside coal miner at the Consolidated Coal Company in Bartley, W.V., until he volunteered for the U.S. Army in early 1942. He served in the U.S. Army in the North Africa campaigns with General George Pattons Third Army, serving in southern Italy, as a signal corpsman until the war in Europe ended in 1945. Following his army tour of duty he returned to War, W.V., to resume his career in the coal industry as an electrician and later as mining engineer. Harold was very fond of automobiles and motorcycles. He often rode his Norton motorcycle on the mountain roads of West Virginia, and even made several trips to Hot Springs, Ark. In 1950, he married his beloved wife, Effie White, and they remained in War, until 1965. He then accepted an engineering position with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in Viroqua. Harold and Effie moved to Viroqua, and quickly became a part of the Viroqua community, making lots of new friends. Effie in particular was very instrumental in developing many lasting relationships. His duty with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was to survey land areas adjacent to the Mississippi River to develop wash basins to retain water for flood control of the Mississippi River. He did this until his retirement in 1983. After suffering a long illness of diabetes, Effie passed away in 1984. She was dearly missed by Harold. Harold was very active in the Westby United Methodist Church, until he became disabled due to macular degeneration. During this time he continued to live alone with much support from the Gary and Judy Gilbertson family, neighbors and other friends. He was a great storyteller and was very fond of telling about his experiences in the coal industry and his service in the army during World War II. Due to his macular degeneration he was not able to read or watch TV, however, he loved listening to his Bose radio to keep current with the news of the world, and could converse on about any subject right up until his passing. Harold was preceded in death by his parents, Walter and Edna Sturgill; wife, Effie; sisters, Helen Aker, Gladys Thompson, Evelyn Landford and Marilyn Sturgill. He is survived by his brother, Richard (Dawn) Sturgill of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., and several nieces and nephews. Blessed be his memory. Harold appreciated the kindness shown to him during his lifetime, from his many friends including Brenda Turben, Lynn Bambenek, Susan Williams, Betty Nigh, along with Pastor Don and Mary Greven. A special thank you to Dr. Duane Koons and his staff at Hirsch Clinic over the past 25 years, for their understanding, kindness and support, which was unsurpassed. Harold also really appreciated the wonderful care he received in his last days, from the entire staff at the Bethel Home. Memorials may be given to the Bad Axe Lutheran Church Word of Life Radio Show, which Harold enjoyed every Sunday; the Bethel Home, Viroqua; or the Vernon County Aging Unit Meals on Wheels Program. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5, at the Thorson Funeral Home in Viroqua, with Pastor Donald Greven officiating. Burial was in West Virginia. Online condolences may be sent to Tomorrow, Friday, Aug. 19, U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin will host a roundtable in Viroqua to discuss the opioid and heroin epidemic with local law enforcement, health care providers, and leaders from the education and criminal justice community. The roundtable will be held in the county boardroom of the Vernon County Courthouse, 400 Courthouse Square, Viroqua, at 2:30 p.m. Opioid and heroin abuse is an epidemic in Wisconsin that continues to grow at an alarming rate, Baldwin said. I look forward to this dialogue because I believe Congress needs to do to more to address this crisis. Until we do, our job is not done and local communities will be without the support they need to effectively combat this crisis in Wisconsin. Baldwin cosponsored and voted for the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (S.524), which included bipartisan VA reforms she authored. The legislation was signed into law last month by President Obama. Congress recently passed the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act as a critical first step. However, Washington needs to act immediately to provide emergency investments for local prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts, Baldwin said. Last week, Baldwin called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to schedule a vote on legislation to provide emergency funding when Congress returns to session after Labor Day. The legislation, introduced by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and cosponsored by Baldwin, would provide supplemental appropriations totaling $600 million to support the work of first responders, health care providers, and law enforcement as they continue to respond to this national emergency. In March, the legislation did not receive enough support from Senate Republicans to pass the Senate. Baldwin has held roundtable dialogues on the opioid and heroin epidemic in Green Bay, La Crosse and Wausau this year. Bill Gates says the world can beat polio -- despite two new cases of the disease in Nigeria. Gates, who started Microsoft, spoke to VOAs Africa 54 program. He said he was disappointed to hear of two new cases in Borno, located in Nigerias northern Lake Chad region. But Gates said he is optimistic that the whole world will soon be polio free. He said he is hopeful, despite how hard it is to find kids in areas that are not safe. Northern Nigeria is where Boko Haram militants operate. We need to access kids, and we need for people to understand the importance of getting all the kids to take this oral polio vaccine." Nigerian officials said the virus was found in two children from Borno State earlier this year. The discovery came days before Nigeria would have marked two years without a case of polio. Ministry of Health officials told VOA that the army would help health teams to vaccinate children in Northern Nigeria. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated $3.5 billion since 2000 to stop polio. Forbes Magazine lists Bill Gates as the richest person in the world. In 1999, the foundation said polio was present in 125 countries and paralyzed 350,000 people every year. Last year, Gates said, there were 19 cases in the world. This is, by far, the lowest year of polio cases ever and were getting smarter all the time about how we find the villages, how we reach out to the traditional leaders... Gates said his goal is to allow kids in poor countries to be as healthy as kids in the rest of the world. That requires better health care, better food and more education in poor nations, he said. Theres still a lot to be done, Gates said. But he said it is important to talk about how much progress has been made in recent years. Gates told VOA that 25 years ago, about 12 million children under the age of five died every year. Now, he said, that number is under six million. Polio used to strike fear into every parent before 1952 because there is no cure. But Dr. Jonas Salk found a vaccine. These days, kids no longer need a painful injection to make them safe from the virus. A few drops taken by mouth can prevent a lifetime of paralysis. Gates said it is important to spread the vaccination program into northeastern Nigeria, along with Pakistan and Afghanistan. Well, the simple thing is that if we get every kid to take the vaccine, then the disease drops to zero and zero is, you know, [a] really magic number. The benefits of making the world polio free are major, Gates said. No kid will be paralyzed, no parents will have to worry about this disease, which, you know, back in its heyday, was very, very, very widespread... Gates spoke about where he sees that effort now. So getting the coverage level up, not having large pockets of children, like in that Lake Chad region, that were missing with the vaccines, that's what we have to deal with. And we certainly see great progress on that in Asia, and now, you know, we've got to redouble our efforts in Africa. Im Mehrnoush Karimian-Ainsworth. Kenneth Schwartz reported this story for Bruce Alpert adapted his report for Learning English. Pete Heinlein was the editor. We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section and share your views on our Facebook Page. ___________________________________________________________ Words in This Story disappointed -- n. feeling bad about a situation optimistic -- n. feeling hopeful about a situation oral -- adj. of or relating to the mouth paralyze - v. to make a person unable to move or feel all or part of the body magic -- n. a special power or skill heyday -- n. the time something was at its greatest strength : 9 2013 . 9 . . Fleeing places such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan is not easy because few countries will accept refugees. Several of the countries that do welcome refugees are in South America. Over the past five years, Brazil has been the place where refugees arrive and stay or at least live temporarily -- before they are sent to Europe or the United States. Ahmad Hamada is one of those refugees. Seven days a week, he sells Arab food in the Botafogo neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. "Here in Brazil, no person [helps you], gives you money, give[s] you [a] house," he said. "You must work. No work, you cannot eat here." Hamada is a Palestinian who grew up in Syria and Lebanon. He decided to flee the conflicts in the Middle East 11 months ago. He wanted to go to Europe and believed he could get there by going first to Brazil. Before Europe began to accept large numbers of refugees, Brazil was one of the few countries that would give Syrians and Palestinians a visa. Since 2013, thousands of refugees have entered Brazil. Many of them hope to be sent to Europe. Ahmad was one of them. But he says immigration officers attacked him in Rome and returned him to Brazil. He says he woke up on a plane, guarded by four Italian police officers. He said his hands and legs were in chains. Refugees who arrive in Rio de Janeiro are often sent to the Sao Joao church. It is led by Father Alex Coelho Sampaio. Father Sampaio operates The House of Support for Refugees in buildings behind the church. He says Brazil has, for many years, accepted those who are being persecuted or are fleeing conflict. "Brazil for many years has had an open-door policy and that was true after the Second World War, for example," he said. "And at the moment, in particular, regarding Syrian refugees, we are receiving quite a lot." Father Sampaio says at one time he was caring for so many Syrians that the refugees had to sleep on mattresses on the floor. With his help, some have gone to Europe and others have remained in Brazil. He now cares for 35 refugees. Three are Syrians. They include Ahmad Barour, from Damascus. "I would love to go to Europe, Britain, a country that is democratic," Barour said. "Everybody is equal -- no discrimination between black, white, stranger, or native. They respect everybody." For now, he is happy to stay in Brazil. He says he earns enough money to buy food. And he says he has friends. But he says someday he hopes to visit his sister in Denmark. Im Pete Musto. VOA Correspondent Jeff Swicord reported this story from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Christopher Jones-Cruise adapted his report for Learning English. Kelly Jean Kelly was the editor. We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section, or visit our Facebook page. ________________________________________________________________ Words in This Story persecute v. to treat (someone) cruelly or unfairly especially because of race or religious or political beliefs It took just two weeks for lawmaker Howard Anderson Jr. to get a vote on his bill. Anderson serves in the North Dakota State Senate. His bill would help people seeking medical help for a drug overdose avoid arrest. In most legislatures across the United States, including the U.S. Congress, it is a big deal to get a vote on a bill. But in North Dakota, every bill proposed is guaranteed a vote. Andersons bill was one of over 900 introduced in the last North Dakota legislative session. All bills that were not withdrawn got votes and over half were passed and signed into law, including Andersons. 'Good Thing' for North Dakota I think its a good thing, said North Dakota House Majority Leader Al Carlson. We are a citizens legislature. We dont get paid a lot of money. We go into session for 80 days every two years. And if you introduce a bill, you are going to get a hearing and a vote. That is a big difference from other legislatures. In the U.S. Congress, for example, only 5 percent of the 11,000 bills proposed during the current term got a vote. Only 2 percent passed and were signed into law by President Barack Obama. Better Odds in North Dakota There are no such long odds facing sponsors of bills in North Dakota, a state just south of the Canadian border. Anderson said his bill makes sure people are not afraid to call for emergency help after a drug overdose for fear of getting arrested. The senator said he hoped his bill would save lives. Carlson and Anderson are members of the Republican Party, the majority party in North Dakota. But the states Democratic Party lawmakers also like the guarantee of every bill getting a vote. North Dakota Senate Minority Leader Mac Schneider, a Democrat, said that in most legislatures it is easy for a committee chair to kill a bill. But with the requirement that every bill get a vote, Schneider said, Democratic proposals can pass -- even in mostly Republican North Dakota. As examples, he points to Democratic bills to help college students. The legislature passed measures to help students change terms on their student loans and to set limits on student fees at state colleges. His opinion: It is one thing for a committee chair to kill a popular bill with few looking, but another for lawmakers to vote against a popular bill when the vote is made in public. What About the Crazy Stuff? But surely, some really crazy bills must get votes, right? Schneider said he cant think of many. It might be because members know whatever they propose will get a vote and few lawmakers want to defend a bill other members consider strange, he said. He told VOA the only example he could think of was a bill that required people to keep their car headlights on while driving both during the daytime and at night. This made sense to one of our members, but the majority voted it down, Schneider said. Dana Michael Harsell teaches political science at the University of North Dakota. He said the every bill gets a vote rule follows a long tradition of citizen democracy in North Dakota. It is more than just the vote guarantee, which is unique among the 50 states. Many North Dakota state legislators leave their home telephone or cell phone numbers on the states website. As popular as it is in North Dakota, Harsell said, the requirement that all bills get a vote probably would not work in larger states. For example, New York has a population of 19.8 million, 26 times larger than that of North Dakotas 756,927. New York state lawmakers consider about 12,000 bills in a legislative session, about 13 times as much as North Dakota, according to I dont know how it would work elsewhere, said Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner of his states vote guarantee. I just know that it works in North Dakota. But Wardner said even North Dakota has rules. For example, to get a vote a bill must be proposed during the first part of the 80-day legislative term. There are exceptions. But no matter the party of the sponsor, there has to be a pretty good reason to allow a bill to be considered past the deadline, he said. I'm Bruce Alpert. Bruce Alpert reported this story for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor. We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section and share your views on our Facebook Page. ___________________________________________________________ Words in this Story overdose -- n. an amount of a drug or medicine that is too much and usually dangerous introduce -- v. to submit a bill to a legislature long odds -- adj. very little chance of happening sponsor -- n. the person in a legislature who writes and introduces a bill unique -- adj. very unusual deadline -- n. a date or time when something must be finished German carmaker Audi is equipping some of its 2017 models in the United States with technology that will communicate with traffic signals. Information from the signals will let drivers know exactly when the light will change color. The technology is known as vehicle-to-infrastructure (V-to-I). It lets traffic signals and other infrastructure send safety and operations information wirelessly to vehicles. The equipment will be included on Audis Q7, A4 and A4 Allroad models built after June 1, 2016. The service is set to begin this year in at least five smart American cities. These include Las Vegas, Nevada, Seattle, Washington, and Washington D.C. The information will come from government agencies that already collect data to predict and oversee traffic flow. A private company will partner with government officials to pass along the data to vehicles. Drivers will see a countdown on the cars instrument panel to show when the traffic signal will turn green or red. The message goes away a few seconds before the light changes, so drivers can turn their attention to safely proceeding. Pom Malhotra is general manager of Audi's connected vehicles division. He said the system was designed to provide drivers with a sense of ease and convenience, not as a safety feature. A better informed driver means a less stressed driver, an announcer says in an Audi video explaining the technology. The company said the idea is to let drivers know exactly how long before a signal changes. It suggested they use the time to make sure other passengers are fine or monitor vehicle operations. The technology raises the possibility that some drivers may use the vehicles downtime to talk on the telephone or send text messages. But Audi said it would never tell drivers to text while driving an activity that is illegal in almost all 50 states. Many other automakers are experimenting with the technology. The goal is to eventually integrate traffic infrastructure with cars on many city roads. This would let traffic signals use the vehicle data to regulate traffic, suggest better driving paths, or suggest speeds needed to hit all green lights. Im Bryan Lynn. Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Additional material came from Reuters. George Grow was the editor. We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments section, and visit our Facebook page. ________________________________________________________________ Words in This Story infrastructure n. basic systems used to serve society, such as transportation and communication instrument panel n. surface in front of a driver that displays all major functions of a vehicle convenience n. something that makes life easier monitor v. watch, keep track of integrate v. combine two or more things to make something more effective recommend v. to say something is good and should be chosen It was announced on Wednesday morning that the NEBRASKAland Days Parade will double as the Official Sesquicentennial Grand Parade for the states 150th birthday celebration. Officials also said the June 17, 2017, parade would keep the route its traveled for the last two years. Earlier this month, the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission designated the NEBRASKAland Days Parade as a Signature NE150 Event, and the NEBRASKAland Days Board of Directors accepted the designation. Were obviously excited about the partnership that is being forged between the commission and NEBRASKAland Days, said executive director David Fudge. As Nebraskas official state celebration, we knew we wanted to contribute to NE150 in whatever way we could. The parade actually predates the NEBRASKAland Days celebration by one year. It was founded by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in 1964 and originally took place in downtown Lincoln. It was meant to highlight everything Nebraska has to offer and participants were invited from across the state. The 2017 parade will have a similar mission, said Fudge. Nebraska should be proud of what we have to offer, and we hope to be able to highlight that during not only the parade, but throughout our 2017 celebration. Fudge said the parade will likely be much longer in 2017. The start time will be moved up from 1 p.m. to noon to accommodate what we think will be an uptick in participants for 2017, Fudge said. The parade will travel down South Dewey Street again next year, instead of returning to the traditional North Jeffers route. The route was originally changed in 2015 to accommodate construction on Jeffers Street. Feedback from law enforcement, the city, the state, sponsors and entrants was almost universally in favor of keeping this route, Fudge said. The parade will begin at Memorial Park and will go west on Fourth Street before turning south on Dewey Street and concluding at H Street. LINCOLN A Nebraska death row inmate challenged the states death penalty law Wednesday based on a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down capital punishment in Florida. The motion for post-conviction relief argues that Nebraska unconstitutionally requires a three-judge panel to make the final sentencing decision in capital cases. The motion cites the Supreme Court opinion released this year in Hurst v. Florida, which said the U.S. Constitution requires juries to decide the critical elements of a death sentence. The Nebraska statutes, which allow a panel of judges, not a jury, to make findings authorizing a death sentence, violates this central constitutional tenet repeated in Hurst, Omaha lawyer Alan Stoler wrote in the motion. A similar legal challenge that relied on the Hurst ruling prompted the Delaware Supreme Court to strike down that states death penalty this month. Stoler filed the motion in Scotts Bluff County District Court on behalf of Jeffrey Hessler, convicted of the 2003 first-degree murder of 15-year-old Heather Guerrero of Gering. Hessler abducted the girl as she was delivering newspapers, then drove her to an abandoned farmhouse, where he raped her before shooting her in the head. The jury that convicted Hessler identified aggravating circumstances necessary to warrant a death sentence, said Suzanne Gage, spokeswoman for Attorney General Doug Peterson. Jurors who heard all of the evidence in the case determined that Hesslers actions were especially heinous, atrocious, cruel, or manifested exceptional depravity. The Attorney Generals Office will defend the motion, which we expect will be as unsuccessful as Hesslers other two failed post-conviction cases, she added. The new legal challenge comes as advocates on both sides of the death penalty ramp up efforts to sway Nebraska voters, who will be asked Nov. 8 to decide a referendum on the Legislatures 2015 repeal of capital punishment. This week, death penalty backers released poll results indicating that a strong majority of Nebraskans support capital punishment. Meanwhile, opponents unveiled an economic analysis that says the state spends $14.6 million annually to maintain the death penalty. Hesslers new challenge wont be decided before voters go to the polls, so it most likely becomes moot if the repeal survives. But his case will proceed if voters keep the death penalty on the books, and Hessler will try to convince the Nebraska Supreme Court to strike down the law. In Hurst v. Florida, the U.S. Supreme Court negated a death penalty sentencing scheme that required juries to make a recommendation to the judge on sentencing. The final decision, however, rested with the judge. The Supreme Court said the Florida law violated the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees the right to a jury trial. Nebraskas system is similar, but not identical, to Floridas. In Nebraska, a second trial takes place after a defendant is convicted in a death penalty case. The same jury that decided guilt also decides whether aggravating factors exist to justify the defendants execution. If the jury finds that aggravating factors were present in the murder, a three-judge panel is convened to determine if they outweigh any mitigating factors in the defendants favor. The three judges also must determine if the death sentence is warranted and, if so, whether it is excessive or disproportionate to the penalty imposed in similar cases. After making the necessary determinations, the judges impose the sentence. Those findings are elements of the crime of capital murder, Stoler said in a legal brief. As a result, these elements must be found by a unanimous jury, not a judge. Hessler, 37, is one of 10 men on Nebraskas death row. He was sentenced in 2005 and lost his appeal to the State Supreme Court two years later. He has filed two other post-conviction appeals, which were unsuccessful. His newest motion will be heard by District Judge Randall Lippstreu. Paul Ryan, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, helped raise money for Republican congressional candidate Don Bacon in Omaha on Wednesday. Ryan endorsed Bacon and attended a lunchtime fundraiser that hauled in about $150,000, according to a Bacon campaign official. The event was held at Midtown Crossing and hosted by Ken Stinson, chairman emeritus of Peter Kiewit Sons Inc. About 100 people attended, paying $1,000 for lunch or $2,700 for lunch and a photo opportunity with Ryan. Ryan left Midtown Crossing at 1:45 p.m. For security reasons, the fundraiser was not made public until after Ryan had left. It was the first of three fundraisers that Ryan was set to attend Wednesday. The others were in Iowa and Minnesota. Ryan praised Bacon, a retired brigadier general who is seeking the 2nd District seat now held by U.S. Rep. Brad Ashford, D-Neb. With America at a critical crossroads, we need tested and proven leaders like Don Bacon in Congress, Ryan said in a statement. I know he will help protect our nation and take care of our veterans, because he has his entire career. After the event, Bacon talked with reporters and said that Ryan spoke for 30 to 40 minutes about national security issues and the economy. Fresh off his primary win in Wisconsin last week, Ryan is visiting eight states in two weeks to campaign for House Republicans in order to preserve the GOP majority, according to Roll Call, a Washington-based publication. Ryan had volunteered to come to Omaha, Bacon said, after identifying the 2nd District race as one that Republicans think they can win in November. Stinson said that hes glad Ryan came and shared his vision for the country. On the national scene, hes one of the more sane leaders with a plan, Stinson said. Meanwhile, in a letter to Ryan on Wednesday, Ashford welcomed the House speaker to Omaha and invited him to meet and discuss issues important to the 2nd District. Ashford happened to be in the neighborhood when the event concluded, and he also spoke to reporters at Midtown Crossing. Ashford said he learned Wednesday morning that Ryan was coming to Omaha but didnt know where and when the event would be held. He had just finished running at Prairie Life Fitness when he saw Hal Daub, a veteran Republican politician who is a University of Nebraska regent, walking out of a restaurant with reporters gathered outside. He said thats when he came to the realization that Ryan was probably speaking nearby. I wasnt born yesterday, Ashford said. Ashford said that he was hoping to talk to Ryan about the Nebraska Medical Centers role in combating health crises such as the Zika virus, as well as national security issues. A representative for Ryan told Ashford that the speaker didnt have time to meet Wednesday. I dont care about him supporting Bacon, Ashford said of Ryan. Thats his right. He can do what he wants to do. World-Herald staff writer Robynn Tysver contributed to this report. Mark your calendar: Omaha Restaurant Week is back, this year with more than 60 participating restaurants. The sixth annual event is Sept. 16 through 25, and diners can look forward to three-course, fixed-price meals for $20, $30, $40 or $50 per person. The event raises money for the Food Bank of the Heartland. For the first time, the event includes a $50 price point, applied at the citys most upscale restaurants. Chef Clayton Chapman, who runs The Grey Plume, said the new higher price allows him to put together a menu that mirrors the quality and portion size that non-Restaurant Week diners would find at his Midtown Crossing spot. New this year to the event are Agave Azteca, Baela Rose, the Jams Old Market location, Jazz, Julios, Lo Los Chicken & Waffles, Riva, Saigon Surface, Tavern 180 and Via Farina. The rest of the participants are 1912, 7M Grill, 801 Chophouse, Anthonys Steakhouse, Avoli Osteria, all locations of Blue Sushi Sake Grill, Black Oak Grill, all locations of Blatt Beer and Table, The Boiler Room Restaurant, Bravo Cucina Italiana, both locations of Brix, Cantina Laredo, Crave, Dante Ristorante, Darios Brasserie, Dolce, Farnam House Brewing Co., Flemings, Gorats, J. Coco, Jams midtown, Johnnys Cafe, Johnnys Italian Steakhouse, Kona Grill, Lazlos, Le Bouillon, Le Voltaire, Little Espana, Lot 2, Nosh, Pasta Amore, Pig & Finch, both locations of Pitch Pizzeria, Plank Seafood Provisions, Railcar Modern American Kitchen, both locations of Stokes, Sullivans, Taita, Thai Pepper, The Grey Plume, Tusseys Casual Grill, Twisted Cork Bistro, Twisted Fork and Wave Bistro. Menus will be released later today. For more information, visit Participating restaurants will donate 5 percent of sales from Restaurant Week specials to the Food Bank for the Heartland, which provides emergency and supplemental food to people in need in Nebraska and western Iowa. The event is presented by the Omaha World-Herald. It is often asserted that the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 proved that HWA was right and he really did see the future. This of course is nonsense. Herbert W. Armstrong said that Christ would return within twenty years in his book Mystery of the Ages. (PCG has since deleted those words so someone in there knows HWA spoke nonsense.) How convenient for them to forget this. Also Herbert W. Armstrong never said the Soviet Union would collapse. He thought it would survive intact until a few years after Christ's return. It shows how biased some many in the COGs are that they never seem to notice this. This inconvenient truth is just tossed into the memory hole. It is true that HWA said that some Eastern European states would break away from Moscow's orbit and join the European Empire he said would arise at any moment. But he never talked of the Soviet Union collapsing. He did not teach that. Also he portrayed the rise of the European Empire to be far quicker then what has actually happened. In Mystery of the Ages Christ was supposed to return by 2005 at the most. So assertions that the fall of the Berlin Wall somehow prove that HWA was right is just complete nonsense spread by people who, for whatever reason, are still in denial that HWA was a false prophet who merely talked out of his own "human reasoning". Residents at the Mosley Motel in St. Petersburg, many of them low income families, were served eviction notices this week following the motel's purchase by new owners. Among those evicted are students at nearby elementary schools Pinellas County currently serves more than 3,000 homeless students District offers services to homeless families through HEAT program We got our walking papers basically, said resident Mary Bell. Telling us we have to leave the property by the 16th. Bell has four children, three of them attending nearby elementary schools. While Bell plans to find a new place to live, she worries others will be left with nowhere to turn for help. Sure, theres a lot of us that are going to make our own way, Bell said. But theres a lot more people in here that are just totally lost. The Pinellas County School District currently serves more than 3,000 homeless students. The dozens of children living at the Mosley Motel already count towards that number, as do all students who reside in a motel or hotel. District Spokesperson Lisa Wolf said the district is aware of the situation at the motel. The district offers services to its homeless families through its HEAT Program, which includes two social workers. The program offers families referrals to local community resources and aids with bus transportation, free meals and school supplies. Bell said those are all things she and other parents will take advantage of if they are still living within Pinellas County come end of September. You never know, said Bell. Right now everything is so up in the air. The image of Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Chadian President Idriss Deby proudly holding the first two copies of the newly launched pan-African passport at the African Union (AU) summit in the Rwandan capital Kigali, marked the type of historic moment rarely seen at such gatherings, where outcomes are often measured in declarations or resolutions. Image by 123RF With the launch of the new pan-African document, the continent moved up a notch towards the free cross-border movement of goods and people in direct opposite to Brexit, the decision by British voters to exit the European Union. The AU will issue the new biometric or electronic passport only to African heads of state, foreign ministers and diplomats accredited by the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It will bear the AUs name and that of the issuing country. The plan is for African governments to roll it out to their citizens by 2018. Many thought the move was well overdue, since one of the AUs regional trading blocs, the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has been offering 90-day visa-free entry to member states citizens since the late 1970s. Visa challenges One sign that the region is making progress in dismantling intra-African trade barriers is that while the AU was launching its new passport, Ghana, a member of ECOWAS, was starting to issue visas upon arrival to citizens of all 54 African countries. Prior to the move, Ghana offered visa-free entry only to ECOWAS citizens. According to the African Development Banks Africa Visa Openness Report 2016, acquiring a visa is a huge challenge for travellers, with Africans still needing visas to travel to 55% of other African countries. Only 13 out of 54 countries offer liberal access (visa-free or visa on arrival) to Africans. Integrationists say restrictions on movement across borders go against the continents goal of becoming One Africa and further negate the spirit of the AUs Agenda 2063, the continents long-term economic blueprint. They maintain that visa-free regimes promote intra-African trade and investment, facilitate business and create employment opportunities. So far Seychelles is the only country in Africa that has abolished visa requirements for all African countries, with Ghana, Mauritius and Rwanda having made great strides. Namibia and Zimbabwe have also made notable progress. In March, Zimbabwe scrapped its requirement for visas for citizens of members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), another AU regional trading bloc. The country is already one of only nine African countries offering e-Visas, which allow visitors to apply online and pay for a visa on arrival, facilitating easy and hassle-free travelling. Likewise, Namibia scrapped visa requirements in May for all holders of diplomatic or official passports from AU member states. Although the visa exemptions do not apply to all Africans, they are widely seen as a precursor to a continent-wide visa-free regime. Open visa initiative Southern Africa ranks as the third most open sub-region in Africa. It allows the highest number of the worlds population into its countries without visa restrictions, while East Africa is the continents most visa-open sub-region. Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda share the East Africa Tourist Visa, an open visa initiative for citizens from the three countries. In the coming months, Rwanda could very well follow Seychelless footsteps, as it is carrying out a study expected to recommend abolishing visa requirements for all African nationals. In the meantime, Burundi and Tanzania have opted to stay out of the common tourist visa initiative for security reasons. Yves Butera, spokesperson for the Rwanda Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration, said removing visa restrictions would promote African unity and help the continent reduce its dependence on donor aid. The idea of an Africa with seamless borders is the way to go. Africa is endowed with vast natural resources, including minerals and rich soil. If we can combine our strength, then we could live without financial help from Western and European countries, he told Africa Renewal. Butera said his countrys non-restrictive visa regime has allowed more visitors to visit Rwanda, which has boosted trade and development and created jobs. We support the idea of visas on arrival; if necessary we should remove visas to Rwanda so that people can freely visit our country and other African countries, he said. As well, the idea of open visas and/or visas on arrival is beneficial to us because it facilitates the ease of doing business between our country and other countries, and that helps investors to come here easily, and to spend, which creates revenue and jobs. He urged other African countries to adopt visa-free policies, which is one of the many elements that have lifted Rwanda to its ranking among the top three easiest places to do business in Africa. A high ranking on the World Banks ease of doing business index means the regulatory environment is conducive to starting and operating a company. Significant progress The World Tourism Organization (WTO), a UN body that promotes tourism, notes that Africa has made significant progress in simplifying the issuance of visas since the organisation started monitoring tourism visa policies in 2008. In 2008, Africans comprised on average 88% of the worlds population to apply for a traditional visa prior to departure. This has decreased to 57% in 2015, because many African countries have introduced travel facilitation measures such as visa on arrival and e-Visa, Rut Gomez Sobrino, a WTO media officer, told Africa Renewal. WTO research has shown that tourist visa facilitation can deliver important benefits by increasing tourist numbers and generating more income, said Sobrino, adding that [visa facilitation] is also a key element in fostering regional integration, and we are thus very pleased to see the progress that is being made in Africa. This is corroborated by the Africa Visa Openness Report, which observes that Rwanda, a country that abolished work permits for East African Community citizens to support its open-visa policy, has increased its trade with Kenya and Uganda by at least 50%, while the visa-on-arrival policy has increased African arrivals in Rwanda by an average of about 22% per year. Foreign nationals, however, may be charged up to $100 for a 90-day East African Tourist Visa or $30 for a 30-day Rwandan visa purchased at the airport. For a seamless Africa to be a success, the WTO says it is imperative to continue to push for the elimination of visa requirements, the continuous liberalisation of international air transport to the benefit of all stakeholders, the promotion of initiatives (such as one-stop border posts) that reduce delays, and the creation of interregional and international transport and road transit. A one-stop border post merges two stops in a national border control process into one to reduce transit costs and facilitate the easy movement of passengers and goods. What are the threats? The greatest threats to a borderless Africa lie in the prospect of increased risks to national security and heightened exposure to regional conflicts, contagion from public health crises and the movement of the jobless from many parts of the continent. African countries with strong economies tend to attract a large number of migrants from poor countries. The lack of technological infrastructure and capacity to issue biometric passports is likely to create problems for many African countries. Only 13 of the 54 African countries currently offer biometric passports. However, the experiences of Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles and the ECOWAS bloc show the positive effects of open-visa policies on economies, and that governments can address security concerns and economic migration by investing in new technologies, effective traveller identification management systems and integrated border controls. Trade barriers For full integration, open visas should also be accompanied by free movement of goods and the removal of high, protective tariff barriers. According to the World Bank, intra-African trade costs are around 50% higher than in East Asia, and are the highest of intraregional costs in any developing region. In its December 2015 brief, Deepening African Integration: Intra-Africa Trade for Development and Poverty Reduction, Anabel Gonzalez, the banks director of trade competitiveness, notes that because of high costs, Africa has integrated with the rest of the world faster than with itself. Effective regional integration, she suggested, must involve more than removing tariffs; it must also involve addressing on-the-ground constraints that paralyze the daily operations of ordinary producers and traders. This is done through regulatory reforms and building the capacity of institutions tasked with enforcing the regulations. Africa seems to be going where the EU is coming from, given the Brexit experience and the anti-immigration sentiment sweeping Europe; the majority of its citizens are keen on moving towards a more integrated continent, although outbreaks of xenophobia have been reported. Integration starts with making it easier for people and services to move freely across national borders. The new AU passport is an important new addition to the steps Africa is already taking to achieve the goals embodied in the Agenda 2063 vision. Source: Africa Renewal. How would you like a Goblet of Fire Lemonade? Or a Godric's Hollowed Burger? Well, you could sample both of those (and more such delicious Potther-themed goodies) not in Diagon Aley, but in Islamabad, Pakistan. Hassan, Ouj and Emad came up with the idea of encashing their best memory from childhood and set up the Hogwarts Cafe a Harry-Potter themed restaurant in Central Islamabad. The founders of the cafe wanted to visit a place where they could enjoy good food while the kids indulged in the world of Harry Potter like they did. "We wanted to make the next Potterheads dreams come true," said one of the owners, on being asked about his idea behind setting up this cafe. The cafe is beautifully decorated with Harry Potter merchandise. The owners said that they created most of their own Harry Potter merchandise, due to lack of interest in Pakistan. From the Nimbus 2000s, to the robes and wizard hats, they have created everything from scratch. And they've done a spell-bindingly good job of it too! Don't we absolutely love these magical books? This takes us back to our very own Hermoine's potion making skills! Keeping in mind the needs of Potterheads, this cafe also has a the right kind of menu for all muggles, witches and wizards. Within a week of their launch, the owners have received an overwhelming response. Initially, the founders mentioned that they went for a soft launch, however, soon after they were in the middle of a kind of response that "they were not ready for at all" Hassan and Haider have gone beyond memorabilia to create recipes that will find favour with Potterheads. Their specialties include Butterbeer, which is their original recipe and has turned to be one of their best-sellers. We'd love a swig of that! Cisco Systems Inc's announcement on Wednesday that it plans to lay off 5,500 employees is unlikely to be the last round of Silicon Valley pink slips as hardware companies struggle to keep up with rapid technology shifts, analysts and recruiters said. Companies that traditionally have made most of their money selling computers, chips, servers, routers and other equipment are especially vulnerable, analysts say, as mobile applications and cloud computing become increasingly important. The Cisco layoffs come in the wake of Intel's announcement in April that it was laying off 12,000 workers. Dell Incsaid in January it had shed 10,000 jobs and is expected to make further cuts after it closes a $67 billion deal to acquire data storage company EMC Corp. So far this year, technology companies in the United States have shed about 63,000 jobs, according to outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. "The hi-tech industry is going through a serious deconstruction," said Trip Chowdhry, an analyst at Global Equities Research. "There is more pain to come." Chowdhry said he expects job cuts to rise drastically as more companies subscribe to "super cloud" services from the likes of Inc and Microsoft Corp. These services manage hardware, software, networks and databases and eliminate the need for workers to manage various technology layers, Chowdhry said. In January, Chowdhry estimated that layoffs in the tech industry would hit 330,000 this year. On Wednesday, he said he had raised his estimate to 370,000. Some other analysts said that forecast was too bleak. IBM Corp, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co, Oracle Corp and Dell Inc could be the next to shed workers, analysts said. Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Dell and Oracle declined comment and IBM could not be immediately reached for comment. Tremors of change "Tech incumbents are all bracing for the tremors of change. said Glenn O'Donnell, an analyst at Forrester Research. "We fully expect a lot of collateral damage as this plays out - not just with Cisco." Cisco and other old-guard technology companies have been pursuing a challenging shift to software-oriented services. Margins in software services are higher than hardware because they bring recurring revenue and there are "fewer people involved on the cost side," said Roger Kay, an analyst at Endpoint Technologies Associates. That could mean more job cuts. Silicon Valley job recruiters offered mixed views about the fate of hardware engineers laid off at Cisco and other tech firms. Nobody wants to be laid off but if job elimination is going to happen, 2016 is not a bad time for it to happen, said John Reed, Senior Executive Director of the tech recruitment firm Robert Half Technologies. Still, recruiters said, hardware engineers may need to be flexible and willing to retrain if they want to find work. "Nobody wants hardware designers and engineers, said Andy Price of executive search firm SPMB. There was a moment in time when devices were hot and (action-camera maker) GoPro made everyone excited about devices, but a lot of those types of companies died on the vine. Currently, he said, hardware engineers are probably the least attractive skill set imaginable in the Valley. New Delhi: India Post Payments Bank has come into existence after it received certificate of incorporation from the Registrar of Companies, setting the stage for the new bank to begin operations in 2017. This will be the first PSU under the Department of Posts which expects to complete the rollout of its branches all over the country by September 2017. "The India Post Payments Bank received the Certificate of Incorporation from the Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, yesterday under the Companies Act, 2013," an official release said here. The board of the India Post Payments Bank is likely to be constituted soon and the bank will now begin hiring of professionals. "This could be the fastest rollout for a bank anywhere in the world," it added. The India Post Payments Bank aims to become the most accessible bank in the world, riding on advanced banking and payments technology. Coupled with physical presence across 1.55 lakh post offices and the reach of the postman, the India Post Payments Bank plans to become a powerful and effective vehicle of real financial inclusion in the country. "It is poised to create a national payments architecture riding on a modern payments platform and ubiquitous information and communication technologies that can be accessed by all users and service providers like never before," it added. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his Independence day address, had stated that steps have been taken to convert post offices into payments banks. Through this, a network of banks will be established across villages, he had said. Reserve Bank of India gave in-principle nod to 11 entities to set up payments banks in August 2015, but three have already opted out since. Payments bank allows mobile firms, supermarket chains, and others to cater to banking requirements of individuals and small businesses. It will be set up as a differentiated bank and will confine its activities to acceptance of demand deposits, remittance services, Internet banking and other specified services. Speculation is rife that the government will today announce the new RBI govenror to succeed Raghuram Rajan. According to a report by news agency Cogencis, finance minister Arun Jaitley is meeting prime minister Narednra Modi and is likely to take a final call on the appointment today. Earlier Firstpost had reported that the government has shortlisted three candidates for the post: deputy governor Urjit Patel, former RBI deputy governor Subir Gokarn and veteran banker KV Kamath. Besides, these names, the government was also considering chief economic advisor Arvind Subramanian and economic affairs secretary Shaktikanta Das too for the post, in the initial stages. However, there have not been any confirmation on any of these names yet. Rajan is to leave the office on 4 September. Typically, the name of the new governor is decided a few days or weeks before the incumbent exits. Rajan had joined the RBI three weeks before he took over the governorship from his predecessor D Subbarao as an officer on special duty (OSD). This stint is to familiarise the new governor with the central banks operations and functions. The speculation that the government will make announcement this week, if not today, has gained ground because Rajans exit is less than a month away and if the announcement is not made now the new governor will get lesser time to familiarise with the functioning of the governor. New Delhi: State Bank of India's board today approved merger of three associate lenders and Bharatiya Mahila Bank (BMBL) with SBI, a move which will make the state owned lender a bank of global size. "The central board of directors of SBI has accorded their approval to the scheme of acquisition of the State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (SBBJ), State Bank of Mysore (SBM), State Bank of Travancore (SBT) and Bharatiya Mahila Bank Limited (BMBL) by the State Bank of India," SBI said in a BSE filing today. The proposal does not include merger of State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Hyderabad with SBI. As per the merger proposal, SBBJ shareholders will get 28 shares of SBI (Rs 1 each) for every 10 shares (Rs 10 each). Similarly, SBM and SBT shareholders will get 22 shares of SBI for every 10 shares. In the case of Bharatiya Mahila Bank, 4,42,31,510 shares of SBI will be swapped for every 100 crore of Rs 10 each. Last month, the Union Cabinet had cleared merger of all the five associate banks of SBI with the parent and acquisition of BMBL. With merger of all the five associates and BMBL, SBI will become a global-sized bank and could compete with the largest in the world, with an asset base of Rs 37 trillion (Rs 37 lakh crore) or over USD 555 billion, with 22,500 branches and 58,000 ATMs. It will have over 50 crore customers. SBI has close to 16,500 branches, including 191 foreign offices spread across 36 countries. It first merged State Bank of Saurashtra with itself in 2008. Two years later, State Bank of Indore was merged. On Thursday, the SBI stock closed at Rs 248.20, up 0.79 per cent on BSE. SBBJ shares ended the day at Rs 673.30 a piece, up 3.49 per cent while those of SBM were up 2.06 per cent at Rs 621.70. State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Hyderabad are not listed. Singapore Telecommunications Ltd is investing a total of S$2.47 billion ($1.8 billion) to increase its stakes in the top mobile operators of Thailand and India as part of its strategy to boost exposure to emerging markets. "Thailand, India and Africa continue to be attractive, high-growth markets for us," Singtel's group CEO, Chua Sock Koong, said in a statement on Thursday. Singtel has built a portfolio of stakes in regional mobile associates as it hunts for growth outside its small and mature home market of Singapore. SingTel said it had entered into conditional share purchases with state investor Temasek Holdings to acquire 21 percent of Thai telecom firm Intouch Holdings PCL. Intouch is the largest shareholder in Advanced Info Services PCL, the country's biggest mobile operator, in which SingTel currently holds 23.3 percent. It will also acquire 7.39 percent of India's Bharti Telecom Ltd, the holding company of Bharti AirTel Ltd, the country's largest telecoms firm and SingTel's existing partner. The transactions will be funded through internal cash, short-term debt and proceeds from a share placement of 386 million new Singtel shares to Temasek totalling S$1.605 billion. Singtel, 51.1 percent owned by Temasek, said the acquisitions and share placement are interdependent and have to close at the same time. Vijay Mallya has a pinned tweet on his account, Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain. The famous line of Vivian Greene, which the flamboyant liquor baron describes as one of his favourites is true to his real life. Mallya, who took over the business empire from his father Vital Mallya as the chairman of UB Group in 1983 is no stranger to crises in his journey to grow the family business to a multi billion empire. Mallya has survived the stormy days and has emerged even stronger to dance in the rains may be the most colorful businessman India has ever seen, often described as Indias Richard Branson. That flamboyance evidently helped him line up several banks at his doorstep to lend Rs 9,000 crore worth (today including accumulated interest amount) loans to his now grounded airline, Kingfisher, which never mad any profit in its eight year old life. But, things changed when he chose not to pay back the money, to which he had offered his personal guarantee, and take on the entire system to make his case, even to the point of his forced exile. Ever since Mallya left the country with his now famous seven bags and an unidentified woman, multiple courts have issued warnings and summons on him. The investigative agencies have done everything possible to nail him, including prompting the external affairs ministry to cancel his passport. Mallya also lost his parliament membership and was declared as a proclaimed offender by a PMLA court (prevention of money laundering). The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has also begun to attach his properties and is planning to register a fresh case. Even the central bureau of investigation (CBI) has now registered a case against Mallya in connection with the loan default (Mallya owes money to 17 banks mainly state-run banks). The government has pushed for his deportation and extradition from the UK. But, despite all these, the man reached beyond the reach of every one. He is not perturbed by the witch hunting, as he calls it, by Indian authorities to nab him. In an interview to a UK-news paper, Mallya clearly said they arent getting any money by cancelling passport or arresting him. The tone was that of clear defiance. Instead, Mallya has tried to sway public opinion in his favour by playing the victim card. With no hope for deportation or extradition (for which both countries have to agree that the person has criminal offence), as the last ditch effort, the Narendra Modi government is now readying to invoke a 21-year old bilateral treaty to get him back. Thats kind of unheard in cases involving well known businessmen in India at least in the recent history. Under the 1995 treaty-- Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT)-- as per the 1995 treaty, countries can seek "transfer of persons, including persons in custody, for the purpose of assisting in investigations or giving evidence in proceedings". Will the government make any major headway in getting Mallya back after invoking MLAT. It is unlikely. Sources in the banking sector said it is difficult to convince the UK government about the criminal offence against Mallya sufficient enough to invoke MLAT. The simple reason is that a section of banks like IDBI bank hasnt so far found any evidence of financial misappropriation or diversion by Mallya using the bank money, though another section of lenders such as SBI claims otherwise. There is no way to trap him on the case of loan default. Not unless the CBI has a case establishing his criminal offence. Chances are less, said one banker. Till the time Mallya doesnt return to the country by himself and offers to pay back the money, there are unlikely to be any major turns in this story. The only losers in this take are banks, who merrily lent to Kingfisher till 2010 and offered restructuring only to become bakras after they classified the loan as non-performing asset (NPA) in late 2011 and early 2012. Mallya is on his way to becoming an urban legend someone who is a villain and hero (depending on who you ask to) who can never be caught, even if the state is against him. Something like a phantom in myths, who can be seen by all but always beyond their reach. For some, Mallya already has attained the stature of a living urban legend, who lives and moves at his own terms and can never be caught, no matter who is out there wearing the hunters armor. New Delhi: Global retail major Walmart has shown interest in entering India's food processing sector after the government relaxed foreign investment norms, a top official said Wednesday. "Walmart is showing lot of interest. Now we are hoping that they will come on their own and they will add to the growth story of this country," Food Processing Secretary A K Srivastava said while briefing reporters about the investments in the sector in the last two years. He also said that a leading Brazilian poultry company has expressed keen interest in joining hands with Kishore Biyani's Future Group to sell their products in the country. "A Brazilian company claiming to be world's leading exporter in poultry sector met us Tuesday. They want to tie up with Biyani's Future Group to use their retail outlets," he added. However, when contacted, a Future Group spokesperson said there is no such development. To give a boost and attract foreign investments in the sector, the government recently permitted 100 percent FDI in retailing of processed food produced and manufactured in India. The US-based Walmart is present in the cash-and-carry retail format in the country. Talking about the food processing sector, Srivastava said that government is taking lot of steps to boost the sector. "Our projects are quite power intensive. Be it our mega food parks or cold chains. We have requested Solar Energy Corporation of India to formulate a proposal for providing solar energy in mega food parks and cold chains. We are preparing a proposal of 47. It will help in reducing consumption of power," he said. The ministry has also floated expression of interest for six new mega food parks. To promote foreign investment in the sector, he said "we have kept a special condition (in the EoIs). So to promote foreign investment, we have said that we will give 2 or 3 extra marks to the marking scheme if you bring in foreign equity of 26 percent or more". He also said that FDI in the sector will give a huge boost to the sector and also job creation. Speaking at the briefing, Special Secretary in the ministry Jagdish Prasad Meena said that PepsiCo is growing potatoes with farmers and they are also talking to develop clusters for citrus production. Meena said that in the next few months, the ministry will come out with new schemes to improve infrastructure. The food processing sector received FDI worth $1.04 billion during April 2014 to March 2015. Food processing industry contributed around 9 percent to the manufacturing GDP. The industry was valued at $39.71 billion in 2013 and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11 percent to $65.4 billion by 2018. "32 lakh tonnes capacity of cold storage has been created with an expenditure of Rs 9,000 crore within the last two years. This is expected to reduce wastage by 10 percent per annum or Rs 9,200 crore every year," Srivastava said. Over the last two years, 51 cold chain projects have been completed and six mega food parks have been operationalised since June 2014. Some of the major investments received in the last two years include Linde Group investment of $200 million in seafood segment in Andhra Pradesh; US-based Mondelez International has inaugurated its new manufacturing plant in Andhra Pradesh. This plant has been set up with an investment of Rs 1,265 crore with an annual capacity of 250,000 tonnes. Mars International India, a leading chocolate maker, has invested $114.63 million in Pune. With a total investment of $33.96 million, Kellogg's unit in Andhra Pradesh provides employment to 500 persons. The company is also planning to set up an R&D facility and their third cereal facility in Mumbai. Fresh dairy products player Danone Asia Pacific Holdings has invested $24.24 million and is expanding its manufacturing facility in Lalru near Chandigarh. Domestic companies, including Patanjali Ayurveda, have also announced major investments in the last two years. Patanjali is planing to set up a Rs 500 crore food processing unit in Madhya Pradesh. The state has cleared 400 acres of land for this. It is expected to provide jobs to about 700 people. Balaji Wafers is investing $61.5 million in building a plant for wafers and snacks in Madhya Pradesh. It has acquired land and would employ 1,000 people. Kandhamal: On the night of 7 June this year, suspected Christian fanatics broke into a small Hindu temple in Daringbadi in Odishas Kandhamal district. The 'Ma Bana Durga' temple, which the locals say was at least 50 years old, was just a shrine under a tree till two months earlier when a proper brick-and-mortar structure was created around it. On 22 June, the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) organised a public meeting at the site of the broken shrine. A priest performed the puja, as people from the neighbouring villages began to pour into the site. They examined the damage, particularly standing for long in front of a portrait of the Goddess Durga, painted on the wall of the temple, now broken into pieces. There is no doubt that the Christian missionaries did this, said Minaketan Sahu, who had come to the site from a neighbouring area. They are the ones who killed Swamiji, and now they have done this, he pointed at the rubble. This was the second time the shrine/temple had suffered damage; earlier also, in 2007, when clashes erupted between two main ethnic groups of Kandhamal the Panos (a Scheduled Caste community, a majority of them converted to Christianity) and the Kandha tribals (most of them converted to Hinduism), the shrine was vandalised. Blood spills on Janmashtami On the evening of 23 August, 2008, Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, a much-revered Hindu leader of Kandhamal, entered his quarters in his ashram in Jalespata. It was the day of the Hindu festival of Janmashtami, and the evening celebrations were about to begin for which a pandal had been erected on the ashram grounds. The 82-year-old Saraswati wanted to take a little rest before he would attend the festivities. Saraswati had come to Kandhamal 40 years ago in 1968. At the age of 25, after eight years of marriage and after working as a cook in places like Jamshedpur, he had decided to become a sanyaasi. He began to travel and finally settled in Rishikesh, where he learnt the Hindu scriptures. In 1966, when Hindu organisations launched a major campaign to demand a ban on the slaughter of cows in India, Saraswati also took part in the agitation in Delhi. He was arrested along with many others and spent 18 days in Tihar Jail. After he returned to Rishikesh, Kuldeep Maharaj, a sadhu, told him how Christian missionaries were active in Odisha, attracting lower-caste Hindus to their fold. It was also the time when the VHP was becoming active it had been formed two years earlier. After consultations with the VHP and the leaders of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Saraswati left for Odisha. Saraswati went to the Kandhamal area, and within a year (1969), established his first ashram (with a boys residential school) in Chakapad. Twenty years later, in 1989, a separate residential school for girls was opened in Jalespata. There was blood all over and it smelled; it was as if I had entered an abattoir As Saraswati retired to his room one August evening eight years ago, at 7.45 pm, Simachal Patra, one of the ten constables deployed by the Odisha Police for Saraswatis security, heard the sound of footsteps outside their tent in front of the ashram. The two other constables present in the tent at that time had eaten their dinner, and Patra was about to eat. One constable had ventured out after borrowing Patras cellphone, to speak to his family. None of the policemen carried any firearms. As Patra stuck his head out, he saw two men standing outside. One of them was carrying a gun, and it was pointed at Patra. When he looked to the side, Patra saw a group of armed men entering the ashram. Around 20 masked men, wearing black uniforms, kicked the gate open and headed straight towards Saraswatis quarters, opening fire. As he heard the gunshots, Saraswati locked himself in the bathroom adjacent to his room and started shouting in Odia: Save me, save me! The gunmen broke into his room and killed two of his associates: Ma Bhaktimayi and Kishore Babu. Then they tore through the bathroom door and fired at Saraswati. Another associate of Saraswati, Baba Amritananda, was shot dead in the adjacent room. One of the guardians of a girl student who happened to be in the guest room, Puranjan Gaunta, was killed as well. Outside, the gun was still pointed at Patras head. Then he saw a group of men running towards the main road shouting in Odia, It is done, it is done! At this moment the man holding Patra hostage threw a letter towards him, asking him to give it to reporters. And then he also ran into the street. A local reporter who reached Jalespata soon afterwards says he can never forget what he witnessed inside Saraswatis quarters. There was blood all over and it smelled; it was as if I had entered an abattoir, he recalled... Read the full story here The 48-day annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath shrine in south Kashmir Himalayas ended on Thursday, coinciding with the festival of Raksha Bandhan, with over 2.20 lakh pilgrims offering prayers to the naturally formed ice-shivlingam despite the ongoing unrest. This year's figure is the lowest in the past decade. The holy mace of Lord Shiva popularly known as 'Chhari Mubarak', carried by a group of sadhus and devotees led by its custodian Mahant Deepindra Giri, arrived at the holy cave in the wee hours for the day-long prayers, officials said. The group of sadhus and devotees trekked 42 kilometres from Pahalgam to reach the cave shrine with night halts at Chandanwari, Sheshnag and Panchtarani. After traditional rituals at the sanctum sanctorum, the holy mace would start the return journey before dusk . While officially the yatra ended today, 'pujan' and 'visarjan' (immersion) ceremonies for the journey of 'Chhari Mubarak' would be performed on the banks of Lidder river in Pahalgam on 20 August . It will be followed by a traditional open kitchen, the last ritual of the pilgrimage. The holy mace would return to its abode at Amareshwar temple at Dashnami Akhara here the same day, the officials said. The yatra had commenced from Pahalgam and Baltal routes amid strict security arrangements on 2 July, a week before protests erupted in the Valley following the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani by security forces on 8 July. The unrest has left 64 people, mostly young boys, dead and over 8,000 injured. Twenty-nine people -- 21 pilgrims, a sage, three sevadars (community kitchen workers), two local Muslims and as many paramilitary troopers -- died during the yatra after suffering cardiac arrest, while 40 yatris and 10 local Muslims were injured after falling from steep slopes, the officials said. A pilgrim and a Muslim driver were killed when a yatra bus collided with a truck near Bijbehara on the Srinagar-Jammu national highway on 13 July. Muslim villagers had defied curfew to save the lives of the injured pilgrims. Setting an example of communal harmony and brotherhood, the residents had also offered free meals to the pilgrims at various places including Nigeen Club and TRC in Srinagar during the yatra. Police investigation against Amnesty International India for slogans raised during an event the global advocacy organised is the second such sedition complaint registered by the police in Karnataka this year after a complaint from the student wing of Indias ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The police charged two students with sedition in the southern town of Tumakuru on 30 March, 2016, after the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) accused them of raising pro-Pakistan slogans while distributing pamphlets supporting Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union president Kanhaiya Kumar and Rohith Vemula, a Hyderabad University Dalit scholar who committed suicide. About 80 ABVP activists beat the two students with helmets and sticks, according to this India Today report. In the Amnesty case, a first-person account of the Broken Families event speaks of a heated but not threatening meeting with diverging viewpoints from Kashmiri Hindus and Muslims in the audience. As the audience dispersed, ABVP activists outside stepped in. In slapping sedition charges, the police appear to have ceded to pressure from the large group of ABVP activists at the (police) station, said Chandan Gowda, a sociology professor at Bengalurus Azim Premji University. Sedition crimes recorded for first time in 2014, when BJP came to power For the first time ever, the National Crime Records Bureau included data on crimes related to the 156-year-old sedition law in 2014, the year the BJP came to power. Sedition is a new category (section 124A of the Indian Penal Code) under a heading called Offences Against the State. Karnataka registered no sedition case in 2014, although 47 such cases were filed across nine states that year, according to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data. Jharkhand (18) and Bihar (16) registered the most sedition cases that year. In June 2016, Karnataka charged two organisers of a protest demanding better working conditions for the police with sedition. Three journalists were arrested and booked for sedition in Karnatakas Belagavi on 3 December, 2015. Source: National Crime Records Bureau; Note: Offences Against the State have been classified largely under two categories: offences against the state (under sections 121, 121A, 122, 123 & 124A IPC) and offences promoting enmity between different groups (under sections 153A & 153 B IPC). Offences Against the State have been classified largely under two categories: Offences against the state (under sections 121, 121A, 122, 123 & 124-A IPC) and offences promoting enmity between different groups (under sections 153A & 153 B IPC). Sedition falls under section 124A IPC (See Box Below), while sections 121, 121A, 122 & 123 constitute waging war or attempt/conspiring to wage war or collecting arms for this purpose, among other related crimes. India shares sedition law with authoritarian regimes India shares the sedition law once used by the colonial administration to imprison Mahatma Gandhi in 1922 and Bal Gangadhar Tilak in 1987 and 1909 with a variety of mostly authoritarian countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Iran, Uzbekistan, Sudan, Senegal and Turkey. The USA also has a sedition law, but many parts have been struck down over two centuries. Others, such as the UK, Scotland, South Korea and Indonesia have done away with the law. As many as 58 people, including 55 men and three women, were arrested for sedition nationwide in 2014. Bihar arrested the most people (28), followed by Jharkhand (18), Kerala (4), and Odisha (4). Karnataka uses a law often used in conjunction with the sedition charge "promoting enmity between groups" to deal with religious riots, which it experienced, per million population, more than any Indian state between 2010 and 2014, IndiaSpend reported in 2015. Unlawful assembly case against event cleared, protected by police Apart from sedition, the promoting-enmity law was coupled, in the Amnesty case, with rioting and unlawful assembly, although the event was cleared by the police, which provided security. The police were invited and (were) present at the event, Aakar Patel, Amnesty Indias executive director said in a statement. The ABVP claimed the event supported terrorism. The Amnesty Event showcased the stories of three families who lost kin to action by security forces, including extra-judicial killings, for which six soldiers were court-martialled and imprisoned for life in 2015. The fracas began when the audience disagreed over the role of the Army, with Kashmiri Muslims shouting freedom slogans in response to Kashmiri Hindus defending the Army. We dont know who shouted the slogans or who provoked them, Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara was quoted as saying. If we find out that those who shouted slogans are connected to any terror outfit, we will rope in the National Investigation Agency. We will not tolerate any anti-national behaviour. Gowda said the home minister ought to have clarified that slogans alone do not constitute sedition. The Supreme Court has frequently clarified that words and speech, criticism or slogans, however distasteful, cannot be considered seditious unless they incite violence. It is absolutely necessary to read the entirety of the law that penalises sedition, before whipping it out as a means of quelling free speech, said Deeptha Rao, a lawyer with Bangalores Alternative Law Forum, a legal advocacy. Explanation 2 to Section 124-A of the IPC clearly provides that comments expressing disapprobation of the measures of the Government, with a view to obtain their alteration by lawful means, do not constitute the offence of sedition. Likewise, Explanation 3 to Section 124-A clarifies that comments expressing disapprobation of the administrative or other action of the government do not constitute sedition. The event in question was meant to be a platform for remembrance of undeniable pain and suffering in the valley and clearly does not fall within the gamut of exciting hatred, contempt or disaffection towards the government at law in Indiawe are clearly witnessing a disturbing trend of the invocation of an archaic law to suppress any speech or expression that brings to light the insecurities of the state and the stifling of democratic dissent. Amnestys Patel said: Merely organising an event to defend constitutional values is now being branded as anti-India and criminalised. Section 124A IPC Sedition Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards, * * * the Government, established by law in [the States], ** shall be punished with imprisonment for life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years, to which fine may be added, or with fine. Explanation 1.-The expression disaffection includes disloyalty and all feelings of enmity. Explanation 2.-Comments expressing disapprobation of the measures of the Government with a view to obtain their alteration by lawful means, without exciting or attempting to excite hatred, contempt or disaffection, do not constitute an offence under this section. Explanation 3.-Comments expressing disapprobation of the administrative or other action of the Government without exciting or attempting to excite hatred, contempt or disaffection, do not Constitute an offence under this section. Source: Bombay High Court As the death toll in Bihar's Gopalganj district climbed to 13 on Wednesday, the state government has gone into a damage control mode by dismissing Opposition's claim that the tragedy happened because of consumption of spurious liquor. Following the deaths, ANI tweeted Nitish Kumar as saying- We are concerned about Gopalganj tragedy, strict actions will be taken against the people behind this: Nitish Kumar ANI (@ANI_news) August 18, 2016 Ever since the blanket ban on sale of alcohol was announced by the Nitish Kumar-led government on 5 April, this is the first time deaths due to consumption of liquor has been reported. But according to Rahul Kumar, Gopalganj district magistrate, the deaths seemed to be 'mere coincidence', a claim also being supported by the superintendent of Gopalganj, Ravi Ranjan. With the kin of the victims alleging the deaths happened because of consumption of spurious alcohol, Kumar has constituted a three member team and has ordered a probe into the incident. According to The Indian Express, Mahesh Mahato, brother of Sashikant Mahato one of the victims in the alleged hooch tragedy claimed that his brother had indeed consumed illicit liquor on Monday and started complaining about stomach ache and nausea. MP Singh, Gopalganj Sadar Hospital surgeon who was treating the victims, was also cautious in linking the deaths to only to consumption of spurious liquor while admitting that the post-mortem report holds the "key". While the state government has ordered Saran Divisional Commissioner Narmadeshwar Lal to submit a report, BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi asked whether the Nitish Kumar-led government will take responsibility for the deaths, The Indian Express reported. Following the deaths, the Opposition has upped the ante against prohibition with senior BJP leader Nand Kishore Yadav saying, "If there is a total ban on liquor in Bihar, how come the poor are dying after consuming it? The Nitish Kumar-led government has failed to enforce liquor ban." On Wednesday, 13 people died overnight under "mysterious circumstances" in Gopalganj district of Bihar while five others are in critical conditions. All the victims were residents of Nonia tola locality - one of the poorest section of the district. Srinagar: 300 youth hailing from various parts of Jammu and Kashmir were on Thursday inducted as soldiers in the army after completing one-year strenuous training. The new recruits of Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JAKLI) regiment took the oath to serve the cause of the nation at the ceremony held at the Bana Singh Parade Ground at Rangreth, nine km from Srinagar. The youth of Jammu and Kashmir being inducted in the army comes at a time when the state has been making headlines for incidents of stone-pelting by some youth in the valley. The highlight of the function was the sons of the soil and their families lighting candles as a mark of solidarity with the people of Kashmir and praying for return of calm and peace to the valley at the earliest, an army spokesman said. Kashmir valley is on the boil since 9 July following the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani. The widespread clashes left 64 persons including two policemen dead and over 8000 others injured. The passing out parade, depicting graduation of a recruit and his transformation into a young soldier, was overseen by Governor NN Vohra and was attended by over 1500 parents and other relatives of the young soldiers along with a number of civil and military dignitaries. Vohra praised the young soldiers and said it will encourage more and more youth from the state to come forward to join the security forces. He highlighted the vital role played by their parents in motivating their wards to join this noble profession, the spokesman said. In the end, the spokesman said, proud parents and relatives pipped the soldiers ready to join their battalions and to tread the immortal path of glory, living up to the expectations and the best traditions of the army. "As a mark of respect, gratitude and recognition of contribution made by the parents of these young soldiers, they were also presented with the 'Gaurav Padaks' (prestige medals) instituted by the army," the spokesman said. Bhopal: Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh on Thursday described Kashmir as "India-occupied Kashmir" while criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi's utterances on Pakistan. "Prime Minister Modi seems more concerned about Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, which is welcome, than he is interested in holding talks with India's Kashmiris," Digvijaya told reporters. "Boosting trust among Kashmiris, whether they belong to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir or India-occupied Kashmir, is possible only through dialogue," he said. The Congress General Secretary later corrected himself by saying he only meant that Modi is not worried about "India's Kashmir not worried about the valley but worried about Pak-occupied Kashmir". Digvijaya's gaffe invited immediate reactions on social media. Following the gaffe, Bollywood actor Praesh Rawal tweeted: "Digvijay Singh ji calls J&K as 'India occupied Kashmir'. It was his #HappyRakshaBandhan gift to his Pakistani sisters". New Delhi: Whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel to Pakistan to attend the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) summit later this year will be a "policy decision" a call on which will be taken at the "right time", government sources said on Wednesday. "It is something on which we will take a call at the right time," they said. There has been an escalation in war of words between India and Pakistan over the ongoing unrest in Kashmir with India rejecting Islamabad's proposal to hold Foreign Secretary-level talks on the issue. The 19th Saarc summit is scheduled to be held in Islamabad in November. Asked whether Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will travel to Pakistan to attend the Saarc Finance Ministers' meeting, the sources said a decision on it has "not been firmly made". On reports that the Prime Minister may not travel to Venezuela next month to attend the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit, the sources said it has not been decided who will represent India at the conclave. At the same time, they added there was no change in India's policy towards NAM. The last time an Indian Prime Minister stayed away from attending NAM was Chaudhary Charan Singh in 1979. Asked about Modi's comments on situation in Balochisthan, the sources said it was an expression of concern by the Prime Minister and did not come out of the blue. They said the PM was troubled by the human rights violations and excesses done by Pakistani army in Balochistan. Questions like with whom India will coordinate and what New Delhi was going to do in Balochistan are "premature and irrelevant", the sources said. About discussion with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi here last week on NSG issue, the sources said the leader of the Chinese delegation at the plenary meeting of the 48-nation grouping in Seoul in June will soon come to India. They said all related issues will be discussed during his visit. Srinagar: Army on Thursday expressed regret over the death of a lecturer in alleged thrashing by soldiers in Khrew area of Pulwama district last night and ordered an inquiry into the incident even as police registered a murder case against unknown security personnel. 30-year-old Shabir Ahmad Monga, a contractual lecturer, died when he and several others were allegedly beaten up by army personnel at Khrew late last night, police said. As many as 18 people, mostly youth, have been admitted to a hospital here with injuries suffered allegedly due to thrashing by the army personnel. General Officer Commanding of Army's Srinagar-based 15 Corps Lt Gen Satish Dua regretted the incident and said a probe has been ordered into the incident. Police also registered a murder case against unknown security personnel. "A case under sections 307 (attempt to Murder), 302 (murder), 427 (mischief causing damage to property) and 120-B (Criminal Conspiracy) of the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC) has been registered against unknown secuirty personnel in connection with the incident at Khrew last night in which one Shabir Ahmad Monga was killed and 18 others were injured," a police official said. According to the locals, army conducted house to house searches for the youth who were leading protests in Khrew late on Wednesday night which was resisted by the residents. They claimed that the security forces rounded up 28 youth including Monga and beat them up, resulting in his death. Taking a surprise visit to a government hospital in Delhi, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia caught a worker watching a film on his computer while patients were waiting in a long queue, waiting to be treated. A furious Sisodia barged into the room and tapped the man from behind after watching quietly for a while. As the man turned flabbergasted, Sisodia lambasted him before summoning his superior and asking for his dismissal. The man was seen pleading an apology but the minister turned him away. In a video uploaded on the Facebook page of the Aam Aadmi Party, the minister caught the hospital worker red-handed, idly enjoying a movie, while long queues of patients waited outside. The video uploaded on Wednesday has since then gone viral with over 1.1 million views and more than 21,000 shares. However, this is not the first time, the Delhi government has rounded up government officials in a surprise visit. In March this year, Sisodia had also visited a government school in Delhi and had taken action against the principal after he found that attendance records of teachers were botched up. In a surprise visit I found 3 teachrs were absent but were shown present in data base @8.15AM.Hav given show cause notice to Principal. 2/2 Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) May 4, 2016 However, Health remains a primary sector where the Delhi government is keen to show its pro-activeness. In December last year, when Delhi was braving a bout of Dengue fever, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had made surprise visits to inspect the state of affairs in various hospitals, as reported in the Hindustan Times. Besides this, the AAP government is busy leveraging its pet project, Mohalla clinics, amid the people of Delhi. The government has even sanctioned funds worth Rs 209 Crore to kick-start the initiative. In a bid to boost the primary healthcare infrastructure in state, AAP has floated a plan to open these clinics where crucial primary OPD consultation will be provided by specialist doctors. The Delhi government is also in the process of floating a 500 crore Rs project called the Aam Aadmi Swasthya Beema Yojna in a bid to cover 40 lakh families under universal health insurance, according to a report in The Indian Express. The scheme is proposed to be a cheap insurance alternative for the underpriviledged section of the society. On 12 July, Firstpost wrote about the need to investigate the affairs of Islamic International School (IIS) in Mumbai's Mazagaon, conceptualised and run by controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik in the backdrop of the alleged charges and ongoing investigations against him. This website argued that if the government is indeed convinced that there is a problem to the secular fabric of the country on account of the ideas disseminated by Naik through his speeches and the activities of his institution Islamic Research Foundation (IRF), there is certainly a case to probe the functioning, curriculum and the religious learning of the educational institution conceptualised and operated by Naik for young children. An investigation report by the Mumbai Police on Naik, submitted last week and forwarded to the home ministry for further examination, supports arguments raised by the Firstpost piece. According to the Mumbai Police report, the state police has raised "serious concerns" on the nature of education given to students of IIS and has said that the school is 'brainwashing' students, urging parents to keep kids away from an 'un-Islamic environment'. The 71-page Mumbai Police report further quotes from the school's literature to highlight how it aimed to 'insulate' students. "Societal influences upon a child should be analysed critically. An un-Islamic environment can result in the corruption of a virtuous Muslim's Islamic understanding, upbringing and values. It is therefore recommended that Muslim parents educate their children in an Islamic school to prevent them from falling prey to the bad influences and immorality prevalent in society," the report quotes the school's literature as saying. The point here is this: If the Indian government has identified Naiks speeches both, through the TV and outside, as a threat to religious harmony and a threat to countrys secular fabric, caution is also warranted on the operations of the school. Naik is the chairman of the IRF Educational Trust and president of the IRF. The IIS website says Naik has visited several Islamic and other educational institutions worldwide and interacted with many experts on school and university education to grasp their approach to Islamic orientation, teaching methodology, curriculum implementation and management. The pragmatic insights gained from these meetings and latest research and learning on effective education strategies help in the continuous improvement and development of IIS, to be contemporary and Islamic... to fulfil the students educational needs for this duniya (world) and the aakhirah (hereafter). The school also has a branch in Chennai. Naik found himself in trouble when evidence emerged that the Islamic State terrorists involved in the Dhaka blast and those operating out of Hyderabad (a module arrested by NIA), were inspired by Naik's preaching. The preacher, who is currently abroad, has all along denied the allegations but has refused to return to India to face the charges. There is a common pattern seen in Naiks speeches. He enchants the crowds with his skills to recollect the chapters and versus of religious scriptures and connects these lines to establish his fundamental idea that Islam is the only true religion and the rest are either false or impure. In one of his videos, Naik aggressively exhorted his fans to take on the enemies of Islam and proclaimed that he would side with anyone, including Osama bin Laden, if the fight is against the enemies of Islam like the America, "the biggest terrorist". "If he is terrorising America, the terrorist, biggest terrorist, Im with him. Every Muslim should be a terrorist. The thing is that if he is terrorising the terrorist, he is following Islam," Naik says. But, in the same breath Naik distances himself from potential trouble and says things like, "Whether he is or not, I dont know. Now dont go around outside saying Zakir Naik is for Osama bin Laden and I dont know him personally. I dont know what he is. I cannot base my judgment only on news. But, you as Muslims, without checking up laying allegations are also wrong." Naik has been extremely tactful in his speeches to avoid getting into legal troubles. One can question how the preacher concluded that America is the biggest terrorist, since Naiks knowledge of that country is presumably also through the news media. There is no evidence so far that Naik met George W Bush, Barack Obama or any US authorities in person and was personally convinced that they were terrorists. But, the point here is that an Indian sleuth, who sits down to examine the video and contemplates using this as evidence before the court of law, will be disappointed to see these contradictory statements. Most of his talks have a similar pattern. This is where the investigators walk into a cul de sac and Naik has the last laugh. To be sure, Naik vows that he never asked anyone to kill innocent people and the Bangladesh daily that reported that Naik inspired the terrorists has backtracked from that statement. But, the fact is that his speeches often amount to encouraging religious fundamentalism. This is something even leaders within the Islamic community have pointed out. The Indian government and the NIA have taken cognisance of the issue and have taken certain actions against Peace TV and the NGO run by Naik, sensing potential danger. The subsequent arrests of two of Naiks alleged aides add to the troubles for Naik. Amid a debate over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's comments on Balochistan in his Independence Day address, External Affairs Ministry on Thursday indicated that the remarks did not constitute a policy shift as being construed. External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said the Prime Minister had been thanked by people of Balochistan and Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, including Gilgit-Baltistan, for flagging their problems at an all-party meeting here last week and, moved by their messages, he talked about them in his speech from the Red Fort. At the same time, he said, Modi also gave "certain instructions" on the next course of action but refused to divulge details or how those instructions will be implemented. "I cannot at this stage share with you. However, MEA will do what it has to because after all people of PoK are also our people," he said. On Modi's mention of Balochistan he said, "As to whether this constitutes a policy shift, let me say that Government of India has made statements about the situation in Balochistan in the past as well. "My own predecessor had commented on this issue. The only difference this time was that the various messages the Prime Minister had received had sufficiently moved him to share it with the people of India." In his Independence Day speech on Monday, Modi had talked about the situation in PoK, Gilgit and Balochistan and said people from there have thanked him for raising their issues. "The Prime Minister had been thanked by these people for flagging their cause in the all-party meeting which represents all political segments in India. Prime Minister was sufficiently moved by these messages of gratitude to share it with the people of India in his Independence Day address." When asked about certain Baloch groups seeking recognition from India, the MEA spokesperson said,"Don't jumpt the gun". The row over the sedition charge a colonial legacy that needs to be scrapped without delay has taken away from the core questions surrounding Amnesty International India's programme on Independence Day where it sought to flag the Indian state's human rights violations in Kashmir. This was the first part of a multi-city event designed to draw attention to New Delhi's alleged excesses in the strife-torn region. Unfortunately, by first slapping sedition charges and then getting its knickers in a right royal twist over it, the Congress has muddied the debate. There can be no argument over the criminality of raising slogans. Sedition charges against Amnesty India are baseless and stupid. Period. And belated Congress efforts to blame the students affiliated to ABVP for sedition charges are laughable. Complainants do not decide on FIR sections. But there's a larger debate over politics, ethics and credibility. Slogans are not raised in a vacuum, nor are these without context. Amnesty India's efforts to politicise the Kashmir issue by organising events on it comes at a time when we are in the middle of a ferocious proxy and propaganda war launched by Pakistan over Kashmir. Lives are being lost daily without any sign of abatement in violence. Amnesty India's claim of plausible deniability, that it cannot be held responsible for what happens in an event organised by it rings hollow. Its subsequent explanation that "as a matter of policy (it) does not take any position in favour of or against demands for self-determination" is self-contradictory. Over the years, it has shown remarkable inconsistency in choosing cases of human rights abuse and has been repeatedly accused of harbouring moral ambiguity towards terrorists and their organisations. Watchdogs such as Amnesty should be Caesar's wife. The weightiest human rights institution, which was founded in 1961 and has since grown in scope and reach, has once too often waded into the quicksand of moral quagmire to be counted among a bona fide human rights institution. Its credibility is at an all-time low and its authority to lecture nation-states stands considerably eroded. Amnesty's shtick is that it is a non-partisan institution. Its entire moral legitimacy stems from that premise. Was it innocent to the response such an event with blatant political overtones might trigger especially at a time when India is battling a secessionist struggle fuelled by an aggressive neighbouring country that uses terrorism as state policy? While Amnesty is well within its rights to flag reports of excesses by Indian security forces in Kashmir, the Bengaluru event went much beyond that. There was a talk show, video screening, theatre performance and even a performance by a Kashmiri hip-hop artiste. The artiste Roushan Illahi, who goes by the name of MC Kash, told The Hindu that he was supposed to sing five songs all pertaining to the conflict at the land of bloody crackdowns. The cutting short of his second song (as the police insisted the mikes be switched off) led to the crowd of young Kashmiris shouting pro-Kashmir Independence slogans. On Tuesday, three days after the controversial event, Bengaluru Police Commissioner NS Megharikh confirmed to news agency IANS that 'Azadi' (freedom) slogans were raised at the "cultural programme" Amnesty International India had organised on alleged human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir. Though Amnesty has claimed that "police were invited", Megharikh clarified that police permission "was neither sought nor given, as the event was an indoor function at United Theological College in the city on August 13." Some cops were, however, deployed as the programme was brought to the notice of the local police station. It sounds exceedingly hollow when Amnesty India head Aakar Patel claims that they were "merely organising an event to defend Constitutional values" to define a cultural show which showcased theatre performance, rap artiste singing provocative songs among a volatile mix of Kashmiri Pandits and some pro-azaadi Kashmiri students. For decades, Amnesty's reputation has been based on rigorous collection of evidences and reports of rights abuses, not headline-hunting stunts of the kind we saw in Bengaluru. It may be argued that the event was designed not to discuss threadbare its 2015 report "Denied: Failures in accountability for human rights violations by security force personnel in Jammu and Kashmir" which was surely based on in-depth research, but to stoke political fire when the Kashmir iron is hot as hell. It sounds even more ridiculous when Amnesty tries to wash its hands off any controversy by saying its employees were "not involved in sloganeering". That may well be true but as organisers, it cannot escape culpability when those present at the event raise secessionist slogans. If Amnesty professes to defend "Constitutional values", then it should also be aware of the Constitution's position on India's territorial integrity. If, as a matter of policy, it "doesn't take sides on self-determination" then it should have protected the sanctity of the event by asking the students to cease and desist and if they do not listen, ask the police to escort sloganeers out of the room. Amnesty will fool no one if, in this case, it seeks to hide behind the cloak of "freedom of speech and expression". In the wake of Charlie Hebdo killings, it held that freedom of expression "is not absolute and it may be subject to certain restrictions" Patel, executive director of its India chapter, had written in a Livemint column in 2012, Learnt in Godhra, forgotten in Jaipur that "the critical learning was that freedom of speech in India must be regulated" in the context of the Salman Rushdie affair in Jaipur. Elsewhere in the column, he wrote: "The damage is done by a Hindi-medium world view. Trying to fight it with English-medium tools will end in frustration. This is why a debate about free speech here has no meaning. All these things dissolve to nothing in the knowledge that a real price is extracted for this freedom. The men who read Rushdie aloud in Jaipur and fled after lighting the fuse were neither brave nor considerate. Such deliberate mischief has consequences." There is also the point to be noted that we are talking about an organisation that issues nuanced, careful statements like "in the absence of further clarification from the US authorities, the killing of Osama bin Laden would appear to have been unlawful," to address an American covert operation deep into Pakistan territory (keeping the host nation in dark) to take out bin Laden, and issues strong condemnation at the way India handled 26/11 terrorist Ajmal Kasab's death penalty that followed an inscrutable legal process. Condemning Kasab's death penalty, Shashikumar Velath, Director-Programmes, Amnesty International India, had questioned the unusual speed with which his mercy petition was rejected and also the secrecy surrounding the execution at the Yerawada prison in Pune. If this is not an example of dual yardsticks, what is? Finally, Amnesty's dalliances with groups soft on terror and its alleged links with globally infamous terrorists such as Jihadi John are well-documented and rob the agency of its halo. Its links with Cage (formerly Cageprisoners) a British Islamist outfit which reportedly had "warm relations" with Jihadi John of ISIS led to considerable squirming and eventual falling out of Gita Sahgal, one its top guns. Jihadi John (real name Mohammed Emwazi, a British citizen) was a particularly revolting specimen of the Islamic State who beheaded at least five Western hostages in Syria before being killed via a drone strike. "Far from being a genuine human-rights group", Sahgal told The Economist, Cage is completely poisonous, promoting an ideology that mocks the values of tolerance, especially towards women. Immense damage has been done to Amnesty, she said, not least because they wont come clean about their association with Cage. Sahgal, former head of Amnesty International's gender unit and daughter of Nayantara Sahgal, was finally sacked for criticising her organisations close ties to Moazzam Begg, a British former detainee of the Americans in Afghanistan and then in Guantanamo, and a director of Cage. She told The Times of India that it is typical of Amnesty to claim to be neutral on "the right to self-determination" while giving more space to people who give it political support. "As far as I know, they (Amnesty) have never examined the full range of violations by both the state and the non- state actors. They have never looked at cross-border infiltration or the support to Kashmiri jihadi groups in Britain, including by their hero Begg, whose bookshop published jihadi literature by a man called Dhiren Barot, glorifying the Kashmir jihad in the 90s as a means of establishing an Islamic state," Sahgal revealed. She added: "Amnesty's history on Palestine is similar; it gives space to Hamas supporters rather than secular and human rights voices from Palestine." According to the report, Sahgal condemned the sedition charges but also slammed the NGO for its continuing support to Kashmiri terror groups. She called on Amnesty and other human rights NGOs "to live up to the standards they demand of others: be transparent, accountable and impartial". In trying to fish in political waters, Amnesty risks sullying its image further. A rights organisation's moral weight depends on whether its integrity is unimpeachable. Amnesty's is up for questioning. New Delhi: Congress chief Sonia Gandhi has been admitted to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital again for a medical check-up, two days after she was discharged following treatment for illness and a shoulder injury. She had visited the hospital on Wednesday for removal of her stitches from the surgery. Sources, however, on Thursday said she was admitted again on Wednesday evening, for "routine" medical check-up. "At the time of her discharge from the hospital last week, doctors had said that she was likely to revisit the hospital for further evaluation of her condition. So, she is here for that," a hospital source said. "She is likely to stay at the hospital for a couple of days," the source said. Party sources also said she has been admitted again, and will be there for couple of days for a medical check-up. The 69-year-old leader was admitted to the hospital on 3 August after being taken ill during a roadshow in Varanasi. She was discharged on 14 August and doctors treating her at the hospital had then said she had recovered from her illness and injury to the left shoulder and was stable. "Mrs Gandhi is likely to visit the hospital for further evaluation of her condition in the coming week," DS Rana, Chairman of Board of Management of the hospital, had said the day she was discharged. Gandhi was admitted under the care of Arup Basu, senior consultant, Department of Pulmonology and Chest Medicine and his team. She was operated upon for a shoulder injury by Prateek Gupta, senior consultant and his team from Department of Orthopaedics and Sanjay Desai from Mumbai. The Congress chief was shifted to the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital from the Army Research and Referral Hospital, where she was rushed soon after her arrival from Varanasi around midnight of 2 August. Baghpat (UP): Nearly 150 kg meat suspected to be of cow was seized and two persons, including a 60-year-old woman, were arrested at a village, triggering tension in the area as right wing Hindu groups staged protests. Acting on a tip off about cow slaughter, a police team raided the house of Nazim in Gauspura village in Singhavali Ahir police station area on Tuesday and recovered 150 kg meat, Additional Superintendent of Police Aziz-ul Haq said on Thursday. Haq said veterinary doctors suspected it to be meat of "cow or its progeny" and a sample has been sent for laboratory test. He said the equipment used in cow slaughter were also recovered from the spot. Haq said that during raid two persons- Wakeela (60) and her neighbour Talib (22) - were arrested, while three persons escaped. The ASP said a case has been lodged under Uttar Pradesh Cow Slaughter Prevention Act against them. "The arrested accused have disclosed the names of their three accomplices and efforts are on to nab them," he said. The remains of the animal have been buried, he said. Members of Bajrang Dal and other Hindu organisations protested against the incident. A large group led by local Bajrang Dal leaders reached the village, which is Muslim dominated, and raised slogans against cow slaughter following which heavy police force have been deployed to maintain peace. A delegation of Bajrang Dal on Thursday met the police officers and demanded strict action against those involved in cow slaughter. They have threatened to launch an agitation "if incidents of cow slaughter were not checked". Police said they were tipped-off about a stolen cow being slaughtered in a house at Gauspur village following which they conducted the raid. Blood-stained butcher knives were recovered, they added. Modi government and BJP have been facing flak over cow vigilantes in various states including Uttar Pradesh, where a man, Ikhlaq, was beaten to death by a mob in Bishada village in Dadri on 9 September last year following rumours that his family had stored and eaten beef. The fresh incident came days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked people to beware of fake cow protectors trying to divide society and the country and asked the states to severely punish them. New York: We know four fundamental forces - gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Now, scientists have discovered what can be the fifth force of nature. A previously unknown subatomic light particle may be evidence of a fifth fundamental force of nature and a key to understanding dark matter in universe, according to theoretical physicists at the University of California - Irvine (UCI), US. "If true, it's revolutionary. If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe, with consequences for the unification of forces and dark matter, explained Jonathan Feng, Professor of physics and astronomy. The researchers came upon a mid-2015 study by experimental nuclear physicists at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences who were searching for "dark photons. These are particles that would signify unseen dark matter which, physicists say, makes up about 85 percent of the universe's mass. The Hungarians' work uncovered a radioactive decay anomaly that points to the existence of a light particle just 30 times heavier than an electron. "The experimentalists weren't able to claim that it was a new force," Feng said. They simply saw an excess of events that indicated a new particle, but it was not clear to them whether it was a matter particle or a force-carrying particle, he added in a paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters. The UCI work demonstrates that instead of being a dark photon, the particle may be a protophobic X boson. While the normal electric force acts on electrons and protons, this newfound boson interacts only with electrons and neutrons - and at an extremely limited range. Like many scientific breakthroughs, this one opens entirely new fields of inquiry. This potential fifth force might be joined to the electromagnetic and strong and weak nuclear forces as "manifestations of one grander, more fundamental force." In a broader sense, it fits in with our original research to understand the nature of dark matter, the authors noted. Is Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi overstepping his authority as the second-in-command of India's grand old party? Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh's advice to Karnataka Chief Minister G Siddaramaiah on the Amnesty International sedition case not to make any arrests pending investigation indicates that the Gandhi scion is even indirectly interfering into matters involving law and order. Singh's advice came a day after Siddaramaiah warned on Wednesday that anyone involved in anti-national activities won't be spared. It is surprising that Rahul Gandhi is intervening into the matter even before the Bengaluru Police came to any conclusion. Has the Congress vice-president taken over the role of an investigation agency as well? It's no secret that the political leadership often interferes in the filing of a case, the kind of sections of IPC and CrPC to be slapped or not and the way investigations should proceed. The investigating officers in all cases concerning the high and mighty almost necessarily obtain clearance from political bosses. But these are always done discretely and any claims or allegations of interference are stoutly denied. No party ever go on publishing it, least of all make any boastful claim over that. Rahul Gandhi's political guide Digvijaya Singh, however, chose to be different. According to a report in the Indian Express, "Singh confirmed that he got a 'message' from Rahul inquiring about the development. He also said there was a need to review the sedition clause in the IPC." Did the Congress get its strategy wrong by going public? The party in its wisdom decided that by making Rahul's unauthorised intervention in the Amnesty International case and with directions to Karnataka Chief Minister to go soft would put the Congress vice-president on a pedestal probably as a messiah of free speech. Rahul behaved similarly when the Jawaharlal Nehru Students'Union president Kanhaiya Kumar was slapped with sedition charges earlier this year. The difference between the two situations is that -- in JNU, Rahul only limited himself to a speech but in the Amnesty International case he went a step ahead. Being Congress in-charge of the state, Singh does have the authority to impress upon the Karnataka Chief Minister what the party high command wants from him. In a series of tweets, Singh said, "I spoke to CM Karnataka and he has assured me that no arrests would be made pending investigation. Only FIR has been filed." Pending investigation is a broad term. Does it mean till police reaches to a conclusion in weeks, months or may be years? There are situations where police investigation on a politically sensitive issue drags on for years. Or does it mean till it gets a direction from the court? Does his tweet on Karnataka Chief Minister's assurance that no arrests will be made during this period, a blanket ban on arrest, no custodial interrogation of accused persons will happen? Aren't all decisions pertaining to a case ideally be taken by the investigating officer? In another tweet Digvijaya said, "Simply raising slogans is not a fit case to be charged with Sedition. It is a law which British used against our Leaders in Freedom Movement." Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi had later held a press conference to dwell at length why a sedition case is not applicable here. Again they could be right that sedition was too serious a charge and should not be randomly applied. But the same question arises again -- who decides, Rahul Gandhi or the state administration? The argument here is not whether the sedition law is good or bad, archaic or not, but on who decides on how investigations should proceed and whether the police need to make any arrest? It is the job of the police to find out who raised anti-India slogans and find out their mastermind. It is for the police to decide whether a case should be made against Amnesty International or not. The Congress' de-facto boss can't lord over law enforcing agencies. He has no mandate to do so. Jammu: On Thursday BJP attacked NC leader Omar Abdullah for "absolving" Pakistan of its role in the current turmoil in the Kashmir Valley and accused the opposition parties of "aggravating the prevailing situation" to destabilise the coalition government in the state. Hitting out at the opposition parties a day after their meeting to discuss the Kashmir unrest, BJP also said it was not the time to have dialogue with Pakistan or any other individuals or groups on the Jammu and Kashmir issues. "Leaders like Omar Abdullah, Mohammed Yousuf Tarigami and Congress leaders who participated in yesterday's meeting of opposition parties in Srinagar are trying to fish in troubles waters," BJP state spokesperson Virender Gupta alleged. He claimed that none of the leaders had played any effective role in pacifying the situation. "Instead of playing a constructive role these leaders remained engaged in instigating the people and aggravating the prevailing situation. "Omar Abdullah's tweets on a daily basis gave support to the ongoing agitation led by the extremists and terrorist groups at the behest of Pakistan," he alleged. Targeting Congress, the BJP leader said, "It was obvious from the statements of Ghulam Nabi Azad and P Chidambaram that Congress was acting behind the scene in organizing the present meeting to take the benefit of the existing situation and destabilize the PDP-BJP coalition government in the state. Gupta criticized Omar for "absolving" Pakistan and "downplaying" its role in creation of the present situation, "whereas it is well known and amply clear from the statements of Pakistan Prime Minister, its President, Army Chief and other functionaries, apart from the leaders of the terrorist groups, that Pakistan and terrorist groups operating from there are mainly responsible for the present situation in the Valley. "Omar Abdullah must have the knowledge that most of the terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir recently belonged to Pakistan and must be aware of the admission statements of Pakistani terrorists captured by the Indian security forces. "Omar needs to explain the reason for denial of truth and for his blatant lies," he said. The NC leader had on Wednesday said that Kashmir is a political issue which needs to be addressed politically. "The first step is to admit and recognise the anger and then take steps to address it," Omar said. Lashing out at the former chief minister, the BJP leader asked, "who was behind motivating the 10-12 year old children to throw stones at the security forces." "Did the Prime-Minister not make efforts to have negotiations with Pakistan to resolve the bilateral issues between the two countries? Did Modi not make attempts to address the various issues confronting the people of Jammu and Kashmir? Did he not make many visits to the state particularly the Valley?" Gupta questioned. He also refused the demand to initiate an inquiry into the allegations of excessive force by security forces while dealing with protestors. The former chief minister said all the opposition parties were worried about youths getting killed and injured in security forces' firing, while the state and the central governments "mishandled" the situation. The BJP spokesman questioned how many enquiries were conducted during the outbreak of violence after 1990, 2008 and 2010 when National Conference and Congress were in power. He also said that any political solution for Jammu and Kashmir can only be worked out by taking people of all the three regions into confidence. Chennai: The one-week suspension of DMK legislators from the Tamil Nadu Assembly will not be revoked, Speaker P Dhanapal said on Thursday. When the issue was raised in the Assembly by lawmakers of the Congress and DMK parties (members who were not present in the House on Wednesday), Dhanapal said the suspension could not be revoked. Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, DMK's MK Stalin, and other lawmakers of DMK held a sit-in protest at the entrance of the Assembly as they were not allowed to enter their chambers. Stalin said the Assembly proceedings should be telecast live so that people will know what is happening inside the House. On Wednesday, Dhanapal suspended 80 DMK members including Stalin for a week for unruly behaviour in the House. The DMK has 89 members in the 234-member Assembly. Srinagar: The house of ruling PDP MLA Mohammad Yousuf Bhat in Shopian district in Kashmir was attacked by a mob which set ablaze the security guard room and a motorcycle, police said on Thursday. Bhat, who is the chief whip of PDP in the Assembly, and his family were not present in the house at the time of the attack. A large number of people attacked Bhat's house after police raided several houses in Meemandar locality late last night in search of youth, a police official said. The locals put up a stiff resistance because of which the police party had to beat a hasty retreat, the official said, adding the mob subsequently attacked Bhat's house. The mob set on fire the guard room of the MLA's residence and a motorcycle parked outside it, the official said. Kashmir has been on the boil since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen militant commander Burhan Wani in an encounter on 8 July. Srinagar: Chief Minister Mehbooba Muftis government in Jammu and Kashmir is quickly losing its grip on the state, with the ongoing unrest spilling into a 41st day, and militants stepping up their offensive against government forces. The Valley continues to be on edge. The situation, after every passing day, is worsening and there is no sign of normalcy returning to the Valley any time soon. Fearing the wrath of people the state government, its ministers and bureaucrats are confined to their official residencies. The streets leading to the civil secretariat are wrapped in concertina wire and manned by fatigued soldiers. The government is almost entirely invisible on the ground. The roads leading to Gupkar where a majority of ministers and bureaucrats have official residencies are barricaded and blocked by concertina wire. CRPF and Kashmir policemen refuse to allow civilians vehicles entry to this road that was historically thrown open to civilian vehicles when Mehboobas father Mufti Mohammad Sayeed become chief minister in 2002, after the militancy started waning in the Valley. Ministers from Jammu, all of them from PDPs coalition partner BJP, have already left the Valley and are waiting for the offices to reopen in the winter capital of Jammu. Sensing trouble on the streets, after the killing of militant commander Burhan Wani on 8 July, a majority of ministers and MLAs from Jammu have decided to camp in the city, as they see no reason to continue to be in the Valley. We left three weeks ago and are waiting for the Darbar move. If developmental work cant be implemented in Kashmir, why should Jammu also suffer? We cant move outside our official residence in Srinagar, never mind taking stock of the situation, a BJP minister in the state government told Firstpost. For the moment, no one seems to have any idea who is running the state. Is it the protesters whose writ runs large on the streets during the day? Or is it the government forces who have now decided to impose a curfew during the night? On the 40th day of unrest (Wednesday), the state government decided to impose a night curfew in the Valley. Local newspapers reported on Wednesday that shopkeepers had been asked to stop opening their establishments during evening hours something that was allowed over the past month. The curfew will now continue even during the night. Recently, Mehbooba had ordered the restoration of broadband connections to newspapers after meeting with their editors, but the police has refused to do so. On 15 August, she warned that members of the forces who violate her directions would face action. This is not a mere statement. It will be done and you will be told about it." The very next day, forces killed five people in the day and seven in 24 hours. The curfew continues to paralyse life, with schools, shops and business establishments closed for over a month now, and mobile telephony and internet services shut. More than 60 people have been killed, including two policemen, in the protests that erupted after the killing of Wani, and over 8,000 civilians and government forces have been injured during the clashes. Worried that the state government has lost touch with the common people, Opposition parties on invitation of the National Conference met on Wednesday and passed a resolution demanding a probe into the civilian killings in the ongoing unrest by a retired Supreme Court judge, stopping the use of pellet guns on protesters, and a special Assembly session on the prevalent unrest in Kashmir. "We have decided to seek time from the president to apprise him about the real ground situation in Kashmir. We will try to persuade the Central government to take steps that will at least help in improving the situation in the Valley," National Conference working president Omar Abdullah told reporters after the meeting at his residence. Surprisingly, no minister from the ruling coalition government has been seen in public since the unrest began in the Valley. Initially, government spokesperson and education minister, Naeem Akhtar, visited some places, but in his hometown of Bandipora, he was stoned by people and extra forces had to be deployed to rescue him from the district. Mehbooba is the only visible face, although, she too prefers to travel by helicopter avoiding the chaotic roads, and has been left alone to defend government actions and the alliance with the BJP, with none of her cabinet colleagues coming to the rescue. Ministers from her own party have not been seen in public for a long time, as anger against government functionaries is at its peak in the Valley. The chief secretary BR Sharma chaired a meeting with administrative secretaries to review the attendance of government employees. During the meeting, he found that employees were not attending to their duties regularly, thereby putting the general public to inconvenience in availing various services, an official spokesperson said. The Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission is facing tremendous administrative issues in the recruitment and selection of candidates against hundreds of notified vacancies because of the unrest. As schools remain shut, volunteers in different districts have started teaching children inside their homes. Recently, the Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) on its official Facebook page had posted an emotional message urging students to return to the schools. Come back, before we forget the art of teaching and you forget the joy of learning, come back to salvage the old friendship. We miss you, the post on the DSEKs page read. Without you our days are lifeless. Children, when are coming back to school? It has been a long time since the last morning prayer, since the last afternoon huddle. The department received flak at the hands of people who accused it of blackmailing children. And then a user posted this as a reply: Mumbai: In a tragic incident, a state agriculture department official's pleas for a half day leave to attend his depressed son were turned down by his superior who nudged the official to continue working, following which the boy allegedly committed suicide. The incident took place last week and the Maharashtra government has ordered an inquiry into it. Sources in the agriculture department said in the afternoon of 12 August, department joint secretary Rajesh Ghadge (posted at department office in Mantralaya in Mumbai) got a panic call from his son, who was suffering from depression, asking him to come home in Navi Mumbai as soon as possible, failing which he (the son) would end his life. Panicked by the threat, Ghadge requested additional chief secretary (ACS) Bhagwan Sahay to let him go home early. But Sahay turned down his requests and made him work till regular office hours. "Ghadge's 23-year-old son was desperately calling him to come back home and had threatened to commit suicide if he did not turn up," the source said. "So Ghadge approached Sahay with a permission for a half day leave. Sahay, known for his whimsical ways not only denied the permission, but asked Ghadge to work as per the regular office hours," he said. A distraught Ghadge was virtually on his knees as he got a second frantic call from his son. He once again approached Sahay pleading for mercy, but his pleas fell on deaf ears, the source said. "All that he got to hear again from Sahay was a 'no'. At the end of the day, Ghadge's worst fears came true as he got the news from his home that his son had committed suicide," he said. Speaking to reporters in Mumbai, state Minister for Agriculture Pandurang Phundkar on Thursday said he has ordered a departmental inquiry into the incident. "I have spoken to Ghadge and had also asked state chief secretary to order an inquiry into the incident," Phundkar said. Following the directions, chief secretary Swadheen Kshatriya has ordered an inquiry into the entire episode. The incident sparked outrage in the department, with officers and Ghadge's colleagues staging a demonstration today. According to sources in the department, Ghadge is now contemplating applying for voluntary retirement. The body was taken to Solapur, the native place of the Ghadge family, for the last rites. Other officers in the department rushed to meet Ghadge at his Solapur residence. Efforts to contact Sahay did not yield results as he turned away media persons. New Delhi: Modi Government remains as popular as it was on the day it took oath, BJP President Amit Shah on Thursday, stressing that the party needs to work to retain this support, as top leaders came together to mark the start of work on its new swanky headquarters. The new office spread across two acres at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg will bear the stamp of the party's cultural and nationalist agenda in its design, party leaders said, adding it will be equipped with latest communication medium and conference facilities, allowing its leadership to connect with district and block-level workers. It is vastu-compliant, can hold a meeting of two to three thousand workers, will have several conference rooms and a big screen outside to live stream any big party event. The proposed structure of six floors will be illuminated with ample sun light, according to a presentation made at the event, also attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Over two-and-half-hours of yagna was held with Shah at the centre of rituals for 'bhoomi pujan' and top party leaders and Union ministers joining him. The party is hoping that the new premises will be ready by December, 2018 and plans to hold its inauguration on the birthday of former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Shah was joined by all the former party presidents at the dais as he hailed the sacrifices of party workers during its journey from a 10-member organisation to 11-crore membership. Today, BJP has over 1000 MLAs, more than 300 MPs and is in power in 15 states either on its own or with its allies, he said. Noting that the Modi government formed in 2014 was the first majority dispensation at the Centre in the last 30 years, he said, "It remains as popular as it was when it took oath. It is our responsibility to lend permanence to the support the party has received." The party is probably at its peak right now, he said, exhorting workers not to remain satisfied and ensure that it grows beyond its current strength. The party wants to open an office each in 580 districts of the country and has bought land in 250 places so far, he said. While its commitment to its ideology has fuelled its growth, the way it is run will have to change with time, he said as he spoke about his thrust on the use of offices equipped with modern communication facilities to coordinate in real time its programmes from Tamil Nadu to Arunachal Pradesh. The party is also working to document its history and efforts are on to put together audio and videos of its leaders. The unthinkable has happened in Uttar Pradesh. The Samajwadi Party president Mulayam Singh Yadav, after repeatedly castigating his chief minister son Akhilesh Yadav on issues related to governance, has made it clear that if it comes to political expediency, he would choose brother over son. For those who never get tired of accusing Mulayam of falling in the trap of putra moh (love for the son) it is a bolt from the blue, since it exposes one big facet of the patriarchs personality rules of politics are unbending and sons cannot go far if parents do not allow them to. On several occasions in the last three years Mulayam had criticised Akhileshs style of working, including his handling of bureaucrats, party workers, ministers and peoples grievances. But what he did on Independence Day at a function in Lucknow was unprecedented. He said his brother Shivpal Yadav had been feeling uneasy in the party, he had complained of officers, party leaders and others not listening to him, and that Shivpal had offered to resign in case things continued like this. Mulayam then went on to say that the Samajwadi Party would fall apart if Shivpal left, and Akhilesh must take steps to put things in order. A day earlier, Shivpal had vented out his anguish at a function in Mainpuri, when he had said he was pained at party workers grabbing land, and the establishment or the police not handling peoples grievances properly. Incidentally, differences of opinion between Akhilesh and Shivpal have come up on several occasions. Notable among these is the choice of official to be appointed as the states chief secretary after Alok Ranjans term ended, and the postponement of Qaumi Ekta Dals (QED) merger with the SP. While in the first case it was Shivpals choice that prevailed, in the second case Akhilesh managed to have the last word. Apparently, Shivpal has been sulking ever since the QED fiasco as it involved a lot of efforts on his part to bring the outfit comprising Mukhtar Ansari and Afzal Ansari to the SPs fold, and the cancellation of the merger had led to huge embarrassment if not humiliation for Shivpal. Now, with the showdown becoming public, there are reports that the QED merger chapter could be reopened and it might eventually take place despite Akhileshs very public criticism of the move in the first place. If that happens, it could be very difficult for Akhilesh to keep up a smiling face, and his only response could well be that father knows best. Coming at a time when Assembly elections are only a few months away, those in the party owing allegiance to Akhilesh and Shivpal, are jittery. The youth brigade in Samajwadi Yuvjan Sabha and Lohia Vahini appear solidly behind Akhilesh, but then Mulayam has very openly said that election tickets would only be finalised by him. Those enjoying the patronage of Shivpal but sidelined by Akhilesh would only feel stronger, and the same could be true otherwise. Already, a very senior officer Pravir Kumar, given the charge of Noida, Greater Noida and Yamuna Expressway Authority a month ago, has been shifted from these prized posts and given a relatively less powerful position. Kumar was known to be Akhileshs choice for chief secretary but the post had gone to Deepak Singhal, backed by Shivpal. More such moves involving the bureaucracy and party positions are likely in the coming days as strategic positions are fortified in the run-up to the 2017 election. Whether the chief minister would sulk, revolt or grin-and-bear-it, is something that would be clear in the coming days. As the head of the first family of Uttar Pradesh politics for more than two decades, Mulayam has evolved a system of maintaining the balance of power among brothers, sons, cousins, nephews and other relatives. They enjoy their positions as MPs, MLAs, MLCs, heads of local bodies and others on elected or nominated positions in UP only because of Mulayams farsightedness. Years ago, when Mulayam was a firebrand socialist leader in the state, his brothers were still either studying or trying to find their place in their chosen vocation. It is to the credit of Mulayam alone that he not only consolidated his own political career with a mix of ideologically-driven associations but also with alliances with selected political figures. In such a situation, Mulayam is not exaggerating when he says that Shivpal has remained in the party on his (Mulayams) insistence. Being an aggressive and temperamental individual that he is, Shivpal could well have moved on to carve out his political highway. For Akhilesh, any political position other than UPs chief ministership is difficult to imagine. Although comparisons with the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi are obvious but Akhilesh started off on a stronger note, with his first major assignment being heading a huge government for a huge state. But while Rahul may have had the luxury of remaining the contender for the number one post despite all shortcomings mainly on the strength of his party, Akhilesh may have little support from within the party or family once his party is out of power in UP. Recent history has shown that mighty ex-CMs do not like working as mere members of state Assemblies or as leader of Opposition once they are out of power: They move to Parliament. Any disturbance in the balance of power is likely to have repercussions outside UP since the family extensions now reach other states also. For the family, being in power in UP means much more than Samajwadi Party in UP alone. Delicate balances may become upset in Bihar too. Incidentally, politician sons of heavyweight politicians, be it Karunanidhi and his two sons in Tamil Nadu, late YS Reddy and his son in Andhra Pradesh, Farooq Abdullah and his son in Jammu and Kashmir, or even Deve Gowda and his son in Karnataka, have never been able to outshine their fathers, or even survive untroubled in their own states. Navin Patnaik is the only exception in Odisha, but then his late father never harboured national ambitions. And Patnaik senior did not have an ambitious brother. In hindsight, Indira Gandhi was perhaps justified in repeatedly harping about the hazards of the ubiquitous foreign hand. Only, it was ironical given the fact that more than 40 MPs in her government were on the payroll of the CIA or KGB or both, as the Mitrokhin Archives reveal. But her harping ensured keeping intact something that is non-negotiable for any independent, sovereign nation: external and internal security and freedom from alien especially Western interference, no matter how benign the disguise. Lets examine the 1984 National Day speech by Indira Gandhis contemporary, Lee Kuan Yew who recalls his early, uphill struggles to build Singapore: .the stench, the filthwhat did [build Singapore] it? Human rights? Are they bankable? The [Western nations] should underwriteadmit two million people to Australia or UK or US [in case something goes wrong] and Ill follow what you tell mewhen you dont have jobs, will you queue up outside the ILO?...when youre hungry, will you go to the FAO?....This is the only bank you havethe Singapore governmentI tell thisclass of intelligentsia, those who read all these magazines and newspapers: who wrote it? What is his stake and interest in your future before you believe him? ... But you know, Amnesty International and all these human rights guys say, hanging is wrong! It might be very hard for the post-colonial generations in former colonized nations to understand what they see as paranoia about allowing Western intervention on their soil in the name of human rights, aid, etc. But both Indira Gandhi and Lee Kuan Yew belonged to a generation that had lived the horrors of Western colonialism, and were justifiably wary. Put another way, it must never be forgotten that the freedom struggle was fundamentally fought to achieve two ends: to drive out the oppressive, alien occupier and to unite India as one nation, a unity that should remain non-negotiable, Jammu and Kashmir included. And unless this fundamental, integral premise is not forgotten, it will become clear that the protracted violence and sloganeering that continues in the name of the so-called azadi for Kashmiri Muslims is not a debate much less a point of view. And this is precisely what vast sections of our academia, media, intelligentsia and policy wonks want us to forget when they cynically throw around diversionary labels like human rights, hypernationalism and so on. This is the context in which we need to examine the ongoing fracas that Amnesty International India instigated in Bengaluru under the garb of human rights abuses by the Indian army against Kashmiri Muslims. I dont wish to dwell at length on the ongoing issue because its merely the latest manifestation of a rot whose roots go much farther back in time. Suffice to ask a few questions to Amnesty: Why hasnt it interviewed even one Kashmir Pandit over more than two decades after lakhs of them were forced out of the Valley by the selfsame Azadi torchbearers? And why hasnt Amnesty shown the sorry plight of the families of the slain Indian soldiers fighting to protect our borders? More importantly, why hasnt it interviewed the perpetrators of the worst human rights abuses, the Jihadi groups and their enablers who violently execute this noble task of 'Azadi'? And what was the crying need for Amnesty to organise an event of such a nature knowing well that it would lead to controversy in the first place? Equally, the timing of the event also arouses a doubt: is it to keep the flames of sympathy for the slain terrorist Burhan Wani still burning? The answers will become evident the moment we hold the mirror to Amnesty International specifically and to the entire West-and-Church-funded Human Rights cottage industry. Human Rights as an interventionist model The Western Human Rights cottage industry follows the historical colonial model of saving souls and the white mans burden repackaged to fit contemporary times. Its core doctrine is dictated by interference in the affairs of independent nations using whatever tools are deemed fit including think tanks, bureaucracy, local advocacy groups, universities and the media. We can turn to Lee Kuan Yew again: nail your colours to the mast, defend it and say, This is my flag, this is what I believe in. I believe in open debate, arguments, persuasion, I hope to win by votes. But start manipulating innocent professional groups, cultural groups and make them support political causes, whether its freedom of the foreign press or whatever, then I say you are looking for unpleasant linkages with what has happened in the past. [Emphasis added] And more crucially, We allow American journalists in Singapore in order to report Singapore to their fellow countrymenBut we cannot allow them to assume a role in Singapore that the American media play in America, that is, that of invigilator, adversary and inquisitor of the administration. Now apply this to the Indian situation and notice how dangerously true this has turned out. From Amnesty International to the clutch of foreign media houses with a single-minded agenda of demonising and pressuring the Narendra Modi government on mostly phony grounds, and causing mini-conflicts at regular intervals. Would the US or UK allow say, a desi version of Amnesty International to pry into its racism, police brutality, illegal detentions and spying on private citizens in the name of homeland security? Its a beautiful model though: first, identify a target country for intervention and concoct a random narrative of human rights abuses there, and when that countrys government protests, portray such protest as a proof of the poor human rights record of the country. It is nobodys claim that there are no human rights abuses in India or anywhere else the world. The point is that every country has its own ways of dealing with it, and no external agency should be accorded permission to interfere in the internal affairs of independent nations. Would the US or UK allow say, a desi version of Amnesty International to pry into its racism, police brutality, illegal detentions and spying on private citizens in the name of homeland security? Amnesty International India is thus precisely a case in point. The slogan shouters, its volunteers, its donors, and supporters are all mostly Indian citizens participating in alien agendas that include abusing and demoralising the Indian armed forces, and escalating social and gender tensions among others. Revisiting Amnesty International in India It might come as a surprise but Amnesty International was allowed to open shop in India only as late as in 2012. However, a short trip to the past reveals this interventionist agenda it has always had for Kashmir and Punjab, to begin with. We can examine excerpts from just three Congressional records: The Congressional House Record of 10 June, 1991 Placed by Rep Dan Burton, heres how it reads: the President shall report to the Congress whether the Government of India is implementing a policy which prevents representatives of Amnesty Internationalfrom visiting India in order to monitor human rights conditions And if India still disallowed entry to Amnesty, all development assistance for India shall be terminated. And on Kashmir, the Congressdemands that the Government of India open the borders ofJammu and Kashmir to Amnesty Internationalto permit an accurate assessment of of the human rights situation This is the same Dan Burton who later was part of the team of US politicians who participated in denying the Visa to Narendra Modi. The Congressional (House) Record of 10 May, 2000 (Extensions of Remarks) Tabled by Rep Edolphus Towns cities an Amnesty International report that falsely blamed the then NDA government as responsible for the killing of 36 Sikhs at Chithi Singhpora. More tellingly, Towns says America should also supportplebiscites in Kashmir, in Christian Nagaland and throughout India. This is the way to bring real freedom, peace, prosperity and stability to South Asia. [Emphasis added] The Congressional (House) Record of 1 June, 2004 (Extensions of Remarks) Tabled yet again by Rep Edolphus Towns makes Punjab a part of Khalistan. Its instructive to read this record at some length: "Mr Speaker, on 12 May, the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness conducted a hearing into human-rights violations in Kashmir and in Punjab, KhalistanWitnesses travelled from Kashmirto testify. Those testifying included Mr T Kumar, Advocacy DirectorAsia, Amnesty InternationalDr. Ghulam Nabi Fai India claims to be democratic, but it is really a brutal tyranny Amnesty International hasnot been allowed into Punjab since 1978" [Emphasis added] What does this tell India about Amnestys alarming reach in the highest corridors of the US government? Given this, its hard not to appreciate the farsightedness of past Indian governments, which had accurately assessed its true character and kept it out of India. The role of Amnesty in India can also be examined in tandem in light of its aggressive campaign against denying the US visa to Narendra Modi and its nexus with the global Human Rights Award industry with generous backing of Evangelists of all hues. We can turn to the meticulously researched work, NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds by Vigil, Chennai, first published in 2006: "No Indian government will allow Amnesty International to set foot inside this country Amnesty International will ask neither the Indian government for the truth, facts and figures[but] will ask the likes of Teesta Setalvad, Harsh Mander and Kathy Sreedhar" (Page 251) The book informs us how in the year 2000, a certain Martin Macwan, a Christian from Gujarat received these awards: the Magsaysay and the Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Award. And one William Schulz, former Executive Director of Amnesty International, Smita Narula of Human Rights Watch and Kathy Sreedhar of the Holdeen India Fund recommended Macwans name to the judges. Now, Schulz is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, and served as president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. And Amnestys deep links with the Evangelicals show up more distinctively in its campaign to deny Modi the US visa. Heres Zahir Janmohamed, former Amnesty employee: "In March 2005, the United States denied a visa to Gujarats chief minister, Narendra Modiit came about from a highly unusual coalition made up of Indian-born activists, evangelical Christians, Jewish leaders and Republican members of CongressI had a front-row seat to these events as they unfolded. I worked in Washington DC, from 2003 to 2011, mostly at Amnesty International and in the United States Congress, and I was a part of the campaign to deny Mr Modi a visa" And how Amnesty bullied talk show host Chris Mathews by writing a letter to American Express asking it to withdraw its sponsorship of the conference with Narendra Modi. Of course, the conference never happened because Modis visa was denied. Funding Sources, Conflicts of Interest Indeed, if Amnesty International operates with seeming impunity on this scale, it is also because of its funding and its labyrinthine web of relationships which continue to cause controversy. Founded in 1961 by the Catholic lawyer Peter Beneson, Amnesty International was infiltrated early on by the UK Intelligence. The book, Like Water on Stone: The Story of Amnesty International says: "Benesons suspicious about Amnestys collusion with the [UK] Foreign Office continued to fester in his mindthe Labour Party [Governments] obvious embarrassment over the Aden issue deepened his suspicions that someone was working to keep the matter quiet. And top of his list of suspects was Robert Swann[who] had worked for the British Foreign Office in BangkokBeneson began to suspect that Swann andhis colleagues were part of a British Intelligence conspiracy to subvert Amnesty He contacted Sean MacBride [founding member of Amnesty and former Chief of Staff of the Irish Republican Army] another bombshell exploded. An American source disclosed that CIA money was going to a US organization of jurists which in turn contributed funds to the International Commission of Jurists, of which Sean MacBride was secretaryBeneson became convinced that MacBride was tied up in a CIA network." (Pages 127-128) This co-founder of Amnesty International, Sean MacBride went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Subsequently, a Sean MacBride Peace Prize was instituted in his honour. In 2000, the Communist journalist and author Praful Bidwai, and Delhi University Professor Achin Vanaik were awarded the MacBride Peace Prize. The NGO watchdog website, NGO Monitor has this to say about Amnestys funding: "Although AI claims that it does not accept any funds for human rights research from governments or political parties from governments or political parties, it has received governmental funding, including from the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the European Commission, the Netherlands, the United States, and Norway." NGO Monitor has also published a monograph titled Amnesty International: Failed Methodology, Corruption, and Anti-Israel Bias, in which it details the various irregularities committed by Amnesty. As corroboration, we can also look at the International Business Times, which published a report on Amnestys funding anomalies: the messy and somewhat mysterious departure of Shettys predecessor, Irene Khan, cast a harsh glare on Amnestys internal strife and financial issues. Khan, who had led the organization since 2001, was given a severance pay package of more than 533,000 ($760,000 in 2012 currency), while her deputy Kate Gilmore received a hefty 325,244 ($493,000) payout An Australian blogger thundered: I am not sure about an international organisation that collects donations and then pays the leaving secretary- general 533,103 or 4 times her yearly wage... That is a lot of money and I am sure [it] could have been used much better to champion fight for human rights that Amnesty International go on about. In 2007, the Catholic Church, a long-time supporter of Amnesty, withdrew donations owing to the group's pro-abortion stance. NGO-Monitor noted, in 2008, the campaigners received a four-year grant from the British government's Department for International Development (DFID in excess 3 million, including more than 840,000 in 2011 alone Amnesty has also received funds from the European Commission, as well as from the government of Netherlands, the US, and Norway. In 2009, NGO-Monitor cites, Amnesty received 2.5 million (approximately 1 percent of its donations) from government entities. The British government was the third largest donor (at 800,000). Amnesty also received government funding in 2008 (1million), 2007 (1 million), and 2006 (2 million). Theres just no other way of saying this: we slept, our political class fought internally, our governments became alphabet soups of warring political factions even as the likes of Amnesty International made slow, steady but sure inroads. The report also mentions the name of Amnesty Internationals Secretary-General, Salil Shetty who earns nearly 200,000 ($305,000) a year. Salil Shetty is the son of the Bengaluru-based VT Rajashekhar, publisher of the notorious journal, Dalit Voice, which Arun Shourie characterized as a venomous rag. And that brings us to the question of conflicts of interests, which are aplenty and the nexus, deadly to say the least. Here are a few names: Aakar Patel, currently India head of Amnesty International has a lengthy record of baiting Prime Minister Narendra Modi in racist language and generally building a casteist narrative of Hindu society. His wife, Tushita Aakar Patel is/was the political secretary of disgraced business tycoon, Vijay Mallya whose foray in the media business is shown by his connection to NDTV. Salil Shetty was previously Chief Executive of ActionAid and Director, United Nations Millennium Campaign. Sonia Gandhis confidant, Harsh Mander had once been the head of ActionAid. Suzanne Nossel, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, was drawn directly from the US State Department, again, utterly contradicting Amnesty's claims of being "independent" of governments and corporate interests. George Macfarlane, formerly with Greenpeace International and Oxfam. Minar Pimple, Senior Director of Global Operations at Amnesty International was Regional Director of the United Nations Millennium Campaign, and Oxfam India. Divya Iyer, now Research Manager at Amnesty International, India was with NDTV, AajTak and CNN-IBN. Carolyn Hardy, now a co-opted member of Amnesty, was with United Nations and UNICEF. Anantapadmanabhan, now Executive Director at Amnesty International India, was formerly Executive Director, Greenpeace India. Im sure one can uncover more such relationships in this complex web of the NGO-Human Rights-Foreign Governments-Church universe but the worrying aspect is their former and present connections to international bodies like the UN and the US State Department. And so, is it any surprise that when the Modi government showed the door to Greenpeace India, one of the first and most vocal critics was Amnesty? Friends with Jihadis Even if we grant that Amnesty International is focused on the noble tasks in the Human Rights sphere, we need to but ask a fundamental question: what is its record in adhering to the Indian national interest? The evident answer: terrible. Amnesty International has consistently deepened fissures in the Indian society by escalating internal fault-lines using various devices one of which is manufacturing and disseminating atrocity literature. About a year ago, Amnesty published a scurrilous petition about the rape of two Dalit girls in Uttar Pradeshs Baghpat region, which was supposedly ordered by the villages Khap panchayat. The petition generated more than 500000 signatures but the truth was revealed a few days later by this Reuters report: "members of the village council in the Baghpat region of northern India have told Reuters they passed no such order. Family members of the two sisters also told Reuters they are unsure if the ruling was made. And local police deny any such directive was given." But then Amnestys purpose had been served: the phony petition will be another notch in Amnestys narrative of widespread human rights abuses that continue to occur in India. Not to be left behind, Amnesty too, had a hand in supporting the anti-Kudankulam protests, which had the covert backing of Hillary Clinton. Now, sample this overview to India on Amnesty Internationals India web page: "Authorities clamped down on civil society organizations critical of official policies, and increased restrictions on foreign funding. Religious tensions intensified, and gender- and caste-based discrimination and violence remained pervasive. Censorship and attacks on freedom of expression by hardline Hindu groups grew. Scores of artists, writers and scientists returned national honours in protest against what they said was a climate of growing intolerance The criminal justice system remained flawed, violating fair trial rights and failing to ensure justice for abuses. Extrajudicial executions and torture and other ill-treatment persisted." Gives the picture of a horrible tyranny, right? And the instances it gives to back up all these claims are supplied precisely by the local award wapsi brigade, the intolerance bogey and the rest. Never mind the fact that India allows Amnesty freedom enough to actually write all this. Had Amnestys claims been true, it wouldve received the treatment that Lee Kuan Yew gave it in the past. Indeed, is it narratives like this that prompts US politicians like Towns to label India as a brutal tyranny on the floor of the House. If this is on the one side, the other side is more worrying. We can begin with the name of Gita Sahgal, whose statement slamming Amnesty was reported by Firstpost. This former Amnesty International employee was suspended in 2010 by the organization. Christopher Hitchens narrates what happened in Slate: Amnesty International has just suspended one of its senior officers, a woman named Gita Sahgal who until recently headed the organization's "gender unit." It's fairly easy to summarize her concern in her own words. "To be appearing on platforms with Britain's most famous supporter of the Taliban, whom we treat as a human rights defender," she wrote, "is a gross error of judgment." One might think that to be an uncontroversial statement, but it led to her immediate suspension. The most famous supporter of Taliban was Moazzem Begg who was detained at Guantanamo Bay in the wake of 9/11. Hes friends with militant groups like Hizb-ut Tahrir, and extremists like Abu Hamza. And Amnesty International lends its support to him. And how! A 2014 Wall Street Journal article on Amnesty says: is "jihad in self-defence...antithetical to human rights? Our answer is no." That was how Claudio Cordone, then Amnesty International's interim secretary-general, responded in February 2010 to criticism after the human-rights group made ex-Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg its poster child Nor was Amnesty bothered that, alongside his "human-rights" work, Begg was conducting fawning interviews with Al-Qaeda propagandists such as the late terrorist imam Anwar al-Awlaki The world needs morally credible human-rights organizations. Amnesty too often isn't one of them. In fact, given the pattern of Amnestys interventions over the years, it seems to be on the side of radical jihadists early on, from supporting violent extremists in Kashmir and Punjab to Taliban now. But theres more. NGO Monitors numerous reports also show how Amnesty International has taken to supporting Palestinian terrorists and has consistently painted the state of Israel as the villain. One of the reports as much as calls it Amnestys war on Israel. It is worth perusing NGO Monitors collection of reports on Amnestys damning record of supporting pro-Jihadis both in the Middle East and elsewhere. Rajiv Malhotra recounts in a 2004 article, the words of Nobel Laureate David Trimble: One of the great curses of this world is the human rights industry. They justify terrorist acts and end up being complicit in the murder of innocent victims. His words drew an angry reaction from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, two of the worlds biggest human rights groups, with more than a million members worldwide. And why would it invite said angry reaction when Trimble hadnt named anybody? Guilty conscience much? How did we get here? As far as India is concerned, Amnestys human rights work has been selective to say the least. Apart from completely ignoring the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, Amnesty has been mum about the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Hindus in West Bengal at the hands of both illegal Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators and local Muslim extremists. It appears as though Amnesty is wilfully blind to this despite the meticulous, detailed and heartrending documentation of this massacre on the Hindu Samhati Global Media website. This equally applies to Hindu workers and RSS members murdered with alarming regularity in Kerala either at the hands of Communists or Muslims or both. Apparently some lives deserve to be violently extinguished. Given this historical pattern, it goes without saying that today, Kashmirs 'azadi' might be Amnestys focus area and tomorrow, it could be West Bengal: perhaps all thats required is for that one spark of separatism to be lit. How did we even get here? As weve seen earlier, Amnesty has invested in India for nearly four decades: recall the US House Representatives claim that Amnesty was disallowed in Punjab in 1978. What does that tell us? What does it say about our capabilities, even our self-worth, that we allow this kind of (alien) Congressional hearings about our internal matters? Theres just no other way of saying this: we slept, our political class fought internally, our governments became alphabet soups of warring political factions even as the likes of Amnesty International made slow, steady but sure inroads. In Arun Shouries words, the Indian state steadily hollowed out. And it finally gave in during Sonia Gandhis decade-long NGO regime where the likes of Greenpeace and Amnesty flourished, the cancer eating Indias vitals. And now, when the Government itself tries to mitigate the situation, it has to face internal and international resistance and hostility on an epic scale. Indeed, it appears that weve remained in a civilisational inertia of meekly allowing the West to lecture us about human rights given how the sponsors of these human-rights-advocates continue to bomb entire countries out of existence and are on a spree of plundering the planet. And so, the fundamental question remains: given what these human rights worthies have done and continue to do, is something like Amnesty International even required in India? If the answer is yes, then we might as well concede defeat and throw up our hands in helplessness at being unable to guarantee our own internal and external security and national integrity. Union minister Venkaiah Naidu on Thursday lashed out at the Congress over former Home Minister P Chidambaram's remarks on the Kashmir unrest and said that his remarks showed the level of inconsistency of the Congress. "The only consistency in the Congress is its inconsistency," said Naidu in New Delhi. "The statement of the former Home Minister P Chidambaram shows the casual and reckless manner of the Congress when discussing Kashmir," he further said. "Congress has once again displayed its insensitivity on the Kashmir issue. Its own leaders are not in consonance...One day, Kapil Sibal says something. The next day, Congress disowns it," he said. "These statements and contradictions show lack of maturity and signs of political opportunism," Naidu said, referring to how the Congress distanced itself from Chidambaram's remarks. "Their utterances are totally out of sync with the mood of the country," Naidu further said. "Why is Congress trying to exonerate Pakistan? I appeal to these parties to be realistic and understand the sentiments of the people." Naidu's reaction came a day after Chidambaram had blamed the PDP-BJP government for the unrest in Kashmir Valley and said the statements of Prime Minister Narendra Modi have "exacerbated" the crisis. Chidambaram said he was deeply concerned over the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, which is "sliding into total chaos". "The PDP-BJP government is squarely responsible for the sharp deterioration in the last 6 weeks," he said in a statement. He also said that the Congress, National Conference and PDP should form an alliance to bring about peace in Kashmir but Congress rejected that idea and said that Chidambaram's views were "personal and individual views". "Obviously, unless any party line is announced, it is his individual view. But an individual view is not to be seen the way you are seeing it...Somebody has expressed a hope and that is his personal view," Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi had said. At the AICC briefing, he had said, "A person is free to write and speak, so long as he is expressing a personal opinion a hope, a wish, a desire and not going against any established party opinion." With inputs from PTI There is a legend that if a Gurkha takes out his khukri from its scabbard, he must draw blood from its edge before sheathing it. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has drawn his khukri over Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and Balochistan, and it cannot go into its scabbard until he touches it with crimson. Whether or not the Indian prime minister has the mojo to be a Gurkha is yet to be seen, but it is clear that the war cry resonates: Ho ki hoye na. The most famous war strategist Sun Tzu said that an armys most important element for being effective was its supply lines. From guns to gum, from bazookas to bandages and hot food, not to forget hot tea millions of cups of tea an army marches on its stomach. In his words: Attacking with the purpose of removing the enemy's supply... then curls into its rear to cut it off from home; Win without fighting. On this canvas, the attack by militants on an army convoy in Baramulla not two days after Modi trumped the table is a matter of concern in that it indicates a pattern. India should be ready for more ambushes of this variety. Disrupting Indias supply lines would be the most sensible option for Pakistan. All convoys are now fair game by proxy. Having opened a new front where the Baloch leaders are asking India for military aid, Modi now has to give his forces full rein for they are on the frontline and they are the ones who will bear the brunt of the hostility. And hostility there will be. In 1971, when I was officially the youngest war correspondent sent to cover the war dispatched by Khushwant Singh and being from the only family in the world where four brothers made the rank of general in the same corps (one of them getting the MVC and the other a Sena medal), I saw up close and personal during the Battle of Basantar the biggest tank battle since Rommel and his Afrika Corps how war is the worst option. If it wasn't for Jehangir Gazder of Newsweek I would have been a POW. At 21, I thought it okay to 'interview' a Pakistani colonel in a war zone, until Gazder pulled me in and screamed the house down. And the other lessons were gross. War sucks. Big time. There is no romance, no grand John Wayne gesture, just the stench of cordite and corpses. One can only hope that India and Pakistan avoid an all-out battle, but the deck is being stacked and so rapidly that we might find it inevitable to cock the gun. The one saving grace is that the human instinct for survival will kick in. Pakistan may talk about nuking Delhi in 15 minutes, but these are orgasmic scenarios and not really on the cards. What is on the cards is the upgrade in sporadic raids, an increase in terror activities and clearly, with very little doubt, a wake-up call to the sleeper agents and fifth columnists on Indian territory. In contrast, India has none or almost negligible numbers across the border. This is Indias intrinsic weakness and the only way to combat it is to send out a message to Islamabad that a new front has been opened. That this front will not close nor is it a passing phase. Like they say in Kerala give an elephant but dont give hope. We have given the people in these regions hope. The scariest factor for Pakistan as it struggles to subdue the freedom movement in PoK, Balochistan and Azad Kashmir is that in Jammu and Kashmir, there may be a realisation that with Article 370 offering this huge umbrella of comfort perhaps Pakistan is not the best alternative. After all, the spoiling over all these years is one of the major reasons for the contempt. Will the lifting of this Article and all it offers be a logical step for Modi somewhere down the line? It cannot be ruled out. Sooner than you think. It is the transparent rung on this ladder. Any way you turn this Rubiks cube it is coming up in Indias favour. For the first time India has the diplomatic and political lead and can dictate the signposting. Yes, it is going to be tough. Modi should be prepared to prioritise and make national security the number one call of the day. Not since Kargil have the armed forces been bestowed the importance that they deserve. India could be hurt on the streets as much as on the border. For India, the difference between militants and regular forces is a blurred line and it cannot afford to enjoy the luxury of asking "Who goes there?". Everyone suspicious has to be challenged. India should talk peace but by holding the thick end of the straw for once, be ready to do battle. On the border and the city streets. Pakistan will be reluctant to go to war. It will exercise the option of skirmishes and soft target attacks. For India a time to be alert and ready for high noon. It is already 11.50. In the 10 minutes left on this doomsday clock, it is entirely up to Pakistan to name the date, the place and the agenda and get out of Jammu and Kashmir. If Modi puts the khukri back in its sheath without metaphorically drawing blood he will not live it down. That blade is now glinting in the sun. Islamabad: Balochistan Chief Minister Sanaullah Zehri on Thursday said no one in the Pakistani province had supported Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement that the Baloch people had thanked him for his support. "We condemn Narendra Modi's statement on Balochistan. No one in Balochistan supported his statement. There is no comparison between the struggle for liberation in India-held Kashmir and the so-called Balochistan insurgency," Zehri asserted at a rally in Quetta, the provincial capital. Modi in his speech on 15 August, India's Independence Day, said "people of Balochistan, Gilgit and PoK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) have thanked me a lot in past few days, I am grateful to them". According to media reports, Modi's comments sparked protests across Balochistan, with large numbers of tribesmen taking to the streets in protest in Dera Bugti, Khuzdar, Quetta, Chaman and other parts of the province. Angry protestors set ablaze the Indian flag and chanted slogans against the Indian Prime Minister at many places. "We didn't ask the people to come out on the streets they are on the streets themselves," the Pakistan Muslim League-N lawmaker said of the protests against Modi. "The Kashmiris are agitating for their right to self-determination in accordance with UN resolutions, whereas in Balochistan there is only a small group working on the behest of the enemy country," Zehri said, referring to suspected Indian involvement. "I swear on the blood of the dead, wherever these terrorists are, we will hunt them down." "The Indian government fully supports the ongoing insurgency in Balochistan. It is deeply involved in sponsoring elements like Brahamdagh Bugti, Haerbyar Marri, Zamran Marri and Allah Nazar," he said. "Balochistan is part of Pakistan and is run by a democratically elected government," he said. "The Pakistan Army is ours and we will not tolerate any Indian interference in our internal matters," he added. New Delhi: Government on Thursday said it is yet to decide on the level of India's participation at the Saarc Finance Ministers meeting later this month in Islamabad, amid indications that Arun Jaitley may skip the conference due to strain in ties between the two countries. "No decision has been taken so far on India's level of participation at SAARC Finance Ministers meet in Islamabad," Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Vikas Swarup told reporters in New Delhi at his weekly media briefing. The conference is scheduled on 25-26 August in Islamabad. Earlier this week, official sources had said that Jaitley may not visit Pakistan due to "political reasons". "You all know what happened last time and what is happening," a source had said, referring to Home Minister Rajnath Singh's visit to Islamabad earlier this month, which was also for a Saarc Ministerial meeting. Barbs were exchanged between Singh and Pakistan Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, who only had a tense and uneasy handshake during the Saarc meeting. Pakistani authorities did not allow entry of Indian mediapersons, including those from PTI and Doordarshan, inside the venue of 7th Saarc Home Ministers Meeting in Islamabad. Singh had informed Rajya Sabha that after the meeting was over, Pakistan's Home Minister, who was the host, invited the participants for lunch but left in a car soon thereafter. "Keeping in mind the country's prestige, I did what I should have done. I have no complaints. I had not gone there for lunch," he had said. India had on Wednesday rejected Pakistan's proposal to hold Foreign Secretary-level talks on Kashmir and made it clear that terrorism was "central" to its relations with Islamabad, whose different view and attitude has made it difficult for bilateral ties to grow. That apart, in his Independence Day address to the nation earlier this week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that India will not bow before terrorism, and also brought up Pakistani atrocities on people of Baluchistan and PoK, saying that they have thanked him for doing so. Though Modi did not make any reference to Kashmir valley, which is witnessing violence after the killing of Hizbul Commander Burhan Wani, he accused Pakistan of glorifying terrorists and celebrating the killings in India. Pakistan's Finance Ministry in a recent statement had said the country would play the role of a "good host" and try to keep the overall ambiance positive. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation. Its member states include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Islamabad: Pakistan on Thursday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi crossed the "red line" by talking about Balochistan and asserted that it will "forcefully" raise the Kashmir issue at the UN General Assembly session next month. "The Prime Minister strongly pleaded the case of Kashmir during General Assembly session last year and we will again forcefully raise the issue," Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said. Zakaria, in his weekly news briefing in Islamabad, also took strong exception to the remarks by Prime Minister Modi on Balochistan. Prime Minister Modi had brought up Pakistani atrocities on people of Balochistan and PoK in his Independence Day speech. "It is the violation of the UN Charter...He (Modi) crossed the red line by talking about Balochistan," Zakaria said. He alleged that India was involved in subversive activities in Balochistan and Karachi. Zakaria also claimed that India was referring to Balochistan to cover up its human rights violations in Kashmir. Zakaria said Prime Minister Sharif will lead the official delegation at the General Assembly session. He said the UN Secretary General and most of the UN members had already been informed about the "precarious situation" in Kashmir. Zakaria said the UN and international community should remind India that it must fulfil its commitment to give the right of self-determination to the people of Jammu and Kashmir as per Security Council resolutions. He said the issue was still outstanding on the Security Council agenda for more than six decades. "Pakistan strongly condemns the continuing use of force by India and violation of human rights. The brutal use of force has killed at least 80 people and at least 100 have been blinded by use of pellet guns," Zakaria alleged. He said the international community and human rights organisations should call upon India to stop use of "brute force" in Kashmir. Asked about Indian taking action against Amnesty International, he said it showed how India was treating the issue of human rights in Kashmir. Zakaria said Pakistan had proposed to India to hold talks on Kashmir. However, he refused to confirm if India had responded to the proposal. When asked about any conditions India had put before them for starting dialogue, the spokesman said Pakistan proposed that Kashmir should be the focus of the talks. Zakaria also claimed that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was aimed at economic development of not only Pakistan and China but the entire region. He said India's objection to such a beneficial economic project was beyond comprehension. Zakaria said Pakistan had invited finance ministers of Saarc countries for the next week meeting but so far was waiting for confirmation on Arun Jaitley's participation. The Prime Minister's Office has now scrapped a 32-year-old list that barred 212 Sikhs residing abroad from entering India, reported Economic Times. The report cited government officials as saying that a committee headed by an additional secretary of the home ministry had examined the blacklist, and about 212 cases of a total of 324 were removed. A move strategically made ahead of Punjab polls, the delisting followed soon after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visits to the UK and Canada in the past year where several Sikh NRI groups had sought prime minister's attention into reconsidering the travel ban. What is this list? After Operation Bluestar in 1984 and Kanishka bombings in 1985, the then incumbent Congress government had blacklisted certain Sikh families who had protested the Army action at the Golden Temple or were allegedly involved in anti-national activities. These families had then sought asylum abroad mostly in the United States, UK and Canada. According to this report by The Indian Express, the blacklist is being maintained by the Foreigners Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs and not made available in public domain. The report reveals that it was only after the leaders in Punjab started receiving complaints from Sikhs abroad, in the early 1990s, about being denied entry into India, the existence of the blacklist became known. However, this report by The Tribune on 30 March mentioned 21 names which were delisted and the mentioned people thereon could avail access to India. The list included names of Ripudaman Singh Malik, accused (and later acquitted) in the Kanishka bombing in 1985; Resham Singh Babbar, accused of being one of the conspirators in former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singhs assassination case; Massa Singh, an aide of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale; Satbir Singh Bhullar; Satnam Singh Johl; Gian Singh Sandhu; Daljit Singh Sekhon; Mokham Singh Bagria; Parshottam Singh Pamma; Gurwinder Singh Rana (associated with AISSF); Gurmeet Singh Aulakh; Prof Uday Singh, Parminder Singh Bal, Raghbir Singh Johar and Amrik Singh Gill and Bhupinder Singh Johal. Top government sources were quoted in this report as saying that the motive of delisting is to make them pledge their allegiance to the Indian Constitution. However, with the Assembly elections round the corner, the move could definitely help the BJP-led government to gain ground in Punjab and ensure NRI vote bank. Beirut: Syrian authorities are committing torture on a "massive scale" in government prisons including beatings, electric shocks, rape and psychological abuse that amount to crimes against humanity, Amnesty International said on Wednesday. More than 17,700 people are estimated to have died in custody in Syria since the country's conflict began in March 2011, an average of more than 300 each month, the watchdog said in a report. Anyone seen as an opponent of the government is at risk of arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearance and death in custody, according to Amnesty. It said the report was based on interviews with 65 torture survivors, mostly civilians, who described "appalling abuse and inhuman conditions" in intelligence agency detention centres and the Saydnaya Military Prison near Damascus. Most described witnessing at least one, if not several, deaths in custody, Amnesty said. Detainees are frequently subjected to a beating, known as a "welcome party", after their arrival at a prison by guards using tools such as silicone bars or hoses. "They had to break us; they treated us like animals. They wanted people to be as inhuman as possible," according to a former detainee identified as Samer, who Amnesty said was arrested while transporting humanitarian supplies. "I didn't see anyone die but I saw the blood, it was like a river," he said. Omar S, who was a 17-year-old high-school student at the time of his arrest in 2012 after taking part in demonstrations, said the detainees were asked upon their arrival if they were ill. "It felt like the purpose was death, some form of natural selection to get rid of the weak as soon as they arrive," he said. "They first asked my friend and he said, 'Yes, I have breathing problems I have asthma.' They started beating him until he died, right there in front of me." The rights group said it had documented cases of rape and sexual violence against both men and women. They include Said, a pro-democracy activist, who said that he was suspended by one hand while blindfolded. "While I was hanging ... they used an electroshock baton to hit my penis. Then they took the electroshock device and inserted it into my anus and switched it on. This was my first experience of rape. Then one of the guards asked for my face to be uncovered and I saw my father there. He had witnessed all of it." Syrian opposition activists have released haunting footage showing a young boy rescued from the rubble in the aftermath of a devastating airstrike in Aleppo. The image speaks volumes of the horror and trauma faced by thousands of children caught in the crossfire in the Syrian civil war. It is a vivid reminder of the tragedies that the war has been spreading. The image of the stunned and weary looking boy, sitting in an orange chair inside an ambulance covered in dust and with blood on his face, encapsulates the horrors inflicted on the war-ravaged northern city and is being widely shared on social media. The five-year-old Omran Daqneesh can be seen sitting stunned at the back of the ambulance. He was reportedly one of the five children injured in the military strike. Osama Abu al-Ezz confirmed he was brought to the hospital known as "M10" on Wednesday night following an airstrike on the rebel-held neighborhood of Qaterji with head wounds, but no brain injury, and was later discharged. Rescue workers and journalists arrived at Qaterji shortly after the strike and began pulling victims from the rubble. "We were passing them from one balcony to the other," said photojournalist Mahmoud Raslan, who took the iconic photo. He said he had passed along three lifeless bodies before receiving the wounded boy. In the video posted late Wednesday by the Aleppo Media Center, a man is seen plucking the boy away from a chaotic nighttime scene and carrying him inside the ambulance, looking dazed and flat-eyed. The boy then runs his hand over his blood-covered face, looks at his hands and wipes them on the ambulance chair. With inputs from AP Washington: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has received his first classified intelligence briefing which he said he is unlikely to "use" if he is elected in November's general election. As per the US laws, presidential nominees of the Democratic and Republican parties receive classified presidential briefings which prepares them for presidency if elected. Given some of his rhetoric in the past, his opponents have urged the US Government not to provide him with intelligence briefing. However, the FBI went ahead with its well established tradition of providing classified briefings to the GOP candidate, which happened at the FBI office in New York. Trump was accompanied by two of his confidants New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn. The briefing that reportedly lasted for more than two hours was led by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. While there was no word, these classified intelligence briefings normally includes on threats to the US and other security issues. It is not secret intelligence briefings which includes operational intelligence. Before the briefing, Trump said he would not much depend on such intelligence briefings. "Very easy to use them, but I won't use them, because they've made such bad decisions. If we would have never touched it, it would have been a lot better," Trump told Fox News in an interview. Before headed for intelligence briefing, Trump held round table with his national security team on defeating radical Islam, his campaign said. "Today, Mr. Trump convened a meeting of some of the top foreign policy and national security experts in the country to discuss how to win the war against Radical Islamic Terrorism," said his national policy director Stephen Miller. "The participants talked about improving immigration screening and standards to keep out radicals, working with moderate Muslims to foster reforms, and partnering with friendly regimes in the Middle East to stamp out ISIS," he said. "This is a stark contrast to Hillary Clinton who wants to bring in 620,000 refugees with no way to screen them, who refuses to say radical Islam, and who bears direct responsibility for the rise of ISIS with her disastrous interventions overseas," Miller said. It was not immediately known when Trump's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton would receive such a briefing or when it has been scheduled for. Several Republican leaders have called for Clinton not to be given classified information in view of the email scandal. New York: Indo-US cooperation in defence technology and trade initiatives will be the focus of the US Air Force Secretary's upcoming visit to India during which she will also discuss with top Indian officials proposals to co-produce aircrafts in India. Deborah Lee James will travel to India later this month as part of a maiden visit to four Asian countries that would also take her to Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines and will discuss the situation in the South China sea as well as the growing threat of terrorism. During her visit to India, she will meet Chief of Air Staff Marshal Arup Raha and Defence Secretary G Mohan Kumar and will also discuss with her Indian counterparts proposals to co-produce aircrafts in India in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious 'Make in India' campaign. "We will be looking to see how can we deepen our partnerships and how can we take it to the next level," James said in response to a question by PTI at a press briefing in New York on Wednesday on what her focus will be during her visit to India. She said she will discuss defence technology and follow up on the trade initiatives, which were launched during US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter's visit to India in April. James replied in the affirmative when asked if she will follow up on American defence major Lockheed Martin's proposals to assemble F-16s in India as well as on discussions to collaborate in bolstering India's fighter jets and the jet engine technology working group. "I will be following up on all of those topics, discussing these counterpart to counterpart on a bilateral basis. I will be seeking the views of my counterparts, what their opinion is on the various proposals on the table and what more needs to happen to advance the ball on some of these proposals. "I am also aware of the Prime Minister's push for Make in India and the importance of creating new jobs in that sector. One of the proposals would be to co-produce certain aircrafts in India and that might be one example of something that will be useful from a military standpoint but also might play into the Make in India campaign," she said. James said she would also follow up on the initiatives launched during Carter's visit and the possible outcomes of it from the Air Force perspective. She, however, noted that while some proposals will move forward, others may not if they are not the right fit. Describing the Indian Air Force as a "very effective fighting unit", she said it has been a participant over the years in "red-flag" exercise series, where the US gets together with coalition partners to train and inter-operate and "test ourselves in a high-end and very challenging difficult environment". James added that she also looks forward to congratulating India on the "magnificent execution" of the operation undertaken to evacuate Indian citizens from South Sudan. James said she also looks forward to "congratulating the Chief of Air Force in particular on what is I think a magnificent execution of the C-17 operation where Indian citizens were evacuated from South Sudan. Well done on that, well done. India had launched 'Operation Sankat Mochan' to evacuate about 600 of its citizens from the war-torn country. The Indians were ferried back to the country by Indian Air Force carrier C-17 Globemasters. James leads a globally deployed force of nearly 660,000 active-duty, Guard, Reserve and civilian Airmen and oversees the Air Force's annual budget of more than USD 139 billion. The focus of her visit to the Asian countries, her first as Air Force Secretary, will be to underscore US support for efforts that bring peace, security, and prosperity to the Asia-Pacific region and to seek opportunities to deepen and expand the relationship between US and ally air forces. "The future that the US would like to see in the Indo-Asia Pacific region is a future where we are all working, collaborating and training together and not just in a military sense but in a political and economic sense also," she said. "Freedom of navigation and legal use of the sea and airspace is a central part of this idea of cooperation and that is why the Air Force and the US Navy have engaged in freedom of navigation operations. We will fly and operate wherever international law allows and we believe that is the right of all countries to do so," she said. Asserting that the US considers the recent ruling from The Hague on South China Sea to be "legally binding on all parties", she said Washington hopes that "all of the claimants in the South China Sea will exercise restraint in the future and will work to lower tensions". "We certainly support the peaceful resolution of the disputes in this region. I look forward to discussing this and other matters with my counterparts during the visit in the region," she said, adding that the US stands "very firmly" behind the principle of freedom of navigation. GET OUR APP Our Spectrum News app is the most convenient way to get the stories that matter to you. Download it here. Chinese state media say a top military officer visited Syria this week in a show of support for President Bashar Assads embattled regime. The official Xinhua News Agency says Rear Adm. Guan Youfei met on Monday with Syrian Defense Minister Fahd Jassem al-Freij in Damascus. It said he also met the same day with a Russian general who is coordinating his countrys military assistance to Assads fight against armed opposition groups. Xinhua said Guan expressed Chinas willingness to boost military cooperation. Guan is head of the Office for International Military Cooperation under the Central Military Commission that oversees Chinas 2.3 million-member armed forces. While China has echoed Russias approach in backing Assad, it hasnt directly contributed forces in keeping with its policy of opposing outside intervention in domestic conflicts. AP Sheraton Grand Macao and The St. Regis Macao have launched eVent PortfolioTM, a mobile tool that streamlines event planning processes and offers environmentally-friendly alternatives. The eVent Portfolio which is free for meeting planners enables event planners, event managers and clients to collaborate via a centralized web-based tool. The user interface integrates all documents and correspondence and sorts them by time and date. The tool also features a special sustainability tab that lets planners track their usage of paper, energy and waste during their meetings. Both hotels will soon offer complimentary phone devices for business and leisure guests during their stay at any of the hotels combined 4,400 rooms. The phones offer unlimited local voice calls and data access while exploring the region. CEM donates used items to Salvation Army Companhia de Electricidade de Macau (CEM) has collaborated with the Salvation Army for the fourth year in a row to collect used clothes, toys and books in July and August. The company said it has received overwhelming support from staff, and the volume of clothes and toys collected has reached the highest over the years thanks to the assistance of the CEM Ambassadors Team members. A donation ceremony was held at the CEM Building yesterday, where the donated items were collected by the Salvation Army. CEM said in a statement that is has proactively supported work on environmental protection by promoting a green office culture. To encourage citizens to take part in environmental protection, the company organizes and participates in various activities including the Macao International Environmental Cooperation Forum & Exhibition, Macau Energy Saving Contest, Experience Life without Electricity Camp, CEM Energy Fun Fair, Solar & Capacitance Model Car Races among others. MGM announces specialty mooncakes and hampers MGM Macau has announced a new range of mooncakes and hampers to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, featuring a Mini Chocolate Mooncake with three different ganache fillings. The resorts specialty, the Black Garlic and Soy Milk flavor, is loaded with healthy fermented soybean and aged garlic. Also on offer is its Cherry and Dark Chocolate flavor, made with 70 percent premium cocoa. The classic Double Yolk White Lotus Paste Mooncake and the Mini Egg Custard Mooncake are also available. MGM Macaus festive hampers each contain a number of gifts, including MGMs special Luis Pato 1812 Reserva red wine, homemade strawberry jam and XO sauce. The Luxurious Hamper Edition includes premium dried scallop, Australian abalone and Jasmine Pearl Tea, among other items. The Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake vouchers and hampers are available at the resorts Pastry Bar until September 15. Lawmaker Pereira Coutinho accused the TDM Chinese Channel of running electoral propaganda for the Macao Jiangmen Communal Society, an avid supporter of legislator Mak Soi Kun campaign to AL. On a topic raised by the journalists during the press conference of Coutinho and Leong Veng Chai yesterday afternoon, Coutinho referred to a program of the TV station focused on the association and where the legislator is highlighted saying [it raised] questions of professional ethics and unfair competition as it was clear for the citizens that the programme was of electoral purpose since the lawmakers were there doing personal promotion, adding that a channel supported almost exclusively by the government cannot show preference for candidates to the AL. We have received several complaints and even questions about when [we] would be broadcast[ing] the programme of the fellows of Portugal and of Macau. We are waiting for the call from TDM to do that programme, he said, adding the government needs to inspect TDM and not let things develop in this way creating social instability, creating unfairness and social friction he said. To recall, the same association announced recently that it will distribute shopping vouchers and other gifts for a large number of members. Coutinho calls on the government to establish a real law based on the conflict of interests and that grants powers to a permanent organization to investigate and to sanction these practices at least for a period of one and half years before the elections. A suspected hit-and-run driver involved in accident that resulted in the death of a motorcyclist in Hong Kong was arrested last night, after eluding police authorities for 38 hours, reported Hong Kong-based newspaper The Standard. The 36-year-old suspect, surnamed Kwok, was arrested yesterday at around 7 p.m. for dangerous driving causing death, failing to stop after the accident and to report it to the police, driving without a valid license and without third-party insurance and claiming to be a member of a triad gang. The aforementioned accident occurred on Tuesday, when a 52-year-old motorcyclist was hit from behind by a seven-seater van. The motorcyclist sustained serious head injuries and was pronounced dead at the Princess Margaret Hospital. It was reported earlier, after the accident, that Kwok could be a casino employee in Macau, after membership cards from a casino and staff information were found in the van, believed to have been driven by the suspect. According to the Standard, an unidentified source told the newspaper that Kwok was known to be a triad member, making it easier for the police to track him down. Kwai Tsing regional crime squad is now investigating the case. A police source also informed that the suspect had claimed he was drunk at the time and did not see the motorcyclist. Security camera footage from the incident revealed that the seven-seater van changed lanes prior to the accident, from the fourth to the third and then the second, before immediately striking the motorcyclist who was riding ahead in the second lane. The arrest occurred after video clips of the incident surfaced online, showing a part of the accident and the immediate moments that followed it. DB A massive bomb has wrecked the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, killing at least 17 people including the UNs chief envoy to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. Three floors of the concrete building collapsed in the explosion. Hundreds of people were still at work, and it was an especially busy period since a news conference had just begun. Rescue efforts to dig out those trapped in the rubble are continuing into the night. Alice Yacoub, a UN employee, was sitting in the cafeteria when the blast happened. Everything came down on our heads, she said. I cant find my colleagues and Im worried about them. The UNs spokesman at the scene, Salim Lone, was working in his office when the bomb went off. There was a huge, shattering explosion. I was working on the computer, the glass in the window blew the woodwork, everything came out of the roof. I ran in to the corridor. Everybody was very severely wounded, very badly hurt, bleeding, people with blood on their face. A US military spokeswoman said the blast was caused by a truck bomb, possibly in a suicide bombing. Eyewitnesses said a concrete mixing lorry believed to have been carrying the bomb was parked just outside Mr de Mellos office when it went off at about 1640 local time (1240 GMT). The highly-respected 55-year-old Brazilian diplomat died after being trapped under rubble for several hours. He was one of the UNs most experienced envoys, and had been on many of the most sensitive and dangerous peace missions of recent years. The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, said in a statement that everyone at the UN was shocked and dismayed at the attack. Nothing can excuse this act of unprovoked and murderous violence against men and women who went to Iraq to help the Iraqi people, the statement said. The bombing is the latest in a steady stream of attacks by groups opposed to the US occupation of Iraq. The United Nations has just increased security measures around the Baghdad building in the wake of several recent attacks, including the bombing of the Jordanian embassy 12 days ago in which at least 14 people died. Courtesy BBC News In context The death toll later rose to 23. Following the attack, all but about 50 foreign UN workers were pulled out of Baghdad. The remainder were withdrawn in October 2003 following an attack on the Red Cross headquarters in which 12 people died. Many other aid organisations have since left Baghdad as the security situation continues to deteriorate. In December 2003, Kofi Annan named New Zealand official Ross Mountain as an interim envoy to Iraq to replace Mr de Mello. In February 2004, a UN team returned to Baghdad for the first time since the attack, on a fact-finding mission to discuss the handover of political power. Iraq was run by the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), headed by American diplomat Paul Bremer until 28 June 2004 when power was officially handed back. Elections to choose a full, sovereign Iraqi government were held in January 2005. The United Iraqi Alliance, tacitly backed by Shia Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, led with some 48% of the vote for the 275-member National Assembly. The Democratic Patriotic Alliance of Kurdistan was in second place with some 26% of the vote. Prime Minister Ayad Allawis party, the Iraqi List, came third with some 14%. In total, twelve parties received enough votes to win a seat in the assembly. The defection of a North Korean senior diplomat in London poses a major problem for Pyongyang on a number of fronts not least of which is how to publicly respond. As of yesterday, Pyongyang hadnt made a public statement about the defection. But when or if it does, its response will likely be ferocious and accusatory. Seouls Unification Ministry announced Wednesday that Thae Yong Ho, minister at the North Korean Embassy in London, has arrived in South Korea with his family and is under the protection of the South Korean government. Thae was the second-highest official in North Koreas embassy and is the most senior North Korean diplomat to defect to the South. Seoul, which doesnt always divulge defections, was quick to seize on this one as evidence of growing dissent within the Norths ruling elite. Its Unification Ministry claimed Thae defected because of his disgust with the Kim Jong Un regime and worries about the future of his children. A spokesman for the ministry further said that the defection is a sign of weakening unity within the Norths ruling class. Extrapolations about the bigger significance of individual defections should be taken with a grain of salt. Seoul and Pyongyang have strong political and propaganda motivations for the way they handle announcements about defections. Analysts generally agree there are no significant signs Kim Jong Uns regime is weakening. Moreover, previous defections of officials from the North have by and large been isolated incidents that did not lead to a chain of more choosing to flee. Thae himself has not yet spoken in public about his motives and details about the context of his defection remain sketchy. Defectors are referred to by the North in the harshest of terms. Human scum is a common epithet, along with criminals or traitors. Pyongyang often accuses the South of tricking or paying its citizens to defect, or claims that they have simply been kidnapped. In April, 13 North Koreans working at a North Korean-operated restaurant in China defected to South Korea in the largest group defection since Kim Jong Un took power in late 2011. The North responded furiously to the Souths account of the flight of the restaurant workers, alleging repeatedly that the women 12 waitresses and their manager were tricked into thinking they were being transferred to work at another restaurant in Malaysia. It has also presented the colleagues and parents of the waitresses to North Korean and international media in Pyongyang to appeal for their release. Seoul categorically denies any wrongdoing. Thaes case presents a more difficult conundrum for Pyongyang. Though South Korea doesnt always make high-level defection cases public, its announcement of Thaes flight comes as ties between the rivals are at one of their lowest points in decades. North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test in January and Seoul been working hard to apply more international pressure on the North. Thae, 55, is a veteran diplomat who is experienced in dealing with countries in Western Europe. He led a North Korean delegation that held talks with European Union representatives over the Norths human rights situation in Brussels in 2001, according to South Koreas Yonhap news agency. He had worked at the London embassy for about 10 years, Yonhap said. Previously, he worked at the now-closed embassy in Denmark and spent a short period of time at the embassy in Sweden, it said. In 1997, the North Korean ambassador to Egypt fled, but he resettled in the United States. Eric Talmadge, AP Chinas latest attempts at reforming the countrys extensive pipeline network are aimed at lowering prices for end users and boosting gas demand, analysts said yesterday after the country released draft guidelines. The National Development and Reform Commission proposed setting gas transmission fees for companies rather than for individual pipelines, the countrys top economic planner said in the policy draft released yesterday. Operators should publicly disclose cost data to allow effective supervision and should be guaranteed an 8 percent return if they utilize at least 75 percent of their capacity, it said. Owners should also create conditions for equal access to pipelines for all customers, according to the draft. The ultimate purpose of NDRCs pipeline reform is to find a way to deliver cheaper natural gas to end users and therefore improve the fuels mix in Chinas energy consumption, said Tian Miao, a Beijing-based analyst at North Square Blue Oak Ltd. Pipeline companies currently enjoy a 10 to 12 percent return. By capping investment return at 8 percent, the extra margin could be passed down to city gate prices and end users. The worlds largest energy consumer is seeking to raise the share of less-polluting natural gas in its energy mix. The government of President Xi Jinping cut gas prices twice last year in an attempt to boost demand. The NDRC also said pipelines should be separate units from other businesses in principal. In the case of integrated companies involved in production and distribution where a physical separation may be difficult, owners should at least provide separate financial accounting for the pipeline operations, it said. Among the countrys two largest energy producers, China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. would be required to disclose more information if the policy is enacted, according to Neil Beveridge, a Hong Kong-based analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. PetroChina Co. already reports its pipeline business in its financial accounts, while China Petroleum, known as Sinopec, would need to provide separate figures to provide greater transparency on pipeline operations, Beveridge said. The draft policy is also the latest indication that the government has iced plans to strip oil and gas pipelines from its biggest energy companies, said Laban Yu, head of Asia oil and gas equities at Jefferies Group LLC in Hong Kong. It seems there is no rush to spin off pipelines from the big Chinese oil companies based on what they say in the draft, he said. The independent accounting requirement seems aimed at long-term reform that will make pipeline spin off much easier if the government eventually plans to do so. Bloomberg News reported in May 2015 that the government intended to create an independent national pipeline company as part of broader energy reforms aimed at allowing equal access to infrastructure for gas producers and distributors. Those plans appear to have changed. China National Petroleum Corp., PetroChinas parent, in June decided to invest in expanding a major natural gas pipeline after determining the government will no longer seek to spin off its pipeline assets into an independent company, people with knowledge of the plan said. Sinopec this month approved a plan to sell as much as a 50 percent stake in a pipeline asset, a move seen to be following CNPCs footsteps. The new policy may be able to provide some transparency that can assist opening pipelines to new producers without having to spin them off. This new proposal is a long-term positive to the whole gas industry, said Andy Meng, an analyst at Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong, said in a note to clients. Release of tariff and return benchmark will significantly improve industry transparency, making Open Access of the pipeline more likely. Aibing Guo, Bloomberg Indonesia marked its Independence Day yesterday by sinking 60 foreign ships seized for fishing illegally in the countrys waters. Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said the ships were sunk at eight locations across the Indonesian archipelago. Pudjiastuti has organized the destruction of more than 200 illegal fishing boats since 2014. The government of President Joko Jokowi Widodo has taken a hardline stance against illegal fishing, partly driven by the need for Indonesia to show its neighbours, including China, that it is in control of its vast territory of 17,000 islands. Many of the boats were captured off Indonesias Natuna Islands, a point from which Indonesias exclusive economic zone thrusts into the South China Sea. Beijing has described the area as a traditional Chinese fishing ground even though it is nearly 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) from the Chinese mainland. The sinkings were carried out in a low-key fashion compared with previous occasions, when boats were blown to smithereens and their destruction broadcast live. Pudjiastuti told a news conference in Ranai, a Natuna Islands port, that the ships were sunk off Ranai, Batam, Tarempa, Kalimantan, Maluku, and Sorong in West Papua to create artificial reefs. We do see at the moment the deterrent effect, she said. I think it is already quite a strong message to foreign countries and their fishing fleets. Pudjiastuti said future ship sinkings would be done in a less sensational way but that would not mean Indonesia is relenting on its stance against illegal fishing. The government originally planned to sink exactly 71 boats from the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and China yesterday, which was the 71st anniversary of national independence. Pudjiastuti said six other vessels would be sunk in Pangandaran on the southern coast of West Java, where the government plans to build a museum of illegal fishing with U.S. and Norwegian help. Local media reports said eight vessels were scuttled on Monday in the eastern Indonesian ports of Bitung and Ternate. In March, Indonesia destroyed the Nigeria-flagged Viking with explosives. The ship was wanted around the world for illegally taking toothfish from southern waters. AP Legislators Pereira Coutinho and Leong Veng Chai have critically evaluated the 2015-2016 legislative year. In a five-point review, the lawmakers particularly criticized the work of Legislative Assembly (AL) for failing to serve the citizens with an effective supervision of the governments policies. In a press conference held yesterday afternoon at the Macau Civil Servants Association (ATFPM) headquarters, legislator Coutinho heavily criticized the role of AL during the legislative year. Coutinho said that initiatives from the legislators were weak and minimal, and that the AL does not pay importance to the legislative initiatives from the legislators. This was exemplified by an initiative created by the two legislators regarding an interpretative note aiming to clarify the decree-law 33/81/M regarding the Natural Heritage of Coloane and that aims to prevent what the lawmakers call the concrete invasion of Coloane. The AL didnt manage to find time to discuss one single article of our bill, stated Coutinho claiming the example shows the tendentious way the AL works, favoring the government in all they want to do, Coutinho remarked, adding that we think that AL needs to change its conduct in order to change its nickname of a [rubber] stamp of the government, he concluded. The transparency of the AL work was in fact addressed in several different ways with Coutinho extending criticism to the way Q&A sessions to the Chief Executive (CE) work, saying [these kinds of sessions] do not contribute to clarify, explain and detail the questions raised by the lawmakers, he said, affirming that the system that forces lawmakers to present the questions one week or ten days in advance does not work as the CE will only read the answers and not permit additional or follow-up questions. Regarding these problems, the legislators propose an improvement of the system through eliminating the pre-sending of the questions to the government [] and that could be added an additional time of 2 or 3 minutes to request additional clarifications in resemblance of what already happens for the spoken enquiries. Aiming to further add transparency to the work of AL, the legislators also propose the press be authorized to assist to the standing committees meetings; being allowed inclusively to live broadcast the sessions in order to clearly inform citizens about the topics discussed, as both legislators claim that working behind closed doors allows all kinds of discretions and abuses. When questioned by journalists specifically on the topic, both Coutinho and Leong admitted that the summaries done by the presidents of the standing or follow-up committees often do not match with what was in fact discussed as they selectively choose not to address the topics that arent in the favor of the government. Coutinho remarked that this has happened ever since he first joined the AL. The lawmakers also took the opportunity to call on the government to promote more participation from citizens, namely public servants, in the elections, calling for greater representation. Rita Santos says is too early to decide whether to run for AL Former deputy secretary-general of the permanent secretariat of Forum Macau and Chairman of the General Assembly of ATFPM, Rita Santos says [it] is too early to take that decision [of running in the AL elections]. Santos, who was also councilor of the Council of the Portuguese Communities, recalls when I took the decision to retire it was to dedicate myself to my family, and to have more time to give support to the legislators and to receive complaints and concerns from citizens. Santos claims that time is also needed to study and inquire with the population in order to gather the feedback from supporters to determine whether it is worth running or not. Trade between the Chinese mainland and Macau dropped by 21.3 percent year-on-year to USD1.68 billion during the first half of 2016, according to figures released by the Ministry of Commerce. The mainlands exports to Macau decreased by 21.3 percent year-on-year to USD1.6 billion over the six-month period. Macaus exports to the mainland dropped to USD80 million, a decrease of 22 percent year-on-year. Guo Wanda, vice president of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macau Studies, told Xinhua yesterday that the decreasing number of travellers to Macau and the ongoing downturn in the gaming industry had caused the decline in mainland-Macau trade. Mainland authorities approved 169 investment projects from Macau entities during the period under review. The amount of Macau capital in actual use reached USD540 million, up 5.4 percent from the same period last year. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said he will not raise long-simmering maritime disputes with China at a meeting of Southeast Asian nations in Laos next month, preferring to talk quietly with Chinese officials. I will only bring the issue when we are together face to face, he told reporters late Wednesday night. Because if you quarrel with them now and you claim sovereignty, make noise here and there, they might not just even want to talk. In July, a Hague-based arbitration tribunal ruled heavily in the Philippines favor in a case challenging Chinas claims and aggressive actions in the South China Sea. Chinaignored the decision and continued to block Filipino fishermen from a disputed shoal and build new islands. The arbitration case was filed by Dutertes predecessor. Duterte has been lukewarm in his support for the action and has said he was adopting a softer approach to resolving the disputes. He said Wednesday that his special envoy to China, former President Fidel Ramos, is paving the way for possible talks with China. Let us create an environment where we can sit down, talk directly, and that is the time when I would say, we proceed from here, he said. Ramos flew to Hong Kong last week to meet the Chinese legislatures foreign affairs chief, Fu Ying, and a leading government-backed scholar on the dispute, and they agreed on the need to reduce tensions through talks. China welcomed him to visit Beijing for discussions, but the tribunal ruling was not directly discussed, Ramos told reporters. He gave no indication of when any talks might be held. AP Five more facts about Macau property that you may not already know: 11. Rental yields in Macau are very low Rents may seem high at times, but rental yields in Macau are some of the lowest in the world. Why ? Other major cities around the world have diverse but mutually beneficial industries such as finance, educational institutions, advanced healthcare facilities and the like. Macau has none of these industries, which incidentally also require skilled and well-paid professionals to run them. Instead, Macau has only casinos and hotels, and whilst service professionals may earn reasonable salaries, they are certainly not enjoying the six-figure bonuses that come hand in hand with industries such as banking and finance. 12. Rental increases and limits The rent may be adjusted once the agreement comes to an end, and there is no cap on the amount that the rent may be adjusted both up or down. In some countries, the amount that rents can be increased is limited to a certain percentage; say 10 percent for example. However in Macau, once the agreement comes to an end all subsequent agreements are treated as a new agreement. 13. Why many old buildings in Coloane & Taipa are falling down If you have looked at the old sea front buildings in Coloane Village or the low-rise houses in Taipa Village and wondered why they are not fantastic restaurants, trendy cafes or just extremely nice houses, you are not alone. There are two reasons that the properties have remained in a similar condition for such a long time. The first is that there is no clear legal title on some of the properties. Property ownership on the islands of Taipa and Coloane is slightly different from Macau peninsula, and many of the village properties do not have a legal binding title. Buying a property under these circumstances represents a great risk for the buyer, who would not be able to secure bank financing because of the legal issue. The second reason is because some of the buildings are protected. Now that should be a good thing shouldnt it? Well in this case, protected means that it is not actually protected and maintained, but rather that it cannot be improved unless it becomes dangerous and unstable. Hence, owners are incentivized to leave the buildings until they fall down after which they can build a nice, new building crazy, but true. 14. The responsibility to maintain the apartment The responsibility to maintain the infrastructure, such as the water, electricity, sewage etc belongs to the landlord. He or she must maintain these elements to a reasonable standard unless some other provision is made explicitly between the two parties. The upkeep of the apartment itself is the responsibility of the tenant, who must hand back the apartment in the same condition that it was handed over in. This even includes cleaning the apartment before leaving IF it was handed over in a clean state at the beginning. 15. When your neighbor causes damage to your apartment When a neighbor causes damage to your apartment through a burst or leaking pipe for example, they are duty bound to fix the problem but are not obliged to fix the damage it has caused. Apartment living can be hazardous, especially if the block is old and in need of attention, and this would help to explain the reluctance of some people to move into older buildings no matter how well appointed they are. Next week: The Top 5 Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor. Having been established in 1994, JML Property offers Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing properties for owners and investors, and providing attractive and comfortable homes for tenants. Who knew a simple statement about that time of the month could cause such a stir? A Chinese Olympic swimmer whose popularity soared during the Rio Games for her animated facial expressions and rare candor has become a social media sensation for another off-the-cuff comment about a topic still considered taboo in China: her period. Twenty-year-old Fu Yuanhui emerged from the womens 4100-meter medley relay last week and told a Chinese state broadcaster that she failed to swim her best in part because her period had started the day before. Television footage showed her crouching down with her hand over her stomach. Team China finished fourth in the race. The interview quickly trended on Chinese social media sites, where users expressed surprise and some admiration that Fu had shared such an intimate matter but also that she swam while menstruating. Said one blogger: If her candor can dispel the thought in some peoples minds that menstruation is dirty, then her act is worth applause. In China, menstruation is considered an off-limits topic of conversation, a reflection of conservative views about womens bodies and sex. Its an issue stemming from demonizing sex, said one woman on the Chinese question-and-answer internet site Zhihu. Therefore, a well-educated girl should not think about anything related to sex. There is also a long-held notion in China that women should not engage in exercise during menstruation. Girls are excused from physical education class at school and warned about taking showers, drinking cold water and eating raw fish during ones period. Immersion in water, the stories go, may cause infection. And because tampons are unusual in the communist nation there is a belief they can compromise the virginity of unmarried women the idea that someone could swim during that time of the month is entirely novel. Such ideas, while wrong, are something all women endure in China, said Wang Yuling, a gynecologist in Shanghai Huangpu District Health Center for Women and Children. If you have so many limitations during the period, Wang said, you could waste one-sixth of the year by thinking in this way. Fu, a bronze medal winner in the 100-meter backstroke, is just one of several athletes on the Chinese team breaking ground by breaking from the typical on-message style common with past Chinese Olympic squads. Didi Tang, AP A senior North Korean diplomat based in London has defected to South Korea, becoming one of the highest Northern officials to do so, South Korea said yesterday. Thae Yong Ho, minister at the North Korean Embassy in London, has arrived in South Korea with his family and is under the protection of the South Korean government, Seouls Unification Ministry said. Ministry spokesman Jeong Joon-Hee said Thae told South Korean officials that he decided to defect because of his disgust with the government of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, his yearning for South Korean democracy and worries about the future of his children. Jeong said Thae was the second-highest official in North Koreas embassy, and is the most senior North Korean diplomat to defect to South Korea. In 1997, the North Korean ambassador to Egypt fled but resettled in the United States. Jeong refused to give further details about Thaes defection, citing possible diplomatic problems with a concerned country he didnt identify. Britains Foreign Office declined to comment. The highest-level North Korean to seek asylum in South Korea is Hwang Jang-yop, a senior ruling Workers Party official who once tutored Kim Jong Uns late father, dictator Kim Jong Il. Hwangs 1997 defection was hailed by many South Koreans as an intelligence bonanza and a sign that the Norths political system was inferior to the Souths. Hwang died in 2010. Thaes defection will likely enrage North Korea, which often accuses South Korea of kidnapping or enticing its citizens to defect. South Korea doesnt always make high-level defection cases public. Its revelation of Thaes defection came as ties between the rivals are at one of their lowest points in decades over the Norths nuclear ambitions. North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test in January, and South Korea has been working hard to apply more international pressure on the North. Jeong said Thaes defection could be a sign that unity in Kim Jong Uns ruling class is weakening. Analyst Chang Yong Seok at Seoul National Universitys Institute for Peace and Unification Studies disputed that assessment, saying there are no tangible signs that Kims grip on power is being challenged. Senior North Korean officials have defected before, but these have all been isolated cases that werent followed by a chain of defections by other officials, he said. Ramon Pacheco Pardo, senior lecturer in international relations at Kings College London, said a diplomatic defection could prove very valuable to South Korea, the U.S. and other countries. Most North Korean defectors have limited access to the inner workings of the North Korean regime, he said. The defection of a diplomat would allow intelligence services and military forces in other countries to learn more about the level of support that Kim Jong Un enjoys, recent developments in North Koreas nuclear and missile programs or the extent to which real economic reforms are being implemented. The defection of a high-level diplomat could also signal growing internal skepticism about the strength of the Kim Jong Un regime, since they are a rare occurrence. Thae, 55, is a veteran diplomat who is experienced in dealing with countries in Western Europe. He led a North Korean delegation that held talks with European Union representatives over the Norths human rights situation in Brussels in 2001, according to South Koreas Yonhap news agency. Thae had worked at the North Korean Embassy in London for about 10 years, Yonhap said. Previously, he worked at its now-closed embassy in Denmark and spent a short period of time at its embassy in Sweden, it said. More than 29,000 North Koreans have defected to South Korea since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War, according to South Korean government records. Many defectors have said they wanted to leave North Koreas harsh political system and poverty. In April, 13 North Koreans working at a North Korean-operated restaurant in China defected to South Korea in the largest group defection since Kim Jong Un took power in late 2011. Later in April, South Korea also revealed that a colonel in North Koreas military spy agency had defected to the South last year. Wednesdays announcement came as North Korea is responding angrily to a U.S. plan to place an advanced missile defense system in South Korea. The North has warned of unspecified retaliation and fired several missiles into the sea earlier this month. Hyung-Jin Kim, Kim Tong-Hyung, Seoul, AP CHINA A top Chinese military officer visited Syria this week in a show of support for President Bashar Assads embattled regime, official media reported yesterday, underscoring Beijings backing of fellow authoritarian governments and concerns about the spread of religious militancy. PHILIPPINE President Rodrigo Duterte said he will not raise long-simmering maritime disputes with China at a meeting of Southeast Asian nations in Laos next month, preferring to talk quietly with Chinese officials. MYANMAR Efforts by Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi this week to bolster ties with her countrys dominant northern neighbor China may hinge on whether she can resolve the fate of a massive, Chinese-funded dam project blocked by overwhelming local opposition. Suu Kyi was welcomed by Premier Li Keqiang at a formal ceremony yesterday as part of a visit that will include talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. KOREA The defection of a North Korean senior diplomat in London poses a major problem for Pyongyang on a number of fronts not least of which is how to publicly respond. AUSTRALIA-PAPUA NEW GUINEA Papua New Guinea and Australia said on Wednesday they have agreed to close a detention center on Manus Island for asylum seekers but they offered no details on when it will happen or on the fate of the 850 men being held there. Australias tough stance on migrants and refugees has long drawn condemnation from human rights groups. The country has a policy of sending people who try to reach its shores by boat to island detention centers, including Manus Island in Papua New Guinea. TURKEY Two car bombings targeted police stations in Turkey, killing at least six people and wounding 219 others, officials said yesterday. Authorities blamed that attack on the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which has launched a campaign of car bombings targeting police stations or roadside bomb attacks on police vehicles. UKRAINE A government official says three troops have been killed and six wounded in fighting in eastern Ukraine in the past 24 hours. Fighting between government forces and separatists rebels has recently intensified despite a 2015 truce. BOLIVIA Good leadership skills wont be enough for Bolivian military officers seeking promotion to the rank of captain they must now add ideological schooling. An academy that previously trained soldiers for U.N. peacekeeping missions will now aim to counter U.S. political and military influence abroad. STANLEY Want to see wild salmon spawning in the streams of their birth? Join Idaho Rivers United and the Sawtooth Interpretive and Historical Association for the annual Sawtooth Salmon Festival in Stanley. The festival will kick off at 5 p.m. Aug. 26, at the Stanley Community Center, with a presentation by "Outdoor Idaho" Executive Producer Bruce Reichert, who last summer helped produce an hour-long program featuring the headwaters of Idaho rivers. The main festival will ensue at 10 a.m. Aug. 27, at the Stanley Museum (between Upper and Lower Stanley, on Idaho 75) with vendor booths, kids' games and tours to see wild salmon spawning throughout the day. The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes cultural dancers will perform from 4 to 6 p.m., with dances honoring the salmon's annual return to the Sawtooth Valley's lakes and rivers. This year the Salmon Festival will be bigger and better than ever, said SIHA Executive Director Terry Clark said in a release. It will be capped off by the return of the popular wild salmon dinner on Saturday. Lunchtime pizza will be available from Papa Brunees, and the day will culminate with a 6 p.m. wild salmon dinner catered by Chef Doug Plass of Stanleys Redd Restaurant with live music by Scott Knickerbocker from the Hokum Hi Flyers. Advance tickets for the dinner are required and are available in person at the Stanley Museum and Redfish Lake Visitor Center in Stanley, or at by clicking on Events and then Sawtooth Salmon Festival. Tickets are $30 for members of SIHA and IRU, and $40 for others. FEATHERVILLE The view from the western slope of the Soldier Mountains offered nearly too much to absorb. While a quickly moving thunderstorm passed over the exposed granite of the Trinities, blue sky served as the backdrop to the Boise Mountains spread across the north horizon. In the opposite direction and behind Kent Ireton and me, the North Fork of Lime Creek drained through open hillsides and forest on its roundabout journey toward Anderson Ranch Reservoir. What really held our focus, however, was the peak looming off to the east. From the Camas Prairie, Iron Mountain appears as the last inconsequential bump in a small mountain range whose claim to fame is the Four Soldiers. From our viewpoint, however, the nearby prominence dwarfed everything else. Our goal had been to hike to the top of Iron Mountain, inspect its lookout building and enjoy the elevated view. Most of the options that lead to our destination involve 4,000-foot elevation gains over the course of nearly 10 miles. Finding an alternate route to those standard trails that could be hiked as a round trip in one day, however, had not gone well. Issues with unfamiliar country near the town of Featherville and my failure to successfully find the correct logging road had placed us on a backup trail later than we had hoped. In addition, the path took an indirect line to the mountain as it looped around the headwaters of Lime Creek. While reaching the top of Iron Mountain remained in question, the superb vista had already made for a successful outing. In Idaho: A Climbing Guide, Tom Lopez describes part of the route his hike had a different starting point than ours in glowing terms. He declares that the bare set of hills that we traversed, called Blue Ridge, was the highlight of his trek to the summit. The trail along this ridge flows for miles above tree line reminding hikers of the movie The Sound of Music. The worn path that we walked was typical for the area in terms of multiple modes of travel. A web of trails, nearly all accessible to motorbikes and some to all-terrain vehicles, weaves its way throughout the Soldier Mountains. The word has gotten out in the local motorcycle community, said Steve Frost, the Forest Services recreation program manager at the Fairfield Ranger District. The area has a world-class network of single-track trails. According to Frost, there are routes that lead to Iron Mountain from almost any direction, but a trail starting from Baumgartner Campground on the South Fork of the Boise River is the most popular. That trail, accessible to all vehicles 50 inches or less, covers about nine miles. Frost also reminds travelers accessing Baumgartner that the river road remains closed several miles east of the campground due to a washout that occurred in the same spot over the past two years. Once Kent and I had completed a half-circle along Blue Ridge, our trail took on a more direct course to Iron Mountain. As we hiked up and down several small rises and through pockets of forest, we witnessed the areas popularity for motorbike enthusiasts. First several pairs of riders, then a group of four, passed us going in our direction. Whether they were headed to the lookout or down to Baumgartner, or would choose other options, remained unknown, as all seemed focused on their ride. While our pace paled in comparison with those sharing the trail, we had progressed a half-dozen miles by midafternoon and almost reached an area called Deer Park. With a few miles remaining that were by far the steepest, however, we agreed that our journey would end there. Content with what we had hiked and seen, the turnaround point still seemed bittersweet. We could clearly see the last few long switchbacks up the south side of the mountain and the lookout perched on top. According to the website, a log cabin built in 1922 and another in 1938 had preceded the structure. The present two-story building was built in 1961 and manned, Frost said, until about a decade ago. Before our trip we had seen recent photographs of the boarded-up lookout, a nearby helipad, and Heart Lake pooled in a cirque a thousand feet below the peak. We had both pictured ourselves standing next to one of the iconic symbols of mountains and forest protection. While the distant perspective and a few images in our heads were as close as we came to the summit, they also began to serve as motivation to return and finish the journey. In my late-July column, I described how the renewed trickle of .22 rimfire ammunition to dealers shelves inspired me to pull a new-in-the-box standard Ruger 10-22 from the basement closet where it had languished for years and use an assortment of aftermarket parts to trick it out into the .22 of my dreams. Well, Ive done that, and Im happy to report that the project is a success. My new upgraded 10-22 not only looks cool but, more importantly, is a joy to handle and, with many hundreds of rounds down its .920-inch target bull barrel, is proving to be outstandingly accurate. A word of caution: Many target-grade barrels feature Bentz chambers, which due to their tighter dimensions tend to be much more finicky about what brands/styles of ammunition they prefer. But not to worry, Ive had the gun running for only about a month now and Ive already found five or six varieties of plinking, target and hunting ammunition that cycle perfectly. I cant wait to wring it out this winter on some plump cottontails that frequent the basalt outcroppings near my home. While the major components (lock, stock and barrel, literally) were sourced locally, the specialty parts that really sent this rebuild into overdrive came from a single internet source: Tandemkross. Based in New Hampshire, Tandemkross carries aftermarket products manufactured exclusively in the U.S. Its mission is to solve firearms problems that manufacturers cant or wont, making good guns great. Currently its product lines service a number of Ruger, KelTec, Walther, Browning, Smith&Wesson and Glock centerfire and rimfire models. Check out the extensive inventory at Lets take a moment and talk about the TK parts that have transformed my ho-hum 10-22 rebuild into a real showstopper. In my book, functional reliability trumps all other criteria, so the first thing I did was to replace my Rugers cheap, stamped factory extractor with TKs Eagles Talon version. Machined from hardened tool-grade steel, the Eagles Talon incorporates a positive hook design which guarantees that even the most recalcitrant round or casing will be plucked from my rifles tight chamber. To speed competitive reloads and alleviate the bothersome two-handed operation of releasing the 10-22s bolt to chamber a round, I substituted my guns manual bolt release with TKs Guardian auto bolt release plate. Installation was a breeze, thanks to TKs online instructional videos. Now all I have to do to release the bolt on a fresh magazine is to intuitively pull back and then release the bolt-charging handle. Also pictured is TKs Advantage Picatinny Charging Assist that Ill be installing before my nieces next Johnny Appleseed competition. She already has designs for using Uncle Richs 10-22 to get a competitive edge over her competitors. A really nifty item (pictured) that makes bolt and extractor removal and reassembly a snap is Gunsmither Tools Bolt Bar. This ingenious device greatly simplifies these two formerly onerous tasks. Ive deliberately held back the best news for last. As dearly as I love Rugers utterly reliable BX-1 rotary 10-round and its BX-25 25 round Zytel magazines, in my opinion they have at last been bested. They are being phased out of my collection and replaced with TKs Double Kross double 10-22 magazine bodies. Following website video instructions, use the Magazine Tune Up Tool to dissemble two Ruger factory magazines, and place their internals into a single Double Kross magazine body. These reliable units double your standard 10-round capacity in a single clear or black Zytel magazine that is only slightly larger than the standard 10-rounders. They are fully compatible with 10-22 competitive belt pouches and function flawlessly in competitive scenarios. Thanks to the increased availability of .22 ammo and Tandemkross componants, I now have my one-gun-does-it-all Ruger 10-22. Life is good. Volunteers Interlink Volunteer Caregivers (IVC) provides volunteers to help elderly, disabled and chronically ill people to live safely and independently at home. Volunteers are needed in the Mini Cassia area and Magic Valley to help build wheelchair ramps and install grab bars. Volunteers are also needed to help with light housekeeping. Volunteers are reimbursed for mileage and covered with excess auto liability insurance. Commitment is flexible with no minimum hours required. Information: Edie, 208-733-6333 or Training Local nonprofit Niche Assistance is holding a free Volunteer Training Workshop from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 17 at Heritage Alliance Church, 401 Sixth Ave. N., Twin Falls. Lunch will be provided. The workshop will help prepare volunteers to work with struggling individuals who want to make their lives to become more self-sufficient and successful. If you plan to attend the workshop, contact Phyllis Berg by Aug. 28, at 208-329-3796 or Volunteers St. Lukes Home Health and Hospice is looking for new volunteers to join its team to share compassion and care and increase the quality of life for patients and their families. The program is designed to offer companionship and socialization to patients as well as respite and support for the caregivers. Information: Marie Sharp, 208-814-7603 or Drivers The Twin Falls Senior Center delivers meals to homebound seniors in the Twin Falls area Monday through Friday, and the routes take an hour or less to complete. Commitment is based on your availability; pick a day of the week or drive once or twice a month, pick a week to drive, or be a substitute driver. Volunteers must be 18 years of age with their own car, and have proof of liability insurance. Drivers receive 54 cents a mile fuel reimbursement. Information: Sandee Earl, 208-734-5084. Volunteers The Senior Companion Program at the CSI Office on Aging needs volunteers, age 55 and older, to assist homebound seniors by providing friendly visits and transportation as needed. Information: Marisol, 208-736-2122, or toll free, 800-574-8656. Volunteers The Foster Grandparent Program at the CSI Office on Aging has openings for volunteers, age 55 and older, to read to children ages 2 to 9 and assist with their academic and social skills. Placements are available throughout the Magic Valley in Head Start programs and public elementary schools. Information: Marisol, 208-736-2122 or toll free, 800-574-8656. Volunteers Hospice Visions Inc. is looking for volunteers to visit with patients and their families, do minor home modifications such as grab bars, and also volunteer Light Touch Massage therapists, hair dressers, meal assist volunteers, and to play music and games with hospice patients. Volunteers are needed with licensed certified therapy animals to love our hospice patients in their own homes or assisted living centers. Hospice Visions is looking for volunteers interested in doing art projects with patients or filming and creating a Life Legacy Video, or to take someone to the store, run an errand or out for a drive. Veterans can become a Vet-to-Vet Volunteer and visit with other veterans. Volunteers are also needed to assist with fundraising events and provide office assistance. Information: Nora at 208-735-0121 or Volunteers The Fifth Judicial District CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Program is seeking community volunteers to become advocates for abused children. Advocates receive training and support to investigate, report, monitor and advocate for children involved in the child protection system. Advocates are needed in all eight counties of the district, but it is critical to the program to recruit volunteers in the Mini Cassia area. Information: Tahna, 208-735-1177. Volunteers The Twin Falls County Historical Society is seeking volunteers for various programs and general support. Volunteers are needed to paint, weed, clean or work on docent projects and fundraising. No minimum amount of hours, commitment is flexible. Fill out an application at the Twin Falls County Historical Museum (Union School at Curry), open noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Information: 208-736-4675. BURLEY A Burley man convicted of breaking into several homes and vehicles to burglarize them including a Cassia County judges house received suspended sentences for the crimes and will spend time in a therapeutic program run by the Department of Correction known as a rider. Cassia County District Judge Michael Crabtree sentenced Ramon Flores, Jr., 18. If Flores fails the rider program, he could spend six years and six months in prison with two years and six months fixed for each of two burglary charges. Flores was also sentenced to five years in prison with two years and six months fixed on an attempted burglary charge. Crabtree suspended the sentences and placed him in the states program. Flores, 18, along with another suspect, Ruben Ortiz Jr., 19, were charged in July 2015 of breaking into Cassia County Magistrate Judge Blaine Cannons home, forcing open the front door of a probation officers home and burglarizing other homes and vehicles. Flores was originally charged with 13 counts of burglary, grand theft and robbery, but the robbery charges were later dropped because prosecutors failed to prove force was used to take property from the victims. Under a plea agreement, Flores pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary, one count of attempted burglary and the remaining charges were dismissed by the state. Seven counts of burglary are still pending for Ortiz. He has a change of plea and sentencing hearing set for Sept. 1 in Cassia County District Court from charges filed July 2015 and a change of plea-sentencing hearing set at the same date and time for three grand theft and one burglary charges that were filed December 2014. None of the victims could positively identify Flores and Ortiz as the men who broke into their homes, making the case difficult to prosecute. But, one piece of evidence came from Judge Cannon. His laptop was taken from his home and later found by detectives at the home of Christopher Vergara. Vergara testified at a previous hearing that he dropped off Flores at Storybook Park, close to where the judge lives. He said he did not know how the laptop ended up in his room but that Flores did go to his house after a trip to the park area. He said no one in his family left it there and that Flores would occasionally leave belongings in his room. Another key piece of evidence was video footage recorded by Maria Fitzhugh, a probation officer. It shows Ortiz and Flores shining flashlights into the probation officers home and forcing her front door, police said. TWIN FALLS A Twin Falls man wearing nothing but a tarp told police he woke up naked in a field Tuesday morning and couldnt remember anything from the night before, but police arrested him on suspicion that he stabbed a man in the neck and left him bleeding to die. Roberto Vidales Rodriguez, 30, was arrested Tuesday and arraigned Wednesday in Twin Falls County Magistrate Court on felony counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Prosecutors say Rodriguez slashed the neck of his victim using a three-inch razor blade early Tuesday at a home on Eastland Drive South. Police later found his mothers blood-soaked pickup truck about a mile from the scene, and about six hours later arrested the tarp-wrapped Rodriguez near Smiths grocery store. Twin Falls Police responded to the report of the stabbing about 3:30 a.m. Tuesday in the 300 block of Eastland Drive South where they found Kenneth Bushnell bleeding heavily, an officer wrote in a sworn affidavit. Mr. Bushnell had a large gash on the right side of his neck under his jaw line, the officer wrote. Mr. Bushnell told the officers that Roberto Rodriguez had stabbed him and then left in a red and silver Chevy pickup. Bushnell was taken to St. Lukes Magic Valley Medical Center, where he later told police Rodriguez grabbed him from around the neck, stabbed him and then told him he was going to stand there and watch him die. Police found the pickup Bushnell described abandoned near Locust Street South and Lindy Lane, court documents said. Police say the truck, registered to Rodriguezs mother, had fake license plates and a large amount of blood on the steering wheel, gear shift, seat and dome light; officers also found a Ruger .22-caliber rifle inside the truck. At about 9:30 a.m., police found Rodriguez wearing nothing but a tarp at Addison Avenue East and Sunrise Boulevard, near Smiths, court documents said. Mr. Rodriguez told me he had been drinking a lot of alcohol yesterday and this morning and could not remember anything, the officer wrote in the affidavit. He told me could not remember being at Mr. Bushnells house or anything until he woke up in a field. Mr. Rodriguez told me he noticed he had no clothes on and found a piece of tarp and rope and tied it around his waist. Rodriguez told police that he isnt violent and that if he stabbed someone, it would have been self-defense, court documents said. He also said he couldnt remember how he got large cuts on his right index and middle fingers, but later said he cut them on a broken bottle. At the home where police first responded to the stabbing, officers found a bloody three-inch razor blade in the kitchen, where Bushnell said the stabbing took place, court documents said. Rodriguez was arrested on charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm. According to the complaint filed by prosecutors, Rodriguez was barred from possessing a gun because of a 2003 conviction in Twin Falls for burglary. Idaho Department of Correction records show Rodriguez was discharged from custody in 2009. Rodriguez is being held in the Twin Falls County Jail in lieu of $100,000 bond and a preliminary hearing is set for Aug. 26. TWIN FALLS The man who shot himself after leading police on a frantic chase Tuesday has died, Twin Falls County Coroner Gene Turley said. The coroner identified the man as Roger David Vulgamore, 24, of Buhl. Vulgamores family was with him at St. Lukes Magic Valley Medical Center when he died, and most of his organs were harvested for donation, Turley said. He gave his organs to be donated, so at least something good came of this, Turley said. The coroner said Vulgamore shot himself in the head; his body will be taken Thursday to Boise for an autopsy. Details of the chase and shooting are still hazy as investigators continue to reconstruct the frantic, wide-ranging pursuit that began in Kimberly, entered Twin Falls on Kimberly Road, headed north on Eastland Drive and wound at least as far west as Washington Street and at least as far north as Pole Line Road. What is known for sure is it began some time before 5:50 p.m. in Kimberly and ended about 6:10 p.m. near Carriage Lane and Indian Trail, south of Clyde Thomsen Park, in Twin Falls. It was on Carriage Lane, a dead-end street in a quiet neighborhood, where a Twin Falls police officer driving a marked SUV intentionally crashed into the back of the brown four-door sedan using what police call a PIT maneuver, or pursuit intervention technique. At that point the pursuit ended, and when officers approached the vehicle, they found the suspect in the vehicle with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Twin Falls Police spokesman Joshua Palmer said Tuesday evening. Vulgamore was still alive at the scene and was rushed to St. Lukes Magic Valley Medical Center, Palmer said. Because the pursuit involved so many local agencies, a police crash and a shooting Kimberly police, Twin Falls County Sheriffs deputies and Twin Falls police were all involved outside investigators were brought in to help. Twin Falls Police asked for an outside investigation, Jerome County Sheriff Doug McFall said Wednesday. Were the lead agency. Idaho State Police, Jerome Police, Rupert Police and the Minidoka County Sheriffs Office are all assisting in the investigation. McFall said Vulgamore was on life-support late Tuesday night. The Jerome sheriff and three investigators from his office were at the crash scene until well past midnight into Wednesday morning, McFall said. The vehicle involved in the chase was taken by ISP for further investigation. Particulars of the case will be forthcoming and will be coordinated with the Twin Falls Prosecutors Office, McFall said. Palmer on Wednesday confirmed the vehicle was a brown, four-door sedan. He said earlier the vehicle appeared to be similar to the brown sedan described as possibly a Buick wanted in connection to an attempted robbery Monday at KJs Super Store at 1612 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. Palmer said it was too early to say if its the same vehicle. The Kimberly Police Department, the Twin Falls County Sheriffs Office and the Twin Falls Police Department were all involved in the pursuit. By the time it ended, more than 20 law-enforcement vehicles had swarmed the scene while SWAT officers paced the area dressed in body armor and holding assault rifles. About an hour later, many of the patrol officers and SWAT officers had dispersed, but Police Chief Craig Kingsbury and much of his command staff was still on scene along with City Manager Travis Rothweiler. Meanwhile, neighbors looked on in disbelief that something like this happened in their quiet neighborhood, with many of them assuming the suspect must have reached the neighborhood by accident if he was heading south on the dead-end Carriage Lane. TWIN FALLS A 69-year-old Pocatello man has pleaded guilty to molesting a 9-year-old Twin Falls girl and will likely face at least five to 15 years in prison. David Alan Higbee was indicted by a Twin Falls grand jury in April on three felony counts of lewd conduct with a minor under 16. The indictment charged him with touching the genitals of two young girls on at least three occasions in April and September of 2015. Last week, Higbee pleaded guilty to one count in exchange for prosecutors dismissing the other two counts. Prosecutors will seek a 15-year prison sentence with a five-year minimum fixed term, while Higbee and his attorney are free to argue for the punishment they feel is appropriate. According to a newly available affidavit in the case, three girls told investigators that Higbee would tickle them and touch them below their clothes in their private areas. One girl also said Higbee asked her if she had been touching herself. Police first became aware of the abuse after the mother of at least one of the girls expressed concern over her daughters behavior, court documents said. She said after noticing the behavior, she started to get bad feelings that she could not explain when Higbee would be around. In January, after the three girls told investigators about the abuse, Twin Falls detectives went to Pocatello to speak with Higbee, but he requested a lawyer and declined to talk to them. A Twin Falls grand jury indicted Higbee in April and he was arrested on a warrant in May. A judge set his bond at $100,000, and Higbee has been in the Twin Falls County Jail ever since. He originally pleaded not guilty May 31, and a trial was set to begin next Tuesday before he pleaded guilty Aug. 9. Higbee will be sentenced Oct. 14. TWIN FALLS A Nevada man fleeing a Twin Falls County Sheriffs deputy was injured late Wednesday when he fell into the Snake River Canyon near the Perrine Bridge and Twin Falls Visitor Center, police said. Deputies were in the area of the bridge shortly before 11 p.m. Wednesday looking for a possibly suicidal subject when one of the deputies saw an Isuzu SUV speed into the parking lot of Outback Steakhouse, sheriffs office spokeswoman Lori Stewart said in a statement. The SUV skidded and spun 180-degrees before coming to a stop. The nearby deputy turned on his emergency lights and approached the SUV in his patrol vehicle. The driver of the SUV, later identified as 30-year-old David T. Geul, of Sparks, Nev., fled toward the bridge with the deputy in chase, Stewart said. As the deputy pursued on foot, (Geul) leaped over the safety wall underneath the bridge, the statement said. The deputy climbed over the safety wall and saw (Geul) lying on a small ledge. Geul stood up and took a step and then fell from the ledge he was standing on. Geul landed about 50 feet down the canyon, hitting his head on a pile of rocks, but was conscious and alert, Stewart said. Following the deputys instructions, he took his shirt off and wrapped it around his head to temporarily treat his injury. A search and rescue climber rappelled to Geuls location and lifted him out of the canyon, Stewart said. Just before 1 a.m. Thursday, Geul was taken by ambulance to St. Lukes Magic Valley Medical Center. He was no longer listed as a patient about 11:30 a.m. Thursday. The sheriffs office is still investigating the incident and trying to determine why Geul ran from the deputy. He was not the possibly suicidal subject authorities were looking for. TWIN FALLS The Twin Falls School District will offer free lunch at eight schools during the school year. The offering is through the U.S. Department of Agricultures Community Eligibility Provision. The program has been in Twin Falls since last school year. This year, two more schools will be added. To qualify, a school must have at least 40 percent of its students directly certified for free meals under other programs. Students can receive a free lunch at Bickel, Harrison, Lincoln, Oregon Trail, Morningside and I.B. Perrine elementary schools, plus Bridge Academy and Magic Valley High School. All district schools offer free breakfast for students. GOODING A Gooding man was killed and his two passengers injured in a recreational utility vehicle crash early Thursday in Gooding. Kurtis J. Borda, 32, was driving the utility vehicle east on Roosevelt Street at high speeds when he tried to turn left onto North Oregon Street and lost control, Idaho State Police said. The 2015 Polaris UTV flipped, throwing Borda and his two passengers. Borda died at the scene. Alcohol was involved in the crash and none of the occupants were wearing seat belts, ISP said. Bordas passengers 35-year-old Steven B. Lopes and 22-year-old Jordan R. Eden, both of Shoshone went to North Canyon Medical Center in a private vehicle. ISP is still investigating the crash. BURLEY A Burley man was sentenced Tuesday to up to 15 years in prison for sexually abusing two teenage boys. Jesus Ramon Valdez, 57, was charged in 2015 with three counts of sexual battery committed by lewd or lascivious acts on a minor child 16 to 17 and one count of lewd conduct with a child under 16. Hell serve at least three years in prison before hes eligible for parole. Under a plea agreement, Valdez pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual battery committed by lewd or lascivious acts on a minor child 16 to 17. The other charges were dismissed. In April, Valdezs sentencing was delayed after his attorney David Pena was suspended by the Idaho Supreme Court for failing to forward another clients payments to a creditor, among other issues and the sentencing hearing was again delayed this summer due to mental health concerns for Valdez. The boys told police the sexual abuse by Valdez began when they were teenagers. The oldest boy told police he was abused between 20 and 25 times, beginning when he was 16, police said. He was given gifts such as $100 cash, cologne, food, shoes and glasses. He was threatened by Valdez, who said he would tell the victims friends what they were doing if the victim told anyone about the abuse. The abuse stopped when he was about 19, police said. The older brother talked to police once he believed the younger boy was also being abused by Valdez. The younger boy, who was 15 at the time, told police he was abused six or seven times over a year, police said. He told police Valdez threatened to post about him on Facebook if he tried to back away from him during one incident. Online court records show Valdez also will be sentenced Monday in Minidoka County court on two counts of sexual battery by committing lewd or lascivious acts on a child. TWIN FALLS Emergency crews responded Thursday morning to the Joslin Field, Magic Valley Airport for the report of an aircraft emergency, but the plane landed safely and the emergency turned out to be a false alarm. Fire crews were dispatched to the airport about 8:30 a.m. for a plane that reportedly had smoke coming from an engine, Twin Falls city spokesman Joshua Palmer said. When firefighters arrived, the plane was on the runway and the pilot and co-pilot, the only people on-board, had safely evacuated. The firefighters checked the plan but there was no sign of damage, and it appeared the incident was a false alarm, Palmer said. The fire crews stayed at the scene and remained on standby until the plane was towed to a safe location for more tests. The flight was operated by Ameriflight, a cargo airline based in Texas. Are we watching an American presidential campaign or the pilot episode of a bizarre new TV series? Or both? The hallmark of reality TV, of course, being its extreme unreality. On a daily basis, the Trump campaign invites sheer disbelief. Recently, Ivanka Trump, the statuesque daughter her father talks about dating, posted an Instagram photo of herself sightseeing in scenic Croatia with Wendi Deng Murdoch. The New York Daily News explains that Deng, who was divorced from Rupert Murdoch in 2013 ... has been linked romantically to Russian strongman Vladimir Putin. The newspaper adds that the optics of the photo could raise further questions about the relationship between Ivankas father and Putin. Geez, you think? Maybe Ill ask Boris and Natasha. Those are my pet names for the Russian operatives who started sending me obscene emails after a recent column critical of Trump. The subject line in Boris latest reads, TRUMP SHOULD (DEFECATE) IN YOUR TRAITOROUS MOUTH! With impressive tradecraft, Boris calls himself Jason Larenzen, a name that appears not to exist in the United States. Anticipating the latest Fox News fantasy theme, Natasha (masquerading as Karyn) asks, Will lying c**t Hillary last to the election before brain blood clot ruptures? Her IP address links to, which a Google search locates in Moscow, within walking distance of the Kremlin. They arent even subtle about it. Of course, in Putins Moscow, offending journalists get shot dead in the street, so I shouldnt complain. Besides, having grown up in New Jersey, profanity makes little impact on me. Yo, Natasha, you eat with that mouth? But think about it: Russian operatives are openly intervening in an American presidential election: hacking Democratic Party emails and harassing obscure political columnists. Always on Donald Trumps side. Youve got to ask yourself why. One possible answer may have appeared in the New York Times. Trump campaign manager Paul Manaforts name turned up 22 times on a secret ledger detailing $12.7 million in illegal payola handed out under deposed Ukranian president Viktor Yanukovych. Supposedly, Manafort was also involved in a murky $18 million deal to sell Ukrainian cable TV to a partnership put together by Mr. Manafort and a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin. Him again. The information was given to Times reporters by the Ukranian governments National Anti-Corruption Bureau, no doubt tasked with putting as many of the current regimes political rivals as possible in prison. At the expense of being a spoilsport, Ive learned to be highly skeptical of New York Times blockbusters. From the Whitewater hoax onward, the newspaper has produced a series of Clinton scandal stories, culminating in last Aprils abortive attempt to hint that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had corruptly engineered the sale of a Wyoming uranium mine. Look, I wrote last April, theres a reason articles like the Times big expose are stultifyingly dull and require the skills of a contract lawyer to parse. Murky sentences and jumbled chronologies signify that the Clinton rules are back: all innuendo and guilt-by-association. All ominous rhetorical questions, but rarely straightforward answers. So it comes as no great surprise that Ukrainian investigators have yet to determine if (Manafort) actually received the cash. So is Manafort a victim of the Clinton Rules? Could be. But theres no doubt about this: Before he fled to Russia two years ago, Mr. Yanukovych ... relied heavily on the advice of Mr. Manafort and his firm, who helped them win several elections. On evidence, little things like democratic institutions and the rule of law dont appear high on Manaforts priority list. Among his previous clients were Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos and Zaires infamous Mobutu Sese Seko, aptly described as the archetypal African dictator. Both regimes were essentially kleptocracies, characterized by nepotism, brutality and extreme corruption. Comparatively speaking, Vladimir Putin would appear to be one of Manaforts more savory associates. So when candidate Trump expresses a Russia-friendly foreign policy agenda musing aloud about recognizing Putins illegal occupation of Crimea, and hinting that President Trump might refuse to defend NATO allies against Russian attack, its reasonable to wonder whats being said behind closed doors. Or when Trump invites Boris and Natasha to conduct cyber-warfare against his Democratic opponent. Russia, if youre listening, I hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, Trump said in July. Later, of course, the candidate alibied that he was being sarcastic. Hes a great kidder, Trump. Something blows up in his face, it was a joke. Washington Monthlys David Atkins poses the million ruble question: How much does (sic) Trump and his team need to do before we start asking serious questions about whether theyre a Manchurian Candidate campaign actively working on behalf of a foreign nation? Basically, that depends upon how big a piece of Trump Russian oligarchs own one big reason well never see his income taxes. As a retired teacher and having taught in Idaho for 25 years, I continue to be very concerned about the education of our children. The teachers of Idaho are dedicated to providing an excellent education for their students. I recall General MacArthur saying he was fighting with one hand tied behind his back. And that is the case of our public schools. More funding support is warranted so our children get the education they deserve. Sadly, Idaho is now 49th in the nation just shy of the very bottom, the worst in per capita state school funding. So, when, Dale Ewerson, as a candidate for state Senate, says that he supports the current level of state of funding for education he really means that he is content with keeping Idaho and its children at the bottom. Idahos current level of funding for education is only at the 2009 level. However, this is 2016 and we have 18,000 more students in the system. While Dale may talk about promoting business growth, he does not understand that companies paying good wages will come to Idaho only if we have the educated workforce they require. That requires us investing in education, and not simply supporting the status quo. Luckily, Michelle Stennett, our state senator in District 26, does understand the importance of education to our children and our economy. She is not satisfied with Idaho being bottom of the barrel. That is why she is a strong advocate for state funding of education focused on the future and for relieving our communities of expensive local tax levies. We need Michelle Stennetts vision and leadership, and that is why I am voting for her this November for Idaho Senate, District 26. Kathleen Boian Gooding Should you go? I give the place high marks for food and scenery, but the total population of about 48,700 limits other benefits. It is like visiting a smaller, more unspoilt Iceland. There is a shop in the main city selling Faroese music and many shops selling sweaters. They will not tell you where the sweaters were knitted. The natives seem to think Denmark is an excessively competitive, violent, harsh and hurried place. The norm here is to leave your door unlocked. It is a self-governing archipelago, but part of the Kingdom of Denmark. In other words, they get a lot of subsidies. But they are not part of the EU, so they still sell a lot of salmon their number one export to Russia. You see plenty of pregnant women walking around, and (finally) population is growing, the country has begun to attract notice, and the real estate market is beginning to heat up. But prices remain pretty low, and it would be a great place to buy an additional home, if you do that sort of thing. In the early 1990s, their central bank did go bankrupt and had to be bailed out by Denmark. It is a currency board arrangement, and insofar as the eurozone moves in that direction, as it seems to be doing by placing Target2 liabilities on the national central banks, a eurozone central bank could become insolvent too, despite all ECB protestations to the contrary. Every mode of transport is subsidized in the Faroes, including helicopter rides across the islands. Often the bus is free, and there is an extensive network of ferries. I wonder how many population centers there would be otherwise. There is now the notion that all of the communities on the various islands are one single, large networked city. The Faroes are a food desert of sorts, with few decent or affordable fruits or vegetables. And not many supermarkets of any kind. Yet the rate of obesity does not seem to be high. And they have a very high rate of literacy with little in the way of bookstores or public libraries. The seabirds including puffins are a main attraction, but I enjoyed seeing the mammals too, with pride of place going to the pony: The country receives a great deal of negative publicity for killing whales, but overall they seem to treat animals better than the United States does. Fish consumption is very high and there are no factory farms. If the Faroes had open borders, but no subsidies for migrants, how many people would settle there? In 1946 they did their own version of Faerexit, from Denmark of course: The result of the vote was a narrow majority in favour of secession, but the coalition in parliament could not reach agreement on how this outcome should be interpreted and implemented; and because of these irresoluble differences, the coalition fell apart. A parliamentary election was held a few months later, in which the political parties that favoured staying in the Danish kingdom increased their share of the vote and formed a coalition. Overall I expect this place to change radically in the next twenty years. It is hard to protect 48,700 people forever. In part, they are killing those whales to keep you away. Hamza bin Laden, son of Osama bin Laden, has called for the overthrow of the House of Saud describing them as oppressive and tyrannical rulers in an audio message that surfaced this week. The 23-year old man, described as the favorite son of the founder of the Al-Qaeda network and believed to be groomed to replace his father as the leader of the terror group, said change in the Land of the Two Holy Mosques will benefit the whole Islamic nation and bring it back to its glorious past. Saudi Arabia is ruled by the Saud family and Hamza describing them as American agents said there must be an uprising to end the reign of the criminal ruling family, which has turned the Land of the Two Holy Mosques into a kingdom of [the West and Iran]. In an audio message released last month, he vowed to revenge the killing of his father. Hamza said there must be an uprising to pave the way for Islamic law ruling the land. Saudi Arabia is governed by the Islamic Law but hardliners have often criticized it for laxity alleging that it succumbs to Western policies and is also influenced by modernization. The message called on the tribes of the oil rich nation to wage jihad against the royal family and suggested that they could join Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) based in Yemen to gain the necessary experience if that is what they lack. He said the Saudi-led coalition, being powerless to confront the Houthi Movement, has instead focused on bombing AQAP, which is also fighting the Houthi militants. The latest audio message is the fourth of its kind from Hamza but it is unclear if he has already taken up a leadership role in al-Qaeda currently under Ayman al-Zawahiris command. With the increasing audios being released, it seems as if the world is about to have another Bin Laden famous for his terror activities in the West. Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011 during a raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, after he had been untraceable for decades. President Sisi on Wednesday ratified the unanimously approved law instituting cooperation between the armed forces and the police to protect public and vital facilities for a period of five years, beginning October 28. The law was inspired by a 2014 presidential decree issued in October 2014 to fight militancy in the country, especially after the killing of 33 security personnel in the Sinai. The presidential decree was to become null and void in the next two months. The decree considers as vital infrastructures needed for public services such as electric power plants and pylons, gas pipelines, oil fields, railroads, roads and bridges. Sabotaging or attacking such facilities are considered as terrorist operations and culprits will be tried in military courts. Analysts are however wondering why the Parliament set the duration of the cooperation at five years considering that in June the cabinet extended its application for two years. Kamal Amer, head of the defense and security committee at the House of Representatives, argued that the countrys present situation calls for the army-police cooperation to be extended for a longer period. The Sisi administration is faced with security challenges and is also battling an extremist group affiliated to the Islamic State in the Sinai that plans to establish a Caliphate in the region. Defense Minister Sedki Sobhi during a tour in northern Sinai on Wednesday warned that they have a zero tolerance policy to forces of evil and corruption and for those who want to seize Egypts land and territory. Northern Sinai has been the most volatile region since the arrival of Sisi to power and the government claims that militant groups have ties with the Muslim Brotherhood. One out of four women living in South Africas platinum belt have suffered from rape, a report released on Tuesday by Doctors without Borders (MSF) said. According to its survey of more than 800 women aged 18-49 in Rustenburg municipality, north-west of Johannesburg, MSF said only 5% of the approximately 11,000 women and girls raped each year report the incident to a health worker. What we found from this survey is one in four women has been raped in Rustenburg. What really struck us was the frequency, you can say that about 11,000 women are trafficked each year, Garret Barnwell of MSF told AFP news agency. For many women, sexual violence has become part of their daily lives. The violence is routine, Rosina Palai, a health worker quoted in the report said. The report also shows that only 5% of women who have suffered rape received healthcare. Those who have survived sexual violence face many other obstacles to heal getting back to the community is important and there are few opportunities to access well-equipped and specialized care services for sexual violence, the report said. South Africa has one of the highest incidences of rape in the world and a low prosecution rate. The MSF research also suggested that a very low number of these women were aware of how to prevent HIV transmission and even pregnancy. An estimated 6.2 million South Africans live with HIV The United Nations on Tuesday, urged the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to investigate the killing of dozens civilians including two children in North Kivu. The machete odious killings that occurred on Saturday are suspected to have been perpetrated by Rebels from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF,) a Ugandan Islamist militia that has operated in eastern Congo since the 1990s. This is the most serious violence to affect the area since late 2014 when the UN documented at least 237 civilian deaths in a three-month period between October 1 and December 31, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said in a statement on Tuesday. Ensure the perpetrators of human rights abuses and violations on all sides are brought to justice, the statement added. Dozens of armed groups are active in North Kivu, where government troops have also been accused of preying on civilian population. The killings came three days after DR Congos President Joseph Kabila visited the region, promising to do everything in his power to bring peace and security. Police fired warning shots and tear gas to disperse protesters in the affected village early Wednesday, local media reported. Sudans ceasefire talks have collapsed less than a week after they began, Reuters reported on Wednesday. The road map of ceasefire talks and political reconciliation have failed due to lack of commitment by armed factions, the states chief negotiator was quoted by the news agency as saying. Speaking to reporters at Khartoum airport upon return from the peace talks in Addis Ababa, Ibrahim Mahmoud, the governments lead negotiator, said the main reason the negotiations broke down was the rebels deal-breaking request that, following the ceasefire, humanitarian aid be delivered by airlift to rebel areas in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile from Ethiopia, South Sudan and Kenya. The government delegation has rejected the proposition, he said. Last Monday, rebel and political parties welcomed the roadmap agreement brokered by the African Union and already accepted by the government. Four groups of the opposition under the umbrella of Sudan Call signed the agreement for peace and dialogue. They had requested a number of measures including granting political freedom in the country and the release of political prisoners. In a joint statement on Tuesday, Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and the European Union commended the opposition for signing the agreement which will go a long way to ensure peace in the region. However, a week after the talks, the rebels have blamed the government for stalling the talks as they are unwilling to renounce any of their demands. The United Nations' belated acknowledgement it played a role in a cholera epidemic in Haiti that has killed nearly 10,000 people was hailed by victims' advocates Thursday as vindication of their efforts to hold the world body accountable. The epidemic broke out in 2010 in the vicinity of a base housing UN peacekeepers, in an impoverished Caribbean country that previously had been considered cholera-free. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's deputy spokesman Farhan Haq promised a "significant new set of UN actions" to respond to the crisis, following a confidential report sent to the UN chief that was critical of the world body's actions. Draft language of the report, prepared by New York University law professor Philip Alston, who serves as a special rapporteur advising the UN on human rights issues, stated that the epidemic "would not have broken out but for the actions of the United Nations," according to The New York Times. "This is a major victory for the thousands of Haitians who have been marching for justice, writing to the UN and bringing the UN to court," said Mario Joseph, a Haitian human rights lawyer representing victims of the epidemic. "It is high time for the UN to make this right and prove to the world that 'human rights for all' means for Haitians too." Already one of the world's poorest countries, Haiti was still reeling from a devastating earthquake on January 12, 2010 that killed more than 200,000 people when its misery was compounded by the cholera outbreak. The first cases appeared in October 2010 on the banks of the Artibonite River, near a base where Nepalese members of the UN peacekeeping mission were quartered in the central town of Mirebalais. "Over the past year, the UN has become convinced that it needs to do much more regarding its own involvement in the initial outbreak and the suffering of those affected by cholera," Haq said. The spokesman said the new response would be released publicly within the next two months, after it has been agreed with Haitian authorities and discussed with member states. Alston's report will be released in late September. Unchanged legal position "The UN must follow this announcement with action, including issuing a public apology, establishing a plan to provide compensation to the victims who have lost so much, and ensuring that cholera is eliminated in Haiti through robust investment in water and sanitation infrastructure," said Beatrice Lindstrom, staff attorney at the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti. "We will keep fighting until it does." French epidemiologist Roland Piarroux has said the scope of the cholera epidemic is "unprecedented" in recent history. As early as November 2010, Piarroux had concluded that the epidemic had been imported from outside the country. Despite numerous scientific studies backing that conclusion, the United Nations had until now refused to acknowledge any responsibility in introducing the disease in Haiti, saying it was impossible to authoritatively determine the source of the epidemic. US courts have rejected complaints filed by families of cholera victims in New York, where the UN is headquartered, due to the world body's immunity. And that is not likely to change, with a UN official saying that "the UN legal position has not changed." Cholera, which is transmitted through contaminated drinking water and causes acute diarrhea, is a major challenge in a country with poor sanitary conditions. Some 72 percent of Haitians have no toilets at home and, according to the UN, 42 percent still lack access to drinking water. Researchers have made alarming forecasts. In a report earlier this month, Piarroux found more than 21,000 cases and 200 deaths took place from January to June. "With a rainy season that will last through November or possibly December, we worry that cholera will be especially deadly this year, easily killing 400 or 500 people." Explore further Haiti victims file cholera lawsuit against UN (Update) 2016 AFP Dr Emma Boyland. Credit: University of Liverpool Dr Emma Boyland is a Lecturer in appetite and obesity at the University of Liverpool's Institute of Psychology, Health and Society and Trustee of the UK Association for the Study of Obesity. "The Government's long awaited Childhood Obesity Strategy is out, and it is as frustrating as it is disappointing. It has been downgraded to a "plan", and contains little of the "brave and bold action" that had been called for, and that the obesity problem warrants. "The plan is but 13 pages long, and outlines a series of lacklustre proposals that will not be sufficient to make real progress in tackling the obesity crisis. There is a lot of focus on sugar, but still fails to take on board the majority of recommendations made in the recent Public Health England report on how to reduce excess sugar intake. "The plan states that it has been devised "while respecting consumer choice and economic realities", and this is a clear and depressing indication of the Government's unwillingness to tackle the junk food and advertising industries, who form a critical part of the obesogenic environment in which we live. "True choice is a fallacy when the food environment has such power over what, how, when and how much we eat. Until the root causes of obesity are tackled with considered and co-ordinated action, we will fail to made real inroads into improving the health and the lives of children in this country. This was a real opportunity to make a difference, and it has been missed by a mile. It is our children who have been let down the most." Explore further Critics: UK plan to cut child obesity lacks muscle Screenshot of the app interface offered by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency to handle parental leave (in Swedish). I recently became a father to a beautiful little girl. As an ECR and first time parent living in Sweden, this means that I am now entitled to parental benefits, i.e. money that I receive from the government to subsidize my expenses so I am able to be at home with my child instead of working, applying for a new job, or studying. Therefore, I did not have to make a choice between prioritizing my family and my professional development, but instead could let the two develop simultaneously and benefit each other. In spite of strong evidence that supports the overwhelming benefits paid parental leave affords families, these policies are not universal. I hope that by sharing my positive experience with parental leave (which, granted is a special case), it can help other ECRs factor this in to the considerations they make when building a career. My experience with parental leave in Sweden As Swedish citizens, my fiancee and I are eligible for a combined 480 days of paid parental leave. We can divide the days between us by transferring the days to each other, but 90 days are fixed for each of us and cannot be transferred in an effort to involve both parents in the early days of their child's life. For 390 days, we are entitled to nearly 80% of our regular salary, up to a maximum of SEK 946 (approximately $112) per day. This leave can be taken by the month, week, day or even by the hour, since Sweden's parental leave policies also allows parents to take part-time leave with partial benefits for a longer period. As the non-pregnant parent, I was also entitled to compensation for 10 days of leave in connection with the birth of my daughter, so-called temporary parental benefits. These days allowed me to stay at home with my new family, and because I was financially compensated for this time through our public social security authority, my family did not suffer any financial hardship as a result. The parental leave is extended further by my place of employment, which offers even more expansive benefits to encourage parenthood. My institution has policies that allow me to take full parental leave until my daughter is 18 months old and my working hours can be reduced by up to a quarter until my daughter is 12 years old. The University also offers a so-called "parental benefit supplement" which is paid out for a certain period of time, meaning that I am entitled to keep a larger portion of my salary per month than the 80% that I am entitled to by Swedish law. It is therefore important to check institutional policies when reviewing job offers, regardless of whether one has children or plans to. Paternal leave encourages fathers to take on the caregiver role Promoting gender equality in child rearing and domestic life is unsurprising in Sweden, where more than 70% of women also participate in the professional workforce. It follows that expansive parental leave policies allow for a revision of traditional gender roles toward shared responsibilities between who is the breadwinner and who is the caregiver. The importance of equal involvement from both parents in raising a child has become a frequently discussed topic in modern life. The evidence shows that paid maternal leave benefits women, families and the economy. By enacting similar policies for dads, they can be more involved in family life, which confers long-term benefits for their children. In terms of achieving more equitable division of labor between parents, regardless of gender, helping dads gain comfort and confidence in the role of caregiver is beneficial for the whole family. Other studies show that fathers who get involved in taking care of their children early on wind up being more involved in the child's life as they age. For households that value partnership, both professionally and in family life, it is critical that both parents are equipped to fulfill the role of primary caretaker for their children. Beyond Sweden's borders: Parental leave flimsy elsewhere Unfortunately, the right to long-term, paid parental leave is not the global norm for most parents in the world. I was surprised to learn that the United States remains the only OECD country whose federal government does not provide nor protect the right to paid maternity leave, and is one of nine OECD countries that does not offer a paid leave entitlement reserved for fathers. Fortunately, some states in the U.S. picked up the slack of the federal government. California is one of only a few states today that offers paid parental leave, and in April 2016, San Francisco became the first city in the U.S. to approve six weeks of fully paid leave for new parents who either bear or adopt a child. But social norms have not caught up with state policies on paternal leave. A common problem in these progressive states is that despite maternity leave being offered to mothers, many women fail to take leave, research indicates reasons for this may include: inadequate knowledge of policies, unclear values, social pressure, inexperience with negotiating in the workplace, and lack of financial and childcare resources. To encourage uptake of maternity leave policies, researchers from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health developed an evidence-based tool using participatory design to educate working women in California about maternity leave. This study assessed the short-term efficacy of the tool and encourage pregnant, working women in California to plan for and use maternity leave. Using a randomized control trial set-up, the findings from the pilot evaluation show that the tool helped educate women in the sample about maternity leave and effectively mobilized them to use their leave. Compared to the struggles faced by the California women enrolled in the aforementioned study, access to information and planning resources about maternal and paternal leave in Sweden is easy to come by, particularly since the Swedish Social Insurance Agency has embraced technology. With the "Kassakollen" function, I can quickly see approximately how much I can receive for my parental leave. This tool is also available as free app for smartphones and tablets, which makes the information very accessible. Family leave policies in Scandinavia enter US politics During the US Democratic Primary elections, the Scandinavian welfare societies and their social contract has been intensively discussed as a model for the American dream, especially by former Democratic party candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders. Sanders' former rival and the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton also promises to enact policies guaranteeing up to 12 weeks of paid family leave to care for a new child in her political platform. Not only did Clinton break the glass ceiling of politics by becoming the first woman to be nominated for U.S. president by a major political party, but she also directed the dialog around paid parental leave and other women's right issues. Concluding thoughts As a first time parent and ECR in Sweden, I realize that I am truly blessed to live in a country and work for an institution that values my role as a parent and wants to give me the time to build a close relationship with my child. Without paternity leave, dads face a major hurdle in being equal partners at home and without maternity leave, or limited access to it, women may be end having to make a choice between their academic career and having children, which should not be the case. Access to parental leave should be included as a government or workplace benefit to support ones' professional development and family planning goals. While hopefully the new U.S. president will usher in more expansive and generous family leave policies (12 weeks is as good as it gets from the U.S. government), ECRs are wise to consider the paternal leave policies provided by their employers/governments, regardless of where they are at in their family planning lives. Explore further Facebook ramps paid leave time for new dads This story is republished courtesy of PLOS Blogs: Ramucirumab (trade name: Cyramza) is a monoclonal antibody, which blocks a receptor, reducing the growth of blood vessels and so reducing blood supply to the tumours. This aims to slow the growth of the tumours. As a so-called orphan drug, i.e. a drug for the treatment of rare diseases, ramucirumab was initially exempt from proof of an added benefit. With several expansions of the therapeutic indication, it has lost this special status. Having already conducted early benefit assessments for two other oncological indications recently, the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) was now commissioned to investigate, based on a third manufacturer dossier, whether ramucirumab offers an added benefit in comparison with the appropriate comparator therapy for adults with advanced adenocarcinoma of the stomach or of the gastro-oesophageal junction. Since the requirements specified by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) for the appropriate comparator therapy and for the target population were not met in the studies cited by the drug manufacturer, such an added benefit is not proven. Approved as combination and monotherapy After previous chemotherapy, ramucirumab can be used either in combination with paclitaxel or alone if paclitaxel is inadequate for the patients. The G-BA specified different appropriate comparator therapies for both situations: in the first case, individually optimized treatment specified by the physician under consideration of the respective approvals, and in the second case, best supportive care (BSC). Combination therapy: control arm did not concur with the G-BA's specifications For the first research question, the manufacturer cited the study RAINBOW, in which ramucirumab plus paclitaxel was compared with placebo plus paclitaxel. This study was unsuitable for conclusions on an added benefit of the combination therapy in comparison with the appropriate comparator therapy for several reasons. First, determining paclitaxel deviated from the specification of "individually optimized treatment specified by the physician". According to guidelines, paclitaxel is only one of several treatment options for the target population and not preferred over the other options. Second, paclitaxel as monotherapy is not approved for people with advanced stomach cancer who have already received chemotherapy. The G-BA had explicitly pointed this out to the manufacturer before the dossier was compiled. The same applies to the other drugs recommended in the guidelines. Hence the patients in Germany are in a situation where the drugs recommended for their treatment are not approved, and the approved drugs, conversely, are not recommended in the guidelines. Since the G-BA explicitly reminded the manufacturer to consider the approval status, this inevitably resulted in the conclusion that the study did not concur with the requirements; an added benefit of ramucirumab plus paclitaxel in comparison with the appropriate comparator therapy is therefore not proven. Monotherapy: study deviated from the relevant patient population For the second research question, the manufacturer cited the study REGARD, in which ramucirumab plus BSC was compared with placebo plus BSC. This study was also inadequate for the assessment of the added benefit because this would require analysing data of patients for whom a combination therapy with ramucirumab and paclitaxel was not an option. The proportion of patients who were included in the study although they could have been treated with the combination was probably at least one third of the total study, however. The manufacturer did not address this problem in its dossier. Hence it was concluded for the second research question that an added benefit of ramucirumab in comparison with the appropriate comparator therapy is not proven. G-BA decides on the extent of added benefit The dossier assessment is part of the early benefit assessment according to the Act on the Reform of the Market for Medicinal Products (AMNOG) supervised by the G-BA. After publication of the dossier assessment, the G-BA conducts a commenting procedure and makes a final decision on the extent of the added benefit. An overview of the results of IQWiG's benefit assessment is given by a German-language executive summary. In addition, the Website, published by IQWiG, provides easily understandable German-language information. More English-language information will be available soon (Sections 2.1 to 2.5 of the dossier assessment as well as subsequently published health information on Explore further Afatinib in advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the lung: Added benefit not proven Credit: Shutterstock ANGLE plc's Parsortix, which was granted a European patent in March 2016, harvests circulating cancer cells from blood for further medical analysis. Its use is an essential step in research under the GANNET53 project, which bets on a second generation Hsp90 inhibitor to improve metastatic ovarian cancer survival rates. The GANNET53 project - set to be completed in 2019 - is well under way. 424 blood samples have been collected so far from 136 patients and processed using Parsortix. Sufficient RNA could be isolated for further qPCR (real time quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction) analysis in 134 of the 136 samples, and the Medical University of Vienna is currently analysing the RNA Markers to determine their presence or absence. 'For the first time, using the Parsortix system, we can now reliably access ovarian cancer cells from patient blood samples for analysis,' said Prof. Robert Zeillinger, Head of the Molecular Oncology Group at the Medical University of Vienna. 'This opens up completely new approaches to drug development in ovarian cancer and has the potential for wide applicability in other ovarian cancer drug trials.' Unlike other CTC (circulating tumour cells) analysis systems, which lack suitable surface markers that makes them ineffective for ovarian cancer, Angle's Parsortix showed 'unprecedented sensitivity and specificity' when it was first used by the Medical University of Vienna in January 2015. ANGLE has since been invited to participate in the project. The company hopes that GANNET53 will help obtain evidence of the capability of Parsortix to harvest cancer cells from patient blood for analysis in large scale studies, but also that, if the trail is successful, Parsortix will be utilised as a companion diagnostic to identify patient responders for Ganetespib the drug being developed under GANNET53. 'The integration of our system into drug trials is a key objective in order to grow research use sales. Performance demonstrated in the GANNET53 trial and the capability developed by Medical University of Vienna to analyse the cancer cells has the potential to open new markets for Parsortix,' explained Andrew Newland, ANGLE Founder and Chief Executive. In the years to come, ANGLE is confident that the analysis of blood cells harvested with Parsortix has the potential to help deliver personalised care for various forms of cancers. A highly potent drug Ganetespib is considered by its creators as the safest, most effective and clinically most advanced Hsp90 (heat shock protein 90) inhibitor available. It was developed by Synta Pharmaceuticals in the United States, which has agreed to provide the drug for GANNET53 trials at no charge. The GANNET53 project consists of two phases: Phase one will test the safety of Ganetespib in a new combination with standard chemotherapy (Paclitaxel weekly) in high-grade serous, high-grade endometrioid or undifferenciated, platinum-resistant ovarian cancer patients. The second phase will examine the efficacy of this combination with the sole use of standard chemotherapy. The GANNET53 project will run until March 2019 and has received close to EUR 6 million in EU funding. Explore further Chemotherapy may boost immunotherapy power in ovarian cancer More information: Project website: Project website: In this Feb. 11, 2016 file photo, Dallas County Mosquito Lab microbiologist Spencer Lockwood sorts mosquitos collected in a trap in Hutchins, Texas, that had been set up in Dallas County near the location of a confirmed Zika virus infection. The quest for a vaccine began less than a year ago as Brazil's massive outbreak revealed that Zika, once dismissed as a nuisance virus, can harm a fetus' brain if a woman is infected during pregnancy. (AP Photo/LM Otero, File) Wanted: Volunteers willing to be infected with the Zika virus for science. It may sound bizarre, but researchers are planning just such a studythis winter, when mosquitoes aren't bitingto help speed development of much-needed Zika vaccines. The quest for a vaccine began less than a year ago as Brazil's massive outbreak revealed that Zika, once dismissed as a nuisance virus, can harm a fetus' brain if a woman is infected during pregnancy. Now, researchers in the United States have begun safety testing of two vaccine candidates, and more experimental shots are poised to enter that preliminary testing soon. Any that seem promising will have to be tested in thousands of people in parts of Latin America and the Caribbean that are hard-hit by the mosquito-borne virusthe only way to prove if an experimental vaccine really protects. Even if all goes well, a vaccine wouldn't be available for general use any time soon. But a different kind of research also can offer clues for vaccine development. It's called a human challenge study, when healthyand nonpregnantpeople agree to be injected deliberately with a virus, mimicking natural infection while scientists track how their bodies react. The first question is even more basic: How much of the virus does it take to infect someone? If government regulators agree, researchers could find out by injecting paid volunteers with different amounts of lab-grown Zika virus as early as December in a Baltimore hospital. That information will help the researchers later, when they're ready to test an experimental Zika vaccine. "We're looking at these human challenge protocols not only as an important step in vaccine development but as a means to learn more about Zika," said Dr. Anna Durbin of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who is leading the work. "We can look at things that you just can't do in someone who's naturally infected." Some questions and answers about the development of Zika vaccines: Q: Which potential vaccines are first in line? A: Two so-called DNA vaccines have begun preliminary safety testing, one made by the National Institutes of Health and the other by Pennsylvania-based Inovio Pharmaceuticals. They mark a new kind of technology. Traditionally, vaccines are made using a dead or weakened virus to train the body's immune system to recognize that infection and fight it off. DNA vaccines may be easier to make. Scientists used a circular piece of DNA, called a "plasmid," to carry genes that prompt the body itself to produce certain Zika virus proteins, alerting the immune system. That piece of trickery worked in animals. The phase 1 studies in dozens of people will check for safety, and whether the vaccinations rev up human immunity enough to justify further tests. Q: What else is in the pipeline? A: "We are right now in a race of time to get the best vaccine," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In this photo provided by The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases shows a healthy volunteer receiving the NIAID Zika virus investigational DNA vaccine as part of an early-stage trial to test the vaccine's safety and immunogenicity. This is the first administration of this vaccine in a human. (The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases via AP) Multiple candidates are important as there's no way to predict which kind will work best. The DNA vaccines simply were ready for human testing first. In October, safety tests are set to begin using the more traditional killed-virus vaccine, developed by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. The NIH also is developing a vaccine using live-but-weakened virus, the type thought to trigger particularly long-lasting immune protection. That's the kind used to protect against rubella, which back in the 1960s caused an epidemic of birth defects. Q: If the first candidates are safe, what happens next? A: Fauci expects to open next-step studies in January, enrolling 2,400 to 5,000 people in areas where Zika still is spreading widely to test if the vaccinated are less likely than the unvaccinated to become infected. Q: Are vaccines aimed at pregnant women? A: Not at this point. It's hard to test new products during pregnancy. Plus, a fetus can be vulnerable to Zika even before a woman realizes she's pregnant. The goal instead is to vaccinate women of childbearing age and their sexual partnersbecause Zika also can be transmitted through sexwell before pregnancy ever occurs. Q: Where do the human challenge studies come in? A: Jabbing someone with Zika is faster than waiting around for a mosquito to bite them to see if an experimental vaccine provides protection. But first Durbin must find what dose of Zika causes infection, to be sure she's giving a vaccine enough of a challenge. That's what the study planned for December would do. Volunteers given different amounts of Zika would be kept in a Hopkins hospital unit for 12 days, to be sure the virus had cleared the bloodstream, and would have to agree to use condoms for a while afterward to avoid any possibility of sexual transmission. Because Zika usually causes few if any symptoms, those infected might expect a rash or low fever. The second round of the research would recruit volunteers who'd received an experimental vaccine, trying to infect them with Zika six months after their shot. The extra benefit: Tracking people from the moment they're exposed to Zika also could shed important new light on how the virus affects the bodysuch as how long it's infectious in blood, semen and other bodily fluids, and just how the immune system fights it off. Q: Has this been done before? A: Human challenge studies are rare because they're difficult to perform and expensive. But Durbin recently did just such research to test a potential vaccine against dengue, a dangerous cousin of Zika, and doesn't expect difficulty recruiting volunteers for the Zika study once regulators are satisfied it can be conducted safely. Q: What about the fight over federal funding for Zika? A: In February, the Obama administration requested $1.9 billion for the nation's fight against Zika, including vaccine development, but Congress hasn't approved any of it. With existing money running out, federal health officials are taking funds meant for other diseases to get by until the end of the yearbut Fauci said NIH alone will need $196 million more in 2017 to avoid delays in the vaccine research. Explore further Experimental Zika vaccine to begin human testing 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Tbilisi City Court sentences man 12 years in prison for terrorist activities By Messenger Staff Tbilisi City Court sentenced a Georgian man to 12 years in prison for being a member of a terrorist organisation and participating in operations conducted by the organisation on August 9.The court accepted evidence provided by Georgias Chief Prosecutors Office which claimed that a 30-year-old Georgian citizen from the countrys eastern, mainly Muslim-populated Pankisi Gorge, David Borchashvili, was a member of the Islamic State.Borchashvili joined the terrorist organisation in Syria and was actively participating in armed military operations, the Prosecutors Office said in the statement after the Court's verdict was announced.Borchashvili was detained by law enforcers at Tbilisi Shota Rustaveli International Airport on November 22 last year.Borchashvilis family were adamant that he had never been in Syria.However, a video released on the Internet after his detention showed Borchashvili in a foreign country with armed people in a military vehicle.Borchashvilis lawyer, Gela Nikolaishvili, claimed that the man had connections with Syrias Free Army, which was not a terrorist group, and fought against the Islamic State and the Russian-backed, President Bashar al-Assad.Borchashvili can appeal Tbilisi City Courts verdict to the Court of Appeals.Last year, Georgia introduced harsh punishments for those affiliated with any terrorist groups.There are no official figures as the numbers of Georgian Muslims fighting for IS, but many young Georgians from the mainly Kistpopulated Pankisi Gorge travelled to Syria and Iraq through Turkey.One of the most famous leaders of the Islamic State (IS), who was reported as dead by US and IS affiliated media this year, Tarkhan Batirashvili, was also from Pankisi Gorge area.The relevant state bodies must be very cautious of such incidents, as terrorism is an international threat. Providing better opportunities for the Pankisi Gorge population, increasing their knowledge of terrorism and human rights issues could also help reduce the flow of Georgians travelling abroad to fight for a fundamentalist cause. The Myaamia Center at Miami University has been awarded a $182,406 grant by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages project. The funding is part of the Documenting Endangered Languages program, a joint effort between the NSF and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), which is designed to support projects that protect and preserve endangered languages. The Tututni language team works at the Smithsonian National Anthroplogical Archives during the 2015 National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages workshop. This is the second time the Myaamia Center has received NSF funding for the project. Breath of Life is designed to train researchers from indigenous communities in the methods of archives-based linguistic and ethnographic research. This research is critical to the advancement of knowledge about indigenous languages and cultures and to their revitalization. Daryl Baldwin, director of the Myaamia Center, is principal investigator. Co-principal investigators are Leanne Hinton, professor emerita of linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley, and Gabriela Perez Baez, curator of linguistics and director of the Recovering Voices initiative, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. The Native American Languages Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in 1990, enacted into policy the recognition of the unique status and importance of Native American languages. All Native American languages are endangered, and more than 120 of them have gone silent, which means there are no remaining fluent first language speakers. Experts recognize approximately 7,000 languages worldwide and estimate at least half will fall silent by the end of this century, according to the researchers. National Breath of Life (BoL), as the program is more widely known, was awarded a $167,650 grant in 2014. The increased funding for this years award is largely due to a new assessment component that will be directed by Miami Universitys Discovery Center for Evaluation, Research, and Professional Learning. The Kwakiutl language team at the 2015 Breath of Life workshop (images courtesy of Myaamia Center archives). The results of the assessment will inform the evolution of the institute to ensure that the National Breath of Life continues to offer state-of-the-art training in linguistics and archival research for community researchers, Perez Baez said. Co-hosted by the Smithsonian's National Anthropological Archives, the National Museum of the American Indian and the Library of Congress, the 2017 National BoL workshop will run from May 29 to June 9 and introduce linguistics and the language sciences. Participants are grouped by their heritage language, with each group assigned an academically trained linguist for one-on-one mentoring in the analysis of archival materials in that language. Ultimately, these efforts by citizen scientists will increase their linguistic understanding of their languages to support reclamation and further investigation of the languages. The National BoL will train citizen scientists from some 15 language communities, bringing the cumulative number of languages investigated in these national workshops to more than 70. The Breath of Life archival model has been successful in engaging Native American citizen scientists to work with archival language documentation in repositories in California, Oklahoma and Washington, D.C. Thanks to the support of the NSF-DEL program and our partnerships with the Smithsonians Recovering Voices and the National Breath of Life Committee, we are able to offer this unique opportunity for selected participants to research new archival resources and receive specialized training that supports their communitys language research needs, Baldwin said. Miami students sample water from shallow wells in one of Lusakas unplanned periurban communities. (Photo from Jonathan Levy) An intensive three-week study abroad workshop in the Republic of Zambia teamed Miami University students and professors with colleagues from the University of Zambia and the Zambia Environmental Management Agency in three ongoing research projects. The team of eight students and three professors collected a wide range of scientific data through sometimes difficult rural terrain and crowded city streets. They did this all while carefully establishing cooperative relationships with residents and leaders of the communities they visited. According to team leader Jonathan Levy, director of Miamis Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, the ultimate goal is to have the research driven by community needs and continue over time with community involvement in the data collection. Many in low-income communities are rightfully wary of groups of mainly white students and scientists entering their communities, said Levy, who also is an associate professor in the department of geology and environmental earth science. Miami University and University of Zambia students 950 m below the surface on a tour of the Konkola Copper Mine in Chingola, Zambia. (Photo from Jonathan Levy) Mapping the pathways of contamination The first research project used dye tracing to develop a better understanding of the groundwater supply of Lusaka, the capital of Zamiba. The dye traces the patterns of groundwater travel and contaminant pathways. Levy and the students are still awaiting results of the dye tracing while a team of students from the University of Zambia Integrated Water Resource Management Program continues their weekly monitoring of the groundwater. Assessing water quality in Lusakas periurban communities The second project was an assessment of the quality and extent of provision of drinking water in unplanned, high-density, periurban communities around Lusaka. Relatively good quality water is provided by semi-governmental agencies called Water Trusts, but residents also get their water from often highly-contaminated shallow wells. The students measured water quality in the various water sources and the Water Trust managers were surveyed to try to determine how many people have access to the higher quality water. University of Zambia, Integrated Water Resources Management post-graduate student, Naphtallie Banda and Miami University, IES graduate student, Mengwei Yang, retrieve and replace dye receptors inside of a large shallow well. Mining and the environment For the third study, the team traveled to Kabwe, a city of about 200,000 people and the location of a former lead and zinc mine that was in operation from 1906 to 1994. As a result of mining and smelting, there is widespread lead and cadmium contamination that has earned Kabwe a spot on Time magazines list of the worlds most polluted places. The levels of lead in childrens blood is especially alarming. In June, the research team worked on a holistic assessment of the effects of toxic metal contamination in the former mining town of Kabwe. This assessment involved sampling air particles, dust in homes, soils and groundwater. The project also included health surveys of Kabwe residents led by Cameron Hay-Rollins, associate professor of anthropology. She worked closely with Miami students and students from the University of Zambias department of public health. The data collected will serve as the basis for Levy, Hay-Rollins and colleagues to write a proposal to the National Science Foundation or the National Institute of Health for more extensive research that will include community-based science. Miami University, IES graduate student, Kathleen Jordan, injects Fluorescein dye into a latrine for a groundwater dye-tracing experiment. (Photo from Jonathan Levy) Findings and moving forward The findings of the continued studies will become recommendations for local government agencies to revitalize community outreach and education about dangers of metal exposure and offer ways to minimize exposure in heavily contaminated areas." Kathleen Jordan, a graduate student in environmental science, said the opportunity to be involved firsthand in international field research gave her a unique perspective. I was able to immerse myself in the day-to-day processes of the research .... I think it adds a lot of integrity to my upcoming practicum. Patrick Shanahan, a junior geology major, appreciated the amount of planning and coordination required for a large-scale study such as this. No matter how many people in your group have a doctorate, things can still derail very quickly. Equipment gets forgotten, samples get lost or mislabeled, and various other things. But I love doing fieldwork. Its demanding and very engaging. Editor's note: Jonathan Levy, Carole Johnson, university news and communications, and Kerry McFadden, intern, contributed to this story. The local makers of an original science-fiction comedy feature film are seeking to raise $20,000 to finish off post-production. "Here We Are in the Present ... Again," was written and directed by Zach Smith, a Dillon native who spent some time acting and working in the Los Angeles film and comedy scenes. You can watch some of sketch videos at "Find Zach Smith" on YouTube. Smith recently returned to L.A. to attend the American Film Institute's Directing Conservatory. The film was produced by Skye Bennett, a native of Troy with experience in L.A. and New York who's produced and co-written a feature-length independent film here in western Montana "Love Like Gold," among other credits. "He We Are" is a science-fiction comedy in the vein of Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman, centering on a physicist, played by Smith, who has developed a time machine. "In his attempt to destroy the object he's spent his life building, he wakes up in a small Montana town without any recollection of how he got there or if his machine even existed in the first place," the filmmakers write. "What he does find, is that happiness and peace can come from living in the present moment and that working on being a better person to those around him is the most rewarding accomplishment of all." The film was shot over 20 days in Dillon last June, with a crew of five, a cast of five principal actors, and 3 smaller roles. They're editing and finishing the film, and have a full cut completed. The money will go toward color correction, sound mixing, an original soundtrack and payments for an editor. The filmmakers are seeking to raise $20,000 by Friday, Sept. 2. To donate, watch clips or get more information, go to They've also entered the film in the Audience Awards' Post-Production competition. The winner of the crowd-sourced contest will receive $28,998. You can vote at The apocalypse has already happened. The remaining humans are trapped in a bunker. Most of the them are actors. If everything is going to be over soon, why not put on a sketch show? That's the premise of "No Refunds," an original play being staged this weekend at the Zootown Fringe Festival. Actor, director and writer Sean Kirkpatrick came up with the premise as a way to blend some sketches he'd written, but he says the scenario is a good encapsulation of theater as a whole. "That's what theater is: taking people who want to be loud, putting them in a little room with people who will listen to them be loud, and then letting them go," Kirkpatrick said. His characters are a broad assembly of caricatures of the theater world: the egotistical actor. The naive newcomer. The sexy actress and the stage manager. The rude audience member. The sketches parody political performance art and monologues, soap operas, game shows, musical numbers and more as the cast struggles to put on their show. Garner, who played the title character in Missoula Community Theatre's "Mary Poppins: The Musical," described the show as a hilarious romp into self-deprecation. It's specific to actors, but will resonate with anyone who occasionally takes themselves and their creative passions too seriously. "I think that it's good for anybody that does any kind of creative pursuit to do that sort of thing occasionally. It keeps you authentic," she said. Among the acting tropes they mock: the style of a high-schooler overacting at a drama competition. They also poke fun at the tics of soap opera thespians. "The way people will pause on words and be really big even though it's unnecessary for the scene," she said. Then the broader issue of "taking the creative process too seriously," she said. *** Kirkpatrick plays an egotistical actor named Sean. Adrian Adams portrays a "dopey guy who's never done a show before," Kirkpatrick said. Despite his uncertainty, "he has a very beautiful moment where he gets to go onstage and spread his little wings and fly." Dani Sather plays Female Ensemble. Garner is "The Sexy One," and Winnie Lohof plays the stage manager. Kirkpatrick said the best seat in the house will likely be next to Curen Feliciani. The acting student in the BFA program portrays the audience member. "I'm just kind of your average stereotypical person who hasn't been to a show, and doesn't really know how to act," Feliciani said. He'll be texting. Or eating popcorn or chips. Maybe doing a little heckling. It's a new experience for Feliciani, one he said is somewhat cathartic. "You know it's wrong, what you're doing," he said. "It feels good to just let it out. I get to be that guy. I dig it." Interspersed are filmed elements by the local Digital Hitch Productions. *** Kirkpatrick, who recently graduated from the University of Montana theater department, has had funny, scene-stealing roles in productions here over the past several years. For UM's "Avenue Q," he was onstage operating one of the mischievous puppets that tempt a character's worst impulses. In an independent production, "Holocene," he played a naif with a Walt Whitman obsession. For the Montana Repertory Theatre's educational outreach tour, he was signed on to assist the small traveling cast by playing eight characters for "Growing Up in Wonderland." He also toured with "The Dirty Sexy Chocolate Show," a food-themed original cabaret show that made several stops in Montana and Seattle. The McCall, Idaho, native has experience writing as well. Back when he was a junior in high school, the local play-writing conference Seven Devils selected his script as part of its staged readings of works by local students. He penned his own sketch show, and for a previous Fringe Festival he put on a one-man show, "Kelsey Grammer is Abraham Lincoln Live for One Night Only." (Neither the "Frasier" star or the former president made appearances.) He's a fan of meta-comedies such as "30 Rock" and newer Netflix offerings with "Lady Dynamite," which he thinks offers some frame of reference for the goings-on in "No Refunds." He and Garner feel they've pushed it as far as they can with their own work. "Meta no longer exists. We killed it," he said. Native American art was at one time "frozen in an ethnographic past," as artist and educator Gail Tremblay describes it. She writes that objects that were both functional and art were displayed in museums without even identifying the maker by name. Those practices began changing in the 1930s, and the art itself radically began to change in the 1960s with the creation of the Institute of American Indian Art. More than 20 artists show the range of expressions that opened from then to the present in "Not Vanishing: Contemporary Expressions In Indigenous Art, 1977-2015," which Tremblay co-curated and is now on display at the Missoula Art Museum. "Artists can appropriate styles and techniques from everywhere and still say something that is distinctly Native and different from the mainstream art movement," she said. The artists represent myriad tribes from the Pacific Northwest and mediums, often with layers of references, techniques and humor that require repeat viewings to fully understand. "These are beautiful things to look at and think about, and that the more time they spend studying the background of the people who made the artwork, the more they'll come to understand the richness of its meaning," Tremblay said. "It's like anything." *** Tremblay, an Onondaga/Micmac professor at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, curated the exhibition for the Museum of Northwest Art in LaConner, Washingon, with Miles R. Miller, a Yakama/Nez Perce artist and former student of Tremblay's who pursued his own art as well as curating and scholarly work. They divided up the decades they wanted to cover and traced the evolution of major contemporary artists in each state in the region, plus British Columbia. "This is a celebration of the survival of Native peoples who are not frozen in some ethnographic moment others define for them, but who are representing themselves and their cultures as they speak to the world," Tremblay writes in an exhibition essay. Broadly, Tremblay said the movement can be traced back to two developments. In the 1960s, the Institute of American Indian Art hired contemporary artists like Fritz Scholder, and Allan Houser developed a contemporary Native American Art curriculum that was strikingly new compared to the romanticized, backward-looking program at the Santa Fe Indian School. Also, in the 1960s, scholarships allowed Native students to attend universities in their regions, where they learned the same contemporary lessons that mainstream artists were learning, leading to open questions about what they'd like to pursue. "As Native people, what did they want to say that was uniquely theirs?" Tremblay said. "Put those two things together, and that's how you get the contemporary Native American art movement.'' Tremblay said the reception to modern Indian work has differed by community. "You have all this stuff going on and it was culture shock for collectors. Sometimes it was culture shock on the Rez until people got used it," Tremblay said. She said its acceptance in the Indian community was much quicker, though. An artist might create an abstract work that employs a design, she said. To an outsider, it might be just that, but an Indian viewer could instantly see the artist was referencing, say, a design that is used on leggings to reference the creation story. "An outsider might see it as an abstract design," she said. "To an Indian person, it might have layers of meaning." Even today, she said, there are viewers who won't accept any art that is nonrepresentational. "In the Indian community, we have a centuries-old habit of making things that are abstract or designs that are highly symbolic and have layers of meaning and stories attached," she said. A totem pole, for instance, might have clear representational elements and design elements. "We have a complicated art history and it's pretty interesting and lively and it fits into world art in an interesting way," she said. *** The exhibition includes major established artists such as Rick Bartow, Corwin Clairmont, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith and George Littlechild, and emerging creators like Cameron Decker, Wendy Red Star and Sara Siestreem. It also crosses generations: Works by well-known artist Joe Feddersen are paired with works by his nieces, RYAN! Feddersen and Carly Feddersen. Clairmont's "Split War Shield" marries traditional symbols with contemporary mediums to comment on a proposed wider highway through the Flathead Indian Reservation in 2001. MAM senior curator Brandon Reintjes said Clairmont, a Salish artist, used cast paper from tire treads he found on the highway to craft the rim of the shield, which is cracked. "The split in the war shield is the perceived split that the highway would introduce," Reintjes said. Another Clairmont piece from 2001 was made during the run-up to the centennial celebrations for the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The monotype, "10,000 Years Indigenous Indian People / 200 Years Lewis & Clark," has lush color and an abstract sense of composition in service of his message. "He's doing stencils, scraping, imprint, collage. It's a super-complex process and he's a master at it to get the variety of marks on a single image," Reintjes said. Many of the emerging artists have promising careers ahead of them, he noted. Red Star, who's from the Crow reservation, has several works added from the MAM collection. Her lithographs, "Rez Car," and "The (HUD)" reference the housing conditions and deteriorated vehicles of her home reservation in an ultra-contemporary style. "You had this whole body of work that is the next generation inventing for itself," Tremblay said. In addition to many other projects, Tremblay would like to curate a similar show with a national scope, and one day perhaps produce a book on the subject. It could open the door for international viewers. Instead of falling back on stereotypes, they could come to interpret what they're seeing. "It's a very vibrant art scene and it needs to be studied, and then people can come to enjoy and understand it," Tremblay said. The String Orchestra of the Rockies will close out the St. Timothy's Summer Music Festival on Sunday, Aug. 21. The professional ensemble, whose members are also music teachers, will bring their talents to the scenic spot above Georgetown Lake. The concert was built around a rarely performed and as-yet unpublished composition by Irish composer and pianist Joan Trimble. Cellist and artist director Fern Glass Boyd selected the piece, which they received from the Irish Chamber Orchestra, to celebrate the Irish influence in the area around Georgetown Lake. The remainder of the concert features selections by American fiddler and composer Mark OConnor, who has roots in the Hamilton area; "Solitude on the Mountain," composed by Ole Bull; Peter Warlock's Capriol Suite and Mozarts Serenata Notturna. Tickets for the 4 p.m. concert can be purchased at, 888-407-4071, or any of the ticket outlets mentioned on the website. QUESTA, N.M. Fueled by faith and determination, volunteers worked tens of thousands of hours over the last several years to rebuild the heart of one mountain village in northern New Mexico. On Sunday, they will gather in Questa to celebrate their efforts with the rededication of the historic San Antonio Catholic Church. Archbishop John C. Wester and other officials will lead a special Mass. One of the church's main adobe walls collapsed almost a decade ago, prompting the Archdiocese of Santa Fe to call for the building to be torn down. Community members wouldn't have it and fought for permission to rebuild the church on their own. "To just let it go and say goodbye was not a real option for us," said Malaquias Rael, a former mayor of Questa and a spokesman for the restoration committee. "For us, it has always been the heart of the community. It's the cornerstone of our community." Rael predicted there won't be a dry eye in Questa during the weekend celebration. As part of agreement with the archdiocese, the villagers had a deadline of six years to rebuild the massive adobe structure and they had virtually no money to do it. Undeterred, they held bake sales, car washes, dances, silent auctions and raffled off trucks, a motorcycle and a quilt. They also sold some of the old adobe bricks from the church to raise money. Rael jokingly called it the "nickel and dime" approach. But over the years, they raised more than $600,000 in donations and received close to half a million dollars in donated equipment and materials to make the project happen. Another 41,000 hours in volunteer labor went into laying 29,000 adobes, stabilizing existing walls, plastering and painting and creating numerous stained glass windows and the special carvings that border the altar and choir loft. Project manager Mark Sideris said working with an all-volunteer crew was a blessing because their hearts were in it. "What kept us from feeling like we were being overworked is that everybody's forefathers had to make and lay about 50,000 adobes to build this place 170 years ago without any of the resources we have no mechanized equipment, no mortar mixers, no loaders. It was all by hand and in all seasons and all by daylight," he said. "That kept us kind of in our place." Finishing touches The volunteers were focused Thursday on finishing touches ahead of the weekend celebration. That included installing retablos, or devotional paintings, in the altar screen. The day before, the crew lined up all the pews. It's been a long road and the community has shared its progress through social media . As much of the original church was salvaged as possible, Sideris said. The historic adobes and large vigas from the original building provided a glimpse into what life might have been like in Questa in the mid-1800s. The original builders had to chisel square holes in the timber to haul them down from the mountains as there were no hand augers. They also used whatever was around corn cobs, left-over meat bones from their lunch and pottery shards to shim the adobes as they were laid. The adobes which came in all sizes back then were placed on bare ground and stretched about 20 feet high to form the main walls. Some walls were 4 feet thick. "The first miracle here was that it stood for 170 years without any foundation and now the second miracle is getting it rebuilt and keeping the roof in place while we did it and keeping many of the walls standing while we did it," Sideris said. "So there are a couple of miracles here for sure." Rael and Sideris said the community is ready to move back into the church, which had been the center of so many family events, from baptisms and first communions to weddings and funerals. "There were all of these stories and just the thought that now that can start all over again, it's going to be back in business and all those new memories can be made," Sideris said. For Rael, who grew up next door, the reconstruction also symbolizes a rebirth for the community. Questa has struggled to find new economic footing in the wake of the 2014 closure of a nearby mine that employed generations of residents. "We wanted to draw attention to what this community is made of," he said. "The mine shutdown made it challenging, but this is an attraction now. We want people to come and see this old building that was restored and learn the story of the people who live here." Every week on the Saturday morning statewide Montana Outdoor Radio Show, we try to give our listeners what we think is their best opportunity to catch fish. Last Saturday with the whitefish reports coming out of Flathead Lake, it just made sense for us to suggest fishing for whitefish. The bite, as it is known, has been on for the past two weeks and some successful anglers like Ross Tate of Missoula think that it will continue for at least a couple of weeks. They are feeding strong on perch fry," said Tate. Dick Zimmer from Zimmer Tackle told me that his famous whitefish Rattle-d-Zastor lure has been flying out the door as local sporting goods stores have been calling in orders to satisfy their customers. Last Sunday there must have been 30 to 50 boats in Big Arm and Elmo Bay,so that is a good indication that they are catching fish," said Zimmer. Tate was probably one of those anglers as he has had a lot of success the past two weeks. We are always catching 60 to 110 a day and filling our ice-filled coolers. I've been in Big Arm and Elmo Bay and catching them strong until about noon, yet still pulling them in until 3 p.m. As usual, Rattle-d-Zastor and a fly are perfect. We typically are fishing them in 50 to 65 feet of water. This past week has been fantastic." Jim Vashro, a retired fish biologist for FWP and an avid angler, gave me this whitefish report: Fished Elmo twice last week, both times slightly east of the Elmo ramp in 55 feet of water. Both days were very different. Fished Wednesday as the front was moving out. We dealt with cold, rain and light gusty winds. I thought that would put the fish off, but the bite was steady from 8 to 11. The whitefish preferred minnow imitations over jigging spoons. The top lures were a standup jig head with a Berkley Power Minnow and a Gitzit. Three of us caught about 25 whitefish in three hours. "Friday morning was sunny and started calm. Fished again east of the ramp. At one point there were 15 boats. The bite was actually slower, but most boats got fish. The 1/8-ounce Gitzit was the hot lure for two hours, then the bite switched to Northland Mimic Spoons. It pays to switch around if bites tail off. "We fished from 8 to 11:30 and caught about 20. Fish were biting very light and the wind picked up, making it tough. Most of the anglers that I have spoken with tell me that the whitefish will hang around Big Arm and Elmo Bay as long as the perch fry are there. Look for the spots like the Narrows on the south end of the lake and Rollins to start producing whitefish, too." Tate shared this recipe for whitefish: "One of my favorite pan recipes is to take a fillet with the skin on and dip it in hot butter and garlic, roll it in bread crumbs, and cook it skin-side-down first, on a high temp. In the meantime, make sure my broccoli is cooked and potatoes and veggies. After 4 minutes, cook the other side for another 4 minutes and we are ready to eat. A light amount of shredded cheddar cheese on top and you have a mouth-watering fillet of Lake Superior whitefish ready for dinner." The Bozeman developer of a hotel that will replace Missoula's historic Mercantile Building will agree to the city's design requirements and penalties if the company fails to deliver, the developer's attorney told the city. The legally-binding document drafted by Missoula's Development Services staff will ensure the five-story hotel looks like the drawings developer Andy Holloran of HomeBase Montana has provided thus far. That was the big takeaway from the City Councils Land Use and Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday, where committee members unanimously approved the language of the draft. It must still have to be approved by the full council on Monday night. The agreement stipulates that HomeBase will forfeit a $3 million surety bond if the company fails to comply with the terms of the agreement or fails to preserve the pharmacy portion of the Mercantile building on the northwest corner. Missoula Redevelopment Agency executive director Ellen Buchanan said the penalty money would, in a worst-case scenario, pay for the city to pave a parking lot if for some reason the developer left a gaping hole in the ground and walked away. Nobody thinks thats going to happen, but the committee agreed that $3 million is a large enough incentive to compel the developer to follow through with the plans presented. Holloran has estimated that the total project will cost $30 million. Alan McCormick, a lawyer representing HomeBase, told the committee that Holloran has reviewed the draft and doesnt believe theres anything that would prevent him from signing it. That means one of the last bureaucratic barriers to the development may have finally been erased. The Mercantile is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and when Holloran unveiled his proposal in March to demolish the building, it sparked five months of contentious debate between historic preservation advocates and those who want a new use for a downtown corner that has been vacant for six years. In the end, the City Council overturned the Historic Preservation Commissions denial of a demolition permit. But before the permit can be issued, the development agreement must be signed. If Holloran is granted a partial demolition permit, he must submit detailed engineering plans for how the pharmacy building will be saved. He also must work with the citys Historic Preservation Officer to salvage all historic items from within the building and make them available, at no charge, to entities such as the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula. The developer also must come to an agreement with the Missoula Parking Commission about how many spaces for the hotel will be leased at the downtown Park Place structure, and that agreement must be approved by the City Council. McCormick, the attorney, said he is aware that there is some angst within the community that the 150-room hotel will take parking spots away from residents. He reiterated that Holloran and the Missoula Parking Commission both believe that there is enough parking to satisfy the needs of the hotel. You dont build a project like this if you dont have the parking issue solved because the last thing a hotel owner wants is 10,000 Google reviews saying you cant find parking, he said. Committee member Emily Bentley said the council has historically not required new downtown businesses to have their own parking spaces before they are issued permits to proceed. Before I was on council, the council made a conscious decision not to mandate parking downtown because they decided it should be left to the market, she said. One of the reasons council put that policy in place was because it would have been cost-prohibitive for new businesses. McCormick agreed with Bentley, saying there would be much less development downtown if parking was mandated for every new project because there simply isnt enough space. Mandating parking "would have killed downtown development, he said. The developer is now expected to approach the Missoula Redevelopment Agency to see whether Tax Increment Financing funds can be used to offset the costs associated with preserving parts of the facade or other improvements. The Missoula County Attorneys Office is in full compliance with an agreement made two years ago to improve the way sexual assault cases are handled by local prosecutors, Montana Attorney General Tim Fox announced Wednesday. His office's oversight of the issue has ended, Fox said. In June 2014, Foxs office entered into an agreement with then-County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg and the U.S. Department of Justice, ending a feud between the county prosecutor and the federal agency. This is a big day for her and the team," Fox said of County Attorney Kirsten Pabst, elected after Van Valkenburg retired. "I think this is a big day for the community. This all began in a way that felt like the black cloud. We found the silver lining. In 2012, the Department of Justice launched an investigation into the way the county attorneys office, as well as the Missoula Police Department and University of Montana, responded to sex assault reports. On Wednesday, Fox said news stories about rape and sex assault cases originally drew the federal agencys attention to Missoula. The issue became the subject of a 2015 book by Jon Krakauer Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town. In 2013, UM and the city police department entered into agreements with DOJ that listed a series of stipulations, trainings, procedure overhauls and audits they were required to undergo. Last year, the DOJ announced both agencies had fulfilled their obligations. Since signing onto the agreement the county prosecutor's office, under Pabst, has developed better policies for handling sexual assault cases, participated in additional training for its attorneys, formed a special victims unit to prosecute sex crimes and hired additional staff to better communicate with victims. With all of its changes and reforms, Fox said he believes the Missoula County Attorneys Office represents the model for the rest of the country, not just Montana. Pabst said the special victims unit, which she formed after taking office at the start of 2015, will add a fifth attorney in October. These cases take exponentially more time and preparation to handle, Pabst said. Its a skill set nobody is born with, you have to learn that. Since starting the special victims unit, Pabsts office has located one of its attorneys at the Missoula Police Department, helping investigators in the early stages including meetings with victims and writing search warrants. The police have gone out of their way to commit to doing things right, Pabst said. One of the victims unit attorneys, Suzy Boylan, also compiled a guide for handling of sexual assault cases that Fox said has since been distributed to prosecutors offices across Montana. Attorneys in the victims unit are also taking part in training sessions for law enforcement and prosecutors in the state. As part of the agreement, Pabst hired an investigator and a victim witness coordinator who connects victims of sex crimes with services and acts as a point of contact. Jenny Daniel, coordinator of the multi-agency JUST Response program that focuses on sex assault, domestic violence and child abuse in Missoula, said Pabsts office has been a very active contributor. Theyve been really involved, they are at all of our meetings and work on training and providing a prosecutor's perspective on these important issues, she said. In a letter sent to Fox at the end of June, Anne Munch, hired to assess the progress made by the Missoula prosecutors office, congratulated Pabst and her staff on their efforts and accomplishments, in particular saying they have dramatically improved the way they treat victims. In 2014, during the first quarter Munch monitored cases in Missoula, she found prosecutors took an average of 35 days to contact a victim after a case was referred to them. In her most recent quarterly report, issued in February, Munch said that time period had shrunk to less than a day. Under the agreement, the county attorneys office was required to undergo an independent review by Foxs office, a process Pabst and the attorney general said they intend to continue. Pabst said her office has also contracted with a trauma counselor both to help them better understand the behaviors of the victims of sexual violence and to work with attorneys on how to handle the stress of working on such cases. While the attorney general and county attorney said Wednesdays announcement was a milestone they added there is still a lot of work to be done. Today is truly a celebration but its also the starting line, Pabst said. Fox said a continued focus on outreach and education, as well as reexamining sex crime laws in Montana, are paramount, points Munch also highlighted in her letter as areas Pabst's office should continue to work on. Societal bias, misconceptions and victim blaming make these hard to prosecute, Fox said. Pabst said the prosecutors in her office take every opportunity they get to go to schools and social organizations to discuss domestic violence and sex crimes. Fox said his office will support bills in the next Legislature to reform criminal laws, including a better definition of consent in sexual assault and rape cases. Pabst said it would be helpful to change the law from having to prove a negative to simply having to show that affirmative consent was given. She said her office also supports changes in what it means for a person to be incapacitated and therefore not able to provide consent. Under the current statute and how courts have interpreted it, Pabst said to show a person was incapacitated due to drugs or alcohol, We have to show essentially that they are passed out. Open your eyes: theres beauty in burned forests! Nobody should rejoice when a fire threatens or burns homes, as the Roaring Lion fire did recently, but there is plenty of reason to rejoice when the same fire burns in the adjacent wildlands. When a Missoulian article headline indicates that the same fire left devastation at popular hiking area (Aug. 11), it is a clear sign of the failure to recognize that the more severe fires in our western forests are magical transformation events that are as necessary and beneficial to plants and animals as are rainfall and sunlight. Anyone having the opportunity to walk through the Roaring Lion fire next spring or summer will be blessed with a cacophony of birdsong accompanied by a mushroom, wildflower and pollinator show unlike anything anywhere else on this planet. Fire-killed trees attract legions of insects that flourish in the wood beneath the charcoal bark and in the new shrubs and flowers. Many bird species seek out severely burned forests specifically for this rich insect food source. One species in particular, the black-backed woodpecker, occurs in astronomically greater numbers in burned than in unburned forests, and in the more severely burned portions of those forests as well. The black-backs excavate their nest holes in the dead trees, which then provide nesting sites for other animals that cant make their own nest cavities. No other woodpecker in the world is as adept at extracting beetle larvae from fire-killed trees, and it has become an icon for the ecological importance of severely burned forests. Its time for the media to provide an ecologically literate perspective on the role of natural disturbance processes in general and on forest fires in particularsevere forest fires are amazing biological processes that help maintain all the plant and animal species that make up our forest systems. Anyone who wants to see the facts for him- or herself should plan to visit the trailhead next spring and summer to experience natures exuberant response to the transformative power of severe fire. Once we learn to appreciate the biological magic associated with the early post-fire years in a severely burned forest, we can celebrate natural disturbance events that create these unique environments. In 2003, we were blessed in Missoula to have the 7,000-acre Black Mountain fire burn right up to several trailheads near town. Consequently, hundreds upon hundreds of schoolchildren were able to visit the burned forest to learn from the Montana Natural History Center about the role of severe fire in a natural forest ecosystem. I hope the Bitterroot National Forest capitalizes on the opportunity for public education after the Roaring Lion fire in the same way that the Lolo National Forest did after the Black Mountain fireits rare to have great access to the magic created by severe fire in our wildlands. Until then, if you want to see for yourself what its like to walk through such a severely burned forest in the first few years following fire, there are several video links at the bottom of my university webpage: Montanas GOP gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte has qualified for the Duck Dynasty Hall of Fame. Not because of that scruffy beard. Not from all those old grainy photos of him in camo gear that he has imposed upon us with the TV ads he spent over $1 million of his personal fortune on. Gianforte makes Duck Dynastys Hall of Fame by moving at a record pace from a self-proclaimed straight-talking businessman to becoming a world class evasive political ducker. This spring, some Butte workers asked Gianforte a straightforward question, expecting a straight answer. Would he support, sign or allow to become law any form of so-called right-to-work which hurts workers and wages. Did they get a straight answer? Yes? No? What they got was its not one of my top priorities - a totally evasive non-answer. A classic duck. Hes done that time and again. Earlier this week, the ducker-in-chief was at it. A young woman at a Missoula forum asked Gianforte whether he, as governor, would defund Planned Parenthood in Montana, where she and thousands of others get their health care. Did she get a straight answer? Yes? No? She got another world-class Gianforte duck: I havent put any specific proposals out. Had he been in Montana a few years back, out-of-stater Gianforte might have known of Ted Schwinden, elected governor two times with a campaign of Straight Talk Good People. Perhaps we should forgive the California/Pennsylvania import for not knowing how important straight talk is to Montanans. So, Gianforte ducks and dives trying to evade his way into the governorship. Montanans are not fools and Montana women deserve straight talk, not ducking. In reality, Montana women already know that Gianforte is not with us. Gianforte has strongly held social beliefs in which he has been willing to heavily invest. And those investments show that a Gianforte governorship would bring his private choices into Montanas public policy and our lives. Gianforte wants to ban abortion, a constitutional right in America. Hes helped fund anti-abortion campaigns. He doesnt support Montana women making our own, private, and personal health care decisions about our bodies and about the tough choice of possibly ending a pregnancy. He wants the government to make that choice for us. While the anti-abortion group, Susan B. Anthony List, endorsed him he still tries to duck Montanans who want straight answers. Gianforte supports Donald Trump, who would defund Planned Parenthood, and even advocated shutting down the entire federal government just to block people from accessing care at Planned Parenthood. Trump has said that women should be punished for having an abortion and that he would appoint Supreme Court judges to overturn Roe v. Wade. Gianforte stands by Trump, but ducks Montanans who want straight answers. And the Gianforte Family Foundation contributed thousands of dollars to crisis pregnancy centers or CPCs anti-abortion organizations that attempt to dissuade women from making their own health care choices. A report showed that 89 percent of Montana CPCs were providing women biased and incorrect information. Gianfortes foundation straight-up gave thousands of dollars to them, but he bobs and weaves and ducks to avoid straight talk to Montana women. Gianforte is avoiding straight talk for the thousands of women, men, and young people who rely on Planned Parenthood of Montana for birth control, cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment and more. They need straight talk, not ducking. Evasion isnt good enough for to those who go to Planned Parenthood in Montana for over 33,000 birth control visits, over 4,300 live-saving breast exams, nearly 3,000 pap smears and over 9,200 STI tests. Gianforte owes them answers, not ducking. Thankfully Montanans have another choice. Gov. Steve Bullock has stood with Montana women, over and over - with his support and his vetoes when necessary. He stands with us because he understands that millions of people across the country and in Montana rely on Planned Parenthood health centers to provide critical, often lifesaving reproductive health care. Because Gianforte ducks legitimate questions from Montanans, hes now made it to the duck dynasty Hall of Shame. But thats as far as hell get as Montana women will make sure he never makes it to the Governors Office. Sir, you must stop listening to the political pundits who speak total biased politics. The news media, the broadcast media and the press, especially the Associated Press, are so biased. Whatever happened to freedom of the press? It was never meant to be personal leaning of what you report, but the truth! Donald Trump never said anything toward denigration of the Khans' son contributing to our safety or his sacrifice for our country. Khizr Khan was used by the Democrats to try to make Trump look small. Khans diatribe (an abusive, bitter harangue in which a person denounces, criticizes or attacks someone) was a political attack reported widely by a biased press. Do you even know who Pat Smiths son was? Probably not, because he was killed in Benghazi by radical Islamists. Because Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton did not want it to be known that their policy in Libya had failed, they did not send help to try to save the ambassador and three other Americans. They and their military claimed there was not time. Tripoli was 45 minutes away by air. Our military could easily have been there in time to save them. She admitted during congressional hearings they had a drone overhead. They knew exactly what was going on, yet publicly claimed it was a response to a video. Yes, she told Pat Smith that they had arrested the man responsible and he was in jail. (He is still in prison for a 40-minute video no one ever watched.) The parents of an American soldier killed in Iraq publicly scolded Donald Trump. The father said, Trump has a black soul. The mother implied Trump is insensitive. If they are correct about Donald Trump, then Hillary Clinton must be pure evil. That is what the relatives of the Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya, must feel about Hillary Clinton. Sensing imminent danger, U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens repeatedly made requests to Clintons State Department for more security, but were denied. Then, on Sept. 11, 2012, the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was attacked by Islamic fanatics. Tragically, Americans Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glenn Doherty were killed because Hillary Clinton ignored their pleas for more security. Evil triumphed because Clinton did nothing. Like a political opportunist, her only concern was plotting her way to the Democratic presidential nomination. Kevin Palmer, Martinez, Georgia Congratulations, Meagher County. We, the county commissioners of Lincoln County, were delighted to learn that John Shanahan will become the new president and CEO of Tintina Resources and will be back in Montana to move the development of the Black Butte Copper project along. We know Shanahan well from his many years as the CEO of Revett Mining. Throughout the good times as well as the tough times, Shanahan was always there for the employees of the Troy Mine and the communities in Lincoln County. We especially appreciated his transparency and his willingness to always meet with us and a broad spectrum of stakeholders to answer our questions, and keep us up to date on operations at Troy and permitting of the Rock Creek project. John Shanahan left a lasting impression in northwest Montana. He always spoke about his commitment to workers safety, to the environment and to our local communities. And he backed it up; the Troy Mine won the 2014 and 2015 National Mining Association awards for safety, and Revetts efforts in operating and planning for reclamation at the Troy Mine has proven that modern mining can be completed without leaving an unwanted environmental legacy. He also set the bar for others in earning and maintaining a social license to operate by showing how a company can invest in its workforce and the communities they live in to create a tide that truly raises all ships. So congratulations to Meagher County and especially the community of White Sulphur Springs. He always spoke about his desire to design, permit and build the best mine in the world right here in Montana that would bring people together and exceed all expectations. We were very pleased to have John Shanahan as CEO of a mine in Lincoln County and believe very strongly you will be too. Mark Peck, District 1, Mike Cole, chairman, District 2, Greg Larson, District 3, Lincoln County commissioners What do you think elite means? Could it be someone in a penthouse tower with his name in immense letters on the outside while lounging on gold gilded furniture inside? Or, someone who inherits millions and imagines being wealthy is an equal sacrifice to that of parents whose son died fighting for the USA? Or, like Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., you may think someone with a PhD in grammar is one of the reviled elites. (Trump University is the only place a PhD in grammar might be obtained. For a great deal. Believe me.) Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke was an elite Navy SEAL. Just ask him. An early endorser of billionaire Donald Trump, Zinke was eager to desert Montana to mop up heaps of poppycock spurting like uncontrollable diarrhea from that "yuge" sphincter-shaped mouth. For his blatant lack of rudimentary good judgment, Zinke deserves a hearty youre fired! in November. Bigly. Trump probably rejected Zinkes generous offer to be his second banana over religion. Zinke believes Hillary Clinton is the anti-Christ. Trump argues shes the devil. But Zinke shouldnt feel too melancholy. The Donald carelessly discards many American standards. When he implored Russia to hack emails that he maintained hold top secret data, he rejected national security. He treasonously repeated numerous accusations that President Obama and former Secretary of State Clinton are co-founders of ISIS. Now he boasts these were merely examples of his great sarcastic wit. The dishonest media refuses to report things properly is all or they just dont get it. In case anyone is confused, here is an example of sarcasm: what Vladimir Putin employed when he called Trump a genius. Wanda LaCroix, Arlee Copyright 2022 HT Digital Streams Ltd All Right Reserved Nicht Ihr Computer? Dann konnen Sie fur die Anmeldung ein Fenster zum privaten Surfen offnen. Weitere Informationen