, , , . I suspect that many of us are still reeling from the gut-punch of this election cycle. The question that kept gnawing at me as I watched the digital maps and talking heads dance across the flat screen, was how did we, as Americans, fall so low that we have now elected to this lands (and the worlds) highest, most powerful political office, a person who Atlantic Magazine described as the most ostentatiously unqualified major-party candidate in the 227-year history of the American presidency. How did our political system produce two candidates that everybody loved to hate. How did we fail to see the parallel of pre-war Germany re-enacting itself in 2016 America? I dont know the answer to these questions. Is it that campaigns for public office have become a theater of the absurd, funded by troughs of money from a select, powerful few who are accountable to no one? Probably. Is it that the political parties are so imbued with and committed to demanding conformity to their platforms that they have completely lost track of what is needed by our collective whole? That has to be a big part. Is it that willful ignorance has become an art-form because we have marginalized and devalued education because we teach our children to regurgitate data, but not to think and retain knowledge? Yes, that too is likely. Is it because we have allowed the theocrats and oligarchs bombast and rhetoric to drown out reasoned civil discussion and debate? No, doubt. Might it be because we get our news from media that sensationalizes, instead dispassionately reporting, informing and analyzing? Yes, that also. Or, is it that we just dont respect each other? It's easier to slice, dice and stereotype people. That, too, is a part. I think these are merely symptoms of the greater evil: the moral and spiritual lethargy that comes from taking for granted what we have and enjoy as nation. To be sure, there are a great many of us who have nothing to take for granted. But the majority of us the post-war beneficiaries of varying degrees of the good life, the American Dream have lost sight of the privation, the struggle, and the quest for excellence of our parents, our grandparents and theirs, that got us where we are today. We are secure; we have peace; we have resources; we have wealth; we have power; the lights go on every morning; we have water and food. These have always just been there. It has become cliche that freedom isnt free. But, really, it isnt. We must take back our national anima, our collective conscience. We need goals to use our wealth and power for national and global betterment not just for individual gain. We must reacquire our identity as Americans instead of being just different groups of warring individuals. We must elect states persons to public office, instead of money-dependent, political hacks. We need leaders, not demigods. We must have vision, instead of myopia. Indeed, We the People must lead, instead of blindly following what the puppets of wealth and special interest dole out to us. Have we ever been perfect? Certainly not. Have we ever been better? Most assuredly, we have. Can we survive another 227 years? That remains to be seen. It is really up to us. Register for more free articles. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Get local news delivered to your inbox! Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Sign up! Already a Subscriber? Already a Subscriber? Sign in Terms of Service Privacy Policy A public letter to Annie Petrie, principal at Napa High: I am very disappointed at your and the school district's response to Thursday's student demonstrations. The email and phone message you sent to parents gave a sense that your main concern was about the schools liability, or as you call it student safety. Nowhere do you demonstrate an understanding of the depth of despair that your students are feeling this week. Let me describe it for you: your students have listened to months of rhetoric about sending millions of people back to Mexico, building a wall and tearing down any diplomatic and economic relationships our country currently has with Mexico. This ugly and threatening message is directed right at our community of undocumented immigrants and is insulting to our large Hispanic community. Many of these immigrants have children in our school district; they are your students. Now imagine: this week the people who have been delivering these threatening messages are now in power in all branches of government. Compounding this, none of the kind people who are protective of these immigrants have any power to help them. And finally, imagine what is going on in the minds of those students and their families this week. Yes, they are panicking and in turmoil. On Wednesday morning my daughter left for school with tears in her eyes, worried sick about friends at school whose lives might be ruined by our new president and our Republican congress. How very petty it sounded to hear you were passing out unexcused absences to students who are protesting. While I can appreciate the need to maintain order and to keep our kids safe, you might have demonstrated a bit of empathy for what our community and children are experiencing by forgoing this insult. You should know enough about your student body to understand the deep insult this election has brought to our hardworking, and hugely important Hispanic community. We are talking about local families who are frightened to the core about having their lives turned upside down. Yes, tolerance and respect for different viewpoints" is important, but you have missed the most important issue and the one that most affects your school the direct impact that Tuesday's election will have on our students. At this critical time, these students need our full support, and a show of empathy and understanding from you and the Napa High student body. Ill be frank, your voicemail and letter to the parents gave the impression that you are out-of-touch with the issues at the heart of these demonstrations and the deep need your students' have to express their upset. As the leader of our high school, you need to deliver power to our students, especially at this time when they are feeling powerless. This is not the time to slap them on the wrist, or to trivialize the issues with platitudes about learning about the the democratic process. Your teachable moment in this emotional and traumatic election should have been in encouraging students to exercise their constitution right to freedom of speech. Let our students demonstrate! They are desperate to give a voice to those who do not have one in our political system, many of whom are their fellow students. Let them feel the power of caring deeply about the people in our community. Christina Andrews Napa The requested page is currently unavailable on this server. Back to [RTHK News Homepage] As the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers closes in on an announcement regarding the final easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline crossing, and after the corps asked the company twice to stand down for 30 days to de-escalate surrounding tensions, Dakota Access LLC said Friday it will stop work if the corps guarantees a completion date. If we can agree on a date certain upon which we can complete construction, Dakota Access is prepared to suspend construction activities near Lake Oahe for a reasonable time period as part of an effort to defuse tension and to facilitate the peaceful removal of protesters from the protest site, the company said in a statement issued through spokeswoman Vicki Granado. This quid pro quo follows a strongly worded statement late Wednesday from the corps Col. John Henderson requesting a work stop to de-escalate tensions between the pipeline and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and supporters, camped by the hundreds near the construction site. Anti-pipeline activities have resulted in more than 400 arrests and an estimated $10 million in law enforcement expenses. In an interview with CBS that aired Friday, Dakota Access CEO Kelcy Warren said he offered to reimburse North Dakota and Morton County for those costs, but authorities have yet to accept his offer. Days to announcement A corps attorney told a federal court judge Thursday that it will announce next steps or a path forward on the easement within days. The hearing stems from a suit filed against the corps by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Its attorney, Jan Hasselman, of Earth Justice, said if an easement is issued the tribe will go back to court for a preliminary injunction. The tribe lost an earlier injunction request, but Hasselman said, This last (river) segment contains different risks and different statutes come into play. We hope the corps announcement will be to deny the easement or to conduct a full environmental impact statement. The corps has withheld the water-crossing easement since September as it reviews its earlier decisions in light of tribal consultation and preservation of sacred tribal sites. Granado said the company believes it already has authority to drill under a permit issued by the corps in July, and that the prolonged review reeks of political interference. Nearing completion Meanwhile, the North Dakota Public Service Commissions case docket shows construction within North Dakota is nearing 100 percent, and oil may soon start filling at least one of the six pipeline terminals. If the Trenton terminal starts taking on oil next week, as estimated in the PSC docket report, that oil will sit there for a while. Pending an easement, the company still needs 60 days to stage the drill bore, tunnel the opening, string the double-thickness pipe at a minimal depth of 90 feet below the bed of the Missouri River/Lake Oahe, and test it, according to reports from a federal court hearing Thursday. The project is 84 percent complete across its 1,172-mile route from North Dakota to Illinois. 140 million gallons The company has permits from the State Water Commission to draw 140 million gallons of water to use in hydrostatic testing of the pipeline in North Dakota, using the pressurized water to test for leaks. The water is permitted from the Little Missouri River (54 million gallons), the Missouri River (54 million), Beaver Creek (20 million), the Knife River (5 million), the Heart River (4.5 million) and a Mountrail County slough (1.5 million). The permits expire at the end of December, except for the Little Missouri River permit, which expired Nov. 1. Karl Rockeman, director of the North Dakota Health Departments water quality division, said the department issued permits to discharge that water at 33 specific locations along the route. They have to describe where it will be discharged and sample the discharge where its released from the pipe, so theres no potential for contaminants like oil or grease in the discharge," he said. "If they discharge without sample results, they would be in violation. Dakota Access said Tuesday it is mobilizing the drill bore equipment toward the river crossing. TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Friday urged the incoming administration of the United States to remain committed to the last year international agreement which put an end to Tehran's nuclear disputes. Zarif warned that, Iran might consider "other options" in case any party involved in Iran's nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), fails to comply with its commitments, Press TV reported. He said that Iran has been implementing its part of the bargain, while the U.S., even with the current administration, has not fully implemented its part. "Iran wants to remain committed to JCPOA provided that everybody else is prepared to do the same," he added. Following the election of Donald Trump as the new president of the U.S. on Tuesday, Iranian officials have expressed their concerns over the remarks of Trump against Iran's nuclear deal during his campaign. Trump has said that the nuclear deal sealed by Iran and the world powers in July, 2015 and implemented in January was "the worst deal ever negotiated." Rouhani said Wednesday that his country expects respect from the U.S. president-elect. The nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers, including the outgoing U.S. administration, is a reflection in a UN Security Council Resolution, and it cannot be dismissed by one government's decision, Rouhani said. CAPE TOWN, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Brian Molefe, the scandal-hit CEO of South Africa's electricity utility Eskom, announced on Friday that he would resign but denied any wrongdoing. "I have, in the interests of good corporate governance, decided to leave my employ at Eskom from 1 January 2017. I do so voluntarily," Molefe said in a statement. Molefe will be the first CEO at state-owned companies to resign since the state capture report was released on November 2. The report, compiled by former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela, sheds light on how the wealthy Indian Gupta family used their close relationship with President Jacob Zuma to influence the appointment of cabinet ministers and CEOs of state-owned enterprises, including Eskom, weapon manufacturer Deniel and the South African Airways (SAA). According to the report, several CEOs of state-owned enterprises met with senior members of the Gupta family before being appointed by Zuma. Molefe is implicated in the report. In his Friday's statement, Molefe lambasted the state capture report which he said did not make any findings but what were termed "observations" based on an investigation not completed. "Observations" made in the report relating to his conduct "are in material respects inaccurate, based on part-facts or simply unfounded," Molefe said. "I am confident that, when the time comes, I will be able to show that I have done nothing wrong and that my name will be cleared," he said. Molefe said his announcement to resign was not an admission of wrongdoing but rather what he feels to be the correct thing to do in the interests of the company. First appointed in an acting capacity in March 2015, Molefe is credited with successfully turning cash-strapped Eskom around. Eskom, which provides more than 95 percent of electricity consumed in South Africa, was blamed for massive blackouts that lasted for more than one year before Molefe became Eskom CEO. NEW DELHI, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Worried shoppers rushed to stores in many Indian states Friday to buy iodised salt packets, officials and locals said. The panic shopping was triggered by rumours of impending salt shortage across the country with crowds throwing stores to take enough supplies home. The rumours about imminent salt scarcity was reported from Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, New Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai. These rumours have come at a time when people are already perturbed over poor cash flow in the country after the Indian government's announcement to demonetize currency notes of 500 and 1000 Indian rupees. Reports said salt prices skyrocketed, with a packet weighing one kilogram sold between 3 U.S. dollars (200 INR) to 6 U.S. dollars (400 INR) in Uttar Pradesh's Moradabad district. Ordinarily a kg of iodised salt cost 22 cents in India. Despite assurances from local authorities dispelling salt shortages, people made a beeline at stores to make purchases and carry packets home. Locals said some shopkeepers also panicked after hearing the rumours and closed their shops. Police in Uttar Pradesh said strict action would be taken against people responsible for spreading rumours. In New Delhi, police issued advisory and dispatched teams for patrolling to dispel rumours and inform the crowds outside stores that there was no shortage of salt in India. India's Minister for Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan said there was no shortage of salt and urged people not to heed to rumours. "There is no scarcity of salt in the country and also no increase in its price. I appeal to the people not to pay attention to the rumours," Paswan said. "If somebody spreads the rumours of price rise of salt or sells it at high price, state government should immediately take stringent action," he said. In Mumbai, police urged people not to believe any rumours around shortage of essentials. "There is no shortage of salt or any other necessary commodity nor any price hike information," the Mumbai Police posted the advisory on it twitter page. In 2013, rumours of an impending salt shortage led to panic-buying in India's north-eastern states and parts of Bihar and West Bengal. LUSAKA, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Zambia will continue being part of the International Criminal Court (ICC) despite some African nations planning to pull out, state media reported on Friday. "Zambia is not pulling out of the ICC, if need will arise in future, we will come back to the people because it is not a decision which can be made overnight as cabinet has to deliberate over it," foreign minister Harry Kalaba was quoted saying by the Zambia Daily Mail. Some African countries have announced plans to pull out of the ICC, after accusing the court of disproportionately bringing charges against suspected human rights abusers from the continent. African countries that have decided to withdraw from the ICC included Gambia, Burundi and South Africa. The ICC, which opened in July 2002, is the first legal body with the permanent international jurisdiction to prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. This file photo taken on October 4, 2016 shows Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence speaks during the US vice presidential debate at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. (AFP/Photo) WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has tapped his running mate Mike Pence to head his transition team, removing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie from the post, local media reported Friday. The replacement was aimed to tap into Pence's resources and contacts in Washington to speed up the process, the New York Times cited sources in the transition team as saying. Pence, who has served six terms in the House of Representatives, was seen to have a better understanding of the Washington political landscape than Christie, whose political life was mainly limited to the state of New Jersey. Christie, who has led the team since May, will serve along side former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and retired general Michael Flynn as vice chairs of the team, according to the report. The news came as Trump tweeted earlier Friday "Busy day planned in New York. Will soon be making some very important decisions on the people who will be running our government!" Speculation on Trump's picks for his new government has circulated since his election Wednesday, with the media connecting inner members of his campaign team with important government jobs. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Trump's campaign chief Steve Bannon are also popular guesses to fill in top slots. Trump has met with President Barack Obama in the White House on Thursday to discuss the transition, and both men vowed to facilitate a smooth handover. LUSAKA, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Zambia's parliament on Friday unanimously ratified the Paris Agreement, as officials highlighted the country's commitment on climate change issues. Zambian Vice-President Inonge Wina said the government was committed to addressing the effects of climate change, adding that the benefits of the Paris Agreement included technological transfer and capacity building. "We need to sensitize our communities on the need to address climate change through tree planting and sustainable protection of the environment," she said when the motion was moved in parliament. She said if left unchecked, climate change could cause harm to the country's economic development. On September 20, Zambian President Edgar Lungu appended Zambia's signature to the Paris Agreement during the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly in New York. The overall objective of the agreement is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius. PARIS, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- French President Francois Hollande held phone talks with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday during which they vowed to work together to clarify positions on key issues, mainly security, the Syria war and the Paris agreement, according to local media report. Hollande and Trump "agreed to work together on a number of key issues in order to clarify positions: the war against terrorism, Ukraine, Syria, Iran's nuclear deal and the Paris climate change agreement," AFP reported, citing source close to the Elysee. At the phone conversation which lasted between seven and eight minutes, they also "recalled the history and values that the two countries have in common and the friendship between France and the United States," it added. The phone talks took place in "good condition," according to the report. Earlier on Friday, the French president called on Trump to clarify his stances. "My duty is to make sure we have the best possible relations with the United States, but a relation that is based on frankness and clarity," Hollande told France 2 TV. "The campaign is not always an opportunity for a candidate to make himself quickly understood ... We need to talk," he added. MARRAKECH, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The World Bank would continue to be a strong partner of China, with the country's commitment and leadership on climate changes issues, vice president for sustainable development of the World Bank said on Friday. Laura Tuck made the remarks during an interview with Xinhua in the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) held in Marrakech of Morocco. Tuck hailed China's effort on climate issues, praising its impressive National Determined Contributions (NDC) targets for 2030, which will take a variety of measures to achieve, among them the planned Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Tuck said the ETS China will be worth 50 billion U.S. dollars, the largest in the global range. "The scale of the ETS China would be an inspiration for the countries and it has the potential to change investment and consumption decisions made by individuals and that can lead to a much lower-carbon economy," said Tuck, adding that it could be a "model." China is the first developing country to set up the national carbon emission trading market based on its seven pilots that are running now. Xie Ji, deputy chief of Chinese delegation to COP22, confirmed that China will push forward the emission trading market "actively and steadily." Tuck stressed that the World Bank appreciated China's efforts in developing the ETS based on their experiences and analytical work. The World Bank is also providing 8 million dollars to back China's ETS plans, including policy development like cap setting, legal frameworks and monitoring. She added that another 2 million dollars would be provided through the Partnership of Market Readiness as China is moving into the implementation phase of its national system. Enditem Lynn D. Strombeck, 61, passed away peacefully at Sanford Health, on Nov. 7, 2016, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, at First Presbyterian Church, Bismarck, with the Rev. David Reiter officiating, followed by fellowship at the church. Cremation has taken place. Private family burial will take place at a later date. Family will be receiving friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday at Bismarck Funeral Home. Lynn was born Aug. 13, 1955, in Princeton, Minn., the son of Duane and Doris (Olsen) Strombeck. He was raised on the family farm in Princeton, graduating in 1973 from Princeton High School. Throughout high school, Lynn worked with his father, Duane, at their family electrical contracting business, Strombeck Electric. Always mechanically gifted, a trait he inherited from his father, Duane, Lynn practiced and perfected skills at his fathers side, learning about electricity and how to fix nearly anything. This early experience led Lynn to pursue engineering as a career, first through attending two years at Anoka Ramsey Community College in Coon Rapids, Minn., then transferring to North Dakota State University in Fargo. While he was studying to be an electrical engineer at NDSU, he met his future wife, Kathryn, a student at neighboring Moorhead State University. Lynn and Kathy were married in St. Cloud, Minn., on Aug. 24, 1979. Upon graduation with his masters of electrical engineering degree, in 1980, Lynn accepted a consulting engineering position on a temporary basis, in Bismarck, with SSR Engineering. The plan was to stay in Bismarck long enough for Kathy to finish her college degree, then head south, becoming part of the outmigration trend that was common in North Dakota in the 1980s. Bucking that trend, they stayed in North Dakota a bit longer, and welcomed their first son, Jacob, born in 1987. In 1991, Lynn accepted the position of city engineer and utilities manager with the city of Lake City, Minn. Kathy remained in Bismarck, raising their son and attempting to sell their home in preparation for their move to Minnesota. After six months, plans again changed and Lynn and Kathy finally recognized that Bismarck and North Dakota needed to be their forever home. Returning to Bismarck, Lynn joined MEI Engineering as project engineer, eventually purchasing a portion of the company and still serving as its president at the time of his death. Lynn and Kathy welcomed son Bennett in 1997 and son Zachary in 2000. Over the years, the family enjoyed weekends at the lake, RV-ing throughout the Midwest, and vacations in Florida to spend time with Lynns parents and brother Curtis at their winter home in Englewood, Fla. Lynn is survived by his wife, Kathy; his mother, Doris, Princeton, Minn.; his son, Jacob (special friend, Kathryn Mol), Fargo; his son, Bennett, Fargo; his son, Zachary, at home; his brother, Curtis, Princeton, Minn.; his aunt, Bonnie Strombeck, Isanti, Minn.; his brother-in-law, David Lind, Dallas Texas; his brother-in-law, Brian (Karen) Lind, Minneapolis; his sister-in-law, Laura (Jon) Bloomberg, Minneapolis; a special cousin, Gary Olsen, Bismarck; five nephews and one niece; and numerous cousins. Lynn was preceded in death by his father, Duane; his mother-in-law and father-in-law, Jean and Gordon Lind; two uncles and one aunt; as well as his grandparents. Lynns family would like to thank Dr. Dave Field, Dr. Ed Wos, and the staff at Sanford Oncology and Infusion Center for their commitment, compassion and exemplary care. The family suggests memorials to the American Cancer Society or the Bismarck Cancer Center. UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- A report on measles by the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and partners said that despite a 79 percent worldwide decrease in measles deaths between 2000 and 2015, nearly 400 children still die from the disease every day and progress has been uneven, a UN spokesman told reporters here Friday. "The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Pakistan account for half of the unvaccinated infants and 75 percent of measles deaths," Farhan Haq, the deputy UN spokesman, said at a daily news briefing here. "Making measles history is not mission impossible," said Robin Nandy, the UNICEF immunization chief. "We have the tools and the knowledge to do it; what we lack is the political will to reach every single child, no matter how far. Without this commitment, children will continue to die from a disease that is easy and cheap to prevent." Mass measles vaccination campaigns and a global increase in routine measles vaccination coverage saved an estimated 20.3 million young lives between 2000 and 2015, according to UNICEF, WHO, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But progress has been uneven. In 2015, about 20 million infants missed their measles shots and an estimated 134,000 children died from the disease. "It is not acceptable that millions of children miss their vaccines every year. We have a safe and highly effective vaccine to stop the spread of measles and save lives," said Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele, director of WHO's Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals. "This year, the Region of the Americas was declared free of measles -- proof that elimination is possible. Now, we must stop measles in the rest of the world. It starts with vaccination." "Measles is a key indicator of the strength of a country's immunization systems and, all too often, it ends up being the canary in the coalmine with outbreaks acting as the first warning of deeper problems," said Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. "To address one of the world's most deadly vaccine-preventable childhood killers we need strong commitments from countries and partners to boost routine immunization coverage and to strengthen surveillance systems." Measles, a highly contagious viral disease that spreads through direct contact and through the air, is one of the leading causes of death among young children globally. It can be prevented with two doses of a safe and effective vaccine. Measles outbreaks in numerous countries -- caused by gaps in routine immunization and in mass vaccination campaigns -- continue to be a serious challenge. In 2015, large outbreaks were reported in Egypt, Ethiopia, Germany, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. The outbreaks in Germany and Mongolia affected older persons, highlighting the need to vaccinate adolescents and young adults who have no protection against measles. Measles also tends to flare up in countries in conflict or humanitarian emergencies due to the challenges of vaccinating every child. Last year, outbreaks were reported in Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan. BRUSSELS, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- A cultural organisation launched a campaign here on Friday in a bid to end the long-standing controversy over racial undertones in regards to the Saint Nicolas' Day, a festival that falls on Dec. 6 in west Europe. DeBuren, a Brussels-based organisation dedicated to promoting the Dutch culture, proposed the "Peitenpact" initiative calling on locals to celebrate the centuries-old festival while keeping an open mind to the traditional character "Zwarte Piet," or "Black Pete," which has long been criticised for its racial implication. "Saint Nicolas' Day is for everyone, especially for all children. We therefore advocate a Saint Nicolas' Day which respect all traditions but put inclusiveness at the centre," it said in a statement. The Saint Nicolas' Day, widely celebrated in European countries, sees the character of Saint Nicolas, a bearded bishop in a canonical robe, handing out gifts to children. In the Dutch-speaking regions in Europe, namely the Flemish part of Belgium and the Netherlands, Saint Nicolas is traditionally accompanied by his sidekick "Black Pete," a soot sweeper dressed in clown costume, with black face paint and a fuzzy black wig. Opponents argue that the appearance and the function of "Black Pete" are offensive to people of African origin, while supporters insist that it's all just harmless humour and the tradition should not be modified. The organisation believes that it is necessary to make "small changes" to ease the nerves around stigma and racism. It calls on citizens, enterprises and educational institutions to keep the role of Pete but eliminate all the racial references in their festival activities and commercial campaigns. Saint Nicolas can choose whether he needs a helper and what kind of helpers he needs, the organisation suggests. "Soot sweeping Pete, rainbow Pete, Pete without face paint... It will amuse everyone, young and old," it said in the statement. A number of schools, communities and business owners in the region have already voiced support for the initiative, which has been made available online for the public to sign. "The heated debates that started in recent years seem endless. We encourage lively debates, but at a certain point we have to come to a compromise," the organisation said. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The Obama administration has given up all hope of enacting the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, just days after a surprise victory of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in U.S. election, local media reported Friday. Republican congressional leaders had made clear that they wouldn't consider the 12-nation Pacific trade deal in the remainder of President Barack Obama's term, the Wall Street Journal quoted U.S. officials as saying, as Trump had stood against the deal. Trump had broken from the longstanding Republican orthodoxy in favor of free trade and embraced a protectionist trade stance throughout his presidential campaign, trying to appeal to angry and frustrated blue-collar voters who have seen manufacturing jobs lose in an increasing global economy. Trump had vowed to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and other existing major trade deals, and promised to never sign massive trade agreements like the TPP, which he said would "destroy" U.S. manufacturing, as part of an effort to restore American jobs. The Obama administration had lobbied hard for months in the hope of approving the TPP deal during the so-called lame-duck session of Congress after the election, if Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had won. The failure to pass the TPP deal, the biggest trade agreement in more than a decade, was a bitter defeat for Obama and it would also dent American prestige in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the Wall Street Journal. The TPP deal involves Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam. It was formally signed by ministers from these 12 countries in February after more than five years' negotiation. The TPP now undergoes a two-year ratification period in which at least six countries, which account for 85 percent of the combined gross domestic production of the 12 TPP countries, must approve the final text for the deal to be implemented. If the United States, the largest economy among TPP participating countries, does not ratify the TPP, the Pacific trade deal cannot enter into force. WARSAW, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The 98th anniversary of regaining independence was celebrated in Poland on Friday. Major celebrations were held in the country's capital city of Warsaw, including commemorative events with the presence of the country's president and prime minister. Polish President Andrzej Duda gave a speech and laid flowers at the monument to Marshal Jozef Pilsudski. He also attended the ceremonious guard briefing by the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. "Today someone can say that Poland is independent again... We all know well independence is not given once and for good. One needs to fight for it every day in a certain sense. The independence needs to be built everyday," the president said. He said the Poles were a nation that never gave up. "We are fighting for independence today by everyday work, each of us by trying to be together, to build something called a social fabric, and also to serve others," Duda said. In a formal speech given on occasion of the Independence Day and broadcast nationwide on Thursday, Duda noted Europe is currently experiencing "difficult times," connected with mass migration, war in the Middle East and in the south, terrorism, changes affecting the integrity of the European Union. "This makes us realize how much we need integrity, unity despite different opinions. When Poland is broken, it is a weak Poland. When it is united, it is a strong Poland. United around an undisputed value, which is independence," he said in the speech. The major celebrations were followed by large-scale marches through the city of Warsaw. The whole country observed 63 gatherings of a total number of about 120,000 people. Polish National Independence Day is a national day celebrated on Nov. 11 to commemorate the anniversary of the restoration of Poland's sovereignty in 1918, after 123 years of partition. UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations is going to hold the first ever global conference on sustainable transport on Nov. 26-27 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, said Wu Hongbo, UN under-secretary-general for economic and social affairs on Friday. Wu told reporters here that the conference will be convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and it will bring together governments, the UN system and other international organizations, the private sector as well as the civil society to determine a new direction for global transport. "This first ever United Nations conference dedicated to the sustainable transport reflects the growing awareness of the crucial role that sustainable transport plays in advancing sustainable development and climate change actions," he said. According to Wu, the two-day conference will highlight discussions on topics including rural and urban transport, multi-model transport, public transport, road safety as well as the links of the sustainable transport to climate change and energy,. Statistics show that at present, transport sector is responsible for approximately 23 percent of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, and 3.5 million premature deaths result from outdoor air pollution annually. CARACAS, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Venezuela's socialist government and conservative opposition leaders were set to renew national dialogue on Friday to address the political crisis. The government has put together a package of proposals to promote national stability and will be submitting it to the negotiators, President Nicolas Maduro said during a regularly scheduled radio broadcast. "It is a very complete document that we are going to explain to the nation in the next few days, a document that I think will please the great majority of Venezuelans who want peace, who want work," said Maduro. The document, with the theme "For a process of dialogue for peace, economic prosperity, social contentment, and national sovereignty. Let's build consensus for the peace and life of the country," is to be delivered to the negotiating tables, each of which is discussing a different point of contention. Maduro said the government will also submit a video compiled by filmmakers and university students around the country, which depicts the opposition's "campaigns of hatred (and) intolerance, which have crossed the boundary of what is normal, what is allowed, what is legal." Anti-government protests in the past have led to fatal clashes and the imprisonment of opposition leaders for inciting violence. Maduro also called for "patience, perseverance, democratic attitude (and) a capacity for understanding," for national dialogue to succeed. On Thursday, Venezuela's conservative opposition gave the government a Friday deadline to either set a date for a presidential recall referendum or move up presidential elections. Maduro rejected the ultimatum, and urged the coalition of right-wing parties, known as the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD), to stick to dialogue. LOS ANGELES, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- A tow truck collided with a China Southern Airlines flight just before takeoff late Thursday night, resulting nearly 1,500 passengers grounded at Los Angeles International Airport. The collision happened just before midnight on the tarmac between Terminal 4 and Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT). Photo from the scene showed the tow truck collided with the China Southern Airbus 380 aircraft on a runway at the Airport. The damaged tug vehicle under the front of the plane. "This is an extremely rare accident," Lingzhi He, China Southern Airlines North America managing director, told Xinhua on Friday. "Officials are still waiting for the inspection results now." It was an outbound China Southern Flight CZ328 scheduled to fly to Guangzhou, China, carrying more than 400 passengers. None of the passengers were injured, and the tow truck driver sustained minor injuries according to the LAX. Three flights, the China Southern Airlines flight as well as two American Airlines flights at Terminal 4, were canceled. Two other flights were delayed. About 1,500 passengers were affected by the late Thursday accident. "Passengers deplaned by using portable stairs and were returned to TBIT, and were accommodated via re-scheduling refunds or hotel rooms," LAX spokesman Frederick Badlissi told City News Service. "While awaiting accommodations and rescheduling, passengers were provided bottled water and snacks." QUITO, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa congratulated China's official Xinhua News Agency on its 85th anniversary, celebrated earlier this week. "Congratulations for 85 years of continually providing the best information, (access to) which is a citizen's right, it's not a concession granted by the media," Correa told Xinhua during an exclusive interview. "Privately-owned media, especially in Latin America, are businesses that place certain interests ahead of a citizen's right to information, so Xinhua is an important global player in guaranteeing all citizens the right to transparent, accurate and timely information," said Correa. "So, many thanks for your work," Correa told the agency. Xinhua News Agency was founded on Nov. 7, 1931 as the Red China News Agency in Ruijin in southeast China. The agency adopted its current name in January 1937 in Yan'an, in northwest China. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Xinhua became the state news agency. With 85 years of development, Xinhua now operates 32 domestic branches and 180 overseas bureaus worldwide, reaching users in over 200 countries and regions. FREETOWN, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The newly accredited Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone Wu Peng presented his letters of credence to Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma here Friday at a ceremony held at the State House. In his address, Wu spoke of the long-standing relationship between the two countries and noted that the two countries have shared good and bad times and have always shown mutual support for each other's core interests and major concerns. He commended President Koroma's leadership in developing the country's economy and his efforts in defeating the Ebola virus. As an important country in Africa that holds the presidency of the African Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government on the United Nations (UN) Security Council reform, Sierra Leone has made significant contributions to upholding the solidarity and fundamental interests of Africa and promoting regional peace and development. He also mentioned the fruitful cooperation between the two countries in economy, culture and building a tangible health care system. Ambassador Wu assured the government and people of Sierra Leone that China is ready to work with Sierra Leone to deepen the friendship and mutual trust and at the same time expand cooperation as both countries implement the "consensus reached between our leaders as well as the outcomes of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Johannesburg Summit." Accepting the ambassador's letters of credence, Koroma acknowledged the kind sentiments expressed by the envoy of Chinese President Xi Jinping. He appreciated the long-standing relationship between the two countries and commended China for the valuable role it has played in Sierra Leone's socio-economic development. Noting that Sierra Leone has benefited a lot from China and that the two countries have supported each other at both bilateral and multilateral levels, Koroma said China has "been outstanding in her support of Sierra Leone's development efforts especially in the areas of agriculture, education and building a resilient health care system." Describing China as a "dependable partner," Koroma looked forward to China's continued support as the country continues to implement the second phase of its recovery program. He said the country will explore all the opportunities offered by FOCAC in fully implementing the country's socio-economic development plan. After being greeted by a military honor guard, the ambassador was presented to the president by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Samura Kamara. The ceremony was witnessed by Vice President Victor Foh and other government functionaries. YANGON, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Two wanted media men of Myanmar's local Eleven Media Group had submitted themselves to the police and were remanded at a township court in Yangon Friday after they failed to appear in the police station as summoned, official media reported Saturday. Dr. Than Htut Aung, chief executive officer, and U Wai Phyo, chief editor of the Daily Eleven, were prosecuted by Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein under the country's Telecommunications Law for being responsible for writing an article slandering the regional chief minister and the regional government. The article, titled "One year after the election" and published in Nov. 6 issue of Daily Eleven, tantamounted to defaming the regional government, U Phyo Min Thein charged. Than Htut Aung accused U Phyo Min Thein in his article of having "rosy relations with corrupt officials" and of wearing a Patek Philippe watch worth 100,000 U.S. dollars which was described as a gift from a convicted drug lord. The chief minister reiterated that the watch he wears is a more affordable Rolex watch bought by his wife, not a Patek Phillipe as described by Than Htut Aung. Meanwhile, U Man Weik, who was accused of giving the expensive watch to the chief minister as described on Than Htut Aung's facebook, has appeared at the police station to receive interrogation by the police. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely. Now its time for America to bind the wounds of division. We have to get together. To all Republicans, Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. President-elect Donald Trump, after Hillary Clinton conceded the presidential election to him on Wednesday morning. q q q "Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead." Hillary Clinton, conceding the election to Donald Trump. q q q Such a beautiful and important evening! The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before. President-elect Donald Trump, in a tweet at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday. q q q "This is painful and it will be for a long time. But I want you to remember this: Our campaign was never about one person or even one election. It was about the country we love and about building an America that's hopeful, inclusive and big-hearted." Hillary Clinton, conceding the presidential election on Wednesday. q q q "Nationally, this has been a crazy campaign year. As a nation, we're more divided than we've been in over a century. Regardless of tonight's outcome in national races, tomorrow brings a new day, and we as North Dakotans have the power to choose our destiny." Doug Burgum, in a speech Tuesday night after winning the North Dakota gubernatorial race. q q q "There's a balance in finding the appropriate levels in fines and what triggers them." Public Service Commission Chairwoman Julie Fedorchak, after a $15,000 fine was proposed for Dakota Access Pipeline for not filing proper certification on a reroute. q q q "It's very rigorous. I think these rules really raise the bar." Department of Mineral Resources Director Lynn Helms, on a set of revised administrative rules governing the oil and gas industry being sent to lawmakers next month for final approval. q q q "The last thing we feel like doing is forgiving today, but we do it anyway. It is medicine that will heal the world." Lyla June Johnston, a Cheyenne River Sioux tribe member, who helped organize a forgiveness march on Sunday involving Dakota Access Pipeline protesters. q q q "They've thrown fire bottles at our police; that's why I'm not coming out. This is peaceful, but they have used Molotov cocktails. This is their thing and we won't interrupt. If they would keep it like this, we would have no problem." Mandan Police Chief Jason Ziegler, declining the opportunity to participate in a forgiveness ceremony. q q q "It's clear that the urea plant, along with the development of the new Coyote Creek Mine, is contributing a lot to the Mercer County economy, as well as other counties." Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger. q q q "We all want kids to quit smoking, but with this measure, the devil was in the details." Mike Rud, an organizer of the coalition Vote No on 4 ND. The measure that would have raised tobacco taxes failed on Tuesday. q q q "I believe that the North Dakota population voted for caring. They have friends, neighbors with medical issues, and they really think this would at least get them the opportunity to explore medical cannabis and see if it's right for them." Riley Ray Morgan, committee chairman for Measure 5, after the medical marijuana measure passed on Tuesday. Peruvian Second Vice President Mercedes Araoz speaks during an interview with Xinhua in Lima, Peru, on Oct. 24, 2016. Araoz has said that her country's relationship with China is a "priority". (Xinhua/Luis Camacho) LIMA, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Peruvian Second Vice President Mercedes Araoz has said that her country's relationship with China is a "priority." Araoz made the remarks in a recent interview with Xinhua ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Peru, during which he will attend the 24th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting from Nov. 19 to 20 in Peru's capital Lima. According to Araoz, since the free trade agreement (FTA) between Peru and China came into force in 2010, "relations have been solid with many reciprocal advantages seen in commerce, investments and culture. This is due to the existence of historical and economic affinities as well as transparent and fluid dialogue." She said that bilateral cooperation is crucial in strengthening relations and boosting economic growth. This cooperation has been highlighted by the visit of Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski to China in September and by the upcoming visit by President Xi to Lima. "President Kuczynski seeks to take up opportunities to learn from each other. Both cultures can see they are unique because they have millennial histories while having remained brothers for many years," said the vice president, adding that Kuczynski and Xi will inject new impetus into bilateral relations. On investment, Araoz said China was particularly interested in infrastructure in Peru, such as roads and railways, as well as carrying out mining projects with refineries meeting high environmental levels, as well as exploring manufacturing and services opportunities. Araoz, who served as minister of foreign commerce and tourism from 2006 to 2009, recalled the process of negotiating the FTA between China and Peru. "The Chinese side was very open to taking many of our proposals on board. For example, the customs treaty is a part of the trade deal, which involved things that China has had difficulty in granting to other countries. But they gave it to us. They also gave us investment concessions they do not normally give," said Araoz. "I think they did give us preferential treatment, which turned it into a space of friendship and familiarity," she added. Araoz, however, said that Peru and China still have work to do in areas such as intellectual property, which both countries see as important. On the APEC summit, which will be held in Lima for the second time in November, Araoz said that all is going well, concerning the organization, logistics and security, as well as the agenda itself. "This is the time to discuss sustainable development. The agenda therefore covers all topics ranging from food security, human capital, and better integration," she said. "While there are certain differences in terms of the agenda we have yet to reconcile, we are continuously getting closer. We also incorporated the role of small and medium enterprises in global value chains, where there are many similarities." She also explained how these topics would be wide-ranging. For example, the topic of food security will include a discussion on how to stimulate more opportunities in rural areas, including opening businesses, removing tariffs and improving education. Araoz also said that China is seen within APEC as being able to contribute a lot thanks to its fast growth and technological development. "China has a history of having developed commercial agreements with its peers. Therefore, we think we can work very closely together," she said. Dialogue with other institutions will take place at APEC, including one between APEC members and the Pacific Alliance -- a Latin American trade bloc comprised of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru -- and another with Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund. Yan Yongming, a graft fugitive who had been on the run for 15 years, arrives at Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 12, 2016. Yan returned to China Saturday to turn himself in. Yan, 47, who was the former chairman of the pharmaceutical company Tonghua Golden-horse in northeast China's Jilin Province, had been hiding in Australia and New Zealand since November 2001. He had fled China after being charged with embezzlement, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said. He was number five on China's top 100 fugitives listed in an Interpol "red notice" and the 36th to be returned so far. (Xinhua/Yin Gang) BEIJING, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- A graft fugitive who had been on the run for 15 years returned to China Saturday to turn himself in, according to the Communist Party of China's disciplinary watchdog. Yan Yongming, 47, who was the former chairman of the pharmaceutical company Tonghua Golden-horse in northeast China's Jilin Province, had been hiding in Australia and New Zealand since November 2001. He had fled China after being charged with embezzlement, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said. He was number five on China's top 100 fugitives listed in an Interpol "red notice" and the 36th to be returned so far. After close cooperation between Chinese and New Zealand law enforcement agencies, Yan confessed to his crimes, offered to return "a huge amount of ill-gotten money," and pay a hefty fine, the CCDI said without further details. "Yan's return, once again, proves there is no safe haven, and the 'sky net' will get increasingly tighter," the CCDI said in the statement. UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday welcomed a call from Donald Trump, the U.S. president-elect, for unity after what has been described as a bitter and divisive presidential campaign. In a phone call on Friday afternoon when anti-Trump protests were underway across the United States, Ban congratulated Trump again on his election as the forty-fifth President of the United States of America, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters here. "The secretary-general welcomed President-elect Trump's calls for unity following a hard-fought election," the spokesman said. Since Trump's election victory on Wednesday, people took to the streets in such U.S. cities as Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco to protest the billionaire's election. The protests continued into Friday night. "The secretary-general expressed confidence that the United States and the United Nations would maintain their traditional strong ties of cooperation to advance peace and security, sustainable development and human rights throughout the world," the spokesman said. "They agreed to stay in continued contact," he added. Ban is to leave his office on Dec. 31 at the end of his two five-year terms while Trump is to be sworn in as the U.S. president on Jan. 20. JOHANNESBURG, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- As the world continues to grapple with the reality of having Donald Trump as the next U.S. president, political experts and economists in South Africa say future dealings with him remain uncertain. During his campaign trail, Trump said many things which, if implemented, could be detrimental to the world. John Stremlau, professor of International Relations at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, told Xinhua that the world waits to see if his threats would become a reality. "Is he going to change his behavior, we wait to see. Besides backing away from his rhetoric campaign, maybe there is hope you can do business with him. He is a businessman but not a robust multi-lateralist, very much a zero-sum trader," Stremlau said. "I hope to see China, the United States and Africa collaborate in cases like war on Sudan and trilateral maritime safety. These ought to be a win-win for China, the United States and Africa. Maybe Trump is going to change his behavior, but that will be verified," Stremlau said. Trump also threatened to build a wall to keep out illegal Mexican migrants. His victory saw the Mexican currency, the peso, tumbling against the U.S. dollar. Lesiba Mothata, chief economist at Investment Solutions in South Africa, said if Trump carries out his threats, there will be trade wars between the United States and Mexico. Mothata said that with the world facing weak economic growth, Trump's promise to exercise fiscal policy would be welcomed by the markets. "Nothing is official, it's still unclear and uncertain. If the promise he made on fiscal policy plays out in terms of spending plans on infrastructure, it could prove useful to the globe. This could be a new direction in terms of igniting new growth in the world. This could promote South Africa and commodity-producing markets and emerging markets," Mothata said. After President Barack Obama promised 7 billion U.S. dollars to support the building of reliable electric power grids in sub-Saharan Africa, Trump said African leaders and the opposition political parties are greedy. However, Mothata said the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) which the United States signed with some African countries remains legal. The AGOA is meant to ensure that some African products get duty-free access to American markets and vice versa. It remains to be seen how cooperation between the United States and South Africa would be like. Euvin Naidoo, another South African economist, said while the future looks uncertain, South Africa and African countries could exploit some of the policies Trump promised. Mothata believes that BRICS will be unshaken by Trump's win and its member states of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will be more united. "These five countries will further pull themselves together, and emerging markets will have a big share of global trade and a strong voice when put together," he said, adding that BRICS will gain stronger impetus. FLASH: AT LEAST 3 KILLED, 13 INJURED IN BLAST IN US BAGRAM AIRBASE IN AFGHANISTAN By Peter Mertz DENVER, the United States, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- When China's revolution started in 1911 to overthrow the imperial Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Sun Yat-sen, China's founding father, was 11,632 km away, in Denver, a city in the western U.S. state of Colorado. "He read about the start of the revolution he started in the Rocky Mountain News when he was at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver," retired history professor John Yee told Xinhua in a recent interview. "As soon as he heard, he rushed back to China, and was named the first president of the country." Yee, 95, born and raised in southwest China's Yunnan Province, remembers well the story of Sun Yat-sen's rise to power. Yee later became a college history professor in Denver. According to Yee, Sun came to Denver to get funding for his fight against the Qing Dynasty because many Chinese immigrants had settled in the area and become successful businessmen. "You need money to finance a revolution," said Yee. "Sun Yat-sen knew Denver's Chinatown was filled with hard-working successful Chinese people who would help." Yee calls Sun China's "George Washington." "People don't realize how long the Qing Dynasty ruled China," Yee said. "They took over in 1644 and lasted for 268 years -- that's longer than the United States has been in existence," he said. "Sun Yat-sen was the first president and founder of China, and the story was very romantic and dramatic, just like the start of the American Revolution in Boston, when the British were coming to invade America," Yee said. In U.S. history, the famous "Midnight Ride" of revolutionary Paul Revere in 1775 warned local settlers that a powerful British army was coming to burn their homes and farms. It was a call to arms. "Same exact thing," Yee said emphatically. "In China, the all-powerful Qing Dynasty controlled everything and was ruthless. Sun Yat-sen's movement freed China." Yee said the 1911 Revolution, which started with an uprising in Wuchang, central China's Hubei Province, is a source of great pride and historical lore for the Chinese people, just like Revere's famous ride. "Thanks to Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese people rose up and overthrew the corrupt Qing," Yee said. "It is a great, storied, part of Chinese history, something all Chinese are proud of. It ended imperial rule in China forever." Yee was a translator with the famous Flying Tigers -- a volunteer group composed of U.S. pilots -- in Kunming, capital city of Yunnan Province, fighting against Japanese aggressors in WWII. Yee worked in the control room with legendary U.S. General Claire Lee Chennault from 1941-42 before being transferred to the United States in 1943 as part of then U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt's Lend-Lease Program. Yee was part of a select group of Chinese officers who were in the United States for advanced military training to fight the Japanese during WWII. After the war, Yee stayed in the United States, where he earned advanced degrees in history and became one of the first teachers in the West to teach Chinese history, as a professor at the University of Colorado and the University of Denver. KABUL, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- At least three people were killed and 13 others injured in a blast inside Bagram Airfield, the main U.S. and NATO base, in Afghanistan's eastern province of Parwan early on Saturday, sources said. A provincial government spokesman told Xinhua that the nature of the blast was a suicide bombing while the identity of the casualties remained unknown. "The initial probes found that a man disguised as a daily wager made his way to pass the first checkpoint of the base and detonated his explosive jacket inflicting casualties. Details about the incident will be released later today," the spokesman added. A Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility for the attack. An Airbus 330-200 plane of Air China arrives at Sydney Airport, Australia, Nov. 12, 2016. The plane touched down at Sydney Airport on Saturday, marking the first direct route from Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan province, and the start of a service running three times a week. (Xinhua/Zhu Hongye) SYDNEY, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- China's flag carrier Air China welcomed a major flight between Sydney and Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan province, on Saturday. An Airbus 330-200 plane flying Sydney's first direct route from China's fourth-largest international airport touched down at Sydney Airport, marking the start of a service running three times a week that is expected to bring 23,000 Chinese visitors and 89 million Autralian dollars of their expenditure to the New South Wales (NSW) economy. "Chengdu, the land of abundance and capital of Sichuan province, is a city proud of its natural endowment, historical heritage, cultural diversity and hardworking people. The city and its surrounding area are leading other cities in China's west in economic development and have been working to build and strengthen their ties with Australia," Consul General of the Consulate-General of China in Sydney Gu Xiaojie said at an event in Sydney Airport welcoming the new route. "Air China's direct flights will help to strengthen Chengdu and Sichuan's cooperation with the most dynamic and prosperous city in New South Wales, hence creating new opportunities for the Chinese and Australian people to deepen mutual understanding, friendship and economic cooperation." The consul general said the Chinese and Australian economies are "highly complementary", with recent years witnessing "rapid growth in bilateral trade and investment, tourism, education, science and technology". New South Wales is the destination of more than half of Chinese investment and students and 40 percent of tourists to Australia, "and we value our friendly relationship with the state very much", he said. Chengdu is Air China's second-largest hub offering connections to more than 40 destinations within China and international cities such as Frankfurt, Paris and Rome. The new flight, which offers 237 seats on the aircraft, will help Sydney Airport host seven airlines flying to 13 Chinese cities by the end of the month, said Sydney Airport Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kerrie Mather. "In the year ending June 2016, New South Wales welcomed almost 640,000 people from China and they spent some 2.1 billion Australian dollars in our local economy, which is very welcomed. The partnership with Air China will help continue to grow that, for our local economy, and likewise, we will look forward to sending more people to Chengdu and China," NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Major Events and Tourism Jonathan O'Dea said. The managing director of Air China's Southwest Branch Liu Yong said the Chengdu-Sydney flight will establish a new "bridge in the sky" to help boost economic, trade and cultural exchanges. "The weather forecast said there'd be rain, but it turned out to be nice and sunny, a very smooth first flight. It's a good sign for our new link and I'm confident of it," Liu said. "Chinese nationals continue to be our largest foreign contributor in inbound passengers and this new service will drive further demand," Mather said. As part of continued efforts to meet that demand, Sydney Airport has rolled out a number of initiatives to welcome Chinese passengers. These include Mandarin-speaking "ambassadors" to help visitors, as well as retail, food and beverage offerings tailored to Chinese travelers, and a presence on Chinese social media platforms to ensure that passengers are kept up to date, she said. "It's going to be great for Sydneysiders as well. Chengdu is one of the fastest developing cities in the world and an ideal destination for people who want to explore western China," she said. "It's famous for the giant pandas and for Sichuan cuisine, which is personally my favorite. I'm sure Sydneysiders will love Chengdu as much as I do." BEIJING, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Saturday is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen, forerunner of China's democratic revolution and instrumental player in ending more than 2,000 years of feudal rule in China. Apart from remembering him, the best tribute to Sun is to carry forward his spirit, pursue his wishes for a unified and rejuvenated China, and unite all Chinese, including compatriots in Taiwan, to achieve these ends. As a revolutionary pioneer, Sun's patriotism and perseverance despite many hardships are cherished by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Sun coined the phrase of "rejuvenation of China." He was a staunch champion of national unity, knowing that reunification and rejuvenation were two sides of the same coin. Quashing Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan and returning the island to the motherland were an important part of Sun's pursuit for national reunification. His three visits to Taiwan in 1900, 1913 and 1918 planted revolutionary seeds across the island. The 1911 Revolution led by him which overthrew the ruling Qing Dynasty inspired locals to intensify the fight against Japanese aggression. Although the Chinese mainland and Taiwan have taken different development paths since 1949 and are still not unified, the fact remains that both sides belong to the same China. Since 2008, cross-Strait ties have seen peaceful development thanks to the political trust built up from the 1992 Consensus. Sun unequivocally opposed any remarks or actions that attempted to split the nation. He once said that united, the people of the entire country benefit; disunited, people suffer. Now the shadow of "Taiwan independence," however, again looms large in areas across the Taiwan Strait. Since taking office in May, Taiwan's current leader Tsai Ing-wen and her administration have not formally recognized the 1992 Consensus, leading to suspension of cross-Strait communication mechanisms and impairing the interests of people on both sides. It is shameful that some political forces continue to voice support for "Taiwan independence." Their behavior is selfish as they are merely seeking gains for a single party or individual, while ignoring the well-being of the people. Addressing a gathering to commemorate the anniversary of Sun's birth, President Xi Jinping vowed on Friday that "we'll never allow anyone, any organization or political Party to rip out any part of our territory at any time or in any form." China experienced more than 100 years of upheaval and struggle and this is still very fresh in the memories of Chinese. In commemoration of Sun, compatriots across the Taiwan Strait and Chinese all across the globe should unite more closely and oppose "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces to make sure that the country is never torn apart again. BEIJING, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- China's largest online shopping day that falls on Nov. 11 has evolved into one with global impact, providing foreign companies with an alternative to access the enormous Chinese market and consumers outside China with quality products at lower prices. In Japan, many local businesses including Yahoo Japan, FamilyMart and Softbank have started to put on sale on Nov. 11 to coincide with the Chinese "Double 11" event, during which millions of Chinese shoppers spend large sums online for home appliances, clothing, luxury goods, among others. Leading Thai skincare brand Snailwhite and SPA chain operator Thann opened their flagship stores on Tmall, one of Alibaba's business-to-consumer online platforms. Li Jin, manager of Snailwhite's Tmall store, said the brand participated in last year's "Double 11" promotion activities and recorded a sales performance far exceeding traditional store sales. "We have chosen 36 products this year for the Nov. 11 promotion this year and expect even better results than last year," he said. In Australia, local dealers are increasingly recognizing the vast business potential from the annual Chinese online shopping frenzy. Beef suppliers, dairy producers and wool manufacturers are rushing to set up online stores targeting Chinese customers. Prime Fresh, a Sydney-based supplier of beef cuts, said its sales surged at least 50 percent in recent weeks thanks to promotion activities for Nov. 11, also known as the Singles' Day in China. Paul Greenberg, CEO of Australia's National Online Retailers Association, told Xinhua that compared with large-scale retail promotions in Western countries, China's Singles' Day features a new sales mode (online rather than in brick-and-mortar store), better logistics and payment solutions. "All these are unique contributions to the global business by China's e-commerce sector," he said. British chain supermarket operator Waitrose, in partnership with a Chinese marketing and logistics company, started exporting to China in April, selling through the Royal Mail shop on Tmall, said The Guardian. "Singles Day is a big occasion for consumers and businesses in China and has the potential to give the products we offer more exposure and provide another opportunity to test demand for our brand," Nigel Roberts, a Waitrose manager, was quoted as saying. On the consumer side, the massive promotions by Chinese e-commerce operators at around Nov. 11 have also offered overseas shoppers strong incentives to spend. Chicago resident Matthew Eisenberg told Xinhua that he has never missed "Double 11" since he knew about it. Still paying his student loan, the data analyst lives frugally and Chinese online shopping sites help make his life much more comfortable. Items he often buys online include Chinese digital products and Vietnamese coffee beans. Compared with similar products selling in the United States, they are of good quality with lower prices, he said. Apart from the price factor, Chinese online shops appeal to overseas consumers because of their detail-oriented services and payment policies. "When you are browsing the page of a shirt, the system will alert you that the Chinese size is different from the Brazilian one and you could communicate directly with a shop assistant," said Philipe Lima, a 31-year-old software engineer in Rio de Janeiro. "My personal experience also shows the payment system is very secure," he told Xinhua. La Nacion, a prestigious Argentine newspapers, has just reported that 80 percent of the packages delivered by the Argentine Postal Service are from China, an indicator of booming e-commerce between the two countries. Jorge Castro, director of the Institute of Strategic Planning in Buenos Aires, noted that the Nov. 11 shopping day are attracting a growing number of Argentine customers. Thanks to e-commerce platforms, Argentine customers are able to buy across the globe while Argentine businessmen are selling products like red shrimps and cod to the rest of the world, all online. "It is exactly a win-win feast," Castro commented. Those who served our country were thanked for America's privilege to keep its peaceful transfer of power at a Veterans Day ceremony Friday in Bismarck. "Veterans Day honors generations of heroes generations gone and generations with us who served in wars, served in conflicts, difficult peace, war on terror, whatever name we call it by. We are in debt to the veterans for their sacrifice: sacrifice of time, sacrifice of courage, sacrifice of commitment, your safety, your security and your loved ones who are behind when you go out to serve. We will always be grateful," Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley said. The ceremony was held at the North Dakota State Heritage Center. As veterans and family members filled the auditorium, the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Choir performed traditional to progressive patriotic music. Jim Nelson, commander of AMVETS Post 9, emceed the events. U.S. Navy veteran Delvin Owens, 93, was recognized for being born on Veterans Day. Later, each military branch's song was played as their respective flags were placed onstage and members of that service stood up to give respectful salutes. Kristen Hamman, from the office of Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., read his letter to those assembled: "The United States is now the freest and most successful nation the world has ever known because of the selfless service and sacrifice of our veterans." Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., described the peaceful transfer of power in the country through the election process as "a miracle" afforded to us by veterans who served. She thanked the veterans for continuing to serve their communities in other leadership positions after they returned home. "You helped build the greatest country in the history of the world," she said. "The service didn't just stop in the military. It happened in all of your communities. Without that commitment, we wouldn't be the country that we are, and we wouldn't be the state we are." Among those community servants was Herbert Wilson, who served from September 1942 until August 1945 in the U.S. Army Air Corps, flying B-24 bombers in England. "Seventeen percent didn't come back when we went up," he said. Wilson later became a doctor on the GI Bill and came to North Dakota in 1952, where he treated Native American people in Fort Berthold and New Town. "It was really tremendous," Wilson said of Friday's ceremony. "We really had a good number attend." "North Dakota veterans have answered the nation's call and made all of North Dakota proud," said Adj. Gen. Alan Dohrmann of the North Dakota National Guard. He also admonished vandals of the the World War II Memorial in Washington. Heitkamp added to that criticism of vandals, saying they were unable "to see there is consecrated and hallowed ground that should be beyond politics, beyond reproach, beyond protest." KABUL, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Four people were killed and 14 others injured in a blast inside Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan's eastern province of Parwan early on Saturday, sources said. "On November 12, an explosive device was detonated on Bagram Airfield resulting in multiple casualties. Four people have died in the attack and approximately 14 have been wounded. We will provide updates as appropriate," the NATO-led Resolute Support (RS) said in a statement. The Bagram Airfield, some 50 km north of Afghan capital of Kabul, has been serving as a main U.S. military base in Afghanistan over the past 15 years. Earlier on Saturday, a provincial government spokesman told Xinhua that the nature of the blast was a suicide bombing. "The initial probes found that a man disguised as a daily worker made his way to pass the first checkpoint of the base and detonated his explosive jacket inflicting casualties," spokesman Wahid Seddiqi told Xinhua. As the identities of the casualties were not immediately known, unofficial sources said the victims were local workers who were waiting to pass through a gate. The blast occurred at about 5:30 a.m. local time, according to RS. "Response teams at Bagram continue to treat the wounded and investigate the incident," the RS statement said. Zabiullah Mujahid, a purported Taliban spokesman, claimed responsibility for the attack. He twitted that the attack was part of the insurgent's yearly rebel offensive. On Thursday night, four Afghan security forces and three militants were killed and more than 130 residents wounded in a Taliban suicide truck bombing and ensuing gunfight against German Consulate office in northern Mazar-e-Sharif city. DAMASCUS, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Syrian forces have fully recaptured two important areas fallen recently to the rebels during a wide-scale offensive in the country's northern province of Aleppo, state news agency SANA reported on Saturday. (Source: Xinhua) DAMASCUS, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Syrian forces have fully recaptured two important areas fallen recently to the rebels during a wide-scale offensive in the country's northern province of Aleppo, state news agency SANA reported on Saturday. The Syrian forces backed by the Lebanese Hezbollah retook the suburbs of Dahyeit al-Assad and Menyan, which had been overrun by the rebels during a wide-scale offensive on government-controlled areas in western Aleppo late last month. SANA said the recapture of Dahyeit al-Assad came after a "qualitative" operation that yielded its result on Saturday morning, just a day after the military forces captured Menyan. According to the report, tens of rebels were killed as the Syrian forces also captured some areas near Dahyeit al-Assad and Menyan. With this achievement, the Syrian army has regained much of what it had lost to the rebels during their latest offensive. The rebels recently launched two offensives with the aim of breaking the siege imposed by the government forces on rebel-held areas in eastern Aleppo. They managed to storm some areas, without achieving a breakthrough. BEIJING, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Singles' Day, China's annual online shopping event on Nov. 11, smashed all previous records Friday as Chinese splurged across online market places. Seen by many as China's version of Black Friday in the United States, Singles' Day has grown into a huge battle for market share among Chinese e-commerce companies. Following are some of this year's figures: -- Orders worth 10 billion yuan (1.47 billion U.S. dollars) were placed in the first six minutes 58 seconds on Alibaba, China's e-commerce giant. -- China's 16 biggest e-commerce sites rang up 177 billion yuan in sales during the 24 hours, according to data provider Syntun. -- Alibaba was the largest winner, with a 68.2-percent market share, followed by JD.com and Suning.com. -- People from over 220 countries and regions worldwide bought items online, according to data from Alibaba. -- Some 82 percent of Singles' Day transactions took place on a mobile phone. -- Around 1.07 billion delivery orders were placed during the 24-hour period. -- More than 39,487 brands participated in this year's Singles' Day. -- Over 47 million customers bought products sold by international brands. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- China hopes to forge an effective cooperative partnership with the Trump administration so as to carry forward China-U.S. relations, Chinese ambassador Cui Tiankai said Friday. China expects to see a smooth transition of power in Washington, Cui told CNN's chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour. Asked to comment on Trump's threats during his campaign trail to impose high tariffs on Chinese imports and fight a trade war with China, Cui said China never wants to have any war, either trade war or other wars, with any country. "Besides, both China and the U.S. are members of the WTO (World Trade Organization), so we should both play by the WTO rules." He said China-U.S. relations are based on and defined by growing common interests and mutual needs. "As far as the economic relation is concerned, I think it's a mutually beneficial one." The two countries are cooperating with each other in many other areas, he said. China and the United States have benefited a great deal from the growing relationship and enhanced cooperation in the past decades. "I'm confident this will continue," said the Chinese diplomat. Commenting on Trump's claim that climate change was a Chinese-made hoax, Cui noted that both countries took lead in reaching a climate change deal in Paris. "Climate change is a global challenge, and all countries should work together to responde to it. And whatever other countries may do or may not do, China will continue to make genuine efforts to respond to climate change to seek to realize green and sustainable development," said the Chinese ambassador. On isolationist measures Trump has vowed, Cui said that multiple global challenges call for joint efforts of the international community, and that China hopes to see a continued important U.S. role. With regard to Washington's future Asia-Pacific policy, Cui said the region has maintained general stability in the past few decades and is now the most economically dynamic region in the world. "I think it will serve everybody's interests if we can continue to go forward on this track. China is ready and willing to work with any other partners for the continued stability and prosperity in the region, and we certainly see the U.S. as an important partner," he said. Trump, the Republican candidate, won the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential race. He is to take office on January 20. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday congratulated Trump on his victory, and said he hoped they could work together to boost China-U.S. relations. Xi said the two countries bear special responsibility of maintaining world peace and stability and boosting global development and prosperity. by Yoo Seungki SEOUL, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Public anger exploded on the streets over a scandal involving South Korean President Park Geun-hye's longtime confidante, Choi Soon-sil, who is alleged to have meddled in state affairs from the shadows and peddling undue influence for personal gains. Ranging from couples with their babies and children to students in school uniforms and grey-haired old men, ordinary South Koreans crowded the streets in central Seoul on Saturday as seen in the previous two weekends. Protesters shouted for the scandal-hit president's resignation, with a wider array of posters in their hands reading "Park Geun-hye, step down," "Incompetent president destroys country," "Is this called a country?" People marched in the evening with paper cup-wrapped candles in hand. Banners along the road varied, demanding President Park distance herself from all state affairs, including diplomacy and defense. One banner from the minor Justice Party proposed a roadmap of Park's resignation, the forming of interim cabinet and early presidential election. The embattled president made public apologies twice and accepted a coalition cabinet formed by the parliament, but people get infuriated further on growing views that Park has yet to sincerely confess to her sins. As Donald Trump's presidential win in the United States caused security uncertainties on the Korean Peninsula, people call for Park's rapid resignation as she already lost credibility and authority in the diplomatic stage. "(Park) has yet to sincerely apologize. (Park) can no longer govern our country as she already lost credibility and authority," said Shin Yoon-seo, a 17-year-old high school student attending the rally with fellow students. Choi, whose friendship with President Park dates back to the mid-1970s, is suspected of pulling government strings behind the scenes. Allegations range from selecting wardrobe to be worn by the president in official events to the editing of important presidential speeches and the appointment of senior government officials. Some local media outlets even speculated that Choi may have engaged in the July decision to deploy a U.S. missile shield system in southeast South Korea by the end of next year. It was a surprising decision because Seoul had previously refrained from even raising the issue. During Saturday's rally, dissatisfactions with Park's business-friendly policies also burst into a fit of rage especially among workers and farmers. At least 100,000 members and supporters of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), one of the country's two umbrella labor union groups, joined the protest. The Park Geun-hye administration has been criticized for labor policies that allow companies to fire regular employees more easily and increase irregular workers more comfortably. The number of irregular workers has increased since the Lee Myung-bak government that ended in February 2013. "Under the governments of Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-bak, regular workers fell and irregular workers rose. Park Geun-hye is seeking an illegal alteration in administrative directives to produce more irregular workers, which is in violation of labor law," said 44-year-old Choi Dong-sik, a KCTU participant in the rally. by Ronald Ssekandi KAMPALA, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Despite a raging war in many parts of Somalia, many Somali refugees are choosing to return home, Somali and UN officials told Xinhua, while calling for international support to support this trend. Mariam Yassin Hagi Yussuf, a senior official in Somalia's Office of the Prime Minister, told Xinhua in an interview in Kampala that many Somalis in the diaspora are choosing to return due to enhanced security back in Somalia. "People miss home, if you feel you are stuck in your life, you are not moving, then it is better that you go back home," said Yussuf, who is also in charge of children and migrants' rights. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) over 200,000 of the 600,000 Somali refugees in Yemen have expressed willingness to return home. Another 200 Somali refugees in Djibouti are also willing to go home, while thousands are set to be voluntarily repatriated from Kenya. In anticipation of the increasing number of returnees, the Somali government has established a national coordination mechanism where migration issues will be handled both at the federal and regional government level. Yussuf said the government is also waiting for parliament to enact a law on anti-trafficking and smuggling of migrants. According to the Somali government, many local youths are being trafficked out of the country. Many end up being abused and some die on the Mediterranean Sea as they try to access Europe. "We are tackling the root causes of migration starting from insecurity, non-sufficient education, and lack of job opportunities. By tackling the root causes, we believe we will reduce the risk of people leaving the country," she added. Mohamed Abdi Affey, UNHCR Special Envoy for the Somalia Refugee Situation, told Xinhua in an interview that the country is in a critical stage and needs all the international support as many Somalis are willing to return home. He argued that the Somali crisis seems to have gone off the international agenda, which is now occupied by other emerging crises. "This return means there should be focus on facilities inside the country so that the conditions are bearable for those who are coming back," he said on the sides of a regional meet on migrants in eastern Africa. Affey called for continued support of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), which he said had helped to bring relative peace in Somalia. He said the possible pull out of some peacekeeping troops as some countries have suggested would be disastrous. "AMISOM presence has contributed substantially to peace and stability of Somalia. I would request that any pullout would be reconsidered before Somalia has a sufficient security force that can be able to protect its population," he said. Uganda, the largest troop contributor to the 22,000-strong African Union force, said would pull out its troops by 2018 since it first deployed them in 2007. Kenya, another troop contributing country also planned a withdrawal. The AU Peace and Security Council in June said it planned to withdraw the entire contingent by October 2018, and by December 2020, the mission will have been fully transferred to the Somali National Army. BEIJING, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Commerce said Saturday that the European Union should avoid abusing trade remedy measures, after the latest decision by the European Commission to impose anti-dumping duties on some Chinese steel products. The European Commission Saturday decided to impose provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of seamless steel tubes from China for six months. China is highly concerned about the increasing steel trade protectionism from the EU, and hopes the EU will strictly respect relevant World Trade Organization rules, the ministry said in a statement on its website. The "analogue country" investigation method used by the EU, a practice using price data in a third country to calculate the value of products from a non-market economy country, is unfair and unreasonable and has seriously damaged the interests of Chinese companies, it said. It reiterated that the root cause of Europe's steel industry woes was not imports from China but weak economic growth. South Sudan's government soldiers take position at a battle field in Alelo near South Sudan's northern town of Malakal, Oct. 16, 2016. Fresh clashes between government and opposition forces near the northern town of Malakal have killed at least 56 over the weekend. (Xinhua/Gale Julius) NAIROBI, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- South Sudan could slide into genocide if the conflict-torn nation fails to curb ethnic-targeted killings, a UN advisor has warned. UN Secretary General Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide Adama Dieng said inflammatory rhetoric, stereotyping and name calling between ethnic groups were on the rise in the country and could turn into ethnic cleansing if not stopped outright. "I am dismayed to report that what I have seen and what I have heard have confirmed my concern that there is strong risk of violence escalating along ethnic lines with the potential for genocide," Dieng said after concluding his five-day visit to the oil-rich yet poverty-ridden country. "Inflammatory rhetoric, stereotyping and name calling have been accompanied by targeted killings and rape of members of particular ethnic groups," he added. "I am particularly concerned by the involvement of the youth in the spread of hatred and hostility as they are susceptible to divisions within society," Dieng said while lamenting the abuse of social media to spread hatred. The UN advisor urged South Sudan leaders to allow inclusivity to foster unity among the various fragmented communities. Since the renewed violence broke out in the capital of Juba between forces led by ousted First Vice President Riek Machar and troops loyal to President Salva Kiir in July, violence and targeted killings have spread to hitherto peaceful areas of Yei and Eastern Equatoria's Magwi area. "I have seen that there is extreme polarization among some tribal groups which have increased in certain places since the outbreak of violence in July this year," Dieng noted. "What began as a political conflict has transformed into what could become an outright ethnic war with the stalling of the implementation of the peace agreement," he said. HARBIN, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The northeastern province of Heilongjiang, a major coal production base, will close 44 coal mines in the coming three to five years, according to the provincial government. By closing 24 mines run by the state-owned Longmei Mining Group and another 20 local mines, the province will cut coal production capacity by 25.67 million tonnes, according to a coal mining overcapacity reduction plan released by the provincial government Saturday. It said the government will not approve any new mining projects in the coming five years. Meanwhile, small mines with less than 150,000 tonnes of annual output will be closed over safety concerns, it said. The government will also close mines with outdated machinery and systems, which do not have the ability to upgrade, it said. China is downsizing its coal industry, and plans to cut coal capacity by half a billion tonnes in the next few years. H Last year, Heilongjiang shut down 233 mines, removing 13.11 million tonnes of obsolete capacity, according to the provincial work safety authorities. GMA/Google(KABUL) -- Four people were killed and 17 others were injured in a deadly Taliban suicide bomb attack inside Bagram Airfield, the large U.S. military base in Afghanistan. "I am deeply saddened to learn that an explosion early this morning at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan has resulted in U.S. casualties," said Defense Secretary Ash Carter in a statement Saturday. "An apparent suicide bomber has taken the lives of two U.S. servicemembers and two U.S. contractors working on the base," said Carter. "The explosion wounded 16 other U.S. servicemembers and one Polish soldier participating in our NATO mission." He added: "I want to express my sincere condolences to the families of the fallen, and I want to reassure the loved ones of those injured that they are getting the best possible care." A U.S. official said the attack occurred inside the base, with the attacker wearing a suicide vest. The blast occurred as the military personnel were moving between morning physical exercises and a dining hall, according to the official. Carter said that force protection for the 9,800 American troops in Afghanistan "is always a top priority, and we will investigate this tragedy to determine any steps we can take to improve it." "For those who carried out this attack, my message is simple. We will not be deterred in our mission to protect our homeland and help Afghanistan secure its own future," said Carter. The attack occurred at just after 5:30 a.m., according to the NATO-led Resolute Support Mission. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack, which they said was carried out by a suicide bomber. Zabiullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, said the bomber managed to enter the base with explosives and detonate himself among American servicemembers who were in the midst of doing their morning exercise. General John W. Nicholson, commander of Resolute Support for the U.S. Army, said in a statement, "To the family and friends of those who lost their lives today, we share your loss and our thoughts are with you. We offer you our deepest condolences. For the family and friends of those wounded in todays attack, let me assure you they are receiving the best care possible, and we will keep them in our thoughts today." He added: "To those who target Coalition forces, ANDSF, and Afghan civilians, Resolute Support and USFOR-A will continue to pursue our Train, Advise, and Assist mission to help our partners create a better Afghanistan." Copyright 2016, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. A former government official of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation accused of accepting bribes and kickbacks from a construction contractor has pleaded guilty to federal charges in North Dakota. Randall Phelan was an elected representative of the governing body of the Three Affiliated Tribes from the end of 2012 to the middle of 2020. Investigators say Phelan used his official position to help the contractors business by awarding contracts, fabricating bids and managing fraudulent invoices. His trial had been scheduled to begin Tuesday. Phelan and two others were originally charged with receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from the bribery scheme on the oil-rich Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. The contractor has pleaded guilty to bribery. Photo taken on Nov. 12, 2016 shows students attending the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), or the Chinese Proficiency Test, at Dhaka University Confucius Institute in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh. The number of Bangladesh students appearing in the HSK, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi or the Chinese Proficiency Test, has shot up. The HSK, designed and developed by the HSK Center of Beijing Language and Culture University, is one of the most important academic testing systems in relation to Chinese language study around the world.(Xinhua/Jibon Ahsan) DHAKA, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The number of Bangladesh students appearing in the HSK, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi or the Chinese Proficiency Test, has shot up. Scores of students on Saturday appeared in different levels of HSK examinations held at the Dhaka University Confucius Institute in Bangladesh capital Dhaka. "Today we conducted HSK level 2, 3 and 4 examinations," Zhou Mingdong, director at Dhaka University Confucius Institute told Xinhua. She said some 63 students from the Dhaka University Confucius Institute and other Bangladesh educational institutes appeared in the examinations Saturday. She said more and more students have been showing interest to learn Chinese language and appear in different levels of HSK examinations to test their Chinese ability to face practical and real-life situations. The Dhaka University Confucius Institute has become a prime destination for Chinese language learners, she said. "We'll hold another HSK examination next month for students of other levels," she added. The HSK, designed and developed by the HSK Center of Beijing Language and Culture University, is one of the most important academic testing systems in relation to Chinese language study around the world. ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has called for additional forces to facilitate operations in Somalia as the conflict-torn nation held elections amid constant threats from Al-Shabaab. The call was made after a meeting between Chiefs of Defence Forces of Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) of AMISOM on Friday in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa. The meeting was held to review the progress made in the provision of security in support of the electoral process in Somalia, as well as to consider options for strengthening the AMISOM operational effectiveness in light of future offensive operations, according to an AU statement on Saturday. The meeting requested the deployment of additional forces to enable AMISOM and Somalia National Security Force (SNSF) to conduct necessary operations in Juba Valley, Hiraan regions and North East coastline. In this regard, the meeting stressed the need for the UN and the international community to support additional forces of up to 4,000 troops for a maximum period of six months to conduct offensive operations. Chiefs of defence forces of TCCs, namely Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya, and the defense representative of Uganda attended the meeting. SEOUL, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- A South Korean opposition lawmaker has claimed that a political heavyweight might have worked behind the scenes for the deployment of a U.S. missile shield on South Korean soil. In his posting on Facebook, Kim Jong-dae, a lawmaker of the minor Justice Party, questioned the decision-making process of the South Korean government with regard to the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). Kim alleged that Lockheed Martin, the THAAD manufacturer, had repeatedly contacted heavyweights of the Park Geun-hye government to lobby for the deployment. He demanded that the secret figure pulling the strings be found. Reversing an earlier stance of "Three Nos," South Korea abruptly announced a joint decision with the United States on July 8 to install one THAAD battery in the country by the end of next year. The "Three Nos" refer to no proposal, no consultation and no decision on THAAD deployment. Kim pointed out that as the southern town of Seongju was selected as the site for deployment, Seoul would be outside the THAAD range and additional defense system would therefore also be needed. "By supplying six Patriot missile batteries to defend Seoul at 600 billion won (about 515 million U.S. dollars) per each unit, a new market of 3.6 trillion won (about 3.1 billion dollars) will be created," Kim said. "Additional markets will open when it sells missile-defense combat systems on the Korean Navy's irrational procurement of three Aegis-class ships. Furthermore, another 2 trillion won (about 1.7 billion dollars) market will be offered if Korea purchases just one THAAD battery." "If it manages to accomplish the THAAD deployment by lobbying anyone possible, the rest is offered automatically," he said. "And you can easily guess who sits in the palm of Lockheed Martin's hand." The large amount of money is significant to Lockheed Martin, especially when its star product, combat aircraft F-35, is having poor sales. Established in 1912, Lockheed Martin is the world's largest military enterprise, whose history is packed with scandals, including the astonishing bribery scandal in 1976 in Japan. The scandal was revealed in 1976 when the vice-chairman of Lockheed told a Senate subcommittee that the company had paid about 500 million yen (about 4 million dollars) in bribes to Japanese Prime Minister Kabuei Tanaka and other heavyweights in order to influence the All Nippon Airways to buy Lockheed's L-1011 TriStar planes instead of McDonnell's DC-10s. Tanaka was sentenced to four years in prison. In 1999, Lockheed Martin was again brought to court. South Korea wished to purchase military equipment and finally the contract was awarded to Lockheed Martin's Loral Cooperation. However, Korea Supply Company, which was also competing for the contract, accused Linda Kim, an employee of Loral Cooperation, of bribing two military officers and offering sex favors to South Korea's defense minister to secure the contract from then South Korean government. Although Lockheed Martin strongly denied the accusation, Linda's lawyer admitted that she had a criminal record of offering bribes and sex favors and was once sentenced in prison for that reason. According to Forbes, 80 percent of Lockheed Martin's annual revenue is from the U.S. government, of which 61 percent is from the Pentagon. At the same time, Lockheed Martin spends about 15 million U.S. dollars every year to lobby the government and even use illegal methods in order to influence Washington's decision-making process and to get profitable projects. "Lockheed Martin looks like a classic case of a company that is too big to fail," said William Hartung, a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, in an article. "It supplies the Pentagon with so many kinds of weapons systems that it appears to have made itself indispensable," Hartung said. Under such circumstances, quite a few members of the U.S. Congress spare no effort to support Lockheed Martin, he said, which explains why the company can get away from severe punishment even though it was reported to have involved in 81 alleged improper behaviors, including inappropriate competition and fraud. Former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the nation about the potentially corrupting influence of the "military-industrial complex" in his farewell address in 1961. Yet more than five decades later, most U.S. military giants, like Lockheed Martin, become even stronger and push many regions around the globe into turmoils for their own interests. People attend a rally in downtown Seoul, capital of South Korea, Nov. 12, 2016. South Koreans staged peaceful rallies across central Seoul on Saturday night to demand President Park Geun-hye step down over a scandal involving her longtime confidante and former aides. (Xinhua) SEOUL, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Over 1 million South Koreans staged peaceful rallies across central Seoul on Saturday night to demand President Park Geun-hye step down over a scandal involving her longtime confidante and former aides. Organizers estimated that the number of participants in the Saturday rally, the third since the scandal came into focus last month, topped 1 million in Seoul alone, according to local media reports. Last Saturday, some 200,000 people turned out in the capital city. It would be the country's largest mass rally at least since June 1987 when about 1 million demonstrators gathered to ouster the military dictatorship. In 2008, some 700,000 protested against then-President Lee Myung-bak who resumed U.S. beef imports during the outbreak of mad cow disease. Police said around 260,000 people turned out in Seoul, beating its earlier expectation of up to 170,000. Police estimates are usually far lower than figures released by organizers as it does not include people coming back home after early participation. Ranging from couples with their babies and children to students in school uniforms and grey-haired old men, ordinary South Koreans crowded the Seoul streets as seen in the two previous protests. Despite the huge number, demonstrators stayed calm and rallied peacefully. People showed restraint and instead, poured out anger by shouting for the president's resignation and holding up posters and candles. The embattled president made public apologies twice and accepted a coalition cabinet formed by the parliament, but people get infuriated further on growing views that Park has yet to sincerely confess to her sins. As Donald Trump's presidential win in the United States caused security uncertainties on the Korean Peninsula, people call for Park's rapid resignation as she already lost credibility and authority in the diplomatic stage. At least 100,000 people left for Seoul from across the country to attend the Seoul protest, including some 1,000 residents in the southern resort island of Jeju coming here by flight. Tickets for train and express bus bound for the capital city sold out early, with chartered buses being hardly to find on unusually strong demand. Thousands of protesters staged separate rallies in major cities nationwide. Even South Koreans living in about 30 cities of 10 foreign countries marched to demand the scandal-plagued president's resignation. A private association to demand Park's resignation, which is composed of about 1,500 civic groups, held an evening event in the Gwanghwamun Square, just 1 km away from the presidential Blue House where the presidential office and residence are located. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, another organizer and one of the country's two umbrella labor union groups, held an occasion in a Seoul Plaza in front of the city hall, close to the Gwanghwamun square. Around 25,000 police officers were allegedly deployed to prevent any violence or any march to the presidential office, but no big scuffle has been reported yet. This Saturday's rally is expected to become a watershed to determine the fates of President Park and her ruling Saenuri Party. The Blue House has not announced any official response to the country's biggest rally in about 30 years, and only a part of Saenuri members individually joined the protest. All leaderships of three major opposition parties actively participated in the protest, demanding Park immediately step down. The minor Justice Party proposed a roadmap of Park's resignation first, the parliamentary forming of an interim cabinet and early presidential election. President Park's approval rating stayed at 5 percent for two weeks in a row, the lowest for any South Korean president, according to a Gallup Korea poll released on Friday. Another pollster survey showed on Friday that more than 60 percent of respondents said Park should step down or be impeached. NICOSIA, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Cyprus's community leaders have come close to an agreement on territorial issue which will pave the way to a comprehensive agreement,the government spokesman Nicos Christodoulides said on Saturday. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci decided to take a week's recess for consultations after completing five days of UN-led sustained negotiations in Mont Pelerin, Switzerland that focused on territorial adjustments. "We consider that an agreement on territorial issue is within reach," Christodoulides said in remarks reported by state radio. He said President Anastasiades requested the recess to consult with Cypriot party leaders and also brief Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Anastasiades and Akinci will meet again in Geneva on Nov. 20 for yet another round or sustained negotiations expected to last up to three days, in the presence of Espen Barth Eide, UN special adviser on Cyprus. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey sent troops that occupied 37.5 percent of the island's territory in reaction to a short-lived coup engineered by the military rulers of Greece at the time. Territorial adjustments that will bring down the territory under Turkish Cypriot control closer to their population ratio of 22 percent and allow the maximum possible number of displaced people to return to their cities and villages were exhaustively discussed at Mont Pelerin. It was the first time in almost 40 years of Cyprus negotiations that the territorial issue was discussed directly. "There has been a remarkable progress that allows us to be optimistic," Christodoulides said. He said that despite progress, there are still issues that need to be discussed further or in more depth. TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Iran's President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday called for civilian nuclear cooperation with Hungary, semi-official Fars news agency reported. "The two countries can cooperate in various sectors of the civilian nuclear energy applications," Rouhani said in a meeting with the visiting Hungarian Parliament Speaker Laszlo Kover in the capital Tehran. Rouhani also urged Hungarian investors and companies to partake in Iran's industrial and agricultural projects. Kover expressed his country's determination to strengthen cooperation with Iran, saying "Hungary is fully ready to expand its cooperation with Tehran, specially in economic fields, and this will no doubt benefit the two countries." He stressed that Hungary is ready to cooperate with Iran in the nuclear energy field. MOSCOW, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) said Saturday that it has detained a group of terrorists on suspicion of plotting attacks in the capital city of Moscow and Russia's second largest city of St. Petersburg. With the help of counterparts from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, 10 people, some from Central Asia, who were planning high-profile attacks in Moscow and St. Petersburg, were detained in Saturday's special operations, the FSB said in a statement. Improvised explosive devices stuffed with shrapnel, firearms, as well as remote control and communication devices have been found from them, it added. The suspects have admitted their link to the Islamic State terrorist group, according to the FSB. ISLAMABAD, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- At least 15 people were killed and 20 others injured when a blast hit a shrine in Pakistan's southwest Balochistan Province on Saturday night, local Urdu TV channel Dunya reported. BAKU, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The first stage of the large-scale military drills kicked off in Azerbaijan Saturday, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The Azerbaijani armed forces examined the system of combat readiness of the army, conducted movement of military concentrations to the starting positions and deployment of field control points. In accordance with the plan of drills, the participants of military exercises implemented redeployment of command and control centers and troops, which were placed on a state of alert, to the areas of operational purpose. They also redeployed combat aircraft to alternate airports and moved units of missile troops and artillery on the temporary fire and starting positions. Air Force facilities provided security for the movement of military equipment. The exercises involving up to 60,000 personnel, 50 aircraft and helicopters, over 150 tanks and armored vehicles, alongside 700 systems of missile and artillery troops, were carried out according to the plan approved by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, in order to verify the command and control systems and weapons. The Azerbaijani armed forces are considered the most modern in the Caucasus region, consisting of Air Force and Air Defense Forces, the Navy, and the Army. The country's armed forces regularly conduct military exercises to improve the skills of military personnel. ISLAMABAD, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- At least 30 people were killed and 95 others injured when a bomb went inside a shrine in Pakistan's southwest Balochistan Province on Saturday night, officials said. Sanaullah Zehri, home minister of Balochistan, said that the blast happened when devotees were preforming Dhamal, a kind of Sufi dance, in the Dargah Shah Noorani shrine of Hub, the town in Khuzdar district of the province. He said that the killed and injured people include a large number of women and kids who have been shifted to nearby hospitals. Muhammad Jafar, Superintendent Police, said that devotees dance inside the shrine every night, but tonight there were more people than usual. He said that police and paramilitary troops reached at the blast site and cordoned it off. Nature of the blast has not been officially determined yet, but some local media reports said that the attack was carried out by a teenager suicide bomber. No group has claimed the attack yet. Photo taken on Nov. 12, 2016 shows the international forum on Tokyo trials and world peace is held in Shanghai, east China. The forum opened Saturday in Shanghai, attracting 25 famous jurists and historians from countries including China, the United States, Japan, Britain and New Zealand. The year marked the 70th anniversary of the opening of Tokyo trials.(Xinhua/Pei Xin) SHANGHAI, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- An international forum on Tokyo trials and world peace opened Saturday in Shanghai, attracting 25 famous jurists and historians from countries including China, the United States, Japan, Britain and New Zealand. The year marked the 70th anniversary of the opening of Tokyo trials. "Tokyo trials were the kind that defended civilization," said Gao Wenbin, then a translator and secretary to Chinese prosecutors. "I am 95 years old this year, but history should not be forgotten and facts should not be distorted." "I deeply believe that any schemes that go against historic trend will not succeed and justice will eventually prevail over evil," said Gao. After WWII, the Allied Forces tried Japanese war criminals at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo. Known as the Tokyo trials, the proceedings played an important part in shaping the postwar Asia-Pacific order. Zhang Jie, president of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, said Tokyo and Nuremberg trials were the attempts to avoid bitter wars by punishing war criminals. "In many corners around the world, there are still many regional disputes and tensions and peace is still one that many people seek and aspire for," said Zhang. The two-day forum, hosted by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, has six panel discussions. NEW DELHI, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- A journalist working with a vernacular daily was shot dead Saturday in India's eastern state of Bihar, officials said. The killing took place at Sasaram in Rohtash district, about 153 km west of Patna, the capital city of Bihar. "Today unidentified criminals shot dead Dharmendra Kumar Singh, while having tea at a road side stall at his Amra tola village," a police official said. "The 35-year-old Singh was correspondent of a Hindi daily - Dainik Bhaskar." Following the attack, the assailants escaped from the spot, eyewitness told media. Police have started investigations to nab the assailants. Reports said Singh had written articles on illegal stone chips units and quarrying business in Rohtas district. In May this year, gunmen killed Rajdeo Ranjan, the bureau head of another Hindi-language daily Hindustan in district Siwan of the state. Last year nine journalists were killed in India, according to Reporters Without Borders. The Paris-based media watchdog said five of them were killed in the course of their work. India ranks 133 on the World Press Freedom Index for 2016, released by Reporters Without Borders for 180 countries. India is becoming a "more dangerous place to practice journalism," says New York based Committee to Protect Journalists. NEW DELHI, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Indian authorities have taken into custody a U.S. national for allegedly flying a drone near iconic Taj Mahal in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh's town of Agra, just 250 kms from the national capital. A senior police official said Saturday that the American tourist, identified as R. Nicholas, was detained for the incident Friday for flying a small white-colored drone at least twice near the historical monument, which is a high-security zone. "After security forces spotted the drone, a massive search operation was launched and the American tourist was found operating the flying object from the terrace of a local hotel. He was immediately taken into custody," he said, on condition of anonymity. The official added that the U.S. embassy in the Indian capital has been informed about the detention. Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of ancient world and is visited by millions of tourists every year. Drones are banned near the monument like in sensitive places such as airports. ISLAMABAD, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Rescue work is underway after a deadly blast at a shrine which left 30 people killed and 95 others injured in Pakistan's southwest Balochistan Province on Saturday night, officials said. Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar, the spokesperson of Balochistan government, said that they have dispatched 50 ambulances to the Dargah Shah Noorani Shrine, which is located at the top of the mountain in Hub town, located in Khuzdar district of the province. He said that the blast site is hard to access as darkness and tough mountainous terrain is a hindrance to the rescue teams, so they have also sent a team of doctors and paramedics to treat the injured people at the blast site. He said that helicopters would be used to shift the critically injured people to hospital if needed. Kakar said that a state of emergency has been imposed in hospitals in Khuzdar and neighboring Lasbela districts. Hamkim Lasi, head of non-profit organization Edhi Foundation in Khuzdar, said that they have dispatched 12 ambulances to the blast site, adding that the death toll is feared to rise as there is no hospital in the nearby area where injured can be treated. He said that the nearest hospital is in downtown Hub, which is located some 120 km from the blast site. Sanaullah Zehri, home minister of Balochistan, said that the blast happened when devotees were preforming Dhamal, a kind of Sufi dance, in the shrine. He said that the killed and injured people include a large number of women and kids. Muhammad Jafar, Superintendent Police, said that devotees dance inside the shrine every night, but tonight there were more people than usual. He said that police and paramilitary troops reached at the blast site and cordoned it off. Nature of the blast has not been officially determined yet, but some local media reports said that the attack was carried out by a teenager suicide bomber. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the blast and vowed to eradicate militancy from the country. KATHMANDU, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Frequent exchanges of high-level visits between Nepal and India recently have helped enhancing bilateral ties, leaders and officials of both countries said. Indian Army Chief General Dalbir Singh, in Nepal for a three-day visit, held talks with Nepalese Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Saturday. The Nepalese Prime Minister said Indian President Pranab Mukherjee's recent state visit to Nepal was successful in terms of enhancing age-old ties between the two countries, according to a statement of the Prime Minister's secretariat. The Indian Army Chief said that the Indian Army will establish a new pension paying office at Butwal of western Nepal bordering India, aiming to facilitate pension distribution process to Nepali nationals retiring from the Indian Army. The Indian Army Chief also called on Nepal's Defense Minister Balkrishna Khad and discussed defense cooperation. The two countries are currently holding the Surya Kiran "X" joint military exercises as an annual routine. Photo taken on Nov. 9, 2016 shows a freighter loaded with iron ore at the mining area of Shougang Hierro PERU S.A.A., a subsidiary of Chinese iron and steel giant Shougang Group, in Marcona, Ica province, Peru. (Xinhua/Shen Hong) LIMA, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Peruvian Second Vice President Mercedes Araoz has said that her country's relationship with China is a "priority." Araoz made the remarks in a recent interview with Xinhua ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Peru, during which he will attend the 24th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting from Nov. 19 to 20 in Peru's capital Lima. According to Araoz, since the free trade agreement (FTA) between Peru and China came into force in 2010, "relations have been solid with many reciprocal advantages seen in commerce, investments and culture. This is due to the existence of historical and economic affinities as well as transparent and fluid dialogue." She said that bilateral cooperation is crucial in strengthening relations and boosting economic growth. This cooperation has been highlighted by the visit of Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski to China in September and by the upcoming visit by President Xi to Lima. "President Kuczynski seeks to take up opportunities to learn from each other. Both cultures can see they are unique because they have millennial histories while having remained brothers for many years," said the vice president, adding that Kuczynski and Xi will inject new impetus into bilateral relations. On investment, Araoz said China was particularly interested in infrastructure in Peru, such as roads and railways, as well as carrying out mining projects with refineries meeting high environmental levels, as well as exploring manufacturing and services opportunities. Araoz, who served as minister of foreign commerce and tourism from 2006 to 2009, recalled the process of negotiating the FTA between China and Peru. Pupils have a class in Jose Maria primary school in Santa Cruz de Cocachacra, Lima Province, Peru, on Nov. 11, 2016. Jose Maria primary school was constructed with the aid of China and was put into use in March this year. Currently a total of 140 students are receiving educaiton here. (Xinhua/Luis Camacho) "The Chinese side was very open to taking many of our proposals on board. For example, the customs treaty is a part of the trade deal, which involved things that China has had difficulty in granting to other countries. But they gave it to us. They also gave us investment concessions they do not normally give," said Araoz. "I think they did give us preferential treatment, which turned it into a space of friendship and familiarity," she added. Araoz, however, said that Peru and China still have work to do in areas such as intellectual property, which both countries see as important. On the APEC summit, which will be held in Lima for the second time in November, Araoz said that all is going well, concerning the organization, logistics and security, as well as the agenda itself. "This is the time to discuss sustainable development. The agenda therefore covers all topics ranging from food security, human capital, and better integration," she said. "While there are certain differences in terms of the agenda we have yet to reconcile, we are continuously getting closer. We also incorporated the role of small and medium enterprises in global value chains, where there are many similarities." She also explained how these topics would be wide-ranging. For example, the topic of food security will include a discussion on how to stimulate more opportunities in rural areas, including opening businesses, removing tariffs and improving education. Araoz also said that China is seen within APEC as being able to contribute a lot thanks to its fast growth and technological development. "China has a history of having developed commercial agreements with its peers. Therefore, we think we can work very closely together," she said. Dialogue with other institutions will take place at APEC, including one between APEC members and the Pacific Alliance -- a Latin American trade bloc comprised of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru -- and another with Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades (R) walks with Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci (L) in a street of Nicosia, Cyprus, on May 23, 2015. (Xinhua/Stefanos Kouratzis) NICOSIA, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Cyprus's community leaders have come close to an agreement on territorial issue which will pave the way to a comprehensive agreement,the government spokesman Nicos Christodoulides said on Saturday. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci decided to take a week's recess for consultations after completing five days of UN-led sustained negotiations in Mont Pelerin, Switzerland that focused on territorial adjustments. "We consider that an agreement on territorial issue is within reach," Christodoulides said in remarks reported by state radio. He said President Anastasiades requested the recess to consult with Cypriot party leaders and also brief Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Anastasiades and Akinci will meet again in Geneva on Nov. 20 for yet another round or sustained negotiations expected to last up to three days, in the presence of Espen Barth Eide, UN special adviser on Cyprus. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey sent troops that occupied 37.5 percent of the island's territory in reaction to a short-lived coup engineered by the military rulers of Greece at the time. Territorial adjustments that will bring down the territory under Turkish Cypriot control closer to their population ratio of 22 percent and allow the maximum possible number of displaced people to return to their cities and villages were exhaustively discussed at Mont Pelerin. It was the first time in almost 40 years of Cyprus negotiations that the territorial issue was discussed directly. "There has been a remarkable progress that allows us to be optimistic," Christodoulides said. He said that despite progress, there are still issues that need to be discussed further or in more depth. This file photo shows Chinese female J-10 fighter pilot Yu Xu. Yu died in an accident during a routine flight training on Saturday, an Air Force spokesman said. (Xinhua/Shen Ling) BEIJING, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Yu Xu, a female J-10 fighter pilot, died in an accident during a routine flight training on Saturday, an Air Force spokesman said. Born in 1986, Yu was from Chongzhou city in southwest China's Sichuan Province. She joined the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force in September 2005, and was serving as a flight squadron leader. All servicemen of PLA Air Force were deeply regretful and mournful of Yu's unfortunate death, said Air Force spokesman Shen Jinke. The Air Force will continue to conduct training by the highest standards and faithfully fulfill its mission, Shen said. Rescuers transfer a man injured in a bomb blast at a shrine to a hospital in Hub town, southwest Pakistan, on Nov. 12, 2016. At least 40 people were killed and over 100 others injured after a suicide blast hit a shrine in Pakistan's southwest Balochistan district on Saturday night, local media and officials said. (Xinhua/Stringer) ISLAMABAD, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- At least 40 people were killed and over 100 others injured after a suicide blast hit a shrine in Pakistan's southwest Balochistan district on Saturday night, local media and officials said. Local Urdu TV channel Abb Takk reported that 40 people including women and kids were killed, adding that the blast targeted devotees who played Dhamal, a kind of mystic dance, at Shah Noorani Shrine located at a hilltop in Hub town of the province's Kalat region. However, the officials put the death toll figure at 30. Hashim Galzai, the Commissioner of Kalat said that the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber who blew himself up at the place where the devotees were dancing. He said that there were over 500 people, coming from different parts of the country, inside the shrine when the blast happened. Rescue work by Army, government and non-profit organizations is underway, and altogether 87 ambulances carrying doctors and paramedics have been dispatched to the blast site, as there is no major hospital in the remote area where the shrine is located. Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar, the spokesperson of the Balochistan government, said that they have dispatched 50 ambulances to the shrine. The Inter-Services Public Relations, Pakistani Army's media wing, said that 25 ambulances with doctors and paramedics have left for the blast site and an emergency has been imposed in military hospitals in Kalat region and Karachi. Hamkim Lasi, head of a non-profit organization Edhi Foundation in the area, said that they have dispatched 12 ambulances to the blast site. He said that the blast site is hard to access as darkness and tough mountainous terrain is a hindrance to the rescue teams, and the nearest major hospital is in downtown Hub, which is located some 120 km from the blast site. Superintendent Police Muhammad Jafar said that police and paramilitary troops reached the blast site and cordoned it off. No group has claimed the attack yet. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the blast and vowed to eradicate militancy from the country. Demonstrators protest in response to the election of Republican DonaldTrump as President of the United States in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. November 11, 2016. (Xinhua/REUTERS) UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday welcomed a call from Donald Trump, the U.S. president-elect, for unity after what has been described as a bitter and divisive presidential campaign. In a phone call on Friday afternoon when anti-Trump protests were underway across the United States, Ban congratulated Trump again on his election as the forty-fifth President of the United States of America, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters here. "The secretary-general welcomed President-elect Trump's calls for unity following a hard-fought election," the spokesman said. Demonstrators carry signs during a "Love Rally" atWashington Square Park in New York on November 11, 2016, to protest the election of US President-elect Donald Trump. (Xinhua/AFP PHOTO) Since Trump's election victory on Wednesday, people took to the streets in such U.S. cities as Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco to protest the billionaire's election. The protests continued into Friday night. "The secretary-general expressed confidence that the United States and the United Nations would maintain their traditional strong ties of cooperation to advance peace and security, sustainable development and human rights throughout the world," the spokesman said. "They agreed to stay in continued contact," he added. Ban is to leave his office on Dec. 31 at the end of his two five-year terms while Trump is to be sworn in as the U.S. president on Jan. 20. Wan Exiang, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, presides over the first round of a ceremony to pay respect in front of a Sun Yat-sen monument at Biyun Temple to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Sun's birth, in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 11, 2016. (Xinhua/Zhang Ling) BEIJING, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Officials and residents in many parts of China gathered Saturday to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Sun Yat-sen's birth. Born in 1866, Sun is the forerunner of China's democratic revolution and an instrumental player in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and ending feudalism in China. In Zhongshan City in south China's Guangdong Province, his birthplace, more than 300 people, including relatives of Sun and his followers and many from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, gathered at Sun's former home to pay their tributes. They presented flowers and bowed three times before Sun's statue. In Guangdong provincial capital Guangzhou, senior officials and representatives of the public gathered at the Sun Yat-sen memorial hall to commemorate Sun. Guangdong's Party chief Hu Chunhua said in his speech that people in Guangdong are proud that such a great man was born here and the great spirit of Sun will encourage local people to move forward. Hu and other senior officials laid flowers in front of a statue of Sun. In Shanghai, local authorities held a conference to commemorate Sun. In his address to the gathering, Shanghai's Party chief Han Zheng called local officials to inherit Sun's precious spiritual heritage and push forward the reform, opening-up and modernization drive. Shanghai should take the lead in terms of reform and innovation, Han said. Local officials and residents also gathered at Sun's former home in Shanghai and bowed three times to pay respects. In Nanjing, nearly 200 officials and residents visited Sun's mausoleum to pay their tribute. "The Communist Party of China shared the same dream of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Sun," said Yu Weigang, a professor with East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai. "We have made great leap forwards in the infrastructures, people's living standard and the country's international status," said Yu. "But we should never forget our dream and gather greater courage to move forward." In Taiwan, Hung Hsiu-chu, chairwoman of the Kuomintang (KMT) Party unveiled a special exhibition marking the 150th anniversary at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. Events were also organized in Hong Kong and Macao to commemorate Sun's birthday anniversary. THE HAGUE, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- During the arrival of Dutch traditional "Sinterklaas," the Dutch police arrested around 200 protesters, opponents of the controversial figure "Zwarte Piet" ("Black Pete") in Rotterdam on Saturday. The anti-Black Pete protesters were arrested for ignoring the Rotterdam ban on demonstrations for this day. Their original plan to demonstrate during the official arrival of Sinterklaas in Maasssluis, in the province of South Holland, failed, because their bus was stopped by the police. Sinterklaas is annually celebrated in the Netherlands with the giving of gifts on December 5. Sinterklaas himself, a traditional figure based on Saint Nicholas, is a white man with a long white beard, but his servants, the "Black Petes" are traditionally portrayed in blackface and wigs of curly black hair. For decades, the celebration of Sinterklaas has been surrounded by a discussion about whether Black Pete is racist and in recent years this discussion became more fierce. Opponents think Black Pete is a racist figure and proponents think Black Pete is part of Dutch culture. This has already led to several changes in the appearance of Petes, with the entrance of white and colored ones, and a ban on Black Petes in some places. Every year in mid-November, Sinterklaas arrives by boat from Spain, according to the story Dutch children believe in, in a different Dutch city and this time is was Maassluis. It was already made known that the Petes in Maassluis would mostly be black or dark brown. Hundreds of police officers, dozens of riot vans, a police helicopter and hundreds of volunteers were present in Maassluis to guarantee the security of the 20,000 spectators. All attendees had to go through extra security checks to watch Sinterklaas entering the city. In Maassluis no major incidents occurred. The opponents of Black Pete, united in the group "Kick Out Zwarte Piet", had also announced to demonstrate during the traditional arrival, but because they had not made an official application for this, they were not allowed to and their bus was stopped by the police and never reached Maassluis. The anti-Black Pete protesters then decided to protest in Rotterdam, at the arrival of "Sinterklaas" near the Erasmus bridge. Syrian women walk during a sandstorm near at a temporary refugee camp in the village of Ain Issa, housing people who fled Islamic State group's Syrian stronghold Raqa, some 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the group's de facto capital on November 10, 2016. (AFP/Xinhua) TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- An Iranian Foreign Ministry official said Saturday that the United Nations should dispatch immediate humanitarian aid to the crisis-hit people in Syria, Press TV reported. The United Nations should also adopt strategies to effectively fight terrorism and prepare the ground for the Syrians to determine their own future, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari said following a meeting with the visiting Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura. Jaberi Ansari described his talks with de Mistura on the latest humanitarian situation in Syria and international efforts to help solve Syrian crisis as "good and serious." He expressed hope that the recent regional and international developments would lay the ground for the United Nations to take more effective measures to restore security and peace to Syria through dialogue. The UN envoy arrived in Tehran on Saturday at the invitation of Jaberi Ansari to discuss the ongoing conflict in Syria. Moroccan Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar and President of COP22 speaks during the Daily Conference at the UN World Climate Change Conference 2016 (COP22) in Marrakech, Morocco, November 12, 2016. (Reuters photo) MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- China plays "very important" role in promoting and consolidating South-South partnership, Climate Change Conference (COP22) President Salaheddine Mezouar said here on Saturday. In an interview with Xinhua, Mezouar said South-South cooperation is a main area of discussion at COP22 as it has a great potential for boosting climate change agenda. He said this approach will enable developing countries to have common responses to their pressing needs. "My conviction is that China has an extremely important role to play in accompanying, reinforcing and boosting South-South partnership and support sustainable development policies in the African continent," said Mezouar, who is also Morocco's Foreign Minister said. China's pavilion at COP22 will host on Monday a high-level forum on South-South cooperation on climate change. The event will be attended by top officials including Salaheddine Mezouar, Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative on climate change affairs, and other top officials from the UN agencies and other developing countries. "I am looking forward for the meeting," he said, adding that it will deepen exchanges among developing countries so that they can better address climate change, achieve sustainable development and maintain the momentum towards wider South-South cooperation. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Four Americans were killed early Saturday morning in an explosion at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said. "An apparent suicide bomber has taken the lives of two U.S. service members and two U.S. contractors working on the base," Carter said in a statement, adding that the explosion also wounded 16 other U.S. service members and one Polish soldier. "Force protection is always a top priority for us in Afghanistan, and we will investigate this tragedy to determine any steps we can take to improve it," he said. Zabiullah Mujahid, a purported Taliban spokesman, claimed responsibility for the attack. He twitted that the attack was part of the insurgent's yearly rebel offensive. The blast on Saturday morning took place at Bagram Airfield, a main U.S. military base in Afghanistan over the past 15 years, located some 50 km north of the Afghan capital of Kabul. On Thursday night, four Afghan security forces and three militants were killed and more than 130 residents wounded in a Taliban suicide truck bombing and ensuing gunfight against German Consulate office in northern Mazar-e-Sharif city. These attacks highlight the rising insecurity in Afghanistan after the conclusion of the NATO-led forces combat mission in late 2014 and withdrawal of major parts of combat troops, analysts said. Demonstrators gather to protest a day after President-elect Donald Trump's victory, at a rally outside Los Angeles City Hall in Los Angeles, California, on November 9, 2016. (AFP/Xinhua) ANKARA, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Turkey's Foreign Ministry on Saturday issued a travel warning concerning the United States as thousands of Americans have taken streets for the fourth day in a row to protest the President-elect Donald Trump. "Turkish citizens should stay away from demonstrations in the U.S. cities, take necessary security measures at their homes and work, and inform security officials immediately in possible racist abuse or attacks," the statement on the ministry's website said. Anti-Donald Trump demonstrations "occasionally featured acts of crime and violence," the statement said, adding that "based on demonstrators' social media posts, it's clear the demonstrations will likely continue for some time." The alert especially applies to New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami, Los Angeles, Seattle, Oakland and Portland. The move came after the U.S. State Department issued its travel warning on Turkey in October, ordering family members of consulate employees in Istanbul to leave the country due to threats against U.S. citizens. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- A man was shot and injured during a protest march against the election of Donald Trump in the city of Portland, the U.S. state of Oregon, police said on Saturday. The incident took place in the early morning hours of Saturday, Portland Police Bureau said on its Twitter account, adding that preliminary information indicated that a suspect was in a vehicle on the Morrison Bridge and there was a confrontation with someone in the protest. The victim was provided medical aid and transported to a Portland hospital for treatment to non-life-threatening injuries, it said. Several witnesses told investigators that the suspect was a male, late teens, who fled the area likely in the vehicle described as a gray or silver sedan. The shooting came after Friday night protests turned violent, when police used tear gas in response to "burning projectiles being thrown at officers," the police said. A large crowd gathered in front of City Hall and about 1,000 people marched through the city, disrupting traffic, the police said. Since Trump's election victory on Wednesday, people took to the streets in such U.S. cities as Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco to protest the billionaire's election. Demonstrators gather to protest a day after President-elect Donald Trump's victory, at a rally outside Los Angeles City Hall in Los Angeles, California, on November 9, 2016. (AFP/Xinhua) NEW YORK/LOS ANGELES, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of protesters marched again on Saturday in major cities across the United States to demonstrate against the election of Donald Trump to be the 45 president of the United States. The "we reject the president-elect" chant echoed far and wide again in New York City Saturday, as thousands of angry New Yorkers protested for the fourth consecutive day against Trump's win in Tuesday's presidential election. The protesters, most of them young people, gathered at Union Square in force and soon marched towards the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, residence and campaign headquarters of the real estate mogul and reality show star turned politician. Holding signs "Love trumps hate" and "Not my president," demonstrators filled the busy avenue famous for its high-end retail stores for almost fifty city blocks and cut off through traffic. The police force of the city was on high alert, barricading the entrance of Trump Tower and many storefronts in case the protest turns violent. "We are not trying to change the result, but to express our discontent and anger for this mistake made by many uninformed voters," said protester Chris Wells. "This man is totally unqualified to be our president and I fear for our future," he added. On the west coast, about 10,000 marchers poured onto the streets of Los Angeles, the state of California, to show their anger and frustration against the president-elect. About 8,000 protestors gathered on Saturday morning at MacArthur Park, downtown Los Angeles, which has been the site of numerous demonstrations over the years. Protesters were marching through downtown Los Angeles, chanting "not my president" and holding signs of "HATE NEVER MADE US GREAT!" and "United against HATE." Various streets and freeways were closed in the city downtown area due to the protest, Los Angeles police Department (LAPD) tweeted. "No arrests have been made." During an anti-Trump protest that stretched from Friday night into early Saturday, several thousands of protestors marched through downtown Los Angeles when some of the demonstrators began vandalizing property, blocking main roads, assaulting, and interfering with officers, and refusing to leave when conditions became unsafe. As a result, 187 adults and eight juveniles were arrested, according to the LAPD. Los Angeles police have arrested hundreds of people over the last few days, including Wednesday night when some demonstrators blocked lanes on the 101 Freeway. Trump's election victory has sparked four consecutive days of protests in the United States. Protesters also took to the streets of Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, Portland, Philadelphia, Louisville, Kentucky, Baltimore and other cities. Indigenous people call for more attention to them in reaction to global climate crisis at a demonstration during the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) in Marrakech, Morocco, on Nov. 11, 2016. (Xinhua/Meng Tao) A visitor views photos at the memorial hall of Sun Yat-sen's former residence in Shanghai, east China, Nov. 12, 2016. A ceremony was held on Saturday in Shanghai to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen. Born in 1866 in south China's Guangdong Province, Sun Yat-sen was the founder of the Kuomintang Party, and is a revered revolutionary leader who played a pivotal role in overthrowing imperial rule in China. (Xinhua/Liu Ying) BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG - The Republican Party is the party of civil rights and the four Fs: faith, family, freedom and fairness. The Democratic Party is the party of the four Ss: slavery, secession, segregation and socialism (Quote By Author Michael Scheuer). Born yesterday, November 11, 1821, in Moscow, Fyodor Dostoyevski was haunted all his life by an overwhelming burden of sin, its temporary relief, and its hyperbolic return in the catastrophic sequence of events that led to the second World War. He suspected that the evil that men do lives after them while their good is oft interred with their bones. There was no remedy other than a centralized government within which the church was universally respected. "Only God can save us now," he said when he saw rioters in the streets and foresaw the Russian Revolution and the so-called dictatorship of the proletariat, which amounted to ruthless totalitarianism comparable to that of the Nazis. On the basis of his novels, The Brothers Karamaziov and Crime and Punishment in particular, it is possible to mount the argument that the great writer knew in his bones that on his birthday ninety-seven years later, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year, the War to End All Wars would end -- with the seeds of a new global conflagration already planted. Asked to provide a head note on the great writer for a new edition of the Astrological Dictionary of Artistic Greatness, Walter Lehmann wrote: <<< Dostoyesvki suffered from epilelptic fits (see The Idiot) but did well in his examinations though he loathed mathematics. On April 23, 1849, the twenty-seven-year-old Dostoyevski was arrested for belonging to a group of crazy liberal loudmouth intellectuals. He was sent to Siberia, was sentenced to be executed, and faced a firing squad in the freezing rain. But it turned out to be a mock execution and Dostoyevski went back to his cell the shape and size of a coffin convinced that it is better and wiser to be a saintly fool in Siberia than to pimp in St. Petersburg. Released in 1854, he wrote Crime and Punishment in a hurry because he needed the money to cover his gambling debts. He was a compulsive gambler. Confronted by Sartre on the matter of his anti-Semitism, he reminded the other that he was not alone in this particular vice, naming Ezra Pound and Edgar Degas as similarly stupid on the subject of Jews. From analyzing Dostoevski's astrological profile, you can safely arrive at several conclusions. His favorite songs would have been I Fall in Love Too Easily (Sinatra version, late 1940s) and He's a Rebel (from the early 1960s). The prophetic nature of his writings, including The Brothers Karamazov and Notes from Underground, doom him to be a Cassandra without honor in his native land. He believed that his novels constituted irrefutable proof that politics implies either madness or betrayal or both; that the sensual man can win absolution while the intellectual who has demolished god will face eternity alone; and that a beggar woman in the street with her children can out-argue all the philosophers and police inspectors in Saint Petersburg. Much of what he wrote was difficult for the Russian people to accept. Yet his fame eclipses that of all other Russian authors with one exception. His chart predicts him to die in his sixtieth year, and this indeed he did on February 9, 1881. Dostoyevski's birth pattern -- a full house, with only one empty chamber -- is replicated exactly on the second day of August 1914. Had this fact been understood correctly, World War I might have been averted. The celestial mechanics of Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto intimate that Dostoyevski would die on the same day as the end of the war, and indeed, the armistice was signed on the novelist's ninety-seventh birthday. The sweet release would have come more than four years earlier if in the prison of his days the free man had learned to praise. The German minister smoked a Turkish cigarette in a jade holder. "Nothing ever happens in Brussels," he shrugged. On November 11, 1918 Dustys birthday in graveyards in the Ukraine and Byelorussia, in Latvia and Estonia, school children in tatters stood shouting, "Hooray for Karamazov!" >>> -- DL The beauty of bobcats is their greatest vulnerability trappers and trophy hunters target them to make money from the sale of their speckled fur, often resorting to horrific killing methods, including bludgeoning, drowning, or strangling trapped bobcats. Photo by Patrick Fallon/AP Images for The HSUS 5.2K shares This week, Illinois reopened its first bobcat hunt in more than 40 years. In the days to come, many of these small but beautiful creatures only slightly larger than the average housecat will be chased down by packs of dogs, shot with guns or bows and arrows, and violently clasped and placed in a vise-grip by unforgiving steel-jawed leghold traps. Not for meat, not for public safety, and not for farm animal protection. Just for the sport of it, and for their fur. Illinois native carnivores including bobcats were once abundant, but then were wiped out because of unregulated hunting, predator control, and habitat loss. After being listed in the state as a threatened species in 1977, bobcats began a comeback and reclaimed some of their original habitat. Unfortunately, the states trophy hunters and trappers saw this restoration as an opportunity, rather than as a cause for celebration. Instead of resolving to maintain protections, state lawmakers, goaded by downstate colleagues whose rhetoric showed they were out for blood, passed legislation legalizing a hunting and trapping season for the first time since 1972. The bill narrowly passed in the Senate, but was defeated in the House. Downstate legislators stamped their feet, however, and got a re-vote, flipping Republican lawmakers from the Chicago suburbs and delivering a victory to the trappers and trophy hunters. Governor Bruce Rauner, to the disappointment of thousands of Illinois residents who wrote to him asking him to veto the bill, enthusiastically signed the legislation. The beauty of bobcats is their greatest vulnerability trappers and trophy hunters typically target them to make money from the sale of their speckled fur, often resorting to horrific killing methods, including bludgeoning, drowning, or strangling trapped bobcats, as bullets or arrows might damage the value of their pelts. Many of the pelts are sold to Russia where a bobcat coat can retail for up to $150,000. The rationale used to defend this hunt was ludicrous for a number of reasons, including the fact that theres never been a statewide population study. While lawmakers were debating whether to open a season on bobcats, one representative absurdly claimed that he saw a bobcat walking across his yard, and thought he was looking at a saber-tooth tiger. As bobcats typically average about 15 to 35 pounds, this amounted to nothing more than hyperbolic fear-mongering. Bobcats pose no risk to public safety. A Mason-Dixon Polling & Research statewide poll of Illinois voters last year revealed that two-thirds of voters in the state oppose the trophy hunting and trapping of bobcats. That same poll showed that a whopping 78 percent of voters oppose the use of steel-jawed leghold traps to kill the animals, and 77 percent support a prohibition on the sale of their pelts. Thankfully, State Sen. Don Harmon has introduced legislation S.B. 2143 to do just that. After passing out of committee earlier this year, S.B. 2143 is still pending, with a full vote in the senate looming. Were grateful that Sen. Harmon and many other legislators continue to stand up for bobcats, and we thank them deeply for their ongoing commitment to protecting these animals. This bill can make the opening of the bobcat hunting and trapping season the last one ever. Of course, Illinois is not the first state to allow a trophy hunting and trapping season for bobcats. Trappers and others are constantly trying to legalize hunts in states where they remain protected. Indiana is currently considering a bobcat trophy hunting and trapping season. Just last year, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission tried to legalize bobcat hunting, but thousands of residents voiced their opposition in response, and the proposal was ultimately withdrawn. This outpouring of opposition demonstrated the great power that residents have to truly affect change, and we must remain vigilant in our fight to keep bobcats, and other species, protected. Lets rally for the bobcats in Illinois, but in every other state, too, where theyre at risk. Trade Minister says PM looking at Tobago transport Responding to a question about how to solve these problems to ensure a smooth business link between Trinidad and Tobago, Gopee-Scoon replied, I think its certainly more than business. Trinidad and Tobago is one country. The Prime Minister is taking a special interest in this. Rowley, who is also the Diego Martin West MP, is from Mason Hall in Tobago. Gopee-Scoon also indicated that the Tourism Ministry and other entites are also looking at these longstanding issues, especially if we are going to be focusing on Tobago to increase our revenue. Against this background, she reiterated, There is special interest, targeted interest at this time on improving the transport between Trinidad and Tobago. Providing an update on the trade mission she led to Cuba last week, Gopee-Scoon said it was largely successful and her Cuban counterpart has given a commitment to attend the next Trade and Investment Convention (TIC) to be held in this country next year. She said seven local companies are currently on the ground in Cuba which is an excellent market with 11 million persons. Gopee-Scoon also said local companies have expressed interest in investing in the Marion Economic Zone in Cuba. Gopee-Scoon also said Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh is looking at the possibility of importing drugs from Cuba and one local business landed an agreement to send 52 containers of goods to Cuba between now and December.While in Cuba, Gopee-Scoon said she was fortunate to meet with Haitian Commerce Minister Jessy C. Petit-Fr?re who wants to visit TT next year. Gopee-Scoon said she would be discussing this with Rowley and local businesses are interested in investing in Haiti as well, which has a market of nine million persons. Earlier in the briefing, Acting Attorney General Stuart Young reconfirmed that Haitian student Luxon Saint-Herve can stay in TT, after a High Court judge ordered so on Monday in the San Fernando Supreme Court. Relating the sequence of events and the intervention of his ministry in the matter, Young said, A decision had been made and there was no threat of the student being deported. It was a satisfactory outcome. Gopee-Scoon also said Venzuela has made three purchases of manufactured goods from TT under a trade arrangment between the two countries in May. She disclosed that a trade mission could be going to Venezuela next year and the South American nation also provided investment opportunities for local manufacturers, in the context of ongoing TT-Venezuela energy talks. CIBC extends helping hand One hundred and fifteen thousand dollars raised from the 2016 CIBC FirstCaribbean Walk for the Cure will fund this initiative, with an initial period from November 9th to December 13th. CIBC FirstCaribbean will also be donating TT$50,000 directly to Vitas House Hospice to advance the care of its cancer patients. Additionally, TT$6,450 will be donated to The Foundation for the Enhancement and Enrichment of Life (FEEL) in honour of Mr. Roy Cape, who participated in this years Walk for the Cure to share his own experience and help raise awareness of the importance of prostate cancer screening. With prostate cancer leading cancer mortality among men in Trinidad and Tobago, CIBC FirstCaribbean devoted this years edition of its annual Walk for the Cure to raising awareness and funds for the critical cause. The event took place on Sunday 2nd October at the Queens Park Savannah, Port of Spain. The funds donated to Vitas House will cover 50 percent of the costs of both the digital rectal examination and blood test which comprise the prostate cancer screening, and usually costs TT$300 at the Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society. This offer is available to men over the age of 40 who opt to take both tests at the same time. Additionally, CIBC FirstCaribbean will pay 75% of biopsy costs for patients in need of assistance, as determined by the Cancer Society. Anthony Seeraj, Managing Director of CIBC FirstCaribbeans local operation, emphasised the necessity of men safeguarding their health and wellness. Without a doubt, prostate cancer is a deadly threat affecting our entire male population in Trinidad and Tobago, he said. This is an issue which we must treat with urgency, and CIBC FirstCaribbean is proud to advance our impact by raising awareness and providing tangible assistance to encourage prostate cancer screening. One of the focuses of our organisation is ensuring the health and wellness of the communities we serve, so we are privileged to partner with Vitas House on this critical initiative, he added. Lilia Mootoo, General Manager of Vitas House Hospice Trinidad and Tobago noted the significance of CIBC FirstCaribbeans support. CIBC First- Caribbean has been a steadfast supporter of Vitas House over the years, assisting us in our aim of delivering quality care to our patients, she remarked. It is imperative that citizens are made aware of the great risk they are facing by not getting tested for certain cancers. By establishing this initiative which will provide much needed opportunities for prostate cancer testing, and shining a light on the gravity of the issue, CIBC First- Caribbean is helping to fill a crucial gap. I hope as many people as possible take advantage of this important service, she said. Teen charged for Tajudeen Bar muder The boy was brought from the holding bay cells of the San Fernando Magistrates Court and into the courtroom before Senior Magistate Nanette Forde-John, who read the charge to him. The charge alleged that on that day inside the bar, located at Cipero Road, he murdered Mohandass Ramsumir, 62. In the courtroom, the boy stood next to his mother, the magistrate having informed the court police prosecutor that members of the public should leave the courtroom because she was sitting in her capacity as a juvenile. She then proceeded to tell the boy that the charge was laid indictably and that he was not called on to plead. The murder charge against the boy arose from a robbery incident at about 4.30 pm at the bar in which two men entered and robbed patrons. Ramsumir, of Balisier Avenue, Pleasantville, was shot. He was rushed to the San Fernando General Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Sgt Vishal Parasram of the Ste Madeline Police Station, laid the charge after a file was submitted to the office of the Director of Public Prosecution. After consultation with the court police prosecutor,Forde-John told attorney Alvin Pariagsingh who represented the teen, that there was no material at the time to disclose to the defence. The magistrate remanded the boy to the St Michaels Home for Boys and ordered that he reappear on November 25. Manzanilla man guilty of manslaughter Prakash Jawahir, 27, was on trial before Justice Hayden St Clair-Douglas, charged with the murder of Steven Thomas, of Mulchan Street, on Easter Sunday April 12, 2009, at Manzanilla Main Road, near the 11-1/4 mile mark. Although indicted for murder, the jury which deliberated on Thursday returned just after 6 pm with a verdict for the lesser count of manslaughter. According to the prosecutions case, Jawahir chopped Thomas four times with a cutlass, almost severing one of his arms on the Manzanilla Main Road, just after 7 pm that night. Jawahir was intoxicated at the time of the event, and witnesses described his state on the night as his head was real bad. Jawahir, who was defended by attorneys Michelle Solomon and Trevor Clarke, never disputed that he chopped Thomas, telling police at the time that he did so to help out his cousin who was being beaten by Thomas before the chopping incident took place. He had also admitted to having threatened to planass Thomas with a cutlass. According to Jawahirs defence, he saw his cousin being beaten by Thomas with a four-foot long junk of wood which led to the relative receiving wounds to his head, blood in the anterior chamber of his eye and a fracture to his eye socket. One of Thomas friends was also involved in the beating incident. It was at this point Jawahir intervened and chopped Thomas. Jawahir will be sentenced by Justice St Clair-Douglas on November 29. The prosecution was represented by attorney Stacy Lalloo Chong. Murdered moms son in jail On Wednesday last, Balgobins body was found in an open field not too far from her Enterprise home. She was stark naked and in a foetal position. Her head was bashed in. The tiger-patterned leggings and blouse she was wearing, at the time, was found next to her body. Balgobins casket will remain closed during the funeral service because of the condition of her face. The face mash up bad so we cant open the box. A framed picture will be on top of the box instead. According to police reports, at about 5 am, Balgobin, a grandmother of one, was walking through a track near Walcott Street, close to African Grounds, Enterprise when she was approached by a man she knew. Reports are that he attempted to rob her and a fight ensued during which time she was struck several times in the head. Her funeral service will be conducted under Hindu rites and will be followed by cremation at the Waterloo Cremation site. Also being laid to rest today is Larry Sieunarine, a father of two who was shot and killed in his bed on Thursday morning. Bolt takes further action against Express Fitzwilliam Stone Furness- Smith and Morgan are the legal counsel for Bolt and Williams-Imbert. Moe said the firm has since become aware of the articles HDC: $12M paid in August 2015 and Kamla: Imberts wife was paid $13m which were published in the Express on November 9. While the former article had no authors name attached to it, the latters author was identified as Express political reporter Anna Ramdass. On the former article, Moe said Bolt never received a payment of $12 million in August 2015 as alleged and the allegation is wholly false. The true position is that the sum of $12 million represents an approximate aggregate of several payments made to Bolt over an extended period of ten years in respect of services rendered by Bolt to the HDC, she said. Moe added the aggregate includes the sum of $1.5 million representing monies paid by Bolt on behalf of the HDC for reimbursable expenses such as site security and utlities for which Bolt was entitled to be reimbusres and accordingly contains no profit element whatsoever. On the second story, Moe said contrary to claims made by Persad-Bissessar in that story, Bolt did not charge a single rate of 10.8 percent on work undertaken by it for the HDC. She said Bolt charged different rates for different projects given that the scope of work on each project differed considerably, a rate of 10.6 percent was charged on the Mora Heights project in Rio Claro and Imbert has never been a director or shareholder of Bolt. Moe told Lyder that had proper enquiries been done by the Express,you would have learnt not only that Bolts conduct was above reproach but also that approximately half of the payments made to Bolt were made when the United National Congress formed the government. Moe said Bolt and Williams-Imbert are demanding a full and equivocal apology from the Express and a commitment not to repeat the allegations therein. Reminding Lyder about the provisions in the amended Civil Proceedings Rules, Moe said if there is no satisfactory reply to this pre-action protocol letter within 14 days of its receipt, our clients will take such steps as they may be advised. Oyster vendors long wait for justice On September 30, 2001, Rassol was chopped in the hand and face by a man during an argument. Ramnarine Sylvan was later arrested and charged. A Preliminary Inquiry was conducted in the San Fernando Magistrates Court as the charge against Sylvan was laid indictably. Rassol told Newsday yesterday that he attended the magistrates court on about 50 occasions during the PI. On June 17, 2011, Sylvan was committed to stand trial by former magistrate Roger Ramgoolam. The magistrate has since resigned from the bench and is a lecturer at the Sir Hugh Wooding Law School. Rassol said that 15 years after the incident, it seems like an eternity waiting for the trial to start. Five years have passed and I am still awaiting a hearing in the High Court. Is this what justice looks like in 2016, Rassol asked. He said that checks with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in San Fernando for an update on what might have become of the committal file, but nothing has been forthcoming. When an inquiry is completed, all notes of evidence are typed by clerks in the magistrates court and together with all other relevant documents, are sent to the office of the DPP for preparation of the indictment against the accused and notices to witnesses. It has been five years and I have heard absolutely nothing. Attorneys in the DPPs office have not been able to tell me anything, except that they are looking into the matter. Rassol said that since the incident 15 years ago, he has not done much oyster harvesting because of the injuries he suffered on the left and two of his fingers. He is hoping that when justice is delivered in the court, he would be afforded monetary compensation. But that is providing, Rassol said, if my witnesses are still around to testify because as you know, time waits on no man even if that man is awaiting justice. 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Tsung Dao Lee said, using chopsticks can help your brain work better, I heard in his seminar. I wanted to ask him if any scientific evidence to back up his ideas. Not at that time as scientists didn't have the tool. I's intrigued by that as at the time i started learning how to handle forks, knift and spoon. I thought Lee made sense if you think about how human survived by using hands in far ancient time. Brain is the most powerful organ for survival. If you get your brain powered up, you could survive! Yeah, it makes sense now with the new tool - if you like to know more, you gotta read yourself - a way to power your brain up. Whats Lost as Handwriting Fades Does handwriting matter? Not very much, according to many educators. The Common Core standards, which have been adopted in most states, call for teaching legible writing, but only in kindergarten and first grade. After that, the emphasis quickly shifts to proficiency on the keyboard. But psychologists and neuroscientists say it is far too soon to declare handwriting a relic of the past. New evidence suggests that the links between handwriting and broader educational development run deep. Children not only learn to read more quickly when they first learn to write by hand, but they also remain better able to generate ideas and retain information. In other words, its not just what we write that matters but how. Continue reading the main story Related in Opinion When we write, a unique neural circuit is automatically activated, said Stanislas Dehaene , a psychologist at the College de France in Paris. There is a core recognition of the gesture in the written word, a sort of recognition by mental simulation in your brain. Audio 24:43 0:00 Play Pause Play Restart Podcast: Your Brain on Cursive, Google Glass Operation, Tattoos for Healing Handwriting is being dropped in public schools that could be bad for young minds. Googles new hands-free computer is finding its way into operating rooms. Breast cancer survivors find the start of their new lives in a tattoo artists work. Subscribe to the Podcast David Corcoran, Kassie Bracken and Jeffery DelViscio And it seems that this circuit is contributing in unique ways we didnt realize, he continued. Learning is made easier. A 2012 study led by Karin James , a psychologist at Indiana University , lent support to that view. Children who had not yet learned to read and write were presented with a letter or a shape on an index card and asked to reproduce it in one of three ways: trace the image on a page with a dotted outline, draw it on a blank white sheet, or type it on a computer. They were then placed in a brain scanner and shown the image again. The researchers found that the initial duplication process mattered a great deal. When children had drawn a letter freehand, they exhibited increased activity in three areas of the brain that are activated in adults when they read and write: the left fusiform gyrus, the inferior frontal gyrus and the posterior parietal cortex. By contrast, children who typed or traced the letter or shape showed no such effect. The activation was significantly weaker. Dr. James attributes the differences to the messiness inherent in free-form handwriting: Not only must we first plan and execute the action in a way that is not required when we have a traceable outline, but we are also likely to produce a result that is highly variable. Photo Karin James, a psychologist at Indiana University, used a scanner to see how handwriting affected activity in childrens brains.Credit A. J. Mast for The New York Times That variability may itself be a learning tool. When a kid produces a messy letter, Dr. James said, that might help him learn it. Our brain must understand that each possible iteration of, say, an a is the same, no matter how we see it written. Being able to decipher the messiness of each a may be more helpful in establishing that eventual representation than seeing the same result repeatedly. This is one of the first demonstrations of the brain being changed because of that practice, Dr. James said. In another study, Dr. James is comparing children who physically form letters with those who only watch others doing it. Her observations suggest that it is only the actual effort that engages the brains motor pathways and delivers the learning benefits of handwriting. Continue reading the main story Advertisement The effect goes well beyond letter recognition. In a study that followed children in grades two through five, Virginia Berninger , a psychologist at the University of Washington, demonstrated that printing, cursive writing, and typing on a keyboard are all associated with distinct and separate brain patterns and each results in a distinct end product. When the children composed text by hand, they not only consistently produced more words more quickly than they did on a keyboard, but expressed more ideas. And brain imaging in the oldest subjects suggested that the connection between writing and idea generation went even further. When these children were asked to come up with ideas for a composition, the ones with better handwriting exhibited greater neural activation in areas associated with working memory and increased overall activation in the reading and writing networks. Photo Samples of handwriting by young children. Dr. James found that when children drew a letter freehand, they exhibited increased activity in three significant areas of the brain, which didnt happen when they traced or typed the letter.Credit Karin James Continue reading the main story Recent Comments It now appears that there may even be a difference between printing and cursive writing a distinction of particular importance as the teaching of cursive disappears in curriculum after curriculum. In dysgraphia, a condition where the ability to write is impaired, usually after brain injury, the deficit can take on a curious form: In some people, cursive writing remains relatively unimpaired, while in others, printing does. In alexia, or impaired reading ability, some individuals who are unable to process print can still read cursive, and vice versa suggesting that the two writing modes activate separate brain networks and engage more cognitive resources than would be the case with a single approach. Dr. Berninger goes so far as to suggest that cursive writing may train self-control ability in a way that other modes of writing do not, and some researchers argue that it may even be a path to treating dyslexia. A 2012 review suggests that cursive may be particularly effective for individuals with developmental dysgraphia motor-control difficulties in forming letters and that it may aid in preventing the reversal and inversion of letters. Cursive or not, the benefits of writing by hand extend beyond childhood. For adults, typing may be a fast and efficient alternative to longhand, but that very efficiency may diminish our ability to process new information. Not only do we learn letters better when we commit them to memory through writing, memory and learning ability in general may benefit. Continue reading the main story Two psychologists, Pam A. Mueller of Princeton and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of the University of California, Los Angeles, have reported that in both laboratory settings and real-world classrooms, students learn better when they take notes by hand than when they type on a keyboard. Contrary to earlier studies attributing the difference to the distracting effects of computers, the new research suggests that writing by hand allows the student to process a lectures contents and reframe it a process of reflection and manipulation that can lead to better understanding and memory encoding. Not every expert is persuaded that the long-term benefits of handwriting are as significant as all that. Still, one such skeptic, the Yale psychologist Paul Bloom , says the new research is, at the very least, thought-provoking. With handwriting, the very act of putting it down forces you to focus on whats important, he said. He added, after pausing to consider, Maybe it helps you think better. BABY IS SLEEPING The baby, Mercy La Foucade, was born on February 8 and is believed to have died at home sometime in early March. Instead of alerting the authorities to the death and then going through final rites and then burial or cremation, baby Mercys family opted to keep her body in the crib. No one in the village had a clue that inside the small, wooden house, a babys body lay in a crib for over five months, decomposing down to bones. According to reports, a female relative became suspicious after asking about the child and was prevented from entering the room in which the crib is kept. The relative then went to the La Brea police and reported her suspicion that something was not right in the house. At one oclock Thursday afternoon, officers went to the house where the child was last seen alive and spoke to a 40-year-old woman who is a mother of three - a girl aged 18, a boy aged 15 and a 13-year-old girl. Asked the whereabouts of her granddaughter, the woman claimed the baby was sleeping. When officers demanded to see the baby themselves, the woman still refused asking if they had a search warrant. Officers later entered the house and then a bedroom. What they saw, shocked them. They saw baby Mercys body - mere skeletal remains - clad in a jersey, disposable diapers, socks on both feet and wrapped in a brown blanket. A mosquito net was placed over the crib. Officers contacted the District Medical Officer who ordered the remains removed to the Forensic Science Centre in St James for autopsy. All four members of the babys family were detained and taken to the La Brea police station where they remained in custody up until yesterday. Newsday understands that Homicide Investigations Bureau officers were informed of the find but until an autopsy is done to show cause of death, the babys death is not being treated as a homicide. Neighbours of the detained family said yesterday that the woman and her children never reported that the baby had died and although they became suspicious, when they did not see the baby being taken for walks, they thought the family was merely keeping to themselves. Police investigators said yesterday that they had never encountered such a situation before and will attempt to have the detained four undergo psychiatric assessment as part of the ongoing investigation. The four detained persons continue to insist that the baby is not dead and that they want to be released so they can go home to bathe and feed baby Mercy. When Newsday visited the scene yesterday inside Chin Fong Street, officers were still conducting interviews with neighbours. An officer told Newsday that when police first visited the house to enquire about the baby, they were told that she was inside sleeping. After pressing to see the baby themselves, the babys 40-year-old grandmother told them to get a warrant. Police said that checks at health centres in La Brea and at the San Fernando General Hospital to see if baby Mercys birth was registered, turned up nothing. Officers said that the 18-yearold gave birth in February at home with her 15-year-old sister acting as midwife. A resident told Newsday the last time she heard the babys sounds was five months ago. But even so, I never suspected she was dead and in the house. I was shocked when I heard the news that police had found the babys body. Even as I speak to you now, my pores are raising all over again, the resident said. The woman said that in March, the babys usually jovial family began moving differently, keeping to themselves and acting cold with everyone. But still we did not suspect anything, the resident said. The resident said that the babys mother was the only one to complete secondary school education as the other two had dropped out school. Investigations are being led by Sgt Taitt and Sgt Gokool of the La Brea Police Station. With additional reporting by KWAME WEEKES Moses empathises with Trinis in US However, Moses declined to express any views on what could be any changes to US immigration policy that the incoming Trump administration could make after Trump is sworn in as the 45th US President next January. Several Caribbean nationals resident in the US, including TT nationals, have expressed concern over what their immigration status would be in the aftermath of the election. Responding to Newsday on this issue at the post-Cabinet news conference at the Office of the Prime Minister in St Clair, Moses said, Thank you very much for the concern. I share and empathise with the issues inherent with your question. He added, However, our preference would be to treat with the matter in a more circumscribed manner ... meaning those relating to issues of the detainees in Venezuela. Earlier in the briefing, Moses and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Stuart Young updated reporters on efforts to bring five TT nationals detained in Venezuela back home. Commenting on a report which alleged that Eden Charles had been removed as this countrys deputy permanent representative to the United Nations in New York, Moses said, Those are not the facts. As another reporters asked him to clarify what he meant, Moses only said, The underlying assumptions...I cant bring credence to them. However he explained that the very nature of his ministry and the various overseas missions it is connected to necessitates staff being rotated among different missions and headquarters. Regarding the filling of vacant posts at some of these missions, Moses said one such exercise was completed recently and information would be provided about another one to come, in the near future. 'Man from UNCLE' actor Robert Vaugh dies aged 83 United Kingdom,Cinema/Showbiz,Hollywood, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS London, Nov 12 (IANS) Actor Robert Vaughn, best known as the secret agent Napoleon Solo in 1964 TV hit series "The Man from UNCLE", has died after a battle with acute leukaemia aged 83, media reports said. Vaughn died in New York on Friday morning surrounded by his family, his manager, Matthew Sullivan told the BBC. Vaughn, who was "a few months shy of 84" had been seeking treatment for his leukaemia, Sullivan added. Vaughn was also famous for his role as Lee in the "Magnificent Seven", and television roles in "Hustle" and "Coronation Street". David McCallum, who starred alongside Vaughn in "The Man From UNCLE", said he was "utterly devastated" by the news. "Robert and I worked together for many years and losing him is like losing a part of me. My deepest sympathies go out to Linda and the Vaughn family," he said. Other notable films of Vaughn include "Bullitt" and "Towering Inferno", both with Steve McQueen, and was the villain in "Superman III". The actor is survived by wife Linda, son Cassidy, 40, and daughter Caitlin, 35. --IANS vgu/ Ku Klux Klan announces Trump victory parade United States,Politics,Terrorism, US Elections, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS New York, Nov 12 (IANS) As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to move into the White House, one of the largest Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in the country has announced a parade in his honour, media reports said. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), is a movement in the United States that has advocated extremist ideologies such as white supremacy and nationalism, anti-immigration, anti-Catholicism etc. and expressed it through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed. The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, North Carolina said on its website it will hold the event on December 3, NBC news reported. The time and location of the event were not listed. An official newspaper of the KKK had endorsed Trump days before the presidential election but Trump's campaign was quick to reject the support. "Mr. Trump and the campaign denounces hate in any form. This publication is repulsive and their views do not represent the tens of millions of Americans who are uniting behind our campaign," the campaign said then in a statement. Trump was criticised for being slow to condemn former Klan leader David Duke after he gave the candidate his backing. Duke celebrated Trump's win over Democrat Hillary Clinton, tweeting early Wednesday, "This is one of the most exciting nights of my life. Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!" The announcement comes amid a background of vandalism and hate crimes by Trump supporters on minorities as well as attacks on Trump supporters and a firebombing of a Republican office in North Carolina. --IANS vgu/ Iranian films to be screened in Pakistani cinemas Pakistan,Indo-Pak/Pakistan,Cinema/Showbiz,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Islamabad, Nov 12 (IANS) After a ban was imposed on airing Indian content in Pakistan, the country's cinemas are all set to screen Iranian films. The move comes in a bid to save the declining Pakistan film industry as it was previously functional with screening of Indian movies which were banned as the relations between New Delhi and Islamabad dipped to a new low after the September 18 attack at an Indian Army base in Uri town of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistani film distributors have initiated formal contacts in Iran and Turkey for the import of their movies, Dawn online reported. Executive Director of Pakistan National Institute for Folk and Traditional Heritage (Lok Virsa) Fouzia Saeed earlier told IRNA news agency that Iranian movies which are culturally very close to Pakistani society ought to be screened in the country's cinemas. "Iranian movies are being appreciated globally and their screening in Pakistan must be encouraged," she said. Mohsin Yaseen, General Manager Marketing of Pakistan's Cinepax Cinema, also said they would love to experiment with Iranian movies which are the best way of cultural exchange. "From your platform, we would like to request the culture department of Iranian consulate, if they can help us under the exchange of cultural programme and help us to reach producers of Iranian movies to release movies in Pakistan," he said. The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) in October issued an order limiting the amount of airtime allowed for Indian content in Pakistan, mimicking the format India adopted for the airing of Pakistani content. --IANS py/vm First Chinese trade convoy arrives in Pakistan's Gwadar port Pakistan,Indo-Pak/Pakistan,Business/Economy,Diplomacy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Islamabad, Nov 12 (IANS) The first Chinese trade convoy carrying 75 containers for export to the Middle East and Africa arrived in Pakistan's Gwadar port through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor while a Chinese ship docked at the deep-water port, as both countries prepare to formally launch trade activities through the upgraded port. The ship anchored at the port on Friday and a second trade convoy was scheduled to arrive on Saturday, Dawn online reported. The goods will be exported to countries in the Middle East and Africa. The CPEC is a $46 billion network of roads, railways and energy pipelines linking western China to the Gwadar deep-water port on Pakistan's Arabian Sea coast. The corridor passes through Pakistan's troubled Balochistan province. The loading of 300 containers on ships will be completed on Saturday and they will depart from the port the following day for destinations in the Middle East and Africa, Ary News reported. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will attend a ceremony on Sunday to mark the opening of trade activities through the corridor. Chief of the Army Staff General Raheel Sharif, Balochistan Governor Muhammad Khan Achakzai, Chief Minister Nawab Sanaullah Zehri and ambassadors of 15 other countries will also attend the event. The Gwadar Yakjehti Council took out a procession in support of the CPEC project. China will invest $46 billion in Pakistan over six years under the CPEC project which links Kashgar in China's Xinjiang province to Gwadar port close to Pakistan's border with Iran. About $4.5 billion of the planned investment in the corridor will go towards road infrastructure, with two-thirds of the total $46 billion funnelled towards energy projects. --IANS py/rn Modi leaves for India Japan,Diplomacy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Osaka (Japan), Nov 12 (IANS) Concluding his three-day visit to Japan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi left for India from the Japanese city of Osaka on Saturday. "Sayonara Japan! An important friendship stands strengthened as PM @narendramodi enplanes from Osaka for the journey back to Delhi," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted. Modi arrived in Japan on Thursday to attend the annual India-Japan bilateral summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo on Friday. Following the summit, 10 agreements were signed between the two sides, including the landmark civil nuclear agreement. Modi also attended an India-Japan Business Leaders' Forum and addressed a luncheon meeting organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Keidanren or the Japanese Business Federation. On Saturday, Modi, along with Abe, travelled by the Shinkansen high-speed rail from Tokyo to Kobe and visited the Kawasaki Heavy Industries plant there to get first hand knowledge of the technology. The Prime Minister interacted with the Indian community both in Tokyo and Kobe. This was Modi's second visit to Japan in two years. --IANS ab/vm Colorin Colorado , a bilingual website for educators and families of English-language learners, has compiled a resource list for ELL teachers who are discussing the 2016 presidential election and its implications with their students. The guide provides links to advice on preventing bullying, ensuring respect for differences of opinion, and allowing an open forum for students to share their thoughts. Immigrant communities across the country have expressed fear that President-elect Donald Trump will follow through on his campaign promises to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, deport scores of undocumented immigrants, and ban Muslim immigration. Schools across the nation have offered counseling and support for anxious students in the aftermath of Trumps victory. Since Election Day, dozens of reports have surfaced of students invoking Trumps name and statements to harass Hispanic and Muslim peers. The Colorin Colorado guide also includes a link to an Education Week post exploring how Erwin High, in the Buncombe County, N.C., schools, responded after students posted anti-immigration signs in a school hallway last fall as part of a class assignment. The display roiled a school community that assumed it had a solid relationship with its immigrant students, including Spanish-speaking English-learners. The guide includes a message that Kristian Robertson, the Roseville, Minn., schools English-learners program administrator, shared with her staff. This election included a difficult conversation about immigrants and immigration. Today our students may be worried that some of the plans discussed will be enacted and cause harm in their lives. Please be sensitive this week as students bring up election results, wish to vent, or may act out in some way, Robertson wrote. Listen and acknowledge their feelings, but redirect them to focus on the positive things in their lives that will continue to be there supportive family educators and a school community that will keep them safe. Be careful with your own words and discussions that students may overhear. Journalist shot dead in Bihar Bihar,National,Media,Crime/Disaster/Accident, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Patna, Nov 12 (IANS) A journalist was shot dead by unidentified assailants in Bihar's Rohtas district on Saturday, police said. Dharmender Singh, correspondent of Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar, was shot dead outside a roadside tea shop in Sasaram, a police official said. The victim's family said he was being threatened by the stone mining mafia. Locals took to the streets to protest the murder and demanded justice. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) along with its allies Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) and Hindustani Awam Morcha (HAM) has condemned the incident and blamed the Nitish Kumar-led state government for the deteriorating law and order situation in Bihar. In May, Rajdeo Ranjan, a senior journalist of Hindi daily Hindustan, was shot dead by unidentified assailants in Siwan district. The Central Bureau of Investigation is still probing the case. --IANS ik/ksk/bg Bank employees hold conference amid cash chaos in Kerala Kerala,National,Politics,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Thiruvananthapuram, Nov 12 (IANS) Amid chaos in banking operations in Kerala following demonetisation, a three-day state conference of bank employees began in Thodupuzha on Saturday, leaving many furious. State BJP General Secretary K. Surendran lashed out at the organisers of the Bank Employees Federation of India (BEFI) for holding the meet at a time when they should have been more committed to the customers' needs. "The CPI-M in Kerala should have advised the organisers of the conference to postpone their meet as people were running from pillar to post for withdrawing their money. "In the three-day meeting, a few of the CPI-M ministers are also taking part. May be the CPI-M is playing a political game to enable people to attack Prime Minister Narendra Modi," said Surendran. Inaugurating the event, CITU state general secretary and senior CPI-M leader Elamaram Kareem said the meeting was planned not in consultation with the Prime Minister but long back. "Everything has been taken care of so that the normal banking operations would not be affected as adequate staff is there in the banks," said Kareem. According to information, of the 550 employees who were to take part in the event on Saturday only 375 were registered. People across the state on Saturday thronged various ATMs and banks to withdraw their money, but like Friday the ATMs were cash-dry in an hour. "It's unfortunate that they are acting irresponsibly. Many are suffering as restrictions on withdrawal are in place. Everyone would have appreciated if they had postponed the meeting," said an angry housewife. She said that this was an unprecedented situation as she returned after waiting for an hour to withdraw money from an ATM. K.S. Krishna, general secretary of the State Bank of Travancore Employees Union overseeing the operations of the various ATMs of the bank, said the problem now was that there was a shortage of Rs 100 notes. "We directly operate most of our ATMs and on Friday itself we refilled at least five to six times," he said. Krishan said: "So far there is no information on the new Rs 500 denomination. The distribution of currencies is done by the local Reserve Bank of India offices." Meanwhile with Sunday also a working day for all the banks in the state, the problem of shortage of Rs 100 notes appears to be the main issue. According to estimates, Kerala has about 6,900 bank branches and 8,000 ATMs. --IANS sg/in/bg Jaitley hits out at opposition over demonitisation move Delhi,National,Politics,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS New Delhi, Nov 12 (IANS) Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday hit out at opposition parties for raising questions on the government's move to demonitise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes, saying that some of them were "feeling the pain". Addressing a press conference here, Jaitley said some of the political reactions to the government's decision were "irresponsible". He took a dig at Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav who had termed the decision anarchist and called for keeping it in abeyance for at least a week. "Some people are feeling the pain. (Saying that) give break for a week... This gives the whole game away," he said. He also slammed Congress leader Kapil Sibal for his remark that why should a person stand in line to deal with his own money. "You have to pay tax on your own money," Jaitley said, adding that people have a right to know if Congress has paid its taxes. Sibal had on Saturday accused the Narendra Modi government of carrying out its decision to demonatising Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes "in haste and in an unplanned manner" and said people were suffering due to it. The decision to demonitise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes was taken on Tuesday. --IANS ps/vd Rail network to make northeast India a 'destination': Prabhu Mizoram,National,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Aizawl, Nov 12 (IANS) The railway network would make northeast India a "destination" instead of being a transit point, Railway Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu said in Mizoram. "The railway network would make resource rich northeast India a "destination" instead of being a transit spot," Prabhu said late Friday while laying the foundation stone of the railway station building at Sairang, 20 km north of Mizoram capital Aizawl. Underlining the role of railways in economic development of the northeastern region, he said: "Railway would not only be the engine of growth but would also be the catalyst of social transformation." "Railway network would also bring people of the region more closer and help to overcome various problems in tapping the resources and to supply goods," he added. Citing examples of rich natural resources found in Mizoram, the minister called for better utilisation of the natural resources like the bamboo. Prabhu announced that railways would plan to use more bamboo products made in the region in the Indian railway system to give a boost to the potential industry. He said that Indian railways would construct all future stations in the country keeping the local ethos as a major part of the design. Minister of State for Railways Rajen Gohain, who was also present on the occasion, said that the new broad gauge line from Bairabi to Sairang was part of the Indian railway's vision to connect all the capitals of northeastern states through broad gauge line by 2020. The 50.38 km new line, being laid by the Northeast Frontier Railways (NFR), originates from Bairabi (under Kolsib district in northern Mizoram) and terminates at Sairang station, which is 20 km from Aizawl. "Due to the very steep gradient of the mountainous terrain between Sairang and Aizawl, it was not feasible to take the line up to Mizoram capital city," Gohain said, adding that efforts are being made to complete the project in the stipulated time. Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla said that the extension of broad gauge railway line up to Sairang would be a milestone in the progress of Mizoram. Speaking at the function, Mizoram Governor Lt Gen (retd.) Nirbhay Sharma emphasised on building railway connectivity with neighbouring Bangladesh and Myanmar in the near future as it would be vital for the development of Mizoram. The governor also requested the state government and railway authorities to consider construction of a high quality hospital and a school at Sairang for the benefit of the people. The 50.38 km Bairabi-Sairang new broad gauge line alignment passes through complicated mountainous terrain covered with dense forest throughout its length. At least 23 tunnels -- the longest being 1,766 metre -- and 38 major bridges and six tall bridges (the tallest being 117 metre high) would be constructed in the railway line, which is scheduled to be completed in 2019-20. Mizoram Transport Minister John Rotluangliana, state's Lok Sabha member C. L. Ruala, NFR's General Manager Chahatey Ram, General Manager (Construction) H. K. Jaggi among others were also present at the function. --IANS sc/ask/bg COP 8 on tobacco control in Geneva under India's presidency Uttar Pradesh,National,Business/Economy,Health/Medicine, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Greater Noida, Nov 12 (IANS) The eighth edition of the World Health Organisation's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) will be held in Geneva under the presidency of India, it was announced here on Saturday. According to a senior health official, the event is likely to be held in late 2018. "The event is to be presided by India in Geneva in 2018," the official told IANS. WHO FCTC is the world's biggest convention to frame anti-tobacco control policies. The seventh edition of the six-day-long convention concluded here on Saturday. --IANS rup/py/bg About Rs 2 lakh cr deposited in banks till Saturday afternoon: Jaitley Delhi,National,Politics,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS New Delhi, Nov 12 (IANS) Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said around Rs 2 lakh crore has been deposited till 12.15 pm on Saturday in banks across the country, following the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. "The largest banker in the country State Bank of India (SBI) saw deposits of Rs 47,868 crore till Saturday afternoon," Jaitley said while briefing the media here. He said SBI's deposits are around 20 per cent of the total deposits in all the banks in the country. Giving an indication of the process being long-drawn before things return to normal, he said: "It is a massive operation which has just started. How big will it become, it can be estimated only on basis of these illustrative figures." He said that Rs 14 lakh crore is in circulation in the economy in high denomination notes, though it remains to be seen how much of it comes back into the banking system. Jaitley also said that though the banks have sufficient new currency, it will take two-three weeks to recalibrate the ATMs across the country for the new notes. "It will be a slow process. Such a big cash replacement cannot happen in a mechanical way overnight," he said. The Finance Minister said that it was to maintain secrecy that the two lakh ATM machines of the country were not recalibrated in advance. Jaitley also said that despite allegations by opposition parties that there was a spike in bank deposits prior to the demonetisation announcement, no such spike has been seen in any month, except September 2016. "That month the increase was because of money released on account of the Seventh Pay Commission payments," he said, adding that therefore there was no substance in the allegations that information about demonetisation was leaked. Thanking bank employees for not taking any days off, Jaitley said the number of customers the banks are servicing can be estimated from the fact that SBI alone has done 2.28 crore transactions in less than three days. "In total if you multiply it by four to five times, it can be estimated how many people banks are servicing," he said. He reassured people that there is sufficient time till December 30 for people to deposit the demonetised notes. "We are constantly monitoring the cash crunch prevailing. Finance Ministry is constantly in contact with the RBI over the issue. In the short run there may be some disruptions, but in the long run it is good for the economy," he said. Jaitley said that there will be no exemptions to any section of the society on the basis of pleas like large traders and wholesalers need huge amounts of cash for transactions. "We will not tolerate any illegal cash or bullion transactions. There will be no exemptions to any section of the society. I get hundreds of requests everyday from various sectors for exemption, like from traders, NGOs, etc," he said. He once again denied the rumours about digital lockers and chips being fitted in the new notes. --IANS mm-ag/vd/bg Kalasalingam University signs MoU with Bosch Company New Delhi, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 NI Wire The Main aim is for establishing KLU-BOSCH Joint Program Jointly developed by Bosch along with the KLU in the campus of KLU upon the following understanding. The proposed Joint Training Program will be established by KLU as per the concept to be designed by Bosch. The proposed Joint Certification Program will cover Madurai and Virudhunagar Districts. It will act as the bridge to address the technological gap and focus on various technical training Programs for Bosch dealer network. This joint training program will also enable training to the diploma, degree students of KLU, nearly institute students and industries personnels BOSCH concept is the efficient combination of hardware, teach ware and courseware which is offered by BOSCH as industry oriented training in the field of automotive technology. KLU with assistance of BOSCH will establish and maintain the training center premises for conducting training courses according to the BOSCH concept. KLU in the premises and with Bosch approved courses, will impart training to the eligible & selected undergraduate, post graduate, Polytechnic, Vocational school students to meet industry requirements, bridging the industry academic gap and enhancing the competency levels of students for better employability. KLU will also provide industrial training to nearby industrial personal, and wherein the successful students will be awarded a joint certificate of BOSCH and KLU. Joint certification by BOSCH & KLU will be awarded to the students In this Memorandum of Understanding by the hand of, on behalf of BOSCH LIMITED, Abhijit Kallianpur Business Unit Head, Automotive Service Solutions , Bangalore. And by the hand of, on behalf of KLU campus,Dr. K. Sridharan, Chancellor, signed. Dr. S. Shasi Anand, Director, Dr. S. Saravana sankar, Vice Chancellor, Dr. V. Vasudevan ,Registrar also present in this occasion Dr, Udhayakumar , Dean International relations organized this MoU.and submitted the road map with plan of activities . Amarinder questions Kejriwal's silence on SYL verdict Punjab,National,Politics, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Chandigarh, Nov 12 (IANS) Punjab Congress President Amarinder Singh on Saturday questioned AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal over his silence on the apex court judgment which declared the state's 2004 law intended to deny Haryana its share of Sutlej-Yamuna water unconstitutional. He asked the Delhi Chief Minister to clarify his stand on the issue. "Kejriwal has not uttered a single word in support of the state," said Amarinder Singh, asking the AAP leader what this silence on his part meant. "Does it mean you are not supporting Punjab's stand on the issue," the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee (PPCC) chief said. He demanded that Kejriwal spell out clearly whether he was with Punjab or Haryana or with Delhi in the Satluj-Yamuna Link canal (SYL) case, an official statement quoting Amarinder Singh said. "Will you, or will you not, allow Punjab's water to go to Haryana and Delhi." "You have been doing a flip flop on the issue for the past several months, clearly indicating your duplicity in the matter," he said. The Congress will hold a protest rally on the SYL issue at Khuian Sarwar village on the Abohar-Ganganagar highway, 15 km from Abohar, on Sunday. Khuian Sarwar, a village in Fazilka district, is the area that will be the worst affected if the Supreme Court's decision on the SYL is implemented. To lodge their protest over the verdict, all 42 Congress legislators, including Leader of Opposition Charanjit Singh Channi, submitted their resignations to assembly secretary Shashi Lakhanpal Mishra here on Friday. Holding that the Punjab Termination of Agreement Act, 2004, was not in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution, the Supreme Court's constitution bench of Justice Anil R. Dave, Justice Shiva Kirti Singh, Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose, Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel and Justice Amitava Roy on Thursday answered in the negative all the four questions referred to the top court in a Presidential reference. While Justice Dave pronounced the opinion for the majority of the judges, Justice Singh, while agreeing with the majority view, gave his own observations. At the initiative of the then Congress government headed by Amarinder Singh, the Punjab assembly had unanimously passed the law terminating all the agreements with Haryana, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Chandigarh and Delhi on the sharing of Sutlej-Yamuna river water. This act was brought to tide over the January 15, 2002, apex court judgment and decree and subsequent judgment and order of June 4, 2004. --IANS vg/ksk/bg Spain to finally ratify Paris agreement Spain,Politics,Diplomacy,Environment/Wildlife, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Madrid, Nov 12 (IANS) Spain's Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel Garcia Tejerina confirmed that the Spanish government would send the Paris agreement to be ratified in parliament. Tejerina explained in a press conference on Friday that "the battle against climate change is a priority" for the Spanish government, and the Paris agreement would be "ratified as soon as possible". She added that on November 15, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy would attend the climate change conference which is being held in the Moroccan city of Marrakech from November 7-18, while highlighting the efforts currently being made in the European Union to fight the problem. Spain has until now been not ratified the accord, which came into effect on November 5, as it had no effective central government for over 10 months, Xinhua news agency reported. The situation came to an end in October when Rajoy returned to power as Prime Minister, opening the door for the required legislation to finally be approved.--IANS vgu/ Robert Redford retiring from acting after two movies United States,Cinema/Showbiz,Hollywood, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Los Angeles, Nov 12 (IANS) Veteran Hollywood actor Robert Redford will retire from acting after completing production on his final two films. In an interview with his grandson Dylan, Redford discussed the importance of storytelling, painting and announced that he plans on quitting acting to focus solely on directing and sketching, reports variety.com. Dylan asked Redford if he wants to return to painting, another one of the actor's long time passions. "Yeah, a lot - And a lot lately because I'm getting tired of acting. I'm an impatient person, so it's hard for me to sit around and do take after take after take. At this point in my life, age 80, it'd give me more satisfaction because I'm not dependent on anybody. It's just me, just the way it used to be, and so going back to sketching- that's sort of where my head is right now," Redford said. "I'm thinking of moving in that direction and not acting so much," he added. Redford says he plans on retiring from his long career in front of the screen after two acting projects in the works come out - "Our Souls at Night" with actress Jane Fonda and "Old Man With a Gun," with actors Casey Affleck and Sissy Spacek. "The Sting" actor recently starred in the 2015 film "A Walk in the Woods", which chronicles two long-lost friends' 2,000 mile journey across the Appalachian trail and became an indie success. He won a directing Oscar in 1980 for his film "Ordinary People," and was honoured by the Academy in 2002. --IANS ks/sug/bg The Center on Reinventing Public Education published a report this month that shows different ways states have intervened in schools, mapping four turnaround approaches: state support for local turnarounds, state-authorized turnaround zones, school takeovers, and district takeovers. The Every Student Succeeds Act, which goes into full effect next fall, directs states to intervene in low-performing schools and districts but gives them a freer hand in choosing how to go about it. The Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, signed by President Barack Obama in December 2015, is the newest reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The report from CRPE has found that state involvement can be most effective when turnaround policies are tailored to a school or districts particular circumstances. One states success can easily be anothers failure if policy ideas are imported with little attention to the factors that made the turnaround effort effective in the first place, study author Ashley Jochim wrote. Jochim, a research analyst at the CRPE, found that successful interventions required four key ingredients. The will to make real change happen. The authority to execute effective strategies. The capacity to perform the turnaround. The political support to sustain change. States should do more to learn from the experiences of other states, but they must approach imitation cautiously, Jochim wrote. She gave the example of Louisiana, where large infusions of talent and philanthropy and weak opposition enabled reforms to take root. The variability in local contexts gives no guarantee that a strategy deployed with success in one district or state can be replicated in another, Jochim wrote. The report also notes that states can combine strategies as well. ESSA mandates that states identify schools performing in the bottom 5 percent every three years, as well as those with graduation rates below 67 percent. Such schools qualify for turnaround treatment. Read Jochims report right here. Chart: Who takes control during a turnaround depends on the state you live in. Source: Measures of Last Resort: Assessing Strategies for State-Initiated Turnarounds by Ashley Jochim from The Center on Reinventing Public Education. Rahul asks party workers to help people in banks Delhi,National,Politics,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS New Delhi, Nov 12 (IANS) Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Saturday appealed to his party workers to help people standing in queues at banks and ATMs due to the demonetization move. "It is my appeal to all the Congress workers that they should help people in queues outside banks, especially senior citizens and the ones finding it difficult to fill the form," Gandhi said in a tweet. "Apart from this, if you come across any poor people having problems in depositing the money, offer complete help," he said. After the government demonetized Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes on Tuesday night, the Congress leader had himself joined a queue at a bank on Friday to get the demonetized currency notes exchanged. --IANS mg/rn Syrian forces recapture 2 key areas from rebels Syrian Arab Republic,Defence/Security,Terrorism, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Damascus, Nov 12 (IANS) The Syrian forces on Saturday recaptured two important areas fallen recently to the rebels during an offensive in the country's northern province of Aleppo. The Syrian forces backed by the Lebanese Hezbollah retook the suburbs of Dahyeit al-Assad and Menyan, which had been overrun by the rebels during a wide-scale offensive on government-controlled areas in western Aleppo late last month, Xinhua news agency reported. SANA said the recapture of Dahyeit al-Assad came after a "qualitative" operation that yielded its result on Saturday morning, just a day after the military forces captured Menyan. According to the report, tens of rebels were killed as the Syrian forces also captured some areas near Dahyeit al-Assad and Menyan. With this, the Syrian army has regained much of what it had lost to the rebels during their latest offensive. The rebels recently launched two offensives with the aim of breaking the siege imposed by the government forces on rebel-held areas in eastern Aleppo. They managed to storm some areas, without achieving a breakthrough. --IANS py/bg Chaos continue in Punjab, Haryana over demonetisation Punjab,National,Politics,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Chandigarh, Nov 12 (IANS) Banks across Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh witnessed chaos on Saturday as cash-starved people queued for hours to exchange and withdraw money, even as most of the ATMs remained cashless owing to heavy rush. However, financial transactions at private banks like HDFC and ICICI remained unaffected. Industrial hubs in Punjab and Haryana bore the brunt as industry representatives complained their business transactions were badly hit owing to less circulation of new money. People, including elderly, in large numbers were seen queuing up to exchange the currency notes to meet out their daily expenses. At some of the places like Amritsar, Ludhiana and Patiala in punja and Haryana's Karnal, Rohtak and Ambala towns, non-functional ATMs agitated the people about the lack of preparedness for exchanging the currency. Justifying the decision of the central government, Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal said after initial hiccups, the scheme, which is the brainchild of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, would act as a catalyst to wipe out social maladies like corruption and black money from country. --IANS vg/vd Demonetisation: No end to people's hardships in Telangana, Andhra Andhra Pradesh,National,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Hyderabad, Nov 12 (IANS) There was no end to the hardships being faced by people following the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes as chaos continued at banks across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh on Saturday. Lakhs of people were standing in queues since morning outside banks in Hyderabad and other towns and villages in Telangana. With Automated Teller Machines remaining cashless in both the Telugu states, there seems to be no end in sight to the people's woes. People had to wait for hours to exchange or deposit the demonetised notes. Those coming for the exchange were seen returning disappointed at not getting the much needed small currency notes. At many banks, people were given two new notes of Rs 2,000 in exchange for the demonetised notes. At banks in Vijayawada in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh, people refused to accept the big currency notes. According to them, the availability of new notes of Rs 500 would have provided some relief. Many skipped their work to stand in queues. Patience was running out as people vented their anger over poor arrangements made at the banks at a few places. With severe shortage of Rs 100 or lesser denominations, people were facing a tough time in buying milk, vegetables and other daily essentials. While those having debit or credit cards got them swiped at major stores, others had no option but to stand in serpentine queues at banks for the exchange. ATMs remained cashless for a fourth consecutive day. A few machines which were functional with Rs 100 notes ran out of cash in no time. Officials said it would take more time for the ATMs to re-open as they were not re-calibrated to dispense the new currency notes. Business remained dull in both the states due to demonetisation. Small traders were the worst affected. They complained that their business had come down by 50 per cent. The rumours of salt and sugar shortage since Friday night added to the people's woes. The two essential commodities ran out of stock at a few places as people resorted to panic buying. Hyderabad Police Commissioner Mahender Reddy said there was no shortage of salt or sugar. He said strict action would be taken against those spreading rumours. --IANS ms/py/bg If serious about black money, PM should probe BJP's 2014 poll campaign expenses: Sibal Delhi,National,Politics,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS New Delhi, Nov 12 (IANS) The Congress on Saturday demanded a probe whether black money was involved in the BJP's campaign in the 2014 polls if the ruling party was serious about tackling the malaise, while attacking it on the "hasty" and "ill-planned" demonetisation move which had left the nation "suffering". "If the BJP is actually serious about ending the menace of black money, then Prime Minister Narendra Modi should set up a commission of inquiry to probe if any black money was involved in BJP's election campaign before he became the Prime Minister," senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal told reporters here. "The visuals of the campaign on TV suggested there was a lot of black money involved in it," he said. Sibal added that the Prime Minister should also promise that in all the coming elections, including Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, the BJP will make details of all its expenses public. "Prime Minister Modi should promise to the nation that in all the coming elections, the BJP will put details of all the expenses on its website regarding setting up of tents, tables, arrangement of drinking water etc along with details of the cheques used to make the payments. "It is only then that the people will realise it (demonetisation) is not another 'jumla'," Sibal said. He slammed the Narendra Modi government for acting "in haste and in an unplanned" manner by demonetising Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, and said the nation was suffering due to it. "This is a decision made in haste, not a well thought out decision. Black money getting converted into another type of black money now," he said, also targeted Modi for travelling to Japan while leaving the nation in chaos. "At a time when the Prime Minister should have been present in the country, he is not here but in Japan," he said. Sibal said people are facing inconvenience due to the government's move as there were long queues outside banks and ATMs to deposit or exchange their spiked currency or take out cash. "Account is mine, money is mine, then why should I stand in a line?" he asked. He added there are many places in India which have no bank branches, let alone ATMs. "The result is that people are being exploited. Dollar is being sold in black market at the rate of Rs 180 to Rs 200. Touts are accepting Rs 1000 notes giving back Rs 700 in valid denominations." "Is that not black money? The black money is not getting exposed, it is just being converted," Sibal said. "Gold prices have risen to Rs 70000. People will sell the same gold later and get back their black money," he added. "Narendra Modi says that he is a common man, but neither has he ever stood in a line in an ATM, nor does he know how expenses run. He doesn't know the price of flour, pulses, sugar." Sibal's comments come a day after Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi joined a queue outside a bank to withdraw money. Taken aback by the mass crisis, the government has extended till November 14 midnight the original 72-hour deadline for utilities to use the banned currency. --IANS vv/vd/bg Modi government should go: Mamata West Bengal,National,Politics, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Kolkata, Nov 12 (IANS) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday said the Narendra Modi-led central government should step down on moral grounds after its "draconian" decision to demonitise Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 rupee notes left the country "on its knees". "This government has no moral right to continue. They should go. This is an anti-people government, this is an anti-poor government. This is not a democratic way of running things. Total dictatorship is going on," Banerjee told reporters here after visiting some banks in south Kolkata and talking to the customers and the bank staff. The chief minister also sought a probe by sitting Supreme Court judges into the economic losses the country has suffered over the past few days. "There should be a probe by five sitting judges of the Supreme Court about the scale of economic disaster, and whether the decision has been taken to grease the palm of some others or sell off the country. "This decision has taken the country backward. It has made the country unstable" she said addressing the media at the state secretariat Nabanna. The Trinamool Congress supremo yet again urged all opposition parties to unite against the move and help the harried masses. "Let us all opposition parties work together to save the masses from the disaster. I don't care even if I am killed. I will stand for the masses." --IANS dm/ssp/vd Facebook bug 'kills' Mark Zuckerberg, other users Costa Rica,Technology,Human Interest/Society, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS San Francisco, Nov 12 (IANS) A bug accidentally killed several Facebook users - including founder Mark Zuckerberg - with messages being posted on their accounts meant for memorialised profiles. The bug on the social media platform on Friday delivered morbid news to Zuckerberg, with a message on his profile: "Remembering Mark Zuckerberg". "We hope people who love Mark will find comfort in the things others share to remember and celebrate his life," the message read. Other users found same messages on their profiles, www.today.com reported. "For a brief period today, a message meant for memorialised profiles was mistakenly posted to other accounts. This was a terrible error that we have now fixed. We are very sorry that this happened and we worked as quickly as possible to fix it," Facebook said in a statement. The social media giant has 1.79 billion users. "Yesterday I was on Facebook Live! Today I'm Facebook Dead," wrote the Washington Post's journalist Emily Guskin. Memorialised accounts are a place on Facebook for friends and family to gather and share memories after a person has passed away. --IANS na/ksk Presses printing currency notes at full capacity: RBI Maharashtra,National,Business/Economy, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Mumbai, Nov 12 (IANS) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Saturday said that the printing presses are being worked to their full capacity to meet the requirements of the people after the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. "To sustain the demand, printing presses are printing the currency notes at full capacity so that adequate quantum of notes is available," RBI said in a statement. On November 10 - the day the banks opened after the announcement of demonetisation, about 10 crore exchange transactions were reported in a single day, it said. Adequate stocks of new notes are ready in the currency chests located at more than 4,000 places across the country. Bank branches are linked to them to source their requirements from them, RBI said. The banks and the RBI are also open on Saturday and Sunday to meet the urgent requirements of public and to ease the situation. The central bank also encouraged people to switch over to alternative modes of payment, such as pre-paid cards, Rupay card, credit or debit cards, mobile banking and internet banking to alleviate the pressure on the physical currency. The scheme for exchange of the specified bank notes for other denominations is available all across the country till December 30, 2016 and even beyond, at specified RBI offices. As there is ample time, people need not rush to exchange putting avoidable strain on the banking branch network, it said. The withdrawal of the legal tender of the existing Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, has cast a huge responsibility on the banking system to swiftly withdraw these specified bank notes in a smooth and non-disruptive way, it added. The RBI said the process entailed swift withdrawal of the specified bank notes from the ATMs within a few hours of the announcement and reloading them in a matter of two days. "Just a day after the announcement, all bank branches have been providing exchange facility for public. To minimise the inconvenience the branches of banks and all RBI offices have been working well beyond normal business hours, with additional counters opened to cater to the huge turnout of public," it said. --IANS mm/vd 30 killed, 100 injured in Pakistan shrine bombing Pakistan,Indo-Pak/Pakistan,Terrorism, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Quetta, Nov 12 (IANS) At least 30 people were killed and around 100 injured on Saturday in a bombing at a shrine in Pakistan's Balochistan province. The explosion took place at the Shah Norani shrine in Balochistan's Lasbella district. According to details, the blast occurred when "dhamaal" was taking place in the shrine. Edhi Foundation in charge, Lasbella Hakeem Lassi, while confirming the death toll, told Geo News that more than 100 people were also injured. He said the injured were being shifted to a hospital for medical treatment. He said that more than 10 ambulances of Edhi foundation have reached the blast site and rescue efforts were underway, Geo News reported. Lassi said that more than 500 people were in the shrine at the time of dhamaal. Emergency services were facing problems in reaching the shrine due to its remote location and poor communication infrastructure. The shrine is also located in hilly terrain. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, Dawn News reported. "People who are critically injured in the blast will be transported to Karachi," said Balochistan Home Minister Mir Sarfaraz Ahmed Bugti. Since no major hospital is located near the shrine, the injured are to be shifted to Karachi for further treatment. Many injured are being shifted in private vehicles. The shrine is frequented by a large number of devotees on Friday, and is visited by people from across the country. Iranian nationals also frequent the shrine. Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah has expressed his grief over the killing of innocents and condemned the blast. In October, heavily-armed militants wearing suicide vests stormed a police academy in Quetta, killing at least 61 people and wounding at least 117. The attack was carried out by Al-Alimi faction of the Lashkar-i-Jhangvi (LJ) militant group. In August, a suicide bomber targeted the emergency services ward at Quetta's Civil Hospital killing at least 70 people and leaving scores injured, majority of those killed were lawyers. Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) splinter group, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA), had claimed responsibility for the bombing. --IANS rn/sar The Vamps to play at Global Citizen Festival India India,Cinema/Showbiz,Bollywood, Sat, 12 Nov 2016 IANS Mumbai, Nov 12 (IANS) Britain-based boy band The Vamps will return to India later this month to play at the Global Citizen Festival India, where names like Jay Z and Coldplay will plug their music chords. The Vamps, artistes of Virgin EMI UK, made their debut India visit earlier this year for a collaboration with Vishal-Shekhar for the song "Beliya". They will be coming to India on November 16. Global Citizen Festival India will be held at the MMRDA grounds here on November 19. "Global Citizen Festival is an amazing event for such a good cause and we are honoured to have been asked to be a part of it," James McVey said in a statement issued on behalf of the band. "We had an incredible first visit to India in August and are very much looking forward to coming back to see our fans, perform our new single 'All night' and our other hits at this world renowned festival," McVey added. Apart from McVey -- the lead guitarist and vocalist -- The Vamps comprises Brad Simpson (lead vocals and guitar), Connor Ball (bass guitar and vocals) and Tristan Evans (drums and vocals). The Vamps also worked on a song for Ajay Devgn's recently released "Shivaay". The inaugural Global Citizen Festival India will see participation from international as well as Indian celebrities. --IANS rb/sug/vm When Donald Trump was elected president of the United States early Wednesday morning, many teachers across the country spent the day fielding students questions about the outcome . But some teachers had questions of their owndid Trumps win mean their days in the classroom were numbered? For the 146 DACAmented teachers currently in classrooms through Teach for America, the elections outcome signals an unknown future. President Obama granted temporary relief from deportation and work authorization under 2012s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals act to immigrants without documentation who came to the country as children. TFA has since sought out college graduates with DACA status (also known as DREAMers) to build up a corps of teachers. But Trump could easily move to cut DACA and increase deportations. He said after meeting with President Obama on Thursday that strict immigration and border security are among his top priorities , the LA Times reported. During a presidential campaign filled with rhetoric about promises to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, anxieties for students of color, particularly Latino and Muslim students, have run high . Their fear was palpable this week, teachers told Education Week Teacher, as immigrant students and students from immigrant families expressed concerns over deportation . Many teachers under the DACA program also have students in similar situations. But what do you do when you have the same concerns as a teacher? Viridiana Carrizales, the director of DACA corps member support, fielded many early morning phone calls from teachers on Wednesday. Most of the teachers students know about their DACA status and many worried that their students would be afraid of losing them. Some teachers cried, she said, and werent sure they could face their students knowing their position was no longer secure. Ive seen many teachers who are really afraid not only for what can happen to them but to their families, Carrizales said. Theres a lot of anxiety given that theres so much uncertainty. Ive also seen tons of resilience, teachers who are waking up every day thinking about their students and families and putting their own feelings aside to help the kids they are responsible for in the classroom. One teachers 4-year-old kindergarten student painted a picture of her family inside a box. This is my family hiding from Donald Trump, she wrote. A school district in Denver was the first in the nation to employ two DREAMer teachers who came through the TFA program in 2013. These teachers often are bilingual or multilingual and have a deep personal understanding of the challenges that many of our students face who similarly came to this country in undocumented status as young children, Tom Boasberg, the districts superintendent, told Think Progress. In states such as New York, California, and Nevada, bills passed as recently as this year to allow individuals without citizenship to teach , according to Emmanuel Felton in a Teacher Beat post published in March. Among the teachers with temporary resident status who go through Teach for America, some work in states where they could not otherwise apply for teaching licenses. But not everyone is supportive; some feel that teachers under the DACA program take away positions from legal residents who are trying to get teaching licenses and jobs. Though TFA representatives declined to let the teachers speak to the media directly over concerns for their safety, the Emerson Collective, an organization that works on issues of education and immigration reform, spoke before the elections end to DREAMer teachers in California and Colorado about their experiences in TFA : How Teach For America Empowers DACAmented Teachers from Emerson Collective on Vimeo . Teach for America developed plans of support for teachers with temporary resident status this summer in preparation for Trumps potential win. While Carrizales plans to share details with corps members soon, she said this could include anything from working with school to help them support young people regardless of the outcome or financially helping teachers transfer out of the classroom or move closer to their families if DACA is overturned. We have a pretty big group of teachers and have been able over the past three years to build community, Carrizales said. Theyre finding a lot of support and love and comfort knowing theyre not alone. The group Educators for Fair Consideration released an open letter to undocumented young people on Friday offering support and suggestions for what they can do nowincluding looking into other forms of immigration relief and being familiar with their rights. In a private Facebook group of support for TFAs DREAMer teachers, one teacher shared the following message this week with fellow corps members: To all the DACAmented teachers, you are important today. You are in a position to reach so many young minds. Your struggle and strength will shine through and transcend into your curriculum. Share your stories. Be vulnerable. ... We are capable of cultivating people power, so let us plant seeds. Image credit: Getty Obama urges reconciliation in message for US veterans United States,Politics,Defence/Security, US Elections, Sun, 13 Nov 2016 IANS Washington, Nov 13 (IANS) President Barack Obama urged all Americans to reconcile their differences and called for "loving our neighbours as ourselves" in a speech honouring veterans of the US Armed Forces. In his regular Saturday address, Obama said veterans were an example of unity for a nation that at times is divided along partisan lines, Efe news agency reported. "This weekend, as we search for ways to bridge our differences, we look to the principles that are more enduring than politics," Obama said a day after the Veterans Day holiday. Obama described the US military as a "united team" and the country's "single most diverse institution," made up of native-born Americans and immigrants, Christians, Muslims, Jews and non-believers. Without mentioning Republican Party nominee Donald Trump's victory or protests that have erupted in several US cities, Obama appealed to the values of solidarity and patriotism. "We can practice kindness. We can volunteer, serve and respect one another. We can always get each other's backs. And we can show how much we love our country by loving our neighbours as ourselves," Obama, who will leave office in January, said. Trump's upset victory over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's presidential balloting put an end to one of the most contentious and polarizing election campaigns in the country's recent history. --IANS vgu/ India, Bhutan sign new bilateral trade agreement Delhi,National,Politics,Diplomacy,Business/Economy, Sun, 13 Nov 2016 IANS New Delhi, Nov 13 (IANS) India and Bhutan signed a new bilateral trade agreement on Saturday to enhance trade between the two countries through trade facilitation by improving procedures, an official statement said. "The bilateral agreement aims at cutting down on documentation and adding additional exit and entry points for Bhutan's trade with other countries. It is also expected to further strengthen the excellent relations between the two countries," Commerce Ministry said in a statement. The agreement was signed by Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and H.E. Tengye Lyonpo Lekey Dorji, Minister for Economic Affairs, Bhutan. Sitharaman also had a bilateral meeting with a high level Bhutanese delegation led by Dorji where both the leaders discussed various issues related to bilateral trade, transit and investment. The first agreement on trade and commerce between Bhutan and India was signed in 1972. Since then, the agreement has been renewed four times. The last agreement was renewed on July 28, 2006 and was valid till July 29, 2016. The validity of the agreement was extended for a period of one year or till the date of coming into force of the new agreement, whichever is earlier, by exchange of diplomatic notes between the two countries. --IANS mm/ Share The telecoms industry is gearing up for the rollout of 5G in the next couple of years, which is expected to provide Internet connections 40 times faster and with at least four times more coverage worldwide than current 4G connectivity. Delivering on these expectations requires a cost-effective and reliable means of providing connectivity on a massive scale, and Internet service providers (ISPs) across the globe are weighing their options for deploying 5G as quickly and efficiently as possible. Why wireless? Where 4G was a pure mobile play, it seems increasingly likely that 5G will be initially introduced over fixed wireless. This is because fixed wireless currently offers the greatest commercial value for 5G technology, providing reliable, high-performance connectivity that can be established with relative ease and at a low price point in densely populated areas. Verizon (News - Alert) has voiced its goal of being the first U.S. company to roll out 5G technology and, earlier this year, CEO Lowell McAdam stressed that the companys focus is on fixed wireless rather than mobile, as it offers the return on capital you need. This logic has also resulted in U.S. Cellular and Nokia (News - Alert) testing 5G technologies together over fixed wireless, as the companies look to play a key role in the introduction of the technology across North America. 5G on trial However, given the scarcity and cost of the precious cellular frequencies, carriers are looking to increase capacity for 5G over fixed wireless by hunting for alternative spectrum. The critical dialog now is about which bands will be a good match technically for these types of fixed applications, and of course, which is the most cost effective. A number of interested parties have pushed the FCC to progress its plan to open up additional high-frequency, mmWave spectrum for 5G. The commission first allocated high-frequency spectrum for 5G earlier this year, and last month it announced a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would open an additional 17.7GHz of spectrum for licensed fixed and mobile use. In October 2016, U.S. Cellular and Nokia completed tests on 28GHz spectrum in both an outdoor setting and indoors in a lab. The outdoor trial involved a point-to-point, clear line-of-sight scenario between a base station and user equipment, with real world environment impairments such as dry wall, windows and metal panels introduced. However, it is unlikely this same success could be replicated in a densely populated urban setting, where manmade infrastructure and foliage are more widespread and impair high frequency mmWave signals. Furthermore, in higher frequency bands, it is more likely that weather will negatively impact signal propagation. As a result, using the mmWave spectrum, homes and businesses could experience limited connectivity. At longer distances, without being able to penetrate barriers like foliage, and with limited ability to generate multi-path, line-of-sight becomes a virtual necessity with mmWave band connectivity. The only viable solution is to shorten links to overcome environmental challenges, resulting in a much denser constellation of base stations, closer to households. This in turn will significantly increase the cost of covering an area. Furthermore, the current cost of the equipment in the 28GHz spectrum is over $700 per subscriber due to expensive high frequency RF components and requires professional installation. This begs the questions of whether the mmWave bands are appropriate for delivering 5G. The sub-6GHz spectrum solution Fortunately there is an alternative. Rather than using mmWave channels that are not proven in dense urban areas, ISPs should switch their focus to reusing a small amount of spectrum in the 6GHz spectrum, used by Wi-Fi. Over 14,000 wireless ISPs globally have quietly proven in rural areas where the sub-6 GHz bands are extremely effective at delivering fixed wireless services at long distances. The 5Ghz spectrum has traditionally been subject to potential interference from Wi-Fi operators in the same frequency bands. However, by using GPS+GLONASS to synchronize transmissions across the network, a single channel can be reused in a given geography. This means it will not suffer from the self-interference typically seen in Wi-Fi and FDD microwave deployments as more radios are added to increase network capacity. MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) technology can also help solve the problem of interference by using a large number of antennae at the base station, allowing it to serve many users in densely populated urban areas while staying in the confines of the radio spectrum. This approach results in improved signal propagation and near-line-of sight performance, as well as considerable cost savings; the current cost of the subscriber equipment in 28GHz is more than seven times that of sub-6GHz equipment. There is also potential to utilize the 3.55-3.70GHz in the deployment of 5G services, leaving as much spectrum available to Wi-Fi as possible. The FCC has already established regulations for the 3.5GHz band (the Citizens Broadband Radio Service band), which will make 150MHz of spectrum available for ISPs. Google (News - Alert) is actively conducting experiments in the 3.5GHz band in up to 24 areas in the U.S., and preparing for the new SAS spectrum sharing database to go live in early 2017. With new innovations in fixed wireless spectrum re-use, using the 3.5GHz band could further extend the value of the sub-6GHz spectrum and raises geocapacity to unprecedented levels. 5G adoption will be vital in order to support the increasing demand for data and connectivity, particularly in light of the expanding IoT. Despite ongoing debate, it is likely that fixed wireless for 5G within the sub-6GHz spectrum will offer the best commercial model for operators. Unlike mmWave spectrum, advances in technology mean 5G can be reliably delivered in built up urban areas, and the costs of equipment and deployment are considerably lower than those incurred deploying 5G in mmWave spectrum. Capacity is a major challenge for wireless networks, and a solution will only come about with continued trialling of technologies and methods, ultimately creating an efficient 5G infrastructure which will serve all environments on a global scale. About the Author As Co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Mimosa (News - Alert), Jaime is driving a disruptive wireless alternative solution for gigabit fixed Internet and Wi-Fi applications. With his prior experience as CTO of 2Wire (acquired by Pace), Jaime pioneered delivering IP services to the home over Fiber and xDSL. At Mimosa, he now aims to surpass the capacities of legacy wireline technology and deliver multi-gigabit wireless access solutions at a fraction of the cost. Previously, he headed Product Management at Polycom, and Zhone Technologies (News - Alert). Jaime holds a BSCE from the University of California, Irvine, USA. Edited by Alicia Young Share LTE (News - Alert), smart cities, software-defined networking these three things are some of the most important topics in networking and communications today. And all of the above were topics covered this week in Next Generation Communications. On the LTE front, we learned about the recent formation and new portfolio of Nokia (News - Alert) Group Communications. This effort focuses on LTE-enabled public safety solutions. Nokia Group Communications further bolsters our comprehensive public safety offer with capabilities that will help first responders react more effectively in a crisis, said Henri Tallon, Nokia's head of public sector. With new applications like push-to-video, fully standards-ready, we can ensure public safety teams are better informed of a situation and therefore enhance safety and security for all concerned. In other recent LTE news, ETELM of South Africa later this month at the AfricaCom event will debut its new e-LBS system for LTE base stations. The initial version will work on 700MHz, with support for 400MHz and 2.6GHz expected in the future. We have harnessed LTEs multi-broadcast features to ensure the widest possible coverage area from our eNodeB cell, including group call functionality which is so vital to mission-critical users, said ETELM President Pierre Minot. Our technology is the only one on the market which provides full integration between PMR and LTE, and is designed for enterprise and mission-critical LTE applications. It is ideal for operators looking to offer enterprise solutions and extend geographic coverage of their commercial networks at the same time. As for smart cities, Marc Jadoul (News - Alert), market development director of the Internet of Things at Nokia, this week contributed an article on the six steps to smart city success. In it, he also notes that Nokia recently collaborated with Machina Research to publish The Smart City Playbook, which offers further guidance on best practices in this arena. Speaking of Nokia, dtac of Thailand has tapped the supplier to provide IP/optical, security, and switching solutions for its network transformation. That deal will include the Nokia 7950 Extensible Routing System, the 1830 Photonic Service Switch, and a security gateway system. With so much going on in the world, it feels nearly impossible to keep up with the top stories and breaking headlines. But is it really worth the trouble? Some argue that it causes unnecessary stress, while others simply dont see it as a priority. However, such an attitude prevents people f Participants at an event held in the civil society area at COP22 Green Zone called for enlisting the Khettara in the UNESCOs world heritage list. The Khettara, a centuries-old water transportation system using underground canals to irrigate fields in Moroccan oases, was at the heart of an event held by the Meftah Essad Foundation for Moroccos Intangible Heritage. The event was an opportunity to showcase the ecological efficiency of the Khettara as a time-honored system in Moroccos dry and semi-dry lands naturally and sustainably pumping underground water through gently sloping tunnels. The participants in this event highlighted the ecological and patrimonial dimensions of the Khettara notably in terms of safeguarding oases against desertification and preserving water resources as the underground canals significantly curb evaporation and ensure the sustainable use of underground water, COP22 organizing team said in a statement. The statement quoted Abdelati Lahlou, member of the Meftah Essaad Foundation, as describing the Khettara as a manifestation of the adaptation of human beings with nature. Lahlou added that including this Moroccan water management know-how on the UNESCOs list of world heritage will help ensure the continuation of these environment-friendly irrigation structures. COP22 is an ideal opportunity to shed light on this Moroccan ecological heritage and raise awareness about the importance of its restoration, he added. The statement noted that the results of a study conducted by the Foundation in 2014 showed the Khettara contribution to fighting desertification and curbing rural flight. The study, presented at the event, urges immediate action to rehabilitate these underground water canals in order to prevent the depletion of underground water as a result of a surge in individual water. Africas first bike share experience was launched in Marrakech, which currently hosts the climate summit (COP22), November 7 through 18. The initiative, dubbed Medina Bike, adds to the momentum towards making environment protection and eco-friendly practices at the heart of the daily lives of citizens. Three hundred bikes will thus be available for use for the locals and visitors of Marrakech at 10 docking stations throughout central Marrakech. This experience, the first of its kind in Africa, offers users prices of 50, 150 and 500 dirhams for passes for a day, a week or a month respectively while a 30 minute ride would cost 30 dirhams only, less than 3 dollars. Citylab.com reports that the tender for Medina Bike was launched by The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and won by the French firm Smoove in partnership with a local Moroccan company, Estates Vision. On Wednesday, Morocco unveiled its first locally-made pickup truck running on electricity Baptized Aslan, the ecology-friendly pickup truck is equipped with electricity-dependent engine and is manufactured by the kingdom technology and innovation center, Tamayuz Supply Chain. According to the national transport and logistics company (SNTL), which is sponsoring the project, Aslan offers comfort, power and security. It is tailor-made for urban commutes, but can also be used for outside urban areas travels. Afghan soldiers guarding the road leading to main gate of Bagram Airfield, which is north of Kabul. Photo: Massoud Hossaini/AP Four Americans, two service members and two contractors, were killed when a man detonated his suicide vest early Saturday morning at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. NBC News reports that an additional 16 American service members were injured in the blast, as well as one coalition soldier from Poland, and notes that the bomber struck as people were gathering for a postVeterans Day fun-run. The Taliban has since claimed responsibility for the bombing, which it said it had been planning for four months. The base, which is the largest U.S./NATO facility in Afghanistan, was put on lockdown following the attack. The identities of the victims have not been released. It is not clear how the bomber was able to bypass the bases multiple layers of security, but an Afghan official who spoke with the Associated Press said that laborers who work at the base typically line up to enter the gates around the time the attack took place, and the bomber may have hidden among them. A Syrian refugee woman who fled to Turkey. Photo: Cem Genco/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images In defiance of her father, a military leader loyal to Bashar al-Assad, Loubna Mrie, 25, fled Syria for Turkey, making her way to the United States on a student visa in 2014. Here, she talks about Trumps election. I havent been granted asylum yet. So my first reaction was, Oh, my God, I have to leave. When I calmed down and I talked to my lawyer, she said, It doesnt mean that you have to leave right away. Lets wait for the dust to come down. But Im sure Trump will shut down the resettlement program. Lots of my friends are waiting for their families to come here. Apparently Trump has no idea whats going on in Syria. His main argument was just to stand against everything that Hillary Clinton said. For example, he said we should work with Russia against ISIS because ISIS today is being supported by Hillary Clinton, which is not true. It makes me scared, sure, but also maybe Americans should know what its like to have a dictator. Maybe they will have some sympathy for people who are fighting for their freedom of speech in other countries. I went yesterday to the streets as a solidarity act. I know what its like to have a president that you dont agree with. What makes me really upset is that in the Arabic world, those dictators were imposed. But this dictator was elected. *This article appears in the November 14, 2016, issue of New York Magazine. Howard Dean, who led the DNC during the very successful 2006 and 2008 campaigns, might be a unity figure today. Photo: Scott Eisen/Getty Images for Comedy Central Even as Democrats lick their wounds after the outcome of the 2016 elections, political life must go on, and there is a leadership vacuum at the Democratic National Committee that must soon be filled. Long-time DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, disliked intensely by Bernie Sanders partisans, was driven from the job on the eve of the Democratic National Convention after WikiLeaks released emails showing DNC staffers bad-mouthing Sanders. Several other top staffers, including the DNC executive director, left soon afterward. Interim chair Donna Brazile, usually a calming influence, instead added to the DNCs problems when yet another WikiLeaks release suggested she may have used her paid position at CNN to give a sneak peek at a debate question to Hillary Clinton. The overall tensions at the DNC were illustrated on Wednesday morning, when, at a staff meeting, someone (we dont know exactly who) interrupted a Brazile pep talk to scream at her and people like her for ruining the party and the country. The election of a permanent DNC chair is scheduled to occur next March. It is unclear whether Brazile can hang on until then, but shes showing no interest in the permanent gig, and instead, the two early candidates are men long identified with the progressive wing of the party: former chair (and Vermont governor, and 2004 presidential candidate) Howard Dean and U.S. Representative (and co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus) Keith Ellison, of Minnesota. Ellison, who was the rare member of the House supporting Bernie Sanderss presidential campaign, has already received Sanders s endorsement for the DNC gig, and other like-minded groups and individuals seem to be consolidating quickly around the idea. Perhaps as a younger pol not connected to the Clinton campaign, who is also known for innovative grassroots organizing techniques, Ellison makes sense as a change-of-pace leader for the DNC. He did do yeoman work for the Clinton general-election campaign, and has been endorsed by incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, not exactly a fiery socialist. But all in all, most of Ellisons advocates seem determined to use his candidacy as part of a self-conscious coup to move the party conspicuously to the left. That goal certainly comes through in Sanderss statement of support: You cannot be a party which on one hand says were in favor of working people, were in favor of the needs of young people but we dont quite have the courage to take on Wall Street and the billionaire class. People do not believe that. Youve got to decide which side youre on, Sanders told the AP in an interview endorsing Ellison. In others words, Ellisons candidacy looks a lot like a continuation of Bernie Sanderss presidential campaign, combined with a house-cleaning aimed at removing Clinton supporters, scornfully dismissed as corporate shills. It appears intended not to launch a struggle for the soul of the Democratic Party, but to announce that the struggle is over and a new faction is now in charge. Now, perhaps many, or even most, former Sanders for President supporters think he would have won the presidential general election that Hillary Clinton lost. It is unfortunately a proposition that is impossible to prove either way, though it should be acknowledged for future reference that Sanders might have looked like a very different candidate after being pounded by both right-wing and mainstream media for months over various episodes from his past (serving as a Socialist Workers Party elector in 1980 comes to mind). Perhaps Sanders supporters specifically and progressives generally deserve a much more prominent or even leading voice at the DNC and in other party councils. But is a purge what the Democratic Party most urgently needs right now? And is a very public ideological shift to the left that cedes more ground to a Republican Party torn between different extremist visions a good idea at the moment? Is a Jeremy Corbyn (the lefty leader of the British Labor Party) moment what Democrats really need? This will not happen, of course, without a fight. Today, Politico lists a bunch of people, many of them former Clinton supporters, who are sniffing around the DNC gig: Meanwhile others in the party, including New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman and DNC vice chair Raymond Buckley who runs the Association of State Democratic Chairs South Carolina Chairman Jaime Harrison, and House Democratic Caucus Chairman Xavier Becerra are said to be open to bids of their own, fielding calls from other DNC members about their interest. Former presidential candidate and Maryland Gov. Martin OMalley said on Friday morning that he is considering a run. DNC vice chair R.T. Rybak, the former mayor of Minneapolis who nearly got the role under Barack Obama, and retiring New York Rep. Steve Israel a former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair are also in the mix. It is another candidate, however, who seems best positioned to be a unity candidate: none other than Howard Dean. He still has some progressive credibility, although his occasionally abrasive support for Hillary Clintons nomination repositioned him a bit. He knows the job, having done it before, in a tenure that, coincidentally or not, coincided with two Democratic landslide victories, in 2006 and 2008. And in the wake of an election where Democrats appear to have lost 32 states, a return to Deans 50-state strategy is probably a good idea. Ultimately, the identity of the DNC chairman is less important than filling the lower leadership jobs with smart and energetic people who represent fresh blood. But there is no getting around an early decision by Democrats as to whether their most urgent challenge is to get a grip on why they lost and develop a detailed plan for recovery, or simply to throw out the Clinton/Obama crowd and claim the DNC as a trophy for the left. They have a while to figure this out. But there is no time like the present to declare a temporary truce. Keep getting used to it. Photo: Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images It turns out that one of the Trump transition teams many duties will be helping President-Elect Trump decide just how many nights hell have to sleep at the White House each week. The New York Times reports that Trump has told his advisors that he would like to continue to spend as much time as he can at his beloved Trump Tower penthouse in New York, and may retreat there, or to one of his other estates in New Jersey or Florida, on the weekends. The sudden dilemma for Trump, who labored to sleep at his New York home as much as possible during his campaign, has emerged as he recovers from his apparent shock at actually winning and comes to terms with how being president is going to completely upend his preferred lifestyle. Trump advisors, however, are hoping that Trump will eventually warm up to White House living as he grows less overwhelmed and more comfortable in the job. As it turns out, one of Trumps top advisors seems like hes a little overwhelmed as well: Unprepared? Jared Kushner asked on his West Wing tour how many staffers would remain for the next administration https://t.co/aNhwWqkCI7 Amy Fiscus (@amyfiscus) November 12, 2016 Meanwhile, Trump Tower is already being converted into a veritable fortress, complete with a no-fly zone above and dump trucks and Jersey barriers around. And while when it comes to Trump Administration policy New York mayor Bill de Blasio has vowed to protect the city from the new president, midtown Manhattan may not be so lucky when it comes to the physical space around Trump Tower. CNN reports that its not yet clear just how much the security around the building will impact the neighborhood and surrounding businesses. City zoning rules require that the space in front of Trump Tower be kept open, but the Secret Service has reportedly floated the idea of closing down some lanes of Fifth Avenue, or even shutting it down completely. Any plans will also need to take into account the likelihood of regular or continuous protests against Trump being held near or outside his part-time residence. In addition, presidential visits to anywhere let alone a crowded city like New York perpetually lead to traffic nightmares for residents, and such disruption may soon become a weekly fact of life for many New Yorkers. If this weeks protests are any indication, the new president might not like spending as much time back in New York as he thinks. Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images Then again, Trump may also spend time away from the White House because hed rather keep campaigning, even now that hes won. The Times adds that the president-elect has expressed a desire to keep holding large rallies around the country, because Trump likes the instant gratification and adulation that the cheering crowds provide, and his aides are discussing how they might accommodate his demand. Trump promised a much more conservative Court hostile to precedents like abortion rights. He may have the chance to deliver. Photo: Zach Gibson/Getty Images Donald Trumps pledge to appoint conservative pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court was reportedly central to his ability to attract 81 percent of the white Evangelical vote on November 8, despite his pagan lifestyle. Religious folk werent the only ones thinking this way: More secular-minded Republicans like Hugh Hewitt focused on the Courts power to rein in government and decided to vote for Trump even if they considered him generally an ignorant lout (you know, the guy who was clueless when Hewitt asked him about the nuclear triad during a Republican debate). So now that hes won, what is likely to happen to SCOTUS? Well, the most important thing that happened to the Court aside from Trumps election is that Trumps party held on to the U.S. Senate. The Republican conference also shed one of the very few senators (Mark Kirk of Illinois) who might have voted against a Trump nominee hell-bent on overturning constitutional abortion rights. Yes, in theory, Democrats could filibuster a Trump nominee they dont like, but then they would be inviting an almost certain invocation of the nuclear option by Mitch McConnell to extend the current majority-vote rules for judicial confirmation to SCOTUS. Theyd be more likely to use the threat of a filibuster to try to influence Trump to pick someone less reactionary than would otherwise be the case, but it is not clear if Republicans will have any interest in compromising on a topic so important to key elements of their base. So poor Merrick Garlands nomination is over, and the odds are very high that whoever Trump chooses to succeed Antonin Scalia will be confirmed. That right away will break the current 4-4 deadlock of the Court on a lot of topics, including the big cases left undecided last year on President Obamas immigration enforcement initiative and on the right not to join public-sector unions. Trump would have a much bigger impact on the Court if he got two appointments. Thats what it would probably take to discharge Trumps debt to the Christian right by engineering the reversal of Roe v. Wade and its guarantee of a constitutional right to abortion, since swing vote Anthony Kennedy chose to implicitly reconfirm Roe in the Whole Womens Health v. Cole case involving state restrictions on abortion clinics. That leads to the delicate subject of judicial mortality. Two of the five justices in the majority on Whole Womens Health are in their 80s: Ruth Bader Ginsburg (83) and Anthony Kennedy (80). A third, Stephen Breyer, is 78. After that, the age of justices drops dramatically to Clarence Thomas at 68, Samuel Alito at 66, Sonia Sotomayor at 62, John Roberts at 61, and Elena Kagan at 56. Let us just say that so long as a Republican is in the White House, time is not on the side of a constitutional right to abortion. And if and when Donald Trump gets to nominate that potential fifth vote to reverse Roe, you better bet that he will have to remove any doubt his nominee would rather exercise their Second Amendment rights on themselves than betray the Cause of the Unborn. The Betrayal of the Unborn by so many other Republicans nominees in the past was a significant factor, as it happens, in the estrangement of the Republican base from party elites that Trump so successfully exploited to climb to the presidency. It is possible, of course, that the Senate could swing to the Democrats in 2018 and frustrate some hypothetical second Trump SCOTUS nomination much as Republicans frustrated Obamas third. But the wildly pro-Republican Senate landscape in 2018 means that the kind of Democratic wave that would flip the House might not produce the net gain of three seats it would take for Democrats to recapture the Senate. So even if President Trumps power to get legislation through Congress is destroyed, his ability to get SCOTUS nominees through the Senate could well survive. Progressives who care about constitutional law, even if they are not religious, should pray every day for the health of Justices Ginsburg and Breyer, and when it comes to the right to abortion, Justice Kennedy as well. Otherwise, the gamble of many Trump-disliking conservatives that he could reshape the Court in their direction for many years to come might very well pay off. I love my parents even if we disagree on politics. I finally made the call to my parents Wednesday night, the call I didnt want to make, even as the despair and disbelief felt by pretty much everyone I know turned to social-media chatter about the not my president protests and recriminations about what could have been done what, if anything, each of us could have done to avert this dumbfounding moment of whats next for this country. There is a recurring fantasy among the so-called cosmopolitan elites, perhaps especially urgently felt among those of us who moved to New York from somewhere else that felt too constricted to accommodate us or who we could be, that we could coax and argue other people people out there into our state of supposed enlightenment. That there could be a real discussion going on here, of good-faith people, who only needed to be shown the error of their thinking. To tell you the truth, I didnt want to just assume that my Republican parents voted for Donald Trump. My mother had mentioned a sympathy for Bernie Sanders and his rigged economy critique, and my father was a career military intelligence man who spent most of that time parrying the dark intentions of Soviet Russia. But I usually avoid discussing the election, any election, or politics, generally, with my parents, who are southern by heritage, military by multigenerational tradition, and Christian in some well-what-else-would-we-be sense of dutiful conventionality. Its been a delicate enough thing for us to engineer a relationship to be fair, having an arty urban gay son without interest in joining the Navy or watching NASCAR wasnt exactly what they were picturing when they had me, either even without an election season like this one. But as I sat in my East Village bedroom while my boyfriend, Kendall, watched Atlanta in the other room, and they had me on speakerphone from their house in Virginia, I already knew the answer. They have two gay sons plus a daughter who worked briefly for Pat Robertson, but thats another story entirely but their (eventual) acceptance and embrace of us and our partners did not extend to the logic of who they supported at the ballot box. They could be one person at the holidays, and another in their personal convictions. Kendall, who grew up very differently than I did, in a housing project in Detroit, was more scared than I was of a candidate who appealed so brazenly to racists, who talked so openly and (barely) codedly about law and order. Kendalls family black working-class people, mostly, who are so proud of him for finding his way out to achieve his dreams in New York, and are quite sweet to me, even as they find me a bit of a curiosity was fully terrified. How dare we, after eight years of having a black president? To him, and his family, this was an about-face, a retreat to some American white-supremacist mean. Id never told Kendall this, but Trump often said what I knew my father felt. Not the misogynist stuff, but the tone of disgust at the blithe self-dealing of many in Washington. Which I admit at first I found a bit thrilling, especially early on, when he was heckling the GOP primary candidates on their Club for Growthapproved pieties and blatant hypocrisies. Yes, Trump seemed to me as disingenuous as any confidence man, willing to say anything he thought might help him close the deal, but part of why he was so effective was that, to my ear, about a third of the time he seemed to be the only person onstage willing or perhaps able to tell the truth about anything. It was fascinating. And it reminded me of the nationalist nostalgia of my father, his impatience and suspicion. My mother, who grew up poor in Appalachia, is more oblique in her views, but just as stubborn. And from where they were, in their riverfront home in Virginia, which my mother does her best to run like a four-bedroom Downton Abbey, it all makes sense. Or, rather, there was little to contradict it. As my mother pointed out, she would have been surprised if anyone around them voted for Hillary Clinton. When we go for holidays, Kendall jokingly calls it the Plantation House, which it looks a bit like, though in fact it was a rather grand farmhouse built by bootleggers in the 1920s. Then theres that portrait of my great-grandmother, an old Virginian with the landscape view of Robert E. Lees plantation behind her. I love my parents, and they love me, and I know that I am of them, a kind of remix of them. But like millions of Americans, my parents were convinced of Hillary Clintons core perfidity, and nothing would change their mind on that. And so they got over their skepticism of Trumps vulgarity, and cherry-picked among his inconsistencies, and thought maybe this change, whatever it is exactly they werent sure was worth rolling the dice on. And besides, as my father, who is 71, put it, they might only have a couple more elections left to vote in, and we can always try again in four years. To my mind, they confused nihilism for nationalism. And in the end, their reason for voting Trump was, What the hell? At least its not her. Which left me wondering: What if I had tried harder? Even if you think you have the righteous prophetic fact-y dudgeon of a John Oliver, he has probably never changed anybodys mind you wouldnt be watching him unless you already agreed with him and listening to my parents talk about Trump, I was reminded about how depressing it is to hear talking points tumble out of the mouths of otherwise sentient humans. I got a little riled up. I told them they were not taking responsibility for their actions when they called it, essentially, a protest vote. (They didnt think hed actually win.) Which is an odd thing to tell a septuagenarian determined to stand athwart history and yell: Hold up! But history keeps rolling on, eventually burying us all in its wake. My brother and his husband have three adopted kids. My parents love being grandparents: They take the kids, who are biracial, to Disney World and the beach. On Thursday, I texted my brother to say, I know I shouldnt be surprised, but I am disappointed in Mom and Dad. He responded: ? Did you discuss the election? We wondered if we should have tried to change their minds. I guess Im not engaged enough to invest, he texted back. Which is also sad. Nate Silver. Photo: Kate LaRue/FiveThirtyEight The morning after America learned that Donald Trump will improbably be Americas next president, Nate Silver, over delicious scrambled eggs with lox at Friedmans on West 31st Street, the sort of coastal-elite place a Trump voter might find objectionable, acknowledged that, along with category-9/11 shock, he felt some vindication, too. The past few weeks had been rough on American politics most famous moneyballer. In the run-up to the election, FiveThirtyEights Silver, whose enthusiasm for food once inspired him to statistically rank the countrys burritos, had found it hard to eat. And for much of the campaign, Silver, normally a sound sleeper, had found himself waking up in the middle of the night out of anxiety about whether there was a new poll and just general nervousness. The previous night, hed finally had a nice meal, pigging out on pasta at Lupa with his partner, but even this morning he had awoken at an uncharacteristically early 6:30. Cause you wake up and are like, Its over. But its kind of not over. Everything is forever changed. Everything is different than we thought it was. Leading up to November 8, Silver had staked out the heretical position that Hillary Clinton had only a 70 percent chance of winning the presidency, rather than, say, the 99 percent odds that the Princeton Election Consortium was giving her. Silver has long maintained that forecasters tend toward overconfidence (he views cases where he himself has gotten everything right such as in the 2012 election, when he accurately predicted the outcome in 50 of 50 states as a weird fluke). But for nervous voters who seemed to think he should be a clairvoyant oracle rather than a rigorous sifter of probabilities, Silver was Nostradumbass. He had duked it out on Twitter with a Huffington Post reporter whod disparaged his work as political punditry dressed up as sophisticated mathematical modeling, prompting Silver to deem the reporters article fucking idiotic. As it turned out, Trump won largely for the same reasons that Silvers model had given him better odds than others: The high number of undecided voters had ended up breaking in Trumps favor, and Clinton had underperformed in the Midwest. Silver told me the postelection reactions to FiveThirtyEights model, ranging from very favorable (from poker players and investors) to you suck (from laypeople), had been running two-to-one. Nonetheless, over the past 48 hours, there had been much handwringing about the entire project of electoral science. Ive believed in data for 30 years in politics and data died tonight, GOP strategist Mike Murphy tweeted. Silver mentioned an article just that morning in the Times: How Data Failed Us in Calling an Election. Even Silver, despite having been more accurate than almost anyone else, had been dragged into the breast-beating. (Nate Silver Blew It Bigly on the Election - Can His Brand Recover? a befuddled the Wrap mused). Silver sees the elegies for polling as premature, noting that traditional reporters, seeing data as a threat to their craft, are always looking for ways to belittle it, and that polls still offer a much more accurate picture of reality than the conventional wisdom of the commentariat. But he allowed that, clearly, current polling needs to be improved upon. It failed to predict this years underwhelming voter turnout and also the emergence of Trump Democrats, and arcane methodological questions need to be answered, like whether response bias was a factor (people depressively not responding to pollsters after, say, a debate in which their candidate fared poorly, or ignoring calls from the loathsome MSM), and how best to reach people, as online polling eventually eclipses phone polling. Still, though he hadnt yet unpacked which state polls were righter and wronger, he saw the larger problem as being the tendency for people to equate probability with certainty, to ignore the fact that a 30 percent chance that Trump would win meant he literally did have a 30 percent chance of winning. This was not an epic polling error, Silver said. The swing percentage is not all that large. For Clinton to go from a 2-point lead to a 6-point lead only takes 1 in 50 people to change their mind. So thats not that big. It just so happens that a 3-point lead isnt that safe, and a 6-point lead is a lot safer. Silvers model had said very clearly that there was a 30 percent chance Trump would win, and he had. I suppose I would have hoped the 30 percent involved something a bit less consequential for the country, Silver said. John Kasich becoming president or something. Photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images Advertisers have a dozen reasons to purchase ads on Facebook, but the foundational pitch, the one thats allowed Facebook to outpace all newspapers, combined, in advertising revenue, is this: The Facebook News Feed is influential. That is, as Facebook tells its potential clients, the average user, who spends 20 minutes a day scrolling through a custom-tailored and exactingly targeted News Feed, is likely to buy things that appear in that News Feed. Theres some evidence that this is true; further, Facebook itself has done some (extremely shady and manipulative) research into how the composition of a given users News Feed affects that users mood. It also just makes intuitive sense. The truth is that Facebook, as a business, just doesnt make sense unless you believe that its most profitable product, the News Feed, is influential. So it was odd to hear Mark Zuckerberg essentially say the opposite last night at the Techonomy conference, as Will Oremus reported in Slate: False news stories that were shared hundreds of thousands of times on the network [] surely had no impact on the election, [Zuckerberg] said, speaking at the Techonomy conference. Voters make decisions based on their lived experience, Zuckerberg went on. The notion that fake news stories on Facebook influenced the election in any way, he added, is a pretty crazy idea. In an extended onstage interview with David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect, Zuckerberg noted that fabricated stories made up a small fraction of all the content shared on Facebook. And he suggested that the criticism Facebook has received for fueling such falsehoods was rooted in condescension on the part of people who failed to understand Donald Trumps appeal. I think there is a certain profound lack of empathy in asserting that the only reason someone could have voted the way they did is because they saw fake news, Zuckerberg said. If you believe that, then I dont think you internalized the message that Trump voters are trying to send in this election. Zuckerberg is arguing against a straw man, here; no one Ive seen has argued that the only reason someone could have voted the way they did is because they saw fake news. It was a close election a few hundred thousand votes would have swung it to Clinton and close elections tend to be the product of multiple and difficult-to-unravel factors. It seems hard to argue that Facebook wasnt one of those factors. Fake news wouldnt even need to do anything as challenging or specific as transform Clinton voters to Trump voters to have changed the outcome of the election: Emotionally charged fake news could have galvanized Trump voters and ensured high turnout; or its scale and volume could have drowned out (or offered false counterweight to) the rigorously reported mainstream-media stories about Trumps greed, corruption, and mendacity. In the wake of Trumps election theres been a lot of discussion of bubbles. Maybe the media is in a bubble that prevented it from seeing the depth of support Trump could maintain in the Rust Belt. Maybe Midwesterners are in a bubble that stokes racism and xenophobia and fear of difference. One particularly opaque bubble seems to be that from which the titans of social media are observing their platforms. Heres Jack Dorsey, founder and CEO of Twitter, in the days following Trumps election: I commit to using the privilege I currently have to always speak this truth to power, and to ensure the common good leads everything we do. jack (@jack) November 10, 2016 Unacceptable, Dorsey writes about reports of politically motivated harassment and abuse, on the network he founded, so memorably described by a former employee on BuzzFeed as a honeypot for assholes. If Dorsey believes such abuse is unacceptable, where has he been for the last ten years? Twitters marauding bands of misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic trolls have become so notorious and so much worse since the launch of the Trump campaign last year that the harassment problem caused at least two suitors to walk away from an opportunity to buy the company. The tech industry, and especially its social-media sector, has always been excited about its potential for revolutionary change in some cases, quite literally. But its brightest lights the founders and CEOs seem reluctant to acknowledge the consequences of those changes. Do they even use the services theyve created? The fact is that Zuckerberg and Dorsey are both too famous, in real life and especially on their own platforms, to ever have a regular user experience. When you lead a company and have millions of followers, youre unlikely to be having enjoyable semi-private conversations that get crashed by abusive strangers, or to spend enough time scrolling through your News Feed that you start coming across clear lies shared by friends and family. Now, you cant blame social-media CEOs for denying their products are being used for (or are, in fact, incentivizing!) misinformation and harassment campaigns, any more than you can blame the arms-manufacturer CEOs for slapping guns dont kill people, people do stickers on the buttstocks of their AR-15s. And its true that there isnt really an easy solution for either Twitter or Facebook that doesnt also create concerns about speech and press protections. But if you lead a revolution, at some point youre going to have to govern. Zuckerberg and Dorsey have created tools that legitimately changed the world, and not always for the worse. But in so doing theyve also eliminated the physical and cultural structures from establishment-newspaper dominance to the primacy of face-to-face interaction that helped keep harassment, abuse, and misinformation to a smaller minimum. Now that the world is changed, its up to them to ensure that the best values of the past endure. They could start by at least acknowledging the problem. Photo: Getty Images The Cut asked for reflections from women of color after this weeks election results, and we received an overwhelming response. Women told us they feel lost, hurt, and scared: from the fate of their families, to health-care access, to their own personal safety, they gave us brutally honest replies. Despite the anxiety, there was a willingness to fight and share their stories. Read on and share your own in the comments. Stephanie, 21, Ohio I come from a conservative family. My parents were born and raised in Lebanon during the civil wars, and they came to America in 1993, like many immigrants, to provide a better chance at life for their children. This election has brainwashed my parents to believe a deceiving man and his version of democracy. They dont view it this way, but I do. I voted for Clinton in this election, and the tension between me and my parents has been at an all-time high. But how could they vote for Trump? His beliefs stretch as far as hating the type of people that my parents are. I hate what this election has done to them. I hate what it has done to my family and to me. I dont want to regret that which my parents have granted me: a chance at living in a society of freedom and democracy, in a place of diversity and acceptance. But I fear that I have. Cecilia, 37, New York I come from a tiny family of mostly retired single black women (widowed or that have always been single parents by choice) that all reside in the Northeast, and are financially secure. It was all a foregone conclusion that I would go to college. Ive never been told I was worthless to my face as my parents and grandparents who were born in this country obviously have until today. I feel young, stupid, and naive for underestimating the potential for misogyny to be anywhere near as damaging as racism. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and it has just been blasted shut. Im afraid of fashion houses downsizing and outsourcing more of their [expensive] design work going forward. Being a black woman will only compound any difficulties I may have maintaining a foothold in an industry that is notoriously hostile to outsiders of any kind. My only plans this week are to go to Walgreens and buy up all of the Plan B. Liz, 24, New York My mom is from Colombia and a U.S. citizen, but my dad is an illegal immigrant from Mexico. Ive petitioned for him to become a U.S. citizen for over four years now with no luck at all. He was waiting on immigration reform to pass in order to help his case, but I have little hope now. It hurts because I know my dad is a hard worker who paid his taxes for all 20 years that hes been living in the U.S. He speaks English well and has a life here. My dads mother is really sick in Mexico and he was so desperately hoping to go home and see her. I dont think he will be able to. My friend told me this morning she overheard a white man walk by a day laborer at the local gas station where they stand and wait for work in the mornings. The man said in an upbeat voice, Hey, buddy, whats got you down today? before laughing and walking away. El, 26, New York My parents are immigrants from Mexico. They are now naturalized, but they come from very, very, very poor towns in Mexico. They came here and my dad worked his way up from being a busboy at a pizzeria to owning four of them. My mom is awesome and is a certified nurse assistant and Ive been very lucky to be able to go to great schools. I got scholarships in high school and college and full rides to incredible institutions. Ive been very lucky and its the most debasing feeling to feel that despite the work that Ive put in and my family has put in and despite all of the accomplishments that my parents have done theres still no recourse. Theres still someone who can be elected to this position. Ive been fighting battles most of my life: being the poor kid at a rich school or being the only Latina in the room, or the only nonwhite, or the only one from the Bronx, or the only one whos parents didnt get past middle school. Its always been a battle. I want to galvanize. Im usually very positive and action-oriented, but at a certain point, Im just exhausted. Im tired of fighting a battle on every front. I think thats the scariest part. Its like, When do I get a chance to rest and when can I hand the baton over? I dont want it back. Take that shit. JiYoung, 31, Seattle I am acutely afraid. Not for me or my family Im a natural-born U.S. citizen in a liberal city. I think people consider Asians to be harmless minorities. What I am really afraid of is the possibility that oppression will occur against other groups and I will have to speak up. I am afraid of what might happen when I speak up. Im not a brave person and this new reality will have to force me to get over my chicken-shit cowardice. I feel indicted for being poor, yellow, and female by white people in general and white evangelicals in particular. My current church is multi-ethnic and has several women pastors, but I grew up in the white evangelical church, so this rejection is reopening old wounds. I always felt like I didnt quite belong with them and this election has confirmed that Im an other. Hawa, 28, New York As a black person, as a Muslim, as a woman, as a daughter of Somali parents, I cant begin to describe how paralyzed I feel for the future of my family, friends, and my country. I just messaged my younger brother to see how he was doing (it was his first time voting in a presidential election), and he said: Im scared, to be honest. And confused that this actually happened. These voters are scarier than Trump. I share his feelings. For the first time in my life, I am sincerely scared of white people. I fear traveling in red states, even for vacation. This is a demographic that historically and presently commits violent discriminatory acts against those that are different from them. I dont know how to act now when in their presence (even at work) I worry my anger and fear will hinder my relationships with them, even those who share the same beliefs. I recognize how hypocritical and unfair this may appear and is something I must combat and will actively do so, but I dont find my sentiments irrational, either, considering the current political climate. No matter their political affiliation, they will be fine. But others and myself cannot afford to wait four years for things to shift to the left. Jasmine, 40, Chicago I am a college-educated Asian white-collar worker living in Chicago, a blue city in a blue state. For those reasons, I dont feel immediately fearful, and for that I am profoundly grateful. Especially since Illinois is sending Tammy Duckworth to the Senate. But I have a lot of loved ones that are afraid of what the future may bring, and despite what little privilege I have I feel powerless to be able to help them. When it comes to action, I think Ive already begun. Working as an election judge was an eye-opening and empowering experience for me. I would encourage more citizens to do it, if only to see what politics looks like at the very local level, and understand the importance of civic engagement all the time, not just during campaign season. At the moment, Im gonna get back to my job, continue to make (possibly inappropriate) jokes with my brother because humor is how I cope when Im not stress-eating, and send notes to my precinct captain, alderman, mayor (yes, its Rahm Emanuel, but better or worse hes what Ive got to work with), state representatives, congressmen, Senator-elect Tammy Motherfuckin Duckworth, and Senator Dick Durbin to thank them for the service and ask one very important question: Whats next? Neha, 26, New York As an immigrant, I feel homeless. Im sure some people might find that dramatic. But as someone who was raised in this country (I moved here when I was 1), I would always be so proud of America in front of my family in India. I really believe in democracy and thought America was this beacon of hope and light and freedom. Today it feels like Ive been living a sham. Id be scared to visit most places outside of New York or California. Its been shocking seeing how many people I went to high school with or friends-of-friends who supported Trump and basically dont support me or my choices as a person at all. But I also dont feel like I could go back to India and ever feel connected because America is my home. So, to sum up, I just feel lost. What makes it worse is Im dating a Pakistani Muslim man (who was born and raised here). We are trying to unite our families despite deep cultural and religious problems in our home countries, and keep reassuring our parents that one day our kids will be fine in America and accepted as Indian-Pakistani-Muslim-Hindus, but I just now realized that they may have it just as hard here (if not much worse) as they wouldve there. I feel naive. Diana, 34, New York Ive watched as a select few Asian-Americans on my feed rejoice in a Trump victory. To them, it means more money in their pockets without a thought to the consequences it has on all people of color. Theyre quick to claim it wont affect them because it doesnt affect their own ethnicity. But as weve seen this year with the Fox News Chinatown segment and the Michael Luo Go back to China incident, racism is insidious. Its a subtle feeling that you never truly belong here. Youre a stereotype, trotted out to show that the American Dream is within reach but only if youre an obedient Asian American who doesnt cause too much trouble. Today Im going to cry and protest. Tomorrow Im donating my time and money to the next generation. I want them to speak out, empathize, and stand up for the progress we desperately need. Chrystina, 34, Los Angeles Self-care is a luxury that Im not sure as a black woman in America I have. I try to not be callous and hardened but after all of the police shootings and constant punches in the gut to people of color and women in this country, on days like this you feel helpless. I am spending my day researching the ACLU and making sure that the high-school student that I mentor understands that she can still go to college regardless of Trumps opinions on immigrants (and children/grandchildren of immigrants) access to higher education. Im also checking on loved ones, including my 85-year-old grandmother who has been on such a high post-Obama, and now well, you can imagine. In fact, just received a text from my sister-in-law who lives in France asking if she could FaceTime with my son to cheer her up from afar. Tomorrow is a new day. Immediately after Donald Trump was elected president, People magazine began to cover his family in a positive, cheery light: photo slideshows of Ivankas way too cute family and Melanias best style moments on the campaign trail. This immediate normalization of a man who had run the most frighteningly sexist, racist campaign in recent history was made even more noticeable by the fact that writer Natasha Stoynoff had, a few weeks before, written an account alleging that Donald assaulted her while she was working on a story for the magazine back in 2005. In the wake of its new Trump coverage, many have called for a boycott of People magazine on social media. In an internal email sent to Time Inc. staff on Friday morning, chief content officer Alan Murray addressed the criticism, writing: People also made its mark in this election cycle, with its powerful and brave coverage of Natasha Stoynoffs story. The fact that some self-appointed social media critics then objected to the magazines excellent post-election Trump issue only demonstrated that we had done our job: covering important and compelling people and events without fear or favor. The Cut has reached out to People for comment about the magazines post-election coverage of the Trump family and will update this post as it becomes available.* Read Murrays full email below: All, Election 2016 was a challenging one for those of us in the media business. Emotions ran high. Facts were intermittent. Attacks on the media were persistent. And staying true to Time Inc.s mission of serving all our diverse and passionate audiences was harder than ever. But we came through with flying colorsand we expanded our audience in the process. The joint Time and Fortune news machine set new records for both sites, reaching nearly 5.5 million people Tuesday evening and 10 million on Wednesday. Our live video stream had a stunning 14 million views. And for anyone trying to make sense of it all, David von Drehles masterful story for Time magazine was without peer. People also made its mark in this election cycle, with its powerful and brave coverage of Natasha Stoynoffs story. The fact that some self-appointed social media critics then objected to the magazines excellent post-election Trump issue only demonstrated that we had done our job: covering important and compelling people and events without fear or favor. Other brands also participated in the conversation, from People en Espanols Alicia Machado cover to Essences delightful election day survival guide to Real Simples election-night purple cocktail to Moneys coverage of Trumps tax plan and Affordable Care Act repeal. To top it off, our product team produced an excellent election day get out the vote banner that received nearly 28 million views and generated some 70,000 follow-up clicks. Congratulations to all involved. Its a great demonstration of what we can do together, and it makes me proud to be a part of Time Inc. Alan Update (12:35 p.m.): In response to a request for comment, a Time Inc. spokesperson sent the Cut the following memo sent to People staff by editorial director Jess Cagle: Dear Colleagues, This week the PEOPLE cover story is about president-elect Donald Trump, and as you may have seen, we are getting some heat for it. Weve been called out for trying to pander or normalize Trump, just weeks after we published a story, by former PEOPLE writer Natasha Stoynoff, about being physically attacked by Trump in 2005. I assure you that the cover on the president-elect is in no way a celebration or endorsement of this deeply polarizing figure. And we continue to stand steadfastly by Natasha. Her attack is of course recounted in the cover story. Last Friday, we posted a video in which she again discusses the attack and responds to the nasty things Trump has said about her recently. We will never forget what happened to Natasha, and frankly we dont want our audience to forget, either. Some readers are sickened to see Trump on the cover. Others are thrilled by it. In any case, it seemed wrong to put anyone other than the president-elect on the cover this week. He was elected president. We cant pretend it didnt happen. Some of you have been criticized on social media for my decision. This is unfortunate and unfair to you. Some of you may personally disagree with the decision. Im here if anyone wants to talk. Let me assure you that no matter who is in the White House, PEOPLE celebrates tolerance and inclusion. We strive to entertain, empower, and inspire our audience. We will continue to do all the things that make us proud. Our campaign against gun violence, for example, will continue with renewed fervor. Thanks for listening, and thanks for the great work youre doing. Jess Letters to Trump from first-grade students in California. The morning after the election, Marie Keating invited her first-grade students to write letters to Donald Trump. What would you ask of our new president? she wondered. She looked at the ten 6-year-olds gathered around her in a tight circle on her classroom floor. She saw they were tired and upset. They talked about the importance of democracy before Keating sent them back to their desks. She went to each of them and asked what they might write to Mr. Trump. I dont want him to send my family back to Mexico, one girl replied. Keating says she fought to hold back her tears: I said, Do you feel like you can ask him to not do that? She said, Okay, how do you spell Mexico? Keating took the letters to the head of Woodland School in Portola Valley, California, sent them to her mom, and later posted them to Facebook. These kids are asking for what they need but theyre also doing it kindly, she said. Im very proud of them. Photo: UpperCut Images/Getty Images This summer, the Clinton campaign released an ad called Role Models in which wide-eyed kids watched some of Donald Trumps most appalling moments: calling Mexicans rapists, mocking a disabled reporter, longing for the good old days when protesters would be beaten. The ad gave parents a glimpse of what a Trump presidency might be like, but nothing could have prepared them for how to explain to their children what happened in the wee hours of November 9. How do you tell a kid whos excited about Hillary Clinton that the other guy won especially when youre still trying to wrap your own mind around the news? Latham Thomas, who is black, took her 13-year-old son to Hillary Clintons Election Night party at the Javits Center in hopes of celebrating the breaking of the ultimate glass ceiling. But by 9 p.m., she said, the mood went from joyous to ominous. My son wanted to go, she says. We left by around midnight. He was like, I dont want to cry out here, because, how is this our reality? He only knows President Obama. I took him to Obamas inauguration when he was in kindergarten. Thomass son asked if he could take Wednesday off from school. I thought he wanted to avoid gloating classmates, she said. But he clarified that he felt drained seeing everyone so sad at the party and knowing We were going to wake up to realize were stuck with a bad guy. And I do feel like we need to talk to our kids and give them the space to speak. This election was so nasty and so prominent it was in the media and social media, and the kids were exposed to everything. She decided to compromise with her son and let him sleep in, waking him up to watch Hillary Clintons concession speech so they could discuss it afterward. And then I took him to school. I assured him it would be a short day, but felt it was important he go. I said, We are going to get up and do what we have to do and were not going to not be who we are. But I dont want you to hold on to feelings. I just dont want him to let somebody make him change who he is or alter his peace of mind. Thomas worries for her son, who, at 13, is not finished growing. As he gets older, the same people who say my black son is cute now will be trying to put him in jail because they will find him threatening. And with Trump at the helm, and the possibility of stop-and-frisk-happy Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General, that anxiety only intensifies. Linda Villarosa, who lives in Brooklyn with her partner and high-school-age son (she also has a daughter away in college), watched the returns with her family. By nights end, Nic, our very woke 17-year-old, was curled in my arms, crying all six-foot-two of him, she says. We had just gotten off the phone with his grandmother. Through my mothers sobs, she said she felt like all of the struggle she had been through as an 86-year-old black woman in America had been erased. Nic was 9 when President Obama was elected, came of age at a time of political idealism and social change, so his world was shattered. But by Wednesday afternoon, Nic was transforming his grief into action. He texted me from school and asked if he could attend the rally against Trump in Union Square, Villarosa says proudly. I said yes, of course, and Im going with him. Jasmine Banks, a licensed therapist in Arkansas, says its important to validate your kids feelings. When they say, I think Trump hates black people so much that hes gonna come kill all of us, dont detract from the reality that this has happened around the world, but also remind them youre their parents and its your job to keep them safe. Remind them you love them very much. Banks currently lives in a former sundown town (i.e., 40 years ago there was a sign that read Niggers Not Out Past Dark) with her genderqueer partner, Mo, and three kids ages 9, 6, and 5. She says that we allow our kids to feel the fear and reflect back what theyre feeling, like, Oh, buddy, that sounds very scary, youre very scared right now, youre feeling a lot of anger. They prepared their children for the prospect of a Trump presidency because they are black children and so they have a full understanding of what our future can look like when people in power who support white supremacy have the reins for things. Her 9-year-old son had a mock election at school, and Trump won handily. Most of his friends said Hillary wanted to kill babies in their mommies belly, she wanted to let people be gay, and she was going to let Mexicans come and take over America, says Banks, so we had a lot of ground to cover. Still, no amount of preparation can quell the anxiety. My oldests first question was whether my partner and I, who are engaged, can still get married in May. What a difficult question for a child to ask, says Banks. I explained its gonna take awhile for him to be able to make any changes to laws that have been established. But I didnt want to get in the trenches about it all, I just wanted to honor that thats where he was at and thats how he saw it. I think its really important for folks to recognize that the wound on the collective psyche of children in the U.S. is going to be a deep and lasting one, she went on, particularly for those of us on the margins, because our kids dont see this as a moment where a person just hates the collective Muslim identity, or the collective black identity. They look for the things that they identify within the people who keep them safe their moms and dads and caregivers. They personalize it because thats where theyre at in the world. They see a president who hates their mom. Sara Duyal (not her real name), a divorced mother with two daughters, ages 8 and 10, is surrounded by Trump supporters not only her New Jersey neighbors, but her Turkish-Muslim parents and her ex-in-laws. My parents accused me of brainwashing my daughters toward Hillary. Its been an awful ride. They believe in nationalism taken to almost a religious fervor. They will try to couch it in feminist terms, like Islamophobia is understandable because of terrorism and because Islam oppresses women. But theres no feminism involved beyond the ripping off of hijab. My parents have always been Republicans, but their Trump support really surprised me. Her girls, she says, dont yet fully grasp what it means that Trump has carte blanche now that the House and Senate are also Republican, though her older one is worried about her little cousins, who emigrated from Turkey. She thinks theyre aware of her own anxiety, but she doesnt believe in hiding her politics from them. We have very frank talks where Ive explained fascism and Marxism to them, she says. I am very opinionated and I always answer their questions as they come that open dialogue is essential. So is my never asking them to care about or pledge allegiance to things they dont care about. But they were not ambivalent about Trump, even though both sets of grandparents are supporters I did not feel I had to influence them because they have a natural zero-tolerance policy toward bigotry. You have to teach children bigotry, Sara goes on. My younger daughter was most upset about what Trump had to say about Mexicans, and especially the idea that people can be deported en masse or that a wall could be built to keep people out who wanted to improve lives for their children. She immediately started talking about how nobody would stand for that and how everyone would protest, while my older daughter thought he came across as crazy and unsafe to have as a president. So while sometimes I think they think Im overly dramatic, ultimately I have confidence in my girls views and in their fathers and my ability to make them feel safe. Making daughters feel safe in a Trump world, though, isnt easy. Jen Deaderick and her 12-year-old daughter were canvassing for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire last weekend when a man yelled Ill grab your pussies! at Jens daughter and their friend as they held up Hillary signs. She knows its connected to Trump, says Deaderick, who lives outside of Boston. I had to convince her to go to school on Wednesday, so I compared it to when I went through September 11. It was scary to go into Manhattan, ride the subway, go into tall buildings. But we did it because we felt like if we didnt, then the terrorists win. Thats when I realized this election feels like terrorism to me. But I reminded her of all the kids in her school who would be scared today, and told her it would be good for them to all be together, to take care of each other. Quelling her disappointment, however is another matter entirely. She said, You told me I was witnessing a vote for our first woman president! Robin Martys 8--year-old daughter, Violet, woke up on Wednesday and said, You never woke me up, expecting to be roused to hear great news. I had to tell her that Trump had won. Her face flushed and tears filled her eyes. I told her that sometimes the good guy doesnt win. It just means we have to try harder, and help the rest of our community along the way. That seemed to help. When her daughter, who is the eldest of Martys three kids, happened to catch the final ten minutes of the second debate, Trump became more real for her. She was horrified they were talking about the sexual-assault allegations. While we talk about how Republicans often dont support same-sex marriage or pay equity or why its important to allow people from other countries to come here to be safe, this election felt too NC-17 to let her dig into. The idea that I had to shelter my child from a presidential campaign was horrifying. How do I tell her not to swear like the fifth-graders when shes watching a presidential candidate say bitch or pussy? But just as it is important to keep talking with our kids, it is also important to keep them, and ourselves, from feeling powerless. I told Nic that that its young people like him who are the future, and that they will lead us out of this mess, said Villarosa. But then I came correct: Its not just on his generation; all of us have to figure out together how to hold tight to our values and make our way back to what is real and right. Marsha Blackburn. Photo: Mike Stone/Getty Images Mere days after Donald Trump was elected as the next president of the United States, he has already dealt women a serious blow by naming Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn an outspoken opponent of Planned Parenthood to his transition team. Vice-President-elect Mike Pence, a man whos notoriously anti-choice and also doesnt understand how condoms work, was named the chair of the 12-member committee. Its female members include Trumps favorite daughter, one of his donors, the Florida attorney general who accepted controversial donations from Trump, and of course, Blackburn. The Republican congresswoman from Tennessee is perhaps best known for her witch hunt against Planned Parenthood. Blackburn is the head of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, which was formed last year to investigate whether there was a link between abortion doctors and fetal-tissue research. After names of medical professionals were released to the public this summer, Democrats called out the panel for its reckless disregard for the safety and privacy of doctors and researchers. In September, Democrats walked out of a Planned Parenthood hearing before the panel, ThinkProgress reports. So if one things for sure in this time of uncertainty, its that the woman spearheading the fight against Planned Parenthood in Congress is helping to shape the countrys future. Photo: David Urbanke In the first episode of Atlanta, aspiring rapper Paper Boi (Brian Tyree Henry) and his righthand man, Darius (Lakeith Stanfield), visit Paper Bois uncle for some career advice. But Darius slouched in the passenger seat, stoned, gazing off into the sky has his own line of inquiry. You dont know me. My names Darius, he drawls. But I was just wondering: Can I measure your tree? Why does he want to measure a tree? Like many things about Darius, his motives are inscrutable. A modern-day philosopher-poet who seems to have been beamed down from another planet, Darius is arguably the most intriguing character on falls most intriguing show. While he may not have the most screen time of the bunch (that distinction goes to Donald Glovers Princeton-educated hustler-protagonist, Earn, and his cousin, the aforementioned Paper Boi), Darius, the third wheel of the gang, is a reliable scene-stealer. Hes the kind of guy who answers the door with a knife in one hand and a tray of cookies in the other, constantly slinging surrealist non sequiturs that cut to the core of Atlantas funny-serious, banal-profound tone. (If you can use a rat as a phone, man, thatd be genius, he muses at one point. Theres like five rats to every person in New York City. Everyone could have an affordable phone.) Darius is like the weird part of your brain that you repress a lot of the time, Stanfield tells me. He says the inappropriate things youre thinking. Even if you have yet to discover the joys of Atlanta whose acclaimed first season ended November 1 chances are youve come across Stanfield, who has spent the past few years forging a career out of small but highly memorable supporting roles: as a teenage group-home resident in 2013s Short Term 12 (as well as the original short), as a bullying Blood in 2015 indie darling Dope, as a civil-rights activist murdered by cops in Ava DuVernays Selma, as an impressively accurate Snoop Dogg in N.W.A biopic Straight Outta Compton. The 25-year-old actor has a preternatural ability to attach himself to projects that will ignite conversation, with most of his cinematic ventures falling inside a Venn diagram of acclaimed Sundance-baity indies, boundary-pushing auteur projects, and pathbreaking takes on African-American identity. Im more inclined to work on things where the imagination is taken to the outer reaches of what we can portray, Stanfield says. I get more out of the story when its flipped up on its head just as I do with life itself. I think Im just naturally more attracted to those who can push the line a little bit further. Stanfield grew up first in San Bernardino and later in Victorville, California, in a family that often struggled to make ends meet. I was beamed down from a spaceship, he riffs when I ask about his upbringing, one of the many Dariusisms hell offer up during our interview. Humble beginnings, and imagination, and always seeing myself in a different position than I was in. In a recent Complex interview, he opened up about experiencing violence as a child, including being beaten by his mothers abusive boyfriend, but our conversation stays light, as Stanfield describes his mother as a wizard who taught him to make the best of tough circumstances. She somehow cast spells on us to have us re-create our perspective of what was going on, he recalls. I remember she one time told me she was giving us all salmon, and wed never had salmon before, we were excited like, Woo! This is a delicacy! And then she was like: Its chitlins. We couldnt tell the difference, cause wed never had it before, he laughs. She was a professional at molding perspectives to just keep us light, keep us laughing. She was a beautiful beacon of hope for us. She keeps me going. As a kid, Stanfield binged on films with a black perspective (of which there werent all that many), rewatching VHS copies of Menace II Society, Poetic Justice, and Love Jones on repeat, which fueled his desire to act. When he was a teenager, he got himself into modeling school, which he parlayed into an audition for Short Term 12, Destin Daniel Crettons Sundance-award-winning short film about kids at a youth home. When Cretton decided to remake the film as a full-length feature, he asked Stanfield to reprise the role. Photo: David Urbanke/DAVID URBANKE 2016 Fendi felt-wool coat; Hermes shirt; Burberry silk tie; Emporio Armani suit I took it really, really seriously, and I wanted to embody that character as much as possible, says Stanfield, who devotes intense, Method-like preparation to his roles. I already knew this character intimately, and I knew to play this character I had to detach myself completely from everyone in the cast. Subsequently, he didnt speak to the rest of the cast, including co-star Brie Larson, for most of shooting. I made an effort to isolate myself, because thats what the characters life was. Short Term 12 was a sensation, and Stanfield got nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for his heartbreaking performance as Marcus, an abused 18-year-old who channels his pain through rap (he also co-wrote an original song for the film). The film opened a lot of doors for him. After Ava DuVernay met him at an Independent Spirit Awards brunch, she hired him to embody murdered civil-rights activist Jimmie Lee Jackson in her MLK drama Selma. On the Selma set, Stanfields Method-acting tendencies were put to the test once again. In the scene where Jackson is beaten and shot to death by cops, Stanfield asked to forgo padding, so as to feel every blow. I was sore as hell afterwards, he said. But I thought, If they can go through those real tragedies and experience that, I need to put myself through the ringer to portray this as much as I can. When the cameras stop rolling, theyre giving me ice packs, theyre bringing me juice to sip on, theyre giving me water and fans. [Civil-rights activists] didnt have no juice packs. Often, Stanfield has found himself in films that wrestle with complex issues of race and social justice, which is a deliberate choice. I think Im just interested in telling the truth, and while youre interested in telling stories that are true, then youre going to be a part of these conversations, says Stanfield. Being black in America is an interesting path that one must walk, and its really something thats difficult to understand unless youre in the shoes of that, walking on the ground every day. So its something Im constantly thinking about, constantly exploring. Stanfield feels its important to have black voices telling black stories, and counts himself as lucky to have worked with some of film and televisions preeminent black creators, like DuVernay and Glover, who brought together an all-black writers room to make Atlanta. Its a unique perspective, and one that is misunderstood sometimes, even by people who exist in it. Even black people dont understand sometimes their struggle in this country and globally, he says. So Im interested in people that are courageous enough to tell that story from a unique perspective. I think weve seen some things about what its like, and now were at this point where we can start exploring other different things, and I think thats an exciting time. Photo: David Urbanke/DAVID URBANKE 2016 Ralph Lauren green-wool top coat and dress shirt; Giorgio Armani silk tie; Canali suit trousers Still, Stanfield is more interested in playing characters that feel truthful than in beating some activist drum. Like Darius, he possesses a zany, offbeat energy, capable of veering from serious to playful in milliseconds. When hes not acting, he likes to be creative in other venues. Living, music, throwing paint on canvases, dancing, playing around, going to parties, he says. Im just a weirdo, so Ill break mirrors and shit and be like: This is art. Next, hell be working on finishing the LP for his hip-hop project, Moors, as well as acting in a number of anticipated films, including Adam Wingards manga adaptation Death Note, and War Machine with Tilda Swinton and Brad Pitt. Hell also take on his first leading role: In Matt Ruskins Crown Heights, the true story of Colin Warner, who was wrongly incarcerated for murder. (Im still dreaming about it, he muses. Being in a cell. My training was a cell.) In the future, he says hed most like to work with Ryan Coogler (of Fruitvale Station), or Quentin Tarantino, who both seem in keeping with the kind of boundary-pushing directors he has been drawn to. And, of course, hell soon be going back to shoot season two of Atlanta, a show he likens to a quenching of thirst. Its like if you were in a drought and you had no water and someone brings you a water bottle and youre like, Damn, this is a beautiful thing, he says with a laugh. Its really time-appropriate, and people have been waiting for a thing like this, and here it is. Glover, who cast Stanfield on Atlanta after meeting him at a party in LA, says his dedication to his craft is self-evident. Hes not looking for the joke. The joke comes to him because hes being sincere to the situation and the characters expectations, says Glover. Sometimes he wont break out of character after the take, which was almost scary to be a part of. But you start to understand his process more the more you work with him. It actually puts me at ease now. It lets me know the scene makes sense. Atlanta is both his foray into TV and his first comedic role, but he has been mistaken for a comedic actor a lot since becoming Darius, which he doesnt mind. I like to laugh, he says. Please make me laugh! I could use a couple laughs now and again. Still, as hes come into his own as an actor and musician, some of the darkness that he used to carry around in his younger life has lifted. One thing that happens with the growth is Ive got less and less anger. Ive got less anger at the world, angry at people, angry at circumstances. Photo: David Urbanke/DAVID URBANKE 2016 Canali suit; Ralph Lauren dress shirt, Giorgio Armani silk tie; David Yurman watch In the age of Black Lives Matter, it can be easy to take on one heavy, politically oriented project after another, but Stanfield welcomes Atlanta for its ability to depict the nuance and complexity of black experience, to balance the heavy and the light. Were telling it from a real perspective, theres no tear-jerking, and it aint trying to get you to feel nothing, he says. He points to last weeks season finale, which depicts a devastating act of police brutality followed by a moment of absurd banality. In places like Atlanta, people are getting shot on a daily basis, and theres a desensitizing aspect to it, he explains. Is it a good or bad thing? Thats up to the audience to decide how they feel about it, but here is the actual depiction of what its like. Its normal to us. I like the fact that theyre juxtaposing something like that with, Hey, can I measure your tree? Stanfield adds. Thats the spectrum of experience. Which is dope. Lead image photo: Topman suit jacket; Calvin Klein dress shirt; IWC watch Photos by David Urbanke; styling by Diana Tsui; grooming by Jillian Halouska; fashion assistant, Mars Johnson Things dont look good for LGBT equality under Trump. Photo: MARIA BELEN PEREZ GABILONDO/AFP/Getty Images Its grim, Ive got to say is how Dr. Patrick Egan, an associate professor of politics and public policy at New York University, described the state of LGBT rights under President Donald Trump. Trumps election has many LGBT Americans worried theyll be stripped of their rights during his presidency, and although Trump himself is pretty progressive on LGBT issues hes even thrown the Q in there a couple times he ran for office on one of the most anti-gay platforms in history. That, said Egan, is cause for concern. Because even if Trump doesnt have a vendetta against LGBT Americans, his coalition (and his vice-president) do. Luckily, one measure thats likely safe from a Trump regime is marriage equality. During the primaries, Trump said he would strongly consider overturning the Supreme Courts decision that allows same-sex couples to be married in all 50 states. But thats not realistic, Egan said. Trump has promised to appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court, but even with Justice Antonin Scalia on the bench, the court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage 5-4. Whats more, for the court to even consider overturning its ruling, a relevant conflict on the issue of same-sex marriage would need to occur on a state level. Then, the court would need to agree to hear it. And even then, Egan said, the justices are unlikely to overrule a precedent thats been established so recently. Based on a fair amount of political science research, even the most ideological judges tend to be pretty reluctant to reverse established precedent, he said. Theres also no call from the general population to reverse marriage equality public-opinion polls have long shown an overwhelming majority of Americans to be in favor of marriage equality. Another measure that probably wont be overturned is the ability of LGBT Americans to serve openly in the military. Dont Ask, Dont Tell was repealed with wide support under the Obama administration in 2010, and there have been few calls to reinstate it. But the Trump administration is likely to target LGBT rights in other ways, and one is by halting progress altogether. Were going to see absolutely no movement on any aspect of the LGBT rights agenda at the federal level, Egan said. So efforts to pass the equality act, which would establish employment discrimination rights for LGBT folks, are dead. And any other efforts to move the agenda on a legislative level through Congress are just not going to happen thats just completely dead in the water. Whats more, a lot of the work done behind the scenes by the Executive branch of the Obama administration things like making sure same-sex couples received tax benefits and survivors benefits, and awarding grants to LGBT social-services organizations will be discontinued. In individual lives, this sort of withdrawal of support within executive agencies for LGBT efforts is going to be felt quite profoundly, Egan noted. That includes any sort of support for transgender individuals. The White Houses sweeping guidelines for protecting transgender students from discrimination in public schools? Gone. In fact, the Trump administration is likely to stand behind state judges who rule against the guidelines. It remains to be seen how the Supreme Court will rule in precedent-setting cases such as G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board, in which a trans student sued his school for barring him from the mens restroom. But its unlikely Trumps administration will openly oppose discriminatory bathroom bills as Obamas has. Its also unlikely that Trumps Department of Justice which could be headed by Rudy Giuliani will do much to address discrimination against LGBT individuals on a state level. My sense is, to the extent they take sides at all, they will take sides with those businesses and individuals who are discriminating and claiming theyre doing so on the basis of their religious beliefs, Egan said. He added, An interesting question is, with Republicans in control of both Houses of Congress and the presidency, will some kind of stronger version of a religious freedom law be introduced in Congress by Republicans and be signed by Trump? My expectation is yes. The best way for Democrats in the House and particularly in the Senate to oppose such a law would be through filibustering, or holding the congressional floor until a vote on a bill becomes impossible. But theres some indication Republican majority leader Mitch McConnell might seek to end the filibuster altogether. Although its hard to parse where Trump stands on any given issue, he hasnt been outwardly hostile toward the LGBT-rights movement. I think its sort of a nonissue for him, Egan said. Whether or not Trump moves to restrict LGBT rights will depend instead on whether or not he feels the need to pay back the Christian right for its support and whether he listens to input from the conservative groups galvanized by his victory. In other words, we dont know how Trump will respond to anti-LGBT bills until they cross his desk next year. But one thing is clear: Trumps administration will be a giant step backward for LGBT inclusion and equality. I dont think were being alarmist, Egan said. I think hes leading a party where most of the energy in the party comes from people who have really been eager to change the trajectory of things, and theyre going to use this opportunity to do it. A unicorn chaser for an American week of purgatory (don't think about The Postman, don't think about The Postman, don't think about The Postman). Recently, Miranda shared that he and his family took a trip to Austriahis wife's family originates from that part of the worldand since one of the mandated films in his family growing up was The Sound of Music, clearly they all had to go on the tour that visits all of the filming locations from the movie, right? However, his dad Luis took it one step further by hiring a professional film crew and deciding to recreate one of the most famous scenes from the movie, in which Maria and the Von Trapp kids sing "Do Re Mi" and frolic through the streets of Austria (much to the later chagrin of the Captain). Taking advantage of the fact that they were in the country where it happened, the Miranda family embraced the moment wholeheartedly and the result is one of the most uplifting videos I've seen all week. is scream queens finally coming back this week?????? Reply Thread Link Yes, on my birthday Fucking FINALLY!! Reply Parent Thread Link lol Reply Thread Link is there a word for female hoteps/ankhs? what is this caribbean sound with "african" imagery lmao the song isn't too bad but the video is very confusing for me Reply Thread Link is there a word for female hoteps/ankhs? Self hatred. Reply Parent Thread Link I call them Ankh Aunties. Reply Parent Thread Link i just call them stupid. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link once you get past that radio clip - and the un needed clip at the end - everything is really, REALLY on TBQH. I love it all Reply Thread Link ia this is great! Reply Parent Thread Link this ep was shockingly enjoyable, I generally don't enjoy her music and her lyrics are still embarrassing but they're good bops if you don't listen too hard Reply Parent Thread Link oh, there's an EP attached to this? Interesting! And yeah - the lyrics are confusing too but I like the song enough and need all the smiles/good times I can get right now. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link This is all very Dawn Richard. Reply Thread Link That still ...why are Americans so infatuated with ancient Egypt lmao Reply Thread Link This is embarrassing. I wonder if hoteps realize that there are other African countries outside Egypt... and that there's a huge chance that they are NOT from Egypt. Reply Thread Link you sound like someone who's been drinking that fluoridated water for too long. Reply Parent Thread Link I sound like someone who took a geography class. Reply Parent Thread Link I should add that the visual looks dumb with the song but. yk. cut ha at least a little bit of slack Edited at 2016-11-12 06:52 am (UTC) I mean I don't disagree that she is #hoteptwitter personified but tbf her tattoo representative of kush, not Egypt. she did at least a little bit of her hw, and idt we should shit on her for trying to recreate the image of the most famous African female royal that ain't cleopatraI should add that the visual looks dumb with the song but. yk. cut ha at least a little bit of slack Reply Parent Thread Link First she literally brands herself a hotep and now this. Lord help this child. Reply Thread Link From #AllLivesMatter to full Hotep in a year. lmao Reply Thread Link What is this cultural appropriation? Reply Thread Link I would watch the hell out of an ancient Egypt period series on showtime. But in the vain of Spartacus. I need fast paced sex violence and treachery. Reply Thread Link Fuck yeah Reply Parent Thread Link I forgot to add with a majority of the cast being people of color. Reply Parent Thread Link wait this is a bop Reply Thread Link wait was the Lauren visual posted in full? bc it's bops on bops TBH, this and gmfu are Reply Thread Link hoteps are so weird Reply Thread Link Kudos Katy. Reply Thread Link I remember having 13 cavities as a teenager, and the best option my parents could come up with was to try and take me to Mexico because we couldn't afford anything in California. Damn. Reply Thread Link Have you ever heard this before? Reply Parent Thread Link No because I don't live near the border. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I live in san diego and everyone my age goes to tijuana for dental work Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I did my public health rotation for nursing school within a school system. About 90% of the elementary school kids had at least one cavity. We had kindergartners with mouths full of silver. Reply Parent Thread Link Yeah, I need extensive dental work and I've been researching dental care in Mexico too. "Best country in the world" and its citizens have to leave it to get medical care. I even have dental insurance. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I'm from San Diego. Everyone I know does this. I didn't even know about health insurance because we went to TJ for all our dental/medical needs. Reply Parent Thread Link smh at broke ass republicansthis party doesn't care about you!!!!!! Reply Parent Thread Link I donate every month but I just upped my contributions - also is she channeling her inner Swift with that third person reference Reply Thread Link I think she specifically says "Katheryn Hudson" as in the person she was before fame and wealth came into her life. It's a little cringey and a little cute. Reply Parent Thread Link Also Obama is trying to protect PP before he leaves office. Bless this man. WASHINGTON The Obama administration has proposed a new rule that would prevent states from defunding Planned Parenthood or any other family planning provider for political reasons. The new rule, which the Department of Health and Human Services proposed last week, says that states cannot withhold Title X federal family planning money from certain recipients for any reason other than the providers ability to deliver services to program beneficiaries in an effective manner. That means states can no longer vote to defund Planned Parenthood because some of its clinics offer abortion services. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/obama-planned-parenthood_us_57d2c654e4b06a74c9f42f46 This election has made me have a lot of respect for her.Also Obama is trying to protect PP before he leaves office. Bless this man. Reply Thread Link Oh wow. Reply Parent Thread Link ugh, this would be great Reply Parent Thread Link Yaaaas Reply Parent Thread Link I hope this sticks. I feel like its the social side of things that the republicans will screw over, like abortion, health care, gay rights and climate change. Reply Parent Thread Link unfortunately, nothing is permanent and from what i've read from other people, it can definitely be still be fucked with Reply Parent Thread Link please let this happen Reply Parent Thread Link Psssst. If every Hillary voter donates $10 a year to planned parenthood, that covers it's $528 mil. federal budget. https://t.co/Z0Eu8bE2Dl Rory Panagotopulos (@RoryPan) November 10, 2016 I stopped a few subscriptions I barely use to start doing a monthly donation to PP. It's vital and I'm so terrified of what will happen without people having access. I'm also scared for the safety of PP employees. They were always in danger but even more so under Trump. And R's and SCOTUS might end up fucking over generations to come. Reply Thread Link I am doing $5 a month to PP and the ACLU. It's not a lot but it's making me feel like I'm being proactive instead of just crawling into a hold of depression like I feel like doing instead. Reply Parent Thread Link $5 a month can actually do a lot of good even if it's all you can afford. Doing it every month is amazing! Compare that to people who might do a one-time $25 donation. In one year you've donate $60 which is going to cover someone's exam/script for a little while. Reply Parent Thread Link I just signed up for $10 dollars monthly. It's not a whole lot, but apparently enough to cover 12 people's donations! Reply Parent Thread Link I just signed up for $15 a month! Reply Parent Thread Link Guys pic.twitter.com/LOkHIfmnN7 a wandering ghost (@pale_teen) November 11, 2016 In case you're like me and want a little dose of pettiness with your charity: Reply Thread Link Yaaasss Reply Parent Thread Link damn Reply Parent Thread Link omg yes Reply Parent Thread Link I'm all for signing ppl up on Scientology and that extra shit but that would piss him off and lead him to retaliate Reply Parent Thread Link That's my fear as well. Better to do behind the scenes damage because the repercussions that come from consistently poking the super right-wing bear about this could be far worse IMO. Reply Parent Thread Link Can Canadians donate too? Cos I am down for this. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link lol i hope his office is flooded with donation certificates. Reply Parent Thread Link lmfao holy shit, I hope everyone does this Reply Parent Thread Link I'm totally going to do that this week. Reply Parent Thread Link YAAAS GET HA!!!! Reply Parent Thread Link this is amazing I'm gonna ask my anti choice sis for money (instead of clothes) for xmas and donate that in pence's name Edited at 2016-11-12 04:17 am (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I donated yesterday, but now I will again just for this. Reply Parent Thread Link Just donated in his name! Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I'm totally doing this for an LGBT+ org Reply Parent Thread Link lmaoooo amazing Reply Parent Thread Link Hmm. I'm not going to do this in his name, because if everyone does it, the news headline will be "Pence supports PP!" and people will be like "SEE THE REPUBLICANS AREN'T THAT BAD!" Reply Parent Thread Link I don't know too much about PP cause I'm not a woman -I'm a gay man. But PP sounds like the equivalent of Callen Lorde or GMHC in the gay community (NYC) I do not know what I would do without those 2 clinics. So I hear you Reply Parent Thread Link Just in case you ever need it, PP does do men's sexual health too! Reply Parent Thread Expand Link Sounds like you have an awesome mom! Reply Parent Thread Link I respect her for this post. <3 Reply Thread Link I wonder if her parents voted Trump considering their conservativeness. Reply Thread Link They did, she mentioned it in an interview. Reply Parent Thread Link yes they did Reply Parent Thread Link my more independent cat has been crying and extra cuddly/needy since tuesday... coincidence? I think not! She is not happy with the results either Reply Thread Link I think she knows you're not happy about something and is trying to help you feel better! :3 Reply Parent Thread Link probably <33 she has been so possessive lately. animals > people tbh Reply Parent Thread Link my one dog was acting the same way when I got home from work Reply Parent Thread Link I just read that Clinton is on pace to win the popular vote by a larger percentage than Gore in 2000, Nixon in 1968 and Kennedy in 1960. And not only that but millions more Americans voted for Dem senate candidates than GOP candidates. I wanna die. Edited at 2016-11-12 04:10 am (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Expand Link i had to put my cat down on the 10th :(. he had been acting off since the election. Reply Parent Thread Link awww. My more independent cat has been doing the same! Bless the kittens <3 Reply Parent Thread Link been impressed with her lately Reply Thread Link we have the opportunity through work to donate through our paycheck and this will be the second year that i'm donating some of my donation to planned parenthood. the other half is going to a woman's shelter it was prior to the election that i did it but it was always my personal fuck you to trump/pence Reply Thread Link I work for the federal government, so I smile a little when I make donations to PP because the tax dollars of people who hate PP are still ending up at PP via me Reply Parent Thread Link your faves could never say what you will about katy, she gives back unlike most celebs who talk the talk so bye. Reply Thread Link ia, i'm happy she's so vocal Reply Parent Thread Link I keep seeing the term "Cuck" thrown around. What exactly does it mean? I'm scared to google that. Reply Thread Link It's from cuckold. Reply Parent Thread Link the basic definition (from cuckhold) is a man who lets another man have sex with his wife. which thanks to 4chan/reddit/youtube has just come to mean any time youre not an asshole. Reply Parent Thread Link From a page of Trump supporter slang. ""Cuck" is not a Trump supporter original. Short for "cuckold," "cuck" has been used since approximately 2007, according to Urban Dictionary. However, when Trump fans use the word, they're not using it in a literal sense, meaning, a description of a man whose wife is cheating on him. They use cuck to describe people they don't like or agree with, specifically, Sen. Bernie Sanders and his supporters. Jeb Bush, filmmaker Michael Moore, and former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are also "cucks."" Reply Parent Thread Link Gotcha. Thanks ya'll. That's so disgusting. I'm not shocked that those types use such a foul term. Reply Parent Thread Link the term originates in porn - a woman has sex with another man in front of her bf or husband, to punish and humiliate him - and then found it's way to 4chan, reddit and all the other boards. Edited at 2016-11-12 07:07 pm (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Expand Link It's just another catch-all term used by shitty people to shut down any opposition (see also; "bitch" "crazy" "white knight" and everyone's favorite "sjw"). It means whatever they conveniently need it to mean, so basically it's meaningless. Reply Parent Thread Link It's also the standard insult used by cretins from the /r/The_Donald subreddit for anyone that doesn't follow their disgusting delusions. Reply Parent Thread Link the word 'cuck' NEEDS to die Reply Thread Link i hate it so much. apparently it originated from porn?! either way its some toxic masculinity bullshit Reply Parent Thread Link for them maybe, but it's been used for centuries Reply Parent Thread Link Seriously, they've ruined the Miller's Tale for me Reply Parent Thread Link mte it's so overused Reply Parent Thread Link Wtf is a cuck God and it IS only week 1. Pleaaaase turn up for mid terms. Reply Thread Link ugh I just saw this too :( like he said, this happened at a bar in freaking Los Angeles, imagine what it's like for minorities elsewhere, in smaller cities for example also, the election made me want to reach out and find more ways to help or be of use to society. I already volunteer with refugees at a non-profit but I know I can do more. I wanted to find something within the LGBT community to help, I know I've been lacking with that. I'm not even in the US but I'm already scared of our next presidential election, and it has never been a safe place for us here anyway. Edited at 2016-11-12 06:39 pm (UTC) Reply Thread Link <3 you for helping refugees, one of the many groups of people that Trump and his ilk demonized and stepped on on their way to power. Reply Parent Thread Link do i even want to know what "cucks" means? Reply Thread Link Cuckold = a person who gets off on seeing their partner having sex with other people. Cucks = "The word gained political potency during the 2016 election in the portmanteau cuckservative (cuck + conservative) used to imply that the mainstream conservatives of the Jeb Bush variety are weak and effeminate." It's basically a sexist term for men. Edited at 2016-11-12 06:37 pm (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Link Technically it doesn't have to do with "getting off", it just simply means a man who's wife has cheated on him and is meant to portray the man as being "not a man" because he "couldn't keep his wife". Reply Parent Thread Expand Link Anyone who says we need to 'unify' with people like that need to realize that has NEVER helped. Liberals are way too damn nice and understanding to their opponents and arguably patronizing to people they claim to want to help for some reason. Reply Parent Thread Link What did the GOP do as soon as Obama got elected in 2008? That night they held a meeting and promised to be a thorn in his side and obstruct everything. Dems need to play the same game. Everyone must laugh at Republicans in face next time they call for unity. Tomi Lahren: "we didn't experience protests when Obama won, because republicans lose with grace" pic.twitter.com/kpXYdmtz9G Stephen (@StephenOssola) November 12, 2016 Edited at 2016-11-12 06:46 pm (UTC) Fuck unity. Fuck "give him a chance." Where was GOP unity during 8 years of Obama? And could you imagine if Trump won the popular vote/senate popular vote? They would protest. They didn't fucking mind the Tea Party did they? Nope. And any Dem who calls for unity can go to hell - I don't want that in this party. Coddling racists does not belong in a party that wants to be the future. At least Harry Reid had the guts to call it like he sees it.What did the GOP do as soon as Obama got elected in 2008? That night they held a meeting and promised to be a thorn in his side and obstruct everything. Dems need to play the same game.Everyone must laugh at Republicans in face next time they call for unity. Reply Parent Thread Link This is disgusting. Ugh. People can be so vile. Reply Parent Thread Link fuck unity indeed. Reply Parent Thread Link Mte. I'm already seeing friends-of-friends on Facebook (ie. not people I have added, thank goodness) making posts like "Wait until human rights have been violated before protesting. Protesting because an election didn't go your way just makes you a brat" and I'm like "??????????????????" Thank god these are not people I'm friends with or even know. It only shows up because people I'm friends with commented on those posts and are usually like "Protest is a useful tool though." I'm already sick of people acting like the protests are unreasonable and like it's just people being "sore losers." Reply Parent Thread Link I'm from Washington and this is a horrible wake up call. I'm so sorry to your friends. Reply Parent Thread Link I'm sorry about your friends :( I'm scared something like that will happen with me & my wife tbh. What a shit show... Reply Parent Thread Link So many of the stories about POC being harassed post-election are happening in "liberal" places. It's terrifying. Reply Thread Link POC have been posting their hate crime experiences on r/politics and the responses are as predictable as it gets "I don't believe" "That doesn't sound real" "Well you should have gone to the police instead of posting about it here" "Well why don't you have video" Reply Parent Thread Expand Link Yuppp, I made the mistake of looking at the comments (why do I always do this tho) and replies on FB posts and Twitter and they're all like that, ugh Reply Parent Thread Link I hate hate hate these responses. Every. Fucking. Time. You challenge the oppressors by relaying the experiences of being oppressed, that's what they answer. Reply Parent Thread Link Their goal is to silence them. No voice no change. Reply Parent Thread Link Even on facebook. A white friend of mine posted about how she saw someone get harassed in liberal northern VA. This lady comments, "I don't believe most of these stories, but since it's from YOU, I believe it." So it takes a white girl saying she saw it for you to believe it? But no POC or LGBT folks could ever be telling the truth about their harassment?! Considering I've been physically attacked by racists in "blue" Philadelphia, this lady can eat shit. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link oh yeah, they're working overtime to deny it's happening. Reply Parent Thread Link GOD white men are something else Reply Thread Link Harambe became a big meme thing because it's a "funny African name" that people can make fun of without feeling racist. Come at me. Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) August 23, 2016 One of the few people that have said this. I also want this gross meme to die, I only see white guys using it Reply Thread Link omfg thank you, i haaaaated that damn meme Reply Parent Thread Link YUP Reply Parent Thread Link yep Reply Parent Thread Link Jeezus christ I love Kumail. Reply Parent Thread Link ita with him Reply Parent Thread Link yup Reply Parent Thread Link yas say it! Fuck that unfunny shit tier meme Reply Parent Thread Link IA. Also I clicked on this and OF COURSE the first person replying to him (and disagreeing) is Max Landis, OF COURSE. Reply Parent Thread Link looooooooooooool he just can't resist being trash Reply Parent Thread Link oh fucking course. ugh. he just got a new project too. whhhhy? Reply Parent Thread Link oh damn exactly how trash is that guy? i've never heard of him before. can i stil enjoy dirk gently which i just found out he is show runner of Reply Parent Thread Expand Link someone FINALLY FUCKING SAID IT Reply Parent Thread Link yes THANK YOU. Kids constantly go on about it in class and I always shut it down because it is so secretly racist. Reply Parent Thread Link I love him Reply Parent Thread Link I can't believe someone used the word "cuck" unironically irl Reply Thread Link My parents were like 'now that he's president, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. he hasn't done anything bad yet!' Fuck do I feel vindicated in ditching them when I move to Europe. Bye! Reply Thread Link I hate this argument. See it every day. Uh yah, I'll just turn my cheek away from his racism and sexism and give em a chance. Reply Parent Thread Link where u going? Reply Parent Thread Link Think about this for a second "The system is sort of defenseless against somebody who acts in bad faith." https://t.co/RS187dnF90 Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 12, 2016 Did anyone see this? It appears that every single black freshman student at @Penn got a racial threat today. https://t.co/BIqQkciSgR pic.twitter.com/FP5aQ9TrcH Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) November 11, 2016 I'm a TA in first year seminar psych class and my prof and department all agreed we will be discussing this next week and creating rules, boundaries and a safe space at least in our classroom. And at this point idgaf if anyone whines to our dean. Absolutely horrified for kids and high schoolers too. I was in elementary/HS throughout Bush and that was horrible. Trump will be even worse + paired with social media access. This fucking trash country. This is sf shameful. Hate crimes are only going to increase and we don't even have a normal fucking president that will denounce this. THIS was/is his base. Just like his first tweet after he saw protests. He said the media was inciting violence. Trump always thinks he's the victim and cannot take criticism. Two terrifying traits to have.Think about this for a secondDid anyone see this?I'm a TA in first year seminar psych class and my prof and department all agreed we will be discussing this next week and creating rules, boundaries and a safe space at least in our classroom. And at this point idgaf if anyone whines to our dean.Absolutely horrified for kids and high schoolers too. I was in elementary/HS throughout Bush and that was horrible. Trump will be even worse + paired with social media access. This fucking trash country. Reply Thread Link And Trump won't say a word - only tweet about how it's "unfair" that ppl are protesting against him. 15 hr later his ppl were tweeting for him and saying the protests were good. They can all fuck off ESPECIALLY Kellyanne. Reply Parent Thread Link I need someone to tell me why Penn State is such trash. Wtf is wrong with that school. Reply Parent Thread Link I almost played soccer there. I had narrowed down my last few offers based on campuses I liked and almost went there...I am sf thankful I didn't. This was before Sandusky too. I could not imagine having gone there and having to witness students fucking rioting in defense of Paterno. I mean, no school is perfect but I hear so much awful shit about Penn. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link Penn State is trash, but this happened at Penn which is the University of Pennsylvania (also trash). Reply Parent Thread Expand Link Yes, it was at U Penn, which is known for being the "Party/Rich Kids" Ivy. Coincidentally or not, it's also where Dump and most of his crotch fruit attended. Reply Parent Thread Link university of pennsylvania aka trump's alma mater, not penn state oh nvm should've refreshed before replying Edited at 2016-11-12 07:47 pm (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Link I'm surprised it's UPenn and not Penn State tbh Reply Parent Thread Link scary part is that even though trump has the chance of being a one term president, he really inspired a group of hateful people to feel comfortable spewing their hate now that they have a platform. that is going to last way longer than 4 years. Reply Thread Link This is what I've been saying to the idiots who keep saying that "Hillary was just as bad/worse anyway!" A Hillary victory wouldn't have opened a bigger door to loud and proud bigotry. And it's everywhere, not just in the US. First Brexit, now Trump, Lepen and her minions are happy dancing right now because they know they're next, etc. Reply Parent Thread Link Here's Christoph Waltz talking a lot of sense about normalizing Trump. (Video by @ZIBnews English subtitles by YT) pic.twitter.com/e33BlIFDuo Mobergs reflektioner (@MartinMoberg) November 12, 2016 i was really pissed when i heard obama say that too tbh i was really pissed when i heard obama say that too tbh Reply Thread Link mfte. Wish he's successful as president? If Trump is successful with what he said/promised in his campaign we're all fucked. wtf. Reply Parent Thread Link spot on i really don't get the "if he succeeds we all succeed" like ?????????? if he succeeds that means he's gonna do everything he goddamn said. which most people voted AGAINST. i swear every time i hear that shit i wanna slam my head against a wall. i feel like i'm living in a dream i can't wake up from where no one makes any sense Reply Parent Thread Link ilh Reply Parent Thread Link god I want to fuck him even more now. I didn't think that was possible. Reply Parent Thread Link AGREE Reply Parent Thread Link no lies detected. Reply Parent Thread Link bless you, you funky-sounding Austrian bless you for your zero-bullshit attitude Reply Parent Thread Link FUCK THAT FELT GOOD thank you for posting it Reply Parent Thread Link Christoph Waltz is spot on. Reply Parent Thread Link Christoph has made great comments regardings trump and brexit i was surprised. Reply Parent Thread Link This made me hornier for Christoph than I already am. And he's absolutely right. Reply Parent Thread Link fucking spot on Reply Parent Thread Link both of my parents are immigrants and i'm terrified that they'll be targeted and harassed, especially my mom. she's a very sensitive lady. idgaf if white folks wanna get bold and brave with me and tell me to go back to my own country or spew whatever shit they feel like, just leave my family alone. Reply Thread Link On the other hand, I hope my parents hear it so they realize the gravity of the situation. Reply Parent Thread Link i'm so glad my parents aren't brushing him off. they've been through too much shit in their lives to have any kind of positive outlook on this impending trump disaster. none of this 'maybe it won't be so bad' in my family, thank god ! Reply Parent Thread Link I love this piece. This bitter sarcasm is pretty much where I am right now. Reply Thread Link IDK. I'm scared of the day they find me. I posted that message I think you saw because I have a ton of followers and I want them to know that I'm not a secret asshole Trump supporter but am with them a 100% and I got one lame Trump supporter trying to come at me but thankfully that was it. Reply Parent Thread Link Time to go on a blocking spree bb Reply Parent Thread Link I'm going to try it while using another language, I'm in a foul mood. Reply Parent Thread Link I tweeted something about Trump months ago and someone started harassing me on Twitter. Looking at his profile, he was a white supremacist in California. It greatly unnerved me. Reply Parent Thread Link I posted something earlier, with no hashtags. The trump supporters found me and started harassing me personally. They actually go into every profile, find something they can use to insult you with, and go to town. they need serious help. Reply Parent Thread Link i was right the fuck in with that first jill stein comment. like congrats green party, you played yourself. Reply Parent Thread Link Lol same and same. Reply Parent Thread Link Lol same and same. Reply Parent Thread Link Fallon & SNL deserve to be torn to shreds tbh Reply Thread Link Same. I quit SNL for life October 2005. As for Fallon? He's long overstayed his welcome. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link Agreed. And I know it won't happen but I'd rather SNL not mention the results tonight. No skit. Nothing. Just leave it alone. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link If people still watch fallon and snl even on yt, choke Reply Parent Thread Link mte Reply Parent Thread Link They're doing some bullshit tonight, completely ignoring that they themselves were complicit. Reply Parent Thread Link yep. not that I grew up watching SNL so it wasn't like I had to quit but after they had Trump on I was like: nope. I'm done. Reply Parent Thread Link do people have any reason for wanting michelle to run other than "we like her!"? Reply Thread Link it's fairly well known that michelle HAAAAAAAATES the politics game which makes all these michelle 2020!!!!! people look extra clueless Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I wish ppl would stop. She's already said she has zero interest in politics and doesn't want to run. Reply Parent Thread Link I think they just see Hillary and think Michelle can do the same because they're... both the wives of presidents. Not the best criteria lol. Reply Parent Thread Link I mean at this point it's very clear that the only thing people care about is someone they like. The democrats should just run George Clooney. He doesn't have any experience either but he's more stable and his heart at least seems to be in the right place. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link nah people are just stanning she's said herself she has no interest and honestly she could probably do just as much good outside of politics Reply Parent Thread Link I love, love Michelle. But beyond her not saying she even has interest, people have to be delusional if they think white people wouldn't vote for a white woman with 30 years experience but they'd vote for a black woman? People STILL want to believe the election had nothing to do with race/sexism and was just about the economy (when Trump has no economic plan) or Hillary being unlikable. Reply Parent Thread Link She's an accomplished lawyer, now has insight of how the white house works from the inside, she's an engaging speaker and yes people find her extremely likable which in this day in age is 80% of what it takes to win. qualifications and experience are now out the window even though she has a bit. Reply Parent Thread Link they only like her now bc she's spent eight years carefully cultivating her image if she ever runs for office, all the right-wing smear attacks will come rushing back Reply Parent Thread Link I really believe the Obama's can be much more effective and influential in other ways then running for office. Both of them are gifted speakers, and very inspiring. I'd love to see the President go back to his community organizing roots. And I'd love to see Michelle use her law degree to fight for civil liberties. These 2 can still make a difference and enhance their legacy, by staying involved and engaged, but not in office. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link WW women wouldn't even vote for HRC. I have no goddamn hope they'd vote for Michelle anyways. Reply Parent Thread Link People were more willing to vote for a black man than a white woman. I think it'll be a looong time before a woman is elected. Reply Parent Thread Link I don't want her to disappear from the media. She is a great and passionate speaker. I hope she becomes the next Oprah. She can create cultural change and inspiration through that, without having to get involved in politics. Reply Parent Thread Link She doesn't want it, and imo if she doesn't have the burning desire like Hillary did, she shouldn't do it. The right treated Michelle like absolute garbage, and I'd imagine it would only get worse on the campaign trail; that's too much to endure unless you want it so badly you can taste it. Reply Parent Thread Link i love michelle so much that i don't want her to run. i don't even want to imagine the type of racist and sexist shit she's going to receive if she was going to campaign because bigots are threatened by a successful and educated black woman. Reply Parent Thread Link disclaimer: I know she's never going to actually run because she's not interested, it's more of a "we gonna miss you" thing from me. BUT, playing devil's advocate: she's an accomplished lawyer and her time as First Lady taught her the head of state side of the job - public outreach, meeting with dignitaries, etc. and so on. She's clearly intelligent and is v. charismatic in speeches. I mean theoretically if she was actually gonna try for it I'd probably suggest that she hold some other office here in Illinois first... but l o fucking l Trump just got elected to the Presidency, who needs experience? -_- Reply Parent Thread Link Michelle has a higher approval rating than any politician in the game right now, which funny because she has no interest in politics. she's very smart, a great speaker (her speeches as consistently been the highlight of any event) and has the charisma to get high turn out. I think she would do well as POTUS but she has no interest in that and I can't blame her. Reply Parent Thread Link The closest I think she would ever come to the White House beyond being First Lady would be Supreme Court. Outside of the nomination process, she wouldn't have to play the politics game ever. It's a lifetime appointment with no approval ratings. She just gets to make her decision and can't really be challenged on it. Reply Parent Thread Link Not really -- but lbr, she'd be way better than Trump. She may not have much direct political experience, but she's very intelligent, insightful and, y'know, not an actual sociopath. Reply Parent Thread Link The media royally fucked this up by taking him so lightly and most of us could see that coming. They really are at fault here and fuck the NY Times. I'm still pissed they didn't retract or apologize for putting words in the mouth of that woman who said she touched against her will and instead they used the word "embraced". That's bullshit. Reply Thread Link The media made this happen. They kept excusing him and putting him out there and talking about him. fuck the media Reply Parent Thread Link ITTTTA Reply Parent Thread Link mte they propped him up for ratings and look what we got Reply Parent Thread Link The media continue fucking this up with all the conciliatory kumbaya bullshit. Reply Parent Thread Link lol! America is a huge pile of dung rn and it's going to get worse Reply Thread Link i dont know if i'm ever going to accept trump as president. maybe in a few months or when he's officially president, as a white person i kinda feel embarrased to be white, seeing how many trump supporters there are and the amount of 'hate' there is from there is just gross. this is the first election where i've paid close attention to, i was watching back in 2008 and 2012 (before 2008 i was way to young to remember) but i just feel annoyed,mad at how this country is becoming. Reply Thread Link do i really need to subscribe to the new york times to read this?? Reply Thread Link I read it and I don't subscribe Reply Parent Thread Link No, they're free for the next few days because of the election Reply Parent Thread Link weird i couldn't read it but a coworker gave me his login Reply Parent Thread Link Just click the link in the tweet. Reply Parent Thread Link it's their paywall Reply Parent Thread Link read it in incognito mode on your browser or delete all your cookies. Edited at 2016-11-12 07:45 pm (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Link I know it looks like a virus lmao, but it's a website brazilians use to not give awful media any clicks. This site takes sort of like a screenshot of the article and gives you access. It's especially useful when you encounter websites that only give access to like, 10 articles a month. Here's the website if you (or anyone else) is interested: If you don't want to give them views, you can read the article here: http://nfde.xyz/8ijp I know it looks like a virus lmao, but it's a website brazilians use to not give awful media any clicks. This site takes sort of like a screenshot of the article and gives you access. It's especially useful when you encounter websites that only give access to like, 10 articles a month. Here's the website if you (or anyone else) is interested: http://nfde.xyz/ Reply Parent Thread Link I'm enjoying Armie calling people out: Call them the fuck out.I'm enjoying Armie calling people out: Reply Thread Link IA but coming from the dude who made the Lone Ranger? It's hard to take him seriously. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link "adjust your hood so you can see better" loool Reply Parent Thread Link lmao @ adjust your hood Reply Parent Thread Link Screaming at "adjust your hood" Reply Parent Thread Link "Adjust your hood so you can see better" DAMN!!! Reply Parent Thread Link Go armie. Damn Reply Parent Thread Link the last tweet lmao Reply Parent Thread Link get em armie! Reply Parent Thread Link Omg lmfao Reply Parent Thread Link I never knew he had a personality. That was a great reply Reply Parent Thread Link "adjust your hood so you can see better" Reply Parent Thread Link lmao don't make me stan for him Reply Parent Thread Link "Adjust your hood" is going to become an ontd classic lol. Reply Parent Thread Link Arnie is the one of the last celebs I thought would come out against Trump and his supporters. "adjust your hood" DAMN Reply Parent Thread Link lmfao I didn't expect this from him, get 'em Reply Parent Thread Link Am I am asshole for calling Hammer out on twitter and telling him to accept his part because making films that perpetuate racist tropes is part of why people don't take racism seriously in general. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I RT'd this this morning OMG "adjust your hood" is fucking brilliant Reply Parent Thread Link I've seen the "he didn't seek their endorsement" thing a lot recently. That's not how endorsements work?!?! Reply Parent Thread Link lol omg @ "adjust your hood so you can see better" a quality clap back Reply Parent Thread Link I would have pegged him as a Drumpf supporter before this...IDK why. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link screaming Reply Parent Thread Link i need to stan whoever this is Reply Parent Thread Expand Link omg @ adjust your hood so you can see better Reply Parent Thread Link LMAO at his reply Reply Parent Thread Link omg loool @ "adjust your hood so you can see better" Reply Parent Thread Link ontd is definitely gonna use the adjust your hood line the next time a racist small icon troll makes a comment here Reply Parent Thread Link I laughed out loud at 'Adjust your hood so you can see better'. I'm going to use it from now on. Reply Parent Thread Link imma have to start stanning this dull frankenstein Reply Parent Thread Link Good on him for calling people out but it's impossible for me to fully stan him since he was in The Lone Ranger and in Birth of a Nation... Reply Parent Thread Link GO IN Reply Parent Thread Link Omg...that last tweet lmao Reply Parent Thread Link "Adjust your hood so you can see better" DEAD. I BET THAT PERSON IS SHOOK AS FUCK. Reply Parent Thread Link suddenly i stan armie hammer Reply Parent Thread Link Great response. Reply Parent Thread Link i knew i was right to keep this icon Reply Parent Thread Link OMG Reply Parent Thread Link lmaoo Reply Parent Thread Link YES @ the media, fuck everyone who thinks that Hilary's e-mail in any way compares to everything Donald stands for Reply Thread Link Fallon can fuck off forever Reply Thread Link Shaking my damn head at that "too emotional" bullshit because I've heard it before as well. Maybe the world would be a better place by having leaders that displayed empathy and emotional IQ. Reply Parent Thread Link My friend's sister is black AND trans and a Trump supporter. When she announced that over drinks, my friend, her boyfriend, and I were like "WERE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS. NOPE" Reply Parent Thread Link Misogyny *in addition to racism. All these men and women uncomfortable with a president who's a woman. I wonder if the ~ideal man~ (ie wasp) ran against trump what the results would be? Edited at 2016-11-12 07:51 pm (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Link I have Muslim family in the States, and the ones who voted for Trump used this excuse. Shes crooked so apparently theyre okay with Trumps racism and hatred of Muslims and immigrants. One of my moms cousins voted for Trump because she had to pay a fee for some Obamacare premium or something (which was completely her own fault). Reply Parent Thread Link years of brainwashing really fucks people up Reply Parent Thread Link I'm still pissed that that ~Crooked~ Hillary shit still stands. It would be tolerable were it on the basis of the truly shady things she's done wrt to Foreign Policy (and I do not mean Benghazi), but no it's on non-issues like a private email server? I can't. Reply Parent Thread Link Oh man that would've been a sweet ass email to write. Reply Parent Thread Link lmao did your fucking teacher see how trump and all the other white men have been behaving before during and since this election? men are so weak and fragile Reply Parent Thread Link Has Fallon spoken out about the backlash at all? Reply Thread Link I think he just says that is how he is with everyone. Reply Parent Thread Link that totally misses the point. what a moron. Reply Parent Thread Link Well good to know he'd tussle satan's horns Reply Parent Thread Expand Link he and tina fey did a bit on snl where they played undecided voters and jimmy said he didnt like trump and tina said well stop touching his hair and acting like you do Reply Parent Thread Expand Link when he was on weekend update with doing a character with tina the other week they made fun of it and were essentially like "why does everyone care what i think" Reply Parent Thread Link what i belatedly realized was that it was too much to ask for the US to elect a democrat after 8 years of Obama. wasn't bush sr. the only recent (ish) president to succeed a 2-term pres from the same party (reagan/GOP)? people get frustrated and vote accordingly. Reply Thread Link Harry Truman after FDR (and FDR had FOUR terms) And yeah, Bush after Reagan Americans are fickle. They blame the president/president's party for shit going on, yet how long has their Congressperson been in office? Reply Parent Thread Link right! thanks bb. and mte. they always feel neglected by the time the 2nd term ends, because the POTUS hasn't magically fixed everything, and they cast their vote in anger and resentment. meanwhile, they don't give two shits about actual local/state elections which would affect them even more directly. Reply Parent Thread Link I actually hope Drumpf sticks by his promise to impose Congressional term limits. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link fickle and dumb as fucking rocks Reply Parent Thread Link Yeah, people think that the president is the king of America and anyone who's not strongly to one side or the other always blames the outgoing party for everything wrong in the world. I would have thought that Hillary would have bucked the trend a la HW given that Obama is reasonably popular and Trump is, well, Trump. Guess not. Only hope is that Trump has hitched his train SO strongly to the brick-throwing Make America Great Again shit that they blame him twice as much for not delivering. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link Correct. This is a legit thing and taught in classes. Which is one of the reasons I expected the Dems to lose and they did. It's just America and this is the pattern. You'd hope people with functioning brains wouldn't vote in a hateful corrupt racist rapist with no qualifications as Prez but here we are. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link And here's a very scary thing I can't stop thinking about lately: our media and press is very white. Our newsrooms have little diversity. Now this same white media will help enable Trump, normalize him, give him a chance and ultimately be complicit in furthering white supremacy. I won't feel sorry for any of the pundits and journalists who enable him once Trump censors them. They helped create this. They helped make this. Look at this shit. Look at the media feeling all sorry for themselves while people could die under a Trump presidency. /sorry I'm so angry but fuck them too. It's bc you white liberal members of the media class ignored/continue to ignore poc and what's been happening to them over the last decade https://t.co/PaRG1EHNwD Ayesha A. Siddiqi (@AyeshaASiddiqi) November 12, 2016 "My colleagues feeling down...not bc of who won tho...bc we look bad" fuck your feelings y'all are scum Ayesha A. Siddiqi (@AyeshaASiddiqi) November 12, 2016 I give it a few months before he is completely normalized as a president as if this is all normal. It's already happening.And here's a very scary thing I can't stop thinking about lately: our media and press is very white. Our newsrooms have little diversity. Now this same white media will help enable Trump, normalize him, give him a chance and ultimately be complicit in furthering white supremacy. I won't feel sorry for any of the pundits and journalists who enable him once Trump censors them. They helped create this. They helped make this.Look at this shit. Look at the media feeling all sorry for themselves while people could die under a Trump presidency. /sorry I'm so angry but fuck them too. Reply Thread Link Yup. I watched a lot of CNN over the course of the election (no fucking more though) and it was so odd to watch these white people dance around all the race issues. Like the actually brought it up from time to time but it was like they had no framework and they would only ask really open leading questions like "Some people say that what he's doing is racist. Is that a lie?" Like what the fuck. Also I honestly have so much respect for Don Lemon who handled things really well. Every time one of his white surrogates would try to weasel out of it or misquote him he would be like "Oh you're not sure what he said? Well let's roll the tape again so you can watch it." Reply Parent Thread Link The other thing that is annoying is that they will trot out one minority who voted for him and interview them and/or some white people who voted for Obama and say because of those things there is NO WAY race played a part in this. Even MSNBC has been doing it. Makes me want to vomit. Reply Parent Thread Link don lemon was amazing this entire election circuit. he really redeemed himself from all the nu!black shit he used to be on. Reply Parent Thread Link Up until last month, I lived in the same building as Don Lemon. Should have thanked him for that before I moved, because his colleagues didn't do shit, and it was driving me INSANE. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link honestly i only put up with cnn for van Reply Parent Thread Link Don Lemon, Van Jones, Angela Rye, Bakari Sellers, & Charles Blow on CNN and Joy Reid on MSNBC >>> They're the ones who kept me sane watching election coverage. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link People are already normalizing it which is scary. I have seen so many "well! There's nothing we can do so blah blah blah" excuses online. Reply Parent Thread Link yep Reply Parent Thread Link And for young people, they don't have Stewart and Colbert to tell them how fucked up the mainstream news is. These young people now go on facebook and youtube, where they find horrible fake alt news. There is no one left in the media that will call the mainstream news out on their bullshit and actually have a voice people will listen to. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link lol seriously Reply Parent Thread Link And America is a White majority. So, they'll always goof it up for everyone. Reply Parent Thread Link The era of the mighty U.S. major oil industry is coming to an end as the countrys largest petroleum company is in big trouble. While ExxonMobil has been the most profitable U.S. oil company in the past, it has now suffered its worst year on record. Just over four years ago, ExxonMobil enjoyed a $45 billion net income profit in 2012. Now compare that to a total $5 billion net income gain for the first three-quarters of 2016. If Exxon continues to report disappointing results for the remainder of the year, its net income will have declined a stunning 85 percent since 2012. Actually, the situation at Exxon is much worse if we dig a little deeper. Profitability Is Much Less When We Factor In Capital Expenditures To understand the real profitability of a company, we have to look at its cash flow, or what is known as free cash flow. Free cash flow is calculated by deducting capital expenditures (CAPEX) from the companys cash from operations. ExxonMobils free cash flow declined from $24.4 billion in 2011 to $1 billion for the first nine months of 2016: So, here we can see that Exxons free cash flow of $1 billion (2016 YTD) is down 95 percent from $24.4 billion in 2011. The reason for the rapidly falling free cash flow is due to skyrocketing capital expenditures and falling oil prices. But, this is only part of the picture. If we include dividend payouts, Exxons financial situation drops down another notch. While free cash flow does not include dividend payouts, the money Exxon pays its shareholders must come from its available cash. By including dividend payouts, the company was $8.3 billion in the hole in 2015: Now, even though Exxon stated a $45 billion net income for 2012, its free cash flow minus dividends was only $11.5 billion. Moreover, the company didnt make any money in 2013 or 2014 after dividends were paid to their shareholders. Thus, deducting dividends from the equation provides a more realistic picture, especially since Exxon has been forking out serious sums of money to its shareholders. That being said, there seems to be something seriously wrong going on at Exxon when we look at the long-term chart below: Let me start off by saying, this chart is an extension of the chart above it. Even though the title doesnt include dividend payouts, the legend in the chart displays it. The white line represents the average annual oil price. There are several important factors shown in this chart. As the price of oil increased from $20 in 2002 to $97 in 2008, Exxons free cash flow minus dividends surged to $32 billion from $3.4 billion. Thus, the higher oil price led to larger free cash flow profits. Well, that was the good news. The bad news is, Exxons surplus cash declined significantly when the oil price was over $100 from 2011 to 2013. Even though the oil price in 2011 and 2012 was higher than it was in 2008, the companys free cash flow including dividends was less than half. Furthermore, Exxon made no surplus cash in 2013 when the oil price was above $100. While Exxon enjoyed surplus cash over $20 billion from 2004 to 2007 when the price of oil was between $38 and $72, how is it that the company made no surplus cash in 2013 when the oil price was north of $100?? We will get into that in a minute. Even though Exxon suffered negative free cash flow (including dividend payouts) in 1998 (-$2.5 billion) and 1999 (-$1.9 billion), the oil price was at a low of $13 and $18 respectively. Compare that to a cash deficit of $8.3 billion in 2015 at an average oil price of $52. triple what is was during the 1998 and 1999. The reason for the huge decline in ExxonMobils surplus cash, even at much higher oil prices, was due to two factors; 1) higher capital expenditures and, 2) higher dividend payouts. While higher dividend payouts put more stress on the companys financial situation, the real problem is the massive increase in capital expenditures The Massive Increase Of Capital Expenditures Is Causing Havoc At ExxonMobil Very few investors realize the devastating impact of rising capital expenditures on Exxons financial bottom line. This chart shows annual capital expenditures versus the companys oil (total liquid) production: For example, in 1997, Exxon spent $11.8 billion on capital expenditures while producing 2.5 million barrels per day (mbd) of oil. However, their capital expenditures nearly tripled to $34 billion in 2012 as total liquid production fell to 2.2 mbd. Basically, Exxon spent three times more money in 2012 to produce 300,000 barrels per day less than it did in 1997. When the company realized towards the end of 2013 that the market would not afford to pay $120 a barrel (the cost for new oil projects), Exxon started cutting back on exploration and capital expenditures. Even though total liquid production increased to 2.34 mbd in 2015, capital expenditures declined to $26.5 billion. Related: Oil Tanks As Iran 'Claims' To Have Ramped Up Oil Production Unfortunately, the situation continued to deteriorate in 2016. According to Exxons Q3 report, capital expenditures in the first nine months of the year declined another 40 percent compared to the same period in 2015. Without increased capex spending, it is going to be quite difficult for the company to sustain production and to remain profitable. So, when we consider that Exxon had to triple its capex spending to maintain production as well as increase dividend payouts to keep shareholders happy, the falling oil price is totally gutting the company from within. While the evidence shown here is bad enough, I hate to be a broken record, but the situation is far worse for Exxon when we include two more negative factors. Exxon Spent The Majority Of Its Surplus Cash To Buy Back Shares Rather Than Fund New Oil Projects It seems as if Exxon realized early on that peak oil had finally arrived (privately, of course), so it decided to not waste too much money on future oil projects. Instead, the company spent a massive amount of money on stock repurchases over the past two decades especially since 2005. While Exxon had been repurchasing their stock for several years, I had no idea of the total amount. You see, the net total free cash flow, including dividends, for Exxon was $190 billion from 1997-2015. Looking over companys balance sheet, I had no idea where all that money had gone. I was talking to financial expert Vic Patane a few days ago, and he said, You should check out their stock repurchases. So, I did and what a surprise. According to ExxonMobils Annual Reports, the company spent a staggering $260 billion on stock repurchases since 1997: The lions share of their stock buybacks were between 2005 and 2014. In that ten-year period, Exxon purchased a staggering $220 billion of its own shares. Now compare that to the companys total capex spending of $245 billion during the same time period: Amazingly, Exxon only spent 11 percent more on it total capital expenditures than it did on stock buybacks. Which means, the largest oil company in the United States decided to repurchase roughly a third of its outstanding shares (2005 to 2014), rather than use its surplus cash to fund new oil projects. Exxons outstanding shares declined from 6.1 billion in 2005 to 4.2 billion in 2014. This is certainly an interesting way for the leading U.S. oil company to use its surplus cash. For those who continue to be skeptics of the peak oil theory, you need to wake up and look at the data! Okay, now that we know the lower oil price is gutting the entire U.S. oil industry, what is it doing specifically to Exxon? Good question. Exxons Long Term Debt Surges In The Last Three Years Before I present Exxons chart on its rising long-term debt, we need to look at the impact of the companys share buybacks on its bottom line. When factoring in Exxons share repurchases on top of its increasing capital expenditures and dividend payouts, the companys financial situation started to deteriorate in 2011 when the oil price shot up to $110 Go Figure: So, if we include share buybacks, capex spending and dividend payouts, Exxon basically broke even in 2010 and actually had to start tapping into cash reserves or borrow money to fund their deficits. In just five years (2011-2015), the company spent $58 billion more than they received from operating cash. Related: U.S. Oil Rig Count Inches Up As Production Jumps This has had a profound impact on Exxons long-term debt, shown below: As we can see, Exxons long-term debt has exploded from $6.9 billion in 2013 to $29.5 billion in the first half of 2016. Basically, the company is now borrowing money to repurchase shares or pay dividends. This is not a viable long-term business model. And, we are already seeing the negative ramifications of low oil prices as Exxon only repurchased $4 billion of its shares in 2015 versus $35.7 billion back in 2008. Investors need to realize that the U.S. major oil industry is in big trouble. If the largest oil company in the country is already suffering, what does it say for the rest of the industry? Well, let me give you just one example. Chevron is the second largest oil company in the United States. In 2015, Chevron spent a stunning $18.2 billion more on capital expenditures and dividend payouts than the companys operating cash. Thus, Chevron spent $10 billion more than ExxonMobil did last year ($8.3 billion after capex and dividends). This paints a very gloomy picture for the sustainability of the once great U.S. major oil industry, especially when oil prices continue to decline. As was mentioned in previous articles, the Hills Group and Louis Arnoux forecast that within ten years, 75 percent of U.S. gas stations will be closed, and the oil industry as we know it, will have disintegrated. Well, it seems as if their forecast is playing out just as they said, with Exxon recently announcing some extremely bad news. Exxon To Write Off 20 Percent Of Its Petroleum Reserves I dont know how many Americans caught this little tidbit released last week when Exxon stated its Q3 report, but it was a whopper. According to the article, Exxon Warns On Reserves As It Posts Lower Profit: Exxon Mobil Corp. warned that it may be forced to eliminate almost 20 percent of its future oil and gas prospects, yielding to the sharp decline in global energy prices. Under investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and New York state over its accounting practicesand the impact of future climate change regulations on its businessExxon on Friday disclosed that some 4.6 billion barrels of oil in its reserves, primarily in Canada, may be too expensive to tap. From what I have read, the 4.6 billion barrel reserve write-off is mostly from its oil sand projects in Canada and its onshore shale deposits in the United States. However, this amounts to more than 20 percent of ExxonMobils oil or liquid petroleum reserves. At the end of 2015, the company reported a total of 24.7 billion barrels of oil equivalent. That figure includes oil, liquids and natural gas. However, if we just consider their oil and liquid reserves of only 14.7 billion barrels, a 4.6 billion barrel write down would amount to nearly one-third of their oil reserves. This is much greater than the 20 percent stated in the article. When Exxon reduces its oil and liquid reserves by 4.6 billion barrels, it will only have 12 years worth of reserves remaining, at current production levels. But, what if the price of oil continues to decline toward the $12 maximum price suggested in The Hills Group Report by 2020? What would that do to Exxon or other U.S. oil companies reserves and future oil production? The 100+ year era of the U.S. major oil industry is coming to an end and fast. Unfortunately, Americans have no clue just how dire the situation has become as many probably still believe in the delusion of U.S. Energy Independence. I would imagine by 2020, the U.S. will be a much different place. Regrettably, most Americans are not prepared. By Steve Srocco via Peakoilbarrel.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: The recent launch by the citys Office of Violence Prevention of a comprehensive strategic planning process provided a great opportunity to begin building a united front against violence, said Khalil Coleman, co-founder of the Safe Zones Initiative, a program focusing on gun violence prevention. The process brings in community residents who are usually excluded from the discussion and "allows those voices to be heard," Coleman added. Coleman was one of more than 100 attendees representing nonprofits and grassroots community, business, government, religious, public safety and health organizations at the recent event held at Discovery World. The planning process is funded by a $93,000 Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment grant. The Prevention Institute of Oakland, California, is providing expertise and technical assistance. Reggie Moore, director of the Office of Violence Prevention (OVP), and his team invited a cross section of the community to the launch to make sure a variety of people were engaged from the beginning. "I was really honored to hear directly from (them) about what their concerns and their aspirations are for increasing public safety in Milwaukee," Moore said. Community member Sai Norman said, "Police come into our neighborhoods and do not respect us. When they come, the first thing they do is reach for their guns. We need to police ourselves." Attendee Bianca Williams, 25, founder and director of A Cry for Help Foundation, a grassroots effort that provides housing, food and clothing to those in need, suggested that the event should have included more youth. "I believe the main ones who are causing a lot of this violence and stealing cars are the youth. So its very important that they be at the table," she said. Williams also questioned the need for experts from out of state who have to start at the beginning to understand the community. Moore said in an interview that his team facilitated a condensed version of the session with a group of young people on the evening of the launch, from organizations including Running Rebels, Urban Underground, St. Charles, and PEARLS for Teen Girls. The youth were invited to contribute their insights. Moore also explained that the Prevention Institute is one of only two large organizations specializing in violence prevention planning and was selected for its extensive experience and excellent reputation. "Theyve been instrumental in helping many cities around engaging in these planning processes," he noted. "If there was a surgeon in another community who was renowned for finding a cure to a particular disease that affected a significant portion of Milwaukees population, we would be irresponsible not to work with them or engage them," Moore said. Milwaukee is seeking the best thinking, best practice and best research from around the country to help come up with solutions, he explained. The institute approaches violence prevention using a framework that analyzes the aspects of a community that encourage or discourage violence. It views trauma as both a cause and consequence of violence. Experts in local communities and the federal government are looking at violence as a community issue and not just an individual health issue, Moore added. During a presentation that was mostly focused on process, Prevention Institute representatives noted that violence prevention efforts are most successful when public health, not criminal justice, is at the center. Poverty alone does not cause trauma; rather, it is inequality that is traumatizing. According to institute board member Howard Pinderhughes, its approach addresses both interpersonal and structural violence, the systematic ways in which social structures harm or disadvantage individuals. Pinderhughes is also chair of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at University of California, San Francisco. Brian Cooper, director of James Place 26th Street, a faith-based community resource center at 2522 W. Capitol Dr., said attending the launch provided an opportunity to meet people and learn about other organizations working on community issues. "I think (the discussion) is really broad right now," but the vision and the goal are good, and the success of the process will depend on the participants coming together, Cooper said. Noting that he grew up outside of the city, Cooper added, "Its important to hear from people who did grow up (in the central city) and I will try to be humble and hear more input than give more input." The Prevention Institute, which focuses on increasing equity in health and safety, has been the lead consultant in 10 cities creating similar violence prevention plans. It also has led technical assistance for 25 cities and provided expert review of plans for a number of other cities, according to Lisa Fujie Parks, program manager. Since September, the institute has gathered information about Milwaukee through surveys, interviews, at the launch and at a steering committee meeting. Opinions are widespread and will continue to be collected, said Parks. So far, information gathered at the launch and elsewhere indicate that significant contributing factors to violence in Milwaukee include a lack of access to employment and other opportunities, segregation, disconnection between residents and organizations, and limited trust between community and government. Significant factors helping to prevent violence include strong neighborhood centers and neighborhood-based initiatives, positive community building activities, and positive after-school and workforce development efforts. Moore noted that there will be many engagement opportunities over the coming months to go deeper into what strategies community members would like to see for reducing and eliminating violence. The Office of Violence Prevention expects to schedule a second planning meeting in January. The strategic plan is expected to be drafted by spring and made public in early summer. Duluth, Minnesota (OpEdNews) November 12, 2016: Make no mistake about it, the 2016 presidential election was a referendum on so-called "second wave" feminism that emerged in the late 1960s and 1970s that ushered in decades of so-called "political correctness." Both as a contender in the Republican presidential primary contests and then as the Republican Party's 2016 presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump's major strategy was to assault the spirit of "political correctness." In addition, he made out-sized promises -- and threats -- as further assaults on the spirit of "political correctness." Each assault was reported by the media, thereby giving him an enormous amount of unpaid-for-publicity. For her part, Hillary Rodham Clinton decided to run for president even though she knew that she was not a charismatic speaker, as former President Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, and First Lady Michelle Obama are. In the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, then-Senator Barack Obama demonstrated by a reasonable doubt that he was a charismatic speaker. As a result of her loss to him then, she should have learned that she is not a charismatic speaker. Perhaps she was betting that the Republican Party's 2016 presidential candidate would not turn out to be a charismatic speaker either. In any event, Trump emerged as the Republican Party's 2016 presidential candidate, and he is not a charismatic speaker. As noted, his major campaign strategy was to repeatedly assault the spirit of "political correctness." Hillary's strategy was to express indignation at his various hyperbolic assaults on the spirit of "political correctness." Talk about taking the bait! No doubt Hillary's expressions of indignation at the hyperbolic statements with which Trump successfully baited her into replying to, appealed to the Democratic Party's feminist base. However, by taking Trump's bait and expressing indignation repeatedly, she was preaching to the already converted feminists in the Democratic Party's base. But what was her message to non-feminists who do not necessarily subscribe to all of the attitudes and views advanced by the spirit of "political correctness"? For the record, both white men and white women voted for Trump, including both white men and white women in crucial battleground states that Obama had carried in 2008 and 2012. In light of Trump's success in winning several battleground states by turning them from blue to red, Hillary should also reflect on why she did not learn anything, evidently, from Senator Bernie Sanders' successes in the Democratic presidential primary. However, in early contests in the Democratic presidential primary, Senator Sanders himself declined to compete against Hillary in the South. This shows that he understood full well that he appealed primarily to white people, just as Hillary understood full well that she is not a charismatic speaker. This also shows that Senator Sanders would not have been as strong a presidential candidate for the Democratic Party as Hillary was. Now, if we assume that Hillary herself made the calls in her own campaign, then we should wonder about her campaign's misadventures in fantasizing about Arizona (wouldn't a big landslide victory over Trump be great?), for example, toward the end of the campaign, while Trump was in the process of turning key battleground states from blue to red. Toward the end, her campaign made some serious tactical mistakes, and as a result, she lost decisively in the Electoral College, which is part of the system of checks and balances in our federal government. In light of Trump's decisive victory in the Electoral College, despite the fact that he also is not a charismatic speaker, and despite receiving fewer votes in winning in 2016 that former Governor Mitt Romney received in losing in 2012, I would say that Trump succeeded spectacularly in turning the 2016 presidential election into a referendum on the spirit of "second wave" feminists such as Hillary, and he managed to appeal to enough white women voters in crucial battleground states to turn it into a victorious election for him in the Electoral College. (As I write, Hillary has a small lead over Trump in the popular vote. As expected, she won in non-battleground blue states.) No doubt Hillary's 2016 candidacy was motivated by the fantasy of being the first woman to be elected president of the United States -- despite her handicap of not being a charismatic speaker. No doubt another woman will eventually be elected president in the future. It appears as another spectrum, which equally reveals that Pakistani society remains shallow in the subject of social justice. Herein, the court litigation is averted. The influential persons illegally utilize the personal references and make possible to flow money for taking the wished verdicts. In fact, the warlords and mafias wander with no fear despite the obvious involvement in the heinous acts that are adequate to jeopardize the rule of law. Recently, Mr. Shahrukh Jatoi (son of a feudal), accused of beheading Shazeb Khan, a university student on December 28, 2012, is sinfully saved by using face-saving tactics. Actually, the astringent threats to the rest of family of Shahzeb Khan forced his family to give pardon to the murderer. Similarly, The HAREEZ and MUZERAS are at the mercy of the landlords. Regrettably, the courts are used for the sake of taking revenge from the political rivals and are repeatedly committed during the existing regimes. This is malpractice that derails the public confidence in the judiciary system. Consequently, the common man, being victimized, is forced to take up arms, transgress the law, perpetrates revengeful deeds and goes into being declared as fugitive (MAFROOR), further setting examples for those who are being exploited. Briefly, this factor (implementation of justice) also exposes the prevailing inequity in the Pakistani society, which projects that the injustice destiny of the nation will last for the untold period. Conclusion All the parameters regarding social justice that through definitional aspects are highlighted have been investigated and endorsed in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Prophet PBUH. Each feature has patently been elucidated and both rulers and the public are plausibly urged to form balanced, sympathetic, keen and ethos-based relations. The balanced relations can best be established if reciprocal dignity and mutual respect are safeguarded. The Pakistani society that is portrayed in the article egregiously lacks in ethos and moralities that instrumentally introduce justice in the routine dealings. Thus, the said spectrums, social stratification, economic in equilibrium and implementation of justice, are the mirror through which the gloomy picture of malpractices converse to social justice is obvious. In these arrays, the defined parameters and accordingly highlighted holy commandments are sad fully ignored. In pursuit of getting rid of injustice and making the society as the paragon of the social justice, all the three coherent spheres are likely to be improved. If the discrepancies among the diverse segments of the society are expunged, the churlish-show of supremacy will reversely be antidoted. The more mindset of false-power show and acquisition is avoided, the greater chances of internal integrity will be ensured. The more economic divergence and in equilibrium are missed, the more public confidence in the judicial system, law and order will be enhanced. Achieving the said agendas for social justice requires not only the rulers to be morale but also necessitates the masses to be pragmatic, practicing moralities and undertaking piety. Although the commandments in both forms; Quran and Ahadith are available, yet the true devotees and followers are required to prove the universal truth of the peaceful message of Islam. This can only be accessible when a systematic cognizance for learning and practicing the teachings and the Sunnah of Holy Prophet PBUH is ushered by the intellectual circles. Masha Gessen, who grew up in Putin's Russia, has six rules for us: 1. Believe the autocrat; 2. Do not be taken in by small signs of normality; 3. Institutions will not save you; 4. Be outraged; 5. Don't make compromises; 6. Remember the future. Rule #1: Believe the autocrat. He means what he says. Whenever you find yourself thinking, or hear others claiming, that he is exaggerating, that is our innate tendency to reach for a rationalization. This will happen often: humans seem to have evolved to practice denial when confronted publicly with the unacceptable. Back in the 1930s, The New York Times assured its readers that Hitler's anti-Semitism was all posture. More recently, the same newspaper made a telling choice between two statements made by Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov following a police crackdown on protesters in Moscow: "The police acted mildlyI would have liked them to act more harshly" rather than those protesters' "liver should have been spread all over the pavement." Perhaps the journalists could not believe their ears. But they shouldboth in the Russian case, and in the American one. For all the admiration Trump has expressed for Putin, the two men are very different; if anything, there is even more reason to listen to everything Trump has said. He has no political establishment into which to fold himself following the campaign, and therefore no reason to shed his campaign rhetoric. On the contrary: it is now the establishment that is rushing to accommodate himfrom the president, who met with him at the White House on Thursday, to the leaders of the Republican Party, who are discarding their long-held scruples to embrace his radical positions. Why do people wish to create a sustainable neighborhood? Better yet, why are most of us stuck in the system we are currently in? What power do you think you have? None? Apparently, for we tend to turn our freedom and power over to the corporations and the rich, what many refer to as 'The Man!' Consider the last election. Trump vs Hilary. Good God is all I can say! And we think we have choices in our so-called democracy? No, as late comedian George Carlin puts it, we don't have a democracy, we have owners. We don't have power, the Koch Brothers, Rothchilds, Rockefellers etc. are our Lords and Savior. My question to the reader is: What if you voted to empower yourself, your family and your community instead of the likes of Trump and the Koch Brothers? The readers' imagined response is: But this sentence means our being responsible, Burl! What the Sam Blazes is wrong with you, boy? Are you a hippie or something? God forbid we take responsibility. To take responsibility, you don't say, "oh, its Obama's fault, or Trump's, or the newly-cast owners of this country on the DBC Network." We all need to take responsibility to birth and form a sustainable and love-filled future. No external god is needed, be he in the form of Trump or someone else, even Hilary Clinton. To do this, we need to end our love affair with politicians. Yes, we need a divorce from external gods, including politicians and corporations. We need to go internal, into the depths of our naked being. Ready to be a stripper? Next, lets discuss Trump's love for power over others, especially the ladies. Does this mean he is going to "screw" the labor class? Absolutely, and he won't even give us a kiss or a dozen roses. Labor is a feminine process. Way to go Archie Bunker. Oh, ye of the working class, place your head on the chopping block. Make sure that executioner's axe is sharp! Have you ever heard of Eric Fromm's book, Escape From Freedom? Is this what we are doing"surrendering our power to the likes of a Donald Trump (or even a Hilary Clinton if she had won). Get your neck on that chopping block boys and girls! Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Progressives have been arguing incessantly over which presidential candidate should get our votes: a lesser evil from the two-party duopoly, or a third party candidate who has no chance of winning? I suspect we'll soon be longing for the lesser crazy and the minor fascist, but the point is now moot. Yes, a lesser evil is still evil, but no, a third party presidential candidate without significant support already in the legislatures is never going to get serious consideration from a significant number of voters. It doesn't matter now. We don't have to argue about a presidential candidate in 2018. We can be of one mind on what to do. We don't have to consider whether it's best to run as a Democrat or a Green. Every seat in the House and a third of the seats in the Senate will be up for grabs. State houses and governorships across the country will be contested. A hundred million citizens are going to be horrified in the days ahead, appalled by Republican policy makers and dismayed by Democratic sell-outs and losers. In each state, in each district, we need to be recruiting real progressive candidates for office in 2018, whatever their affiliation. There will never be a better time. The Republicans will never been more clearly exposed for who they are, and established Democrats for who they aren't. We can worry about divisive questions of party affiliations later on, when we've got winning candidates preparing to take office and real coalitions to build. And then in 2020, when we've got elected people with proven records of fighting the good fights we can hold our own nomination from among the prominent candidates who have emerged to run for President, be they Democrat or Third. In the aftermath of the stunning political upset wrought by the electoral victory of Donald Trump over his Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton there has been loud wailing and gnashing of teeth within the Democratic Party, and Liberal America as a whole. Right now the party is hurting and in a state of shock, disorientation, and gloom like few times in its history. The party was so SURE that one of the worst Republican candidates in history would lose the election to an experienced political veteran. WTF went wrong? How could almost ALL polling houses have missed this one and never saw it coming, even with the late-game crap that James Comey, the FBI Director, pulled and the almost overnight change in the campaign narrative? I'm sure that in the coming weeks, months and years many will analyze the political intervention of the FBI director that helped to swing the election to his Republican brother in the most blatantly partisan of actions. That was truly the "October Surprise." But I prefer to look at ways and means to rebuild the party in the interim and the period before 2020 and the next presidential contest. In these series of articles I'll explore avenues and link them to historical data that show that Democrats have a great opportunity to rebuild and reorganize a party that has lost its way and rejected its historical mission to be the vanguard of the least and most vulnerable among us. The Democratic Party MUST return to the values of the New Deal (a retooled 21st century model) that it rejected in favor of a pompous and arrogant meritocracy that thumbed its nose at working class people who bolted from the party into the arms of Donald Trump. The Democrats have been here before. The party took a severe mauling when Ronald Reagan (1981 -- 1989) won with two crushing landslides. It had to face the complete ideological goring of Michael Dukakis and the vexing loss of Al Gore against George W. Bush (2000), a president whose IQ is above President-elect Donald Trump. And John Kerry's bumbling campaign (2004) and electoral loss only served to plunge Democrats into deeper and deeper despair. So when Barack Obama came around it looked as if the party had finally rebounded and a Hillary Clinton presidency would seal the deal and handle the unfinished business of the Obama Era. The Trump's minority electoral vote victory threatens to undo the progressive agenda set out by President Obama and usher in a period of pain and gut wrenching anguish as only a weak, powerless opposition party can experience. But that's a defeatist attitude and Democrats and Liberals must pick themselves up and regroup -- for America's sake. Democrats must remain focused on DEFENDING the interests of working class America and PROMOTE an attractive, progressive alternative to the Republican Party that will have its fair share of internal civil war that a President Trump cannot quell. There is opportunity in chaos -- if you are prepared. Admittedly, the transformational path for Democrats will not be easy. For one thing there is the Bernie Sanders wing of the party that has not forgiven the DNC mainstream and the party's establishment for jipping their man in the primary. This wing is now emboldened by the fact that EVERY pre-November 8 poll showed Bernie resoundingly beating Trump. They believe that this was a missed opportunity. The Clinton Centrist wing is perhaps now very wounded and the mistakes that the party and her campaign made will not only be a long-festering sore, but a source of political distrust from rank and file Democrats AND Sanders's supporters. Already we're seeing the opening salvo for control of the DNC by former Virginia governor Howard Dean's stated intention to run for DNC chair. He's "old school" and was a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton who was extremely disparaging in his attacks against Bernie Sanders. His candidacy may very well be a non-starter given the anger that Sanders's supporters still have for him. I'm also not sure that Dean is the right person to lead, unite the party, and entertain open, frank discussions and criticisms. The Party MUST take a hard, cold and sober look at itself and decide how best to move forward based on this critical self-examination. It has to jettison the elitist, meritocratic approach that it embraced while nursing a barely concealed contempt for its blue-collar working class base. While the 2016 Presidential Elections ultimately boiled down to race (NOT RACISM) judging from the facts and proved by statistics (see below) that BOTH white men and women voted for Donald Trump in near record numbers and that Blacks, Hispanics and "others" voted for Hillary Clinton, Democrats MUST examine and understand the depth of anger particularly felt by white men in America today. Curiously, BEING WHITE trumped ALL of the odious and sexist statements by Donald Trump, some bordering on sexual harassment. Those things appeared not to bother white women, and white men could care less what Trump stands for as long as he's white. In many ways white men and women were getting back at the Democratic Party for having the audacity to nominate a Black man who subsequently won the presidency. America is today Republican AND white. But despite all of this Democrats should not be discouraged. Let's start with the fact that most Americans did not want Trump to become the next president of the United States. He lost the popular vote and exit polls found that 60 percent of voters held an "unfavorable" opinion of him. About one in five of his own voters viewed him as unqualified and lacking the temperament to be president. This points to a truly divided nation but Democrats can move forward with the knowledge that a majority of the country voted against Donald Trump and his right wing platform and agenda. And the inference from the exit polls that show even his supporters view him as unqualified to be president suggests that those who voted for him may have corked their noses while doing so. Democrats can represent this majority on the floor of the United States Congress. They can take the fight to the Republicans and do so with the backing of a majority of Americans. If Democrats fail to grasp this important strategy then they don't deserve our vote and support. In their recalibrating and reorganizing to take the political fight to Republicans, Democrats have to remember that most Americans -- even those who voted for Trump -- never supported his signature proposal. His much ballyhooed immigration proposal to deport approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants is NOT POPULAR. Only 25 percent of Americans support his deportation plan and 70 percent are in favor of a path to legalization. Moreover, according to exit polling, only 41 percent of American voters support Trump's Mexican border wall with 54 percent opposing and rejecting it. What Democrats have to do is pick their battles. They can take Trump's signature proposals, turn it on its head, and effectively turn them against him knowing that they have the support of a majority of the American people. Democrats can also capitalize on the present divided state of America, a situation that Trump aggravated and helped create. Again, all they have to do is look at the exit polling (even though many people are now turned off of polls; but I'm still a fan of data and numbers). The data points to the fact that 26 percent of Americans say they are Liberal, 39 percent moderate (left-leaning) and 35 percent conservative. Democrats can use the data about the Affordable Care Act, so-called "Obamacare," to their advantage. 48 percent of people think that the healthcare law was "about right" or "did not go far enough" while 47 percent, stated, "it went too far." Forty-five (45) percent want the next president to "continue Obama's policies" while 48 percent want the president to be more conservative. These policy concerns and how Americans view their next president opens the gates for serious ideological battles that Democrats can wage with great effect. There is also the minimum wage fight that's popular with Americans of all hues and stripes, and issues of climate change that's very popular with the American right AND left that Democrats can take the lead on and win -- with the people behind them. Finally, some words of caution. Whatever the Democratic Party decides as the way forward it has to be very careful a precise. If the party veers too sharp leftwards, in the Bernie Sanders way, it runs the risk of alienating the upper tier of the party and its more conservative elements that could bolt to the Republicans, so deep is the disconnect, anger, and distrust between the mainstream, working class Democrats and the meritocracy. That could split the party asunder and render it useless in the coming battles. Or the party could break with its neoliberal centrism in economics and identity politics that have become foundational principles of the party for two decades now. That would usher in a policy of class-based economic populism. There is also another way. Democrats could wait and see what President Trump does and rely on his potential and proclivity to just wreck everything by sheer incompetence and his dictatorial leadership style that he's honed in his business dealings. The United States government is not a business -- there are checks and balances and an opposition party. Maybe "wait and see" is the best strategy because nobody quite knows what President Trump will do. [Next week: More Options In Rebuilding The Democratic Party] Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Nation of Change Trump is in the White House, but the takeaway from voters in this election is a mandate for progressive economic populism and more diversity among public officials. Buckle-up friends, it's going to be a hairy ride. Start with Day One for President Trump (gotta get used to saying that). He will need to be up-and-at-'em no later than 12:01 am, for during his campaign he promised to get oodles of big stuff done on his very first day in office, including: "Repeal Obamacare"; Begin working on impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall; Meet with Homeland security officials and generals to begin securing the Southern border; Fix the Department of Veterans Affairs; "Repeal every single Obama executive order"; Suspend Syrian refugee resettlement; "Get rid of gun-free zones in schools"; "End the war on coal"; "Defend the unborn"; "Start taking care of "our military"; And convene top generals and inform them they have 30 days to come up with a plan to stop ISIS. Good grief! Americans have actually put a xenophobic-misogynous-racist-nativist-narcissistic blowhard in the Oval Office. Has our country gone right wing? Or completely nuts? No. Trump was not elected on issues, but on anger -- a deep seething fury that the economic and political elite themselves have created by knocking down the working-class majority, then callously stepping over them as if they didn't exist. Exit polls revealed that most Trump voters don't think he's any more honest than Hillary Clinton (only 38 percent of all voters had a favorable opinion of him, with only a third saying he was qualified to be president). Also, his own voters disagree with much of his agenda (especially his grandiose wall across the Mexican border). But his core message -- "The system is rigged" by and for the elites -- came through loud and clear to them, so they grabbed him like a big Bois-D'arc stick to whap the whole establishment upside its collective head. The major message from voters was, "We want change." The Donald was the one most likely to shake things up (or blow things up), while Clinton clearly was the candidate of the status quo. As a West Texas farmer told me several years ago, "status quo" is Latin for "The mess we're in," so change voters, including those who would normally side with Democrats, cast their ballot for the Republican. Indeed, on specific issues, voters around the country supported very progressive changes offered to them in a variety of ballot initiatives: -- All four states that had minimum wage increases on the ballot passed them -- Arizona (59 percent for it), Colorado (55 percent), Maine (55 percent), and Washington (60 percent). Plus, a South Dakota proposal to lower its minimum wage was rejected by 71 percent of voters. -- Two states had initiatives calling for a constitutional amendment to repeal the Supreme Court's Citizen United decision that has allowed unlimited corporate cash to flood into our elections -- California (53 percent for it) and Washington (64 percent "yes"). Also, 52 percent voted for campaign finance reform that will provide public funding of elections there. -- A Minnesota initiative to take away the power of state lawmakers to set their own salaries, instead creating a bipartisan citizens council to consider any increases, won a whopping 77 percent approval. In addition, many solidly-progressive "firsts" were elected on Tuesday, such as the first Indian-American woman in Congress (Pramila Jayapala of Washington), the first Latina U.S. senator (Catherine Cortez Mastro of Nevada), first Indian-Black woman elected to U.S. Senate (Kamala Harris of California), and first openly-LGBT governor (Kate Brown of Oregon). Stephanie Murphy (of Florida)is the first Vietnamese-American woman elected to Congress, Ihlan Omar (of Minnesota) is the first Somali-American Muslim woman elected to state legislature, and Sam Park (of Georgia) became the first openly gay state legislator there. Trump is in the White House, but the takeaway from voters in this election is a mandate for progressive economic populism and more diversity among public officials. Beit Ommar Demo June 4 2011 2 (Image by PSP Photos) Details DMCA To start, we insisted that Israel was a theocracy. Some objected saying no, it is a democracy. We pointed out so is Iran, and further, the Founders had in our own history, the theocratic seventeenth-century Massachusetts Bay Colony and its democratic trappings. We can also point out that Israel has no constitution and never had one. Its fundamental laws are what are passed by the Knesset, its parliament, which could change all at a moment's notice. Its current basic laws support the continued majority Jewish power in the country indefinitely, making and enforcing the laws of the country. The minority rights in religious matters are merely those of sufferance, and can be withdrawn by the majority at any time, or denied, as the Israelis have continuously done with the property rights of Islamic and Christian Arabs. But even though Israel is an obvious theocracy, that need not be proved to deny congressional military aid to Israel, under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Israeli laws, like the discriminatory Right-to-Return law that does not extend to former Arab inhabitants of Palestine or their descendants, and its action in government-supported encroachments by settlements and protection of settlers in Arab lands by its armed forces, equally clearly bar Israel from any claim to U.S. taxpayers' money. Israeli settlements are Jewish Israeli civilian communities built on lands occupied by Israel since the 1967 Six-Day War, and currently exist in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and in the Golan Heights. Government spending per citizen in the Jewish settlements is double that spent per Israeli citizen in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, while government spending for settlers in isolated areas is three times the Israeli national average. Most of the spending goes to the security of the citizens living there. On 30 June 2014, according to the Yesha Council, 382,031 Jewish settlers lived in the 121 officially recognized settlements in the West Bank, over 300,000 Israelis lived in settlements in East Jerusalem and over 20,000 lived in settlements in the Golan Heights. In January 2015 the Israeli Interior Ministry gave figures of 389,250 Israelis living in the West Bank and a further 375,000 Israelis living in East Jerusalem. Many settlements began as military outposts and were later expanded and populated with civilian inhabitants. According to a secret document dating to 1970, obtained by Haaretz, the settlement of Kiryat Arba was established by confiscating land by military order and falsely representing the project as being strictly for military use while, in reality, Kiryat Arba was planned for settler use. The method of confiscating land by military order for establishing civilian settlements was an open secret in Israel throughout the 1970s, but publication of the information was suppressed by the military censor. (Image by tedeytan) Details DMCA We got 1,001 things wrong in the latest U.S. election. Here are the top 10: 1. Expecting an election to solve deep injustices that require a massive movement, as have all the deep injustices of the past. This can be fixed through education and activism. 2. Rigging the DNC primary to deny Bernie Sanders a nomination. This could have been fixed by Sanders running as an independent. It can now be fixed by all DNC donors abandoning it and putting their funds into activism. Of course the DNC should dump Brazile and all Clintonites, but installing Howard Dean or Keith Ellison hardly solves anything. Disempowering parties through some of the proposals below would work. 3. Rigging the RNC primary by giving Donald Trump endless free media coverage. This can be fixed by busting up the media cartel, requiring free and equal air time for candidates, limiting the election season, banning legalized bribery, and publicly funding elections. (These things also disempower parties.) 4. Voter suppression that Greg Palast says stripped 1.1 million voters from the rolls in swing states, but which Democrats seem not to give a damn about -- perhaps because Putin didn't do it. This can be fixed by creating a right to vote, making voter registration automatic, debunking the myth of "voter fraud," undoing the anti-voter restrictions of recent years, providing adequate polling stations, and making election day a holiday. 5. Unverifiable election machines, including optical scanners, that have left us in an awkward situation. Exit polls, which the U.S. Department of State uses to judge the credibility of elections in other countries, show that Clinton won in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. But we are supposed to just take it on blind faith that in fact she didn't. This can be fixed by publicly hand counting paper ballots in every polling place. Of course the acceptable position is to believe on faith that the vote counts are accurate, but since when is taking it on faith the progressive position, when taking it on empirical evidence is a perfectly possible alternative? 6. The winner-take-all system in most states, which concentrates the election on a handful of states and leads to the winner of the popular vote losing the election. This can be fixed by states choosing to distribute their electoral college "votes" in proportion to their actual human votes. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Hell City (Image by Hieronymus Bosch) Details DMCA I speak here for no one but myself. No complicity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just because Trump isn't looking for war with Russia or any other nation (at this time) and wants to 'bring jobs back to America' doesn't mean that his intentions are anything remotely benevolent. He just doesn't want to die in a nuclear war and his brand of capitalist authoritarianism requires that people have jobs. Trump may well be the man who finally shows you just how depraved capitalism really is. I know a very rich man who enthusiastically supported and voted for Trump. This man is a medical doctor and he once told me that he thinks there should be no medical facilities for prisoners in American prisons. He said it is a waste of time and money and is morally wrong. He said that people held in prisons don't deserve medical treatment and he has no problem with them just being left to die. No, I am not making this up. He really said it and meant it. And if you met him he would probably seem to you to be a very ordinary man who happens to have lots of money. I asked him once what we should do about certain super-rich people who financially exploit, cheat, and sometimes ruin the lives of other people. He said he didn't have any idea what we should do about it and didn't care because "that's life." He said he thinks Trump is perhaps the man to make it possible for America to finally realize its true potential. I didn't ask him what he meant by that, but knowing that he equates 'morality' with making money, I had a pretty good idea. Trump represents a certain type of maverick venal power-decadence that the USA has always been fascinated with and that can look like anyone from Cornelius Vanderbilt to Al Capone. It is in part the fantasy fascination of the ordinary frightened little clockwork conformist with the seemingly fearless daring of the opportunist who just takes what he wants with a perpetually grinning absence of compunction. A fascinating cavalier 'freedom'. And the USA has always had a rather immature and undeveloped idea of freedom. It's a stunted freedom that is always held by the chains of some form of venality. 'Americans' are profoundly vulnerable to this. Is the rise of Trump a sign of entrance into a new age of secretly idolized super-robber barons and super-gangsters who have government complicity? The Age of American Capitalist Feudalism. It's a very real possibility. I see many people gazing on the alienating spectacle of President Trump and angrily longing for the days when it seemed that Bernie Sanders was bringing a genuinely moral 'revolution'. Let me address this issue of Sanders one more time and be done with it. Sanders claimed in his primary run to be standing up against the oligarchs who are closely connected with a man such as Trump because they are connected with anything that has to do with big money. Sanders laid out his stance in terms of insurance companies, bankers, college tuition, and other domestic issues and called out the oligarchs on the unfairness of their practices in these areas. Now it can easily be demonstrated that the real essence of the oligarch agenda lies in its global-hegemony project. All of the oligarch domestic practices and policies in the USA are just the consequence of this larger agenda. So the place to shoot for the kill in the attack on oligarchs is here in the heart of oligarch agenda: foreign policy. Take out the oligarch foreign policy and the domestic policy will necessarily dissolve. But if you try to take out the domestic policy without addressing the foreign policy then you will get hopelessly tangled up in bureaucratic bull sh-t so deep that you'll be lucky to escape with any sanity because that's all the domestic domain is in the oligarchic system: bottomless bureaucratic bull sh-t. That is its design. If Sanders had attacked the oligarchy in its heart of foreign policy everything else would have followed like falling dominoes. Take out the oligarch foreign policy and it becomes easy to address the domestic-policy issues. So why didn't Sanders do this? Why didn't he repeatedly and passionately raise the issue of the oligarch foreign policy that was turning domestic USA into an economic nightmare as well as threatening the rest of the world? Why? Because he wasn't against that foreign policy. He never once challenged that foreign policy in general. There were details in that foreign policy that he questioned, but more than 95 percent of the time he supported that foreign policy. And he never explained to anyone the rationale of opposing the oligarchs in domestic policy and supporting them in foreign policy because no one openly challenged Sanders on this blatant contradiction in his campaign message. So he got away with it. Sanders was never really standing against the oligarchy in any essential way. He was merely 'demanding' that the oligarchy be somehow more 'compassionate' in the domestic consequences of its larger agenda, which he never even considered challenging. Sanders was like a 'soft-hearted' mid-level Mafia flunky who feels sorry for the ordinary people in the neighborhood who are subject to the Mafia tyranny. So he 'demands' that the goons be more gentle when they go to collect. But he never addresses the larger Mafia policies because he knows if he does he will soon be on the bottom of the East River sporting a new pair of cement shoes. And when the goons finally take soft-hearted Bernie into the back room and ask, "You gotta problem, Bernie? Don Giordano wants to know if you gotta problem. You gotta problem?" Bernie says, "Who me? Hey, Don Giordano knows I'm a true patriot. Look how long I been holdin' up that F-35! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha..." And Bruno says, "Hey, Bernie we're real glad to hear that, Bernie Little Buddy. You can go back home now, Gumba. And tell your wife, Hello, personal from Don Giordano." Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Donald Trump, who campaigned as a man of the people and an outsider with very independent politically incorrect foreign policy views, and who finished second in the popular vote, has already made it clear he is in the neo-con camp....................or they in his. He selected James Woolsey, as his foreign policy advisor. Woolsey was CIA chief, was the first to accuse Saddam of complicity in 9/11, hours after the attack, and he is a member of the Project for the New American Century, which wrote the blueprint and rationale for invading 7 ME nations, leading through Iraq and Damascus to Iran, and suggesting we need "a new Pearl Harbor" to mobilize public support for these wars. 9/11, produced by Dick Cheney with the help of the CIA, was this Pearl Harbor, needed to mobilize public support for all out war and a total spy state: welcome 1984, now as farce in the comic impersonator born as Donald Trump. He is a spook/spokesman, the public face of the Deep State, the living merging of the Deep State and Wall Street. (Jefferson:"Banks are even more dangerous than standing armies." In Woolsey the two have merged and will soon occupy the White house, with Trump serving, as Reagan did, as the salesman for the Deep State, keeping it folksy. So either the Deep State has infiltrated the rogue Trump circle to make sure he stays on script (they murdered JFK when he went off script)......................OR TTrump is in bed with the Deep State, and Woolsey is his liaison to the deeper levels, the CIA and below, as well as to investment banking community, with its revolving door with the CIA leadership. Either way, it debunks the idea Trump is independent of outside or dark influence such as the corruption of money (not Donald: he has no interest in money).: he is either a tool or a member in good standing, showing his true colors for those who know how to google and/or have a good memory concerning his key foreign policy advisor..... I BUSINESS NEWS | Thu Nov 10, 2016 | 6:39pm EST Those who predicted the victory of Trump and support him 3% of the time, now predict that the Iran deal, which is working perfectly, will be sabotaged, fear mongered (nukes! nukes!), and perhaps even repealed. This will also help Trump repay his largest donor, Sheldon Adelson, flipping his early position of "neutrality" to robust support for right-wing Israeli policies such as more illegal settlements, end of the 2-state solution, and accompanied by glee from Netanyahu. In Defense Industry Stocks Surge Following Donald Trump Victory The Intercept: Naomi Klein lays out in detail how this Amerian Century war on the Middle East was based on creating a shock so profound that radical changes could be made, enormous new powers assumed, and rights stripped, while the public reeled in fear and confusion. After 9/11, Bush's approval leaped to 92% and "defense" stocks skyrocketed. It worked! So, that's the plan, and Woolsey is there to direct it. Trump may be the Prince but Woolsey is now his Machiavelli. Is Trump the ultimate snake oil salesman for the neo-con PNAC script....or is he the clueless, blustering buffoon Woolsey was sent to control? Woolsey is not the only one who plays this role but clearly, Bush chose a neo-con with Deep State ties. We have entered the era of serial coups, with elections being both a nuisance and a distraction. Bush had his handler in Cheney, who was selected by.....Cheney) but Woolsey is close to Trump and is filling his vacuous mind with neo-con poison (Iran is secretly building nukes, Syria is using CW, etc.) Trump, being ignorant, will believe lies Woolsey knows not to be true but useful to advance the PNAC agenda of total destabilization of all but the fascist monarchies and fascist Israel in the Middle East, a combined hubris and a disease that can only be cured (paraphrasing Cortez) by oil. We are the aliens seeking a cure for our lust for fossil fuels, slaying the natives by getting them to slay each other. In Oil edges higher after shock Trump victory for U.S. presidency Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). So now we know. The 45th President of the United States will be Donald Trump, a billionaire who has presented himself as an insurgent anti-establishment figure who promised change. And what did the Democratic Party machine do? Instead of choosing their own insurgent who defined himself as a democratic socialist -- Bernie Sanders -- they chose the establishment-personified figure, Hillary Clinton. How dumb was that? The success of the Trump campaign has, in my view, been a vote against Clinton rather than for Trump, and can be summarized as "anyone but Clinton." One of the best responses to Trump's success came from the leader of Britain's Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn: "Trump's election is an unmistakable rejection of a political establishment and an economic system that simply isn't working for most people. It is one that has delivered escalating inequality and stagnating or falling living standards for the majority, both in the US and Britain. This is a rejection of a failed economic consensus and a governing elite that has been seen not to have listened. And the public anger that has propelled Donald Trump to office has been reflected in political upheavals across the world." I don't know what a Trump presidency will mean for America and the world, no-one knows, but I think we can be sure of one thing, that demonization of Russia and Putin will stop. The Clinton team and establishment figures that supported her have made Russia enemy number one in their campaign. I hope a more mature dialogue between the two heavily nuclear-armed states will begin that respects the interests of both nations. Hillary Clinton was advocating stronger military intervention in Syria, and the enforcement of no-fly zones that would have put America on a collision course with Russia. What a catastrophe for the whole world that would have been! Let us de-escalate the conflict and let the Syrian people decide who will govern them. The insistence by the US and the West that Assad must go first has been the stumbling block to ending the unbearable suffering of the Syrian people. It is not up to the Americans, the West, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia or anyone else to decide how Syria should be governed and by whom. Let us have elections in Syria supervised by international bodies to ensure that they are fair and free. Russia says they want parliamentary and presidential elections in Syria, and so let us take the Russians at their word and work for that to happen I was listening this morning to someone on the Today program talking about the US becoming isolationist under President Trump; this is not a bad thing, in my view, when it comes to foreign policy. Interventionist US led to the catastrophic Iraq war and the continuing suffering of its people. Interventionism destroyed the Libyan state, and now lawlessness and anarchy are blighting the lives of its people. Military interventions abroad and particularly in the Middle East, rarely if ever, produce good outcomes for the people who have the misfortune of being interfered with. Commentators should stop making statements as if they are evident truths, no explanations required. Serious journalists should not let them get away with it. What lessons here in Britain do we learn from America as it elects President Trump? Well, the anger with establishment figures and politics as usual is deep and profound. This is reflected in Britain by the Brexit vote. The lesson for the Parliamentary Labour Party is this; stop undermining Jeremy Corbyn. Any other Labour politician chosen as leader will be seen as an establishment figure and Labour will be punished for it. The only person in the Labour Party capable of winning the next general election is Jeremy Corbyn. Had the Democrats chosen Bernie Sanders as their candidate we would now be talking about President Sanders instead of President Trump. Meteorologist Paul Douglas writes about Minnesota weather daily, trying to go beyond the "highs" and "lows" of the weather story to discuss current trends and some of the how's and why's of meteorology. Rarely is our weather dull - every day is a new forecast challenge. Why is the weather doing what it's doing? Is climate change a real concern, and if so, how will my family be affected? Climate is flavoring all weather now, and I'll include links to timely stories that resonate with me. The Atlantic bluefin can grow up to four metres (13 feet) in length and is a highly sought-after and expensive delicacy, with one specimen selling for more than $1.75 million according to the WWF Fishing and shipping nations gather in Portugal next week to consider the fate of the endangered Atlantic bluefin tuna and overharvested Mediterranean swordfish, two pricey gourmet favourites. While conservationists want stricter protection of these and other species, some member nations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) are seeking bigger fishing allowances. Representatives of the body's 51 parties50 countries and the EU blocwill meet in the coastal town of Vilamoura for a week starting Monday. "Additional actions are required if ICCAT is to achieve its mandate to sustainably manage the fish stocks and fisheries under its control," said the Pew Charitable Trusts, which advocates for nature conservation. The ICCAT is responsible for conservation of tunas and related species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas, as well as creatures which get tangled up as by-catch in tuna fishing. Two years ago, the commission's members decided on a 20 percent annual increase over three years in bluefin tuna quotas in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic, despite objections that evidence of stock recovery was sketchy. The Atlantic bluefin, called Thunnus Thynnus by scientists, is the biggest tuna, growing up to four metres (13 feet) in length. Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks were decimated to a low of 150,000 tonnes in the mid-2000s, leading to protests and calls from activists to amend quotas It is a highly sought-after and expensive delicacy, especially as sushi and sashimi in Asiaa single specimen has sold for more than $1.75 million (1.6 million euros), according to the WWF. Europe does most of the fishing. Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks were decimated to a low of 150,000 tonnes in the mid-2000s after a decade of quotas as high as 50,000 tonnes per year. The fish spawn just once a year and do not reach reproductive maturity until they are eight to 12 years old, making their numbers vulnerable to overfishing. With the aid of lower quotas, the spawning stock rebounded to 585,000 tonnes by 2013, nearly double the levels of the 1950s, according to ICCAT figures. But conservationists point out the numbers are mere estimates, given that headcounts are very hard to do. And illegal fishing is a major problem, they say. The ICCAT has raised the 2014 quota of 13,500 tonnes to 16,142 tonnes in 2015 and 19,296 in 2016. President of sushi restaurant chain Sushi-Zanmai, Kiyoshi Kimura, displays a 200kg bluefin tuna at his Tokyo restaurant that was traded at $117,000 The 2017 quota was provisionally set at 23,155 tonnes, but has to be reviewed after a new stock assessment due early next year. Some states, including Spain, have called for increases to be discussed already at this year's meeting, according to Paulus Tak, an international ocean policy expert at Pew. And Turkey has lodged a formal objection to the 2014 decision, which means it can set its own quotas. Not reviewing quotas ahead of the 2017 assessment was "critical", said Tak, "in order to avoid jeopardising the recovery of the stock". Swordfish, bigeye Conservation groups are also rallying for better protection of the Mediterranean swordfish. The species as a whole is not threatened, but its Mediterranean sub-group is "overfished", according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which keeps a "Red List" of species that are endangered or at risk of becoming so. The swordfish species as a whole is not threatened but its Mediterranean sub-group is overfished having fallen an estimated two-thirds from 1985 "The Mediterranean swordfish stock is really in a bad condition," the WWF's Giuseppe Di Carlo told AFP ahead of the annual gathering. "It has been overfished for the last 30 years and it is now getting urgent to put in place an ambitious recovery plan." The Mediterranean stock has fallen an estimated two-thirds from 1985, and 70 percent of total catches were of immature fishbefore they had a chance to reproduce. "But there is currently no plan for the sustainable management of this stock," said Di Carlo. Italy is the main taker of Mediterranean swordfish, followed by Morocco, Spain and Greece. The commission will also be asked to consider the status of other species at risk, including the bigeye tunaanother favourite in sashimi. "Although tuna do provide food and livelihoods for people, they are more than just seafood," said the WWF. "Tuna are a top predator in the marine food chain, maintaining a balance in the ocean environment." 2016 AFP Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Douglas V. Gibbs is a proud member of the American Authors Association Douglas V. Gibbs is a proud member of the Military Writers Society of America. The Green Party in Warren County had candidates on the ballot Tuesday in every race except judges and coroner. We tried really hard to put forward a physician assistant to run for coroner, said Matt Funiciello, the Green Party candidate in the 21st Congressional District. Local Green Party candidates are committed to continuing their full ballot strategy and expanding the party base, even though their share of the vote on Tuesday was less than what they had hoped. We dont have a choice but to move forward on the issues that are driving us, Funiciello said. He said he fully expected to receive at least 22 percent of the vote on Tuesday, double his 11 percent showing in 2014. On election night, he only received 4.38 percent of the vote. This was a very large disappointment, he said. Funiciello said perhaps he became too optimistic based on the enthusiasm at his campaign events throughout the district. Robin Barkenhagen, the Green Party candidate in the 114th Assembly District, received 12.31 percent of the vote, and Steve Ruzbacki, the Green Party candidate in the 45th Senate District, received 10 percent of the vote, both running in races with no Democratic candidate. Disappointment cannot distract from determinism, Barkenhagen said. The Warren County Green Party is working with Green Party members in Essex, Franklin, Washington and Saratoga counties to organize new chapters, Barkenhagen said. We are going to try to make sure by 2018 every county in CD (Congressional District) 21 has a county party organized, he said. In the meantime, the Warren County Green Party Committee is endeavoring to field as many candidates as possible for municipal elections in 2017, and is encouraging members to volunteer on municipal planning, zoning and advisory boards, Barkenhagen said. Green Party candidates take solace in the fact that party enrollment is increasing, and that the Green Party generally fared better in Warren County than in the rest of the state on Tuesday. Warren County Green Party enrollment had increased by 56 people to 188 over the past two years, as of Nov. 1, according to the state Board of Elections. The increase moved the Green Party into fifth place for enrollment among political parties in the county, ahead of the Working Families Party. Funiciello received the highest number of votes and the highest percentage of votes, by far, of three Green Party congressional candidates in New York on Tuesday. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein received 2.8 percent of the vote in Warren County, double her statewide percentage of 1.4 percent. Warren County had the second highest percentage for Stein in the state. Similarly, Green Party U.S. Senate candidate Robin Laverne Wilson received 2.23 percent of the vote in Warren County, compared with 1.43 percent statewide. Barkenhagen said his biggest disappointment was that 9,312 people in the 114th Assembly District cast ballots but did not vote for either Assembly candidate, leaving the column blank instead of selecting a candidate. The reason we run is so that they (incumbents) dont run unopposed, he said. Funiciello said Republicans seemed less inclined this election than in 2014 to cross party lines to vote for him. You can see a lot of the Republicans who strayed over to our side last time around out of disgust with the two-party system were far more interested in (Donald) Trump and giving him the support down-ticket he needed, he said. Register for more free articles. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox! Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter. Sign up! Already a Subscriber? Already a Subscriber? Sign in Terms of Service Privacy Policy I'm not on Facebook and do not post to Medium. Twitter has suspended me. I don't know why. mscriver@3rivers.net COMMENTS WELCOME unless they are anonymous. BEIJING - China's largest online shopping day that falls on Nov 11 has evolved into one with global impact, providing foreign companies with an alternative to access the enormous Chinese market and consumers outside China with quality products at lower prices. In Japan, many local businesses including Yahoo Japan, FamilyMart and Softbank have started to put on sale on Nov 11 to coincide with the Chinese "Double 11" event, during which millions of Chinese shoppers spend large sums online for home appliances, clothing, luxury goods, among others. Leading Thai skincare brand Snailwhite and SPA chain operator Thann opened their flagship stores on Tmall, one of Alibaba's business-to-consumer online platforms. Li Jin, manager of Snailwhite's Tmall store, said the brand participated in last year's "Double 11" promotion activities and recorded a sales performance far exceeding traditional store sales. "We have chosen 36 products this year for the Nov 11 promotion this year and expect even better results than last year," he said. In Australia, local dealers are increasingly recognizing the vast business potential from the annual Chinese online shopping frenzy. Beef suppliers, dairy producers and wool manufacturers are rushing to set up online stores targeting Chinese customers. Prime Fresh, a Sydney-based supplier of beef cuts, said its sales surged at least 50 percent in recent weeks thanks to promotion activities for Nov 11, also known as the Singles' Day in China. Paul Greenberg, CEO of Australia's National Online Retailers Association, told Xinhua that compared with large-scale retail promotions in Western countries, China's Singles' Day features a new sales mode (online rather than in brick-and-mortar store), better logistics and payment solutions. "All these are unique contributions to the global business by China's e-commerce sector," he said. British chain supermarket operator Waitrose, in partnership with a Chinese marketing and logistics company, started exporting to China in April, selling through the Royal Mail shop on Tmall, said The Guardian. "Singles Day is a big occasion for consumers and businesses in China and has the potential to give the products we offer more exposure and provide another opportunity to test demand for our brand," Nigel Roberts, a Waitrose manager, was quoted as saying. On the consumer side, the massive promotions by Chinese e-commerce operators at around Nov 11 have also offered overseas shoppers strong incentives to spend. Chicago resident Matthew Eisenberg told Xinhua that he has never missed "Double 11" since he knew about it. Still paying his student loan, the data analyst lives frugally and Chinese online shopping sites help make his life much more comfortable. Items he often buys online include Chinese digital products and Vietnamese coffee beans. Compared with similar products selling in the United States, they are of good quality with lower prices, he said. Apart from the price factor, Chinese online shops appeal to overseas consumers because of their detail-oriented services and payment policies. "When you are browsing the page of a shirt, the system will alert you that the Chinese size is different from the Brazilian one and you could communicate directly with a shop assistant," said Philipe Lima, a 31-year-old software engineer in Rio de Janeiro. "My personal experience also shows the payment system is very secure," he told Xinhua. La Nacion, a prestigious Argentine newspapers, has just reported that 80 percent of the packages delivered by the Argentine Postal Service are from China, an indicator of booming e-commerce between the two countries. Jorge Castro, director of the Institute of Strategic Planning in Buenos Aires, noted that the Nov 11 shopping day are attracting a growing number of Argentine customers. Thanks to e-commerce platforms, Argentine customers are able to buy across the globe while Argentine businessmen are selling products like red shrimps and cod to the rest of the world, all online. "It is exactly a win-win feast," Castro commented. Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to go quietly into that good night. On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic Blue America and Republican Red America into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros. The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soross Purple Revolution in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption. No sooner had Trump been declared the 45 th president of the United States, Soros-funded political operations launched their activities to disrupt Trump during Obamas lame-duck period and thereafter. The swiftness of the Purple Revolution is reminiscent of the speed at which protesters hit the streets of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in two Orange Revolutions sponsored by Soros, one in 2004 and the other, ten years later, in 2014. As the Clintons were embracing purple in New York, street demonstrations, some violent, all coordinated by the Soros-funded Moveon.org and Black Lives Matter, broke out in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Oakland, Nashville, Cleveland, Washington, Austin, Seattle, Philadelphia, Richmond, St. Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, San Francisco, and some 200 other cities across the United States. President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset. One of Trumps political advertisements, released just prior to Election Day, stated that George Soros, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Lloyd Blankfein, are all part of a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. Soros and his minions immediately and ridiculously attacked the ad as anti-Semitic. President Trump should be on guard against those who his campaign called out in the ad and their colleagues. Soross son, Alexander Soros, called on Trumps daughter, Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, to publicly disavow Trump. Soross tactics not only seek to split apart nations but also families. Trump must be on guard against the current and future machinations of George Soros, including his Purple Revolution. US president-elect Donald Trump hailed Israel as a beacon of hope to countless people on Friday in his first public message to the country since his upset victory. Israel and America share so many of the same values, such as freedom of speech, freedom of worship and the importance of creating opportunities for all citizens to pursue their dreams, Trump said in the message published by the Israel Hayom newspaper. Israel is the one true democracy and defender of human rights in the Middle East and a beacon of hope to countless people. He added that he hoped his administration would play a significant role in helping the parties to achieve a just, lasting peace, saying that any deal would have to be directly negotiated between the two sides. France is currently pushing for an international conference to discuss peace in the Middle East, but Israel says any talks should be bilateral ones between the two sides. The Palestinians have called for international involvement, accusing Israel of reneging on past agreements. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was among the first leaders Trump spoke to after his election victory. Israeli right-wingers have hailed Trumps win as an opportunity to consolidate control over the West Bank. Meir Turgeman, chairman of the Jerusalem municipality planning committee, told Israel Radio that it provided a green light to revive suspended permits for Israeli construction in East Jerusalem. He said the municipality intended to authorize thousands of housing units that had been frozen. The Marxist Coup Brewing within our Republic No one should think that the globalist power structure, for which Hillary Rodham Clinton is the face, will willingly cede their power No one should think that the globalist power structure, for which Hillary Rodham Clinton is the face, will willingly cede their power. They will not go quietly into the night. Instead, they will utilize the tactics of their patron saint, Saul Alinsky, whose book Rules for Radicals was dedicated to Lucifer himself. We are seeing this play out on the streets of Portland, Los Angeles, New York and other cities in between. Thousands of intellectually impaired malcontents and morally bankrupt lawless anarchists, or a generation of Clinton, Obama and Sanders supporters, are mere cannon fodder for the Clintons and the larger criminal cabal that has allowed to exist for so long. However, they are too blinded to see that they are pawns in a much larger globalist agenda to retain their power and elite status. Again we see the lies of the leftist media and their card-carrying Socialist comrades deceptively claiming that these protests are both spontaneous and organic. They are neither, and are as spontaneous as the attack in Benghazi was in 2012. They are well planned, organized and funded by the same people who refuse to cede power. The media is even reluctant to call them for what they are: organized riots, complete with injuries and property destruction. Left unexposed, these riots will not only continue, but spread. It is now Hillary Clinton and her Marxist supporters who are threatening our Representative Republic through the petition website Change.org. Immediately following Donald Trumps election victory, a petition was launched to sway the Electoral College to Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19. The Electoral College will meet and vote on December 19, 2016, to certify the Trump victory as defined within our Constitution. Remember, the United States is a Representative Republic and not a Democracy, no matter how many times journalists want to change our constitution through language and the repetitiveness of their lies. Unable to comprehend such duplicity and blinded by their idolatry, these useful idiots, including the Hollywood elite are pushing for the Electors of the Electoral College to cast their ballots for Clinton on December 19, 2016. They believe that they have the chance to change the outcome of the election, an event that would surely throw this already heavily divided country into a very real civil war, something the Marxists Progressives have been longing for. In fact, my own government insider admitted as much exactly as I have documented in my previous reports. As to the petition to the Electoral College, it should be noted that they currently have over 2.2 million signatures and are gaining on their goal of three million. Are We Disillusioned Yet? South Korea says North Korea has fired a total of more than 10 missiles off its eastern and western coasts, reports AP. READ MORE:Rate of teacher absenteeism declines He thanked the teacher unions and the Ghana Education Service for reducing teacher absenteeism from 27 percent to 7 percent. "I want to thank the teacher unions, GNAT (Ghana National Association of Teachers) and GNAGRAT (National Association of Graduate Teachers) and also the Ghana Education Service. Today as I speak, as at this year, teacher absenteeism is down from 27 percent to seven percent," he said at the commissioning of the Frafraha Community Day School. The gradual reduction of teacher absenteeism has been attributed to strict measures put in place by the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders to tackle the issue. The Brong Ahafo and Upper East Regions recorded the lowest teacher absenteeism rates in the country. The two regions recorded 2 percent as against the national rate of 7 percent. READ MORE: New teachers to be licensed before they teach in public schools The victim, who narrated the story to the Punch, said: On Thursday night, my wife went out to use the toilet. We normally use potties. But when she got to where she put her potty, she could not find it, so she came back to ask me but I told her I had not seen it. She went outside to look for it and that was when she saw our neighbour (Essien) coming out of the toilet with it. My wife came back to report to me. I was preparing to go out and challenge the man for using my wifes potty when my wife cautioned me not to go. She said she would prefer to go and meet the mans wife and talk to her. I agreed and let the matter go. The following morning (Friday), I went to work but when I came back in the night, I saw the potty at my entrance, even though we usually kept it out of sight in a corner of the house. When I asked my wife about it, she said she did not know who put it there, so I picked the potty and put it under the staircase where we usually kept it. When I was returning it, Essien blocked my way and said I should not put it there again, I asked why and he said because my wife was accusing him of using the plastic. I told him that if my wife really accused him, all he needed was to deny or ignore her that he really did not use it. I tried to go past him and put the potty there but he pushed me to the ground. We were about to fight when neighbours separated us. I went inside and sat down. Later, I went to put on a boxer and sat outside to take fresh air. I was receiving a call when I heard I will surprise you today. I will show you today. I turned around and he rushed at me. We were fighting when he grabbed my manhood and held on to it so tightly that I fell down and fainted. I think he did not know that I had actually fainted because I was told he still held on to it even when I had passed out. I learnt that it took three men in the compound to force him to let go. I was later told that after Essien let go, my neighbours realised how serious my injuries were as I laid unconscious on the ground, so they quickly revived and rushed me to a hospital where I was stitched up and hooked on a drip. Chiagba further explained that he had not been able to walk properly since the incident, adding that he had expended a lot of money on treatment and believed Essien must be made to reimburse the money he spent on his treatment. But Essien, a Calabar, Cross River State indigene, who has since been arrested by policemen from the Egbeda Police Division, Lagos, said he did not mean to inflict such an injury on Chiagba. According to the police image maker, Dolapo Badmus, Essien has been charged before an Ebute Meta Chief Magistrates Court in the state for battery and assault. READ MORE: Ayariga heads to court again over disqualification Whoever appointed her was the worst mistake Ghana has ever done in our history and for that matter we are calling immediately for her resignation that she is not qualified," Ayariga told the media Friday. "Her institution is no more credible, not free, not fair, to supervise the general election. And if we proceed with this woman whatever comes our faith we should accept it in good faith because we have called for it, he said. READ MORE: PPP supporters clash with students leaves many injured Speaking at a lecture in the UK last week, Charlotte Osei said, "there will be one winner and certainly several losers including Hassan Ayariga, I am sure." Intended as a discussion group, the blog has evolved to be more of a reading list of current issues affecting our county, its government and people. All reasonable comments and submissions welcomed. Email us at: bill.pysson@gmail.com REMEMBER: To view our sister blog for education issues: www.district100watchdog.blogspot.com He accused the commission of manipulating the laws to disqualify him. We will go to court but I dont want to hold the whole country to ransom, [so] I will not put an injunction on the election but I will seek for justice to be delivered to me and to the whole world to know that that people cannot take the law into their own hands and do whatever they want and walk away with it, he said. The disqualified flagbearer said his decision to go to court is for the good of the nation, warning that what the commission did to him could happen to anyone in the future. He said: We want justice for our nation; we want justice for the many million Ghanaians who are before me and around me. "It is not about Hassan Ayariga and the EC, it is about our nation and all of you want to see that justice is delivered. "In mathematics, once you get one equation wrong, no matter the formulas you use, the end result will be wrong. "So if we allow the virus of the EC to affect Hassan Ayariga it will affect the rest of you in the future and we dont want that to happen so lets correct the virus now. Ayariga failed to make the cut after the Supreme Court ordered the EC to extend the deadline for the submission of nomination forms following the disqualification of 12 presidential nominees. In all, seven presidential nominees have been cleared by the commission to contest in the December vote. I was a minister in former President Rawlings government when we wanted to give Muslims public holidays, the NPP resisted it. In fact, we suffered, he said at Takoradi Zongo in the Western region. Prof. Ahwoi, who is credited with Ghana's chaotic local governance system, said president John Mahama and his vice president, Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur, are committed to the course of the Zongo communities. He noted that though the president and his vice are not Muslims, they are committed to working with the Chiefs and people of the Zongos. As Omane Boamah went off discussion and the host tried to whip him in line, he lost his cool, accusing host Sampson Lardy Ayenini and Joy FM of whitewashing Akufo-Addo. The president's spokesman also turned his blazing gun on former Attorney General Martin Amidu, calling him a liar, demanding that Joy FM puts him on the phone for him to address him. When his demand was refused, he quizzed: "Sampson, why are you not putting him online?" At that point, a banter ensues between him and the host, as Sampson tells him, "I am not one of those dumb host" who succumbs to your demand. Omane Boamah then responded: "I won't sit down here and allow you to turn the truth outside down. Martin Amidu has lied, yet you are not interested in putting him online." Other panellists on the show had to remind him that he is a Minister of state and that his conduct on the show was repugnant. DeNiro is one of many world celebrities who spoke out against Trump due to his divisive agenda if elected president. The actor's short video was an online hit after he was seen slamming the business mogul, making it clear that he won't like to have him as president. That boat has now sailed, but DeNiro is yet to come to terms with the outcome of the US presidential election. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, he said, I feel like I did after 9/11. Well just see what happens. There will be many, many, many, many, many people watching. DeNiro, in his viral video directed at Donald Trump called the politician blatantly stupid, a punk, a dog, a pig, a con, and a bulls artist, among other things. He also said hed like to punch [Trump] in the face. It looks like he will not be getting his wish to punch Trump in the face being that the latter is about to occupy one of the most powerful and coveted position in the world. The actor was quite aware of this when he said, I cant do that now hes the president, And I have to respect that position, even though we all know what he, anyway. "We have to see what hes gonna do, and how hes really gonna follow through on certain things. "As we even see now, in a lot of cities, a lot of people are getting very upset and protesting. It is yet to be seen what will follow soon as Trump assumes the role of the president. Welcome to the Pulse Community! We will now be sending you a daily newsletter on news, entertainment and more. Also join us across all of our other channels - we love to be connected! According to reports, the clergyman was taken at his farm located in Kufi area, along Olounda-Aba road, Ibadan. Rt. Rev. Amos Ajiboye, the bishop of the diocese has released a statement calling on the state governor, Abiola Ajimobi to assist in finding the kidnapped priest. The whereabouts of the priest is still unknown. On behalf of the Prelate of the church, His Eminence, Dr. K. Uche, and the Archbishop of Ibadan, Most Rev. M.K. Stephen, I appeal to the Oyo State Governor Abiola Ajimobi, the state Commissioner of Police and other security agencies to please assist in finding the whereabouts of the minister of God and help release him unhurt. Report says that Ogunbekun was at the farm with two of his staff when five gunmen abducted him and took him to an unknown location. He came into the year riding the buzz of his hit single Ojuelegba, and two massive collaborations: Soweto Baby with South African powerhouses DJ Maphorisa and DJ Buckz, and Roll Up (Re-Up) with Emtee. But things really picked up when Drake snapped him up for his chart-topping summer anthem One Dance. Since then, he has won a slew of awards, the most notable being the nod for Artiste of the Year at the MTV Africa Music Awards. You can be forgiven for thinking hes done though, because he isnt. Yesterday, on the 10th of November 2016, Wizkid tweeted "#TeamWizkid homecoming concert in lagos looking live!! i cut all VIP tickets! No VIP we all one! One price for all! Date in a bit!" at his 2.3 million fans. It was meant to be an update of sorts on the concert that would welcome him home from a year of globetrotting. In response, one of his fans, Twitter user @casted_dammy asked that the concert be held at the Teslim Balogun Stadium in Surulere. It sounded like a terrific suggestion, the stuff of Eureka moments. And Wizkid thought so too; he tweeted at the Lagos State Governor asking for permission to use the venue. Ultimately, security concerns mean that the arena will not host the concert, but it got us wondering: Could Wizkid fill up Teslim Balogun Stadium if he got the chance? Nigeria does not have an active concert culture. We have the biggest stars on the continent, the millions of teeming fans and all the space we could want, but the shows are in short supply. It seems mostly due to constant security problems; the fear of going to see live music and coming home in complete pain and sorrow. Theres also the problem of cost, not everybody wants to pay five thousand naira to stand in the heat and enjoy body odor for 5 hours because of Wizkid, or Olamide, or anyone for that matter. In recent times, apart from the seminal Star Trek, only Phyno has gone near the idea of a proper stadium concert. The Igbo stars fans shut down the Chuba Ikpeazu Stadium in Onitsha for the 2015 edition of PhynoFest. Before that, courtesy of Nigerias obsession with Makossa, Awilo Longomba filled the National Stadium, Surulere in 2000. It has not happened since. Wizkids case seems completely different. No act has enjoyed this much of a high since Dbanj dropped Oliver Twist and got us asking for more that would never come. Also, he hasnt done any major shows in the country since the start of the year, and with the list of hits hes dropped, it would be the perfect time to hold a concert for the fans. Add that to the fact that hes finally coming into his own as a stage performer and you might just have all the reasons why the concert should be an overwhelming success. Being Young Pablo, though, does not exempt Wizkid from the basic problems that any other artiste would face; price and security. Then, theres Lagos itself; during the festive season, the city is a difficult place to navigate. Fans would have to deal with the trouble of getting in and out of the area surrounding the venue; many tears of frustration will be shed on that day. Then theres the problem of managing things at the venue. We are not really popular for our decorum; imagine the scenes when Wizkid remembers that he can throw money to his people. The bid to make the Teslim Balogun dream a reality has since been shut down as Wizkid says he will inform fans of the venue and date for his homecoming concert. The jury here is still out on whether or not he can pull it off, theres little we can do than wait to see if hell try again. The Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, said this at news conference in Lagos to mark his one year in office. Adewole said that the ministry would also work with the private sector to publish a directory of health facilities in the country. He said that the ministry had during the period evolved a development plan even in the face of economic challenges and distractions resulting from Lassa fever and Polio outbreaks. According to him, Lassa fever has been put under check and rehabilitation work has commenced in seven laboratories across the country to aid quick and better diagnosis of disease outbreak. Adewole said that healthcare delivery required collective efforts and should not be left for government alone. We have decided to work with the private sector in the coming year because they have the discipline, resources and efficiency to drive the sector. We want to establish a Bank of Health similar to Bank of Industry and Bank of Agricultural, so that those who want to set up health facilities can have access to resources. We believe that the one million dollars that is estimated to leave Nigeria due to medical tourism will be trapped here. Those who go to India, Europe, even Ghana and Benin Republic, will have no reason to leave the country for medical care, he said Adewole said that a technical working group had been set up in collaboration with the private sector to publish health facilities directory and their services. Publishing a directory of health facilities across the country and the services they render is important, be it renal or heart transplant or even cancer surgeries. This will help Nigerians to make informed choices and know where to go, he said. The minister said that the ministry would also embark on the revitalisation of seven teaching hospitals in 2017, adding, however, that we cannot rehabilitate all the teaching hospitals in 2017; we will do it in phases. We are hoping to do seven with two cancer machines next year and then we scale up further. On liver cancer, which is the commonest in Nigeria, Adewole said that the ministry would be working with International Agency for Research and Cancer to reduce the burden. The agency is developing a new initiative to store groundnut properly because there is a link between Aflatoxin in groundnut and liver cancer. With that initiative, we are going to reduce liver cancer in Nigeria, he added. He urged the media to partner the ministry to help get feedback, criticisms and help to restore the confidence of Nigerians in the health sector. Year one is gone; we recognise what we have done. For the ones we are yet to do and the challenges in the sector, we are on track; we are committed and focused. In a recent report by Punch Newspaper, the insurgents reportedly demanded $50million as ransom for the Chibok girls but the FG paid only a quarter of the sum. The report also revealed that the ransom was paid in two currencies the naira and the CFA Francs to the leaders of the sect to facilitate the release of the girls. This is coming despite denials by the Federal Government that money was paid to the sect to secure the release of the abducted girls. A military source told Punch that it is unfortunate that the government's desperation to secure the release of the girls saw the FG yielding to the demands of the insurgents. It is unfortunate that in governments desperation to secure the release of the Chibok girls, it has put our (soldiers) lives in danger by yielding to the demands of the group to collect a ransom and secure the release of its commanders. It is now obvious that the group has reinforced and bought more weapons to fight us. Funds were given to Boko Haram and now we can all see the result of that action; there have been renewed attacks recently and many of our men have been killed in the process but we will not relent, we will continue to do our best to secure this nation. The military had reservations about the arrangement but it was not in our hands; it was a political decision that we had to abide with and it was the DSS that was directly in charge of the operation, the source disclosed. ALSO READ: FG, Boko Haram finalise negotiations for release of 2nd batch The military sources insisted that Boko Haram did not release the girls without getting anything in return and that the Federal Government indeed paid a ransom. Boko Haram, which has killed and kidnapped thousands of people, had seized an area approximately the size of Belgium in northeastern Nigeria by last year but has since lost significant ground amid growing regional military pressure. Analyst and security sources think the fighters are probably recent recruits that Boko Haram has struggled to retain as it has ceded territory. Defections of Boko Haram fighters have been reported in Nigeria but are not known to have previously occurred on such a large scale. "They surrendered to our troops on the front line in Lake Chad," said Colonel Mohammad Dole, Chief Military Public Information Officer for the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) headquartered in Chad's capital N'Djamena. "The surrenders are taking place because of the firepower of our operations. The groups, many of them armed, have been arriving since September and their number keeps increasing," he said. Some 240 fighters, most off whom are Chadian, are now being held in detention along with their families, Dole said. J. L. BELL is a Massachusetts writer who specializes in (among other things) the start of the American Revolution in and around Boston. He is particularly interested in the experiences of children in 1765-75. He has published scholarly papers and popular articles for both children and adults. He was consultant for an episode of History Detectives, and contributed to a display at Minute Man National Historic Park. Dogara made the call at Obosi, Anambra, while speaking at an economic empowerment programme launched by member of the house, Rep. Obinna Chidoka (PDP-Anambra), representing Idemili North and South Federal Constituency. According to a statement by Mr Iliya Habila, his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, the speaker advised Nigerians not to allow the difficulties of the recession to becloud the opportunities in the country. The truth is that in every difficulty there are challenges. We should not let the difficulties we are facing as a people and as a nation to becloud us from seeing the opportunities that are available from these national challenges that we are facing. Challenges related to the economic recession should never be the excuse whereby hard working citizens will fold their hands and continue to look up to government to perform the magic. For us, the wealth of a nation is not measured by how rich the nation is; it is measured in gross national product. It, therefore, means that it is accumulative wealth of the people that translates into the wealth of the nation. If our citizens are rich and wealthy, Nigeria will be a wealthy nation. If our citizens are poor and hungry, Nigeria will remain a poor nation, he said. Dogara expressed belief that items distributed to the people at the event by the legislator would ensure their self-reliance and empowerment for their families. He said the House of Representatives believed that apart from legislation, lawmakers were also duty-bound to assist their constituents with items to empower them. Fashola told newsmen in Lagos on Friday night that the government had to lay the structure and establish a system before calling for private participation in the housing sector. He said that most of the building materials to be used would be sourced locally to fast-track growth and reduce unemployment. If we achieve what we are planning, we would have built a system; if it becomes enduring like the new pension scheme, the better. When acceptability has set in, the private sector can be called in, he said, adding that the Federal Mortgage Bank would play a significant role in providing funds. Fashola said the socio-cultural needs of each geopolitical zone would be considered in arriving at what architectural designs to choose for a particular town. He said that the targeted group would be civil servants on levels eight to 15 and their contemporaries in the private sector who would spend an agreed number of years to pay for the houses. Lt.-Col. Olaolu Daudu, the Coordinator of the Joint Media Campaign Centre of Operation Delta Safe, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Yenagoa on Saturday that measures had been put in place to restore peace in the region. Troops in Delta foiled an armed robbery attempt and rescued 6 civilians returning from market along Bomadi Agadama road by Ohoro Junction in Ughelli North Local Government Area. The suspected robbers fled on sighting troops. In another development, troops deployed at Koluama conducted a raid on Sea Pirates hideout in Kasabubou Forupa Waterways, Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa. Troops rescued three persons namely; Peter Atijera, Lukeman Balogun and Pious John and recovered Speedboat mounted with Double Engine 115/80 Horse Power, 2 Binoculars and one Motorola radio. The Air Component of Operation DELTA SAFE while on patrol over Isaka town, Kidney Island, Alakiri and Bille in Degema Local Government Area of Rivers State sighted two barges loaded with illegally refined products which were incapacitated, Daudu said. According to him, troops of Sector 3 resolved a major fracas between the youths of Ayama village in Aladja community of Warri South West in the process of which one Mr Sunday Obuche of Ayama Community was killed. Daudu noted that the presence of troops forestalled the degeneration of the crisis and further loss of lives. He stated that the corpse of Obuche has been deposited at the Oviam Aladja Police Station while a meeting with the warring factions will be held to forestall reprisal attacks. The spokesman also said the troops rescued three indigenous staff of LEX Oil, who were kidnapped on Nov. 3 at Ikuru town in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers. Furthermore, troops in conjunction with personnel of the Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) conducted a raid on a suspected illegal drug dealers hideout at Emu Obodeti Community in Ndokwa West Local Government Area, Delta State. The operation led to the arrest of one Moses Eni and Mrs Boyi Kamanda with 55 bags of substance suspected to be Indian hemp recovered. Going by the number of rice farmers benefiting from the VCDP and the hectares of land they cultivate, you will agree with me that Niger State has the potentials to feed Nigeria and West Africa, he said. Ahmed said 146 rice farmers were benefiting from the programme in the state and were cultivating a total of 10, 000 hectares of land. He said that these farmers produce 120, 000 metric tonnes of rice per annum. The VCDP coordinator added that the state has arable land and large number of farmers, especially youths, embracing modern techniques in farming. The Programme Coordinator said that the VCDP was providing effective agronomic practices to the rice and cassava farmers for yield increase. The farmers have testified that before the VCDP came into their clusters they were getting one metric tonne of rice per hectare. As at today, they are harvesting four metric tonnes of rice per hectare of land. It is encouraging because the state and the country can become self sufficient in food production, he said. Ahmed said that the programme, which started as a pilot scheme in three local government areas in the state, had been increased to five local governments. He said that IFAD was also assisting five other local government areas in the state under the Federal Government Anchor Borrowers Programme (ABP) arrangement. Alhaji Shehu Yusuf, the Chairman of All Farmers Association in the state, reiterated that the state has the arable land to feed the country and West Africa with rice. As I speak to you, 7, 000 members of AFAN in Niger State are benefitting from the federal Government ABP scheme. Each person is expected to cultivate one hectare of land with a yield of 5.5 metric tonnes per annum, making a total of 385, 000 metric tonnes of rice annually, he said. Also speaking, Mallam Mohammed Ndako, the Chairman of Jinji Farmers Cooperative Society in Katcha Local Government Area of the state, commended VCDP, saying ABP had increased yield and income. Alhaji Umar Kutigi, the Director of Agriculture Communication in the Niger Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, said that the state had a land mass of 86, 000 square kilometres. In an interview session in Lagos on Saturday, November 12, 2016, Adeosun explained that it will take sometime before the masses start feeling the impact of the funds injected into the economy. Adeosun said that the administration is so concerned and determined to put basic infrastructures in place after projects have been stalled due to lack of finance. She said: "There are a number of reasons why the impact of the injected fund into the economy is not felt by the masses and common Nigerian on the streets or as people would like. One is this, of course these are long term projects and you have to go through procurement process which slowed us down." Speaking further, she said: "Secondly, many contractors who havent been paid since 2013 sat on the first tranche paid to them because they didnt know when another payment is coming but when we paid the second funds, which is another N350billion, we now started seeing a lot of activities, so if you think about the Lagos-Ibadan expressway, you will find out that there are more work going on than in the last three months and that is because the contractor said, look we havent been paid since 2012 and you want us to work but after we were able to pay twice, they knew we meant business. "We are still planning to release another fund, hopefully, before the end of the year to the contractors because we are very committed to these and we know the only way to get this economy to move is this and that is why the impact hasnt really been felt and also you will need to follow due process, you cant just do the contracts yourself, so we have been advertising and reaching out to people giving the Nigerians the opportunity to partake, so that slowed things a bit down but I think that is better for everybody and there is more transparency in what we do," she said. According to a report by Sun Newspaper, the governor said this on Friday, November 11, 2016 at a judiciary event in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Wike said: I was afraid to come out for this programme when I heard that all the security heads in this state came for the programme. So, I told my orderly to pack some of my things into a bag that I may not return because they may arrest me from there. My orderly asked, but you have immunity, I told him that there couldnt be immunity in Nigeria when people are arrested anyhow. We dont respect the rule of law. Anybody can be arrested at anytime, the governor stated. On Saturday, Fadayomi, the Chairman of APC in Ifako-Ijaiye Local Government Area, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that the APC had been able to sell itself adequately to the members of the constituency. According to him, the party is fully on ground and admired by most of the residents. Even if all opposition parties form an alliance, we are going to defeat them. We will work hard to put our new candidate in the position formerly occupied by our party before the demise of Mr Elijah Adewale, he said. The chairman said that the party would unite all its members including those who might feel unhappy about the outcome of the partys primary election held on Friday. Fadayomi urged the party members to leave their differences behind and work together for the partys victory. NAN reports that Mr Nurudeen Akinwunmi on Friday defeated Mr Adisa Owolabi to emerge the winner of the APC primary election for the bye-election. The Chairman of the APC Primary Election Organising Committee, Mr Ismael Ahmed, said that Akinwunmi polled 219 votes to defeat Owolabi who secured 166 votes. According to him, 392 delegates were screened for the poll from 11 wards that made up the federal constituency. He said that the total number of votes cast was 388, out of which 385 were valid and three invalid. An official of INEC in the state, Mrs Bose Oluwatomisin, had told NAN, It was free and fair and the atmosphere was peaceful. There was internal democracy, the election had no rancour, though there is always room for improvement. NAN reports that Mr Elijah Adewale, who represented the constituency in the House of Representatives, died in Abuja on July 20. According to a report by Daily Trust, the state's Chief of staff, Abdulrahman Abba Jimeta made this known on Thursday, November 10, 2016. Abdulrahman Abba Jimeta said all elected and appointed officials in the state would work for Atiku as soon as he declares his intention to contest. Speaking in Hausa said " the entire Adamawa.state government is firmly behind the former Vice President .where ever he (Atiku) goes,the state government is behind him". "From the Governor ,to the Deputy governor,the Secretary to the state government , the Commissioners ,the special advisers and special assistants and all other political appointees and members of the State House of Assembly are behind Atiku Abubakar", he stated. Speaking further the state's Chief of Staff said: "Such an important figure in Adamawa State, we as a government ,have nothing to pay him back, than to support all his,political ambitions and to give him our support if he declares to run for any political office". DES MOINES Iowa Republicans dramatic victories in Tuesdays election can be traced in large part to the partys voter-contact program it has been preparing since the wake of the previous presidential election, top national Republican officials say. Republicans in Iowa won the presidential vote for the first time since 2004 and just the second time in the past seven presidential elections post-Ronald Reagan. The Iowa GOPs four congressional incumbents also won, and the party took control of the state Senate by defeating six Democratic incumbents, giving Republicans full control of the Iowa Capitol for at least the next two years. Throughout the 2016 election season, national and state party officials expressed confidence in their voter-contact program, which was established shortly after the 2012 election. Those officials said this week they feel vindicated by Tuesdays results. I think that Tuesdays historic win for Donald Trump and really Republicans across the country was made possible because of (Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus) strategic vision to build a world-class, permanent, data-driven ground game, Juston Johnson, the national partys regional political director for Iowa and Wisconsin, said Friday. The national GOP determined after the 2012 election it needed to establish a long-term, data-driven voter-contact program in key presidential battleground states, including Iowa. The work began in late 2013 to prepare for the 2014 mid-term elections. The national party partnered with battleground state parties, including Iowa, to develop a long-term strategy that started early with building relationships with organizers and voters. Republicans modeled some of their work on President Barack Obamas successful ground game, making their own tweaks and additions. They also trained staff to develop neighborhood outreach leaders and relied on a data-rich voter-contact program to maximize turnout. While it is impossible to draw a definitively direct correlation, the short-term anecdotal evidence suggests the program been dramatically effective. In 2012, Iowa went for Obama for the second time, but the state had a Republican Gov. Terry Branstad. Iowas congressional delegation was a three-three split of Democrats and Republicans, and the Statehouse was under split party control. In four years and two elections, Iowa now has five congressional Republicans and one Democrat, the Statehouse will be under complete Republican control come January, and the state went for Donald Trump by almost 10 percentage points. Republicans also have grown their advantage over Democrats in state voter registration: As of Nov. 1, active registered Republican voters outnumbered Democrats by more than 33,000. After the 2012 election, Democrats led Republicans by 4,461 active registered voters. And they narrowed the early-voting gap: In 2012, Iowa Democrats cast 68,000 more early votes than Republicans; in 2016, that advantage was reduced to 42,000. The hard work that we set out to do definitely paid off, Matt Dailer, the national partys Iowa political director, said Friday. The fact we were there for so long, we built relationships with people who got to be part of the discussions. When Trump secured the Republican nomination, his campaign ceded the ground game operation to the party, which already was running its expansive operation. I think that we need to acknowledge and thank, frankly, the Trump campaign for their efforts. But I can give them credit for understanding what the RNC had built and had been working on for more than a year and a half and just fully bought into our plan, Johnson said. I dont think that can be overemphasized, because what that allowed us to do was to create efficiencies within the program, so we werent duplicating effort. In 2012, Iowa went for Democratic President Barack Obama for the second time, but had a Republican Gov. Terry Branstad. The states Congressional delegation was a perfect three-three split of Democrats and Republicans, and the statehouse was under split party control. MUSCATINE, Iowa John and Jill Hesseling had planned on getting married in July, 2004. Jill had the dress picked out and the big day was planned. Then John got a phone call that would put their lives on hold. He came up to me and he told me, Im getting deployed, Jill said. That February, the high school sweethearts would marry at the Muscatine Courthouse. They canceled their July wedding and at a time when most newlyweds make honeymoon plans, they drew up a will and power of attorney in case John never came back. You dont really think of having to do a will, Jill said. You dont think about having to do it at that age. John, who served in the Iowa National Guard, would turn 21 during his pre-deployment training in Texas. Its just a very real experience to leave a brand new wife and your life behind and go, he said. Jill came to Texas to see John one last time before he left for Afghanistan and the magnitude of their sacrifice hit her. I think you dont realize the extent of the sacrifice that its going to be. You think, we can do this its not going to be so bad, she said. But saying goodbye was painful. You say I love you, with meaning, she said. And its like, you say like it could be the last time because you dont really know. And so you hug and you dont want to let go. In Afghanistan, John served as a combat engineer. He recalls the hot summer and the freezing winter he spent there. I grew up quite a bit, he said about his time there. He remembers going into villages and seeing the Taliban in action. You go into a town and you could tell how friendly they [villagers] were, he said. If you went into a town and they ran inside, you knew that the Taliban had been through there and had convinced them that we are the bad people and that they will be hurt if they cooperated or interacted with us. Other times, he said, kids would ask him for Pepsi and candy. Back at home, Jill had to adjust to a new life without John. She worked overtime. She bought a home. She wrote him letters and waited for his calls. But she was also worried. She knew police officers would come to her home or work if John was killed. Every time a cop drove by your house or youve seen one in your workplace, your heart just drops to your stomach and you think, like, is that something for me? she said. Jill tried to ignore those feelings, but her worries would resurface every time she heard news from Afghanistan. But she would also rejoice in the letters he sent her. Every letter you would get in the mail was the best thing ever, she said. John would come back a year and a half later and their lives would resume. Its weird, he said. You come back to somewhere youve been your entire life and its different. At home, Johns Army training would surface at odd moments. When he saw lightning bugs he would reflexively reach for his night goggles. And although a year and a half passed since their hasty wedding at the courthouse, John and Jill had never lived together. Five years later, John would join the Muscatine Police Department, where he is now a detective. He cares about his country, he cares about his family, he cares about his community, I mean, because of the Army he became a police officer. He wanted to continue his work and serving, Jill said. And in many ways, she said, being an Army wife and being a police officers wife is very similar. Even being a police officers wife, you still sacrifice. It doesnt stop. He goes to work every day and I cant tell you if hes coming home. But, she said, she is also keenly aware of the value of their lives together. You cant let yourself focus on that, and you try not to take anything for granted. An email sent this week by Niabi Zoo director Lee Jackson saying there will be no public-private partnership that would place governance of the zoo in the hands of a third party has irked members of the non-profit Niabi Zoological Society and some members of the Rock Island County Board. For more than a year, we have been evaluating the possibility of entering into a public-private partnership with the Niabi Zoological Society, wherein the Forest Preserve would enter into a management agreement with the Society transitioning the Zoo to public ownership with private management by the zoo, Jackson wrote. We were very thorough in this evaluation. Jackson based his statement on an opinion issued by the civil division of the Rock Island County States Attorneys Office. But Jacksons position goes against a plan that County Board members had embraced just a year ago. In October 2015, the County Board released an action plan for the zoo prepared by Philadelphia-based business consultant Schultz & Williams. Strengthening the Niabi Zoo will require shifting the Zoos governance from the Forest Preserve Commission to a new five-member steering committee and oversight board, the plan said. The plan said that taking the zoo out of the hands of the Forest Preserve Commission "will create greater appeal for donors who articulated a reluctance during their interviews for the Societys recently completed feasibility study to support the Zoo as a publicly managed facility. In essence, the strategic plan said that major donors did not want to donate if the zoo remained under the control of the Forest Preserve Commission, which is made up of the entire County Board. In his email, Jackson said, We will move forward, however. We believe that a focus on reinvigorating our current structure is our path forward. He said Friday that more information about his decision and his plans will be forthcoming. County Board member Drue Mielke, of Coal Valley, questioned the timing of the opinion, but was more concerned about the financial viability of the zoo. The zoo is in the center of my district, Mielke said Friday. Its a big part of my district. With potentially thousands of dollars in donations to the zoo at stake, Mielke said that, "It is very important for us to get outside sponsorship for the zoo. Anything that prohibits that is bad news. That outside sponsorship will provide the funds necessary for this zoo to soar. Mielke added that Jackson does not have the authority to make such a unilateral decision. "He operates the zoo, but we are the elected officials," Mielke said. "We set the policy." Rock Island County States Attorney John McGehee said Friday that there is no state statute prohibiting the zoo from entering into public-private partnership. However, "entering into public-private partnerships always raises legal issues, he said. "Niabi has its own taxing levy. It is its own separate entity. But it is overseen by the Forest Preserve Commission. "The county cannot just give up its oversight and decision-making responsibilities," he said. County Board member Kai Swanson, Rock Island, said that the idea of a public-private partnership means different things to different people. On one end of the spectrum, the county holds the title to the land but the decisions are in the hands of others. On the other end, the private partner simple runs a couple of fundraisers during the year while decisions are made by the public entitys leaders. There are significant issues to how we move forward with the public-private partnership, Swanson said. If a public-private partnership is in the cards at some point, he he would like to see something in the middle of the spectrum. In the meantime, Swanson said that, We just hired a very capable manager, referring to Jackson. The problem is we have not quite gotten to the point where weve given him the governance structure where he can soar. We will be closer today in the next 30 days when there will be a new president of the Forest Preserve Commission. The former president of the Forest Preserve Commission, Steve Ballard, of Moline, did not run for re-election to his District 10 seat. There's kind of a funny story to go along with a two-month delay experienced during the construction of a new entrance and elevator at Salem Lutheran Church, 1724 15th St., Moline. The $624,000 construction project is the first big one in 48 years, the Rev. Randy Willers said. It consists of an elevator, carport and vestibule that will make the entire building handicapped-accessible. "This new addition helps to fulfill our vision of being a welcoming place," Willers said. The larger elevator will provide better accessibility for funerals, and the new entrance will improve the appearance of the church on the east side. "This will clearly mark it as a place of worship," Willers said. Salem Lutheran's lot is not big, just about 800 square feet. Part of the solution for spreading out was to buy an adjoining alley from the city of Moline and adjacent property. Once the church owned the land, a couple of houses were torn down and the effort began to vacate the utility lines. AT&T was contacted, but nothing was heard back. "We thought we had it all," Willers said of identifying the underground utilities. Digging began for the elevator pit and the shovel ran into a telephone cable that served 1,800 phone lines. Within minutes, there were a dozen AT&T trucks and crews responding to the site, Willers said. They spliced the lines together for their customers. After that, it took at least two months to figure out how to move forward. As it ended, the church paid for the excavation of the phone cable, and then AT&T moved it outside of the elevator pit. "This got us moving again," Willers said. Salem Lutheran was founded in 1908 (the last time, before this year, that the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, Willers said.) A basement was dug out and covered in 1910, and sanctuary finished in 1917. A couple of additions went on after that, including in 1968 when an auditorium and Sunday School space was built at the structure's north end. The congregation is excited about the current project, which has been at least six years in the making. Willers said the bids went out almost three years ago, and the costs were much higher than expected. So, officials simplified the design and extended the capital campaign until $624,000 was raised, Willers said. The effort was greatly helped by an Arizona couple. The Gary Dean and Christine Newman Jones Foundation made a generous donation to the project, Willers said. Gary Jones grew up in Moline and his mother attended Salem Lutheran for many years. Groundbreaking was June 26. The contractor is Bush Construction, Davenport. WASHINGTON -- It's common to describe ruthless or devious politicians as "Machiavellian." But rarely in America have we seen an embodiment of the traits Machiavelli admired quite like Donald Trump, the president-elect. Go down the list of Trump's controversial characteristics and you will find many of the qualities the cynical Machiavelli thought were essential for a tough leader. Trump can be a liar, which the Florentine philosopher believed was sometimes a necessary part of leadership. He can be a bully, like some of the Italian potentates Machiavelli lauded. He has boasted of a voracious sexual appetite, like Machiavelli himself. To say that Trump displays attributes that Machiavelli deemed necessary in the fractious, perpetually warring states of the 16th-century is not to recommend him as a modern leader. Nobody would want a neo-feudal dictator to lead a 21st-century democracy, you might think. But the American public voted Tuesday for Trump, perhaps in part because it shares Machiavelli's concept of strength, or as he liked to call it, "virtue." (Full disclosure: One reason I'm interested in Machiavelli is that I wrote the libretto for an opera about him, composed by Mohammed Fairouz, which will premiere in March at the Dutch National Opera in Amsterdam.) Machiavelli mocked the version of "political correctness" of his day. He thought most advice manuals for princes were nonsense, in calling for saintly goodness rather than strength. For Machiavelli, leadership was about the decisive exercise of power, not about morality. The prince's task was to create a strong state, not necessarily a "good" one. "Everyone knows how laudable it is for a prince to keep his word and live with integrity instead of by trickery. But the experience of our own time shows us that the princes who have accomplished great things are those who cared little for keeping faith with the people, and who used cleverness to befuddle the minds of men," he wrote in "The Prince." The leader's responsibility was to see the world as it truly was, not as a morality play: "A man who wishes to always do good will surely be ruined among so many who are not good. Thus it is necessary for a prince wishing to retain power to learn how not to be good, employing this art or not according to need." Trump's hunger for public affirmation might have worried Machiavelli. Leaders inevitably want to be both feared and loved, but Machiavelli famously warned that if they have to choose, it "is much safer to be feared." Machiavelli's model of a virtuous leader was Cesare Borgia, who in most historical accounts comes across as a bloodthirsty and rapacious military commander. But Machiavelli thought those qualities allowed Borgia to govern decisively. "Cesare Borgia was considered cruel, yet his cruelty brought an end to the disorders in the Romagna, uniting it in peace and loyalty," he explained. Machiavelli had a chip on his shoulder, politically. He had served as a senior adviser to the republican government that briefly ruled Florence after the Medici dynasty was toppled in 1494. This experiment briefly empowered the fanatical monk, Savonarola. When the Medici regained power in 1512, a cash-strapped Machiavelli tried desperately to gain their confidence. He actually wrote "The Prince" to curry favor with the Medici, but they spurned it. His masterpiece wasn't published until 1532, five years after his death. Machiavelli's free-wheeling sex life contributed to what was, bizarrely, his greatest renown later in life. He became celebrated as the author of sex farces, including one called "The Mandrake," about a randy old man's misadventures with a Florentine herbal version of Viagra. In an excellent 2011 biography, Miles J. Unger writes that Machiavelli's personal insecurities help explain his deep cynicism: "Disappointed in his hopes, burning with unfulfilled ambition, he wrote a pugnacious work that makes a fetish of strength and oozes contempt for anything that smacks of weakness or vacillation." We live in a world in which Machiavellian personalities -- ruthless leaders with a cynical view of human nature -- seem increasingly dominant. Atop the world stage these days are autocratic tough guys, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Trump may be tempted to take his place beside them on the rostrum. But when he takes the oath of office Jan. 20, he will represent a democracy whose Constitution and Bill of Rights remain the hope of the world. Register for more free articles. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Catch the latest in Opinion Get opinion pieces, letters and editorials sent directly to your inbox weekly! Sign up! Already a Subscriber? Already a Subscriber? Sign in Terms of Service Privacy Policy Recall grotesquely maniacal Donald Trump, in face of his perverted ways being subject to rejection by the American electorate, excused himself as being victim of our democratic elections being rigged by everyone against him. All along in this presidential campaign, and most pointedly in his last debate, Trump has displayed a total lack of decency, concern for the welfare of anyone but himself, and a willingness to reject the will of we people expressed through our right to vote in secret ballot. Such leaves all with justifiable concern for our lives, that of those we care for most deeply, and the places we call home, getting painted in a post-election stench of Trump having gained total power over us all. What is to stop him when all federal agencies of the law, investigation, security, military and secret service are in the hands of men that are beholding to him and with further backing by private warriors of the National Rifle Association? On public radio prior to the last debate, Ralph Nader dismissed the threat by contending that a Republican-led Congress would impeach Trump. Who in a snowballs chance in the bonfire of the vanities are they going to send to bring Donald in, Barney Fife? Sam Osborne West Branch, Iowa NATION Megabus to end run through Q-C Discount bus company Megabus has announced it will make its last trips between Omaha and Chicago on Jan. 9. The route has stops in Davenport, Iowa City and Des Moines. Megabus says the route cancellation is part of a wider reorganization of Megabus' Midwest hub, with job losses in Chicago and cutbacks in some other routes. According to the Omaha World-Herald, the New Jersey-based company says low gas prices have reduced demand for its services. Racial incidents continue at schools A student at the University of Oklahoma has been temporarily suspended and police are investigating a threat against a Muslim student near the University of Michigan amid racially charged outbursts at schools and universities across the country following Donald Trump's presidential election. The Associated Press and other local media outlets identified several reports of racist incidents at schools since Tuesday, including a group chat that the Oklahoma student got involved with aimed at black freshmen at the University of Pennsylvania, Trump's alma mater. The chat contained "violent, racist and thoroughly disgusting images and messages," and Penn is "appalled" its students were added to the GroupMe account," UPenn President Amy Gutmann said. Gutmann said UPenn police have been working with the FBI. She earlier said officials had increased campus safety and were "reaching out to support the affected students." University of Oklahoma President David Boren in a statement said the student has been temporarily suspended as the school investigates further. "It would appear this matter did not originate at the University of Oklahoma, but started elsewhere," Boren said in a statement. In Ann Arbor, Michigan, police are looking into a report of a man who threatened to set a Muslim student on fire with a lighter if she didn't remove her hijab on Friday. The incident apparently happened near the University of Michigan campus, according to Ann Arbor police Sgt. Patrick Maguire. He added that the department is "investigating it actively ... and soliciting information from anyone who may have witnessed anything." WORLD Turkey warns against traveling to U.S. Turkey has issued a travel warning for its citizens about going to the United States, citing violent protests following Tuesday's contested presidential election as well as increasing verbal and physical attacks and harassment of an "anti-immigrant" and "racist" nature. In a statement posted on the Foreign Ministry's website Saturday, it said the anti-Donald Trump demonstrations "occasionally featured acts of crime and violence" and noted that security forces had detained many demonstrators. It says "based on demonstrators' social media posts, it's clear the demonstrations will likely continue for some time." Dutch police detain protesters Dutch police have detained dozens of protesters and arrested a man carrying a large knife in a bag amid tight security for the arrival of the Dutch Saint Nicholas. The arrests Saturday came as thousands of families lined the historic harbor of Maassluis to welcome the character known as Sinterklaas, with children clambering up trees and street lights to get a better view. The Sinterklaas celebration has in recent years been at the center of a debate about race in the Netherlands. That's because of his helper "Black Pete," who is often played by white people in blackface makeup. Police spokeswoman Marjan Koert had no further details about the arrest of the armed man. Police tweeted that two busloads of protesters were detained in nearby Rotterdam. HOT SPRINGS | At age 79, Thomas ODell of Hot Springs is fairly young to be a veteran of the Korean War. But when you take into account that O'Dell used a fake identification card to join the Army as a 15-year-old boy, it makes sense he is on the younger side of the roughly 5.7 million Americans who served in Korea. O'Dell was in Korea from 1950 to 1953 as part of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division. Even now, and especially on the Veterans Day holiday that took place Friday, O'Dell's senses still tingle with the memories of his service abroad. He can still hear the rattle of .30 caliber machine gun fire on Pork Chop Hill. He can still feel the freezing cold of a trench on Hill 347, where he held a warm cup of coffee in a front-line machine gun bunker. He can still endure the fear of hearing a Chinese bomber roaring down on him from above. ODell was a 15-year-old kid, born in Minneapolis in September of 1937, and from Buffalo Gap, S.D., when he enlisted in the Army with a fake North Dakota drivers license that claimed he was 18 years old. We were in Bismarck, my stepfather and I, working construction, ODell explained. I was an oiler on a crane. An oiler keeps the hinges on the crane oiled and drives it. To do this I had to get a drivers license, and in those days, in North Dakota, there was no formal test, no proof of age or anything, all you had to do was go in and sign up for one. So I got one. In the early days of the Korean conflict, on a day off from construction work, ODell and a group of fellow workers, all about three sheets to the wind, walked past the Post Office where a recruiting station was set up. ODell, who described himself as big, 150 pounds, and boisterous for a 15-year-old, went inside to see if he could join an Airborne troop because he had a great deal of admiration for these soldiers, in part because his relative was in the Airborne troops during World War II. The recruiter asked for proof of age. ODell showed him his North Dakota drivers license. The recruiter said he needed more than a drivers license, so ODell told him to check in with the hotel where he was staying, to verify his age that way. The recruiter called the hotel, the bell hop answered, basically vouching for him and that was it, ODell they called him Whitey back then because his blond hair got bleached almost white in the summer sun was now in the Army. ODell recalls there being a need for more troops at the time and recruiters maybe not being so picky about making sure all the paperwork was in order. Back in the 1950s, everyone was more patriotic back then. Everyone was talking about it, he said. ODell was soon shipped off to Fort Sheridan, Ill., for basic training. Everything, including riding the train, was new to ODell, a big adventure, he said. ODell first went to a replacement depot, where soldiers were mustered out into new units who needed replacement soldiers. He recalled it being very cold and how he was issued a sleeping bag with blood all over it. Wounded soldiers were hauled off the front lines in sleeping bags like this and the bloody bag didnt bother him, he said. The depot also happened to be located next door to an airfield full of old propeller planes as close as he would come to achieving his desire of being Airborne, at least in Korea. From the replacement depot, ODell and others were sent directly to the front lines. ODells machine gun platoon was sent to a trench system overlooking the front lines. He recalls riding in a Deuce-and-a-half troop transport truck, with artillery shells falling close by, and his first night in the trenches, how he slept next to a foreign soldier units from many countries were part of the United Nations forces trying to push back the influx of North Korean and Chinese communist troops who had invaded South Korea from the north. The next morning, he realized his trench mate was dead. Other soldiers wrangled over the dead mans quilted jacket because it was so cold. ODell saw plenty of action in Korea. Being a machine gunner, he was in high demand and was shipped around to various companies where he was needed. He participated in fights on Old Baldy, Pork Chop Hill, Erie and Arsenal all tough fights, especially Pork Chop Hill, probably one of the Korean conflict's most famous battles. He watched 16-inch naval gun shells from the U.S.S. Missouri try to pound enemy attackers off positions on Old Baldy. At Erie, his rifle company was hit with a night attack. The Chinese communist bugles blared and when he looked out of the trench the enemy appeared frozen, like statues, in the flares shot up to illuminate their attack. He watched from Hill 347 as American troops took Pork Chop Hill, a key pivot point, from the Chinese communist, then were driven off the hill. And he was with the group that retook the hill later. ODell described war just like many others have, long days, weeks of sheer boredom followed by hours, moments of scare-the-crap-out-of-you terror and fear for your life. He was lucky, however, and even when a Chinese plane dive-bombed the bunker he was in, all it did was blow up the ground and the spent C-ration cans the soldiers had thrown outside. And his time in the Army wasnt all blood and guts, either. He recalls some wild times on a leave in Japan where he met Gen. Douglas MacArthurs jeep driver, friends he made across racial lines, fun he and fellow soldiers had. One day his sergeant and a chaplain walked into the machine gun bunker and asked all but ODell to leave. The chaplain had a manila envelope in his hand, the kind of envelope his grandmother often sent. Turns out his grandparents had sent the Army a copy of his birth certificate, requesting that he be removed because he was just a boy. The chaplain showed him the birth certificate and told him that his ruse was up, and that to avoid bad publicity, he would be taken off the front lines, returned home and given an honorable discharge. The chaplain and the sergeant said ODells issue would be dealt with after they returned from battle and the paperwork would be processed then to get him out of the service. ODell waited and was called into action on the second battle for Pork Chop Hill. However, nothing ever came of the paperwork the chaplain and sergeant had started to get him out of the service. Both, he later learned, were killed in the fighting on Pork Chop Hill, among the four company commanders killed and seven chaplains killed. Deadwood police are advising local residents to keep a close eye on their pets after a spate of recent mountain lion sightings. The Deadwood Police Department on Friday warned residents that many mountain lions had been seen in town in recent weeks. Last fall, at least two residents reported attacks on their dogs by mountain lions. Other pets simply vanished. A police spokesman said Friday that there had been numerous sightings of the big cats within Deadwood City limits in the past two weeks. As the chief has said in the past, mountain lions are here to stay, the spokesman said. Just be cautious and keep an eye out for them. Jordan Oster, 33, a Deadwood resident, said she and two of her girlfriends were in front of their homes on Williams Street last Saturday night, getting ready to head to dinner downtown, when a mountain lion spooked and ran past them. It was 5 feet from us and jumped the guardrail and went down below into a wooded area, Oster said. I was scared, Lori was scared and Desiree just stood there." She said the lion passed right in front of them. It was chasing a deer or scoping out the neighbors dogs and we must have spooked it, obviously, she added. DEADWOOD | Theres a moose on the loose in them thar hills. The South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Department confirmed Thursday that its staff has been monitoring relatively rare but repeated reports of a cow moose moving in a northerly direction through the central and northern Black Hills. The moose was first spotted by the GF&P in March near Crazy Horse Memorial as wildlife officials conducted an aerial survey for elk, according to Regional Wildlife Manager Trenton Haffley. Since then, reports of a moose sighted near Hill City and Deerfield Reservoir, and later on Rochford Road south of Lead, have been made to the agency, he said. Its somewhat rare, but its not overly alarming and nothing we are concerned about, Haffley said Thursday from his Rapid City office. If shes been hanging around out there for a few months, people probably just quit calling us. Carol and Ralph Reausaw, who live in Spearfish Canyon, spotted the moose in October off Rochford Road near the Lead Country Club and quickly reported it to the GF&P. It was just after dark and we were driving on this gravel road and it walked right across the road in front of us, Carol Reausaw said Friday from Arizona. It was such a shock. We said, 'Its a deer, its an elk no its a moose. The Reausaws watched as the animal, the first moose they had ever seen in the Black Hills, scurried through the ditch and vanished into the trees. Though rare, Haffley noted moose have been spotted in the Black Hills several times in recent years. Moose are far more common in Canada or the northern woods of Minnesota than in the Dakotas. In July 2015, another misplaced moose was spotted and photographed near Timber Lake in northcentral South Dakota, according to Associated Press reports. In October 2009, a young bull moose that had earlier been spotted browsing in Custer State Park and swimming in Pactola Reservoir was killed by a poacher. In September 2003, GF&P conservation officers shot and killed a moose in the front yard of a home in the 3600 block of West Main Street in Rapid City. The agency later said the animal had posed a danger to the public. On Thursday, Haffley predicted that the latest moose in the area eventually would wander off to a more friendly environment. We dont feel the habitat is terribly suited to moose in the Black Hills, the wildlife official said. Eventually theyll realize this isnt the place for them and move on. Rumors had also surfaced recently of a bull moose being seen several times in the area near Wall east of Rapid City, though that was not confirmed. Since President Obama took office nearly eight years ago, the world has changed. During his time in office, ISIL rose to prominence due to the administrations determination to withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq. Iran has ascended as a regional destabilizing power and is on a path to acquire nuclear weapons. The U.S. effort to combat the Taliban in Afghanistan faces potential under-resourcing. Russia has increased its nuclear arsenal and continues its aggression against Ukraine. In Libya, the administration half-heartedly led a U.S. military intervention, only to abandon the mission prematurely, which has created another destabilized country within which terrorists seek safe haven to plot attacks against our homeland. It is clear that the presidents course to defeat ISIL and terrorism abroad is not working. We need more proactive efforts and not more delayed, reactionary half-steps if we are to defeat the terrorist organization, stop the terrorist groups online radicalization and keep Americans safe at home. A side effect of the instability and chaos in the Middle East is a dramatic increase in refugees. In Syria alone, the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees estimates that nearly 4.8 million Syrian refugees have fled the country and another 6.6 million are internally displaced. In Libya, nearly 2.5 million are in desperate need of humanitarian aid, according to the U.N. News Center. Russia recently indicated that it would not consider a humanitarian cease fire to allow refugees, anti-government fighters and injured citizens to escape Syria safely, or allow aid vehicles to deliver food and medical supplies to those unable to flee. While most refugees are being relocated in Europe, many Americans are concerned about the prospect of a terrorist slipping into the U.S., taking advantage of the refugee program. I support efforts to help others seek shelter from persecution. However, we must be cautious to protect our national security. While we as global leaders should take steps to assist in humanitarian efforts when possible, I believe the refugee admission program needs further safeguards to make sure the refugees we admit have no ties to terror organizations and that they properly assimilate into American society. As events unfold around the world, many have wondered from where our foreign policy problems stem. I agree with other elected officials and experts that many foreign policy failures are a symptom of this administrations leading from behind mentality. In less than three months, a new president and new Congress will have an opportunity to reset our foreign policy. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I look forward to working with the new administration and my colleagues on a new direction for our country which includes stronger leadership to protect our citizens, advance our global interests and support our allies abroad. Opinion / Letters Dear E D MnangagwaWe the people of Matabeleland do hereby serve you with this petition, letting you know that you are not welcome in our land. It has come to our attention that ( Arda ) has partnered with a local company linked to you in particular as the Zimbabwean Vice President. The company is called Trek Petroleum and the other is a foreign based South African private company called Tongaat Hullet.We know that this is an evil project meant for the continuous colonization of Matabeleland by the Shona as part of implementing your Satanic Shona's 1979 Grand Plan.It is on record that Matabeleland was colonised in 1893 by Cecil John Rhodes's BSAC. Ever since that time we have never known peace. In 1980 the British transferred its Matabeleland Rule by conquest to Mashonaland ( Zimbabwe) which carried on ruling us the same way on behalf of the British.We have now come to time to say enough is enough.The government of Zimbabwe has been marginalising Mthwakazi in development since 1980 to date. As Matabele we have experienced the worst form of evil since the colonization of Matabeleland by Rhodes . In the past hundred years we have suffered three consecutive genocides first in 1893 to 94 where the British South Africa Company killed more than 20 000 civilians including women and children. This was after they had fought and killed more than 6 000 of King Lobengula's warriors using the new maxim machine gun of the time.Thousands more of our people were killed in the seventies during the war of liberation against White colonialism which in turn only benefited Mashonaland in 1980.As if that was not enough in 1982 to 87 Mugabe unleashed the North Korean trained fifth brigade to wipe away the entire Mthwakazi Nation.That marked the Rule by Conquest by the so called majority tribe from that time till today. Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa during the Gukurahundi you took the lead, you were in the fore-front killing our people. Surprisingly up to today you never apologized neither your government.Today Mnangagwa you are in the forefront together with your company and associates destroying people's homes, grazing land as well as graves some of which are victims of Gukurahundi genocide in which you are personally guilt of killing them. Is this not the second Gukurahundi genocide you are up to? Our wounds are still fresh yet you open some.It is totally unacceptable for the Zimbabwe government to allow such satanic act to take place, the above companies are not different from BSAC and Mnangagwa you are not different from Cecil John Rhodes if not worse.We would like to warn you to stay away from Khezi and vacate the place with immediate effect or your actions will be strongly resisted by the whole of Mthwakazi people.THE REASON WHY TREK PETROLEUM, MNANGAGWA, ZIMBABWE GOVERNMENT REPRESENTED BY ARDA, TONGAAT HULLET OF SOUTH AFRICA AND THE ARMY MUST STAY AWAY IS THAT;1. they invaded our land in Khezi without consulting us the locals.2. This place Khezi -Maphisa is the rural home to the Late ZAPU President Dr Joshua Nkomo himself being a victim of your gukurahundi genocide. Khezi is one of the most affected areas in Matabeleland by Gukurahundi genocide which took place in 1982 to 87. Therefore a situation where army trucks, army helicopters frequently come to the erea is totally unacceptable and reminds our people of Gukurahundi.3. The local people have been staying there for over 70 to 100 years and there are graves, they have put permanent structures, therefore in our African culture the dead must be respected. In this situation where they are exhumed and their bones scattered it is un- African. If this is a genuine development agent, I think Mnangagwa do it in your home area we don't need you here . You killed our people and never apologised now you coming with your dirty bloody hands we will resist you.It is on record that Dr Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo stopped Zipra from fighting back during Gukurahundi genocide and insisted a peaceful solution. Its unfortunate that Umdala Wethu is no longer with us and this is 21first century we will resist you Mnangagwa.4. Your company is only employing Shona speaking people and the few locals who were once employed were never given their allowances, prompting them to quit jobs without their salaries.5. Mnangagwa you have imposed a curfew in the area, there are times were the locals are not allowed to freely walk around. The people of Khezi complained that the most feared and dangerous CIOs and other state security agents have been recruited and are now in charge of the land. All are are Shona speaking which reminds them of Gukurahundi.6. The land in question belongs to Mthwakazi people therefore Mnangagwa has no legal base to capture our land in the name of development. It is frivolous and satanic for Mnangagwa who is the face of Gukurahundi genocide to come to Matabeleland and expect to be accepted by the locality people. He must go to hell together with his colonialists companies in Khezi. The Arda issue has a potential to cause war in this country.We say enough is enough we have been in the past watching Shona supremist and tribalists taking our land since year 2000 when the chaotic land reform started. The Satanic Mugabe unleashed terror in Matabeleland, taking all prime land in Matabeleland from White people giving it to Shona people at the expense of our people.Our people have been deprived of their rights since 1980. We have been sidelined from all developmental issues be it education, employment, development, allocation of national resources,.Shona people have captured all the state institutions which they use to intimidate Mthwakazi people.Enough is enough and hands off Mthwakazi people and their resources.FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE IN OUR LIFE TIME.MTHWAKAZI REPUBLIC PARTY (MRP). The Bitterroot Valley will join in a national day of protest Tuesday in what organizers are calling Stand with Standing Rock, in Solidarity. Sarah Monson and Suzanne Alene Shope are organizing the peaceful show of support for the water protectors at Standing Rock. Numerous national organizations are calling for a national day of action at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers offices across the country to ask President Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Sioux Nation members and others have been protesting the construction of the pipeline since August. The protest has produced confrontations with law enforcement. In a press release, organizers of the national event say the mass mobilization is important now due to the recent election of Donald Trump as president. This mass mobilization will show President Obama that its more important than ever for him to reject the Dakota Access Pipeline while hes in office, the press release said. These actions will also be a powerful moment for people across movements to unite in solidarity with indigenous peoples in Standing Rock and to strengthen the resistance movement to fight fossil fuels and white supremacy under a Trump administration. Monson said she has received numerous calls from people asking for details since she first posted the event on Facebook. So far, its been shared by 600 people, she said. They are excited about doing something right here. They have felt kind of helpless watching whats happened at Standing Rock. They were interested in jumping on board, but didnt know how. The event in Hamilton will take place from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday at the intersection of Highway 93 and Main Street. If people cant attend, Monson encourages them take a photograph of themselves holding the sign and post it on the Facebook page: Stand with Standing Rock, in Solidarity Bitterroot Valley, Mt. Its a human rights issue and an environmental issue, Monson said. It doesnt just affect them. It affects everyone. Their rights are being trampled on. History cant just keep repeating itself. Enough is enough. Three Plein Air paintings tied for first place in the recent Peoples Choice voting at Art Focus in Hamilton. The winning paintings were by two Corvallis artists: two oil paintings by Steve Wilson and a watercolor by Roberta Burruss. Over 20 artists from Montana, Idaho and Washington attended the Montana Professional Artists Associations Plein Air painting challenge to paint outside in the Bitterroot Valley early October. The artists painted in the crisp fall air then submitted 38 paintings to Art Focus. The gallery juried the art for display and visitors to the art gallery voted on their favorites. Art Focus manager Douglas Taylor said he was pleased to see the number of visitors that voted. Visitors to the gallery became a part of the process, helping to select what they felt was the best or favorite painting, Taylor said. All artists worked in oil paint except for two watercolorists and one acrylic painter. Most people marveled at the fact that the paintings were done outside in one sitting, en plein air. Plein Air painting is art created outside with artists painting quickly to capture the changing light and landscape scenes. The final paintings are usually small. The artists captured the beauty of the Bitterroot Valley in the colorful fall. Burruss painting has already been purchased by collector Todd Smith. It sold opening night which is always a nice treat for an artist, a double win, Burruss said. The day I painted it was lovely. I sat along the river at the Lee Metcalf, boats were coming by, and I sketched the first one into my sketchbook. I had a conversation with every boater that went by. When the last one went by, I decided to add a boat to my painting. Burruss said that oil painters enjoy standing up to paint but she sat in a camp chair holding her paper and palette in her lap. She said finding the right location was a challenge. I originally planned to be with the river and with a mountain, Burruss said. I could not find the scene because you have to catch the river curving toward the mountain in order to get that view. I finally got out Google map to find a location that looked down river with no tall trees but with mountains. It all came together and I had a wonderful time. Burruss said she will be in the Christmas show of the Bitterroot Art Guild. Wilson said Plein Air painting is different. I dont get Plein Air, Wilson said. Im so used to doing details and using just one stroke to give the illusion of an object is challenging. I spent less time on the piece and not getting all the details but trying to get the right colors was challenging. Wilson said part of the challenge is the outdoor lighting. When you paint outside you have brighter light and I tend to paint darker to compensate, he said. Im really learning. Wilson said he was honored to be considered and grateful to have tied for first. Any time you get recognition it is hard to believe because youre your own worst critic, he said. When you win something it builds yourself confidence. Wilson won gift certificates for art supplies and framing and Burruss a gift certificate for framing. Taylor said the event was a success and will probably draw more participating artists next year. The artists were very excited about the friendships developed, challenge of the mutual goals shared and encouragement from fellow artists, the public and collectors, he said. The artists were enthusiastic to do another paint-out again next September, with a juried exhibit in October at Art Focus. For more information about next years Plein Air paint-out as a painter or viewer, contact Art Focus at 406-363-4112 or info@artfocusmontana.com. HELENA - Amid nationwide demonstrations against the election of Republican President-elect Donald Trump, several Democratic state lawmakers spoke to a solemn crowd of roughly 200 during a peaceful Rally for Unity Thursday evening at the steps of the State Capitol. The grassroots gathering was not associated with any organization and had no official program. One of its planners, Kylie Gursky, said it was held because we believe we must work together to build communities that ensure safety and dignity for everyone and challenge bigotry and intolerance. In response to the election of Donald Trump, many people are uncertain and fear for themselves and their families, she said. We gather to say that we will love and protect our neighbors, to say that we will resist racism, sexism, and Islamophobia. Among the speakers were state Rep. Jenny Eck, Sen. Christine Kaufmann, and Rep.-elect Kim Abbott, all Helena Democrats. Though some of the speakers and other attendees expressed their disapproval of the president-elect, Eck said she didnt consider the event to be an anti-Trump rally. It was about what do we stand for, what do we believe in and what can we do about that, she said, adding that Trump has said some very scary things. We need to be ready in case we do need to defend the people who could be impacted by what hes talking about, Eck said. Theres a lot of people scared, and rightfully so. Comments and links to reports on science, and its applications. Kathmandu, Nepal: The government is going to table a constitution amendment bill by Tuesday. The allies of the incumbent government particularly the Nepali Congress and the CPN Maoist Center have reached on the conclusion to table the constitution amendment bill in the parliament with the aim to take into confidence to the agitating Federal Alliance (FA) a loose alliance of Madhesi and indigenous parties. With the decision o table the constitution amendment bill in the parliament, the government has intensified discussions with various political parties represent in the legislative parliament particularly with the CPN UML, the main opposition party in the parliament. The Madhes based parties have repeatedly been exerting pressure to the government to address their demands by amending in the constitution. However, neither the government allies nor the opposition parties have agreed to address their demands by amending the constitution. As political parties have been differing over the issues forward by the agitating FA, it is likely that the key contentious issues including the number and boundaries of the federal states and naturalized citizenship would not be addressed even after the amendment in the constitution. Despite the fact is there, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal had vowed on Friday that the government is going to register the constitution amendment bill in Parliament by Tuesday even if the main opposition party CPN-UML is not ready to support the amendment. KATHMANDU, Nov 12: Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba on Saturday held a meeting with CPN-Maoist Center Chair and Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal. Discussion on giving final touch to the proposal of the constitution amendment figured during the meeting that took place at the PM's official residence in Baluwatar. According to the PM's press advisor Govinda Acharya, the two leaders focused on the issues relating to the revision of one of the contentious issues in the constitution amendment-delineation of the federal province. Various Madhesh-centric political parties have been demanding for the second amendment in the new national statute, expressing their displeasure over proportional inclusive representation and citizenship among other issues. PM Dahal has intensified deliberations with all concerned political parties to reach a logical conclusion towards this end. RSS Kathmandu, Nepal: Federal Socialist Forum Nepal chairman Upendra Yadav has threatened at again to launch nationwide protest against the government. Speaking at a program organized to exchange greetings on the occasion of Nepal Sambat 1137 in Kathmandu on Saturday, Yadav alleged the government and its allies for not taking seriously the demands raised by the Madesi and Janajaties. During the function, he also said that registration of the constitution amendment proposal will not be accepted until it was brought in the consent of the dissenting forces. If you're feeling generous and just can't pass up the opportunity to get me a present, some suggestions are listed here Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Turkish director, executive producer and script writer Biray Dalkiran is shooting his new movie "The Crossbreed" in USA. First teaser poster of the movie has been released. "The Crossbreed" will be the nineth feature film and the third horror movie of the succesful director. He has also directed horror movies "Araf" (aka "Abortion") which is distributed in USA and Cehennem 3D (aka "Hell 3D") which is the first 3D movie of Turkey. In this new movie Biray Dalkiran tells a story about an event that already told by three big religions in the holy scriptures and the event is based on a true story. Basically, the film talks about a couple of journalist lovers. They visit one of American villages to research a mysterious event and the secrets will be disclosed. Also the official website www.thecrossbreed.com and social media accounts has been opened. Stories to share from the St. Francis of Assisi School in Silay Community. On Facebook, I see dead people. Do you? Although the times might feel apocalyptic, I'm happy to report your friends aren't all dead (probably, unless you're a dinosaur). Or, at least, they're not dead on the outside. Venturebeat is calling the event an instance of a bug (or is it a new feature?) and has reached out to the company to learn more It's also possible that a hack of a kind has occurred. On Facebook's memorial page instructions, the company explains you can memorialize others' accounts. Facebook what is happening i am not dead. pic.twitter.com/irVc3UvJ8Y Kate Nocera (@KateNocera) November 11, 2016 It even looks like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has met an untimely fate if his website is to be believed and doesn't proliferate fake news or anything. Ah. Facebook's algorithm has killed Mark Zuckerberg. pic.twitter.com/6UWL1ECpqg ST. (@seyitaylor) November 11, 2016 Facebook Thursday: Fake news is not a problem Facebook Friday: Mark Zuckerberg is dead. Your friends are dead. We are all dead. Julia Carrie Wong (@juliacarriew) November 11, 2016 Is this like at the end of (spoilers) Lost? Or the Chronicles of Narnia? Take me to fucking Narnia, baby. Previously: Is Facebook To Blame For President-Elect Donald Trump? .@Oaklandish, opened by woman of color 2 celebrate pride of America's most progressive city. Lift her up, don't tear down. #oaklandprotest pic.twitter.com/Ci9tU7vHSq Libby Schaaf (@LibbySchaaf) November 10, 2016 Kyle Ludowitz, a photojournalist living in Oakland who is a UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism Masters Candidate, was reportedly attacked while documenting protests against Donald Trump in Oakland Wednesday night by four masked protesters. He described them as anarchists, and they were responding violently to his documenting them as they vandalized and looted a business. "Particularly with the election of Donald Trump, theres a very strong sentiment against the media, he told the Chronicle. I was expecting more violence from the police, so this caught me off guard. War photojournalist is hospitalized after savage beating by four anti-Trump activistshttps://t.co/k29ci1Rdy6 pic.twitter.com/8maK9b1Of9 Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) November 11, 2016 Most journalists have perceived the threat to their field and their persons as coming from the Trump campaign and Trump supporters, but the chaos legitimized and inspired by his election is clearly a danger to all. Ludowitz, who has covered conflicts in Egypt, Syria, and Palestine according to his website, was taken aback by what he saw at home. "I was mostly being punched in the face until I fell to the ground. I tried to protect my gear and they started kicking," he told Dailymail.com. Ludowitz is 27 years old. Both of his cameras were destroyed in the attack, setting him back $5,000.The Committee to Protect Journalists writes that he was treated for a broken cheekbone. "The media should never be targeted for doing the important work of documenting events of significant public interest," says Carlos Lauria, senior coordinator of the Americas program at CPJ. "Journalists have faced increasing threats and violence at political events throughout the U.S. presidential election campaign. The trend toward heightened violence targeting the press is alarming, and must be reversed." Previously: Thousands Protest Trump In Oakland For Third Night As Vandalism Harshly Criticized The principal of Milpitas High School was placed on leave this week following the release of video showing him yelling "fuck Donald Trump" at a school-wide assembly. As CBS 5 reports, the popular principal had called the assembly to address election-related stress in the student body. Snapchat video of the exclamation shows students egging him on, and then erupting into cheers after he said what many of them were likely thinking. The length of the leave is unclear, but many students believe principal Phil Morales shouldn't be in trouble at all. The principal should be allowed back on the campus because he was voicing his discretion right with us, and just because hes an adult doesnt mean anything, one student told the channel. Maybe it was kind of far to use profanity, but I think it was good that he was standing with us, explained a second student. Not all parents agreed. "Not all of us voted for the same person and that's OK," a Milpitas High School student's mom, Lori Garmany, told ABC 7. "But once that person is now here we should've been taking that time today to teach them tolerance, to teach them we need to unite together." That the person who perhaps most needs a lesson in tolerance is in fact the object of Morales's profanity appears to be lost on Garmany. Meanwhile, students around the Bay walked out of classes yesterday in protest of Trump. Related: Is Facebook To Blame For President-Elect Donald Trump? That little Hayes Valley park at Octavia Boulevard has welcomed a few Burning Man art and sculpture pieces over the years, probably none more iconic than David Bests Temple structures that held court there in 2005 and 2015. But the iconography is back in a big way at Patricias Green with the just-completed installation of Trillian and Dodi, two dazzling new sculptures from Bay Area art collective HYBOCOZO. After we received word last month that Rec and Parks was considering the installation of the sculptures in a partnership with the SF Arts Commission, we can now confirm that these babies are up and fully functional in their multicolor LED glory. They went up in one day, the pieces co-creator Serge Beaulieu told SFist, noting that additional wiring and lighting for nighttime magic was required but is now completed. We need to add proper signage over the next month. The yellow caution tape and orange cones seen in the image above are now removed. The two sculptures will remain at Patricias Green for an entire calendar year, bringing a modicum of joy to a city that really needs it right now. We call these works Burning Man art, but only one of these sculptures has actually been to Burning Man. Dodi [the smaller one] has been to Burning Man twice, 2014 and 2015, Beaulieu said. Trillian is brand new. Image: HYBOCOZO If any of you sci-fi and fantasy dorks just perked up thinking the name Trillian is a reference to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series, you are correct. Some of HYBOCOZOs other works have Hitchhiker's Guide-inspired names like Heart of Gold and Deep Thought. Indeed, deep thought can be inspired by these the sculptures laser-cut tiles inspired by mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose. Image: HYBOCOZO The Penrose Tiling pattern carries a deep significance for our artwork, co-creator Yelena Filipchuk said in a release. It represents the eternal and relentless search for a connecting thread in the universe. It is this quest which ties all of humanity together. While the new piece Trillian is 10 feet tall and weighs 1,000 pounds, the smaller work Dodi is 6 feet high and weighs 600 pounds. [The name] Dodi is derived from the geometry, a 12-sided dodecahedron, Beaulieu said. Or as sci-fi and fantasy dorks call it, a 12-sided die. The installation is part of San Franciscos now-annual Illuminate the Arts Festival of Light, a collection of 35 separate permanent and temporary lighted art installations that will grace the city from Thanksgiving through New Years Day. Related: Check Out This Cool Hyperlapse Of Burning Man Interactive Art Correction: This article has been updated to reflect that fact that the San Francisco Veterans Mural Project (Veterans Alley) has housed several veterans both directly with property owners of Shannon Street/Veterans alley and through formerly homeless veterans as well as with the HUD-VASH program. From the War Memorial Opera house to the Presidio's National Cemetery, San Francisco pays homage to veterans in many ways. Among the most powerful: A small alley in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood that runs between Post and O'Farrell north-south and sits between Taylor and Jones Streets to the east and west. Known formally as Shannon Street,it was unofficially renamed Veterans Alley in 2011 by Amos Gregory, a United States Navy Veteran and 16-year San Francisco resident. While less known to tourists than Clarion Alley in the Mission, like that walk of murals, Veterans Alley is a side street full of colorful, imperative personal and politic public artwork. The alley "allows US military veterans to paint their own stories on the public walls," Gregory wrote in El Tecolote last year. An activist for homeless veterans, a photographer, an artist, and a journalist, Gregory goes on to explain that "The project was created to give voice to the Tenderloins veteran population, which has long been oppressed, and suffered due to their veteran status, chronic homelessness and self-medication through drugs and alcohol." This Veterans Day, as restaurants are offering Veterans Day deals and National Parks open their gates for free, SFist spoke with Gregory to discuss his work and Vets Alley. "Art is a meditation, the art we are doing," Gregory tells SFist. "The visual art, the photography, the painting. It requires an extreme amount of concentration. And the public nature of what we do takes a story that's embedded deep inside of someone experiences that are years past and puts them on a wall, a public wall that's publicly accessible. So, in the end, you've now taken this story and you've given it to the world." IN addition to guidance, The Veterans Mural Project/Veterans Alley provides paint, brushes to military veterans, their supporters, and the community. via Amos Gregory Gregory says the project is particularly useful for homeless veterans who come together and can, through working with him, seek services. "For quite a few homeless vets that we've housed, through the project, this is our first interaction with them. This is a way to engage with them, gain their trust, get their story out, and then, through the process, to hand them off to other services. We're not equipped to do everything to help them, but what we can do is to be that first lynchpin, to provide that first step of healing, and to direct them to more people who can help." Gregory explains that the project has helped house veterans directly through the VA and local property owners but does not receive city support for more. So far, it has housed several veterans both directly with property owners of Shannon Street/Veterans alley and through formerly homeless veterans as well as with the HUD-VASH program. Caleb Pershan/SFist In April of 2015, Mayor Lee indicated that all homeless veterans living in San Francisco were on track to be in stable housing by that year's end, as CBS 5 wrote at the time. No one who has served our country should be homeless in our city," the mayor reportedly said. "He failed," Gregory tells SFist. "The City of San Francisco failed. The number that they're using for veterans, first of all, is a lowball number, and they haven't been updating that number because they keep trying to hit their goal. As you know, homeless people come to this city all the time. I've got a few new Afghanistan vets that just landed here, and they're homeless." Gregory is proud of the radical inclusivity espoused at Veterans Alley. "Our program has not discriminated against anyone. I've had right-wing vets help me paint Bowe Bergdahl and then you've got left-wing vets painting Chelsea Manning right across the street, less than 50 feet away. We're all just vets, we're the most demographically diverse group in America today." Amos Gregory beside a mural. Asked about California's move to legalize marijuana, of which Gregory is a proponent for its medical uses among veterans, he seems cautiously optimistic. "That's the first step for us, but it's still a federal crime, and we're subject to the VA, so we're going through the federal government. There's a lot of restrictions on us getting medicinal marijuana, and that's one of the things we're advocating for." Gregory cites one mural he's created in Vets Alley that pictures drones dropping pills as bombs. "The pills falling all around us represent the overprescription of opiates and antipsychotics to veterans," he explains, "particularly the antipsychotics can be related to a high incidence of suicide. The opiate treatment, the methadone treatment that many go through with the VA, when I was working on the mural, I was working with three vets who were going through that. This was part of their therapy for those things. They're hooked on opiates, but they don't have any help to get off them, or to relieve the chronic pain or anxiety that they have. Then there's there's penalization for marijuana use: If you're in a program where you get caught with marijuana in your urine, you could lose all your meds and housing, so it's very restrictive for us, it's a catch 22. The VA is coming around, but slowly." Gregory is also a founder of The Syrian Refugee Mural Project. "We began our project in 2013 by creating artwork (public murals) for Syrian children in San Francisco... to raise awareness of their plight," He explains of that project. "We started directly working with Syrian children in their schools located in Antakya, and Istanbul Turkey, in 2015 and 2016... We partner with the Turkish Ministry of Education, Syrian non-profit (NGO) organizations and schools servicing Syrian refugee children." Vets Alley and the Syrian Refugee Mural Project accept donations online, and you can also sign up to volunteer with Gregory. Protesters covering their faces, preparing to get gassed in Oakland pic.twitter.com/mumCAeGdmJ Ellen Cushing (@elcush) November 11, 2016 "As the Mayor of one of America's most diverse and progressive cities, I understand the shock and dismay so many feel about a Trump presidency," Libby Schaaf wrote in a statement to her City of Oakland. But after a third night of unrest and protest, Schaaf had strong words for those who would vandalize their home out of rage at the results of the national election. "The best way to protest this election is to show that Oakland comes together and does not fall apart," Schaaf wrote. "Oakland chooses community, not chaos, in where we go from here." Yet chaos is what many Oaklanders no doubt feel in their hearts, and to express their anguish as well as demonstrate their strength, for another night following the election of Donald Trump to America's highest office, thousands flooded the streets. Their numbers began in the hundreds at Frank Ogawa Plaza, KRON 4 reports. Protesters the previous night, Wednesday, had numbered in the thousands in the East Bay city, and they did again last night, with roughly six or seven thousand on the streets according to the news channel. As they had the night before, Oakland police declared unlawful assembly and deployed tear gas. For the third night in a row, Oakland stops traffic on Broadway in protest of president-elect Trump pic.twitter.com/OWhdkngD8z Ellen Cushing (@elcush) November 11, 2016 At least a thousand, probably more, facing off with cops in downtown Oakland pic.twitter.com/NQTEK8Qr08 Ellen Cushing (@elcush) November 11, 2016 The protest was declared an instance of unlawful assembly at around 9 p.m, and 11 people were arrested. One person arrested had a cache of Molotov cocktails, says KRON 4, and although bottles and more were thrown at police, no officers were injured. Some protesters blocked 580, though the CHP removed them fairly fast. Currently E/B I-580 East of I-980 blocked by approximately 100 protesters. CHP Golden Gate (@CHP_GoldenGate) November 11, 2016 E/B I-580 just East of I-980 all lanes are open and protesters off at Webster. CHP Golden Gate (@CHP_GoldenGate) November 11, 2016 The Chronicle reports that Richmond was also the scene of protests. Highway on- and off-ramps were periodically closed by the California Highway Patrol in an effort to keep demonstrators from blocking Interstate 80 in the afternoon. KRON 4 also reported on damage to at least seven buildings in downtown Oakland. Cleanup crews were on the scene as of this morning, and damage to local business was met with harsh criticism by local political leadership. Here, it bears noting that OPD frequently characterizes vandalism as rare among protesters, the work of a few under the cover of many more demonstrating peacefully. Of course, that doesn't keep critics from decrying the protests as a whole, or from tarring all protesters with the same brush. To these critics, all demonstrators need to be shamed for brazen criminal behavior that the vast majority of them don't condone. That act of criticism unfairly implies everyone who marches is, if not directly responsible for vandalism, then at least complicit in it, a wrongheaded and frankly offensive sentiment. Oakland journalist and artist Susie Cagle added her thoughts, citing OPD's years of experience handling protest that hasn't, in her view, amounted to much progress on the part of the department. You'd think that years of practice & very expensive legal outcomes would improve Oakland's handling of mass protest but you'd be mistaken Susie Cagle (@susie_c) November 11, 2016 Previously: Tear Gas, Fires, And Broken Glass: 6,000 Protest Trump In Oakland For more than 25 years, David Thoreson has sailed the high seas while documenting his tales in writing as well as through stunning photography that captures the powerful damage caused by climate change. "I've never thought of global warming as being a political issue," said the Algona, Iowa, native. "Instead it's a human issue that impacts the entire planet." Thoreson ought to know. A self-described "accidental explorer," he began sailing around the world with Roger Swanson, a hog farmer-turned-sailor from southern Minnesota who had a passion for adventure. "I was a crew member on (Swanson's) sailboat the Cloud Nine," Thoreson said. "I was there when Cloud Nine waged (an unsuccessful) attempt to navigate the Northwest Passage in 1994. And I was there when we were successful in 2007." It was during their second attempt to navigate the treacherous Northwest Passage -- the sea route connecting the northern Atlantic and Pacific oceans via waterways through the Canadian Arctic Archipelagos -- that Thoreson realized he was witnessing a rapidly changing Arctic and ocean environment. "In 1994, we faced icebergs and bad weather," he said. "Thirteen years later, all of the icebergs were long gone." Thoreson details his findings in "Over The Horizon: Exploring the Edges of a Changing Planet," (2016, Mark Hirsch Publishing), which he describes as a pictorial memoir. "This is definitely the story of my life told through words and photos," he said of the book that is now available at book stores, online retail book sellers like Amazon and Barnesandnoble as well as at davidthoreson.com. In addition to becoming the first American explorer in history to sail the Northwest Passage in both directions, Thoreson has sailed more than 65,000 nautical miles. A sought-after speaker, he's shared his observations during TED Talks as well as at the World Science Festival and the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize awards. "I look at myself as being someone who collects data," he said. "I'm collecting that data as a way to document things that we are in danger of losing." Sioux City Journal: In addition to talking about your personal experiences, "Over the Horizon" also talks about the native hunters and the scientists in the Arctic who are addressing climate change head-on. Why do you think that was important? Thoreson: I believe climate issue to be a game-changer as well as a powerful force crossing previously unexplored boundaries. But it's also a conversation that needs to begin from the bottom up, not the top down. We can't just rely on governmental officials or corporations. We need to get the perspective from people whose lives are directly impacted by this change. Q: Plus you think global warming should be non-political and non-partisan, right? A: That's correct. Living in Iowa, we've seen a major increase in wind energy as an alternative to oil or fossil fuel. People don't look at wind energy as being something strange. It's become something that is pretty normal. Q: So minds and attitudes can be changed over time. That's good. A: It is, but the clock is ticking. We may soon be thinking, "we humans have had a pretty good go of it for so long." If we do nothing about climate changes, the world that we know will be something much different. SIOUX CITY | A 38-year-old man died and another man was injured early Friday after speeding away from a Woodbury County Sheriff's deputy and crashing into a retaining wall on Sioux City's west side. Woodbury County Sheriff Maj. Greg Stallman said at about 4 a.m., a deputy attempted to pull over a car with two men inside for a traffic violation on Hamilton Boulevard. The driver quickly turned onto West Third Street and crashed seconds later into a brick retaining wall at the corner of West Third and Ross streets. Djuan Raemel Beverly was pronounced dead at the scene and Jerell Martice Wilson, 23, was injured and taken to a local hospital. Stallman said he did not know the severity of the man's injuries, nor who was driving. The Iowa State Patrol is conducting the accident investigation and will attempt to determine how fast the car was traveling when it crashed. Stallman said Sioux City police are determining if alcohol or drugs were a factor. He said sheriff's deputies do not routinely patrol Sioux City streets, but are often in the city serving warrants or investigating other incidents. If a deputy notices a traffic violation while driving through the city, it is not uncommon for the deputy to make a traffic stop, he said. The Journal's Nick Hytrek contributed to this story. CEDAR RAPIDS | He didnt get their first vote, but president-elect Donald Trump will get the final votes of a handful of Iowans who have one more vote to cast. Nothing theyve seen or heard since the Feb. 1 first-in-the-nation precinct caucuses and nothing they are likely to hear between now and Dec. 19 when Electoral College electors meet will dissuade Iowas six GOP electors from voting for their partys presidential nominee. I certainly do not want the alternative, says James Whitmer of Waterloo, who describes himself as a rock-ribbed conservative backing GOP nominee Donald Trump. The passion runs as deeply among Democratic electors who can only watch and consider what might have been. Absolutely and without reservation, Joan Peck of rural Benton County says about her hope to cast an Electoral College vote for Hillary Clinton. Whitmer and Peck are polar opposites on the political spectrum, but they watched Tuesdays election results with heightened anticipation as members of their respective parties slates of Electoral College electors. The electors, selected by the parties, will cast the states six Electoral College votes. For them, the election didnt end Nov. 8, but merely enter another phase. It might not seem possible, but Remsen pork producer Don Kass predicts it could get crazier. Kass, a member of the Plymouth County Board, was a Republican elector in 2004 and you wouldnt believe the bizarre mail I would get from people asking me to change my vote to John Kerry rather than President George W. Bush. Kass wouldnt say who he supported in the caucuses, but none of the GOP electors said they backed Trump. Whitmer and Alan Braun, a Norwalk physician, backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Polly Granzow, a former state representative from Eldora, and Dylan Keller, a University of Norther Iowa student from Donnellson, backed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. Retired OBrien County recorder Kurt Brown of Primghar was a Ben Carson supporter. Dylan Keller did not respond to questions. Unlike 23 other states, electors in Iowa arent bound to vote for their partys candidates. Theres little likelihood any one of Iowas electors will cross party lines. I dont want people to find my name if they Google every elector who ever went against their pledge, Braun said. Like everyone else, Im not happy with everything, Granzow said, but I agree with the policies hes presenting. Keller, who describes himself as a Japanese, Mennonite, Republican from southeastern Iowa, will be faithful to his pledge to vote for the GOP nominee, but my electoral vote is in no way for Trump, the man, but for the Republican Partys nominee that so happens to be Donald Trump. Democratic electors also said they would cast their Electoral College ballots for their partys nominee, Hillary Clinton, if they had the chance. Ive supported Clinton since 2007 and I gave my promise to vote for her and I plan to stand by it, Carrie Tedore of Dubuque, who calls politics her hobby, said. Theres no way I could ever cast a vote for him, AFSCME Local 61 President Danny Homan said about Trump. Tedore, Homan, Peck and elector Randal Black of Mason City backed Clinton in the caucuses. For the other two Democratic electors, its not a question of voting for Trump, but whether they might vote for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who they backed in the caucuses. A few Sanders delegates approached me and said, You know, you can vote for whoever you want, Jack Schuler, a Des Moines high school English teacher, said. He wont because it goes back to representing the person chosen by the people. Although he believes there are many Democratic politicians who would have been a better nominee than Clinton, Nick Kruse, an accounting major at the University of Iowa, agrees with Sanders when he says that Clinton is 100 times better than Trump. This vote does not just belong to me, Kruse said. If the voters select Clinton on Tuesday, as I hope they do, I will respect and represent their vote. Being an elector isnt a high-profile job until Dec. 19 when they cast their ballots. Most electors say only friends and people who follow the process closely know their role. Some people have talked to her about the responsibility of being an elector, Tedore said, but mostly because I bring it up because Im so proud to do it. Likewise, Peck considers it an honor and privilege to have been selected to represent the party. Not getting the opportunity to cast an electoral vote is disappointing. After casting one of the first-in-the-nation votes for president in the Iowa caucuses, Peck says she hoped to be able to cast one of the last-in-the-nation votes as an elector. FYI Electoral College Timeline: Nov. 8: By casting their ballots, registered voters help choose the electors who will represent their state in the Electoral College. Dec. 19: Electors meet in their states and vote for president and vice president on separate ballots. Dec. 28: Electoral votes must be received by the U.S. Senate president no later than nine days after the meeting of electors. Jan. 3, 2017: The Archivist of the U.S. at the Office of the Federal Register have a ceremonial meeting with the secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the U.S. House. Jan. 6: House and Senate meet in joint session to count the electoral votes. If no presidential candidate wins 270 or more electoral votes, the House elects the president by majority vote, choosing from the three candidates who received the greatest number of electoral votes. Each state would have one vote. Jan. 20: The new president is inaugurated. Are there any travel surprises left in Europe? Put Romania on that list. Youve heard of it, of course. Its somewhere in the gray background of Eastern Europe, one of the former Soviet realms, home of the cruel dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and the fictional bloodsucker Dracula. Thats about it for common knowledge. But if you travel to surprise yourself, Romania is worth a visit. It has a fascinating mosaic of history, stunning mountain and pastoral scenery, cityscapes that echo Prague and Paris, imposing citadels, jewel-box churches and tiny villages that make you feel as if youve stumbled into the 14th century. Its an affordable, accessible land that your hosts, with few exceptions, havent figured out how to make touristy. A little background: Romanias name reflects its roots as a Roman province. Its history is a litany of invaders Germany, Hungary, Ottoman Turkey, Habsburg Austria, Soviet Russia and rebellions against them. Its ethnic heritage is Latin, unlike its Slavic neighbors. Thats reflected in the cuisine and language if you understand Italian, you can puzzle your way through basic Romanian. Romanian cuisine is heavy on red meat, but vegetarians need not despair. One night at dinner, my wife and I asked for a typical Romanian salad and were rewarded with a dish of fresh tomato wedges with a big dollop of baba ghanoush and a crown of slivered scallions. Dessert was usually out of the question after meals of stuffed cabbage or roast pork, but in town squares, its easy to find a bakery selling gogosi, a sort of puffy crepe folded to hold fruit or chocolate and sprinkled with sugar. And then theres Dracula. The name, derived from dragon, was used by a 15th century order of knights including Vlad Tepes, a warrior-prince who acquired the nickname The Impaler from his practice of skewering captured enemies vertically on sharpened wooden posts. The name Dracula entered popular culture when Irish writer Bram Stoker took it as the title of his novel and the name of its bloodthirsty, supernatural Transylvanian villain. Though Stoker never visited Transylvania, the novel, published in 1897, was a sensation and an enduring gift to every souvenir vendor in Romania. Our itinerary was weighted toward Transylvania, in the center of the country. Our expectations for the capital city of Bucharest were low. We didnt bank on the broad, tree-lined avenues feeding into grand plazas and lined with lovely Baroque buildings. Vlad, though born in Transylvania, ruled from Bucharest, and ruins of his palace in Bucharests Old Town, fronted by an intimidating bust of Vlad himself, are a highlight. As if to provide a rustic counterweight to the palace, the National Village Museum stands in a peaceful park north of the city center. Beginning in the late 1930s, Romanian sociologist Dimitrie Gusti dismantled examples of classic village architecture homes, churches and other structures across the country and rebuilt them around a small lake.A visit is like a region-by-region tour of long-ago rural Romania in an hours walk. On the Sunday we visited, it was also a handicraft market, with costumed vendors selling lace and embroidery, leather goods, reproductions of icons and intricately painted eggs. Transylvania means across the woods, and thats an apt description of the driving route there from Bucharest up, over and down the Bucegi Mountains, a little more than 8,000 feet at their highest and mostly covered with thick pine woods. If youre a fan of twisting two-lane roads, this is the place for you. The roads were mostly smooth and the drivers cautious, but the combination of thundering semitrailer trucks and horse-drawn carts made for some exciting moments. En route theres time for lunch in Sinaia, an Alpine resort town with a clean-scrubbed Swiss feel. Stopping here is an excuse to visit Sinaia Monastery, an Orthodox monastery housing two small churches, and Peles Castle, a sprawling summer palace built in a unique blend of Gothic and Renaissance styles. It was finished just over a century ago, as the Romanian monarchy was in its twilight. The terrace of the adjacent hotel and restaurant provides a beautiful mountain-valley view for coffee or lunch. We chose the regional capital of Brasov as our Transylvania base, more for its central location than for its sights. Sighisoara, two hours to the northwest, is crowned by a hilltop citadel surmounted by a 14th century clock tower with animated figures that strike the hours. Down the street is the birthplace of Vlad Tepes, in a building that now houses one of the citys better restaurants. Closer to Brasov is soaring Bran Castle, one of the best-preserved castles in central Europe. Completed in the 14th century and still owned by Habsburg descendants, the castle is now besieged by souvenir stalls and marketed as Dracula Castle (Vlad may or may not have been imprisoned briefly there). Inside, furnishings and photos tell far more poignant and factual tales of castle residents, such as Queen Marie, a granddaughter of Britains Queen Victoria who married into Romanian royalty and was decorated for bravery as a battlefield nurse during World War I. One hidden gem of Transylvania is Viscri, a hamlet set in farm fields of green and gold, reachable via a detour off the main road from Brasov to Sighisoara. Viscri was settled by German-speaking Saxons invited in the 12th century to defend the Holy Roman Empires southern border. The villages centuries-old tile-roof houses are a favorite of restoration champions, including Britains Prince Charles, who owns a bed-and-breakfast in town and visits occasionally. Some houses are lovingly renovated, painted vivid lilac or sky-blue, while others are in major disrepair. There is little effort to tend to tourists here. Villagers get around with horse-drawn carts, with only a sidelong glance at visitors, and cows and geese wander unimpeded. Viscris church, like many in Transylvania, was built as a fortress, a hilltop spot for villagers to run to when marauders threatened. Inside, a steep, stone staircase climbs to slit windows where an archer could let loose at attackers. Designed to meet the needs of pre-service as well as professional school library media specialists, this blog provides news and information, book and technology reviews, and professionals sharing their expertise. SOCIEDAD ASIATICA THE ASIAN SOCIETY COMISION DIRECTIVA THE DIRECTIVE BOARD PRESIDENTE: Liliana Garcia Daris Universidad del Salvador. Argentina VICEPRESIDENTE: Won-ho Kim Universidad de Hankuk de Estudios Extranjeros. Corea SECRETARIO: Luis Diaz Brougton Universidad de Santiago, Chile PROSECRETARIO: Martha Barriga Tello Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru VOCALES: Mauricio Martinez Universidad de los Andes, Colombia Juan Uriburu Quintana Universidad de Chenchi, Taiwan CONSEJEROS ACADEMICOS ACADEMIC ADVISERS ASH NARAIN, Roy, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi. India GARCIA BAZAN, Francisco, CONICET, Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy MATSUSHITA, Hiroshi, Universidad de Kobe, Japon MIEMBROS FUNDADORES FOUNDING MEMBERS ALBERT, Liliana Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina ANTON PACHECO, Jose Antonio Universidad de Sevilla, Espana ANTONIJEVIC, Ingrid Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile BARRIGA TELLO, Martha Universidad Nacional de San Marcos, Peru BERGMAN, Sergio Melton Institute de Jerusalem, Israel BERTOLINI, Luis Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina CABEZON, Jose Universidad de Santa Barbara, Estados Unidos CAGNI, Horacio Universidad Catolica de La Plata, Argentina CARRANZA, Francisco Universidad de Dankook, Corea CASTLETON, Barbara Ohio State University of Athens CASTRO, Jorge Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina CHAOUL-REICH, Alejandro Universidad de Texas, Estados Unidos CHELMICKI, Hanna I. Universidad del Salvador, Argentina DIAZ BROUGHTON, Luis Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile FRANCO, Raul Universidad del Salvador, Argentina GADRE, Vasant Universidad Jawaharlal Nehru, India GARCIA DARIS, Liliana Universidad del Salvador, Argentina GLUCK, Carol Universidad de Columbia. Estados Unidos HOPKINS RODRIGUEZ, Eduardo Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru KIM, Wonho Universidad Hankuk de Estudios Extranjeros, Corea KO, Heysun Univesidad de Dankook, Corea LOPEZ DEL CARRIL, Luis Maria Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina LUCO, Enrique Universidad del Salvador MARTINEZ, Mauricio Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia MASATERU, Ito Universidad Nacional de Osaka, Japon MATSUSHITA, Hiroshi Universidad de Kobe, Japon MINKOWICZ, Gabriel Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires MONETA, Carlos Juan Universidad del Salvador, Argentina MORROW, John Andrew Minot State University, Dakota del Norte, USA NGUYEN, Thiet Son Academia de Ciencias Sociales de Vietnam, Vietnam OVIEDO, Eduardo CONICET. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina PEREIRA, Ronan Alves Universidad de Brasilia. Brasil PEREYRA, Violeta Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina REMETE, Andrea Universidad del Salvador, Argentina RIMOLDI DE LADMAN, Eve Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina ROMERO CASTILLA, Alfredo Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico TEDIN URIBURU, Virgilio Universidad de Harvard, Estados Unidos UEHARA, Alexander Universidad de Sao Paulo. Brasil URIBURU QUINTANA, Juan Universidad de Chenchi, Taiwan VITTOR, Luis Alberto Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy XU, Shicheng Academia China de Ciencias Sociales, Republica Popular China LEONARDTOWN, Md. (Nov. 12, 2016)A head-on crash on Thursday left one man dead. His passenger was flown to a local hospital and was last known to be in stable condition. The crash occurred in the area of Maryland Route 4, south of Patuxent Beach Road, in California. Ultimately, three vehicles were involved. On scene investigation revealed a gray 1992 Toyota Corolla, bearing Virginia registration, was traveling northbound on MD 4 south of Patuxent Beach Road when it traveled across the solid double yellow line into oncoming traffic. The Corolla collided with a silver 2010 Dodge Caravan bearing Maryland registration, operated by Robert Michael Johnson, age 29. The Dodge was then struck in the rear by a blue 2008 Chevrolet Aveo, operated by Allie Renne Nelson, age 31. After the Corolla and Caravan collided, the Corolla rotated clockwise from the collision and came to a final rest on the right shoulder of the roadway on the southbound side of MD 4. A passenger in the Corolla, identified as John Wayne Allen, age 36, was flown to Prince George's Shock Trauma by Maryland State Police Aviation Trooper 7. Mr. Wayne was in stable condition as of the last update. The driver of the Corolla, identified as Craig Edward Wareham, age 46, was pronounced deceased at the scene. The accident is under investigation. Anyone with information is urged to contact TFC M. Johnson at 301-475-8955. Le Collectif Cheikh Yassine a organise un certain nombre dactivites et de festivites pour les enfants de Gaza sous le theme La joie des enfants de Gaza pour lAid . Ces activites ont commence le premier jour de lAid et continue jusquau 4eme jour de lAid dans la bande de Gaza. Plusieurs activites, ont ete organisees parmi lesquelles : des competitions recompensees par des prix, des jeux, des animations et des chants presentes par un groupe ainsi que des distributions de cadeaux et daides financieres. The essential component of totalitarian propaganda is artifice (het toepassen van kunstgrepen. svh) . The ruling elites, like celebritie... The implications of Donald Trumps shocking victory in the U.S. presidential race have not taken long to emerge in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as the Israeli officials seem to be seizing the chance to create facts on the ground before Trumps four-year term even begins. The Israeli infrastructure minister, Yuval Steinitz told a Hebrew broadcast early yesterday that settlement construction across the West Bank and East Jerusalem will see a swift and wide expansion in the coming period. The Israeli minister noted that, due to political pressure from the U.S., settlement expansion had not gone as planned in these areas, and the election presents an opportunity to work without obstruction. In addition, a second Israeli television station reported yesterday that the Israeli cabinet approved 7,000 new settlement housing units in Jerusalem that have been frozen for years because of opposition from the Obama administration. The quick response from the Israeli side to Trumps triumph strongly suggests that Israel plans to fully capitalize on his winning to serve its interests with settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian territories and the ongoing distortion of the demographic and geographic reality on the ground. It also appears that the Israeli government hopes the new U.S. administration will aid them in the diplomatic battle as well, and possibly put an end to the U.S.-led peace process. Naftali Bennett, the education minister in Netanyahus government has said that Trumps arrival in the White House would put an end to the two-state solution. Bennett stated. The era of a Palestinian state is over . It is not astonishing that Israeli officials moved to expand the settlements after Trumps victory. Trump has already pledged that if he was elected he would move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which would indicate a clear American recognition of the Israeli claim over the city. Palestinian Response For Palestinians, it was not expected that the winner of the U.S. election, whoever it was, would shift American policy toward the Palestinian cause. United States foreign policy has been always characterized by a bias in Israels favor. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump vowed to unconditionally support Israel during their heated campaign as this matter has never been disputed between the Democrats and the Republicans. The outgoing American president, Barak Obama has just handed Israel the biggest military aid package in the American history. His successor will definitely follow in his footprints. Although, Palestinians see that it may be harsher this time. A lack of interest and frustration with the U.S. election has been the widespread response on the Palestinian street and among political parties, except for the Palestinian Authority (PA) which still expresses a willingness for peace talks and negotiations with Israel regardless of the total lack of interest on the Israeli side. Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said that the PA would deal with any president elected by the American people on the principle of achieving permanent peace in the Middle East based on the two-state solution on which is stubbornly rejected by the Israelis as they claim it constitutes great danger for their entity and security. Hamas, the Islamic movement that controls the besieged Gaza Strip, asks for re-evaluating and re-balancing for the American policy toward the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Sami Abu-Zuhri, Hamass spokesperson, said that America has always been a reason behind the Palestinians continuous suffering as it provides the Israeli occupation with military, financial, and logistical support that has been used against the Palestinian people. We do not expect changes in the U.S. policy, it will remain as it was, very biased for the interests of Israel, Abu-Zuhri noted. Other Palestinian parties called on the PA to stop looking at the U.S. as a silver bullet for the Palestinian case since it failed to fairly respond to Palestinians complaints against the Israeli crimes, intransigence, settlement expansion, and movement restrictions in the past. Islamic Jihads, Hani Habib, said that the PA should work for achieving Palestinian unity between the disputed sides in order to end the split and work together for the Palestinians people full rights. Unconditional support The US policy has been stable when it comes to Israel, said Hussam el-Dajani, a political commentator based in Gaza. We are sure that the unbounded support will continue for Israel, but cannot determine how exactly the American administration will react to the conflict. Will the negotiation process be resumed and on what basis?, he wondered. He noted that if Israeli practices in the West Bank go uncontrolled, and the facts on the ground continue to be altered with of a green light from America, an angry collective Palestinian response is to be highly expected. If Israeli practices change a lot on the ground, Palestinians will detonate in the face of Israel. It will be paying a heavy price if the far-extremist Israeli government was not deterred. Therefore, I do not see it will be 100 percent positive for Israel at least in the long term, el-Dajani added. Redwan el-Agres, a Palestinian activist said that it is better for the ugliness and bias of U.S. policy to be explicit rather than to have it hidden and embellished as it would have been if Clinton was elected. Clinton and Trump would have worked against us, let them do it without deception at least, he concluded. This post is, as may be obvious, not just about Donald Trump, elected to be the 45th President of the United States. This is also about the 45-odd percent of the American voters who did not vote (OK, I am rounding up). And, about the world political system that we had since the 1945, that is breaking now. And, with it, the 45 year old system of globalisation and free trade around which there was a common political consensus, which is now at the mercy of the 45th President of the United States. Was I surprised that Trump managed to get elected? Not really. Was I disappointed? No, because this was always in the realm of the possible. Am I sad? Most certainly, because what it signifies and what I expect to happen next. Apart from those few who are genuinely excited about a Trump Presidency, I got three other reactions from the people I interacted on the subject, all three I disagree with. The first was that this was all a madness. A friend wrote on Facebook that the Brits are relieved that they can call the Yanks stupid again. A London Bar put a sign outside requiring all Americans to be accompanied by an Adult. I disagree with this because there is a pattern here which we overlook at our peril. It is not just Brexit, but there is a trend across the world, from Philippines to India to Austria to Italy and elsewhere, towards an anti-globalisation consensus. While some individuals may be voting irrationally, there is a collective picture here which is not irrational at all. The second is that this is all inconsequential. Trump will be an one term President. While that may happen, this may be one hell of a term! With all those Supreme Court appointments that may come up within the next few years, and Republicans controlling all the branches of the Government, this may change United States forever. Indeed, some people are hoping that Republican establishment may impeach Trump, as he is bound to veer away from official party position on so many issues. We have indeed heard predictions about Trump's evident demise so many times, which have been proved wrong. The third is an optimistic, all-American view that the decent people in America will make it all work, as they have always done in the past. Indeed, very sensible - one person tweeted that expecting Trump to fail is like wishing the Pilot to make mistakes when you are on board in the aircraft - but this is both ahistorical and elitist. Ahistorical because such turns have, in the past, impacted a country and its future, in different countries around the world but also in the United States. It is a mistake to underestimate the power of the modern state, the evil people can do for a mere promise of job and stability, and the way the actions of an empowered individual can shape the destiny of a whole people. Elitist because, underlying this view is the assumption that this is all a mistake, and a desire to treat the symptoms without curing the disease. Instead, Trump's election is a definitive break - from the Post-War Political system and Post-WTO globalisation consensus, but part of a bigger story of Brexit and surge of Fascism across the world. The elite, as represented in Hillary Clinton, have made the rhetoric work for them for generations, handing out empty promises, meaningless hopes and pointless futures in equal measure. They have built a world of political exclusion, striving to tame active citizens into passive consumers, stripping education of ambition and engagement and making it into a tool of need fulfilment. As it seems now, this has created a political underground, a despairing kind rather than an inspired one, and the very success of liberalism, political and economic, is now undermining its existence. It is the moment of breaking of times, apocalyptic rather than inconsequential, meaningful rather than crazy. But this is not about losing hope and writing off the next few years or decades, but to see beyond the hegemonic ideas that engulfed us. The Consumer Civilisation is crumbling under its own contradictions, and other possibilities are emerging. We are looking at a new generation for whom all that selfish self-promotion is so last century, and for whom, social responsibility is cool again! Indeed, the political left is devoid of leadership - that is why 45% stays home - but when ideas break down, possibilities and leaders who inspire emerge. My mood is sombre, but my expectations soar - it is the hour of the ideas all over again. The bookkeeper who embezzled half a million dollars from the Longview YMCA between 2007 and 2012 is facing a lawsuit from the nonprofit. Tomi Dupper, now 61, pleaded guilty to first-degree theft for stealing cash and taking a loan against her retirement to which she falsified a repayment. Dupper told police she needed the money to pay bills because she was having financial trouble but intended to repay the YMCA. Shed worked for the YMCA for 23 years. Dupper was sentenced in April 2014 to two years in prison. She was ordered to pay the YMCA nearly $293,000 at no less than $25 monthly. The restitution amount was based on what Dupper still owed the YMCA after she forfeited her retirement and the agency recovered some money from insurance. Of the $293,000 still owed, Dupper has paid only $350. But this June, the YMCA filed a civil suit against Dupper in Cowlitz County Superior Court. It alleges that she gave 10 acres of rural Longview land to her daughter Kari Kosa in July 2013 for free in order to keep it from being seized and sold to compensate the YMCA. She reserved a life estate in the property, meaning that she retained all rights and benefits to the land for the remainder of her life. This year, the county assessors office valued that land at $102,580. Dupper, who hasnt retained an attorney, wrote to the court that she didnt give away the land to defraud the YMCA. She argues that her daughter wanted to build a home on the property months before Dupper was fired. Dupper said she reserved her life estate to protect the well on the property. Dupper said she wanted to give her daughter the land to provide stability to the single mother of three. Emails Dupper provided the courts show her daughter began speaking with a home builder as early as February 2012, 13 months before Duppers arrest. Lives go on even if a person is under criminal indictment, Dupper wrote in court documents. Kari Kosa and her children were to continue to move forward with their plans. But Dave Nelson, attorney for the YMCA, argued that Dupper admitted to the embezzlement in December 2012, well before she began transferring the land to her daughter in July 2013. By the time of the arraignment, Dupper reasonably should have believed that she would incur a debt to repay the embezzled funds that were beyond her ability to pay, Nelson wrote. Dupper said she was surprised to find out just how much shed stolen from the YMCA. Tomi Dupper did know that she had extensive debt from a failed business, had extensive debt from long-term divorce proceedings, the allocation of debt from said divorce, and loss of community funds, Dupper wrote in response to the lawsuit. As far as she should have realized that she had embezzled funds beyond her ability to pay, she never realized the extent of it. The YMCA wants the courts to order the sheriffs office to sell the land and give the proceeds to the YMCA. Dupper and her daughter did not respond to requests for comment. The next hearing will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. The Port of Kalama adopted a $44.4 million budget this week that includes ambitious plans for new industrial buildings, completing the McMenamins hotel and restaurant and building facilities for the proposed methanol refinery at the north port. Next years budget is a 52 percent increase over the 2016 budget, which was $29.2 million. The biggest chunk of the 2017 budget is the $32 million the port plans spend on capital projects.. The port expects to finance those project partly out of revenues, which are project to total $14.4 million next year. But it also expects to sell $30 million in bonds to raise money for the work. Port Commissioner Randy Sweet said Friday that port may not actually need to sell all $30 million worth of bonds. Some of the spending plans hinge on whether the methanol plant gets all the necessary approvals. The port has to conservatively plan for the large-scale expenses anyways, he said. In the north port area, where Steelscape is located and where the methanol plant would go, the port expects to spend $1 million building a second dock and $2 million on construction a new water well system. This month, port contractors completed construction of two new warehouses on Steelscape property to accommodate the methanol plant. The $4.5 million project was paid for largely with cash reserves, and part of the bonds the port will take out next year will help to pay the port back for those expenses, Sweet said. The 2017 budget also includes $8 million for new light industrial buildings near the Owens-Illinois glass plant at the mouth of the Kalama River. The buildings will allow the port meet growing interest in its properties from prospective new tenants. Commissioners in September awarded a $588,000 design contract for 120,000 building to Longview-based Collins Architectural Group. Our buildings are full so weve got to put up that new building weve actually got people actually knocking on our door, Sweet said. Construction of the much-anticipated McMenamins hotel and restaurant will cost the port an estimated $6.8 million next year. (However, the port already has spent money on foundation work, and it has conservatively planned to spend $8.2 million on the project over this year and next.) Once the port completes the shell of the hotel and restaurant, McMenamins will spend an additional $3 million customizing the space. In anticipation of long-term growth, the port also expects to spend $5 million to develop utilities, roads and infrastructure at the future site of Spencer Creek Business Park east of Interstate 5. Next year, anglers and boating enthusiasts also will notice some big changes to the ports decades-old marina as the port expects to spend $3.5 million marina renovation project. Its not a huge revenue generator, but its a very much- loved marina and its time we do something with it, Sweet said. While the ports capital budget is set to expand, the operating budget actually will drop slightly from $7 million this year to $6.4 million next year due to lower dredging costs. For more than 150 years, 180 letters lay stashed in the attic of a Kelso funeral home. They were penned by soldiers who served in the U.S. Civil War, and recount the struggles of battle. But little was was known about the writers themselves. No longer. Retired Kelso teacher and historian John Simpson has unveiled the history behind these letters and the lives of their authors. Cowlitz County Historical Museum three years ago asked Simpson, a scholar of Civil War history, to assess the letters significance after they were turned over to the museum. Simpson decided to go beyond the Civil War and delve into the lives of their authors and publish their story in a book. I think these chapters here have relevance to whats going on today, and I think thats what a good book should do. It should tell a story that captivates people, but it should also have some meaning to it that theres more to it than just the story itself, said Simpson, who last week gave an annual update on his progress to an audience at the county historical museum. Ive had to become almost like a first-year college student these last two-and-a-half years, reading books and contacting people to build a story that is worth telling. And I think were on the way. The letters are mainly correspondence written home from brothers Phillip and Philander Ellithorpe of western New York state. Philander survived the war but lost his arm. Phillip died from wounds at Gettysburg. The letters date from 1860 to 1865 and include letters written home from two other men who married the Ellithorpes sisters. One of their descendants ended up owning the Kelso funeral home, where the letters were eventually found by former City Councilman Alan Slater. Simpson spends about five hours a day in his man cave in his house researching historical records and scouring the Internet. He has traveled several times to the East Coast to follow up leads and acquaint himself with the Ellithorpes world. He said this book, his sixth history book, is a look at the Civil War from the ground up. It focuses on the rank and file, not the high-ranking. Simpson said this approach lets him compare the veterans issues in the Civil War and veterans issues today, such as pension problems. Simpson said his fascination with Civil War started at a young age. Two of his teachers lit his fire for the subject. But the letters project has pushed him out of his comfort zone. Simpsons studies had focused on the Confederate side in Tennessee; the Ellithorpe brothers fought for the Union side and came from New York. Simpson is planning another trip to New York in May to tie up loose ends and find some remaining records. Simpson said his book will be in line with a movement among Civil War historians to go beyond the savagery of battle and focus on the social aspects of war. Simpson said he will use quotes and excerpts from the letters to provide his readers an unvarnished view of the war through the soldiers voices. Once such letter is particularly striking. Phillip Ellithorpe, while working on an ambulance, had to bring his tentmate back from the battlefield at Antietam, one of the wars bloodiest battles. The tone of his letter describing the experience differs dramatically from his earlier epistles, Simpson said. I want the readers to get a sense of who these guys were. What their fears were, what their concerns were. I want voice to come out, and the only way voice is going to come out is if I use their words, not mine, Simpson said. I guess what I want to present ...I want young people to realize that the glamour, the excitement quickly faded away. Death and violence stripped away the luster of patriotism and zeal the brothers initially felt for the war, he noted. But as the war progressed, and you get into those horrible battles of Antietam and Fredericksburg and Gettysburg, the luster is gone. They realize this isnt any war of chivalry and such. This is a terribly, dirty, deadly environment that theyre in. And they were in survival mode. ... Thats what Id like young people to understand. Simpson is hoping to finish his book in the spring of 2018. After publication, Simpson said he will find proper homes for the letters, placing them in museums across the U.S. for other historians to access them and so they can engage a younger generation. History should be .... teaching the young people ...to appreciate history, to get them hooked and asking questions about this. ... The Civil War affected people in so many ways that I dont know that young people (understand). UNICEF (The United Nations Childrens Fund), while celebrating World Pneumonia Awareness Day has brought up a new statistics which is revealing some most shocking news about the effects of dirty air in the current generation. As per the reports of UNICEF, four kids are dying per hour in Utter Pradesh due to the polluted and dirty air. The statistics also discloses that more than 1.4 million children die each year due to the diseases like Pneumonia & Diarrhoea. The new figures have been mentioned in the journal report released by UNICEF on 11th November, at the eve of World Pneumonia Awareness Day. Pneumonia is a certain kind of infectious that mostly affects children under five years. The report alleged this disease to take the lives of nearly million children in 2015 which means, approximately one kid is dying in every 35 seconds, and surprisingly the death figures of Pneumonia are more than of malaria, TB, measles, and AIDS. The study also indicates that despite the remarkable progression in health conditions, the mortality of lids under-five from 2000 to 2015 is an actual matter of concern. Among other diseases, the infectious illness like pneumonia and diarrhoea go ahead the list of reasons of death of under-five. The report also shows Asian and African countries to be highly affected by the infections of pneumonia and diarrhoea, leading a violent mortality rate in UP which is said to be slated on four kids in one hour. While publishing the new testimony, the Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF, Fatoumata Ndiaye said, the involvement of air pollution in the on-going climate change is the fundamental reason for the mounting mortality rate among under-five. The dirty air is damaging the well-being and growth of children by causing pneumonia and a number of other respiratory infections like Diarrhoea. hidden Eleven-year-old Pune girl Anvita Prashant Telang has been named national winner of the "Doodle 4 Google" contest. The sixth standard student from Vibgyor High School in Balewadi area was chosen for her Doodle submission on the theme titled "If I could teach anyone anything, it would be". The Doodle will be featured on the Google India homepage on November 14 to celebrate Children's Day. "With 'Doodle 4 Google' competition, we aim to promote creativity, passion and imagination in younger users. We congratulate Anvita for being judged as the winner this year," said Sapna Chadha, Head of Marketing, Google India, in a statement. The entries that came from over 50 cities across the country were evaluated on artistic merit, creativity and theme communication as well as their unique and novel approach to the Doodle. The Doodle represents greeneries, water, water life, balloons, making it a lovely vibrant picture. This comes after an elaborate call for voting for the finalists announced of for the 8th Doodle 4 Google event. The finalists went through two rounds of judging, first by school judges and then by national judges comprising of Art Director Savio Mascarenhas, Googles Chief Doodler Ryan Germick, Cartoonist Ajit Ninan and Creative Rob. With inputs from IANS hidden More than 40 international business and technology organizations representing hundreds of companies on Friday expressed deep concerns to the Chinese government about a new cyber security law they said would likely increase the separation between China and the rest of the world economy. Beijing has adopted a cyber security law it called necessary to counter growing threats of hacking and terrorism. The measure, to take effect in June 2017, was swiftly condemned by overseas critics, including business and human rights groups. They said it threatens to shut foreign technology companies out of various sectors deemed "critical", and includes contentious requirements for security reviews and for data to be stored on servers in China. Chinese officials have said it would not interfere with foreign business interests. In their letter, the groups warned that Beijing's efforts to control more of China's Internet and technology would "effectively erect trade barriers along national boundaries" while failing to achieve its security objectives. The cyber security law would also burden industry and undermine "the foundation of Chinas relations with its commercial partners, the groups wrote in a letter addressed to the Chinese Communist Party Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs. The letters signatories include the Information Technology Industry Council, the Internet Association, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Australian Industry Group and BusinessEurope, among others. The law's adoption comes amid a broad crackdown by President Xi Jinping on civil society, including rights lawyers and the media, which critics say is meant to quash dissent. U.S. Senator Cory Gardner, a Colorado Republican, told Reuters he was extremely troubled by the new law. The measure could further infringe upon the privacy of its people and potentially have a widespread impact on the international business community, said Gardner, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific and International Cybersecurity. Gardner said he voiced concern with Chinese officials about the law during a recent visit to the country and would press the Obama administration to address Beijings broader actions in cyberspace, which threaten U.S. economic and national security." Reuters The Shiver: Tonights group of sharks: Dallas Mavericks owner and tech-sector maverick Mark Cuban in his usual stage-right chair, real-estate impresariess Barbara Corcoran, venture capital mogul Kevin Mister Wonderful OLeary, QVC Queen Lori Greiner and at the end of the line, guest Shark Silicon Valley venture capitalist Chris Sacca. The Bait: A better baby cover-up, a lemonade stand for the gig economy, a Korean BBQ chain and a lockbox that would make Al Gore giddy. Company: Melanie Disbrow, Milk Snob Seeking: $125,000 for a 5 percent stake Disbrow walks the Sharks through a common struggle of new parents: trying to cover car seats and strollers to protect little ones from sun and weather, when babies, toddlers, or that very weather constantly rips off blankets and other covers. Enter Milk Snob, a sort of overgrown tube top that functions as a cover for a stroller, a breast-feeding cover-up and a newborn wrap. The fabric is stretchy, so its strong, but breathable, for obvious reasons: Ready to take it to the next level! And our Sharks already like it! #SharkTank #MilkSnob pic.twitter.com/LY1Gbljbb4 Shark Tank (@ABCSharkTank) November 12, 2016 In just 18 months, Disbrow has hauled in $1.2 million, with $600,000 of that in the last six months. The price $36 online, with just a $7.60 manufacturing cost. All of her marketing is through social media and mom-to-mom buzz, and so far its been a great success. Saccas blown away: He immediately offers $125,000 for 8 percent. You know what? Cuban goes full chivalry on this one. Im going to go out because thats a great offer. Wait, @mcuban just endorsed my offer? Are pigs flying? Did hell freeze over? I am so confused. #SharkTank Chris Sacca (@sacca) November 12, 2016 Lori offers $125,000 for 10 percent, which is obviously a worse deal, on paper but heyQVC! Thats perfect for a product like this. Mister Wonderful offers $150,000 for 10 percent, too, but its hard to see his offer competing with the other two on the table. Disbrow asks Lori if shell go down to 8 percent, but if Loris going to flog this thing on QVC she wants a bigger stake. Instead, Lori raises the cash match Mister Wonderful. Sacca still wants in, though, and Disbrow has some choices to make. Time for our first DRAMATIC COMMERCIAL BREAK! When we come back, Disbrows hesitant. She wants Lori and Chris to partner on the deal, but she doesnt want to give up more than 10 percent equitywhich is not enough for two Sharks to sink their teeth into. Sacca goes out. Kevins also out, because she hasnt shown the slightest interest in dealing with him. Suddenly, Loris the last Shark left. Disbrow hesitantly turns to her. Lori, you actually were my pick. Swim or chum? so Id love to accept your offer. SWIM. Should you buy? Its been a few years since Ive been in the baby-wearing business, but Im not sure this would make a great wrap. If youre baby-wearing, a lot of strollering isnt necessary. And I dont believe a mama needs a muu-muu thrown over her when shes feeding. There are better dedicated baby-wearers out there, and its not $36.99 better than a blanket. SHOULD NOT BUY. Company: Jack & Steve Bonneau, Jacks Stands & Marketplaces. Seeking: $50,000 for a 10 percent stake A kid pitcher! And not just any kid pitcher: A nine-year-old kid (at the time of filming; now hes 10) whose business is helping other kids start businesses. Jack had really wanted a $400 LEGO Death Star set, so he opened up a lemonade stand and hustled. $900 later, he had an idea that would help every kid near him start a business: Jacks Stands from Colorado is already one our favorites! #SharkTank pic.twitter.com/QMB8LH4d1q Shark Tank (@ABCSharkTank) November 12, 2016 Now, Jacks Stands and Marketplaces offer space and time for kids to come and hawk their wares at mall kiosks. The kids keep a 15 percent cut of whatever theyre selling, and Jack and his dad (I work for Jack! he insists) get rich. Well, thats the plan. So far they have seven locations in Colorado, two in malls, and earnings havent been great. Despite this, Jackwho knows all the numbers, his dad is barely speakingsays hes projecting $150,000 in sales over the next year, and $1,000,000 the year after that: Jack has some aggressive revenue projections, but would you be willing to bet against this kid? #JacksStands #SharkTank Chris Sacca (@sacca) November 12, 2016 Mister Wonderful loves Jacks hustle, but struggles with kids because he doesnt want a part-time partner. Hes out. Sacca asks how he got funded, and turns out he got a starter loan of $1,000 from his parents, earned enough to pay them back, got a $5,000 loan from a bank, and has almost paid them off. Now this little Denver Broncos fan is rocking it out on Shark Tank: Jack, pronounces Cuban, youre incredible. But not incredible enough: He doesnt see them growing beyond the Denver area. Hes out. Barbara and Lori say the same thing: Youre super awesome, but not investible. Theres no way Im going to let the best pitch of the year get out the door without an offer, Sacca says. He offers a $50,000 loan at two percent interest, disbursed in $10,000 chunks as Jack needs it. Sacca also wants a contingency that Jack do a YouTube show or podcast that grows an audience online. If you take that deal, Mister Wonderful says, youll be the most in-debt nine-year-old in the world. Swim or chum? He immediately takes it. OLeary cracks up: Hes nine years old and $60,000 in debt! SWIM. Should you buy? Well, heres the problem with the business: The only way you can buy what hes selling is if youre a kid with a business in Denver. If you are, and you need a space to hawk your wares, you SHOULD BUY. Company: Jae Kim, Chilantro Seeking: $600,000 for a 50 percent stake Kim emigrated from South Korea with his single mom when he was 11 years old. Hes applied for Shark Tank three times: Once with one food truck, once with five food trucks and now with a fleet of trucks and a fast-casual restaurant. The third times the charm, and here he is with a sampling of the food: His fast-casual thing is very Chipotle: Build a bowl with starch (white rice, brown rice or noodles), protein, veggies, special sauces and the original kimchee fries. The Sharks love it: This. Food. Is. So. Good. Then he serves it all over fries!! @ChiLantroBBQ is painfully good stuff. His success is no accident. #SharkTank Chris Sacca (@sacca) November 12, 2016 Kim describes his first business, a coffee shop, as a failure. He didnt have a vision and couldnt grow it. But when asked how he founded Chiantro, he references his $30,000 in savings. Cuban jumps in to applaud him: You started your business, you paid for college, and you saved $30,000. Earnings last year were $4.7 million. Each food trucks pulling around $300,000, and $1-1.5 million for each restaurant. He hopes to do expand to 15 restaurants. Youve actually lived the American Dream in every way, Mister Wonderful says, and hes right. Sacca loves the food, but he doesnt really see the opportunity here: He cant be the guy that helps Kim go from a vision to reality, and now the visionwhich isnt a game-changing revolution in foodis pretty much just growing whats already there. Hes out. Cuban says restaurants are not his thing; investing in one is a huge time sink if you want to be involved at all. Hes out. Lori loves the food, but shes out too. Barbara, though, is in. And shes done this once before with Tom + Chee in Season 4. That business had a lot of growth and success, but also hit some bumps in the road (the one near me opened, struggled with quality consistency, and closed). I know the structural problems they had in growing their business, Barbara says, and knows exactly how to grow Chilantro without putting a foot wrong. She offers the $600,000 for a whopping 30 percent stake. She warns not to treat her like dumb capital: Her expertise is valuable. He counters: His business is robust and profitable. Even if she wants out, he can buy her back out quickly. Would she take 20 percent instead? Swim or chum? You got yourself a deal, she says, and he does! SWIM. Should you buy? The food looks phenomenal and Korean BBQ is great. If theres a location near you, you SHOULD BUY. Company: Junior Desinor, TOOR Seeking: $500,000 for a 10 percent stake When youre house-hunting and see a great house for sale, your options are limited. You can call a number and leave a voicemail, or hope one of those little flyers is left. But if you want to tour the house, you could be waiting weeks for an agent or open house. Desinor says all thats about to change with the worlds smartest lockbox. He invites Barbara to come try and get the keys: Just press the button and it sends a request to the house owner, who can approve it and open the lockbox, releasing the keys. Barbara can let herself in, tour the house and put the keys back when shes done. She shakes Desinors hand. Nice handshake, she says, clearly impressed with the cut of his jib. Nice suit. Mister Wonderful immediately asks the question were all thinking: What happens if they just take the keys? Or hang out way too long? The beauty of our product is that you decide what kind of showing you want to have, Desinor says. Theres a notification sent if the keys are out of the box too long, and you can also set the app to require an agent come over. That settled, the Sharks want to know what sales look like. Zero. Theyre brand new. But TOOR had a really successful Kickstarter, and the demand is clearly there. The Sharks want to know how he got this idea; it grew out of his practice as a real-estate agent. His parents are from Haiti, he says, and worked hard to send him to a fancy Dallas-area private school. Going to friends neighborhoods and seeing big, fancy houses (including Cubans) inspired him to start. Sacca, a Silicon Valley VC, knows him some big, fancy houses, though, and he sees a problem: There are already smart lockboxes that use Bluetooth to open in the presence of an agent; the only innovation TOORs really offering is the remote interface. When Desinor says the old-school real estate companies are way behind the times, and his TOOR has a utility patent pending, Sacca gets testy. Hes seen agents unlock homes with a smartphone while touring! Hes entirely right, Barbara says. This clearly answers a need, and youre not going to see anything like it out of the old guys in the industry. Additionally, she notes, Youre one of the best salespeople Ive seen in my life. Considering shes worked in real estate much of her career, thats saying something. I like when people make better mousetraps, Lori says, but its too early for her. Shes out. You blew it, Mister Wonderful says, by asking for half a million dollars on a five-million dollar valuation when his product is still a prototype. Kevin offers $100,000 for 10 percent equity, then a $400,000 loan at 18 percent interest. Kevin demands a quick answer and Desinor ponders as we go to our second DRAMATIC COMMERCIAL BREAK. Ill save you some time, Cuban says. Hes not into real estate, and he cant help. Hes out. Barbara wants to jump in here, joining Kevins deal I dont want a better mousetrap. I want a bear trap, making tens of millions. Saccas convinced that this thing is only a couple of years ahead of the everybody else, because people are already moving to tech-activated locks. House keys are doomed! Desinor counters: $250,000 for 10 percent in equity, and $250,000 line of credit. Barbara and Kevin confer, then counter at $200k cash/$300k creditwith the contingency that hes willing to ramp up big-time and get into major retailers. Are we there for our FOURTH deal of the night? Swim or chum? We are! SWIM. Should you buy? Honestly, Im not even sure whos buying these. Agents? Sellers? Even if Im selling my house, Im not cool with unsupervised visits. Oh, and theres something about a $100-a-month subscription model? Im not into it. SHOULD NOT BUY. BB retrieves $15m of cyber heist Philippines Authority has repatriated $15 million of $81 million cyber heist to Bangladesh Bank (BB). The two-member team of the Central Banks Anti-Money Laundering Department headed by Debaprosad Debnath, general manager of the banks Financial Intelligence Unit, accepted the fund in cash on Friday, Bangladesh Bank sources confirmed. Earlier in September, a Philippines court ordered the country`s central bank to repatriate $15 million dollars surrendered by casino boss Kim Wong and his Eastern Hawaii Leisure Company, to Bangladesh Bank, saying only BB is the rightful owner of the money. Later, the Anti-Money Laundering Council of Philippines Central Bank took initiatives to return the fund. Oppression on minority community resented Chittagong Bureau : Bishwajanin Shanti Sangha(World Peace council) Chittagong unit expressed deep concern and resentment over the attack on residences and mandirs of Hindu community in different areas including Brahmanbaria . In a statement , the leaders of the council said no religion supports such atrocities on other religion and all the religions speaks about peace in the community irrespective caste and creed. The leaders of Chittagong unit of BS Sangha expressed deep shock over the attack on minorities and demanded exemplary punishment of the attackers. The signatories of the statement are Chairman Principal Dr. Abdul Karim, founder of the sangha dr. CS Das, Secretary General Advocate Sukhomoy chakraborty, vice chairman Habibur Rahman Habib, Joint secretary dr. Anjan Kumar Das, Joint secretary Shib Prasad, Women Affairs secretary councilor Nili Nag, Social Welfare Secretary Prof. dr. Debratha Bhattachariya, Organising Secretary M. Abdul Matin Biplob, Education & Research secretary Prof. Dr. Jaharlal Bhattachariya, Finance secretary Dr. Pranab Biswas, coordination secretary Joydev Chandra, Press secretary Dr. Debashis Majumder, EC member Dr. Manash shekor and Mohan chowdhury. JALDHAKA (Nilphamari): A rally was brought out in Jaldhaka Upazila to mark the 44th founding anniversary of Jubo League on Friday. No respite from traffic gridlock Excess vehicles, illegal parking main cause: Experts Reza Mahmud : Residents in Dhaka city see no respite from the traffic gridlock as a result of excess number of vehicles against the streets capacity, illegal parking and poor traffic management by the authorities concerned. Experts and the officials of the traffic department have expressed concerned over the city's worsening traffic congestion that causing a loss of around Tk 60,000 crore every year. "There is no sign to ease the tailback in the capital. Rather, the situation is aggravating day by day. It plagued the city with huge economic loss," Dr. Sarwar Jahan, Professor of Urban Planning of Bangladesh University of Engineer and Technology (BUET), told The New Nation on Saturday. Sarwar Jahan said, the private cars are the main players behind the traffic jam on the city streets. "There are more than 1.5 crore people living in Dhaka. The vehicles are increased comparatively with the growing people. But the streets are not increased further intensifying the traffic congestion," he said. He said, the international standard practice is that a city has to furnish with 25 per cent streets of its total size. But there are only 7 to 8 per cent of streets in our capital. Big portions of those streets are also grabbing by the illegal car parking and vendors. The urban planner recommended quick implementation of metro-rail and expressway with the public transportations to ease the traffic gridlock. He also stressed the need for administrative decentralization soon. "Increasing numbers of vehicles in limited road capacity is the main cause of the gridlock. The Traffic Department is finding it hard to improve the situation," Additional Commissioner (Traffic) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police Mosleh Uddin Ahmed told The New Nation yesterday. "We have increased the number of cases filed against the illegal vehicles and drivers. Previously, we filed around two thousand cases, but now it reached four thousand everyday against the persons who violate traffic laws," he said.. Mosleh Uddin also said that they are now arranging traffic education in different educational institutions. According to the Traffic Department, the streets of the capital city have capability to run only 3.0 lakh vehicles. But around 9.0 lakh vehicles are being registered with the Bangladesh Roads and Transport Authority (BRTA). The actual number of vehicles could even more than the figure, he said, adding there were around 5.0 lakh vehicles in the city in 2009. Besides, there are around 12 lakh rickshaws running while the licensed number of these vehicles is only 79,000. Experts said, around 3.0 lakh private cars run on the city streets everyday. The huge number of cars carried very few people. The uneducated drivers are also the big cause to increase gridlock, they said.. Stakeholders said, public buses stopped here and there to pull passengers outside of the bus stands are also a big cause of gridlock. The most important points in the city like Farmgate, New Market, Science Lab, Mohakhali, Rampura, Badda, Gulistan, Syedabad and Jatrabari areas are seen full of gridlock in everyday for the reckless passenger pulling by the buses. On the other hand, the illegal car parking in roadside is the major cause of unbearable gridlock. "You see, lot of cars and big sizes microbuses were parked by dominated huge portions of streets in Motijheel area. A narrow portion only is open for the running vehicles in whole Motijheel and Dilkusha commercial area. It causes inevitable traffic gridlock and untold suffering to the passengers. But the authority seemed undone to curb the situation," said Abdul Hakim, a bus driver at Motijheel. But the traffic officials said they frequently conduct operations to hold the cars and fine their owners and even filing cases but the situation remains the same. Traffic officials said, without creating consciousness among the car owners, it is difficult to make the streets free from illegal parking. According to the Traffic Department, there are around four thousand traffic officials' works in more than 600 traffic signal points everyday. Around 20 per cent of them are in vacations most of the time. The rest 80 per cent of the officials faced difficulties to control the huge vehicles. "Before understanding the problems of the traffic system and way to curb that, the officials were transferred to other offices. It is the major cause to remain the traffic department comparatively inexpert. So, the higher traffic officials should stay for long term in their posts," said an official preferring anonymity. Mayors of the two city corporations of the capital are also trying to improve the situation by using their own tools like removing big bus and truck stands out side of the capital. Syndicates busy in human skeleton business Tk30cr trading per year: Students, sweepers involved Md Joynal Abedin Khan : Underground business on human skeleton is booming across the country with the alleged involvement of a few students of medical colleges, some sweepers of hospital morgues, owners of several private hospitals and some unscrupulous members of law enforcing agencies, police and hospital sources said. They added many syndicates in collusion with them are now passing their busy time to run this clandestine trading of human skeletons as the demand of the 'commodities' are on rise for the students of medical colleges in the country. Around 4,000 pieces of human skeletons are needed for the students of the medical and dental colleges, while more than 5,000 pieces of the commodities are smuggled to India for use of different purposes, the sources said. They said, people involved buy a body at Tk 20,000 and sell each of the human skeletons around Tk 50,000 after processing of the body. The syndicate members earn around Tk 30 crore by conducting this illegal business at home and abroad per year, the sources added. According to official data, there are 3,389 students get admission in 23 government medical and ten dental colleges, while 4,075 students get admission in 55 private medical and 12 dental colleges every year. About 50 per cent students may able to collect human skeletons from the senior students. But, the rest of the students are to collect skeletons from illegal channels. Each of the first year students has to buy a human skeleton from the syndicate by paying around Tk 50,000, it said. Detective sources said, skeletons and human bones are also dug up from burial grounds in different cities and districts. Then the skeletons cleaned, packed in cardboard boxes or jute bags before being carried to the destination, they said. The law enforcing agencies have arrested many people and recovered hundreds of human skeletons from their possession in the city and different other parts of the country in the last three years, they added. On November 5, police recovered at least 38 human skulls and some bones from a flat in capital's Kafrul area and arrested Kamruzzaman Ronny, the tenant of the flat, in this connection. Ronny rented the flat a month ago introducing himself as the owner of a chemical factory in Old Dhaka and a physician at Mitford Hospital, police said, quoting landlord Elias Saifullah. Masud Ahmed, Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (Mirpur Division), said "The parts of human skeletons stored in several cartons were seized from Kafrul and arrested Ronny. He (Ronny) told police that he sells human skeletons to medical students." Earlier in June last year, 13 bodies were stolen from the city's Jurain graveyard. At least seven bodies were also stolen from a graveyard at Gaqulnagar village in Ashulia in May this year. A general dairy was filed with Ashulia Police Station in this connection. In Gazipur, at least 23 bodies were stolen from a graveyard in Gazaria of Gazipur district in June this year. In Faridpur, 12 bodies were stolen from a graveyard at Nagarkanda upazila in the district on June 12 last year. In Sherpur, some miscreants also stole five bodies from a graveyard in the district in April. Rapid Action Battalion arrested two human skeleton traffickers in Sylhet in February. The arrested were identified as Bellal Hossain, 40, and Hira Miah, 21, both employees of Histology Department of Sylhet Osmani Medical College Hospital. Keya Akhter, student of Rangpur Medical College, said, "Many students of the medical college are involved in skeleton business. They have a strong syndicate on the college campus and outside the campus." She said each of the students generally has to pay Tk 25,000 for a half set of human skeleton and Tk 50,000 for full set of the bone. When contacted, Professor Shamim Ara, Chairman of Anatomy Department of Dhaka Medical College, told The New Nation on Thursday, "Our students get almost all skeletons donated by some people and institutions. Even they write their names on skeletons. Some of them also collect these from the senior students." Philippines returns $15.25m Bangladesh Bank (BB) has retrieved $15.25 million, part of $81 million stolen from its account with the New York Federal Reserve Bank on February 5 and ended up to the Philippines banking system. The Philippines authorities on Friday handed over the fund to a BB team in Manila. BB retrieved the fund after 10 months of the high-profile cyber heist in which cyber criminals attempted to launder nearly $1 billion from its reserve account with the New York Fed in February last year but succeeded to launder $101 million using SWIFT financial messaging system. Some $20 million went to Sri Lanka, where it was blocked by authorities. The rest of $81 million entered into four fictitious accounts at the RCBC Bank in Manila. "The Philippines Anti-Money Laundering Council handed over the $15.25 million, portion of the $81 million heist fund, to a two member team of BB's anti-money laundering department in Manila on Friday," BB Deputy Governor Abu Hena Mohd Razee Hasan, told The New Nation on Saturday. He said, Bangladesh ambassador in Philippines John Gomes accepted the fund in cash in presence of the BB team. Prior to handing over the fund to BB, the money was kept into the vaults of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the central bank of Philippines. The two-member BB team traveled to Manila on November 7 to complete the process with the BSP to get back the fund which had been surrendered by casino operator Kim Wong and forfeited by the Philippine government. The members are Debaprosad Debnath, general manager and Abdur Rob, a Joint Director of the central bank's Financial Intelligence Unit,. "The recovered $15.25 million will be deposited to BB account with the NY Fed in a day or two," said Razee Hasan. Earlier, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila ordered the release of $15 million to Bangladesh central bank declaring Bangladesh as the rightful owner of the heist money. Following the order, Bangladesh's central bank filed an execution suit with a Philippine court to get the money bank in its account. The case was also settled and the order issued in favour of Bangladesh. Razee Hasan, who is also the chief of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFUI) said, the recovered money consisting with the US dollar and Philippine peso will be deposited to BB account with the New York Fed in the next working day through two bank accounts with Standard Chartered Bank and Bangladesh embassy in Manila. When asked, he said, "The Philippines authorities earlier engaged an all-out effort to trace the BB heist fund. They have already made tremendous progress in this regard. Process is on to retrieve the traced fund". Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe Facebook and Twitter could be Next to Get BLOCKED! "The Russian court's decision has the potential to deny access to LinkedIn for the millions of members we have in Russia and the companies that use LinkedIn to grow their businesses. We remain interested in a meeting with Roskomnadzor to discuss their data localization request." As reported late October, the world's largest online professional network LinkedIn is going to ban in Russia beginning Monday following a Moscow court decision this week that found Microsoft-owned LinkedIn to be in violation of the country's data protection laws.Here's why LinkedIn is facing ban in Russia:In July 2014, Russia approved amendments to the Russian Personal Data Law that came into force on 1st September 2015, under which foreign tech companies were required to store the personal data of its citizens within the country.Legislation put in place for protecting its citizens' data from the NSA's worldwide surveillance revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden.The Russian state's federal media regulator, known as Roskomnadzor, is now threatening to block any company that stored its citizens' personal data on non-Russian servers.Not just LinkedIn, even other bigger companies, including WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter, could be next on the list of getting blocked in Russia if they fail to comply with the law.Major companies, including Google , Apple, and Viber, have reportedly moved some of their servers to Russia this year, although Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter denied complying with the law.LinkedIn is the first big name to fall for not complying with the law, as a Russian court upheld a ruling to ban the professional network from operating in the country, the New York Times reports LinkedIn is reportedly willing to discuss arrangements that could allow the company to operate in Russia. Here's a comment from a LinkedIn spokesperson:It seems that Roskomnadzor has chosen LinkedIn its first target due to the company's history of security issues. The massive 2012 LinkedIn hack exposed over 117 Million passwords and usernames.The ban could take effect on Monday, with Russian internet service providers (ISPs) blocking access to LinkedIn's web address.LinkedIn, which has some 5 Million users in Russia, could still appeal the court's decision to avoid being blocked across the country.Roskomnadzor known as the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies, and Mass Communications is Russia's telecommunications watchdog that runs a huge blacklist of websites banned in the country.Russia is not the first country to enforce data localization law on foreign tech companies. A few months ago, Iran also imposed such regulations on all foreign social media and messaging apps to move 'data and activity' associated with Iranian citizens onto servers in Iran within one year. The state Department of Natural Resources doesn't have the staff, funding or capability to conduct the thousands of "administrative enforcement actions" necessary to address the violations alleged by the parish, the judge ruled. Wikimedia A Louisiana parish's lawsuit against oil and gas companies over coastal wetland loss litigation backed by Gov. John Bel Edwards has been revived by the same state judge who dismissed it in August. District Court Judge Stephen Enright Jr. had ruled in August that the lawsuit was premature because the parish first should have sought remedies through state regulators. However, in an order dated Monday, Enright said the state Department of Natural Resources doesn't have the staff, funding or capability to conduct the thousands of "administrative enforcement actions" necessary to address the violations alleged by the parish. Jefferson has filed seven such lawsuits against oil companies, claiming damage from abandoned open waste pits, the dumping of brine and oilfield waste dumped into marshes and the failure to fill in miles of canals companies dredged while drilling in delicate coastal areas. Similar lawsuits have been filed by Plaquemines, Cameron, St. Bernard and Vermilion parishes. Also, a federal appeals court decision is pending in a lawsuit filed by a New Orleans-area flood control board that seeks damages from dozens of oil companies over damage to wetlands that form a hurricane buffer for the city. That suit was rejected by a federal judge, but an attempt to revive it is pending at the federal appeals court in New Orleans. Gov. John Bel Edwards has said his administration will take a more active role in wetlands damage litigation and will pursue its own lawsuits against companies if other coastal parishes decide against suing. In a conference call Thursday, administration legal advisers said they believe Enright's order will lead to decisions by other parishes on whether and how to proceed. Oil industry representatives have been harshly critical of the lawsuits. The Louisiana Oil and Gas Association and the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association issued a joint statement Thursday in reaction to Enright's decision. "Judge Enright's reversal is based entirely on assertions made by Gov. Edwards and DNR officials that the state doesn't have the staff, the funding or the capability to address permit violations alleged in the coastal lawsuits," the statement said. "Governor Edwards' and DNR's claim that they are incapable of addressing the alleged violations through the state's well established administrative enforcement process is absurd. DNR manages an annual budget of $69 million and employs hundreds of scientists and inspectors." Earlier, state lawyers noted that there are more than 40 lawsuits by multiple parishes involving multiple defendants and thousands of alleged violations. "In order to do this administratively, it would effectively shut down the department," said Megan Terrell of the governor's coastal office. "They have six field biologists that would be required to do most of this work. In the meantime they still have to perform their regular duties." Associated Press reporter Michael Kunzelman in Baton Rouge contributed to this story. Louisiana's $315 million deficit from last year was mainly driven by continuing dips in employment that are hammering personal income and business tax collections. Louisiana's $315 million deficit from last year was mainly driven by continuing dips in employment that are hammering personal income and business tax collections, the Legislature's chief economist said Thursday. Greg Albrecht delivered the grim assessment to the state's income forecasting panel, the Revenue Estimating Conference, with a warning: "There's no improvement in sight so far." The economist, who has described Louisiana as in a recession, told the forecasting panel that the number of private-sector jobs in the state has been falling since last year, particularly in the oil and gas industry, but also in other high-paying fields. "We've had declining employment or slowdown since the beginning of 2015," Albrecht said. That has a ripple effect across income and sales tax collections, as people earn and spend less money, hitting state coffers and providing fewer dollars to pay for state services and programs. Louisiana's unemployment rate is 6.4 percent, third-worst among states. The number of people working in the mining sector, which includes the oil and gas industry, has fallen 30 percent since December 2014, according to Albrecht's data. The state closed the books on the financial year that ended June 30 having collected $315.5 million less than budgeted. Gov. John Bel Edwards and lawmakers will have to close that gap in the current budget year and already are drawing up plans for potential cuts. "What we need is employment growth to stop declining. It boils down to that," Albrecht said. "Recovery for us is being pushed back. It doesn't look like we're going to even start to see anything until we're well into 2017 sometime." In the two heaviest hits, Louisiana took in $105 million, or nearly 4 percent, less than expected from personal income taxes and $110 million, or 31 percent, less than expected from corporate taxes. The state has had difficulty forecasting corporate tax collections. Albrecht said economists initially projected Louisiana would bring in more than $780 million in corporate taxes during the past fiscal year, a number that was repeatedly revised downward. And the state still didn't reach the lowest forecast. When the budget year was over, Louisiana received $249 million in business tax payments. Albrecht said the amount of tax breaks paid to businesses continues to soar, despite legislative efforts to scale back the tax break spending. He said the increase could be a combination of companies rushing to claim available tax breaks or being able to write off the larger losses that they are seeing in the state's struggling economy. Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne, the governor's top budget adviser, warned that Louisiana's income projections in the current year also could be too high, worsening the financial gap. "The big challenge for the state right now is to reverse that (unemployment) trend and get more people working so that they're paying income tax and that they're buying more things," Dardenne said. But the revenue forecasting panel didn't drop this year's income projections yet, waiting another month to review tax collection data. The state gave out extensions for tax payments after mid-August floods ravaged south Louisiana, adding more uncertainty than usual into the mix, so state officials want more time to track the numbers. By AM Saturday, November 12, 2016 Share Tweet Share Share Email Add caption targeted assassinations at the beginning of the 9Os of individuals branded miscreants (kofr), who were just democrats like you and me, i.e. those standing for a democratic system as opposed to a theocratic one. May I remind us all that in 1991, i.e. before the electoral process was even started and therefore before elections were cancelled by the government, Ali Belhadj, the then vice-president of FIS (Islamic Salvation Front) stated in front of the international press that: If we have the law of God, why should we need the law of the people: one should kill all these unbelievers. assassinations of broad categories of people in the mid 90s: journalists, intellectuals, artists, foreigners, women, etc.. ; the targeting of each category of people was announced in advance in the fundamentalists printed media in the UK and crimes were later claimed in the same media through communiques signed by GIA ( Islamic Armed Group). extermination of entire villages branded miscreant, towards the end of the decade: that meant the simultaneous eradication of up to twenty members of the same family in one go. Now guess what happened? It was their victims, i.e. the Algerian democrats, the antifascist, antifundamentalist Algerians, who never took arms against their executioners but only their pen, that the Left and human rights organisations vilified and branded eradicators! I cannot even start telling you how one experiences a sense of madness when responsibilities are turned upside down in such a way; one feels like the raped girl, the battered woman, the child being caned who have been told by judges, police, families and media alike, over such a long period of time in history, that they were the ones truly responsible for sexual attacks, domestic violence and physical punishment in education; and that it was their own behaviour (how libertarian indeed! just being able to exist in the public space, to express an opinion, in short just enjoying ones fundamental human rights!) which induced these responses which were thus seen as legitimate. Yes, we do have an already quite long experience of perversity, which magically turns the victim into the abuser and blames her for the crimes that are committed against her. Some days ago, a film by Deeyah Khan, Islams Non-Believers, which showed the fate of atheists in Muslim-majority countries, pointed at the growing number of young people who, at risk of their lives, declare themselves atheists one of the most important phenomenon in this decade, although the European media failed to give it the importance it deserves and the organisations who help them. The film gave the floor to young atheists and underlined the work done by the Council of Ex-Muslims that has popped up in many places in Muslim-majority countries and in the diaspora. It especially showed the work done by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain with its formidable organizer Maryam Namazie. It does not come as a surprise that this film sparked protest from Muslim fundamentalists and that their views were propagated and circulated all around, on the web and in the papers. One could expect such a backlash. They argued as usual that denouncing those who call for the murder of atheists in public statements that are available on the web is an attempt to malign them by mis-interpreting what they say; it is equated with attacking Islam itself, i.e. being a miscreant, a kofr who therefore deserves death penalty! Quite clear These are truly threats addressed to anyone involved in the film, from the director to the youth being interviewed in the film and up to their support organisations. What do these young people say, in fact? That when they stopped believing in the faith they were born and raised into, an often long and painful process that generally starts at teenage years, they were drowning into a horrendous moral and emotional solitude; and that long before having to cope with a very grounded fear of being slaughtered for their opinion, they endured years of agony while facing the prospect of family rejection and being ostracised socially. In Algiers where I grew up and where there were after independence (1962) scores of really areligious youth if not declared atheists how many have I seen who were truly terrorized at the idea that their mother could find out that they did not observe the fast during Ramadan! Who, amongst high ranked civil servants, dared open the canteens during the fasting period in state-owned plants? (The response is: only one in the whole of Algeria, in the national steel sector.) How then to be surprised when 50 years later, whilst reaction, the extreme-right and fundamentalism flourish worldwide, bloggers are assassinated in Bangladesh or libertarian writers in Egypt or India or elsewhere? Director Deeyah Khan reviews the recent cases of atheists murders in Bangladesh so that one can better understand the fear that is gripping young atheists, even those who took refuge in the UK, as several of them hid their faces while testifying in the film, for fear of reprisal. Yes, fear, today, in the UK, in London fear of being physically attacked, of being assassinated. Is this fear so unfounded? I am afraid it is not unfounded: there are several journalists of Algerian origin, experts on Muslim fundamentalism, who have been living for years under police protection in Paris, or a director and actress of Algerian origin whose attackers attempted to burn her alive in broad daylight, in the street adjacent to the theatre where she was about to act in her play: I am 30 and I still hide when I smoke It never stopped since the Rushdie affair Muslim fundamentalists who presently raise their voices against the film Islams Non-Believers are preparing the ground so that the eventual brutal responses they threaten young atheists with will be already considered as legitimate by those who should be our allies, namely organisations of the Left and human rights: after all, if they insult Islam, and if Muslims feel offended One remembers Charlie Just imagine for one second that Christian fundamentalists call for the murder of atheists in Europe on a regular basis, for the reason that Christianity is being insulted by their absence of faith One would be back to the times of Chevalier de la Barre, who himself was so young a man when he was tortured and executed for exactly the same reasons of ex-Muslims today. Would this be tolerated by the Left and human rights organisations, if it were Christian fundamentalists doing that? I doubt it. Then why this special treatment, this tolerance which only covers up for an unconscious racism, in the wake of such violations of the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of expression, including in the heart of Europe, when it comes to Islam? We know why and there is no reason to come back to it but we do not consider these reasons acceptable. No, it is not an insult to Islam, or to Christianity, nor to any other religion, if an individual states in public that s/he does not believe any longer in their god. It is exercising a fundamental right, a right that is upheld under international human rights laws. Those who impede, or forcibly prevent exercising this right, or inflict punishment on whoever is exercising it, those are the ones who commit a crime. Not those exercising their right. In this day and age, reaffirming it is not totally useless. For the past three decades, we have been witnessing the implementation in politics of the concept of perversity in psychology. Case study, truly.I first realized that during the dark decade in Algeria, which made about 200,000 victims, most of them at the hands of armed fundamentalist groups with women constituting a large proportion of the victims.Following an inexorable process, these are the steps being taken by fundamentalists: Hurricane Update: Fears arise that Gov. Ron DeSantis may reroute Hurricane Ian from Florida coast to Martha's Vineyard Study: People who define themselves by what they stand against, are usually afraid to tell people what they stand for Liz Cheney: Voters need to ask themselves, why they are so out of touch with their politicians White House: IRS toy guns for children are now politically correct, mandatory BREAKING: Biden's economic sanctions on the U.S. to be partially lifted prior to November election GOP's new slogan for midterms: Make Dissent Patriotic Again PSA: Due to high gas prices police departments will now be responding and making arrests via Zoom. NYT: Roe vs Wade to be renamed the "Don't Say Fetus" law Democrats insist on carrying unwanted presidency to term Elon Musk went to bed thinking he owns Twitter. Then the mail-in ballots arrived at 2am... Obama: "If you like your information you can keep your information" Fact checkers reveal Biden handler not a real Easter bunny Biden 2021: you'll save $0.16 on 4th of July BBQ! Biden 2022: you'll save a ton of $$ if you don't eat this 4th of July! Disney to buy Epstein Island for new theme park The Biology Underground is like the Weather Underground, except they are real biologists and they've had to go underground "Psssst. Hey you, kid. Ya wanna watch a Disney movie with me?" "I am not suicidal," says COVID-19 after being contracted by Hillary Clinton Trans-swimmer Lia Thomas's trophy is smaller than for male swimmers, and only 73% gold Sources: U.S. now considers majority of U.S. citizens a threat to U.S. BREAKING: Russian General claims he was beaten up outside Ukrainian bio lab by two Nazis who poured vodka and caviar over him and yelled "This is NATO Country!" Global warming news: 100,000 Russian migrants fleeing climate change about to march into Ukraine Future headline: Donald Trump to buy CNN for one dollar Georgia Governor Stacy Abrams feels honored to be the new Supreme Court justice President Biden: 'Vote for me or I'll shoot this foot' Fact checkers give Pinocchio's speech four Bidens Fauci: The only thing we have to fear, is a lack of fear itself! Study: Most people have had sex more violent than January 6th Facebook permanently bans Facebook from Facebook for violating Facebook community standards New remake of the 1950's horror movie Them to be titled Them/They Teachers Union: Idea that CRT is being taught in K-12 just a conspiracy theory by white supremacists trying to maintain their systemically racist police state Xze/She/He who controls the past controls the future; Xze/She/He who controls the present controls the past S ocialists vow to fight against Critical Socialism Theory A more perfect Soviet Union: the Party pretends it unites us, and we pretend we are united Biden solves border crisis with free direct flights from Central America to major metropolitan areas Critical race theory: destroy the world of systemic racism, build a world of systemic race-baiting In the future everyone will get canceled for fifteen minutes Biden proposes bill to spend two trillion dollars on more money printing factories Social unity: They pretend to hold elections and we pretend we voted Immigrants to Texas and Florida from New York and California break down and cry when they realize all their sacrifices for a better tomorrow were based on lies China anal swabs detect new 'silent but deadly' transmission of covid-19 variant Social science breakthrough: 'White' is the new way of saying 'Bourgeois' Biden administration swat teams make sweeping arrests of underground female-only track meets 'Green energy' to be renamed 'blackout energy' for easier comprehension of climate complexities New children's game: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Science Texas: Biden administration sends emergency wind turbines to help fight the blackouts BREAKING: Biden signs executive order canceling the number 45 ATTENTION: It is your duty to report anyone who says this is no longer a free country. Fact-checking commissars are monitoring all state-approved social media platforms for your convenience OUT: If you don't vote, you can't complain! IN: If you didn't vote Democrat, you can't complain! Social media justice: followers removed from pro-Trump accounts will be added to Biden's Twitter account Fact check: a democratic election is the one in which votes are counted until Democrats win JUST IN: China bans Twitter for being too totalitarian Pelosi introduces new House rule to replace 'gender' terms like mother, daughter, father, son with the word 'comrade'; the only acceptable pronoun will also be 'comrade' Sources: Biden transition team demands access to White House basement to begin renovations BREAKING: President Trump pardons America for its past Prime Minister Modi: to avoid accusations of racism India will change its name to Cleveland Biden creates Antifascist Librarian Justice Committee; the first book scheduled for burning is Fahrenheit 451 Media study: 148% of Americans believe voter fraud doesn't exist 2020 Election forecast: if Joe Biden emerges from the basement on Election Day and sees his shadow, expect four more years of Trump BREAKING: President Trump pardons Corn Pop Toobin, though on administrative leave, is still pulling for Biden Chinese whistleblower: Biden-20 was genetically engineered in a Wuhan lab Nancy Pelosi sponsors a bill to create the office of removal of the President New college humanities major: Critical Trump Studies Opinion: Joe Biden is just an idea CNN: Biden took a solid second place in the debate, while Trump only came next to last Having ordered that all Californians switch to electric cars by 2035, Gov. Gavin Newsom follows up by mandating them to have electricity by 2035 Election 2020: Joe Biden pledges to a peaceful post-election transfer of power to George Soros Out: Flatten the curve. In: Flatten the country. Breaking: the Democrat Party has finished transitioning from being the party of JFK to being the party of Lee Harvey Oswald Paradigm shift in Chromatics: Study shows Indigo (#3F00FF) mixed with Jamaic (#C0FF01) yields Black (#000000) Study: the trouble with wokeism is eventually you run out of victims Stacey Abrams refuses to concede to Harris; declares herself Biden's VP Election 2020: Spunky former presidential candidate wins VP slot by a head Churches in many states to hold services in opened up pubs and bars Election 2020: Xi Jinping still undecided on vice president for Joe Biden Reports: Republicans pounce on 'Republicans pounce' reports Minneapolis launches online looting app to combat Covid-19 DNC study finds lockdowns no longer necessary as the economy is now being destroyed more effectively by looters and rioters With America in lockdown, China offers to host Democrat primary Bernie Sanders tests negative for President In related news, Joe Biden follows other candidates in withdrawing from race and endorsing Joe Biden New York Governor Cuomo shuts down all 'non-essential' business, surprised to find himself out of a job Biden commits to picking a woman as running mate as long as she passes his sniff test Joe Biden's coronavirus prevention tips: always rub hand sanitizer on young girls before sniffing and fondling them Russian lawmakers warned that the American Democrats are meddling to re-elect Putin Joe Biden promises lucrative board member jobs as door prizes to get people to his rallies Democrats now worried they might even lose the illegal alien vote Soleimani's remains FedExed back to Iran and now no one knows what happened to the box BREAKING: massive search underway in Iran after Soleimani's boxed FedEx'd remains stolen off front porch Liz Warren harshly critical of Biden's suggestion to coal miners that they should learn to code, offers to have them trained as romance novelists instead Pelosi: "First we have to impeach Donald Trump before we can find out why we impeached him." Schiff calls his Amazon Alexa to testify: 'She knows absolutely everything' Iran answers to new Reagan statue in Berlin by erecting Obama statue at Tehran airport where he delivered pallets of cash California accepts award for most progressive environmental policies; further progressive developments to be announced as blackouts permit BREAKING: Romney DNA test reveals he is 1/1024th Republican California Governor Gavin Newsom blames electricity blackouts on Ukrainian kulaks, vows revenge Rat falling from White House ceiling fears for his life, begs reporters for protection, offers a tell-all memoir Latest UN climate report shows this month so far has seen the scariest climate pronouncements on record Climate science: there's no need for climate protests in China because China is already communist Islamic clerics split on whether Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib should be traveling around the world without an accompanying male relative Dem candidates call for the Beatles' song 'Get Back' and the 'White Album' to be banned; surviving two white guys of the group must pay reparations Bond's number is up: next 007 will be a black woman, played by Barack Obama NYT: moon landing was one small step for Man, one giant leap for White Male Supremacy HURRICANE WATCH: Tropical storm Barry has records sealed, once offshore expected to change name to Barack Trump politicizes the 4th of July, declares it henceforth to be called the 45th of July, or July the Trumpth Barack Obama critical of Trump for failing to insert 'I, me, my' into his 4th of July speech: "very unpresidential!" Congressional Democrats: John Dean's testimony proves Trump is Nixon in disguise and must be impeached Bernie Sanders admits to being a millionaire, promises to eat himself if nominated International Women's Day observed, women only paid 73% of attention afforded to men Democrats: anti-Semitism means never having to say you're sorry AOC: aborting babies helps preserve the planet for the next generation Bernie Sanders launches presidential campaign, promises to "build a great big beautiful Iron Curtain" around America if elected West Virginia renames itself Eastern Kentucky to avoid further embarrassment from Virginia BREAKING: Justice Ginsburg released from hospital after breaking 3 ribs at late night bar brawl in Adams Morgan DNA news: Senator Warren tanking in latest totem polls Orwell studies: 84% of academics believe problems raised in 1984 can be fixed with solutions from Animal Farm Progress in gender justice: online dating industry issues recommendations for men to wear body cameras, bring attorneys as chaperones Study: the only people who don't know what socialism is are the socialists Poll: 1 in 3 #FightFor15 activists believe movement is related to lowering the age of consent across America CNN expert: Kavanaugh confirmation will increase global warming by 3 degrees Harry Reid comes forth to say Judge Kavanaugh didn't pay any taxes in high school Hollywood to America: If you've got a flag on the Moon, you didn't plant that; some other country made that happen Protest march in straight jackets against Trump ends in chaos as participants try but fail to free themselves HEADLINES YOU WILL NEVER SEE: California Gov. Jerry Brown single-handedly stops wildfires in his state by issuing an immediate statewide ban on wildfires San Francisco closes all Planned Parenthood clinics after sting operation catches employees using plastic straws Vegan mother undergoes experimental surgery to force her breasts to produce almond milk With none of his emails answered, frustrated Nigerian man commits suicide and leaves $100bn fortune to charity California gives new meaning to strawman argument as caped Strawman battles supervillains in restaurants, bars, and fast food joints Violence increases in Mexico as cartels switch from smuggling drugs to plastic straws to San Francisco Obama proposes a Paris Economic Change agreement among nations to address how world will cope with future runaway economic warming Stormy Daniels plans border visit to give migrant children freebies San Francisco: man dumping off 20 lbs of human waste in plastic bag on street corner cited for using non-biodegradable plastic bag BREAKING: ICE renamed Planned Citizenship, immediately absolving it of all criticism Senate Democrats demand Supreme Court nominee not be unduly influenced by U.S. Constitution BREAKING: In 2018, Obama and Biden can finally celebrate Recovery Summer IG Report: the FBI broke the law, but since there was no criminal intent, no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case Pelosi on Trump's MS-13 "animals" comments: "Four legs good, two legs bad" Iran nuclear talks set to resume between the United States and John Kerry Report: The Mueller investigation has finally determined that the lyrics to Louie Louie are not about Trump and Russian collusion MARKETS: Demand for carbon credits spikes as Hamas seeks to undo damage to Earth's atmosphere caused by burning 10,000 tires on Gaza border BREAKING: After state reassignment surgery Pennsylvania will henceforth be known as Transylvania Experts: If we don't act now, unicorns will be extinct in just ten years. Children will ask, "Mommy, what's a unicorn?" Women and minorities will be forced to seek alternative hallucinations Korean war must continue: Hawaiian federal judge declares Trump's peace effort unconstitutional New York: feminists march on Broadway, demand the street be given new, non-misogynistic name Experts: California's planned transition of all state jobs from citizens to illegal aliens by 2020 will help to avoid bankruptcy and save money for social programs for illegal aliens Putin: If I didn't want Hillary to be president she would be dead Doritos maker PepsiCo to introduce snack line for women; new Doritas chips will be 77% as big as Doritos and won't make any scary 'crunchy noises' TMZ: Tooth Fairy accused of sexually assaulting millions of children, outs self as Transgendered Tooth Recovery Specialist RUSSIA COLLUSION: Trump offers Putin to trade Rep. Maxine Waters for two unnamed members of the State Duma Ikea founder dead at 91; his coffin arrived in a box with confusing instructions and took 3 hours to assemble This Thanksgiving ex-president Obama continues with his tradition of apologizing to turkeys everywhere for the injustice they suffered since America's founding Oslo, Norway: 2017 Nobel Peace Prize goes to advocacy group about which you'll forget immediately after reading this headline Cambridge, MA, library to replace racist 'Cat in the Hat' with inclusive 'Che in a Beret' Millions of men worldwide eagerly await broadcast of Hugh Hefner's funeral, solely for the articles Bill Gates offers to pay for Trump's wall on condition he gets to install Windows Bernie Sanders introduces single-payer public transportation bill to end America's unequal, unfair, and expensive private transportation system DNC embroiled in controversy after official Twitter account accidentally 'likes' pictures of US Constitution and Bill of Rights Hurricane Irma hits Cuba, causes millions of dollars worth of improvements to property and infrastructure Climate study: extreme weather may be caused by unlicensed witches casting wrong spells in well-meaning effort to destroy Trump Ex-president Obama declares Irma "Hurricane of Peace," urges not to jump to conclusions and succumb to stormophobia CNN: Trump reverses Obama's executive order banning hurricanes ISIS claims responsibility for a total solar eclipse over the lands of American crusaders and nonbelievers When asked if they could point to North Korea on a map many college students didn't know what a map was CNN: We must bring America into the 21st century by replacing the 18th century Constitution with 19th century poetry Pelosi: 'We have to impeach the president in order to find out what we impeached him for' BREAKING: As of Saturday July 8, 2017, all of Earth's ecosystems have shut down as per Prince Charles's super scientific pronouncement made 96 months ago. Everything is dead. All is lost. Life on Earth is no more. DNC to pick new election slogan out of four finalists: 'Give us more government or everyone dies,' 'Vote for Democrats or everyone dies,' 'Impeach Trump or everyone dies,' 'Stop the fearmongering or everyone dies' Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power" is humanity's last chance to save the Earth before it ends five years ago Experts: The more we embrace diversity the more everything is the same BOMBSHELL: TMZ offers Kathy Griffin $5 mil to keep any future sex tape private DEVELOPING: CNN, WaPo, NYT anonymous sources say Vladimir Putin may have ties to Russia BREAKING: Manning and Snowden have come out with strong condemnation of Donald Trump leaking classified information to Russia Gun store goes into lockdown over report an "active university professor" roving the grounds Dozens injured at Ralph Lauren & Louis Vuitton headquarters after Ivanka calls in missile strikes on rival fashion houses BOMBSHELL: Evidence proves Donald Trump conspired with his campaign to defeat Hillary Clinton University ranked "very intolerant of free speech" fights the accusation by banning the study and all involved Concerned that Russians don't consume enough alcohol in the month of March, Russia's Orthodox Church makes St. Patrick's Day official holiday Grassroots group calls for "The Million Regulators March" on Washington, supported by all who fear the loss of their betters telling them what to do Experts: Starbucks CEO Schultz's hiring of 10,000 Muslim refugees likely to blow up in his face Will the groundprog be frightened by its own shadow and hide - or will there be another season of insane protests? Trump signs executive order making California and New York national monuments; residents have two days to vacate Women's March against fascism completed with 400,000 fewer deaths than anticipated Feminist historians uncover ghastly concentration camps where so-called "housewives" were forced to live inauthentic lives slaving away in kitchens Dictionary of the future: Global Warming was a popular computer simulation game, where the only way to win was not to play "Anti-fascist" groups violently protest misspelling of their original name, "aren't-we-fascists" Post-inauguration blues: millions of democrats distraught as the reality of having to find real jobs sets in "Journalism is the continuation of war by other means" is exposed as a fake quote by mainstream media journalists Congressional Democrats: "We cannot just simply replace Obamacare with freedom because then millions of Americans will suddenly become free" Schoolchildren jailed for building only white snowmen Obama's reckless attacks on Russia serve as recruitment tool to create more Russian hackers Hillary: "I lost, so I'm going to follow our democratic traditions, poison the wells, and scorch the earth" Children in Venezuela cook and eat their Christmas toys Hillary: "I can hack Russia from my bathroom" Hillary suggests to counter "fake news" with government newspaper called "Truth" ("Pravda" for Russian speakers) BREAKING: Millions of uncounted votes found on Hillary's private voting machine in her Chappaqua bathroom New York Times: Fidel Castro world's sexiest corpse After years of trial and error, CIA finally succeeds with the "waiting it out" technique on Fidel Castro Post-election shopping tip: look for the PoliticsFree label at your local grocer to make sure you don't buy from companies that don't want your business anymore In Hillary's America, email server scrubs you Obama transfers his Nobel Peace Prize to anti-Trump rioters Democrats blame Hillary's criminal e-mail server for her loss, demand it face prison Afraid of "dangerous" Trump presidency, protesters pre-emptively burn America down to the ground Clinton Foundation in foreclosure as foreign donors demand refunds Hillary Clinton blames YouTube video for unexpected and spontaneous voter uprising that prevented her inevitable move into the White House Sudden rise in sea levels explained by disproportionately large tears shed by climate scientists in the aftermath of Trump's electoral victory FBI director Comey delighted after receiving Nobel Prize for Speed Reading (650,000 emails in one week) U.N. deploys troops to American college campuses in order to combat staggeringly low rape rates Responding to Trump's surging poll numbers, Obama preemptively pardons himself for treason Following hurricane Matthew's failure to devastate Florida, activists flock to the Sunshine State and destroy Trump signs manually Tim Kaine takes credit for interrupting hurricane Matthew while debating weather in Florida Study: Many non-voters still undecided on how they're not going to vote The Evolution of Dissent: on November 8th the nation is to decide whether dissent will stop being racist and become sexist - or it will once again be patriotic as it was for 8 years under George W. Bush Venezuela solves starvation problem by making it mandatory to buy food Breaking: the Clinton Foundation set to investigate the FBI Obama captures rare Pokemon while visiting Hiroshima Movie news: 'The Big Friendly Giant Government' flops at box office; audiences say "It's creepy" Barack Obama: "If I had a son, he'd look like Micah Johnson" White House edits Orlando 911 transcript to say shooter pledged allegiance to NRA and Republican Party President George Washington: 'Redcoats do not represent British Empire; King George promotes a distorted version of British colonialism' Following Obama's 'Okie-Doke' speech, stock of Okie-Doke soars; NASDAQ: 'Obama best Okie-Doke salesman' Weaponized baby formula threatens Planned Parenthood office; ACLU demands federal investigation of Gerber Experts: melting Antarctic glacier could cause sale levels to rise up to 80% off select items by this weekend Travel advisory: airlines now offering flights to front of TSA line As Obama instructs his administration to get ready for presidential transition, Trump preemptively purchases 'T' keys for White House keyboards John Kasich self-identifies as GOP primary winner, demands access to White House bathroom Upcoming Trump/Kelly interview on FoxNews sponsored by 'Let's Make a Deal' and 'The Price is Right' News from 2017: once the evacuation of Lena Dunham and 90% of other Hollywood celebrities to Canada is confirmed, Trump resigns from presidency: "My work here is done" Non-presidential candidate Paul Ryan pledges not to run for president in new non-presidential non-ad campaign Trump suggests creating 'Muslim database'; Obama symbolically protests by shredding White House guest logs beginning 2009 National Enquirer: John Kasich's real dad was the milkman, not mailman National Enquirer: Bound delegates from Colorado, Wyoming found in Ted Cruzs basement Iran breaks its pinky-swear promise not to support terrorism; US State Department vows rock-paper-scissors strategic response Women across the country cheer as racist Democrat president on $20 bill is replaced by black pro-gun Republican Federal Reserve solves budget crisis by writing itself a 20-trillion-dollar check Widows, orphans claim responsibility for Brussels airport bombing Che Guevara's son hopes Cuba's communism will rub off on US, proposes a long list of people the government should execute first Susan Sarandon: "I don't vote with my vagina." Voters in line behind her still suspicious, use hand sanitizer Campaign memo typo causes Hillary to court 'New Black Panties' vote New Hampshire votes for socialist Sanders, changes state motto to "Live FOR Free or Die" Martin O'Malley drops out of race after Iowa Caucus; nation shocked with revelation he has been running for president Statisticians: one out of three Bernie Sanders supporters is just as dumb as the other two Hillary campaign denies accusations of smoking-gun evidence in her emails, claims they contain only smoking-circumstantial-gun evidence Obama stops short of firing US Congress upon realizing the difficulty of assembling another group of such tractable yes-men In effort to contol wild passions for violent jihad, White House urges gun owners to keep their firearms covered in gun burkas TV horror live: A Charlie Brown Christmas gets shot up on air by Mohammed cartoons Democrats vow to burn the country down over Ted Cruz statement, 'The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats' Russia's trend to sign bombs dropped on ISIS with "This is for Paris" found response in Obama administration's trend to sign American bombs with "Return to sender" University researchers of cultural appropriation quit upon discovery that their research is appropriation from a culture that created universities Archeologists discover remains of what Barack Obama has described as unprecedented, un-American, and not-who-we-are immigration screening process in Ellis Island Mizzou protests lead to declaring entire state a "safe space," changing Missouri motto to "The don't show me state" Green energy fact: if we put all green energy subsidies together in one-dollar bills and burn them, we could generate more electricity than has been produced by subsidized green energy State officials improve chances of healthcare payouts by replacing ObamaCare with state lottery NASA's new mission to search for racism, sexism, and economic inequality in deep space suffers from race, gender, and class power struggles over multibillion-dollar budget College progress enforcement squads issue schematic humor charts so students know if a joke may be spontaneously laughed at or if regulations require other action ISIS opens suicide hotline for US teens depressed by climate change and other progressive doomsday scenarios Virginia county to close schools after teacher asks students to write 'death to America' in Arabic 'Wear hijab to school day' ends with spontaneous female circumcision and stoning of a classmate during lunch break ISIS releases new, even more barbaric video in an effort to regain mantle from Planned Parenthood Impressed by Fox News stellar rating during GOP debates, CNN to use same formula on Democrat candidates asking tough, pointed questions about Republicans Shocking new book explores pros and cons of socialism, discovers they are same people Pope outraged by Planned Parenthood's "unfettered capitalism," demands equal redistribution of baby parts to each according to his need John Kerry accepts Iran's "Golden Taquiyya" award, requests jalapenos on the side Citizens of Pluto protest US government's surveillance of their planetoid and its moons with New Horizons space drone John Kerry proposes 3-day waiting period for all terrorist nations trying to acquire nuclear weapons Chicago Police trying to identify flag that caused nine murders and 53 injuries in the city this past weekend Cuba opens to affordable medical tourism for Americans who can't afford Obamacare deductibles State-funded research proves existence of Quantum Aggression Particles (Heterons) in Large Hadron Collider Student job opportunities: make big bucks this summer as Hillarys Ordinary-American; all expenses paid, travel, free acting lessons Experts debate whether Iranian negotiators broke John Kerry's leg or he did it himself to get out of negotiations Junior Varsity takes Ramadi, advances to quarterfinals US media to GOP pool of candidates: 'Knowing what we know now, would you have had anything to do with the founding of the United States?' NY Mayor to hold peace talks with rats, apologize for previous Mayor's cowboy diplomacy China launches cube-shaped space object with a message to aliens: "The inhabitants of Earth will steal your intellectual property, copy it, manufacture it in sweatshops with slave labor, and sell it back to you at ridiculously low prices" Progressive scientists: Truth is a variable deduced by subtracting 'what is' from 'what ought to be' Experts agree: Hillary Clinton best candidate to lessen percentage of Americans in top 1% America's attempts at peace talks with the White House continue to be met with lies, stalling tactics, and bad faith Starbucks new policy to talk race with customers prompts new hashtag #DontHoldUpTheLine Hillary: DELETE is the new RESET Charlie Hebdo receives Islamophobe 2015 award; the cartoonists could not be reached for comment due to their inexplicable, illogical deaths Russia sends 'reset' button back to Hillary: 'You need it now more than we do' Barack Obama finds out from CNN that Hillary Clinton spent four years being his Secretary of State President Obama honors Leonard Nimoy by taking selfie in front of Starship Enterprise Police: If Obama had a convenience store, it would look like Obama Express Food Market Study finds stunning lack of racial, gender, and economic diversity among middle-class white males NASA: We're 80% sure about being 20% sure about being 17% sure about being 38% sure about 2014 being the hottest year on record People holding '$15 an Hour Now' posters sue Democratic party demanding raise to $15 an hour for rendered professional protesting services Cuba-US normalization: US tourists flock to see Cuba before it looks like the US and Cubans flock to see the US before it looks like Cuba White House describes attacks on Sony Pictures as 'spontaneous hacking in response to offensive video mocking Juche and its prophet' CIA responds to Democrat calls for transparency by releasing the director's cut of The Making Of Obama's Birth Certificate Obama: 'If I had a city, it would look like Ferguson' Biden: 'If I had a Ferguson (hic), it would look like a city' Obama signs executive order renaming 'looters' to 'undocumented shoppers' Ethicists agree: two wrongs do make a right so long as Bush did it first The aftermath of the 'War on Women 2014' finds a new 'Lost Generation' of disillusioned Democrat politicians, unable to cope with life out of office White House: Republican takeover of the Senate is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells reporters that she won't change her clocks for daylight savings time Democratic Party leaders in panic after recent poll shows most Democratic voters think 'midterm' is when to end pregnancy Desperate Democratic candidates plead with Obama to stop backing them and instead support their GOP opponents Ebola Czar issues five-year plan with mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences Study: crony capitalism is to the free market what the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christianity Fun facts about world languages: the Left has more words for statism than the Eskimos have for snow African countries to ban all flights from the United States because "Obama is incompetent, it scares us" Nobel Peace Prize controversy: Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it Obama: 'Ebola is the JV of viruses' BREAKING: Secret Service foils Secret Service plot to protect Obama Revised 1st Amendment: buy one speech, get the second free Sharpton calls on white NFL players to beat their women in the interests of racial fairness President Obama appoints his weekly approval poll as new national security adviser Obama wags pen and phone at Putin; Europe offers support with powerful pens and phones from NATO members White House pledges to embarrass ISIS back to the Stone Age with a barrage of fearsome Twitter messages and fatally ironic Instagram photos Obama to fight ISIS with new federal Terrorist Regulatory Agency Obama vows ISIS will never raise their flag over the eighteenth hole Harry Reid: "Sometimes I say the wong thing" Elian Gonzalez wishes he had come to the U.S. on a bus from Central America like all the other kids Obama visits US-Mexican border, calls for a two-state solution Obama draws "blue line" in Iraq after Putin took away his red crayon "Hard Choices," a porno flick loosely based on Hillary Clinton's memoir and starring Hillary Hellfire as a drinking, whoring Secretary of State, wildly outsells the flabby, sagging original Accusations of siding with the enemy leave Sgt. Bergdahl with only two options: pursue a doctorate at Berkley or become a Senator from Massachusetts Jay Carney stuck in line behind Eric Shinseki to leave the White House; estimated wait time from 15 min to 6 weeks 100% of scientists agree that if man-made global warming were real, "the last people we'd want to help us is the Obama administration" Jay Carney says he found out that Obama found out that he found out that Obama found out that he found out about the latest Obama administration scandal on the news "Anarchy Now!" meeting turns into riot over points of order, bylaws, and whether or not 'kicking the #^@&*! ass' of the person trying to speak is or is not violence Obama retaliates against Putin by prohibiting unionized federal employees from dating hot Russian girls online during work hours Russian separatists in Ukraine riot over an offensive YouTube video showing the toppling of Lenin statues "Free Speech Zones" confuse Obamaphone owners who roam streets in search of additional air minutes Obamacare bolsters employment for professionals with skills to convert meth back into sudafed Gloves finally off: Obama uses pen and phone to cancel Putin's Netflix account Joe Biden to Russia: "We will bury you by turning more of Eastern Europe over to your control!" In last-ditch effort to help Ukraine, Obama deploys Rev. Sharpton and Rev. Jackson's Rainbow Coalition to Crimea Al Sharpton: "Not even Putin can withstand our signature chanting, 'racist, sexist, anti-gay, Russian army go away'!" Mardi Gras in North Korea: "Throw me some food!" Obama's foreign policy works: "War, invasion, and conquest are signs of weakness; we've got Putin right where we want him" US offers military solution to Ukraine crisis: "We will only fight countries that have LGBT military" Putin annexes Brighton Beach to protect ethnic Russians in Brooklyn, Obama appeals to UN and EU for help The 1980s: "Mr. Obama, we're just calling to ask if you want our foreign policy back. The 1970s are right here with us, and they're wondering, too." In a stunning act of defiance, Obama courageously unfriends Putin on Facebook MSNBC: Obama secures alliance with Austro-Hungarian Empire against Russias aggression in Ukraine Study: springbreak is to STDs what April 15th is to accountants Efforts to achieve moisture justice for California thwarted by unfair redistribution of snow in America North Korean voters unanimous: "We are the 100%" Leader of authoritarian gulag-site, The People's Cube, unanimously 're-elected' with 100% voter turnout Super Bowl: Obama blames Fox News for Broncos' loss Feminist author slams gay marriage: "a man needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" Beverly Hills campaign heats up between Henry Waxman and Marianne Williamson over the widening income gap between millionaires and billionaires in their district Biden to lower $10,000-a-plate Dinner For The Homeless to $5,000 so more homeless can attend Kim becomes world leader, feeds uncle to dogs; Obama eats dogs, becomes world leader, America cries uncle North Korean leader executes own uncle for talking about Obamacare at family Christmas party White House hires part-time schizophrenic Mandela sign interpreter to help sell Obamacare Kim Jong Un executes own "crazy uncle" to keep him from ruining another family Christmas OFA admits its advice for area activists to give Obamacare Talk at shooting ranges was a bad idea President resolves Obamacare debacle with executive order declaring all Americans equally healthy Obama to Iran: "If you like your nuclear program, you can keep your nuclear program" Bovine community outraged by flatulence coming from Washington DC Obama: "I'm not particularly ideological; I believe in a good pragmatic five-year plan" Shocker: Obama had no knowledge he'd been reelected until he read about it in the local newspaper last week Server problems at HealthCare.gov so bad, it now flashes 'Error 808' message NSA marks National Best Friend Day with official announcement: "Government is your best friend; we know you like no one else, we're always there, we're always willing to listen" Al Qaeda cancels attack on USA citing launch of Obamacare as devastating enough The President's latest talking point on Obamacare: "I didn't build that" Dizzy with success, Obama renames his wildly popular healthcare mandate to HillaryCare Carney: huge ObamaCare deductibles won't look as bad come hyperinflation Washington Redskins drop 'Washington' from their name as offensive to most Americans Poll: 83% of Americans favor cowboy diplomacy over rodeo clown diplomacy GOVERNMENT WARNING: If you were able to complete ObamaCare form online, it wasn't a legitimate gov't website; you should report online fraud and change all your passwords Obama administration gets serious, threatens Syria with ObamaCare Obama authorizes the use of Vice President Joe Biden's double-barrel shotgun to fire a couple of blasts at Syria Sharpton: "British royals should have named baby 'Trayvon.' By choosing 'George' they sided with white Hispanic racist Zimmerman" DNC launches 'Carlos Danger' action figure; proceeds to fund a charity helping survivors of the Republican War on Women Nancy Pelosi extends abortion rights to the birds and the bees Hubble discovers planetary drift to the left Obama: 'If I had a daughter-in-law, she would look like Rachael Jeantel' FISA court rubberstamps statement denying its portrayal as government's rubber stamp Every time ObamaCare gets delayed, a Julia somewhere dies GOP to Schumer: 'Force full implementation of ObamaCare before 2014 or Dems will never win another election' Obama: 'If I had a son... no, wait, my daughter can now marry a woman!' Janet Napolitano: TSA findings reveal that since none of the hijackers were babies, elderly, or Tea Partiers, 9/11 was not an act of terrorism News Flash: Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) can see Canada from South Dakota Susan Rice: IRS actions against tea parties caused by anti-tax YouTube video that was insulting to their faith Drudge Report reduces font to fit all White House scandals onto one page Obama: the IRS is a constitutional right, just like the Second Amendment White House: top Obama officials using secret email accounts a result of bad IT advice to avoid spam mail from Nigeria Jay Carney to critics: 'Pinocchio never said anything inconsistent' Obama: If I had a gay son, he'd look like Jason Collins Gosnell's office in Benghazi raided by the IRS: mainstream media's worst cover-up challenge to date IRS targeting pro-gay-marriage LGBT groups leads to gayest tax revolt in U.S. history After Arlington Cemetery rejects offer to bury Boston bomber, Westboro Babtist Church steps up with premium front lawn plot Boston: Obama Administration to reclassify marathon bombing as 'sportsplace violence' Study: Success has many fathers but failure becomes a government program US Media: Can Pope Francis possibly clear up Vatican bureaucracy and banking without blaming the previous administration? Michelle Obama praises weekend rampage by Chicago teens as good way to burn calories and stay healthy This Passover, Obama urges his subjects to paint lamb's blood above doors in order to avoid the Sequester White House to American children: Sequester causes layoffs among hens that lay Easter eggs; union-wage Easter Bunnies to be replaced by Mexican Chupacabras Time Mag names Hugo Chavez world's sexiest corpse Boy, 8, pretends banana is gun, makes daring escape from school Study: Free lunches overpriced, lack nutrition Oscars 2013: Michelle Obama announces long-awaited merger of Hollywood and the State Joe Salazar defends the right of women to be raped in gun-free environment: 'rapists and rapees should work together to prevent gun violence for the common good' Dept. of Health and Human Services eliminates rape by reclassifying assailants as 'undocumented sex partners' Kremlin puts out warning not to photoshop Putin riding meteor unless bare-chested Deeming football too violent, Obama moves to introduce Super Drone Sundays instead Japan offers to extend nuclear umbrella to cover U.S. should America suffer devastating attack on its own defense spending Feminists organize one billion women to protest male oppression with one billion lap dances Urban community protests Mayor Bloomberg's ban on extra-large pop singers owning assault weapons Concerned with mounting death toll, Taliban offers to send peacekeeping advisers to Chicago Karl Rove puts an end to Tea Party with new 'Republicans For Democrats' strategy aimed at losing elections Answering public skepticism, President Obama authorizes unlimited drone attacks on all skeet targets throughout the country Skeet Ulrich denies claims he had been shot by President but considers changing his name to 'Traps' White House releases new exciting photos of Obama standing, sitting, looking thoughtful, and even breathing in and out New York Times hacked by Chinese government, Paul Krugman's economic policies stolen White House: when President shoots skeet, he donates the meat to food banks that feed the middle class To prove he is serious, Obama eliminates armed guard protection for President, Vice-President, and their families; establishes Gun-Free Zones around them instead State Dept to send 100,000 American college students to China as security for US debt obligations Jay Carney: Al Qaeda is on the run, they're just running forward President issues executive orders banning cliffs, ceilings, obstructions, statistics, and other notions that prevent us from moving forwards and upward Fearing the worst, Obama Administration outlaws the fan to prevent it from being hit by certain objects World ends; S&P soars Riddle of universe solved; answer not understood Meek inherit Earth, can't afford estate taxes Greece abandons Euro; accountants find Greece has no Euros anyway Wheel finally reinvented; axles to be gradually reinvented in 3rd quarter of 2013 Bigfoot found in Ohio, mysteriously not voting for Obama As Santa's workshop files for bankruptcy, Fed offers bailout in exchange for control of 'naughty and nice' list Freak flying pig accident causes bacon to fly off shelves Obama: green economy likely to transform America into a leading third world country of the new millennium Report: President Obama to visit the United States in the near future Obama promises to create thousands more economically neutral jobs Modernizing Islam: New York imam proposes to canonize Saul Alinsky as religion's latter day prophet Imam Rauf's peaceful solution: 'Move Ground Zero a few blocks away from the mosque and no one gets hurt' Study: Obama's threat to burn tax money in Washington 'recruitment bonanza' for Tea Parties Study: no Social Security reform will be needed if gov't raises retirement age to at least 814 years Obama attends church service, worships self Obama proposes national 'Win The Future' lottery; proceeds of new WTF Powerball to finance more gov't spending Historical revisionists: "Hey, you never know" Vice President Biden: criticizing Egypt is un-pharaoh Israelis to Egyptian rioters: "don't damage the pyramids, we will not rebuild" Lake Superior renamed Lake Inferior in spirit of tolerance and inclusiveness Al Gore: It's a shame that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of polar bears Michael Moore: As long as there is anyone with money to shake down, this country is not broke Obama's teleprompters unionize, demand collective bargaining rights Obama calls new taxes 'spending reductions in tax code.' Elsewhere rapists tout 'consent reductions in sexual intercourse' Obama's teleprompter unhappy with White House Twitter: "Too few words" Obama's Regulation Reduction committee finds US Constitution to be expensive outdated framework inefficiently regulating federal gov't Taking a page from the Reagan years, Obama announces new era of Perestroika and Glasnost Responding to Oslo shootings, Obama declares Christianity "Religion of Peace," praises "moderate Christians," promises to send one into space Republicans block Obama's $420 billion program to give American families free charms that ward off economic bad luck White House to impose Chimney tax on Santa Claus Obama decrees the economy is not soaring as much as previously decreeed Conservative think tank introduces children to capitalism with pop-up picture book "The Road to Smurfdom" Al Gore proposes to combat Global Warming by extracting silver linings from clouds in Earth's atmosphere Obama refutes charges of him being unresponsive to people's suffering: "When you pray to God, do you always hear a response?" Obama regrets the US government didn't provide his mother with free contraceptives when she was in college Fluke to Congress: drill, baby, drill! Planned Parenthood introduces Frequent Flucker reward card: 'Come again soon!' Obama to tornado victims: 'We inherited this weather from the previous administration' Obama congratulates Putin on Chicago-style election outcome People's Cube gives itself Hero of Socialist Labor medal in recognition of continued expert advice provided to the Obama Administration helping to shape its foreign and domestic policies Hamas: Israeli air defense unfair to 99% of our missiles, "only 1% allowed to reach Israel" Democrat strategist: without government supervision, women would have never evolved into humans Voters Without Borders oppose Texas new voter ID law Enraged by accusation that they are doing Obama's bidding, media leaders demand instructions from White House on how to respond Obama blames previous Olympics for failure to win at this Olympics Official: China plans to land on Moon or at least on cheap knockoff thereof Koran-Contra: Obama secretly arms Syrian rebels Poll: Progressive slogan 'We should be more like Europe' most popular with members of American Nazi Party Obama to Evangelicals: Jesus saves, I just spend May Day: Anarchists plan, schedule, synchronize, and execute a coordinated campaign against all of the above Midwestern farmers hooked on new erotic novel "50 Shades of Hay" Study: 99% of Liberals give the rest a bad name Obama meets with Jewish leaders, proposes deeper circumcisions for the rich Historians: Before HOPE & CHANGE there was HEMP & CHOOM at ten bucks a bag Cancer once again fails to cure Venezuela of its "President for Life" Tragic spelling error causes Muslim protesters to burn local boob-tube factory Secretary of Energy Steven Chu: due to energy conservation, the light at the end of the tunnel will be switched off Obama Administration running food stamps across the border with Mexico in an operation code-named "Fat And Furious" Pakistan explodes in protest over new Adobe Acrobat update; 17 local acrobats killed White House: "Let them eat statistics" Special Ops: if Benedict Arnold had a son, he would look like Barack Obama AD GOES HERE Rank-and-file Illinois legislators make $67,836 a year, plus per diem. But the job application process can costs millions. Between just three legislative races in Southern Illinois, six candidates raised roughly $10 million between March 16 and Nov. 8, the general election cycle. These figures are according to the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, which published a breakdown of the most 10 most expensive House races and five most expensive Senate races this cycle. The rankings are by dollars raised rather than campaign contributions spent because expenditures data for the last month of the election will not be available until January. Of the top 15 most expensive races in both chambers, seven broke the $4 million mark in money raised. Of the three Southern Illinois races ranking, more than $3.5 million was raised in two of those races, and more than $2.6 million in the other. The totals also include money spent in support of or opposing candidates in races by independent expenditure committees. The funds raised by vote figures were reached by taking the total funds raised by a candidate and dividing that by the votes that candidate received. The most expensive race in this region was between incumbent Sen. Gary Forby, D-Benton, and Republican Dale Fowler, the mayor of Harrisburg. Fowler, who was the winner, raised $1.65 million, and Forby raised $2 million. Combined, they raised $3.73 million, when money spent by independent expenditure committees is included, ranking it third among the five most expensive Senate races in Illinois. Forby raised $48 per vote to Fowlers $31. Sarah Brune, the executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, said her takeaway from the spreadsheet breaking down the races by funds raised per vote is that the candidate who spends the most money is not always the winner. Next in line, as it relates to money raised in a legislative race in Southern Illinois, was the battle between incumbent Rep. John Bradley, D-Marion, and Dave Severin, a business owner from Benton. Severin was the winner. Combined, they raised $3.51 million. Statewide, the race for the 117th District ranked 7th of the 10 most expensive races. Bradley raised just over $2 million and Severin raised about $1.49 million. That breaks down to Bradley raising $85 per vote, and Severin $55 per vote. Driving up some of the costs this election season is that television ads where most of the money goes started earlier in the cycle than usual, well before Labor Day. Throughout the region, viewers of local television markets were inundated with campaign commercials, many of them highly negative and personal. While successful fundraising is almost always part of the equation for a successful candidate, there seemed to be a point of oversaturation and diminishing return this year, Brune said. And success isnt always measured by the size of ones piggy bank. There are many other forces at play to organization on the ground, to national trends, she said. For example, in Southern Illinois this cycle, Republican president-elect Donald Trump drove larger numbers of registered voters to the polls in many counties as compared to recent past presidential election cycles. Coming in third of among the most expensive regional races was the 58th Senate District race to replace retiring Republican Sen. Dave Luechtefeld that was won by Republican Paul Schimpf, a retired Marine from Waterloo. Former Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon, a Democrat from Carbondale, raised $1.462 million compared to Schimpfs $1.21 million. That breaks down to $39 per vote for Simon, and $21 per vote for Schimpf. Combined, they raised $2.67 million, and ranked fifth statewide in terms of the amount of money raised in competitive Senate races. Not ranking was the race between incumbent Rep. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, and challenger Marsha Griffin, a Democrat from Jonesboro and the race between Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, and Jason Kasiar of Eldorado. The incumbents Bryant and Phelps won in both of those races. Once spending totals are filed by the campaign committees, its likely to show the amount of money spent during the election cycle between the races combined is unprecedented for Southern Illinois. But John Jackson, a visiting professor at the SIU Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, pointed out that for all the money that was spent on messaging, very little of it went to furthering the discussion on the real issues facing the state. Most of the commercials were not about the candidates views and ideas on how to solve the budget, for example. Instead, the vast majority of the money appears to have been spent on ripping apart opposing candidates or, in some cases, attempting to tie them in various and largely untenable ways to sex offenders or other soft-on-crime policy positions. Most of the money came from committees controlled and/or financed by party leaders, namely Gov. Bruce Rauner on the Republican side and House Speaker Michael Madigan, and to a lesser degree, Senate President John Cullerton, on the Democratic side. At the end of the day, Democratic control of the General Assembly, which still remains, was only eroded slightly by the Republicans. Jackson said the bright spot he sees in all of this is that perhaps the outcome will signal that its time to get back to work finding common ground to tackle the serious financial issues facing the state. The question is, do the leaders on both sides decide, Hey nothing really changed after all that effort and smoke and fire and bad names we called one another, so maybe its time to get serious and compromise and get on with passing a budget and revenues to support a budget? Jackson said. Brune agreed. With so many close races across the state, were hopeful people can come together to focus on things like the budget and the pension issues were having in Illinois, she said. The 100th General Assembly will be sworn in on Jan. 11. Members of the Benton American Legion honor guard talk before a ceremony at the Masonic Odd Fellow Cemetery Friday. Richard Loyd, of Benton, a Navy vet who served in Vietnam, was a member of the honor guard. For him, Veterans day is less about him and more about those lost in in battle. "Everybody has friends that died ... It never leaves you," he said. "It's all about them." Each Veterans day, Loyd said he thinks of his father, Leo Loyd, who served in the Army in World War II. "He's always on my mind," Loyd said. For him, the community of vets provides a friend group he can relate to like no other. "We all know. We've all been there," he said of their shared experience of service. CARBONDALE An overwhelming majority of Illinois voters agree that judges should be allowed to make exceptions to mandatory minimum sentencing requirements for certain veterans who are convicted of crimes, according to the results of the latest poll from Southern Illinois University Carbondales Paul Simon Public Policy Institute. Among the 1,000 Illinois registered voters surveyed, seven out of 10 (69 percent) say they agree that judges should be allowed to make exceptions to minimum sentencing laws for veterans who are convicted of crimes but have service-related disabilities. Only 22 percent of respondents disagree and 9 percent answered otherwise. Post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury were listed as examples of these disabilities. The survey was conducted Sept. 27-Oct 2. It has a margin for error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. Political differences exist, but support is strong in each party. Democrats show the most support. Seven in 10 Democrats agree that judges should be able to make these sentencing exceptions for certain veterans and only one in five disagree. Two-thirds of Republicans agree that judges should be able to make sentencing exceptions for certain veterans and one in four disagree. Among independents, 67 percent agree and 20 percent disagree. Differences by geography emerge, but clear majorities in each region of the state show strong support for the idea of judges having more sentencing discretion when it comes to veterans. In the Chicago suburbs (suburban Cook and the collar counties), 72 percent of respondents agree that judges should be allowed to make exceptions to minimum sentencing law for certain veterans and only 20 percent of respondents in the Chicago suburbs disagree. In Chicago, support is slightly lower than the suburbs, with 68 percent of respondents in the city agreeing and 20 percent disagreeing. Support is at its lowest in the rural parts of the state where 63 percent agree with the statement and 26 percent disagree. Though mandatory minimum sentencing laws can serve a purpose, they can also unjustly tie judges hands, said Delio Calzolari, institute associate director and one of the designers of the poll. The unique and varied issues faced by veterans returning from over a decade and a half of conflict overseas require courts to have more discretion and be more flexible to achieve justice for all parties involved. Calzolari is a U.S. Navy veteran and attorney. Support is statistically the same for military and nonmilitary households. The poll considers a military household one in which the respondent or any member of the respondents immediate family served in the military. Seven in 10 of military household respondents and two-thirds of nonmilitary households agree that judges should be allowed to make exceptions to minimum sentencing law for certain veterans. One in five of military and one-quarter of nonmilitary households disagree. "It is a day to reflect. It is a day to think about all you have done, veterans," retired U.S Army Maj. Gen. Abraham J. Turner said Friday. "It is a day to think about some of your friends who may not be here right now. Some of your friends who did not make it back, he said. Turner spoke at the annual Veterans Day observance at the Orangeburg Veterans Memorial. A patriotic spirit filled the air as veterans gathered with hats and shirts proudly proclaiming their service in the United States military. "Today is a day for you to understand that we care about every veteran," Turner said. "We are in a country that cares about our veterans." Turner reminded veterans they built the foundation upon which we are all walking upon right now. "You paved the way for all of us to follow you," Turner said. He also praised younger service members and those in ROTC programs. "What makes these young Americans who have all these options to do other things still serve?" he said. "I think they have a commitment they have learned from loved ones, parents and relatives. ... Most of all, they are committed to serving our nation." Turner encouraged all veteran organizations to actively reach out to millennials and ROTC members. "If you don't do that, then our future as a veterans service organization is doomed," Turner said. One of those present for the ceremony, Korean War veteran Richard Skolasky of Branchville, said he comes each year. His son is a retired U.S. Marine. Veterans have been shoved aside," Skolasky said. Skolasky says he was told by the veterans hospital that his medical expenses would be covered for his entire life only to find out today he is paying for his medical expenses. "They lied to us, he said. He is hopeful the U.S. government under President-elect Donald Trump will take care of veterans and rebuild the military. Retired U.S. Navy E7 Ed Edwards, who served from 1947 to 1967, said he supports veterans. "I can relate to them," Edwards said. "They are good people. All shapes and forms and all colors. I have served with every nationality and all manner of people." Edwards believes president-elect Trump supports veterans. "I believe he will build up the military and support the military and law enforcement," Edwards said. Vietnam veteran William Johnson, who lost a leg in service, says it is important to honor veterans and the country. "Now that we have a new president, people are angry at him for some of the things he has said," Johnson said. "I feel like we are one country and what we should do now is uphold the ones that lead and hopefully move in the right direction.' "If they make the wrong decision, then we are all going to be in trouble," Johnson continued. "It won't matter who we are or what race we are. We need to send up prayers and if we don't pray, we need to send up good thoughts." During Fridays event, Vietnam veterans who served from Nov. 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975 received a lapel pin for their service. The pin has an eagle and a laurel wreath to symbolize courage, honor, strength, victory and integrity. The pin's words let the wearer know "A grateful nation honors you." Orangeburg City Councilman Charlie Jernigan reminded all gathered that without those who have served, peaceful assemblies like the Veterans Day ceremony would not be possible. "Freedom is one of the things that is not free," Jernigan said. Jernigan thanked the family members of veterans who have sacrificed so much. The Rev. Kris Aaron, First Baptist Church of Orangeburg minister to students and families, offered prayers of thanksgiving for veterans. Aaron said one of God's gifts is freedom. The Pledge of Allegiance was said and the National Anthem was performed by the William J. Clark Middle School Chorus. The chorus also performed Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy to the delight of those in attendance. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2779 and 8166 recognized prisoners of war and those missing in action. A wreath laying ceremony remembered these individuals. The Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School JROTC drill team and the Lake Marion High School JROTC also performed. Taps was played by Steve Jarvis. Sponsors of the ceremony were the Orangeburg County Veterans Council, the Orangeburg County Veterans Affairs Office; American Legion Post 4; Greater Orangeburg Leathernecks Marine Corps League, Detachment 1259; Military Order of the Purple Heart No. 932; Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary Posts 2779 and 8166; and Quilts of Valor. The Orangeburg County Veterans Council provided refreshments following the ceremony. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. By Trend A presentation of the Baku International Sea Trade Port was held at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, said the port in a message Nov. 11. The presentation was held during the working visit of the ports head Taleh Ziyadov to Belgium. Addressing the presentation, Ivo Vajgl, a member of the European Parliament from Slovenia, noted that Azerbaijan, besides being a reliable energy partner of the EU, will also be a strategic transportation partner. Ziyadov, for his part, said that transportation and logistics infrastructure, petrochemical and pharmaceutics zones are planned to be created in the free trade area in the Baku Ports territory, and the work to produce, package and label different products will be carried out there. Therefore, 1,000 jobs will be created in the free trade zone that will contribute to attraction of big investments to Azerbaijan, noted Ziyadov. During the visit, Ziyadov also held negotiations with Henrik Hololei, director general for mobility and transport at the European Commission, and discussed prospects of future cooperation. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree March 17, 2016, on measures to create a free trade zone type special economic area covering the territory of the Baku International Sea Trade Port in the Alat township of Bakus Garadagh district. By Trend The 26th meeting of the Trade and Transport Facilitation (TTF) Project Steering Committee of the GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development will be held in Azerbaijan, the countrys State Customs Committee said in a message Nov. 11. The decision was made during the 25th meeting of the committee in the city of Lviv, Ukraine. At the meeting, Azerbaijan was represented by chief of the Main Department for Activity Assessment and Development Programs of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, customs service major-general Igbal Babayev and Chief of External Relations Department of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan Dilavar Farzaliyev. The GUAM member countries also discussed the technical conditions to organize preliminary information exchange regarding the goods and vehicles transported across their state borders, according to the message. The establishment of internal procedures to sign the protocol on mutual recognition of customs inspection results regarding a number of products, as well as coordination of the agreement to simplify transit of goods and vehicles among the GUAM member countries were considered. By Trend Oil prices tumbled more than 3 percent on Friday after OPEC said October output reached another record, casting doubt on whether its plan to limit production is achievable or enough to ease persisting oversupply in the market, Reuters reported. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said Friday that its output rose to 33.64 million barrels per day (bpd) last month, up 240,000 bpd from September. Crude futures have wiped out gains made since the end of September when OPEC said it would agree to cut oil production to shore up persistently low prices. While investors have been skeptical that a deal to cut or freeze oil output levels will be reached at an OPEC meeting on Nov. 30, an increasing amount of data has underscored a global skew towards oversupply. Following its latest data, the cartel would have to trim up to a million barrels per day of output to make good on its promise to reduce production to between 32.50 million bpd and 33.0 million bpd. "The next couple of weeks, even if they get a deal done, there's so much oil coming to the market," said Tariq Zahir, trader at Tyche Capital Advisors in New York. "Prices deserve to be here, maybe even a little lower." Adding to bearish sentiment was U.S. rig count data by oil services company Baker Hugh, expected at 1 p.m. EST, which have shown an increase in 20 weeks out of the last 23. International Brent crude futures LCOc1 traded at $44.34 per barrel at 11:13 a.m., down $1.50, or 3.27 percent, its lowest since August. U.S. West Texas Intermediate futures CLc1 were down by $1.51, or 3.4 percent, to $43.14 per barrel. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has said the supply overhang could run into a third year in 2017, should OPEC fail to act. In its monthly oil market report on Thursday, the IEA said global supply rose by 800,000 bpd in October to 97.8 million bpd, led by record OPEC output and rising production from non-OPEC members such as Russia, Brazil, Canada and Kazakhstan. Beyond oversupply, a surging dollar .DXY following the initial shock of Donald Trump's U.S. presidential election win also put pressure on prices, traders said. By Azertac The Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation and Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (IRCICA) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding. President of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Gunay Afandiyeva and Director General of IRCICA Halit Eren discussed signing the memorandum as part of the meeting. Gunay Afandiyeva spoke about the activity of the Foundation as well as its projects in protecting and promoting the historical-cultural heritage of Turkic nation. The president highlighted the aims of the Foundation. She added the Foundation was established with the initiative of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and with the support of heads of the states of member countries. Halit Eren, in turn, stressed the importance of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation among the Turkic nation, expressing hope that the Foundation and IRCICA would successfully carry out joint cooperation. Gunay Afandiyeva emphasized the significance of holding the various international events aiming to deliver realities about Karabakh to world. They exchanged views on prospects of future cooperation. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has viewed conditions created at a newly built residential settlement for IDPs in Horadiz, Fuzuli district. Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister, chair of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov informed the President that the settlement occupies a total area of 417 hectares. It includes apartments, a school, a kindergarten, an administrative building, a medical center, a community center, and a post office. IDPs from 16 settlements and the last remaining settlement in Fuzuli district will be settled here. The head of state visited an IDP`s house. The President was informed that the settlement features 400 apartments, including 20 one-room, 200 two-room, 168 three-room and 12 four-room apartments. The head of state viewed a 120-seat kindergarten. President Ilham Aliyev then viewed a 320-seat school. The head of state spoke to cadets of military schools and watched performance of young sportsmen here. This is the 95th residential settlement built for IDPs and refugees in the country. President Ilham Aliyev then met with representatives of Fuzuli district general public and IDPs. IDP Elnara Mammadova and Head of the District Elders Council Majnun Namazaliyev thanked the President for his care and attention. By Trend Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Lubomir Zaoralek said the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as an important international agreement was the outcome of a successful diplomacy, IRNA reported. Making the remark in a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif here on Friday, he said the two countries were now able to increase the volume of their cooperation in political, cultural and economic areas so the visit could be high significance for both countries. He said the two nations could also cooperation in the issue of Syrian crisis until its final settlement by fighting the terrorist Daesh group. The Czech foreign minister said that in the post-JCPOA era, the two countries could expand their banking relations. Zaoralek also expressed happiness over the visit of Zarif to his country which is the first one to take place by an Iranian foreign minister in twelve years. Zarif, who is on a tour to three Eastern European countries arrived in Prague, capital of Czech Republic on Thursday evening. Zarif's trip to Prague is the last leg of his visit to three Eastern European countries which had already taken him to Slovakia and Romania. Earlier in the day, he signed a memorandum of understanding after his meeting with his Czech counterpart on consolidating political interaction. Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) has signed a $200-million pipe supply contract with an Omani factory as part of its in-country value (ICV) strategy to retain more of the oil and gas industrys wealth in the sultanate. The four-year deal will mean the Gulf International Pipe Industry (TMK-GIPI) mill based in the Sohar Industrial Estate will manufacture a variety of pipelines sized 6-24 inches in diameter for both PDO and other operators, said a statement from the company. TMK-GIPI is the first manufacturer of high-pressure steel line pipes and casing pipes in Oman and its production plant is also the first in the region to make high pressure 24-inch electric resistance welded (ERW) steel pipes, it said. As a result of the contract award, the company will expand its current production range and introduce a new manufacturing line for small pipeline categories to cater for high demand of such sizes from PDO and the rest of the oil and gas industry, it added. The agreement marks the successful implementation of one of the business opportunities launched by PDO for Omani businesses at the major ICV Blueprint Strategy Summit in Muscat in December 2013. This laid down a framework for the development of a robust and sustainable local supply chain for the sector. PDO managing director Raoul Restucci, said: "We are delighted to sign this contract with TMK-GIPI which will see an Omani factory manufacturing piping both for us and other operators. As well as boosting ICV, there is also a fantastic opportunity for this state-of-the-art plant to supply its products and services across the region. "This deal makes concrete our commitment outlined at the ICV conference three years ago to do everything we could to leverage the collaborative efforts of the oil and gas sector to progressively and effectively develop a competitive Omani supply chain, he said. "This is vital for the development of jobs, training and skills for nationals, increasing investment in the sultanate generally and ensuring the ongoing prosperity and diversification of its economy, he added. Vladimir Shcherbatykh, CEO of TMK-GIPI, said: "We are honoured that this contract will build on our long-term partnership with PDO. We are committed to developing our investments in Oman and to support PDO to achieve its long-term goals. "It is a great opportunity for our company to work more closely with PDO, which will allow us to reach our common goals in terms of the ICV programme and to work together for the betterment of Oman, he added. TradeArabia News Service Thousands took to the streets of cities across the US late Friday and early Saturday as anti-Donald Trump protests saw highways and interstates blocked, numerous arrests - and a shooting at a march in Portland, Oregon. Angry crowds gathered once again outside the 58-story Trump Tower, the President-elect's home in New York, reported CNN. Protester Shoshi "Rabin" Rabinowitz explained her motivation for being there: "Words can't describe how disgusted I am that he was elected over Hillary (Clinton)," she said. There have been nightly protests since Trump's election and more demonstrations are expected through the weekend. Trump has tweeted about the protests. On Thursday night he said, "Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!" He was more conciliatory Friday morning, saying: "Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!" Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud! On Friday protests were held in several cities including Los Angeles, New Haven, Connecticut; Orlando, Florida; Chicago; Boston; Asheville, North Carolina; Nashville, Tennessee; Columbus, Ohio; and at high schools in Denver and Omaha. Arrests were made in Los Angeles -- but the police department was not able to immediately provide the number of people arrested. Groups in that city and elsewhere across the country are angry about policies Trump has promised to enforce concerning immigration, the environment, LGBT rights and other issues. The Facebook page for a protest planned in Burlington, Vermont, said: "Come protest the xenophobia, racism, homophobia, misogyny,and climate science denial of the Trump/Pence regime!! Come show your support for our Muslim, queer, immigrant, and female family!!" In Portland Oregon, a man was injured in a shooting on the Morrison Bridge during a protest march early Saturday morning. Protesters also blocked the street outside Portland's City Hall on Friday. As the sun set on the crowd, police tried to disperse the protestors but tensions remained high. Earlier in the day, city officials appealed for calm after a Thursday night protest by about 4,000 people turned violent. Windows on businesses were broken and a car dealership was vandalized. Twenty-six people were arrested, said the report. "We had some anarchists who hijacked that event and did terrible damage to our neighbors and friends," Mayor Charlie Hales said at a news conference. "They spread violence and fear and detracted from the legitimate exercise of those First Amendment rights." In Boston, hundreds of people gathered on Boston Common for a "Love Rally in the Common." In Miami, hundreds of people walked down Biscayne Boulevard chanting "Love Trumps Hate" and some protesters even walked onto Interstate 95 and surrounded cars, forcing four lanes of traffic to a standstill. In Atlanta, an American flag was burned near the Georgia State Capitol building, something that didn't please protesters Sanjay Mendonca and Akshita Mendonca. Aged 40 and 39, respectively, they voted for Hillary Clinton. "The current situation is not good for us and our children," Sanjay said. "I'm here for my kids because I don't want them to think we didn't do something ... A lot of people feel hopeless right now." Don and K. Hulbert spend an afternoon each month creating art alongside people with dementia and their caregivers. The art sessions help give K. relief from the frustrations and fears of her Alzheimers disease and Don a chance to connect with others coping with a loved ones dementia. The couples art will be among works on display Nov. 17 at Wyoming Dementia Cares free Art Through the Eyes of Dementia show opening at Edgewood Meadow Wind Assisted Living & Memory Care in Casper. The event features art created by people affected by dementia-related illnesses and their caregivers, who participate in the Here and Now: A Dementia-Specific Art Program class at the Nicolaysen Art Museum. The event spotlights the programs and resources offered by Wyoming Dementia Care, a nonprofit that serves people with dementia and their families, said Dani Guerttman, the nonprofits caregiver services program manager. Professionals will be on hand to answer questions about services from skilled nursing and neurology to the assistance offered by organizations like Central Wyoming Counseling Center and Meadow Wind. The art on display includes paintings, woodcarvings, ceramics, masks, monoprints, clay sculptures and more, the Nicolaysens education curator Zhanna Gallegos said. The classes are designed to be fun and therapeutic, Guerttman said. They allow participants to interact with others in similar situations and feel less isolated, she said. People with dementia often find art can help them express their feelings more easily than speaking. The projects and activities also are designed to help spark long-term memories that connect people to their lives and loved ones while also focusing on experiencing the present moment. Its also an outlet for caregivers themselves, because they can see their loved one in a different light and different atmosphere and actually enjoy activities together, Gallegos said. Professionals at the classes also can give caregivers a break to work on their own projects or chat with others, Guerttman said. Don looks forward to the show, especially seeing his wifes art on display, which is much better than his, he said. She studied art in college and enjoys exploring her creative side through the classes. She gets a lot out of it, Don said. It goes beyond the program the days we are there, because she has more of an interest in art now that she continues to pursue at home. Since the class, shes started collecting objects for still-life photographs. She recently arranged peppers on a plate for him to photograph. On walks, she collects branches, leaves and stones. She also colors at home using coloring books for adults. The program is a positive influence, particularly for my wife, Don said. When lawmakers, lobbyists and observers gather Jan. 11 in Cheyenne for the start of the 64th Legislature, they will notice even more Republicans and men in a state that already has among the fewest number of women and Democratic lawmakers in the nation. During Tuesdays election, voters made choices throughout the state that ultimately resulted in the loss of one Democratic seat in the Legislature. Currently only 13 Democrats serve in the 90-member Legislature. There will also be two fewer women, down from the current 12. Observers are split about whether the choices that voters made on Election Day will result in a more conservative lawmaking body. Some believe the number of social conservatives is down, based on their reading of newly elected Republicans. Others say the number of social conservatives is up, which they warn will mean more debates about social issues such as abortion or transgender bathrooms at a time when the state faces difficult financial decisions because of the energy downturn and revenue shortfall. Freshmen Several lawmakers chose to retire at the end of this term. Others lost re-election bids. The result is a slew of new lawmakers: 19 freshmen in the 60-member House and six in the 30-member Senate. It is the greatest turnover in the Wyoming Legislature since 1992, said Rep. Dan Zwonitzer, R-Cheyenne. These legislators are coming into a time where we have to find another $150 million on short notice, Zwonitzer said. They have to learn about the budget. Historically, you come in a general session in the middle of a two-year budget cycle. You have time to learn about all these pots of money and where they go. When you come into a $150 million deficit in the current cycle, thats a drastic learning curve of the state budget. A lot of people know the general issues that affect them. They know what theyre running on business issues, social issues or community development issues. They really dont know how the state budget works. Candidates make promises on the campaign trail that they learn fast are not realistic when they are mere freshmen in the Legislature, an institution that values seniority, tradition and decorum, said Bri Jones, executive director of the Equality State Policy Center, a government watchdog group. I think that campaigning is very different from governing, so it will be interesting to see the differences that arise out of campaigning versus governing, she said. Jones said some newly elected legislators campaigned on the ideological fringe. The longer a lawmaker serves, the more he realizes he must compromise and work with others to increase the likelihood of a bill becoming a law. I think with age and experience comes a little bit of moderation, she said. Leadership The political direction of the Legislature will depend on who lawmakers elect to lead them in the House and Senate, said Kristin Walker, a Republican strategist from Jackson. I think more than looking at rank-and-file members, I think its looking at how the new leadership is going to trend especially in the House, because its going to be pretty much all new leadership, and as a result its going to be all new chairs of committees, she said. Legislative leaders are powerful. They can kill bills they dislike and choose which legislators lead and serve on committees. If a current committees makeup is perceived as too liberal or conservative, leaders can assign new members and remove those considered problematic. Zwonitzer said theres a good chance the next leadership will be more conservative than the existing leaders, who are moderate Republicans. Those leaders will be chosen in a week, when Republican lawmakers caucus in Casper. The House leadership will probably go a little more to the right, he said. The people who have announced (theyre running for leadership positions), well see a shift to the right. I would say thats a good thing because were having a fiscal downturn and were going to make tough decisions. Were not going to have a lot of social issues and other stuff come up because its going to be about the budget. Social issues Zwonitzer said he doesnt think there will be more social conservatives among the rank-and-file in the Legislature than among the current makeup. He bases that on the legislators-elect he knows and by reviewing campaigns of others. But Jeran Artery, a board member of Wyoming Equality, disagrees. He believes the Legislature will take a hard right on social issues. I heard legislators, former legislators who have been taken out, theyve said, I think my yes vote on your bill cost me the primary, cost me the election, Artery said. During the primary, some candidates challenged incumbents for supporting a 2015 bill that would have protected LGBT Wyomingites at work. The challengers dismissed the bill as a plan to allow men to wear wigs and use womens bathrooms, putting women and girls at risk of sexual assault. Artery said transgender bathrooms was never the intention of the nondiscrimination bill or other bills supported by his organization. Thats what I think bothered me, he said. A lot of these candidates were willing to lie to get elected. Democrats, women Despite twice as many Democrats running this year than in the past, the states minority party lost a number of races. It gained some, too. But ultimately the net loss was one seat. The Republican Party raised $500,000 over the past months and spent about $150,000 in 17 key legislative races. The strategy worked. Kristin Walker, the Republican from Jackson, believes people in many rural states, including Wyoming, feel left behind in the countrys recent economic uptick. That goes for social issues as well, she said. Many Wyomingites disagreed with the direction of the country. They took their frustrations to the ballot box and elected Trump and downballot candidates who they felt best represented their beliefs. Walker has helped organize events for the Wyoming Womens Legislative Caucus, a bipartisan group for women legislators. The caucus also organizes leadership conferences to encourage women throughout Wyoming to run for state and local office. Walker said there will only be 10 women to the 80 men in the Legislature next year. She noted two prominent women leaders lost their elections Rep. Rosie Berger, a Sheridan Republican who had hoped next year to become the first female House speaker in decades and Rep. Mary Throne of Cheyenne, the leader of the House Democrats for the past four years. Although the House is losing prominent women, one bright spot in the increase in women in the Senate, which currently only counts one woman among its members, Walker said. Sen. Bernadine Craft, D-Rock Springs, is retiring but will be replaced by Liisa Anselmi-Dalton, also a Democrat from Rock Springs. Republicans Affie Ellis and Tara Nethercott will be two new women in the Senate. Ellis and Nethercott defeated Democrats Floyd Esquibel and Ken Esquibel. Two current committee leaders are women Reps. Elaine Harvey and Ruth Ann Petroff. Both chose not to seek re-election. If there are no women leaders in the Legislature next year, their perspective will be lost in state discussions, Walker said. I think not having women in leadership rolls will also play a role in the kinds of bills that go forward, she said. LARAMIE Considering its a lake that doesnt hold water, Barber Lake is a popular destination. Sitting just a few miles west of Centennial and half a mile from Wyoming Highway 130 on Barber Lake Road, the low-elevation stop offers a picnic site adjacent to a lake stocked each year by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Its a very, very popular fishery, said Lee McDonald, a fisheries biologist with the department. The lake offers wheelchair-accessible fishing, and its free of snow and ice much earlier in the summer than its high-alpine cousins up the mountain. McDonald said Game and Fish tries to have the lake filled with water and stocked with catchable-sized rainbow trout by Memorial Day. Game wardens have mentioned its more heavily used than any other single lake in the range, he said. It gets a lot of use. But, like summer tourists and warm weather, Barber Lake at its finest is a temporary condition. Barber Lake is man-made, and it leaks. Despite efforts by the U.S. Forest Service in the past to remedy the problem by adding clay to the lake bed and lining the outlet with plastic, it doesnt hold water, Forst Service spokesman Aaron Voos said. Lowell Hart, who works as a caretaker at nearby Snowy Range Lodge, said the sight of a stocked lake losing water isnt pretty. It creates quite a stink, he said. Hart doesnt think stocking it each year is a good use of resources, considering the transplanted fish lose their home a few months after they move in. Is it a good idea to fill a lake that you know is going to drain out, and when you cut the water, you know that all the fish that are put in there are going to get beached? he said. Its heartbreaking. The U.S. Forest Service holds a water right, dating back to 1919, thats used to fill the lake by diverting water from nearby Libby Creek through a short canal. McDonald said the lake only stays filled as long as water is flowing into it, and the Forest Service must yield to senior water rights. Some years we cant fill or it or we cant maintain it for very long, he said. In the summer, the water was shut off in mid-August, McDonald said, and the lake drained after about three weeks. Hart said he and several other neighbors tried to move a few fish into Libby Creek before the lake dried out, even though hes not sure theyll survive the winter there. While I was up there ankle-deep in mud, it made me a little hot, he said. McDonald said the popularity of the lake, its proximity to several campgrounds and the fact that it provides wheelchair access make it worth stocking, even knowing the trout wont survive. We definitely feel good about being able to provide a fishery there, he said. Lake Marie, near the summit of the Snowy Range Scenic Byway, has a paved sidewalk along the south shore, but wheelchair-accessible options in the Snowies are few. In Curt Gowdy State Park, Granite and Crystal reservoirs have accessible amenities. Were always looking for more places, and when those opportunities present themselves, we go with them, McDonald said. Its a pretty high value to us, when we do have those areas. Tia Reed teaches in the Personalized Learning Services program at Laramie High School. The program is for students with severe cognitive or physical disabilities. About 10 students went on a field trip to Barber Lake in the summer. Reed said the lakes proximity to the highway meant students could ride a school bus all the way in. Those with mobility limitations could fish off a concrete pad that abuts the shore and use the accessible restroom. Its easy for kids that arent very mobile to stand there and fish over a ledge, she said. Students were able to see the fish swimming in the lake, and while only one student caught a fish, many felt nibbles at the ends of their lines. Fishing is something recreational that they can do, that they can learn and use the rest of their life, Reed said. Game and Fish loaned fishing poles to the group and provided a classroom-wide license. Reed said Barber Lake was ideal for the field trip because the high school students are too old to fish at Huck Finn Pond at LaPrele Park, but not experienced enough to catch a fish at other area lakes. Huck Finn Pond is stocked and also has a wheelchair-accessible dock, but fishing is limited to children. Game and Fish uses catchable-sized fish meaning they measure 8 or 9 inches long in waters that cant sustain a fish population long-term, McDonald said. Such waters might have too many anglers, or they dont have the right habitat. Thats a classification we use for fish we can put into a fishery and make it an instant fishery, but without a huge expectation that its going to maintain itself over time, he said. He said its unfortunate that Barber Lake drains for the winter with live fish still in it, and Game and Fish personnel try to remove as many fish as they can. This year, they captured about 200 fish and moved them to nearby Hanging Lake. They estimated there were 40 or 50 left when they gave up because the water was too muddy, he said. By trial and error, Game and Fish stocks the lake with enough fish for anglers, but not too many, he said. This year the department added 2,000 rainbows. Its a tradeoff between being able to provide a good fishery that makes it justifiable to manage it that way, I think, he said. GREAT FALLS, Mont. A Montana man who lied about serving in the military to have his burglary and theft case assigned to a Veterans Treatment Court has been found in contempt of court and sentenced to community service with a veterans service organization. District Judge Greg Pinski fined Ryan Patrick Morris of Great Falls $500 on Wednesday and gave him a year to complete 441 hours of community service one hour for each Montana veteran killed in the line of duty since the Korean War. Morris also must tell the organization the reason for his sentence. Morris was charged with stealing a television in April. During his first court appearance in May he said he was a military veteran. A day after Pinski told Morris to meet with the Veterans Court coordinator about admission to the program, Morris was accused of violating the conditions of his bail by carrying a firearm and drinking alcohol. In a September hearing over the alleged violation, Morris said he had done seven combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and had a hip replacement after being injured by an improvised explosive device. He said he was on the outreach team helping Great Falls Mayor Bob Kelley with his effort to end veteran homelessness. Morris, however, refused to sign a release for the court to obtain an official service record. In October, Morris father contacted the Veterans Court coordinator and said his son had never severed in the military. Pinski told Morris that the disrespect he showed the court pales in comparison to the disrespect he showed Montana veterans. Id like to offer my deepest apology to any veterans out there that Ive disrespected, Morris said. Morris remains jailed with his bail set at $20,000. The initial burglary and theft case is still pending. The most recent proposal to build a $26.7 million reservoir in southwest Wyoming failed this week. The Wyoming Water Development Commission voted against the Sublette Creek Reservoir, citing concerns by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department that too much water would be diverted, harming the Smiths Fork fishery. Their concern was that the water levels are being diminished in Smiths Fork, and that it would cause the temperatures to rise in late summer, and if those temperatures exceed a certain threshold, then you have the potential for a fish kill, said commission director Harry LaBonde. After the vote in a joint meeting of the commission and the Legislatures Select Water Committee, Demont Grandy of the Cokeville Development Company said they were not planning to further pursue the project. As far as Im concerned, its over, Grandy said, noting area irrigators had been looking at it for nearly 35 years. Siting problems have long plagued the undertaking. About $1 million in studies have been conducted and three potential locations rejected. Another issue that raised concern was the projects financial viability. In reports to the commission, the development company said its members could pay for operations and maintenance but not the dam itself. Water storage rates would be between $17 and $178 per acre-foot, depending on the districts financing costs and varying reservoir volumes. The small irrigation district said its members could afford to pay around $4 per acre-foot for water. Commissioner Floyd Canfield has been a strong proponent of the project. The 4,100-acre-foot reservoir would help provide protection during times of drought should Wyoming ever need to supplement water flowing downstream under the Colorado River Compact, he said. What were trying to do is were trying to find a way to use a pre-compact water right. Thats the objective, Canfield said. Its a very hard place to do that. State water officials suggested that enough data had been collected on the projects drainage area that, should another potential site be located, the sponsors could start with a Level II, Stage II study, rather than beginning from scratch. The commission supported that recommendation in the motion to deny project funding. So, to me, I think that I would go for the motion, and hope that between the state engineers office and the agency, we could continue to work with the sponsor on a couple of spots, said commissioner David Evans. Even if another site is located, the timing of the rejection could affect its prospects. The state is facing significant revenue declines stemming from the energy downturn, and the commission is already set to approve projects that would commit about two-thirds of the $158 million in the Level III construction account. I think we have to start prioritizing things, and limiting how much money we use in studying sites, Canfield said. Its the state of Wyomings money, citizens money, and maybe spend it a little more judiciously. Thats my feeling. Theres nothing like a visitor from the old country to make you reflect on your past and think back to your origins, particularly if that visitor is a cousin who was named after you. I looked back on family, clan, country, on the awful war and postwar years with their cultural and social constraints, their religious bigotry. How I swore I would make life better for myself than what my parents had! Id make up for the poverty and family strife that ruined my childhood. Yet when the time came, I was terrified to leave though, come to think of it, I practiced when I first ran away from home. My cousins childhood was no bed of roses, either, though back then it seemed to me that her family was immeasurably better off than mine. What was it like for you to bear my name? I asked. You never got to celebrate your special day. In her all-Catholic village of Neibsheim, no one celebrated birthdays; instead, you are feted on Name Day, the birthday of the saint for whom you were named. There was no Saint Edith in those days, though there is now. The Name Day celebration features a Gugelhupf baked in a fluted tube pan. Gifts are few. Ediths mother had married the baker of Neibsheim. My dad, like his brother-in-law, was a master baker. He wandered into the eastern parts of Germany and married Protestant in Leipzig, a city that, together with Weimar, constituted the regions cultural and political center. A Name Day hardly mattered for any of us. Edith said with a frown. We children worked every day, including Sundays after church. Same in my family, I said. Karl and I thought we were slaves at home, Karl in the bakery, I in the store. We never got a penny of pocket money. I looked up to you after your family moved near us and I got to know you. Until then, you were just an abstraction, Edith said. You looked up to me? But I was Protestant! The Catholic faith troubled me even as a child. Maybe it did my mother as well, though she never let on. Naming me after you may have been her way of expressing solidarity with her brother. Betrayal of Catholic values? I dont think it mattered to her. Everyone in Neibsheim hated my mother for leading him away from the True Faith. At school, the kids bullied Karl and me. Their teachers goaded them on. The 18 months we lived in Neibsheim were awful. I was so glad when we moved to Bruchsal! My classmates called me Cow Eyes. Her eyes are large. They give her face an air of quiet sadness. At school, my son was tormented also, she added. Rolf eventually found a way out. He and his wife migrated to Switzerland, where they teach the children of a subalpine village. I wanted to become a teacher, Edith went on. I wanted to go to Realgymnasium, as you did. My parents wouldnt allow it, not even after my teacher came to plead my case. Yes, I got a bit of higher education, but not for long, I said. My dad took me out of school to apprentice me. Help in the kitchen and the store, look after my baby brothers. I thought of killing myself. I ran away from home before I was 15. You did? I never knew. Stole money from the till and got a train ticket to Mainz. Before boarding the train, I had my braids cut off at the train depot beauty parlor. I hated those braids. Mother grabbed them whenever she got angry, which was often. Shed jerk me around, then send me into the wall or a piece of furniture. Invariably, she made me apologize afterward for having provoked her. Why Mainz? I knew of an American base nearby. Our teacher pointed it out on a train excursion. And then? I pretended I was 17 and signed on as a domestic with an American family. Those two weeks, when I managed to make myself understood in another language, boosted my morale and my linguistic skills. Its what helped me decide on immigration later on. Leaving for college was not an option, yet I was certain, to remain would mean death or dying. You had to return home, of course. Of course I did. But the braids were gone. The decision to immigrate was, however, driven by terror, since I suspected I would not survive the journey. The ship would break apart; the airplane would crash. Would I make it to the land of my dreams? Editor: "Trump stuns in huge upset," Nov. 9, Casper Star-Tribune. Really? What actually won was America's desire to upset political stagnation with change, new blood and about 30 percent of votes cast against one candidate or another, while this past presidential election cycle brought political stonewalling and stone-throwing to new heights. When Jesus said, 'Let he among you without sin cast the first stone,' which is blame based in pride and prejudice, civilization's greatest evils (words not available to Jesus at that time, at least by translation) he was not joking. Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice" portrayed these difficulties, where in the middle of the novel, the hero, Mr. Darcy, took upon himself a spiritual reformation, by which he was enabled to win over the love of his life, Elizabeth,and they lived happily ever after, according to the novel. Make the country great again, put the workers back to work, get rid of the discontents, rebuild the military -- all words seconded by Donald Trump, firstly motioned by the greatestpolitician/ego-manic of all time, Adolf Hitler, assisted by Japan and Italy as the Axis forces of WWII. What America needs is not new leadership, for we are in dire straits, asking for spiritual reformation, bringing together all peoples of the nation to suit one cause, a nation of the people, by the people and for the people as one nation undivided, with liberty to choose one's lawful lifestyle and with justice for all, as no stones cast in the behalf or the befourth of anyone, producing peace on Earth and good will towards men, inclusive. Amen. Editor: The editorial boards endorsement of Liz Cheney reminds me of its past endorsements (Mead over Gosar, Enzi over Hardy). You say that the Democrat has better ideas, but the people with the 'R,' if they can catch a clue, will do better. The problem is your man never catches the clue. (I will modify that. Mead adopted several of Gosar's ideas such as Medicaid expansion.) She believes the Affordable Care Act, for example, is unfixable and should be repealed. Wyomingites and other Americans will be looking to her for a better solution on health care. She has no plan. You pointed out about Ms. Cheney, Cheney has loudly criticized the White House over coal, health care and national security, among other issues. Cheney should focus on coming up with solutions to those problems and moving them through Congress. This has been the case with all the Republicans that you have endorsed. They have yet to come up with solutions and move them through Congress. You go on to say She and her colleagues in Congress will need to work together to identify solutions that will truly defend Wyomings signature industry and the people it employs. For the past few years the Congress has been pretty much at a standstill due to lack of compromise and cooperation. I dont think electing more of the same types of representatives will help. Greene is a good candidate one of the strongest Democrats to run in recent years. His love for Wyoming is clear. He knows the energy industry well, thanks to his role in the family business, and he is able to speak with authority on domestic issues. He is also the right kind of Democrat for the Cowboy State one who isnt afraid to oppose members of his own party on issues that matter to the state, such as energy development. What more do we need? When will you learn? When will the Wyoming voter learn? With Republican leadership and your guidance, Wyoming will continue to lag behind the rest of the world in innovation and growth. Editor: Charlie Scott is a career politician who takes welfare payments from the feds. Last year he raked in $59,000. Despite repeated requests for a public accounting silence! Scott wants to continue getting his freebies from the feds while Wyoming taxpayers support his cush job as the longest-"serving" politician in the Legislature. He continues to aim attacks on the poor who become "weak and dependent" by accepting welfare payments, blatant hypocrisy while stuffing his own pockets with his one year welfare take of 59 grand. Isn't it time to boot out this corpulent hog from the welfare subsidy trough? Wyomingites should no longer subsidize the personal business expenses of someone who refuses to answer questions regarding his welfare payments from the federal government. And speaking of hogs at the trough, Eli Bebout's company receives over $25 million from Wyoming D.E.Q. Bebout (another career politician) says it's just fine for him to vote on a D.E.Q. budget that he receives millions in cash from. An "investigation" by a cohort of his colleagues found no conflict of interest, essentially saying "nothing to see here, folks, everything's fine." Really!!?? Seriously?? A timely, thorough ethics investigation by an independent entity is long overdue. Wyoming voters must be provided with a detailed explanation of his multi-million dollar state-funded projects. Eli and Charlie: We eagerly await your forthcoming press conferences to provide a public accounting of money received from state and federal governments. I am just so angry at the Democratic Party. You completely failed us. You cheated your own party members. You corrupted your own nomination process. And you brought us Trump. You screwed the country by screwing the process. It just had to be Hillary Well, no it didn't. You tried to cheat for her and force her into office and the people said no. Now we're all stuck dealing with the consequences of your dishonesty and your disrespect of the democratic process. Wyoming's state Democratic Party with its obvious predetermined preference for Clinton has plenty of guilt to share in this too. As does every single "super" delegate who refused to represent the will of the caucus voters in this state. And anyone who willfully turned a blind eye to the cheating revealed by Wikileaks. Youre complicit. You've all done a great disservice to your party and to this nation. This is your fault, Democrats. Its not the third parties, its not the FBI, its not the media, its the Democratic Partys fault, period. You need to own up to the mess you have created and quit scapegoating and looking for someone else to blame. And then you need to listen and you need to change so that something like this can never. Happen. Again. Otherwise, I hope you never recover from this and that a new, decent and honest party that actually strives to represent the people emerges from your ashes. When a punishing drought besieged California in the late 1980s, relief came with 30 days of rain in 1991 dubbed the March Miracle because of how it revived the states agricultural economy. Those significant swings in the weather may have had another consequence, though. The next year, Kern County health officials counted more cases of valley fever than ever before, with roughly 3,342 diagnoses and 25 deaths. By contrast, a decade earlier in 1982, fewer than 200 people were diagnosed with the disease and seven died. In the quarter century since, researchers and public health officials have come to see such dry and wet cycles as predictors of an upswing in the disease. That same weather pattern repeated itself between 2015 and 2016, and yet no one at the state or county level sounded an alarm in California or took measures to prepare for the threat of a valley fever surge. On the contrary, as recently as August, health officials in Kern County told the Center for Health Journalism Collaborative, a consortium of news outlets brought together by the USC Center for Health Journalism, that the number of cases this year would be lower than in 2015. Health officials did not warn the public of a looming epidemic until September. Now officials say that as many as 2,000 people in Kern County alone could contract valley fever by 2017. Epidemic surprises officials Although there are no state guidelines for when an epidemic should be declared, such a proclamation focuses attention on a disease. And attention is something health care officials say valley fever desperately needs. Although the cumulative total of illness and death for valley fever is higher annually than hantavirus, whooping cough and salmonella poisoning combined, the disease has historically received comparatively little in research dollars or federal public health attention. From our perspective, this has already been the worst year, said Dr. Royce Johnson, an infectious disease doctor at Kern Medical Center who has spent years researching and treating valley fever. In Kern County, 890 confirmed cases of valley fever were reported through June of this year, nearly 80 percent more than the number of cases the county sees in a non-epidemic year. At least one person has already died. Nationally, more than 8,000 people contracted valley fever through early October. Thats a rate of roughly 28 people every day; the cases are concentrated in just two states: California and Arizona. So far this year, California has seen 2,210 cases, which is more than a quarter of those reported nationally, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Arizona had more than half of all cases at 4,971. And last year was even worse in Arizona, with more than 7,000 cases reported, including a spike of 138 percent between July and October, compared with the same time period the prior year. As in California, researchers studying valley fever in Arizona believe weather plays a key role. One theory about Arizonas dramatic uptick in cases is that a wet winter in 2014-2015 spawned the growth of more valley fever-causing coccidioides fungi, which then spread to animals during the dry early summer season. Other factors that can affect fluctuations in reported cases, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services: the migration of susceptible people to higher-risk counties in Arizona; increased recognition and testing by health care providers; increased awareness among the general public, and an increase in the number of people with weakened immune systems due to aging. The biggest spike this year was in September in California, where 20 new confirmed cases were reported for the week of Sept. 19, an 80 percent increase over the previous week, according to the CDC. Arizona saw a 9 percent jump. Only then did Kern County health officials begin warning the public to exercise caution, but they hesitated about calling it an epidemic. Now they are doing so. Predictions not precise Valley fever, also known as coccidioidomycosis, starts with breathing. Fungal spores embedded in dry dirt throughout the San Joaquin Valley, Arizona and other parts of the Southwest get swept up in the wind. If inhaled, those spores become lodged in the lungs. Sometimes the body fights the infection and a person becomes immune to the disease,which is the case for most people. But in other cases, the spores take root and move from the lungs to other organs, leading to a lifetime of health problems and, in rare cases, death. Cocci, the fungus that breeds the disease, needs water to grow and heat to spread its spores. During the rains, the fungus proliferates in the soil, said Dr. John Galgiani, director of the Valley Fever Center for Excellence at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Then, he explained, a larger number of spores end up in the air when the soil dries. Every seasoned valley fever researcher says the same thing. But that knowledge has not translated into accurate predictions of trends in valley fever cases. Such forecasts could lead to early warnings for public health officials, care providers and the public. This summer, public officials charged with monitoring diseases like valley fever believed that the old pattern of dry periods followed by rains would not lead to more diagnoses. My gut feeling is no, Kirt Emery, a Kern County Department of Public Health Services epidemiologist told the Center for Health Journalism Collaborative in June when asked if weather patterns could lead to another epidemic. A few weeks later, though, Emerys department issued a press release saying that, indeed, new cases were on the rise again. Despite a bout of dry weather throughout California, Emery and others had not been predicting a rise in infections because reported valley fever cases were decreasing for most of the year. Meanwhile, in Arizona, numbers of reported cases fell by about 1,000 this year, something Galgiani attributes to a wet summer monsoon season stretching into September and October the peak months for valley fever. Those numbers in Arizona also might be skewed, researchers caution, because of a series of changes in reporting standards by a major commercial lab. Symptoms can present anywhere from one to three weeks after exposure, though, and doctors often misdiagnose the disease for the first several weeks, so it can take time for diagnoses to catch up with the course of an active epidemic. Science slow to catch up Despite understanding the basic weather pattern that may lead to an outbreak, scientists still have no reliable way of mapping out just how many fungal spores are growing or blowing through the air. It also remains impossible to track how many people develop immunity to the disease after being exposed. Each wave of a valley fever outbreak should, in theory, immunize a significant proportion of the population to the disease. And even though researchers have been observing these weather patterns for decades, they have been slow to publish findings in academic journals about the correlation between weather and valley fever, a topic under investigation since the 1940s. Why does that matter? Because publishing provides the evidence needed to set policies and priorities. Scientists and public health officials agree there havent been enough large-scale studies on why and when valley fever cases spike. Federal or state research dollars arent there to mount a major study and few researchers focus on the topic as a result. Those studies that do exist offer divergent findings on the connections between weather patterns and spikes in valley fever. In Arizona, which has one strain of cocci, findings have shown a strong connection between climate patterns and incidence, while in Kern County, which has another strain, only a weak connection has been found. Despite that, Ronald Talbot, a retired Kern County Department of Public Health Services epidemiologist and lab director, said that weather has consistently proven to be the most predictive factor in epidemics. He studied weather patterns during his career and theorizes that in years when the region receives more than four inches of rainfall in February and March, the incidence of valley fever increases in September and October. Donald Trump took regular aim during his campaign of a trade deal that bolsters Arizona's economy with about $30 billion in annual trade with Mexico. He denounced the North American Free Trade Agreement as a "disaster" as he told voters from states where manufacturing had dried up that their jobs had been exported to Mexico. He said one of his first acts in office would be to renegotiate NAFTA and bring those jobs back to the United States. Now that his presidency looms, what will he actually do? The NAFTA treaty with Mexico and Canada was signed by President George Bush in 1992 and the implementing legislation was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1993. Since then, U.S.-Mexico trade quintupled to about $500 billion annually as tariffs were virtually eliminated. Trump called NAFTA "the worst trade deal ever approved in this country." He said he would put a 35-percent tariff on imports by U.S. companies operating in Mexico, which could affect a broad swath of the Arizona economy. The local business community in Nogales adamantly opposes getting rid of NAFTA, said Bruce Bracker, a Nogales businessman and past-chairman of the Greater Nogales Santa Cruz County Port Authority. "Arizona's economy is absolutely dependent on NAFTA," Bracker said, noting that 639,000 trucks drove through Nogales ports last year. Area business people are anxious about what Trump might do, and many hope that the bluster of his campaign will give way to a position that's "a lot more moderate," Bracker said. Trade with Mexico supports about 100,000 jobs in Arizona and retailers depend on the roughly $8 million Mexican shoppers spend daily in Arizona. The binational trade that goes through Nogales, as well as an increasing number of companies with offices in Arizona and Sonora, operates under NAFTA rules. Every day, hundreds of trucks haul thousands of pounds of fruits and vegetables from farms in Mexico through the commercial port of entry in Nogales. The same goes for a wide array of industrial products made in assembly plants in Nogales, Sonora. Trains roll through downtown Nogales daily carrying Ford sedans made at a plant in Hermosillo and tons of Mexican cement. About 34,000 people work in more than 100 assembly plants just south of the border, churning out electronic appliances, aerospace parts, machinery and equipment, and other industrial goods. The companies that own the assembly plants maquiladoras, as they are known in Spanish are based throughout the United States, including California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, Minnesota and states that proved key in the 2016 election: Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa and Michigan. Other companies are based or have offices in Nogales, Arizona, or in Rio Rico, Tucson, Phoenix, Chandler and Tempe. In Tucson, hundreds of companies export goods to Mexico or Canada under NAFTA rules. Despite the broad powers a president has over international trade, Trump likely will face opposition from Republican members of Congress who traditionally support free trade. When the NAFTA vote went to the House it found support among 234 Republicans. Last year 190 Republicans voted to give President Obama fast-track authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump also might find himself consorting with an unlikely ally for a Republican president: labor unions who blame NAFTA for the nation's widespread loss of manufacturing jobs. Eleven million Americans, including 180,000 Arizonans, signed up for health insurance thought the government-run individual marketplaces created through the Affordable Care Act in 2016. Most qualified for federal subsidies to help pay for those private plans. A majority of Americans get their health insurance through their employer or a government program, and a minority need to buy it through the individual marketplace, which is sometimes also called a health exchange. But the law, passed in 2010, has other provisions that gave coverage and insurance protections to millions more Americans, including: Keeping young adults on their parents health insurance until they turn 26. In Arizona, an estimated 60,000 young adults under the age of 26 gained coverage by staying on their parents plans, says an analysis by the Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers. Nationally that number is 2.3 million, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says. In conjunction with the Affordable Care Act, several states including Arizona expanded their Medicaid programs. Arizona both expanded its Medicaid program and restored coverage for childless adults. The Medicaid expansion has resulted in 81,116 Arizonans getting coverage, and 316,763 childless adults have signed up since 2014. Elimination of lifetime and annual limits on coverage. Before the law, people who needed expensive and unexpected health care for cancer, for example, could find out their plan would only pay up to a certain amount, like for instance $300,000. The consumer would then be on the hook to pay for the rest, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. Eliminating of pre-existing condition exclusions for coverage. Insurers can no longer reject people because of past health conditions. Insurers cannot charge women more than men. Private health insurance plans generally must provide coverage for an additional set of preventive health services for women without cost-sharing requirements. The medical loss ratio provisions in the Affordable Care Act limit the amount of premium dollars insurers can spend on administration, marketing, and profits. PHOENIX When Donald Trump was giving his victory speech, cheerleader Jan Brewer was in a hospital emergency room, straining to watch what was happening on the TV. The former Arizona governor wanted to be close when her candidate took the stage early Wednesday morning in New York City. In fact, she was heading there from the VIP area when she passed out. Turns out she had pneumonia. And Brewer, now back in Arizona and still on antibiotics, said she still hasnt seen the full video of what she missed. It was really sad for me, Brewer told Capitol Media Services on Friday. I did work hard for him, she continued. I just kept pushing and pushing. And I didnt get to see him do his victory speech. Brewer has been one of Trumps key surrogates, appearing on national talk shows to explain his positions and defend him when there was negative news. It was Brewer, for example, who said that Trump was being waterboarded by women who had come forward to accuse him of sexual assault or harassment. And Brewer wanted to be with Trump when the votes were counted. Its a shame, she said. I went all that way and I was so excited. The former governor also said it was sweet that she predicted what others could or would not. I had that gut feeling in me for days, Brewer explained. It was so good to beat the pundits and the pollster and the media, you know? But the moment of victory occurred without her. I got down there (to the main floor), and I kept getting warmer and warmer, Brewer recalled. The next thing you knew I was on the floor. Some of what happened she reconstructed later with the help of her son, Michael, who was with her at the Hilton. I dont remember falling, I dont remember going to the ground, I dont remember them getting me up, she said of those in the crowd. But I remember them dragging me out of there, mad and upset, she continued, Of course I was upset. That led to the ambulance ride to Cornell Medical Center. Brewer said she figured shed at least get to watch in real time what she could not be there to witness in person. It was not to be. She said hospital personnel did turn on the TV in the room. But they were bringing equipment in and poking me and doing CAT scans, she said. I couldnt see it. Brewer said she did watch some clips when she got back home to Glendale. But she is counting on seeing the whole thing, beginning to end, on her computer. When I get a minute and am feeling really good Ill turn it back on, she said. Brewer quipped that there was something positive that came out of the unexpected and unwanted trip to the hospital. Before releasing her, they asked her a series of questions, like math and even what day it is, to ensure that the fall didnt damage more than her arm and leg. I answered all of them, she said proudly, saying that shows shes still in control of her faculties. I was comprehending pretty good. A Tucson pastor ended up in handcuffs last week after kneeling on the lawn of the North Dakota governors mansion as part of the protest against a proposed oil pipeline. The Rev. Alison Harrington of Southside Presbyterian Church, which is known for social justice work with undocumented migrants, was arrested during a protest of the Dakota Access pipeline. Protesters said the pipeline could threaten the water supply and sacred sites of the Standing Rock Sioux. She was charged with a misdemeanor count of criminal trespass and spent the weekend in the Cass County jail in Bismarck. She is one of more than 400 people who were arrested in recent months in protest of the pipeline. Law enforcement officers in riot gear faced off with protesters in recent weeks, prompting headlines around the country and a rush of protesters, including about 500 clergy members who answered a call for solidarity from a North Dakota priest. I was just feeling pulled to be there, Harrington said Friday after returning to Tucson from North Dakota. At Standing Rock, she and other clergy felt particularly moved to action due to the fact the pipeline is being laid because of church doctrine, Harrington said. The Catholic Churchs centuries-old Doctrine of Discovery legitimized settlers taking land from Native Americans and the clergy gathered in Standing Rock to repudiate the doctrine, she said. We are here to say that we were wrong, they said at a ceremony with tribal leaders in which a copy of the doctrine was burned. Clergy prayed with the protesters, known as water protectors, but Harrington said she felt more action was needed. Prayer is a beautiful thing and its the thing that we need to begin with, but its not the thing we should end with, she said. So on Nov. 3 she and four other clergy members, all of whom expected to be arrested, decided to kneel on the lawn of the governors mansion in an attempt to see if we might have a cup of tea with him and talk some sense into him about opposing the pipeline. Thats when they were arrested. The $3.7 billion, 1,200-mile pipeline is being built to transport oil from North Dakota to a distribution center in Illinois, according to Energy Transfer Partners, the company building the pipeline. The companys website says about 470,000 barrels of oil would travel through the 30-inch diameter pipeline daily. Clergy from a variety of denominations including Tucsons United Church of Christ, St. Georges Episcopal Church in Holbrook, and Amados Unitarian Universalist Congregation Church traveled to North Dakota to protest the pipeline and the law enforcement tactics used to push protesters away. When Harringtons arrest was announced at a service last Sunday, members of the Tucson congregation clapped in support, said Kenneth Kennon, a former pastor of the Christian Church of Disciples of Christ and longtime congregation member of Southside Presbyterian. Im personally very pleased with what shes doing, Kennon said, adding he cannot speak for everyone in the congregation. The churchs support for Native American rights shows the church returning to its roots, Kennon said. The church was founded in 1906 to serve Tohono Oodham families who moved to Tucson to build the railroads, but couldnt find a house of worship. Native Americans still make up a significant portion of the congregation and the church has supported protests at Wounded Knee in 1973 and at Oak Flat last year to help the San Carlos Apache tribe stop a mining project. People kind of know us as the migrant rights, the sanctuary church and we certainly affirm that aspect of our identity but its more than that for us, Harrington said. Its more about how we understand ourselves as a people of faith, called to love one another and called to spread that love. Tucsons political establishment got the cold shoulder this week when voters chose the newest member of Pima Community Colleges Governing Board. The candidate heavily favored by local politicos was defeated by a challenger backed by college leadership experts and open government advocates. Luis A. Gonzales, a former state senator, won the boards District 5 seat with 19,612 votes compared to 16,603 for attorney Martha Durkin, a retired deputy manager for the city of Tucson. A third candidate, Francis Saitta, drew 3,843 votes. Durkin, appointed to the board temporarily last year after a member resigned, is a strong supporter of the PCCs current administration, which Gonzales has criticized as inept and secretive. She did not respond to requests for comment on the election outcome. Gonzales said PCC Chancellor Lee Lambert has reached out by phone, expressing his willingness to work together for the good of the college. It was a short conversation, very cordial. Gonzales said he wants to help the school recover from years of accreditation problems and intends to ask tough questions about areas he believes are not working well. They include the public information office, the human resources department, the international education program and efforts to increase enrollment and improve diversity. Durkins supporters included Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, former mayor Bob Walkup, U.S. Congressman Raul Grijalva, Tucson Unified School District board president Adelita Grijalva, City Councilman Richard Fimbres and Pima County Supervisor Richard Elias. She also was backed, financially and otherwise, by the other four members of PCCs Governing Board. Gonzales supporters included Zelema Harris and Augustine Gallego, two nationally-recognized college leadership experts and Ted Maxwell, vice president of the Southern Arizona Leadership Council. He also was backed by the Coalition for Accountability, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility, the local citizens group that is PCCs biggest critic. Gonzales outdid Durkin in campaign fundraising by a large margin. As of Oct. 27, he collected more than $19,000 in donations nearly double the $8,770 she raised, campaign finance records show. Gonzales will be sworn in to a two-year term in January. PCC board positions are unpaid. Gertrude Shankman, born six years before women had the right to vote, thought she would see the first female president elected Tuesday. Yes, I voted, the 102-year-old told the Star before the presidential election. I cant wait to find out if Im right. She was wrong. Shankman, born in 1914, grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and married at the age of 19. A mother to two, she spent her years as a homemaker and working in her husbands shoe store. When he retired, she worked as a legal secretary, teaching herself shorthand and how to type. Where do you think I got my politics? she said, laughing. She spent most of her life on the East Coast, moving into Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging in Tucson about 10 years ago. She grew up in the years when voting was new for women, but it was always part of her life. She remembers her father giving her placards endorsing candidates to hand out to customers in the familys store. As an adult in Florida, she volunteered with the League of Women Voters, offering rides to get women to the polls. It didnt matter whom they voted for, she just wanted them to vote. She had high hopes for this election. Well, having lived so long with womens suffrage ... and now that were voting, there we are with a woman, Shankman said in the days before the election. Like so many, Shankman feels the sting of Hillary Clintons defeat. And yet she still has hope. My reaction is that I have confidence in people, she said after the election. This is not the first time she has disliked a president, and it is not the first time she has seen the country wade through murky waters. We mustnt let it get to us, she continued. We must have faith. We must do better. We must convince people to vote. Have faith. We will survive or succeed. Theres a bit of sass in that last statement. At my age, you need attitude, she quipped. When John Fleck started writing about water for newspapers in his 20s, his narrative was clear: The West is headed for disaster. Like many covering water, he looked for tales of farmers abandoning their fields and of cities and towns turning to dust. But he couldnt find many stories like that. Instead, he found cities like Albuquerque whose water table rose, not fell, as residents learned to cut their water use in half. And he found farmers in Yuma Arizona who managed to earn more money and use less water at the same time. He and other water writers had grown up on the adage long attributed incorrectly to Mark Twain, that whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting over. But when he searched for stories of water conflicts and lawsuits of the kind that dominated the age of his forebears, again, Fleck couldnt find much. Instead, he found water districts that agreed to use less water to save their aquifers, and water managers and environmentalists who negotiated ways to save the seemingly abandoned Colorado River Delta. The result of these changes in thinking are out in a new book by Fleck: Water is for Fighting Over: And Other Myths About Water in the West. No longer a journalist he left his Albuquerque Journal job last year Fleck at 57 is now director of the University of New Mexicos Water Resources Program. Hes also a player in the Colorado River drama, having worked with a Colorado water district thats studying how to bail out the Upper Colorado River Basin in the face of a declining Lake Powell. Here are some questions and answers with Fleck: Q. How did you develop your earlier view that we were headed for water apocalypse? A. I began my journalistic career in the 1980s, covering water for the Pasadena Star-News, during a really significant drought in Southern California. It was around that time that the book Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner came out, on top of other environmental journalism and literature of that time, like A River No More, great books by great writers, arguing that we had made a series of fundamental mistakes, building big dams and building cities and farms that were dependent on them. The result was that sooner or later, we were heading for a crash. I embraced that narrative. Q. How did you begin to change your view? A. Covering water in the middle 2000s for the Journal, I was believing that narrative and pursuing that narrative. Albuquerque was aggressively pursuing water conservation and reducing its reliance on over-pumping its aquifer. But then the drought got bad in 2013 and 2014 and the little town of Maxwell, New Mexico, ran out of water and I documented what it was like for a town to run out of water. But what I realized was that Maxwell was the exception and that most communities werent running out of water. I started asking myself why it wasnt happening and I started looking for alternative story lines. Q. What did you find? A. Id get monthly pumping reports, looking for Albuquerque to fail at its conservation efforts; Id keep checking U.S. Geological Survey groundwater-level data expecting it to decline, but it kept rising and rising. I found communities were succeeding at coping with having less water. I started realizing that was the story: how communities are adapting. Once I started looking for it, I saw it all over the place. Q. Such as? A. For example, Las Vegas, their water use peaked and they were really in trouble in 2002-2003, but their water use has been steadily declining since then. Look at the water data in Arizona. Total water use in Arizona peaked in 1980 and its been dropping for 30 years even as your population has grown. Q. But Arizona is still predicting increased water use here, by nearly 25 percent by 2035 compared to 2010, and by up to 52 percent by 2110. A. Everybody does. People keep thinking we wont get going and keep going with conservation. People dont know the bottom of their conservation curve. If you look at every major city in the Colorado River Basin Denver, Albuquerque, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Las Vegas and Tucson everybodys water use is going down as their population is rising. Q. How does this thinking apply to farming? A. In Yuma, one of the biggest farming areas in the Colorado River Basin, water use peaked in the early 1980s, and now maybe its 25 to 30 percent below those levels. But those farmers are really successful. They are shifting to higher value crops, winter veggies, and getting out of cotton and alfalfa, which has made them enormously successful with less water. Q. So, were Cadillac Desert and A River No More wrong? A. They were right in their description of a problem. What they missed was the human adaptability that would emerge in response to that problem. ... They argued that we created something unsustainable. What were seeing is the core of what sustainable life in these desert communities will look like, and that these communities can survive and even thrive with less water. Q. Does this mean our water supply can support unlimited growth? A. We need to be careful about how we frame the hypothetical. Communities have a choice. If they want to grow, they have to make substantial changes in their water use. If they are willing to make those changes, then the ability to use less water allows them to grow for a long time. Q. How? A. We have the capability in our water systems, and Las Vegas is our clearest example, to reuse water that we use indoors. You can get to very low numbers of water demand and meet your indoor needs. You have this choice of what you want your outdoor landscaping to look like. Thats the water you cant reuse, that just evaporates into the atmosphere. Q. Does that mean Tucson could grow to 5 million people in say 500 years and still have enough water? A. If you want to grow you can. This is about self-determination for communities. Water doesnt have to be a constraint. We can think about 500 years; I dont know how to think about Tucson at 5 million people. Im not necessarily saying unlimited growth, but it could grow a lot more and we could learn to live with it water-wise. But if people want big houses with big lawns no. Q. Another of your themes is that water problems will be better solved with cooperation than conflict. You wrote that Arizona is its own worst enemy. A. Arizona from the beginning viewed water-sharing arrangements through the lens of this deep political hostility toward California. Rather than signing early on in participating in the development of these water supplies, Arizona fought. It refused to ratify the Colorado River Compact of 1922. It called out the National Guard to prevent construction of Parker Dam in the 1930s. You repeatedly went to the Supreme Court. So by the time you got the Central Arizona Project authorized in 1968 you ended up with this junior priority (in which Arizona stands to lose all of its CAP water during a shortage before California loses any of its river supply). Q. Even then, California had power and we had little. How would being more cooperative have helped Arizona? A. Theres no way to replay this history so I know if Im right. But if you had been involved when (early) decisions were being made there could have been provisions in that federal law for water supply and infrastructure in Arizona as well as California. You may have gotten screwed anyway, but for sure you were excluded by staying outside. Q. Your book shows the Southwest has survived by learning to use less water and to find cooperative solutions. But were heading into tougher times that are going to put those theories to their ultimate test. You wrote about Lake Mead dropping 70 feet over five years starting in 2000. If that happens again, the lake would be at barely 1,000 feet, a level all parties agree is dangerous for the region in part because Hoover Dam could no longer generate power. How will adaptation and cooperation play out if we hit that wall ? A. Its a really important question. When and if that happens, we have a choice of one of two paths: the conflict path or the collaboration path. I think we have to be on the collaboration path. Thats the only way we can succeed in sharing the pain without having to write some communities off completely. Q. But how will it turn out? Tree-ring researchers at the University of Arizona have helped date what they called the oldest tree in Europe a 1,075-year-old Bosnian pine growing in the mountains of Greece. To be precise, and to head off arguments with backers of a Welsh yew, a Portuguese olive tree and a Norway spruce, it is the oldest non-clonal European tree whose trunk has been cored and its rings counted and cross-dated. It joins a Fitzroya in Chile, an Atlas cedar in Morocco, a Huon pine in Tasmania, a Siberian larch in Mongolia and the granddaddy of them all, a bristlecone pine in California, in the roster of ancients on each continent. All seven continents have tree-ring stories to tell even, weirdly enough, treeless Antarctica. North America North America, specifically the United States, has plenty of champion trees, including the oldest one on the globe a bristlecone pine more than 5,000 years old. It also boasts giant sequoias more than 3,000 years old, along with juniper, pine and cypress that have survived a millennium or two. Most of those discoveries were made by researchers at the University of Arizonas Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, the birthplace of the science that uses tree rings to answer questions about sylvan chronology, global climate and even social and political history. South America The Andes of Chile and Argentina contain forests of ancient trees known as Fitzroya, also called Patagonian cypress or alerce in Spanish. It is the second-oldest tree species. One dates back 3,645 years. Like most of the champions, Fitzroyas live at high altitude, where slow, steady growth seems to be their key to longevity. Europe The Bosnian pine dated by UA tree-ringers in 2016 is a relative child at 1,075 years, but it grows in a region where people have been felling trees for homes, ships and fuel for more than 5,000 years, said dendrochronologist Valerie Trouet. Europe is also home to ancient groves of olive trees whose rings are uncountable; fabled, old trees whose fables cant be documented; and a Norway pine, part of a communal grove whose roots grew nine millennia ago but whose stem is a 100-year-old youngster. Asia Somewhere in Asia are trees that are certainly older than the record-holding Siberian larch, whose 750 rings were sampled and counted after it was discovered growing in Mongolia. One well-documented tale is of a sacred fig in Sri Lanka, the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi, said to be a cutting of a sacred fig from the Indian state of Bihar under which Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, sat while achieving enlightenment. Then there is a giant trunk of a cedar tree found washed up on a beach in Lebanon that dendrochronologist Ramzi Touchan carbon-dated at 6,000 years old. Africa Touchan also found and dated the African record-holders, also cedars. He found the oldest one in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. It is 1,025 years old, and he is worried about it. It has been cored by scores of research teams and possibly weakened. Australia/Oceania A couple of contenders grow on islands off mainland Australia. A giant kauri tree in New Zealand has never been dated, but claims for it range from 1,250 to 2,500 years. It is a survivor of two waves of deforestation that hit the island when Polynesians and, later, Europeans, arrived. The oldest documented tree on the continent is a 1,114-year-old Lagarostrobus franklinii, or Huon pine, on the Australian island state of Tasmania. Antarctica Nothing bigger than lichens or mosses grows in Antarctica, where four months of total darkness, ice sheets and sub-zero temperatures make it inhospitable to woody plants. But there were times during the Triassic and Permian periods, more than 250 million years ago, when forests grew along its coastline. Scientific explorers have discovered fossil stumps and trunks, their wood long ago silicified or replaced with minerals in water that flowed through. A NASA/USC/LSU study in 2012 also found leaf wax from the middle Miocene epoch (15 to 20 million years ago) in sediment cores drilled beneath the Ross Ice Shelf. Why North America? There are a number of reasons why North America hosts the oldest trees on the globe. Its deforestation did not begin until the 1700s. It is the birthplace of the science of dendrochronology, with the longest history of tree-ring investigations. It also hosts some long-lived species of trees. The bristlecone pines of the White Mountains in California are, almost without doubt, the oldest trees in the world, and were discovered almost by accident by dendrochronologist Edmund Schulman in the 1950s, said Malcolm Hughes, a Regents professor at UA and former director of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. Stunted by short growing seasons and twisted by wind, bristlecones grow at tree line or just below. They are unlikely looking champions. The largest of them do not reach 50 feet in height. Trouet said the bristlecone has the right ingredients for longevity slow growth, hard wood and an environment that is not attractive to insects. Fast growth is not conducive to long life, she said, explaining why the list of big trees is not studded with denizens of tropical rain forests. As Neil Young would say: They burn out rather than fade away, said Trouet. The bristlecones easily last hundreds of years and sometimes thousands. Tree-ringers mine them to reconstruct past climate. They have combined cores of living trees pencil-thin samples collected with boring tools with information from dead trees, to create a climate chronology that spans 9,000 years. The most famous bristlecone pine story concerns the late Donald R. Currey, who was a graduate student at the University of North Carolina when he cut down a bristlecone pine in 1964 on a peak in eastern Nevada to count its rings. The tree, called Prometheus, was found to be 4,862 years old. It was the oldest tree known to exist at the time. Researchers from the UA Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research have discovered two older ones. The champion a 5,066-year-old tree, was core-sampled in 1957 by Schulman, who died in 1958. His sample sat, unexamined, in the archive at the UA tree-ring lab until researcher Tom Harlan, cross-dated the core just before his death in 2013. Schulman, assistant to A.E. Douglass who established the science of dendrochronology, had turned his attention from giant sequoias, which grow at a fairly steady pace, to bristlecones. They were older and they grew in tough climates, producing a better record of wet and dry years in their rings. That climate record is what Trouet and fellow researchers at the University of Arizona Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research were doing in Greece this year when they took a core sample of the Bosnian pine they named Adonis. The group is comparing climate records left by old trees in Scotland and Greece to correlate with changing patterns in the jet stream over Europe. They werent looking for the oldest tree, but its always nice to find one, Trouet said. Adonis had been cored by Swedish dendrochronologist Paul Krusic in 2013, but his sampling tool was only 24 inches long. In 2016, the team returned with a coring tool a full meter long. Trouet said Krusic got some pushback in Europe, particularly in Sweden, when the discovery was announced. Some Swedes argue that the oldest tree in Europe is a 9,558-year-old Norway spruce that grows in Sweden. That tree, said Trouet, is a clone. Its root system may be thousands of years old but its stem would not have more than 100 or so rings. Tree-ringers arent all that interested in clones or in trees whose interiors rot as they age. Thats why Trouet also dismisses the claim of a 4,000-year-old yew tree on the grounds of St. Digains Church in Llangernyw village, Wales. The center is hollowed and you cant simply extrapolate the age using the outer rings and a measurement of the trees radius. Old trees grow slowly, she said. Younger rings are wider. Its a linear extrapolation of a nonlinear phenomenon the tree may be old, but you cant prove it. The same is true of olive trees which may be quite old, but elude measurement by tree rings. Trouet also assumes that Asia has older trees than the 750-year-old Siberian larch. There is, in fact, a historical record for a ficus or bohdi tree in Sri Lanka that is more than 2,000 years old, and there are sugi or Japanese cedars that are thought to be as old, though their interiors have also been hollowed by decay. In Africa, a Namibian baobob tree called the Grootboom was considered the oldest tree on the continent until it died. The new African oldie may be an Atlas cedar in the mountains of Morocco that was cored and cross-dated by Touchan of the UA tree-ring lab. Touchan and a team have used the cedars of North Africa to reconstruct wet and dry years, finding that recent drought in the region is as bad as any in history. Basically, the oldest trees are where the tree-ringers travel to document them. To be fair, a lot more tree-ring research has been done in the western United States than in Asia, she said. Dendrochronology is a science that began at the University of Arizona and concentrated, at first, in the western United States. Douglass, the UAs first astronomy professor, was already investigating tree rings in an attempt to correlate them with a long historical record of sun spots when he came to the UA in 1906. He quickly zeroed in on the giant sequoias that were harvested for wood before John Muir and a nascent conservation movement lobbied for their protection. Douglass collected cuts and slabs from logged trees and shipped them back to Tucson. His discoveries are still No. 2 and No. 3 on the list of oldest sequoias . The oldest sequoia identification was done by Touchan and his UA colleague Hughes. Tree-ringers dont purposely set out to break records, but there is a certain honor that goes with that, said Hughes. Peter M. Brown, of Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research, keeps a list of the oldest documented trees, from which the record-holders in this story were identified. Brown doesnt expect the bristlecone pine to be unseated as the overall champion, but one never wants to say never. Some trees elude measurement, he said. They dont reliably form rings or they hollow out as they age. On mainland Australia, there are 300 recognized species of eucalypts and not a single one of them works for dendrochronological purposes. Brown hasnt followed all the historical claims and does not consider a record official unless it has been verified by coring or some other means, such as radiocarbon dating. Hughes said he is always skeptical of historical claims. He was once asked to core and date an apple tree that grew at Woolsthorpe Manor, the childhood home of Sir Isaac Newton in England. It was suspected of being the same tree whose falling apple inspired Newtons gravitational theory. The apple tree is there and its in almost exactly the same position as one in an almost contemporaneous woodcut, he said. But when Hughes investigated in 1978, he determined that the tree had begun its life in the early 20th century. Newton lived from 1643 to 1727. Help India! By TwoCircles.net Staff Reporter, Couple of week after ousting Cyrus Mistry as Chairman of Tata Sons, on Thursday Mistry was also removed as chairman of Indias largest software services firm, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and replaced with Ishaat Hussain as an interim chairman. Support TwoCircles [Photo credit:Mid-Day] TCS said it has received a letter dated November 9, 2016 from Tata Sons Ltd nominating Hussain as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company in place of Mistry with immediate effect. Following are some of the details of the 69 years old Hussain: 1. Born on September 2, 1947, Ishaat Hussain completed his schooling from The Doon School in 1963 and joined St. Stephens College Delhi to pursue graduation in Economics. 2. He completed degree of Chartered Accountant from England and Wales and also attended the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School. 3. He is associated with the Tata Group since 1983 after Indian Tube was merged with Tata Steel. 4. Hussain joined the Board of Tata Sons as an Executive Director on July 1, 1999. 5. He took over as Finance Director of Tata Sons Ltd. in 2000 6. In November 2006, Hussain was appointed a Public Interest Director of Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. 7. In January 2008, he was appointed a Trustee on the board of India Foundation for the Arts (IFA). 8. Prior to joining Tata Sons, Hussain has worked as the senior vice-president and executive director finance in Tata Steel for almost 10 years. 9. Besides being on the board of Tata Sons Limited, Hussain is Chairman of air conditioning & engineering arm Voltas Limited and satellite television provider Tata Sky Limited. 10. He is also on the boards of several Tata Companies such as Tata Steel, Tata Industries, Tata Teleservices, Titan Industries Limited. Help India! By BP Mahesh Chandra Guru for TwoCircles.net Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan were indeed the great rulers of Southern India, who did their best to expand, consolidate and develop the state of Mysore. Haider Ali played a pivotal role in the expansion of the Mysore State while Tipu Sultan thoroughly modernised the state. Haider Ali was a great warrior, while Tipu Sultan was a great visionary. They vehemently fought against the British imperialism and upheld the sovereignty of India. Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan remain in the history of India as the towering personalities who cherished self-rule, self-esteem and self-progress. Support TwoCircles Tipu was born on November 20, 1750 at Devanahalli, north-west of Kolar in Karnataka State. He displayed utmost courage, skill and competence in the battle against the Marathas in 1769. Tipu also played a heroic role in the second battle of Mysore against the British which spread over the period from 1780 to 1784. Tipu Sultan took charge of his State in the formal manner on December 20, 1782. The State of Mysore extended from east to west up to Four hundred miles covering a vast area of 80,000 square miles. The entire territory had never been under the rule of single monarch before Haider Ali. Tipu efficiently managed the state of affairs and sustained the fight against the British with the help of the French forces. Tipu Sultan emerged victorious in the battle of Cuddalore and the British suffered enormous loss of life and property in this battle. The Treaty of Mangalore was signed in 1784 with a condition that both the parties would never assist the opponents of one another directly or indirectly. This treaty was indeed a crushing defeat for the British and a victory for Tipu even though he had strength and an enormous chance and strength to rout the British from India. Tipu returned to Srirangapattanam after the peace agreement with the Marathas and sent a diplomatic mission to the Ottoman Caliphate in order to develop strategic relations between South India and the Persian Gulf in 1789. The British formed an allied front for waging a full-fledged battle against Tipu who was the most formidable adversary in South India. In 1798, Lord Wellesley was sent to India with a view to ensure absolute colonization of the Indian sub-continent by the then Prime Minister Pitt. Tipu had prepared the ground for the ouster of the British from Indian soil by entering into diplomatic relations with foreign powers like the French, Arabs and others. The British declared the Anglo-Mysore War in 1799 and caused multi-pronged attack against Tipu. He made up his mind to accept martyrdom gracefully rather than running away from the battlefield and was fully prepared to accept the command of His Almighty. After the death of Tipu, the fourth and final battle of Mysore came to an ominous end. General Harris came towards Sultans dead body and yelled at the top of his voice: Today, India is ours. The death of Tipu Sultan closed an illustrious chapter in the freedom struggle of India. Several works of eminent historians have expressed the view that Haider Ali laid a strong political and economic foundation for the State of Mysore. Haider Ali was neither a diplomat nor an economist of a high order yet, he valiantly expanded the State of Mysore and mobilized enormous economic resources. On the other hand, Tipu Sultan had the ability to lead his kingdom to modernization both politically and economically. This inference is drawn on the basis of the economic policy and reforms carried out by Tipu Sultan. Undoubtedly, Tipu Sultan rightly understood the need and importance of a dynamic economic policy. He formulated several regulations connected with trade and commercial transactions, the most innovative scheme brought forward being Public Investment. The scheme was unique in the sense that the returns were paid in inverse ratio. The amount invested by the general public in that scheme was reinvested by the government in government trade. Another aspect of Tipu Sultan regime which deserves to be noted is his secular policy. Gandhiji wrote in Young India that Tipu was an embodiment of Hindu-Muslim unity. His letters to Shringeri Mutt and religious gifts and land grants to several Hindu temples speak his deep respect towards Hindus also. Therefore, to call Tipu a bigot is highly erroneous. Tipu Sultans intricate, complex international maneuvering, risks, initiatives, friendships and negotiations were primarily aimed at upliftment prosperity, providing security and improving the life of the people and his state a truly developed state like Britain or France were at that time. The Government of Karnataka headed by Siddaramaiah have decided to celebrate the birth anniversary of Tipu Sultan despite strong protest by the Hindu fundamentalists supported by BJP, Vishwa Hindu Parishas, RSS, Bajarang Dal and other organizations. Several individuals like Pejavara Shri, Pramod Mutalik, Chidananda Murthy, S.L.Bhyrappa, B.S.Yedurappa, Shobha Karandhlaje, Pratap Simha and others who are wedded to Hindu fundamentalism rather than Indian nationalism have protested against the celebration of Tipus birth anniversary. As a matter of fact, Tipu Sultan was a great champion of Hindu-Muslim amity, agricultural modernisation, industrialisation, rocket technology, sericulture, protection of Hindu temples, social justice and nationalism. Unfortunately, some vested interests have branded Tipu as an anti-national ruler which is biased, baseless, unfounded and motivated. Tipu Sultan will continue to be the fragrant flower, success story, milestone and role model in Indian history. The immense contributions which are available for researchers are open for study and judgment. To scholars, Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan appeared as great rulers; to the fraternity of historians they are great role models and to lovers of philosophy, they were great philosophers. Tipu Sultan lived like statesman and his contributions are marvelous for the progress of Mysore State. In conclusion, it could be stated with great pride that the uncompromising and death defying fight against British colonialism and capitalism put up by Tipu has been a rare event among the rulers of India. Hence, all nationalists and secularists salute Mahatma Tipu and love to cherish his monumental contributions to the country with pride and gratitude. The author is Professor, University of Mysore Faithless and Rudimental are among the major names from the UK Dance scene who have already committed themselves to supporting Rave For Refugees next month. Tickets went on sale this week for the London-based events on December 8th and 15th at the popular Music venue, Electric Brixton, with all proceeds going towards raising much-needed funds for the charity Help Refugees. Assisting refugees in Greek camps Dance music fans can look forward eagerly to two club nights that are intended to launch a national campaign to assist refugees, as around 9,000 pregnant women and 24,000 children look to survive the winter in camps in Greece. Faithless headline event The Thursday evening sets will feature many notable stars, with British electronica band Faithless set to headline the December 8th event. Maxi Jazz, Sister Bliss and Rollo have enjoyed substantial chart success since their formation in the mid-1990s with over 15 million record sales worldwide. After announcing their split back in 2011, the respected group reformed last year to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Jon Hopkins and Eats Everything also feature Joining Faithless on the 8th of December gig will be DJ sets from Jon Hopkins, Eats Everything, Daphni and Skream. The following weeks line-up looks just as intriguing, as Rudimental will feature alongside Chase & Status, Shy FX and Sigma. Supporting shattered lives Faithless commented that "We want to support the incredible work that Help Refugees are doing in terrible circumstances for those whose lives have been shattered by war & conflict." Clearly moved by their predicament, the groups statement assigned Rave For Refugees with the tagline Choose Love We come 1. Modest initial goals The humanitarian organisation Help Refugees was formed by a group of friends in 2015, recognising the increasing refugee crisis. Their immediate goal was to raise the modest figure of 1,000 through a social media campaign, but the publics response ensured that donations reached 56,000 in the first week alone. With essential funds being backed up by the receipt of around 7,000 packages of donated goods per day, it was clear that they had struck a chord with many around the globe. An album clearly born out of his struggles prior, James Arthur's "Back from the Edge" is a truly emotional musical account of his thoughts and feelings. Simply, if you liked his debut album, you're going to love his latest offers and if you hated him before, there's a slither of a chance that this release will change your opinion of the Impossible single. The opening track off the album, also named Back from the Edge, is of similar style to Arthur's previous songs but his vocals sound much more relaxed. By the time you get to the eighth track, it's abundantly clear what the message is; James has been through a great deal of trials since his 2013 release of his eponymously titled debut album. At times, Arthur can sound like a more edgy version of Ed Sheeran and this isn't any more true than on "If Only" (which is only available on the deluxe version of the album) - have a listen for yourself below. Not every song on the album is depressing and about James' struggles over the last couple of years; Sermon, a song featuring Manchester rapper Shotty Horroh - who, by the way, is more out of place than Rizzle Kicks at the UK music charts - is much more up-beat track. It seems Sermon, or "Serm-uh-uh-uh-uhn" as Arthur would sing it, is a touching song about a love interest and the lyrics "these are my words, this is my voice, that is my sermon. Give me your heart, give me your pain, give me your burden," are somewhat poetic. My picks from the album would have to be, obviously, the lead single as it is a true hit, "Who I was", "Finally", "The Truth" and the aforementioned Sermon. All of the best songs on the album have a similar message; they're about his redemption and all of the pain he has been through - and caused - since rising to stardom. This shows the emotion behind the songs and, indeed, the entire album. To conclude, the entire album is mainly about his past struggles, rise back to the top and, now that he's back to where he wants to be, he's doing the best he can. Who I Was, Finally and The Truth (my picks) are all very emotive songs and Arthur's voice suits the style perfectly. If you listen to Finally, more specifically, you can hear the emotion behind the track; James Arthur is now in a position where he can make his parents proud. (See one of our other reporter's take on Shawn Mendes' new music) A heroic medic who works for the emergency services in South Africa says adrenaline and rescue dedication could be what drove him to manage to save multiple lives during the devastating floods as the country continues to suffer extreme weather. He was in a suburb where the water drainage was simply unable to cope with the volumes of floodwater when he went to help a family and a dog that were trapped in a lower unit in the suburb of Orchards. Paramedic hero broke open metal bars with his bare hands to rescue people He described to Radio Jacaranda how the husband asked for help, and when he went to see for himself, he found them on top of a bunk bed. The wife and children were terribly afraid as they could not get out. He broke the window, but there were also burglar bars. Asked how he managed to break the burglar bars, he said he did not know. He said he managed to find a piece of wood and with that and then using his bare hands, he managed to push and tug and bend the metal bars. More rain forecast He later went on and saved a dog and multiple other stranded people whose lives were threatened by the wild rising waters. He also said that all the emergency personnel were out there doing what had to be done and they are on standby. He wished them all well and hoped they would stay safe as the rain is forecast to last through the weekend. Speaking to News24, when asked about his heroic feats, the paramedic, Avi Lang, said that this is what he does. "This is my passion, this is what I do. I am passionate about rescue. The reason I do what I do is to help people. I am lucky that I have the ability to do it. I didnt even think I heard that somebody was in danger and I went into action." Tragic stories of people drowning and being swept away The floods have been severe. Localized flooding in the area roared into devastating flooding on the 9th November when there was a cloudburst event. Overnight rain last night brought more waterlogging. So far two people were drowned in the suburb of Linksfield on the East Rand on Thursday and police divers are searching for a three-year-old child that was swept away from the high-density suburb of Alexandra. There has been flooding and damage to major highways. A wall collapsed at the Johannesburg Zoo, traumatizing some animals, but zoo staff rushed to secure the animals and keep them safe. The weather also brought disruption to the international airport. The new breaking news is that a boy was saved from a vehicle but his mother was swept away by the flood waters. In a major security breach in Afghanistan, an explosion in the US largest military base led to the killing of four people with 14 other people injured. NATO said that the Taliban had claimed responsibility for this terrorist attack. The heavily guarded Bagram Airfield, in the North of Kabul, witnessed an explosion early morning. The Taliban has decided to increase attacks on NATO forces before the winter's onset in Afghanistan. The Casualties at the US largest military base in Afghanistan While the nationality of the people killed or injured is still not known after the blast, the security situation in the war-torn country has grown worse. It is almost two years since NATO ended its combat operations in Afghanistan. In its statement, NATO said that an explosive device was detonated at Bagram Airfield causing multiple casualties. At this time four people are reported dead with fourteen others injured. The security forces and paramedics are at the site of the incident to do the required. The Blast at NATO Airfield The spokesperson of the Parwan province said that the explosion was caused by a suicide bomber who triggered the blast near the dining area at the Airfield. While the identity of the suicide bomber has still not known, it is suspected that the suicide bomber was an Afghan worker, working at the Airfield. The District Governor of Bagram said in his statement that the explosion took place at 0100 GMT, and was a powerful one with tremors felt across the area. John Nichloson, the NATO Commander in Afghanistan, said: "For the family and friends of those wounded in the attack, let me assure you they are receiving the best possible care and we will keep them in our thoughts today." On the other hand, the Taliban spokesman claiming responsibility of the blast said that massive casualties are incurred by the "US invaders." Although the Bagram Airfield has frequently being attacked by the Taliban in the recent past this latest development will cause a lot of headaches for the newly elected US President Donald Trump Unified Communications Week in Review: Damovo, UC Market, Polycom & More Share Tweet By Alicia Young Web Editor By Alicia YoungWeb Editor Welcome back to the week in review, where we take a look at all the top stories making headlines in Unified Communications this week. The week started off with news that communications service provider Damovo is stressing the use of UC as a service (UCaaS) for customers that have long used on-premise software, but are looking for something fresh and able to withstand future market fluctuations. This announcement comes after the release of its Aquila cloud aggregation software, which moves all its unified communications (UC), networking services and contact center software to the cloud. You can find out more about what the Damovo UCaaS product has to offer HERE. In broader news, the UC market seems to have a bright future. A Global Market Insights report suggests that the global UC industry was worth $34.8 billion in 2015, but by 2023, will approach triple that at $95 billion. There are several factors contributing to this growth, including increased mobile device use, rising mobility at the enterprise level, the accompanying growth of the bring your own device (BYOD) doctrine, the growth of unified communications as a service (UCaaS) and the ongoing rise of big data operations. TMCs (News - Alert) Steve Anderson has everything you need to know HERE. Meanwhile, a new study from Unify (News - Alert) Square found that a growing number of users are happy with UC, but not with the support it gets from IT. According to the study, 25 percent of respondents considered themselves very satisfied with UC systems currently in place, but when IT respondents were asked, only 1 percent expressed satisfaction levels that were that high. Further, 70 percent of end users note that IT has never actually done a similar survey to find out just how satisfied the end users were with UC systems. There seems to be a major disconnect here, and it needs to be addressed. You can keep reading HERE. To round of the week, TMCs Casey Houser reported that Polycom (News - Alert), a developer of videoconferencing software and hardware, has been playing a major role in Spains affairs. Spains Ministry of Defense Headquarters and its armed forces headquarters keep in constant communication thanks to the Polycom RealPresence suites. Additionally, both Defense departments use the system to keep in contact with members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). You can read more about the benefits Polycom brings to these Spanish organizations HERE. While some exciting news has been highlighted here, thats certainly not all that went on this week. Be sure to head to the Unified Communications homepage for all the updates, and come back next week for the latest insights. Have a great weekend! Donald Trump won the presidency on Wednesday morning following the Democratic party's defeat. Protests have broken out, #Calexit is a thing (a hashtag for California secession), and a #proudtobecanadian hashtag arguably now has less to do with Canada and more to do with not being American. Many of those that backed Hillary Clinton to win the presidency with betting firms lost a bundle. Yesterday I researched the odds well ahead of the polls closing and found that huge sums were being bet on Clinton, something that actually sold me on her chances of winning the election (#oops). Now that the election markets have ended one sportsbook, Paddy Power, has released odds on how Donald Trump's reign as president will go. Will Trump build wall between USA and Mexico? Is Donald Trump outlandish with his campaign talk or serious? If he is serious that still doesn't mean that he can simply fulfill his election promises with as much ease as turning on a lightswitch. According to Paddy Power sportsbook, Trump is an underdog to build a wall all along the Mexican border, priced at 4/1 to do so. On the matter of impeachment, talks of it happening to Trump have already begun. The president-elect takes control of The White House with some already-existing legal troubles. Robert Sobel covered them in an article from November 9th entitled "Donald Trump could be impeached upon inauguration for fraud and racketeering, report." The odds with Paddy Power imply that the wall all along the USA/Mexico border is more likely than impeachment, the latter set long at 8/1. Don't bet the super-duper long-term stuff Whether Trump will be impeached and/or whether he will build a wall are things that remain to be seen. For certain, one thing politics has taught us this week is that predicting matters is not simple. Most thought that Clinton would be president, however that's not how things played out on Tuesday evening and into Wednesday morning. When it comes to the odds, I've written about the topic of betting extensively for years now and one thing I advise is not to gamble on the really long-term bets. These are betting markets that won't be resolved for four years, meaning anything you punt will be locked up for that long. If you lose, then you kiss the bet goodbye, but even if you win you're waiting until 2020 to get your money and return back. Nick Viall is headlining ABC's The Bachelor 2017 season this winter and filming is moving along at a rapid pace. HIs hometowns are right around the corner and gossip guru Reality Steve is breaking down all of the spoilers. He's been teasing a couple of juicy things regarding some of Nick's bachelorettes and fans wonder what else he might be revealing as things progress. What's the latest? One of Viall's bachelorettes is allegedly a prior hook-up of his Reality Steve recently shared that one of Nick Viall's bachelorettes is connected to the franchise in some way, and many assumed he meant that a former contestant was returning for his season. It turns out that the lady he referenced is not a former contestant. Rather, it seems that Jade Roper Tolbert's maid of honor is on The Bachelor 2017 season. Not only is Jade's friend Elizabeth Sandoz one of the bachelorettes this winter, but she allegedly hooked up with Nick the night of Jade and Tanner's wedding, then never heard from him again until she showed up at filming. The gossip guru had just teased that he had another juicy reveal on the way, tweeting that he would be sharing details on a girl this season with kind of a big name in this franchise. It may have taken readers a moment or two as they read his relevantpost, or caused a double-take or twobecause the connection wasn't necessarily obvious to those who don't follow all of his Bachelorette or Bachelor spoilers closely. Reality Steve spoiled another bachelorette name that may cause a double-take Another one of Viall's bachelorettes is named Brittany Farrar, but she doesn't seem to have a connection to the franchise. However, a different Brittany Farrar certainly does. Bachelorette fans may remember that JoJo Fletcher's fiance Jordan Rodgers used to date a gal by the same name, and she spoke up a couple of times via social media to blast her ex-boyfriend for cheating on her. This gal's posts generated a lot of buzz regarding JoJo and Jordan as a couple and spoiler fans can't help but chuckle a bit at the fact that the show cast a bachelorette with the same name for Viall's season. Bachelor spoiler fans still wonder if there is another familiar name in the mix of Nick's group of bachelorettes, but nothing more solid has emerged as of yet. Is Nick Viall sincere in trying to find love this winter? Will his fourth spin with the franchise bring lasting love? Fans are definitely buzzing about ABC's The Bachelor 2017 season and cannot wait to hear final rose spoilers when they emerge in another month or so. China, UK see enhanced cooperation in trading Updated: 2016-11-12 09:52 By LI WENSHA and CECILY LIU(China Daily) Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond (second from left) opens the London Stock Exchange with LSE CEO Xavier Rolet (left), joined by a banking and financial delegation from China on Thursday. [Photo/Agencies] Chinese and British leaders affirmed on Thursday that they want to use the momentum of a new "golden era" in their relations to further cooperate in a range of economic and trade fields. As the most senior Chinese delegation to visit this year met top British officials for the eighth China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue, areas of cooperation under discussion included trade, investment, market access, financial services, macroeconomic policy and infrastructure. A total of 63 agreements were reached, including moving the feasibility study on London-Shanghai Stock Connect to the next stage. This year's dialogue, led by Chinese Vice-Premier Ma Kai and British Chancellor Philip Hammond, built on the two countries' strong collaboration at the G20 Leaders Summits in Hangzhou in September. It followed a fruitful meeting between Ma and British Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday. Hammond confirmed the UK will invest up to $50 million in the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to support infrastructure projects in developing countries. The commitment makes the UK the second contributor to the AIIB after China, and builds on the UK's early decision to join the AIIB. Ma said both governments affirmed at the dialogue their commitment to strengthen a comprehensive bilateral strategic partnership. Ma said China respects the UK public's choice to leave the European Union and looks forward to deepening its partnership with the UK's new government. "Our trade relationships are now more important than ever. China's services imports, where the UK has such a strong competitive advantage, has more than tripled since 2010," said Hammond on Thursday. He said that Britain is home to more Chinese investment than any other European country, adding that this market opportunity will become more important post-Brexit. The two sides agreed to push the UK's regional development plan and China's Belt and Road Initiativeand build links between the UK's industrial strategy 2050 and Made in China 2025. They will also enhance cooperation in trade and investment and use the opportunity of the massive Hinkley Point power station project to deepen cooperation in nuclear energy. Other areas of joint interest will be in high speed railways and space projects. Hammond announced that the two sides also agreed to work on the next step of a feasibility study to connect the London and Shanghai stock exchanges. The stock connect, the first of its kind outside China, is one part of a new long-term, strategic plan for UK-China financial services cooperation which was agreed upon as part of the dialogue. The plan sets out how China and the UK will work more closely to enhance cooperation and boost market access over the coming years, focusing on eight key areas: capital markets, asset management, insurance and pensions, banking, green finance, fintech, the Belt and Road Initiative and financial inclusion. Hammond said the two countries were also committed to establishing new platforms for cross border trading of green bonds, which will be a major step in the continued development of green finance. Contact the writers through cecily.liu@mail.chinadailyuk.com Study finds more think tanks rated 'influential' Updated: 2016-11-12 07:56 By Zhou Wenting in Shanghai(China Daily) China trails only the United States in the number of world-class advisory institutions A growing number of Chinese think tanks have been ranked as "influential" in the world in the past decade, according to a report released on Friday. Nine Chinese think tanks were included in a list of the world's top think tanks in the 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, jointly published by the think thank and civil societies program at the Lauder Institute of University of Pennsylvania and the Think Tank Research Center at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in Shanghai. The number compares with only six in the 2007 report, which listed 228 think tanks as the best in the world. The 2015 report places China as the country with the second-largest number of think tanks, at 435. The United States had the most, with 1,835 think tanks. Back in 2007, China ranked the 11th with 73 think tanks, and the US took first place with 1,776. Think tanks in China have been emerging in many sectors of economy, international relations, culture and environment, said Wang Ronghua, honorary chairman of the Think Tank Research Center. James McGann, director of the think thank and civil societies program at the Lauder Institute of University of Pennsylvania, said the development of think tanks in China has been greatly stimulated in industries such as energy, mining and pharmaceuticals, which are the major segments of the national economy. McGann attributed the currently dynamic environment for Chinese think tanks partly to President Xi Jinping, who has emphasized the role of think tanks as catalysts for modernization and reform. Experts said that the long-term healthy development of a country is closely related to mature and competitive think tanks, especially as globalization progresses and the relationships between countries and regions grow closer than ever. "Think tanks have played a significant role in China's development. Taking Shanghai as an example, developing and opening up Pudong, hosting the World Expo in 2010, and rendering partner assistance to certain provinces in western China were all first suggested by think tanks," Wang said. Wang also mentioned that Chinese think tanks are still weak in the study of some countries, especially developing countries. He suggested that officials should have work experience in think tanks to establish better communication between them and government and boost the think tanks' development. zhouwenting@chinadaily.com.cn (China Daily 11/12/2016 page3) Officials face full force of law Updated: 2016-11-12 07:56 By Zhang Yan and Zheng Caixiong(China Daily) Chinese courts sentenced two senior officials for corruption on Friday. One received the death penalty for murder and the other got a death sentence with a two-year reprieve for accepting 141 million yuan ($20.7 million) in bribes. Zhao Liping, former police chief and senior political adviser in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, stood trial in a court in Shanxi province for murder. The 65-year-old former deputy chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference's Inner Mongolia Committee was also stripped of his political rights for life and fined 2 million yuan, according to the Taiyuan Intermediate People's Court. He is the first official of vice-minister level to be sentenced to death with no reprieve since President Xi Jinping began a sweeping anti-graft drive in early 2013. Zhao was also convicted of illegally possessing explosives, firearms and ammunition, as well as taking bribes of 23.68 million yuan, according to the court verdict. In return for the bribes, Zhao helped secure promotions and business deals for others. In March last year, Zhao shot and killed a 28-year-old woman in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. No details of the murder were released. While probing the homicide, police found two guns and 49 bullets that Zhao had hidden, and about 90 detonators were found in Zhao's office, according to the verdict. He was given the death sentence due to the serious nature of his crimes and his refusal to confess, "which resulted in great social harm and extremely bad influence", the court said. Former adviser probed Also on Friday, a local court in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region sentenced Zhu Mingguo, a former top political adviser in Guangdong province, to death with a two-year reprieve for accepting a huge amount of bribes. Under Chinese criminal laws, such a suspended death sentence can be reduced to life in prison if the convict behaves well during the reprieve period. Zhu, 59, was also found to own properties worth more than 91 million yuan for which he failed to identify the sources, according to the verdict from the Liuzhou Intermediate People's Court. Zhu got lighter punishment because of his good attitude regarding his crimes and because he returned the bribe money, according to the verdict. All of the properties that Zhu gained illegally were confiscated, and Zhu was deprived of his political rights for life. Since November 2012, fighting corruption has become a top priority for the country, and more than 140 officials at or above vice-minister level have been sentenced or placed under probe for graft. Zhou Yongkang, former top security chief, was sentenced to life imprisonment in June last year. Contact the writers at zhangyan1@chinadaily.com.cn (China Daily 11/12/2016 page1) Boss's kind gesture praised Updated: 2016-11-12 07:56 By Ju Chuanjiang and Zhao Ruixue in Jinan(China Daily) A company boss is praised by internet users for giving his employees a half-day off to shop during the annual online Singles Day shopping spree, which started on Friday just after midnight. "Considering our employees would stay up late to buy things online, and that would affect their rest and consequently their efficiency at work, I made the decision to give them a half-day free," said Qiu Ling, general manager of Lingdong Media Co Ltd in Jining, Shandong province in eastern China. The company has more than 30 employees, most of them of the post-1980s and post-1990s generations, with an average age of 29. "I know they prefer online shopping more than window shopping," said Qiu. He hoped, in the notice announcing the special leave, that his single employees would soon find partners. Netizens quickly took note of Qiu of as the news spread online, with some praising him as a nice, considerate boss. "As a media company, it's better to have a flexible work system within which employees more easily come up with innovative ideas. I think his (Qiu's) decision is smart," said Wu Dongmei, who works for a foreign-backed company in Qingdao, also in Shandong province. For student shoppers, some universities and colleges also offered special treatment - supplying electricity all night instead of the usual practice of cutting electricity after 10 pm. Communication University of China in Beijing posted on its micro blog that electricity would stay on Thursday night. It also urged students to arrange their time reasonably and not disturb other students. But not everyone supports the annual online shopping spree. A restaurant in Chongqing in southwestern China was reported to delay salary payment on Thursday to the end of next month, saying "to help employees save money, avoid family conflicts and protect employees from small-scale bankruptcy". The 31-year-old restaurant manager was quoted as saying he had bad experience on last year's Singles Day online shopping festival during which he spent 20,000 yuan ($2,930), and some things he bought were useless. The manager said the average age of his employees is around 25 and they don't have much savings. He is worried that once their salaries were paid, they would soon be spent, China National Radio reported. "Our company never delays salary. But this time, we just want to protect employees from unreasonable consumption. For employees who have emergency, I will pay them," CNR quoted the manager as saying. Contact the writer through zhaoruixue@chinadaily.com.cn (China Daily 11/12/2016 page3) China's Global Newspaper Sorry, the page you requested was not found. Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. If you're having trouble locating a destination on Chinadaily.com.cn, try visiting the Chinadaily home page Vice President-elect Mike Pence to head Trump's transition team Updated: 2016-11-12 04:30 (Xinhua) WASHINGTON -- US President-elect Donald Trump has tapped his running mate Mike Pence to head his transition team, removing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie from the post, local media reported Friday. The replacement was aimed to tap into Pence's resources and contacts in Washington to speed up the process, the New York Times cited sources in the transition team as saying. Pence, who has served six terms in the House of Representatives, was seen to have a better understanding of the Washington political landscape than Christie, whose political life was mainly limited to the state of New Jersey. Christie, who has led the team since May, will serve along side former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and retired general Michael Flynn as vice chairs of the team, according to the report. The news came as Trump tweeted earlier Friday "Busy day planned in New York. Will soon be making some very important decisions on the people who will be running our government!" Speculation on Trump's picks for his new government has circulated since his election Wednesday, with the media connecting inner members of his campaign team with important government jobs. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Trump's campaign chief Steve Bannon are also popular guesses to fill in top slots. Trump has met with President Barack Obama in the White House on Thursday to discuss the transition, and both men vowed to facilitate a smooth handover. Trump unveils policy priorities including amending Obamacare Updated: 2016-11-12 06:02 (Xinhua) WASHINGTON -- US President-elect Donald Trump has softened on his tough words against the Affordable Care Act Friday, opting to amend the law rather than to appeal it. Trump made the remarks as he unveiled his policy priorities in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. The decision to leave in place parts of the Act, also known as Obamacare, was made after conferring with U.S. President Barack Obama, according to the report. Before elected president, Trump has been fiercely critical of the signature legislature pushed forward by Obama, vowing to quickly repeal it after taking the helm. The softened tone is viewed as a compromise after Trump ran a campaign that promised policy u-turns from the current administration. The Obamacare was a hotly debated topic during the election, with voters' views on the 2010 health law highly polarized. Anger over soaring health costs may have pushed some traditionally pro-Democrat regions toward Trump's direction, according to media reports. Other plans prioritized by Trump included deregulating financial institutions to allow "banks to lend again" and securing the border against drugs and illegal immigrants. Addressing the anti-Trump protests that erupted in multiple cities after the election, Trump said he wanted "a country that loves each other," adding that the best way to ease tension would be to create jobs. Earlier today the New York Times reported that Trump had tapped his running mate Mike Pence to head his transition team, in a bid to use Pence's resources and contacts in Washington to speed up the process. Tow truck collided with China Southern Airline plane at LAX, 1,500 passengers grounded Updated: 2016-11-12 07:29 (Xinhua) Print Mail Large Medium Small 0 LOS ANGELES - A tow truck collided with a China Southern Airlines flight just before takeoff late Thursday night, resulting nearly 1,500 passengers grounded at Los Angeles International Airport. The collision happened just before midnight on the tarmac between Terminal 4 and Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT). Photo from the scene showed the tow truck collided with the China Southern Airbus 380 aircraft on a runway at the Airport. The damaged tug vehicle under the front of the plane. "This is an extremely rare accident," Lingzhi He, China Southern Airlines North America managing director, told Xinhua on Friday. "Officials are still waiting for the inspection results now." It was an outbound China Southern Flight CZ328 scheduled to fly to Guangzhou, China, carrying more than 400 passengers. None of the passengers were injured, and the tow truck driver sustained minor injuries according to the LAX. Three flights, the China Southern Airlines flight as well as two American Airlines flights at Terminal 4, were canceled. Two other flights were delayed. About 1,500 passengers were affected by the late Thursday accident. "Passengers deplaned by using portable stairs and were returned to TBIT, and were accommodated via re-scheduling refunds or hotel rooms," LAX spokesman Frederick Badlissi told City News Service. "While awaiting accommodations and rescheduling, passengers were provided bottled water and snacks." Please turn JavaScript on and reload the page. Loading... Checking your browser before accessing the website. This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly. Please wait a few seconds. PLEASE NOTE! Due to the March 23, 2020 NM DOH Public Health Order, These Event Listings Are Not Accurate! All non-essential businesses are closed, public gatherings are prohibited! (One day some of these events will be rescheduled or will resume, but they are not happening now!) HA NOI The idea of taxing those owning multiple houses, in a bid to prevent speculation, is causing a stir over whether such a tax is feasible, and the impact it might have on the housing market. The market has recently been heated, following the disclosure that the finance ministry was studying a draft on collecting a housing tax from those owning more than one house. The idea was also raised five years ago, but rejected. Although director of the finance ministrys Department of Tax Policy Pham inh Thi recently said that the idea was a long-term orientation and would certainly not come into effect next year, as rumoured, it caused concerns among industry experts over its feasibility, as well as the impact it might have on the property market. According to Le Hoang Chau, president of HCM City Real Estate Association, taxing those owning multiple houses would be a solution to prevent speculation, as well as reducing the risk of causing market bubbles. The tax would help not only improve the markets transparency, but also create opportunities for those who had real demands to buy houses, Chau said. How to tax properly will not be an easy matter, Chau said. International practices Tax-related tools to regulate the realty market have been used in many countries and territories, such as mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, European countries and the US. According to Chau, Singapore was one among the countries which imposed the highest taxes on owning multiple houses, up to 7 per cent on a second house and 10 per cent on a third house, which came into effect in 2013. In Japan, tax rates were 1.4 per cent to 2.1 per cent, and prices were set at market prices, which were reviewed every three years. In the UK, second property assets with a value of more than 40,000 pounds (US$49,000) would be taxed an additional 3 per cent, while those valued at more than 1.5 million pounds would be taxed up to 15 per cent. In Korea, different tax rates were given to different types of property, such as 0.25 per cent on apartments and 4 per cent on villas. In Viet Nam, there were taxes on land use, but no tax on property assets. According to the Law on Non-Agricultural Land Use Tax, in effect from the beginning of 2013, residential land in urban areas was taxed between 0.03 per cent to 0.15 per cent of the Governments land prices. A problem, however, was caused by the Governments land prices, which were much lower than market prices, so the impact on the property market was modest. Worries Several property experts agreed with the idea of taxing those owning multiple houses. According to Chau, imposing taxes on second houses would help reduce speculation and property prices would decrease as a result, forcing property developers to improve their products to meet market demands. With the aim of first preventing speculation, the tax would, in the long term, stablise housing prices and improve market transparency, Chau said. However, Chau noted that tax rates should be considered carefully and calculated based upon property asset values and total area. The tax should not be applied on social houses, relocation houses and commercial houses valued at less than VN1 billion, according to Chau. Its important to ensure fairness, he said, adding that finding a method to clarify ownership of multiple houses to be subject for the tax was also a matter of concern. Economic expert Tran Du Lich said that the tax should be applied, in line with international practices. Property asset taxes would become the major revenue of urban areas, where land is limited, Lich added. According to economic expert Le Ba Chi Nhan, the finance ministry should pay attention to that policy, if applied, since it could cause the market to become depressed if people would be hesitant to purchase another house, especially when the market was showing signs of slowing down. Nguyen Van uc, deputy director of at Lanh Real Estate Company, said he did not agree with the idea of imposing taxes on second house. He noted that when buying houses, buyers now pay value added taxes and land use fees, which were estimated to add 20-30 per cent to the cost. In addition, the property market of Viet Nam was not transparent enough to apply this type of asset tax, he said. - VNS Developing a national brand name is an urgent need for improving the competitiveness of Vietnamese rice, a conference heard in HCM City yesterday. Photo vietnamnet.vn HCM CITY Developing a national brand name is an urgent need for improving the competitiveness of Vietnamese rice, a conference heard in HCM City yesterday. The fourth rice symposium, organised by Viet Nam Economic Times with support from Bayer Vietnam and titled How to enhance Viet Nam rice quality and brand positioning to meet market needs gathered more than 150 experts and officials from Government agencies and representatives of rice trading companies. Experts told the conference that Vietnamese rice had been exported to over 80 markets including Southeast Asia, the US, Japan, Africa, and the Middle East. But in recent years exports were not stable and were diminishing due to the lack of clear plans to develop global trademarks for its rice. ao The Anh, director of the Centre for Agrarian Systems Research and Development, told the conference that without national brands, Vietnamese rice was often packaged with the name of exporting companies or importing countries. Even in the domestic market, Vietnamese rice varieties are less competitive than those imported from neigbouring countries, according to Anh. Some companies have started to build their own brands, but these are yet to become well-known. It is now imperative to have a national brand name. Huynh Van Nghiep, deputy director of the Mekong Delta Rice Research Institution, said the advantage of low labour costs no longer existed. Production costs kept increasing while rice prices were down due to problems related to quality and trademark. Besides ensuring quality, expanding the distribution system and improving packaging, Viet Nam should also develop a national brand name for rice, he stressed. The gathered experts agreed that the brand name for Vietnamese rice must be based on quality. Anh said Vietnamese rice quality was not uniform because there were many varieties of paddy. "In the Mekong region alone there are 100 varieties," he pointed out. He admitted it was very difficult to manage a national trademark with many kinds of paddy, citing the examples of Thailand, whose rice trademark is just for two varieties, and India, for whom it is only for basmati. Speaking about how to create Vietnamese rice brand names, Kohei Sakata, general director of Bayer Viet Nam, said: The missing part now, from my perspective, is to really make sure that the quality is as high as required in other markets. We also need to ensure equal quality across different farms and sectors. So in order to achieve high quality at an equal level in many places, the value chain needs to be close to each other. Nghiep said it was a big challenge to develop a national brand for Vietnamese rice. It needs co-operation among various sectors and companies and a clear plan, according to Nghiep. He suggested having national standards for each rice category, saying from that there would be studies to develop them. Various rice strains should be planted in different areas with different technologies to produce rice of quality that meets international standards, he said. Food hygiene standards should also be created, he added. Along with these, the experts said, there should be co-operation among companies to avoid small scale of production. This year Viet Nam has been facing many challenges and heightened concerns over the Mekong Deltas future due to an extremely severe drought which resulted in higher salinity levels in the delta as seawater intruded unusually deep into rivers. - VNS HA NOI Shares were volatile on the two local exchanges yesterday with lower trading liquidity as investors worried over the potential economic policies from US president-elect Donald Trump. The benchmark VN Index on the HCM Stock Exchange gained 0.2 per cent to close at 679.2 points, extending a two-day increase of 1.3 per cent. On the opposite side, the HNX Index on the Ha Noi Stock Exchange was choppy and fell 0.2 per cent to 81.19 points. Investors were hesitant to trade yesterday as they worried about uncertain economic policies issued by the new US president that could impact the Vietnamese economy, BIDV Securities said in a note. Real estate and construction companies were the strongest gainers yesterday, driven by Vingroup JSC (VIC), FLC Group (FLC) and Faros Construction Corp (ROS). FLC jumped 3.9 per cent after the group yesterday announced its pre-tax profit for the past ten months was VN1.2 trillion (US$53.3 million), reaching the companys projected profit for this year. ROS surged 7 per cent to soar 14.4 per cent in the last two sessions. VIC gained 2.8 per cent to increase 3.5 per cent during the same period. Owning more than 724 million shares of Vingroup, the groups chairman Pham Nhat Vuong remained the richest on Viet Nams stock market with total asset value of nearly VN31.86 trillion. The gains in these three stocks created a race between Vingroups chairman, Pham Nhat Vuong, and Trinh Van Quyet, who owns both FLC Group and Faros Construction Corp. At the end of the day, Vuong remained the richest on Viet Nams stock market with total asset value reached nearly VN31.86 trillion, while Quyet was still second richest with total asset value of VN31.15 trillion. Significant gains were also seen in the stocks of natural rubber companies and coal mining businesses as both rubber and coal prices set one-year highs during the sessions, BIDV Securities Corp (BSC) said in a note. Those stocks included Phuoc Hoa Rubber JSC (PHR), ong Phu Rubber JSC (DPR), Vinacomin Nui Beo JSC (NBC) and Vinacomin Ha Tu Coal JSC (THT). Finance-banking shares struggled yesterday. Of the nine listed banks, none of the large-cap bank stocks made gains. Securities firms and insurance companies also performed poorly, dragged down leading stocks such as insurer Bao Viet Holdings (BVH), Bao Viet Securities Corp (BVS), HCM Securities Corp (HCM) and Sai Gon Securities Inc (SSI). Liquidity continued to slide with more than 156 million shares exchanged, worth VN2.2 trillion. The figures were down nearly 15 per cent in value and 6.9 per cent in volume. VNS A NANG Small scale production, scattered investment, poor connections and logistics services set big challenges for key economic zones in the coastal central region, considered a major centre of logistics for the country. Chairman of Viet Nam Logistics Association (VLA), Le Huy Hiep said this at a recent workshop on co-operation in developing logistics systems and centres in central Viet Nams key economic region. The region has 20 deep sea ports, but the system only handles 55.5 million tonnes of cargo 13 per cent of the countrys sea ports per year. Meanwhile, the central regions port system could host 300,000 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units), an equivalent of 2.8 per cent of total domestic market share, Hiep said. The regional port system only plays a role as a collection centre for cargo being sent to major ports in northern and southern Viet Nam. The region has only 422 businesses operating in logistics, with 8,000 labourers, and a revenue of VN4 trillion (US$178 million), he said. Hiep also said production capacity in industrial zones (IZs) across the region has not yet developed in supplying enough cargo for logistics businesses. He said most ports lack high capacity piers for giant ship docking, while ageing facilities and services at ports could not meet the demands of investors. Hiep also complained that four airports, built at a distance of 200km or 300km from a Nang to Quang Nam, Hue and Binh inh, only managed a small airfreight of 10.8 million passengers and around 1 million tonnes of cargo per year. He said a Nang International Airport alone could play its role as a regional destination for international air cargo and flights. a Nang hosts 6.7 million tourists, and 1 million tonnes of cargo per year. Chairman of a Nang citys Peoples Committee, Huynh uc Tho, said the city plans to invest in a national logistics centre in Hoa Vang district, on an area of 30ha and with investment of $370 million. Tho said the centre will connect with the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) that links Viet Nam, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar, the a Nang-Quang Ngai Expressway as well as the north-south Viet Nam national highway and railway system. He said the centre will be situated between two key ports Tien Sa and the anticipated new construction at Lien Chieu. Director of Viet Nam Institute of Economics, Tran inh Thien said logistics in Viet Nam is still new and the cost of logistics service is unusually high. He said logistics counts for 25 per cent of the total cost that businesses and investors have to pay. The region has yet to develop as a transit hub for cargo from Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and the Central Highland region and the Greater-sub Mekong, Thien said. He suggested the region needs a maestro in arranging roles and the function of each port and airport. He said Chan May port in Thua Thien-Hue could play a role as a cruise port rather than cargo port, while ports in Quy Nhon, Dung Quat, Chu Lai and a Nang are set for specific demands of cargo, oil tankers or regular shipping routes. Director of Chu Lai Open Economic Zone Authority (EZA) o Xuan Dien said exporters often pay an extra $30 or $50 to transport cargo by road from Quang Nam to HCM Citys ports for export, while railway and expressways are yet to meet the demand of large cargo quantities. Bui Tat Thang, director of the Institute for strategic development under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, said the region should be built up as a transit point for north-south cargo, with warehouses for exports and imports via EWEC. He said the region should call on investment from the private sector in logistics in order to provide cheap and high quality services. He said the region has not yet built linking roads to connect industrial parks, and economic zones to the national transport system (roads, railways, airports and seaports). Nguyen Xuan Thang, from Fulbright University Viet Nam, said that a key logistics centre in a Nang could be a good choice as it helps connect Chan May port and Economic Zone in Hue, as well as a Nang-Quang Ngai Expressway in linking with Dung Quat and Chu Lai Economic zones in Quang Ngai and Quang Nam. He said a Nang should consider building a railway to transport cargo from Tien Sa to the logistics centre. He suggested each province could develop its own style of logistics centre for local demand, but it needs a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) investment model rather than from the State budget. According to VLA, there are only 40 foreign shipping companies in Viet Nam, accounting for only 5 per cent of the countrys total number of shipping firms, but they transport up to nearly 90 per cent of Vietnamese import and exports, mostly to Europe, the US, the Middle East and Africa. Quang Nam has launched the first regular Chu Lai-Incheon, Korea sea route, and the Chu LaiTruong Hai logistics and port service unit. VNS A view of Taiwan-invested Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Company. Photo laodong.com.vn HA NOI The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) reported the results of an investigation into Taiwan-invested Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Companys efforts to deal with the environmental incident it caused in four central provinces. According to the MONRE report released on Thursday, Formosa distributed US$500 million to the Vietnamese government. The company has implemented temporary and long-term measures as required by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha in production technology transformation. Formosa has constructed nine liquid waste systems for its cast iron and steel complex. Treatment stations for domestic, bio-chemical and industrial liquid waste and air treatment system are also operating up to technical standards, the MONRE said. To improve Formosas capacity to deal with environmental incidents, Minister Tran Hong Ha asked the company to work with scientific and technological agencies and domestic and foreign experts to upgrade environment protection infrastructure and finish the upgrades before March 31 next year. According to the MONRE, Formosa is applying wet coke quenching technology instead of coke drying quenching (CDQ) as required. To fulfill its pledge with the Vietnamese Government, the MONRE said that Formosa would transform technology from wet method to dry from March 31 next year and cease using the CDQ system by June 30, 2019. Formosa will also study clean technologies for production, especially in its power plants. According to the MONRE report, Formosa has stopped transferring nontoxic and toxic solid waste to unauthorised units for treatment. However, the company still stores about 711.5 tonnes of toxic mud. The amount rises by 97 tonnes per month. Part of this mud has been moved to Ha Tinh Industrial Waste Processing Limited Company for transport and treatment. Up to October 29, 125 tonnes of bio-chemical waste mud was transferred. The MONRE assigned the Viet Nam General Administration of Environment, Ha Tinh Provinces Department of Natural Resources and Environment and Ha Tinh economic zone management board to inspect the companys environmental protection efforts. Centres of Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality and Viet Nam General Administration of Environment will take samples of the waste. The MONRE will consider allowing Formosa to resume operations only when it finishes waste treatment supervision. Earlier in June, Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh accepted responsibility for causing an environmental disaster in the central Viet Nam, which caused mass fish deaths in four provinces of Ha Tinh, Thua Thien-Hue, Quang Tri, Quang Binh. Formosa pledged to deal with shortcomings in waste and wastewater treatment, improve its production technologies to ensure waste is completely treated before being discharged, and not to repeat such an incident. - VNS HA NOI Canadian culinary specialties will be presented at the Savour Canadian Delights event in Ha Noi from now to November 18 as part of a Canadian food branding series. The event showcased fine Canadian culinary specialties as part of the Embassy of Canadas food branding activities to promote the best Canadian food products to Vietnamese consumers. In this iteration, a number of high-end restaurants will highlight Canadian ingredients in their menus. Sheraton Hanoi Hotel is carrying Canadian lobster and a range of other Canadian seafood in its a la carte menu until November 18. Le Meridien Saigon Hotel is featuring Canadian lobster and craft beer in a buffet dinner menu every Friday and until December 17. Canadian beef can also be found in Yakiniku Buffet package at 60 SumoBBQ and Gogi House restaurants of Golden Gate Company in Ha Noi and HCM City in December and January. Savour Canadian Delights is an annual event introducing Canadian fresh fish and seafood from both Atlantic and Pacific coasts (lobster, oyster, black cod, snow crab, salmon); beef, pork and canola oil from Alberta; fresh and dried fruits from British Columbia; and wine and beverage from Ontario. For the first time in Viet Nam, wild-caught salmon from Canadas Pacific coast and craft beer are featured. From seafood and meat to fruits and beverage, Canada is well positioned to supply quality and healthy food ingredients to Vietnamese consumers, said Ambassador Ping Kitnikone. Agri-food and seafood is an increasingly important component of the bilateral trade relations. Canadian export of agri-food and seafood to Viet Nam alone was valued at US$265 million in 2015, up by nearly 50 per cent. Viet Nam has a rich cuisine that Im eager to discover, she told Viet Nam News. The potential of co-operation in the field of food and cuisine between two countries is absolutely big. Through it, we also strengthen the mutual understanding as cuisine is an important part of culture. VNS Nguyen Thanh Phong, Chairman of the HCM City Peoples Committee receives Irish President Michael Higgins yesterday in HCM City. Photo Thanh Vu CM City Ireland will step up its co-operation with HCM City in hi-tech agriculture and biochemical technologies, Irish President Michael Higgins said yesterday. He was responding to a request from Nguyen Thanh Phong, Chairman of the HCM City Peoples Committee, that Irish businesses increase their investments in the city, particularly in areas that Ireland is strong in, like agriculture, food processing, diary products and telecommunications. The city also hopes for greater co-operation with Ireland in climate change responses. Speaking at a reception for the visiting President and his spouse Sabina Higgins, Phong also suggested that Ireland continue assisting Viet Nam in education and training. He also called on Ireland to facilitate access for Vietnamese garments and textiles, footwear, farm produce, processed food and handicrafts. Phong said President Higginss visit would contribute to enhancing fruitful relations between Viet Nam and Ireland. Higgins responded that based on the outcomes of his meetings with Vietnamese leaders and the freshly-signed agreements, he was confident that bilateral ties woud be taken to new heights. Irelands investment strategy dovetails nicely with Viet Nams green and sustainable development strategy, he said. Both countries should support each other in the task of achieving balanced, sustainable growth, the Irish President said. He said Ireland also wishes to partner with HCM City in facilitating the entry of either countrys products into each others markets,. After the meeting, President Higgins and municipal leaders witnessed the signing of several MoUs (memoranda of understanding) on co-operation in education, aviation, research and biodiversity preservation. The President and his wife attended an exchange between Vietnamese and Irish businesses, and visited several historical sites in HCM City. -- VNS NA Secretary General and Chairman of the NA Office, Nguyen Hanh Phuc. Photo vietnamnet.vn HA NOI National Assembly deputies will now be allowed to debate ministers directly on the latters presentations and answers. The new development in parliamentary proceedings was announced yesterday by NA Secretary General and Chairman of the NA Office, Nguyen Hanh Phuc. Briefing the press on the sidelines of the second meeting of the 14th legislature in Ha Noi, Phuc said that after the ministers conclude their presentations, the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the sector or field would add their comments on the issue. The final answers to issues raised by deputies would be given by the Prime Minister, Phuc added. The ministers of Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment, Education and Training, and Home Affairs are set to appear at the upcoming National Assembly (NA)s question and answer session scheduled to last two and a half days from November 15-17. On specific issues to be raised during the Q&A session, Vice Chairman of the NA Office, Nguyen Manh Hung, said the Minister of Industry and Trade will be asked about the causes of failed or delayed projects, the responsibility of people in charge, as well as follow up measures. The minister is also expected to face questions about multi-level marketing, retail networks in the context of regional and international integration, and the fight against fake, smuggled and low-quality products. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment is expected to talk about the implementation of policies and laws regarding environmental management in industrial and service facilities, craft villages and residential areas. He is to explain the responsibility of ministries, agencies, organisations and individuals for polluting projects, management of environmental pollution settlements, climate change responses and the exploitation of natural resources and minerals. The deputies are set to ask questions about educational reforms, the quality of tertiary education and changes to the high school graduation exam and the university entrance exam in the coming five years. Meanwhile, the Minister of Home Affairs will be asked about State employee management, salary changes and promotion policies, ways to improve public workers performance and improvement of public services. Resolutions approved In yesterdays afternoon session, the NA adopted a resolution on exemptions and reductions in annual agriculture land use tax with 81.34 per cent of the deputies voting in favour. The tax exemption will apply to households and individuals allotted agricultural land by the State; households and individuals who are members of co-operatives in agricultural production; and households and individuals whove contributed their land for the establishment of agricultural production co-operatives. The exemption period will run from 2017 until the end of 2020. The NA adopted another resolution on the State budget estimate for 2017 with 79.31 per cent of votes. The total State budget collection is estimated at more than VN1,200 trillion (US$54.5 billion) while the total spending will be over VN1,390 trillion ($63.1 billion), making the budget deficit account for 3.5 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP). Discussion on laws In yesterdays discussions many NA deputies agreed that some clauses of the 2005 Railway Law, which took effect on January 1, 2006, have proven problematic and inadequate for current and future development of the sector. They said it was of utmost importance that the Railway Law is amended to meet current development demands. They noted that the railway infrastructure is degraded and outdated. While most countries were using tracks that are 1.435 metres wide (broad gauge), Viet Nam was still using 1m-wide tracks (metre gauge). Furthermore, information technology had not been applied in most of the sectors management and operation activities, the deputies said. Deputy Nguyen Van The of Soc Trang Province said draft amendments to the law, submitted to the NA, had very few incentives for catalyzing growth of the railway sector. "Transparency and clear policies are important to attract investment to the sector," The said. Sharing his opinions, many deputies proposed adding more content to the amendments, especially on attracting private investment, encouraging fair competition, and improving the current railway infrastructure. The NA also discussed the draft Law on Technology Transfer. VNS HA NOI Designs flaws in low-cost housing for workers at Ha Nois Bac Thang Long Industrial Zone are blamed for a high rate of unused apartments and dire need of employee housing. Tran Anh Dung of the Low-cost Housing Development and Management Company, which manages housing in Bac Thang Long Industrial Zone, said hundreds of applications for housing rentals have been received, but more than 20 per cent of two five-story apartment buildings were still unused since being made available for rent two years ago. Companies operating in the industrial zone are also seeking fewer apartments for their single workers, who do not want to live in such unfit conditions . For example, Canon wants to rent six apartment blocks instead of 11 as it did previously, Nissei wants one block instead of five, Panasonic wants one block instead of three. Dung said that workers were not interested in such housing. For example, each apartment is deigned to house from 18 to 24 single workers, with only one bathroom. Workers pay VN120,000 (US$ 5.3) monthly, meaning that each apartment costs VN 2.2 million ($98.5) to VN2.9 million ($130). That is far higher than what workers pay for a 48-sq.m family apartment - VN1.2 million monthly - and VN 1.33 million for a 54 sq.m family apartment. Tran Thi Mai Hoa, a worker for Denso Viet Nam Ltd Company, said she was happy to rent a 54-sq.m apartment in Kim Chung Low-cost Housing Block, paying about VN1.4 million monthly for the apartment with a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. Its enough for us a couple with two children and an elderly relative, she said. My husband and I used to pay VN 800,000 ($ 36) per month for a room with area of less than 12 sq.m, she said, adding that the room was too narrow that they have to send their kid to their parents. When compared with family apartments, those for single persons are much less attractive. Dung from the housing management department said his company was considering proposing to the Ha Noi Peoples Committee to redesign the apartments, divide them into smaller ones for families or single workers. However, extra costs including power lines, water pipes were too high, Dung said. Ngo Duy Hieu, National Assembly deputy of Ha Noi, said demand for low-cost housing among workers was huge, not only in Ha Noi but across the country. According to the Ministry of Construction, Viet Nam currently has 2.2 million people working in industrial parks but only 20 percent of them have their own homes. In Ha Noi, there are about 140,000 workers, 70 per cent of whom are migrants needing to rent houses. Workers have to rent expensive poor-quality accommodations because they cannot access low-cost housing projects which, to some extent, are subsidised by the Government through preferential policies, he said. Low-cost housing should not be just a place to sleep. Workers work hard, even take night shifts. Poor quality accommodations surely have a negative effect on their health and productivity, he said. Hieu said developers usually complain about low profits of low-cost housing projects, and urged joint efforts by the Government and private sector to ensure better housing for workers. Ngo Chi Hung, vice head of Ha Noi Industrial and Processing Zones Management Board, said that low-cost housing projects in Thang Long Industrial Zone could offer housing for about 23,000 workers, but just 6,000 workers moved there because workers could not afford rental rates. VNS For the first time in years, Luong Van Huu feels happy after completing procedures for land use right certificates. in the past, the processing of certiificates attesting to land and house rights could take as long as a month. People had to travel great distances in order to hand in documents and get the required papers. Mauritius Prime Minister is set to visit the city on November 18, where he is expected to discuss various issues, including one that provides a subsidy for Bollywood films shot there, with the Maharashtra government. An official from the Maharashtra Finance department said Jugnauth, along with a team of eight officials will visit Mumbai on November 18, where the both governments are expected to sign deals which would benefit manufacturers and exporters in both nations. "Maharashtra Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar will hold a meeting with the Mauritius PM at the state guest house Sahyadri, where a 100 people, besides officials from both governments, would be invited," he said. "60 industrialists, 20 Bollywood personalities and 20 secretaries of Maharashtra government would be among the 100 invitees, who will take part in the meeting," he added. According to the official, both sides would discuss ways to make exporters and manufacturers in both countries work together and that Maharashtra government will aggressively promote its 'ease of doing business' initiative to the Mauritius government. "Also, Maharashtra government will try to persuade Mauritius to give a subsidy on Bollywood films being shot there. That, in turn, will boost the tourism sector of Mauritius," he added. Besides, the official said that state government will also promote Maharashtra as a beach tourism destination, by adopting the Mauritius model of tourism to beautify the state's beaches, as part of efforts to improve the quality of the shores. "We want to replicate the efforts put in by the Mauritius government to beautify their beaches. We will thus seek their expertise in doing so," he said. IS families may not return to Victoria until after state election Details surrounding the return of wives and children of former Islamic State fighters to Victoria remains unclear, with suggestions a second group reportedly unlikely arrive until after the state election due to complexities of the cases. South Korean PM apologises to Australia following horror stampede South Korea's Prime Minister Han Duck-soo has apologised to Australia following the devastating Itaewon crush which killed more than 150 people including one Australian with the government pledging equal support for both foreign and local victims. Political weapon: Chinas fresh warning for Australia China has taken a swipe at Canberra warning Australia not to use its large resources deposits as a political tool or weapon. This is a dangerous time: Concern over two men missing in NSW floods 01:12 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has expressed his concern at the news authorities are searching for two men who have gone missing in floodwaters... IOWA CITY (AP) Hundreds of protesters angry about the election of president-elect Donald Trump blocked Interstate 80 in Iowa City for about a half hour, backing up traffic for miles. Media outlets reported the protests began Friday afternoon when about 200 high school students walked out of class and held a rally on the University of Iowa campus, dubbed a "Not My America" protest. University students joined the protest and listened to speeches before marching through downtown and down Dubuque Street toward the freeway. Protesters walked out onto I-80 about 5 p.m. Iowa City police and state troopers held back traffic but didn't intervene in the protests. Protesters dispersed about a half hour later and walked toward downtown. The protest caused huge traffic snarls on the freeway and Dubuque Street. WATERLOO A 19-year-old woman died after she was shot riding in a car Friday night. The name of the victim hasnt been released pending family notification, and no arrests have been made. Residents called 911 shortly after 11 p.m. Friday after hearing shots in the area of Gable and Linn streets. I heard six shots and came downstairs, said a resident who lives a few doors down from the shooting. He said when he looked outside he saw several people outside screaming. He said people at the scene were saying a female had been shot in the head. Police said the woman and two others were inside a silver Chevrolet Impala when she was shot. No other injuries were reported. Paramedics with Waterloo Fire Rescue took the victim to Unity Point Health-Allen Hospital. She was transferred to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City because of the severity of her injuries, but she later died, police said. An autopsy is scheduled for Monday in Iowa City. Police investigators blocked off the intersections and searched the Impala, which had a flat rear tire and bullet holes in the back. It was the third homicide this year and the latest in a string of shootings. Otavious Brown, 21, was shot and killed while standing outside in the 800 block of Logan Avenue on July 17. Four people have been charged in his death. Then on Oct. 26, 35-year-old William Frazier Barnes Jr. was shot in the leg while driving in the area of Willow and Beech streets. No arrests have been made in that case. A week later, on Nov. 1, Darrell Deshay Lanier, 22, was shot in the area of Rhey and Franklin streets as he was walking home. He died in the hospital several days later. No arrests have been made. DES MOINES Senate Republicans got the first taste Friday of their new-found majority status. This caucus has been in the minority for a long time, and we are excited with the opportunity to be in the majority and its a responsibility that we take real seriously, Sen. Bill Dix, R-Shell Rock, told reporters after emerging from a closed-door caucus as the leader of the Senates 29-member majority. Republicans, who picked up six seats Tuesday, elected Dix as majority leader, Sen. Jack Whitver of Ankeny to serve as Senate president, Sen. Jerry Behn of Boone as president pro temp, Sen. Charles Schneider of West Des Moines as majority whip, and Sens. Michael Breitbach of Strawberry Point, Randy Feenstra of Hull, Amy Sinclair of Allerton and Dan Zumbach of Ryan as assistant majority leaders. The Senate will have 19 Democrats and one independent, Sen. David Johnson of Ocheyedan. A vacant seat created by the death of Davenport Democrat Joe Seng will be filled in a special election next month. The 85th General Assembly is slated to convene Jan. 9 with Republicans in control of the House, the Senate and the governorship. Dix, 53, a 16-year veteran of the Legislature who operates a farm near Janesville, said the new Senate leadership team expects to make committee assignments in the coming weeks and begin charting its 2017 agenda. Senate Democrats are expected to meet later this month to select a new leadership team after Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal, D-Council Bluffs, was ousted from a post he occupied for a decade when he lost to Dan Dawson in the Senate District 8 race. CEDAR RAPIDS With two judges from his home state on President-Elect Donald Trumps list of possible nominees, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Charles Grassley sees a good chance for an Iowan to sit on the countrys highest court. However, the freshly re-elected Grassley said its not his personal mission to put an Iowan on the Supreme Court for the third time in history. I only have a personal stake in just one thing and thats getting strict constructionists on the Supreme Court, Grassley said following the election. Among the 20 strict constructionists Trump identified as possible nominees are Steven Colloton and Edward Mansfield. Colloton, an Iowa City native and Yale Law School graduate, serves on the Eighth Circuit Court of appeals. He clerked for former Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist. Before joining the Eighth Circuit Court, he was U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa and an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Northern District of Iowa from 1990 to 1991. Colloton also was an associate independent counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr in 1995 and 1996. I think his (Collotons) record is very clear when I suggested him to George W. Bush as a strict constructionist and being, you might say, a disciple because he was a clerk for Justice Rehnquist, Grassley said. I think he falls very much into that pattern of a person who ought to be considered. Mansfield, also a Yale Law School graduate, was appointed to the Iowa Supreme Court by Gov. Terry Branstad in 2011. Previously, he served on the Iowa Court of Appeals. He was a former clerk with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit worked in the private sector and has been teaching as an adjunct law professor at Drake University since 1997. Putting an Iowan on the court is not his priority. Obviously, Ive never done that before, Grassley said. I dont know the last time a United States senator (from Iowa) did put somebody on the Supreme Court. It could have been when the guy from Keokuk went on in 1862 or the dean of the Iowa law school went on in 1943. I suppose Iowa senators had something to do with that, but not since. Iowans who have served on Supreme Court Abraham Lincoln appointee Samuel Freeman Miller from 1862-90, and Franklin Roosevelt appointee Wiley Blount Rutledge from 1943-49. WATERLOO A large poster board sits folded in a corner of Veterans Memorial Hall. Accompanying it is a somewhat dog-eared promotional flier. The poster board and the flier describe plans for a large veterans building in Waterloo. Those plans, drawn up in the 1980s, never happened. Veterans couldnt make it happen. Id like to see that happen. That would be awesome, said Kevin Dill, executive director of the Black Hawk County Veteran Affairs Commission, as he viewed the aged plans. It requires unity. And unity among local military veterans was a theme of Dills talk at Waterloos annual Veterans Day observance at Memorial Hall and Soldiers and Sailors Park Friday. Unity to lobby for veterans benefits. Unity to drum up community support for Honor Flights of veterans to Washington, D.C. And yes, unity to support financially ailing veterans posts and to see if one building to house them all can become a reality. Just as veterans banded together with those in their units, so too must veterans within Waterloo become a band of brothers and sisters and speak with a unified voice, Dill said in emotional remarks. We were ready to give our lives so others could have life, Dill said. It makes me sad to think about where we are in our country, with our division. And we have division right there today. My prayer is, as VA director, that eventually we would all become one voice, one brotherhood again. That unity is especially important in working with younger veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Weve forgotten as a nation what they did for us. And I want to bring that back, Dill said. Dill, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, suffers from a neuromuscular disease from his service. His commission and staff tell him to slow down. The guys who were in Iraq and Afghanistan, they dont get a break. So we dont get a break, he said. Dills remarks resonated with many in attendance, including John Mrzlak, former commander of Waterloo AMVETS Post 19 in Waterloo, which had to sell its building a few years ago due to financial difficulties. Additionally, Sullivan Brothers Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1623 has issued a public plea for assistance. Recently relocated Becker-Chapman American Legion Post 138 is trying to raise funds to finish its new building at West Sixth and Commercial and install a new roof. Were going to survive if we all get together and work together, Mrzlak said. I think all the Waterloo posts ought to get together and see if we can build something like Waverly did. Maybe the citys got something we can start with and fix it up or add onto it. Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Evan Curly Hultman of Waterloo, who helped raise funds for the new $4 million Waverly Area Veterans Post that opened two months ago, was a leading proponent of the Waterloo project in the 1980s and has also recently aided Post 138. Also, Mrzlak and Black Hawk County Supervisor Craig White, co-organizer of Cedar Valley Honor Flight, said that group needs a substantial increase in support to continue its annual flights of aging veterans to visit military memorials. White said the organization has enough saved up for one more flight; typically, the group does three flights a year. Donations can be sent to Cedar Valley Honor Flight, P.O. Box 182 Cedar Falls, IA 50613. In a matter of weeks, I will be getting on a plane to England. It is a part of my good fortune that I occasionally get to go searching for my ghosts; in this case, I will be looking for the ashes of one of my dead forbears, Deryck Alldriht, who founded what would become my coven and then promptly disappeared from the lives of everyone who knew him in America. I dont know what I will find once I start digging.[1] I hope to learn something more of who Deryck was what led him into the Craft, to America, to his grave but I could just as easily find myself staring at an anonymous graveyard in a few weeks as ignorant as before. This is a problem with quests, and questions: we never really know where they end. As I prepare for this new spectral investigation, I think back to Iceland, two years ago now, the last time I went hunting for the dead who have shaped my faith: in that case, Egill Skallagrimsson, a far older shade than Deryck Alldriht. This is a dream, or a memory, or a dream of a memory. My tongue is sluggish for me to move, my poems scales ponderous to raise. The gods prize is beyond my grasp, tough to drag out from my minds haunts.[2] I can hear Egill digging. His spade sounds like Seamus Heaneys grandfathers spade, the one that cut turf on Toners Bog: that clean, rasping sound. I hear him clear his throat. He is an old man, and his body is starting to fail him. Soon he will have to leave his home, going away to his daughters house at Mosfell. But today, at least, he is digging, planting what little will grow in Iceland. His sons are off watching the sheep. His wife is spinning the wool that is the lifeblood of Iceland. The sun catches the gleaming edge of his spade, and it makes him think of the gleam of a silver coin, one of the thousands he keeps hidden in two big chests. He would be one of the richest men in Iceland if he ever brought it out from his hiding place, which he never will. Egill is dead, and has been for a thousand years. But I hear him, all the same. The place where we stand, Egill and I, is called Borg. Egills father, Skalla-Grim, settled it when men first came to Iceland; he built the farm where his dead fathers casket washed ashore. There isnt much here: a church and a house for its priest, a graveyard, and a monument. Both the church and the house have red tin roofs; neither building is especially old, and I do not take the time to look at them very closely. Nor do I have much to say about the graveyard; it is pretty, green, and in places overgrown. My Icelandic is not good enough to read most of the tombstones. The only tombstone I find notable is a block of stone about the width of an American lightpole, which has a name inscribed in runic characters. The guide tells us that the stone is for Kjartan Olafsson, one of Egills grandsons. I know his story I had read it only a few months before. Kjartan had been in love with a woman named Gurun, but he went off adventuring and would not take her with him. Kjartans best friend, Bolli, married Gurun instead, and this led to a bitter feud. Bolli killed Kjartan, but Bolli held him as he died, realizing the tragedy of what he had done. Eventually Bolli himself was killed by Kjartans brothers, who were then killed by Bolli and Guruns son. The sagas often go like that. They are tragedies of errors that begin with one small mistake a poor marriage, or an argument over whose sheep get to graze on a given patch of earth and end only when so many are dead that vengeance no longer seems practical. Since heavy sobbing is the cause how hard to pour forth from the minds root the prize that Friggs progeny found, borne of old from the world of giants, unflawed, which Bragi inspired with life on the craft of the watcher-dwarf. Blood surges from the giants wounded neck, crashes on the death-dwarfs boathouse door. Egill is singing to himself as he works. He is an old hand at poetry; he comes up with new verses the way other people come up with simple sentences. He is an old devotee of Oinn, and skilled in all the things that Oinn represents: verse, magic, love-making, warfare. This is a man who once conducted a bloody feud of his own against the king of Norway himself, Eirik Bloodaxe. He has traveled everywhere a man from the Northlands could travel, fighting and raiding, repaying insults with blood and aid with a peculiar loyalty. He would have been the perfect Viking hero, if only he hadnt grown old. My stock stands on the brink, pounded as plane-trees on the forests rim. No man is glad who carries the bones of his dead kinsman out of the bed. Egills curse is that he lives. His brother had died as a young man; his brother, who had better composure, better manners, who was handsome, tall, and strong, unlike Egill, who is dark, ugly, has a skull as thick as a trolls. His brother died; Egill lives to see old age, to become blind and infirm, to become beholden to the serving-women who take care of him. He lives to bury his sons. I cannot hold my head upright, the ground of my face, my thoughts steed ever since the raging surf of heat snatched from the world that son of mine whom I knew to shun disgrace, avoid words of ill repute. I remember still when the Gauts friend raised high to the gods world the ash that grew from my stock, the tree bearing my wifes kin. The song he is singing is called Sonatorrek On the Loss of My Sons. His son Bodvar had gone out to sea and drowned in a storm. Egill had gone out to collect the body and laid it in the family tomb; then he shut himself in his room and waited to die. His daughter convinced him to live long enough to write a poem in memory of his fallen child. This is the song he is singing now. I was in league with the lord of spears, pledged myself loyal to believe in him, before he broke off his friendship with me, the guardian of chariots, the architect of victory. I do not worship Villirs brother, guardian of the gods, through my own longing, though in good ways too the friend of wisdom has granted me redress for affliction. A chill runs through me as I listen to his ancient poem, for I too have thrown my lot in with the Lord of Spears, and I wonder if one day I will have the same lament. Egill asks Oinn the question we all ask in our moments of pain: My god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me? And like all of us, he gets no answer. We are standing in the wet grass of the meadow. Black stone pavement leads to the highway behind us, but before us is the sea. I dont know how to describe this feeling, this opposite of otherworldliness. Egill is not nearly so sentimental. This land provides too little food to stand around philosophizing on a summers day. Save it for cold winter nights, huddled around the hearth. Egill knows he does not have many winters left. Now my course is tough: Death, close sister of Oinns enemy, stands on the ness: with resolution and without remorse I will gladly await my own. Egill reaches the end of his chant. I want to stay here with him forever, staring out into the mist and the sea. But the tour bus is leaving, and we have many stops yet. He nods to me as I walk past, and then stoops low again, sinking his spade into the earth. Notes: [1] Thats only a metaphor. Probably. [2] All of the stanzas of Sonatorrek quoted here are from Bernard Scudders translation of Egils saga in The Sagas of Icelanders, Viking-Penguin, 1997. past daily news Sep 13 (1) Sep 09 (15) Sep 06 (12) Sep 04 (10) Sep 03 (10) Aug 31 (17) Aug 29 (14) Aug 26 (13) Aug 22 (11) Aug 21 (12) Aug 19 (21) Aug 14 (6) Aug 13 (10) Aug 10 (10) Aug 08 (9) Aug 07 (10) Aug 06 (10) Aug 05 (8) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (7) Jul 31 (14) Jul 29 (1) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (5) Jul 24 (10) Jul 22 (11) Jul 19 (16) Jul 17 (6) Jul 16 (10) Jul 15 (13) Jul 12 (7) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (8) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (3) Jul 06 (5) Jul 05 (8) Jul 04 (11) Jul 03 (8) Jul 02 (7) Jul 01 (5) Jun 30 (8) Jun 28 (7) Jun 27 (8) Jun 26 (7) Jun 25 (8) Jun 24 (6) Jun 23 (6) Jun 22 (9) Jun 20 (5) Jun 19 (9) Jun 18 (8) Jun 15 (9) Jun 13 (13) Jun 11 (11) Jun 09 (19) Jun 06 (10) Jun 04 (10) Jun 03 (8) Jun 01 (6) May 31 (5) May 30 (5) May 29 (6) May 28 (7) May 27 (7) May 26 (6) May 25 (4) May 23 (6) May 22 (6) May 21 (4) May 20 (7) May 19 (9) May 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(11) Nov 03 (9) Nov 02 (10) Nov 01 (8) Oct 31 (12) Oct 30 (5) Oct 29 (5) Oct 28 (5) Oct 27 (11) Oct 26 (13) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (10) Oct 23 (8) Oct 22 (5) Oct 21 (11) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (5) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (6) Oct 15 (4) Oct 14 (9) Oct 13 (10) Oct 12 (11) Oct 11 (9) Oct 10 (10) Oct 09 (7) Oct 08 (5) Oct 07 (10) Oct 06 (9) Oct 05 (14) Oct 04 (9) Oct 03 (12) Oct 02 (4) Oct 01 (9) Sep 30 (5) Sep 29 (7) Sep 28 (13) Sep 27 (10) Sep 26 (11) Sep 25 (3) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (7) Sep 22 (10) Sep 21 (12) Sep 20 (12) Sep 19 (4) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (7) Sep 16 (11) Sep 15 (8) Sep 14 (5) Sep 13 (8) Sep 12 (8) Sep 11 (6) Sep 10 (10) Sep 09 (5) Sep 08 (9) Sep 07 (8) Sep 06 (11) Sep 05 (2) Sep 04 (8) Sep 03 (2) Sep 02 (6) Sep 01 (9) Aug 31 (9) Aug 30 (7) Aug 29 (9) Aug 28 (4) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (5) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (4) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (2) Aug 20 (4) Aug 19 (6) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (4) Aug 16 (6) Aug 15 (3) Aug 14 (4) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (6) Aug 11 (3) Aug 10 (5) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (9) Aug 07 (7) Aug 06 (7) Aug 05 (7) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (11) Aug 02 (6) Aug 01 (9) Jul 31 (11) Jul 28 (7) Jul 27 (11) Jul 26 (5) Jul 25 (5) Jul 24 (1) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (2) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (8) Jul 18 (6) Jul 17 (7) Jul 15 (4) Jul 14 (2) Jul 13 (6) Jul 12 (10) Jul 11 (11) Jul 10 (2) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (5) Jul 06 (6) Jul 05 (3) Jul 04 (6) Jul 03 (5) Jul 02 (3) Jun 30 (8) Jun 29 (5) Jun 28 (6) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (4) Jun 25 (1) Jun 24 (5) Jun 23 (11) Jun 21 (5) Jun 20 (5) Jun 19 (7) Jun 17 (4) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (4) Jun 14 (6) Jun 13 (4) Jun 12 (4) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (6) Jun 09 (8) Jun 08 (6) Jun 07 (8) Jun 06 (7) Jun 05 (5) Jun 04 (7) Jun 03 (1) Jun 02 (9) Jun 01 (5) May 31 (8) May 30 (7) May 29 (5) May 28 (5) May 27 (4) May 26 (4) May 25 (4) May 24 (3) May 23 (5) May 22 (2) May 21 (3) May 20 (7) May 19 (11) May 18 (1) May 17 (7) May 16 (3) May 15 (4) May 14 (3) May 13 (4) May 12 (4) May 11 (11) May 10 (2) May 09 (6) May 08 (6) May 07 (2) May 06 (3) May 05 (4) May 04 (5) May 03 (8) May 02 (4) May 01 (4) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (13) Apr 28 (5) Apr 27 (7) Apr 26 (5) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (2) Apr 23 (7) Apr 22 (9) Apr 21 (11) Apr 20 (2) Apr 19 (2) Apr 18 (5) Apr 17 (5) Apr 16 (6) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (2) Apr 12 (9) Apr 11 (10) Apr 10 (6) Apr 09 (5) Apr 08 (3) Apr 07 (10) Apr 06 (7) Apr 05 (7) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (9) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (7) Mar 28 (4) Mar 27 (3) Mar 26 (6) Mar 25 (3) Mar 24 (8) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (4) Mar 21 (10) Mar 20 (6) Mar 19 (6) Mar 17 (7) Mar 16 (11) Mar 15 (6) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (4) Mar 12 (6) Mar 10 (3) Mar 09 (9) Mar 08 (10) Mar 07 (4) Mar 06 (5) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (2) Mar 03 (4) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (5) Feb 28 (3) Feb 27 (8) Feb 26 (9) Feb 24 (11) Feb 23 (8) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (8) Feb 20 (7) Feb 19 (4) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (6) Feb 16 (5) Feb 15 (7) Feb 14 (11) Feb 13 (2) Feb 12 (5) Feb 11 (5) Feb 10 (3) Feb 09 (10) Feb 08 (9) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (2) Feb 05 (9) Feb 03 (7) Feb 02 (5) Feb 01 (7) Jan 31 (4) Jan 30 (5) Jan 29 (6) Jan 28 (5) Jan 27 (2) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (7) Jan 24 (8) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (14) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (10) Jan 18 (11) Jan 17 (9) Jan 16 (5) Jan 15 (3) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (7) Jan 10 (2) Jan 09 (7) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (10) Jan 06 (8) Jan 05 (7) Jan 04 (9) Jan 03 (8) Jan 02 (5) Jan 01 (14) Dec 30 (13) Dec 29 (13) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (5) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (7) Dec 24 (4) Dec 23 (5) Dec 22 (4) Dec 21 (8) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (8) Dec 18 (9) Dec 16 (8) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (5) Dec 13 (8) Dec 12 (4) Dec 11 (17) Dec 09 (8) Dec 08 (5) Dec 07 (10) Dec 06 (12) Dec 05 (6) Dec 04 (8) Dec 02 (6) Dec 01 (7) Nov 30 (9) Nov 29 (6) Nov 28 (11) Nov 27 (6) Nov 26 (15) Nov 24 (7) Nov 23 (15) Nov 22 (9) Nov 21 (6) Nov 20 (11) Nov 18 (11) Nov 17 (13) Nov 16 (8) Nov 15 (13) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (7) Nov 12 (3) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (13) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (6) Nov 06 (4) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (8) Nov 03 (9) Nov 02 (8) Nov 01 (6) Oct 31 (10) Oct 30 (8) Oct 29 (3) Oct 28 (8) Oct 27 (15) Oct 26 (10) Oct 25 (10) Oct 24 (13) Oct 23 (9) Oct 21 (8) Oct 20 (13) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (8) Oct 16 (14) Oct 14 (9) Oct 13 (11) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (13) Oct 10 (7) Oct 09 (15) Oct 07 (7) Oct 06 (11) Oct 05 (18) Oct 04 (14) Oct 03 (1) Oct 02 (10) Sep 30 (11) Sep 29 (11) Sep 28 (11) Sep 27 (15) Sep 26 (7) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (11) Sep 22 (7) Sep 21 (17) Sep 20 (20) Sep 19 (4) Sep 18 (11) Sep 16 (10) Sep 15 (12) Sep 14 (9) Sep 13 (12) Sep 12 (14) Sep 11 (4) Sep 10 (8) Sep 09 (9) Sep 08 (5) Sep 07 (13) Sep 06 (15) Sep 05 (8) Sep 04 (11) Sep 03 (10) Sep 02 (12) Sep 01 (12) Aug 31 (14) Aug 30 (14) Aug 29 (8) Aug 28 (8) Aug 27 (9) Aug 26 (12) Aug 25 (6) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (12) Aug 22 (6) Aug 21 (5) Aug 20 (6) Aug 19 (9) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (7) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (2) Aug 14 (12) Aug 12 (15) Aug 11 (11) Aug 10 (6) Aug 09 (7) Aug 08 (3) Aug 07 (4) Aug 06 (5) Aug 05 (7) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (4) Aug 02 (5) Aug 01 (5) Jul 31 (7) Jul 30 (5) Jul 29 (9) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (8) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (6) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (6) Jul 21 (5) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (5) Jul 18 (15) Jul 15 (14) Jul 14 (5) Jul 13 (6) Jul 12 (12) Jul 11 (8) Jul 10 (3) Jul 09 (11) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (7) Jul 06 (10) Jul 05 (4) Jul 04 (4) Jul 03 (5) Jul 02 (7) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (10) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (4) Jun 24 (2) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (5) Jun 21 (7) Jun 20 (3) Jun 19 (7) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (11) Jun 16 (5) Jun 15 (5) Jun 14 (7) Jun 13 (14) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (8) Jun 09 (9) Jun 08 (11) Jun 07 (14) Jun 06 (16) Jun 03 (8) Jun 02 (12) Jun 01 (5) May 31 (7) May 30 (15) May 28 (7) May 27 (5) May 26 (21) May 25 (14) May 24 (10) May 23 (7) May 22 (8) May 21 (11) May 20 (5) May 19 (4) May 18 (10) May 17 (11) May 16 (5) May 15 (6) May 14 (7) May 13 (12) May 12 (10) May 11 (7) May 10 (13) May 09 (4) May 08 (7) May 07 (3) May 06 (6) May 05 (9) May 04 (14) May 03 (7) May 02 (10) May 01 (10) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (9) Apr 28 (5) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (8) Apr 24 (6) Apr 23 (14) Apr 22 (16) Apr 21 (11) Apr 20 (7) Apr 19 (16) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (10) Apr 15 (8) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (11) Apr 12 (10) Apr 11 (8) Apr 10 (12) Apr 09 (5) Apr 08 (13) Apr 07 (9) Apr 06 (11) Apr 05 (15) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (15) Apr 02 (5) Apr 01 (11) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (10) Mar 29 (8) Mar 28 (7) Mar 27 (12) Mar 26 (8) Mar 25 (8) Mar 24 (7) Mar 23 (15) Mar 22 (17) Mar 21 (9) Mar 20 (8) Mar 19 (4) Mar 18 (16) Mar 17 (8) Mar 16 (19) Mar 15 (13) Mar 14 (7) Mar 13 (20) Mar 11 (5) Mar 10 (11) Mar 09 (13) Mar 08 (13) Mar 07 (7) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (9) Mar 04 (10) Mar 03 (16) Mar 02 (16) Mar 01 (13) Feb 29 (8) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (16) Feb 26 (10) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (12) Feb 23 (14) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (11) Feb 20 (8) Feb 19 (12) Feb 18 (12) Feb 17 (11) Feb 16 (8) Feb 15 (9) Feb 14 (7) Feb 13 (10) Feb 12 (11) Feb 11 (13) Feb 10 (5) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (4) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (13) Feb 05 (10) Feb 04 (11) Feb 03 (7) Feb 02 (19) Jan 31 (21) Jan 29 (11) Jan 28 (10) Jan 27 (13) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (5) Jan 24 (2) Jan 23 (8) Jan 22 (13) Jan 21 (11) Jan 20 (9) Jan 19 (13) Jan 18 (4) Jan 17 (11) Jan 15 (7) Jan 14 (13) Jan 13 (9) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (5) Jan 10 (8) Jan 09 (7) Jan 08 (7) Jan 07 (6) Jan 06 (11) Jan 05 (7) Jan 04 (7) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (8) Jan 01 (5) Dec 31 (10) Dec 30 (9) Dec 29 (7) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (1) Dec 25 (5) Dec 24 (6) Dec 23 (6) Dec 22 (7) Dec 21 (6) Dec 20 (7) Dec 19 (13) Dec 18 (16) Dec 17 (10) Dec 16 (13) Dec 15 (11) Dec 14 (8) Dec 13 (4) Dec 12 (9) Dec 11 (10) Dec 10 (12) Dec 09 (10) Dec 08 (13) Dec 07 (7) Dec 06 (12) Dec 05 (8) Dec 04 (11) Dec 03 (12) Dec 02 (16) Dec 01 (14) Nov 30 (10) Nov 29 (11) Nov 28 (15) Nov 27 (16) Nov 26 (11) Nov 25 (9) Nov 24 (13) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (1) Nov 21 (7) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (11) Nov 17 (11) Nov 16 (10) Nov 15 (3) Nov 14 (10) Nov 13 (14) Nov 12 (8) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (10) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (11) Nov 06 (12) Nov 05 (17) Nov 04 (12) Nov 03 (11) Nov 02 (5) Nov 01 (12) Oct 31 (11) Oct 30 (11) Oct 29 (10) Oct 28 (18) Oct 27 (16) Oct 26 (11) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (12) Oct 23 (11) Oct 22 (14) Oct 21 (12) Oct 20 (17) Oct 19 (12) Oct 18 (13) Oct 17 (15) Oct 16 (14) Oct 15 (10) Oct 14 (16) Oct 13 (12) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (8) Oct 10 (12) Oct 09 (21) Oct 08 (22) Oct 07 (19) Oct 06 (18) Oct 05 (6) Oct 04 (17) Oct 03 (13) Oct 02 (14) Oct 01 (13) Sep 30 (14) Sep 29 (15) Sep 28 (12) Sep 27 (11) Sep 26 (15) Sep 25 (13) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (10) Sep 22 (12) Sep 21 (8) Sep 20 (4) Sep 19 (12) Sep 18 (12) Sep 17 (16) Sep 16 (21) Sep 15 (14) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (5) Sep 12 (10) Sep 11 (16) Sep 10 (7) Sep 09 (8) Sep 08 (10) Sep 07 (7) Sep 06 (5) Sep 05 (8) Sep 04 (9) Sep 03 (8) Sep 02 (11) Sep 01 (10) Aug 31 (4) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (1) Aug 28 (10) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (8) Aug 25 (14) Aug 24 (4) Aug 23 (3) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (13) Aug 20 (9) Aug 19 (13) Aug 18 (3) Aug 17 (3) Aug 16 (3) Aug 15 (6) Aug 14 (8) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (12) Aug 11 (9) Aug 10 (8) Aug 09 (14) Aug 08 (6) Aug 07 (1) Aug 06 (4) Aug 05 (8) Aug 04 (6) Aug 03 (6) Aug 02 (2) Aug 01 (6) Jul 31 (6) Jul 30 (3) Jul 29 (6) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (4) Jul 24 (6) Jul 23 (5) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (7) Jul 20 (5) Jul 18 (6) Jul 17 (5) Jul 16 (4) Jul 15 (9) Jul 14 (2) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (1) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (8) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (3) Jul 07 (13) Jul 05 (2) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (7) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (3) Jun 28 (1) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (7) Jun 25 (4) Jun 24 (6) Jun 23 (9) Jun 22 (4) Jun 21 (3) Jun 19 (4) Jun 18 (7) Jun 17 (7) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (11) Jun 12 (6) Jun 11 (3) Jun 10 (10) Jun 09 (3) Jun 08 (3) Jun 07 (4) Jun 06 (2) Jun 05 (9) Jun 04 (8) Jun 03 (9) Jun 02 (6) Jun 01 (4) May 30 (7) May 29 (9) May 28 (13) May 26 (8) May 25 (5) May 24 (2) May 23 (8) May 22 (9) May 21 (7) May 20 (4) May 19 (6) May 18 (7) May 17 (8) May 15 (9) May 14 (5) May 13 (8) May 12 (6) May 11 (6) May 09 (7) May 08 (6) May 07 (11) May 06 (7) May 05 (4) May 04 (11) May 03 (5) May 02 (4) May 01 (9) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (4) Apr 28 (9) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (3) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (3) Apr 23 (10) Apr 22 (8) Apr 21 (9) Apr 20 (3) Apr 19 (4) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (4) Apr 15 (6) Apr 14 (8) Apr 13 (3) Apr 12 (6) Apr 10 (2) Apr 09 (4) Apr 08 (5) Apr 07 (5) Apr 06 (2) Apr 05 (2) Apr 04 (5) Apr 03 (7) Apr 02 (7) Apr 01 (12) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (3) Mar 29 (1) Mar 28 (2) Mar 27 (6) Mar 26 (2) Mar 25 (5) Mar 24 (4) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (4) Mar 21 (6) Mar 20 (9) Mar 19 (9) Mar 18 (8) Mar 17 (9) Mar 16 (7) Mar 15 (11) Mar 13 (5) Mar 12 (12) Mar 11 (9) Mar 10 (12) Mar 09 (4) Mar 08 (5) Mar 07 (5) Mar 06 (5) Mar 05 (5) Mar 04 (6) Mar 03 (11) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (8) Feb 27 (9) Feb 26 (9) Feb 25 (8) Feb 24 (6) Feb 23 (4) Feb 22 (3) Feb 21 (6) Feb 20 (3) Feb 19 (10) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (7) Feb 16 (5) Feb 15 (2) Feb 14 (8) Feb 13 (12) Feb 12 (8) Feb 11 (10) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (3) Feb 07 (2) Feb 06 (7) Feb 05 (4) Feb 04 (11) Feb 03 (5) Feb 02 (7) Feb 01 (4) Jan 31 (5) Jan 30 (8) Jan 29 (12) Jan 28 (6) Jan 27 (8) Jan 26 (13) Jan 24 (8) Jan 23 (12) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (10) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (9) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (4) Jan 15 (11) Jan 14 (4) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (6) Jan 10 (2) Jan 09 (6) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (6) Jan 06 (4) Jan 05 (4) Jan 04 (3) Jan 03 (6) Jan 02 (2) Jan 01 (3) Dec 31 (6) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (4) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (2) Dec 25 (3) Dec 24 (5) Dec 23 (7) Dec 22 (5) Dec 21 (4) Dec 20 (4) Dec 19 (5) Dec 18 (8) Dec 17 (5) Dec 16 (9) Dec 15 (7) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (10) Dec 12 (10) Dec 11 (9) Dec 10 (10) Dec 09 (11) Dec 08 (5) Dec 07 (5) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (9) Dec 04 (3) Dec 03 (8) Dec 02 (10) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (1) Nov 29 (3) Nov 28 (9) Nov 27 (3) Nov 26 (7) Nov 25 (12) Nov 24 (3) Nov 23 (8) Nov 22 (4) Nov 21 (3) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (6) Nov 18 (10) Nov 17 (12) Nov 16 (5) Nov 15 (5) Nov 14 (12) Nov 13 (3) Nov 12 (7) Nov 11 (8) Nov 10 (7) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (5) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (6) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (9) Nov 03 (6) Nov 02 (14) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (6) Oct 30 (7) Oct 29 (9) Oct 28 (9) Oct 27 (3) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (8) Oct 23 (4) Oct 22 (3) Oct 21 (4) Oct 20 (2) Oct 19 (11) Oct 17 (6) Oct 16 (7) Oct 15 (7) Oct 14 (8) Oct 13 (5) Oct 12 (8) Oct 11 (6) Oct 10 (5) Oct 09 (11) Oct 08 (10) Oct 07 (8) Oct 06 (3) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (8) Oct 03 (3) Oct 02 (10) Oct 01 (3) Sep 30 (7) Sep 29 (6) Sep 28 (5) Sep 27 (8) Sep 26 (11) Sep 25 (11) Sep 24 (15) Sep 23 (8) Sep 22 (9) Sep 21 (4) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (9) Sep 18 (10) Sep 17 (10) Sep 16 (5) Sep 15 (5) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (5) Sep 12 (5) Sep 11 (8) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (7) Sep 08 (5) Sep 07 (2) Sep 06 (4) Sep 05 (7) Sep 04 (11) Sep 03 (7) Sep 02 (7) Sep 01 (2) Aug 31 (3) Aug 30 (1) Aug 29 (10) Aug 28 (5) Aug 27 (4) Aug 26 (10) Aug 25 (6) Aug 24 (9) Aug 22 (11) Aug 21 (8) Aug 20 (12) Aug 19 (8) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (4) Aug 16 (3) Aug 15 (6) Aug 14 (4) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (8) Aug 11 (7) Aug 10 (12) Aug 08 (5) Aug 07 (6) Aug 06 (6) Aug 05 (8) Aug 04 (5) Aug 03 (4) Aug 01 (7) Jul 31 (6) Jul 30 (12) Jul 29 (4) Jul 28 (5) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (8) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (8) Jul 20 (6) Jul 19 (3) Jul 18 (8) Jul 17 (2) Jul 16 (7) Jul 15 (6) Jul 14 (9) Jul 13 (10) Jul 11 (9) Jul 10 (8) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (7) Jul 07 (7) Jul 06 (7) Jul 05 (10) Jul 04 (4) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (5) Jun 29 (6) Jun 28 (1) Jun 27 (15) Jun 26 (10) Jun 25 (9) Jun 24 (16) Jun 23 (6) Jun 22 (12) Jun 20 (6) Jun 19 (8) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (6) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (5) Jun 14 (5) Jun 13 (13) Jun 12 (7) Jun 11 (14) Jun 10 (3) Jun 09 (2) Jun 08 (2) Jun 07 (7) Jun 06 (16) Jun 05 (7) Jun 04 (18) Jun 03 (12) Jun 02 (8) May 31 (3) May 30 (6) May 29 (6) May 28 (7) May 27 (4) May 26 (4) May 25 (6) May 23 (4) May 22 (8) May 21 (5) May 20 (6) May 19 (2) May 18 (9) May 17 (1) May 16 (5) May 15 (5) May 14 (7) May 13 (7) May 12 (7) May 11 (4) May 10 (4) May 09 (5) May 08 (10) May 07 (4) May 06 (13) May 05 (4) May 04 (10) May 02 (2) May 01 (5) Apr 30 (9) Apr 29 (6) Apr 28 (3) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (9) Apr 25 (9) Apr 24 (7) Apr 23 (11) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (3) Apr 20 (10) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (5) Apr 17 (6) Apr 16 (6) Apr 15 (7) Apr 14 (11) Apr 13 (4) Apr 12 (5) Apr 11 (9) Apr 10 (4) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (6) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (6) Apr 05 (10) Apr 03 (9) Apr 02 (9) Apr 01 (12) Mar 31 (4) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (10) Mar 28 (7) Mar 27 (8) Mar 26 (8) Mar 25 (15) Mar 24 (11) Mar 23 (8) Mar 22 (7) Mar 21 (14) Mar 20 (6) Mar 19 (11) Mar 18 (11) Mar 17 (12) Mar 16 (8) Mar 15 (8) Mar 14 (13) Mar 13 (8) Mar 12 (10) Mar 11 (8) Mar 10 (7) Mar 09 (3) Mar 08 (12) Mar 07 (15) Mar 06 (16) Mar 05 (9) Mar 04 (6) Mar 03 (12) Mar 02 (20) Feb 28 (11) Feb 27 (8) Feb 26 (11) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (14) Feb 23 (5) Feb 22 (6) Feb 21 (8) Feb 20 (11) Feb 19 (7) Feb 18 (4) Feb 17 (8) Feb 16 (11) Feb 15 (3) Feb 14 (10) Feb 13 (4) Feb 12 (10) Feb 11 (7) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (4) Feb 08 (6) Feb 07 (5) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (10) Feb 04 (5) Feb 03 (4) Feb 02 (4) Feb 01 (3) Jan 31 (3) Jan 30 (5) Jan 29 (2) Jan 28 (6) Jan 27 (3) Jan 26 (2) Jan 25 (5) Jan 24 (7) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (4) Jan 21 (5) Jan 20 (5) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (7) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (4) Jan 15 (3) Jan 14 (5) Jan 13 (4) Jan 12 (5) Jan 11 (3) Jan 10 (5) Jan 09 (6) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (3) Jan 06 (1) Jan 05 (4) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (6) Jan 01 (2) Dec 31 (6) Dec 30 (1) Dec 29 (5) Dec 27 (1) Dec 26 (2) Dec 25 (4) Dec 24 (8) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (1) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (8) Dec 18 (3) Dec 17 (4) Dec 16 (3) Dec 15 (3) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (4) Dec 11 (4) Dec 10 (7) Dec 09 (5) Dec 08 (2) Dec 07 (5) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (10) Dec 04 (9) Dec 03 (4) Dec 02 (2) Dec 01 (8) Nov 29 (5) Nov 28 (7) Nov 27 (5) Nov 26 (9) Nov 25 (3) Nov 24 (5) Nov 23 (6) Nov 22 (5) Nov 21 (12) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (4) Nov 17 (3) Nov 16 (8) Nov 15 (7) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (6) Nov 12 (12) Nov 11 (6) Nov 10 (3) Nov 09 (4) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (5) Nov 05 (9) Nov 04 (4) Nov 03 (4) Nov 02 (3) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (10) Oct 30 (4) Oct 29 (11) Oct 28 (3) Oct 27 (7) Oct 26 (7) Oct 25 (6) Oct 24 (7) Oct 23 (11) Oct 22 (2) Oct 21 (7) Oct 20 (4) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (7) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (8) Oct 15 (5) Oct 14 (5) Oct 13 (3) Oct 12 (7) Oct 11 (20) Oct 10 (2) Oct 09 (4) Oct 08 (21) Oct 07 (20) Oct 06 (34) Oct 04 (24) Oct 03 (21) Oct 02 (3) Oct 01 (7) Sep 30 (3) Sep 29 (5) Sep 28 (6) Sep 27 (5) Sep 26 (6) Sep 25 (5) Sep 24 (2) Sep 23 (8) Sep 22 (4) Sep 21 (3) Sep 20 (9) Sep 19 (11) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (7) Sep 16 (6) Sep 15 (3) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (8) Sep 12 (11) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (5) Sep 08 (3) Sep 07 (6) Sep 06 (10) Sep 05 (7) Sep 04 (7) Sep 03 (5) Sep 02 (4) Sep 01 (8) Aug 31 (5) Aug 30 (7) Aug 29 (10) Aug 28 (7) Aug 27 (6) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (3) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (6) Aug 22 (6) Aug 21 (8) Aug 20 (8) Aug 19 (4) Aug 18 (2) Aug 17 (5) Aug 16 (7) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (3) Aug 13 (4) Aug 12 (6) Aug 11 (6) Aug 10 (4) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (6) Aug 07 (4) Aug 06 (6) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (12) Aug 03 (3) Aug 02 (4) Aug 01 (10) Jul 31 (3) Jul 30 (7) Jul 29 (3) Jul 28 (6) Jul 27 (4) Jul 26 (5) Jul 25 (4) Jul 24 (7) Jul 23 (10) Jul 22 (8) Jul 21 (5) Jul 20 (4) Jul 19 (7) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (10) Jul 16 (11) Jul 15 (5) Jul 13 (5) Jul 12 (9) Jul 11 (11) Jul 10 (12) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (8) Jul 06 (9) Jul 05 (10) Jul 04 (8) Jul 03 (10) Jul 02 (12) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (5) Jun 29 (6) Jun 28 (23) Jun 27 (18) Jun 26 (12) Jun 25 (14) Jun 24 (15) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (11) Jun 21 (15) Jun 20 (9) Jun 19 (8) Jun 18 (11) Jun 17 (7) Jun 16 (6) Jun 15 (6) Jun 14 (6) Jun 13 (5) Jun 12 (6) Jun 11 (9) Jun 10 (10) Jun 09 (9) Jun 08 (6) Jun 07 (2) Jun 06 (6) Jun 05 (4) Jun 04 (3) Jun 03 (4) Jun 02 (3) Jun 01 (6) May 31 (3) May 30 (5) May 29 (8) May 28 (7) May 27 (2) May 26 (2) May 25 (8) May 24 (7) May 23 (6) May 22 (9) May 21 (6) May 20 (5) May 19 (6) May 18 (9) May 17 (10) May 16 (11) May 15 (5) May 14 (11) May 13 (6) May 12 (7) May 11 (7) May 10 (5) May 09 (3) May 08 (10) May 07 (8) May 06 (11) May 05 (5) May 04 (9) May 03 (3) May 02 (2) May 01 (5) Apr 30 (5) Apr 29 (8) Apr 28 (6) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (9) Apr 25 (11) Apr 24 (4) Apr 23 (11) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (5) Apr 20 (7) Apr 19 (10) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (10) Apr 16 (8) Apr 15 (4) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (7) Apr 12 (11) Apr 11 (6) Apr 10 (7) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (3) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (9) Apr 05 (10) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (2) Apr 02 (6) Apr 01 (4) Mar 31 (3) Mar 30 (4) Mar 29 (3) Mar 28 (5) Mar 27 (10) Mar 26 (5) Mar 25 (4) Mar 24 (5) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (6) Mar 21 (9) Mar 20 (5) Mar 19 (5) Mar 18 (9) Mar 17 (2) Mar 16 (8) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (10) Mar 12 (10) Mar 11 (2) Mar 10 (1) Mar 09 (6) Mar 08 (4) Mar 07 (4) Mar 06 (3) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (7) Mar 03 (6) Mar 02 (8) Mar 01 (9) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (3) Feb 26 (8) Feb 25 (7) Feb 24 (3) Feb 23 (4) Feb 22 (4) Feb 21 (7) Feb 20 (4) Feb 19 (4) Feb 18 (2) Feb 17 (1) Feb 16 (6) Feb 15 (6) Feb 14 (5) Feb 13 (4) Feb 12 (7) Feb 11 (2) Feb 10 (2) Feb 09 (5) Feb 08 (5) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (9) Feb 04 (3) Feb 03 (3) Feb 02 (10) Feb 01 (9) Jan 31 (5) Jan 30 (8) Jan 29 (5) Jan 28 (3) Jan 27 (4) Jan 26 (5) Jan 25 (6) Jan 24 (5) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (3) Jan 20 (3) Jan 19 (7) Jan 18 (3) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (8) Jan 15 (7) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (1) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (1) Jan 10 (3) Jan 09 (3) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (4) Jan 06 (2) Jan 05 (3) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (4) Jan 02 (4) Jan 01 (4) Dec 31 (3) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (5) Dec 28 (8) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (2) Dec 24 (4) Dec 23 (4) Dec 22 (7) Dec 21 (5) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (4) Dec 18 (6) Dec 17 (4) Dec 16 (5) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (8) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (6) Dec 11 (8) Dec 10 (5) Dec 09 (4) Dec 08 (4) Dec 07 (7) Dec 06 (7) Dec 05 (6) Dec 04 (6) Dec 03 (7) Dec 02 (1) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (2) Nov 29 (8) Nov 28 (16) Nov 27 (7) Nov 26 (5) Nov 25 (2) Nov 24 (6) Nov 23 (5) Nov 22 (5) Nov 21 (5) Nov 20 (15) Nov 19 (8) Nov 18 (2) Nov 17 (3) Nov 16 (5) Nov 15 (7) Nov 14 (6) Nov 13 (9) Nov 12 (7) Nov 11 (8) Nov 10 (3) Nov 09 (5) Nov 08 (8) Nov 07 (9) Nov 06 (9) Nov 05 (1) Nov 04 (4) Nov 03 (8) Nov 02 (6) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (6) Oct 30 (7) Oct 29 (3) Oct 28 (3) Oct 27 (4) Oct 26 (4) Oct 25 (8) Oct 24 (4) Oct 23 (1) Oct 22 (6) Oct 21 (1) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (10) Oct 17 (6) Oct 16 (15) Oct 15 (4) Oct 14 (5) Oct 13 (3) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (7) Oct 10 (1) Oct 09 (5) Oct 08 (7) Oct 07 (3) Oct 06 (8) Oct 05 (5) Oct 04 (3) Oct 03 (7) Oct 02 (6) Oct 01 (6) Sep 30 (8) Sep 29 (6) Sep 28 (13) Sep 27 (10) Sep 26 (8) Sep 25 (8) Sep 24 (8) Sep 23 (3) Sep 22 (7) Sep 21 (9) Sep 20 (7) Sep 19 (8) Sep 18 (4) Sep 17 (3) Sep 16 (4) Sep 15 (8) Sep 14 (5) Sep 13 (7) Sep 12 (7) Sep 11 (9) Sep 10 (4) Sep 09 (10) Sep 08 (4) Sep 07 (12) Sep 06 (13) Sep 05 (15) Sep 04 (5) Sep 03 (4) Sep 02 (6) Sep 01 (9) Aug 31 (7) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (8) Aug 28 (11) Aug 27 (2) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (15) Aug 24 (6) Aug 23 (8) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (6) Aug 20 (7) Aug 19 (2) Aug 18 (5) Aug 17 (5) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (6) Aug 13 (9) Aug 12 (4) Aug 11 (5) Aug 10 (6) Aug 09 (5) Aug 08 (7) Aug 07 (9) Aug 06 (4) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (4) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (9) Aug 01 (10) Jul 31 (11) Jul 30 (4) Jul 29 (3) Jul 28 (11) Jul 27 (4) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (4) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (5) Jul 21 (4) Jul 20 (10) Jul 19 (6) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (6) Jul 16 (7) Jul 15 (6) Jul 14 (4) Jul 13 (7) Jul 12 (8) Jul 11 (6) Jul 10 (14) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (4) Jul 06 (9) Jul 05 (8) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (8) Jul 02 (5) Jul 01 (5) Jun 30 (6) Jun 29 (3) Jun 28 (3) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (8) Jun 25 (3) Jun 24 (5) Jun 23 (14) Jun 22 (11) Jun 21 (5) Jun 20 (8) Jun 19 (7) Jun 18 (4) Jun 17 (3) Jun 16 (12) Jun 15 (12) Jun 14 (10) Jun 13 (10) Jun 12 (9) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (12) Jun 09 (4) Jun 08 (3) Jun 07 (12) Jun 06 (6) Jun 05 (7) Jun 04 (6) Jun 03 (3) Jun 02 (4) Jun 01 (8) May 31 (4) May 30 (3) May 29 (8) May 28 (7) May 27 (4) May 26 (3) May 25 (5) May 24 (9) May 23 (16) May 22 (12) May 21 (11) May 20 (7) May 19 (10) May 18 (8) May 17 (8) May 16 (10) May 15 (8) May 14 (5) May 13 (1) May 12 (6) May 11 (9) May 10 (9) May 09 (10) May 08 (9) May 07 (6) May 06 (5) May 05 (7) May 04 (10) May 03 (7) May 02 (9) May 01 (10) Apr 30 (4) Apr 29 (9) Apr 28 (12) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (4) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (9) Apr 23 (4) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (8) Apr 20 (9) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (4) Apr 17 (2) Apr 16 (4) Apr 15 (10) Apr 14 (7) Apr 13 (5) Apr 12 (7) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (7) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (7) Apr 07 (10) Apr 06 (8) Apr 05 (8) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (6) Apr 02 (4) Apr 01 (4) Mar 31 (11) Mar 30 (12) Mar 29 (16) Mar 28 (8) Mar 27 (10) Mar 26 (12) Mar 25 (6) Mar 24 (9) Mar 23 (3) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (12) Mar 20 (14) Mar 19 (8) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (8) Mar 16 (4) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (9) Mar 12 (6) Mar 11 (5) Mar 10 (13) Mar 09 (8) Mar 08 (10) Mar 07 (12) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (4) Mar 04 (2) Mar 03 (3) Mar 02 (12) Mar 01 (8) Feb 29 (11) Feb 28 (5) Feb 27 (3) Feb 26 (13) Feb 25 (10) Feb 24 (13) Feb 23 (10) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (18) Feb 20 (6) Feb 19 (7) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (5) Feb 16 (9) Feb 15 (7) Feb 14 (6) Feb 13 (5) Feb 12 (6) Feb 11 (4) Feb 10 (8) Feb 09 (5) Feb 08 (8) Feb 07 (10) Feb 06 (7) Feb 05 (7) Feb 04 (5) Feb 03 (11) Feb 02 (4) Feb 01 (3) Jan 31 (12) Jan 30 (7) Jan 29 (7) Jan 28 (7) Jan 27 (12) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (11) Jan 24 (4) Jan 23 (6) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (12) Jan 20 (11) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (6) Jan 17 (11) Jan 16 (9) Jan 15 (4) Jan 14 (3) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (9) Jan 10 (10) Jan 09 (5) Jan 08 (10) Jan 07 (5) Jan 06 (6) Jan 05 (8) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (8) Jan 02 (7) Jan 01 (7) Dec 31 (10) Dec 30 (11) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (5) Dec 27 (10) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (5) Dec 24 (7) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (9) Dec 21 (8) Dec 20 (8) Dec 19 (5) Dec 18 (1) Dec 17 (5) Dec 16 (6) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (13) Dec 13 (8) Dec 12 (7) Dec 11 (9) Dec 10 (12) Dec 09 (7) Dec 08 (11) Dec 07 (9) Dec 06 (11) Dec 05 (10) Dec 04 (6) Dec 03 (8) Dec 02 (6) Dec 01 (14) Nov 30 (7) Nov 29 (8) Nov 28 (8) Nov 27 (6) Nov 26 (9) Nov 25 (10) Nov 24 (12) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (10) Nov 20 (4) Nov 19 (4) Nov 18 (8) Nov 17 (9) Nov 16 (9) Nov 15 (12) Nov 14 (6) Nov 13 (9) Nov 12 (3) Nov 11 (9) Nov 10 (10) Nov 09 (10) Nov 08 (7) Nov 07 (8) Nov 06 (10) Nov 05 (8) Nov 04 (7) Nov 03 (10) Nov 02 (11) Nov 01 (10) Oct 31 (5) Oct 30 (8) Oct 29 (8) Oct 28 (8) Oct 27 (11) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (10) Oct 23 (5) Oct 22 (14) Oct 21 (10) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (11) Oct 18 (13) Oct 17 (7) Oct 16 (6) Oct 15 (9) Oct 14 (7) Oct 13 (12) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (9) Oct 10 (8) Oct 09 (9) Oct 08 (7) Oct 07 (12) Oct 06 (8) Oct 05 (13) Oct 04 (11) Oct 03 (7) Oct 02 (5) Oct 01 (14) Sep 30 (12) Sep 29 (12) Sep 28 (11) Sep 27 (11) Sep 26 (7) Sep 25 (10) Sep 24 (3) Sep 23 (7) Sep 22 (8) Sep 21 (8) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (7) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (14) Sep 16 (7) Sep 15 (11) Sep 14 (13) Sep 13 (11) Sep 12 (9) Sep 11 (5) Sep 10 (4) Sep 09 (13) Sep 08 (11) Sep 07 (11) Sep 06 (16) Sep 05 (1) Sep 04 (10) Sep 03 (8) Sep 02 (8) Sep 01 (7) Aug 31 (1) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (2) Aug 28 (3) Aug 27 (6) Aug 26 (8) Aug 25 (5) Aug 24 (5) Aug 23 (6) Aug 22 (7) Aug 21 (6) Aug 20 (4) Aug 19 (9) Aug 18 (7) Aug 17 (7) Aug 16 (10) Aug 15 (2) Aug 14 (5) Aug 13 (5) Aug 12 (10) Aug 11 (5) Aug 10 (4) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (3) Aug 07 (5) Aug 06 (12) Aug 05 (5) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (6) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (14) Jul 31 (7) Jul 30 (7) Jul 29 (13) Jul 28 (10) Jul 27 (6) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (4) Jul 23 (12) Jul 22 (14) Jul 21 (6) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (12) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (4) Jul 16 (6) Jul 15 (8) Jul 14 (15) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (10) Jul 11 (6) Jul 10 (6) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (6) Jul 07 (9) Jul 06 (15) Jul 05 (6) Jul 04 (10) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (11) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (4) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (8) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (11) Jun 24 (9) Jun 23 (10) Jun 22 (8) Jun 21 (8) Jun 20 (6) Jun 19 (5) Jun 18 (15) Jun 17 (8) Jun 16 (13) Jun 15 (15) Jun 14 (11) Jun 13 (6) Jun 12 (15) Jun 11 (7) Jun 10 (7) Jun 09 (18) Jun 08 (20) Jun 07 (17) Jun 06 (9) Jun 05 (9) Jun 04 (12) Jun 03 (13) Jun 02 (14) Jun 01 (8) May 31 (13) May 30 (8) May 29 (6) May 28 (8) May 27 (17) May 26 (8) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (9) May 22 (4) May 21 (4) May 20 (11) May 19 (14) May 18 (6) May 17 (10) May 16 (4) May 15 (5) May 14 (28) May 12 (9) May 11 (17) May 10 (15) May 09 (12) May 08 (5) May 07 (4) May 06 (10) May 05 (8) May 04 (10) May 03 (5) May 02 (6) May 01 (8) Apr 30 (8) Apr 29 (12) Apr 28 (6) Apr 27 (11) Apr 26 (12) Apr 25 (6) Apr 24 (3) Apr 23 (5) Apr 22 (10) Apr 21 (19) Apr 20 (13) Apr 19 (11) Apr 18 (11) Apr 17 (5) Apr 16 (12) Apr 15 (11) Apr 14 (17) Apr 13 (6) Apr 12 (16) Apr 11 (10) Apr 10 (1) Apr 09 (18) Apr 08 (14) Apr 07 (6) Apr 06 (10) Apr 05 (21) Apr 04 (12) Apr 03 (4) Apr 02 (13) Apr 01 (8) Mar 31 (10) Mar 30 (11) Mar 29 (10) Mar 28 (8) Mar 27 (6) Mar 26 (12) Mar 25 (15) Mar 24 (10) Mar 23 (12) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (8) Mar 20 (4) Mar 19 (11) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (7) Mar 16 (9) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (4) Mar 13 (2) Mar 12 (14) Mar 11 (13) Mar 10 (7) Mar 09 (9) Mar 08 (17) Mar 07 (5) Mar 06 (7) Mar 05 (13) Mar 04 (10) Mar 03 (14) Mar 02 (12) Mar 01 (18) Feb 28 (8) Feb 27 (2) Feb 26 (9) Feb 25 (13) Feb 24 (17) Feb 23 (13) Feb 22 (12) Feb 21 (11) Feb 20 (11) Feb 19 (16) Feb 18 (17) Feb 17 (15) Feb 16 (15) Feb 15 (15) Feb 14 (10) Feb 13 (8) Feb 12 (10) Feb 11 (15) Feb 10 (11) Feb 09 (13) Feb 08 (10) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (6) Feb 05 (15) Feb 04 (15) Feb 03 (11) Feb 02 (14) Feb 01 (15) Jan 31 (11) Jan 30 (9) Jan 29 (19) Jan 28 (9) Jan 27 (9) Jan 26 (16) Jan 25 (19) Jan 24 (17) Jan 23 (8) Jan 22 (15) Jan 21 (9) Jan 20 (11) Jan 19 (7) Jan 18 (9) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (7) Jan 15 (12) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (14) Jan 12 (11) Jan 11 (13) Jan 10 (8) Jan 09 (8) Jan 08 (20) Jan 07 (11) Jan 06 (11) Jan 05 (8) Jan 04 (14) Jan 03 (6) Jan 02 (7) Jan 01 (7) Dec 31 (14) Dec 30 (15) Dec 29 (7) Dec 28 (10) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (3) Dec 25 (11) Dec 24 (9) Dec 23 (9) Dec 22 (15) Dec 21 (12) Dec 20 (11) Dec 19 (4) Dec 18 (16) Dec 17 (6) Dec 16 (12) Dec 15 (14) Dec 14 (11) Dec 13 (10) Dec 12 (6) Dec 11 (10) Dec 10 (17) Dec 09 (11) Dec 08 (12) Dec 07 (16) Dec 06 (11) Dec 05 (5) Dec 04 (12) Dec 03 (15) Dec 02 (15) Dec 01 (12) Nov 30 (16) Nov 29 (7) Nov 28 (11) Nov 27 (13) Nov 26 (13) Nov 25 (16) Nov 24 (15) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (4) Nov 20 (8) Nov 19 (9) Nov 18 (16) Nov 17 (11) Nov 16 (11) Nov 15 (10) Nov 14 (9) Nov 13 (6) Nov 12 (10) Nov 11 (12) Nov 10 (15) Nov 09 (9) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (6) Nov 06 (7) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (14) Nov 03 (10) Nov 02 (13) Nov 01 (9) Oct 31 (9) Oct 30 (11) Oct 29 (18) Oct 28 (13) Oct 27 (23) Oct 26 (12) Oct 25 (14) Oct 24 (20) Oct 22 (18) Oct 21 (18) Oct 20 (19) Oct 19 (12) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (18) Oct 15 (8) Oct 14 (11) Oct 13 (9) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (6) Oct 10 (7) Oct 09 (27) Oct 08 (14) Oct 07 (10) Oct 06 (9) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (10) Oct 03 (6) Oct 02 (9) Oct 01 (13) Sep 30 (12) Sep 29 (13) Sep 28 (8) Sep 27 (9) Sep 26 (8) Sep 25 (14) Sep 24 (4) Sep 23 (14) Sep 22 (20) Sep 21 (11) Sep 20 (6) Sep 19 (9) Sep 18 (14) Sep 17 (8) Sep 16 (17) Sep 15 (6) Sep 14 (11) Sep 13 (9) Sep 12 (4) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (14) Sep 09 (12) Sep 08 (17) Sep 07 (12) Sep 06 (13) Sep 05 (9) Sep 04 (20) Sep 03 (16) Sep 02 (16) Sep 01 (10) Aug 31 (13) Aug 30 (4) Aug 29 (9) Aug 28 (6) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (11) Aug 25 (10) Aug 24 (14) Aug 23 (12) Aug 22 (13) Aug 21 (10) Aug 20 (13) Aug 19 (15) Aug 18 (8) Aug 17 (10) Aug 16 (8) Aug 15 (3) Aug 14 (11) Aug 13 (12) Aug 12 (15) Aug 11 (10) Aug 10 (17) Aug 09 (6) Aug 08 (13) Aug 07 (11) Aug 06 (13) Aug 05 (11) Aug 04 (11) Aug 03 (10) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (6) Jul 31 (10) Jul 30 (21) Jul 29 (14) Jul 28 (13) Jul 27 (16) Jul 26 (10) Jul 25 (15) Jul 24 (17) Jul 23 (15) Jul 22 (15) Jul 21 (19) Jul 20 (17) Jul 19 (9) Jul 18 (7) Jul 17 (26) Jul 16 (18) Jul 15 (20) Jul 14 (16) Jul 13 (19) Jul 12 (11) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (13) Jul 09 (11) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (12) Jul 06 (16) Jul 05 (9) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (15) Jul 02 (11) Jul 01 (14) Jun 30 (13) Jun 29 (19) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (9) Jun 26 (16) Jun 25 (22) Jun 24 (17) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (15) Jun 21 (14) Jun 20 (8) Jun 19 (17) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (10) Jun 16 (17) Jun 15 (13) Jun 14 (14) Jun 13 (4) Jun 12 (13) Jun 11 (15) Jun 10 (25) Jun 09 (10) Jun 08 (23) Jun 07 (14) Jun 06 (20) Jun 05 (10) Jun 04 (11) Jun 03 (12) Jun 02 (21) Jun 01 (14) May 31 (10) May 30 (14) May 29 (8) May 28 (23) May 27 (20) May 26 (16) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (10) May 22 (18) May 21 (14) May 20 (12) May 19 (18) May 18 (14) May 17 (13) May 16 (4) May 15 (7) May 14 (16) May 13 (13) May 12 (8) May 11 (18) May 10 (8) May 09 (7) May 08 (13) May 07 (11) May 06 (15) May 05 (18) May 04 (17) May 03 (7) May 02 (5) May 01 (11) Apr 30 (19) Apr 29 (21) Apr 28 (18) Apr 27 (16) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (11) Apr 24 (9) Apr 23 (20) Apr 22 (23) Apr 21 (5) Apr 20 (16) Apr 19 (13) Apr 18 (6) Apr 17 (6) Apr 16 (16) Apr 15 (18) Apr 14 (13) Apr 13 (14) Apr 12 (9) Apr 11 (3) Apr 10 (16) Apr 09 (14) Apr 08 (12) Apr 07 (18) Apr 06 (7) Apr 05 (11) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (19) Apr 02 (17) Apr 01 (16) Mar 31 (16) Mar 30 (22) Mar 29 (16) Mar 28 (16) Mar 27 (19) Mar 26 (31) Mar 25 (25) Mar 24 (26) Mar 23 (27) Mar 22 (22) Mar 21 (22) Mar 20 (13) Mar 19 (21) Mar 18 (20) Mar 17 (24) Mar 16 (18) Mar 15 (9) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (29) Mar 12 (15) Mar 11 (11) Mar 10 (11) Mar 09 (20) Mar 08 (12) Mar 07 (6) Mar 06 (21) Mar 05 (22) Mar 04 (19) Mar 03 (9) Mar 02 (20) Mar 01 (11) Feb 28 (11) Feb 27 (27) Feb 26 (15) Feb 25 (18) Feb 24 (17) Feb 23 (19) Feb 22 (24) Feb 21 (10) Feb 20 (14) Feb 19 (25) Feb 18 (16) Feb 17 (19) Feb 16 (23) Feb 15 (8) Feb 14 (11) Feb 13 (25) Feb 12 (16) Feb 11 (12) Feb 10 (18) Feb 09 (12) Feb 08 (14) Feb 07 (8) Feb 06 (27) Feb 05 (28) Feb 04 (24) Feb 03 (17) Feb 02 (20) Feb 01 (23) Jan 31 (16) Jan 30 (20) Jan 29 (26) Jan 28 (17) Jan 27 (21) Jan 26 (24) Jan 25 (16) Jan 24 (14) Jan 23 (16) Jan 22 (17) Jan 21 (19) Jan 20 (21) Jan 19 (17) Jan 18 (13) Jan 17 (14) Jan 16 (10) Jan 15 (21) Jan 14 (16) Jan 13 (19) Jan 12 (30) Jan 11 (14) Jan 10 (11) Jan 09 (8) Jan 08 (23) Jan 07 (13) Jan 06 (21) Jan 05 (15) Jan 04 (18) Jan 03 (9) Jan 02 (12) Jan 01 (15) Dec 31 (18) Dec 30 (7) Dec 29 (13) Dec 28 (11) Dec 27 (8) Dec 26 (6) Dec 25 (8) Dec 24 (28) Dec 23 (12) Dec 22 (12) Dec 21 (17) Dec 20 (19) Dec 19 (19) Dec 18 (22) Dec 17 (24) Dec 16 (17) Dec 15 (29) Dec 14 (22) Dec 13 (12) Dec 12 (22) Dec 11 (24) Dec 10 (25) Dec 09 (18) Dec 08 (15) Dec 07 (21) Dec 06 (24) Dec 05 (30) Dec 04 (28) Dec 03 (26) Dec 02 (22) Dec 01 (33) Nov 30 (23) Nov 29 (9) Nov 28 (18) Nov 27 (25) Nov 26 (17) Nov 25 (23) Nov 24 (27) Nov 23 (12) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (15) Nov 20 (23) Nov 19 (23) Nov 18 (24) Nov 17 (21) Nov 16 (20) Nov 15 (13) Nov 14 (15) Nov 13 (27) Nov 12 (23) Nov 11 (19) Nov 10 (21) Nov 09 (13) Nov 08 (16) Nov 07 (16) Nov 06 (32) Nov 05 (24) Nov 04 (20) Nov 03 (29) Nov 02 (12) Nov 01 (15) Oct 31 (20) Oct 30 (22) Oct 29 (27) Oct 28 (20) Oct 27 (23) Oct 26 (21) Oct 25 (15) Oct 24 (23) Oct 23 (26) Oct 22 (27) Oct 21 (28) Oct 20 (24) Oct 19 (13) Oct 18 (9) Oct 17 (30) Oct 16 (8) Oct 15 (20) Oct 14 (14) Oct 13 (17) Oct 12 (16) Oct 11 (8) Oct 10 (19) Oct 09 (22) Oct 08 (16) Oct 07 (18) Oct 06 (23) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (15) Oct 03 (21) Oct 02 (17) Oct 01 (22) Sep 30 (25) Sep 29 (20) Sep 28 (17) Sep 27 (13) Sep 26 (20) Sep 25 (15) Sep 24 (24) Sep 23 (23) Sep 22 (18) Sep 21 (20) Sep 20 (11) Sep 19 (24) Sep 18 (25) Sep 17 (25) Sep 16 (19) Sep 15 (21) Sep 14 (15) Sep 13 (10) Sep 12 (23) Sep 11 (23) Sep 10 (25) Sep 09 (25) Sep 08 (17) Sep 07 (3) Sep 06 (17) Sep 05 (14) Sep 04 (24) Sep 03 (16) Sep 02 (11) Sep 01 (19) Aug 31 (20) Aug 30 (11) Aug 29 (24) Aug 28 (24) Aug 27 (16) Aug 26 (26) Aug 25 (21) Aug 24 (15) Aug 23 (19) Aug 22 (15) Aug 21 (25) Aug 20 (27) Aug 19 (19) Aug 18 (24) Aug 17 (14) Aug 16 (10) Aug 15 (15) Aug 14 (16) Aug 13 (21) Aug 12 (30) Aug 11 (19) Aug 10 (8) Aug 09 (12) Aug 08 (17) Aug 07 (21) Aug 06 (26) Aug 05 (23) Aug 04 (21) Aug 03 (12) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (19) Jul 31 (21) Jul 30 (25) Jul 29 (29) Jul 28 (23) Jul 27 (17) Jul 26 (11) Jul 25 (21) Jul 24 (14) Jul 23 (15) Jul 22 (19) Jul 21 (15) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (10) Jul 18 (15) Jul 17 (22) Jul 16 (18) Jul 15 (21) Jul 14 (20) Jul 13 (7) Jul 12 (9) Jul 11 (29) Jul 10 (19) Jul 09 (17) Jul 08 (26) Jul 07 (21) Jul 06 (18) Jul 05 (14) Jul 04 (20) Jul 03 (17) Jul 02 (24) Jul 01 (23) Jun 30 (23) Jun 29 (18) Jun 28 (16) Jun 27 (16) Jun 26 (17) Jun 25 (23) Jun 24 (32) Jun 23 (29) Jun 22 (8) Jun 21 (17) Jun 20 (25) Jun 19 (28) Jun 18 (19) Jun 17 (25) Jun 16 (23) Jun 15 (9) Jun 14 (11) Jun 13 (14) Jun 12 (22) Jun 11 (19) Jun 10 (17) Jun 09 (15) Jun 08 (16) Jun 07 (7) Jun 06 (29) Jun 05 (27) Jun 04 (24) Jun 03 (22) Jun 02 (22) Jun 01 (13) May 31 (9) May 30 (26) May 29 (19) May 28 (15) May 27 (15) May 26 (23) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (24) May 22 (13) May 21 (21) May 20 (18) May 19 (16) May 18 (7) May 17 (12) May 16 (25) May 15 (24) May 14 (23) May 13 (19) May 12 (17) May 11 (8) May 10 (6) May 09 (14) May 08 (21) May 07 (26) May 06 (14) May 05 (14) May 04 (3) May 03 (3) May 02 (24) May 01 (13) Apr 30 (15) Apr 29 (24) Apr 28 (24) Apr 27 (11) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (13) Apr 24 (27) Apr 23 (15) Apr 22 (21) Apr 21 (19) Apr 20 (17) Apr 19 (8) Apr 18 (20) Apr 17 (27) Apr 16 (27) Apr 15 (21) Apr 14 (8) Apr 13 (8) Apr 12 (7) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (22) Apr 09 (15) Apr 08 (15) Apr 07 (17) Apr 06 (14) Apr 05 (5) Apr 04 (12) Apr 03 (19) Apr 02 (17) Apr 01 (19) Mar 31 (25) Mar 30 (13) Mar 29 (9) Mar 28 (16) Mar 27 (23) Mar 26 (22) Mar 25 (17) Mar 24 (25) Mar 23 (16) Mar 22 (13) Mar 21 (24) Mar 20 (27) Mar 19 (20) Mar 18 (24) Mar 17 (17) Mar 16 (11) Mar 15 (6) Mar 14 (20) Mar 13 (28) Mar 12 (30) Mar 11 (20) Mar 10 (21) Mar 09 (12) Mar 08 (8) Mar 07 (17) Mar 06 (20) Mar 05 (19) Mar 04 (15) Mar 03 (17) Mar 02 (8) Mar 01 (12) Feb 28 (16) Feb 27 (17) Feb 26 (8) Feb 25 (23) Feb 24 (15) Feb 23 (8) Feb 22 (10) Feb 21 (24) Feb 20 (14) Feb 19 (24) Feb 18 (19) Feb 17 (27) Feb 16 (13) Feb 15 (11) Feb 14 (15) Feb 13 (13) Feb 12 (13) Feb 11 (21) Feb 10 (16) Feb 09 (15) Feb 08 (10) Feb 07 (17) Feb 06 (21) Feb 05 (17) Feb 04 (14) Feb 03 (23) Feb 02 (5) Feb 01 (8) Jan 31 (17) Jan 30 (22) Jan 29 (23) Jan 28 (10) Jan 27 (24) Jan 26 (12) Jan 25 (9) Jan 24 (12) Jan 23 (19) Jan 22 (19) Jan 21 (14) Jan 20 (21) Jan 19 (12) Jan 18 (8) Jan 17 (20) Jan 16 (14) Jan 15 (23) Jan 14 (8) Jan 13 (20) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (7) Jan 10 (18) Jan 09 (11) Jan 08 (18) Jan 07 (13) Jan 06 (12) Jan 05 (12) Jan 04 (11) Jan 03 (10) Jan 02 (9) Jan 01 (9) Dec 31 (12) Dec 30 (11) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (13) Dec 26 (15) Dec 25 (8) Dec 24 (6) Dec 23 (8) Dec 22 (5) Dec 21 (6) Dec 20 (14) Dec 19 (17) Dec 18 (14) Dec 17 (14) Dec 16 (13) Dec 15 (9) Dec 14 (9) Dec 13 (11) Dec 12 (16) Dec 11 (18) Dec 10 (4) Dec 09 (24) Dec 08 (11) Dec 07 (19) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (26) Dec 04 (15) Dec 03 (20) Dec 02 (17) Dec 01 (11) Nov 30 (10) Nov 29 (18) Nov 28 (21) Nov 27 (10) Nov 26 (22) Nov 25 (16) Nov 24 (12) Nov 23 (8) Nov 22 (18) Nov 21 (9) Nov 20 (17) Nov 19 (16) Nov 18 (16) Nov 17 (5) Nov 16 (9) Nov 15 (21) Nov 14 (17) Nov 13 (20) Nov 12 (16) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (9) Nov 09 (10) Nov 08 (16) Nov 07 (15) Nov 06 (18) Nov 05 (19) Nov 04 (16) Nov 03 (11) Nov 02 (5) Nov 01 (17) Oct 31 (17) Oct 30 (21) Oct 29 (9) Oct 28 (16) Oct 27 (6) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (16) Oct 24 (18) Oct 23 (14) Oct 22 (17) Oct 21 (10) Oct 20 (6) Oct 19 (8) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (12) Oct 16 (14) Oct 15 (19) Oct 14 (15) Oct 13 (11) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (10) Oct 10 (23) Oct 09 (13) Oct 08 (15) Oct 07 (20) Oct 06 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13 (8) Jul 12 (17) Jul 11 (18) Jul 10 (16) Jul 09 (13) Jul 08 (10) Jul 07 (12) Jul 06 (8) Jul 05 (16) Jul 04 (14) Jul 03 (17) Jul 02 (13) Jul 01 (16) Jun 30 (19) Jun 29 (7) Jun 28 (19) Jun 27 (21) Jun 26 (27) Jun 25 (23) Jun 24 (23) Jun 23 (12) Jun 22 (9) Jun 21 (18) Jun 20 (15) Jun 19 (24) Jun 18 (21) Jun 17 (13) Jun 16 (9) Jun 15 (9) Jun 14 (18) Jun 13 (24) Jun 12 (18) Jun 11 (23) Jun 10 (25) Jun 09 (24) Jun 08 (27) Jun 07 (5) Jun 06 (25) Jun 05 (30) Jun 04 (23) Jun 03 (22) Jun 02 (16) Jun 01 (17) May 31 (18) May 30 (19) May 29 (17) May 28 (23) May 27 (15) May 26 (10) May 25 (19) May 24 (16) May 23 (16) May 22 (27) May 21 (20) May 20 (26) May 19 (6) May 18 (8) May 17 (20) May 16 (8) May 15 (18) May 14 (5) May 13 (21) May 12 (9) May 11 (8) May 10 (12) May 09 (18) May 08 (11) May 07 (27) May 06 (12) May 05 (16) May 04 (19) May 03 (14) May 02 (18) May 01 (18) Apr 30 (25) Apr 29 (27) Apr 28 (11) Apr 27 (10) Apr 26 (18) Apr 25 (10) Apr 24 (29) Apr 23 (29) Apr 22 (14) Apr 21 (15) Apr 20 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27 (10) Jan 26 (18) Jan 25 (26) Jan 24 (34) Jan 23 (21) Jan 22 (21) Jan 21 (18) Jan 20 (18) Jan 19 (18) Jan 18 (26) Jan 17 (24) Jan 16 (23) Jan 15 (30) Jan 14 (20) Jan 13 (18) Jan 12 (24) Jan 11 (11) Jan 10 (23) Jan 09 (22) Jan 08 (17) Jan 07 (17) Jan 06 (9) Jan 05 (18) Jan 04 (15) Jan 03 (19) Jan 02 (14) Jan 01 (6) Dec 31 (12) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (15) Dec 28 (11) Dec 27 (7) Dec 26 (10) Dec 25 (16) Dec 24 (13) Dec 23 (16) Dec 22 (11) Dec 21 (26) Dec 20 (28) Dec 19 (14) Dec 18 (25) Dec 17 (23) Dec 16 (19) Dec 15 (22) Dec 14 (38) Dec 13 (26) Dec 12 (25) Dec 11 (27) Dec 10 (31) Dec 09 (15) Dec 08 (30) Dec 07 (31) Dec 06 (27) Dec 05 (38) Dec 04 (25) Dec 03 (27) Dec 02 (15) Dec 01 (36) Nov 30 (23) Nov 29 (17) Nov 28 (23) Nov 27 (13) Nov 26 (16) Nov 25 (14) Nov 24 (18) Nov 23 (21) Nov 22 (21) Nov 21 (24) Nov 20 (20) Nov 19 (23) Nov 18 (17) Nov 17 (17) Nov 16 (34) Nov 15 (25) Nov 14 (17) Nov 13 (21) Nov 12 (18) Nov 11 (9) Nov 10 (15) Nov 09 (9) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (12) Nov 06 (8) Nov 05 (4) Oct 29 (1) Oct 01 (1) Jul 29 (1) May 11 (1) Jul 11 (1) No posts for a few days! Packing and trying to get to The Tiny Russian Village Svetochka has taken next week off, Boza has a year supply of eye drops & six months worth of food, Sammy the Volga is in great shape and I am definitely ready to see the village again It will not be easy and we will have to ad lib to get there. It is snowing like crazy, but it is only -4 or so in the Tiny Russian Village. I just walked Boza in Moscow and the snow is blowing and it is -10 as I walked him Today Svetochka and I will go to Globus and finish stocking food. I plan on having cases of canned goods to allow me to not have to leave the village for months. This year I doubt Boza will be able to walk with me to the village nearby. His eyes are too bad and I worry about such things. I have to spend much time keeping one eye on him and try to keep myself from getting in trouble We will see! (No pun intended) So pardon me while we get ready to go and I ignore the blog for a few days. Once in The Tiny Russian Village! I will set up shop and get going again WtR MSPs that want to be successful in the long run must look at cybersecurity as a foundational service, one they There are a lot of side benefits to birding. Those of us who have had our eyes magnetically drawn to all things avian have realized this from time to time, especially if we have spent years squishing through marshes in search of LeContes Sparrows, giving blood to bugs in places like Alaska, heavenly scented boreal bogs, and muddy mangroves, and trudging through thin air landscapes to see if we can spot a bird that looks kind of like a chicken. But, while we are making sacrifices for the avian quest, we also experience side benefits much less trying in nature. Not only did I see that little, straw-colored sparrow that had migrated from the remote wetlands of Ontario, I shared the unique experience with people who would rather explore the real world than say mean things on social media. Mangroves in the Yucatan yielded looks at a creeping Rufous-necked Wood-Rail marveled at with a birding friend long before a lost, curious individual photobombed its way into the modern birding world. While seeing that wild, white, chicken-like bird on the tundra of Rainbow Pass, I witnessed the magic of snow flakes making their silent mark on the high, rocky grounds of the mountains. Other birding experiences have given me opportunities to meet kind, generous people in Mexico who seemed to belong to another time, to wonder if a nearby foraging bear was too close while doing a point count in Colorado, and to feel the deep territorial growl of a Jaguar in the primeval black of a Peruvian rainforest. In tamer forests right above the falls at Niagara, I once had the benefit of meeting an adult son with his loving mother in the middle of the forest. It was spring migration and they werent birding but he greeted me with open arms and a hug. I was pretty sure that I didnt know him but his open, loving, trusting greeting made me wonder if I had met him before, maybe in grade school. He asked and I told him my name and that I was watching birds. He said,Watching birds Pat? What are you seeing? I told him I had seen an Ovenbird. He immediately said, I was making cookies the other day and they got burned. So, so, you think that Ovenbird had something to do with it Pat? His mother smiled, I probably did too, and we explained that, No, this bird just has that name but it doesnt really get involved with ovens, at least not the ones for cookies. He said, I like this forest Pat, I like being in the forest. Its so beautiful in here, all green and beautiful. Right mom? Lets stay here for a while and not go back yet, ok?. Sure son but lets say goodbye to Pat first. Ok mom, bye Pat! Bye, bye, I hope we dont run into any more Ovenbirds! His patient mother with the caring eyes turned her head and mouthed, Thank you. I waved goodbye, Red-eyed Vireos and eye-candy Bay-breasted Warblers sang from the canopy, and I kept birding. Normally, I would have avoided other people to focus on birds, just been polite and walked on. Most of us would because, after all, we have limited time to see the transients that suddenly arrive and leave during the height of May migration and its a serious thing. But so is meeting people who show unconditional love. No, he couldnt take care of himself and conversation edged towards the non-sensical but I am better for that brief meeting in the small patch of rare, mature forest on Goat Island and am grateful for it. I never again saw the son who was finding solace in a patch of old growth forest, a place where I have also found sanctuary in times of mental duress and when events seemed being control. I wish I could have met him again and shown him some birds, seen if a chickadee would eat from his hand, asked him and his mother how they were doing. I wish I could go there now and walk next to trees that were young when the island part of the Seneca nation but at least there are no shortage of mountains, old forests, and hundreds of birds to look at in Costa Rica. Here, just as elsewhere, the opportunities to take solace, re-focus and energize the mind, and reap the side benefits of birding are numerous. They are also crowned with Emerald Tanagers and Snowcaps. Livia Gershon in Aeon: The Free State Project began life in 2001 with a call-to-arms by Jason Sorens, then a political science PhD student at Yale. Sorens suggested that a few thousand activists could radically change the political balance in the small state. Once weve taken over the state government, we can slash state and local budgets, which make up a sizeable proportion of the tax and regulatory burden we face every day, he wrote. Furthermore, we can eliminate substantial federal interference by refusing to take highway funds and the strings attached to them. Sorens views which focus on problems with taxes and regulations and dont dispute the governments role in protecting commerce and conducting foreign policy suggest a more-Republican-than-the-Republicans sort of outlook. But some people whove responded to his call subscribe to an entirely different ideology: an anarchism that sees government as a tool of wealthy capitalists. The rest fall somewhere in between. Free Staters say that what brings them together is a common belief that government is the opposite of freedom. The crowd that gathered in February for Liberty Forum 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua was a pretty good reflection of the US libertarian movement: mainly male, and overwhelmingly white. A few people openly carried guns, which is thoroughly legal in New Hampshire. One of the first speakers, Aaron Day, a Republican activist and member of the Free State Project board, railed against government plans to expand Medicaid. His PowerPoint flashed images comparing President Barack Obamas health insurance reforms to the Soviet famine of the 1930s, when Stalin shipped away Ukraines wheat, leaving its people to starve. Day announced hed be running for state Republican Party chair and called for everyone in the audience to seek local office. If I was looking for the embodiment of right-wing libertarianism, here he was, a true believer in cutting the government down to size from within starting with programmes that benefit the poor. More here. John Banville at the Dublin Review of Books: The Frankfurt School, the popular name for the determinedly Marxist Institute for Social Research, flourished, ironically, on a capitalist fortune. Hermann Weil was the worlds largest trader in grain, but after his death in 1928 his son Felix, in a classic instance of oedipal rebellion, used his inheritance to provide an annual grant of 120,000 marks to ensure the continued solvency of the institute, which had been founded in 1923 by Carl Grunberg, a professor of law at the University of Vienna. Grunbergs successor, the sociologist Max Horkheimer, took over the directorship in 1930, and brought in many of the schools leading figures, including Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm and the much younger Jurgen Habermas, who is today one of Europes most formidable philosophical voices. From the outset the Frankfurt School had its passionate detractors. It was the Hungarian Marxist critic Gyorgy Lukacs who contemptuously dubbed it the Grand Hotel Abyss, equipped, as he wrote, with every comfort, on the edge of an abyss, of nothingness, of absurdity. As Stuart Jeffries writes, Horkheimer, Adorno and Co were regarded as virtuosic at critiquing the viciousness of fascism and capitalisms socially eviscerating, spiritually crushing impact on western societies, but not so good at changing what they critiqued. Yet leading figures of the school such as Horkheimer, Adorno and Fromm cannot be accused of hypocrisy or Sartrean bad faith. more here. Michael Dirda at The Washington Post: In the early 1950s a teenage Robert Silverberg began to submit stories to science fiction magazines. About this same time the Paris Review was inaugurating its celebrated Writers at Work interviews. In a properly run world, Silverberg would by now have been among the authors honored by that literary quarterly, since his has been one of the most prodigious careers in all American letters. Still, one can hardly imagine the result being better, or more sheerly enjoyable, than the seven long conversations conducted by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro in Traveler of Worlds. That word prodigious captures two aspects of Silverbergs professional life. First, he was a prodigy, publishing his first novel the popular juvenile book Revolt on Alpha C in 1955, when he was just 21. In 1956 he won a special Hugo award as the most promising young talent in science fiction. (The runner-up was Harlan Ellison.) Determined to earn his living with his typewriter, Silverberg then began to produce fiction and nonfiction at an astonishing rate, using both his own name and an unknown number of pseudonyms. One year he wrote 40 novels (though many of these were just quick-cash pornography). He worked much harder on popular introductions to archaeology and accounts of historys byways, such as the still valuable Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations. By 1961 Silverberg had grown wealthy enough largely through investments to purchase a mansion that had once belonged to New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. Money, as he says here, makes for a quieter life, and Im not interested in turbulence. more here. Rafia Zakaria in The New York Times: For the anniversary of 9/11 this year, CNN convened a special panel it titled 9/11 Kids to Terrorists: You Lose. It featured 10 young men and women, all of whom had lost fathers on that fateful September day. Seated in a studio, they spoke poignantly of growing up with loss, of milestones punctuated by the absence of fathers. I remember watching the tribute and thinking of those who were not included, and its very literal assessment of casualties and those affected by it. Sept. 11, 2001, was also the day amid whose macabre details lay Americas introduction to Islam. The generation of Muslim American children who have grown up in its shadow are, in a different but just as pertinent sense, also 9/11 kids. Amani Al-Khatahtbehs memoir Muslim Girl: A Coming of Age is a chronicle of how these other children of 9/11 have been affected by Americas inveterate gluing together of Muslim and terrorist. It is an account that should both enlighten and shame Americans who read it. Al-Khatahtbeh, who is also the founder of the media site Muslim Girl, was in fourth grade at the Bowne-Munro Elementary School in East Brunswick, N.J., that sunny September day. It was yearbook photo day, and she had dressed for it in a stiff pair of jeans and a blue shirt. The photographs never happened; instead there was early dismissal and the struggle to understand what her mother meant when she said the twin towers were not there anymore and that two planes crashed into them. At home, in front of the television, her fathers ominous words would make more sense: This is a horrible thing that happened. . . . And theyre going to blame us. And its going to get much worse. He was right. More here. SD Secretary of State office says Smith remedied campaign finance mistake Rep. Jamie Smith's campaign originally did not include the mailing addresses of his donors in violation of campaign finance law. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Former Attorney General of Louisiana, Charles C. Foti, Jr., Esq., a partner at the law firm of Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC ("KSF"), announces that KSF has commenced an investigation into Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (NYSE: PBYI). On September 30, 2016, a United States District Judge for the Central District of California United States District Court denied a motion to dismiss in a shareholder class action against Puma, CEO, President, and Chairman Alan H. Auerbach, and Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration and Treasurer Charles R. Eyler. The class action alleged that, in violation of the federal securities laws, Puma and the other defendants failed to inform shareholders that the shift in what its breast cancer drug, called neratinib, could actually treat would require additional studies and push the timeline for filing the NDA into the first quarter of 2016, and that Puma made false and misleading statements concerning the results for its phase 3 trial. In denying Puma's motion to dismiss the securities fraud class action, the court stated that the plaintiff had "adequately and specifically alleged why each of these statements and several others could be false or at least misleading." The court further held that the complaint contained allegations adequate to show that Auerback "knew about the allegedly real trial results when he made the alleged misrepresentations." KSF's investigation is focusing on whether Puma's officers and/or directors breached their fiduciary duties to Puma's shareholders or otherwise violated state or federal laws. If you have information that would assist KSF in its investigation, or have been a long-term holder of Puma shares and would like to discuss your legal rights, you may, without obligation or cost to you, call toll-free at 1-877-515-1850 or email KSF Managing Partner Lewis Kahn (lewis.kahn@ksfcounsel.com). About Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC KSF, whose partners include the Former Louisiana Attorney General Charles C. Foti, Jr., is a law firm focused on securities, antitrust and consumer class actions, along with merger & acquisition and breach of fiduciary litigation against publicly traded companies on behalf of shareholders. The firm has offices in New York, California and Louisiana. To learn more about KSF, you may visit www.ksfcounsel.com. Contact: Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC Lewis Kahn, Managing Partner lewis.kahn@ksfcounsel.com 1-877-515-1850 206 Covington St. Madisonville, LA 70447 Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160819/399590LOGO To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/puma-investigation-initiated-by-former-louisiana-attorney-general-kahn-swick--foti-llc-investigates-puma-biotechnology-inc---pbyi-300360479.html SOURCE Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC Web Toolbar by Wibiya In a bid to change the history, two famous countries upturned the tables overnight, creating astonishing history. In a bid to end the menace of black money in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the 500 and 1000 currency bills be changed overnight and the older ones be banned. On the other side of the world, Donald trump was elected the president to the antagonism of many Americans, clearly demonstrating the annoyance at the win in the election alongside Hillary Clinton for the president of United States of America. Reports by Telegraph have avowed that tacit protests have even started sweeping US with protestors burning effigies and blocking traffic all the way in 10 cities including Washington and Los Angeles. Prime minister of India Narendra Modi has been in praises, ever since he made the sudden announcement to take over the old notes with new 500 and 200 rupee currency with the banks working overnight, helping people exchanging cash and depositing money. "This is the biggest and the boldest step by the government for containing black money. It is like a surgical strike on black money," Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia tweeted today. While it might be a little over the counter problem for common people since no shops, no travel mode and no eateries have been acknowledging old notes, there is a huge triumph for wasting up the black money holed up in cash. But for the eulogizing part, Indians are contributing to their level best in making this new change worthwhile by praising the move and the timing to implement the same overnight. In the western world, Trump has even been warned against his US isolationalist comments and his plan to impose 45% tariff on Chinese imports. President-elect Donald Trump threatened to tear up trade deals and pursue a more unilateral foreign policy under his "America First" principle during a tempestuous election campaign earlier. This has taken the China ministry by storm as they think that the current president is completely unpredictable. According to the Independent, the stock market rushed down with the won of the 45th president of United States and experts predict that it may have results worse than Brexit. According to the Business Standard, the change in currency overnight is going to have negative impact on the stock market but no long term effect. In a curb to cut down black money, fake denominations of currencies roaming in the market freestyle can be easily handled. The social media has been roaring since hours both the announcements were declared. Trolling them on internet, it has been circulated that US got TRUMPed and India got MODIfied. The future will tell, thats for sure. Aiken, SC (29801) Today Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Low 54F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Low 54F. Winds light and variable. November 11, 2016 GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip For the second year in a row, the Women's Affairs Center in the Gaza Strip organized on Nov. 3 a womens film festival headlined "Women for Change" in which several drama films produced by the center and tackling bold topics were shown. Hanin Kullab, 32, produced a short film called "Lailat Farah" ("A Joyful Night"), which was shown at the festival held inside Rashad al-Shawwa hall in Gaza City. The film talks about early marriage for men and women, which is a rampant phenomenon in the Gaza Strip. Kullab told Al-Monitor, "The 13-minute film tells the story of Farah and Firas, who barely reached 15 years of age and got married based on a decision from their parents. They were faced with a reality they did not choose. The wedding night was not a typical one for them. They talked about their dreams, their usage of social media platforms like Facebook and their love for songs. They decided to rebel against their reality by standing in the Unknown Soldier Square in Gaza City holding banners that read, 'We are still kids.'" She realized that the storyline was not new, but she made sure to tackle the topic from a bolder angle that differs from local productions. She focused on the marriage of minors by delving into the details of their wedding night, which is daring in Gaza's traditional society. Producer Rima Mahmoud, 28, tackled a less-explored topic on camera. Her film, which was screened during the festival, reflects the five minutes that Israel grants families to evacuate their houses before shelling them during war. The families are thus torn between running for their lives or staying with their memories hanging on the walls. The film is called "Arwah Alika" ("Souls in Limbo"). Mahmoud told Al-Monitor, "This is the story of each Palestinian citizen at times of war as he awaits death at any moment while at home. There is a thin line between life and death, and five minutes is all the time that Israel gives to evacuate houses that hold most of our memories before shelling them. These five minutes reflect souls in limbo, stuck between memories and life, and only separated by destiny." Mahmoud noted that the film reflects the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip who have been experiencing injustice in their own country and have endured the conflict with Israel. She said, "Boldness does not only concern choosing delicate topics, but also focusing on regions that have not enjoyed enough coverage." Nine films participated in the festival, and they were produced by the Women's Affairs Center in the Gaza Strip, which specializes in women's affairs, achievements and problems, and focuses on developing their skills in all fields. All films talk about women's affairs and highlight their problems, whether social or political, and reflect their achievements in several fields. Siham Ahmad, 25, from Gaza City, found a new kind of expression of women, their problems and creations in the festival. She told Al-Monitor, "The diverse films that I have watched reflect the reality of Palestinian women, showing details that are often missing spontaneously or deliberately in the media. We rarely see this in the media or even in cinematic productions. These films do women justice in showing their skills and reflecting their problems." Abdullah Hasanein, 35, believes these films will constitute a turning point for women's image in the media and revive interest in film productions related to women. He told Al-Monitor, "These films will encourage producers or organizations to shift to films that reveal uncharted territories in Palestinian media, due to their boldness." Itimad Washah, the video program coordinator at the Womens Affairs Center in the Gaza Strip, told Al-Monitor, "The participating films in the festival advocate Palestinian women's rights and detail their suffering and the blockade imposed on them." She added, "The festival aims at giving a realistic image of Palestinian women's rights from all aspects, whether social, economic or political. Each film carries a message for positive change in women's issues and for altering the stereotypical image of these issues in the media, like the Lailat Farah film that talks about early marriage. Films also highlight women's achievements and ability to stand out and be creative, like 'Al-Rehla' ('The Journey') documentary, which depicts the first Palestinian woman to climb the highest peak in Africa with a prosthesis." She noted that the lack of sufficient funding to produce films and the absence of professional film cadres have impeded film production in the Gaza Strip. This left an impact on some participating films in the festival. Mustafa al-Nabih, a Palestinian producer and member of the artistic committee overseeing the participating productions, said that some films were closer to radio work: The script outweighed the visual effects. He told Al-Monitor, "You can close your eyes and follow the story, although cinema speaks a visual language and dialogue was put to make up for the lack of visuals. Some productions ended with speeches, and this weakened them." He noted that quantitative experience leads to qualitative changes, saying, "It is only normal for producers in the Gaza Strip to develop their storyline, because they are seeking all that is new and welcoming criticism. Besides, their experience has expanded and they are constantly in contact with people in the same field and follow others' work." Nabih said, "Palestinian women have been working with Palestinian media companies and communicating through social media with fellow women inside and outside of Gaza working in the same field. As a result, their perspective has widened. We have budding female producers who are quickly and distinctively improving. In a short period their names will shine in Arab and foreign media, and they will win Arab and international awards." Despite obstacles to cinematic productions in the Gaza Strip like lack of funding and artistic staff, Palestinian female producers are trying to think outside the box in their films, whether in content or form. November 12, 2016 European Union and allies remain committed to Iran deal US President-elect Donald Trump will give priority to new sanctions and pressure on Iran, while considering whether and how his administration might seek to renegotiate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The trend in Europe and Asia, however, is heading in the other direction, where the emphasis is on breaking down, rather than erecting, barriers to business and engagement with Iran. It is difficult to envision a global retreat from Iran, absent an Iranian breach in its commitments to the JCPOA. During the upcoming lame-duck session, the Senate is likely to take up several Iran sanctions bills, including targeting countries and individuals that support Irans ballistic missile program. Julian Pecquet reported that the House Rules Committee is preparing legislation that seeks to block the sale of Boeing civilian aircraft and prohibit Export-Import Bank financing of deals with Iran. These initiatives foreshadow what is likely to be a well-coordinated effort by the incoming Trump administration and the Republican-majority Congress to pressure and sanction Iran with the goal of a possible renegotiation of the Iran nuclear deal, as Trump promised to do during the presidential campaign. Even if Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election, there seemed to be a consensus that more sanctions bills would have been forthcoming, as The Washington Post reported. It is uncertain whether the Trump administration could force a renegotiation of the nuclear deal, unless the International Atomic Energy Agency reports a violation by Iran. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini told CNN Nov. 9 that the JCPOA is not a bilateral agreement between the US and Iran. Its a multilateral agreement that we have negotiated enframed into a UN Security Council resolution, actually more than one. The EU is seeking a presence in Iran. Changiz Varzi reported that while Iranian hard-liners may seek to complicate or thwart the effort, Irans Foreign Ministry grasps the trade and diplomatic benefits of an EU office. Russia and China, like the EU, are signatories to the JCPOA and are already at the head of the queue for business with Iran. Blocking the Boeing aircraft sales would be a loss for the American company and a benefit to Europes Airbus. Saudi Arabia, however, might welcome and encourage the Trump administration to turn up the heat on Iran. Bruce Riedel wrote that the kingdom is losing ground to Iran in regional affairs, as it lacks the tools and instruments to project power that Iran has developed over decades. There is no Saudi equivalent of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which can provide expertise and advisers to groups such as Hezbollah and the Houthis. There is no Saudi general like Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Quds Force in the IRGC with years of experience in covert operations. The Saudis have good intelligence services but they are not on-the-ground, battle-hardened practitioners like the IRGC. Riyadh traditionally has relied on financial support to project power. With the fall in oil prices, that is harder to draw on. Saudi Arabia canceled a multibillion-dollar military aid project for Lebanon in part to save money. The rivalry is costing both Riyadh and Tehran a fortune, but there is no end in sight. Iran will not become the hegemonic power in the region, Riedel concluded. It faces many enemies and constraints. Iraqi, Syrian and Lebanese Shiites do not want an Iranian overlord. But Iran is increasingly the most influential player in the Fertile Crescent at the expense of Saudi Arabia. In Lebanon, which is often a bellwether for regional trends, Michel Aouns election to the presidency, and his brokering of Saad Hariris return as prime minister, which involved deft diplomacy with Hezbollah, can be taken as another sign of Irans regional ascendancy. Ali Hashem reported that Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was the first foreign minister to congratulate Aoun during a visit to Lebanon that included meetings with Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, as is custom, and Hariri, a sign of the new Lebanon trend. Although the new Lebanese government was blessed in Tehran, Hashem warned that the Iranian-Syrian-GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] race in Lebanon confirms fears that the new Lebanese administration is going to face serious challenges with respect to regional differences. As this column reported last week, Aouns ultimate objective is to forge an independent, nationalist course for all Lebanese, which will require continued, steady navigation of regional currents. Obama takes fight to Jabhat al-Nusra The Obama administration has directed the Pentagon to give priority to targeting the leaders of al-Qaedas Syria affiliate, the so-called Conquest of Syria Front (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra), a shift in priorities that may offer the potential for a breakthrough in US Syria policy, including an end to the siege of Aleppo. Adam Entous of The Washington Post reported, Officials who supported the shift said the Obama administration could no longer tolerate what one of them described as a deal with the devil, whereby the United States largely held its fire against al-Nusra because the group was popular with Syrians in rebel-controlled areas and furthered the US goal of putting military pressure on Assad. Russia had accused the United States of sheltering al-Nusra, a charge repeated Thursday in Moscow by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The president doesnt want this group to be what inherits the country if Assad ever does fall, a senior US official said. This cannot be the viable Syrian opposition. Its al-Qaeda. The new approach, which the Post suggests would accelerate under a Trump administration, is vindication for US Secretary of State John Kerry, who had sought to work out a deal with Russia that would have included military coordination against Jabhat al-Nusra. We shared Kerrys view that arguments within the administration against working with Russia to take the fight to al-Qaeda were completely screwed up, and, unlike many media outlets, this column has avoided lumping Jabhat al-Nusra and its jihadi brothers-in-arms, such as Ahrar al-Sham, as rebels, simply because they are fighting Assad. The shift in US priorities should lead to wider recognition and reporting of Jabhat al-Nusras role in Aleppo. The UN plan for Aleppo includes the departure, not the accommodation, of Jabhat al-Nusra forces. UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura said in October that 1,000 Jabhat al-Nusra fighters are holding Aleppo hostage, and that he would personally escort them from the city, if they would agree to leave. Ending the siege of Aleppo, including the defeat of Jabhat al-Nusra, is more urgent than ever. Jan Egeland, the special adviser to de Mistura, warned this week of mass hunger in advance of a killer winter. Humanitarian assistance can only take place in the context of a US-Russian agreement. Building on a shared interest in defeating al-Qaedas affiliate is a good place to start. November 11, 2016 NAJAF, Iraq Iraqis paid close attention to the US presidential race, especially to the candidates' positions on their country. Many Iraqis welcomed Donald Trump's presidential victory, as well as his anti-terrorism and anti-chaos rhetoric on Iraq. Once the announcement came that Trump had won, many Iraqi politicians and citizens expressed joy. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi congratulated the new US president for his victory, and said that he looks forward to further cooperation between the two countries in all fields, particularly on security issues and the fight against terrorist groups in Iraq. Iraqi President Fuad Masum and parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri also sent Trump congratulatory messages. Jabouri anticipated a Trump presidency to "bring gains for the Middle East and Iraq, particularly in the fight against terrorism and elimination of the Islamic State [IS] organization, in a way that brings about security and stability to the region and the world." The government-funded Iraqi Media Network welcomed the Trump victory in an article that mentioned previous speeches of Trump, in which he said that he would defeat IS and that nobody would be tougher on IS than him, and so on. The author perceived Trump's Middle East policy to be closer to Iraq, as well as a deterrent to religious extremism in the region and the tide of Saudi Wahhabism. Muwaffaq al-Rubaie, a leader and parliamentarian for the National Alliance and former national security adviser under the presence of US troops in Iraq, said Nov. 9 that Donald Trump's victory "is a good sign for the Middle East in general, and Iraq in particular." He argued, "Obama withdrew US troops from Iraq in late 2011 without guarantees, which caused the return of terrorism to Iraq. Thus, Trump's victory would be a good thing for Iraq." He said that, in general, "Republicans are better than Democrats for Iraq, because everything that has happened to Iraq occurred under the Democrats' era." Former Iraqi ambassador to the United States, Lukman Faily, previously told Al-Monitor, "The superficiality of the US-Iraqi relationship [under the Obama administration] is one of the reasons [IS] was allowed to run rampant for as long as it did." Faily criticized the United States for being reckless about decisive actions to repel terrorists and failing to prevent them from committing major humanitarian crimes in the past two years. Faily said that Iraqi officials, including former Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari and former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, visited the United States in 2013 asking for assistance to hit IS camps in the Iraqi desert, back when IS was preparing to expand their control in Iraq and Syria. Yet the United States did not take these warnings seriously and did not provide any support for Iraq during that critical time. Also, the complete withdrawal of US forces from Iraq in 2011 occurred under Obama, causing a security vacuum in the country and allowing terrorist groups to restructure their ranks in a stronger and fiercer organization. Al-Monitor learned from one of Maliki's close advisers, who declined to be named, that "Maliki insisted that a number of US troops remain to ensure security, but Obama had strongly rejected it." During his campaign, Trump criticized the withdrawal from Iraq, where the United States was in control of the situation, particularly in Mosul. Yet it lost Iraq after the withdrawal of its troops in 2011 in exchange for nothing. In Trump's opinion, the United States should have kept its troops in place to prevent the emergence of IS and prevent Iran from controlling Iraq. Even after the fall of Mosul in June 2014, when IS descended on central and southern Iraq, the Obama administration's assistance was not serious and sufficient enough to repel the IS onslaught and prevent disasters and genocides from taking place similar to what happened to the Yazidis in Sinjar and to Christian and Shiite minorities in Ninevah and other provinces. Also, the Obama administration is criticized for neglecting Iraq when a modern democracy was being built. This neglect led to the collapse of the political partnership between Iraqi components during the reign of Maliki and caused IS' tragic rise. With such impressions about Obama, Iraqis greatly welcomed Trump saying during the election campaign, "We are going to convey my top generals and give them a simple instruction. They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating [IS]. We have no choice." Some American nationals of Iraqi origin, such as Nahren Anweya, supported Trump and ran a campaign for him in the media and social networks during the presidential race. A Fox News poll showed that Iraqis preferred a Trump presidency out of a hope that chaos and terrorism would end in their own country. They attributed chaos and terrorism to the Obama administration's weak and reckless policies toward Iraq. In fact, Trump's policies toward Iraq are still close to mere election slogans, far from understanding core problems and offering clear solutions. It is still unknown whether Trump would be supportive of a unified Iraq or carry on with the country's partition. How will he deal with Iranian influence in Iraq and deter Turkish and Saudi ambitions in Iraq? Time has all the answers. November 11, 2016 Following the election of Gen. Michel Aoun as president of the Lebanese Republic on Oct. 31 and the appointment of Saad Hariri as prime minister on Nov. 3, the two men will face numerous challenges, starting with forming a national government. Hariri is seeking to form his government before Independence Day on Nov. 22, but he is currently unable to meet the demands of some parliamentary blocs that seek key portfolios or service ministries. On Nov. 8, Aouns Change and Reform parliamentary bloc called on politicians to facilitate the formation of a new government. Hariri's Future Movement parliamentary bloc urged political parties to keep their demands for ministries realistic to help Hariri form a new government. Aoun and Hariri will have to address many serious socio-economic and political problems, especially the deteriorating economic situation and rising unemployment rate. They will need to maintain security and stability, combat terrorist networks and meet the needs of more than a million Syrian refugees residing in Lebanon. Aoun acknowledged the difficulty of this mission in his inaugural speech, describing himself as a president who took office in difficult times and a president highly expected to overcome difficulties and secure stability. He pointed out that political stability can only be achieved by respecting the National Pact, the constitution and the law through national partnership. He also stressed the need to fully implement the National Pact and the Taif Agreement without any kind of selectiveness or discretion and develop it as needed through a national consensus. Aouns recent recognition of the Taif Agreement, which he had rejected in 1989 for limiting the presidents powers, indicates that he has adopted a realistic policy of compromise, especially in light of the Future Movement's rejection of any amendment to the agreement. As for economic and social stability, Aoun said he would adopt a transformational approach that starts with economic reform based on planning and coordination between the ministries. We cannot advance without a comprehensive economic plan, he said. This socio-economic reform can only succeed with the consecration of a system of transparency and a legal system that helps prevent corruption. This can be done by appointing an anti-corruption committee and engaging the monitoring bodies and enabling them to carry out all their duties. In his Baabda Palace speech Nov. 6 in front of a crowd that came to celebrate his presidential victory, Aoun stressed that his goal is to build a strong state based on a constitution respected by all politicians. He said that no politician shall breach the constitution, and corruption will be uprooted. Aoun added that the Lebanese people need projects to provide water, electricity and roads, and he will seek to start them as soon as possible. Political analyst Amin Qamouriyeh told Al-Monitor that Aoun was looking forward to marking his reign with social, political and development reforms and uprooting anti-corruption, but the current [limited] powers of the president of the republic do not allow him to repeat the experience of former reformist President Fouad Chehab. Chehab, who ruled the country from 1959 to 1962, fought corruption and worked toward the institutionalization of the state. Qamouriyeh added, The current financial situation does not allow [Aoun] to carry out development projects and bring about reform at the level of the semi-dysfunctional institutions. It should be noted that corruption is deeply rooted and difficult to combat, even with the convergence between him and the prime minister. Lebanese researcher Michel Abu Najm told Al-Monitor that Aoun "will put the building of the state on track and countering corruption will be his priority, despite the fact that the Taif Agreement limited the powers of the president. However, the agreement still granted the president the positions of guarantor of national unity and protector of the constitution, and this is more than enough for the president to launch his works in cooperation with other constitutional institutions. For his part, Lebanese analyst Toufiq Shuman told Al-Monitor that Aoun has built his popularity on reform and anti-corruption slogans, and therefore [has always] criticized the economic project of late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri that has been in place since the early 1990s. However, the question today is whether Aoun will be able to deliver on his slogans and promises, as corruption in Lebanon has become the general culture with sectarian, political and partisan protection and based on the quota system which in turn produced interest lobbies inside and outside the state. Shuman added that the limits of presidential powers raise questions about Aoun's ability to implement his program and vision, especially since the prime minister is responsible for executing the general policy that is set by the Council of Ministers, according to the Lebanese Constitution. Aoun stressed the need for effective parity among Muslims and Christians. He said, The first obligations of such a parity is to adopt an electoral law that ensures fair representation prior to the date of the next election. This comment shows that Aoun is in favor of proportional law and against the current majoritarian electoral law, which allows Muslim leaders to choose some Christian parliamentarians in Muslim-majority provinces. The electoral law is likely to stir controversy between Aoun and his allies Hezbollah and the March 8 coalition, and Hariri and his allies the March 14 coalition. Based on the current law of 1960, Hariri and the March 14 coalition enjoy the majority in parliament. Abu Najm said, "The election law will be subject to consultations between President Aoun and other political components, but he will work on changing the current law of 1960 and reach a law that enjoys popularity." According to Aoun, the first pillar of security is national unity and protecting Lebanon from the flames raging in the region. He called for the need to stay away from foreign conflicts, all the while respecting the Charter of the League of Arab States, and Article 8 in particular, and the need to adopt an independent foreign policy based on the supreme interests of Lebanon and international law. Article 8 states that each member state shall respect the systems of government established in the other member states and regard them as exclusive concerns of those states. Each shall pledge to abstain from any action calculated to change established systems of government. It seems that Aoun was trying to balance Hezbollahs stance, which supports the Syrian government, and the March 14 stance, which supports the Syrian opposition, by reaffirming respect for the current Arab regimes and Lebanon's obligation not to interfere in their internal affairs. As for the conflict with Israel, Aoun said in his inaugural speech, We will spare no effort and no resistance to liberate the remaining occupied Lebanese territories and protect our country from an enemy that still covets our land, water and natural resources. A source close to Hezbollah told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, President Aouns statement about the need for the resistance to liberate the Lebanese territories occupied by Israel confirms the legitimacy of the resistance and its backbone, Hezbollah. The source added that Aoun also mentioned protecting Lebanon from Israel, which implies a role for weapons as a deterrent to Israeli interference. We shall prevent, deter, counter and even eliminate terrorism, Aoun said. According to the Hezbollah source, This is a clear understanding of Hezbollahs intervention in Syria, which is aimed at deterring terrorism and fighting it proactively through both the security forces and Hezbollah inside Lebanon. Qamouriyeh concluded that the self-distancing policy is impossible and that moving forward, Aoun will try to avoid the issue of Hezbollah and its role in Syria. Although the president's powers are limited and the actual powers are in the hands of the Cabinet, a strong president like Aoun, who enjoys a strong parliamentary bloc and a large number of ministers and influential allies, can still bring about some change and achieve some reforms in this troubled system. November 11, 2016 MOSUL, Iraq Since the start of the highly anticipated Mosul offensive on Oct. 17, Iraqi security forces have received over 40,000 civilians fleeing eastern Mosul, according to a report published Nov. 9, by the Ministry of Displacement and Migration. For two days, as Iraqi special forces battled Islamic State (IS) militants east of Mosul, Adib, who lives in the Intisar neighborhood in eastern Mosul, was trapped in the crossfire, unable to bury his brother's body as it began to decompose. Finally, a group of people from his neighborhood offered to help him take advantage of a lull in the fighting to take the body to the nearby village of Sherzad, where they dug a grave and laid him to rest. "The army liberated us but IS placed an [improvised explosive device] on my brother's front door," said Adib, placing rocks to mark where the head and feet were buried. "When my brother Khaled tried to open the door, he was killed and two of his children were wounded." As Iraqi security forces push into densely populated areas of Mosul, the challenge is to win back not only territory but also the hearts and minds of civilians, many of whom initially welcomed IS as an alternative to the security forces they perceived as sectarian and heavy-handed. Most residents have since come to despise the hard-line militants who massacre their opponents and have brought ruin on Iraqs Sunni community since overrunning large swathes of the country and declaring a modern-day caliphate in the summer of 2014. How the Iraqi army behaves toward the citys residents as the battle unfolds will be the ultimate test for the future stability of Ninevah province, but it is complicated by IS' use of civilians as human shields. So far, all fear seems to have perished. The Iraqi security forces have displayed a high-level professionalism, possibly due to the new leadership under [Prime Minister Haider al-] Abadi, said Rasha al-Aqeedi, a fellow at al-Mesbar Studies and Research Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, with a primary focus on Iraq. "This is indeed very positive. However, Mosul ops are not ending anytime soon and reports have begun to surface about violations and abuses of civilians at the hands of paramilitaries and sectarian elements. On Nov. 10, rights watchdog Amnesty International urged Iraqi authorities to urgently investigate reports that fighters wearing federal police uniforms had tortured and extrajudicially executed residents in villages they captured south of Mosul in cold blood. The number of civilian casualties from crossfire, as well as mines planted by IS, is also increasing, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. "Families are at extreme risk of being caught in crossfire or targeted by snipers. Tens of thousands of Iraqi girls, boys, women and men may be under siege or held as human shields," it said in a statement Oct. 16. The US-led international coalition has launched hundreds of airstrikes against IS targets in and around Mosul the highest density anywhere across the militants so-called caliphate and admitted this week that over the past year, 24 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria may have killed 64 civilians and injured eight other civilians, mostly near the city. "It's a key tenant [sic] of the counter-[IS] air campaign that we do not want to add to the tragedy of the situation by inflicting addition [sic] suffering," the USCENTCOM statement read. But Airwars, which monitors the toll of civilian casualties as a result of international airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, said its researchers had tracked and attempted to vet over 110 separate claims of civilian casualty incidents in Mosul itself in two years of airstrikes. The civilian toll of those attacks could be as high as 1,300, it recently reported. In Gogjali, on the eastern fringes of Mosul, locals claimed at least three airstrikes in the past six months had killed civilians. "The airstrike around six months ago killed 15 [IS] in this house," said Ibrahim Akram, pointing to a flattened house with smoke rising in the distance as the army battled IS in another residential area. "But three civilians died too in the house next door." IS has wasted no opportunity to draw attention to casualties resulting from coalition airstrikes and Iraqi artillery fire as an argument that Sunnis must resist, publishing videos showing the mangled bodies of children and adults allegedly killed by airstrikes or artillery fire. In a new video released by the IS branch in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, this week via Telegram, three angry IS militants call on the Sunni people of Mosul to resist the Shiite army. "When they entered Homs they exploited women, killed children and slaughtered them," screams angry IS preacher Abu Abdul Rahman al-Qonayteri in military fatigues. "Oh people of Mosul they will do the same to you, God forbid so be steadfast, as you are in the right." Not far from the graveyard in the village of Sherzad, children mingled with soldiers as the soldiers fired mortar after mortar into the Intisar neighborhood. "Keeping a safe corridor open for civilians must be a priority as the battles shift into urban warfare," said Aqeedi. "Door-to-door fighting against a group like IS puts hundreds of thousands at grave risk." Despite the danger, Adib and his friends waited for several hours to cross back into their quarter in east Mosul. "I need to go back to the Intisar neighborhood," said Adib, whose saddened face spoke volumes about the tragedy that is unfolding in the streets of Mosul. "My family is still there." November 11, 2016 GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip The General Prosecution Office in Gaza announced Oct. 30 that First Instance Courts in the provinces of Gaza, Deir el-Balah and Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip issued six death sentences in October against people convicted of murder, bringing the total number of death sentences in Gaza during 2016 to 16. Of these sentences, 12 were issued by military courts and four were rendered by civil courts. Three of them were executed in May 2016 without prior ratification by the Palestinian president in a clear violation of the Palestinian Basic Law of 2003. Article 109 of this law specifies that a death sentence pronounced by any court may not be implemented unless ratified by the president of the Palestinian National Authority. But ever since he came to power, President Mahmoud Abbas has been refraining from ratifying death sentences for legal and human rights considerations. Hamas-appointed Attorney General Ismail Jaber told Al-Monitor, During the month of October, the General Prosecution Office was able to obtain six death sentences by the Courts of First Instance in the Gaza Strip against defendants convicted of murder. He stressed the need to issue deterrent sentences against criminals, especially in cases that affect the security and stability of society. Faraj al-Ghoul, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) for the Hamas parliamentary bloc in the Gaza Strip, told Al-Monitor, The death sentence is included in Law No. 74 issued by the British Mandate in 1936. We are not violating the law since this law has yet to be abrogated. He explained that death sentences aim to protect the community and achieve security and justice, and they are mainly being executed in application of the law. But Ghoul noted that the social and security system in the Gaza Strip is governed by laws, courts and competent judiciary commissions in light of the Government of National Consensus' failure to fulfill its duties in the Gaza Strip. Regarding the need for the Palestinian presidents ratification of the death sentence to allow the competent authorities to execute it, Ghoul stressed that the president's ratification only occurs when the judgment issued by the Palestinian court becomes final and conclusive and after the exhaustion of all means of recourse, pointing out that courts in Gaza implement all trial procedures. He continued, There is no legitimate justification for Mahmoud Abbas ratification of the death sentences since his legal presidential term expired in 2009, and the Palestinian law authorizes the PLC to ratify sentences in case of a presidential vacuum. This is exactly what we are doing. The presidential elections should be held as soon as possible. Abbas remains in office although his presidential mandate expired in January 2009 and was extended for one year only under Article 53 of the Basic Law to avoid a constitutional vacuum. Ghoul noted that the failure to implement the judicial rulings is a crime punishable by law. This was specified in Article 106 of the amended Basic Law of 2003, which guarantees a fair remedy by the Palestinian Authority and the competent court to the aggrieved party as a result of the nonexecution of the judicial rulings. Ghoul pointed out that Abbas is illegally exercising his powers as president, noting that the Government of National Consensus, formed in 2014, is illegitimate and did not obtain the PLC confidence. He said, The elected legislative council is the only legitimate authority since it obtained the peoples confidence in the 2006 elections. This council may not be dissolved or its work hindered in any way according to Article 113 of the Basic Law. Human rights organizations in Palestine oppose the death sentence since they are financially subordinated to foreign parties, which can impose their will on these organizations even if contrary to their conscience and social responsibility. Mohammad Atallah, a human rights researcher at the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), told Al-Monitor, The legal interpretation invoked by the Gaza government as a pretext for the execution of death sentences is not a sound interpretation. The execution of death penalties is tantamount to murder, contrary to the law. He asserted that the Legislative Council is not authorized to ratify death sentences, since Article 109 of the Basic Law strictly limits the power to execute death sentences to the Palestinian president, even in the case of a presidential vacuum where all executions shall be postponed until a new president is appointed. He pointed out that 91 death sentences were issued after the 2007 Palestinian split in the Gaza Strip, while since 2002, no death sentence has been issued in the West Bank, which is a clear indication of the lack of justice in the Gaza Strip. Atallah also noted that Palestinian law imposes restrictions on the death sentences by virtue of strict and clear controls and procedures. We cannot disregard legal provisions in order to apply religious provisions or social norms," he said. "For example, the Islamic Sharia allows the killing of the murderer if the victims family does not accept financial compensation. He explained that the judicial sector in Gaza is suffering from an acute shortage of capacities, and all court judgments are not conclusive and may be subject to review, and therefore cannot be implemented. Torture is one of the main methods used by the Gaza government to extract confessions from the accused, and this is a clear violation of the text of the constitution, he said, noting that Palestine joined the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 2014, which requires the ratification of its Second Optional Protocol aiming at the abolition of the death sentence. Atallah stressed that the PCHR has a firm stance on the death sentence that is not in line with the inclinations of the largest segment of society in the Gaza Strip, which is influenced by the false ideas related to the religious nature of this punishment, or the allegations that it represents a vital deterrent against crime. On this point, Ghoul recalled that any international convention signed by the Palestinian president after the expiry of his term is deemed null and void, and when the president signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 2014, he did not submit it to the PLC for prior consultations. He indicated that Article 41 of the Basic Law of 2003 reads as follows, President of the National Authority shall promulgate the laws voted by the PLC. He pointed out that signing international conventions requires a subsequent amendment of the laws to align them with the provisions of the ratified conventions, and as long as laws are not amended, then local laws shall apply and international conventions shall remain consensual agreements that do not bind the state. Atallah attributed the failure to amend local laws in line with the signed international conventions to the disruption of the PLC and its inability to reach a quorum and hold sessions as a result of the Palestinian internal division and Israels arrest of most members of parliament, pointing out that the Palestinian state is witnessing a flagrant legislative vacuum. He pointed out that the families of the persons subjected to the death sentence are entitled to file lawsuits against the security forces in Gaza before international human rights bodies, especially in light of the absence of an independent forensic body and a criminal laboratory for a thorough and full examination of evidence, which prevents achieving accurate results based on certainty according to the fundamental philosophy of criminal justice. In light of the insistence of the security authorities in the Gaza Strip to apply the death sentence, human rights organizations can only oppose and condemn these sentences until the unification of the Palestinian judiciary and the end of the political division between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. November 11, 2016 A veteran Palestinian thinker and legal expert believes that US President Barack Obama should use his remaining months in the White House to ensure that a UN Security Council resolution recommending the recognition of Palestine be permitted to pass. Camille Mansour, a former Sorbonne professor and adviser to the negotiating team of the PLO, told Al-Monitor, Now that he is freed from elections-related political shackles, he can allow for Palestine to join the UN as a state under occupation. According to Mansour, Obama could accomplish a number of goals with such a decision. He said that it could be Obamas gift to Middle East peace before leaving office Jan. 20. He has the ability to instruct single-handedly his UN representative to support or abstain from a resolution that will become irrevocable once the UN Security Council passes it, Mansour said. Even Obama's successor, Donald Trump, will not be able to reverse it. Mansour's idea has been discussed by numerous pundits, as has a Security Council resolution against Israeli settlement activity. Mansour said that some decisions within the two-state parameter could be invalidated by the new president. The idea of a Security Council resolution regarding settlements or a framework for a future resolution can easily be reversed by the newly elected president, Mansour said. Recognition of a state, however, once it is approved by the United Nations is much more difficult to reverse, he argued, as the state would have received international legitimacy. Israel has rejected taking part in an international peace conference advocated by France. On Nov. 7, Jacob Nagel, Israel's acting national security adviser, told French peace envoy Pierre Vimont that Israel would not participate in any international conference, considering such a forum an international diktat. Israel instead claims it wants direct talks with the Palestinians. Palestinian and international political observers are worried that the newly elected US president will abandon the Middle East or alternatively make extremist decisions, such as enacting his campaign promise to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Palestinian government, headed by Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, had at its Sept. 27 Cabinet session condemned Trump's statement. Palestinian officials appear, however, to be accepting of the new reality, with President Mahmoud Abbas welcoming Trump's election in a Nov. 9 message, also saying that he hopes a comprehensive peace will be achieved during his term. PLO Secretary Saeb Erekat reiterated the need for the new US leader to stay committed to the two-state solution. We hope from the new US administration to translate talk about the two-state solution into a reality, because security, peace and stability in this region can only happen if the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 is defeated, he said. Meanwhile, Hamas called on the president-elect to reconsider US policy toward the Palestinian cause. The suffering of the Palestinian people is continuing because of biased, successive American administrations in favor of Israel, the movement said in a statement released Nov. 11. Obama making a controversial decision on the Middle East conflict would not be easy even though freed, as he is, from election shackles. There are skeptics who think he will not have the courage to make a bold decision as a lame duck in the White House. Of three options, recognition of Palestine would be the toughest and a condemnation of settlements the mildest. Regarding the third option, Israel and Trump's pro-Israel supporters are already sending signals to Obama to forgo any kind of action at the United Nations. Although Trump would not be able to reverse recognition granted by the Security Council, he and a pro-Israeli Congress could choose to punish Palestinians by withholding financial support to the Palestinian government. Censure of the settlements, however, would probably not elicit a strong reaction after Trump takes over. Obama has long supported a two-state solution, but right-wing Israeli officials believe that Trump's election has buried the idea of a Palestinian state. Allowing a vote for Palestinian statehood whether by withholding a veto or abstaining would be a small step in helping translate thus far unimplemented US policy and guarantee that the new president will not be able to bury the two-state solution. This is especially needed given the United States' 10-year, $38 billion military aid package to help protect Israel by supplying it with a huge, up-to-date military arsenal. It is important that before passing the baton to Trump, Obama round out his legacy by responding to the will of the Palestinian people by permitting a vote for the State of Palestine. It is no surprise that Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu have not seen eye to eye on the Middle East conflict and the Iranian nuclear deal. A positive decision on Palestinian statehood would be a peaceful response to the right-wing Israeli prime ministers anti-Obama interventions in US policy, especially regarding Iran. It will also help redeem his presidency not only in the eyes of Palestinians, but those of many progressives in the United States and around the world. Progressives have been staunch supporters of Palestinian rights, including the right to statehood. Passage of a Security Council resolution recommending a Palestinian state would seal a progressive legacy for Obama and help make up for his inability to reach a breakthrough in the Middle East conflict during his eight years in office. November 11, 2016 A shopping mall named Shengal an exotic name to Russians is located in the eastern part of Moscow. Shengal is the Kurdish name of the city of Sinjar, which is located in northern Iraq where Yazidis live. Most of the customers I met in the shopping center have no idea what Shengal means. They also are unaware that on the ground floor of the building there is a TV studio called Lalish TV, the only satellite Yazidi channel in the world. Lalish TV was launched in April. We are the only Yazidi channel in Russia that broadcasts in the Yazidi language [Kurmanji or Kurdish dialect] for Yazidis all over the world. We have no link with any political party or movement. We are not politicized. Our aim is to help Yazidis save their identity. We want to give them more information about Yazidi culture, language, religion and history, a representative of Lalish TV told Al-Monitor. Mirza Sloyan, a Yazidi Russian businessman, sponsors Lalish TV. Areas of broadcasting include Russia, Europe, Armenia, Georgia and Iraq. Some of the programs are produced in Moscow; the others are produced in studios based in Germany and France. The estimated population of Yazidis in Russia is 40,586, according to the 2010 population census. The majority of them live in big cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl and Krasnodar. Some Yazidis identify themselves as Kurds or Yazidi-Kurds. For many years they have been members of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) or of Iraqi political parties such as the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. In all of these establishments, Kurdish identity prevails over the Yazidi one. History of the Yazidi minority in Russia dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, thousands of Yazidis had to leave their homes in order to avoid persecution by the Ottoman Empire. They moved to Armenia and Georgia, which were parts of the Russian Empire at that time. In the Soviet Union, when all Soviet citizens had to put their nationality in passports and other identity documents, Yazidis preferred to identify themselves only as "Yazidi." Jangir Sindjoyan, a political observer of the news portal Ezidipress, the only news source about Yazidis in the Russian language, told Al-Monitor, After the collapse of the USSR, many Yazidis left Georgia and Armenia and moved to Russia. My family also came to Russia from Georgia. In Russia, Yazidis work in the spheres of education, media [and] have [their] own business[es]. There are many prominent sportsmen of Yazidi origin. Despite a large number of Yazidis living in Russia, until this year there was no single platform upon which all Russian Yazidis could unite. Politically active Yazidis joined different Kurdish organizations in Russia linked to the PKK or other Iraqi Kurdish parties. Then mass killings of Yazidis in Iraq in the summer of 2014 pushed Russian Yazidis to activate, and on Sept. 28, the Yazidi Congress the first and only Yazidi organization in Russia was registered. The genocide against Yazidis in Iraq pushed us to establish the Yazidi Congress, Samvel Kochoi, head of the Yazidi Congress in Russia, told Al-Monitor. There are more than 50 representatives of the congress all over Russia. It has several objectives. First, there are a number of unsolved problems regarding Yazidi religion, language, culture and history. The congress wants [to solve all of them] by attracting scientists and religious authorities. There is a huge identity problem; some Yazidis identify themselves as Kurds, some deny their Kurdish identity and identify themselves as Yazidis, said Kochoi. The Yazidi Congress organizes different conferences, roundtables and seminars where all these problems are discussed. One of the main objectives of the organization is to communicate with Russian authorities and media. The Yazidi Congress wants Russia to recognize the assault on Yazidis in Iraq as genocide. They have already sent the request to the Russian parliament but have received no concrete response yet, Kochoi said. Head of the Russian Federation Council's International Affairs Committee the upper house of the Russian parliament Konstantin Kosachev told Al-Monitor he "has no information about the request of the Yazidi Congress. A representative in the International Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma the lower house of parliament had neither confirmed nor denied receiving the request from the Yazidi Congress. A source in State Duma told Al-Monitor that the Russian parliament is very cautious when it comes to questions such as whether or not to recognize any genocide. According to Kochoi, Russia shows little interest in Yazidis, although Russia which is now leading a military campaign in Syria should be interested in cooperation with Yazidis more than any other country. Yazidis are a major international factor in the Middle East. They are being killed only because of their identity, the Yazidi identity, not Kurdish. The radicals from ISIS [Islamic State (IS)] target and kill Yazidis [and] consider them 'heretics.' When asked why he wants Russia and other countries to recognize genocide against Yazidis, Kochoi replied, First, we want to receive moral support and solidarity. Second, we need guarantees that no one could threaten lives of Yazidis in Iraq, and if there is any threat to them, they will be protected. Third, Yazidis need compensation. They lost everything. There were 72 acts of genocide against Yazidis, but the last one, organized by [IS], was the most severe. The official recognition of Yazidi genocide could be the start of the establishment of a Yazidi autonomous region in northern Iraq. We want to be an autonomous region in Iraq, like Iraqi Kurdistan. It will be ideal for us, Kochoi said. He thinks that if Iraq collapses, then with the support of Russia and Western countries, a Yazidi state or Yazidi-Christian state could be established. Shengal, or "Sinjar" in Arabic the territory where Yazidis live in Iraq is a disputed territory between Baghdad and the semi-autonomous Kurdish region of Kurdistan. After the Mosul campaign is over, the question of this disputed territory will be raised again. The leader of Iraqi Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, has already said, Aside from the Kurdistan flag, we do not accept any other flag rising over Sinjar. The representatives of the Yazidi Congress in Russia are skeptical about his statement. They are afraid that becoming part of Iraqi Kurdistan will mean assimilation with Kurds and total loss of Yazidi identity. If the question of the future of Yazidi-populated Shengal is raised, will Moscow support Yazidi autonomy in northern Iraq? Russia could support this decision, especially considering that everything changes so fast in the region. The forecast should not be based on Russian unwillingness to recognize the genocide against Yazidis. There is a strong possibility that the request sent by the Yazidi Congress was lost somewhere in the bureaucratic structures of the Russian parliament. It is necessary to remember that Russia tries to avoid recognizing any genocide, as it could lead to complications with regional powers and disastrous consequences for itself. While theres great sympathy and a tacit support for the Yazidi case among Russian policymakers, political action is highly unlikely. November 8, 2016 BAGHDAD On Oct. 19, Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr met with leaders of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in Najaf, southern Iraq, to discuss the importance of reconciliation between him and Vice President Nouri al-Maliki. Soon after, Salah Abdul Razaq, a leader of the State of Law Coalition headed by Maliki, announced Oct. 23 that Iran is playing a role in bringing Sadr and Maliki together, as the current challenges are bigger than the differences between the two parties. On Nov. 9, the head of the predominately Shiite National Alliance Ammar al-Hakim in a letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei thanked Iran for its support to Iraqi politicians to unite against the internal and regional threats. With the help of some Iraqi politicians, Iran is seeking to reunite the Shiites in the near future, to strengthen them and allow them to play a greater role in the Iraqi political process and participate in determining the future of Iraq in the post-Islamic State (IS) phase. Since Iran believes that the differences between the leaders of the National Alliance and its main political blocs have weakened the alliance, it is currently working on achieving reconciliation between Maliki, the head of the State of Law Coalition, and Sadr, the head of the Sadrist movement, who both are a part of the National Alliance. Ali al-Adeeb, a leader of the Islamic Dawa Party and Malikis close associate, spoke about attempts to achieve reconciliation between Maliki and Sadr, but he neither mentioned the exact party making such efforts nor the extent of their success. It seems that one of the first steps taken to achieve the Maliki-Sadr reconciliation was when Sadr met with PMU leaders in Najaf, as most of the leaders who met with Sadr are close to Maliki. In this regard, a National Alliance source told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, Shiite parties were supposed to initiate a reconciliation process between the two figures before the meeting between Sadr and the PMU leaders as per the decision the federal government took on Oct. 10 to allow the president's deputies back into their positions, including Maliki himself, which prompted Sadr to oppose, thus delaying the efforts of reconciliation. Shiite politicians are making efforts to reunite the Shiites for the post-IS phase. Some accuse the Islamic Republic of Iran of trying to further control Iraq through the Maliki-Sadr reconciliation, because it believes estrangement between the two would weaken the Shiite alliance and impede Irans projects in Iraq. Hakim, the new president of the National Alliance, the largest political coalition in Iraq, will likely take it upon himself to achieve reconciliation between Maliki and Sadr. This effort may have been one of the essential tasks that allowed him to head the alliance, in light of Irans desire to secure a strong alliance. Reports indicate that when Ali Akbar Velayati, an adviser to Irans supreme leader, visited Baghdad Oct. 22 to attend the Islamic Awakening Conference, he made a proposal to Hakim, illustrating the importance of mending the relationship between Sadr and Maliki and preventing any future disputes between the two. The first step toward the Maliki-Sadr reconciliation albeit indirect came on July 15, when Maliki praised the Sadrist movements protesters for what he described as shutting down a conspiracy that the Baathist movement had been plotting in order to penetrate the protests launched on July 31, 2015. Speaking to Al-Monitor, member of the State of Law Coalition Saad al-Matlabi said, The dispute between Maliki and Sadr is not personal; it is a practical dispute over the political process and the situation in Iraq. Mounadel al-Moussawi, a member of parliament for the Sadrist movement, also told Al-Monitor that the dispute between Sadr and Maliki was not personal. "Eliminating the disagreement is in everyone's interest. Their dispute is over the political process, and we wish all differences would come to an end for Iraq to enter a new phase, he said. Before signs of reconciliation between Maliki and Sadr emerged, there were signs of understanding between their parliamentary blocs when they allied with other blocs to oust parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri. It seems that Sadr would be stubborn during the negotiations phase, which he will resume with the National Alliance, and the 14 conditions that he presented to the alliance will be a prelude to settling the differences with Maliki. However, some believe that reconciliation between Maliki and Sadr could be detrimental to Haider al-Abadis position as the head of the Iraqi government, but in fact, reconciliation can enhance the presence of Abadi in office, because Sadr requires the absence of Maliki as the head of a new Iraqi government. Although Hakim may politically disagree with Sadr and Maliki, he does not want to head a fragmented alliance. Thus, he is trying to unify the alliance to prepare it for a better performance in the upcoming elections. In a nutshell, Sadr and Maliki will not announce a date for their reconciliation meeting, but will instead surprise everyone with news of mended ties and the start of a new chapter. If this were to happen, it would be through the National Alliance and based on an Iranian idea to strengthen the Shiite alliance in the coming period. November 11, 2016 A short time ago, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim clearly declared Turkeys condition to join the Raqqa operation in Syria: If the YPG [People's Protection Units] will be there, we wont be. When the Kurds under the umbrella of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) assumed de facto leadership of Operation Euphrates Wrath, Turkey was once again sidelined. But the United States wants Turkey to remain engaged with the Raqqa operation, and assigned Ankara the role of finding the power that will govern Raqqa after its liberation. Last summer, Turkey had proposed a joint operation with the United States that excluded the SDF led by the YPG, and it has now set its red lines for Operation Euphrates Wrath, which is the same as it was with Manbij: The YPG will not enter Raqqa. Despite Turkeys strong rhetoric, the YPG continues to be an integral part, actually the backbone, of the international coalition. However, according to YPG Commander Sipan Hemo, the option of the Kurds controlling Raqqa was never on the table in discussions with the YPG. In the first phase of the offensive, the SDF will surround Raqqa from three directions. A new plan will be made when it is time to enter the city in the second phase. The Raqqa Military Council is made up of the citys inhabitants; the Kurds have no intention of staying in Raqqa. In a meeting in Ankara with Gen. Hulusi Akar, US Gen. Joe Dunford acknowledged that a new force will be prepared for the second phase. The right force for that operation means an army made up of Arabs along the lines of the train-and-equip program the United States wanted to implement against the Syrian regime. The Turkish government is insisting that the Kurds are determined to hold on to Raqqa. But from the outset, the Kurds have been saying that even if the Islamic State (IS) is defeated in Raqqa, it would be too risky for the YPG to remain in the town. The Kurds are acutely aware that an Arab-Kurdish war could ignite if they stay on in the Arab-dominated town. You dont have to be an expert to know that the people of Raqqa will not accept a Kurdish ruler running their lives. Dunford tried to reassure Turkey by saying, We always knew that the SDF wasnt the solution for holding and governing Raqqa. What we are working on right now is finding the right mix of forces for the operation. He wasnt completely dismissing a Kurdish perspective for Raqqa the United States knows the participation of local elements, mostly tribes, is essential, because the SDF cant handle it alone. The basic problem now is that, although the SDF has emerged as an organized and mobile force thanks to the YPG contributions, the Arab elements of the force have not reached the competence levels desired by the United States, and Raqqa needs a larger Arab force. The United States tried to see if the experience gained in Iraq when organizing tribes against al-Qaeda would also work in Syria. So far nothing positive has come from its probes. There are some organizations that could be recruited to expand the Arab force, but they come with different sets of problems. Because of their target choices and their own agendas and reservations, they cannot be included in the SDF mix. These organizations with Islamic doctrines may be the enemies of IS, but they demand that if they are going to join the US-led force, the United States must first declare the Syrian regime as the priority target. Also these groups are either in touch with al-Qaeda or are in its periphery. These groups categorically reject partnership with the YPG, as they see it as a Marxist outfit. The US administration will either have to make do with a few more groups joining the SDF that will be led by the YPG or revert to the unsuccessful train-and-equip project with Turkey. If the Americans really promised Ankara that the YPG would not enter Raqqa, it will do well to remember the tactics at Manbij. Since October 2014, several formulas have been devised to soothe Turkey over Manbij, and they appear to have worked. Turkeys warning about not giving weapons to the YPG was bypassed by the United States saying those guns were for the SDF. When Turkey warned that the YPG could not cross to the west of the Euphrates, the United States overcame it by having the YPG cross the river from the south in SDF uniforms and saying that the YPG would liberate Manbij, but would not enter the town. It will take a miracle for the United States to put together a credible Arab army to liberate Raqqa. This simply means that the Manbij rules of engagement will also apply to Raqqa. This was thus another crossing of Turkeys red lines. Turkey had some expectations while trying to keep the SDF out of the Raqqa operation. Ankara was hoping to send in Turkey-supported Syrian opposition groups to al-Bab after Jarablus and al-Rai and put an end to aspirations for a Kurdish corridor from Kobani to Afrin. Meanwhile, Russia turned on the red light to Turkeys entry to al-Bab. An American official told news agencies that Russia had warned Turkey to not move farther than 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) in Syria. This is why the Turkey-supported groups that had gone in 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) had to halt. Turkey couldnt play its cards at Mosul. Instead, it massed its troops in Silopi at the border. At least in the first phase of the Raqqa operation, Turkey was left on the outside. Ankara is aware that the United States has several objectives in the Raqqa operation: not to upset Turkey, to prevent Ankara from becoming a game spoiler in Syria and, of course, to keep the Incirlik Air Base open to coalition air forces. Turkey already had embarrassing disappointments in achieving its demands at Manbij, and it will be much more difficult for Turkey to achieve its goals in Raqqa. We will never know whether the dark-eyed, dark-skinned 8-year-old girl - we don't know her name, but let's call her Denise -- was murdered, died of natural causes, or was simply interred in the Siberian cave where her remains were discovered. Those remains consisted of a pebble-size bone fragment from her pinkie finger. Yet thanks to the remarkable ability of modern scientists to extract and piece together the fragments of DNA trapped in that bone, her entire genome has now been reconstructed. And her genome tells us that Denise, who died some 40,000 years ago, belonged to a previously unknown human species. Think about that. A new human species deduced from a fragment of one finger bone 40,000 years old! Aside from her genome, we know next to nothing about her species, now called Denisovans. Our sum of knowledge about them is that pinkie bone plus two teeth and a toe bone from other individuals. From her genes, we can guess pretty accurately her skin, eye, and hair color. But we have no idea what she, or Denisovans generally, looked like. Were they tall or short, stout or thin? Were their brains as big -- or bigger -- than ours? What sort of tools or weapons might they have used? Might they have made art? Had a language? Hobbits were about 3 feet tall and 50 pounds. Although we know so little about Denisovans, we know a lot about a second human species alive at the same time - Neanderthals. We've been finding Neanderthal artifacts, skulls, and skeletons since the mid-1800's. We know they lived in Europe and Asia for at least 400,000 years and vanished about 40,000 years ago. They were bigger and stockier than we are. Surprisingly, they had a bigger brain too. Neanderthals probably also had a language, possibly many languages given how widespread they were. They used fire. They mourned and buried their dead. They painted figures on the walls of caves. But until we managed to sequence Neanderthal DNA from some of the many skeletal remains in existence, we didn't realize that they also had red hair and light skin. We also never suspected that our own ancestors mated with them during that relatively brief period when we both occupied the same areas of Europe and Asia. As a consequence, today almost everyone not native to Africa has a couple of percent Neanderthal DNA. For that matter, almost all non-African natives have a smidgeon of Denisovan DNA too. In fact, one Denisovan gene that helped them use oxygen particularly efficiently has been inherited by Himalayan sherpas and may be behind their ability to thrive at the high altitudes and ferry rich tourists to the top of Mount Everest for a living. There was apparently considerable hanky-panky going on between these three human species some 50,000 years ago. For all it tells us about our relatively recent history, DNA plays little role in our knowledge of the earliest human history. DNA simply does not survive intact for millions of years. In warm, humid climates like tropical Africa where humans arose, it doesn't even last for tens of thousands of years. Preservation of ancient DNA like Denise's, requires the proper conditions, in her case a cool Siberian cave. From abundant fossil evidence though, we know that humans arose in Africa, splitting off from our common ancestor with chimpanzees about 6 million years ago. In that sense, we are all Africans. The DNA of living people confirms that African origin. Native Africans today have far more DNA diversity than the rest of the world combined, which is exactly what you would expect if people in the rest of the world descended from a small, adventurous group of Africans from one small corner of that continent. Recently researchers sequenced the DNA of hundreds of people from around the world discovering that although there were likely many migrations out of Africa, modern non-Africans pretty much all descended from a wave of migrants about 60,000 years ago. We also know that our DNA - that is, the DNA of the rest of the non-African world -- is most closely related to modern Africans living in the northeast corner of Africa, where humans would have been able to walk out of Africa into present day Israel and the Arabian Peninsula and from there to the rest of the world. In addition to these three human species - us, Neanderthals, Denisovans - all alive at the same time, there was also a 4th species -- tiny humans, commonly called Flores man or "hobbits." The hobbits lived in isolation on some small islands in what today is Indonesia. No DNA from them, alas. The tropical climate is too warm and moist. We do have almost complete skeletal remains though. Hobbits were 31/2 feet tall and weighed only 50 pounds or so. That may seem surprising, but it isn't. It is well known to biologists that species that evolve on islands often become much smaller or much larger than their mainland relatives depending on the island's ecology. Living with the hobbits, and probably being hunted by them, were pony-size elephants. Also, living with the hobbits, and possibly preying on them, were crocodile-size lizards that today we call Komodo dragons. Three of the four human species alive during Denise's time - all except us -- vanished. What happened to them? Well, I don't want to point the finger too obviously at yours truly, but wherever and whenever our own species shows up, certain things seem to happen. Not long after we showed up in the Middle East, Neanderthals disappeared, then we showed up in Europe and they vanished. Hobbits also disappeared about the same time that our species arrived on the Indonesian islands. The pony-size elephants disappeared around that time too. We don't yet know enough about the Denisovans to know if they vanished too soon after we arrived in Asia, but I'm just saying.... As of today, all evidence points to none of the other human species surviving for long after their first contact with our species. It may not be a smoking gun, but I wouldn't want to have to defend ourselves in front of a jury. Steven Austad is Chair of the Biology Department at UAB. Before becoming a research scientist, he had various lives as an English major, a newspaper reporter, a New York City taxi driver, and a Hollywood wild animal trainer. Living now in Birmingham with his veterinarian wife, 6 dogs, 2 parrots, and a cat, his column posts every other Saturday morning on AL.com. pic.jpg More than 500 people gathered at Kelly Ingram park for a unity rally on Thursday, Nov. 12. (Joel Valencia) Before an estimated 500 people took to the streets of downtown Birmingham for a unity rally Thursday night, Sylvia Kay said she was dealing with threats on the rally's event page on Facebook. It was something Kay didn't see coming as she started organizing the event. The point of the rally held at Kelly Ingram Park was to provide a space for a diverse crowd of people to come together to support one another following the election of Donald Trump as president. But about 30 minutes after Kay started the page, she said those who opposed the event started making threats. Some of the initial threats talked about how the participants should be sprayed with fire hoses and attacked by dogs - images seen during the Civil Rights Movement and now immortalized in the monuments that stand in the same park where the rally was held. At first she thought she could stop the threats by changing the settings on the event page. Instead of letting people post freely, she had to approve the posts before they appeared on the page. But that didn't stop people from saying things in the comment section, she said. So she contacted Birmingham Police to provide security for the event. Kay said she has organized three rallies since she moved to Birmingham from London about six years ago, but she this is the first time she had to call law enforcement for safety reasons. "People started getting scared of coming to rally," Kay said. "I never seen so much hate." Jordan Giddens, one of the five organizers who helped Kay with the event, said he saw more threatening messages when he started live streaming the march on the event page. Giddens said the group doesn't feel intimidated by those who made the threats. Instead, he said he welcomes them to the second rally that will be held on Saturday, Nov. 12, at 5 p.m. at Kelly Ingram. "One day I hope the world can embrace the diversity and differences in others, because that is what makes this country so beautiful and special," he said. "We love you regardless of your threats because I believe love will conquer all." Unlike the first rally, Kay said there will be speakers from across the state talking during the event. Birmingham police will be providing security again, she stressed. "We have to make sure everyone is safe because we are trying to do everything peacefully," Kay said. An auction proposal for the mothballed Bellefonte Nuclear Plant in northeast Alabama could mean close to 1,000 jobs for the region. The proposal from Nevada-based Phoenix Energy outlines converting the plant in Jackson County into a clean energy producer that would produce electricity cheaper than the Tennessee Valley Authority - the federal utility that provides power for much of north Alabama and parts of six other states. TVA has deemed Bellefonte excess inventory and has put it up for sale at auction. Initial bids were presented in September and "qualified bidders" will make their final proposals on Monday. TVA has confirmed that there are multiple bidders, though the utility has declined to say how many. Michael Dooley, managing partner and principal engineer for Phoenix energy, said he believed there were three bidders seeking to obtain Bellefonte. TVA has set a minimum bid price of $36.4 million for the plant and the 1,300 acres upon which it sits in Hollywood near Scottsboro. Dooley said Phoenix Energy uses induction energy to produce clean energy, describing it as "completely emissions and toxic waste free and clean atmospheric and ecological environmental safe and friendly electric power generation plant design." The clean energy production would also benefit the Google Data Center planned for the area as well, Dooley said. Google has said it plans to use renewable energy to power its data center, which will employ up to 100 people. The project, under the Phoenix Energy proposal, would provide more than 580 permanent direct full-time management, engineering, administrative, technical, design and maintenance jobs as well as 350 direct long-term and short-term temporary construction, seasonal and maintenance jobs. The project would also attract more than 500 vendors, service, retail and supporting jobs for the region. "That would be a big economic draw because people would drive 30, 40, 50 miles to come to work," said Dooley, a former Bellefonte employee who lived in Huntsville, attended high school in Mobile and graduated from Auburn University. "It would be an economic boon to the southeast corner of Tennessee, the northeast corner of Alabama and the northwest section of Georgia." Dooley said Phoenix Energy has submitted a bid of $38 million for Bellefonte as well as a plan to allow TVA to recoup its $5 billion sunk cost into the plant. Dooley said the plant could be partially online in about a year and the total cost for Phoenix Energy would be about $300 million. The full project would take about five years, he said. If Phoenix Energy won the Bellefonte auction, Dooley said the company could sell electricity to TVA far cheaper than the utility can generate it themselves "We can generate electricity at probably less than 2 cents a kilowatt hour and we would offer to sell it to TVA at 3 cents a kilowatt hour," Dooley said. "Their coal plants don't generate electricity at that cost and their gas plants, the few that they have, don't either and not even their nukes do that. We would be able to offer their electricity at a lower cost. "They are going through a systematic program of shutting down their coal plants. This could accelerate their plan on shutting down coal plants. And with our coal to oil conversion process, it would not really impact the northern Alabama, southern Tennessee coal industry that much because we could take a lot of the coal going to the power plants and can be environmentally friendly converting it to oil." That's another aspect of the Phoenix Energy proposal - using different methods to produce energy in an environmentally-friendly format. In addition to converting coal to oil, Dooley said his company could take carbon dioxide emissions and ultimately liquefy it for commercial sale. The timeline for Phoenix Energy would have an immediate impact on the region, said Brian Smith, principal projects and configuration manager. "The day we take possession of the property, the next day, we would hit the ground running and with our development plan - and we do have a very aggressive development plan - we would be hiring people immediately," Smith said. "We would be ramping up quite quickly. Even though we have a five-year build time, if we can get it done in three or four years, that's even better." A Georgia man was fatally stabbed following a family dispute Friday night in DeKalb County. Cody Earl Seegar, 29, of Summerville, Ga. was pronounced dead at a residence located on DeKalb County Road 1945 in Henager, according to the sheriff's office. According to the report, Seegar and another man, Anthony Tracy Shaw, 48, of Summerville, Ga., invaded a house to confront the homeowner about a family dispute that occurred earlier the same day. Seegar began to physically assault the homeowner, causing the homeowner to stab both Seegar and Shaw one time. While Seegar died at the scene, Shaw was transported to Erlanger Medical Center in Chattanooga, Tenn. for treatment of his injuries. The investigation remains ongoing. The DeKalb County Sheriff's Office didn't say whether the homeowner will be charged. Ramallah, occupied West Bank In a light-filled office in Ramallahs first technology park, a group of sleep-deprived youth in their mid-20s are discussing the next steps to promote and develop their newly launched start-up. BuildPalestine is a crowdfunding platform that aims to reshape the relationship between donors and the Palestinian cause by connecting supporters from around the world with local grassroots initiatives. The platform, officially launched this week, aims to establish an alternative aid paradigm for Palestine, which has received more than $23bn from the donor community since the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993. Palestinians are among the largest per capita recipients of international development assistance in the world, yet critics believe that the aid industry has distorted Palestinian economic development, and that international donor agendas have interfered in internal political matters. Meanwhile, the Palestinian economic outlook remains worrying, according to the latest World Bank report. The international body said that Israeli restrictions, including the Gaza blockade, are mainly to blame for slow economic growth, which has resulted in high unemployment and stagnation in the average income of Palestinians. Aid delays are also preventing any meaningful recovery in Gaza, as only 46 percent of the $3.5bn pledged at the Cairo Conference has so far been delivered. BuildPalestine circumvents formal aid channels to connect needy communities directly with individual donors. The overall objective is to connect and engage millions of supporters around the world, to build a network, Besan Abu Joudeh, one of BuildPalestines cofounders, told Al Jazeera. The 26-year-old Palestinian-American moved to Ramallah a year ago with a desire to contribute to building the Palestinian economy. I saw a lot of issues, and the international community was not strategically engaged in tackling them. And its a huge resource, she said, adding that her priority is to reach Palestinians in the diaspora like herself. For now, the team is only equipped to take on small-scale projects that will benefit from a cash injection amounting to a maximum of $5,000. READ MORE: Black November A year ago, a group of five volunteers, part of the Palestinian Association of Emergency Medical Services, decided to start providing first-aid training to local communities in Gaza to enable them to deal with emergencies on site, before an ambulance arrives. Hanan Abu Qassem, 28, one of the organisers, was working as a paramedic during the 2014 Gaza war. Ambulances often arrived late. Sometimes they were prevented from entering certain areas, she told Al Jazeera. With this project, I can save lives. The funds they seek will be used to print brochures, provide first-aid kits to different neighbourhoods and train first-aid responders. BuildPalestine vets the projects it features on its platform, whose scope can range from education to youth to community development. Currently, donors can support higher education scholarships for young women from refugee camps; an educational programme by the Bethlehem Museum that aims to bring young Palestinians closer to their history via subsidised school tours and workshops; and a new women-focused project by Palestines only centre for music and art therapy. Team members say that making donors feel safe is a priority at this stage, which is why, for the time being, it is not open to individuals, such as other crowdfunding platforms. The donor system, the way its set up, is that youve got your priorities that are set, and then your grant cycles that are run, Abu Joudeh told Al Jazeera. When the grant cycle ends, local organisations are unable to continue without funding, and weve seen that happen to a lot of great projects. This is the main downfall of having a donor-dependent economy. In the past year, we saw that aid to Palestine dropped significantly with the crisis in Syria and with alternative priorities around the world, especially from the Europeans, Abu Joudeh added. The foreign aid system, the way it has been applied in the last 20 years, has totally distorted the Palestinian market and society. by Sam Bahour, business development expert on BuildPalestine's advisory board Meanwhile, according to a report published last year, the crowdfunding market grew in 2014 by more than 140 percent in both Europe and North America, and by more than 300 percent in Asia. Some $3.6bn was donated to social causes via crowdfunding in the same year, while more than 344 crowdfunding platforms existed in the United States alone in 2013. The numbers are growing, prompting the World Bank to release a study hailing its potential for the global south. The foreign aid system, the way it has been applied in the last 20 years, has totally distorted the Palestinian market and society, Sam Bahour, a business development expert who is also part of BuildPalestines advisory board, told Al Jazeera. That ranges from skewing how the labour force is structured, with the cream of the crop going towards high-paying but short-term, international-funded jobs, which puts companies and local NGOs at a disadvantage, Bahour said, adding that donor money is also being poured into donor agendas. For example, 42 percent goes into security and not one Palestinian feels secure while education, agriculture, manufacturing, are completely collapsing. While BuildPalestine cannot be a substitute to reforming the donor system, it works in parallel to that. It provides opportunities where funds go directly to the project and thats a powerful statement. The sound of artillery can be easily heard from the mountaintop of al-Qosh. Although the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group was pushed back from nearby villages, the few people remaining in Saint Hormizd Monastery and the town itself are still living in a state of tension. The town, about 50km north of Mosul, is now largely deserted. The monastery, considered to be one of the oldest still standing in Ninevah province, is virtually abandoned, with no visitors and no masses. None of the archbishops live here any more, having fled alongside most of the towns residents when ISIL, also known as ISIS, took control of large parts of Ninevah. The monastery overlooks the Ninevah plains, and battles between the Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi forces against ISIL can be watched from the top. I just pray every day that all of this will end very soon. We have been living in fear of ISIL for more than two years now, said Matta Rammo, 49, one of two guards who remains at the monastery. Ghazwan Elias, 36, who heads a local community organisation for the less fortunate, described the situation as catastrophic. All my people have left the town. I refuse to leave, he told Al Jazeera. I want my children to be raised here, in my country, here in Iraq. The scrutiny of the three African withdrawals from the ICC should not be reduced to accusations of seeking impunity. On November 16, the signatories to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court will come together for the 15th session of the Assembly of States Parties, and for the first time theyll have to face defections. In a matter of weeks three states withdrew from the ICC after being signatories to the Rome Statute for more than a decade. On October 12, Burundis parliament adopted with an overwhelming vote a law on the withdrawal of the country from the Rome Statute. On October 19, South Africas Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane signed an Instrument of Withdrawal. And Gambia, from where the current ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda hails, jumped on the bandwagon by declaring its decision to withdraw on October 26. Unsurprisingly, this latest development has unleashed a fierce debate, largely cast in black and white terms as a struggle between good and evil, between those supporting justice those seeking impunity. Amnesty International decried South Africas announcement as deep betrayal of millions of victims worldwide. Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General, questioned the commitment of Burundi, South Africa and the Gambia to justice. Beyond the black and white While these sentiments are understandable, we should not forget that major powers such as China, Russia and the United States have refused to become ICC members. The discussion on the three withdrawals should not be reduced to a black-and-white choice between justice and impunity. The withdrawals are not a rejection of the ICC in its entirety, or even less so of the ideals of international justice. Instead they are a reaction to the structural flaws underlying the international legal order which, as it stands, now looks more like an Orwellian animal farm, where some are more equal than others. The ICC's battered relationship with Africa is on the verge of breaking. But the current crisis might turn out to be an opportunity for inclusive discussion and change. by It is a legal order characterised, as the academic Amy Niang put it, by the absence of a moral equivalence in the implementation of legal principles across all countries regardless of size and political and economic endowment. It maintains a status quo where might is right. The ICC has been made to reinforce and entrench the Orwellian animal farm character of the system by vesting the veto-holding members of the UN Security Council with the power to refer situations in some countries to the ICC, while shielding themselves or close allies from scrutiny of the court. OPINION: African leaders and the bias of international justice The withdrawals relate to concerns raised over the years on how the ICC has gone about implementing its mandate in Africa. In this regard, the first concern is about the launching of prosecutions during ongoing armed conflicts where mediation efforts are under way. In its Instrument of Withdrawal, South Africa stated that it has found that its obligations with respect to the peaceful resolution of conflicts at times are incompatible with the interpretation given by the International Criminal Court of obligations contained in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. An ICC agenda? Related to this is also the concern around the prosecution of sitting heads of state and governments. In the context of Sudan and Ivory Coast, this is seen as attempt at regime change in the name of pursuing the ICCs agenda of prosecutorial justice or as a breach of the sovereign electoral choice of citizens in the case of Kenya. The decision of the African Union extraordinary summit in 2013 was not to initiate or continue prosecution of heads of state or government during their term of office to avoid politicisation and avoid fear of the ICC being used to effect regime change (PDF). The issue of temporal immunity came out clearly in South Africas withdrawal. Its Minister of Justice Michael Masutha argued that the implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Act, 2002, is in conflict and inconsistent with the provisions of the Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act, 2001. While there is no agreement on mass withdrawal, South Africa, Burundi, and Gambia are unlikely to be the only African states to leave the ICC. Uganda, Chad, Kenya and Namibia are also considering their withdrawal. The ICCs battered relationship with Africa is on the verge of breaking. But the current crisis might turn out to be an opportunity for inclusive discussion and change. Demands for immunity for serving heads of state and the taking into account of reconciliation efforts before prosecution have been voiced before. Perhaps this time the ASP will give these concerns due hearing and curb further withdrawals and the longstanding fierce opposition from many African states. Solomon Ayele Dersso is a senior legal scholar and an analyst on Africa and African Union affairs. The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeeras editorial policy. Congratulating President-elect Donald J Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared a YouTube clip on his Twitter account stating that he is confident that the two of us working closely together will bring the great alliance between our two countries to even greater heights. Although Netanyahu did not specify the issues that he believes would strengthen the already close US-Israeli alliance in the clip, his right-wing choir was quick to explain. Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, the head of the Bayit Yehudi party, asserted that the era of a Palestinian state is over. Trumps victory, he clarified, is an opportunity for Israel to immediately retract the notion of a Palestinian state which would hurt our security and just cause. This is the position of the president-elect, as written in his platform, and it should be our policy, plain and simple. The possibility of an independent Palestinian state is, of course, inseparable from Israels settlement project. Not surprisingly, therefore, Yossi Dagan, head of a Jewish regional council in the colonised West Bank, declared that the US elections mark a shift in this respect as well: We have high expectations for a significant change in how the Israeli government treats Judea and Samaria following the election of a US president who is a friend to the settler movement in the West Bank. We expect an end to the construction freeze, and even more. As if to confirm Trumps support of the settlement enterprise, Jason Greenblatt, Trumps chief legal officer and executive vice president of the Trump Organization, who has been tapped as Trumps adviser on Israel, commented on Israels Army Radio that, in the next four years, there would be a stark departure from the long-time American stance that Israeli construction in areas captured in the 1967 Six-Day War makes it more difficult to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians. Trump, in other words, is very unlikely to pressure Israel to slow down settlement construction on Palestinian land. Israel will get what it wants Alongside settlements, Israeli politicians believe that Trump will help legitimise Israeli sovereignty over occupied East Jerusalem, including the swath of land that is most sacred to Muslims. Likud Member of Knesset Yehudah Glick rushed to invite Trump to celebrate his victory on the Temple Mount, known to Muslims across the globe as Al-Haram Al-Sharif, or the Noble Sanctuary. Given that Trump does not appear to believe in the Armageddon, it is unlikely that he will revel in his victory at the worlds third-most holy mosque. His extremely conservative and evangelical vice president, on the other hand, would have probably wanted him to do so. Trump may seem to be capricious, but there is a direct and very straight line connecting his racist and misogynist views to Israels colonial project. At the 2009 AIPAC convention, Mike Pence declared that Israels enemies are our enemies; Israels cause is our cause. If this world knows nothing else, let it know this: America stands with Israel. One issue the next president and his vice president clearly agree upon, however, is the need to legalise Israeli rule in all of Jerusalem, and they intend to carry this out by moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Netanyahu likely had Jerusalem in mind when he commented on the deepening US alliance with the Zionist state in his YouTube clip. Finally, a third issue that will further boost US-Israeli relations in Netanyahus view is Trumps views on Iran. In an AIPAC meeting in March this year, Trump announced that his number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran and to stand up to Irans aggressive push to destabilise and dominate the region. While a few commentators have claimed that it is unlikely that Trump will disregard the nuclear deal with Iran, Netanyahu is set to pressure Trump to stand by his previous promises. It is, therefore, not surprising that in one of his first tweets after the elections, Netanyahu noted: We are also concerned by Iran, which champions the destruction of Israel and also supports 360-degree terror on five continents. While everyone appears to agree that Trump loves Israel, some commentators say that he remains a mystery because he is utterly unpredictable. On my own WhatsApp account, acquaintances have compared him to former Prime Minister Menachem Begin, claiming that, like Begin, who surprised the world when he agreed to withdraw from Sinai in return for peace with Egypt, Trump may do the unexpected and pressure Israel to dismantle settlements and withdraw from the West Bank and East Jerusalem. OPINION: What will Trump do on Syria? This, however, is wishful thinking thats totally disconnected from reality. Two points need to be made in response to this line of reasoning, which seems quite prevalent among certain liberals in Israel and the West. First, Trump has surrounded himself by extremely right-wing pro-Israel advisers who want to bolster the colonial settlement enterprise, move the US embassy to Jerusalem, and undermine the Iran nuclear deal. This is why the replacement of the first African American president by a man endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan was received with such great fanfare in the corridors of Israeli power. Second, and most importantly, Trump may seem to be capricious, but there is a direct and very straight line connecting his racist and misogynist views to Israels colonial project. And history has taught us that it is reckless to brush aside racist and demagogic leaders. Neve Gordon is a Leverhulme visiting fellow at SOAS, University of London. The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeeras editorial policy Attack claimed by Taliban at facility near Kabul that houses the largest contingent of US soldiers in the country. NATO says at least four people have been killed in an explosion inside the largest US military base in Afghanistan, with the Taliban claiming responsibility for the attack. The explosion struck at dawn on Saturday inside the heavily fortified Bagram Airfield, north of Kabul, as the Taliban step up attacks on Western targets before the onset of winter, when fighting usually ebbs. The nationalities of those killed were not immediately known after the blast, which highlights a worsening security situation nearly two years after NATO formally ended its combat operations in Afghanistan. An explosive device was detonated on Bagram Airfield resulting in multiple casualties. Four people have died in the attack and approximately 14 have been wounded, NATO said in a statement. READ MORE: No consensus in Afghanistan on how to deal with Taliban Response teams at Bagram continue to treat the wounded and investigate the incident. Waheed Sediqqi, spokesman for the Parwan provincial governor, said the bomber managed to enter the heavily protected site and was standing in a queue with Afghan labourers when he detonated a suicide vest. Bagram Airfield, close to Kabul, has frequently come under attack by Taliban fighters. Al Jazeeras Abdullah Shahood, reporting from Kabul, said the base is in a heavily guarded area where people only with exclusive access can enter. An Afghan police official told us that the person who got in with the explosives must be a dual citizen and someone who has an access pass and is trusted to go without escort, he said. Worsening situation The explosion underscores a worsening security situation nearly two years after NATO formally ended its combat operations in Afghanistan. The US currently has around 10,000 troops in Afghanistan, with the largest contingent stationed at Bagram Airfield. Last December, a motorcycle-riding Taliban suicide bomber killed six US soldiers near Afghanistans largest US military base. It was one of the deadliest attacks on foreign troops in the country in 2015. On Thursday, four people were killed and 128 others were wounded when a suicide bomber drove a lorry loaded with explosives into the German consulate in the northern city of Mazar-e Sharif. Hundreds of thousands of Indians stand in line for third day to swap banned notes as banks struggle to cope with demand. Anger has intensified in India as banks struggle to dispense cash following the governments snap decision to withdraw large-denomination banknotes in what it said was an attempt to uncover billions of dollars in undeclared wealth. Tempers frayed on Saturday as hundreds of thousands of people queued for hours outside banks for a third day to swap 500 and 1,000 rupee banknotes ($7 and $14) after they were abolished earlier in the week to curb black money and to tackle counterfeit currency. Its absurdity on the part of the government to have announced the demonetisation overnight, as 85 percent of currency is held in 500 and 1,000 rupee denominations, Prabhat Patnaik, an economist and professor emeritus at Jawaharlal Nehru University, said. It's absurdity on the part of the government to have announced the demonetisation overnight. by Prabhat Patnaik, economist Government could have given a period of time, say six months to a year, to exchange old notes with new ones but not abruptly. Customers argued and banged on glass doors at a Standard Chartered branch in the capital New Delhi after security guards blocked the entrance. Nearly half of Indias 202,000 ATMs were not operating on Friday and those that did work quickly ran out of the new notes as scores of people descended upon them. It seems utterly ridiculous that no measures were taken to provide currency notes to millions of people across the country before such a big step was taken, Patnaik told Al Jazeera. On Saturday, Arun Jaitley, finance minister, said cashpoints had not been adjusted to handle new currency notes prior to the announcement in order to keep it under wraps. Recalibration of ATMs will be completed within two weeks, he added. READ MORE: India sets up team to unearth black money Serpentine queues have been seen across the country and part of the delay is because people are required to present proof of identity, even though millions of Indians still lack proper identity cards. Others turned on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, criticising his ongoing visit to Japan while ordinary people suffered at home. He is taking bullet train rides in Japan and here you have old people knocking on bank doors for cash, said Prabhat Kumar, a college student who said he had spent six hours in the queue. He has made a terrible mistake. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, a Modi rival, accused the prime minister of wreaking havoc on poor and working Indians, while the wealthy found ways to skirt the new rules. Theres chaos everywhere, Kejriwal said. Modi said he would pursue the fight against corruption and tax dodgers, even if it meant scanning decades-old records. If unaccounted money is found out during the current clean-up drive, accounts of tax evaders dating back to the countrys independence in 1947 will be checked. If required, I will hire people for this task, Modi told the Indian community in Kobe, Japan. He said he recognised that people faced difficulties as the transition to the new series of banknotes takes place, but added that he was confident they would stand by the decision as part of what he called the war against corruption. READ MORE: India The next global economic powerhouse? Much of Indias rural economy is powered by cash transactions, with few people having bank accounts. The shock decision on Tuesday has left millions of people without cash and threatens to bring much of the cash-driven economy to a halt. Withdrawal of purchasing power will lead to contraction of the economy and recession, Patnaik said, adding: A lot of small businesses will temporarily shut down and it will be difficult to revive them. The hunt for Indias black money Jaitley, however, said that there could be short-term disruptions to the economy, but this would prove positive in the longer term. Traders at a Delhi vegetable market said they were considering shutting it down. We might have to close down until the situation stabilises, said Metharam Kriplani, president of the Chambers of Azadpur Fruit and Vegetable Traders. People in Mumbai said grocers were charging 10 times the price of salt in return for accepting the old cash notes. In another incident, a newborn reportedly died after a doctor at a local clinic refused treatment because the parents could not pay the bill in banknotes of less than a 500-rupee denomination. The government has asked people to exchange the old 500 and 1,000 rupee notes by December 30. The countrys central bank in a statement carried by local PTI news agency said printing presses were running at full capacity to sustain demand for new notes. Modis move was aimed at shrinking the black economy, the term widely used to describe transactions that take place outside formal channels, and which could be as high as 20 percent of gross domestic product, according to investment firm Ambit. India demonetisation: Chaos as ATMs run dry Patnaik, the economist, said there was a complete misconception around the idea of black money. It is not just holding of notes, black money involves a range of activities that are undeclared and unaccounted for, he said. Normal [legal] businesses also do transactions in cash and they will also be affected by the governments decision. China invest $46bn in CPEC project, hoping link to Gwadar port will lead to easier trade with Middle East and Africa. Parts of a multibillion-dollar trade route between China and Pakistan have opened, with the first Chinese trade caravan reaching Pakistans port city of Gwadar. The 3,000km trade route, called the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), links Chinas Xinjiang province with Gwadar in Pakistans Balochistan province. China is investing $46bn in CPEC and hopes it will lead to easier trade with the Middle East and Africa. The route cuts across the high road over Khunjerab Pass, situated more than 5,000 metres above sea level. Once a part of the ancient Silk Route, this road will become a vital link for China to Gwadar. It is being built with Chinese help to become part of a new maritime Silk Route. This investment will help to turn around not only Pakistans economy but also it will enable Pakistan to become self-sufficient in energy and improve its infrastructure, Ahsan Iqbal, minister for planning and development of Pakistan, told Al Jazeera. However, local Pakistani manufacturers, under the Organisation for Advancement and Safeguard of Industrial Sector (OASIS), say the CPEC poses new challenges for the domestic industrial sector. The Chinese industry has achieved economies of scale over the years, primarily due to their huge domestic market, industry-friendly policies and multiple incentives by the government, Atif Iqbal, OASIS executive director, told local Pakistani media on Friday. Supporters of the CPEC say it is a one-time opportunity for Pakistan to resolve its crippling power-supply shortfalls, and for the first time to establish a nationwide network of logistical infrastructure. A 2020 goal of $100bn in climate finance was originally set in Copenhagen in 2009, but that is now in question. President-elect Donald Trumps policies are likely to make it harder for developing nations to obtain the growing finance they need to combat climate change, threatening one pillar of a 2015 international agreement to slow global warming. There is widespread unease about climate finance at the November 7-18 talks on climate change among almost 200 nations being held in Marrakesh, Morocco after Trumps election victory. My only worry is the money, said Tosi Mpanu Mpanu of Democratic Republic of Congo, who heads a group of the 48 least developed nations. Its worrying when you know that Trump is a climate change sceptic, he told Reuters news agency. Many developing nations promises to act under last years Paris Agreement set pre-conditions including increasing funds to help them limit greenhouse gas emissions and make their economies more resilient to heat waves, floods, storms and rising seas. Without extra money, they say they wont be able to do so much. Trump, who has called man-made climate change a hoax, wants to cancel the Paris Agreement and halt any US taxpayer funds for UN global warming programmes. If he follows through, that will threaten a collective pledge by wealthy nations in Paris to raise climate finance from both public and private sources from a combined $100bn a year promised for 2020. Since Trumps win, nations from China to Saudi Arabia have reaffirmed their support for the Paris Agreements goal of eliminating net greenhouse gas emissions sometime from 2050 to 2100. Investments in green growth can be braked green finance can be braked, under Trump, French Environment Minister Segolene Royal said, calling some of Trumps climate policies catastrophic. Irans water crisis Among the first casualties could be the Green Climate Fund (GCF), meant to help developing countries act. Rich nations promised the GCF $10bn in a first round of funding in 2014, including $3bn from the United States. President Barack Obamas administration has only made $500m available so far, and Trump may withhold the rest. The collective 2020 goal of $100bn in climate finance was originally set at a summit in Copenhagen in 2009. Democrat Hillary Clinton, defeated by Trump, announced US support for the plan at the time as US secretary of state. In the run-up to a Paris summit last year, the United Nations sometimes referred to climate finance as a golden key to unlock a global deal. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has estimated that climate finance reached $62bn in 2014 and a report last month, before the US election, said the $100bn seemed in reach. Many environmental groups say the flows are exaggerated. Morocco sees no turning back for climate pact Moroccan Environment Minister Hakima el-Haite said developing nations were most likely to suffer from a lack of funds to help them adapt to climate change, such as building sea walls or developing drought-resistant crops. A shift from fossil fuels was more robust because falling prices of solar or wind power were making renewable energies competitive with coal or oil in many markets. This is not a business where we need to have funds, she said of a shift to renewables. According to the International Energy Agency, renewables accounted for a record 153 gigawatts of electricity capacity added worldwide in 2015, more than half of the world total. Cumulative installed renewable power capacity overtook coal for the first time last year, it said. Portland police say suspect confronted and then shot a demonstrator who was taken to hospital with non-lethal injuries. A police manhunt is on for a suspect who shot an anti-Donald Trump protester in Portland, Oregon, after they got into a confrontation, as demonstrations against the US president-elect continue. Protests have taken place in various parts of the United States since Wednesday after the controversial Republican candidate Trump was elected the 45th US president. On Saturday, hundreds resumed marches in New York City. In Chicago, hundreds more including families with small children chanted No hate. No fear. Immigrants are welcome here as they marched through Millennium Park, a popular downtown tourist attraction. Were horrified the country has elected an incredibly unqualified, misogynist, racist on a platform that was just totally hateful, said Mary Florin-McBride, 62, a retired banker from New York who held a sign reading, No Fascism in America. Police said in a statement that the Portland attacker got out of his vehicle on a bridge where he confronted and then shot the anti-Trump protester, who was taken to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries. A search was on for the gunman, who reportedly fled in the vehicle after the attack and is still at large. Anti-Trump protests swept across the cities of Miami, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco and Portland on Friday, drawing about thousands of people who voiced anger at the billionaire businessmans controversial campaign rhetoric about immigrants, Muslims and women. Other small demonstrations were held in US cities. Some waved American flags or carried signs reading Not My President. Earlier in the night, protesters blocked traffic and threw objects at Portland police dressed in riot gear, who responded with pepper spray and flash-bang devices. At one point, police pushed protesters back and appeared to take at least one person into custody, according to footage on a local NBC affiliate. IN PICTURES: Violence erupts as anti-Trump rallies sweeps US cities Hundreds joined a Love Rally on Friday afternoon in Washington Square Park in New York Citys Manhattan. In Los Angeles on Thursday night, police arrested about 185 people, mostly for blocking roadways or being juveniles out past curfew, according to police. One officer was treated in hospital for injuries suffered during the protest. Anti-Trump demonstrators have voiced concerns that his presidency, due to start on January 20, would infringe on Americans civil and human rights. They cited his campaign promises to restrict immigration and register Muslims, as well as allegations against the former reality-TV star that he had sexually abused women. Protesters in various cities have chanted slogans and carried signs reading Impeach Trump. Portland activists say a grassroots movement is needed to keep president-elects policies from coming to fruition. Portland, United States Protesters in Portland who have staged days of rallies following Donald Trumps shock election victory say they must build a strong grassroots resistance movement to survive his presidency. Im devastated by what has happened, said Cindy Quale, who attended Fridays rally at Portlands City Hall. Therell be horrible things happening because of the election. Trump campaigned on a platform described by many as racist, misogynistic, and bigoted. His election stunned many Americans, especially those who supported the social justice progress made under Democrat President Barack Obama over the past eight years. Protests erupted on Wednesday in Portland and other cities across the US, including New York City, Los Angeles and Seattle following Trumps election as the 45th US president. Portland activists said they had to act now to voice their opposition to the types of harmful policies Trump talked about during the often nasty campaign. Donald Trump is going to help ruin America simply Im not okay with that my family is Mexican, said a protester named Lillith, who declined to give her last name. The system clearly isnt working and we need to start something different, Lillith said as she held a sign saying: #NoMorePresident. Fridays protests began with a heal-in of hundreds organised by Portlands Resistance a group formed after the Republican leaders victory. Last night, in the ongoing wake of Portlanders desperate attempts to understand their new reality under a Trump regime, a movement was born one that we hope will help to elevate Portland as a bastion for peace, refuge, sustainability and social innovation for years to come, the group said in a press release. Demonstrators said they planned to take a break from marching after violence broke out in Thursdays rally, following which local police asked protesters to stay home. One person survived a gunshot wound, dozens were arrested, and property was damaged as police clashed with some protesters. The organisers disavowed the violence by a section of the protesters. But at the same time, quoting Martin Luther King Jr, said, Riots are the language of the unheard. Heal-in is Portlands Resistances new tool of protest that involves diologue and sharing of ideas on a diverse range of issues such as race and police violence. In order to survive president Trump, there needs to be a strong resistance, the group said. About 200 people joined the heal-in, where they broke off into several circles to allow people to speak about their ideas for making Portland a better city, and to discuss their campaign to repair damage done in Thursdays demonstration. Speakers talked about the threat Trumps campaign promises posed to them and their families. From police violence to racist policies Trump campaigned on, activists said they needed to mobilise. One speaker brought up police violence and the role that racism plays in it. At the end of her speech, she shouted I hate racism! with the crowd repeating the words. A protester named Meera, who declined to give her last name, said she came out in support of her family. My mom is Muslim, Meera said. One idea Trump floated during his campaign was a ban on Muslim travel to the US and creating a special database to identify Muslim citizens. Don Waggoner, another protester at the heal-in, said: Im here to oppose fascism. The idea that American citizens would have to carry special IDs is textbook fascism. We have to do something otherwise well all end up in a cell, Waggoner said. As activists continued to discuss ideas on how to oppose impending racist policies, hundreds more protesters gradually joined them. Many had handkerchiefs over their faces and some held shields in anticipation of clashes with police. As they began their march, appeals to remain peaceful were blarred out of loudspeakers. Police had lined up a block away and informed protesters to stay on the authorised route. One demonstrator with his face covered walked towards the police line alone, with two middle fingers up in the air. As the police message repeated, protesters began shouting, Whose streets? Our streets! People marched carrying posters with the anarchist symbol, while a protester threw a Molotov cocktail. The march eventually broke into different groups, with one splinter group vandalising parts of the city and another disrupting traffic. Police used flash bangs and tear gas on Friday against protesters who didnt follow the authorised march route. One was shot by an unknown assailant near the Morrison bridge. Its cause and effect, said protester Waggoner. An activist named Jessie, who declined to give his surname, said he thought the protests would continue for at least a week. It could even start something bigger, like World War III or a civil war, Jessie said, holding a shield. Thousands unhappy with president-elects campaign rhetoric take to the streets of major cities for third straight day. Thousands of protesters have taken their frustration over Donald Trumps presidential election win onto the streets for a third straight night, following previous outbreaks of window-smashing and fire-setting. Protests swept on Friday across the cities of Miami, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco and Portland where one protester was shot, voicing anger at Trumps controversial campaign rhetoric about immigrants, Muslims and women. The unidentified man was wounded on Portlands Morrison Bridge in the early hours of the morning, as he and other protesters crossed it during a demonstration. Other small protests were held in Detroit; Minneapolis; Kansas City, Missouri; Olympia, Washington DC; and Iowa City. In the Portland incident, police said in a statement that a man got out of a vehicle on the bridge where he confronted and then shot a protester, who was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The suspect is still at large, police added. Earlier in the night, protesters blocked traffic and threw objects at Portland police dressed in riot gear who responded with pepper spray and flash-bang devices. At one point, police pushed protesters back and appeared to take at least one person into custody, according to footage on a local NBC affiliate. IN PICTURES: Violence erupts as anti-Trump rallies sweeps US cities Hundreds joined a so-called Love Rally on Friday afternoon in Washington Square Park in New York Citys Manhattan. There were no reports of violence or arrests at the rallies, unlike on Thursday night when demonstrators in Portland threw objects, damaging new cars at a dealership. Police there arrested at least 26 people. Arrests in Los Angeles In Los Angeles on Thursday night, police arrested about 185 people, mostly for blocking roadways or being juveniles out past curfew, according to police. One officer was hospitalised for injuries suffered during the protest. Anti-Trump demonstrators have voiced concerns that his presidency, due to start on January 20, would infringe on Americans civil and human rights. They cited his campaign promises to restrict immigration and register Muslims, as well as allegations against the former reality-TV star that he had sexually abused women. Protesters in various cities have chanted slogans, including No hate! No fear! Immigrants are welcome here! and carried signs reading Impeach Trump. In Portland, up to 200 people took part in protests on Friday they called Heal-in. In Tennessee, Vanderbilt University students sang civil rights songs and marched through the campus across a Nashville street, temporarily blocking traffic. A protest also occurred in Minneapolis. In Chicago, multiple groups planned protests for Saturday. Call for unity Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, acknowledged on Friday the tight race with the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, but said anti-Trump protesters have to accept the election results. He pointed to Trumps call for unity and meetings on Thursday with President Barack Obama and Republican leaders as reasons for reassurance. Security barricades now shield some of Trumps most visible properties, including the newly opened Trump International Hotel near the White House and Trump Tower in New York. Trumps base of support in the election was the broad middle of the country, from the Heartland through the Rust Belt, with voters in states that had long supported Democrats shifting to Trump after he promised to renegotiate trade deals with other countries. Hundreds of thousands of protesters in Seoul demand Park Geun-hyes resignation over corruption scandal. Hundreds of thousands of South Koreans have taken to the streets of Seoul to demand the resignation of scandal-hit President Park Geun-hye, in one of the largest anti-government protests in decades. On the back of official appeals for calm, police deployed around 25,000 officers on Saturday for the third instalment in a series of weekly mass demonstrations in the South Korean capital that have left Park fighting for her political life. In an effort to soothe public anger, Park has issued several apologies, reshuffled her top officials, and even agreed to relinquish some of her extensive executive powers, but the popular calls for her to step down have been relentless. We are feeling the weight of the serious public mood, Jung Youn-kuk, presidential spokesman, acknowledged on Friday. Prosecutors are investigating allegations that Choi, 60, leveraged her personal relationship with the president to coerce donations from large companies like Samsung to nonprofit foundations which she set up and used for personal gain. The scandal engulfing Park is focused on a close personal friend, Choi Soon-sil, who is currently under arrest on charges of fraud and abuse of power. She is also accused of interfering in government affairs, despite holding no official position. On Saturday, prosecutors questioned the head of the countrys largest steelmaker as well as a top Samsung executive. Kwon Oh-joon, Posco chief executive, was interrogated about allegations surrounding the 2014 sale of the companys in-house advertising unit. Kwon was the first head of a major South Korean conglomerate to be questioned over the scandal. The allegations are that one of Chois associates attempted to force the company that bought Poscos advertising subsidiary to hand over 80 percent of its shares. Reports of the unhealthy influence Choi wielded over Park have sent the presidents approval ratings plunging to record lows. READ MORE: Park Geun-hye: Scandal is all my fault and mistake Police said they had planned for a crowd of around 170,000 for Saturdays demonstration, while organisers said they expected between 500,000 and one million to turn out. Tens of thousands arrived in Seoul by buses and trains from provincial cities around the country. One group of 1,000 protesters flew in from the popular southern resort island of Jeju. Such numbers make it one of the biggest anti-government rallies since the pro-democracy protests of the 1980s. The organisers were talking about a million people coming to the streets of Seoul today, Al Jazeeras Harry Fawcett said, reporting from Seoul. Its impossible to estimate at this point, but it is an enormous protest and very well-organised. A protest in June 2008 against then-president Lee Myung-baks decision to lift an import ban on US beef drew 80,000 people according to police, while organisers claimed 700,000. In a televised press conference on Friday, Lee Joon-sik, deputy prime minister, voiced concerns at the possibility of illegal collective action or violence. We hope the public will cooperate so that the demonstration will be legal and peaceful, Lee said. The two previous rallies were largely peaceful, with a large number of families attending, including couples with infants and young children. Although opposition lawmakers said they would attend Saturdays protest, they have largely avoided direct resignation calls and appear more interested in extracting more concessions from Park in terms of devolving power to the legislature. Among people in their 20s, Parks support is down near zero percent in the latest Gallup poll, said Al Jazeeras Fawcett. But [the opposition] arent really sure what to do with it because if they do drive her from office, there isnt really a unifying figure on the left of politics to take up the mantle of the presidency right now. The candlelight rally was scheduled to begin at 4pm local time (07:00 GMT) at Seoul City Hall, followed by a march in the direction of the presidential Blue House. Police plan to erect roadblocks to keep the crowds well away from Parks official residence, and organisers said they would respect police boundaries. ISIL fighters have launched several fierce counterattacks against Iraqi forces on the eastern outskirts of Mosul city, underscoring the intense battle ahead as government troops and their allies push into densely populated neighbourhoods. An ISIL suicide car bomber targeted Iraqi troops in the citys eastern Qadisiya neighbourhood early on Saturday, setting off heavy fighting that involved mortar rounds, gunfire, and rocket-propelled grenades. Iraqi officers told the AFP news agency that fighting was also under way in the adjoining Arbajiya area. The fighting is intense this morning. Were trying to fortify our positions in Arbajiya before continuing our attack into al-Bakr, Colonel Muntadhar Salem, of the counterterrorism unit, said. Salem later clarified that the aim was to surround the al-Bakr neighbourhood, but not to assault it for now. To the south of the city, militarised Iraqi police said they had come within 5km of Mosuls airport, which satellite images show has been heavily fortified by ISIL. The images, taken earlier this month by US-based private intelligence firm Stratfor, showed ISIL fighters having cleared terrain and levelled buildings around the airport and a nearby former military base on the west bank of the River Tigris. Rows of concrete barricades, earthen mounds and rubble could be seen blocking key routes into the city centre. READ MORE: Inside ISILs bomb-making factory Thousands of Iraqi regular troops and special forces, Shia militias, Kurdish Peshmerga, and other groups in an alliance of 100,000 fighters. The nearly four-week campaign that began on October 17 to drive ISIL, or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group, out of the biggest city under its control is also backed by thousands of western personnel on the ground and US-led air power, including fighter jets and Apache helicopters. The International Organization for Migration said on Saturday more than 49,000 people had been displaced since the operation began. In recent days the advance has slowed as they fight their way into densely populated neighbourhoods, with the urban landscape making defence easier for ISIL. Iraqi armed forces do not release casualty figures, but field medics have noted that dozens have been killed and wounded. Winning back Mosul would be a major blow to ISILs self-declared caliphate. In a rare audio message released earlier this month, ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi whose whereabouts are unknown said there could be no retreat in a total war against the forces arrayed against ISIL, telling fighters they must stay loyal to their commanders. In a brief published on Friday, the UNs human rights office said ISIL carried out a series of executions and abuses and that 40 people had been killed by the armed group for treason and collaboration with Iraqi forces and their allies closing in on the city. Dressed in orange jumpsuits, the bodies of the victims were hung from electrical poles in several areas around Mosul, the UN said. Civilian deaths As street battles raged deeper into the city, civilians some of them carrying white flags walked towards the citys outskirts. Meanwhile, the UN warned of a possible exodus of hundreds of thousands of refugees from Mosul, which is still home to as many as 1.5 million people. The World Health Organization said it has set up 82 rapid response teams to manage risks of epidemics, chemical exposure, and other health worries among people fleeing Mosul. The UN health agency said water and sanitation in camps for displaced people could face disruptions as the numbers of those fleeing Mosul grew, raising the risk of food and water borne diseases such as cholera. Army and allies regain control of several districts, rolling back recent rebel gains in besieged northern city. Syrian government forces recaptured territory in the contested city of Aleppo, reversing all gains rebels made two weeks into their counterattack. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based war monitor with sources on the ground, said on Saturday that the army and allies made several advances on the divided citys western edge, hampering the rebel offensive to break the siege on opposition-held districts. The group said government forces regained control of Al-Assad and Minyan districts in the west of Aleppo. State television said the army swept the suburban area for land mines. The epic battle for Aleppo has failed, said the Syrian Observatorys chief Rami Abdurrahman, using the term the rebels had assigned to the offensive. Zakaria Malahifji, head of the political office of the Fastaqim rebel group fighting in Aleppo, confirmed the armys gains. Of course, when the regime takes control, it has a negative effect, but there is persistence among the rebel factions, he said. And hopefully there will be change in the coming days. The city has been divided for years between the government-held west and rebel-controlled east. UN: Eastern Aleppo residents at risk of mass starvation Syrian forces launched a major Russian-backed assault on eastern Aleppo in September after besieging the area, which is home to about 250,000 people. On October 28, rebels counterattacked in a bid to break the siege, targeting western districts of Aleppo, but their progress slowed after early successes. Aleppo has become the most intense front in the war pitting President Bashar al-Assad helped by Iranian militias and Russian air power against rebel groups, some backed by Turkey, the United States, and Gulf monarchies. Russia said its air force has been observing a moratorium on air strikes on rebel-held eastern Aleppo since October 18. I live in Aleppo, under siege Prior to that, the Syrian Observatory and emergency workers said heavy air strikes had killed at least 450 people, and hit hospitals and other civilian facilities. An armada of Russian warships, meanwhile, is now in the eastern Mediterranean off the Syrian coast after being sent to reinforce Russias military in the area. The commander of Russias flagship Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, Sergei Artamonov, said via videolink the ships are now jointly carrying out tasks, manoeuvering to the west of the Syrian coast. Brazen attack by disguised suicide bomber at Bagram airbase north of Kabul also wounds 17 other people. A Taliban suicide bomber dressed as a labourer blew himself up at the NATO airbase at Bagram north of the Afghan capital Kabul, killing four Americans and wounding at least 17 people. Two US military service members and two US contractors were killed on Saturday, and 16 other US service members were wounded, along with a Polish soldier who was part of the NATO mission. For those who carried out this attack, my message is simple: we will not be deterred in our mission to protect our homeland and help Afghanistan secure its own future, US defence chief Ashton Carter said in a statement. The explosion struck at dawn on Saturday inside the heavily fortified Bagram based as the Taliban steps up attacks on western targets before the onset of winter, when fighting usually ebbs. Waheed Seddiqi, spokesman for the Parwan provincial governor, said the bomber managed to enter the heavily protected site and was standing in a queue with Afghan labourers when he detonated a suicide vest. Bagram Airfield, close to Kabul, has frequently come under attack by Taliban fighters. No consensus in Afghanistan on how to deal with Taliban Al Jazeeras Abdullah Shahood, reporting from Kabul, said the base is in a heavily guarded area where people only with exclusive access can enter. An Afghan police official told us that the person who got in with the explosives must be a dual citizen and someone who has an access pass and is trusted to go without escort, he said. Worsening situation On Thursday, four people were killed and 128 others were wounded when a suicide bomber drove a lorry loaded with explosives into the German consulate in the northern city of Mazar-e Sharif. The Taliban said that attack was retaliation for air strikes near the northern city of Kunduz last week, which killed more than 30 civilians. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Saturdays blast which he said had been planned for four months had caused heavy casualties, killing 23 Americans and wounding 44. The group often exaggerates the number of casualties caused by its operations. The explosion underscores a worsening security situation nearly two years after NATO formally ended its combat operations in Afghanistan. The US currently has about 10,000 troops in Afghanistan, with the largest contingent stationed at Bagram Airfield. Last December, a motorcycle-riding Taliban suicide bomber killed six US soldiers near Afghanistans largest US military base. It was one of the deadliest attacks on foreign troops in the country in 2015. Dr Marc Lamont Hill is an award-winning journalist and author and is the Steve Charles Professor of Media, Cities, and Solutions at Temple University. Hill is known for his work addressing the intersections of race, justice, politics and culture. His latest best-selling book is We Still Here: Pandemics, Policing, Protest and Possibility which follows on the success of Nobody: Casualties of Americas War on the Vulnerable from Flint to Ferguson. Hill has received numerous prestigious awards from the US National Association of Black Journalists, GLAAD, and the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Donald Trump wins a smashing victory on Tuesday, and the aftermath is all lovey-dovey. The Wicked Witch of the West Hillary makes a gracious concession speech. President Barack Obama extends an olive branch to Trump. Meanwhile, Soros-backed leftist agitators agitate the campus snowflakes, twenty-something basement dwellers, and alternative music wannabes to take to the streets. The election results are causing tantrums. But the universal, thundering condemnation by Democrats of their spoiled brats brigades gives heart. No? No thumping condemnation across the Democratic Party? No mainstream media outcry? That should give you a hint to real feelings. Hillarys and Baracks magnanimity cant be hooey, say the right-proper elites. The mainstream media (the propaganda organ of the Democratic Party, lest we fail to remind) praised both for their post-election swellness, albeit without the MSMs typical ebullience. Republicans did so as well, because a lot of Republicans arent terribly street-smart. Realists have serious doubts about Baracks and Hillarys sincerity. Yep, theres still some decorum left in America, and both had to abide it on Wednesday -- and Barack with Trump at the White House on Thursday. Very shortly, though, Donald Trump, demeaned but days ago as a loutish orange-haired hotel and casino builder and operator with illusions of Putin, will have the power to unleash hell on both. Both must have bouts of cold sweats with the thought. Could the hell being visited upon Clinton and Obama factor into their niceness toward The Donald? Rudy Giuliani Trumps top choice for attorney general -- is rumored to be a bulldog. Theres word on the street that he took down the NYC mob in the 80s. There are rumblings around DC that Barack has been advised by Trumps agents not to pardon Hillary. Hillary, in particular, but Barack, too, has dirty hands. Something about private servers, highly classified information being exchange over said servers, lying, and such. Barack, the fortunate son, probably skates. Hillary may not be so fortunate, she having spent her adult life scooping up poop behind her compulsively horny and dishonest hubby. Oh, and having to clean up her own mountain of poop, too. Unless Barack pardons her, defying the warnings. Thats a distinct possibility, but how would that play as part of Baracks legacy? Isnt pardoning Hillary tantamount to an admission of a lot of wrongdoing on her part? Pardoned without any indictments (yes, multiple in Hillarys case)? Heck, without one grand jury being convened. Without convictions? Smells like a fix. That might just be the conclusion drawn by the public and future historians. If Barack fixes Hillary, hed have to fix Bill, too. But just fixing it for the two Arkansas grifters isnt enough. There are, perhaps, a couple of dozen lesser personages who are accessories to Hillarys and Bills crimes, high and low. That big web spun from Hillarys violations of national security and the Clintons play-to-pay mega scheme -- branded drolly the Clinton Foundation -- has ensnared a lot of people, mostly Democrats. Hillary and Bill set free by Barack the Benevolent might not sit well with many of those lesser personages implicated. A bunch may not share John Podestas Goebbels-like fealty to the glue factory-destined Clintons. The Clintons living the remainder of their seedy existences in luxury and narassitic indifference at Chappaqua and Orgy Island might rankle pardon-deprived minions, particularly when they find themselves in the crosshairs of a special prosecutor. Kitchen duty at maximum, medium, and minimum security pens doesnt quite have the charms of a Jeffrey Epstein bacchanal. Many will sing like canaries, turning states evidence for reduced sentences, thereby doing in bigger fish among their comrades. The affair will have the eerie reminiscence of the Donner Party. What of Huma, Hillarys joined-at-the-hip aide? No pardon for her. How much will Hillary be willing to pony-up and raise to lawyer-up Huma? But even the best most highly paid, high-powered attorneys cant guarantee Huma walking. Her erstwhile nothing-to-lose perv husband, Tony Weiner, may now be driving a few nails in Humas legal coffin. Huma may rue the day she fashioned the chains that conjoined her to Tony and confined her in the Clintons dungeon. Nonetheless, even if the Clintons never see the inside of a court of law, moreover a jailhouse, the revelations and testimony from the help about the Clintons criminal undertakings will convict them in the court of public opinion. Historians will one day rank both in the annals of ignominy a thousand rungs lower than Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold combined. As Trump might say, the Clintons are bad hombres. Of course, its going to be up to President Trump to kick off the legal festivities. Donald Trump, if anything, is a man of his own mind. His mind needs to continue to bend toward justice. Not malice, not revenge -- justice. In the coming days, many will be the whispers in Trumps ear with the same message: For the sake of the nation, lets just move on. But justice unrequited would leave a huge agenda item unaddressed. Leniency for the Clintons and their henchmen sweeps justice under the nations rug. Its vital that the rule of law not be trampled. There cant be two standards of justice in America, one for elites and the other for Joes and Janes. Pursuing justice isnt a distraction; its an imperative. For those of us who back Trump, were confident that his campaign declarations will translate into presidential action. His attorney general -- be that Rudy or someone else -- spearheading investigations and indictments would play too partisan. But a special prosecutor -- a professional of stellar, fierce reputation, amply resourced -- is the ticket. Let the facts and evidence lead to findings and decisions. Americans will abide indictments or exonerations honestly and diligently arrived at. Its always wise to be wary of politicians bearing gifts. When theyre Democrats, that goes double. While Hillary Clintons basket of deplorables was marching to the polls, pitchforks and torches in hand, to deny her access to the presidency and a new revenue source for the Clinton Foundation, Scooter Libby got his law license back and was reinstated to the bar by the D.C. Court of Appeals. Libby was vice president Dick Cheneys chief of staff when he was charged with obstruction of an investigation into the outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA operative. Plame was in fact a desk jockey at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, not a secret agent in harms way. As Investors Business Daily noted: Remember the alleged outing of the already known CIA officer and desk jockey Valerie Plame? We were told then that the Vanity Fair cover girl's 15 minutes of fame jeopardized our national security even if everybody already knew who she was. "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, went to jail because his memory of events and who said what to whom regarding Plame differed from the recollections of others, particularly news reporters. Libby in fact did not out Plame, who was not a covert operative. Hillary Clinton, whose faulty memory caused her to say to the FBI she couldnt recall some 39 times, did in fact endanger the lives of foreign operatives in her carelessness, as FBI director James Comey put it, regarding classified emails. Scooter Libbys crimes included making false statements to the FBI in the case of the alleged outing of well known CIA desk jockey Valerie Plame. If anyone has made false statements to the FBI, it is one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Saying you dont recall more than three dozen times doesnt pass the Pinocchio test. Plame was, as noted, a well known desk jockey at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Hillarys lies and reckless carelessness included the transmission of emails containing the names of actual CIA operatives in the field involved in clandestine operations. As the New York Post reported: Hillary Clintons e-mails included the names of CIA officers serving overseas and foreigners who are on the spy agencys payroll -- potentially endangering their lives, it was reported Monday. Its a death sentence, a senior intelligence-community official told the Observer. If were lucky, only [foreign] agents, not our officers, will get killed because of this. The paper said the intelligence community is in panic mode trying to determine which agents may have been compromised. CIA officials assume foreign agencies intercepted unencrypted e-mails stored on Clintons. home server while she was secretary of state. So why was Libby convicted and Hillary Clinton not even indicted? In an interesting historical footnote, Comey, who falsely claimed that no serious prosecutor would take the case of Hillary Clinton, was among those who found sufficient evidence to prosecute and convict Libby. Comey, it appears, has even more explaining to do. As the Daily Caller reports: Washington D.C.-based former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova believes the Libby decision is a terrible blow to FBI Director James Comey, who announced Sunday that the agency had no new conclusions on Hillary Clinton and her private server from the 650,000 new emails found on Anthony Weiners laptop. Scooter Libby was restored to the practice of law by the DC court of appeals because they believed that Scooter Libby presented evidence that his original trial had been corrupted by false testimony. And that false testimony was coerced by Jim Comeys friend Patrick Fitzgerald and Comey was part of the team to destroy the vice president of the United States and it didnt happen, DiGenova said. He added, Its such a smack in the face to Jim Comey. Comey and Fitzgerald tried to frame Scooter Libby, and they did. The evidence against Hillary is damning, and the line of prosecutors willing to take the case would encircle the FBI building in Washington, D.C. Judge Michael Mukasey, former attorney general under President George W. Bush, listed the charges that Hillary Clinton could face on Fox Radios Kilmeade and Friends: We are looking at a range of things, everything from the misdemeanor that was charged against General Petraeus, which is putting classified information in an unprotected, unclassified setting, thats a misdemeanor. Then there is destroying government records. Then there is taking information related to the national defense and treating it with gross negligence such that it becomes disclosed. And finally, there is obstruction of justice. There is the destruction of evidence under congressional subpoena. As even Comey admitted, Hillary lied about sending and receiving classified material, about having only one device, and about turning over all her emails. If intent is needed, what is accidental about smashing devices with hammers or using BleachBit to render emails unrecoverable? If you need a motive for having a private server, which speaks to intent, the obvious purpose is to cover up the pay to play trail that leads from the State Department to the Clinton Foundation. As Investors Business Daily editorialized, donations to the Clinton Foundation even played a factor in the refusal of Hillary Clintons State Department to designate Nigerias Boko Haram as a terrorist organization for two years: Hillary's emails may be only the tip of an iceberg that could include Clinton Foundation donations to shield Boko Haram from being designated a terrorist group and her brother's involvement in a Haitian gold mine. In interviews with the Post, both Rodham and the chief executive of Delaware-based VCS Mining said they were introduced at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, which seems more and more to be an unseemly mix of charitable work with the political and business interests of Clinton Foundation donors. And then there's Hillary's strange dealings regarding the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram, which just recently pledged its allegiance to the ever-expanding Islamic State -- dubbed the "JV team" by President Obama, who has yet to make good on his pledge to degrade and destroy them. Last May, we wondered why for two years on Hillary Clinton's watch the State Department refused to designate a Nigerian Islamist group as a terrorist organization. This group has murdered thousands as it wages a real war on women. As Josh Rogin at the Daily Beast reports, the Clinton State Department "refused to place Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011" after the group bombed the United Nations headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria How many of the more than 30,000 "personal" emails that Hillary deleted from her private account relate to these matters? Is that why she needed a private email server? We need to see that server. It might provide, er, a veritable gold mine of information. This is but one example. The public corruption of Hillary and Bill Clinton was also on display in Colombia, Haiti, and other places. Hillary Clinton has endangered the lives of our foreign operatives; placed our national security at risk; lied to Congress, the FBI, and the American people; and used her public office to enrich herself and her family without the benefit of a business or private-sector job. Various FBI offices are said to still be investigating the Clinton Foundation, and we can only hope so. Comey doesnt think theres any fire under all that smoke, but perhaps a Trump attorney general might think differently. We have hope in Trumps own remarks in a presidential debate as reported by the New York Times: About 20 minutes into the debate, Donald Trump delivered a menacing threat to Hillary Clinton. If I win, he warned, Im going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because theres never been so many lies, so much deception. Its just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country, Mrs. Clinton observed. Because, Mr. Trump replied youd be in jail. This is not a third-world country, where leaders incarcerate their predecessors and opponents on a whim. But we are a nation of laws, and Hillary Clinton has broken many of them. Her only accomplishment in public office has been to so far avoid prosecution. President Trump should keep his promise to incarcerate this fugitive from justice. The voters have denied Hillary Clinton the presidency. A Trump Justice Department should deny Hillary Clinton her freedom. Daniel John Sobieski is a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investors Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine, and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications. On June 23, 2016, U.K. voters shocked the world by voting for Britain's exit from the EU, or "Brexit," 52%-48%. P.M. Theresa May hopes to invoke Article 50 and go for a hard Brexit shortly. A majority of economists in both the U.S. and the U.K. (as well as most politicians, in fact), including the IMF and BlackRock, predicted an economic calamity if the withdrawal happened. The pound would collapse, the Eurozone and especially the U.K. would fall into deep recession on par with the 2008 crisis, and there would be widespread economic and sociopolitical panic. Four months later, the only real casualties are the reputations of such predictors of ruin. Paul Krugman, a self-avowed Keynesian economist with strongly liberal political views, warned in advance that such predictions were unfounded. In fact, he's one of the few who had asserted anything different from the mainstream story of a complete U.K. recession. Despite being an opponent of the U.K. exit, Krugman urges economists to not let political opinions cloud their economic reasoning in "The Macroeconomics of Brexit: Motivated Reasoning?" I'm not a huge fan of Krugman's economic beliefs and especially his political principles, but he is a brilliant award-winning economist who makes some insightful observations. Krugman agrees with most economists when he asserts that U.K. trade will probably take a bit of a blow most U.K. imports and exports are from the EU, so backing away from the Single Market would intuitively lead to some trade conflicts. The U.K. would have to renegotiate extensive trade deals with most of the European countries. In fact, even if the U.K. somehow ends up with a Norway-type agreement with the EU (Norway has rejected calls to be part of the EU; instead, it's part of the European Free Trade Association), firms would be less excited about investment because of the widespread uncertainty, and trade flows would be inhibited. By reducing the I portion of Aggregate Demand, where GDP = C + I + G + (X-M), the real GDP would decrease (Figure 1.0). I purposely made the shift to the left of the aggregate demand curve miniscule, as it is in fact not clear at all whether the uncertainty will impact business investment, or whether, indeed, it will affect it at all. Figure 1.0 Impact of Brexit on Investment and AD (S. Chan) On the other hand, Krugman disagrees with many of his fellow economists, whom he accuses of "sloppy thinking." Many are blind followers of "free trade," however accurate that term is, and expect that the slightly decreased long-term output of the U.K. as a result of Brexit would translate to an immediate massive recession, which has certainly not happened. Krugman remarks that sometimes uncertainty will cause businesses to invest even more in effect, to cover themselves for the future because of the uncertainty. Because the pound would drop, it would be wise for businesses to invest as soon as possible so they could buy more foreign currency and resources with the same nominal amount. There is uncertainty then, but uncertainty in and of itself may not create an aggregate demand shock. Critics would argue that uncertainty especially in a huge policy shift like Brexit will induce shareholders to sell off stock and for businesses to save up for the unexpected along with decrease in consumer confidence, causing major loss in real GDP, but we haven't seen that happen so far. British stocks are back to pre-Brexit level heights and are climbing (Figure 1.2). In fact, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) itself has walked back its gloomy assessment of the U.K.'s economy and predicts a several-percentage-point increase in GDP next year some of the biggest growth in developed nations. This is because, when the uncertainty is resolved, we could have an explosion of investment as delayed investment decisions are made a few months later. In addition, while consumer spending took a bit of a dip, they are back up to pre-Brexit levels. Figure 1.1 GBP vs USD: Not that big of a drop (Bloomberg Markets) Figure 1.2 British Stocks: Small dip, Massive recovery (Bloomberg) However, possibly a side that many economists have not brought up is the fact that because the U.K. has a different currency from the Eurozone's, it is bringing the aggregate demand back to equilibrium. When its currency is devalued (precisely due to the fact that it has a more flexible currency than the Eurozone), this could allow foreign countries to buy more U.K. products which are seen as cheaper, relative to pre-Brexit causing the net exports of GDP to go up. In effect, then, it is likely that aggregate demand will not shift much due to Brexit any decreased investment will be counterbalanced by the drop in the pound, leading to greater net exports. Monetary policy, then, can offset any decrease in aggregate demand. Krugman argues that everybody will become so scared about the safety of their U.K. assets that the real value of the pound bounces low enough and expanding exports soak up all labor exiting from investment-goods industries, bringing it back to full employment (Figure 1.3). In fact, the pound has not fallen anywhere near as far as consensus would have it (Figure 1.1). The independent currency the U.K. possessed is precisely what gave it more incentive to leave the EU. If the U.K. had the euro, we might run into major issues like what happened with Greece in that country's debt crisis. With a semi-rigid currency, the U.K. would not be able to drive the pound down, allowing for greater investment at home to create more exports and hence greater aggregate demand. In fact, probably a solution to some of Greece's problems would be to leave the euro immediately. Sure, their currency would devalue, but it would fuel domestic investments and allow for a greater exports-minus-imports difference (yes, their trade balance is insanely negative). That's a whole different essay. Figure 1.3 Possible Increase of AD due to Increase in X-M (S. Chan) Granted, Brexit will cause some problems for aggregate demand as a whole, but this could be offset by another factor: diversification of the U.K. economy and a less stratified, more equal economy as whole. As Krugman argues in another article, "Notes on Brexit," this weakening of the financial sector helps British manufacturing and industry. Before Brexit, the U.K. was experiencing something called the "Dutch Disease" essentially, when natural resource exports or financial exports crowd out manufacturing and boost up the currency. By letting the currency drop, I suspect that while London's great financial section will take a hit, U.K. manufacturing will increase. This in turn will cut into the trade deficit, which was draining blue-collar jobs that rely heavily on exports. China's currency devaluation is part of the reason why its manufacturing is exponentially growing and its trade surplus is the highest in the world, resulting in some of the largest GDP growth. Meanwhile, after the uncertainty from Brexit dies down, it's likely that financial firms that had fled to the Continent will return and reinvest. The negative effects of Brexit have been overhyped and are, as Krugman points out, spurious. The worst that can happen is a small percentage decrease in GDP in perpetuity and a reshuffling of the British economy. The proof for the negative effects of even these events is not entirely conclusive. Meanwhile, there are several notable benefits of leaving the European Union. Firstly, there is the freedom and liberation from an essentially unfree and undemocratic governmental body the EU has become an elitist globalization advocate. Britain leaving the EU would allow itself to re-establish national sovereignty, leaving out the possibility of another Greece problem. In addition, the EU is failing fast Britain's unemployment is one of the least in the EU at about 5%, matched only by Germany. Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland are all out of the EU, and they maintain some of the lowest unemployment rates in Western developed nations (under 5%). The U.K. still is in on the Commonwealth, which has been expanding rapidly compared to the sick, ailing EU, ahead in both growth and GDP (given that the U.K. drops out of the EU). Given all this, I think the U.K. has been wise to leave when they could. We'll see in the next couple of years whether France and Germany follow. Paul Krugman writing for the New York Times on Wednesday expressed dismay at the victory of Donald Trump. He said in part; We thought that the great majority of Americans valued democratic norms and the rule of law. Here is a newsflash for Mr. Krugman: we do. Trump might not have been a perfect candidate. But his resounding election represents a collapse of the establishment. An establishment based on crime. The halls of power live off of theft through confiscatory taxation, licensed killing by abortion, and political kidnapping. An establishment, never forget, that Mr. Krugman supports. Yes, Mr. Krugman, we still believe in the rule of law. Trumps election was all about restoring the rule of law and applying the law to an establishment that feels exempt from legal oversight. Yet the establishment does not understand this reasoning. The only possible reason for Trumps support, from the point of view of the elites, is some sort of latent desire in the minds of the productive citizens of the United States for the good old days of lynchings and segregation. I hardly think it is the Trump supporters that are stuck in the past. Judging by the sheer outrage radiating from the media clearinghouses after the results came in, the establishment feels threatened. They do not feel comfortable in a world that is not dominated by the Clinton and Bush machines. In a nation where the elite are shunned, their practices are scrutinized, and the people hold institutional crime to account, they are operating in completely new territory. We cannot let them get accustomed to the terrain. When the Allied forces in World War II swept into North Africa, exposing the soft underbelly of Nazi-occupied Europe, Winston Churchill made the following rousing observation: Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. I ask the readers, what would have happened if the Allies had stopped advancing after reaching Tunisia? Hitler would have made up the lost time very easily. And in the words of Patrick Henry, we must not react by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope. Trump is merely one man. Every vehicle of the establishment will be called out to oppose him or buy his people off. If we bask in the sun of Trumps largely unexpected victory, the establishment will recover from the knockout blow and again operate without the oversight of the people. Criminality will advance yet again from the bureaus of D.C. Electoral victory, and the four years of respite from the norm that the victory brings, (the same norm which Mr. Krugman longs for) must be backed up by real political action at all levels of government. Allow me to set forward a list of tactical objectives that must be understood, and pushed, over our short respite from an establishment-controlled paradigm. 1. Abortion should be limited by regulation of abortion mills to keep them sanitary. Following the Kermit Gosnell trial in 2013, state level regulations have been slowly closing down many unsanitary and dangerous facilities. Abortion mill closures quantifiably save lives. We can step in here and force movement in the right direction by entering into a conversation with our state representatives. It is up to us to hold our delegates to their promises. Also, giving financial aid to organizations that help single mothers and adoption agencies, or founding new services with the same goals, replaces the demand for establishment-licensed killing. 2. Property taxes should be opposed, and replaced or abolished where possible. The bureaucratic elite lives off of confiscatory taxation. Property taxes are the least justified because the claim behind the tax is that the government has a right over private property. Clearly, the reasoning violates the right to property held so dear by the Founders. Private business and private charity should replace government coercion in supplying the services financed by property taxation. Local school systems and welfare need some vigorous competition from private sources. In Detroit, illiteracy rates hit 93% in 2015. The citizens of Detroit are literally being robbed in order to finance the creation of an ignorant class of citizens doomed to sit on the states payroll. Detroits situation is merely an extrapolation of where the rest of the nation is heading. Such actions are unacceptable in a country wishing to preserve its freedom. But we cannot expect others to do the work for us. Private institutions that actually help those suffering and abused children should be founded. Or perhaps a new service could grow off an existing non-profit or religious organization like a church or synagogue. Either way, those children must be saved from the entity that wishes to enslave them, and thereby a powerful argument for property tax reductions may emerge. Do not lie supinely on your back and hope that your newly elected representative will do it for you. You elected him or her to get out of your way, not to solve your problems. 3. Voter fraud must be limited by auditing the voter rolls for deceased persons, illegals, and felons. Prior to the election on November 9, several stories broke about voter fraud in Virginia, California, and Colorado, just to name a few. Now that we have elected legislators opposed to voter fraud, it is time to hold them to their promises. Call them, write them, and enlist the support of the community and other elected officials such as the sheriff. Just and fair elections are essential to the republican process. Oh, and yes, Mr. Krugman, fair elections do represent the rule of law. The above is only a very short list of issues that must be hit, and hit hard while the establishment is still reeling. Private entrepreneurship, lobbying of state representatives, writing letters to the editor, political blogging, going down to your state house and testifying before a legislative committee; it all needs to happen. We have our respite from the onslaught of the criminal establishment, but we need to do something with it or we will not be better off four years down the road. To modify an expression I have heard quite often recently -- weve drained the swamp but we still have to kill the gators. It is no secret that Kurds have been working towards self-rule for decades now. Iraqi Kurds gained autonomy in 1992 after the U.S. implemented a no-fly zone during the first Gulf War. Syrian Kurds are also carving out their historical territories in northern Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011. Sykes-Picot is slowly but surely fading; world powers U.S. and Russia are scrambling to maintain influence. While the international community is occupied with Kurdish referendum calls, in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Rojava gaining broader support in Syria, Erdogan has quietly upped his aggression towards the Kurds in Turkey. A fully independent Kurdistan, encompassing all four regions (Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran) is a complex undertaking, one that will be gradual and will take shape in a domino effect. The KRG will be first to gain independence from Iraq, following the battle to liberate Mosul from ISIS. Kurds in Syria have already declared a federal state called Rojava (West-Kurdistan) and are determined to follow through despite Ankaras objection. Turkeys Kurds must follow suit and prepare for self-rule. There are 20 million Kurds in Turkey alone, mostly living in the south-east region, the inevitable divorce is in the making, all thanks to Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Turkish state has not treated its Kurdish minority as equals ever since the creation of the republic in 1923. For nearly a century, the Kurds in Turkey have suffered under numerous regimes and military campaigns, recent events against elected Kurdish officials has only added fuel to the fire and triggered anger across the country. Erdogan will not allow Kurds to live in peace unless they submit wholeheartedly to the Turkish nation. Kurds have attempted to approach the Turkish state through armed struggle and through nonviolent means, and both have failed. The question is, will the Kurds continue to live under fire or will they take action the way their counterparts did in Iraq and Syria? It is obvious that the authoritarian regime of Erdogan is many more steps ahead of the Kurds. Realizing that Kurds in Syria are gaining ground, he has quietly attempted to block any sort of unification with the Kurds in Turkey by building a 560-mile long concrete wall bordering Rojava. The wall is estimated to be completed within five months. Erdogan has used the guise that the security wall is to prevent terrorists from spilling over into Turkey. Furthermore, he has continued to bombard the YPG Kurds, a U.S. ally in Syria. Turkeys involvement in Syria is also increasing under Operation Euphrates Shield which is aimed at preventing the unification of the Kurdish-controlled cantons of Jazira, Afrin, and Kobane by forcing the YPG to move west of the Euphrates River. Just a few days before the early morning purge against the democratically elected pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party or HDP, a Turkish court prevented co-chair of the HDP Figen Yuksekdag from traveling abroad. Turkish news Anadolu agency stated that the court decided Yuksekdag was a "flight risk" and had links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which Turkey views as a terrorist organization. Figen Yuksekdag is now in prison, as is the other co-chair Selahattin Demirtas. The illegal detainment of Kurdish MPs was followed by the replacement of elected Kurdish administrators in the south-east with unelected Turkish appointed ones. To make matters worse, Erdogan is working towards reinstating capital punishment, something the EU is strongly against. The death penalty was abolished in 2003 two years before Turkey began the process of joining the 28-nation bloc. Erdogan has urged the Turkish parliament to move forward with the bill announcing he believes the government will pass it with the right decision. If the parliament does go through with the decision, the accession talks with the EU would end. Capital punishment in Turkey is aimed towards the Kurds, squashing any hope of Kurdish aspirations for self-rule by instilling fear among the population. It would not be surprising if in the near future the detained Kurdish MPs face the death penalty. Lastly, Erdogan is demanding that Turkey move towards an executive presidency system in order gain greater control. Since 1982, the office of the president in Turkey holds only symbolic powers, which exempts him from political responsibility, giving greater control to the prime minster. This was one of the main reasons why former PM Ahmet Davutoglu was replaced with Binali Yildirim in early 2016 -- because his views aligned much better with Erdogan. Erdogan also realizes that a Turkey within the European Union would mean more restrictions on his position. Greater decision-making power would allow him to bypass the restraints he currently faces to go after the Kurds. Erdogan is clearly laying the groundwork to make it much easier to target those who mention desires for any sort of self-rule. Before it is too late, Kurds in Turkey must work to implement autonomous zones in the east. This comes with its own difficulties and will require the assistance of Rojava and the KRG, mainly from pro-PKK Talabanis Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). Turkeys democracy has not progressed since its founding, and the Kurds inside the country have been held hostage. The Kurds in Turkey should act now before Erdogan becomes the sultan he believes he is. During the early morning hours of November 9, 2016, Donald Trump greeted his supporters and well-wishers at the Hilton Hotel in New York City after it was announced that he had won the presidency. During his remarks he referred to the forgotten man who is no longer forgotten. In doing so, he provided a clue to his political identity that has eluded the commentators. It is interesting to this writer that his expression forgotten man is a term identified with the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and was first used by FDR to define his vision in a radio speech given on April 7, 1932. Lets look at the parallels between that speech and the Trump persona offered during the campaign. FDR in this radio address said, [I am not going to] speak merely as a Democrat myself. The present condition of our national affairs is too serious to be viewed through partisan eyes for partisan purposes. DJT repeatedly describes himself as leading a movement. This movement transcends so-called partisan politics. FDR referred to his participation in WWI which was ten million men equipped with physical needs and sustained by the realization that behind them were the united efforts of 110,000,000 human beings. It was a great plan because it was built from bottom to top and not from top to bottom. Similarly, DJT has condemned the elitist stance of the Democrats who want to govern with a top-down, we-know-whats-best-for-you attitude. Thus, they consistently enlarge government and remove liberties through regulations and dumb trade agreements under the so-called principle of the greatest good for the greatest number (but in reality a father knows best philosophy where the federal government is father). Trump is accused by his opponents as being too negative with his Make America Great Again slogan, with its implication that we have fallen from greatness, and that the hope and success that formerly resided within these borders is no longer there. FDR noted with parallel negativity that the Nation faces today a more grave emergency than in 1917. How negative is that? Even though we were in the Great Depression to say things were worse than after a war where millions were killed or died could be seen as a pretty negative statement. However, FDRs central point appeared about half-way through his speech. He said, These unhappy times call for the building of plans that rest upon the forgotten, the unorganized but the indispensable units of economic power that build from the bottom up and not from the top down, that put their faith once more in the forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid. Compare this with Trumps reference to the forgotten man, and also with his emphasis on election night as well as throughout his campaign that he intends to rebuild our inner cities and the American infrastructure. One cannot hear these words without an almost reflexive thought about the Works Progress Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and the Public Works Administration under the New Deal. FDR called the publics attention to a particular sector of the economy that was suffering: the small farms of the agricultural sector. He said, How much do the shallow thinkers realize, for example, that approximately one-half of our whole population, fifty or sixty million people, earn their living by farming or in small towns. They have today lost their purchasing power. Trump has also focused on one sector of the economy as the key to understanding our sinking growth rate: the manufacturing sector, which has atrophied over the past 40-50 years under both the Democrats and the Republicans. For FDR, the result of farm poverty is that The result of this loss of purchasing power is that many other millions of people engaged in industry in the cities cannot sell industrial products to the farming half of the Nation. For Trump, the decline of manufacturing has meant increased dependence on foreign countries, more people needing food stamps and governmental benefits of all kinds (a loss of individual self-sufficiency), and a flat or even negative GDP growth rate that is getting worse, not better. Trump says he wants to reverse this trend of shipping manufacturing jobs abroad, and possibly provide incentives that bring back some of those jobs that were shipped abroad. Trump, like FDR in his 1932 speech, also puts considerable emphasis on trade policy. FDR condemned the existing law governing trade policy at that time, the Smoot-Hawley Act with its high tariffs. He said, This country during the past few years, culminating with the Hawley-Smoot Tariff in 1929, has compelled the world to build tariff fences so high that world trade is decreasing to the vanishing point. Trumps view of trade is just the opposite. He believes the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction, although he is not denying the value of free trade. Rather, he sees an unfairness in our multilateral free trade system that is unjustly and unnecessarily impoverishing the forgotten man (many citizens who are being boiled alive in a cauldron of currency and trade manipulation). Like FDR, he understands that the forgotten man cannot be remembered apart from dealing with the trade dimension of the economy. FDR stressed the restoration and uplifting of the farm sector and the towns dependent on that sector. Trump emphasizes the uplifting of the manufacturing sector and the millions of people, both whites and ethnic minorities, who have not transitioned to the supposedly new service economy. FDR suggested a rethinking and revamping of our trade policy with a view to stimulating growth and with it the economic viability of the forgotten man and woman. And lastly, FDR proposed relief for the small banks and institutions. Similarly, Trump is proposing deregulation whereby the regulatory burden on small businesses, including smaller banks, will be reduced. Like FDR, Trump does not want to see only bailouts of the major investment banking firms, the largest commercial banks, and vast companies like AIG. He sees the failure of the bailouts and the Stimulus Act of 2008 to help Main Street, to help those most hurting in a weakened economy. It pains me to say this, but it was truly disappointing seeing Bishop T.D. Jakes on MSNBC helping to further the left's lie that the election of Trump is horrible for America. Jakes said, "We are dealing with shock, grief over election outcome." Clearly, Jakes was complicit in helping MSNBC undermine Trump's presidency by branding him an evil racist and sexist. MSNBC, which has no moral bottom, wanted to send minorities the message that they should be fearful of Trump and the angry white voters who elected him. These people are scum, folks. Several black Christian leaders have joined the left in furthering the socialist-progressive agenda, allowing their mission to trump truth, facts, and even Jesus. For crying out loud, when you research the term "abuser of women," Hillary's picture is there. Her Democratic Party has a long history of racism against blacks: the KKK, Jim Crow laws, the bigotry of lowered expectations, Planned Parenthood founded for the purpose of black genocide, and so on. And yet, MSNBC, Oprah, and other powerful blacks choose to ignore Hillary's multiple crimes against women, blacks, and America. Instead, these evil leftists have launched an all-out assault on Trump to convince minorities that white Americans just elected Hitler. I remember my 88-year-old preacher Dad saying to us as kids, "While you did not join the devil in committing sin, you held the devil's coat." Jakes's language regarding the election of Trump is not as harsh as MSNBC's and Oprah's, but he is definitely holding their coats. Publicly criticizing a man of God is awkward territory for me, folks. 1 Chronicles 16:22 says, "Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." I believe that Jakes is a man of God. Over the years, Bishop Jakes's ministry has blessed me on numerous occasions. Dishearteningly, Jakes's behavior represents the baffling and disturbing disconnect I have seen in many black Christians between their politics and their faith. It appears that many black Christians have chosen the false gods of their racial bigotry and their loyalty to the Democratic Party over their commitment to Christ. I am not being provocative. I am simply stating the truth. A black pastor's wife a relative of mine claims to be devout. And yet her Christianity takes a back seat to Obama (his picture plastered all over her home) and her loyalty to the Democratic Party. How does she ignore Obama and the Democrats' aggressive War on Christianity and anti-biblical platform? Facts proving how Obama's presidency and Democrat policies have harmed blacks only spark outrage in her, seemingly to the point of wanting to kill the messenger. H er zombie loyalty is impenetrable. She voted for Hillary, ignoring the fact that Hillary would have led the charge to further ban God from the public square, murder more black babies, and push through the anti-Christian LGBT agenda. One could say, "This black pastor's wife is simply a product of decades of the left demonizing Republicans." Fine. But why is her mind so closed to hearing the truth? I am not one to run around talking about spiritual possession. However, I wonder. Is there a spirit of stupidity? Just kidding. My black pastor's wife relative is a brain-dead racist fool. However, high-profile black Christians such as Jakes and Tyler Perry, who should know better, are Hillary supporters/Democrat operatives. They have even adjusted their views to line up with the Democrats' anti-biblical take on various issues. Tyler Perry joined the left in calling Georgians bigots for not wanting men to use women's restrooms. I heard an old Jakes sermon in which he preached against what he called "the spirit of lesbianism." Now Jakes is furthering the Democrat narrative that gays are among the victimized groups threatened by Trump's presidency. As I said, it appears that some black Christians have decided that the Democratic Party's platform trumps Jesus's platform. Not all black Christian leaders worship on bended knee the false gods of racial bigotry and loyalty to the Democratic Party. Though they are attacked as traitors and Uncle Toms, thank God that there are black pastors who stand on the word of God. They encourage blacks to vote for candidates who line up most with biblical principles Pastor Mark Burns, Pastor Darrell Scott, Pastor Jesse Lee Peterson, and Bishop E.W. Jackson, to name a few. I don't know, folks. It is all so sad. All I know to do is to pray for Jakes, my black pastor's wife relative, and other black Christians to abandon their blasphemous loyalty to skin color and the Democrats and return to their first love, Jesus Christ. Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American Chairman: The Conservative Campaign Committee http://www.lloydmarcus.com/ President elect Trump announced on Friday that New Jersey governor Chris Christie was being replaced as head of his transition team with vice president-elect Mike Pence. The move comes in the wake of the conviction of two close Christie aides in the Bridgegate scandal. Politico: While Christie has long been a high-profile surrogate and member of Trump's inner circle, his viability as part of the team was thrown into question when two of his closest allies were convicted on charges of fraud and conspiracy related to the Bridgegate scandal. A source close to Trump said Christie will still be around hardly a ringing endorsement. Christie issued a statement Friday afternoon, thanking Trump for the opportunity to continue in the transition effort. "As we now enter the post-election phase, I look forward to working with Vice-President Elect Pence and the rest of the leadership team to implement that template as we prepare for January 20, 2017, he said, adding, I want to thank President-Elect Trump for the opportunity to continue to help lead in this next phase and thank all of the pre-election leadership team for the outstanding work they have done over the six months leading up to Election Day." Putting Pence at the top of his transition team could signal an interest on the part of Trump in more quickly building ties to Washington, a city where he is an outsider, having never served in government at any level. The Indiana governor and vice president-elect is a former member of the House of Representatives who has maintained close ties to the capital, one of the main reasons he was selected as the Manhattan billionaire's running mate. Since then, he has served as the bridge between Trump and Republicans skeptical of his unconventional rise through the party. Many prominent GOP senators, including Sens. Jeff Flake, Marco Rubio and John McCain all said they were heartened when Pence's name began to surface as a potential vice presidential pick. In his own statement, Trump also announced that some of his most prominent surrogates will serve as vice chairs of his transition teams executive committee. Ben Carson, Newt Gingrich, Michael Flynn, Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Jeff Sessions will formally take on those roles. Christie will also serve as a vice chair. Replacing Christie was a no-brainer, but putting Pence in charge is an excellent move. Pence not only has good ties to the Washington establishment, but he has good conservative credentials that should reassure some on the right who may have worried that Trump would keep conservatives at arm's length during the transitions. Pence's appointment guarantees that the right will at least have a voice in cabinet selections as well as the equally important assistant secretaries who many times carry the load for the politically appointed cabinet member. With the exception of Christie, who probably won't be on the short list for any cabinet position, the transition vice chairs are all in line to be given serious consideration for a cabinet slot in a Trump administration. It will be interesting to see where president-elect Trump will go to fill out the remainder of his top advisers especially in foreign and defense policy, where establishment Republicans totally repudiated Trump, with many voting for Hillary Clinton. There are sure to be many experts from think-tanks eager to serve in a Trump administration, so he won't have any trouble filling open slots. The wailing, the shrieking, the gnashing of teeth, the pitiful cries of liberals are a cacophony of outrage and disbelief. Their corrupt cesspool of a candidate, Hillary Clinton, was rejected by a public grown tired of the condescending contempt heaped on our heads by liberals who scream "racist," "sexist," or "Islamophobic" if we dare utter a peep of dissension from their warped view of America. Large swathes of the media maintain that the Democratic loss arose from a horrific combination of racism and sexism inherent in the hearts and minds of Americans. President Obama admonished men that they are sexist if they wouldn't vote for Clinton. Spoiled, self-centered celebrities spewed curse-filled rants on Twitter lamenting that Clinton lost because Americans are racist and sexist. As one untalented actor stated, "rural is stupid." The left fanned the flames of every grievance imaginable, told the members of every identity group that they were the victims of blatant, pervasive discrimination. They systemically shamed anyone who questioned that orthodoxy with the swift and brutal repression employed against heretics during the Spanish Inquisition. They created a victim culture that disparages all whites as racist by virtue of being born white and all men as sexist by being born male. Now they are distraught by what their histrionic accusations have wrought. It is beyond their comprehension why those they unabashedly stereotype as deplorable and irredeemable have voted down their tyranny of character assassination. Democrats wonder why the polls didn't reveal the deep disgust of millions of Americans with both their corrupt candidate and their deformed ideology that impugns basic American values and maligns the majority of the nation as inherently racist. It was impossible to voice opposition to Hillary Clinton without being viciously attacked as sexist, racist, Islamophobic every atrocious name they can think to hurl indiscriminately at you. I wrote about Hillary Clinton's corruption and was insulted as a narrow-minded, sexist idiot. This brand of public shaming leads many people to avoid talking publicly about any remotely controversial issue because, if you don't enthusiastically acquiesce to leftists' version of the victim culture, you are vilified. Yet they can't understand why people didn't voice their disagreement with them. The Democrats poured gasoline on the burning emotions among different groups of voters and denigrated objective standards of behavior. They insisted that any statement or action by the opposition that subjectively offended anyone, no matter how thin-skinned or irrational, constitutes an unacceptable affront and "hate language." Now they are shocked that millions of voters were offended by being labeled irreparable bigots and misogynists? The left created and advocates a mistaken belief that America is a hateful, racist, sexist society. While discrimination exists and progress remains to be made, that blanket assertion is simply not true of the vast majority of American citizens. I have news for the Democrats: rational, caring, thoughtful people resent unfounded accusations that assault their character. Rather than examining how their choice of Clinton, the only presidential nominee ever under FBI investigation, led to defeat, many Democrats continue to slander millions of hard-working Americans for voting against their flawed candidate. What happened to their claimed inclusive, tolerant philosophy? It certainly doesn't extend to those who vote against them. Tammie S. Haynes is an attorney and mediator living in the Houston area. She may be reached at tshaynes@tshayneslaw.com. Under sharia law, unrelated men are not allowed to touch veiled women (unless they are sex slaves being raped, or women being beaten for walking outside the home, or women having their clitorises cut off). You can therefore understand why sharia-compliant hijabis are outraged at being patted down by the TSA when they go to board planes. An American and a Muslim, Ms. Syed wears a hijab, or head covering. More often than not, she said, she is pulled aside at security check-in for secondary screenings and pat-downs, the examiner feeling her head through the hijab. Could it have something to do with the fact that hijabs and burkas give people cover to hide weapons? "Persons wearing head coverings, loose fitting or bulky garments may undergo additional security screening, which may include a pat-down," Mike England, a T.S.A. spokesman, said in an email interview. "Unfortunately, the global terror network created racial profiling against Muslims," said Hilal Elver, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara and author of "The Headscarf Controversy: Secularism and Freedom of Religion." If only that were true. But if you've traveled at all in the past ten years, you know that children and nuns are just as likely to be the subject of intensive pat-downs as Muslims are. Ms. Syed said that when traveling with non-Muslim colleagues, she avoids passing through security alongside them. "I don't want them to see the humiliation I am going to go through," she said. Oh, the pain! Daayiee Abdullah, an African-American man who is president of the Mecca Institute, an online Islamic seminary in Washington, said he reserved the right to wear cultural clothing like a thobe a long robe or skullcap while traveling, even though he realizes it may mean heightened scrutiny at airports. He is also an openly gay imam. Question for discussion: If Imam Abdullah identified himself as a gay imam, where would he be more likely to suffer an indignity: at King Khalid International Airport or at JFK? Some travel hubs, including Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, have noticeable numbers of Muslim women with head scarves working at security checkpoints. With that level of security, it sounds as though Detroit may be the safest airport to fly from in the U.S. But if it's any consolation to Muslims who feel unhappy with pat-downs, there is always the option to cash out: Raed Jarrar, an Iraqi-born United States citizen, is government relations manager for the human rights organization American Friends Service Committee. Mr. Jarrar won a $240,000 settlement in 2009 from the airline JetBlue over an incident a few years earlier. He had been stopped from boarding a flight while wearing a T-shirt with the phrase, "We Will Not Be Silent" in Arabic and English, the slogan of an antiwar group. Once again, we see zero acknowledgement from "moderate" Muslims that the enemy is radical Islam and that it is only a reasonable precaution to search people who dress in sharia-compliant way. In fact, it benefits innocent Muslims to do so, making it less likely their plane will blow up during their flights. But from the way the indignant Muslims put it, they are more hostile to the basic security functions at airports than they are to their very deadly co-religionists, making us wonder what they are thinking. Ed Straker is the senior writer at NewsMachete.com. There is no valid reason for the "protests" each night since Trump's election in cities such as New York and Miami and the riots in Portland. What exactly are they protesting? We had an election, Trump won, and Hillary conceded. It is over. If the "protesters" do not like the results, there is nothing they can do about it under our laws. We do not reverse election results because mobs riot in the streets. They should go home and work on reforming the Democratic Party to nominate a better candidate for 2016. The MSM have reported that these actions are "constitutionally protected speech," but these appear to be well organized rallies by anarchists and others opposed to our system of elections. What do these "protesters" expect to achieve by rioting and vandalizing, as they have done in Portland? The Portland district attorney should convene a grand jury to investigate who is organizing these "protests." The Obama Justice Department certainly will not investigate. The MSM spent the weeks before the election agonizing over whether Trump would "accept" the results of the election. Mike Wallace pressed Trump on whether he would "accept" the results and kept at it when he questioned Mike Pence. Of course, Wallace and the MSM assumed that Hillary would win, because they never asked her if she and her supporters would accept the results. Hillary and her chief campaigner, Obama, have not stepped up to denounce this rioting. They should tell these protesters that the election is over, Trump won, and under our system, there is nothing to accomplish by this conduct. This conduct by the rioters is not unexpected, given the savage attacks by the MSM, Hillary, and Obama against Trump during the last week of the campaign. They accused Trump of being a KKK racist, a sexist, and totally unfit to be president. Obama and Hillary contributed to this polarization. It is time they step up to tell the rioters to accept the results of the election. John Robert Bolton is the right person to take the helm of the State Department. Donald Trump himself has praised Bolton and suggested him for the post. Here I am going to tell you why his hunch was right, and why he must stay on that track. Bolton is best for three reasons. First, he is well versed in security matters, and we live in volatile times when security issues have come to overwhelmingly dominate U.S. foreign affairs and thus should be adeptly tackled in foreign policy. Bolton is quite familiar with security threats, as he has been studying them and working to neutralize them for the greater part of his career. As under secretary of state for arms control and international security affairs (2001-2005), Bolton advised President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell on matters of security policy, especially with regard to international and regional security, defense relations, arms control, and non-proliferation. Second, Bolton knows very well the proclivities of the Iranian regime. If you remember, one of the momentous electoral promises of candidate Trump was to abrogate the extremely ill conceived and predictably ill going so-called nuclear deal with the regime of the mullahs. The deal was supposed to curb the military nuclear ambitions of the rogue regime and then to neutralize its multiple threats to the region by opening up Iran to the free world. Not only it did not happen that way as I confidently predicted but the mullahs augmented their offensive all around the world. As a result, dealing with the deal has become absolutely mandatory. As it happens, Bolton is the greatest authority on that matter. In the early 2000s, during the first phase of attempted Iranian nuclear development a significant threat that probably not many would remember today Bolton was a prime mover in a concerted international effort to contain the Iranian regime. As far as I remember, he was the only Western official to outspokenly state that the regime of the mullahs was intent upon producing warheads. Back then, not many took kindly to Boltons candor, but he is now vindicated. Third, and probably best of all, Bolton is blunt, or at least that is what his opponents like to call him. For evidence, these opponents usually cite Boltons attack on the then-North Korean leader Kim Jong-il amid the Clinton administrations negotiations with him to obstruct the countrys nuclear ambitions. Bolton had unabashedly dubbed the man a tyrannical dictator, which many felt would lead to the North Koreans leaving the table. Bolton would go on to call the Iranian mullahs liars a decade later during a similar round of negotiations. As it happens, both are now back on the same track they used to be on when Bolton called them names. If calling dictators and liars what they are is blunt, then I am for bluntness. Indeed, in an age of trendy relativistic obfuscation and increasingly jargon-ridden, meandering political discourse that never gets off the ground, let alone gets anywhere, the cut-through-the-BS message of Bolton can be a blessing. Simply put, Bolton is a man who speaks his mind in the plainest manner. You might not always like what he says, but you cant help admiring his forthright attitude. And I dont need to remind you that it was the very same quality that took Trump to the White House despite punditrys predictions to the contrary. Reza Parchizadeh is a political theorist and analyst. He has a B.A. and an M.A. in English language and literature from the University of Tehran, Iran; has studied media and communication studies at Orebro University, Sweden; and is a Ph.D. candidate in English literature and criticism at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Reza has published five books and many articles so far both in Persian and English. Some of his articles have been translated into Arabic. His research interests include theory, philosophy, history, geopolitics, security, and cultural studies. Reza is director of the Persian-language think-tank Tahlil Rooz. For a number of years, my online discussions with liberals have met with a common frustration. It is this: two people can hear the exact same thing and yet hear them entirely differently. This became glaringly apparent in this year's presidential election. Time after time, Donald Trump would say something entirely innocuous and true and the left would cry, "racism!" For example, he pointed out that the (effectively) open borders policy of Barack Obama has resulted in an influx of a disproportionate number of rapists and murderers from Mexico, which is demonstrably true. Yet those on the left heard Trump say that all Mexicans are murderers and rapists. Of course, part of the problem is that Trump was speaking without carefully parsing his every word (as most of us do in casual conversation). Trump's rhetorical naivete left an opening into which propagandists of the left lunged like hungry wolves upon a wounded fawn. To be sure, a great many liberal critics of Trump know better, but unfortunately, once their false meme was established, it became accepted by the left as undeniable truth. For the remainder of their lives, many people will sincerely believe that Trump deliberately insulted every Mexican on the planet, despite his recent cordial visit with Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto. Nothing will ever change their minds. Another part of the problem is that people often hear what they expect to hear. Often, they even hear only what they hope to hear. When they expect to hear a white person say something racist, there is an increased likelihood that they will interpret his words, however innocent, in the most unfavorable light. Such people may even seek to be insulted so that their prejudgments can be vindicated. The difficulty is in separating those whose misinterpretations are honest mistakes from those who deliberately twist what is said so as to use it as a weapon. One cannot have a productive discussion with someone who is interested only in engaging in propaganda. It is a waste of time to try. Another big problem with people on the left is their prejudice. For example, on an online discussion board where I had engaged in a long series of exchanges with liberals, one of them finally described me as some sort of uneducated "goober" who had probably never crossed a county line, and who probably had never befriended or worked with people of other races and religions. The list of condescending terms was long, and not a single one of them was true. To wit: as a veteran of twenty years of military service, I lived in Asia for seven years, not only on base, but among the natives. While there, I learned adequate fluency in two Asian languages. I had been in constant close contact with my comrades-in-arms who were members of a multitude of races, religions, and cultural backgrounds. I have a college degree, and of course in college I was thoroughly exposed to leftist ideas. I inquired as to what made my respondents so sure that I was the ignorant buffoon they thought I was. Their reply was that my conservative opinions could only be those of someone who led an insulated life without contact with people of diverse backgrounds. Most of them probably still believe the stereotype with which they had painted me. I once met a lady from the northeastern United States who told me that she had accompanied her husband, with her two small children, to a job assignment in Mississippi. After a few weeks, she abruptly returned to New England, because, as she explained, in a hilariously deep Southern accent, her school-age children had begun to "Tawk lack thee-iss hee-eer," and she was not going to have her kids speaking in a redneck dialect. (Full disclosure: As a child, I had a Southern accent, and my late mother was from Connecticut, where eventually I attended high school when my father got a job there. Now I speak mostly normally.) While that anecdote is somewhat humorous, it actually does reveal a liberal prejudice, which is that if you speak with a drawl, you are not to be taken seriously. On a more sinister note: Van Jones, an African-American news commentator on CNN, gave an astonishing explanation of why he thought white voters voted for Donald Trump. It could only be because we whites are racist. He entertained no other possibility. If his description was purely an exercise in propaganda, my only fear is that he has infected the minds of many young people with a false and dangerous meme. On the other hand, if he really believes what he said, then it is truly depressing to think that intelligent people can be so abysmally deceived. Could the situation really be that hopeless? There was another night of protests against Donald Trump's presidency in Portland, Oregon. All nights witnessed violence. Clearly, these rioters aren't giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. After all, it's quite possible that Trump will nuke Israel or marry a Muslim illegal immigrant. Anyway, the fascistNazibigotedracist Portland police arrested 29 completely innocent and lovely people. All of them were innocent by their own definition. And all of them were protesting violently and hatefully against violence and hate. These Portland peaceniks, according to the police, were also carrying bats and rocks (during their cerebration of love and joy). Pacifist objects were also thrown at the police. The police responded with racist pepper spray. In Philadelphia, crowds held placards with the slogans "Not Our President" and "Make America Safe For All." Now, I'd suggest that rioting and random violence (against Trump supporters) isn't the best way to Make America Safe for All. That's unless anyone to the right of Pol Pot is excluded from this universal all. The other thing is that Trump is their president, whether they like it or not. And clearly from the tantrums they've had outside their safe spaces these cretins don't like it. Still, as some left-leaning Christian churchman put it: Their hearts are in the right place. Yes, their hearts are hidden under their weapons and Che Guevara t-shirts. In Baltimore, the demonstrators marched through the city in the process blocking all the capitalist traffic waving rainbow banners (probably hugging flowers, too). Now, that's a strange fusion: rainbow banners and random violence. As we all know, historically, all those Communists and Trotskyists who were against nuclear weapons were only really against the British and American capitalist states having them (i.e., not against the Soviet Union and China having them). Now we have pseudo-pacifists and peaceniks who believe in violent demos and violent revolutions. These people just don't like capitalist violence. Now for Chicago. Im with the driver who shouted, Shut up and accept democracy at these juveniles. Im also with Rudy Giuliani. He called protesters (on college campuses) a bunch of spoiled crybabies. Some may think thats a bit over the top on Giulianis part. However, he was reacting to the sad fact that these students were suffering from what clinicians call democracy-anxiety and, thus, theyre now being offered therapy (to ease their massive political woes). Perhaps this is a naive question. Ill ask it anyway: whats the connection between Trump being elected and the smashing of shop and car windows? Did Trump own these shops and cars? As for setting rubbish alight: that rubbish mightnt have even voted for Trump. (My guess is that the rubbish was Clintonite.) So what has Trump had to say about all this? On the one hand, Trump has said that the demonstrations were incited by the media. On the other hand, Noam Chomsky (Praise Be Upon Him) often tells his legions of disciples that the platonic mainstream media is uniformly evil that is, right-wing (i.e., non-Chomskyan). The fact is, however, that the mainstream media not every nook and cranny of it, of course is culturally and politically left-wing and only economically capitalist. For Chomsky, thats still not enough. He wants his books to sell even more than they already do. He wants his monthly books to be reviewed by the New York Times every week instead of every few months (as is presently the case). Only then will Chomsky, and his mindless tribe, be happy. Readers will be aware that many Clintonites and violent demonstrators have said that the Trump presidency will create deep divisions along racial and gender lines. Oh yeah?! So, on the 7th of November, 2016, every damn thing was hunky-dory? So what was all that guff coming out of the backside of the Black Lives Matter movement? Shouldnt these morons have said that Trumps presidency would create deeper divisions, not deep divisions? Trump could of course create deep divisions if he were omnipresent and omnipotent. As it is, certain Americans (as groups) create divisions for themselves to bathe in, not individuals on their own. And even the most powerful man in the world can only really tap into moods and positions that already exist. Lets face facts. Liberals/Leftists have a serious problem with democracy. Of course, most people already know that. Just a quick glimpse at the 20th century demonstrates it. The U.K.s Brexit Show showed it, too. And now we have riots in Portland. Democracy is all fine and dandy when it goes the right way when it delivers exactly what these people want. When it goes in the wrong direction, then theres violence and talk of revolution or, in the U.K.s case, talk of another referendum or even of London's separation from the rest of England (as some are also saying about California). These students, layabouts, and Clintonites simply dont accept democracy. Thats crystal-clear. They accept democracy when it goes the way they want it to go. When it doesnt, theyre against it. As the voluntary institutions of civil society atrophy, to say nothing of the notion of a transcendent Deity with an objective moral code, the state expands to fill the vacuum, and with it, the power of the American Executive. Those of the Progressive persuasion, for whom the public sphere has bled profusely into the private, see civil society as a great monolithic canvas: comforting when its values are force-fed into the culture and a horror when they are thwarted. This is no doubt a psychological projection that reasons that the mantle of irresistible unitary power that was wielded to the aid of its own Progressive transformation will likewise be used as a double-edged instrumentality to carve the conservative agenda into the flesh of the political landscape. Little do they understand that in receding to the default position of constitutional government, a greater liberty will emerge that will benefit both armed camps. The fact that this swing of the pendulum is met with such bitter resistance is perhaps owing to several notions: the willful ignorance or misunderstanding of constitutionalism and its corresponding litany of republican rights and/or the affirmative rejection of both for the unitary hammer of the majoritarian the General Will of the Jacobin. Either way, the next four years require a Promethean exertion of effort toward enlightening an emotion-driven population on the explication of ordered liberty and the bolstering of firewalls that will serve as defensive ramparts once the pendulum swings back. Indeed, Trump's agenda will require the erecting of a wall of separation, but perhaps one of a more prudent and lasting character one that will ensure the self-preservation of the classical Western virtues, the rule of law, and the fires of free enlightened conscience once the shadows inevitably regroup nothing less than a return to the genius of limited governance and the redemption of constitutionality. Having newly returned from our own bitter exile, the very first order of business must be to repair our own "Jerusalem wall." Sadly, it is the doom of men that they soon forget. Glenn Fairman writes from Highland, Calif. He can be contacted at arete5000@dslextreme.com and followed at www.stubbornthings.org or on Facebook. Not all that long ago, AT&T was called out by the Federal Trade Commission over their practices in regards to throttling the speeds of unlimited data subscribers who ran over a certain amount of data within a given month. The case was eventually dropped, but the FTC wasnt quite done with it. AT&T, along with all other mobile providers, had been reclassified from an information service to common carrier status, which fell outside of the FTCs jurisdiction. Just when AT&T thought the case was behind them, however, the FTC made a motion to reopen it. AT&T filed papers stating why their throttling should be considered to be outside of the FTCs purview, and asking the courts to uphold the dismissal put forth by an appellate court back in August. The dismissal hinged on the fact that AT&T is a common carrier, and thus exempt from being answerable to the FTC. The acts of throttling that were brought up in the case, however, happened before the reclassification that put AT&T on the books as a common carrier. The FTC is arguing that this is sufficient to give them jurisdiction over the case, while AT&T is firing back that pressing a case against a common carrier, of any nature, is unprecedented in the FTCs history and clearly against the rules that the commission is forced to abide by. It should be noted that the party AT&T is petitioning to uphold the dismissal is the same appellate court that put the motion through in the first place. The FTC is arguing that fully dropping the case against AT&T would set a dangerous precedent, and severely reduce the commissions ability to keep the likes of email providers and cable companies in line when their behavior harms consumers. Because of the unique nature of the case, AT&T is arguing that the FTCs stance is hyperbole, and that dropping this case will not place any implied limitations on the authority that the FTC lawfully wields. AT&T also argues that the FTC is still able to bring suit against separate subsidiaries that are associated with common carriers, such as large entities that provide services covered by the FTC alongside common carrier services. The last few weeks have been full of Google-related news and unlike previous years, most of it being hardware-related news. There are some new phones, a new VR headset, a new home thing, an updated Chromecast and more. Now, while some of these products (like Google Home) do offer Android TV-usage, there was no major Android TV announcement of late. Yes, the Mi Box was released but compared to their other announcements that have come through, the Mi Box is not exactly a made by Google endorsed product. So at the superficial level, with all this new hardware coming from Google, the absence of any Android TV devices that are made by Google is bad enough. However, what makes this all worse is that Google seems to be doing very little to actually promote the Android TV platform and that is disappointing. It is no secret that Android TV needs bigger levels of adoption. It does. Android TV devices do not sell in the region that other competing products do and this has a knock-on effect for development as a whole. If more people are using, more development comes. Less people using, less development comes. Or at least, slower rates of development. Now, this also happens to be at a time when Google is on one of its biggest marketing splurges in recent memory. So Google right now is in marketing mode and yet Android TV literally gets no help on the marketing front from Google at all. To put this into perspective, this week saw Google release seven new promotional spots for Chromecast. While they might only be short spots, they are still spots. Ones which showcase Chromecast, what it can do and why you should buy it. Something which is largely absent from the Android TV scene. Google almost never seems to release any adverts showcasing Android TV, its abilities, or why you should buy it, even though it is a much more powerful TV-solution than Chromecast. Advertisement Now obviously Chromecast is one of the new wave of Google products and it makes sense that they would be looking to push the product in the same way that any other manufacturer would hope to push sales of their latest products. But that should not take away from any motivation or incentive to support and promote Android TV. Google might not have a directly vested financial motivation to advertise and promote the platform, but at a time when they are in marketing mode and spending on advertising anyway, it would help the public to become more aware of Android TV. Which in turn would put the platform in a much better position, if Google did ever decide to release a Pixel Player. Not to mention, it would keep the general Google buzz going and further advertise how wide the Google ecosystem has become. So although they might not necessarily reap the benefits of any direct Android TV marketing or promotion, it is still in their interest and especially as all of these products are part of a wider Google connected ecosystem. In fact, that itself is another example of how little Android TV gets when it comes to promoting the platform. Android TV is one of the products that can be used with Google Home which is a product that Google is currently marketing hard and promoting, and yet few people are probably aware of this. Even when Google introduced Home, they did so with much of the focus on how it can connect to your Chromecast and how you can cast content hands-free with ease. But very little said about Android TVs compatibility, even though it is as fully compatible as Chromecast. Advertisement And this is exactly where Google could defend any money spent on promoting Android TV. While they do not have a direct made by Google Android TV product on the market, the platform is one of their products and and does play nicely with their ecosystem. So advertising that it is compatible with products like Google Home would not only help the wider consumer market to understand the features and usefulness of Android TV, but would also make it clear to current Android TV device owners that their product works with Google Home. It might even sell a few Google Home devices to those Android TV owners. So indirectly, there could also be a few financial benefits to promoting the platform. And yet, Google does not seem to promote the platform at all or on any level. It seems they have literally just left it to the manufacturers of the hardware to do all the promoting which is another issue as none of them seem to really actively promote the platform either. They do a little to their already-aware customers, so for instance NVIDIA is quite active when it comes to reasons why you should buy the SHIELD and so on, but that in itself is preaching to the choir. Which means that from Google down to the manufacturers, Android TV gets such little marketing attention and investment. Which is somewhat ironic considering this is one of the best cord cutting tools out there and especially at a time when there seems to be a seismic shift away from traditional forms of consuming TV to cord cutting ones. Which does mean that there has never been a better time for Google to be promoting Android TV, like they do their other products, platforms, apps and services. It just makes sense on so many levels. HTCs most recent device, the Bolt, was just launched this morning officially and will be available at Sprint retail stores and online through Sprints website for the price of $599. The smartphone, which bears a striking resemblance to the HTC 10, is made of all metal and even carries the same chamfered edges as HTCs 2016 flagship device. While manufacturers do sometimes release smartphones that will be exclusive to one carrier in the U.S. (in this case that carrier is Sprint) it isnt uncommon for them to also launch the device in other parts of North America, such as Canada. That wont be happening with the HTC Bolt, as HTC has reportedly confirmed that there will be no Canadian version of the phone. The potentially silver lining to this, if the Bolt sounded like your type of device, is that there is a possibility, it seems, that HTC will release the Bolt under the guise of a different name for other regions. It is important to note that HTC themselves have said nothing of the sort, but there is a rumor that the HTC Bolt and the HTC 10 Evo could be one in the same, with the HTC 10 Evo essentially being the Bolt but launched on a global scale, meaning for international regions, and perhaps Canada. For now, this is just a rumor, but the rumor stems from Evan Blass who is well known for making these sorts of details public. There is no other information about the HTC 10 Evo at the moment, but if it does end up as a global variant of the recently launched Bolt, then consumers could probably expect it to carry most of if no all of the same hardware specifications, such as the 5.5-inch Quad HD display, 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage space, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor with an Adreno 430 GPU for the graphics, and expandable storage support. It could also likely have a 16MP rear-facing camera with OIS and dual LED flash, as well as an 8MP front-facing camera for selfies and video chat, an IP57 rating for water and dust resistance, and a 3,200mAh battery to kee the phone going. Back at the end of May 2016, Google held their annual developer conference called Google I/O, and while they didnt use this time to announce new smartphones that came later in the year as expected they did announce and show off new hardware. This was our first glimpse of Google Home. A stylish take on a smart speaker that could integrate into our lives and provide us with a hands-free way to connect and control a number of other smart devices around the home, like lights, thermostats, and presumably anything that could be considered an IoT device with the ability to connect up to a local Wi-Fi connection. While Google Home is a smart speaker and it in fact dose connect up to and control a handful of different smart, connected products, such as the Nest thermostat and Philips Hue Lights, there are many that it still has no compatibility with, and this is a problem. At least for now. The biggest issue with this is that it leaves many people out in the cold on using Google Home the way its intended to be used, or the way it should be intended to be used. Google Home is a competitor to Amazons Echo in many ways and although it does do some things quite a bit better than the Echo, thanks to being powered by Google Assistant, there are quite a few things it doesnt do as well too. The most obvious and one which has already been touched on briefly is its lack of compatibility with other hardware types. There is no doubt that more hardware support is coming. Google would be foolish not to have this in mind and chances are theyre working rather diligently to introduce more compatible devices and widen the scope of Google Homes control, but at the moment its hard not to look at it and see it as nothing more than a Google Search made manifest into a physical product that you can have a conversation with, which is also capable of controlling a few smart home devices. Of course, to its credit it doesnt just answer your questions and feed you a response, itll actually complete actions for you too, as displayed in the Google Home demo video that was shown off during Google I/O, but it needs to do more, perhaps the launch should have been pushed back a bit to allow time for more device support from the start. https://youtu.be/2KpLHdAURGo Advertisement All that said, Google Home is by no means a crippled product, at least not on a large scale. It has compatibility with Nest, naturally, as well as Samsungs SmartThings devices, IFTTT, and Philips Hue. However, when comparing this to Amazons Alexa-powered Echo speaker it feels a little flat, as the Echo supports all those device types as well as Ecobee, Wink, Insteon, Belkin WeMo, Lifx, Big Ass Fans, and then a whole range of other devices thanks to the Alexa Skills, which has enabled developers to take the software and open up support for other smart device brands and categories that have not yet been added by Amazon themselves. Therein might lie one of the bigger strengths of the Echo, and by comparison one of the bigger faults of Google Home the open software that lets developers add compatibility. This alone would help Google Home immensely, as Google wouldnt have to be the sole developer to make everything work. They would be able to rely on the community to assist them in adding support for various devices, and that could have been huge. Its not all bad, though, as there are ways around not having support for a specific device type or brand of smart devices. With a little bit of ingenuity and the use of IFTTT and some other products, it is possible to get Google Home to work with smart devices that are not on the supported list. Using IFTTT along with a Raspberry Pi with a Z Wave antenna running Domoticz (which is a lightweight home automation system), one could enable commands to complete a task using IFTTTs Maker channel for Google Assistant, opening up a handful of possibilities that werent there before, such as getting Google Home to start your coffee brewer in the the morning. This is all possible thanks to Maker and Domoticz, with Domoticz being the Home Automation element and the Maker channel being the bridge between Google Home and the devices connected to the network through Domoticz, by sending and receiving the commands between them. Advertisement Despite this, though, not everyone is going to know about this method and surely it wont work with everything. Theres also the fact that this is not as straightforward a method as having Google Home connect and talk directly to a specific brand of home automated device, like it does with Nest. Of course, Nest is essentially Googles own product, so its support was assured from the beginning. While Google will more than likely be opening up support for more devices in the future, soon or further out, it still lags behind the Echo in this regard. Yes, the Amazon Echo has been out longer and has had more time to gain support for more devices, but this shouldnt matter. The argument could be made that Google Home should have had support for the same list of device brands so as to be on more equal footing with the Echo, and the fact that its not feels just a little bit lazy. The good news, at least to some degree, is that Google does plan to open the SDK for Google Assistant this year. The downside is that it wont be opening up until next month, so those who would be able to work with the SDK and further empower Google Home to control and manage different devices that arent already supported, will have to wait to get their hands on the software that will make it all possible. For now, Google Assistant is closed off and allows for no access for third-parties, the development community, or really anyone outside of Google. While the Google Assistant SDK is being opened up fairly quickly after the initial release of the product, it could still be almost two months away if Google doesnt release the SDK until the end of December, which means realistically there wont be support for more devices and third-party integration of Google Assistant until early next year and beyond. This leaves customers with a more limited offering of devices that can easily work with the speaker until then, which is a shame. Still, Google is releasing the Google Assistant SDK and that does mean that Google Home will eventually be gaining more support. Google did mention prior to the Google Home launch that they had plans to do this, they just hadnt mentioned when at the time. Advertisement Of course, compatibility with devices is not the only misstep with Google Home. In its current state it only allows for connection of one Google account, which means those with multiple speakers and multiple family members in the home that would want to connect up their own accounts arent allowed to do so. This might not seem like a problem, but on the contrary, it certainly can be for many users. Perhaps not a big one, but a problem nonetheless. The reason it can pose an issue is that with only one Google account, all the data that ends up connected to it from search queries to commands to contextual conversations, resides with that one account. This means that any user who speaks to Google Home and would want to carry that connected data with them on their own Android device would not be able to because their account isnt connected to the speaker. Google is working on bringing multiple account support into the fold as well, but it feels like something thats a little bit of an oversight and should have been implemented from the beginning, perhaps more so than support for more devices, as Google is positioning this device for the home and chances are that many people who buy one will have multiple people (and thereby multiple Google accounts) who could benefit from it. It also seems to have some issue (speaking from personal experience) with recognizing the Ok Google Command. This is limited to a small percentage of times, mind you, and its also possible that the commands were being recognized but it wasnt noticeable because the device was across the room. This could be looked at as more of a personal issue as the lights on top are there to provide you with a visual notification that its heard you and is waiting for you to issue a task or ask a question, but that doesnt take away from the fact that people talking to the speaker might not always be able to see the lights when interacting with it. Whats more, is that Google Home and other Google Assistant-enabled devices seem to sometimes compete with each other for the interaction. With Google Home and two other Pixel devices in the same room, all powered by Google Assistant and all designed to respond to the same commands, you can imagine how it might begin to become a problem with knowing what device is going to recognize the commands and following up with a response. Google might be able to get around this by allowing users to customize the OK Google command, but it doesnt seem like this is something that will be implemented. Because of this, right now speaking with Google Home feels a little cumbersome, as there was more than one occasion earlier this week my Pixel would pick up the command instead of or alongside Google Home, but would then kick back the response instead of the speaker, as it almost seemed like Google Home wasnt able to process the command due to there being another source that could act in the same way. Most of these are just minor things that make Google Home a little less than stellar, but theyre also all things which can be fixed and Google is surely doing just that, working towards fixing them, and when they are fixed, Google Home will end up being a more cohesive and well-rounded product that could benefit just about everyone. A special sort of of Armageddon: Daily Mirror cranks up fear of a Trump Presidency The United Kingdom is At The Back of The Queue, says the Daily Mirror. The front-page headline echoes the words of Barack Obama, who thoughtfully flew to the country to remind British citizens that a vote for Brexit would mean the country relegated to the foot of the international business league table. Vote for Brexit and British companies seeking to do business with the US would be behind Germany, France, Egypt and Chad. At first glance, then, the headline looks sarcastic. So much for being at the back of that queue, Barack, with Donald Trump in charge, a man with solid links to the UK, well be closer to the front. But the Mirror is serious. It says that after becoming President-elect, Trump only called Theresa May after first speaking with nine world leaders. Were Number 10! The UK got the call after Trump dialled Ireland, Egypt, India, Mexico, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Turkey and Israel. He then called the UK. Yes, that means that after Ireland, the UK is the second most important European Union nation in Trumps pecking order ahead for France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The Mirror calls this a snub. But isnt it progress? In 2009, the Guardian reported: Barack Obama snubs Gordon Brown over private talks White House spurned five requests from PMs aides for bilateral meeting. The Telegraph noted: Barack Obama rebuffs Gordon Brown as special relationship sinks to new low. In other Special Relationship news, the Mail says May is Trumps Tatcher. And the Express says Trump will help the UK thrive after leaving the EU. Having read in the tabloids that Trump is both dire and great for UK-US relations, the Mirror lists on Page 3 after more headlines of doom (A new danger for the world order; Poor start to Special Relationship) 10 reasons Donald might not be all that bad. That comes after Thursdays front page which predicted a Trump-triggered armageddon. At number 3, the Mirror notes: OK, so he didnt get round to ringing Theresa May for a while. But his mother is Scottish. He has many business interests in the UK. And he;s a big fan of Brexit. He will probably want to hug us close And at Number 10: Starting WW3 is not in his interests. To recap: the Mirror hasnt got a clue what a Trump Presidency means. But if it can scare the readers, why not? Paul Sorene Posted: 12th, November 2016 | In: Key Posts, Politicians, Reviews, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink If youre considering a subscription to the Disney Plus streaming service, you may be wondering how much it costs. The service is available on both YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, ARMENPRESS. Minister of foreign affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandian held a meeting on November 12 with Shri Ashok Gajapathi Raju Minister of Civil Aviation of India and special envoy of the Indian government, the ministry told ARMENPRESS. Minister Nalbandian welcomed the guest and noted that Armenia attaches great importance to the continuous development of relations with India, which are based on thousands years old friendship between the two peoples and mutual understanding between the states. Shri Ashok Gajapathi Raju thanked for the reception and noted that India attaches importance to further deepening the friendly relations with Armenia. Issues related to the bilateral mutual cooperation agenda, international and regional matters were discussed. The necessity of boosting bilateral cooperation in the fields of tourism, culture, agriculture, and healthcare, scientific-educational and trade-economic sectors was touched upon. The sides expressed satisfaction regarding the cooperation within the framework of international organizations. The importance of boosting inter-parliamentary contacts, expanding legal-contractual field, high level mutual visit organization was emphasized. The ministers also discussed issues of cooperation in the civil aviation field and the possibility of re-launching the Yerevan-New Delhi direct flights. Minister Nalbandian briefed the guest on the consequences of the Azerbaijani aggression against Nagorno Karabakh and the situation which has formed in the negotiations process as result of it. Minister Nalbandian stressed that Armenia highly appreciates Indias continuous support for the peaceful, negotiated settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Shri Ashok Gajapathi Raju in his turn highly appreciated Armenias support in delicate matters for India. YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, ARMENPRESS. Russian security services have stopped a plot to blow up targets in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) said, RT reports. An operation conducted on November 12 in Moscow and St. Petersburg resulted in the arrests of 10 terrorists. They had a total of four powerful IODs in their arsenals, which were seized, the FSB said in a statement. The suspects of Central Asian origin were arrested in collaboration with law enforcement in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, the report said. The suspects confessed to having contacts with leaders of the terrorist group Islamic State based in the Middle East. They also identified targets of their attack, accomplices and a support base both in Russia and in other countries, the report added. The security service said the suspects planned a series of gun and bomb attacks in Russias two biggest cities, focusing on public places with large gatherings of people. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) is a terrorist group based in Iraq and Syria, which has also expanded into Libya and Afghanistan. It organized several high-profile attacks in large European cities in the past two years, most notably in Paris and Brussels. Fighting IS is one of the key goals of Russias military presence in Syria, where the group is trying, among other things, to topple the elected government and impose a regime of fundamentalist Islam. Modi termed the demonetisation as Swachhata Abhiyan and hailed the undaunting spirit of people despite their hardship. Kobe: Hinting at more action to unearth black money, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said those holding unaccounted money will not be spared and there is no "guarantee" that no further steps would be taken after December 30 till when people can deposit the demonetised notes. He assured honest people that they will not face any trouble. "I would like to announce once again that after the end of this scheme, there is no guarantee that something new will not be introduced to punish you (thikane lagane ke liye)," Modi said. He was addressing the Indian community at a reception here. "I make it very clear that if anything unaccounted comes up, then I will check its records since Independence. Will deploy as many people as required for this. Honest people will not face any problem. No one will be spared. Those who know me, they are intelligent as well. They think it is better to offer it in Ganga than in banks," Modi said. He was referring to reports of the demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes flowing in Ganga river. Modi termed the demonetisation as "Swachhata Abhiyan" and hailed the undaunting spirit of people despite their hardship following its announcement on November 8. "I salute my countrymen. People stood in line for four hours, six hours but accepted the decision in national interest the way people of Japan tackled the aftermath of the 2011 disaster," he said. "I thought long and hard about the possible difficulties and it was also important to keep it a secret. It had to be done suddenly but I never thought I will receive blessings for this," he said. "I salute each and every Indian. Many families had weddings, health problems... yes they faced inconvenience but they accepted the decision," the Prime Minister said. Apparently referring to the opposition which has attacked the government action, Modi said a section is trying to incite people for speaking out against him but people have accepted the decision in the national interest. "Law should be equal for everyone. People are happy about the fact that even Modi's Rs 1000 notes are not usable anymore," Modi said. Underlining that the world is acknowledging that India is the fastest growing economy among the large global economies, he said the country is also receiving historically high FDI. "IMF, World Bank all are saying in one voice. IMF also said that India is the shining star. World economists believe India is growing at a very fast rate...I have my own definitions (of FDI). The first definition is First Develop India and the second is the Foreign Direct Investment. India is receiving historically high rate of FDI," he said. In the last two years, black money to the tune of Rs 1.25 lakh crore have been unearthed due to various initiatives of the government, Modi added. People left homes as early as 6 am to try out their luck to get cash in hand leading to serpentine queues outside ATMs. People queue up outside an ATM to withdraw money in Mumbai. (Photo: PTI/File) Mumbai: Greater rush of people to procure Rs 100 bills and new currency notes was witnessed on Saturday outside banks and ATMs across the city, even as some of them were shut down after being short on cash. People left homes as early as 6 am to try out their luck to get cash in hand leading to serpentine queues outside Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in South Mumbai and suburbs. Several people complained that most of the ATMs were not functioning properly in South Mumbai including, in areas of Lalbaugh, Worli, Kurla, Mahim, Parel and Dadar. Similar was the case in some localities of suburban Andheri, Ghatkopar, Vikhroli and Borivali, forcing people to return empty-handed. Byculla resident A. K. Jain was visibly pissed after his attempt to withdraw cash failed on the second day as well. "The decision (to scrap Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 bills) has come down hard on the service class, who usually withdraw money from banks or ATM between 1st and 8th of every month. Some of those who withdrew before the announcement got notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000. Now, they are running pillar to post to get them exchanged," he said. Kurla resident Amit Mishra, a senior executive with a pharmaceutical firm said, "I tried my luck with two banks at LBS Road but huge line there forced me to come back. However, I will try my luck later in evening and I hope to get money". Though he lauded the efforts made by bank employees "who are putting extra working hours for smooth dispensation of new bank notes". Meanwhile, a bank here is said to have floated a mobile ATM to dispense money to customers, fetching a decent response. Shrikant Manohar, who drew money from the mobile ATM said, "It was no less than a surprise. People lined up for hours, while I got cash with this mobile ATM as it came to my doorsteps." Congress city unit president Sanjay Nirupam also visited an ATM counter in his area and interacted with people waiting anxiously in hope of getting cash. Similar chaos were seen on city outskirts where people faced hardships after ATMs ran dry. A resident from Palghar district, Sanket Gavas, took to social media and tweeted, "People standing in heat in long queues for hours outside bank branch as ATMs are empty in Virar West Palghar Mumbai (sic). Ban a well-planned move: Rajnath Singh New Delhi: The Union home ministry has asked all states to provide adequate security cover to banks, ATMs and vehicles transporting cash following demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. The home ministry has also constituted a three-member team of senior officials who are in regular touch with the State Government to ensure proper safety for all banks, ATMs and vehicles transporting cash. The ministrys team is in constant touch with the director-generals of police and constantly monitoring the situation even though so far no major incident of violence or crime has been reported from anywhere in the country. The home ministry has also informed the states that in case they require any assistance, in terms of additional central police forces, these would be rushed immediately even at a short notice. Ministry officials said two separate advisories have been sent to the States in this regard and the feedback was that the situation was expected to normalise in the next four to five days. Various state governments have informed the Centre that they have deployed adequate police personnel at all banks and ATMs to ensure that no untoward incident takes place even as large footfall has been witnessed at these places across the country. Meanwhile, speaking at an event in Lucknow home minister Rajnath Singh said the decision to demonetise high denomination currency notes was a well-planned move and not taken in haste as he maintained it will go a long way in checking corruption in politics. Recently a decision to demonetise currency notes in the denomination of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 has been taken. It surprised people not only in the country but the world over and will bridge the gulf between the poor and rich. People said the government has acted in haste and more time should have been given. I want to say that there had been no haste. It was a well-planned move. It has been taken after enough consideration about the future, the home minister added. Also speaking on the issue Union I&B minister M. Venkaiah Naidu lauded the governments decision stating that the Prime Minister wants to realise Swachchh Bharat, in terms of tan, man and dhan (body, mind and wealth). Mr Naidu said that while some people maintain the government has taken a sudden step of demonetising of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, the government has been taking steps related to curbing the black money menace ever since it came to power. Some people are saying it was done all of a sudden, people should have been given advance notice...Advance notice for what? I am not able to understand, he added. The Minister said that the media while highlighting the inconveniences, should also show the larger picture on the benefits of the move for the country. He said some people were calling it an emergency, but those who are worried are people like unscrupulous arms dealers, drug dealers. Clears 34 names on list of 77 submitted by SC collegium for appointment New Delhi: The Centre on Friday informed the Supreme Court that it had returned to the collegium for its reconsideration of 43 of the 77 names recommended for the appointment of judges in various high courts and that the remaining 34 have been appointed as judges. Giving the information before a bench of Chief Justice T.S. Thakur and Justice Shiva Kirti Singh (who retired on Friday), Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi said, Not a single file is pending with the government regarding the appointment of judges to the high courts. It is for the collegium to decide, he said. The AG also told a bench that the finalisation of the Memorandum of Procedure (MoP) on the appointment of judges is also pending with the Supreme Court collegium since August 3 as it has not sent back its views. Since February, the Supreme Court collegium has cleared 311 names for the appointments, but the Centre approved only around 80 names. On October 28, the apex court slammed the NDA government for failing to appoint judges in various high courts despite the collegium clearing some of the names more than nine months ago. An angry CJI told the AG, You can as well close down the courts. Close down justice. The collegium has cleared 75 names of high court judges (for transfer/appointment) but they have not been approved. I don't know why, where these files are stuck, a three-judge bench headed by the Chief Justice had said, adding that the vacancy in high courts has risen to 43% and there are four million cases in the high courts. The whole system is collapsing. The Bench is hearing a batch of petitions for a direction to the Centre to fill up vacancies in various high courts pending for a long time, resulting in mounting arrears of cases. When one lawyer, Nedumpara Mathews, asked the CJI not to hear this case as he was heading the collegium, the CJI said the court will pass an order in this regard, and posted the matter for further hearing on November 18. The martyred jawan has been identified as Harshid Badarya. An army jawan was on Saturday killed in a ceasefire violation in Jammu & Kashmirs Kupwara district. (Photo: PTI) Srinagar: An army jawan was on Saturday killed in a ceasefire violation on the Line of Control (LoC) in Keran sector of north Kashmir's Kupwara district, police said. Pakistani troops violated ceasefire by indulging in firing and shelling in Keran sector on Saturday morning, a police official said. He said that in the incident, army jawan Harshid Badarya lost his life. The firing has stopped, the official said, adding further details were awaited. Lack of small denomination currency triggered rumours of black marketing of essential commodities like salt. The Centre on Friday said there has been no increase in prices of the commodity which is being sold at Rs 14-15 per kg in retail markets. (Photo: PTI/Representational) New Delhi: Rubbishing rumours of shortage of salt in the country, the central government on Friday said there has been no increase in prices of the commodity which is being sold at Rs 14-15 per kg in retail markets. "This is rubbish. There is no truth in this rumour. There is no shortage of salt in the country. On an average, salt prices are ruling at Rs 14-15 per kg same at last year's level. There has not been increase in prices," Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said. Unnecessary panic is being spread that salt is being sold at Rs 200 per kg. "Those who have sold at Rs 200, the UP government should take action and arrest them," he said. If anyone is selling at such high rates in any parts of the country, the state governments should take immediate action, he added. In a series of tweets, Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman too said there was no shortage of edible salt. "Baseless rumours being spread. Salt Commissioner & Jt. Secretary Shri Raghavendra monitoring the situation. Asst.Salt Commissioners reporting from the field. No shortage. Monitoring will be on-going," she tweeted. Lack of small denomination currency today triggered rumours of black marketing of essential commodities like salt as shopkeepers refused to provide change when offered with higher denomination notes. In Uttar Pradesh, there were reports of panicked customers flocking to market as rumours flew thick and fast that salt has gone out of shelves and shopkeepers are selling at a premium -- a high as Rs 200 per kg. Consumer Affairs Secretary Hem Pande said, "There is no truth in this rumour. It is all rumour mongering. There is no problem in supply, distribution and prices of salt in the country." He said that the prices have been ruling stable at Rs 12 per kg in the wholesale markets and Rs 14-15 per kg in retail. Asked if the Centre has spoken on this issue with the UP government, Pande said, "We have spoken to state officials and they too informed us that there is no truth in this rumour. Prices in UP are ruling on an average at Rs 16-17 per kg". The centre has also checked the price situation of salt in other states as well and there has not been any increase in the rate of the essential commodity. Meanwhile, Delhi government also appealed to Delhiites not to pay attention to rumours of shortage of salt in the city and assured that there is no scarcity of such essential commodity. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said teams of food supply officers and sub-divisional magistrates are rounding city's markets where salt is available in sufficient stock. From November 15 to 27 the Hand in Hand 2016 exercise will be held in Aundh near Pune. New Delhi: While relations between India and China have been marked by tension in recent times over a host of issues like the Nuclear Suppliers Group, a terrorist tag to Masood Azhar, founder of UN-designated terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed, to speak of the teeming boundary disputes, it is business as usual for military ties between the two Asian giants. From November 15 to 27, in continuation of the series of joint exercises between the militaries of India and China, the Hand in Hand 2016 exercise will be held in Aundh near Pune. This edition will be the sixth joint training exercise by the Indian Army with Peoples Liberation Army of China and is held annually, alternately, in both the countries. The first exercise was held in Kunming, capital of Chinas Yunnan province in 2007, while the last exercise was also held in October 2015 in Kunming Military Academy, Yunnan. The aim is to share the expertise in drills and practices while tackling insurgency and terrorism, thereby promoting healthy military-to-military relations among the two Armies and developing joint strategies for conducting operations in a counter terrorism environment, an Army release said. The exercise is planned at the company level with respective battalion headquarters controlling the training. A Joint Directing Panel comprising senior officials of both countries will supervise the exercise. The exercise Hand in Hand 2016 will be conducted in three phases. The first phase consists of familiarisation with the weapons and equipment. The second phase consists of basic training, including combat conditioning, firing of personal weapon, support weapon and drills like establishment of covert observation post, house clearing, cordon and search, humanitarian and disaster relief operations. The third phase includes a joint exercise. It contributes in developing mutual understanding and respect for each others military. Senior military observers of both the countries will attend the exercise. On October 19 too, a joint Indo-Chinese army exercise took place in eastern Ladakh, which was a sequel to an exercise on February 6 in eastern Ladakhs Chushul Garrison. These exercises are seen as efforts complementing the Hand in Hand series of joint exercises. The father of the new-born, a carpenter by profession, has filed a case against the doctor who refused treatment. Mumbai: A doctor attached to a nursing home in suburban Govandi allegedly refused to treat a premature baby as the parents could not pay the necessary deposit in the wake of demonetisation, following which a case was registered against her. Jagadish Sharma, father of the newborn, had filed a case in this regard with Shivajinagar police station in the city. On November 8, Sharma's wife Kiran, who was pregnant, was admitted to the nursing home for tests, including sonography. She was expected to deliver a baby around December 7. On November 9, Kiran went into labour prematurely and gave birth to a boy at home before she could be taken to hospital. Afterwards the mother and the boy were rushed to the nursing home. The woman doctor administered preliminary treatment but allegedly refused to treat the baby further unless Sharma, a carpenter by profession, paid a deposit of Rs 6,000 in notes of less than Rs 500 denomination, police said. Sharma alleged that he requested for some time for getting the Rs 500 notes changed into lower-value currency but the doctor refused and turned them away. The mother and the baby were taken to another hospital where the infant's condition worsened and he died before getting treatment, as per the complaint. "Today we registered a case against the doctor for causing death by negligence (IPC section 304A) and disobedience of order duly promulgated by public servant (IPC section 188)," said Shahaji Umap, Deputy Commissioner of Police, zone VI. There were clear instructions from the state government to hospitals that they must continue to accept Rs 1,000 and 500 notes and a circular to this effect had been issued, the DCP said. "In our investigation we found that the baby died due to refusal by the doctor to treat him," the officer said. No arrest has been made so far. Dhanmendra Singhs news stories against illegal mining in Rohtas may have angered criminals, leading to his murder, sources said. A journalist with a leading Hindi daily newspaper was shot dead in front of his house in Bihar on Saturday morning. (Representational image) Patna: A senior journalist with national Hindi daily was killed in Sasaram, Bihar, early Saturday morning by three unidentified motorcycle-borne assailants. The incident occurred while the victim, Dhanmendra Singh, was having tea near his residence in the morning, according to sources. Singh was rushed to a local government hospital from where he was referred to Varanasi for further treatment, but he succumbed to his injuries midway. Bihar police have launched a probe into Singhs murder and are conducting raids to nab the accused, sources from Sasaram said. Singhs news stories against illegal mining in Rohtas may have angered criminals, leading to his murder, sources said. The murder is the latest in the string of crimes that have occurred recently. The incident has occurred at a time when Chief Minister Nitish Kumar was winding up his first phase of Nischay Yatra. The journalists murder has also invited sharp criticism from the opposition in Bihar. Senior BJP leader and former deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi who rushed to Sasaram to meet the bereaved family of the slain journalist said that the state government must concentrate on improving law and order condition of the state. Dhanmendra Singh is the fourth journalist to be killed in Bihar. No one including engineers, doctors and journalists are safe in Bihar and the state government has been claiming that law and order situation has improved, he said. Earlier on May 13 this year a Siwan based journalist Rajdeo Ranjan was killed by unidentified gunmen when he was returning to his house from office. A CBI probe into the matter is underway. Former RJD MP Mohammad Shahbuddin has been accused in the murder of the Rajdeo Ranjan. The incidents have also invited sharp criticism from the opposition in Bihar. The incidents have also invited sharp criticism from the opposition in Bihar. (Representational image) Patna: A senior journalist working with a prominent vernacular daily was killed in Sasaram early Saturday morning by three unidentified motorcycle-borne assailants apparently over his articles against illegal mining in Rohtas. Dhanmendra Singh, a scribe with Dainik Bhaskar, was having tea at a roadside teastall near his house when some men on a bike pumped bullets in his stomach from point blank range and fled. Singh was taken to a local government hospital, which referred him to Varanasi for further treatment but he succumbed to his injuries midway. Sources from Sasaram told this newspaper that police has launched an investigation into the murder and raids are being conducted to nab the accused. News agencies reported another killing in the state on Saturday where the victim was a former journalist Ram Chandra Yadav. Yadav was shot dead in Darbhanga by unidentified men. As the news of murder spread, agitated locals protested outside a police station and blocked the National Highway. The murders are latest in the string of many such crimes putting the spotlight back on the deteriorating condition of law and order in the state. The murders took place at a time when chief minister Nitish Kumar is winding up his first phase of Nischay Yatra. The incidents have also invited sharp criticism from the opposition in Bihar. Senior BJP leader and former deputy chief minister Sushil Kumar Modi, who rushed to Sasaram to meet the bereaved family of the slain journalist Singh, said that the state government must concentrate on improving law and order condition of the state. He said, Dhanmendra Singh is the fourth journalist to be killed in Bihar. No one including engineers, doctors and journalists is safe in Bihar and the state government has been claiming that law and order situation has improved. Earlier on May 13 this year, a Siwan-based journalist, Rajdeo Ranjan, was killed by unidentified gunmen while he was returning to his house from office. Amit Shah claimed that with this decision, the government has taken its war against black money to a decisive level. New Delhi: Taking a swipe at the Opposition parties, including the Congress, BSP and SP, BJP president Amit Shah on Friday wondered why leaders, including Congress, SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav, BSPs Mayawati and AAPs Arvind Kejriwal have joined ranks with those dealing in black money, fake currency, hawala and drug, who are rattled by the governments decision. Mr Shah claimed that with this decision, the government has taken its war against black money to a decisive level. Asserting that rival parties have exposed themselves by criticising the Centres move, Mr Shah said though people are facing inconvenience but whenever a big change is made, some inconvenience happens. Mr Shah insisted that the governments move had nothing to do with the impending Assembly polls, but said that the BJP will benefit politically going by the reactions of opposition parties. I can understand the pain of those keeping black money, fake currency, terrorists, hawala operators, Naxalites and drug dealers with this decision. What has amazed me is the way some political parties are rattled...I want to ask Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayawati, Rahul Gandhi (Congress vice president) and Arvind Kejriwal as to why you are so rattled? If politics become cleaner with a measure and black money is taken out of electoral politics, then why should it pain political parties, he said. Mr Shah challenged political parties to face the polls with the issue and said People will decide. He said while opposition always questioned the Modi government over black money but now when it has given such a hard blow to black money, they are rattled. What is the problem of these four parties? They have exposed themselves and shown their true faces, Mr Shah said. When asked about BSP supremos charge that the move amounted to economic emergency, he said it has caused economic emergency in her party BSP. All patriots, the common man, tax payers... Have welcomed the move. I want to make it clear that no tax payer needs to worry and the government will protect the interests of the poor, farmers, labourers, small traders, Mr Shah said. The TMC chief said that she was ready to work with CPI (M), SP, Cong, despite ideological differences, in order to save the country. New Delhi: West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress (TMC) supremo Mamata Banerjee, on Saturday said that she was ready to work with arch rival CPI (M), and other Opposition parties like SP, BSP, and Congress despite ideological differences, to save the country from the NDA government. "We may have ideological differences with CPI-M but we are ready to work with it, Congress, SP, BSP to save the country, Mamata said, speaking at a press conference in Kolkata. This anti-people, anti-poor Govt has no moral right to continue in power. This is a dictatorship. This draconian decision needs to be withdrawn, she added. "Only one percent people hold black money. Why the other 99 percent are being harassed for this? A few money launderers are profiting due to this black decision. This is a dangerous, disastrous and draconian decision. This is surgical anarchy. Even eminent economists are saying this demonetisation will not affect black money," she asked. Pointing out that the sudden decision by the government put the common man in dilemma, she said, I personally visited several banks today to listen to tales of hardship of common people. Rs 100 notes are not available in banks. More than two lakh ATMs are closed, money is not available. "This is a betrayal with people. A sudden midnight decision was taken. But few ruling party people knew about it. Few 'dalals' are taking advantage of the economic disaster. I appeal to the government to withdraw this decision," she added. The TMC supremo also asked the BJP-led Centre as to how much money is being wasted for printing 2000 rupee notes and recalibrating ATMs. "This is common man's money: The Centre cannot scare us. We are not afraid of them," she said. Earlier in the day, Banerjee, demanded the withdrawal of governments move, calling it anti-people. "Withdraw this 'black' political decision which is anti-commoner. Markets across India ruined, purchasing power crashing, people pained," she tweeted. Claiming that she had said this before, Banerjee said, "But given the way the young, old and everyone is suffering, let me again appeal to the Central government" (to withdraw the decision). "This has turned out to be a big black scandal. Hardship for the common citizens and full advantage to the money launderers," she said. The TMC chief on Thursday called upon all opposition parties to work together against the "anti-poor government at the Centre". "Let us fight this political and financial anarchy together. We will be with you all," Banerjee had said. Mocking the Prime Minister, she had said Narendra Modi "has gone to Japan after making the people poor in India." Trinamool Congress has already given a notice in the Rajya Sabha for a discussion on the demonetisation issue on November 16, the opening day of winter session of Parliament. TMC leader in Lok Sabha Sudip Bandopadhyay has said the party would bring an adjournment motion in the house on the same day. Mamata also penned a poem on the demonetisation issue. Demonetisation of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 notes and introducing Rs 2000 note will not help curb black money, he claimed. New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said that to solve the problem of black money, Prime Minister Narendra Modi should first take action against Swiss bank account holders and stop "harassing honest" traders. He met traders in Azadpur Mandi, Laxmi Nagar and Gandhi Nagar markets in the evening and demanded that the government rollback the decision. "Two days ago the decision to demonetise notes of higher denominations was announced by the Prime Minister and people of the country are distressed. Are not people distressed?" Kejriwal asked a crowd in Gandhi Nagar that replied loudly in the affirmative. Demonetisation of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 notes and introducing Rs 2000 note will not help curb black money, but increase it as it will be easier to amass money in larger denomination, he said. He met wholesale traders in Azadpur Mandi who said they were facing problems in carrying out cash transactions. "Friends of BJP were informed in advance" about the demonetisation move. They parked their money safely, while common men were left to fend for themselves, he alleged. "I want to ask Modiji if the black money is lying with traders or with Ambani-Adani. Why don't you catch Ambani-Adani?" he said and added that the government should stop "harassing honsest" traders. He claimed that in 2011, the Centre had a list of 648 people with Swiss Bank accounts and said the Prime Minister should take action against them. "The Congress(government) did nothing. Modi is not doing anything because the names of his friends are there in that list," he alleged. "The problem of black money will be solved if these people are sent to jail," he said. He assured traders that no raid will be conducted either by the VAT department or the Sales Tax department for the next one month and asked people to pay no heed to "rumours". A group of Congressmen held a demonstration and raised slogans against Kejriwal, who retorted accusing it of "siding" with BJP. The plots are seen an assets for the MSRDC considering that they are in the high profile areas of south Mumbai. The Maharashtra government has handed over two pieces of foreshore land at Nepean Sea Road and Malabar Hill to the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) under the public works department (PWD). The land measuring 6,210 square metres at both places were unaccounted earlier and the revenue department has now acquired the same for the MSRDC. The plots at Malabar Hill and Nepean Sea Road are government properties but were never taken into account before. Now we have given it survey numbers. The MSRDC had demanded the plot and hence, we have handed it over to the authority. Now, the MSRDC will have to prepare rules and regulation before any development can take place of the two lands, an official from the revenue department said. The department has also issued a government resolution dated November 10, 2016. The plots come under Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ) and hence, require permission from the Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA) and Ministry of Environment and Forest for the undertaking of any work. The plots are shown in the proposed Development Plan (DP) by the BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) in the D ward. The MSRDC will have to prepare land disposal rules for the plots, the official added. However, vice chairman and managing director of the MSRDC Radheshyam Mopalwar said the plots were handed over to the authority long ago. We had given the plots in 1996 and 2002. During this time, legal procedures were conducted such as making a property card on the authoritys name. Now we can appoint a consultant to understand what can be done on the plots. Currently, we have no plan for any development on the plots, Mr Mopalwar said. The plots are seen an assets for the MSRDC considering that they are in the high profile areas of south Mumbai. The land prices are also very high in the area. It is not exactly known if the MSRDC has paid any price for the plots at Malabar Hill and Nepean Sea road. The MSRDC has its office in Nepean Sea Road which might help the authority to expand after the new plot is made available. Also, the authority will have to show its assets for the Mumbai-Nagpur Expressway, an official from the Mantralaya said on the condition of anonymity. Cops refuse to accept old notes as penalty; seize licences instead, to be returned in lieu of change. The violators are given a receipt that says they will get their licence back when they get change from a bank. Mumbai: The Centres demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes has had a curious impact on Mumbais commuters the Mumbai traffic police is not accepting Rs 500 notes while charging fines and is instead confiscating the licences of those who flout rules. The violators are given a receipt that says they will get their licence back when they get change from a bank. Murad T, a resident of Chembur, was driving without wearing helmet while on his way to a bank to exchange notes on Friday morning. Two traffic policemen stopped him near Sions Kumbharwada bridge for helmetless driving. But Mr Murad said when he was ready to pay a fine of Rs 200, the policemen didnt accept it and instead seized his licence because they didnt want to accept a Rs 500 note. Mr Murad said, I was asked to pay Rs 200. I told them that I have only notes of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 and was going to the bank to change them. They asked me to submit my license and come back once I had changed notes. I was waiting near IDBI bank for almost three hours but I couldnt change the notes because bank didnt have enough notes. So I went back to the traffic policemen and narrated the whole incident, but they didnt listen to me and gave me a receipt, asked me to got to the local traffic department whenever I managed to get change and collect the seized license. I saw them doing the same with other drivers too. Another commuter, Arshad Shrivastav, also had his licence seized in South Mumbai for driving without wearing a helmet. We were two riders and both didnt wear helmets, so I told the traffic policemen that you are government servants and should accept the Rs 500 note. The fine was Rs 400 for both of us but they didnt accept that note and seized our licence. Traffic police PRO T. Koregaokar said, Its a regular practice that if commuters dont have money, we seize their licence and ask them to collect it from the office. As for these particular incidents, I have to check what exactly happened. Deepika, Ranbir, Parineeti and others celebrate ADHM's success with KJo The 6-month long state of emergency was declared on October 9, an unprecedented move by current govt. Unrest in the country had begun in the central Oromo region and then spread to Amhara in the north, causing hundreds of deaths, according to human rights organisations. (Photo: Representational Image/AP) Addis Ababa: Authorities have arrested more than 11,000 people since Ethiopia declared a state of emergency in early October amid violent protests, state TV said on Saturday. Ethiopia has been in political crisis for around a year with frequent outbreaks of violence as authorities have brutally cracked down on anti-government demonstrators. "Some 11,607 individuals have so far been detained in six prisons, of which 347 are female, in connection with the state of emergency declared in the country," State of Emergency Inquiry Board chairperson Taddesse Hordofa said in a statement broadcast by EBC. Hordofa reeled off a long list of offences ranging from serious crimes such as "attacking security forces using firearms" or "killing civilians and members of security forces" to the much more mundane "denying provision of public services" and "disrupting movement of vehicles". This figure is a huge increase on the 2,500 arrests that Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn's government had announced at the end of October. The six-month state of emergency was declared on October 9, an unprecedented move by the current government, which has been in power for 25 years. Unrest in the country had begun in the central Oromo region and then spread to Amhara in the north, causing hundreds of deaths, according to human rights organisations. Those regions are where the majority of arrests have been made and make up 60 per cent of the country's population. On October 31, Ethiopian defence minister Siraj Fegessa announced that 2,000 people who had participated in protests had been released, although today's announcement included no details on how many of the 11,000 remain in prison. During the visit, India and Japan signed 10 pacts covering a range of areas. Sayonara Japan! An important friendship stands strengthened as PM enplanes from Osaka for the journey back to Delhi, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted. (Photo: Twitter) Osaka: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sunday left for home after concluding his three-day visit to Japan, during which the two countries signed a landmark civil nuclear deal and nine other agreements in various areas. Modi left from the Japanese city of Osaka for New Delhi. "Sayonara Japan! An important friendship stands strengthened as PM @narendramodi enplanes from Osaka for the journey back to Delhi," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted. Before his departure, Modi addressed a luncheon gathering of business leaders in Kobe, a city on Osaka Bay. He also travelled in Japan's famed high-speed Shinkansen bullet train, which is being introduced in India on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad stretch, with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe. During the visit, India and Japan signed 10 pacts covering a range of areas such as boosting Japanese investment in infrastructure, railways, and for cooperation in space and agriculture, as part of agreements to bolster bilateral ties. Afghan government has been trying to woo the militant group for peace talks. The Taliban leaders insisted they could only say whether or not the group will join talks after two or three months. (Photo: AFP/Representational Image) Islamabad: Afghan Taliban negotiators have told Pakistan that they need more time to prepare themselves for the peace talks with the Afghan government, a media report said on Saturday. Afghan government has been trying to woo the militant group for peace talks after a leading warlord of Soviet jihad era, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, inked agreement to end violence. Three senior members of the Qatar-based Taliban political office arrived in Pakistan in late October after reports suggested that a senior Taliban leader had met Afghanistan's spy chief in the Gulf country in the presence a senior US official, the Express Tribune reported. "The Taliban representatives have wrapped up their nearly two-week visit and conveyed to Pakistani officials that they have not yet decided to enter into dialogue with the Kabul administration," the paper said, citing a Taliban source. The Taliban leaders insisted they could only say whether or not the group will join talks after two or three months. Other sources familiar with Taliban internal discussions said Pakistan told the visiting negotiators that it wants the Taliban to join the peace process. Pakistan is seemingly upset at the Talibans refusal to come to the negotiation table and could press them to review their stance on the peace process. It is widely believed that the arrest of senior Taliban leader Ahmadullah Muti alias Mullah Nanai last month in Balochistan was aimed at conveying a message to the group to join the peace process. Taliban sources confirmed the detention of Nanai and three other leaders but gave no reasons for the arrests. A Taliban official had earlier stated that the Qatar-based Taliban leaders had also "sought an explanation" from Pakistan over the arrest of their leaders. The refusal by Taliban to end violence is a major setback to Kabul as it has pinned hope on insurgents agreeing for peace to retrieve the sagging fortunes of the country. Abdeslam is accused of having provided logistical support to the seven jihadists who died at the various scenes of the terror attacks. The Hague: The main Paris attacks suspect, Salah Abdeslam, has become even more radicalised since being imprisoned for his presumed role in the slaughter of 130 people a year ago, his former lawyer has said. "He's got a beard, he's become a true fundamentalist whereas before he was a kid wearing Nike trainers," Belgian lawyer Sven Mary told Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant's Saturday edition. Belgian-born French national Abdeslam is believed to be the only jihadist survivor of the November 13 attacks in the French capital that Belgian authorities claim were orchestrated by the Islamic State high command. After four months on the run, the 27-year-old of Moroccan origin was arrested in Brussels in March and subsequently transferred to France in April. Lawyer Mary said Abdeslam's detention conditions at a prison in the Parisian suburb of Fleury-Merogis amounted to "psychological torture" and had contributed to his apparent radicalisation. He is kept in solitary confinement and subjected to round-the-clock video surveillance. Abdeslam is accused of having provided logistical support to the seven jihadists who died at the various scenes of the terror attacks: the Bataclan concert hall, the Stade de France national stadium and several bars and restaurants in central Paris. In July, his lawyers had attempted unsuccessfully to end the constant surveillance, but authorities had deemed the "exceptional character of terrorist acts" as justifying that "all precautions are taken". Last month both Mary and another lawyer, Frank Berton, gave up defending Abdeslam over his refusal to answer investigators' questions since being transferred to France. Mary said then that the lawyers felt they were doing nothing more than paying "social visits to the prison" and had decided to quit the defence. Abdeslam's brother Mohamed last month urged him to speak to French authorities but also said he felt Salah "is more radicalised now, rather than de-radicalised". Detectives nabbed the 24-year-old, an intelligence wing leader of the banned outfit Ansar al-Islam from Dhaka's main railway station. Bangladesh has been roiled by gruesome killings, with a particularly bloody massacre in July that left 22 dead after an assault on an upscale cafe in the capital. (Photo: Representational Image/AFP) Dhaka: Bangladesh police said on Saturday they had arrested an Islamist militant leader wanted in connection with the murder of a blogger and publisher. Khairul Islam "directly took part" in the killings of Niloy Chottopadhay and Faisal Arefin Deepan last year, police said, two of the dozens of deadly attacks on secular activists and foreigners. Detectives nabbed the 24-year-old, an intelligence wing leader of the banned outfit Ansar al-Islam, also known as Ansarullah Bangla Team, from Dhaka's main railway station late Friday. "He directly took part in the (two) killings besides running reconnaissance for months on the victims," Masudur Rahman, Dhaka police spokesman, told AFP. "The killings took place by the order of Major Zia," the official said, referring to Syed Ziaul Haque, a former army officer who allegedly heads ABT, one of two major banned domestic terrorist outfits blamed by the government for the wave of violence. Chottopadhay, a blogger, was hacked to death in August last year at his home by machete-wielding assassins. Deepan, a publisher, was killed in his office in October 2015. Bangladesh has been roiled by gruesome killings, with a particularly bloody massacre in July that left 22 dead after an assault on an upscale cafe in the capital. The Islamic State group and al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent have said they were behind most attacks, but Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government has blamed ABT and another banned outfit Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh. The July carnage triggered a security force crackdown on Islamist extremists, with police shooting dead nearly 40 suspected militants since. The news channel also claimed to have Trump's childhood photographs and even broadcasted them. The story was broadcasted by Pak-based Neo News channel last month when Trump was campaigning for Presidency. (Photo: YouTube Screengrab) Islamabad: A Pakistani news channel ran a news report stating that US President-elect Donald Trump is originally from Pakistan. The report also stated that although they have not verified the fact, many people have been claiming it on social media. In the video clip that's going viral on the internet, the anchor narrates the story of how Trump was born and brought up in the country and later travelled to the US. The story was broadcasted by Pak-based Neo News channel last month when Trump was campaigning for Presidency. The anchor, in the video, says, "Presidential candidate Donald Trump was born in Pakistan and not in America." She then goes on to narrate the story behind Trump's origin. The news report stated that Trump's actual name was Dawood Ibrahim Khan and he was born and brought up in Waziristan in 1954. He stayed with his parents in the country until one day when he lost them in a road accident. Thereafter he was taken to London by British Indian Army captain. In London, Dawood was adopted by the Trump family. The news channel also claimed to have Trump's childhood photographs and even broadcasted them. Watch the video here: Kabul: An explosion struck the largest US military base in Afghanistan early Saturday, killing four and wounding 14 others, NATO said. No militant group has so far claimed responsibility for the blast, which occurs as the Taliban step up nationwide attacks before the onset of winter, when fighting usually ebbs. "We can confirm that there was an explosion at Bagram Airfield this morning just after 5:30 am (0100 GMT). There have been casualties," the military coalition said in a brief statement. "Our Force Protection and medical teams are responding to the situation," it added, without offering any other details. The explosion underscores a worsening security situation nearly two years after NATO formally ended its combat operations in Afghanistan. Bagram Airfield, close to Kabul, has frequently come under attack by Taliban insurgents. Last December, a motorcycle-riding Taliban suicide bomber killed six US soldiers near Afghanistan's largest US military base. It was one of the deadliest attacks on foreign troops in the country in 2015. More than 2,100 Sikhs arrived in Lahore on Saturday from India on three special trains. Indian Sikh pilgrims waves upon their arrival at Wagah railway station near Lahore. (Photo: AP) Lahore: Over 2,100 Sikh pilgrims from India arrived in Lahore on Saturday to participate in the 548 birth anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism, at his birthplace in Nankana Sahib in Pakistan's Punjab province. "More than 2,100 Sikhs arrived here today from India on three special trains," Evacuee Trust Property Board spokesman Amer Hashmi told PTI. He said the Pakistan's embassy in New Delhi had issued more than 3,300 visas to Indian Sikhs however only 2,100 pilgrims have arrived in Lahore so far. Hashmi said ETPB chief Siddiqul Farooq and Pakistan Gurdwara Parbhandik Committee office-bearers greeted them at Wagah Border. Several Sikhs have complained about currency exchange rate at the Wagah immigration. However, authorities have promised to intervene and assured better currency exchange rate to the Sikh pilgrims. The officials also deported a Sikh pilgrim after he was found to be on the list of 'black-listed' passengers, Hashmi said, adding for the first time the visiting Sikhs were served food at the Wagah railway station. Talking to reporters, Sikh leader Sardar Sohan Singh said, "We always receive love from the people of Pakistan. We want cordial relations between the two countries and people to people contact." Saddiqul Farooq said the board has taken good care of the Sikh holy places in Pakistan. "You will find a difference when you get to Gurdwara Janamasthan in Nankana Sahib," he said. He told the Sikh groups leaders about extensive renovation work in gurdwaras in the country especially in the Punjab province. The Indian Sikhs have left for Nankana Sahib, some 80 km from Lahore, where they will attend the main function on November 13. The Indian pilgrims will also visit other gurdwaras in Punjab province before they leave for India on November 21. Guru Nanak Dev was born at Rai Bhoi Ki Talvandi (present day Nankana Sahib) near Lahore. He spent the last years of his life at Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib, about three kilometers from the International Border that separates India and Pakistan. Christian and Muslim leaders gather in the Iranian capital to discuss dialogue, extremism, violence and security. Cardinal Onaiyekan stresses the importance of practical actions and political decisions in the interests of peace. Iraqi Sunni leader: United to counter the radical ideology. Ayatollah Mohaghegh Damad: Iran a land of dialogue that promotes friendship between Christianity and Islam. Teheran (AsiaNews) - To strengthen inter-religious dialogue, combat fundamentalist ideology at the root of war and violence, relaunching the peace projects involving personalities of all faiths in a common path of encounter and discussion: These are some of the objectives outlined in the fourth Christian-Muslim Summit, which was held in Tehran (Iran) from 6 to 9 November. The meeting, which was widely reported on Iranian media, was hosted by the International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, which belongs to the Organization for Islamic cultures and religions. The theme of the 2016 summit "To respect and preserve human dignity, setting the stage for peace and global security." The event which was previously held in Washington (2010), Beirut (2011) and the Vatican (2014) was attended by prominent Christian figures (Catholics, Anglicans, Protestants) as well as notable Muslims (Sunni and Shia) coming from Iran, Iraq , Lebanon, Nigeria, the United States, the Vatican and Hong Kong. The Catholic Church was represented by Cardinal John Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja. In his address the cardinal, representing a nation of almost 170 million inhabitants divided in half between Christians and Muslims, stressed the "coexistence" between faiths in Nigeria, although "there are sometimes clashes." However, encounter and dialogue are "the best solutions in the eyes of God to solve the problems." People "want peace," stressed Cardinal Onaiyekan, and many are working hard to realize this goal, such as these people who are present in this meeting and certainly this summit is one of those steps that are taken in the world to lead humanity to peace". The archbishop of Abuja continued: "Although some believe that these efforts are useless and without results and waste of time and money, they should be told that this group should be trusted and we should believe that the continuation of these meetings will certainly lead to global peace. However, we should not think that these talks are enough, but we should take action and even make political decisions in this regard". Abouzar Ebrahimi Torkaman, the head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, which hosted the event touched on the issue of violence in religions, emphasizing that it "is not rooted" in it but "is generated by ignorance" of precepts of faith and "irrationality". He added: "Networking is one of the important goals of these meetings. If we could not fulfill the decisions that we have taken in these meetings by a network of interested and leaders, not serious results will be achieved and will be more of the same kind as that Ferdowsi, the great Iranian poet, said a thousand years ago: they sat, said and stood"." Finally, to combat extremism, he said that education and the educational process in schools must be addressed. The Ayatollah Taskhiri, among the closest collaborators of Khamenei for matters relating to the Muslim world, urged religions to commit to the path of dialogue on an equal level between members of different religions. We must not forget, warned the Shiite leader, the value of interreligious dialogue in the interests of peace and security "as it is written in the Koran." Sunni Sheikh Mahdi Sumaidaie, General Mufti of Iraq, emphasized the problem related to extremism and the ideology of takfirism, which has caused much bloodshed not only in his country, but in many areas of the world. He called for joint efforts of Christians, Muslims and Jews to reinstate a peaceful coexistence, which has happened and is still happening not only in Iraq but also in other parts of the Arab world and the West. "Tackling takfirism he said means confronting fundamentalism, and those who say that it is permissible to kill." "Some criticize the Sunni leaders who remain silent in the face of extremist violence - said the mufti - but it is not true, because we make our voice heard [...] and we invite all to work for peace." Finally Ayatollah Mohaghegh Damad, head of the department of Islamic studies at the Academy of Sciences in Iran recalled that the country has always been "a land of dialogue" and this has favored the "working revision" of the precepts of the faith in the context of the summit. A task carried out "without prejudice" and based on the value of the "dignity" of human contained in the scriptures. Addressing the media, he has asked them to spread "the message of peace" which is at the base of the summit; it is founded on the values of "friendship, reconciliation and love" that bind Christianity and Islam "over the centuries and for years to come." Yesterday, the Chinese president celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen. A united nation creates benefits for all the people while a divided country opens the way to external invasions. A threat to democratic Taiwan and Hong Kong. Beijing (AsiaNews / Agencies) - "We will never allow any one, any organisation, any political party to remove a part of territory from China in any form and at any time [...] All forms of separatist activities will be resolutely opposed by the entire Chinese people. It is our solemn pledge to the people and to history never to let the country be torn apart again". This was Xi Jinpings speech focused on "separatism" to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen yesterday. He, founder of the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang), led the Chinese revolution of 1911, which ended with the fall of the Qing and the birth of the Republic of China. Xi Jinping spoke for 45 minutes in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, in the presence of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party Politburo. A united country, said the Chinese president, creates benefits for all the people, whereas a divided nation inevitably faces threats. The latter, he said, China has experienced in the last century, with the invasions of foreign countries such as Japan and the European powers. According to several observers, the great emphasis that Xi Jinping has put the issue of separatism reveals the concern of the Party regarding the "Strait relations" with Taiwan. The island is ruled by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the pro-independence Chairman Tsai Ing-wen, who refuses to accept the principle of "one China." Wang Weinan, an expert of the Academy of Social Sciences in Shanghai, says: "The mainland sees pro-independence sentiments becoming part of the mainstream discussion in Taiwan, and yet the counterforce, like the KMT, has become weaker with no rebound in sight soon ". According to Wang, the Xi Jinping's speech can also be regarded as a warning against the Hong Kong separatists. On 7 November, Beijing decreed that two young localist, Sixtus Baggio and Leung Yau Wai-ching, who had refused to swear alliance with China be excluded from Hong Kong parliament. What Men Feel While Christmas Shopping 7 Things That Go Through All Men's Minds While Christmas Shopping One unintended consequence of the US elections this week was that, for once, the unveiling of the John Lewis Christmas advert didnt dominate the national conversation. But, as in previous years, this remains the starting gun for the full-on descent into the festive season: more than high-street turkey sandwiches, more than Starbucks latest syrupy crime against conventional coffee, more than the mysterious appearance on menus of pigs in blankets. This years spot is a heart-rending tale about the neighbourhoods feral animals taking over a little girls new trampoline, set to Vaults acoustic cover of Randy Crawfords "One Day Ill Fly Away". However, it also serves as a reminder that once again, youre leaving it late in the day to organise your Christmas shopping and will be frantically charging around the local precinct at 9pm, with the following thoughts going through your head. 1. Deranged childlike wonder It doesnt matter how old and cynical you get, or how tawdry the commercialisation of Christmas might be. Therell be a moment when a choir fires up from somewhere, the snowflake-shaped lights sparkle overhead and wink back from the puddles and you feel like youve just wandered off the set of Its A Wonderful Life, radiating nothing but joy towards your fellow man. The fact that you might be outside Poundland in Watford and its tipping down with rain makes no difference the same part of your brain which responds to fireworks, pictures of cats in onesies and new Star Wars trailers has just been engaged. Sadly, this is likely to be followed by 2. Crippling depression Christmas shopping is like visiting Las Vegas. Fine for a short period of time, but if you look too closely you start to notice the deranged hobos, slot-machine addicts and other assorted human wreckage. Hopefully your local shopping centre isnt that bad, but if youre in there any longer than an hour, its amazing how fast the looped music, creaking tableaux of giant mechanical bears, warring families and mindless consumerism can send your serotonin levels plummeting. 3. Faint irritation at the John Lewis advert The more you think about that advert perhaps while numbing your buttocks on a bench outside the Early Learning Centre while waiting for your partner to emerge the more the plot holes open up. Had it followed anything approximating real life, the child would have been woken up in the middle of the night by the terrifying mating squawk of the foxes, before running out to find toxic turds all over her new gift, a shredded binliner in her sandpit, a dismembered squirrel scattered around the flowerbeds and the family dog getting savaged by a tuberculosis-riddled badger. 4. Incipient alcoholism On a cold winters day, with shopping bags cutting into your hands and endless text messages coming in from your partner and instructing you to track down weirdly specific kinds of wrapping paper, there is nowhere on earth more appealing than a British pub. Ideally, an independent snug with craft beers on tap and an open fire will present itself. But failing that, youd cheerfully make do with a bomb-proof hostelry beneath a multi-storey car park where half the punters are in mobility scooters and theyve reused the bunting from 2012. As long as its got alcohol, tinsel and a seat, youll drop in for a quick one. The fact its only 11am is neither here nor there normal drinking hours dont apply in December. 5. Financial delirium All year round, you keep a brutally tight grip on the purse-strings, carefully monitoring your outgoings through bookkeeping apps, sensible budgeting, and a set of tax arrangements which would put Amazon to shame. Which makes it all the more surprising that two days before Christmas youve completely blown the limit on three different credit cards, have just given 20 to a Big Issue seller without even taking a magazine, treated yourself to a solo Michelin-starred lunch on a whim and have bought your mum a snow-globe which cost more than your weeks rent. Basically, none of this is real until January and the bailiffs arrive. 6. Genuine bafflement at just how many relatives youve got For all that you see of your family, you might as well have been raised by wolves. Youre not even sure if most of them outside of your immediate circle are still alive, or how theyre all related to each other. Yet, for some reason, your mum has still sent you seven nagging, emoji-heavy texts reminding you that it would really mean a lot to your uncle, his third wife and your second step-cousin if you sent them something. Its no wonder you cant afford a house with these parasites taking it out of your wallet every December. 7. Mild resentment towards people with children Your shopping list has quadrupled in the last two years thanks to a number of your friends giving birth. Now, its not enough just to grab your mate a paperback or a novelty mug on the way to the pub on Christmas Eve. Theres got to be very specifically tailored gifts for his children, whose tastes seem to change in the arbitrary, never-ending way of a particularly unhinged Roman emperor. Plus, they only like wrapping paper in one colour, it cant be too different or too similar to what youve got for their siblings, and you wont be getting a single thing in return off your mate because well, you know, its an expensive time of year with the kids. The final insult is that the children will look at the presents for about eight seconds before wearing the box as a hat, having a sleep-deprived meltdown and then vomiting Haribo all over the cat. Merry Christmas. Related Readings Christmas Gifts For Your Girlfriend 25 Christmas Gifts For Her Top 25 Christmas Gifts For Him We have looked at the Partner (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 309) but do not meet the requirements We have looked at Student Visa, but would breach the "Genuine temporary entrant" requirement. We have looked at the Tourist Visa (ETA), but this would not allow her to study or work once we apply of the Partner visa (bridging visa rules) And we would be breaching the Tourist Visa (ETA) rules. Hello Everyone.I need some urgent help.Short version.My partner is from Japan, and has been in Australia for the last 8 months on a Working Holiday Visa. She has had to go back to Japan for family reason. We were unable to marry before she left, and now we need to find a visa for her to return to Australia on so we can be married. Due to time of relationship we cannot get the Partner (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 309). Study and Tourist visa might be possible, but we just don't know.Long VersionI meet my partner and I meet over three years ago when I was visiting a friend in Japan. Since that time we have both travelled to see each other a number of times. In December last year she came to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa and we lived together and decided to get married. This is where it gets complicated.We planned to get married this month, before the Working Holiday Visa expired, however due to two events, we were unable. 1 - Although I have been separated for over 4 year, my divorce was not completed. We had a court date in August but it was knocked back due to a missing document and now will happen this month. 2 - She had to return to Japan due to a sick Family member. She plans to stay in Japan until just before the wedding date.We have now planned to get married at the end of December, and have spent money organising this, as well as friends and family paying for flights etc. The problem is the wedding date is after her Working Holiday Visa expires.I am hoping there are other options. Something we can do. Any advice is really needed.What can we do?Thanks in advance.James. It all started last year, when AMS Performance led the battle for the R35 GT-R 1,320-feet sprint record within the US. However, back in January, Bahrain-based Ekanoo Racing stole the record, with the team then beating its own record the following month.However, earlier this week, Ekanoo Racing delivered a new Godzilla world record - in fact, the crew also set a Porsche 991 1/4-mile record with a 911 Turbo S, but we've already mentioned that in the Nissan story.And at the end of that article, we wondered what the American aftermarket developers engaged in this battle think of the Bahrain-captured record.Well, the piece of footage at the bottom of the page allows us to get an answer to that question - the clip shows AMS Performance bringing the record back to the US.And the machine used wasn't the tuner's developer car. Instead, we're talking about a customer vehicle. However, this isn't your "average" client car - the new record was set using the Alpha G, which, according to the estimations dropped by AMS Performance in the past, packs around 3,000 ponies.Its owner, Gidi, used to race a 2,000 hp AMS-build GT-R that slipped on its spilled oil and crashed at over 100 mph. Which means we're dealing with a bit of a Phoenix story here.The Alpha G GT-R managed to deliver a 7.14s run at 212 mph and you can check it all out in the video below. The clip also allows us to see how extreme trying to handle such a setup in low-speed, parking-like scenarios can be.And since Ekanoo Racing had already dropped the usual "our new setup still has untapped potential", we'll be here with that popcorn. Photo of 2017 Land Rover Discovery by Paul Clinton. The 2017 Land Rover Discovery became a gift that arrived early at a Nov. 11 media event in Venice, Calif. that paired the luxury SUV with coconut water, kale salad, and a celebrity surfer. The event came several days before Land Rover shows the vehicle for the first time in North America at the Los Angeles Auto Show. As Land Rover unveiled its 2017 Discovery to automotive journalists, surfer Laird Hamilton and volleyball player Gabby Reece stood by to describe their day of testing the vehicle that replaces the Land Rover LR4 with a splash. The 2017 Discovery arrives at about the same length detailed specifications are forthcoming but sheds 1,000 pounds by incorporating extensive aluminum body panels. The supercharged 3.0L V-6 gasoline engine carries over with the ZF 8-speed transmission, and the vehicle adds a 3.0L V-6 diesel-powered model. The gasoline model can tow 8,201 pounds, while the diesel model can tow 7,716 pounds. Photo of 2017 Land Rover Discovery HSE by Paul Clinton. Body styling has been significantly reworked to give the vehicle more of a low-slung front end, and a legacy infotainment system has been replaced with the InControl Touch Pro that can be paired with an 8- or 12-inch touch screen. Land Rover added a new navigation system to the package. Land Rover is also offering a connected seating configuration system known as Intelligent Seat Fold that allows users to configure the three-row SUV in at least six different ways to accommodate up to seven people and regular or elongated cargo. When it goes on sale around June, the Discovery will arrive in three trim grades, including SE, HSE, and HSE Lux. The seating system is available on the HSE Lux model. The base model will retail for $49,990. As GAMA released another disappointing aircraft production report this week, the Teal Groups Richard Aboulafia recently told the National Air Transportation Association that market data suggests next year wont be much better. And although Teal says its cautiously confident that things wont get worse, Aboulafia told us in this AVweb podcast that were far from the disastrous days of 2009. Were not in freefall. This may be a disappointment. Were not in a 2009 situation, Aboulafia told us. Nonetheless, for the near term through the 2020 time frame, there are no market trends that suggest a strong uptick. No one wants to use the phrase the new normal, but it sure looks like the new normal to me, Aboulafia says. It looks as if the recovery doesnt seem to be gaining momentum. Weve actually lost a little ground over the past couple of years, he adds. Teals global data shows business aircraft production was down 6.3 percent during 2014-15, regional jet production declined by 10.5 percent and civil rotorcraft were off by 9.4 percent. GAMA data shows that piston production declined from 1030 units in 2013 to 783 in 2015, a retreat of 24 percent. Piston production increased by 16 percent between 2010 and 2013. Teals data paints a complex explanation for the decline and although theres a connection between world GDP and aircraft demand, the curve isnt a perfect fit. After the crash of 2008, world GDP recovered tepidly with an uptick curve, but aircraft deliveries flattened. Aboulafia described what he calls the great bifurcation in 2008, where the top half of the business aircraft marketboth in size of aircraft and costgrew sharply while the lower end plummeted even more dramatically. And the growth that weve seen in the so-called recovery was all at the top end. And thats where were seeing some damage now, primarily due to low oil prices, weak emerging markets and an unfortunately changing business culture in China, Aboulafia says. Another less obvious business cultural change shown by Aboulafias data is sharply reduced aircraft utilization. On a per aircraft basis, its 11 percent from a high in 2007 and the recovery curve since then has been a shallow climb. There seems to be some sort of shift underway in how business aircraft are appreciated and used. Thats not good for utilization, Aboulafia says. One way manufacturers have responded to this is ever larger aircraft. The three top producers, Gulfstream, Dassualt and Bombardier, are proposing yet larger, wider cabin airplanes. Cessna recently introduced its largest cabin, the Citation Hemisphere. I think theyre thinking, If we cant sell in units, we can in dollars,' says Aboulafia. This has implications for FBOs and MROs and aftermarket businesses modeled on high volume. The market, says Aboulafia, is currently going in the opposite direction. See a further analysis of Teals data in todays AVweb blog. 12 November 2016 11:00 (UTC+04:00) By Trend A presentation of the Baku International Sea Trade Port was held at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, said the port in a message November 11. The presentation was held during the working visit of the ports head Taleh Ziyadov to Belgium. Addressing the presentation, Ivo Vajgl, a member of the European Parliament from Slovenia, noted that Azerbaijan, besides being a reliable energy partner of the EU, will also be a strategic transportation partner. Ziyadov, for his part, said that transportation and logistics infrastructure, petrochemical and pharmaceutics zones are planned to be created in the free trade area in the Baku Ports territory, and the work to produce, package and label different products will be carried out there. Therefore, 1,000 jobs will be created in the free trade zone that will contribute to attraction of big investments to Azerbaijan, noted Ziyadov. During the visit, Ziyadov also held negotiations with Henrik Hololei, director general for mobility and transport at the European Commission, and discussed prospects of future cooperation. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree March 17, 2016, on measures to create a free trade zone type special economic area covering the territory of the Baku International Sea Trade Port in the Alat township of Bakus Garadagh district. -- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 12 November 2016 12:00 (UTC+04:00) By Trend The 26th meeting of the Trade and Transport Facilitation (TTF) Project Steering Committee of the GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development will be held in Azerbaijan, the countrys State Customs Committee said in a message November 11. The decision was made during the 25th meeting of the committee in the city of Lviv, Ukraine. At the meeting, Azerbaijan was represented by chief of the Main Department for Activity Assessment and Development Programs of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, customs service major-general Igbal Babayev and Chief of External Relations Department of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan Dilavar Farzaliyev. The GUAM member countries also discussed the technical conditions to organize preliminary information exchange regarding the goods and vehicles transported across their state borders, according to the message. The establishment of internal procedures to sign the protocol on mutual recognition of customs inspection results regarding a number of products, as well as coordination of the agreement to simplify transit of goods and vehicles among the GUAM member countries were considered. -- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 12 November 2016 10:05 (UTC+04:00) By Trend The US is likely to maintain its South Caucasus strategy by working with Russia and Turkey to further resolve issues in the region, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in particular, Theodore Karasik, senior advisor at Gulf State Analytics, told Trend Nov. 11. The transition between [the US] administrations is not likely to result in major changes to American policy, Karasik stated. Trumps policy is the exact same policy articulated by the Obama administration in its last months in office where Washington literally ceded the South Caucasus to Moscow and Ankara, he explained. Meanwhile, said Karasik, it is important to remember that the Trump administration is looking for "bargain deals" with energy remaining the key focus. There is one South Caucasus country Georgia that may benefit from the Trump administration, Karasik said. This is due to Trump's earlier visits to that country, the expert added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts. The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 12 November 2016 09:00 (UTC+04:00) By Amina Nazarli November 12 sees the next anniversary of the Constitution Day in Azerbaijan a significant event in the history of the country and nation. The Constitution of indepedent Azerbaijan, adopted 21 years ago by nationwide voting, laid the legal foundations of the transition to the democratic republic. This year was remembered with a particular importance for the country's constitution, as Azerbaijan has reformed its constitution for the third time in an effort to improve the state administration system and cope with the challenges of the modern world. Before, the Constitution was amended through the referendum twice in 2002 and in 2009. The advanced constitution with 29 changes is considered a new guarantee of political stability in Azerbaijan, aiming to prevent any weakening in the government. All 29 amendments were approved by between 90 percent and 95 percent of voters, thus allowing to take an important step towards protecting the country's independence, even more successfully organizing national security and protecting human rights. The adoption of the Constitution comprised of 5 sections, 12 chapters and 158 articles in 1995 became one of the most significant milestones in the history of the state. This important document laid the beginning of a new page in Azerbaijans history. The Constitution did stand not only for a legal recognition of the new social system, but also was an indication that the development of the country had entered a new stage. Through this law, Azerbaijanis announced their intention to defend the country, to guarantee the democratic system, to achieve the establishment of civil society and to live in friendship, peace and security with other nations. The basic law proclaimed Azerbaijan a democratic, legal, secular and unitary republic, as well as secured its citizens rights and freedoms as the highest goal of the state. On this glorious day, every Azerbaijani citizen feels his or her involvement in the formation of a free, democratic society aimed at providing for a bright future to subsequent generations. -- Amina Nazarli is AzerNews staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @amina_nazarli Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 12 November 2016 19:14 (UTC+04:00) President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has viewed Qarabag Taxil LLC pilot grain farm as part of his visit to Beylagan district. The project attracted a 10 million manat low-interest loan provided by the government. The complex features a 20,000 ton storage, a grain drying system with the capacity of 100 tons per hour and a 6,000 ton logistic center. Qarabag Taxil LLC farm occupies a total area of 4,800 hectares in Aghjabadi and Beylagan districts. The company is an affiliate and production line of Saba LLC. Azerbaijan Investment Company owns a 25 per cent stake in the company. President Ilham Aliyev watched cultivation and harvesting process. Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev informed the head of state of the production process at the farm. The head of state then viewed stands highlighting the activity of Qarabag Taxil LLC pilot grain farm. The project created 130 new jobs, with the average monthly salary of 350 manats. President Ilham Aliyev met with local residents and staff of the farm, and then posed for photographs with them. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 12 November 2016 10:36 (UTC+04:00) By Trend Uzbekistan will export one million tons of fruits and vegetables by late 2016, Ulugbek Rozukulov, Uzbek deputy prime minister, said at the first International Fruit and Vegetable Fair in Tashkent. "Uzbekistan exported around 700,000 tons of agricultural products in 10 months of 2016 and this figure will reach one million tons by late 2016," Rozukulov added. In total, the export of fruits and vegetables from Uzbekistan will increase by 1.4 times in 2016. He added that the supplies to Russia and neighboring countries increased by three times, to South Korea by five times, to the UAE by 1.8 times, and to Germany by 1.6 times. Rozukulov said that agricultural products have been recently exported to such countries as Norway, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Cyprus, Macedonia, and the US. Around 16 million tons of fruits and vegetables are produced in Uzbekistan annually. -- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 12 November 2016 12:30 (UTC+04:00) By Trend Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Lubomir Zaoralek said the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as an important international agreement was the outcome of a successful diplomacy, IRNA reported. Making the remark in a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif here on Friday, he said the two countries were now able to increase the volume of their cooperation in political, cultural and economic areas so the visit could be high significance for both countries. He said the two nations could also cooperation in the issue of Syrian crisis until its final settlement by fighting the terrorist Daesh group. The Czech foreign minister said that in the post-JCPOA era, the two countries could expand their banking relations. Zaoralek also expressed happiness over the visit of Zarif to his country which is the first one to take place by an Iranian foreign minister in twelve years. Zarif, who is on a tour to three Eastern European countries arrived in Prague, capital of Czech Republic on Thursday evening. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 12 November 2016 16:20 (UTC+04:00) The Minister of National Defense of China Chang Wanquan is expected to arrive in Iranian capital of Tehran on November 13. The three-day visit will take place at the official invitation of Iranian defense minister, Brigadier-General Hossein Dehqan, IRNA news agency reported. The Chinese minister is slated to meet several high-ranking Iranian officials to discuss bilateral issues as well as regional and international developments. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 12 November 2016 17:37 (UTC+04:00) By Trend Irans President Hassan Rouhani has said Tehran and Hungary can enjoy peaceful nuclear cooperation. Speaking in a meeting with the visiting Speaker of Hungarys National Assembly Laszlo Kover, Rouhani said his government had based its foreign policy on expanding relations with friendly countries, IRIB reported November 12. Hungarys competencies in the field of industry and agriculture has created proper bases for the expansion of Tehran-Budapest ties, Rouhani noted. He also emphasized the implementation of the eight documents that were signed when Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban visited Iran last year. According to the documents, Tehran and Budapest will boost their political consultations and promote their cooperation in the fields of economy, investment, tourism as well as cultural, scientific and educational exchanges. The two sides will also cooperate on health, medicine and communications technology. Iran and the Hungarian multinational oil and gas company MOL in late October launched a new round of negotiations to sign a long-term oil deal. According to traders and shipping data, MOL had commissioned a cargo of 140,000 tons of Iranian heavy crude oil for October 23. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz The government purchased fake chinese APCs for our soldiers. They cant withstand a small impact of an IED. Effects of Corruption!!The government purchased fake chinese APCs for our soldiers. They cant withstand a small impact of an IED. pic.twitter.com/0rNy8FFNvv November 12, 2016 President Uhuru Kenyatta was furious on the increasing persecution rate of the Kenya Defense Force in South Sudan. The president with the Defense team decided to withdraw the Defense forces from South Sudan. The increase in mortality rate of our defense force who are also in Somali now is scaring. The attacks that people have forgotten which were carried out against our forces in the battle to secure Kenya is now being directed to the Weapons which they are using.Devasted Kenyans when on twitter and show off what the defense forces were given to go for a fight. The defense ministry scandal that the opposition leader Raila Odinga roared shows was a real. The procurement of the Military weapons had irregularities and purchased fake tankers and other defense gadgets which ended up broken in the battle.Do these gadgets contributed to the attacks in Somali? Is the government playing with people souls in the battle? The scandal that Odinga revealed about the defense tendering and procurement looks like, it had a right notation. High Wind Warning for Oregon Coast; King Tides After Weekend Published 11/11/2016 at 6:23 PM PDT - Updated 11/11/2016 at 6:33 PM PDT By Oregon Coast Beach Connection staff (Oregon Coast) A wind warning is now in effect for the entire upper half of the Oregon coast, in place until 8 a.m. on Saturday morning and possibly bringing gusts up to 65 mph on beaches and headlands. The National Weather Service (NWS) in Portland issued the warning, covering the towns of Florence, Yachats, Newport, Lincoln City, Pacific City, Tillamook, Manzanita, Seaside, Cannon Beach and Astoria. (Above: stormy waves just south of Yachats). Winds will calm considerably by the late afternoon. Meanwhile, some super-sized tides are headed for the region Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, known as the King Tides. Just prior to that, however, Saturday will see sizable wave height around 14 feet, possibly creating some decent stormwatching sights on the windiest day. The NWS said the big winds kick in after midnight tonight and continue until mid morning. Winds in the coastal towns will be from the south at 20 to 30 mph, with gusts as high as 55 mph. But on the beaches and headlands, things will roar to the tune of 40 mph sustained winds and gusts up to 65 mph. The impact here will be some difficulty traveling, downed trees and likely power outages, the NWS said. A high wind warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring, the NWS said. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 mph or gusts of 58 mph or more can lead to property damage. Predictions also call for possible thunderstorms before 10 a.m along the Oregon coast, along with plenty of rain for the weekend. By Saturday afternoon, winds decrease to more around 15 mph, backing off quite a bit, which will make watching the big waves much easier. Later that night brings a chance of fog. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are simply wet and somewhat breezy, with Tuesday looking to be somewhat dry. High tides that day and Wednesday are in the mid afternoons and as high as almost ten feet in some spots. Monday is the largest Super Moon of the whole year, see more on that here. Cloudy skies will likely dampen the fun for that. There is also the King Tides Project happening over those three high-tide days. Volunteer photographers are asked to document the highest tides of the year, showing the intersection of the ocean with both human-built infrastructure (roads, seawalls, trails, bridges) and natural features such as cliffs and wetlands. Anyone capable of wielding a camera can participate. The three extreme tidal series participants will be photographing this winter begin with the series taking place this week. The other two rounds are December 12 - 15, and January (2017) 10-13. Such high tides are known in Australia, where the project originated, as King Tides, (hence the name). Information on how to participate and post photos can be found on the projects website, http://www.oregonkingtides.net/. Oregon Coast Lodgings for this event - Where to eat - Maps - Virtual Tours - Click here for Oregon Coast Weather and tides. More About Oregon Coast hotels, lodging..... More About Oregon Coast Restaurants, Dining..... Coastal Spotlight LATEST Related Oregon Coast Articles Back to Oregon Coast Contact Advertise on BeachConnection.net All Content, unless otherwise attributed, copyright BeachConnection.net Unauthorized use or publication is not permitted This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate A missing Baytown teen whose body was found Thursday following the Tuesday discovery of her fatally shot mother and daughter was stabbed the death. Authorities realized 16-year-old Kirsten Fritch could not be accounted for after her relatives were slain and her mother's car disappeared. She died of "sharp force injury" to "the abdomen, the chest and the neck," John Florence, an investigator with the Galveston County Medical Examiner's Office, confirmed Friday. The type of weapon used had not been determined, he said. TRAGIC END: Teen's body was found on the northeast edge of a wooded area Cynthia Morris, 37, and her 13-year-old daughter, Breanna Pavlicek, were found shot to death at their Baytown home on Tuesday. The medical examiner's office said Thursday that Morris was shot in the torso and neck while Breanna had firearm wounds to her head, neck and right shoulder. Police issued an Amber Alert this week and identified a person of interest Kirsten's 21-year-old boyfriend Jesse Christian Dobbs. He was arrested Tuesday night after arriving at a Texas City bar reportedly wet and shoeless. Officers with the Texas Department of Public Safety and the FBI assisted local police in searching the immediate surroundings of the bar on Wednesday. Authorities enlisted Equusearch founder Tim Miller, along with three-dozen volunteers, who began their work on Thursday morning. Kirsten's body was found less than 1,000 feet from the bar in the underbrush of a wooded area. The Goose Creek Memorial High School student and orchestra musician had plans attend college to study medicine. FAMILY HORROR: Girl's mom, sister found dead inside home Dobbs, who is being held at the Galveston County Jail, is the lone suspect in all three deaths. As of Friday afternoon, he was charged with resisting arrest in addition to a municipal hold requested by the Texas City Police Department, jail records show. His bail is $50,520. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. United States of America, Appellee, v. Ernesto Olivo, DefendantAppellant. No. 153287cr Decided: November 10, 2016 PRESENT: PIERRE N. LEVAL, ROBERT D. SACK, REENA RAGGI, Circuit Judges. Appearing for Appellant: Richard Harris Rosenberg, Law Office of Richard H. Rosenberg, New York, New York. Appearing for Appellee: Russell Capone, Assistant United States Attorney (Adam S. Hickey, Assistant United States Attorney, on the brief), for Preet Bharara, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, New York, New York. SUMMARY ORDER Defendant Ernesto Olivo appeals his conviction following trial of conspiracy to traffic five kilograms or more of cocaine, 500 grams or more of mixtures containing methamphetamine, and 50 grams or more of pure methamphetamine. See 21 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)(A), 846. Presently incarcerated, serving a belowGuidelines mandatory minimum prison term of 10 years, Olivo challenges (1) the admission of hearsay statements, (2) the prosecution's misuse of certain hearsay statements in summation, and (3) the sufficiency of the evidence supporting his conviction. We assume the parties' familiarity with the facts and record of prior proceedings, which we reference only as necessary to explain our decision to affirm. 1. Informant Hearsay Olivo argues that the district court erred in allowing the government to elicit, over objection, on redirect examination of a government agent, a confidential informant's (CI's) out-of-court statement that Olivo had told the CI about an 18kilogram cocaine shipment from Ecuador to Miami. Olivo argues not only that the statement was inadmissible as hearsay, but that its admission violated his Sixth Amendment right of confrontation. See U.S. Const. amend. VI. He further argues that the government compounded these errors by referencing the statement for its truth in summation. We generally review a preserved challenge to the admissibility of evidence for abuse of discretion. See United States v. Coplan, 703 F.3d 46, 82 (2d Cir. 2012). Where a defendant argues that the improper admission of hearsay evidence violated the Confrontation Clause, our review is de novo, subject to harmless error. See United States v. Jass, 569 F.3d 47, 55 (2d Cir. 2009). We review a challenged summation comment in the context of the entire trial to determine if it substantially prejudiced the defendant. United States v. Williams, 690 F.3d 70, 75 (2d Cir. 2012) (internal quotation marks omitted). In so doing, we consider the seriousness of the misconduct, any curative measures, and the certainty of the conviction absent the improper statements. See United States v. Banki, 685 F.3d 99, 120 (2d Cir. 2011). Applying these standards here, we conclude that even if the defense did not open the door to admission of the challenged statement, cf. United States v. Rosa, 11 F.3d 315, 335 (2d Cir. 1993), its admission was harmless in light of the district court's limiting instructions, which made clear that the challenged CI statement was not to be considered for its truth. Statements admitted for purposes other than establishing the truth of the matter asserted raise neither hearsay nor Confrontation Clause concerns. See United States v. Certified Envtl. Servs., Inc., 753 F.3d 72, 89 (2d Cir. 2014) (holding that statement received for purpose other than its truth does not raise hearsay concerns); see also United States v. Paulino, 445 F.3d 211, 21617 (2d Cir. 2006) (same re: Confrontation Clause concerns) (citing Crawford v. Washington, 541 U.S. 36, 59 n.9 (2004)). We assume the jury followed the district court's instructions on the issue. See United States v. Stewart, 433 F.3d 273, 310 (2d Cir. 2006). In its rebuttal summation, however, the prosecution appeared to cross the line drawn by the district court and to reference the challenged statement for its truth. The mention was brief, and drew no immediate defense objection, as one might expect if prejudicial error. Indeed, it was only when the district court, at the close of summations, questioned the government's use of the statement that defense counsel objected and moved for a mistrial. Denying the motion, the district court thereafter twice instructed the jury that the CI's statement could not be considered for its truth. We presume the jury followed these instructions, which were sufficient in this case to cure the error. See id. In any event, Olivo cannot show prejudice because other evidence persuasively linked Olivo to the distribution of an additional 15 kilograms of cocaine. Moreover, the jury found Olivo guilty of trafficking in quantities of methamphetamine substances and pure methamphetamine, independently triggering the mandatory minimum sentence that he is serving. See United States v. Zvi, 168 F.3d 49, 5556 (2d Cir. 1999) (upholding conspiracy conviction where jury found valid objects proved, even if other objects legally deficient). 2. Text Messages Olivo raises a hearsay challenge to the admission of various text messages found on cell phones seized from his apartment. We need not decide if this particular challenge was forfeited in the district court so as to be reviewed only for plain error because Olivo cannot demonstrate any error. A statement is not hearsay when it is made by the defendant himself, see Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)(A), or by a coconspirator during and in furtherance of the conspiracy, see Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)(E). We review a district court's factual findings regarding the conspiracy for clear error and its decision to admit coconspirator statements for abuse of discretion, which we do not identify here. See United States v. Gupta, 747 F.3d 111, 124 (2d Cir. 2014). Certainly, there was ample independent corroborating evidence that Olivo was a participant in the cocaine distribution conspiracy. See United States v. Tellier, 83 F.3d 578, 580 (2d Cir. 1996). To the extent Olivo characterizes the text messages as mere chit chat not in furtherance of the conspiracy, see United States v. Diaz, 176 F.3d 52, 85 (2d Cir. 1999) (noting that in furtherance requirement not satisfied by mere idle chatter (internal quotation marks omitted)), that argument is belied by the statements themselves, which, though coded, plainly reference drug trafficking, particularly when considered in light of the testimony of cooperating witnesses detailing Olivo's drug activities. The same conclusion applies to Olivo's argument that there is a lack of evidence identifying the persons communicating with Olivo on the text messages or their roles in the conspiracies. The law does not require proof of either in order to permit a preponderance finding (1) that a conspiracy existed, (2) that the declarants were members of the conspiracy, and (3) that the statements were made in furtherance thereof. See United States v. Coppola, 671 F.3d 220, 247 (2d Cir. 2012); United States v. Eppolito, 543 F.3d 25, 4748 (2d Cir. 2008); United States v. Provenzano, 615 F.2d 37, 45 (2d Cir. 1980) (noting that when sufficient evidence of conspiracy is presented, evidence sufficient to connect it to additional co-conspirators need not be overwhelming (quoting United States v. Head, 546 F.2d 6, 910 (2d Cir. 1976) (internal quotation marks omitted))). The district court did not abuse its discretion in finding these elements satisfied here. 3. Sufficiency of the Evidence Olivo argues that the evidence was insufficient to prove a conspiracy to traffic in five or more kilograms of cocaine and that the district court should not have allowed that object of the conspiracy to be considered by the jury, as he requested in his motion pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 29(a). We construe the district court's initial decision as one reserving decision on the motion, and conclude that the court acted within its discretion in so doing. See Fed. R. Crim. P. 29(b). At whatever point Rule 29 relief is denied, we review the district court's sufficiency determination de novo, considering the evidence in the light most favorable to the government, drawing all inferences in the government's favor and deferring to the jury's assessments of the witnesses' credibility. United States v. Pierce, 785 F.3d 832, 838 (2d Cir. 2015) (internal quotation marks omitted). When we do that here, we conclude that the evidence easily supported the jury's verdict as to the cocaine object of the conspiracy. Indeed, even discounting the 18 kilograms of cocaine shipped from Ecuador to Miami, as the district court did in imposing sentence, record evidence linked Olivo to additional cocaine shipments of at least 15 kilograms. Thus, Olivo's sufficiency challenge fails on the merits. 4. Conclusion We have considered Olivo's remaining arguments and conclude that they are without merit. Accordingly, the judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED. FOOTNOTES . Although Olivo dismisses the text messages' references to drug quantity as inconclusive, when we view the messages in the light most favorable to the government, we must assume that the jury construed references to work and keys as kilogram drug weights. See, e.g., J.A. 40, 47; Gov't Add. 9, 11; see also Trial Tr. 225:1418 (testimony by cooperating witness that work was code word for cocaine); Trial Tr. 528:13529:7 (questioning undercover agent on use of code words). For Texas Democrats, it has to be considered a moral victory. For the first time since 1976, they managed to keep the margin of defeat for their presidential candidate below double-digits. Well, barely. Current returns show Donald Trump getting 52.6 percent of the state vote as compared to 43.4 percent for Hillary Clinton, with the rest going to minor candidates. That's a difference of 9.2 percentage points between Trump and Clinton. It's close to 10 percent or greater, but the main number starts with a 9. Environmentalists already bracing for hard times in the wake of the election of Donald Trump won't be cheered by the names being floated for secretary of the Interior in the president-elect's cabinet. The leading contender, according to Politico, is Indiana oilman Forrest Lucas. Also mentioned as candidates are former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer; Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin; Wyoming Rep. Cynthia Lummis; and Oklahoma oilman Harold Hamm. A sleeper candidate is the president-elect's son, Donald Trump Jr., who is a big fan of trophy hunting, which he seems to think makes him qualified for the job. Palin made the pro-oil exploration slogan "Drill baby, drill" a catchphrase of the 2008 election when she ran for vice president on the Republican ticket with Sen. John McCain. To environmentalists, entrusting an oil executive or other Big Oil-friendly candidate with the stewardship of the nation's natural resources is akin to putting the fox in charge of the hen house. As Khalid Pitts, the Sierra Club's national political director, told Politco in September: "Putting an oil executive in charge of our public lands and precious coasts in places like North Carolina, Virginia and Florida is a virtual guarantee that Trump's promise to throw open season on drilling in our special places will come true if he's elected." Lucas, the 74-year-old founder of California-based Lucas Oil Products, may be more disliked by animal-rights activists that he is by environmentalists. According to Politico, he is one of the biggest donors to groups that attack the Humane Society, the Society for Prevention of Cruelty of Animals and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. He has defended puppy mills, circuses, animal agriculture and trophy hunting. A nonprofit that he founded and bankrolled produced the feature film "The Dog Lover," which portrays dog breeders and puppy mills as victims of animal-rights agencies "who aren't REALLY interested in animal welfare." A review of the movie on Roger Ebert's website called it "shamelessly manipulative" and "a pretty bald piece of anti-SPCA and/or PETA propaganda." Many of the promises made by Trump during the campaign may never be kept, but his vow to gut regulations on oil and gas exploration to boost fossil fuels development appears to be doable. In an interview with Fox News Sunday last year, Trump revealed his feelings about protecting the nation's natural resources. "Environmental protection, what they do is a disgrace; every week they come out with new regulations," Trump told host Chris Wallace. "Who's going to protect the environment?" Wallace asked. "We'll be fine with the environment," Trump replied. "We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses." Americans will have to decide if they're OK with being left with a "little bit" of the nation's natural treasures. On November 1, 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2017 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Payment System final rule. The policy changes contained in the rule signal that the reimbursement environment for spine surgery is continuing to evolve, and this shift is not confined to Medicare. Commercial payors are fully expected to react to the CMS rule with updates of their own. What does this mean for ASC owners and operators? All ASC stakeholders must familiarize themselves with the rule changes and assess the impact on their practices and care patterns. In the case where providers determine that there are potential adverse effects, they should reach out to their commercial payors ahead of January 1, 2017, when the rule goes into effect. Providers may also want to reach out to optimize potential new reimbursement opportunities created by the rule. Understanding the 2017 Rule Changes CMS acknowledged that it is possible to deliver safe, effective, and lower-cost spine care in a freestanding ASC in its 2015 payment ruling, which added nine surgical spine codes to the list of ASC covered surgical procedures. Improvements in technology and clinical standards have made it possible for these procedures to be performed in the ASC setting with favorable outcomes and without an overnight hospital stay. These are key criteria that CMS considers when approving surgical procedures for the ASC list that were previously only allowed in the HOPD or inpatient setting. The 2017 rule is an expected update, with many of the changes continuing the trend of moving higher-acuity cases to the outpatient setting. This article explains the four categories of CPT spine code changes included in the rulenew assignments, removal from the inpatient-only (IPO) list, additions to the ASC covered list, and rate adjustments for 2015 code additions. It also comments on the broader impact of the rule within the context of todays healthcare environment and the varying methodologies payors use to set reimbursement rates. Eight New CPT Code Assignments There are some wins here for ASCs. Four of the new assignments are for insertion of an interspinous process stabilization or distraction device without fusion (22867, 22868, 22869, and 22870), and the initial-level codes (22867 and 22869) will be reimbursed. The additional-level codes (22868 and 22870) will be packaged with no additional reimbursement. These procedure codes are taking the place of temporary codes 0171T and 0172T (code 0171T was previously on the list of ASC covered procedures as a device-intensive procedure due to the cost of the implant being greater than 40% of the payment). This group of four codes presents an opportunity for ASCs that work with physicians who are currently providing these procedures in the hospital setting to move them to the ASC. There is also a payor negotiating opportunity if an ASC has previously attempted to negotiate for reimbursement for temporary code 0171T and met with resistance. It is very typical for payor network management to decline to contract for temporary codes or for payor medical directors to hesitate to approve exceptions to standard contracting for temporary codes; the addition of permanent codes creates a better environment for parties to return to the negotiating table. There is also a new procedure code for lumbar endoscopic decompression of the spinal cord (62380), which is payable in the ASC as a device-intensive procedure, thus presenting another possible reimbursement negotiating opportunity for ASCs with physicians who perform the procedure. For CY 2017, the AMA CPT Editorial Panel deleted CPT code 22851 and replaced it with three new codes to identify the insertion of an interbody biomechanical device with integral anterior instrumentation for device anchoring (e.g., a cage with anchoring screws). These are excluded from payment in the ASC setting (22853, 22854, and 22859) and do not present any new reimbursement opportunities from Medicare. However, commercial payors could be open to discussing reimbursement for these devices. In addition, ASCs with commercial contracts that reimburse for CPT code 22851 will want to ensure that the same rates transfer to the new codes. Four Removals from the IPO List There is some good news here too. CPT codes 22840, 22842, and 22845 represent spinal instrumentation procedures considered to be add-on codes to spinal fusion procedures that are currently performed in the ASC setting. CMS is removing these three spine codes from the IPO list and moving them directly onto the ASC covered list, which will facilitate discussion with the commercial payors as ASCs seek to negotiate contracts to perform these services. Procedure code 22858total disc arthroplasty (artificial disc), anterior approach including discectomy with end plate preparation; second level, cervicalis being removed from the IPO list but will continue to be excluded from the ASC list of covered procedures because of the final rule, in which CMS states that this procedure would generally be expected to require at least an overnight stay for recovery. Nevertheless, taking this code off the IPO list gives ASCs the opportunity to approach their commercial payors to seek reimbursement for this procedure. In addition, ASCs that have spine surgeons who are already performing single-level total disc arthroplasties (22856) are well positioned to extend this service to a second cervical level. It is possible that some commercial payors will make changes to their medical policies and/or incorporate this code into their reimbursement methodologies, allowing this procedure in the ASC setting. Eleven Additions to the List of ASC Covered Surgical Procedures Three of these additions are spine-specific autograft codes that include the harvesting of the graft (20936, 20937, and 20938). Six are instrumentation codes for spinal fusion (22840, 22842, 22845, 22853, 22854, and 22859). The final two procedure codes (22552 and 22585) are the procedure codes for the second level of both anterior cervical disc fusion (ACDF) approaches; this has become a more common outpatient procedure in the past several years. The final rule from CMS lists these codes with a payment indicator of N1 for packaged procedures with no separate payment made. Unfortunately, this means that it will still not make good financial sense to transition healthy Medicare patients to the ASC setting for these procedures. This forces commercial payors to make an important decision. They could follow CMS by pricing these codes as add-on procedures with zero reimbursement, thereby creating a case rate for the primary codes for cervical (22551 and 22554) and lumbar (22612) fusions. Alternatively, they could integrate these codes into their existing payment methodologies and create more of an economic incentive for spine surgeons to migrate care to ASCs. This ruling will signal to payor medical directors that the spine cases moving to the CMS ASC covered list are safe in the ASC setting and that they no longer will always require an overnight stay, which should incentivize them to price or negotiate rates with ASCs that allow their surgeons to perform these cases and continue to bend the overall healthcare cost curve. Rate Adjustments for Codes Added in 2015 Overall, the rate changes that have been approved for the last two years are probably not significant enough to sway ASCs to start performing new procedures for Medicare beneficiaries. For example, the primary ACDF code (22551) reimbursement is decreasing by 10.7%, and that actually further disincentivizes physicians from performing these surgeries for healthy Medicare patients in the ASC space, despite the fact that its a lower-cost setting. The primary code for a posterior lumbar fusion (22612) is increasing by 40.8% after decreasing last year by 55%, but this does align the rate with the cost of this procedure. Also, the widely performed lumbar laminotomy code (63030) reimbursement is increasing by 6.5%, but, again, the rate is inadequate. The overall theme here is that these rates are not substantial enough to incentivize physicians to perform these cases in their ASCs. It appears that CMS is not considering the individual case cost, including the high cost of implants for fusion cases or the capital requirements needed for equipment to perform these casesoften several hundred thousand dollars. ASC operators with commercial payor contracts with ACDF reimbursement that is based on Medicare rates should contact their payors to discuss some of the adverse changes to their expected reimbursement. The table below details the procedure codes that were added to the ASC approved list in 2015 and the rate adjustments after that ruling. More on the Impact of the 2017 Rule The degree to which the CMS ruling will benefit surgeons, ASCs, and other interested parties hinges on the decisions that payors make about pricing all of the spine CPT codes included in the rule. Several regional and national payors have moved to an APC-based methodology for new contract negotiations. These payors are likely to follow CMS by adding new spine procedures to their fee schedule and pricing many of them at zero dollars, making it less lucrative, and perhaps even cost prohibitive, for ASCs to perform these procedures. Conversely, the payors that continue to operate on a proprietary payment system, which are the majority, are likely to approve and price these procedure codes, which will potentially provide for some degree of reimbursement and room for negotiation of rates for ASCs that want to perform these procedures. Regardless of their payors reimbursement model, spine centers must be diligent in investigating how these procedures are handled within their existing contract reimbursement methodologies and also be on the lookout for upcoming changesit is virtually guaranteed that commercial case-level payment will be impacted by this CMS ruling. Some payors will implement changes on January 1 when the rule goes into effect, while others will wait until the end of the first quarter in April, and still others will make changes mid-year at the beginning of July. ASC owners and operators, as well as spine surgeons, should begin conversations with their payor representatives now to equip themselves with the necessary rate information from their contracts and be prepared to renegotiate contract terms if payors introduce adverse changes to their overall case-level reimbursement. Today, reimbursement often determines the care setting, and the ASC remains the exception rather than the rule. However, that may change as patients who are increasingly exposed to financial risk through higher out-of-pocket expenses become more cost conscious. Tung Ha, DO, a neurosurgeon at Fourth Corner Neurosurgical Associates in Bellingham, Washington, who practices at Cascade Outpatient Spine Center, shares that some of his patients are already asking to have their surgeries performed in the ASC because they are aware that the cost is lower than in the hospital. Dr. Ha and many other surgeons believe that the ASC should be the first-choice setting for surgery, with the hospital being selected only if the ASC is not clinically appropriate. This paradigm shift will require a major change in the reimbursement of these procedures by CMS and other payors. For now, ASCs can move the conversation in the right direction by staying informed. To continue following the latest news and information for Bedfordshire and surrounding areas, simply enter your full postcode below The feat will take place above the Eden Project A daredevil grandmother is taking on England's longest and fastest zipwire for charity. Alison Midwood, 87, who is known as Granny Bin, will fly over Cornwall's Eden Project to raise money for ShelterBox. She will be suspended on a 660-metre (2,165ft) zipwire above the famous biomes and travel at up to 60mph - despite never having been on one before and not being in the best of health Mrs Midwood, who was called Binnie as a youngster after a great aunt Albinia, has a family connection with the Cornwall-based international disaster relief agency ShelterBox. Her granddaughter Alice Jefferson is a member of the charity's operations team and has just returned from deployment in Iraq preparing to help the people of Mosul. Ms Jefferson said: "Granny Bin is a bit of legend and is on a fundraising mission for ShelterBox. "I'm still not fully sure of how she came up with the idea, but I think it's pretty epic, especially given that she's never been on a zipwire - not even a little one - and she's not in the best of health. "After a cancer operation, and diagnosis of a chronic auto-immune disease, she's now more determined than ever to live life to the full. "We had time to squeeze in a visit to Eden to check how the big day will work. Granny Bin has been given the all-clear by the medical powers that be, and wasn't put off by seeing others hurtling 660 metres over the biomes. "All is looking good, so please dig deep and help to motivate Granny Bin to complete this challenge. Who knows what her next target will be? Go Granny go." Mrs Midwood, who lives near Liskeard, Cornwall hopes to raise 500 for charity. She is taking part in the challenge on Saturday. Danny DeVito and Lucy DeVito attend the premier of The Comedian in Los Angeles (AP) Hollywood star Danny DeVito said America was "skunked" by Bernie Sanders' failed presidential bid as he heaped praised on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party. The 71-year-old actor said he remained a "big fan" of Mr Corbyn after publicly endorsing the Labour leader earlier this year, but admitted he did not know anything about Prime Minister Theresa May. At the Los Angeles premiere of his new film, The Comedian, on Friday, DeVito told the Press Association: "You guys got Jeremy. I'm a big fan of Jeremy, well because the Labour Party is an important thing. It's very good. "We got skunked over here that Bernie didn't get in but we'll keep working on it and try and get up to you guys." Asked whether he liked Mrs May, DeVito replied: "I don't know anything about her." In an interview with the Press Association in April, DeVito said he believed Mr Corbyn would make a "great PM" compared to then-prime minister David Cameron. He said: "I like the idea of people telling the truth. I like them to get to the bottom of things. In our government we have a lot of subterfuge. "I think he (Mr Corbyn) would make a great PM. Way better than Cameron." DeVito, whose acting career has included starring roles in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Twins, LA Confidential and the classic TV series Taxi, also criticised former prime minister Tony Blair. "Look at your history, for crying out loud," he said at the time. "A little sketchy guy hanging out with George Bush. What was his name? Blair." Following DeVito's comments in April, Mr Corbyn wrote on Twitter: "Really pleased to get an endorsement from @DannyDeVito. I feel a Twins sequel coming on." The Comedian, which had its premiere at Hollywood's Egyptian Theatre as part of AFI Fest, is released in US cinemas on January 13. A UK release date has not been confirmed. The Man From U.N.C.L.E star Robert Vaughn has died of leukaemia at the age of 83. Vaughn played suave spy Napoleon Solo in the 1960s TV series and was also well known for portraying the skittish gunman Lee in the original The Magnificent Seven film. He died after a brief battle with acute leukaemia after being treated in hospitals in New York and Connecticut, his spokesman confirmed to the Press Association. Manager Matthew Sullivan, who represented him for 30 years, said Vaughn was "the most wonderful human being" and confirmed he died with his family around him. Vaughn was nominated for a best supporting actor Oscar and Golden Globe for his early role in The Young Philadelphians and in 2012 he became the first major American star to feature on Coronation Street. He played Milton Fanshaw, a wealthy American who met Sylvia Goodwin, played by Stephanie Cole, on a cruise. He became a familiar face on British television with his role in the BBC show Hustle where he played conman Albert Stroller from 2004 to 2012. Mr Sullivan added: "He had a blast doing Hustle for the BBC, he loved that show and him and Linda loved living in London, it was one of his greatest joys doing that show. "Even at 83, women would still come up to the table to talk to him." His Hustle co-star Adrian Lester called Vaughn a "real gent" and revealed he used to tell tales on set about film stars including Marilyn Monroe and Steve McQueen. Lester said: "Old school charm in a three piece suit. He did everything on set and off with a twinkle in his eye and never once pulled rank or status or claimed he was too tired or just forgot. He set the standard that we all tried to match. "I'm going to miss his stories, about Monroe, McQueen, (Charles) Bronson, (James) Coburn ... and his jokes. His very silly, very funny jokes. "A generous, kind, example of statesman like skill. We were all blessed to have known and worked with him. The last 'Magnificent' to leave us. "They really don't make them like him any more. "Marc Warren called him 'The Legend'. The rest of us just called him 'Sir'. "All our thoughts now are with Linda and the family." The Man From U.N.C.L.E saw Vaughn's Solo paired with David McCallum's blond Russian Illya Kuryakin, in roles that were revived by Superman actor Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer for Guy Ritchie's big screen reboot in 2015. Mr Sullivan said Vaughn enjoyed seeing a new version of the spy story that made him famous. He said: "He and Linda were living in Connecticut and the studio hired out an entire cinema for them to watch the movie. "He did enjoy it. He loved passing on what was next." The actor is survived by wife Linda, son Cassidy and daughter Caitlin. Vaughn, who was the last surviving member of The Magnificent Seven, also had a starring role in Bullitt, again opposite McQueen and appeared in TV series Columbo. A spokesman from Coronation Street said: "Everyone at Coronation Street is deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Robert Vaughn and we offer our condolences to his family. "Robert was a terrific actor. We were privileged to have him join us on the cobbles." He carried on working well into his 80s, playing a dying father in Gold Star and starring opposite Matthew Broderick and Camilla Belle in The American Star, which were both released this year. Gavin Free, who worked with him on Hustle said: "Aw.RIP Robert Vaughn. I got to work with him on Hustle 5 years ago. He did his own slow mo stunts that day while in his late 70s." Val Kilmer appeared to be struggling to speak as he made his first public appearance since denying reports he has cancer. His friend Michael Douglas had claimed Kilmer has the same tongue cancer he had been diagnosed with, something Kilmer has denied. Video footage of the Batman Forever actor presenting the film version of his one-many play Citizen Twain in Los Angeles shows Kilmer slurring and dabbing his mouth with a tissue. Kilmer has previously told fans Douglas had been "misinformed" about his condition and added he has not spoken to the star for nearly two years. Douglas, who was diagnosed with tongue cancer in 2010 and was given the all-clear the following year, said his friend was "dealing with exactly what I had", adding: "Things don't look too good for him." He said: "My prayers are with him. That's why you haven't heard too much from Val lately." But Kilmer, 56, who worked with Douglas on the 1996 film The Ghost And The Darkness, assured fans in a lengthy Facebook post that he is not suffering from cancer. "I love Michael Douglas but he is misinformed," he wrote. "The last time I spoke to him was almost two years ago, when I asked him for a referral for a specialist to get a diagnosis for a lump in my throat, which prevented me from continuing a tour of my play Citizen Twain. "I ended up using a team at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) and have no cancer whatsoever. I still have a swollen tongue and am rehabbing steadily." The footage of Kilmer introducing his film shows the actor telling the crowd he had to cancel his upcoming tour for the play because his "tongue swelled". He said: "I went into rehearsals down in Florida and started having trouble with my speech. Obviously I'm still recovering. My tongue swelled up and I cancelled the tour. As I'm recovering, I'm showing this." We all like to remember and celebrate events that are important to us - occasions that are meaningful, not only in our own personal lives, but events that reach beyond the home that have shaped us and our communities. My identity, first and foremost is in Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus, but I am also a husband and a father, an ordained minister who has served in both parts of our island; someone who values the civil and religious liberty won long ago so that I can call myself a Presbyterian - and be able to practice my faith freely. Our identity is multifaceted. For generations our communities have commemorated key events with bonfires - part and parcel of identity and culture. Bonfires are neither good nor bad in themselves but like, say a motorcar, they can be either used or abused. My comments on bonfires on both sides of the community made up a small paragraph of a very broad lecture that I gave at Ulster University on Thursday evening. Read more Read More It was part of a week-long visit I have been making to our Presbytery of north Belfast and the annual Chaplaincy Lecture, which was about hope, leadership and compassion in the city, was part of that. While there are still some bonfires that are contentious, many people across Belfast and beyond have shown considerable local leadership, working hard to turn bonfires into more community orientated events so that they are neither dangerous nor belligerent. Expand Close A bonfire with election posters and flags / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A bonfire with election posters and flags I commend that progress and want to acknowledge their hard work. I appreciate that there is still some way to go in this area, as it does remain unfinished business. Bonfires in themselves are not sinful. But they can become sinful when instead of positively celebrating culture they are hijacked to inculcate triumphalism and fear. When negativity is passed on from one generation to the next that is wrong, because sectarianism is sinful - a cancer that eats away at the very core of our hearts. When bonfires cause pressure on an overstretched PSNI, or bring potential risk to the Fire Service's life and limb, damage property, local people's health or the environment, then it is something that we need to call wrong and find a better way. In talking about hope, leadership and compassion in the city, I made the point that human flourishing and true happiness is when our hearts are captured by an affection beyond ourselves to loving God and loving our neighbours more than anything else. 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PA PA A man dampens down a building as a bonfire is lit on the Shankill Road in Belfast on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PA PA A man dampens down a building as a bonfire is lit on the Shankill Road in Belfast on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PA PA A bonfire is lit on the Shankill Road in Belfast on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PA PA A bonfire is lit on the Shankill Road in Belfast on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PA PA A man uses petrol to light a bonfire on the Shankill Road in Belfast on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PA PA Bonfire at Tennent Street in west Belfast. 11th July 2016. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye Highfield Estate bonfire in west Belfast. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye Bonfire at Tennent Street in west Belfast. 11th July 2016. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye Bonfire at Tennent Street in west Belfast. 11th July 2016. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye Eleventh night bonfire in the Highfield Estate in west Belfast July 11 2016. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye. Eleventh night bonfire in the Highfield Estate in west Belfast July 11 2016. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye. Eleventh night bonfire in the Highfield Estate in west Belfast July 11 2016. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye. Eleventh night bonfire in the Highfield Estate in west Belfast July 11 2016. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye. A huge bonfire in Tigers Bay area of Belfast before it is lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PA PA An 11th Night bonfire at Edgarstown, Portadown, covered in at leat 30 Sinn Fein and SDLP election posters. This follows a complaint to police about another bonfire in Portadown's Corcrain Estate as a hate crime by Sinn Fein. A huge bonfire in Tigers Bay area of Belfast before it is lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PA PA A huge bonfire in Tigers Bay area of Belfast before it is lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PA PA Loyalists climb up one of the largest 11th night Bonfires with Irish tricolour flags in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images Two women take photographs of one of the largest 11th night Bonfires in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images Children atop the huge bonfire in Sandy Row, Belfast with a banner displaying an offensive message directed at SDLP MLA Clare Hanna. PA Loyalists gesture at the foot of one of the largest 11th night Bonfires after raising Irish tricolour flags in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images Loyalists gesture from the top of one of the largest 11th night Bonfires after raising Irish tricolour flags in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images A youth balances on a fence as Union flags flutter in the breeze beside one of the largest 11th night Bonfires in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images Loyalists climb up one of the largest 11th night Bonfires with Irish tricolour flags in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images A youth balances on a fence beside one of the largest 11th night Bonfires in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images A youth balances on a fence as Union flags flutter in the breeze beside one of the largest 11th night Bonfires in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images Foreign tourists take a tour past one of the largest 11th night Bonfires in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images A man climbs up one of the largest 11th night Bonfires in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images A woman steps out of a taxi to take a photograph of one of the largest 11th night Bonfires in the lower Shankill road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland on July 11, 2016, ahead of the lighting of the traditional 11th night bonfires. The Eleventh Night refers to the night before the Twelfth of July, an annual Protestant commemoration of the famous battle were Protestant King William III of Orange defeated Catholic King James II at the battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL FAITHPAUL FAITH/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - JULY 11: Loyalists make final preparations to their bonfire on the Newtownards road on July 11, 2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The lighting of the bonfires at midnight on the eleventh night marks the start of the annual twelfth of July celebrations within the protestant community. The Orange marches and demonstrations celebrate the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II on the banks of the river Boyne. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) Getty Images BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - JULY 11: A woman walks past tables stacked with sweets, fizzy drinks and crisps as Loyalists make final preparations to their bonfire on the Newtownards road on July 11, 2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The lighting of the bonfires at midnight on the eleventh night marks the start of the annual twelfth of July celebrations within the protestant community. The Orange marches and demonstrations celebrate the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II on the banks of the river Boyne. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) Getty Images BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - JULY 11: Loyalists make final preparations to their bonfire on the Newtownards road on July 11, 2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The lighting of the bonfires at midnight on the eleventh night marks the start of the annual twelfth of July celebrations within the protestant community. The Orange marches and demonstrations celebrate the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II on the banks of the river Boyne. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) Getty Images BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - JULY 11: A Loyalist poses for a drone as he is filmed making final preparations to a huge bonfire on the Ballymacash estate on July 11, 2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Ballymacash bonfire is reported as the largest bonfire construct in the province. The lighting of the bonfires at midnight on the eleventh night marks the start of the annual twelfth of July celebrations within the protestant community. The Orange marches and demonstrations celebrate the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II on the banks of the river Boyne. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) Getty Images BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - JULY 11: Loyalist Peter Stenhouse carries a wooden pallet as he makes final preparations to a bonfire on the Ballymacash estate on July 11, 2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The lighting of the bonfires at midnight on the eleventh night marks the start of the annual twelfth of July celebrations within the protestant community. The Orange marches and demonstrations celebrate the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II on the banks of the river Boyne. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) Getty Images BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - JULY 11: A Loyalist poses for a drone as he is filmed making final preparations to a huge bonfire on the Ballymacash estate on July 11, 2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Ballymacash bonfire is reported as the largest bonfire construct in the province. The lighting of the bonfires at midnight on the eleventh night marks the start of the annual twelfth of July celebrations within the protestant community. The Orange marches and demonstrations celebrate the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II on the banks of the river Boyne. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) Getty Images BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - JULY 11: A Loyalist poses for a drone as he is filmed making final preparations to a huge bonfire on the Ballymacash estate on July 11, 2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Ballymacash bonfire is reported as the largest bonfire construct in the province. The lighting of the bonfires at midnight on the eleventh night marks the start of the annual twelfth of July celebrations within the protestant community. The Orange marches and demonstrations celebrate the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II on the banks of the river Boyne. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) Getty Images BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND - JULY 11: A Loyalist poses for a drone as he is filmed making final preparations to a huge bonfire on the Ballymacash estate on July 11, 2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Ballymacash bonfire is reported as the largest bonfire construct in the province. The lighting of the bonfires at midnight on the eleventh night marks the start of the annual twelfth of July celebrations within the protestant community. The Orange marches and demonstrations celebrate the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II on the banks of the river Boyne. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images) Getty Images Men construct a bonfire in the Ballymacash area of Lisburn, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA File photo dated 10/07/16 of a completed bonfire in the Hopewell area in the Lower Shankill, Belfast, as huge bonfires, are to be lit in loyalist communities across Northern Ireland ahead of the main date in the loyal order parading season - the Twelfth of July. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo.Issue date: Monday July 11, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA An bonfire under construction in the Ballymacash area of Lisburn, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA An bonfire under construction in the Ballymacash area of Lisburn, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA Men construct a bonfire in the Ballymacash area of Lisburn, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA Men stand on a bonfire under construction in the Ballymacash area of Lisburn, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA A completed bonfire in the Hopewell area in the Lower Shankill, Belfast, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA A completed bonfire in the Hopewell area in the Lower Shankill, Belfast, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA A bonfire under construction near Chobam Street, Belfast, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA Men construct a bonfire in the Ballymacash area of Lisburn, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA A completed bonfire in the Hopewell area in the Lower Shankill, Belfast, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA A completed bonfire in the Hopewell area in the Lower Shankill, Belfast, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA A completed bonfire in the Hopewell area in the Lower Shankill, Belfast, as building continues on huge loyalist bonfires, which are traditionally lit on the "Eleventh night" to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday July 10, 2016. Authorities in Northern Ireland are cautiously optimistic the main fixture in the loyal order parading season can pass off peacefully, but have a major policing operation planned to deal with any unrest. See PA story ULSTER Twelfth. Photo credit should read: Brian Lawless/PA Wire PA Pacemaker Press 11/7/2016 A on looker watches on at the preparations the for 11th night Bonfire at Ballymacash in Lisburn, ahead of the 12th of July celebration across Northern Ireland. Pic Colm Lenaghan/ Pacemaker Pacemaker Press 11/7/2016 Preparations the for 11th night Bonfire at Donegall Road in Belfast, ahead of the 12th of July celebration across Northern Ireland. Pic Colm Lenaghan/ Pacemaker Pacemaker Press Belfast 11-07-2016: Pallets for a bonfire are stacked near Sandy Row in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Picture By: Pacemaker. Pacemaker Press Belfast 11-07-2016: Pallets for a bonfire are stacked near the Comber Greenway in east Belfast, blocking a cycle path leading into the city Swings and a climbing frame have been removed from a 250,000 playground next to the Comber Greenway in east Belfast because of the dangers posed by an Eleventh Night bonfire. Homes and windows are being boarded up near the bonfire. Picture By: Pacemaker. Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 10th July 2016 Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 10th July 2016 Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Pacemaker Press Belfast 11-07-2016: Pallets for a bonfire are stacked near the Comber Greenway in east Belfast, blocking a cycle path leading into the city Swings and a climbing frame have been removed from a 250,000 playground next to the Comber Greenway in east Belfast because of the dangers posed by an Eleventh Night bonfire. Homes and windows are being boarded up near the bonfire. Picture By: Pacemaker. Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 10th July 2016 Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 10th July 2016 Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 10th July 2016 Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 10th July 2016 Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 10th July 2016 Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Press Eye - Northern Ireland - 10th July 2016 Ballymacash bonfire in Lisburn in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Picture: Philip Magowan / PressEye Philip Magowan Mandatory Credit - Picture by Freddie Parkinson/Press Eye Sunday 10th July 2016 The Bonfire at Drumtara, Ballee, in Ballymena which is stacked with tyres. Press Eye - Belfast - Norther The Edgarstown bonfire in Portadown in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Photo: PressEye Philip Magowan The Edgarstown bonfire in Portadown in the final stages of preparation for the 11th July celebrations. Photo: PressEye Philip Magowan Ballycraigy bonfire in Antrim Pacemaker Press Belfast 08-07-2016: Bonfire in the Loyalist Ballybeen estate in Dundonald, close the Parliament buidlings, Stormont. Picture By: Pacemaker. Pacemaker Press Belfast 08-07-2016: Bonfire in the Loyalist Ballybeen estate in Dundonald, close the Parliament buidlings, Stormont. Picture By: Pacemaker. Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 8th July A bonfire is prepared on the Milltown Road in south Belfast ahead of the 11th night bonfire celebrations which will take place across Northern Ireland this Monday night. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye Credit - Kevin Scott / Belfast Telegraph Belfast, UK - July 07 , Tyres on the Ballybeen Bonfire in Dundonald on July 07, 2016 ( Photo by Kevin Scott / Belfast Telegraph) Kevin Scott / Belfast Telegraph Credit - Kevin Scott / Belfast Telegraph Belfast, UK - July 07 , Tyres on the Ballybeen Bonfire in Dundonald on July 07, 2016 ( Photo by Kevin Scott / Belfast Telegraph) Kevin Scott / Belfast Telegraph Pacemaker Press 5/7/2016 Preparations get well under way at Chobham Street Bonfire in East Belfast, on the run up to The 12th of July. Pic Pacemaker / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A house catches fire at the Lower Shankill bonfire as it is lit during July 12th celebrations in Belfast , 2016 ( Photo by Kevin Scott / Belfast Telegraph) Jesus, I believe is the light of the world who places a fire of love within our restless souls so that instead of having to assert ourselves at the expense of others we can be secure in his love that expressed itself at the cross. My comments have sparked considerable discussion. It is good to have that now, before we get to the spring and summer. I encourage everyone to continue the conversations about the future and I pray for everyone working so hard so that together we can all flourish in a city of hope. Former INLA man Dessie O'Hare has been granted bail as he fights extradition over his alleged role in the imprisonment of a Dublin family. O'Hare (60), who was once known as the 'Border Fox', will be released from custody once a 20,000 cash surety is lodged, a judge in Belfast ruled. He is also to be banned from leaving Northern Ireland and must report to police daily. O'Hare was detained at his Slaterock Road home in Newtownhamilton, Co Armagh, early on Tuesday morning in what was described as a special operation in the area. He is wanted in the Republic of Ireland in connection with three counts of false imprisonment, threats to kill, grievous bodily harm and violent disorder. The alleged offences relate to an incident at Garters Lane in Saggart, south Dublin in June last year. With the ex-republican having confirmed he does not consent to extradition, a full hearing is due to take place next month. Lawyers for the Irish authorities opposed his release until then, claiming he could flee. They argued that he is being sought in connection with serious offences of violence and intimidation. Counsel for O'Hare rejected claims that he would go on the run. Sean Devine argued: "Are they really suggesting he's going to be an international fugitive over somebody getting chucked out of the house." With his Irish passport in the hands of the authorities, Her Honour Judge Patricia Smyth ruled there were enough safeguards to grant bail. Thousands of families with children across Northern Ireland are homeless, shocking figures have revealed. Stock image posed by model Thousands of families with children across Northern Ireland are homeless, shocking figures have revealed. Around 4,100 currently do not have a permanent home - a jump of 12% in the past two years alone. The bleak statistics offer an alarming insight into the plight some families face today. They were revealed after an Assembly question by Ulster Unionist MLA Roy Beggs, who said the shocking statistics were "unacceptable". "More needs to be done by the Northern Ireland Executive to end homelessness amongst families with children in particular," he added. "It is unacceptable that the number of homeless families is increasing. "The Executive should be working to protect our most vulnerable and ensure that no family is faced with homelessness. "A home is a very basic human requirement and the absence of a stable home and learning environment can set a child's development back from their very early years. "I have asked the Minister for Communities what action he is taking to reduce the unacceptable number of families with children currently in temporary accommodation. "The Northern Ireland Executive needs to do more to assist these people." Read more Read More Research shows that west Belfast has the highest number of families who are homeless, with 241 living in a range of temporary accommodation including hostels, bed and breakfasts and hotels. Many of these cases are single-parent families. The Ballymoney area has the fewest, with just four families who presented themselves as homeless. The news comes after this paper revealed more than 23m had been spent on emergency housing in the past five years. The number of homeless people hit a record high, with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) spending millions of pounds every year on emergency accommodation. Statistics from NIHE showed that more than 4.9m was spent on housing people who were considered homeless in 2015 - an increase of 1m in four years. By March last year, 11,202 people were listed as being homeless, the highest number since records began. Director of Shelter NI, Tony McQuillan, said the figures exposed the "invisible homeless" problem" here. "We are disappointed and very annoyed at these figures, but it shows the scale of things that's been happening for many years," he explained. Responding to the statistics, a Department for Communities spokesperson said that tackling homelessness is of "critical importance to the NI Executive". "That is why along with extensive investment in social and affordable housing, the NI Executive, through the Department for Communities invests some 35.5m into preventing homelessness and to providing valuable support services to people, including families with children, experiencing homelessness. "Homelessness is not the same as 'rooflessness' which means that someone is without shelter of any kind and sleeping rough. You may be homeless because your current home is unsuitable or you don't have any rights to stay where you live. "Reasons for homelessness continue to be linked to wider societal issues such as relationship breakdown, debt, underlying health issues, or addictions. Therefore while housing has a central role to play, tackling homelessness, requires a collaborative response from across all in society including the statutory, voluntary and community sectors. An Antrim man is to be jailed for life after pleading guilty to the murder of the owner of a Chinese restaurant. Christopher David Menaul (25) admitted killing Wing Fu Cheung and wounding Mr Cheung's 57-year-old wife, Kam-Fung Cheung, who was stabbed in the hand. He also robbed her of a handbag, an iPad, iPhone, 200, an Ulster Bank card and an American Express card. Defence QC Martin O'Rourke asked Belfast Crown Court for his client, originally with an address in Barra Street, Antrim, to be re-arraigned on the three charges he had previously denied. Following his guilty pleas, Mr O'Rouke also applied to Mr Justice Treacy to adjourn the tariff hearing on the life sentence which resulted from Menaul's guilty plea to murder. Adjourning the hearing to determine the minimum term Menaul will have to serve, Mr Justice Treacy told the defendant that, as his counsel pointed out, the law provided only one sentence for murder - life. Although no details surrounding the case was given, last April a court was told that on the night of January 7, 2015, Mr Cheung, also known as Nelson, and his wife, also known as Winnie, were driving to their Ballymena home in their 4x4 after leaving their Chinese restaurant, the Double Value, in Randalstown, when they were rammed by another vehicle. A prosecution lawyer said that after Mr Cheung got out of the passenger seat, he was confronted by two males and subsequently stabbed up to 18 times. It was also claimed in court that the victim was hit with such force that one wound "went straight through his body and out his back". The trial of three other people, including a husband and wife, facing charges arising out of the fatal attack is scheduled to begin in the new year and is expected to last four weeks. A 35-year-old Portuguese national, Virgilio Agusto Fernando Correia, originally with an address in Grant Avenue, Randalstown, is accused of Mr Cheung's murder and attacking and robbing his wife. Also facing a charge of murder is an engineer, now living at a PSNI-approved address, whose wife is accused of a series of separate charges. They are Gary and Lisa Thompson, both aged 34, and formerly of Cunningham Way in Antrim. In addition to the murder charge, Gary Thompson is also accused of robbery, wounding, assisting offenders, handling stolen goods and committing an act to pervert the course of public justice. His care assistant wife, also living at an approved address, denies assisting offenders, handling stolen goods and committing an act with intent to perverting the course of justice. A mother-of-two who has dreams of becoming an actress and going to university harbours a painful secret... she has been homeless for over five years. Shauna Lawson has been forced to raise her young sons in cramped conditions in three different hostels - one of which was used to house people suffering from psychological problems. The Co Londonderry woman (32) said her goal in life is to have a permanent place to live where she calls home and where her sons, Brandon (11) and eight-year-old Cameron can live in a safe, secure environment. Shauna, a single parent, was living in private rented accommodation when she lost her job in 2011 and couldn't afford to pay the rent. Just days before Christmas, the family took down the Christmas tree, packed up some of their belongings and moved into a Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) hostel where they lived for over two years. Despite their desperate situation, the family are not on the waiting list for a council house and face the grim reality of possibly never having a place to call home. According to the NIHE website, homelessness does not just describe people living on the streets. It can happen to anyone and includes people staying with friends or family, living in a hostel, in overcrowded conditions or who are at risk of violence. Speaking from her hostel - also known as a family centre - in west Belfast where she has lived for six months, the aspiring actress said she tries to keep family-life "as normal as possible". "It's very difficult living in a place we can never make a home. I try to shelter the two boys and to keep a normal, active family life," she said. "But it's not normal and you are made to feel as if you are not a part of the community. "People assume and judge, they think there is something wrong with me. "There's a stigma attached to homelessness and people believe that I have created this situation." Her youngest son, Cameron, has been living in hostels since the age of three and is so accustomed to the lifestyle that he only recently became aware that he has no home. The primary school pupil is now taking part in a campaign for Homeless Awareness Week which takes place later this month. To qualify for a council home, applicants have to be awarded a total of 200 points which is calculated depending on a person's circumstances. "I only have 147 points so I'm nowhere near the waiting list for a council house. I've accepted that I will never get a house. "The problem is they aren't building the houses, there's people who can't move up the scale as there's others who are classed more in need. "I never had anyone who could take me in so I lost out on points there too. "The points system is failing because I'm still homeless after five years and nowhere near the waiting list." Residents living in the hostel - which is run by Ark Housing - have to abide by a number of rules which includes visitors having to leave by 10.30pm. "I've had one person visiting me in the last six months. But the facilities here are good compared to Derry, I was only moved on after I was being harassed and intimidated by a neighbour." After becoming homeless, Shauna turned to acting as a hobby and to escape reality. She has since appeared in television shows, theatre and music videos and now has plans to go to Queen's University to do film studies. "I want to make something of myself and for the kids. "But I also want a permanent house, a place we could call home. "I could start doing the things people take for granted." St George's Market could become the inspiration for a new restaurant at Belfast City Airport - but the market's produce will not necessarily feature on the menu, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal. Belfast City Council suggested that a market-inspired restaurant could be placed in the airport's departures lounge - should councillors approve the idea. But traders have vented their anger about the proposal with some describing the situation as "false advertising" and "fraudulent". Jane Harnett, owner of Harnett's Oils a rapeseed oil firm in Banbridge, said she was "particularly disappointed" food stall holders had not been consulted. According to a council report, the proposal would allow the St George's name to be used as well as branding using pictures from the market, and would also allow story boards telling the history. Jane Harnett has traded at the market for nine years and already supplies some restaurants. "There's absolutely no reason why most, if not all, of the ingredients used couldn't come from St George's - there's such an array of goods on offer. There's fish, lamb, beef, venison, goat meat, fruit, veg, eggs, oils, seaweed and even peppers and chili products - there are some fantastic local producers here. "People might have a lovely meal at the restaurant and decide they want to go down to the market to pick up some of the things they've tried but they won't be able to. "It's a really good idea to link up with the airport, but I feel any restaurant using St George's brand needs to promote what St George's has inside." The report said the council has already asked the company catering at the airport to consider using products from the market traders where possible. But there would be no guarantee anything sold at the market restaurant would have to come from St George's. John McCarthy has been running his business The Market Butcher at St George's for more than 30 years and said he is trying to expand his business into supplying restaurants and is baffled why the traders have been overlooked. "That's actually what we're trying to do - expand into food service," he said. "A lot of Belfast restaurants will come to the market to buy meat when they run out, but what we want to do is deliver straight to them." Fishmonger Anthony Flynn added: "It gets to use the reputation of St George's but doesn't give anything back - that doesn't sound fair to me." South Belfast SDLP MP Alasdair McDonnell, who was shopping at St George's, also backed traders. "I would hope that if the branding is going to be used from the market then the product should be from the market as much as possible," he said. Belfast City Council declined to comment. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. star Robert Vaughn has died of leukaemia at the age of 83. Vaughn played suave spy Napoleon Solo in the 1960s TV series and was also well-known for portraying the skittish gunman Lee in the original The Magnificent Seven film. He died after a brief battle with acute leukaemia, his spokesman confirmed. Manager Matthew Sullivan, who represented him for 30 years, said Vaughn was "the most wonderful human being" and confirmed he died with his family around him. Vaughn was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar and Golden Globe for his early role in The Young Philadelphians and in 2012 was the first major American star to feature on Coronation Street. He played Milton Fanshaw, a wealthy American who met Sylvia Goodwin, played by Stephanie Cole, on a cruise. Vaughn became a familiar face on British TV in BBC show Hustle, playing conman Albert Stroller from 2004 to 2012. Mr Sullivan added: "He had a blast doing Hustle for the BBC. He loved that show and he and Linda loved living in London. Even at 83, women still came up to the table to talk to him." The Man From U.N.C.L.E saw Vaughn's Solo paired with David McCallum's blond Russian Illya Kuryakin, roles revived by Superman actor Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer for Guy Ritchie's big-screen reboot last year. The actor is survived by wife Linda, son Cassidy and daughter Caitlin. Vaughn, who was the last surviving member of The Magnificent Seven cast, also had a starring role in Bullitt with Steve McQueen and appeared in TV series Columbo. Recently, he played a dying father in Gold Star and starred with Matthew Broderick and Camilla Belle in The American Star, both released this year. A man dressed as Sinterklaas (Saint Nicolas) follwoed by another one dressed as Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) gestures as he arrives on November 12, 2016 in Antwerp. AFP/Getty Images Dutch police have detained dozens of protesters and arrested a man carrying a large knife in a bag amid tight security for the arrival of the Dutch Saint Nicholas. The arrests came as thousands of families lined the historic harbour of Maassluis to welcome the character known as Sinterklaas, with children clambering up trees and street lights to get a better view. The Sinterklaas celebration has in recent years been at the centre of a debate about race in the Netherlands because of his helper, "Black Pete", who is often played by white people in blackface make-up. Police spokeswoman Marjan Koert had no further details about the arrest of the armed man. Police tweeted that two busloads of protesters had been detained in nearby Rotterdam. About 6,000 pro-Kurdish demonstrators are holding a rally in Cologne, Germany, in protest against the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Police said Saturday that the rally in an industrial area along the river Rhine has been peaceful so far. Erdogan's government recently ordered the arrest of nine lawmakers of the pro-Kurdish HDP party, which it accuses of acting as the political wing of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK - an allegation the HDP rejects. The PKK has waged a three-decades-long insurgency against the state, and Erdogan has blamed Europe for supporting and arming the group. AP Pro-Kurdish demonstrators protest against Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the political repression that followed July's failed military coup, in Cologne (AP) Turkish opposition groups protested on Saturday in Istanbul after the Interior Ministry halted operations for 370 civic groups on terrorism-related charges - organisations that included professional associations and women's and children's rights groups. The organisations were told about the government decision on Friday evening, when police raids shut down their offices and collected their records. The Interior Ministry said 153 of the organisations had alleged ties to the Gulen network, 190 to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, eight to the Islamic State group and 19 to the banned far-left Revolutionary People's Liberation Army-Front, or DHKP-C. Lawyers at the left-wing People's Law Bureau resisted the raid, and their door was later broken down by armed special forces who cleared the offices, detained four lawyers and changed the office's locks. The four were released on Saturday morning. The Progressive Lawyers' Association, which was also shut down and whose members work at the People's Law Bureau, said it was not subject to such an order due to legislation protecting lawyers. Nergis Aslan, general secretary of the Progressive Lawyers' Association, told The Associated Press the Turkish government gave no explanation for the shutdown. "There is serious suppression against any form of oppositional organisation, association or any sort of group. We were expecting it," she said. Turkey has come under intense criticism from opposition groups and its allies over its crackdown on dissenting voices during the state of emergency declared after the July 15 coup. Close to 37,000 people have been arrested, more than 100,000 people dismissed or suspended from government jobs, and 170 media outlets and scores of businesses and associations have been shut down over alleged ties to terrorist organisations. Critics note that the purge, initially meant to eliminate the Gulen network that the government accuses of staging the coup, has since been extended to other opponents of the government, including pro-Kurdish and left-wing individuals. Mehmet Onur Yilmaz of children's rights organisation Gundem Cocuk said they were not given a reason either for their shutdown but noted that his group had filed annual reports on child abuse, warning the government of its shortcomings. "We would like a Turkey where none of that exists of course, but what they want is a Turkey where none of this is visible," he added. Deputy prime minister Numan Kurtulmus defended the closures on Saturday, saying Turkey has to take measures against multiple terror threats. "Yes, we are in a period of state of emergency, but we are acting within the legal limits afforded us by the state of emergency," he said, adding that any mistakes would be rectified. In the German city of Cologne, 20,000 protesters marched on Saturday against Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government's crackdown on dissent. AP Amazing spirit: Joan Wilson with a picture of her daughter Marie, who died in the 1987 Enniskillen bomb One of the people I most admire is Joan Wilson, whose daughter Marie died after a Provisional IRA no-warning bomb exploded beside the Enniskillen Cenotaph 29 years ago this week. Ten other people died and many were severely injured. Joan's husband Senator Gordon Wilson, who was badly injured in the blast, rose to local and international prominence when he gave a remarkable interview that evening to a BBC Radio Ulster reporter. He said that he bore "no ill-will" and, although it took him quite some time to forgive the perpetrators of the explosion, he said that he prayed for them every night. Some years later I wrote a book about Marie and in it I recorded the words of Joan after watching her daughter die in the Erne Hospital. She told me: "I could only utter the words 'The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord'. I knew that I had to lean hard on the Lord now. He was my only strength." How noble that was. Sadly, tragedy followed after tragedy. A few years later Joan lost her son Peter in a motor accident and later her husband Gordon died. With great courage Joan rebuilt her life through the love of family and friends and this week she experienced the joy of the birth of two great-grand-daughters on the eve of the anniversary of Marie's death. For some 28 years I have kept in touch with Joan and when I met her in Enniskillen in August her strong spirit still shone through. I mention Joan in detail because she was one of the people whose suffering and family tragedy I knew at first hand. Sadly, she was not the only one. There are many other survivors and families of those dead and injured during the Troubles. It is hard to take in the anguish of thousands of people, but the memory of one individual or family hits home. What must it be like, therefore, for the families of those who died or were badly injured in two world wars and in many other conflicts? All we can do in this Week of Remembrance is to stand at a cenotaph and attend a church service to honour the dead and perhaps ask ourselves: how could this have happened? Tragically, however, we might also ask ourselves is the world a better place since all this sacrifice took place. Western Europe, thankfully, has experienced peace for nearly two generations but the strains are now apparent. The European nations are grappling with a virtually insoluble migrant problem, and the unfortunate reality of Brexit has taken us on a perilous path where no-one in the UK or the EU knows where it will lead in the long run. In the USA we have witnessed the seismic shock of president-elect Donald Trump, which has created a huge political earthquake. The people have spoken, but one is entitled to ask - as with Brexit - are 'the people' right? Democracy, as someone once said, is the least flawed of all the other options. The mesmeric but distasteful Mr Trump has shown himself, so far, to be totally unsuitable for the role of president, despite his honeyed acceptance speech. However, as Hillary Clinton said in her eloquent and moving final address, we must treat him, at least, with an open mind. The people of America and of the UK will have to live with the harsh realities of their democratic votes and only time will tell whether their choices lead to chaos or stability. In the meantime, we might reflect during this Remembrance weekend on the great divisions in so many countries and other parts of the world, including our own. The sombre truth is that we all have to learn to live with division - and try to bring healing. If we fail to do so, we will remain in a perilous condition, and future Remembrance Days may witness even more casualties, despite the supreme sacrifices of those we are honouring this week. Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal Historically, the driving ambition behind the charity the Royal British Legion and its poppy appeal has been to highlight the great sacrifices made by British soldiers during the first and second world wars. This is not because the sacrifice of a British soldier is any more worthy of our memory than that of a non-Brit. It is simply because British citizens wish to praise and financially support those who fought to protect their own soil against the advances of tyranny. It is for this reason that the Poppy Appeal takes place each year on the eve of Remembrance Sunday. A day not established to support the killing of Muslims in Iraq or Afghanistan, the ongoing war on terror, Islamaphobia nor any other action perceived to attack Islam. Instead, it remembers the very minute of peace that marked a cessation to the hostilities of the First World War. With this in mind, each year the British public, and active servicemen and women dressed in full regalia take to the streets as a mark of respect and remembrance for the sacrifices of British soldiers during the two global and catastrophic wars of the past century. The Poppy Appeal is a non-political event that mostly works to help servicemen and woman injured while on active duty and their families. Many of the people they help have lost their limbs or suffered other serious debilitating injuries. It does not support wars or political agendas only people. And those who it helps, like their forefathers, are committed to offering life and kin to defend their country. The soldiers supported by the RBL are mostly ordinary working class men and women and not the decision makers responsible for war regardless of whether it is just or not. Young British Ahmadi Muslims proudly support dozens of charities and worthy causes across Great Britain. Over the past decade, the RBL has been one such charity. In the run up to Remembrance Sunday, Ahmadi Muslims, young and old, are out in force across London and the wider UK selling poppies. Expand Close Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal The work of these well-intentioned young Muslims is being met with great support and joy by the thousands of Muslim and non-Muslim passers-by. Perhaps the image of young Muslims supporting World War II veterans came as a breath of fresh air to ordinary British people who are more accustomed to the dreadful sight of radical Muslims burning poppies or spitting and assaulting young poppy sellers as happened last year. These are the same extremists that gave birth to the equally radical English Defence League. Together these hate-driven groups have made significant progress in turning the poppy appeal into a political mechanism through which one must proclaim his or her allegiances you are either with the cause or against it. Expand Expand Expand Expand Previous Next Close Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal The young Muslim Poppy sellers are members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association; a group that chooses to support charities on the basis of what it believes is the right thing for God-fearing people to do. Not on the basis of what appeals the most to polarised audiences or creates the most attractive sound bite. Fear of God and charity for His sake, they believe, must lead to something far more lasting and meaningful than the reactionary, impulse driven goals of the ignorant. Despite this, some Muslims, including some of an ordinarily moderate disposition, have raised their voices against the sight of young Muslims collecting poppies. Expand Close Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal For them, it is a symbol of support for the great Western devil that has been crusading across the Muslim world and killing all that proclaim their allegiance to Allah and His Messenger. It thus follows that as the RBL supports those seriously injured in the wars of today, to associate oneself with the Poppy Appeal is to betray ones faith and the faithful. Although I reject this, let's pause for a second and suppose that they are right in their belief that the British Army is the enemy of every Muslim even if that Muslim is himself or herself British. The important question which follows on from this is: How would the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) have reacted to the injured soldiers of armies engaged in wars against Muslims? This question is important because Muslims, be they liberal, extreme, or somewhere in the middle, believe equally that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) set THE guiding example for all Muslims which cannot be departed from. This is also the firm belief of Ahmadi Muslims. We learn from the earliest Arabic biographies of the Prophet that he is reported to have instructed Muslim physicians to treat injured enemy soldiers on the battlefield. Even when armies attacking him were not injured, he allowed for breaks in the battles so that the enemy, thirsty and starving, could freely cross the Muslim lines and take water from the Muslim controlled water wells. Clearly, the Prophetic example seems to be at great odds with the modern Muslim anti-poppy brigade. Expand Close Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal The example of the great Ayyubid Muslim warrior and Caliph, Salah al-Din al- Ayyubi (Saladin), is also noteworthy. Western and Eastern historical accounts of the Siege of Acre, which occurred during the Third Crusade, famously mention that Salah al-Din was quick to send his own personal physician to treat the King of England, Richard I (famously known as Richard the Lion Heart), when he fell desperately ill. This was in the heart of the battle with help extended to no less than the King of the enemy forces. Again, another example which appears at odds with the opinion and actions of many Muslims today. The neutral reader will no doubt be wondering if the impulsive and angry reaction of many Muslims today is in submission to their religion or, as is more likely the case, their egos. I propose that the issue we face today with radical Muslims, whether they are burning poppies in London or the Shrines of Muslim Saints in Mali, is that they clearly lack an important quality that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his true spiritual lineage were charged to the brim with namely, chivalry. Expand Close Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal Futuwwah, the Arabic word for chivalry, was once treated as an essential component of a Muslims moral DNA. In fact, futuwwah is derived from a root word (fityan) that the Holy Quran uses to describe the very fabric of what makes a man when he comes of age. It was so close to the Muslim heart that a whole genre of literature was at one time dedicated to its study. One of the greatest students of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Ali b. Abi Talib, who later became the fourth Successor (Caliph) to the Prophet, is an example of an individual who excelled in this quality. For example, during a battle he was being attacked by an enemy; Ali was a more skilled warrior and quickly positioned himself to kill the man. As Ali was about to strike the fatal blow, the man spat in Alis face as a final act of defiance. Ali immediately sheathed his sword and said that to kill the man had now become unlawful to him. Clearly shocked by what had happened and his sudden escape, the man was quick to quiz Ali as to why on earth he had released him from almost certain death. Expand Close Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Muslims from across the UK have been collecting for the Poppy Appeal Ali replied that when the man spat on him: it aroused the anger of my ego. Had I killed you then it would not have been for the sake of God, but for the sake of my ego. I would have been a murderer. You are free to go. Such is the nobility of the once strong Muslim chivalry. The very quality that flowed through the veins of the same Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who forbade Muslims from attacking during the night and in secret; killing the sick or injured; making use of the cattle and food found on enemy lands without the permission of the owner; damaging the trees or infrastructure of the enemy; attacking women, children and religious leaders; and from even raising their voices during a battle. Sadly, it's difficult today to find the chivalrous example of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in a Muslim world rife with oppression, hypocrisy, tyranny, hatred and aggression. If chivalry is still prevalent in the Muslim Ummah (Community), then I suggest that it might be found in the young British Muslims giving up their days, for the sake of Almighty God, to collect money for those in need. Farooq Aftab is an Ahmadi Muslim, lawyer, human rights activist, and legal adviser to the international NGO, Human Rights Committee. He regularly liaises and advises NGOs and government bodies on human rights and persecution issues with a particular focus on the persecution of minorities. This past week an overwhelming majority of Americas Christians went to the polls to vote in a candidate whose campaign targeted women, Muslims, minorities and people with disabilities as scapegoats, and whose televised rallies brimmed with hate language and bullying antics that until now my children had thought were not allowed on the playground (but apparently are in the White House, with the blessing of most Christian voters). The Christian-Trump Ticket To what extent my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ went to the polls for Trump with at least some doubt or second-guessing remains unclear. What is clear, however, is that many Christians publicly invoked their Christian confession as the reason for their support of Trump, praying in Jesus name (and for others to overhear) that Donald Trump would become the next president, and preaching from the pulpit about God-ordained catastrophe if that didnt happen. From various corners, they predicted in apocalyptic tones that any outcome other than President Trump would mean our nation had stepped over the precipice as Nation Beyond Repair. In no uncertain tones, these Christians implicitly told me that genuine Christian witness equaled a vote for Trump. There was no biblically faithful alternative. And this week the great majority of Americas Christians got what they hoped and prayed for in Jesus name. Catholics, Protestants, and Trumps biggest and most loyal cheerleaders white evangelicals, both men and women, who reportedly were instrumental in propelling Trump to victory prayed into office the most openly racist and mysogynistic presidential candidate of our time, and then anointed that result with prayers of thanksgiving for Gods grace, in the form of victory exclamations like that of Vice President-Elect Mike Pence. Some Exceptions to the Christian-Trump Ticket In the lead-up to the election, a small handful of Christians sought to challenge and critique this disturbing marriage between evangelicals and Trump. Christianity Today editor Andy Crouchs warning that strategy [regarding issues like Supreme Court appointments] becomes its own form of idolatry was one case in point. Popular Christian author Philip Yanceys frank bafflement, in an article in The Huffington Post, was another. The influential evangelical teacher, Beth Moore, courageously called out the obvious and latent mysogynism of evangelicals all-too-comfortable endorsement of a Trump presidency: Try to absorb how acceptable the disesteem and objectifying of women has been when some Christian leaders dont think its that big a deal, she was quoted as saying by CNN. From outside the Christian camp, the happy marriage of evangelicals and Donald Trump drew mockery that, however offensive, was also bitingly incisive. A case in point? Bill Maher thanking Trump for exposing evangelicals as shameless hypocrites. Whats to Mourn The Tragedy of Trump in Jesus Name In the aftermath of this election, my husband, children and I, our neighbors, school, and community, as well as many in our local church family, have been in a state of shock and mourning over the message this election has sent, both to us and to the rest of the world. For some of us, it has been a gut-wrenching grief probably best encapsulated by the following observation in a recent article in The Atlantic: White, conservative Christians may have thought they were just casting a vote for president, but some of their brothers and sisters in the church see their choice as a direct and personal assault. And from a place of painful dislocation, many of us now struggle to see a place for ourselves within an expression of Christianity we want only to run away from. It is an expression of Christianity that now (once again) has implicitly told me, a woman once ordained for Christian ministry, that I should know my place in subjection to men who can objectify, mistreat and rule over women both at home and in the workplace without accountability and with respect to the last case, even in the rare but real and tragic circumstances where a pregnancy could endanger our health and life. It is an expression of Christianity that turns a blind eye to the bullying of an authoritarian strongman for the sake of political expediency, and as a convenient outlet for eight years of pent-up racist and reactionary anger towards a president pejoratively dubbed by some of the very same Christians as not American by birthright and a closet Muslim. But the wounds of Christians who dont just feel left behind by a Trump-Christian ticket, but are repulsed and feel assaulted by it, pale in comparison to what I suspect is the greater tragedy at play: as one mostly solid voting bloc in favor of Trump, Christians traded in Gods mission of radical hospitality to the world (which necessarily is not about us) for a fearful and elusive grab at power in the form of a political messiah. Jesus words to Peter when Peter fell into a similar trap Get behind me Satan, Jesus commanded, in response to the suggestion He wear the mantle of a political messiah here come to mind. So I struggle brokenheartedly to identify even one way in which an overwhelming display of political allegiance to Trump serves as either a winning form of Christian evangelism or as a life-giving expression of Gods mission to the world. And, I suspect, this Faustian compromise (if there ever was one) has damaged the integrity of Christian public witness (or at least what was left of it) for years to come. If what the late Archbishop William Temple once said is true that the church is the only organization that does not exist for itself, but for those who live outside it, then Christians have made a tragic deal in return for a Trump residency in the White House. We have traded in our raison detre as church, the only organization that exists for those who live outside it, for one idolatrous and elusive grab at power. We have circled the wagons and tacitly proclaimed that we, the church, only really exist for ourselves and our own political agenda and to hell with those who live outside us, who thanks to this election are an only growing circle of hapless outsiders. Looking for Jesus the One Who Binds Wounds Where was Jesus during the past 18 months? Was Jesus in the prayers of church leaders who laid hands on Trump praying against the forces of evil that would keep him from becoming president? Was Jesus in the dark and fear-laden emails I received telling me my faith meant a Trump vote? And where is this Jesus now? Is He in the confident cheers of a God-ordained mandate for our country? Is He in the public thanksgiving for Gods grace in the form of a Trump victory? Such questions have caused me to wonder where I belong and if I have to choose, it would be with the rest of you asking the same questions. Were a messy and imperfect bunch. Were saints and sinners, Christians and non-Christians, men and women, people of all races, religions and doubts. Were spiritual but not religious. Were also atheists and agnostics, Jews and Muslims, gay and straight. Weve got wounds and disabilities of the kind Trump has no patience for. Weve got issues and preexisting conditions (in the words of Bill Maher above) that need more than a political savior to heal. And many of us long to relate to a God who is altogether different from a heavenly bully and authoritarian strongman dispensing punishments to those who fall short of a list of very narrow criteria for righteousness and inclusion. The God of our understanding and the God we catch holy glimpses of this God of beauty and truth, freedom and light, gentleness and compassion, whom we seek to know better precisely because this God is the only God we can relate to is One who also freely invites us into a joy-filled relationship that is predicated first on the assurance of our unconditional and equal mutual belonging as those made in Gods image. We shall love God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Appeals to Scripture aside who among us can fall in love with or love a God who wants our belief and moral obedience before our most basic human belonging? Yet the God behind a Donald Trump presidency would seem to assert this very thing and it sounds like a loud, clanging cymbal. This Sunday my family and I will be skipping church to take a healing hike in the woods. And in the weeks to come, Ill be seeking solace in the following Good News: that the only One in human history who could ever be justified in commanding a bully pulpit rejected that platform, choosing instead to draw near to us in the form of a baby in a manger and then a cross. This God is the only One who ultimately can bind these wounds of division that a Trump-Christian ticket has opened up, and humorously, with little trace of self-irony, now says it aims to lance. This same God tells those who mourn they are blessed. Where is Jesus now? Jesus is with all those who mourn, whatever their vote, in the aftermath of a campaign victory that ultimately sent the message to those who live outside [the church] (as well as to some of us in it) that Gods economy is one of scarcity and exclusion, in which lies, anger, hatred and ruthless domination are the only way to win, and a Trump political victory the sign of favor and grace upon Gods people. In the meantime, empires and political strongmen will come and go. They will fall on their own tin swords. But Jesus comes to those in need of a Redeemer, and that mission, like the gentle dawning of a new day in all its blooming splendor, will not be thwarted even by Gods people. Abdul Rauf Merchant, alias Daud Merchant, (right) is pictured during his arrest at a house in Brahmanbaria district, in eastern Bangladesh, May 28, 2009. Bangladesh has sent home an Indian underworld figure who is an aide to a crime boss linked to the 1993 Mumbai terrorist attack after his release from a Bangladeshi prison this week, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal confirmed on Friday. Abdul Rauf Merchant, also known as Daud Merchant, was handed over to authorities in India, where he was wanted over his conviction for the 1997 murder of Indian music producer Gulshan Kumar. Merchant, a 45-year-old Indian national, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in 2002, but was arrested and jailed in Bangladesh in 2009 after trying to flee India while on parole. Following his arrest in Brahmanbaria, a district in eastern Bangladesh, he was charged, sentenced and imprisoned for trying to enter the country illegally. Yes, we have handed Daud Merchant to the Indian authorities as he finished his jail term in Bangladesh. He has been a listed criminal and a dangerous person. We cannot allow such person on our land, Kamal told BenarNews. A police official in Mumbai confirmed Friday that the handover had taken place, saying that a team was sent from Mumbai to northeastern India to pick up Merchant after Bangladesh transferred him to the custody of the Indian border guard. The Bangladeshi side had informed us about Merchant's deportation, but the date of exchange was kept under wraps, the police official told BenarNews on condition of anonymity. Merchant was handed over to the Mumbai Police team in Meghalaya on Wednesday night in the presence of the Border Security Force (BSF) and brought back to Mumbai on Thursday morning. On Friday, a court in Mumbai sent Merchant to jail after he was brought back to the city. He had served as an aide to international criminal kingpin Dawood Ibrahim, who is on the run from Indian authorities and is listed by U.S. officials as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. On [the] courts order, we have sent him to Arthur Road jail today. Now, the jail authorities will decide which jail he should be kept in for completion of his sentence, the Indian Express newspaper quoted Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Sanjay Saxena. Indian mafia lord Dawood Ibrahim, 60, an Indian citizen and head of D Company, a South Asian international criminal syndicate, is alleged to have been behind the bombings in 1993 that targeted the Mumbai Stock Exchange and other sites in the city that left 350 people dead and more than 700 injured. The attack was the deadliest act of terrorism in Indian history. In July 2015, India executed Yakub Memon, the sole suspect who was convicted in connection with the 93 bombings. Ibrahim heads D Company, a transnational syndicate that operates in India, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates and is involved in drug trafficking, extortion, smuggling and contract killings, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. Dawood Ibrahim, an Indian crime lord, has found common cause with al-Qaeda, sharing his smuggling routes with the terror syndicate and funding attacks by Islamic extremists aimed at destabilizing the Indian government, U.S. treasury officials said in 2003 when the department placed him on the terrorist list. He is wanted in India for the 1993 Bombay Exchange bombings and is known to have financed the activities of Lashkar-e-Taiba, officials said, referring to a militant group that later was blamed for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks that killed 166 people. High-profile expulsions Merchant is the second high-profile Indian national wanted by authorities to be deported by Bangladesh in the past year. Last November, Bangladesh handed over Anup Chetia, founder of the United Liberation Front of Assom (ULFA), a northeast Indian armed separatist group, after he had spent 18 years in a Bangladeshi jail cell for illegal entry. Chetia was expelled following the signing of an Indo-Bangladeshi extradition treaty. We fully back the government in the extradition of criminals like Daud Merchant. We do not want terrorists and criminals to use our land for anti-state and criminal activities, Md Suhrab Uddin, a member of Bangladeshs Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, told BenarNews. Rohit Wadhwaney in Jaipur, India, contributed to this report. ein Google-Unternehmen Google-Dienste anzubieten und zu betreiben Ausfalle zu prufen und Manahmen gegen Spam, Betrug und Missbrauch zu ergreifen Daten zu Zielgruppeninteraktionen und Websitestatistiken zu erheben. 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Sofern relevant, verwenden wir Cookies und Daten auerdem, um Inhalte und Werbung altersgerecht zu gestalten. Wir verwenden Cookies und Daten, umWenn Sie Alle akzeptieren auswahlen, verwenden wir Cookies und Daten auch, umWahlen Sie Weitere Optionen aus, um sich zusatzliche Informationen anzusehen, einschlielich Details zum Verwalten Ihrer Datenschutzeinstellungen. Sie konnen auch jederzeit g.co/privacytools besuchen. First up, Joe Biden is thinking about dropping tariffs against China. But theres a spy in prison this morning that helps us understand why he shouldnt. Ill explain. Your second brief, If youre looking for a good paying job, you might consider being a CEO for a health insurance company. One executive made $142M dollars last year. Let's talk about that. And as always, Im keeping an eye out for developing stories. Put this one on your radar. Mexican cartels are grooming American kids online and paying them cash to traffic illegals or run drugs across the border. Ill share details. If you enjoyed this episode of the President's Daily Brief, remember to subscribe and listen daily at podfollow.com/pdb. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices It can be tough to be a vegetarian. You have to work harder than everyone else to make sure youre getting all the nutrients your body needs. So, when its time to take a Michael Koppy will play at Charles and Myrtle's Coffeehouse on Saturday at 8 p.m. The coffeehouse is inside Christ Unity Church at 105 McBrien Road. There is a $10 suggested donation at the door. Review for Michael Koppy: Michael Koppy is a cross between Gordon Lightfoot, Shel Silverstein and The Daily Shows Jon Stewart, panoramicly insightful, and often downright hilarious. He combines poetry, history, nostalgia and his unique world view into a complete and entertaining whole. To call Koppy a character would be an understatement...hes a true American original. Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz, and their team are excited to return to Tennessee. They plan to film episodes of the hit series AMERICAN PICKERS throughout the region from November - December. AMERICAN PICKERS is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique picking on history. The hit show follows Mike and Frank, two of the most skilled pickers in the business, as they hunt for Americas most valuable antiques. They are always excited to find sizeable, unique collections and learn the interesting stories behind them. As they hit the back roads from coast to coast, Mike and Frank are on a mission to recycle and rescue forgotten relics. Along the way, the Pickers want to meet characters with remarkable and exceptional items. The pair hopes to give historically significant objects a new lease on life, while learning a thing or two about Americas past along the way. Mike and Frank have seen a lot of rusty gold over the years and are always looking to discover something theyve never seen before. They are ready to find extraordinary items and hear fascinating tales about them. AMERICAN PICKERS is looking for leads and would love to explore your hidden treasure. If you or someone you know has a large, private collection or accumulation of antiques that the Pickers can spend the better part of the day looking through, send us your name, phone number, location and description of the collection with photos to: americanpickers@cineflix.com or call 855-old-rust. PR Newswire NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 11, 2016 NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Former Attorney General of Louisiana, Charles C. Foti, Jr., Esq., a partner at the law firm of Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC ("KSF"), announces that KSF has commenced an investigation into Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (NYSE: PBYI). On September 30, 2016, a United States District Judge for the Central District of California United States District Court denied a motion to dismiss in a shareholder class action against Puma, CEO, President, and Chairman Alan H. Auerbach, and Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration and Treasurer Charles R. Eyler. The class action alleged that, in violation of the federal securities laws, Puma and the other defendants failed to inform shareholders that the shift in what its breast cancer drug, called neratinib, could actually treat would require additional studies and push the timeline for filing the NDA into the first quarter of 2016, and that Puma made false and misleading statements concerning the results for its phase 3 trial. In denying Puma's motion to dismiss the securities fraud class action, the court stated that the plaintiff had "adequately and specifically alleged why each of these statements and several others could be false or at least misleading." The court further held that the complaint contained allegations adequate to show that Auerback "knew about the allegedly real trial results when he made the alleged misrepresentations." KSF's investigation is focusing on whether Puma's officers and/or directors breached their fiduciary duties to Puma's shareholders or otherwise violated state or federal laws. If you have information that would assist KSF in its investigation, or have been a long-term holder of Puma shares and would like to discuss your legal rights, you may, without obligation or cost to you, call toll-free at 1-877-515-1850 or email KSF Managing Partner Lewis Kahn ([email protected]). About Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC KSF, whose partners include the Former Louisiana Attorney General Charles C. Foti, Jr., is a law firm focused on securities, antitrust and consumer class actions, along with merger & acquisition and breach of fiduciary litigation against publicly traded companies on behalf of shareholders. The firm has offices in New York, California and Louisiana. To learn more about KSF, you may visit www.ksfcounsel.com. Contact: Kahn Swick & Foti, LLCLewis Kahn, Managing [email protected] Covington St.Madisonville, LA 70447 Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160819/399590LOGO To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/puma-investigation-initiated-by-former-louisiana-attorney-general-kahn-swick--foti-llc-investigates-puma-biotechnology-inc---pbyi-300360479.html SOURCE Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC The Most Extensive and Reliable Source of Information Related to the Mexican Drugs Cartels. You will not find this level of coverage anywhere else, join us! WARNING: Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. COMMENTS: We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. Previous Next More than 70 veterans work at the WACKER POLYSILICON North America site in Bradley County. Friday morning, students from Bradley Central High School honored these veterans at the factory in Charleston. Today is a very special day; to all our veterans, thank you for your service and your sacrifice, said Mary Beth Hudson, vice president and site manager for WACKER POLYSILICON North America at todays all-team meeting for employees. Bradley Central High Schools JROTC colorguard presented and posted the flags, the choir sang the national anthem and the members of the band played an armed forces medley. The students from Bradley Central truly made this morning special for our veterans and all our employees, said Ms. Hudson after the event. It was such a wonderful way to honor our veterans, and we are so appreciative of the school, the teachers and students for all they did to make this an incredible event. The students impressed us with their professionalism and talent. Bradley Central High School is WACKERs Business and Education Serving Together (BEST) Partner. BEST is a program of the Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce that connects a business and a selected school to enhance the quality of life for our community and provide business support for our educational programs. The Erlanger schedule for Nov. 21-25 includes family planning classes, weight management information, and diabetes education. Erlanger offers online childbirth education class. The online class is an easy-to-understand interactive program that includes more than 70 videos, animated illustrations, downloadable PDF files, review quizzes and information specific to Erlanger East and Erlanger Baroness birthing services. By choosing the online childbirth program, participants will have access to all the information for six months. The cost for the courses is $25. Visit www.erlanger.org/classes to register for the online course. For more information on the online childbirth program and other classes and events mentioned below, call Erlangers HealthLink at 423-778-LINK (5465), seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to midnight. HealthLink Plus is a free membership program open to adults 18 and older. Monday, Nov. 21 Bariatric Support Group 5:30-6:30 p.m. Erlanger East (Gunbarrel Road) Bariatric Support Group meetings are for individuals scheduled to have Bariatric surgery or who have already had weight loss surgery. Call Erlangers HealthLink at 423-778-2906 for more information. Wednesday, Nov. 23 Bariatric Support Group noon-1 p.m. Erlanger Medical Mall (C620) Bariatric Support Group meetings are for individuals scheduled to have Bariatric surgery or who have already had weight loss surgery. Call Erlangers HealthLink at (423) 778-2906 for more information. Friday, Nov. 25 Cancer Support Group 10-11:30 a.m. Ronald McDonald House Have you or someone you know been touched by cancer? Erlanger Cancer Center and Pastoral Care services offers a cancer support group open to patients, family members and friends and offers education through self-care topics and support with discussions and fellowship. A cancer navigator and pastoral care representative will guide attendees through topics that include navigating through a cancer diagnosis, management of cancer treatment, emotional support and much more. For more information on the support group, call 423-778-5030. From flag retirement ceremonies, to pinning commemorations, Morning Pointe Senior Living communities in Chattanooga, Collegedale and Hixson honored the men and women of the Armed Forces for their service. Special guests and dignitaries, elected officials, non-profit organizations, students from area schools and members of the community came together to thank veterans residing at the assisted living and memory care communities. As part of Morning Pointes life enrichment and Meaningful Day programs, veterans and their families receive special recognition for their sacrifices through annual observances. During a Veterans Day Luncheon at The Lantern at Morning Pointe Alzheimer's Center of Excellence, Collegedale, tears welled up in the eyes of resident Evelyn Delaney, who witnessed the pinning of her son, Jim Delaney, Vietnam War veteran who received his very first recognition for his service. In addition, Mrs. Connie Reynolds fifth-grade class at Ooltewah Adventist Kindergarten School sang patriotic songs at The Lantern at Morning Pointe of Collegedale. This is the fourth year that the class visited the memory care community to thank the veterans for their service. "Every year it is our honor to have this opportunity to tell veterans that we are grateful for what they have done for our nation," says Dawn Dunn, Lantern program director. Prayers and patriotic songs were heard from Morning Pointe of Chattanooga at Shallowford during a special luncheon. Commemorative hats were given to each of the veterans during the event. Residents and volunteers at The Lantern at Morning Pointe Alzheimers Center of Excellence, Chattanooga planted miniature American flags along the lawn to honor their husbands, wives, sons and daughters who made sacrifices for their nation. Today, we were proud to honor all veterans for the service they provided to keep our country safe, says Chris Lindberg, Lantern program director. But at Morning Pointe, we are thankful all year long for our veterans and for American freedom. The Tellico Reservoir Development Agency (TRDA) and Cleveland State Community College (CSCC) Foundation will hold a ribbon cutting on Friday, November 18 at 11:30 a.m. at the new Monroe County Center located at 121 Grand Vista in Vonore, TN. The purpose of the event is to signify the official donation of the property from the TRDA to the CSCC Foundation. The Cleveland State 2020 Community First Plan envisioned the development of an industrial training center in Vonore, but we had no idea that we would receive such an amazing gift from the TRDA, stated Dr. Bill Seymour, CSCC President. This property will enable the college to quickly implement credit and non-credit programs that will support industry in the area and have a significant impact on employment and economic development. Ron Hammontree, Executive Director of the TRDA, said, The TRDA realized the need for workforce training in the area to support Monroe County industries and felt like this was a significant movement in that direction to have a facility in the county. According to Patty Weaver, CSCC Director of Off Campus Sites, funds from the recent LEAP 2.0 Grant that CSCC received in partnership with Pellissippi State and the Tennessee Center of Applied Technology at Knoxville (TCAT) will go to support ongoing efforts to offer advanced manufacturing and mechatronics at the new Monroe County Center. Ms. Weaver stated, Susan Webb-Curtis, Dean of Business and Technology, and Tim Wilson, Technology Department Chair, along with various industries and businesses in Monroe County, were instrumental in making this happen. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Marcela Reyes carefully rolled out clay and sculpted it in the form of a flower the outline of the petals representing her journey as a Colombian immigrant. Reyes described the bittersweet experience of coming to Canada back in 2009. It was an exciting time, but also terribly sad when she had to leave her family. Something good, something not, she said as she traced her finger through the highs and lows of the sculpture. But the line is continuing, which means there are ups and downs. Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun Brandon University student Albyn Carias, right, checks out clay work done by Assiniboine Community College ESL student My Tran at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba on Thursday. EAL students were helping Carias with his thesis for his bachelor of fine arts, creating individual clay pieces that will all be joined together as part of his thesis exhibition exploring immigrants in Brandon and immigration issues. She also incorporated the sun into her piece, representing happiness in her new country. My family is here now, and my childrens lives are changed, Reyes said. Reyes, along with her English as a second language class, participated in a clay workshop on Thursday at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba. The workshop was hosted by Brandon University fine arts student Albyn Carias. Now in his fifth year of studies, he is working on his thesis delving into the stories, experiences and struggles of immigrants in Brandon. Carias, who is originally from El Salvador, immigrated to Canada nine years ago with his family. His parents were recruited to work at Maple Leaf Foods. Because of the Maple Leaf involvement, Brandon has become this massive place where all cultures have come together, he said. It sounds really great but at the same time, theres a lot of cultural difficulties that is attached to it. Starting a whole new life while adapting to a new culture and climate comes with its challenges. Issues around the language barrier, how we came here together, and theres also subjects like racism that will be attached to it and stereotypes and discriminations, he said. Those things that do go on but is not being discussed. During the workshop, Carias had each student create a piece to represent their own journey. The class from Assiniboine Community College represented immigrants from Colombia, Vietnam, El Salvador, China, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Mexico, Nigeria and Sudan. The end product will link them all together and be hung up on the wall as one piece. This will be one component of Carias thesis, which will be presented next year. Im learning as I go through this, Carias said. My main theme is to create discussion when it comes to immigration here in Brandon. This workshop, Im just giving them a chance to have fun with it. Yolanda Quiring, ESL instructor at ACC, has watched Carias grow up in Brandon. She first taught him when he was in middle school and he then went on to high school with her own children. They stayed in touch over the years and when his thesis idea came up, she was happy to be a part of it with her class. Thats what this class is all about real life, trying to incorporate into this culture with their English and their actions, Quiring said. The students also submitted a written piece to Carias, talking about their journey to Canada and their own experiences. I told my class this is a journey that were on with a local artist. We dont know the twists and turns because hes figuring out as he goes. jaustin@brandonsun.com Twitter: @jillianaustin Trump built up a lot of fear BY JILLIAN AUSTIN Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun Brandon University student Albyn Carias, centre, checks out clay work done by ACC ESL students on Thursday. Part of Albyn Carias motivation for his thesis on immigration came after watching the sensational and shocking American election campaign. With (Donald) Trump being elected, there needs to be a conversation about what Brandon is, so thats my aim, he said. He built up a lot of fear when it came to the Syrian refugees, like the way they dressed. His goal is to create conversations about the challenges faced by newcomers, while helping people understand different cultures. Some people have attitudes, some people have really kind hearts This is an emphasis on people themselves, he said. His parents worked hard to bring the family to Canada, and Carias said he saw them endure discrimination as they began their new life. They struggled a little more, so this work is mostly for them, he said. Brandon has had a huge welcoming side to it, as well as some bad things that have happened. Thats why I want to discuss this. Many immigrants in Brandon spoke about how thankful they are to be on this side of the Canada-United States border, following Trumps victory. Here is my home now, and here is very different than the U.S., said Francisco Alonso, originally from Mexico. Here, the feeling is good, you feel comfortable You feel, you see the support of the Canadian people for immigrant people. You can feel that, and that is very important. Meanwhile, Girma Samuel of Ethiopia, said he is still shocked by the U.S. election results, and the implications it may have for immigrants south of the border. In the process of the election campaign, I heard a lot of things that Donald Trump planned to do if he is elected the president of the United States, he said. Thats why Im just shocked. Birhane Adane of Sudan arrived in Brandon in 2012, and is grateful for the city he now calls home. When I came to Canada, I saw a lot of improvement in my life. It changes your life, he said. I have seen a lot of stuff, so just for me Brandon is the best place. jaustin@brandonsun.com Twitter: @jillianaustin Attorney Martin L. Pierce, a certified estate planning specialist in Chattanooga, has been selected for inclusion as a 2016 Mid-South Super Lawyer in the areas of Estate Planning and Probate. Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. Each year, no more than five percent of the lawyers are selected to receive this honor. Other law practice areas in which Mr. Pierce appears in the 2016 Mid-South Super Lawyer listings include: Elder Law; Wills; Trusts; Business & Corporate; Contracts; and Tax. A member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and a certified estate planning specialist, Mr. Pierce practices law in Tennessee and Georgia. Mr. Pierce qualified for inclusion as a 2016 Super Lawyer through a multifaceted selection process including independent research, peer nominations, and peer evaluations by practice area. The result is a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of exceptional attorneys, said officials. The Super Lawyers lists are published nationwide. For more information about Super Lawyers, visit SuperLawyers.com. To contact Mr. Pierce of Pierce Law Firm, PLLC, visit 4513 Hixson Pike, Suite 109, email mpierce@martinpiercelaw.com or call 648-4303. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Having recently had a heart attack, Peter Neufelds doctor would have advised him to stay at home and rest. Well, thats what Im told Im supposed to be doing, Neufeld said. Instead, the longtime Royal Canadian Legion member was front row for the citys Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday. Colin Corneau/The Brandon Sun Mayor Rick Chrest lays a wreath during a Remembrance Day service at Westman Place on Friday. I want to be here, I want to be part, said Neufeld who wore a poppy on the left breast of his blue blazer, and still wore a hospital band from his recent stay around his right wrist. This marked the first time in 25 years that Neufeld, a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 247, hadnt marched with the colour guard in the ceremony. Carrying the colours, given his condition, would now be a strain, so he handed them on to someone else and took a seat in the stands. When the 85-year-old stood for the start of the event, he did so gingerly. But he was still there to watch his Legion friends carry the colours into Westman Place. Colin Corneau/The Brandon Sun Peter Neufeld laughs during the Remembrance Day service at Westman Place. In return, his friends in the colour guard gave him the thumbs-up. Anyway, he said, it did his heart good to see the arena so full of people paying their respects to the military and those who gave their lives. You have to respect that, absolutely, Neufeld said of those who served their country. Neufeld, a former Brandon alderman, didnt join the military. It wasnt for him. But like others, given Brandons proximity to CFB Shilo, parts of his life were intertwined with it. As an electrical contractor, hed worked as a civilian at CFB Shilo for 5 1/2 years. He had a lot of respect for the father of his late wife, who served during the Second World War with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles. Colin Corneau/The Brandon Sun Soldiers from CFB Shilo line up in formation beneath a display of the poem In Flanders Fields during the Remembrance Day service at Westman Place in the Keystone Centre on Friday. I always looked up to him, said Neufeld, whose blazer was also adorned with a row of medals for his service to the Legion. CFB Shilos commander, Lt.-Col. John Cochrane, highlighted the close relationship between Brandon and Shilo during his address. The support and respect that the military receives in Brandon, Westman and indeed all of Manitoba is second to none, Cochrane said. Not only on Remembrance Day, but every day of the year, and we thank you. While many opted for the large formal ceremony at the arena, others chose a quieter way to mark Remembrance Day. At the Brandon Municipal Cemetery, Joe Dauphinais and his fiancee, Kelsey Brown, quietly strolled among the rows of gravestones in the Veterans section. Colin Corneau Master Cpl. Scott Lawrence holds daughter Finley as she wears a headband reflecting her fathers poppy at the Keystone Centre. We have gone to ceremonies in the past, but we found that we like doing something a little more personal, Brown said. Dauphinais grandfather served in the Second World War. After the couple placed poppies at his marker in the cemetery, they went to the graves of other soldiers to show their respect. We found a lot of graves from the South African war and World War I and I imagine, at least for the South African war, they might not have a lot of family members still left alive and I think its important to keep the older conflicts in mind as well, Dauphinais said. They sacrificed just as much for Canada as some of the other combatants. Brown said the walk in the cemetery brought home to her the scale of the sacrifices made by locals. Colin Corneau/The Brandon Sun The colour party heads into Westman Place for Fridays Remembrance Day service. Im just kind of astounded at how many graves there are just from the Brandon area. Theres hundreds of tombstones, she said. ihitchen@brandonsun.com Twitter: @IanHitchen Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Marking Remembrance Day with a movie and popcorn? Well, in this case it was appropriate given that the film was a documentary about the XII Manitoba Dragoons. Filmmaker Graham Street retraced the path the regiment took as it helped liberate Europe in the Second World War. Colin Corneau/The Brandon Sun Brandon filmmaker and historian Graham Street introduces his latest documentary on the Westman-based XII Manitoba Dragoons at Brandon Universitys Evans Theatre on Friday. In that sense, Street says, the film itself is a tribute to the liberty the soldiers helped to defend. Without the men from the XII Manitoba Dragoons, the footage that I capture of them now probably might not have been possible at this point if they hadnt sacrificed what they did, Street said. Because, who knows what the world would have been like? Then and Now: Life in the Regiment premiered on Friday at the Evans Theatre at Brandon University. It took two years to make, and Street had the assistance of Shaun Cameron and Nate Bower. Veterans of the regiment were among those in the audience for the 50-minute films premiere. Its now available to view as part of MTSs Stories from Home programming. MTS funded the film, which is free to all MTS Ultimate TV customers through video-on-demand. The movie uses footage taken by members of the regiment themselves during the Second World War in Europe to create the Then aspect of the film. While it shows some battle scenes, much of the footage shows life when the soldiers werent in the midst of fighting from training near Virden to a liberation ceremony in Ostend, Belgium. Its not Department of Defence footage, it is from the unit level, so its very, very authentic, Street said. Streets role was to provide the Now of Then and Now. He followed the path of the XII Manitoba Dragoons through Europe and filmed footage in the same locations from the same angles to show how the areas look now. In that way, past and present are connected and the movie shows the world made possible by the regiments efforts. The regiments task was reconnaissance. They went ahead of the main allied force to scout German positions, then relayed what they found back to commanders to decide on a course of action. Using quick armoured scout cars, sometimes they were days ahead of their fellow soldiers in the allied force behind. As such, they were the first troops that liberated Europeans would see as the German army. Former regiment member 93-year-old Jack Houston saw the film for the first time Friday. Not only was he a subject of the film as one of the soldiers who served with the regiment, but he was also interviewed by Street for modern perspective. The film showed mainly the better times of the regiments time in Europe, Houston said not, for example, when 17 lives were lost in one day due to friendly fire. But the film is a fitting tribute to the task that regiment members undertook on behalf of its government, he said. The film shows that it was a success, Houston said. Houston said that he hoped the movie would help audiences appreciate the sacrifice he and his colleagues made. Just be thankful that we went and preserved the peace and harmony that weve enjoyed in this country for so long, Houston asked. Every one of those men had their life on the line at any moment. Bill Pierson, who is from the Eden area, was a member of the 12 Manitoba Dragoons in the 1960s as a reservist. He marvelled at the footage taken during the war and said it made him proud to be a former regiment member and others should be pleased, too. They should be proud of it, Pierson said. The XII Manitoba Dragoons Museum helped produce the film, and is located at the Brandon Armoury. ihitchen@brandonsun.com Twitter: @IanHitchen Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Keystone Agricultural Producers is worried the trend of mergers between large agriculture companies is detrimental to farmers. Among several policies KAP members issued at their fall advisory council meeting last week in Portage la Prairie, the organization agreed to lobby the Competition Bureau and all government levels to examine the short- and long-term effects of large-scale consolidations. Major players in the biotech seed and agrochemical sectors recently proposed mergers: Bayer struck a deal to buy Monsanto, DuPont wants to merge with Dow and Chinese mammoth ChemChina intends to buy Syngenta. Each of these offers, along with the proposed amalgamation of fertilizer producer Potash Corp. and farm supply retailer Agrium, is awaiting formal approval. KAP president Dan Mazier compared the industrys inclination to merge with the grocery sectors. Its just like when they shut down two or three grocery stores, that takes out competition. The big-ticket merger is Bayers proposed $66-billion purchase of Monsanto. If the deal succeeds, it will make Bayer the worlds largest crop seed producer. The consolidation might see increased prices for seeds and pesticides passed down to farmers and eventually the grocery aisle. Mazier said a merged company can leverage the expertise of two previously separate enterprises, which is beneficial, but it also represents one last player investing in research and development. Major consolidations have happened for decades. Mazier remembers working for Simplot in the 1990s when there was industry concern about the nationalization of fertilizer companies. There were 60-70 companies back then, and now theres maybe one-quarter of that, he said. Many producers are alarmed by the rapid consolidation, he said. Weve heard lots from our members on this and rightfully so. I think every time this happens, its another little chink out of our whole industry, Mazier said. Theyre telling us it will make them better, so hopefully they will make better products. Mazier said KAP members want a thorough examination of prospective mergers before any deal is approved, and if they are, continued scrutiny to ensure healthy business competition. In another resolution, KAP members asked the province to ditch its arbitrary deadline for when producers must apply manure or incorporate fertilizer. This year, the province pushed back its Nov. 10 deadline to give farmers more time. They should leave it in the farmers hands to decide whether its hot or cold enough to put on their nutrients, he said. We dont like the calendar date. Producers are also frustrated with Manitobas practice of funding education using property taxes, especially this year when a marked increase in the value of agricultural land has left tax bills soaring. KAP wants a model where school taxes from farmland and farm buildings are removed and education is funded through personal and corporate income taxes and residential properties. Mazier, who farms in the RM of Elton, said the blow in school taxes is severe because his land tax bill is 70 per cent higher than last year. He said a similar hike wouldnt fly in urban centres. It would never happen in any other industry, but in rural it happens this way, he said. KAP is also asking the province to exempt direct costs, like fertilizer and fuel, from any carbon-pricing schedule Manitoba adopts. Producers at the meeting argued they would ultimately pay the cost of a carbon price and asked for a made-in-Manitoba system to help them sequester carbon and reduce emissions. ifroese@brandonsun.com Twitter: @ianfroese Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. A handgun found in a purse during the high-risk arrest of suspects in a taxi cab was stolen from Dauphin, and apparently bought for $400. Its one of the details that continue to trickle out regarding recent shootings in Brandon. Crown attorney Kaley Tschetter argued against the release of one of the accused found in the cab during a bail hearing this week. Given the arrests connection to a shooting investigation, the public would be concerned. They would be extremely concerned with the criminal justice system if Mr. Pashe were to be released, Tschetter said during a bail hearing in Brandon court on Thursday. Clinton Paul Pashe, 39, faces weapon and drug charges related to the dramatic Oct. 3 arrest. Tschetter provided further details of the arrest during the bail hearing. She said police were investigating a Sept. 24 incident in which a man was shot outside a business on the 300 block of 10th Street. On Oct. 3, police attention was on one of the men who was at the shooting scene and reportedly had a handgun, although he wasnt the one accused of firing the shot that wounded the victim. Police had the mans city home under surveillance as they worked to secure a warrant to search it. One officer observed the suspect getting into a taxi at the corner of Lorne Avenue and 13th Street. That man, another man and a woman were passengers in the taxi as police followed it to College Avenue, where it made a stop at a home. It then continued before police stopped it on the 100 block of 18th Street. Tschetter said police stopped the taxi once multiple police units were available. Police arrested the passengers at gunpoint. One of the men had a bundle of cash in this pocket, while another had methamphetamine and cocaine on him. Inside the cab, they also found a purse that held a .22-calibre handgun with a magazine that was loaded with 10 bullets. The purse also contained brass knuckles and $890 bundled cash. A check of the gun showed that it had been stolen from Dauphin, but the woman from the cab said she bought it from a woman in Winnipeg for $400 and planned to resell it. That woman also found with methamphetamine told police that she was on the way to the mall to buy shoes when she and her companions were arrested. Pashe is the man accused of having the meth and cocaine on him. The allegations havent been proven and hes presumed innocent. He was also wanted for failing to attend court in connection with allegations that he was the driver during a drunk driving hit-and-run in April. Judge Donovan Dvorak noted the publics concern with guns and drugs, but he said any connection between Pashe and the handgun found in the cab seemed weak. Dvorak released Pashe on bail to live at the Dakota Tipi First Nation. His two co-accused remain in custody. ihitchen@brandonsun.com Twitter: @IanHitchen Already have an account? Log in here An ex-employee who allegedly broke into his former place of work will make an appearance in court in January. We need your support! Local journalism needs your support! As we navigate through unprecedented times, our journalists are working harder than ever to bring you the latest local updates to keep you safe and informed. Now, more than ever, we need your support. Starting at $4.99/month you can access your Brandon Sun online and full access to all content as it appears on our website. or call circulation directly at (204) 727-0527. Your pledge helps to ensure we provide the news that matters most to your community! Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. A man who was suffering delusions when he hit two women with his vehicle, sprayed chemical in the faces of police and attacked a sheriff has been found not criminally responsible. Defence lawyer Scott Newman said his client was in acute psychosis at the time and didnt understand his actions were wrong. The doctors report gives us ample evidence for that finding, Newman said in Brandon provincial court on Thursday. He has had a protracted history of involvement with mental health services prior. Raymond John Prysunka, 60, was found not criminally responsible (NCR) due to a mental disorder on counts of assaulting a peace officers. Crown attorney Grant Hughes said that police were called to Houstons nightclub shortly after closing time on July 29. Prysunka had got in a confrontation with a couple of taxi cab drivers, during which hed made unspecified racial comments. A woman nearby stuck up for the cabbies, telling Prysunka that he had no right to speak to them like that as they were part of society. When Prysunka drove off, he struck that woman and another with his vehicle. The women werent seriously injured. When a pair of constables tracked Prysunka down to his Hilton Avenue home, he sprayed them in the face and eyes with a squeeze bottle full of Roundup herbicide. Prysunka was Tasered during the ensuing struggle before being tackled by one of the officers. The offender and both police officers went to hospital to be treated for exposure to the chemical. Both officers were treated and released. However, one had burning eyes and needed followup with an eye doctor. Newman said that Prysunka was talking non-stop at hospital and expressing delusions. Officers noted that he was singing the Canadian and U.S. national anthems, and he claimed he was trying to stop terrorists. He believed that the treating psychiatrist was a Syrian immigrant. Such delusions continued even five days later, while he was at a Winnipeg psychiatric ward for assessment. He believed the apocalypse and a holy war was approaching, that hed been poisoned and that Hillary Clinton was an imposter. Prysunka was held in custody and on Aug. 2, following a court appearance, he was being escorted to cells when he assaulted a sheriff. Other sheriffs restrained Prysunka, and it doesnt appear there were any serious injuries. Newman said that his client had prior mental health struggles and wasnt consistently taking his medication, and at the time he was only sleeping two hours per night. Prysunka had been referred to a psychiatrist in 2013, and determined to have post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, agoraphobia and insomnia. His mental health problems appeared to be linked to trauma from a prior incident in which he was stabbed, Newman said. Since being held in custody, Prysunka has taken medications and is recovering but will need supports when he returns to the community, Newman said, adding the provinces review board would be able to help. Judge Donovan Dvorak ruled Prysunka NCR and referred disposition to the review board. In general depending on the risk a person poses to themselves or others dispositions range from release into the community with or without conditions to detention in a mental health facility subject to annual review. ihitchen@brandonsun.com Twitter: @IanHitchen Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. A trip to Cuba has landed a registered sex offender in hot water. Officials also learned that he wasnt living where they thought he was. Ronald Evan Hardy, 48, pleaded guilty in Brandon provincial court on Thursday to failing to notify the sex offender registry that hed travelled to Cuba for eight days and that he had a secondary address in Alberta. Hardys original case made headlines back in 2002 when Deloraine residents tried to run him out of town. He was convicted of possessing, making and distributing child pornography. Hed collected 14,000 pictures and videos of 4,000 children as young as six months being raped and tortured. He also admitted to making child pornography by taking topless and nude photographs of a 14-year-old girl and then posting them on the Internet. While out on bail, and as a judge considered whether to deliver a conditional sentence that would allow Hardy to continue living in Deloraine, two citizens launched a petition to ask the judge to keep Hardy out of their community. In February 2002, the judge rejected a conditional sentence and imposed one year in jail to be followed by three years of probation. On Monday, Crown attorney Brett Rach told court that Hardy received an order to be registered with the national sex offender registry for life. He was supposed to notify the Manitoba branch of the registry of absences from his residence longer than seven days. But in January, the Internet Child Exploitation Unit received word from the Canadian Border Services Agency that Hardy had travelled to holiday hot spot, Varadero, Cuba, from Dec. 26, 2015, to Jan. 3, 2016 (eight days). ICE members then went to Hardys Deloraine address to speak with him, but nobody was home and the water was disconnected. A neighbour told them that Hardy hadnt lived there for some time; he just had a mailbox there and came to town to pick up mail once a year. The neighbour believed that Hardy lived somewhere in Alberta. While they were aware that Hardy was working in Alberta, registry officials werent aware that he was spending most of his time there. The Manitoba registry centre tried to get an address for him in Alberta, but wasnt able to. As such, hed failed to notify officials that he was living in Alberta and therefore had a second address there. Defence lawyer Derek Cullen said his client still keeps Deloraine as his permanent address but works on extended logging contracts in Alberta. Cullen said Hardy doesnt have a fixed address in Alberta; he lives in a trailer which he moves around to various work sites. He informs probation officials in that province when he moves. As to Cuba, Cullen said Hardy had an epiphany after having a heart attack and bought a ticket. Hed mistakenly believed that he only had to report if he was away for 14 days. Otherwise, Cullen said, Hardy has had no further criminal involvement since the child porn offences and has complied with his order for the last 11 years. Hardy contacted Cullen on his own initiative when he realized he was in breach. Judge Donovan Dvorak fined Hardy a total of $1,000 for his two offences. ihitchen@brandonsun.com, with files from the Winnipeg Free Press Twitter: @IanHitchen Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. So you went to night school to be trained as a computer programmer, but you still stayed in the insurance business. Why is that? I just loved insurance. Thats kind of a neat perspective. What about insurance did you love? Theres a lot of people in the business, so I guess theres must be a big draw Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun Born and raised in Neepawa, Val Hutsal moved to Winnipeg right after graduating from high school and spent 12 years in the provincial capital. She earned her Chartered Insurance Profession designation from the Insurance Institute of Canada and, although she also received a certificate from Red River College in computer programming, she remained in the insurance business, working for a large company in Winnipeg. Since moving to Brandon in the early 1990s, she and her husband, Greg, have been involved in their own insurance business, Dick Agencies. And her appreciation of her own circumstances, as well as compassion for those who are perhaps not as comfortable, led her to join an organization called 100 Women Who Care, a cause in which she truly believes. Its dealing with people. I just love the interaction. And youre helping someone. And here you are, still at it. Yes. When I met my husband, Greg, we got married and moved to Brandon in the early 90s, and started here at Dick Agencies, and weve worked together ever since. Was it always Dick Agencies, right from the beginning? It was. The companys been here since 1948. It was started in 1948 by Dave Dick. And there was only one other owner in between Dave and us. So in the same vein as you like insurance because its helping people is that what prompted you to get involved with 100 Women Who Care? How it all started was I received an email because Im on the email list for Brandon Area Community Foundation (BACF). So I received an email, and I thought, Oh this looks interesting. And so I researched it online, then I phoned Laura (Kempthorne, general manager of BACF), and I said, Im really interested in this! Can you explain it to me? So she went through everything with me and talked about the commitments and she said to me, You know, if youre not ready to commit to the program, why dont you come to the first meeting and see what its all about, and then you can decide at that time? And I said, You know what? Im in. Right from the get-go. Even without going to the meeting. What was it about it that appealed to you? Just its local focus helping local charities? Yes. Because its 100 Women Who Care, and its giving back to Westman and Brandon, and just the community itself the involvement. @interview Q:I know that you have 78 members now Im sure youd be happy not only to hit the 100-women mark, but also 150 women. Or more. Oh, we would! Wed love that. And you know what? Its the networking, its the meeting new people, and that we get to see the different groups out there that are in need. @interview Q:I understand that, although this is similar, its a slightly different format than the 100 Men Who Give a Damn, which also started in town earlier this year. Thats right. How it works is this: Every woman who joins has to commit to donating $300. The first $100 goes to the BACFs Womens Endowment Fund, which provides annual grants that support women, girls and their families. And then its $50 for each of the four meetings we have throughout the year, whether you attend or not. And each meeting is only an hour long thats one thing we stick to. All of the charities have to be non-profits and be registered and in good standing with the Canada Revenue Agency. Each of the members of 100 Women gets to nominate a charity they think is deserving of a contribution, and the names of three members are drawn randomly. Then, the women have five minutes at the meeting to present the details about their chosen organization. So they give us their pitch on why we should donate to their cause and give personal experiences. And that can be very moving. Then we can ask questions and then we do a vote. And the charity with the most votes gets the money. These short presentations are not about stats, but they have more of a personal side that has really been interesting to hear.This process has not only given more awareness to these groups but personal donations to them as well. Just to clarify, every member gets to put their charity of choice in the ballot box. Once a charity has been awarded our donation, they are not eligible again for the current year. The charities that didnt get picked that night get thrown back into the ballot box for another opportunity.We will start the process all over again in April 2017. If you register for our group in 2017 you can speak to any charity the slate is wiped clean from the past year. Do you have a particular cause? Well, I havent actually given mine yet. You dont have to, at the beginning, decide where youd like to recommend the money go. But certainly, there are a lot of worthy organizations in Brandon and the surrounding area. You sort of touched on this a while back, but why were you so gung-ho on this right out of the gate? I think I really liked the idea that you have control, or at least you have a say, as to where the money goes. And although my husband and I donate on a regular basis to different charities, in this case, you can ask questions, you can find out further information, and I just felt it was very open. And the money stayed locally that was very important to me. This much philanthropy its got to make you feel good, yes? Thats exactly right. When you walk away and you realize that that group or that association is going to receive $3,800 it depends how many members we have but certainly you feel pretty good at the end of it. Its a win-win, I think. I phoned a couple of my friends and I said, You should come and see what this is all about. Because its great. @interview Q:I get the sense that this is so meaningful because of the size of the donation. Because you could donate $50 to an organization and thats going to help for, like, a few hours or a day or whatever. But when they get this massive influx of cash Thats going to make a difference. You know, really its going to make a difference in their budget for sure it will. The only commitment is the one hour. And if you cant attend, you can vote by email. So four or five days before the next meeting, you can be given the three different charities, information about them, and you can vote ahead of time. Its really interesting. And I think its a great idea! I really do. The first meeting really got me in because you hear their personal stories which means a lot more than you writing a cheque to a group, because maybe thats the last you hear of it. Well in this, if they did use your money to award to a project, youre going to read about it in the newspaper or hear about it. And theres an extra sense of gratification, then? I guess so. The people who participate are from all walks of life, so you get to meet a whole bunch of different people and really broaden your horizons, too. Other communities across Manitoba and Canada have this club and have become very strong and respected groups in their communities, so we hope that will happen here.If it does, theres so much more we can do. The next 100 Women Who Care meeting takes place Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Prairie Oasis Senior Centre. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Laura Kempthorne at the BACF by calling 204-571-0529, by email at info@bacf.ca or check out the website at bacf.ca John Thunder Thornton was named the recipient of Tennessee Wesleyan Universitys 2016 Distinguished Entrepreneur Award this Tuesday. Mr. Thornton is the third recipient of this award, presented annually by the TWU business administration department. TWU Board of Trustees Chairman Allen Carter introduced Mr. Thornton and presented this years award.To have my name alongside Claire [Tucker]s and the entrepreneur of entrepreneurs Bobby Goodfriend is a real honor, Mr. Thornton said.Im so grateful to be here and receive this prestigious award. Thank you all so much.Mr. Thornton graduated from Tennessee Wesleyan in 1975 with a degree in business management and began his business career working at Salem Carpets. In 1984, he founded American Rug Craftsmen, Inc., which grew into the countrys largest producer of decorative carpets and floor mats. The company became a supplier to Walmart and was named Walmarts vendor of the year twice. In 1992, Mr. Thornton was named Ernst and Youngs Entrepreneur of the Year.In addition to his success with American Rug Craftsmen, Mr. Thornton also founded Thunder Enterprises LLC, real estate development company in 1991. He also founded Thunder Air, Inc. in 1992. Thunder Enterprises continues to develop high-end real estate in eight states, including Tennessee.Mr Thornton discussed his business successes with attendees of the event, including many TWU business students, sharing a story about the starting of American Rug Craftsmen. His first day with the business was the day his oldest son was born. He left the hospital and went to work, then did not take a day off for the next five months.One of the key ingredients to being successful in your own business is hard work, Mr. Thornton said. Theres no substitute for it. You just have to work harder than you could ever imagine.Mr. Thornton also discussed the importance of believing in hard work and in the business project. In addition to sharing several life lessons he learned from Pat Summitt, Mr. Thornton shared his insights into being an entrepreneur and starting a new business.When you start a business, its so important to believe in yourself, Mr. Thornton said. I think thats probably rule number one. Youve got to believe in yourself and youve got to believe in your plan and your project and what you hope to accomplish in that business. Youve got to know what you believe, and believe it. Believe it with a passion. This is so important. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. What a week it has been south of the border. Pollsters and politicians alike are in for years of reflection and study dissecting Donald Trumps unlikely path to victory Tuesday night. I have made a concerted effort throughout the campaign to avoid commenting on the U.S. election in my column. I chose to take this route for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, my colleague in the columnist camp at The Brandon Sun, Kerry Auriat, did a masterful job dissecting the American billionaires path to victory over the last few months. The collection exposed Trump as ultimately electable when stacked up against the boatload of problems facing Hillary Clintons campaign. The second reason was I do not care for most of things the now president-elect said about women and immigration, among a multitude of others. His decorum as a candidate was frankly quite deplorable, and I chose not to focus on his attempt to appeal to the lowest common denominator currently boiling under the surface in the United States. His vitriolic message seemed to be swept aside though in the face of a nation clamouring to rid themselves of the so-called elite nature of Washington, D.C. As a bit of an aside, I was astounded at the number of Trump supporters we had locally. A poll done by the CBC found that Manitoba had the highest number of Donald Trump followers in the nation. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll showed a whopping 28 per cent of respondents would vote for Trump. In fact, he and his message played well across the Prairies. Clinton still scored far higher nationwide, but it is worth noting that the former reality star has a bit of a base here in friendly old Manitoba. When the dust settles, Canadians will have to move forward and begin to work on building a relationship with the most powerful man in the free world. For Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, this wont be easy, but some savvy political work during the American campaign by Trudeau, may end up helping our nations form some semblance of a relationship moving forward. Trudeau did not comment on the candidates during the run up to Tuesday, rather taking the opportunity to state he would work with either leader moving forward. However small the gesture, it is positive that the prime minister chose to remain silent while others spoke out on the circus taking place just over the border. Admittedly, the prime minister has to be a bit nervous though about the Republican win, as Trump has been far from shy in his dislike for the state of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Canada is a major exporter to the United States, and in a competitive market, it may become increasingly difficult to find a home for our goods. If the American government further ups the ante by closing the supposed loopholes to trade that cause jobs to be sourced elsewhere, then Canadians do have reason to worry. Trade is immensely important to our economy and is a driver for so many sectors of the workforce, as we prep goods and raw material for consumption in the United States. Another stark difference will come regarding refugee claims to North America. The prime minister made headlines for welcoming refugees at the airport, while Trump and his associates have been elected on a mandate to close borders to refugees from countries like Syria. The two governments have worked for some time jointly to screen refugees coming over. But now, it would appear that president-elect Trump is prepared to go it alone. If you humour me for a moment, though, there could stand to be some similarities here. Both Trump and Trudeau are children of the wealthy elite. They led their parties to victory on a platform working for the grassroots membership. And both have been given a strong mandate in their respective countries for the foreseeable future. If they both can, at the very least, find some common ground, then we as Canadians may make the best of what was an ugly situation. I went into this election feeling I was with her in showing my support from abroad for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. I still am. I think Clinton represented the greatest possibility for the United States, but it would appear even that was not enough. As Canadians, we are now forced to hear out the Trump movement even if we dont completely understand, agree with or ultimately accept it. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Now that all the dust has settled, and concession and victory speeches have been made, you may be wondering what the election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States will mean to Canada. In regards to something as important to Canadians as the Keystone XL project, Trump crowed: absolutely approve it, 100 per cent. That sounds definitive. Should we accept these decisive comments at face value? Well, that might not be the best idea in the world. Donald Trump, like Democrat Bernie Sanders, stumped heavily on the twin themes of voter discontent and anger at the Washington establishment. While occupying opposite ends of the political spectrum, they ran similar campaigns raging against the Machine. In both cases, whether railing against Wall Street or China and trade deals, the sad reality is that political life is all about compromise and making deals. One can rage against The Man, but it seldom works. So, what happens when it does work? In this case, generally speaking, elected officials tend to very quickly compromise their principles to bring them into alignment with reality. It is too easy to make grand pronouncements from the bully pulpit and quite another to actually convert rhetoric into government policy. Assuming we take president-elect Trump at his word, it appears as though Keystone XL is a done deal. So congratulations to all those who will be positively impacted by the momentous decision. Will Trump pull the U.S. out of the North American Free Trade Agreement? The answer, in my humble opinion, is no. Trade agreements are highly complicated contracts that require years of negotiation and compromise. Once the agreements come into effect, industries amend their own business practices to accommodate these new rules. While some American companies will be pressuring Trump to stand by his word and dump NAFTA, others will be lobbying the new president to step back from his commitment. This is, by no means, a sure thing. Is NATO dead? How about NORAD? In both cases, candidate Trumps intemperate observations will, most likely, by tempered by the cold realities of the close relationships between militaries and security agencies globally. The bureaucrats who manage these relationships are familiar with the comings and goings of politicians. We will move beyond these promises once the cold light of reality strikes the president. Will Canada be expected to pay for more of NATOs role in foreign engagements? This type of request will most likely be made, but will it come to fruition? My sense is that these negotiations will occur behind closed doors. We may offer our support in other ways, including on the diplomatic stage. Will he build a wall to stop Mexicans from entering the U.S.? No, but he might try. This has been a cornerstone of his policy platform, such as it is. Unless he has been hiding many of the thoughtful details behind this pledge (sarcasm intended), the engineering behind such a wall would be incredibly daunting. Think about how long it took our past government to build two bridges over the Assiniboine River. Do you really think a wall hundreds of miles long can be built without serious planning, land acquisition, court cases, and so on? Ultimately, Trumps rhetoric will be hampered by the reality of economic integration. We live in an interconnected world. So if Trump shuts down immigration, illegal and otherwise, what happens to the crops normally picked by immigrants in states like California and Texas? Believe it or not, Operation Wetback initiated by former president Dwight Eisenhower some 60 years ago died a quick death when the obvious abuses of such a plan occurred. In other words, human rights were abused and people died. There is no reason to believe such a plan would work today. To get down to brass tacks, understand that economic and social integration between our two nations has been a central feature of this special relationship for decades. North-South trade between Canada and the U.S. is vitally important to citizens and businesses on both sides of the border. The days of nations being self-sufficient and producing all of their needed goods and services are long gone, my friends. My sense, and it may be a combination of optimism and experience, is that Trump will prove to be more socially liberal than he has made himself out to be. He may find himself facing challenges from business sectors that will both gain and lose from any of his policies. In other words, talk is a lot cheaper than actions. Moreover, he will have to work with Congress to enact many of these policies given the number of his own party members who have rejected him, Trump should not expect an easy ride. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Its getting to be a habit, one that Im extremely happy to indulge in each and every year. The Westman Wine Festival, which took place Oct. 26 and 28 at the Victoria Inn, was, as expected, a roaring success once again. The gala dinner on Wednesday was, in my opinion, the best Winefest dinner in the 14 years of the events existence. Right from the reception wine, the Ogio Prosecco Brut ($16.96) from Italy, to the Creamy Mushroom with Smoked Parmesan Soup paired with Enigma Chardonnay ($13.99) from California, to the Chicken Roulade Citron with Tilimuqui Single Vineyard Torrontes ($12.56) from Argentina and the Mission Hill Family Estate Five Vineyards Pinot Noir ($19.99) from B.C., the Black Magic pasta with a chili cream sauce and charred leeks, paired with Tom Gore Vineyards Chardonnay ($19.99) from California and the Young Brut Red ($18.99) from Australia, through the Slow Roasted Bison (done perfectly medium-rare for more than 100 people, a rare feat in and of itself) served with Banfi Aska Bolgheri Rosso ($25.95) from Italy and the Bonterra Organic Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon ($19.96) from California, to, finally, the Philadelphia-style cheesecake with Dr. Zenzen 1636 Hochgewachs Riesling ($20.69) from Germany, this was a gastronomic feast if ever there was one. Mega-congratulations to chef Brett Rystephanick and the Vic Inn team for delivering an absolutely superb meal, and to the MLLB staff for choosing such incredible pairings. The wines were delicious and I happily recommend them all. And thats never happened before either. Submitted Banfi Aska Bolgheri Rosso from Italy was among the various wines served at the Westman Wine Festivals gala dinner at the Victoria Inn on Oct. 26. Then, there was the public tasting. A sell-out crowd was on hand to sample more than 110 wines, and there were some stunners in this collection as well. Since one cant make it around to all the tables or taste all the wines believe me, Ive tried, and its a really bad idea here are a few of the ones that impressed the heck out of me. The Copper Cane Beran Zinfandel ($29.92) from California was terrific, an amalgam of red licorice, cherry and dark berries with a hint of tobacco. I adored the Bottega dei Poeti Prosecco Brut ($17.99) from Italy, and surprisingly, at least to me, I didnt mind the M+ Raspberry Moscato, a flavoured wine from Australia, which, although sweet, has its sugariness tempered by the tartness of the raspberry. At $12.99, its certainly worth a try if youre a fan of sweet wines. The Marques de Riscal 1860 Tempranillo from Spain prompted me to write Oh yeah! in my notes. This wine delivers aromas of stewed red fruit, burnt chocolate, black pepper and smoky oak. Fresh, fruity and oaky, this is a rare treat, especially for the price $16.99. More on this one closer to Christmas. Both the Longhand Pinot Grigio and the Longhand Cabernet Sauvignon/ Merlot from B.C. sell for $16.99 and are fuller bodied than I expected, which, for me, is a plus. Both the William Hill North Coast Chardonnay and Cabernet from California are fabulous Ill have more on these beauties in an upcoming column. Theyre priced at $18.99 and $21.99, respectively. For something a little different, I really enjoyed the Gougenheim Malbec Bubbles ($14.99) from Argentina. The Sand Point Sauvignon Blanc ($16.99) from California is citrusy, but the tropical fruit and melon flavours temper the citrus very nicely. Ive had the Mionetto Prestige Prosecco Treviso Brut (18.99) from Italy before and really enjoyed it, as I did again at the Winefest. I was terribly impressed by the Dona Paula Estate Black Edition Red Blend ($18.99) from Argentina, and I hope to try it again in less frenzied circumstances. For $12.99, the Luccio Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie from Italy is definitely worth a try, as are Le Grand Noir Pinot Noir and the Le Grand Noir Cabernet Sauvignon, both for $15.99. Rigby Orchards White Manitoba Mead is also worth a go my husband and I fell in love with mead decades ago in Victoria at The Olde Englande Inn, which no longer exists. But to have mead made right here in southwestern Manitoba is extra cool, and its very, very nice. The Rigby White Manitoba Mead sells for $17.25. The Chateau St. Jean Bijou Chardonnay from California is charming for $19.99, and the Gentlemans Collection Batch 3 Cab Sauv ($19.03) was an interesting combination of sour and sweet. The Wynns Coonawarra Estate Cabernet Sauvignon ($22.99) was delicious as usual a great melange of flavours including blackberry and bramble with a hint of cigar box and oak. The latter two wines both hail from Australia. The Ortas Prestige Rasteau ($24.99) from France boasted black fruit, smoke and leather with hints of flint and pepper. I also really enjoyed the Bodegas Muriel Vendimia Seleccionada Reserva from Spain fresh, fruit-forward and smooth, this is a keeper at $21.99 And finally, Lagar de Bezana Aluvion Gran Reserva from Chile, which prompted me to write Wow! in my notes. Cabernet Sauvignon is supplemented, enhanced and rounded by Syrah, Petit Verdot, and Carmenere. A beauty, this one sells for $29.99. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 12/11/2016 (2180 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Youd be forgiven if the fact that the federal Conservative party is in the middle of a leadership race happened to escape your attention the last few weeks. With the unfolding drama of the American election south of the border, the attention of Canadians has been drawn well Trump-ward. With all the hoopla of a Trump victory, the first Conservative leadership debate, held on Wednesday night, was given little attention by the masses. As the CBC reported, 12 contenders two women and 10 men set the tone for the next six months of campaigning as they answered questions on free trade, immigration, the environment and carbon taxes. But for the sheer number of candidates, it is Kelly Leitch who has taken the early lead among Conservative supporters, according to a Mainstreet Research poll conducted for Postmedia. She is apparently the top choice, thus far, among 19 per cent of Tory voters. And considering the recent election of Republican Donald Trump south of the border, that is quite telling. Last month, Leitch rocketed into her campaign by announcing that she proposes to screen all prospective immigrants to Canada, to try to weed out individuals who dont hold Canadian values. This is the same former Harper government minister who helped announce a pending tip line for reporting barbaric cultural practices during the 2015 federal election campaign. Suffice to say, she hasnt backed down. Following the Tuesday night election of Trump in the U.S., Postmedia reports that Leitchs team sent out a fundraising email in the middle of the night, congratulating the president-elect on his victory. That in itself is not problematic several leaders and wannabe leaders around the world did their duty and congratulated Mr. Trump. He did, after all, win the election. But the rhetoric in that press release reinforced the fact that she self-identifies with some of Trumps more worrisome policies. Tonight, our American cousins threw out the elites and elected Donald Trump as their next president. Its an exciting message and one that we need delivered in Canada as well, Leitch stated in the email bearing her name. Her intentions of singling out minorities in Canada drew a few verbal assaults from many of her fellow candidates on Wednesday night. Michael Chong, for instance, chided her for wanting Conservatives in Canada to ape Donald Trumps divisive path to the presidency. Canadian conservatives win when we offer voters an ambitious, inspiring and inclusive vision of our country and its potential. Kellies policy of singling out newcomers to Canada for special values screening by government is a losing strategy, Chong said in an emailed statement. The very real concern here is that the intemperate policies espoused by The Donald down south could spill over into Canada. And its not so hard to imagine. All one has to do is look at the vitriol that has been spewed at Alberta NDP Premier Rachel Notley, who has regularly and consistently been the target of hateful and threatening comments that go well beyond mere difference of opinion. She, of course, is not Muslim. But that does not take away from the fact that ordinary Canadians are quite capable of letting hate get in the way of civil discourse. We are pleased, however, to note that our own Brandon-Souris Conservative MP, Larry Maguire, seems to have settled on a moderate Conservative voice for the leadership of the party Erin OToole a former Canadian Air Force captain and lawyer who is currently polling somewhat behind Leitch. Late last week, Maguire announced his endorsement of OToole. It was, in fact, a bit of a relief. Earlier this year, the Suns editor sat down with Maguire and talked turkey about the leadership race, and who Maguire intended to support. Though Maguire was at first hesitant to name names, as he was waiting to see who all gets in the race, the first name that came to his mind was Leitch, who originally hails from Alexander, just up the road from Brandon. Very intelligent person, Maguire said. She was a very good friend of Jim Flahertys. One of his best friends, actually the doctor who actually tried to help him survive. Shes got a very good background in social policy and finances. That may well be true, but putting Leitch into a leadership position in the federal Conservative party would probably do more to erode support for the Tories than enhance it. OToole suggested during Wednesday nights debate that Canadas experience is different than that of the U.S., saying that he doesnt necessarily think the same anti-establishment, anti-elite sentiment found in the U.S. election will spread here. He may well be right. But with Leitchs comments, its obvious that the seeds are there. All they need is fertile soil. Thirty-seven Irish companies are taking part in a trade mission to the Middle East this weekend. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Charlie Flanagan will lead the three-day visit to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The aim is to develop further contacts in the region and strengthen economic and political ties. Minister Flanagan will also meet members of the Irish business community based there. A man has been charged with attempted murder following a shooting in Dublin earlier this month. 25-year-old Dwayne Keane, of Drogheda Street in Monasterevin, Co. Kildare, was charged this evening at Dublin District Court in connection with the incident. Lego said it has "no plans" for future free giveaways in The Daily Mail following a campaign calling on advertisers to boycott newspapers that promoted "demonisation and division" during the Brexit debate. The toy company confirmed to a father, concerned about the commercial relationship, that it had no plans for further promotions of its play bricks with the newspaper. In the letter that went viral on Facebook, Bob Jones said that the newspaper's headlines created a "distrust of foreigners" and said he felt uncomfortable about buying the bricks for his son after the tie-up. Mr Jones ended his letter to the Danish company with the hashtag StopFundingHate, the name of the campaigning group that is targeting advertisers with The Sun, The Express and the Daily Mail because of those newspapers' editorial stance over the referendum debate. In response to the letter, Lego said today: "Our agreement with The Daily Mail has finished and we have no plans to run any promotional activity with the newspaper in the foreseeable future." We have finished the agreement with The Daily Mail and are not planning any future promotional activity with the newspaper LEGO (@LEGO_Group) November 12, 2016 The company - which ended its relationship with Shell in 2014 after a Greenpeace video highlighted the oil group's plans to drill in the Arctic - declined to say if it was responding to the campaign or if it had changed its marketing plans. A Daily Mail spokesperson confirmed the end of the commercial agreement but did not address the boycott campaign. The move was welcomed by Gary Lineker who had crossed swords with The Sun about the media portrayal of child refugees after describing the media treatment of young migrants arriving in the UK as "hideously racist". Lineker, who has appeared in numerous adverts for Walkers Crisps, said he had talks with the food manufacturer about its advertising policy. He retweeted the message from Lego today with the comment "Brick by brick..." KARACHI: The 2022 Aga Khan Music Awards concluded with the presentation of awards to 15 laureates by His Highness... NEW YORK: Taylor Swift on Tuesday announced she was returning to touring, getting back on the road for the first... NEW YORK: US natural gas futures dropped about 5% on Tuesday on forecasts for the weather to remain mild for the ... Tesla aims to start mass production of its Cybertruck at the end of 2023, two years after the initial target for the... President Xi Jinping sent a strong signal of safeguarding national unity and fighting separatists at a high-profile ceremony on Friday to mark the 150th birthday of a statesman who was widely respected by people on the Chinese mainland and in Taiwan. President Xi Jinping pledges to safeguard national unity and fight separatists at a ceremony in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday to mark the 150th birthday of Sun Yat-sen. [Photo / Xinhua] "We will never allow any people, organization or political party, at any time, in any way, to split from any part of China's territory," Xi said during an hourlong speech at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Sun Yat-sen played a pivotal part in the 1911 Revolution that overthrew the imperial rule of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and founded the Republic of China. He also was the founder of the Kuomintang, which governed Taiwan from the 1940s to 1990s and from 2008 to last year. "We will never tolerate a reoccurrence of the tragedy of national separation," Xi said, adding that China had experienced a century of misery resulting from separation. Wang Hailiang, a researcher at the Taiwan Research Institute in Shanghai, said that Xi spoke at a time when Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party, which takes an ambiguous position toward the one-China policy, is trying to erase Sun's influence on the island. The DPP's move goes against Sun's last wish to unify China, as well as against a historic trend, he said. Zhu Lijia, a professor of public administration research at the Chinese Academy of Governance, said that national unity is the core of Sun's thought, since he opposed all forms of separation. Zhu said Taiwan's ruling party is "not enthusiastic" about Sun. Xi, who called Sun a national hero and compatriot, said the revolutionary leader was a firm supporter of national unity. The mainland would like to communicate with all political parties, organizations and people in Taiwan, as long as they acknowledge that both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China, he said. The president called on all Chinese people, including those in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, regardless of their political affiliations, to make joint efforts for national rejuvenation, a goal to which Sun was dedicated. "Mr. Sun Yat-sen said, 'What is the biggest issue for a people? That is, to know how to love the nation'," Xi quoted him as saying. Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of China's top political advisory body, said that Xi's speech showed China's "solemn stance and firm determination" to safeguard national unity. Hung Hsiu-chu, chairwoman of Taiwan's Kuomintang, visited the mainland early this month. During the trip, Xi met with her and made a six-point proposal on cross-Straits relations that included opposing "Taiwan independence" and promoting social and economic cooperation across the Straits. Polls show that most people in wealthy countries, such as Australia, assume the world is much more poverty-stricken, desperate and sickly than it actually is. Mid-50s or 60s maybe? Well, that's far too low life expectancy at birth reached 71.4 years last year, the World Health Organisation says. What would you say is the average life expectancy for the world's population right now? The world isn't in as quite as bad a shape as you might imagine. Why? One reason is that people tend to be far gloomier about the wider world than they are about their own prospects and their local area. This trait is reflected in a small way in the long-running survey of Australian consumer confidence taken by Westpac and the Melbourne Institute. When respondents are asked to assess the outlook for their own family finances for the next 12 months they have been consistently more optimistic than they are about the prospect for the whole national economy for the next 12 months. Analysis by economists Mohamed Nagdy and Max Roser published recently by OurWorldinData.org said it is a "peculiar empirical phenomenon" that while people tend to be optimistic about their own future, they can at the same time be deeply pessimistic about the future of their nation or the world. "No matter where you ask, people are much more negative about places that are far away places which they know less from their own experience and more through the media," they said. A Trump presidency in the US could have serious impacts on Australia's climate science and other research, with fears the cuts could be "CSIRO times 50". Donald Trump's pledge to end US participation in the Paris climate agreement and expectations he will appoint climate change denier Myron Ebell to a key environment role has scientists bracing for fallout. Australia's climate research relies on many US programs, some of which have been targeted by the Republican-controlled Congress. President Barack Obama resisted cuts to agencies such as NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration but he will leave office on January 20. At the extreme end, a Trump administration could jeopardise global climate research efforts by withholding access to observational data that underpins climate models, with the output used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said David Karoly, an atmospheric scientist at Melbourne University. Following in the footsteps of Australia's "I'll ride with you" social media movement after the Lindt Cafe siege, some Americans are wearing safety pins to stand in solidarity with immigrants and other minorities. As anti-Trump protests around the county continue, the campaign encourages those wanting to fight against intolerance to wear a safety pin on their jackets and shirts to show solidarity with women, the LBGTQ community and groups alarmed by Donald Trump's election win and the vitriol both he and some of his supporters displayed during the gruelling campaign. The movement is an American interpretation of what many Britons did in the aftermath of the shock Brexit decision. "So I have an idea similar to #ridewithme to help protect those eing [sic] abused as result of Brexit referendum - but I need your help," @cheeahs, the Twitter user who launched the trend, said back in June. The Greens have named an environmental lawyer as a candidate they hope can knock Queensland Environment Minister Steven Miles out of the House. Michael Berkman has been announced to run for the Greens in the inner-city seat of Mount Coot-tha. It follows the naming of Greens candidate Amy MacMahon last week to challenge Deputy Premier Jackie Trad for the South Brisbane seat. The Greens have named environmental lawyer Michael Berkman to run against state Environment Minister Steven Miles in their 'most winnable' seat. The Greens and One Nation are actively campaigning to win seats from vulnerable Labor and LNP members of Queensland Parliament. Berkman took no pause at hitting out at his opposition Steven Miles, labelling him 'third rate' and a 'disappointment'. Moreton Bay has the potential to be a new nesting ground for sea turtles as ecosystems get warmer further north. Currently the area plays an important part as a feeding ground for turtles as they prepare to migrate north off the coast of Bundaberg and further. Researchers are going to great lengths to keep loggerhead turtle nesting ground viable for future generations. Dr Kathy Townsend, a research fellow with the University of Queensland, works at a turtle monitoring station on North Stradbroke Island. She said scientists were keeping an eye on on the area as a potential future nesting spot for the marine reptiles. Police are appealing for public help to locate a missing 14-year-old Upper Coomera boy who has not been seen since Tuesday. The last sighting of the boy was on November 8 at Southport and he is believed to still be in the area. The 14-year-old Upper Coomera boy was last seen in Southport on November 8. Credit:Queensland Police Service (Supplied) Police are concerned for his welfare due to his age and because he suffers from a medical condition. He is described as Caucasian in appearance, slim build, approximately 150cm tall, brown eyes with shaven brown hair. A man has escaped an attempted carjacking by up to five men at Laverton North in Melbourne's west on Saturday. Police say the victim was in a red Ford ute in a car park on Fitzgerald Road, near Leakes Road, about 5.30am. One of the men jumped on the bonnet of the ute causing the victim to drive a short distance to shake him off. Victoria Police spokeswoman Amelia Penhall said the victim saw four or five men of "African appearance" approaching and locked his car doors. "One of the men attempted to open the door but was unable to get inside the car," she said. Anti-Trump protesters took to the streets around the US. Credit:AP So she did two things that morning. She joined the National Organisation for Women (NOW), a grassroots feminist organisation dating back to the 1960s, and she signed up for training to become a "clinic escort" someone who accompanies patients to women's health clinics, which provide reproductive healthcare and other services, and which are often surrounded by obstructive protesters. "Thinking about what the result of the election meant made me realise we haven't come as far as we thought in terms of acceptance, race relations, and women's rights," she said. Given the misogynist rhetoric of the incoming president, and that vice-president-elect Mike Pence had promised to overturn the decision that made access to abortion in the US possible, this seemed one small way to channel despair into action. Bernie Sanders: "Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media." Credit:AP The question, though, of where to go from here for liberals and progressives, for "the Obama coalition" of African-Americans, progressive whites, minorities and millennials who helped elect him, and for the Democratic Party itself, is unclear in the face of a new president so profoundly unlike any other before him, and whose next moves are so difficult to predict. But not everyone is standing still and waiting. Elizabeth Warren: "What happens next is partly about Donald Trump ... But it is more about the rest of us." Credit:AP Williams wasn't alone in immediately reaching out to the kinds of community and civil organisations that have long plugged some of the gaps in the country's porous social safety net, or worked to advance equality or uphold constitutional rights, often in opposition to US governments of the day. The website of the American Civil Liberties Union which last year recently brought the case to the Supreme Court which saw marriage equality legalised across the country crashed on Wednesday morning as donations poured in. Popular progressive figures: Barack and Michelle Obama. Credit:AP The organisation itself issued a simple message to Trump "see you in court" promising to challenge him on his raft of unconstitutional policies, from the Muslim ban to any curtailing of a free press. Planned Parenthood, the premier women's health provider which Pence has pledged to defund, was hit by a flurry of frantic calls from women worried about losing their health insurance, making appointments for long-term birth control like IUDs, but also with a wave of donations and offers to volunteer. "Planned Parenthood's been around for 100 years, we've been fighting for the right to reproductive healthcare for that long," the organisation's president Cecile Richards said. "Our doors stay open." Volunteering and engaging with community and civic groups was imperative at this time, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said on Thursday, as was her party preparing to fight back on any curtailing of rights and freedoms. "This is painful, this really and truly hurts," she said on MSNBC. "What happens next is partly about Donald Trump ... But it is more about the rest of us, what the rest of us say and what the rest of permit." In the few days since the election, Warren, a firebrand progressive from Massachusetts, and Bernie Sanders, the democratic socialist and formerly Independent senator who was the party's alternative nominee during the primary, have emerged as two of the few senior voices stepping into the post-election vacuum to rally their supporters in public and begin the Trump opposition. Many accepted as a truism that the shifting demographics of America a much larger non-white population, the wider embrace of progressive ideas would naturally secure the Democratic party in the White House, and that the prospect of a Trump presidency would propel people to the polls in opposition. That thinking was clearly wrong: while African-Americans, minority voters, women and millennials chose Clinton, they were not excited enough to turn out for her in sufficient numbers. Trump's nativist and sexist rhetoric proved far less repellent than they had counted on to others. The "blue wall" of rust belt states that were supposed to be a lock for the Democrats crumbled in the face of Trump's anti-globalisation message and promise of change from an outsider. That Sanders' own anti-establishment, anti-income inequality message of change had resonated far more strongly with young voters and those in that same region has been front of mind for many in the wake of this defeat. Michael Moore, the left-wing filmmaker who correctly predicted a rust belt victory for Trump and had supported Sanders from the beginning, urged a takeover of the party that had failed to understand voters in so many key states. That was No.1 on his morning after to-do list. There was also this: "Any Democratic member of Congress who didn't wake up this morning ready to fight, resist and obstruct in the way Republicans did against President Obama every day for eight full years must step out of the way and let those of us who know the score lead the way in stopping the meanness and the madness that's about to begin." Many in the party will no doubt lay the blame with outside forces like WikiLeaks and FBI director James Comey, and defend the message of a campaign which did win the popular vote by a thin margin (and indeed this is precisely what the campaign leaders are reported to be doing in the aftermath). Sanders delivered a frank assessment of why he believes they got trumped and a blueprint for how he and others would deal with the new administration. "Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media," said Sanders in a statement. "To the degree that Mr Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him. To the degree that he pursues racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies, we will vigorously oppose him." At the ages of 67 and 75 respectively, neither Warren nor Sanders is likely to be regarded as a future 2020 candidate, but both have the profiles and, it would seem from this week, the willingness, to lead that opposition. A fight over the direction of the party lies ahead, but there are other signs of a shift to the left too: the current frontrunner to become the new chair of the DNC, is Keith Ellison, a Minnesota congressman from the party's progressive wing who is also black, Muslim and regarded as having a knack for grassroots organising. By Friday he had already been endorsed by both Sanders and the Democrats leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer. "The Democratic Party has to be focused on grassroots America and not wealthy people attending cocktail parties," Sanders told The Washington Post. The challenge for the party, whichever direction it goes in, is profound. Despite the charismatic two-term leadership of Barack Obama, Democrats' power has been weakened over several years, with Republicans taking back both houses of Congress and a growing majority of state legislatures. Reproductive rights, voting rights and protections for the environment were already being challenged and rolled back in many of these states. Not only is Trump the president, but the party he commandeered now controls both houses of Congress until at least the mid-term elections in 2018. What opposition voices, community organising and activism can do is extremely limited. Warminster boy makes Phillies nation proud with viral video from Game 1 Carson Wallace, 5, of Warminster, starred as one of the Phillies most savage fans as his celebration and taunt of an Astros fan went viral. Well, were four episodes in to the eighth season of The Vampire Diaries and things are getting wild. Im guessing during the hiatus, a few writers sat in a room and said, Its the final season, lets throw everything at these guys. Lets make everyone as miserable as possible. Well throw in some happy times, maybe a Stefan and Caroline engagement, but then well ruin it by killing off their friends. And then everyone else was like, Done! Warning: you might want to turn a light on because this episode An Eternity of Misery is dark! The First Psychic The show opens with two girls in 750 B.C. alone in the woods. One is scared and asks the other to tell her a happy story. The other girl proceeds to tell her how a long time ago, there was a man in a village named Arcadius. He went by the name Cade. He was a gentle man full of kindness and respect. He also had a special ability; he was psychic. Not just that, he was the first psychic. One would think thats pretty cool, but one day he overstepped his bounds and said the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time. The villagers turned against him and burned him at the stake. He saw the evil consume his murderers and before his last breath, he let out a psychic blast that was so powerful it created his own world hell. (That doesnt seem like a happy story to me, but it is important to remainder of this episode.) In present day, Stefan and Alaric have Sybil quarantined in the Armory. They think they can torture her with the tuning fork and shell tell them why Damon is still being controlled by her, and how he can be saved. But nothing is ever that easy on The Vampire Diaries. Instead of a flat out answer, we get an hour of storytime and allegory. The Vampire Diaries Recap: Applesauce Penguin, Brother>>> Sybil cryptically reveals her history to Stefan and Alaric. In the episode, it isnt initially clear which role Sybil plays in this story, but for the sake of recapping, Ill keep it simple. It goes like this, when she was a child she developed psychic abilities. Of course, this was way after Cade has been killed for his special power. The villagers were still uneasy, so anyone who possessed psychic ability was banished to an island. She arrived on the island of misfit toys thinking she was completely alone, but she wasnt. There was another girl there as well, and she could read minds too. The two became like sisters. There was no food on the island, and the girls were hungry. They saw a ship in the distance, and decided to try to call for help. It worked, sort of. The ship attempted to come ashore but crashed in the rocks killing all of the sailors. The older girl was able to salvage some of the ships provisions so they could eat. When Sybil found out the sailors had died trying to help them she became very sad. She said if God intended for them to eat, then he would provide food. She asked that the older sister never call on the ships again. The older girl promised she wouldnt. As time went on, the older girl was still bringing food back to camp. She said she was able to hunt wild boar on the other side of the island. Sybil eventually found out this wasnt true. The girl was calling ships ashore, and sailors continued to die. She finally realized there were never provisions on those ships either. She had been eating the bodies of the sailors. Her siren sister forced her to be a cannibal. (Like I said earlier, this episode is dark.) The story raises a few questions. Stefan and Alaric want to know who the other siren is. Sybil wants to know which character from the story Stefan identifies with the most is he good or evil? The Vampire Diaries Poll: Will Stefan and Caroline Really Get Married?>>> Damon Cant Be Stopped Damon technically isnt under Sybils spell anymore, but he continues to find himself doing what he thinks she would want him to. He ends up at an auto body shop. Hes looking for a guy named Peter Maxwell, but he finds Lou. Damon is still on his spree so he feels the need to kill Lou after finding out he had been married five times, and had actually killed one of his wives. Damon pours gasoline all over Lou. Then when Lou goes back to the weld job he had been working on hes suddenly engulfed in flames. Peter Maxwell owns the body shop. He shows up not much later, and Damon is waiting for him. Damon questions if he knows Sybil. Peter says he doesnt, even after being compelled. Damon tells him hes looking for a family heirloom, but he doesnt know specifically which heirloom. Damon wants Peters watch. He tosses it to him. When Damon catches it, it burns his hand. He realizes Peter is on vervain. This is enough to make Damon stab him. Right after stabbing Peter, someone shoots Damon through the gut. Damon turns around to see Matt Donovan, Peters son. Matt shoots him again. When Damon comes to, hes chained to a chair in the shop. Matt wants to know why he tried to kill his father. (Matt is clearly out of the loop here.) When it looks like hes going to torture Damon for awhile, Damon tells him he should be more concerned with Tyler Lockwood. Damon tells him he tore into his neck the night before and left him in the truck of the car at a park and ride. If he wants to save him, he better hurry. Matt leaves and hes going to be too late. Damon uses this time to try to break free. He struggles before knocking over a tall shelf rack, causing it to fall on him knocking the chair over. He also finds the heirloom he had been looking for. It looks like a cannonball with some weird symbol on it. Quiz: Which Vampire Diaries Family Do You Belong To?>>> Who is the Siren Sister? While Alaric is at the Armory, Georgie breaks into his house to steal a book. She gets caught by the nanny, Seline. She says shes going to call Alaric. Georgie tries to intimidate her by sounding pretty threatening. The next time we see Georgie she is at the Armory. Alaric does get a call from Seline which seems to alarm him a little bit. He goes after Georgie, but its a trap. She locks him in that weird tunnel from the first episode the one where the only way you can find your way out is if you cant see or hear anything. With Alaric out of the way, Georgie finds Stefan and vervains him in the neck. He falls to the ground unconscious. Sybil uses this tuning fork-free moment to jump inside Stefans brain. Theyre in a cave back on the island. Sybil continues her story about cannibalism. She reveals that she tried so hard to be good, but her sister forced evil upon her. Stefan asks if hes supposed to feel sorry for her. She says it depends and asks him again which side he is on. Theres a noise and its finally revealed that her siren sister is Seline! Stefan wakes up and is only able to remember pieces of what just happened. Sybil erased the part about Seline. Lucky for us, the next scene is Georgie calling Seline telling her she did what she had asked. Seline tells her to pull over and she will find her. Back at the Armory, Stefan is confused. He doesnt understand why Sybil didnt escape. She isnt done with her story yet. Shell tell him how to save Damon, but again she needs to know if he is good or if hes a monster. Stefan is honest and says that he is both. With that answer, Sybil tells him hes ready for the truth. She continues her story about the island. When she found out Seline had been feeding her sailors for breakfast, she threw herself off a cliff. As she lay dying, they prayed for mercy, love and forgiveness. God never answered, instead Cade showed up. He said he would save both of them if they served him. They would feed on the bodies of the morally corrupt to keep themselves beautiful, and he would collect the souls in hell. Stefan doesnt believe in hell. Sybil says if he wants to save his brother all he has to do is kill the devil. Seline vs. Georgie Seline finds Georgie pulled over on the side of the road. She wants to know where Sybil is. Georgie says she didnt want to come. She says that Sybil told her to tell Seline to piss off. Seline decides she has to kill the messenger She snaps Georgies neck. Georgies body falls to the ground, but shes not dead but she is, but she isnt! Seline is hovered over Georgies body eating her face like shes overdosed on Flakka, but we also see Georgie standing behind her. Georgie doesnt have much time to process her confusion before she is sucked up into the sky the same way Katherine was. Yikes. What did you guys think of tonights episode? Sound off in the comments below. The Vampire Diaries airs Fridays at 8/7c on The CW. For more news check out our The Vampire Diaries Facebook page. (Image courtesy of The CW) Why do people keep leaving their cars unlocked in NJ? We asked Vehicle thefts have steadily risen since 2020. To counteract that, the state Attorney General's Office is urging people to lock their cars. New techniques for dredging the River Parrett are being tested this November and December, as Somerset Rivers Authority seeks cheaper and better ways of maintaining tidal rivers. Three weeks of trials are being carried out between Westonzoyland Pumping Station and Burrowbridge to see how effective water injection dredging and agitation dredging can be at getting silt moving down to Bridgwater Bay and preserving the River Parretts capacity. Some locals in Burnham-On-Sea believe the new techniques could lead to extra silt gathering in the estuary at Burnham, creating new sand banks and building up local beaches over time. The techniques being trialled for Somerset Rivers Authority are water injection dredging and agitation dredging two ways to keep silt moving downstream on an outgoing tide when the water can carry it away. The vessel being used on the Parrett for the work is called Borr. Having been delivered to Dunball Wharf in halves, then re-assembled, the Borr is now set to motor upstream through Bridgwater on Saturday night (12th November). Three weeks of trials are due to start on Monday 14th November, in conjunction with detailed monitoring before, during and after. Along the trials section, there is 150% more silt than there was in April and in places, four times as much, says the SRA. Work therefore carries on from where 2.2km of maintenance dredging was finished earlier this year by the Parrett Internal Drainage Board for the SRA. That dredging, and the trials, aim to maintain the 8km of river dredged in 2014. Cllr John Osman, SRA chairman, said this week: This is the first time that such trials have been done on the Parrett in conjunction with a long-term programme of detailed monitoring. Potentially, new methods offer Somerset big benefits: done at the right times, in the right places, they could be much cheaper, more effective, and better for the environment, local residents and farmers. The trials are being delivered for the SRA by the Parrett Internal Drainage Board with contractors Van Oord. On November 8, at 8:00 pm when Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his address to the nation, most employees at Paytm were winding up for the day. The office was emptier than usual as their top boss Vijay Shekhar Sharma had allowed them to work from home, given the smog in the Capital then. reported a net profit of Rs 440 crore in the September quarter, more than three times jump from the corresponding period last year even as revenues remained flat mainly because of fall in company's total expenses. Proxy advisory firm Institutional Investor Advisory Services (IiAS) has suggested some structural changes in the ownership and management of three key arms of the $100-billion Tata Group the trusts, the holding company and the operating companies. Airlines is the largest European airline in India with around 2.3 per cent of the market share of Indias international traffic. However, the German carrier faces challenge from Gulf airlines which dominate the Indian market. High costs and low fares in India is an issue too, Wolfgang Will, Lufthansas South Asia director tells Aneesh Phadnis. Excerpts: The war between the Tatas and the Mistrys has claimed the board seat of Nusli Wadia - the seniormost independent director of Tata Motors, Tata Steel and Tata Chemicals, with companies seeking Wadias ouster from their boards along with their Chairman Cyrus Mistry. Amid rumours of a in different parts of Delhi, Capital Region (NCR) and Uttar Pradesh, both central and Delhi governments on Friday clarified there is no such shortage. "There is no shortage of salt. State governments have all powers to ensure its availability at reasonable prices," a central government spokesperson said. The clarification came after rumours were rife that the price of salt has gone up to Rs 250 per kg in Delhi/NCR and Rs 400 per kg in Uttar Pradesh. This led to a panic-like situation in Noida, Laxmi Nagar, Chandni Chowk and some other places in the capital. "The department monitors the prices of 22 essential commodities on daily basis. As per the prices reported by centres from across the country, there has been no increase in price of salt whatsoever," Department of Food and Consumer Affairs said in a statement. There has been no report about any disruption in production of salt, its supply and distribution, it added. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also took to Twitter to dispel the rumours. "Some people are spreading rumours that there is a shortage of sugar and salt. This is completely false. Anyone hoarding salt won't be spared," he tweeted. Manish Sisodia, the Delhi deputy chief minister, also urged people of Delhi not to believe on the rumours. "There is no shortage of salt in Delhi. Teams of SDMs and Food Supply Officers are patrolling. Salt is available everywhere. No cause for panic," Sisodia tweeted. On his part, Delhi Food and Supplies Minister Imran Hussain also held an urgent meeting at his residence following the rumours. Meanwhile, tension prevailed in southeast Delhi's Jamia Nagar area as residents hurled stones at police buses amid rumours of shortage of salt and hike in prices of the essential commodities. As rumours spread, scores of people stepped out on the Kalindi Kunj-Jamia Nagar road and vandalised buses, a senior police officer said. They also threw stones at the police buses which were rushed to the spot to control the situation. Four policemen have been reportedly injured in the incident, he said. While police were trying to calm things down, a rumour spread that a trader was shot at during a fight due to the shortage of salt, he said. Police placated the residents and brought the situation under control. Additional force from a neighbouring police stations was also called in, he said. A large number of police personnel are deployed in the area in view of the incident. Earlier, rumours of no salt stocks in Uttar Pradesh led to panic buying in many parts of the state. Lucknow Senior Superintendent of Police Manzil Saini trashed reports on paucity of salt and dubbed it as "mischief" by some rumour mongers. While it was yet to be determined how the rumour started, people flocked to grocery shops and retail outlets in large numbers to buy salt in large quantities. As the panic spread, several quintals of salt vanished from shop shelves. In some areas salt was said to be selling, if available, anywhere between Rs 100-200 per kg. Meanwhile, police was directed to increase patrolling as the rumour could result in a law and order situation, an official told IANS. Lucknow Inspector General of Police A Satish Ganesh asked all SSPs in the zone to start special patrolling in busy thoroughfares and markets to prevent untoward incidents. A special team has been put on the trail of a message that went viral within minutes of appearing on social media sites, triggering panic. In Mumbai too, police officials stepped in on Saturday to dispel rumours about steep hike in prices of essential commodities including salt. "Rumours about price hike are doing rounds. These are baseless," police spokesperson DCP Ashok Dudhe said. Mumbai police control room was inundated with frantic calls from people wanting to know if the prices had really skyrocketed. There were rumours about some shop owners selling salt at Rs 700 per kg in eastern suburbs. After demonetisation of high currency notes of Rs 1000/500, people are facing shortage of cash. Rumours were spread about shortage of salt and sugar, police said. Some shop owners in eastern suburbs took advantage of the situation, police said. Shop owners from Govandi, Shivajinagar, Bainganwadi, Mankhurd, Antop hill were allegedly selling salt at higher rates. Some citizens contacted police control room and provided information. Police teams visited these shops to prevent such sales. It also appealed to Mumbaikars via Twitter not to believe rumours, saying there is no shortage of salt or any other necessary commodity nor is there any price hike. A police official said the rumours may have originated from Uttar Pradesh. The weekend saw even more rush and chaos outside bank branches and ATMs with cash-strapped people struggling to buy even daily items even as Delhi Police deployed more forces to maintain calm and warned of strict action against those trying to spread rumours on social media. To manage anxious crowds, as many as 3,400 personnel of paramilitary and Delhi Police along with 200 quick reaction teams have been deployed at ATMs and banks across the capital. In addition to this, RAF jawans were also deployed at certain points to monitor the situation. Senior officers of Delhi Police were also present at important junctions to oversee the security arrangements. "The crowd is more since it's a weekend and many people have an off today. The crowd is swelling by the hour," a senior police officer said. In Chandni Chowk, owing to a large crowd outside ATMs, rumour spread that there was a stampede in which four people were injured. Following the rumours, senior officials from the district also visited the area to calm the situation. Referring to the rumour, senior officers said they will come down strictly on people who spread rumours to create panic. "There is no stampede outside any #Bank or #ATM in #ChandniChowk. Please don't spread or come under the influence of any #Rumour ! We will also be taking cognisance of all social media accounts which are spreading #Rumours !! It's an offence under section 505 of IPC. (sic)" said DCP(North) Madhur Verma, in a series of tweets. "Don't believe in #rumours! Situation is peaceful and people are cooperating. #CashRush #Bealert. Appeal to all to maintain peace and law and order when waiting in line at Bank! #Bealert #Besafe #CashRush #Alliswell," tweeted Esha Pandey, additional DCP-I (North). Yesterday, rumours had spread about shortage of salt following which clashes also broke out in certain parts of Delhi and police officers took to social media to dispel rumours. Union Minister on Saturday exuded confidence that Centre's various programmes like Digital India, Make in India, and Skill India will bring a marked change in the country. "Digital India, Make in India, and Skill India are the main programmes which will bring a marked change in the country," he said at a function here. "Out of the total population of 125 crore, 105 crore people have mobile phones... 107 crore have Aadhar cards, 50 crore use the Internet," the Union Minister of Electronics and Information Technology said. Prasad claimed the number of mobile manufacturing companies in the country has gone up to 40 due to the concerted efforts of the government. Dharmendra Singh, a journalist with the Hindi newspaper Dainik Bhaskar, was shot dead by unidentified assailants in Bihar's Rohtas in wee hours on Saturday. Singh was standing at a tea stall near his house early in morning when three bike-borne assailants opened fire on him, peppering his chest with bullets. The incident took place near Amra Lake in the Mufassil police station area. Locals immediately rushed him Singh to the Sadar Hospital in Sasaram, where he received primary treatment and was referred to Varanasi. However, Singh succumbed to injuries on his way to Varanasi. A case has been registered and the police is investigating to nab the assailants. Earlier in October this year, a local television journalist was allegedly shot dead by motorcycle-borne miscreants in Dheena area in Uttar Pradesh, making it the third such incident in four months. Hemant Yadav (45) worked with a news channel was shot by bike-borne miscreants, Superintendent of police Amit Verma said. In June, journalist Jagendra Singh was allegedly set on fire during a police raid at his house in Shahjahanpur. His family alleged that the police officials set him on fire. Singh, who was in his 50s, succumbed to injuries on June 8. An FIR was registered against six persons including a UP minister, who was said to be angry over Singh's Facebook posts about his illegal mining activities and land grabbing. In another incident, two persons in Bareilly district, allegedly killed a part-time reporter from a local Hindi daily Sanjay Pathak, in August. Police said Pathak (42) was hit several times on the head with some heavy object and might have died of excessive bleeding. Donald Trump's administration would build on progress made in Indo-US ties and be less tolerant of Pakistan's "dual policies" on terror, but the issue of H-1B visas could be a potential area of friction with New Delhi, a noted US expert on South Asian issues has said. "It seems likely that a Trump administration will build on the marked progress made in US-India relations over the last couple of years," Lisa Curtis of the Heritage Foundation, a top American think-tank told PTI. She said there is bipartisan recognition in the US that India plays an important role when it comes to achieving American objectives in the Asia Pacific, namely ensuring a rules-based international order and free and open seaways. "President-elect Trump made several positive comments about India on the campaign trail, which seems to reflect his support for bolstering the partnership," said Curtis, who at The Heritage, focuses on US security issues and regional geopolitics. Curtis said Trump's tougher stance on terrorism, in general, will find favour among Indians, who are wary of attacks by Pakistan-based terrorist groups. "It is expected that a Trump administration will work more closely with India on combating terrorism in the region and will be less tolerant of Pakistan's dual policies toward terrorism," Curtis said. However, H-1B is a potential area of conflict between the two countries, she noted. "One area of potential friction could be over the H1-B visa issue. It is still unclear how Trump's global business background will impact on his commitment to protect American workers," she said. "He has both acknowledged the importance of allowing high tech companies to access global talent, while also pointing out potential flaws and misuse of the H1-B visa program. His administration may seek some changes to the H1-B visa requirements but is unlikely to do away with the program completely," Curtis said. Prime Minister along with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe On Saturday travelled in Japan's famed high-speed Shinkansen bullet train, which is being introduced in India on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad stretch. Modi and Abe travelled in the train, whose speed ranges from 240 kms per hour to 320 kms per hour, from Tokyo to Kobe, a city on Osaka Bay in Japan. "On the way to Kobe with PM @AbeShinzo. We are on board the Shinkansen bullet train," Prime Minister Modi tweeted along with pictures of him in deep conversation with Abe. #WATCH: PM Narendra Modi and Japan PM Shinzo Abe inside the Shinkansen bullet train to Kobe #Tokyo pic.twitter.com/tt0BMbTaGt ANI (@ANI_news) November 12, 2016 "A unique friendship on a unique train journey. PM @narendramodi and PM @AbeShinzo inside the Shinkansen bullet train to Kobe," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted. The construction of the high-speed train corridor between Mumbai and Ahmedabad will start in 2018 and the train service will be operational from 2023. Abe, at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Modi here yesterday, had said that the designing of the project will begin by the end of this year. He said the ambitious project "symbolises a new dimension in the special relations" between the two countries and hoped that introduction of the rapid train network will spur further economic growth in India. The high speed rail system 'Shinkansen' was introduced in Japan in 1964. Earlier when Modi arrived at the Tokyo Station to board the train Swarup said, "Putting #IndiaJapan relations on the fast track! PM @narendramodi and PM @AbeShinzo arrive at Tokyo Station to board the Shinkansen. Chaos reigned outside banks and across the nation, while at least one death due to exhaustion was reported, as panicked customers stood in long, serpentine queues for several hours to withdraw cash on a second Saturday, which, in a normal course, is a bank holiday. Hinting at more action to unearth black money, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said those holding unaccounted money will not be spared and there is no "guarantee" that no further steps would be taken after December 30 till when people can deposit the demonetised notes. He assured honest people that they will not face any trouble. "I would like to announce once again that after the end of this scheme, there is no guarantee that something new will not be introduced to punish you (thikane lagane ke liye)," Modi said. He was addressing the Indian community at a reception here. "I make it very clear that if anything unaccounted comes up, then I will check its records since Independence. Will deploy as many people as required for this. Honest people will not face any problem. No one will be spared. Those who know me, they are intelligent as well. They think it is better to offer it in Ganga than in banks," Modi said. He was referring to reports of the demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes flowing in the Ganga river. Modi termed the as a "Swachhata Abhiyan" and hailed the undaunting spirit of people despite their hardship following its announcement on November 8. "I salute my countrymen. People stood in line for four hours, six hours but accepted the decision in interest the way people of Japan tackled the aftermath of the 2011 disaster," he said. "I thought long and hard about the possible difficulties and it was also important to keep it a secret. It had to be done suddenly but I never thought I will receive blessings for this," he said. "I salute each and every Indian. Many families had weddings, health problems... Yes they faced inconvenience but they accepted the decision," the prime minister said. Apparently referring to the opposition, which has attacked the government action over the scheme, Modi said a section is trying to incite people for speaking out against him but people have accepted the decision in the interest. "Law should be equal for everyone. People are happy about the fact that even Modi's Rs 1,000 notes are not usable anymore," Modi said. Underlining that the world is acknowledging that India is the fastest growing economy among the large global economies, he said the country is also receiving historically high foreign direct investment (FDI). "IMF, World Bank all are saying in one voice. IMF also said that India is the shining star. World economists believe India is growing at a very fast rate...I have my own definitions (of FDI). The first definition is First Develop India and the second is the Foreign Direct Investment. India is receiving historically high rate of FDI," he said. In the last two years, black money to the tune of Rs 1.25 lakh crore have been unearthed due to various initiatives of the government, Modi added. The Sessions Court of Mumbai on Friday granted four days of police custody of two former directors and two shareholders of the Hong Kong-based marketing franchise in connection with online cheating case. Prime Minister on Saturday asserted that those holding unaccounted money would not be spared. Addressing the Indian community in the Japanese city of Kobe, Modi said, after the end of this scheme, there is no guarantee that something new will not be introduced to punish you (black money hoarders), said Modi. Unlock 30+ premium stories daily hand-picked by our editors, across devices on browser and app. Full access to our intuitive epaper - clip, save, share articles from any device; newspaper archives from 2006. Curated newsletters on markets, personal finance, policy & politics, start-ups, technology, and more. Pick your 5 favourite companies, get a daily email with all news updates on them. 26 years of website archives. Bilateral Trade agreement between India and Bhutan Commerce and Industry Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman and H. E. Tengye Lyonpo Lekey Dorji, Minister for Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan signed the Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit between India and the Royal Government of Bhutan in the presence of H. E. Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of Bhutan at the Gyalyong Tshokhang in Thimphu on 12 November, 2016. The first Agreement on Trade and Commerce between Bhutan and India was signed in 1972. Since then, the Agreement has been renewed four times. The last Agreement was renewed on July 28, 2006 and was valid till July 29, 2016. The validity of the Agreement was extended for a period of one year or till the date of coming into force of the new Agreement, whichever is earlier, by exchange of diplomatic notes between the two countries. The new bilateral Trade Agreement aims to enhance trade between the two countries through trade facilitation by improving procedures, cutting down on documentation and adding additional exit/entry points for Bhutans trade with other countries. It is also expected to further strengthen the excellent relations between the two countries. During the visit, the Commerce and Industry Minister also had an audience with His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the King of Bhutan and called on Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay, Honble Prime Minister of Bhutan. She also had a bilateral meeting with a high level Bhutanese delegation led by Lyonpo Lekey Dorji, Minister for Economic Affairs of Bhutan where both the leaders discussed various issues related to bilateral trade, transit and investment. MoS Dr Jitendra Singh addresses the National Workshop on Public Service Delivery in Jammu The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh has called upon the State Governments including the Government of Jammu & Kashmir to emulate the Centres path-breaking administrative reforms introduced over the last two years of the government led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. He said, while some of the States have been quick to adopt these reforms in governance, some of the other States have been slow to move, but are being constantly persuaded to move ahead expeditiously. While addressing the special session of the two-day workshop organized by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, in Jammu today, Dr Jitendra Singh said that the government has demonstrated its commitment to live up to the dictum of maximum governance, minimum government" with citizen-centric approach in a short span of over two years and hoped that some of the States, which are yet to evolve to the higher standards of best practices in governance, would soon pick up the queue and follow. Dr Jitendra Singh congratulated the Union Ministry of Personnel and the Central University of Jammu headed by Vice Chancellor Prof. Ashok Aima for having come forward to organize this first-of-its-kind event in Jammu, where senior Secretaries and officers from over 20 States of India are sharing their experiences in governance, administration and particularly on the theme of Right to Services Act". Dr Jitendra Singh said that in the last two years, he was proud to note that the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) and Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (ARPG) have managed to place virtually every possible information in public domain. He said that the situation today is such that an IAS officer who is promoted or transferred does not wait to receive the personal copy of his order, but he is able to access it on the website on real-time basis. Not only this, even the decisions taken at the highest level including ACC headed by Prime Minister, are available at the website on real-time basis. Referring to some of the revolutionary decisions taken during the last two years, Dr Jitendra Singh mentioned the decision to do away with attestation of certificates by Gazetted Officer. Such a decision, he said, also sent out a message that the government has the capacity to trust the youth of this country. Another revolutionary decision taken by the government, Dr Jitendra Singh said, is the abolition of interviews for appointment to the posts at junior levels. This has not only provided level-playing field for youth from all kinds of socio-economic backgrounds, but has also eliminated the scope for favouritism and nepotism, he added. Dr Jitendra Singh also complimented the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG) headed by him for having activated the Grievance Cell in Government of India and recorded a high disposal rate of grievances. Again, he called upon some of the State governments to activate their grievance cells. Dr Jitendra Singh hoped that the exchange of views on the Right to Services Act" during the two-day workshop will offer valuable cues to increase citizen participation in governance. He said while the government follows the approach of zero tolerance towards corruption, it is, at the same time, careful to ensure that honest and performing bureaucrats are not intimidated and one of the evidences is the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act" expected to be brought up in the next Session of the Parliament which would provide every officer at every level - the privilege for permission before being prosecuted. Speech of the President of India at the Inauguration of American Association of Thoracic Surgeons and International Coronary Congress (AATS ICC 2016) Meeting 1. I am indeed happy and consider myself privileged to be present amidst you this morning for the inauguration of the Second International Coronary Congress. It is my privilege because I am speaking as a layman in the midst of so many experts present in this hall. 2. Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of deaths globally. Among cardiovascular diseases, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) has the largest stake in taking lives of the people. Coronary arteries carry blood and oxygen to the heart. Therefore, a disease which affects the coronary arteries deprives the heart of oxygen, leading many a times to heart attacks. The precious assets of our nation the young population - are becoming increasingly vulnerable to CAD and heart attacks. By 2020, India may account for 60 percent of the worlds heart patients. In gearing up to meet such an eventuality, a lot of responsibility lies on the shoulders of cardiac specialists like you. 3. The First International Coronary Congress was held in New York last year. As mentioned by Dr. Trehan, the scientific content and discussions have provided clarity in decision-making in relation to complex coronary artery diseases. The discussions here, I am quite confident, will enrich your clinical experience in daily practice. I compliment you all for being part of this forum. Ladies and Gentlemen: 4. Healthcare is a priority area to our country. However, the challenges at meeting the healthcare requirements are acute in the case of developing economies with large populations. Doctors have a responsibility to work on creating greater awareness about prevention and treatment among the general population. The most common cause leading to CAD and heart attacks are wrong lifestyle choices. Hence, precautionary strategies have to take centre-stage in the fight against heart diseases. Our healthcare sector has to be equipped to not only treat people but also guide them about prevention of medical conditions. 5. The rural and urban poor are more susceptible to health problems due to poor access to healthcare, high cost of treatment and lack of awareness. They also tend to ignore early signs of such diseases as seeking treatment might mean missing on wages. We have to make an effort to bring such population in the treatment loop. You all should think and work towards a mechanism where the poor has access to super specialty diagnosis and treatment. Ladies and Gentlemen: 6. This international conference, to my mind, is a great platform where steps necessary to strengthen our healthcare system into one that is universally accessible, affordable and effective can be discussed. To build such a system, we require not only a robust healthcare infrastructure, but also trained and motivated personnel. We can study the systems prevalent in other nations that have turned successful in providing treatment to their entire population. Having said that, our country is unique on account of the size and geographical spread of our population. We have to develop suitable solutions to meet our requirements. 7. In this regard, I want to state that the fusion of ICT with medical science has enormous potential in meeting the challenges of healthcare delivery in rural and remote areas. Blending technology can also aid education, training and management in health. The range of technology application in healthcare is immense. From a simple telephonic discussion of the medical problem of a patient to a complex platform where diagnostic tests and consultation with specialists are performed, IT based solutions offer a ray of hope in overcoming physical distance in medical treatment. Tele-cardiology has made good progress in the past few years. It is helping patients in remote regions to get timely and expert reports, leading to correct diagnosis and proper treatment. But there is scope for refinements. This forum should take up these issues, discuss their feasibility, and find solutions to problems that might occur during implementation. With your concerted effort, the gap between rural patients and urban facilities can easily be bridged. Ladies and Gentlemen: 8. While universal health coverage is a challenge many countries are still grappling with, more and more patients are looking for simpler therapies to improve their quality of life. This has led to the rapid growth of alternative medicines worldwide. Recognizing that a unitary medical system alone will not suffice the health needs of a huge population, India has adopted a pluralistic healthcare system. This approach is also based on the fact that every medicinal system exhibits strength in remedying specific lines of ailments. The allopathic system of medicine should explore complementarities with other systems in fighting diseases and medical conditions. 9. The insightful minds in front of me and the cardiac specialists round the globe have an arduous task at hand. They have to work towards the aim of a healthy heart for everyone. They have to develop innovative platforms for not only treatment but also prevention of heart diseases. The concept of Heart Team", where the best management for a patient is decided under one single roof, is appealing. Your efforts should be directed at such unique models of giving customized treatment to each and every individual. Ladies and Gentlemen: 10. The medical profession is an occupation that is a noble mix of knowledge and compassion. It empowers you to lend a helping hand to the society at large, to touch and transform the lives of people. Curing the sick and healing the bedridden are considered Gods own work carried out through your hands. The society admires you for your selfless endeavours. The faith that people repose in you is sacrosanct and has to be respected at all times. I hope that you all will remain steadfast in your conviction to the higher objective of selfless service to society. I congratulate you for your achievements and wish you success in your future endeavors. Let me now conclude with these words of Mahatma Gandhi: It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver". Thank You. Jai Hind. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Dalian Wanda Group is investing 100 billion yuan ($14.7 billion) to build a theme park complex and series of commercial centres in Chinas central Hunan province, as its chairman Wang Jianlin targets to surpass Walt Disney to build the worlds largest tourism company by 2020. The Beijing-based conglomerate has signed an agreement with the local government to plow 50 billion yuan in a Wanda City project in Changsha, the provincial capital, with the remainder of the investment to build 15 Wanda Plaza malls in cities such as Yueyang and Changde, according to a statement ... The number of deaths from has fallen by 79% worldwide since 2000, thanks mainly to mass vaccination campaigns, but nearly 400 children still die from the disease every day, global health experts said on Thursday. Donald Trump shook up his White House transition team today, appointing running mate to head the process of filling key administration posts, and demoting New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to a deputy role. "The mission of our team will be clear: put together the most highly qualified group of successful leaders who will be able to implement our change agenda in Washington," the president-elect said in a statement as his team gathered in Trump Tower in New York. Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, as well as three of Trump's grown children, Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, will sit on the transition team's executive committee, he said. Lady Gaga, Pink, Sia and other celebrities are encouraging their fans to legally prevent Donald from assuming presidency as a part of a new campaign against the newly elected US president. The effort is attached to a petition with more than 3.1 million signatures at publishing asking the electors of the Electoral College to reject their states votes on December 19 and instead vote for Hillary Clinton, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Gaga also took to Twitter to request her fans to sign the petition. "If you feel scared about the current state of American politics and Whitehouse sign this petition," she wrote. Pink also tweeted, "Electoral College Electors: Electoral College Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19 - Sign the petition." The petition argues, "Mr is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic. Islamic State militants have summarily killed scores of civilians in the Iraqi city of Mosul in recent days, sometimes using children as executioners, and have used chemical agents against Iraqi and Kurdish troops, United Nations officials said on Friday. Vice President-elect Mike Pence is replacing Chris Christie as the head of Donald Trumps transition team as Trumps influential oldest children take formal roles alongside seasoned Washington hands. Christie will stay on as a vice chairman of the transition executive committee, Trumps transition office said Friday. The move is a demotion following the conviction of two of the New Jersey governors former allies just days before the election on charges stemming from the George Washington Bridge traffic plot. Trumps three oldest children ... The medieval ship lay more than a half-mile down at the bottom of the Black Sea, its masts, timbers and planking undisturbed in the darkness for seven or eight centuries. Lack of oxygen in the icy depths had ruled out the usual riot of creatures that feast on sunken wood. President-elect said he would consider leaving in place certain parts of the Affordable Care Act, an indication of possible compromise after a campaign in which he pledged repeatedly to repeal the 2010 health-care law. Annual talks on commerce and trade will be held by China and the United States in Washington D.C., where both nations will exchange ideas of important economic and trade issues, as well as ways to expand cooperation in their last high-level economic dialogue this year. The state owned Xinhua news agency quoted China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang saying at routine press briefing that the 27th Session of the China-U.S. Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) is scheduled for Nov. 21 to 23. The talks will be co-chaired by Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Trade Representative Michael Froman. The talks will also be attended by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. A CEO roundtable conference and conferences on the digital economy and agriculture and food will also be held by the two countries on the sidelines of the JCCT. U.S. was China's second largest trade partner, biggest export market and the fourth largest source of imports in 2015 where as the China was the largest trade partner and import source, and the third export market of the U.S.. The bilateral trade volume of goods stood at 558.4 billion U.S. dollars, with more than 160 billion U.S. dollars of mutual investment. JCCT was launched in 1993 as the the first high-level economic dialogue mechanism between the two sides. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Following the furore over the move by the Centre, especially among the masses, the Congress Party on Saturday demanded a court monitored probe the matter. Congress leader Sharmishtha Mukherjee told ANI that the Congress has already raised the issue well before Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. "Off course there are rumours in social media and many leakages that allegedly says that Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) workers knew about it ( of currency). Prashant Bhushan shared a post that a West Bengal BJP worker submitted 3 crore rupees before the announcement. If these are mere coincidences and allegation then we would ask for a court monitored probe, but the agencies are also under the central government.," she said. Mukherjee also questioned how the move by the government to introduce the Rs 2000 note would curb the use of and creation of black money. "How is the introduction of a high valued note, that is 2000 note, going to help in the crackdown on black money and hoarding. This is the contradiction that the government needs to answer, and Kejriwal was not the person to point it out we have pointed it out much before," she said. Mukherjee said if the centre has deliberately put away money before the demonetisation move, it should be seen as a criminal act. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday questioned the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, alleging that the whole move was a huge scam by the NDA government and that the BJP and added that some other players had been given prior information of the move. A huge scam has been perpetrated a few days ago in the name of tackling corruption," Kejriwal alleged. "When the PM announced the move, he had informed all of his friends who had black money and they secured their money," Kejriwal said. On November 8, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address to nation announced that 500 and 1,000 rupee notes would no longer be legal tender. India's much-awaited consumer desire indicator, India's Most Attractive Brands 2016, a study comparing the 'Attractiveness' held in brands, has been released. TRA Research, a Comniscient Group company, has listed the brands that have successfully elicited the desire-based yearning in their audience. LG has taken the crown of India's Most Attractive Brand in the just launched 2016 study. India's Most Attractive Brands is a primary research which lists 1000 brands in over 270 categories across India. In the Diapers category, new entrant Libero has been come out as the Most Attractive Diaper Brand for the first time in India's Most Attractive Brands Study 2016. Commenting on this new development in the Diaper category, N. Chandramouli, CEO, TRA stated, "The Diaper category has seen a surprising shift in the top ranks, with new entrant Libero ranking higher than last year's leader, Huggies. The difference in their Attractiveness Quotient, which is a measure of their overall attractiveness, is roughly 40% and depicts the changing consumer preferences with regards to diapers." Huggies has seen a dip in the rank, from being the category leader in 2015 with All India Rank 220 to ranking 2nd in 2016 with All India Rank 401. Pampers managed to secure the third position in the Diaper category falling from rank 301 to rank 417 across India. The Japanese brand MamyPoko Pants which had featured in previous reports could not make it to the list this year. Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Kamal Kumar Johari - Managing Director Nobel Hygiene (manufacturers of Teddyy diapers)said, "Consumer is the king and the shift clearly indicates that consumer preferences are changing rapidly. We are the only Indian diaper manufacturers and understand the Indian body type well. We have customised our products according to Indian baby body type and are competing with the multi-national brands, innovating and consistently delivering better quality." In India the hygiene industry is experiencing an unprecedented growth as hygiene products are being adopted by masses. With the awareness and increasing purchasing power, customers are fast shifting from cloth nappies to baby diapers. Indians give birth to around 27 million babies each year, yet the penetration rate of baby diapers remains at less than two per cent. According to "India Diaper Market Outlook, 2021", India's diaper market will be growing at a CAGR of 22.23% Y-o-Y. These revelations were a result of The Most Attractive Brands 2016 Report, the third in its series, published by TRA Research (formerly Trust Research Advisory), a leading research organization dedicated to brand analytics. This year's study covered 2338 consumer -influencers across 16 cities in India, generating 5 million datapoints and 10,000 unique brands from which the top 1,000 brands have been listed in this year's report. The 208 page, hardbound report is available for Rs. 14,000/-. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his announcement to demonetise currency notes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 to fight the plague of black money earlier this week, tempers have been flying high. There have been reports of chaos prevailing in some parts of the country and even deaths occurring. A child recently succumbed because a doctor refused to attend to him because his parents had only Rs. 500 notes that have been declared no longer legal tender. A distressed woman jumped off the Howrah Bridge because she couldn't manage to get cash from her ATM. Two elderly people died while standing in long queues in Kerala. Poor management has given rise to large scale disenchantment. Tehseen Poonawalla, an entrepreneur and political commentator, has claimed that the government is colluding with the real culprits. In a series of hard-hitting tweets, Poonawalla has alleged that the BJP is laundering black money through the Patanjali Group run by one of its key supporters Baba Ramdev. He has alleged that the meteoric rise in the sales of Patanjali products is not due to anything else but the BJP's money. His tweets have incited divided reactions, leading many to claim that Modi's fight against black money is causing unprecedented inconvenience to the ordinary citizen. Some say it's a totally bureaucratic tactic. Reportedly, the cost involved in the demonetisation of the old currency and replacing them with new ones will be less than the black money being checked. Whether the government is well-intentioned or not, the common people have been hit the hardest. In a country as large as India, perhaps, Prime Minister Modi could have considered a lot more than he did. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Coming down heavily on the Centre for scrapping Rs. 500 and 1,000 currency notes, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday asserted that this "dangerous, disastrous and draconian" decision of the ruling dispensation was nothing but "surgical anarchy." Addressing a press conference, Mamata said, "Only one percent people hold black money. Why the other 99 percent are being harassed for this? A few money launderers are profiting due to this black decision. This is a dangerous, disastrous and draconian decision. This is surgical anarchy. Even eminent economists are saying this demonetisation will not affect black money." The Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief also asserted demonetisation also took place in the UPA regime but it took place in a planned manner without causing any hindrance to people. The West Bengal Chief Minister informed that she personally visited several banks today to listen to tales of hardship of common people. "More than two lakh ATMs are closed, money is not available; people are facing lot of problems. A small child died in Mumbai because hospital did not take 500 rupee notes. Several weddings have been postponed," she said. "This is a betrayal with people. A sudden midnight decision was taken. But few ruling party people knew about it. Few 'dalals' are taking advantage of the economic disaster. I appeal to the government to withdraw this decision," she added. The TMC supremo also asked the BJP-led Centre as to how much money is being wasted for printing 2000 rupee notes and recalibrating ATMs. "This is common man's money: The Centre cannot scare us. We are not afraid of them," she said. She also appealed all the opposition parties to come together and stand against the Centre's move. "We thank the parties who have opposed the note ban. There should be more protests. Will Emergency be imposed next?" she said. The West Bengal Chief Minister also said that the "anti-people, anti-poor government" at the Centre has no moral right to continue in power. "This is a dictatorship," she said. "Ministers who have no connection to grassroots are giving us lectures. They said they will give 15 lakhs to people. But now they have even taken away people's piggy banks. I don't care if I am jailed for voicing my opinions. I will speak for common people. I supported them on the Goods and Services Tax (GST). But this is a disaster," she said. The TMC chief also called for a judicial inquiry on the economic loss in the country due to note ban in the last few days. On November 8, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address to nation announced that 500 and 1,000 rupee notes would no longer be legal tender. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The demonetization of currency denominations of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 has forced the charity department in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra to seal donation boxes in all temples located in eight districts till December 31. The decision has been taken to prevent large scale black money coming into these donation boxes. A charity department official in Aurangabad said that after the deadline for the depositing of banned notes in banks ends on December 30, all donation boxes will be opened under supervision on December 31. The counting of currency will then take place and a report will be submitted to the state department. Prime Minister Modi on Tuesday announced that the government had decided to demonetize Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes to tackle the menace of black money. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Flash Zambia will continue being part of the International Criminal Court (ICC) despite some African nations planning to pull out, state media reported on Friday. "Zambia is not pulling out of the ICC, if need will arise in future, we will come back to the people because it is not a decision which can be made overnight as cabinet has to deliberate over it," foreign minister Harry Kalaba was quoted saying by the Zambia Daily Mail. Some African countries have announced plans to pull out of the ICC, after accusing the court of disproportionately bringing charges against suspected human rights abusers from the continent. African countries that have decided to withdraw from the ICC included Gambia, Burundi and South Africa. The ICC, which opened in July 2002, is the first legal body with the permanent international jurisdiction to prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Josep-Maria Terricabras MEP (Greens/EFA) and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) in partnership with Mahatma Gandhi International, recently convened a high-level conference entitled "A Recipe for Disaster The conference was successful in raising awareness of the immense human suffering that the policies of Pakistan, often in collusion with China, are causing to people of Gilgit-Baltistan, Sindh and Balochistan on a variety of issues, including the controversial construction of mega dams in Gilgit-Baltistan, lack of jobs, poor levels of education and other forms of socio-economic discrimination. During the conference, Terricabras reminded the audience that the legitimate claims of the people must be addressed in an open and democratic manner even though sensitive topics often trigger discomfort. Marino Busdachin UNPO Secretary General highlighted that human rights and the environmental situation in Gilgit-Baltistan is deteriorating and may soon "reach a level where it will be difficult to be considered by the international community". According to unpo.org, during the conference, Csaba Sogor MEP (EPP) stressed that the European Union must unconditionally "set a good example for minority and human rights protection in its member states." Senge Hasnan Sering, president of the Institute for Gilgit-Baltistan Studies and Board Member of the Gilgit-Baltistan Congress, who was also in attendance, highlighted the environmental dangers affecting the indigenous people of the region that are caused by the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and by the illegal construction of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam in the disputed territory. He explained the intricacies of Gilgit-Baltistan's ecosystem. "The greenest part of which will be submerged by foreigners with the construction of the Diamer Bhasha Dam. What is more, there is no way that local people are going to receive royalties from the dam because its turbines are located in a Pakistani province." Mirza Wajahat Hassan, exiled chairman of the Gilgit-Baltistan Thinkers Forum, elaborated on human rights violations in Gilgit-Baltistan and on the marginalisation of its people in an elaborate account of the region's long history, expanding the discussion to the severe disregard for human rights shown by the Pakistan government in a territory over which they are not even supposed to have jurisdiction. The second panel discussed the repercussions of environmental degradation in Gilgit-Baltistan, Balochistan and Sindh through the CPEC. Dr Siegfried O. Wolf, a lecturer at the University of Heidelberg and Research Director at the South Asia Democratic Forum, explained that minorities are concerned about the massive influx of Chinese military into the region. He also said that the CPEC chiefly represents a strategic decision on behalf of China to assist Pakistan in their economic development. He insisted that the closure of the Sost dry port in Gilgit-Baltistan, provoked by the construction of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam, will cost up to 20,000 jobs. Dr Lakhu Luhana, Secretary General of the Sindhi Congress, put the spotlight on the adverse effects that the enormous reservoir dams would have on the everyday life of indigenous populations along the lower Indus River. He pointed out that the River Indus is the lifeline of the Sindhi people and deplored the government's brutal crackdown on any expression of opposition, stating that scores of Sindhi activists have been forcibly disappeared or imprisoned for very long terms. In light of the controversial plans to build six mega dams in the Pakistan-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan, the conference discussed the resulting environmental degradation and its impacts for Gilgit-Baltistan and beyond the region, as well as human rights violations perpetrated by the Government of Pakistan. The participants of the conference adopted the following declaration: Whereas Pakistan has no right to build any dam in an area which is disputed under United Nations Security Council resolution and whose fate is still to be settled under international law; Whereas the major development projects by Pakistan in Gilgit-Baltistan are causing severe environmental degradation, damaging sensitive ecosystems; displacing local population; destroying historical sites and changing demography in the wider region; Whereas the people of Gilgit-Baltistan have the legitimate right to protest peacefully against the construction of development projects in the region until they are granted full participation in decision-making; The conference also urged the Pakistan Government: - to refrain from use of the oppressive measures leading to human rights violations against the people of Gilgit-Baltistan and further demand that the perpetrators of human rights violations within the military, paramilitary and police units of the state and non-state actors should be brought to justice; - Release all political prisoners, including more than 100 peaceful protesters arrested and charged [November 2016] for terrorism for demanding religious freedom for Shias; - Pay compensation to residents whose lands have already been used to build the Diamer-Bhasha Dam and the Karakoram Highway; halt the construction of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam, which is posing a serious threat to the community and wider region. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Ex-servicemen of the Indian Army of Nepali origin have lauded the Government of India for its steadfast commitment to their welfare, saying that India has not only put money into their accounts but has put money into Nepal's account and has been doing so for years. Speaking exclusively to ANI over the phone, these former Indian Army soldiers who now live in Nepal were effusive in their praise of Indian President Pranab Mukherjee taking time out of his busy two-day state visit to Nepal to spend time with them at the ex-servicemen's pensioners camp organized in Pokhara, where he highlighted their foundational and time tested association with India, as also reiterating New Delhi's commitment to deliver to them the benefits of one rank, one pension (OROP) at the earliest, besides other welfare measures. These ex-servicemen, most of them Gurkhas, who have been serving in the Indian armed forces for more than 200 years, said they were extremely proud, happy and satisfied to meet the Indian president and recalled their enormous and well documented contribution in safeguarding India's borders from external aggressors in the years gone by. They said it was a particularly great moment for them when President Mukherjee described them as the pride of the Indian Army and as people who had earned a name for themselves on battlefields and in other military-related operations. Colonel (Retired) Sher Bahadur Gurung told ANI, "We have no complaints. The minor problems affecting the Gurkhas here and there as regards documentation on pension and other benefits are being taken care of very efficiently. The main problem that we face is that a majority of the ex-servicemen of the older generation are uneducated and don't understand the finer points of what they are entitled to. The younger lot has a better understanding because of the education that they have received." Col. (Retired) Gurung further said, "We Nepali Gurkhas are treated at par with Indian soldiers. There is no differentiation in either pay or pension." When asked to give his view on how the Indian government's pension for ex-servicemen is benefitting the economy of Nepal, Col. (Retired) Gurung said, "You have asked me a million dollar question. I will only say that a significant amount of money has come in from India and has been of great help to Nepal." Commenting on President Mukherjee's visit, he said, "It was a very welcome visit. We were very happy and grateful to see him at Pokhara. It was a great privilege." Colonel (Retired) D.B. Thapa, another ex-serviceman of Nepali origin, told ANI, "The President of India's visit to the pension camp at Pokhara has left us all in a jubilant mood. To see our Supreme Commander gave us a very nice feeling and we are grateful. We, however, would like to see the Indian government giving us more encouragement and strength. The benefits and welfare measures are many and quite sufficient for our families and for us to lead our social lives. He also said that the pay and pension received from India was much better than what the United Kingdom offers to its Gurkha retirees. Diverting, Col. (Retired) Thapa also sought to highlight the fact that there are some elements in Nepal who are promoting anti-India feelings and made it a point to stress that India was not behind the recent blockage in the Terai region. He, however, said that the people of Madhes need to be looked after better and was confident that things won't be allowed to go out of hand. "What India can do, no other country, including China, can do. They will not be as effective. The majority of the people are pro-India. I would like to see the Government of India strengthen the hands of the ex-servicemen. I absolutely believe that India and Nepal share a wonderful emotional and economic relationship. We are very happy and there is no discrimination. In the British Army, there is too much discrimination." Recalling that India's Ambassador to Nepal Ranjit Rae had informed during an interaction that India has a role to play in 300 to 400 projects in Nepal, Col. (Retired) Thapa suggested that ex-servicemen of Nepali origin should be given an opportunity to participate in them, and believed that there would be a 40 percent improvement in delivery and effectiveness because of the discipline with which the tasks on hand would be attended to. "Our morale is high, but our identity needs to be highlighted. Nepal should treat us with more respect," he said. Colonel (Retired) Jhum Bahadur Gurung said that 126,000 ex-servicemen of Nepal origin greeted President Mukherjee when he came to visit them at Pokhara. "It was excellent. There was pin drop silence when the president was speaking. All thanks to defence attache Col. Mannat Singh Maan," he said. Col. (Retired) Gurung candidly acknowledged that Nepal is still economically far behind India and that the country lacks a "far-sighted leadership." "We have definitely benefitted from India's contributions. There still 32,000 soldiers of Nepali origin in the Indian Army. We get our pensions every month on time and it is a great boost for the Nepal economy. I joined the Indian Army as a sepoy 33 years ago and retired as a colonel. India is my second home. However, I must say that Nepal has an employment problem. Many of us have to go abroad to earn. Currently 40 lakh Nepalis are placed in 108 countries and all of them are sending remittances back home. It is but obvious that the political leadership in Nepal needs to do more to improve employment prospects, create vacancies. So far, we have a very good relationship," he said. Subedar Major Kaji Raj Thapa said,"We have got more than we expected from India. It is a relationship of blood. We face no problems as far as our pensions are concerned. There is good progress. India is helping us with education, health and earthquake relief. Ex-servicemen should be involved in Indian projects in Nepal so that the future of their children is taken care of. I have spent 28 years in service and enjoyed every moment of it." During his interaction, President Mukherjee said it was a matter of pride for India that around 126,000 ex-servicemen and their dependents are drawing pension from the Indian Army in Nepal. He said relations between India and Nepal are based on multi-faceted social and cultural contacts, and reminded that both nations shared an open border and a friendship treaty that has elevated bilateral relations to a higher level. This relationship, he said has also strengthened the friendship between the armies of both countries, and the ex-servicemen have made important contributions to the security and development of both our countries. He said the objective in 2016-17 is to distribute around 4000 crore Nepali rupees under 'One Rank One Pension' and the 7th Central Pay Commission, he said. He said that the Indian Army has an ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme in Nepal to take care of their health in old age, and added that approximately one crore Nepali Rupees has been distributed as medical assistance. He said the Indian Army is providing scholarships to their dependent children; drinking water projects in 1049 villages and electricity through solar electrification projects in 17 remote areas. The President said it is a matter of satisfaction and pride that a decision has been taken to increase the original pension drawn on December 31, 2015 by 2.57 times and that the 7th Pay Commission had recommended a payment of 2.57 times of the pension drawn on January 1, 2006. The ex-servicemen said they were happy to hear about India's commitment to rehabilitation efforts pertaining to the devastating earthquakes that struck Nepal last year. The Government of India has provided 32,000 Nepali Rupees per pensioner in addition to other aid to 6832 earthquake affected ex-servicemen. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The first trade convoy carrying goods for export through the western route of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and a Chinese ship has arrived at the Gwadar Port on Friday. The convoy, comprising 60 containers, started its journey to Pakistan from Kashgar through the western route and arrived in Quetta in the first phase and later departed for Gwadar, reports the Express Tribune. The second trade convoy comprising over 100 containers is set to arrive in Gwadar today. According to official sources, while one Chinese ship has been anchored at Gwadar Port, another is expected to reach on Saturday. The goods would be exported through Gwadar port to the Middle East and African countries. To commemorate the occasion, a ceremony will be held at Gwadar Port on November 13 which will be attended by Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Army chief General Raheel Sharif, Balochistan Governor Muhammad Khan Achakzai, Chief Minister Nawab Sanaullah Zehri and ambassadors of 15 countries. On Friday, a large number of people participated in a rally organised by Gwadar Yakjehti Council in the port city carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans welcoming the trade. The speakers at the rally said that the CPEC project would prove a game changer for Balochistan and its development. The corridor is about 3,000-kilometre long consisting of highways, railways and pipelines that will connect China's Xinjiang province to the rest of the through Gwadar port. Meanwhile, the Baloch people and activists have continually protested against the CPEC, alleging Pakistan of being only concerned about the resources in Balochistan and not its people and exploiting the region's resources and trading it to Beijing. Considered to be a part of China's One Belt, One Road initiative, the USD 46 billion project covers Balochistan and Sindh provinces and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). India has formally opposed the CPEC because it runs through PoK, which is a disputed territory. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Indian Army chief General Dalbir Singh on Saturday called on Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to hold discussions on the 'unique' army to army relationship between the two countries. Prime Minister Prachanda was appreciative of growing surge in contacts at all levels, specially the highest level. During the visit, General Dalbir Singh assured Prime Minister Prachanda of capability and capacity building of the Nepal Army. The visit of the Indian Army chief comes days after President Pranab Mukherjee paid visits to Pokran and appreciated the "valuable" contribution of Gorkha regiment in the Indian Army. General Singh's visit assumes special significance in the light of India's relationship with the neighbouring country, underpinning India's priorities in maintaining friendly relations in the region. General Dalbir Singh will also be witnessing Indo-Nepal Joint Military Exercise Surya Kiran-X, conducted at Saaljhandi. During the visit, General Singh also paid a courtesy call to Nepali President Bidhya Devi Bhandari and interacted with the chief of the Army Staff of Nepalese Army General Rajendra Chetri. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A government school teacher in Chhattisgarh's Raigarh district has been arrested for allegedly chopping off the hair of seven girl students. As per the complaint lodged by the families of the girls, Pushpendra Patel, posted as math teacher at Government Higher Secondary School, Naharpali under Bhupdeopur Police Station, forcibly chopped off the hair of seven girl students of class IX and X on November 8, saying that they come to school to study, not to show off their long hair. After being arrested, Patel said, "A student should remain as simple as possible, I had given them warnings." Meanwhile, the victims said Patel should receive punishment for his act. "We want him (teacher) to get punishment, he has insulted us by his action," one of the girls said. A case has been registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) After a successful launch of its flagship store in the upscale area of South Mumbai, Cadini, a fashion brand synonymous with premium Italian dressing for men has launched two swanky stores in Pune at Nitesh Hub, Koregaon Park and SGS Mall, Camp. Cadini was founded in 1970 in Florence, Italy, as a manufacturer of men's garments and accessories. As a part of the Siyaram's Global Venture, Pune now becomes the second city in the expansion process of Cadini in India. Over the past many decades Cadini is a renowned brand known for its high quality and timeless "Made in Italy" life style products. With presence in over 40 countries, Cadini impeccably crafts the "total look" for the quintessential man and is an internationally sought-after menswear fashion brand. To establish and mark its presence in India, Cadini has joined hands with India's largest and most preferred menswear brand - Siyaram's. "With the changing lifestyle of the population across metro cities in India, preference for luxury brands have seen an increase in the recent past years. The menswear segment in India registered a retail value growth of 15% in 2015 with sales touching INR 1.3 trillion. The city of Pune, which is also known as the Oxford of the East, comes as a natural choice for us after Mumbai due to its perfect mix of population which is conscious about its looks and appearance. Trend shows that the citizens of Pune are breaking the stereotypes and are willing to spend more on apparel and accessories. Over the period of next one year, Cadini will bring the best of Italian menswear dressing in India which available across 15,000 square feet of retail footprint across metro cities in India," said Ramesh Poddar, Chairman and Managing Director of Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd. Cadini has embarked upon an investment of INR 15 crore for its retail foray and is poised to open 10 to 15 stores in cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Bengaluru, Chennai and Kolkata this year. Cadini is targeting SEC A+ audience across the leading metro cities with an estimated revenue potential of Rs. 125 crore with the retail foray with each store having on an average an area of 1000 - 1200 sq.ft. Initially, Cadini stores will be company owned and operated. Subsequently Cadini will also offer outlets on the franchise model as well. Cadini is positioned to gratify the luxury needs of the Indian man who is rooted to his rich cultural heritage and values. Its edge lies in offering high-quality unique menswear fashion that is inspired from the 'Made in Italy' concept and to a substantial extent is 'Made in India' leading to the best of Italian innovation and Indian manufacturing excellence. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A case has been registered against two people in Jammu and Kashmir's RS Pura Sector for their alleged involved in anti- activities. As reported, the two persons have been identified as Satvinder Singh and Dadu. Satvinder Singh, a resident of Simbal Camp near Police Line Miran Sahib and Dadu, a resident of Phinder RS Pura, were apprehended from Suchetgarh road near Samshan ghat. During the interrogation, it was revealed that they were collecting the secret information regarding the locations of the army and other security forces, and sharing it with Pakistan through Whatsapp. An FIR has been registered against the two under relevant sections. Further investigation is on in the regard. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) After Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal alleged that the Centre had informed corporate houses before hand about the radical decision to demonetise, Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal on Saturday said Kejriwal is speaking out of frustration. Badal told ANI, "Kejriwal is saying that Rs 1,000 currency notes should not be stopped because he must have collected bags of money before the Punjab elections, and now, they have all become useless. That is why, he is speaking all this out of frustration and panic." Union Minister of State for Minority Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi told ANI, "I can see that Congress and Kejriwal are all about political hypocrisy and lies are their passwords." "They have become a laboratory of putting the progress of nation into dire straits. The only thing that they are good at is, how to defame the progress and reforms of our nation, how to spread rumours, how to create rumours," said Naqvi. Naqvi further said that both the Congress and the AAP are disappointed and are doing all this out of desperation. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday asserted that a few corporate houses were informed before hand about the radical decision to demonetize. "In the name of demonetisation, a huge scam is being played out. Before the Prime Minister Modi announced the move on Tuesday, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its friends had been alerted before and they had stashed their cash," Kejriwal said. He said that in the last three months, thousands of crores of rupees have been deposited in bank accounts of some people and corporate houses, adding that deposition of such large sums creates suspicions. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) With civilians continuing to suffer in the crossfire between the Iraqi Security Forces and the ISIS in Mosul, Iraq, many residents have fled the area, while others have simply chosen to heed the Iraqi Security Forces instructions to stay in their homes if they feel safe enough inside. On Tuesday, ISIS shot and killed 40 civilians in Mosul after accusing them of "treason and collaboration" with Iraqi security forces, according to a report by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, or UNHCR. "The victims were dressed in orange clothes marked in red with the words: 'traitors and agents of the ISF.' Their bodies were then hung on electrical poles in several areas in Mosul city," the report said. More than 47,730 people have been displaced because of the ongoing military operations to retake Mosul from ISIS, and roughly12, 800 people have fled since Tuesday according to the International Organization for Migration. Witnesses told CNN among the dozens executed this week, more than 30 people were shot in the head for having cell phones and their bodies were left at various intersections across Mosul as a warning. The bodies are not being removed as residents fear reprisals from ISIS militants, witnesses said. The UN human rights office released a report Friday, confirming that at least 60 civilians have been killed in Mosul this week, and reported new details of alleged atrocities by ISIS fighters. On Wednesday evening, ISIS reportedly killed 20 civilians at the Ghabat military base in northern Mosul on charges of leaking information, the UN body said. Their bodies were also hung at various intersections in Mosul, with notes stating: 'decision of execution' and 'used cell phones to leak information to the ISF. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Afghan Taliban negotiators have told Pakistan that they cannot hold peace talks with President Ashraf Ghani led Afghanistan government for now. "The Taliban representatives have wrapped up their nearly two-week visit and conveyed to Pakistani officials that they have not yet decided to enter into dialogue with the Kabul administration," the Express Tribune quoted a Taliban source, as saying. "The Taliban leaders insisted they could only say whether or not the group will join talks after two or three months," the source added. Three senior members of the Qatar-based Taliban political office arrived in Pakistan in late October after reports suggested that a senior Taliban leader had met Afghanistan's spy chief in the Gulf country in the presence a senior American official. Pakistan is seemingly upset at the Taliban's refusal and could press them to review their stance on the peace process. It is widely believed that the arrest of senior Taliban leader Ahmadullah Muti alias Mullah Nanai, a senior Taliban leaders opposed to negotiations, last month in Balochistan was aimed at conveying a message to the group to join the peace process. Taliban sources confirmed the detention of Nanai and three other leaders but gave no reasons for the arrests. A Taliban official had earlier stated that the Qatar-based Taliban leaders had also 'sought an explanation' from Pakistan about the arrest of the leaders. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived here on Saturday night after concluding his three-day Japan visit. During the visit Prime Minister Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of outer space, which would enable cooperation in satellite navigation, planetary exploration and space industry promotion, joint missions and studies. Both the leaders also signed a historic civil nuclear cooperation deal and the Gujarat Government and Hyogo Prefecture also exchanged MoU of Cooperation. Pitching for 'Make in India' initiative here Prime Minister Modi said that Tokyo plays an important role in the scheme, as India needs scale, speed and skill. He also met Japanese Emperor Akihito, where they discussed the common bonds between their nations and deliberated on the future of Asia. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday departs for India after three-day official visit to Japan. During his visit Prime Minister Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of outer space, which would enable cooperation in satellite navigation, planetary exploration and space industry promotion, joint missions and studies. Both the leader also signed landmark civil nuclear cooperation deal and the Gujarat Government and Hyogo Prefecture also exchanged MoU of Cooperation. Pitching for 'Make in India' initiative here Prime Minister Modi said that Tokyo plays an important role in the scheme, as India needs scale, speed and skill. He also met Japanese Emperor Akihito, where they discussed the common bonds between their nations and deliberated on the future of Asia. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that his prime objective is to make India poverty-free and thanked Japan for its help during earthquake in Gujarat in January 2001, which claimed 19,727 lives and left 166,000 others injured. "When earthquake strike Gujarat, Kobe was the first to help the people of the state. 'First develop India', is my definition of FDI. However the other one is Foreign Direct Investment," Modi said while addressing the Indian community here. Modi said that efforts are being made rapidly to make India free from poverty. Earlier, Prime Minister Modi who is on a three day-visit to Japan, also pitched his ' Make in India' initiative here saying that Tokyo plays an important role in the scheme, as India needs scale, speed and skill. India and Japan also inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of outer space, which would enable cooperation in satellite navigation, planetary exploration and space industry promotion, joint missions and studies. The exchange of MoU of Cooperation between the Gujarat Government and Hyogo Prefecture also took place. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) President Pranab Mukherjee will host the second Visitor's Conference i.e. a conference of Vice Chancellors/Directors/Director Generals of Institutions of higher learning for which he is Visitor from November 16 to 18 at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. This is the second time such a conference bringing together in one forum all heads of higher education institutions is being convened by President Mukherjee. Earlier, separate conferences were held of Vice Chancellors of Central Universities, Directors of NITs, IITs, IISERs and IISC. The agenda for the Visitor's Conference includes: (a) Creating world-class higher educational institutions; (b) Creating global alliance of institutes for research, innovation and technology development; (c) Making India a favoured destination for higher learning; (d) Technology-induced models of pedagogy; and (e) Funding options for higher education. On the first day of the conference, the President will launch the Student Startup Policy in the presence of Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar and Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE. The Student Startup Policy has been formulated by AICTE with the aim to propel Indian youth to contribute to the nation's socio-economic progress through promotion of technology-driven student start-ups. Through an exposure on entrepreneurship, the policy will lend crucial soft skills like decision-making in the students. On the same day, eminent persons like K.V. Kamath, President, New Development Bank; Ela Ramesh Bhatt, Founder, SEWA; Prof. Ramachandra Guha, Historian; N.R. Narayana Murthy, Founder, Infosys will address the participants. An Industry-Academia session will also take place on the first day of the conference where eminent personalities from Industry and Academy will participate. 32 Central Institutions and 65 industry organizations will exchange as many as 68 M0Us on the occasion. On the second and third day of the conference, there will be panel discussions and group work on agenda items of the Conference as well as a presentation on converting Rashtrapati Bhavan into a smart township and extending the experience to select villages through Smart Model Gram project. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Brushing aside criticism of Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi for standing in queue along with the common man in front of a bank in the Parliament Street area of Delhi on Friday, party leader and former union minister Shashi Tharoor said the former's motive was to show the people's plight in trying to exchange currency. "I think what Rahul Gandhi has demonstrated with his visits is that the 'aam aadmi' is adversely affected by this. The target of this action was supposed to be black money hoarders, the business people who have got sacks full of money. Frankly, the very rich have found other ways, including of course, many of them have already invested their black money in real estate, gold and etc," Tharoor told ANI. "But the problem with ordinary people is that they have no such recourse. Whatever money they have got in their hands, they have to withdraw it or change it and this is what it causing hour-long queues in all banks and at all ATMs," he added. Responding to critics from the BJP camp who has been dubbing Rahul Gandhi's visit as a photo-op, the Rajya Sabha MP retorted, "If it is a photo-op, then who has provided the opportunity for such photo-ops." However, he acknowledged the government's intentions to weed out black money and counter counterfeiting, but recalled that the Janata Party's decision in 1978 to demonetise currency notes had failed to prevent people from accumulating more currency notes. Tharoor asked, "The Janata party government did the same thing, but within a short span, people again started accumulating the new notes. The present issue is, if in the previous attempt we could not prevent the new currency from becoming black, then how can we prevent the new currency from becoming black in the future?" Rahul Gandhi visited State Bank of India's branch in Parliament Street and stood in a long queue with people. "I have come here to withdraw Rs.4000. I will stand in line with the people who are suffering," he said. The BJP criticised the act, saying he was indulging in "theatrics" to rile people's sentiments. "Rahul Ghandi has never cared about people. All he cares about is taking photos. That is why Rahul Gandhi is often seen on roads clicking selfies," BJP secretary Shrikant Sharma told ANI. Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar also took a dig at Rahul saying, "Had he queued up within the party, the fittest would have survived and Congress would have been better off. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Kim Kardashian and husband Kanye West added fuel to the excitement of her younger brother Rob Kardashian on his first few days of fatherhood. The 29-year-old reality star and the sole male in the Kardashian family recently welcomed his first child, a baby daughter with Blac Chyna. Amidst the celebrations for the new addition to the Kardashian family, the couple received two pairs of Yeezy Boost 350 Infant, a line of sneakers for babies developed by West under the label of 'Adidas + KANYE WEST'. Rob took to his official Instagram handle to post photos of the gifts huddled together under big pink balloons that had colourful "Welcome BABY girl" written on one of them. "Thank you KimYe baby yeezys mooooovvvvvieeeee @kimkardashian," he captioned the photo. The proud papa also shared a video of his precious newborn baby girl sleeping next to her mother Chyna. The playful reality TV star could not help but poke fun at his fiance lightly snoring away. "Just watching my girls sleep but man Chyna needs to chill with that snoring," he joked in the caption. Dream is soundly asleep, swaddled in a white hospital blanket with a pink blanket draped over her. Rob earlier tweeted his sisters to thank them for their support. He thanked Kourtney Kardashian "for being here and so supportive and so excited for DREAM to meet her beautiful cousins" while telling Khloe Kardashian, "love you Khlo money!!" and thanked her for doing "that 4 hour drive and crazy flight" to make it to the much awaited day. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A senior Assam Civil Service (ACS) officer, Anjanabh Chaliha, serving as District Development Commissioner in Golaghat District, was on Saturday arrested from his residence by the Assam Police for fraudulently withdrawing government funds to the tune of crores of rupees. The accused, allegedly devised a plan with Prabhat Kalita, the former chairman of Sadhana Jati Development Council. Under the plan, Chaliha, the accused, was made an authorized signatory to one of the government bank accounts. The mentioned account is being maintained by the Deputy Commissioner of Jorhat and Chaliha was not given any authority by the former to be authorized signatory of the account. A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed by Rintu Goswami, a senior advocate, against the corrupt official last year. Subsequently, Virendra Mittal, Deputy Commissioner, lodged an FIR yesterday and a case under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) was registered against the two accused. The Jorhat Police with the help of Golaghat Police conducted a raid in the wee hours of Saturday and arrested Chaliha. He was brought to Jorhat this evening by the police and was later produced before the district Magistrate. Kalita has been absconding since the filing of the case. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Rashtriya Swayam Sewak (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat has again reiterated the importance of strengthening the family system in India, as this is the key for society and the nation to remain steadfastly united in the face of looming threats. Addressing the inaugural function of a three-day Prerana Shivir (training camp) of the Rashtra Sevika Samiti, Bhagwat said, "We should sacrifice our selfish motives because self-centeredness is the biggest reason for the destruction of mankind." "Man thinks the entire nature is under his command. We deal with the nature as a consumer which is the fault line and it will lead us to devastation. Without the help of 'Mathru Shakti' it is not possible to regain our lost glory," he added. Touching upon some current social issues, Bhagwat said that in a country where travelling was a taboo once upon a time, India's scientists have now gone upto Mars. India, he said, is taking on the challenge of environmental issues because of its scientific and technological advancement. He also welcomed the demonetisation of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currency notes, saying, "Looking at the current technology, it seems that the whole of financial exchange will be cashless in the near future." Expressing his concerns over rising terrorism and extremism in the world, he said, "Due to extreme thinking, men have become enemies of each other. Nations discussing terrorism (Read Pakistan) are themselves supporting and backing it." The Prerana Shivir was organised to mark the 80th foundation year of the Rashtra Sevika Samiti. More than 3000 Sevikas from across India are participating in this convention at at Chattarpur. Jain Muni Jayantkumarji blessed the occasion with his presence. He said that the RSS and the Jain Sampraday both are doing great things for the betterment of society and the nation. He said that sacrifice for greater good is the very basis of Indian philosophy. He alos used the platform to express his concern over most people in government thinking about themselves first and then about their party and nation last. The nation, he said, should always be the top most priority. A. Sita, Pramukh Karyavahika of Rashtra Sevika Samiti described the glorious journey of 80 years and presented the details of the programs and activities taken up by the organisation. Many elite personalities were present in this inaugural function. Dr.Mrudula Sinha,Governor of Goa and Kiran Chopra, Director of the Punjab Kesari Group, besides others. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actor Arjun Rampal on Saturday supported the Centre's decision of scrapping Rs. 500 and 1,000 currency notes, however saying the movie has suffered because of demonetisation. "Producer of my film 'Rock On 2' and the film has suffered because of this as well. But sometimes you have to make some sacrifices. The backbone of people, who stash black money or involved in drug trafficking, terror funding are broken or at least injured due to this," Rampal told ANI. The 46-year-old actor further asserted that there will be chaos but support the government's move to maintain secrecy, saying there was no other way to announce it. "I believe and hope that this decision is beneficial in long run; it's time when we must stand together and support the government's decision." he added. While makers of films 'Saasein' and '30 Minutes' decided to postpone their release, the makers of 'Rock On 2' stuck to their release date. 'Rock On 2' had one of the worst openings of the year collecting barely Rs.2.2 crores on Friday, as reported by film critic Taran Adarsh. Occupancy at theatres remained poor across the country despite Book my show, Paytm running some offers for cine goers. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced that the government had decided to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes to tackle the menace of black money. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Bollywood's ace choreographer Shiamak Davar knew it back then that "there was something special about Sushant Singh Rajput" and is now "extremely proud of where he has reached." Sushant is one actor who has proved that dreams do get fulfilled. From being a background dancer, to a television actor, he has now hit the ball out of the stadium with his latest release 'MS Dhoni:The Untold Story'. Not many people know that the 'Raabta' actor used to dance as part of Shiamak Davar's dance company just like Shahid Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and a few others in the industry today. Expressing his pride on his journey from background dancer to a star, Davar says, "When Sushant wanted to take up engineering, I told him, 'Why don't you take up acting? You're fun, you have a good understanding of the craft'. I felt there was something special about him back then. "He said, 'I don't know... education is important for me'. I said, 'Just try, if you fail it is okay, but at least try'. He listened to me and then he got a TV role in 'Pavitra Rishta' and then he went on to doing films," he added. The 30-year old actor made his Bollywood debut with 'Kai Po Che' and was last seen and appreciated for his acting in 'MS Dhoni:The Untold Story'. ""In 'MS Dhoni..', he was fabulous, beyond words. The thing I like about him is that he is a very natural actor and a good dancer as well. I am very proud of him and of where he has reached," said the star chorographer. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Sales decline 9.08% to Rs 123.94 crore Net profit of Monte Carlo Fashions declined 1.69% to Rs 13.40 crore in the quarter ended September 2016 as against Rs 13.63 crore during the previous quarter ended September 2015. Sales declined 9.08% to Rs 123.94 crore in the quarter ended September 2016 as against Rs 136.32 crore during the previous quarter ended September 2015.123.94136.3219.7319.5425.6727.7919.5620.5513.4013.63 Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Tempers flared at many places outside banks and ATMs on Saturday as tens of thousands of anxious people waited for the third consecutive day to deposit or exchange their spiked currency or take out cash. Serpentine queues started forming outside banks much before they opened, with people armed with their old 500 and 1,000 rupee notes. There was growing frustration and anger amongst people in the winding queues. An IANS correspondent who went around Saket in south Delhi found massive crowds outside all state-run and private banks with people desperate to get in. Although a second Saturday is a holiday for most banks, the government has ordered all banks across the country to function both on Saturday and Sunday. Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Yes Bank, Bank of Baroda, Axis Bank, ICICI, Standard Chartered, Kotak Mahindra... the crowds were the same everywhere. Although orderly, the long queues spilled on to the roads, creating traffic bottlenecks. "Some queues are two kilometres long," said auto-rickshaw driver Babuddin. "I can't imagine when the people at the end of the queue will be able to enter the bank." Police had to be called in after a quarrel broke out among impatient waiting crowds outside the Central Bank of India branch at Gulmohar Park in south Delhi. The residents welfare association had started giving tokens to colony residents, leading to a separate queue outside the bank. "Why should there be a separate queue for residents.. What is so special about them," said an angry Sheila, a domestic help who was waiting in queue for the past few hours. Imran Khan, a youth working in a private company in Noida, said that the government must plan better management to deal with the cash chaos. "I was standing in queue since morning but could not enter the bank. I came here to deposit demonetised currency in my account but the mismanagement is creating problems," Khan told IANS. At an HDFC bank branch in south Delhi, people lining up for hours could not make it to the bank as it was closing time when they finally reached the gates. "I have been standing at the bank's entrance for hours. During the past two hours I saw only 15 people coming out. How can they take so much time? I am in this line since 8 a.m.," said Tanvi, a Delhi University student. Another person in the line, Ranjan Karmi meanwhile wondered why there was such logistics trouble. "We are ready to support the government in the decision they took, but why are we not getting our money changed? We have been in the line all day and now we are being told the bank is closed. Why can't they work for some more time," he said. Another anxious customer, who runs a small business in Noida, seeing the massive queue ahead of him, said sarcastically, "Better go and ask Modi on what to do." A man standing outside a bank in Chandni Chowk told reporters that he took leave in order to exchange the demonetised bills so that he could meet his daily needs. However, there were some who appreciated the government initiative to demonetize the higher denomination bills to curb black money and fake currencies. They said that people must show patience. "People must have patience and support bank officials while depositing or exchanging cash," Tasleem Ahmed, who works in a private company in Noida, told IANS. Ahmed said that he was standing in the queue for an hour outside the Lakshmi Vilas Bank in Noida Sector 16. He said that people were creating chaos while waiting for their turn. On Saturday many ATMs were non-functional, with printed notices saying they had no cash. Apologising for the inconvenience caused at the HDFC Bank ATMs, the bank said in a tweet: "Some of our ATMs could be running out of cash due to heavy demand. "We're working round the clock to ensure they are replenished. We regret the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. We urge you to use your MobileBanking, PayZapp for payments." Saturday was the third day after banks opened across the country following a day's closure after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Tuesday night that 500 and 1,000 rupee notes would no more be legal tender. Taken aback by the mass crisis, the government has extended till November 14 midnight the original 72-hour deadline for utilities to use the banned currency. --IANS akk-ao/rn/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Once a market bustling with customers, Chandani Chowk now appears relatively forlorn with shops have few customers due to a cash squeeze and their owners too facing a money crunch for purchases. Traders said it will take at least two months for them to be able to regain sale volumes due to government's sudden decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. A trader, who wished not be named, said: "We are failing to understand what is the government's intention behind this move. We are suffering huge losses, which is going to remain for few more months. It will be difficult for us to do business with less cash flow. We are exasperated. However, we cannot protests against it to avoid any negative repercussions." According to the shopkeepers, one of the jewellery shops in the area was raided by the Income Tax department on Friday. "They did not tell us the actual reason for the raid. Everyone is scared. We see no other option than accepting the new regime," said a merchant, also requesting anonymity.All ATMs and the banks in the area were crowded since morning to get new currency notes. On other hand, shops in the area had worn deserted look.Many traders in Chandni Chowk market said that their business was expected to remain dull until adequeate number of currency notes of Rs 100 and Rs 50 are in the circulation. "It's consecutive fourth day that we have not done any business. Although customers are getting new notes of Rs 500, and Rs 2000, they are facing problems in buying goods due to shortage of Rs 100, and Rs 50 notes. "How are we supposed to return Rs 200 if a customer gives us Rs 500 note for a product of Rs 300, if we do not have enough cash?" asked Mohan Agarwal, a saree merchant. Brijbhan Agarwal, a cloth merchant, said that orders from factories in Ahmedabad and Mumbai were stopped due to dip in the demand. "We hope things are settled down soon. However, the slowdown is the market is expected for at least two months," he said. Meanwhile, there were traders, who backed the demonetisation move. Pawan Sharma, a saree merchant, said "We need not worry if we do not have unaccounted money. It is a good move that will benefit us in the long term." There were few innovative traders among their gloomy neighbours, who took up to the online payment options to keep their business going. Sanjay Tondon, a cloth merchant, have posted a big sticker of 'Paytm' and online banking payment outside his shop to woo customers without enough cash. Interestingly, the only shops which claimed to have remained unaffected from the negative effect of demonetisation are famous Parantha shops. Rajat Sharma, of Gangaprasad Parathawale, said: "Initially, there was little problem with change. However, we have not witnessed any fall in the number of customers as of yet." --IANS spk/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Despite the call for boycott of Chinese goods from some quarters in India, its government is keen to collaborate "more closely" with the Indian film industry for the benefit of the two south Asian nations, Chinese government officials said here on Saturday. "It is only a small proportion of people who do not want to see the increase of exchanges between India and China. It is in the benefit of both nations. Though there are differences between the nations, the shared cultures far outweigh the differences. I hope more and more people realise the exchanges will help both nations," Chinese Consul General Ma Zhanwu told the media here. In 2014, India and China signed an audio-visual co-production treaty to bring the film industries of the two neighbours closer. China's official pick for the 89th Academy Awards is "Xuanzang", a result of the co-production agreement. It stars Indian actors Sonu Sood among others and has been extensively shot in Daulatabad Fort in Aurangabad. Notwithstanding the increasing Chinese footprint in Hollywood with regards to investments and acquisitions, China is all for diversity, said the country's Deputy Director General of Film Bureau Zhou Jiandong at the 22nd Kolkata International Film Festival. "We prefer diversity. We are dedicated to collaborations with all filmmakers across the board, including Indians. Chinese and Indian cinema is close because of the culture. We are looking forward to more close collaborations," said Zhou. China in 2014 and 2015 imported the films "3 Idiots" and "PK" from India. However, it is a blank slate for 2016 so far. "We have not decided which films to import. We are starting with the showcases bilaterally (Indian films screened in China and vice versa)," he added. China is the focus country at the KIFF this year. The fest is organised by the West Bengal state government. The Chinese delegation said Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan, also Bengal's brand ambassador, has evinced interest to visit the country. --IANS sgh/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Ratcheting up her demand for withdrawal of the Narendra Modi-led central government's decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday said the move has turned out to be a "big black scandal". "This has turned out to be a big black scandal. Hardship for the common citizens and full advantage to the money launderers. I have said this before, but given the way the young, old and everyone is suffering let me again appeal to the Central government to withdraw this 'black' political decision which is anti-commoner," Banerjee tweeted. The Trinamool Congress supremo, who has penned a poem decrying demonetisation, noted that India's purchasing power was crashing. "Markets across India ruined, purchasing power crashing, people in pain," she said in another tweet. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday demanded rollback of the decision to demonetise, saying that the economy will collapse in the coming days if the decision was not withdrawn. --IANS sgh/ssp/ksk/rn (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Republican Donald Trump's victory is the US presidential election has shattered the hopes and ignited fears amongst thousands of undocumented immigrants known as "dreamers". They are the young people who were brought to the US by their parents as children, CNN said in a report on Saturday. This population, which the American Immigration Council says is roughly 1.8 million, feels exceptionally vulnerable under a Trump presidency because many came out of the shadows when President Barack Obama offered them temporary legal presence through executive action in 2012. Now, with a President-elect who promised to deport the undocumented, the fear of deportation was more real than ever. But the Dreamers, named for the failed 2010 DREAM Act, which had proposed a multi-step process to permanent residency, are dealing with those fears in different ways. Itzel, 22, from San Francisco said she was undocumented and unafraid. "Had Hillary (Clinton) won, the Band-Aid would have continued masking all of our issues. And with Trump's presidency it takes the mask off and it exposes the reality of what it's like to live in fear in the United States," Itzel told CNN. "I think that more people are going to be united against this hateful, racist, sexist, homophobic person." Itzel was only four years old when her parents brought her to the US. She now hopes that her family and people around the country turn their fears into action. Mother of three, Estrella, 32, from Grand Junction, Colorado said she was scared of Trump but it was her five-year-old who took the fear most to heart. "He said he knew he (Trump) was a bad man who wanted to take away his mom and his dad," Estrella said her son told her. She had to calm her son down before taking him to school on Wednesday morning after the election results were out on Tuesday night, by reassuring him that she would not allow Trump to hurt him or his family. Estrella was brought to the US illegally by her parents when she was one-year-old. In Chicago, Rosa, 22, said she felt a triple threat after Trump's win because she is Mexican, a woman and a lesbian. "I feel like it's a bad dream... I feel there are so many things and so many people against me and what I believe in and what I am and it's just very hard," Rosa told CNN. Rosa was nine months old when her parents brought her to the US illegally. Ignacia Rodriguez, an immigration policy advocate at the National Immigration Law Centre, said the deportation fears that dreamers are feeling are real and justifiable. Those who took advantage of President Brack Obama's 2012 executive action and were entered into the "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Programme" only have temporary work permits, which will eventually expire. When that happens, they are back to being undocumented and vulnerable to deportation, she added. --IANS ksk/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) At least four persons were killed and 14 injured in a blast inside Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan's eastern province of Parwan early on Saturday, sources said. "An explosive device detonated on Bagram Airfield resulting in multiple casualties. We will provide updates as appropriate," Xinhua news agency quoted the NATO-led Resolute Support as saying in a statement. The Bagram Airfield, about 50 km north of Kabul, has been serving as a main US military base in Afghanistan over the past 15 years. Earlier on Saturday, a provincial government spokesman told Xinhua that the nature of the blast was a suicide bombing. "The initial probe found that a man disguised as a daily worker made his way to pass the first checkpoint of the base and detonated his explosive jacket inflicting casualties," spokesman Wahid Seddiqi said. As the identities of the casualties were not immediately known, sources said the victims were local workers waiting to pass through a gate. "Response teams at Bagram continue to treat the wounded and investigate the incident," the statement said. Zabiullah Mujahid, a purported Taliban spokesman, claimed responsibility for the attack. The attack was part of the insurgent's yearly rebel offensive, he said in a tweet. Four Afghan security forces and three militants were killed and more than 130 residents wounded in a Taliban suicide truck bombing and ensuing gunfight against German Consulate office in northern Mazar-e-Sharif city on Thursday night. --IANS py/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that greater participation and engagement of industries in Japan will benefit India's micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector. "Greater participation and engagement of industries in Hyogo (prefecture of Japan) will benefit Japan and India's MSME sector for which it could prove transformational," Modi said at a lunch hosted in his honour here by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the state government of Gujarat and the government of Japan's Hyogo prefecture. Modi recalled his visits to Kobe in 2007 and 2012 even before he became Prime Minister and said that the Indian community in this Japanese city has a long history of trade and commerce. "I congratulate all residents of Kobe on the forthcoming 150 years of its port," he said. "Our relationship is characterised by complete trust and mutual confidence. I thank (Hyogo) Governor (Toshizo) Ido for his valuable efforts to develop relations with Gujarat." Earlier on Saturday, the third and last day of his visit to Gujarat, Modi along with Abe travelled by the Shinkansen high-speed rail from Tokyo to Kobe. Following the lunch, he visited the Kawasaki Heavy Industries plant here where the high-speed trains are manufactured to take first hand knowledge of the technology. During Abe's visit o New Delhi last year, Japan committed itself to develop a high-speed railway between Ahmedabad and Mumbai. Modi arrived in Tokyo on Thursday and participated in the annual India-Japan bilateral summit with Abe on Friday following which 10 agreements were signed between the two sides, including the landmark civil nuclear agreement. This is his second visit to Japan in two years. --IANS ab/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Anxious crowds massed outside Gurugram banks to withdraw money or deposit or exchange their demonetised currency as over 80 per cent of the Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) remained cashless here on Saturday. People massed outside over 700 branches of various banks and more than 1,300 ATM booths for the third consecutive day to withdraw cash only to find that the ATM booths in the millennium city were out of cash. While the ATMs of Axis, ICICI, HDFC, Dhanlaxmi and a few other banks near the railway station and on railway road were not working, the government run State Bank Of India (SBI) and Punjab National Bank (PNB) in the Sadar Bazaar were dysfunctional. Similarly, the ATMs of Central Bank Of India, ICICI, Canara and some other banks here on Gurudwara road were not functional but people said Punjab and Sindh Bank ATMs were working. People in queues outside the ICICI bank in this area created noisy scenes as the server of the bank was reportedly working slowly. "We are standing in queue for nearly three hours but haven't moved even an inch," Vikas Sharan, an executive with a private firm, told IANS. The same was the situation at the ATM booths in upscale New Gurugram areas. According to a source, contractors and some factory owners have pressed their labourers into service to exchange their Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes demonetised on November 8. Banks in Udyog Vihar, sector 33 and IMT Manesar areas which have a number of factories and companies, witnessed larger crowds. Shops and business outlets in Gurugram were open on Saturday. Sadar Bazaar, Bada Bazaar and other places have been witnessing low footfalls as customers and traders in old markets prefer transactions in cash and not through credit/debit cards. Amid rumours of raids by the income tax department on Friday, a curfew-like situation prevailed in the markets in Gurugram, the tech hub and suburb of Delhi. Most of the people facing problems in getting their old currency notes exchanged said the demonetisation taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was right. It will cause inconvenience to the common man for a week or two but will help the country in the long run, they said. Haryana Police has deployed nearly 2,000 policemen for security and to keep a check on the law and order situation outside banks and ATM booths. --IANS pra/py/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Gurugram-based gangster was arrested here for murdering a gang member of a rival gang, police said on Saturday. Delhi Police arrested Kuldeep Gadoli from Dwarka area of south Delhi for the murder case of Manish Gujjar who was elder brother of his rival Binder Gujjar's gang active in Gurugram. Kuldeep, elder brother of gangster Sandeep Gadoli, who was killed by Gurugram Police Crime Branch in Mumbai airport hotel in February this year on a tip off given by Binder Gujjar, had taken over his his brother's gang. He murdered Gujjar on October 17 to take revenge. "Kuldeep was arrested by a police team on Thursday following a tip off when he came to meet one of his associates near a cremation ground at Dwarka sector-24," said Joint Commissioner of Police, Crime, Ravindra Yadav. An automatic 9 mm pistol with three live cartridges was recovered from him. During interrogation, he confessed that he along with his brother, Brahmprakash Gadoli and sister, Sudesh were running the Gadoli gang and murdering Gujjar with the help of Kaushal gang's members, Yadav said. They targeted Gujjar on October 17 when he came to collect cash from his wine shop at Old railway road in Gurugram, Yadav said. --IANS sp/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) India and Bhutan signed a new bilateral trade agreement on Saturday to enhance trade between the two countries through trade facilitation by improving procedures, an official statement said. "The bilateral agreement aims at cutting down on documentation and adding additional exit and entry points for Bhutan's trade with other countries. It is also expected to further strengthen the excellent relations between the two countries," Commerce Ministry said in a statement. The agreement was signed by Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and H.E. Tengye Lyonpo Lekey Dorji, Minister for Economic Affairs, Bhutan. Sitharaman also had a bilateral meeting with a high level Bhutanese delegation led by Dorji where both the leaders discussed various issues related to bilateral trade, transit and investment. The first agreement on trade and commerce between Bhutan and India was signed in 1972. Since then, the agreement has been renewed four times. The last agreement was renewed on July 28, 2006 and was valid till July 29, 2016. The validity of the agreement was extended for a period of one year or till the date of coming into force of the new agreement, whichever is earlier, by exchange of diplomatic notes between the two countries. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday visited some banks and ATMs to take take stock of the grim situation that has gripped the city following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision to demonetize Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes. The Chief Minister visited three banks on Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Ashutosh Mukherjee road and Sarat Bose Road in South Kolkata and talked to the customers and the staff. She also interacted with the harried customers queuing up before ATMs. Banerjee listened to the woes of the customers, many of whom had lined up before the cash dispensers from early in the morning. When customers told her that the banks were unable to give Rs 100 denomination notes, Banerjee told them to insist on the same. "I know you need the Rs 100 notes, because the Rs 2,000 notes won't solve your problems. You refuse the Rs 2,000 notes and ask for Rs 100 notes," she told people. Entering the banks, Banerjee asked the officials how they were tackling the rush. When they pleaded they don't have the requisite cash stock to meet the demand, Banerjee said: "Ok, I understand your problem. Let me see what I can do." An angry Chief Minister later lashed out at the Centre. "The decision has been taken without prior planning. The plight of the people is due to the hasty decision by the central government," Banerjee told reporters. "Some people are standing for four-five hours. All are common people. There are youth, employees, shopkeepers, housewives, students, self-employed people, and I don't see them having black money. This is a black policy of the black government," Banerjee said. "There are no 100 rupee notes so from where will the banks give. All of a sudden so many people have been left in the lurch; I have not seen such bad days before," the Chief Minister said on her way back to the car. Soon after her visit, Banerjee in a series of tweets reiterated her demand to withdraw the "draconian decision" of demonetization of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes announced by the government on Tuesday. "Visited many public/private sector banks, 50 ATMs in Kolkata. People complaining. No 100/50 Rs. After hours in queue people only receive a Rs 2,000 note...How will they use this one 2,000 note for all daily needs? Total chaos, anger," she tweeted. "Commoners worst hit by hasty decision. Getting worse every hour. Withdraw this draconian decision in public interest. Take strong action against black money launderers." "50/100 rupees in short supply. Take strong action against those really corrupt. Do not harass the commoner. The public tension is understandable," Banerjee said on her Twitter handle. ATMS that were slated to dole out cash from Thursday midnight, have not been able to live up to the government's promise. Many ATMs did not open on Thursday and Friday as the needed changes in the system to accommodate the new currency notes were yet to be incorporated, and lack of new notes was also an issue. On Friday, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi stood in a bank queue in New Delhi to withdraw Rs 4,000, according to the new demonetization rules, and to send out a strong political statement to the Central government on the hardship being faced by common people. --IANS dm/ssp/rn/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday said the Narendra Modi-led central government should step down on moral grounds after its "draconian" decision to demonitise Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 rupee notes left the country "on its knees". "This government has no moral right to continue. They should go. This is an anti-people government, this is an anti-poor government. This is not a democratic way of running things. Total dictatorship is going on," Banerjee told reporters here after visiting some banks in south Kolkata and talking to the customers and the bank staff. The chief minister also sought a probe by sitting Supreme Court judges into the economic losses the country has suffered over the past few days. "There should be a probe by five sitting judges of the Supreme Court about the scale of economic disaster, and whether the decision has been taken to grease the palm of some others or sell off the country. "This decision has taken the country backward. It has made the country unstable" she said addressing the media at the state secretariat Nabanna. The Trinamool Congress supremo yet again urged all opposition parties to unite against the move and help the harried masses. "Let us all opposition parties work together to save the masses from the disaster. I don't care even if I am killed. I will stand for the masses." --IANS dm/ssp/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Concluding his three-day visit to Japan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi left for India from the Japanese city of Osaka on Saturday. "Sayonara Japan! An important friendship stands strengthened as PM @narendramodi enplanes from Osaka for the journey back to Delhi," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted. Modi arrived in Japan on Thursday to attend the annual India-Japan bilateral summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo on Friday. Following the summit, 10 agreements were signed between the two sides, including the landmark civil nuclear agreement. Modi also attended an India-Japan Business Leaders' Forum and addressed a luncheon meeting organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Keidanren or the Japanese Business Federation. On Saturday, Modi, along with Abe, travelled by the Shinkansen high-speed rail from Tokyo to Kobe and visited the Kawasaki Heavy Industries plant there to get first hand knowledge of the technology. The Prime Minister interacted with the Indian community both in Tokyo and Kobe. This was Modi's second visit to Japan in two years. --IANS ab/vm (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) President Barack Obama urged all Americans to reconcile their differences and called for "loving our neighbours as ourselves" in a speech honouring veterans of the US Armed Forces. In his regular Saturday address, Obama said veterans were an example of unity for a nation that at times is divided along partisan lines, Efe news agency reported. "This weekend, as we search for ways to bridge our differences, we look to the principles that are more enduring than politics," Obama said a day after the Veterans Day holiday. Obama described the US military as a "united team" and the country's "single most diverse institution," made up of native-born Americans and immigrants, Christians, Muslims, Jews and non-believers. Without mentioning Republican Party nominee Donald Trump's victory or protests that have erupted in several US cities, Obama appealed to the values of solidarity and patriotism. "We can practice kindness. We can volunteer, serve and respect one another. We can always get each other's backs. And we can show how much we love our country by loving our neighbours as ourselves," Obama, who will leave office in January, said. Trump's upset victory over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's presidential balloting put an end to one of the most contentious and polarizing election campaigns in the country's recent history. --IANS vgu/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Amid concerns over the threat by US President-elect Donald Trump, who has earlier vowed to cancel last year's Paris climate agreement, President COP22, Salaheddine Mezouar said that one country walking out of the deal will not mean anything. The Moroccan minister, whose country is hosting the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22), said the Paris agreement is already in force and the rest of the world has to move on, whatever the next American administration may decide. "We are confident in the interest and well being of all humanity. Withdrawal of one party from the agreement doesn't mean anything. There is absolutely no threat to COP22. You have to keep trust and confidence," Mezouar told the media here. He also said that everyone is confident that the US will keep the trust and the momentum will continue as American people are strongly determined. He urged the world to be patient. Executive Secretary of UNFCCC, Patricia Espinosa, said the Paris agreement carries an enormous amount of credibility and that she looks forward to working with the Trump administration. "Paris agreement carries an enormous amount of credibility. We in the secretariat have a very clear responsibility in helping the parties to bring the process further. At the same time, we are ready to build a very strong and constructive relationship with President-elect Trump, in order to bring this agenda that is in interest of the world," Espinosa said. Being hailed as the COP of action, COP22 is building up on the negotiations in terms of finance and mitigation processes of Paris Agreement, under which rich countries have pledged about 100 billion dollars in financial support to the developing countries a year starting 2020 to help them cut down the emissions. Of that $100 billion, about $63 billion will be mobilised through public funding. Trump had pledged to roll out of the Paris agreement, which means that the threshold achieved for the Paris Agreement would be jeopardised as America alone accounts for 17 per cent of the global emissions, the biggest chunk after China. Mezouar also said the conference is "going well" and negotiations are unfolding in the right spirit. He said there is need to increase the public funding. Mexican Minister Espinosa said that there is need to speed up the work, adding, "we need a fully operational Paris agreement." Commenting on the objections of many developing countries, which are not happy with the mode of work conducted under Adhoc Working Group on Paris Agreement (APA), Mezouar said that all the parties were consulted. The UNFCCC head also lauded Indian cement company - Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd - for being the first cement company to join RE100 - a global collaborative initiative of the world's most influential companies committed to 100 per cent renewable power, led by The Climate Group. (Kushagra Dixit is in Marrakech at COP22. He can be reached at kushagra.d@ians.in) --IANS kd/rn/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Geneva, Nov 12 (IANS/AKI) The International Organisation for Migration have evacuated 127 Somalis fleeing the conflict in Yemen, including women and children, the IOM said on Friday. The Somalis arrived in Berbera, Somaliland, from Sanaa, Yemen on a boat organised by IOM with financial support from Saudi Arabia's King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), IOM stated. The successful operation was the first under $10 million KSrelief-funded project and paves the way for a further 2,500 Somali nationals stranded in Yemen to be evacuated over the next seven months, IOM said. The Somalis will be evacuated by air to Mogadishu and by sea to Berbera under the project implemented by IOM and by the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR). Over 10,000 people have been killed in Yemen since a Saudi-led Arab coalition in March 2015 began bombing Shia Houthi rebels who overthrew president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and allied with parts of the Yemeni army have engaged in fighting with forces across the country that are nominally loyal to the exiled president. International efforts to find a political solution to the war are at an impasse. --IANS/AKI vgu/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Pakistani woman who was raped on the orders of a panchayat in Gujrat in Pakistan died after she set herself on fire, a media report said on Saturday. According to reports, a panchayat in Gujrat asked a man whose minor daughter had been raped to rape the daughter of the rapist, Geo news reported. The man who had raped the minor girl had served a prison sentence that a local court had given him. The victim who self-immolated was married and pregnant. In a statement she gave to the police on her death bed at Mayo Hospital in Lahore, the woman said she was raped on the orders of a panchayat. Her husband refused to register a case against the perpetrators. "I don't want to register a case. Only Allah will give me justice," he said. Eleven members of the panchayat have been detained for interrogation, police said. Rape survivor Mukhtaran Mai said that such incidents will continue until justice is given to the victims. Mukhtaran Mai added that the treatment meted out to rape victims and their families are the reason why cases against perpetrators are not registered. Mukhtaran Mai was raped by four men after being dragged into the house of a Mastoi tribesman in her native village of Meerwala, in Muzaffargarh district of Pakistan. The parliament in October made amendments to the rape law which make DNA test for victims mandatory, penalise the police for delaying investigation, and allow victims to testify in court through an in-camera session. --IANS ask/rn/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Saturday said that the printing presses are being worked to their full capacity to meet the requirements of the people after the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. "To sustain the demand, printing presses are printing the currency notes at full capacity so that adequate quantum of notes is available," RBI said in a statement. On November 10 - the day the banks opened after the announcement of demonetisation, about 10 crore exchange transactions were reported in a single day, it said. Adequate stocks of new notes are ready in the currency chests located at more than 4,000 places across the country. Bank branches are linked to them to source their requirements from them, RBI said. The banks and the RBI are also open on Saturday and Sunday to meet the urgent requirements of public and to ease the situation. The central bank also encouraged people to switch over to alternative modes of payment, such as pre-paid cards, Rupay card, credit or debit cards, mobile banking and internet banking to alleviate the pressure on the physical currency. The scheme for exchange of the specified bank notes for other denominations is available all across the country till December 30, 2016 and even beyond, at specified RBI offices. As there is ample time, people need not rush to exchange putting avoidable strain on the banking branch network, it said. The withdrawal of the legal tender of the existing Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, has cast a huge responsibility on the banking system to swiftly withdraw these specified bank notes in a smooth and non-disruptive way, it added. The RBI said the process entailed swift withdrawal of the specified bank notes from the ATMs within a few hours of the announcement and reloading them in a matter of two days. "Just a day after the announcement, all bank branches have been providing exchange facility for public. To minimise the inconvenience the branches of banks and all RBI offices have been working well beyond normal business hours, with additional counters opened to cater to the huge turnout of public," it said. --IANS mm/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The railway network would make northeast India a "destination" instead of being a transit point, Railway Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu said in Mizoram. "The railway network would make resource rich northeast India a "destination" instead of being a transit spot," Prabhu said late Friday while laying the foundation stone of the railway station building at Sairang, 20 km north of Mizoram capital Aizawl. Underlining the role of railways in economic development of the northeastern region, he said: "Railway would not only be the engine of growth but would also be the catalyst of social transformation." "Railway network would also bring people of the region more closer and help to overcome various problems in tapping the resources and to supply goods," he added. Citing examples of rich natural resources found in Mizoram, the minister called for better utilisation of the natural resources like the bamboo. Prabhu announced that railways would plan to use more bamboo products made in the region in the Indian railway system to give a boost to the potential industry. He said that Indian railways would construct all future stations in the country keeping the local ethos as a major part of the design. Minister of State for Railways Rajen Gohain, who was also present on the occasion, said that the new broad gauge line from Bairabi to Sairang was part of the Indian railway's vision to connect all the capitals of northeastern states through broad gauge line by 2020. The 50.38 km new line, being laid by the Northeast Frontier Railways (NFR), originates from Bairabi (under Kolsib district in northern Mizoram) and terminates at Sairang station, which is 20 km from Aizawl. "Due to the very steep gradient of the mountainous terrain between Sairang and Aizawl, it was not feasible to take the line up to Mizoram capital city," Gohain said, adding that efforts are being made to complete the project in the stipulated time. Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla said that the extension of broad gauge railway line up to Sairang would be a milestone in the progress of Mizoram. Speaking at the function, Mizoram Governor Lt Gen (retd.) Nirbhay Sharma emphasised on building railway connectivity with neighbouring Bangladesh and Myanmar in the near future as it would be vital for the development of Mizoram. The governor also requested the state government and railway authorities to consider construction of a high quality hospital and a school at Sairang for the benefit of the people. The 50.38 km Bairabi-Sairang new broad gauge line alignment passes through complicated mountainous terrain covered with dense forest throughout its length. At least 23 tunnels -- the longest being 1,766 metre -- and 38 major bridges and six tall bridges (the tallest being 117 metre high) would be constructed in the railway line, which is scheduled to be completed in 2019-20. Mizoram Transport Minister John Rotluangliana, state's Lok Sabha member C. L. Ruala, NFR's General Manager Chahatey Ram, General Manager (Construction) H. K. Jaggi among others were also present at the function. --IANS sc/ask/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In a bid to avoid any untoward incident after a clash between two groups over a parking site at a religious shrine here, the Delhi Police on Saturday deployed 100 personnel to maintain peace in the area. "We have deployed additional police force to maintain peace and harmony in the area and to avoid any problem, although there is no tension reported in Karbala," Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Nupur Prasad told IANS. A group of local residents from BK Dutt Colony in south Delhi and visitors including some members of the Anjuman-e-Haideri trust clashed on Friday night, following a dispute over parking inside a dargah, adjacent to the colony. Two people were injured and some vehicles were damaged during the stone-pelting. A case of rioting was registered against an unidentified mob at the Lodhi Colony Police Station. --IANS sp/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Spain's Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel Garcia Tejerina confirmed that the Spanish government would send the Paris agreement to be ratified in parliament. Tejerina explained in a press conference on Friday that "the battle against climate change is a priority" for the Spanish government, and the Paris agreement would be "ratified as soon as possible". She added that on November 15, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy would attend the climate change conference which is being held in the Moroccan city of Marrakech from November 7-18, while highlighting the efforts currently being made in the European Union to fight the problem. Spain has until now been not ratified the accord, which came into effect on November 5, as it had no effective central government for over 10 months, Xinhua news agency reported. The situation came to an end in October when Rajoy returned to power as Prime Minister, opening the door for the required legislation to finally be approved.--IANS vgu/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Britain-based boy band The Vamps will return to India later this month to play at the Global Citizen Festival India, where names like Jay Z and Coldplay will plug their music chords. The Vamps, artistes of Virgin EMI UK, made their debut India visit earlier this year for a collaboration with Vishal-Shekhar for the song "Beliya". They will be coming to India on November 16. Global Citizen Festival India will be held at the MMRDA grounds here on November 19. "Global Citizen Festival is an amazing event for such a good cause and we are honoured to have been asked to be a part of it," James McVey said in a statement issued on behalf of the band. "We had an incredible first visit to India in August and are very much looking forward to coming back to see our fans, perform our new single 'All night' and our other hits at this world renowned festival," McVey added. Apart from McVey -- the lead guitarist and vocalist -- The Vamps comprises Brad Simpson (lead vocals and guitar), Connor Ball (bass guitar and vocals) and Tristan Evans (drums and vocals). The Vamps also worked on a song for Ajay Devgn's recently released "Shivaay". The inaugural Global Citizen Festival India will see participation from international as well as Indian celebrities. --IANS rb/sug/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Democratic National Committee (DNC) will elect next the party's new chair on November 17, with strong backing for the candidacy of black Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison. Senator Bernie Sanders offered his support for Ellison on Friday, a Minnesota legislator and member of the state's Democratic Farmer-Labor Party, Efe news agency reported. He is also the first member of Congress to practice Islam. In a surprising manoeuvre, Democratic Senator Charles Schumer also pitched his support to Ellison, whose victory could revitalise the more progressive wing of the Democrats, following Hillary Clinton's defeat in the presidential election against Republican Donald Trump that left her party in turmoil. The interim presidency of the DNC, has been occupied by Donna Brazile following the resignation of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz over influencing the primaries to aid Hillary Clinton. Ellison will contest the party chairmanship against 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean and possibly against former hopeful for the presidential nomination this year, Martin O'Malley, who says he is considering an attempt to become DNC chair. Sanders, who lost the party's primary for the presidential nomination against Clinton despite inspiring millions, is coming back to promote a more progressive leadership of the Democratic Party. --IANS vgu/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actor Aamir Khan has supported Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision to demonetise Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes. He says the country's interest comes before anything including the release of his film "Dangal". Asked if the decision might impact "Dangal" release, Aamir said: "It is more important to agree with what is good for nation. We should not see it's short term impact. What is necessary for the country needs to be done. If my film is getting affected, it is a small thing." Aamir expressed his views about the move at the song launch of the film here on Saturday. Nitesh Tiwari's film sees Aamir portraying the role of Mahavir Singh Phogat, who taught wrestling to his daughters Babita Kumari and Geeta Phogat. Geeta was India's first female wrestler to win at the 2010 Commonwealth Games where she clinched the gold medal while Babita won the silver. Aamir plays both the younger and older characters of Phogat in the film. "Dangal" is scheduled to release on December 23. Tiwari also said that "it is bound to affect certain things and help certain things. We should see it's larger picture". Talking about his film, Aamir said: "The central thought of the film is that a girl is no lesser than a boy. The message of the film is that we should not create a difference between girls and boys." --IANS iv/sug/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Renewing her attack on the Modi government for of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday demanded withdrawal of this "black" political decision saying it is against the common people. "Withdraw this 'black' political decision which is anti-commoner. Markets across India ruined, purchasing power crashing, people pained," she tweeted. Claiming that she had said this before, Banerjee said, "But given the way the young, old and everyone is suffering, let me again appeal to the Central government (to withdraw the decision)." "This has turned out to be a big black scandal. Hardship for the common citizens and full advantage to the money launderers," she said. Withdraw this 'black' political decision which is https://t.co/QZ3BVOQUda across India ruined,purchasing power crashing,people pained. 3/3 Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) November 12, 2016 The All India Trinamool Congress chief (TMC) on Thursday called upon all opposition parties to work together against the "anti-poor government at the Centre". "Let us fight this political and financial anarchy together. We will be with you all," Banerjee had said. Mocking the prime minister, she had said Narendra Modi "has gone to Japan after making the people poor in India". Trinamool Congress has already given a notice in the Rajya Sabha for a discussion on the issue on November 16, the opening day of winter session of Parliament. TMC leader in Lok Sabha Sudip Bandopadhyay has said the party would bring an adjournment motion in the house on the same day. Mamata also penned a poem on the issue. Three workers were today injured when a boiler of a paint factory exploded in Siraspur village in outer Delhi. Due to the impact of the explosion, the tin roof of the factory fell on the workers, trapping them. A Fire department official said a call about the incident was received around 2.50 PM and five fire tenders were rushed to the spot. The workers were rescued by a team of fire department, police and other agencies, a senior police official said. Dilip (28) and his brother Vipin (19) suffered 90 per cent burn injuries and were rushed to Harish Chandra Hospital. Their condition is stated to be critical, he said. Another worker, Rama Kant, who was on the roof of the factory at the time of the blast, was also injured and admitted to the hospital. Police are on the lookout of the factory's owner. "We are trying to trace the factory's owner. A case of negligence will be registered against him," the officer said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Nearly 30 people, including women and children, were killed and more than 100 injured today in a blast at a popular shrine in Pakistan's volatile Balochistan province, officials said. The blast occurred in the remote Hub region in Lasbela district where devotees were attending a Sufi dance called "dhamaal" at Dargah Shah Noorani shrine. Balochistan Interior Minister Mir Sarfaraz Bugti confirmed the blast in which "several" people were killed. However, an official of the Edhi Trust Foundation told local media that nearly 30 people, including women and children, were dead and around 100 injured in the blast. "Our local focal person has told that about 30 people were killed," said the Trust's Hakeem Lassi. Bugti said it was a remote area and it would be quite a task to retrieve the dead and injured when already darkness engulfed the region. So far nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) At least 30 people, including women and children, were killed and more than 100 others injured today in a suicide attack carried out by a 14-year-old boy at a popular sufi shrine in Pakistan's restive Balochistan province. Some media reports put the death toll at 40 in the blast that occurred in the remote Hub region in Lasbela district where devotees were attending a Sufi dance called "dhamaal" at Dargah Shah Noorani shrine. The target of the attack was an area where believers would perform 'dhamaal'. The blast site is situated some 250km away from Karachi. Balochistan Interior Minister Mir Sarfaraz Bugti confirmed the blast which happened when about 500 to 600 devotees were present at shrine. "30 people have been killed and 100 injured in the blast including women and children," said Tehsildar Javed Iqbal. However, the Express Tribune reported that at least 40 people were killed in the blast. It cited police sources as saying that the blast was a suicide attack carried out by a 14-year-old boy. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Rescue teams had reached the blast site and started shifting the deceased and injured to the hospital. However, rescuers were facing difficulty in accessing the site as the shrine is located in a remote area. The death toll is feared to rise with women and children casulaties in the deadly blast. "The shrine is located some 250 kilometres from Karachi in the remote mountains of Uthal and our vehicles have been dispatched there to carry out rescue operations and shift the injured to the hospitals," said Hakeen Lassi, an official of the Edhi Trust Foundation. Local tehsildar Iqbal said security arrangements at the shrine were not proper. "It is sad that although thousands of devotees from Karachi and other parts of the country visit the shrine everyday but there are no medical emergencies or ambulances at the site," he said. He said the devotees take part in the 'dhamaal' everyday after sunset and the blast took place close to where they were dancing inside the compound of the shrine. President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif have strongly condemned the bomb blast. They directed the concerned authorities to speed up the rescue activities and provide best medical facilities to the injured. This is not the first time that extremists have targeted a shrine in Balochistan. This is the third major incident of a bombing in the province since August. In August, about 70 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack outside the civil hospital in the provincial capital Quetta. Last month, 64 police cadets and two army men were killed when three terrorists raided a police training centre in Quetta. An emergency has been declared in hospitals of Khuzdar and Karachi. The only hospital in the district is Civil Hospital Khuzdar, which is not equipped to handle the scope of the emergency. Pakistan President Hussain said, "the government would eliminate the evil of terrorism from the country." Balochistan Chief Minister Sanaullah Zehri said that provincial government would do everything for the victims as he ordered commissioner of Qalat division to submit a report about the attack. Army said that it has also sent more than a dozen ambulances to help remove the bodies of victims. The provincial government has set up a special team at the Home Ministry to deal with the situation after the attack. Electricity services were also disrupted following the explosion, hampering rescue efforts further. Electric power to the shrine is supplied with generators, DawnNews reported. Two platoons of the Frontier Corps had also reached the shrine with medical and rescue equipment. "People who are critically injured in the blast will be transported to Karachi," said Bugti. Syed Zulfiqar Shah, the deputy commissioner of Khuzdar, said rescue teams were facing problems as they were no mobile signal networks in the area. The mineral and resources-rich Balochistan province has been hit by terrorism, sectarian violence, targeted killings and insurgency. More than 1,400 incidents of targeting the minority Shia and Hazara community have been reported in the province during the past 15 years. The province shares borders with Afghanistan and Iran and is said to be the home to some terrorist outfits as well who fled the northern and tribal areas after the military operation started there two years back. At least 45 people, including women and children, were killed and more than 100 others injured today in a suicide bombing at a popular sufi shrine in Pakistan's restive Balochistan province, an attack claimed by the Islamic State terror group. The blast occurred in the remote Hub region in Khuzdar district of the province while devotees were participating in a Sufi dance called "dhamaal" at Dargah Shah Noorani. At least 45 people were killed and more than 100 have been injured in the blast, rescue officials said. While confirming the death toll, Balochistan Home Minister Sarfaraz Bugti said ambulances and rescue teams had rushed to site. The target of the attack was the area where devotees perform 'dhamaal'. The blast site is situated some 250 km away from Karachi. The blast happened when about 500 to 600 devotees were present at shrine. Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack via Amaq agency. "35 dead and 95 wounded Shiite visitors in...Operation attack by the Islamic State fighter that targeted a shrine in a city in Balochistan," the agency said. The Express Tribune quoted police sources as saying that the blast was a suicide attack carried out by a 14-year-old boy. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Rescue teams reached the blast site and started shifting the deceased and injured to the hospital. However, rescuers were facing difficulty in accessing the site as the shrine is located in a remote area. The death toll is feared to rise and women and children were among those killed in the blast. "The shrine is located some 250 kilometres from Karachi in the remote mountains of Uthal and our vehicles have been dispatched there to carry out rescue operations and shift the injured to the hospitals," said Hakeen Lassi, an official of the Edhi Trust Foundation. Local tehsildar Javed Iqbal said security arrangements at the shrine were not proper. "It is sad that although thousands of devotees from Karachi and other parts of the country visit the shrine everyday but there are no medical emergency facilities or ambulances at the site," he said. He said the devotees take part in the 'dhamaal' everyday after sunset and the blast took place close to where they were dancing inside the compound of the shrine. President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif strongly condemned the bomb blast. They directed the concerned authorities to speed up the rescue activities and provide best medical facilities to the injured. This is not the first time that extremists have targeted a shrine in Balochistan. This is the third major incident of a bombing in the province since August. In August, about 70 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack outside the civil hospital in the provincial capital Quetta. Last month, 64 police cadets and two army men were killed when three terrorists raided a police training centre in Quetta. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) At least 52 people, including women and children, were killed and more than 100 injured on Saturday in a suicide bombing at a popular sufi shrine in Pakistan's restive Balochistan province, an attack claimed by the Islamic State terror group. The blast occurred in the remote Hub region in Khuzdar district of the province while devotees were participating in a Sufi dance called "dhamaal" at Dargah Shah Noorani. At least 52 people were killed and more than 100 have been injured in the blast, rescue officials said. Balochistan Home Minister Sarfaraz Bugti said ambulances and rescue teams had rushed to site. "The rescue operations are going on and the casualties could rise as some people are still trapped at the place where the blast took place," Bugti said. The target of the attack was the area where devotees perform 'dhamaal'. The blast site is situated some 250 km away from Karachi. The blast happened when about 500 to 600 devotees were present at shrine. Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack via Amaq news agency. "35 dead and 95 wounded Shiite visitors in...Operation attack by the Islamic State fighter that targeted a shrine in a city in Balochistan," the agency said. The Express Tribune quoted police sources as saying that the blast was a suicide attack carried out by a 14-year-old boy. Colonel Junaid Kakar of the Frontier Corps also told the media that it appeared to be the work of a suicide bomber. "All evidences point to a suicide bombing," he said. Rrescuers were facing difficulty in accessing the site as the shrine is located in a remote area. Women and children were among those killed in the blast. "The shrine is located some 250 kilometres from Karachi in the remote mountains of Uthal and our vehicles have been dispatched there to carry out rescue operations and shift the injured to the hospitals," said Hakeen Lassi, an official of the Edhi Trust Foundation. Local tehsildar Javed Iqbal said security arrangements at the shrine were not proper. "It is sad that although thousands of devotees from Karachi and other parts of the country visit the shrine everyday but there are no medical emergency facilities or ambulances at the site," he said. He said the devotees take part in the 'dhamaal' everyday after sunset and the blast took place close to where they were dancing inside the compound of the shrine. President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif strongly condemned the bomb blast and directed authorities to speed up the rescue activities. This is the third major incident of a bombing in the province since August. In August, about 70 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack outside the civil hospital in the provincial capital Quetta. Last month, 64 police cadets and two army men were killed when three terrorists raided a police training centre in Quetta. Myanmar's military said its troops killed six people and lost two soldiers in clashes with attackers in Rakhine state today, in the latest flare-up of violence in the crisis-hit region. Northern Rakhine, which is home to the Muslim Rohingya minority and borders Bangladesh, has been under military lockdown ever since surprise raids on border posts left nine police dead last month. Soldiers have killed several dozen people and arrested scores in their hunt for the attackers, who the government says are radicalised Rohingya militants with links to overseas Islamists. The crisis and reports of grave rights abuses being carried out in tandem with the security crackdown have piled international pressure on Myanmar's new civilian government and raised questions about its ability to control the army. Authorities have also heavily restricted access to the area, making it difficult to independently verify government reports or accusations of army abuse. Today the military said it came under fresh attacks in the border region, first by a mob of some 60 people wielding "small guns and swords". The clash broke out in the early morning during a "clearance operation" in Ma Yinn Taung village in Maungdaw township, according to an army statement. "In that fight, six dead bodies of attackers along with a gun which the attackers stole on 9 October were retrieved," it said, adding that one soldier also died while others were wounded. Troops then followed the attackers to nearby Gwa Zone village where they encountered a 500-strong armed mob, the military said. "The army fought back but the group of attackers was very large and the army had to use two helicopters," the statement said, adding that one officer was killed in the operation. The resurgence of violence in western Rakhine has deepened and complicated a crisis that already posed a critical challenge to the new administration led by democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi. The state has sizzled with religious tension ever since waves of violence between the majority Buddhist population and the Muslim Rohingya left more than 200 dead in 2012. More than 100,000 people, mostly Rohingya, were pushed into displacement camps by the bloodshed and have languished there ever since. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The "indefinite morcha" of AAP at Kapuri village in Punjab over SYL issue continued on the second day today, even as the party claimed that Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal is trying to "befool" people by writing a letter on the issue to the President of India. "Rather than writing letter to the President of India, Badal should have talked to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as the President works on the advice of the Council of ministers," the AAP leaders said. "Why does Badal shy away from raking up SYL issue in a strong manner with the Prime Minister and make him understand the ground situation of availability of water in Punjab," they asked. "SAD is an oldest partner of NDA, and if he (Badal) fails to get justice from the BJP-led NDA government, what was point for him to continue in the alliance?" AAP's Patiala Zone in-charge Balbir Singh asked. "If he cannot protect the rights of Punjab, Badal has no moral right to continue as the Chief Minister and he should immediately resign or sever his political ties with BJP, which has betrayed Punjab," AAP leader Gulshan Chhabra alleged. Accusing Congress of adopting "double standards" on SYL issue, AAP leaders said while AAP's national spokesperson Sanjay Singh is sitting in the "morcha", Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala has hailed the Supreme Court's ruling on the SYL issue. They also asked state Congress chief Amarinder Singh to clarify the stand of his party's national leadership on the issue. The Supreme Court on Thursday held as unconstitutional the 2004 law passed by Punjab to terminate the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal water sharing agreement with neighboring states. The judgement makes it clear that the Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004 is "unconstitutional" and Punjab could not have taken a "unilateral" decision to terminate the water sharing agreement with Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi and Chandigarh. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today dismissed canard about shortage of salt in the country as "concocted rumours" and stressed adequate quantity is available in every state. "Some people are spreading irresponsible rumours, like it happened yesterday regarding salt. It is there in adequate quantity in every state," he told reporters here. He said that some of these rumours started on day one of the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. "These are all concocted rumours," he said, adding statements like some people were aware of the demonetisation earlier tantamount to "taking liberty with truth". The Commerce and Industry Ministry too has dismissed the rumours of shortage of salt in the market. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), which comes under the Ministry, in a series of tweets said there is sufficient stock of salt in the country. "Do not panic, plenty of edible salt stocks are available in North Eastern Sates, Bihar an West Bengal. Say No To Rumours!," it said. Salt produced at Nawa and Phalodi from Rajasthan is supplied to Delhi. "Refined salt is available in market at the rate of Rs 8-18 as per brand. Adequate edible salt has been supplied to Delhi & NCR areas by salt producers from Santalpur and Kharaghoda from Gujarat. There is no scarcity in Delhi," it added. Salt producers and suppliers from Tamil Nadu confirmed that there is no scarcity of salt in the entire state, DIPP said, adding "no scarcity of salt and it is sold at normal rates in West Bengal". Adequate salt has been produced, stocked and being supplied in Gujarat, which produces 75 per cent total salt in India. Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that "authorities are in the field and reporting back. No shortage". Rumours about shortage of salt triggered panic among people in areas like Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi and Maharashtra. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Afghanistan's parliament today dismissed three government ministers including that of foreign affairs over poor performance, in a blow to President Ashraf Ghani's fragile government. Lawmakers voted to fire Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani and the ministers of public works and social services, citing a failure to spend their allocated budgetary funds on time. The dismissals come as Afghanistan is embroiled in an economic crisis and is struggling to rein in an emboldened Taliban insurgency. "Three ministers were disqualified by parliament after failing to spend their allocated budgets," said lawmaker Abdul Rauf Inaami, the secretary of parliament's lower house. "If the ministers do not have the capacity to spend their budget they do not deserve to have their jobs." The ministers spent less than 40 percent of their budgets, Inaami said. Their removal is in accordance with the Afghan constitution, which gives parliament the authority to sack ministers. Fourteen other ministers are expected to face a similar vote of confidence, which risks tipping the government into a political crisis. The development adds to the troubles of Ghani's government, which is already marred by infighting since the fraud-tainted presidential election in 2014. Former rivals Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah have since presided over a fragile US-brokered power-sharing agreement despite their openly bitter divisions. Abdullah, a former anti-Soviet fighter, has publicly accused Ghani of monopolising power and not consulting him over key government appointments. However, a two-year deadline to implement the terms of the agreement -- electoral reforms and a constitutional grand assembly of elders to establish the government's political legitimacy -- recently passed without any of those steps taken. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh today called for unity among all the countries to face the biggest threat to the world posed by terrorism and asserted that the Centre's move to demonetise high-value currency notes will go a long way in curbing it. "The biggest threat to the world is posed by terrorism...The entire world will have to unite against it," he said at a programme organised by 'Bhojpuri Adhyan Shodh Sansthan' here. In an attempt to effectively reach out to the predominantly Bhojpuri-speaking audience, Singh said in Bhojpuri, "Na aata chahi na tata chahi, humhi ke Pakistan mein sannata chahi (we want nothing except silence in Pakistan)". Stressing that the government will make all possible efforts for the promotion of Bhojpuri, the home minister said he has talked to the prime minister about the inclusion of Bhojpuri language in the eighth schedule of the Constitution and the prime minister has agreed to it. The inclusion of Bhojpuri in the eighth schedule of the Constitution is a long-pending demand of the people of the Purvanchal area of the state. Later, replying to a query during an informal interaction with the media, Singh said the decision to scrap the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes should be viewed in the light of terrorism and how it will go a long way in checking it. "Pakistan and its intelligence agency ISI, who were running their terror activities through fake currency, are most troubled because of this decision," he claimed. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Police hurled tear gas and flash-bang grenades in response to rowdy protests in Portland, Oregon, as people around the country once again took to the streets denouncing Donald Trump's presidential election victory. Early today, Portland police said on Twitter that they were investigating a report of a shooting and a possible injury on a Willamette River bridge that protesters were heading toward. They asked the public to leave the area. It wasn't immediately clear if the report had anything to do with the protests. On last night, they reported, again on Twitter, that tear gas was used in response to "burning projectiles" thrown at officers. Hundreds of people marched through the city, disrupting traffic and spray-painting graffiti. Authorities said vandalism and assault had taken place during the rally, which organizers had billed as peaceful earlier in the day. In other parts of the country, spirited demonstrations on college campuses and peaceful marches along downtown streets have taken place since Wednesday. Hundreds joined a yesterday afternoon "love rally" in Washington Square Park in Manhattan. Leslie Holmes, 65, a website developer from Wilton, Connecticut, took an hour-long train ride to the demonstration, her first protest since the 1970s, when she hit the streets of San Francisco to oppose the Vietnam War. She described herself as an armchair liberal but declared, "I'm not going to be armchair anymore." "I don't want to live in a country where my friends aren't included, and my friends are fearful, and my children are going to grow up in a world that's frightening, and my granddaughters can look forward to being excluded from jobs and politics and fulfilling their potential, so I'm here for them," she said. Evening marches disrupted traffic in Miami and Atlanta. Trump supporter Nicolas Quirico was traveling from South Beach to Miami. His car was among hundreds stopped when protesters blocked Interstate 395. "Trump will be our president. There is no way around that, and the sooner people grasp that, the better off we will be," he said. "There is a difference between a peaceful protest and standing in a major highway backing up traffic for 5 miles. This is wrong." More than a thousand protesters took to the streets across California after night fell including downtown Los Angeles, where over 200 were arrested a night earlier. In Bakersfield, where Trump is far more popular than in most of the state, some held signs reading "Anti-Trump, Pro-USA." Small protests also were held in Detroit; Minneapolis; Kansas City, Missouri; Olympia, Washington and Iowa City. More than 200 people, carrying signs gathered on the steps of the Washington state Capitol. The group chanted "not my president" and "no Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA." In Tennessee, Vanderbilt University students sang civil rights songs and marched through campus across a Nashville street, temporarily blocking traffic. A protest also occurred in Minneapolis. In Chicago, multiple groups planned protests through today. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) An army jawan was killed on Saturday in on the Line of Control (LoC) in Keran sector of north Kashmir's Kupwara district, police said. Pakistani troops violated ceasefire by indulging in firing and shelling in Keran sector this morning, a police official said. He said that in the incident, army jawan Harshid Badarya lost his life. The firing has stopped, the official said, adding further details were awaited. An Islamist leader, the prime suspect in the brutal murders of a secular blogger and a publisher in Bangladesh, has been arrested from the capital, police said today. Khairul Islam alias Fahim, a leader of intelligence wing of the outlawed Ansar al-Islam also known as Ansarullah Bangla Team, was arrested from Kamlapur Rail Station area in Dhaka last night, said Masudur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner of the Detective Branch of Police. Khairul, 24, was believed to be involved in the murders of Jagriti Prakashani publisher Faisal Arefin Dipan and secular activist Niladri Chatterjee Niloy, besides scores of deadly attacks on secular activists and foreigners. Khairul participated in the murders of Dipan and Niloy, Joint Commissioner Detective Branch of Police Abdul Baten was quoted as saying by 'Dhaka Tribune'. Baten said Khairul admitted his involvement in the killings during primary interrogation. He said Khairul had joined the group in 2013 and the next year he met its senior leader Sayed Ziaul Haque, a sacked army major for his involvement in a failed coup in December 2011. Khairul had started to collect information about the duo since January 2015 and provided it to the outfit's Askari section (armed wing) to carry out the killings, he added. "Seeing CCTV footage, Khairul has identified four people involved in blogger and secular writer Avijit's killing and we are analysing the information," Baten said. Dipan was hacked to death at his office in Dhaka's Shabagh area in broad daylight on October 31, 2015. The group had claimed responsibility for the murder. Niloy was hacked to dead at his residence on August 7 last year. Bangladesh has seen a spate of gruesome attacks on secular activists, religious minorities, bloggers and foreigners, many of whom have been hacked to death with machetes. The country has launched a massive crackdown on militants after the July 1 Dhaka terror attack in which 22 people, mostly foreigners, were killed. An Islamist militant leader who "directly took part" in the brutal murders of a secular blogger and a publisher in Bangladesh has been arrested here, police said today as they identified an ex-army officer as the mastermind of fatal attacks on secular writers in the country. Khairul Islam alias Fahim, a leader of intelligence wing of the outlawed Ansar al-Islam also known as Ansarullah Bangla Team, was arrested from Kamlapur Rail Station area in Dhaka last night, said Masudur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner of police's detective branch. Khairul, 24, was believed to be involved in the murders of Jagriti Prakashani publisher Faisal Arefin Dipan and secular activist Niladri Chatterjee Niloy, besides scores of deadly attacks on secular activists and foreigners. "Ansar al Islam or Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) has claimed responsibility of murdering most of the secular writers and bloggers... Our investigations reconfirms that ABT leader (fugitive) major Syed Ziaul Haque was behind all those attacks," a police spokesman told PTI. Police said Khairul "directly took part" in the murders of Niloy and Dipan last year. "This Fahim or Jishan admitted to us his direct involvement in the murders of the two and links to the killings of other bloggers as well," said Abdul Baten, Joint Commissioner of Dhaka police's detective branch. He said Khairul had joined the group in 2013 and the next year he met Haque, a sacked army major for his involvement in a failed coup in December 2011. Khairul had started to collect information about the duo since January 2015 and provided it to the outfit's Askari section (armed wing) to carry out the killings, he added. Police's comments on Haque, whom they termed as "operational chief", came three months after they announced a bounty of Taka 20 lakh (USD 25.4 thousand) on his arrest. Haque and Bangladeshi Canadian Tamim Chowdhury were identified as leaders of militant outfits, one being responsible for the July 1 terrorist attack on a Dhaka cafe. Chowdhury, said to be a top leader of Neo-JMB known to be inclined to ISIS, was killed two months ago in a police crackdown while Haque is still on the run. Dipan was hacked to death at his office in Dhaka's Shabagh area in broad daylight on October 31, 2015. The group had claimed responsibility for the murder. Niloy was hacked to dead at his Dhaka residence on August 7 last year. Bangladesh has seen a spate of gruesome attacks on secular activists, religious minorities, bloggers and foreigners, many of whom have been hacked to death with machetes. The country has launched a massive crackdown on militants after the July 1 Dhaka terror attack in which 22 people, mostly foreigners, were killed. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Union Minister of State for Defence Subhash Bhamre today made a visit to the Southern Naval Command (SNC) here. During his maiden visit to the Southern Naval Command after assuming charge as MoS Defence, Bhamre held discussions with the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Naval Command, Vice Admiral A R Karve. He was also given a detailed presentation on the Command and its activities, especially with regard to training which is the main role of SNC, a Navy release said. The Minister was thereafter taken on a guided tour of training facilities such as the unique Water Survival Training Facility (WSTF) at the naval base used to train aircrew in survival techniques at sea and the Damage Control Training facility (DCTF) 'Avinash' which is meant for imparting simulator training to naval personnel on controlling damage to ships at sea during war, it said. Bhamre also got a firsthand insight into aircraft carrier operations when he visited INS Vikramaditya, the Indian Navy's flagship Aircraft Carrier, which is presently here in Kochi for its refit and drydocking, the release said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) India and Bhutan today signed the Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit that aims to enhance trade between the two countries through trade facilitation, cutting down documentation and adding additional exit/entry points for Bhutan's trade with other countries. Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and the Minister for Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan, Tengye Lyonpo Lekey Dorji signed the Agreement, Commerce Ministry said. "The new bilateral Trade Agreement aims to enhance trade between the two countries through trade facilitation by improving procedures, cutting down on documentation and adding additional exit/entry points for Bhutan's trade with other countries," it added. It is also expected to further strengthen the excellent relations between the two countries, it said. The first Agreement on Trade and Commerce between Bhutan and India was signed in 1972. Since then, the Agreement has been renewed four times. The last Agreement was renewed on July 28, 2006 and was valid till July 29, 2016. The validity of the Agreement was extended for a period of one year or till the date of coming into force of the new Agreement, whichever is earlier, by exchange of diplomatic notes between the two countries. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) An 18-year-old youth, who was declared brain-dead following an accident, has given fresh lease of life to four persons with his organs being harvested today. M Dhananjay Reddy, a native of Gudireddi Gari in Chittoor district, was critically injured after an accident at Angallu near Madanapalli, 100 km from here, on November 10, said Dr Sivakumar, Director incharge of the Sri Venkateswara Institute of Sciences (SVIMS) super-specialty hospital where he was brought for treatment. However, the team of doctors in the hospital after examination found him brain-dead and informed his parents. Members of Jeevandhan Trust, a government organisation, approached Dhananjay's parents for donation of his organs, including heart, liver and kidneys, which was readily accepted by them, SVIMS officials said. After harvesting, the heart was donated to Malar Hospital at Chennai, liver to Manipal Hospital at Vijayawada, one kidney to Narayana Hospital at Nellore and another kidney to the SVIMS here, giving fresh lease of life to four patients, they added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A seven-member Central team visited several districts in Bihar to assess the damage caused by recent floods, to provide assistance to the state. The inter-ministerial team headed by Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs Ajay Ramesh Sule left for Delhi today after two days of interaction with state officials and visit to several districts for on-the-spot study of the damage incurred in the floods. "The team appeared satisfied with the presentation made by state officials about the extent of damage caused by floods this year," Pratyay Amrit, Principal Secretary of Disaster Management and Power, told PTI. The state government had in August submitted a memorandum to the Centre for Rs 4,111.98 crore flood assistance after Chief Minister Nitish Kumar met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on August 23. The central team visited Bhagalpur, Munger, Samastipur, Arwal among others for on-the-spot assessment of damage, Amrit said. The visit came after Kumar questioned the Centre's "attitude" in providing "timely assistance" for the damage caused by flood in the state this year. In a letter to the Union Home Minister last Saturday, Kumar had questioned the "delay in the arrival" of the Central team and said after he met the Prime Minister and Singh, state officials were in "regular touch" with the Centre. The state was informed that the Central team's visit was postponed for November 10-11. But, through a letter on November 4, the Centre again informed about "putting off" the visit to November-end due to a meeting of Public Accounts Committee and commencement of the Winter Session of Parliament from November 16. The Chief Minister had said farmers in the flood-affected areas have started sowing crops and have also begun repairing the houses. In such a condition, due to delayed visit, the Central team will face a practical problem in assessing the damage caused by floods. Actor Chad Michael Murray has written a romantic novel. The 35-year-old actor has put together an adventure-thriller-story called 'American Drifter' based on a dream he had, reported Us magazine. "American Drifter's romance was inspired by a dream I had. The dream had played out so vividly, as if I was a fly on the wall watching this tale go down. Also, at that time, I had been searching for a story that would resonate with the youth of the world in a way that would make us feel the light and excitement for adventure," Murray said. The novel, which isn't set for release until next year, follows the story of an American soldier backpacking through Brazil. "'American Drifter' became a combination of those two journeys merging together with Rio de Janeiro setting the stage for an adventure thriller romance. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A glass door of a bank in Kerala was broken and clashes with bank officials erupted in Gujarat sparking police action as the weekend rush added to the chaos over demonetisation across the country for the third day today with serpentine queues outside bank branches growing longer. The endless wait to get valid currency notes was also taking a toll on people waiting for hours in long queues as there were reports of many elderly people collapsing out of fatigue. Security was beefed up outside bank branches as millions of anxious people struggling to buy daily items waited for hours to exchange the banned Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes even as the ATMs went dry soon after they were stocked due to the huge rush. "The crowd is more since it's a weekend and many people have an off today. The crowd is swelling by the hour," a senior police officer said in Delhi. Enraged over not getting ration from a fair price shop due to shortage of cash, people at Bardaha village in Chhattarpur in Madhya Pradesh allegedly looted groceries from the outlet in protest. Police claimed there was no such incident. To add to the misery of cash-strapped people, several ATMs were non-functional. Angry customers waiting outside a branch of the State Bank of Travancore at Vavvakkam in Kollam district allegedly broke a glass door after it decided to down shutters due to heavy rush when around 200 persons were inside the premises. Apparently angered over this, more than 200 persons who were waiting in the queue outside the branch allegedly broke a glass door of the bank, officials said, adding the situation is now under control. At several places in Gujarat, people clashed with bank officials leading to police action including lathi-charge and detention. At a bank branch at Shihori in Banaskantha district, police resorted to lathi-charge after people clashed with bank officials when they refused to dispense money. Similar incident was reported at a bank branch in Abdasa in Kutch when people clashed with bank officials. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A glass door of a bank in Kerala was broken and clashes with bank officials erupted in Gujarat sparking police action as the weekend rush added to the chaos over demonetisation across the country for the third day today with serpentine queues outside bank branches growing longer. The endless wait to get valid currency notes were also taking a toll on people waiting for hours in long queues as there were reports of many elderly people collapsing out of fatigue. Security was beefed up outside bank branches as millions of anxious people struggling to buy daily items waited for hours to exchange the banned Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes even as the ATMs went dry soon after they were stocked due to the huge rush. "The crowd is more since it's a weekend and many people have an off today. The crowd is swelling by the hour," a senior police officer said in Delhi. Enraged over not getting ration from a fair price shop due to shortage of cash, people at Bardaha village in Chhattarpur in Madhya Pradesh allegedly looted groceries from the outlet in protest. Police claimed there was no such incident. To add to the misery of cash-strapped people, several ATMs were not non-functional. Angry customers waiting outside a branch of the State Bank of Travancore at Vavvakkam in Kollam district allegedly broke a glass door after it decided to down shutters due to heavy rush when around 200 persons were inside the premises. Apparently angered over this, more than 200 persons who were waiting in the queue outside the branch allegedly broke a glass door of the bank, officials said, adding the situation is now under control. At several places in Gujarat, people clashed with bank officials leading to police action including lathi-charge and detention. At a bank branch at Shihori in Banaskantha district, police resorted to lathi-charge after people clashed with bank officials when they refused to dispense money. Similar incident was reported at a bank branch in Abdasa in Kutch when people clashed with bank officials. In the national capital, Delhi Police deployed more forces to maintain calm and warned of strict action against those trying to spread rumours on social media. To manage anxious crowds, as many as 3,400 personnel of paramilitary and Delhi Police along with 200 quick reaction teams were deployed at ATMs. In addition to this, RAF jawans were also deployed at certain points to monitor the situation. Senior officers of Delhi Police were also present at important junctions to oversee the security arrangements. People complained of difficulties with several ATMs remaining closed, and banks exchanging the scrapped Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes with coins and small denomination currency. "Nobody is accepting old currency notes, even hospitals are now refusing to do so because of which we are facing difficulty. Several ATMs still remain closed," said Ramesh Agarwal, who came to exchange his old notes at a bank in Ahmedabad. A bank in Mumbai is said to have floated a mobile ATM to dispense money to customers. Shrikant Manohar, who drew money from the mobile ATM said, "It was no less than a surprise. People lined up for hours, while I got cash with this mobile ATM as it came to my doorsteps. The Coast Guard has saved the lives of 16 Bangladeshi fishermen whose fishing boat was sinking due to technical snag in the Bay of Bengal. The Coast Guard ship 'Sucheta Kripalani' while on routine patrol off Odisha coast sighted a Bangladeshi fishing boat approximately 35 nautical miles East of Paradip. The ship immediately launched its boarding party to investigate, a Coast Guard officer said. "The master and crew of the vessel on preliminary investigation reported that the vessel after sailing on Nov 2 from Alipore Patuakhali district of Bangladesh developed a technical snag in its propeller shaft during cyclonic weather and had been drifting since Nov 3," the official said. The crew was provided with necessary medical assistance and food by the Coast Guard ship and subsequently, the boat was towed to Paradip anchorage for further investigation, he said. "A joint interrogation was conducted by Coast Guard, Immigration department, SIB and Marine Police officials at sea to ascertain the credentials of the crew as well as genuineness of the reported defect. Once found innocent, the boat was provided with technical expertise by the Coast Guard and broken propeller shaft of the boat was repaired," he said. Coast Guard is presently escorting the Bangladeshi fishing boat alongwith its 16 crew to International Maritime Border with Bangladesh for repatriation. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Police officers shot an armed man inside a mental health facility after he stabbed several people and put down his knife but refused to drop his gun while his victims were bleeding badly, authorities said. Seven people were taken to hospitals, including the man and at least four stabbing victims, Allegheny County spokeswoman Amie Downs said. It was unclear if any injuries were life-threatening after the yesterday afternoon attack at Turtle Creek Valley Mental Health/Mental Retardation in Homestead, just southeast of Pittsburgh. Police implored 38-year-old Dustin Johnson to drop his gun or be shot based on texts from inside that the victims were bleeding profusely and needed help, Downs said. Johnson dropped his knife but not the gun before he was shot, she said. Employee C J Fulton told WTAE-TV that the man complained that a stay at the facility had "ruined" his life. There was no telephone number listed for Johnson, who was conscious when he was taken to a hospital for treatment, Downs said. Johnson apparently gained entry to the secure facility before attacking people on the fifth floor, authorities said. "He started talking to us regularly," Fulton told the TV station. "Next thing you know he pulled a gun." Fulton said Johnson was angry from something that happened when he was staying at the facility. "He just started saying, 'You ruined my life,' ... Then he proceeded to stab individuals and assault individuals," Fulton said. The center says it provides care and support for people and communities dealing with behavioral, mental health, substance abuse and developmental issues. Its executive director, Fran Sheedy Bost, described yesterday's incident as a "hostage situation. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Delhi Police's Crime Branch will now be investigating the case of missing JNU student Najeeb Ahmed in order to have a "fresh look" into it. The order in this regard had come on Friday, R P Upadhyay, joint commissioner of police (Southeast) said. "A few days back, Najeeb's mother had met Home Minister Rajnath Singh and requested for a CBI probe in the matter. In order to get a different perspective on the case and have a fresh look at the evidence, the matter was transferred from South District to Crime Branch yesterday," another senior officer said. Last month, an SIT was formed to trace Najeeb (27), who went missing on October 15 following an on-campus scuffle allegedly with the members of ABVP the night before, following the instruction of the Home Minister to Delhi Police Commissioner Alok Kumar Verma. The SIT, headed by Additional DCP-II (South) Manishi Chandra, failed to gain any actionable clues in the matter. The SIT was reconstructing Najeeb's personality after a doctor at VIMHANS told police that Najeeb was suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression. Following this, the psychiatric angle had gained prominence in the probe. The team was also mulling over seeking help from psychiatrists from AIIMS or RML to chalk out a plan for investigation in the case. Authorities today lifted curfew from parts of the summer capital where the curbs were imposed to foil the separatists' plans of holding a congregation at Jamia Masjid here even as normal life remained affected in Kashmir Valley for the 127th consecutive day. "Curfew has been lifted in the five police station areas of the city where it was imposed yesterday as a precautionary measure," a police official said. He said there were no curbs on the movement of people anywhere in the Valley. The lifting of the restrictions led to an increased movement of people and transport in the city. Inter-district cabs were also plying on some routes connecting the other districts of the Valley with the summer capital. Some shops were also open in the areas in the civil lines and the outskirts of the city as well as in some of the rural areas in other districts of Kashmir. However, most of the shops, fuel stations and other business establishments in the rest of the Valley were shut due to the strike. They are expected to open later in the evening today as the separatists have announced a 15-hour relaxation in the strike. As many as 85 people, including two cops, have been killed and several thousand others injured in the ongoing unrest in the Valley. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) People clashed with bank officials at several places, leading to police action including lathi-charge and detention in Gujarat where long queues today continued outside bank branches across the state. People complained of difficulties with several ATMs remaining closed, and banks exchanging the scrapped Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes with coins and small denomination currency. "Nobody is accepting old currency notes, even hospitals are now refusing to do so because of which we are facing difficulty. Several ATMs still remain closed," said Ramesh Agarwal, who came to exchange his old notes at a bank. People also complained that they were given coins in exchange for old notes. "Officials said they have run out of new Rs 2000 notes and they only have coins for exchange," said Bipin Patel, who came to exchange his notes at one bank branch. "They have given me coins of Rs 4,000 which is very difficult to carry," he said. Rajesh Shah, a senior citizen, said lack of money has caused hardship in purchasing essential items such as milk, bread and vegetable. "We stood in queues for two days to get our old currency exchanged. We have Rs 3 lakh in bank account, but we are unable to purchase essential items. Modi should first have made proper arrangement for cash before declaring this," said Shah. At several places people clashed with bank officials leading to police action including lathi-charge and detention. At a bank branch at Shihori in Banaskantha district, police resorted to lathi-charge after people clashed with bank officials when they refused to dispense money. Similar incident was reported at a bank branch in Abdasa in Kutch when people clashed with bank officials. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Delhi Police today received nearly 4,500 calls till 6 PM today as cash-strapped people standing in long queues outside banks and ATMs resorted to violence in some parts of the city. "We received over 4,000 calls today. There were sporadic incidents of violence reported from the city but there were no reports of any grievous injury," said Sanjay Beniwal, Special Commissioner of Police (Operations). Police said a case of stone pelting at IDBI bank in Roop Nagar was reported and one person was arrested. At 12 noon, Imran (44), who had already withdrawn money from the bank once, tried to go inside again and was stopped by a security guard, they said. He got into a scuffle with the guard and called six-seven other men who resorted to stone pelting, police said. Imran is a resident of Malkaganj and was arrested from the spot, police said, adding they are scanning the CCTV footage from the bank to identify the other accused. "No one was reported to be injured in stone pelting. The bank operations resumed after few hours," said a senior police official. He said a case under sections 147 (punishment for rioting), 148 (rioting, armed with deadly weapon), 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 341 (punishment for wrongful restraint) and 427 (mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees) IPC has been registered against the accused. There were dime a dozen rumours floating about incidents of violence even as Twitter added more fuel to fire, police sources said. A purported video from Metro Mall in Seelampur area of northeast Delhi went viral where people were "plundering goods" and police had to intervene. Ajit Singla, DCP (Northeast) said, "The reports of miscreants taking away stocks from a mall in Seelampur area are false and baseless. It is a self-catering Mall which allows entry to card holders only and routine disbursal of stocks was being done." He said some mischievous elements tried to show it as looting but local police intervened immediately and removed the miscreants. "No complaint of looting received. Regular operations are being carried out in all market places in Delhi. Strict action as per law is being taken any such rumour mongering," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Stating that the decision taken by the Union government to demonetise the currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 was in the interest of the security of the nation, Union Minister of State in the PMO Jitendra Singh today said the step would deter the funding of terrorism in the country. "It (demonetising Rs 500 and Rs 1,000) is going to be a major deterrence as far as the funding of terrorism is concerned. This was one of the main considerations to have arrived on this decision," Singh told reporters on the sidelines of a function here on Saturday. He said what was remarkable about the decision was that it was in the larger interest of the nation, in the interest of the security of the nation as well, "as the interest of the reinforcing economic capability of the nation." "I think what is more gratifying is that the common man of the country has welcomed it," he said. On the allegations leveled by the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Singh said that the statements which lack any evidence don't deserve a response. "I don't think it deserves any response, we live in an evidence-based era and I don't think I need to respond to any unsubstantiated statements," he said. "The 130 crore people of this country have wholeheartedly welcomed it. I was traveling in Uttar Pradesh yesterday, day before in Delhi and today in Jammu and have seen long queues outside the banks of an average common man and inspite of going through all the inconvenience ... There was not a single one who did not say that they did not welcome it," he said. He said the decision was being hailed as it has come out with sincerity, honesty, and courage of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Taking a dig at Rahul Gandhi for standing in a queue at an ATM in Delhi, the Union Minister sought to know who used to go to the ATM on behalf of the Congress Vice President before the decision was taken. "I usually avoid making personal comments but what amused me was that I wish somebody had asked him had he ever been to an ATM before or was it just after this, decision happened. Who was going to ATM on his behalf on earlier occasions?," he questioned. On the question of opening of schools in the Kashmir Valley, the Union Minister said the Centre was in touch with the state government. The Jammu and Kashmir government has said that it will soon set a timeline to take steps to open the schools. Four Americans were killed today in a suicide bombing inside the largest US military base in Afghanistan, Pentagon chief Ashton Carter said, in a major breach of security. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the bombing inside the heavily fortified Bagram Airfield, north of the capital Kabul, which left 16 other US service members and a Polish soldier wounded as the insurgents ramp up attacks on Western targets. The dead included two American soldiers and two contractors, in an assault which highlights rising insecurity in Afghanistan nearly two years after US-led NATO forces formally ended their combat operations. "Force protection is always a top priority for us in Afghanistan, and we will investigate this tragedy to determine any steps we can take to improve it," defense secretary Carter said, adding he was "deeply saddened" by the . "We will not be deterred in our mission to protect our homeland and help Afghanistan secure its own future." The blast was caused by a suicide attacker who blew himself up near a dining facility inside the base, said Waheed Sediqi, spokesman for the governor of Parwan province where Bagram is located. "The attacker was one of the Afghan labourers working there," Sediqi told AFP. Bagram district governor Abdul Shakoor Quddusi described the explosion around 0100 GMT as "powerful", saying it reverberated across the area. The base was put on lockdown following the attack. The attack represents a brazen security breach inside one of the most heavily guarded military installations in Afghanistan. The United States has around 10,000 troops in Afghanistan, with the largest contingent stationed at the Bagram base. The base is enveloped by multiple layers of Afghan and American guards, security cameras and watch towers, and a surveillance blimp keeps a close watch on the surrounding areas. "To the family and friends of those who lost their lives today, we share your loss and our thoughts are with you. We offer you our deepest condolences," said John Nicholson, the top US and NATO commander in Afghanistan. "For the family and friends of those wounded in today's attack, let me assure you they are receiving the best care possible, and we will keep them in our thoughts today." Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said one of the insurgent group's suicide bombers carried out the assault, claiming it inflicted "heavy casualties on US invaders". The militants are stepping up attacks nationwide before the onset of winter, when the fighting usually ebbs. Bagram Airfield has frequently come under attack by Taliban insurgents. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Gauhati High Court judge Nishitendu Chaudhury died of dengue at a private hospital here today. He was 55. Justice Chaudhury was appointed as a judge of Gauhati High Court on May 22, 2013. He was cremated with state honours with Assam. The Gauhati High Court Chief Justice, other judges, lawyers along with senior district civil and police officials were present at the crematorium. Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal condoled Chaudhury's death describing him as a person who devoted his life to dispensing justice to the common people. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Government is looking into sudden 'propping up' of money into zero-balance Jan Dhan accounts, after an unprecedented Rs 2 lakh crore of cash flooded the banking system within just two days of demonetisation of high value currency. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said law enforcement agencies are keeping a hawk eye on illegal currency changers, offering to change the junked 500 and 1000 rupee notes, as well as those investing their money in gold and bullion to hide unaccounted wealth. "We are getting some complaints that suddenly monies have propped up in the Jan Dhan accounts, so there is a misuse and that is why the rationing in initial days takes place," he said, adding that the departments concerned will act if anything improper is found in the deposits. The government is focusing on ensuring that replacement of currency notes withdrawn, with new legal tender, takes place smoothly and quickly so that inconvenience to people is minimised, Jaitley said, adding "the Enforcement Directorate and revenue department are keeping a close watch". Cautioning those indulging in illegal usage of the demonetised currency, he said authorities will not hesitate to take action against any unlawful activity. His statement comes amid reports that the old high denomination notes had been used to buy gold or were being exchanged for a premium. ED is scrutinising as many as 67 foreign exchange dealers and Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence is also monitoring prominent jeweller and bullion traders. The Finance Minister said India as a country should move towards plastics currency and more and more use electronic modes for transactions. Country's largest lender State Bank of India has got Rs 47,868 crore cash deposits during the last two-and-a-half days and since SBI accounts for about 25 per cent of the banking system, the total cash mobilised by all banks put together could be around Rs 2 lakh crore, said. In a surprise move, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had on the night of November 8 announced withdrawal of 500 and 1000 rupee notes but allowed people to deposit them in their bank accounts or exchange them with new Rs 2000 and Rs 500 notes till December 30. To give comfort to honest taxpayers, it has said deposits of up to Rs 2.5 lakh in accounts of housewives and farmers will not be reported to Income Tax authorities. "The objective of the scheme was to get the idle cash into the banking system and if you multiply it (SBI's deposits) by 4-5 times, about Rs 2 lakh crore has become part of the banking system," Jaitley said. He said the government had factored in that inconvenience may be caused in first few days but the long term advantages for the overall economy were far more, he said. Businesses, he said, should brace for transacting through digital mode, cheques and payment gateways so that their lives remain simple going forward. "As far as fake currency is concerned, government agencies are keeping an eye on that," he said. (REOPENS DEL58) Later in the day, Finance Ministry in a statement said so far only 60 per cent of the ATMs are in operation out of 2 lakh and rest are expected to be operational in the next few days. Out of 2 lakh ATMs, about 1.2 lakh are operational, a Finance Ministry statement said adding that presently only Rs 100 notes are being disbursed from the ATMs. "Recalibration (requires both software and hardware changes) of ATMs is going on, which will be completed by end of this month/ early December. Other denominations will then be disbursed by ATMs," it added. To take stock of cash exchange programme, Finance Ministry today met officials from the RBI, Indian Banks Association (IBA). Besides, a few major banks participated in the review meeting. The availability of cash and issuance of cash to bank branches and Post Offices on a daily basis is being constantly monitored and necessary rebalancing being done for more efficient allocation of banknotes of requisite denominations between different areas, Finance Ministry said in a statement. To cater to the requirement of rural areas, banks were advised to supply notes of smaller denominations (Rs 100 and less) as well as Rs 10 coins. The Madras High Court has vacated an interim order granted in 2006 restraining state and central authorities from enforcing penal provisions of the Indian Medical Council Act and the Drugs and Cosmetics Act against unqualified medical practitioners. Dismissing a plea filed by Private Medical Practitioners Association of India, the court, in a recent order, said "Persons claiming to have practical experience in modern scientific system of medicine ganged up to form an association and have filed this petition." "When the petition came up for admission on April 6, 2006, a single judge of this court granted interim injunction as prayed for and thereafter, the case never saw the light of the day, until it was resurrected from the labyrinth of the record room, thanks to the orders of the Chief Justice and posted for disposal before this court as a 'specially ordered matter' this year," the court said. In its plea, the association had sought a direction to restrain police from taking any criminal action against them and harassing them from practising. The association submitted that its members had rich experience in curing diseases and some of them also did have the requisite qualification in alternative system of medicine and therefore, the police could not prosecute them. The court had granted interim injunction and restrained authorities from enforcing the penal provisions of the Indian Medical Council Act and Drugs and Cosmetics Act in the case of unqualified medical practitioners. Vacating the interim order, the court said: "during this period of ten years, members of this association and certain others successfully thwarted all attempts by police to check their illegal practice of modern medicine by taking umbrage under the order of interim injunction." The court said in Tamil Nadu, medical degrees for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy are given by the Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University. "After obtaining the degree, the intending practitioner should enroll himself in the state register maintained for each of the systems of medicine before commencing his practice." "There will be no problem till these practitioners continue their practice in the respective medicine systems in which they are qualified...Only when totally unqualified persons claim themselves as doctors and prescribe medicine in the systems of medicine in which they were not qualified, be it allopathic or otherwise, on the assumed claim of experience, the problem crops up," the court said. "Similarly, when those qualified in a particular stream of medicine encroaches into a different domain and prescribes medicines not relating to their domain, the state's intervention becomes imperative," the court said. For instance, when an Ayurveda practitioner prescribes Allopathic medicines, it said, the question that arises is whether he has violated the provisions of the Indian Medical Council Act. Stating that two government orders that were passed in 1966 and 1972 permitting such practitioners had been withdrawn by the Centre in October 1982, the court said, the central order directed the state governments to crack down on unqualified medical practitioners. Rumours of salt shortage led to panic among citizens in some parts of the city late last night, but police asserted that such information was baseless and warned those spreading such rumours. People mobbed shops late last night and this morning following the rumours and traders sold salt for Rs 80 and Rs 100 per kg at some places, some city residents claimed. Rumours of shortage of sugar also did the rounds in the city. Hyderabad deputy mayor Baba Fasiuddin and Jubilee Hills MLA Maganti Gopinath visited some shops at Borabanda area in the morning and asked police inspector to file cases against those who sold salt for higher prices, a release said. The deputy mayor told residents in the locality not to buy any product for higher prices and that they would be available for MRP only. Dismissing the rumours of shortage of salt, the Hyderabad Police today warned that strong action would be taken against those spreading such false information. "In social media, some rumours have been floating around stating there is acute shortage of common salt/ table salt. Such is absolutely false and baseless," a release from the Commissioner of Police said. Adequate quantities of salt are available in the market in Hyderabad, it said, asking people not to believe such rumours. "Strong action will be initiated against those spreading these rumours," it added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Dismissing rumours of shortage of salt in the market, the Hyderabad Police today warned that strong action would be taken against those spreading such . "In social media, some rumours have been floating that there is acute shortage of common salt/table salt. Such is absolutely false and baseless," a release from the Commissioner of Police said. Adequate quantities of salt are available in the market in Hyderabad, it said, asking people not to believe such rumours. "Strong action will be initiated against those spreading these rumours," the release added. Yesterday, lack of small denomination currency had triggered rumours of black marketing of essential commodities like salt as shopkeepers refused to provide change when offered with higher denomination notes. In several states, there were reports of panicked customers flocking to market as rumours flew thick and fast that salt has gone out of shelves and shopkeepers are selling at a premium -- as high as Rs 200 per kg. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) India today strongly condemned the terrorist attack on the German Consulate in Mazar-e-Sharif and said the terror strike is a grim reminder of the serious and grave threat that terrorism poses to the region and to humanity. It also called on the international community to take concerted and strong action to fight this scourge, inter alia, by denying all support, sanctuaries and safe havens to all terrorists. "We extend our deepest condolences to the bereaved families and wish speedy recovery to those injured. India lauds the courage of the security forces that successfully thwarted the attack and saved many lives," the External Affairs Ministry said. India strongly opposes terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stands in solidarity with the Government and people of Afghanistan and with Germany. "The attack in Mazar-e-Sharif is a grim reminder of the serious and grave threat that terrorism poses to our region and to humanity. India calls on the international community to take concerted and strong action to fight this scourge, inter alia, by denying all support, sanctuaries and safe havens to all terrorists," it said. A huge suicide car bomb struck the German consulate in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif on November 10, killing at least one person and wounding 29 others, in an attack claimed by Taliban insurgents. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) India has pledged about USD 10.95 million for development activities across several UN bodies for the year 2017. "India has been a regular contributor to the UN since its founding. India believes that the UN should have the necessary resources to finance, in an appropriate and balanced manner, the activities and programmes of its three main pillars; Peace and security, Development and Human Rights," First Secretary in India's Permanent Mission to the UN Mahesh Kumar said at a Pledging Conference for Development Activities on November 7. Kumar said as a developing country, India has its own plate full of developmental challenges that need to be addressed, but it still has always contributed to increase the availability of core resources for the development activities of the United Nations system. India announcedpledges of contributiontotalling about USD 10.95 million for development activities for 2017, including USD 4.5 million for the UN Development Programme (UNDP), USD 1.92 million for the World Food Programme, USD 1.25 million for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Near East (UNRWA) and a million dollars towards UN Women. India also pledged resources to UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the world body's Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), Commission on Human Settlements Programme (HABITAT), Environment Programme (UNEP), Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and towards the Voluntary Fund for Technical Co-operation. Kumar said India is also processing contribution for the Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery and for the Victims of Torture and UN Volunteers. At the pledging conference, 24countries committed to provide approximately USD 1.09billion towards development activities. The amount represented an increase of more than of 14-fold over those commitments made in 2015. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) India will not become a "pawn" for Japan to contain China, a Chinese state-run media on Saturday said, accusing Japan of exploiting Sino-India disputes for its own interests. "Japan wants to use the disputes between China and India to court India to help contain China. Japan seeks to urge India to meddle in the South China Sea issue, even at the cost of changing its long-held position of reducing nuclear usage to offer special benefits of civil nuclear cooperation to India," Global Times said in an editorial on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's three-day visit to Japan. "Looking at Japan's diplomatic policies over the past few years, (Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo) Abe administration has become more active trying to sway regional powers to encircle China," the daily said. It said that India is in need of acquiring nuclear and military technology from Japan and attracting more investment for its manufacturing industries and infrastructure, like high-speed railways. The daily, however, said that India is not likely to change its position according to the wishes of Japan. "India takes a multilateral approach to diplomacy and pursues a status as a leading power. Japan's plans are full of antagonism, which contradict India's policies. Therefore India will practically assess specific cooperation with Japan case by case," the daily said. "India will not become a pawn for Japan to contain China, as it wants to become a power on par with China and Japan and benefit from both sides. India will get closer to Japan but will not enter into a brotherhood relationship," it said. The editorial, which was apparently written before India and Japan issued joint statement yesterday, said that "both sides hinted they would include the South China Sea Arbitration in their joint statement". India and Japan yesterday sought a peaceful solution to the territorial disputes in the strategic South China Sea, saying parties involved in the matter must not resort to "threat or use of force", in remarks that could anger China which is opposed to any outside interference. There is no official reaction by China yet about the outcome of Modi's visit, but ahead of his visit Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told media that New Delhi and Tokyo should respect the legitimate concerns of their neighbours. A Chinese state media report on Wednesday warned India that it may suffer "great losses" in bilateral trade if it joins Japan in asking China to abide by an tribunal's ruling quashing Beijing's claims over the SCS. China has been making aggressive advances in the strategic region - parts of which are also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei - by rapidly building artificial islets that experts fear could be potentially used as military posts. The state-run daily said Modi's trip should be viewed with an understanding of the changing geopolitics. "Since Philippine, Malaysian and Vietnamese leaders visited China, the once unstable situation in the South China Sea has suddenly abated. Across the Pacific, Donald Trump, who has threatened to abandon Japan, is about to become the next US president. The Asia-Pacific regionis at a crossroads. That has made Abe anxious that Japan can no longer depend on the US for its purposes," it said. It said that though China and India have many problems between them, the bilateral relations are improving. "National leaders frequently meet and are securing the right direction in bilateral ties....Even if India signs the Indian Ocean-Pacific Pact, it won't have as much strength to contain China as Abe expects," it said. "Lacking long-term strategies, Japan will head down another dead-end route," it said. Over 2,100 Sikh pilgrims from India arrived here today to participate in the 548 birth anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism, at his birthplace in Nankana Sahib in Pakistan's Punjab province. "More than 2,100 Sikhs arrived here today from India on three special trains," Evacuee Trust Property Board spokesman Amer Hashmi told PTI. He said the Pakistan's embassy in New Delhi had issued more than 3,300 visas to Indian Sikhs however only 2,100 pilgrims have arrived here so far. Hashmi said ETPB chief Siddiqul Farooq and Pakistan Gurdwara Parbhandik Committee office-bearers greeted them at Wagah Border. Several Sikhs have complained about currency exchange rate at the Wagah immigration. However, authorities have promised to intervene and assured better currency exchange rate to the Sikh pilgrims. The officials also deported a Sikh pilgrim after he was found to be on the list of 'black-listed' passengers, Hashmi said, adding for the first time the visiting Sikhs were served food at the Wagah railway station. Talking to reporters, Sikh leader Sardar Sohan Singh said: "We always receive love from the people of Pakistan. We want cordial relations between the two countries and people to people contact." Saddiqul Farooq said the board has taken good care of the Sikh holy places in Pakistan. "You will find a difference when you get to Gurdwara Janamasthan in Nankana Sahib," he said. He told the Sikh groups leaders about extensive renovation work in gurdwaras in the country especially in the Punjab province. The Indian Sikhs have left for Nankana Sahib, some 80 km from Lahore, where they will attend the main function on November 13. The Indian pilgrims will also visit other gurdwaras in Punjab province before they leave for India on November 21. Guru Nanak Dev was born at Rai Bhoi Ki Talvandi (present day Nankana Sahib) near Lahore. He spent the last years of his life at Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib, about three kilometers from the International Border that separates India and Pakistan. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A reporter working for Iran's state television IRIB was killed today in a mortar attack in the Syrian battlefront city of Aleppo, the broadcaster said. Mohsen Khazaei died in the village of Minyan outside the northern city, one of two areas which Syrian government forces had recaptured from rebel fighters, it said. IRIB said that a cameraman was also wounded in what it described as a "mortar attack launched by terrorists", a term designating insurgents fighting the Syrian regime which Iran supports. Earlier in the day, the state television had broadcast footage showing Khazaei in Minyan. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Jihadist Oussama Atar denied investigators' claims that he was the "mastermind" of the Brussels attacks in March that left 32 dead in a letter to his mother, a Belgian newspaper reported today. La Derniere Heure (DH) published the entire letter - without explaining how it obtained a copy - that the daily said came from the 32-year-old Moroccan-Belgian, who is believed to be based in Syria. "No, I am not the mentor or mastermind who directed the Brussels attacks and I wasn't aware of what Brahim and Khalid were planning (may Allah have mercy on them)," Atar wrote, referring to the El Bakraoui brothers, distant cousins who were two of the three suicide bombers responsible for the Brussels attacks. Atar is believed to be a member of the Islamic State group and is also suspected of being a key plotter of the Paris attacks in November last year. The letter, sent to Atar's mother Malika Benhattal after connecting with one of his sisters through Facebook, made no mention of the Paris attacks. Investigators believe that Atar, using the pseudonym Abou Ahmad, was one of the commanders of the attacks both in Brussels and in Paris, which will mark the first anniversary of the massacre that killed 130 people tomorrow. Regarding his current whereabouts, he told his mother he was not in Europe and had no plans to return as he blasted the "lies" said about him and the "war" against his family. "No, I am not Osama bin Laden, nor the right hand of (IS chief) Abu Bakr Baghdadi," Atar wrote, adding that "at no time" did he meet the latter "in prison or elsewhere". He has been on the radar of European security forces for more than a decade. After being arrested in Iraq in 2004 following the US-led invasion of the country, he spent time in various jails including the notorious Abu Ghraib prison used by American forces. After being released, in 2012 he returned to Belgium, whose intelligence and police forces have faced fierce criticism about the development of jihadist networks in Brussels. Atar was one of the "most wanted in Belgium and even in Europe", a Belgian police source told AFP in August, when his sister Asma and their mother were briefly detained by police. French investigators were able to link him to the Paris attacks following the arrests of two suspected extremists, an Algerian and a Pakistani, detained in Austria last December. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A journalist of a prominent vernacular daily was shot dead in Rohtas district of Bihar this morning apparently over his articles on illegal stone chips units, the police said. The scribe, 35-year-old Dharmendra Singh, was having tea at a road side stall at his Amra tola village where he was shot by some unidentified assailants, sub divisional police officer Alok Ranjan said. The assailant pumped bullet in his stomach from point blank range resulting in his death. He died on way to Varanasi, he said. Singh is survived by wife and a son. The victim was working for a prominent Hindi daily at Sasaram. The SDPO said probe is on in the murder case. The murder is suspectedly linked to illegal quarrying business in Rohtas district. The killing of another scribe, Rajdeo Ranjan, at Siwan in the same district in May last had sent shockwaves throughout the country. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A journalists' body has condemned the murder of a scribe in Bihar and demanded an immediate judicial probe in the matter. In a statement released here, the National Union of Journalists (India) said that the Government should come forward with Journalist Protection Act and family members of the murdered journalist Dharmendra Singh should be paid sufficient compensation. 35-year-old Singh was having tea at a road side stall at his Amra tola village where he was shot by some unidentified assailants today, police. The statement also said that according to a Press Council of India report as many as 90 journalists have been killed in the country since last two-and-a-half decades. The statement added that in all these cases conviction rate is abysmally low due to influence from different quarters. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Indian-origin California Attorney General has potential to become the first woman president of the United States, a media report has said, days after Hillary Clinton was unable to break the highest glass ceiling. 51-year-old Harris, whose mother was from Chennai and father from Jamaica, won the US Senate Seat from California in a landslide election this Tuesday, becoming the first black and Asian Senator from the state. Soon thereafter she has launched her nationwide campaign against Trump's anti-immigrant policies and mass deportation. "Meet Kamala Harris, Who could become the first woman President. California's popular attorney general is headed to Capitol Hill. The White House might be next," The Huffington Post wrote yesterday. The Huffungton Post article came a day after she denounced Trumpism. Noting that she has already made history with her Senate win, the daily said she has impressive track record as California Attorney General and has top Democratic leadership including the outgoing President Barack Obama and the Vice President Joe Biden on her side. "These alliances could help boost Harris' profile across the country should she choose to run for president in 2020," The Huffington Post wrote. In her concession speech, Clinton had said that the glass ceiling could be broken much earlier than thought. ""I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but some day someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now," Clinton told her supporters in New York on Wednesday. "To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams," Clinton said. An investigation has been opened into Britain's longest-serving Indian-origin lawmaker Keith Vaz over alleged drug offences, the Scotland Yard today said. Vaz, 59, resigned as chair of parliament's influential home affairs select committee in September amidasex scandal over allegations involving male prostitutes. The Metropolitan Police had said it was assessing if there was evidence to open a criminal investigation. "Following that assessment, which included obtaining early investigative advice from the Crown Prosecution Service, the Metropolitan police service is now investigating offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The investigation started on Thursday November 10," the Met Police said in a statement. A 'Sunday Mirror' article on September 4 said the Labour MP had paid male escorts and was secretly recorded offering to pay for cocaine if it was brought to a future meeting. He, however, had stressed that he did not want any himself. He was also accused of encouraging others to use poppers, an illegal party drug. The Met had received a letter soon after asking them to investigate. The correspondence was passed on to a specialist team, which "started an assessment process to identify what criminal offences - if any - may have been committed". Vaz, who had apologised to his family after the newspaper allegations, said on Friday: "I welcome a full investigation as a means of establishing the true facts and I am confident the police will pursue all lines of enquiry. I will cooperate with the investigation in any way I can." It was announced at the end of last month that the 59-year-old had been appointed to the justice committee, despite opposition in Parliament. MPs voted for him to be appointed to the committee by 203 votes to seven, a majority of 196. Electing MPs to vacancies on Commons committees is mostly uncontentious, with each party given a set allocation of places. The rare vote on the Labour Party backed appointment ofVazcame after Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen objected to the appointment over allegations hanging overVaz. Bridgen had said then: "An allegation in the'Sunday Mirror', with supporting video footage, implied [MrVaz] had offered to purchase class A drugs while using the services of escorts. "And yet here we are only a relatively few weeks later and the same member is seeking a position on the prestigious and influential justice committee while matters relating to his recent resignation remain. "A potential police investigation still hangs over him. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actress Kriti Sanon has refuted reports that she fell sick on sets of her upcoming film "Bareilly Ki Barfi", saying she is "absolutely" fine. There were reports that the 26-year-old star fell unconscious while shooting in Lucknow for the film and had to be rushed to a private hospital in the city. Taking to Twitter, Kriti denied by posting, "Guys this is a false news!! For those who are asking... I am absolutely fine..." Directed by Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, "Bareilly Ki Barfi" also stars Raj Kummar Rao and Ayushmann Khurana. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In order to combat air pollution, the AAP government today asked Delhi Police to launch a crackdown against 1.91 lakh diesel vehicles older than 15 years across the national capital. The move comes five days after Lt Governor Najeeb Jung had directed the transport department to start a process of deregistering such polluting diesel vehicles in the city. K K Dahiya, Special Commissioner (Transport) has written a letter to Delhi Traffic Police's Special Commissioner asking him to comply with the NGT order according to which these vehicles cannot be allowed to ply on the city's roads. "The transport department has sent a CD of diesel vehicles which are older than 15 years to Delhi Police and asked the force to impound them immediately. These vehicles cannot ply and cannot be parked in public places as per the order of National Green Tribunal," sources said. They also said that traffic police have identified 21 sites across the city where these vehicles will be kept after impounding. As per the green court order, city administration has to de-register diesel vehicles which are older than 10 years while directing the authority to phase out vehicles first which are older than 15 years. Earlier this week, the Lt Governor had directed transport department to start process of de-registering these vehicles in the wake of city's pollution level reaching unprecedented level. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Mahe region, an enclave of Puducherry in Kerala, should emerge as a shining example and role model for other regions of the Union Territory in the implementation of Swachh Movement, Lt Governor Kiran Bedi today said. A release from the office of Lt Governor here said, during her visit to Mahe on Friday to review developmental projects there, she saw for herself the progress of the construction work of a trauma care centre at the government hospital among other projects. "The visit brought to the fore certain crisis points that need focus of attention," the Lt Governor observed. Later, during a meeting with the officials and public in Mahe, she said the region would be the first of four regions in the Union Territory to be declared as "open defecation free (ODF) on November 30." Bedi also appealed to the residents of Mahe to partner with the government in its endeavour to make it ODF free by November 30. Earlier on November 8, an official release had said that Mahe would be declared as ODF region on November 11, which was rescheduled to November 30. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actor Robert Vaughn, whose Napoleon Solo on NBC's spy yarn "The Man From UNCLE" set TV's 1960s standard for suavity, has passed away at the age of 83. The iconic actor died after a battle with acute leukaemia, his manager, Matthew Sullivan, confirmed to Deadline. "Mr Vaughn passed away with his family around him in New York," Sullivan said. Vaughn's lengthy list of credits include "Magnificent Seven", "Bullitt", "Towering Inferno" and television roles in "Hustle" and "Coronation Street". But, he will no doubt be remembered for Napoleon Solo. UNCLE aired from 1964-68, and paired Vaughn's elegant, dark-haired Solo with David McCallum's blond Russian Illya Kuryakin. Vaughn had only recently finished two projects- an appearance on "Law and Order: SVU" and a starring role in the upcoming film "Gold Star", about a young woman caring for her dying father. The actor earned a supporting Emmy for the 1977 "Washington: Behind Closed Doors" and an Emmy nomination for playing Woodrow Wilson in "Backstairs at the White House" (1979). Vaughn also appeared onstage, including a 1955 production of The Pilgramage Play in Hollywood, later taking roles in Tom Stoppard's "The Real Inspector Hound" and more recently, "Twelve Angry Men" at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre in 2013. He is survived by his wife Linda and two children, Cassidy and Caitlin Vaughn. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A 28-year-old was shot dead and several others were injured in a clash between two groups over a minor issue at Karheda village, police said today. Narender and Satwan, who had old enmity, yesterday had argument over some minor issue which soon turned into a violent clash with supporters of both the persons using firearms and lathis, they said. During the clash, Satwan was shot dead, police said. Security has been tightened and additional police force deployed in the village after the incident to avoid any untoward incident, police said. In a separate incident, atleast five people including one woman were injured in a clash between two groups over eve-teasing a woman in Pamnawli village here, police said. Police have registered a case against five persons and arrested them. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister on Friday called for greater participation and engagement of Japanese industries, saying it will benefit Japan and India's MSME sector for which it could prove "transformational". Addressing a luncheon gathering of business leaders, Modi recalled his association with Hyogo Prefecture and his visits to Kobe, a city on Osaka Bay in Japan, in 2007 and 2012. Modi, who travelled to Kobe from Tokyo in Japan's famed high-speed Shinkansen bullet train along with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe, was received at Hyogo prefecture guest house. The Governor of Hyogo Toshizo Ido and Mayor of Kobe Kyuzo Hisamaoto were present at Hyogo house. An agreement has been signed between the state of Gujarat and Hyogo prefectural government to promote cooperation between them in the fields of academics, business, culture, disaster management and environmental protection. "A stronger web of state and provincial connections. The leaders witness exchange of MoU of cooperation between the Gujarat government and Hyogo prefecture," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted. Thanking Governor Ido for valuable efforts two develop relations with Gujarat, Modi said ties between the two sides is characterised by complete trust and mutual confidence. "Greater participation and engagement of industries in Hyogo will benefit Japan and India's MSME sector for which it could prove transformational," Modi said The Prime Minister said Indian community in Kobe has a long history of trade and commerce. "I congratulate all residents of Kobe on forthcoming 150 years of its port," he said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday left for home after concluding his three-day visit to Japan, during which the two countries signed a landmark and nine other agreements in various areas. Modi left from the Japanese city of Osaka for New Delhi. "Sayonara Japan! An important friendship stands strengthened as PM @narendramodi enplanes from Osaka for the journey back to Delhi," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted. Before his departure, Modi addressed a luncheon gathering of business leaders in Kobe, a city on Osaka Bay. He also travelled in Japan's famed high-speed Shinkansen bullet train, which is being introduced in India on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad stretch, with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe. During the visit, India and Japan signed 10 pacts covering a range of areas such as boosting Japanese investment in infrastructure, railways, and for cooperation in space and agriculture, as part of agreements to bolster bilateral ties. The demonetisation of high value currency notes by the Modi government has suddenly made 'money-changers' and 'entry-operators' active in managing black money. Money changers are reported to be using zero balance 'Jan Dhan' accounts, mostly held by BPL families, as a vehicle to convert old currency by depositing Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes up to Rs 2.5 lakhs in these accounts. "I am getting handsomely paid for depositing up to Rs 2.5 lakhs in my 'Jan Dhan' account and withdraw money when the restrictions end," a tea stall employee standing in a queue outside a bank here said. Reportedly, money changers are taking 20-30 per cent cut for the entire transaction of changing old banned currency with new notes. There are more than 25 crore Jan Dhan accounts and the money changers and entry operators are tapping this segment to convert black money to legal currency. However, All India Federation of Tax Practitioner Vice-president Narayan Jain said such a tactic was not practical on a mass scale, although some of these accounts might be misused. A building material supply syndicate member in the satellite township of Rajarhat told a channel here that they were facing huge problem following the government decision. "Most of our trade is transacted through hard cash. Now, we found out a way (through entry-operators). We manage to get Rs 70 lakhs for Rs one crore," he said. Income Tax department sources said they were keeping an eye on such entry-operators and had tracked one in the city recently. Jain cautioned that the people using entry operators to convert their black money might get double-trapped. "I-T will enquire once high value transactions take place, so it is advisable to disclose the source of the money officially," he added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) VHP leader Praveen Togadia has said the recent spate of murders of RSS and BJP workers in the South should not be politicised and no outfit which professes violence has the right to function in a democratic set up. "The murders of RSS and BJP workers should not be politicised. It is not the question of RSS and VHP, but the question of majority community (Hindus). The majority community has the right to live safely just as other communities," he said. He was replying to reporters' query on several murders of people belonging to BJP and RSS in Karnataka, on the sidelines of an event organised by VHP here last evening. Asked whether pro-Islamic outfits should be banned, Togadia said: "No outfit which professes violence has the right to function in a democratic set up." BJP has been pressing for ban on Social Democratic Party of India, Popular Front of India and others, as it suspects their involvement in the murder of several Sangh Parivar and BJP activists in Karnataka in recent months. On Tipu Jayanti, which the state government celebrated for the second consecutive year to commemorate the 18th century ruler of the erstwhile Mysore kingdom, Togadia said instead of celebrating the anniversary of a 'tyrant ruler', the government should celebrate rulers like Chhatrapati Shivaji and Rana Pratap, who fought for the country. Protests were held in Mangaluru, Mysuru, Kodagu and other districts, against Tipu Jayanti, who protesters said "was a religious bigot who converted people to Islam and massacred many". (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A naxal deputy commander was killed in a gun-battle with security forces in Chhattisgarh's insurgency-hit Kondagaon district, police said today. The cadre, identified as Boti Kashyap, was gunned down in the skirmish last night at Kudoor village under Mardapal police station limits, Superintendent of Police, Kondagaon, Santosh Singh told PTI over phone. Police had received a tip off that the Maoists will be holding a 'jan adalat' where they were to penalise some villagers, the SP said. Following the alert, district police teams from Narayanpur and Kondagaon were sent to Kudoor. As soon as the security forces arrived at the spot, the rebels opened fire to which they fired in retaliation. The naxals fled from the spot. Kashyap's body was recovered during the search, while an INSAS rifle, a 12-bore gun, one radio set and few other itmes were recovered, he said. Singh further said blood was found spilled in the site alongside impressions of bodies being dragged from the spot which indicate that some more ultras might have been injured in the gun-battle. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A 30-year-old Maoist was today arrested in Sircilla town of Telangana, police said. Following a tip-off, police apprehended Suthili Kanta Chandramouli in Sircilla town and recovered a country-made revolver, letter head and a seal of the outlawed CPI (Maoist), Superintendent of Police of Rajanna Sircilla district, K Vishwajith, told reporters. Chandramouli alias Jangam Mohan joined a Naxal group as a militant in 2002 when Katkuri Ramulu alias Praveen was its Commander, the SP said. At that time Chandramouli was allegedly involved in offences of extortions. After some time, he left for Mumbai, the senior official said. "Recently he arrived at Rajanna Sircilla district and hatched a plan to extort money from a businessman," the SP added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Ahead of the second India International Science Festival in New Delhi in December, National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) is organising 'Science for the Masses: a Public Outreach Program' here. The program on Tuesday, from 10 AM to 3 PM, isaimed at showcasing the initiatives and plans of the scientific institutions to the common people and especially the students. NGRI director Dr V N Tiwari and senior scientist Dr Purnachander Rao said although the India International Science Festival is being held in New Delhi, this was a precursor. An exhibition on airborne geophysics, CSS Gas Hydrates, geo-chemistry, gravity and magnetics, groundwater and tsunami, and earthquake hazards will be the highlights of the NGRI event. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Nigerian national has been arrested by police for assaulting a Kenyan woman and seizing her passport. The woman, Vinny, was staying with Edwin in Greater Noida for the last three years. A few days ago, the accused assaulted the woman over a petty issue and seized her passport, police said. The vicitm filed a complaint with police following which arrested Edwin from Delhi, they said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Congress today slammed Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, saying not even three out of 10 voters in the national capital will support the AAP government at this juncture. "I am telling you, today not even three out of 10 people in Delhi would vouch for AAP. The plight of the people is worst," Congress national spokesperson Ajay Maken told reporters here. Campaigning for the Goa unit of Congress ahead the state assembly polls, he released a "charge sheet" of allegations against the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi. Maken alleged that since the AAP took over the regime in Delhi, the people were feeling "cheated and disentranced". "I caution the people of Goa not to follow the footstep or commit the same mistake and then later on repent the way people in national capital are doing now," Maken, a former Union Minister, added. Elections in Goa are scheduled to be held next year. "People of Goa should not be hoodwinked by Kejriwal. If you want to know, just give random call to any 10 people in Delhi or even your friends. Among them even if three people are satisfied with AAP government, then please go and vote for AAP in the 2017 Goa election," he said. He claimed that following the Assembly clean sweep in Delhi by AAP, the party's voting percentage has been sliding down which was evident during the by-elections in thirteen municipal councils. "The 13 municipal councils which went for by-polls, of them 12 were won by AAP during state election and one by BJP. But during by-poll, AAP was reduced to five, BJP won 3 and Congress which had zero percentage of voters won five seats," Maken said. Responding to a question, Maken termed Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar's statement on nuclear policy as a "knee-jerk reaction." "If there is any hallmark of the Narendra Modi-led government, it is their knee-jerk reaction on foreign policy. For such issues and foreign policy matter do not require knee-jerk reactions. They require well thought out strategies and not just walk the cup reactions are required," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Pakistani religious body will debate men's rights and their protection from domestic abuse next week, in a move seen as an effort to dilute a landmark legislation in the country to protect women from violence. The conservative Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) will debate the issue in its meeting called on Monday. The decision was taken after CII member Sahibzada Zahid M Qasmi wrote to the body's chairman Maulana Mohammad Sheerani demanding laws to "protect" men from domestic abuse. Qasmi, in his letter, said "some women in Pakistan torture men, and force them out of their houses... Islam grants rights to men as well and in this society those rights are being violated," Dawn online reported. Qasmi has requested the council to discuss the matter and make recommendations for a "protection bill" for men similar to one for women passed by Punjab province in February. When the Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Bill was passed, Qasmi said he was contacted by men who said while women should be given rights as is permitted in Islam and Pakistan's Constitution, men should also be given their due rights, the report said. Defending men's rights, Qasmi said some women call their relatives to take violent measures against their husbands. "In various districts of Punjab, several cases have come forth where men's nails have been pulled out or their hands and feet have been cut off. These cases have been lodged in various police stations," he said. "If a man forces his wife out of the house, there are shelter homes available for her to go to. But the state has made no such provision for men." The move by the religious body is seen as an effort by religious leaders to dilute the bill passed by Punjab, which protects women from domestic violence and abuse. Mainstream religious parties belonging to different schools of thought had rejected the women protection bill. They feel the bill was promulgated by Punjab "only to destroy and distort the family system in the country". Already the CII is trying to formulate its own version of the women protection bill. The religious body has been criticised for saying that men are permitted to beat their wives in 'a light manner'. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The main Paris attacks suspect, Salah Abdeslam, has become even more radicalised since being imprisoned for his presumed role in the slaughter of 130 people a year ago, his former lawyer has said. "He's got a beard, he's become a true fundamentalist whereas before he was a kid wearing Nike trainers," Belgian lawyer Sven Mary told Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant's Saturday edition. Belgian-born French national Abdeslam is believed to be the only jihadist survivor of the November 13 attacks in the French capital that Belgian authorities claim were orchestrated by the Islamic State high command. After four months on the run, the 27-year-old of Moroccan origin was arrested in Brussels in March and subsequently transferred to France in April. Lawyer Mary said Abdeslam's detention conditions at a prison in the Parisian suburb of Fleury-Merogis amounted to "psychological torture" and had contributed to his apparent radicalisation. He is kept in solitary confinement and subjected to round-the-clock video surveillance. Abdeslam is accused of having provided logistical support to the seven jihadists who died at the various scenes of the terror attacks: the Bataclan concert hall, the Stade de France national stadium and several bars and restaurants in central Paris. In July, his lawyers had attempted unsuccessfully to end the constant surveillance, but authorities had deemed the "exceptional character of terrorist acts" as justifying that "all precautions are taken". Last month both Mary and another lawyer, Frank Berton, gave up defending Abdeslam over his refusal to answer investigators' questions since being transferred to France. Mary said then that the lawyers felt they were doing nothing more than paying "social visits to the prison" and had decided to quit the defence. Abdeslam's brother Mohamed last month urged him to speak to French authorities but also said he felt Salah "is more radicalised now, rather than de-radicalised". (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Civic bodies in the national capital including the three MCDs and Delhi Jal Board (DJB) will accept demonetised higher currency notes from people in payment of property tax and water bills. The property tax offices of all the three municipal corporations -- SDMC, EDMC and SDMC -- will remain open till midnight of November 14 to receive property tax even in the form of old currency of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes, said a senior municipal corporation officer. The offices will also open on Sunday. Also, there is no limit for cash deposit which was earlier Rs 5000, he said. Delhi Jal Board zonal revenue offices will remain open on November 13- 14 till 5 PM for consumers to pay their pending bills, said a senior DJB official. The old currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 will be accepted for bill payment to facilitate the consumers, he added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned home tonight after concluding his three-day visit to Japan during which the two countries signed a landmark civil nuclear deal and nine other agreements in various fields. "Sayonara Japan! An important friendship stands strengthened as PM @narendramodi enplanes from Osaka for the journey back to Delhi," External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup had tweeted on departure. Before his departure, Modi addressed a luncheon gathering of business leaders in Kobe, a city on Osaka Bay. He also travelled in Japan's famed high-speed Shinkansen bullet train, which is being introduced in India on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad stretch, with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe. During the visit, India and Japan signed 10 pacts covering a range of areas such as boosting Japanese investment in infrastructure, railways, and for cooperation in space and agriculture, as part of agreements to bolster bilateral ties. Shedding its reservations, Japan yesterday made an exception to sign a landmark civil nuclear deal with India, opening the door for export of its atomic technology and reactors, after adding features like safety and security keeping in mind its sensitivities on the issue. The nuclear deal, described as historic by Prime Minister Modi, was part of the ten agreements signed between the two countries. Modi and Abe held wide-ranging talks which covered aspects like trade and investment, security, terrorism, cooperation in skill development, aerospace and people-to-people contacts. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi was unlikely to make any election-related announcement in his speech here tomorrow, Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar said today. Assembly election is due in the state early next year. "This is a government function, not an election campaign meeting. So, I don't expect him to make any election-related announcement," Parsekar told reporters after inspecting the preparations for tomorrow's event at Shama Prasad Mukherjee stadium. Parsekar and Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar visited the stadium where the prime minister is expected to address a 10,000-strong crowd after laying the foundation stones for Greenfield airport at Mopa and Tuem Electronic City in north Goa. Modi will be arriving at Dabolim airport in the state directly from Japan. The chief minister said the government had distributed 10,000 invitations for the event, though the demand for the same was higher than that. "We need a bigger stadium for this kind of events. Our plan is to have an auditorium which can accommodate 15,000 people (in the future)," he said. The prime minister is scheduled to spend around two hours in Goa before flying to Belgaum in Karnataka and then, to Pune. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prime Minister Narendra Modi today warned of further action against those with black money once the December 30 deadline expires for disclosing demonetised notes, saying they will have to "pay for" unaccounted cash. At the same time, he said honest people have nothing to fear from the government. He also made a veiled attack on the Opposition, saying a section of the people was "egging" others to speak against him on the scheme. "I want to tell the people again and again that the government will do everything to protect the honest. But the dishonest beware, I will make you pay for it," he said addressing the Indian community here at a reception before winding up his three-day visit to Japan. In a speech laced with barbs and humour, Modi said opportunities were given to those with black money to come clean. "It is not as though opportunity was not given. Then also if you feel that it will be business as usual, I cannot be faulted. "After December 30 scheme (the last date for depositing demonetised notes) if you feel that there will be no action, there is no guarantee that something new will not be introduced to punish you (thikane lagane ke liye)," Modi said. "The world has changed. I gave you time. Now it is up to you, think about your son's future," he said, amidst cheers from the audience. Referring to his November 8 announcement cancelling the legal tender status of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, Modi said the government had not done it all of a sudden. The government, he said, had earlier brought out schemes for declaration of black money, the first of which fetched Rs 67,000 crores. "Even then people said Modi has failed. In the last two years a sum of Rs 1.25 lakh crores has been unearthed," he said. Modi said what the government has done was not to harass anybody. "Difficulties have been there. I have given 50 days time for people to go and deposit their honest money. But I make it clear, that if anything unaccounted comes up, then I will dig the records since Independence. "I will deploy as many people as required for this. Honest people will not face any problem. No one will be spared. Those who know me, they are intelligent as well... They think it is better to offer it to the Ganges than put it in banks... people would refuse to put even 25 paise into the Ganges," Modi said. He was referring to reports of the demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes dumped into the river. Then he asked the audience should stolen wealth not be brought out. Modi termed the demonetisation as "Swachhata Abhiyan" and hailed the undaunting spirit of the people despite their hardship following its announcement on November 8. "I salute my countrymen. People stood in line for four hours, six hours but accepted the decision in the national interest the way people of Japan tackled the aftermath of the 2011 disaster," he said. "I thought long and hard about the possible difficulties and it was also important to keep it a secret. It had to be done suddenly but I never thought I will receive blessings for this," he said. "I salute each and every Indian. Many families had weddings, health problems...Yes they faced inconvenience but they accepted the decision," the prime minister said. "Law should be equal to everyone. People are happy about the fact that even Modi's Rs 1,000 notes are not usable anymore," Modi said. Talking about avoiding harassment of honest people, Modi said housewives have been allowed to deposit Rs 2.5 lakh in their accounts and there will be no questioning. "We will not ask her where did the money come from. As a result of this, now you can see sons and daughters-in-laws are depositing Rs 2.5 lakh in the mother's account, who they had abandoned in old-age homes. Will the mothers not bless me?" he asked. Underlining that the world is acknowledging that India is the fastest-growing economy among the large global economies, he said the country is also receiving historically high FDI. "The IMF, the World Bank all are saying in one voice. The IMF also said that India is a shining star. World economists believe India is growing at a very fast rate... I have my own definitions (of FDI). The first definition is First Develop India and the second is the Foreign Direct Investment. India is receiving historically high rate of FDI," he said. In a positive spin-off of the Centre's demonetisation move, local bodies in Tamil Nadu are witnessing a sharp rise in property tax collections, with the authorities allowing payments with scrapped Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. The Tiruchirappalli and Madurai corporations which usually collect a net average collection of Rs 40 lakhs and Rs 70 lakhs per day respectively have clocked more than Rs 2 crore receipts in the last two days, officials said. The demonetisation of high-denomination currency has come as a boon to local bodies, which had been issuing repeated demands for payment of property tax dues. Long queues were seen in most of the tax counters of the two civic bodies with people realising that it was an easy option to exchange the high denomination notes, with banks witnessing heavy rush. The Tiruchirappalli corporation netted a revenue of Rs 2.35 crores on a single day yesterday and people continue to pay the tax today also, an official of the civic body said. Property tax collection in the Madurai Corporation yesterday stood at Rs 2.50 crores with the taxes paid ranging from Rs 500 to Rs two lakh, another official said. Madurai Corporation officials said they would accept the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes till the government allowed it. "Repeated demand notices did not evoke any response from the taxpayers. But the demonetisation has worked (resulting in more payments)," said an official. The government has extended use of old defunct 500 and 1,000 notes for paying household utility bills, fuel, taxes, fees and purchases from co-operative stores till November 14. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Rahul Gandhi today made a fervent appeal to all partymen to come out and help the common people standing in queues outside banks and ATMs to exchange their old currency notes after their demonetisation. "We appeal to all Congress workers to help all those who are standing in long lines outside banks in whatever capacity possible," he said, adding the week and underprivileged "need our support". Gandhi also put out his video message through his twitter account asking the Congress party workers and the youth to help out the common people, especially the poor and elderly. "Today is tough time for the people of the country, as the entire country is standing in queues outside banks. It is tough time and they need our support. "Wherever people are standing in line, you should help them provide water and help them get their currency exchanged. The country and people, especially the poor, need out support and do help them out by standing with them and holding their hand," Gandhi said in his message. Former Finance Minister P Chidamabaram today also hit out at the government saying an "unprepared" dispensation has pushed common man to misery. "This scheme is not DeMonetisation. This is 'Old Notes for New'. Unprepared government pushes common people into misery and despair. "The half-baked plan has benefited only touts and middlemen. Gov should publish the 2012 CBDT report that advised against DeMonetisation," he said on twitter. Congress party has said that the common people were facing harassment as they have to stand in long queues outside banks to get their old currency changed. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Upping the ante against BJP, TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee today said she is not averse to working with CPI(M) and other opposition parties like Congress, SP, BSP to fight against the "anti-people" Modi government which has imposed an "undeclared emergency". "We may have ideological differences with CPI-M but we are ready to work with it and other opposition parties like Congress, SP, BSP to save the country. The anti-people Modi government has imposed an undeclared emergency in the country," she told a press conference at the state secretariat. "Congress, Mayawati, Mulayam Singh ji, (Arvind) Kejriwal have protested against the demonetisation issue. Let all the opposition parties work together to save the country," she said, adding that BJP will lose deposits in upcoming elections. Accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of conducting a surgical strike on the common people in the name of unearthing black money, she said that the demonetisation move was taken without any proper planning causing immense hardship. "The Modi goverment had misled the people on the surgical strikes (in POK). The people do not know what had happened," she said. TMC Parliamentary party will raise the issue on the floor of Parliament and will seek answers on the issue of surgical strikes, she said. Turning to Modi's statement from Japan on the future steps to curb black money, she said, "Now the Prime Minister is threatening the people of the country from foreign land. "What will he do? He can put us in jail or shoot us for raising voice. I don't care. He can also declare emergency," she said. Terming the demonetisation move as "dangerous, disastrous and draconian", Banerjee demanded that a probe should be carried out by the chief justice of India to find out the financial loss in the country during the period after the announcement of demonetisation of high value currency. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today described the submission of resignation letters by Congress MLAs, to protest the Supreme Court ruling on SYL issue, as "political stunt" and also claimed that AAP is a party of "hypocrites and opportunists". The resignation of "treacherous" Congress leaders is aimed at "deriving political benefit" from this sensitive issue rather than safeguarding the interests of the state, he alleged here today. Speaking at his 'Sangat Darshan' programme in Lambi Assembly segment here, Badal claimed it is an open secret that state Congress chief Amarinder Singh wants to contest the Assembly polls, for which he resigned from his Lok Sabha seat. The Chief Minister asked him to explain why the other Congress MPs had not resigned to express solidarity with the state "in this hour of crisis". "It is ironical that as polls for Punjab Assembly are due within a few months, all Congress MLAs resigned, but the MPs shied away as they have fairly enough time for their tenure to end," Badal claimed. All Opposition Congress MLAs submitted their resignation to the Punjab Assembly Secretary yesterday to protest the Supreme Court's ruling favouring Haryana on the SYL issue. Justifying SAD leaders' decision of not offering resignation, he said, "As the custodian of the Punjabis, Akali Dal is duty-bound to protect their interests, which can be done best by remaining at the helms of the affairs." The Chief Minister said the state government has called a special session of the Assembly on November 16 to chalk out a strategy to deal with the crisis and also sought time from President Pranab Mukherjee so that the Cabinet can present the case of the state before him. Hitting out at AAP, the Chief Minister alleged that it is a party with "dual face". "The AAP government in Delhi had submitted an affidavit against the state in the apex court on SYL issue. Disguised in the robe of aam aadmi (common man), these people are working overtime against the interests of the state," Badal alleged. SAD will hold a gathering of Punjabis at Moga on December 8 and start "Pani Bachao, Punjab Bachao" campaign, he said and exhorted for fulsome support and cooperation of people. On demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denomination notes, Badal said this scheme will act as a catalyst to wipe out corruption and black money from the country. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actress Rosario Dawson will portray activist Donna Hylton in new film "A Little Piece Of Light." The movie, be based on the biography of the same name, will centre on Hylton's upbringing in Jamaica before she was sold to an American family at the age of seven, reported Deadline. After arriving in New York, she was sexually abused by her adopted father and would hide in closets to escape him. As a teenager she was arrested for her part in the kidnapping and murder of a Rikers Island real estate agent and she was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. Hylton spent her time in solitary confinement. She was released in 2012 and began to fight for women's rights. The "Sin City" star is reportedly searching for a female screenwriter and director for the project. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In restricted activity, select edible oils extended losses for the third straight week at the wholesale oil and oilseeds market following fall in demand from retailers and vanaspati millers against ample stocks position. Castor oil in the non-edible section, also finished lower on reduced offtake by consuming industries. Traders said besides fall in demand from retailers, adequate stocks position mainly kept pressure on select edible oil prices. Volume of business dropped considerably as stockists and retailers kept their activity restricted due to tight fund positions after the government in a surprise move, banned Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes in a bid to curb black money, they said. In the national capital, groundnut mill delivery (Gujarat) oil remained under selling pressure and lost Rs 400 at Rs 10,400 per quintal, while groundnut solvent refined held steady at 1,700-1,800 per tin in limited deals. Palmolein (rbd) and palmolein (Kandla) oils also fell by Rs 100 each to Rs 5,700 and Rs 5,750 per quintal respectively. Soyabean refined mill delivery (Indore) and soyabean degum (Kandla) too shed Rs 50 each to Rs 6,600 and Rs 6,300 per quintal respectively. In the non-edible section, castor oil drifted lower by Rs 50 to Rs 9,650-9,750, while linseed held steady at Rs 9,900 per quintal respectively. Grains: In thin trade, prices of rice basmati and other bold grains moved up at the wholesale grains market due to uptick in demand. However, wheat showed weakness as prices eased due to fall in demand at prevailing higher levels and ended lower. Marketmen attributed the rise in rice basmati and a few other bold grain prices to upsurge in demand. Trading activity remained restricted as enquiries from neighbouring areas remained negligible due to tight fund positions after the government in a surprise move, banned Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes in a bid to curb black money, they said. Meanwhile, area sown for wheat, the main rabi crop, has gone up by 38 per cent to 25.72 lakh hectare in the ongoing rabi season, even as farmers wait for government's announcement of support price for rabi crops. Wheat is the main rabi crop and sowing starts from October, with harvesting beginning in April. As per the latest government data, wheat has been sown in 25.72 lakh hectare so far in the rabi (winter) season, as against 18.65 lakh hectare in the year-ago period. In the national capital, rice basmati common and Pusa-1121 variety settled higher at Rs 5,600-5,700 and Rs 4,500-5,500 as compared to previous levels of Rs 5,500-5,600 and Rs 4,500-5,400 per quintal respectively. Other bold grains like, barley and maize climbed to Rs 1,810-1,820 and Rs 1,560-1,570 from previous levels of Rs 1,570-1,675 and Rs 1,500-1,510 per quintal respectively. Bajra, jowar yellow and white also edged up by Rs 50 each to Rs 1,450-1,455, Rs 1,800-1,850 and Rs 3,450-3,650 per quintal respectively. On the other hand, wheat dara (for mills) fell by Rs 50 to Rs 2,100-2,105 per quintal. Atta flour mills, maida and sooji also settled lower at Rs 1,150-1,160, Rs 1,230-1,240 and Rs 1,300-1,320 against last close of Rs 1,180-1,190, Rs 1,280-1,290 and Rs 1,350-1,360 per 50 kg, respectively on easing demand at prevailing levels. Pulses: In thin trade, kabli gram prices edged up at the wholesale pulses market during the week on mild demand from retailers. However, moong prices ended lower on lack of buying support. Elsewhere, other pulses moved in a narrow range in the absence of worthwhile activity and pegged at last week's levels. Traders said mild demand from retailers helped kabli gram prices to end marginally higher. Volume of business dipped as stockists and retailers kept their activity restricted due to tight liquidity after the government in a surprise move, banned Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes in a bid to curb black money. In the national capital, kabli gram small variety edged up by Rs 100 to Rs 10,100-10,500 per quintal. On the other hand, moong and its chilka local settled lower at Rs 5,100-5,600 and Rs 5,600-5,800 from previous week's levels of Rs 5,100-5,700 and Rs 5,600-5,900 per quintal respectively. Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee today said it has appealed to President Pranab Mukherjee to intervene in the Sutlej-Yamuna Link Canal issue. SGPC President Kirpal Singh Badungar told persons that the executive committee members appealed to President to save Punjab's river waters. The farmers in the state are already reeling under a shortage of water for cultivation. In such a situation, they cannot afford to share river waters with the neighbouring state, he said. Badungar said the Supreme Court asking Punjab to share river waters with Haryana will hit the farmers. SGPC's executive committee has also asked the Centre and the Pakistan government to construct a special corridor to facilitate Sikh devotees travelling to Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib in Pakistan. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) With a view to establish direct contact with people for preparing its 'vision document' for the crucial 2017 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, BJP president Amit Shah today kicked off the party campaign here. He said that as part of the 'Uttar Pradesh ki janata ki awaaz' campaign, the party will approach people to know about their aspirations and expectations from BJP, and take their suggestions in writing. The BJP chief also launched a mobile number for the campaign, stating that the party will call back all those who would give a miss call on the number. "Some 1,500 suggestion boxes named 'akansha' will be placed for taking written suggestions ...1,500 interactive programmes will be held for taking suggestions of youth, women and other sections of society," he said, adding that this process of dialogue and interaction will be completed in two months time. "On the basis of the suggestions, the party will prepare its vision document," he said while flagging off 75 video vans for recording people's suggestions. In an interaction with media persons later, Shah took a dig at Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, who had yesterday stood in a queue to withdraw money from a bank. "No one goes to bank in a Land Rover to withdraw Rs 4,000," he said. To a question on SP state unit president Shivpal Singh Yadav blaming BJP for spreading rumours on shortage of salt, Shah said, "He is facing BJP phobia." The BJP president said that his party was committed on the issue of construction of Ram temple and its stand was totally clear. At another programme in the state capital, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad termed demonetisation as a "right step to check circulation of fake currency notes and ISI backed terror activities." "But it is difficult to comprehend the opposition by AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal, BSP, SP and Congress...The entire nation needs to stand united on this issue," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Women self help groups (SHG) and Micro Finance companies will face action if the members of such organisations are found indulging in distribution of cash or gift articles to voters in Nellithope constituency, going to by-poll on November 19, a senior election official said today. A release from the District Election Officer (DEO) Satyendra Singh Durswat, today said, in a recent meeting the members of SHGs and micro finance units were warned that action would be taken if they are found to be cooperating in the distribution of cash and gift articles in Nellipthope constituency. "SHGs and the companies will be blacklisted and they would also face strict criminal action as cases would be booked against the members encouraging the offences," the release said. The election authorities have received complaints that SHGs and micro finance companies were being misused by some for distribution of cash and gift articles to voters in the constituency. In another release, the DEO said, an order under section 144 CrPC has been clamped in the constituency to prevent conduct of any surveyby any agency or group. Complaints were received thatmembers of various groups and organisations were conducting a door-to-door survey to collect details of members of the households in Nellithope constituency, it said. Such surveys would influence the voters and hence an order under Section 144 CrPC has been imposed to prohibit it except with the prior approval by the competent authority, it added. The order would be in force till the process of electionis completed and will not be applicable for activities proposed by the government departments, the release said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia today visited Chandni Chowk to listen to the problems of the traders in the wake of demonetisation of high-value currency notes by the Centre. The traders told him that the lack of cash has hit their businesses and they were facing "severe problems" in meeting even their daily expenses. "Neither do we have cash nor do the customers. We are facing a livelihood crisis," Kishan Kumar, a street vendor, told the deputy chief minister as he stopped by his stall. The traders said their businesses were "severely hit" as the number of customers has dwindled over the last few days and some of the customers were still coming with the old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes which were of no use. "There is no work. Most of the customers do not have the new bank notes. They are still coming with the old notes. Rumours too are affecting business," Ajay Babu Saxena, a shop owner, told Sisodia. "Modiji had said the move (to demonetise high-value currency notes) will put an end to black money. Do these traders have black money? They do not even have money to pay the school fees of their children or salaries to their staff," the deputy chief minister told reporters. He condemned the move to demonetise high-value currency notes claiming that it did not unearth black money but affected the livelihood of small traders. "If Modiji feels these people have black money, then there could not be a more incorrect thinking than that," said Sisodia. He met about a dozen traders around Gouri Shankar Mandir in the Chandni Chowk area who were readying their shops for the day. "The lack of cash has affected everyone. Although, no one is against digging out black money, the Modi government should have ensured that there was an adequate stock of new currency notes with the banks and in the ATMs where the people are spending hours for money," said a salesman of a shop where Sisodia stopped by. The traders also expressed concern over rumours of VAT raids by the Trade department of the Delhi government. Sisodia assured them that no such raid will be conducted when a trader asked him whether he should open his shop or not. The traders also complained to the deputy chief minister regarding their problems in ordering goods as the old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were not being accepted by the wholesalers and big traders. Chandni Chowk MLA Alka Lamba and members of the AAP's traders' wing accompanied Sisodia during his visit. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Army chief Gen Dalbir Singh Suhag today assured Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal "Prachanda" that India was committed to capacity and capability building of Nepal's army. Suhag, who is on a three-day official visit here, called on 61-year-old Prachanda. "Army chief assured him that we are committed to capability and capacity building of Nepal Army," Indian Army sources said. Prachanda was appreciative of the growing contacts between the two countries at all levels, especially the recent "extremely successful" visit of President Pranab Mukherjee,. Parcahanda said the visits will add to the growing bonds of friendship. Discussions were also held on unique army to army relationship, they said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Condemning killing of a journalist in Rohtas district, BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi today blamed the "rise in crime" in Bihar for a fourth journalist being murdered in the state in past one year. Terming as "laughable" Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's claim of "slide in crime rates" since liquor ban, he asked how come the cases of kidnapping witnessed a rise of 200 per cent in August as compared to April this year when prohibition came into force. "Likewise there is increase of 79 per cent in incidents of rape, 92 per cent in road dacoities, riot and theft by 26 per cent each and 19 per cent in murder during the period," Modi pointed out. "Do murders of journalists Ajay Vidrohi in Sitamarhi, Mahendra Pandey in Gaya, Rajdeo Ranjan in Siwan and now Dharmendra Singh in Rohtas not put a question mark on claim of 'rule of law' in the state?" he said in a statement. Reacting to the killing 35-year-old scribe Dharmendra Singh, he said, "It's a result of rise in crime that there was a murder of fourth journalist in Bihar in past one year." Singh, who worked with a prominent vernacular daily, was having tea at a road side stall at Amratola village under mufassil police station of Rohtas when assailants pumped bullet in his stomach from point blank range resulting in his death around 6 AM today. Modi has demanded immediate arrest of killers of Rohtas scribe, their speedy trial and a sum of Rs 25 lakh be extended to victim's dependents. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Syrian government forces have recaptured all of the areas taken by rebel fighters in a recent assault intended to break the regime siege on eastern Aleppo, a monitor said today. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the army had recaptured key areas including the western district of Dahiyet al-Assad and the village of Minyan outside the city. The reversals undo all of the progress made during a recent push by opposition fighters, including former Al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh al-Sham front, as they tried to end a government siege on eastern Aleppo city. Government forces surrounded rebel-held east Aleppo in July, severing the last supply line into opposition neighbourhoods and imposing a blockade that has led to food and fuel shortages. Rebels have tried several times to break the siege, succeeding briefly in August, but no aid has entered the east since July. The monitor said over 450 fighters and civilians had been killed since the rebels began their latest bid to break the siege on October 28. The dead include 215 Syrian and foreign opposition fighters, including some who carried out suicide bomb attacks, and 143 regime forces. Nearly 100 civilians were also killed in the fighting, the majority of them in government-held west Aleppo, where 29 children were among those killed in waves of rebel rocket fire. Once Syria's economic powerhouse, Aleppo has been ravaged by the war that began with anti-government protests in March 2011. The city has been divided since mid-2012, and in September, the government announced an operation to recapture all of Aleppo. The government assault, backed by Russian warplanes, has killed hundreds of people in east Aleppo and damaged and destroyed infrastructure including hospitals. More than 300,000 people have been killed in Syria's five-year war. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) TMC is "repeating" the position taken by CPI(M) over the Centre's move to demonetise high- value currency notes, the Left party's general secretary Sitaram Yechury said today even as he expressed concern over people's "suffering" in the wake of the government's decision. "CPI(M) was one of the first political parties to have reacted and opposed the government's move, saying it doesn't address any of the issues of black money, corruption or counterfeit currency or terrorism which the Prime Minister had talked (about). TMC is repeating grounds of our position," he said. The Marxist leader though refused to elaborate any further on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's statement that TMC is ready to work with CPI(M) -- notwithstanding ideological differences between them -- and Congress, SP and BSP to "save the country". Talking to PTI over phone from Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli, the Rajya Sabha member said the Centre's decision to demonetise Rs 1000 and Rs 500 currency notes has caused "suffering" to commoners across the country. He asked the government to give more time to the people to arrange for their monetary requirements, "if it is not able to give public an alternative". A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced demonetisation of high-value currency notes on November 8, CPI(M) had said the decision does not address the problem of black money stashed abroad or invested in real estate or gold and had insisted the government should make public names of top 100 defaulters of bank loans. Observing the move was meant only to "harrass" the people, Yechury had said "to uncover the illicit money trail, we demand that the government release the name of top 100 defaulters of bank loans". The Centre came under attack from Banerjee over demonetisation of the currency notes even as she said her TMC is not averse to working with rival CPI(M) against the "anti-people" Modi government, which she said, has imposed an "undeclared emergency". (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) With the Supreme Court ruling in favour of Haryana in the water sharing dispute, the Khattar government will now press for the execution of the apex court order passed in 2002 and 2004 for the completion of . "We will now press for the execution of decree passed by the SC in favour of Haryana in 2002 and 2004 whereby the be constructed," Haryana Advocate General Baldev Raj Mahajan said on Saturday. On Thursday, the Supreme Court held the Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004, as "unconstitutional" which passed by Punjab government to terminate the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal water sharing agreement with neighbouring states. Haryana AG said that the execution petition was already pending with the Supreme Court, adding it was expected to be listed within a month. When asked whether the SC ruling was an opinion, not binding in nature, Mahajan said the apex court has declared Punjab's legislation as "invalid and unconstitutional". "President had asked for the opinion of SC whether the Act was valid or not. Now it is irrelevant whether President gives his assent or not when the SC has said that the Act was invalid," said Haryana AG. On Saturday, Punjab Advocate General Ashok Aggarwal had said that SC had just given its advice and President may accept it or may not accept it. When asked that Punjab was exploring options to bring a new Bill to scrap all water sharing pacts, Mahajan opined that the SC had declared that no state could pass such an Act. "If another law is brought (by Punjab) then it will be not more than a 'dikhawa' (show off)," he said. Mahajan asserted that any act passed by the Centre or state could be examined by the apex court to check its legality. The Supreme Court had in its verdict in year 2002 and 2004 had ordered the completion of for sharing of Ravi Beas water. The apex court had first decreed the suit of Haryana in 2002 asking Punjab to honour its commitments with regard to water sharing in the case. Punjab challenged the verdict by filing an original suit which was rejected in 2004 by the Supreme Court which asked the Centre to take over the remaining infrastructural work of the SYL canal project. But in 2004, the Congress government in Punjab led by the then Chief Minister Amarinder Singh had enacted a law to annual the water sharing pacts with neighbouring states. Thereafter, then President A P J Abdul Kalam referred to SC for an advisory opinion on the issue relating to the Punjab's Act. Donald Trump has indicated that he will consider retaining an "amended" version of the Affordable Care Act, a marked shift in stance on his major campaign promise of repealing President Barack Obama's flagship healthcare law. The President-elect made the apparent U-turn after his meeting with Obama at the White House this week, according to the Wall Street Journal. In an interview with the newspaper, Trump said his priority is to move "quickly" on Obamacare, which has become "expensive and unworkable". At the same time, he "showed a willingness to preserve at least two provisions" of the law after the outgoing president Barack Obama asked him to reconsider repealing it during their meeting at the White House on Thursday, the daily said. "Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced," Trump said. "I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that." According to the Journal, Trump said he favours retaining a key part of Obamacare that stops insurers from refusing to cover people because they have existing conditions, as well as a provision that allows parents to provide years of additional coverage for children on their insurance policies. "I like those very much." Trump also appeared to be committed on his promises of bringing jobs back through improved international trade deals and massive infrastructure investment, besides focusing on defeating ISIS. "I want a country that loves each other. I want to stress that," Trump said in his first interview after winning the November 8 presidential elections, in which he defeated Hillary Clinton after mounting one of the most divisive campaigns in recent memory. Trump said he would create jobs through nationwide infrastructure projects and improved international trade deals. He also said he would preserve American jobs by potentially imposing tariffs on products of US companies that relocate overseas, thereby reducing the incentive to move plants abroad, the Journal reported. Trump so far has spoken to several world leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He is yet to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump said he got a "beautiful" letter from Putin. On Syria, he said his main focus would be defeating ISIS rather than removing its current president Bashar al-Assad. "My attitude was you're fighting Syria, Syria is fighting ISIS, and you have to get rid of ISIS. Russia is now totally aligned with Syria, and now you have Iran, which is becoming powerful, because of us, is aligned with Syria...Now we're backing rebels against Syria, and we have no idea who these people are," Trump said. If the US attacks Assad, Trump said, "we end up fighting Russia, fighting Syria." On the Israel-Palestine conflict, Trump said hopes to craft a deal. "That's the ultimate deal. As a deal maker, I'd like to do the deal that can't be made. And do it for humanity's sake," Trump told the daily. CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury today claimed that Donald Trump's "surprise" victory in the US Presidential elections would lead to "global uncertainties". "Trump's election as the US President has evoked surprise as nobody expected him to defeat Hillary (Clinton)...His election would create uncertainties globally," he said while addressing Tamil Nadu CPI(M)'s state-level conference here. Yechury claimed that Trump's policies would "take a toll" on the BPO sector in India and "restrict" the entry of Indian students to the US. Hitting out at the BJP-led NDA government, he claimed that ever since the saffron party came to power, the country's industrial growth had become "sluggish". Referring to unemployment and the agrarian crisis, he said, "Incidents of farmer suicides have increased by 26 per cent. Besides, 1.30 crore youths are joining the unemployed population every year." On the demonetisation of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 currency notes by the Centre, the CPI(M) leader said, "The move has largely affected the common man. The demonetisation of the old notes and introduction of the new ones will only pave way for more corruption." He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's claim of curbing black money through this move will not work and accused the Centre of "not taking steps to bring back black money hoarded in the foreign banks". On the Centre mooting the idea of introducing Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the country, Yechury said, "UCC must be uniform to all the religions. All this is being done to reap political dividends keeping the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly election in mind." Claiming that the CPI(M) was the "only political alternative" to the "sectarian right-wing forces" in the country, he said the party will not allow such forces to "exploit the discontent" of the common man. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Two persons were arrest from along the RS Pura sector on the international border in Jammu and Kashmir for allegedly spying for Pakistan and sharing secret information on social networking app Whatsapp, police said today. Police got information that Satvinder Singh and Dadu were roaming in the area along the international border in Suchetgarh sector and were taking pictures of the security establishments, a police officer said. Acting swiftly, both of them were nabbed and during their questioning they revealed that they were collecting the secret information regarding the locations of the Army and other security forces, and sharing the same with Pakistan through Whatsapp, he said. Both of them have been arrested and booked under various sections of the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC), the officer said, adding further investigations were on. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Two persons were killed and over 40 injured after a private tourist bus overturned in Kopri ghat near Bhimashankar, around 80 km from here, police said today. The mishap occurred late last night when the bus, carrying pilgrims, was returning to Pune from Bhimashankar, an official of Khed police station said. Around 90 pilgrims, majority of them are from Odisha had gone to Bhimashankar, one of the 12 'Jyotirlingas'. When the bus was on its way to Pune, its driver lost control while negotiating a sharp turn in the Kopri ghat and it overturned after hitting into road side barricades, he added. Two pilgrims were killed on the spot and all the injured were rushed to nearby hospitals. The deceased were identified as Prafulla Sahoo (43) and Mamata Mishra (45), both residents of Deogarh district in Odisha, said the official, adding the pilgrims were planning to visit the Shani Shinganapur shrine in neighbouring Ahmednagar district. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Seeking to offer innovative solutions for Kerala's business capital Kochi, a visiting UK delegation has held discussions with top officials of the Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL). British Deputy High Commissioner Bharat Joshi, who was part of the delegation, today said during the meeting the business delegation presented their high tech smart city solutions --on how UK companies can help development of Kochi as a smart city. "We are very excited on the opportunities. In fact we can deliver a smart city--make Kochi a nicer place," Joshi said after the meeting. He said the UK, having experiences in building smart cities like London and Manchester, could share the lessons they have learnt with Indian cities, including Kochi. As many as 20 of UK's most innovative companies began their two-day visit to Kochi yesterday to explore partnership opportunities. The business delegation had visited New Delhi during Birtish Prime Minister Theresa May's visit early this week. The UK invests more in India than the US and Japan combined and India is the third largest investor in the UK. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced the partnership between the two countries during his visit to the UK in November 2015. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A US has been apprehended by police after he allegedly flew a drone near the high-security . Officials said the incident was reported around 2 PM on Friday when a small white-coloured drone was spotted twice near the historical monument which is a tight security zone. A joint search was soon launched by local police and the CISF, entrusted to guard the Taj Mahal, to check on the object and after few hours they spotted a man atop a nearby hotel preparing to fly the machine. "The man, a tourist from Ohio in US, has been identified as R Nicholas. He was detained by police and brought to a local police station. Flying of drones or any other flying object is prohibited in and around Taj Mahal," they said. Prima facie nothing suspicious has been found in the flying machine and in Nichloas's activities, they said, adding, police is investigating the matter. Police has also informed the United State of America Embassy in Delhi about the incident, they said. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) President-elect Donald Trump has shaken up his White House transition team, appointing Vice President-elect Mike Pence as its head and three of his children as part of the group that would shape the direction of Trump's Administration beginning January 2017. Trump, who won the general elections on November 8, would be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on January 20, 2017, replacing Barack Obama, whose tenure ends that day. Till then, the 70-year-old real estate tycoon has a transition team which would help him prepare to hit the ground running from day one. The announcement by Trump came yesterday that Pence would be head of his transition team which was previously held by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. According to a media release, Pence would replace the New Jersey Governor to serve as the Chairman of the Presidential Transition Team. Dr Ben Carson, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former Speaker of House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, USA (Ret) former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Senator Jeff Sessions will join the team's Executive Committee as Vice Chairs, it said. Among other members are two of his sons Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump along with daughter Ivanka Trump. The Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, Trump Campaign CEO Stephen K Bannon are other members of the transition team. "Together this outstanding group of advisors, led by Vice President-elect Mike Pence, will build on the initial work done under the leadership of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to help prepare a transformative government ready to lead from day one," Trump said. "The mission of our team will be clear: put together the most highly qualified group of successful leaders who will be able to implement our changed agenda in Washington. Together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding this nation specifically jobs, security and opportunity. This team is going to get to work immediately to Make America Great Again," he said. He also announced that Chief of Staff to Senator Sessions, Rick Dearborn, will join Presidential Transition Team as Executive Director. "President-elect Trump will bring about fundamental change in Washington and these are the right people to make that happen," Pence said. "This team of experienced leaders will form the building blocks of our Presidential Transition Team staff leadership roster, and will work with elected officials and tireless volunteers to prepare our government for the transfer of power on January 20th," he said. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today asked the Haryana government to withdraw its decision of not plying buses on Punjab routes as it might cause "unnecessary" panic. Fearing possible law and order problems after the Supreme Court's ruling on the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal issue on Thursday, the Haryana Transport Department had yesterday suspended services to several destinations in Punjab as a "precautionary measure". "There is no occasion for such a decision as people of Punjab and Haryana have been living and continue to live like brothers in atmosphere of complete brotherly love, respect and mutual faith. There is no tension anywhere to warrant such decision," Badal said in a statement here. Services were suspended after the Haryana Transport Department issued directions to all bus depots in the state to take necessary steps after assessing the situation for safety of their buses. Bus services remained suspended on several routes, including those to Ludhiana and Katra in Jammu and Kashmir. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Fliers will have to shell out more for airfares with the government going in for a levy of up to Rs 8,500 per flight on major routes from December 1 to finance its regional connectivity scheme that aims to make air travel more affordable for the masses. The levy will be a lump sum charge on the entire flight which will be shared among the total number of passengers. The increase in the price of each ticket will, therefore, depend on the number of passengers on a particular flight. The UDAN (Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik) scheme has been floated to connect small cities by air as well as make flying more affordable for the common man with airfares being capped at Rs 2,500 for one-hour flights. Civil Aviation Secretary R N Choubey on Friday said the levy will be Rs 7,500 for flights up to 1,000 kilometre distance, Rs 8,000 for a 1,000-1,500 kilometre flight and Rs 8,500 for flights above 1,500 kilometre. It will be applicable only on scheduled domestic flights operating on major routes and excludes regional flights, he said. To provide viability gap funding for the flights operated under UDAN, the ministry will charge the levy from airlines on every departure on major air routes such as the Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Kolkata. The government has created the Regional Connectivity Fund (RCF), of which 80 per cent will be financed by the Centre and the rest by respective states. With the levy, the government estimates to have Rs 400 crore for RCF, Choubey said. On top of it, another 20 per cent funding will come from state governments. "We are looking at roughly around Rs 500 crore per year available in the kitty," he said. Choubey was speaking at a stakeholders' conference and pre-bid meeting on implementation of UDAN. The levy will push air fares slightly higher as airlines are expected to pass on the burden to flyers. However, Choubey said that even if the levy burden is passed on to the customers, the air fares will not go up significantly. Stating that the levy will come into effect from December 1, 2016, Choubey said even if it is being passed on entirely by airlines without any quantum being absorbed by them the increase in airfares should not be more than, let's say, one per centof a ticket price. "That is the ballpark figure.The average increase in fares will be one per cent and if the airlines decide to absorb a part of it, then the increase would be much less," Choubey added. However, airlines have already criticised the move for imposing the levy as it will make flying more expensive for their passengers. Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics have shown the number of births by mothers aged between 15 and 19 made up 2.8 per cent of all births in 2015, falling from the then low of 3.1 per cent in 2014. And besides, the exhibitions are so wildly different each year that it's almost meaningless to put a dollar figure on it. Last year's big show was the contemplative, pastoral works of the great Australian painter Tom Roberts a sleeper hit that was one of the gallery's most successful ever. The year before that, an actual living genius the American light artist James Turrell was on hand to oversee his complex vision taking shape via new walls, cornices, projectors and lights. The year before that, thousand-year-old treasures from dug-up graves in Peru were displayed in darkened corners. In 2009, some of the world's most famous French masterpieces were being couriered across three continents to get here. Need I go on? Insurance is expensive, and no one would expect anything less than the best of everything when it comes to creating these exhibitions which must withstand daily crowds of visitors moving through. "There's something about Canberra and the arts that nowhere else in Australia has, that obsessive interest with the arts and very practical understanding of how important the arts and music in particular are." "The average Joe might be pleased that there's now interest in reforms to do with access to information and that the government's prepared to look at issues to do with the integrity of public office." Not long ago I was an outside believer who dwelled in the city and belonged to a group which the church paid special care to. Not only did people in the group leave their hometown and do hard work, they were often neglected and looked down upon, even marginalized. As a matter of fact, thinking back, the local believers were the people the church should pay special attention to. In modern urban churches, especially those with higher outsider populations and higher degrees of openness, the ratio of the born and bred believers compared to outside believers has become less and less. The number of local believers was negligible and they have gradually been marginalized. In a county-level city in southern Jiangsu, called "Jianghai," the resident population is close to one million with local people and outside workers accounting for half each. Generally speaking, the local and outsider believers should be on par with each other. However, the truth is far from it. The local believers who go to church regularly in Jianghai are less than half of the congregants, even negligible. There are several churches with hundreds of people, but the local congregants only count in single digits. Therefore, it is very difficult to find local believers in the churches in Jianghai, and the few you see are mostly women or seniors. In fact, the situation of the churches in Jianghai reflects the regional distribution of the churches of Jiangsu. Jiangsu is a large Christian province with more than one million believers. However, it is not evenly distributed. Believers are mainly concentrated in Northern Jiangsu, while the south of Jiangsu has very few. The division chief of Jiangsu Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs talked about the number and distribution of Christians in Jiangsu in his The Situation and Development Trend of Christianity in Jiangsu. "So far (2012), there are over 1.5 million believers in Jiangsu, and the Christians in Jiangsu are great in number and widely spread. Believers are mainly concentrated in five cities in Northern Jiangsu with a relatively underdeveloped economy, like Xuzhou, Huai'an, Yancheng, Lianyungang, and Suqian. There are over one million believers in northern Jiangsu, about 80% of the total number of believers in the province." Based on that, there are both historical and realistic reasons why the churches in Jianghai are filling with mostly outside believers but very few local believers. It is not a single case, but a universal situation of the churches in southern Jiangsu. It can happen in any other urban church with a higher outside population and a degree of openness. A large population of outside believers pouring in causes urban churches to be dominated by mainly outside believers, and the churches of southern Jiangsu have become vibrant. It obviously changed the original status with no vitality, and effectively changed the "North More and South Less" distribution of believers in Jiangsu. Because of this, the ratio between believers in the North and South is more balanced, or at least it wouldn't be as dramatic as the difference between the base and spire of the Pyramid. The prosperity in the churches in Southern Jiangsu because of the outside believers is false prosperity in the eyes of the locals since it has nothing to do with them. They realized the transferred prosperity by moving the believers from Northern Jiangsu, Henan, Anhui, and other places. The reason we call it "transferred prosperity" is because of the uncertainty of the members. They came from the underdeveloped regions with reviving churches, but when the outside believers leave, the local churches will return to their original state with no vitality. We can tell from this that behind the prosperity is a crisis. The scene of prosperity can also be a flash in the pan. Therefore, promoting the localization of the Gospel is rather important and urgent. Only with the gospel rooted here can we sustain the prosperity. We can learn from the Nestorianism in the Yuan Dynasty. Nestorianism (Christianity) in Yuan Dynasty came to the hinterland of China with the Mongolians entering Dadu. It only existed in China for a little more than 100 years (1271-1368). When the Shun Emperor fled to Mobei, the Nestorianism which was popular for a while in Yuan Dynasty disappeared in China too. Why did the Nestorianism disappear in the land of China after existing for over 100 years? Later generations summarized three reasons. First, the believers were all Mongolians and Semu people, with no southern or Han people. Second, there were cultural differences. Nestorianism was never rooted in Chinese society, but only among Mongolians and Semu people. Third, there was internecine strife between different denominations. Nestorianism as an outside religion in China went from prosperity to decline and eventually disappeared. It rings a bell for the churches in southern Jiangsu. So, while pasturing the outside believers, churches in southern Jiangsu should also pay attention to the born and bred locals. They should find ways to increase and improve the number and quality of local believers to seek a quality and quantity balance between local and outside believers. Moreover, they need to work hard on the combination between gospel and local cultures. The point is for Christianity take roots locally, in the soil of local culture. So not only will the locals take kindly to Christianity and believers, they will also feel sympathetically and favorably toward Christianity and believers. (The author is a preacher in Anhui.) When I say Lets talk turkey, it isnt about how to prepare the meat, but rather, how to use the holidays as a time to start talking to your provider and family members about your end-of-life wishes. Talk turkey is a challenge to go beyond the How bout them Packers? and share what matters the most to you about how you want to be cared for. Making a point to set aside the precious time to speak honestly and openly about your end-of-life wishes can be a special gift to those that you love. Its also a reminder to talk to your provider when you are in for routine checkups. If you were very ill, your doctors would respect your wishes as much as possible. But we cant honor your choices if we dont know what they are. Thats why those 18 and older are encouraged to complete an advance directive. An advance directive is anything that tells your doctors what kind care you want if you are too ill to express yourself. A Power of Attorney for Health Care (POA HC) designates a person to make decisions for you if you are unable to speak for yourself. You also may clarify what care you prefer and if you have any limits. Depressing, some people groan. Ill make those big decisions when the time comes. Its human to want to put off thoughts of death and dying. Unfortunately, a health care crisis can happen at any time, at any age. I have witnessed, firsthand, when a patient is faced with a debilitating illness or a devastating accident and families who havent had these discussions often are left agonizing over What would my loved one want? Personal care preferences are put in motion when doctors believe a person isnt able to make his or her own decisions. In Wisconsin, a Power of Attorney for Health Care form gives a designated decision-maker the right to make decisions. Without the form, even a spouse may need to attain legal guardianship to make health care decisions for a loved one. Going through the legal system adds time and money to an already stressful situation. So, after the turkey meal and before turning on the TV, give yourself and your loved ones the gift of preparation: Talk about your wishes with those close to you. Seek guidance, if desired, from your provider and/or religious leader. Fill out an advance directive to make your wishes known. Where do I find a Power of Attorney for Health Care form? The form is free, and you dont need an attorney to fill it out. Its readily available at your local library or online at: How do I fill out the form? If you dont know where to get started, dont worry. There are plenty of resources to help you. If you find the language intimidating, dont be afraid to ask for help from: Your provider Your local hospital Spiritual care, palliative care, social services and hospice workers all can help you. Your countys Aging and Disability Resource Center Its uncomfortable, but tell your family, I know this is hard to discuss. Emphasize why its important by saying, I want to make it easier on you during a medical crisis. What better time to have the conversation than during the holidays, when family members are gathered together? Talking about whats important at the end of life is one of the most meaningful gifts we can give each other. [Your Business Name] Contact Info Phone: Fax: Email: Web: CAPITOLHILLCUBANS.COM Business Overview Geographic Area Line of Business Brands We Carry Products and Services Discounts Offered Additional Information Business Hours Timezone We Accept Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the world's largest community for good. Here, you'll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact. Care2 Stands Against: bigots, racists, bullies, science deniers, misogynists, gun lobbyists, xenophobes, the willfully ignorant, animal abusers, frackers, and other mean people. If you find yourself aligning with any of those folks, you can move along, nothing to see here. Care2 Stands With: humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives, the naturally curious, and people who really love to do the right thing. You are our people. You Care. We Care2. Martin Treptow and Travis Hakes were on a mission to find all the family members buried at Tilden Lutheran Cemetery but two graves were missing. After some investigating, and landscaping, they finally found the two missing family members under an overgrown bush. The cemetery has about 40 people in it. 75% of its residents are relatives of Treptow and Hakes who are 4th cousins. It was a day of recognition, a day to educate, and a day of thanks. Veterans participated in several ceremonies Veterans Day on Friday, including one at Chippewa Falls Senior High School. One of the ceremonys speakers was Chi-Hi student Steven Weiss, a cavalry scout in the U.S. Army. He recognized students who are currently enlisted as well as staff who have previously served. He said Veterans Day is all about honor. Remember, veterans deserve the utmost gratitude and respect every day because they wouldnt hesitate to lay down their life for you, Weiss said. All gave some, some gave all. Other speakers include Brian Gienapp, a Chi-Hi graduate and valedictorian of his class. He served as a fighter pilot and flew combat missions over Iraq and Afghanistan as part of operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He talked about the importance of being a wingman, sharing examples of when a fellow troop gave him tap codes of encouragement during interrogation training, a jargon used commonly by prisoners of war to communicate with one another. Retired Lt. Col. Steve Gilbertson spoke about some of the harsh realities of war that may be hard to comprehend for students. As a helicopter pilot, he was shot down twice during his service. Two of his roommates were killed in combat. I simply want (the students) to appreciate what the veterans have done so that they can live the life they want to live, he said. One of the veterans in attendance that Gilbertson specifically thanked was Retired Col. Dan Doughty, who served in the U.S. Air Force from 1952-1976. Doughty was shot down over what was then called North Vietnam and became of prisoner of war for seven years. Gilbertson said Doughty was tortured beyond belief. Doughtys wife, who lived in Ladysmith, didnt know from day to day whether he was alive or not. Joe Oberpriller, another veteran in attendance, served from 1951-1953. He was captured by the Chinese on July 23, 1952 during the Korean War. He was taken to the main prison camp of Camp Five Pyoktong, North Korea, on the border with China. Oberpriller was a prisoner of war for one year, one month and one day. After a truce was signed on July 27, 1953, an exchange of prisoners took place at Freedom Village near Panmunjon. Oberpriller was released one month later on Aug. 24, 1953, and was honorably discharged afterwards. For being wounded, he was a recipient of the Purple Heart medal in 2012. Both Doughty and Oberpriller enjoyed the ceremony at Chi-Hi and thought it was both excellent and beautiful. Doughty said he likes coming to veteran ceremonies and giving thanks to the veterans and all the people who attended the service. Knowing people served their country and done very much and that they sacrificed a lot, he said. I think its very nice how they do recognize veterans. Don Burghardt, former Army artillery member from 1951-1954, said the ceremony covered much of the interesting moments that were part of his life and made him feel really good. Burghardt did special services with the military band in Japan and Korea and said he was lucky to never see combat. By having the ceremony at the schools, he said it allows students to appreciate the country, the freedom and everything. The veterans agreed the overall message of the ceremony resonated well with the Chi-Hi student body. It penetrated into their souls and a lot of them came over and shook my hand, Burghardt said. Really means a lot. While other car makers are beginning to concentrate most of their resources on developing electric powertrains, BMW is being criticized by its top labor chief for its lack of progress. According to Bloomberg, Manfred Schoch expressed a public sharp disapproval towards the companys leadership, saying that BMW risks falling behind its rivals. Management has been slow to decide on investing in more electric models. The carmaker must expand its range to include electric versions of its core lineup, including 3-, 5- and 7-Series sedans. Anything else would be detrimental to the business, he said. Although BMW has two full-electric vehicles to its name and a third in the pipeline, the German car manufacturer doesnt allocate its resources to battery development. Furthermore, the i5 isnt expected to arrive on the market sooner than 2021 at which point Audi, Porsche, Tesla (doh) and Volkswagen will have more than one state-of-the-art product in their line-up. Volkswagen, for instance, plans to introduce 30 battery-powered vehicles by 2020, while Mercedes plans at least 10 such models. Management must invest in electric mobility now to remain competitive in the future, concluded Schoch. PHOTO GALLERY Ferrari will host their 2016 International Cavalcade, a supercar gathering and rally, in Japan. Held between November 10 and 14, the event celebrates 50 years of Ferrari in the Land of the Rising Sun and also coincides with the 150th anniversary of trade relations between the two countries. Organized in the former imperial capital city of Kyoto, this years Ferrari International Cavalcade has brought together approximately 70 Prancing Horses, driven by clients from more than 24 nations. The list is impressive, and includes past and present supercars and hypercars, including the F40, Enzo, 599 GTB, the limited edition F12tdf and the hybrid LaFerrari. The itinerary saw Ferraristi arrive at a five-star hotel in Kyoto, in the Kansai Area, in the first day, only to drive off to the Awaji Island, heaading to Akashi Kaikyo bridge, on the second day. Guests then put their rides through their paces on the Central Circuit before checking out the rural landscape of Sasayama. On the third day, the group will drive around Lake Biwa and go to Hieizan Enryakui, a UNESCO site, with a stop at the Castle of Hikone, while the fourth and final day will see them head south to explore the ancient capital of Nara, with stops at the Todai-ji Temple, the remains of the Heijo Imperial Palace and the summit of Mt. Wakakusa. Additionally, they will also visit Osaka, passing through Midosuji, only to stop at the Castle. PHOTO GALLERY Nothing says A-to-B transport more than Toyotas Camry; dependable, comfortable and utterly anonymous. Is it bad? Well no, as the 429,000 Camrys Toyota sold in the US last year show making it the best selling car in the country. But it does sit at the bottom of the pack in terms of allure compared to rivals such as Fords Fusion and Mazdas 6. Fortunately, redesign time for Toyotas mid-sizer is just around the corner and recent spy photography suggests that Camry will receive a more stylish makeover and possibly some Toyota Racing Development (TRD) visual brawn and performance. Intrigued? Lets investigate further: Sleeker and sportier looks: The 2018MY ushers in an all-new look for Camry and unlike the current car, it appears rather promising. For those who saw the NASCAR version a while back wont be surprised; it adorns a similar Lexus-like spindle grille, large lower intakes and L-shaped LED headlight clusters. Thankfully the bodywork also receives visual character; with taut lines, panel creases and pumped guards. The silhouette is reminiscent of the Lexus IS sedan; with an organic-looking glasshouse and rounded rear quarter windows, eschewing the mundane C-pillar inlays of the outgoing car. Rear-end styling is dominated by sleeker taillight clusters, a more sculptured trunk lip spoiler and quad exhaust tips; quads on a Camry? Well if the recent prototype is indeed a TRD spec as we suspect, then yes. Under The Skin: Big news here is that Camry will migrate onto Toyotas modular New Global Architecture (TNGA) platform that also underpins the Prius and C-HR. However, here it will be tailored for midsize duty, with bigger dimensions, lower center of gravity and reduced weight thanks to aluminum components. If the Japanese brands green lights the TRD model, then expect larger wheels, stiffer suspension and upgraded brakes. Although dont count on it being a hardcore canyon-carver; its more likely to tread the middle ground, competing against the likes of the Ford Fusion Sport. Perhaps the biggest let down of the current car is its cabin presentation. Toyota plans to address this with a focus on more premium looking and feeling materials, attractive styling and a better infotainment system. Camry is currently very competitive on occupant space, so wed be surprised if cabin dimensions increase substantially. Potent Powertrains: Camrys current range of gasoline and hybrid engines will likely carryover, although a new 2.0-litre turbocharged four should make an appearance, coupled to an eight-speed automatic transmission. Those aforementioned quad exhaust pipes certainly suggest something serious for the TRD model; however its most likely to be the new direct-injected 3.5-litre V6 found in the latest Highlander SUV. Expect an output north of 300-hp, channeling power through 8-gears with Stop-Start technology. Mid-size Rivals: Landing after the Camry, Hondas all-new Accord will show it no mercy with edgier, Civic-inspired styling and potent powertrains. Other competitors like Hyundais Sonata, Chevrolet Malibu, Mazda6 and Kia Optima are also worthy offerings for mid-size buyers. Color us surprised if the all-new Camry makes an appearance at the upcoming LA Auto show (but dont rule it out), as a more likely reveal is tipped for early 2017, with the TRD version possibly landing a little later. What are your thoughts on the next Camry? Tell us in the comments below. By Josh Byrnes Photo Renderings Copyright Carscoops / Josh Byrnes Photo Gallery Meet Lennart Ribring, a 97-year-old man who just bought a brand new Ford Mustang V8 in Sweden. Lennart was one of the first people in Sweden to buy an original Ford Mustang in the 1960s and now, more than 50 years later, he treats himself with a brand new V8-powered example. I fell in love with the first Mustangs that came out and I have hardly thought about another car since. You felt a bit like king of the road. said Lennart. I dont have long to live now, maybe. So, I want to take the opportunities I have to drive and have a little fun in life. This is the real thing. Born in 1919, Lennart Ribring got his driving license when he turned 18 in 1937. Today, hes a retired businessman who still works part-time as an accountant. His son Michael, who was taught how to drive by Lennart in their previous Mustang, says that his father is still fit to drive, despite his age. His eyesight is good, his reactions are good and he drives with confidence that others dont have, he comments. PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO Photo: Contributed An eye witness helped to take down an alleged suspect in downtown Kelowna, Friday morning. According to Const. Jesse ODonaghey, police received a report of a theft in progress after someone witnessed a man smash-out the drivers side window of a black Acura before taking off along Ellis Street. The suspect is allegedly believed to have been intoxicated. Officers arrived in the area and quickly located their suspect who failed to follow commands and resisted arrest, said ODonaghey. The support of a police K9 was required to take the man into police custody." Following the arrest, officers discovered the suspect to be in possession of suspected stolen mail belonging to multiple other individuals. Investigators are continuing efforts to return the mail to their rightful owners. The 34-year-old Kelowna man of no fixed address, remains in police custody and faces several potential charges. Photo: CTV A string of fires in vacant homes, in Vancouver, has emergency officials asking for the publics help. Vancouver Fire Asst. Chief John Dennis told CTV Vancouver, firefighters are responding to similar calls almost every night. All along the Granville, the Oak Street, the Cambie, the Main Street corridors are abandoned homes. And people are finding their way in, and theyre making them their homes until they light a fire and something goes wrong, he said. Thursday night a blaze broke out in yet another vacant house just hours after officials made a plea for help in their investigation. Nearly 40 firefighters responded to a fire at a home on Cambie Street near 41st Avenue. According to CTV it appeared as though someone had a fire in a fireplace but also in the middle of the floor. There have been at least 26 suspicious fires in vacant homes in Vancouver this year, including nine since late October. Investigators are trying to determine who might be responsible and whether any of the fires may be connected. -- With files from CTV. Photo: CTV UPDATED: 7:30 p.m. A "very large man" shot and killed by officers during a robbery and hostage-taking may have had further criminal intentions after trying to steal firearms from a Canadian Tire outlet, Vancouver police say. Chief Constable Adam Palmer said the 38-year-old Vancouver man confronted and attacked a store clerk in what appeared to be a botched robbery on Thursday. "A search of his home has provided police with concerning evidence of his possible criminal intentions, which will all be part of this ongoing investigation," Palmer told reporters on Friday. He said the 380-pound man, who stood six foot one and was dressed in camouflage, stabbed a 53-year-old employee in the back and across the neck before removing guns from store cabinets. The suspect then abandoned the weapons and took an 82-year-old man hostage at knifepoint as he left the store and confronted police on a rooftop parking lot, Palmer said. The man was also believed to have had a bottle of pepper spray, though police said it's unclear whether he used it. When police tried to arrest the man, he stabbed an officer multiple times, including in the head and stomach, Palmer said. While the hostage was unhurt, the officer and the employee were rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries. Both people were reported to be in stable condition as of Friday afternoon. Palmer commended the officers who responded to the incident, including those who provided first aid at the scene, which he said was instrumental in the recovery of the two people who were injured. "The actions of our officers were absolutely heroic," he said. "I'm very proud of the way they performed yesterday." Mental health is suspected to have played a role in the incident, Palmer said. He added that the man was originally from Alberta, where he was also known to police. Photo: The Canadian Press The annual report from British Columbia's police watchdog agency highlights several concerns about policing in the province, including suicides after arrests by RCMP and the lack of body cameras worn by officers. The 2015-2016 report from the Independent Investigations Office also says some officers are failing to follow so-called duty-to-account guidelines, delaying writing reports about officer-involved shootings or in-custody deaths. The IIO said it investigated allegations made against RCMP officers that they failed to take action to protect six people they arrested or questioned over sex-related offences who later killed themselves. In five of the six cases, the report says investigators found insufficient evidence for a connection between police and the suicide, and in the last case there was no reason to believe officers committed any offence. "However, after inquiry with the RCMP, it did not appear that there were any RCMP-specific policies or protocols which outlines guidelines, procedures or strategies towards minimizing the risk of suicide under these circumstances," the report said. With six deaths over less that two years, the IIO report said it asked the RCMP complaints commission and the Mounties to examine procedures for releasing people from custody who may be at risk of suicide. Command staff at RCMP's B.C. headquarters have responded to the IIO request, saying it will review officer training to identify someone who may be at risk. The report also says IIO staff reviewed 71 investigations and found that footage from body-worn cameras would have potentially assisted in resolving 93 per cent of the cases. A special legislative committee addressed the issue of body-worn cameras by officers to assist IIO investigations and recommended the provincial government aggressively pursue the steps necessary to implement the police use of the cameras. In the event of a death or series injury, officers involved are required by all police agencies in the province to prepare a duty-to-account report, telling investigators what happened. But an IIO audit identified multiple instances where officers failed the write a timely account, the report says. "In fact, in a recent adjudication, it was reported that a municipal police agency allowed a subject officer to defer the writing of a timely duty-to-account because the officer hadn't been permitted to view a video of the incident." Photo: Bonnie Gratz Play opens next week Writing a new play is not easy, particularly when it's about a monster in The Himalayas. Last year, I embarked on the task after feeling really bad for those forgotten characters from Christmas stories. Why does The Abominable Snow Beast roar all the time and never get a chance to tell his side of the story? Why are Ms Snowman and Mrs. Claus unnamed when alongside Frosty and Santa? Is Sasquatch just a lonely soul who is misunderstood and camera shy? Yeti The Untold Story of The Abominable Snow Monster, is my story of the mysterious, elusive snow beast that up until now has merely been the stuff of legend. Following the crazy hit of our Christmas play last year, the New Vintage team and I have been at hard at work on the premiere of this winter play. It has been a challenge. Many of the team recently finished Macbeth and jumping into a family show that takes place at the snowy North Pole took some acclimatization. Others have had to explore moving in new and different ways as they are now big, furry and have enormous feet. Our dates are also pretty awkward, just after Remembrance Day, before December; we are battling some serious anti-early Christmas sentiment. That said we are now ready to open the real story of Yeti on Wednesday and a whole cast of characters promise you a wonderful kick off to the winter holiday season with the quirky vibe we are known for. You will also learn some facts about Yetis because I used historical accounts of Yeti sightings, too. That and my own experiences as a parent and teacher are the basis for this story. Its a weird combination, but monster wrangling and parenting are sometimes strangely similar and this story is one that is really adorable on stage. The songs are also songs I sang to my little boys, now huge and grown up, so it is very personal. The plays theme of acceptance is also makes it a hit with schools; all of our matinees have been sold out since September. Yeti The Untold Story stars theatre favourites Torsten Norgel, as Yeti, with Ashley Plomp, Graham Daley, Adam Weaver, Sheila Campbell, Josie Morrow, Ashley Johnson, Justin Gaudio, Hailey Sabourin, Juice FMs Joseph Otoo, and Vince Walzak returns as Santa. Pre-show snowflake making and post-show meet and photos with the characters will be added features of this fun event. I hope you can make it to my newest play. There are still tickets available to the evening performances of Yeti The Untold Story of The Abominable Snow Monster for Nov. 16, 18-19, 22-23 shows at 7 p.m. Tickets, which range from $20-$10, are available at www.rotarycentreforthearts.com or by calling 250-717-5304. This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet. The following editorial appeared in the Wisconsin State Journal on Wednesday, Nov. 9: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Oshkosh, has an unusual opportunity during his second term. He can take tough votes without having to worry about those decisions costing him the next election. Thats because Johnson, who held his seat in Tuesdays race against former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, pledged during his campaign to make this his last term. Announcing your departure six years before you actually leave comes with risk. Johnson could lose relevancy if the powers that be both in and out of government think his days in office are numbered. But reducing Americas budget deficit and controlling its debt two of Johnsons biggest goals will require limits on spending, which isnt popular. Improving the nations finances also will be easier if the economy improves. Johnsons inclination is to support trade and boost exports to help get that done despite a skeptical public. We didnt endorse Johnsons campaign. But we wish him well in trying to ensure future generations of Americans arent buried in debt. His business background will help inform congressional efforts to smooth regulation, boost startups and help businesses expand. Success will require compromise. Johnson should always remember that. Getting important legislation to the presidents desk will require some Democratic votes. Johnson should stand on his principles, but he also must show more independence, challenging his party to accomplish more through negotiation. With Donald J. Trump set to become the 45th President of the United States in January 2017, there has been renewed optimism by the cigar community in terms of the industrys battle against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As many know, the battle is centered on fighting the new Deeming Regulations the FDA has imposed on premium hand-made cigars. While certainly the optimism can be justified, the road ahead is still quite difficult and a lot will still need to happen for the cigar industry to make progress. Why the Optimism? It was the 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Act that gave the FDA authority over premium cigars. This was signed into law by President Barack Obama, a Democrat. Obama, has also been associated by many with implementing many federal regulations under his presidency. Ultimately, it is President Obama who is looked upon as the one who handed the FDA power of the cigar industry. The new President-elect, Donald Trump has pledged tor reduce regulations. In his Contract with the American Voter, Trump pledged that for any regulation created, there must be two regulations eliminated. Given this position, and the fact that Trump is not a Democrat, this is a contributing factor to the optimism the cigar industry has against the battle for the FDA. Another reason for optimism is the Vice President-elect Mike Pence has shown signs of being friendly toward the cigar industry. In 2011, while he served in the House of Representatives; the Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Jobs Preservation Act of 2011 (HR 1639). In 2015 as Governor of Indiana, he signed Senate Bill 463 into law that ammends the Indiana State Clean Air Act that allowed for the establishment of new cigar bars. The Challenge In terms of President-elect Trump, while we know his position on regulations, his position (if any) is not clear when it comes to the tobacco industry and in particular the premium cigar segment. We do know he does not smoke and has told his children not to smoke. During this past election cycle, Cigar Rights of America wrote an open letter to the Presidential candidates asking for support in the battle against the FDA. We dont know if Trump read the letter, nor do we know if the cigar industry has had any contact with Trumps inner circle on this topic. There is also a general feeling that Trump will focus on bigger problems than what is facing the small cigar industry. As a result, it is very much an unknown if or how Trump would react to supporting the cigar industry against the FDA. While we do know Vice President-elect Pence has supported the industry in the past, its a similar story. We dont know if he has seen the open letter, nor do we know if he has had recent contact with the industry. Dont Count on Senator Marco Rubio or Rudy Giuliani There is a feeling that both Senator Marco Rubio and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, both of whom have shown support for the cigar industry can possibly help penetrate the Trump inner circle. This feeling is most likely looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. Senator Rubio has been a sponsor of the legislation in the Senate to exempt premium cigars since 2011. He has been a part of this legislation for six years and has shown an affinity for cigars. Back in 2012, Rubio gave a speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention where he talked about his grandfathers love of Padron Cigars and how he used to sit with his grandfather as he smoked cigars. He recently visited the J.C. Newman Cigar Factory as a part of what was most likely a campaign stop to show his support for the premium cigar industry. However, it is well-known that Rubio and Trump are not close. Rubio pretty much has provided only lukewarm support to Trump since losing his own chance at the nomination. As a result, the likelihood that he would be the agent to bring this issue to Trumps attention is a long-shot. While Rubio has demonstrated he understands the issues facing the cigar industry, he has not gotten much done to advance the cause of saving the premium cigar industry. While Giulianis relationship is different, ultimately it is unlikely for him to be the agent of change either. Giuliani is closer to Trump and it is speculated he is up for a cabinet position. On election night, Giuliani appeared on Fox News and talked about his love of Little Havana, Padron, and Don Pepin Garcia. However, if Giuliani gets a Cabinet position, it probably wont be as Secretary of Health and Human Services (where the FDA falls under) but in another area (such as Homeland Security) where it will focus his attention in other areas. In addition, Giuliani has been in many cigar shops and met with many cigar people. He hasnt shown any inclination to help the industry further in this cause. There is no reason to believe he will start doing this now. The Secretary of Health and Human Services Post Will be Key Since the Trump Administration will be naming a new Secretary of Health and Human Services, (HHS) this is going to be the appointment cigar enthusiasts will need to look at closely. This is because the FDA is an agency under HHS. If the cigar industry wants to have any influence in this area, the appointment will need to be of someone who is sympathetic to the needs of the cigar industry. Even more so, it needs to be someone who is willing to stick his neck out on the line. Possibly someone like a Governor Rick Scott of Florida could fit the mold of such a candidate. In 2014, Scott wrote a letter to the FDA calling for a premium cigar exemption. I am not saying Scott is a candidate, but it would probably take someone like that in order for the appointment to have any weight for the cigar industry. Trump Cant Totally Undo the Regulations with the Swoop of a Pen As President, Donald Trump cannot repeal the regulations with a pen. In order to repeal a law, a bill must be introduced to Congress. This means when the new Congress takes place the legislation for an exemption of premium cigars will need to be introduced again. While garnering a bunch of cosponsors over the years, these bills have failed to advance. They have served a purpose namely to built support and awareness of the cause of the premium cigar industrys challenge agains the FDA. Unless something changes, it is unlikely these bills make it to Trumps desk on the Oval Office. The funding mechanisms for the FDA that come through the Appropriations Bill could a way to get an exemption or move the predicate date for grandfathering from 2007. The upcoming Appropriations Bill still has to pass the House and be introduced to the Senate. It will ultimately need to be signed off by President Obama. The Appropriations Bill is an annual event, thus any language in the bill is only good for one year. In other words, an exemption and change in predicate date needs to make its way into each annual Appropriations Bill. This is a bill that would ultimately need to be signed by a President Trump. Most Likely There Will Be Another White House Petition Like it or not, we are most likely going to have another White House petition come 2017 on getting an exemption for premium cigars. I realize the petitions seem like pushing on a rope. In general, I think the industry is going to need to make a bigger grass roots push with a petition especially now that the threshold to get the petition looked at has moved from 25,000 signatures to 100,000 signatures. The cigar industrys first petition hit the 25,000 plateau, but ultimately was kicked back to the FDA. The cigar industrys second petition fell well-short of the 100,000 and didnt even reach 25,000. A grass roots push will mean more than posting this on Facebook and social media. It will need to more than just the CRA Ambassadors doing their job. Its going to involve every manufacturer, brand owner, and retailer making direct contact outside of social media with consumers to sign this petition. Its also going to involve explaining to consumers why they are being asked to sign yet another petition. Ultimately, for a petition effort to work, its going to take a well-orchestrated plan. I would even call on the cigar and electronic cigarette industry to possibly look at a joint-plan for a petition. While this might seem like an odd combination of joining forces, it is going to be necessary to get to 100,000 signatures. The fact that the cigar and vape industries both fell short on previous petition efforts did not help either industry. Perhaps a combined effort would get more attention on the over-reaching aspects of the regulations as a whole. In the end, we do need a petition with large numbers if we want Donald Trump to take a look at this as it will show concrete numbers of support. But as I said, the approach most likely needs to change. Troops and Cuba One possible angle to gain some support centers the recent clarification by the FDA that donations to the troops of cigars by manufacturers are no longer allowed. This is something that has gained the attention of mainstream media and it could get the attention of more people in Washington and in particular the Trump Administration on the impacts of the regulations. Trump has taken very pro-military stance and perhaps if this issue gets his attention, it might lead to him looking closer at the over-arching reach of the regulations. Cuba is another story. The idea that Cuban cigars cant be sold in the U.S. market because they have not been approved by the FDA does not help here. Trump has already said he is taking a tougher stance on opening diplomatic relations to Cuba and is in no rush to open up trade without pre-conditions being met. Final Thoughts The cigar industry is now being regulated. It now faces an enormous task of trying to undo what is now currently being put in place. If I look at the state of the cigar industrys battle with the FDA pre November 8th, 2016 versus post November 8th 2016, I dont see it much different. Much of the landscape is still the same. The challenges ahead still weigh heavy. While on the surface, it seems like I am a pessimist, this is just a reality of the situation. Ultimately while we do have a new President taking office in Donald Trump, this industry has a long road ahead to creating the awareness necessary to gain support to the cause. Teacher Carla Vande Steeg (upper right) and her class of fifth graders at Howard Cattle Elementary School held a fundraiser to raise money to provide Thanksgiving turkeys for needy families. Accepting their donation is Cindy Vande Steeg (back left), their teachers mother and founding member of Food For Life Ministry Inc. remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. This service applies to you if your subscription has not yet expired on our old site. You will have continued access until your subscription expires; then you will need to purchase an ongoing subscription through our new system. Please contact The Chanute Tribune office at 620-431-4100 if you have any questions A supporter holds a campaign sign for Donald Trump with Pepe the Frog drawn on it during a rally in the Sun Country Airlines Hangar at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport Nov. 6. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images) 4chan's /pol/ boards have, for much of the 2016 campaign, felt like an alternate reality, one where a Trump presidency was not only possible but inevitable. At some point on Tuesday evening, the board's Trump-loving, racist memers began to realize that they were actually right. "I'm f---- trembling out of excitement brahs," one 4channer wrote Tuesday night, adding a very excited Pepe the Frog drawing. "We actually elected a meme as president." Advertisement The first threads for collecting examples of genuinely upset "libtards" and Clinton supporters in order to meme, mock and bombard them on Twitter began shortly after that. On 4chan, a night that even a lot of 4channers thought would be a meltdown turned in a celebration filled with schadenfreude, internet-savvy racism and frogs. 4chan has, over the course of Trump's ascendancy to president-elect, watched in delighted astonishment as their little fringe of internet life made its way repeatedly into the mainstream conversation of the elections. This is, after all, the decade-old internet forum whose beloved Pepe meme caused a weeks-long national panic and a denunciation from the Clinton campaign in September because of its new popularity among white supremacist Trump backers. Advertisement The notorious message board has a long history of offending, harassing or "triggering" its enemies mainly but not exclusively liberals, minorities and establishment Republicans for its own amusement (i.e. lulz). The Trump movement was the perfect pathway for a wider audience of targets. The "4chan vote" was not the crucial voting block that swung the election to Trump, but that sentiment the belief that 4chan had actually contributed to or straight up caused Trump's win was everywhere on the boards for most of the night. Just hours earlier, the boards were filled with much sadder Pepes and anxiety about the then-positive results for Clinton, along with insults directed at the journalists who, they knew, expected to watch the live collapse of the alt-right on the boards there all day long. At around 8 p.m., the chaos of ironic and genuine hand-wringing posts about /pol/ members having trouble voting and accusations of voter fraud began to slowly give way to screenshots of Florida. Florida was a "must-win" state for Trump, everyone had said, and /pol/ documented every fluctuation there. Soon though, panicked screenshots of a blue Florida gave way to red ones. One thread filled up with hundreds of Pepes to help meme Florida over to Trump, as if their energy could help Florida stay red. "WE WON THAT," one thread began as Florida's red shade held. "HOW DO YOU FEEL GUYS. B--- IS GOING TO JAIL," in reference to Clinton. Wrote another 4channer: "Holy s-- I just cant believe (((they))) are allowing this." The triple parenthesis are a racist meme meant to signify that someone is Jewish. Disbelief gave soon gave way to impatience and conspiracy for some. "CNN and NBC are up to something," one person wrote. "Neither of them have reported on Florida being won by Trump, both are reporting Hillary is in the lead. I feel they're holding off waiting for the Dems to meddle with the votes." Another encouraged those in states where voters were still at the polls to "Use EVERY weapon in our meme arsenal to turn Blacks & Hispanics away from Hillary." The post re-upped a bunch of 4chan's "vote by text" hoax images and various other anti-Clinton memes. "WHATEVER IT TAKES (legally) TO MAGA! Push like your life depends on it (it does) SHARE AND MAGA!" By about 9:45, 4chan had noticed that the New York Times' real-time predictions on the election's outcome had suddenly started favoring Trump, after starting off the day heavily favoring Clinton. The board became a typically chaotic mess of celebrations, threads urging "meme magic" for other swing states particularly Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia and speculation about the Trump presidency that, as the hours ticked on, became all but certain. Advertisement "I should be sleeping, work tomorrow will be tough but the morning will be a glorious one," one post reads. They discussed which mainstream or liberal news coverage was the best to watch for potential journalist freak-outs as Clinton's path to victory disappeared. (The consensus was: The Young Turks, although one 4channer speculated that if any mainstream journalists "had handguns theyd be offing themselves right there on live tv") Brexiters joined in the celebrations, and one 4channer rewrote a popular post from the board's celebration of the Brexit vote to be about Trump. Finally, by about 2 a.m., the anxiety had disappeared from the boards, as the calls handing Trump the presidency began to roll in. And /pol/ reflected on how it good it felt, to them, to be right. In September 2011, just 40 percent of mortgage applications to buy a home closed within 90 days. This September, more than 75 percent of applications were approved. (courtneyk / Getty Images) It might be easier to get approved for a mortgage than you realize. In the immediate aftermath of the housing market crash, options for would-be homeowners with little savings nearly disappeared, and lenders became more wary about saying yes even for plain-vanilla mortgages. But it's not 2010 any more. Advertisement "Over the last four or five years, it's loosened up," said Matthew Koch, the senior vice president in charge of mortgage lending in Chicago for Fifth Third Bank and a member of the board of directors of the Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association. In September 2011, just 40 percent of mortgage applications to purchase a home closed within 90 days, according to the software firm Ellie Mae, which processes about a quarter of U.S. residential mortgages. This September, more than 75 percent of applications were approved, the highest figure the company has recorded. Advertisement A look at the supply side helps explain why. This week the Federal Reserve Board released its quarterly survey of senior loan officers. A "moderate net fraction of banks" reported they eased standards on nearly every type of residential mortgage. That's been the case for some or most of the mortgage categories in every report since July 2014. "The tide is rising. It's not a massive wave," said Joe Tyrrell, executive vice president of corporate strategy for Ellie Mae. "It's getting better, but it's been getting better slowly." Since there hasn't been one big shift at any given moment, perception hasn't quite caught up with reality. James Tausche, senior vice president of residential lending at 1st Advantage Mortgage, has been in the business in Chicago for 25 years, closing more than $30 million annually. To him, it's clear that there are many misconceptions today about what it takes to get a mortgage. "I've heard so many millennials saying, 'Don't you have to put 20 percent down to get a mortgage?'" he said. That was never the case, although for a few years after the housing crisis it usually would have taken 20 percent down to qualify for a jumbo mortgage, a loan of more than $417,000. Since Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac won't repurchase jumbos, lenders were extra careful to be sure borrower equity was very high. Today, jumbo loans can be found for 5 or 10 percent down. The minimum equity for conventional mortgages has dipped in recent years as well, from 5 percent to as low as 3 percent. Fannie and Freddie even changed the rules so a family member can provide a portion of the down payment as a gift. Of course, getting the green light for a mortgage is based on more than how much money you can put down. Lenders have eased their requirements for those other factors too. Advertisement The government didn't hike the minimum FICO credit score required for a Federal Housing Administration loan in the years after 2008, but to shield themselves against defaults, banks raised the score they would accept. These "credit overlays" are now almost gone. For a conventional mortgage, the requirements for a credit score aren't as cut and dried, and here too, the market has been getting better for borrowers. Freddie and Fannie would like to see a FICO score of at least 740, but a lower number can still land a mortgage you just have to pay a bit more in interest. "But it might be just a slightly higher rate," Tausche explained. "An eighth of a point can mean $20 or $30 a month more. You can't get a large pizza delivered to your house for $20. Not a good one, at least." As for being allowed to borrow enough to get the house they want, with the current required ratio of debt-to-income standing at 43 percent, most buyers will be more limited by their own fiscal prudence than how much the banks will lend them. Over the last year or so, Fannie and Freddie also have partnered with a number of lenders to open up more opportunities for consumers without much capital or income. These programs offer special terms for borrowers with solid credit, many specifically targeted to first-time or minority homeowners. Other programs provide homeowner assistance and even grants that help defray closing costs or lower the amount required for a down payment. "For borrowers in the low- or moderate-income range, or in low- or moderate-income census tracts, there is plenty of assistance available," Koch said. Advertisement Koch estimated that there are as many as 30 such programs in and around Chicago. These include nonprofits that offer advice, grants and mortgages to low-income families, such as Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago, and government agencies that can provide financial assistance to applicants working with a bank or mortgage broker, like the Illinois Housing Development Authority and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. There is some bad news among all this cheer. While in the end it might be easier to qualify for a mortgage than five years ago, the process to be approved is undoubtedly harder. "Getting a mortgage before (the housing crash) was like getting a massage. Now it's like a colonoscopy," said Andy Harris, president of Vantage Mortgage Group in Oregon and a member of the executive board of the National Association of Mortgage Professionals. "You just have to prepare for it." Two years ago, the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created a mandatory new set of standards for residential lending: the qualified mortgage. Along with protecting borrowers against unscrupulous practices like overburdensome fees, the new rules are much more stringent about the documentation that banks and other lenders must get from applicants. That means producing every pay stub and statement and explaining the source of every bank deposit. For independent contractors and borrowers who derive much of their income from investments, there is even more paperwork and questions. That level of rigor might be a pain, but it does help ensure fewer borrowers go belly up. Anyone who read or watched "The Big Short" knows the dangers of subprime mortgages given too freely. Hearing about how lending is getting easier and about a new generation of programs that make it possible to buy a home with very little equity can be a little disquieting. Advertisement But the experts say that we're far from going back to the "Wild West" of pre-2008, when borrowers could get subprime loans with poor credit, no money down and little chance to actually pay off the loan. "The rules are looser, but they're responsibly looser," Harris said. "We are fully vetting and making sure that everybody has the ability to pay their mortgage." Carl Vogel is a freelance writer. ctc-realestate@chicagotribune.com RELATED STORIES: How to buy a home in a hurry: Chicago experts, buyers give tips As baby boomers age, a growing potential client base for adult-only residential communities Advertisement How to keep your for-sale house clean Watch our latest Real Estate videos. Unofficial results show almost 14,000 Henry County residents voted for Republican Donald Trump, while about 9,000 voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton. The county chose Democrat Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune) (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune/Chicago Tribune) CAMBRIDGE, Ill. Until Labor Day, support for Donald Trump in this conservative rural Illinois county near the Iowa state line seemed as subdued as a late Sunday afternoon. Henry County Republican Chairwoman Jan Weber said she bought a few Trump lawn signs with her own money and hoped she would break even by selling them to supporters for party contributions of $2 each. Advertisement Then, perhaps prompted by intense TV advertising in Iowa that spilled into Henry County living rooms, interest in Trump exploded. Requests for lawn signs were "overwhelming," Weber said. "Our phones were ringing all the time." And, on Tuesday, support in places like Henry County propelled the blustery billionaire into the most powerful public office on Earth, inspiring some and sending others to take to the streets in protest. Advertisement A sign posted in the front lawn of a house along Court Street in Cambridge, Ill., on Nov. 10, 2016. The town is in Henry County, which went for Donald Trump on Election Day. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune) Illinois, which has been reliably blue in presidential elections, turned out to be two distinct states in this year's version. Chicago and much of the metro region around it went blue for Hillary Clinton, who received Illinois' 20 electoral votes. Voters nearly everywhere else in Illinois went red for Trump. In Henry County, the results underscore the diversity that makes the Land of Lincoln a place many consider an authentic microcosm of the U.S. This year's unofficial vote totals in Henry County show almost 14,000 people cast ballots for Trump, while about 9,000 voted for Clinton. In the previous two presidential elections, Henry County chose Democrat Barack Obama. In 2004, the county went red for Republican George W. Bush. Named for fiery Revolutionary War statesman Patrick Henry, the county stands about 150 miles west of Chicago and 16 miles east of the Mississippi River. It has about 50,000 residents, three gun manufacturers, two ethanol plants and one town Kewanee, population 13,000 that Rand McNally cited as America's friendliest small town in 2013. Corn and soybean fields cover most of Henry County's rolling landscape. Hog and cattle farming are not as prevalent as they once were, and the county boasts the most miles of interstate of any Illinois county outside Cook. It also is about 95 percent white and conservative. Voters overwhelmingly elect Republicans in county races and as state representatives and senators. That's why Bush received 52 percent of the vote in 2004 to John Kerry's 47 percent, residents say. When Barack Obama came along in 2008, "They thought change," said the Rev. Randall Swanson of the Cambridge Lutheran Church, who has lived in Henry County for most of his 68 years. The church has stood on the corner of Court and West streets since 1875. "He was somebody different and they were frustrated after Bush and the wars." Obama was a fresh face, an eloquent, articulate speaker with a powerful and poignant message of unity that resonated across the country, Swanson and others in Henry County said. Voters got caught up in the hope and precedent of sending an African-American man to the Oval Office for the first time, they said. "On the night he was elected, it was my hope that he would have a successful presidency," said Marshall Jones, an African-American Republican member of the Henry County Board who also serves as a hospice chaplain and volunteers on the boards of several nonprofits. Advertisement Expand Autoplay Image 1 of 10 The Rev. Randall Swanson talks about the presidential election at Cambridge Lutheran Church in Cambridge, Ill., on Nov. 10, 2016. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune) That success failed to occur, said Jones, 65, who'd spent part of his Thursday morning teaching children in Junior Achievement and ministering to a hospice patient. Obama "thought he didn't need to talk to" Republicans in the House and Senate, Jones said. At the same time, Republicans gained a reputation as "obstructionists," he added. "The past eight years have been at a standstill," Jones said. He has resided in Henry County since 1984. "We're not progressing at the rate we could or should be." Then came the brutal 2016 presidential campaign. Henry County showed voters' perceptions can be different between Chicago and the Mississippi River, or Chicago and many rural regions of Illinois. That urban-rural divide became particularly evident across the U.S. in this presidential election. While support for Trump was slow to build, Henry County Democrat Ted Sturtevant said in a phone interview that local voters viewed Trump as more aligned with their conservative views, particularly on prospective Supreme Court nominees, gun ownership and abortion. In addition, Henry County, like many rural areas across Illinois and the U.S., is struggling economically. Population is dwindling. Most young people who leave home for college plant roots elsewhere, primarily in cities and suburbs. "Trump talks like he can fix the economy," said Sturtevant, 78, a lifelong Henry County resident and County Board member. "That was probably the most important thing. People think of him as a successful businessman." Advertisement Attorney Thomas Montgomery, who has practiced law since 1975 in Cambridge, said the reason for Trump's success in Henry County is similar to the reason the majority of voters chose Obama in 2008: He's a change agent but an even more rebellious version. "He went in and destroyed not only the Democratic Party but the Republican Party as well," said Montgomery, wearing an orange and blue striped bow tie at his desk in an old bank building in the town of 2,100. A portrait of Abraham Lincoln was mounted on the wall behind him. Next to it was a Rotary International banner that read, "Cambridge, where agriculture works to serve the world." "He's destroyed the political establishment," Montgomery said. "We want change . . . and here he is, a wild hybrid. You don't know what he is." Dislike for Clinton also was strong and widespread in Henry County, Montgomery and others said. She was perceived as carrying the torch of Obama, whose Affordable Care Act was very unpopular in the area. Voters also viewed her as perhaps even more liberal than Obama on gun control and in her choices for the U.S. Supreme Court. People here also were critical of Clinton's handling of the terrorist attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi in 2012, controversies over her private email server, her finessing of the truth and her arrogance, Montgomery said. "She had a great ability to alienate," he said, "and people have strong feelings of hostility toward her." Advertisement It would seem naive to claim that Trump's racially charged rhetoric played no role in drawing a certain brand of voters to him. After all, the Ku Klux Klan endorsed Trump. But the role of race in this election is somewhat nuanced. Nationally, Clinton drew less than 40 percent of white Catholic voters, compared with nearly 50 percent who voted for Obama in 2008. More white women across the U.S. voted for Trump than Clinton, and Trump received more votes from African-Americans than 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Montgomery, Swanson, Weber and even Jones dismiss the notion that Trump's racist language may have appealed to voters in the predominantly white county. "I don't believe race played much of a role in Henry County," Jones said after a meeting of the Salvation Army advisory board in Kewanee. "The people here are looking for a change in policy, a change in direction. You will find some people with racist tendencies no matter where you are." Montgomery acknowledged Trump "stated things rather bluntly and maybe inappropriately," but the Obama administration has been unsuccessful in bridging the racial divide. Attorney Thomas Montgomery stands in his law office in Cambridge, Ill., on Nov. 10, 2016. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune) As for Trump's demeaning comments toward and boasting of groping of women, GOP Chairwoman Weber called it "a hard pill to swallow, but I felt in my heart and my mind that he was the better person to lead our country, and I moved on from it." Advertisement People in Henry County are reluctant to say how they voted in the presidential election, residents say. Sturtevant, the Democrat, declined to share his decision, as did Montgomery, although he said he viewed Ohio Gov. John Kasich as "an ideal candidate." Swanson said he wrote in Kasich's name on the ballot. On Election Day, Jones stood in the voting booth for "a good 15 minutes" filling out his ballot, he said. He was struggling with the presidential choices, and eventually left that space blank. Like others in Henry County, Jones said people need to drop their strong political affiliation and concentrate on improving the lives of all Americans. Daywatch Weekdays Start each day with Chicago Tribune editors' top story picks, delivered to your inbox. > "If we continue to splinter ourselves into so many groups," he said, "if we can't agree to disagree on certain issues and still make progress, we're in trouble." At the Lutheran church, Swanson sat in the sanctuary. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows. He said he had to return to work, needed to unload Sunday school craft materials from his car and get started on his sermon. Advertisement "I'm thinking that a lot of us are trying to be optimistic," he said. Down the street from Swanson's church is the Kwik Shop gas station and mini mart. Cars and trucks heading east toward Chicago pass a sign that covers the store's broad window. "Pray for our country," it reads, "to be united." tgregory@chicagotribune.com Twitter @tgregoryreports Riley Bolstad, 19, and her newborn Hudson at a Teen Parent Connection meeting at a Glen Ellyn church last week. The agency assisted more than 500 mothers last year. (James C. Svehla / for the Chicago Tribune) Clarissa Mendez thought she was the only girl in the world in her situation. The Bolingbrook 16-year-old was beginning her junior year of high school, and she was two months pregnant. Advertisement The folks at Teen Parent Connection, a Glen Ellyn nonprofit that provides programs and services to pregnant teens and teenage parents, expected she might feel that way. "The isolation factor is a big thing for young parents. They have many stresses in their life, and isolation is one of the big ones," said Becky Beilfuss, the agency's executive director. Advertisement Beilfuss knows. She was once a pregnant teen coming to the agency for help. Now she leads it. Mendez, referred to Teen Parent Connection by her school counselor, is now an 18-year-old high school graduate with an active 1-year-old daughter, Dianna. When the school told her about the agency, she decided to give them a chance. She says they also gave her one. "They gave me hope and motivated me," Mendez said. "They are the reason I was motivated to finish high school. They made a big difference for me." Teen Parent Connection is one of many organizations that receives financial support from Chicago Tribune Charities, a McCormick Foundation fund. Although teen birth rate has declined in DuPage County over the last several years, following the national trend, Beilfuss said the group continues to have a waiting list of teens wanting to be part of programs. The nonprofit had 350 referrals last year from the DuPage County Health Department, schools, churches and other organizations. The Teen Parent Connection served about 540 parents last year through various programs that begin during pregnancy and continue through children's first five years. The agency's Family Strengthening program, serving DuPage County parents ranging in age from 12 to 20, begins with prenatal care and support groups, and continues until the child turns 5. It includes home visits through the Doula Program that begin during the third trimester of pregnancy, and parents transition into a Healthy Families program within eight weeks of the birth. Advertisement The Healthy Families program includes weekly home visits for the first year as well as support groups, focusing on parent-child relationships and helping parents move on with their goals, Beilfuss said. And young fathers can take part in a Strong Dads program. Support groups include free child care and meals two things parents of any age appreciate. "Parenting is hard at any age, but it's especially hard when you are 16," Beilfuss said. "We like to keep them involved." The agency's goal is to keep teen parents active in the support program until their child is 5, Beilfuss said. And they are rewarded for their efforts. Participation in programs, staying in school, earning good grades, getting a job and keeping doctor appointments for their child earn parents "baby bucks" that they can use at the agency's pantry to buy diapers, formula and supplies. Mendez said she frequents the pantry for formula and clothes for Dianna. She also continues to attend support group meetings, and she recently began working as a peer educator specialist for the agency, going to schools in DuPage County and sharing the struggles of her experience having a child at a young age. Advertisement "They were lots of help with what to expect during pregnancy and after. They prepared me for after the baby is born," she said. "And I've met a lot of friends through them," she added. "They always told me to keep my head up." Joan Cary is a freelance reporter. Chicago police promised Friday to meet monthly with a group of African-American students to work on improving race relations, an effort at quelling unrest in the Mount Greenwood neighborhood after a police-involved shooting of a black man last weekend led to protests and canceled classes at one school. The promise came after a 2 1/2-hour closed-door meeting at Chicago Public Schools headquarters with the students, police, the 19th Ward alderman and the principal at Marist High School, which had been targeted by protesters after racist comments written by some students in reaction to the ongoing controversy were posted online. Advertisement "I would describe it as a very productive conversation opening up dialogue, working towards peace and bringing students from these schools and students from Marist High School in my community together to talk about a topic that many are uncomfortable with, and that's race relations in our country," Ald. Matt O'Shea said of Friday's conversation. "I thought today was a great first step and I look forward to continuing to work with these young ladies" The six female students and Superintendent Eddie Johnson said Friday that they agreed to monthly meetings with the police superintendent, sessions with Chicago police officers to inform them about the movement's nonviolent message and a series of community town hall discussions in Mount Greenwood aimed at improving race relations. Advertisement After the meeting, Johnson spoke to reporters inside the lobby and said he pledged to meet with the students representing Black Lives Matter Youth every month to talk about racism in the city. "I want to commend them for their courage and bringing us, forcing us, actually, to come to the table to talk to them about their concerns," Johnson said. "They have forced us to have to tackle that head on and I think that we should." The students, some of whom said they know black students at Marist, told reporters that, among other things, Johnson agreed to "workshops" for his officers to learn about the position of Black Lives Matter. "So they understand that when we say 'Black Lives Matter,' we're not saying that their life doesn't matter," said Maxine Aguilar, a junior at Jones College Prep. "That they understand the point of our organization, as part of Black Lives Matter, is to protect black people similar to how their job as police officers is to protect all people, and that we should have a level of understanding with each other." Johnson also agreed to monthly meetings with the students to discuss issues on "police brutality, systemic racism and the criminalization of brown and black children in school," said Eva Lewis, a senior at Payton College Prep. "This meeting was very productive and we look forward to the officials that we met acting on the demands that we gave them," said Maxine Wint, a student at Kenwood Academy High School on the South Side. Students said they also spoke with Marist Principal Larry Tucker about improving race relations at the high school during Friday's meeting, but that at his request, they could not comment on the specifics of the conversation because he preferred to share details with his students and their families before anything was announced publicly. Jessica Daniels, a Payton student, said her fellow organizers had taken up the cause of black students at Marist, a non-CPS school, because they pride themselves on spearheading conversations about race across the city, regardless of location or school affiliation. Advertisement "This is what we dedicate our lives to and so to see racial aggression being implemented in another school, we cannot stand as bystanders, and we had to act," she said. The incident at Marist that sparked protesters' outrage involved several senior girls who were discussing, over a group text, the impact that the police shooting of a black man in Mount Greenwood and the resulting Black Lives Matter protests would have on classes this week. One of the girls used profanity and the N-word, according to a screen shot shared widely on Twitter, and at least four others reaffirmed the racist message, screen shots indicate. School administrators said they were "devastated" by the incident and promised disciplinary action against those involved. They also convened a meeting of the school's Peace and Unity student group on Monday to discuss the handling of race relations at the school, and held a schoolwide assembly Tuesday to reiterate Marist's values, officials said. The students had planned a protest outside Marist on Friday, but it was canceled, students said, after CPS officials informed them they had reports their appearance could spark violence against them. Marist also canceled classes Friday in response to the possible protest. Advertisement "After communicating with local officials and assessing the situation internally, we feel it is in the best interest of our school community to not be in session tomorrow," a statement posted Thursday on the school's website reads. "Not only is safety our first concern, but limiting disruptions to the learning process is vital to our students' success." Johnson said he did not feel the students would have been at any greater risk marching outside Marist than if they were marching anywhere else. O'Shea said there would be a prayer vigil and town halls in his ward to bring residents together, as well as an outreach effort to local schools. "Racism is learned. Kids aren't born with it. They learn it," O'Shea said. "I want to reach out to our local schools and bring children together to talk about this topic." Johnson said the students at Friday's meeting planned to hold a protest march on Sunday, but it has been postponed. "Everyone in Chicago has a right to have their voices heard, but you want to ensure that the venue that you choose you have the most impact, and I think those young ladies understand that they have an opportunity now to have an impact on race relations in this city," Johnson said. Advertisement He said it was important for the police to be a part of Friday's conversation because the department is responsible to protect everyone's right to protest. He doesn't mind what rhetoric is used during protests as long as it doesn't lead to violence. "Everybody has a right to their opinion," he said. "CPD doesn't take sides. We swore an oath to serve and protect the citizens regardless of which side of the fence you're on in these particular events." O'Shea said he was "caught by surprise" and saddened by the tension that has erupted in Mount Greenwood over the last week. "But I think today, we began to turn the corner," O'Shea said. "And we can begin the healing process and find peace and that's what my hope is, and I think I speak for everybody here today." When asked if he can speed up the healing process, he said, "we've had racism in our country for more than 200 years. I don't know how much we can speed it up. But I know that in talking to the overwhelming majority of my community, they want to see the process sped up. And they want to start the healing. And they want to start an open dialogue." Jeremy Gorner is a Chicago Tribune reporter; Zak Koeske is a Daily Southtown reporter. Advertisement jgorner@chicagotribune.com zkoeske@chicagotribune.com Twitter @ZakKoeske Hundreds of people attend a District 211 special board meeting on Dec. 7, 2015, to discuss the settlement the Palatine-based school district approved the week before to provide locker room access to a transgender student. Many people held signs that read Separate Is Not Equal and #WeStandWithHer. (James C. Svehla / Chicago Tribune) As pundits scramble to untangle the implications of a Donald Trump presidency on a host of public policies, among the big unknowns is whether he'll seek to dismantle transgender student access protections provided by the Obama administration. Current legal challenges to those policies could render them vulnerable, experts agree, though Trump himself has given little indication of his intentions. Advertisement And while some advocates initially welcomed the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision to hear a transgender student bathroom access case from Virginia, many are wary after Trump's election. It is all but certain he'll choose a conservative judge to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia. "I think everybody is feeling pretty nervous," said Owen Daniel-McCarter, executive director of Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, a nonprofit that works with schools on LGBTQ issues. Advertisement Since the election, the Chicago group has fielded questions about what the future might hold for issues like bathroom access, medical coverage and the ability to change genders on driver's licenses and passports. Yet, according to the alliance, more than 25 percent of Illinois students are in gender-inclusive schools, and Daniel-McCarter said such progress is difficult to reverse. "The train has left the station, and the question for districts is, are you getting on or waiting for someone to put you on it?" he asked. In a landmark case in the northwest suburbs, the state's largest high school district granted a transgender student access to the girls locker room in January following a contentious battle with the U.S. Department of Education, fiery school board meetings and threats from the government of litigation and loss of millions in federal aid. Palatine-based Township High School District 211 finally settled with federal education authorities after they found the district had violated Title IX, the law that bans sex discrimination in schools, by denying the student full locker room access. The district installed private changing areas. A high-ranking Department of Education official called the agreement a "civil rights victory for all of us." But months later, a students' and parents' group sued District 211 and the federal government. A ruling in that case could come soon. In the separate case the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear next year, that of Gavin Grimm, a transgender student who sued over access to the boys bathroom, justices are expected to take up the question of whether Title IX protections extend to gender identity, as the Obama administration has argued. "This case presents difficult issues that schools are grappling with," said Adam Romero, a law professor at UCLA's Williams Institute, which focuses on gender identity issues. "On the one hand, I get that some people may not be comfortable using a restroom or locker room with someone with different anatomy. But on the other hand, many schools and workplaces have allowed transgender people to use the facilities that match their gender identity without any issue at all." Advertisement Romero said excluding transgender students "can have a profoundly negative impact on their well-being and education." Ed Yohnka is spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, which is representing the unidentified District 211 student. He said it's "impossible to know" what Trump's impact on the issue might be. Trump's transition team did not respond to requests for comment. The president-elect said little on the matter on the campaign trail, though when asked on the "Today" show which bathroom transgender people should use, he responded that they should use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, however, faced backlash last year as Indiana governor for supporting a so-called religious freedom law that critics said allowed businesses to deny service to gay and transgender people. According to recent reports, Pence has indicated support for local control of transgender issues. Religious advocacy groups such as Alliance Defending Freedom were pleased at the Supreme Court's interest in the case, said Gary McCaleb, lead attorney in the lawsuit against District 211. "Locker rooms are there to protect privacy ... not to affirm a person's self-perception of their sexuality," he said. Advertisement School districts nationwide will be closely monitoring the Supreme Court's action, said attorney Jennifer Smith, of the Chicago law firm Franczek Radelet. The firm represents close to 100 districts in Illinois, including District 211. The high court provides "an opportunity for clarity," she said. "But nothing is certain by the Supreme Court taking it ... and with the new administration, it's just very up in the air." Some Chicago-area districts, including New Trier District 203 and Plainfield District 202, did not adopt a formal policy but instead address the needs of transgender students individually, officials from both districts said. Daywatch Weekdays Start each day with Chicago Tribune editors' top story picks, delivered to your inbox. > "But as with a lot of things in education, there's the legal requirement and then there is our overall mission, which is to educate all students and to provide a safe and respectful environment for all students," said Timothy Hayes, a New Trier assistant superintendent. For many transgender rights supporters who fear a Trump administration could undo years of progress under Obama, some hope still rests in the Illinois Human Rights Act, whose protections were extended to gender identity in 2006. Of the 189 charges of discrimination filed in the past 10 years related to gender identity, 12 involved educational institutions, said Illinois Human Rights Commission spokesman Michael Theodore. Four were filed by students alleging the denial of preferred bathroom or locker room access in elementary or secondary schools, he said. Advertisement Alex McCray was one such student. His downstate Williamsville district eventually agreed this year to allow transgender students to use the restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, records show. "It goes back to being acknowledged, to being treated equally," said McCray, now 19. "It's incredible because just a year ago I was doing it alone, at a single-school level in a small town, and now it's all the way up to the Supreme Court." deldeib@chicagotribune.com Twitter @deldeib Warning: Contains graphic images and language. Thousands of people again marched through streets in downtown Chicago on Nov. 12, 2016, protesting the election of Donald Trump as president. They also joined a group protesting the Dakota Access oil pipeline at Federal Plaza. (Abel Uribe / Chicago Tribune) (Abel Uribe / Chicago Tribune/Chicago Tribune) Carrying signs and chanting, "Not my president," thousands of people marched through the streets of downtown Chicago on Saturday to protest President-elect Donald Trump. On the fourth day of demonstrations since the Tuesday election, protesters walked shoulder to shoulder down the Magnificent Mile to Millennium Park, pausing outside the Trump Tower along the Chicago River where police set up barricades to keep them from getting close. Advertisement "No Trump, no KKK, no racist USA!" they shouted, some thrusting middle fingers in the air toward the 98-story skyscraper stamped with the Trump name. Along the route, motorists honked horns in support and curious tourists and shoppers stopped to snap cellphone photos of the marchers. One man in a red University of Wisconsin sweatshirt shouted, "Go Trump!" as the crowd passed, but he was drowned out by protesters singing, "All you need is love." Advertisement Expand Autoplay Image 1 of 17 People protesting both the Dakota Access Pipeline and the election of Donald Trump pass by the Chicago Theatre during a march from Federal Plaza to Trump Tower in Chicago on Nov. 12, 2016. (Chris Sweda / Chicago Tribune) "I think it's great," said Gloria Jackson, 53, who stepped out of Ronnie's Original Chicago Steak House on West Randolph Street to let her 11-year-old grandson shoot some video on her phone. "People can let their voices be heard. That's what this country is all about, whether you're for Trump or against him." At least two groups participated in marches in and around the Loop and the Near North Side, according to organizers and police. The crowd was mostly young and very diverse, some marching in bluejeans and sweaters while others wore bandannas across their faces and militant garb. The crowd swelled to as large as several thousand at one point as protesters marched back up Michigan Avenue to Ohio Street before being turned south by police to head through River North to Federal Plaza. There, they joined with another group protesting the Dakota Access oil pipeline for a mid-afternoon rally. By 3 p.m., the protesters had dwindled to a few hundred as Native American chants echoed through the plaza and demonstrators linked arms and danced. A group of Native-Americans lead people protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline during a march from Federal Plaza to Trump Tower in Chicago on Nov. 12, 2016. (Chris Sweda / Chicago Tribune) Although loud and occasionally vulgar, the demonstrators were peaceful. Only two arrests, for obstructing traffic, were reported, according to police. "(It went) fantastically," said Chicago police Lt. Godfrey Cronin, who was stationed at Federal Plaza around 3 p.m. "A bunch of young people got together, they didn't know each other, they controlled the crowd wonderfully and everybody peacefully protested, got their message out." The ongoing Chicago demonstrations were among several held across the country, including in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Oakland, Calif., in the wake of Trump's stunning defeat of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Thousands of protesters took to Chicago's streets for nearly nine hours Wednesday and into early Thursday in an intense show of opposition to the president-elect. On Thursday evening, about 50 young people gathered at Trump Tower to protest, and a small group also demonstrated on Friday. The Chicago events have been relatively peaceful and devoid of any of the heavy vandalism or effigy burning that occurred in other cities. Advertisement A group of people protesting both the Dakota Access Pipeline and the election of Donald Trump rally in front of Trump Tower in Chicago on Nov. 12, 2016. (Chris Sweda / Chicago Tribune) As they had in previous protests, police on Saturday used bicycles to set up rolling barricades and keep the marchers to certain streets. At times, the protesters had to compete with the usual throngs of Saturday shoppers and tourists. Access to The Bean sculpture in Millennium Park had been restricted beginning in late morning, but those restrictions were later lifted to the joy of scores of tourists who had gone downtown on the sunny, crisp autumn afternoon. Earlier, protesters were in the River North area and also marched near Nordstrom on Michigan Avenue, but shopping appeared to go on unabated. The event was organized by Dustin Kloeppel, 20, who on late Wednesday created a Facebook event titled "Millennium Park Protest" that he thought would attract only family and friends. Instead, he found himself surrounded by hundreds of people Saturday morning. Kloeppel said he hopes the protest will encourage people to stay involved in the political process and to vote. Daywatch Weekdays Start each day with Chicago Tribune editors' top story picks, delivered to your inbox. > "I would really like to fight xenophobia, racism, sexism, transhomophobia, Islamophobia, all that stuff, because bigotry is not a beautiful thing and we need more beautiful things in our communities and in our lives," said Kloeppel, of Rogers Park. People protesting both the Dakota Access Pipeline and the election of Donald Trump pass by the Chicago Theatre during a march from Federal Plaza to Trump Tower in Chicago on Nov. 12, 2016. (Chris Sweda / Chicago Tribune) Richard Domenico Ehlert, one of the leaders of a larger group, said Saturday that police had been "been more cooperative than I ever would have imagined" in allowing them to exercise their First Amendment rights. Advertisement "We do not accept Trump's hatred, his bigotry, his sexism and his homophobia," said Ehlert, 19. "With the popular vote we elected Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump." jmeisner@chicagotribune.com gwong@chicagotribune.com Twitter @jmetr22b Twitter @GraceWong630 Former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock appears March 6, 2019 after his scheduled hearing at the U.S. Dirksen Courthouse in Chicago. Federal prosecutors have agreed to drop all charges against him if he pays back money he owes to the Internal Revenue Service and his campaign fund. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune) WASHINGTON Aaron Schock was 27 years old when he was elected to Congress and became the first member of the House born in the 1980s. Already a political veteran he won a write-in campaign for the Peoria school board at 19 Schock was seen as one of Capitol Hill's up and comers. It didn't hurt that he was a gym disciple with a camera-ready face. Advertisement But six years after being sworn in as a congressman in 2009, Schock resigned amid a federal and state criminal probe into how he spent campaign dollars and his $1 million-plus annual office budget. Now, Schock, 35, faces a 24-count federal indictment handed down Thursday by a Springfield grand jury that accuses him of repeatedly pilfering his campaign accounts and his House allowance for personal expenses that included travel, a flight aboard a private plane to watch the Chicago Bears and even rent payments. Advertisement Schock denied the charges in a long statement issued Thursday by his defense attorney's office, saying he intends "not only to prove these allegations false, but in the process, (to) expose this investigation for what it was." Schock drew 2016 presidential politics into his plight, noting that "unlike some politicians, I did not delete any emails, nor did my staff smash or destroy any electronic devices," alluding to allegations over a private email server Hillary Clinton used during her years as secretary of state. The spending scandal that spurred Schock's downfall erupted after what might have been a flash in the pan. He had his congressional office suite decorated with a motif inspired by "Downton Abbey," a highly popular British period drama on PBS. An Illinois designer was paid for the work, but one of Schock's aides tried to cover up her compensation. Within days, the press began digging into the lawmaker's far-flung trips, reliance on private aircraft and practice of overbilling the government for auto mileage. Schock was indicted on Thursday for crimes including theft of government funds, fraud, making false statements and filing false tax returns. A federal grand jury in Springfield returned the indictment after a 20-month probe that put Schock's financial, campaign and travel records under the microscope of an array of federal agents, including those from the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. The indictment represents a colossal fall for the ambitious central Illinois politician who won four elections to Congress. Schock, a doctor's son born in Morris, Minn., moved to Peoria in childhood and as a teen started investing in real estate. He earned a degree in finance from Bradley University. Advertisement He captured a seat on the Peoria school board in 2001 and later became board president. He sat on the board until 2005, when he won election to the Illinois House of Representatives. There, he served two terms until he heading off to Congress, full of promise. He was seen as having the vitality and communication tools to help remake the Republican Party. He was among those cited in the 2010 book "Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders," which was written by three lawmakers including Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., now the House speaker. Schock was a robust fundraiser and at ease showing up on TV news shows to tout GOP policies. Republicans rewarded him with a seat on the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee and he became a deputy whip, thereby earning a spot in House GOP leadership. Still he was restless. Schock considered a 2014 run for Illinois governor before sitting out the race won by Republican Bruce Rauner. In Congress, Schock's flamboyance set him apart from his party's gray-haired elders. At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on President Barack Obama's budget, Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., peruses Washington Life magazine, described as "Washington DC's premier guide to luxury, power, philanthropy & style." (J. Scott Applewhite / AP) He was a gym fanatic who bared his six-pack abs on the cover of Men's Health magazine. He made the papers for adding political pizazz when showing up at star-studded events such as the Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas. On Instagram he documented his adventures in exotic locales from the Greek isles to the glaciers of Patagonia, once even posing for a photo while dancing the tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Advertisement Not content with a pastel-colored office, he brought in a decorator from a firm called EuroTrash and had his suite painted ruby red and styled along the televised drama about aristocrats and their servants. Early in 2015, Schock aides tried to quash a Washington Post story on the redecorating, and one staffer asked the Post reporter to delete pictures taken on a smartphone. An aide said designer Annie Brahler of Jacksonville, Ill., donated her services. But records that emerged showed she did not work gratis. The unflattering media reports that surfaced prompted a watchdog group to call for ethics investigations of the lawmaker from a city known for the vaudeville-era question: "But will it play in Peoria?" On Thursday, Schock in his statement said he stepped down "amid a frenzy of negative reporting, which was overblown and inaccurate, but so distracting that it was preventing me from serving my constituents the way they deserve." In farewell remarks from the House floor when he resigned in March 2015, he spoke of the Bible and Abraham Lincoln and lamented a "bloated" federal government and its "out-of-control spending." Before leaving office, Schock repaid the government $122,590, which included more than $86,000 in public money from mileage reimbursements over six years. A Chevrolet Tahoe he traded in at a friend's car dealership in Peoria in 2014 had an odometer reading with about 89,000 fewer miles than the total he represented in seeking reimbursements from the government and his political funds. Advertisement The repayment also included $35,000 in tax dollars paid to the interior designer and $1,237 for a charter flight from Peoria to Chicago for a Bears game. In June 2015, the FBI seized materials from Schock's campaign office. The next month, the grand jury proceedings gained attention because of what became a long-running fight in open court between prosecutors and defense attorneys over what documents, texts and emails Schock had to turn over. Eventually, extensive materials, some redacted, entered the public domain. During the long probe, Schock used leftover campaign cash to pay millions of dollars in legal bills. After Schock quit, Republican Darin LaHood won his congressional seat and, Tuesday, was re-elected. He is the son of Schock's predecessor, Ray LaHood, who retired from Congress in 2009 after 14 years in the seat and became Barack Obama's transportation chief during the president's first term. The ruby red walls were repainted beige even before the younger LaHood took the seat. Schock mostly ignored the press after resigning, though in June in an interview with the Peoria Journal Star, he talked about being the focus of a long federal probe. Advertisement "It's been a year, I'm not that interesting of a guy. It's not like I'm the Gambino crime family," he said. "If there were mistakes, they were honest mistakes, but nobody was like, 'Do it wrong! Screw up!' " Schock said he had gone back to real estate development and was working with a firm involved in "large hospitality projects." Schock said having been an elected official for 14 years, he enjoyed "the freedom that comes with not having the burden of public office." In the statement that came out Thursday, Schock took a hard line on his former employer. "I have learned a painful lesson in this investigation our own government cannot be trusted," he said. kskiba@chicagotribune.com Advertisement Twitter @KatherineSkiba BASHIQA, Iraq New reports emerged Friday of public killings and other atrocities committed against Mosul residents by Islamic State militants, including dozens of civilians whose bullet-riddled bodies were hung from telephone polls after they were accused of using cellphones to leak information to Iraqi security forces. The United Nations human rights office said IS fighters killed some 70 civilians in Mosul this week, part of a litany of abuses to come to light in recent days, including torture, sexual exploitation of women and girls, and use of child soldiers who were filmed executing civilians. The revelations are the latest reports of IS brutality as the group retreats into dense urban quarters of Iraqi's second-largest city, forcing the population to go with them as human shields. In its report, the U.N. human rights office in Geneva said IS shot and killed 40 people on Tuesday after accusing them of "treason and collaboration," saying they communicated with Iraqi security forces by cellphone. The bodies, dressed in orange jumpsuits, were hung from electrical poles in Mosul. Expand Autoplay Image 1 of 64 A firefighter works to extinguish an oil well set ablaze by fleeing Islamic State fighters in Qayyarah, Iraq, on Nov. 9. (Chris McGrath / Getty Images) A day later, the extremists reportedly shot to death 20 civilians at a military base. Their bodies were hung at traffic intersections in Mosul, with signs saying they "used cellphones to leak information." A Mosul resident, reached by telephone, said crowds have been watching the killings in horror. One victim was a former police colonel, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity out of fear for his safety. The violence is part of a disturbing pattern. As the army advances, IS militants have been rounding up thousands of people and killing those with suspected links to the security forces. Soldiers last week discovered a mass grave in the town of Hamam al-Alil, 20 kilometers (12 miles) south of Mosul, containing some 100 bodies. At the same time, the militants have gone door to door in villages south of Mosul, ordering hundreds to march at gunpoint into the city. Combat in Mosul's dense urban areas is expected to be heavy, and the presence of civilians will slow the army's advance as it seeks to avoid casualties. IS militants have boasted of the atrocities in grisly online photos and video. The United Nations has urged authorities to collect evidence of IS abuses of civilians to use in eventually prosecuting the militants in tribunals. Advertisement Iraqi troops are advancing from four fronts on Mosul, the last major IS holdout in Iraq. As Iraqi special forces battle in eastern neighborhoods of the city, Kurdish peshmerga forces are holding a line north of the city, while Iraqi army and militarized police units approach from the south. Government-sanctioned Shiite militias are guarding western approaches. In the formerly IS-held town of Bashiqa, northeast of Mosul, Kurdish commander Gen. Hamid Effendi said his forces were working to secure the area but faced booby traps that were holding up the advance. More than a thousand unexploded bombs are believed buried in Bashiqa, Effendi said. Over 100 IS fighters have been killed in combat, he added, but wounded fighters likely remain in defensive tunnels built by the militants. On Friday, teams went building by building into the night detonating explosives left behind in Bashiqa, which was deserted except for a few residents trickling in to check on their homes and businesses. Among them was 60-year-old Khan Amir Mohammed, who discovered that his home had been turned into a mortar post by the militants, who dug seven tunnels on his family's 3 1/2-acre property before retreating. An Iraqi Federal Police officer examines human remains at a site of a mass grave of victims of Islamic State militants in Hamam al-Alil, some 10 kilometers south of Mosul, Iraq, Friday, Nov. 11, 2016. (Marko Drobnjakovic / AP) Ammunition tubes and English-language instruction pamphlets for launching mortars littered the floor in one room. Another had been turned into a makeshift mosque, with lines taped to the floor for worshippers to line up to pray. A nearby shop where Mohammed sold animal feed had collapsed from an apparent airstrike. "What can I say? I feel powerless," he said, surveying the destruction. Down the road, Kurdish forces were detonating bombs left behind by the militants. First Sgt. Ayub Mustafa said his unit alone had disabled some 250 bombs, the vast majority homemade explosives. "Apparently they have a smart electrician with them. They're well-made," he said. Special forces troops entered the Qadisiya neighborhood on Friday, the 26th day of the campaign to retake Mosul, exchanging small arms and mortar fire with IS positions and advancing slowly to avoid killing civilians and being surprised by suicide car bombers, said Brig. Gen. Haider Fadhil. Advertisement Peshmerga 1st Sgt. Ayub Mustafa holds part of a defused bomb planted by Islamic State militants in Bashiqa, east of Mosul, Iraq, Friday, Nov. 11, 2016. Iraqi troops inched ahead in their battle to retake the northern city of Mosul from the Islamic State group on Friday, as the U.N. revealed fresh evidence that the extremists have used chemical weapons. (Adam Schreck / AP) Regular army troops control 90 percent of the Intisar neighborhood, said one officer, but progress has slowed because "the streets are too narrow for our tanks." He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters. Meanwhile, the U.N. cited new evidence the militants have used chemical weapons, escalating fears IS will resort to chemical warfare to try to hold onto the city, still home to more than a million people. Rights office spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani told reporters in Geneva that four people died from inhaling fumes after IS shelled and set fires to the al-Mishrag Sulfur Gas Factory in Mosul on Oct. 23. Shamdasani said reports indicated that IS has stockpiled large amounts of ammonia and sulfur and placed them near civilians. "We can only speculate how they intend to use this," she said. "We are simply raising the alarm that this is happening, that this is being stockpiled." She also noted a video posted online by IS on Wednesday showing four children, believed to be aged 10 to 14, gunning down four people accused of spying for Kurdish and Iraqi security forces. U.N. officials say about 48,000 people have now fled Mosul since the government campaign began on Oct. 17. Associated Press "Look, the numbers on each side of the aisle may change, but our problems haven't. The sooner everyone can set aside politics and focus on policy, the better." Senate President John Cullerton, on moving Illinois forward after the Nov. 8 election. Advertisement We'll take Senate President John Cullerton at his word that he is ready to work with adversaries he didn't name Gov. Bruce Rauner, whose fellow Republicans grabbed two seats from Cullerton's still-solid Democratic majority and advance policies to improve Illinois. We'll also take Rauner at his word that he will strive for unity: "This has been a long, grueling campaign cycle, both nationally and locally. For the good of the people of Illinois, let's come together and focus on the future of improving the quality of life for every family in our state," the governor said. Advertisement And we'll take House Speaker Michael Madigan at his word that he is not interested in reconciling, compromising or unifying: "Voters stated clearly that they wish to maintain a wide Democratic majority in the Illinois House of Representatives and maintain a strong check on Bruce Rauner and his anti-middle class agenda," Madigan said after the election. There you have it. No surprise. Rauner and Cullerton are willing to wipe away the bitter residue of an election for the good of Illinois. Yet Madigan, who lost four seats in the House but still maintains a strong majority, will stomp his petty feet and pout. He's a lost cause. If Illinois residents want a balanced budget, cost-saving pension reform, school funding reform, pro-business policies to curb the exodus of jobs and residents, a growing tax base, they should not count on the House to lead the way. Madigan's plan since Rauner's November 2014 election has been gridlock. Madigan revealed once again, through his ungracious, arrogant postelection statement, that he's not changing. One of his top lieutenants recently threatened to let Illinois stagger without a budget for two more years until the 2018 gubernatorial election. We could expect Madigan to blame the human and financial costs of that dereliction not on his own stubbornness, but on the governor running for re-election. Fine. Enjoy your "timeout" corner, Mr. Speaker. The rest of the General Assembly has work to do. The problems plaguing Illinois didn't get much attention during campaign season, but they're still here alarmingly unfunded pension obligations, disgraceful piles of unpaid bills, a costly low credit rating and a half-year budget that will expire at the end of next month. In one of the state's five pension funds, the Teachers Retirement System, the amount the state owes to the fund will jump in the next fiscal year by nearly 15 percent and probably much more in subsequent years. That's partly due to low investment returns, but mostly it's the impact of all those years when lawmakers didn't make the required payments into TRS. And that's just one of the funds. Remember, the state is broke with no plan for its financial future. Lawmakers return to Springfield on Tuesday for the first day of the fall session. They'll have six scheduled days to meet before January to address the expiration of the six-month stopgap spending plan they passed in June. Keep in mind, this is not just a numbers game. The budget is a reflection of need. It is a book of promises. To pass a budget that is wildly out of balance, or to fail to pass one at all, is a sucker punch to every Illinois family counting on something within those pages. Not passing a balanced budget as required by the Illinois Constitution is not simply political dysfunction. It's a cynical message delivered to citizens of this state that they don't matter, their needs don't matter, their tax dollars don't matter. Only politics matters. Cullerton, in his own words, said otherwise: "The sooner everyone can set aside politics and focus on policy, the better." Advertisement Set aside politics. Move forward, together. Yet a certain someone in Springfield is not at all interested in that. Madigan's motives are clear. The election is over, but Illinois' problems are growing. Gov. Rauner, President Cullerton, will you step up, together? Join the discussion on Twitter @Trib_Ed_Board and on Facebook. Aurora officials still don't know who Bubba is, but the City Council recently approved a $400,000 tax abatement for the mystery company anyway. The company is looking to locate in the Duke Realty Corporate Park along Ferry Road on the northeastern edge of town. The money would go toward the company's share of putting in a light at Route 59 and Duke Parkway when the road is extended out to the state highway. Advertisement The company is a mystery right now because it is receiving Economic Development for a Growing Economy, or EDGE, program awards, administered through the Illinois Department of Commerce, and the state wants to announce who the company is. EDGE awards are a tax incentive for companies looking to expand or locate in Illinois, choosing Illinois over another state. Advertisement Duke Realty has dubbed the situation "Project Bubba" and a smaller one that goes with it "Project Bubba Jr." Between the two, the projects would bring in a total of 1.3 million square feet of building space, up to 1,400 jobs and about $40 million in payroll. Aldermen had delayed the tax abatement for two weeks to work out certain details of the agreement. With those worked out, aldermen unanimously approved the tax abatement at the last City Council meeting. The state is expected to announce the name of the company soon. Officials with Invest Aurora, the city's not-for-profit development corporation, said they have vetted the company and have told aldermen they will be happy when they find out who it is. slord@tribpub.com The intersection at Raddant and Butterfield Roads near Marmion in Aurora may be in for an upgrade. (Steve Lord / The Beacon-News) It looks like a long-awaited traffic signal at Raddant and Butterfield roads in Aurora might get built in the next couple of years. Aldermen on the City Council's Finance Committee recently recommended an agreement between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the city for work at the intersection that would include a new signal, plus exclusive left-turn lanes, resurfacing, water-main relocation, a shared-use path and drainage improvements. Advertisement Officials at Marmion Academy have long anticipated the light at the intersection, which sits at the eastern edge of their campus. Residents, too, who use Raddant as a collector through the southeastern edge of Batavia, as well as businesses that have sprouted up in Aurora on the north side of Butterfield, have wanted it there. "Every time I go to a neighborhood meeting, or see Father Charles (Reichenbacher, of the Marmion board of trustees), they ask how we're doing with the light," said Ald. Tina Bohman, 1st, a member of the Finance Committee. Advertisement The intersection also lies in her ward. "They're desperate to get the light in," she said. Marmion has been hiring off-duty Aurora police to do traffic control at the intersection when school lets out. But the situation is costly for the school and also depends on the availability of the officers. The total cost of the improvements is estimated at about $1.66 million, but the deal with the state would end up costing Aurora only $54,000, officials said. City officials said if the full council approves the funding agreement, the state would likely bid the project in January, with an eye toward starting sometime in 2017. slord@tribpub.com Stevenson senior Isaac Lucas (right) talks and thanks U.S. Navy Lt. Shane Michael Baldino (left) during Vet Fest at Stevenson High School. (Mark Kodiak Ukena / Pioneer Press) Knowing they would be in school on Veterans Day for the first time in years, some Stevenson High School students decided to do something new to celebrate veterans for their service. So, students a part of the Stevenson club "Students Helping Soldiers" brought local veterans with them to school on Friday Nov. 11 during students' lunch breaks to talk about their military experiences and get to know the veterans a bit more personally. Advertisement "Not a large percentage of our school goes on to serve in the military and not many of them get to have the experience of meeting a veteran," said Stephanie Bush, a sponsor of the Students Helping Soldiers club. "It's just a way to open their eyes to people who have done something different in their lives." The inaugural "Vet Fest" attracted 10 current and former members of the military some of whom said they felt more appreciated by Stevenson students than they were normally accustomed to experiencing. Advertisement On Friday, students a part of the Catalyst Club also put together care packages, using donated items from other students, and planned to send them to soldiers, school officials said. During Vet Fest, retired Army Sgt. Robert Walton, who resides in Buffalo Grove, recalled how he and other soldiers were ridiculed for their service while fighting in the Vietnam War. The tone is different now, he said. "What's great now compared to when I got out of the service is that everyone thanks and appreciates veterans nowadays," Walton said. Vet Fest attracted men young and old from several different branches, including James Labbe, a former Army soldier who is now an ensign with the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve, as well as a lieutenant in the Chicago Police Department. He brought his 10-month-old daughter, Sofia, to the Veterans Day gathering at Stevenson and shook hands with several students. "It's good to introduce kids to veterans," Labbe said. "It's putting a face to the name 'Veterans Day,' instead of some symbolic holiday that you get time off for." Stevenson officials used to give students Veterans Day off until district board members voted last year to move both the first and last days of school up. They eliminated a few of the students' vacation days in the process. Advertisement Bush and other Students Helping Soldiers sponsor Dino Moran both said they started talking to students about how their club could do a Veterans Day observance in class once they learned students would be in school. "The thought was to have something moving forward with Students Helping Soldiers leading it," Moran said. Shane Baldino, a Navy lieutenant who served from 1991 to 2000 and now lives in Kildeer, said he was glad the students decided to do something unique to mark Veterans Day. He said he hoped to educate some of the students about what military service can be. "It's important for young kids to be aware of what the military is and the people who came before them who secured their freedom," Baldino said. "The reception has been really good." rwachter@pioneerlocal.com Advertisement Twitter @RonnieAtPioneer Orland Park Mayor Dan McLaughlin reads the names of 50 veterans that have been added to the village's Veterans Memorial during Friday's Veterans Day observance. (Gary Middendorf / Daily Southtown) After Orland Park's Veterans Day ceremony, Richard Stake Jr. bent down next to a slab of black granite, held a piece of white paper against it and made a rubbing of his father's name. Richard Stake Sr.'s name is one of hundreds etched in the pieces of granite at the village's memorial to veterans, called "Ara Pace," or place of peace. The names of 50 more that were recently added were read by Mayor Dan McLaughlin during a ceremony he said was intended to "honor our heroes." Advertisement The memorial, directly south of Village Hall, 14700 S. Ravinia Ave., was created in 1995 by artist Virginio Ferrari. After several veterans in the audience Friday were asked to stand and applauded, McLaughlin told them "thank you for answering the call of duty." He said that Orland Park's observance was "one small part of a national tribute" to veterans. Advertisement Stake Jr., an Orland Park attorney, said he added his father's name to the memorial more than a year ago, and that the rubbing will go next to a portrait of his father in his office. His father, who died three years ago, was drafted into the Army in 1968 and discharged in 1971, then served with the Chicago Police Department until 1984, but also attending night school to study law, his son said. A member of the Reber-Tesmond VFW Memorial Post 2604 holds the American flag during a Veterans Day ceremony in Orland Park. (Gary Middendorf / Daily Southtown) He later worked for the Cook County state's attorney's office as a supervisor at the Markham courthouse, and his son followed in his footsteps, working as an assistant state's attorney before going into private practice, where he concentrates on estate planning. First responders and military veterans receive a 50 percent discount on the cost, Stake Jr. said. Daily Southtown Twice-weekly News updates from the south suburbs delivered every Monday and Wednesday > "I do that in honor of my dad," he said. Other family members who served in the military include his grandfather, stepfather and great uncle who died in World War II, he said. Reflecting on their sacrifices, as well as those of countless other veterans, is what Veterans Day is about, Stake Jr. said. "These people give up so much," he said. "They go in (to the military) and, at a minimum, they are giving up four years or whatever their term of enlistment is, and sometimes their life." Rev. Don Borling, pastor of All Saints Lutheran Church in Orland Park, delivered the blessing, telling the veterans gathered that it is "hard to say thanks enough for all you have done for us." While veterans proudly wore the uniform of their respective branch of the military, "the most important uniform you wear is one made of honor and courage," Borling said. Just prior to the blessing, a wreath was laid at the memorial by Erica Dennie and Doug Grecek, eighth-graders at Orland Junior High School. Boy Scouts had made cards of thanks that were given to families of veterans whose names had been added to the memorial as each was read by the mayor. Advertisement A member of the American Legion Orland Memorial Post 111 sits during a Veterans Day ceremony in Orland Park. (Gary Middendorf / Daily Southtown) James J. Clarke, a U.S. Army veteran, recently had his name added to Orland Park's Veterans Memorial. The names of 50 veterans recently added to the memorial were ready during a Veterans Day observance in the village. (Gary Middendorf / Daily Southtown) mnolan@tribpub.com Angel Kardaschow, President of Kards Inc. walks by the a 27-foot-long Radio Flyer wagon at Kards Inc in Elgin. Kards is refurbishing the 15,000-pound wagon in time for Radio Flyer's 100-year anniversary. (Stacey Wescott / Chicago Tribune) The shiny red toy sitting in the shop at Kards Inc. isn't the kind of vehicle the Elgin body shop typically repairs. Usually, the garage operated by Paul and Angel Kardaschow works on shiny red fire engines for departments that need rigs fixed or painted. Advertisement Instead, for the past two months, the people at Kards have been repairing, repainting and restoring the World's Largest Wagon for Chicago-based Radio Flyer. The wagon, which is nine times the size of the company's iconic Little Red Wagon and rolls on 1,000-pound rubber tires, has brought the body shop a fair amount of attention, too. The shop rolls projects they are working out into the parking lot. Advertisement "We had it sitting in front of the garage door for a month," Paul Kardaschow said. Located across from a hotel, travelers have been stopping by to take a picture with the attraction. A firefighter couple doing a bicycle trip across the country heard about the wagon, and stopped by for photos, he said. First built in 1997 for the Radio Flyer offices at 6515 W. Grand Ave. for the company's 80th anniversary, the wagon was moved off-site in August. It has been at the Elgin shop on Airport Road since September. Getting the wagon from Chicago to Elgin took a somewhat circuitous route. Folks at Radio Flyer contacted fire truck manufacturer Spencer, out of New Haven, Mich., to see if it could do the restoration. It was Spencer that pointed Radio Flyer to Kards, Paul Kardaschow said. This is the third touch up for the giant wagon since it was built, said Robert Pasin, Chief Wagon Officer at Radio Flyer's Chicago offices. He is the grandson of the original Radio Flyer's inventor, Antonio Pasin. The Italian immigrant started building the wagons on 1917. Advertisement Although the wagon sits outside through Chicago winters "it wasn't in bad shape," but there were signs of rust developing on it. "It needed TLC," Paul Kardaschow said. "It looked great from 20 feet, but it needed work if you were up close." "It is outside 365 days a year," in Chicago winters, too, Pasin said. "We wanted to make sure it looked as perfect and shiny and as spit-polished as possible." The wagon's body is 27 feet long and 13 feet wide. Fully assembled, with the handle attached, and resting in the up position, it is 26 feet tall. Fifty adults can stand in the wagon's bed. Or 75 children. The tires manufactured by Bridgestone/Firestone are eight feet in diameter and weigh a half-ton each. Originally, plans were to take the wagon completely apart the wheels from the bolsters to do the restoration. "Once we took the deck off the wheels were not going to come apart without a whole lot of effort. It wouldn't be cost effective," Paul Kardaschow said. The staff at Kards built a steel stand to sit the 15,000-pound steel deck on while it was repaired and repainted. The Radio Flyer emblem was applied in late October and the wheels were reattached this month. Advertisement The completed wagon will be stored in Elgin while its Chicago home is getting a facelift of its own. The Grand Avenue Radio Flyer offices are getting ready to celebrate the 100th birthday with celebrations throughout 2017, Pasin said. Once completed, the Big Red Wagon will stand in as the manufacturer's signage in front of the offices, Pasin said. The Kardaschows, and their company, is relatively new to the truck repair business. Until two years ago, they both worked in technology as litigation support for attorneys. Paul Kardaschow was let go in downsizing in 2014, and the couple looked to a broker to vet businesses for them to consider purchasing. Van Eck Collision was the second business they had vetted, Angel said. The owners were planning to retire. Advertisement The Kardaschows planned on taking on a very niche market body work on emergency vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances. For the first year, Angel Kardaschow kept working in the corporate world while Paul continued to build the business. By the second year, they had expanded to the point that both could work for the company. They went to Appleton, Wis., to learn about fire truck paint and repairs at the Pierce factory the largest maker of fire trucks. Because others who signed up for the class cancelled, the couple got one-on-one instruction, Angel said. "That was the defining moment for me coming on board and changing our practices," she added. Their employees can fabricate replacement body parts themselves, instead of waiting for the company to send replacement parts, Angel Kardaschow said. Because they can make parts, they can schedule repairs in just one week, Paul Kardaschow said. For a fire department, being able to get their apparatus back quickly is a big deal. Advertisement Fire trucks can cost a municipality or fire district from $500,000 to $2 million and often have 20 to 30 year life spans. "You are talking about the largest capital expenditure for municipality," Paul said. They also offer either pick-up or delivery service for the rigs. That way, the firefighters get to see their shop during the process. He's often out meeting with fire chiefs and municipal leaders, talking about the businesses. And the wagon isn't the only attraction at the shop. The own a retired fire engine that sits in the parking lot at 400 Airport Drive during the day. The doors are covered with the Kards logo, and the back is wrapped in an American flag. It will sit next to the Radio Flyer until it can be delivered to its normal parking spot. But don't ask the Kardaschows which is the better toy because that's not a debate either one really wanted to take on. Advertisement "Paul would say the fire truck because we bought one," Angel Kardaschow said. "I would say the wagon." Janelle Walker is a freelance reporter for The Courier-News. Make sure no one is left behind. That was the message Elgin Mayor Dave Kaptain delivered Friday to the crowd gathered in Veterans Memorial Park along the Fox River to mark Veterans Day. Advertisement Kaptain noted that the phrase "leave no man behind" could be traced back to colonial days and a company called Rogers' Rangers from New Hampshire that was fighting for the British against the French during the Seven Years' War. That phrase is just as important today, Kaptain said, and applies generally to everyone and particularly to taking care of those who have served their country. Among the issues Kaptain said that veterans are facing include homelessness, affordable housing, addiction, afflictions related to environmental exposures in war zones, post-traumatic stress disorder and living with traumatic injuries on less-than-adequate pensions. Advertisement "Leaving no one behind" also applies to those who are seeking to come to the United States who have helped the U.S. military as guides and translators in the current conflicts in Iran and Afghanistan, Kaptain said. He noted a story of one guide in Kabul who was waiting three years for his visa to come to this country and was killed by the Taliban and whose family went missing. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, 24,084 veterans live in Kane County, with 93 percent of them men. About 9.9 percent of Kane County veterans have a service-connected disability, and 18.7 percent of Kane County veterans use the VA for health care. During its 2015 fiscal year, the VA spent $97,334,670 on health care, education, and disability benefits in Kane County. Contacted Friday afternoon, Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission Superintendent Jake Zimmerman said that the VA has a plan in place to address homelessness. Related to it is a Kane County task force that in January 2015 identified 10 to 12 homeless veterans across the county, Zimmerman said. According to information from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, communities across the country reported "less than 40,000 veterans were experiencing homelessness on a given night in January 2016. The January 2016 estimate found just over 13,000 unsheltered homeless veterans living on their streets, a 56 percent decrease since 2010." Locally, Zimmerman said, for the last two years the Hines VA Hospital near Maywood has had an early intervention program to help veterans who need housing. And his office on two occasions worked with Elgin code inspectors and Hines social workers to assist two men, each with hoarding issues, who were at risk of losing their homes. "That was a tremendous effort on the part of the city and the VA," Zimmerman said. Zimmerman said that the Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission sees a majority of its cases from those who served in Vietnam. Part of that is due to issues related to exposure to Agent Orange, he said. Another reason is that as that group ages, they are seeking and in some cases just learning of benefits available to help them through their retirement years. Since post-1990 conflicts, including the Gulf War and ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iran, there are those the office is seeing who are dealing with issues related to exposures to environmental hazards, Zimmerman said. Of PTSD, Zimmerman noted that it is the third-most common claim for disability benefits across the nation, after ringing in the ears and hearing loss. Advertisement This year, Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a bill into law requiring that each judicial circuit establish a veterans court program by Jan. 1, 2018, a move Zimmerman supports. Veterans who come back from a war zone such as Afghanistan or Iraq may have PTSD-related issues that lead to substance abuse or sometimes even criminal behavior, Zimmerman said. "I've seen times when veterans come home, get DUIs or make other poor choices that lead to being in the court system," he said. "Given what they may have seen and that they were willing to put their lives on the line for their country, it should be on us to try to help them. They did their part." As for the Veterans Day ceremony in Elgin, Kaptain also touched upon the recent election. "We had an election that showed the fiber of our country," Kaptain said. "The transition should be a calm one, and that is what veterans want. That people are freely expressing their feelings about the results is one of the rights veterans fight for. We have to move forward together, or we don't move forward at all." During his Veterans Day comments, City Council member Terry Gavin said, "Elgin has a long history of honoring and supporting the men and women who have been in the armed services." Advertisement Gavin also noted the calm transition of power. And he reminded those gathered of the history of Veterans Day, which originated as Armistice Day on Nov. 11, 1919, to mark one full year past the end of World War I. Armistice Day became a holiday in 1938, and President Dwight Eisenhower changed the name in 1954 as the day became one to honor all those who have served in the nation's military. Former American Legion Elgin Post 57 Commander Tricia Dieringer, who served as the ceremony's master of ceremonies, said Elgin veterans group pool their resources to help families of veterans in need and find funds to help them. "We band together," she said. During her concluding remarks, Dieringer said, "Peace is what this day truly represented. We don't live for war. We fight for peace." mdanahey@tribpub.com Hampshire Middle School student Landon LaMarca reads his Patriot Pen essay, joined by Hampshire VFW Auxiliary members Donna Proffitt (from left) and Leola Widmayer along with Hampshire Middle School students Georgi Kerwin and Alexi Kagel. (Denise Moran / The Courier-News) The Hampshire Middle School gym at 560 South State Street was filled on Friday morning with students, teachers and about 60 veterans who came together to honor Veterans Day and pay tribute to the men and women who have served. The program included readings, speeches, and three patriotic songs performed by the Hampshire Middle School Band. Advertisement Hampshire Middle School students Landon LaMarca, Alexi Kagel and Georgi Kerwin each read the winning compositions they wrote for the annual Patriot Pen essay contest. The Hampshire Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8043 and the Hampshire Ladies Auxiliary serve as local co-sponsors. Donna Proffitt, president of the Hampshire VFW Auxiliary, said that Ethan Olson and Minh Nguyen, who were not present at the middle school program, were the Patriot Pen essay contest winners at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in Hampshire. Advertisement Community Unit School District 300 board member Susie Kopacz has spoken at previous Hampshire Middle School Veterans Day programs. She said that this year was the hardest time for her to stand in front of the microphone due to the protests that have been taking place after the recent presidential election. "There is dissension in America," Kopacz said. "It bothers me when I see people disrespecting our country. My father was a farmer who asked to go to war but was told that he was needed to grow food for our country. My father-in-law was a veteran who spent three and a half years in a prisoner of war camp in Japan during World War II. He was 225 pounds when he was captured. When he was freed, he only weighed 98 pounds. He said if he had spent one more month in the prisoner of war camp, he would have died. When he came back to America, he learned a trade and put his four sons through college." Kopacz stressed the importance of education and particularly told the female students how fortunate they are to live in the United States. "Girls, you live in a country where you can go to school and wear whatever you want to wear," Kopacz said. "That's what freedom is all about. Freedom is not free. We need to thank our veterans for our freedom. America is the greatest country in the world. The reason we are here today is to learn what it is to be an American." United States Army veteran Tom Jones grew up in Elgin and served two years in Vietnam. He read letters written by his cousin, Gary, who served in the United States Marines and was killed in Vietnam at the age of 21. "Gary was asked to describe what Vietnam was like," Jones said. "He said the mountains are beautiful and the water is so clear, but only God and the men here know that it is also hot, wet, muddy and lonely. There was death and destruction behind every bush during the war, and fighting men needed to be leery." Jones said the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. carries his cousin's name along with others who gave their lives for our freedom. "Never take freedom for granted," Jones said. Advertisement Hampshire Middle School Principal Jim Szymczak asked the veterans in the audience to rise as their names were read aloud. The students gave the veterans a standing ovation. The program in the gym was followed by a brunch for the veterans and their families. There was also the opportunity for veterans to talk to students in the classrooms. Elgin resident Royal Smith, who served in the United States Air Force from 1960 to 1965, came to Hampshire Middle School with his wife, Jane. They have attended the Veterans Day program four times. The Smiths have a granddaughter, Lydia Hessenflow of Hampshire, who is a 7th grade student at the school. Lydia's sister, Helena, is a freshman at Hampshire High School. Jane said that she was a member of the first Burlington Central High School graduating class of 1957. Denise Moran is a freelance reporter for The Courier-News. The Kane County Health Department is one of only 50 agencies throughout the country chosen to participate in the Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge and is creating community councils to provide ideas, raise concerns and give opinions that will help shape its programs a step toward helping the county win the challenge's $500,000 award. The Aetna Foundation and the American Public Health Association recently gave Kane County a $10,000 award to start the challenge and help the Health Department focus on health equity by increasing community engagement by giving residents a larger say and more authority over program and funding decisions, providing them a voice, according to a Health Department news release. Advertisement "Frequently, a small group of people make all the decisions in a community," Kane County Health Department Executive Director Barbara Jeffers said. "We have a half-million unique individuals in Kane County, Ill., and we are committed to giving everyone a voice." The Health Department's approach is to set up community councils that will help gather people from all walks of life to discuss ways to improve the culture of health where they live, work and play, according to the news release. Advertisement Meetings will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Prisco Community Center, 150 W. Illinois Ave., Aurora, and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Nov. 25 at the Dundee Township assessor's office, 611 E. Main St., East Dundee. Each community council will initially focus on the importance of nutrition and physical activity metrics, according to the release. Council members will later identity other health concerns and develop ideas to address the concerns and help the department serve the community's needs, it stated. Griselda Hernandez, a Carpentersville Police Department social worker, said she is excited about the program. "This is a really good opportunity for Carpentersville residents to participate in something that's going to be promoting their health, and I think that would be fantastic," she said. The Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge also coincides nicely with the recently launched in-school food pantry at Carpentersville Middle School, Hernandez said. "Both are promoting healthy living," she said. Agencies participating in the challenge will have to answer questions, explain the community's approach to the project and demonstrate how its efforts have changed the community, according to the release. Prize awards range from $25,000 to $500,000. The Kane County Health Department has a video and will keep residents updated using #GiveKaneAVoice and its website, www.kanehealth.com/challenge.htm. For information on the Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge, go to www.healthiestcities.org. Advertisement Gloria Casas is a freelance reporter for The Courier-News. Freelancer Erin Sauder contributed. Kane County board member Philip Lewis offered an alternative plan to the county's proposal to issue $55 million in general obligation bonds earmarked for the county's pension liability, a plan he said would pay off the debt within 10 years. "My position is we should not be borrowing money to fund employee benefit expenses," Lewis said during a public hearing on the bond issue Tuesday. Advertisement Lewis reiterated his opposition to a proposal from Robert W. Baird & Co., based in Naperville, calling for issuing $55 million in general bonds. The county's pension debt is $53 million. The total amount includes the cost of issuing bonds and setting up a contingency fund, officials said. But Lewis said the county could commit another $4.4 million a year to Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund over the next 10 years and pay off the debt. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund charges 7.5 percent interest while Baird estimates the county would pay 3.5 percent interest, county documents show. A shorter term would mean a bigger savings for the county, he said. Advertisement Kane County found $4.6 million to balance its fiscal year 2017 budget which was passed Tuesday and found $8.3 million the year before, Lewis said. The county could find the $4.4 million if it absorbed attrition during the 2017 budget year, he said. "We are in this situation because we are underpaying IMRF, as our employee headcount and wages grew, our IMRF payment did not proportionally grow," Lewis said. Lewis said the county has 14 new positions in the budget next year. The number of employees increased from 1,243 to 1,313 from 2012 to 2016, which resulted higher benefit costs from $85 million to $103 million, he said. "That is why we are in this jam," he said. "What I believe we need to do here is we need to introduce and change our ways a bit," Lewis said. "This is one of the worst proposals ever to come before this board," said Ken Shepro, who ran against Chairman Chris Lauzen in the spring primary and represented the county board during former Chairman Karen McConnaughay's tenure. Shepro was a speaker at the public hearing. He said the idea of pension obligation bonds is rejected by most financial experts. The only people who recommend it are those who stand to make money, he said. The county board will hold a special meeting at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday to vote on the bond issue. Gloria Casas is a freelance reporter for The Courier-News. (Far right) Vanessa Gallegos, a student representative on the Leyden District 212 board, told board members Wednesday night that some students are worried about their families in the wake of Donald Trump's election. (Pioneer Press / Pioneer Press) Leyden School District 212 officials said they met with about 32 students on Friday afternoon at West Leyden High School after some students considered staging a walkout protest over concerns about Donald Trump's recent victory in the presidential race. Officials said that there was no walkout. Advertisement On Thursday, officials had issued a "talk rather than walk" invitation to the students, asking them to meet at the auditorium, Supt. Nick Polyak said. The idea is "to have a conversation rather than walk" and find other constructive outlets over concerns about the new Trump administration, he said. Advertisement Tatiana Bonuma, principal at West Leyden, said the meeting with students began at 2:40 p.m. on Friday and lasted for about half an hour. She said she led the meeting alongside a dean. "It was a very good day," Bonuma said. "We had seen on social media that some of our students were starting a conversation earlier in the week about a walkout. A lot of it was a result of what they'd seen on social media and media elsewhere. We offered the opportunity at the end of the day that instead of having a walkout to have a meeting about what they were trying to walk out for. ... We had a chance to speak to some of them in small groups and hear where they were coming from. We did not have a walkout in the building. They did not engage in that this week." At the District 212 board meeting Wednesday night, Noelle Lowther and Vanessa Gallegos, the student representatives on the board, talked about concerns at the schools following Trump's surprising election. Both schools have strong Hispanic makeup, according to their 2016 Illinois School Report Cards 81.3 percent at West Leyden, at 1000 N. Wolf Road, in Northlake, and 50.3 percent at East Leyden, 3400 Rose St., in Franklin Park. During the campaign, the president-elect preached a hardline immigration plan, including a plan to deport illegal immigrants and build a wall along the country's southern border. Loether said some students, expressing concern about the future, had talked about a walkout protest and "asking me whether I could cancel school," she told the board in her report. Gallegos, who is Hispanic, described students as "a little bit sad" and worried about their families with Trump's election. In one case, "a person ran up to me I didn't even talk to her and said 'well, I'm going to miss you,' " she told board members of the mood. "I will say that I do admire that my classmates are willing to make a stand," Gallegos said in response to a question, "but I'm not sure how effective a walkout would be at the moment. The students acknowledge that a walkout won't kick Donald Trump out of office, but they believe protesting will give them a voice to show they won't stand with Trump's beliefs. Since Leyden is a very diverse school, with many kids from different minority groups, some students have grown worried and emotional after Donald Trump's election for fear of what their future holds." "There are also students that are pleased with president-elect, Donald Trump, and have voiced their opinion openly over social media," she added. Advertisement At the board meeting, Polyak thanked the students for bringing up the issue. He said school officials were looking for ways of offering reassurance to students who air concerns while also giving them "a productive outlet to have that conversation." He acknowledged the sentiment behind a walkout such as students have staged in schools in different parts of the country "but if we can find a more productive way for folks to have that conversation" that would be the district's preference. After Friday's meeting, Bonuma "the intent was to provide a place for them to bring concerns and start conversations." "Most of the things they are concerned about are beyond our control," she said. "It's mostly providing students a place to have these conversations. One of the things I talked to them about was reminding them about actions and that for everything they do and say there is reaction. ... Be mindful of their words and mindful of their actions. The students I think are, you know, internalizing a lot of things and thinking a lot about what's going on and [making] sense of the week and all the events that took place this week from their angle and perception." Lee V. Gaines is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press. Pioneer Press staff contributed North Chicago's Fifth Ward Alderman Torrance Markham was charged with several counts of domestic battery against three victims at his home. (Lake County Sheriff's Office) North Chicago Ald. Torrance Markham, 5th, said in an emailed statement this week that the seven counts of domestic battery filed against him last month "were made up by the North Chicago Police Department." "I am appalled at the fabricated story," Markham said in response to a News-Sun account from Wednesday. "This incident involved my adult children and if you had checked their statements, (you) would have seen that accusations were made up by the North Chicago Police Department." Advertisement Markham added that "my reputation be vindicated in court." North Chicago Deputy Chief Lazaro Perez responded to the accusation by saying that "it would be improper of me to make a statement while this case is being handled by the Lake County court system." Advertisement Mayor Leon Rockingham said he did not want to address the situation specifically, but added "I will tell you that well above being mayor and where I stand on the political side, I'm a Christian first. I will continue to pray for (Markham) and his family and that things can be worked out no matter what the situation is." Rockingham said that as far as the alderman staying on City Council, any action would wait until after the court case is dealt with. "I'm not concentrating on that at this point," Rockingham said. "I'll deal with it if there comes a time. That's kind of a state's attorney issue." Markham is facing seven counts of domestic violence related charges against three victims, including a woman who is five months pregnant, in connection with an incident reported at the end of October. Markham, who plead not guilty according to court records, had been held on $15,000 bail but was released after it was reduced to $7,500, and he is scheduled to appear in Lake County Circuit court Nov. 29, according to Cynthia Vargas, spokeswoman for the Lake County State's Attorney's Office. According to court documents reported by Vargas, the incident occurred Oct. 27 at 4:42 p.m. at Markham's home in the 2100 block of 20th Street after Markham and a 50-year-old woman victim returned from a trip and Markham got into a conflict with a 27-year-old pregnant female who was supposed to be watching the house. Markham allegedly started yelling at a 23-year-old male victim when the 27-year-old victim came into the house to defend him, and he grabbed her by the neck and also shoved her in the stomach area. The 23-year-old then grabbed his hands and the 50-year-old also stood between him and the pregnant victim, Vargas said. The 50-year-old was scratched on the face and arms and the 23-year-old was "slammed onto a couch," and the pregnant victim went to call police when Markham allegedly tried to stop her, Vargas said. Advertisement Vargas added that Markham was charged with three counts of domestic battery causing bodily harm, three counts of domestic battery physical contact, and one count of interference with a report of domestic violence. Markham has been on the council since winning a seat in May of 2013, defeating Torrance Abrams. Markham is the pastor at Greater St. James Temple Church of God in Christ in North Chicago. He took over being pastor of the church after his grandfather, Bishop James Markham, died in 1992, according to the church website. fabderholden@tribpub.com Twitter @abderholden Members of the Lake County Black Lives Matter group protested outside Warren Township High School on Almond Road in Gurnee Nov. 11, 2016, a day after racist graffiti was found in girls' bathroom that said "White's only" (sic). (Frank Abderholden / News-Sun) (Chicago Tribune) Lake County Black Lives Matter members protested in support of students at Warren Township High School on Almond Road Friday, drawing a mixed response after the school reported some incidents of people writing racist messages in bathrooms this week. On Wednesday, the words "White's only" (sic) were found on a bathroom stall door in a female washroom at the school's Almond Campus, according to District 121 Superintendent John Ahlgrim. The incident sparked a student sit-in and protest. Advertisement Ahlgrim said later Thursday that three "copycat" messages also were found scrawled on bathroom stalls at the district's O'Plaine Campus. All the graffiti was removed, and the situation is being investigated by Gurnee Police, he said in an email to parents. "We're obviously saddened and upset," Ahlgrim said. Advertisement On Friday, Jackie Sandoval, 17, a junior at the school, pulled up to the Black Lives Matter protesters and thanked them. Jackie Sandoval, 17, a junior at Warren Township High School's Almond Road campus, thanks Lake County Black Lives Matter protesters for speaking out against a racist incident on campus this week. (Frank Abderholden / Lake County News-Sun) "Thank you so much for your support," she told Clyde McLemore, chairman of the group, as the protest took place near the school sign on Almond Road. "I appreciate you guys." Sandoval added that "kids were joking about how they did (the graffiti), and I reported it to the dean's office." "We're trying to organize a club or organization so this will not be ignored," Sandoval said, adding that she was at the protest on Thursday held inside the school by a relatively small group of students. According to Ahlgrim, the original group was joined by about 150 to 200 students. At that point, Almond Campus Principal Patrick Keeley addressed the students and allowed them to voice their concerns over the next period. Sandoval said "we are known for our diversity, but it's not really celebrated or acknowledged." She added that she feels school staff members really do care about the racism issue, and they are planning a meeting next week. Lake County Black Lives Matter members marched against racism Friday in Gurnee. Racist remarks were written on a girls bathroom wall at the high school's Almond Road Campus and three bathrooms at the O'Plaine Campus. (Frank Abderholden / Lake County News-Sun) McLemore said he had received calls from people who were intimidated by someone flying a rebel flag on their truck. "We just had eight years of a black president, and now we are going back to the 1950s and 'whites only,'" he said. "Some of these kids probably don't even know about Jim Crow. ... The writing on the bathroom walls was a disgrace." Advertisement The half-dozen protesters on Friday chanted "this is what democracy looks like" and "let us end racism." One student drove past and yelled "white lives matter, too," and two women walking their dogs said the protest was childish and disgusting. Other students cheered the protesters and some took photographs with them. While the school district and McLemore had talked about the protest, there were ground rules. At first, protesters said they thought they could park in the school lot to go over to the sidewalk in front of the school sign on Almond Road and the public right-of-way to protest, but the school said no. "They have a right to protest, but they have no business here on school grounds," Ahlgrim said, adding that he had no opinion on the protest itself. Protesters stand along Almond Road Nov. 11, 2016, in front of Warren Township High School, where racist comments were written on a bathroom wall this week. (Frank Abderholden / Lake County News-Sun) Officials said they still do not know who wrote the graffiti, and that the incident is being investigated by the district's deans and Gurnee police. In keeping with district protocol, Ahlgrim said the graffiti was photographed, and then immediately removed. It was discovered by a student who reported it to a teacher, but before it could be addressed by the school, someone had photographed it and the image was spread on social media. The campus has about 2,100 students, of which approximately 65 percent are white, 30 percent are Hispanic and 10 percent are African-American, Ahlgrim said. In the email to parents, Ahlgrim said one of the "belief statements" in the district's Strategic Plan is that "we maximize the growth and achievement of our students power of our inclusive and diverse culture." Advertisement "We will continue to be diligent in our efforts to make sure all students and staff feel supported at Warren Township High School, and we intend to be stronger to our commitment to our diversity as a result," Ahlgrim said. fabderholden@tribpub.com Twitter @abderholden American Legion veterans march west on Washington Street to Washington Park to honor Veterans Day. The city of Waukegan held their annual Veterans Day Parade and Celebration on Nov. 11, 2016. (Rob Dicker / Lake County News-Sun) In courtrooms and conference rooms throughout the Lake County Courthouse Friday, veterans of various wars and ages opened up about their personal experiences in what has become a labor of love for the county's legal community. Almost 40 veterans were interviewed Friday by volunteers including attorneys, court officials and judges as part of the Fifth Annual Lake County Veterans History Project, held to preserve the memories of veterans for posterity in the Library of Congress. Advertisement Those interviewed on Veterans Day included regional veterans of World War II, Korean, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. Vietnam veteran Robert Hill of Elmhurst, with his wife Janet at his side, was interviewed in a conference room by Lake County Assistant State's Attorney Carolina DeLeon-Bond. Advertisement Hill voluntarily signed up for three tours of Vietnam, serving from February of 1967 to October of 1969 as an Army combat engineer and demolition expert with the 87th Engineer Group. Serving primarily in Chu Lai and Ben Hua, Hill witnessed the Tet Offensive. Launched overnight Jan. 30-31, 1968, the Tet Offensive was viewed as a turning point in the war as Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army infiltrators launched a widespread, coordinated surprise attack that was eventually beaten back, but is credited with greatly increasing opposition to the war in the U.S. At 5 a.m. on the first morning of the offensive, Hill, who was in Chu Lai at the time, said a nearby ammo dump blew up his first glimpse of the magnitude of what had begun. "It was like an atom bomb went off," Hill said. "That's when it all started. They were already in Saigon and took over the Embassy. That first night, (American) gunships were all around the perimeter. They tore up the town." Although Hill and his comrades had felt relatively safe in Chu Lai before then, "after that, you had to carry weapons wherever you went." Hill, now 68, said his work primarily consisted of assisting the 169th Light Infantry, using C4 explosive to clear roads of bombs and booby traps, building fences and other structures and providing support as needed. Although the temperature often rose to 104, Hill said that age 18, it didn't bother him that much. "At 18, you're so young you could deal with it. Everybody got used to it," he said. Although a friend of his was critically injured by a mortar, none of his close friends were killed, and he said he considered himself lucky to be with the engineers, because they lived in better conditions and faced less immediate danger than the infantry troops did. Advertisement Before his critically injured friend was airlifted out of country, Hill said he bought him a radio. He said his friend has thanked him often for that since, and that they are regularly in touch. "I golfed with him yesterday," he said. Hill said he has no regrets about his tours of duty, saying his time in the military helped pave the way for his career as a firefighter prior to retirement and taught him many life skills as well as creating friendships and bonds few experience in other situations. He said the hardest part was the lack of support and gratitude he felt upon returning home. "We didn't want people to know we were there. People hated us," he said. "That hurt when you weren't supported." His wife said during the interview that, ironically, she was an ardent protester of the war and that the two came from different political backgrounds, but Hill said that was not a problem from his perspective. Advertisement Hill said the negative response on returning from Vietnam has been at least somewhat offset by changing attitudes since then, and that he enjoys in participating in activities such as the history project. "It's 50 years now," he said. "One of the reasons I appreciate things like this is that we didn't have it when we returned home." Lake County Circuit Court Chief Judge Jorge Ortiz said the history project is important because it will help to forever preserve the memories of U.S. veterans. "It is absolutely crucial that the events they witnessed and their memories of their comrades-in-arms be preserved," Ortiz said. Court reporters Deborah Cohen-Rojas and Colleen Eitermann coordinated the local court reporters' support of the project. "Both the official and free-lance court reporters covering this year's Lake County's Veterans History Project event are again very excited to be a part of this effort," Cohen-Rojas said. "These personal accounts of American war veterans will be electronically accessible by researchers and the public so that future generations may hear directly from our veterans and better understand the realities of war." Advertisement The event included a large group breakfast and addresses by guest speakers before the interviews began. In other Veteran's Day observations across Lake County, Waukegan held its annual Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony, featuring an address Col. Jill Morgenthaler, who signed up for U.S. Army boot camp in 1975 while pursuing a degree in economics at Penn State University. She graduated from college and boot camp in 1976 and was sent to Korea as a second lieutenant in 1977. Antioch, Lindenhurst, Fox Lake, Lake Villa, Deerfield, Gurnee, Libertyville, Lake Forest, Barrington, Buffalo Grove and Highland Park were among the communities hosting Veteran's Day ceremonies, and students at Woodland Intermediate School in Gurnee hosted a continental breakfast for veteran family members of students, as well as a group of veterans invited through the Midwest Veterans Closet in North Chicago. jrnewton@tribpub.com Twitter @jimnewton5 North Central students listen to a speech after a solidarity march in Naperville, Ill., on Nov. 11, 2016. (Mike Mantucca / Naperville Sun) More than 300 people dressed in black and carrying signs proclaiming "Hate Does Not Make Us Great" marched peacefully through downtown Naperville Friday afternoon. The post-presidential election March in Solidarity event was led by and comprised mostly of students from North Central College in Naperville, though adults and high school students joined in as news of the event spread via social media. Advertisement "We just want to spread the message of love," said Kevin Oyakawa, president of the College Democrats of North Central College and one of the march organizers. Before the march, Oyakawa, a computer science major from Wadsworth, Ohio, urged participants to remain peaceful and not react to anyone who might disagree. Advertisement Throughout the half-hour march, only one man appeared to question the group's motivation. Much of the route was met by honks and shouts of support. While similar marches across the country in major cities have been political in nature and often aimed at the Republican Party or president-elect Donald Trump, fellow organizer Upasna Barath said they wanted to remove the politics and focus on coming together. "In a time of divisiveness, we want to be talking about love and unity," said Barath, an economics and political science major. North Central officials saw Friday's march as a teaching tool about democracy and many walked in solidarity with the students. "As an educational institution, our students are learning to engage in civil dialogue and exercising their citizenship through freedom of speech," said Melissa Ramirez Cooper, NCC's director of communication. Dorothy Pleas, director of multicultural affairs at the college, said she applauded participants for taking the high road. "I feel like their unity and positivity is a great thing," she said. Youssef Mekawy, founder and president of the Muslim Student Association at NCC, called on his fellow students to fight against xenophobia, racism and other attitudes that could surface due to the results of the election. Advertisement "We will not allow this to be our social more," he said. "We march with message of love. Love will always defeat hate." The fact that the demonstration was held on Veterans Day was not lost on the students. Oyakawa asked for a moment of silence in support of veterans. The march started with the group chanting, "Thank you veterans." Besides the NCC Democrats, the march united other college-based organizations, including the forensics team, the International Club, the student-led multicultural organization MOSAIC, and the Hispanic/Latino student-faculty group Raza Unida. The group walked along the sidewalks starting at the fountain in Fredenhagen Park, just north of the DuPage River on South Washington Street, before moving north on Washington Street to Jefferson Avenue. They then journeyed around the North Central campus, through the Oesterle Library and ended in the Jefferson Commons to listen to speakers. Naperville police offered assistance along the way by blocking traffic at some of the major intersections. Advertisement subaker@tribpub.com Twitter @SBakerSun1 Hillary Clinton won a majority of voters in her hometown of Park Ridge, unofficial vote totals show. An analysis of votes cast in 28 Park Ridge precincts in Maine, Norwood Park and Leyden townships shows Clinton received 54 percent of the vote for president of the United States, according to data from the Cook County Clerk's Office. Advertisement Republican Donald Trump received 40.6 percent of the vote, followed by Libertarian Gary Johnson with 4.2 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein with 1.1 percent, the unofficial totals show. Votes from all precincts located within the city boundaries of Park Ridge were analyzed, with the exception of Maine Township Precinct 1, which is split between a small part of northern Park Ridge and Niles, according to voting maps published by the Cook County Clerk's Office. Advertisement The unofficial totals show that Clinton, who was projected to win the nationwide popular vote, but lost the general election to Trump based on electoral votes, won every Park Ridge precinct with the exception of three: Maine Township precinct 43, a neighborhood located directly east of Field School; Maine Township precinct 67, which is located on the western edge of the city and includes neighborhood surrounding Maine Park; and Maine Township precinct 88, a neighborhood that includes the Park Ridge Country Club and Prospect Park. As a whole, 57.6 percent of all Maine Township voters cast votes for Clinton and 38 percent voted for Trump, according to the unofficial totals. She also received the majority of votes in Norwood Park and Leyden townships, the county data indicates. "It makes me feel better that the township and city went for her," said Mary Wynn Ryan, who co-hosted an election night party recognizing Clinton's Park Ridge ties. "If we believe a person's background is a determination of what's next, then her background spoke well for her in this election." Suzanne Henn, who organized the gathering with Ryan, said she had hoped Clinton would win Park Ridge. She and Ryan say they still believe the city should recognize the candidate's upbringing in Park Ridge based on her past accomplishments. "The fact that we had our first female candidate running this time around and who did win the popular vote is huge in itself," Henn said. "It's something to be celebrated, something to be proud of that she's from our little community here." jjohnson@pioneerlocal.com Twitter: @Jen_Tribune Indiana legislators may not want to tackle the issue of medical marijuana in the Statehouse, but one Lake County Council member is looking to gain the support of his peers for a resolution supporting the practice. Lake County Councilman Jamal Washington, D-Merrillville, said he would like fellow council members to consider a resolution supporting the decriminalization of marijuana for medical purposes when the council meets Tuesday. Advertisement Washington said that with more states approving the decriminalization or legalization of medical or recreational marijuana, it is time for Indiana to allow access to the product that has been found to be effective treating symptoms of myriad diseases, from Alzheimer's to cancer. "People should be able to have access to medical marijuana if it will help relieve their pain," Washington said. Advertisement Two bills on the issue were presented in the Statehouse but did not make it out of committee in the spring session. The measure he is asking the council to consider would not serve to decriminalize medical marijuana in Lake County but would show the state legislature that county officials support statewide approval of the measure. State Sen. Karen Tallian, D-Ogden Dunes, authored SB206, which would have established a medical marijuana program and permitted caregivers and patients who have received a physician recommendation to possess marijuana for treatment. Tallian's bill would have also established a department of marijuana enforcement as a state agency to oversee the program. Council President Ted Bilski, D-Hobart, said the resolution, if approved by the council, would serve to let the state legislature know county officials would be behind a measure to decriminalize medicinal marijuana in the state. "I have no issue supporting a resolution for medical marijuana," Bilski said. He would not be so quick to support a move to decriminalize recreational use of marijuana without future study, he added. He said he has concerns about recreational marijuana use and would like to see more information on states that have approved it and are handling some of the negative issues. "Unfortunately, the county council does not have the authority to do anything," Bilski said, adding that if one of the council members feels the need to bring the resolution forward, it should be considered. Carrie Napoleon is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune. Tri-Creek School Corp. Superintendent Debra Howe sent an email to parents Thursday indicating that teachers and administrators have seen an uptick in inflammatory language that was used on the campaign trail. (Mark Davis / Post-Tribune) Reports of racially charged incidents indicative of President-elect Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric have reached schools in Northwest Indiana. Tri-Creek School Corp. Superintendent Debra Howe sent an email to parents Thursday indicating that teachers and administrators have seen an uptick in inflammatory language that was used on the campaign trail. Trump won the presidential election Tuesday. Since then, there have been more than 20 reports of these types of encounters around the country, according to The Associated Press. Advertisement At the University of New Mexico, for example, a Muslim engineering student said a man attempted to snatch off her hijab Tuesday while she was studying, and school administrators in Vice President-elect Mike Pence's hometown of Columbus called for respect after reports of Hispanic students being taunted with chants of "build that wall," including on Election Day. While the Tri-Creek schools' incidents haven't reached violent proportions, Howe said parents have called and are understandably upset, and she wants to nip any sort of nastiness in the bud before it has a chance to get worse. Advertisement "No one has been disciplined severely yet, and I think we've caught it early," Howe said Friday. "We've been working hard on diversity in our schools, and we made sure faculty, staff and employees weren't making statements about any one candidate. "We want our students to be comfortable, and we want everyone to be able to come together like a family." But anyone who continues to harass any Tri-Creek student will be dealt with, Howe said, up to and including suspension and expulsion as the situation warrants. Richard Weigel, superintendent of Portage Township schools, said he hasn't heard about bullying or other issues at his schools since the election, though he hasn't checked in with all of the building principals. "We have such wonderful diversity here at Portage to begin with," he said, adding that both teachers and students treat each other with kindness. The principal at the high school told him things were quiet and that the students there were doing great, Weigel said, adding that he talked to five juniors and seniors. "It was as much of a diverse group as you can imagine, and we had a great conversation" that focused on their futures and how things were going, Weigel said, with no mention of the election. Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League office that monitors extremism, said young people "were watching and observing this presidential campaign as closely as anyone else." Now that the campaign is over, "the impact of what they have seen is not just going to go away." Advertisement A racial backlash also unfolded after the election of Barack Obama, America's first black president, in 2008. At the time, police documented alleged crimes, from vandalism and vague threats to at least one physical attack. Insults and taunts were delivered by adults, college students and even children. Barbara Dahl, director of counseling services for Indiana University Northwest in Gary, said Friday that it's "appropriate and right" for schools that are dealing with high emotions and distress among their students to let them be heard, especially children. Dahl said she and her colleagues ended up changing their on-campus schedules to accommodate students concerned by the election results. "We all have to move toward the success of a democracy, so we have the discussion about the election in a meaningful way," Dahl said. "This election is unprecedented, in my time and certainly in the time of our current students, and with so much negative rhetoric from this candidate, some of this fear is based on the reality of this campaign. It's not about a partisan win-or-lose anymore, and our humanity doesn't change. "To not address it is to do your students a real disservice." Michelle L. Quinn is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune. Freelancer Amy Lavalley and The Associated Press contributed. His Grace Bishop Login, bishop of the New Gracanica and Midwestern Diocese, center, blesses the soil during a Saturday groundbreaking ceremony for a new cemetery at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville. (John Smierciak / Post-Tribune) With prayer and a special blessing, clergy and church members broke ground Saturday on a new cemetery at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, which will serve Orthodox Church members of all ethnic groups. A solemn procession led by His Grace Bishop Longin and priests from several Orthodox parishes in Indiana and Illinois brought church members from St. Sava church building north to the site where the cemetery will be built. Advertisement Ground was broken with gold-colored shovels, and the dirt blessed before it was placed around a cross marking the location of the first grave site. "It's a beautiful project. It keeps us all together," said the Rev. Marko Matic, parish priest of St. Sava, which has about 380 members. "It will be an Orthodox cemetery, allowing our parishioners to be buried with all the Orthodox customs and traditions." Advertisement Of special significance, he said, was that the ceremony took place on St. Varnava (Nastic) Day, marking the day the Gary native was consecrated a saint. "He was the first child baptized at St. Sava when it was in Gary. Today is his day," Matic said. The Rev. Bogan Zjalic, assistant priest at St. Sava, said a committee began working on bringing an Orthodox cemetery to the site five years ago because so many parishioners requested one. Previously, many church members traveled as far as Gurnee, Ill., or New Carlisle, Ind., to bury loved ones in an Orthodox cemetery, he said. About 40 acres owned by St. Sava in the 9100 block of Mississippi Street have been earmarked for the cemetery, with another 80 acres available if needed. The new cemetery has had support from Russian, Greek, Romanian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches in Illinois and Indiana, Zjalic said. Church member Radmila Milivojevic said the cemetery is not only important for members of the Serbian church, but for all ethnicities of the Orthodox Church. Three phases are planned, with 2,100 grave sites in the first phase, church president Danica Pejnovic said. Advertisement Planting grass and the remainder of the asphalt work needed for the first phase will be done in spring, officials said. Karen Caffarini is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune. COLUMBUS Like many Americans, state Sen. Paul Schumacher will be watching closely during the early stages of Donald Trumps presidency. And like many Americans, hes not sure exactly what to expect from the billionaire businessman and reality TV star. I think it could be one extreme or the other, Schumacher said when asked whether Trumps victory will be good or bad for Nebraska. That remains to be seen, which direction he will go, the Columbus attorney added. We clearly wont be going in the direction we were headed. A lack of defined policy at this point makes Trump difficult to predict, according to Schumacher, a Republican who represents District 22 in the state Legislature. But there are a few areas of interest that stand out. Trump is almost certain to make appealing the Affordable Care Act a priority. President Barack Obamas law expanded health insurance coverage to millions of Americans but has faced continued scrutiny since its adoption in 2010. Schumacher said it will be interesting to see the alternatives proposed by Republicans and what impact they have on Nebraska, where lawmakers have repeatedly chosen not to accept federal Medicaid funding available through Obamacare to expand health care coverage for lower-income residents. That will be a major thing, Schumacher said. Opponents of Medicaid expansion in Nebraska argued that the state would be on the hook for millions of dollars in annual costs should the federal funding decrease or dissolve. Schumacher believes federal assistance through the U.S. Department of Agriculture could also be targeted by the Trump administration. The president-elect may decide to decrease subsidies for ag-related businesses and farming operations, he said. The same could be true for wind energy projects as Schumacher expects the next president to loosen rules on the use of coal to generate power. That would be good news for Nebraskas public power districts and utilities, which received 61.5 percent of their electricity from coal-fired plants in 2015 almost double the national figure. Obamas Clean Power Plan calls for a 32 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, a greenhouse gas linked to climate change, by 2030. Nebraska, one of several states suing to halt the plan, would have to reduce its emissions by 40 percent, using 2005 emissions as a baseline. Schumacher said easing those rules would lengthen the lives of coal-fired power plants and could put costly upgrades aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions on hold. The state senator knows immigration is another topic of local interest. A general deportation order from Trump would have a major impact in Nebraska, where immigrants fill jobs in meatpacking plants, the service industries and other areas. The state, already struggling to find enough workers to fill open positions, would need to replace this labor force if stricter immigration laws took it away. There were also changes at the state level that will have a significant impact in the years ahead. Nebraska voters overwhelmingly decided to reinstate the death penalty. Schumacher, who was among the senators voting to repeal capital punishment in 2015, said Tuesday nights vote doesnt eliminate the problems associated with the death penalty. Simply reinstating it doesnt make it work, he said. The Legislature repealed the death penalty because its next to impossible to carry out, according to Schumacher, who referenced the problems the state is having while trying to purchase the drugs needed to carry out an execution. Schumacher said the long appeal process and significant costs associated with the death penalty, along with a lack of evidence that it serves as a deterrent to crimes, were among the reasons he supported its repeal. Yet, he wasnt surprised that 61 percent of Nebraska voters disagreed with that viewpoint. Schumacher said state lawmakers spent many, many hours analyzing the issue before coming to their decision. Without those facts, the natural inclination is to vote for revenge, and thats what happened, he said. The Columbus senator will be joined in the Unicameral next year by 17 new lawmakers, including five who unseated incumbents in the general election. A super majority of the state Legislature will have two or fewer years of experience. I think in large measure the people are just plain unhappy, Schumacher said of the upheaval. The large turnover, which is also contributed to by term limits, can create problems in Lincoln. Nebraska is facing an estimated $910 million shortfall in general funds for the next two-year budget cycle, based on the Legislatures spending projections. Schumacher said inexperience may have contributed to the revenue shortfall as lawmakers authorized tax cuts and credits that will make it difficult to balance the budget. If state revenue numbers dont improve, he fears the Legislature may be forced to raise taxes or make draconian cuts in big budget items once the cash reserve runs dry. Brandon's Hope was named in honor of Brandon Earl, 33, who died from a drug overdose in March, 2016. (Danielle Bellinger / Provided by Danielle Berger) Brandon Earl was an avid Cubs fan with a passion for cars, riding dirt bikes, fishing, hunting and working out, according to his obituary. "Brandon also volunteered as a counselor helping those with drug addictions and awareness," his obit states. Advertisement Earl died in his DeMotte home March 31 of this year. He was 33. What Earl's obit doesn't mention is that he died from a drug overdose. Advertisement "Brandon struggled with addiction for 10 years, and he knew the struggle of trying to find affordable treatment," said Danielle Bellinger of Wheatfield, a friend of Earl's. "One of the last conversations my husband Dustin had with Brandon before he passed was about hope," she said. "Brandon talked about how he had hope for himself, and how he loved watching other people get clean. His biggest hope was to get help for all those who are struggling with addiction." Earl lost his struggle with addiction. But he went down swinging, his family and friends say. "Brandon was clean for nine months before he relapsed with one batch laced with Fentanyl," Bellinger said. "We feel that Brandon is sadly the case for most addicts; the struggle of sobriety, the stigma and the shame of asking for help." In Earl's honor, the Bellingers created a support group for addicts and their families. They named it Brandon's Hope. "Our intent is to carry out Brandon's biggest hope," Danielle Bellinger said. "Our message is about drug prevention and awareness, starting in Jasper and Newton counties, and in time for all of Northwest Indiana." Brandon Robert Earl, 33, of DeMotte, died from a drug overdose March 31, 2016, at his home. A drug prevention group, Brandon's Hope, has started in his name in Jasper and Newton counties. (Danielle Bellinger / Provided by Danielle Bellinger) The group meets weekly at the Wheatfield Public Library, with its next meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on Nov. 19. For more information, visit the group's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/groups/184508055294097/. Mike Hull, a public safety officer for multiple jurisdictions in this area, including Jasper County, said "without a doubt" overdose deaths are on the rise in rural counties, too. Advertisement "I personally attribute this to the drugs being used," he said. "Drugs like methamphetamine and heroin release chemicals in your brain providing the feeling of a high. These chemicals can also be compared to our highest moments in life, like child birth, winning a competition, sex, and so on. The chemical high released from these drugs can reach between 1,000 to 10,000 times that of those life experiences." "The problem is that (addicts) never reach their original high, and they keep chasing it, often resulting in overdoses," Hull said. Earlier this month, Lake County Coroner Merrilee Frey warned our entire area about a spike in drug overdose deaths in her county. "In the past eight days, we have had nine drug overdose deaths, with six being heroin-related," she told me. "It's a true epidemic. No other disease is taking the lives of our youth like this." Newton County Sheriff Thomas VanVleet told me his county is no different than any other in Northwest Indiana, or in the country. "We too have a drug problem and we are fighting the heroin epidemic," he said. "Fortunately, being a small county, we are not seeing the huge number of cases as those counties around us. However, we see a lot of traffic from people traveling to and from the source of the problem, in Illinois." Advertisement "Our drug task force works with Kankakee County, Illinois, in an attempt to slow the process. But as soon as one drug provider is taken down, another one takes their place. It's the infamous revolving door." Earl habitually used a similar revolving door when it came to his addiction. "Once it gets a hold of you, it doesn't let go," Dustin Bellinger said. Brandon's Hope was named in honor of Brandon Earl, 33, who died from a drug overdose in March, 2016. (Danielle Bellinger / Provided by Danielle Bellinger) Earl's mother, Sharon Earl, was a member of the support group after it launched. But she has since stepped back from its outreach efforts. It's still too painful, she said. "Sharon constantly reminds everyone that for 10 years she was with her son through whatever treatment plan they could get," Danielle Bellinger said. "They tried everything but, ultimately, it didn't save Brandon." In an effort to broaden the group's reach, Brandon's Hope will be changing its name to Recovering Hope, she said. Nonetheless, the message remains the same. Advertisement The Bellingers are reaching out to area churches, support groups, law enforcement agencies, social media groups, and anyone else who wants to join their efforts. "The reality is that addicts are people like you and me, but they're struggling with a disease," Danielle Bellinger said. "We can't expect them to ask for help when they need it if we have created an environment that has shunned them. And one that makes them believe they are less than deserving of help and compassion." Earl knew this. He lived it. He died with this in mind, his loved ones say. Post Tribune Twice-weekly News updates from Northwest Indiana delivered every Monday and Wednesday > Nearly every obit for a drug overdose death omits one crucial but socially sensitive fact a cause of death. And understandably so. I also had a close loved one who died from a drug-related cause of death. It's not the kind of death that families want to publicize in an obit, in the newspaper, or in public. But here's the thing about addiction. Although Earl's drug habit killed him, it didn't define him. And there's always hope for anyone who's still around to read this. Advertisement For families battling the bottomless hell of drug addiction, hope may be the only substance left that hasn't been inhaled, snorted or injected by their loved one. Whether it's called Brandon's Hope or Recovering Hope, it doesn't matter. Hope is hope. jdavich@post-trib.com Twitter@jdavich What's Quickly? It's where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com. Paul Ryan has already announced that with Donald Trump now at the helm, the GOP is going to move quickly to eliminate Medicare in its current form. What you'll get instead are vouchers you can use to purchase private insurance that might not come close to covering your needs. Let me be the first to say "I told you so." If you voted for Trump, you deserve this, but the rest of us don't. Advertisement If all the Trump supporters were the deplorables, who are these people "protesting" the results? There have always been all kinds of improper things going on in politics on both sides of the aisle. Don't act like your party is innocent of any of those things, because they are not. There is no such thing as honesty or integrity in politics. Advertisement To get rid of the Electoral College requires an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. To do so requires that two-thirds of each House of Congress and three fourths of the States all agree. These men that think Trump treats women good or that he hasn't done anything wrong, are a huge threat to all women and girls out there. Beware of all Trump backers, you are not safe around them. We need to change our state laws concerning the DNA database. DNA samples should be obtained at the time of an arrest. In other states that has helped to solve many cold case crimes. This is to the commenter about the sixth grade reading skills. I was one of the basket of deplorables, I voted for Trump, I have a bachelors degree in business administration, and majored in accounting. I ran a company of 35 employees for 24 years. Post Tribune Twice-weekly News updates from Northwest Indiana delivered every Monday and Wednesday > Trump campaigned on being an outsider, and yet everyone he is aligning himself with is a deeply entrenched insider. How is that for hypocrisy? It's pretty simple, one party is accepting of all people regardless of the criterion. The other is accepting of all people as long as they are just like them. You have the nerve to tell Cubs fans to get the chip off of their shoulders and to act like civilized citizens. Wow I bet you yell at the neighborhood kids when they walk on your lawn too. When President Obama ran for office, I did not vote for him either time. When he won, I was unhappy and afraid for our country. I did, however, respect the fact that he won and that he was our President. I did not go out and protest or whine and say I'm moving to Canada. People need to grow up and stop acting like spoiled children. Advertisement Parents in the surrounding communities of Gary, you had better start attending your school board meetings. There is talk of shutting down Gary schools as a whole and sending them to neighboring communities. More than 5,000 students would need to be placed in other schools and I want to know how, when most of us are at capacity? Who is going to transport these students? Who is going to pay for it? What will happen to all the teachers' pensions? Where is the tax money going to go that is collected in Gary? There are so many questions that I hope can be reasonably answered. Do not believe the baloney that trade sanctions will start a trade war and price increases. We have been in a trade war all along and we are losing badly. Huge trade deficits and very little made here anymore. And price increases will happen whether the products are made here or overseas. Most of the products are made overseas and prices are more expensive than ever. We may as well make it here and employ Americans. The price increase issue is a wash. Read more at www.post-trib.com/quickly You are here: Home China is likely to meet this year's targets early for reducing overcapacity in the coal and steel sectors, a Chinese official said Friday. Li Pumin, secretary general of the National Development and Reform Commission, told a press conference that the steel industry had completed its annual target of reducing production capacity by 45 million tonnes by the end of October. The coal sector is also likely to meet its annual goal of cutting capacity by 250 million tonnes in advance, Li said. At present, both sectors have made encouraging headway in cutting overcapacity, which helps to improve corporate profitability, optimize structure and balance market supply and demand, he said. Facing surging coal prices and short supply in some areas, Li added the country would coordinate coal, electricity and heating supply to stabilize market prices while firmly cutting overcapacity and adjusting the sector's structure. Cutting overcapacity is one of the major tasks in the country's supply-side structural reform. In May, the Ministry of Finance earmarked a special fund of 100 billion yuan (14.68 billion U.S. dollars) to subsidize local governments and state-owned companies in reducing steel and coal overcapacity. You are here: Home Police in Shanghai have busted a gang suspected of fabricating official documents and spreading rumors online. A Ministry of Public Security statement Friday said the group, with members from over 20 provincial-level regions in China, used WeChat as a major platform to spread rumors about the Chinese government's control of free speech online. Han Wencai, a government official in Inner Mongolia, as well as five other suspects in the group have been placed under "compulsory measures" by police for public order violations, the statement said. "Compulsory measures" include arrest, detention, issuing a warrant to compel a suspect to appear, bail pending trial or residential surveillance. The statement said Han and other members of the group claimed to be officially employed "public opinion workers," and fabricated payroll lists for these "workers" before publishing the lists on WeChat. Some of them said they were senior government officials and posted photos online. They also faked details of senior state leaders, including official speeches, discussions of official meetings about public opinion control, and voice records. The materials gained attention online and were used to attack the Chinese government for violating freedom of speech. According to the ministry's statement, the suspects have shown repentance. Flash Wind farms in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. [File photo/China.org.cn] Chinese officials have reaffirmed the country's determination to continue working on climate change despite climate skeptic Donald Trump's win in the U.S. presidential election. The U.S. President-elect has questioned climate change and vowed to pull out of the landmark Paris Agreement, bringing uncertainties to the future climate agenda of the U.S. and the world as a whole. As the U.S. and China are believed to be the leading forces in the global green process, China's response has been closely watched at the ongoing UN climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco. Gou Haibo, deputy chief of the Chinese delegation to the climate conference, said on Nov. 9 that China would continue its effort in combating climate change despite the results of the U.S. presidential election. Two days later, two veteran Chinese negotiators reaffirmed the country's resolve in combating climate change. "We have to wait and see whether the new U.S. government will withdraw from the Paris Agreement, but no matter what happens in the new government of the United States, I think China will continue our action and will continue participating in the global multilateral process." Chen Zhihua, an official of the Department of Climate Change of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), told a group of Chinese and foreign journalists on Nov.11. Chen also said that even if the United States withdraws from the Paris Agreement, "the communication and cooperation with the U.S. government will continue." Gu Zihua, an official from the Department of Treaty and Law under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphasized that as the Paris Agreement has already come into force, it would take four years for the U.S. to formally pull out of the Paris Agreement. He said that it would be "politically problematic" if the U.S. decided to withdraw from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is the internationally recognized climate change framework. He also emphasized that there are disparities between "campaign policies" and "real policies" in the U.S., suggesting that everyone should "wait and see." Asked whether China would assume the top leadership role in the global transition to a low-carbon economy, Chen said that the leadership role is defined by the UNFCCC and that developed countries are legally bound to contribute more to the mitigation work in climate change and provide financial and technological support to developing countries. But Chen also said that China has made a lot of effort in combating climate change and that the country is one of the earliest in the world to have launched a national climate change program. The country has also set ambitious carbon reduction targets, he added. Gu Zihua of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added that China has not set its sights on asserting the top leadership position in global green action, but is more keen on making its own contribution as well as encouraging other countries to take active actions in the global climate change agenda. CRETE -- Hes dried out eight permanent markers in the past year, collecting signatures from strangers in the Wal-Mart parking lot, outside of the grocery store, at the air show in Lincoln. If you wore a uniform, any uniform, he wants you to sign his car. If your father or great-uncle or grandmother wore a uniform, he wants you to sign his car. Wade Wilson, Joshua Witsman, Marines KIA. Merv White, Army. William Kalkwarf, Army. Jack Fry, USMC. Grandpa Don Bartlett. Ron Buss, 1963-1969, Air Guard. Hes gathered more than 1,300 names since just before last Veterans Day, almost all of them American military, but a few police officers and firefighters and members of the Mexican Army and Australian Air Force. He doesnt have to ask. People are drawn to his 1946 Chevy Sedan Delivery and all of the autographs covering its olive green panels, and soon theyre selecting a spot to add their own. Right fender: Spc. Gaghagen, U.S. Army. Hood: Nelson OKeefe Jr. USMC 1944-1955. Behind the rear wheel: A dozen members of the Johnson family. Drivers door: RIP Robert Smith. One name is missing. His. Sam Aughe, 199th Light Infantry. This isnt about me, he says. But it could be. He and this car have a history. He first wanted it nearly 50 years ago, when he 17, before the Army sent him to Vietnam. It was just different, Aughe said. Its an ugly car, actually. So ugly, its neat. It was the butchers car then. Tony Bohac would drive around Saline County making deliveries in the yellow Chevy, sometimes returning to Crete with a load of live hogs in the back. Aughe tried to buy it, but Bohac wasnt selling. Then the teen enlisted in the Army. He had planned to make the military his career. The artilleryman was in his second year in Vietnam, lobbing shells into the jungle, when he was hit by the recoil of his howitzer. The force flipped him through the air and he landed on his back, upside down, against the blast wall. His career plans changed. After I got hurt, the Army didn't want me. And I didn't want the Army, either. He didn't return to a hero's homecoming then. He didn't feel any of the honor he's trying to bestow with his Chevy now. I was asked: 'How many women and kids do you think you killed?' Back in Crete, he married Dolores Coffey and they started a family. He worked for the city, and then as a lineman, and then for the co-op, fixing cars. He's retired now, but still works on cars for family and friends. Which is how he ended up at his old friend Fran Siedhoff's garage about two years ago. And how he was reunited with the '46 Sedan Delivery. I went down there and there it was. I didnt even know he had the damn thing. I told him I was interested. Siedhoff had found the Chevy in a scrap yard. He recognized it as the butcher's, so he bought it, tracked down the title, swapped motors to get it running again and then parked it for about 30 years, until Aughe stumbled upon it. I just had it in storage and Sam wanted it, and I said, 'Fine.' The thought came to Sam Aughe during a sleepless night. He'd owned the car for a couple of weeks and had been planning its restoration: Fresh yellow paint, like it had looked when he first saw it in the late 1960s. But then this new thought from out of nowhere: Make it look military, make it honor those who served. So he covered it in Army olive, with a white star on each door. He painted the grille and fenders red, white and blue. He spent about 400 hours getting it road-worthy. He let his granddaughter christen it a year ago with the name of her other grandfather. Then the names multiplied -- people stopping him in parking lots to ask about the car, Aughe giving them the marker, and his invitation. A man signed for his father and uncle, both shot down over the same target on the same day, both ending up in the same prisoner-of-war camp. A woman honored her husband and brother, killed by the same IED in Iraq. Another told him her relative fought in the Civil War. But she wasn't going to add it, and I said, 'Why not?' And she said, 'He fought for the Confederacy. And I said, 'I don't care.' He's had state troopers sign it and federal agents. He's had members of foreign forces sign it. But mostly, he's handed his black markers to those who served all branches of the U.S. military, including the Coast Guard. They all leave their names, but some add where they served and when. Others sign for their loved ones who were killed in action or are still missing or have since died. He felt good, like his mission was accomplished, when an old vet signed the car and told him: At least now I know my name will be on something other than a damn tombstone. But Aughe plans to keep driving his Chevy and keep collecting signatures until he runs out of room. Then he'll give it to a military museum. That won't be anytime soon. The rolling memorial is more than 16 feet long, draped in what seems like an acre of sheet metal. Plenty of places for more names, more honor. And I do have a lot of space inside, too. Photo taken on Nov 12, 2016 shows a giant screen displaying total gross merchandise volume (GMV) of Alibaba's online marketplace Tmall for Singles' Day shopping spree in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong province. By 0 o'clock on Saturday, the total GMV of Tmall during Singles' Day has exceeded 120.7 billion yuan (about $17.78 billion).[Photo/Xinhua] The world's biggest online shopping day of the year kicked off with a singing-and-dancing countdown gala filled with A-listers such as David and Victoria Beckham and Kobe Bryant, and it ended once again with a jaw-dropping sales record. The star-studded, four-hour variety show on Thursday night ended at midnight, launching the huge event on Friday that brought hundreds of millions of shoppers to e-commerce sites and merchants. For the first time, e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding offered a 3-D shopping experience for shoppers making purchases with virtual reality goggles. Rival JD.com Inc enlisted robots to distribute the massive online orders that began pouring in as of midnight on Thursday and dispatched drones to speed up deliveries. Additionally, US retailer Target and tech giant Apple Inc participated for the first time. Alibaba, which initiated the Singles Day shopping festival on November 11, 2009, reported its estimated sales of the day at 112.9 billion yuan ($16.6 billion) by 10:30 pm on Friday. The sales far exceeded the 91.2 billion yuan in transactions it generated last year, as consumers shrugged off any concerns and went into a "hand chopping" modea phrase that Chinese netizens coined to describe the guilty feeling after a spending frenzy. Lu Zhenwang, an internet expert and chief executive officer of Shanghai-based Wanqing Consultancy, attributed the spectacular growth of the 2016 Singles Day sales to a rising number of smartphone shoppers and rural shoppers, as well as a big boost from first-time participants like Target and Apple. Statistics from Alibaba showed that more than 80 percent of the 95 billion yuan in transactions made as of 5 pm on Friday were completed using mobile devices, a significant growth from the 68.67 percent recorded last year. For rural shoppers, who have emerged as a force driving sales, high-priority items included shampoo, smartphones, electric pressure cookers and pants, according to Alibaba. The shopping festival has become a national celebration for consumers with more online and offline retailers joining in. "Both Alibaba and JD have persuaded more brands, even big international brands, to participate in the sales this year, which clearly gives shoppers, especially those who value quality, much more options," he said. Chen Xue, a white-collar worker, said she spent more this year than for any previous Singles Day event, after she found an Apple MacBook on sale. "The notebook is priced at 5,688 yuan on JD.com600 yuan less than its original price. So I didn't hesitate to buy it at all," she said. Rather than using the sales event to dump unpopular products, many brands use it as an opportunity to access new markets and gauge demand. Wyeth Nutrition, a unit of Swiss food giant Nestle SA, launched an exclusive milk formula product during the event and achieved sales volume of 20 million yuan in just a few hours, said Frank Qu, Wyeth's regional business head in China. Andria Cheng, an analyst with London-based eMarketer, said, "The key for brands is how to turn the hype and possible sales boost tied to the event into something sustainable." Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond (second from left) opens the London Stock Exchange with LSE CEO Xavier Rolet (left), joined by a banking and financial delegation from China on Thursday. [Photo/Agencies] Chinese and British leaders affirmed on Thursday that they want to use the momentum of a new "golden era" in their relations to further cooperate in a range of economic and trade fields. As the most senior Chinese delegation to visit this year met top British officials for the eighth China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue, areas of cooperation under discussion included trade, investment, market access, financial services, macroeconomic policy and infrastructure. A total of 63 agreements were reached, including moving the feasibility study on London-Shanghai Stock Connect to the next stage. This year's dialogue, led by Chinese Vice-Premier Ma Kai and British Chancellor Philip Hammond, built on the two countries' strong collaboration at the G20 Leaders Summits in Hangzhou in September. It followed a fruitful meeting between Ma and British Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday. Hammond confirmed the UK will invest up to $50 million in the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to support infrastructure projects in developing countries. The commitment makes the UK the second contributor to the AIIB after China, and builds on the UK's early decision to join the AIIB. Ma said both governments affirmed at the dialogue their commitment to strengthen a comprehensive bilateral strategic partnership. Ma said China respects the UK public's choice to leave the European Union and looks forward to deepening its partnership with the UK's new government. "Our trade relationships are now more important than ever. China's services imports, where the UK has such a strong competitive advantage, has more than tripled since 2010," said Hammond on Thursday. He said that Britain is home to more Chinese investment than any other European country, adding that this market opportunity will become more important post-Brexit. The two sides agreed to push the UK's regional development plan and China's Belt and Road Initiativeand build links between the UK's industrial strategy 2050 and Made in China 2025. They will also enhance cooperation in trade and investment and use the opportunity of the massive Hinkley Point power station project to deepen cooperation in nuclear energy. Other areas of joint interest will be in high speed railways and space projects. Hammond announced that the two sides also agreed to work on the next step of a feasibility study to connect the London and Shanghai stock exchanges. The stock connect, the first of its kind outside China, is one part of a new long-term, strategic plan for UK-China financial services cooperation which was agreed upon as part of the dialogue. The plan sets out how China and the UK will work more closely to enhance cooperation and boost market access over the coming years, focusing on eight key areas: capital markets, asset management, insurance and pensions, banking, green finance, fintech, the Belt and Road Initiative and financial inclusion. Hammond said the two countries were also committed to establishing new platforms for cross border trading of green bonds, which will be a major step in the continued development of green finance. Contact the writers through cecily.liu@mail.chinadailyuk.com China's appetite for the UK property market remains strong despite fears that buyers may turn their back on the market because of Brexit. [Photo provided to China Daily] Major Chinese property investment deals are still forging ahead in Britain, as China's appetite for the UK property market remains strong despite fears that buyers may turn their back on the market because of Brexit. In a sign of post-Brexit confidence and that London is open for business, Chinese developer ABP, together with CITIC, have agreed to invest around 300 million pounds ($378.9 million) in the first phase of the 1.7 billion pound project at the Royal Albert Docks in East London. Four Chinese banks will provide 1.2 billion pounds and ABP's development partner, Thailand's Charoen Pokphand Group, will hold 25 percent equity in a platform companyThe East London Development Group. ABP Chairman Xu Weiping told an East London-China Investment Summit: "These major investments are a vote of confidence in the UK and London market following the Brexit vote. ABP is delighted to be working alongside CITIC Group and Charoen Popkphand Group, two of Asia's biggest enterprises, to deliver the Royal Albert Dock project." It's expected that some 30,000 jobs will be created upon completion and it's been hailed as the third financial hub of the city, following the likes of City of London and Canary Wharf. And, that project is just one of many that Chinese companies have invested in London's market. Sino-Australian investment firm ASF, meanwhile, is one of three shortlisted bidders for the regeneration of the Albert Island site in the Royal Docks area. Last week, China's third-largest developer Greenland Group vowed to go ahead with building the Spire in West India Quayset to be the tallest residential building in Europewhatever the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, at a cost of 800 million pounds and scheduled for completion in 2020. Also, Asian Growth Properties Limited purchased an office building in London for around 154 million pounds and there's also the Wanda One hotel and a residential project south of the Thames by the world's largest property developer, Dalian Wanda. With property cooling measures being introduced by Beijing and the pound falling to a 31-year low, Chinese property investors have been seizing the opportunity to snap up commercial properties and luxury homes in London. BEIJING - High Speed Railway (HSR) trains are joining the battle to deliver goods for the Singles' Day (Nov 11) shopping spree, in Beijing from Friday. According to Beijing Railway Bureau (BRB), four daily trains will be running at 160 km per hour to carry goods from Beijing to Shanghai and Guangdong in the next 10 days, shortening each trip to 15 hours, including loading and unloading time. "Each train has 15 compartments, and can carry 340 tons of goods," said Zhang Jinchao, deputy director at the BRB logistics center. "A total of 1,837 tons of goods have been transported today, with one of the trains carrying goods sold on JD.com and delivered by SF express," Zhang said Friday. According to BRB, the center expects to send around 13,500 tons of goods and receive 14,000 tons during the Nov 11-20 period, both 80 percent increases compared with a year earlier. HSR now covers over 500 cities in China, including major cities as well as counties in eastern and central China. Since the first piece of HSR track was laid in the early 2000s, China's HSR network has seen average 30 percent annual growth in passenger trips, and the network exceeded 20,000 kilometers long as of September, according to China Railway Corp. The network is expected to reach 38,000 km by 2025. Sales on Alibaba surpassed 10 billion yuan (about $1.47 billion) in just six minutes 58 seconds after the Singles' Day began, almost six minutes ahead of last year, the company said. According to China Express Association, over one billion packages are estimated to be transported for the Singles' Day shopping spree, double last year's figure. Nearly 14 billion packages were delivered in China in 2014, exceeding the United States for the first time. "People say that e-commerce in China is a miracle, but in my opinion, the fast development of express services in China is the real miracle," said Jack Ma, president of the nation's e-commerce giant Alibaba. Online shoppers in China reached 447 million by June this year, according to a China Internet Network Information Center report. "We are selling more goods and delivering them faster. Delivering goods was a headache during Singles' Day five years ago, but now shoppers can receive what they bought in two or three days," said Zhang Yong, Alibaba's CEO. Cainiao, an express delivery platform using big data, has made it possible for goods to travel faster. Over 70 percent of packages in China use this platform. "If we don't try a new method and build a stronger logistics network, online retail will be hindered," said Tong Wenhong, Cainiao's CEO. "Courier services have been renovating the delivery network. Cainiao uses big data to help courier companies optimize the process and improve delivery efficiency," added Tong. Over 20 billion packages were delivered last year, using more than 2 million delivery staff. Aliresearch has predicted that the number of packages in China will reach 100 billion in the coming five to eight years. Social logistics now accounts for nearly 11 trillion yuan (about $1.62 trillion), accounting for 16 percent of GDP last year, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. A picture that has gone viral on the internet shows that the two automakers signed the agreement on Nov 11, 2016. [Photo/autohome.com.cn] German automaker Audi AG inked a deal with SAIC Motor to build a joint venture, a move to consolidate its lead in the Chinese market. A picture that has gone viral on the internet shows that the two automakers signed the agreement on Friday. News portal Sina.com reported that the joint venture will be a 50:50 sales company, and SAIC Motor will produce Audi models as an OEM, with the first model expected to hit the market in April. Both Audi China and Volkswagen China declined to comment on the issue at press time, saying details will not be released until late Monday. A picture that has gone viral on the internet shows that the two automakers signed the agreement on Nov 11, 2016.[Photo/autohome.com.cn] Audi built its first joint venture with China's FAW in 1991, which has since been localizing and selling Audi models. Audi dealers, who were not informed of the deal in advance, are voicing their anger, demanding a response from the automaker about how to protect their interests. A public letter from the Audi Dealers Association said some dealers are faced with high inventory and "the interests of Audi dealers will be further damaged if you set up a new sales company". Audi has been the champion in China's premium car market, but it is losing steam compared to its competitors. Statistics show that Audi sold 440,233 cars on the Chinese mainland and in Hong Kong in the first nine months of this year. Despite keeping the lion's share, Audi posted merely 6.2 percent growth year-on-year. In comparison, BMW's sales rose 10.6 percent year-on-year in the same period to 379,000 units, and Mercedes-Ben sold 344,791 units in the same period, a 29.5 percent surge, year-on-year. A company boss is praised by internet users for giving his employees a half-day off to shop during the annual online Singles Day shopping spree, which started on Friday just after midnight. "Considering our employees would stay up late to buy things online, and that would affect their rest and consequently their efficiency at work, I made the decision to give them a half-day free," said Qiu Ling, general manager of Lingdong Media Co Ltd in Jining, Shandong province in eastern China. The company has more than 30 employees, most of them of the post-1980s and post-1990s generations, with an average age of 29. "I know they prefer online shopping more than window shopping," said Qiu. He hoped, in the notice announcing the special leave, that his single employees would soon find partners. Netizens quickly took note of Qiu of as the news spread online, with some praising him as a nice, considerate boss. "As a media company, it's better to have a flexible work system within which employees more easily come up with innovative ideas. I think his (Qiu's) decision is smart," said Wu Dongmei, who works for a foreign-backed company in Qingdao, also in Shandong province. For student shoppers, some universities and colleges also offered special treatment - supplying electricity all night instead of the usual practice of cutting electricity after 10 pm. Communication University of China in Beijing posted on its micro blog that electricity would stay on Thursday night. It also urged students to arrange their time reasonably and not disturb other students. But not everyone supports the annual online shopping spree. A restaurant in Chongqing in southwestern China was reported to delay salary payment on Thursday to the end of next month, saying "to help employees save money, avoid family conflicts and protect employees from small-scale bankruptcy". The 31-year-old restaurant manager was quoted as saying he had bad experience on last year's Singles Day online shopping festival during which he spent 20,000 yuan ($2,930), and some things he bought were useless. The manager said the average age of his employees is around 25 and they don't have much savings. He is worried that once their salaries were paid, they would soon be spent, China National Radio reported. "Our company never delays salary. But this time, we just want to protect employees from unreasonable consumption. For employees who have emergency, I will pay them," CNR quoted the manager as saying. Contact the writer through zhaoruixue@chinadaily.com.cn (China Daily 11/12/2016 page3) Most Nebraska counties broke stronger for Donald Trump last week than for any other GOP presidential nominee in at least 16 years. The president-elect outperformed his recent Republican predecessors in 84 of the state's 93 counties, according to Matt Waite, a data journalist and professor of practice at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Trump garnered more support in those counties than Mitt Romney, John McCain or George W. Bush (twice). Waite didn't look further back than 2000 because of time constraints and less-accessible data. Lancaster and Douglas were the only counties Trump lost, according to unofficial final results from the Nebraska Secretary of State's Office. "There were only a handful of counties that were actually competitive," Waite said Friday. "It was pretty much Lancaster, Douglas and then everyone else." Hillary Clinton polled above 30 percent in four other counties: Dakota, Saline, Sarpy and Thurston. And Trump scored support from more than 85 percent of voters in 18 counties: Arthur, Banner, Blaine, Boyd, Brown, Chase, Cherry, Dundy, Grant, Hayes, Holt, Hooker, Keya Paha, Logan, McPherson, Rock, Sheridan and Thomas. In Grant County, he won 93 percent of the vote. In Hayes County, 92 percent. "That's high," Waite said. "Even by Nebraska standards that's high." The numbers from Lancaster and Sarpy counties are consistent with national trends that show Democrats swarming cities and Republicans clustering in suburbs or in small towns and rural areas, said John Hibbing, a political science professor at UNL. "People like to live around people who think like them." But Hibbing said the narrative that Trump's victory was the result of anxiety among working-class white people is "not entirely correct." "The Trump vote was not just a bunch of poor people and economically threatened individuals," he said. In exit polls conducted by national media outlets, Clinton saw more support than Trump in income brackets under $50,000. Trump also had support from 42 percent of women -- "a pretty startlingly large minority," Hibbing said. He said one possibility is that Trump voters are more sensitive to perceived threats -- racial, economic, military, criminal, etc. Former Gov. Dave Heineman, who was Trump's honorary campaign chairman in Nebraska, said the candidate's historic success across much of the state can be attributed to voters' desire for change. "I think that is a reflection of middle-class Nebraskans, middle-class Americans who want change," he said. "They are unhappy with both political parties and what they have failed to accomplish at the federal level." Visitors to the Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province, are impressed with the display of a rich variety of agricultural products from the province's Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture. The prefecture which is China's largest habit of the Yi people is hosting an exhibition of agricultural products with its characteristics. The five-day exhibition which ends on Tuesday features farm produces such as the pomegranate, buckwheat, cocoon silk and potato. It is aimed at promoting the sale of green products from Liangshan, according to Song Min, an information officer with the Liangshan prefecture government. Located in the southwest of Sichuan, Liangshan covers more than 60,000 square kilometers and has a population of more than 5 million. Being mountainous and far from the provincial capital Chengdu, it is known for its fresh air, beautiful natural environment and green products. Liangshan is China's largest pomegranate and buckwheat producing base and Sichuan's largest potato producing base, Song said. About four months ago, Chinese women expressed their happiness at the approval of a long-awaited vaccine which protects against the cancer-causing human papillomavirus, better known as HPV. Their happiness, however, didn't last long. It turned to disappointment, if not anger, as they learned early this month that the vaccine was being phased out in the United States. GlaxoSmithKline has confirmed that it will no longer supply the US market with Cervarix because of the declining demand, after the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the vaccine Gardasil 9. Gardasil 9 is produced by US-based company Merck, and offers protection against nine strains of HPV, including the two main cancer-causing types, type 16 and 18. Cervarix offers protection against only type 16 and 18, which account for about 70 percent of all cervical cancer cases. Although it has been available for many years in the US and other parts of the world, including even some less-developed African countries such as Rwanda and Uganda, it has taken more than eight years from the initial application for GSK to get the final approval to sell the Cervarix vaccine in China. Now despite its proven effectiveness in preventing cervical cancer, the Chinese public is complaining that they still will not have access to the HPV vaccine which provides the broadest protection. And as one online post said, the vaccine that has been approved has become outdated before it becomes available. China reports more than 130,000 cervical cancer cases each year, which account for 28 percent of world's total, according to official statistics. But Qiao Youlin, an acclaimed epidemiologist of oncology, who sits on the expert panel for HPV vaccine assessment and approval of the country's top drug authority, said Merck has not yet begun the approval process by applying to register Gardasil 9 with the Chinese authorities. Qiao stressed that Cervarix protects against the major cervical cancer-causing HPV types and thus would reduce cervical cancer in China. But he said it is unlikely the vaccine will be integrated into China's routine immunization program as is the case in many other countries. So people will have to pay to have the vaccine. Of course, given the sheer size of China's population, affordability is a practical concern. But the government should at least work more efficiently to introduce vaccines with proven effect internationally to enable the people to buy them at home. Vaccines save lives and prevent infectious diseases, and save money on medical bills for the government. For cost-effectiveness, the government should gradually integrate the HPV vaccine into the routine immunization program, which works best to increase coverage and thus improve equity in people's rights to health. Hepatitis B provides an example in this respect. The world's first recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, still in use today, was introduced and approved in the US in 1986. In China, the vaccine was available and put on the recommended vaccination list by the government in 1992. Worldwide, individuals infected with hepatitis B number 350 million; one-third of those live in China and most of them were infected in the 1980s. Many eventually developed liver cancer, costing lives and money. As the world's second-largest economy, China shouldn't allow a similar scenario to happen again. Over the decades China's drug management capacity, particularly the post-marketing evaluation, has been significantly strengthened and become more efficient, and streamlined approval procedures can be expected to strike a balance between safety and efficiency. Last month, the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, the country's Cabinet, issued the "Healthy China 2030" blueprint, which promises to assure residents get equal access to basic health services by 2020. Let's start with accelerated introduction of new drugs, like the latest HPV vaccine. The author is a senior reporter with China Daily. shanjuan@chinadaily.com.cn (China Daily 11/12/2016 page5) Before: "I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." "My IQ is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure; it's not your fault." After: "We will get along with all other nations, willing to get along with us ... We will have great relationships." "Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential." These contradictory statements are made by the same person, Donald Trump, who has just won the 2016 US presidential election and will become the 45th US president on Jan 20. Trump was famous for being a big mouth during the presidential election campaign. Yet as soon as he won the election, he changed his style. He gave a victory speech like all normal US politicians and he is no longer the "reckless" campaigner. On Thursday, after his first face-to-face meeting with US President Barack Obama in the White House, the president-elect even said he had "great respect" for Obama and called him a "very good man". That was in total contrast to his vitriolic barbs against Obama during the election campaign. In fact, quite a number of scholars and media outlets say the outrageous comments by Trump were just campaign rhetoric. There will, of course, be changes in policies, but the US political system will remain the same and US interests will still be supreme. So did Trump use the outrageous remarks as a strategy just to win votes? Nobody knows. But if he did use them as a strategy, it has worked. As Darrell M. West, a senior researcher at Brookings Institution, said, Trump has won a very important group of voters, white blue-collar workers. Those white blue-collar workers believe they lost their jobs because of globalization and because Obama adopted favorable policies toward the minorities such as African Americans. That's why Trump's remarks appealed to them: He called for trade protectionism and promised to curb immigration into the US. But white blue-collar workers are not the only group that supports Trump. His supporters include many college graduates trying to find a job, war veterans who feel lost and all those who believe they have been deprived by globalization. Trump won also because his supporters turned up in greater numbers to vote than those of Clinton. While Clinton focused on the elite group, Trump sought help from people living at the bottom of American society. Remember the slogan, "We are the 99 percent". Trump's success has a lot to do with social media, too. Few, if any, TV channel dared to broadcast his racist, misogynistic and politically incorrect remarks in full for reasons of propriety. But they spread quickly on Twitter, perhaps because they appealed to Americans who are tired of elite politicians and their overused politically correct statements that do not solve any problems. Furthermore, when the Federal Bureau of Investigation decided to drop the charge against Clinton in the email scandal on Nov 6, some people protested on Twitter, with one even launching a hashtag: "Hillary for Prision". The creator used "prison" instead of "prison" to bypass as well as make fun of the censorship on Twitter, which further damaged Clinton's image and pushed Trump toward his victory. China Daily's editorial on Thursday said president-elect Trump may be different from Trump the presidential candidate. Trump will be sworn in as US president on Jan 20, 2017, and he has plenty of time to adjust to his new job. The author is a writer with China Daily. zhangzhouxiang@chinadaily.com.cn (China Daily 11/12/2016 page5) Why is "Shared Development" the fifth and final of the Five Major Development Concepts - President Xi Jinping's guiding strategy to transform China? After all, China cannot realize its overarching goal of becoming a "moderately prosperous society" until poverty is eliminated and economic and social imbalances are reduced. Nowhere is this need more acute than in healthcare, a focus of reform. To investigate the Five Major Development Concepts, I spent a week in Northwest China's Qinghai province - Xining the capital and Yushu in the Tibetan autonomous prefecture - meeting people, from senior provincial officials to hospital administrators to village doctors. China still has about 50 million people living in poverty. Qinghai is one of the poorest provinces - 15 of its 48 counties are below the national poverty line. Compounding the problem, its population is less than Chicago's but its area is larger than France's, Qinghai's vast rural areas of 700,000 square kilometers are home to half of its 5.8 million people, most of whom are ethnic minorities. Many still live on the grasslands, herding cattle and horses. Qinghai's rural people enjoy few benefits of modern urbanization, especially healthcare. Locally, shared development means urban areas helping rural areas. Nationally, shared development means developed regions helping less-developed regions. I saw both kinds of sharing at work in Qinghai. To eliminate poverty, the government implemented, in 2009, a series of measures aimed at providing affordable, easy-to-access healthcare services. Healthcare now takes up more than 7 percent of Qinghai's GDP; in other provinces it accounts for only about 5 percent. Today, 98 percent of Qinghai residents have universal healthcare coverage. For government subsidy recipients, the coverage could reimburse as much as 95 percent of their medical costs. A new emergency response system and telemedicine utilize latest technologies. However, for some Qinghai residents, providing quality healthcare is challenging. This is especially true for highland herdsmen, who live in tents and have no modern appliances, not even radios or televisions. That's where help from other sectors of society comes in. Foundations and individuals from all walks of life come to Qinghai to donate, contribute, assist and invest. Exemplifying shared development, more-advanced provinces and municipalities, such as Shanghai, are assigned by the central government to help Qinghai's autonomous prefectures. The most daunting problem is a shortage of doctors at the grassroots level. According to Qinghai healthcare standards, there should be two general practitioners per 10,000 residents. By this standard, a single doctor working in rural areas would have to cover an area of 1,200 sq km. The government pays doctors' salaries through a multi-level structure that transfers and allocates national tax revenues. In addition to healthcare, fiscal transfer payments cover poverty-reduction programs, equal and affordable educational opportunities, environmental protection, and targeted infrastructure development for China's less developed geographic regions, social classes and ethnic groups. China's government says that it can effect continuous and robust poverty relief, which requires strategic consistency, because the CPC maintains long-term political power. It's an argument. Sharing is a way of thinking. It begins by taking seriously society's responsibility for its poorest and most vulnerable members, and it operates at all levels. That's why healthcare in Qinghai is a microcosm of shared development in China. Shared development is the last of the Five Major Development Concepts not because it is least important, but because it requires the prior success of the previous four concepts - innovative development, coordinated development, green development, and open development. A society needs robust resources to help its poor. Only when poverty is eliminated and socioeconomic imbalances are reduced will the Five Major Development Concepts have fulfilled their mission. The target date is 2020, when the advent of a "moderately prosperous society" would mean that the first part of the Chinese Dream has been realized. The author is a public intellectual, political/economics commentator, and international corporate strategist, and the host of Closer to China with R.L. Kuhn on CCTV News (Sundays at 9:30 am and 9:30 pm). (China Daily 11/12/2016 page5) Rabbi Mendel Blasberg at the Maghaim Aboth Synagogue. [Photo provided to China Daily] "In Singapore we call it 'the mystery of Waterloo Street'," said H.H. Lee, a long-serving government interpreter who was with me during an exploration of the street in mid-July. Lee was commenting on the street's many religious landmarks which, put together, hold up a mirror to the multicultural community that's Singapore. Moments before he made that remark, we found shelter from a sudden downpour inside Maghaim Aboth Synagogue, one of the oldest synagogues in Singapore and Southeast Asia. The synagogue, whose name means "shield of our fathers", \was completed in 1878 by early Jewish settlersmostly merchants from Iraq who came to trade as early as 1831. Today the building, influenced by the architectural style of the late Renaissance in Britain, still serves as the biggest gathering place for the Jewish community in Singapore. The building consists of two floors, the first for men and the second for women. There is also a special place right beside the door, reserved for elderly women who cannot climb the stairs. The day we visited, the church's resident rabbi had gone to Canada on family business. His temporary replacement, Rabbi Mendel Blasberg from New York, was there to receive us. "The early Jewish immigrants to Singapore were either Iraqi or Persian Jews. At its peak, the community had around 800 members," he said. "However, a lot left during World War II and the Japanese occupation. Today the number is estimated at 2,000 to 3,000, including those who travel regularly to and fro." About once a month a rabbi flies to Singapore from Israel to conduct circumcision for male infants, an important initiation rite required by Judaism. A paromanic view of The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. [Photo provided to China Daily] Liu Thai Ker speaks softly, his bearing alone exuding the considerable weight of his authority. His profound influence in town planning as head of Singapore's Housing Development Board and Urban Redevelopment Authority is well known, and many regard the 78-year-old as the father of urban landscaping in the country. And Singapore being a city-state, Liu's experience has been eagerly tapped by many Chinese cities whose mayors have looked beyond national borders in an effort to renew and transform their cities through urban planning. In the process, Liu has acquainted himself with everything he needs to know working with various levels of decision-makers in China. In short, he has become a kind of old China hand. "China and Singapore share as many similarities as they do differences," Liu says, reflecting on the roles the two governments have played in shaping their own city- and townscapes. "Both governments enjoy a high-level of control over planning matters," he says. "And their authority is reinforced by the fact that in both countries, land is owned by the state. "The Singaporean Government set its eyes on urban planning right after the founding of the country in 1965, while China's central government and various tiers of local government started to put great emphasis on the issue from the 1980s." Against this backdrop the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, the much-lauded fruit of collaboration between the two countries, was delivered. A county-level administrative area located in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, the park covers a total of 288 square kilometers, of which, the cooperation area covers 80 sq km. The agreement on jointly developing the park was signed by the then Chinese vice-premier Li Lanqing and the late Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on February 26, 1994. The Joint Steering Council of the project was led by the then Chinese vice-premier Wu Yi and the then Singaporean deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng. "The approach is entirely top-down," Liu says. The approach is seen to have guaranteed the smoothness of the project when things could have got bogged down at certain points in managerial, procedural and other quagmires. This also partly explains why another high-profile urban planning project between the two countries, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, also adhered to the government-to-government model. Development began in 2008. Between these two projects, and since 2008, China and Singapore have started a string of urban planning projects, many with Liu at the center. In the meantime things have veered toward the commercial, national governments no longer being involved. Instead, local governments, mostly at city and county level, have recruited Singaporean companies for their expertise in the area. The lessons learned in the process have even found their way into a book, Challenges and Reforms in Urban GovernanceInsights from the development experience of China and Singapore. Copublished by China's Development Research Center of the State Council and Singapore's Center for Livable Cities, under the Ministry of National Development and the Ministry of the Environment, the book opens a unique window onto China's urbanization process by tracing the history of the planning projects that Singapore has helped China to develop in 33 of its cities. The great bulk of these projects is concentrated on China's coastal regions in the east and southeast. The tired faces of office workers on the Batong line during evening peak hour, Nov 8, 2011. [Photo by Zhang Xinghai for China Daily] The Beijing subway officially opened to the public on Sept 11, 1981. Since the most recent line opening late last year, the total length of the subway is about 554 km, with a share of more than 55 percent of the total public transport in the city. Now the Beijing subway has 18 lines, covering 11 municipal districts. Every day, tens of thousands of people take the Beijing subway. Tow truck collided with China Southern Airline plane at LAX, 1,500 passengers grounded Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-12 07:29 LOS ANGELES - A tow truck collided with a China Southern Airlines flight just before takeoff late Thursday night, resulting nearly 1,500 passengers grounded at Los Angeles International Airport. The collision happened just before midnight on the tarmac between Terminal 4 and Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT). Photo from the scene showed the tow truck collided with the China Southern Airbus 380 aircraft on a runway at the Airport. The damaged tug vehicle under the front of the plane. "This is an extremely rare accident," Lingzhi He, China Southern Airlines North America managing director, told Xinhua on Friday. "Officials are still waiting for the inspection results now." It was an outbound China Southern Flight CZ328 scheduled to fly to Guangzhou, China, carrying more than 400 passengers. None of the passengers were injured, and the tow truck driver sustained minor injuries according to the LAX. Three flights, the China Southern Airlines flight as well as two American Airlines flights at Terminal 4, were canceled. Two other flights were delayed. About 1,500 passengers were affected by the late Thursday accident. "Passengers deplaned by using portable stairs and were returned to TBIT, and were accommodated via re-scheduling refunds or hotel rooms," LAX spokesman Frederick Badlissi told City News Service. "While awaiting accommodations and rescheduling, passengers were provided bottled water and snacks." 1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament of the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. 4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. 5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. 6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination. 7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N. 8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N. 9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress. 10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N. 11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.) 12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. 13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. 14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. 18. Gain control of all student newspapers. 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions. 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." 23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art." 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch." 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." 29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." 31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over. 32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. 33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus. 34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI. 36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. 37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. 38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand. 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. 41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. 42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use united force to solve economic, political or social problems. 43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government. 44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. 45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike. (Photo : YouTube Screenshot) The listing shows that the OnePlus Pixel runs on Android Nougat version 7.1. Advertisement A mysterious phone has surfaced on benchmarking website Geekbench. The device is labeled OnePlus Pixel and has a Snapdragon 820 chipset with a massive 6GB of memory. The listing shows that the OnePlus Pixel runs on Android Nougat version 7.1. The phone did quite well on the benchmarks scoring 2326 points in single-core test and 5475 in multi-core test, according to Phone Arena. The Snapdragon 820 chipset from Qualcomm has a quad-core processor clocked at 1.59GHz. Like Us on Facebook Advertisement Not much is known about this OnePlus Pixel device, aside from bits of information provided by the Geekbench listing. There were speculations that the listing is for the OnePlus 3T. However, OnePlus confirmed last week that the 3T would have a Snapdragon 821 chipset, so that rules it out of the speculation game, according to GSM Arena. Moreover, OnePlus is scheduled to unveil the 3T on Nov. 15. There are rumors that it might be a Google Pixel phone manufactured by OnePlus. However, Google and OnePlus have not hinted at this possibility. There is also the possibility that OnePlus might be ripping off Google's Pixel brand, but this theory sounds like a long shot. Meanwhile, the OnePlus 3T will have a Snapdragon 821 chipset with 6GB of memory. The phone is expected to sport a 5.5-inch display with 1080 x 1920 resolution. Storage options are rumored to be a choice between a 64GB and 128GB variants, both models are also expected to support storage expansion. The OnePlus 3T will come in three colors: black, soft gold, and graphite. The phone is also expected to run on the Android 7.0 Nougat operating system. Advertisement TagsOnePlus, oneplus smartphone, Smartphone, Geekbench, oneplus pixel, Pixel, geekbench leak (Photo : Indian Army) Two of the Indian Army soldiers killed by the Pakistan Army in 2016. Advertisement A total of 5,674 soldiers of the Indian Army have been killed by fire from the Pakistan Army in ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC) since 2001, and by Kashmiri Muslim terrorists supported by Pakistan, according to the Indian Army. Of this total, 4,500 army soldiers died at the hands of the Pakistan Army while 1,174 soldiers died in clashes with Muslim terrorists supported by Pakistan. Like Us on Facebook Advertisement It is unclear if this death toll includes fatal casualties suffered by India's Border Security Force (BSF), the world's largest border defense unit, which also patrols the LoC. There are 16 BSF battalions operating in Jammu and Kashmir. The death toll will certainly exceed 6,000 if BSF fatalities are included. This grim total of 5,674 means Pakistan and Pakistan supported militants have killed one jawan per day along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir from 2001 until 2016. The disclosure by the army, however, did not state the exact time frame covered by this death toll. The latest BSF fatality was killed in a gunfight with Muslim militants last Nov. 6. Two Indian Army soldiers were killed on the same day in an artillery and mortar bombardment by Pakistan Army units along the LoC. The 1,174 army personnel killed in Muslim Kashmiri militant attacks included the 19 soldiers killed in a surprise early morning attack at Uri, a town in Jammu and Kashmir, last Sept. 18 that triggered the almost daily exchanges of fire along the LoC. The death toll report issued by the army in response to a Right to Information request by activist Pankaj Darve from Vadodara city in Gujarat, also did not specify the number of cross border exchanges of fire that led to the deaths of Indian Army men at the hands of the Pakistan Army. On the other hand, Indian Army sources told media that 7,908 militant terror attacks have occurred in India since 2001. Darve described the number of Indian Army martyrs as "shocking and indicate that we lose military personnel more frequently in ceasefire violations than we are told. I plan to write to the government to make all these instances known to the people." Advertisement TagsIndian Army, Line of Control, Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan Army, Kashmiri Muslim terrorists, death tokk, Border Security Force (Photo : General Atomics) General Atomics Avenger (Predator C) UCAV. Advertisement The Indian Air Force is on the verge of acquiring its first missile-armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) while the Indian Navy will purchase more reconnaissance UAVs for its surface warships. The government approved a request by the Air Force to acquire 10 Heron TP medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAVs made Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) in September 2015. Heron TP is also known as IAI Eitan. Like Us on Facebook Advertisement IAF said these drones, which are normally used for reconnaissance missions, can also be armed with air-to-surface missiles to engage ground targets such as terrorist camps. Heron TP is capable of long endurance missions of up to 52 hours while flying at altitudes as high as 10,500 meters. The Indian Armed forces currently operates unarmed Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs used for day and night reconnaissance missions. For years, the Air Force has said it needs unmanned aerial combat vehicles (UCAVs) to either disrupt terrorist attacks or support Indian Army troops in anti-terrorist operations. While the Air Force looks forward to operating the Heron TP as an armed aerial drone against the Pakistan Army and Muslim terrorists supported by Pakistan, it remains more eager to acquiring the formidable General Atomics Avenger (Predator C) UCAV. The Air Force says Hellfire anti-tank missiles fired from the Avenger can strike targets eight kilometers distant. The Avenger also has the ability to detect and track targets across the LoC and attack them while flying well within Indian airspace. It can fly for up to 18 hours to reach targets 2,900 km away. The United States has cleared the way for India to acquire the Avenger by supporting India's membership in the Missile Technology Control Regime in Sept. 2015 and declaring India a "major defense partner" of the U.S. India immediately sent a request to buy the drones. The Avenger will allow the Air Force to reach all of Pakistan, enabling it to retaliate against Pakistan-based terrorists without the risk of losing pilots. It will also be useful as a deterrent in border disputes with China. The Air Force will discuss the final details of its purchasing up to 100 armed Avengers with U.S. Secretary of State Ash Carter during his visit to India this December. This deal, if approved, will make India the largest operator of this drone in the world. The Avenger's design includes stealth features such as internal weapons storage. It will support the same weapons as the MQ-9 Predator, the deadliest drone in the world. India will discuss the purchase of 22 unarmed MQ-9 Predators during Carter's visit to India. On the other hand, the Indian Navy (IN) will acquire more UAVs for its surface fleet and is turning to Indian firms and foreign aerospace companies to deliver what it needs. The Navy operates two squadrons of the IAI Heron and the IAI Searcher Mk-II UAVs and plans to add at least two more squadrons. The drones are operated by Indian Naval Air Squadron 342 (INAS 342) and INAS 343. Advertisement TagsIndia, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Heron TP, Israeli Aerospace Industries, General Atomics Avenger (Predator C), Ash Carter (Photo : Getty Images/Carl Court ) The LinkedIn app logo is displayed on an iPhone in London, England. Advertisement Russia's communications regulatory agency Roskomnadzor has blocked the professional social networking service LinkedIn in the country. The agency said that the reason behind this is that LinkedIn was not able to move its personal data storage into Russia, a major requirement for any Internet service operating in the country. Like Us on Facebook Advertisement In a statement, Roskomnadzor spokesman said, "The access will be shut within days. LinkedIn failed to provide documents on moving personal databases to Russia." Russia imposed a new rule last year making it mandatory for foreign Internet companies and services to store their Russian clients' personal data on servers or data centers that are physically located in the country. Since the ruling was imposed, most Internet companies have quietly complied with the requirement. Social networking giants like Facebook and Twitter have obeyed Russia's ruling. It appears that LinkedIn is the first company to fail to follow the ruling. Roskomnadzor claims that LinkedIn has more than 2.6 million users in Russia. The Russian agency stated that the reason for moving personal data into its borders is for localization purposes. However, some Internet activists and campaigners have been open about the possible use of this data for surveillance purposes, according to The Independent. Roskomnadzor claims that major Internet firms have complied, or are in the processing of complying with the rule. The agency said that it has checked at least 1,500 Internet firms and services to make sure that they abide by the law. In 2015, popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia was temporarily blocked in Russia. The ban was lifted shortly after an article about cannabis was edited to suit Russian censors. Advertisement TagsRussia, Internet, roskomnadzor, internet censor, censorship, LinkedIn (Photo : Getty Images) Tencent will offer its employees and contractors` 300 shares, which is currently valued at HK$200 ($26) a piece - $7,735 in total. Advertisement China's tech giant Tencent managed to steal some thunder out of Alibaba's annual Singles' Day sales on Friday by announcing a gift of $220 million worth shares for its nearly 31,500 employees. The special generosity to its employees was shown to commemorate the 18th birth anniversary of the company. Like Us on Facebook Advertisement Tencent Holdings Ltd was formed on November 11, 1998, with an aim to redefine China's online world, which was still in the nascent stage. The company's WeChat is the most used messaging app in China. The tech giant will offer every employee and contractor 300 shares, which is currently valued at HK$200 ($26) a piece - $7,735 in total. The total comes to around $220 million. Reuters reported that these shares would be allotted to employees during the span of three years and allocation will start from next week The employees will benefit from the fact that Tencent is currently the most valued tech company in the world, overtaking its rival Alibaba in August. Its market capitalization at the Hong Kong stock exchange stands at approximately $24 billion. Meanwhile, there is a joke going around Tencent employees that while Jack Ma's (Alibaba's founder) employees are busy sweating over-time, Pony Ma's (Tencent's founder) employees are busy counting cash. The joke clearly poked fun at the fact that Alibaba's employees were sweating it out to make their annual Singles' Day sales a grand success, while Tencent staff was getting rich while sitting on the couch. However, all the hard work of Alibaba's employees seems to have paid off, as the company raked in close to $20 billion in sales by the end of the day, crossing the $14.3 billion mark it clocked in last year's Singles Day sales. Advertisement TagsTencent, China Tencent, china, Tencent Employees (Photo : Getty Images) US President-elect Donald Trump will meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to talk about China's growing presence in Asia Advertisement US President-elect Donald Trump is set to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe next week in what experts believe would be the start of US-Japan talks on measures to counter the growing influence of China in Asia. A top security adviser of Trump, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that the president-elect would garner Tokyo's support and would push the country to " play a more active role in Asia." Like Us on Facebook Advertisement The adviser said Abe's unique position in the region presents an ideal leadership the push back against China. Potential rift Tokyo has expressed worry over a potential rift with Washington after Trump, in one of his campaign speeches, said Japan should pay more for the cost of maintaining US forces on its soil. The political source said efforts to push back against China and the call for Japan to be more proactive in Asia bode well with Abe's hawkish foreign policies which include sending more military troops to operate overseas. Numerous US Naval commanders have expressed willingness to join Japanese military in patrolling the disputed South China Sea. New warships Despite China's continuous construction of islands, Japan has refused to directly confront Beijing and has instead, made efforts to assist claimant countries. President-elect Trump has said that in his first 100 days in office, he plans to have dozens of new warships built that will be deployed to the disputed South China Sea. "It would send a message to Beijing as well as allies Japan and South Korea and other nations that the U.S. is intent on being in Asia for a long time", he said. U.S. officials, however, doubt the realization of Trump's plans of building new warships saying it would take time and would be difficult for his plans to happen. "Ships can't be built overnight," a high-ranking U.S. defense official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Abe will meet with Trump in New York on Thursday en route to an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Peru. Advertisement TagsPresident-elect Donald Trump, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, warships, Tokyo, APEC, US-Japan military alliance (Photo : Indian Army) Soldier at the LoC. Advertisement Pakistan told the five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council it is acting with restraint in the face of India's increasingly violent and deadly attacks and bombardments of Pakistani civilians and its military forces defending its side of the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir. Like Us on Facebook Advertisement Pakistani Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry assailed the Indian Army's increasingly frequent use of heavy weapons (artillery pieces) along the LoC, warning that India's wanton disregard for maintaining the peace might lead it to make a "strategic miscalculation." He slammed the unprovoked firing and ceasefire violations by the "Indian occupation Forces" in Indian-occupied Kashmir over the past two months. Kashmir is a Muslim majority state co-administered by Pakistan and India. Aziz said Pakistan is alarmed India is now using heavy weapons against Pakistani civilian areas for the first time in 13 years. By heavy weapons, Aziz apparently meant Indian Army 105 mm howitzers that have traded fire with Pakistan Army howitzers since this month. The Indian Army on Nov. 5 admitted to firing the howitzers for the first time at Pakistan but said the big guns were used to destroy four Pakistan Army positions in revenge for the beheading of an Indian Army soldier, allegedly by Pakistani Special Forces troops. "Pakistan has been compelled to respond but with maximum restraint," said Aziz. "The Armed Forces of Pakistan gave a befitting response." Aziz also told the Head of Missions of the five Permanent Members of the Security Council (the United States, United Kingdom, France, China and Russia) visiting Islamabad that India isn't cooperating with the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) that supervises the UN-brokered ceasefire in Jammu and Kashmir. That ceasefire was provided for by the Karachi Agreement signed July 27, 1949 establishing a ceasefire line in Kashmir supervised by UN military observers. Chaudhry said Pakistan was seriously concerned over the increased frequency and duration of indiscriminate firing by Indian military forces, and their deliberate targeting of villages and civilian populated areas. Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said indiscriminate Indian shelling and machine gun fire has killed 26 Pakistani civilians and injured 107 others. It gave no figures for the number of casualties suffered by the Pakistan Army in its clashes with the Indians. Advertisement TagsAizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Pakistan, India, Pakistan Army, Indian Army, Line of Control, Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council Brandon Washington Pastor of The Embassy Church in Denver, Colorado The day after the election, my six-year-old daughters school convened an assembly in which her principal and teachers consoled the students. I was troubled by the despair conveyed from educators to first graders. That same day social media was littered with inappropriate optimism in response to the election. One camp anticipates the end of the world; the other anticipates mythical grandeur. In my estimation, both are modeling an unbiblical response to a presidential election. To an earthly president they have ascribed authority and competence that is unique to an eternal King. In light of this, The Embassy Church, on the authority of Psalm 72, has chosen to clarify expectations of an earthly president in a post-election sermon. Despair and optimism are both inappropriate because hope hinges on the temporary holder of a temporal office. Our hope is in the Christ who is divinely appointed as eternal King. John Ortberg Senior Pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Menlo Park, California Weve been doing a series all month called House of Cardsnot about political ideology, but about how to be a non-anxious presence by being rooted in a power deeper than human political power. Weve looked at the three most important elections in history, as well as the greatest political decision ever made (all in the Bible). This weekends message was already chosen before the election. Its title is How Not to Fall Apart, and it is based on the life of Israels first king, Saul. Aaron Cho Associate Pastor of Community Life and Formation Elder at Quest Church in Seattle, Washington We are a multi-ethnic body here at Quest Church, and suffice it to say, many in our family are hurting, angry, devastated, and afraid after Tuesday's election results. We gathered with our pastoral team and prayed about how we will engage Quest post-election. All of our pastors were receiving emails, calls, and texts (not to mention tons of social media messages) from members who are struggling. We couldn't ignore it. We had to address it. We decided to host a time of lament, prayer, and support Wednesday evening. Our pastors decided to change Sundays schedule and have each pastor offer a Scripture reading and reflection. We're inviting the church to respond by placing a sticky note of lament, confession, and/or an action step on the cross. Our response is not about any alignment with party lines or candidates. It's about the grievance of our democracy empowering a candidate who has again and again demonstrated a posture of racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and the list goes on. Our hearts are heavy, and we choose to sit in the muck and mire of our nation's depravity and seek Christ's incarnational peace, love, and hope. Samuel Rodriguez President of The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and the Senior Pastor of New Season Christian Worship Center in Sacramento, California I will be preaching on the following message I posted to Facebook on the morning after the election: "A divided church will never heal a broken nation. Lord, make us one! #John17." The problem in America does not reside in the schism exacerbated by the electoral outcome. Our nation's greatest issue lies in the hands of a church divided by race, political agendas, and personalities. More than ever, God desires his church to be holy, be one, and be light. Todd Wilson Senior Pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, Illinois I plan to make a few brief comments and lead our congregation in a pastoral prayer along the lines of 1 Timothy 2:14. I did, however, do a six-week sermon series on politics in September and October. It was called Extremist for Love. I did this, in part, because I think its better to lay groundwork biblically, theologically, and pastorally before situations arise rather than after. I remember a wise pastor and mentor saying that he sought to build into his people a theology of suffering so that when the suffering comes, people will have already been prepared. Romell Williams Senior Pastor of Lilydale Progressive M.B. Church in Chicago, Illinois #ElectionGrief has been appearing in my social media streams since Wednesday. I think it fittingly describes the shock and surprise of Tuesday's election outcome for both believers and non-believers. Fear, concern, panic, and heartbreak must be addressed from the pulpit with a word for these perilous times. I will be preaching a Big God sermona message that demands each hearer to look away from the inconsequential temporary issues of life and up to our great, good, and glorious God. I will preach about the sovereignty of God, the supremacy of Christ, the urgency of our mission, the necessity of prayer, and the reality of eternity. I want my sermon to remind people that God is not the incumbent; he's the eternal. Aaron Damiani Senior Pastor of Immanuel Anglican Church in Chicago, Illinois Here in Chicago, the dominant reality for most of our people will be anxiety and a burden to stand with the vulnerable, including the disabled and minorities. Given that so many evangelicals helped to elect Trump, our congregation is highly aware that the gospel and the Christian church are being associated with bigotry, racism, and sexual assault. Because we feel conspicuous right now, we are tempted to avoid more exposure and to seek approval. Giving into this temptation would distract us from our calling to be the distinct people of God for the common good. Were choosing our city and choosing to love our culture with the love of Christ. In this age of rage and fear, the church is called to be distinctas those who stand out because they exhibit the humility and love of Christ wherever God has placed us. Linda Richardson Associate Pastor of Church of the Savior in Wheaton, Illinois I'm preaching on Malachi 34, which ends with, For those who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. At that point in the sermon I will talk briefly about the election, relating it to several Facebook posts I've seen, such as this one from President Obama: No matter what happens, the sun will rise in the morning. Jesus brings healing of all kinds into our lives, our country, and our world. It's his deep desire to do so. In addition, our worship leader is taking into consideration the need for unity as she chooses songs, and we are praying for unity in the Church. Mitch Kim Senior Pastor of Wellspring Alliance Church in Wheaton, Illinois This Sunday I will encourage our people to continue the messy and mundane work of loving one another across political, generational, ethnic, and gender lines. Our diverse church can easily be divided by this election; while some sigh in relief because their contested values may now be upheld, others grieve in despair over the devaluing of women, minorities, and immigrants. In the midst of differences and diversity, Christ empowers us to a Trinitarian unity without uniformity (John 17:21). The division of our nation can only be healed by the unity of the church. Tony Myles Lead Pastor of Connection Church in Medina, Ohio We're amending our sermon series to speak into the wake of the election. Our church is in Cleveland, and few members of our congregation felt like either major candidate deserved the win. The phrase lesser of two evils has dominated. The election was fueled with anger and slander, and were culturally fatigued. There is a real sense of grief that has left us numblike after we lose a loved one. Were going to invite people Sunday to write their feelings and thoughts on paper as our Lead Team reads them from the stage. In this way, we can confess how we feel and then journey toward Jesus together. Clay Brown Senior Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Amarillo, Texas The election will be referenced, but it will not be the focal point of the sermon. It will be a focal point of congregational prayers, however. In the sermon (Matthew 15:2128, on the faith of the Canaanite woman), I will focus on God's grace, the womans faith, her status as an outsider, and Jesus' response to her. Divine grace extends to all peoples, so we should extend grace to one another. That is a truth that certainly applies to post-election responses from both left and right. Daniel Fusco Lead Pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, Washington Vancouver pastor Daniel Fusco addressed the results of the election with the following 2-minute video, posted on the day after the election. Christian Leader Expects Thousands of Disillusioned Muslims to Leave Islam and 'Beg' Christ for Healing in Mosul Thousands of disillusioned Muslims embracing Christianity and "begging" Christ for healingThis is what a Christian ministry director expects to happen once Mosul is eventually liberated from the Islamic State (ISIS). The director, who is working in northern Iraq's autonomous region of Kurdistan, told Christian Aid Mission that before ISIS captured Mosul in 2014, that city, the second biggest in Iraq, had the reputation of being closest to the gospel. "So now they see the true face of Islam, they saw the teachings of Islam and they know what it means to be under the Islamic State," the ministry director said. "I believe a lot of heart-breaking stories will come out of Mosul with people who are ready to leave Islam and beg for Christ to take their lives and give them healing." The director's ministry, which Christian Aid Mission assists, has been distributing Bibles, leading Bible studies and holding discipleship training sessions for displaced people for more than two years now. The Christian leader said his ministry is getting ready to help hundreds of families who will be evacuated to camps for displaced persons once city residents begin fleeing en masse from Mosul as the war of liberation intensifies. "We're getting ready for them. If we start seeing groups coming our way, then we're going to minister to them," he said. The ministry director is appealing for assistance to Christians all over the world to provide aid supplies to the refugees. "We don't have many resources. I don't have a lot of food and medicine and other items, but we're going to do as much as we can," he said. The ministry is asking for assistance to purchase food, clothing, blankets, tents, medicines and Bibles. "I want to encourage people to supply whoever is working there, whether us or anyone else, to help these people, supply them with the Word of God, supply them with the tools they need to work with these refugees who are coming," the director said. "And if Mosul is going to get liberated, Lord willing, we will be going to Mosul to do some work there. I hope to put a Bible in every house in Mosul and declare Christ as King of kings and Lord," he pledged. Iraqi and other coalition forces have begun their offensive to drive ISIS out of Mosul. Latest reports said ISIS militants have forced about 1,500 families to retreat with them. They also abducted 295 former Iraqi Security Forces members from villages on the outskirts of the city, according to Reuters. "They're keeping a lot of people hostages. Anybody running away, they're killing," the ministry director said. "There were two brothers; they killed one of them while he was running out. Most of the people are hostages right now. They want to flee, they just can't," he said. "What's happening right now in Mosul is what they did to the Christians; it's genocide. They're killing everyone who's not working with them or not helping them." Christian Mom From Tennessee Wants History Textbook Removed From Schools for Promoting Islamic Propaganda A Christian mother from Tennessee is asking a county's board of education to remove a history textbook that supposedly promotes Islamic propaganda to schoolchildren. Michelle Edmisten, a founder of the Facebook group Sullivan County Parents Against Islam Indoctrination, wants the book "My World History" to be "yanked from the school immediately." Edmisten called the education board's attention to the textbook after her daughter was asked to use the publication for an assignment where students were asked about the name of Islam's holy book, and to identify the five pillars of Islam. The mom told the board that her daughter felt that "some of the assignments went against her beliefs as a Christian." "I would like to see parents, Christians, veterans, anyone that's anyone, stand up for this fight. How can I, as a Christian, say that I have these values?" Edmisten said, as quoted by The International Business Times. This incident prompted the Christian mother to file a complaint with the education board asking the latter to pull out all copies of the textbook "My World History" from all schools in Sullivan county, saying the book gives "false claims and views on Islam" and tries to "normalise" the understanding of the Islamic faith to their children. Under the policies of Sullivan County, school heads have 15 days to convene a review committee to "determine the extent to which the [challenged] material supports the curriculum." Some groups such as the National Coalition Against Censorship, however, disagreed with Edmisten's complaint, saying it "sadly reflects larger efforts to purge lessons on Islam from schools in Tennessee." The group also questioned moves to revise the school curriculum in the county retaining lessons on religions including Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism, but removing information "on the history and spread of Islam, the life and teachings of Muhammad, and the study of Islamic art." Franklin Graham: 'Donald Trump Is A Changed Man. I Trust Him' Donald Trump will put together the best team in Washington that America has seen for many years, influential US evangelist Franklin Graham said today. In an interview with Christian Today, Graham said there was "no question" that God had a hand in the election of Trump as the next President of the United States, and predicted a "huge impact" from his nominations to the Supreme Court. He revealed that Trump had told him personally that he will repeal the controversial Johnson Amendment of 1954, which prevents church leaders from endorsing or opposing political candidates from the pulpit. In the face of deep political divisions both within and outside of the church, Graham called on Americans now to "come together" and unite behind their new President. According to polls, white evangelical Christians backed Trump by 81 per cent to 16 per cent a larger margin of the evangelical vote than was achieved by a Republican candidate in the past three elections. However, Christians who did not support Trump have expressed outrage at his presidency, particularly over his rhetoric regarding women and minority groups. Graham said Trump is a "changed man" from when he made his notorious lewd comments about women. Though he made courting the evangelical vote a hallmark of his election campaign, Trump faced some calls to step down after a 2005 video recording surfaced in which he could be heard openly speaking about groping women and trying to seduce a married woman. "I know Donald Trump and have been with him on a number of occasions," Graham said, adding that he had spoken to him privately on Monday this week, the day before the election. "What you see is what you get. Politicians are pretty good at smiling and being one thing in public and then when the doors are closed, they are different people." Donald Trump, by contrast, is the same in private as he appears on television, Graham said. "He's not polished, like a lot of politicians. He's a little rough around the edges. But he means what he says. People need to understand that he's a very powerful person, very strong, he's got a very good family, great children. He's going to put together maybe one of the best teams in Washington that we have seen in years." Graham said there was no question that God a hand in the election. "The vast majority of the evangelical community supported Donald Trump because he has said he is going to support Christians, not only at home but around the world. "So when we see Christianity being attacked worldwide, not just by militant Muslims but by secularism, it's refreshing to have a leader who is willing to defend the Christian faith." He cited research that showed up to 35 million evangelical Christians did not vote in the last election four years ago. It was this that inspired him to visit all 50 states on his Decision America tour to encourage Christians to go to the ballot box. "That's why I went to all 50 states and prayed on the Capitol steps encouraging people to vote. I did not tell them who to vote for. I said you pray before you vote. God will tell you who to vote for. But vote. Don't stay home. Because if you stay home we are going to lose this country. "I think many Christians heard that. We know that over 80 per cent of the evangelicals voted for Trump." Graham has personally known Trump for eight years, and said he'd seen "a change in him" during that time. "He came to my father's [evangelist Billy Graham] 95th birthday party three years ago and he had met my father on several occasions when my father was preaching in New York," Graham said. Graham is by no means the only prominent evangelical to see a positive side to the election outcome. Theological and church leaders from Wayne Grudem to Bill Johnson have lined up to praise Trump, and he also won the support of Liberty University's Jerry Falwell Jr. But the criticism has been vocal. Prominent Christians such as Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo, sometimes referred to as "post evangelicals", have spoken out against evangelicals who they have accused of exalting Trump over Jesus. Claiborne said that as a result, many Christians in post-election America are now spiritually "homeless". He has called for these Christians to abandon the term "evangelical" and reclaim their identity as "followers of Jesus". One aspect of the election result that was truly a surprise to so many was that Trump's moral character was apparently not a problem for many leading Christians. Some students at Liberty even set up a petition to distance themselves from Trump and the support he received from Falwell. The petition stated: "Associating any politician with Christianity is damaging to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But Donald Trump is not just any politician. He has made his name by maligning others and bragging about his sins. Not only is Donald Trump a bad candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose." Graham, however, emphasised that Trump should be assessed by the people he surrounds himself with, and said he knows a "handful" of pastors that have been talking to Trump. During the campaign, Trump appointed a "council" of evangelical pastors to advise him, he said. Graham was asked to join this council but the evangelist declined because he was doing his tour and did not want the prayer rallies to be political. But, he said, the President-elect had changed "quite a bit" in the last few years. Graham said: "I know there are a number of pastors that have had a great influence on his life. People change over a period of time. I think Donald Trump has changed. Now at the same time, if he gets mad he may use 'hell', or 'damn', or some other words to express his displeasure. But I trust him. I think when he says something he means it. If he says he's going to do something, he's going to do it." According to Graham, the key to assessing Trump's character is to look at the people in his team. "Donald Trump has surrounded himself with strong evangelicals and for me as a Christian, I'm very pleased with that," he said. In an article today headlined Evangelical Christian will be the power behind the throne, The Times reports on the importance of the Vice President-elect, Mike Pence, a prominent and ultra-conservative evangelical. In Washington, The Times reports, it is being said Pence will be in charge of "domestic and foreign policy". When the question was asked: "What would Mr Trump be in charge of?", the answer came back: "Making America great again." Graham did not say whether he considers Trump to be a Christian or not "Only God really knows a person's heart" but, "You can tell a lot about a person by the people that they surround themselves with. Our current president claimed to be a Christian but you don't see that in the people around him. "Trump has strong evangelical Christians surrounding him. I've known Ben Carson for many years. He is a wonderful man of God. Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas another fine Christian gentleman. Mike Pence. These are the people that he surrounds himself with." Graham also knows Mike Pence and has spent time with him: "He is a man of God, he is a very strong evangelical. Donald Trump has surrounded himself with some strong Christians which is very encouraging." He contrasted this with the Democrats: "If you take Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, I don't know of one evangelical Christian in the White House. I don't know of one evangelical Christian on her campaign. None." One of the key drivers of evangelical support for Trump has been his promise to nominate conservative, pro-life justices to the Supreme Court, and Graham said the Court would be "in good hands" under his leadership. "These would be conservative judges, judges that are constitutionalist and believe in interpreting from the constitution, and not making law from the bench," Graham said. "Clinton wanted progressive judges on the bench. These would be people that would use that position to make law and go around congress. So I think the Supreme Court will be in good hands. "President-elect Trump will nominate one justice in February. Within the next few years there will be two or three more. That will have a huge impact on this country for years to come." Of the Johnson amendment, Graham said Trump had promised to "work to have that repealed". Lyndon Johnson, then a senator, put forward an amendment in 1954 that to this day threatens organisations such as churches with loss of their tax exempt status if they support or oppose political candidates. Graham said: "He's [Trump] told me that he's going to work to have that repealed. It will be huge. I think that the Johnson Amendment was a stupid thing. It was somewhat racial in the sense that Johnson did not want black pastors at that time to speak out against him." He and many other evangelicals welcome the prospect of that change which will have a massive impact on the way churches and other religious groups engage in politics. "It's stayed on the American landscape for all these years and Trump is the first one to say, I'm going to repeal it. I appreciate that about him," Graham said. Since the announcement that Trump won the election, protests against his presidency have taken place across America. "There is a small group in this country that are anarchists," Graham said of the demonstrations. "They want to see anarchy, not just in the United States but worldwide. You have them in the UK as well. And they are just a small group. Of course they are very unhappy because their side did not win. So they use it as an opportunity to damage properly, to hurt innocent people." He compared the election of Trump to the decision by the British people to leave the EU. "The EU has some tremendous financial problems. The people of the UK voted on this and it's their decisions. I think there will be other nations that will leave the EU. I don't think the EU has been good for some countries. And I'm not sure it's been good for any country. Especially when you look at the way immigrants have come in from the Middle East. Once they get in to one EU country they can just flood into any country they want to. Europe has some great problems that European politicans are going to have to try and fix. The UK people are smart enough to realise that when a ship is sinking, it is better to get off it." But, he said, it is now time for Americans to pull together and unite behind Trump. "We have to come together behind our leaders where the will of the people has spoken. We are a democracy and so I wasn't pleased when President Obama was elected because I feared his policies would hurt us as the church and they have. But we got behind him. He was our President and we supported him. He is still our President. But we have new leadership. We need to come together as Americans. There needs to be healing. Let's move on." Franklin was speaking to Christian Today 50 years after millions attended his father Billy Graham's month-long 1966 London Crusade at Earl's Court Arena. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has released the new film for this year's My Hope UK campaign, The Worth of a Soul. Graham said the My Hope videos had "incredible" results from the start. "It's a tool for the Church. It just gives the Church a film they can use, in a service or a meeing, where the gospel is presented, where it is explained, and where there is an invitation. It is just a tool. It is for the Church, it is free." The aim is to "take Jesus Christ before the masses, before the people, that he is the Son of God," he said. "People can have a one on one relationship with God." Iraqi Christian Woman Impregnated By ISIS Fighter Refuses to Abort Baby She Named After Her Slain Husband "He's my son; he's not the son of ISIS." Thus declared Umm Al'aa, a 40-year-old Iraqi Christian woman who gave birth to a baby boy after being raped by an ISIS fighter in Gogjali, Iraq. Speaking to CNN, Umm Al'aa (not her real name to protect her family) said when her son grows up, she will never tell him who his real father was. She named her son Mohammed, after her husband, an Iraqi soldier who was killed on Nov. 1 during the battles on Mosul's eastern outskirts, where Iraqi and coalition forces are battling Islamic State (ISIS) fighters. Umm Al'aa said Mohammed's real father was an ISIS militant who raped her while she was being held captive by the terrorist group. Despite this, she said she will never allow herself to undergo abortion since she considers her still unborn child already a part of her family as much as her other sons and daughters. She told CNN that she was already a mother and grandmother when ISIS seized her hometown in 2014. She said the terrorists targeted her family when they refused to pledge allegiance to the jihadist group, like what their neighbours did. She said she and her children were at the mercy of ISIS fighters who regularly came to their home to threaten them. But they still refused to bow to the jihadis. One day, she said the militants attacked one of her young daughters and were about to rape her when their commander stopped them and told them that "We want the mother" instead. At that time Umm Al'aa was not at her home. But a few days later, the militants spotted Umm Al'aa and kidnapped her. She said for a year and a half, she lived as a prisoner. Then one of the militants beat and raped her. "I tried to fight, I cried a lot. There was a lot of pain, I was beaten a lot, but I couldn't do anything," she told CNN. She was already pregnant by the time she was released. Despite her condition, Umm Al'aa was filled with joy that she could be with her family again. However, their happiness was cut short when her husband was killed in battle. "He loved me a lot. My best memory of him was how much he loved and respected me," she said of her husband. "Yes we are poor people, but we were happy." Mosul After Islamic State: Why Samaritan's Purse Is There For The Long Haul Iraqi forces backed by foreign air power are fighting their way slowly and cautiously into Mosul. Islamic State overran the city in June 2014 with barely a shot fired, heralding the rise of an Islamist dictatorship responsible for some of the worst human rights outrages in modern times. Half a million people fled, including the Christian population of at least 70,000. Islamic State is in its end-game, but it's had two years to prepare for it. There are tunnels, booby-traps and weapons caches. There are only a few thousand of them, but the damage they can do is terrible and it's the civilians who will pay the heaviest price. So the 1.5 million remaining in the city are getting out as fast as they can. Matt Nowery is the country director for Samaritan's Purse in Iraq. The organisation has been in the country since 2008, and it's now trying to help the Mosul refugees by providing food rations, shelter, clean water and cooking stoves. Speaking to Christian Today, he paints a vivid and heartbreaking picture of what's happening. "Over the last week, there have been thousands of refugees. There's a full range of needs," he says. "If you could picture several kilometres of cars with military escorts, every one with a white flag to show they're a civilian. There are dump trucks with a hundred people aboard. They are in shock." Many others have been walking for hours and arrive at the camps exhausted. And it's not just their physical state: many of them are emotionally traumatised. "When ISIS took over the city they were split down the middle," says Nowery. "Families were split and not able to contact each other. There are hundreds of family members looking in every car and dump truck to see if they can recognise someone. When they recognise someone there's such a range of emotions, it's hard to put it into words. "Others are angry, screaming abuse they don't understand what's happening. Many are confused. Others feel fear, they don't trust anyone, they don't know anyone or anything." During the last week, numbers have risen to more than 40,000, double what they were before the assault began. Samaritan's Purse is helping provide blankets and other equipment to help refugees endure the winter, which can be bitterly cold in the region. But Nowery says no system could absorb the amount of people potentially displaced as the assault on Mosul continues: "There's no way we could meet all those needs." Mosul, Iraq's second city, was also the heartland of the Christian population in the north of the country. When ISIS took it over, the Christians were forced to flee. Almost all of those leaving city now are Muslims, but Nowery stresses that Samaritans Purse serves those in need without distinction. "We are there to provide physical aid. It's an opportunity for us as an organisation to serve amid some of the worst trauma the world has seen," he says. "I believe the people coming out of those villages and the city will remember who helped them in their hour of need. We're there to show the love of Jesus and to be his hands and feet." And, he says, Samaritan's Purse is there for the long haul. "It's a long, long job. We have been into the liberated villages and there is massive destruction. ISIS has been busy destroying infrastructure. They have torn out wiring, destroyed churches, water storage tanks. Rebuilding the villages is going to take a lot of work and a lot of time." But he recounts a conversation with an 84-year-old priest displaced from Mosul he describes as a "God moment" for him. "He said, 'It may seem like a very dark place and that Islam is winning, but if you believe the same as me, you know who has the victory.' "We have been here since the beginning and we have no plans to leave," he says. "We're going to help rebuild. We want to help provide education and health. This is a critical time and Christians are fleeing Samaritan's Purse wants to put its arm round them and remind them Jesus loves them, and figure out what we can do to help them get on their feet." Samaritan's Purse UK has urged Christians to pray for Mosul as it comes under attack. Over 75 Percent of Christians Persecuted in North Korea Don't Survive Their Punishments Christians don't fare very well in North Korea. Human rights groups are giving grim reports on the treatment of religious minorities in the East Asian country, saying that over 75 percent of those who are subjected to torture, imprisonment and all sorts of punishment do not live to tell their tales. Reports obtained from the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights, a South Korean non-profit organisation, showed that over 65,000 people have already been persecuted for their faith in North Korea. From that number, close to 99 percent of the 11,370 defectors confirmed that there is absolutely no religious freedom under Kim Jong-un's leadership. What's worse, over 75 percent of Christians persecuted from their faith do not survive their punishments, The Christian Post reported. This is why only 1.2 percent of the defectors engaged in secret religious activities while they were still in North Korea. Meanwhile, the group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) released a report called "Total Denial: Violations of Freedom of Religion or Belief in North Korea" in September revealing that members of religious minorities suspected of state crimes are "being hung on a cross over a fire, crushed under a steamroller, herded off bridges, and trampled underfoot." As if the torture isn't bad enough, the North Korean government even goes a step further by punishing the relatives of these Christians and members of other religious groups. "A policy of guilt by association applies, meaning that the relatives of Christians are also detained regardless of whether they share the Christian belief. Even North Koreans who have escaped to China, and who are or become Christians, are often repatriated and subsequently imprisoned in a political prison camp," the CSW report stated. The report added that Kim Jong-un sees religious belief as a major threat to his leadership. Thus, he requires people to acknowledge him as their nation's "supreme leader." As a result, North Koreans don't enjoy the freedom of expressing their religious beliefs. If they try to do so, they are subjected to discrimination, detention, and all sorts of inhumane treatment. Pope Francis To Donald Trump: 'Put The Poor First' Pope Francis has said he will not "judge" Donald Trump on anything other than how his policies affect the poor. The interview with Eugenio Scalfari of La Repubblica was headlined in Italian The Republic Pope: 'Trump? I do not judge. I'm Interested only if he hurts the poor'. Pope Francis told Scalfari: "I do not give judgments on people and politicians, I just want to understand the suffering that their approach causes the poor and excluded." The Pope said his main concern was for refugees and migrants. He was concerned about their "suffering and their distress". Unfortunately, he said, attempts to help them were oppsed by those who are afraid of job losses and wage cuts. Francis even suggested an update to the words of Jesus. He said the command: "Love your neighbour as yourself," needs to change. It should now be: "Love your neighbour more than yourself." The Pope was speaking days before the final big event of his Jubilee Year of Mercy this weekend. Around 4,000 homeless and marginalised people from 22 countries are in Rome for a special audience that was held yesterday and a Mass in St Peter's tomorrow. Pope Francis admitted there are many poor people in rich countries who fear the immigration from abroad of other poor and deprived people. He said: "It is a vicious circle and it must be stopped. We must break down the walls that divide." To achieve greater well being, he said, "we need to break down those walls and build bridges that allow a reduction in inequality and an increase in freedom and rights. More rights and more freedom. " Scalfari has interviewed the Pope before but does not take notes and relies on memory to write up his articles. They met for an hour before the election, on November 7. Scalfari admits in his article that he personally, along with many Italians and Europeans, views the election of Donald Trump as "catastrophic". Italians fear a revived right wing will enable an Italian version of the Brexit referendum. The switch in the Catholic vote from Democrat to Republican in the US was part of the swing that assured a Trump victory. Trump decisively won a majority of those self-identifying as Catholics, by 52 to 45 per cent. Barack Obama won Catholics by a smaller margin of 50 to 48 per cent in 2012. Pope Francis added: "What we want is a fight against inequality. This is the greatest evil that exists in the world." He also attacked the culture of wealth, and Scalfari asked if he was propagating Marxist ideology. The Pope acknowledged that this has been levelled at him often. "My response has always been that, if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians," Francis replied. "Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak, the marginalised are empowered... it is they who must help to achieve equality and freedom." Samsung Gear S3 release date, specs, news: Flagship wearable arrives in South Korea before UK and US release next week The global rollout of the new Samsung wearable, the Gear S3, has started. The smartwatch is now available in South Korea, while the staggered release is scheduled for US and UK next week. Announcing the debut of the new flagship in South Korea, Samsung stated that the home country release of the wearable is the start of a global roll-out. The Samsung Gear S3 is then expected to release in other regions starting on Nov. 18. Listed markets other than the UK and US include Australia, Dubai, France; Germany, and Singapore. The staggered release may have something to do with the LTE support for the new wearable, particularly the Gear S3 Frontier. Samsung has revealed that the global version of the device will support LTE functions. However, there are a number of LTE standards worldwide, and Samsung has to check the regions for compatibility. US mobile carriers, for instance, use unique LTE bands. However, Samsung has already acknowledged that pre-orders for the US version have already started. This means that the new wearable is already certified for use in US LTE bands. The Gear S3 is designed as a circular smartwatch, with the face similar to that of its predecessor. However, there are a number of improvements over the previous-gen Gear S2. Aside from LTE support, the Gear S3 also has improved IP68 certification, meaning it is dust and water-resistant. The body and watch band have also been tweaked to military durability specs. In addition, the new wearable also supports Samsung Pay. The pricing details for the Samsung Gear S3 will vary by region. In the US, it is said that the new wearable will have a price tag starting at $350. In addition, aside from mobile carriers, the US version will also be available in third-party retailers like Amazon, Best Buy, and Macy's. Still No Justice 2 Years After Christian Couple Were Burnt Alive in Pakistan The Pakistan justice system has yet to punish any of the hundreds of Muslims who beat up and burned to death a Christian couple who were accused of blasphemy two years ago. In a report from The Christian Post, Mehwish Bhatti, an officer of the London-based charity British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA), said some of those allegedly involved in the killing of 26-year-old Shahzad Masih and his 24-year-old pregnant wife, Shama Bibi, were actually able to walk free from prison. Bhatti said Yousaf Gujjar, the man who was the first to accuse the Christian couple of desecrating the Quran, was granted bail earlier this year. Gujjar, a known employer of bonded labourers in the area, was allowed to walk free based on his alibi that he was not even at the brick kiln on the day the Christian couple were burnt alive. Two other unnamed suspects were also allowed to post bail one who claimed he was not a resident of the area where the Christian couple were allegedly murdered, and another who claimed that he was not part of the mob that killed the two Christians by burning them alive. Bhatti nevertheless said justice may be at hand for the Christian couple's orphaned three children and their other relatives, because the Pakistani court may soon hand down decisions on the hundred others who were allegedly involved in the brutal killings. "Still, 103 people are in police custody and soon any punishment will be announced," Bhatti told The Christian Post. "The 103 people in custody keep on appealing for bail but the family of Shama and Shahzad are trying hard to keep on making their bails canceled." Aside from failing to secure justice from courts, the Christian couple's children has also yet to receive the 5 million rupees promised by the Pakistani government as assistance, prompting BPCA to take care of their needs for now. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate This month one of Houstons favorite privately-owned brands, Shipley Do-Nuts, turns 80 years old. Founded in 1936 by Lawrence Shipley, Sr. and Lillie Shipley, the first doughnuts they created were cut by hand and served hot the whole day. Back then they were only a nickel for a dozen. Imagine if they were that cheap today. Some of us wouldnt be able to fit into our own cars. TUNA ON RYE: Learn all about the humble beginnings of Texas' own Jason's Deli Over time the taste of the Shipley familys sweet creations would create lifelong fans out of many Houstonians who couldnt start a day without a hot cup of coffee and a glazed doughnut. The company is still based in a building that Shipley and his wife Lillie bought more than 70 years ago off North Main. Our first shop was not the North Main location like most people think. It was actually in a building where Revival Market is now at 550 Heights Boulevard, says company representative Stacey Michel. Now Playing: Video Courtesy: Houston Police Department Video: FoxM9NJ He (Shipley) wasnt doing as well as he thought, so he sold the shop in 1942, name and all. He perfected his recipe and re-opened in 1945 at Michaux and Euclid. The North Main store wasnt opened until 1950, says Michel. The company began life as Shipley Cream Glazed Do-Nuts. The spelling was Shipleys idea, looking to make his business stand out from the pack. Its now just known as Shipley Do-Nuts, though some people still refer to it as Shipleys out of habit. HOUSTON BABY PHOTOS: See Houston's booming growth in photos It makes me laugh anytime I see us called Shipley's on social media and another fan will reply back with the correction, says Michel. Generations of Houstonians probably have a Shipley story, be it getting a carton of chocolate milk and a bag of Shipley doughnut holes on the way to grade school, or looking forward to doughnut Fridays at the office. Hint, hint to our Chron.com coworkers. These days Shipley Do-Nuts has over 300 locations in six states, selling some 60 varieties of doughnuts. By 2020 the company hopes to open its 400th location. Craig Hlavaty is a reporter for Chron.com and HoustonChronicle.com. He's an intolerable native Texan with too much ink in his skin and too much brisket stuck in his teeth. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate After sacrificing time apart, and training in different cities, Kathryn and John Holler are celebrating the debut of their longtime goal this weekend: opening Holler Brewing Co. to the public at 2206 Edwards. The couple, who lived abroad in Qatar because of John's job, returned to the States in 2015 with the goal of launching a brewery, the Houston Beer Guide's Cody Lee reports. That would be an ambitious undertaking. While the pair was away, the Houston beer scene was expanding at a rapid rate, with microbreweries cropping up from the Heights to the suburbs. The two would have to set themselves apart if they were going to install a new brewhouse in a a city already awash in hops. More Information Holler Brewing Co. Where: 2206 Edwards St., Ste. A More info: hollerbeer.com, 832-781-0555 See More Collapse BIG BUZZ: Houston beer fans react to news that Anheuser-BuschInBev will be acquiring Karbach To that end, John began studying brewing at Chicago-based Siebel Institute of Technology and Kathryn gained on-the-job skills at Two Henrys Brewing Company in Plant City, Fla. The pair reportedly have ties to Florida, however, they told Lee, they wanted to return to Houston because it's "where their adult lives began" and where they learned how to homebrew. Now, after nearly a year readying the site of the brewery, the pair will open Holler Brewing Co.'s home to the public with a weekend-long celebration. ON THE ISLAND: Two Houston bartenders helping to transform Galveston's former 'red-light district' Holler Berwing Co., situated near the Silver Street Studios in the Washington Avenue Arts District, will be open from 4 to 10 p.m. Friday, and from noon to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. To sample brews, guests can pay $5 per token. Six beers will occupy some of the 19 taps they've already installed in the tap room. Among those is the Dolla Pils Y'all, Looyah Milk Stout and a Belgian IPA it packs a heavy, 8.2 percent ABV punch. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate First it was Texas. Then California. And now Oregon is following suit. Angry residents in all three states have threatened to secede from the United States this year. Texas secessionists pushed for independence after Britain left the European Union. Some Californians called for independence after Donald Trump won the White House. RUSSIAN CONNECTION: Texas secession would 'undoubtedly benefit the Kremlin,' separatists say in Moscow Now, some Oregonians are calling for independence of their own. Lawyer Jennifer Rollins and writer Christian Trejbal have submitted a petition for a 2018 ballot initiative to have Oregon become its own country, according to the Oregonian. "The Governor and Legislature shall actively pursue Oregon's peaceful secession from the United States of America," the Oregon Secession Act reads. "They shall seek secession alone or in conjunction with other states and Canadian provinces that seek to form a new nation." Hillary Clinton won 51.7 percent of the electoral votes in Oregon and 61.5 percent in California, according to Politico. Trump by comparison had 41.1 percent of the electoral votes in Oregon and 33.2 percent in California. Since the results of Tuesday's election, anti-Trump protests have been held in California, Oregon and other states across the nation. Some Californians are also pushing for secession with "Calexit." Like Texas, some Californians look to Brexit as a model for leaving the United States. Organizers hope to get it on the ballot in spring 2019. SUPPORT IN CALI: #CalExit picks up steam with angry voters after Silicon Valley exec's pledge "Our 'Calexit' referendum is about California joining the international community," the campaign reads. "You have a big decision to make." A Texas GOP panel struck secession language from a proposed party platform in May. Process Technology is one of the fastest growing careers in the Houston area, due to baby boomers retiring from the field. "The chemical and refining industries are in great need of process operators/technicians due to the large number of seasoned operators retiring in the next five to seven years," said Linda LaCoe, director of process technology at Lone Star College-Kingwood. In preparation of the January 2017 start, LSC-Kingwood faculty are looking for interested students to enroll in the program. The college will host information sessions on Nov. 29 at 6:30 p.m. in the LSC-Atascocita Center cafeteria and Nov. 30 at 5 p.m. in the LSC-Kingwood Administration Building room 112. Potential students are encouraged to bring their unofficial transcripts if they have not enrolled in Lone Star College. "Our goal is to inform prospective students about the process technology associate of applied science degree (AAS) and certificate," LaCoe said. "We will also discuss what process technology is and the job duties of a process operator/technician." The brand new Process Technology program will start in January 2017 and will be housed at the LSC-Atascocita Center. In order to be accepted into the Process Technology program, students must be at college level in reading, writing and math. Students should possess aptitude in science and math, have good interpersonal and communication skills, and be a team player. LSC-Kingwood's Process Technology program will prepare graduates for entry level careers in the petrochemical, refining, power generation, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, plastics and related manufacturing industries. Program courses include introduction to process technology, process instrumentation, safety, health and environment, process systems, principles of quality, and troubleshooting. In fall 2017, the program will move to the new Lone Star College-Process Technology Center located in Generation Park. The 40,200 square foot facility will be furnished with state-of-the-art simulation equipment, a fully functional pilot plant and general academic classrooms to train students. The LSC-Atascocita Center is located at 15903 West Lake Houston Parkway. For more information on the program or information sessions, email Linda.Lacoe@LoneStar.edu or visit www.lonestar.edu/lsc-process-technology This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate West University Place City Council Member, Brennan Reilly was the only voice of dissent at an Oct. 17 council meeting where members approved the city's 2017 budget. Reilly said Monday that he had several problems with the proposed budget that led him to vote "no". "The budget contained mistakes, mathematical errors in excess of $130,000 ... (and) the city adopted the maximum tax rate that could have been established without a roll-back election," he said. The first problem, said Reilly, is that $130,000 was added to the budget due to a $65,000 item listed twice in error. "We found the error on the 1st, and on the 17th it was never corrected, which is insanity. The money belongs to the residents. If we have something good to spend it on I have no problem appropriating it. I have a real problem taking money that won't be spent, it will just sit there." The second reason Council Member Reilly couldn't get behind the budget that includes a property tax rate of $0.3168 per $100 home valuation, a decrease from the previous year's $0.3317, is because the new rate is just 1/1000th of a penny below the roll-back rate. The roll-back rate, said Reilly, is the maximum property tax rate that the city can set before residents are entitled to an election to roll back the rate. Reilly said the tactic is a "game" the city is playing so that next year the formula used to determine the effective rate and the roll-back rate will be based on a higher number. Last week, Rhonda Daugherty, finance director for the city of West University Place, said in another Houston Chronicle report that the city expects to see a 2.97 percent increase in revenue from last year based on the new budget, which is a $538,445 increase. Reilly, who says there were no substantive responses to his objections during the approval process from anyone on council, doesn't see a need for the increase. "We ought to figure out what we need to spend to provide excellent city services. When we run out of things to spend on, we ought stop," said Reilly. This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate A little appreciation went a long way for the veterans at VFW Post 1839 in Cleveland, Texas as the local H-E-B store brought them an early Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 9 as part of Operation Appreciation. Operation Appreciation is a veteran appreciation program that H-E-B uses to give back to war veterans living in the state of Texas. "We're here to thank and honor veterans for serving our nation in wartime and peacetime and for the sacrifices they and their families make so that we all may enjoy freedom here at home," said H-E-B Cleveland Store Director Dora Gallegos. Gallegos and a small group of H-E-B employees contacted Post 1839 and arranged to bring a classic Thanksgiving dinner for the veterans and their guests. Dinner included turkey, ham, potato salad, corn, green beans, rolls and dessert. "This is our first time doing it participating in Cleveland," said Dora Gallegos. "It certainly won't be the last." The employees delivered the food to Post 1839 at noon with the veterans thanking Gallegos and her staff for their kindness. "We do appreciate it," said Post Commander Edgar Burwick. Gallegos states that H-E-B is living up to its reputation to be more than just a store but also be a bigger part of the local area. "We look to live our bold promise and give back to our community," she said. Roy N. Kent The Heights, dry since 1912, will now allow off-premise sales of alcohol after an overwhelming vote in favor of the measure. Pending certification of the ballots, an overwhelming 64 percent of the voters in the area approved the sale of alcohol championed by the Houston Heights Beverage Coalition. The group was backed by H-E-B, which has submitted plans to build a new store at the site of the former Fiesta at 24th Street and Shepherd Drive. Opposed to the measure was the Keep The Heights Dry group, homeowners in the area that were concerned about upsetting the neighborhoods residential feel. Voters approved Spring ISD's $330 million bond referendum on Election Day Nov. 8, giving the district the green light to fund five new schools, a stadium and a police command center, as well as address maintenance and busing issues. The bond, which was the district's first to be proposed in nearly a decade, passed with 72 percent of the votes, in spite of some controversy over the $38 million dedicated to building the new stadium. Myron Spencer, who lost his run against incumbent Justine Durant for her seat on the Spring ISD Board of Trustees, said he and other parents believe the cost of the stadium is excessive. Harris County Sheriff's Office deputies and Houston Police Department officers responded to an early-morning call about a drive-by shooting in far southwest Houston. Around 3 a.m., a woman and several others were traveling in a white SUV on Almeda when a vehicle passed by and opened fire. To most Americans, Veterans Day means honoring those who served in the United States Armed Forces, but its origins stretch back to the end of World War I, one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history. Around the world, this day of commemoration is also known as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, and all of them mark the end of the Great War on Nov. 11, 1918. The summers final Live on the Waterfront concert was held Wednesday evening at Prince Arthurs Landing. The popular series in Thunder Bay has completed nine weekly shows that began on July 13. Wednesdays concert was unique as it was held one hour later in the evening to mesh with the 10 p. We attempted to send a notification to your email address but we were unable to verify that you provided a valid email address. Please click here to update your email address if you wish to receive notifications. Otherwise, you may click here to disable notifications and hide this message. Caritas Cehia in cautarea unui expert/unei experte sau unei echipe de experti in prestarea serviciilor de consiliere psihologica (pe segmentul burnout) pentru echipa mobila de prestare a serviciilor psiho-sociale pentru refugiatii ucraineni MORELAND HILLS, Ohio -- Squad call, mutual aid; Sterncrest Drive: Officers and paramedics were sent around 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 5 to a driveway where a woman, 29, was inside a car and may have overdosed. Dispatchers learned she was conscious and alert, but a little incoherent at the time. EMT's from Orange also provided mutual aid and she was stabilized and transported to Ahuja Medical Center. Damage to vehicle, Chagrin Boulevard: A teacher at Brady Middle School walked out to his 2003 Honda minivan about 5:15 p.m. on Nov. 3 and found a tree limb had fallen onto the front windshield, cracking it. A report was needed to verify the damage and Orange School District officials took photos with plans to handle the repairs. Neighbor trouble, Greentree Road: A resident reported on or around Nov. 1 that a landscaper next door was blowing leaves into the caller's yard, and the neighbor was refusing to clean them up. Police said the leaves were removed a short time later. Cars vs. deer, Chagrin Boulevard, Route 87: Officers were dispatched at least twice to morning rush-hour crash scenes where deer had collided with cars. Police in turn dispatched the deer, one on Nov. 5 about 8:15 a.m. on Chagrin Boulevard, and then about 6:45 a.m. on Nov. 6 in the 34900 block of South Woodland Road. Officials reminded motorists that most deer-car accidents occur around dawn and dusk. Erratic drivers, Routes 87 and 91: The driver of a black Volvo was reportedly going left of center and passing from the right side of the roadway around 7:15 p.m. on Nov. 6 along SOM Center Road. An officer almost caught up with the driver as the car turned toward Chagrin Falls, where police were also alerted. -- A blue Cavalier, reportedly all over the roadway on South Woodland near the Polo fields about 1:30 p.m. on Nov. 3 and registering to a Geauga County address, was found parked and unoccupied a short time later on Farmcote Drive. Attempt to locate, hit-skip; SOM Center Road: Moreland Hills police were on the lookout for a white Audi that reported struck another car at the Shell True North station in Solon about 4 p.m. on Nov. 4, last seen heading north on Route 91. If you would like to discuss the police blotter, please visit our crime and courts comments page. Maple Heights police car Maple Heights police are investigating the deaths of two people inside a Tabor Avenue home. (File photo) MAPLE HEIGHTS, Ohio -- Police are investigating the deaths of two people after they were found dead inside a Maple Heights home Friday. Neighbors on Tabor Avenue called police about 3 p.m. Friday for a welfare check after they had not seen two people at the home for at least a week, according to Maple Heights police Lt. Don Grossmyer Officers knocked on the door and entered the home to find the bodies of two women, Grossmyer said. Police haven't yet determined if the deaths are suspicious in nature. An investigation is pending as to the cause of their deaths, Grossmyer said. The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is assisting Maple Heights police with the investigation, Grossmyer said. As of Saturday morning, police were unsure if the pair's families had been notified of their deaths. To comment on this story, please visit our crime and courts comments page. CLEVELAND, Ohio - The Upper Edgewater Shelter in the Lakefront Reservation is older than Cleveland Metroparks and has a little-known link to the park system it joined in 2013. The shelter is thought to have been built around 1910 - eight years after Mayor Tom L. Johnson made William Stinchcomb Chief Engineer of Parks. Metroparks officials insist that it was designed by Stinchcomb himself, the man who first proposed the concept of the countywide park system that he would formally operate from 1921 until he retired in 1957. The low sloping roof and exposed eaves are very much of the Arts and Crafts era, as are the exposed beams inside. Kelly Coffman, the Metroparks' senior strategic park planner, said the park system has 275 structures built before 1970, including buildings, picnic shelters and bridges. Jim Rodstrom, the parks' chief of construction, said the Metroparks' devotion to conservation extends beyond natural habitats and includes exquisitely designed buildings that have been preserved throughout the park system. They were built by versatile master craftsmen and are maintained today by skilled park personnel with similarly diverse skill sets. One of these treasures is the Brecksville Nature Center, the last trailside center still standing in the Metroparks. The roof alone is a great example of Arts and Crafts design with exposed eaves, low-profile roof and intentionally irregular edges on the clapboard siding that covers the upper portion of walls at both ends of the building. Inside, it becomes a walk-in masterpiece, right down to the hand-carved detail, including incised leaf patterns, three-dimensional leaves and animals. Rodstrom said the stone was quarried in the park, and the wood came from trees that grew there, processed in the park's own sawmill. It was dedicated in 1939, the handiwork of craftsmen from for the Works Progress Administration, a federal infrastructure program developed to address the chronic unemployment of the Great Depression. Across the road is another example, the open-air shelter of the Harriet Keeler Picnic Area that was begun in 1928 by Metroparks personnel and completed a decade later by the WPA. Though simpler than the nature center, it displays many of the same design concepts. Muslims hold prayer vigil for San Bernardino victims Local Muslims, such as these members of the Bait Ul Ahad Mosque in Bedford who gathered with guests for a vigil at the mosque in 2015, are keeping a watchful eye on the Donald Trump presidency in light of comments he made about Muslims during his campaign. (Chuck Crow/The Plain Dealer) CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Disappointment, concern, and watchfulness, mixed with conditional support and even hope, characterized the reaction of local Muslims to the election of Donald Trump as President. Comments that Trump made on the campaign trail regarding a potential shutdown of Muslim immigration, and his remarks about the possibility of required Muslim registration and identity cards, are still vivid in the minds of this religious group that makes up about one percent of the U.S. population, or 3.3 million people. Yet a cautious, wait-and-see attitude seems to prevail. For now. Isam Zaiem, board member of the Cleveland chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), described the election as "a sad day for America," in terms of the potential for actions and hate directed against the Muslim community by people bolstered by Trump's campaign statements. But he also noted, "I'm hopeful that maybe Trump will change some of his rhetoric and settle down and treat all Americans the same, and be President for all of us instead of just those who voted for him." Isam Zaiem: "I'm concerned. I'm very worried. But I'm hopeful." (Plain Dealer flle photo) Zaiem said he was encouraged by Trump's remarks after the election about bringing America together. "I'm hopeful. I have to be," he said. "Otherwise it would be very depressing for all of us." Maha Droubi, a member of the local Syrian community who helped organize NEOSOS, a group that aids Syrian refugees settling here, said, "I've been here 36 years and this is the first time I feel scared for America and for us (Muslims). "What I'm afraid of is that the hate toward Muslims will be more obvious, more clear," she added. Droubi believed that fear may have been shared by new Syrian refugees in Cleveland who did not want to be interviewed about Trump. Farid Abdul Malik, 67, of Cleveland Heights, said Trump's statement about "taking or country back" refers to "a time when things were better for some people, particularly white people." Malik said that as a black Muslim, he is "accustomed to some form of discrimination or abuse." Yet, "never do I despair," he added. Similarly, he said he is not worried about the aftermath of Trump's election. "As a Muslim, my trust is totally in God almighty. Always has been. Always will be." Abbas Ahmad, Imam of the First Cleveland Mosque, said he was struck by Trump's latest statements on national unity, after running what Ahmad perceived as a campaign of divisiveness. For the moment, "Muslims have a wait-and-see attitude," Ahmad said. Imam Abbas Ahmad: "He (Trump) didn't give us any substantial policies. All he did was talk hate and divisiveness, something we just don't agree with." (Lisa DeJong/ The Plain Dealer) But waiting and seeing if Trump follows through on his campaign statements regarding Muslims also prompts some concern, he added. "What really scares me are the people who support him," Ahmad said. "People need to be more educated in terms of what Islam is." Khalil Alnadi, 45, of Medina, has lived in the U.S. for 23 years since emigrating from Jordan, is no fan of Trump. However, "I think we need to move on and support the new President, and hope that the people around him give him the correct advice," he said. "It doesn't matter what he said (during the campaign). All that matters is what he's going to do. That's the bottom line. "What's good about this country is that we have checks and balances," Alnadi said. "No matter how bad he is, we have that. "This country is bigger than Trump," he added. "We need to support him and see how he does." For many reasons, Trump won't be getting that support from Kamal, a 20-year-old Muslim from Cleveland, now attending college in Pennsylvania, who prefers that his last name not be used. "I think his presidency gives legitimacy to Islamophobia," he said. "I'm not worried about the educated voters. I'm worried about the people who aren't necessarily educated on the issue of American Muslims." As for Trump's actions as President, "I'm not going to jump to conclusions," Kamal said. "We have to be careful to see which policies he has used as a means to get elected, and which policies are actually incorporated." He does believe that Trump's statements about bombing terrorist sites overseas will "add fuel to the Middle East conflict and every country in the Middle East that does not want to associate with America." The Washington Post recently reported that social media sites associated with the Islamic State and al-Qaeda have said that Trump's election will further alienate Muslims from America and aid extremist causes. Local Muslims had mixed reactions as to whether a Trump presidency will boost radicalism. "No, not really," Alnadi said. "Every time there's an election, an extremist group always rises to the surface. With George Bush it was al-Qaeda. Now it's ISIS. Four years from now it will be somebody else. "It's not religious," he added. "ISIS is no different than gangsters anywhere in the world." Yet Farid Abdul Malik said the potential exists for young people to be swayed by extremist rhetoric in the wake of Trump's election. "They're vulnerable," he said. "Muslim leaders need to speak to these youths and organize some sort of strategy so they don't let their emotions overwhelm them." Other local Muslims believed that the type of actions Trump takes in foreign policy will determine his impact on terrorism. Ahmad Deeb, director of the Islamic Society of Akron and Kent, said he was concerned about the potential backlash of a Trump presidency on both the Muslim community and society in general. He noted that during the campaign, Trump "wasn't very subtle at all regarding his disdain, almost, and feelings toward particular minorities, the Muslim community being one of those minorities. "The culture of America is not built upon hate and anti-immigrant sentiment and sidelining a religious community, which Trump has done," he added. While Deeb said he doesn't want to exaggerate the Muslim concern, he did believe that Muslims should organize and work with the leaders of other faiths to help "cultivate a culture that is not built on divisive elements, not built on an irrational fear of immigrants and minorities . . . one indicative of the beautiful, great diversity that is present in America. "We just want what's best for the country, and in the end, we want Donald Trump to do a good job," he added. Masroor Malik, 47, of Solon, who has lived here since coming from Pakistan 27 years ago, also said the election could have a positive side in prompting American Muslims to come together in support of their own rights and America's future. "This could be a wake-up call for Muslims to make sure we organize to make sure we are equal members of society and share an equal part in the greatness of this country," he said. "We have high hopes for this country and hopefully everything will turn out to be good. But we need to be active, we need to be participating." Malik said he was "shocked and saddened" by Trump's victory, "and somewhat fearful due to all the rhetoric used during the campaign against the Muslims. "It's something we are dealing with, but one of the things, no matter how disappointed we feel, is that we are not going to be moved by fear, but by love and compassion," he continued. "We're going to keep our heads up and hope for the best." By Mike and Wendy Pramik, Special to The Plain Dealer SANTA CLAUS, Indiana -- Our 7-year-old son sits at an old school desk and places a tight grip on a No. 2 pencil, then begins crafting a letter to Santa. "I may have been bad," Max writes, "But may I have a Wii U and a Super Mario Maker?" After signing the letter, he slips it into a mail slot and shakes a strap of sleigh bells. The jingle alerts Santa's elves that a new letter is on the way. It's a traditional scene, but there are no snowflakes falling outside, no festive music on the radio. The stores back home in Ohio haven't even begun to hang holiday displays. "It's September 2. Are you sure it's not too early to send these letters?" bursts his older sister, Rosie. It's never too early to celebrate the holidays when you're in Santa Claus, a tiny burg in southwestern Indiana where Saint Nick reigns supreme. It's home to fewer than 2,500 people, a tourist town where good tidings are spread no matter the time of year. It's a place where we confidently tell our kids, "Yes, there is a Santa Claus." We begin our visit at the Santa Claus Museum and Village, which is home to a historic post office building that helped earn the town its jolly moniker. Emily Thompson, director of the museum, tells us that Santa Claus was established in 1854 under the name of Santa Fe (pronounced "fee"). But when the townsfolk applied for a post office, they were asked to think of a new name because there already was a Santa Fe, Indiana. So they changed it to Santa Claus in 1856, and its association with the old elf went down in history. "Its name is its biggest draw," says Thompson, who lives in the gated community of Christmas Lake Village, where streets go by names like Prancer Drive and Blitzen Lane. The nomenclature has spawned Christmas-themed attractions, most notably Holiday World & Splashin' Safari, an amusement park that opened in 1946 as Santa Claus Land and annually draws more than 1 million visitors from April through October. A reason to visit during the park's off-season is the Santa Claus Christmas Celebration, held during the first three weekends in December. That's when the area's Christmas-themed attractions - including the Santa Claus Museum and Village, Santa's Candy Castle and the Santa Claus Christmas Store - go full tilt. Also on tap this year is a Christmas parade, a drivable lights display and a beer fest. There's more to these rolling hills than Santa, however. A 10-mile drive northward along Indiana 162 leads you to St. Meinrad Archabbey, one of nine archabbeys in the world. The Benedictine monastery has a graduate seminary and school of theology. Tours are available daily, and guests are welcome to prayer and Catholic Mass. We witness busloads of visitors being dropped off at Abbey Press Gifts, where you can find scarves hand knitted by monks and original works by liturgical illustrator Brother Martin Erspamer. A 15-minute drive northwest of St. Meinrad leads to the town of Ferdinand, which is home to an unbelievable craft brewery. Saint Benedict's Brew Works is on the grounds of the Sisters of St. Benedict, whose nuns have taught here since 1867. Nuns don't actually make the tasty brews - including Raising Lazarus IPA and Sanctimonious Stout, says co-owner Vince Luecke. "But they do help us with quality control." Back at the Santa Claus Museum and Village, we read letters to Saint Nick written during the Great Depression, then walk across the grounds and pop into the old Santa Claus Church, built in 1880. Thompson lets Max and Rosie pull a long rope to ring the church bell. We then climb a small hill, which brings us before a 22-foot-tall concrete statue of Santa Claus, constructed in 1935 and dedicated to "the children of the world." "How long until December?" Max suddenly asks. That's when he'll get a reply to his letter postmarked by the only post office on the planet bearing the Santa Claus name, a tradition here that dates back to 1914. Volunteers answer all of the mail and send it to a modern post office at the nearby Kringle Place Shopping Center. In December, a special postmark, designed by a local student, is stamped on all the mail that passes through the Santa Claus Post Office. Last year, more than 400,000 pieces of mail got the postmark, including more than 22,000 answered letters from Santa. Writing a letter puts us in the holiday spirit. We embrace the town for a weekend, touring attractions. Down the road, we find Santa's Candy Castle, also built in 1935. The little brick fortress is the area's first tourist attraction, and just as it sounds, there is a lot of candy here, ranging from rainbow-colored lollipops to a wall full of Pez dispensers. But the highlight is frozen hot chocolate. The house specialty is powdered chocolate mixed with milk and ice. It's a fantastic treat, but expect to wait in line for one. We spend the night in a Christmas Cabin at Lake Rudolph Campground & RV Resort, a massive place with 500 campsites and other lodging options, including cabins, cottages and rental RVs. The campground annually holds the Santa Claus Land of Lights, billed as the largest campground holiday light show in North America. The town's official Santa also stomps these grounds. We find him in the morning, regaling an attentive audience with his version of "Twas the Night Before Christmas." Our daughter walks up to him afterward and gives him a hug. He says she can visit him again at the Santa Claus Christmas Store. When we find him, we discover there's no line. But Max is too nervous to sit on Santa's lap. He hides behind a shelf of ornaments, watching his 9-year-old sister approach the convincing Santa, who has a real beard and a belly full of jelly. "Can you tell me why we celebrate Christmas, little girl?" Santa asks. "Because it's Jesus' birthday," Rosie replies. "Amen." She tells him she wants a pony. "I don't deliver live animals because they'll leave a mess in my sleigh," Santa says. "I don't do cell phones because they come with a monthly bill, and I don't do cash because it's not in my budget. And I don't do boyfriends because they're nothing but trouble." "I don't want any of those," Rosie says. "Do you know what you want yet?" "I sent you a letter at the post office." "Oh, you did? I haven't got it yet. It's a slow version of FedEx, OK?" Mike and Wendy Pramik are free-lance writers in Columbus. With Donald Trump's election into the White House, Jim Cramer is on the hunt for money managers' plays under the new leadership. He has his eye on the oil patch. With Trump in the White House and the Republicans controlling Congress, many investors expect less regulation. This was clear from the rotation into bank and drug stocks this week, and Cramer expects the oil industry to be the next group to be picked up. "With a Trump presidency on the horizon, I expect the oil industry to benefit from a wave of deregulation," the "Mad Money" host said. Cramer focused on the exploration and production companies that could still survive with the price of crude in the low $40s. His top pick was EOG Resources , which is one of the largest independent oil companies in the patch. "The thing that really sets EOG apart, though, is that it still has an ambitious agenda to increase its production, which makes this stock the best growth play in the oil patch," Cramer said. Dado Ruvic | Getty Images Election 2016 is over, but the hard feelings at least on social media may linger well beyond the closing of the polls. In the runup to Tuesday's hard fought presidential contest, social media users on Twitter and Facebook found themselves regularly embroiled in heated political arguments. For many, the only way out was through the practice of unfollowing, blocking or outright "unfriending" those with whom they disagreed even family members. A recent Monmouth University poll found that 7 percent of voters lost or ended a friendship because of the battle that pitted Republican President-elect Donald Trump against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The report noted that figure was in line with recent election cycles, despite the vitriolic contest that saw two of the most unpopular candidates in recent history vie for the White House. Perhaps nowhere was the phenomenon of broken relationships more visible than on Facebook, a microcosm of real-life. A Facebook spokesperson told CNBC that the social network doesn't track the number of accounts that choose to sever contact with others, but said the election generated 10 billion posts, likes, comments and shares among nearly 300 million users across the world. I need my brother to explain why he let his political views dissolve our connection. I don't need an apology. Just help me understand why a brother blocked a brother. Greg Cope White author Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, accompanied by her husband former President Bill Clinton, pauses as she concedes the presidential election at the New Yorker Hotel on November 9, 2016 in New York City. Getty Images Those same posts led to the testing of a lot of friendships and familial bonds some of which ultimately snapped under the weight of an unusually long and bitter election season. Emily Potts, a Clinton supporter and a publicist for the Heron Agency in Chicago, insisted the online vitriol she encountered in 2016 was a different animal from any other year. "In 2012, I was able to gladly have a discussion with those who supported [GOP nominee] Mitt Romney, and often was able to sympathize with their point of view," she told CNBC. "This election could not have been more different." Anadolu Agency | Getty Images Jimmy Millard, a Donald Trump supporter from Kennesaw, Georgia, said the 2016 election made Facebook an especially unpleasant place to be. He said that he was unfollowed, unfriended or blocked by friends whom he had known for more than 35 years. Unfortunately, a member of his extended family was also one of the casualties. "To this day he will not attend family events if he knows that I will be there, and when he does have the opportunity to respond to something I post on Facebook, it is always a bad conversation with him calling me names or dismissing my opinion as false without doing any research," he told CNBC. "I've been voting longer than he has been alive." U.S. Marine Corps veteran Greg Cope White, author of the book "The Pink Marine" and a Clinton supporter, was actually blocked on Facebook by his own brother, a Trump supporter. Both men are gay, but their political differences proved a bridge too far at least for White's brother, who blocked him. "I need my brother to explain why he let his political views dissolve our connection," he said. "I don't need an apology. Just help me understand why a brother blocked a brother." White said that while he didn't get the outcome he had hoped for from the election, he has accepted it. "Trump won, and it's my duty to respect him in office," he said. Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence (R) welcomes presidential nominee Donald Trump to the stage during a campaign event about the Affordable Care Act. Getty Images As Americans set their tables to feed a multitude of friends and family for Thanksgiving, they may confront a stiff reality: A Thanksgiving meal this year may cost them a pretty penny. Families are estimated to spend over $1.05 billion on turkey alone this year, according to Finder.com, a personal financial website. That's an average cost of $23.44 per 16 pound turkey. Because a traditional Thanksgiving feast consists of more than just the bird, it may leave many hosts wondering where to spend and where to save. "Invest in the main attraction and in this case it's the turkey," Dawn Perry, food director of Real Simple Magazine told CNBC's "On the Money" in an interview. She added there are ways to save on the bird by shopping locally. "Hook up with a local farmer, sometimes there are great deals right in your area," Perry said. When it comes to deciding how much turkey to buy, Perry advises buying enough for 1.5 times as many guests as you are serving, so there is enough leftovers for people to take home. She advised that a 12-14 pound turkey should feed between 8-10 people. Police in Alaska say an officer has been shot multiple times in what they described as an ambush. The attack happened early Saturday morning. The man suspected of shooting the officer was killed, and the officer is expected to survive. Police spokeswoman Jennifer Castro says the officer was in surgery following the shooting in downtown Anchorage just before 5 a.m. The officer was responding to reports that a theft suspect was on foot, and the officer was pulling over his cruiser over when a man with a gun started firing. Castro says that the officer got out of his vehicle, and the shooter continued to fire as the officer was on the ground. Another officer responded and returned fire at the shooter. Per department policy, the names of both officers won't be released for three days. Hello, I have created a job application form. I need to send this form converted as .pdf file via mail. Code behind C# using iTextSharp.text; using iTextSharp.text.pdf; using iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser; using iTextSharp.text.html; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Text; using System.Net.Mime; using System.IO; namespace myproject { public partial class ApplicationForm : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Session.Remove( " clicks" ); } } protected MemoryStream getMemoryStream() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter w = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); this .Page.RenderControl(w); string s = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); SelectPdf.HtmlToPdf converter = new SelectPdf.HtmlToPdf(); SelectPdf.PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(s); MemoryStream Stream = new MemoryStream(); doc.Save(Stream); doc.Close(); return Stream; } protected String getHtml() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); 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lblE.ID = " LabelE" + i.ToString(); lblP.ID = " LabelP" + i.ToString(); lblD.ID = " LabelD" + i.ToString(); lblS.ID = " LabelS" + i.ToString(); lblR.ID = " LabelR" + i.ToString(); lblE.ID = " LabelE" + i.ToString(); lblP.ID = " LabelP" + i.ToString(); lblD.ID = " LabelD" + i.ToString(); lblS.ID = " LabelS" + i.ToString(); lblR.ID = " LabelR" + i.ToString(); lblE.ID = " LabelE" + i.ToString(); lblP.ID = " LabelP" + i.ToString(); lblD.ID = " LabelD" + i.ToString(); lblS.ID = " LabelS" + i.ToString(); lblR.ID = " LabelR" + i.ToString(); lblE.Text = " Employer " + (i + 1 ).ToString() + " : " ; lblP.Text = " Position " + (i + 1 ).ToString() + " : " ; lblD.Text = " From-Until : " ; lblS.Text = " Salary " + (i + 1 ).ToString() + " : " ; lblR.Text = " Reason for Leaving " + (i + 1 ).ToString() + " : " ; Panel1.Controls.Add(lblE); Panel1.Controls.Add(TxtBoxE); Panel1.Controls.Add(lblP); Panel1.Controls.Add(TxtBoxP); Panel1.Controls.Add(lblD); Panel1.Controls.Add(TxtBoxD); Panel1.Controls.Add(lblS); Panel1.Controls.Add(TxtBoxS); Panel1.Controls.Add(lblR); Panel1.Controls.Add(TxtBoxR); } } protected void btnsubmit_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) { string fname = " applicationForm" + DateTime.Now.ToString( " yyMMddHHmmss" ) + " .pdf" ; MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage(); mailMsg.From = new MailAddress(txtmymail.Text); mailMsg.To.Add( " my-email@gmail.com" ); mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true ; mailMsg.Subject = " Contact Details" ; MemoryStream file = getMemoryStream(); FileStream filePDF = new FileStream(fname, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); file.WriteTo(filePDF); file.Close(); filePDF.Close(); System.Net.Mime.ContentType ct = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType(System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf); System.Net.Mail.Attachment attach = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(fname, ct); attach.ContentDisposition.FileName = fname; ContentDisposition disposition = attach.ContentDisposition; disposition.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; mailMsg.Attachments.Add(attach); SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient( " smtp.gmail.com" , 587 ); mailMsg.Priority = MailPriority.Normal; smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential( " my-email@gmail.com" , " my-email-password" ); smtp.Timeout = 250000 ; smtp.EnableSsl = true ; System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate ( object s, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain chain, System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true ; }; smtp.Send(mailMsg); Response.Write( " " ); txtfname.Text = " " ; txtlname.Text = " " ; txtfaname.Text = " " ; txtmoname.Text = " " ; txtmymail.Text = " " ; } } } ASP.NET <%@ Page Language =" C#" AutoEventWireup =" true" CodeBehind =" ApplicationForm.aspx.cs" EnableEventValidation =" false" Inherits =" icts.ApplicationForm" %> < !DOCTYPE html > < html xmlns =" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > < head runat =" server" > < meta charset =" UTF-8" / > < title > Job Application < /title > < meta name =" viewport" content =" width=device-width, initial-scale=1" / > < link rel =" stylesheet" href =" https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/normalize/5.0.0/normalize.min.css" / > < link href =" css/bootstrap.min.css" rel =" stylesheet" / > < link href =" css/style.css" rel =" stylesheet" / > < /head > < body > < form method =" get" runat =" server" id =" form1" > < div class =" container" > < h5 > GENERAL INFORMATION < /h5 > < div class =" row" > < div class =" col-md-6" id =" col-md-6" > < div class =" col-sm-9" > < div class =" col-xs-8 col-sm-6" > < span > Surname < /span > < /div > < div class =" col-xs-8 col-sm-6" > < asp:TextBox ID =" txtlname" runat =" server" > < /asp:TextBox > < /div > < /div > < /div > < div class =" col-md-6" > < div class =" col-sm-9" > < div class =" col-xs-8 col-sm-6" > < span > Name < /span > < /div > < div class =" col-xs-8 col-sm-6" > < asp:TextBox ID =" txtfname" runat =" server" > < /asp:TextBox > < /div > < /div > < /div > < /div > < div class =" row" > < div class =" col-md-6" id =" col-md-6" > < div class =" col-sm-9" > < div class =" col-xs-8 col-sm-6" > < span > Date of Birth < /span > < /div > < div class =" col-xs-8 col-sm-6" > < asp:Textbox type =" date" runat =" server" ID =" bday" > < /asp:Textbox > < /div > < /div > < /div > < div class =" row" > < div class =" col-md-12" > < asp:Panel ID = " Panel1" runat = " server" > < /asp:Panel > < asp:Button ID =" Button2" runat =" server" Text =" Add field" OnClick =" add_Click" / > < /div > < /div > < div class =" row" > < asp:Button ID =" Button1" runat =" server" Text =" Submit" OnClick =" btnsubmit_Click" / > < /div > With this code i am able to send a .pdf attachment via mail, but some of the fields are empty. My form has text boxes, date input and radio buttons. What would you suggest? Thank you, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli How to add languages on a website? How to security a website professionally? Member 12847869 wrote: How to add languages on a website? What does this mean? Do you want multiple languages to show? Do you want the user to change the language? Are you translating everything? Member 12847869 wrote: How to security a website professionally? Is there a database back-end? What kind of server? IIS? Apache? Do you need to secure certain pages or the whole site? Is anonymous allowed? Hopefully you can see that your question needs a ton more detail for anyone to help. There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't. I have created an API with Client Identifier, Client Secrets, Auth URL and Access Token URL in Vimeo. Still searching for solution to fetch private videos from Vimeo using REST/ JSON/ JQuery. Any help appreciated to provide some sample code to fetch private videos from Vimeo using REST/ JSON/ JQuery. Vimeo Developer API[^]. There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't. How do I get apis for Facebook, Google talk, skype, whatsapp for my project using javascript and html? How can i import my facebook, google talk, skype and whatsapp friends and chat through my website? Member 12336044 wrote: For Skype they have mentioned that APIs are not public and same for whatsapp, So I can't login to skype and whatsapp. If you have solution please guide. And exactly how do you think we can provide a solution to that? C# perhaps this is also very difficult to learn HTML < input id =" rdo1" type =" radio" name =" rdoTest" value =" Hello" / > < input id =" rdo2" type =" radio" name =" rdoTest" value =" World" / > < var id =" test1" onchange =" alert('2');" > Test Value < /var > JavaScript $( document ).ready( function () { $( ' [name=rdoTest]' ).change( function () { $( ' #test1' ).text($( ' [name=rdoTest]:checked' ).val()); }); $( ' #test1' ).change( function () { alert($( ' #test1' ).text()); }); }); My code here but nothing happened Peter Leow https://www.amazon.com/author/peterleow Hello, I am modifying a web page with a lot of CSS code. There are many div tags. Mid-way on the page are div tags that enable a button to appear. I wish for this particular button to automatically click when the page loads. I have tried many combinations of JavaScript and JQuery but nothing so far works. The button is defined by div tags comparable to this:
I haven't yet figured out if the second div name is "Btn-btn active", or whether it is named "Btn-btn" and active is an attribute. My efforts at coding either a JavaScript or JQuery way to automatically click the button I see on the page have not worked. I have tried these variations: OR OR OR So far nothing works. Does anyone out there have an idea about how to make this work? Many thanks if you do. $("div.Btn-btn active").click(); }); Keep in mind - hopefully there is a onclick defined for that "button" somewhere (click handler) div.Btn-btn.active").click() ...And it works! Thanks so much for the help!!! Hi all i am creating gps tracking system i have to do two things with the marker 1- create context menu with some functions on the marker 2- add car number as label on the marker the first thing is finished Map With Context Menu when i tried to do the second issue a conflict (i think) happened i included a JS library Map Label Library both are working alone but when combined no thin work code after combine Map With Labels and Context Menu some details both depend on overlay errors TypeError: a.lng is not a function ...b=b||new _.G(0,0);var c=this.b;b.x=c.x+a.lng()*this.j;a=_.Za(Math.sin(_.Sb(a.lat... InvalidValueError: not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: in property lat: not a number TypeError: c.lat is not a function ...,c=d.b.search(_.vi)):(c=a.ca,c=new _.G(c.lat(),c.lng()),a.da=c,_.uJ(d.j,{da:c,ye... InvalidValueError: not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: in property lat: not a number Thank You Hey guys, I know the title is simple but I'm new to javascript and would appreciate if you could help me out here's the deal, I ve got some records that i read from database, and I want to add the to top of my table this is run every 20 seconds JavaScript var interval = setInterval( function () { loadTableData(selectedOption); }, 20000 ); here's what's happening inside loadTableData function JavaScript function loadTableData(dataType) { $.get( " /JsonResultlink" , null , function (result) { var itemAdd; $.each(result, function (i, item) { loadRecordTimeOut = setTimeout( function () { if (result[i].VEHICLEPLATE !== undefined ) { itemToAdd = generateRow(result[i], dataType); $( ' .tto-violation-tablebody' ).prepend(itemToAdd); checkRowCount(); } }, 1000 * i); }); clearTimeout(loadRecordTimeOut); }); } loadTableData is called in document ready and then every 2 seconds Now I got 3 buttons that when each is clicked i call loadTableData with new dataType and show the result now the problem is that in the middle of data being added to table i click one button I want the table to clear and the new data be displayed but what i get is that data loading becomes faster and i get both data from previous load and this load, Please help me out and I'd like to learn clean coding so if you have any suggestions please let me know, appreciate it. modified 5-Nov-16 6:59am. here[^] Cheers, Peter Software rusts. Simon Stephenson, ca 1994. So does this signature. me, 2012 Hi, I have employee evaluation for and it's populating the data from database and for every element of the evaluation there is a to choose the employee rating. I want to know how can I implement this? How to name it? will all have same name? here is my code: prepare('CALL sp_web_get_employee_evaluation_elements_by_guid(:param_employee_evaluation_guid)'); $mysql_query->bindParam(':param_employee_evaluation_guid', $evaluation_guid, PDO::PARAM_STR); $mysql_query->execute(); if ($mysql_query->rowCount() <= 0) { exit(header("Location: index.php")); } while($mysql_row = $mysql_query->fetch()) { ?> ID: Element Rating : Thanks, Jassim Technology News @ www.JassimRahma.com modified 14-Jul-17 15:54pm. If the rating has been provided then you can simply fetch the record for rating (fetch that column in MySQL) and render it in HTML. There is no need for select at all, otherwise if you want to provide updating of it too, then still create a rating select, but chose selected attribute for a special one that was selected by user. The sh*t I complain about It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem ~! Firewall !~ SELECT is not an array although my html output is showing correct result like this: HTML < tr > < td style =" padding: 10px;" > < h1 > Work Performance < /h1 > < p > Efficient execution of duties. < /p > < select name =" cboRating[4613]" id =" cboRating[4613]" data-native-menu =" false" required > < option value =" " > [Select..] < /option > < option value =" 1" > Outstanding < /option > < option value =" 2" > Exceeds Expectations < /option > < option value =" 3" > Meets Expectations < /option > < option value =" 4" > Needs Improvement < /option > < option value =" 5" > Unsatisfactory < /option > < /select > < /td > < /tr > < tr > < td style =" padding: 10px;" > < h1 > Technical Knowledge and Skill < /h1 > < p > Mastery of job knowledge and skills required to perform the duties of the position. < /p > < select name =" cboRating[4614]" id =" cboRating[4614]" data-native-menu =" false" required > < option value =" " > [Select..] < /option > < option value =" 1" > Outstanding < /option > < option value =" 2" > Exceeds Expectations < /option > < option value =" 3" > Meets Expectations < /option > < option value =" 4" > Needs Improvement < /option > < option value =" 5" > Unsatisfactory < /option > < /select > < /td > < /tr > here is my code: PHP if (is_array( $_POST[ ' cboRating' ])) { foreach($_POST[ ' cboRating' ] as $key=>$value) { echo " Key : " . $key . "

" ; echo " value : " . $value . "

" ; } } else { echo " SELECT is not an array" ; } Technology News @ www.JassimRahma.com Some of you know that I have been trying forever to get a simple SignalR app hosting on my server. According to the docs[^] you can Self Host, which appears to be a simple console app - not sure how THAT would work on a server), and also in a Windows Service (?? Would you install a Windows Service on you server just to do this?) Yet the docs pages says NOTHING about hosting in IIS, and any progress you make towards it is the result of hours of Googling. I have been through DOZENS of web pages & blogs about how to get it hosted in IIS. Yet I have not found a single page that actually shows or walks you through creating a SignalR server app and installing it on IIS. Some of you have pointed me to a few pages, but they fall short. I finally came across a page about creating a Web Deploy Package[^] and I was able to copy the package to my server and install it in IIS using Deploy=>Import Application... IIS reported that it was successful. So I then attempted to connect using: http://my.ip.address.:myport which gives ma a directory listing, which leads me to believe that it's hosted OK.. But when I try to connect in my code I get ""StatusCode: 404, ReasonPhrase: 'Not Found'...." If I include the Hub name in the url using I get "An error occurred while sending the request. Unable to connect to the remote server" At this point I am BEGGING anyone who has gotten this working in IIS to please help. This CAN'T be that EFFING hard. WTF am I doing wrong???? If it's not broken, fix it until it is. Everything makes sense in someone's mind. Ya can't fix stupid. I have tried with this code to access sms from mobile. BUt , port detecting error. Please check it. SerialPort _serialport = new SerialPort("COM4", 115200); _serialport.Parity = Parity.None; _serialport.DataBits = 8; _serialport.StopBits = StopBits.One; _serialport.Handshake = Handshake.XOnXOff; _serialport.DtrEnable = true; _serialport.RtsEnable = true; _serialport.NewLine = Environment.NewLine; _serialport.Open(); _serialport.Write("AT" + System.Environment.NewLine); Thread.Sleep(1000); _serialport.WriteLine("AT+CMGF=1" + System.Environment.NewLine); Thread.Sleep(1000); _serialport.WriteLine("AT+CMGL=\"ALL\"\r" + System.Environment.NewLine); Thread.Sleep(3000); MessageBox.Show(_serialport.ReadExisting()); VB

HTML < input id =" rdo1" type =" radio" name =" rdoTest" value =" Hello" / > < input id =" rdo2" type =" radio" name =" rdoTest" value =" World" / > < var id =" test1" onchange =" alert('2');" > Test Value < /var >

JavaScript $( document ).ready( function () { $( ' [name=rdoTest]' ).change( function () { $( ' #test1' ).text($( ' [name=rdoTest]:checked' ).val()); }); $( ' #test1' ).change( function () { alert($( ' #test1' ).text()); }); });

My code here but nothing happened

 element doesn't seem to raise the change event on its own. You'll need to trigger it manually:

JavaScript $( ' #test1' ).text($( ' [name=rdoTest]:checked' ).val()).change();

"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."

- Homer

HTML < var > raise the event on click or mouseover

change event.

change - Event reference | MDN[ ^ ]:

The change event is fired for  ,