Company boards and executives may soon face even tougher requirements from the regulator over million-dollar bonuses being dished out in the banking and financial services industry, the regulator has warned. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's head of governance, culture and remuneration, Fahmi Hosain, hinted this may be the case following a recent investigation into remuneration structures. Fahmi Hosain, Head of Governance, Culture and Remuneration for APRA, says Australian executives are complacent. Credit:Jessica Hromas He said the regulator had looked into a sample of banks, insurance companies and superannuation funds, examining senior executive contracts and pay structures over the past three years, and assessing whether bonuses were in line with what the executive had actually achieved. "What did they get, how were they assessed and what was dollar value that they got - what was that representing?," Mr Hosain told the Governance, Risk and Compliance Institute national conference in Melbourne on Thursday. The Australian hotel sector will see a major shift in its landscape after the Mantra Group accepted an offer from French-based global giant operator Accor, valued at about $1.2 billion. In less than a week, Mantra's management agreed to the Accor offer of $3.96 per share, including a potential special dividend, which will give the overseas group an exposure to Australia's capital cities and regional areas. View overlooking Mantra on Salt beach accommodation and pool area with beach in background. Credit:Tourism NSW It is the local hotel sector's biggest deal and will create a wider range of hotel options for tourists, analysts say. Mantra chairman Peter Bush said the sale was an attractive outcome for shareholders. When Qantas entered into its first partnership with Emirates five years ago, the Flying Kangaroo was a very different beast to the one it is today. The international business was losing hundreds of millions of dollars, fuel was expensive, the cost base was too high and the airline was trying to ditch loss-making routes. It's fair to conclude that when that marriage was thrashed out, the Middle Eastern partner was in a far stronger negotiating position. There was plenty of commentary written that Qantas didn't benefit to the same degree as Emirates. This may have been so, but the reality is that regardless of which airline posted the biggest gain, the deal did ultimately play a part in the revival of Qantas' fortunes. It provided access to Qantas customers with greater frequency and a far wider network of European destinations without the need and the cost of using its own planes. Fast forward five years and Qantas and Emirates are back at the negotiating table and so much has changed. When Dove asked Lola Ogunyemi to be in a new soap campaign, she viewed it as an opportunity to represent her "dark-skinned sisters" and "remind the world that we are here, we are beautiful, and more importantly, we are valued," she wrote in a commentary for the Guardian. She was shocked to wake up one recent morning to find she had become the "unwitting poster child for racist advertising." The Dove ad that has people up in arms. "If you Google 'racist ad' right now, a picture of my face is the first result," Ogunyemi said in the commentary published Tuesday. The recently released Dove body wash ad drew widespread outrage for showing a black woman - Ogunyemi - removing her shirt to reveal a white woman. To scores of consumers, the images invoked a message that dark skin is dirty and in need of cleansing, a racist stereotype historically seen in soap ads, as The Washington Post's Cleve R. Wootson Jr. reported. The past few months have seen various Australian designers collaborating with charity initiatives, and we are all for it. Not-for-profit charity, Project Futures, which focuses on education around eliminating human trafficking and slavery issues, have enlisted couture favourite Steven Khalil to launch its first charity tee. The aim is to start conversations around the crimes that deprive women and children of their freedom and dignity in Australia and beyond, with over 45.8 million people currently enslaved. Lifestyle brand Citizen Wolf who focuses on sustainable and ethical clothing, have also teamed up to create the shirts made from organically grown cotton from India, and locally-made with water-based inks in Australia. With 100 per cent off the profits going directly to the cause the $99 floral accent white tee will help end modern slavery and cover a range of services from medical treatment to psychological services. Steven Khalil, with initiative ambassador Zoe Marshall. "Partnering up with Project Futures to design a tee that would raise awareness for such an important issue was an opportunity I couldn't turn down," says Steven Khalil. "This issue affects not only Australians but women and children all over the world and it's great to be part of something that's dedicated to helping them." Clare Pearson, CEO of Project Futures, added that as well as raising funds, she hopes the initiative will boost awareness of the ways we can create "a better life for women and children." Marymead Horticulturalist Jeff Vivian who is upset after theives targeted the mulch program site in Narrabundah, taking money and computers. Credit:Rohan Thomson For the past five years, the site has been used to run a social enterprise where young people with disabilities grow and sell their own organic vegetables. But on Wednesday morning, staff discovered the building had been ransacked; equipment was strewn on the floor and the computers, along with profits from last week's market sales, taken. Thieves have trashed the Narrabundah office of Canberra charity Marymead and stolen up to $5000 in computer equipment. For the 30 or so participants in the 'Mulch Program', who are all aged between 17 and 30 and all have high needs, it was particularly distressing. The program is the only one of its kind in Canberra, Ms Rowland said. "Some of these young people have been coming since here we started it, this is their workplace, this is their social life," she said. "They get to see everything grow from the seedlings right through to the sales, it runs every day of the week." "It's not just the things that were stolen but that they felt the need to trash it as well...fortunately [we] got there first and our clients didn't have to see the mess." An ACT Policing spokeswoman confirmed officers had attended the scene of the burglary and were now investigating. Motorists doing the wrong thing in Brisbanes school zones are now twice as likely to cop a fine as Brisbane City Council more than doubles its enforcement officers. Anyone caught double parking or staying too long should expect a $94 fine, while if a council officer busts someone stopping on a yellow line or in a "no stopping" zone a $126 fine can be issued. Council officers will be monitoring 60 Brisbane schools for dangerous parking Warnings can also be dished out. BCC infrastructure chairman Amanda Cooper said the council would be targeting 60 Brisbane schools in its bid to curb dangerous parking in school zones. The Queensland government will review the suspended sentence handed to a man who walked free from a Brisbane court smiling and laughing after he pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of his four-year-old stepson on Wednesday. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk condemned the actions of Matthew Scown as he walked free after having spent two years and eight months in custody over the death of his stepson Tyrell Cobb. How insensitive is that for the man to be laughing after the death of his stepson. Absolutely, absolutely unacceptable," Ms Palaszczuk told the Nine Network on Thursday. I think everybody is feeling that today. Drums of 1,4-Butanediol seized by Victoria Police. Credit:Victoria Police While figures vary, local police estimate around 80 per cent of their crimes are drug-related, which include offences committed to pay for drugs and violence committed by offenders under the influence of illicit substances. There are some who think the "Big Fish" tactic is doomed to fail and police need to rethink. Here we turn to former US police chief Patrick Harnett, a man indirectly responsible for solving thousands of crimes in Victoria, even though he has never worked here but more of that later. Former New York police chief Patrick Harnett is indirectly responsible for solving thousands of crimes in Victoria, even though he has never worked here. In the 1990s, Harnett was put in charge of the New York Police Department Narcotics Division at a time when the city was pockmarked with no-go zone ghettos effectively controlled by local drug gangs. Police could seize tonnes of drugs at the top end and arrest hundreds of street dealers at the bottom without impacting on the trade. Harnett oversaw a change of tactics, which meant that instead of looking at drug detection as a national or global war, it was dealt with at a local level virtually street by street. "I felt that productivity was wrongly being measured it was based on arrests and the seizure of product," Harnett says. He recalls how police seized 1600 kilograms of cocaine, laying it out with cash and drugs for the media, "but it had very little impact and was only one third of the shipment". He refers to it as "chasing the Kilo Fairy", as if big busts can somehow shift the drug dynamic. Police would launch 90-day blitzes on drug hotspots, only for the dealers and users to return on day 91. NYPD was based on policing 78 precincts, each with a population of 100,000 and each with its own crime problems. Harnett took the fight to the local crime gangs that controlled the drug distribution on the street level. He assigned teams of narcotics police to specific trouble spots in what is described as a "turf-based" strategy - challenging his teams to take ownership of the problem. They would not worry about street dealers but target gang leaders, the leaders who provided the drugs for sale and organised many of the local crimes - shootings, burglaries, robberies and assaults. "The leaders of these little crews were responsible for committing a disproportionate amount of crime. It was not about arresting more people but arresting the right people," he says. Not that he was short of resources. His Narcotics Division doubled from 1600 to over 3200 in just two years. Our Drug Taskforce is around 35 (in fairness, there are a truckload of taskforces and other groups working on drug dealers at any one time). The result of the turf approach in New York? Over 900 drug gangs were dismantled, the overall crime rates dropped and areas controlled by criminals were given back to the local community. "We can win the drug war by shifting the ground on which we fight from entire boroughs or a whole city to individual neighbourhoods and even individual streets. People who had lived as virtual hostages in their own homes felt free of the terror and tyranny of the drug gangs. Where gunshots and shootings were once common, children now played ball and rode bicycles," he wrote. Police here have successfully (if belatedly) used this tactic here on the Apex Gang. By arresting and jailing the leaders, the gang responsible for a spate of carjackings, home invasions, assaults and low-level drug dealers has effectively been destroyed. Police here have successfully (if belatedly) used Harnett's approach here on the Apex Gang. Perhaps the Harnett method could be used on the Richmond heroin trade - users arriving in the area to buy would be moved on and the suppliers to the street dealers identified and arrested. Why not try it, not for months but for years? Harnett spoke to Naked City just a few days before jumping on a Melbourne-bound plane and while he will meet local senior police to discuss turf-based strategies, his main reason for coming here is to celebrate the 30th anniversary of a crime detection innovation he helped establish in Victoria. Back in 1985, Harnett was rolling out a new concept in New York called Crime Stoppers - a plan to encourage people with information on crimes to phone in with the guarantee of anonymity and the promise of a possible reward. Geoff Wilkinson in his Victoria Police days. Credit:Facebook Victoria Police media director Geoff Wilkinson, who was on a Churchill Fellowship at the time, met Harnett and was sold on the project, bringing it back to Melbourne, where it was enthusiastically backed by then chief commissioner Mick Miller. "I could see it could be a goer in Australia and we were able to take advantage of the research Pat had already done," says Wilkinson. And so in 1987 Crime Stoppers was born, soon spreading around Australia (There are now more than 1000 Crime Stoppers across the globe, responsible for solving more than 100 crimes a day). At first many police were sceptical, complaining they would have to run around checking out anonymous tips left by dobbers trying to claim cash rewards. Victoria Police chief commissioner Mick Miller in 1987, the year the force introduced the Crime Stoppers program. Credit:James Boddington But it took off. The figures are remarkable and speak for themselves. Police now say Crime Stoppers generates about 44 per cent of all intelligence held by Victoria Police. In 30 years Crime Stoppers is responsible for more than 21,000 arrests, 85,000 charges, 930,000 calls and contacts and more than $226 million in cash, drugs and property seized. And we are not talking about people kicking over rubbish bins. Crime Stoppers has provided leads in over 100 murder investigations. Just last year a fresh tip on the 2008 murder of James Russouw came through a call to the agency after a schoolfriend recognised the offender from grainy CCTV. The tip led to Christopher John Lavery, who last month was convicted of the homicide. Without that call to Crime Stoppers, the murder would almost certainly still be unsolved. Another remarkable fact is that when it comes to callers, the greed factor is virtually non-existent. Of the thousands of calls made in the last financial year, only six claimed a reward. Many ring out of a sense of community duty and are attracted to the guarantee that investigators will not be given their names. The reports are written so even the gender of the informer is concealed. 'I could see it could be a goer in Australia': former Victoria Police media director Geoff Wilkinson, 30 years on. Credit:Eddie Jim And there is another factor. People frustrated with crime just want to help. Passing on information, even if it does not lead to arrests, is a way of fighting back and not hiding under the doona. Crime Stoppers is also a valuable triage tool in major crimes with multiple witnesses. In this year's Bourke Street attack that left six people dead and more than 30 injured, many of those in the area later contacted police through the Crime Stoppers phone line. Yet there remains a mystery. We know the public trust Crime Stoppers, we know it helps solve serious crime and we know police see it as a pivotal investigative tool, and yet it still battles for funds. This is particularly stupid as Crime Stoppers avoids thousands of police hours in legwork that saves more than $20 million in wages. A Nationals MP has lashed out at his colleague, former Turnbull government minister Matt Canavan, over his call for gay and lesbian Australians to "grow a spine" in the face of homophobia. Trevor Khan, a member of the NSW upper house, also condemned Senator Canavan's assertion that same-sex marriage advocates were using suicide statistics as "blackmail" to bully people into voting "yes". In a pointed late-night speech on Wednesday, Mr Khan accused his federal colleague of ignorance and cruelty, and said he needed to be reminded of the facts regarding LGBTI people's mental health. "It is a fact that 24 per cent of gay, lesbian and bisexual Australians meet the criteria for experiencing a major depressive episode," he said. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has launched a stinging attack on former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, saying he should explain his sudden change of heart on climate change. Mr Abbott flew to London this week to address a climate sceptic group, the Global Warming Policy foundation, which was set up by the Thatcher-era Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson in the lead up to the Copenhagen climate conference in 2009. In his speech, he said that, even if climate change is real, it could be good because more people die in cold snaps. He said that, after looking at photographs of Manly beach, which is in his electorate of Warringah on Sydney's northern beaches, he could see no evidence of climate change. Speaking to the ABC's 7.30 program from Seoul, Ms Bishop says Mr Abbott's London speech, which Labor has derided as "loopy", was in stark contrast to what he said and did as prime minister when he supported the Paris Climate Agreement, set national emissions targets and established the Renewable Energy Target. Australia should "name and shame" countries behind state-sponsored hacking to build up international pressure against the practice, a cyber-security expert has said in the wake of the major breach of a defence subcontractor. And the Turnbull government may soon start doing exactly that, Australia's cyber affairs ambassador Toby Feakin has told Fairfax Media, citing greater political awareness and technical clarity over how cyber attacks originated. Fergus Hanson, the head of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute's international cyber policy centre, said that Australia has been "a bit gun shy" in calling out state-sponsored hacking. He was speaking after revelations that 30 gigabytes of unclassified but commercially-sensitive data were stolen by hackers who accessed the systems of a Department of Defence subcontractor with lacklustre security protocols. The data covered information about the $14 billion Joint Strike Fighter program, Australia's next fleet of spy planes and several of its naval warships. A Queensland inquiry will examine sentences handed out to offenders involved in the death of a child. Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath said there was growing concern from the public about whether sentencing for criminal offences following the death of a child were meeting the community's expectations. Ms D'Ath referred an inquiry to the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council, which would relate to the "sentencing arising from offences resulting in the death of a child". The referral follows the case of Matthew Scown, who pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of his four-year-old stepson Tyrell Cobb, and received a suspended sentence after having spent two years and eight months in custody. Labor MP Jo-Ann Miller has criticised the time it took her own government to respond to black lung recommendations, describing it as a "stain". The black lung committee's deputy chair, LNP MP Lawrence Springborg, suggested a "cosy" relationship between the major players meant "playing for time" in relation to a proposed mining reform bill while the government said some "complex" recommendations needed more analysis. Member for Bundamba Jo-Ann Miller described slow action on a black lung report as a stain on the government. Credit:Darren England/AAP Black lung, or coal workers' pneumoconiosis, was thought to be eradicated in the 1980s, but cases have been detected again since 2015. The Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis Select Committee, chaired by Ms Miller, delivered its report - Black Lung White Lies - on May 29, revealing "catastrophic failure" at almost every level of the regulatory system designed to protect the health and safety of workers. The building at 488 La Trobe Street has stood since 1882, and has been deemed worth keeping a couple of times by heritage assessors for Melbourne City Council. But now, only Planning Minister Richard Wynne stands between it and the wrecking ball. The 135-year-old La Trobe Street building that Whelan the Wrecker will knock down. Credit:Eddie Jim Despite its 135-year-old pedigree, Mr Wynne is unlikely to save the West Melbourne building. Whelan the Wrecker, which has demolished hundreds of other central Melbourne buildings, will within days begin dismantling this one. The Liberal member for Chisholm, Julia Banks, had witnessed plenty of unconscious bias in her corporate career before politics. So, during her preselection, she knew exactly what was happening when a female party member asked her who would look after her children if she made it to Canberra. These analyses aside, if you talk to other female MPs, Bishop's cabinet experience was not a high-profile one-off. Unconscious bias is alive and well at every stage of parliamentary life. So where do you suppose the debate on this went next? To a reflection on the fact that many of the men in that Abbott cabinet are now senior members of the Turnbull government, including Turnbull himself? Or did commentators like 3AW's Neil Mitchell get cranky about Bishop and Co.'s "totally illogical" pact to agree with each other, while Andrew Bolt decried Bishop's "sexism" against men? There is an insidious double standard in politics. And just because you're one of the most senior members of the government (Bishop was a minister under John Howard), that doesn't mean your less-qualified male colleagues are going to listen to what you have to say. Labor MP Clare O'Neil (right), with colleague Terri Butler in question time. She says she has been ignored by men in parliamentary meetings. Credit:Alex Ellinghausen This is not a question that is typically asked of male MPs - or men in general. And the media is also to blame on this front. While there have been countless recent stories (some by this reporter) about women in Parliament with young kids, there haven't been similar stories about how male MPs are sacrificing and juggling. Even though there has been an influx of male MPs welcoming babies, from ministers Christian Porter and Alan Tudge, to Labor frontbencher Jim Chalmers and Greens MP Adam Bandt. The bias can also be revealed in the expectations around how women seeking leadership should behave. When then backbencher Kelly O'Dwyer called then frontbencher Kevin Andrews to lobby for a promotion after the 2013 election, she was reportedly told she was viewed as "pushy", while her male colleagues were just "ambitious". WA Liberal Melissa Price recently told the Australian Financial Review of female MPs' caution when contributing to party room discussions: "if you speak too often, people stop listening to you". Labor's Clare O'Neil says the culture is very different in her party, where quotas since the mid-1990s now mean 44 per cent of federal ALP parliamentarians are women, compared to 21 per cent of Liberals and 14 per cent of Nationals. She was promoted to the frontbench last year when she was eight months' pregnant. When O'Neil asked a senior male whether this was going to pose any problems, they assured her, "no one is going to raise this because it's not relevant". But Labor's justice spokesperson does not argue Labor is perfect. And when she has to interact with the rest of the Parliament, in multi-party committee meetings, she has had issues similar to Bishop's: "I've said things that should change the course of the discussion, but the meeting just moves on." Unconscious bias is not the on the same level as say, barring women from running for Parliament. Or publicly denouncing them as idiots. But the little, hidden perceptions that mean women need to jump through additional hoops to succeed in politics are there. And they add up. Banyuwangi, East Java: An anti-gold mine protester has become the latest person to be tried under draconian anti-communist laws in Indonesia. The case comes as the spectre of a resurgent red peril has once again inflamed the country more than 50 years after the leftist movement was brutally crushed. Indonesian Muslims shout slogans during a rally against communism outside the Parliament in Jakarta on September 29. Credit:AP In circumstances that local media have described as reminiscent of Suharto's authoritarian New Order regime, Heri Budiawan could face up to 12 years in jail for spreading communism. Prosecutor Budhi Cahyono said banners made by protesters against a gold mine in Banyuwangi in East Java on April 4 contained a hammer and sickle drawing in red spray paint like that used by the defunct Indonesian Communist Party, the PKI. Washington: The sound is a high-pitched, electronic squeaking noise. Almost like nails scratching on a chalkboard. The Associated Press obtained what it said on Thursday was an audio recording of the sound that has sickened nearly two dozen American diplomats and some tourists in Cuba, creating a diplomatic row between Havana and Washington. At least 22 US diplomatic personnel have reported having health issues after being subjected to the apparent attacks. They have suffered hearing loss, dizziness, fatigue, cognitive problems and other health issues. A lack of proficiency in digital skills is a major concern for Irish and European employees, with 33% worrying they will soon be out of a job. This is according to a Ricoh survey which was carried out by Censuswide among 3,600 employees from across Europe, including 250 in Ireland. It found that while workers want to use more innovative digital technology, 40% admit that they lack the skills to make it effective. In addition, 67% want employers to put more emphasis on digital skills training so they can do the best job possible with the new tools and services being introduced. Most workers surveyed are positive about the potential of new technology to empower them to work in smarter ways. This includes more immediate access to data (44%), the ability to work from home more frequently (42%) and the reduction of repetitive tasks (41%). The survey finds that 72% of those surveyed believe that senior management will only introduce new technology if it helps to cut costs, rather than empower employees. Yet there are drastic perceived risks of underinvestment, as 36% of employees think that their business will fail within five years if the right investments in technology arent made. Whats more, almost half (46%) feel that their competitors already have a technological edge. Almost two-thirds (65%) of the workers surveyed say automation technology will enable them to be more productive, while 52% believe that artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on their role. Commenting on the survey results, Director at Ricoh Ireland and UK, Chas Moloney said, "Despite the headlines about robots taking over the workplace, most employees see the benefits of automated technologies, particularly where it frees them up to do more interesting work. Digital empowerment through new technologies has the ability to greatly improve productivity and employee engagement, as menial tasks can be automated and streamlined." He added, "However, no amount of infrastructure spending will help a business that isnt encouraging and enabling its staff to develop the right skills. To ensure long term success, staff retention and ongoing competitiveness, business leaders must listen to and embrace the needs of employees from every generation in the workplace." Source: Enactus has today announced a new partnership with Citi Ireland worth over 85,000, as part of the Foundations global initiative - Pathways to Progress. The partnership will provide students with the resources to empower people between the ages of 16 - 24 from disadvantaged urban areas around Ireland, through a new social entrepreneurship development programme. Enactus students will develop an idea and apply to take part in the programme. Once accepted, students will be challenged at a two-day project development event in Citi in November. Throughout the year they will develop and refine their ideas, before presenting final projects to a panel of Citi judges and invited Enactus guests at a showcase event in April. Successful projects will receive seed funding, intensive training, mentoring, and guidance from Citi volunteers and Enactus Ireland staff. The champions will receive further funding and support to successfully scale their project, maximising the positive impact in disadvantaged urban communities. Projects entering into this programme must adhere to the Enactus criteria of empowering people to improve their livelihoods in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way, pivoted towards working with young people (aged 16 - 24 years). Projects are also eligible to be presented at the annual Enactus Ireland National Competition. Speaking today, Chairperson of Enactus Ireland, Terence ORourke said, "Every year, each student team involved shows tremendous understanding of how their entrepreneurial skills and talents can be used to bring about real change in their communities. We are very excited to partner with Citi to see this impact grow and scale." Citis Chief Administrative Officer for Europe and Senior Sponsor of the programme, Cecilia Ronan added, "Its vital that businesses in Ireland continue to collaborate with organisations like Enactus to drive social change. We are looking forward to working with the students to support the development of skills to think innovatively and address the pertinent business challenges facing Ireland today." Source: Brexit talks are deadlocked over money, the EU's Michel Barnier said on Thursday as he ruled out discussions on future trade being launched by EU leaders next week but spoke of possible progress by December. Barnier and his British counterpart, Brexit Secretary David Davis, told reporters there had been some progress this week on the other two issues around Britain's March 2019 withdrawal from the bloc on which the EU demands "sufficient progress" before it will agree to discuss a transition and future relationship. Davis renewed his call for EU leaders to give a green light to those talks when they meet Prime Minister Theresa May at an EU summit in Brussels next Thursday. Barnier made clear, however, that despite new momentum from concessions given by May in a speech at Florence lsat month 22, British proposals on expatriate citizens' rights and the Irish border still failed the EU test, while London's refusal to spell out a detailed cash offer was "very worrying" for business. May said Britain would ensure the other 27 countries did not lose out financially from Brexit in the current EU budget period to 2020 and would honor commitments -- but Barnier said London was failing to spell out just what it was ready to pay. "Regarding that question, we are at an impasse, which is very worrying for thousands of projects everywhere in Europe and also worrying for those who contribute," he said. Nonetheless, he offered hope: "I am still convinced that, with political will, decisive progress is within reach in the coming two months. With David Davis, we will organize several negotiating meetings between now and the end of the year." With signs that nerves are fraying on both sides and some hardline Brexit supporters demanding that May just walk out of talks, both negotiators repeated that they were ready for any eventuality including a collapse. But, Barnier warned, "no deal would be a very bad deal." Davis announced a "streamlined" new system for the 3 million EU citizens in Britain to claim residence rights, answering EU concerns, and said he expected good further progress on other issues. Barnier repeated that Brussels stills wants them to have recourse to EU judges to safeguard their rights and said there were still differences on rights for future family members. A British demand for its million or so citizens on the continent to have lifetime rights to move to any of the bloc's 27 countries after Brexit is held up by doubts among the member states. Barnier said those are rights to do with post-Brexit decisions and should be dealt with in the next phase of talks. "I make no secret of the fact that to provide certainty we must talk about the future," Davis said, stressing his demand for trade talks. "I hope the leaders of the 27 will provide Michel with the means to explore ways forward with us on that." "As we look to the October Council next week, I hope the member states will recognize the progress we've made and take a step forward in the spirit of the prime minister's Florence speech." Barnier was pressed to say in public whether he would ask EU leaders' permission to make some preliminary exploration of what a transition after March 2019 would look like. EU officials and diplomats say he has raised that issue with governments. However, he told the news conference that he would follow a mandate ruling out any discussion of the future before issues arising from Britain's past membership are settled and said it was important to respect the "sequencing." With the talks poised at a delicate stage, EU officials say it is unclear what leaders will tell May next week. They all rule out a clear move to trade talks but many expect "positive language" to try to defuse British accusations of Brussels intransigence and to help May stand up to her own party critics. Officials see the early part of next year as a virtual deadline for agreeing to move on to discuss the future relationship. Failure to do so would raise the risk of there being no smooth transition and even of no deal at all. (Reuters) Source: Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe Department of Higher Education, MHRD, Government of India is calling out for applications from students to apply for its scholarship program, "the Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship." This is for college and university students 2017-18. Scholarship objective The main objective of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to the meritorious students, by providing them with their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies. Scholarship Award INR 10000 to INR 20000 per annum Eligibility The recipient of the scholarship should be: Be pursuing a regular engineering or medical course. Be above 80th percentile of successful candidates in a relevant stream in class 12 for a particular Examination Board. Have annual family income not more than INR 6 Lacs per annum from all sources. Not be receiving any other scholarship. Also Read: Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship 2018 How to apply for the central government scholarship? In order to apply for the government of India scholarship, candidates must follow the steps given below: Log on to the National Scholarship Portal Go to the form that reads 'Login for fresh application' Click on the link that reads, 'New User?Register here' A new application form will appear. Enter the requisite details Click to submit Complete the registration process Deadline The last date to apply for the scholarship is 31 October 2017 Government of India Scholarship for Girl Students: Apply Now! This op-ed by Jimmy Carter was published in The Washington Post. As the world knows, we face the strong possibility of another Korean war, with potentially devastating consequences to the Korean Peninsula, Japan, our outlying territories in the Pacific and perhaps the mainland of the United States. This is the most serious existing threat to world peace, and it is imperative that Pyongyang and Washington find some way to ease the escalating tension and reach a lasting, peaceful agreement. Over more than 20 years, I have spent many hours in discussions with top North Korean officials and private citizens during visits to Pyongyang and to the countryside. I found Kim Il Sung (their Great Leader), Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, and other leaders to be both completely rational and dedicated to the preservation of their regime. What the officials have always demanded is direct talks with the United States, leading to a permanent peace treaty to replace the still-prevailing 1953 cease-fire that has failed to end the Korean conflict. They want an end to sanctions, a guarantee that there will be no military attack on a peaceful North Korea, and eventual normal relations between their country and the international community. I have visited with people who were starving. Still today, millions suffer from famine and food insecurity and seem to be completely loyal to their top leader. They are probably the most isolated people on Earth and almost unanimously believe that their greatest threat is from a preemptory military attack by the United States. The top priority of North Korea's leaders is to preserve their regime and keep it as free as possible from outside control. They are largely immune from influence or pressure from outside. During the time of the current leader, Kim Jong Un, this immunity has also applied to China, whose leaders want to avoid a regime collapse in North Korea or having to contemplate a nuclear-armed Japan or South Korea. Until now, severe economic sanctions have not prevented North Korea from developing a formidable and dedicated military force, including long-range nuclear missiles, utilizing a surprising level of scientific and technological capability. There is no remaining chance that it will agree to a total denuclearization, as it has seen what happened in a denuclearized Libya and assessed the doubtful status of U.S. adherence to the Iran nuclear agreement. There have been a number of suggestions for resolving this crisis, including military strikes on North Korea's nuclear facilities, more severe economic punishment, the forging of a protective nuclear agreement between China and North Korea similar to those between the United States and South Korea and Japan, a real enforcement of the Non- Proliferation Treaty by all nuclear weapons states not to expand their arsenals, and ending annual U.S.-South Korean military exercises. All of these options are intended to dissuade or deter the leadership of a nation with long-range nuclear weapons and that believes its existence is threatened from taking steps to defend itself. None of them offer an immediate way to end the present crisis, because the Pyongyang government believes its survival is at stake. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's statement last week that we have lines of communications to Pyongyang. We're not in a dark situation is a good first step to defusing tensions. The next step should be for the United States to offer to send a high-level delegation to Pyongyang for peace talks or to support an international conference including North and South Korea, the United States and China, at a mutually acceptable site. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Soyia Ellison, MONROVIA, LIBERIA In a preliminary statement issued today, The Carter Center commended Liberians for the calm and peaceful atmosphere of their nations Oct. 10 election. No matter the outcome of this election, it will result in a transfer of power from one democratically elected government to another for the first time in the lives of many Liberians. This moment marks an important turning point for the nations democracy, and the Liberian people have shown a clear desire for a peaceful and smooth transfer of power. The Carter Center was honored to observe the entire pre-election process and commends the Liberian people for their clear enthusiasm and determination to peacefully express their will at the ballot box. The pre-election period was characterized by a peaceful campaign, transparent preparations, and logistical challenges. The Centers observers, who were deployed across all 15 of Liberias counties on election day, report that the opening, polling, closing, and counting processes were generally conducted according to procedure in the approximately 145 polling places they visited. In most of these locations, materials were delivered on time, and polls opened on time. However, observers across most counties reported difficulty in locating voters on the Final Registration Roll in some polling places. In what appeared to be a related problem, observers reported that ineffective queue management, mainly in large precincts, affected the orderly flow of the polling, creating confusion among voters and long lines throughout the day. It is important to note, however, that Liberias election process is still ongoing and that The Carter Center cannot issue an overall assessment until several important steps including any dispute resolution are concluded. This statement is one of five that the Center has made about the process, and it only covers observations to date. Further reports addressing the tabulation process, the resolution of election disputes, and the post-election environment will follow. In the spirit of respect and support, The Carter Center offers the National Election Commission the following short-term recommendations: The NEC has acknowledged difficulties with long lines and queue management at polling precincts. Given this, if there is a runoff, we recommend the NEC offer precinct staff enhanced instructions on these issues before a second round. It is crucial that voters be able to easily identify their polling station. We suggest giving this information at the entrance to the polling precinct in a manner that is clear to all voters before a voter begins to stand in line for a particular polling place. Observers noted that NEC officials were proactive in visiting polling stations to resolve problems on election day, and we encourage the NEC to continue to react promptly as issues arise throughout the tabulation process. Transparency is crucial in an election, and the Center urge the NEC to continue its efforts to ensure that the tabulation process is transparent at all levels and that the public is provided the information it needs to fully understand the process. The prompt release of results is an effective means of building confidence among the electorate and preventing confusion and tension. To this end, the Center urges the NEC to release provisional results, including at the polling place level. Provisional results should be released as soon as they are ready and include a clear indication of the counties and percentage of precincts reporting. Political parties should uphold their responsibility to ensure that their supporters maintain the peace throughout the electoral process and through the transition that will follow. Read the full statement (PDF) > Background: The Centers mission is led by former President of the Central African Republic H.E. Catherine Samba-Panza; Chairman of The Carter Center Board of Trustees Jason Carter; and Vice President of Peace Programs for The Carter Center Jordan Ryan. The Carter Center deployed international observers for Liberias October 2017 national election at the invitation of Liberian authorities and political stakeholders. The Carter Centers election observation work began with pre-election assessment teams that visited Liberia beginning in 2016, including one that observed the voter registration process in February and March of 2017. A core team of electoral experts and six long-term observers from five countries assessed election preparations throughout the country in the two months leading up to election day. On Oct. 10, 50 observers from 17 countries visited approximately 145 polling stations in all 15 counties to observe voting and counting. On Oct. 11, they began observation of the tabulation process across the 15 counties. The Carter Centers long-term observers continue to monitor the ongoing tabulation process and finalization of official results, and the Center will remain in Liberia to observe the resolution of any post-election disputes. The Carter Center assesses elections against international standards for democratic elections contained in the host countrys international obligations and commitments and its national legal framework. The Center conducts its election observation missions in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation, which was endorsed in 2005. ### "Waging Peace. Fighting Disease. Building Hope." A not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization, The Carter Center has helped to improve life for people in over 80 countries by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy, human rights, and economic opportunity; preventing diseases; and improving mental health care. The Carter Center was founded in 1982 by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, in partnership with Emory University, to advance peace and health worldwide. Dominican Republic cement production tops 2.6Mt in 1H17 12 October 2017 In the first half of 2017 cement production in the Dominican Republic reached 2,612,099t, according to data released by the Dominican Central Bank. From January to June of this year, domestic sales volumes increased by 5.5 per cent compared to the same period in 2016 while cement exports accounted for nearly 18 per cent of production, exceeding US$654.8m, more than US$58.6m, in the 1H16. Sales of cement exported to Haiti amounted to US$543,108m from January to July 2017. In 2015 the Dominican Republic produced 5.2Mt of cement (+ 3.2 per cent compared to 2014), while 30 per cent of this production was exported. Dominican Republic currently has seven cement plants and an installed capacity of approximately 6.5Mta, says Haiti Libre. Published under All votes in the CO-3 election won't be counted until the end of this week Adam Frisch attending new member orientation in D.C., with the official outcome of the race between him and Boebert unclear Algerian Christian on hunger strike after being jailed for blasphemy An Algerian Christian has gone on hunger strike in prison after being accused of blasphemy. Slimane Bouhafs was sentenced to five years in prison last August for a post on Facebook that was considered insulting to Islam and the Prophet Mohammad. Due to rapidly declining health his family applied for parole but a court rejected the appeal last Monday, prompting Bouhafs to go on hunger strike, according to Middle East Concern. He is demanding transfer to a prison in Bejia, his home region, after contracting gout and suffering abuse from fellow prisoners because of his faith. Despite support from medical documents proving the seriousness of his condition plus a record of good conduct, the court denied his plea for parole as it was 'without justification', according to the watchdog. Bouhafs says he is in danger in prison because of his Christian faith, according to another persecution monitoring site, World Watch Monitor, after he converted from Islam in 1997. It comes after he wrote on social media about the 'lie' of Islam and its prophet as well as sharing pictures of a terrorist executing a civilian. His five-year sentence, later reduced to three, is 'severe in view of a rather minor offence' according to World Watch Monitor with similar comments common on social media in Algeria without triggering the wrath of the authorities. But his arrest may also be linked to his political activism because he belongs to a separatist group known as MAK, which is calling for the self-determination of the Kabylie region. Support for Bouhafs remains strong with Said Salhi, vice-president of Algerian League for Human Rights (LADDH), calling his sentence 'part of an escalation' against opponents of the government. He accused the regime of being responsible for 'repeated violations of human rights and freedoms' and demanded 'the release of all detainees of political or religious opinions'. Archbishop of Sydney defends million-dollar donation to campaign against same-sex marriage The Archbishop of Sydney, Glenn Davies, has written a letter to churches defending his diocese's decision to donate $1 million to fund the campaign against same-sex marriage in Australia. It was confirmed on Monday that his heavily conservative diocese, the largest in the country, had backed the 'no' campaign in Australia's forthcoming postal survey on same-sex marriage that has sparked division within the Australian church. Davies set out to 'correct some misrepresentations' about his diocese's involvement in the campaign, rejecting accusations of homophobia. Peter Catt, the dean of St John's Anglican cathedral in Brisbane, highlighted the wide variations in opinions on same-sex marriage within the church, arguing that the money would have been better spent on a less divisive issue. Similarly, minister Mike Paget of St Barnabas Anglican Church in Sydney took to Facebook to state that despite his 'classical view of marriage' he strongly disagrees with the decision. He regards the donation as 'poor financial stewardship' that is utterly 'out of proportion with our commitments to other causes'. He added: 'The church is pretty well in lockstep about the need to deal with domestic violence, homelessness, refugee rights. If you have a million dollars why not spend it on something you know can make a material difference?' Davies responded to criticism that the money would have been better spent tackling social justice initiatives, saying: 'The reality is, however, that our participation in the Coalition for Marriage is not at the expense of our commitment to social justice, but because of it. We believe that the best way for Anglicare and other Christian agencies to serve the social good is for them to be able to operate on the basis of a Christian ethos, and to recruit Christian staff and volunteers.' Davies hinted that a 'Yes' vote could in fact impede the Church's charitable efforts. He wrote: 'Overseas experience indicates that same-sex marriage leads to government funding and recognition of charitable status being increasingly tied to "equality compliance". Christian agencies overseas have been required by law to hire staff who do not support the Christian ethos of the organisation.' Minister Andrew Sempell of St James' Church maintained that the donation is not indicative of all Sydney Anglicans' views. He described the 'questionable' decision as an irresponsible use of charitable funds. Sempell went on to express concerns about the donation's potential repercussions such as further alienating the Church from society, particularly young people. He concluded: 'As Australians, we are not imposing our views on others, rather we are expressing our views as citizens of the country. As Christians, we are to follow our Lord's instruction to be salt and light in the world. We should not be ashamed to stand up for our convictions, whatever the cost.' Justin Welby: I've felt 'hopeless' with the 'black dog' of depression The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has opened up about his own mental health struggles, describing bouts of depression and feeling 'hopeless'. Welby admitted to encounters with the 'black dog' of depression in an interview with Alastair Campbell for GQ. Asked if he ever got depressed, he replied: 'I think if you had asked me a year ago I'd have said no, and ten years ago I would have said absolutely not. But what was that phrase Churchill used? "Black dog". 'There is an element of that. I think as I am getting older I am realising it does come from time to time. I have those moments - you would know this - when objectively everything is fine, but you think you are, beyond description, hopeless.' Campbell, who has been an increasingly vocal advocate on mental health awareness, said: 'I've had all this hopeless stuff. My sister says if I had God it wouldn't happen.' The Archbishop responded: 'Read Psalm 88. I bet you will find someone in there going through genuine chronic depression. When I get like that, I may feel without hope, I may feel all kinds of things, but I also talk to God.' Welby said that he has not seen anyone for his depression, though he might have felt the need. He said that at present it 'seems to pass'. Welby's daughter Katharine Welby-Roberts has become known for her honesty about her own struggle with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Welby-Roberts has written for Christian Today about the need to reduce the stigma, particularly in the church, around mental health. An excerpt of Welby's GQ interview can be read here. 'Madam Secretary' season 4 spoilers: Elizabeth to face new crisis while trying to end civil war in Libya After a strong opening episode that tackled one of the timeliest issues today, "Madam Secretary" is set to give the audience a glimpse of a different side of Elizabeth McCord (Tea Leoni) as she faces a crisis in Libya in the upcoming second episode. The episode, titled "Off the Record," will show McCord working in Libya to help negotiate an end to its civil war. However, her work to save the world will take a backseat to a more immediate crisis that she will face, a car accident. The secretary's car will be involved in a tragic accident, and a local girl who gets wounded will need her help to get urgent medical attention. As a contrast to her globally consequential line of work, the show's protagonist will now need to focus on a single person in an attempt to save her life. There is no doubt that McCord will do her best in this situation, but it would be interesting to see if this change of scenery will catch her off guard and reveal the more nurturing side of her. Additionally, the vehicular accident may bring memories of the car accident that took the lives of her parents. Only time will tell how the protagonist will hold up during this event, and how she will affect the wounded girl that she has to help. Earlier this week, the series premiered its fourth season with an episode that tackled a very concerning issue in the real world today, fake news. McCord became the victim of a nasty fake report that accused her of being a murderer. While the news sounded very crackpot, it was inevitable that many people still believed it, and McCord found out the hard way. The accusation was even broadcasted during her appearance at a talk show, and it was also revealed that 12 percent of Americans believed that the secretary was a murderer. "Madam Secretary" airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT on CBS. Prisoners use lunch with Pope Francis as a chance to escape Two prisoners who were invited to meet Pope Francis for lunch on his visit to Bologna earlier this month took advantage of the occasion to escape, according to AFP which cited local media reports. The two men, who were being held in a rehabilitation facility for drug addicts and prisoners near Modena, were reportedly among 20 prisoners who were due to meet the Pope on October 1. They reportedly disappeared just before the lunch of lasagne was served and have not been seen since, according to the reports. Local authorities have neither confirmed nor denied the reports. Pope Francis has frequently spoken about the need for mercy towards prisoners since his papacy began in 2013. He has regularly visited prisons and last Easter washed the feet of prisoners at a facility outside Rome. According to one report yesterday in the Bologna-based newspaper Il Resto del Carlino, the event from which the inmates escaped was at the Basilica of San Petronio. Volunteers reportedly alerted the police immediately. The two fugitives were identified as Neapolitans. Castelfranco Emilia, the social reintegration facility that formerly housed the escapees, houses drug addicts and people who require supervision for being a danger to public safety. It is unclear which group the two inmates were part of. Pro-life Christians kicked out of Seattle coffee shop by gay owner who makes expletive-laden comments about Jesus A gay coffee shop owner in Seattle, Washington, evicted a group of Christians from his cafe after he came to know that they had evangelized on the streets prior to coming to his shop for a coffee break. The owner also went on a vulgar rant against Jesus, which was caught on video. The Christians, who were affiliated with the pro-life group Abolish Human Abortion, had been distributing gospel pamphlets and anti-abortion material in the city and decided to visit Bedlam Coffee for drinks. Sometime during their break, owner Ben Borgman confronted the group and shouted, "You have to leave," The Liberator reported. "We had nothing on us, we weren't distributing anything," one of the Christians, Caytie Davis, was quoted as saying about the incident last week. "We bought coffee and went upstairs." Borgman continued to demand that they leave and showed them a pamphlet he had found. "None of us had dropped anything in the store," Davis said. "This offends me," Borgman was quoted as saying to the Christians. "So you're not willing to tolerate our presence?" another Christian, Jonathan Sutherland, asked. "Will you tolerate my presence?" Borgman responded. Sutherland told him they would. The owner then said, "If I go get my boyfriend and (expletive) him in the (expletive) right here you're going to tolerate that?" "Well, we don't want to watch that," said another Christian, Caleb Head. "Well then I don't have to (expletive) tolerate this! Leave! All of you. Tell all your (expletive) friends, don't (expletive) come here," Borgman said. While leaving, Davis told him, "Just know that Christ can save you from that lifestyle." Borgman replied, "I'm not going to be saved by anything. I'd (expletive) Christ in the (expletive). OK? He's hot." The Christians said they do not wish any harm to come to the coffee shop owners. Last month, Colorado baker Jack Phillips and Washington florist Barronelle Stutzman joined other Christian business owners at a religious liberty panel organized by The Heritage Foundation, and revealed their major concerns, including death threats and potential loss of their life's work, as they battle against lawsuits from same-sex couples. Gay couples have "every right to live the way they believe," said Stutzman during the discussion, adding that Christian business owners are also asking for the same freedom. Stutzman, who lost a court case earlier this year after she declined to provide flowers for a gay couple's wedding and has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, revealed that she stands in danger of losing her entire life savings if she loses her battle against Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed, who sued her in 2013. She had been friends with the men and provided flower arrangements for them on other occasions, but didn't want to participate in their same-sex wedding ceremony. Phillips recalled, "Somebody called one day to say that he was on his way and he was going to come shoot me in the head." He lost a court case after he turned down a request for a wedding cake from a same-sex couple in 2012. Phillips said that his great concern was for his daughter and her 4-year-old child, whom he called, urging them to stay locked indoors until police took care of the situation. This article was originally published in The Christian Post. US pulls out of UNESCO, citing 'anti-Israel' bias The US is pulling out of the UN's cultural and educational organisation UNESCO, accusing it of 'anti-Israel' bias. Anonymous officials at the US state department said the country would establish an observer mission at the Paris-based organisation to replace its representation. UNESCO responded by saying that the withdrawal was a loss to the 'UN family' and to multi-lateralism. 'After receiving official notification by the United States Secretary of State, Mr Rex Tillerson, as UNESCO Director-General, I wish to express profound regret at the decision of the United States of America to withdraw from UNESCO,' said UNESCO director general Irina Bokova in a statement. The agency is best known for designating world heritage sites such as Syria's Palmyra and the US Grand Canyon. The US withdrawal from UNESCO will reportedly be effective from December 31. The state department said in a statement: 'This decision was not taken lightly, and reflects US concerns with mounting arrears at UNESCO, the need for fundamental reform in the organization, and continuing anti-Israel bias at Unesco.' The department added that the US would seek to 'remain engaged ... as a non-member observer state in order to contribute US views, perspectives and expertise'. The US previously pulled out of UNESCO in the 1980s because Washington viewed it as mismanaged and used for political reasons, before rejoining it in 2003. The agency also works to improve education for girls in poor countries, promoting, for example, better understanding of the Holocaust. The US stopped funding UNESCO after it voted to include Palestine as a member in 2011. However, the state department has maintained a UNESCO office at its Paris headquarters, seeking to influence policies behind the scenes. Keep users happy and business running smoothly with software and hardware that work best together. Automation, analytics, and security work hard for you, so you don't have to. Al Franken must be the first United States senator to have made a living as a comedy writer or humorist, most notably in the early years of Saturday Night Live. One of his SNL bits involved his mock-serious declaration of the 1980s as the Al Franken Decade. Assuming that he was ever funny, he hasnt been so since that decade passed on. Franken had already abandoned humor for politics of the talk-radio kind when he returned to Minnesota in 2007 to run for the Senate. This year, however, he reverted to the facetious tone that permeated his comedy work, with the publication of his best-selling memoir, Giant of the Senate. Franken promoted the book via predictably friendly media outletsbut I was not expecting him to turn up as a guest disc jockey on SiriusXMs Grateful Dead Channel. During his May 30 stint there, Franken treated listeners to some of his favorite Grateful Dead shows; hosted an interview segment with former Dead members Bob Weir, Bill Kreutzmann, and Mickey Hart; recalled shows that he had attended at the Winterland Ballroom; and played his favorite version of Althea. In the Senate, though, Franken has not only abandoned humor; he may also have become the bodys unfunniest senator. Consider his approach to opposing two of President Trumps choices for the federal appellate courts. Trump has nominated Notre Dame University Law School professor Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. At the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Barretts nomination, Senators Dick Durbin and Dianne Feinstein conducted a mini-inquisition of Barretts religious views. Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic? Durbin asked. Feinstein concluded her questioning by telling Barrett that the [Catholic] dogma lives loudly within you, and thats of concern. They all but asked Barrett whether she is now or ever has been a member of the Catholic Church. Their performance distracted attention from Frankens own McCarthy-like performance. Also a member of the committee, the Minnesota senator questioned Barrett about a speech that she had given to an extreme right group. Barrett acknowledged that she had been paid by the Alliance Defending Freedom to give a speech on constitutional interpretation to Christian law students in the ADFs Blackstone Legal Fellowship program. The ADF is a prominent Christian legal-rights organization that litigates freedom-of-religion claims on behalf of parties such as Masterpiece Cakeshopa case pending before the Supreme Court this term. Noting that the ADF has recently been designated an anti-LGBT hate groupby the discredited and delusional Southern Poverty Law Center, that isFranken attacked Barrett as unworthy of confirmation. Now I question your judgment, Franken told her. The root word of judgment is judge, he helpfully added. Franken drew on the same technique to oppose Trumps nomination of Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras to the Eighth Circuit. Stras taught at the University of Minnesota Law School from 2004 to 2010, where he was a popular and respected professor, and has served on the Minnesota Supreme Court since 2010. More than three months after Stras had been nominated, a Franken spokesman told the Associated Press that the senator was still studying Strass lengthy record. Finally, in early September, Franken announced that he would oppose Strass nomination. He cited nothing in Strass scholarly or judicial record; instead, he pronounced Stras guilty of having served as a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, of speaking favorably of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, and of associating himself with the (nonpartisan) Federalist Society. I have grown concerned that, if confirmed to the federal bench, Justice Stras would be a deeply conservative jurist in the mold of Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia, justices who the nominee himself has identified as role models, Franken wrote. He went on: Justice Strass professional background and record strongly suggest that, if confirmed, he would embrace the legacy of his role models and reliably rule in favor of powerful corporate interests over working people, and that he would place a high bar before plaintiffs seeking justice at work, at school, and at the ballot box. Frankens formulations suggest McCarthyite guilt by associationthough, in this case, the associations are to be admired. There is a reason that Franken filed no specific objections to Strass work. Nothing in the judges record suggests that he is anything but his own man. Frankens left-wing McCarthyism is hard to take seriously, but that doesnt make it funny. The senator hasnt been funny for a generation. Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for SiriusXM For 10 days in May, nobodys commute was safe. News out of Washington, which seemed to break just when people on the East Coast were heading for their cars or descending into the subway, brought one monster scoop after another. Much of the cloud that continues to hang over the Trump presidency formed during the period between Sally Yatess testimony before Congress and Rod Rosensteins appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. In between, reporters from The New York Times and The Washington Post engaged in a back-and-forth battle for scoops that launched what Vanity Fair called the last great newspaper war. Some key moments follow. May 8 Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testifies She warns the Trump administration that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn may have been compromised by Russian agents, and says she cant explain why it took 18 days for him to be fired. May 9 Trump fires FBI Director James Comey Sign up for CJR 's daily email He cites Comeys handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation as his reason for dismissing the man leading a probe into whether Trumps associates colluded with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. ICYMI: Trump might be in serious trouble for his NBC tweets May 10 Trump meets in Oval Office with Russian diplomats No American press is allowed, but a photographer from Russian state media is. The New York Times Matthew Rosenberg and Matt Apuzzo report that days before he was fired, Comey asked for more prosecutors and other personnel to accelerate the bureaus investigation into Russias interference in the presidential election. May 11 NBC News Trump sits down with NBC Newss Lester Holt, telling the anchor that Comey is a showboat, hes [a] grandstander. Trump also contradicts his vice president and spokeswoman by admitting that he was thinking about the Russia investigation when he decided to fire the FBI director. May 12 Trump tweets James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017 Trump tries to quiet things He releases a letter saying he had no business interests with Russia with a few exceptions. May 13-14 Quiet Mothers Day weekend May 15 The Washington Post Greg Miller and Greg Jaffe report President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week. RELATED: A hidden message in memo justifying Comeys firing May 16 The New York Times Adam Goldman, Eric Schmitt, and Peter Baker report that the classified information that Trump shared with Russian officials was provided by Israel. Michael S. Schmidt reports that James Comey wrote memos after his meetings with Trump, and that the president asked him to end the investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. May 17 The Washington Post Adam Entous reports that in the summer of 2016, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told colleagues he thought Trump was paid by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The New York Times Matthew Rosenberg and Mark Mazzetti report that the Trump administration knew Michael Flynn was under investigation when he was hired. Robert Mueller is appointed Special Counsel He is still leading the investigation into the Trump campaign and administrations ties to Russia. ICYMI: Two dozen freelance journalists told CJR the best outlets to pitch Has America ever needed a media watchdog more than now? Help us by joining CJR today Pete Vernon is a former CJR staff writer. Follow him on Twitter @ByPeteVernon. MedRisk Promotes Ryan to CEO Mike Ryan has been promoted to chief executive officer and president of MedRisk, a managed care company specializing in physical rehabilitation within workers compensation. Founder Shelley Boyce is maintaining an active role as executive chairman. As CEO and President, Ryan is responsible for MedRisks performance, overseeing strategic business initiatives and providing organization-wide leadership. Boyce is focusing on the ongoing evolution of the companys product offerings and broader business partnerships. Ryan has over 19 years experience in the insurance industry, having worked with major workers compensation carriers and third party administrators. He joined MedRisk in 2011 to develop and implement company-wide growth initiatives and became President in 2013. Starr Companies Appoints Fitzgerald Global Chief Claims Officer Starr Companies appointed Dave Fitzgerald global chief claims officer. Fitzgerald has more than 27 years of experience in increasingly progressive claims leadership roles. AIG Names Fry Head of Reinsurance, Operations and Transformation, General Insurance American International Group, Inc. announced that Charles Fry will join the company as Head of Reinsurance, Operations and Transformation, General Insurance, effective immediately. Fry will oversee AIGs Global Reinsurance, Shared Services, Transformation and Administration functions. He will report to Peter Zaffino, chief executive officer, General Insurance and be part of the General Insurance Executive Leadership Team. Fry has over 20 years experience in the insurance and reinsurance industry. He previously served as group chief financial officer at Novae Group plc. Prior to Novae, he served as chief operating officer, at Guy Carpenter. In addition, Fry previously worked with Apax Partners on its investment in Travelex Group, where he was the executive responsible for the groups global reorganization. From 1999 to 2006, he served on the senior management team of Benfield Group, as chief financial officer of the principal operating subsidiary, Benfield Limited. He began his professional career at PwC. Arch Capital Group Announces Worldwide Reinsurance Group Senior Management Changes Arch Capital Group Ltd. announced a number of senior management changes in its Worldwide Reinsurance Group. Jerome Halgan, currently the president and chief executive officer of Arch Reinsurance Company in the U.S., has been promoted to the role of chief executive officer of Arch Reinsurance Ltd. in Bermuda. Matt Dragonetti, currently head of Property at Arch Reinsurance Ltd., will take on the additional role of president. In another change at Arch Reinsurance Ltd., Michelle Seymour-Smith will assume the role of chief operating officer while maintaining her responsibilities as chief financial officer. In the U.S., Ken Vivian has been promoted to the newly created role of chief executive officer of Arch Re North America. In this capacity, Vivian will maintain his current role as chief executive officer of Arch Re Facultative Underwriters Inc., but also assume the chief executive officer role with Arch Reinsurance Company. Peder Moller returns to Arch Reinsurance Company to serve as chief underwriting officer. Finally, Pierre Jal, currently the chief underwriting officer of Arch Reinsurance Europe Underwriting dac, our European reinsurance operations, will relocate to Bermuda to join Arch Reinsurance Ltd. as the global chief underwriting officer. The proposed changes are subject to all necessary regulatory approvals. Most employers have effective programs for accommodating workers with disabilities, but they often overlook recruiting and training practices that could expand employment opportunities, according to a national survey released Tuesday. Two-thirds of respondents to the poll of supervising employees said their organizations have policies and procedures to provide requested accommodations to workers with disabilities, and nearly all of them rated those processes as effective. But when it came to specific practices, several that were rated as highly effective were far and few between. For example, only 13 percent of supervisors said their organizations offer job sharing, yet more than 90 percent of those who allow it said such policies were effective for both people with disabilities and workers overall. And only 27 percent have partnered with a disability organization to recruit workers, even though most supervisors viewed the idea as feasible. Many times employers dont know where to go to find qualified candidates, said John ONeill, director of Disability and Employment Research at the Kessler Foundation and the studys co-investigator. Thats a practice thats really underutilized, but when it is utilized its considered to be very effective. The University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability conducted the survey for the Kessler Foundation, a New Jersey-based nonprofit that funds research and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of people with neurological disabilities. It questioned 3,085 supervisors in organizations with 25 or more employees about hiring, training and retention practices, and whether or not those practices were effective both for employees in general and those with disabilities. People with disabilities make up 3.2 percent of U.S. workers ages 16-64, according to previous UNH research and federal labor statistics. Those 4.6 million workers amount to about 30 percent of the total working age population of people with disabilities, meaning the vast majority of people with disabilities arent employed. One problem is inconsistent support for helping employees with disabilities learn their jobs, ONeill said. The survey found that while supervisors felt that they and upper management were equally committed to hiring people with disabilities, supervisors view upper management as less committed to training and accommodations. Supervisors are right at the ground level, and management is often times at a distance, said Kessler Foundation President Rodger DeRose said. So supervisors have to push the communications upward and say, This is what we really need. While two-thirds of those surveyed said it is very important to provide requested accommodations to workers with disabilities, only 28 percent of organizations have disability hiring goals, compared to nearly 60 percent that have goals for other types of diversity. DeRose said disability remains the silent minority. This whole area of employing people with disabilities has been real struggle before signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990, and here we are 27 years later, and its still a challenge, he said. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. As residents and businesses continue to recover after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, focus is beginning to turn to mitigation. In Florida, where experts say better buildings codes resulted from Hurricane Andrew 25 years ago, analysis will include how improved codes helped buildings fare during the storm. In Texas, where there is no statewide code adoption mandate, discussion will focus on what can be done to improve building codes. During a recent Verisk Monday Web Seminar Series, Christopher Miller, technical coordinator for BCEGS, Commercial Underwriting at ISO, explained the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Scheduled (BCEGS) and its development. Due to high loss events in the early 1990s, namely Hurricane Andrew in 1992 followed by the Northridge Earthquake in 1994, BCEGS was developed and modeled after ISOs Public Protection Classification program a program, in place for more than 100 years, that evaluates community fire protection. The program is considered a cooperative effort between the government and the insurance industry, he explained. Insurers were asked to point out what mattered in terms of resilience of buildings, as well as what mattered from a loss standpoint and actuarial risk from the insurance industry. Explained simply, Miller said there were building codes on the books in many jurisdictions, but just as many were not enforced. For example, building codes might require hurricane straps and clips but, upon inspection, they were found to be missing or fastened incorrectly. The program reviews the codes adopted and measures the resources and support available for enforcement of the code. It drills down to individual code enforcement personnel, their experience, education and hours spent inspecting buildings. The data, Miller emphasized, is field verified it isnt just mined off the internet or obtained through a phone conversation. Today, there are close to 1300 data points. The objective of BCEGS is to improve the enforcement of building codes which, according to Miller, will lead to better catastrophe-resistant buildings and reduced insurance losses. He explained that insurers also get a better idea of the risks they are undertaking in the policies they choose to write. To date, the program has collected more than 43 million individual data elements. Its classification covers 87 percent of the U.S. population, Miller said. The minimum criteria for inclusion requires that a permanent building department be in place for the community with an adopted building code or standard with regularly scheduled training, structural plan review and field inspections. It is assigned a rating of 1-10 and the rating is typically updated every five years. Personal and commercial/industrial lines are rated separately. Miller explained there are three major areas of review based on a 100-point scale: administrating of codes (54 percent), preview of building plans (23 percent), and field inspection to make sure construction follows the building plans (23 percent). The score begins at zero and builds up from there, he added. Miller explained that while the program is voluntary, there are some consequences for not participating in it. For example, the state of Florida charges communities a 1 percent premium surcharge that opt out of participating in the program. The results are used as data in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports and the program is written into two of three hazard mitigation programs. According to Miller, academic studies established a correlation that better ratings translated into lower losses. In one by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, windstorm losses were reduced by as much as 72 percent as a result of the implementation of statewide codes in Florida. Community Ratings 1-10 Explained Classes 1-3 Comprises 21 percent of participating communities nationwide. Those that score within this class have an unamended, adopted model code that is within five years of its publication date; exceptional staffing levels based on workloads with high level certification and education. Classes 4-6 Comprises 58 percent of participating communities nationwide. Those that score within this class have an adopted model code, but have strained staffing levels and minimal levels of staff education and certification. Classes 7-10 Comprises 21 percent of participating communities nationwide. Scoring within this class range means a community has an adopted model code, but it has been amended to weaken it and/or has older codes, in addition to inadequate staffing levels, education and certification. In light of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, Miller discussed Texas and Floridas BCEGS ratings based on 2015 statistics. Texas Its BCEGS state average is 58 commercial (out of a score of 100) with a class 5 and 54 residential with a class 6. (Figures dont include communities that dont have a department). Florida Its BCEGS state average is 78 commercial with a class 3 and 72 residential with a class 4. Comparing state mandates, Miller said that while both have building codes, Texas allows amendments which can weaken codes while Florida does not. In Florida, building inspector certification is mandated and must be updated every two years with a required amount of training. Texas doesnt require building inspector certification. Building contractor licensing (includes training and exam requirements) and registration is also mandated in Florida, but not in Texas. Lastly, in Texas, where there is no statewide code adoption mandate, communities can decide to adopt and enforce building codes. While Miller couldnt speak to how losses from Harvey and Irma could impact building code change, Julie Rochman, president and CEO of the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), said that early indication is the areas that did have enforced codes sustained in less damage. I dont think theres anybody including homebuilders or public policymakers, given they may not be huge fans of codes who were saying that codes didnt matter in these storms. I also have not heard anybody say that houses that werent built to code did better. I hope it is one of those moments that crystallizes for consumers the need to be more involved and to ask for, to agitate for, to advocate for strong, well-enforced building codes. Its a really important topic for community continuity, Rochman said. After Harvey, IBHS sent a team of engineers to the coastal areas in Texas to examine damage patterns. In 2015, IBHS issued a report rating residential building codes in hurricane-prone states. Not surprisingly, the findings mirror BCEGS findings Florida building codes are substantially better than Texas. Florida scored 94 out of 100, while Texas scored 36. While the report, Rating the States, will be updated next year, Rochman said Texas isnt likely to gain a much higher score. The Texas legislature convenes every other year and wont be in session in 2018, making it less likely building codes will remain top of mind for public policymakers, she added. There is sort of like a time and space element to disasters and what people learned and follow through on, said Rochman. The farther away in time you get from a disaster, the less likely people are to do anything to actually enact the lessons that are learned. For example, she said it took Louisiana two years to adopt building codes after Katrina. That was a defining event for New Orleans and Louisiana in a way that Harvey was not a defining event for coastal Texas, Rochman said. Thats because, for the most part, Harvey was mainly a flood event. She expects, in Houston especially, that discussion will center on codes related to building elevation and land use. In Texas, theyve been building in places they shouldnt have been building, from a flood perspective, and they have just created so much impermeable surface and there is just nowhere for the water to go, Rochman said. 'Icons of Modern Art: The Shchukin Collection' is being hailed as a once-in-a-lifetime event. For the first time in 70 years, the collection of Russian art aficionado Sergei Shchukin has been brought together at the Louis Vuitton Foundation located in Bois de Boulogne. Bernard Arnault, the CEO and Chairman of LVMH , has played a key role in getting this exhibition up and running. Speaking to the "CNBC Conversation", the chief executive of the luxury brand tells CNBC's Tania Bryer how happy he was to organize the exhibition, and that he believed the Russian President would want to come and see the exhibition, after negotiations were made with the country to make it happen. Aside from hosting the Shchukin collection, Arnault is the chief of one of the most renowned luxury brands out there: LVMH. During the conversation, the CEO talks about facing critics as a business, and how the brand stays afloat despite current global macroeconomic headwinds, such as China and geopolitical tensions. Follow CNBC International on Twitter and Facebook. President Donald Trump delivers remarks on proposed changes to the U.S. tax code at the state fairgrounds in Indianapolis, Indiana, September 27, 2017. President Donald Trump on Wednesday appeared to confirm he had North Korea in mind last week when he described a gathering of military leaders as "the calm before the storm." In an interview with U.S. network Fox News, Trump was asked what he meant with the cryptic phrase, which had fueled concerns the United States and North Korea were closer to war. "We can't let this to go on. We just can't," Trump said in response to the question, adding that China has been very helpful in the situation. "They cut off banking to North Korea." Trump made the "calm before the storm" comment during an Oct. 5 photo opportunity before having dinner with U.S. military leaders and their wives. The dinner followed a meeting in which Trump and the military leaders discussed Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan and the fight against Islamic State. On Wednesday, Trump also characterized a diplomatic deal with North Korea brokered under former President Bill Clinton as a failure. "Before ... the ink was dry on the contract, they were already starting again with the missiles, and with the nuclear, frankly," Trump said. "We cannot allow this to happen. This should have been taken care of long ago." he said. Tourists from China visit Ephesus, an ancient Greek city located near present-day Selcuk, Izmir Province, in Turkey, on Aug. 27, 2017. Mikhail Svetlov | Getty Images Last week 6 million Chinese tourists traveled abroad during a national holiday, and that likely meant big paydays for traditional tourist destinations, such as London or Paris. But, increasingly, China's travelers are taking their families and their money to less conventional locales. All told, more than 700 million in China traveled during the semi-annual Golden Week holiday from Oct. 1 to Oct. 8, according to the government. And while the couple million tourists who took the week to go abroad mostly visited longtime Asia favorites, there're indications that new countries are catching their attentions. That is, four of the five most popular international destinations among Chinese tourists during the eight-day holiday were located in Asia, according to travel bookings platform Trivago . Those locations included Hong Kong, Tokyo, Osaka and Bangkok, with Paris the lone European city in the top five. 'Hot new locations' Besides those mainstays, mainland tourists bitten by the travel bug are also increasingly adventurous. Some are looking farther afield for their next vacation and others eschewing the traditional package tours in favor of self-planned trips. These were the "hot new locations" that saw greater than 50 percent growth in the number of tourist bookings this year, according to Ctrip , one of the largest travel services providers in China. Expedia-owned Trivago also mentioned similar trends: Morocco Turkey The United Arab Emirates The Czech Republic Finland Austria Germany Vietnam Cambodia Italy Accompanying the growing desire to visit those destinations is the increased demand for more personalized holiday experiences, market research shows. Tailor-made travel services are fast becoming customary among wealthy travelers looking to escape cookie-cutter vacation packages. According to Ctrip, factors that more Chinese tourists are seeking out from their holidays include "avoiding big crowds," "no shopping" and private travel guides. When travelers visit places others haven't, they can derive "social cachet," and that's become a trend among the middle class, according to Ben Cavender, a principal at consultancy China Market Research Group. "Increasingly, we are seeing well-heeled Chinese travel to hard-to-reach destinations for the bragging rights and WeChat pictures [to] show they've been somewhere exotic," he said. The big picture Still, overall travel patterns for the year show that major Asian countries continue to make up most of the top destinations visited by mainland travelers. Both Trivago and Ctrip said Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Taiwan were among the most in-demand locations for Chinese tourists traveling overseas. More than 70 percent of Chinese tourists traveling abroad will visit other Asian countries this year, according to Ctrip. Of those Asia-bound travelers, 45 percent will head to countries in Southeast Asia, with Thailand proving the most popular destination in that region, a Ctrip spokesman told CNBC. Meanwhile, those tourists are also willing to spend more and not just on shopping. watch now "We see that Chinese travelers are spending more and more," Trivago CEO Rolf Schromgens told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Monday. Chinese tourist expenditure on hotel rooms has increased 23 percent compared to the year before, he added. Contrary to the "stereotype of Chinese tourists," an increasing number of mainland travelers are now more willing to spend on experiences, with luxury hotels and unique travel services starting to form a larger expenditure item for many, according to Ctrip. Staying local Still, for most Chinese travelers, domestic destinations took the crown, especially during Golden Week. About 59 percent of searches on Trivago were for domestic travel during the period, a spokeswoman said. Destinations that Chinese tourists were most interested in visiting for the holiday included Beijing, Xi'an, Chengdu, Chongqing and Shanghai, according to Trivago. Those results fit in the wider trend of a pick-up in domestic travel: Domestic trips made by Chinese tourists increased 13.5 percent in the first half exceeding the 5.1 percent rise in overseas travel recorded in the same period, Reuters said. Tourists view the Qiantang River Tide at Haining during the National Day holiday on Oct. 7, 2017 in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China. Domestic travel destinations were popular among Chinese tourists during the Golden Week holiday this year. VCG | Getty Images A pump jack and pipes at an oil field near Bakersfield, California. Lucy Nicholson | Reuters Oil prices pared losses on Thursday after the Energy Department reported a larger-than-expected decline in U.S. inventories and a falloff in weekly production. The market was still under pressure, though, from a bearish outlook by the International Energy Agency, which lowered its forecast for oil demand for 2018. Oil has strengthened in recent weeks due to a sharp drawdown in distillates, feeding expectations for renewed demand, but it is unclear whether U.S. crude prices will regain the high of nearly $53 a barrel reached in late September. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures ended Thursday's session down 70 cents, or 1.4 percent, to $50.60 per barrel. Brent crude futures, the international benchmark for oil prices, were down 62 cents, or 1.1 percent, at $56.32 by 2:24 p.m. Both contracts have rallied in the last three sessions following last week's sharp losses. watch now U.S. commercial crude inventories fell by 2.8 million barrels to 462.2 million barrels in the week through Oct. 6, the Energy Information Administration reported. The American Petroleum Institute had reported on Wednesday that stocks rose by 3.1 million barrels. Gasoline stocks rose by 2.5 million barrels, compared with analysts' expectations in a Reuters poll for a 480,000-barrel drop. Distillate stockpiles, which include diesel and heating oil, fell by 1.5 million barrels, versus expectations for a 2.2 million-barrel decline, the EIA data showed. The International Energy Agency said on Thursday demand for OPEC oil would be 32.5 million bpd next year around 150,000 bpd lower than the group pumped last month. Carsten Fritsch, commodities analyst at Commerzbank in Frankfurt, said the tone of the IEA report was bearish because it suggested that demand for OPEC crude next year would not be sufficient to absorb all the available supplies. "This means OPEC must deepen its production cuts to finish its job of bringing oil stocks back to the five-year average," Fritsch said. U.S. crude inventories are still 13 percent above five-year averages headed into the busy winter season, despite efforts by OPEC to cut production. The OPEC-led deal helped lift oil from below $30 a barrel early last year. But traders say supplies remain ample and OPEC is widely expected to extend its cuts beyond the current expiry date of end-March 2018. watch now Toyota Motor Corp. is planning to halve the number of cars it sells in Japan to about 30 by 2025 to focus on more popular models in a shrinking market, a person briefed on the matter told Reuters on Thursday. The automaker currently offers about 62 car models in Japan, including the Prius gasoline hybrid and the Aqua compact hatchback, along with less popular ones including the Premio sedan. Auto sales in Japan have been falling as the population rapidly ages, while young people are losing interest in car ownership. The plans will allow Toyota to make better use of its resources, the person said, who was not authorised to comment on the matter and declined to be identified. Toyota spokeswoman Akiko Kita said the company was pursuing a number of strategies to maintain sales at least 1.5 million vehicles annually in a shrinking market. It currently sells around 1.6 million a year. Toyota and other global carmakers are concentrating their efforts on developing lower emissions vehicles, including electric cars while also focusing on expanding market share in emerging markets. President Donald Trump's decision on the 2015 Iran nuclear deal could come on Friday, and experts say the "writing is on the wall" that the administration won't recertify the landmark agreement and he likely will turn his attention to getting European support on fixing it. NBC News reported the White House briefed lawmakers Wednesday on the pending decision and those who left were convinced the Obama-era nuclear deal would get decertified. It also reported the announcement would probably be Friday and that the administration doesn't want to scrap the deal entirely and proposed a legislative remedy. Even so, some experts told CNBC that decertification will undermine the international deal and encourage hardliners in Tehran to push for nuclear weapons. Also, they said nixing certification of the Iran deal and trying to renegotiate it will discourage North Korea from ever considering a denuclearization accord. "What Trump is doing is opening a very unnecessary 'Pandora's box' of troubles at a time when he is unable to competently handle the crisis with North Korea's nuclear program," said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, which supports the Iran deal. Trump, who has been sharply critical of Iran and accused Tehran of working with North Korea on lethal weapons, faces an Oct. 15 deadline on whether to certify to Congress that Iran is compliance with the terms of the nuclear agreement. "I expect President Trump will not certify it," said Elizabeth Rosenberg, an Iran expert at the Center for a New American Security, a progressive think tank. "He's been quite clear for a long time that it's not his plan to certify it." If Trump does decertify the accord as expected, it would put him at odds with Defense Secretary James Mattis, who last week said Tehran was "fundamentally" in compliance with the agreement and that the U.S. should stick with the pact. Rosenberg said decertification would effectively open a 60-day window for Congress to consider sanctions on Iran. However, some members of Congress have expressed a willingness to hold off on sanctions to give Trump time to negotiate a strategy with the Europeans to alter the deal. Several European allies have urged Trump not to nix the agreement, but instead to build on it, possibly addressing "sunset" provisions (by 2026, key nuclear restrictions lift on the accord). "The decertification is an essential first step to persuading the Europeans that the alternatives to fixing the deal could be President Trump's decision to abandon the deal," said Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a nonpartisan policy institute. Yet Iran's semi-official Fars News Agency reported Wednesday that the country's foreign minister said Tehran "will never" renegotiate the deal. On the other hand, some argue decertification and the possibility of U.S. sanctions on Iran might win support from the Europeans. Besides, Tehran might see things differently with the threat of sanctions. President Donald Trump's "America First" stance is making the U.S. more isolated on the world stage, with the country quickly losing soft power to China, a former U.S. Treasury official told CNBC Thursday. That shift is readily apparent at this week's annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Washington, according to Scott Morris, who oversaw U.S. global development policy and worked with the World Bank while in the Treasury Department during the Obama administration. "You have a China that is looking to showcase its multi-trillion dollar 'Belt-Road' initiative with very high-profile events and then you have American officials who want to say no to everything: No to ambition at the World Bank, no to trade agreements," Morris told CNBC's "Squawk Box." "That's a message that is a hard sell to the rest of the international community," he added. The meetings of the IMF and the World Bank two multilateral institutions that support global financial stability and offer development assistance, respectively come as Trump indicated again Wednesday he might exit the North American Free Trade Agreement. Morris, who is currently a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, a think tank, said the administration's varying messages on international relationships were "troubling" and he expressed concern about how it could impact U.S. influence, particularly through the World Bank and IMF. "The stark departure here is a message from this White House saying you should stop lending to a wide swathe of countries and really begin to wind things down," Morris said. "I think that's just not where the rest of the world is and, as a result, the U.S. is increasingly isolated." His comments followed a Wednesday report by AidData that China could overtake the U.S. as the world's primary donor of foreign aid to most of the developing world. Trump has called for significant reductions in aid, prompting international concern and intense criticism from former White House officials and business executives. Airbnb is introducing its first branded apartment complex in Florida, a state where strict regulations threaten its growth and restrict its supply of available rooms. The partnership with Miami-based Newgard Development Group marks the first step by Airbnb to design accommodations from the ground up for home-sharing, further challenging the traditional hotel industry. Under the brand "Niido Powered by Airbnb," the first complex in this project is a 324-unit building in Kissimmee, Florida. The apartments there will feature amenities like keyless entry systems, which make it easy for a tenant to check short-term guests in and out of their homes, remotely. According to a joint statement from Newgard and Airbnb, tenants will sign annual leases be able to rent rooms or units for up to 180 nights per year, and will share revenues with the landlords who own the unit. Jaja Jackson is Airbnb's director of global multifamily partnerships, and is taking the lead on this project. He told CNBC that if it works, "we hope that we'd roll this out across the US and internationally." Newgard is paying to build and will own the buildings. But Airbnb helped design the units, buildings and services provided there. The apartments in the complex will be connected to an Airbnb app that lets tenants order up services like an apartment cleaning, or a fresh set of linens for their guests. These services will be provided on premises by a MasterHost. CEO of Newguard Development, Harvey Hernandez, says the partnership brings home sharing to the "mainstream." He told CNBC, "we're bringing the opportunity for all our tenants to monetize the asset they rent from us." Hernandez says Newguard decided to approach Airbnb with this idea after it looked at the multifamily space and realized that tenants were struggling to afford home in the places they really wanted to live. "How about if we create a homesharing based community that we can scale and be in every market in the US?" he asked himself. "Airbnb was the perfect partner for us so we pitched the idea and they loved it." Both Jackson and Hernandez insist that "Niido Powered by Airbnb" is not a hotel. Hernandez says the project elevates his development and if anything, "we're complimentary." Jackson says, "this is not a hotel format because the experience is individual. The host creates a personalized experience for each guest." He adds, "We're able to put Niido locations in cities and locations that aren't typically associated with tourism." The idea is to empower Airbnb hosts to deliver a luxury travel experience to their guests, and for tenants and landlords to come to a clear agreement over short-term rentals. The project expands Airbnb's "Friendly Buildings Program" which shares revenue generated from home sharing between hosts and landlords. Jackson says the program has been a victory for cities, owners and hosts alike. And as regulations threaten to slow its growth, Jackson says it will help increase the number of hosts across the platform at large. "The program has proven to, in most cases where it's rolled out, increase hosting by approximately 100 percent. And that means hosting that's now done in a legitimate way, with knowledge of the landlord, the property manager and the cities involved," he said. Municipal and state laws vary significantly across the U.S. In some areas, local governments prohibit tenants from using the homes they've rented on a long-term basis as alternative lodgings. Towns like Miami Beach, New York and San Francisco have steeply fined home owners when their long-term tenants have turned their properties into something resembling a youth hostel using Airbnb to book guests for short-term stays. Alibaba Executive Chairman Jack Ma believes that if there's a change coming, it's best to prepare early. That philosophy served Alibaba, now a Chinese e-commerce behemoth, well in its early days fending off competition on its home turf from online marketplace eBay. "When we see something is coming, we have to prepare now," Ma told CNBC. "My belief is [that] you have to repair the roof while it is still [sunny]." When internet commerce in China was still in its nascent stages, eBay became one of the early entrants into the market. It ran a consumer-to-consumer online platform called EachNet that charged users a fee for each transaction. Alibaba, at that time, was still focused on helping small- and medium-sized companies in China go online to do business. Ma had "realized that eBay, sooner or later, as it grew in China, would start coming after Alibaba's customers," Porter Erisman, a former Alibaba vice president, told CNBC's "The Brave Ones." To combat that potential threat from eBay, Ma assembled a small group of Alibaba employees and sent them to work on a secret project: an online marketplace that could directly compete with what eBay was offering. That was how Alibaba built its famous Taobao marketplace that currently handles huge volumes of transactions each day. Taobao, Erisman said, started free for the first three years and it put pressure on eBay's pay-per-transaction model. EBay's reaction was "to put out a press release and say free is not a business model." But as more buyers and sellers began to move onto Taobao, Erisman said, Alibaba knew that ultimately it could make money. In nearly two decades since Ma co-founded the company from his apartment in Hangzhou, Alibaba has become a mainstay in the tech world. It has a market capitalization of about $473 billion. Early in his career, Ma faced a string of rejections, which he said helped to build his mettle as an entrepreneur. "As an entrepreneur, one of the quality I have is that when I'm rejected by people, I get used to them," Ma said. The transition from a fledgling business to one of China's most valuable companies came with its share of ups and downs. In fact, Alibaba initially struggled to raise venture capital funding. One venture investor recently told CNBC that he had turned down an early investment into Alibaba because he was not convinced by their initial business-to-business model. Ma has previously said that Alibaba was rejected by about 30 venture capitalists before it found a major backer in another tech visionary SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son. Then came the dotcom bust and Ma was forced to lay-off staff around the world. "Alibaba went from this sort of optimistic expansion phase to this somewhat depressing phase of cutting back," Erisman said. "That was the only time I ever saw him doubt himself, when he was laying off people, and I think for just a moment in time, he even wondered if the company would survive." It was then that Ma learned that being a CEO was vastly different from being an English teacher, according to Erisman. "Being a CEO means making the tough decisions and sometimes cutting back in order to allow the company to survive," he said. Ma is already thinking about what the future will entail for Alibaba as new technologies and ways of doing business are discovered. "Next 30 years," he said, "the technology is going to challenge a lot of job opportunities. People already are unhappy because a lot of machine learning, artificial intelligence are killing a lot of jobs." The trade-off, according to Ma, is the improvement in people's lives as a result of new technologies. To prepare for that inevitable change, when technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning become a mainstay, Alibaba earlier this week said it will investment more than $15 billion over the next three years into technological research and development. "What Alibaba wants to do in the next 10-20 years is to enable the innovation of traditional business," Ma said. Apple CEO Tim Cook says it is more important to learn how to code than it is to learn English as a second language. The tech executive made the remarks to French outlet Konbini while in the country for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, who has called for tech companies to pay higher taxes in Europe. "If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I think it would be more important for me to learn coding than English. I'm not telling people not to learn English in some form but I think you understand what I am saying is that this is a language that you can [use to] express yourself to 7 billion people in the world," Cook tells Konbini. "I think that coding should be required in every public school in the world." Baxter International said Thursday that it expects to see an impact from Hurricane Maria on its fourth-quarter revenue. The company said, however, that it expects strong performance elsewhere in the business to help mitigate the storm's effect. Baxter said three of its manufacturing sites in Puerto Rico sustained minimal structural damage and that limited production resumed within one week. Some disruptive business ideas are ahead of their time, but with a little luck and perseverance, they can ignite and become a big hit. Take Bluemercury, a luxury cosmetic store and spa chain founded by husband-and-wife team Marla and Barry Beck. While many brick-and-mortar retail chains are struggling in the United States, this business is one of the fastest growing in the industry. The company purchased by Macy's in 2015 for $210 million has 150 stores, and another 10 are expected to open by year-end. The latest: a high-tech flagship store at the NY Hilton Midtown that's getting a lot of buzz because of its artificial intelligence mirror that allows instant information on products and 30-minute delivery on purchases to any location in the city. In addition, Bluemercury has a prestige line of natural cosmetics called M-61 that can be viewed as an extension of the store's beauty expertise. The line contains Retin-A, glycolic salicylic acid, as well as natural ingredients, like tamarind and aloe. The company's success can be attributed to the fact that the Becks realized that both urban and suburban consumers yearned for a neighborhood alternative to the department store and mall beauty-buying experience, when they founded the business in 1999. Back then, it wasn't easy to convince brands and investors that the emerging trend would grow spurred on by demographic shifts. More from iCONIC: Tony Robbins: This is the secret to happiness in one word A start-up taking on Amazon and eBay is racking up millions in sales Their 'aha moment' came when they noticed a small store selling Kiehl's and Nars products in their neighborhood in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. "It was then that we got the idea for a national beauty chain," CEO Marla Beck recalls. So they bought the store and launched Bluemercury, a name that's a combination of Marla's favorite color and ancient Roman messenger god Mercury. "Oddly enough, our first business plan was to launch an online luxury cosmetics business after I was inspired by Amazon's Jeff Bezos, who spoke about the future of e-commerce while I was at Harvard Business School working on my MBA," Marla recalls. "But the idea fizzled out. It was 1997, and VCs and brands didn't see the potential of online retail." So Marla and Barry quickly pivoted and set their sights on Main Street. They purchased that local store and launched their business. To build their brand, they opened stores and embedded themselves in the lives of the communities they operated in. By offering expert services to busy suburban supermoms and urban power women, they grew a cadre of loyalists who loved the services and social experience at the stores from spa services like facials and rock massages to makeup applications. Demographic shifts and the rise of social media have fueled the company's growth as more and more millennials have become conscious with their appearance. "We live in an Instagram world," says Barry Beck, Bluemecury's COO. "More and more people are concerned about their image and how they look, and it's driving sales in many product categories." European leaders were set to give the greenlight to start trade talks with the U.K. next week but now this might not happen until December, officials and analysts have told CNBC. A lack of progress in the negotiations is increasing the uncertainty for businesses and citizens, who both need to cement their post Brexit-plans as soon as possible. "I fear all this is too little for Michel Barnier (the European negotiator) to ask the EU leaders to give him a green light to open up negotiations about the future," Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told CNBC via email. "He is a serious statesman he will not make any recommendations concerning sufficient progress until he is perfectly certain that he has found common ground with the U.K," she added. watch now Negotiators have repeatedly failed to agree on the terms of the Brexit bill, citizens' rights and the Irish border. The EU has ruled out discussing trade with the U.K. unless these points are satisfied. "With every week that goes by without real progress for instance, on a transition period anxiety among businesses and markets will increase," Rem Korteweg, head of the Europe in the World unit at Clingendael Institute in the Netherlands, told CNBC. "This will raise pressure on the U.K. government to compromise on, for instance, the Brexit bill. This could offer the breakthrough needed to move the talks to 'phase 2' (trade) by December. But there is little certainty this will indeed happen," he said. December is the next big hope JUSTIN TALLIS | AFP | Getty Images European Council President Donald Tusk said Tuesday that he hopes trade talks will begin before the end of the year; if not, both negotiating teams will have to change their approach to negotiations. "We are negotiating in good faith, and we still hope that the so-called 'sufficient progress' will be possible by December. However, if it turns out that the talks continue at a slow pace, and that sufficient progress hasn't been reached, then together with our U.K. friends we will have to think about where we are heading," Tusk said. Some analysts predict that a breakthrough will be made on the three key issues by the end of the year. But doubts remain whether that will be enough to conclude Brexit talks in time for approval at the European Parliament before March 29, 2019 the date the U.K. is set to leave the European Union. If it turns out that the talks continue at a slow pace, and that sufficient progress hasn't been reached...we will have to think about where we are heading. Donald Tusk president of the European Council British Prime Minister Theresa May has said that both sides will have to agree an additional transition deal to ensure that businesses and citizens won't be faced with an abrupt change on March 29, but that also requires time. "There will be no real change in negotiations until December at the earliest, which makes timing increasingly tight for any exit agreement or transitional arrangements to be settled," Andrew Hood, former legal advisor to David Cameron and senior director of Dechert LLP, told CNBC. Media reports suggest that the U.K. government is making precautionary plans in case it doesn't reach any agreements with the EU. Tusk said Tuesday the EU isn't working on such a scenario. "We hear from London that the U.K. government is preparing for a "no deal" scenario," he said. "I would like to say very clearly that the EU is not working on such a scenario." Come back Meanwhile, recruiters are using Brexit to attract highly-skilled and young professionals back to their home countries. Brexit is a moment at which many are thinking of returning Ivan Jimenez managing director of Bizkaia Talent "Brexit is a moment at which many are thinking of returning, so we want to encourage them to return home," Ivan Jimenez, the managing director of Bizkaia Talent, a non-profit organization that supports people interested in being relocated to the Basque country in northern Spain, told CNBC via email. The autonomous region lost many highly-educated people during the last financial crisis and currently faces a shortage of talent, including in engineering, academia and the financial services. However, it's also a question of demographics given the Basque country has one of the oldest populations in Europe. watch now Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy speaks at the Spanish Parliament following the Catalonian independence vote on October 11, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. Mr Rajoy has asked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont to confirm whether or not he has declared independence. Pablo Blazquez Dominguez | Getty Images Madrid's eight-day deadline for Catalonia to drop its independence bid could prove to be fruitless, according to political analysts, who believe that pro-separatist Catalan President Carles Puigdemont will not back down. Speaking in the Spanish capital on Wednesday, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy warned that if the Catalan government refused, he would suspend the region's autonomy and rule it directly. Antonio Barroso, deputy director of research at risk consultancy Teneo Intelligence, said that "it is unlikely that Puigdemont will alter his position." "(Puigdemont's) first reaction has been to insist on establishing a 'bilateral dialogue' with Spain with 'no prior conditions'; backpedalling on independence would only lead to an even bigger disappointment within the secessionist camp," he said in a note Wednesday. "Given that Rajoy cannot accept a bilateral discussion without Puigdemont backtracking first on independence, the most likely scenario is that the prime minister activates the next steps of Article 155 (the so-called 'nuclear option'), which will probably happen within the next 48 hours. watch now An alternative, less likely scenario is that Puigdemont's ambiguity further angers the more radical elements of the secessionist movement, leading to its implosion and early regional elections in Catalonia." Rajoy said Wednesday that Catalonia needed to clarify whether it had declared independence or not, following an ambiguous address by the Catalan leader on Tuesday in which he seemed to declare independence and then suspend it, calling for dialogue with Madrid. Later on Wednesday, Rajoy told Spain's parliament that the Catalan government had until Monday, October 16 at 9:00 a.m. London time to answer the demand, according to Reuters. If Puigdemont was to confirm he did declare independence, he would be given an additional three days to rectify it, until Thursday, October 19 at 9:00 a.m. London time. 'Article 155' on the horizon In a televised address, Rajoy said that that if Catalonia had declared independence, he was ready to invoke the much-vaunted "Article 155" of the Constitution to seize powers back from Catalonia, sacking the regional government and calling fresh elections. Article 155 has never been invoked before but as tensions have grown between Spain and Catalonia a constitutional crisis has become more of a possibility. If Puigdemont refuses to reply to Spain's demands, Rajoy is expected to submit a list of actions that the government will take under Article 155 to the Spanish Senate. "The list must then be debated and approved by a specific committee, after which it will be sent to the plenary for discussion and a final vote," Barroso explained. "As Article 155 has never been implemented before, its timeframe is unclear. However, some estimates consider that the whole procedure could be wrapped up in five days," he added. Ultimatum The Spanish government's ultimatum to Catalonia puts more pressure on the regional government which is now stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, Puigdemont is being pressured by more radical elements within Catalonia's political establishment such as the far-left Popular Unity Candidacy party (CUP) to push ahead with independence. He cannot forget too that 90 percent of around 2.26 million Catalans voted for independence in a symbolic referendum his government held on October 1. On the other hand, an independent Catalonia would find itself isolated politically and economically, outside the European Union and un-recognized by other European countries. Already several businesses have said they would relocate outside of the region. Politicians, meanwhile, are divided. Xavier Domenech, a high-profile figure in En Comu Podem in Catalonia (a coalition formed by left-wing party Podemos and several other similar parties and led by Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau), told CNBC on Thursday that he was disappointed by Rajoy's lack of appetite for dialogue with Catalonia. "I know that the Spanish Prime Minister, Rajoy, had the opportunity yesterday to trigger article 155 and he didn't. However, he did have an opportunity to commence dialogue and instead chose to recite the law again," he told CNBC, adding: " Dialogue doesn't start by constantly belittling the person who you are supposed to be negotiating with." "To play, irritate and add to the tension by looking for conflict within the Catalan parliament - is to play with fire. And it isn't in line with the times we live in," Domenech warned. "What is in line with the times we live in is that they sit down and talk." However, Puigdemont faces pressure from Spanish politicians who say he has to go. Albert Rivera, president of Ciudadanos, an opponent of Catalan independence and ally of Spain's ruling People's Party (led by Rajoy), told CNBC Wednesday that new elections were needed in the region, saying "we need a president that will decide to come back to democracy, to come back to the constitution." watch now Despite all the hype around initial coin offerings this year, U.S. regulators have yet to offer specific rules on what's legal and what isn't. So a growing number of crypto start-ups are taking compliance into their own hands. Since early August, at least nine companies have filed token sales with the SEC to raise a total of more than $350 million, according to data compiled by CNBC. The latest was Unikrn, an e-sports betting company backed by celebrity investors including Mark Cuban and Ashton Kutcher. On Tuesday, Unirkn filed to raise $20 million through sales of its digital currency called Unikoingold. ICOs, which hardly existed before this year, offer a new way for blockchain companies to raise cash without tapping traditional venture investors or the capital markets. Many projects have solicited funds directly from their website even though it may be years before they bring a product to market. In late July, the SEC issued its first public warning on ICOs, indicating that securities laws may apply to the sale of new digital coins. The SEC later issued another warning about ICO scams and last month charged two companies for ICO fraud. Even without a clear set of laws, companies are getting the hint. watch now "The idea is to be proactive and engage regulators to foster goodwill," said Meltem Demirors, director at the Digital Currency Group in New York. When registering token sales with the SEC, companies are using short Form D filings, the same type of document that start-ups use to disclose private venture rounds. They only provide basic information, like the name and contact information for principals and the industry group. In a section that asks what type of security is being offered, where a typical start-up would select "equity," these companies are checking the "other" box and writing in something that includes the word token. ICO filings with the SEC account for a small fraction of the more than $2.7 billion that's been raised through token sales this year. There's so much chaos in the global crypto market that the Chinese government banned all ICOs in September, classifying them as illegal ways to raise money. On Wednesday, Reuters reported that Russian authorities plan to regulate the market and will determine how by the end of the year. Most of the projects going the SEC route are using a framework called the Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (SAFT), which was created by crypto start-up Protocol Labs and used for the first time in August. The agreement lays out how the tokens can eventually be used and provides for certain investor protections in case the project dissolves. Unlike many ICOs, SAFTs are limited to accredited investors for people in the U.S., meaning ordinary retail investors can't participate. "The view people are starting to settle on is that a pre-sale of a tokenized service needs to be done as a sale of a security," said Lowell Ness, a partner at law firm Perkins Coie and an expert in securities law. "They use the proceeds from that sale to go build the network. Once the network has been built and the token is fully functional and could be immediately used, then it's OK to deliver the token to the world." For example, Kik Interactive's new blockchain-based network was not yet up and running when the online chat company raised $50 million in August, so it sold SAFT securities to accredited investors and filed with the SEC. The following month, once the service launched, Kik raised another $49 million without registering with the SEC. At that point, the digital tokens could be used as a utility on its service and no longer represented an investment, a company spokesman said. Kik users will be able to use Kin tokens for digital commerce on the network Protocol Labs, the creator of SAFT, accounts for more than half of the money that's been raised, pulling in over $200 million in August. The cash from the ICO is being used to build technology for a blockchain-based storage network called Filecoin. There's no guarantee that SAFT filings will be enough to satisfy the SEC in the future. But Digital Currency Group's Demirors said they're at least an indication that companies want better regulatory guidelines. "These projects are attempting to demonstrate a desire to solicit input from regulators," she said. Engaging with the SEC won't solve every concern around ICOs. The technology is still nascent and the business models are untested. AngelList CEO Naval Ravikant, who's been investing heavily in cryptocurrencies and helped come up with the idea for SAFT securities, expects to see plenty of highs and lows before the market settles. Here's one of his tweets from last month: Delta Air Lines Inc. signage is displayed as a traveler uses self check-in kiosk in Delta Air Lines Inc. Checking in for a flight is going the way of the paper airplane ticket. An updated version of Delta Air Lines ' iOS mobile app now checks travelers in for their flights automatically, a recent change the airline said was in response to customer demand. Travelers now just have to click on the app and tap to acknowledge federal restrictions on banned items in luggage and a boarding pass will automatically generate, according to Henry Harteveldt, a travel industry analyst at Atmosphere Research Group. Harteveldt told CNBC he tried the feature on a flight to New York on Thursday. Checking in for a flight is "a waste of the traveler's time," he said, adding that Delta is the only U.S. carrier to offer such a feature, though others may adopt the streamlined process. It wasn't yet clear how travelers will be able to tell the airline whether they planned on checking a bag, however. Delta isn't alone in testing out new processes to cut down on traveler, and airline, time. KLM earlier this year tested facial-scanning technology that could replace boarding passes, while JetBlue is experimenting with biometric scans for travelers boarding flights from Boston to Aruba. Sandberg, who supported Hillary Clinton in the election and is a former Treasury Department staffer , is expected to meet with members of Congress on Thursday, according to Recode . She has already met with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi , according to previous reports. "Things happened on our platform in this election that shouldn't have happened, especially and very troubling foreign interference in a democratic election," Sandberg told Axios . "And we know that we have a responsibility to do everything we can to prevent this kind of abuse on our platform." Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said Thursday she supports the public release of Russian-linked political ads that ran on Facebook and have been shared with Congress. The meetings come as Congress is investigating the role of Russian actors in the 2016 U.S. election, including thousands of advertisements that ran on Facebook. Sandberg said she supports publicly releasing the advertisements, as well as the pages they were linked to. Leaders of a House Intelligence Committee panel said they plan to release the ads, likely after a Nov. 1 hearing, according to NBC News. Sandberg said the targeting of those ads will also be released. "We don't want this kind of foreign interference," Sandberg said. "These ads are divisive, and they are down, and the pages are down, because they are from fake accounts ... a lot of them, if they were run by legitimate people, we would let them run." But Sandberg also called for other platforms, as well as the government, to rise to a similar standard of transparency. She noted that ads that promote violence and hate were part of the problem that Facebook had already been working to address. Sandberg said that in the early days of monitoring on Facebook, preventing the hacking of private accounts was a primary goal. "And then we started to hear the rumors and this was around the election itself of a different kind of attack," Sandberg said. "It was a more subtle [attack], even though just as important, which is posting in an inauthentic way to try to be deceptive and divisive." She said that at this point, Facebook believes it has done a "thorough" job of identifying the Russian actor in question, thanks in part to the use of rubles to purchase the ads and the presence of fake accounts. "We are following up aggressively on every lead we have," Sandberg said. "What we really owe the American people is determination. We are determined." Sheryl Sandberg speaks about overcoming grief and resilience at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg denounced sexual harassment at the third annual Wall Street Journal Women in the Workplace dinner on Monday evening. "We can't tolerate Harvey Weinstein-like behavior," she told the crowd, alluding to recent allegations of sexual misconduct by former employees against the film studio exec. Last week, a New York Times investigation chronicled over two decades of sexual harassment claims against the producer along with his many settlements. Days later, The New Yorker released a harrowing expose in which three of Weinstein's accusers shared personal accounts of sexual assault and harassment. Harvey Weinstein Alberto E. Rodriguez l Getty Images Pharmaceutical companies aren't often associated with technology prowess, but a select few are trying to change that. CNBC has learned that GlaxoSmithKline , Johnson & Johnson and other pharma companies are actively recruiting technologists from companies like Google and Microsoft 's LinkedIn. The goal is to hire engineers to help modernize the processes that big pharma uses to discover and develop new drugs. GSK alone has more than a dozen former employees from the largest tech companies working under its chief data officer Mark Ramsey, who was himself recruited from Samsung. Ramsey is looking to hire "dozens more," from the tech sector according to a GSK spokesperson. "The pharma industry has been lagging when it comes to tech," said GSK's Ramsey in an interview with CNBC. Ramsey sees ample opportunities for tech workers to build machine learning tools that analyze health information. One example of that is an ongoing project, depending on a green-light from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to use previously-collected clinical trial data as an alternative to a control arm in a study. That could potentially reduce the cost of clinical trials, and provide a better experience for patients. Another big area is clinical trial recruitment: Researchers are finding that it's easier, cheaper and reliable enough to find candidates via mobile technologies, versus the alternatives, which involve broad targeting with radio or paper-based ads. "Digital devices are interesting to us, as they can capture really granular data," he said. "Typically a patient has to go to a clinic and get lab tests, which happens on an infrequent basis." The big challenge for pharma is to build awareness in the tech community. Ramsey says it's part of his job to educate talented engineers and product managers about "all the cool things that are happening in pharma," and not to be intimidated if they don't have a health background. Now, he said, about 80 percent of his team has no life sciences experience at all. J&J's global health of health technology Marc Leibowitz, who previously worked at Google and Dropbox, is also building out a team in San Francisco, New York and other tech hubs. According to LinkedIn, some of his most senior colleagues include Oliver Hsiang, a former vice president at Lyft who previously worked at Google and LinkedIn, and Jill Applebaum, also formerly of Google. Luxury fashion brand Gucci will stop using animal fur in its clothing next year, beginning with its spring-summer collection. Marco Bizzarri, the Italian firm's president and CEO, announced the fur-free policy Wednesday during the 2017 Kering Talk at the London College of Fashion. "Being socially responsible is one of Gucci's core values, and we will continue to strive to do better for the environment and animals," he said. Bizzarri said the decision to end the use of fur in Gucci clothing was in part thanks to the firm's current creative director, Alessandro Michele. "In selecting a new creative director, I wanted to find someone who shared a belief in the importance of the same values. I sensed that immediately on meeting Alessandro for the first time," Bizzarri said. Chinese fugitive tycoon Guo Wengui on Tuesday posted photographs on Twitter of himself meeting former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon twice in less than a week. In the post, the billionaire businessman, who is wanted in China on corruption charges, said he first met Bannon for lunch in Washington on Thursday after attending an event at the National Press Club. The second meeting came on Tuesday, when Bannon and his team visited Guo's home in New York for a 3-hour dinner. The post was accompanied by four photographs of the two men. It did not say what they talked about, but said Bannon had agreed for the images to be posted on the social media site. Neither Guo nor Bannon's spokesperson immediately responded to requests for comment from the South China Morning Post. Tweet 1 The Twitter post came after Bannon was reported to have met Wang Qishan, head of China's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, which has spearheaded the Communist Party's anti-graft campaign, in Beijing last month. Wang is at the centre of the unsubstantiated corruption allegations made by the exiled businessman against senior members of the party in the run-up to the 19th national congress, which starts next week. More from the South China Morning Post: How China's biggest debtors may struggle to pay off their loans China's richest 2,130 people control combined wealth of US$2.6 trillion: Hurun Report US government quiet as Chinese agents cripple spy operations in Beijing According to unnamed sources cited by the Financial Times last month, Wang and Bannon met for about 90 minutes at the party's headquarters in Zhongnanhai. The report said Wang asked Bannon, who left U.S. President Donald Trump's administration in mid-August, about economic nationalism and populist movements the subject of Bannon's speech at an investor conference in Hong Kong in mid-September. The Chinese government has made various attempts to discredit Guo, who is wanted in connection with several alleged crimes including bribery, fraud and rape. He is also the subject of an Interpol red notice that Beijing requested in April. While speaking at the National Press Club event on Thursday, Guo said China had sent dozens of spies to the U.S., but his claims were later dismissed by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security. As well as visiting China, Bannon last month travelled to the United Arab Emirates, where he met the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, The New York Times reported. Chinese financial magazine Caixin reported in July that Guo had been introduced to bin Zayed in 2013, and that the prince had helped him to raise $3 billion for a fund jointly held by Guo and Abu Dhabi authorities. Thousands of people showing their patriotism jam into the area around Canada Place waterfront convention centre to celebrate Canada Day on July 1, 2016 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Life on the other side of the border could look much different for an American in Canada, particularly when it comes to good-paying jobs. As for high-paying careers, the U.S.'s northern neighbor actually has a higher average take-home wage, making it the ninth-best in the world. To compare, the U.S. came in 11th place. If you're considering whether to stay or go, here are the highest paying jobs in these bordering countries. Thinking about moving to Canada, eh? More from GOBankingRates: 30 coolest job perks from Google and other top companies Here's how much a new home cost the year you were born The lowest gas price in every state The U.S. dollar stretches a bit further up north, but there are more taxes, which actually pays for the country's healthcare system that so many Americans believe to be entirely free. In fact, a recent study with data used from Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information showed that a Canadian family of four will pay $12,057 for healthcare in 2017. That number isn't static, however what a Canadian pays in taxes varies by the person or family's circumstances. Here's a breakdown of the top-paying jobs in Canada and what people in these roles could earn in American dollars. 1. Economic development director Salary: $114,400 CAD ($92,716 USD) If you're after the highest paying jobs north of the U.S. border, an economic development director is one of the best jobs in terms of pay. An economic development director is a government managerial position. These individuals evaluate, plan and implement a variety of economic and community plans or services. Their work can involve collecting data on the region they work for as it pertains to taxation, labor markets, transportation, agriculture or business growth. A bachelor's degree in economics, business administration, commerce or public administration is typically required as well as several years of experience. A job applicant could gain a competitive edge with a master's in economics, as well. 2. Utilities manager Salary: $112,320 CAD ($91,030 USD) Also known as a public works director, a utilities manager oversees the operations and maintenance of the systems responsible for water, electrical power and natural gas within a community. This role is among the highest paying careers in Canada. A bachelor's degree is commonly required in a related area, such as electrical engineering experience as a supervisor is required to move up, though. Generally, utility workers are at a higher risk of injury and illness than other professions in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Labor. 3. Public administration director Salary: $106,662 CAD ($86,445 USD) There are the people that make law and the people who enforce the law. In between, however, are public administrators that handle other work, such as running elections or maintaining relations between various levels of government. Public administrators might also develop government policies and programs or serve on or organize committees for projects. A bachelor's degree is required to pursue this profession. A graduate degree in public policy or law is an added bonus, however. Don't expect to work with top bureaucrats from the start, though. Initially, you'll have to work your way to the top, which might require years of experience. 4. Real estate and financial manager Salary: $103,376 CAD ($83,781 USD) Forget driving all over for showings that a real estate sales agent might handle real estate and financial managers are in charge of the daily operations of the firms, which includes overseeing the business operations and evaluating its needs. Some might also be involved in brokering mortgages, commodities trading or insurance, as well. In order to work as a real estate and financial manager, a bachelor's degree in business administration, finance or a similar degree is recommended. In addition to having the right degree, a job candidate must also have experience and a license. 5. Pharmacist Salary: $102,398 CAD ($82,989 USD) A pharmacist dispenses pills and advises patients and health professionals about proper dosage, side effects and pill interactions. The career is growing, with high demand in hospitals and community pharmacies due to senior population growth, according to Business Canada. In order to pursue a pharmacy career in Canada, you must hold a bachelor's degree in pharmacy, work under a pharmacist for additional training and obtain a license. 6. Mining & forestry manager Salary: $100,006 CAD ($81,050 USD) These professionals work in Canada's Department of Natural Resources. They are responsible for managing facilities such as fisheries, lumber mills and mines. Mining and forestry managers also hire and train new personnel and make sure work sites are properly equipped. A degree in earth sciences, geology, petroleum engineering or mining engineering is required for this managerial role as well as years of experience. With a growing demand for wood products, there should be increased opportunities for these professionals. 7. Pipefitting supervisor Salary: $89,398 CAD ($72,453 USD) This individual supervises workers who manufacture and assemble piping systems in homes and commercial or industrial facilities, including heat, oil and water systems. Their responsibilities can include selecting and testing materials and making sure everything is operating smoothly and employees are safe. To obtain this supervisory position, a person needs at least a college degree coupled with an apprenticeship and certification. 8. Lawyer Salary: $88,524 CAD ($71,745 USD) Lawyers help clients with a broad range of legal matters. They can represent clients in court cases, incorporate companies, or simply advise and counsel. Just like in the U.S., Canadian law practice requires a number of years in school. First, you'll need to complete a bachelor's degree, then pass the LSAT and attend law school. Then, you must tackle the Canadian bar exam in the province in which you wish to practice. 9. Telecommunications manager Salary: $86,528 CAD ($70,127 USD) Telecommunications managers oversee telecommunications companies, including the operation and maintenance of facilities. Such work can involve network installation and checking for regulation compliance. A college degree in a related field, such as science or electrical engineering, is required to enter the profession. Years of experience, particularly in a supervisory role, are also a general requirement. According to Canada Business, most of these individuals are employed in Quebec and Ontario and obtain their positions through promotions. Although the information communications technology field is growing as a whole, demand is lower for these professionals. 10. Nurse practitioner The feud between President Donald Trump and Sen. Bob Corker took an interesting turn Thursday when a top administration official praised the Tennessee Republican. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin actually lauded Corker during a CNBC interview regarding tax reform. Asked about how the legislative process has been going as the administration seeks to get its tax reform package pushed through Congress, Mnuchin said the process is moving along and has been helped by several prominent Republicans. "I have talked with them. In particular I would single out Sen. Corker, who's been enormously helpful in this process," he said. "Him (sic) and (Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat) Toomey were helpful in negotiating the agreement to get this out of the Senate committee and get it down to the floor." That marked a notable change in tenor for the White House toward Corker. Over the weekend, as Corker announced he would not seek re-election in 2018, Trump taunted the senator online. Senator Bob Corker "begged" me to endorse him for re-election in Tennessee. I said "NO" and he dropped out (said he could not win without... Trump followed up that tweet with two others, one blaming Corker for the nuclear deal with Iran that the president has opposed and another saying Corker "didn't have the guts to run." Corker then retaliated. It's a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning. He followed that with a New York Times interview where he said Trump was leading the country on a path to "World War III." All of that animus, however, seemed to be gone during Mnuchin's interview Thursday. "We've been having discussions with all of them, the president is having discussions with them," he said of Congress. "We're confident this is going to get done." CNBC has reached out to Corker and the White House for comment. As more countries pledge to eventually phase out internal combustion cars, or impose tougher requirements for fuel efficiency standards, electric vehicles are becoming a popular alternative. The price of an electric vehicle depends largely on the cost of the batteries that power them, and those expenses are set to rapidly decline in the near future, according to a top Japanese business executive. "The cost of battery is now dropping very rapidly, so in the near future, the cost of the electric vehicle will be comparable to the conventional cars," Masaki Sakuyama, president and CEO at Mitsubishi Electric , told CNBC. Some day, he added, electric vehicle batteries may become cheaper to produce than combustion engines in traditional cars. Mitsubishi Motors , which is part-owned by Nissan and part of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, currently produces a hatchback electric car called the i-MiEV that runs on 330 volts, 16 kilowatt hour lithium-ion battery. Elon Musk's Tesla still remains a leading player in the electric vehicle industry, but the space is becoming increasingly competitive. Major automakers like General Motors , Ford and Volkswagen are releasing electric models, and some are making massive investments. Mitsubishi's major domestic competitors, Toyota and Nissan , both have battery-powered cars in their product lineups. Indeed, Nissan recently introduced a fully electric car with autonomous features and an improved driving range that is $5,000 cheaper than the Tesla Model 3. Market watchers have said that stricter fuel efficiency requirements imposed on gasoline cars make them more expensive to make. By contrast, fuel savings and government incentives make electric cars cheaper. Technological advancements and increasing acceptance by customers and automakers are also contributing to rapid developments in the electric vehicle market. But some limitations remain, including still-developing charging infrastructure and the relatively long time needed to charge a vehicle. CNBC's Robert Ferris contributed to this report. Correction: This article was changed to reflect that Mitsubishi Motors is no longer the sister company of Mitsubishi Electric. Elon Musk, CEO for SpaceX, speaks during the International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, on Sept. 27, 2016. Elon Musk is making rocket launches mundane and that could be worth tens of billions of dollars. SpaceX could become a $50 billion juggernaut through its launch of a satellite broadband network, a team of Morgan Stanley analysts wrote in a report Thursday. The private space company on Wednesday launched its 15th rocket this year, and the second this week. More importantly, the Falcon 9 rocket launch was the third time SpaceX reused the first stage booster, and with each of these so-called "flight-proven" launches, it should be easier to attract new customers. Morgan Stanley says SpaceX developing reusable rockets is "an elevator to low Earth orbit." "When Elisha Otis demonstrated the safety elevator in 1854, the public may have struggled to comprehend the impact on architecture and city design. Roughly 20 years later, every multistory building in New York, Boston, and Chicago was constructed around a central elevator shaft," Morgan Stanley said. "It all comes down to SpaceX." Reducing the cost to launch a satellite to about $60 million, from the $200 million that United Launch Alliance charged through most of the last decade, was a monumental breakthrough. SpaceX is trying to reduce its cost to $5 million per mission, and Morgan Stanley says the launch business "generates limited operating income." The cash cow, to Morgan Stanley, is the SpaceX plan to launch a satellite broadband network in two years and send humans to Mars in seven. "The goal of the satellite internet business is to generate enough cash to be able to go to Mars" the research firm said, adding that it believes Musk is serious about his goal of planetary expansion. SpaceX has denied that it is preparing an initial public offering, but Morgan Stanley says the prospect should not be counted out. Upcoming projects will require significant amounts of money. "It seems reasonable to us to consider whether the company could look to access capital in the public markets," the analysts said. With "substantial room to increase the investment in space," Morgan Stanley says that "public investors will start to pay more attention to space when or if SpaceX decides to IPO." watch now Obamacare advocates Thursday accused President Donald Trump of trying to further "sabotage" the Affordable Care Act with a new executive order on health care, while several major business groups praised that directive. "President Trump's executive order is a disaster for America's health care which is exactly why he is doing it," said Brad Woodhouse, director of the Protect Our Care Campaign. "Angry that Congress wouldn't repeal the health care Americans depend on, President Trump is purposely trying to sabotage the law by creating garbage insurance which will undermine the market, raise premiums, reduce coverage and expose millions of Americans again to discrimination based on pre-existing conditions," Woodhouse said. Protect Our Care late Thursday posted a link on Medium that collected statements from the slew of groups that object to the order. Woodhouse was echoed by Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. "This is a last-ditch effort by President Trump to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, despite desperate pleas from Americans for Republicans to join with Democrats to improve health care in this country," Crowley said. "This executive order is not a solution, it's just another way for President Trump to sabotage Americans' health care," he said. watch now The scathing comments come on the heels of Trump signing an order that directs federal agencies to explore relaxing rules to make it easier for small businesses to jointly purchase health coverage for their workers, and to increase the length of time people can be enrolled in short-term health plans. Obamacare advocates fret that those potential changes could lead to an exodus of younger, healthier customers from Obamacare individual plans, leaving behind an older, sicker pool of customers whose medical costs will leave insurers with spiraling financial losses. In a paper published Thursday, the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said "Trump's executive order could destabilize health insurance markets where millions of individuals and small businesses get their coverage and undermine protections for people with pre-existing health conditions." Advocates already were deeply worried that Trump's failure to guarantee continuation of billions of dollars of federal reimbursements to insurers, defunding of Obamacare outreach efforts and other actions will lead to higher insurance prices and lower enrollment on individual health plan markets next year. The American Academy of Actuaries, whose members help set proposed rates for insurance plans, said Trump's executive order "could present significant risks and have unintended consequences for consumers and health insurance markets." "Creating exemptions from the Affordable Care Act insurance market rules can have far-reaching and unintended effects," said Academy Senior Health Fellow Cori Uccello in a statement. "These effects could include tilting the market in favor of entities with weaker benefits or solvency standards and weakening the protections for consumers with pre-existing health conditions," Uccello said. But Ron Williams, former CEO of the giant health insurer Aetna , said on CNBC's "Closing Bell," "I would probably back off and avoid a rush to judgment on what we're actually going to see." Williams noted that any changes that could result from the order would have to first be reviewed by a number of federal agencies and be subject to a public comment period. watch now "I don't think we're going to see changes that would do away with fundamental access to health care," Williams said. America's Health Insurance Plans, a lobbying group for the industry, issued a pointedly neutral statement on the order, saying "health plans remain committed" to making sure all Americans "have access to affordable coverage and care, including those with pre-existing conditions." "We will follow these principles competition, choice, patient protections and market stability as we evaluate the potential impact of this executive order and the rules that will follow," said Kristine Grow, AHIP's spokeswoman. But Ceci Connolly, CEO of another group representing health insurers, the Alliance of Community Health Plans, said the order "would not take the steps necessary to ensure much-needed certainty" in the insurance market. "Instead, it would draw younger and healthier people away from the [Obamacare] exchanges and drive additional plans out of the market," Connolly said. "In turn, premiums would continue to increase, threatening the security of affordable coverage for millions of working families." However, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation's largest federation of businesses, praised the order for seeking to provide relief to the small group insurance market, which "remains volatile" and has "few choices and increasing premiums." "Businesses especially small businesses continue to struggle to provide health care coverage that their employees value and can afford," said Randy Johnson, a senior vice president at the Chamber of Commerce. "We appreciate the administration's efforts to expand access to more coverage options, lower premiums, and offer greater benefit flexibility." The National Retail Federation, which was represented at the order signing by one of its members, said Trump's idea of relaxing rules for association health plans "can bring necessary competition to underserved insurance markets." Dave Ratner, the NRF member who attended the signing, said the order "will help level the health insurance playing field for small businesses across the country." "Large companies with thousands of employees have their own plans but a small business like mine can't possibly negotiate rates close to what they can get," said Ratner, owner of Dave's Soda and Pet City, a small, Massachusetts-based chain of beverage and pet supply stores. "By letting associations negotiate for their members, small businesses will finally be able to take advantage of better rates their employees can afford and provide better coverage in the process." And the industry group Associated Builders and Contractors called the order "a critical first step towards providing more affordable health care options and flexibility to small employers and their employees throughout the country." WATCH: Pence weighs in on Obamacare The maker of Siggi's Icelandic yogurt is working with investment bank JPMorgan on a possible sale of the company, according to people familiar with the matter. Siggi's value was not immediately clear. Owner The Icelandic Milk and Skyr Corporation is one of the first yogurt brands to focus solely on low-sugar flavors. It expects to generate sales of $200 million next year and is growing at a rate of 50 percent a year, the sources said. The brand's sparse white packaging, tart taste and high protein has earned it a loyal following among the health-conscious set. The sources asked not to be named because the process is confidential. Siggi's did not immediately respond to requests for comment. JP Morgan declined to comment. The company was founded in 2004 by Siggi Hilmarsson, who had moved from Iceland to the U.S. to attend Columbia Business School. It sells in retailers like Kroger , Whole Foods Market and Starbucks . A sale to a larger company like Dean Foods , General Mills or Pepsi could give the yogurt brand an opportunity to more quickly scale up. It is not certain whether any of these companies will choose to bid for the company. The $7.6 billion yogurt category has been a growing segment of the food industry for the past several years, as consumers increasingly look to high-protein alternatives to their morning cereal. Still, some of the industry's explosive growth has tapered. Yogurt sales dropped 2.5 percent this year over last, according to Nielsen. Sales of Greek yogurt once the dairy darling dropped 4.8 percent over last year. Packaged food giant General Mills recorded a double-digit drop for its yogurt sales this past quarter, as demand for Yoplait Greek and Yoplait Light products remained weak. Still, much smaller specialty Icelandic and Australian yogurt variations grew 73 percent and 16 percent, respectively. Siggi's is not the first yogurt brand to tap the interest of corporate acquirers this year. Danone sold its organic Stonyfield yogurt to family-owned French dairy company Lactalis for $875 million, in an auction that also drew the interest of Chinese dairy company Yili, Grupo Lala and Dean Foods . It is also not the first snack brand to test large food companies' interest, as sales growth of their brands slow and consumers increasingly prefer their food on-the-go. Conagra acquired Boomchickapop popcorn's parent company Angie's Artisan Treats, and Kellogg acquired RX Bar for $600 million. The list of delegates attending China's upcoming 19th Party Congress offers tell-tale signs of which way political winds are blowing in the world's second-largest economy. Attendees from the military are particularly notable. Out of the 300 People's Liberation Army delegates expected to appear at the milestone event, which decides the future of Chinese leadership, a whopping 90 percent will be first-time attendees, Cheng Li, director of the John L. Thornton China Center and a senior fellow in the foreign policy program at Brookings, said in a note this week. A military parade in China Damir Sagolj | Reuters "This would constitute the largest-ever turnover of military elite in the history of the People's Republic of China," he said. Under Chinese President Xi Jinping's watch, the world's largest military has undergone drastic reforms such as the introduction of a Western-style joint command system and high-profile purges of top generals. The dismissal of several military elites in recent months was conducted under the umbrella of Xi's anti-corruption crackdown, but many see it as a means for the president, who is set to be confirmed for a second five-year term at the Congress, to strengthen control. "The degree of military reshuffling offers a clue to broader leadership changes, particularly the likelihood of Mr. Xi further consolidating power," said Li. The new military leadership will likely consist of Xi's longtime friends General Zhang Youxia, General Li Zuocheng, and Admiral Miao Hua, who are known for their perceived loyalty to the president, Li explained. Among the defense brass recently booted from senior positions is General Fang Fenghui, the army's former chief of the joint staff department and a former leading contender for the vice chairmanship of the Central Military Commission (CMC), a body supervising administration of the armed forces. He was replaced in August and questioned on suspicion of graft, Reuters reported last month. watch now Ed Gillespie, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. Kate Patterson | The Washington Post | Getty Images Look to Virginia Republican agita about their base is truly mystifying on some level primarily the establishment's mystification itself is kind of mystifying. Gillespie a former RNC chair, Bush administration official, and K Street lobbyist won his primary campaign against an anti-establishment racist conspiracy theorist named Corey Stewart. But now Gillespie is running against Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam with a campaign based entirely on unhinged conspiracy theories and race baiting. And nobody in Washington (which, on the Republican side at least, is largely composed of people who commute in from Virginia anyway) is bothered by it at all. Virginia was a red state until recently, but a combination of demographic change inside the state and the shifting demographic compositions of the two parties has given it a distinctly bluish hue. Hillary Clinton beat Trump there last November by a larger margin than Barack Obama won in 2012, despite running considerably weaker on a nationwide basis. But polls in Virginia have been surprisingly close, and the key campaign theme for Gillespie has been an unhinged allegation that electing Northam governor will lead to Virginia's citizens being terrorized by the Salvadoran gang MS-13. It sounds too stupid to be true, but the brutal reality is that, per the Washington Post, "Virginia Republican Ed Gillespie has released four ads" four, not one "that try to tie his Democratic rival for governor, Ralph Northam, to MS-13 gang violence." Gillespie's MS-13 ads make no sense The way the ads work is to dwell at length on the evils of MS-13 (which are quite real) and then say Northam's name a bunch, thus attempting to create a link between a brutal criminal organization and an Army doctor turned pediatric neurosurgeon. It reaches a climax with boldface type screaming "RALPH NORTHAM: WEAK ON MS-13," without raising any specific respect in which Northam is allegedly weak on MS-13. There's no "soft on crime" furlough program in this round of Willie Horton tactics. Instead, the "policy issue" (if one wants to call it that) at the fulcrum of the ads is that Northam is against legislation that would have barred Virginia municipalities from designating themselves as "sanctuary cities," where local law enforcement commits to not reporting on residents' immigration status. Whatever one thinks of that legislation, the fact is that there are no sanctuary cities in Virginia, which makes it pretty cut-and-dried that sanctuary cities are not behind the rise of MS-13 activity in the state. Beyond logic, the Gillespie/Trump stance on the linkage between their preferred immigration policy and crime control is ridiculous. Law enforcement organizations are profoundly skeptical of efforts to drag local cops into immigration enforcement precisely because it can make it harder to face down violent criminals like MS-13. After all, nobody is going to come forward as a witness or informant if they think it could lead to getting a spouse or a sibling deported. On a federal level, in its waning years, the Obama administration tried to force immigration enforcement officials to narrowly target their resources on apprehending gang members and violent criminals. Trump, in alignment with the desires of rank-and-file Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, has shifted back to broad-brush enforcement that aims to instill fear in as many immigrants as possible. The point, however, is that Gillespie and his campaign feel that a hysterical racialized scare campaign about gang rape with zero grounding in policy reality will sell better than some kind of tedious seminar about immigration's impact on wages. Grassroots Republicans learned it from watching you Establishment Republicans mystified by the party's grassroots activists and rank-and-file members, in short, should consider taking a look at their own campaigns and policy rhetoric. Jeb Bush ran for president on the theory that tax cuts would generate 4 percent economic growth. Marco Rubio argued that Barack Obama was deliberately trying to damage the United States. Ed Gillespie claims that sanctuary cities that don't even exist are responsible for the rise of a violent international criminal organization. The same congressional Republicans who swore for years that growing debt was the biggest threat to the country are lining up behind a budget that will authorize more than $1 trillion in new borrowing to finance tax cuts for the rich. The difference between these guys and the new crop of kooks between a respected colleague like Bob Corker and a feared soon-to-be-colleague like Marsha Blackburn as I understand it, is that the establishment politicians are aware that they are lying. Nobody at Republican Governors Association headquarters, in other words, actually thinks that Gillespie believes a crackdown on Virginia sanctuary cities (which, again, don't exist) will reduce the risk of MS-13 violence. He's not an ignorant maniac, in other words; he's just working with ad guys and conservative media to promote ignorance and mania in the general population. The problem is the marks grow up. Republicans are reaping the whirlwind Richard Branson's Virgin Group is investing in Hyperloop One, a company developing the super-fast transport system originally dreamed up by Elon Musk. Hypleroop One is rebranding itself as Virgin Hyperloop One, and Branson is joining the board, the billionaire British investor and entrepreneur announced Thursday on CNBC from London. Virgin Hyperloop One will focus on a passenger and mixed-use cargo service. Last month, Hypleroop One raised $85 million in new funding, and that includes the investment from Virgin. Branson refused to provide numbers. Breaking ground on a commercial hyperloop in two to four years is possible if "governments move quickly," Branson said in a "Squawk Box" interview. So far, no government has approved a plan for a hyperloop system. The Virgin founder also said that building a hyperloop tube above or below ground is "cheaper" and "faster" than a traditional rail network. The idea of the transport system conceived in 2013 by Musk, the head of both electric automaker Tesla and SpaceX works by propelling pods through tubes using magnets reaching speeds akin to those of airplanes. "As a train owner, " Branson said, "I felt this is something that I want to be able to operate. At the moment our trains are limited to 125 miles an hour." His sprawling Virgin Group empire includes a train network in the U.K., as well as airlines and a business to take tourists into space. "There are consumers, for instance, that would love to go from London to Edinburgh in roughly 45 minutes. And that will be possible" with a hyperloop, he said. "You can have a pod outside your office that you and your colleagues can jump into. The pod can self-drive to the top of the tunnel. It then goes down the tunnel. It connects up and off you go at 600, 700 miles an hour up to your destination, going faster than an airline." Governments around the world are right to step up regulatory pressure on initial coin offerings (ICOs), the CEO of blockchain firm Ripple has told CNBC. Brad Garlinghouse, whose company is the owner of the third-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, XRP, questioned whether new digital currencies were "solving real problems." "There's plenty examples of these recent ICOs that I don't think are good for the industry because they are not demonstrating or solving a real problem and you are seeing examples of fraud," he told CNBC in an interview Monday. "And so I think it's good that you have regulators intervening and stepping in, in countries around the world." ICOs are a means for start-ups to raise funds selling new virtual currencies in exchange for bitcoin or ethereum. But they have caused a stir internationally in recent weeks, with a number of regulators either clamping down or banning them outright. Garlinghouse said Ripple, by contrast, is focused on solving a "trillion dollar problem" with its distributed ledger platform, which connects banks with payment providers and cryptocurrency exchanges. After exploring a potential bid for Amazon's HQ2, the City of San Antonio says it's no longer going to submit a proposal. The city conducted a "robust review," but has "determined that as aspirational as we are about our community's potential, we simply wouldn't be highly competitive from a real estate and incentives perspective," according to a city spokesperson. A city spokesperson added that the door is open to Amazon "should they choose to visit, but the types of incentive packages being entertained by other cities are not something our community is willing to entertain at this time." San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff also wrote an open letter to Jeff Bezos explaing their decision, saying, "it's hard to imagine that a forward-thinking company like Amazon hasn't already selected its preferred location," and "the public process is creating a bidding war among states and cities." "Blindly giving away the farm isn't our style," the letter states. Responses to Amazon's request for proposals for their HQ2 location are due Oct. 19. The new campus is expected to employ as many as 50,000 people and cost over $5 billion to build and run. Amazon has stated a few preferences for the bids they are considering. The company is looking at metropolitan areas with more than one million people, with a stable and business friendly environment, urban or suburban locations that can attract talent and communities that think "big and creatively" about real estate options." The letter from Nirenberg and Judge Wolff also states that no metropolitan area meets all of Amazon's requirements. "That's why so many states and cities are attempting to lure Amazon largely using incentives. It won't surprise anyone if the winning incentive package exceeds the $3 billion that Wisconsin gave Foxconn last month." Companies in South Africa are increasingly making their own calls on who to do business with, according to the governor of the South African Reserve Bank, following the scandal in the country surrounding the controversial Gupta family. "This is a free society. It's a free society, and various players in society are absolutely within their rights to take a posture that says that 'I will not be able to do business with you, with that person,' because these are private arrangements," Lesetja Kganyago told CNBC on the sidelines of the International Monetary Fund meetings in Washington on Wednesday. "I think what you're seeing now is South African business, instead of complaining about corruption and maleficence, they're actually taking a stance," he added. Global audit firm KPMG has been one firm embroiled in the Gupta scandal in South Africa. The billionaire Guptas have been accused by a public watchdog of improperly influencing government contracts, and an internal investigation at KMPG found that some of its executives ignored red flags regarding the family. KPMG dismissed its South African leadership team after the internal investigation. Now we know where Southwest Airlines wants to take its brand-new Boeing planes: Hawaii. Southwest Airlines, the U.S. carrier known for its lack of seating assignments, short routes and no-frills service has announced plans to start selling tickets for service to Hawaii next year, answering a lingering question from investors and loyal customers alike. The airline's decision to offer service to the Aloha State could make Hawaiian vacations cheaper. In what's been dubbed the "Southwest Effect," in markets where the airline has nonstop service fares are $45 lower than in cities without those routes, a University of Virginia study found. Hawaii has been a popular tourist destination for decades but demand continues to climb. The state last year had a record 8.9 million visitors a number that got a boost from some tourists who avoided the Caribbean and Florida due to the Zika virus outbreak. Hawaii logged a 5 percent increase in visitors in the first eight months of the year. Southwest didn't say exactly when service to Hawaii would begin. It first needs to apply for Federal Aviation Administration authorization to operate the long-distance flight. The Hawaii routes will most likely be serviced by the airline's new planes and fly to and from the West Coast. The airline took delivery of its first Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft in August. The planes are more fuel efficient and can fly longer distances than older models. Southwest is not the only no-frills U.S. carrier that's considering longer routes. JetBlue has been considering adding routes to Europe on similar planes made by Boeing's competitor Airbus . Another low-fare airline across the Pacific beat Southwest to Hawaii, but the two might be complementary. Low-cost Malaysian airline AirAsia X launched its first flights from Kuala Lumpur and Osaka, Japan, to Honolulu in June. Southwest's Hawaii services could provide a link to the mainland U.S. for tourists visiting the U.S. from Asia. SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket takes off on its mission to deliver the EchoStar 105/SES-11 satellite to space. SpaceX has successfully landed another reused rocket, as billionaire Elon Musk's firm pushes forward to make space flight cheaper and more frequent. Late on Wednesday, SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launched the EchoStar 105/SES-11 satellite, before returning back to earth and landing on the droneship station in the Atlantic. The rocket launched from NASA's Kennedy Space Center. The Falcon 9 that was used for the launch was previously involved in a resupply mission to the International Space Station in February. Tuesday's launch marked SpaceX's 15th launch of 2017, and was the second one this week. The portion of the rocket that lands on the droneship is called the booster. It's the third time that SpaceX has used one of its landed boosters for another flight. This will give a lift to the company which is on a mission to make journeys to space cheaper and more frequent by reusing rockets. Earlier this year, SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell told Reuters in an interview that the company was aiming to launch missions every two-to-three weeks. But Musk and SpaceX also have bigger ambitions to take people to Mars. The tech entrepreneur has previously laid out a vision to build a self-sustaining human colony on Mars. Last year, Musk laid out his plan to build a 42-engine rocket capable of holding around 100 people. He said that Interplanetary Transport System will launch people to and from Mars. The booster system was referred to as the BFR. - Uptin Saiidi contributed to this report. Former Microsoft exec Steven Sinofsky knows what Facebook is going through. He was at the giant when it was the undisputed leader of the tech industry, and when sentiment turned against the company and everybody from federal regulators to competitors to the press was attacking it. Now Facebook is going through a similar phase. A couple years ago, Mark Zuckerberg was viewed as a wonder-kid genius who had built a tech company worth hundreds of billions in less than a decade, and was making a well-studied turn into philanthropy. Then came the 2016 presidential election. Facebook users watched as their feeds were filled with polarizing political posts, including fake news and ads, including some that the company later admitted were bought by Russians in an attempt to influence the election. Now, the company is being forced to testify before various committees on Capitol Hill about the Russian ads, and Zuckerberg is getting for tone-deaf moves like showing flood-stricken Puerto Rico to demonstrate its virtual reality platform. All the while, commentators slam it for being too powerful and insufficiently apologetic, calling it one of the "Four Horsemen" or "Frightful Five." Yin Yang | Getty Images Company benefits and perks are an essential and much appreciated part of compensation, but staying on top of changes every fall can be a chore. "Most people don't look at their complete packages every year," said Eric Roberge, certified financial planner and founder of Beyond Your Hammock. "They just do [the minimum] what they have to do." Here are the areas that warrant special attention, along with the questions financial advisors suggest you ask before choosing your company benefits. Retirement funds/401(k) plans Roberge asks his clients to answer these questions: Do you have a matching contribution? Are you taking full advantage of it? Have the investment options (especially mutual funds) changed? Are you allocated correctly? Should you rebalance? It's important to pay attention to how you save, advisors said. "One thing that I've found is commonly overlooked is the proper 401(k) contribution," said Clark Randall, CFP, owner of Financial Enlightenment. "The overly ambitious think they are fully funding it, but they are actually funding their plan too quickly and missing out on the allowed company match." Robert Wander, CFP and owner of Wander Financial Services, warns clients to check their retirement account default allocations. If the company match comes in the form of company stock, beware of becoming overexposed. More from Smart Investing: Bitcoin too risky for "serious" investing, say advisors Millennials lack confidence to invest: Bank executive What investors should do before market gets gored Brett Anderson, CFP and president of St. Croix Advisors, advises his clients to increase their 401(k) savings each year by 1 percent, because it is easy and they won't miss the money. He also asks clients to determine whether they have too much money in pretax retirement accounts. "When you retire, will all of your income be taxable?" Anderson said. "Funding a Roth IRA account is a great option for tax-free income in those years. "Most clients like a blend, balancing out their tax rate today and in their retirement years." Health insurance Health insurance is a very big topic for the 30-something clientele Roberge at Beyond Your Hammock serves. The questions he asks include: Have the premiums or coverage changed? Should you switch to a high-deductible plan? If you use a health savings account, does the company contribute to it, too? Roberge finds that clients often don't understand the value of using a high-deductible plan with a health savings account option. Financial advice benefits According to a 2017 study from the Society for Human Resource Management, 49 percent of employers surveyed offered some kind of financial advice. Breaking it down further, 36 percent offered this advice via an online setting; 34 percent one on one; and 28 percent in a group setting. "The premium gets significantly lower, but they tend to be afraid of the high deductible," he said. "They assume they'll have to pay the whole deductible, but in reality with the built-in savings from premium alone and if the employer contributes to the HSA even if they paid more out of pocket, they'd pay the same amount as the higher-premium/lower-deductible plan." In addition, HSAs offer tax-advantaged ways to pay out-of-pocket health-care expenses now and in the future, said Levi Brandriss, CFP with Ameriprise Financial, adding that money set aside in an HSA can be carried forward indefinitely to meet out-of-pocket expenses down the road. "If you foresee a major health-care expense next year that is not covered by your insurance, such as braces for a child, consider electing an option with a flexible spending account," he said. "Money deferred in this account is deducted from your paycheck before taxes and must be used before the end of the year, unless your employer plan allows money to be carried over year-to-year." Disability and life insurance Many people don't understand their group insurance coverage, especially disability, said Roberge. "They don't understand that there's a better chance of being disabled than dying, and they have no idea exactly how their disability coverage works," he said. "For example, you know it provides 60 percent coverage, but what is the elimination period? Will it be taxed?" Regarding the taxability aspect, Wander of Wander Financial Services noted that, although companies usually pay for the disability policy, employees have the option to pay it themselves via payroll deduction. By doing so, the benefit will be tax-free when used. This can make a noticeable difference in income when one is receiving only 60 percent of one's regular salary. "As your life changes, so will your needs [so] keep up to date," said Anderson of St. Croix Advisors. "Life insurance, for example having the proper amount is an overlooked benefit until it's too late." Other benefits and considerations Target shoppers nationwide will now be able to make purchases on Google Express, after a successful test on the platform in California and New York, the company announced Thursday. The big-box retailer is among several that are deepening their relationships with 's voice-activated shopping platform in a battle for market share against Amazon 's Alexa-enabled devices. Target announced that by 2018, the retailer's credit card holders will be able to link their cards and save 5 percent when shopping Target via Google Express. Shoppers will also have an option in 2018 to link their accounts to Google for a more personalized experience, similar to what Wal-Mart announced earlier this year. For example, a shopper might say to the Google Assistant on Google Home: "Google, order me shampoo." If that shopper has accounts linked both to and, but he or she orders shampoo more frequently from Target, Google will pull results from Target's website. Target's product assortment on Google Express will include anything in a typical Target store, which will serve as fulfillment centers. In 2018, shoppers will be able to pick up their Target purchases made via Google Express at Target stores, should they want to forgo waiting on a shipment. "Target and Google teams are working on the next chapter, building experiences that digitally replicate the joy of shopping a Target store to discover stylish and affordable products," said Target's chief information and digital officer, Mike McNamara. In tandem with Target's roll-out on Thursday, Google has also unveiled plans to grow the number of ways customers can use the Google Assistant. Until now, the voice platform has been available on the Google Home and on Android TVs. Soon, it will launch on iPhones and Android phones, so customers can order items, using voice, while mobile. "At Google, we are focused on continued innovation and making Google Express a platform to help retailers like Target offer consumers a high quality seamless, end-to-end shopping experience," said Daniel Alegre, Google's president of retail and shopping. Other retailers on the Google Express platform include Wal-Mart, Costco , Kohl's and Ulta , according to Google's website. Earlier this month, Wal-Mart announced that shoppers could browse more than 2 million of the big-box retailer's items via Google Express. Wal-Mart was also giving shoppers coupons if they bought a Google Home or Google Home Mini, and linked their accounts to Google Express. Bulking up against internet giant Amazon, more and more retailers have been touting their partnerships with Google and encouraging shoppers to buy Google devices. To be sure, the penetration of Google Home devices in American households is still less than that of Amazon's Echo devices. Companies, like Wal-Mart and Target are still finding ways to grow with Google, promising more to come. "Next year, we will also leverage our 4,700 U.S. stores and our fulfillment network to create customer experiences that don't currently exist within voice shopping anywhere else," Marc Lore, head of Wal-Mart's U.S. e-commerce business, said in a blog post. This will include using voice command to pick up orders in store and using voice shopping to purchase fresh groceries, he said. Target likewise initially won't offer fresh groceries via Google Express, a representative told CNBC. But it has plans to grow in other areas with voice-enabled shopping, like apparel, home and beauty, the company said. Today, for example, shopping for dry goods like coffee and paper towels through voice-enabled devices is more easily accomplished than picking out an outfit, where there are many more factors involved. But Target is aiming to perfect the response to shoppers telling the Google Assistant, "Google, find me a red dress." Google and Amazon are pledging more voice-shopping opportunities. The Black Swan in Oldstead, North Yorkshire, fended off rival restaurants owned by celebrity TV chefs in Britain like Heston Blumenthal and Raymond Blanc. TripAdvisor awarded the prize to the British country pub after collecting millions of reviews and opinions from customers over the past year. A family-owned pub in the north east of England has been named the "best restaurant in the world" based on an international poll of customer reviews. The Black Swan, which has a Michelin star, is run by Head Chef Tommy Banks and his brother James. Four years ago, Tommy Banks became the U.K.'s youngest ever winner of a Michelin star at the age of 24. "It is a huge honor to win this award, but what makes it really special is that it's been awarded because of feedback from our customers," Tommy Banks said in a statement. TripAdvisor said the way in which it ranked restaurants was unique because it was based on the feedback from guests rather than a small judging panel. The travel website describes Oldstead's The Black Swan as: "A tantalizing trip for the taste buds. This restaurant is truly a box of delights. The flavors, combinations of ingredients and skill in putting together the menu are joyous." A tasting menu at The Black Swan costs 95 ($125) per person. TripAdvisor's top 10 restaurants: Billionaire philanthropist and investor Tom Steyer has a message for President Donald Trump and Congress: raise my taxes. Instead, the current Republican plan is a tax cut for the rich, the president and founder of the nonprofit NextGen America told CNBC on Thursday. "What we've seen is that the upper-income people in the United States have done disproportionately well at the expense of working families for 35 years," Steyer said in an interview with "Power Lunch." "We need to make sure that we're not in a society that is unbalanced and unfair and where the richest Americans are taking advantage of everybody else." President Donald Trump and his administration have billed the tax overhaul as a break for low-income and middle-income households. Last month, National Economic Council director Gary Cohn told ABC's "Good Morning America" program that "Wealthy Americans are not getting a tax cut." However, a recent analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found that half of the tax benefits in the plan's first year would go to the top 1 percent of earners, based on what's been released so far. In a recent op-ed in the Los Angeles Times titled "I'm a billionaire. Please raise my taxes," Steyer argued that "tax cuts for the rich defund the critical public programs on which American families depend." That includes things like education and job training, he told CNBC. "We have stopped investing in the American people. The American people know it," he told "Power Lunch." "What makes a successful country is when you invest in the people of the country, whether it's education, health care, job training and you rebuild a clean America to provide the kind of infrastructure that will be sustainable and let us grow," he added. Steyer, who is a big donor to Democratic candidates, is also reportedly demanding that liberal lawmakers and candidates support removing Trump from office. According to The New York Times, he wrote a letter to his party that cited a range of acts that justify impeachment. The paper also reported Steyer is considering a run for Senate, perhaps against fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. CNBC's Christina Wilkie contributed to this report. The global outlook for oil markets in 2018 could put a dampener on hopes for higher prices, according to the latest monthly report from the International Energy Agency (IEA). Global stock builds, rising non-OPEC production and sluggish growth in demand could weigh on the oil price, the IEA said in its closely-watched report published Thursday. Looking into oil supply and demand balances in 2018, the IEA said that it saw that "three quarters out of four will be roughly balanced again using an assumption of unchanged OPEC production, and based on normal weather conditions." "However, our current numbers for the first quarter of 2018 imply a stock build of up to 0.8 million barrels a day (mb/d). Taking 2018 as a whole, oil demand and non-OPEC production will grow by roughly the same volume and it is this current outlook that might act as the ceiling for aspirations of higher oil prices," it added. "Leading oil producers will have looked at their market balances and probably drawn the same conclusion," it added. The latest monthly report from the IEA comes amid optimistic comments from the major oil producer group OPEC that the global oil market is rebalancing following several years of low prices on the back of a glut in supply. OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers, including Russia, agreed a historic deal last November to curb global oil output in a bid to support prices that have fallen from a lofty height of $114 a barrel in June 2014. Neil Atkinson, head of the oil industry and markets division at the IEA, told CNBC on Thursday that this rebalancing was happening, slowly. "But the main point is that it (the rebalancing) is happening more slowly than most of the producers who signed up to output cuts perhaps expected when they signed the agreement," he told CNBC Thursday. "But it is happening, slowly and gradually. The surplus of oil stocks over a five-year average in the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries) is gradually coming down so the trend is moving in the right direction from the producers' point of view." He noted that 2018 could perhaps be "a little more challenging for them than they might have thought but the tendency in 2018 will be for a balanced market." The deal is currently due to last until March 2018 although it is widely expected that OPEC and Russia will extend the deal with OPEC potentially announcing such a move when it meets at the end of November. The IEA agreed, saying that "the next few weeks ahead of the producers' meeting in Vienna on November 30 will be crucial in shaping their decision on output. A lot has been achieved towards stabilizing the market, but to build on this success in 2018 will require continued discipline." Investigators discovered that imported organic shipments often did not have the proper certification, and that NOP officials were "unable to provide reasonable assurance that imported products labeled as organic were from certified organic foreign farms and businesses that produce and sell organic products." This is at the core of the potential fraud: "There is no definitive test to identify whether a product is organic or not," Jayson Lusk, head of Purdue University's agricultural-economics department, told me. "Organic is primarily a certification of processes. To the extent consumers value these processes, trust in the certification system is key to the integrity of organic." Organic imports have exploded over the past decade to keep pace with consumer demand. The U.S. is a net importer of organic goods, from coffee to feed grains such as corn and soybeans. At the same time, organic brands are rolling in the dough, misleading consumers to believe their products are "local" and healthier than non-organic options. None of it is true. Furthermore, the inspector general's report warns that "U.S. consumers of organic products have reduced assurance that foreign agricultural products maintain their organic integrity from farm to table," which should outrage anyone who is a regular buyer of organic food. Several lawmakers just introduced a bill that would nearly triple the budget for the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP), the federal agency in charge of overseeing the U.S. organic market. But before we hand over more tax dollars to this feckless bureaucracy, Congress should demand hearings about NOP's complicity in what might be the biggest consumer scam in decades: the sale of phony organic food. Last month, the USDA's inspector general released a shocking report detailing widespread fraud throughout the global organic-food supply chain and noting the failure of federal officials to ensure the integrity of the organic market in the U.S. The report is proof that millions of consumers have been and are still being duped, buying pricier "organic" products that do not meet federal organic standards. It is very likely that organic companies (and the advocacy groups they support) ignored this fraud so they could continue charging higher prices for food labeled organic. Many organic executives are Democratic donors and fundraisers, so consumers also have a right to know whether the Obama administration overlooked this systemwide consumer fraud to protect its pals in the organic industry. Investigators also found that imported organic produce was fumigated with prohibited pesticides, an egregious violation of federal policy: "This practice results in the exposure of organic agricultural products to NOP-prohibited substances." The USDA report was released shortly after a Washington Post expose found that millions of pounds of fraudulently labeled corn and soybeans had entered the organic supply chain. These grains were mostly used as livestock feed; federal rules require that animals be given only organic feed if their meat, eggs, or milk will be labeled organic. The reason why "organic" grain imports are at an all-time high is that nearly all the commodity crops grown here are genetically modified and thus not allowed in organic production. (How stupid is it for the world's largest grower of these crops the U.S. to now import allegedly organic versions?) Imagine for a moment this was any other industry. Suppose the pharmaceutical industry had been caught using shady ingredients from dubious exporters, mislabeling their drugs, and selling them to consumers at a premium. Capitol Hill and the media would be in full pitchfork mode. So, have consumers been scammed? It's obvious that many, possibly most, imported "organic" foods especially fruits and vegetables do not meet U.S. organic standards. If they were sprayed with non-organic pesticides, they are not organic. If cows were fed non-organic grains, the milk they produce is not organic. If NOP officials did not conduct on-site inspections of international exporters, and only relied on the word of the exporting country, there is no way to have confidence the crops or goods shipped here are really organic. This means many of our organic dairy products, from milk to yogurt to ice cream, probably do not meet organic labeling requirements. Same goes for other animals; any meat, such as chicken breasts or ground beef, sold as organic, likely is not. Lots of people have lots of explaining to do. This includes folks at the Organic Trade Association, the industry's largest lobbying group. The OTA prepares trade reports and has been well aware of the huge spike in organic imports, especially corn and soybeans from countries such as Turkey and Romania. This should have raised major red flags about the authenticity of these grains. Congress should ask OTA executives if they were aware of this widespread fraud and what, if anything, they did to make sure the organic companies they represent on Capitol Hill were not misleading consumers. Congress should summon Miles McEvoy, the former head of the National Organic Program, to testify. McEvoy led the NOP during the Obama administration and quietly stepped down after the inspector general's report was issued. He should explain how this happened under his watch, and whether industry leaders and higher-ups in the administration were cognizant of this scam. Another person of interest in this scandal is Gary Hirshberg, founder and chairman of Stonyfield Yogurt. Hirshberg is the main funder of many organic front groups and sits on the board of several organic companies. He had close ties to the Obama administration; Obama appointed him to an advisory committee on trade policy. Hirshberg was also a fundraiser for Obama, Hillary Clinton, and many other Democratic politicians. He spent lots of time on Capitol Hill, lobbying on behalf of the organic industry and pushing a GMO-labeling bill that will greatly benefit organic companies. It's nearly impossible to believe he was not aware of what was happening within the industry; consumers have a right to know what part, if any, he played in perpetuating this widespread consumer fraud. Until consumers get answers and people in charge are held accountable, Congress should not allocate one more dime in tax money to help fund the organic con job. Commentary by Julie Kelly, an Illinois-based writer, for National Review. Follow her on Twitter @julie_kelly2. For more insight from CNBC contributors, follow @CNBCopinion on Twitter. 2017 National Review. Used with permission. President Donald Trump's should not immediately impact the oil market, but it could create an atmosphere of uncertainty that could go on for months. The president is expected to disavow the agreement between Iran and the U.S. and five other nations, which was engineered by previous President Barack Obama. Trump has a scheduled announcement for midday Friday, at which he is expected to say the deal is not in the national interest and potentially propose new conditions for the U.S. to continue its participation. That action would not re-impose the financial sanctions on Iran or ban its oil sales. But it does now put the onus on Congress, and what it will do is not clear. "[Congress] can vote to re-impose sanctions that are currently waived, and then the president would have to sign itBut I think what's going to happen instead is there's lower-hanging fruit they're going to go to. They're going to push on non-nuclear sanctions," said Scott Modell, managing director at Rapidan Group. Modell said that could include a crackdown on Iranian ballistic missile testing, or could be a push to punish Iran for its financial support of Hezbollah and its destabilizing actions in Syria and elsewhere. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp., a branch of the armed forces of Iran, could even be called out as a terror group, he said. "There's always a push to add new names to the list. There's no real appetite even among Iran hawks to unravel the deal. They don't want to re-impose sanctions that would blow up the deal," said Modell. Just ahead of Trump's announcement, CIA Director Mike Pompeo Thursday called Iran a "thuggish police state" and a "despotic theocracy," comparing its ambitions to ISIS. Helima Croft, RBC global head of commodities research, said it is unclear whether the Iran deal stays together in long run. Another key date is mid-January, when Trump would have to again waive the oil and financial sanctions. "If he does not waive the sanctions in January, we're out of the deal. We're out of the deal, and the deal dies," she said. Croft said some of the possible new penalties that could be imposed on Iran could be deal-breakers, such as one that could stop Iran from acquiring aircraft and parts. "Iran can drop out. If we ban aircraft, they will go through the dispute resolution process," Croft said. "This is such a three-ring circus. I'm not sure people understand how complicated this is. The Iranians are not going to allow this to be reopened. It's going to come to an impasse if you don't give them the aircraft they want." Iran has said it would remain the in the deal even if the U.S. leaves, so long as the other participants remain. Croft said she expects the White House and Congress to move ahead with efforts to amend the agreement, possibly including new requirements for nuclear inspections but also imposing new penalties for non-nuclear transgressions. "Such efforts could be a catalyst for the deal falling apart at a later date," she said. For the oil market, the situation does not mean any lost barrels for now, but it does create an air of uncertainty. "There's nothing that's going to happen for a good, long time. The bad expectation in the market would be a re-imposing of those sanctions which force the U.S. to try to get allies to reduce a significant amount of the oil imported from Iran," said Edward Morse, global head of commodities research at Citigroup. "China would probably ignore it and add more from Iran if the U.S. goes ahead with something along those lines," he said. "We suspect both Japan and Korea will be cooperative, potentially reducing their imports from Iran by 500,000 barrels a day." European countries may be split. "It' s not like there's a lot of sympathy for doing anything that would result in lower imports because the Europeans think this is kind of a unilateral decision by the U.S. government, which has reneged on an official government policy which has nothing to do with Iran violations of the conditions of the JCPOA," Morse said. Source: Citigroup Trump's advisors have said there is no evidence that Iran violated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the deal that suspended sanctions on Iran and is seen as a way to keep the country from building a nuclear bomb. Morse said it is possible the Senate could introduce legislation that would create tougher red lines for Iran, but then also eliminate the need for the president to continue the 90-day certification process, which is required by Congress under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. "It could be the nuclear agreement, per se, but there is a clamoring to do what Obama didn't want to do, which would be to bring in complaints about Iran on the use of cash in the neighborhood," Morse said, noting the concerns about Iran's aid to Hezbollah. He said a toughened nuclear specific deal would "go over better with our allies and it might get better in terms of Iran's own reaction to it and then if they put in the missile stuff that will be a problem." of Trump's anticipated announcement. U.S. West Texas Intermediate oil futures fell 1.4 percent on news of higher U.S. inventories. "If he doesn't surprise us with more than just de-certification it shouldn't move prices. But he is talking about a new strategy, so I don't know if there's something more there than just de-certification," said John Kilduff of Again Capital. President Donald Trump finds himself under immense pressure as he considers de-certifying the international nuclear deal with Iran, a move that would ignore warnings from inside and outside his administration that to do so would risk undermining U.S. credibility. Trump is expected to unveil a broad strategy on confronting Iran this week, likely on Friday. There was always the chance he could still have a last-minute change of heart and certify Iran's compliance with the 2015 accord, which he has called an "embarrassment" and the "worst deal ever negotiated." Senior U.S. officials, European allies, and prominent U.S. lawmakers have told Trump that refusing to certify the deal would leave the U.S. isolated, concede the diplomatic high ground to Tehran, and ultimately risk the unraveling of the agreement. Signed by the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, the European Union and Iran, the deal relieved sanctions on Tehran in exchange for giving up its nuclear weapons program. After Trump made clear three months ago he would not certify Iran's compliance, his advisers moved to give him options to consider, a senior administration official said. "They came up with a plan that protects the things they are concerned about but doesn't recertify, which the president made clear he was not going to do. That ship has sailed," according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The official said Trump has been telling foreign leaders and U.S. lawmakers that his refusal to certify the Iran deal would not blow it up. "He's not walking away from it. The chances of him walking away from it go down if they work with him on making it better," the official said. White House officials said Trump is expected to announce a broad, more confrontational policy toward Iran directed at curbing its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and financial and military support for Hezbollah and other extremist groups. Trump has said he believes the nuclear deal is too generous toward Iran and would not stop it from trying to develop a nuclear weapon. He has criticized the agreement's "sunset clauses," under which some restrictions on Iran's nuclear program would expire over time. He also wants to toughen language on ballistic missiles and inspections. The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran is complying with the agreement. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was open to bilateral trade pacts with either Canada or Mexico if a three-way deal cannot be reached to substantially revise the North American Free Trade Agreement. Asked by a reporter if he could envision maintaining free trade with Canada if NAFTA talks sour with Mexico, Trump said: "Oh sure, absolutely. It's possible we won't be able to reach a deal with one or the other, but in the meantime we'll make a deal with one." Trump added that a "very creative" deal was still possible to benefit all three countries. Trump's comments came at a White House meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was in Washington to promote NAFTA's benefits as a new round of renegotiations began near Washington. Asked about Trump's comments at a news conference later, Trudeau said he was still optimistic about the chances of modernizing the 1994 trade pact. "I continue to believe in NAFTA ... so saying, we are ready for anything, and we will continue to work diligently to protect Canadian interests," Trudeau said. Trudeau added that Canada was "very much aware of and very braced for" Trump's unpredictability, but his government would work in a "thoughtful, meaningful way towards getting a good deal." Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo, speaking on Mexican radio, praised Trump's comments as "very balanced" to include the possibility of a deal with either country and hold out hope for a creative solution. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday accused Trump's administration of trying to sabotage the talks with "poison pill proposals," including demands for more favorable treatment for the U.S. side on car production, and a "sunset clause" to force regular negotiations. In his appearance with Trudeau, Trump said: "We'll see what happens" when asked whether NAFTA was doomed. "It's possible we won't be able to make a deal, and it's possible that we will," he said. "We'll see if we can do the kind of changes that we need. We have to protect our workers, and in all fairness, the prime minister wants to protect Canada and his people also." U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, one of Trump's top trade advisers, downplayed the chances that a NAFTA termination would become necessary. "We don't hope it will, we don't desire that it will, we don't believe that it will, but it is at least a conceptual possibility as we go forward," Ross said. But U.S. and Mexican corporate chief executives gathered in Mexico City said they would be better off with no NAFTA than be saddled with a "bad agreement." President Trump has moved his push for tax reform to a new phase: He's trying to convince blue collar and lower middle class America that tax cuts for big corporations will put more money in their pockets too. It's a tall order. It began Wednesday night at a rally in Pennsylvania where he made a bold claim about how his plan for major corporate tax relief would help middle class families: We will totally eliminate the penalty on returning future earnings back to the United States and we will impose a one-time low tax on money currently parked overseas so it can be brought back home to America, where it belongs and where it can do its job. My counsel of economic advisers estimates that this change, along with a lower tax rate, would likely give the typical American household a $4,000 pay raise. Raise your hand if you thought the title of "Billionaire populist barnstorming campaigner for trickle down economics" wasn't possible before now. But that's what President Trump has essentially become. For the first time since the Reagan era, a president is furiously pushing the idea that giving tax breaks to super rich corporations is the key to unleashing economic gains for everyone else down the economic ladder. Sure, "trickle down" and "voodoo economics" were terms President Reagan's critics created to denigrate his ideas. But President Kennedy made similar arguments beginning in 1962 pushing for his tax cut plan that President Johnson eventually got enacted in 1964. Trump is going even further than Reagan or Kennedy to press for tax cuts, barnstorming the country with recent stops in North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, and now Pennsylvania. The truth is, the plan needs this kind of extraordinary campaign-style effort. A new Reuters/Ipsos poll released just as President Trump was on his way to Pennsylvania shows that most Americans are more focused on getting the rich to pay more in taxes. The survey found 53 percent of adults "strongly agree" and 23 percent "somewhat agree" that the wealthiest Americans should pay higher tax rates. Trump needs to convince a good segment of those people and their representatives of at least two things. First, that corporations are not the same as "the rich." And second, that cutting corporate taxes is a good way to get the middle class an economic boost. It won't be easy. There is evidence some parts of the Trump plan would specifically help middle class taxpayers. The proposal to double the standard deduction for the nearly 80 percent of filers who don't itemize their taxes is the best example of that. But more should be done. Most importantly, the president must restore all the tax deductions for the middle class eliminated in the plan that dilute the positive effects of the doubling of the standard deduction. Keeping state and local tax deductions would be a good place to start. Doing these things might work as well as speeches to convince wary Republicans and maybe even some Democrats to support the bill. President Trump is clearly more invigorated and personally invested in tax reform than he was with health care, which may have undermined that cause. It isn't just the speeches across the country, but the deft moves of gathering truckers Wednesday night's rally and making sure Democrats like Senators Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Donnelly showed up at his tax reform speeches in North Dakota and Indiana, respectively. But it's going to take added strategies to overcome an American public that is clearly wary of anything that could help the rich. And the fact is, meaningfully cutting taxes will almost always benefit the rich the most. There will likely continue to be daily news reports and studies showing how the rich will gain significantly from the Trump plan. In this environment, it's obvious why so many of the president's Republican predecessors and GOP members of Congress avoided taking on this challenge. But apparently, this is more attractive to the ever-combative President Trump. This tax fight will surely test just how effective he really is. But beyond repeating his current message in more cities, Trump is going to need to change the headlines by doing more to help ordinary working people. The job of doing that has just begun. Commentary by Jake Novak, senior columnist. Follow him on Twitter @jakejakeny. For more insight from CNBC contributors, follow @CNBCopinion on Twitter. President Ronald Reagan holding up an ax emblazoned with "The Official TAX AX!" at a speech in 1986. Tax reform is never easy, which is why it hasn't happened since 1986. But it's harder in 2017 for two fundamental reasons. The political foundation for the current GOP effort is weaker than it was three decades ago. And so is the economic foundation. In 1986, President Ronald Reagan governed with an approval rating of at least 60 percent, a Republican Senate and a Democratic House. He needed bipartisan support and got it, because proponents such as Democratic Sen. Bill Bradley and Republican Rep. Jack Kemp had paved the way with years of advocacy. They produced genuine tax reform, designed to raise the same amount of money without widening budget deficits. It reflected broad consensus among economists that lower tax rates, applied to a broader tax base, would make the economy grow more efficiently. The law they enacted also had guaranteed crowdpleasers for American voters. It cut taxes on individuals, while raising them an equivalent amount on corporations. It taxed laborers at lower rates than shareholders. Today's push by the Trump White House and GOP-controlled Congress enjoys none of those advantages. That helps explain why Goldman Sachs analysts put the chances that it will collapse at 1 in 3, "and recent developments lean slightly further in that direction." President Donald Trump suffers from sub-40 percent approval ratings. GOP leaders seek to pass their plan with only Republican votes, even as the party wages fierce internal battles. They don't seek compromise with Democrats. As Trump repeatedly proclaims, the GOP tax framework so far resembles a straightforward tax cut more than tax reform. It would slash government revenues just as millions of baby boomers enroll in Social Security and Medicare, which Trump vows not to cut, pointing to the need for more revenue. A Tax Policy Center analysis shows it would actually raise taxes on individuals overall, while cutting them dramatically on businesses and the wealthiest Americans. It would tax individuals at a far higher top rate (35 percent) than corporations (20 percent). That defies public opinion. A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows solid majorities favoring higher taxes on corporations and the rich. Republicans enjoy more public support for arguments about growth. In the NBC/WSJ poll, 54 percent say tax cuts would encourage corporations to expand and create jobs. Yet the administration's optimistic projections on growth, deficits, and business investment draw nothing close to consensus support among economists. Top Trump advisor Kevin Hassett argues the plan would sustain a boost to economic growth of "much more than 1 percent." That matches claims by Trump that he can produce annual growth of 3 percent or more, up from current 2 percent projections. Other forecasters find that improbably rosy. Goldman Sachs, the former employer of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, projects a growth boost of no more than 0.2 percent in the next two years, and less after that. The Penn-Wharton forecasting model, directed by former George W. Bush administration economist Kent Smetters, projected that an earlier outline of the GOP plan would actually reduce long-term growth. That's because of adverse effects from the higher deficits it would create. Mnuchin insists tax cuts would stimulate sufficient growth to more than replace potential revenue losses shrinking deficits rather than increasing them. That level of "dynamic scoring" conflicts with mainstream economists in both parties. Columbia's Glenn Hubbard and Harvard's Greg Mankiw, both of whom advised the younger Bush, say growth can recoup 25 percent to 30 percent of individual rate cuts and 50 percent of corporate rate cuts. The Republican-led Senate's planned budget resolution contemplates a tax cut that could increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion over 10 years. The Tax Policy Center calculates that the top 1 percent of earners would receive 80 percent of all benefits from the GOP plan through provisions reducing the top rate, ending the alternative minimum tax and abolishing the estate tax, among others. Cohn maintains that the wealthy won't benefit at all. That's partly because the administration contends lower corporate taxes benefit workers most of all. Some Republican economists, such as Hubbard and Mankiw, agree that corporate taxes cost workers more in lost wages and jobs than corporate shareholders in lost profits. But other economists dispute that view. Jane Gravelle of the Congressional Research Service recently concluded workers bear 40 percent or less of the corporate tax burden. In 2012, career Treasury economists calculated that workers bear about a fifth of the burden. The Trump administration recently removed that analysis, which undercuts its argument, from the Treasury website. Hassett contends provisions for repatriating corporate profits held overseas will benefit American workers by increasing domestic investment and wages. His argument is vulnerable on two counts. One is current conditions. Companies already have plenty of domestically held cash and access to low-interest-rate borrowing. That casts doubt on whether sluggish corporate investment now has much to do with profits "stranded" overseas. The other is recent history. A 2004 repatriation "holiday" increased payouts to shareholders rather than investment. At least one Bush administration veteran expects the same this time. "In the short run, it would likely be more about accounting and profit-taking," Smetters predicted. He believes a well-designed repatriation plan could have big long-run benefits. But the current GOP proposal, he added, "does not create a real long-term plan." Economists ultimately concluded the 1986 tax reform made the economy more efficient, but had little effect on overall growth. Lawrence Summers, Treasury secretary under President Bill Clinton, says loopholes it closed helped subsequent 1991 and 1993 tax increases reduce budget deficits. When Clinton sought the 1993 tax increase, Republicans warned it would kill jobs and tip the economy into recession. That did not happen. Correction: This story was updated to reflect that Glenn Hubbard and Greg Mankiw advised George W. Bush. President Donald Trump on Thursday partly blamed Puerto Rico's devastation on the island itself, saying the federal government cannot keep emergency responders in the U.S. territory "forever." Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello later tweeted that "U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico are requesting the support that any of our fellow citizens would receive." San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, a frequent Trump critic, wrote that the president was "incapable of fulfilling the moral imperative" to help Puerto Ricans, adding, "Shame on you!" She said Trump's comments seem to be coming from "a Hater in Chief." @POTUS your comments about Puerto Rico are unbecoming of a Commander in Chief they seem more to come from a "Hater in Chief". Hurricane Maria slammed into Puerto Rico on Sept. 20, causing widespread destruction. Three weeks later, more than 80 percent of the island remains without power, and many residents still lack access to clean drinking water. At least 45 people in the territory have died. In a series of tweets Thursday morning, Trump pinned some of those problems on Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico "survived the hurricanes, now a financial crisis looms largely of their own making," he wrote, quoting Sharyl Attkisson, a host for right-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group. "A total lack of accountability say [sic] the Governor. Electric and all infrastructure was a disaster before hurricanes. Congress to decide how much to spend," Trump continued. "We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!" Trump 1: "Puerto Rico survived the Hurricanes, now a financial crisis looms largely of their own making." says Sharyl Attkisson. A total lack of..... Trump 2: ...accountability say the Governor. Electric and all infrastructure was disaster before hurricanes. Congress to decide how much to spend.... Trump 3: ...We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever! Trump's comments follow Vice President Mike Pence's pledges of support to the people of Puerto Rico last week. Touring the island on Friday, Pence said the Trump administration would be "here for the long haul," according to The Associated Press. He told the island's residents that he had "faith in President Trump's leadership, his determination to stand by Puerto Rico in this challenging time." In response to Trump's comment, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer tweeted: "There is still devastation, Americans are still dying. FEMA needs to stay until the job is done." He accused Trump of treating Puerto Ricans "differently than other Americans when it comes to natural disasters." Schumer: Why do you continue to treat Puerto Ricans differently than other Americans when it comes to natural disasters? The House could vote as early as Thursday on a $36.5 billion bill to provide relief funding for recent hurricanes and wildfires raging in California. Asked about Trump's tweets on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan said the federal personnel in Puerto Rico right now are "necessary" amid a "humanitarian crisis." He added that the federal government needs to make sure the island can "rebuild its economy and be self-sufficient." Trump has faced criticism for an apparent lack of empathy for Puerto Rico amid the disaster response. In previous tweets, he urged Puerto Ricans to do more to help the recovery and called those criticizing the federal response "politically motivated ingrates." Over the weekend, he tweeted that "nobody could have done what I've done" for Puerto Rico "with so little appreciation." During a trip to the island last week, Trump said the hurricane destruction had thrown his administration's budget "a little out of whack." Later that day, he tossed packages of paper towels to hurricane victims. On top of the humanitarian crisis, the federal government has to figure out how to handle Puerto Rico's more than $70 billion in debt. Trump previously suggested he could wipe out the obligations, though the White House has walked back that statement. Sailors aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) observe as an MH-60 Sea Hawk helicopter drops pallets of supplies onto the flight deck during a replenishment-at-sea with the fast combat support ship USNS Supply (T-AOE 6) for relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico on September 28, 2017. President Donald Trump gives himself high marks for his response to the devastation in Puerto Rico. Most voters disagree. A full 55 percent of American voters say the Trump administration has not done enough to help the U.S. territory after Hurricane Maria battered it, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Thursday. Only 36 percent responded that the reaction has been adequate. Conversely, 57 percent of voters said the Trump administration has done enough to help Texas after Hurricane Harvey. The same number think the response to Hurricane Irma in Florida was adequate. In addition, most voters by a margin of 52 percent to 43 percent said Trump does not care about the problems facing Puerto Rico, according to the poll. Hurricane Maria slammed into Puerto Rico on Sept. 20, causing widespread destruction. Three weeks later, more than 80 percent of the island remains without power, and many residents still lack access to clean drinking water. At least 45 people on the island have died. Trump has repeatedly described the administration's response to recent hurricanes as "incredible" or "great." In a tweet earlier this month, he said, "We have done a great job with the almost impossible situation in Puerto Rico," suggesting critics of his response were "Fake News or politically motivated ingrates." Over the weekend, he tweeted that "nobody could have done what I've done" for Puerto Rico "with so little appreciation." Trump took more heat for his response on Thursday when he partly blamed the island for the devastation and said federal emergency responders cannot stay there "forever." In a statement, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders defended the administration's response. "Our job in any disaster affected location is to help the community respond and recover from that disaster. We continue to do so with the full force of the US government and its resources in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands and other affected areas," she said. "Successful recoveries do not last forever; they should be as swift as possible to help people resume their normal lives. We are committed to helping Puerto Rico. Our Administration is working with Governor Rossello and Congress to identify the best fiscally responsible path forward," Sanders added. The Quinnipiac poll surveyed 1,482 voters and has a margin of error of 3 percentage points. [The stream is slated to start at 1:30 p.m., ET. Please refresh the page if you do not see a player above at that time.] Press secretary Sarah Sanders is scheduled to provide press with the White House briefing on camera Thursday. Questions will likely focus on President Donald Trump's executive order on health care, his tweets about the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico and the expectation the president will decertify the nuclear deal with Iran on Friday. JavaScript is not the same thing as Java. That's not how it works. There are plenty of sites where you can pay someone to do your work for you. This is not one of them. "These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined." - Homer "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli Send me your credit card and I'll happily send you the code. There are two kinds of people in the world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data. There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't. he is not aware of the forum suggest me to how to code the calculation of working hours in Week excluding Weekends(saturday and sunday) in JavaScript or jquery using Moment.js I'm fiddling around setTimeOut javascript function. I've 5 function calls with different time delay. What I want is to execute only those functions which have a 500ms delay difference between each functions. I've created a fiddle ( Can someone suggest what should i do to check the delay between two functions is 500ms then execute the function else ignore the function. Example: Packet1 comes in, should be sent(printed) straight away, Wait 500ms and within 500ms, ignore new msgs(function calls). Print only messages which have a delay of 500ms in between. function postMessage(msg) { $( " #msgBox" ).append( " " + msg + " time:" + new Date().getSeconds() + " :" + new Date().getMilliseconds()); } function makeRequest(msg) { postMessage(msg); } function makeRequestThrottled(msg) { postMessage(msg); } function sendMessage(msg, delay) { setTimeout(() => makeRequestThrottled(msg), delay); } sendMessage( " Packet1" , 200 ); sendMessage( " Packet2" , 600 ); sendMessage( " Packet3" , 1800 ); sendMessage( " Packet4" , 2400 ); sendMessage( " Packet5" , 2600 ); function sendMessage(name, delay) { console.log(name, delay); } var packetInfo = [{ name: ' Packet1' , delay: 200 }, { name: ' Packet2' , delay: 600 }, { name: ' Packet3' , delay: 1800 }, { name: ' Packet4' , delay: 2400 }, { name: ' Packet5' , delay: 2600 }]; var prev = undefined; for ( var i = 0 ; i < packetInfo.length; i++) { var item = packetInfo[i]; if (i == 0 ) sendMessage(, item.delay); else { if ( item.delay - prev.delay > 500 ) sendMessage(, item.delay); } prev = item; } I need to parse a JSON in javascript. This works fine if the JSON is like: JavaScript { " test" :[{ " data" :{ " ... where I can access the data like (if arg was "receiveddata" in the callback function) recieveddata.test[index].data ... but know I'm in the case where I have this: JavaScript { " 1" :[{ " data" :{ " date_of //notice the " 1 " as key There is no way I can access the data like above as receiveddata.1[index].data ... How can I access the data? (or should I ask the source to update their key names) (I'm using the jQuery getJSON function, which works fine on other JSON's where there are normal keys.) thanks. V. (MQOTD rules and previous solutions) { "1" : [ { "field": "value"... You can access properties in the JavaScript through index notation as well, this is one of the funniest things in JavaScript. This makes it possible to have properties, and attributes in a way that is impossible in other languages directly. JavaScript supports, , object["property"] and much more ways to access the properties, and attach the properties. Thus, when you have a property called (for instance), " object.1 ", or " object.something-else ", then you can access them through index notation and that would be valid JavaScript. So I am unsure as to what your JSON is like but if the JSON schema is like the following which indeed is like yours, var str = "{ \"1\": [{\"field\": \"attr\"}]}"; Then you can execute the following JavaScript and do what you intent to, JavaScript var obj = JSON.parse(str); alert(obj[ " 1" ][ 0 ].field); Try this, and you will see how strange sometimes JavaScript can be. Try the code online here, [Edit fiddle - JSFiddle]( The sh*t I complain about It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem ~! Firewall !~ Do you believe it, I was actually thinking about this solution and I dismissed it! (I was not able to get it through normal index, so I dismissed a key index, because usually if key index is possible, so is normal indexing) anyway got it up and running, thanks for pointing it out V. (MQOTD rules and previous solutions) Hi I want to know how to hide developer tool option from setting in chrome, f 12 button , and right click inspect element option .i will be grateful if i will get a reply asap. Guys, what do you think about Google Policy with Angular releases? Just half of a year - and we ' ll got Angular 6 version. Is it too fast or it' s ok? "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli Jeremy Falcon var home = function() { var count = 0 ; var morningwork = function() { console.log( " Morning work" ); count++; }; var eveningwork = function() { console.log( " Evening work" ); count++; }; var caller = function() { return { job1: morningwork, job2: eveningwork }; }; return { caller: caller, count: count }; }; var home = home(); home.caller().job1(); home.caller().job2(); home.caller().job1(); console.log(home.count); return statement at the end of the home function creates a copy of the value of the count variable at the point where the method returns. There is no connection between that copy and the local variable, so when the "work" functions update the local variable, that change is not reflected in the returned object. Imagine how difficult it would be to write code in a language where that was not the case! JavaScript var x = 42 ; var y = x; x = 0 ; You'll need to change the returned object so that count is a function that returns the current value of the local variable: JavaScript var home = function () { ... return { caller: caller, count: function (){ return count; } }; }; var h = home(); h.caller().job1(); h.caller().job2(); h.caller().job1(); console .log(h.count()); "These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined." - Homer There is a bug somewhere in this function and I can't find where. Please advise. JavaScript function verifyCrops() { try { for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) { if (cropsFieldset.getElementsByTagName( " input" )[i]. checked) { cropsComplete = true ; messageElement.innerHTML = " " ; testFormCompleteness(); i = 8 ; } } if (i === 7 ) { throw " Please select at least one crop." } } catch (message) { cropsComplete = false ; messageHeadElement.innerHTML = " " messageElement.innerHTML = message; } } modified 3-Oct-17 23:26pm. Jason Lemon wrote: There is a bug somewhere in this function How do you know? debugger and execute line by line and see in which line the error is being thrown Oliver Letwin has written a book which will be read as long as Conservatives wonder what their party is for. But this interview, conducted on Tuesday of this week, opens with the more immediate question of how to make a success of Brexit. And here Letwin wants every minister to get ready for the talks to fail. For while there are a lot of people still naively assuming therell inevitably be an agreement, in Letwins view this outcome is not in the slightest bit inevitable: I think at the moment our best hope is that there is enough preparation put into how we deal with a situation in which there is no agreement, so that if necessary we can carry forward without an agreement, which I think may well be what happens. This statement is all the more striking because Letwin is known, rightly, as one of the most optimistic people in politics, who was David Camerons policy chief from 2005 to 2016, and at the heart of government for the last six years of that period. In his new book, Hearts and Minds: The Battle for the Conservative Party from Thatcher to the Present, Letwin describes his failure to persuade either Boris Johnson or Michael Gove to join the Remain side in the EU referendum campaign as one of the biggest failures of my political life. During this interview he adds that the major failing of the Remain campaign in the referendum was to resort to hyperbole even worse than that used by the Leavers, so making no appeal to voters in search of balanced argument. Letwin detests tribalism in politics, believes strongly in the power of argument, and is candid about the way his own views have changed since the 1980s, when he worked for Margaret Thatcher. He now advocates liberal social markets as the cause the Conservative Party must espouse, and says the mistake of the Thatcherites, including himself, was to refuse to see the need for the social element in this. ConHome: What now has to be done to make a success of Brexit? Obviously you were very distressed by the referendum result, and as you recount in the first chapter of your book, you actually tried to persuade David Cameron to stay on. You thought he was obviously just the kind of prime minister that was wanted. But Leave won does that also have invigorating effects? Letwin: Well I certainly think that if we get things right, there will be all sorts of advantages that we can take advantage of. What we have to do is try to find ways of doing exactly that. ConHome: And how difficult will it be to keep the Conservative Party together through that process? Letwin: I dont think therell be any difficulty in keeping the Conservative Party together. There is now a huge consensus among those who wanted to leave and those who wanted to remain alike, that we now have to carry through the exit in accordance with the democratic mandate. The problems now are not internal, theyre external. How do we negotiate with the EU anything which is in Britains interests? Its all very well for us to talk about what we would like to see, or for the Prime Minister to describe what she would like to see. I dont at the moment see any particular sign that we are in fact going to be able to negotiate that. That I think is a much bigger issue. I think at the moment our best hope is that there is enough preparation put into how we deal with a situation in which there is no agreement, so that if necessary we can carry forward without an agreement, which I think may well be what happens. If there is an agreement I think its much more likely to come about if the others know that we really could happily continue without an agreement. So I think from every point of view that is now the most important focus. And I am absolutely convinced that if there is going to be an agreement at all it will come at the very, very end. Possibly after the end. I suspect its only when we are all staring at an exit without any agreement at all that actually people will sit down with one another, and I suspect that really means Mr Macron, Mrs Merkel and Mrs May, and come to some agreement that can actually be written down on two pages about roughly speaking how to handle the whole thing, that can then be worked out over the next couple of years. Whether that happens or not is in the lap of the Gods. I think its a perfectly reasonable possibility that there will be no agreement at all. ConHome: Some people say there should be a minister preparing for that. Letwin: Well I think whats needed is for every minister to prepare for that. Theres a lot of work to do yet. I think there are a lot of people still naively assuming therell inevitably be an agreement. I dont think theres anything inevitable about it at all. ConHome: If there is a deal, do you think it will involve our paying a lot of money? Letwin: Probably, yesI think the idea that were going to end up with large financial savings is probably going to be illusory. ConHome: Boris Johnson likes the idea of spending more money on the health service a cause which appeals to the left as well as to the right. Letwin: Well I think that we have to spend more money on the health service and on social care, and therefore Ive been advocating raising taxes a bit to do that. ConHome: Which taxes would you raise? Letwin: Thats a good question to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer. ConHome: Do you think there has been a decline in the standard of the civil service? Letwin: At its best, its absolutely as good as it ever was, and at its worst I doubt its any worse than it ever was. I think what has happened since the 1980s is that an unfortunate amount of management jargon and management speak has got into it, and this has distracted people into management rather than leadership. ConHome: At an early point in your book you describe Sir Keith Joseph trying to get education vouchers through, and say, officials will generally do what their political masters ask if these political masters are sufficiently masterly, and not otherwise. Your book is going to be read by a lot of people hoping to get into government, or who perhaps already are in government, and want to learn how to get the things they want done. Letwin: Yes. Almost universally the civil service will ultimately do what it is that a minister wants done if the minister is really clear about it and really determined to get it. But it does require both clarity and persistence on the part of the minister. And theres no substitute for actually getting down and doing the work. If ministers are lazy thats just as bad as being unclear, because then they dont sufficiently understand the detail of what theyre decidingYou cant just sort of wave your hands. ConHome: You explain in the book how you were an early Eurosceptic, but then didnt make the journey so many Conservative MPs actually did towards deciding to leave the EU. Letwin: I was amazed, as I describe in the book, by the extent to which it became clear in the referendum how many of my colleagues had progressed beyond the point that I was at in outright rejection of the EU, and indeed one of the things I try to do in the book is to chart the journey they had been on, which I hadnt paid enough attention to in advance. Clearly a lot of people had come to the conclusion there never was going to be any change, and had therefore concluded they were ready to take the significant risks of leaving. Itll be very interesting to see what view people take five or ten years from now. ConHome: How grave are the risks now? Letwin: I think there are significant risks. There are also significant potential advantages, and for me it was always a balanced judgment. Ive more or less given up worrying about the risks at the moment, because I think what those of us in Parliament now need to do is focus on how to seize as many of the advantages as we can, and prevent as many as possible of the risks from materialising, given that weve had a referendum and that bits been decided. ConHome: What were your chances, in retrospect, of persuading Boris Johnson and Michael Gove to come on the Remain side of the argument? In the book you say, I rank my failure to persuade either of them to join the Remain camp as one of the biggest failures of my political life. Letwin: Yes. I dont know what my chances ever were. ConHome: You felt you had some chances, or you wouldnt have tried. Letwin: I, er, yes, I very much hoped it would be possible to persuade Boris, yes. But whether this was a naive hope, or whether there was some chance, I will never know. ConHome: I thought one of the convincing things about him was he could see there were strong arguments on both sides. One of the very, very annoying things about the referendum was that neither side was inclined to be at all generous about the other sides arguments. Letwin: Well that in fact I think was our major failing on the Remain side of the referendum campaign. My view is that the campaign was exactly incorrectly focused. I think it was a campaign which in retrospect was designed to persuade those who were already persuaded to vote Remain, and failed entirely to engage with people in the middle for whom as for me this was a balanced matter. I think its very bizarre that amidst the hyperbole on both sides of the argument the hyperbole on the Remain side was if anything even more exaggerated than that on the Leave side. I dont think the Remain side benefited at all from hyperbole and would have benefited hugely from a very calm rational assessment of the balance of advantage and disadvantage. ConHome: Why was it decided to do it this way? Letwin: I dont know. I wasnt involved in running the campaign. ConHome: Another problem with the Remain argument as presented is that it said both This is a leap in the dark and You will lose precisely this amount of money. It couldnt be both. Letwin: Well I think thats absolutely right, and I think the attempt on both sides of the argument to quantify it was part of the hyperbole Im talking about. If ever there was something non-quantifiable this was it. Were a lot closer to the actual event now and nobody has the foggiest clue [about the sums of money which will be gained or lost]. ConHome: Have you become a Christian Democrat? Because youre now in favour of the social market economy, which is what Ludwig Erhard was talking about in Germany in about 1950. Letwin: Well Im not a Christian, and not being a Christian I dont think I can be a Christian Democrat. And Im certainly not in favour of a politics which is closely allied to a particular denomination. But the social market is not the property of the Christian Democrats. Its the common property of all liberal free-market politicians around the world who also care about social justice. ConHome: Your mother, the scholar Shirley Letwin, didnt like the word social. She said you had justice. Letwin: That was one of the things she was wrong about. ConHome [amid laughter]: I thought she was often right about it. Often the word social was an evasive term, meant to convey a generalised benevolence, while detracting from whatever word it was meant to qualify. Letwin: That was part of the problem. The application of the ruthless intellectual logic failed the test of emotional intelligence. And although I dont, in the book, locate her as the main source of this problem, I do think she was one of many thinkers, whom I do describe in some detail in the book, and many involved in politics who failed to understand the point Keith Joseph was trying to make, about what actually needs to go alongside the free market in order for it to function in a way that makes it attractive and beneficial to society as a whole, because of its outcomes Free markets dont work for the public interest unless theyre accompanied by a certain social apparatus. If they are, I believe they hugely work in the public interest, which is the main argument in the book, and I think is peculiarly timely now, because I think we have to make all over again against the Corbynistas the argument that socialism does not deliver the Elysium they imagine, and that free markets are not the danger to the great bulk of the population that they represent them as being. ConHome: You say in the book that politics is mostly an argument about means, not ends. One of Corbyns ends would be much greater equality, I suppose. Letwin: Yes I actually think obviously at the extremes, if youre talking about a bloodthirsty tyrant either of the right or the left, then the ends may be entirely malign, and wholly different from those of democratic politicians of any reasonable kind. But once youre inside the framework of the kinds of debate that go on between politicians in Britain, I think on the whole everyone pretty much agrees what it would be nice to see. ConHome: Would you like to say a word or two about what the ends are? Letwin: I think pretty much everyone would like to see a society thats very free, but at the same time where nobody is in distress, and where income results are sufficiently equally distributed so that society can be both homogeneous and prosperous enough for real equality of opportunity for children and real security in retirement for the old, and a society thats broadly capable of sustaining both our heritage and the beauty of our natural environment, and a culture which goes therefore beyond just economics I think these are things which people very often say are motherhood and apple pie, because actually everybody shares them. Its quite important to remind ourselves of the motherhood and apple pie that we do actually share, rather than thinking we disagree about everything because we disagree about how to get to these things. ConHome: A few High Tories might feel a twinge or two of pain at your account. Letwin: I dont think there are very many people on any part of the political spectrum who would actually disagree with very much that Im describing as the desirable end. I really think it is almost entirely a discussion about means. Which is one of the reasons why Ive always thought politics ought not to be conducted as a ya boo sucks matter. Opponents are not evil, theyre either right or wrong about this or that. ConHome: So obviously that applies to Corbyn and co as well theyre not evil. Letwin: Exactly. Im absolutely persuaded that hes an entirely well-intentioned man. Hes completely wrong about the results of his own policies, which I think will lead, as they have done in Venezuela, to the exact opposite of what he hopes. ConHome: I remember years ago you were on friendly terms with both Diane Abbott and Glenda Jackson [who defeated Letwin in the general elections of 1987 and 1992]. Letwin: Ive always tried never to mix politics with personal antagonism. Why turn the whole thing into a personal vendetta? It doesnt need to be. Its a lot pleasanter if it isnt but also its a lot more productive. One of the things which I try to bring out in the book is that if you dont conduct it that way, you can actually recognise the amazing fact that we do agree about a lot of things. ConHome: Well you mustnt completely undermine the adversarial basis of our politics. Letwin: I dont really see much joy in the adversarial basis of politics. Theres quite enough people genuinely disagree about not to need to disagree about tribal questions. Tribalism in my view is an unmitigated mistake. ConHome: I think it helps provide the necessary sense of community. Letwin: I dont. I think the community exclusively should be the country, the county, the village, ones friends, not the parties. I think on the whole in the 18th century they were right to regard factionalism as a very dangerous thing. Youve got, unfortunately, in a modern highly sophisticated representative democracy to have parties, but its incredibly important not to have tribes. ConHome: David Hume was very against faction, wasnt he? Letwin: Yes, and he was right. ConHome: Youre a rather radical figure, arent you. Why did you join the Conservatives? Letwin: All parties are coalitions. You choose a party that more overlaps with your own views than any other. The case for Universal Credit is a strong one. More importantly, the old rules too often penalised people for taking what work they could be it part-time, or casual work by stopping their payments outright as a result. That was effectively a punishment for doing the right thing, which created the benefits trap by which the welfare system itself compelled people to stay unemployed, rather than reduce their income by choosing to work. The point of Universal Credit is that it removes that cruel and perverse incentive by allowing recipients to work as many hours as they wish, tapering rather than scrapping their payments as their income rises. Furthermore, this is a simplifying reform. The welfare system has become a costly and confusing thicket of competing and clashing benefits, categories, bands, exemptions, credits and discounts, and simplifying at least some of that is a good thing to do for recipients, for the taxpayer, and for those administering it all. For both of these reasons, the objective of Universal Credit is correct: killing off the benefits trap, encouraging and aiding people back into work, improving lives and saving money in the long run. And yet the practicalities of its introduction have proved to be troubled so much so that plans to extend the number of areas in which Universal Credit is used are currently under threat from a rebellion of backbench Conservative MPs. At the heart of the problem is the fact that applicants must wait six weeks from putting in for Universal Credit to receiving a penny. By definition, many of those applying have very little or nothing at all; a presumption that they can make do for a month and a half without any income risks plunging some into hunger, deprivation or even homelessness. It is this which is driving concern among MPs about the impact of the scheme a fundamentally positive reform, undermined by an unwise decision in its implementation. An advance is available to tide recipients over, subsequently recouped by reducing later payments for a time, but that suffers from two problems. First, some people are evidently falling through the gaps, either not applying for the advance or not receiving it in time to avert financial crisis. That could be due to bad advice from DWP and Jobcentre officials, or to the inescapable fact that not every applicant is necessarily equipped to further navigate officialdom to receive an advance payment whatever the cause, the fact it is happening at all demonstrates that the process is not fit for purpose. Second, the route to securing an advance phoning the Universal Credit helpline involves a cost for the applicant. According to Citizens Advice, the number costs up to 9p a minute on a landline or up to 40p a minute on a mobile. Elsewhere, its been reported that mobile costs can be up to 55p a minute. Nowadays, many people dont have a landline at all, and those with very low incomes often rely on pay-as-you-go mobile tariffs. The average call to the helpline (covering all queries) is said to last seven and a half minutes, but a call requesting an advance payment can last for up to 40 minutes, which would mean a 22 bill in the worst case scenario. It is patently ridiculous to apply such costs to people who by definition are only calling in the first place because they fear they do not have enough money on which to live. The visible failure of ministers to provide a satisfactory defence of the charges suggests that they know it, too. Small wonder that MPs are threatening to rebel. Its important to note that they do not seek to destroy the reform, but to fix these flaws in its application. When Heidi Allen, a chief would-be rebel on the topic, was called at PMQs yesterday, she chose to defend the merits of Universal Credit before putting her question: the difference between Government Members and Opposition Members is that we believe in universal credits transformative properties and want it to work. And work it will, but we have to get it right. I thank the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for promising on Monday to advertise more widely that advances are available to claimants, but many of us on the Government Benches feel that more people taking up those advances must surely mean that the in-built six-week wait just does not work. That critique is far harder for the Government to reject than the blanket opposition to any change which is Labours refrain. The Prime Minister agreed yesterday to meet with Allen and her colleagues she would do well to listen to them and then swiftly address the issue, enabling the roll-out to continue as soon as possible while assuaging the concerns about the payment gap. The future of a good reform is at stake unless a poor decision on its implementation is corrected. If it is allowed to fail, a huge opportunity to transform peoples lives for the better will have been lost. The Japanese market was set to be the next big thing in the 1990s as a wealthy country was poised to start a serious outbound travel trend. Japans travel industry labeled 1989 as the initial year of the cruise. That was the year when various Japanese companies, including some outside of the shipping and travel industry, began to expand their initiatives in the cruise industry. These activities included the chartering of ships for promotion to the Japanese market, the construction of cruise ships in Japanese yards, investments in cruise lines that were targeting various market segments both in Japan and internationally, and the promotion of various American cruise products by several different tour operators. Now, nearly 30 years later, with three local one-ship cruise lines and minimal additional capacity from Costa and Princess, the domestic source market in Japan is estimated to be around 250,000 annual cruise passengers, up from 100,000 in 1994. There are three local, Japanese cruise lines. Asuka, Mitsui and Venus all offer their Japanese passenger a premium, up-market product experience. Carnival Corporation is the only other significant player in the domestic market, with seasonal homeporting operations from Costa and Princess. --- For insight and in-depth analysis of the Asia-Pacific and Japanese cruise market, download the 2018 China Market Report. About the 2018 China Market Report The 2018 China Market Report by Cruise Industry News is the only resource covering the future trajectory of the Chinese and Asia-Pacific cruise industry, presenting the past, present and future in a concise 95-plus page PDF download. It is the only forward looking and independently-researched data available on the Chinese cruise market. Cruise Industry News profiles all the major cruise lines operating in Asia, from Carnival Corporation to Royal Caribbean and local operators. In addition, there are discussions with leading Chinese travel agents about the charter model and pricing trends, port news and updates from across the region, and a look at the fleet of ships in Asia through 2027. There is also exclusive analysis and statistics of the Asia-Pacific market going back to 1998 and supply projections through 2027, in addition to a break-down of Asia-Pacific and China by operator and market capacity. Click here to learn more. When one of the worlds largest food services companies needed a better way to connect its vast distributed network of operations, it turned to Microsoft Azure and Fortinet to "move the entire organization to Azure on a single weekend morning: no issues, no downtime, no fuss! The company is a top 5 global food services company that provides food and beverage services for schools, hospitals, and major public venues in dozens of countries. They turned to Fortinets suite of virtualized security solutions, including FortiGate, after replacing the hosted VPN service they had been using to securely connect their many sites. That hosted VPN service did exactly what we needed it to do, but it just cost far too much, said a long-time network architect for the company. The company then began to consider the Microsoft Azure cloud service as an alternative. But Microsoft Azure has limitations on the number of VPN tunnels it allows, which can be a show-stopper for a large company operating across the globe. It appeared to be a great fit for our requirements, right up to the point when I realized we couldnt connect all the countries!, the network architect said. The food services company already had experience with Fortinet because it had deployed a series of FortiGate appliances to supplement the security measures used by the original VPN service. The company was impressed with the capabilities of Fortinets security solutions, and their IT team soon realized that Fortinet was the perfect answer to our issue with Azure tunnel restrictions, the network architect continued. Even the smallest FortiGate appliance can support hundreds of tunnels, with larger models supporting thousands. This flexibility allowed the food services provider to configure a dedicated tunnel into the appliances deployed in each country where it operates. The combined traffic was then routed into a single connection with Azure and linked to the virtualized Fortinet security services. The FortiGate gave us a very simple, yet elegant solution and had the benefit of enabling us to continue leveraging all the security features and functionality that we previously utilized in the hosted-service environment, the network architect said. In addition to the security benefits, the Fortinet family of physical and virtual solutions are fully integrated through a common operating system, allowing the company to expand into the cloud, while its cross-compatibility actually simplified its IT infrastructure. The companys business model encourages country-level autonomy to optimize operations for local conditions. That autonomy allows operations in each country to make their own IT purchasing decisions, including the security products they use. Fortunately, Fortinet solutions were able to make these deployments work as an integrated security system. We seemed to have firewalls from every vendor imaginable, including some very obscure brands, the architect explained. The great thing is that the FortiGate can talk to anything; even firewalls that most people have never even heard of! Ive yet to come across a single box that I cant get the FortiGate to connect with. Fortinets Security Fabric is designed to share intelligence with diverse devices across the companys widespread environment, enabling control and easy management of cybersecurity services across the company. They also help the food services company manage its Microsoft Azure service. While Azure offers a wide set of tools to monitor and manage their deployments, additional tweaks are sometimes needed to fully optimize the service. I really depend on the information provided by my FortiGate devices, the network architect said. They give me the granularity I need to see and drill down in order to debug anything I need to. Its a very efficient way to manage the whole infrastructure. He also praised the FortiGate interface, calling it exceptionally intuitive. Its functions are so well integrated that Im comfortable using the command line interface to make modifications from anywhere in the world, he added. Ive seen so many other devices where even after lengthy examination of the configurations, its really hard to unravel whats actually going on. Many give the impression that theyre made from two or three separate boxes like an ISP router and firewall slapped together with a bit of UTM functionality thrown on top all randomly bolted together. That approach is rarely if ever good enough. Fortinet is the veteran network architects first choice for enterprise protection. And now, the pairing of Azure and the Fortinet Security Fabric has eased the companys transition to a cloud environment. Azure is definitely the right platform for us, but the size and complexity of our operations nearly made it a nonstarter, he concluded. By adding Fortinets easily integrated physical and virtualized solutions, weve been able to provide each entity with a dedicated tunnel, enhance security, and dramatically improve visibility and control across the whole infrastructure. The Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing next Tuesday on consumer data security at the credit bureaus in further follow-up to the Equifax data breach, which affected potentially more than 145 million Americans. NAFCU continues to advocate for a strong national data security standard. The hearing will begin at 10 a.m. Eastern Tuesday. During the Oct. 17 hearing, Andrew Smith, a partner at Covington & Burling LLP, will testify on behalf of the Consumer Data Industry Association, which has the mission of educating the public, legislators and regulators about responsible use of consumer data. Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, is also set to testify on the importance of upholding consumers right to privacy. In addition to obtaining personal information including Social Security numbers of 145.5 million Americans, Equifax recently announced hackers gained access to drivers license information of almost 11 million U.S. consumers. Reports indicate this will likely lead to more fraudulent activity, as drivers license information is often used to verify a persons identity when disputing credit-report information. Parts one and two of my Finovate Fall recaps focused on ideas intent on upending conventional fintech wisdom, monetizing and digitizing the mortgage process, and helping millennials with investments. Another key focus at the New York convention was on using tools to increase engagement with members in the digital space. Digital activation Digital Onboardings companys name is self-explanatory, although its mission might better be described as digital activation. The Boston startup aims to create active engagement within 60 days of account opening. If there isnt active engagement within that timeframe, Digital Onboarding claims theres a high likelihood the account will be unprofitable permanently. Can you tell the difference between hashtags that are good for your brand and hashtags that clutter up the conversation? Good, strategic use of hashtags increase viewers, likes and attention for your brand. On the other hand, using them wrong can turn your audience away. In the financial world, there is so much to be shared, and theres nothing worse than feeling like youre talking to an empty room. Trying to prevent this, many companies turn to hashtags on social media. After all, thats what millennials are doing, right? The problem with this outlook is that many times hashtags get left out of overall strategy. Your whole board has discussed and agreed upon launching a new website, and your marketing team has strategized how best to share it. Then when it comes down to posting on social media, that job gets pushed aside until someone has a free momentand in that moment they decide to add a few (or way too many) hashtags to increase viewers. So how can you improve hashtag use for your credit union? Here are a few ideas: 1.) THINK ABOUT THEM EARLY This is not to say that the board or CEO has to approve every hashtag before use, but if you keep the idea back of mind something good might come out early on. Even if specific hashtags arent decided on at the first steps, they should definitely be thought about by the entire marketing team. 2.) PERSONALIZE SPARINGLY One of the biggest problems with hashtag use is when companies try to incorporate too many long, personalized or off-topic tags to one posts. Its important to remember hashtags allow your members to join the conversation. One or two hashtags unique to your credit union allow members to remember and share with ease. An additional single hashtag for specific initiatives can work similarly. Use brand hashtags often to allow recognition. 3.)DONT OVERUSE By now pretty much everyone has seen brands that overuse hashtags. While its important to add enough to reach out to your audience, its equally as important to only use hashtags that make the most sense for what youre posting. 4.) PAY ATTENTION TO OTHERS Although hashtags are a big topic currently, they still arent for everyone or every social platform. Knowing whats best for your credit union involves paying attention to other conversations, from members and competition. For example, hashtags are great on Twitter and Instagram, but some data has shown they dont work well on Facebook. Also, places like LinkedIn dont support hashtags at all. Social media, hashtags, and pretty much all forms of marketing lately are always changing. Its important to stay on top of whats happening by listening as much as you speak. Using hashtags incorrectly can be a red flag to consumers your credit union is out of touch or behind with technology in other areas. Dont miss out on an opportunity to connect with current and future members. A Bowie, Md. woman is spending the next six years of her life in prison after she used an elaborate ID fraud scheme that primarily targeted credit unions and led to financial losses. Tonia Latrice Lewis was sentenced to serve a 70-month prison sentence last month in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va. Federal Judge Claude Hilton was also ordered Lewis to pay restitution of nearly $250,000. Federal prosecutors said Lewis sought more than $600,000 in loans and financing. Lewis was convicted for bank fraud, mail fraud and aggravated identify theft. According to court documents and evidence presented at her trial, Lewis, 47, obtained the identities of dozens of victims and used them to open credit union accounts and apply for loans and lines of credit in the names of the victims, without their knowledge or consent. Russias Digital Weapons Refined Against Ukraine The Petya virus, targeting Microsoft Windows-based systems, spread like wildfire across Europe and, to a lesser extent, America, affecting hundreds of large and small firms in France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Britain. While many Europeans saw the June cyber attack as just another wild disruption caused by anonymous hackers, it was identified quickly by experts, like Victor Zhora CEO of Infosafe, as another targeted assault on Ukraine. Most likely launched by Russia, it was timed to infect the countrys networks on the eve of Ukraines Constitution Day. The cyberattack started through a software update for an accounting program that businesses use when working with Ukrainian government agencies, according to the head of Ukraines cyber-police, Sergey Demedyuk. In an interview with VOA in his office in the western suburbs of Kyiv, Demedyuk said, every year cyberattacks are growing in number. Sometimes when targeting a particular government agency or official, they mount complex attacks, first using some disguising action, like a denial-of-service attack, and only then launch their main attack aiming, for example, at capturing data, he said. Ukraines 360-member cyber police department was formed in 2015. The department is stretched, having not only to investigate cybercrime by non-state actors but also, along with a counterpart unit in the state security agency, defend the country from cyberattacks by state actors. Demedyuk admits it is a cat-and-mouse game searching for viruses and Trojan horses that might have been planted months ago. Eye of the digital storm Since the 2014 ouster of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine has been in the eye of a sustained and systematic digital storm of big and small cyberattacks with practically every sector of the country impacted, including media, finance, transportation, military, politics and energy. Sometimes, the intrusions are highly tailored; other times, more indiscriminate attacks like Petya are launched at Ukraine. Russian officials deny they are waging cyber warfare against Ukraine. Zhora, like many cybersecurity experts, acknowledges it is difficult, if not impossible most times, to trace cyberattacks back to their source. Attribution is the most difficult thing. When you are dealing with professional hackers it is hard to track and to find real evidence of where it has come from, he said. But we know only one country is the likely culprit. We only really have one enemy that wants to destroy Ukrainian democracy and independence, he added. Ukraines president, Petro Poroshenko, has been less restrained in pointing the finger of blame. Last December, he said there had been 6,500 cyberattacks on 36 Ukrainian targets in the previous two months alone. Investigations, he said, point to the direct or indirect involvement of [the] secret services of Russia, which have unleashed a cyberwar against our country. Ukraines cyber-police head agrees. Demedyuk says his officers have been able to track attacks, especially denial-of-service intrusions, back to Russian special services, tracking them to their own facilities and their own IP addresses. But the original source of more complex intrusions, he said, are much harder to identify, with the hackers disguising themselves by using servers around the world, including in Asia and China. Digital weapons refined Digital intrusions have seen data deleted and networks crippled with real life consequences. And digital weapons are being refined often with the knowledge gained from each intrusion. Zhora cites as an example of this evolution the difference between two large cyberattacks on the countrys electricity grid, the first in December 2015 and the second at the end of last year, which cut off energy to hundreds of thousands of people for several hours. With the first attack the hackers used malware to gain access to the networks and then shut the system down manually. They sent an email and when someone opened it, the payload was downloaded and later it spread across the network and they used the path created for the hackers to get to the administrators work station and then in a live session switched off the subsystems overseeing electricity distribution, he said. But with the 2016 attack no live session was necessary. They used a malware which opened the doors automatically by decoding specific protocols and there was no human interaction. I think they got a lot of information in the first attack about the utility companies networks and they used the knowledge to write the malware for the second intrusion, he said. Digital threats to US In his speech midweek in Washington, Coats specifically cited possible digital threats to Americas critical infrastructure, including electrical grids and other utilities, saying it is of rising concern. It doesnt take much effort to imagine the consequences of an attack that knocks out power in Boston in February or power in Phoenix in July, he said. After the second cyberattack on Ukraines electrical grid, a group of American government and private sector energy officials was dispatched to Kyiv, where they spent a month exploring what happened, according to Ukrainian officials. One lesson the visitors drew was that it would be much harder in the US to switch the grid back on after an intrusion. The Ukrainians were able to get the electricity moving again by visiting each substation and turning the system on again manually, an option apparently more challenging in the US, where grid systems are even more automated. Virtual attacks are every bit as dangerous as military ones, we are living on a battlefield, Zhora said. Ein News: You Might Also Read: Who Is Behind Petya?: Ukrainian Security Call in FBI, NCA & Europol: Pa. Dems could flip the House of Reps. Here's what that might mean Your Ultimate Investing Toolkit Sign up for MarketBeat All Access to gain access to MarketBeat's full suite of research tools: Portfolio Monitoring Top Stock Lists Premium Reports Stock Screeners Live News Feed Premium Support Free for your first month. Suncor Energy Inc. operates as an integrated energy company. The company primarily focuses on developing petroleum resource basins in Canada's Athabasca oil sands; explores, acquires, develops, produces, transports, refines, and markets crude oil in Canada and internationally; markets petroleum and petrochemical products under the Petro-Canada name primarily in Canada. It operates through Oil Sands; Exploration and Production; Refining and Marketing; and Corporate and Eliminations segments. The Oil Sands segment recovers bitumen from mining and in situ operations, and upgrades it into refinery feedstock and diesel fuel, or blends the bitumen with diluent for direct sale to market. The Exploration and Production segment is involved in offshore operations off the east coast of Canada and in the North Sea; and operating onshore assets in Libya and Syria. The Refining and Marketing segment refines crude oil and intermediate feedstock into various petroleum and petrochemical products; and markets refined petroleum products to retail, commercial, and industrial customers through its other retail sellers. The Corporate and Eliminations segment operates four wind farms in Ontario and Western Canada. The company also markets and trades in crude oil, natural gas, byproducts, refined products, and power. The company was formerly known as Suncor Inc. and changed its name to Suncor Energy Inc. in April 1997. Suncor Energy Inc. was founded in 1917 and is headquartered in Calgary, Canada. Everest Re Group, Ltd., through its subsidiaries, provides reinsurance and insurance products in the United States, Bermuda, and internationally. The company operates through Reinsurance Operations and Insurance Operations segments. The Reinsurance Operations segment writes property and casualty reinsurance; and specialty lines of business through reinsurance brokers, as well as directly with ceding companies in the United States, Bermuda, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The Insurance Operations segment writes property and casualty insurance directly, as well as through brokers, surplus lines brokers, and general agents in Bermuda, Canada, Europe, South America, Canada, Chile, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands. The company also provides treaty and facultative reinsurance products; admitted and non-admitted insurance products; and property and casualty reinsurance and insurance coverages, including marine, aviation, surety, errors and omissions liability, directors' and officers' liability, medical malpractice, mortgage reinsurance, other specialty lines, accident and health, and workers' compensation products. In addition, it offers commercial property and casualty insurance products through wholesale and retail brokers, surplus lines brokers, and program administrators. Everest Re Group, Ltd. was founded in 1973 and is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda. GSK plc, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the creation, discovery, development, manufacture, and marketing of pharmaceutical products, vaccines, over-the-counter medicines, and health-related consumer products in the United Kingdom, the United States, and internationally. It operates through four segments: Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceuticals R&D, Vaccines, and Consumer Healthcare. The company offers pharmaceutical products comprising medicines in the therapeutic areas, such as respiratory, HIV, immuno-inflammation, oncology, anti-viral, central nervous system, cardiovascular and urogenital, metabolic, anti-bacterial, and dermatology. It also provides consumer healthcare products in wellness, oral health, nutrition, and skin health categories. The company offers its consumer healthcare products in the form of nasal sprays, tablets, syrups, lozenges, gum and trans-dermal patches, caplets, infant syrup drops, liquid filled suspension, wipes, gels, effervescents, toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes, denture adhesives and cleansers, topical creams and non-medicated patches, lip balm, gummies, and soft chews. It has collaboration agreements with 23andMe; Lyell Immunopharma, Inc.; Novartis; Sanofi SA; Surface Oncology; Progentec Diagnostics, Inc.; Alector, Inc.; and CureVac AG., as well as strategic partnership with IDEAYA Biosciences, Inc. and Vir Biotechnology, Inc. The company was formerly known as GlaxoSmithKline plc and changed its name to GSK plc in May 2022. GSK plc was founded in 1715 and is headquartered in Brentford, the United Kingdom. Citigroup Inc. is one of the worlds largest financial institutions. It is the 13th largest bank globally by assets and 8th by market cap with operations in consumer and institutional banking. In the US, Citigroup is the 3rd largest bank by assets and one of the Big Four deemed systemically important and too big to fail. Citigroup Inc. was founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York. The bank was run by Samuel Osgood who led the company with success for many years, even throughout the War of 1812. The bank was later renamed the National City Bank of New York in 1865 and by 1895 is the largest bank in the US. In 1913 it was the first contributor to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a few years later it began to expand into overseas territories. The bank became the First National City Bank of New York after another merger in 1955 and then later, the New York part was dropped off as part of the 150th-anniversary celebration. By 1974 the company is known as Citicorp which is still the operational branch of the business and a global banking powerhouse. A merger with Travelers insurance group in 1998 resulted in the name Citigroup but the joint venture did not last. By 2002 Travelers was publicly traded once again but Citigroup retained the new name. Today, the company is headquartered in New York, New York but boasts more than 200 million customer accounts in 160 countries worldwide. As of mid-2022, it operated 2,649 branches in the United States, Mexico, and Asia. The company reports nearly 725 branches in the US and 1499 in Mexico with the rest scattered throughout its territory. Total annual revenue topped $75 billion in 2022. Citigroup is a diversified financial services holding company that owns Citicorp among other assets. The companys mission is to serve as a trusted partner providing responsible financial solutions to its clients. Citigroup provides financial products and services to consumers, corporations, governments, and institutions. The company operates in two segments, Global Consumer Banking (GCB) and Institutional Clients Group (ICG). The GCB segment offers traditional banking services including deposit and saving accounts, credit cards, personal loans, home loans, and investment services. This segment operates through local branches and digital means. The ICG segment offers wholesale banking products and services to corporate, institutional, public sector, and high-net-worth clients. The following companies are subsidiares of MetLife: 10700 WILSHIRE LLC, 1201 TAB MANAGER LLC, 1350 EYE STREET MANAGER LLC, 1350 EYE STREET OWNER LLC, 150 NORTH RIVERSIDE PE MEMBER LLC, 1925 WJC OWNER LLC, 23RD STREET INVESTMENTS INC., 500 GRANT STREET ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 500 GRANT STREET GP LLC, 6104 HOLLYWOOD LLC, AFP GENESIS ADMINISTRADORA DE FONDOS Y FIDECOMISOS S.A., AGENVITA S.R.L., ALICO HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ALICO OPERATIONS LLC, American Life Insurance Company, BEST MARKET S.A., BLOCK VISION HOLDINGS CORPORATION, BLOCK VISION OF TEXAS INC., BORDERLAND INVESTMENTS LIMITED, BOULEVARD RESIDENTIAL LLC, BUFORD LOGISTICS CENTER LLC, CC HOLDCO MANAGER LLC, CHESTNUT FLATS WIND LLC, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MASTER-D, COMPANIA INVERSORA METLIFE S.A., CORPORATE REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC, COVA LIFE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, DAVIS VISION INC., DAVISVISION IPA INC., DELAWARE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, EURO CL INVESTMENTS LLC, EXCELENCIA OPERATIVA Y TECNOLOGICA S.A de C.V., FORTISSIMO CO. LTD, FUNDACION METLIFE MEXICO A.C., GLOBAL PROPERTIES INC., General American Life Insurance Company, Grand Bank N.A., HASKELL EAST VILLAGE LLC, HOUSING FUND MANAGER LLC, INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL AND ADVISORY SERVICES LIMITED, INVERSIONES METLIFE HOLDCO DOS LIMITADA, INVERSIONES METLIFE HOLDCO TRES LIMITADA, LHC HOLDINGS LLC, LHCW HOLDINGS LLC, LHCW HOTEL HOLDING 2002 LLC, LHCW HOTEL HOLDING LLC, LHCW HOTEL OPERATING COMPANY 2002 LLC, LUMENLAB MALAYSIA SDN. BHD., Logan Circle Partners, MARKETPLACE RESIDENCES LLC, MC PORTFOLIO JV MEMBER LLC, MCJV LLC, MCPP OWNERS LLC, MCRE BLOCK 40 LP, MEC HEALTH CARE INC., MET 1065 HOTEL LLC, MET CANADA SOLAR ULC, METLIFE 1007 STEWART LLC, METLIFE 1201 TAB MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 425 MKT MANAGER LLC, METLIFE 425 MKT MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 555 12TH MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 8280 MEMBER LLC, METLIFE ACOMA OWNER LLC, METLIFE ADMINISTRADORA DE FUNDOS MULTIPATROCINADOS LTDA., METLIFE ALTERNATIVES GP LLC, METLIFE ASHTON AUSTIN OWNER LLC, METLIFE ASIA HOLDING COMPANY PTE. LTD., METLIFE ASIA LIMITED, METLIFE ASIA SERVICES SDN. BHD, METLIFE ASSET MANAGEMENT CORP., METLIFE ASSIGNMENT COMPANY INC., METLIFE BORO STATION MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CAMINO RAMON MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CAMPUS AT SGV MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CAPITAL CREDIT L.P., METLIFE CAPITAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, METLIFE CAPITAL TRUST IV, METLIFE CB W/A LLC, METLIFE CC MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CHILE ADMINISTRADORA DE MUTUOS HIPOTECARIOS S.A., METLIFE CHILE INVERSIONES LIMITADA, METLIFE CHILE SEGUROS DE VIDA S.A., METLIFE CHILE SEGUROS GENERALES S.A., METLIFE CHINO MEMBER LLC, METLIFE COLOMBIA SEGUROS de VIDA S.A., METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE INCOME FUND GP LLC, METLIFE CONSQUARE MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CONSUMER SERVICES INC., METLIFE CORE PROPERTY FUND GP LLC, METLIFE CREDIT CORP., METLIFE DIGITAL VENTURES INC., METLIFE ENHANCED CORE PROPERTY FUND GP LLC, METLIFE EU HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED, METLIFE EUROPE INSURANCE d.a.c., METLIFE EUROPE SERVICES LIMITED, METLIFE EUROPE d.a.c., METLIFE EUROPEAN HOLDINGS LLC., METLIFE FINANCIAL SERVICES CO. LTD, METLIFE FM HOTEL MEMBER LLC, METLIFE FUNDING INC., METLIFE GENERAL INSURANCE LIMITED, METLIFE GLOBAL BENEFITS LTD., METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDING COMPANY I GMBH, METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDING COMPANY II GMBH, METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION S.A. De C.V., METLIFE GLOBAL INC., METLIFE GLOBAL OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER PRIVATE LIMITED, METLIFE GROUP INC., METLIFE HCMJV 1 GP LLC, METLIFE HCMJV 1 LP LLC, METLIFE HEALTH PLANS INC., METLIFE HOLDINGS INC., METLIFE HOME LOANS LLC, METLIFE INNOVATION CENTRE LIMITED, METLIFE INNOVATION CENTRE PTE. LTD., METLIFE INSURANCE AND INVESTMENT TRUST, METLIFE INSURANCE BROKERAGE INC., METLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KOREA LTD., METLIFE INSURANCE K.K., METLIFE INSURANCE LIMITED, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL HF PARTNERS LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED LLC, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND I LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND II LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND III LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND IV LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND V LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND VI LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND VII LP, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT EUROPE LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC, METLIFE INVESTMENTS ASIA LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS PTY LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS SECURITIES LLC, METLIFE INVESTORS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, METLIFE INVESTORS GROUP LLC, METLIFE IRELAND TREASURY D.A.C., METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY FUND GP LLC, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY FUND LP, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY OWNERS BLOCKER LLC, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY OWNERS LLC, METLIFE LATIN AMERICA ASESORIAS E INVERSIONES LIMITADA, METLIFE LEGAL PLANS INC., METLIFE LEGAL PLANS OF FLORIDA INC., METLIFE LHH MEMBER LLC, METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE S.A., METLIFE LOAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC, METLIFE LONG SHORT CREDIT FUND LP, METLIFE LONG SHORT CREDIT MASTER FUND LP, METLIFE LONG SHORT CREDIT PARALLEL FUND LP, METLIFE MAS S.A. DE C.V., METLIFE MEXICO HOLDINGS S. DE R.L. DE C.V., METLIFE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V., METLIFE MEXICO SERVICIOS S.A. DE C.V., METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT FUND II LP, METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT GP II LLC, METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT GP LLC, METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT II RATED FUND LP, METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT PARALLEL FUND LP, METLIFE MIDDLE MARKET PRIVATE DEBT PARALLEL GP LLC, METLIFE MMPD II SPECIAL LLC, METLIFE MULTI-FAMILY PARTNERS III LLC, METLIFE OBS MEMBER LLC, METLIFE OFC MEMBER LLC, METLIFE ONTARIO STREET MEMBR LLC, METLIFE PARK TOWER MEMBER LLC, METLIFE PENSION TRUSTEES LIMITED, METLIFE PENSIONES MEXICO S.A., METLIFE PET INSURANCE SOLUTIONS LLC, METLIFE PLANOS ODONTOLOGICOS LTDA., METLIFE POWSZECHNE TOWARTZYSTWO EMERYTALNE S.A., METLIFE PRIVATE EQUITY HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE PROPERTIES VENTURES LLC, METLIFE RC SF MEMBER LLC, METLIFE REAL ESTATE LENDING LLC, METLIFE REINSURANCE COMPANY OF BERMUDA LTD., METLIFE REINSURANCE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON, METLIFE REINSURANCE COMPANY OF VERMONT, METLIFE RETIREMENT SERVICES LLC, METLIFE SECURITIZATION DEPOSITOR LLC, METLIFE SEGUROS S.A., METLIFE SENIOR DIRECT LENDING FINCO LLC, METLIFE SENIOR DIRECT LENDING FUND LP, METLIFE SENIOR DIRECT LENDING GP LLC, METLIFE SENIOR DIRECT LENDING HOLDINGS LP, METLIFE SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS LLC, METLIFE SERVICES CYPRUS LTD., METLIFE SERVICES EAST PRIVATE LIMITED, METLIFE SERVICES EEIG, METLIFE SERVICES EOOD, METLIFE SERVICES SOCIEDAD LIMITADA, METLIFE SERVICES SP Z.O.O, METLIFE SERVICIOS S.A., METLIFE SINGLE FAMILY RENTAL FUND GP LLC, METLIFE SINGLE FAMILY RENTAL FUND LP, METLIFE SOLUTIONS PTE. LTD., METLIFE SOLUTIONS S.A.S., METLIFE SP HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE STRATEGIC HOTEL DEBT FUND GP LLC, METLIFE SYNDICATED BANK LOAN LUX GP S.A.R.L., METLIFE THR INVESTOR LLC, METLIFE TOWARZYSTWO FUNDUSZY INWESTYCYJNYCH S.A., METLIFE TOWARZYSTWO UBEZPIECZEN NA ZYCIE I REASEKURACJI S.A., METLIFE TOWER RESOURCES GROUP INC., METLIFE TREAT TOWERS MEMBER LLC, METLIFE WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS LLC, METROPOLITAN GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN GLOBAL MANAGEMENT LLC, METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN LIFE SEGUROS E PREVIDENCIA PRIVADA S.A., METROPOLITAN LIFE SOCIETATE de ADMINISTRARE a UNUI FOND de PENSII ADMINISTRAT PRIVAT S.A., METROPOLITAN TOWER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, METROPOLITAN TOWER REALTY COMPANY INC., MEX DF PROPERTIES LLC, MFA FINANCING VEHICLE CTR1 LLC, MIDTOWN HEIGHTS LLC, MIM CAMPUS AT SGV MANAGER LLC, MIM CLAL GENERAL PARTNER LLC, MIM CM SYNDICATOR LLC, MIM EMD GP LLC, MIM I LLC, MIM LS GP LLC, MIM METWEST INTERNATIONAL MANAGER LLC, MIM ML-AI VENTURE 5 MANAGER LLC, MIM OMD MANAGER LLC, MIM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC, MIM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OF GEORGIA 1 LLC, MIM SPOKANE INDUSTRIAL MANAGER LLC, MIM THIRD ARMY INDUSTRIAL MANAGER LLC, MISSOURI REINSURANCE INC., ML 300 THIRD MEMBER LLC, ML ARMATURE MEMBER LLC, ML BELLEVUE MANAGER LLC, ML BELLEVUE MEMBER LLC, ML CAPACITACION COMERCIAL S.A. DE C.V., ML CERRITOS TC MEMBER LLC, ML CLAL MEMBER LLC, ML CORNER 63 MEMBER LLC, ML DOLPHIN GP LLC, ML DOLPHIN MEZZ LLC, ML HUDSON MEMBER LLC, ML MATSON MILLS MEMBER LLC, ML MILILANI MEMBER LLC, ML OMD MEMBER LLC, ML ONE BEDMINSTER LLC, ML PORT CHESTER SC MEMBER LLC, ML SENTINEL SQUARE MEMBER LLC, ML SLOANS LAKE MEMEBR LLC, ML SOUTHLANDS MEMBER LLC, ML SOUTHMORE LLC, ML SPOKANE INDUSTRIAL MEMBER LLC, ML SWAN GP LLC, ML SWAN MEZZ LLC, ML TERRACES LLC, ML THIRD ARMY INDUSTRIAL MEMBER LLC, ML VENTURE 1 MANAGER S. DE R. L. DE C.V., ML VENTURE 1 SERVICER LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 1 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 2 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 3 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 4 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 5 LLC, ML-URS PORT CHESTER SC MANAGER LLC, MLIA MANAGER I LLC, MLIA PARK TOWER MANAGER LLC, MLIA SBAF COLONY MANAGER LLC, MLIA SBAF MANAGER LLC, MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS II LLC, MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS LLC, MLIC CB HOLDINGS LLC, MLJ US FEEDER LLC, MM GLOBAL OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER S.A. DE C.V., MMP CEDAR STREET OWNER LLC, MMP CEDAR STREET REIT LLC, MMP HOLDINGS III LLC, MMP OLIVIAN OWNER LLC, MMP OLIVIAN REIT LLC, MMP OWNERS III LLC, MMP OWNERS LLC, MMP SOUTH PARK OWNER LLC, MMP SOUTH PARK REIT LLC, MNQM TRUST 2020, MREF 425 MKT LLC, MSHDF HOLDCO I LLC, MSV IRVINE PROPERTY LLC, MTL LEASING LLC, MTU HOTEL OWNER LLC, NATILOPORTEM HOLDINGS LLC, NEWBURY INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, OCONEE GOLF COMPANY LLC, OCONEE HOTEL COMPANY LLC, OCONEE LAND COMPANY LLC, OCONEE LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC, OCONEE MARINA COMPANY LLC, OMI MLIC INVESTMENTS LIMITED, PACIFIC LOGISTICS INDUSTRIAL NORTH LLC, PACIFIC LOGISTICS INDUSTRIAL SOUTH LLC, PARK TOWER JV MEMBER LLC, PARK TOWER REIT INC., PJSC METLIFE, PLAZA DRIVE PROPERTIES LLC, PREFCO FOURTEEN LLC, PREFCO XIV HOLDINGS LLC, PROVIDA INTERNACIONAL S.A., SAFEGUARD HEALTH ENTERPRISES INC., SAFEGUARD HEALTH PLANS INC., SAFEHEALTH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, SOUTHCREEK INDUSTRIAL HOLDINGS LLC, ST. JAMES FLEET INVESTMENTS TWO LIMITED, SUPERIOR PROCUREMENT INC., SUPERIOR VISION BENEFIT MANAGEMENT INC., SUPERIOR VISION HOLDINGS INC., SUPERIOR VISION INSURANCE INC., SUPERIOR VISION INSURANCE PLAN OF WISCONSIN INC., SUPERIOR VISION OF NEW JERSEY INC., SUPERIOR VISION SERVICES INC., Safeguard Health Enterprises, Security First Group Inc., THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH AVENUE MEZZANINE LLC, THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH RETAIL HOLDING LLC, THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH RETAIL OWNER, THE DIRECT CALL CENTRE PTY LIMITED, TRANSMOUNTAIN LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY, UVC INDEPENDENT PRACTICE ASSOCIATION INC., VERSANT HEALTH CONSOLIDATIONS CORP., VERSANT HEALTH HOLDCO INC., VERSANT HEALTH INC., VERSANT HEALTH LAB LLC, VIRIDIAN MIRACLE MILE LLC, VISION 21 MANAGED EYE CARE OF TAMPA BAY INC., VISION 21 PHYSICIAN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, VISION TWENTY-ONE MANAGED EYE CARE IPA INC., Versant Health, WDV ACQUISITION CORP., WFP 1000 HOLDING COMPANY GP LLC, WHITE OAK ROYALTY COMPANY, WHITE TRACT II LLC, and Willing. Read More Weatherford International plc, an oilfield service company, provides equipment and services for the drilling, evaluation, completion, production, and intervention of oil and natural gas wells worldwide. The company operates in two segments, Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere. It offers artificial lift systems, including reciprocating rod, progressing cavity pumping, gas, hydraulic, plunger, and hybrid lift systems, as well as related automation and control systems; pressure pumping and reservoir stimulation services, such as acidizing, fracturing and fluid systems, cementing, and coiled-tubing intervention; and drill stem test tools, and surface well testing and multiphase flow measurement services. The company also provides safety, downhole reservoir monitoring, flow control, and multistage fracturing systems, as well as sand-control technologies, and production and isolation packers; liner hangers to suspend a casing string in high-temperature and high-pressure wells; cementing products, including plugs, float and stage equipment, and torque-and-drag reduction technology for zonal isolation; and pre-job planning and installation services. In addition, it offers directional drilling services, and logging and measurement services while drilling; services related to rotary-steerable systems, high-temperature and high-pressure sensors, drilling reamers, and circulation subs; managed pressure drilling, conventional mud-logging, drilling instrumentation, gas analysis, wellsite consultancy, and open hole and cased-hole logging services; reservoir solutions and software products; and intervention and remediation services. Further, the company provides equipment and drilling tools; tubular handling, management, and connection services; equipment rental services; and onshore contract drilling and related services through a fleet of land drilling and workover rigs. Weatherford International plc was incorporated in 1972 and is headquartered in Baar, Switzerland. Derwent London plc owns 83 buildings in a commercial real estate portfolio predominantly in central London valued at 5.4 billion (including joint ventures) as at 30 June 2020, making it the largest London-focused real estate investment trust (REIT). Our experienced team has a long track record of creating value throughout the property cycle by regenerating our buildings via development or refurbishment, effective asset management and capital recycling. We typically acquire central London properties off-market with low capital values and modest rents in improving locations, most of which are either in the West End or the Tech Belt. We capitalise on the unique qualities of each of our properties - taking a fresh approach to the regeneration of every building with a focus on anticipating tenant requirements and an emphasis on design. Reflecting and supporting our long-term success, the business has a strong balance sheet with modest leverage, a robust income stream and flexible financing. As part of our commitment to lead the industry in mitigating climate change, in October 2019, Derwent London became the first UK REIT to sign a Green Revolving Credit Facility. At the same time, we also launched our Green Finance Framework and signed the Better Buildings Partnership's climate change commitment. The Group is a member of the 'RE100' which recognises Derwent London as an influential company, committed to 100% renewable power by purchasing renewable energy, a key step in becoming a net zero carbon business. Derwent London is one of only a few property companies worldwide to have science-based carbon targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Landmark schemes in our 5.6 million sq ft portfolio include 80 Charlotte Street W1, Brunel Building W2, White Collar Factory EC1, Angel Building EC1, 1-2 Stephen Street W1, Horseferry House SW1 and Tea Building E1. In 2019, the Group won several awards including EG Offices Company of the Year, the CoStar West End Deal of the Year for Brunel Building, Westminster Business Council's Best Achievement in Sustainability award and topped the real estate sector and was placed ninth overall in the Management Today 2019 awards for 'Britain's Most Admired Companies'. In 2013 the Company launched a voluntary Community Fund and has to date supported over 100 community projects in the West End and the Tech Belt. The Company is a public limited company, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange and incorporated and domiciled in the UK. The address of its registered office is 25 Savile Row, London, Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. operates bookstores for college and university campuses, and K-12 institutions in the United States. It operates through three segments: Retail, Wholesale, and Digital Student Solutions. The company sells and rents new and used print textbooks, digital textbooks, and publisher hosted digital courseware through physical and virtual bookstores, as well as directly to students through It also offers First Day and First Day Complete access programs; BNC OER+, a turnkey solution for colleges and universities, that offers digital content, such as videos, activities, and auto-graded practice assessments; and general merchandise, including collegiate and athletic apparel, school spirit products, lifestyle products, technology products, supplies, graduation products, and convenience items. In addition, the company sources, sells, and distributes new and used textbooks; and sells hardware and a software suite of applications that provides inventory management and point-of-sale solutions to approximately 350 college bookstores. Further, it offers direct-to-student subscription-based writing services; and bartleby, a direct-to-student subscription-based offering that includes textbook solutions, expert questions and answers, and writing and tutoring services. The company operates 805 physical college and university bookstores; 622 virtual bookstores; 8 True Spirit e-commerce websites; pop-up retail locations; 73 customized cafes and 11 stand-alone convenience stores; and a media channel for brands targeting the college demographic. Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. was founded in 1965 and is headquartered in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. American Water Works Company, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides water and wastewater services in the United States. It offers water and wastewater services to approximately 1,700 communities in 14 states serving approximately 3.4 million active customers. The company serves residential customers; commercial customers, including food and beverage providers, commercial property developers and proprietors, and energy suppliers; fire service and private fire customers; industrial customers, such as large-scale manufacturers, mining, and production operations; public authorities comprising government buildings and other public sector facilities, such as schools and universities; and other utilities and community water and wastewater systems. It also provides water and wastewater services on various military installations; and undertakes contracts with municipal customers, primarily to operate and manage water and wastewater facilities, as well as offers other related services. In addition, the company operates approximately 80 surface water treatment plants; 480 groundwater treatment plants; 160 wastewater treatment plants; 52,500 miles of transmission, distribution, and collection mains and pipes; 1,100 groundwater wells; 1,700 water and wastewater pumping stations; 1,300 treated water storage facilities; and 76 dams. It serves approximately 14 million people with drinking water, wastewater, and other related services in 24 states. American Water Works Company, Inc. was founded in 1886 and is headquartered in Camden, New Jersey. The following companies are subsidiares of Accenture: 2nd Road, ?What If!, ?What If! China Holdings Limited, ?What If! Holdings Limited, ?What If! Limited, ACN Consulting Co Ltd, AD.Dialeto (Digital Agency acquired by Accenture), AFD.TECH, AGS Business and Technology Services Limited, AIG Shared Services Business Processing Inc, ASM Research Inc., ASM Research LLC, ATAN, Accenture (Botswana) (Proprietary) Limited, Accenture (China) Co. Ltd., Accenture (Shenzhen) Technology Co. Ltd., Accenture (South Africa) Pty Ltd, Accenture (UK) Limited, Accenture 2 Business Process Services S.A., Accenture 2 LLC, Accenture A/S, Accenture AB, Accenture AG, Accenture AS, Accenture Africa Pty Ltd, Accenture Agencia Interativa Ltda, Accenture Australia Holding B.V., Accenture Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, Accenture Australia Pty Ltd, Accenture B.V., Accenture BPM Operations Support Services S.A., Accenture BPM S.C.R.L., Accenture BPS Services S.p. z o.o., Accenture Branch Holdings B.V., Accenture Bulgaria EOOD, Accenture Business Services for Utilities Inc, Accenture Business Services of British Columbia Limited Partnership, Accenture Business and Technology Services LLC, Accenture C.A., Accenture Canada Holdings Inc, Accenture Capital Designated Activity Company, Accenture Capital Inc, Accenture Central Europe B.V., Accenture Chile Asesorias y Servicios Ltda, Accenture Cloud Services GmbH, Accenture Cloud Software Solutions Limited, Accenture Cloud Solutions Australia Pty Ltd, Accenture Cloud Solutions LLC, Accenture Cloud Solutions Pty Ltd, Accenture Co Ltd, Accenture Co. Ltd, Accenture Communications Infrastructure Solutions Ltd, Accenture Company Ltd, Accenture Consulting Pty Ltd, Accenture Consulting Services Ltd Tanzania, Accenture Consultores de Gestao S.A., Accenture Consultoria de Industria e Consumo Ltda, Accenture Consultoria de Recursos Naturais Ltda, Accenture Credit Services LLC, Accenture Customer Services Distribution SASU, Accenture Customer Services Ltd, Accenture Danismanlik Limited Sirketi, Accenture Defined Benefit Pension Plan Trustees Limited, Accenture Defined Contribution Pension Plan Trustees Limited, Accenture Delivery Poland S.p. z o.o., Accenture Dienstleistungen GmbH, Accenture Digital Holdings GmbH, Accenture East Africa Limited, Accenture Ecuador S.A., Accenture Egypt LLC, Accenture Enterprise Development (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Accenture Federal Services LLC, Accenture Finance II Limited, Accenture Finance Limited, Accenture Finance and Accounting BPO Services S.p.A., Accenture Finance and Accounting Services S.r.l., Accenture Financial Advanced Solution & Technology S.r.l., Accenture Flex LLC, Accenture GP LLC, Accenture Global Capital Designated Activity Company, Accenture Global Engagements Limited, Accenture Global Holdings Limited, Accenture Global Services Limited, Accenture Global Solutions Limited, Accenture GmbH, Accenture HR Services S.p.A., Accenture Healthcare Processing Inc, Accenture Holding Brasil Ltda, Accenture Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Accenture Holdings (Iberia) S.L., Accenture Holdings B.V., Accenture Holdings France SASU, Accenture Hungary Holdings Kft, Accenture Inc, Accenture Industrial Software Limited Liability Company, Accenture Industrial Software Solutions Kft, Accenture Industrial Software Solutions SA, Accenture Insurance Services B.V., Accenture Insurance Services LLC, Accenture International B.V., Accenture International LLC, Accenture International Limited, Accenture Japan Ltd, Accenture Korea B.V., Accenture LLC, Accenture LLP, Accenture Lanka (Private) Ltd, Accenture Limited, Accenture Lithuania UAB, Accenture Ltd, Accenture Ltda, Accenture Maghreb S.a.r.l., Accenture Managed Services SRL, Accenture Management GmbH, Accenture Marketing Services LLC, Accenture Marketing Services Limited, Accenture Middle East B.V., Accenture Minority I B.V., Accenture Mozambique Limitada, Accenture Mzansi Pty Ltd, Accenture NV/SA, Accenture NZ Limited, Accenture Nova Scotia Unlimited Liability Co., Accenture OOO, Accenture Operations GmbH, Accenture Operations S.p. z o.o., Accenture Operations Services Private Limited, Accenture Operations Services Sdn Bhd, Accenture Outsourcing S.r.l., Accenture Outsourcing Services S.A., Accenture Oy, Accenture Panama Inc, Accenture Participations B.V., Accenture Participations II Limited, Accenture Peru SRL, Accenture Post Trade Processing SASU, Accenture Post-Trade Processing Limited, Accenture Process (Mauritius) Ltd, Accenture Pte Ltd, Accenture Puerto Rico LLC, Accenture Qiyun Technology (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd, Accenture S.C., Accenture S.L., Accenture S.R.L., Accenture S.p. z o.o., Accenture S.p.A., Accenture SASU, Accenture SG Services Pte Ltd, Accenture SRL, Accenture Saudi Arabia Limited, Accenture Sdn Bhd, Accenture Service Center SRL, Accenture Services (Mauritius) Ltd, Accenture Services AB, Accenture Services AG, Accenture Services AS, Accenture Services GmbH, Accenture Services Morocco SA, Accenture Services Oy, Accenture Services Pty Ltd, Accenture Services S.p. z o.o., Accenture Services SRL, Accenture Services and Technology S.r.l., Accenture Services s.r.o., Accenture Single Member S.A. Organization Information Technology & Business Development, Accenture Solutions Co. Ltd, Accenture Solutions Private Limited, Accenture Solutions Pte Ltd, Accenture Solutions Pty Ltd, Accenture Solutions S.p. z o.o, Accenture Solutions Sdn Bhd, Accenture State Healthcare Services LLC, Accenture Sub II Inc, Accenture Sub III Inc, Accenture Sub LLC, Accenture Systems Integration Limited, Accenture Sarl, Accenture Tanacsado Kolatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, Accenture Technology Solutions (Dalian) Co. Ltd., Accenture Technology Solutions (HK) Co. Ltd., Accenture Technology Solutions (Thailand) Co. Ltd, Accenture Technology Solutions - Solucoes Informaticas Integradas S.A., Accenture Technology Solutions GmbH, Accenture Technology Solutions Oy, Accenture Technology Solutions Pty Ltd, Accenture Technology Solutions S.A. de C.V., Accenture Technology Solutions S.r.l., Accenture Technology Solutions SASU, Accenture Technology Solutions SRL, Accenture Technology Solutions Sdn Bhd, Accenture Technology Solutions Slovakia s.r.o., Accenture Technology Ventures B.V., Accenture Technology Ventures SPRL, Accenture Tecnologia Consultoria y Outsourcing S.A., Accenture Uruguay SRL, Accenture Vietnam Co. Limited, Accenture Zambia Limited, Accenture do Brasil Ltda, Accenture plc, Accenture s.r.o., Acceria, Acquity Group, Adaptly LLC, Adaptly UK Limited, AddVal Technology, Adqptly, Advantium Inc., Advoco, Agilex Technologies Inc., Alfa Consulting, Allen International, AlphaBeta Advisors, Altevie Technologies S.r.l., Altima, Altima (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Altima Asia Ltd, Altitude, Altitude LLC, Altius Consulting Limited, Altius Data Solutions Private Limited, Analytics 8 LP, Analytics 8 Pty Ltd, Analytics8, Aorui Advertising (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Apis, Apis Group Pty Ltd, Appaloosa Technology SASU, AppsPro, AppsPro, Arca, Arca Ingenieros y Consultoria S.L., Arca Telecom S.L., Ariba - BPO, Arismore, Artio People (Payroll) Pty Ltd, Artio People Pty Ltd, Aspiro Solutions (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Automation Partners Pty Ltd, Avanade (Guangzhou) Computer Technology Development Co. Ltd., Avanade Asia Pte Ltd, Avanade Australia Pty Ltd, Avanade Belgium SPRL, Avanade Canada Inc, Avanade Consulting Poland S.p. z o.o., Avanade Denmark A/S, Avanade Deutschland GmbH, Avanade Europe Holdings Limited, Avanade Europe Services Limited, Avanade Finland Oy, Avanade France SASU, Avanade Holdings LLC, Avanade Hong Kong Ltd, Avanade Inc, Avanade International Corporation, Avanade Ireland Limited, Avanade Italy S.r.l., Avanade Japan KK, Avanade Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Avanade Middle East Limited, Avanade Netherlands B.V., Avanade Norway AS, Avanade Poland S.p. z o.o., Avanade Schweiz GmbH, Avanade South Africa Pty Ltd, Avanade Spain S.L., Avanade Sweden AB, Avanade UK Limited, Avanade do Brasil Ltda , Avanade Osterreich GmbH, Avenai, Avieco, Axia Ltd., BABCN LLC, BCS Consulting, BCT Solutions, BCT Solutions Pty Ltd, BENEXT, BPO Servicos Administrativos Ltda, BRIDGE Energy Group, BRIDGEi2i, Beacon Consulting Group Inc., Beijing Genesis Interactive Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing Zhidao Future Consulting Co. Ltd, Benext, Berico Technologies LLC, Bionic, Bionic Solution LLC, Blue Horseshoe, Boomerang Pharmaceutical Communications, Bow & Arrow, Bow & Arrow Limited, Brand Learning, Brand Learning Group Limited, Brightstep AB, Byte Prophecy, Byte Prophecy Private Limited, CAS, CRMWaypoint, CS Technology (Australia) Pty Ltd, CS Technology (UK) Limited, CS Technology Group LLC, CS Technology LLC, CadenceQuest Inc., Callisto Integration Europe B.V., Callisto Integration Europe Limited, Callisto Integration LLC, Callisto Integration Ltd, Capgemini - North American health practice, Capital Consultancy Services Inc, Certus Solutions Consulting Services Limited, Certus Solutions Ltd, ChangeTrack Research Pty Ltd., Chaotic Moon Studios, Chengdu Mensa Advertising Co. Ltd., Cimation, Cirrus Connect Australia Pty Ltd, Cirrus Connect Limited, Cirruseo, Clarity Insights, ClearEdge Partners, Clearhead, Clearhead Group LLC, ClientHouse GmbH, Cloud Sherpas, Cloud Sherpas (GA) LLC, Cloud Sherpas Japan G.K., Cloud Sherpas New Zealand Limited, Cloudeasier SAS, Cloudpoint Limited, Cloudsherpas Inc, Cloudworks, Cloudworks Consulting Services Inc, Cloudworks Technology LLC, Computer Research and Telecommunications LLC, Concrete Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Ltda, Concrete Solutions, Concrete Solutions Ltda, Context Information Security, Context Information Security LLC, Context Information Security Limited, CoreCompete LLC, CoreCompete Limited, CoreCompete Private Limited, Corliant Inc., Creative Drive LLC, Creative Drive US LLC, CreativeDrive, CreativeDrive Digital Content Services (Shenzhen) Co Ltd., CreativeDrive EMEA Limited, CreativeDrive Singapore Pte Ltd, CreativeDrive UK Group Limited, Cutting Edge Solutions Limited, Cygni AB, Cygni Norrsken AB, Cygni Stockholm AB, Cygni Syd AB, Cygni Vast AB, Cygni Ost AB, Cygni Ostersund AB, DAZ Systems Inc, DAZ Systems LLC, DAZSI Systems (India) Pvt. Limited, DI Futures Corporation, Data Essential SARL, Davies Consulting, DayNine Consulting, DayNine Consulting (New Zealand) Limited, DayNine Consulting LLC, Declarative Holdings LLC, Decora Marketplace LLC, Decorado Marketplace Ltda-EPP, Defense Point Security, Deja vu Security, Design Strategy and Research de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Designaffairs LLC, Digiplug S.A.S., Digital Results Group LLC, Double Digit Limitada, Double Digit Pty SA, Droga5, Droga5 LLC, Droga5 Studios LLC, Droga5 UK Limited, Duck Creek Technologies, ESR Labs, ESR Labs AG, EdenOne Solutions Limited, Edenhouse ERP Holdings Limited, Edenhouse Solutions Limited, Enaxis Consulting, Enaxis Consulting LP, End to End Analytics LLC, End-to-End Analytics, Endorphin Medici (M) Sdn Bhd, Energuia Web S.A., Energy Management Brokers Limited, EnergyQuote JHA, Enimbos, Enimbos Global Services S.L., Enkitec, Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions LLC, Enterprise System Partners, Enterprise System Partners B.V., Enterprise System Partners Bilisim Danismanlik Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Enterprise System Partners Global Corporation, Enterprise System Partners Limited, Enthusian Pty Ltd, Entropia, Entropia (M) Sdn Bhd, Entropia Holdings Pte Ltd, Entropia Intercraft Sdn Bhd, Epylon, Ergo, Espedia S.r.l., Ethica Consulting Group, Ethica Consulting S.p.A., Evopro Group, Exactside Limited, Experity, Exton Consulting, Exton Consulting Spain Strategy&Management S.L., Exton Germany GmbH, Exton International SAS, Exton Italia S.r.l., Exton SAS, FGM LLC, Fairway Technologies Inc, Farah BidCo Limited, Farah MidCo Limited, Farah Topco Limited, Filmproduction ApS, First Annapolis Consulting Inc., First Annapolis Consulting LLC, Fjord, Focus Group Europe, Formicary, Founders Intelligence, Fruendo S.r.l., FusionX, Future State Consulting LLC, FutureMove (Beijing) Automotive Technology Co. Ltd., FutureMove Automotive, FutureMove Automotive Co. Ltd., GRA Supply Chain Pty Ltd, Gagel Group S de R.L. de C.V., Gapso Servicos de Informatica Ltda, Gapso Servicos de Informatica Ltda., Genfour, George Group Consulting L.P., Gestalt LLC, Gevity, Gren utvikling AS, H.B. Maynard and Co. Inc., HRC Retail Advisory, Hagberg Consulting Group, Hahntel Ltda, Halo Partners LLC, Hamilton Holding Company S.A, Hangzhou Aiyunzhe Technology Co. Ltd., Happen, Happen GP Limited, Happen Limited, Headspring, Hjaltelin Stahl, Hjaltelin Stahl A/S, Hjaltelin Stahl K/S, Hytracc Consulting AS, Hytracc Consulting AS, Hytracc Consulting Malaysia Sdn Bhd, IBB Consulting, ICM.S S.r.l., IMJ Corp, IMJ Corporation, INSITUM, IQSP Consulting LLC, IT One Company Limited, ITBS Servicios Bancarios de Tecnologia de la Informacion SL, Icon Integration, Icon Integration (NZ) Limited, Icon Integration Pty Ltd, Imagine Broadband (USA) Limited, Imagine Broadband USA LLC, Imaginea Inc, Imaginea Technologies LLC, Industrie IT (Hong Kong) Ltd, Industrie IT (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Industrie IT Group Pty Ltd, Industrie IT Pty Ltd, Industrie&Co, Infinity Works Consulting Limited, Infinity Works Holdings Limited, Infinity Works Management Limited, Infinity Works Midco Limited, Informatica de Euskadi S.L., Innotec International EAD, Innotec International S.p. z.o.o., Innotec Marketing GmbH, Innotec Marketing International Ireland Limited, Innotec- Marketing Spain S.L, Insitum Consultoria Argentina SRL, Insitum Consultoria S.A. de C.V., International Biometric Group LLC, International Biometric Group UK Limited, Intrepid, Intrepid Futureworks Sdn Bhd, Intrigo Systems Inc, Intrigo Systems India Pvt. Limited, Intrigo Systems LLC, Inventor Technology Ltd, InvestTech, Investtech Systems Consulting LLC, ItSafer Continuity Services S.L., JKD Consulting LLC, Javelin Group, K Comms Group Limited, KSC Studio LLC, Kaper Communications Limited, Karma Communications Debtco Limited, Karma Communications Group Limited, Karma Communications Holdings Limited, Karmarama, Karmarama Comms Limited, Karmarama Limited, King James Group, Knowledge Rules Inc., Knowledgent, Knowledgent Group LLC, Kogentix, Kogentix LLC, Kogentix Limited, Kogentix Singapore Pte Ltd, Kogentix Technologies Private Limited, Kolle Rebbe, Kolle Rebbe GmbH, Kream Comms Limited, Kunstmaan, Kurt Salmon, Kurt Salmon Canada LTD, Kurt Salmon US LLC, LEXTA, LINKBYNET, LINKBYNET Indian Ocean (L.I.O) Ltd, LabAnswer, Lexta GmbH, Lexta UK Limited, Lien par le reseau Inc, Lien par le reseau infrastructures Inc, Lin Bo (Shanghai) Network Technology Co. Ltd., Link By Net SAS, Link By Net SRL, Link By Net Vietnam Company Limited, Linkbynet East Asia Ltd, Linkbynet Singapore Pte Ltd., Loud & Clear Creative Pty Ltd, Lumenup S.A., MAXIM Systems Inc., MCG US Holdings LLC, Mackevision CG Technology and Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Mackevision Japan Co. Ltd., Mackevision Korea Ltd, Mackevision LLC, Mackevision Medien Design, Mackevision Medien Design GmbH, Mackevision Singapore Pte Ltd, Mackevision UK Limited, Maglan, Maglan Information Defense Technologies Research Ltd, Maihiro, Matter, Maud Corp Pty Ltd, Maxamine International, Measuretek LLC, Media Audits Ltd., Media Hive, Mediasenz Pty Ltd., Meredith Specialty LLC, Meredith Xcelerated Marketing, Meredith Xcelerated Marketing LLC, Meridian Informed Purchasing Ltd., Mindtribe, Mistral Wind Operations Servicos Empresariais Unipessoal Lda., MobGen, Mortgage Cadence LLC, Mortgage Cadence an Accenture Company, Most Champion Ltd, Mudano, Mudano Limited, Myrtle Consulting Group LLC, N3, N3 (Dalian) Business Consulting Co. Ltd., N3 Brazil Consultoria em Marketing Ltda, N3 Germany GmbH, N3 LLC, N3 North America LLC, N3 Results Australia Pty Ltd, N3 Results Ireland Limited, N3 Results Japan G.K., N3 Results Limited, N3 Results Malaysia Sdn Bhd, N3 Results Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., N3 Results S.A.S., N3 Results Singapore Pte Ltd, N3 Results Unipessoal Lda, NYTEC, Nanjing Demeng Advertising Co. Ltd., Nashco Consulting, NaviSys Inc., Nell'Armonia Israel Ltd, Nell'Armonia SAS, Nell'Participation SAS, NellArmonia, Neo Metrics Analytics S.L., Neo Metrics Chile S.A., New Content, New Content Editora e Produtora Ltda, New Energy Group, News Imaging LLC, NewsPage, NewsPage (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, NewsPage Pte Ltd, Northstream, Novetta Holdings LLC, Novetta LLC, Novetta Solutions LLC, Novetta Topco LLC, OCTO Technology, OPS Rules Management Consultants, Octagon Research Solutions Inc., Octo Technology Pty Ltd, Octo Technology SA, Odgaard ApS, Olikka, Olikka Pty Ltd, Olympus Systems Corporation, Openmind, Openmind S.r..l., Openminded, Openminded SAS, Operaciones Accenture S.A. de C.V., OpusLine, Orbium, Orbium AG, Orbium Consulting Limited, Orbium Inc., Orbium Ltd, Orbium Pte Ltd, Orbium Pty Ltd, Origin Digital, PCO Innovation, PLM Systems S.r.l, PRION GmbH, PT Accenture, PT Asta Catur Indra, PT Kogentix Teknologi Indonesia, PacificLink Group, Paja Finanssipalvelut Oy, Parker Fitzgerald Inc, Parker Fitzgerald International Limited, Parker Fitzgerald Limited, Parker Fitzgerald PTY Ltd, Parker Fitzgerald Services Limited, Parker Fitzgerald Solutions Limited, Pecaso Ltd., Pegasus Production A/S, Pegasus Production K/S, Phase One Consulting Group, Pillar Technology, Pollux, Pollux Automation Mexico S.A. de C.V., Pollux Canada Inc, Pollux S.A.S., Pollux USA LLC, Pragsis Bidoop, Pragsis Bidoop UK Limited, Pramati Technologies Europe Limited, Pramati Technologies Private Limited, Presence of IT Workforce Management North America LLC, PrimeQ, PrimeQ Australia Pty Ltd, PrimeQ Ltd, PrimeQ NZ Pty Limited, Procurian Inc., Prof. Homburg GmbH, Proquire LLC, PureApps Ltd., Qi Jie Beijing Information Technologies Co. Ltd., RBCP Fund 1-A Vapor Blocker LLC, RBCP Platform Vapor Blocker I LLC, REPL Consulting LLC, REPL Consulting Limited, REPL Digital Limited, REPL Group K.K., REPL Group Pty Ltd, REPL Group Worldwide Limited, REPL Pte Ltd, REPL Software Limited, REPL Technology Limited, Radiant Services LLC, Random Walk Computing Inc., Reactive Media Pty Ltd., Real Protect, Realworld OO Systems Ltd., Redcore, Redcore (New Zealand) Limited, Redcore Group Holdings Pty Ltd, Redcore Pty Ltd, Revolutionary Security, RiskControl, Root LLC, Rothco, Rothco Limited, S3 TV Technology Ltd., SALT Solutions GmbH, SEC Servizi, SOPIA Corp., Sagacious Consultants, Salt Solutions, Sandbox Studio LLC, Sapling Bidco Limited, Sapling Midco Limited, Sapling Topco Limited, Schlumberger Business Consulting, Seabury Aviation & Aerospace (UK) Limited, Seabury Consulting, Seabury Corporate Advisors LLC, Seabury Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Search Technologies BPO Inc, Search Technologies International LLC, Search Technologies LLC, Search Technologies Limited, Securiview SAS, Sentelis, Sentor Managed Secuirty Services AB, Servicios Tecnicos de Programacion Accenture S.C., Seven Seas Business Ventures LLC, Shackleton, Shackleton Chile S.A., Shackleton S.L.U., Shanghai Baiyue Advertising Co. Ltd., Shun Zhe Technology Development Co. Ltd., SigInt Technologies LLC, Silveo, Silveo Consulting India Private Limited, Simian Pty Ltd, SinnerSchrader, SinnerSchrader AG, SinnerSchrader Content GmbH, SinnerSchrader Deutschland GmbH, SinnerSchrader Praha s.r.o., Sirvart S.A., Sistemes Consulting S.L., Skylink SAS, Soltians Limited, Solutions IQ LLC, SolutionsIQ, SolutionsIQ India Consulting Services Private Limited, Somers Ventures Ireland Limited, Somers Ventures LLC, Spacelink SAS, Storm Digital, Structure Consulting Group LLC, Sutter Mills, Synership LLC, Systor AG, T.A. Cook, TXF LLC, Tambourine, TargetST8, Tech - Avanade Portugal Unipessoal Lda, Tecnilogica Ecosistemas S.A., Tecnilogica, The Brand Learning Partners Limited, The Callisto Integration Corporation, The Monkeys, The Monkeys Pty Ltd, The Myrtle Group, Total Logistics, Tquila, Trivadis, Trivadis AG, Trivadis Austria GmbH, Trivadis Denmark AS, Trivadis Germany GmbH, Trivadis Holding AG, Trivadis Partner AG, Trivadis Services AG, Trivadis Services SRL, Troop Studios Pty Ltd, VanBerlo, Vector Acquisition Company LLC, Vector Topco LLC, Verax Solutions, Vertical Retail Consulting (Shanghai) Ltd, Vertical Retail Consulting Ltd, Vivere Brasil Servicos e Solucoes SA, Vivere Brasil Solucoes De Credito Ltda., Wabion GmbH, WaveStrike LLC, White Cliffs Consulting LLC, Wire Stone, Wire Stone LLC, Wise Partners SAS, Wolox, Wolox Colombia S.A.S, Wolox LLC, Wolox Mexico S.R.L de C.V., Wolox S.A., Wolox SpA, Workforce Insight, Workforce Insight LLC, Yesler, Yesler LLC, Yesler Limited, Yesler Singapore Pte Ltd, Zag, Zag Australia Pty Ltd, Zag Limited, Zag USA LLC, Zebra Worldwide Australia Pty Ltd, Zebra Worldwide Group Limited, Zebra Worldwide Media Pty Ltd, Zenta, Zenta Global Philippines Inc, Zenta Mortgage Services LLC, Zenta Recoveries Inc, Zenta US Holdings Inc, Zestgroup, Zielpuls, Zielpuls (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Zielpuls GmbH, avVenta, designaffairs, designaffairs Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., designaffairs GmbH, designaffairs group China Co. Ltd., dgroup, i4C Analytics, iDefense, GmbH, and umlaut. Read More United Parcel Service, Inc. provides letter and package delivery, transportation, logistics, and related services. It operates through two segments, U.S. Domestic Package and International Package. The U.S. Domestic Package segment offers time-definite delivery of letters, documents, small packages, and palletized freight through air and ground services in the United States. The International Package segment provides guaranteed day and time-definite international shipping services in Europe, the Asia Pacific, Canada and Latin America, the Indian sub-continent, the Middle East, and Africa. This segment offers guaranteed time-definite express options. The company also provides international air and ocean freight forwarding, customs brokerage, distribution and post-sales, and mail and consulting services in approximately 200 countries and territories. In addition, it offers truckload brokerage services; supply chain solutions to the healthcare and life sciences industry; shipping, visibility, and billing technologies; and financial and insurance services. The company operates a fleet of approximately 121,000 package cars, vans, tractors, and motorcycles; and owns 59,000 containers that are used to transport cargo in its aircraft. United Parcel Service, Inc. was founded in 1907 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Vulcan Materials Company, together with its subsidiaries, produces and supplies construction aggregates primarily in the United States. It operates through four segments: Aggregates, Asphalt, Concrete, and Calcium. The Aggregates segment provides crushed stones, sand and gravel, sand, and other aggregates; and related products and services that are applied in construction and maintenance of highways, streets, and other public works, as well as in the construction of housing and commercial, industrial, and other nonresidential facilities. The Asphalt Mix segment offers asphalt mix in Alabama, Arizona, California, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Texas, as well as engages in the asphalt construction paving activity in Alabama, Tennessee, and Texas. The Concrete segment provides ready-mixed concrete in California, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia, and Washington D.C. The Calcium segment mines, produces, and sells calcium products for the animal feed, plastics, and water treatment industries. The company was formerly known as Virginia Holdco, Inc. and changed its name to Vulcan Materials Company. Vulcan Materials Company was founded in 1909 and is headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama. Williams-Sonoma, Inc. operates as an omni-channel specialty retailer of various products for home. It offers cooking, dining, and entertaining products, such as cookware, tools, electrics, cutlery, tabletop and bar, outdoor, furniture, and a library of cookbooks under the Williams Sonoma Home brand, as well as home furnishings and decorative accessories under the Williams Sonoma lifestyle brand; and furniture, bedding, lighting, rugs, table essentials, and decorative accessories under the Pottery Barn brand. The company also provides home decor products under the West Elm brand; kids accessories under the Pottery Barn Kids brand; and an organic bedding to multi-purpose furniture under the Pottery Barn Teen brand. In addition, it offers made-to-order lighting, hardware, furniture, and home decors inspired by history under the Rejuvenation brand; and women's and men's accessories, travel, entertaining and bar, home decor, and seasonal items under the Mark and Graham brand, as well as operates a 3-D imaging and augmented reality platform for the home furnishings and decor industry. The company markets its products through e-commerce websites, direct-mail catalogs, and retail stores. It operates 544 stores comprising 502 stores in 41states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico; 20 stores in Canada; 19 stores in Australia; 3 stores in the United Kingdom; and 139 franchised stores, as well as e-commerce websites in various countries in the Middle East, the Philippines, Mexico, South Korea, and India. Williams-Sonoma, Inc. was founded in 1956 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Carter's, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, designs, sources, and markets branded childrenswear under the Carter's, OshKosh, Skip Hop, Child of Mine, Just One You, Simple Joys, Carter's My First Love, little planet, and other brands in the United States and internationally. The company operates through three segments: U.S. Retail, U.S. Wholesale, and International. Its Carter's products include babies and young children products, such as bodysuits, pants, dresses, knit sets, blankets, layette essentials, bibs, booties, sleep and play products, rompers, and jumpers; and OshKosh brand products comprise playclothes, such as denim apparel products with multiple wash treatments and coordinating garments, overalls, woven bottoms, knit tops, and bodysuits. The company also provides products for playtime, travel, mealtime, bathtime, and homegear, as well as kid's bags and diaper bags under the Skip Hop brand. In addition, it offers bedding, cribs, diaper bags, footwear, gift sets, hair accessories, jewelry, outerwear, paper goods, socks, shoes, swimwear, and toys. The company operates 18,800 wholesale locations, including department stores, national chain stores, and specialty stores. As of December 31, 2021, it operated 980 retail stores. The company also sells its products through its eCommerce websites, such as,,, and, as well as other international wholesale accounts and licensees. Carter's, Inc. was founded in 1865 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The following companies are subsidiares of Dominion Energy: 96WI 8me LLC, Align RNG Arizona LLC, Align RNG Arizona-Snowflake LLC, Align RNG California LLC, Align RNG California-Corcoran LLC, Align RNG Grady Road LLC, Align RNG LLC, Align RNG Magnolia LLC, Align RNG North Carolina LLC, Align RNG North Carolina-Bowdens LLC, Align RNG Utah LLC, Align RNG Utah-Milford LLC, Align RNG Utah-Minersville LLC, Align RNG Virginia LLC, Align RNG Virginia-Waverly LLC, Alpaca Holdings LLC, Angus Holdings LLC, Aster Holdings LLC, Atlantic Coast Pipeline LLC, BOE Holdings Inc., Bantam Holdings LLC, Bellflower Holdings LLC, Birdseye Holdings LLC, Birdseye Projects LLC, Birdseye Renewable Energy LLC, Blackville Solar Farm LLC, Blue Ocean Energy Marine LLC, BrightSuite Home LLC, BrightSuite Home Solar Inc., BrightSuite Inc., BrightSuite Solar CT Inc., BrightSuite Solar Development LLC, BrightSuite Solar SC Inc., BrightSuite Solar VA Inc., Brown Swiss Holdings II LLC, Buckingham Solar I LLC, CEA Americus LLC, CEA CO-Fort Morgan LLC, CEA Clovis LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Colorado LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Georgia LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Idaho LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Kansas LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Nevada LLC, CEA Dairy RNG New Mexico LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Texas LLC, CEA Greely LLC, CEA Mason LLC, CEA TX-Dimmitt LLC, CNG Coal Company, CNG Power Services Corporation, Canola Holdings LLC, Carolina Gas Transmission Corporation, Charolais Holdings LLC, Chester White Holdings LLC, Chicory Holdings LLC, Clean Energy Asset USA LLC, Clean Energy Enterprises Inc., Clipperton Holdings LLC, Collard Holdings LLC, Consolidated Natural Gas Company, Correctional Solar LLC, Cotswold Holdings LLC, Cove Point LNG Limited, Currant Holdings LLC, DE 700 Canal Place LLC, DE Arlington Solar LLC, DE Fluvanna Solar LLC, DE Hanover Solar LLC, DE Henrico Solar LLC, DE King William Solar LLC, DE Louisa Solar LLC, DE Newport News Solar LLC, DE Powhatan Solar LLC, DE Virginia Beach Solar LLC, DECP Holdings Inc., DEO Alternative Fuel LLC, Dairy RNG Holdings LLC, Denmark Solar LLC, Devon Holdings LLC, Dexter Holdings LLC, Dill Holdings LLC, Dillon RE Holdings LLC, Dominion ACP Holding Inc., Dominion Alternative Energy Holdings Inc., Dominion Atlantic Coast Pipeline LLC, Dominion Capital Inc., Dominion Cogen WV Inc., Dominion Energy Birdseye Holdings Inc., Dominion Energy Fuel Services Inc., Dominion Energy Gas Distribution LLC, Dominion Energy Generation Marketing Inc., Dominion Energy Inc., Dominion Energy Kewaunee Inc., Dominion Energy Marketplace LLC, Dominion Energy Nuclear Connecticut Inc., Dominion Energy Payroll Company Inc., Dominion Energy Questar Corporation, Dominion Energy RNG Holdings II Inc., Dominion Energy RNG Holdings Inc., Dominion Energy Services Inc., Dominion Energy Solar CA LLC, Dominion Energy South Carolina Inc., Dominion Energy Southeast Services Inc., Dominion Energy Technical Solutions Inc., Dominion Energy Technologies II Inc., Dominion Energy Technologies Inc., Dominion Energy Terminal Company Inc., Dominion Energy Wexpro Services Company, Dominion Equipment III Inc., Dominion Equipment Inc., Dominion Fairless Hills Inc., Dominion Fowler Ridge Wind LLC, Dominion Gas Projects Company LLC, Dominion Generation Inc., Dominion Greenbrier Inc., Dominion High Voltage Holdings Inc., Dominion High Voltage MidAtlantic Inc., Dominion Investments Inc., Dominion Keystone Pipeline Holdings Inc., Dominion Keystone Pipeline LLC, Dominion MLP Holding Company III Inc., Dominion Mt. Storm Wind LLC, Dominion Nuclear Projects Inc., Dominion Oklahoma Texas Exploration & Production Inc., Dominion Person Inc., Dominion Privatization Florida LLC, Dominion Privatization Georgia LLC, Dominion Privatization Holdings Inc., Dominion Privatization Kentucky LLC, Dominion Privatization Maryland LLC, Dominion Privatization Pennsylvania LLC, Dominion Privatization South Carolina LLC, Dominion Privatization Texas LLC, Dominion Privatization Virginia LLC, Dominion Products and Services Inc., Dominion Projects Services Inc., Dominion Resources Capital Trust III, Dominion Retail Gas Holdings Inc., Dominion Solar Holdings IV LLC, Dominion Solar Projects C Inc., Dominion Solar Projects D Inc., Dominion Solar Projects III Inc., Dominion Solar Projects IV Inc., Dominion Solar Projects V Inc., Dominion Solar Projects VI Inc., Dominion Solar Projects VII Inc., Dominion Solar Services Inc., Dominion State Line LLC, Dominion Utility Privatization LLC, Dominion Voltage Inc., Dominion Wholesale Inc., Dominion Wind Development LLC, Dominion Wind Projects Inc., Dorset Holdings LLC, ESCT-SA-Suffield LLC, Eagle Holdco Solar LLC, Eagle Solar LLC, Eastern Shore Solar LLC, Endive Holdings LLC, Energize Holdings III LLC, Flax Holdings LLC, Fremont Farm LLC, Gideon Solar LLC, Ginger Holdings LLC, Greenbrier Marketing Company LLC, Greenbrier Pipeline Company LLC, Greensville County Solar Project LLC, Guernsey Holdings LLC, Hardin Solar Energy LLC, Hecate Energy Cherrydale LLC, Hecate Energy Clarke County LLC, Hemlock Holdings LLC, Hereford Holdings LLC, Hodges Solar LLC, Hope Gas Inc., Hosta Holdings LLC, Innovative Solar 37 LLC, Joanna Solar LLC, Kale Holdings LLC, Leek Holdings LLC, Leghorn Holdings LLC, Lentil Holdings LLC, Leyland Holdings LLC, Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas, Millet Holdings LLC, Moffett Solar 1 LLC, Moorings Farm 2 LLC, Mustang Solar LLC, Mustard Holdings LLC, Okra Holdings LLC, PSNC Blue Ridge Corporation, PSNC Cardinal Pipeline Company, Phone House, Pikeville Farm LLC, Power Path Holdings I LLC, Power Path Holdings II LLC, Power Path Holdings III LLC, Prairie Fork Wind Farm LLC, Public Service Company of North Carolina Incorporated, Quail Holdings LLC, Questar Corporation, Questar Gas Company, Questar InfoComm Inc., Ridgeland Solar Farm I LLC, Rutabaga Holdings LLC, SCANA, SCANA Corporate Security Services Inc., SCANA Corporation, SRFI LLC, Safflower Holdings LLC, Scott-II Solar LLC, Seabrook Solar LLC, Sedge Holdings LLC, Shallot Holdings LLC, Siler Solar LLC, Silkie Holdings LLC, Simmental Holdings LLC, Sol Madison Solar LLC, Sorghum Holdings LLC, South Carolina Fuel Company Inc., South Carolina Generating Company Inc., Southampton Solar LLC, Strawberry Holdings LLC, Sumac Holdings LLC, Summit Farms Solar LLC, Sussex Drive Solar Project LLC, TWE Myrtle Solar Project LLC, The East Ohio Gas Company, Trask East Solar LLC, Tredegar Solar Fund I LLC, Tredegar Solar LLC, VP Property Inc., Virginia Electric And Power Company, Virginia Power Fuel Corporation, Virginia Power Nuclear Services Company, Virginia Power Services Energy Corp. Inc., Virginia Power Services LLC, Virginia Solar 2017 Projects LLC, Wakefield Solar LLC, Watercress Holdings LLC, Wexpro Company, Wexpro Development Company, Wexpro II Company, Wilkinson Solar LLC, Yemassee Solar LLC, and Yorkshire Holdings LLC. Read More OFG Bancorp, a financial holding company, provides a range of banking and financial services. It operates through three segments: Banking, Wealth Management, and Treasury. The company offers checking and savings accounts, as well as time deposit products; commercial, consumer, auto, and mortgage lending services; financial planning and insurance services; and corporate and individual trust, and retirement services. It also provides securities brokerage and investment advisory services, including various investment alternatives, such as tax-advantaged fixed income securities, mutual funds, stocks, and bonds to retail and institutional clients; and separately-managed accounts and mutual fund asset allocation programs. In addition, the company engages in the insurance agency and reinsurance businesses; administration and servicing of retirement plans; various treasury-related functions with an investment portfolio consisting of mortgage-backed securities, obligations of U.S. government sponsored agencies, and U.S. Treasury securities and money market instruments; and management and participation in public offerings and private placements of debt and equity securities. Further, it offers money management and investment banking services; and engages in the asset/liability management activities, such as purchases and sales of investment securities, interest rate risk management, derivatives, and borrowings. The company operates through a network of 50 branches in Puerto Rico and 2 branches in USVI. OFG Bancorp was founded in 1964 and is headquartered in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The following companies are subsidiares of Illinois Tool Works: A V Co 1 Limited, A V Co 2 Limited, A V Co 3 Limited, ACCU-LUBE Manufacturing GmbH - Schmiermittel und -gerate -, AIP/BI Holdings Inc., Accessories Marketing Holding Corp., Advanced Molding Company Inc., Allen France SAS, Alpine Engineered Products, Alpine Systems Corporation, Anaerobicos S.r.l., AppliChem GmbH, Avery Berkel France, Avery India Limited, Avery Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Avery Weigh Tronix, Avery Weigh-Tronix Finance Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix International Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix LLC, Avery Weigh-Tronix Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix Properties Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix Suzhou Weighing Technology Co. Ltd., Azon Limited, B.C. Immo, Beijing Miller Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Berkel Ireland Limited, Berrington UK, Brapenta Eletronica Ltda., Brooks Instrument B.V., Brooks Instrument GmbH, Brooks Instrument KFT, Brooks Instrument Korea Ltd., Brooks Instrument LLC, Brooks Instrument Shanghai Co. Ltd, Buell Industries Inc., CCI Realty Company, CFC Europe GmbH, CS Australia Pty Limited, CS Mexico Holding Company S DE RL DE CV, Calvia Spolka z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnosci, Capital Ventures Australasia S.a r.l, Capmax Logistica S.A. de C.V., Celeste Industries Corporation, Coeur, Coeur Asia Limited, Coeur Holding Company, Coeur Inc., Coeur Shanghai Medical Appliance Trading Co. Ltd, Compagnie Hobart, Compagnie de Materiel et d'Equipements Techniques-Comet, Constructions Isothermiques Bontami C.I.B., Crane Carrier Company, Denison Mayes Group Limited, Despatch Industries, Diagraph Corporation Sdn. Bhd, Diagraph ITW Mexico S. de R.L. De C.V., Diagraph Mexico S.A. DE C.V., Dongguan Ark-Les Electric Components Co. Ltd., Dongguan CK Branding Co. Ltd., Duo Fast de Espana S.A.U., Duo-Fast Korea Co. Ltd., Duo-Fast LLC, E.C.S. d.o.o., E2M Production B.V.., E2M Technologies B.V.., E2M Technologies Inc.., ECS Cable Protection Sp. Zoo, ELRO Grosskuchen GmbH, ELRO Holding AG, ELRO-WERKE AG, Elro Group, Eltex-Elektrostatik-Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Envases Multipac S.A. de C.V., Eurotec Srl, Exhibit 21, FEG Investments L.L.C., Filtertek De Mexico Holding Inc., Filtertek De Mexico S.A. de C.V., Filtertek SAS, GC Financement SA, Gamko B.V., Gun Hwa Platech Taicang Co. Ltd., HOBART Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Hartness International, Hobart Andina S.A.S., Hobart Belgium B.V., Hobart Brothers International Chile Limitada, Hobart Brothers LLC, Hobart Dayton Mexicana S. de R.L. de C.V., Hobart Food Equipment Co. Ltd., Hobart International Singapore Pte. Ltd., Hobart Japan K.K., Hobart Korea LLC, Hobart LLC, Hobart Nederland B.V., Hobart Sales & Service Inc., Hobart Scandinavia ApS, Hobart Techniek B.V., Horis, ILC Investments Holdings Inc., ITW AEP LLC, ITW AOC LLC, ITW Aircraft Investments Inc., ITW Ampang Industries Philippines Inc., ITW Appliance Components EOOD, ITW Appliance Components S.A. de C.V., ITW Appliance Components S.r.l.a, ITW Appliance Components d.o.o., ITW Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, ITW Australia Property Holdings Pty Ltd., ITW Australia Pty Ltd, ITW Automotive Components Chongqing Co. Ltd., ITW Automotive Components Langfang Co. Ltd., ITW Automotive Japan K.K., ITW Automotive Korea LLC, ITW Automotive Parts Shanghai Co. Ltd, ITW Automotive Products GmbH, ITW Automotive Products Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Bailly Comte, ITW Befestigungssysteme GmbH, ITW Belgium B.V., ITW Brazilian Nominee L.L.C., ITW Building Components Group Inc., ITW CER, ITW CP Distribution Center Holland BV, ITW CS UK Ltd., ITW Canada Inc., ITW Celeste Inc., ITW Chemical Products Ltda, ITW Chemical Products Scandinavia ApS, ITW China Investment Company Limited, ITW Colombia S.A.S., ITW Construction Products AB, ITW Construction Products AS, ITW Construction Products ApS, ITW Construction Products CZ s.r.o., ITW Construction Products Italy Srl, ITW Construction Products OU, ITW Construction Products OY, ITW Construction Products Shanghai Co. Ltd., ITW Construction Products Singapore Pte. Ltd., ITW Construction Services Manila Inc., ITW Contamination Control B.V., ITW Contamination Control Wujiang Co. Ltd., ITW Covid Security Group Inc., ITW DS Investments Inc., ITW DelFast do Brasil Ltda., ITW Denmark ApS, ITW Deutschland GmbH, ITW Diagraph GmbH, ITW Dynatec, ITW Dynatec Adhesive Equipment Suzhou Co. Ltd., ITW Dynatec GmbH, ITW Dynatec Kabushiki Kaisha, ITW EAE B.V., ITW EAE Mexico S de RL de CV, ITW EF&C France SAS, ITW EF&C Selb GmbH, ITW EU Holdings Ltd., ITW Electronic Business Asia Co. Limited, ITW Electronic Components/Products Shanghai Co. Ltd., ITW Electronics Suzhou Co. Ltd., ITW Epsilon Sarl, ITW Espana S.L., ITW European Finance Co. Ltd., ITW European Finance II Co. Ltd., ITW European Finance III Co. Ltd., ITW FEG Hong Kong Limited, ITW FEG do Brasil Industria e Comercio Ltda., ITW Fastener Products GmbH, ITW Fluids and Hygiene Solutions Ltda., ITW Food Equipment Group LLC, ITW GH LLC, ITW GSE ApS, ITW GSE Inc., ITW Gamma Sarl, ITW German Management LLC, ITW Global Investments Holdings LLC, ITW Global Investments Holdings Y Compania Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones, ITW Global Investments Inc., ITW Global Tire Repair Europe GmbH, ITW Global Tire Repair Inc., ITW Global Tire Repair Japan K.K., ITW Graphics Asia Limited, ITW Graphics Thailand Ltd., ITW Great Britain Investment & Licensing Holding Company, ITW Group France Luxembourg, ITW HLP Thailand Co. Ltd., ITW Holding Quimica B.C. S.L. Sole Shareholder Company, ITW Holdings Australia L.P., ITW Holdings I Limited, ITW Holdings II Limited, ITW Holdings III Limited, ITW Holdings IV Limited, ITW Holdings IX Limited, ITW Holdings Inc., ITW Holdings V Limited, ITW Holdings VI Limited, ITW Holdings VII Limited, ITW Holdings VIII Limited, ITW Holdings X Limited, ITW Holdings XI Limited, ITW ILC Holdings I Inc., ITW IPG Investments LLC, ITW Imaden Industria e Comercio Ltda., ITW India Private Limited, ITW International Holdings LLC, ITW Invest Holding GmbH, ITW Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company, ITW Ireland Unlimited Company, ITW Italy Holding Srl, ITW Japan Ltd., ITW Korea LLC, ITW LLC & Co. KG, ITW Limited, ITW Lys Fusion S.r.l., ITW Materials Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd., ITW Meritex Sdn. Bhd., ITW Metal Fasteners S.L., ITW Mexico Holding Company S. De R.L. de C.V., ITW Mexico Holdings LLC, ITW Morlock GmbH, ITW Mortgage Investments II Inc., ITW Mortgage Investments III Inc., ITW Mortgage Investments IV Inc., ITW Netherlands Administration BV, ITW Netherlands Beta B.V., ITW Netherlands Finance Alpha BV, ITW New Universal LLC, ITW New Zealand, ITW Ningbo Components & Fastenings Systems Co. Ltd., ITW Novadan Sp. Z.o.o., ITW PPF Brasil Adesivos Ltda., ITW Packaging Technology China Co. Ltd., ITW Participations S.a r.l., ITW Pension Funds Trustee Company, ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids Japan Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids Korea Limited, ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids OOO, ITW Performance Polymers ApS, ITW Performance Polymers Wujiang Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers and Fluids Group FZE, ITW Peru S.A.C., ITW Poly Mex S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Polymers Sealants North America Inc., ITW Pronovia s.r.o., ITW Pte. Ltd., ITW Qufu Automotive Cooling Systems Co. Ltd., ITW Real Estate Germany GmbH, ITW Residuals III L.L.C., ITW Residuals IV L.L.C., ITW Rivex, ITW SMPI, ITW SPG Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Simco-Ion Shenzhen Co. Ltd., ITW Slovakia s.r.o., ITW Spain Holdings S.L., ITW Specialty Film LLC, ITW Specialty Films France, ITW Specialty Materials Suzhou Co. Ltd., ITW Sverige AB, ITW Sweden Holding AB, ITW Test & Measurement Equipment Shanghai Co. Ltd, ITW Test & Measurement GmbH, ITW Test and Measurement Italia Srl, ITW Test and Measurement Services Industry and Trade Ltd., ITW Texwipe Philippines Inc., ITW Thermal Films Shanghai Co. Ltd., ITW UK, ITW UK Finance Beta Limited, ITW UK Finance Delta Limited, ITW UK Finance Gamma Limited, ITW UK Finance Limited, ITW UK Finance Zeta Ltd., ITW UK II Limited, ITW Universal II LLC, ITW Welding, ITW Welding AB, ITW Welding GmbH, ITW Welding Products B.V., ITW Welding Products Group FZE, ITW Welding Products Group S. DE R.L. De C.V., ITW Welding Products Italy Srl, ITW Welding Products Limited Liability Company, ITW Welding Produtos Para Solgdagem Ltda., ITW Welding Singapore Pte. Ltd., ITW de France, ITW do Brasil Industrial e Comercial Ltda., Illinois Tool Works Chile Limitada, Illinois Tool Works ITW Nederland B.V., Illinois Tool Works Inc., Impar Comercio E Representacoes Ltda., Industrie Plastic Elsasser GmbH, Inmobiliaria Cit. S.A. de C.F., Innova Temperlite Servicios S.A. de C.V., Innovacion y Transformacion Automotriz S.A. de C.V., Instron Brasil Equipamentos Cientificos Ltda., Instron Foreign Sales Corp. Limited, Instron France S.A.S., Instron GmbH, Instron Japan Company Ltd., Instron Korea LLC, Instron Shanghai Ltd., Instron Thailand Limited, International Leasing Company LLC, Isolenge - ITW Sistemas de Isolamento Termico Ltda., Itw Spraytec, KCPL Mauritius Holdings, Kester, Kleinmann GmbH, Krafft S.L., Loma Systems, Loma Systems BV, Loma Systems Canada Inc., Loma Systems sro, Lombard Pressings Limited, Lumex Inc., Lys Fusion Poland Sp. z.o.o., M&C Specialties Co., MAGNAFLUX GmbH, MEHB Holdings Limited, MGHG Property LLC, MTS 2 LLC., MTS 3 LLC., MTS China Holdings LLC, MTS Europe Holdings LLC, MTS Holdings France S.a.r.l., MTS Japan Ltd.., MTS Korea Inc.., MTS Systems China Co. Ltd., MTS Systems Corporation, MTS Systems Danmark ApS., MTS Systems Europe B.V., MTS Systems Finance C.V.., MTS Systems Germany GmbH, MTS Systems Holding B.V.., MTS Systems Hong Kong Incorporated, MTS Systems Limited, MTS Systems Norden Aktiebolag, MTS Systems S.r.l, MTS Systems., MTS Systems.., MTS Sytems Do Brazil, MTS Testing Solutions India Private Limited., MTS Testing Systems Canada Ltd., Manufacturing Avancee S.A., Meritex Technology Suzhou Co. Ltd., Meurer Verpackungssysteme GmbH, Miller Electric Mfg. LLC, Miller Insurance Ltd., NDT Holding LLC, NOVADAN APS, North Star Imaging Inc., Nova Chimica S.r.l., Orbitalum Tools GmbH, PENTA-91 OOO, PR. A. I. Srl, PT ITW Construction Products Indonesia, Pacific Concept Industries Limited Enping, Panreac Quimica S.L., Paslode Fasteners Shanghai Co. Ltd., Peerless Machinery Corp., Polyrey, Premark FEG L.L.C., Premark HII Holdings LLC, Premark International, Premark International LLC, Prolex Sociedad Anonima, QSA Global Inc., Quimica Industrial Mediterranea S.L., R&D Engineering A/S., R&D Prague s.r.o., R&D Steel ApS., R&D Test Systems A/S., R&D Tools and Structures A/S., RDGDK Engineering Private Limited, Ramset Fasteners Hong Kong Ltd., Rapid Cook LLC, Refrigeration France, S.E.E. Sistemas Industria E Comercio Ltda., ST Mexico Holdings LLC, Sealant Systems International Inc., Sentinel Asia Yuhan Hoesa, Shanghai ITW Plastic & Metal Co. Ltd, Simco Japan Inc., Simco Nederland B.V., Societe de Prospection et dInventions Techniques SPIT, Speedline Holdings I Inc., Speedline Holdings I LLC, Speedline Technologies GmbH, Speedline Technologies Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Speedline Technologies Mexico Services S. de R.L. de C.V., Stokvis Celix Portugal Unipessoal LDA, Stokvis Danmark ApS, Stokvis Holdings S.A.R.L., Stokvis Promi s.r.o, Stokvis Prostick Tapes Private Limited, Stokvis Tapes B.V., Stokvis Tapes Benelux B.V., Stokvis Tapes Deutschland GmbH, Stokvis Tapes France, Stokvis Tapes Hong Kong Co. Limited, Stokvis Tapes Italia s.r.l., Stokvis Tapes Limited, Stokvis Tapes Limited Liability Company, Stokvis Tapes Norge AS, Stokvis Tapes Oy, Stokvis Tapes Polska Sp Z.O.O., Stokvis Tapes Shanghai Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes Sverige AB, Stokvis Tapes Taiwan Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes Tianjin Co. Ltd., Stolvis Holdings II S.A.R.L., Subsidiaries, Technopack Industria Comercio Consultoria e Representacoes Ltda., Teknek China Limited, Teknek Japan Limited, Teksaleco Ltd., The Miller Group Ltd, Thirode Grandes Cuisines Poligny, Tien Tai Electrode Co. Ltd., Tien Tai Electrode Kunshan Co. Ltd., Unichemicals Industria e Comercio Ltda., VR-Leasing Sarita GmbH & Co. Immobilien KG, VS European Holdco BV, Valeron Strength Films B.V., Veneta Decalcogomme S.r.l., Versachem Chile S.A., Vesta, Vesta Global Limited, Vesta Guangzhou Catering Equipment Co. Ltd, Viltronics Soltec, Vitronics Soltec B.V., Wachs Canada Ltd., Wachs Subsea LLC, Weigh-Tronix Canada ULC, Weigh-Tronix UK Limited, Wilsonart International Holdings LLC, Wynn Oil South Africa Pty Ltd., Wynn's Automotive France, Wynn's Belgium BVBA, Wynn's Italia Srl, Wynn's Mekuba India Pvt Ltd, and Zip-Pak International B.V.. Read More InterXion Holding N.V. provides carrier and cloud-neutral colocation data center services in France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The company enables its customers to connect to a range of telecommunications carriers, cloud platforms, Internet service providers, and other customers. Its data centers acts as content, cloud, and connectivity hubs that facilitate the processing, storage, sharing, and distribution of data between its customers. The company offers colocation services, including space and power to deploy IT infrastructure in its data centers; a range of output voltages and currents; connectivity services that enable its customers to connect their IT infrastructure to exchange traffic and access cloud platforms; and systems monitoring, systems management, engineering support, and data backup and storage services, as well as installs and manages physical connections running from its customers' equipment to the equipment of its telecommunications carriers, Internet service providers, Internet exchange customers, and other customers. It provides its services to telecom operators, Internet service providers, and content delivery networks; content and cloud providers; and enterprises through direct sales forces, as well as through tradeshows, networking events, and industry seminars. As of December 31, 2018, it operated 51 carrier and cloud neutral colocation data centers in 13 metropolitan areas in 11 countries. The company is also involved in real estate management/holding businesses. InterXion Holding N.V. was incorporated in 1998 and is headquartered in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. The following companies are subsidiares of Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.: 2235158 Alberta Limited, A.J. Amer Agency, AHC Digital LLC, AIX Limited, AJG Coal LLC, AJG Financial Services LLC, AJG Meadows LLC, AJG North America ULC, AJG RCF LLC, AJGRMS of Louisiana LLC, ARM RE Ltda., AVIATION INSURANCE SERVICES, AVRECO, Ace IRM Insurance Broking Group, Acumus Holdings Limited, Acumus Interco Limited, Acumus Ltd, Adams & Associates International, Adaptive Marketing LLC, Adco General Corporation, Advanced Benefit Advisors, Aequus Trade Credit, Affinity Marketing Group, Ahrold Fay Rosenberg, Aires Consulting Group, Alesco Risk Management Services Limited, Alize Limited, Allied Claims Administration Inc., Alternative Market Specialists, Altman & Cronin Benefit Consultants, American Freedom Carriers Inc., American Security Services Corp., American Wholesalers Underwriting Ltd, Andrew-Anthony Insurance Agency, Anthony Hodges Consulting Limited, Antrobus Investments Limited, AquaSurance, Argentis, Argentis Financial Group Limited, Argentis Financial Management Limited, Argus Benefits, Armstrong/Robitaille/Riegle, Artex (SAC) Limited, Artex Cedar Hill, Artex Corporate Services (Malta) Limited, Artex Corporate Services Limited, Artex Holdings (Gibraltar) Limited, Artex Holdings (Malta) Limited, Artex Insurance (Guernsey) PCC Limited, Artex Insurance (Tennessee) PCCIC Inc., Artex Insurance Brokers (Malta) PCC Limited, Artex Insurance ICC Limited, Artex Intermediaries Ltd, Artex Risk Solutions (Bermuda) Ltd, Artex Risk Solutions (Cayman) Limited, Artex Risk Solutions (Gibraltar) Limited, Artex Risk Solutions (Guernsey) Limited, Artex Risk Solutions (International) Ltd, Artex Risk Solutions (Malta) Limited, Artex Risk Solutions (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Artex Risk Solutions (UK) Limited, Artex Risk Solutions Inc., Arthur J Gallagher (Norway) Holdings AS, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (AUS) Ltd, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (Bermuda) Limited, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (Illinois), Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Insurance Brokers of California Inc., Arthur J. Gallagher (Aus) Pty Ltd, Arthur J. Gallagher (Bermuda) Holding Partnership, Arthur J. Gallagher (Life Solutions) Ltd, Arthur J. Gallagher (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Arthur J. Gallagher (U.S.) LLC, Arthur J. Gallagher (UK) Limited, Arthur J. Gallagher Asesoria S.A.C., Arthur J. Gallagher Australasia Holdings Pty Ltd., Arthur J. Gallagher Brokerage & Risk Management Services LLC, Arthur J. Gallagher Broking (NZ) Limited, Arthur J. Gallagher Financial Services Professionals Risk Purchasing Group LLC, Arthur J. Gallagher Group Quebec ULC, Arthur J. Gallagher Holdings (UK) Limited, Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited, Arthur J. Gallagher Latin America LLC, Arthur J. Gallagher Management (Bermuda) Limited, Arthur J. Gallagher Real Estate Risk Purchasing Group LLC, Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services (Hawaii) Inc., Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc., Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services of Utah Inc., Arthur J. Gallagher School Risk Purchasing Group LLC, Arthur J. Gallagher Service Company LLC, Arthur J. Gallagher Services (UK) Ltd, Ashmore & Associates Insurance Agency, Atlantic Risk Management Corp., Atrex Insurance (Cayman) SPC Limited, Avantek Pty Ltd, Axe Insurance PCC Limited, BIS Insurance Services, Baker - Tillys employment benefits solutions, Ballard Benefit Works, Bankers Financial Benefits, Barmore Insurance Agency, Behnke & Co. Inc., Bellisle Pty Ltd, Belmont Associates Consultants, Belmont Insurance Holdings Limited, Belmont International, Belmont International Limited, Benefit Development Group, Benefit Management Group, BenefitLink Resource Group, Benefits Planning & Insurance Agency, Benefits Unlimited, Bennett & Shade Co., Bergvall Marine, Bergvall Marine A.S., Besselman & Little Agency, Big Savings Insurance Agency Inc., Blenheim Park Ltd, Blenheim Park Services Limited, Blue Holdings Pty Ltd, Blue Horizon Insurance Services, Blue Water Benefits, BluePeak Advisors, Blueleaf Consulting Pty Ltd., Bluewater Incorporated Cell Insurance Company, Bollinger Inc., Bollinger Insurance Services Inc., Bowen Miclette Britt & Merry of Arkansas Inc., Brendis & Brendis, Brim AB, Broker Benefit Services, Brokerage Professionals, Brown Hobbs & McMurray Insurance, Bultman/Bell Associates Inc., Burkwald & Associates, Burns-Fazzi Brock & Associates, Bushong Insurance Associates, C&B Consulting Group, CGM Gallagher Insruance Brokers (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited, CJM Solutions Inc., CMA Solutions LLC, Cairnstone Financial, California Insurance Center, Capital Bauer Insurance Agency, Capitol Benefits Group, Capsicum CRLA LLP, Capsicum Re Brasil Participacoes Ltda, Capsicum Re Latin America Corretora De Resseguros Ltda, Capsicum Reinsurance Brokers Bermuda Limited, Capsicum Reinsurance Brokers Miami Inc., Carefree Marketing Inc., Carpenter Cammack & Associates, Cashan & Co., Castle Insurance Associates, Centennial Insurance Agency, Charity First Insurance Services Inc., Charles Allen Agency, Charter Lakes Insurance Agency, Chris Schroeder Insurance, Christie-Phoenix, Cintran Claims Canada Limited, Classic Insurance Services, Cleaveland Insurance Group, Cohen & Lord Insurance Brokers, Cohn Financial Group, Coleman Group Holdings Limited, Coleman Holdings Limited, College and University Scholastic Excess Risk Purchasing Group LLC, Commercial Insurance Brokers, Complete Benefit Alliance, Complete Financial Balance, Complete Financial Balance Pty Ltd, Consolidated Casualty Specialties LLC, Construction Risk Solutions, Contego Underwriting Limited, Contego Underwriting Ltd, Continental Excess & Surplus, Convergence Risk Services Ltd, Copper Mountain Assurance Inc., Cornwall & Stevens Co., Corporate Benefit Advisors, Corporate Life Consultants, Countrywide Accident Assistance Limited, Coverdell & Company Inc., Coverdell Canada Corporation, Cowles and Connell, Craig M. Ferguson & Co., Crist Elliott Machette Insurance Services, Crombie Lockwood (NZ) Limited, Davis-Poston & Associates, Denman Consulting Services, Detlefs Johnson & Partners, DiBrina Group, Dickinson & Associates, Discount Development Services L.L.C., Discovery Benefit Solutions, Dodson-Bateman & Co., Donald P. Pipino Co. Ltd., E. S. Susanin Inc., EHE Holdings LLC, EHS Holdings Limited, Elantis Premium Funding (NZ) Limited, Elantis Premium Funding Limited, Elite Benefits Insurance Marketing Services, Employee Benefits Analysis Corp., Employee Benefits of The Carolinas, Encore Insurance & Bonding, Everett James, Evolution Risk Services Limited, Evolution Technology Services Limited, Evolution Underwriting Group, Evolution Underwriting Group Limited, Evolution Underwriting Limited, Excel Insurance Services, FYI Direct Canada Corporation, FYI Direct LLC, Farallone Pacific Insurance Services, Fenchurch Faris Limited, Fidelity Benefits & Insurance Services, Financial Profiles Inc., Finergy Solutions Pty Ltd, First Agency, First Iowa Insurance Agency, First Premium Inc., First Premium Insurance Group, Fish & Schulkamp, Fishermans Insurance Services, Foley Healthcare Limited, Fortress Financial Solutions Pty Ltd, Fortress Insurance LLC, Foundation Strategies, Fox Lawson & Associates, Franklin-Case Agency LLC, Fraser MacAndrew Ryan Limited, Friary Intermediate Limited, Fuller & O'Brien, G.S. Chapman & Associates Insurance Brokers, G.S. Levine Insurance Services, GBS (Australia) Holdings Pty Ltd, GBS Administrators Inc., GBS Insurance and Financial Services Inc., GBS Retirement Services Inc., GBS Specialty Markets LLC, GGB Finance 1 Limited, GGB Finance 2 Limited, GGB Finance 3 Limited, GGB Finance 4 Limited, GPL Assurance, GPL Assurance Inc., Gabor Insurance Services, Gale Smith & Co. Inc., Gallagher (Bermuda) Insurance Solutions Ltd., Gallagher - Grace/Mayer Insurance Agency, Gallagher Bassett Aires Inc., Gallagher Bassett Canada Inc., Gallagher Bassett Insurance Services Ltd., Gallagher Bassett International Ltd., Gallagher Bassett NZ Pty Ltd., Gallagher Bassett Services Inc. , Gallagher Bassett Services Pty Ltd., Gallagher Bassett Services Workers Compensation Victoria Pty Ltd., Gallagher Benefit Services (Canada) Group Inc., Gallagher Benefit Services (Holdings) Limited, Gallagher Benefit Services Inc., Gallagher Benefit Services Management Company Limited, Gallagher Benefit Services Pty Ltd, Gallagher Benefits Consulting Limited, Gallagher Bomford Couch Wilson, Gallagher Burgess, Gallagher Canada Acquisition Corporation, Gallagher Caribbean Group Limited, Gallagher Clean Energy LLC, Gallagher Communications Limited, Gallagher Community Clinic RPG LLC, Gallagher Consulting Ltda, Gallagher Corporate Services LLC, Gallagher Coyle, Gallagher CyberRisk, Gallagher Energy Risk Services Inc., Gallagher Fiduciary Advisors LLC, Gallagher Holdings (UK) Limited, Gallagher Holdings Bermuda Company Limited, Gallagher Holdings Four (UK) Limited, Gallagher Holdings Three (UK) Limited, Gallagher Insurance Brokers (Barbados) Limited, Gallagher Insurance Brokers (St. Kitts & Nevis) Limited, Gallagher Insurance Brokers (St. Lucia) Limited, Gallagher Insurance Brokers (St. Vincent) Limited, Gallagher Insurance Brokers Jamaica Limited, Gallagher International Cash Management s.r.l., Gallagher International Holdings (US) Inc., Gallagher Investment Advisors LLC, Gallagher Inwest Group, Gallagher Koster, Gallagher Lambert Group, Gallagher Madison Risk & Insurance Services, Gallagher Mauritius Holdings, Gallagher Mississippi Brokerage LLC, Gallagher RE Colombia Ltda Corredores de Reaseguros SA, Gallagher Risk & Reward Limited, Gallagher Risk Group LLC, Gallagher Risk Placements Pty Ltd, Gallagher SKS, Gallagher Service Center LLP, Gallagher-Tarantino, Galtney Group, Game Day Insurance Inc., Gardner & White Corp., Gardner Marine Agency, Garza Long Group, Gatehouse Consulting Limited, Gault Armstrong Kemble Pty Ltd, Gault Armstrong SARL, Giles Group, Giles Holdings Limited, Giles Insurance Brokers, Gillis Ellis & Baker Inc., Goodman Insurance Agency, Grandy Pratt Co., Greenseed Alternative Mangaers Platform Ltd, Grossman & Associates, Group Benefits of Arkansas, Group Insurance Associates, Gruppo Marcucci, HLG Holdings Limited, HMG-PCMS Limited, HPF Investments LLC, HR Owen Insurance Services Limited, Hagan Newkirk Financial Services, Hagedorn & Company, Hardman & Howell Benefits, Harlequin Insurance PCC Limited, Hartstein Associates Inc., Healthcare Professionals Purchasing Group LLC, Healthcare Risk Solutions, Heath Lambert Group Ltd., Heath Lambert Limited, Heath Lambert Overseas Limited, Heiser Insurance Agency, Henderson Phillips Fine Arts Insurance, Herbruck Alder & Co., Heritage Insurance Brokers (CI) Limited, Hesse & Partner AG, Hesse Consulting, Hexagon ICC Limited, Hexagon Insurance PCC Limited, Hill Chesson & Woody, Hogan Insurance Services, Home & Travel Limited, Honour Point Limited, Horseshoe Corporate Services Ltd, Horseshoe Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd, Horseshoe Fund Services Ltd, Horseshoe Fund Services USA Inc., Horseshoe ILS Services UK Ltd, Horseshoe Insurance Advisors US LLC, Horseshoe Insurance Advisory Ltd., Horseshoe Insurance Services Holdings Ltd, Horseshoe Insurance Services Holdings US Inc., Horseshoe Management (Gibraltar) Limited, Horseshoe Management (Ireland) Ltd, Horseshoe Management Ltd., Horseshoe PCC Limited, Horseshoe Re Limited, Horseshoe Services (Cayman) Ltd, Horseshoe Services (Pty) Ltd, Horton Insurance Agency, Housing Authorities Services Risk Purchasing Group LLC, Human Resource Management Systems, I-Protect Underwriting Pty Ltd, IBIS Advisors, IBS Reinsurance Singapore Pte Ltd, ILS Fund Services Ltd., ISG International, ITI Solutions, Igloo Insurance PCC Limited, Independent Benefit Services, Independent Fiduciary Services, Ink Underwriting Agencies Limited, InsSync Group Pty Ltd, Inspire Underwriting Limited, Instrat Insurance Brokers, Instrat Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd, Instrat Integration Holdco Pty Ltd, Insurance Acquisitions Holdings Limited, Insurance Associates Inc., Insurance Dialogue Limited, Insurance Dialogue Ltd., Insurance Plans Agency, Insurance Plus Risk Purchasing Group LLC, Insurance Point, Insurance Risk Managers of Missouri Inc., Insure My Villa Limited, Insure Pty Ltd, Integrated Healthcare Strategies, InterNational Insurance Group, InterPacific Underwriting Agencies, Intermountain Financial Benefits, Interstate Insurance Underwriters, JPGAC LLC, James F. Reda & Associates, James R. Weir Insurance Agency, Jenkins and Associates, Joe E. Martin Inc., John P. Woods Co. Inc., Jones Brown, Jones Brown Group Inc., Jones Brown Insurance Solutions Inc., Joseph Distel, Joseph James & Associates Insurance Agency, Just Landlords Insurance Services Ltd, KDC Associates, KRW Insurance Agency, Kahl Insurance Services, Kaler Carney Liffler & Co. Inc., Kane Group - Insurance Management Operations, Kelly Financial, Kent Kent & Tingle and RBS, Keyser Benefits Corp., Kingspark Enterprises Pty Ltd, L&R Benefits, LSG Insurance Partners, Learn About Money Limited, Lewis & Associates Insurance Brokers, Leystone Insurance & Financial, Life Plans Unlimited, Lincoln Financial Management, Longfellow Financial, Lucas Fettes Limited, Lucas Fettes and Partners Limited, Lutgert Insurance, MA Underwriting Pty Ltd, MDM Insurance Associates, MG Advanced Coal Technologies-1 LLC, MGA Insurance Services, MRS Holdings Ltd., Madison Scott & Associates, Managed Healthcare Solutions, Mannequin Insurance PCC Limited, Marchetti Robertson & Brickell Insurance, Marine Insurance Service, Martin Gordon & Jones Inc., McDowall Associates Human Resource Consultants, McIntyre Risk Management, McLean Insurance Agency, McNeary, McPherson Benefits Group, McRory & Co., Mecacem Insurance SPC Ltd, MedInsights Inc., Melton Insurance Associates, Memberworks Canada LLC, Merit Insurance, Metcom Excess, Metzler Bros. Insurance, Meyers-Reynolds & Associates, Mid America Group, Midwest Surety Services, Mike Henry Insurance Brokers, Mike Henry Insurance Brokers Limited, Mike Henry Insurance Funding Limited, Miller Buettner & Parrott, Miller-Harrison Insurance Services, Milne Alexander Pty Ltd, Minvielle & Chastanet Insurance Brokers, Monument Insurance (NZ) Limited, Monument Llc, Monument Premium Funding Limited, Mortgage Insurance Agency, Murphy Consultants, Mutual Insurance Services, NationAir Aviation Insurance, National Administration Co., National Ethics Association, National Transportation Adjusters, Nelson/Monarch Insurance Services, Nicoud Insurance Services, NiiS/Apex Group Holdings, Nonprofit Insurance Risk Purchasing Group LLC, Noraxis Capital Corp, Nordic Forsakring & Riskhantering AB, North Alabama Insurance, Nourse Insurance Brokers, O'Gorman & Young, OAMPS (UK) Limited, OAMPS Gault Armstrong Pty Ltd, OAMPS Limited, OAMPS Special Risks Ltd, Offshore Market Placements Limited, Optimum Talent, Orb Financial Services, Orb Financial Services Limited, Osprey Insurance Brokers Limited, Oval Group, Oval Healthcare Limited, Oval Insurance Broking Limited, Oval Limited, Oval Management Services Limited, Oxygen Insurance Managers, P2 Group, PEN Insurance Management Advisors Ltd, PT IBS Insurance Broking Service, Pacific Insurance Agency, Palmer Atlantic Insurance, Palmer Atlantic Insurance Ltd, Palmer Atlantic Risk Services Ltd., Park Row Associates, Parkstar Enterprises Pty Ltd, Parmia Pty Ltd, PartnerSource, Pastel Holding (NZ) Company, Pastel Holdings Pty Limited, Pastel Purchaser (NZ) Limited, Pastel Purchaser Pty Limited, Pavey Group Holdings (UK) Limited, Pavey Group Holdings Limited, Pavey Group Limited, Pearson Dunn Insurance Inc., Pen Underwriting Canada Limited, Pen Underwriting Group Pty. Ltd., Pen Underwriting Limited, Pen Underwriting Pty Ltd, Persing Dyckman & Toynbee Inc., Personal Advice Services Pty Ltd, Petty Burton Associates, Pointer Insurance Agency, Portmore Insurance Brokers (Wilshire) Limited, Portmore Insurance Brokers Limited, Potter-Holden & Co., Powell Insurance Agency, Premier Insurance Services Inc., Premier Risk Services, Premium Finance Corporation, Preston-Patterson, ProSource Financial, Professional Agents Risk Purchasing Group LLC, Professional Claims Managers, Proinova AB, Proinova Agency AB, Pronto California Agency LLC, Pronto California General Agency LLC, Pronto Florida Claims LLC, Pronto Florida General Agency LLC, Pronto Franchise LLC, Pronto General Agency Ltd, Pronto General Agency Management LLC, Pronto Holdco Inc., Pronto Holding California LLC, Pronto Holding Florida LLC, Pronto Insurance Agency of Laredo Inc., Pronto Premium Finance LLC, Property & Commercial Ltd., Property Insurance Initatives Limited, Property and Commercial Limited, Protected Insurance Company, Protection Plan Association Inc., Protek Group Limited, Providium Consulting Group, Ptarmigan Underwriting Agency Limited, Ptarmigan Underwriting UK Limited, Purple Bridge Claims Management Limited, Purple Bridge Finance Limited, Purple Bridge Group Limited, Purple Bridge Investments Limited, Purple Bridge Online Services Limited, Purple Bridge Publishing Limited, Quantum Underwriting Solutions Limited, Quillco 226 Limited, Quillco 227 Limited, R. L. Youngdahl & Associates, R.G. Speno Inc., R.W. Scobie, RA Rossborough (Guernsey) Ltd., RA Rossborough (Insurance Brokers) Ltd, REGENCY Group inc., RGA Referencing Limited, RGA Underwriting Limited, RIL Administrators (Guernsey) Ltd., RJ Dutton Inc., RSM Insurance Services Limited, Reassurance Holdings Inc., Rebholz Insurance Agency, Reid Manson Ltd., Reimbursement Services, Rentguard Limited, Reward Management Limited, Reynolds & Rodar Insurance Group, Riley & Associates, Rio 587 Limited, Rio 588 Limited, Risk & Reward Group, Risk Management Partners Limited, Risk Placement Services Inc., Risk Planners, Risk Services (NW) Limited, Risk Services (NW) Ltd., Risk Solutions Group Limited, Robert A. Schneider Agency, Robert Keith & Associates, Roberts & Roberts Insurance Service, Robinson-Adams Insurance, Rossborough Healthcare International Ltd, Rossborough Insurance (IOM) Ltd., Rossborough Insurance Services Ltd. (Jersey), S. A. Freerks & Associates, SEG Insurance Ltd, SGB-NIA Insurance Brokers, SHILLING Ltd, SKANCO International, SMERI AB, SRS Underwriting Pty Ltd, Secure Enterprises Pty Ltd, Securitas Re, Sellers Group, Sentinel Indemnity LLC, Septagon Insurance PCC Limited, Shuford Insurance Agency, Sigma II Insurance Agency, Sinclair Billard and Weld Limited, Sobieski & Bradley, Solid Benefit Guidance, Spanjers Insurance Agency, Spataro Insurance Agency, Specialised Broking Associates, Specialty Risk, Stackhouse Poland, Stackhouse Poland Bidco Limited, Stackhouse Poland Group Limited, Stackhouse Poland Holdings Limited, Stackhouse Poland Midco Limited, Stackouse Poland Limited, Stanton Group, Stark Johnson & Stinson Inc., Steel Agency, Strata Solicitors Ltd, Strategic Health Plans Corp., Strathearn Insurance Brokers, Strathearn Insurance Brokers (Qld) Trading Trust, Strathern Insurance Group Pty Ltd, Strathern Integration Holdco Pty Ltd, Strathern Unit Trust, Strong Financial Resources, Summit Insurance Group, Sunday and Associates, Sunderland Insurance Services, Super Advice Corporate Services Pty Ltd, Taylor Benefits, Texas Insurance Agency, Texas Insurance Managers, The BeneTex Group, The Buchholz Planning, The Chapman Group, The Commonwealth Consulting Group, The Daniels Group Inc., The EHE Group LLC, The EHE Insurance Agency LLC, The Eagle Insurance Agency LLC, The Eriksen Group, The Forker Company, The Gleason Agency, The Great Lakes Agency, The HR Group, The Hawk Agency, The Human Capital Group, The Lance Group, The Levitt/Kristan Co., The MW Bagnall Company, The Old Greenwich Consulting Group, The Parks Johnson Agency, The Plus Companies Inc., The Presidio Group, The Producers Choice, The Rains Group, The Splinter Group, The Titan Group, The Treiber Group, The Woodsmall Companies Inc., Title & Covenant Brokers Ltd., Title Investments Limited, Tom Sherwin Insurance Agency, Total Reward Group, Total Rewards Group (Holdings) Limited, Towle Agency, Transwestern, Tri-State General Insurance Agency, Triad Insurance Agency, Triad USA, Tribeca Strategic Advisors, Trinder & Norwood, Trip Mate, Trissel Graham & Toole, Tropp & Co., Tudor Risk Services, Tyloma Holdings Limited, Uni-Care Inc., Unison Inc., Universico Group, Unoccupied Direct Limited, V2V Holdings LLC, VEBA Service Group, Vasek Insurance Services Limited, Velo ACU LLC, Velo Holdings Inc., Verbag AG., Vertrue LLC, Victory Insurance Agency, Vincent L. Braband Insurance, Vital Benefits, Voluntary Benefits Solutions, W. E. Kingsley Co. Inc., WM. W. George & Associates, Walker Taylor Agency, Welling Associates, Wesfarmers Insurance - Insurance Brokerage Operations, Western Benefit Solutions, White & Company Insurance, Whitehaven Insurance Group, William Gallagher Associates Insurance Brokers, William H. Connolly & Co., Williams Insurance Agency Inc., Williams-Manny Insurance Group, Winn & Company Insurance Brokers, Wischmeyer Benefit Partners, Woodbrook Underwriting Agencies, Woods & Grooms, WorkCare Northwest, Worksite Communications, Y. S. Liedman & Associates, YOA Capsicum Reinsurance Broker Limited, Zenor Limited, Zuber Insurance Agency, and e3 Financial. Read More Morgan Stanley is the 6th largest financial institution in the US. The company is ranked 61st on the Forbes Fortune 500 list and is the 39th largest bank in the world. A financial holding company, Morgan Stanley provides a full range of financial services to clients around the world. Morgan Stanley was formed in 1935 as a result of the Glass-Steagall Act. Glass-Steagall separated commercial and investment banking in a way that forced the then-largest bank J.P. Morgan & Co to split into two groups. J.P. Morgan & Co. chose to retain the commercial side of the business while partners Henry S. Morga, grandson of J.P., and Harold Stanley took the investment end. In its first year, Morgan Stanley did 24% of the IPO business and maintains a lions share of the market to this day. The original company existed and grew through acquisitions until 1987 when it merged with Dean Witter Discover & Co. The new Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Discover & Co existed for 14 years until 2001 when the name was shortened back to Morgan Stanley. The bank is credited in part with both beginning and ending the financial crisis of 2007/2008. The Process Driven Trading unit lost $300 million in one day due to a short-squeeze that popped the bubble in the housing market. After teetering on the brink of failure Morgan Stanley agreed to become a bank holding company regulated by the Federal Reserve, a key factor in the original decision to split from parent J.P. Morgan & Co. Ironically when given the chance, present-day J.P. Morgan refused to buy Morgan Stanley but that was for the better. Today, Morgan Stanley operates through three segments via offices in 41 countries and employs more than 75,000 people. Revenue in 2021 topped $49 billion and total assets topped $1.15 trillion. The operating segments are Institutional Securities, Wealth Management, and Investment Management segments. The Institutional Securities segment is by far the largest and most profitable. It offers a range of services and products for businesses, institutions, and entities that include capital raising, strategic advisory, underwriting, advice on M&A, restructuring, and real estate. The Wealth Management segment provides brokerage and investment advisory services for individuals and employers. The services include brokerage, financial planning, company stock-plan administration, insurance, mortgage loans, lines of credit, and retirement planning. The Investment Management segment provides investment products to a range of institutions, organizations, corporations, and governments. The following companies are subsidiares of NOV: APL France SAS, APL Norway AS, APL do Brasil Ltda., ASEP Otomotiv Sanayi Ticaret Ltd., Acker Holdings LLC, Ackerman Holdings C.V., Ackerman Holdings GP LLC, Advanced Production and Loading, Advanced Wirecloth S. de R.L. de C.V., American Pipe and Construction International, Ameron B.V., Ameron International, Ameron International Corporation, Ameron Pole Products LLC, Ameron Polyplaster Industria E Comercio de Tubos Ltda., Ameron Singapore Holding LLC, Andergauge Limited, Andergauge Redback LLC, Arabian Rig Manufacturing Company, Big Red Tubulars Limited, Bondstrand Ltd., Brandt Oilfield Services (M) Sdn. Bhd., C.M.A. Canavera S.R.L., CJSC Fidmash, CJSC Novmash, Chemineer Inc., Coil Services Middle East LLC, Cooperatie Intelliserv Holding U.A., Cooperatie NOV NL U.A., Danco AS, Elmar Far East Pty Ltd, Enerflow Industries, Environmental Procedures LLC, Fiber Glass Systems (Qingdao) Composite Piping Co. Ltd., Fiber Glass Systems L.P., Fiber Glass Systems Oman L.L.C., Fiberspar, Fiberspar Australia Pty. Ltd., Fibra Ingenieria y Construccion S.A., FidService LLC, Fjords Processing (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Fjords Processing AS, Fjords Processing Australia Pty Ltd, Fjords Processing France SAS, Fjords Processing Korea Co. Ltd., Fjords Processing Limited, Fjords Processing Middle East DMCC, Fjords Processing UK Ltd., Fryma S.a.r.l., GPEX L.P., Grant Prideco (Jiangsu) Drilling Products Co. Ltd, Grant Prideco (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Grant Prideco III C. V., Grant Prideco Inc., Grant Prideco Jersey Limited, Grant Prideco Mauritius Limited, Grant Prideco Netherlands B.V., Grant Prideco PC Composites Holdings LLC, Grant Prideco S. de R.L. de C.V., Grant Prideco de Venezuela S.A., GustoMSC B.V., Hebei Huayouyiji Tuboscope Coating Co. Ltd., Hydralift AmClyde Inc., Hydralift France SAS, Inspecciones y Pruebas No Destructivas S. de R.L. de C.V., IntelliServ Norway AS, Intelliserv GP Holdings LLC, Intelliserv Inc., Intelliserv International Holding Ltd, Intelliserv LLC, JiangYin Tuboscope Tubular Development Co. Ltd, Keystone Tower Systems Inc., MSI Pipe Protection Technologies UK Limited, Merpro Group Limited, Midsund Bruk AS, Mono Group Pension Trustees Limited, Mono Pumps New Zealand Company, Monoflo NOV S.A.I.C., Moyno Inc., NKT Flexibles I/S, NOV (Asia) Inc., NOV (Barbados) Holding SRL, NOV (Barbados) SRL, NOV (Caymans) Ltd., NOV (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., NOV - Oil Services Angola LDA., NOV APL Limited, NOV Africa Pty Ltd, NOV Australia Pty Ltd, NOV Azerbaijan LLC, NOV Brandt Europe France, NOV Brandt Oilfield Services Middle East LLC, NOV CAPS Pte. Ltd., NOV CV1 GP LLC, NOV CV2 GP LLC, NOV Canada ULC, NOV Completion Tools LLC, NOV Completion and Production Solutions Korea Ltd., NOV Denmark Cooperatief U.A., NOV Downhole Argentina LLC, NOV Downhole Bolivia S.R.L., NOV Downhole Colombia LLC, NOV Downhole Comercializacao de Equipamentos para Petroleo Ltda., NOV Downhole Congo LLC, NOV Downhole Eurasia Limited, NOV Downhole Italia S.R.L., NOV Downhole Kazakhstan LLC, NOV Downhole Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., NOV Downhole Pty Ltd, NOV Downhole Thailand LLC, NOV EU Acquisition SNC, NOV Elmar (Middle East) Limited, NOV Eurasia Holding LLC, NOV Expatriate Services Inc., NOV FGS Malaysia Sdn Bhd, NOV FGS Singapore (Pte.) Ltd, NOV Flexibles Equipamentos E Servicos Ltda., NOV Flexibles Holding ApS, NOV Fluid Control B.V., NOV GEO GP LLC, NOV GEO LP1 C.V., NOV GEO LP1 LLC, NOV GEO LP2 C.V., NOV GEO LP2 LLC, NOV Gabon SARL, NOV Germany GmbH, NOV Germany Holding GmbH, NOV Ghana Limited, NOV Grant Prideco Drilling Equipment Manufacturing LLC, NOV Grant Prideco Drilling Products Middle East FZE, NOV Grant Prideco L.L.C., NOV Holding Danmark ApS, NOV Holding Sub UK 1 Limited, NOV Holding UK 1 Limited, NOV Holding UK 2 Limited, NOV Holdings B.V., NOV India Private Limited, NOV Intelliserv UK Limited, NOV International Holdings C.V., NOV International Holdings GP LLC, NOV International Holdings LLC, NOV Intervention & Stimulation Equipment US LLC, NOV Intervention and Stimulation Equipment Aftermarket Comercio de Equipamentos e Servicos Ltda., NOV Kenya Limited, NOV Kostroma LLC, NOV Kuwait Light & Heavy Equipment Repairing & Maintenance Co., NOV LP (Trading) LLC, NOV MFG India Private Limited, NOV Mexico Holding LLC, NOV Middle East FZCO, NOV Mozambique Limitada, NOV NL Mexico Holding B.V., NOV Oil & Gas Services Egypt (S.A.E), NOV Oil & Gas Services Senegal S.A.R.L., NOV Oil & Gas Services Uganda Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Ghana Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Namibia (Proprietary) Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Nigeria Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services South Africa (Pty) Limited, NOV Oilfield Services Tanzania Limited, NOV Oilfield Services Vostok LLC, NOV Oilfield Solutions Ltd., NOV Park II B.V., NOV Process & Flow Technologies AS, NOV Process & Flow Technologies Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., NOV Process & Flow Technologies Pte. Ltd., NOV Process & Flow Technologies UK Limited, NOV QFZ LLC, NOV Rig Solutions Pte. Ltd., NOV Romania LLC, NOV Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd., NOV Saudi Arabia Trading Co., NOV Services Ltd., NOV Servicios de Personal Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., NOV Tanajib Kuwait for Services and Maintenance of Oil Rigs Refineries and Petrochemicals W.L.L., NOV Tuboscope Italia S.R.L., NOV Tuboscope Middle East LLC, NOV Tuboscope NL B.V., NOV Tubulars and Connectors Ltd., NOV UK (Angola Acquisitions) Limited, NOV UK Finance Limited, NOV UK Holdings LLC, NOV UK Holdings Limited, NOV UK Korea LP, NOV Wellbore Technologies Norway LLC, NOV Wellbore Technologies do Brasil Equipamentos E Servicos Ltda., NOV Wellsite Services Germany GmbH, NOV Worldwide B.V., NOV-BLM SAS, NOVM Holding LLC, NOW International LLC, NOW Nova Scotia Holdings LLC, NOW Oilfield Services LLC, NQL Holland B.V., National Oilwell (U.K.) Limited, National Oilwell Algerie, National Oilwell Varco (Beijing) Investment Management Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco (Thailand) Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Algeria, National Oilwell Varco Almansoori Services, National Oilwell Varco Bahrain WLL, National Oilwell Varco Belgium SA, National Oilwell Varco Denmark I/S, National Oilwell Varco Egypt LLC, National Oilwell Varco Eurasia LLC, National Oilwell Varco Guatemala Limitada, National Oilwell Varco Guyana Inc., National Oilwell Varco Hungary Limited Liability Company, National Oilwell Varco Korea Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco L.P., National Oilwell Varco MSW S.A., National Oilwell Varco Mexico S.A. de C.V., National Oilwell Varco Muscat L.L.C., National Oilwell Varco Norway AS, National Oilwell Varco Peru S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco Petroleum Equipment (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Poland Sp.z.o.o., National Oilwell Varco Pte. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Rig Equipment Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Romania S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco Solutions S.A. de C.V., National Oilwell Varco UK Limited, National Oilwell Varco Ukraine LLC, National Oilwell Varco de Bolivia S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco de Chile - Servicios Limitada, National Oilwell Varco do Brasil Ltda., National Oilwell de Venezuela C.A., National-Oilwell Pte. Ltd., National-Oilwell Pty. Ltd., PT Fjords Processing Indonesia, PT H-Tech Oilfield Equipment, PT NOV Oilfield Services, PT National Oilwell Varco, PT PROFAB INDONESIA, Pesaka Inspection Services SDN.BHD., Pipex Limited, Pipex PX Limited, Pridecomex Holding S. de R.L. de C.V., R&M Energy Systems Australia Pty Ltd, R&M Energy Systems de Argentina S.A., R&M Energy Systems de Venezuela C.A., R&M Singapore Holding LLC, RE.MAC.UT. S.r.l., RHI Holding LLC, ReedHycalog International Holding LLC, ReedHycalog L.P., ReedHycalog LLC, ReedHycalog UK Limited, Robannic Overseas Finance A.V.V., Robbins & Myers B.V., Robbins & Myers Foundation, Robbins & Myers GP LLC, Robbins & Myers Holdings LLC, Robbins & Myers Holdings UK Limited, Robbins & Myers Inc, Robbins & Myers Inc., Robbins & Myers Italia S.R.L., Robbins & Myers N.V., Rodic S.A. de C.V., Romaco S.a.r.l., STAR Sudamtex Tubulares S.A., STSA, Screen Manufacturing Company Unlimited, Slip Clutch Systems Limited, South Seas Inspection, Subseaflex Holding ApS, T-3 Energy Preferred Industries Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., T-3 Energy Services Cayman Holdings Ltd., T-3 Energy Services Cayman Ltd., T-3 Energy Services LLC, T-3 Energy Services Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., T-3 Investment Corporation IV, T-3 Mexican Holdings Inc., Telluride Insurance Limited, Tianjin Grant TPCO Drilling Tools Company Limited, Tuboscope & Co. LLC, Tuboscope (Holding U.S.) LLC, Tuboscope Brandt de Venezuela S.A., Tuboscope Norge AS, Tuboscope Vetco (France) SAS, Tuboscope Vetco (Osterreich) GmbH, Tuboscope Vetco Capital Limited, Tuboscope Vetco Moscow CJSC, Tuboscope Vetco de Argentina S.A., Tubular Coatings Solutions Ltd., Tucom Composites Polyester Sanayi Ticaret Ltd., Urban WLY LP, Varco BJ B.V., Varco CIS LLC, Varco International de Venezuela C.A., Varco L.P., Varco US Holdings LLC, Vetco Enterprise GmbH, Vetco Saudi Arabia Ltd., Visible Assets Inc., Wilson International, Woolley Inc., XL Systems Antilles N.V., XL Systems Europe B.V., XL Systems International Inc., voestalpine Tubulars Corporation, voestalpine Tubulars GmbH, and voestalpine Tubulars GmbH & Co KG. Read More Block, Inc. is the parent company to a host of digital financial solutions including Square. The company was founded in 2009 by Jack Dorsey (also founded Twitter) and Jim McKelvey as a solution to a problem faced by McKelvey. Mr. McKelvey was unable to complete a transaction because he was unable to accept credit cards and that provided inspiration for Mr. Dorsey. The firm was founded in St. Louis but now has no official headquarters, instead choosing to do most work remotely or from one of several key hubs. That decision was made in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic when it became clear telecommuting was a solution that worked. The original Square app provides a multitude of payment and POS solutions that include hardware and software. The hardware includes the iconic Square card mag-stripe reader that can be plugged into any tablet or smartphone as well as many other solutions. The software enables sellers to turn their smart devices into POS on a temporary or permanent/dedicated basis. The company went public in 2015 when it IPOd on the NASDAQ stock exchange and then later decided to change its name to Block to better represent the business. Today, Block, Inc. operates as a network of businesses that are working together to expand access to the economy. The core brands are Square, CashApp, AfterPay, Weebly, Tidal, Spiral, and TBD. The Square brand encompasses all the core business including but not limited to hardware and its related software. The CashApp business is a money transfer solution that is working to make money more available and universally acceptable. Afterpay is a buy-now-pay-later service. Weebly is an eCommerce and web hosting service for small and medium-sized businesses. Tidal is a platform for musicians and artists to connect with fans and monetize their brands. Spiral is the firm's cryptocurrency division and TBD is a division focused on crypto, specifically building a crypto platform. Block, Inc. stunned the market in 2020 when it began to purchase Bitcoin. Then Square, the company purchased Bitcoin in two transactions for a total of $210 million. The holdings amount to 8,027 Bitcoins which were worth $154.75 million in October 2022. The purpose of Spiral is to fund open-sourced applications that encourage and facilitate the use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Mr. Dorsey remains the CEO and chairman of Block, Inc. The company employs more than 8,500 individuals across its footprint and netted $17.66 billion in revenue for 2021. Mr. Dorsey is also the companys largest shareholder with about 10% of the shares. The following companies are subsidiares of PepsiCo: Alimentos Quaker Oats y Compania Limitada, Alimentos del Istmo S.A., Amavale Agricola Ltda., Anderson Hill Insurance Limited, Asia Bottlers Limited, BAESA Capital Corporation Ltd., BFY Brands, BFY Brands LLC, BFY Brands Limited, BUG de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Balmoral Industries LLC, Bare Foods Co., Barrhead LLC, Be & Cheery, Beaman Bottling Company, Bebidas Sudamerica S.A., Beech Limited, Bell Taco Funding Syndicate, Bendler Investments II Ltd, Bendler Investments S.a r.l, Beverage Services Limited, Beverages Foods & Service Industries Inc., Bishkeksut OJSC, Blaue NC S. de R.L. de C.V., Blue Cloud Distribution Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Arizona Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Arkansas Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Colorado Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Florida Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Georgia Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Illinois Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Indiana Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Iowa Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Kentucky Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Louisiana Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Minnesota Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Mississippi Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Missouri Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Nebraska Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Nevada Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of North Carolina Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Ohio Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Oklahoma Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Pennsylvania Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of South Carolina Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Tennessee Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Texas Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Virginia Inc., Blue Cloud Distribution of Wisconsin Inc., Blue Ridge Sales LLC, Bluebird Foods Limited, Bluecan Holdings Unlimited Company, Bokomo Zambia Limited, Bolsherechensky Molkombinat JSC, Boquitas Fiestas LLC, Boquitas Fiestas S.R.L., Bottling Group Financing LLC, Bottling Group Holdings LLC, Bottling Group LLC, Bronte Industries Ltd, C & I Leasing Inc., CB Manufacturing Company Inc., CEME Holdings LLC, CMC Investment Company, Caroni Investments LLC, Centro-Mediterranea de Bebidas Carbonicas PepsiCo S.L., Ceres Fruit Juices Pty Ltd, ChampBev Inc., China Concentrate Holdings Hong Kong Limited, Chipsy International for Food Industries S.A.E., Chipsy for Food Industries S.A.E., Chitos Internacional y Cia Ltda, Cipa Industrial de Produtos Alimentares Ltda., Cipa Nordeste Industrial de Produtos Alimentares Ltda., Cocina Autentica Inc., Comercializadora CMC Investment y Compania Limitada, Comercializadora Nacional SAS Ltda., Comercializadora PepsiCo Mexico S de R.L. de C.V., Compania de Bebidas PepsiCo S.L., Concentrate Holding Uruguay Pte. Ltd., Concentrate Manufacturing Singapore Pte. Ltd., Confiteria Alegro S. de R.L. de C.V., Copella Fruit Juices Limited, Copper Beech International LLC, Corina Snacks Limited, Corporativo Internacional Mexicano S. de R.L. de C.V., CytoSport Holdings Inc., CytoSport Inc., Davlyn Realty Corporation, Defosto Holdings Limited, Desarrollo Inmobiliario Gamesa S. de R.L. de C.V., Dilexis S.A., Donon Holdings Limited, Drinkfinity USA Inc., Drinkstation Inc., Drinkstation Innovation Co. Ltd., Drinkstation Limited, Dutch Snacks Holding S.A. de C.V., Duyvis Production B.V., EPIC Enterprises Inc., Echo Bay Holdings Inc., Elaboradora Argentina de Cereales S.R.L., Enter Logistica LLC, Environ at Inverrary Partnership, Environ of Inverrary Inc., Eridanus Investments S.a r.l, Evercrisp Snack Productos de Chile S.A., FL Transportation Inc., FLI Andean LLC, FLI Colombia LLC, FLI Snacks Andean GP LLC, Fabrica PepsiCo Mexicali S. de R.L. de C.V., Fabrica de Productos Alimenticios Rene y Cia S.C.A., Fairlight International SRL, Far East Bottlers Hong Kong Limited, Food Concepts Pioneer Ltd., Forest Akers Nederland B.V., Forty-Six Peaks Holding Inc., Fovarosi Asvanyviz es Uditoipari Zartkoruen Mukodo Reszvenytarsasag, Freshwater International B.V., Frito Lay Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Frito Lay Poland Sp. z o.o., Frito Lay Sp. z o.o., Frito Lay de Guatemala y Compania Limitada, Frito-Lay Australia Holdings Pty Limited, Frito-Lay Dip Company Inc., Frito-Lay Dominicana S.A., Frito-Lay Global Investments B.V., Frito-Lay Inc., Frito-Lay Investments B.V., Frito-Lay Manufacturing LLC, Frito-Lay Netherlands Holding B.V., Frito-Lay North America Inc., Frito-Lay Sales Inc., Frito-Lay Trading Company Europe GmbH, Frito-Lay Trading Company GmbH, Frito-Lay Trading Company Poland GmbH, Frito-Lay Trinidad Unlimited, Fruko Mesrubat Sanayi Limited Sirketi, GB Czech LLC, GB International Inc., GB Russia LLC, GB Slovak LLC, GMP Manufacturing Inc., Gambrinus Investments Limited, Gamesa LLC, Gamesa S. de R.L. de C.V., Gas Natural de Merida S. A. de C. V., Gatorade Puerto Rico Company, General Bottlers of Hungary Inc., Golden Grain Company, Goveh S.R.L., Grayhawk Leasing LLC, Green Hemlock International LLC, Grupo Frito Lay y Compania Limitada, Grupo Gamesa S. de R.L. de C.V., Grupo Mabel, Grupo Sabritas S. de R.L. de C.V., Gulkevichskiy Maslozavod JSC, Hangzhou Baicaowei Corporate Management Consulting Co. Ltd., Hangzhou Haomusi Food Co, Hangzhou Haomusi Food Co. Ltd., Hangzhou Tao Dao Technology Co. Ltd., Health Warrior, Health Warrior Inc., Heathland LP, Helioscope Limited, Hillbrook Inc., Hillgrove Inc., Hillwood Bottling LLC, Hogganfield Limited Partnership, Holding Company "Opolie" JSC, Homefinding Company of Texas, Hudson Valley Insurance Company, IC Equities Inc., IZZE Beverage Co., Inmobiliaria Interamericana S.A. De C.V., Integrated Beverage Services Bangladesh Limited, Integrated Foods & Beverages Pvt. Ltd., International Bottlers Management Co. LLC, International KAS Aktiengesellschaft, Inversiones Borneo S.R.L., Inversiones PFI Chile Limitada, Inviting Foods Holdings Inc., Inviting Foods LLC, KAS Anorthosis S.a r.l, KAS S.L., KFC, Kevita Inc., Kinvara LLC, Kungursky Molkombinat JSC, Larragana S.L., Latin American Holdings Ltd., Latin American Snack Foods ApS, Latin Foods International LLC, Lebedyansky, Lebedyansky Holdings LLC, Lebedyansky LLC, Limited Liability Company "Sandora", Linkbay Limited, Lithuanian Snacks UAB, Mabel, Marbo Product d.o.o. Beograd, Marbo d.o.o. Laktasi, Matudis - Comercio de Produtos Alimentares Limitada, Matutano - Sociedade de Produtos Alimentares Lda., Mid-America Improvement Corporation, Mountainview Insurance Company Inc., Muscle Milk, NCJV LLC, New Bern Transport Corporation, New Century Beverage Company LLC, Noble Leasing LLC, Northeast Hot-Fill Co-op Inc., Office at Solyanka LLC, Onbiso Inversiones S.L., One World Enterprises LLC, One World Investors Inc., P-A Barbados Bottling Company LLC, P-A Bottlers Barbados SRL, P-Americas LLC, PAS Luxembourg S.a r.l, PAS Netherlands B.V., PBG Canada Holdings II LLC, PBG Canada Holdings Inc., PBG Cyprus Holdings Limited, PBG Investment Partnership, PBG Midwest Holdings S.a r.l, PBG Soda Can Holdings S.a r.l, PCBL LLC, PCNA Manufacturing Inc., PR Beverages Cyprus Holding Limited, PR Beverages Cyprus Russia Holding Limited, PRB Luxembourg S.a r.l, PRS Inc., PSAS Inversiones LLC, PSE Logistica S.R.L., PT Quaker Indonesia, Papas Chips S.A., Pei N.V., Pep Trade LLC, Pepsi B.V., Pepsi Beverages Holdings Inc., Pepsi Bottling Group Global Finance LLC, Pepsi Bottling Group GmbH, Pepsi Bottling Group Hoosiers B.V., Pepsi Bottling Holdings Inc., Pepsi Bugshan Investments S.A.E., Pepsi Cola Colombia Ltda, Pepsi Cola Egypt S.A.E., Pepsi Cola Panamericana S.R.L., Pepsi Cola Servis Ve Dagitim Limited Sirketi, Pepsi Cola Trading Ireland, Pepsi Logistics Company Inc., Pepsi Northwest Beverages LLC, Pepsi Overseas Investments Partnership, Pepsi Promotions Inc., Pepsi-Cola Advertising and Marketing Inc., Pepsi-Cola Bermuda Limited, Pepsi-Cola Bottlers Holding C.V., Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Of St. Louis Inc., Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Ft. Lauderdale-Palm Beach LLC, Pepsi-Cola Company, Pepsi-Cola Ecuador Cia. Ltda., Pepsi-Cola Far East Trade Development Co. Inc., Pepsi-Cola Finance LLC, Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers Poland Sp. z o.o., Pepsi-Cola Industrial da Amazonia Ltda., Pepsi-Cola International Cork, Pepsi-Cola International LLC, Pepsi-Cola International Limited, Pepsi-Cola International Limited U.S.A., Pepsi-Cola International Private Limited, Pepsi-Cola Korea Co. Ltd., Pepsi-Cola Management and Administrative Services Inc., Pepsi-Cola Manufacturing Company Of Uruguay S.R.L., Pepsi-Cola Manufacturing International Limited, Pepsi-Cola Manufacturing Mediterranean Limited, Pepsi-Cola Marketing Corp. Of P.R. Inc., Pepsi-Cola Mediterranean Ltd., Pepsi-Cola Metropolitan Bottling Company Inc., Pepsi-Cola Mexicana Holdings LLC, Pepsi-Cola Mexicana S. de R.L. de C.V., Pepsi-Cola National Marketing LLC, Pepsi-Cola Operating Company Of Chesapeake And Indianapolis, Pepsi-Cola Sales and Distribution Inc., Pepsi-Cola Technical Operations Inc., Pepsi-Cola Thai Trading Co. Ltd., Pepsi-Cola de Honduras S.R.L., Pepsi-Cola of Corvallis Inc., PepsiAmericas Nemzetkozi Szolgaltato Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, PepsiCo ANZ Holdings Pty Ltd, PepsiCo Alimentos Antioquia Ltda., PepsiCo Alimentos Colombia Ltda., PepsiCo Alimentos Ecuador Cia. Ltda., PepsiCo Alimentos Z.F. Ltda., PepsiCo Alimentos de Bolivia S.R.L., PepsiCo Amacoco Bebidas Do Brasil Ltda., PepsiCo Asia Research & Development Center Company Limited, PepsiCo Australia Financing Cyprus Limited, PepsiCo Australia Financing Limited Partnership, PepsiCo Australia Financing Partner 1 LLC, PepsiCo Australia Financing Partner 2 LLC, PepsiCo Australia Financing Pty Ltd, PepsiCo Australia Holdings Pty Limited, PepsiCo Australia International, PepsiCo Austria Services GmbH, PepsiCo Azerbaijan Limited Liability Company, PepsiCo BeLux BV, PepsiCo Beverage Sales LLC, PepsiCo Beverage Singapore Pty Ltd, PepsiCo Beverages Bermuda Limited, PepsiCo Beverages Hong Kong Limited, PepsiCo Beverages International Limited, PepsiCo Beverages Italia Societa' A Responsabilita' Limitata, PepsiCo Canada Finance LLC, PepsiCo Canada Holdings ULC, PepsiCo Canada Investment ULC, PepsiCo Canada ULC, PepsiCo Captive Holdings Inc., PepsiCo Caribbean Inc., PepsiCo China Limited, PepsiCo Consulting Polska Sp. z o.o., PepsiCo De Bolivia S.R.L., PepsiCo Del Paraguay S.R.L., PepsiCo Deutschland GmbH, PepsiCo Eesti AS, PepsiCo Euro Bermuda Limited, PepsiCo Euro Finance Antilles B.V., PepsiCo Europe Support Center S.L., PepsiCo Finance Americas Company, PepsiCo Finance Antilles A N.V., PepsiCo Finance Antilles B N.V., PepsiCo Finance South Africa Proprietary Limited, PepsiCo Financial Shared Services Inc., PepsiCo Food & Beverage Holdings Hong Kong Limited, PepsiCo Foods A.I.E., PepsiCo Foods China Company Limited, PepsiCo Foods Group Pty Ltd, PepsiCo Foods Guangdong Co. Ltd., PepsiCo Foods Nigeria Limited, PepsiCo Foods Private Limited, PepsiCo Foods Sichuan Co. Ltd., PepsiCo Foods Taiwan Co. Ltd., PepsiCo Foods Vietnam Company, PepsiCo France SAS, PepsiCo Global Business Services India LLP, PepsiCo Global Business Services Poland Sp. z o.o., PepsiCo Global Holdings Limited, PepsiCo Global Investments B.V., PepsiCo Global Investments S.a r.l, PepsiCo Global Mobility LLC, PepsiCo Global Real Estate Inc., PepsiCo Global Trading Solutions Unlimited Company, PepsiCo Golden Holdings Inc., PepsiCo Group Finance International B.V., PepsiCo Group Holdings International B.V., PepsiCo Group Spotswood Holdings S.a r.l, PepsiCo Gulf International FZE, PepsiCo Hellas Single Member Industrial and Commercial Societe Anonyme, PepsiCo Holding de Espana S.L., PepsiCo Holdings, PepsiCo Holdings LLC, PepsiCo Holdings Toshkent LLC, PepsiCo Hong Kong LLC, PepsiCo Iberia Servicios Centrales S.L., PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited, PepsiCo India Sales Private Limited, PepsiCo Internacional Mexico S. de R. L. de C. V., PepsiCo International Hong Kong Limited, PepsiCo International Limited, PepsiCo International Pte Ltd., PepsiCo Investments Europe I B.V., PepsiCo Investments Ltd., PepsiCo Ireland Food & Beverages Unlimited Company, PepsiCo Japan Co. Ltd., PepsiCo Light B.V., PepsiCo Logistyka Sp. z o.o., PepsiCo Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., PepsiCo Management Services SAS, PepsiCo Manufacturing A.I.E., PepsiCo Max B.V., PepsiCo Mexico Holdings S. de R.L. de C.V., PepsiCo Nederland B.V., PepsiCo Nordic Denmark ApS, PepsiCo Nordic Finland Oy, PepsiCo Nordic Norway AS, PepsiCo Nutrition Trading DMCC, PepsiCo One B.V., PepsiCo Overseas Corporation, PepsiCo Overseas Financing Partnership, PepsiCo Panimex Inc, PepsiCo Products B.V., PepsiCo Products FLLC, PepsiCo Puerto Rico Inc., PepsiCo Sales Inc., PepsiCo Sales LLC, PepsiCo Services Asia Ltd., PepsiCo Services CZ s.r.o., PepsiCo Services LLC, PepsiCo Twist B.V., PepsiCo UK Pension Plan Trustee Limited, PepsiCo Ventures B.V., PepsiCo Wave Holdings LLC, PepsiCo World Trading Company Inc., PepsiCo Y LLC, PepsiCo de Argentina S.R.L., PepsiCo de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., PepsiCo do Brasil Industria e Comercio de Alimentos Ltda., PepsiCo do Brasil Ltda., PepsiCola Interamericana de Guatemala S.A., Pet Iberia S.L., Pete & Johnny Limited, Pine International LLC, Pine International Limited, Pinstripe Leasing LLC, Pioneer Food Group Pty Ltd, Pioneer Foods Groceries Pty Ltd, Pioneer Foods Group Ltd., Pioneer Foods Holdings Pty Ltd, Pioneer Foods Pty Ltd, Pioneer Foods UK Ltd, Pioneer Foods Wellingtons Pty Ltd, Pipers Crisps Limited, PlayCo Inc., Pop corners, PopCorners Holdings Inc., Portfolio Concentrate Solutions Unlimited Company, Premier Nutrition Trading L.L.C., Prestwick LLC, Prev PepsiCo Sociedade Previdenciaria, Productos Alimenticios Rene LLC, Productos S.A.S. C.V., Productos SAS Management B.V., Punch N.V., Punica Getranke GmbH, Q O Puerto Rico Inc., QFL OHQ Sdn. Bhd., QTG Development Inc., QTG Services Inc., Quadrant - Amroq Beverages S.R.L., Quaker Development B.V., Quaker European Beverages LLC, Quaker European Investments B.V., Quaker Foods, Quaker Global Investments B.V., Quaker Holdings UK Limited, Quaker Manufacturing LLC, Quaker Oats Asia Inc., Quaker Oats Australia Pty Ltd, Quaker Oats B.V., Quaker Oats Capital Corporation, Quaker Oats Europe Inc., Quaker Oats Europe LLC, Quaker Oats Limited, Quaker Sales & Distribution Inc, Raptas Finance S.a r.l., Rare Fare Foods LLC, Rare Fare Holdings Inc., Reading Industries Ltd, Real Estate Holdings LLC, Rockstar Energy Drink, Rolling Frito-Lay Sales LP, S & T of Mississippi Inc., SIH International LLC, SVC Logistics Inc., SVC Manufacturing Inc., SVE Russia Holdings GmbH, Sabritas LLC, Sabritas S. de R.L. de C.V., Sabritas Snacks America Latina de Nicaragua y Cia Ltda, Sabritas de Costa Rica S. de R.L., Sabritas y Cia. S en C de C.V., Sakata Rice Snacks Australia Pty Ltd, Sandora Holdings B.V., Saudi Snack Foods Company Limited, Sea Eagle International SRL, Seepoint Holdings Ltd., Senselet Food Processing PLC, Senselet Holding B.V., Servicios GBF Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada, Servicios GFLG y Compania Limitada, Servicios Gamesa Puerto Rico L.L.C., Servicios SYC S. de R.L. de C.V., Seven-Up Asia Inc., Seven-Up Light B.V., Seven-Up Nederland B.V., Shanghai PepsiCo Snack Company Limited, Shanghai YuHo Agricultural Development Co. Ltd, Shoebill LLC, Simba (Proprietary) Limited, Simba Proprietary Limited, Sitka Spruce, Smartfoods Inc., Smiles and Bites Holdings R.L. de C.V., Smiths Crisps Limited, Snack Food Investments GmbH, Snack Food Investments II GmbH, Snack Food Investments Limited, Snack Food-Beverage Asia Products Limited, Snacks America Latina S.R.L., Snacks Guatemala Ltd., So Spark Ltd., Soda-Club CO2 Atlantic GmbH, Soda-Club CO2 GmbH, Soda-Club CO2 Ltd., Soda-Club Switzerland GmbH, Soda-Club Worldwide B.V., SodaStream, SodaStream Australia Pty Ltd, SodaStream CO2 SA, SodaStream Canada Ltd., SodaStream Enterprises N.V., SodaStream France SAS, SodaStream GmbH, SodaStream Iberia S.L., SodaStream Industries Ltd., SodaStream International B.V., SodaStream International Ltd., SodaStream Israel Ltd., SodaStream K.K., SodaStream New Zealand Ltd., SodaStream Nordics AB, SodaStream Poland Sp. z o.o., SodaStream SA Pty Ltd., SodaStream Switzerland GmbH, SodaStream USA Inc., SodaStream Osterreich GmbH, South Beach Beverage Company Inc., South Properties Inc., Spitz International Inc., Sportmex Internacional S.A. de C.V., Springboig Industries Ltd, Spruce Limited, Stacy's Pita Chip Company Incorporated, Star Foods E.M. S.R.L., Stokely-Van Camp Inc., Stratosphere Communications Pty Ltd, Stratosphere Holdings 2018 Limited, Streamfoods Ltd, TFL Holdings LLC, Tasman Finance S.a r.l, The Gatorade Company, The Good Carb Food Company Ltd., The Pepsi Bottling Group Canada ULC, The Quaker Oats Company, The Smith's Snackfood Company Pty Limited, Thomond Group Holdings Limited, Tobago Snack Holdings LLC, Tropicana Alvalle S.L., Tropicana Beverages Limited, Tropicana Europe N.V., Tropicana United Kingdom Limited, Troya-Ultra LLC, United Foods Companies Restaurantes S.A., V-Water, VentureCo Israel Ltd, Veurne Snack Foods BV, Vitamin Brands Ltd., Walkers Crisps Limited, Walkers Group Limited, Walkers Snack Foods Limited, Walkers Snacks Distribution Limited, Walkers Snacks Limited, Whitman Corporation, Whitman Insurance Co. Ltd., Wimm-Bill-Dann Beverages JSC, Wimm-Bill-Dann Brands Co. Ltd., Wimm-Bill-Dann Central Asia-Almaty LLP, Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods LLC, Wimm-Bill-Dann Georgia Ltd., Wimm-Bill-Dann JSC, and Wimm-Bill-Dann Ukraine PJSC. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Pfizer: AH Robins LLC, AHP Holdings B.V., AHP Manufacturing B.V., Agouron Pharmaceuticals LLC, Alacer, Alpharma Holdings LLC, Alpharma Pharmaceuticals LLC, Alpharma Specialty Pharma LLC, Alpharma USHP LLC, American Food Industries LLC, Anacor Pharmaceuticals, Anacor Pharmaceuticals Inc., Angiosyn, Array BioPharma, Ayerst-Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, BIND Therapeutics Inc., BINESA 2002 S.L., Bamboo Therapeutics, Bamboo Therapeutics Inc., Baxter International - Marketed Vaccines, BioRexis, Bioren, Bioren LLC, Blue Whale Re Ltd., C.E. Commercial Holdings C.V., C.E. Commercial Investments C.V., C.P. Pharmaceuticals International C.V., CICL Corporation, COC I Corporation, Catapult Genetics, Coley Pharmaceutical GmbH, Coley Pharmaceutical Group, Coley Pharmaceutical Group Inc., Continental Pharma Inc., Covx, Covx Technologies Ireland Limited, Cyanamid Inter-American Corporation, Cyanamid de Argentina S.A., Cyanamid de Colombia S.A., Distribuidora Mercantil Centro Americana S.A., Encysive Pharmaceuticals, Encysive Pharmaceuticals Inc., Esperion LUV Development Inc., Esperion Therapeutics, Excaliard Pharmaceuticals, Excaliard Pharmaceuticals Inc., Farminova Produtos Farmaceuticos de Inovacao Lda., Farmogene Productos Farmaceuticos Lda, Ferrosan A/S, Ferrosan International A/S, Ferrosan S.R.L., FoldRx Pharmaceuticals Inc., Foldrx Pharmaceuticals, Fort Dodge Manufatura Ltda., G. D. Searle & Co. Limited, G. D. Searle International Capital LLC, G. D. Searle LLC, GI Europe Inc., GI Japan Inc., GenTrac Inc., Genetics Institute LLC, Greenstone LLC, Haptogen Limited, Hospira, Hospira (China) Enterprise Management Co. Ltd., Hospira Adelaide Pty Ltd, Hospira Aseptic Services Limited, Hospira Australia Pty Ltd, Hospira Benelux BVBA, Hospira Chile Limitada, Hospira Deutschland GmbH, Hospira Enterprises B.V., Hospira France SAS, Hospira Healthcare B.V., Hospira Healthcare Corporation, Hospira Healthcare India Private Limited, Hospira Holdings (S.A.) Pty Ltd, Hospira Inc., Hospira Invicta S.A., Hospira Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company, Hospira Ireland Sales Limited, Hospira Japan G.K., Hospira Limited, Hospira Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Hospira NZ Limited, Hospira Nordic AB, Hospira Philippines Inc., Hospira Portugal LDA, Hospira Produtos Hospitalares Ltda., Hospira Pte. Ltd., Hospira Pty Limited, Hospira Puerto Rico LLC, Hospira Singapore Pte Ltd, Hospira UK Limited, Hospira Worldwide LLC, Hospira Zagreb d.o.o., ICAgen, Idun Pharmaceuticals, Industrial Santa Agape S.A., InnoPharma, InnoPharma Inc., International Affiliated Corporation LLC, JMI-Daniels Pharmaceuticals Inc., John Wyeth & Brother Limited, Kiinteisto oy Espoon Pellavaniementie 14, King Pharmaceuticals Holdings LLC, King Pharmaceuticals LLC, King Pharmaceuticals Research and Development LLC, Korea Pharma Holding Company Limited, Laboratoires Pfizer S.A., Laboratorios Parke Davis S.L., Laboratorios Pfizer Ltda., Laboratorios Wyeth LLC, Laboratorios Wyeth S.A., Laboratorios Pfizer Lda., MTG Divestitures LLC, Mayne Pharma IP Holdings (Euro) Pty Ltd, Medivation, Medivation Field Solutions LLC, Medivation LLC, Medivation Neurology LLC, Medivation Prostate Therapeutics LLC, Medivation Services LLC, Medivation Technologies LLC, Meridian Medical Technologies Inc., Meridian Medical Technologies Limited, Monarch Pharmaceuticals LLC, Neusentis Limited, NextWave Pharmaceuticals, NextWave Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, P-D Co. LLC, PAH USA IN8 LLC, PF Americas Holding C.V., PF Asia Manufacturing B.V., PF PR Holdings C.V., PF PRISM C.V., PF PRISM Holdings S.a.r.l., PF Prism S.a.r.l., PFE Holdings G.K., PFE PHAC Holdings 1 LLC, PFE Pfizer Holdings 1 LLC, PFE Wyeth Holdings LLC, PFE Wyeth-Ayerst (Asia) LLC, PHILCO Holdings S.a r.l., PHIVCO Corp., PHIVCO Holdco S.a r.l., PHIVCO Luxembourg S.a r.l., PN Mexico LLC, PT. Pfizer Parke Davis, Parke Davis & Company LLC, Parke Davis Limited, Parke Davis Productos Farmaceuticos Lda, Parke-Davis Manufacturing Corp., Parkedale Pharmaceuticals Inc., Peak Enterprises LLC, Pfizer, Pfizer (China) Research and Development Co. Ltd., Pfizer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Pfizer (Perth) Pty Limited, Pfizer (Thailand) Limited, Pfizer (Wuhan) Research and Development Co. Ltd., Pfizer AB, Pfizer AG, Pfizer AS, Pfizer Africa & Middle East for Pharmaceuticals Veterinarian Products & Chemicals S.A.E., Pfizer Anti-Infectives AB, Pfizer ApS, Pfizer Asia Manufacturing Pte. Ltd., Pfizer Asia Pacific Pte Ltd., Pfizer Atlantic Holdings S.a.r.l., Pfizer Australia Holdings B.V., Pfizer Australia Holdings Pty Limited, Pfizer Australia Investments Pty. Ltd., Pfizer Australia Pty Limited, Pfizer B.V., Pfizer BH D.o.o., Pfizer Baltic Holdings B.V., Pfizer Biofarmaceutica Sociedade Unipessoal Lda, Pfizer Biologics (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd, Pfizer Biologics Ireland Holdings Limited, Pfizer Biotech Corporation, Pfizer Bolivia S.A., Pfizer Canada Inc., Pfizer CentreSource Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Pfizer Chile S.A., Pfizer Cia. Ltda., Pfizer Colombia Spinco I LLC, Pfizer Commercial Holdings Cooperatief U.A., Pfizer Commercial Holdings TRAE Kft., Pfizer Commercial TRAE Trading Kft., Pfizer Consumer Healthcare AB, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare GmbH, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Ltd., Pfizer Consumer Manufacturing Italy S.r.l., Pfizer Corporation, Pfizer Corporation Austria Gesellschaft m.b.H., Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited, Pfizer Croatia d.o.o., Pfizer Deutschland GmbH, Pfizer Development LP, Pfizer Development Services (UK) Limited, Pfizer Domestic Ventures Limited, Pfizer Dominicana S.R.L, Pfizer ESP Pty Ltd, Pfizer East India B.V., Pfizer Eastern Investments B.V., Pfizer Egypt S.A.E., Pfizer Enterprise Holdings B.V., Pfizer Enterprises LLC, Pfizer Enterprises SARL, Pfizer Europe Finance B.V., Pfizer Export B.V., Pfizer Export Company, Pfizer Export Holding Company B.V, Pfizer Finance Share Service (Dalian) Co. Ltd., Pfizer Financial Services N.V./S.A., Pfizer France International Investments, Pfizer Free Zone Panama S. de R.L., Pfizer GEP S.L., Pfizer Global Holdings B.V., Pfizer Global Supply Japan Inc., Pfizer Global Trading, Pfizer Group Luxembourg Sarl, Pfizer Gulf FZ-LLC, Pfizer H.C.P. Corporation, Pfizer HK Service Company Limited, Pfizer Health AB, Pfizer Health Solutions Inc., Pfizer Healthcare Ireland, Pfizer Hellas A.E., Pfizer Himalaya Holdings Cooperatief U.A., Pfizer Holding France, Pfizer Holding Ventures, Pfizer Holdings Corporation, Pfizer Holdings Europe Unlimited Company, Pfizer Holdings G.K., Pfizer Holdings International Corporation, Pfizer Holdings International Luxembourg (PHIL) Sarl, Pfizer Holdings North America SARL, Pfizer Hungary Holdings TRAE Kft., Pfizer Inc., Pfizer Innovations AB, Pfizer Innovations LLC, Pfizer Innovative Supply Point International BVBA, Pfizer International LLC, Pfizer International Markets Cooperatief U.A., Pfizer International Operations, Pfizer International S. de R.L., Pfizer International Trading (Shanghai) Limited, Pfizer Investment Capital Unlimited Company, Pfizer Investment Co. Ltd., Pfizer Investment Holdings S.a.r.l., Pfizer Ireland Investments Limited, Pfizer Ireland PFE Holding 1 LLC, Pfizer Ireland PFE Holding 2 LLC, Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Ireland Ventures Unlimited Company, Pfizer Italia S.r.l., Pfizer Italy Group Holding S.r.l., Pfizer Japan Inc., Pfizer LLC, Pfizer Laboratories (Pty) Limited, Pfizer Laboratories Limited, Pfizer Laboratories PFE (Pty) Ltd, Pfizer Leasing Ireland Limited, Pfizer Leasing UK Limited, Pfizer Limitada, Pfizer Limited, Pfizer Luxco Holdings SARL, Pfizer Luxembourg Global Holdings S.a r.l., Pfizer Luxembourg SARL, Pfizer MAP Holding Inc., Pfizer Manufacturing Austria G.m.b.H., Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium N.V., Pfizer Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH, Pfizer Manufacturing Deutschland Grundbesitz GmbH & Co. KG, Pfizer Manufacturing Holdings LLC, Pfizer Manufacturing Ireland Unlimited Company, Pfizer Manufacturing LLC, Pfizer Manufacturing Services, Pfizer Medical Technology Group (Belgium) N.V., Pfizer Medicamentos Genericos e Participacoes Ltda., Pfizer Mexico Luxco SARL, Pfizer Mexico S.A. de C.V., Pfizer Middle East for Pharmaceuticals Animal Health and Chemicals S.A.E., Pfizer New Zealand Limited, Pfizer Norge AS, Pfizer North American Holdings Inc., Pfizer OTC B.V., Pfizer Overseas LLC, Pfizer Oy, Pfizer PFE ApS, Pfizer PFE AsiaPac Holding B.V., Pfizer PFE Australia Holding B.V., Pfizer PFE Australia Pty Ltd, Pfizer PFE B.V., Pfizer PFE Baltic Holdings B.V., Pfizer PFE Belgium SPRL, Pfizer PFE Brazil Holding S.a r.l., Pfizer PFE CIA. Ltda., Pfizer PFE Chile Holding LLC, Pfizer PFE Colombia Holding Corp., Pfizer PFE Colombia S.A.S, Pfizer PFE Commercial Holdings LLC, Pfizer PFE Croatia Holding B.V., Pfizer PFE Eastern Investments B.V., Pfizer PFE Finland Oy, Pfizer PFE France, Pfizer PFE Global Holdings B.V., Pfizer PFE Ireland Pharmaceuticals Holding 1 B.V., Pfizer PFE Italy Holdco 2 S.a r.l., Pfizer PFE Italy Holdco S.a r.l., Pfizer PFE Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, Pfizer PFE Limited, Pfizer PFE Luxembourg S.a r.l., Pfizer PFE Mexico Holding 3 LLC, Pfizer PFE Netherlands Holding 1 C.V., Pfizer PFE New Zealand, Pfizer PFE New Zealand Holding B.V., Pfizer PFE Norway Holding S.a r.l., Pfizer PFE PILSA Holdco S.a r.l., Pfizer PFE Peru Holding LLC, Pfizer PFE Peru S.R.L., Pfizer PFE Pharmaceuticals Israel Holding LLC, Pfizer PFE Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd., Pfizer PFE Private Limited, Pfizer PFE S.R.L, Pfizer PFE Service Company Holding Cooperatief U.A., Pfizer PFE Singapore Holding B.V., Pfizer PFE Singapore Pte. Ltd., Pfizer PFE Spain B.V., Pfizer PFE Spain Holding S.L., Pfizer PFE Sweden Holding 2 S.a.r.l., Pfizer PFE Sweden Holding S.a.r.l., Pfizer PFE Switzerland GmbH, Pfizer PFE Turkey Holding 1 B.V., Pfizer PFE Turkey Holding 2 B.V., Pfizer PFE UK Holding 4 LP, Pfizer PFE US Holdings 1 LLC, Pfizer PFE US Holdings 2 LLC, Pfizer PFE US Holdings 3 LLC, Pfizer PFE US Holdings 4 LLC, Pfizer PFE US Holdings 5 LLC, Pfizer PFE spol. s r.o., Pfizer PFE Ilaclar Anonim Sirketi, Pfizer Pakistan Limited, Pfizer Parke Davis (Thailand) Ltd., Pfizer Parke Davis Inc., Pfizer Parke Davis Sdn. Bhd., Pfizer Pharm Algerie, Pfizer Pharma GmbH, Pfizer Pharma PFE GmbH, Pfizer Pharmaceutical (Wuxi) Co. Ltd., Pfizer Pharmaceutical Trading Limited Liability Company (a/k/a Pfizer Kft. or Pfizer LLC), Pfizer Pharmaceuticals B.V., Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Global B.V., Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd., Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Korea Limited, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals LLC, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Pfizer Pigments Inc., Pfizer Polska Sp. z.o.o., Pfizer Private Limited, Pfizer Production LLC, Pfizer Products Inc., Pfizer Products India Private Limited, Pfizer Research (NC) Inc., Pfizer Romania SRL, Pfizer S.A., Pfizer S.A., Pfizer S.A. (Belgium), Pfizer S.A. de C.V., Pfizer S.A.S., Pfizer S.G.P.S. Lda., Pfizer S.L., Pfizer S.R.L., Pfizer SRB d.o.o., Pfizer Saidal Manufacturing, Pfizer Sante Familiale, Pfizer Saudi Limited, Pfizer Seiyaku K.K., Pfizer Service Company BVBA, Pfizer Service Company Ireland Unlimited Company, Pfizer Services 1, Pfizer Services LLC, Pfizer Shared Services Unlimited Company, Pfizer Shareholdings Intermediate SARL, Pfizer Singapore Holding Pte. Ltd., Pfizer Singapore Trading Pte. Ltd., Pfizer Spain Holdings Cooperatief U.A., Pfizer Specialties Limited, Pfizer Strategic Investment Holdings LLC, Pfizer Sweden Partnership KB, Pfizer TRAE Holdings Kft., Pfizer Trading Polska sp.z.o.o., Pfizer Transactions Ireland Unlimited Company, Pfizer Transactions LLC, Pfizer Transactions Luxembourg SARL, Pfizer Transport LLC, Pfizer Ukraine LLC, Pfizer Vaccines LLC, Pfizer Venezuela S.A., Pfizer Venture Investments LLC, Pfizer Ventures LLC, Pfizer Worldwide Services Unlimited Company, Pfizer Zona Franca S.A., Pfizer spol. s r.o., Pharmacia, Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc., Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC, Pharmacia & Upjohn LLC, Pharmacia & Upjohn S.A. de C.V., Pharmacia Brasil Ltda., Pharmacia Hepar LLC, Pharmacia Holding AB, Pharmacia Inter-American LLC, Pharmacia International B.V., Pharmacia LLC, Pharmacia Limited, Pharmacia Nostrum S.A., Pharmacia South Africa (Pty) Ltd, PowderJect Research Limited, PowderMed, Purepac Pharmaceutical Holdings LLC, Redvax, Renrall LLC, Rinat Neuroscience, Rinat Neuroscience Corp., Roerig Produtos Farmaceuticos Lda., Roerig S.A., Sao Cristovao Participacoes Ltda., Searle Laboratorios Lda., Serenex, Servicios P&U S. de R.L. de C.V., Shiley LLC, Sinergis Farma-Produtos Farmaceuticos Lda., Site Realty Inc., Solinor LLC, Sugen LLC, Tabor LLC, The Pfizer Incubator LLC, Therachon, Thiakis Limited, Treerly Health Co. Ltd, US Oral Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, Upjohn Laboratorios Lda., Vesteralens Naturprodukter A/S, Vesteralens Naturprodukter AB, Vesteralens Naturprodukter AS, Vesteralens Naturprodukter OY, Vicuron Holdings LLC, Vinci Farma S.A., W-L LLC, Warner Lambert, Warner Lambert Ilac Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Warner Lambert del Uruguay S.A., Warner-Lambert (Thailand) Limited, Warner-Lambert Company AG, Warner-Lambert Company LLC, Warner-Lambert Guatemala Sociedad Anonima, Warner-Lambert S.A., Whitehall International Inc., Whitehall Laboratories Inc., Wyeth (Thailand) Ltd., Wyeth AB, Wyeth Australia Pty. Limited, Wyeth Ayerst Inc., Wyeth Ayerst S.a r.l., Wyeth Biopharma, Wyeth Canada ULC, Wyeth Consumer Healthcare LLC, Wyeth Europa Limited, Wyeth Farma S.A., Wyeth Holdings LLC, Wyeth Industria Farmaceutica Ltda., Wyeth KFT., Wyeth LLC, Wyeth Lederle S.r.l., Wyeth Lederle Vaccines S.A., Wyeth Pakistan Limited, Wyeth Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Company, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals FZ-LLC, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Limited, Wyeth Puerto Rico Inc., Wyeth S.A.S, Wyeth Subsidiary Illinois Corporation, Wyeth Whitehall Export GmbH, Wyeth Whitehall SARL, Wyeth-Ayerst (Asia) Limited, Wyeth-Ayerst International LLC, and Wyeth-Ayerst Promotions Limited. Read More Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. provides investor communications and technology-driven solutions for the financial services industry. The company's Investor Communication Solutions segment processes and distributes proxy materials to investors in equity securities and mutual funds, as well as facilitates related vote processing services; and distributes regulatory reports, class action, and corporate action/reorganization event information, as well as tax reporting solutions. It also offers ProxyEdge, an electronic proxy delivery and voting solution; data-driven solutions and an end-to-end platform for content management, composition, and omni-channel distribution of regulatory, marketing, and transactional information, as well as mutual fund trade processing services; data and analytics solutions; solutions for public corporations and mutual funds; SEC filing and capital markets transaction services; registrar, stock transfer, and record-keeping services; and omni-channel customer communications solutions, as well as operates Broadridge Communications Cloud platform that creates, delivers, and manages communications and customer engagement activities. The company's Global Technology and Operations segment provides solutions that automate the front-to-back transaction lifecycle of equity, mutual fund, fixed income, foreign exchange and exchange-traded derivatives, order capture and execution, trade confirmation, margin, cash management, clearance and settlement, reference data management, reconciliations, securities financing and collateral management, asset servicing, compliance and regulatory reporting, portfolio accounting, and custody-related services. This segment also offers business process outsourcing services; technology solutions, such portfolio management, compliance, fee billing, and operational support solutions; and capital market and wealth management solutions. The company was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Lake Success, New York. The following companies are subsidiares of Abbott Laboratories: 3A Nutrition (Vietnam) Company Limited, ABON Biopharm (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd., AGA Medical Belgium, AGA Medical Corporation, AGA Medical Holdings Inc., ALR Holdings, AML Medical LLC, APK Advanced Medical Technologies LLC, ATS Bermuda Holdings Limited, ATS Laboratories Inc., Abbott, Abbott (Jiaxing) Nutrition Co. Ltd., Abbott (UK) Finance Limited, Abbott (UK) Holdings Limited, Abbott AG, Abbott Asia Holdings Limited, Abbott Asia Investments Limited, Abbott Australasia Holdings Limited, Abbott Australasia Pty Ltd, Abbott B.V., Abbott Bahamas Overseas Businesses Corporation, Abbott Belgian Investments, Abbott Bermuda Holding Ltd., Abbott Biologicals B.V., Abbott Biologicals LLC, Abbott Bulgaria Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Capital India Limited, Abbott Cardiovascular Inc., Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc., Abbott Delaware LLC, Abbott Diabetes Care Inc., Abbott Diabetes Care Limited, Abbott Diabetes Care Sales Corporation, Abbott Diagnostics GmbH, Abbott Diagnostics International Ltd., Abbott Diagnostics Technologies AS, Abbott Doral Investments S.L., Abbott Equity Holdings Unlimited, Abbott Equity Investments LLC, Abbott Established Products Holdings (Gibraltar) Limited, Abbott Finance Company SA, Abbott Financial Holdings SRL, Abbott France S.A.S., Abbott Fund Tanzania Limited, Abbott Gesellschaft m.b.H., Abbott GmbH & Co. KG, Abbott Health Products LLC, Abbott Healthcare (Puerto Rico) Ltd., Abbott Healthcare B.V., Abbott Healthcare Costa Rica S.A., Abbott Healthcare LLC, Abbott Healthcare Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Healthcare Private Limited, Abbott Healthcare Products B.V., Abbott Healthcare Products Ltd, Abbott Holding (Gibraltar) Limited, Abbott Holding GmbH, Abbott Holding Subsidiary (Gibraltar) Limited, Abbott Holding Subsidiary (Gibraltar) Limited Luxembourg S.C.S., Abbott Holdings B.V., Abbott Holdings LLC, Abbott Holdings Limited, Abbott Holdings Poland Spoka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia, Abbott Hungary Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, Abbott Iberian Investments (2) Limited, Abbott Iberian Investments Limited, Abbott India Limited, Abbott Informatics Asia Pacific Limited, Abbott Informatics Canada Inc, Abbott Informatics Corporation, Abbott Informatics Europe Limited, Abbott Informatics France, Abbott Informatics Germany GmbH, Abbott Informatics Netherlands B.V., Abbott Informatics Singapore Pte. Limited, Abbott Informatics Spain S.A., Abbott Informatics Technologies Ltd, Abbott International Corporation, Abbott International Enterprises Ltd., Abbott International Holdings Limited, Abbott International LLC, Abbott International Luxembourg, Abbott Investments Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Ireland, Abbott Ireland Financing Designated Activity Company, Abbott Ireland Limited, Abbott Japan Co. Ltd., Abbott Kazakhstan Limited Liability Partnership, Abbott Knoll Investments B.V., Abbott Korea Limited, Abbott Laboratories (Bangladesh) Limited, Abbott Laboratories (Chile) Holdco (Dos) SpA, Abbott Laboratories (Chile) Holdco SpA, Abbott Laboratories (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Abbott Laboratories (Mozambique) Limitada, Abbott Laboratories (Pakistan) Limited, Abbott Laboratories (Philippines), Abbott Laboratories (Puerto Rico) Incorporated, Abbott Laboratories (Singapore) Private Limited, Abbott Laboratories A/S, Abbott Laboratories Argentina Sociedad Anonima, Abbott Laboratories B.V., Abbott Laboratories C.A., Abbott Laboratories Finance B.V., Abbott Laboratories GmbH, Abbott Laboratories Inc., Abbott Laboratories International LLC, Abbott Laboratories Ireland Limited, Abbott Laboratories Limited, Abbott Laboratories Limited - Laboratoires Abbott Limitee, Abbott Laboratories NZ Limited, Abbott Laboratories Pacific Ltd., Abbott Laboratories Poland Spoka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia, Abbott Laboratories Products B.V., Abbott Laboratories Residential Development Fund Inc., Abbott Laboratories S.A., Abbott Laboratories SA, Abbott Laboratories Services Corp., Abbott Laboratories Slovakia s.r.o., Abbott Laboratories South Africa (Pty) Ltd., Abbott Laboratories Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Abbott Laboratories Trustee Company Limited, Abbott Laboratories Uruguay S.A., Abbott Laboratories Vascular Enterprises, Abbott Laboratories d.o.o., Abbott Laboratories de Chile Limitada, Abbott Laboratories de Colombia S.A., Abbott Laboratories de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Abbott Laboratories druzba za farmacijo in diagnostiko d.o.o., Abbott Laboratories s.r.o., Abbott Laboratories(Hellas) Societe Anonyme, Abbott Laboratorios S.A., Abbott Laboratorios S.A., Abbott Laboratorios del Ecuador Cia. Ltda., Abbott Laboratuarlari Ithalat Ihracat ve Ticaret Ltd.Sti, Abbott Laboratorios Lda, Abbott Laboratorios do Brasil Ltda., Abbott Limited Egypt LLC, Abbott Logistics B.V., Abbott Management GmbH, Abbott Management LLC, Abbott Manufacturing Singapore Private Limited, Abbott Mature Products International Unlimited Company, Abbott Mature Products Management Limited, Abbott Medical (Hong Kong) Limited, Abbott Medical (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Abbott Medical (Portugal) Distribuicao de Produtos Medicos Lda, Abbott Medical (Schweiz) AG, Abbott Medical (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Abbott Medical (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Abbott Medical (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Abbott Medical Australia Pty. Ltd., Abbott Medical Austria Ges.m.b.H., Abbott Medical Balkan d.o.o. Beograd (Novi Beograd), Abbott Medical Belgium, Abbott Medical Canada Inc./ Medicale Abbott Canada Inc., Abbott Medical Danmark A/S, Abbott Medical Devices Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Abbott Medical Espana S.A., Abbott Medical Estonia OU, Abbott Medical Finland Oy, Abbott Medical France SAS, Abbott Medical GmbH, Abbott Medical Hellas Limited Liability Trading Company, Abbott Medical Ireland Limited, Abbott Medical Italia S.p.A., Abbott Medical Japan Co. Ltd., Abbott Medical Korea Limited, Abbott Medical Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, Abbott Medical Laboratories LTD, Abbott Medical Nederland B.V., Abbott Medical New Zealand Limited, Abbott Medical Norway AS, Abbott Medical Overseas Cyprus Limited, Abbott Medical Sweden AB, Abbott Medical Taiwan Co., Abbott Medical U.K. Limited, Abbott Medical spoka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia, Abbott Middle East S.A.R.L., Abbott Molecular Inc., Abbott Morocco SARL, Abbott Nederland C.V., Abbott Nederland Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Netherlands Investments B.V., Abbott Norge AS, Abbott Nutrition Limited, Abbott Nutrition Manufacturing Inc., Abbott Operations Singapore Pte. Ltd., Abbott Operations Uruguay S.R.L., Abbott Overseas Cyprus Limited, Abbott Overseas Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Overseas S.A., Abbott Oy, Abbott Point of Care Canada Limited, Abbott Point of Care Inc., Abbott Poland Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Procurement LLC, Abbott Products (Philippines) Inc., Abbott Products (Spain) S.L., Abbott Products Algerie EURL, Abbott Products B.V., Abbott Products Distribution SAS, Abbott Products Egypt LLC, Abbott Products Limited, Abbott Products Limited Liability Company, Abbott Products Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Products Operations AG, Abbott Products Operations LLC, Abbott Products Romania S.R.L., Abbott Products Tunisie S.A.R.L., Abbott Products Unlimited Company, Abbott Resources Inc., Abbott Resources International Inc., Abbott S.r.l., Abbott Saudi Arabia Trading Company, Abbott Scandinavia Aktiebolag, Abbott Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable, Abbott South Africa Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Strategic Opportunities Limited, Abbott Trading Company Inc., Abbott Universal LLC, Abbott Vascular Devices (2) Limited, Abbott Vascular Devices Limited, Abbott Vascular Inc., Abbott Vascular Instruments Deutschland GmbH, Abbott Vascular International, Abbott Vascular Japan Co. Ltd, Abbott Vascular Limitada, Abbott Vascular Netherlands B.V., Abbott Vascular Solutions Inc., Abbott Ventures Inc., Abbott West Indies Limited, Abbott drustvo sa ogranicenom odgovornoscu za trgovinu i usluge, Advanced Neuromodulation Systems Inc., Alere, Alere (Shanghai) Diagnostics Co. Ltd., Alere (Shanghai) Healthcare Management Co. Ltd., Alere (Shanghai) Medical Sales Co. Ltd., Alere (Shanghai) Technology Co. Ltd., Alere A/S, Alere AB, Alere AS, Alere AS Holdings Limited, Alere BBI Holdings Limited, Alere Bangladesh Limited, Alere China Co. Ltd., Alere Colombia S.A., Alere Connect LLC, Alere Connected Health Limited, Alere Connected Health Ltd., Alere Diagnostics GmbH, Alere DoA Holding GmbH, Alere GmbH, Alere GmbH (Austria), Alere GmbH (Germany), Alere HK Holdings Ltd., Alere Health B.V., Alere Health BVBA, Alere Health Corp., Alere Health Sdn Bhd, Alere Health Services B.V., Alere Healthcare (Pty) Limited, Alere Healthcare Connections Limited, Alere Healthcare Inc., Alere Healthcare Nigeria Limited, Alere Healthcare S.L., Alere Holdco Inc., Alere Holding GmbH, Alere Holdings Bermuda Limited, Alere Holdings Pty Limited, Alere Home Monitoring Inc., Alere Inc., Alere Informatics Inc., Alere International Holding Corp., Alere International Limited, Alere Lda, Alere Limited, Alere Limited (New Zealand), Alere Medical BVBA, Alere Medical Co. Ltd., Alere Medical Pakistan (Private) Limited, Alere Medical Private Limited, Alere North America LLC, Alere Oy Ab, Alere Philippines Inc., Alere Phoenix ACQ Inc., Alere Pte Ltd, Alere S.A., Alere S.r.l., Alere S/A, Alere SAS, Alere San Diego Inc., Alere Scarborough Inc., Alere Spain S.L., Alere Switzerland GmbH, Alere Technologies GmbH, Alere Technologies Holdings Limited, Alere Technologies Limited, Alere Toxicology AB, Alere Toxicology Inc., Alere Toxicology S.r.l., Alere Toxicology Services Inc., Alere Toxicology plc, Alere UK Holdings Limited, Alere UK Subco Limited, Alere ULC, Alere US Holdings LLC, Alere s.r.o., Alisoc Investment & Co, Amedica Biotech Inc., Ameditech Inc., American Generics S.A.S., American Medical Supplies Inc., American Pharmacist Inc., Antares S.A., Apica Cardiovascular Limited, Aquagestion Capacitacion S.A., Aquagestion S.A., Arriva Medical LLC, Arriva Medical Philippines Inc., Arvis Investments Limited, Atlas Farmaceutica S.A., Avee Laboratories Inc., Axis-Shield AD III AS, Axis-Shield AD IV AS, Axis-Shield AS, Axis-Shield Diagnostics Limited, Axis-Shield Ltd., BBI Animal Health Limited, BBI Diagnostics Group 2 Public Limited Company, Banco de Vida S.A., Bioabsorbable Vascular Solutions Inc., Bioalgae S.A., Biohealth LLC, Biosite Incorporated, Bosque Bonito S.A., Branan Medical Corporation, Brandex Europe C.V., British Colloids Limited, CFR Chile S.A., CFR Interamericas EL Salvador Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable, CFR Interamericas Nicaragua Sociedad Anonima, CFR Interamericas Panama S.A., CFR Pharmaceuticals, California Property Holdings III LLC, CardioMEMS LLC, Caripharm Inc., Cephea Valve Technologies, Cephea Valve Technologies Inc., Colibri Medical Aktiebolag, Comercializadora y Distribuidora CFR Interamericas Honduras S.A., Concateno South Limited, Concateno UK Limited, Consorcio Tecnologico en Biomedicina Clinico-Molecular S.A., Continuum Services LLC, Cozart Limited, Dextech S.A., Diagnostik Nord GmbH, Distribuciones Uquifa S.A.S., Domesco Medical Import-Export Joint-Stock Corporation, Duphar International Research B.V., Endocardial Solutions, Epocal (US) Inc, Esprit de Vie S.A., European Chemicals & Co, European Drug Testing Service EDTS AB, European Services S.A., Evalve Inc., Evalve International Inc., FARMINDUSTRIA S.A., Fada Pharma Paraguay Sociedad Anonima, Fadapharma del Ecuador S.A., Farmaceutica Mont Blanc S.L., Farmacologia Em Aquicultura Veterinaria Ltda., Farmacologia en Aquacultura Veterinaria FAV Ecuador S.A., Farmacologia en Aquacultura Veterinaria FAV S.A., Fernwood Investment S.A., First Check Diagnostics LLC, Focus Pharmaceutical S.A.S., Forensics Limited, Forestcreek Overseas S.A., Fournier Pharma Corp., Fournier Pharma GmbH, Fournier Pharmaceuticals Limited, Framed B.V., Gabmed GmbH, Garden Hills LLC, Global Analytical Development LLC, Globapharm & CO LP, Glomed Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Golnorth Investments S.A., Gynocare Limited, Gynopharm Sociedad Anonima, Gynopharm de Centroamerica S.A., Gynopharm de Venezuela C.A., Hi-Tronics Designs Inc., IDEV Technologies Inc., IG Innovations Limited, IMTC Finance B.V., IMTC Holdings B.V., IMTC Technologies Inc., Ibis Biosciences LLC, Igloo Zone Chile S.A., Igloo Zone S.L., Inmobiliaria Naknek S.A.C., Innovacon Inc., Instant Tech Subsidiary Acquisition Inc., Instant Technologies Inc., Instituto de Criopreservacion de Chile S.A., Integrated Vascular Systems Inc., Inverness Canadian Acquisition Corporation, Inverness Medical (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Inverness Medical Innovations Australia Pty Ltd., Inverness Medical Innovations Hong Kong Limited, Inverness Medical Innovations SK LLC, Inverness Medical Investments LLC, Inverness Medical LLC, Inverness Medical Shimla Private Limited, Inversiones K2 SpA, Inversiones Komodo S.R.L., Ionian Technologies LLC, Irvine Biomedical Inc., Kalila Medical, Kangshenyunga S.A., Knoll UK Investments Unlimited, LLC VeroInPharm, Laboratoires Fournier S.A.S., Laboratorio Franco Colombiano Lafrancol S.A.S., Laboratorio Franco Colombiano del Ecuador S.A., Laboratorio Internacional Argentino S.A., Laboratorio Synthesis S.A.S., Laboratorios Lafi Limitada, Laboratorios Naturmedik S.A.S., Laboratorios Pauly Pharmaceutical S.A.S., Laboratorios Recalcine S.A., Laboratorios Transpharm S.A., Laboratory Specialists of America Inc., Lafrancol Dominicana S.A.S., Lafrancol Guatemala S.A. Sociedad Anonima, Lafrancol Internacional S.A.S, Lafrancol Peru S.R.L, Lake Forest Investments LLC, Lightlab Imaging Inc., Limited Liability Company Abbott Laboratories, Limited Liability Company Abbott Ukraine, Limited Liability Company VEROPHARM, Lung Fung Hong (China) Limited, Mansbridge Pharmaceuticals Limited, MediGuide LLC, MediGuide Ltd., Medscreen Holdings Limited, Metropolitana Farmaceutica S.A., Midwest Properties LLC, Murex Argentina S.A., Murex Biotech Limited, Murex Biotech South Africa, Murex Diagnostics Inc., Murex Diagnostics International Inc., Natural Supplement Association LLC, Negocios Denia Sociedad Anonima, Neosalud S.A.C., Nether Pharma N.P. C.V., NeuroTherm LLC, Normann Pharma-Handels GmbH, North Shore Properties Inc., Novamedi S.A., S.A., Nutravida S.A., OJSC Voronezhkhimpharm, Omnilab Iberia Sociedad Limitada, OptiMedica, Orgenics France SAS, Orgenics International Holdings B.V., Orgenics Ltd., PBM-Selfcare LLC, PDD II LLC, PDD LLC, PT Alere Health, PT. Abbott Indonesia, PT. Abbott Products Indonesia, Pacesetter Inc., Pantech (RF) (PTY) LTD, Pembrooke Occupational Health Inc., Penagos S.A., Pharma International Sociedad Anonima, Pharmaceutical Technologies (Pharmatech) S.A., Pharmatech Boliviana S.A., Polygon Labs S.A., Quality Assured Services Inc., RF Medical Holdings LLC, RTL Holdings Inc., Ramses Business Corp., Recben Xenerics Farmaceutica Limitada, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc., Rich Horizons International Limited, SC VEROPHARM, SJ Medical Mexico S de R.L. de C.V., SJM International Inc., SJM Thunder Holding Company, SPDH Inc., Saboya Enterprises Corporation, Salviac Limited, Scanax AS, Sealing Solutions Inc., Selfcare Technology Inc., Shandong Abbott Dairy Product Co. Ltd., Shanghai Abbott Medical Devices Science and Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai Abbott Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Shanghai Si Fa Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Sinensix & Co., Spinal Modulation LLC, St. Jude Medical, St. Jude Medical AB, St. Jude Medical ATG Inc., St. Jude Medical Argentina S.A., St. Jude Medical Asia Pacific Holdings GK, St. Jude Medical Atrial Fibrillation Division Inc., St. Jude Medical Brasil Ltda., St. Jude Medical Business Services Inc., St. Jude Medical Cardiology Division Inc., St. Jude Medical Colombia Ltda., St. Jude Medical Coordination Center, St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Limitada, St. Jude Medical Europe Inc., St. Jude Medical Export Ges.m.b.H., St. Jude Medical GVA Sarl, St. Jude Medical Holdings B.V., St. Jude Medical India Private Limited, St. Jude Medical International Holding, St. Jude Medical LLC, St. Jude Medical Luxembourg, St. Jude Medical Luxembourg Holdings II, St. Jude Medical Luxembourg Holdings NT, St. Jude Medical Luxembourg Holdings SMI S.a r.l., St. Jude Medical Luxembourg Holdings TC S.a r.l., St. Jude Medical Mexico Business Services S. de R.L. de C.V., St. Jude Medical Middle East DMCC, St. Jude Medical Operations (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., St. Jude Medical Puerto Rico LLC, St. Jude Medical S.C. Inc., St. Jude Medical Systems AB, St. Jude Medical Turkey Medikal Urunler Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Standard Diagnostics Inc., Standing Stone LLC, Swan-Myers Incorporated, TC1 LLC, Tendyne Holdings Inc., Tendyne Medical Inc., Thoratec Delaware LLC, Thoratec Europe Limited, Thoratec LLC, Thoratec Switzerland GmbH, Tobal Products Incorporated, Topera GmbH in Liquidation, Topera Inc., Tremora S.A., Tuenir S.A., TwistDx, UAB Abbott Laboratories, UAB Abbott Medical Lithuania, Union-Madison Realty Company Inc., Unipath Limited (dba Alere International/aka Cranfield), Unipath Management Limited, Unipath Pension Trustee Limited, Veropharm, Veropharm Limited Liability Partnership, Vida Cell Inversiones S.A., Vida Cell S.A., Vivalsol, W&R Pharma Handels GmbH, Western Pharmaceuticals S.A., X Technologies Inc., Yissum Holding Limited, ZonePerfect Nutrition Company, eScreen Canada ULC, eScreen Inc., ( ), and Abbott Laboratories Baltics. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of TransDigm Group: 17111 Waterview Pkwy LLC, ARA Deutschland GmbH, ARA Holding GmbH, Acme Aerospace, Acme Aerospace Inc., Adams Rite Aerospace GmbH, Adams Rite Aerospace Inc., Advanced Inflatable Products Limited, Aero-Instruments, AeroControlex Group Inc., Aerosonic, Aerosonic LLC, Air-Sea Survival Equipment Trustee Limited, Airborne Acquisition Inc., Airborne Global Inc., Airborne Holdings Inc., Airborne Systems, Airborne Systems Canada Ltd., Airborne Systems Group Limited, Airborne Systems Holdings Limited, Airborne Systems Limited, Airborne Systems NA Inc., Airborne Systems North America Inc., Airborne Systems North America of CA Inc., Airborne Systems North America of NJ Inc., Airborne Systems Pension Trust Limited, Airborne UK Acquisition Limited, Airborne UK Parent Limited, Aircraft Materials Limited, AmSafe, AmSafe Aviation (Chongqing) Ltd., AmSafe Bridport (Kunshan) Co. Ltd., AmSafe Bridport (Private) Ltd., AmSafe Bridport Ltd., AmSafe Global Holdings Inc., AmSafe Global Services (Private) Limited, AmSafe Inc., Angus Electronics Co., Arkwin Industries, Arkwin Industries Inc., Armtec Countermeasures Co., Armtec Countermeasures TNO Co., Armtec Defense Products Co., Auxitrol SAS, Auxitrol Weston Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Auxitrol Weston Services China Ltd., Auxitrol Weston Singapore Pte. Ltd., Auxitrol Weston USA Inc., Aviation Technologies, Aviation Technologies Inc., Avionic Instruments LLC, Avionics Instruments, Avionics Specialties Inc., AvtechTyee Inc., Beta Transformer Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Beta Transformer Technology Corporation, Beta Transformer Technology LLC, Breeze-Eastern Corporation, Breeze-Eastern LLC, Bridport Erie Aviation Inc., Bridport Holdings Inc., Bridport Ltd., Bridport-Air Carrier Inc., Bruce Aerospace Inc., Bruce Industries, CDA InterCorp LLC, CEF Industries LLC, CMC Electronics Aurora LLC, CMC Electronics Inc., CMC Electronics ME Inc., Champion Aerospace LLC, Chelton Avionics Holdings Inc., Chelton Avionics Inc., Chelton Limited, Cobham Aero Connectivity, Cobham CTS Limited, Cobham Defence Communications Limited, Cobham Defense Products Inc., DART Aerospace, DDC Electronics K.K., DDC Electronics Ltd., DDC Electronics Private Limited, DDC Electronique S.A.R.L., DDC Elektronik GmbH, Darchem Engineering Limited, Darchem Holdings Limited, Data Device Corp., Data Device Corporation, Dukes Aerospace Inc., EST Defence Company UK Limited, Edlaw Limited, Electromech Technologies LLC, Elektro-Metall Export GmbH, Elektro-Metall Paks KFT, Esterline, Esterline Acquisition Ltd, Esterline Europe Company LLC, Esterline Foreign Sales Corporation, Esterline International Company, Esterline Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Esterline Technologies Corporation, Esterline Technologies Corporation, Esterline Technologies Europe Limited, Esterline Technologies France Holding SAS, Esterline Technologies French Acquisition Limited, Esterline Technologies Global Limited, Esterline Technologies Holdings Limited, Esterline Technologies SGIP LLC, Esterline Technologies Unlimited, Esterline do Brasil Assessoria e Intermediacao Ltda, European Antennas Limited, Extant Components Group Holdings Inc., Extant Components Group Intermediate Inc., GQ Parachutes Limited, Guizhou Leach-Tianyi Aviation Electrical Company Ltd, Harco, HarcoSemco LLC, Hartwell Corporation, Hytek Finishes Co., ILC Holdings Inc., IRVIN AEROSPACE LIMITED, IrvinGQ France SAS, IrvinGQ Limited, Janco Corporation, Johnson Liverpool LLC, Kirkhill Elastomers, Kirkhill Inc., Korry Electronics Co., Kunshan Shield Restraint Systems Ltd., Leach Holding Corporation, Leach International Asia-Pacific Ltd, Leach International Corporation, Leach International Europe S.A.S., Leach International Germany GmbH, Leach International Mexico S. de R. L. de C. V., Leach International UK Ltd, Leach Mexico Holding LLC, Leach Technology Group Inc., MarathonNorco Aerospace Inc., Mason Electric Co., Mastsystem Int'l Oy, McKechnie Aerospace, McKechnie Aerospace (Europe) Ltd., McKechnie Aerospace DE Inc., McKechnie Aerospace DE LP, McKechnie Aerospace Holdings Inc., McKechnie Aerospace US LLC, Mecanismos de Matamoros S. de R.L. de C.V., NAT Seattle Inc., NMC Group Inc., Norco, Nordisk Asia Pacific Limited, Nordisk Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Nordisk Aviation Products (Kunshan) Ltd., Nordisk Aviation Products AS, Nordisk Aviation Products LLC, North Hills Signal Processing Corp., North Hills Signal Processing Overseas LLC, Norwich Aero Products Inc., Palomar Products Inc., Pexco Aerospace, Pexco Aerospace Inc., PneuDraulics, PneuDraulics Inc., Pressure Systems International Ltd, Schneller, Schneller Asia Pte. Ltd., Schneller LLC, Schneller S.A.R.L., Schroth Safety Products, Semco Instruments, Semco Instruments Inc., Shield Restraint Systems Inc., Shield Restraint Systems Ltd., Signal Processing Matamoros S.A. de C.V., Skandia, Skandia Inc., Skurka Aerospace, Skurka Aerospace Inc., Symetrics Industries, Symetrics Industries LLC, Symetrics Technology Group LLC, TA Aerospace Co., TA Mfg Limited, TDG Bavaria GmbH, TDG ESL Holdings Inc., TDG France Ultimate Parent SAS, TDG Germany GmbH, TEAC Aerospace Holdings Inc., TEAC Aerospace Technologies Inc., Tactair Fluid Controls Inc., Takata Protection Systems, Telair International, Telair International GmbH, Telair International Services PTE Ltd, Telair US LLC, TransDigm (Barbados) SRL, TransDigm Canada ULC, TransDigm European Holdings Limited, TransDigm Ireland Ltd., TransDigm Receivables LLC, TransDigm Technologies India Private Limited, TransDigm UK Holdings plc, Transicoil (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad, Transicoil LLC, Wallop Defence UK Limited, Weston Aerospace Ltd, Whippany Actuation Systems, Whippany Actuation Systems LLC, XCEL Power Systems Ltd., Young & Franklin, Young & Franklin Inc., and exas Rotronics Inc.. Read More WellCare Health Plans, Inc. provides government-sponsored managed care services. The company operates in three segments: Medicaid Health Plans, Medicare Health Plans, and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs). The Medicaid Health Plans segment offers plans for beneficiaries of temporary assistance for needy families, supplemental security income, and aged blind and disabled residents; and other state-based programs, such as children's health insurance programs and long-term services and supports programs for qualifying families who are not eligible for Medicaid. The Medicare Health Plans segment provides Medicare, a federal program that provides eligible persons aged 65 and over, as well as some disabled persons with a range of hospital, medical, and prescription drug benefits; Medicare Advantage, a Medicare's managed care alternative to the original Medicare program, which offers individuals standard Medicare benefits directly through Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; and coordinated care plans that are administered through health maintenance organizations and require members to seek health care services and select a primary care physician from a network of health care providers. The Medicare PDPs segment provides Medicare part D PDP plans to Medicare-eligible beneficiaries. Its PDP plans offer national in-network prescription drug coverage, including a preferred pharmacy network. As of December 31, 2018, the company served approximately 5.5 million members in the United States. WellCare Health Plans, Inc. was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Tampa, Florida. Taking everything into account, the Lenovo K8 Plus is the best budget smartphone you can get around 10K. It offers decent performance, a good camera, dependable battery life and at is well priced. Lenovo K8 Plus detailed review The budget smartphone segment is hands down the most important smartphone category, for both consumers and companies. The reason for that is quite simple; because most buyers are interested in budget phones only. Xiaomi has been leading the charge here lately, but like last year Lenovo has taken it upon itself to battle the Redmi onslaught. Equipped with dual cameras and large batteries, Lenovos latest K-series phones are taking the competition to newer levels. While the K8 Note did not make it to our review table yet, the new K8 Plus seems like a worthy contender. We tested the phone thoroughly and this is what we found out. Build and Design If you talk about specifications, the Lenovo K8 Plus is a completely different beast than last year's K6 Power. However, both phones look quite similar on first glance. Like every other phone in this category, the Lenovo K8 Plus also has a metal build, with the top and bottom portions made out plastic to facilitate antenna placement. Its build quality seems good for the price range, but the metal back is quite slippery and it almost slipped out of our hands multiple times during our review period. On paper, the 5.2-inch display suggests a smaller form-factor. However, with a large 4000mAh at the back and thicker bezels on the side, the phone looks and feels rather chunky. In terms of ergonomics, it can be used in one hand, but unless you have larger hands, you may have to shift your grip to reach the top of the display. To add some novelty to the category, Lenovo has introduced a new physical button besides the volume rocker and power button. Lenovo calls this the music button, though you can assign it for other tasks as well. In default mode, you press the button for more than a second to initiate the assigned app or play/pause music. It work as intended and from a buyers perspective is a better implementation of the side button, unlike the Bixby button used on the high-end Samsung phones. Besides that, we feel that the two physical keys on the right side should have had better tactile feedback. Overall, for the K8 Plus, Lenovo has chosen functionality over form, which seems like a reasonable compromise. Display and UI Like the K6 Power, the K8 Plus also features an IPS LCD display, which is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3. Though the phone does not have 2.5D curved glass on top, the edges of the display are still smoothened for easy use. The colour fidelity of the display is decent and the same can be said about the sunlight legibility. Since this is an IPS panel, viewing angles are great. There is minor light bleed around the corners, but we dont think it would be a deal breaker. The display is a smooth to touch, and is backed by Lenovos new stock UI. Borrowed from Motorola, the UI used on the K8 Plus is very simple to understand and use. You get a proper app drawer, and an untouched settings menu. The icons are pretty similar to the ones used by Moto phones. Even the camera app is identical to the one we saw on the Moto G5s a while back. The phone is running on the latest Android 7.1.1 Nougat and like Moto phones, Lenovo has promised at least one update on this device. The fingerprint scanner on the phone isnt the fastest we have seen in this category. It takes a second more to unlock than any of its competitors, but is accurate. Performance The Lenovo K8 Plus is powered by a MediaTek Helio P25 SoC. Here, it is paired with 4GB of RAM, but there is a 3GB variant of the phone as well, which is slightly more affordable. From what we observed, the Helio P25 does a pretty good job here. There is no discernible lag while navigating the UI, browsing the web, watching Amazon Prime Video or just taking a picture. Using the camera does raise the temperature significantly. We got temperature readings of 40 degree celsius on the back, which is not particularly uncomfortable, but still on the higher side. While gaming, the recorded heat reading on the back were 41 degree celsius. Talking about gaming, we played demanding games on the phone like Vainglory and Asphalt 8 and both worked smoothly throughout, without any major hiccups. We did see some minor frame drops, but nothing that would break your gaming sessions. The level load times were also decent and at par with current competition. The phone features Dolby Atmos certification. Hence, the audio quality via headphones is quite good and music lovers who are looking to buy a budget device should keep the K8 Plus under consideration. The pre-installed app offers various presets and toggles that music enthusiasts will appreciate. While we would have preferred a dedicated DAC to go along with the Atmos support, its perhaps too much to expect at this price. Battery The phone runs on a 4000mAh battery, which easily managed a work day even under heavy usage. So, you can easily play games on the phone for half an hour, stream couple of episodes, make a dozen calls, check social media, click pictures and still end up with over 30 percent charge by the end of a normal work day. In our battery test, the phone scored 8 hours and 6 minutes of screen-on time, which further bolsters our findings. Moreover, if you are not into heavy gaming or dont end up watching entire episodes on your phone, you may get at least two days of use on each charge. In addition, the phone supports fast charging, so you can go from 0 to 50 percent in just under an hour. Thats not the fastest charging scenarios, but it works given the impressive battery life. Camera While the phone has decent performance and dependable battery life, its best feature is the camera. Lenovo is using a 13MP OmniVision sensor, which is accompanied by a 5MP secondary camera by Samsung, working as the depth sensor. This dual camera setup produces the best images we have seen on a sub-12K smartphone in a very long time. Images taken in ample light conditions have good details, decent colour saturation and dynamic range. The low light capabilities of the camera are decent when you get the focus right. However, we found that white balance is a tad off in low light. It also takes a little more time to save the image. The dual camera setup allows the phone to take Portrait images too. Lenovo calls it the depth enabled mode, in which you can change the aperture on the slider from anywhere between f/5.6 to f/0.8. This allows the user to add blur according to their liking. On top of that, Lenovos software does a decent job in keeping the subject in focus. It works better with people as subjects, rather than other objects. The phone also takes a second or two to save that image. (L-R) Normal mode, Portrait mode The front facing 8MP camera on the phone is relatively good. The camera captures a decent amount of details, while keeping the colour saturation on the warmer end of the spectrum. It produces soft photos (beauty mode) by default, which reduces dark spots and blemishes on your face. However, you can turn them off or change the intensity via a simple slider. The front facing camera also gets an auto HDR mode and flash, which does not add any extra value to the selfie taking experience. (l-R) normal light, low light with flash Bottomline In short, the Lenovo K8 Plus is the best budget centric device you can buy right now. It has decent performance, dependable battery life and the cameras on both sides are quite good. We could nitpick that the metal back is a little slippery and fast charging isn't the best, but we reckon that it is not a deal breaker here. How it compares The Lenovo K8 Plus goes up against the likes of the Xiaomi Redmi phones and the slightly expensive and older Moto G5 Plus. While all phones perform almost at par, the K8 Plus is slightly smoother than the Redmi Note 4 or Redmi 4. Its battery life is quite dependable and in the camera department, the K8 Plus is only bested by Moto G5 Plus. The offline supermarket chain, Big Bazaar will offer both, the Redmi 4 and Redmi Note 4 at a special price. Xiaomi is betting on Big Bazaars 240+ stores to expand and strengthen its offline presence in India. After claiming to have shipped about 10 million smartphones in the month of September, Xiaomi is now planning to boost its smartphone sales offline by partnering up with Big Bazaar supermarket stores. Big Bazaar has over 240 retail stores spread across the country and Xiaomi is offering the Xiaomi Redmi 4 and the Redmi Note 4 offline with this partnership. Manu Kumar Jain, VP of Xiaomi India tweeted the information yesterday and revealed that the company was in talks with Big Bazaar for some time now. He tweeted a picture of him alongside Kishore Biyani, Founder and group CEO of future group that owns Big Bazaar. Mi Fans can buy @Xiaomi phones at a special prices at @BigBazaar stores, plus No Cost EMI offers, & offers on all @ICICIBank cards. (3/3) Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) October 11, 2017 Jain said in his tweet, No other brand has ever sold phones at a supermarket chain! This journey when I first met Mr Kishore Biyani few months ago. He also said that consumers can buy the smartphones at a special price at Big Bazaar stores. However, the special price hasnt been revealed yet. Buyers will also get a no-cost EMI option and special offers on using ICICI bank cards. The Redmi Note 4 remains Xiaomis best-selling smartphone in India with over 5 million units sold online. The company claims to have sold over 25 million smartphones in India since the launch of Mi 3 in July 2014. Xiaomi claims to have sold over 1 million smartphones during the two day festive sale held on Amazon and Flipkart. London quoted company Active Energy has announced the submission of all final documents to the Ministry of Fisheries and Land Resources of the Crown Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, for a Crown Timber Licence as well as Forestry Management Agreements on the Forestry Management Districts 17 and 18. The international forestry management and biomass based renewable energy company said on Thursday it had submitted all the documents through its affilliate, Timberlands International, after five months of co-ordination between Timberlands and the Canadian forestry consultancy company, Zimmfor Management Services. The submission, the company added, included all requested documentation including the proposed financial term sheets for the prospective Forestry Management Agreements. Michael Rowan, Active Energy's non-executive chairman described the submission as a "milestone". "This marks the next milestone for the development of commercial activities for TIL in Newfoundland. TIL and Active Energy are extremely excited about the prospect of revitalising the forestry activities on the Northern Peninsular, facilitating new investment into the Province and continuing to grow positive working relationships between the Province, its relevant ministries and TIL for the benefit of all. "I look forward to providing shareholders with further updates regarding the applications for the CTL and the FMAs in due course." French drugmaker Sanofi said it was investing 170m in effort to expand a vaccine manufacturing site in Val de Reuil, located in France, reinforcing the company's position as a global leader in seasonal flu vaccines. The new facility, according to Sanofi, will be the only site of its kind in France and enable Sanofi Pasteur, its vaccines global business unit, to expand supply of the VaxigripTetra influenza vaccine to up to 70 countries on six continents. That vaccine would contain two A strains and two B strains of the influenza virus, as per recommendations by the World Health Organisation, to help tackle the virus. According to the company, the investment was one of "several major" capital expenditures that it has made in recent years to develop and expand vaccine production capacities across France, the United States and Mexico by 2021, subject to approvals by relevant health authorities. Vaccine production in the new facility was scheduled to commence in 2022. David Loew, the executive vice president of Sanofi and head of Sanofi Pasteur said the expansion proved the Pasteur's ability to tackle the health challenge. "Influenza continues be a major public health problem around the world, causing serious complications, hospitalizations and deaths, mostly for certain high-risk individuals." "As a global leader in flu vaccines, this expansion reinforces Sanofi Pasteur's ability to tackle this underestimated health challenge." Meanwhile, Philippe Luscan, the executive vice president of Global Industrial Affairs at Sanofi spoke of the project's ability to bring together the expertise of its staff. "This project brings together the expertise of our people with our leading industrial know-how and illustrates our commitment to manufacturing excellence solutions. "Our investment underlines Sanofi's intent to strengthen our industrial capacities in France as a major centre of influenza vaccines production for worldwide markets." Integrated media group Tarsus announced on Thursday that increased trading witnessed in its second half had kept the group in-line with its guidance as key events performed well and buyer levels ticked up 7%. Tarsus' two largest events, Connect Expo in New Orleans and Labelexpo Europe in Brussels, were held during the period, as well as other major events such as the Dubai Airshow yet to come, the firm promised "another strong year" as like-for-like bookings grew 8%. Buyers at Labelexpo Europe were up by 6% on the previous edition and re-bookings came in at an impressive 84%. Douglas Emslie, managing director of Tarsus, said, "Our busier second half of the year has been strong, as expected, with our largest shows continuing to make good progress. We are delighted by the performance of the more recent additions to the Group's portfolio in the key markets of the Americas and China, where we are progressively scaling the business." Tarsus, which operated more than 100 events and websites across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East, said it would be releasing its trading update for the full year ended 31 December on 12 January 2018. As of 1130 BST, shares were untraded at 301.00p. On a related note, analysts at Deutsche Bank raised their recommendation on Spanish stocks from an 'underweight' to an 'overweight' as - in their opinion - the tail risks of a break-up of the country had faded. Following 6% underperformance for Spanish shares as a group since early August, mostly on the back of Catalonia independence jitters, they said that now "pricing looks attractive". According to Deutsche's Wolf von Rotberg,"the Catalan governments reservation to immediately declare independence and seek negotiations reduces the tail-risk of a Spanish break-up. As a result, we think Spanish equities are likely to outperform the European market over the coming months." To back up his case, von Rotberg pointed to Spanish stocks performance vis-a-vis shares of European lenders and Eurozone composite PMI new orders gauges. That hinted at 7% upside he said. Spain's de-coupling from its usually tight correlation with German bunds meanwhile argued for 5% upside. In particular, Spanish banks were the "cheapest" from among those of the six major European markets, he said, adding that two of them - CaixaBank and Santander - were in fact Deutsche analysts' 'top picks'. As well, even if bank stocks were taken out of the equation, the relative price-to-earnings multiple of Spanish shares was one standard deviation below its long-term average. Indeed, earlier in the same week it had plumbed its lowest reading since 2013. Furthermore, "Spain now looks attractively valued on our country valuation scorecard." Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Donald Trump on Wednesday that he would stop his nation's military from purchasing any further aircraft from Chicago based aerospace giant Boeing if the White House insisted on moving forward with its plans to enforce a 300% import tariff on Bombardier aeroplanes into the US. The ongoing spat between Bombardier and Boeing threatened to start a trade war between the US, Canada and the UK, after the Labour Party referred to the latter as "the king of corporate welfare" after its "egregious hypocrisy" of pursing illegal-subsidies claims against Bombardier had put thousands of jobs in Northern Ireland at risk as a result. Trudeau and Trump met at the White House on Wednesday where they discussed the North American Free Trade Agreement, which the UK had been rumoured earlier this week to be looking into joining after leaving the EU in March 2019. The PM said he "directly" voiced his concern over the public row between the two companies and outlined his opposition to the President's anti-dumping policy. "I highlighted to the president how we disagree vehemently with Commerce's decision to bring in countervailing and anti-dumping duties against Bombardier, that we feel this is not something that is warranted and quite frankly something that we look very negatively upon," he said. He added that talks with Trump were "not easy". After the US Department of Commerce ruled in favour of slapping a 219% import duty on Bombardier's C-Series jets in late September, as a result of a complaint from main rival Boeing that the firm was receiving unfair subsidies from the Canadian and UK governments, Theresa may told Boeing that it was putting future deals with Downing Street at significant risk, including its agreement to supply the Ministry of Defence with 38 Apache helicopters. Shortly after imposing the tariff, US authorities decided to add a further 80% tax on Bombardier after Boeing claimed that the "absurdly low" price of its aircraft did not do enough to combat the subsidies Bombardier received abroad. As a result, Trudeau told Trump that he would prevent any and all future Canadian government orders from Boeing. "I certainly mentioned that this was a block to us making any military procurements from Boeing," he said. North Korea' foreign minister stoked renewed tensions in northeast Asia, saying the US president had set the region on a course towards war, adding that his country's nuclear weapons programme could never be a subject of negotiation and that Pyongyang was close to achieving a real balance-of-power with America. Speaking to Russia's TASS state news agency, Ri Yong Ho claimed that North Korea's nuclear programme posed no threat to peace and safety in the surrounding region. Indeed, he believed it guaranteed it. "With his bellicose and insane statement at the United Nations, Trump, you can say, has lit the wick of a war against us," TASS quoted Mr Ri as saying [...] we need to settle the final score, only with a hail of fire, not words". "We have almost reached the last point on the journey towards our final goal - to achieve a real balance-of-power with the United States." Last month, Mr Ri had also blamed Trump for declaring war after the 45th president of the United States tweeted that leader Kim Jong-un "won't be around much longer". Tensions between the two countries had escalated over recent months as the Trump administration ratcheted up efforts, alongside international allies, to curb Kim Jong-un's expanding nuclear and ballistic weapons programme. On previous occasions, Defence Secretary James Mattis has indicated that his administration was still striving for a peaceful resolution of the standoff, even while asking the US army to be prepared should military action be ordered by its Commander-in-Chief. European stocks have begun the morning little changed as investors wait on the first quarterly updates from Wall Street's financial heavyweights. Also on traders' radar is a speech later in the day, Stateside, from European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi and a press conference at quarter past eleven from the UK's chief Brexit negotiator David Davis and his euro area counterpart, Michel Barnier. Ahead of the conclusion of the fifth round of talks on separating the two blocs, the latter two were expected to announce that very little if any additional progress has been made. Against that backcloth, as of 1030 BST the benchmark Stoxx 600 was 0.08% or 0.32 points ahead to 390.49, alongside a gain of 0.05% or 5.93 points to 12,976.74 for the German Dax. In all things Spain, the clock was ticking as markets waited on Catalan president Carles Puigdemont's response to a petition from Madrid for greater clarity on his plans and the stance of the regional government. Commenting on the situation in markets, David Madden, market analyst at CMC Markets UK, said: "The ball in now in the separatists' court, and given the update from the Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont on Monday, it doesnt appear that he is too keen to unilaterally declare independence. "Mr Puigdemont risks having direct rule being imposed from Madrid, but then again, he may secretly desire that in order to stoke nationalist tensions. The IBEX 35, along with other major European indices is slightly lower on the day." On a related note, analysts at Deutsche Bank raised their recommendation on Spanish stocks from an 'underweight' to an 'overweight' as - in their opinion - the tail risks of a break-up of the country had faded. Following 6% underperformance for Spanish shares as a group since early August, mostly on the back of Catalonia independence jitters, they said that "pricing looks attractive". As an aside, but not wholly unrelated perhaps, Bitcoin prices were hitting fresh record highs in early trading. Euro area industrial production data for August jumped by 1.4% month-on-month in August (consensus: 0.5%), yet the main reference for markets will be Draghi's speech at 15:15 BST. Later in the day, investors will be watching out for a speech from Federal Reserve governor Jerome Powell at 15:30 BST, alongside weekly initial jobless claims data at 1330 BST. Germany's Innogy has purchased Statkraft's 50% stake in an offshore UK wind project. French airport operator ADP on Wednesday announced a 4.7% rise in passenger traffic for September versus a year ago to reach 9.0m. FTSE 250 wholesaler Booker , which is currently in the process of being taken over by Tesco, reported a 9% rise in interim pre-tax profit on Thursday as total sales rose but tobacco sales declined. In the 24 weeks to 8 September, pre-tax profit increased to 88m, with total sales up 2.5% to 2.6bn. Non-tobacco sales were up 7.5% but tobacco sales were down 9% due to changes in legislation. Meanwhile, like-for-like sales were up 2.7%, with non-tobacco LFL sales up 7.7% and tobacco LFL sales down 8.7%. Basic earnings per share rose 9% to 4.19p and the company declared an interim dividend of 0.69p per share, up 10%. In addition, Booker said its non-tobacco revenue in the first four weeks of the current half year is ahead of last year. Chief executive Charles Wilson said: "Our plans to focus, drive and broaden Booker Group are on track. The competition review of the planned merger with Tesco is progressing. We continue to help our retail, catering and small business customers prosper through improving our choice, prices and service." Booker said it expects the deal with Tesco, which is currently being investigated by the Competition and Markets Authority, to complete early next year, subject to the necessary shareholder approvals. At 0935 BST, the shares were up 0.3% to 206p. Just Eat has been given provisional approval by UK competition authorities to complete its acquisition of rival online food ordering website Hungryhouse, deciding that its initial concerns were unfounded. The Competition and Markets Authority began a deep 'phase 2' probe into the merger after in May saying that its initial investigation found the companies were "close competitors because of the similarity of their service and their broad geographical coverage". However on Thursday the CMA said its independent adjudicators found that, on balance, the combination of the two businesses "is unlikely to result in competition concerns" such as raising prices or reducing quality for restaurants or customers, though it has called for business and the public to submit their views before giving a final decision. Hungryhouse was seen to presently provide "limited competition" to Just Eat, with 9k of its 10k restaurants also on the Just Eat platform, and it was felt to be "much smaller in size and offers too few unique restaurants, making it increasingly difficult for Hungryhouse to attract and retain consumers". Furthermore, the CMA took into account the rapidly evolving online market for digital food ordering platforms, such as Deliveroo, UberEATS and Amazon, which also manage or facilitate delivery services on behalf of restaurants. "These companies generally present a greater competitive challenge to Just Eat than Hungryhouse, and this is likely to grow as they expand," the CMA panel found, having obtained evidence from all the major industry participants and carried out surveys with the public and restaurants to understand how the merger could impact both types of customers. Martin Cave, chairman of the inquiry, said: "We found that Hungryhouse was a weak competitor to Just Eat and so competition is unlikely to be substantially reduced by this merger, especially given the entry and rapid expansion of innovative suppliers in this sector." In reaching its provisional conclusions, the CMA also noted that consumers could order directly from takeaway restaurants, either by telephone, through their websites or by walking in. Much smaller rival Preoday, which Just Eat has indicated as the only truly similar alternative to its business, warned that in the short term, "thousands of British restaurants and takeaways could suffer" due to Just Eat's dominant national reach: "If it wants to up its prices, there are few alternatives, with the same sway, available." But Preoday CEO Andrew White said if restaurants find themselves backed into a corner with limited options, they will naturally seek alternatives, which he said would allow companies like Deliveroo and UberEATs to grow faster, and to create space for new market entrants like Oxford Orders and EasyFood. Just Eat, where former Moneysupermarket boss Peter Plumb was appointed new chief executive in July, naturally said it was pleased with the decision and said it expected the final decision in November. Analysts at JPMorgan Cazenove have forecast that the acquisition would boost pro forma 2018 earnings per share by around 8%. With Hungryhouse generating around 28m of revenues and making a loss of close to 12m, Canaccord Genuity estimated Just Eat would make a profit of circa 14m on the same revenues. Investec's David Amiras calculated the deal is potentially worth 7% to EBITDA in 2018, expecting completion before the end of 2017. "We are positive on the deal, helping Just Eat to bolster its presence in the UK and potentially drive greater economies of scale," he said, seeing EBITDA forecasts rising from 211m to 226m and implying an EBITDA contribution from Hungryhouse of 15m. Just Eat reports third quarter trading on 31 October, with Investec expecting momentum to have continued, with easier comparative figures from last year relative to the first half and partial benefit from the TV sponsorship of ITV's X Factor. Lloyds Banking Group has agreed to buy Zurich Insurance's UK workplace pensions and savings business, which has assets under administration of 19bn, for an undisclosed sum. The bank said the deal enhances Scottish Widows' current offering and broadens its participation in the financial planning and retirement segment, while delivering a modern, flexible workplace savings platform. Scottish Widows currently manages more than 124bn of funds, of which 35 billion is workplace pensions business. The acquisition is expected to partially close in the first quarter of next year, with subsequent completion and transfer of assets following the required regulatory and legal approvals. Antonio Lorenzo, director of insurance & wealth and chief executive of Scottish Widows, said: "Today's announcement is a clear signal of Lloyds Banking Group's commitment to the financial planning and retirement segment. The acquisition of Zurich's UK workplace pensions and savings business complements Scottish Widows' growth to date and provides us with an ideal opportunity to accelerate our goal to become a market leader in this important sector, for advisers and customers." Analyst Laith Khalaf at Hargreaves Lansdown said the move underlined Lloyds commitment to the pensions market, scotching rumours that have circulated for years that the bank is looking to sell off the Scottish Widows franchise. "This part of the business adds some diversification to the Lloyds stable without the risks inherent in the investment banking activities practiced by its peers. By comparison the workplace pensions business is sleepy, steady and sticky. The defined contribution market is also growing, thanks to the governments automatic enrolment programme which is forcing employers and employees to pay money into workplace pensions." He the wider pressure on fund management fees meant there is strength in numbers for the likes of Scottish Widows and Zurich. "This is compounded by the increasing regulation faced by financial services firms. We have already seen Standard Life and Aberdeen tie up to battle these headwinds together, no doubt that deal raised an eyebrow or two across the Edinburgh streets at Scottish Widows HQ." At 1130 BST, the shares were up 0.2% to 66.63p. Branded shower, tap, bathroom accessory, tile and adhesive supplier Norcros updated the market on its trading on Thursday, ahead of the announcement of its interim results for the half year to 30 September, which the board said would occur on 16 November. The FTSE SmallCap stock said group revenue and underlying operating profit in the first half was expected to be in line with its expectations. It said group revenue for the first half was expected to be approximately 144.9m, 12.5% higher than the prior year and 7.1% higher on a constant currency basis. The growth reportedly reflected a robust performance in Norcros UK business and continued growth in its South African operation. UK revenue for the first half was 8.4% higher than the prior year, which was said to reflect growth in all channels, benefitting in particular from strong positions in the new build sector and in selective export markets. Its South African business once again delivered revenue growth in the first half of the year - 4.8% higher than the prior year on a constant currency basis - which the board said continued the sustained progress of recent years. Revenue was 21.0% higher on a reported basis, reflecting a stronger South African rand. The group said it was continuing to focus on working capital and cash management, and as a result of that closing net debt wais expected to have reduced to around 21m from 27.5m year-on-year. Against the backdrop of challenging market conditions, our performance demonstrates the strength of our market positions and the resilience of our diversified business portfolio delivering revenue growth in all UK sectors, strong growth in exports and sustained progress in South Africa, the Norcros board said in its statement. The board remains confident that the group will continue to make progress in line with its expectations for the year to 31 March 2018. Industrial chain and power transmission supplier Renold issued a period-end trading update on Thursday, covering the six months to 30 September ahead of announcing its interim results on 14 November. The FTSE SmallCap stock said trading in the period was mixed. Its torque transmission division performed in-line with expectations, while the chain division delivered organic growth, although its profitability was affected by machine breakdowns at its Einbeck facility and by sustained increases in raw material costs. As a result, the companys board said it now expected adjusted operating profit for the group for the year to 31 March 2018 to be slightly below the lower end of the current range of analyst forecasts. Group revenue in the period grew by 8.0%, Renold said, and on an underlying basis by 2.7% compared to the first half of the prior year. Order intake in the period grew by 9.9% on an underlying basis, or 6.1% excluding the element of the large UK Couplings order which extended beyond the current financial year. The torque transmission division delivered growth in underlying revenue of 6.3%, the board said, adding that including the major project win for UK Couplings, underlying order intake increased by 27.4%. The chain division reportedly delivered strong year-on-year underlying revenue growth of 8.2% in the first quarter of the financial year, Renold explained. However, in the second quarter, major machine breakdowns at our Einbeck, Germany facility reduced availability of key product lines, the board said. This resulted in increased shipping and maintenance costs to mitigate the impact on key customers in Europe and the US and led to a second quarter revenue decline of 4.5% and underlying revenue growth of 1.8% for the period. As it noted in the AGM statement in July, the group - particularly the chain division - experienced sustained increases in raw material costs, notably in respect of steel. Sales price increases had now been implemented to pass on those costs, and were visible in the order book. Margins in the period were impacted by the lag between raw material increases being incurred and sales price rises working through the order book, Renold said, and as a result of that and the costs of machine breakdowns, adjusted operating margin for the chain division for the first half was expected to be around 8%. Underlying order intake for the chain division improved to 9.0% in the second quarter, resulting in an overall growth for the period of 5.3%. Performance in the division was expected to improve in the second half, with the issues at Einbeck now resolved and price increases in the order book feeding into revenues. Renold said the torque transmission division remained on track to perform in line with the board's expectations. It has been a frustrating first half for the chain division, said chief executive Robert Purcell. Organic growth opportunities, particularly in Europe, have been converted but have failed to deliver the expected improvements in profitability due to issues at Einbeck and the rise in raw material prices. Management actions to address these issues are expected to benefit the second half of the year. Purcell said the torque transmission division continued to make progress in line with expectations. The consolidation of our Halifax and Cardiff plants into a single UK Couplings business unit is starting to deliver the planned benefits, with more opportunity for improvement in the future. Royal Mail has won a High Court injunction to block a 48-hour strike planned by postal workers next week. A week ago workers from the Communication Workers Union served notice to the FTSE 250 company that staff will strike for 48 hours from noon on 19 October due to a dispute over pensions and pay. The union's 110,000 members voted 89.1% vote in favour of a strike in the ballot. Royal Mail said the strike would be "unlawful" if the CWU did not follow dispute resolution procedures. Amazon Web Services on Monday unveiled a new per-second pricing plan for EC2 instances and EBS volumes, which will take effect Oct. 2. The new pricing for EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and EBS (Elastic Block Storage) used with EC2 instances will allow greater flexibility and efficiency for customers wanting to expand their use of cloud computing data, AWS said. When EC2 launched in 2006, the only way to pay for the service was in one-hour increments, recalled Jeff Barr, chief evangelist at AWS. The pay as you go model inspired our customers to think about news ways to develop, test and run applications of all types, he said. Nuts and Bolts Under the new plan, usage of Linux instances that are launched in On-Demand, Reserved and Spot form will be billed in one-second increments, as will provisioned storage for EBS volumes. AWS Batch and Amazon EMR also will be subject to per-second billing, Barr said. Customers add capacity to their EMR clusters to get results more quickly, Barr noted. With per-second billing for the EC2 instances in the clusters, adding nodes will be more cost-effective than ever. With regard to AWS Batch, many customers complete their batch computing jobs in less than an hour, he pointed out. AWS Batch already launches and terminates Spot Instances, which are purchased through bidding on spare computing capacity, and often are 50 percent to 90 percent cheaper than on-demand pricing. Many customers can get the most value from EC2 by strategically choosing the most advantageous target instances when managing gaming, ad tech or 3D rendering fleets, Barr pointed out. More Than Savings Although saving money is an important part of the AWS billing change, its not the most important, according to Barr. The change will lead to innovation, as customers will think about compute-bound problems in new ways, he maintained for example, changing the method of provisioning transient environments for dev and test workloads, or improving support for continuous integration. The per-second billing will become effective Oct. 2 in all AWS regions for all Linux instances that are newly launched or up and running, said Barr. Per second billing will not be available running Microsoft Windows or Linux distributions with a separate hourly charge. There will be a minimum one-minute charge per instance. List prices and Spot Market prices will continue to be listed on a per-hour basis, but billing will be calculated to the second. The same goes for Reserved Instance use. Competitive Landscape It is evident that AWS intends to compete aggressively to maintain its market share leadership in an increasingly crowded space for cloud services. That is not to say it has to have the lowest prices on everything, but at least it has to be there or thereabouts in all of the major service areas, said John Dinsdale, chief analyst at Synergy Research Group. The main reasons companies have been moving their data to the cloud are to gain speed, flexibility and agility, he told the E-Commerce Times. Cloud providers dont necessarily want price to be the main criteria for choosing a service platform, but they need to be seen as reasonably competitive with each other. Customers are becoming increasingly concerned about losing control of the cost of cloud computing services they are acquiring, noted Jeff Kaplan, managing director of ThinkStrategies. AWS latest pricing enables customers to gain more precise control over their cloud computing and data storage costs, he told the E-Commerce Times. The new pricing regime will pressure rival services to offer comparable pricing and packaging of services, Kaplan added. Large clients would prefer this level of pricing to reduce costs and improve accountability, said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. When you spent triple digits or more on an IT resource, he told the E-Commerce Times, minutes or seconds can really add up. The Cloud Foundry Foundation on Wednesday launched Cloud Foundry Container Runtime, or CFCR, as the default deployment and management platform for containers using Kubernetes and BOSH. The foundation announced Container Runtime, a project supported by The Linux Foundation, at its annual European user conference. Cloud Foundry is an open source Platform as a Service offering used for building and managing applications in the cloud or in data centers. CFCR is an updated release of the Kubo Project with a new name. The new default approach makes deploying and managing containers easier and more flexible, according to Cloud Foundry. Donated to the foundation in June by Pivotal Software and Google, the project expands options for Cloud Foundrys enterprise user base, according to Devin Davis, vice president of marketing at Cloud Foundry. Cloud Foundry users now can use Container Runtime to deploy Kubernetes or Application Runtime (previously Elastic Runtime) for a Cloud Application Platform. In either case, BOSH underpins infrastructure provisioning for both Cloud Foundry runtimes. Container Runtime also can provide default support for Istio, an open platform to connect, manage and secure microservices. CFCR now provides default support for persistence of Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services and Vsphere. Application Runtime is the app-centric platform that focuses on simplifying the entire development lifecycle, Cloud Foundrys Davis told LinuxInsider. Platform Pillars The new project enables Cloud Foundry to continue expanding choices for users. For example, a Kubernetes user can deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters with BOSH. BOSH is Cloud Foundrys open source tool for deploying and managing distributed services. The Cloud Foundry cloud application platform Application Runtime remains an option. Container Runtime simply enhances Cloud Foundrys capabilities, said Davis, by using some of its best and most unique components such as BOSH, which provides a uniform way to instantiate, deploy and manage highly available Kubernetes clusters on any cloud. Both Cloud Foundry Application Runtime and Container Runtime are built with the developer in mind, he said. They provide the flexibility to run apps in any language or framework on any cloud. This flexibility extends to services as well, Davis added. Plenty of Options The Cloud Foundry project bolsters the relevance of container and Kubernetes overall, suggested Chris Ciborowski, CEO of Nebulaworks. Quite a few organizations would like to deploy a container platform like Kubernetes but are looking for best practices to do so. To this end, the CFCR (Kubo) is one option for organizations looking for this functionality, Ciborowski told LinuxInsider. For existing users of container platforms like Google Container Engine, Amazon Elastic Container Service or Mesosphere DC/OS the announcement is likely of little interest. Other options exist, he said. There are a number of ways to achieve a production-ready Kubernetes environment that can be deployed across any infrastructure in an idempotent fashion. For example, to help with this agnostic approach, Nebulaworks leverages a set of tools: Terraform and Packer, along with Kubeadm, which is a tool that is part of the Kubernetes project. This approach achieves the same level of automated, agnostic deployments while allowing the use of a common set of tools that can do far more than just deploy Kubernetes, said Ciborowski. Slow Adoption Rate Despite continued interest in containers, only 25 percent of enterprise companies actually use them in production, based on a recent Cloud Foundry Foundation study. This represents a negligible rise of only 3 percent from 2016. Enterprises are the colossal cargo ships of the industry. They move slowly, steadily, and with a rigorous navigation system, the Foundrys Devin said. Enterprises cannot always afford to be as flexible or lithe as a smaller company it takes time to evaluate new technologies before implementation. Up until now, there has not been a solution in the market that could scale within the enterprise, Devin pointed out. Kubernetes is the first container option with enterprise-grade scale and functionality, and Cloud Foundry Container Runtime facilitates this enterprise-ready technology, thanks to the power of BOSH. Key Development As customers move more of their workloads to container-based systems, management and orchestration of those containers becomes increasingly important, observed Lee Atchison, senior director of strategic architecture at New Relic. The industry as a whole has recognized the need for better container management and container orchestration tools, and Kubernetes is playing an increasingly important role in this area, he told LinuxInsider. The Cloud Foundry announcement shows Pivotals leadership by adopting and standardizing on Kubernetes and related technologies. That has helped solve the important container management problems that customers have been experiencing, Atchison said. Integrated Solution Container runtime is not a mandatory upgrade or ideal replacement tool for all users, but it is significant for enterprises using containers now, and for those considering using them in the future, noted Davis. Many enterprises are hesitant to invest in and adopt cutting-edge technologies, including containers. Container Runtime gives huge enterprises the opportunity to run containers at scale and in production. Cloud Foundrys enterprise user base relies on BOSH to run applications at scale and CFCR enables Kubernetes to take advantage of BOSH, Davis explained. Still, alternatives do exist. Cloud Foundry adopters can continue to use Cloud Foundry Application Runtime exactly as they have been without moving to CFCR. Think of Container Runtime as a Lego piece you can snap into Application Runtime when you need it, said Davis. Our end users have wanted to utilize containers to achieve efficiency in their business processes, but until Container Runtime, there was not an enterprise-ready solution in the market that could meet their needs. For cloud-native 12-factor applications, a cloud application platform likely will be the best deployment method, he said. If users need more flexibility and developer-built containers for apps, or it they are using prepackaged apps delivered in a container, then Container Runtime will add control over application delivery. A refresh of Googles critically acclaimed Pixel smartphones is expected Wednesday when the company holds its annual product launch event at the SFJAZZ center in San Francisco. Although their features wont be known officially until Google raises the curtain on the phones at the event, leaks including photos have given the public a good idea of whats to come. These are the Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL Evan Blass (@evleaks) October 2, 2017 The smaller of the two phones, the Pixel 2, is expected to have a 1080p FHD display with an aspect ratio of 16:9. Its larger brother, the Pixel XL, is believed to have a 6-inch, QHD+ display with an 18:9 ratio. The XL doesnt display as much screen real estate as some of the nearly edge-to-edge phones on the market, but the screen-to-body ratio of 80-85 percent does give the XL a thin bezel look. The XL reportedly will support a Wide Color Gamut and include a Google Imaging Chip, and the 12-MP cameras in either one or both of the phones will support optical image stabilization. Although there isnt a lot of flashy technology in either of the units, the XL may include an Active Edge feature on the left side of the phone that will allow you to mute calls and alarms, as well as launch Google Assistant, by squeezing the phone. Google may be upping the storage ante by bundling unlimited Google Cloud storage with the mobiles. Ditching Headphone Jack? The new phones will have dual stereo speakers, based on several reports. That seems likely, especially for the XL, made by HTC a company known for producing phones with loud, crisp, distortion-free sound. Like other new smartphones, the new models may come without a 3.5mm headphone jack. The new units reportedly are built around the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset and run Android 8 Oreo. Other features include an E-SIM card slot, which provides for connection to networks without replacing the phones SIM card; a second-generation Google fingerprint reader; IP67 dust and water resistance; and Gorilla Glass 5. The Pixel 2 has a 2700 mAh battery, while the XL boasts a 3520 mAh power plant. Both phones have 4 gigabytes of memory and either 64 or 128 gigabytes of storage. Pricing has been reported at US$649 (64 GB) and $749 (128 GB) for the Pixel 2. The XL will sell for $849 (64 GB) and $949 (128 GB). The Pixel 2 will start shipping Oct. 19 and the XL Nov. 15. Taking on Apple and Samsung With the latest phones from Apple and Samsung already in the market, the new Pixel offerings are getting out of the blocks late. That may not be too much of a disadvantage, though, since the Pixels dont seem to be targeting likely iPhone X and Galaxy Note customers. They seem to be more of a direct competitor to the Apple 8 and Galaxy S8, as opposed to the X and Note, which represent exceptional offerings, said Ross Rubin, principal analyst at Reticle Research. Theyre premium products, but theyre not positioned as an absolute top-of-the-market, best-of-the-best, based on the specs out there now, he told TechNewsWorld. Although features are important, Google has other ways to appeal to consumers shopping for an Android phone. Where it can differentiate is on the tight integration between hardware, the Android OS and Googles services, no doubt using Android O,' observed David McQueen, research director for consumer devices at ABI research. Hardware is less important to Google than services, he told TechNewsWorld. They want eyeballs on their services the way Facebook does. Conventional Design Hardware design seems to take a backseat to software in the Google universe. The design of the new phones is fairly conventional, which is probably on purpose, said Kevin Krewell, a principal analyst at Tirias Research. Google wants to feature the Android operating system above the physical aesthetics of the phone, he told TechNewsWorld. The phone should be functional, but its really the software that counts for user interaction. That approach may be just right for the person Google is trying to reach with the Pixel. The buyer of a Google Pixel phone is likely someone who is heavily invested in the Google ecosystem and wants the most pure Android experience and faster updates, Krewell said. The first generation of Pixel phones, although receiving good critical notices, werent runaway bestsellers. However, that doesnt mean the phones arent doing what Google wants them to do. Success is always nice, but the new Pixel solutions are part of a larger Google hardware ecosystem that includes Pixel Chromebooks, Home speakers and VR headsets that also leverage the companys growing services ecosystem, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Neither Apple nor Samsung has anything that approaches those Google capabilities, he told TechNewsWorld. Tough Sell Capturing the attention of shoppers isnt a problem just for Google but for all smartphone makers especially makers of Android phones, noted Bob ODonnell, chief analyst at Technalysis Research. There some pretty nice Android phones out there, so its going to be tough for Googles phones to stand out, he told TechNewsWorld. Its going to depend on how theyre sold and where theyre sold other aspects besides the pure tech. One of Googles advantages is that it can offer a pure form of Android unadulterated by carriers or phone makers. Yet up to now, theyve have only very modest success with the Pixel, ODonnell said. That suggests to me that Andoid buyers arent as interested in that as a differentiator. Federal agencies have begun using an emerging information technology tool to manage the huge amount of data the United States government generates and stores. Federal IT managers recently have embraced the concept of convergence, which has been gaining traction in the private sector. Agencies also have indicated that the approach may be useful for other federal IT applications. Spurred by several rounds of IT reform directives from the U.S. Congress and the White House Office of Management and Budget, agencies have begun seeking innovative methods to improve data storage. These efforts include shedding outdated legacy technologies in favor of more efficient and effective IT upgrades. Converged systems have moved into the top echelon of these innovative options, according to a recent report from MeriTalk. Just over 70 percent of federal IT managers surveyed believed converged infrastructures would become the central housing mechanism for data center needs. As agencies hit a crossroads of multiple mandates and legislative initiatives to reduce legacy systems, the conversation on optimization is moving to the next level, said Steve OKeeffe, founder of MeriTalk. Converged infrastructure is the next step and gives agencies a way to meet the requirements of multiple mandates while saving money and modernizing federal IT systems, he said. Providers Boost Trend Vendors serving the federal market that have observed the convergence trend have been encouraging agencies to embrace the concept. IT convergence requires integrating various components of the data management chain. For the MeriTalk study, we defined converged as a multivendor solution consisting of, at a minimum, servers, storage, networking and management layers managed through a single pane of glass, said Milo Speranzo, director of strategy and compliance at Tech Data. That definition is consistent with the scope of elements in IDCs description of converged solutions: pre-integrated, vendor-certified systems containing server hardware, disk storage systems, networking equipment, and basic element and systems management software. In addition to meeting federal IT mandates, agencies recently have become motivated to seek improved data management technologies simply due to the enormity of the task. Seventy-three percent of survey respondents said that workloads had increased over the last three years, MeriTalk reported. Data volume increased substantially during that time frame, nearly 80 percent of respondents said. Almost 75 percent of respondents reported that user volume also had grown. Almost 60 percent of federal IT managers said their agencies were struggling to keep up with such workloads. The report, which was based on a survey of 150 federal IT managers, was underwritten by Cisco, NetApp and Tech Data. MeriTalk released it last month. The indications that federal agencies saw value in converged technologies were relatively strong, considering the frequently conservative posture of agencies toward innovation. For example, 59 percent of respondents said that converged infrastructure solutions were part of their agencys data center strategy, while 23 percent reported they had multiple convergence solutions in place. Adoption has conformed with the federal Data Center Optimization Initiative issued just a year ago, with 60 percent of respondents reporting that convergence solutions were being used to replace working data centers. Fifty-seven percent said the technology was being used to replace end-of-life data centers, and 35 percent said their agencies were moving to converged solutions to establish new centers. A Link to the Cloud IT vendors who see convergence either as a good option or as an essential strategy for government agencies have been positioning themselves to respond to federal interest in the technology. Marketing strategies include making sure agencies are well aware of the convergence option, and developing products geared to federal requirements. In addition, IT providers have been linking the use of convergence technologies to federal agencies growing demand for cloud technologies. The data consolidation initiative is driving the majority of the opportunities for converged systems, Tech Datas Speranzo told the E-Commerce Times. Federal IT managers appeared to struggle soon after a government data consolidation directive was released in 2010, because agencies then did not have access to repeatable and consumable converged solutions, he noted. That has all changed, with our vendor community focused on filling this need, almost every end user we work with has converged solutions specified in their requirements to reach the goals established by OMB, Speranzo said. The future of government IT, and the industry in general, will be a multicloud world. While many agencies will leverage the capabilities of the major cloud providers, many workloads are still best suited for private cloud deployments, said Nick Michaelides, vice president of federal sales at Cisco. Convergence provides a common, scalable and flexible infrastructure platform that can be used as the foundation of a private cloud, or as an extension of a public cloud such as Microsofts Azure Stack, he told the E-Commerce Times. Ultimately, true customer success will be gained from vendors who can provide both vertical stack integration, as well as horizontal integration across clouds. Participants in the survey revealed the range of deployment strategies, with 55 percent of respondents reporting they were using convergence solutions with internal data centers; 53 percent were using them with private clouds; 39 percent with hybrid clouds; and 33 percent with public clouds. Market Emerges but Challenges Remain As with most innovations, the path to federal agencies adoption of convergence solutions will not be smooth the situation needs to be addressed by vendors and agencies alike. Security is one of the challenges the MeriTalk survey revealed. Forty-four percent of respondents were concerned about security. Other potential problems include limited funding, as noted by 39 percent of respondents; interoperability (24 percent); forced updates (23 percent) and vendor lock-in (21 percent). The road to an integrated IT system should not be a daunting one, said Rob Stein, vice president for the U.S. public sector at NetApp. Most of todays data centers and related systems cannot keep up with the growing amount of data within federal agencies. Integrating all the pieces of the data center together radically simplifies data management, especially in the new hybrid cloud world, he said. Other IT vendors are aware of the potential market for converged solutions at the federal level. Merlin International and HyTrust earlier this year joined with NetApp to issue a report on federal agencies use of converged solutions, including a focus on security. More than 90 percent of respondents to a Dell EMC survey of federal agencies considered mobility and converged infrastructure as key elements for future IT management, the company reported late last year. That future could provide vendors with significant opportunities. Respondents to the MeriTalk survey indicated that they saw potential for convergence not only for data storage but also for a variety of other purposes, including big data analytics, workforce productivity, agency-specific applications, business processing and virtual desktop infrastructure. The Pirate Bay has come under fire for testing a Monero javascript miner as a possible means for generating new revenue to replace its current model of making money through advertising on the site. It used a cryptocurrency miner from Coinhive, essentially hijacking the processing power of its own users to help generate revenue, TorrentFreak reported last week. Limited Options Monero is an open source digital currency, like bitcoin, with one important difference. Monero is one of the few valuable cryptocurrencies that can be mined with CPU power, which is why it is the choice for many malware miners, said Sherrod DeGrippo, director, emerging threats, at Proofpoint. Cryptocurrencies usually are mined with CPU power initially, she told LinuxInsider. Users then find ways to speed up the hashing before going to GPU. They build specialized hardware and field programmable gate array (FPGA) chips to carry out the hashing function in order to mine much faster. Monero uses cryptonight algorithm, which so far as we can tell is fastest on CPU, DeGrippo added. The miner has caused many users to see a sudden unexplained jump in CPU usage. While few would quibble with the sites need to find additional revenue streams, some users were angered by the lack of prior notice. You didnt make an effort to let us know beforehand?? commented user Zhangsun. You seem to lack respect for your users. In the future, all coining scripts would be blocked, said Zhangsun, who also promised to notify the public the next time The Pirate Bay attempted to use any sneaky tactics on its users. Par for the Course That The Pirate Bay would engage in cryptocurrency mining doesnt come as a shock, given the issues it has dealt with over the years in seeking revenue but in this case, the price of the ticket could be the long-term trust of its users, said Ed Cabrera, chief cybersecurity officer at Trend Micro. Pirate Bay is a peer-to-peer file sharing service, and their primary income is advertising revenue. However, the revenue tends to be modest by comparison to the explosive growth of cryptocurrency in the last two years, he pointed out. Ad-sponsored sites basically are user funded, to the extent that users want to endure ads and vendors want to place ads in front of those users, observed Paul Teich, principal analyst at Tirias Research. The proper, civilized thing to do would be to offer users a range of funding options, such as ads, mining cryptocurrency and perhaps a simple annual donation, he suggested. But Pirate Bay is, well, Pirate Bay, Teich added. If Pirate Bay elected to pirate some cycles from user computers, would we really not expect that? Damage Done The notion that The Pirate Bay effectively would borrow resources from its own users is not the problem, suggested Jessica Groopman, principal analyst at Tractica. The outrage stems from the way it was done, she told LinuxInsider. The notion of exploiting underused compute from across the network is one weve seen other businesses and universities consider as a way to leverage computing resources at night time or while students are away for the holidays, so this in and of itself is not far fetched, Groopman said. What raised eyebrows and anger around this was that Pirate Bay did so without informing its users. If you need an example of digital disruption, you cant do better than the retail banking industry. A byzantine collection of rules and regulations plus the overhang of many legacy systems have conspired to prevent banks from becoming more involved with their customers. Even innovations like the ATM, which entered the scene several decades ago, only serve to distance banks from their customers. This leaves plenty of opportunity for upstart technology vendors to disrupt the applecart. Combine this with a generation of potential customers who were raised on digital products and services, and the result is that an important demographic is now up for grabs, setting the stage for disruption. Making It Easy Not long ago, Salesforce recognized those dynamics in play and moved to develop vertical applications for selected industries including banking, where large institutions need to address the requirements of large customer bases. It came up with the Financial Services Cloud for Retail Banking, announced last week. Some of what Salesforce delivers in its Financial Services Cloud will seem revolutionary to many bankers: things like a rich assortment of applications for all phases of banking, from loan origination to customer management. However, a good chunk of the benefit comes directly from being a cloud solution with easy onboarding and updates scheduled three times per year. Partnering Up Where the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud differs from many banking products is in the way it brings together banking products resident in its AppExchange to deliver concerted solutions. For example, nCino tells a powerful story of reducing loan origination time by orders of magnitude not by building a closed system but by integrating other platform products. Another example is Vlocity, also a partner with strong banking apps based on the cloud platform. It provides intelligent agent and omnichannel services for financial services and insurance. In these and other relationships, you can see the Salesforce go-to-market approach solidifying. Partners bring expertise, which can be as big as loan origination or as specific as document signature capture. All of it goes into a solution that customers can craft for their specific industry needs. Adding Specificity As Ive noted many times before, when companies get to the multibillion-dollar revenue level, they cant expect to sell the same products in the same ways they did when their businesses were much smaller. To show growth, a business needs help and that means acquiring other complementary businesses and selling in concert with partners that can add specificity to the core product. Salesforce has done both, and I look forward to hearing more about vertical strategies at Dreamforce. The artificial intelligence speaker war is now being waged, and it is escalating. Today you can choose between Amazon Echo and Google Home. Harman Kardons Invoke is coming this fall. By the end of the year, Apples HomePod will be competing in the market, and Samsung has indicated it will join the fray as well. With all these choices, how can you determine which smart speaker is right for you? Amazons Echo and Googles Home are the first generation of products in this new smart speaker and AI marketplace. They both do a good job at understanding the spoken word, searching the Web and your stored information, and providing what you are looking for some of the time. Early Entrants These first-generation products struggle to understand what you are saying or asking and dont always deliver what you are looking for. The quality of the speakers is fine for the spoken word, but they leave lot to be desired if you are listening to music. For audio quality, the Apple HomePod should have a competitive advantage when it arrives at the end of the year. Its speaker is much higher quality, making the music you play sound much better. Well have to wait a while longer before we know what else it can do better than the competition. That better speaker alone will send Amazon and Google back to the drawing board to come up with better audio quality to stay competitive. Thank goodness for the competitive marketplace. Harman Kardon also has a reputation for high-end audio. We have no idea of the audio quality or other cutting-edge advancements Samsungs product might offer. At this point, all we know is that the company aims to be a player in this space. Next Generation The reasons for choosing any of these devices actually are quite personal. They are not identical competitors, even though they all use AI and are considered smart speakers. Its like comparing cars. Why do you drive the car you do? Personal preference. You actually might like another brand or car better, but you dont realize it because you havent tried it yet. Customers who choose an Amazon Echo or Google Home typically do so because they like one brand better than the other. Many users really dont understand the differences between similar products. Choosing will only get more complicated when Apple, Samsung and others enter this space. Which digital attendant do you prefer Amazons Alexa, Googles Assistant, Microsofts Cortana, Apples Siri or Samsungs Bixby? Do you choose based on the device hardware or the AI software? (Harmon Kardons Invoke speaker is powered by Cortana.) Many people use Apples iPhone, but though it comes with Siri, they prefer using Googles Assistant. There likely will be some mixing of services and devices with smart speakers as well. Loss of Privacy No matter which AI smart speaker you choose, you may want to be careful what you say when its in listening mode. Everything it hears, it likely will save on corporate servers, and that data might be accessible to unknown parties for unanticipated reasons at some future point. This is an issue for those in their upper 20s and older, but not as much for the younger crowd. Todays youth are growing up in a world without privacy, so its not as much an issue for them. Its the older crowd who understands the loss of privacy and has the biggest problem with it. Its a very real downside to the AI growth wave. As we get more comfortable being surrounded by listening devices, we will stop thinking about watching what we say. Loss of privacy is an unfortunate side effect of AI. Conservation organizations announced Wednesday that Trader Joes has declared it will stop buying shrimp from Mexico. The popular grocery store chains decision follows pressure from organizations behind the Boycott Mexican Shrimp campaign, launched earlier this year to save the vaquita, the worlds smallest porpoise, from decades of decline due to entanglement in shrimp fishing gear. Trader Joes declaration comes as Mexican authorities prepare this week to capture some of the fewer than 30 remaining vaquita in the Upper Gulf of California before all are lost to entanglement. The announcement puts new pressure on companies like Amazon that still sell Mexican shrimp. International effort begins to capture and protect some of the last vaquita on Earth in a desperate effort to save these small porpoises from extinction. Center for Bio Div (@CenterForBioDiv) October 6, 2017 The boycottsupported by more than 45 organizations, including the Animal Welfare Institute, Center for Biological Diversity and Natural Resources Defense Councilaims to conserve the vaquita by convincing Mexican officials to permanently ban all gillnet fishing, remove illegal nets from the water, and significantly increase enforcement efforts to save the species from extinction. We are grateful that Trader Joes has listened to the tens of thousands of people who spoke out in support of our campaigns efforts to save the vaquita, said Kate OConnell, marine animal consultant at the Animal Welfare Institute. We hope that the Mexican government will take note of this decision and realize that U.S. consumers want nothing less than a total ban on all vaquita-deadly fishing gear. For decades vaquita have been killed by entanglement in gillnet fishing gear used in the Upper Gulf of California to catch shrimp to supply the lucrative U.S. market. More recently gillnets have been used to illegally capture critically endangered totoaba, a large fish whose swim bladder is in high demand in Asia. The vaquita population has rapidly collapsed. Trader Joes knows American shoppers dont support the reckless fishing practices that have nearly wiped out Mexicos beautiful little porpoise, said Tanya Sanerib, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity. Other companies like Amazon need to stop selling vaquita-killing shrimp from Mexico. We can still save the last few vaquita, but only if Mexican officials act now to rein in illegal fishing practices. The government of Mexico announced in June that it was implementing a partial ban on gillnet fishing in the Upper Gulf of California. That ban, however, falls short of what experts have said is needed to save the imperiled porpoise. The ban exempts two fisheriesthereby allowing continued use of gillnetsand fails to ban the possession, sale and manufacture of gillnets in the region. If the government of Mexico does not enact a genuine, permanent ban on the use of all gillnets throughout their entire habitat, the vaquita will be extinct in under three years. For far too long, Mexico has neglected the one necessary change for the vaquitas survival: a 100 percent gillnet-free habitat, said Zak Smith, a senior attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Councils Marine Mammal Protection Project. With fewer than 30 vaquita left in the world, the time for half-hearted measures is over. Everything that can be done to save the vaquita should be done. But lets be clear: Unless the Mexican government can finally ensure a gillnet-free Upper Gulf of Mexico, the extinction of vaquita is guaranteed. The organizations behind the Boycott Mexican Shrimp campaign have asked other companies to join Trader Joes and Monterey Fish Marketa California-based seafood retail and wholesale company that signed on to the boycott this summerto support the boycott and agree not to sell or source shrimp from Mexico. By Itai Vardi A newly appointed federal regulator charged with overseeing pipeline safety personally profits from oil spill responses, a DeSmog investigation has found. Drue Pearce is the acting administrator for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), an agency in the Department of Transportation responsible for ensuring oil and gas pipeline integrity. However, she is also associated with a company specializing in the sale of oil spill equipment. Pearce, a Republican from Alaska, was appointed on Aug. 7 by the Trump administration to serve as PHMSAs deputy administrator, a position that does not require U.S. Senate confirmation. However, since at the time the administration had yet to nominate an administrator for the agency, Pearce stepped into the role as acting administrator. In early September, Trump finally nominated, and last Friday the Senate confirmed rail transport executive Howard Elliot as PHMSA administrator. Once Elliot formally takes the helm at PHMSA, Pearce will serve as his deputy. Drue Pearce speaks on an April 2015 panel about Arctic economy and energy development. C-SPAN Screenshot Pearces Oil Spill Business Business records filed in the state of Alaska and reviewed by DeSmog show that since 2009 Pearce and her husband, Michael F. Williams, have owned Spill Shield Inc., an Anchorage-based company selling equipment for oil spill responses. The companys website offers various products, including booms, baffles, skimmers, absorbents and oil spill response kits. The company advertises itself as the Arctics preferred partner for environmental compliance products & Oil Spill Response, and says its products are very popular in small northern communities, in mining industrial and construction industries, and fishing and hunting lodges. From Spill Shield Inc.s February 2017 business filings, showing Pearces and her husband Michael Williams involvement in the company. Since the couple first became involved in the company in 2009, Pearce was listed as its president and majority owner. On Sept. 14 this year, over a month after she began serving as PHMSAs acting administrator, her name was removed from Spill Shields filings. In her place, Pearces husband has assumed the role of president and majority owner. Both Pearce and Williams are also registered in Alaska as owning a company by the name of Cloverland LLC, which shares the same Anchorage address as Spill Shield. Company records for Cloverland indicate it is involved in the sale of environmental response equipment. The relationship between Cloverland LLC and Spill Shield is unclear. According to government spending records, since 2010 Spill Shield was awarded three different federal contracts. In 2010 and 2015, the company provided waste disposal equipment to the Department of Defense. In 2014 it supplied the Department of Commerce with similar equipment. Ethical Questions Adding another layer of complexity to this situation is the fact that Pearce also has a background as a Washington, DC and Anchorage lobbyist. Before her appointment to PHMSA, and in addition to owning Spill Shield, she headed public affairs at the law firm Hart & Holland LLP, where she focused on energy, natural resources and manufacturing industries. Prior to that, she worked as a lobbyist and senior policy advisor for the law firm Crowell & Moring LLP. In addition, Pearce has a history of moving among politics, government and the private sector. A former state representative and president of the Alaska state Senate, she was appointed by the Bush-Cheney administration to serve as federal coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, an independent federal agency charged with expediting the delivery of natural gas from Alaska to North American markets. Pearces husband, Michael Williams, is a former oil executive, who worked at BP for many years. Government ethics rules define a personal financial interest as instances in which a government employees immediate family membersincluding spousesreceive financial gain that may compromise the employees service of the public interest. Jeff Hauser, executive director of the Revolving Door Project at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, said that Pearces situation raises serious red flags. Its important and disturbing to learn that a senior Trump administration official has a significant financial interest in oil spills. The fact that its an appointees spouse who owns a company, rather than the appointee, does not shield them from conflicts of interest scrutiny in either common sense or the law, Hauser told DeSmog. But troublingly, Hauser added, the law generally allows appointees with particular conflicts of interest to work on issues of broad impact on a given sector even when common sense says that theyre hopelessly conflicted. That hole in the law was problematic under Barack Obama and previous presidents and has become catastrophic under Trump. Concern that the power of the federal government to do good is being subverted by people seeking to enrich themselves corrodes our democracy. DeSmog has requested copies of Pearces financial disclosure, which executive branch officials must submit to ethics officers upon appointment. On Sept. 26, a representative of the Department of Transportations ethics office told DeSmog that Pearce needed to clarify a couple of items on the report and have the disclosure certified. The official said that the document will be provided to DeSmog ASAP, but at the time of publication it has yet to be supplied. DeSmog also inquired whether, as acting administrator, Pearce filed an ethics agreement, which would detail which steps she plans to take in order to mitigate any potential conflicts. In response, a PHMSA spokesperson said that Pearce will recuse herself from involvement in instances that might affect her finances. In accordance with executive branch ethics laws, Ms. Pearce timely filed a Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) that is under review by agency ethics officials, the spokesperson said. Under the ethics laws, Ms. Pearce is recused from participating in any particular matter that would have a direct and predictable effect upon the financial interests of any entity in which she holds a financial interest. Only Presidential appointees who are confirmed by the Senate file Ethics Agreements; here, because Ms. Pearce is not a Senate-confirmed appointee, she does not have an Ethics Agreement. Reposted with permission from our media associate DeSmogBlog. President Donald Trump announced his nomination of Barry Myers, the CEO of private weather company AccuWeather, to lead the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the countrys foremost scientific agency for oceanic and climate research. The White House praised Myers and his company for its highest grossing years, and its largest global web and mobile audience growth. He is one of the worlds leading authorities on the use of weather information. But critics worry about the wealthy businessmans potential conflicts of interest, especially his support of a highly criticized bill that would have shifted taxpayer-funded National Weather Service data to for-profit companies. Companies such as AccuWeather and The Weather Channel. Former NOAA scientist and manager Andrew A. Rosenberg, who is currently the director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, wrote: Basically, [AccuWeathers] business model is to take NOAA data and products on weather, developed with taxpayer dollars, and deliver them to the public in a proprietary form that customers want. [Myers] has been a strong advocate against NOAA having the capability to provide such products directly to the public, hence the rather boring form of NOAA forecasts which is interpreted and commoditized by companies like AccuWeather and many others. AccuWeather has been active in efforts to undercut the role of NOAA. In 2005, AccuWeather, under the leadership of Myers brother Dr. Joel Myers, worked with Senator Rick Santorum on a bill to severely restrict the National Weather Services ability to provide weather forecasts to the public. The company donated to Santorums then Senate campaign and has been vocal about their interest in downsizing NOAA in the interest of privatizing weather forecasting. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), who now serves as the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, successfully blocked the bill from consideration. Weve had ten hurricanes in ten weeks, I want to make absolutely sure any NOAA administrator will put the public first in delivering freely available weather forecasts, Nelson said in a statement provided to EcoWatch. We cant afford to have someone in this position that might be tempted to feather their own nest by privatizing the National Weather Service. While its true that Myers knows the weather, NOAA has other crucial roles besides issuing daily forecasts. The agency produces important climate change research and manages the nations fisheries. Opponents say that Myers, who has degrees in business and law, is unlike previous NOAA administrators who have prominent scientific backgrounds. For instance, President Obamas NOAA administrator Kathryn Sullivan is a geologist and former NASA astronaut. If confirmed, it will be Myers duty to champion all facets of NOAA from the deep sea to outer space, Ocean Conservancy CEO Janis Searles Jones said in a statement. Myers has had nearly forty years in the private weather industry but the stakes at NOAA are different. He doesnt know much about climate or oceans, Cliff Mass, a meteorologist at the University of Washington, told Wired. That is going to be a problem. He doesnt have scientific credibility. Trumps 2018 budget proposal cuts NOAAs budget by 17 percent to $4.8 billion, including cutting $230 million for grant and education programs. According to Wired, Mass and others argue that cutting basic research into the oceans, atmosphere, and climatethe taxpayer-funded research done by NOAA and NWSwill lead to less reliable weather modeling by private firms like AccuWeather as well as federal models like the Global Forecast System. However, those who support Myers say that his business background is a plus. Myers will bring that Big Data acumen to NOAA and likely accelerate a process that has slowly been underway: more private-sector collaboration with satellite data, weather models and other information services, Ryan Maue, a weather model product developer for, told the Associated Press. Ray Ban, co-chair of Weather Coalition, also told the Washington Post, In an Administration that places high value on business acumen, Barry brings a strong track record in growing one of the most successful companies in the weather industry. If confirmed, Myers at least has a well-respected No. 2 for support. The Senate has already confirmed former Navy oceanographer Rear. Adm. Timothy Gallaudet as assistant secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere. Gallaudet has masters and doctoral degrees in oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California. The Consortium for Ocean Leadership and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research have applauded the pick. And as Rosenberg wrote, To be fair, I believe that Admiral Gallaudet, former oceanographer of the Navy is an excellent choice for NOAA, as do others I respect. Finally, David Titley, a meteorologist at Pennsylvania State University, in State College and a former chief operating officer for NOAA, wondered about Myers role in an administration hostile towards climate action. How is he going to reconcile the overwhelming and ever-strengthening evidence of climate change and its direct relationship to man-made emissions, and statements from the White House and cabinet secretaries that ignore that link? Titley noted to Science. Myers position on climate change is unclear. We have said to our scientists, if you have special skills in climate, if you want to voice your professional opinion, our platforms are open to you, Myers told the Wall Street Journal in 2014. We do not want people getting involved in the political aspect of this debate. Freedom, Moon girls poised for PIAA semifinal soccer matchups against familiar foes The Freedom Bulldogs and Moon Area Tigers girls' soccer teams are poised for PIAA semifinal soccer Tuesday. Here's what to know ahead of the matchups. Bottom Line: New potential biomarkers and a novel algorithm could help identify patients at increased risk of suffering from severe neurotoxicity after receiving CD19 CAR T-cell therapy. The study extensively characterized common and occasionally fatal side effects of this immunotherapy. Journal in Which the Study was Published: Cancer Discovery, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Authors: Cameron J. Turtle, MBBS, PhD, associate member at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, associate professor at the University of Washington, and attending physician on the Immunotherapy Service at Fred Hutch. Background: On August 30, 2017, the FDA approved the first CD19 CAR T-cell therapy, tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah), for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in certain pediatric and young adult patients. Different CD19 CAR T-cell therapies are being developed and tested, and reports show that a small number of patients who received certain forms of this therapy in clinical trials have died from severe neurotoxicity. Turtle and colleagues sought to provide a detailed clinical, radiological, and pathological characterization of neurotoxicity arising from CD19 CAR T-cell therapy. How the Study Was Conducted: The researchers used data from a clinical trial in which 133 adult patients with relapsed and/or refractory CD19 B-cell ALL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia were treated with lymphodepletion chemotherapy followed by infusion of JCAR014, a type of CD19 CAR T-cell therapy developed at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Within 28 days of treatment, 53 patients (40 percent) developed grade 1 or higher neurologic adverse events and of these 28 (21 percent) had grade 3 or higher neurotoxicity; alterations in neurologic status completely resolved in a majority of cases. Four of the 133 patients (3 percent) developed fatal neurotoxicity. Results: Turtle and colleagues found that patients with an early onset of CRS were at increased risk of subsequently developing severe neurotoxicity. While tocilizumab (Actemra), an IL-6R antagonist approved by the FDA to treat CRS, was effective in ameliorating CRS-related fever and hypotension in most patients, the team found that its role in preventing or treating neurotoxicity is less clear. Patients who experienced neurotoxicity were mostly younger and had B-cell ALL, higher tumor burden, and more CD19-positive cells in the bone marrow, compared with those who did not develop this side effect. Data also revealed that those with severe neurotoxicity had endothelial activation, which could contribute to manifestations such as capillary leak, blood coagulation abnormalities, and disruption of the blood-brain barrier that were observed in patients with severe CRS and neurotoxicity. Turtle and colleagues developed a predictive classification tree algorithm based on the side effects, including fever, and high serum IL-6 and MCP-1, to identify patients, within the first 36 hours after CAR T-cell infusion, who are at increased risk for severe neurotoxicity. Patients at increased risk for this adverse event may benefit from early intervention, Turtle noted; however, he pointed out that additional studies are required. Authors' Comments: "CD19 CAR T-cell therapy is a highly effective, novel treatment modality that has rapidly expanded in the cancer research and treatment field over the past few years, including recent approval of one form of this therapy by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA]," said Turtle. "There is understandably anxiety about some of the side effects of CD19 CAR T-cell therapy, but these treatments have been very effective for a subgroup of patients with resistant disease," he said. "It is important to understand the side effects, such as cytokine release syndrome [CRS] and neurological toxicity." Enormous improvements have been made in the last few years in strategies to minimize the risk of toxicity, Turtle noted. "Because CAR T-cell therapy is so new, we are still learning how to improve the delivery and reduce the side effects," he added. Limitations: Limitations of the study include that the characterization of side effects was only from patients who received JCAR014 and not other forms of CD19 CAR T-cell therapies, Turtle said. ### Funding & Disclosures: This research was funded by the National Cancer Institute, Juno Therapeutics Inc., Life Science Discovery Fund, the Bezos family, the University of British Columbia Clinical Investigator Program, and institutional funds from Bloodworks Northwest. Turtle receives research funding from Juno Therapeutics, holds patents licensed by Juno, and has pending patent applications that could be licensed by nonprofit institutions and for-profit companies, including Juno. Fred Hutch, where Turtle and other co-authors are employed, has a financial interest in Juno, and receives licensing and other payments from the company. To interview Cameron Turtle, contact Julia Gunther at or 215-446-6896. Follow us: Cancer Research Catalyst; Twitter @AACR; and Facebook About the American Association for Cancer Research Founded in 1907, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is the world's first and largest professional organization dedicated to advancing cancer research and its mission to prevent and cure cancer. AACR membership includes more than 37,000 laboratory, translational, and clinical researchers; population scientists; other health care professionals; and patient advocates residing in 108 countries. The AACR marshals the full spectrum of expertise of the cancer community to accelerate progress in the prevention, biology, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer by annually convening more than 30 conferences and educational workshops, the largest of which is the AACR Annual Meeting with nearly 19,500 attendees. In addition, the AACR publishes eight prestigious, peer-reviewed scientific journals and a magazine for cancer survivors, patients, and their caregivers. The AACR funds meritorious research directly as well as in cooperation with numerous cancer organizations. As the Scientific Partner of Stand Up To Cancer, the AACR provides expert peer review, grants administration, and scientific oversight of team science and individual investigator grants in cancer research that have the potential for near-term patient benefit. The AACR actively communicates with legislators and other policymakers about the value of cancer research and related biomedical science in saving lives from cancer. For more information about the AACR, visit Five new studies highlight results from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission, an endeavor to map out the world's carbon cycle from space. The data provide valuable insights, particularly in terms of understanding the effects of the El Nino weather pattern, a periodic fluctuation in sea surface temperature and air pressure in the Pacific Ocean that causes climate variability over the course of years or even decades. The first study, by Annmarie Eldering et al., describes the overall mission and its initial results. Launched in July 2014, OCO-2 has been consistently gathering data of carbon patterns around the globe over the course of 16-day cycles, collecting roughly 2 million estimates of carbon levels each month. The aim is to understand how natural land and ocean sinks vary from year-to year, and even season-to-season. The data reveal a striking change in the carbon cycle in the Northern Hemisphere across seasons, where in the spring there's a dramatic uptake of carbon by terrestrial plants. During the winter, however, carbon uptake by plants is minimal while the breakdown or decay of plant material feeds carbon back into the atmosphere. As a result of this cycle, together with the continual emissions from fossil fuel burning (particularly over China, Europe, and the southeast United States), carbon levels reach a seasonal maximum in the Northern Hemisphere during April, just before terrestrial plants begin to soak up more carbon. A study by Junjie Liu et al. highlights ways in which the 2015 El Nino altered the net flux of carbon from terrestrial vegetation, or net biosphere exchange (NBE), in the tropics. The authors report that the increase of NBE in the tropics resulted in the release of about 2.5 gigatons more carbon into the atmosphere in 2015 than in 2011. Even though the three tropical continents, Asia, Africa and South America, had comparable NBE anomalies in 2015 relative to 2011, different processes drove these changes in each region. The researchers found that increased carbon release from biomass burning in tropical Asia, lower precipitation in South America, and increased temperatures in Africa were key drivers, the latter two of which are hallmarks of El Nino. The authors note that lower precipitation in South America and higher temperatures in Africa are changes that are expected to occur by the end of this century due to climate change. Therefore, they suggest that the role of tropical land as a buffer for fossil fuel emissions may be reduced in the future. In a different study, Abhishek Chatterjee et al. use OCO-2 data from above the Pacific and Atlantic oceans to pinpoint the magnitude and timing of El Nino in influencing the carbon cycle - a phenomenon that is widely inferred but not directly observed. The authors combined in situ data from buoys and OCO-2 data to detect a near-total shutdown of sea-to-air flux of carbon during the 2015-2016 boreal winter, which was affected by El Nino, relative to the neutral 2014-2015 boreal winter. The authors also detected El Nino-driven fluctuations in carbon associated with terrestrial sources, such as drought and fires. A study by Florian Maximilian Schwandner et al. demonstrates the ability of the OCO-2 to track carbon emissions from individual cities and volcanoes. As part of an scheme with a set of 233 orbit paths that repeat in 16-day cycles, the path of the OCO-2 regularly goes above Los Angeles, providing scientists the opportunity to directly observe carbon emission from the megacity, revealing variations between the urban and suburban areas, as well as seasonal variations in anthropogenic carbon levels. The researchers also used OCO-2 to track carbon emissions from a volcano, Yasur, in Vanuatu, finding that local emission measurements confirmed the tool's efficacy. A final study by Ying Sun et al. discusses how a tool onboard the OCO-2 helps better constrain the relationship between a common indicator for photosynthesis and plant biomass production. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is a technique to quantify photosynthesis. Previous studies have suggested that SIF is correlated with Gross Primary Production (GPP), the amount of biomass created by plants via photosynthesis, yet this relationship has been difficult to prove. The authors compare SIF data with ground-based and airborne observations of terrestrial vegetation at several test locations, finding that the data do a good job at tracking GPP. ### New research suggests that the last common ancestor of apes--including great apes and humans--was much smaller than previously thought, about the size of a gibbon. The findings, published today in the journal Nature Communications, are fundamental to understanding the evolution of the human family tree. "Body size directly affects how an animal relates to its environment, and no trait has a wider range of biological implications," said lead author Mark Grabowski, a visiting assistant professor at the Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen in Germany who conducted the work while he was a postdoctoral fellow in the American Museum of Natural History's Division of Anthropology. "However, little is known about the size of the last common ancestor of humans and all living apes. This omission is startling because numerous paleobiological hypotheses depend on body size estimates at and prior to the root of our lineage." Among living primates, humans are most closely related to apes, which include the lesser apes (gibbons) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans). These "hominoids" emerged and diversified during the Miocene, between about 23 million to 5 million years ago. Because fossils are so scarce, researchers do not know what the last common ancestors of living apes and humans looked like or where they originated. To get a better idea of body mass evolution within this part of the primate family tree, Grabowski and coauthor William Jungers from Stony Brook University compared body size data from modern primates, including humans, to recently published estimates for fossil hominins and a wide sample of fossil primates including Miocene apes from Africa, Europe, and Asia. They found that the common ancestor of apes was likely small, probably weighing about 12 pounds, which goes against previous suggestions of a chimpanzee-sized, chimpanzee-like ancestor. Among other things, the finding has implications for a behavior that's essential for large, tree-dwelling primates: it implies that "suspensory locomotion," overhand hanging and swinging, arose for other reasons than the animal simply getting too big to walk on top of branches. The researchers suggest that the ancestor was already somewhat suspensory, and larger body size evolved later, with both adaptations occurring at separate points. The development of suspensory locomotion could have been part of an "arms race" with a growing number of monkey species, the researchers said. Branch swinging allows an animal to get to a prized and otherwise inaccessible food--fruit on the edges of foliage--and larger body would let them engage in direct confrontation with monkeys when required. The new research also reveals that australopiths, a group of early human relatives, were actually on average smaller than their ancestors, and that this smaller size continued until the arrival of Homo erectus. "There appears to be a decrease in overall body size within our lineage, rather than size simply staying the same or getting bigger with time, which goes against how we generally think about evolution," Grabowski said. ### Support for this work was provided in part by the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. Nature Communications paper: American Museum of Natural History The American Museum of Natural History, founded in 1869, is one of the world's preeminent scientific, educational, and cultural institutions. The Museum encompasses 45 permanent exhibition halls, including the Rose Center for Earth and Space and the Hayden Planetarium, as well as galleries for temporary exhibitions. It is home to the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial, New York State's official memorial to its 33rd governor and the nation's 26th president, and a tribute to Roosevelt's enduring legacy of conservation. The Museum's five active research divisions and three cross-disciplinary centers support approximately 200 scientists, whose work draws on a world-class permanent collection of more than 34 million specimens and artifacts, as well as specialized collections for frozen tissue and genomic and astrophysical data, and one of the largest natural history libraries in the world. Through its Richard Gilder Graduate School, it is the only American museum authorized to grant the Ph.D. degree and the Master of Arts in Teaching degree. Annual attendance has grown to approximately 5 million, and the Museum's exhibitions and Space Shows can be seen in venues on five continents. The Museum's website and collection of apps for mobile devices extend its collections, exhibitions, and educational programs to millions more beyond its walls. Visit for more information. Follow Become a fan of the Museum on Facebook at, and follow us on Instagram at @AMNH, Tumblr at amnhnyc, or Twitter at October 12, 2017, Cleveland: Back-to-back discoveries from Cleveland Clinic demonstrate for the first time how a testosterone-related genetic abnormality can help predict individual patient responses to specific prostate cancer therapies. The studies, published in the October 12 issue of JAMA Oncology, suggest that men who inherit this variant would benefit from a personalized treatment plan that targets specific hormonal pathways. The research teams, led by Nima Sharifi, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute, studied the role of the HSD3B1(1245C) genetic variant in two different prostate cancer patient populations, following androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). ADT works by blocking prostate cancer's supply of male hormones in the testes. It is a cornerstone treatment for recurrent prostate cancer, but it often stops working, allowing cancer to progress and spread. In 2013, Dr. Sharifi discovered that prostate cancer cells with the genetic abnormality survive ADT by producing their own androgens. In the first new study, Dr. Sharifi and colleagues from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Harvard/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center analyzed 213 men whose prostate cancer recurred after radiation therapy and underwent ADT. They found for the first time that following radiation and ADT, prostate cancer was much more likely to spread--and spread rapidly--in men who had the HSD3B1(1245C) variant. The second study, performed in collaboration with researchers at University of California San Francisco, examined a group of 90 men with metastatic cancer that had become resistant to ADT. These patients were subsequently treated with the drug ketoconazole, which blocks the production of androgens outside of the testes (e.g., those developed by prostate cancer cells that are evading ADT treatment). Surprisingly, men with the genetic anomaly fared better on ketoconazole than men without the variant. This finding raises the possibility that targeting variant tumors' backup androgen supply (outside of the testes) could be a successful strategy when ADT fails. "We hypothesized that HSD3B1(1245C) variant tumors become resistant to ADT because they have a backup supply of androgens," said Dr. Sharifi. "However, relying on these extra-gonadal androgens makes them more sensitive to ketoconazole." These discoveries complement earlier studies and support the use of HSD3B1(1245C) as a predictive biomarker to help guide critical treatment decisions. While the outlook of patients with this gene variant is poor, these studies offer hope for a new treatment strategy for these men, and more studies are needed using next-generation androgen inhibitors, such as abiraterone and enzalutamide. "We are hopeful that these findings will lead to more personalized and effective treatments for prostate cancer," said Dr. Sharifi. "If men carry a specific testosterone-related genetic abnormality we may be able to personalize their therapy and treat specific patients more aggressively." Dr. Sharifi is also a member of the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute and Taussig Cancer Institute of Cleveland Clinic. He holds the Kendrick Family Chair for Prostate Cancer Research at Cleveland Clinic and co-directs Cleveland Clinic's Center of Excellence for Prostate Cancer Research. In 2017 he received a Top Ten Clinical Research Achievement award from the Clinical Research Forum for his landmark discovery that men who carry the HSD3B1(1245C) variant are more likely to die from their disease. ### This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Defense, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Prostate Cancer Foundation, American Cancer Society, the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and grants from the National Cancer Institute. About Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Clinic is a nonprofit multispecialty academic medical center that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education. Located in Cleveland, Ohio, it was founded in 1921 by four renowned physicians with a vision of providing outstanding patient care based upon the principles of cooperation, compassion and innovation. Cleveland Clinic has pioneered many medical breakthroughs, including coronary artery bypass surgery and the first face transplant in the United States. U.S. News & World Report consistently names Cleveland Clinic as one of the nation's best hospitals in its annual "America's Best Hospitals" survey. Among Cleveland Clinic's 51,000 employees are more than 3,500 full-time salaried physicians and researchers and 14,000 nurses, representing 140 medical specialties and subspecialties. Cleveland Clinic's health system includes a 165-acre main campus near downtown Cleveland, 10 regional hospitals, more than 150 northern Ohio outpatient locations - including 18 full-service family health centers and three health and wellness centers - and locations in Weston, Fla.; Las Vegas, Nev.; Toronto, Canada; Abu Dhabi, UAE; and London, England. In 2016, there were 7.1 million outpatient visits, 161,674 hospital admissions and 207,610 surgical cases throughout Cleveland Clinic's health system. Patients came for treatment from every state and 180 countries. Visit us at Follow us at Editor's Note: Cleveland Clinic News Service is available to provide broadcast-quality interviews and B-roll upon request. About the Lerner Research Institute The Lerner Research Institute is home to Cleveland Clinic's laboratory, translational and clinical research. Its mission is to promote human health by investigating in the laboratory and the clinic the causes of disease and discovering novel approaches to prevention and treatments; to train the next generation of biomedical researchers; and to foster productive collaborations with those providing clinical care. Lerner researchers publish more than 1,500 articles in peer-reviewed biomedical journals each year. Lerner's total annual research expenditure was $260 million in 2016 (with $140 million in competitive federal funding, placing Lerner in the top five research institutes in the nation in federal grant funding). Approximately 1,500 people (including approximately 200 principal investigators, 240 research fellows, and about 150 graduate students) in 12 departments work in research programs focusing on heart and vascular, cancer, brain, eye, metabolic, musculoskeletal, inflammatory and fibrotic diseases. The Lerner has more than 700,000 square feet of lab, office and scientific core services space. Lerner faculty oversee the curriculum and teach students enrolled in the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (CCLCM) of Case Western Reserve University - training the next generation of physician-scientists. Institute faculty also participate in multiple doctoral programs, including the Molecular Medicine PhD Program, which integrates traditional graduate training with an emphasis on human diseases. The Lerner is a significant source of commercial property, generating 64 invention disclosures, 15 licenses, 121 patents, and one new spinoff company in 2016. Visit us at Follow us on Twitter at Retinoblastoma is a tumor of the retina that generally affects children under 5 years of age. If not diagnosed early, retinoblastoma may result in loss of one or both eyes and can be fatal. Unlike most cancers that are diagnosed using a biopsy, retinoblastoma tumors cannot be directly biopsied. Although it is one of the first cancers to have its genetic origin identified, ocular oncologists have not been able to use this information to optimize treatment since they can only access the tumor if the affected eye is removed (called enucleation) in the course of treatment. A recent study by a team of investigators at the Vision Center of Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the University of Southern California (USC) Roski Eye Institute, part of Keck Medicine of USC, provides proof of concept for a safe and effective way to derive genetic information from the tumor without removing the eye. Results of the study will be published in JAMA Ophthalmology on October 12, 2017. Retinoblastoma was one of the first tumors to have its genetic origin identified; the RB1 retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene mutation was discovered by A. Linn Murphree, MD, a co-author on this paper, who established the Retinoblastoma Program at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. However, ocular oncologists have been limited in their ability to use this genetic information to inform diagnosis and the application of personalized treatments since removing tissue from the tumor in the back of the eye could spread tumor cells outside of the eye or even to the rest of the body, resulting in a far worse prognosis for the patient. Retinoblastoma is treated using chemotherapy given either intravenously or through the ophthalmic artery. There are limits, however, to the amount of drug that actually reaches the eye. As a result, relapse does occur due to small tumor particles that break off - or seed - from the main tumor. The treatment for these seeds changed dramatically in 2012 when intraocular injections of chemotherapy were shown to be safe and effective. In order to inject chemotherapy directly into the eye, it is first necessary to remove a small amount of fluid, called aqueous humor, from the front of the eye, to decrease the pressure within the eye prior to injection of the medication. Previously, this fluid was simply dispensed after the procedure. "Just as I was discarding the aqueous humor, I wondered if there was a possibility it contained tumor-derived genetic material we could use to better treat our patients," said Jesse Berry, MD, ocular oncologist at CHLA, assistant professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at the USC Roski Eye Institute and first author on the study. "In fact, we found measurable amounts of tumor DNA - genetic information from the tumor that had previously been completely unavailable from an intact eye." "Chromosomal changes from DNA found in the aqueous humor corroborates the chromosomal changes found in the retinoblastoma tumor," said James Hicks, PhD, professor of Biologic Sciences at the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience and professor at the Keck School of Medicine at USC. "These findings provide proof of principle that the aqueous humor can be used for a surrogate 'liquid' tumor biopsy." The study reported on six samples from three eyes affected with retinoblastoma, in children less than 3 years of age. Two of the eyes had been removed primarily for treatment of the disease; the third eye was receiving intraocular injections as therapy but ultimately had to be removed due to disease recurrence. Aqueous humor was taken from all three eyes and allowed investigators to compare tumor DNA in the aqueous humor to DNA found in the retinoblastoma tumor. "Until now, we could only do genetic analysis - and base therapy on the specific pathologic tumor features - when there was no longer a possibility of saving the eye," said Thomas C. Lee, MD, director of the Vision Center at CHLA and associate professor at the USC Roski Eye Institute. "In the future we hope to have the capability to specifically target therapy to the type of tumor and can anticipate better outcomes for children with retinoblastoma." The team of investigators plans future studies to compare tumor DNA from eyes that have been saved to those that need to be removed due to tumor recurrence. "This research has the potential to completely transform how we treat children with retinoblastoma," said Jonathan W. Kim, MD, director of the Retinoblastoma Program at CHLA and also director of the ocular oncology service at USC Roski Eye Institute. "This is one of the most significant findings in retinoblastoma research in the past 20 years." ### Additional contributors to the study include Jonathan W. Kim, director of the Retinoblastoma Program at CHLA, Subramanian Krishnan, Kevin Stachelek, Emily Zolfaghari, and Kathleen McGovern of the Vision Center at Children's Hospital Los Angeles; Liya Xu, Anders Carlsson and Peter Kuhn of the University of Southern California. This work was funded by Bright Eyes, the Nautica Foundation and the Knights Templar Eye Foundation. Additional support was provided by: Retinoblastoma International, Inc; the Larry and Celia Moh Foundation; the Institute for Families, Inc, Children's Hospital Los Angeles; Research to Prevent Blindness; the Vicky Joseph Research Fund; the Carol Vassiliadis Research Fund; and the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. About Children's Hospital Los Angeles Children's Hospital Los Angeles has been ranked the top children's hospital in California and sixth in the nation for clinical excellence with its selection to the prestigious U.S. News & World Report Honor Roll. CHLA is home to The Saban Research Institute, one of the largest and most productive pediatric research facilities in the United States. Children's Hospital is also one of America's premier teaching hospitals through its affiliation with the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California since 1932. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram, and visit our child health blog ( and our research blog ( About the USC Roski Eye Institute The USC Roski Eye Institute, part of the Keck Medicine of USC university-based medical enterprise, has been a leader in scientific research and innovative clinical treatments for more than 40 years. Ranked No. 2 in National Eye Institute (NEI) research grants for academically-based ophthalmology departments and nationally ranked in U.S. News & World Report's annual "Best Hospitals" issue for more than 24 years, the USC Roski Eye Institute is headquartered in Los Angeles with clinics in Arcadia, Beverly Hills and Pasadena. Faculty physicians are also the exclusive ophthalmic doctors affiliated with L.A. County + USC Medical Center (LAC+USC) and Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). Learn more: About the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience The USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience brings together a diverse network of premier scientists and engineers from the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, USC Viterbi School of Engineering and Keck School of Medicine of USC to solve some of the greatest intractable problems of the 21st century - from cancer, to neurological disease, to cardiovascular disease. The team of world-class scientists representing several disciplines -biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, medicine, nanomedicine, neuroscience, and physics - will be the catalyst that precipitates a sea change in research and development at USC and the world, establishing a model for innovation in precision medicine that quickly translates from the bench to the bedside in the form of new drug therapies, cures, high-tech diagnostics and biomedical devices. With a generous $50 million gift from Gary K. Michelson, a retired orthopedic spinal surgeon, and his wife, Alya Michelson, the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience is an opportunity for USC to transform and influence the course of scientific discovery and biomedicine for generations to come. Media contacts: Ellin Kavanagh,; 323-361-8505 Sherri Snelling,; 949-887-1903 Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile) has long been a source of intrigue and mystery. How did such a small community of people build so many impressively large statues? And what happened to cause that community to collapse? Researchers have also been curious about what kind of contact Rapa Nui's inhabitants, known as Rapanui, might have had with South Americans prior to the arrival of Europeans. Earlier evidence seemed to support early contact between the Rapanui and Native Americans . But a new study of ancient DNA evidence collected from archaeological samples and reported in Current Biology on October 12th calls those findings back into question. The new study finds no genetic evidence that ancient inhabitants of Rapa Nui intermixed with South Americans. While the findings can't exclude the possibility that cultural contact took place between the two populations, if long-distance treks across the ocean did occur, "they did not leave genetic traces among the individual samples," said Lars Fehren-Schmitz of the University of California, Santa Cruz. "We were surprised that we didn't find any Native American admixture in our ancient Rapanui specimens." The idea that there had been early Pacific contact with South America, or even that a Southern Pacific migration route contributed to the peopling of the Americas, has been a long-standing debate in the field. In their new study, Fehren-Schmitz and colleagues wanted to find out what DNA from ancient Rapanui samples had to say on the matter. The researchers sequenced DNA from five individual samples representing Rapanui both before and after European contact. They report that the DNA, including both complete mitochondrial genomes and low-coverage autosomal genomes, indicates that the DNA of the sampled individuals falls within the genetic diversity of present-day and ancient Polynesians. "We can reject the hypothesis that any of these individuals had substantial Native American ancestry," Fehren-Schmitz said. "Our data thus suggest that the Native American ancestry in contemporary Easter Islanders was not present on the island prior to European contact and may thus be due to events in more recent history." The new study highlights the value of ancient DNA for testing hypotheses about the past. It's clear from earlier evidence that living Rapanui do have a small proportion of Native American ancestry. But, the researchers in the new study say, "it is especially difficult to disentangle movements of people in the prehistoric period from more recent times." The question remains: How and when did this population exchange happen? The researchers say they'd now like to generate genome-wide data from additional ancient Oceania and western South American populations. The goal is to develop a more detailed picture of the populations that lived within each of these regions and potential interactions among them. ### This research was funded by a University of California Presidential Research Catalyst Award, with additional support from the Swedish Research Council and the National Science Foundation. Current Biology, Fehren-Schmitz and Jarman et al.: "Genetic Ancestry of Rapanui before and after European Contact" Current Biology (@CurrentBiology), published by Cell Press, is a bimonthly journal that features papers across all areas of biology. Current Biology strives to foster communication across fields of biology, both by publishing important findings of general interest and through highly accessible front matter for non-specialists. Visit: To receive Cell Press media alerts, contact HANOVER, N.H. - Oct. 12, 2017 - Concentration of carbon dioxide during an intense period of global warmth may have been as low as half the level previously suggested by scientists, according to a new Dartmouth College study. The study found that carbon dioxide may have been less than 1000 parts per million, or ppm, during the Earth's early Eocene period. This runs counter to thinking that concentration levels were as high as 2000 ppm in the same time frame. By comparison, current levels of carbon dioxide observed at NOAA's Mauna Loa Observatory are around 400 ppm. "This research provides important information about the planet's climate past and adds an important chapter to the Earth's history book," said Ying Cui, Obering Postdoctoral Fellow at Dartmouth College. Climate researchers focus on the early Eocene, a so-called "super greenhouse" period, to better understand how the Earth historically responds to changes in carbon dioxide levels, and to help make better climate projections. Both the Arctic and Antarctic were ice-free in this time period as temperatures averaged about 10 degrees Celsius warmer than present day. The early Eocene was also characterized by five periods of extreme warmth -- known as hyperthermals -- that occurred between 52-56 million years ago when the Earth warmed an additional 2 C - 8 C above the already higher temperatures. Although there were no cars or power plants 56 million years ago, the same carbon rich in the isotope carbon-12 was released into the atmosphere. Up until now, researchers have grappled with where that carbon came from, what triggered its release, and to what extent carbon dioxide accounted for warming relative to other greenhouse gases. Unable to access information on carbon dioxide from ice cores that only date back approximately 800,000 years, the research team used a new method to reconstruct levels of carbon dioxide associated with the temperature spikes within the early Eocene. The Dartmouth research result was derived by assessing past carbon dioxide concentrations using sediment samples found in terrestrial and deep-sea drilling sites. The ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-13 isotopes in those samples helped the team determine that the most likely source of the carbon came from thawing permafrost during the period studied. "This changes our understanding of what the concentration of carbon dioxide should be in relationship to global temperature as well as how we should revisit climate models in order to better project future climate change," Cui said. While the Dartmouth research, published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, finds that the carbon was most likely released by permafrost thaw, there is still question as to what triggered the warming that caused the release of extra carbon into the atmosphere. Separate research points to the roles of extreme volcanic activity and water vapor during Earth's earlier warming periods. "The challenge is to reconstruct what the past carbon dioxide concentration is and to utilize these geochemistry proxies the best we can - essentially, how can we best interpret these records using geological archives," said Cui. Although focusing on a timeframe that is over 50 million years ago, Cui says the research relates directly to efforts to understand the Earth's current warming trend, and to project how human activities and other natural dynamics could impact future warming. "The geologic past can provide a useful insight into our understanding of current and future environmental change," said Cui. "Policy makers, economists and others who study projections on temperature can utilize this information to see how ecosystems recover after rapid change of climate and use it as lessons for the future." The research team hopes to use the new technique to broaden understanding of the role of carbon dioxide for a longer stretch of Earth's history. ### "Ozone depletion is a well-known phenomenon and, thanks to the success of the Montreal Protocol, is widely perceived as a problem solved," says University of East Anglia's David Oram. But an international team of researchers, led by Oram, has now found an unexpected, growing danger to the ozone layer from substances not regulated by the treaty. The study is published today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, a journal of the European Geosciences Union. Thirty years ago, the Montreal Protocol was agreed to phase-out chemicals destroying the ozone layer, the UV-radiation shield in the Earth's stratosphere. The treaty has helped the layer begin the slow process of healing, lessening the impact to human health from increased exposure to damaging solar radiation. But increasing emissions of ozone-destroying substances that are not regulated by the Montreal Protocol are threatening to affect the recovery of the layer, according to the new research. The substances in question were not considered damaging before as they were "generally thought to be too short-lived to reach the stratosphere in large quantities," explains Oram, a research fellow of the UK's National Centre for Atmospheric Science. The new Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics study raises the alarm over fast-increasing emissions of some of these very short-lived chemicals in East Asia, and shows how they can be carried up into the stratosphere and deplete the ozone layer. Emissions of ozone-depleting chemicals in places like China are especially damaging because of cold-air surges in East Asia that can quickly carry industrial pollution into the tropics. "It is here that air is most likely to be uplifted into the stratosphere," says co-author Matt Ashfold, a researcher at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. This means the chemicals can reach the ozone layer before they are degraded and while they can still cause damage. One of the new threats is dichloromethane, a substance with uses varying from paint stripping to agricultural fumigation and the production of pharmaceuticals. The amount of this substance in the atmosphere decreased in the 1990s and early 2000s, but over the past decade dichloromethane became approximately 60% more abundant. "This was a major surprise to the scientific community and we were keen to discover the cause of this sudden increase," says Oram. "We expected that the new emissions could be coming from the developing world, where industrialisation has been increasing rapidly," he says. The team set out to measure air pollution in East Asia to figure out where the increase in dichloromethane was coming from and if it could affect the ozone layer. "Our estimates suggest that China may be responsible for around 50-60% of current global emissions [of dichloromethane], with other Asian countries, including India, likely to be significant emitters as well," says Oram. The scientists collected air samples on the ground in Malaysia and Taiwan, in the region of the South China Sea, between 2012 and 2014, and shipped them back to the UK for analysis. They routinely monitor around 50 ozone-depleting chemicals in the atmosphere, some of which are now in decline as a direct consequence of the Montreal Protocol. Dichloromethane was found in large amounts, and so was 1,2-dichloroethane, an ozone-depleting substance used to make PVC. China is the largest producer of PVC, which is used in many construction materials, and its production in the country has increased rapidly in the past couple of decades. But the rise in dichloroethane emissions was unexpected and surprising because the chemical is both a "valuable commodity" and "highly toxic", says Oram. "One would expect that care would be taken not to release [dichloroethane] into the atmosphere." Data collected from a passenger aircraft that flew over Southeast Asia between December 2012 and January 2014 showed that the substances weren't only present at ground level. "We found that elevated concentrations of these same chemicals were present at altitudes of 12 km over tropical regions, many thousands of kilometres away from their likely source, and in a region where air is known to be transferred into the stratosphere," says Oram. If the chemicals that were now discovered in unexpectedly large amounts can reach the ozone layer in significant quantities, they can cause damage. "We are highlighting a gap in the Montreal Protocol that may need to be addressed in the future, particularly if atmospheric concentrations continue to rise," Oram concludes. ### Please mention the name of the publication (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics) if reporting on this story and, if reporting online, include a link to the paper or to the journal website. FRANKFURT. The immune system monitors the health status of the cells in our bodies by examining a kind of molecular passport. Sometimes cells present the wrong passport, which can lead to autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammation, or cancer. In the new issue of the journal Science (first release), scientists of the Goethe University Frankfurt have now elucidated the mechanism of how the correct molecular passport is selected. Most cells provide the T cells of the adaptive immune system with information about their condition by presenting selected components of their interior (antigens) on their surface. If these components include fragments of viruses or altered cell components, the affected cell is eliminated by the T cells. The selection of the antigens is crucial in this process. Presenting the wrong antigens leads to either healthy cells being attacked by the immune system - causing autoimmune diseases or chronic inflammation - or to diseased cells not being recognized, allowing cancer cells or virus-infected cells to escape immune surveillance. Dr. Christoph Thomas and Prof. Robert Tampe from the Institute of Biochemistry at Goethe University have now unraveled on a molecular level how antigens are selected in the cell for presentation on the cell surface. The protein structure they present shows for the first time the kind of quality control antigens undergo to enable a precise and effective immune response. Our work solves a 30-year-old problem of cellular immunity, in particular how antigens associated with tumors or pathogens are selected through processes of editing and quality control in order to generate a specific immune response explains Prof. Robert Tampe the significance of the publication. ### Publication: Christoph Thomas, Robert Tampe: Structure of the TAPBPR-MHC I complex defines the mechanism of peptide loading and editing, Science (Oct 12, 2017, First Release) An image for downloading can be found here: ( Figure legend: Space-filling model of the solved protein complex responsible for the selection of antigens Contacts: Prof. Dr. Robert Tampe 49-69-798- 29475 Journal Science Dr. Christoph ThomasInstitute of Biochemistry, Campus RiedbergGoethe University Frankfurt, Germany In a paper published today in Developmental Cell, the group of Carl-Philipp Heisenberg at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria), including first author and PhD student Vanessa Barone, sheds light on how a cell's fate is determined. They for the first time report a positive feedback loop between the duration of cell-cell contacts and the specification of a cell's fate. In our bodies, cells do not just sit next to each other. Instead, neighbouring cells can form contacts with each other: connections of different size, strength and duration which reach from one cell to another. Heisenberg and his group used the zebrafish, a small fish frequently used to study animal development, to investigate whether signalling between cells and cell-cell contact formation affect each other, and influence how a cell's fate is determined. The researchers looked at progenitor cells within the forming anterior axial mesendoderm that give rise to either the head mesoderm or endoderm of the developing embryo. In this system, the authors identified a positive feedback loop between cell-cell contact formation and cell fate specification: when mesendoderm progenitor cells form long-lasting cell-cell contacts, the cells become head mesoderm, while in case they only form short-lasting contacts, they will form endoderm. Cell-cell contact formation and cell fate specification promote each other by contact formation triggering high Nodal/TGF-mediated cell-cell signalling, required for head mesoderm cell fate specification and differentiation, and Nodal signalling, in turn, promoting cell-cell contact formation. The authors thereby identify cell-cell contact duration - as opposed to e.g. the number or size of cell-cell contacts - as a key feature in controlling the level of cell-cell signalling determining binary cell fate decisions during embryonic development ### Carl-Philipp Heisenberg, an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) as well as of the Leopoldina - the German National Academy of Sciences - , joined IST Austria in 2010. He and his group study vertebrate morphogenesis using multi-disciplinary approach employing a combination of genetic, cell biological, biochemical and biophysical techniques. Earlier this year, he obtained an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council. First author Vanessa Barone was a student in his group and graduated from IST Austria's PhD program this summer. The interdisciplinary graduate school of IST Austria which she attended offers fully-funded PhD positions in the natural and mathematical sciences: IST Austria The Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria) is a PhD granting research institution located in Klosterneuburg, 18 km from the center of Vienna, Austria. Inaugurated in 2009, the Institute is dedicated to basic research in the natural and mathematical sciences. IST Austria employs professors on a tenure-track system, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral students at its international graduate school. While dedicated to the principle of curiosity-driven research, the Institute owns the rights to all scientific discoveries and is committed to promote their use. The first president of IST Austria is Thomas A. Henzinger, a leading computer scientist and former professor at the University of California in Berkeley, USA, and the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. WOODS HOLE, Mass.--For the octopus and cuttlefish, instantaneously changing their skin color and pattern to disappear into the environment is just part of their camouflage prowess. These animals can also swiftly and reversibly morph their skin into a textured, 3D surface, giving the animal a ragged outline that mimics seaweed, coral, or other objects it detects and uses for camouflage. This week, engineers at Cornell University report on their invention of stretchable surfaces with programmable 3D texture morphing, a synthetic "camouflaging skin" inspired by studying and modeling the real thing in octopus and cuttlefish. The engineers, along with collaborator and cephalopod biologist Roger Hanlon of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole, report on their controllable soft actuator in the October 13 issue of Science. Led by James Pikul and Robert Shepherd, the team's pneumatically-activated material takes a cue from the 3D bumps, or papillae, that cephalopods can express in one-fifth of a second for dynamic camouflage, and then retract to swim away without the papillae imposing hydrodynamic drag. (See video of live Octopus rubescens expressing skin papillae; credit Grayson Hanlon.) "Lots of animals have papillae, but they can't extend and retract them instantaneously as octopus and cuttlefish do," says Hanlon, who is the leading expert on cephalopod dynamic camouflage. "These are soft-bodied molluscs without a shell; their primary defense is their morphing skin." Papillae are examples of a muscular hydrostat, biological structures that consist of muscle with no skeletal support (such as the human tongue). Hanlon and members of his laboratory, including Justine Allen, now at Brown University, were the first to describe the structure, function, and biomechanics of these morphing 3D papillae in detail. "The degrees of freedom in the papillae system are really beautiful," Hanlon says. "In the European cuttlefish, there are at least nine sets of papillae that are independently controlled by the brain. And each papilla goes from a flat, 2D surface through a continuum of shapes until it reaches its final shape, which can be conical or like trilobes or one of a dozen possible shapes. It depends on how the muscles in the hydrostat are arranged." The engineers' breakthrough was to develop synthetic tissue groupings that allow programmable, 2D stretchable materials to both extend and retract a range of target 3D shapes. "Engineers have developed a lot of sophisticated ways to control the shape of soft, stretchable materials, but we wanted to do it in a simple way that was fast, strong, and easy to control," says lead author James Pikul, currently an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics at the University of Pennsylvania. "We were drawn by how successful cephalopods are at changing their skin texture, so we studied and drew inspiration from the muscles that allow cephalopods to control their texture, and implemented these ideas into a method for controlling the shape of soft, stretchable materials." "This is a classic example of bio-inspired engineering" with a range of potential applications, Hanlon says. For example, the material could be controllably morphed to reflect light in its 2D spaces and absorb light in its 3D shapes. "That would have applications in any situation where you want to manipulate the temperature of a material," he says. Octopus and cuttlefish only express papillae for camouflage purposes, Hanlon says, and not for locomotion, sexual signaling, or aggression. "For fast swimming, the animal would benefit from smooth skin. For sexual signaling, it wouldn't want to look like a big old wart; it wants to look attractive, like a cool-looking mate. Or if it wanted to conduct a fight, the papillae would not be a good visual to put into the fight. Signaling, by definition, has to be highly conspicuous, unambiguous signals. The papillae would only make it the opposite!" ### Citation: J.H. Pikul, S. Li, H. Bai, R.T. Hanlon, I. Cohen and R.F. Shepherd (2017) Stretchable surfaces with programmable 3D texture morphing for synthetic camouflage skins. Science DOI: The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) is dedicated to scientific discovery - exploring fundamental biology, understanding marine biodiversity and the environment, and informing the human condition through research and education. Founded in Woods Hole, Massachusetts in 1888, the MBL is a private, nonprofit institution and an affiliate of the University of Chicago. ROCHESTER, Minn. - A group of international cancer researchers led by investigators from Mayo Clinic and University of New South Wales Sydney has found that the level of a type of white blood cell, called tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, present in the tumors of patients with high-grade ovarian cancer may predict a patient's survival. Results of the study by the Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis Consortium were published today in JAMA Oncology. "We know that a type of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte called cytotoxic CD8 are present in the tumors of patients with high-grade ovarian cancer," says Matthew Block, M.D., Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic oncologist who co-led the research team with Ellen Goode, Ph.D., of the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Genetic Epidemiology and Risk Assessment Program. "However, little was known about the role in fighting high-grade ovarian cancer, compared to other clinical factors." To help answer this question, researchers studied more than 5,500 patients from nine different countries, including 3,196 with high-grade ovarian cancer. Researchers found that patients with high-grade ovarian cancer showed the most infiltration with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, which were associated with longer overall survival. "This study shows the higher the level of cytotoxic CD8 tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in a tumor, the better the survival for patients with high-grade ovarian cancer," says Dr. Block. "Developing a better understanding of factors that increase cytotoxic CD8 tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes will be the key to developing treatments to achieve better outcomes in treating patients with high-grade ovarian cancer. "This is by far the largest study of this type and would not have been possible without scientists from North and South America, Europe and Australia all working together," says Susan Ramus, Ph.D., University of New South Wales Sydney. ### About Mayo Clinic Cancer Center As a leading institution funded by the National Cancer Institute, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center conducts basic, clinical and population science research, translating discoveries into improved methods for prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. For information on cancer clinical trials, call the Clinical Trial Referral Office at 1-855-776-0015 (toll-free). About Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, comprehensive care to everyone who needs healing. For more information, visit or Late last month, a stratovolcano in Bali named Mount Agung began to smoke. Little earthquakes trembled beneath the mountain. Officials have since evacuated thousands of people to prevent what happened when Agung erupted in 1963, killing more than 1,000 people. Before volcanoes erupt, there are often warning signs. Tiny earthquakes rarely felt by humans but sensed by seismographs emanate from the volcano. Plumes of water vapor rise from the crater. When the volcano begins to emit gases like carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, eruption may be imminent. But getting close to the top of a volcano is dangerous work. Using remote sensing to detect rising carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions without endangering people or equipment would greatly increase human understanding of volcanoes. Remote sensing emissions could prevent humanitarian disasters--and false alarms. Mount Agung hasn't erupted yet (at the time this article was written), but seismic activity remains intense. Balinese officials are beginning to wonder if an eruption truly is imminent; the people who were evacuated from the area want to return to their homes and tourism is down. Researchers including Michigan Technological University volcanologist Simon Carn have published a collection of papers including "Spaceborne detection of localized carbon dioxide sources" in the journal Science; the article details the first-known measurement of localized anthropogenic and natural carbon dioxide sources from a satellite in low-Earth orbit. The five papers in the OCO-2 Science Special Collection showcase the abilities of NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite; measurements from the satellite's sensors provide insights into how carbon links everything on Earth. The research is supported by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Monitoring CO2 Emissions From Space The paper Carn co-authored discusses how the research team has taken high-resolution, sensitive spaceborne measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide at the kilometer scale. This data reveals that the satellite's sensors are able to pinpoint localized sources of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere--a difficult task considering the sheer amount of background carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to begin with. The satellite uses spectrometry; the sensors onboard the satellite measure reflected sunlight--radiation--in high-spectral resolution using wavelengths undetectable to the human eye. When light passes through carbon dioxide, some is absorbed by the gas. The remaining light bounces off the ocean and the Earth. The OCO-2 sensors measure the light that bounces back to quantify what was absorbed by carbon dioxide, allowing scientists to isolate emission sources, whether human or natural. "The main focus of the article is detecting localized, point-source emissions of carbon dioxide as opposed to measuring the broad-scale concentration in the atmosphere," says Carn, an associate professor in the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences. "Volcanoes can be strong, localized sources of carbon dioxide. But on a global basis, all available evidence indicates that human activities are emitting much more carbon dioxide than volcanoes." The OCO-2 satellite's spatial resolution--2.25 kilometers--is high enough that chemical signals are not diluted. However, while OCO-2's measurements are unprecedented, the satellite cannot be used as a routine volcano monitoring tool because it does not pass over the same place on the Earth frequently enough. "This is a demonstration that the technique does work, but we need better sensors before it becomes a routine monitoring tool, especially for volcanoes where we expect rapid changes in gas emissions," Carn says. "If we could measure volcanic carbon dioxide from space routinely, it would be a very powerful addition to the techniques we use. That kind of observation would be useful (for Agung) right now." Carn combed through satellite data to find detectable spaceborne carbon dioxide measurements from three volcanoes in the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu. One of these, Mount Yasur, has been erupting since at least the 1700s, and on the day of the OCO-2 measurement was emitting carbon dioxide about 3.4 parts per million above background atmospheric levels, equal to about 42 kilotons of emissions. In comparison, human emissions average 100,000 kilotons a day. OCO-2's sensors also measured carbon dioxide emissions over the Los Angeles basin, detecting a sort of carbon dioxide "dome". Urban areas account for more than 70 percent of anthropogenic emissions. "Natural processes on Earth are currently able to absorb about half of human fossil fuel emissions," says Annmarie Eldering, OCO-2 deputy project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and lead author of an overview paper in Science on the state of OCO-2 science. "If those natural processes falter, slowing down the helpful removal of carbon dioxide, greenhouse-gas-induced warming would accelerate and intensify. These data begin to give us a better view of how climate affects the carbon cycle, reducing the huge uncertainty around how both might change in the future." The OCO-2 measurements across Los Angeles were detailed enough to capture differences in concentrations within the city resulting from localized sources. They also tracked diminishing carbon dioxide concentrations as the spacecraft passed from over the crowded city to the suburbs and out to the sparsely populated desert to the north. ### WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct. 12 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) today honored several land-grant university partners during its annual Day of Appreciation ceremony. Those honored were recognized for supporting NIFA's mission to advance agricultural research, education, and extension to solve significant societal challenges. "NIFA is committed to supporting the research, education, and extension efforts of its land-grant university partners," said NIFA Director Sonny Ramaswamy. "We value the contributions of the teams of researchers, educators, and extension professionals whose scientific discoveries and educational efforts positively impact our nation's food and agricultural systems." The 2017 NIFA Partnership Awards were presented in three different categories to institutions whose work with NIFA support has resulted in exceptional impacts. The Mission Integration of Research, Education, and Extension award honors teams of individuals who work across all three of NIFA's mission areas to produce positive outcomes in agriculture, the environment, communities, or people. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) cause illness in both humans and cattle, and STEC-related illness and death cost the U.S. more than $400 million each year. The STEC CAP grant executive management team at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln led a team from 18 institutions to develop integrated approaches to prevent STEC contamination and outbreaks throughout the beef production and processing chain. The Multistate Efforts award recognizes partnership projects that respond to critical needs important to each project leader's state. Field corn (Zea mays) is one of the world's most important cereal grains, and 40 percent of global supply is produced in the United States. Heat stress during the growing season can reduce field corn yield, which may lead to higher prices and food shortages. The Corn Heat Stress Adaptation Team, led by the University of Florida, developed multiple corn lines that produced greater yields under high-temperature conditions. The Innovative Programs and Projects award acknowledges a project that uses a unique combination of resources and disciplines to enact positive outcomes in response to important regional or national issues. Each year in the U.S., there are approximately 20 million cases of norovirus that result in up to 800 deaths. North Carolina State University leads the NoroCORE Food Virology Collaborative, a group of researchers and stakeholders in basic, food, and environmental virology working to reduce the burden of foodborne disease associated with viruses, particularly noroviruses. In a major breakthrough, the team successfully cultured the human norovirus in intestinal cells, which may lead to new vaccines and treatments. The agency also inducted four individuals into NIFA's Hall of Fame, established in 2011 to recognize exceptional contributions to NIFA's mission at the local, regional, national, or international level and have made a positive impact on humans. Michel Desbois served as deputy director of NIFA's Office of Information Technology (OIT) and chief information officer and was responsible for all information technology (IT) resources and applications for the agency. He provided strategic leadership and direction in overall IT, including anticipating future needs and requirements to help NIFA meet its goals and objectives. Desbois holds a Bachelor of Science in agricultural engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a master's degree in information systems from George Mason University. Dr. John Phillips is executive director of First Americans Land Grant Consortium (FALCON) and the land-grant director at the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC). Dr. Phillips also served as the first liaison between 1994 land-grant institutions and the USDA. He has been instrumental in representing the interests of the 1994 land-grant institutions and contributing to the social and economic well-being of their communities. Dr. Phillips earned his doctorate in rural sociology at the University of Missouri-Columbia, a Master of Science in environmental systems from Humboldt State University, California, and a bachelor's degree in computer science from California State University, Sacramento. Dr. Catherine Woteki served as USDA undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics and chief scientist where she provided leadership responsibility for advancing scientific knowledge through research, extension, and education and elevated the stature of agricultural science. Woteki also served as the USDA's first undersecretary for Food Safety. An active member of the National Academy of Medicine, she returned as a professor to Iowa State University's Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, where she previously served as dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and director of the Agriculture Experiment Station. She earned a bachelor's degree in biology and chemistry from Mary Washington College and a doctorate in human nutrition from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Michael Young retired this year as the USDA budget officer and director of the Office of Budget and Program Analysis (OBPA). He also served as chief of the Budget Control and Analysis Division of OBPA. Prior to his leadership roles, he was a program analyst for USDA Research, Education and Extension programs and a budget analyst for the Food and Nutrition Service. During his tenure with OBPA, Mr. Young facilitated the advancement of USDA research and the NIFA mission as evidenced by his conscientious review and management of NIFA's program budgets. He holds a bachelor's degree in botany from Colorado State University and a Master of Business Administration from George Washington University. ### NIFA's mission is to invest in and advance agricultural research, education, and extension to solve societal challenges. NIFA's investments in transformative science directly support the long-term prosperity and global preeminence of U.S. agriculture. To learn more about NIFA's impact on agricultural sciences, visit, sign up for email updates, or follow us on Twitter @USDA_NIFA, #NIFAImpacts. USDA is an equal opportunity lender, provider, and employer. SAN FELIPE, BAJA CALIFORNIA - An international team of experts has gathered in San Felipe, Mexico at the request of the Mexican government (SEMARNAT) and has begun a bold, compassionate plan known as VaquitaCPR to save the endangered vaquita porpoise from extinction. The vaquita porpoise, also known as the 'panda of the sea,' is the most endangered marine mammal in the world. Latest estimates by scientists who have been monitoring the vaquita for decades show there are fewer than 30 vaquitas left in the wild. The vaquita only lives in the upper Gulf of California. The project, which has been recommended by the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita (CIRVA), involves locating, rescuing and then temporarily relocating the vaquitas to an ocean sanctuary off the coast of San Felipe. The explicit goal of CPR is to return the vaquitas to their natural habitat once the primary threat to their survival has been eliminated. Experts from Mexico, the United States, Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom are all working together on VaquitaCPR. "Rescuing these animals and placing them in a temporary sanctuary is necessary to protect them until their natural habitat can be made safe," said Dr. Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho, lead vaquita expert and chair of CIRVA. "We realize that capturing even a few vaquitas will be very difficult, but if we don't try the vaquita will disappear from the planet forever." VaquitaCPR field operations, including efforts to locate and bring vaquitas into temporary sea pens, begin on October 12 and are expected to continue for several weeks. In an unprecedented move in April of 2015 that demonstrated Mexico's commitment to conservation, President Pena Nieto announced a two-year gillnet ban throughout the vaquitas' range, compensated fishermen and related industries for their loss of income, and enhanced multi-agency enforcement of the ban led by the Mexican Navy. In June of 2017, the ban on gillnet fishing was made permanent. The government also launched an extensive survey of the vaquita population using an approach that included both visual monitoring and advanced techniques that use sound to locate the animals. All told, the Mexican government has committed more than $100 million in an effort to protect the vaquita and support the local fishing community. "This critical rescue effort is a priority for the Mexican government and we are dedicated to providing the necessary resources in order to give the plan its best chance of success," said Rafael Pacchiano, Mexico's Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources. The plan will be implemented in tandem with ongoing efforts to remove the threat of gillnets in the Upper Gulf of California and eliminate illegal fishing. A crucial part of CPR is the acoustic monitoring system that will help to locate the remaining vaquitas. This monitoring has been supported since 2012 by WWF and operated by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change of Mexico (INECC) to help estimate the vaquita's population, and will continue during the CPR operations. WWF will also continue supporting the retrieval of lost or abandoned "ghost" nets, many of them illegal, which drift aimlessly and continue to entangle and kill vaquitas and other marine species. Both the acoustic monitoring and the net retrieval are conducted with the help and experience of local fishermen. "Although this effort faces a lot of uncertainty and is highly risky, WWF recognizes it as a necessary action to save the vaquita from extinction. WWF supports CPR with the sole aim of returning a healthy vaquita population to the wild, and as such our primary focus will continue to be ensuring a healthy, gillnet-free Upper Gulf of California where both wildlife and local communities can thrive. We remain hopeful that together with all actors, we will see the CPR effort become a success", said Jorge Rickards, CEO of WWF Mexico. VaquitaCPR is led by Mexico's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT). The National Marine Mammal Foundation, Chicago Zoological Society and the Marine Mammal Center are primary partners in this extraordinary conservation effort. "The international team of experts that have stepped up to save the most endangered marine mammal on the planet is extraordinary and a project like this has never been tried before," said Cynthia Smith, Executive Director of the National Marine Mammal Foundation. "VaquitaCPR is important because if this conservation model works, we may be able to use a similar approach to save other marine mammals that face extinction." VaquitaCPR operates as a private and public partnership, relying on both private donors and government funds. VaquitaCPR has many key collaborators including the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and groups like the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Baja Aqua Farms, and Museo de la Ballena. "The rescue project is, quite literally, the last chance to save the vaquita," said Dan Ashe, President and CEO of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. "We know and accept that the rescue plan is risky, but if we do nothing, extinction of the vaquita is certain. Zoos and aquariums have a proud history of working to save species from extinction, including black-footed ferrets, the California condor, the Florida manatee and the blue iguana. AZA and its members are proud to stand with the Mexican government and the VaquitaCPR coalition. Together, we will do everything we can to prevent the extinction of the vaquita." As part of VaquitaCPR, large floating sea pens will be anchored off the coast of San Felipe, where veterinarians and animal care experts will carefully monitor the health of any vaquitas that are successfully rescued. The sea pens have been designed and built by Baja Aqua Farms, a fish farm operation based in Ensenada. "Baja Aqua Farms believes strongly in the work being done to save the vaquita and we're so glad we are able to help," said Benito Sarmiento, CEO of Baja Aqua Farms. "Our communities all need to work together, not only to protect the wildlife in the Gulf of California, but also to support a sustainable fishing economy in Mexico that can continue into the future. The Museo de la Ballena's mission is to promote the knowledge, study and conservation of cetaceans. Since the museum initiated a conservation operation last year, its vessel has succeeded in retrieving more than 900,000 linear feet of 'ghost' and illegal fishing nets. The museum is providing key logistical support for the VaquitaCPR team. "The vaquita porpoise is a national treasure in Mexico and we are committed to helping save this species for future generations," said museum Operations Director Diego Ruiz. In order to make the Gulf safe for the vaquita in the future, experts agree it's important to prevent illegal fishing of the also-endangered totoaba fish and to support alternative economies for the fishing community. The plight of the vaquita continues to gain increasing international attention after actor Leonardo DiCaprio, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim signed an agreement committing Mexico to save the vaquita, identifying specific conservation goals. VaquitaCPR has been adopted by Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) on the recommendation of their expert advisory group, the Comite Internacional Para La Recuperacion De La Vaquita (CIRVA). ### VaquitaCPR is an international conservation program led by SEMARNAT in coordination with the National Marine Mammal Foundation, The Marine Mammal Center, and the Chicago Zoological Society. Key collaborators in Mexico include Instituto Nacional de Ecologia and Climate Change (INECC), Asociacion Mexicana de Habitats para la Interaccion y Proteccion de Mamiferos Marinos (AMHMAR), Museo de la Ballena, and Baja Aqua Farms. United States collaborators include Duke University and the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration contributing technical support. World Wildlife Fund is contributing with acoustic monitoring and the retrieval of lost or abandoned "ghost" nets from vaquita habitat. European collaborators include Dolfinarium Harderwijk, Aarhus University, and Fjord&Baelt. Additional support and expertise has been offered from Dolphin Quest, SeaWorld, and the Vancouver Aquarium. VaquitaCPR operates as a private and public partnership, relying on both individual donors and government grants. VaquitaCPR has received generous financial support from the Mexican government, Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Global Wildlife Conservation, Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks & Aquariums, Africam, International Marine Animal Trainer's Association, Waitt Foundation, Disney Conservation Fund, YAQU PACHA, and the Firedoll Foundation. For information about the plan, visit To support the rescue effort, learn more about the vaquita and for information about VaquitaCPR, visit The 2017 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel has been awarded to Richard H. Thaler of the University of Chicago "for his contributions to behavioral economics." Thaler's research incorporates findings from psychology into the analysis of economic decision-making. Examples include the examination of extreme sensitivity to losses relative to gains on financial decisions and how perceptions of fairness affect consumers' purchase decisions and limit the ability of firms to change prices. The National Science Foundation (NSF) supported Thaler for research into investor decisions in retirement planning. This project helped to establish behavioral analysis of financial markets. NSF Director France Cordova issued the following statement on the announcement: The groundbreaking work of Richard Thaler has helped launch behavioral economics as a field of basic research. NSF is proud to have supported his work on how individuals rely on short-term horizons in making financial decisions that have long-term consequences for market outcomes. His work has been used by governments and employers around the world to make it easier for people to achieve their goals for health and retirement. ### Heaviest rainfall in Ophelia was found south of the center by the Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core observatory satellite as it passed overhead and analyzed the storm with radar from space. On Monday Oct. 9, 2017 at 11 a.m. EDT/AST (1500 UTC) tropical depression seventeen was upgraded to Tropical Storm Ophelia. Ophelia strengthened into a hurricane on Oct. 11 over the open waters of the eastern Atlantic, southwest of the Azores. The GPM core observatory satellite had a good view of Ophelia when it was a tropical storm on Oct. 10 at 2:46 p.m. EDT/AST (1846 UTC). GPM's Microwave Imager (GMI) and Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) revealed that the storm was organized but most of the rainfall in the storm was only of light to moderate intensity. GPM's Ku band radar swath covers 151.9 miles (245 km). GPM's radar (DPR Ku Band) showed that rain was falling at a rate of almost 3.2 inches (81 mm) per hour in the strongest band of showers located on the southern side of the tropical storm. GPM's radar data (DPR Ku Band) were used in a 3-D view to show the precipitation structure of storm tops within tropical storm Ophelia. Strong convective storms south of the tropical cyclone's center of circulation were reaching heights of almost 7.44 miles (12 km). GPM is a joint mission between NASA and the Japanese space agency JAXA. Infrared satellite data on Oct. 12 revealed that cloud top temperatures surrounding the stronger Hurricane Ophelia's eye were between minus 50 and minus 70 degrees Centigrade (minus 58 and 94 Fahrenheit). NASA research has shown that storms with cloud tops that cold have the capability to generate heavy rainfall. Location and Status on Oct. 12 At 11 a.m. EDT/AST (1500 UTC) on Oct. 12 the eye of Hurricane Ophelia was located near 30.5 degrees north latitude and 35.6 degrees west longitude. That's about 715 miles (1,145 km) southwest of the Azores. Ophelia is drifting north-northeastward around 2 mph (4 kph). A slow northeastward motion is expected to begin later today, followed by a faster east-northeastward motion on Friday and Saturday. Maximum sustained winds are near 90 mph (150 kph) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is forecast during the next 48 hours. Ophelia is a small storm and hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 25 miles (35 km) from the center. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km). The estimated minimum central pressure is 978 millibars. The NHC said that interests in the eastern Azores should monitor the progress of Ophelia. Ophelia is expected to move into the northeastern Atlantic and become extra-tropical by Sunday, Oct. 15 as it interacts with a potent mid-latitude trough (elongated area of low pressure) moving eastward across the north Atlantic Ocean. The NHC forecasts that Ophelia will later affect Ireland and then Scotland early next week. ### For forecast updates on Ophelia, visit: Coral reefs harbor an incredible diversity of life, both sea creatures we can see and microbial life that we cannot. These organisms generate an enormous number of molecules as they eat food, photosynthesize, reproduce and ward off infections. Researchers have identified several coral reef-derived molecules as having medicinal properties, such as secosteroids, which are steroid compounds used to treat inflammatory disorders; or the chemical compound bryostatin 1, derived from an invertebrate coral reef denizen known as bryozoans and being evaluated as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Yet many thousands more coral reef molecules with medicinal potential are unknown to science. A study led by San Diego State University biologists describes a promising new method for screening the molecular output of reef life for important chemical properties, which could make it much easier to identify the next generation of coral reef-derived drugs and better understand the diversity of molecules found in the ocean. "We know what so few of these molecules are and what they do," said the paper's lead author, Aaron Hartmann, a postdoctoral biologist with a dual appointment at SDSU and the Smithsonian Institution. "That's a pretty big roadblock to developing therapeutic drugs derived from them." Hartmann led the study alongside SDSU biologist Forest Rohwer and colleagues from the University of California, San Diego; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany; Imperial College London; the CARMABI Foundation Curacao; the University of Amsterdam, and Bangor University in Wales. Rohwer co-leads the SDSU Viral Information Institute, a world leader in viral ecology research. Molecular fingerprints Working with chemist Pieter Dorrestein's laboratory at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy at UC San Diego, the researchers analyzed tissue samples from corals, algae and fungus collected by Rohwer and others on coral reefs near the remote Line Islands in the central Pacific Ocean.They isolated each organism's molecules and sent them through an instrument called a mass spectrometer that measured each molecule's mass. Next, they broke the molecules apart with a laser and measured the masses of those pieces. Molecules tend to break apart in predictable ways, so by measuring the mass of these chemical pieces, the researchers were able to come up with a set of "molecular fingerprints"--patterns in the chemical profiles that point to the presence of particular molecules. However, knowing its chemical fingerprint alone can't tell you what a specific molecule does if it hasn't been described before. The database of known molecules represents only a very small fraction of the molecules that exist, Hartmann explained. To get around that limitation, the researchers next employed an ingenious trick. They used an algorithm created in Dorrestein's lab to screen these molecular fingerprints, and if the chemical makeups of two unknown molecules were similar, they were flagged as related molecules. Hartmann and Daniel Petras, a postdoctoral chemist at UC San Diego, then explored the chemical reactions of these unknown molecules to get a better idea of how they behave. This analysis helps answer a long-standing mystery in marine biology: Why do coral reefs have such vast molecular diversity? Comparing even very closely related organisms, the researchers discovered each had different molecular fingerprints, suggesting that these organisms can modify the same molecules differently to suit their particular biological niches. In other words, even closely related organisms might face different health challenges depending on their geographic location, for example, and therefore tweak their molecules just slightly to better defend themselves. The researchers reported their results today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Potential therapeutic value "Molecular relatedness can tell you about the potential chemical reactions exhibited by these unknown molecules," Hartmann said. "That, in turn, can tell you something about their potential therapeutic value." So instead of screening each individual molecule one-by-one to see if it has medicinal properties, this technique would allow drug discovery scientists to easily hunt for chemical properties exhibited by known drugs. These newly discovered molecules might have benefits over known drugs--more potent, for example, or with fewer side effects. "Using this method, we're not held back by the fact that our molecular database is pretty sparse," Hartmann said. "If you know what chemical reactions are important, you can then go looking for molecules with those properties." ### This research was was funded by the National Science Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the European Union and the German Research Foundation New York, New York -- A devourer of worlds lurks around 350 light-years away. According to a recent study comparing the chemical composition of a pair of sunlike stars, one of the stars has consumed the rocky equivalent of 15 Earths. "Even if our sun ate the entire inner solar system, it wouldn't come close to the anomaly we see in this star," says study coauthor David Hogg, group leader for astronomical data at the Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) at the Flatiron Institute. Dubbed Kronos after the child-eating Titan of Greek mythology, the star is the clearest and most dramatic case yet of a sunlike star consuming its own planets, says Semyeong Oh, an astrophysicist at Princeton University and lead author of the new study. She predicts that future surveys of the gluttonous star's planetary system could provide new insights into how solar systems form and evolve. Oh and Hogg coauthored the study with CCA director David Spergel, Adrian Price-Whelan of Princeton University, and John Brewer and Justin Myles of Yale University. They posted the study to on September 15. The research didn't begin as a hunt for a planet-eater. Oh was analyzing a catalog of new star data collected by the European Space Agency's Gaia spacecraft for pairs of stars with similar speeds and trajectories. Such duos are typically twin stars that formed close together from the same ingredients. After presenting her work at a Flatiron Institute meeting, she connected there with Brewer, who was conducting an analysis of the chemical compositions of stars. Comparing their datasets -- hers of information on binary stars and his on stars' chemical composition -- the researchers identified Kronos and Krios, which appeared in both the binary-star and stellar-composition datasets. The combined data didn't make sense at first, Oh says. Binary stars are typically near-identical twins. Kronos and Krios, however, have vastly different chemical makeups, including the largest difference in metal content of any binary system yet studied. The team weighed other possible explanations for the chemical discrepancy. Potential explanations include one star being older than the other; the two stars forming from different gas clouds; or the parent gas cloud not being well mixed. Based on properties of the stars such as velocity and composition, the researchers ruled those explanations unlikely. "We started discussing what could make two stars that must have been born together have such different chemistry now," Oh says. Although the researchers had no direct evidence that planets orbited the stars, the idea of a planet-eating sun made the most sense based on the data. The compositional differences between Kronos and Krios are most pronounced for elements such as iron, silicon, magnesium and lithium -- metals that make up the bulk of rocky planets such as Earth. Because these elements are concentrated in Kronos's outer layers, rather than mixed throughout the star itself, the researchers conclude that the star probably consumed many planets' worth of rocky material a billion years or more after its formation. The added material altered the composition of Kronos's outer layers relative to its sibling star. From the data, the researchers estimate that Kronos has gulped 15 Earth masses; by comparison, our entire inner solar system contains roughly two Earth masses of rocky material. Previous studies presented similar evidence of planet eating in other types of stars such as white dwarfs and even our own sun, but never to such an extreme. Oh and colleagues propose that Kronos's changed composition arose after flying close to another star. Gravitational interactions with the passing star stretched the orbits of Kronos's outermost planets so that they ended up passing through the inner solar system. Their gravity in turn sent rocky inner planets on doomsday trajectories into the star. If this explanation is correct, future Gaia data releases may reveal planets with highly elliptical orbits around Kronos, Oh says. Kronos's twin Krios evidently either remained far enough away from other stars so that its planetary system remained unaffected or had fewer rocky planets to consume. Importantly, the work also reveals a potential window into how solar systems change over time, says study coauthor Price-Whelan. Telescopes typically provide only a snapshot of a star's life, not how it evolved over time. "We assume that once stars are born, their chemistries are fixed," he says. "This is yet more evidence of stars changing." ### ABOUT THE FLATIRON INSTITUTE The Flatiron Institute is the research division of the Simons Foundation. Its mission is to advance scientific research through computational methods, including data analysis, modeling and simulation. The institute's Center for Computational Astrophysics creates new computational frameworks that allow scientists to analyze big astronomical datasets and to understand complex, multi-scale physics in a cosmological context. LA JOLLA -- (Oct. 12, 2017) Salk Professor and HHMI Investigator Ronald Evans has been awarded $2.5 million by Stand Up 2 Cancer (SU2C) as part of a multi-institution team to conduct clinical studies to open up a new avenue for immunotherapy in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. While the cancer normally excludes immune T-cells, the Evans lab discovered that modified vitamin D reprograms the cancer environment in a way that may allow the Merck drug Keytruda to invade and destroy the tumor. The award of $2.5 million over three years is part of the 2016 SU2C Catalyst program, which uses "funding and materials from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostic and medical devices industries to accelerate research on cancer prevention, detection and treatment," according to the program. The award is jointly sponsored by SU2C, partnered with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), and the pharmaceutical company Merck, which is providing funding and the immunotherapy drug Keytruda (pembrolizumab) for the clinical trial. "The Evans lab's discovery that vitamin D can make pancreatic tumors more susceptible to drug therapy suggested the added potential to also wake up the patient's own immune system." says Salk President Elizabeth Blackburn. "Combining vitamin D and immuno-oncology gives new hope to tens of thousands of pancreatic cancer patients whose treatment options have been devastatingly limited thus far. This could be a game changer." Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest types of cancers, both because it is often diagnosed late and because its unique tumor environment makes it impervious to both chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Pancreatic tumors co-opt the body's natural wound-healing response, hiding behind a wall of immune cells and inflammatory molecules almost like an armor that drugs can't penetrate. In the meantime, the tumor uses the nutrients that should be supporting the immune cells to nourish itself. "We have to bring pancreatic cancer treatment into the modern age," says Evans, who is the director of Salk's Gene Expression Laboratory and holder of Salk's March of Dimes Chair in Molecular and Developmental Biology. "This cancer is a particularly strong foe. It has resisted basically everything thrown at it. But we believe that it can be tamed, conquered and hopefully cured. This grant is a big step toward making that happen." It turns out that the armor surrounding and protecting pancreatic tumors is controlled by a molecular switch that the Evans lab showed can be controlled by a special synthetic form of vitamin D. When Evans and colleagues administered the drug to mice and a small number of humans, it "cooled down" the inflamed environment, allowing chemotherapy to be more effective. "The Salk team will work with Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) in analyzing patient samples to figure out whether our theories about combining vitamin D and immunotherapy are correct or not--and we'll know that pretty rapidly," says Michael Downes, a Salk senior scientist and co-principal investigator of the new grant. Heading the clinical group in Phoenix, AZ is Daniel Von Hoff, MD, Physician-in-Chief at TGen and the Chief Scientific Officer at HonorHealth, a primary clinical trial site. Salk will also work closely with Andrew Lowy, MD, and the clinical oncology group at the University of California, San Diego Cancer Center. "We are extremely excited about this trial, because for the first time we're able to get patients into remission--even stage 4 patients--where we see the tumor shrink," says Von Hoff. "The high dose of this vitamin D derivative allows the body's immune system to go from viewing the cancerous cells from something that is normal, to recognizing them for the invaders they are and hopefully attacking them as they would a common infection." The clinical trial is set to run for 12 to 18 months. Jill Pechacek, MD, is a patient who received a treatment regimen in the prior SU2C study. She is a member of the SU2C pancreatic cancer dream team, serving as a patient advocate for others with the disease. "I've been on high-dose vitamin D since my diagnosis of stage 4 pancreatic cancer and I truly feel that it has played an important role in my response to treatment, and ultimately my quality of life," says Pechacek. As a single mother of three young children, she wants to contribute to a cure so that other patients' families don't have to go through what hers has. Evans adds, "Our goal is to completely change the landscape of pancreatic cancer therapy in a really short time. In the end, it's all about the patient." ### About the Salk Institute for Biological Studies: Every cure has a starting point. The Salk Institute embodies Jonas Salk's mission to dare to make dreams into reality. Its internationally renowned and award-winning scientists explore the very foundations of life, seeking new understandings in neuroscience, genetics, immunology, plant biology and more. The Institute is an independent nonprofit organization and architectural landmark: small by choice, intimate by nature and fearless in the face of any challenge. Be it cancer or Alzheimer's, aging or diabetes, Salk is where cures begin. Learn more at: Ask someone to draw a tree and s/he will invariably draw a trunk and branches -- leaving the roots out of the picture. In a unique study of tropical tree roots at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute published in PLOS ONE, roots accounted for almost 30 percent of the total biomass of young trees. The authors hope that future estimates of carbon storage and water-use by tropical forests will include information on root biomass and architecture. "Studies like the article published by Baccini et al in the Sept. 28 issue of Science use satellite data to measure aboveground carbon density," said Jefferson Hall, director of the Smithsonian's Panama Canal Watershed (Agua Salud) experiment. "It is fairly common practice to calculate forest carbon storage either incorporating root mass via a fudge-factor, or leaving it out altogether. What percentage of a tree is underground? How does this change with climate, soil fertility, and over time? The answers to these questions will refine our ability to understand how forests respond to global change." "During the rainy season in 2009, our team excavated all roots down to 2 millimeters in diameter from six species of tropical trees," said Katherine Sinacore, doctoral student at the University of New Hampshire. "We chose six to eight-year old trees from reforestation experiments at Sardinilla and in Soberania National Park in the Panama Canal Watershed, with permission from Panama's Ministry of the Environment." Support for this project was provided by Panamas Office of National Science and Technology, SENACYT, Mr. Stanley Motta, Mr. Frank Levinson, the Hoch family, the Agua Salud Foundation and the Panama Canal Authority. "There were huge differences among species," Sinacore said. "We found that trees have very different architectures. For example, some species invest in a large tap root that descends directly below the trunk while other species send large roots out laterally just below the soil surface. These trees sent smaller roots down from the lateral roots that, when excavated, resembled tentacles of an octopus. The tentacles went just as deep as did the tap roots of other species such that the trees were not trading off structural differences for the ability to seek nutrients and water deep in the soil. In fact, we did not detect a difference between species in the volume of soil reached by roots. We also found roots extending more than 20 meters (60 feet) away from the tree trunk." The six trees in the experiment, Anacardium excelsum (Espave in Spanish), Cedrela odorata, Dalbergia retusa (Cocobolo), Pachira quinata (Cedro Espino), Tabebuia rosea (Roble) and a (Amarillo), all have high timber value and are commonly used for reforestation in Panama. "Perhaps not surprisingly, we found root systems to be every bit as diverse as the crowns of trees, a morphological diversity that is important to understand as it suggests a more thorough exploitation of belowground resources," said Hall. "Interestingly, we also found that two of the forty trees (5 percent) we excavated (a Terminalia Amazonia and a Pachira quinata) were connected with neighboring species via grafts of coarse roots. Are these trees sharing resources? Would we have found a higher percentage of root grafts if we would have had the ability to look at fine roots? Clearly there is more work to be done." ### Sinacore, K., Hall, J.S., Potvin, C. et al. 2017. Unearthing the hidden world of roots: root biomass and architecture differ among species within the same guild. PLOS ONE WASHINGTON -- The exciting applications of wearable sensors have sparked a tremendous amount of research and business investment in recent years. Sensors attached to the body or integrated into clothing could allow athletes and physical therapists to monitor their progress, provide a more detailed level of motion capture for computer games or animation, help engineers build robots with a lighter touch or form the basis for new types of real-time health monitors. In Optica, The Optical Society's journal for high impact research, a team led by Changxi Yang of the State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments at Tsinghua University in Beijing offers the first demonstration of optical fibers sturdy enough to sense a wide range of human motion. The new fiber is sensitive and flexible enough that it can detect joint movements, unlike currently used fiber sensors. "This new technique provides a fiber-optic approach for measuring extremely large deformations," said Yang. "It's wearable, mountable and also possesses intrinsic advantages of optical fibers such as inherent electrical safety and immunity to electromagnetic interference." Trouble with stretching Optical fibers have been used for strain sensing on bridges and buildings for years; stretch or bend the fiber a little and light going through it is shifted in a way that can be easily picked up by a monitor. Traditionally optical fibers haven't been the best choice for strain sensing on the human body because they are typically made of plastic or glass, which are stiff and don't bend well. A silica glass fiber, for example, can handle a maximum strain of less than 1 percent, while a bending finger joint would strain it by more than 30 percent. This barrier has meant that most wearable sensor developments so far have been based on electronic sensors. These sensors detect movement by measuring changes in electrical properties such as resistance as the sensor bends. However, these systems are difficult to miniaturize, can lose their electrical charge and are sensitive to electromagnetic interference from devices such as cars and cell phones. A bendable optical fiber could avoid these problems and potentially create wearable devices that are more stable and sustainable than those based on electronics. Simple silicone When the researchers started looking for a fiber that could stand up to the amount of bending and stretching involved in human movements, they first tried fibers made of hydrogel, a soft, jelly-like substance that can hold strains of up to 700 percent. But hydrogel consists mostly of water, and therefore only worked in wet environments. When exposed to air, the fibers quickly dried out and shrank. In a second attempt, Yang and his students, Jingjing Guo and Mengxuan Niu, developed a fiber made of silicone--specifically a soft polymer called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). They created the fiber by putting the liquid silicone into a tube-shaped mold and heating it to 80 C (176 F) for 40 minutes to get it to thicken, then used water pressure to push a thin fiber out of one end of the mold. They put the resulting fibers through an elaborate series of tests, such as repeatedly stretching them out to double their length. Even after 500 stretches, a fiber still returned to its original length. "The fabricated PDMS fibers exhibited excellent mechanical flexibility, and could easily be tied and twisted," said Yang. What's more, when the team reduced the diameter of the fibers they produced, from 2 millimeters to 0.5 millimeters, the mechanical strength of the fibers actually increased. To aid in sensing, the researchers mixed a fluorescent dye called Rhodamine B into the silicone. When light shines through the fiber, some of the light is absorbed by the dye--the more the fiber stretches, the more light the dye absorbs. So simply measuring the transmitted light with a spectroscope provides a measurement of how much the fiber is being stretched or bent, which tells an observer about the movement of any body part it is attached to. The glove test The researchers tested that idea by gluing their fiber to a rubber glove with epoxy, and then monitoring it as a wearer flexed and extended his fingers. During that movement, they measured a strain in the fiber of 36 percent, in line with what others had measured using electronic sensors. "The remarkable flexibility and stretchability of the PDMS fiber makes it especially attractive for sensing of large strains," said Yang, adding that this is the first time researchers have used an optical sensor to capture human motion. The sensor also performed well in situations involving more subtle strains, such as the minute movements of neck muscles as a person breathes or speaks. "All the results show that the optical strain sensor can be used for monitoring of various human motions and may provide a new approach for exploration of human-machine interfaces," said Yang. The team tested how well their fibers sensed strain over longer periods of time and in different environments, such as in water, glycerol and air. They learned that the fibers held up well, although the sensing accuracy did change in different environments, suggesting devices using the optical fiber-based sensors would need to be calibrated for the specific environment they'd be used in. The team illuminated the fiber by attaching it to a halogen lamp, and measured the light passing through it with a spectrometer. To adapt the technology to create a wearable device, Yang said it should be possible to develop a compact light source and spectrometer that can be easily worn on the body. ### Paper: J. Guo, M. Niu, C. Yang, "Highly flexible and stretchable optical strain sensing for human motion detection," Optica, Volume 4, Issue 10, 1285-1288 (2017). DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.49.001285 About Optica Optica is an open-access, online-only journal dedicated to the rapid dissemination of high-impact peer-reviewed research across the entire spectrum of optics and photonics. Published monthly by The Optical Society (OSA), Optica provides a forum for pioneering research to be swiftly accessed by the international community, whether that research is theoretical or experimental, fundamental or applied. Optica maintains a distinguished editorial board of more than 50 associate editors from around the world and is overseen by Editor-in-Chief Alex Gaeta, Columbia University, USA. For more information, visit Optica. About The Optical Society Founded in 1916, The Optical Society (OSA) is the leading professional organization for scientists, engineers, students and business leaders who fuel discoveries, shape real-life applications and accelerate achievements in the science of light. Through world-renowned publications, meetings and membership initiatives, OSA provides quality research, inspired interactions and dedicated resources for its extensive global network of optics and photonics experts. For more information, visit Media Contacts: Rebecca B. Andersen The Optical Society +1 202.416.1443 Joshua Miller The Optical Society +1 202.416.1435 UBC researchers are cautioning policy makers not to alter a cannabis distribution system that -- while not legal yet -- works well. Associate professor Zach Walsh, who teaches psychology at UBC's Okanagan campus, and PhD candidate Rielle Capler, say store-front dispensaries--often under fire by law enforcement and city governments--are a tried and true method of selling cannabis. The pair recently published a study on medicinal cannabis dispensaries and determined customers prefer the independent storefront as opposed to growing their own, or getting it from a dealer. In Canada, dispensaries are not an authorized source for cannabis, although many operate as 'compassion clubs' selling cannabis for medical -- not recreational -- purposes. Their research suggests that when recreational marijuana use becomes legal in 2018, the current system of dispensaries should remain. "Dispensaries do serve a role in our society, especially for some people with chronic illnesses who use cannabis for medicinal purposes," says Walsh. "There is a self-regulatory model that already exists and improvements can be made in a legalized environment." The study is one of the first to specifically look at the experience of dispensary users. It compared their experiences to those who purchase cannabis through other sources including self-production, and illegal sources, such as friends or street dealers. "Our study shows there are people who have preferences for dispensaries especially compared to other illegal sources," says Capler. "Our study also provides insight into some of the aspects of dispensaries that the government may want to emulate in the legal framework for both medical and recreational use." Recently, the Ontario government announced that once restrictions come off next year, it will sell marijuana in dedicated stores run by the province's liquor control board. While operating under the shadows of provincial laws and city bylaws, dispensaries have thrived in neighbourhoods across Canada. Capler calls the current method a 'natural experiment' that's been underway for decades and says law makers should this keep in mind when addressing regulation policies. "Dispensaries are not new and they provide a proven, valuable service," she says. "While some are thought of as a nuisance, in reality many of these dispensaries are small, independent, long-standing businesses who serve a dedicated clientele." For their research, more than 440 people who use cannabis for therapeutic purposes were asked to compare different methods of purchasing cannabis on a number of factors such as quality of product, safety, availability, efficiency and feeling respected. Study participants rated dispensaries highly across most categories with the only prominent negative being that the cost of dispensary product is often higher than from a street dealer. "Clearly dispensaries are already playing a big role in cannabis access in Canada," Capler adds. "The provincial and municipal governments will have to either look at including them in a legal framework--or drawing on what's working in dispensaries as they build a new model. We want to think this paper may, in some way, guide policy to create a system that works." ### Their research, supported by a grant from the UBC Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, was recently published in the International Journal of Drug Policy. Researchers have demonstrated the first laser cavity that can confine and propagate light in any shape imaginable, even pathways with sharp bends and angles. The new cavity, called a topological cavity, could enable laser components to be packed more densely on a chip, leading to higher speed optical communication technologies that can be fabricated in an efficient and scalable manner using photonic integration techniques. This paper will be published online by the journal Science on Thursday, 12 October, 2017. "Our goal is to overcome the fundamental limitations of optical devices and uncover new physical principles that can enable what was previously thought impossible," said Boubacar Kante, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at UC San Diego and the study's senior author. In most conventional lasers, the laser cavity needs to have a regular curved shape, typically a ring, for light waves to propagate and stay in the cavity. If the cavity has a sharp turn, some of that light gets scattered and lost. This is why, for example, optical fibers can't have any kinks or bends. "When you change the shape of the cavity, you change the way light is confined in that cavity," said Babak Bahari, an electrical engineering Ph.D. student at UC San Diego and the first author of the paper. Not being able to change the cavity shape also limits how many components can be integrated into a photonic chip. "If we can deform the shape of the cavity, we can easily fit it in any area on a chip without disrupting or moving other components. This would give us more freedom in designing chip components and making denser, more powerful devices," Kante said. Now, Kante, Bahari and colleagues have introduced a way to make laser cavities of arbitrary shapes without changing their properties. They created a structure consisting of two photonic crystals, one surrounding the perimeter of the other. The crystal on the inside is grown from the same materials as the crystal surrounding it, but they are what's known as topologically different--they can be described as having different numbers of holes, like a bagel (one hole) versus a pretzel (three holes). The crystals also exhibit a property in which they can both conduct the same wavelength of light on the outside while acting as insulators on the inside. By putting these crystals together, researchers created a cavity in which light waves can propagate at the interface between the crystals. The researchers call this a topological cavity. It is not a space, but the border where two topologically different materials meet, Kante pointed out. This cavity can be any shape--triangle, square, a loop with jagged edges--and light can circulate within that shape without getting scattered. To demonstrate the lasing capability of their device, researchers first coupled a waveguide to the cavity. Then they energized the crystals with light from a high power laser and applied a magnetic field. Using an infrared camera, they observed their device emitting a lower frequency laser beam at 1.55 micrometers, a common wavelength for telecommunications. Another noteworthy feature is that this device has a non-reciprocal lasing mode, meaning the laser beam can only travel one way. This isn't the case with most existing lasers, which need a device called an isolator to be placed in front of the source and prevent the laser beam from coming back in and potentially destroying the cavity. Isolators are usually large devices and the new work may thus eliminate the need for them in the future, Kante said. "This new feature enables us to make a laser which is self-protected," Bahari said. Moving forward, the team hopes to create an electrically powered device, which would make it more practical. Kante is also planning to further explore the fundamental physics of topological cavities. He is particularly interested in investigating how densely such cavities can be packed on a chip. These studies could be important for quantum information processing and could overcome fundamental efficiency limits of current systems, he said. ### ### The team has filed a patent on this technology. Contact Victoria Cajipe in the campus Innovation and Commercialization Office at or (858) 822-2304 for licensing information. Paper title: "Non-reciprocal lasing in topological cavities of arbitrary geometries." Authors of the study are Babak Bahari, Abdoulaye Ndao, Felipe Vallini, Abdelkrim El Amili, Yeshaiahu Fainman and Boubacar Kante, all at UC San Diego. This research was partially supported by the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (N00014-17-1-2671), the National Science Foundation Career Award (ECCS-1554021), the U.S. Department of Energy (EE0007341), the National Science Foundation (ECCS-1405234, ECCS-1507146, CCF-1640227), the Office of Naval Research Multi-University Research Initiative (N00014-13-1-0678), the Army Research Office (W911NF-16-1-0245), the Semiconductor Research Corporation, and startup funds from UC San Diego. This work was performed in part at the San Diego Nanotechnology Infrastructure (SDNI) at UC San Diego, a member of the National Nanotechnology Coordinate Infrastructure, which is supported by the National Science Foundation (ECCS-1542148). SANTA CRUZ, CA--Easter Island is a place of mystery that has captured the public imagination. Famous for ancient carved statues and a location so remote it boggles the mind, the island presents a captivating puzzle for researchers eager to understand how and when it became inhabited, and by whom. New paleogenomic research conducted by an international team led by UC Santa Cruz sheds light on those questions by ruling out the likelihood that inhabitants of Easter Island intermixed with South Americans prior to the arrival of Europeans on the island in 1722. Lars Fehren-Schmitz, associate professor of anthropology at UC Santa Cruz, presents his findings in a new paper published in the Oct. 12 edition of Current Biology. The team analyzed bone fragments from the ancient skeletal remains of five individuals that were excavated in the 1980s and became part of the Kon-Tiki Museum's collection in Oslo. Each sample, which had been used in a previous study, yielded less than 200 milligrams of material. Three individuals lived prior to European contact, and two lived after. "We found no evidence of gene flow between the inhabitants of Easter Island and South America," said Fehren-Schmitz. "We were really surprised we didn't find anything. There's a lot of evidence that seems plausible, so we were convinced we would find direct evidence of pre-European contact with South America, but it wasn't there." Questions surrounding Pacific islanders' contact with South Americans are hotly debated among anthropologists. An earlier study found genetic traces of early inhabitants of the Americas in present-day indigenous residents of Easter Island. Those researchers posited that the intermixing most likely occurred between 1280 and 1425. Fehren-Schmitz was the first to use paleogenomic analysis to directly test that hypothesis; his findings indicate that contact must have taken place after 1722. Slavery, whaling, mass deportations, and other activities that followed European contact gave rise to opportunities for intermixing that likely left the genetic imprint seen in islanders today, he said. "The most likely scenario is that there wasn't a single episode," said Fehren-Schmitz. Acknowledging that his results answer one question but leave many others unanswered, he said, "The story is simply more complicated than we expected." A member of the UC Santa Cruz Paleogenomics Laboratory, Fehren-Schmitz uses DNA sequences recovered from preserved biological remains to trace molecular evolutionary processes through time. The analysis of DNA from ancient humans sheds light on human evolution, researchers' understanding of how humans diverged and interacted over time, and how the forces of culture and biology have shaped human genetic diversity. "This study highlights the value of ancient DNA to test hypotheses about past population dynamics," said Fehren-Schmitz. "We know the island's modern populations have some Native American ancestry, and now we know that early inhabitants did not. So the big questions remain: Where and when did these groups interact to change the genetic signature of Easter Islanders?" One of the mysteries of Easter Island--also called Rapa Nui--is how the island came to be populated. Located nearly 1,300 miles from the nearest inhabited island, it is 2,200 miles from central Chile on the nearest continent of South America. Some archaeologists have suggested that sea travel between Polynesia and the Americas was plausible, leading to the intermingling of those populations and perhaps even the peopling of the Americas. But plausibility isn't proof, noted Fehren-Schmitz. "We want to do more work to determine more precisely when this gene flow between Native Americans and the people of Rapa Nui occurred, and where in the Americas it originated," he said. "The population dynamics of these regions are fascinating. We need to study the ancient populations of other islands--if remains exist." This project also demonstrates the value of using recently developed research methods on materials from older museum collections. Tropical conditions make preservation difficult, and rib fragments are generally too soft to be desirable, but recent technological advances opened up new possibilities, said Fehren-Schmitz. "Our methodologies have evolved so much in the last five years that we might need to re-study samples we gave up on in the past to see if we can get DNA out of them," he added. ### Co-authors on the paper include Catrine Jarman and Kelly Harkins at UC Santa Cruz, Manfred Kayser at University Medical Center Rotterdam, Brian Popp at University of Hawaii, and Pontus Skoglund at Harvard Medical School. We tend to see people we're biased against as all the same. They are "those people." Instead of thinking of them as specific individuals, we lump them into a group. Now an international team of researchers suggests that one way to reduce racial bias in young children is by teaching them to distinguish among faces of a different race. The study, published in the journal Child Development, is the first to show a lasting effect - and in kids young enough to not be too set in their ways. It is co-authored by researchers from the University of California San Diego, the University of Toronto, the University of Delaware, l'Universite Grenoble Alpes in France, and Hangzhou Normal University and Zhejiang Normal University in China. Two 20-minute sessions with 4- to 6-year-old Chinese children, in which they were trained to identify black male faces as individuals, reduced implicit bias in the children for at least two months. Key to reducing the bias? The repeat session. "A single session had minimal immediate effects that dissipated quickly. The lesson didn't stick. But a second session a week later seemed to act like a booster shot, producing measurable differences in implicit bias 60 days later," said Gail Heyman, a professor of psychology in the UC San Diego Division of Social Sciences and a senior co-author on the study. Kang Lee, of the University of Toronto and also a senior co-author, said, "We know from other research that preferences for your own race develop in early childhood. Our method has the advantage of being suitable for very young children, and it also improves children's ability to recognize faces, which is an important social skill in and of itself." First author on the study is Miao K. Qian, of Hangzhou Normal University and the University of Toronto. The researchers are careful to note that racial bias is complicated. For starters, psychologists think there may be at least two different types of bias: implicit bias, or the extent to which we have subconscious negative and positive associations with different races, and explicit bias, or preferences we're more aware of and can (if we're not being guarded) articulate. Implicit bias may have perceptual roots, arising from greater exposure to people of your own race, while explicit bias may be learned socially from adults and peers. Then there's the question of behavior. How implicit or explicit bias translates into biased behavior is a subject yet to be fully explored. "We think that reducing implicit racial bias in children could be a starting point for addressing a pernicious social problem," Heyman said. "But it is not the complete answer to racial discrimination or to systemic, structural racism." The researchers worked with 95 children in an eastern city in China. All the kids were Han Chinese and, according to their guardians' reports, none had direct interaction with any non-Asian people prior to the study. As with most longitudinal studies, there was attrition among participants for a number of reasons, with a final sample, at day 70, of 50. To measure bias, the researchers used their own Implicit Racial Bias Test (or IRBT), which they've validated in a previous paper with subjects in China and Cameroon. The IRBT is a preschool-friendly adaptation of the implicit association test (or IAT). The logic of the two tests is similar: People are quicker to associate positive attributes with members of their own race than with those of another racial category. A difference in response time is taken as a measure of implicit bias. One advantage of the IRBT, the researchers say, is that it uses only pictures instead of words: simple and intuitive smiley and frowny icons that subjects are asked to pair with neutral faces of their own race or a different one. After measuring the children's levels of pro-Asian/anti-black bias by calculating how quick they were to pair a frowny or smiley icon with a black male vs. an Asian male face, the researchers assigned them randomly to three different training groups. One group saw black male faces, a second group saw white male faces, and a third group saw Asian male faces. These last two groups were controls to see if learning to differentiate among faces of any race, different from one's own or the same, produced results that generalized to a third. Individuation training consisted of learning to identify five different faces that had been numbered 1 through 5, starting with just two faces and working up to five. Training continued until the child correctly matched all five faces with their numerical "names." This took 20 minutes on average. There were two training sessions a week apart. A day after each training, children took the implicit racial bias test again. They were tested for bias a final time 60 days after the second training. The results: Only the training to distinguish among black faces reduced pro-Asian/anti-black bias. Training on white faces or Asian ones didn't make a difference. Reduction in bias was most significant after the second session and it had a longer-lasting effect than had been documented before. The researchers are now working with a larger, more diverse group of children in Toronto over a longer term. If their intervention to reduce implicit racial bias is effective in that setting as well, they hope to develop a more consumer-friendly version of their training sessions: a fun, gamified app that could be used in schools and at home. ### This research is supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31771227, 31371041, and 31470993), the National Institutes of Health (R01 HD046526), and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. There is no effective treatment for the cancer form found in the liver called fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma, which is mainly found among children and young people. Operation of the tumour is the only treatment available, but after five years less than 40 per cent of the patients are alive. Therefore, it is vital to establish the cause of this form of cancer. In a study published in the leading scientific journal Gastroenterology researchers from the University of Copenhagen have via tests on mice shown that the coupling of the two genes through a mutation causes a cancer tumour to develop in the liver. The researchers have made sure the genetic composition of the mutation in the mice is identical with the mutation found in human patients. This makes the researchers conclude that the gene mutation also leads to cancer in humans. 'We are now able to document that this mutation is the cause of this form of cancer. We suspected the mutation, but it is the first time it has been documented that it in fact does cause the disease. This makes it an obvious target for future treatment', says the author of the study, Associate Professor Morten Frodin from the Biotech Research & Innovation Centre, BRIC. The researchers had suspected this mutation to be the cause of cancer, because a young, American student a couple of years ago sequenced the DNA in her own tumour and the tumour of other patients suffering from this fatal form of liver cancer. She discovered that all the patients suffering from the disease had the same mutation in their DNA. Her results were published in the scientific journal of repute Science, and as a result of her work she met with then president Barack Obama. Her research also inspired the team of Danish researchers to examine whether the mutation in fact was the cause of cancer. To do so they performed tests on mice using a new method. The researchers have used the revolutionary technology CRISPR/Cas9 that makes it possible to 'edit' our genetic material. They have produced CRISPR/Cas9 reagents, which would provoke precisely the desired fusion of the two genes. The reagents were injected into the mice's tails and then transported via the bloodstream to the liver. In the liver they created a mutation identical with the human mutation previously discovered by the American researcher. Then the researchers were able to conclude that 12 or the 15 mice developed the expected type of tumour in the liver, while none of the 11 control mice did. According to the researchers, the result contains almost no 'noise', which may otherwise explain the development of cancer. 'The mice we used were "wild mice", in a scientific sense, which in practice means that they were completely normal. In other studies researchers deliberately damage the mice's liver to imitate a liver disease found among human patients or expose them to several different forms of mutations which may cause cancer. This was not necessary here. Because of our genetic design based on CRISPR/Cas9-technology we are certain that the main factor that can explain the cancer is the fusion of the two genes', Assistant Professor from BRIC and co-author of the study Francesco Niola explains. Now the scene has been set for the development of drugs against the fusion gene as a treatment for this form of cancer. The researchers have a clear strategy for how this may be realised. They have already begun cooperating with a large pharmaceutical company. ### Researchers in the UO lab of Marina Guenza develop a theoretical approach that finds uniformity of movement that could lead to better drug targeting EUGENE, Ore. -- Oct. 12, 2017 -- Although proteins have very different function functions, or specialties, in living cells, they share the general characteristics -- the same universality -- in their motions, say University of Oregon scientists. Their motion is much like mountain landslides or wildfires, reports the UO team in a paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters. The findings, which relied on theoretical methods developed in the lab of UO chemist Marina Guenza, may help pinpoint where protein binding could occur, and how protein motion is involved in the process. "Dynamics is often unexplored in the study of protein binding, but it could be a determinant for the way proteins regulate their own biological activity," Guenza said. "Proteins in biological systems are constrained to a maximum size and move within a narrow, temperature-dependent window of time in which they are available to bind with other molecules, so it seems that all proteins should have some universal characteristics guiding their behavior. We sought to find this universal behavior using our theoretical approach." In that range, where salt concentrations and volume are also important, the researchers found, a critical hydrogen-bonding network delivers random energy fluctuations that make or break a protein's ability to bind to another molecule. Energy fluctuations and protein motions were investigated by using the Langevin Equation for Protein Dynamics method developed in the Guenza lab. "Many well-known theoretical methods attempt to study protein dynamics, but they lack important aspects of the physics involved," said Mohammadhasan Dinpajooh, a postdoctoral researcher. "By incorporating the essential physics, we can unravel biological mechanisms, which are still elusive in well-advanced X-ray or nuclear magnetic resonance experiments." The work was a result of teamwork started by Jeremy Copperman, a former physics doctoral student in the lab, and continued by Dinpajooh and Eric Beyerle, a third-year graduate student. "We developed a way to accurately describe the specific functional dynamics of a protein on a protein-by-protein basis. In the process, we noticed a trend -- a scaling pattern -- which had no reason to be there," said Copperman, now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. "We simulated the protein motion on supercomputers, spent months writing analysis codes and found quantities of this simple scaling pattern." With that information, Guenza said, the team was able to map the equilibrium of proteins that exists in an ever-fluctuating system that moves randomly and similarly to the front line of a wildfire. The researchers took starting structural information based on nuclear magnetic resonance or X-ray techniques, and simulated 14 behavioral dynamics in 12 proteins in times ranging from 50 nanoseconds to 1.23 milliseconds. In short, the researchers suggest that the motion of proteins may be described by a simple fluctuation subject to random energetic noises, which is like climbing over a mountain range that is constantly shifting and rearranging randomly. The study's approach to understand protein dynamics could be useful to the pharmaceutical industry, Guenza said. "Industry researchers test a lot of organic molecules and can see that a molecule stops the function of a protein, but they don't know how it works," she said. "Our approach could allow them to understand these mechanisms and ultimately to manipulate the structure of their drug so that it finds the binding site and ensures a better fit on the target site of the protein." ### The National Science Foundation supported the research through grants (CHE-1362500 and ACI-1053575) to Guenza's lab. Sources: Marina Guenza, professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 541-346-2877,; Mohammadhasan Dinpajooh, postdoctoral researcher, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,; and Jeremy Copperman, postdoctoral research associate, physics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Note: The UO is equipped with an on-campus television studio with a point-of-origin Vyvx connection, which provides broadcast-quality video to networks worldwide via fiber optic network. There also is video access to satellite uplink and audio access to an ISDN codec for broadcast-quality radio interviews. Links: About Marina Guenza: Journal Physical Review Letters DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.158101 Guenza's lab: About Jeremy Copperman: Human populations feature a broad palette of skin tones. But until now, few genes have been shown to contribute to normal variation in skin color, and these had primarily been discovered through studies of European populations. Now, a study of diverse African groups led by University of Pennsylvania geneticists has identified new genetic variants associated with skin pigmentation. The findings help explain the vast range of skin color on the African continent, shed light on human evolution and inform an understanding of the genetic risk factors for conditions such as skin cancer. We have identified new genetic variants that contribute to the genetic basis of one of the most strikingly variable traits in modern humans, said Sarah Tishkoff, a Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor and the David and Lyn Silfen University Professor in Genetics and Biology with appointments in the Perelman School of Medicine and School of Arts and Sciences. When people think of skin color in Africa most would think of darker skin, but we show that within Africa there is a huge amount of variation, ranging from skin as light as some Asians to the darkest skin on a global level and everything in between. We identify genetic variants affecting these traits and show that mutations influencing light and dark skin have been around for a long time, since before the origin of modern humans. The findings are published in the journal Science. Tishkoff, senior author, collaborated with first author and lab member Nicholas Crawford, a postdoctoral fellow, and a multi-institutional, international team. Tishkoff has long studied the genetics of African populations, looking at traits such as height, lactose tolerance, bitter-taste sensitivity and high-altitude adaptation. Skin color emerged as a trait of interest from her experience working on the continent and seeing the diversity present across groups. Skin color is a classic variable trait in humans, and its thought to be adaptive, Tishkoff said. Analysis of the genetic basis of variation in skin color sheds light on how adaptive traits evolve, including those that play a role in disease risk. Both light and dark skin pigmentations confer benefits: Darker skin, for example, is believed to help prevent some of the negative impacts of ultraviolet light exposure, while lighter skin is better able to promote synthesis of vitamin D in regions with low ultraviolet light exposure. To objectively capture the range of skin pigmentation in Africa, Tishkoff and colleagues used a color meter to measure the light reflectance of the skin of more than 2,000 Africans from ethnically and genetically diverse populations. They took the measurement from the inner arm, when sun exposure is minimal. The measurements can be used to infer levels of the skin pigment melanin. They obtained a range of measurements; the darkest skin was observed in Nilo-Saharan pastoralist populations in eastern Africa, and the lightest skin was observed in San hunter-gatherer populations in southern Africa. The researchers obtained genetic information from nearly 1,600 people, examining more than 4 million single nucleotide polymorphisms across the genome, places where the DNA code may differ by one letter. From this dataset the researchers were able to do a genome-wide association study and found four key areas of the genome where variation closely correlated with skin color differences. The region with the strongest associations was in and around the SLC24A5 gene, one variant of which is known to play a role in light skin color in European and some southern Asian populations and is believed to have arisen more than 30,000 years ago. This variant was common in populations in Ethiopia and Tanzania that were known to have ancestry from southeast Asia and the Middle East, suggesting it was carried into Africa from those regions and, based on its frequency, may have been positively selected. Another region, which contains the MFSD12 gene, had the second strongest association to skin pigmentation. This gene is expressed at low levels in depigmented skin in individuals with vitiligo, a condition where the skin loses pigment in some areas. I still rememeber the ah ha! moment when we saw this gene was associated with vitiligo, said Crawford. Thats when we knew wed found something new and exciting. The team found that mutations in and around this gene that were associated with dark pigmentation were present at high frequencies in populations of Nilo-Saharan ancestry, who tend to have very dark skin, as well as across sub-Saharan populations, except the San, who tend to have lighter skin. They also identified these variants, as well as others associated with dark skin pigmentation, in South Asian Indian and Australo-Melanesian populations, who tend to have the darkest skin coloration outside of Africa. The origin of traits such as hair texture, skin color and stature, which are shared between some indigenous populations in Melanesia and Australia and some sub-Saharan Africans, has long been a mystery. Tishkoff said. Some have argued its because of convergent evolution, that they independently evolved these mutations, but our study finds that, at genes associated with skin color, they have the identical variants associated with dark skin as Africans. Our data are consistent with a proposed early migration event of modern humans out of Africa along the southern coast of Asia and into Australo-Melanesia and a secondary migration event into other regions. However, it is also possible that there was a single African source population that contained genetic variants associated with both light and dark skin and that the variants associated with dark pigmentation were maintained only in South Asians and Australo-Melanesians and lost in other Eurasians due to natural selection. Also of interest was that genetic variants at MFSD12, OCA2, and HERC2 associated with light skin pigmentation were at highest frequency in the African San population, which has the oldest genetic lineages in the world, as well as in Europeans. MFSD12 is highly expressed in melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin. To verify the genes role in contributing to skin pigmentation, the researchers blocked expression of the gene in cells in culture and found an increase in production of eumelanin, the pigment type responsible for black and brown skin, hair and eye color. Knocking out the gene in zebrafish caused a loss of cells that produce yellow pigment. And in mice, knocking out the gene changed the color of their coat from agouti, caused by hairs with a red and yellow pigment, to a uniform gray by eliminating production of pheomelanin, a type of pigment also found in humans. Apart from one study showing that MFSD12 was associated with vitiligo lesions, we didnt know much else about it, said Crawford, so these functional assays were really crucial. We went beyond most genome-wide association studies to do functional assays, Tishkoff said, and found that knocking out MFSD12 dramatically impacted the pigmentation of fish and mice. Its pointing to this being a very conserved trait across species. We dont know exactly why, but blocking this gene causes a loss of pheomelanin production and an increase in eumelanin production, Tishkoff added. We also showed that Africans have a lower level of MFSD12 expression, which makes sense, as low levels of the gene means more eumelanin production. A collaborator on the work, Michael Marks, a professor in the departments of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine and of Physiology at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia and at Penn Medicine, demonstrated that the MFSD12 gene influences eumelanin pigmentation in a novel manner. Unlike other pigmentation genes, which are expressed mainly in melanosomes, the organelle where melanin is produced, MFSD12 is expressed in lysosomes, a distinct organelle from the melanosomes that produce eumelanin. Our results suggest there must be some kind of as-yet-uncharacterized form of cross-talk between lysosomes and the melanosomes that make eumelanins, Marks said. Figuring out how this works might provide new ideas for ways to manipulate skin pigmentation for therapeutic means. In addition, Marks said, the fact that loss of MFSD12 expression had opposite effects on the two types of melanins, increasing eumelanin production while suppressing pheomelanin, suggests that melanosomes that make pheomelanins might be more related to lysosomes than those that make eumelanin." Additional associations with skin color were found in the OCA2 and HERC2 genes, which have been linked with skin, eye and hair color variation in Europeans, though the mutations identified are novel. Mutations in OCA2 also cause a form of albinism that is more common in Africans than in other populations. The researchers observed genetic variants in a neighboring gene, HERC2, which regulates the expression of OCA2. Within OCA2, they identified a variant common in Europeans and San that is associated with a shorter version of the protein, with an altered function. They observed a signal of balancing selection of OCA2, meaning that two different versions of the gene have been maintained, in this case for more than 600,000 years. What this tells us, Tishkoff said, is there is likely some selective force maintaining these two alleles. It is likely that this gene is playing a role in other aspects of human physiology which are important. A final genetic region the researchers found to be associated with skin pigmentation included genes that play a role in ultraviolet light response and melanoma risk. The top candidate gene in the region is DDB1, involved in repairing DNA after exposure to UV light. Africans dont get melanoma very often, Tishkoff said. The variants near these genes are highest in populations who live in areas of the highest ultraviolet light intensity, so it makes sense that they may be playing a role in UV protection. The mutations identified by the team play a role in regulating expression of DDB1 and other nearby genes. Though we dont yet know the mechanism by which DDB1 is impacting pigmentation, it is of interest to note that this gene, which is highly conserved across species, also plays a role in pigmentation in plants such as tomatoes, said Tishkoff. The team saw evidence that this region of the genome has been a strong target of natural selection outside of Africa; mutations associated with light skin color swept to nearly 100 percent frequency in non-Africans, one of few examples of a selective sweep in all Eurasians; the age of the selective sweep was estimated to be around 60,000 to 80,000 years old, around the time of migration of modern humans out of Africa. One additional takeaway from this work is a broader picture of the evolution of skin color in humans. Most of the genetic variants associated with light and dark pigmentation from the study appear to have originated more than 300,000 years ago, and some emerged roughly 1 million years ago, well before the emergence of modern humans. The older version of these variants in many cases was the one associated with lighter skin, suggesting that perhaps the ancestral state of humans was moderately pigmented rather than darkly pigmented skin. If you were to shave a chimp, it has light pigmentation, Tishkoff said, so it makes sense that skin color in the ancestors of modern humans could have been relatively light. It is likely that when we lost the hair covering our bodies and moved from forests to the open savannah, we needed darker skin. Mutations influencing both light and dark skin have continued to evolve in humans, even within the past few thousand years. Tishkoff noted that the work underscores the diversity of African populations and the lack of support for biological notions of race. Many of the genes and new genetic variants we identified to be associated with skin color may never have been found outside of Africa, because they are not as highly variable, Tishkoff said. There is so much diversity in Africa thats not often appreciated. Theres no such thing as an African race. We show that skin color is extremely variable on the African continent and that it is still evolving. Further, in most cases the genetic variants associated with light skin arose in Africa. ### In addition to Tishkoff and Crawford, study co-authors included Derek Kelly, Matthew E. B. Hansen, Marcia Holsbach, Shaohua Fan, Alessia Ranciaro, Simon Thompson, Yancy Lo, Michael Campbell, William Beggs, Shanna L. Bowman, Michael Marks and Jake Haut of Penn; Ethan Jewett and Yun S. Song of the University of California, Berkeley; Susanne P. Pfeifer and Jeffrey D. Jensen of Arizona State University; Farhad Hormozdiari, Harriet Rothschild, Leonard Zon and Yi Zhou of Harvard University; Sununguko Wata Mpoloka and George Mokone of the University of Botswana; Thomas Nyambo of Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania; Dawit Wolde Meskel and Gurja Belay of Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia; Michael A. Kovacs, Mai Xu, Tongwu Zhang, Kevin Bishop, Jason Sinclair, Cecilia Rivas, Eugene Elliot, Jiyeon Choi, Shenchao Li, Belynda Hicks, Shawn Burgess, Chrisan Abnet, Dawk E. Watkins-Chow, Kevin M. Brown, Stacie K. Loftus, William J. Pavan, Meredith Yeager and Stephan Chanock of NIH; and Elena Oceana of Brown University. The NISC Comparative Sequencing Program of the National Institutes of Health also participated in the research. The study was supported primarily by the NIH (grants DK104339, GM113657, AR048155, AR066318, OD017870, DK110805, GM094402 and GM081259) and the National Science Foundation (Grant BCS-1317217). PHILADELPHIA --The fundamental mechanisms governing how cells form an identity such as becoming a muscle cell or a nerve cell are not fully understood. Multiple diseases, including cancer, have been linked to cells going down the wrong developmental path during maturation. A new study from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that the ability of a stem cell to differentiate into cardiac muscle (and by extension other cell types) depends on what portions of the genome are available for activation, which is controlled by the location of DNA in a cell's nucleus. "The basis of this study is understanding the ability of a cell to respond to molecular cues to correctly become one cell type or another," said senior author, Rajan Jain, MD, an assistant professor of Cardiovascular Medicine. "We wanted to know how that is achieved, step by step, because stem cells, capable of becoming any cell type in the body, give rise to cardiac muscle cells." Jain and co-senior author Jonathan A. Epstein, MD, the executive vice dean and chief scientific officer at Penn Medicine, published their findings this week in Cell. The study also suggests that knowing how to control how quickly a cell differentiates as it matures has important implications for regenerative medicine. Some regions of the genome are unavailable to be expressed because they are packaged tightly against the inner membrane of the cell nucleus (the lamina). These sequestered and silenced regions of DNA are called Lamin Associated Domains, or LADs. The Cell study suggests that the specific regions of silenced DNA at the periphery help define a cell's identity. For example, if nerve cell genes are held silent as LADs they cannot be expressed, so the cell does not become a neuron. However, if heart cell genes are released and available to be expressed, as happens during heart development, then those cells become cardiac muscle. Cell biologists have known for many years that some DNA is found near the inner nuclear membrane, but the function of this localization has been unclear. "Our work suggests that a cell defines its identity by storing away in an inaccessible closet the critical genes and programs necessary for it to mature into another cell type," Jain said. "In other words, a cell is 'who' it is because it has silenced 'who' it isn't." The Penn team found that an epigenetic enzyme called histone deacetylase (Hdac3) tethers DNA to the nuclear periphery. "We asked: Does this choreographed control of DNA availability contribute to a cell becoming a certain type?" Jain said. When they removed Hdac3 in stem cells during heart cell differentiation, they untethered regions of DNA containing heart-specific genes, allowing those genes to be activated, which led to precocious, too-fast differentiation. "The implications of this study are far-reaching," Epstein said. "The ability to control how quickly a cell differentiates to make cardiac tissue or other cell types has important implications for regenerative medicine." In addition, in many diseases, including cancer, cells express genes that they normally would not, which changes their identity. The study also addresses a classic concept in stem cell and developmental biology called "competence" - the ability of a cell to respond to its environment in specific ways. For example, some lung cells respond to cigarette smoke to become cancerous, while others do not. The investigators surmise that this difference could be due to the availability of regions of the genome to respond to chemicals associated with cigarette smoke, or because the unavailability of those same genes in non-responding cells are locked away in silenced domains at the nuclear periphery. Jain, Epstein, and others are working to determine if changes in genome domains at the nuclear periphery, or the molecular tethers that keep them there, are responsible for cancer susceptibility. This approach could also be applied to other diseases, such as several forms of muscular dystrophy, heart failure, and premature aging due to inherited, genetic abnormalities of the lamina. "We aim to determine if these mutations lead to abnormal tethering of DNA and changes in gene expression and disease." In the future, the researchers plan to manipulate the spatial organization of DNA to coax cells to adopt a different identity and ask what role that may play in human diseases linked to a loss of cellular identity, including diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, forms of heart failure, and cancer. The group is also expanding their work to study patients with mutations in components of their nuclear lamina. ### Penn study explains how mistakes in establishing cell identity may play a role in cancer, other diseases: The team was led by co-first authors Andrey Poleshko, Parisha Shah, and Mudit Gupta, as well as Cheryl Smith. Other Penn investigators included Edward E. Morrisey and Mitchell A. Lazar. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health (RO1 HL131611, R01 HL071546, K08 HL119553), the Cotswold Foundation, the Spain Fund for Cardiovascular Research, the WW Smith Foundation, and the Burroughs Welcome Career Award for Medical Scientists. Penn Medicine is one of the world's leading academic medical centers, dedicated to the related missions of medical education, biomedical research, and excellence in patient care. Penn Medicine consists of the Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (founded in 1765 as the nation's first medical school) and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, which together form a $6.7 billion enterprise. The Perelman School of Medicine has been ranked among the top five medical schools in the United States for the past 20 years, according to U.S. News & World Report's survey of research-oriented medical schools. The School is consistently among the nation's top recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health, with $392 million awarded in the 2016 fiscal year. The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care facilities include: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center -- which are recognized as one of the nation's top "Honor Roll" hospitals by U.S. News & World Report -- Chester County Hospital; Lancaster General Health; Penn Wissahickon Hospice; and Pennsylvania Hospital -- the nation's first hospital, founded in 1751. Additional affiliated inpatient care facilities and services throughout the Philadelphia region include Good Shepherd Penn Partners, a partnership between Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network and Penn Medicine. Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. In fiscal year 2016, Penn Medicine provided $393 million to benefit our community. Scientists have long searched for the next generation of materials that can catalyze a revolution in renewable energy harvesting and storage. One candidate appears to be metal-organic frameworks. Scientists have used these very small, flexible, ultra-thin, super-porous crystalline structures to do everything from capturing and converting carbon into fuels to storing hydrogen and other gases. Their biggest drawback has been their lack of conductivity. Now, according to USC scientists, it turns out that metal-organic frameworks can conduct electricity in the same way metals do. This opens the door for metal organic-frameworks to one day efficiently store renewable energy at a very large, almost unthinkable scale. "For the first time ever, we have demonstrated a metal-organic framework that exhibits conductivity like that of a metal. The natural porosity of the metal-organic framework makes it ideal for reducing the mass of material, allowing for lighter, more compact devices" said Brent Melot, assistant professor of chemistry at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts & Sciences. "Metallic conductivity in tandem with other catalytic properties would add to its potential for renewable energy production and storage" said Smaranda Marinescu, assistant professor of chemistry at the USC Dornsife College. Their findings were published July 13 in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. An emerging catalyst for long-term renewable energy storage Metal-organic frameworks are so porous that they are well-suited for absorbing and storing gases like hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Their storage is highly concentrated: 1 gram of surface area provides the equivalent of thousands of square feet in storage. Solar has not yet been maximized as an energy source. The earth receives more energy from one hour of sunlight than is consumed in one year by the entire planet, but there is currently no way to use this energy because there is no way to conserve all of it. This intermittency is intrinsic to nearly all renewable power sources, making it impossible to harvest and store energy unless, say, the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. If scientists and industries could one day regularly reproduce the capability demonstrated by Marinescu, it would go a long way to reducing intermittency, allowing us to finally make solar energy an enduring and more permanent resource. Metal or semiconductor: why not both? Metal-organic frameworks are two-dimensional structures that contain cobalt, sulfur, and carbon atoms. In many ways, they very broadly resemble something like graphene, which is also a very thin layer of two-dimensional, transparent material. As temperature goes down, metals become more conductive. Conversely, as the temperature goes up, it is semiconductors that become more conductive. In the experiments run by Marinescu's group, they used a cobalt-based metal-organic framework that mimicked the conductivity of both a metal and semiconductor at different temperatures. The metal-organic framework designed by the scientists demonstrated its greatest conductivity at both very low and very high temperatures. ### Research authors include corresponding authors and USC Dornsife assistant professors of chemistry Smaranda Marinescu and Brent Melot, lead author Andrew Clough, as well as Courtney Downes, Ashley de la Rosa, and Joseph Yoo of the Marinescu Group at the USC Dornsife College. Jonathan Skelton of the University of Bath and Aron Walsh of Imperial College London were also co-authors. This research was funded by the USC Dornsife College and Women in Science and Engineering, and by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. Keck School of Medicine researchers may have discovered a new way to remove drug-resistant "seed cells" for liver cancer therapy. A Keck School of Medicine of USC research team has identified how cancer stem cells survive. This finding may one day lead to new therapies for liver cancer, one of the few cancers in the United States with an incidence rate that continues to balloon. "Liver cancer is difficult to treat, and most patients who are diagnosed with it will die within a five-year period," said Jing-Hsiung James Ou, senior author of a new study and a professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at the Keck School of Medicine. "My team has identified how liver cancer stem cells are maintained. Without these 'seeds of cancer,' liver tumors would shrink and eventually disappear." New liver cancer cases went up 38 percent from 2003 to 2012, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The disease's death rate increased by 56 percent to 23,000 deaths between 2012 and 2003. The study, published in the journal Molecular Cell on Oct. 12, is an example of how Keck School of Medicine researchers are finding biomedical solutions that in the distant future could improve medical treatment for patients. Ou believes the target therapy his team identified could also be used for other types of cancers. A way to sidestep disease resistance Liver cancer is resistant to most chemotherapy drugs. Only three drugs have been effective in shrinking liver tumors, but tumors become resistant to the treatment quickly, according to the American Cancer Society. Ou and his colleagues found that mitophagy, the removal of damaged mitochondria (the cell's energizer batteries), is a potential therapeutic target. Mitophagy can cause tumors to proliferate. That is because a powerful tumor suppressor called p53 attaches itself to mitochondria. Removing mitochondria inadvertently removes the body's natural ability to keep tumors at bay. If a lot of damaged "batteries" are removed, then the tumor suppressor p53 will also be removed: More cancer stem cells will be created, resulting in more malignant tumors. However, if this cell cleaning process is temporarily halted, then the number of cancer stem cells will diminish. Without these seeds of cancer, tumors will regress until they no longer exist, Ou said. "Now that we understand the molecular process, we will be able to target this pathway to stop the production of cancer stem cells," Ou said. "If cancer stem cells are gone, cancer is gone." ### Kai Liu, Jiyoung Lee, Ja Yeon Kim, Linya Wang, Yongjun Tian, Stephanie T. Chan, Cecilia Cho and Keigo Machida from the Keck School of Medicine contributed to this study, as did Dexi Chen from Capital Medical University in Beijing. The study was entirely supported by federal grants from the National Institutes of Health amounting to about $450,000. A study by an international research team, including OISE's Dr. Kang Lee and PhD candidate Miao K. Qian, shows a reduction in anti-black bias in Chinese children using touch-screen app TORONTO, ON - Many times, those who hold racially biased views of other people see them as all the same. Instead of thinking of them as specific individuals, they lump them into a group - seeing them as "those people." Now an international team of researchers, including OISE's Dr. Kang Lee and PhD candidate Miao K. Qian, suggests one way to reduce racial bias in kids is by teaching them to identify individual faces of those of other races. The study, published on Oct. 12, in the journal Child Development is the first to show a lasting effect - and in kids young enough to not be too set in their ways. Co-authored by researchers from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto and their international colleagues, the study's two 20-minute sessions with 4- to 6-year-old Chinese children, in which they played with a touch-screen app to distinguish individual black faces, significantly reduced their implicit anti-black bias. This bias reduction lasted for at least two months. Seeing others as individuals "There are two key findings here," said Dr. Lee. "First, using our app, young children can quickly learn to recognize people from a particular race other than their own, which is an important social skill for children living in the globalized environment. Second and more importantly, an added benefit of learning to identify people from another race as individuals is the reduction of their implicit racial bias against that race." "For parents and teachers, this means if you introduce children to those of another race frequently, teaching them about who they are as individuals, the implicit bias children hold against the people of that race will decrease," he continued, noting that teaching kids about Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama is one example of how adults can reduce implicit anti-black bias in non-black children. Gail Heyman, a professor of psychology in the UC San Diego Division of Social Sciences and a senior co-author on the study, echoed Dr. Lee, emphasizing that in the study, the key to reducing the bias was the repeat session. "A single session had minimal immediate effects that dissipated quickly. The lesson didn't stick. But a second session a week later seemed to act like a booster shot, producing measurable differences in implicit bias 60 days later," she said. Timing is critical: Intervene before bias is 'entrenched' First author on the study, Miao K. Qian, a PhD student at OISE at the University of Toronto and an affiliated researcher at Hangzhou Normal University, said that before conducting this study, she was "shocked" to learn that children, even at age 3, already show implicit racial bias against other race people. "What's encouraging about this research is it shows it's possible to reduce this implicit racial bias quickly in young children with a method as simple as teaching them how to distinguish between other-race individuals," she said. "Our study points to the effectiveness of intervention in early childhood - before bias has become entrenched," she continued. "As Dr. Lee pointed out, we also suggest that parents and teachers can help reduce bias by teaching children to distinguish other-race individuals by their names and personal attributes, instead of focusing on categorical traits, such as saying, 'the black boy', for example." Study addresses implicit bias Researchers say it's important to note the study focused on reducing implicit bias, or the extent to which humans have subconscious negative and positive associations with different races. This type of bias may arise from greater exposure to those of one's own race. Explicit bias, on the other hand, refers to preferences, stereotypes and prejudices we're more aware of, which may be learned socially from adults and peers. "We think that reducing implicit racial bias in children could be a starting point for addressing a pernicious social problem," Heyman said. "But it is not the complete answer to racial discrimination or to systemic, structural racism." How it worked... Researchers worked with 95 Chinese preschool kids in China who had not had any direct interaction with non-Asian people prior to the study. They measured the children's implicit racial biases at the beginning of the study. They found that the kids had strong implicit bias against black people. That is, the children automatically associated black people with negative emotions and Chinese people with positive emotions. Then, the children were randomly assigned to one of the three training groups: -In the first group, children saw photos of five black people and were taught to differentiate them individually -In the second group, children were taught to differentiate five white people individually -In the third group, children were taught to differentiate five Chinese people individually After the training, all children were tested again in terms of their implicit racial bias against black people. One week later, the children who had learned to differentiate black people received the same training for another 20 minutes. Researchers found that these two sessions of training were enough to significantly reduce racial bias against black people in children for at least another 60 days (the longest time the researchers were able to track the children). However, for the second group, which was trained to differentiate white people, their anti-black bias was unchanged. The same was true for the third group who were trained to differentiate Chinese people. These results suggest that to reduce children's implicit racial bias against a particular race group, they must be trained to differentiate individuals from this race. Researchers are now working with a larger, more diverse group of children in Toronto, Canada over a longer term. If their intervention to reduce implicit racial bias is effective in that setting as well, they hope to develop a more consumer-friendly version of their training: a fun, gamified app that could be used in schools and at home. ### University of Utah scientists gather with their peers in Provo, Utah, next week at the American Astronomical Society's Division of Planetary Sciences annual meeting, Oct. 15-20. Below are summaries of presentations at the meeting, along with the time and date of the presentation and primary contact information. All times are in Mountain Time. The long-term effects of racial microaggressions on people of color in STEM Racial microaggressions are the relentless, exclusionary messages that people of color experience in white-dominated spaces. In response to such persistent discrimination, racially marginalized individuals suffer physiological and psychological stress, a condition that William Smith coined as racial battle fatigue. Astronomy and planetary science fields are among the many science, technology, engineering and technology work environments where racial microaggressions negatively impact underrepresented scientists. On Wednesday, Smith will discuss the definition, identification and the long-term effects of racial microaggressions and racial battle fatigue on women, people of color, and other marginalized groups in STEM. Control ID: 2818411: The long-term effects of racial microaggressions on people of color in STEM Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017, 2:50-3:25 p.m., Grand Ballroom C, Provo Convention Center William Smith, chair, Department of Education, Culture & Society, associate professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, Dynamical shake-up explains low-mass Mars and planet-less asteroids The solar system's planets formed in a disk of gas and dust particles, left over from the birth of the sun. Current theory of planet formation predicts that the solid material in this disk concentrated bit-by-bit to form the rocky planets, including Earth, and even the cores of the gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn. Yet the theory is unable to explain why Mars only grew to a tenth the size of Earth, and why there are no planets at all in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Ben Bromley of the U, and Scott Kenyan of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, took a new look at the idea that planet formation can be slowed or halted by repeated gravitational nudges by the gas giants, coordinating with the sun's depleting disks of gas. In this way, a "sweeping resonance" with Jupiter can make a low-mass Mars and the planet-less asteroids. They ran extensive supercomputer simulations of the so-called 'dynamical shake-up' model and found that if the sun's gas disk dissipated a million years after its birth, then Jupiter's orbit would block planets from forming in the asteroid belt, and would severely limit Mars's ability to grow. Control ID: 2818151: Dynamical shake-up and the low mass of Mars Friday, Oct. 20, 2017, 2:30-2:40 p.m., Grand Ballroom A, Provo Convention Center Ben Bromley, professor and chair, Department of Physics & Astronomy, 801-581-8227, ### Determining how many people live in Seattle, perhaps of a certain age, perhaps from a specific country, is the sort of question that finds its answer in the census, a massive data dump for places across the country. But just how fresh is that data? After all, the census is updated once a decade, and the U.S. Census Bureau's smaller but more detailed American Community Survey, annually. There's also a delay between when data are collected and when they are published. (The release of data for 2016 started gradually in September 2017.) Enter Facebook, which, with some caveats, can serve as an even more current source of information, especially about migrants. That's the conclusion of a study led by Emilio Zagheni, associate professor of sociology at the University of Washington, published Oct. 11 in Population and Development Review. The study is believed to be the first to demonstrate how present-day migration statistics can be obtained by compiling the same data that advertisers use to target their audience on Facebook, and by combining that source with information from the Census Bureau. Migration indicates a variety of political and economic trends and is a major driver of population change, Zagheni said. As researchers further explore the increasing number of databases produced for advertisers, Zagheni argues, social scientists could leverage Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter more often to glean information on geography, mobility, behavior and employment. And while there are some limits to the data - each platform is a self-selected, self-reporting segment of the population - the number of migrants according to Facebook could supplement the official numbers logged by the U.S. Census Bureau, Zagheni said. "Facebook data are freely available and disaggregated at the level of city or ZIP code in the U.S.," Zagheni said. The study focused on Facebook's Ads Manager service, which allows users, in the interest of placing an ad, to input information on a target audience - information about which the platform then generates data. As an example, researchers identified an audience for a hypothetical ad aimed at Italian expatriates living in Washington state; Facebook reported approximately 3,800 monthly active users in that audience. (That data input process is free; taking it a step further to launch an ad carries a cost.) Scientists studying migration trends - say, where different groups have located in the United States - could turn to the Facebook Ads Manager tool. But it's important to recognize biases in the data and some ambiguity in the way migration is measured, Zagheni said. The American Community Survey, in contrast, is the modern incarnation of the old census "long form," randomly sent to U.S. households annually to collect not only demographic information, but also statistics on housing, jobs and other socioeconomic trends. In the UW study, Zagheni and his colleagues developed a computer program for extracting data from Facebook Ads Manager about expats from more than 50 countries to every U.S. state, disaggregated by age and sex. The team mined data from a platform of more than 1.8 billion users worldwide, drawing on an innovative statistical model that researchers set up to adjust for the data's typical shortcoming: Facebook users are not representative of the entire underlying population. As an illustrative example, Zagheni and colleagues compared the numbers of Mexicans living in California and Texas, by age and sex, with the numbers compiled by the American Community Survey. The researchers did the same with the estimates of immigrants from the Philippines to both states. The team found that, generally speaking, the numbers of Mexican migrants in California and Texas estimated by Facebook were noticeably lower than the numbers reported by the American Community Survey, particularly among older Mexicans. The American Community Survey, for instance, estimates that Mexican-born men ages 40 to 44 represent more than 20 percent of California's population of men in that age range; Facebook puts the proportion at closer to 15 percent. Those discrepancies could reflect biases in the data, Zagheni said, such as lower Facebook usage in that demographic group, or differences across age groups in the amount of information posted on Facebook, such as details about users' hometowns - and thus whether they would be considered an expat. For immigrants from the Philippines, the differences between Facebook and American Community Survey estimates are narrower, with a potential overestimate of older Filipinos in both states. In Texas, for example, Facebook estimates Filipinos ages 50 to 54 represent 5 percent of the state's male population in that age range, whereas the American Community Survey estimate is closer to 2.5 percent. Zagheni and colleagues worked on identifying such biases in the Facebook data, and their similarities among groups or across states. They then developed a model that allows researchers to make adjustments by combining information from Facebook and the American Community Survey. "Is it better to have a large sample that is biased, or a small sample that is nonbiased? The American Community Survey is a small sample that is more representative of the underlying population; Facebook is a very large sample but not representative," Zagheni said. "The idea is that in certain contexts, the sample in the American Community Survey is too small to say something significant. In other circumstances, Facebook samples are too biased. With this project we aim at getting the best of both worlds: By calibrating the Facebook data with the American Community Survey, we can correct for the bias and get better estimates." The next step, he added, is to test the approach in developing countries, where timely and reliable statistics are important for development. ### Zagheni received support from the Washington Research Foundation, the eScience Institute and the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology at the University of Washington. Co-authors were Ingmar Weber of the Qatar Computing Research Institute in Qatar, and Krishna Gummadi of the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany. For more information, contact Zagheni at 206-616-1173 or A new study published in the Journal of Wildlife Management and Wildlife Monographs reveals the devastating effects of lead fishing tackle on loon populations. Poisoning from lead fishing tackle has been identified as the leading cause of mortality in adult common loons, but the population-level effects of mortality from ingested lead tackle on loons have not previously been determined. When investigators examined a long-term dataset (1989-2012) on common loon mortality in New Hampshire, 49% of adult loon deaths resulted from lead toxicities from ingested fishing tackle. Jigs accounted for 53% and sinkers for 39% of lead tackle objects removed from loons. Loons appeared to obtain the majority of lead tackle from current fishing activity rather than from a reservoir of lead tackle on lake bottoms. The researchers estimated that lead tackle mortality reduced the population growth rate by 1.4% and the statewide population by 43% during the years of the study. "Our paper quantifies the severity of the effects of lead fishing tackle ingestion not just on individual loons but on loon populations, underscoring the persistent threat to wildlife of lead in the environment," said Tiffany Grade, lead author of the study. "To our knowledge, this is the first study to define and test for a population-level effect of lead tackle or any stressor on loon populations, with implications for similar assessments of stressors on loons and other wildlife." ### A new study published in the Journal of Wildlife Management looks at whether management of livestock grazing may help protect sagebrush and birds that depend on it. The extent of sagebrush in western North America has declined significantly in recent years, which has resulted in concomitant effects on an array of wildlife, such as nesting greater sage-grouse, a species that is highly sensitive to disturbances and has been at the center of a historic conservation effort. Scientists assessed the effects of rotational grazing management and rest from grazing on daily survival rates of nearly 500 sage-grouse nests monitored over 6 years in central Montana. Nest success was similar among the different grazing management systems examined and there was no evidence that rest from grazing (?12 months) increased daily survival rates of nesting sage-grouse. Furthermore, rotational grazing systems and rest had negligible effects on vegetation height and cover relative to other grazing strategies used in the study area. U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke recently ordered a review of current sage grouse management plans, saying he wanted to balance the bird's conservation with local economic growth. The review task force recommended relaxing rules related to grazing management. The authors noted that the foremost conservation priority should be the prevention of further loss and fragmentation of sagebrush landscapes from land uses and activities that negatively affect sage-grouse populations. "The biggest take-away from our study was that there's more than one way to manage livestock grazing in a way that's compatible with nesting sage-grouse," said Joe Smith, lead author of the study. ### Patients with a rare bone cancer of the skull and spine - chordoma - could be helped by existing drugs, suggest scientists from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, University College London Cancer Institute and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust. In the largest genomics study of chordoma to date, published today (12th October) in Nature Communications, scientists show that a group of chordoma patients have mutations in genes that are the target of existing drugs, known as PI3K inhibitors. Researchers suggest a clinical trial of PI3K inhibitors for this particular group of chordoma patients, who could benefit from existing treatments. Chordoma is a rare form of bone cancer that strikes individuals of all ages and affects 1 in every 800,000 people in the UK*. Chordomas are slow-growing, yet aggressive and life-threatening tumours that form in the vertebral bodies of the spine, the sacrum and base of the skull. The cancerous tumour is considered to develop from persistent embryonic tissue, known as the notochord. As they involve critical structures such as the brainstem, spinal cord, and important nerves and arteries, chordomas are difficult to treat. Surgery and radiation are currently the only effective forms of treatment . For the first time, scientists have used whole genome sequencing to gain a better understanding of the biology underlying chordoma. The results reveal promising new treatment options for a cancer with a poor prognosis. The team studied chordoma tumours from 104 patients and found that 16 per cent of the tumour samples had genetic changes, or mutations, in PI3K signalling genes. These genes are the target of existing drugs, known as PI3K inhibitors, which are being used to treat many cancers, including breast cancer, lung cancer and lymphoma**, but have not yet been considered for chordoma. The gene brachyury, or T, has been known for some time to play a role in chordoma but for the first time the team used genomic sequencing to demonstrate that only one additional copy of the T gene seems to drive these tumours. The team also discovered a new cancer gene that is specific to chordoma, known as LYST, which has not been found in any other cancer. This finding warrants future research. Dr Sam Behjati, joint first author from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said: "By sequencing the tumours' DNA, we get a much clearer view of the genetic changes that drive chordoma. We have shown that a particular group of chordoma patients could be treated with PI3K inhibitors, based on their mutations. This would have been missed had we not done genomic sequencing of their tumours." Josh Sommer, a survivor of chordoma and Executive Director of the Chordoma Foundation, USA, said: "These findings represent a major step forward in understanding the underlying causes of chordoma, and provide hope that better treatments may soon be available for some patients." Professor Adrienne Flanagan, joint lead author from the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust and University College London Cancer Institute, said: "This study provides a resource for chordoma research for years to come. In the future we hope to target chordoma from three angles: trialling PI3K inhibitors in chordoma; developing a therapeutic approach to switching off the extra copy of the T gene and studying the function of LYST as a cancer gene and its role in the development of chordoma". ### Notes to Editors: Sources: * ** Publication: Patrick Tarpey, Sam Behjati et al. (2017) The driver landscape of sporadic chordoma. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01026-0 Selected websites: Chordoma Foundation The Chordoma Foundation is an international nonprofit organization working to improve the lives of those affected by chordoma and lead the search for a cure. Founded by patients and family members in 2007, the Foundation proactively invests in research to develop better treatments, supports healthcare providers in improving the standard of care for chordoma patients, and provides a comprehensive suite of services to support patients and caregivers throughout their journey with the disease. Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust The RNOH is the largest specialist orthopaedic hospital in the UK, and a recognised world leader in the field of orthopaedics and neuro-musculoskeletal medicine. It treats more than 125,000 patients a year for conditions ranging from acute spinal injuries and bone cancer to prosthetic rehabilitation and chronic back pain. About UCL (University College London) Founded in 1826, UCL was the first English university established after Oxford and Cambridge, the first to admit students regardless of race, class, religion or gender, and the first to provide systematic teaching of law, architecture and medicine. We are among the world's top universities, as reflected by performance in a range of international rankings and tables. UCL currently has over 35,000 students from 150 countries and more than 11,000 staff. Our annual income is more than 1 billion. | Follow us on Twitter @uclnews | Watch our YouTube channel UCL Cancer Institute, London, is the hub for cancer research at University College London (UCL), one of the world's leading universities. The UCL Cancer Institute draws together over 300 researchers/clinicians working to translate research discoveries into new strategies to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. Visit | Follow us on Twitter @uclcancer The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is one of the world's leading genome centres. Through its ability to conduct research at scale, it is able to engage in bold and long-term exploratory projects that are designed to influence and empower medical science globally. Institute research findings, generated through its own research programmes and through its leading role in international consortia, are being used to develop new diagnostics and treatments for human disease. Wellcome Wellcome exists to improve health for everyone by helping great ideas to thrive. We're a global charitable foundation, both politically and financially independent. We support scientists and researchers, take on big problems, fuel imaginations and spark debate. Scotiabank highlight the return of Brexit risk to the Pound - Euro rises against listless Pound The Euro rose slightly against the Pound on Wednesday, hitting 0.8969 by 5 oclock GMT, a gain of 0.3%. There wasnt a lot of economic data to focus on, with Spanish CPI coming in on forecast at 1.8% a fairly encouraging sign that the recovery is on solid ground in Spain. For the UK, as rate expectations are sidelined ahead of the upcoming UK CPI, the focus is firmly back on politics. Wednesday is always a heavy day for the UK, as Prime Ministers questions saw a typically lively affair. Amidst the usual shouting, there was an interesting moment when Theresa May assured the room that Britain was prepared to spend what was necessary on vital services post Brexit but stopped short of actually saying when or what necessary was going to be. FX analysts at Scotiabank also acknowledged the return of politics to GBP volatility. But it was not the PMQs that they focused on, instead, it was an interview with May where she was blindsided by a question on a second referendum, "Focus has swung back to Brexit risks following PM Mays appearance on a radio show yesterday where she refused to say how she would vote in a new referendum on Brexit; May campaigned for the Remain camp and the flubbed response might antagonise already difficult relations with ministers who favour a hard Brexit approach. Mays moderate approach may be a key support underneath the GBP More disarray and in-fighting amongst the Conservatives would not be good news for the British Pound. If May (who is now seen as relatively moderate in her approach to Brexit) was replaced with a hardliner such as Michael Gove, the GBP might be forced to increase the risk premium associated with a cliff-edge Brexit. Talks have already stagnated badly, despite May attempting a couple of times to talk more-kindly about the EU. The EU wants more than words, it wants action; until someone in the UK government figures out a way to appease the divorce fee without having to go back to voters and say they have spent Billions when they promised millions in extra funds for public services, the deadlock will probably continue. Named for Los Angeles and its history a new imprint is bringing fiction to the fair both crime mystery and science fiction Author, Clifford B. O'Connell is a new voice emerging on the international literary scene starting this week. His two novels will debut at Frankfurt Book Fair with IPBA. Working with New Life Options under "Water & Power Press", the 2017 Frankfurt and BEA 2018 is to offer international book rights, translation rights, and look for publishing and distribution to support worldwide readership and promote sales. Proceeds will be coordinated to support Educational Programs and Animal Rights. "My life is reflected in my 5 books, two will be released in Frankfurt through the IBPA to promote the work and my favorite causes. Working for human rights and dignity, with books being released dedicated to "the men and women on the planet committed to preserving and not destroying it" or to ""the men and women wrongfully executed in the U.S.", I am using my pen to fight for issues that might otherwise be ignored or glanced over at best. This is a long harbored literary tradition and I'm sticking to it." So is Reed Expositions and the honored guests: ""Books are the best weapons," President Emmanuel Macron of France said at the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair, addressing the unifying power of literature and language. "Without culture, there is no Europe." The French leader, who joined Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany at the opening ceremony of the world's oldest book fair Tuesday night, spoke of culture's crucial role in Europe, and of how it can be a unifying force at a time of rising nationalism. France is the guest of honor this year, and more than 7,000 exhibitors from over 100 countries are expected to attend. "Identity of language lives through the confrontations with other languages," Mr. Macron said." This year: "Carried by the mission of two generations of Nathans to the show"you can talk to staff or to Terry Nathan, Executive at the IBPA booth, my hope is I will find my niche and the books will reach their new audiences and new markets." The Imprints and representation: New Life Options A/V began at the Buchmesse under Jan Nathan, and the mentoring of fashion photographer and publisher, Ed Lange. It is delighted to represent and promote Clifford O'Connell to generations of new readers. Both books are available in ebook release at this time. Water & Power Press will work with new formats and explore with show sales and or leads how best to proceed. In a changing marketplace, collaboration, co-creation, P&D possibilities continue to drive the marketplace and allow readers format choices. Book rights, Audio, Television or Film rights available.. Radio tour and social media campaign in planning for 2018 in the U.S. Mr. O'Connell: Author is based in Granada Hills, California, presently lecturing on Film History enjoying his personal life and pets. He acts as a board member of an educational nonprofit. Goal for the tradeshow is to promote rights sales that will benefit parents, children, and teachers. At Frankfurt, please leave your information with Mr. Nathan or his representatives. Thank you. New Education Options and Water & Power Press 14431 Ventura Blvd. #312 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-2606 For more information or copies, contact 818-742-5099 after the show at or by phone. This year: Last year: Book Expo 2017 video and no plans for next year: Thursday, October 12, 2017 Georgetown Universitys School of Continuing Studies (SCS) has added a new Masters in Design Management & Communications to its award-winning portfolio of professional communications programs. This flexible online masters degree will accept its first class of students in Fall 2018. According to a news release, The Masters in Design Management & Communications program welcomes students from across a broad spectrum of disciplinesfrom graphic designers to analytical problem-solverswith the goal of exploring a holistic approach to design management. Led by faculty who are both industry experts and seasoned academics, the programs rigorous courses will provide students with a rich and relevant learning environment. Faculty Director Wendy Zajack said, The reality of our industry is that we all come in with different backgrounds, (and) this program is the best place to mix it up. Its a safe place to explore yourself, to push yourself; its a safe place to fail, and to learn from those failures. Students will graduate from the Design Management & Communications program with not only a well-rounded understanding of the challenges of the design process, but also the confidence to lead a design project from development to marketing and beyond. The programs focus on design thinking methodology extends beyond the world of graphic or web design and into a comprehensive practice of iteration, brainstorming, and problem-solving that is as applicable at the drafting table as it is in the boardroom. One great thing about the creative industry, Zajack said, is that people realize that tactics that have worked well in one profession can translate seamlessly into other industries. Thursday, October 12, 2017 Integrated marketing agency, The Cyphers Agency, has hired Kristin Dyak as digital marketing director to lead the agencys digital marketing team. In this role, Dyak will conceptualize and execute multi-platform strategies to enhance clients digital footprint through sophisticated social media and content marketing practices. Kristins mastery of the ever-changing digital trends and best practices will be critical to our multifaceted marketing campaigns, said Dave Cyphers, agency owner and president. Were pleased to have her lead our social media team to engage with audiences across all online platforms. A resident of Annapolis, Dyak received her BA in Communication and Media Arts & Design from James Madison University. She previously worked as a freelance digital marketing consultant for numerous clients that include National Geographic, Cushman & Wakefield, DAO Labs and The Bob & Diane Fund. At Cyphers, Dyak will work with Grain Foods Foundation, Blue Water Development, Blackwall Hitch Restaurants and others among the agencys diverse roster. The Cyphers Agency, Inc. is an independent, full-service creative agency offering advertising, public relations and digital services with a focus on marketing strategy and brand development. Headquartered in Annapolis, Md., the agency works to promote regional and national brands in a range of industries including ADP, Seasons Pizza, Strayer University, Grain Foods Foundation, Capital Bank, Kay Apartments and Advance. Visit The Ohio States Farm Science Review was in London, Ohio, Sept. 19-21, almost 114,000 people attended. In fact, I got to see quite a few northeast Ohio farmers there. It was nice to visit with so many locals. At the review, I had the opportunity to serve as one of the moderators for the Ask the Expert panel. Each day, 15 experts were each questioned over a 20 minute period on some of the hottest farm management issues that we are currently facing. These sessions were eye-opening especially given the financial downturn that we are facing in agriculture. Today, I would like to share some of the notes I jotted down during these sessions. 2018 budgets Barry Ward, assistant professor in OSU Extensions Department of Agricultural and Natural Resources, was a panelist and was able to share his budget forecasts for 2018. Sadly, these numbers do not look too much different from 2017. While most of the input costs for corn, soybeans, and wheat are projected to remain the same, net profit is looking slim at best because of stagnant crop prices. One good note is that nitrogen prices appear to be more favorable for next year. Ward reports, that on average, after paying all the variable and fixed costs per acre, there will be only $31 per acre for corn; $106 per acre for soybeans, and $8 per acre for wheat to cover land rent/expense. This means 2018 will be another tight year. So it is imperative that producers examine their budgets to see where they can trim costs. Any producer who would like the 2018 budget estimates for corn, soybeans and wheat can access them at OSU Extensions Farm Office website. Rental rates Given the low-profit margins, the past few years and similar projections for 2018, both Ward and Michael Langenmeier, Ph.D., from Purdue University indicated that rental rates should continue to drop over the next few years. I know this is a hard pill for many landowners to swallow given the run-up of our CAUV property tax rates. Something will have to give, as it will be hard for many producers to continue to operate with such low margins. Food waste Brian Roe, Ph.D., gave a nice session on the food Americans waste. I was shocked to learn that food waste accounts for almost 22 percent of what is in every landfill. In fact, Roe shared during his session that we waste about 40 percent of the food we produce or more than 34 million tons of food. He shared while food waste does occur at restaurants and supermarkets, the largest area for food waste is right in our homes. Each year, Americans throw out about one-quarter of the food they buy, costing an average family anywhere from $1,365 to $2,275 a year. Roe and his team are working on an APP which will allow users to determine how much food they are wasting. So, how much food are you wasting? A great question for all of us to ask. Tax reform I presented on the tax reform discussions which have permeated in Washington D.C. since the election of President Trump. Turns out this was very timely as President Trumps tax reform plan was released the following week on September 27. After reviewing the plan which was released, I still have many of the same questions for farmers to consider. For farmers, the tax plan would allow them to immediately expense the cost of depreciable assets during the next five years. My question, though, is what happens after five years? There has also been chatter of the elimination or curtailment of Section 1031 tax-deferred exchanges. These like-kind exchanges have been beneficial to many farmers through the years. Currently, farmers are allowed to exchange their equipment for new farm equipment and usually owe no tax on the exchange. Also, farmers can sell less productive farmland and roll that gain over into new farmland and defer the tax. There is also concern on whether or not farmers would be able to continue to deduct business income and state and local property taxes. These are all targets in the planned elimination of many deductions. Congress also wants to repeal the estate tax. I would be careful what you wish for as an elimination of the estate that could mean the end to the step up in basis. Or it could lead to a creation of a capital gains tax at death similar to the Canadian tax system. For many operations, this could mean paying more, not less, when the farm passes from one generation to the next. So be careful of jumping on the get rid of the federal estate tax bandwagon as it could cost more money in the long run. This could jeopardize your ability to pass the farm on to the next generation. Final thoughts There was not a lot of good news from the experts with regards to profitability in 2018 for agriculture producers. I cannot stress the need for producers to develop sound budgets for next year and to improve their record keeping systems. A dollar an acre saved here and a dollar saved there will make a huge difference in 2018. To close todays column, I would like to share a quote from James H. Douglas Jr. who stated, Our deep respect for the land and its harvest is the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserved our landscape, and inspired us with a powerful work ethic. The devastation of hurricane season keeps barreling along, one after another. To lose a home and all earthly possessions is beyond imagining, but for Puerto Rico, the loss in agricultural production goes beyond the here and now. Farmers Massive agricultural losses have been reported, with one dairy farmer saying he lost all of his cows. He has no idea where they are. Another dairy farmer tells of being forced to dump the milk from his small herd every day because no one can get to his farm to haul the milk away. Farmers all around the world can empathize with Mother Natures ability to land a knock-out punch, no matter the crop. While the stories of Puerto Rico have centered on horrific daily struggles and slashed tourism revenue, I went in search of how the islands agricultural production has been impacted. Damage Numerous sources say that most dairy barns and commercial chicken buildings were lost in the unbelievably high-powered winds and rain of two successive hurricanes. Electricity has still not been restored to many of these farms, and roads remain blocked in various directions. Jose Rivera described to The New York Times the loss of his plantain crop, saying that all 14,000 of his trees appear to be destroyed. (Even if he could afford to attempt to replace all those destroyed, starting a new plantain tree requires roughly 18 months before a crop could be harvested.) Riveras entire sweet pepper and yam crop is gone, too. Hunger Farmers fear the loss of income, but they also fear watching their own families go hungry, even if they survive this current day-to-day nightmare. In an area where a local crop is often the only crop they can afford, what happens now? The small import/export trade is ruined, too, as all nearby island agriculture was destroyed by the same one-two hurricane punch. We trade what we can, but there will be nothing to trade, Rivera explained. Banana, plantain and coffee crops were hit the hardest, with the force of Hurricane Maria taking not only the crop, but stripping trees of bark, leaving little hope for rejuvenation. All of this is said before even touching on the massive problem of getting safe drinking water to everyone. Drinking water People walk miles in the oppressive heat to stand in line waiting for water, gasoline, and enough food to get through one more day. Preliminary figures show that Puerto Rico lost $780 million in agriculture yields alone, a significant figure on the struggling island. In a televised report, an elderly man wiped tears as he pointed out the loss of a coconut tree grove, along with a destroyed nursery filled with saplings. Shards of glass seemed to be everywhere. The farmer, 80 years old, said he could make about $100 a month off of each tree, and now all are gone. It takes about 10 years for a coconut tree to become reliably productive, something this man says he will not live to see. Despair and fear on his face was painful to witness. Even if I could start a grove today, I would not have the water I need. I have no water to drink, so no water to feed a coconut tree. As I re-filled the stock tanks in the barn and pastures on this hot autumn afternoon, that image came to me with a jolt, a reminder to count water as a blessing. Always. WASHINGTON U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, introduced legislation he hopes will help farmers sell their products directly to consumers, and build local and regional food economies. Brown introduced the bill, which hes calling The Local Food and Regional Market Supply (FARMS) Act, Oct. 4. U.S. Reps. Chellie Pingree, D-Maine; Jeff Fortenberry, R-Nebraska; and Carolyn Maloney, D-New York, are expected to introduce companion legislation in the House. What it does The Local FARMS Act funds and modifies three existing grant programs, which help farmers and others connect their products with local consumers: The Value Added Producer Grant, which provides important resources for farmers to expand into new markets, create new products, and market their existing business. The Local Food Promotion Program, which invests in farmers working to establish or expand local food businesses. The Farmers Market Promotion Program, which works to create and grow farmers market programs to help farmers sell their products directly to local consumers. The bill also expands the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, which helps seniors access fresh foods at farmers markets and qualifying organizations. Under Browns bill, the program could assist low-income military veterans as well. Daniel Trudel from Anns Raspberry Farm in Fredericktown, Ohio, voiced his support of the legislation. In 2014, Anns Raspberry Farm received a Value-Added Producer Grant, which helped them grow their business and enter into new markets around Ohio. CANFIELD, Ohio The Holborn Herb Growers Guild held its annual Tea Sept. 10 at the Western Reserve Village in Canfield. Members of the guild prepared and served tea, finger foods, gave tours as well as demonstrations. The featured speaker for the event was Ellen Speicher, a well-known horticulture expert. A highlight of the day was the presentation of a $1,000 college scholarship to Jessica Cvelbar to further her education in the field of horticulture. The next meeting will be held Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. in Boardman Park at Beard Cabin. Those interested in becoming a member of the guild are welcome to attend for more information. SALEM, Ohio Theres been a slow, but growing, interest in the Wagyu beef breed in Ohio. A premium rate for a high prime product seems to be the draw, but does it have enough of a market? I think Wagyu will be hitting households within the next 10 years, said Brooke Pidgeon, a cattle producer in Homeworth, Ohio. People will be able to go into the supermarket and buy Wagyu. Brief history Wagyu cattle were first brought to America from Japan in the mid-70s, but Japan designated the breed a national treasure in 1997, banning exports of Wagyu cattle to the U.S. In Japan, one strain yields the high-end Kobe beef products. The American Wagyu Association estimates there are 30,000 Wagyu-influenced cattle being raised domestically, with less than 5,000 of them being full blood. And, according the American Wagyu Associations member listing, there are currently 10 registered Wagyu breeders in Ohio. Marbling Weve done a good bit research over the last several years and the main thing is its a much higher marbling breed, said Francis Fluharty, an animal scientist at the Ohio State Universitys Wooster campus. A slightly lower melting point gives Wagyu beef a higher monounsaturated fatty acid profile, said Fluharty. He said there are three cattle breeds in the world that have this lower melting point: Wagyu, Hanwoo (indigenous to Korea and not exported) and the Jersey dairy cattle breed. A couple Ohio producers have taken note of the Wagyu breed and have started incorporating Wagyu into their own beef cattle operations. Francis Pang, of Navarre, Ohio, started introducing Wagyu into his herd in 2008, purchasing 20 Wagyu embryos and flushing some of his Angus heifers with them. Now, Pang is up to 300 head of cattle on his farm, with only 28 full-blood Angus left that serve as surrogate mothers. Taste Pang was attracted to the marbling and melt-in-your-mouth taste that attracts many to this type of meat. The meat quality of (Wagyu) is just phenomenal, said Pang, who markets his beef both directly to consumers and to a few markets in the Cleveland area. The Japanese Beef Marbling Score (BMS) ranks beef on a scale from one to 12 with 12 being the highest marbling. Pang explained a four is considered prime and a full-blood Wagyu can produce a score of eight to nine. Crossing Wagyu with Angus can result in a score of four to seven. Brooke Pidgeon, of Blackstone Performance Farms, was also surprised by Wagyus natural ability to marble. The marbling goes through the beef rather than around it, said Pidgeon. Currently Pidgeon has a herd of 40 Angus cattle and 15 full-blood Wagyu cattle. His goal is to build a herd where he can market his genetics. Slow growers Wagyu are slow-growing animals, Pang said. Theyre not big and fast like Angus. It takes a bit longer to feed them out, but they dont eat as much, he said. Wagyu grow around two pounds per day, consuming around 2 percent dry matter, and take around 400-450 days before they are ready for market around 1,500 pounds, explained Fluharty. Crossbreeding with Angus cattle helps speed the feeding process a little, but also results in a beef product that has the desired marbling. This isnt a program that is going for muscle, said Fluharty. This is a complete high-end product, shooting for high prime, he said. Fluharty said many producers are used to feeding out cattle for longer finishing around 330 days or more. Feeding for 400 days is only a couple months more. Easy going Another appeal to the Wagyu breed is the ease of calving. The birth weight on Wagyu is lower and their birthing efficiency is higher, Pidgeon said, adding calf size is usually around 60 pounds. Wagyu cattle are generally more docile than Angus and other breeds of beef cattle, and they are adaptable. Wagyu are not an exotic animal, they are born and raised here, said Pidgeon. Demand According to Pang, Wagyu heifers sell anywhere from $4,500 to $6,500 and Wagyu cows, from $6,500 to 8,500. We need to establish a target price as more producers come into the market, said Pang. Pang can sell a full-blood Wagyu for $6.50 per pound (by hanging weight) to restaurants and can sell a single steak or ribeye direct to consumers for $42 per pound. Pang kills around 36 Wagyus a year and, at the time of this report, was completely sold out of steaks and ribeyes. I have an order for as many filet I can produce, which is too many, he said. Other research Fluharty said research is also being conducted with the American Jersey Cattle Association in crossing Wagyu breeds with Jersey cattle. Jerseys already have a high marbling propensity, so crossing with Wagyu would enhance the chance for a prime product, he added. We have dairies really looking into this as a marketing opportunity, he said. The whole essence of this is that Ohio has a lot of really high marbling Angus, said Fluharty. Bottom line, though, it still requires people to buy really good genetics, he said. A push forward has begun to showcase farming technology and its importance with two high-profile events in the European Parliament. Contributors at the Future of Farming event, organised by Anthea McIntyre MEP, included Professor Simon Blackmore of Harper Adams University and Edwin Hecker of the Internet of Food and Farm 2020. They spoke on the benefits of precision agriculture, while further panels and round-tables covered new plant-breeding techniques, societal challenges, and how new technology could improve farming systems. Aside from this event, a panel took place yesterday (11 October) examining the impact of regulation on agricultural innovation. Miss McIntyre, Conservative MEP for the West Midlands, said the events highlighted a range of areas where "effective harnessing" of innovation will boost productivity while protecting the environment and biodiversity. She said: "But I also had to warn that badly thought-out regulation could be the enemy of progress. I stressed the innovation principle - that regulation must always allow research and enterprise to drive innovation by using genuine science-based evidence in evaluating risk and benefit. "This is where precision farming and information technology come in - improving soil-health and water management, precision livestock farming, precision breeding and even precision entomology." 'Disruptive technologies' While the use of standard equipment with precision-farming techniques can prove beneficial, it is only with the development of what are called 'disruptive' technologies that real gains can be made, Miss McInyre explained. "These are developments such as laser weed-killing systems and second-generation drones, capable of undertaking field tasks rather than simply capturing images," she said. "Farmers are the major stewards of our environment. They need continued access to innovation, new technology and research in order to produce food in a sustainable way and protect the environment for future generations. "In that, they need help not hindrance from the regulatory framework." A report released in September explained how the agricultural industry is being "quietly reformed" by new robotics. Agri-tech Agri-tech contributes 14.4bn to the UK economy every year, underpinning the UKs food and drink industry. The government has invested 160 million through the agri-tech strategy to help develop innovative solutions from the laboratory through to the farm. It comes as news that a report highlighted how 'smart farming' and technological advances can be embraced in order to support the growing human population. Another separate report explained how agricultural robotics will become a $12bn industry by 2027. Steve Tones, horticulture strategy director at AHDB, said: Addressing the increasing cost and decreasing availability of labour is one of the top three priorities of our strategy, and a key issue for most growers. We recently launched a programme to bring lean principles into all sectors of horticulture, which offers immediate improvements in business productivity. The robotics and automation survey will provide us with the information we need to shape our future activity to meet the longer-term needs of the horticulture industry for alternatives to human labour. A government strategy urging a low-carbon future has called for a bigger forest network in rural areas, a new system of agricultural support and better farm technologies. The long-awaited Clean Growth Strategy, published on Thursday (12 October) sets out how the government wants to lead the way towards a low carbon future. It sets out what policies the government aims to use to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 57 per cent over the next 15 years. The strategy includes funding to enhance the benefits and value of natural resources by establishing a new network of forests in England such as new woodland on farmland, and for larger-scale woodland and forest creation. The strategy also says that as the UK leaves the EU, designing a new system of future agricultural support to focus on delivering better environmental outcomes, including addressing climate change more directly, is a must. To support greater productivity of agricultural land, the report states that increasing carbon storage through fertilising crops more effectively is needed. It also suggests the development of new animal and plant breeding technologies, precision farming technologies on smaller scale farms, and developing robotics and new sensor technologies. The report applauds the agricultural industry for making a shift in resource efficiency. It says: "Since 1990 emissions from producing a kilogram of pork have decreased by 30 per cent and by 16 per cent for a litre of milk. Many of our farms are using more efficient agricultural practices, for example improving crop nutrient and crop health management." 'Enormous contribution' Rural organisation the CLA has welcomed the commitment by the government, in particular the need to plant more forests on farms. CLA Forestry and Woodlands Adviser Mike Seville: Forestry and woodlands make an enormous contribution to our countryside, helping to clean the air we breathe and prevent flooding. We welcome the commitment the Government has shown in this strategy to develop a new support system for food, farming and the environment which recognises the value of trees and the public benefits they bring. The CLA has proposed a Land Management Contract as a way to support any farmer or forester who chooses to manage land in a way that delivers better environmental outcomes, from improvements in soil quality to planting trees, in return for a financial reward based on what they contribute, not the amount of land they own. We have long advocated unlocking investment in the forestry and woodlands industry. The funding boost to create more on-farm woodland will produce new opportunities such as encouraging the use of timber framed housing in UK construction, Mr Seville said. The CLA is one of three rural organisations to have joined forces to call for an ambitious uplift in the area of woodland cover in the UK after Brexit. A group of farmers are the stars of a new NFU recipe book that features the best of British produce. 'Countryside Kitchen: Farm, Food, Fork' includes 77 recipes that use only British seasonal ingredients cultivated by British farmers. It also highlights the importance of provenance and supporting farming and agriculture in the UK and encourages readers to use seasonal, local ingredients. Also included are the stories of the farmers and growers behind the raw ingredients with the aim of providing members of the public with the knowledge of where their food comes from and how it is grown or raised. A foreword by Countryfile presenter and farmer Adam Henson is included. He acknowledges the dedication and hard work of British farmers and urges readers to reconnect with the British seasons. NFU President, Meurig Raymond, said of the launch: British farmers produce some of the most delicious and diverse food in the world while adhering to Red Tractor standards. This is to ensure the very best in traceability, environmental protection, food safety and hygiene and animal welfare standards. The British public more than ever want to know the story of where their food comes from; how its grown and raised, where its been. The NFUs Countryside Kitchen recipe book helps people to reconnect with their food and gives them an insight into the lives of the people who work so hard to put food on our tables. By cooking with seasonal British produce the public are supporting British farmers who are the backbone of our rural communities and stewards of our beautiful countryside. "Grossly unfair" farm subsidies should be replaced with a new system which allows all farmers the safety net of a basic income, a land and environment expert has told the government. Professor Ian Bateman, Director of the University of Exeter's Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP) has set out a new vision for a "harmonisation" of environmental and agricultural policy following Brexit. In a speech to the the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, Professor Bateman called for the scrapping of current agricultural policy. He said the CAP has overseen long-term decline in the natural environment, poor value for money to tax payers and a bad deal for the large majority of farmers. Arguing that any improvement had to involve a new relationship between farmers and society that was good for both sides, Professor Bateman opened the session by highlighting that subsidies are currently distributed according to farm size. This has resulted in three quarters of funding going to the biggest one quarter of farms, with billionaire landowners being among the largest recipients of public funding. Wealthy landowners Indeed, campaigners have already called for landowners, which includes the the Queen, to lose up to 1 million a year under plans to slash farming subsidies for wealthier farmers after Britain leaves the European Union. One Labour MP said it was "indefensible" that wealthy land-owning families are given so much money in subsidies, and another campaigner said it was a "no-brainer" to change the system after the UK leaves the EU. Farm minister George Eustice has also in the past said the distribution of payments was 'unfair'. Professor Bateman said it supports intensive high-input/high-output farming so that society pays twice for food production, once through taxes and again via the shopping basket. In contrast, Bateman said that many small and average sized farms receive relatively little public support despite being vital contributors to environmental quality. He said: Society doesnt benefit from small farmers being pushed into bankruptcy. So the gross inequality of the present system should be replaced in part with the fairer distribution of a basic income safety net across farms. This will also retain land for any possible future food security contingencies without wasting money now by subsidising overproduction and damaging the environment. Public benefits Beyond this safety net, Professor Bateman urged that public funding should only pay for activities which have public benefits. These benefits include supporting rural development, maintaining high standards of animal welfare, protecting the biosecurity of the country, protection from flooding and the development and application of low-impact farm technology. However, Bateman said that the majority of public funding should be targeted towards improving the countrys environment and the natural capital it provides, underpinning the economy and social well-being as well as providing a high-quality environment for all. New methods of calculating the value of improving natural capital are available to help decision makers target public funding to those areas and uses which will deliver the best for society. It is now possible to measure the contribution of landowners, farmers and farm managers to the environment, for example by calculating how much they reduce water pollution. Police ordered a Land Rover Discovery to be crushed after its owner was found guilty of damaging farmland by driving on it. North Yorkshire Polices Rural Taskforce said that by releasing an image of the crushed Land Rover, it would send a "very clear" message that illegally driving on farmland is unacceptable. The offender, 33-year-old Mark James Hughes from Horden, near Peterlee, was convicted of criminal damage after driving onto a farmer's field at Topcliffe, near Thirsk, last November. ... it is hoped the images send a clear message that it is unacceptable to drive on farmland The Land Rover became stuck and buried into the mud to the depth of its axle. Mr Hughes was ordered to pay 1,000 compensation and disqualified for driving for six months Mr Hughes was seen nearby, and subsequently interviewed by officers. The farmland Mr Hughes damaged was due to be replanted, but the damage caused by his car made this impossible due to a risk of contaminants. At Northallerton Magistrates Court on August 25, Hughes was ordered to pay 1,000 compensation and disqualified for driving for six months. He also had his vehicle taken off him and now it has been crushed. PC Arfan Rahouf, of North Yorkshire Polices Rural Taskforce, said: Hughes thoughtless and reckless actions caused substantial inconvenience and financial loss to a farm business. I hope that the crushing of the vehicle, along with the compensation and driving ban sends a very clear message that this behaviour is absolutely unacceptable to North Yorkshires rural communities, and police will deal with such incidents robustly. The value of exports of beef and lamb from Scotland has increased to over 80 million in the past year, according to export figures. Results of the annual exporters survey conducted by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) shows that Scotlands exports of red meat increased in value by 9% (4.3% by volume) in the year ending August 2017. Scotland's booming food and drink exports show no sign of stopping. Overall food and drink exports increased by over 11 per cent in the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period in 2016. Speaking at Anuga in Cologne, one of the worlds largest food fairs Jim McLaren, Chairman of QMS said the figures should send a "positive signal" to Scottish exporters and those working in the wider red meat industry. This strengthening of export demand is a very clear indication that, despite the on-going challenges of the global economy and the uncertainty generated by the Brexit negotiation process, overseas demand for Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI remains strong, Mr McLaren said. We continue to focus on strengthening our relationships with our much-valued, long-established overseas customers who recognise all that sets our beef and lamb apart - from our quality assurance and animal welfare to our sustainability message. We will also continue to seek out and welcome new export opportunities, added Mr McLaren. Asian growth While the greatest volume of sales of beef and lamb from Scotland was the result of trade with other EU countries, the biggest driver for growth was in exports to third countries. Strong examples of this, said Mr McLaren, were Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore, where four Scottish companies have been exporting during the past year. Indeed, a recent AHDB Pork report has said that the Asia-Pacific region could offer 'increasing opportunities' for UK meat exporters looking forward to post-Brexit markets. Within the EU, the biggest markets for beef from Scotland remain France and Italy, according to the QMS figures. Looking at the countries which pay the greatest premium for beef from Scotland, Belgium leads the way in the EU, with Norway and Switzerland paying the most outwith the EU. Looking only at beef from Scotland, the value of exports increased by over 12% year-on-year, with the volume increase of 3.4%, a clear indication of the influence of currency. The biggest increase in export trade of beef from Scotland was to Germany and the Nordics which have increased by 53% and 46% respectively. Demand Mr McLaren said it was vital that the Scottish industry continues to meet the demands of overseas markets for high quality produce. However, he also drew attention to the importance of export markets in terms of optimising returns for the entire carcase. While there is demand from overseas customers for the very top end of quality products from Scotland there is also encouraging volume demand from overseas markets for fifth quarter and lower value products. This is important in terms of optimising returns for the whole carcase, said Mr McLaren. QMSs export strategy in recent years has focused on developing opportunities in Germany and the Nordics, along with the existing well-established target markets of France, Italy and the Benelux. Farming union NFU Scotland has recently called for politicians to "recognise and protect" the economic and environmental contribution of Scottish agriculture in the Brexit negotiations. US Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has arrived in the UK to talk about post-Brexit agricultural trade with Defra Secretary Michael Gove. It is part of Mr Perdue's European tour, with its overall aim to lift trade barriers with the US and the EU. On Thursday (12 October), he is expected to meet with Mr Gove as well as with members of the House of Commons' Committee on Environment Food and Rural Affairs. Mr Perdue is expected to discuss the US trade relationship with the United Kingdom after the UK leaves the EU. However, trade relationship with the UK and the US has not got off to a good start. (Twitter) The US and six other major agricultural producers such as Argentina and New Zealand have already opposed a tariff deal between the UK and EU. The seven nations have explained that the plans to divide existing quotas will put them at a disadvantage. 'Very protectionist' Regardless, US President Donald Trump has stated how he wants more access to British markets. Mr Trump has even criticised the EU's trading relationship with the US on food products. He said American farmers 'can't deal' with the EU as they are 'very, very protectionist.' The British red meat industry has welcomed Mr Trump's eagerness. The industry said it is looking forward to 'continued good progress' towards opening up the American market to lamb and beef products. The American market has been closed to lamb from Britain for many years, but work has been ongoing for a decade to re-establish the trade by Hybu Cig Cymru Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), working alongside the Welsh and UK governments. 'Stronger trade' US pork industry leaders have also applauded the Trump administration for seeking closer trade relations with the UK, backed by a plea for talks between the two countries to begin as soon as possible. We applaud the Trump administration for recognising the importance of free trade agreements to American agriculture and the entire US economy, said National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) president, John Weber, a pork producer himself from Dysart, Iowa. Were pleased that it will work for a stronger trade relationship with the UK through a mutually beneficial trade agreement. The danger, however, is that new trade deals with the US and other big pork exporters would be used by the respective meat industries to try and lower both tariff and non-tariff barriers for cheaper exports to the UK. The latter currently prevent pork imports produced in ways banned in the EU, such as use of ractopamine, a feed additive to promote leanness in meat, antibiotics for growth promotion and sow stalls. Cautious Today's meetings will be seen as cautious in their tone after the UK annoyed the US with the proposed UK-EU tariff agreement. Mr Perdue's trip will conclude in Madrid, where he will meet with Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Forestry Isabel Garcia Tejerina on October 17. Mr Perdue said about his trip: "The European Union consistently ranks among the United States' top agricultural export markets, and it is the world's largest importer of food and farm products." "We value our close relationship with our European partners, but there is work to be done to address the numerous trade barriers U.S. exporters face in that market." UK-Australia trade deal 'gave away far too much', Eustice admits Recommended Video Katrina Kaif SPOTTED shopping in Abu Dhabi SUPERMARKET; Watch | FilmiBeat It's great to see our favourite movie stars buy groceries at a supermarket like common folks but that doesn't usually happen while they're in India, as being mobbed by fans is a common occurrence. Be if selfies or asking for an autograph, you never know as within the span of seconds the crowd would end up being large. Luckily, Katrina Kaif has no such issues while she's abroad as she was spotted shopping at a regular supermarket in Abu Dhabi after her shoot of Tiger Zinda Hai. She looked simple and without makeup and sported a casual grey tee and was all smiles at the cash counter while buying the products. Check out the pics below... Asif Ali has had a good year so far with the actor in him receiving a lot of praises for his performances and choices of movies, as well. The actor gave a rel big hit in the form of Sunday Holiday, directed by Jis Joy and produced under the banner Maqtro Pictures. Now, Asif Ali is all set to team up with producers of Sunday Holiday once again for an upcoming film, directed by debutant Mridual Nair and produced by Maqtro Pictures This upcoming Asif Ali starrer has been titled as B.Tech and the shoot of the film is expected to begin in the month of November. Mridul Nair has earlier worked as an associate to VK Prakash and has also acted in films like Kili Poyi, Thank You etc. Nothing much has been revealed about the rest of the cast of the movie. Further details are exected to be out in the coming days. B.Tech is the third production venture of Maqtro Pictures after Manju Warrier starrer C/O Saira Banu and Asif Ali's Sunday Holiday. Meanwhile, Asif Ali's next big release is Kaattu, which will hit the theatres on October 13, 2017 Synopsis The story of Lavakusha revolves around two jobless youngsters, who plans to open a casting agency of their own. Interestingly, both of them had once aspired to join the police force. Once, they get to meet an undercover police officer named JK and what happens later has been narrated in Lavakusha. Performances Neeraj Madhav and Aju Varghese play the title roles in the movie. They have done a good job with their performance. The comedy sequences of these actors have worked out pretty well and they do share a good chemistry. At the same time, they have slightly faltered in certain serious sequences. But still, they have come out successful in serving justice to their characters and do shine in the lead roles. Biju Menon is the show-stealer as JK and he keeps you entertained throughout the film. He gets some mass scenes and is sure to get claps in the theatres. It isn't a role which he hasn't done in the past and but still he makes his presence felt, right from the very first scene in which he appears. Lavakusha also features Deepthi Sati, Aditi Ravi, Major Ravi, Vijay Babu etc., in important roles. Most of them done have done a decent job. Director - Gireesh Mano Gireesh Mano has come up with a decent job in packing an entertainer which could rightly be tagged as a spy comedy. He has used most of his actors, pretty well. The placement and the execution of the comic sequences are good and they hit the right chords, most of the times. At the same time, he could have done a better job with the initial portions of the film where the film lacks a firm grip and thus leaving the audiences a bit bored. But, the film-maker in him make it up for that in the remaining portions and takes the audiences for a good ride. Script Neeraj Madhav Neeraj Madhav debuts as a scriptwriter with Lavakusha. The story of Lavakusha has everything in it to churn out a mindless entertainer. Rightly, Neeraj Madhav has etched out sequences that maintain the flow of the film. At the same time, there are definitely some rooms for improvement. There are some unwanted sequences which could have been avoided. Some of the twists are really predictable and it seemed like the writer in him was in a hurry towards the climax sequences and thus leaving quite a few questions unanswered. Music & BGM - Gopi Sunder Gopi Sunder has handled the music department of the movie. The song Ayyappentamma.. is a foot tapping number. BGM of the film is loud at places and could have been better. Warren Buffett's famous $500,000 bet that an S&P 500 index fund would beat a basket of hedge funds over a 10-year period is about to come to a close. However, Buffett recently said that he is more than willing to repeat the bet if anyone is particularly confident in the hedge fund industry over the coming decade. Here's why Buffett is so certain that a simple index fund will perform better than a group of professional investment managers. Buffett's original bet is about to pay him millions A little over a decade ago, Warren Buffett publicly offered to wager $500,000 that no professional could select a group of at least five hedge funds that would match the performance of a low-cost S&P 500 index fund that simply tracked the market's performance over a period of 10 years. The only person to accept Buffett's bet was a man named Ted Seides, who chose a basket of five funds-of-funds (funds that invest in multiple hedge funds). These funds are made up of more than 100 different hedge funds, so the funds' results won't be too reliant on any single manager's performance. Well, the bet is in its last year, and it's not even close. In fact, Seides has already conceded defeat. Buffett's S&P 500 index fund has generated nearly four times the returns of Seides' funds-of-funds portfolio. The original pot of $1 million was invested in Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A -0.52%) (BRK.B -0.26%) stock -- which is worth significantly more now -- and Buffett's winnings will be donated to charity once the 10-year bet is officially over. Was it a fluke? Buffett doesn't think so Some hedge fund professionals say that Buffett simply got lucky with the timing. The market has gone up steadily since the bet was made, and many people argue that hedge funds are better equipped to make money in down markets. Buffett doesn't buy this logic. In fact, he is willing to make the same wager again over the next 10 years, if anyone will take the bet. In a recent CNBC interview, Buffett said, "The date of the start has nothing to do with it." He also said that passive investing works in any environment, especially against a fund-of-funds. Buffett is offering to repeat the bet if anyone is willing to put up "a significant percentage of their net worth." So if you believe that hedge funds will outperform the market as a whole over the next decade, here's your chance to try to win some of Warren Buffett's money. Why does Buffett believe index funds will always beat professionally managed hedge funds? To be clear, Buffett isn't saying that an S&P 500 index fund will beat every hedge fund over the next decade, or during any other 10-year period for that matter. What he's saying, rather, is that a group of hedge funds is almost guaranteed to lose to the market over long periods of time. His main reasoning concerns the fees charged by hedge funds. Buffett says that, as a whole, hedge fund managers' investments should roughly match the market's performance. Some managers will pick winners, others will pick losers, and it will all balance out in the aggregate. The hedge fund industry standard fee structure is known as the "two and 20," which means a 2% annual fee that is paid to managers no matter what, and 20% of profits in years where the fund makes money. So you have an investment product where the underlying holdings can be roughly expected to match the market's performance, and you're deducting massive fees from it. The same logic can be applied to actively managed mutual funds or any other high-fee investment product. Buffett's logic is that most investors are simply better off buying low-cost index funds that guarantee investors that they'll match the market's performance, with minimal fees deducted from the returns. Should you invest in index funds? To be clear, Buffett isn't saying that index funds are necessarily a better investment than individual stocks. Buffett has made his fortune by choosing individual companies to invest in, and if you have the time, knowledge, and desire to research and evaluate individual stocks, we encourage you to do it. On the other hand, for the majority of Americans who don't have these attributes, Buffett is making the point that fees are the enemy of American investors, and those who simply avoid fees and invest in the market's performance will do just fine over time. Those who invest in high-cost funds will likely only succeed in making the fund managers rich. Growers lifting sugar beet this autumn could be affected by financial difficulties experienced by a major contractor and haulier of the crop, says the NFU. Forecasts of a near record crop this season prompted British Sugar to open its four sugar beet processing factories earlier than usual last month. At its peak, more than 400 lorries are expected to deliver sugar beet daily to the companys Newark factory alone. NFU Sugar chairman Michael Sly said: NFU Sugar is saddened and disappointed to learn that a significant contractor a pioneer in self-grown [sugar beet] and the industry harvesting and haulage scheme has gone into technical administration. See also: Why UK sugar beet has a bright future Mr Sly said he was not in a position to name the contractor and haulier in question. But the business was highly regarded by growers for its professionalism and the service it had offered, he told an NFU council meeting at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. It is therefore unfortunate that a commercial solution has not been found to date, said Mr Sly. There is a possibility that this may impact on the current campaign, he told the open meeting on Tuesday (10 October). British Sugar expects to make more than 1.4m tonnes of sugar from this seasons beet crop close to the record 1.45m tonnes made from the 2014 crop. Mr Sly said. It is going to be a very long campaign. Easter is at the end of March and I fully suspect we will still taking beet into the factories up until then. Improve efficiency The industry harvesting and haulage scheme was set up as a joint initiative between British Sugar and the NFU in 2010. It aims to improve the efficiency of beet deliveries from field to factory by putting British Sugar rather than growers in charge of transportation and contracting it out. British Sugar managing director Paul Kenward said he did not anticipate any significant delays due to the contractor in question. We have done everything we can to support the business concerned, he said. Were sorry to hear this news and our thoughts are with everyone impacted. Mr Kenward added: We have contingency plans in the event the business ceases trading, which will be confined largely to the Newark factory area. We have identified other contractors to step into contracts if required to make sure that beet is lifted and hauled. Growers concerned they may be affected are being asked to call the British Sugar helpline on 0870 240 2314 or the NFU Sugar helpline on 03700 661 974. This months tractor test sees the New Holland T5.120 go head-to-head with Fendts 312. You can find how they performed with a pair of four-furrow Ovlac ploughs by watching the video and reading the full report below. And if neither of these options are for you or your wallet wont stretch that far, we have picked out three second-hand alternatives with a few hours on the clock that may be better for you. See also: Tractor buyers guide 2017 A 120hp loader tractor remains a must-have weapon on smaller mixed farms, but prices are sky-rocketing out of the reach of their typical modest-acred buyers. Thats particularly the case as you climb up the spec list. For the New Holland T5.120, theres a 15,000 void between entry-level models and the top-spec machine we tested. It makes even worse reading for Fendt fans, where the price of a fully loaded 312 comes at a 30,000 premium compared with the no-frills option. Its a horsepower sector in which New Holland has traditionally been strong in the UK. The T5 has always been one of its strongest sellers, whereas up until recently Fendt was a very small fish in the sub-150hp pond. However, the company has reported a surge in sales of its 300 models up from 12 units in 2012 to 80 machines last year. Specs: Fendt 312 Vario Engine 4.4-litre Agco Power four-cyl 4.4-litre Agco Power four-cyl Power 123hp 123hp Transmission Vario (CVT) Vario (CVT) Rear lift capacity 5,960kg 5,960kg Weight 4,970kg 4,970kg Top speed 40kph 40kph Front tyres 480/65 R24 480/65 R24 Rear tyres 540/65 R38 540/65 R38 Hydraulic pump flow 110-litres/min 110-litres/min Fuel tank 210 litres 210 litres Retail price 131,000 Engine The Fendt has the slightly bigger four-cylinder block of the two, with its Agco 4.4-litre having the edge in both capacity and power over the 3.4-litre FPT in the New Holland. On tick-over, the Fendt offered up a smooth, refined sound, while its rival was louder, lumpier and more intrusive, meaning the radio had to be put a couple of notches up to hear Steve Wrights Serious Jockin. That said, it seemed to better put that power to the ground when pulling a four-furrow plough in the field. The near-identical brace of Ovlac implements one having slatted boards and the other standard provided a stiff test through heavier clay patches. However, the New Holland wilted less often than its rival and often pulled away from the bigger-engined Fendt on longer runs. But when we did hit a sticky patch, the Vario gearbox was quicker to react to trouble. Comparatively, if the NH dropped into the 1,200-1,400 rev bracket, the train-like pulling power between 1,600-1,900rpm all but vanished, leaving the driver frantically reaching for one of the buttons to drop down a couple of cogs before it conked out. Specs: New Holland T5.120 Engine 3.4-litre Fiat four-cyl 3.4-litre Fiat four-cyl Power 117hp 117hp Transmission 1616 electro command four range semi powershift with auto function 1616 electro command four range semi powershift with auto function Rear lift capacity 5,429kg 5,429kg Weight 4,550kg 4,550kg Top speed 40kph 40kph Front tyres 440/65 R28 440/65 R28 Rear tyres 540/65 R38 540/65 R38 Hydraulic pump flow 84 litres/min 84 litres/min Fuel tank 165 litres 165 litres Price 77,046 Transmission Probably the biggest difference between the two machines, apart from the alarming price mismatch, is the type of transmission they employ. Fendt uses its time-proven Vario box in every one of its wheeled machines from 100-500hp, whereas New Holland has stuck with the trusty semi-powershifter, with CVT options available in the T6 range and above. Pulling a four-furrow plough about 8in deep wasnt an issue for either of the tractors, and clicking up through the gears in the NH via one of the three handily located shifting buttons was smoother than we initially imagined. In total there are 16 speeds and a high/low splitter, which resides in a different postcode to the drivers seat and means its a real reach to shove it into the high range even for a 6ft driver. In the green machine, the Vario gearbox was as smooth as you would expect. After driving both machines for a couple of days, its fair to say the old criticism of Fendt machines being too complicated really has been put to bed, as it was noticeably the simpler of the two to use. Although it didnt seem to have the top-end power of the NH, the Vario box managed to adapt smoothly and quickly to changing conditions and left the operator plenty of spare time to concentrate on what the plough was doing. Cab The quality of the cab layout, fixtures and fittings is noticeably different. The Fendt is light and roomy, with well-laid-out controls and is almost as nice as the 1000-series, which is its superior by 400hp. However, it was let down by mounting the controls on the side console, rather than the armrest position of the larger models. This means that as you bounce around in the seat, its hard to keep a steady hand on the joystick. The seat base was also too short for anyone much more than 5ft tall and the open screw heads on show left us feeling like the quality of finish was a fraction short of the bigger machines. Choosing the top-range Profi-Plus specification offers up guidance capabilities and the 7in touchscreen housing all tractor functions and information. This makes changing settings far easier than non-Fendt users might think, and its fair to say the brand has built up a slightly unfair reputation for complexity. In stark contrast, the New Hollands cab was awkward to access via some angled steps and the living space felt smaller than the Fendt, emphasised by the cheaper plastics and six boxy pillars. New Holland T5.120 Likes Strong pulling power Armrest-mounted loader joystick Lots of powershift button options Smooth shifting under load Gripes Noisy Gives up easily below 1,400rpm Small-feeling cab Winky in-cab computer It also comes with a rather winky screen mounted in the centre of the dashboard, which stores very basic tractor information. It also made it far more difficult to adjust any settings and monitor information. As for passengers, the Germans offer a decent second seat with plenty of space, while drivers and co-pilots will find themselves clashing knees in the New Holland. Loader Surprisingly, the New Holland wins in the loader department. The electric joystick is mounted on the right-hand armrest, which falls into the hand comfortably and has thumb-positioned auxiliary controls along with gear shifters on the rear for finger operation. While the Fendt also has electronic controls, they are mounted further away from the operator and dont move with the seat. Views from the cabs to the front loader were similar. Fendt uses a one-piece curved glass that extends the full length of the front window and swoops into the roof, doing away with crossbars that obscure vision even at full height. Its rival has a slide-back sun visor to reveal the roof window when needed, and so has a narrow bar across the top and means the driver will still have to lean forward to follow the bucket through the lift arc. Fendt 312 Likes Quiet and comfortable Transmission reacts quickly to conditions Easy access, spacious cab Surprisingly simple to use Gripes Loader controls sit on the side console Seat base too short Transmission neutral position hard to find Verdict If a majority of your work is loader-related then the New Holland is probably the better choice. Its a little noisier than the Fendt, but you will most likely be paying the Germans a lot more cash for electronic wizardry that you may never use and, at well over 50,000 difference in list price, thats a lot of money to justify parting with. There are obvious comparisons to be drawn against the transmissions, but it really comes down to whether youre dead set on having a CVT or not. If, on the other hand, long days in the field make up a large portion of the machines workload, the Fendt has to be a contender purely for the comfort it brings to the operation. Features such as headland management also make life pretty easy. Of course, it will be worth a fair bit more when you come to sell it on, too. If neither machines are to your taste, we have picked out three alternatives with a few hours on the clock that come in at a fraction of the price of a new model. If the sky-high list prices are too much to stomach, we have picked out three second-hand options with a few hours on the clock that may tick your box. Get a free Bluetooth speaker and more on the purchase of Sony Xperia XZ Premium News oi -Chandrika Sony India has just announced an exciting offer on its flagship smartphone. If you were planning to buy the Sony Xperia XZ Premium, now is the right time. Sony India has just announced an exciting offer on its flagship smartphone. Under this offer, customers will get a free SRS-XB10 Bluetooth Speaker as well as an SCSG10 Style Cover Stand on purchase of the Xperia XZ Premium. Moreover, both the devices will be delivered to the customer within 90 working days of purchase. Being a limited period offer, it will last until October 31 and can be availed in all Sony Centers and Sony Mobile retail partners like Croma, Reliance, Ezone, etc. The SRS-XB10 Bluetooth Speaker is worth Rs. 4,990, while the price of SCSG10 Style Cover Stand is Rs. 3,490. So, it appears to be a pretty good deal. Just to recall, the Sony Xperia XZ Premium is priced at Rs. 59,990 in India. It boasts of all the features a flagship should have. The key highlight of the smartphone is its camera department. The device is equipped with a 19MP Motion Eye camera with a 1/2.3-inch Exmor RS memory stacked sensor and is capable of shooting videos at 960 frames per second. Camera features include predictive hybrid autofocus and predictive capture, a 25mm f/2.0 lens, and 1.22-micron pixel sensor. Likewise there is also a 13MP 1/3.06-inch Exmor RS sensor that is supported by a 22mm wide-angle f/2.0 lens Other than that, the Sony Xperia XZ Premium comes with a 5.5-inch 4K (21603840 pixels) HDR Triluminos display, Snapdragon 835 SoC, 4GB RAM, 64GB of expandable internal storage and a 3,230mAh non-removable battery with Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 technology. The Sony flagship runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat OS and will be upgraded to Android Oreo soon. For connectivity, the smartphone offers 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC, GPS/ A-GPS, USB Type-C (3.1), and a 3.5mm audio jack. In the meantime, Sony India has also announced many consumer promotion offers for Diwali. Find out in detail here. Best Mobiles in India Facebook, To stay updated with latest technology news & gadget reviews, follow GizBot on Twitter YouTube and also subscribe to our notification. Allow Notifications iVoomi is now offering great discounts on smartphones as part of the Big Diwali Sale on Flipkart News oi -Samden Sherpa iVoomi India has announced that a special discount up to 25 percent will be offered on its smartphones along with free screen replacement on its newly launched flagships. This festive season, along with many smartphone brands in the market, iVoomi, another Chinese consumer electronics company is now offering several deals to its customers. The offers will be in line with the 'Big Diwali Sale' on numerous smartphones that will be sold via Flipkart. The sale will commence from 14th October and will go on until 17th October 2017. As iVoomi India is joining the celebrations, the company has announced that a special discount up to 25 percent will be offered on its smartphones along with free screen replacement on its newly launched flagship products like Me3 and Me3S for up to 180 days. As per the company's media release iVoomi Me3 will be available at Rs. 4,499, Me3s at Rs. 5,999, Me1 at Rs. 3,499, Me4 at Rs. 2,999 and Me5 at Rs. 4,499. Further, customers will get extra Rs. 200 super-cash from MobiKwik on all iVOOMi smartphones. First, in industry, iVoomi is also offering onsite warranty for Tier - 3, 4 cities where the service center is currently not available. The brand is focusing not only on sales but on after sales support as well. Commenting on the same, Mr. Ashwin Bhandari, CEO, iVoomi, India said, "Diwali is a very important festival in India and we are excited to be a part of the celebrations by offering some great discounts on our smartphones which are available on the Big Diwali Sale at Flipkart." "We are even targeting to sell 1 Lakh units in the month of October and we are expecting to double up the sale of our smartphone during this period." iVoomi has been strengthening its foothold in the Indian Market since its inception. The brand has recently gained some traction in the Indian market with the success of its eight smartphones in the Indian Market. Best Mobiles in India Facebook, To stay updated with latest technology news & gadget reviews, follow GizBot on Twitter YouTube and also subscribe to our notification. Allow Notifications Qualcomm might have to pay a fine of $774 million to Taiwan Fair Trade Commission News oi -Vijeta Fair Trade Commission said that Qualcomm charged higher licensing fees from its customers and the terms drafted for the business partnership with several of its clients highly benefit the chip maker. Taiwan's Fair Trade Commission has slapped smartphone chipset and modem manufacturer Qualcomm with a fine of $774 million for allegedly taking advantage of its monopoly in the industry. The commission has claimed that Qualcomm charged higher licensing fees from its customers and the terms drafted for the business partnership with several of its clients highly benefit the chip maker. Taiwan is the third nation after China and South Korea to fine the brand over issues related to licensing terms after China and South Korea. The processor manufacturer is also in a spat with American technology giant Apple over a similar patent dispute. Qualcomm made it amply clear that it will not merely entertain Taiwan Fair Trade Commission's fine and will indeed find a middle ground in terms of the fine charged on it,"The fine bears no rational relationship to the amount of Qualcomm's revenues or activities in Taiwan, and Qualcomm will appeal the amount of the fine and the method used to calculate it." The Commission, on the other hand, claims that Qualcomm is abusing its dominance in the CDMA and LTE chips industry and its patent holding for both of these technologies that account for a major turn over in the brand's business. With Qualcomm facing the heat from almost all the countries serving as home ground for several major brands tough times in near future for the world's largest chipset manufacturer are inevitable. Qualcomm certainly needs a reform in its practices to sustain its business. Image Best Mobiles in India Facebook, To stay updated with latest technology news & gadget reviews, follow GizBot on Twitter YouTube and also subscribe to our notification. Allow Notifications Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 and Redmi 4 is now available at Big Bazaar: Partnership announced News oi -Samden Sherpa During this festive period, Xiaomi will be selling it popular smartphones the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 and Redmi 4 via Big Bazaar. Xiaomi has already become a popular smartphone brand in India and as per the company, they have sold millions of units in the world's second-largest market. With recording setting sales, Xiaomi has mainly achieved this feat via its online channel. However, the company does want to expand and thus is focusing on setting up offline stores as well. Xiaomi has already set up Mi Home stores in several cities across India. On the other hand, the company is also working extensively with other offline retail partners in the market to sell the smartphones. Against such backdrop, Xiaomi has now partnered with Big Bazaar (a popular supermarket chain from Future Group with over 240 stores in India) to sell Redmi Note 4 (review) and Redmi 4 (review) phones during this festive period. Commenting on the partnership Manu Kumar Jain Vice President and Managing Director Xiaomi India said, "This journey started a few months ago when I first met Mr. Kishore Biyani to discuss a potential collaboration with the Future group. We agreed to do something together. During one of the brainstorming sessions, we agreed to try out something new - sell phones through Big Bazaar, something that no other brand has tried before! We at Xiaomi India, are always trying out new things." While Xiaomi has gone on an interesting route, we will have to see and wait how this partnership will work out for both the companies. The advantage though may be in Biz Bazaar's presence in India and Xiaomi does want to make full use of it. A clever strategy we would say. In any case, the Chinese manufacturer is making its smartphones more accessible for the consumers. Jain has assured that Mi Fans can buy Redmi Note 4 and Redmi 4 at special prices at Big Bazaar stores. In addition to this, customers can also grab these smartphones through No-cost EMI offers in association with Bajaj Finserv. Plus there are special discount offers on all ICICI Bank Credit and Debit card users. Best Mobiles in India Qualcomm may have already started working on Snapdragon 855 SoC News oi -Chandrika Qualcomm is reportedly developing Linux kernel driver for the upcoming Snapdragon 845 and Snapdragon 855 chipsets. Snapdragon 835 SoC was Qualcomm's flagship chipset of this year. From Samsung Galaxy S8 to OnePlus 5, almost all the major flagships are powered by it. As we are drawing closer to the end of 2017, we have started looking forward to the next flagship chipset from Qualcomm, which is Snapdragon 845. It has been appearing in leaks for quite some time now. Reportedly the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus will be the first smartphones to pack the Snapdragon 845. The chipset is said to made on 10nm process. Interestingly while Qualcomm is yet to release the Snapdragon 845 SoC, reliable leakster Roland Quandt has dropped a piece of information regarding the Snapdragon 855 chipset. According to his Twitter post, Qualcomm has already started working on Snapdragon 855 that will probably power flagship phones releasing in 2019. What comes after SDM845? Right, SDM855. Mention of Snapdragon 855 on LinkedIn. Roland Quandt (@rquandt) October 9, 2017 Quandt has made the claim based on the LinkedIn profile of a software engineer named George Fang. It seems like Qualcomm is currently developing Linux kernel driver for the upcoming Snapdragon 845 and Snapdragon 855 chipsets. It has also been revealed that Snapdragon 855 is described "the latest processor (SDM855 series) owned by Qualcomm" and it is codenamed as Hana v1.0. Previous reports had suggested that it will be built on the 7nm process. However, instead of Samsung, Taiwan-based TSMC will build the Snapdragon 855 chipsets. Talking about the Snapdragon 845, it is described as "a complex SoC of a latest mobile processor (SDM 845) owned by Qualcomm". This chipset is apparently codenamed as Napali v2.0. Now, the question is how accurate is this information? Since we can't guarantee, you better take it with a pinch of salt or two. Best Mobiles in India Facebook, To stay updated with latest technology news & gadget reviews, follow GizBot on Twitter YouTube and also subscribe to our notification. Allow Notifications Pentagon Blames Islamic State in Deadly Attack on US Forces in Niger By Carla Babb, Salem Solomon October 11, 2017 The Pentagon said Wednesday that Islamic State fighters were responsible for an attack in southwestern Niger that killed four American soldiers, as new details suggested local villagers might have played a role in the ambush. Army Lieutenant Colonel Michelle Baldanza, a Pentagon spokeswoman, told VOA that IS militants ambushed U.S. and Nigerien forces during the October 4 firefight that also killed four of Niger's security personnel. U.S. Army Special Forces, also known as Green Berets, had just completed a meeting with local leaders and were walking back to their vehicles when they were attacked, according to a U.S. official, who spoke to VOA on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing. The soldiers said the meeting ran late, and some suspected that the villagers were intentionally delaying their departure, the official said. Niger's defense ministry has confirmed the firefight occurred near the village of Tongo Tongo in the Tillaberi region. Eight other Niger troops were wounded in the attack, and two American troops were wounded and airlifted to Germany for medical treatment. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters Wednesday that the patrol had been "hit hard" in an area where enemy forces had not operated and that French planes with bombs attached were overhead within 30 minutes of the ambush. "I completely reject the idea that that [the response] was slow," Mattis said. Strategic ally Niger is a key U.S. ally in the fight against terrorism and is situated in a dangerous region of the Sahel plagued by multiple extremist groups and traffickers, said Lisa Mueller, an assistant professor of political science at Macalester College in Minnesota and an expert on politics in the area. Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. built drone bases in Niger's capital, Niamey, and in the northern town of Agadez. The U.S. has about 800 service members in Niger to provide support for the U.S. Embassy and counterterrorism training for government forces battling Islamist militant groups. "The United States has provided support for the military of Niger, especially in the way of training forces to combat multiple terrorist groups that have encroached into Niger from several of the country's borders," Mueller said. Niger faces threats from Nigeria-based Boko Haram along its southern border and Algeria-based al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb along its porous borders to the west and north. Pockets of Islamic State fighters operate in the west. "Really, from almost all sides, Niger is facing attacks from armed extremist groups," Mueller said. "And, because the government of Niger has been a strong ally to the counterterrorism efforts, it's been natural for the United States to station its counterterrorism forces in that country." Caught off guard Army Colonel Mark Cheadle, U.S. Africa Command spokesman, said in a conference call last week that the military was "resolved and stalwart in our efforts to go after those who attacked us." The Pentagon also said it was re-evaluating its force protection measures in the region. "We will look at this and say: Was there something that we have to adapt to now? Should we have been in a better stance?" Mattis said. "We're not complacent. We're going to be better." Mueller, who has traveled and conducted research in Niger, said radicalism in the country is mostly imported from surrounding countries, but that could change. "Islam in Niger has, for generations, been very tolerant, been very resistant to radicalization, especially compared with societies elsewhere in the Sahel," she said. "It's not guaranteed that that won't change, and there are some hints that especially youth in certain regions of Niger are more receptive to radical recruitment. But it's not the overwhelming trend as of now, and so I just want to underline that terrorism in Niger is largely a matter of foreign policy and not of domestic concerns." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Trump: North Korea a 'Problem That Has to Be Solved' By Steve Herman October 11, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday characterized North Korea as "a problem that has to be solved." Trump, asked about his differences with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on how to respond to Pyongyang, replied, "I feel stronger and tougher on that subject than other people, but I listen to everybody." The president, in the Oval Office alongside Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, added that "ultimately, I will do what's right for the United States and, really, what's right for the world." Meanwhile, North Korea's foreign minister says Trump "lit a fuse of war" on the Korean peninsula with his threat that the U.S. would "totally destroy" Pyongyang if attacked. Trump made those remarks in an address to the U.N. General Assembly last month. "We can say that Trump has lit a fuse of war against us by his militaristic and delusional statement at the U.N.," North Korean foreign minister Ri Yong Ho told Russia's Tass news agency. He said the U.S. "must act reasonably and stop provoking" North Korea. As Trump pondered possible military strikes against North Korea, his military, along with South Korea and Japan, staged a combined show of force against Pyongyang with missile firing exercises off both the east and west coasts of the Korean peninsula on Tuesday. Trump, meeting with members of his national security team, discussed "a range of options to respond to any form of North Korean aggression or, if necessary, to prevent North Korea from threatening the United States and its allies with nuclear weapons," according to a statement from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. "I suppose this must be in reference to pre-empting an imminent North Korean nuclear attack," says regional security analyst Daniel Pinkston with Troy University in Seoul. The president, in the meeting, received a briefing from Defense Secretary James Mattis and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, according to the White House. The meeting coincided with pair of aerial firing exercises off the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea by allied strategic bombers and fighter jets. The drill was the first night combined training among U.S., South Korean and Japanese aircraft, according to the Pentagon. It involved a pair of B-1B Lancers staging a simulated air-to-ground missile firing with two South Korean F-15K jets over the Sea of Japan which then flew across the southern portion of the Korean peninsula. "Flying and training at night with our allies in a safe, effective manner is an important capability shared between the U.S., Japan and the Republic of Korea and hones the tactical prowess of each nations' aviators," says U.S. Air Force Major Patrick Applegate. "This is a clear demonstration of our ability to conduct seamless operations with all of our allies anytime, anywhere." The U.S. Air Force bombers and the South Korean fighters then conducted a second firing exercise over the Yellow Sea, according to the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff. "These B-1 sorties reflect South Korea's demand for more extended deterrence assurances," Pinkston tells VOA. "South Korea has requested more frequent rotations for strategic weapons systems around Korea, and this helps fulfill that request." The F-15 escorts are notable "because combined operations require consent from South Korea, so this does not represent U.S. unilateral action," according to Pinkston. Meanwhile, the USS Tucson, a nuclear-powered attack submarine of the U.S. Navy, has arrived at the Chinhae base in South Korea, according to the U.S. Pacific Command. Trump, on Monday, on Twitter said that a quarter century of U.S. policy towards North Korea had been unsuccessful. Two days previous to that comment the president said on the social media platform that Pyongyang had violated agreements "before the ink was dry, making fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!" Trump has not clarified what is that one thing. North Korea has conducted numerous missile and nuclear tests, including launching rockets over Japan. North Korea's leadership recently told Russian lawmakers that it possesses a ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 kilometers that will be able to reach U.S. territory after modernization, the Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday. Senior diplomats of the United States, Japan and South Korea are to meet on October 18 in Seoul to discuss North Korea's evolving nuclear and missile threats, according to the South Korean foreign ministry. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Some US Officials See Little Downside to Decertifying Iran Nuclear Deal By Jeff Seldin October 11, 2017 Iran may well make good on some of its threats to lash out at American interests and targets, should U.S. President Donald Trump move forward with decertifying the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday pledged a "tougher" response if Trump decides to find Tehran is not in compliance with the nuclear deal, according to the state-run IRNA news agency. An Iranian military spokesman further promised this week that his country's forces would teach the U.S. "new lessons" if needed. But current and former U.S. intelligence and military officials say any Iranian action is unlikely to be carried out directly and that such behavior would not be a dramatic departure from Iran's behavior since the nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), went into effect. "The trajectory that we have seen Hezbollah on has continued pretty much unabated throughout the duration of the conflict in Syria," National Counterterrorism Director Nicholas Rasmussen told reporters Wednesday, as the U.S. announced a new round of actions aimed at countering the Iranian-sponsored terror group. Rasmussen is only the latest in a long line of U.S. officials to voice concern about Iran's activities since the nuclear agreement went into effect. 'Clearly the top threat' Just last month, the head of U.S. Central Command called Iran "clearly the top threat" to long-term stability in the Middle East. "They operate almost entirely in what we refer to as the gray zone, that space between normal international competition and armed conflict," Gen. Joseph Votel said during an appearance in Washington. And White House officials say Iran has become increasingly aggressive, even as the U.S. continued to certify the regime's compliance with the deal. "What they're doing now more than ever is accelerating the arming of their proxies," National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster told a forum in Washington last month. The agreement signed by Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany, requires Tehran to sharply restrict its nuclear program and allow more access to international inspectors. Iranian leaders also promised not to seek, develop or acquire nuclear weapons. In return, Iran received relief from crippling economic sanctions, including the release of billions of dollars in frozen overseas assets and re-admittance to the international banking system. "It is the worst deal," McMaster said. "It didn't address clearly critical capabilities Iran is still free to develop." And there has long been suspicion that Tehran has been using financial flexibility as a result of funds freed up under the terms of the nuclear deal estimated $50 billion to $150 billion to expand the scope and reach of its proxy forces across the Middle East and beyond. Aggressive approach With few signs Iran is willing to modify its behavior, officials say the U.S. has no choice but to take a more aggressive approach to weaken Iran's widening influence, even if the results are not immediate. "The Iranians are concerned about this (decertification)," said Michael Pregent, a former U.S. intelligence officer now with the Hudson Institute. "It calls them out for their behavior. It punishes them for their behavior." Pregent said the U.S. would also be wise to designate Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), whose commanders often embed with proxy forces, as a terrorist organization. "Putting sanctions on the IRGC and other entities constrains Iranian actions, constrains other countries from supporting Iran," Pregent said. Experts who track Iran's proxies say few seem to have felt any constraints until now. "In September, the [anti-U.S.] rhetoric was upped by Kata'ib Hizballah, one of the IRGC's most loyal creations," said Phillip Smyth, a University of Maryland researcher who follows the online activity of Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias in Iraq and Syria. "They were talking about targeting U.S. forces in Iraq," Smyth said, describing it as "the usual rhetoric." Still, there are those who worry decertifying the nuclear deal and designating the IRGC as a terrorist group, will only make U.S. efforts to contain Iran more difficult while making its proxies more dangerous. "Decertification will support the Iranian narrative that the U.S. is distrustful and may persuade Iranian militias to target U.S. service members as they did during the Iraq War," said Nicholas Glavin, an independent researcher formerly at the U.S. Naval War College's Center on Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups. "Iranian militias will continue to exert a significant amount of control in parallel to American troops' attempts to stabilize Iraq and Syria," Glavin said. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Brutal attacks on Rohingya meant to make their return almost impossible UN human rights report UNOHCHR GENEVA (11 October 2017) Brutal attacks against Rohingya in northern Rakhine State have been well-organised, coordinated and systematic, with the intent of not only driving the population out of Myanmar but preventing them from returning to their homes, a new UN report based on interviews conducted in Bangladesh has found. The report by a team from the UN Human Rights Office, who met with the newly arrived Rohingya in Coxs Bazar from 14 to 24 September 2017, states that human rights violations committed against the Rohingya population were carried out by Myanmar security forces often in concert with armed Rakhine Buddhist individuals. The report, released on Wednesday, is based on some 65 interviews with individuals and groups. It also highlights a strategy to instil deep and widespread fear and trauma physical, emotional and psychological among the Rohingya population. More than 500,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since the Myanmar security forces launched an operation in response to alleged attacks by militants on 25 August against 30 police posts and a regimental headquarters. The report states the clearance operations started before 25 August 2017, and as early as the beginning of August. The UN Human Rights Office is gravely concerned for the safety of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya who remain in northern Rakhine State amid reports the violence is still ongoing, and calls on authorities to immediately allow humanitarian and human rights actors unfettered access to the stricken areas. The report cites testimony from witnesses that security forces scorched dwellings and entire villages, were responsible for extrajudicial and summary executions, rape and other forms of sexual violence, torture and attacks on places of worship. Eyewitnesses reported numerous killings, saying some victims were deliberately targeted and others were killed through explosions, fire and stray bullets. A 12-year old girl from Rathedaung township described how the [Myanmar security forces and Rakhine Buddhist individuals] surrounded our house and started to shoot. It was a situation of panic they shot my sister in front of me, she was only seven years old. She cried and told me to run. I tried to protect her and care for her, but we had no medical assistance on the hillside and she was bleeding so much that after one day she died. I buried her myself. The report states that in some cases, before and during the attacks, megaphones were used to announce: You do not belong here go to Bangladesh. If you do not leave, we will torch your houses and kill you. Credible information indicates that the Myanmar security forces purposely destroyed the property of the Rohingyas, targeting their houses, fields, food-stocks, crops, livestock and even trees, to render the possibility of the Rohingya returning to normal lives and livelihoods in the future in northern Rakhine almost impossible. UN Human Rights chief Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, who has described the Government operations in northern Rakhine State as a textbook example of ethnic cleansing, has also urged the Government to immediately end its cruel" security operation. By denying the Rohingya population their political, civil, economic and cultural rights, including the right to citizenship, he said, the Governments actions appear to be a cynical ploy to forcibly transfer large numbers of people without possibility of return. The report indicates that efforts were taken to effectively erase signs of memorable landmarks in the geography of the Rohingya landscape and memory in such a way that a return to their lands would yield nothing but a desolate and unrecognizable terrain. Information received also indicates that the Myanmar security forces targeted teachers, the cultural and religious leadership, and other people of influence of the Rohingya community in an effort to diminish Rohingya history, culture and knowledge. ENDS NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Samsung's Galaxy Note8 had four initial launch colors: Midnight Black, Maple Gold, Orchid Grey, and Deep Sea Blue. However, not all of them have been available in all countries, with most territories in fact getting only a selection of two of them. That's slowly starting to change, it seems. Today the Deep Sea Blue version of the phablet went up for pre-order in Germany through Samsung's online store. Initially, the Note8 was only offered in Midnight Black and Maple Gold in the country. Now if you have a spare 999 lying around you can pre-order the Deep Sea Blue iteration, which is set to start shipping on October 26. Since this color is headed to Germany, we're pretty sure we might see it in other European countries very soon. On the other hand, if you are on that continent and are holding out for the Orchid Grey hue, here's some bad news: Samsung has already confirmed that this particular variant will never be sold in Europe. Via 1 (in German) | Via 2 These are the best offers from our affiliate partners. We may get a commission from qualifying sales. Despite being featured on millions of devices, Bixby has to be one of Samsungs least popular products. The company has appointed a new leader of the companys AI efforts, Chung Eui-suk, and in a few days Samsung will unveil the next major version of the digital assistant. The major change in Bixby 2.0 is that it will support third-party services and will expand beyond smartphones. These things are not part of v1.0 since the team ran out of time (even then they missed the launch of the Galaxy S8 in the US). Anyway, going beyond phones probably includes a smart speaker and Bixby support for Samsung Smart TVs (the competing Google Assistant is already available on Android TV). The next revision of Bixby will be showcased on October 18 at Samsungs Developer Conference. Source A couple of years ago, T-Mobile announced Mobile Without Borders feature, which allows T-Mobile customers to roam to Canada or Mexico with full 4G LTE speeds and without roaming fees. The new feature was part of Magentas Un-Carrier Amped campaign which beat one-upped AT&Ts announcement at the time to make roaming in Mexico free. Anyway, the feature has had enough time to mature and for T-Mobile to figure out the cost-effectiveness of the feature and what the actual usage has been. According to T-Mobile, less than 1% of those who travel to Mexico and Canada use less than 5GB of roaming data per month. As a result starting on November 12, T-Mobile is enforcing a data soft cap to 5GB per month. Once 5GB are reached, the customer will be throttled back to the default internet speeds when traveling abroad in most countries: 2G (128Kbps) speeds, or 3G (256Kbps) speeds if you have T-Mobile ONE Plus. The change may be disappointing for those data-hungry travelers or those who travel constantly for business, but it is one that T-Mobile is placing in order to prevent usage beyond the intent of the product. The change applies to all customers, even if you still have a legacy plan. For example, if you are still on the 10GB Simple Choice plan and have used 2GB before entering Mexico or Canada, youll have 5GB of high-speed data to use in Mexico/Canada and the remaining 3GB of data can be used when you get back to the States. Even though the new data limit is in place, you can still call and text while traveling at no additional charge. Source | Via Volleyball playoffs: Hubs, Blazers will play for state titles North Hagerstown got past Magruder in four sets in the 3A semifinals, and Clear Spring swept Forest Park in the 1A semifinals. Finals are Wednesday. The House by Elegant Hotels, an adults-only boutique hotel on Barbados" platinum west coast, recently completed an extensive renovation to modernize its current ocean-inspired design, and created a space for the addition of a brand new spa. The 34-room all-suite property, which has been named one of the "Top Hotels in the World" by Travel + Leisure, welcomed its first guests on October 3 following its transformation. Inspired by Barbados" natural beauty and prime beachfront location, The House features a laid-back beach house aesthetic, creating its signature, home-away-from-home feeling. In an effort to foster a greater sense of arrival, the outdoor space was outfitted with lush landscaping, relaxing water features and a small yoga pavilion to encourage relaxation. Beyond the courtyard, the open-air oceanfront living room was redesigned with a new layout, updated flooring, modern furniture, contemporary artwork and enhanced light fixtures. As the pulse of the hotel, and the gathering area for breakfast, afternoon canapes and sunset cocktails, the space now features a chic color palette of sophisticated white fabrics, complemented by ocean-inspired blue accents, and pale walnut and teakwood tones. As part of the re-design, five of the existing one-bedroom ocean-view suites were converted into 10 ocean-view junior suites, the most popular room category at The House. Additionally, all existing rooms were renovated with new furniture, bed runners, throw pillows and area rugs, ensuring the chic tropical feel remains consistent throughout the property. Hotel website Hilton (NYSE: HLT) today announced the opening of its newest hotel, the dual-branded Homewood Suites by Hilton Los Angeles International Airport and H Hotel Los Angeles, Curio Collection by Hilton. Located less than a mile from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), the new hotel brings 290 rooms to the City of Angels, and provides a great new lodging option for the more than 40 million* leisure and business travelers that come through what is considered one of the country's busiest airports**. The property is the first hotel in Los Angeles for both brands, Homewood Suites' fourth in Los Angeles County. The opening also adds to the growing number of multi-brand hotels Hilton currently has open or in the pipeline throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe and the Middle East to better serve both travelers and developers. Developed and owned by SVI Airport, LLC and managed by Interstate Hotels & Resorts, the property is located at 6151 West Century Blvd, less than a mile from LAX. The hotel offers guests convenient access to Venice Beach, Santa Monica and Los Angeles' main attractions, such as the J. Paul Getty Museum, Hollywood Boulevard and Beverly Hills. The property helps guests get around town by offering a complimentary 24-hour airport shuttle service as well as car rentals from MCar Rental. Hotel website Hilton (NYSE: HLT) today announced the opening of its newest hotel, the dual-branded Homewood Suites by Hilton Los Angeles International Airport and H Hotel Los Angeles, Curio Collection by Hilton. Located less than a mile from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), the new hotel brings 290 rooms to the City of Angels, and provides a great new lodging option for the more than 40 million* leisure and business travelers that come through what is considered one of the country's busiest airports**. The property is the first hotel in Los Angeles for both brands, Homewood Suites' fourth in Los Angeles County. The opening also adds to the growing number of multi-brand hotels Hilton currently has open or in the pipeline throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe and the Middle East to better serve both travelers and developers. The dual-brand concept creates larger and enhanced communal areas and amenities than what would be standard at a standalone property, benefiting both business and leisure travelers. The hotel has a mix of unique offerings - each catering to the needs of their respective guests - including two distinct 24-hour fitness centers, a shared outdoor pool. The hotel also offers 1,800 square feet of flexible meeting space. H Hotel Los Angeles will provide high-end accommodations that currently do not exist at LAX Airport. Guests are greeted in the lobby by eight pieces of art that were specifically commissioned for the hotel, as well as guest room amenities not found elsewhere at the airport, including Nespresso machines, Temple Spa bath amenities, and Google Chromecast on every TV. Hotel website A young graduate of a life-changing employability programme will be attending AHIF to describe how he went from an orphan with limited life chances to a chef in a top hotel, economically independent and supporting his siblings. Dalitso Mwanza left school to look for work to help his grandmother provide for her six orphaned grandchildren, but a lack of skills meant he struggled to find employment. Dalitso was supported by SOS Children's Villages which introduced him to the Youth Career Initiative (YCI) an employability programme which partners with local hotels and gives disadvantaged young people the chance to learn a range of skills throughout a variety of departments. The programme at Radisson Blu Lusaka, Zambia, supported Dalitso to discover a talent for work in the kitchen. His dedication and enthusiasm throughout the training and mentoring process convinced managers to offer him a role once the programme was completed, giving him a future he could never have envisaged before. Dalitso said, "I gained so much from the programme. I've heard it said that any tool is put to good use if done so with pride and skill. The skills I learned at the hotel have helped me start to build a career, but also become financially independent so I can support myself and my family." Now Dalitso is coming to AHIF (Africa Hotel Investment Forum) to showcase his skills at the event hosted by Radisson Blu Kigali, but also to highlight the value the hospitality industry can bring to partnerships with programmes like YCI. Marius Wolmarans, General Manager, Radisson Blu Lusaka said, "In Zambia, where unemployment is an everyday reality for young people, it is important to remember that for every employment opportunity we create, we can feed multiple mouths. It is easy to donate money, time, equipment; but this is short-lived. If we can provide young people with the skills they need to build a career, we enable them to build better futures for themselves and their communities." Radisson Blu Hotels and parent company Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group are a global partner of YCI and successfully participate the employability programme in seven countries. YCI is rapidly expanding in the region having already helped over 4,350 young people around the world to develop skills and take the first step in their career. 85% of these young people have gone on to find work or pursue further education. Hotels like Radisson Blu Kigali are part of the success story as they will begin partnering YCI in 2018, but more hotels are needed and financial support of the charitable programme is essential. Just US$1,000 will enable YCI to support one disadvantaged young person into work and local businesses can help fund the programme here. One business which is already helping YCI carry out its award-winning work is Bench Events, the organisers of AHIF. CEO Jonathan Worsley said, "One of the great things about the hospitality industry is that it is possible to build a career by starting at the very bottom and working one's way to the very top. The great thing about YCI is that it is helping thousands of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to put their foot on the first rung of that ladder. I am so looking forward to meeting General Managers whose careers began with a leg up from YCI. I am also very much looking forward to meeting AHIF delegates who have committed to back this vision too." Inge Huijbrechts, Global VP Responsible Business, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group said, "The Youth Career Initiative is a programme that has an important positive impact on the lives of the graduates and their families, and through its global impact, it also contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 8, Good jobs and economic growth. We are proud to be a key YCI partner and will continue to grow our participation." About YCI YCI is the hotel industry's global solution to youth unemployment. The programme enables the hotel sector to support local communities whilst building a pipeline of skilled and motivated talent to recruit from. For more information about YCI and for success stories of graduates around the world, visit A full list o f funders and supporters can be found here. YCI is an initiative of the International Tourism Partnership. About The Africa Hotel Investment Forum (AHIF) The Africa Hotel Investment Forum (AHIF) is the only annual hotel investment conference that connects business leaders from the international and local markets. The event brings together leaders in the hotel investment community that drive investment into tourism projects, infrastructure and hotel development across Africa. About Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group is one of the world's largest and most dynamic hotel companies and includes 1,440 hotels in operation and under development with more than 230,000 rooms and a footprint spanning 115 countries and territories. The Carlson Rezidor portfolio includes a powerful set of global brands: Quorvus Collection, Radisson Blu, Radisson, Radisson RED, Park Plaza, Park Inn by Radisson and Country Inns & Suites By CarlsonSM. Guests can benefit from Club CarlsonSM, a program that redefines hotel rewards with a collection of exceptional benefits, services, and privileges at more than 1,000 hotels worldwide. Over 95,000 people are employed in Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group hotel systems and the company is headquartered in Minneapolis, Singapore, and Brussels. About The Bench The Benchhas established a legacy for delivering world-leading investment forums and conferences in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. The key principle behind these platforms has remained "dealmaking'. Transforming the way business connect, Bench has developed a reputation for creating innovative and high-impact meeting spaces for the industry. For over two decades - government leaders, tourism ministries, global travel & tourism associations, the world's most influential hospitality brands, hotel owners & investors, renowned restaurant groups, airlines & aviation authorities, destination developers, asset managers, financial groups and consultants have been participating in The Bench's events for their respective objectives. These include AHIC, AHIF, GRIF, FHS, AHF, IDEEA, AviaDev and RENEW where industry players showcase their brands, position themselves as thought leaders or innovators, and connect with the right opportunities and knowledge. Learn more on About MEED Launched on International Women's Day 1957, the Middle East Economic Digest, MEED, is a well-known and trusted brand used by governments and businesses operating in the region. Encompassing a business intelligence service, digital media, publications and events MEED provides exclusive daily news, data and analysis. We are responsible for keeping our audiences of subscribers, registered users and event attendees informed, helping to facilitate decision making and connections. Our marketing solutions team provides clients with access to our audiences. We partner with local and international companies who need to reach our high-value communities. In consultation with our clients we utilise tried and tested methods to target and engage decision makers to announce and explain, lead and grow and to contact and convert business leaders into customers. MEED is wholly owned by data and intelligence company GlobalData Plc which means that our marketing solutions clients are also able to access a network of over 13m digital users per month across 18 different sectors. Learn more on Future Hospitality Summit (FHS) Date: 19-21 September 2022 Location: Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE Sponsors Host Sponsor: Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts Platinum Sponsors: Accor, Dur Hospitality, Hilton, Marjan, Millennium Hotels & Resorts and Radisson Hotel Group Emerald Sponsors: Emaar Hospitality Group, IHG Hotels & Resorts, Marriott International, NEOM, Rotana, Royal Commission for AlUla, SMIT Morocco and Taiba Investments. Gold Sponsors: Aleph Hospitality, CBRE, Colliers, Compass Project Consulting, Dentons, ELAF Group, ENVI Lodges, GG&Grace International, Hospitality Management Holding, HVS, The Indian Hotels Company, Insignia, Interior360, Ishraq Hospitality, IT Hospitality Group, Knight Frank, Louvre Hotels Group, LXA, Mapal Group, Minor Hotels, OBMI, PwC Middle East, QUO, SSH, STR, Valor Hospitality Partners and Voltere by egis. Silver Sponsors: Deutsche Hospitality and Katch. Supporters: The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, Hospitality Asset Managers Association (HAMA), Sustainable Hospitality Challenge, and Women in Hospitality (WiH). Jonathan Worsley The Bench "The ability to integrate our HRIS with Beekeeper has been instrumental in automating administrative processes that were time-sensitive." Claudia Scherrer Domingos, Head of HR, Domino's Pizza SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- While many workplace tools specialize in peer-to-peer, top-down, or bottom-up communication, it is rare to encounter a workplace app that tackles all three. Running on the belief that an intuitive user interface (UI) and open communication builds cross-organizational trust, Beekeeper's award-winning digital workplace application has been connecting dispersed non-desk teams across a variety of industries since 2012. Today, the company announced its latest platform expansion, adding the capability for information technology teams to integrate open application program interface (API) operations tools directly into its Beekeeper communications hub. Keeping employees connected to the organization at large, as well as to each other, Beekeeper aims to digitize the 83% of employees worldwide who do not sit behind a desk. Beekeeper's integrations enable companies to design and implement highly customized digital workplace platforms for their non-desk employees. Organizations can use Beekeeper APIs to merge their existing operational systems like payroll, scheduling, file sharing, task management, and beyond, into the centralized Beekeeper hub that their employees use to communicate throughout the work day. This creates a simplified, secure, and easy-to-use tool where anything a particular worker needs to excel in their daily routine is stored in one convenient location. "When we talk about how artificial intelligence will impact the future of work, we often think in terms of automation swapping out humans for algorithms," said Flavio Pfaffhauser, Co-Founder and CTO at Beekeeper. "But for industries such as hospitality, construction, and restaurant services, successful workforce digitization means breaking down the friction and barriers between people and operations, allowing transparency and clear communication to build strong workplace culture." Beekeeper's off-the-shelf integrations are completely user-ready from the get-go, easily accessible within the Beekeeper Marketplace. For organizations with deeper technological resources, the Beekeeper Developer Portal is a gateway to even deeper channels of customization. Expanded APIs and resources available on the Beekeeper Developer Portal open up endless possibilities for IT teams to streamline operations for good. "The ability to integrate our HRIS [Human Resources Information System] with Beekeeper has been instrumental in automating administrative processes that were time-sensitive," said Claudia Scherrer Domingos, Head of Human Resources for Domino's Pizza. "Now we can directly associate the employee data with the pre-defined groups. This enables us to effectively target all groups, making communication more relevant to the reader. We also don't have to worry about updating employee information in multiple places and additionally can target our internal communications." With Beekeeper's new custom integrations suite, non-desk workers become instantly linked with the operational tools and people they need to thrive. In creating a sense of belonging and trust, increased engagement and loyalty leads to higher organizational commitment, ultimately translating into high individual and team performance. ABOUT BEEKEEPER Beekeeper empowers frontline businesses and their workers with the digital solutions they need to do their best possible work. Founded in 2012, Beekeeper's mobile-first platform was designed and built for deskless employees who despite representing 80% of the global workforce have been chronically underserved when it comes to workplace technology. With Beekeeper's Frontline Success System, companies can automate paper-based processes, communicate with employees in real-time from anywhere, and improve the engagement, productivity, and safety of frontline teams. Website:, Blog:, LinkedIn Barb Worcester PRpro for Beekeeper 440-930-5770 SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- Beekeeper, a workplace communication company focused on connecting non-desk workers and their employers, is announcing internal promotions and adding new talent to further support it swift growth and corporate directional changes. Cristian Grossmann, CEO, has appointed Corey McCarthy, former VP of Marketing North America, to VP of Global Marketing, and Andreas Slotosch, former Vice President of Global Marketing, to Vice President of Growth. In addition, Bobbi Frioli has joined Beekeeper as Vice President of Sales. Beekeeper is the developer of an award-winning digital workplace platform that digitizes the non-desk workforce by connecting operational systems and communication channels within one secure, intuitive platform. Beekeeper connects colleagues across locations and departments in real time via mobile or desktop devices, and includes an intelligent analytics dashboard to help companies improve internal communication and streamline business processes. Secure, automated, and relevant information is readily distributed, searchable, and measurable in one central hub for an efficient digitized workflow. "Due to the increasing demand to connect geographically-distributed workforces and non-desk employees with corporate offices and each other, Beekeeper is growing at a rapid rate," Grossman said. "Companies are turning to us to bridge the communications gap by implementing one powerful platform that connects their operational systems with the communication channels their employees are using and accessing most namely mobile and desktop devices. Our platform is designed for employees who work shifts, don't sit at desks, and do not have corporate email addresses. With Beekeeper, companies can easily reach, connect and engage these employees to create innovative ways of working. "Andreas and Corey have done a tremendous job in positioning Beekeeper for success, and adding Bobbi to the team will further support our sales efforts," he said. "Each are passionate about connecting people through technology, and together they will continue helping companies increase productivity through improved digital communication and employee engagement." Hospitality Connection McCarthy is an entrepreneur, marketer, and speaker. As Beekeeper's head of global marketing, she dances on the fine line between art and science to share Beekeeper's mission to connect the world's two billion non-desk workers, generating leads that will ultimately lead to meeting the company's growth goal. Previously, McCarthy ran the media assets for Lodging Hospitality, part of a $1.56B publishing company. "Beekeeper has tremendous potential for making fundamental shifts in the way hospitality teams and other industries rely on and communicate with non-desk workers," McCarthy said. "The impact that our company has on the lives of front-line workers is not to be underestimated. Beekeeper is changing people's lives for the better, and that inspires me to work hard each day and bring the same opportunities to others." Digitizing this workforce niche is happening quickly, and it's a movement that McCarthy said she is excited to champion. Reaching this massive population will take scale, and that effort is shaping the new direction of Beekeeper. "Short term, we are focusing on the hospitality industry to create the best mix of features and operational integrations to optimize the employee experience at the hotel property and up the chain to senior management," she said. "Long-term, we are looking to keep our product ahead of the curve when it comes to trends to and optimize for Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technology we see coming on the horizon." Start-Up Savvy Beekeeper tapped Slotosch four years ago for his start-up expertise; he co-founded numerous web startups and led business development for several international companies, including Oracle. He holds a Master's degree in Business & Economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. "At Beekeeper, we care about every single employee not just within our organization, but those working at businesses around the world," Slotosch said. "By connecting the disconnected within companies, we are having a real impact on the lives of millions of people, making their daily work a lot easier. It gives me and my team members a profound sense of accomplishment, and it's probably the No. 1 reason I love being part of this hive." Slotosch said this new role will give him the opportunity to combine his technical background with his proven marketing skills. Ultimately, he hopes his skillset will have a strong and continued impact on the future of Beekeeper. "Not only will I focus on increasing awareness of Beekeeper in a global market, but as VP of Growth, I will spearhead initiatives that bring us closer to the goal of connecting non-connected workers," he said. High-performing Sales Leader Frioli is a proven leader in worldwide sales and channel development. She has extensive experience managing global sales teams and has worked for enterprise, security and mobile software companies. Her stellar track record of increasing sales revenue and developing strong sales teams makes her a perfect fit for Beekeeper. "Beekeeper not only has an impressive founding team, but I was 'wowed' by the caliber of people they hired to form this organization," Frioli said. "As Corey and Andreas focus on global marketing and international growth, I am thrilled to be taking the Beekeeper message to my sales channels in the Americas. Joining an organization with such a cohesive team and message is rewarding, and I am proud to get the buzz started about the need for this exceptional workforce communications tool." Frioli said that although awareness is growing in select markets for technology that targets non-desk workers, she plans to make some noise and drive awareness in the hospitality and manufacturing industries. Her goal is to direct attention to Beekeeper's value and the operational benefits this single-channel platform brings in communicating with all employees . . . no matter where they may be. "I'm excited to be at the forefront of a movement to ensure people are heard and engaged within their organizations" she said. "I'm even more happy to join the Beekeeper team." Join the Buzz Fortune 500 companies across the globe have adopted Beekeeper to empower employees regardless of role and location. New clients include hospitality giant Mandarin Oriental, retailer Dollar General, and food manufacturer Seaboard Foods, as well as Heathrow Airport, Gate Group and Dnata in the transportation sector.Beekeeper has also increased its user base by more than 500% and currently serves hourly workers in more than 137 countries. "There are endless opportunities for making operations more simple and efficient, all while keeping your teams more engaged and happy to come to work," Grossman said. "Our global team is intact and ready, willing and able to bring your company into the hive and communicating effectively with all employees." ABOUT BEEKEEPER Beekeeper empowers frontline businesses and their workers with the digital solutions they need to do their best possible work. Founded in 2012, Beekeeper's mobile-first platform was designed and built for deskless employees who despite representing 80% of the global workforce have been chronically underserved when it comes to workplace technology. With Beekeeper's Frontline Success System, companies can automate paper-based processes, communicate with employees in real-time from anywhere, and improve the engagement, productivity, and safety of frontline teams. Website:, Blog:, LinkedIn Barb Worcester PRpro for Beekeeper 440-930-5770 The project pipelines for some of the sunniest locations in the Western Hemisphere are booming, as Mexico and the Caribbean enjoy a surge of investments in the hospitality industry. Mexico, which ranks among the ten most popular countries for tourists in the entire world, currently has a grand total of 77 projects in its pipeline, while the Caribbean region has a total of 91, according to numbers from the TOPHOTELPROJECTS database. This includes properties that are currently under construction or in the planning, vision, pre-planning, or pre-opening phases. The grand total of rooms in the pipeline is more than 17,000, which means that the two regions combined are demonstrating a 24.4 percent increase year-to-year, at least based on the number of coming rooms. However, it remains to be seen what effect, if any, the sizeable hurricanes and earthquakes that have recently beset both regions will have on the booming project pipeline. Source: TOPHOTELPROJECTS Whatever the effect, it's likely safe to assume that it won't be long before tourists return to the world class beaches found in countries like Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica. With that in mind, let's take a look at five projects that will soon be making their debuts in the region. Pageant Beach Hotel Cayman Islands Although the name is not yet decided upon, this special hotel will boast a 10th-floor bar and grill with an outside glass elevator, four swimming pools (including a rooftop infinity pool), five outdoor beachfront and poolside restaurants and bars, a spa and fitness facility, a landscaped boardwalk, children's center and 30,000 square feet of conference facilities. With a slated opening date in early 2020, this hotel will have 450 rooms. [MORE INFO] Embassy Suites by Hilton St. Kitts St. Kitts Embassy Suites by Hilton St. Kitts will be located in Pelican Bay, which is a private cove nestled on seven acres on the Caribbean side of this island. Once completed in early 2018, this 226-room hotel will offer access to main roads, downtown attractions and Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport. The condo-hotel complex will include six towers, 3,847 square feet of meeting space, an infinity pool, a fitness center, spa and kids' club. The new accommodations will also offer the brand's signature features such as the elaborate atrium environment, where guests will have full access to complimentary cooked-to-order breakfast and more. [MORE INFO] Hideaway at Royalton Punta Cana Resort Dominican Republic This 168-room hotel is slated for completion at the end of this year. It's important to note that Hideaway at Royalton Luxury Resorts have become a top choice among adult travelers seeking superior accommodations, premium service and gourmet dining in popular beachfront destinations such as Cancun, Jamaica, St. Lucia and now the Dominican Republic. [MORE INFO] Westin Monterrey Mexico With 180-rooms and an opening date slated for the third quarter of 2018, this hotel will be part of Punto Valle, Monterrey's most exclusive neighborhood, which also features high end offices and upscale restaurants that cater to international and national business travelers as well as the city's most affluent residents. [MORE INFO] Sandos Caracol Eco Resort With 639 rooms and an opening set for the second quarter of 2018, the Sandos Caracol Eco Resort will be one of the nicest beach experiences available in beautiful Playa del Carmen. [MORE INFO] More information on Mexico hotel projects can be found on TOPHOTELPROJECTS, the specialized service provider in the exchange of cutting-edge information of hotel construction in the international hospitality industry. Jule Grass Marketing Manager +49 4261 4140 309 TOPHOTELPROJECTS In addition to supply growth, STR analysts note that a decline in events in the market compared with September 2016 might have weighed on Dubais performance for the month. For example last year, Dubai hosted the biennial International Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion. STRs preliminary September 2017 data for Dubai, United Arab Emirates, indicates performance declines consistent with significant supply growth. Based on daily data from September, Dubai reported the following in year-over-year comparisons: Supply: +5.6% Demand: +0.6% Occupancy: -4.7% to 76.6% Average daily rate (ADR): -10.6% to AED497.67 Revenue per available room (RevPAR): -14.8% to AED381.20 In addition to supply growth, STR analysts note that a decline in events in the market compared with September 2016 might have weighed on Dubais performance for the month. For example last year, Dubai hosted the biennial International Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion. Additionally, residents experienced a shorter vacation period this year, as the Eid Al Adha holiday shifted from 11-18 September in 2016 to 31 August to 3 September in 2017. STR will release full September 2017 results later this month. STR provides clients from multiple market sectors with premium, global data benchmarking, analytics and marketplace insights. Founded in 1985, STR maintains a presence in 10 countries around the world with a corporate North American headquarters in Hendersonville, Tennessee, and an international headquarters in London, England. For more information, please visit This past year, French Montana leveled up in the music industry with his record Unforgettable. French and his collaborator, Swae Lee, went to Uganda to shoot the video and later on revealed that he helped build a hospital for children and women there. While French has maintained humility when discussing his philanthropic work, Diddy has been gushing over it. Ellen brought French and Diddy through to speak on their relationship, how they met and Frenchs charity work. French says the foundation of their relationship was built after the two met in Vegas and Diddy later invited him on his PJ to head back to New York. However, Diddy intervened to let everyone know that while his work ethic impressed him, its how he got to his position is why he has so much love for him Check this, my brother started out in Africa. Imagine being in Africa with a dream to be a hip hop star, Diddy continues He came from Morocco, came and moved to New York, kept hustling and bustling and got on my radar. I see him, Im like I have to have him on the team Hes like a hot commodity, hes being humble. He makes great music and thats what we here for and thats what its about Hes a special artist and hes like my best friend so Ima always speak love about him. Later on French was asked about his charity work in Uganda. While French seemed shy when speaking on the topic, he explained how he ended up building a hospital there. We went to Uganda, last year before we did Unforgettable. I went there into this little hospital they had there, he says, We went there and there was like two rooms in this one little hospital for 300,000 people and after that I said, you know what, we gotta help people one day at a time. However, Diddy seen just how humble French was when talking about it so he decided to give a short synopsis. Let me give yall an abbreviated version. This man is so humble he cant even talk about himself comfortably. He went to Uganda, saw they didnt have a hospital and he went and built a hospital. Theres some people in life who dont like to speak about what they do, and thats this man right here. Diddy said to a crowd full of applause. The two also hopped on Ellens stage together to do a special medley of Unforgettable and Mo Money, Mo Problems. Check the interview and performance below. Long considered one of hip-hops most reclusive figures, Eminem returned to the forefront of the global hip-hop conversation after his blistering cypher at this years BET Hip-Hop Awards. Spitting some incendiary bars, the rapper targeted current President Donald Trump even more intensely than he had with his 2016 track Campaign Speech, taking him to task for some of the most egregious moves hes made as the leader of the United States. He ended the freestyle with a nod to any fans of his who may support Trump, using a literal f**k you at the exclamation point. The bars in question are below. And any fan of mine whos a supporter of his Im drawing in the sand a line, youre either for or against And if you cant decide who you like more and youre split On who you should stand beside, Ill do it for you with this: F**k you! Indeed, Ems performance was so powerful that it even has some Washington policy makers talking. Specifically, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison was asked by TMZ about this thoughts on Slim Shadys politically-charged cypher and, to his credit, Ellison sees lots of positives. He stated that the Michigan rapper, whose home state has seen a sharp drop in voter turnout this decade, could be hip-hops equivalent to Colin Kaepernick, insofar as a figure that the public can rally around and, together, pursue real and lasting societal change. Eminem, and many artists, make an important cultural contribution, Ellison said. We need to embed within our culture that voting is an obligation, is a responsibility and that, if you dont vote, thats not a protest. You cant boycott the vote. He goes on to say that, if you boycott the vote, all youre doing is empowering those who have a chance to usher in a political figure that a large percentage of Americans dislike, like stats have shown is the case with Trump. Of course, the issue of ease of access of voters is something that Washington needs to sort out for Ellisons words to really ring true, as well as the gerrymandering problem that plagues many districts. In spirit though, hes not wrong. Voters need to be heard and injustice fought against, and Eminem might be the perfect man to lead the charge for this kind of change in the hip-hop community. Check out our list of the 7 most scathing bars from his cypher here. Eminem We work towards an equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector We work towards an equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector We work towards an equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector We work towards an equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector Gondhoraj Momos Take Over West Bengal; Have You Tried Them Yet? For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails Please enter a valid email address Please enter a valid email address SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice Thanks for signing up to the Breaking News email {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Burmas treatment of Rohingya Muslims has lead to widespread condemnation from the international community, with the United Nations (UN) calling their treatment textbook ethnic cleansing. But although over 500,000 have fled violence in the south east Asian nation's Rakhine state to seek refuge in Bangladesh in recent months, inside the country, the government led by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi, appears to maintain widespread support. In its largest city Yangon, the term Rohingya is reportedly not used and they are instead called Bengali Muslims, a term which is also used by local media. Recommended Bangladesh vows to support one million Rohingya Muslims fleeing Burma While the Rohingya have lived as one of the ethnic minorities in the country for generations but are not recognised as Burmese citizens in the Buddhist majority country. The problem is the political motive behind the term [Rohingya], U Aung Hla Tun, vice chairman of the Myanmar Press Council, told the BBC. I used to have a number of Bengali friends when I was young. They never claimed they were Rohingya. They first coined the term decades ago. They do not belong to the ethnic minorities [of this country]. This is a fact. Another university student told the broadcaster that the international community is getting the wrong information about the situation in Rakhine state. They claimed that the violence is an act of terrorism. Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees are now living in camps in Bangladesh. They started to flee after an attack carried out by Rohingya insurgents in August on police posts and security personnel in Rakhine state saw the military retaliate with violence that left thousands of homes burned to the ground and hundreds dead. The UNs human rights chief, Zeid Raad al-Hussein, has said Burmas actions against the Rohingya people seems a textbook example of ethnic cleansing. Rohingya refugees in pictures Show all 15 1 /15 Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya refugees in pictures A young girl and a baby wade through mud after arriving in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh from Burma on 10 September Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya refugees walk through a camp in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh after arriving from Burma Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures A young Rohingya refugee gathers firewood after arriving in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh from Burma Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya refugees wait for sacks of rice to be distributed in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya Muslim refugees arrive on a boat in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh after crossing from Burma on 8 September Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya Muslim refugees react after being re-united with each other after arriving in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh on a boat from Burma Getty Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya Muslim refugees walk along the remains of a road after arriving in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh on a boat from Burma Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya Muslim refugees wade through water after arriving in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh by boat from Burma Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya Muslim refugees wade through water after arriving in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh by boat from Myanmar Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures Rohingya Muslim refugees stand in the rain after arriving in Whaikhyang, Bangladesh by boat from Burma Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Rohingya refugees in pictures Indian children hold placards and shout slogans during a protest against the alleged persecution of the Rohingya Muslims in Burma EPA/Raminder Pal Singh Rohingya refugees in pictures Supporters of the Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC), an Islamic organisation, listen to their leaders' speeches against Burma's persecution of Rohingya Muslims, during a demonstration in Karachi Reuters/Akhtar Soomro Rohingya refugees in pictures Hundreds of Iranians take part in a protest against violence in Myanmar after weekly Friday prayers, in Tehran EPA/Abedin Taherkenareh Rohingya refugees in pictures Indonesian Muslim activists hold placards and shout slogans during a protest against the alleged persecution of the Rohingya minority in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia EPA/Ali Lutfi Rohingya refugees in pictures Members of an Islamic organisation shout slogans against the Burma government during a protest in Dhaka, Bangladesh EPA Ms Suu Kyis first public address on the Rohingya crisis last month saw hundreds of supporters gather in Yangon to hear the speech which saw her claim that more than half of Rohingya villages had not been affected by the violence. She also invited diplomats to visit the areas and see why they are not at each others throats in these particular areas. Rights group Amnesty International subsequently accused Ms Suu Kyi and her government of burying their heads in the sand and of telling uthruths following the leaders response to the crisis. But she was nonetheless widely supported by those in the crowd. One woman in the crowd called May Nyi Oo, who wore stickers depicting Ms Suu Kyis image on her cheeks, told The Guardian that worldwide, a lot of fake news and rumours are spreading. She also referred to the Rohingya as illegal immigrants who are not our people. Many people in Burma have appeared reluctant to talk about the Rohingya crisis, but continue to support Ms Suu Kyis decisions about the issue. Thet Mhoo Ko Ko, who works in his familys business, told Al Jazeera last month that he believes Ms Suu Kyi needs more time and then she will be able to make things much better. The Rakhine [situation] is a problem and it is very worrying, he added. A survey carried out in September by the Myanmar Survey Research company also found that 75 per cent of people believed the country is heading in the right direction, Al Jazeera reported. Screengrab from YouTube Kolkata, Oct 12 (IBNS): West Bengal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on Wednesday served notice to expelled CPI-M Rajya Sabha MP Ritabrata Banerjee in connection with its ongoing probe into an alleged rape case, officials said. According to sources, Ritabrata Banerjee has been asked to visit CID headquarters at Bhabani Bhawan in Kolkata on Friday (Oct 13) at 10 am. for interrogation. "We have summoned Ritabrata Banerjee in connection with an alleged rape case which was registered at Balurghat Police Station (Case no. 422/17 dated 10/10/17) in West Bengal's South Dinajpur district," a senior official of Bengal CID told IBNS. "A notice was also served to his residence at Ramlal Bazar in Kolkata's Haltu area on Wednesday where he has been asked to appear before the investigators of state CID's Protection of Women & Children (POWC) Cell on Friday for interrogation," the official added. Earlier on Oct 5, a young techie, Namrata Datta, alleged that expelled CPI-M MP Ritabrata Banerjee had sex with her several times in Banerjee's Delhi residence in 2016 after the young communist leader promised to marry her. Explaining the entire incident on micro-blogging site Twitter, the software engineer, who is a resident of Balurghat, lodged a complaint at local police station on Tuesday (Oct 10). After completing preliminary investigation, police converted the complaint into an FIR and have framed a charge under several IPC sections, including 417, 376(2)/(n), 214, 354, 506 and 509. "Medical tests of the woman were done on Thursday at Balurghat Hospital and she recorded her statements before South Dinajpur District Court's Judicial Magistrate(2nd Court), Aminur Rahaman, under CrPC section 164 on the same day," a senior official of South Dinajpur district police told IBNS. Ritabrata Banerjee, however, denied all allegations against him and claimed that the entire matter is a conspiracy against him to malign his image. The expelled CPI-M leader also lodged a complaint against the woman at Garfa Police Station in Kolkata on Monday (Oct 9). (Reporting by Deepayan Sinha) Image: Screengrab from YouTube Baramati, Oct 12 (IBNS): A local political leader's car allegedly hit three girls in Baramati, Maharashtra, on Thursday, leaving two dead and one injured, according to media reports. Local reports said that the incident happened early on Thursday when the girls were on their way to school. The car is said to belong to Shiv Sena's chief of Baramati unit, Pappu Mane but if the leader was at the wheels is yet to be ascertained. The girls were mowed down by the car on the Baramati-Morgaon Road, media reported. The local police has launched a probe into the incident. Police have detained the Sena leader, according to an NDTV report. Image: ANI Thiruvananthapuram, Oct 12 (IBNS): Senior Congress leader and former Kerala chief minister Oommen Chandy has filed an RTI following the state government's announcement of a vigilance probe against him in the multi-crore solar panel scam, according to media reports on Thursday. He has also sought the inquiry panel's report, NDTV reported. The scam centres on the alleged involvement of a fraudulent company that had collected money from people by leveraging its connections with top government officials, media reported. The Pinarayi Vijayan government has also announced it will launch criminal investigation against the former home minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan. Kolkata/New Delhi, Oct 12 (IBNS): The Delhi Police on Thursday summoned expelled CPI-M Rajya Sabha MP Ritabrata Banerjee and woman techie Namrata Datta, who accused Ritabrata of sexual exploitation, in connection with its ongoing probe into an alleged rape case, officials said. According to reports, Delhi Police served notices to Ritabrata and Namrata in the morning via email where they both have been asked to appear at South Avenue Police Station as soon as possible for interrogation. "On Wednesday, we received a Zero-FIR, which was registered at Hare Street Police Station in Kolkata (FIR No.: 001 Date: 06.10.17) under sections 417, 376, 354 and 506 of IPC, and seven printed photographs," a senior official of Delhi Police told IBNS. "Based on the Zero-FIR, we have registered a fresh FIR at South Avenue Police Station in New Delhi (FIR No.: 36/17 Date: 11.10.17) under IPC sections 376, 354 and 506," the official added. An officer of Delhi police said that the woman software engineer has been asked to visit South Avenue Police Station along with all electronic or documentary evidences. "As per procedure of law, her statement will be recorded under CrPC section 164 before the concerned Hon'ble court in Delhi," he told IBNS. Meanwhile, the Protection of Women & Children (POWC) Cell of West Bengal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on Wednesday served a notice to Ritabrata Banerjee, asking him to appear before its investigators at the state probe agency's headquarters at Bhabani Bhawan in Kolkata on Friday (Oct 13) in connection with the same case. Earlier on Oct 5, techie Namrata Datta, who is a resident of Balurghat in West Bengal's South Dinajpur district, alleged that expelled CPI-M MP Ritabrata Banerjee had sex with her several times in Banerjee's Delhi residence in 2016 after the young communist leader promised to marry her. Explaining the entire incident on micro-blogging site Twitter, the software engineer lodged a complaint at Balurghat Police Station on Tuesday (Oct 10). After completing preliminary investigation, police converted the complaint into an FIR and have framed a charge under several IPC sections, including 417, 376(2)/(n), 214, 354, 506 and 509. "Medical tests of the woman were done on Thursday at Balurghat Hospital and she recorded her statements before South Dinajpur District Court's Judicial Magistrate(2nd Court), Aminur Rahaman, under CrPC section 164 on the same day," a senior official of South Dinajpur district police told IBNS. Ritabrata Banerjee, however, denied all allegations against him and claimed that the entire matter is a conspiracy against him to malign his image. The expelled CPI-M leader also lodged a complaint against the woman at Garfa Police Station in Kolkata on Monday (Oct 9). (Reporting by Deepayan Sinha) By Benjamin Jumbe: The Directorate of Public Prosecutions has expressed concern over the impact of the ongoing sit down strike by state prosecutors. This comes as the strike enters day three since the prosecutors under the Uganda Association of Prosecutors laid down the tools again citing governments failure to fulfill its commitment to address their pay and welfare concerns. The prosecutors in July gave government a 90-day grace period to address their concerns which included salary increment, a tax waiver on their salaries and promotions among others. Now the spokesperson of the DPP Jane Kajuga says prosecutors are key in delivery of Criminal Justice and any day they are absent affects the entire system. The government has meanwhile remained tight-lipped on the matter. Guwahati, Oct 12 (IBNS): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday started probe into the multi-crore Louis Berger scam in Assam. A team of the prime investigating agency headed by an inspector collected information, documents from three petitioners who filed petition before the Gauhati High court to seek a high level probe into the muti-crore rupees scam. We had provided all the documents accessed from the US company Louis Berger to the investigating agency. We hope the investigation will unearth the entire scam, a petitioner Bhaben Handique said. The CBI team had also collected information of the scam from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) office. Earlier, the Gauhati High Court had directed CBI to probe the multi-crore rupees scam. The court directed CBI to probe the scam after the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Assam police failed to file charge sheet of the scam before the court. Sources said that, the CBI probe may be invite trouble to some bureaucrats and political leaders, who accepted crore of rupees bribe from the New Jersey based company to award contracts for big water supply project in Guwahati. (Reporting by Hemanta Kumar Nath) Patna, Oct 12 (TheBiharPost/IBNS): Criminals have looted Rs 22 lakh (Rs 2.2 million) from a nationalised bank in Bihar at the point of gun ahead of the upcoming Hindu festival of Diwali. The incident took place in the Katara Chowk-branch of the Indian Bank located in Sheikhpura district on Thursday. Reports said the arms-wielding criminals entered into the bank once it opened in the morning and looted the cash after holding hostage the bank manager and other officials. As per reports, the criminals also snatched the mobile phones of some customers before fleeing the scene. The police are conducting raids to nab the absconding criminals. This is the second major incident of bank loot in the past one-and-a-half month. In August, the criminals had looted Rs 45 lakhs (Rs 4.5 million) from the cash van of Allahabad Bank in Dhanarua block in Patna district. Reports said the cash van carrying the said amount was on way to Patna when the criminals targeted it near Neema village along NH 83 and fled the scene after looting the case. Kolkata, Oct 12 (IBNS): Bollywood actors, Kalki Koechlin and Richa Chadda, flew down to the city on Wednesday to promote their upcoming film Jia aur Jia. The two actors were accompanied by new comer, Arslan Goni, who is also a part of the film's cast. The film is centered on two completely different women, both with the same name Jia, who went for a road trip during a budget holiday to Sweden. While Kalki plays the role of a girl who is completely outgoing, Richa's character is quite stressed out and introvert. Elaborating her character, one of the lead actors of the film, Kalki said: "My character is outgoing, wild, wants to live moments of life. " Although films like Dil Chahta Hain, Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara centred on road trips, those were mainly male-oriented. Richa, the other lead actor, said she has researched about Indian films centred on road trips undertaken by girls but unable to find one. Jia aur Jia is an exception where two girls will be shown undertaking road trips on a budget holiday. Speaking about the USP of the film, Richa said: "Indian girls taking trips together is the USP of the film. People should know girls in India take trips together, sometimes they go for solo vacations. Sometimes they go in groups because of safety issues." "So, in this case, these two girls plan budget holidays that is why they have to become partners with each other, so it is really about girls having fun..." she added. However, Richa said there is no message in the film other than 'live life everyday as if it is the last'. Arslan, who is making a debut in Bollywood with Jia aur Jia, said it has been a wonderful experience to work with two female co-actors, Kalki and Richa. Speaking about his own character in the film, Arslan told IBNS: "I am playing a cocktail in the film. My character is half Swedish and half south Indian. He is a sculpture who lives in his own world. When he meets the two women in the film, he starts to see life in a different perspective. " Jia aur Jia is slated to release on October 27. (Reporting by Souvik Ghosh, images by Avishek Mitra) New York, Oct 12(Just Earth News): A new United Nations report has underscored the importance of a arisk-informeda approach to sustainable development and called for integrating global agreements on disaster risk reduction and climate change into national socio-economic planning. Presenting the reports findings Monday to the General Assemblys main economic and financial body (Second Committee) Robert Glasser the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction said that the failure to include such risks in investments have resulted in rapidly rising disaster-related costs. In his briefing, Glasser noted that over the past two decades, more than 1.35 million lives and in excess of $2.5 trillion have been lost to disasters. In the light of this disturbing picture, he said, delivering on the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will only be possible if we cut greenhouse gases as rapidly as possible in line with the Paris Agreement and reduce climate and disaster risk in accordance with the ambitious global targets agreed [] in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The report, Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, also warned that the developing world remains at particular risk from disasters, which have resulted in annual average loss of more than 20 per cent equivalent of social expenditure. According to the report, by 2050, urban populations exposed to hurricanes will increase from 310 million on Wednesday to 680 million. Urban assets vulnerable to sea level rise and flooding could reach $35 trillion by 2070 10 times more than the current levels. To overcome the challenges, the report urged, UN Member States to prioritize and resource the development of inclusive national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020, as a key element of efforts to reduce climate risk and disaster risk more broadly. It also called on them to identify and seize opportunities to coherently incorporate the Sendai Framework and the Paris Agreement into social and economic planning and investments within the context of the 2030 Agenda. The report comes ahead of the International Day for Disaster Reduction, to be marked this Friday. The 2017 theme of the International Day, Home Safe Home: Reducing Exposure, Reducing Displacement, seeks to raise global awareness about effective actions, policies and practices taken to reduce exposure to disaster risk at the community level, thereby contributing to saving homes and livelihoods. UN Photo/WFP/Amjad Jamal Source: New York, Oct 12(Just Earth News): Artificial intelligence has the potential to accelerate progress on global development goals, but also poses a range of complex challenges, including ethical questions, human rights issues and security risks, speakers told a United Nations event on Wednesday that featured a robot as one of the panellists. A moment that drew big applause during the day-long event, The future of everything sustainable development in the age of rapid technological change, came when Sophia, a humanoid robot, had brief interaction with UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed. To Mohammeds question about what the UN can do to help people in many parts of the world who have no access to the Internet or electricity, Sophia said the future is already here. Its just not very evenly distributed [], quoting renowned science fiction writer William Gibson. If we are smarter and focused on win-win type of results, A.I. [artificial intelligence] could help proficiently distribute the worlds existing resources like food and energy. Sophia is Hanson Robotics latest and most advanced robot. Sophia has also become a media sensation, having given numerous interviews to multiple media outlets, performed in concert, and even graced the cover of one of the top fashion magazines. In her opening speech, Mohammed warned that despite profound potential for accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), if technological progress is not managed well, it risks exacerbating existing inequalities. The influence of technology on our societies should be determined by the actions of us, humans, not by machines, she said. Technology is here for us to explore and use for the benefit of all. The meeting was co-organized by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the UN General Assemblys main economic and financial body (Second Committee). ECOSOC President Marie Chatardova said that the long-term consequences of the deep technological changes underway, for economies and societies at large, are unknown. We are only starting to see the benefits, but we do need to assess the risks of these technologies, she said. Sven Jurgenson, of Estonia, Second Committee Chairman, said that AI-based solutions are taking his countrys digital society to the next level. He said the Government is working on a full legal and cyber-risk management framework for using fully autonomous vehicles in regular road and traffic conditions. And door-to-door robot transport will reshape how goods are shipped and delivered locally. On Wednesday, Internet access is a social right in Estonia. Every Estonian resident has an electronic ID and nearly all public services are accessible online, including i-Voting in Estonian Parliamentary elections, he said. The development of e-Estonia has not happened in one day it took us 17 years to start from changing legislation and creating our first e-solutions, he added. UN Photo/Manuel Elias Source: New York, Oct 12(Just Earth News): The notion that elections would most probably not be held before the end of 2017 has regrettably led to the re-emergence of a climate of political uncertainty and tensions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a United Nations envoy for that country told the Security Council on Wednesday. As this Council is aware, challenges related to the implementation of the 31 December Agreement have unfortunately persisted in recent months, said Maman Sidikou, UN Secretary-Generals Special Representative for DRC, in a briefing to the 15-member body. He explained that the broad consensus achieved among key political actors with the signing of the 31 December 2016 Agreement has not been maintained consistently throughout the year, specifically as this relates to a transitional oversight mechanism, implementation of confidence-building measures, and the electoral timelines. The Agreement envisioned the holding of elections by the end of 2017. He reported that as of mid-September, the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) had registered over 41 million voters, with women representing 48 per cent of them. In early September, voter registration commenced in the Kasai and Kasai Central provinces, the last remaining provinces to undergo this process. However, uncertainty persists regarding the registration of members of the Diaspora, the mode of voting and the timeline for the adoption of critical legislative enactments. And regrettably, the financial resources required to ensure sustained progress towards the holding of elections are not yet forthcoming. The CENI remains under-funded, and the multi-partner basket support fund managed by the UN Development Programme remains funded at only six per cent of the estimated $123 million required. The creation of conditions conducive to the holding of elections rests largely on the implementation of confidence-building measures, the opening of political space, and the full respect of human rights, including the freedoms of opinion, expression and peaceful assembly. The UN is concerned that journalists, political opponents and civil society activists remain subject to intimidation, harassment and violence, mostly in connection with their activities and expression of their opinions in relation to the political process. He went on to highlight the deteriorating security situation in several regions of the country, including targeted attacks against the national security forces by the Mai-Mai group in North Kivu. The impact of the deterioration of the security situation on the lives of civilian populations is clearly visible, Sidikou said, noting that between June and August this year, the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) reported 1,329 cases of violations and abuses of human rights. Armed groups carried out 533 attacks, while state actors were responsible for 769 violations, of which 27 percent were attributed to the armed forces and 24 percent to the national police. Turning to the deteriorating humanitarian situation, he said that about 8.5 million people including 5.5 million children are currently in need of humanitarian assistance while the number of internally displaced persons reached 3.8 million, and more than 621,000 Congolese sought refuge in the subregion. In the face of budget cuts, MONUSCO has continuously adjusted its machinery and presence to better adapt its footprint to priorities set out by the Council, Sidikou noted. The mission will soon complete the repatriation of 1,687 military personnel, and is also in the process of introducing a new strategy, particularly in areas affected by the closure of MONUSCO bases, that provides the mission with a flexibility in fulfilling its mandate to protect civilians. UN Photo/Cia Pak Source: New York, Oct 12(Just Earth News): The head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voiced aprofound regreta on Thursday over the United States' decision to withdraw from the agency. This is a loss to UNESCO. This is a loss to the United Nations family. This is a loss for multilateralism, said UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova in a statement. Universality is critical to UNESCO's mission to strengthen international peace and security in the face of hatred and violence, to defend human rights and dignity, she added, noting that UNESCO would continue to build a more just, peaceful, equitable 21st century. Bokova recalled that in 2011, when the US suspended payment of its membership contributions, she was convinced that the UNESCO never mattered as much for the US or vice versa. This is all the more true on Thursday, she continued when the rise of violent extremism and terrorism calls for new long-term responses for peace and security, to counter racism and antisemitism, to fight ignorance and discrimination. Bokova spelled out her belief that the American people support UNESCO's actions to harness new learning technologies; enhance scientific cooperation, for ocean sustainability; promote freedom of expression, defend journalists' safety; empower girls and women as change-makers and peacebuilders; bolster societies facing emergencies, disasters and conflicts; and advance literacy and quality education. Despite the withholding of funding, since 2011, we have deepened the partnership between the United States and UNESCO, which has never been so meaningful, she underscored. Together, we have worked to protect humanity's shared cultural heritage in the face of terrorist attacks and to prevent violent extremism through education and media literacy. The partnership between UNESCO and the US has 'drawn on shared values' The Director General gave examples of collaborating during that time, such as launching the Global Partnership for Girls' and Women's Education and celebrating World Press Freedom Day in Washington, D.C., with the National Endowment for Democracy. She also mentioned a long history of joint endeavours, including working together with the late Samuel Pisar, Honorary Ambassador and Special Envoy for Holocaust Education, to promote education for remembrance of the Holocaust across the world to fight antisemitism and genocide on Thursday; cooperating with major US companies Microsoft, Cisco, Procter & Gamble and Intel to keep girls in school and nurture technologies for quality learning; and working with the US Geological Survey, US Army Corps of Engineers, and US professional societies to advance research for the sustainable management of water resources, agriculture. The partnership between UNESCO and the United States has been deep, because it has drawn on shared values, Bokova stressed. Citing lines in UNESCO's 1945 Constitution by US Librarian of Congress Archibald MacLeish 'since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed' she said this vision has never been more relevant, and added that the US helped inspire the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Calling the agency's work key to strengthen the bonds of humanity's common heritage in the face of forces of hatred and division, she noted the value of World Heritage cites in the US, such as the Statue of Liberty, as being not just as a defining US symbol but that it speaks for people across the world. UNESCO will continue to work for the universality of this Organization, for the values we share, for the objectives we hold in common, to strengthen a more effective multilateral order and a more peaceful, more just world, Bokova concluded. Photo: UNESCO Source: New York, Oct 12(Just Earth News): New latrines will be constructed in the Rohingya camps and settlements of Bangladeshas Coxas Bazar district to provide sanitation coverage to some 250,000 people, averting a major disease outbreak, the United Nations Childrenas Fund (UNICEF) reported Thursday. UNICEF and the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief of Bangladesh agreed that the Bangladesh Armed Forces Division will construct 10,000 latrines in Coxs Bazar as quickly as possible at a total cost of $1.5 million. There are already reports of water-borne diseases from the health centres in the camps, said Edouard Beigbeder, the UNICEF Representative in Bangladesh, who signed a work plan with Joint Secretary Muhammad Habibul Kabir Chowdhury Wednesday at the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief. Disease outbreak is a real and present danger for the camp dwellers and host population. We immediately need to step up sanitation coverage there, added Beigbeder. UNICEF will contribute financial as well as technical support to the ministry in this public health undertaking, including through it water, sanitation and hygiene sector partners, which will provide locations for each set of 5-rings model latrines. The latrines, at an estimated cost of $147 each, will also be regularly disinfected through spraying chlorine solution so that these do not become sources of contamination. UNICEF, the Department of Public Health and Engineering, and water and sanitation sector partners are also implementing an accelerated programme of building latrines for the refugees in the camps in two sub-districts of Coxs Bazar district. In related news, on 10 October, UNICEF and its health sector partners launched a massive oral cholera vaccination campaign for 650,000 people in Ukhiya and Teknaf sub-districts of Coxs Bazar mobilizing 900,000 doses of cholera vaccines to protect newly arrived Rohingyas and the host community from a cholera outbreak. Photo: OCHA/Pierre Peron Source: Toronto, Oct 12 (IBNS): A restaurant in Toronto is engaged in a bitter battle with animal rights advocates after the latter objected to one of its dishes on the menu, reports said. The restaurant, Ku-kum Kitchen, which reportedly opened in June this year, announced that it was the only eatery in Toronto to serve seal meat, much to the chagrin of animal rights activists, who fear that this might give rise to a new trend. Jennifer Matos, who started the e-petition against the facility, wrote: "The restaurant claims they are the only restaurant in Toronto that sells seal meat and we do not want this to become a new trend for restaurants ... we know that the killing of innocent beings is wrong." However, trashing the campaign against the restaurant, chief chef Joseph Shawana, who hails from the Wikwemikong Unceded Reserve, said that seal meat is part of Inuit's culture and banning it would be going against his culture. The Wikwemikong region is home to the indigenous people of Canada. "But it's part of the northern community's culture. So we're trying to pay homage to them, as we do with everything else," Shawana said. His call has struck a chord with the indigenous people. Toronto artist Aylan Couchie has filed a counter petition to take on the original filed by Matos. Couchie, who is of the Anishanaabe tribe, wrote: "It's time to stop the cycle of wilfully ignorant Canadians who continue to impose their ill-considered values upon Indigenous practices and people." In her defence, Matos also suggested that the the meat used by the restaurant is sourced from a commercial hunter, thus questioning its indigenous link. Petitions from Matos and Couchie have received 3,200 and 2,800 signatures, respectively. Image: Wallpaper Ottawa, Islamabad, Oct 12 (IBNS): A Canadian couple, who were kidnapped in 2012 during backpacking through Central Asia, have been released after five years, media reports said. Joshua Boyle (34) and Caitlan Coleman (31) were kidnapped by the Taliban linked Haqqani network in 2012 as the couple cross into Afganistan. Coleman was pregnant at a time the couple were kidnapped in Pakistan. Later, she gave birth to three children in the custody, while the third one is just few months old. Boyle has already informed his father about the news of their rescue from captivity. Patrik Boyle, in an interview with the Star, said that he had an interaction with his son. "Josh said he was doing pretty well for someone who has spent the last five years in an underground prison." The Pakistan government issued a statement on Thursday to confirm the news of the rescue of the Canadian family with the help of an operation carried out by the troops and intelligence agencies of the country. In a youtube video uploaded in 2016, Boyle, as per the instructions given by the kidnappers, urged the Afganistan government that if it did not stop killing the Talibani prisoners then his family will be killed. Later, Boyle's parents made a video to address the captivators, saying: "Weve done the best an ordinary Canadian family can do. Ive personally written to several of the most senior government officials in Afghanistan, those with great power over the execution of your brothers. Weve done what youve asked of us, were now respectfully asking you to show mercy to our family members in return. Please" Boyle's father said while addressing the captivators. Expressing relief over the release of the couple, Canadian foreign affairs minister, Chrystia Freeland said: "Canada has been actively engaged with the governments of the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan and we thank them for their efforts, which have resulted in the release of Joshua, Caitlan and their children." "Joshua, Caitlan, their children and the Boyle and Coleman families have endured a horrible ordeal over the past five years. We stand ready to support them as they begin their healing journey, he added. (Reporting by Suman Das) Washington, Oct 12 (IBNS): After meeting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, U.S. President Donald Trump hinted at the possibility of a bilateral deal between the two countries, media reports said. Trump even said that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) can be scrapped to make the bilateral deal, leaving out Mexico. While the reporters have asked Trump about the possibility of a bilateral deal, the US President reacted to say: "Oh sure, absolutely." "It's possible we won't be able to reach a deal with one or the other. But in the meantime we'll be able to make a deal with one. But I think we have a chance to do something very creative that's good for Canada, Mexico and the United States," Trump told reporters. However, Trudeau suggested that may be he is still in favour of a continental deal, contradicting once again with his American counterpart. Trudeau told reporters that he is still optimistic about the NAFTA though Canada needs to be "ready for anything". "I think Canadians are aware that the American administration and the president makes decisions that surprise people from time to time," Trudeau said, "and that is something that we are very much aware of, and very braced for and conscious of," Trudeau was quoted by CBC News. Trudeau, who is on his second visit to the US, seemed to be polite about Trump despite Canada's repeated collision with the US due to the NAFTA negotiations. The Canadian PM, while addressing a gathering at the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit recently, with the US president's daughter Ivanka in the crowd listening to him, said his approach towards reaching out to Trump remains the same like any other global leader. Though they differ on a number of issues, still "look for areas of agreement", Trudeau said. "I have conversations with the president every few weeks on a number of things," Trudeau said. Canada is presently negotiating with the US regarding the NAFTA, an agreement which came into force from January 1994 by Canada, Mexico and United States creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America. For last one and a half years, US President Trump criticised the agreement and also hinted to take some serious steps being in the administration or at least send some ultimatums. Both Canada and the US differ in the climate change. The US has already announced their withdrawal from the Paris Climate and the process of coming out from it is underway. On the other hand, Canada wants a new NAFTA with a reference to the global climate issues and make necessary steps to tackle them. In the negotitations, Canada is working for a better labour and environmental provisions. Both Canada and the US are in favour of making an environment agreement in the new NAFTA instead of designing a separate deal. The two nations also want to make certain provisions to prevent NAFTA nations from violating the rules for the sake of drawing investments. However, in the last month, Premier Kathleen Wynne threatened the US of imposing similar trade barriers if the US continues with their 'Buy American' policy. The policy is favoured by the US President Donald Trump. The US is trying to include the 'Buy American' policy in the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement ) also, though the Canadian government said they are resisting the pressure. (Reporting by Souvik Ghosh) Oscar winner Ben Affleck has come under the spotlight. Its not for any of his movies but the fact that the Hollywood actor apologised for an incident in 2003 in which he "acted inappropriately" towards actress Hilarie Burton. Burton claimed Affleck, 45, groped her when she was a host of MTV's TRL in 2003. "I acted inappropriately toward Ms Burton and I sincerely apologise," Affleck tweeted. I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize Ben Affleck (@BenAffleck) October 11, 2017 The incident on TRL resurfaced after Affleck condemned the sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein saying he was "saddened and angered" by claims of alleged sexual harassment and assault made against the movie mogul by some of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood. After a fan suggested that Affleck should have "kept quiet," another Twitter user wrote, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Everyone forgot though." The 35-year-old actress soon responded about the alleged 2003 incident, "I didn't forget." The One Tree Hill alum then shared a clip of TRL outtakes in which she says, "He comes over and tweaks my left b**b," apparently speaking about Affleck. Later in the video, the actor is shown asking her, "How old are you 19?" Twitter "Girls. I'm so impressed with you brave ones," Burton, who is expecting her second child with The Walking Dead star Jeffrey Dean Morgan, wrote in the tweet. "I had to laugh back then so I wouldn't cry. Sending love." Social media users also compared the incident with another interview of Affleck conducted in 2004 by Montreal TV host Anne-Marie Losique. In the clip, the actor pulls Losique into sitting on his lap, proposes she take her top off, and compliments her on her "firm breasts." The interaction was filmed while Affleck was dating Jennifer Lopez. And now more allegations are coming in Affleck's way. After he apologised, Annamarie Tendler has also claimed of Ben groping her and holding her by the butt. Tendler is married to comedian stand-up comic and former Saturday Night Live writer John Mulaney. I would also love to get an apology from Ben Affleck who grabbed my ass at a Golden Globes party in 2014. Annamarie Tendler (@amtendler) October 11, 2017 Ali Fazal is a happy man these days as not only he is riding high on success with his film, but also because he has a special someone by his side. Recently, he opened up about his romantic association with actress Richa Chadda. Besides, his Hollywood project Victoria & Abdul has been well-appreciated by critics as well as audiences. After having worked with Judi Dench in the movie, rumours are afloat that he is soon going to sign his next project, which is going to be a biopic. With that, Ali Fazal will become the first Indian actor to sign a biographical film in Hollywood. It will hopefully roll in 2018. I cant elaborate further as I am yet to sign on the dotted line. Filmmakers are experimenting with unique topics and I want to grab these opportunities and not get typecast, Ali Fazal was earlier quoted as saying by Mumbai Mirror about his next international project. Now, the grapevine suggests its a biopic. However, it is not known as to whom the film will be based on as details on the project have been kept under wraps. Bigg Boss 11 contestant Zubair Khan who made an exit from the show after getting humiliated by the host Salman Khan has hit back at him. In an exclusive interview with Indiatimes, Zubair Khan said, "Salman is the Dawood Ibrahim of the film industry." While giving an interview to us, Zubair was on his way to Lonavala to file an FIR against Salman, when he said, I am going to file an FIR against Salman Khan and the channel; they mentally harassed me to almost commit suicide. He insulted me on national television and even threatened me. Talking about giving abuses to contestant Arshi Khan, he clarified, They showed the half footage of me abusing Arshi Khan, but didnt show the footage of why I was abusing her. She was making such filthy statements against my religion which left me fuming. He even revealed that before entering in the house, channel had asked the contestants to abuse and do unnecessary fights for TRP. Zubair even questioned Salman Khans Being Human image, Who is Salman Khan to tell me to leave the house? He said I abused the girl, while he himself abuses on sets of Bigg Boss every time. He is known for his bad image. He is the founder of Being Human, but he didn't have the courtesy to visit me in the hospital. I was admitted in a private and not government hospital after I had sleeping pills. The reason they admitted me in a private hospital was because they didn't want any FIR to be filed. They werent letting me leave the house so I had to take those sleeping pills. Zubair attacked the Sultan star by calling him the Dawood Ibrahim of the industry, Salman called me a nalla don on national television, but when did I say that I belong to Dawood family? 6 years ago, I gave a clarification that I am not from the underworld family. The media has said that too. There is no proof." "Salman is the dirtiest person in the industry. I will expose the world how cheap he is. He did his image makeover after the 2002 hit and run accident through his PR. Salman himself has a connection with Dawood, his film Chori Chori Chupke Chupke was financed by the underworld. He furthered attacked and said, He is one double standard man, every time he says that he does shows for the contestants and channel, its a lie, he is doing the show for the money, for the Rs 11 crore, if he wont do then Shah Rukh Khan will do or someone else will. ALSO READ: After His Bigg Boss Elimination, Zubair Khan Files A Police Complaint Against Salman Khan Zubair is deeply hurt how channels maligned his image, I made it very clear that I have no connection with the underworld. I dont belong to Dawood or Haseena Parkars family. Before coming on the show I told the channel that I will come only to clean my image, but it was all reverse. When I was in Lonavla they showed the promo footage of mine, after that my family tried to contact me through channel to inform me that they are maligning my image. In fact they didnt even show me the contract which I had signed. Also read: After Salman Lashed Out At Zubair Khan, He Consumed Some Pills & Was Rushed To Hospital Zubair said he will only be back on the show if SK apologises to him, Salman Khan gets 11 crore per episode for doing the show, if I will get 22 crore then also I wouldnt go back to the show. I dont mind going back to the show only if Salman apologies to me, he concluded. Indeed this season is full of drama. Unless you have a hundred crores lying in your coffers, you must have noticed that buying the worlds most expensive tea or smartphone will cost you an arm and a leg. You may splurge on expensively priced items to fan your pride but there are products in existence that will forever remain beyond your reach. Lets course through these items that you will never ever buy. 1. Water Bottle moneycontrol Drinking water has always been a luxury for those who cant afford it millions go without a clean drink daily. Which makes the Beverly Hills 9OH2O water bottle almost a crime against humanity. Priced at Rs. 65 lakh for a bottle, each has a diamond encrusted cap to up the bling quotient of the numpty who decided to put out that kind of money to quench his thirst. Meanwhile, us sane people can go about our days drinking normal water. 2. Tea tea urchin Da Hong Pao is one of the world's most expensive teas. Its cost is equivalent to 30 times its weight in gold! So, one gram would cost you approximately Rs. 90,000. Its exorbitant price is credited to its aging that takes up to 80 years. For anyone who cant do without their daily dose of cutting chai, this is appalling. 3. Smartphone Design Limited Edition If you thought Apple was unreasonable with their price tags, well this may make you reexamine that. Meet Vertu Signature Cobra, a phone that comes with a gob-smacking price tag of Rs. 2.3 crore. The phone features a snake figure wrapped around its edges thats encrusted with 439 rubies. 4. Spice flickr Saffron in its purest form can cost you Rs. 3,23,975 per 0.45 kilogram. While the best quality saffron originates in Kashmir (India), the spice is also grown in Spain, Italy, Greece, and Iran. It takes 50,000- 75,000 flowers to harvest one kilogram of saffron. It is used in cooking, medicines, cosmetics, etc. If you come across saffron that is inexpensive, then its not pure saffron. 5. Toilet Paper Hanebisho Would you shell out Rs 960 bucks on a roll of toilet paper? Well, this handmade Japanese brand Hanebisho uses the finest wood pulp from Canada and water from Japans cleanest river. It comes in a box thats lined with silver leaf. All that for a roll of paper that will ultimately! 6. Pizza industry kitchen The most expensive pizza thats commercially available in the world sells for a whopping Rs. 1,74,678 at USAs Industry Kitchen. Its recorded in Guinness World Records. The ingredients that go into making the pizza include black squid ink dough; white Stilton cheese from the UK; foie gras and truffles from France; Ossetra caviar from the Caspian Sea; Almas caviar; and 24K gold leaves. For the rest of us theres 30-minute delivery! 7. Coffee representative image/flickr India Asias third-largest producer and exporter of coffee has become home to the worlds most expensive coffee. Currently being produced in Karnatakas Coorg district, the coffee is made from the poop of a civet cat. Its the method of producing civet coffee that renders it the most priced in the world. It is made from the coffee beans digested by the civet cat and then the poop is collected, processed and sold. Civet coffee is exclusively consumed in Europe and Gulf nations where it is sold for Rs. 20,000 to 25,000 per kilogram. 8. Ear Buds Luxury Life Style A single pair of Casa Gi earbuds, that sold in Bristol for Rs. 3,39,976, may never serve the purpose they were built for. So, whats so special about this pair? It comes endowed with 59 diamonds on each bud! - and an 18-carat gold coating. Your ears wont thank you. 9. Soap soapquest A bar of soap that costs Rs. 1,81,175 should surely make you sparkle like the gold and diamond powder it comes infused with. The Qatar soap, produced by a family-run business in Lebanon, is a product that should only be enshrined, never unwrapped. 10. Monopoly youtube Its only befitting to make a version of a money game with 18-carat gold. Named after its creator, Sidney Mobell, the Sidney Mobell Monopoly set contains 165 rubies and sapphires, luxury cards, and 42 full-cut diamonds and costs Rs. 12.9 crore. The dice itself costs Rs. 6.4 lakh! 11. Toothbrush Reinast A 2.5 lakh rupee toothbrush? Believe it or not, billionaires coughed up that much money on a titanium toothbrush. The Reinast Luxury Toothbrush boasts an anti-bacterial coating which makes it this expensive. This isnt your regular toothbrush which you throw away after a few uses. The bristle head can be detached and replaced. All these price tags make you realise that fools and their money are soon parted and luckily for these manufacturers, as PT Barnum said theres a sucker born every minute. The biggest perk of graduating from Indias top engineering and management schools is that it guarantees a corner office. IIT or IIM graduates always grab the most lucrative offers, making the rest of us mortals look like duds in comparison. But not every graduate sticks to the original job offer he was awarded with. They often choose to go off track and opt for careers that are unconventional, but close to their hearts. Their faith in themselves drives them to follow their dreams by bidding goodbye to their cushy corporate jobs forever. Here are 11 inspiring stories of graduates who didnt think twice before making the switch. 1. Nihar Ranjan TOI An IIT-Kharagpur alumnus, with a track record of working with multinationals across India and the US, Nihar Ranjan quit his job to work for the betterment of Odishas villagers. Earlier this year, he filed his nomination for Member of Panchayat Samiti in his native Dumuka gram panchayat. He wants to set up a dairy farm in his village to enable people to buy pure milk at cheaper rates. 2. Swati Kaushal IndiaToday The IIM-Kolkata graduate quit her high-paying corporate job to write books. Her passion for writing was so strong that she chose her first book over a lucrative job offer. Kaushal has authored three books since then A Piece of Cake, A Girl Like Me, and Drop Dead. 3. Shuvajit Payne Rediff Armed with a Finance and Marketing degree from IIM-Lucknow, Payne dedicated four years to IBM in London. However, his inner calling brought him back to India to empower people living in remote villages. With the support of State Bank of Indias Youth for India programme, Payne received basic training and was posted in Wardha district of Maharashtra. He worked extensively with NGOs to set up vocational training centres for villagers. 4. Munaf Kapadia Munaf An MBA from Mumbai's Narsee Monjee, Munaf Kapadia landed a job at Google. During his time there, he felt quite annoyed with his mother watching boring television sitcoms. A brainwave led Kapadia to get her busy. He then started Bohri Kitchen, a startup to make people taste the delicious meals his mother pampered his family with on the dinner table. The venture, thats two years old now, treats foodies to a seven-course meal and is often frequented by the likes of Rani Mukerji, Ashutosh Gowariker, Farah Khan, and Huma Qureshi. 5. Divakar Sankhla TOI An IIM-Lucknow alumnus, Sankhla co-founded Alohomora with Parinita, to empower young minds and make them the owners of their own learning. A Teach for India fellowship led to the setting up of Alohomora that creates project-based programmes to be implemented in government- and NGO-run schools. 6. Abhishek Singhania Rediff Singhania graduated from IIT-Madras in 2012 and went on to join PricewaterhouseCoopers in Mumbai. Soon after, he went to Saudi Arabia on a project for six months. But a couple of years later, he quit his job to pursue farming. He travelled across India to visit and work with farmers. He learnt about natural farming and now lives and works in a village near Kolkata. 7. Ankita Kumawat Express An IIM-Kolkata post graduate, Kumawat quit her job to become a dairy farmer in Ajmer. She gave up her corporate job to help her father, who took voluntary retirement to open a dairy business. Ankita now looks after Maatratav Dairy and Organic Food Company that provides people with pure and unadulterated food items. 8. Garima Vishal Rediff Vishal, an IIM-Lucknow graduate, was working with Infosys when she realised her true calling. Disturbed by the lack of educational opportunities for children around her, she opened Dejawoo School of Innovation in Bihar, with a goal to educate children and give them the freedom of thought. The school employs women who quit working after marriage along with professional teachers. 9. Alok Sagar Aajtak After getting an M.Tech in Electrical Engineering, IIT-Delhi alumnus Sagar earned his PhD from Houston University, Texas. He returned to India to work at IIT-Delhi, and even mentored Raghuram Rajan. However, he soon quit his job to work for the people. He settled in Madhya Pradesh and aligned himself with Shramik Adiwasi Sangathan - an organisation that fights for tribal rights. 10. Prasoon Gupta VCC Gupta, an IIT-Roorkee graduate quite his five-year-old venture, Tech Buddy Consulting, and set up Sattviko in Delhi an eatery that catered to the sattvik lifestyles of people. His new venture serves cuisines from India and across the world including Mexican, American, and Italian. All the food is prepared without onion or garlic. 11. Nitin Saluja Chaayos Saluja is the brain behind popular chai brand, Chaayos. Saluja, who graduated from IIT-Bombay, quit his job after discovering a passion for tea. The NCR-based cafe was subsequently opened, serving over 25 varieties of tea. Today, Chaayos competes with the most established cafe brands in the region. Passion is a very strong emotion that can drive people to achieve great purposes in life. If you have a burning desire to do something different, go for it. The world is your oyster! History has been a testament to the fact that when nothing offers you refuge, words do. Time and again, people have sought comfort in the words of writers and authors. However, with the growing popularity of social media, a lot of voices that were never heard before are now finding audiences. In the past, several people have taken it to open-mic sessions to express themselves be it their pain, agony, anger, regression, love or depression; with the help of words, thousands are now telling the world exactly whats on their minds. Heres a list of people whove produced powerful pieces of art with their words- 1. "She was sold, while still a daughter" He may not be a conventional poet, but Kapoor maintains an Instagram account that can easily soothe your aching soul. He work recently caught limelight after he gave a powerful performance on something that nobody addresses . His poem makes a strong case for sex workers and women forced into trafficking. Youtube (Also Read: Kunal Kapoors Powerful Poem On #SoldBodies Will Force You To Never Look Down Upon Sex Workers) 2. "I have lost 17 of my ownbut I know, ONLY I CAN HIT BACK..." Amidst the growing tension that encapsulated India after the deadly Uri attack, an anonymous soldier wrote a poem explaining just how the Indian Army was feeling about its loss. At a time when no one could explain or talk about the dreadful situation, this poem comforted several hearts. BCCL (Also Read: This Poem By An Anonymous Indian Soldier Is Exactly What The Army Feels After #UriAttack) 3. "I am sorry this poem is offensive to extroverts because, honestly, fuck you." Life throws random challenges on a daily basis, and one of them is to fight with the conundrums in your mind. Are you an extrovert? Are you an introvert? Are you an ambivert? Rabia Kapoor, who also happens to be Rajat Kapoors daughter, has come up with a fabulous piece of spoken poetry that talks about what goes on in the mind of an introvert. (Also Read: This Poem Is Everything A Shy Person With A Brilliant Mind Wants To Say To All Extroverts) 4. "You can't touch me, you have no right" We all remember the mass molestation on New Years evening in Bangalore and how troubling the entire incidence was. To address it, Tharien from Tamil Nadu, decided to take out her anger through a poem. Her verse, which is simple yet brilliant, will pierce right through your heart, and you'll find yourself nodding your head in absolute approbation. (Also Read: This Woman's Viral Poem Is A Powerful Take On What Happened In Bengaluru On New Year's Eve) 5. "We're girls, women, human, not a burden" Now a big name on YouTube, Aranyas first viral piece of art was this poem that talked about gender discrimination on a larger scale. Through her poetry she explains a multitude of biases that exist. She explains how men get uncomfortable while discussing 'periods' but are perfectly fine bantering about sex. youtube (Also Read: This Girl's Fearless And Bold Poem On Gender Discrimination Carries A Serious Feminist Punch) 6. "Mandir ki chaukhat meri hai, masjid ke qible mere hai, gurudwaare ka darbar mera, yeshu ke girje mere hai." Islamophobia is increasing daily, and its time voices were raised against hatred. Hussain Haidrys poem talks about the troubles of being an Indian Muslim. He perfectly captures the sentiment that he is as much a part of this society as any other Indian who belongs to a different faith. Youtube (Also Read: This Guy's Beautiful Poem Will Tell You Exactly How It Feels To Be A 'Hindustani-Musalmaan'!) 7. " Jub kilkariyan sahem jayein, Jub totli boliyan khamosh ho jayein, Samjho kuch ghalat hai" The death of 7-year-old Pradyuman Thakur sparked shocked debates and concerns about school safety across the country. People took to the streets, social media and school campuses to express their agony. Amidst this tension, Prasoon Joshi wrote a poignant piece of poem which left many devastated and worried. Facebook (Also Read: Prasoon Joshi's Poem On The Gurugram Murder Case Of A 7-YO Kid Will Make You Very Emotional) 8. "Man up they told me, man up, young boy" Theres a lot of talk around town about feminism, but oppression sees no gender. Simars poem on manning up takes us on a touching ride of who is allowed to feel emotions. He forces us to reminisce about how our fathers, brothers, and sons have been asked to man up because some things are just not for real men. Youtube (Also Read: This Hard-Hitting Poem On Equal Rights For Men Just Like Women Is Going Viral & Rightly So!) 9. " I should have been in bed by 10, or planned all life events before 3, because I am on a rape schedule" Bhavna titled her poem as 'Rape Schedule' and it talks about nothing but how staying unraped is becoming an existential crisis for women around the world. Her poem is a tight slap on the societys regressive attitudes. Facebook (Also Read: Delhi Woman's Poem On India's 'Rape Schedule' Reminds Us Of What We Urgently Need Freedom From) 10. "Kitna shukr tha usse is baat ka ki woh agle din kisi random news channel par hone wale debate ki wajah nahi bani" Unfortunately, we dont the name of the guy who is behind this brilliance but Shukr is a poem on the terror that revolves around rape, harassment and molestation. Its about the fear that a woman gets every time she sees a group of men. The constant fear of getting molested or raped and the final sigh of relief that she will reach home untouched is what this poem Shukr is all about. Youtube (Also Read: Poem 'Shukr' Aptly Describes The Horror Girls Feel For Every Second Spent Outside A Safe Space) 11. "But love is never too intellectual to get away with right?" If you think that the progressive thinker in you is in tune with feminist goals, read on! Dikshas poem is a perfect piece on interpreting the essence of feminism. Most people equate feminism with misandry, and not the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. This poem turns your mindset on its head. Youtube (Also Read: This Slam Poem That Packs A Serious Feminist Punch Is About Every Ambitious Woman In Today's Time) The country has been shocked by the brutal murder of the seven-year-old student of Ryan International School and a five-year-old in Gurgaon. Every day we hear tales of some violence perpetrated against helpless children, and in an environment where they are meant to feel secure. Parents who trust that the school are now terrified that their children could be next, and are seeking reassurance. To that end, educational institutions need a well-planned strategy that ensures prompt response to an emergency so that no life is harmed or lost. Here are some measures that they could adopt. (Also Read: CBSE Blames Ryan International School's Lack Of Basic Security For 7-YO Boy's Unfortunate Death) 1. Guarding entry points Every entry point to a school must be restricted and controlled in such a way that no one goes through without being properly identified. These points should be staffed by trained adults who can determine if the visitors really need access or not. representative image/bccl 2. Installing alarm systems Mandatory security measures should include alarms in every school. In case of an emergency, alarms should simultaneously alert the school authorities and the local law enforcement officials. representative image/bccl 3. Installing telephones The installation of telephones at strategic locations within the school premises can act as an alternative to the rule that prohibits students from bringing mobile phones to school. Students can access help more easily if they are given the liberty to use these instruments in emergencies. representative image/bccl 4. Installing CCTVs CCTVs are not items of luxury, but of necessity. Placing them at strategic locations within the school campus can aid in ensuring that no act of violence or abuse goes unnoticed by authorities. The response to an unfortunate event, therefore, becomes automatically quicker. representative image/bccl 5. Practicing disaster plans Students and staff should be given regular practice in the understanding of and executing disaster plans. A catastrophe can strike anytime. Hence, its highly imperative for the entire school to be ready when it does. (Also Read: Private Schools In Gurgaon Are Now Offering Admissions To The Students Of Ryan International) representative image/bccl 6. Setting up of response units In case of an emergency, response units can mitigate the effects of a disaster if they are prompted into action. This can be possible only when everyone present at the school adheres to safety protocols. representative image/bccl 7. Building zero tolerance for bullying Everyone from parents to school staff should create an atmosphere where the child develops zero tolerance for bullying. This can act as the first step toward building a childs resistance to all kinds of abuse. representative image/bccl 8. Setting a community watch A community watch can be organised in schools that comprise teachers, senior students, and other staff members. Keeping a vigil during school hours can go a long way in preventing a disaster. It is advised, however, that the members report a crime when it occurs instead of intervening themselves. representative image/bccl 9. Building a rapport between school officials and law authorities This relationship should be established long before a disaster strikes. Response protocols should be addressed and discussed multiple times until both parties agree upon them. (Also Read: Probe Committee Finds 'Blatant Lapses' On School's Part In Ryan Murder Case) representative image/bccl 10. Creating safe zones Schools, overall, should be a safe zone, but sometimes a corner can particularly stand out as unsafe. Students should be encouraged to seek help in case they fear venturing into a space that seems unfamiliar to them. representative image/bccl 11. Becoming situationally aware Teachers and students should be trained in situational awareness, wherein they are encouraged to report anything that seems alarming. For example, if they spot the presence of an unknown person, they should be able to report him or her to the school authorities. representative image/bccl Any conceivable act of violence can be prevented by adopting these measures. Indian states should offer all the help they can to improve the security of the nations schools and ensure that no child is ever harmed again. As citizens of this planet, we have failed miserably. Mountains of toxic garbage, large-scale deforestation, contamination of water, eroding mountains, ravaging the earths core, we have done everything fuelled by greed and the urge for profit. We've tested our planet's limit, produced beyond our capacity and caused irreversible damage. While climate change has been a problem for decades now, policymakers continue to deny it or relegate it to the back burner, and the countdown to doomsday may have officially begun. Dont believe us? Here are some scary facts about the world you now live in. LIBERTATEA.RO You can thank global warming for waking up ancient viruses and bacteria that have been lying dormant for centuries. Although we have been around bacteria and viruses for as long as mankind has existed, our body is still susceptible to viruses that existed some 1,000 years ago. With the earths surface warms up and melts the permafrost, these viruses that have been buried for thousands of years are being released in the air. BRITISH ANTARCTIC SURVEY The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has recently released a video showing a massive crack in the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica. The video confirms perilous effects of global warming on this shaft and how it is breaking into pieces. Owing to climate change, it snowed in the Sahara Desert for the first time in 38 years. A little #GlobalWarming fell in the Sahara Desert today. First time in 37 years. In other news: @AlGore is still chasing #ManBearPig. Dr. Milton Wolf (@MiltonWolfMD) December 20, 2016 Arguably, the biggest problem in the world right now is climate change. Whether we talk about it or not, it's slowly seeping into our lives and there's no way you can ignore it any further. AFP Now you may wonder how can global warming cause farmer deaths. Well, 60,000 farmers have committed suicide since 1980 because of a direct effect on their livelihood. Climate change results in crop failure which led to suicide. Suicide is a heart-breaking indicator of human hardship, and the finding that this phenomenon is affected by a changing climate implies that it is essential to quantify its effect and consider this relationship as we build climate policy for the future. REUTERS We recently learnt that ice in Antarctica has shrunk to an unprecedented level as a result of the extreme human activity. Around February, floating ice in the region does melt to its smallest size for the year before expanding again as the autumn chill sets in. However, this year sea ice extent contracted to 2.287 million square kilometres (883,015 square miles) on February 13, according to daily data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). ADVENTURE NATION Home to myriad waterfalls, can you imagine people in the mountains running short of water? With a backdrop of the snow-capped Himalayas stretched out across a brilliant blue sky, the world's highest village in Spiti is suffering acute water shortage for the first time. REPRESENTATIONAL IMAGE Rising temperatures caused by global warming will make it difficult for aircraft to take off in coming decades, according to a new study. During the day, with temperatures soaring, 10-30% of fully loaded planes may have to remove some fuel, cargo or passengers, or else wait for cooler hours to fly, researchers said. GETTY IMAGES Southern Spain, the most recent victim of climate change is going through a terrifying transformation. Once thriving with mighty reservoirs and water bodies, the region is now slowly turning into a dry-dotted-landscapes. Water levels are constantly dropping, resulting in a dramatic change. THEBLACKVAULT Australia's vast kelp forests are being devastated by heat waves - all thanks to the escalated global warming. Once thriving in that area, the kelp has now been completely wiped out. The situation is getting worse by the day and it has almost come to a point where the disappearance of the natural reserve is not far. HICOMM In what looks like irreversible damage, Greenland's climate change has led to a drastic and terrifying effect. The coastal glaciers and ice caps have officially melted past the point of return. AP Home to some awe-inspiring locations, the planet is standing at the threat-pedestal of climate change. The list clearly states 15 places that won't be around in the next 10 decades, all due to climate change. SUNDERBANS A recent study by scientist revealed that mangrove forest in the Sunderbans in India are depleting at a rapid pace due to climate change. The study also revealed that from 1986 to 2012, more than 124 of mangrove forest cover has eroded. REUTERS Other than accidents, starvation, predictable calamities and natural causes, people will die from global warming. The death toll from weather disasters is expected to increase 50 fold, especially in Europe. Over 150,000 people a year will die by 2100 if steps aren't taken to counter climate change. REUTERS With climate change comes rampant over production and changes in crop schedules. A study claims that climate change will drop the production of rice in Punjab but will weirdly increase the production of potatoes. BCCL Not only will production plummet, but to be able to keep up with growing demand, India will spend $9-10 billion annually. If farmers do not adapt to the disruptions caused by climate change and alter their practices, there will be huge losses. BCCL We have already learnt that climate change has been contributing to the melting of glaciers, and here's one more example to validate that. Antarctica, the white desert, is supposed to the largest ice mass on Earth, and now global warming is the ice melting into lakes. A clear sign of change has been observed in the region, between 2000 to 2013. Global temperature is likely to rise more than 2 degrees Celsius by 2100, two different studies have revealed. There is only 5% chance that the Earth will not heat, but if it does, we are doomed. Another study claims that there is a 95% chance that Earth will warm more than 2 degrees at the century's end, and a 1% chance that it would be below 1.5 degrees. The Right to Information (RTI) Act, came into force about twelve years ago, when India was struggling to curb corruption, particularly in government offices. However, today, it's effectiveness and relevance is being incessantly questioned. bccl/representational image People are losing faith in RTI because of the inactiveness of activists and distrust in governmental agencies, which either delay the information sought or dont reply at all. This is perceived as an outcome of the policies adopted by the government, which does not believe in transparency. In fact, information obtained through the act itself, reveals that the government has cut down the budget for the advertisement of RTI by 80%. Many RTI activists accuse the government of not responding to their queries, and the employees argue that the government has worsened the condition of RTI in past few years despite Prime Minister Narendra Modi talking about encouraging the use of this act. He has many a time, advised the various departments of government to keep in mind the three Ts while responding to the RTI applications - Timeline, Transparency, and Trouble-free. However, the implementation of this principle has been lax in most cases, if not all. bccl/representational image Recently, the central government issued a memorandum instructing its officers and employees to not leak sensitive information. Whether this is an attempt to actually prevent misuse of such data, or a threat to transparency as far as this act is concerned, is not entirely clear. RTI has always been a very strong tool in the hands of the fourth pillar of democracy - an independent press. This law not only provides strength to the media, but its birth is also the result of a campaign started by media people before the act was enacted. In 1982, when the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) was not even born, the second Press Commission and Press Parishad advocated for Right to Information. Media continued to be an active part of the mass movement of MKSS that started after 1990. bccl/representational image The 'Right to Information- Right to Live' slogan was first given by Prabhash Joshi in his newspaper Jansatta. Some of the institutions of media saw RTI as "new journalism" and it was utilizing this right properly. Perhaps this is why journalists who used RTI as a tool to extract information from the government were employed in many newspapers and news channels. Reporters were expected to use RTI for making their reports more comprehensive and factually rich. TV-9 is the first channel of India which established an RTI and investigation desk, whereas UNI TV is the first news agency of South Asia which did the same. The social networking websites also boosted the dissemination of informations sought under RTIs. Hence, the mainstream media had no choice but to include a sizable amount of this information in their headlines because they could not afford to avoid them. bccl/representational image Many a time, only filing an RTI to an important department became breaking news. The facts related to Batla House encounter, Shohrabuddin encounter, police torturing the general public in Gani plot area in Godhra, Hashimpura riots, Mumbai attacks, Parliament attack, Delhi Jal Board, robbing of the amount reserved for Child labour welfare in MP, funds of political parties, Bhopal gas tragedy, foreign relations of Indian government with ruling communist party of China and People's Liberation Army, hooliganism of the medicine companies, scam in almost all the health-related schemes for minorities, rent of wakf property and many more serious and interesting, true stories were brought to the public's attention using the Right to Information as a tool. It is no secret that the amount of significant information delivered through RTI is extremely limited. Most of the activists who used to file RTIs and were instrumental in unravelling the truth in many spheres of public interest have almost become silent. If figures are to be believed, the Central Information Commission has more than 23,879 pending cases of second appeal and complaint.There is an urgent need to change the way things are working (in fact, are rather stagnant) right now; Failing which, it may take over four years (or more) to deal with all the pending applications. The condition of State Information Commissions is more worrisome. It is important to note here that Article 15 of RTI says that it is mandatory for every state to have an Information Commission. This commission must consist of one Chief Information Executive and more than ten Information Executives (depending upon the requirement). But the matter of concern is that the basic provision of this law has not been met. There are a number of states, where the office of CIE is still empty and no efforts are being made to fill these posts. bccl/representational image Undoubtedly, the government cannot afford to abolish it completely but RTI seems to be waning slowly. Information is not just being delayed, it's also being denied, which in turn, is discouraging activists to file an RTI. Even the media has gotten disenchanted with RTI and as a result, is unable to provide comprehensive and coherent news to the citizens. However, there is no denying that if media realises the potential of RTI again and revives it the true sense the whole picture will change. It has the power to push the government to be transparent and respond t RTIs, instead of evading them. Earlier this week, Arushi Talwar's grandfather BG Chitnis had written a moving open letter making a case for Nupur and Rajesh Talwar. You can read it here IF THE CBI IS TRANSPARENT, WHY DOESN'T IT SHARE ALL THE DOCUMENTS? On Oct. 13, 2015, the CBI released court orders related to the Aarushi-Hemraj murders. We welcome this move even though all these documents were already available to the public on the Internet. Unfortunately, if the objective of the CBI was to demonstrate its transparency, it would have been more credible had it released ALL materials in its possession, not just those that malign the Talwars. These would include, for instance: -- the 2008 bail order of Rajesh Talwar states that there is no deception in his scientific tests and forensic evidence does not connect him to the crime. -- the bail orders of Rajkumar and Vijay Mandal and application of extension of custody for Krishna state that the scientific tests indicate their involvement in the crime. -- the scientific tests of Rajesh and Nupur Talwar -- the scientific tests of Krishna, Rajkumar and Vijay Mandal You can see the rest of the reports here -- the 2008 report by the medical examiners who conducted Aarushi and Hemraj's post-mortems, stating their opinion on the khukri as a weapon of murder. Naresh Raj, who conducted Hemraj's postmortem, stated in his testimony during the trial, that blunt injuries on both the victims were possible with a 'khukri'. An expert committee from AIIMS (2008) had opined the same. You can read the rest of the report here Indian Parliament has gone to great lengths to prove itself to be an embarrassment - furniture has been flung, money has been brandished and cuss words are shouted with more regularities than your bowel movements. And all this when the Parliament manages to function. This time though, they managed to outdo themselves - the worst part is that this happened at the Rajya Sabha - the house of elders. Members of the Parliament of Bhutan were attending the Rajya Sabha session today. In his welcome address to them, the chairman of the Rajya Sabha said, "they (Bhutanese delegation) would be able to see and learn more about our parliamentary system," at which the members broke into fits of laughter. While they might have laughed at the irony of Indian Parliament teaching any other country anything, to do this in front of a visiting delegation is just pure appalling! A Russian youth who is touring Tamil Nadu was forced to seek alms at a temple in Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu. The 24-year-old man decided to seek alms after he could not withdraw money using his bank ATM card as the pin got locked, said the police. The tourist, identified by his first name Evangelin, came to Kumarakottam Sri Subramanya Swami temple and sat at the gate with his backpack and sought alms using his cap. times now The devotees were surprised to see a foreigner seeking alms and alerted the police, an officer said, adding he was taken to a police station where they checked his travel documents. The tourist told police that as a last resort he sought alms since he was left with no money. He could not withdraw money using his ATM card since the PIN got locked, he said. Police said they gave him some money and asked him to go to Chennai and contact Russian consulate officials for help. The Supreme Court has put some searching questions on a plea seeking to reopen the investigation into the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. times content After a brief hearing, a bench comprising Justices S A Bobde and L Nageswara Rao appointed senior advocate and former additional solicitor general Amrender Sharan as amicus curiae to assist the court in the matter. times content During the hearing which lasted about 15 minutes, the apex court was initially of the view that "nothing can be done in law" in the case which has been decided long ago. However, it later told Sharan that its observation was not binding on him to make an assessment of the matter and posted it for further hearing on October 30. Why should we reopen something, which happened in 1948-49. Then Kapoor Commission report also came some 40 years ago, the Court asked the petitioner. It also questioned on what new information did the petitioner had to seek reinvestigation in the case. The petitioners said there was adequate evidence available in national archives and with other governmental agencies in India and in the US that could form the basis of an investigation even today. times content The petition filed by Mumbai-based Dr Pankaj Phadnis, a researcher and a trustee of Abhinav Bharat, has sought to reopen of the probe on several grounds, claiming it was one of the biggest cover-ups in history. Gandhi was shot dead at point-blank range in New Delhi on January 30, 1948, by Nathuram Vinayak Godse, a right-wing advocate of Hindu nationalism. The Supreme Court has asked the Centre to respond to a plea challenging the legal provision that a death row convict would be hanged to death. reuters/representational image The plea said that Article 21 (Right to Life) of the Constitution also includes the right of a condemned prisoner to have a dignified mode of execution so that death becomes less painful. A bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices A M Khanwilkar and D Y Chandrachud issued notice to the Centre and sought its response in three weeks on the PIL which referred to the 187th Report of the Law Commission against the present mode of execution. Legislature can think of some other means by which a convict, who under law has to face death sentence, should die in peace and not in pain. It has been said since centuries that nothing can be equated with painless death, Chief Justice Misra observed. afp/representational image Lawyer Rishi Malhotra, who filed the PIL in his personal capacity, has also referred to various apex court judgements in which the practice of hanging a death row convict has been assailed. A provision in the Criminal Procedure Code provides that the mode of execution of death penalty would be hanging by the neck. The plea also challenges the constitutional validity of this provision. Prima facie we observe the legislature can think of some other mode by which a convict facing the death sentence should die in peace but not in pain, the bench said. Practiced by some 60 countries, death by hanging is by far the most common method of legal execution. Lethal injections, firing squads and electrocution are some of the other ways used. It kills me to write this over and over but our security is in the hands of those who care very little about us. Even after seeing cases like Nirbhaya and what happened with Varnika Kundu, the government is just isn't waking up to the demons of those who treat women as their property. Also read: 30-YO Woman Returning From Clinic Gangraped At Gunpoint In Front Of Husband, Child In UP It's a fad among young boys to indulge in conversations with unknown women on Facebook, just for the heck of it. They find it humorous and believe that by doing that, they can maybe amuse them as well. Unfortunately, most women find this disturbing. So when a girl received a comment on her picture by a stranger, she did not take a second to think that it was of no relevance to her and deleted it. However, on the other side of the world, in a place where men find it too hard to take rejections and no for an answer, this guy was offended through and through. Also read: Man Rapes Teenage Girl To Avenge Love Marriage Of His Sister With Victim's Brother A guy named Agniswar Chakraborty from Kolkata then sent rape threats to the girl. Facebook He did not even know her. Reports claim that Agniswar posted a smiley on her picture and since she did not know him, she deleted it. This became a reason for his angst and resulted in a rageful comment. Warning: Explicit language. Facebook It boils my blood to see how feeble these threats are deemed to be by those who aren't affected by it. Women, on the other hand often quiver in fear. 1. What the hell could ever prompt such words?? Sorabh Pant (@hankypanty) October 9, 2017 2. File a police complaint. Please. Chinmayi Sripaada (@Chinmayi) October 9, 2017 3. Please file an FIR with the cyber crime division of police. Get him arrested for such threats. Just reporting him won't help. Mihir Bijur (@MihirBijur) October 9, 2017 4. @KolkataPolice please look into this ! Jose Covaco (@HoeZaay) October 8, 2017 5. I am shaking with rage. Karishma (@The_Karishma) October 8, 2017 Following this, online page Shontu - United against Online Harassment has kickstarted a petition to fight people who write such threats. To fight this evil and completely eradicate it out of our system, every single one of us needs to fight it. Also read: Karnataka Govt Official Calls Women's Safety Garbage Segregation, Says Rapes Happen In Parties The Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh has unveiled a plan to set up a 100-metre tall Lord Ram statue in the banks of River Sarayu in Ayodhya. The grand statue is part of the state tourism department's plan to showcase Navya Ayodhya, which aims to boost religious tourism in UP. Yogi Adityanath (Source: BCCL/ File photo) The government has sought the approval of the National Green Tribunal for the construction of the project. The statue which is likely to be around 100-meters tall is expected to cost around Rs 195.89 crore. Not just the statue, the Yogi government is also organizing a grand Diwali this time in Ayodhya by illuminating the town and lighting 1.71 lakh earthen diyas. A deepotsav will be organised on Ram Ki Paidi where 1.71 lakh earthen lamps will be lit, he said while giving a presentation to governor Ram Naik on Monday. Prominent building and ghats will also be illuminated to attract tourists. The objective of the entire programme will be to promote Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Rama, as a tourist destination. The statue which is likely to be around 100-meters tall is expected to cost around Rs 195.89 crore. (Source: BCCL) A heritage walk, a yatra reminiscing return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya, and launch of several schemes by the chief minister and other dignitaries will be part of the programme, the officer said. A grand aarti of River Saryu will also be performed by the chief minister and the governor and a laser show will be held on the banks of the river. During the programme, Ramlila will be staged by artists from Indonesia and Thailand. The Union tourism ministry has sanctioned Rs133.70 crores for making Ayodhya a tourism hub. The money sanctioned will be utilised in renovating ghats, including Guptar Ghat, where Lord Rama had taken Samadhi, installing CCTV cameras, making police booths, construction of guest houses for tourists and auditorium at Digamgar Akhara. A deepotsav will be organised on Ram Ki Paidi where 1.71 lakh earthen lamps will be lit, he said while giving a presentation to governor Ram Naik. (Source: BCCL) On Diwali, a grand programme will be held in Ayodhya in which sadhu-saints will also participate. I will also invite the governor for this, Adityanath had said recently in Gorakhpur. In its first budget, the Yogi government had a special mention of Ayodhya, Varanasi and Mathura, earmarking Rs 1,240 crore for the Ramayan, Buddhist and Krishna circuits in these cities. Earlier in May, the state government had re-started popular Ram Leela in Ayodhya at the Ayodhya Research Centre, after a hiatus of 17 months. The practice of holding Ram Leela in Ayodhya was started by the then chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav in May 2004 but was stopped during Akhilesh Yadavs regime. Not everyone knows how to treat a kid right, especially when they have more needs. Autism, which is not as rare as it used to be demands people to treat the patient with love and care. Also read: 7 Unsung Heroes From The Mumbai Rain Catastrophe Who Saved The City From Deep Crisis CBC So when this 45-year-old Quebec barber got a 6-year-old autistic client, he knew what to do. Francis Franz Jacob usually assist all his special clients late in the evening, just so that he can give him more time and the much-needed attention. Also read: 9 Inspirational Acts By Ordinary People Who Acted As Heroes During The Las Vegas Shooting However, with this boy, Jacob lay on the floor, right next to him, to comfort him. Jacob says Wyatt doesnt usually sit still for haircuts so he bought a pair of wireless clippers in order to follow him around. imgur Wyatt Lafrenier's mother said that he is both hypersensitive and hyposensitive, which means that sometimes he just won't feel anything at all but sometimes even a little touch can be unbearable. He takes care of everything and I dont even get involved. It takes a load off my shoulders, she tells CBC. Also read: Meet Eight Unsung Heroes Silently Doing Their Bit To Save Nature, Forest And Wildlife Usually, hairdressers sort of panicked when they saw Wyatt arrive, so it was really exceptional to meet Mr Jacob, she added. To be honest, it's amazing to see that people are willing to go an extra mile to assist these kids/patients, who are already suffering from so much trauma. Its pretty easy to be mad at ecommerce websites like Amazon and Flipkart when a product isnt up to the mark or arrives late. After all, they should bear some responsibility for what theyre marketing right? But what about when the tables are turned? Thats what happened a few months ago, when a 21-year-old from Delhi conned Amazon out of lakhs of rupees by claiming fraudulent refunds. Shivam Chopra reportedly bought over 166 expensive smartphones on the ecommerce portal between April and May this year, and then demanded refunds saying he received empty boxes each time. According to Delhi police, who just arrested Chopra, he made a profit of nearly Rs 50 lakh in that one month before Amazon wised up and notified the authorities. According to media reports, Chopra was unable to keep a string of jobs in the hotel management field, and was unemployed in March when he came up with his scheme. He ordered two phones as an initial test and claimed refunds on them, which he received. Chopra then went on to make hundreds of similar purchases on Amazon, of Apple, Samsung, and OnePlus devices Aside from getting his money back on the missing devices, Chopra also allegedly sold them as second-hand pieces on OLX as well as Delhis Gaffar market, a local hotspot for mobiles and suspiciously imported goods. In addition to Chopra, police also arrested 38-year-old Sachin Jain, the owner of a nearby mobile store, responsible for selling the culprit more than 141 pre-activated SIM cards to place the fraudulent orders with different names and contact numbers. Chopra would input a fake address for his order, which would force the delivery assistant to call on the listed number to locate it. He would then guide them to a spot near his home and take the delivery (thereby keeping his home address away from suspicion) and then claim the box arrived empty to get a refund. Police eventually tracked Chopra down, and seized 19 smartphones and Rs 12 lakh in cash, among other items, when they arrested him. Let this be a lesson guys, companies like Flipkart and Amazon have to place the highest value on their customers trust in them if they want to survive. If you do anything to mess with that, theyre going to eventually find out you duped them and it wont end well. Back in 2015, the Israeli government hacked into the computers of Kaspersky Lab, the Moscow-based cybersecurity firm that develops the antivirus of the same name. What they found was beyond anything expected they discovered hacking tools that originated from the US National Security Agency. Reuters The Israeli government then notified NSA, which began a panicked investigation to find the breach. Not only did they find that the unwitting source was an NSA contractor, but that their stolen tools were in the hands of the Russian government. Things were not looking good for Kaspersky, which was already under the spotlight in the US over suspicions that its antivirus allows Russias intelligence arm to spy on other countries. Despite occurring two years ago, the incident came to light only last week, when it was reported by The Wall Street Journal. Just last month, the Department of Homeland Security instructed all federal agencies to identify any computers or servers running Kaspersky products and purge them from the systems, citing the risk that the Russian government, whether acting on its own or in collaboration with Kaspersky, could capitalize on access provided by Kaspersky products to compromise federal information. By that point, Kaspersky had just been removed from the approved list of vendors by the General Services Administration (which facilitates the working of all federal agencies), and the senate is now considering banning it across all government departments and services. The NSA, has so far, declined to comment on the story, though Kaspersky publicly maintains its innocence. As a private company, Kaspersky Lab does not have inappropriate ties to any government, including Russia, and the only conclusion seems to be that Kaspersky Lab is caught in the middle of a geopolitical fight, a company spokesperson said. In their probe to find the leak source, the NSA reportedly pinpointed an employee in their Tailored Access Operations division, a unit composed of hackers that gather intelligence on foreign targets. The employee was reportedly using Kasperskys antivirus on his home computer. Internal sources told media there wasnt any malice involved, and the leak was unintentional from his end. Kaspersky has come under scrutiny in the cybersecurity industry over the past few years for two main reasons. One, they use an industry technique called silent signatures, strings of code that operate behind the scenes to detect malware, but can easily be rewritten to search computers for other data. Its a standard industry technique, one that wouldnt be so worrying on its own if not for the other detail. Kaspersky is also the only major antivirus company that routes its data through Russian Internet service providers and service providers, by local law, are subject to Russian surveillance. The company claims all the data provided to the government is encrypted, but experts arent so sure if that makes the data unreadable by Russian intelligence agencies. So, US government has been steadily attempting to wean even large private sector corporations off Kaspersky products. It believes that, whether or not the cybersecurity firm works directly for Vladimir Putin, any data passed through them is vulnerable. In short, Israel hacked into Kaspersky, where they found the NSA's hacking tools, which the Russian government likely stole, and now no one wants to use Kaspersky's antivirus. Just your average day in government intelligence. Indonesia signs deals to accelerate clean energy transition AP - 1 hour ago Indonesia has signed deals with international lenders and major economies that will bring billions of dollars in funding to help the country increase its use of renewable energy $SPX : 3,957.25 (-0.89%) $DOWI : 33,536.70 (-0.63%) $IUXX : 11,700.94 (-0.98%) Cryptocurrencies try to stabilize; more upside in risk-on enviroment Wavetraders - Tue Nov 15, 3:38AM CST Crypto market found some support after US CPI release last week and looks like there is room for more gains after the recent three-wave (a)-(b)-(c) pullback. Global stocks higher after US, Chinese presidents meet AP - Tue Nov 15, 2:45AM CST Global stocks are higher after Wall Street gave back some of last weeks huge gains, the American and Chinese presidents met and Chinas consumer spending shrank in a sign of economic weakness $SPX : 3,957.25 (-0.89%) $DOWI : 33,536.70 (-0.63%) $IUXX : 11,700.94 (-0.98%) Britain's vulnerable await PM's spending plans with anxiety AP - Tue Nov 15, 1:43AM CST Millions are hoping British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finds money to help them survive a cost-of-living crisis when the government releases its spending plans Thursday $SPX : 3,957.25 (-0.89%) $DOWI : 33,536.70 (-0.63%) $IUXX : 11,700.94 (-0.98%) S&P500 (ES) Retests Key 4K Level Tradable Patterns - Mon Nov 14, 11:24PM CST The S&P500 (ESZ22) is consolidating for a 3rd straight day after Thursdays massive 5% plus bounce, hesitating as it bumps up against the 61.8% Fib retrace of the August to October slide and the psychologically... ESZ22 : 3,996.50 (+0.77%) SPY : 395.12 (-0.85%) SPXS : 20.63 (+2.53%) SPXU : 15.64 (+2.42%) SPXL : 69.54 (-2.59%) Asia Thailand Prepares to bid Farewell to the Peoples King Well-wishers line up to pay respect to the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej near the Grand Palace in Bangkok. / Athit Perawongmetha / Reuters BANGKOK Thailand is putting the finishing touches this month to a lavish five-day funeral ceremony in a final goodbye to its late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who helped shape the Southeast Asian nation for decades after World War Two. Many of the hundreds of thousands of black-clad mourners are expected to camp for days near Bangkoks Grand Palace to capture a good view of the ceremonies, which will be guarded by 78,000 police officers and culminate in the cremation on Oct. 26. October is a sad period, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who announced plans for a national election next year, told reporters in the capital on Tuesday. I ask that politicians and political parties be peaceful and orderly. Artisans have worked for ten months in Bangkoks ancient quarter to build an elaborate cremation site fashioned after a vision of heaven, where Thais believe dead royals return to live above Mount Meru, a golden mountain in Hindu mythology. The funeral of King Bhumibol, who died on Oct. 13 last year after seven decades on the throne, is also a time of uncertainty for some Thais, said a Thailand-based analyst, who declined to be identified because of sensitivities around the monarchy. In many ways the king was Thailand and his death has left a huge vacuum in the Thai psyche, said the analyst, pointing to social and political upheavals in recent decades. What happens after his funeral? Where will Thailand head next? These are profound questions that must be answered. Ancient Traditions The late king was succeeded by his son, King Maha Vajiralongkorn, or Rama X, who has overseen sweeping changes to the royal household, including the running of palace finances. Though steeped in ancient traditions, the funeral of King Bhumibol will permit more public participation than those of previous kings, said Thai monarchy expert Tongthong Chandransu. A strong bond has been formed between the people and the monarchythe strongest compared to past reigns, Tongthong told Reuters. So we can see more people participation in the royal funeral of this king. Among the many royal objects restored for the funeral is a golden chariot that will carry the kings body in a giant ornate urn to the cremation site. The urn will move to the Royal Crematorium before the cremation on the night of Oct. 26, which has been declared a national holiday. More than 3,000 performers will join in a nightlong final tribute of music and puppet shows to end a year of mourning. Thais devoted to the memory of the king have folded paper flowers for his cremation, making 10 million in Bangkok alone, city authorities said. This is our Mandela, or our Princess Diana, moment, said graphic designer and self-proclaimed royalist Apichai Klapiput. What the world will see is rivers of tears that show how much Thais love King Bhumibol Adulyadej. He was the peoples king. Burma ALP Member Jailed for Defaming Myanmar Army ALP member Ko Khaing Myo Tun outside the court in Rakhine State. / Min Aung Khaing / The Irrawaddy SITTWE, Rakhine State A Rakhine court sentenced a member of the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) to 18 months in prison on Thursday for allegedly defaming the Myanmar Army. My imprisonment is the imprisonment of the NCA [nationwide ceasefire agreement], said Ko Khaing Myo Tun, deputy information officer of the ALP, who was found guilty of two defamation charges under the Article 505(b) and (c) of the Penal Code at Sittwe Township Court. This broadly defined charge punishes those who spread or make statements that can alarm the public or whereby any person may be induced to commit an offence against the state. The charge was widely used to crush dissent under the former military regime. Because the whole country is moving forward to 21st Century Panglong with the NCA. The jailing of a representative like me who is moving forward with the NCA and 21st Century Panglong is like jailing the NCA, added Ko Khaing Myo Tun. He was prosecuted by the military after the ALPs information department issued a statement on April 24, 2016 covering the clashes between the Arakan Army (AA) and the military on April 16 in Rakhine State. The statement accused the military of torturing Rakhine locals and forcing them in to labor. Tatmadaw troops also killed and ate poultry raised by locals, according to the statement. General Staff Officer (Grade-1) Lt-Col Tint Naing Tun of Sittwe Regional Operations Command then filed a lawsuit with Sittwe Township Court against Ko Khaing Myo Tun, saying the statement was misleading and damaging to the militarys reputation. He also said the statement was liable of spreading misinformation to cause public panic. There were more than 40 court hearings for the case. Ko Khaing Myo Tun spent 14 months in detention facing trial. As the detention period is deducted from his jail term, he will be released in four months. Translated from Burmese by Thet Ko Ko. Burma Funding Cuts Threaten Mae Tao Clinic Patients pictured at Mae Tao Clinic near the Thailand-Myanmar Border in 2013. / J Paing / The Irrawaddy CHIANG MAI, Thailand Mae Tao Clinic (MTC) launched a fundraising campaign to help continue its services to some 250,000 people along the Thailand-Myanmar border who are at risk of losing access to essential healthcare and education because of funding cuts to organizations in the area. The clinic has been providing free healthcare to the displaced and vulnerable people of Myanmar, including refugees and migrants along the border, for the last three decades since its inception in 1989. Dr. Cynthia Maung, an ethnic Karen woman and the founder of the clinic, said, Until there is an established health system in Burma, we need to protect and care for our communities, especially women and children. Even today, half of our patients come to Thailand for accessing health and protection services. They rely on us to help them. We cannot let them down. A drop in funding available in the area came after political changes over the past five years in Myanmar. Our services programs are not yet completely shut down, but we have been reducing our costs and referring the emergency operations cases as much as we can, said Naw Annie Po Moo, the deputy director for the community operations of MTC. Due to funding needs, she said, MTCs almost 500 staff salaries would be reduced by 20 percent starting October. International governments and foundations as well as individual donors have supported the clinic. According to its 2016 annual report, the clinic received support from almost four dozen aid organisations and foundations, including The Global Fund (to fight aids, tuberculosis and malaria), USAID, UKaid, International Rescue Committee and Open Society Foundations. The fundraising campaign aims to raise funds for its 2018 operational costs, to help continue running their programs: primary healthcare, education to children and child protection and training the medics to help the communities, including those internally displaced people. The targeted fund is not for all running costs, but it would help to keep some of our services, said Naw Annie Po Moo. The MTC provide treatment to an average of 420 patients per day and annually they treat more than 110,000 outpatientsa tenth of them inpatientsand deliver more than 2,500 babies. In addition, MTC provides social support and protection to more than 2,400 children living in its boarding houses. The clinic is raising funds to secure an initial US$300,000 for some of its operational costs. Visit MTCs website or contact the clinic via its email [email protected] to contribute. Burma Myanmar Army Chief Denies Military Abuses in Rakhine US ambassador Scot Marciel and Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing during a meeting on Wednesday. / Senior General Min Aung Hlaing / Facebook YANGON The Myanmar Army chief rejected accusations of abuses by his troops during operations in northern Rakhine State in a meeting with the US ambassador on Wednesday, saying no action goes beyond the legal framework. Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing told US ambassador Scot Marciel in Yangon unlawful acts are not allowed in response to the ambassador raising concerns over the exodus of more than 500,000 people to Bangladesh and reports of excessive use of force and genocide by the security forces in Rakhine, according to a briefing posted on the army chiefs Facebook page. Most of those who have fled since militants attacked police outposts on Aug. 25 are self-identifying Rohingya Muslims. Reports they have brought of killings, rape, and arson by security forces have stoked claims of ethnic cleansing in the international community. The task of shouldering the duty shall be within the framework of rules, laws and other directives issued by the state. No action goes beyond the legal framework, said the Myanmar Army commander-in-chief. Despite the armys denial of crimes, the UN human rights office said on Wednesday that Myanmar security forces began its clearance operations before the Aug. 25 militant attacks, brutally driving out self-identifying Rohingya Muslims from the region, torching their homes, crops and villages to prevent them from returning, according to Reuters. In a report based on 65 interviews with refugees who have arrived in Bangladesh in the past month, the UN human rights office said that the destruction by security forces, often joined by mobs of armed Arakanese Buddhists, of houses, fields, food stocks, crops, and livestock made the possibility of the self-identifying Rohingya returning to normal lives in northern Rakhine almost impossible. Credible information indicates that the Myanmar security forces purposely destroyed the property of the Rohingyas, scorched their dwellings and entire villages in northern Rakhine State, not only to drive the population out in droves but also to prevent the fleeing Rohingya victims from returning to their homes, the report said. During the Wednesday meeting, the ambassador said the US wants to make a constructive approach in order to reduce (international) pressure on Myanmar, according to the account of the meeting posted on Thursday. Local Bengalis were involved in the attacks under the leadership of ARSA [Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army], said Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, using a term for the self-identifying Rohingya to imply they are interlopers from Bangladesh. That is why they might have fled as they feel insecure. The native place of Bengalis is really Bengal. Therefore, they might have fled to the other country with the same language, race and culture as theirs by assuming that they would be safer there, the army chief said. On Tuesday, nearly 2,000 self-identifying Rohingya from Buthidaung Township, an area relatively peaceful, gathered at the shores of the Bay of Bengal at A Lel Than Kyaw and Gawdu Thara villages to board ferries for Bangladesh despite the authorities requests for them to return home and assurances for the provision of food and their safety. The Muslims wanted to leave because of food shortages and the fact they could no longer make a living in the area, according to one of the crowd, Mahmoud Shobi. They were afraid to leave their villages in case of attacks by security forces and Arakanese, he said. We have been here for eight days. Some have already gone [to Bangladesh]. We cant farm and fish in our area. Thats why we left, he told The Irrawaddy. Burma Myanmar Rallies to State Counselors Defense Amid Award Stripping State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Yangon in Dec, 2015 after her party won landslide victory in 2015 general election. / Myo Min Soe / The Irrawaddy YANGON Myanmars State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi does not find it surprising to be stripped of awards honoring her struggle to achieve democracy in the country over the past decades. She told the Nikkei Asian Review in a recent interview: Actually, nothing is surprising, because opinions change and world opinions change like any other opinion, considering reactions from western countries on her stance amid the Rakhine crisis. But the majority of those in Myanmar who supported and believed in herincluding members of parliamentsee the wave of condemnation as humiliating to the leader they elected. The 72-year-old Myanmars de-facto leader who is barred from running for president under the military-drafted Constitution, is now under strong international censure for failing to criticize the militarys actions against the self-identifying Rohingya and address accusations of ethnic cleansing in the conflict-marred state. Amid mounting criticism on the issue, Britain has seemed to be the most active among many other countries. One of Britains largest trade unions Unison has suspended an award given to her when she was placed under house arrest, while the London School of Economics students union said it would be stripping her of her honorary presidency. St Hughs College of Oxford University, where she studied politics, philosophy and economics between 1964 and 1967, removed the painting of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as the college received the gift of a new painting. The portrait had been there since 1999. Oxford City Council voted unanimously last week to strip her of the Freedom of the City award, as it was no longer appropriate for her to hold it. A number of other British institutions also say they are reviewing whether to revoke honors bestowed upon her. British Ambassador to Myanmar Andrew Patrick told The Irrawaddy via email, The UK government is not involved in decisions taken by independent institutions, such as Oxford University and its colleges. She is our countrys leader and people will feel bad about those acts. As a citizen, I feel bad too. But we need not to focus on that much and instead on what we can do for our democratic transition, Lower House lawmaker Daw Zin Mar Aung said. She said the international community need to be mindful when making decisions on Myanmar based on wrong and incomplete information because it is not helpful for the countrys fragile democratic transition. They need to know Myanmar is still in the young democratic transition which they have praised. But what the international governments and experts are forgetting is that they are pressuring Myanmar as if it is an established democratic country. Yangon regional lawmaker Nay Phone Latt also agreed. Politically, it is really a difficult situation. The civilian government itself doesnt have full executive power under the current Constitution. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is also severely restricted under the circumstances. For us, we can understand her. But some international organizations seemingly dont really understand the conditions, he said. If they decide without getting enough information, it is unfair. If that is the case, the colleges image would be harmed [in the future], he added, referring to the removal of Daw Aung San Suu Kyis portrait at St Hughs College of Oxford University. Many Myanmar citizens changed their Facebook profiles to a picture of the removed portrait and photos of the State Counselor to show their support, writing the pictures of the State Counselor in their heart couldnt be taken down. In response to international pressure, thousands have gathered in Myanmars major cities to proclaim, We stand with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in recent weeks. Artist MPP Ye Myint who showcased paintings of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Yangon and Mandalay, saw the acts of stripping the leader of her awards as childish. I admired her since 1988 when she gave her public speech for the first time near Shwedagon Pagoda. The admiration never changed and kept growing, he said. Hkun Okker, leading patron of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization, said some countries are stripping her of awards to protect their own interests, worrying about their own business activities with Muslim nations. It is their decision. Because they took back awards, it doesnt mean the State Counselor is wrong, he said. Christian leader Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, who is Myanmars first ever cardinal and archbishop of Yangon, said at a mass interfaith event in Yangon on Tuesday the country trusts in the leadership of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi who has made many sacrifices for the country and democracy. It is not that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has begged for the Nobel Prize, but it is only international organizations that followed around Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and gave her awards. They can take all their awards back. And wed rather like to return those awards with an extra refund, the cardinal said. But, there is something that they cant take awaythe love of citizens toward Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. No one can grab their reliance on her. She has the hopes of millions of people in her handsThere is a need for the international community to understand and help this government. Condemning and blaming is meaningless. Ethnic Karen Naw Susana Hla Hla Soe, a prominent womens rights activist who is now an Upper House lawmaker, echoed similar sentiments, saying no one asked for the prizes, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi herself. They gave their own and have now taken them back. It is too sloppy. But Aunty Suu wont respond to those. She will only be serious for the country, she said. Burma UN Political Affairs Chief to Visit Myanmar United Nations political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman at the U.N. Security Council at U.N. Headquarters in New York August 28, 2014. / Reuters The UNs Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman will make an urgent five-day visit to Myanmar on Friday to address the humanitarian crisis in Rakhine State, the UN announced on Wednesday. Following the Secretary-Generals repeated calls for an end to the military operations and violence in northern Rakhine state; unfettered access for humanitarian support; and the safe, voluntary, dignified and sustainable return of refugees to their areas of origin, Mr. Feltman will be undertaking consultations with a view to addressing these urgent issues in close cooperation with Myanmar, said the announcement. A UN spokesperson told The Irrawaddy that details of his visit and meetings were yet to be announced but it is understood discussions will focus on the cooperation of the Myanmar government. His visit coincides with the recall of UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Renata Lok-Dessallien to the UN in New York. It was announced on Wednesday that she would end her duties in Myanmar by the end of October. The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator will use her remaining time until the end of the month to further the UN systems efforts to promote peace and security, human rights, as well as humanitarian and development assistance for all people in Myanmar, said the announcement. The news of Lok-Dessalliens possible removal from her role first surfaced in June. According to a BBC news report, she was being criticized internally and being accused of the suppressing internal discussion on the self-identifying Rohingya issue. However, the spokesperson of the UN office in Myanmar refused to give comment on her recall. The Canadian citizen began the job in January 2014 and was the first woman to take up the role. She previously worked as resident and humanitarian coordinator in Bhutan, Bangladesh, and China. Burma Wirathu to Visit Conflict-Torn Northern Rakhine Wirathu meets locals in Sittwe on Thursday. / Phoe Thar / Facebook YANGON Amid the ongoing self-identifying Rohingya crisis in northern Rakhine State, notorious inflammatory firebrand Buddhist monk Wirathu landed in state capital Sittwe on Wednesday and is scheduled to travel to conflict-riven Maungdaw Township. Ethnic Arakanese Ko Phoe Thar who is assisting the relief efforts of Alodaw Pyae monastery and and assisting the visit of Wirathu told The Irrawaddy that the monk has already requested permission from local authorities to visit conflict-torn Maungdaw district and is waiting the governments response. We cant say exactly his schedule. Maybe he will contribute cash to displaced ethnic Arakanese people via Sittwe or maybe he will directly meet with villagers in Maungdaw. Its up to the decision of the authorities, said Ko Phoe Thar. Sittwe residents posted on Facebook that Wirathu and local monks donated 1.8 million kyats to displaced people from Maungdaw who have sought refuge in some monasteries. Tin Maung Swe, secretary of Rakhine State government office, said: [Wirathu] went [to Maungdaw] previously and this time we will also allow. What else? The region has been locked down, with journalists and international aid agencies prohibited from entering the area, since militant attacks on Aug. 25. The government has conducted a number of guided tours for diplomats, journalists, and UN officials while the UN and NGOs call for unfettered access to deliver life-saving aid to vulnerable communities. A few Arakanese civil society groups publically criticized the visit of Wirathu, including coordinator of Kyaukphyu Rural Development Association (KRDA) U Tun Kyi, who pointed out that Mandalay Region, where Wirathu is based, has a number of problems with Chinese immigration and investment including the Letpadaung Copper Mine. Why did he deliberately pick up Rakhine to voice out nationalism, rather than Mandalay? said U Tun Kyi. He explained that Wirathu has visited Rakhine in the past, but did not improve the situation on the ground in Rakhine State. U Tun Kyi said he was concerned that the current problem in Rakhine is one of nationality, but it could easily be changed into an issue of race and religion. Politics and religious should not be mixed. I dont like it indeed, said Tun Kyi. Meanwhile, ethnic affairs expert U Maung Maung Soe urged the government to establish a coordination team which contains representatives of the Muslim community in Rakhine State in order to control administration works in border towns. Self-identifying Rohingya Muslim Kyaw Hla Aung told The Irrawaddy over the phone on Thursday that the cabinet members of Rakhine State did not come to meet the Muslim community in Sittwe and they have no idea how to consult for the National League for Democracy (NLD) government regarding the Rohingya crisis in Maungdaw. We are not even allowed to leave the camp and know nothing about Maungdaw at this moment. So how can we make a suggestion to authorities? said U Kyaw Hla Aung. The interaction between the NLD-led Rakhine State government and the Muslim community is weak, he said. Even when they did show up here, we dont know the right person to share our ideas with. I assume they dont actually want to listen to our opinions, said U Kyaw Hla Aung. U Kyaw Hla Aung remarked that Wirathu is travelling with his own plan to lend a hand for the Buddhist community while the Muslim community is contained in a camp. According to UN estimations, more than half a million Muslims fled neighboring Bangladesh and are sheltering in makeshift camps. Both Myanmar and Bangladesh authorities have formed joint-committee for repatriation process but have not yet announced a precise timeframe for the implementation. Guest Column Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement is a Forlorn Hope Myanmar's President Thein Sein (2nd left) signs the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in Naypyitaw, Myanmar on October 15, 2015. / Reuters The government plans to hold a ceremony to mark the two-year anniversary of landmark peace accord the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA) in Myanmars capital Naypyitaw on Sunday. Three leadersState Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Army Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, and leader of the Karen National Union (KNU) Gen. Saw Mutu Sae Poewill deliver the opening speeches. For Khun Okka of the Pa-O National Liberation Organisation (PNLO), the anniversary celebration is an attempt to awaken a stalling and faltering peace process. The NCA has brought no quantifiable results, some like Khun Okka argue, only a complex stalemate. Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC) member Sai Kyaw Nyunt has complained that the NCA has become even more complex and convoluted in the two years since groups first signed. Only eight out of Myanmars 21 ethnic armed groups signed the accord at its inception. We must ask the question: Why has the NCA failed to include all ethnic armed groups and why are they refusing to sign it? The success of the NCA can be seen to hinge on four groups: The Myanmar Army, the civilian government, NCA-signatory ethnic armed groups, and non NCA-signatory armed groups. The Myanmar Army (The Tatmadaw) The Tatmadaw is the major linchpin in the peace process. Peace or conflict depends on how it reacts to the demands of ethnic groups. The 2008 Constitution is heavily loaded in favor of the Tatmadaw by granting its members 25 percent of seats in the Union and state parliaments and leaving the military in charge of three key ministries. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi herself admitted she cannot control the Tatmadaw under the military-drafted 2008 Constitution when she met the New Mon State Party (NMSP) in early September. The National Defense and Security Council (NDSC) is the countrys most powerful body and is comprised of eleven members: From the military, the commander-in-chief, the deputy commander-in-chief, one vice-president, the defense minister, the home minister, the border affairs minister and from the civilian government, the president, the second vice president, the speakers of both houses of the Union parliament, and the foreign minister (Daw Aung San Suu Kyi). With six members from the military against five from the civilian government, voting power remains with the Tatmadaw. The Tatmadaws blatant power hangs over Myanmars peace process and unless it is willing to cease conflicts and expedite negotiations, the NCA will go nowhere and bring no benefits. An example is the case of three armed groupsthe Taang National Liberation Army (TNLA), the Arakan Army (AA), and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)who are excluded from the peace process by the Tatmadaw. The Civilian Government The government acts as negotiator between the Tatmadaw and ethnic armed groups. Under the tenure of U Thein Seins government, numerous negotiations took place but no quantifiable results were seen, except perhaps the, now stalling, NCA. The process has now been taken over by the new government led by Nobel Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi who has convened two conferences dubbed the 21st Century Panglong Union Peace Conference. Despite the State Counselors stated conviction to inclusiveness, a number of ethnic armed groups have been excluded from participating in the conferences. The first session of her 21st Century Panglong peace conference ended with the United Wa State Army walking out on the second day of talks, claiming they had not been given permission to address the conference. The second session of the conference ended without agreement on the contentious issue of non-secession from the Union, which participants claimed was contrary to the spirit of the 1947 Panglong Agreement and the promises made by Gen. Aung San. The conference reached agreements on 37 points, 12 of which concerned politics. The government declared these agreements a historic breakthrough, but there is still no clear timeline to fulfill agreements made at the conference. NCA Signatories The culmination of negotiations under former president U Thein Sein saw eight ethnic armed groups signing the NCA on 15 Oct, 2015. The eight ethnic armed groups that signed the NCA are: the KNU, the PNLO, the Chin National Front (CNF), the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), the All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF), the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (Peace Council) (KNU/KNLA PC), the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA). After signing the NCA, these groups were allowed to fully participate in both the first and second sessions of the Panglong conferences. They have attempted to expedite the peace process by active participation in the conferences and other dialogues with the government. NCA Non-Signatories Most ethnic armed organizationsincluding powerful outfits the UWSA and the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO)refused to sign the NCA. According to Maj-Gen Gun Maw of the KIO, the reasons were threefold: Firstly, the Tatmadaw set a precondition for three smaller ethnic armed organizationsthe TNLA, the AA, and the MNDAAto disarm before entering the talks. The KIO is alligned particularly with the TNLA and two of KIOs brigadesfour and sixare stationed next to TNLA and MNDAA troops. The groups share territory and conduct joint operations against the Myanmar Army. Secondly, the UNFC presented a nine-point proposal to the government while meeting at the National Reconciliation and Peace Centre in Yangon on March 3, 2017 which would need to be fulfilled before signing the NCA. The government and the bloc have so far agreed on half of the blocs nine-point proposal, but the Tatmadaw has not agreed on UNFC concerns regarding ceasefire monitoring, a military code of conduct, demarcation, and troop relocation. Thirdly, some EAOs, including the KIO, have said they expect a certain level of agreement with the government. They proposed a joint committee of the government, political parties, ethnic armed groups, and the military to oversee the peace process framework. The government and military rejected this request. In an Aug. 24 statement, the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC) emphasized adherence to its policy that any political negotiations with the government and the Tatmadaw must involve the FPNCC as a bloc, rather than separate talks with the seven groups. The government Peace Commission is planning to meet the UWSA and NDAA, without the rest of the bloc, soon. The third session of the 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference will be held soon, but it is still not clear who will be included. Hopefully, the anniversary will remind all groups to evaluate the stalled NCA process and move forward. The country needs to stabilize conflicts and expedite the peace process as the image of the country is stained by the Rakhine State crisis. Thus, these four major actorsthe Tatmadaw, the Government, NCA signatories and Non-NCA signatoriesmust put concerted efforts to accelerate the momentum of the peace process. Absent of such efforts, the success of the NCA seems a forlorn hope and gaining peace in Myanmar will be elusive. Joe Kumbun is the pseudonym of a Kachin State-based analyst. Thursday, Oct 12th, 2017 (11:08 am) - Score 748 UK ISP Boundless Networks has successfully deployed a new fixed wireless superfast broadband network to cater for residents of Slippery Ford, which is a tiny rural hamlet and part of the Worth Valley in West Yorkshire that has long campaigned for faster internet connectivity. Local residents are no strangers to sub-1Mbps broadband speeds (many get closer to 0.25Mbps), which is largely because the community exists too far away from the otherwise reasonably capable Cross Hills (MYCSH) telephone exchange, which serves a total of roughly 6,000 premises across the whole region. The good news is that Boundless Networks has been busy working with local contractor Pennine Plus to deploy their 100Mbps capable ultrafast broadband wireless network (line-of-sight) into the area, which means that residential properties can now access download speeds of up to 30Mbps (10Mbps upload) and businesses are able to request something even faster. The new network is also being rolled out across other parts of North Yorkshire and Lancashire over the next 3 years, with various communities including Kilnsey, Conistone, Buckden and Starbotton already live. Boundless claims that its total UK network now covers over 3,500 square miles, with approximately 4,000 wireless links in service and a private national fibre network from its data centre in Manchester. David Hood, Boundless Networks Chairman, said: We are really proud and pleased to be the provider of superfast broadband to Slippery Ford, bringing real, positive life changes and opportunities, and hope to offer the same services to other parts of the Worth Valley struggling with connectivity. We are investing in providing services that other providers say are not possible and I am proud to be able to deliver these services to local villages and communities. Alison Porter, Slippery Ford Resident, added: Thanks to Boundless Networks and their wireless broadband solution we now have 30 Mbps wireless broadband and no longer feel so isolated, but rather part of the rest of the world. We are ecstatic; we are tucked out of the way up here and no-one else has ever been able to get superfast broadband to us before getting emails has been about it. We were told it was not possible by other providers and yet here we are able to access the Internet, download files, films and generally get on with life far better. Its great value too and is not capped, so you have unlimited download capacity. Whats more, we dont need a landline anymore. According to the ISPs website, customers can take a top download speed of 30Mbps (10Mbps upload) for 29.99 inc. VAT on a 12 month contract, which doesnt include the 150.00 one-off installation charge (this comes with a router). The cheapest package available costs from 19.99 per month and offers symmetric speeds of 10Mbps. The usage allowance is stated to be unlimited, although they attach a Fair Usage Policy (FUP) to this that vaguely threatens to restrict users who download large amounts at peak times regularly. NOTE: Ultrafast residential packages are apparently available and start from only 42.99 per month, although these still dont show up on the ISPs website. The Vocus Group, Australia's fourth largest telecommunications outfit, has successfully connected its high-speed fibre-optic North-West Cable System to the INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG Project and Shells Prelude floating liquefied natural gas facility located off the north-west coast of Australia. The cable system was built by Vocus along with Shell and Japanese oil company INPEX and runs for a distance of 2100 kilometres, linking Darwin and Port Hedland. It is capable of speeds up to 40Gbps and is designed to enable high-speed data connections to other key hydrocarbon prospects along its route. Vocus said construction of the cable system began in late 2014 and was completed in September last year. It is a two-fibre pair, 12TB combined capacity cable and the only combined telecommunications and resource industry cable in the country. The cable system will connect the Pilbara region which has 44,000 employees and annual exports of more than $47 billion. Alcatel Submarine Networks cable ship Lodbrog preparing for the INPEX jointing operation. Vocus chief executive Geoff Horth said: Connection of these services isnt just an important milestone for Vocus, its an improvement to the essential telco services in an often-neglected part of Australia and a fast and secure connection to families and teams for the fly-in-fly-out crew on these platforms." Ichthys Project managing director Louis Bon said: "INPEX is proud of the close industry collaboration that enabled this cutting-edge communications system to be put in place. "Not only is this initiative strengthening the safe operations of the INPEX-led Ichthys LNG Projects offshore facilities, it is also delivering immediate benefits to our teams and the Northern Territory and Western Australia communities connected to the cable." David Bird, vice-president of Shell's Prelude floating liquefied natural gas platform, said: Shell is extremely pleased with the partnership with Vocus and INPEX. "The NWCS will improve the collaboration of our onshore and offshore teams during the commissioning and operation of Prelude, and importantly, will transform the offshore experience for our offshore teams ensuring they are well connected to home and family." The Marine Remote Operated Vehicle being lowered from Lodbrog when making the INPEX branch joint. Photos: courtesy Vocus Group For a good part of this year, Kaspersky Lab has become the meat in the sandwich as US politicians have ramped up attacks on Russia, following on from the anti-Moscow sentiment which has gathered steam after last year's presidential elections. The company, well-known for its anti-virus software, has faced accusation after accusation of allowing itself to be used as a spying conduit by the Russian Government. And in recent days, the big three newspapers in the US The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post have hit the company with a series of stories that have made claim after claim, all without naming a single source. Kaspersky Lab is yet to address the specific claims made by the three papers and other sites. For example, a story in the WSJ on Wednesday, which claims that the A-V software was modified modified into a tool for espionage and used to search for terms like "top secret", leads to the conclusion that Kaspersky shared its source code with the Russian Government. , in the NYT, surfaced on Tuesday, claiming that Israeli Government hackers had found NSA malware samples in Kaspersky's servers; the Israelis infiltrated Kaspersky's network in 2014. A third claim was that Kaspersky was given a list of specific questions by the NYT before the story cited above was published but did not respond. With all the bad publicity and the Russian bogey being exploited to the extent possible Kaspersky's software has already been banned from use in US government agencies and two big retailers, Office Depot and Best Buy, have taken the software off their shelves the Russian A-V company may already be toast in the American market. In 2016, Kaspersky Lab earned about US$633 million in sales, 60% of that coming from the US and Western Europe. But that could drop drastically given that the US can easily influence its allies in Europe to drop the company's products as well. Western Europe is not known for being too independent when it comes to matters like this. In the face of this, it is vital that Kaspersky, whose A-V software is rated by many infosec professionals as the best in a bloated market, tackle the matter as a geek would by addressing things directly and address the accusations. The company is capable of providing clear and concise reports of its various malware finds and other security-related matters. That same approach should be taken and the public should hear the other side of the story, preferably from the flamboyant head of the company, Eugene Kaspersky. If Eugene sits back and just issues general rebuttals, it will do the company no good. And the matter will not go away; once the mainstream media in the US smell blood, they will not hesitate to put the boot in and attempt to complete the killing. Eugene needs to go on the front foot and face his accusers. And soon. Australian credit bureau services provider Experian has announced the promotion of 15-year company veteran Andrew Black to managing director of Australia and New Zealand. Black replaces Suzanne Steele who is leaving Experian to take up an appointment as Adobe managing director for Australia and New Zealand. Black will lead Experians credit services, decision analytics, data quality and targeting teams across the companys Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland offices. He will also remain as the acting managing director of the Experian ANZ Data Quality and Targeting teams in the interim. Poli Konstantinidis continues as managing director, credit services and decision analytics ANZ. Ben Elliott, chief executive of the Asia Pacific region at Experian, said Black was a clear choice to succeed Steele because of his track record of leading consistently successful teams with high-performing cultures that foster innovation. Andrews breadth of industry experience, dynamic leadership capabilities and focus on team performance will ensure the continued delivery of our mission to help our customers make sense of data in powerful new ways that create opportunities for consumers, businesses and society as a whole. When I look at the strength of the team that Andrew has developed and the success of our Data Quality and Targeting business in Australia and New Zealand, I am confident that we are well positioned for strong future growth. With a combined total of over 15 years of service, Andrew is an outstanding example of career progression at Experian. Black said his goal was to lead greater integration of Experians data quality, targeting, credit services and decision analytics teams to empower more clients in all sectors to make smarter data-led decisions. One of Experians unique capabilities is to tackle multiple, large, poor-quality and disparate data sources, pulling them together to enable an accurate, integrated single customer view over multiple platforms that can be utilised to deliver highly targeted cross-channel opportunities and insights. Black said. Former Internet Australia chief executive and executive director Laurie Patton has taken up a new role as the first full-time chief executive of the Australian Smart Communities Association. Patton, who was IAs CEO/executive director from 2014 to this year, has been a high-profile critic of the national broadband network, consistently describing it as Australias "inferior broadband network" and calling for the use of fibre-to-the-distribution-point as much as possible for the remainder of the NBN rollout. He has also repeatedly pressed IAs case that Australia needs a 21st century broadband network but that was not what most people are getting". Patton takes on the role at ASCA following the past three years as IA CEO/executive director and an extensive career in media, IT and event management. ASCA vice-president and ASCA nominations committee chair Brook Dixon said the ASCA board was keen to see the organisation increase its contribution to the promotion of smart community concepts across Australia and was committed to working with a wide range of stakeholders. Australia is well placed to be one of the leaders in emerging global moves to make our communities more liveable, more sustainable and more technologically empowered. We recognise the importance of putting people first viewing things from a local perspective while also drawing on international experience, Dixon said. Our board and members hold significant roles in organisations committed to creating smart communities. We are keen to lead the conversation about how best to develop all our communities for the benefit of every Australian. Smart community interest and action is accelerating across Australia, with great leadership from the Australian Government, through the prime minister and Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation, Angus Taylor MP. Dixon said ASCA had been working closely with the Australian Government to drive positive smart community outcomes, and looked forward to building this partnership into the future. He said Pattons immediate priority would be to engage broadly with communities, governments and businesses to ensure ASCA fulfils a central role in stimulating debate and actions designed to help its communities take full advantage of the many exciting opportunities opening up in the 21st century. Theres never been a more important time for ASCA to make a contribution to the development of smart communities throughout Australia, Patton said. "I'm really excited to be taking on a new role that will enable me to continue to work for a more connected society and all the benefits that go with this from an economic and social development point of view. We are fast entering a digitally-enabled world full of new avenues for improving peoples lives by enhancing the places where they live and work. While many communities are now poised and ready to proceed, and some already on the journey, theres clearly a need for a co-ordinated effort across the country that sees us collaborating and sharing our experiences as we experiment and learn. Im looking forward to working with the ASCA board and members to ensure we make a major contribution to that effort. Attackers have stolen more than US$40 million from a number of banks in Russia and eastern Europe using a multi-pronged technique, according to the security firm Trustwave. The company's SpiderLabs unit said mules first opened accounts at a target bank using fake IDs, after which attackers gained access to the bank's network, manipulated the overdraft limits and disabled fraud alerts. When access to the bank's network was at the desired level, the attackers co-ordinated with the mules who then withdrew money from ATMs on a single day or across multiple days. The mules operated in a number of countries. Most of the withdrawals were made soon after the overdraft limits were altered, Trustwave said in a detailed report. From the bank's network, the attackers piggybacked into the network of the third-party processor used by the bank where they compromised the account of the administrator. This gave them access to all areas and enabled them to do what they wanted to. The bank's IT staff were delayed in finding out about the thievery as the attackers used malware to destroy the master boot record of the PCs they had gained access to, making the machines unbootable. The report was authored by Trustwave's EMEA managing consultant for incident response Thanassis Diogos and EMEA incident response consultant Sachin Deodhar. "We believe that the attack described in this report represents a clear and imminent threat to financial institutions in European, North American, Asian and Australian regions within the next year," the pair said. "Currently the attacks are localised to the eastern European and Russian regions. However, in cyber crime, this area is often the canary in the mineshaft for upcoming threats to other parts of the world." Diogos and Deodhar said it did not appear that any data had been exfiltrated from the bank, with the hackers' sole purpose in gaining access being to engineer the theft and then disappear. "When we obtained a copy of the system for analysis we found it was unbootable and the file system was corrupt," the pair said. "However, the Trustwave team was able to reconstruct the partition table and analyse the file system enabling collection and analysis of significant evidence from this key system. "One of them was called dropper.exe and upon execution its main function was to wipe the Master Boot Record on the hard disk, effectively destroying the system for any future use. This was the last recorded action taken by the attackers before leaving the network. They appeared to truly care about clearing any remaining tracks of their activity that may have been left behind." Graphic: courtesy Trustwave SpiderLabs Ransomware would have cost businesses worldwide US$1 billion this year, according to an estimate by endpoint security provider Carbon Black. In a report issued on Wednesday at its Cb Connect conference in San Francisco, the company said there were more than 6300 marketplaces on the dark Web where one could buy ransomware, a total of 45,000 product listings. The data included in the report was gathered in August and September, with 21 of the biggest marketplaces on the dark Web being monitored for virtual offerings related to ransomware. In finalising the data, the sample from these 21 was extrapolated based on the assumption that 25% of the dark Web is made up of similar marketplaces. The report found that prices for do-it-yourself ransomware kits ranged from as little as 50 US cents to US$3000 and the median price was US$10.50. Six listings were found which were priced at more than US$1000, all custom-developed with unique code that had not had much exposure in the wild. The ransomware marketplace on the dark Web had grown from US$249,287 to US$6.3 million, a growth rate of 2502%. The report said FBI estimates were that the total that was extorted was about US$1 billion in 2017, compared to US$24 million in 2015. Some ransomware sellers appeared to be doing much better than regular software developers financially, pulling in US$100,000 annually while the latter took home US$69,000. The top ransomware earners were those who sold custom-made malware. Carbon Black laid the blame for the growth in ransomware and its profitability on bitcoin and the Tor network. Average earnings by the average software developer in a number of countries compared with annual earnings by the top ransomware authors. "The most notable innovations contributing to the proliferation and success of the dark Web ransomware economy have been the emergence of bitcoin for ransom payment, and the anonymity network, Tor, to mask illicit activities," the company claimed. "Bitcoin allows money to be transferred in a way that makes it nearly impossible for law enforcement to 'follow the money'. Bank transfers and credit card transactions traditionally aid in the quick takedown of scams. Bitcoin means theres no bank to identify the account holder." Carbon Black also blamed the attitude of consumers: 52% of those asked whether they were willing to pay a ransom to get their files decrypted answered in the positive. Twelve percent said they would pay more than US$500 to get their files back, 29% between US$100 and US$500, and 59% less than US$100. The report did not mention how many people had been surveyed. The report outlined a sophisticated economy and supply chain that had ensured the success of the ransomware market. From creation to distribution, encryption/decryption, payment and command and control servers, the whole setup was well organised. The report said the only way to put hurdles in the way of market expansion was by decreasing the return on investment for attackers. Looking ahead, Carbon Black said that ransomware would increasingly target Linux servers in the coming year. " For example, attackers will increasingly look to conduct SQL injections to infect servers and charge a higher ransom price. We have already observed attacks hitting MongoDB earlier this year which provide excellent foreshadowing," the report said. There was no hint as to the connection between SQL injections which can be effected on any platform, not merely Linux. Further MongoDB is a database that runs both on Linux and Windows. Carbon Black was in the news in August when a competitor, DirectDefense, claimed that the company was leaking data from several Fortune 1000 companies, a claim that Carbon Black contested. The report can be downloaded here. Graphics: courtesy Carbon Black Luu 19 Awarded National Scholarship Trang "Heidi" Luu Oct. 12, 2017 BLOOMINGTON, Ill.Illinois Wesleyan University's Trang Heidi Luu 19 has been selected as an inaugural recipient of the national Jo Anne J. Trow Scholarship. An accounting and economics double major, Luu was awarded a grant by Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD), the National Honor Society for First-Year Students. Each year, ALD awards 36 Trow scholarships to outstanding sophomore students across the country, in honor of Jo Anne J. Trow, the past National President of ALD. I felt extremely honored and thrilled to receive this scholarship, said Luu, who immediately told her parents and professors the news. They were very excited for me. Selection for the scholarship is based on a 3.5 cumulative grade-point average, along with academic records, a personal statement, campus and community service activities, and participation in ALD activities. As a current member of the Illinois Wesleyan Economic Societys Executive Board, Luu also served on the executive board of ALD. I am grateful for the ALD chapter on campus, said Luu, who served as Treasurer. I learned a lot through the experience. Luu said because of the education, career help and experiences offered at Illinois Wesleyan, she was well-equipped when applying to her first internship at Deloitte Vietnam, a consulting firm in her hometown of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. For 11 weeks, Luu worked as a Financial Advisory Services Intern, and learned a lot through her involvement in market and company research and valuation projects. Luu said she is especially excited for her upcoming January internship with PwC in Chicago, which is part of the accounting departments winter internship program. The competitive, 10-week paid internship at a public accounting firm or business is offered to students during the spring semester of their junior year. After graduating from Illinois Wesleyan, Luu said she would like to pursue a career in economic or business consulting. As I dive deeper into my majors, I become really interested in these two fields. I would really appreciate the opportunity to do economic research, and maybe, go into academia at some point. By Vi Kakares '20 Reddit Email 115 Shares By Naimul Haq | (Inter Press Service) | COXS BAZAR, Bangladesh (IPS) Yasmin, 26, holds her 10-day-old baby, who she gave birth to in a crowded refugee camp in Coxs Bazar, a southeastern district bordering Myanmar. Three weeks ago, when she was still in her home in Hpaung Taw Pyin village in Myanmar, she was raped by a group of soldiers as houses burned, people fled and gunfire shattered the air. I have been working as a human rights activist for the last 20 years but never heard of such an extreme level of violence. Bimol Chandra Dey Sarker, Chief Executive of the aid organisation Mukti With sunken eyes, Yasmin told IPS how she was beaten and raped in her ninth month of pregnancy by Myanmar soldiers. Yasmins village was almost empty when she and many of her neighbours were violated. Only a few dozen women and children remained after the men had fled in fear of being tortured or killed. Women and children who escaped the brutal violence in Myanmar wait for aid at a camp in Bangladesh. Credit: Parvez Ahmad Faysal/IPS On that dreadful evening an army truck stopped in our neighbourhood, and then came the soldiers raiding homes. I was alone in my home and one of the soldiers entering my thatched house shouted to invite a few others to join him in raping me. I dare not resist. They had guns pointed at me while they stripped me to take turns one by one. I dont remember how many of them raped me but at one stage I had lost consciousness from my fading screams, she said, visibly exhausted and traumatized by the horrific ordeal. Yasmins husband was killed by the Myanmar army on September 4 during one of the frequent raids, allegedly by state-sponsored Buddhist mobs against the Muslim minority in their ancestral home in Rakhine state. Bandarban, a hilly district, and Coxs Bazaar, a coastal district, both some 350 km southeast of Bangladeshs capital Dhaka, are hosting the overcrowded Rohingya camps. The locals here are no strangers to influxes of refugees. Rohingyas have been forced out of Myanmar since 1992, and Bangladesh, as a neighbor, has sheltered many of them on humanitarian grounds. However, the latest Rohingya exodus, following a massive government crackdown that began last August, has shaken the world. The magnitude of the atrocities carried out by the military junta this time is beyond imagination. Some describe the persecution as genocide, which Myanmars rulers deny. To add to the communal violence, dubbed ethnic cleansing by Zeid Raad Al Hussein, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, the military junta intensified physical assaults and soldiers have been sexually harassing innocent, unarmed Rohingya women alongside the regular killings of men. The reasoning is obvious: no one should dare to stay in their homes. Many believe its a pre-planned operation to clear Rakhine state of the Rohingya population, who Myanmar does not recognize as citizens. One Rohingya man, who managed to reach the Bangladesh border in mid-September, told IPS, They have indeed successfully forced the Rohingya men out while the remaining unprotected women were a headache for the military junta, as killing the unarmed women would expose them to international criticism. So they chose a strategy of frightening the women and children apply physical assault and sexual abuse, which worked so well. IPS spoke with many of the agencies, including the United Nations and local NGOs, working on the ground to provide emergency services such as food distribution, erecting shelters, organizing a safe water supply and hygienic latrines and, of course, healthcare. Everyone who spoke to this correspondent said literally every woman, except the very old and young, has had experiences of either being molested or experiencing an extreme level of abuse like gang rape. Survivors and witnesses shared brutal stories of women and young girls being raped in front of their family members. They described how cruel the soldiers were. They said the soldiers showed no mercy, not even for the innocent children who watched the killings and burning of their homes. Newly arrived Rohingya refugees enter Teknaf from Shah Parir Dwip after being ferried from Myanmar across the Naf River. Credit: Farid Ahmed/ IPS Bimol Chandra Dey Sarker, Chief Executive of Mukti, a local NGO in Coxs Bazaar, told IPS, I have been working as a human rights activist for the last 20 years but never heard of such an extreme level of violence. Many of the women who are now sheltered in camps shared their agonizing tales of sexual abuse. Its like in a movie. Kaniz Fatema, a focal person for CODEC, a leading NGO in coastal Coxs Bazaar, told IPS, Stories of sexual abuse of Rohingya women keep pouring in. I heard women describing horrific incidents which they say are everyday nightmares. How can such violence occur in this civilized world today? Although women are shy and traumatized, they speak up. Here (in Bangladesh) they feel safer and so the stories of abuses are being submitted from every corner of the camps, she said. The chief health officer of Coxs Bazar 500-bed district hospital, where most of the wounded are being treated, told IPS, At the beginning we were providing emergency treatment for many Rohingya refugees with bullet wounds. Now, we are facing a new crisis of treating so many pregnant women. We are registering pregnant women and admitting them almost every day despite shortages of beds. Many of these women complain of being sexually harassed. An attending nurse at the hospital who regularly treats the sexually abused women, said, Many women still bear marks of wounds during rape encounters. Its amazing that these women are so tough. Even after so many days of suffering, they keep silent about the agonies and dont complain. The UNFPA is offering emergency reproductive healthcare services in Bandarban and Coxs Bazaar, where aid workers shared similar tales from women who suffered torture and gang rape at gunpoint. It is so horrifying, said a field worker serving in Ukhia upazila in Bandarban, adding, I heard of a young girl being raped in front of her father, mother and brother. Then the soldiers took the men out in the courtyard and shot them. Faisal Mahmud, a senior reporter who recently returned to the capital from Rohingya camps, also said he spoke to many victims of rape. Most of them I spoke to were so traumatised they were hardly able to narrate the brutality. I could see the fear in their faces. Although I hardly understand their dialect, a translator helped me to understand the terrifying tales of being stripped naked and gang raped. Mohammad Jamil Hossain trekked through the deep forests, evading mines and Myanmar border guards who look for men to catch and take back. The systematic cleansing will not end until every member of Rohingya population is evicted and forced out of the country, he said. The whole world is watching and yet doing nothing to stop the killings. Shireen Huq, founder member of Naripokkho, Bangladeshs leading NGO fighting for womens rights, told IPS, I was shocked and overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people, mostly women and children, fleeing Myanmar and entering Bangladesh. The media had reported widespread atrocities, mass rape, murder, arson and brutality in the state of Rakhain. Women arriving at Nayapara through Shah Porir Dwip were in a state of shock and fatigue. Many of them were candid about the julum (a word used to mean both torture and rape) they had undergone, about being raped by several military, she said. We must ensure appropriate and adequate care for the refugees, especially all those who have suffered sexual violence. They need medical care, psycho-social counseling and abortion services. Agencies working in the Rohingya refugee camps estimate that 50,000 women are pregnant. Several hundred deliveries have already taken place. Round the clock emergency health services must be made available to deal with the situation, Shireen said. More than 501,800 Rohingya have fled the Buddhist-majority country and crossed into Bangladesh since August 25. Densely populated refugee settlements have mushroomed around road from Teknaf to Coxs Bazar district that borders Myanmar divided by Naf river. About 2,000 of the refugees are flooding into the camps every day, according to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). IOM has appealed to the international community for 120 million dollars between now and February 2018 to begin to address the humanitarian crisis. The refugees who fled Rakhine did so in the belief that they would find safety and protection in Coxs Bazar, said William Lacy Swing, IOMs Director General, in a statement on October 4. It is our responsibility to ensure that the suffering and trauma that they have experienced on the way must end. Meanwhile, witnesses say there are still thousands of refugees in the forest waiting to cross over the Bangladesh border, which has now been officially opened. Many can be seen from distant hilltops, walking with whatever belongings they could take. I was really struck by the fear that these people carry with themselves, what they have gone through and seen back in Myanmar, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, told Reuters in a camp recently, where refugees live under thousands of tarpaulins covering the hills and rice paddies. Parents killed, families divided, wounds inflicted, rapes perpetrated on women. Theres a lot of terrible violence that has occurred and it will take a long time for people to heal their wounds, longer than satisfying their basic needs, Grandi said. Naimul Haq is a Bangladesh-based journalist with well over a decade of experience. Currently, Naimul is the joint news editor and head of the English news department at Jamuna Television. Formerly, Naimul was a special correspondent for online news agency The-Editor, a senior staff correspondent for Bangladesh News 24 Hours and a senior staff reporter for The Daily Star in addition to other freelancing positions. Naimul is also a consultant with UNICEF Bangladesh and has extensive experience specialising in health and environmental issues with various international organisations, including the World Health Organisation, the Reuters Foundation and the World Bank. Licensed from Inter Press Service Reddit Email 469 Shares By Edna Bonhomme | (The Conversation) | As of October 1, 771,945 people in Yemen have been infected with cholera and 2,134 have died from the disease. The epidemic, rare on such a scale in contemporary times, reemerged as a formidable force last year due to Yemens ongoing civil war. The Saudi Arabia-led war began in March 2015 and has caused a spiralling 7,000 new cholera cases per day. This is an enormous public health crisis and one that could be solved simply. Treatment only demands providing clean water, oral rehydration salts, and gloves. These wartime conditions allow us to draw parallels with the historical experience of epidemic after all, it is the massive displacement and conditions of war that have allowed the disease to reemerge and wreak destruction in Yemen. War has overcome the near eradication of cholera that modern advances in medicine and international public health organisations have allowed. So how did these advances come to pass and what can we learn from the historical experience of cholera? Wikimedia Commons Cholera imagined We first find mention of a disease that is recognisably cholera in the works of Arab-Islamic scholars, where it is known of as heydain. Around 900 CE, the physician Muhammad ibn al-Razi described cholera in the following way: It begins with nausea and diarrhoea, or one of the two, and when it reaches the stomach it goes on multiplying itself. The pulse fails, and the breathing is attenuated; the face and the nose become thin; the colour of the skin of the face is changed, and the countenance of the dead succeeds. Despite this long history, cholera was, in particular, a 19th century tragedy. The disease, which travels through water, thrived on the worlds multiplying population and increased mobility. During the first cholera pandemic (1817-1823), the disease travelled across the Persian Gulf from Bahrain along the Indian Ocean and to the Red Sea in Aden. Over the course of the century, multiple outbreaks of the disease quickly spread through burgeoning coastal cities, along rivers, and into commercial ports from Delhi to New York City. Wikimedia Commons The Arabian peninsula was particularly badly hit given the amount of trade and number of pilgrims travelling through the area, seeing several cholera epidemics during the mid-19th century. The disease wreaked havoc on the pilgrims who gathered in Mecca and Jeddah in 1828, 1831, 1835, 1865, 1881, and 1882. Of those, the Mecca pilgrimage was said to be the most horrific, with an estimated toll of 30,000 deaths over the course of the 19th century. Medical and public health practitioners such as physicians and midwives played a major role in reducing transmission in the period. These people and institutions were financed through religious taxes and charity, which provided more resources to directly treat patients. Public health reforms But it was the emergence of modern medicine, the improvements on sanitation, and the isolation of Vibrio cholerae in 1854 by Filippo Pacini that worked to drastically ameliorate choleras impact in the latter half of the century. The repeated outbreaks also arguably led to the creation of the kinds of public health institutions that we take for granted today. The International Sanitary Convention (ISC), which held its first conference in 1851 in Paris, was set up with the aim of ending the cholera pandemic. The ISC was a predecessor to the World Health Organisation (WHO), a body that was mostly represented by European actors along with the Ottoman central authority (based in Istanbul). Although the cholera epidemic was still rampant on the Arabian peninsula during the early 20th century, with outbreaks in Mecca between 1908-1912, the disease was then nearly totally absent from the peninsula until it spread in Yemen in 1971 following the aftermath of the last Yemeni civil war. Yemen witnessed cholera outbreaks in the 19th century due to the free movement of people and a very limited understanding of the disease. But the conditions and ways that the disease spread was nowhere near as quick-paced and detrimental as they are in the current outbreak. Cholera today The human cost of cholera in Yemen today, as we have seen, is grave and growing. There are predictions that the disease could infect a million people by 2018. The incidence and prevalence of cholera infection far exceeds the numbers from the 19th century and the current crisis in Yemen will set a record number of reported cases in the country. What makes the current epidemic so pernicious is the way that war has exacerbated the disease despite advances in medicine and public health. The doctors and nurses working in the 19th century were not mired by the catastrophic conditions of modern war: massive military occupation, infrastructure meltdown, and political decimation. The Yemeni government ceased providing money for the public health department in March 2016, shortly after war began. International organisations have provided the principle support, but the amount they can do is limited by their ability to carry out treatment during military sieges. Less than 50% of hospitals in Yemen are operational, with shortages of staff and supplies due to the ongoing conflict. But austerity and war have fractured the public health system. The 30,000 doctors, nurses, and other health care workers of Yemen have been working for the last ten months without pay. The treatment for cholera is very simple, yet materials when available are obstructed from being distributed due to bombing. The arc of authoritarianism and foreign occupation in Yemen has resulted in the destruction of Yemens infrastructure, leaving 14m people without access to clean water. History provides a glimpse of the tragic past and demonstrates that it is through policy that we can help to correct the tragedies that continue to face Yemen. Cholera is preventable, but public health reform is nearly impossible under conditions of war. The historical trajectory of cholera shows that interventions lose their effect when the public systems are crippled something we also need to bear in mind in relation to the increased extreme weather events caused by climate change. Edna Bonhomme, Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Related video added by Juan Cole: The Foreign Desk: Lawmakers Call for More Scrutiny of U.S. Involvement in Yemen Conflict VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 11, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- New Pacific Metal Corp. (New Pacific or the Company) (TSXV: NUAG) is pleased to announce that it has received necessary permits from the relevant Bolivian government authorities and will immediately commence a 30,000 metres exploration drilling program on its 100% owned Silver Sand Project in the Department of Potosi, Bolivia. At an elevation of approximately 4,050 metres, the Silver Sand Property, having an area of approximately 3.17 square kilometres, is located in the Potosi Department of Bolivia, approximately twenty five kilometres northeast of the world famous Cerro Rico Silver and Base Metal mineral system. The Silver Sand property is adjacent to historic and current tin mining activity in the area. Access is relatively easy with a road distance of fifty four kilometres to Potosi, of which twenty seven kilometres are paved. The Property is one of the earliest silver discoveries in the district, having been made prior to the discovery of Cerro Rico in the mid-1500s. Small-scale, historic mining is evident from scattered shafts, pits, adits, declines and dumps. The Property was explored previously by intermittent surface mapping and sampling, underground sampling and surface core drilling between 2012 and 2015. The Company acquired the Property in July 2017 after due diligence and four confirmation core drill holes. At Silver Sand, the host rocks of the silver mineralization are Cretaceous-aged quartz-rich sandstone, which were strongly silicified and now occur in gentle, open folds, dipping shallowly to the north. The Cretaceous rocks unconformably overlie Ordovician- and Silurian-aged rocks, all of which were intruded by Tertiary-aged porphyritic igneous dikes, plugs and sills. Tin mineralization also occurs on the Property and is generally associated with the sills. A total of five mineralized Zones (I, II, III, IV and V) were defined by surface geological work. Zone I is the most prominent with a mapped strike length of at least 1,600 metres, a horizontal width of up to 100 metres, and a depth extension of 350 metres and open at depth, based on surface and underground channel samples and diamond drilling of seven core hole intercepts (four confirmation drill holes by New Pacific, see news releases dated April 10th and July 20th, 2017 for historical exploration results). Zone II has similar mineralization and is parallel, and situated 300 metres northeast of Zone I. Zone II has been traced over 1,400 metres in strike and up to twenty five metres in width, using sporadic outcrops of silicified, veined and oxidized sandstone. No drilling has occurred in Zone II, however channel samples have been collected from a small adit and decline (adit PD19) which yielded a total channel length of 21.4 metres with an average silver grade of 263 g/t. The 30,000 metre drill program will initially focus on drilling Zone I along its 1,600 m strike distance gridding up to100 metres by 100 metres on sixteen parallel exploration sections which are normal to Zone I. Four to five drill holes (~400 metres/hole) are planned for each of the sixteen exploration sections. Some drill holes are also planned to test the depth of Zone I to 800 metres and to test the nearby Zone II to depth and along its strike extension. One international and one Bolivian drilling contractor have signed drilling contracts with the Company to carry out the drilling program. One drill rig has already been mobilized to Silver Sand and is ready to drill this week. It is expected that three drill rigs will be on site by the end of the October and a total of five drill rigs will be drilling on site by mid-November. The climate at the Silver Sand project allows year-round drilling and it is expected that the drill program will be completed in six to eight months. A team of Canadian and Bolivian geologists and supporting staff have been assembled with camp site at an elevation of approximately 3400 metres. A core storage, logging, and cutting facility has also been established. Quality Assurance and Quality Control Drill core will be HQ and NQ in size. Core samples from the all drill holes will be split by diamond saw cutting. Half of the core will be stored in a core storage facility and the remainder of the core will be shipped in security sealed bags to ALS Global in Oruro, Bolivia for preparation, and ALS Global in Lima, Peru for assay. A standard quality assurance and quality control protocol will be employed to monitor the quality of sample preparation and analysis. Standards of certified reference materials, blanks and duplicates will be inserted in normal core sample sequences prior to shipment to the lab at a ratio of thirty to one, i.e., every thirty samples contain at least one standard sample, one blank sample and one duplicate sample. Alex Zhang, P. Geo., VP Exploration of the Company and Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information in this news release. About New Pacific New Pacific Metals Corp. is a Canadian exploration and development company which owns the Silver Sand Project, in the Potosi Department of Bolivia, the Tagish Lake gold project in Yukon, Canada and the RZY Project in Qinghai Province, China. Silvercorp Metals Inc. (TSX:SVM), the largest primary silver producer in China, is a major shareholder. VANCOUVER, Oct. 12, 2017 /CNW/ - Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (TSX: NDM; NYSE MKT: NAK) ("Northern Dynasty" or the "Company") announced today that the Pebble Limited Partnership ("Pebble Partnership" or "PLP") has filled two senior technical positions to lead engineering design and regulatory permitting for southwest Alaska's Pebble Project. Senior Vice President of Engineering and Project Director Stephen Hodgson (P. Eng.) will lead Pebble's engineering and project development team, with responsibility for all aspects of project design, engineering and financial studies and regulatory compliance. He will be supported by Vice President of Permitting James Fueg (PMP, CPG), who assumes responsibility for all aspects of the project's regulatory permitting team and process, including management of environmental and socioeconomic studies, liaison with federal and state agencies and active management of Pebble's forthcoming Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS") process under the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA"). "I couldn't be more pleased with the technical leadership we have assembled to finalize our permit applications and lead Pebble into and through the NEPA and EIS permitting process beginning later this year," said Pebble Partnership CEO Tom Collier. "In Stephen and James, not only do we gain decades of experience working with the world's leading mining companies on many of the most significant projects around the globe, we benefit from their long-standing experience in Alaska. "We now have a dedicated leadership team in place in Anchorage that is not only committed to the financial and permitting success of the Pebble Project, but one that shares Alaskans' interests in ensuring our project protects clean water, healthy fisheries and traditional ways of life, while making a profound positive contribution to the people and economies of the region and the state." Stephen Hodgson is a professional engineer with more than 40 years of experience in consulting, project management, feasibility-level design and implementation, and mine operations at some of the most significant mineral development projects in the world including the Pine Point zinc mine in northern Canada, the Red Dog zinc mine in Alaska, Antamina in Peru, and the Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia. Hodgson has led the engineering group at Northern Dynasty and Hunter Dickinson Inc. since 2005, has played a central role on the engineering team for Pebble for more than a decade, and was part of the Cominco team that evaluated the Pebble deposit in the early 1990s. James Fueg is a geologist and a geophysicist with more than 25 years of experience in mineral exploration and resource development, including more than 20 years working in Alaska. He was most recently seconded from Barrick Gold Corporation to serve as Technical Services Manager for the Donlin Gold Project in western Alaska, where he played a leadership role managing the EIS and NEPA permitting process for a project expected to receive a final Record of Decision in 2018. "We have a great deal of confidence in both the technical capabilities of the project's leadership team and their commitment to the project and to the State of Alaska," NDM President & CEO Ron Thiessen said. "These are major pieces of the first-class team we are assembling to lead this world-class project into permitting." About Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. Northern Dynasty is a mineral exploration and development company based in Vancouver, Canada. Northern Dynasty's principal asset, owned through its wholly-owned Alaska-based US subsidiary Pebble Limited Partnership and other wholly-owned subsidiaries, is a 100% interest in a contiguous block of 2,402 mineral claims in southwest Alaska, including the Pebble deposit. The Pebble Partnership is the proponent of the Pebble Project, an initiative to develop one of the world's most important mineral resources. For further details on Northern Dynasty and the Pebble Project, please visit the Company's website at or contact Investor services at (604) 684-6365 or within North America at 1-800-667-2114. Review Canadian public filings at and US public filings at Stuff reports: New Zealand children are being exposed to alcohol every nearly every time they go to the supermarket, sparking a call from from researchers to have it banned from such stores. Health researchers want alcohol banned from supermarkets after their study revealed 85 per cent of children were exposed to it in Wellington supermarkets. The studys lead researcher from Otago Universitys Department of Public Health, Tim Chambers, said the over-exposure of alcohol to children put it on par with everyday products such as bread and milk, causing children to drink it earlier in their lifetime. There is a very easy way to work out what Winston means, and that is to assume the exact opposite of what he says. We saw this with the Owen Glenn donation when he held up the no sign scores of times, and we then all learnt no meant yes. So lets look at recent stories in this light. Stuff reports: Peters says hes not favouring either side when it comes to who will form the next government. This means Winston has already decided who to go with. I said Id go into it with a total open mind, and Ive asked my caucus and the board to have the same approach I can honestly tell you I wouldnt take a guess of what anyone is currently thinking. This means he has already decided and is now working to get everyone else to agree with him. That will not be hard. In July Peters told Newsroom the public would know about NZ Firsts decision by Writ Day. I make this guarantee that whatever decision New Zealand First arrives at post-election, it will be made public by the day the writs are returned, which is within three weeks from polling day, Peters said. Which means of course it definitely would not be made public by Writ Day. Peters said late on Wednesday night that he doubted his caucus would make a final decision by Thursday evening, but he expected they would have an array of options to take to the NZ First board. This means the caucus will make a decison and the board will ratify it. Were not going to think about offices and positions until were happy with the policy, he said on Wednesday night. This means they have done nothing all week except think about offices and positions. Share this: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit WhatsApp More Pinterest Print Tumblr By Yi Whan-woo Hyon Song-wol Hyon Song-wol, the leader of North Korea's all-girl propaganda band Moranbong Band, is among the noteworthy figures joining the North Korean Workers' Party's Central Committee at the party's recent reshuffle. She now co-serves as an alternate member of the committee's political bureau, its most powerful body. There have been prior cases of artists joining the party's Central Committee, as either regular or alternate members, according to sources, Wednesday. But Hyon's rise still surprised many because she was once believed to have been executed by Kim Jong-un after being embroiled in a pornography scandal in 2013. Moreover, Hyon, 38, also purportedly Kim's ex-girlfriend, is rumored to have an "uncomfortable relationship" with the young dictator's wife, Ri Sol-ju. "We found Hyon and Ri are rather close to each other," an intelligence source said. "Hyon's promotion indicates Kim fully trusts her to join the North Korean ruling party's inner circle." Authorities at Incheon International Airport said Thursday they were continuing to look for the owner of five gold bars worth 20 million won and 20 million won in cash found at the airport. The airport security office said the gold bars and cash were found Oct. 3 in two bags abandoned at a restaurant in the airport's terminal for departing passengers. The police also found Vietnamese currency. The authorities said the cash and gold bars were unregistered with the customs office, indicating that they were meant to be smuggled out of Korea. Anyone traveling abroad with cash or objects worth more than $10,000 is required to report them to the office. The incident also raised an alarm for airport security which failed to detect the gold bars during passenger screening. Kendallville, IN (46755) Today Variable clouds with snow showers. High 38F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%.. Tonight Mainly cloudy with snow showers around this evening. Low 28F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 70%. ANGOLA A grassroots initiative will reach out to parents in Steuben County through youth-produced videos. In an hour and a half on Wednesday evening at Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County, a panel led by Extension Educator Megan Peterson brainstormed a strategy to combat bullying. The public was invited to the meeting, which was a followup to several screenings over the past couple of years of the documentary Reject. Sixteen students, parents, educators, professionals and community activists participated. Through a series of collaborative question-and-answer sessions, they chose to focus their efforts on youths in schools standing up for themselves, and empowering bystanders to take action. Theres nothing worse than going to bed and thinking you havent done something, said Metropolitan School District of Steuben County Assistant Superintendent Ann Rice. There was discussion about offering programs in elementary schools, exposing children to empathy at a young age. Its not just the children being bullied that need help, its the bullies themselves. Several participants expressed that the bully may be dealing with low self esteem or ingrained aggression. We all have different life experiences, said Laura Leese, whose daughter, Elayna Hasty, an Angola High School sophomore, is Miss South Bends Outstanding Teen. Hasty was at the meeting and talked about the presentations she has done for young children. One of her demonstrations is to have a child take a piece of paper and crumple it up, throw it on the floor and stomp on it a few times. Then, the child is asked to pick it up, smooth it out and apologize to it. The wrinkles remain, just like the emotional scars from bullying. I see it with all of our girls on our girls team, said Randy Houser, Angola High Schools cross country coach. While the schools are a good place to reach children, they are also very structured and the childrens rights are closely protected per state and national laws. Teachers time is constricted and they are pressed to teach their lessons, said Rice. With that in mind, discussion switched to community. The Indiana Youth Institute, churches, nonprofit groups and others have worked to make Cahoots Coffee Cafe, 218 W. Maumee St., Angola, a safe place where youth can learn values. There was talk about instituting visible programming through parent teacher organization activities like book fairs and community events. And, while social media has become a way for bullies to badger their victims, it could also be a way to spread a message of compassion. Efforts culminating from Wednesdays meeting will work toward creating positive digital outreach, preferably produced by area youth. When rolled out, the hope is to get the videos into the hands of parents, who like teachers, have daily input in childrens lives and behavior. To get involved, contact Peterson at 668-1000, ext. 1400. Ireland faces criticism for Che Guevara stamp; first printing sells out in less than a week Oct 13, 2017, 6 AM Irelands An Post issued a stamp Oct. 5 commemorating Che Guevara on his 50th death anniversary. The stamp shows the iconic portrait of Guevara created by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick. By Denise McCarty A new stamp from Irelands An Post marking the 50th death anniversary of Che Guevara generated controversy and demand. Issued Oct. 5, this 1 stamp was sold out by Oct. 12, and An Post is planning a second printing. A spokesman for An Post told Linns: The initial print run of our Che Guevara stamp has sold out. It is necessary to now print extra stock to cover our regular stamp customers and makeup of annual collector products, stamp yearbook, etc. It is anticipated that some additional stock will then be available for general sale. The initial print run from Cartor Security Printing was 122,000. The quantity of the second printing is not known. Connect with Linns Stamp News: Sign up for our newsletter Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter In announcing the stamp, An Post described Guevara as an Argentinian Marxist revolutionary, and also as a doctor, an author, a guerilla, a diplomat and a military theorist. Born June 14, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina, Guevara was executed by Bolivian armed forces Oct. 9, 1967. The Biography says of his legacy: Since his death, Guevara has become a legendary political figure. His name is often equated with rebellion, revolution and socialism. Others, however, remember that he could be ruthless and ordered prisoners executed without trial in Cuba. In the bulletin Irish Stamps, The Collector, Joanne Ferris of An Post pointed out two Irish connections to Guevara: Did you know that Che Guevara was of Irish descent and that his ancestors actually hailed from the Kilkee area of West Clare? Irelands very own Jim Fitzpatrick created the instantly-recognisable black and red image of Che Guevara that you see on t-shirts and in posters on student walls everywhere has since become one of the worlds top 10 most iconic images. That 1968 image by Fitzpatrick is featured on the new stamp. Criticism of the commemorative was swift, especially from the Cuban-American community. On Monday morning, Oct. 9, Ninoska Perez, a Cuban-American journalist and public commentator at Univision Radio, spoke on Irelands RTE national public service broadcaster, saying of the stamp, It doesnt matter that its an image created by an artist, its the image of a murderer. I really dont know what it is that people find that there is to celebrate about the figure of Che Guevara, Perez said. I would love to see that stamp abolished. What does Ireland think they are doing by putting Che Guevara on a stamp? This is objectionable. Other news outlets picked up the story with headlines, such as Ireland accused of honouring a mass murder with new 1 stamp of Che Guevara on the online version of The Irish Post, and Some Cubans are outraged with Irelands offensive Che Guevara stamp from the Irish news website The Irish Post also reported on Irish politicians who had voiced their complaints on social media. For example, Independent politician Paddy Manning tweeted: An Post, the Irish postal service, has issued a stamp of mass murdering Argentinian Marxist, Che Guevara. Ask your local PO not to stock it. Irelands Che Guevara commemorative had been approved by the government in 2015, according to a spokesperson from the Department of Communications. Cartor printed the stamp by offset in sheets of 16. The firm Red&Grey designed it, using the poster image by Fitzpatrick. This poster was based on a photograph taken by Cuban photographer Alberto Korda. On Instagram, Fitzpatrick said that he designed An Posts first-day cover. The FDC includes a quote from Guevaras father, Ernesto Guevara Lynch: in my sons veins flowed the blood of Irish rebels. As of Oct. 12, the An Post website showed the stamp, the sheet of 16, and the FDC as being out of stock. This story, originally published Oct. 12, was updated Oct. 13 with new details about the rapid sell out of the stamp. Multiple fires in California produce plumes of smoke that are visible to satellites. (Image credit: CIRA) Plumes of dense, gray smoke rise from deadly wildfires burning across multiple locations in California, in a striking animation of satellite images shared online Tuesday (Oct. 10) by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA). CIRA, a research institution at Colorado State University, operates in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to track and analyze weather data collected by satellites. The sequence, which lasts for just a few seconds, was created with preliminary data captured by a satellite with the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system, known as GOES-16. CIRA processed the data with a visualization tool called GeoColor, which displays satellite data of land and shallow water features in true color. In the animated sequence of wildfire images, GeoColor combined with the natural color of the fires, rendered in the red, blue and green (RGB) color model, accounting for the realistic detail of the wildfires' smoke and flames. [Wildfires Blaze in Northern California (Photos)] Since Sunday (Oct. 8), fast-moving wildfires have blazed across eight counties in Northern California's wine country, sparked by hot, dry conditions and fueled by gusting winds, which are also impeding the firefighters' progress. The fires claimed the lives of 23 people, destroyed approximately 3,500 buildings and scorched more than 170,000 acres (about 69,000 hectares), leading to the evacuation of over 20,000 people, ABC News reported today (Oct. 12). And the destructive fires in the Sonoma and Napa valleys are not slowing down, NASA representatives said yesterday (Oct. 11) in a statement. In neighborhoods left charred and smoking in the wildfires' wake, "acres of standing fireplaces" are the only surviving remnants of the homes that once stood there, and thousands more homes are threatened by the encroaching flames, according to NASA. In a natural-color image captured by NASA's Terra satellite Tuesday (Oct. 10) using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), so-called "hotspots" areas where fires are actively burning are highlighted with red outlines. Winds continue to fan the flames of wildfires in northern California. (Image credit: Image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC.) "Each hot spot is an area where the thermal detectors on the MODIS instrument recognized temperatures higher than background. When accompanied by plumes of smoke, as in this image, such hot spots are diagnostic for fire," NASA representatives explained in the statement. Currently, 17 fires are active in northern California, according to a map generated by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). Though wildfires are common in California during the month of October, the size and intensity of this year's fires are unusual, according to NASA. Original article on Live Science. SAN DIEGO Doctors may want to roll up their sleeves before work, literally. A new study suggests that long sleeves on a doctor's white coat may become contaminated with viruses or other pathogens that could then be transmitted to patients. In the study, the researchers had 34 health care workers wear either long- or short-sleeved white coats while they examined a mannequin that had been contaminated with DNA from the "cauliflower mosaic virus." This virus infects plants and is harmless to humans, but it is transmitted in a way that is similar to that of other, harmful pathogens, such as Clostridium difficile, a bacteria that causes severe diarrhea, said Dr. Amrita John, an infectious disease specialist at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, who led the study. John presented the research here on Friday (Oct. 6) at an infectious disease conference called IDWeek 2017. The health care workers wore gloves while they examined the mannequin, then removed the gloves, washed their hands and put on a new pair of gloves before examining a second, clean (non-contaminated) mannequin. After the health care workers had finished examining both mannequins, the researchers swabbed the workers' sleeves, wrists and hands, and tested the samples for DNA from the cauliflower mosaic virus. Each of the 34 participants completed the exam twice (once wearing short sleeves and once wearing long sleeves), for a total of 68 "simulations." [6 Superbugs to Watch Out For] They found that, when the health care workers wore long-sleeved coats, 25 percent of the simulations resulted in contamination of their sleeves or wrists with the virus DNA marker, compared with none when the health care workers wore short-sleeved coats. In addition, about 5 percent of health care workers who wore long sleeves contaminated the clean mannequin with the virus DNA marker, while none of the health care workers who work short sleeves contaminated the clean mannequin. These results provide support for a recommendation "that health care personnel wear short sleeves to reduce the risk for pathogen transmission," John said. [10 Deadly Diseases That Hopped Across Species] Such a recommendation already exists in the United Kingdom in 2007, the country's department of health introduced a "bare below the elbow" policy for hospitals, which recommended that health care personnel wear short sleeves. In the United States in 2014, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America said that health care facilities might consider the adoption of a "bare below the elbow" policy. Some U.S. facilities have subsequently adopted this policy within their institutions, and the new findings suggest that "more people should consider it," said study co-author Dr. Curtis J. Donskey, an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Still, the policy has been met with some resistance, with some doctors calling for more evidence showing that long sleeves really do increase the likelihood of transmitting pathogens. The new study provides some evidence, but additional, larger studies are still needed before some hospitals may adopt the policy, John said. In addition, future research is still needed to show that a short-sleeve policy actually reduces the number of infections spread in a hospital, the researchers said. But John said the study has changed her personal preference for the way she wears her white coat. "I role up my coat sleeves above my elbow," John said. The study has yet to be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Original article on Live Science. After Secretary of State Rex Tillerson allegedly called President Donald Trump a moron back in July, the president boasted that he would score higher on an IQ test than Tillerson. But that may not mean as much as the president would like to think. In a recent interview with Forbes, Trump said of Tillerson's alleged insult, "I think it's fake news, but if he did that, I guess we'll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win." [Creative Genius: The World's Greatest Minds] But what do IQ tests really measure? Are they a valid metric for intelligence? For some, the answer is fairly clear. "In my view, 'intelligence' is easy to define: It is that quality measured by performance on a well-standardized intelligence test," Robert Bilder, a psychologist at UCLA who researches cognition and psychopathology, told Live Science. But intelligence testing, even intelligence as a concept, is the focus of a constant debate that raises more questions than it answers. The IQ, or the intelligence quotient, is a measure of a person's mental age divided by their actual age, multiplied by 100. So, a person who is exactly as "mentally old" as one might expect for that individual's chronological age would score a perfectly average 100. People who deviate from that score in either direction are considered to be of above- or below-average intelligence. These scores can change with age and can fluctuate from one testing session to another, according to researchers. But intelligence is a many-faceted beast. While it is colloquially associated with math and reasoning skills, psychologists assert that there are many kinds of intelligence, with Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist at Harvard University, classifying seven distinct types, including bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial and linguistic. Given that it's so hard to pin down exactly what intelligence is, the task of measuring it with a standardized test is particularly difficult, experts say. One of the standard IQ tests used today is called the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (used for adults and older teens), which measures verbal and nonverbal cognitive skills, or as the psychologist who developed the test put it, the ability to "adapt and constructively solve problems in the environment." Trump might not get the clear-cut result he's hoping for, since this test and others like it, including the Stanford-Binet test, don't present some unified quantity of a person's "smartness." Test results are affected by several confounding variables, such as smoking habits, hours spent playing computer games and various aspects of one's personality, according to past research. IQ scores also change with the test taker's level of self-discipline and personal motivation and grit all things that can change from testing session to testing session according to a 2005 study that surveyed the IQ test results of 140 eighth-graders. "Indeed, IQ tests are influenced by many factors," Cornell University developmental psychologist Stephen Ceci told Live Science. "For example, schooling affects IQ test performance," he added, explaining that for each year that a student falls short of finishing high school, there is a drop of between 1.8 and 4 IQ points compared to peers who did finish high school. In Vietnam, Ceci explained, people who had a higher risk of being drafted stayed in school longer as a means to defer service compared to those with safer draft numbers. IQ testing revealed that those who stayed in school longer had higher scores not because they were smarter, but because they had greater exposure to the conditions that would help them answer IQ test questions such as "who wrote Hamlet," Ceci said. IQ test scores even correlate with birth order among siblings, according to two 2007 studies, as reported by The New York Times. Therefore, IQ tests measure not just intelligence (however that is defined), but also the environment and context of one's life. Whether or not a superior IQ test result would actually provide Trump with a satisfying victory over Tillerson, Bilder said he would love to help out. "I would be delighted personally to test President Trump's hypothesis, and [I] offer to conduct the examinations for free," he said. "I would only request that we also include standardized tests of 'emotional intelligence' and 'response inhibition' that are not as fully examined in standard IQ tests but are very important to our success as a species." Original article on Live Science. Local News, National & World News, Politics By Long Island News & PR Published: October 12 2017 AGs Argue that Latest Ban Has Not Addressed Discriminatory Purposes Of Previous Bans And Would Continue To Harm States Families, Institutions, And Economies. New York, NY - October 12, 2017 - New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman filed a motion for temporary restraining order (TRO) against implementation of President Donald Trumps third travel ban and amended the original lawsuit to include legal challenges to the latest ban, along with fellow Attorneys General from Washington, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Oregon. The challenge was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington. The Attorneys General argue that the third travel ban does not remove the discriminatory taint of the first and second bans. The majority of the countries designated for travel restrictions in President Trump's September 24th proclamation are majority Muslim, as was the case in the previous two bans. In a transparent attempt to mask the discriminatory and unlawful nature of the latest incarnation of the travel ban, the administration claims the designated countries were selected pursuant to objective analysis. While the eight countries singled out in the third ban were ostensibly picked because they could not provide certain information, the Trump administrations announcement noted that over 45 countries didnt meet that criteria making clear this was far from a neutral process. President Trumps third attempt at a travel ban is still a Muslim Ban by another name attempting to further the same discriminatory and unconstitutional goals as his first and second bans, said Attorney General Schneiderman. This latest ban even applies to people who pose absolutely no plausible terrorist threat, such as young children and grandparents hoping to visit their relatives in the U.S. Since January, our coalition of Attorneys General have successfully beat back these unconstitutional bans. The Trump administrations continued attempts to discriminate would undermine our states families, institutions, and businesses and well continue to fight back. While the Supreme Court had previously scheduled oral argument to hear two challenges to the second travel ban, it canceled those arguments following release of the third travel ban. The court instead asked the parties in one case - IRAP v. Trump - to submit briefs addressing whether the latest ban had rendered their claims moot. On October 10th, the Supreme Court dismissed this case for mootness, without commenting on the merits of the claims or the legality of the third travel ban. The new filing by the Attorneys General explains how the latest travel ban continues the harms described in previously filed declarations by impacted New Yorkers, universities, businesses, and others, and adds a number of new declarations. Click here to read the declarations Background on the Third Travel Ban Multiple lower courts have ruled against aspects of the previous bans that are still reflected in the new ban. The ban still targets Muslims in violation of the Establishment Cause and Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution. The ban still functionally bars travel into the U.S. based on nationality even though federal law the Immigration and Nationality Act prohibits discrimination based on national origin. It does so even though this Administrations own Department of Homeland Security concluded in an internal report that country of citizenship is unlikely to be a reliable indicator of potential terrorist activity. Not only does the new travel ban suffer from some of the same legal flaws as previous versions, it is even more damaging because its restrictions have no end date and almost entirely foreclose entry into the United States by nationals of the designated countries. Travel into the U.S. by nationals of the six majority Muslim countries (Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and Chad) is suspended indefinitely. North Korea is also included, though that provision is largely irrelevant because immigration from North Korea to the United States is virtually non-existent and is barred under separate sanctions orders. The order also affects a very small number of Venezuelan government officials and their families, but unlike its impact on Muslim-majority countries, it does not bar travel by anyone else in Venezuela. The latest ban also exceeds the Presidents authority in multiple ways. The latest executive order is essentially a new immigration law. Additionally, Congress has already enacted comprehensive visa and admissibility rules that conflict with the terms of the latest travel ban. The Black River Falls Fire Department hosted several activities in conjunction with Fire Prevention Week to educate students and the public about fire safety. The department visited Black River Child Care to meet with pre-school and 4-K students Tuesday from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and then went to Teddy Bear Family Child Care pre-school afterwards at 11:15 a.m. On Wednesday, the department went to Forrest Street Elementary to talk about fire prevention with 4-K students throughout the morning and early afternoon. The department then came back the next day to talk to kindergarten students in the morning and first grade students in the afternoon. On Friday morning, the department welcomed second graders from Red Creek Elementary to the fire station for tours. A safety day event will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon at Scholze Ace Home Center in Black River Falls. The department will then be in Wisconsin Rapids Saturday for a final alarm and roll call at 3:33 p.m. at the Wisconsin State Firefighters Memorial Park. Local News, Community, Charity & Cause, Politics By Long Island News & PR Published: October 12 2017 18 AGs Argue That Sexual Orientation Discrimination Violates Title VII; Amicus Brief Filed In Evans v. Georgia Regional Hospital Seeks Uniform Application Of Title VII. New York, NY - October 12, 2017 - New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman led an amicus brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court by 18 Attorneys General, arguing that employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The Attorneys General argue that their States have strong interests in protecting their citizens against employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The lack of nationwide recognition that Title VII bars such discrimination blocks the full protection of LGBTQ workers particularly given divisions between the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (which takes the position that Title VII protects workers from sexual orientation) and the federal Department of Justice (which has taken the opposite position). The brief was filed late yesterday, on National Coming Out Day. Its unacceptable for an employee to be discriminated against based on sexual orientation and its high time thats clear across the country, said Attorney General Schneiderman. Who a person loves has nothing to do with their ability to do their job. Well continue to make clear that discrimination has no place here or anywhere. Click here to read the amicus brief , which was led by Attorney General Schneiderman and filed by the Attorneys General of NY, CA, CT, DE, HI, IA, IL, MA, MD, MN, NM, OR, PA, RI, VA, VT, WA, and DC. Employment discrimination against gay, lesbian, and bisexual workers not only deprives them of important economic opportunitiesit also stigmatizes their most intimate relationships and thus diminish[es] their personhood, the Attorneys General write. Even in States like New York that have laws barring sexual-orientation discrimination in the workplace, Title VII plays a crucial complementary role by covering individuals not subject to the States lawsfor instance, federal employees or residents who work in another Stateand by making available both the federal courts and a federal enforcer, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), to police invidious discrimination based on sexual orientation. Local News, National & World News, Community, Charity & Cause, Politics By Long Island News & PR Published: October 12 2017 78 Physicians, Physicians Assistances, Nurses, and Nurse Practitioners Depart Today Followed by Additional Medical Personnel On October 26. Albany, NY - October 12, 2017 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the deployment of 78 medical personnel from across New York's health care community to provide Puerto Rico with critically-needed health care assistance across the island. As part of Governor Cuomo's Empire State Relief and Recovery Effort for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, the volunteer initiative was made possible by the generous efforts of Greater New York Hospital Association, the Healthcare Association of New York State, Community Health Care Association of New York State, New York State Nurses Association and 1199SEIU. Transportation to Puerto Rico was donated by JetBlue Airlines and all 78 volunteers departed John F. Kennedy International Airport this afternoon en route to San Juan. "New York continues to provide critical relief to our brothers and sisters on Puerto Rico," Governor Cuomo said. "Many still do not have access to essential medical care and by deploying medical professionals and supplies, we are ensuring that our fellow Americans have access to health care as they continue down the long road to recovery." At the request of Governor Ricardo Rossello, Governor Cuomo worked closely with GNYHA, HANYS, CHCANYS, NYSNA and 1199SEIU to identify volunteers to deploy to Puerto Rico. The first round of 78 volunteers will act as health response teams, coming from: Albany Medical Center; Montefiore Medical Center; Mt. Sinai Hospital; Northwell Health; New York Presbyterian; and Callen-Lorde Community Health Center. Health response teams will include physicians, physician assistants, nurses and nurse practitioners and will provide general medical assistance at medical shelters and hospitals. All volunteers have been processed through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, a mutual aid agreement between states and territories to share resources during natural and man-made disasters, and New York State will extend workers compensation benefits for those who volunteer. The team of volunteers will be deployed for 14 days and will serve at either the Federal Medical Center in Manati or will provide support on the critical relief missions that are being carried out by Disaster Medical Assistance Teams across Puerto Rico. At the conclusion of their mission, a similarly sized medical team will deploy on October 26th to serve in similar roles. In addition to the team of personnel, emergency medical supplies continue to be delivered to Puerto Rico via a partnership with GNYHA, the Afya Foundation, and UJA-Federation of New York. Working together to coordinate all aspects of the missions, including securing private jets and purchasing more than $1 million in supplies, the partnership has delivered more than 30,000 lbs. of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to 16 hospitals and health care organizations and 12 community organizations to help ensure that Puerto Rican residents have access to critical medical care. Shipments have included vital medical supplies including 3,000 vials of insulin, transplant surgery drugs, pediatric oncology drugs, antibiotics and vaccines. The partnership has also completed the first of several shipments of non-medical supplies such as water, bags, and satellite phones for the 26,000 SEIU members who live and work in Puerto Rico. These shipments will be used to establish six SEIU "help centers" across the island. "The heartbreaking and devastating situation in Puerto Rico compels us to take action," said Robin Hayes, president and chief executive officer, JetBlue. "Using our strengths as an airline, our partnerships, and our mission of inspiring humanity, we aim to make a positive impact on this island we call home." Health Department Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker said "When Governor Cuomo put out the call for volunteers to assist in the relief efforts in Puerto Rico, I knew that the selfless and dedicated health care professionals from across the state would respond in droves, without hesitation. I am truly touched by the outpouring of support that has come from the health care community and look forward to working with them as we continue to aid in the rebuilding of Puerto Rico." Ken Raske, President of Greater New York Hospital Association, said, "Being at JFK today to personally thank each and every health care worker as they boarded their flight to Puerto Rico was one of the most rewarding moments of my entire career. These extraordinary individuals, and the world-class institutions they represent, are the true spirit of New York's health care community and a reminder of the nobility of the health care profession. They answered the Governor's call to serve without hesitation, and we thank them." Bea Grause, President of the Healthcare Association of New York, said, "We are so proud of the physicians, nurses and other health care professionals who are selflessly traveling today to Puerto Rico to help those in need. Through their service, they demonstrate the values the entire New York healthcare community shares of compassionate care to all who need it." President and CEO of the Community Health Care Association of New York State Rose Duhan said, "New York's community health centers are a vital source of primary care throughout the State, and even more so in an emergency. CHCANYS is honored to participate in the Governor's Empire State Relief and Recovery Effort for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and to work with health care partners statewide to ensure that the residents of Puerto Rico have access to much-needed primary and emergency care. We commend the providers from Callen-Lorde Community Health Center who have volunteered their time and expertise to assist with this effort." George Gresham, President, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East said, "Our union is proud to work with Governor Cuomo to recruit healthcare workers for these vital missions to provided needed medical aid to the people of Puerto Rico. We stand committed to provide as much immediate relief as we can and join the long-term work of rebuilding the island's healthcare infrastructure so that residents receive the quality care they deserve." Puerto Rico Relief & Rebuilding Fund Governor Cuomo has engaged the Partnership for New York City, the city's leading business organization, to establish the Puerto Rico Relief & Rebuilding Fund at New York Community Trust, a public foundation, that will make grants to local charitable organizations in Puerto Rico that are helping with recovery and rebuilding from the devastation of Hurricane Maria, focusing on the most needy households and communities. Funds and in-kind contributions are being solicited from the business community, with a minimum donation of $10,000. To date, New York has deployed: 132 National Guard Military Police 60 National Guard soldiers Four Black Hawk helicopters More than 70 Port Authority personnel More than 50 State Troopers 20 New York Power Authority experts Two Department of Environmental Conservation drone pilots Prior to this weekend's shipment, New York previously sent more than 433,000 bottles of water, 19,000 canned goods, 59,000 packages of baby wipes, 89,000 packages of diapers, 40,000 containers of baby food, 15,000 juice pouches, 8,600 solar lamps, 6,300 pounds of dry food and 10 generators to the island. Music, Movies & Entertainment, School & Education, Local News, Arts & Culture By Long Island News & PR Published: October 12 2017 The Quartet will be featured on the Saturday, November 11 edition of Spotlight on Long Island Schools, on Long Island News Radio 103.9 FM. Mastic Beach, NY - October 12, 2017 - The William Floyd High School String Quartet, under the direction of orchestra teacher Christopher Shaughnessy, will be featured on the Saturday, November 11 edition of Spotlight on Long Island Schools, a weekly program, airing Saturday mornings at 10:30 am on Long Island News Radio 103.9 FM, which focuses on the positive things happening in schools across Long Island. The show, now in its third season, is hosted by Robert Vecchio, who also serves the William Floyd community as president of the Board of Education. This quartet, featuring Amanda Cain, Jenna Linsalata, Elizabeth Scianno and Kevin Quintanilla, along with their teacher Mr. Shaughnessy, had the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Vecchio what they love about music, being a student-musician at William Floyd, their plans for the future and more. They also performed two songs for the listening audience. Additionally, this same group of talented students had the opportunity to perform at a recent Board of Education meeting which was attended by dozens of community residents. CCTV footage has been released after a 22-year-old man from Maidenhead was punched and kicked to the ground by four men during an unprovoked assault in Islington, London. Callum Wade was with two friends in Charterhouse Street at about 3am on Saturday, April 1 when he was attacked in a sustained assault. His friend was also assaulted but not seriously injured. After the attack Callum sought help from staff at nearby nightclub Fabric, who provided first aid and called a cab which took him to the hospital. Callum suffered several facial fractures and permanent damage to his retina. Detectives have released images and CCTV footage of three men who may have vital information. Detective Constable Mark Pinder of the Central North Command Unit, who is leading the investigation, said: "This was a violent assault which appears to have been launched with no provocation and has left Callum with injuries that will affect him for the rest of his life. The level of violence used was shocking and those who carried it out need to be traced before they commit a similar offence. I am appealing to anyone who recognises these men to contact police and help bring these violent thugs to justice." Anyone with information is asked to contact DC Pinder at the Central North Command Unit on 0208 345 0119 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. In the second leg of his Latin American tour, Alan Woods of the International Marxist Tendency enjoyed a rapturous reception across Brazil as he launched the newly updated edition of Trotsky's final masterpiece: his unfinished biography of Stalin. "Stalin, an analysis of the man and his influence" is a unique, extraordinary book by a mature Trotsky, which studies the relationship between the individual and his role in history with a depth of historical materialist analysis that is unprecedented in Marxist literature. This is a book that helps us understand the world we live in today. This biography was being written when Trotsky was assassinated. For more than 70 years, the world has only had access to an adulterated and manipulated edition released by a bourgeois publishing house in the US, which owned the rights, translated by Charles Malamuth. Natalia Sedova, Trotskys comrade and widow, unsuccessfully tried to prevent its publication. That edition was the only one known in Brazil until now. To get an idea of the difference: the deformed edition has about 450 pages and the reorganized version has about 1,000. In 1980, Trotsky's archives at Harvard University were opened to the public and years later Rob Sewell (editor of the British paper of the IMT, Socialist Appeal) found a vast amount of material for the book that had not been used. After a decade of work by Rob Sewell and Alan Woods, both from the International Marxist Tendency, the text was reassembled, parts of it retranslated from Russian to English, and cleared of the "creations" of the translator of the 1940 edition, while a vast amount of previously unpublished material was added. This is the only edition that has received the approval of Esteban Volkov, the grandson of the author, who recognizes this as the only valid version of his grandfather's work and therefore signs the preface of the book. In Brazil, the book was edited by Editora Marxista and Editora Movimento and was released with a video-conference by Volkov, (who also runs the Leon Trotsky Museum in Mexico), in the presence of Alan Woods, who came to the country especially for this launch. Launch meetings have already taken place in Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro. Watch the video of Esteban Volkov This extraordinary book, edited by Woods, has already been published in English, Spanish and Italian, and editions are being prepared in French, German, Russian, Danish, Swedish, Greek and Urdu, amongst other languages. In Sao Paulo: a full and enthusiastic auditorium attends launch of Stalin Stalin was launched on 4 October in the presence of 300 people on the packed-out third floor of the Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP). Full room at PUC in Sao Paulo / Own Work The first in a series of book launches in Brazil, this event in Sao Paulo saw the participation of Woods (who coordinated the English edition) and Volkov. Serge Goulart, leader of the Marxist Left, represented Editora Marxista, while Roberto Robaina, leader of the Socialist Left Movement (MES) spoke for Editora Movimento. Also speaking at the event was the translator of the Brazilian edition, Caio Dezorzi, and university lecturer Beatriz Abramides, Bia, from the executive of APROPUC (lecturers' union at PUC/SP). Bia opened the event by announcing Esteban's participation and giving him the floor. Esteban gave an emotional greeting in which he emphasized the importance of the initiative to publish the true legacy of his grandfather for the Brazilian public and thanked the editors Goulart and Robaina. According to Goulart, the material being presented had a special significance. "This book is a masterpiece by Trotsky, a key work. It is not any book, it is not a biography of Trotsky's opponent," he stressed. Noting its relevance to the audience, he continued: "It is a fundamental book, that when you finish reading, you will come out understanding a little better, more deeply, the 20th Century and the world we are living in today, one which was forged by the Russian Revolution. This book helps illuminate our struggle for socialism. Roberto Robaina in the Sao Paulo meeting / Own Work Drawing a parallel with the relationship between the Bolsheviks and the Commune of Paris, Robaina pointed out: "The book Stalin reclaims this relationship, and at the same time tells how we had an experience, which was the experience of bureaucratization, which was another fundamental point from which to draw conclusions. And the richest part of the book is that it tells just how this process developed." Woods emphasized how the publication Stalin stands out in this centenary of the Russian Revolution. The leader of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) stressed that if the aim of revolutionaries is the struggle for historical truth, historical truth is contained in the work he held in his hands. It dismantles the lies thrown against the Russian Revolution, against Bolshevism, against Lenin, and against Trotsky. "Finally I have great pride and great honor to have in my hands this book that like a phoenix has been reborn from the ashes", said Woods, raising and shaking a copy of Stalin. "And in my opinion this is a great book that deserves to be put together with such great books as The Revolution Betrayed, the History of the Russian Revolution, or My Life. A wonderful book that contains many lessons, " he said, also welcoming the launch of the Brazilian edition. The audience participating in the launch filled all the seats in the auditorium, and also had to stand or sit on the sides of the venue. At the end of the event, the participants applauded cheerfully and then raised their fists and sang The Internationale. The attendance was a success and there were long queues of buyers who wanted to get the book autographed by Woods. Emotion and enthusiasm at the launch in Santa Catarina Singing the Internationale / Own Work The book launch in Florianopolis, in the auditorium of the Federation of Trade Unions of Santa Catarina (FECESC), on the night of Thursday, 5 Oct, was a success with 136 present. Woods began his presentation of the previously unpublished version of the book Stalin by Leon Trotsky saying that "A Roman writer of antiquity once said 'All books have their own destiny', and in all world literature there is not a single book with a more extraordinary destiny than this." Serge Goulart / Own Work Serge Goulart, of the Marxist Left and publisher of the book at the Editora Marxist publishing house, described the book Stalin as a "Weapon of mass destruction against capitalism", an "instrument of political education for revolutionaries" and said that this was a book in which "for the first time in history a theoretical and political giant writes a book about an intellectual dwarf ". Just look at Stalin's legacy compared to Trotsky's, and that is plain to see. Israel Dutra / Own Work Israel Dutra, of the Left Socialist Movement [MES], representing Editora Movimento, said that "Trotsky's struggle for truth was decisive and this struggle remains decisive for the revolutionaries of today". For him, "the book Stalin is an inheritance that allows for struggle and compromise. He ended by saying that "We are not afraid to say that we are Communists. We are heirs of the October Revolution." Trotsky saw all his family, friends and comrades who made the revolution by his side, killed, slandered, and sent to forced labour camps. Still, he died defending the legacy of the Russian Revolution, explaining the problems that developed, and defended the continuity of the world revolution. Even during Stalin's period of greatest persecution against him, he continued to write great books of Marxist theory. "A man against the whole world, a man who had before him the greatest, most brutal, bloodthirsty, murderous apparatus in the history of the world," explained Woods, "who continued to fight until the last moment, until on August 20, 1940, in an action of vile cowardice, an agent of Stalin killed him. " Alan Woods speaking in San Caterina / Own Work Towards the end of the meeting, Alan said: "It is very easy to kill a human being, we are very fragile and weak animals, but you can not kill an idea whose time has come." "This book should never have appeared. When Stalin learned that he had finally killed his number one enemy, he thought it was all settled. However, seven decades later we are here defending the only ideas capable of changing the planet, destroying the nightmare of capitalism, imperialism and creating a new civilization, exclaimed Woods, to a visibly moved audience. The launch in Florianopolis was initially scheduled to take place at the UFSC university, but due to the suicide of the rector, it had to be moved at the last minute to the Federation of Trade Unions of Santa Catarina (FECESC), 10 kilometers away from the university. Even so, the activity was a success with the presence of 136 people, among them a delegation from Joinville. The enthusiastic meeting brought together young people, students, workers, trade unionists and social movement activists, who were thrilled and applauded many times. Many comrades were crying when Woods explained the shooting of the Trotskyists in the Vorkuta fields, in Siberia, and that they went to the their certain deaths singing the Internationale and shouting "long live the Revolution, Lenin and Trotsky". The event was attended by Francisco Alano, president of the Trade Union Federation, who ceded the venue and also acquired his autographed copy by Woods, as did dozens of others present. The enthusiasm was so strong that in the end, after prolonged applause, all stood up and sang the Internationale. Porto Alegre book launch: a successful political meeting Serge Goulart speaking in Porto Alegre / Own Work In Porto Alegre, Stalin was launched on the night of Friday, 6 October, in the City Council auditorium. About 100 participants listened attentively to the speakers and the introduction by Woods. The panel was formed by Robaina as a moderator; Goulart, Luciana Genro (PSOL's national leader) and Woods himself. Luciana Genro at Porto Alegre meeting / Own Work Volkov was also present through a live video link from Mexico, greeting the launch of the book and a thanking the Brazilian editors. The enthusiastic attendees included several PSOL leaders, such as Rio Grande do Sul MP Pedro Ruas and Porto Alegre councillor Fernanda Melchionna, as well as leaders of PSOL currents such as MAIS, Strengthening the PSOL, CST, CEDS, leaders of the municipal workers' strike committee, as well as that of the state teachers, together with dozens of key activists of the university and secondary student youth. An important presence included intellectuals who defend Marxism as well as numerous former militants who in one way or another remain active and have not bowed to reformism or individual advancement. In addition to the intense agenda in the debate, Woods was interviewed by important media outlets such as the newspaper Sul21 and Jornal do Comercio. Robaina presented the objectives of the launch of this book and emphasized the effort of the two publishers to make it possible. He then welcomed Genro, who gave a presentation on the need to rescue the fundamental elements of the Russian Revolution and the struggle against bureaucratization, a subject that she deepened in her PhD research.Luciana greeted the speakers and emphasized the importance of the book and the battle for the education of revolutionaries as an inseparable part of our struggle for socialism. Goulart explained a little of the differences between the old and current editions, and recommended reading the book as a theoretical and political weapon for the new generations. Finally, Woods, in fluent Spanish, explained the entire 10-year struggle to bring this edition to light, as part of a battle for the truthfulness of Bolshevism's ideas. He explained the combination of the details and psychological and subjective traits of such personalities as Stalin (a man of the party bureaucracy) with the general determinations of the great historical processes. He showed how the rise of the great revolutions brings forth giants and political heroes and how in the epochs of retreat and ebb draw out the mediocrities, the careerists, the political swindlers. Stalin provides a real lesson in the history of humanity, based on the rigor of revolutionary Marxism. Alan Woods speaking at Porto Alegre / Own Work In the end, with prolonged and extremely lively applause, the vast majority of the participants discussed enthusiastically as they formed a long line to get their purchased copies of the book autographed by Woods. Many of those present bought more than one copy of the book for comrades of theirs who had not been able to attend, or for friends and family as a gift of great value. These book launches were extraordinary political successes and also a success in terms of sales, proving there is a thirst for theory and politics among workers and youth. This is the way forward. Further book launches organised by the Brazilian publishers continue in numerous other cities and the book can still be purchased at a discount (only until November) through the website of Livraria Marxista or from comrades of the Marxist Left and the MES. Visit for a 3D animation Round led by Dutch life sciences investor BioGeneration Partners (BGV); other investors include David Pyott and existing shareholders; Oskar Slotboom (BGV) to join Supervisory Board Single handed Switch technology allows for high precision suturing of tubular (e.g. arteries) and layered structures (e.g. skin) Doubling of suturing speed leads to clinical benefits including reduced clamp time for vascular procedures, and to reduction of healthcare costs. For example, increased clamp time in kidney transplant is known to be associated with delayed graft function, dialysis and prolonged hospital stay Introduction 8cm Switch model, focusing on carotid artery surgery, kidney transplant and peripheral bypass surgery Annual worldwide sutures and suturing devices market of over $3bn First focus on completion of CE certification in 2019; market launch (Netherlands Germany) in late 2019/early 2020 Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2 October 2017 Mellon Medical, a Dutch MedTech developer of a platform technology for suturing with one hand, has raised 6 million to advance its patented ground breaking global innovation in suturing technology. Leading product, the Switch, a single use precision-suturing instrument, enables surgeons to suture tubular and layered structures about twice as fast as the conventional technique. The financing round was led by Dutch life sciences and health investor BioGeneration Partners (BGV). Other investors were former Allergan CEO and private investor David Pyott and existing shareholders Dutch Thuja Capital, Innovatie en Energiefonds Gelderland managed by Oost NL, and Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (Brabant Development Company, BOM). BGV partner Oskar Slotboom will join Mellons Supervisory Board. Mellon will introduce its technology in an 8cm Switch model, initially focusing on three vascular indications: carotid artery surgery, kidney transplant and peripheral bypass surgery. Although market introduction is focused on vascular surgery, Mellons platform technology can be used in a broad range of other disciplines, like general surgery, micro surgery, urology, gynecology, coronary artery bypass surgery and neurosurgery. The annual worldwide sutures and suturing devices market size is estimated at $3 billon by 2020. The technology is expected to reduce the risk of complications, for instance reduced clamp time for many cardiovascular procedures, resulting in improved patient outcome and a reduction of costs. Mellon expects market introduction of the Switch in late 2019/early 2020, once final development and CE certification process have been completed. Mellon plans for FDA approval within two years after obtaining CE mark. Mark Vrancken Peeters, vascular surgeon and Mellons founder and Chief Medical Officer, comments on the new financing round: We very much welcome BGV and David Pyott as new investors in our company. The support of these two high class and qualified investors in healthcare innovations, together with our existing shareholders, truly bolsters our confidence in the success of the Switch. By collaborating with medical specialists, industrial designers and ergonomic experts in the development of the Switch, Mellon has been able to reinvent suturing, bringing suturing technology into the 21st century. We believe our innovative platform suturing technology will improve patient outcome and reduce overall healthcare costs. Oskar Slotboom, partner at BGV and Supervisory Board member of Mellon Medical comments: Mellon has demonstrated a highly innovative suturing concept, which is based on advanced technological insights from vascular surgeons, in an area where little innovation has taken place. It fits well with our funds focus on truly innovative products that have the potential to positively impact patient care. David Pyott, former CEO of Allergan Inc. and private investor says: The strength of the award winning Switch technology, combined with the scientific and entrepreneurial expertise of the Mellon founding team, caught my attention when considering a participation in this financing round. For my investments, I look for differentiated technology that should improve patient outcomes as well as reducing cost. Mellons health economics story is compelling. Conventional suturing versus The Switch Classical suturing is a complex process and takes a long time to learn. Focus is on getting control over the needle. Surgeons using conventional suturing techniques need many coordinated motions using both hands in order to place a single suture. On average, 30% of the operation time is spent on suturing. Mellon has managed to reinvent the technique of suturing and has already received several international innovation awards for this new invention, including one from the vascular surgeon community during last years Charing Cross International Symposium for Vascular Surgery in London. === ENDS === About Mellon Mellon Medical was founded early 2013 by Dutch vascular surgeon Mark Vrancken Peeters, with the objective of developing a new medical device that enables more efficient and effective suturing of tubular and layered structures. Having long been aware of the complexity of suturing such tissue through his many years of surgical practice, Vrancken Peeters strongly believed that suturing with one hand could improve the procedure and therefore patient outcome. Driven by this belief and his desire to help more than one patient at a time, he traded his career as a surgeon to achieve this mission as CMO of Mellon. About BioGeneration Ventures (BGV) BioGeneration Ventures (BGV) is a venture capital company, with a focus on early stage European biotech, medtech, and diagnostics companies. BGV has a strong track record of significant financial returns through investing in innovations in healthcare and providing the expertise to build world-class teams. The Company manages over 100 million of funds investing in areas where true scientific innovations, the unmet medical need, and the potential to demonstrate a significant proof of concept all come together. BGV strives to work with founding teams to mature science and build companies. The Company uses its experience to guide progress into clinical trials, ultimately leading to successful drug development and value realisation for its investors. BGV applies its expertise in a rigorous process to select the most compelling opportunities with the best prospects for exit. Historical successful investments include divestment of Dezima Pharma to Amgen for up to USD 1.55 billion in total deal value and in Acerta Pharma for up to USD 7 billion with a guaranteed payment of USD 4 billion. Both companies were co-founded by BGV in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The Acerta Pharma sale was the largest exit ever of a privately held European biotech company. BGV is based in Naarden, The Netherlands, and closely collaborates with Forbion Capital Partners. About David Pyott Acknowledged as one of the top 100 performing CEOs in the world, Scottish educated Dr. David Pyott was the Chief Executive Officer of Allergan from 1998 until the sale of the company to Actavis in 2015. Dr. Pyott transformed Allergan from a small eye care company into a multi-billion dollar global specialty pharmaceutical and medical device company, overseeing $68 billion in market value growth. Today, Dr. Pyott continues his work in a variety of capacities. Dr. Pyott created the David E.I. Pyott Foundation to educate physicians all over the world to speed improvements in patient outcomes. Mr Pyott also continues his roles in transforming businesses, mentoring others and improving patient outcomes through philanthropic opportunities and through his inclusion on a variety of boards. For further inquiries, please contact: Mellon Medical Jan Benschop, COO Nijmegen, the Netherlands Mob: +31 (0)6 541 12 534 E-mail: LifeSpring LifeSciences Communication Amsterdam, the Netherlands Leon Melens Mob: +31 (0)6 538 16 427 E-mail: Team Protocentral, an open source hardware firm from Bangalore, India, is raising crowdfunds to release its HeartyPatch device. The HeartyPatch is a single lead ECG patch that can track the heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) when stuck to the chest. Similar devices have been developed and commercialized previously, but the HeartyPatch provides open source access to the software running it, allowing anyone to implement it for unique use cases. The HeartyPatch features Bluetooth connectivity built into the small device, so data can be easily transferred onto tablets and computers for in-depth analysis. The entire device was made out of low cost components, making it affordable in budget conscious applications. Its ready to go out of the box, so anyone can use it to track the heart rate and its variability. Not only is this useful for athletes, but cardiac arrhythmias may also be diagnosed with the help of this device. Here are the four available modes that the devices can operate in: Continuous ECG streaming mode displays live ECG recording from the chest. This works similar to a heart-rate monitor. Below is a screen capture of the device working in ECG mode. Beat-to-beat mode can be displayed by flashing the on-board LED or you can stream live, instantaneous heart rate over BLE for immediate detection of changes in inter-beat intervals. Arrhythmia detection mode runs the arrhythmia algorithm in real-time and detects events of AFIB. Heart-rate variability mode is available when HeartyPatch is connected to the desktop app, which displays the cardio-tachogram (CTG), Poincare plot (variance), and histogram of inter-beat intervals. Below is a plot of data taken from an ECG simulator that is physically connected to the HeartyPatch. Heres a short video demonstrating the HeartyPatch: Crowdfunding campaign: HeartyPatch What happens to blood within the bodys narrow capillary vessels is not fully understood, but knowing more how blood cells and plasma propagate through all sorts of vessels may help us understand and treat a number of cardiovascular diseases. To help advance knowledge in this field, researchers at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. have developed gold nanoparticles that can be tracked as they travel along with blood through the tiniest arteries and veins. Previous attempts at using optical methods to track blood flow through capillaries have been limited because some of the components of blood, such as proteins and red blood cells, make things hard to see at such a scale. Red blood cells, for example, can be used as tracking probes by staining them, but because theyre often as wide as the vessels they pass through, they dont provide the wanted optical resolution to get a sense of everything else thats moving through a capillary. The Birmingham researchers synthesized iridium-coated gold nanoparticles, which are much smaller (less than 100 nanometers) than red blood cells, that luminesce within the visible spectrum and can be spotted using optical techniques. Additionally, the nanoparticles have long lives and therefore can be tracked for extended time periods. The size of 100 nanometres is ideal for not disturbing the flow, yet still being detectable by high resolution imaging using conventional microscopes, said U of Birminghams Professor Gerard Nash, who was one of the researchers that developed the new nanoparticles. These nanoparticles can be used as trackers for detection in sub-millimeter channels of dimensions similar to many microvessels with higher resolution than fluorescently-stained blood cells. It is hoped that this research will help improve our understanding of blood clots, vascular inflammation, and improve how we fight tumors. Heres a quick video showing gold nanoparticles traveling along with blood flow: Study in journal Nanomedicine: Tailoring iridium luminescence and gold nanoparticle size for imaging of microvascular blood flow Via: University of Birmingham Over the last year, Jackson County has implemented the Child Safety Decision-Making Model pilot, which has led to many changes in the Jackson County childrens court judicial process and is helping make sure the right decisions are being made about vulnerable children. The Child Safety Decision Making Subcommittee was created in 2014 after the Wisconsin Commission on Children, Families and the Courts realized that their social workers, judges, lawyers and other members of the system were not all on the same page when it came to the language used in child welfare cases. Social workers have their language. They have a lot of items they learn through their safety intervention training as to when they should be removing children. Attorneys have their legalese and we are looking at the code itself to see what is in the code in regards to being able to remove a child. They really werent lining up at all and so we kind of came together to figure out how we can talk the same language so that we are making the best decisions possible for the children with the overall goal being having the right child in the right bed, said Nicole Homer, Ho-Chunk Nation lawyer and member of the subcommittee. After the completion of a successful pilot in Waukesha County, the subcommittee was looking for a smaller county to complete the pilot. Homer and Dan Williams, Jackson County DHHS children and families division manager, both sit on the subcommittee as representatives of Jackson County, so it was a natural fit to bring the pilot program to the county. The first step in the pilot program was for the Childrens Court Improvement Program (CCIP) to analyze how Jackson County was doing. The Childrens Court Improvement Program will come in and do a baseline to determine how well we are doing in temporary physical custody hearings, which is the first hearing that happens when a child is removed from their parental home and placed in out-of-home care, Williams said, adding that temporary physical custody hearings usually happen within 24-48 hours of a child being removed from a home. During those hearings, the pilot program analyzed whether social workers were describing a child welfare case effectively using five child safety decision-making model measures: present danger, impending danger, child vulnerability, protective parent capacity and safety plan. A child is considered unsafe if there is a present or impending danger threat to which the child is vulnerable to, and there is a lack of protective capacities to protect the child from that harm. A child is removed if a safety plan in insufficient to protect the child from danger. The measures are used by social workers to defend why a child is considered unsafe and removed from a home, which all should be discussed at the temporary physical custody hearing. However, CCIP found that these measures were not discussed at every hearing, instead finding that most of the measures were discussed less than half of the time in Jackson County cases. Finding a common language Though measures were not effectively discussed by social workers in Jackson County at the temporary physical custody hearings, members of the legal team like lawyers and judges were also unfamiliar with these terms and how social workers arrived at their decisions. The number one thing that I learned was actually learning what the standards are that the social workers utilize. I never knew them. I never heard them vocalized in the manner that we are now doing. I didnt know any of that until I got on the subcommittee, Homer said. This deeper level understanding of the child welfare process by the legal system was one of the bigger goals of the pilot program. I think one of the goals we were hoping for is not only that everyone can understand and speak the same language about safety, but understanding that there is a process involved and that it is a structured decision-making process, CCIP policy analyst Michelle Zaccard said explaining that ultimately the judge makes the final decision, but the information the social workers can provide help make that decision. To help solve this issue, CCIP held a training for all Jackson County lawyers and judges that would be involved in child welfare cases to help describe the process. I never really knew what the social workers were looking at because I was just looking at what their Temporary Physical Custody Removal Form stated and then trying to fit it in with what the grounds are in the law because the law obviously is what I am more familiar with, Homer said explaining that things like safety are not defined in the law, but yet social workers talked about it a lot when at court proceedings. The lack of understanding between the legal system and child welfare agencies is why the training was necessary. Child welfare agencies have significant training in child safety and how to make those decisions, but what they recognized is the legal system doesnt always have that same level of knowledge and we werent using a common set of terms to talk about child safety which was leading to confusion and frustration among the system, Williams said. Zaccard acknowledges that having active participants has helped the process. I think one of the things we have seen so far in the project in terms of each of the counties is we have had a lot of positive outcomes in terms of judicial leadership taking a big role in the success of the pilot, Zaccard said. Explaining social worker reasoning To help increase the conversation about the child safety decision-making model measures, the pilot also required social workers to fill out a new form that was much more in-depth. So then at court all of the parties are aware of what the child welfare agency has done, why we feel it is contrary for the welfare of the child to remain in the home and provides an ability for us to explain it in the same terms, Williams said. With the social worker filling out this new form, many other advantages were observed. The social worker understands that the child is unsafe and has a reason for that, but putting it in writing has allowed them to really clarify the reasons and they are able to do it before they are in the courtroom, Williams said. Having it all spelled out on the supplement form...really helps the judicial system get a clear understanding of everything. This form even led to advantages for the parents and their legal representation. It allows the parents attorney to know our answer and not be surprised by information in court, and so they are able to have a conversation prior to court with their clients and be able to discuss what the agency has found and make an informed decision on how to proceed, Williams said. With this form, the judge is also able to be more informed and is more easily aware when something was not done correctly. I think it allows for a more fair representation on the parents behalf too because if we dont answer a question on the supplement form, we know the judge is going to ask that question in court, Williams said. Child vulnerability was one of the measures that Jackson County social workers often missed before using the form. CCIP found that it was mentioned about 10 percent of the time in the temporary physical custody hearing. We have definitely started talking about that more at hearings where before some of it was assumed and some of it was glossed over, but now we are making an effort to talk about it in every court case because it is important that we talk about how they are vulnerable to that specific danger threat that is identified, Williams said, adding that often social workers felt child vulnerability was obvious in some cases. He said that even though it may have seemed obvious, the subject is still important to discuss because there are important child vulnerability distinctions when a 15-year-old can take care of themselves better than a 3-year-old. Improving results After the training was implemented and the form used on every case, CCIP returned after six months and a year to tabulate the results. After a year, all five child safety decision-making model measures were discussed in 100 percent of temporary physical custody hearings. The results were amazing. We literally went to 100 percent on all of the items we were supposed to be doing in those hearings. I believe the pilot was a success based upon what went into it between the forms, everyone getting trained on what to do and everyone speaking the same language within the court hearings, Homer said. Williams expects that using the child safety decision-making model has and will continue to ensure that the right child is in the right bed in Jackson County. This is showing to me that the judicial system is really interested in making sure children are safe and everyone is doing their part to make sure we are making good decisions. It is never an easy decision to remove a child from the home, Williams said. I think by increasing the conversation that we are having in court about safety, we are able to make sure we are only removing children when we need to. Even though the results were promising, CCIP did find some areas of best practice that Jackson County did not discuss all of the time at temporary physical custody hearings including educational stability and cultural and linguistic considerations. Educational stability comes from a new federal law that was recently passed and is discussed in 80 percent of temporary physical custody hearings in Jackson County. If we remove a child from home and their school district because a foster placement or relative placement is outside of the school district boundaries, we are basically setting them back educationally, Williams said. The pilot also found that the county did not discuss cultural and linguistic considerations in 40 percent of cases. Williams expects that percentage mainly follows their cases that involved the Indian Child Welfare Act. We definitely talk about culture when we have ICWA cases, Indian Child Welfare Act cases, because the law requires us to do things a little different and look at placements, Williams said. I think what this showed is that we should be looking at other cultures as well and making sure that we recognize every familys customs and cultural traditions and making sure the placement is able to support those. As an attorney representing the Ho-Chunk Nation, ICWA cases are important to Homer, which is one of the reasons she is on the subcommittee. So we ourselves have our own legal interests to make sure these cases are handled appropriately. So at times we might be in favor of what the county is doing, but however we might not be in favor so we might show up to object to what is going on, Homer said. The subcommittee and CCIP are conducting a pilot in La Crosse County. Once completed, Zaccard hopes the child safety decision-making model becomes the norm across the state. What we are doing now is continuing to meet as a subcommittee and certain subcommittee members are beginning to spread the word by giving different presentations at trainings and having people be aware that there are these circuit court forms related to child safety and doing presentations for those that want to do it, Zaccard said. Once we have the word out more, hopefully we can provide these trainings to other counties and get them to also use the same model. by Sara Guaglione , October 11, 2017 The Boston Globe is partnering with Pfizer on a branded content series called Dear Scientist to highlight the dedicated biopharmaceutical scientists and the patients and families impacted by the diseases they are working to cure. The goal of Dear Scientist is to put a human face on the often invisible scientists who spend years or even decades driven to solve a seemingly incurable disease, per a statement. Each of the three installments, which include a mix of articles, photography and video, will spotlight a different disease. The series, created by The Boston Globes branded content studio, BG BrandLab, documents scientists at Pfizers Kendall Squares research site, located in Cambridge, Mass., and their interactions with families and patients affected by a disease and the progress of research. advertisement advertisement More than 1,000 researchers are headquartered at Pfizers Kendall Square site, working on discovery and clinical programs across a range of diseases. "Dear Scientist" features a family affected by a disease who write a letter to a biopharmaceutical scientist, which is published on a digital hub for the Dear Scientist series on The Boston Globes site. A Pfizer scientist reads the letter and is introduced to the family to share an intimate and touching dialogue on their perspectives. The conversation is also produced as a video in a narrative story format. The first installment of the "Dear Scientist" series was released this week and profiles Nancy Horwood and her mother's 25-year battle with Parkinson's disease. David Gray, senior director in Pfizer's Neuroscience Research Unit in Kendall Square, who has been pursuing a Parkinson's cure for almost a decade, reads the letter and has an emotional meeting with Horwood. BG BrandLab officially launched in January. It has worked with clients such as Staples, Vermont Department of Tourism and Cabot Creamery, local bank Rockland Trust, Boston Childrens Hospital and Franciscan Childrens Hospital. Doug Most, the head of BG BrandLab, was an editor of The Boston Globe for over a decade. He said he came into this new role with an inherent desire for great storytelling, due to his editorial background. He told Publishers Daily his aim is to produce branded content that rivals what we are trying to do with the newsroom. A good branded studio should operate like a mini newsroom. "Dear Scientist" is one of the more ambitious partnerships the studio has had, Most said, specifically due to the high-quality video reporting. Boston is a thriving pharmaceutical hub right now, and Pfizer wanted this series to showcase the scientists who have devoted their careers to finding the cure to one particular disease, Most added. The scientists arent just holed up in some lab somewhere, but are aware of the human impact their research has on those affected by illness. In the video for the first installment, Gray tells Horwood: "I personally believe we're going to find a cure. And I don't say that lightly." The next two installments of Dear Scientist are scheduled for release at the end of October and before Thanksgiving, respectively. by Ray Schultz , October 11, 2017 250ok, an email analytics and deliverability company, has raised $2.6 million in Series A funding. The round is led by Arthur Ventures. The Indianapolis-based firm will use the funds to pursue product expansion and hiring. 250ok has doubled its headcount over the past year, and plans to hire at least 53 more employees by 2021, working with the Indiana Economic Development Corp., the firm says. Founded in 2011, 250ok specializes in email deliverability, analytics and engagement, and serves such clients as Marketo, SendGrid and SparkPost. With more than 3 billion people projected to use email by the end of 2017, 250oks analytics and deliverability solution sets companies up for profitable and secure email marketing initiatives, states Patrick Meenan, partner at Arthur Ventures. by Wendy Davis @wendyndavis, October 11, 2017 Rejecting arguments made by the Association of National Advertisers and CTIA-The Wireless Association, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to reconsider its recent decision to uphold a Berkeley ordinance that requires cell phone retailers to warn customers about possible radiation exposure. The ANA and wireless carriers argued that the 2016 Berkeley law violates free speech principles. The measure requires stores to include the following language in their warnings: "If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure to RF radiation." The Federal Communications Commission independently requires cell phone manufacturers to issue a similar warning, according to the appellate court. CTIA sued in 2016 to block Berkeley's law. A trial judge refused to do so, as did a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit. In May, the wireless carriers asked for a new hearing in front of at least 11 of the circuit's judges; that request was backed by the ANA, which argued that the government "may not require private parties to vilify their own products, and certainly cannot require misleading statements about them." advertisement advertisement The 9th Circuit on Wednesday refused to grant a new hearing in the case. Circuit Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw dissented from that decision, writing that a "proliferation of warnings and disclosures compelled by local municipal authorities" could divert consumers' attention from more important warnings. "Time which a prospective purchaser must spend puzzling over the City of Berkeleys warning is time not spent acquiring more pertinent product information," Wardlaw wrote. Wardlaw added that the warnings required by the city are "completely unnecessary in light of the carefully calibrated, FCC-approved disclosures in the users manual accompanying each new cell phone." Dan Jaffe, ANA executive vice president of government relations, warns that the decision could "explode the potential" for inconsistent regulations in other states and towns. "It's highly likely we'll start seeing similar things all around the country. There are 30,000 plus cities and counties around the country. are all of them going to have these kinds of disclosures?" he asks. Jaffe adds that new laws requiring certain disclosures pose a threat to advertisers' free speech rights. "These mandatory disclosure requirements that are starting to pop up in California are major dangers to first amendment rights of advertisers," he says. Last month, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit blocked a San Francisco law that would have required health warnings for sugary drinks. A three-judge panel ruled that law likely violates free speech principles for several reasons, including that it was misleading. "By focusing on a single product, the warning conveys the message that sugar-sweetened beverages are less healthy than other sources of added sugars and calories and are more likely to contribute to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay than other foods. This message is deceptive in light of the current state of research on this issue," the court wrote in that case. We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Heres our process. Sperm cells cannot survive for long once they are exposed to the air outside of the body. Precisely how long they can survive depends on the environment that they are released into and how quickly the fluid surrounding the sperm cells dries up. Read on for the answers to some common questions about sperm and sperm survival. Sperm lifespan inside the female body After ejaculation, sperm can live inside the female body for around 5 days. The fluid in a womans reproductive tract has all of the nutrients that sperm need for their survival during that time. Once inside the female reproductive tract, the sperm cells must swim through the cervix and into the uterus to reach the fallopian tubes and female egg. It is a very long journey for sperm cells to make and very few survive. Does the withdrawal method work? Share on Pinterest Once outside the body, sperm cells cannot survive for long. The withdrawal method, or when the male pulls out of the female before ejaculation, is notoriously unreliable. Before ejaculation occurs, a small amount of semen, also known as pre-cum, leaves the penis. There is some debate as to whether this fluid contains sperm cells. Until researchers are sure, it is best to assume that pregnancy is possible if this fluid comes into contact with a womans vagina. According to Planned Parenthood, if the withdrawal method is performed correctly 100 percent of the time, it is about 96 percent effective. However, most people are not able to perform it correctly every time, making the actual effectiveness somewhere around 78 percent. This means that each year, 22 out of 100 women using this method will get pregnant, or around 1 in 5. Withdrawal is more effective when combined with other methods of contraception, such as male or female condoms or spermicide. When using this method, it is also essential to make sure that ejaculation occurs away from the vaginal opening. It is still possible for pregnancy to happen if the sperm spills onto the vagina or vulva. How long do sperm live in a hot tub? In the hot tub, sperm cells do not live for very long at all. The sperm cannot survive for longer than a few seconds after being exposed to the chemicals and hot water. Pregnancy from someone ejaculating into a hot tub would be very rare and likely not even possible. In a warm bath that was not too hot, sperm cells could likely survive for a few minutes. However, it is very unlikely that sperm would be able to find their way through the tub water and into the vagina of a female. Pregnancy occurring in this manner would also be very difficult, if not impossible. However, if a couple were having intercourse in the water, pregnancy would be just as likely because the sperm would enter directly into the female reproductive tract. The outside temperature and physical environment would not have any impact on sperm survival. How long can sperm survive if frozen? Share on Pinterest Freezing sperm is an option for men with medical conditions that may impact fertility. Scientists believe that sperm cells can survive indefinitely once they are frozen, as long as the temperature remains stable. At such a low temperature (-196C), the sperm cells are in a type of suspended animation, which means that all of their essential functions have completely stopped. Men freeze sperm for a variety of reasons. Many do so because they are undergoing infertility treatment, or have cancer or another medical condition that would potentially impact their fertility. Freezing sperm would allow a man to have children even if he lost his fertility due to cancer or cancer treatment. Manufacture Typically, millions of sperm cells are produced in the testicles every day. During this time, the cells that make up the sperm divide and change. The sperm cells make their way into the epididymis where they finish developing, which can take several weeks. The sperm eventually develops a head and tail, so that it cells start to resemble a tadpole. The head contains all of the DNA or genetic material, and the sperm uses the tail to help it move. Sperm health factors Many factors that can affect the sperm formation process. Some of the factors that can cause a decreased sperm count or poor sperm function include: Health and lifestyle factors drug or alcohol use job or occupation tobacco use stress overheating the testicles weight Environmental causes exposure to industrial chemicals heavy metals radiation or X-rays Medical reasons infection of the testicles cancer of the testicles swelling of the veins that drain blood from the testicle hormone imbalances physical problems in the tubes that carry sperm through the reproductive system chromosomal or genetic disorders certain medications surgery involving the pelvis, abdomen, or reproductive organs If a couple want to conceive and a man suspects that he has one or more of these risk factors, he may want to consider having a sperm count performed. A doctor may also recommend this procedure if pregnancy does not result after about 6 months. If a man has any of these risk factors, he should try to change them at least 2-3 months before trying to conceive, since that is how long it takes for sperm to fully mature. Improving sperm health Share on Pinterest Men may boost their fertility by taking vitamins before trying to conceive. Reducing the above risk factors whenever possible helps to keep sperm cells healthy, especially before conception. There are several things that a man can do to improve the health of his sperm: Maintain a healthy weight : Being overweight or obese can directly impact sperm production and the hormones needed to support the process. : Being overweight or obese can directly impact sperm production and the hormones needed to support the process. Quit smoking : Smoking cigarettes has been associated with a lower sperm count when compared with men who do not smoke. : Smoking cigarettes has been associated with a lower sperm count when compared with men who do not smoke. Cut back on alcohol use : Alcohol use can impact testosterone levels, which will, in turn, decrease sperm count : Alcohol use can impact testosterone levels, which will, in turn, decrease sperm count Stop using drugs : Anabolic steroids, marijuana, and cocaine have all been linked with decreased sperm production. : Anabolic steroids, marijuana, and cocaine have all been linked with decreased sperm production. Take vitamins : Taking vitamins regularly can help to ensure that a man is getting all of the vital nutrients he needs. He should start taking vitamins at least 3 months before trying to conceive. Multivitamins for men are available for purchase online. : Taking vitamins regularly can help to ensure that a man is getting all of the vital nutrients he needs. He should start taking vitamins at least 3 months before trying to conceive. Multivitamins for men are available for purchase online. Keep the testicles cool: Spending time in saunas or hot tubs, wearing tight underwear or pants, and placing a laptop computer directly on the lap may all increase the temperature of the scrotum and reduce sperm production. New research, which has been published in the journal Science Advances, explains how giving birth through a cesarean delivery may lead to weight gain in the offspring. Share on Pinterest As more and more women opt for a cesarean delivery, we may need to develop new ways to restore babies natural mix of bacteria. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommend that the total number of cesarean deliveries does not exceed 15 percent of live births. Most cesarean deliveries are required to save the life of either the mother or the baby. However, they may be recommended for other medical reasons , and mothers sometimes opt for an elective surgery. All in all, recent years have seen an increase of 50 percent in cesarean surgeries worldwide. In the United States, it is estimated that almost a third (or 32.5 percent) of all live births are through a cesarean delivery. Researchers from the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine in New York City led by Dr. Maria Dominguez-Bello, a microbiologist at NYUs Sackler Institute set out to investigate the link between having a cesarean delivery and the weight of the offspring. The research builds on previous studies that have demonstrated a link between having a cesarean delivery and the risk of obesity in the children. One such recent study reports that children born via cesarean are 15 percent more likely to become obese, and the increased risk is independent of the mothers weight. But what explains this risk? One theory is that a cesarean delivery interferes with the natural transmission of maternal microbes through the mothers vaginal flora. Such an early acquaintance with bacteria informs the babys immune and metabolic systems, preparing them for a healthy adulthood. While most studies have been observational and pointed merely to an association between weight gain and the delivery method, this study points to a causal mechanism that may explain this association. Right-hander Aaron Nola gave Phillies fans a scare when his season ended due to low-grade damage to the ulnar collateral ligament and the flexor tendon his right elbow and forearm, but his agent, Joe Longo of Paragon Sports, tells Matt Gelb of the Philadelphia Inquirer that the promising young righty completed a throwing program and has been declared healthy. Dr. James Andrews recommended a cautious approach to Nolas rehab and didnt consider surgery, per Gelb, and the team and Nola both came away from his October throwing program feeling healthy. Certainly, thats a sigh of relief for the Phillies, who are banking on the former No. 7 overall pick (2014) to pitch near the front of, if not at the front of their rotation for the foreseeable future. Nola had an encouraging debut in 2015, tossing 77 2/3 innings of 3.59 ERA ball as a rookie. His 2016 season looked to be a significant step forward before a rapid decline in performance that culminated in a season-ending trip to the DL. The LSU product was sporting a 2.65 ERA with 85 strikeouts against 15 walks to go along with a 53.9 percent ground-ball rate through his first 78 innings this season (12 starts). ERA estimators like FIP, xFIP and SIERA all agreed with that bottom-line result, pegging Nola for a sub-3.00 mark. A healthy Nola would give the Phillies an impressive young trio atop their rotation, as hed join fellow righties Vince Velasquez and Jerad Eickhoff (acquired from the Astros and Rangers, respectively) in the starting mix. All three pitchers have demonstrated the ability to miss bats (Nola and Velasquez more than Eickhoff) with at least average control. Durability remains a question mark for both Nola and Velasquez, but thats a terrific start to a rotation that can be controlled through the 2021 season. Looking elsewhere in the rotation, the final two spots are unsettled, though Philadelphia has myriad options from which to choose. Young right-handers Zach Eflin, Jake Thompson and Alec Asher all pitched in the Majors this season and will all get looks in Spring Training (that is, if Eflin is able to fully recover from surgery on each of his knees by that point). Young righty Ben Lively, too, could find himself in the mix next spring as well. Additionally, the Phillies have been linked to veteran rotation help this winter, suggesting that theyre perhaps interested in bringing someone in to fill a similar role to the one occupied by Jeremy Hellickson in 2016. While theres an outside chance that Hellickson himself could return to reclaim that role, hes widely expected to reject a qualifying offer (valued at $17.2MM) in search of a more lucrative multi-year deal in free agency this winter. 12.10.2017 LISTEN Following the massive buzz, their photos sparked online just a week ago, Made Men Music Group & Imo Records reggae-dancehall sensation Ellyman and ex-reality TV star Tboss have sprung yet another avalanche of speculations among thousands of fans online with some newly released photos which were taken at an exquisite location in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The adorable pictures recently surfaced online and have been making the rounds across social media - with majority describing the photos as an acknowledgment of love between both stars. Reports reveal the photos were taken in another exotic location in Zanzibar; following their previous photos which the two were seen together canoodling at a popular beach in the city. It's unclear if the photos were intended for a project or it's really an assertion to the speculations of romance between the stars. Ellyman, who was signed to Made Men Music Group earlier this year and Imo Records in 2016, has since spurred a considerable amount of buzz for himself with a handful of singles officially released under the labels. Ellyman & Tboss Again In New Photo4.jpeg 12.10.2017 LISTEN "I am not a very good speaker of my ibibio language, so when the song (sound) Andinikara came, I knew it was from heaven. I promise every listener something beyond the lyrics, the anointing it carries", declared Minister Sam. Minister Sam is one of the leading praise/ worship leader in Nigeria, he has two degrees in music. The Akwa Ibom state born psalmist has a special gift for song writing, he is the man behind songs like Onye, I dey halla yo, Para hallelujah Para, There's nothing too hard, Do am the right way, to mention but a few. Andikara is a drop-out single from his album he released few years ago titled Influence Reloaded. He disclosed that he will be dropping some of the songs From the Influence Reloaded album as he hopes to drop a new album come October 2018. Please enjoy Andikara-Ruler Download, Listen and Share! Download link: Photo credit - Beige Capital 12.10.2017 LISTEN I have taken a challenging stand to live a life of an entrepreneur, sacrificing relevance to making essence and difference in others life. Entrepreneurship is a way of life. It hard to teach someone. It rather teaches you as you journey through it, making you understand life as a journey of highs and lows. It takes a bold and resolute decision to take this challenging but rewarding journey as an entrepreneur. Its a journey of emotional and mental battle. Without sacrifices you can't be a successful entrepreneur. I have lived it , I have experienced it and I have come to believe that most businesses fail because their owners gave up in times of challenges. So the big question is this. What should startup entrepreneurs do to stand and survive the challenging times of their businesses? Ans: Renew Your Energy The energy of every startup entrepreneur emerges from inspiration and motivation. That's why, stories and books of other successful entrepreneurs keeps us alive and renew our strength at all the time. That's why awards nominations sometimes renew our effort to do more. Most importantly, If you are not purpose driven, you often struggle to renew your energy in hard times. You must understand, failure is part of success Negative minds always fail. Be positive and hold your grounds. The pains and suffering will surely come your way. Prepare for it and as you overcome them , you shall surely mature into a real entrepreneur ready for success and history. The mentality of a successful entrepreneur is Possibility & Persistence' I felt giving up, at my early stage of my startup business, no money, no investors and nobody to motivate me. I had just my faith in God. My faith kept diminishing as the day goes by. But I kept pushing , soaking my mind in the stories , books & journeys of successful entrepreneur. This i strongly believe renewed my energy to turn the story around. Real startup entrepreneurs in Africa go through a lot that will blow your mind if you get to hear them. The Legacy Train: Entrepreneurs live and sacrifice their all just for their business and people they serve. Putting them first ,putting ourselves last. I don't remember paying myself salaries as a startup since I started my business. We often do this in order to pay our workers, making them our priority to help PUSH the mission and vision of the company. In my world , there are two categories of entrepreneurs; the Legacy Entrepreneurs and the Lifestyle Entrepreneurs. The Legacy Entrepreneurs Are driven by hard real purpose and thus enable them to survive in times of failures and challenges. They will sacrifice every good to make their business thrive , grow and expand beyond boundaries. Lifestyle entrepreneurs are driven by what they will materially buy with the gains of their businesses and often not driven by purpose or real business based vision. The trials of entrepreneurship are inevitable and entrepreneurs must get prepared for them. Ghana's employment has come to halt ; Job Creation has converged with the Emergence of graduates from our Schools at a rate far below standard and its alarming. This is same in the entire continent of Africa. The revolution of job creation that abound in the 19th century of industrialization and service provision Has been overwhelmed by the uncontrollable and inevitable emergence of graduates in the 21st century. For this narrative to change in Ghana ,Africa and the World, Legacy entrepreneurs must emerge with businesses that have the potential to grow and expand to employ many for another duration of century. The very reason , the startup businesses like Sikadan MONEY Lending, Srf Loans , WEAR GHANA, Stepklair SHOES, Asabea Ayisi, ASPA Footwear, Nimed Capital, etc must be supported to grow and nurtured into industries and commercial service providers. I'm a proud legacy entrepreneur ,soaring selflessly to contribute to the change of this narrative and with your support we can make Africa a better world. After 32 years, George Jaderston gave his last sermon as the pastor of the Melrose Alliance Church Sunday leaving behind a legacy of sacrificial service to its congregation. Jaderston has been the pastor of the Melrose Alliance Church for most of its existence as a Christian and Ministry Alliance church, except for the first 1 years when a different pastor led the church. The church had its beginning when John Stetzer came back to Melrose for his mothers funeral nearly 35 years ago. He was burdened for this area and had an Alliance background. He talked to our district about having special meetings here in Melrose and so he had meetings for a couple of weeks. Out of that a bible study started and it grew to where they called a pastor, Jaderston said. The pastor the church first called was Paul Howard. Around the same time, Jaderston and his family moved to the Onalaska area to start a church. Soon he started filling in at the Melrose Alliance Church after Howard left. They were without a pastor here, so we came up and held bible studies and preached on Sunday. Then they asked us to come, and the district appointed us here about six months later and we have been here since. I am the only pastor most of these people have known in this church, Jaderston said. Jaderston attracted people to the congregation, which initially started with 18 people and met at the Melrose Legion Hall. We started looking for churches and we went to churches around here and we couldnt find any church that we wanted to plug in with that was really bible-based and went along with our beliefs, Melrose Alliance Church member Sally House said explaining that her children also were not always comfortable at the other churches. After attending several different churches, House and her family made the trek from West Salem where they lived to Melrose to test out the Melrose Alliance Church. I do remember saying as we were going up there, We are not going to church up here. I want a church closer, but we couldnt find anything and we kept going back and the kids kept enjoying it and we enjoyed the preaching and the pastor and his family and we just became a part of the congregation, House said. As the congregation grew, it started to outgrow the Melrose Legion Hall. When we moved here, being in a Legion Hall was not conducive to building a church. They were good to us. The rates were phenomenal. It was the only place that we could afford to rent that would have facilities that would be sufficient. We had to move in all of our stuff every week and take it out every week, Jaderston said. As the reality set in that the Melrose Legion Hall could not be the permanent location for the church, Jaderston encouraged the congregation to set goals. Around 1994-1995, we met with the board and we set a five-year goal. The five-year goal was to pay off the parsonage in two years, and for me to go full-time because I was part-time pastoring, Jaderston said explaining that he worked as a mechanic for nearly 15 years in La Crosse and Melrose. Jaderston said that miracles happened that allowed the church to complete each goal. The board paid off the parsonage within 18 months after receiving a matching grant for $10,000. The board also voted for Jaderston to go to full-time three years after setting the goal because a family in Minnesota donated $500 per month for two years to pay for a full-time pastor since the church didnt have money for it. The third goal after the first two goals were met was to begin a building program. In July 1999, the church bought property in downtown Melrose with plans to build a church. They quickly found out that they couldnt build the church on that location because there were sewer pipes and water lines running through the property. Then the local car garage came up for sale, and Jaderston suggested the church purchase the garage and convert it into a church. I can remember going in there and seeing the garage and thinking there was no way I could see that being a church. It was really in rough shape. There was oil on the floor, the roof was leaking at that time, there was stuff all over the place because they had closed the place, but hadnt taken anything out of it, House said. Some people say Jaderston had a vision, but Jaderston is quick to explain that it wasnt his vision at all. Nobody really saw it as a church. People always say, What a tremendous vision. It wasnt my vision, it was Gods plan for this place and he made it real to me. It has got to work and it is miracle upon miracle that this place is here, Jaderston said. It ended up a bigger project than any of us thought including me, but it was a doable thing. Once the church decided to purchase the building, Jaderston said that many miracles fell into place to make it a reality, starting with getting the $100,000 loan to purchase the property and make some of the necessary improvements. Even during that process of getting the loan, that was a miracle because we were turned down by all of the other banks. The district said, Maybe this isnt what God wants you to do, Jaderston said explaining that most banks wouldnt give them the loan because of liability issues with underground gas tanks being on the property. The building also had severe roof issues, 2 tons of coal in the basement that the church had to take out by hand using buckets and it required a lot of cleaning. It was dirty. We spent a week with a skid steer scraping the grease off the floor, Jaderston said. Even though several things needed to be improved, Jaderston saw what the building had to offer instead of what it was lacking. Jaderston said that every contractor he brought into the building told him that it was constructed well. If you go down into the basement, there are three rooms we cant use except for storage because there is only one access to it, but its like a bomb shelter. You go down there and you dont hear the trucks rumble by. There is no heat and no air conditioning, but it is the same temperature all year long, Beverly Jaderston said. Another benefit was that the building only had one supporting wall. That meant that once we cleaned it up, we could do what we wanted in here and arrange it however we wanted it and not have to worry about moving walls because it was all open, George Jaderston said. The church was completed in three phases, with the final large project being completed this year with the addition of a retractable wall splitting the sanctuary from the chapel. Even though remodeling a car garage into a church is a big task, George Jaderston holds how his congregation has come together as his biggest accomplishment. Probably more than anything is the character or nature of the church body, George Jaderston said. In the Alliance we have a statement of faith, but unlike some other denominations, in areas where the Bible is not really clear, you know there are differences of view, our statement does not state you have to be one or the other, but we get together and our goal is to come to truth. To work to truth. What I teach and what I preach is that we will not agree to disagree, we will agree to work towards truth. In his time with the Melrose Alliance Church, George Jaderston holds those in the congregation very dear to his heart. It is our home, it is our family. These are great people. It is a diversity that strives for unity and oneness, George Jaderston said. George Jaderston plans to continue filling in for churches that need a pastor for a short time like when a pastor is on vacation or when a church is without a pastor. I dont want to stop preaching, I dont want to stop teaching, Jaderston said. When a President says he is in a hurry, it means a lot. If you are an appointee of such a President, you better gird up your loins because the battle will be hotter and there will be no time for supper. The very first day President Akufo Addo made the pronouncement that he was in a hurry, I pitied his appointees because I knew they were in for extra hard work. In fact, they will have to work past exhaustions to meet the expectation of the president. It has been barely nine months since President Akufo Addo took over the reins of power but what we are seeing points to the fact that the man is indeed, in a hurry. The man is flying like a supersonic jet as he honours one promise after the other. He promised in 2012 that when voted into power, he would introduce Free SHS in Ghana but sadly the doomsday prophets were able to convince voters that he could not do so. By the grace of Justice Atuguba and his other four Justices of the Supreme Court, Mr. Mahama was given the baton to continue to misrule the nation. In 2016, the same candidate, Nana Akufo Addo repeated his earlier promise that if Ghanaians gave him the nod he will surely introduce Free SHS. This time around Ghanaians overwhelmingly gave him the nod and waited to see what he can deliver. He had told Ghanaians during the electioneering campaign that he would introduce the programme in September when he gets the nod and that is just what he has done. Anytime I hear NDC communicators say they saw no reason why the programme did not involve students in form two and three, I wonder whether they do understand how to embark on a national programme like a Free SHS. The late President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah introduced free education in the Northern Region but no other government had ever tried it again apart from President Akufo Addo. In 2000, then candidate Kufuor told Ghanaians that he was going to do away with the Cash and Carry killer health delivery system but the same doomsday prophets doubted what he told Ghanaians. The late President Atta Mills went to Wa in the Upper East Region to tell the people there that no government could do away with the Cash and Carry system and that Kufuor just wanted votes and that was why he made what he (Mills) called 'an outrageous promise. Candidate Kufuor held his card closely to his chest and when he got the nod, he introduced the National Health Insurance Scheme on pilot basis. By the time the man left office, the NHIS covered everybody in Ghana who had paid premium. Very sadly, the party that took over from Kufuor, the NDC, shamelessly collapsed the scheme until Nana came zooming in. The truth is that four years ago if Ghanaians had voted for the NPP, the Frees SHS by now could have covered all stages. What is facing the NDC and which they have refused to understand is that by 2020 the form one students who are enjoying the Frees SHS will be in form three. That is when the NDC will realize that it takes fine brains to rule a nation but not blockheaded individuals who do not read between the lines. One interesting thing about this Free SHS thing is that day students will have free hot launch every day. Caterers who will feed the students have already received their contract documents and they are out there making purchases. It stands to reason that farmers who cultivate food crops in this country will have a field day since these caterers will visit them at the farm gates to buy foodstuffs. Since Ghana attained independence in 1957, teacher trainees and nursing trainees used to get allowances until the NDC under John Mahama came to power to cancel the allowances. Candidate Akufo-Addo told Ghanaians in 2012 and repeated same in 2016 that when he gets the reins of power he will bring back the 'alawa'. Today, barely nine months in power, more than 54,000 trainee nurses have been registered and they have also acquired E-Switch cards where their allowances would be paid into by the end of this very month-October. Arrangement is far ahead to roll out the teacher trainee allowances as soon as possible. NDC communicators have to start acquiring crash helmets because in no time they will have nothing to say except to embark on their usual infantile arguments like we wanted to do same or 'we started to do same' Four months ago, the government of Nana Akufo Addo started paying the huge NHIS debt left by the NDC. As at the time of writing this piece, more than half of the debt had been paid and service providers have started supplying drugs to hospitals and clinics. What is very fearful and disturbing to those of us who believe in the ability of the Nana Akufo Addo's administration to revamp the NHIS and bring back smiles to the downtrodden who cannot afford the Cash and Carry system is that those who contributed to the collapse of the scheme are still at post. What is the guarantee that these guys will not sabotage the scheme for the NDC to say, 'Ah, you said we have collapsed it, see what you have done?' That is why heads must role at the NHIS in every district. After all, the NHIS is not the only place where these guys can work. Zoomlion is there and we need more hands to collect refuse dumps. They did same to the NHIS staff who were working there when the NPP was in power under Kufuor. What is good for the goose should equally be good for the gander. Abi ino bi so? During those wish-to-be-forgotten days of 'dumsor,' Ghana's economics whiz-kid, Prophet Dr. Alhaji Bawumia told Ghanaians that the problem was not that we did not have the means to supply electricity but that government's inability to pay for gas acquired from Nigeria Gas (Ngas) was the problem. He revealed to the bewildered citizenry that the John Mahama administration owed Ngas huge sums of money and as such, the Nigerians had shut down the pipeline. Today who is talking of 'dumsor' again? As a medium term measure, President Nana Akufo Addo travelled to Equatorial Guinea recently to confer with the President of that country. By the time the President left that country, the government of Ghana signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the government of Equatorial Guinea for the supply of Liquefied Natural Gas to supplement Ghana's energy needs for fifteen years. When this issue was being discussed on a certain TV station after the President had returned from Equatorial Guinea, there was this panel member who was an NDC communication team member who was visibly ignorant about the process, thereby, misleading the public. He told his equally ignorant host that before the Liquefied Natural Gas could reach Ghana, it could take more than fifteen years to build pipe tracks to transport the LNG to the shores of Ghana. And he is an 'honorable' Member of Parliament! This man did not know that one of the easiest ways of transporting LNG from one country to the other is the use of Floating Liquefied Gas Platform or is it the resounding defeat that has dazed them? One argument that the NDC communicators make which amuses me is the issue of the one district, one factory flagship programme. They want factories to be seen sprouting throughout the country in a matter of nine months in office. They act as if somebody has given the President a timeline to deliver this campaign promise. NDC communicators sit in Accra and think Ghana is synonymous to Accra. Go to Atebubu in the Brong Ahafo Region and see wonders. Hon. Kennedy Agyapong and some Chinese have collaborated to build a big cassava processing factory at the place. Large acreage of cassava farms have been planted and in a matter of time the factory will kick start production. This factory is not like the John Mahama Sugar Factory at Komenda where no sugar cane was planted but a newly painted old sugar factory built by the CPP was commissioned as a Sugar Factory established by the NDC. If they thought they were throwing dust into the eyes of Ghanaians in the run-up to the 2016 general election, the people of Komenda knew. Who can show me where I can get Made in Komenda Sugar to buy in Ghana? You see, the reason why this current government and its appointees are performing wonderfully in a short time of being in office is that they know what should be treated as a priority and what should wait for another time. And they are focused despite all the attempts to distract them. President Akufo Addo knows very well that failure to deliver is not an option and he also knows that Ghanaians will never take any excuse for failure. Thankfully, Ghanaians know the mess caused by the defeated NDC and have sworn to support President Akufo-Addo to put things right. If you are a President and you have such a support, you will even put your nose on the grindstone to get things done right. As for Vice President Bawumia, I wonder if he even gets time to sleep. Suddenly he has become a workaholic and only God knows how his personal doctors are feeling. He has the conviction that Ghana will see glorious days and he is assiduously working to make that happen. The last time I saw the gentleman, I looked straight into his eyes and all that I could see was tiredness. The President and his Vice need our prayers as they trudge along to make Ghana a happy place to live and work. May the Lord God of Israel, He who delivered Jonah from the belly of the whale be with them in every step they take. Guardian Angel Gabriel will be on the lookout for saboteurs and nation wreckers. Still, the battle is the Lord's. By Eric Bawah I Thank God for having been in the Ghanaian political arena long enough to witness the good, the bad, and the ugly, I have realise that, Ghanaians should forget about the NDC Party and deal with those who " talk the talk, and walk the walk". Mr. President, you have proved beyond reasonable doubt that you are a doer and not "Dumsor will be a thing of the past or, I promise not to promise again". Indeed you are a man of your words. The economic state in which you found this country on January 2017 was so badly deteriorated that, if not by miracle then it is pure competence and higher level of determination to have implemented all these high cost of social intervention programs for 10 months as President of almost economically collapsed Ghana, you've provided to the world that, indeed you are Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, "the messiah" of the ordinary Ghanaian, you deserve praise and admiration. On behalf of nursing trainees, I say thank you , thank you for making the Ghanaian health system one of your most important priorities and also making our health workers feel encouraged, proud, and eager to serve their motherland. I remember John Mahama and his team refusing bluntly that " there was no money so they will not pay the nursing trainee allowance" and they did not! But under just a year, you have managed to pay the nursing trainee allowance and Ghanaians are so elated, feeling proud and lucky to have a President with such a big heart, indeed by your own words, you have shown to all of us that " not all politicians are liars ". On behalf of nursing trainees, from the depths of my heart I say thank you for making the Npp a party to vote for come 2020. Under your leadership, Ghana is working again! Once again I say, thank you Mr. President!!! David Kankam Boadu, Aspiring NPP National Chairman Kinshasa (AFP) - The election to pick DR Congo's next president will not happen before early 2019, the electoral commission said Wednesday, a delay that raises fresh security worries in the vast African nation. Polls were due this year under a transitional deal aimed at avoiding fresh political bloodshed after President Joseph Kabila refused to step down when his second mandate ended in December. But the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) said Wednesday it would need another 504 days to prepare for the vote after the completion of an electoral census, which is far from accomplished in the restive Kasai region. The delay could be reduced "if we accept to use voting machines and if we change the electoral law," a commission spokesman told AFP. The polls have been repeatedly pushed back and CENI said in July it would not be possible to hold a nationwide vote this year due to ongoing security issues, particularly in the Kasai area. Activists in the natural resource-rich nation of some 70 million immediately called for resistance to the delay. "There can be no more waiting. To the Congolese people... it's now or never," pro-democracy group LUCHA reacted on Twitter. Following a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on Wednesday, French Ambassador Francois Delattre called on Kinshasa to quickly release a full timetable for what he said must be "credible" elections. 'Transparent and peaceful elections' "The council expects a speedy publication of the electoral timetable and the implementation of the confidence-building measures. There is a consensus on this very important point," Delattre told reporters. The Security Council called for elections to be organised this year in the DR Congo, in line with a political agreement struck in December between the government and opposition groups. Under the deal, Kabila was allowed to remain in office pending the elections, ruling in tandem with a transitional watchdog and a new premier, to be chosen within opposition ranks. But diplomats privately acknowledged that holding polls in the vast African country in the coming three months would not be possible due to logistical hurdles. Diplomats said they did not consider the latest statement from the electoral commission as a formal timetable, which they stressed must contain specific dates for the vote. The head of the UN's peacekeeping mission in DR Congo, Maman Sidikou, said Wednesday that journalists, opposition supporters and activists in the country are the targets of intimidation and violence. "In this context of political uncertainty, the security situation has gotten worse in several regions," he said. Kabila was first propelled into office after his father, Laurent-Desire Kabila, was assassinated in January 2001, during the Second Congo War. The young soldier won a first elected five-year term in 2006 in a poll organised with the help of the large UN mission deployed in the country. In his address to the United Nations in September, he said he was "most certainly moving towards credible, transparent and peaceful elections" and that a timetable would be announced "soon."= Hundreds of trainee nurses and midwives in the Central Region have hailed the Nana Akufo-Addo-led New Patriotic Party (NPP) government for restoring the controversial students allowance. Class FM's regional correspondent, Maxwell Attah, who visited some nursing and midwifery training colleges in the region reported that students were filled with joy after a ceremony was held at Sunyani on Tuesday, October 10 to officially commence payment of the trainee allowance. Some beneficiaries at the Cape Coast Nursing and Midwifery Training College (CCNMTC) who spoke to Class News expressed gratitude to government for restoring the allowance after it was scrapped by the then John Mahama government in 2014. The trainee nurses also called on government to streamline the processes to get them immediately employed after they complete their programmes of study. Others impelled the Ministry of Health to review the rocketing semester fees which has been draining their financial resources. The restored allowances will see over 58,000 trainee nurses and midwives in various public nursing and midwifery training colleges (NMTC's) and a little over 45,000 teacher trainees in the 41 public colleges of education, receive over GHS400.00 every month from the Students Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) while in school. Trainee nurses and midwives are also expected to receive an additional two months allowance to enable them buy consumables for use in the hospital and on clinical duties. 12.10.2017 LISTEN Having been associated with the corridor of power both at the state and federal level in Nigeria, I doubt if the President is such a docile person as to allow his subordinates to manipulate his office the way our media made us to believe. To adjudge an official for corruption, justice demands proof or evidence. Islam enjoins Moslems always to be just. In this regard, I would like to comment on the ongoing discussion on the letter the Minister of state sent to the President complaining of being side-lined by the NNPC GMD, INSUBORDINATION, and contract award without channelling such awards through him as chairman of the NNPC board. My understanding of the issue is that, it is unimaginable to assume such a leak can happen without the knowledge or even consent of the Minister of State or anybody who is the author of such a document. From the content of the Minister's letter, it contained series of grievances which appeared to have accumulated. It is a common knowledge that the President has been away for over three months, common sense dictates that such accumulated differences should have been conveyed to the Acting President during the absence of the President. As I have said earlier, I am familiar with the happenings at the highest level of governance, both when I was a member of my state executive council for eight years and at national level as a Special Assistant to the President for four years. I know for sure that critical communications at the higher level are not normally done through a third party to avoid leakage of information. In view of that, Dr. Ibe Kachikwus letter must have been delivered to the President himself thereby eliminating the possibility of a third party knowing the content of such communication. A leakage in this regard can only come from either Dr. Kachikwu or the President himself. Common sense dictates that the President will not leak such communication to the public particularly as it was carried by almost all the print media immediately after the letter was submitted to the President. My feeling is that the leakage of the letter is simply made to embarrass the President and create an impression that he is not serious about following due process. Another point is that some four years ago when I was serving in the Political Thematic group of Vison 202020, I could recall that late Dr. Ibrahim Tahir, raised an issue on the Public Procurement Act of 2007, enacted during the tenure of President Obasanjo, which he felt very strongly about. Ibrahim Tahirs strong feeling rose from alienation of the Ministers and the Board of Federal Government Parastatals in the award of contract. His argument is that under the present system, the President, Governor and the Local Government Chairman are the only people mandated by the electorate to serve as Chief Executive Officers of the tier of government they are heading. The constitution, however, empowered them to delegate some of their powers to their subordinates including Ministers and Board of Parastatals. Dr. Tahir felt that it was odd for the Minister and the Board of parastatals not to have a role in matters pertaining award of contracts. Members of that thematic group can testify how vigorously Dr. Tahir tried to converse support to recommend changes in this regard but without success. To this extent the question of the NNPC GMD side-lining the Minister of State has no justification having regard to the provision of PPA act of 2006 in PART V ORGANISATION OF PROCUREMENTS under Accounting officer which states that 20. (1) The accounting officer of a procuring entity shall be the person charged with line supervision of the conduct of all procurement processes; in the case of ministries the Permanent Secretary and in the case of extra-ministerial departments and corporations the Director-General or officer of co-ordinate responsibility. (2) The accounting officer of every procuring entity shall have overall responsibility for the planning of, organization of tenders, evaluation of tenders and execution of all procurements and in particular shall be responsible for: (a) ensuring compliance with the provisions of this Act by his entity and liable in person for the breach or contravention of this Act or any regulation made hereunder whether or not the act or omission was carried out by him personally or any of his subordinates and it shall not be material that he had delegated any function duty or power to any person or group of persons; 22.(1) There is hereby established by this Act in each procuring entity a tenders board (in this Act referred to as the Tenders Board). (2) Subject to the approval of the Council, the Bureau shall, from time to time, prescribe guidelines for the membership of the Tenders Board. (3) The Tenders Board shall be responsible for the award of procurements of goods, works and services within the threshold set in the regulations. In view of the foregoing, it is clear that the PPA of 2007 does not confer any responsibility on the Ministers and Board of Parastatals on matters pertaining to public procurement. I am, however, aware that for some time Ministers and members of Board of Parastatals are grumbling over their exclusion in the process of public procurement and award of contract. On matters of insubordination, the Minister of States letter did not give sufficient details to enable an informed judgement by anyone on this matter. According to the Public Service Rules, any case of insubordination should be immediately reported for appropriate action. There is no indication where the Minister has reported the insubordination of the GMD of NNPC to the appropriate quarters. I am getting concerned at the current trend in Nigeria where a whistle blower is automatically regarded as telling the truth without investigation. I saw this in the case of a member who accused Speaker and members of house of representatives of budget padding and the media did not subject his allegation to proper scrutiny. For Nigerians to get it right, the practice whereby the accused is automatically presumed guilty is not in consonance with the principle of that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Johannesburg (AFP) - A South African court will rule Thursday on whether the suspicious 1971 death of an apartheid-era activist in custody was suicide, as police officers claimed, or actually a regime killing. For many, the case -- the culmination of a relentless campaign by the activist's family -- has brought back raw memories of apartheid. Ahmed Timol, a 29-year-old campaigner against white-minority rule, was arrested in Johannesburg and after five days in detention he died after plummeting from the city's police headquarters. Officers at the time said he took his own life -- a verdict endorsed by an inquest. But his family fought the ruling and have campaigned hard to secure the review that finally began in June. During the review, a Pretoria court has heard from pathologists, former security officers and victims of apartheid brutality. Their evidence has triggered emotional responses from the public gallery of court 2D -- including from the family who have been present at every hearing, and from struggle-era icons like George Bizos. A remorseful former officer who served in the feared security branch which held Timol spoke out about his squad's brutal techniques. The court also confronted the last security branch officer thought to have seen Timol alive. Joao Rodrigues was challenged by forensic questioning over apparent holes in his testimony. Rodrigues could face prosecution if the court finds that he played a role in the death, judge Billy Mothle warned him repeatedly. A long fight for justice "This entire story of a suicide is a fabrication and it's always difficult to maintain consistency in a fabrication," the Timol family's lawyer said during a hearing in August. The landmark case has revived memories of the apartheid-era police methods probed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which concluded its work in 1998. It has also given hope to families who lost loved ones in circumstances similar to the Timol family. In 1977, 23-year-old Matthews Mabelane, another anti-apartheid activist, plunged to his death from the same floor of the John Vorster police station. Now a victim support group is championing his case, giving his 95-year-old father hope that he will learn the truth at last. Between 1963 and 1990, human rights activists say 73 people died in police detention, sometimes in circumstances strikingly similar to Timol and Matthews. For the families looking for justice, the process has been an uphill struggle. "The government and the (ruling) African National Congress have not done anything for 20 years," Yasmin Sooka, of the Foundation for Human Rights in South Africa, which has helped finance the Timol family's campaign, told AFP recently. Accra (AFP) - Ghana is facing calls to update its laws on wildlife crime after fears the country has become a transit route for the illegal trade in pangolin scales. More than 31,000 kilograms (68,000 pounds) of scales from the nocturnal mammal have been seized across the world this year, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). In May and June, two major seizures were made in Malaysia, with at least 700 kg found to have been shipped through Ghana. Massive hauls of the scales have also been made in Uganda, Cameroon and Ivory Coast. IFAW's Mark Hofberg said most of the scales from Africa were traded to meet demand in Asia, where they are used in traditional medicine. The docile pangolin, which has a thick armour and is also known as a "scaly anteater", is indigenous to parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. Two of the eight species of pangolin are classed as "critically endangered" on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: two are "endangered" and four "vulnerable". Hofberg suggested the increase in seizures could be a sign the authorities are taking the issue seriously but he said many countries lacked strong laws to punish traffickers. The pangolin's brown scales are made of nothing more than keratin -- the same substance as fingernails -- but they are highly prized in Vietnam and China where they are misleadingly touted as bearing medicinal properties "For the pangolin trade to be significantly reduced, penalties and conviction rates must be appropriate," he told AFP. Harsher sanctions "would complement customs efforts" that have led to recent major seizures, he added. Sold at the roadside The pangolin is a protected animal in Ghana but the head of the Ghana Wildlife Commission, Nana Kofi Adu-Nsiah, said tougher legislation was needed. Current wildlife protection laws were passed in the 1960s and the commission wants them updated to reflect international standards and the global nature of wildlife crime. Three people were arrested in Ghana in connection with the June seizure in Malaysia. Pangolins are the most trafficked mammals in the world with their docile temperament making them easy prey for hunters Government officials believe new laws would stop Ghana becoming a transit point for trafficked animals but there is also concern over local hunting of the pangolin. Along main highways in Ghana, people can be seen selling live pangolins, which are usually held upside down, unravelled from the tail. The animals, which range in size from 30 to 100 centimetres (12 to 39 inches) can sell for about 200 cedi ($45/38 euros). Those responsible are usually impoverished. Wildlife Commission officers typically arrest anyone selling pangolins but Adu-Nsiah suggested a solution may be to buy the animals live from the sellers and re-home them elsewhere. Protected species It is not known how many pangolins survive in the wild in Ghana but their habitat has been hit by deforestation and development. Their temperament also makes them easy prey and has led to them becoming the most trafficked mammal in the world. "The nature of the animal makes it prone to attack by human beings. As soon as you touch it, it coils so humans can pick them up," said Adu-Nsiah. "They are not animals that can run quickly to protect themselves or defend themselves." When touched, pangolins coil up into a ball so they are very easy to pick up. Pictured is a baby Sunda pangolin from Southeast Asia which is critically endangered Cape Coast University student Daniel Konzin researches pangolins in the Kakum National Park, a 4.5-hour drive west of the capital, Accra. His team had been looking at the local use of the pangolin outside the protected areas, and found it used for food and the scales for spices. The research, sponsored by the Earthwatch Institute discovered people had come to communities to buy live pangolins and scales. "The species is so vulnerable you can just pick it up it will not attack you," he explained. "Sometimes when I see them I feel so sorry for them -- they cannot do anything to defend themselves against humans." Part of Konzin's work is to teach rural communities, whom he said were often surprised that the pangolin was protected. "The project is trying to educate people about the conservation status of the species we want to affect an attitude change amongst the people so that at least the species won't go extinct in Ghana." Government has disclosed it is considering to issue its energy bond in batches of two or three. Citi Business News understands this may be the case as it will attract relatively lower yields and reduce the debt repayment burden. The decision to avoid a wholesale issuing of the estimated 10 billion cedis or 2.5 billion dollar bond, according to Deputy Energy Minister in charge of Finance, Joseph Cudjoe is to attract the most competitive price as possible. It is unclear how many batches government is considering for the issuance. But Citi Business News understands there may be at least two. The first to be issued to raise 6 or 7 billion cedis and the subsequent one to raise the remaining as the case may be. We are looking at raising 6 to 7 billion cedis at this stage because sometimes when it comes to raising funds, strategically if you go in with the huge amounts, investors can bargain for a higher yield. But if you control it and make it smaller, then many investors that show interest can accept very competitive rates. The IMF has impressed on the government the need to issue the bond as a Sovereign one by which it will be deemed as an amount borrowed by the government of Ghana. This is in contrast with plans by the government to issue the bond on the books of State Owned Power companies with strong financial statements. Even though discussions have commenced on these positions, a Deputy Information Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah explains that the deliberations may not be ending at least until the end of this week. These meetings will be ongoing till about the 15th of October so it is not a matter that we will expect to finish off with soonthe only conversation that has come up is a question of how we will treat the bond once issued; we have a view and there are other persons who have other views. We have started a conversation on how it ought to be treated on the fiscal tables and we hope that we will all be able to come to a common page by the time the entire set of meetings are done, he stated. Despite the delay in the issuing of the bond, commercial banks on whose books these debts sit have assured of their readiness to meet government halfway in reducing the cost of the debt following appeals by government for them to do so. Government is seeking to finance the bond with proceeds from the energy sector levy act which is estimated to have accrued a little over 3.29 billion cedis as at the end of 2016. By: Pius Amihere Eduku/ Tutors of Bolgatanga Nursing Training College in the Upper East Region who locked the office of the schools principal, have backed down on their demands temporarily following an assurance from the Upper East Regional Minister, Rockson Bukari, that the matter will soon be investigated. The tutors, numbering about 18, took a unilateral decision to lock up the office of the principal, Mr. Bawa Awula, accusing him of violating the Procurement Act in the procurement of goods and services as well as neglecting the plight of both lecturers and students. They also threatened to boycott lectures as they demanded that the principal steps aside to pave way for investigations into his conduct. But the tutors reconsidered their stance after Mr. Bukari visited the school in a bid to address their concerns. Mr. Bukari instructed that the school suspends all financial transactions until Monday 16th October, when the schools governing council will be constituted to commence investigations into the matter. Let me assure that, for all the concerns you have raised, solutions will be found to them. Meanwhile, open the office of the principal so that due process will be followed to address the concerns, the Minister urged. The school has also been directed to cease all financial transactions. Mr. Bukari said he had instructed that, nobody should sign any school cheque for now and that, the acting Regional Director, Dr. Razak Dokurugu, should write a letter to the schools bank to suspend withdrawals until Monday 16th October, when the schools governing council will be inaugurated to investigate the matter. A senior lecturer and convener for the lecturers, Edward Atiim, lauded the swift intervention of the Minister and opened the office of the principal. By: Frederick Awuni/ The least said about Victor K. Owusu and his lack of knowledge of court proceedings, the better. It doesn't matter which Judge presides over the UEW case, it is still going to be the 1992 Constitution and all other relevant laws in force at the material time, that is going to be applied by the Judge to the facts put before the court by the plaintiff and the accused to enable the court arrive at a 'constitutional' decision. The embattled officials can even go to Nigeria and hire public relations practitioners to come to Ghana and spew out all the lies in this world to back their hollow stand like one politician did just before the 2016 general elections, the rule of law will still triumph at the end of the day. Anyone who believes that the UEW legal tussle can be won by spewing out outright fabricated falsehoods in the media about anyone who is in support of the judicial process running its normal course is in for a tough time. An ex-governing council member of UEW hereinafter referred to as ex-councillor, put out some garbage in the media about 2 days ago. So, this very worried ex-councillor, is not really worried about the fatal grammatical errors in his submission, but very worried about alleged illegalities he took part in perpetuating? At least, rookie Victor K. Owusu knows that you should have used malfeasance, instead of malfeasant. Mr. worried ex-councillor, please see Victor K. Owusu in that regard. If you even want to know who anyone in this world is in 'bed' with at any given time, apart from Victor K. Owusu and his apparatchiks, talk to him. No wonder during the period that you were a council member, you participated in approving 'killer' fees for UEW students. For instance, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) students pay not less Ghc 500 for internship and a similar amount as training fees. These 2 'killer' fees alone, put an extra Ghc 1,000 on the fees of all BBA students. For the so-called training, a resource person brought in to facilitate the training is paid an insulting Ghc 600, NOT per hour or per day, but for everything. Each student is also given a bottle of malt and one meat pie. Mr Ex councillor, are you not worried about this daylight robbery of poor Ghanaians by a council you were a member? Also, with the internship, lecturers at the Business School were stopped from going on internship supervision last academic year (2016/17). Naturally, those students who are now rendering their national service should have been refunded about 80% of their internship fees, but not even a pesewa or a reasonable explanation was offered them by your council. The mentors at the institutions where the students are accepted for their internship are supposed to be paid Ghc 40 per student accepted for the internship. For well over 3 years now, not a single mentor has been paid this money. The current council is yet to superintend over an internship. I supervised some students on internship during the 2015/16 academic year, at a medical facility, and was made to feel ashamed of being a staff of UEW. A very old man working at the medical facility told me that, for the past 3 years, as at December 2015, that the Ghc 40 payable by UEW per student mentored, was never paid. He thought I was bringing him the money when he encountered me as a lecturer from UEW coming to conduct internship supervision. Students are charged not less than Ghc 500 for a service, and Ghc 100 can realistically provide that service. Mr Ex councillor, are you not worried about this? Are you not really worried that a 'vampire' at UEW has taken almost all Ghanaians for a ride, to enrich himself and a few cronies like yourself at the expense of poor Ghanaians? This 'vampire' devises crafty ways of taking money from parents whose wads are studying at UEW, invest these funds, and take his cut of 3% or 5% in the name of honorarium payment on income, claiming to be directly involved in the income generation. Is it the lecturer who has no office to operate from, and stands in front of an overcrowded classroom to deliver the core mandate of the university, or someone chilling off in an air-conditioned office, together with the fastest Wifi connection who is directly involved in the income generation of UEW? Are you not worried about this? It is evident from your article that you "can't think far", so I have to digress a little here. All UEW staff, deserve an honorarium payment for being directly involved in the income generation. For example, UEW security guards provide security at all campuses of UEW, thus, enabling all and sundry, to go about their daily routines, peacefully. This peaceful existing atmosphere at UEW is then broadcast around the world, and ends up attracting more students to UEW, whose fees are then invested by a 'vampire' who then manipulates other 'greedy bastards' to approve a stinking to high heaven looting conduit pipe, cleverly termed honorarium payment to so-called officials directly involved in the income generated. Where is the fairness in this Mr Ex councillor? Are you not worried about this 'monkey de work baboon de chop' setting? Are the security guards not human beings like you and your fellow 'blood-sucking vampires'? Mr Ex councillor, so you are not worried that apart from you and your other partners in national funds looting, who got their allowances and other claims paid within the hour, all allowances and claims for the 'nobodies' at UEW took not less than 3 months to be processed during your tenure? Are you not worried about the fact that national laws provide for 15 working days annual leave, and you participated in perpetuating an 'illegality' by approving over 60 days annual leave for a selected few? If anyone wants over 60 days annual leave, are they not better off resigning from their positions and going on a permanent vacation? If section 20 (1) of the Labour Act 2003, (Act 651) provides for statutory leave of not less than 15 working days in a given year, that doesn't give you and your cohorts 'unfettered powers' to approve over 60 working days annual leave for your cronies. Would you approve 62 working days annual leave for the Directors of a company you happen to be a shareholder? Are you not worried that you are so daft that you fail to comprehend that a Presidential Directive has no legal authority whatsoever over the 1992 Constitution or any Act of Parliament? All those contracts which are being disputed by the Akpeteshie seller, regarding procedural irregularities in the award process, would be looked at with a microscopic lens Vis-a-Vis the 1992 Constitution, the Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) (PPA 2003), as amended. Your vain explanations have no legal basis whatsoever! A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), cannot take precedence over an Act of Parliament. If an MoU should have legal precedence over an Act of Parliament, then what will be the reason for government wasting taxpayers money in running a Public Procurement Authority in addition to appointing a Minister of State responsible for that grey area? It is apparent from your submissions that you are one of those who were basically on the UEW governing council, for the allowances sake, and not for any other reason. Without mincing words, you are counselled freely to start talking to a good lawyer, as that is your only avenue out of a possible time in jail. The naked robbery you lot indulged in at UEW, could only have taken place with semi-literates like you packed on the council. What economic or productive input could you have offered in the formulation of a viable policy, given the fact that malfeasance caused you nightmares? This is not a case that will be decided by the 'court of public opinion' based on the sponsored, desperate and incoherent explanations you goofed out there. A majority of discerning Ghanaians, have been fleeced to the marrow by you and your co-conspirators, so you should be prepared to face the consequences of your shameful actions or inactions during your councillor-ship tenure at UEW. Your tacit appeal to Ghanaians to rise up against the judiciary, is akin to the failed attempt by a selfish and inward-looking ex UTAG executives, to link a purely legal issue with so-called academic freedom. I guarantee you, together with your sorrowful and wishful snarls that the unending arms of the 1992 Constitution, the PPA 2003, and other relevant laws of this country, will surely catch up with you. End of story! Alhassan Salifu Bawah (son of a peasant farmer) Many Jackson County residents can trace their roots back to the farm within a generation or two. While some folks are no longer involved in day-to-day farming operations, many still have a connection to the farm by retaining ownership of the land. The amount of farmland in Wisconsin that is leased has increased, as farmers retire and rent land to others to operate. According to the latest National Census of Agricultural, 20-29 percent of farmland in Jackson County is rented, while approximately 40-49 percent of Wisconsin farmland is rented, over 60 percent is rented to other operators in Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota. For those farmers and landowners who enter into rental agreements, the value of farmland cannot be understated. Both parties recognize the importance of the resource, however arriving at an equitable value for both can be challenging. Both the landowner and renter legitimately seek to recover their direct and opportunity costs. The success of the lease agreement depends on meeting the needs of all parties. Determining an equitable value Determining rental rates is not an exact science. Local demand and supply conditions, anticipated market conditions and even long-standing working relationships can have some bearing on rental rate negotiations. It is in the best interest of both parties to establish and record rental agreements that are equitable. To determine an equitable rental rate, each party should first budget their ownership and operating expenses. This will determine an owners minimum rate and a renters maximum rate, creating a ballpark range. It is also helpful to begin the conversation with an objective source. The Wisconsin Agricultural Statistics Service (WASS) conducts annual surveys of cash rental averages by county. For Jackson County, non-irrigated cropland cash rent averaged $108 per acre as of September 2017. In 2016 the average cash rental rate was $99.50 per acre. Remember that this is an average rate, and Jackson Countys rental range is $45 per acre to more than $200. So how can two parties determine if they are above or below the average, and by how much? Rental rates are driven by three major factors. Soil type or yield potential is the most important factor either parties should consider. If you do not know the lands soil type or yield potential, consider using the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil Survey ( The Web Soil Survey tool allows one to look up farmland soil type and yield potential, which could then be compared to the county average. Keep in mind that the yield potentials are a benchmark for what can be expected as a minimum from the particular soil type with average weather. A second major factor is local demand, which can be determined in a number of ways, including the location of the farmland and competition for farmland in the region. This can often be determined by township, talking with neighbors or advertising. A third major factor is the number of contiguous acres and ease of farming. A flat 80-acre field with ease of access is more valuable than a cluster of 10-acre fields of odd shape with knolls and swales with springs. Some other factors affecting rental rates may include enrollment in government programs, which generally have payments tied to those acres from the Farm Bill program. Length of rental contract can also impact rates. A longer-term contract will encourage investment in the property with lime and fertilizer, and perhaps soil conservation practices such as creation of contour strips, grass waterways and low or no-till practices. Pasture rental rates generally follow a contribution approach; a method to estimate the annual costs to own and operate a pasture enterprise. Once the expenses of both parties is estimated, the next step is for the parties to clearly specify the stocking rate in the lease agreement. It is important to specify the stocking rate by number of head and type (bull, cow, yearling, etc.) and weight to be grazed. Assuming either party is managing fertilizer levels appropriately, production could range from 2-4 tons of grass per acre. Consider a beginning and end weight per animal to determine an average carrying capacity, and the fact that forage intake is roughly 2.5-3 percent of the animals body weight. For example an animal with an average weight of 500 pound may eat 13 pounds per day or approximately a quarter ton per month. Low quality forage may sell for $40-50 per ton, therefore the value of the pasture could be $10 per head per month for this type of animal. Lease agreement examples and crop share agreements Whichever type of rental agreement parties negotiate, it is recommended to document your rental agreement with more than just a handshake. Proper documentation protects your investments and could give you priority over other potential renters. Extensions Ag Lease 101 ( offers a number of resources for rental agreements including various examples of agricultural lease agreements and information about crop-share rental arrangements for your farm. Crop-share agreements refer to a method of leasing crop land where the production (crop) is shared between the landowner and the operator. Many recent rental agreements were negotiated during times when commodity prices were higher. Crop-share lease agreements may allow for greater flexibility for both parties when significant price shifts occur. Relationships, the key to successful rental agreements Open communication is essential for successful rental agreements. Relationships are easy when things are going smooth. When challenges arise, the real tests begin. Talk, and more importantly listen, to find out what is valued by the partner in your agreement. A written contract will help clearly define expectations and avoid misunderstandings. Renting farm assets workshop For those interested in learning more about renting farm assets and successful agricultural lease agreements, UW-Extension is offering a workshop for farmland renters and land owners. The program will be held on Monday, Nov. 13 at Riverland Energy Cooperative in Arcadia. The program will be offered from 1-4 p.m. and again from 6-9 p.m. Topics to be discussed include: Breakdown of land prices around the region/state and what drives farmland rental rates. How to include conservation practices in rental contracts and impact on rental value. Projected farm profitability in Wisconsin and the Midwest for 2018. Review of flexible leases and tools to help landlords and renters decide if a flexible lease contract will work for them. Legal issues involved with renting farm assets and what makes for a legal contract. Guest speakers include Bruce Jones, UW Dept. of Agriculture Economics; Bruce Brovold, Kostner, Koslo & Brovold LLC.; and Steve Okonek and Trisha Wagner, UW-Extension agents. For more information contact the Trempealeau or Jackson County UW-Extension office. Lawra, (U/W), Oct. 5, GNA - President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has hinted that three more districts in the Upper West Region will soon be elevated to the status of Municipal Assemblies to facilitate speedy development. 'The Minister of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) will soon announce this after concluding the creation of all the Legislative Instruments (L.I.)', he said. President Akufo-Addo gave the hint when he paid a courtesy call on the Paramount Chief of the Lawra Traditional Area, Naa Puowelle Karbo II during his two-day tour of the Upper West Region. 'I can assure you that Lawra is among the three districts that will be elevated to the status of a Municipality'', he told Naa Karbo. On rural electrification, the President also announced that 106 communities in the Upper West Region would be connected to the National grid to boost economic activity in those communities. President Akufo-Addo said the intention of his government was to achieve universal electricity coverage across Ghana by the end of the four-year mandate. Naa Karbo II congratulated the President for the implementation of bold social interventions such as the Free SHS, which according to him had lifted the burden off parents' shoulders. The Paramount Chief disclosed that the Lawra Nursing Training School had been awarded a Diploma status due to its sterling performance, but the school lacked basic infrastructure which needed urgent attention from government. He also reminded government about the construction of a bridge across the Dikpe River to boost economic activity between Lawra and their neighbours in Burkina Faso. Mr Anthony Aba-ifaa Karbo, Member of Parliament for the Lawra Constituency and Deputy Minister for Roads and Highways said the Dikpe Bridge had been captured among other important bridges in the country that would soon be constructed by the government. Madam Otiko Afisa Djaba, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection directed that the single school that was not benefiting from the School Feeding Programme out of the 45 schools in the Lawra District should be included for the programme to achieve universal coverage in the district. She said the caterers for the feeding programme were solely reserved for women as a deliberate measure to empower them economically and warned the men who were putting in applications to be recruited caterers to stay away. Madam Otiko said the programme was also intended to empower farmers by buying foodstuff from them directly and also to promote the consumption of locally produced foodstuff in the country. She said as a result, the School Feeding programme would be renamed the 'Ghana Home Grown School Feeding', hinting that the new name would be launched very soon. On the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP), the Gender Minster said the vision was to transform the programme beyond giving and receiving out handouts to empowerment through skills training in order for beneficiaries to become independent. Madam Otiko appealed to all to take advantage of the Free SHS policy and bring an end to child marriage, saying 'no one now has an excuse to give your child out for marriage because you do not have money to cater for her education. GNA By Prosper K. Kuorsoh, GNA Tamale, Oct 05, GNA - The government has begun the process to deploy the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) to all the 26 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the Northern Region to ensure efficient management of resources. To this end, a forum was held in Tamale for planners, administrators and budget officers of the MMDAs in the region to discuss the roadmap and major activities to ensure a smooth implementation of the system. GIFMIS is an integrated computerised financial management system that facilitates budget preparation and execution, accounting and financial reporting, cash management, assets management, human resource and payroll management amongst others. Implementation of GIFMIS started in 2012 and currently all headquarters of Ministries, Departments and Agencies subsisting on the consolidated fund are using the GIFMIS for processing their financial transactions while 60 MMDAs have also been hooked onto the GIFMIS. Mr Ken Ofori Atta, the Minister of Finance, in a speech read on his behalf, said the implementation of GIFMIS was in line with government's efforts at creating a more business friendly environment and to harness better opportunities for the people through improved fiscal discipline. Mr Ofori Atta urged MMDAs to accept the GIFMIS and use it to process their financial transactions including internally generated fund transactions to ensure success. Mr Eugene Ofosuhene, the Controller and Accountant-General, said similar fora would be held in the middle and southern belts of the country after which the remaining 156 MMDAs would be hooked onto the GIFMIS. Mr Ofosuhene, therefore, entreated Management of MMDAs to accord the GIFMIS team the needed cooperation to ensure a successful roll-out of the system. Dr Nana Ato Arthur, Head of Local Government Service, also urged MMDAs to demonstrate commitment to the GIFMIS by providing the necessary information to ensure smooth implementation. GNA By Albert Futukpor, GNA Accra, Oct. 05, GNA - Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, Majority Leader and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, has attributed the high attrition rate of Members of Parliament (MPs) to the increasing monetization of internal party politics. This he said was proving detrimental to parliamentary work. He urged political parties to do serious introspection as this practice of opening the gates at the end of every four years was not advancing Ghana's democracy in any way. Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu made these remarks in his presentation at the Centre for Social Democracy (CSD) Ghana's Public Forum on 'Parliamentary Oversight and Good Governance' in Accra. The forum was organised by the CSD in partnership with the Political Science Department of the University of Ghana, with support from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. On capacity building of MPs, Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu said: 'Members of Ghana's Parliament must themselves understand the principles of responsibility, equality before the law and urgent need to develop, imbibe and foster a culture of rejection of corruption and impunity. 'Parliament and Parliamentarians understanding their work simply means capacitating Parliament and Parliamentarians. Building the capacity of Parliamentarians is not a one-year or even four-year event. It requires time,' he added. He said: 'It is not for nothing that any objective assessment of performance of MPs in Ghana would yield the names of Papa Owusu Ankamah, Dr Benjamin Kunbour, W. O Boafo - all former Members, Alban Bagbin, Doe Adjaho (the former Speaker) Dr Anthony Akoto Osei, and need I add my humble self as very knowledgeable and experienced and prolific debaters and law-makers.' 'These people are not instant products, they are men of the days before yesterday,' the Majority Leader stated. On the structure of Parliamentary Committees, Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu said it was self-evident that Parliament was as strong as its Committees make it. He cited that one of the most high profile Committees in Parliament was the Public Accounts Committee. 'A cardinal reason for its strength is that it is chaired by a minority member. By statutes it is only the Public Accounts Committee that is so structured,' he said. With regards to the fight against corruption, Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu said it was important that Ghanaians acknowledged that prevention, detection and fight against corruption and healing, reviving and uplifting the instruments for good democratic governance was a responsibility of all stakeholders including groups outside the public sector such as Civil Society Organizations, and Community-Based Organizations. 'Many people recognised the deficit in the oversight responsibility of Parliament. Notwithstanding, correcting the deficiencies in the system should be a collective responsibility even though, admittedly, the role of Parliament is, admittedly very huge,' Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu noted. 'Parliament is capable of elevating its performance since, as we have seen, a lot of the problems are self-inflicted,' he stated. Mr Antonio Edem Asinyo, Fellow, CSD - Ghana, said the objective of the forum was to critically examine the oversight function of Parliament within the context of promoting good governance and fighting corruption. GNA By Iddi Yire/Doris Amenyo, GNA Cape Coast (C/R), Oct. 5, GNA - Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has presented a 33-seater bus to the Saint Augustine's College, at Cape Coast, in fulfilment of a pledge he made earlier in the year. The pledge was made following an appeal from the College's authorities, at Speech and Prize-Giving Day and 87th Anniversary Celebration, to the Government to provide them with a vehicle. Vice President Bawumia, in making the presentation, expressed gratitude to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the Ghana Education Trust Fund for making the vehicle available for the School. He said education was a priority for the Government and it would thus commit resources to ensure its steady progression to enable the country to develop rapidly through quality human resource dividend. He said the implementation of the Free Senior High School Policy signaled the Government's determination to provide an all inclusive education to build the country's human capital and ensure prosperity for all Ghanaians. Mr Joseph Connel, the Headmaster of the College, also commended the Vice President for keeping to his promise. He said the gesture would address the transportation needs of the school and appealed again to the Government to address the logistical constraints of the College. GNA 12.10.2017 LISTEN Effiakuma (W/R), Oct. 5, GNA - Mrs Lily-Versta Nyarko, the Executive Secretary of Ghana Alliance for Clean Cookstove and Fuels (GHACCO), has appealed to the government to reduce taxes and import duties placed on clean cook stoves and its components. This, she said, would increase the production of the stoves, make them affordable as well as save the nation's forest from further depletion. Mrs Nyarko made the appeal during the Western Regional launch of the 'clean cookstove project' in Takoradi. The launch, organised by Ghana Alliance for Clean Cookstove in collaboration with DAASGIFT Quality Foundation and sponsored by Strategic Support to Clean Cooking Sector in Ghana (SSCCIG), all non-governmental organisations, was on the theme 'Cooking Must Not Kill.' The GHACCO Executive Secretary said it was important for the government and other stakeholders to invest in the clean cookstove project to reduce deaths from exposure to household air pollution which occurred during cooking. Mrs Nyarko said GHACCO recognised the need towards reducing the more than 13,000 deaths which occurred each year as a result of exposure to household air pollution (HAP) from cooking; and the more than 21 million people who were affected by exposure to HAP each year. She explained that exposure to smoke from traditional cook stoves and open fires contributed to a wide range of illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, cataracts, lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, low birth weight and burns. She noted that clean cook stoves reduced fuel use and exposure to harmful cooking smoke; adding that it did not only improve upon cooking but also contributed to job creation in the cooking value chain through research, technology development, promotion and marketing. Dr Kwaku Afriyie, the Western Regional Minister in a speech read on his behalf, commended GHACCO for conceiving the idea and implementing the project in the Region. He noted with concern that despite the various inventions by government for people to use improved fuel for cooking, many people especially in the rural areas still used fire wood in cooking which had serious health implications on them and the environment. 'According to the World Health Organisation four million deaths in 2012 were attributed to household air pollution and about 2.6 billion people in the world still relied on firewood, charcoal and coal for cooking.' He said to address the situation, the government reintroduced the LPG promotion programme, which was intended to increase the use of LPG as a main cooking fuel in households to 50 per cent by 2020. 'As stakeholders, we therefore, need to step up our concerted efforts on activities and actions aimed at ensuring increased usage of clean cooking systems in the country. Apart from saving lives, the use of clean cookstove would also help create jobs for our people,' he added. Mr Alexis Kwame Donyinah, Project Manager of SSCCIG, said the launch was another landmark for his organisation and was hopeful that the project would yield positive results and inspire all to use improved cooking technology to protect lives and save the environment. Madam Gifty Baaba Asmah, Executive Director and Regional Coordinator of GHACCO, encouraged all households to use clean cookstoves and save their lives and the environment. GNA By Justina Paaga, GNA Accra, Oct. 05, GNA - Dr Nii Kotei Dzani, the President of Group Ideal, has been named the Overall Best Achiever at the just-ended 40 Under 40 Awards ceremony. The awards, aims at identifying and honouring a cross-section of the nation's most influential and accomplished young business fellows under the 40 years, who are making significant impact in the industry they operate. It also to highlight these individuals' impeccable results through their commitment to business growth, professional excellence and community service. Dr Dzani took home two awards on the night; 'The Best Investor Under 40' and The Overall Best Achiever Under 40.' Commenting on his feat, Dr Dzani said: 'I am sincerely grateful to the organisers for such an honor. To my team of great minds, who head the various institutions under the Groupe Ideal umbrella, I say thank you for your dedication in bringing our vision to life, I could not have achieved this recognition without your incredible input.' 'This special night brings memories of the toil, the challenges, hard critical decisions that had to be made and also the joy of the many successful milestones the Companies have chalked along the way. 'I believe this award will lead us onto greater things as we continue to give our cherished customers the Ideal Experience. We will continue to do even more and better to serve our mother Ghana.' Dr Dzani is a distinguished Entrepreneur and Businessman with extensive business experience as an Economist and accomplished Business Owner. He is also the Greater Accra member of Council of state. He has considerable years of experience in managing Micro & SME financing operations in Ghana. His academic credentials include a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana; and an Honorary Doctorate from the Oral Roberts University, Oklahoma, USA. He also holds an MBA in Corporate Governance & Finance from the University of Hull, United Kingdom. He is currently pursuing a professional Law Degree. Groupe Ideal's portfolio comprise: Ideal Finance, First Trust Savings and Loans, Ideal Capital partners, Ideal Asset Solutions, Ideal Trade, TV Africa, Ideal Pension Trust, Ideal Insurance brokers, Tsaste Foundation, a CSR wing of the Groupe Ideal Financial Holdings, Force 64 Security and Westfield Offshore Consult. Groupe Ideal currently operates in the areas of Investment Banking, Business Finance, Trade, Asset Management, Mining and Offshore Consultancy Services, Media and Security Services. Many Ghanaian youth are earning a living from the operations of these companies. GNA Kumasi, Oct 05, GNA - The President of the Christian Service University College, Professor Samuel Afrane, has called for intensification of the anti-corruption fight to protect the national purse. He said the abuse of public office for private gain could not continue and must stop. He was addressing a press conference to herald a public lecture on corruption by the University College. This would be held tomorrow, Friday, under the theme 'Institutional corruption in Ghana, causes and effects'. It comes on the heels of the 2015 report by Transparency International and Afrobarometer that showed that corruption was on the rise in sub-Saharan Africa. Globally, bribery is said to chip off two per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of countries, representing between US$1.5 million and US$2 trillion dollars, annually. Prof. Afrane identified weak supervision, failure to punish corrupt officials, and disregard for code of ethics as some of the factors, fueling corrupt practices. The situation needed to radically change, offenders should be made to face punitive sanctions to serve as deterrent to others, he added. GNA By Dorothy Frances Ward, GNA Lawra, Oct. 05, GNA - President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has pledged the Government's commitment to ensuring universal coverage and access to electricity to all parts of Ghana, by the end of his tenure. Addressing the Lawra Traditional Council, on the second day of his seven-day tour of the three Northern Regions, President Akufo-Addo said he was not happy that 'the Upper West Region, like the two other Northern Regions, are the most disadvantaged when it comes to electricity coverage and access is concerned.' 'This year, 2017, and next year, 2018,' the President told the Council headed by the Lawra Naa, Naa Puowele Karbo, '106 communities in the Upper West are going to be connected to the national grid.' 'The pledge I have given is that by end of my term, there will be universal access to electricity to all parts of Ghana, including the Upper West Region.' President Akufo-Addo also announced the creation of three new municipalities in Upper West Region, including Lawra. He told the council that the Free Senior High School policy being implemented by his Administration had resulted in an increase of more than 90,000 admissions this academic year, saying these would otherwise have dropped out at that stage of education. The President assured that with the restoration of the Teacher Training allowances in September 2017; the Nurses Training Allowance would also be restored by October 10, 2017. On the revival of the National Health Insurance Scheme, President Akufo-Addo stressed that his government has within nine months cleared GH560 million out of the GH1.2 billion of debt inherited from the previous government. This, he said, had ensured that the businesses of healthcare providers did not collapse, and had also resulted in the delivery of healthcare to Ghanaians. President Akufo-Addo appealed for the support of the Chiefs and people of Lawra for the success of his Government, whose sole aim, he said, was to improve the living conditions of Ghanaians to ensure a happy and prosperous citizens. GNA 12.10.2017 LISTEN Accra, Oct. 5, GNA - Mr Samuel Atta Akyea, Minister of Works and Housing has stated that government would partner the private sector in the provision of affordable housing units to address the housing deficit in the country. According to him, the Ministry is implementing the Affordable Housing Programme with the aim of providing adequate, decent and affordable housing, particularly for the low and middle-income groups. Mr Atta Akyea made this known in Parliament on the occasion of this year's World Habitat Day. The theme adopted by Ghana for this year's celebration is 'Housing Policies: Affordable Homes'. The World Habitat Day was first observed in 1985 as an international event to reflect on the state of human settlement and the basic right to adequate shelter for all. This year's celebrations are quite special as they coincide with the first anniversary of the New Urban Agenda adopted in Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador. Mr Atta Akyea also noted that, recognising low income levels as a challenge on the demand side of housing in Ghana, government is adopting cost saving technologies and new technologies of construction as well as innovative mortgage financing. He said one of the major bottlenecks facing housing delivery in Ghana is financing and as such the government is adopting a two-pronged approach to mobilizing funds both domestically and internationally to support the housing sector. Mr Atta Akyea said government is undertaking a number of policy reforms and initiatives to ensure sustainable development of the construction industry. 'The Draft Ghana Building Code, which was enacted in 1988 has been reviewed by the Ministry and its stakeholders and is ready for adoption. The ministry is also seeking cabinet approval before the final Bill on the Condominium properties as well as waiting for cabinet's approval and the establishment of Real Estate Agency to regulate real estate agency practice including the sale, purchase, rental and leasing of real estate and related fixed assets and to provide for connected purposes.' He said as part of government's effort to curb the rampant encroachment and illegal acquisition of its landed properties, the Ministry secured a grant from the Japanese government with counterpart funding from the Government of Ghana to create a database with digital images of all government landed properties using Geographic information systems (GIS). Mr Atta Akyea further announced that the National Housing Policy (NHP) Implementation Plan is at its conclusive stage. According to him, the document has undergone stakeholder consultative assessment, and contains strategies that would go a long way to solve the myriad of urban housing problems facing the people. He said the policy, which is a legal housing framework for the housing value chain is intended to help government regulate the housing sector. He explained that such legislations are meant to streamline the activities of industry players whilst at the same time ensuring professionalism. Dr Rashid Pelpuo, Member of Parliament (MP) for Wa Central in his contribution to the statement, urged the Minister to back his pronouncement with practical measures on how to resolve the housing deficit in the country. Mr Frank Annor Dompreh, MP for Nsawam/ Adoajiri on his part called on the Minister to address the issue of affordability since most of the housing projects undertaken by government were beyond the means of most Ghanaians. He said for government to be able to provide affordable housing to the people it must look at the cost saving technologies and new technologies of construction. GNA Accra, Oct. 05, GNA - Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, says government is ready to partner with private investors in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector to turn the current seemingly helpless sanitation situation into viable job creation opportunities for the youth. He said government would continue to create the needed enabling environment and therefore welcomed private sector investment in sanitation and water supply, especially in the areas of innovative technologies, infrastructure and services. In a speech read on his behalf at the ongoing 28th Edition of the Mole Conference Series in Accra by Mr Michael Gyato, Deputy Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Dr Bawumia called on all private investors, young university graduates, civil engineers, business-minded people, and academia, to explore business opportunities in the water and sanitation challenge to help solve the problem, while creating jobs. His statement were contained in a release issued to the GNA by the Resource Centre Network (RCN) Ghana. H said government, as part of efforts to tackle the dwindling funding for the WASH sector, was working to mop up domestic funds to provide the needed infrastructure for the delivery of quality water and sanitation services in the country, and assured of government's commitment to establishing the Sanitation Fund as captured in the NPP's manifesto. 'To give the new WASH sector a clear sense of focus and direction, the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Mr. Joseph Kofi Adda has announced that an Integrated Strategy for Water and Sanitation with an action plan would soon be rolled out and that out of the strategy, a policy document has been drafted for cabinet's consideration in the establishment of the national Sanitation Authority (NSA), as indicated in the 2017 national budget statement,' the release said. Delivering an address on the theme: 'Ghana's Lower Middle Income Status: Implications for Sustainable WASH Services Delivery', Professor Christopher Gordon, Director of the Institute of Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS) of the University of Ghana, described the practice of Open Defecation (OD) as a disgrace to Ghana, adding that every child who died from an avoidable diseases was an indictment on the nation. He said Ghanaians should take charge and ownership, and accept their responsibility as a people for fixing the problems that existed in sanitation and water, in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) goal 6 targets. Currently organised by the Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS), the Mole Conference Series has witnessed consistent growth of interest and importance since its inception in 1989 among civil society, policy makers, Ministries, Departments and Agencies, local government, private sector and development partners alike. The conference has evolved from what was primarily an NGO forum into a multi-stakeholder platform within the WASH Sector in Ghana. GNA The first segment of a controversial high-voltage power line between La Crosse and Madison is in service, even as the courts consider legal challenges to the project. Earlier this week, American Transmission Co. announced it had electrified a 20-mile stretch of the 345-kilovolt line known as Badger Coulee between Middleton and the town of Vienna in Dane County. And work continues along the Interstate 90/94 corridor, and crews began clearing right-of-way Thursday in Trempealeau County between Taylor and Blair. Construction has yet to begin in La Crosse County, where the project faces a challenge by the town of Holland that is now before the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. A joint venture of ATC and utilities including La Crosse-based Dairyland Power Cooperative, the 180-mile line will run between the Madison suburbs and a substation in Holmen, where it will connect to another high-voltage line, CapX2020, which brings power from Minnesota. The owners say the lines will lower electricity costs, improve the reliability and efficiency of the electric grid, and bring low-cost wind energy into Wisconsin. Opponents contend it was unnecessary and will discourage cheaper alternatives like conservation and local renewable energy investments. Either way, the costs will be shared by electricity customers in 15 Midwestern states and one Canadian province, with Wisconsin residents covering about 15 percent of the cost, according to the PSC. The town of Holland asked a court to review the Wisconsin Public Service Commissions approval of the $580 million project as well as its decision to route the line along the Hwy. 53 corridor on separate poles across the highway from another high-voltage line. Judge Todd Bjerke denied the towns primary claim but found the PSCs siting decision lacked any rational basis and ordered the commission to reconsider requests to string the line on the same poles as CapX. The town appealed, arguing the PSCs determination of necessity the basic requirement for allowing a project to be constructed at ratepayer expense was based on an incorrect interpretation of state law. The PSC filed its own appeal, seeking to overturn Bjerkes order that the commission reconsider the routing, calling it wholly unsupported. Bjerke initially ordered work stopped on the La Crosse County portion of the line but later lifted the injunction after ATC argued that a delay would cost ratepayers an additional $2.5 million. ATC has yet to begin construction in La Crosse or Trempealeau counties, but company spokeswoman Kaya Freiman said the project remains on schedule to be in service by the end of 2018, which means much if not all will be built before the Court of Appeals issues a ruling. Jablonski worries that completion of the line could effectively nullify a victory by the town, though Bjerke said if the town prevails the burden will be on ATC to remove the line. They didnt have to put a shovel in the ground until a year after the last appeal was dead, Jablonski said. Theyre the ones who decided to do it this way. The owners say the lines will lower electricity costs, improve the reliability and efficiency of the electric grid, and bring low-cost wind energy into Wisconsin. Opponents contend it was unnecessary and will discourage cheaper alternatives like conservation and local renewable energy investments. Donkorkrom (E/R), Oct 5, GNA - Mr Ebenezer Azidoku, the Afram Plains North District Agriculture Director has called on government to provide storage facilities such as Improved Narrow Ventilated Crib, silos and grain dryers to beneficiary farmers of the 'planting for food and jobs' programme. Making the call through the Ghana News Agency (GNA), he said the provision of those storage facilities would enable farmers produce on a large scale to improve their standards of living. He mentioned that his outfit at the beginning of the programme registered 302 farmers in the district adding that the number had been encouraging as all of them received the improved maize seedlings and fertilizers on time. Mr Azidoku said his Department received 131 bags of improved seedlings (Obaatanpa), 5,388 bags of NPK and 2,319 bags of Urea from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) which he said was enough for the farmers who registered for the programme in the district. Most of the farmers, he noted have planted for both the minor and the major seasons and awaiting harvest before the close of the year. He said despite the challenges the farmers faced when the issue of the fall army worm came up, the programme was successful as MOFA stood in and supplied the farmers with 408 litres of insecticides and 1,200 sachets of insecticides to control the disease and to increase yield. He said his Department is still registering farmers for the minor season and therefore entreated all farmers to visit any Agriculture Office for them to be registered. He therefore pleaded with the government to provide the necessary logistics such as motor bikes, wellington boots and raincoats to Extension Officers to enable them carry out their duty effectively. GNA By Eunice Tekie Tei, GNA 12.10.2017 LISTEN Accra, Oct.05, GNA - Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, on Thursday, said migration and mobility are major human development issues and key features that are increasingly affecting globalisation. He therefore, urged policy-makers and governments across the globe to make conscious efforts towards finding policy decisions that would ameliorate the socio-economic and cultural challenges posed by migration and mobility. He said, as a policy-maker, he valued research into such important national and global issues because it provided guidance for policy formulation. Vice President Bawumia said this at the opening of a two-day International Conference on Migration at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana, in Accra. He urged researchers attending the conference to pay attention to the south-south movement in terms of the number involved so that Ghana would draw experiences and lessons from it. The Vice President said the objectives of the conference hinged on the key concerns Ghana was grappling with, such as urbanisation, internal migration, internally-displaced persons, irregular migration and migrant smuggling, return, re-admission and re-integration of migrants, as well as border management and asylum seekers. The conference is jointly organised by the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) and Africa Research University Alliance (ARUA) , which brought together policy-makers, researchers and development partners, to discuss migration issues facing the world and find pragmatic solutions towards ameliorating socio-economic challenges associated with the phenomenon. The event is on the theme: 'Migration and Mobility- New Frontiers for Research and Policy'. The participants would engage in plenary discussions on some of the prominent topics relating to migration, including;'Conflict, forced migration and international policy', 'Migration within Africa: defining the governance challenges', 'Immigrant integration, transnationalism and societal relations among sub-Saharan African immigrants', 'Impacts of displacement on host communities in Rwanda and Tanzania', among others. Vice President Bawumia said migration and mobility issues featured prominently on the national, continental and global agenda, saying; 'There is a great deal to learn from such international collaborations and research experiences to ensure equitable development and structural transformation'. He said the first migration policy in Ghana was released in 2016, which aimed at providing a framework to manage migration for sustainable development and would, therefore, continuously monitor effective policies in that direction. The Vice President commended UNU-WIDER and ARUA for mobilising resources to promote dialogue, which would ultimately promote sustainable development across the world. Dr Bawumia alluded to a presentation he delivered at the Cape Coast University, on the topic: 'Building Stronger Economies in Africa- What is the missing link', which highlighted on the factors that affected the production abilities of nations. He noted that one of the prominent issues that came up during the discussions was the exclusion of people from the production process and thus, advocated the inclusiveness of all the segment of the society in the development process. He said if people were not allowed to participate in the local economy, there was a likelihood that, they would leave the place for a better life elsewhere. 'People who feel excluded in terms of education, healthcare and infrastructure in particular communities are likely to move either at the south-south or south-north direction,' he noted. Professor Finn Tarp, the Director of the UNU-WIDER, in his welcome address, said the conference provided a suitable platform to fashion out strategies in dealing with migration and mobility across the globe. He said international migration was likely to increase in the coming years in view of the continuing conflicts around the world, and cited the Syrian war. Prof. Tarp said stakeholders around the world should make conscious efforts to strategise towards addressing it, saying; 'There is the need for countries in the African sub-region to mobilise resources and come up with policies to address migration and mobility since no country can be isolated'. Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, the General-Secretary of the ARUA, on his part, said rural-urban drift had not been properly evaluated and appreciated by the African sub-region and there was the need to gather ideas and resources towards addressing it. He therefore, called for rigorous research by African countries towards formulating policies to address the challenge. Prof. Aryeetey said ARUA was ready to support research, academic and intellectual discourse towards ameliorating the socio-economic and cultural challenges posed by migration and mobility. UNU-WIDER began over three decades ago in Helsinki, Finland, as a research centre, which provides economic analysis and policy advice with the aim of promoting sustainable and equitable development while ARUA was inaugurated in Dakar, Senegal, in 2015, comprising 15 leading universities in the Sub-Saharan Africa, aimed at enhancing the quality of research conducted by researchers and influence policy development. GNA By Godwill Arthur-Mensah, GNA Ghana's decision to repay its 2007 Eurobond on the maturity date will further deepen its reputation among external investors and increase patronage of future bonds to be issued. That is the assertion of Economist, Daniel Amarteye Anim. According to him, the positive signal offered investors is also critical considering the need to devise strategies to retire the country's ballooning debt. Daniel Amarteye Anim's comments come on the back of government's move to retired the last installment of the 2007 Eurobond. The decision to ensure that we meet repayment obligation is very key and critical as it will further enhance our credit worthiness especially in the eyes of international investors. However, once we do that what it means is that any inflows that comes in the form of a new issuance of a bond that is supposed to be used to execute pressing developmental projects, a certain percentage of it will be sacrificed for the matured repayment of the bond that was contracted earlier on, he explained. The bond, which was the first to be issued by any sub Saharan country at the time, matures this year and the repayment is said to have been completed on October 4, 2017. A Former Finance Minister, Seth Terkper has described the move as necessary considering the impact of falling commodity prices on the economy. He also alluded to the retiring of the debt with about 200 million dollars from proceeds from oil and previous bonds issued. Meanwhile Daniel Amarteye Anim has urged that the government commits to utilising money borrowed from international market to be channeled into interest yielding ventures. In his view, this will provide a more flexible mechanism to reap enough interests and quicken the repayment plan for the government. I am looking at a time where we could devise a strategy where if we raise money through a bond from the international community it should be invested into sectors that the investment itself can generate sufficient inflows to meet our repayment obligations as and when they arise or mature, he added. Ghana issued its first Euro bond, a 10-year Eurobond in 2007. The issue, which raised US$750 million from investors at a coupon of 8.5 percent, made Ghana the first nation in sub-Saharan Africa after South Africa to borrow from international capital markets. In 2013, the country used US$250 million of the 1 billion dollar Eurobond it issued to retire part of the 2007 issue. Ghana also used US$100 million of the 2014 and US$216 million of the 2016 Bond proceeds to augment the retirement (As at end 2016, Ghana retired approximately US$550 million) of the 2007 Bond, through a liability management or exchange plan for its new and old bonds. By: Pius Amihere Eduku/ Nairobi (AFP) - Kenya's government on Thursday banned protests in the centres of three major cities, including the capital Nairobi, citing lawlessness following opposition demonstrations against the country's electoral commission. "Due to the clear, present and imminent danger of breach of peace, the government notifies the public that, for the time being, we will not allow demonstrations within the central business districts of Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu," said Security Minister Fred Matiangi. "The inspector general of police has been advised accordingly." The outlawing of city centre protests comes as the opposition National Super Alliance (NASA) had promised to step up its demonstrations demanding reforms before the holding of a presidential poll re-run, due on 26 October. Matiangi said opposition protests had seen "attacks on police stations, attacks on police officers occasioning grievous bodily harm, serious disruption of normal business, assault on innocent civilians, destruction and looting of property." He threatened protest organisers with legal action. "It is the responsibility of the organiser that all participants remain peaceful. The organisers shall be held personally liable for any breach of law during the demonstrations," he said. Opposition leader Raila Odinga said this week that he is withdrawing from the scheduled re-run. He said that without fundamental reforms to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), the vote would not be free and fair. PESHAWAR, Pakistan A commotion in the downstairs unit of a house shared by schoolteachers from Turkey woke the neighbors. A Turkish school official and his family were being taken away in the night. Mesut Kacmaz, his wife and two daughters were restrained, blindfolded and hustled into unmarked pickup trucks in Lahore last month by more than a dozen plainclothes security agents, according to Fatih Avci, a neighbor and fellow teacher. When he tried to intervene, Avci said, he was also handcuffed and hooded, and transported to a secret facility. The police officers were pushing and shoving to arrest them, Avci said in a statement after he was held for several days and released. I saw . . . Mr. Mesuts wife lying on the floor and two lady constables pulling her to get on her feet. Their two teenage daughters were weeping loudly. Pakistani authorities have not acknowledged detaining the group or holding the Kacmaz family members, who have not been seen since Sept. 27. Turkish educators and Pakistani human rights groups have alleged that they were abducted by members of the state intelligence agencies and have filed court petitions seeking their recovery. On Tuesday, the Lahore High Court ordered the Interior Ministry to seek a reply from those agencies as to whether the family is in their custody. It also ordered the government to provide protection for other Turkish educators and halt their deportations. Police officials told the court they had no information about the family. The court action came at a moment of escalating diplomatic tension between the United States and the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that has ties to the teacher issue. The Trump administration on Sunday suspended the issuance of non-immigrant visas in Turkey after the arrest of an employee of the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul; the Turkish government responded soon after with the same restrictions. Kacmaz, like Avci and dozens of other Turkish nationals, was an educator at a chain of 28 PakTurk Foundation schools across Pakistan that were shut down last year at the request of the Erdogan government. Since then, the teachers have remained in Pakistan under temporary court orders and U.N. protection. About 11,000 Pakistani students attended the schools, considered among the best in Pakistan. They are also a project of the Gulenist movement, led by Turkish Muslim scholar Fethullah Gulen, who lives in Pennsylvania. Erdogan, a close ally of Pakistan, accused Gulen and his followers in Turkey of provoking an attempted coup in July 2016. He then carried out a broad crackdown on Gulenists and other dissidents and asked Pakistan to deport the teachers. Shortly after Erdogan visited Pakistan in November, the government in Islamabad deported some teachers and canceled others visas, but school officials appealed to the courts and sought asylum through the U.N. refugee agency. The teachers, under U.N. protection while awaiting asylum rulings, assert that if forced to go home, they are likely to face arrest and abuse at government hands. If we return to Turkey, we will be detained on arrival, said Serdal Arslan, the former principal of a PakTurk school in Peshawar who is now jobless and unwelcome in Turkey and Pakistan. The Turkish government will not renew my childrens travel documents, and Pakistani authorities are asking us to leave. What happened to Mesut can happen to any of us. Kacmaz had been an outspoken critic of the Erdogan government on social media, people in the Turkish immigrant community said, and is a director with the private Rumi Forum in Pakistan. Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif, asked during a recent visit to Washington about the alleged abductions and the treatment of the Turkish teachers, said that he had no information about the Kacmaz case but that the teachers would be deported after delays granted by Pakistani courts and U.N. officials expire. Youd do the same thing in America after someones visa expires. You deport them, he said in a meeting with journalists at the Pakistan Embassy. This is something which is internationally accepted. That is the only reason, Asif added. Otherwise, why would we do . . . such a horrendous thing, the kidnapping of a family? Arslan said that of about 110 Turkish teacher families, 40 have left Pakistan for other countries and 70 have remained in hopes of obtaining asylum. Most are sharing houses or apartments and rarely go out, he said. Pakistans alliance with the increasingly repressive Erdogan government has put it at odds with many Western countries, including the United States. Erdogans suspension of U.S. visitor visas came after an employee of the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul was arrested for alleged links to the Gulenist movement. The abrupt action created chaos and confusion in diplomatic, travel and business circles. Turkey has previously welcomed Western visitors and investors, and its economy has relied heavily on foreign tourism. After the Kacmaz family disappeared, protests and news conferences were held by rights groups in Pakistan denouncing the abductions. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan charged that more than 20 armed people in plain clothes had taken the family, and it asked the government to immediately release them. Pakistani parents of former students at the PakTurk schools also protested, saying Pakistans mistreatment of the teachers would further isolate Pakistan internationally. The police are expressing ignorance about the picking up of Mr. Mesut, so who did this? asked Muhammed Zubair, a doctor whose children attended the PakTurk school in Peshawar and who represents the parent- teacher association. This is a dangerous trend and will send a negative image of Pakistan abroad. Constable reported from Islamabad. Jennifer Amur in Washington contributed to this report. 12.10.2017 LISTEN Relative calm is thought to have returned Wassa -Akropong, the Amenfi East District capital in the western region that witnessed murder, burn and loot last week. A Chinese national has emptied his handgun. The sound reverberates and the bullet ricochets. Where does the ammunition land? It lands awfully. His victim a Ghanaiana young man aged 30. He falls to the ground. He falls like a tree. Blood gushes out. And the cries hit the sky. A crowd gathers like clouds in the vicinity. The irate crowd would zoom in on the trouble spot. Trouble brews, tension grows and the language of the youth is misunderstood. One of their own has been murdered, murdered by a Chinese national. Cars are torched, stores are looted and Shanghai City in the town is down on her knees. Pall of smoke is seen bellowing in the sky amid tear drops from the eyes. It seems the love affair or Bromance with the Chinese is crumbling or already crumbled. One mans blow has caused all this. And its tearing apart the cordial relationship thats existed between the two peoples. Im told the Chinese love this gold-rich town. Theyd about nine casinos and a clinic here, I gathered. So I guess the question is: How did the Chinses end up here in Wassa Akropong (a town thats located in the northwest of the region 152.8 kilometres from Takoradi the regional capital? The Gold Boom When gold prices soared around 2012, there was a boom in small-scale mining referring to illegal mining operation also known as Galamsey. Ghana saw nationals from neighbouring Nigeria, Mali, the Ivory Coast, and Guinea including China entering her shores. With passage of time it became abundantly clear that the Chinese had dominated all the foreign nationals. By 2015-2016 it appeared there were Chinese in every town or village in Ghana. They trekked everywhere gold was reported to be found. And ably facilitated by Ghanaians they soldiered on. They bulldozed and bastardised the countrys lands and water bodies. The Chinese settled in the Eastern, Central, Western and Ashanti regions. From the middle beltBrong Ahafo region to Northern, Upper East& West regions the Chinese roved. And it took the intervention of the current government to slow down the speeding locomotive. Because of neglect in enforcing the rules, people have become more emboldened, Kwabena Frimpong Boateng minister of environment science & technology told FT (financial Times when the NPP government took the wheels of power. They are doing this on a very very large scale and with the help of the Chinese. Following this, a moratorium was issued and a clampdown ensued. Nevertheless, the operation of galamsey in Ghana is still ongoing. The Minister of Lands and Natural Resources John Peter Amewu alluded to that fact recently. He said about 85% of the anti-galamsey work remain unaccomplished. Respect for the laws The Chinese have come to stay its a fact we must embrace. In as much as theyre here legally or illegally lets not take the laws into our own hands. There are agencies and institutions that are responsible for that. Lets respect their human rights in all matters that may arise. And this must be a two-way traffic. It must be reciprocal. They [the Chinese] shouldnt take our warm hospitality to be a sign of weakness. They must be law abiding and desist from engaging in activities deemed criminal or illegal. It must be pointed out that since the anti-galamsey taskforce descended heavily upon galamsey operators some Chinses nationals have ventured into other business activities. They include trading, running restaurants, transportation, taverns and casinos. There are also an insignificant number of Chinese that have become cab drivers. Court Remands Meanwhile a Takoradi District Court has remanded into police custody the Chinese national who shot and killed the 30-year-old man. The Chinese known as Jinag Gen Hai shot and killed the Ghanaian Nana Boamah during a misunderstanding between him and some Chinese in the area on Friday 6 October 2017. Court docket indicates that Boamah was invited as a witness by a plumber during a disagreement between the Chinese native and the plumber. Gen Hai had reportedly paid the plumber GHC50 for a job after theyd earlier agreed on GHC150 as payment. However, in the wake of the argument Gen Hai ended up shooting Boamah after he pulled out a gun to scare the plumber. The youth of the town responded with brute force following the killing of Boamah. According to reports they burnt several cars belonging to the Chinese nationals and vandalised other properties. Theyd demanded that all Chinese nationals in the town must be sacked by the traditional authorities. My checks on Wednesday night 10pm Pacific Time revealed that theres not a single Chinese national currently residing in the town. It took a combined team of the military and police to quell the unrest. Palace spoke person said the Omanhene of Wassa Amenfi Traditional Area, Tetrete Okuamoah Sekyim played an outstanding role in abating the pandemonium that gripped the township. According to the Police, the Chinese national would be charged for murder. The case has since been adjourned to Thursday, 26th of October, 2017. Pretoria (AFP) - An anti-apartheid activist who died in police custody 46 years ago did not commit suicide but was murdered by officers, a South African court ruled Thursday in a historic ruling for campaigners. The court called for an officer involved in covering up the circumstances of the 1971 death to be investigated as an accessory to murder. The packed courtroom in Pretoria burst into applause after the judge delivered his damning ruling. Ahmed Timol, a 29-year-old campaigner against white-minority rule, was arrested in Johannesburg in October 1971. After five days in detention, he died after plummeting from the city's police headquarters. Officers from the feared security branch that held Timol said at the time he took his own life -- a verdict endorsed by an inquest in 1972. But his family fought the ruling for decades and have campaigned hard to secure the legal review, which finally began in June. "Timol did not jump out of the window but was pushed out of the window or off the roof," said judge Billy Mothle, reading a summary of his 129-page judgement. "Members of the security branch... murdered Timol." The judge called for security branch officer Joao Rodrigues, who admitted helping cover up the murder, to be prosecuted, but he acknowledged that the men actually responsible have since died. "Most of the main perpetrators have since passed on (but) all security branch officers responsible for guarding and interrogating Timol are collectively responsible for his injuries," said Mothle. 'Viva Ahmed Timol!' Members of the South African Communist Party present shouted "Viva Ahmed Timol!" as the judge adjourned the hearing and the public gallery burst into applause. "Judge Billy Mothle delivered a fine -- a superb -- judgement," said Salim Essop who was arrested, detained and tortured alongside Timol in 1971. "He concluded that the police were responsible for his death... they may not have intended to kill him but they did have the risk of killing him by torturing him and in that respect they were responsible for his murder." Mothle called for families who lost relatives in circumstances similar to Timol's to be assisted in reopening their cases -- especially when suicide was recorded as the cause of death. George Bizos, an anti-apartheid icon who was close friends with Nelson Mandela, welcomed the outcome and said that the case had exposed how the era had been previously unaccountable. The judge also praised Imtiaz Cajee, Timol's nephew, for successfully reopening the case. "His efforts should be elevated as an example of how citizens should assert their constitutional rights," said Mothle. For many, the case -- the culmination of a relentless campaign by the activist's family -- has brought back raw memories of apartheid. During the review, the Pretoria court heard from pathologists, former security officers and victims of apartheid brutality. Their evidence triggered emotional responses in court 2D -- including from the family who have been present at every hearing. Presidential candidate of the All People's Congress (APC) Dr. Hassan Ayariga, has rejected claims by many Ghanaians that the new free Senior High School policy introduced by the NPP led government is an achievement. Hassan Ayariga, on the After Hours show on TV3 argued that what the New Patriotic Party (NPP) term as free SHS should rather be described as, Scholarship for 400,000 first year students. He told host Mikki Osei Berko: `I dont think [free SHS] is an achievement. This is not the first time government has implemented free SHS. Nkrumah introduced free education for everyone. They are giving scholarships to 400,000 students. They are not implementing free SHS. They are giving scholarships to first year students. The third year students are paying school fees so why call it free SHS. I dont think they [NPP] were ready; they only rushed to implement it just to score some political points. The former Presidential candidate of the PNC also maintained that President Nana Addo is not a good presidential material insisting that nothing had changed since NPP took over their reins of power in Ghana. What has changed since Nana Addo became president? Nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is moving one set of people out and bringing a different category of people in. What I wanted to do was to get the right people within my party, within the NPP, within the NDC and within other political parties and get them at their rightful places- all inclusive government, Ayariga maintained. Check out the full interview below: The Cologne Chapter of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in collaboration with the Association of Concerned Ghanaians in Europe (ACGIE) is organizing an International Investment Summit and Dinner Night on 31 October 2017 in Cologne-Germany. The one-day Summit is aimed at exposing the investment opportunities in Ghana to investors across Europe and beyond with the view to encouraging such investors to take advantage of the business-friendly policies and other incentives that make Ghana the most attractive business destination in Africa. The Investment Summit which is the first of its kind in Europe also targets Ghanaians resident abroad who want to pull their resources together to invest in their homeland. This is to make it as inclusive as possible and provide an important opportunity for Ghanaians in diaspora to be part of the nation building effort. To ensure that investors derive maximum benefit from the event, several government officials and technocrats have been invited to lead the discussions, answer questions and provide information on concrete government policy initiatives put in place to create and promote an enabling investment climate in Ghana. So far government officials who have confirmed their participation include Hon. Awal Mohammed, Minister for Business Development, Hon. Mustapha Hamid, Minister for Information, Dr Nana Atto Arthur Head of Local Government Services, Dr Adu Twum, Deputy Minister for Education. The rest are Hon. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, Former Member of Parliament for Bantama and Officials from the Ghana Embassy in Berlin. The Summit which takes place at the prestigious Sato Deluxe Koel Kalk, Wipperfuther Strasse 33-35, Cologne, starts at 12 noon and ends at 18.00 pm. This will be followed by a Summit Dinner to enable potential investors to interact and network in an informal setting. For further inquiries, please call the following persons. Mr Francis Brenya-Benson : Tel 0049152542101284 Mr Clement Akomeah : Tel 004915210367216 Mrs Rebecca Sarpong : Tel 004915213144658 : Tel 00491725165044 Date: 31 October 2017 Venue: Sato Deluxe, Koeln Kalk Wipperfurther Strasse 33-35 51103 Cologne Time: 12 noon The Communication Team NPP-Germany Financial analyst, Ken Thompson is urging calm among depositors despite reported cases of fraud by some employees of banks in the country. The Chief Executive Officer of Dalex Finance and Leasing Company Limited said, there is no need to panic since the banks have already taken steps to minimise the occurrence of such incidents. The total monetary value involved in all reported fraud cases by financial institutions, both successful and attempted, for the year 2016 amounted to approximately GH244.32 million, according to the Finder newspaper. The amount constitutes 1,001 fraud incidents in 2016 reported to the Bank of Ghana (BoG), the paper reported. According to the publication, these cases were received from universal banks, NonBank Financial Institutions (NBFIs), and Rural and Community Banks (RCBs). This is contained in the 2016 annual Payment Systems Oversight report published by the BoG. The main fraud cases reported were suppression of customer accounts by staff of financial institutions, card fraud, forgery and alteration of documents, manipulation of accounts, and negotiable instruments. Others included the fraudulent collection of international remittances by persons not named as recipients, transactions involving cloned and stolen cheque, and fraudulent transfers through hacked email accounts, the report added. Commenting on the issue on Super Morning Show on Joy FM Thursday, Mr. Thompson said: " a lot of work is being done to ensure that the risk is minimised. The staff of banks reflect the society; if we have a corrupt society [then] were going to get staff who are corrupt, he told Kojo Yankson, host of the programme. He was positive the 2017 report will see a reduction in the occurrence of such incidents since the rewards for stealing money now are getting lower and lower. He disclosed that the Bank of Ghana has put in measures which make it very difficult for staff dismissed for committing such offences to find their way back into the banking industry. Such misconduct, he said, is also reported to the diplomatic community as well as the police for further investigation and prosecution where necessary. I can assure you next year should be much bettertrust me the last thing you want is for people to take away your money because eventually, you [bank] would have to pay, he promised. Story by Ghana | | Jerry Tsatro Mordy | Email: [email protected], Twitter: @jerrymordy The U.S. House passed a federal whistle blower protection bill Thursday named for a former VA psychologist who questioned over-medication of patients at the Tomah VA Medical Center. The Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection Act is designed to protect federal employees who come forward with allegations of waste, fraud and abuse and to set minimum disciplinary measures for supervisors found guilty of retaliation. The bill also requires the VA to put together a plan to prevent supervisors from improperly accessing an employees medical files in retaliation. Kirkpatrick killed himself in 2009 the same day he was fired after questioning over-medication practices at the Tomah VA, which earned the nickname Candy Land because doctors there prescribed such high doses of opiates. Investigations later blamed those prescription practices for the deaths of at least two veterans. U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, whose district includes the Tomah VA, spoke on the House floor in favor of the bill. Dr. Kirkpatrick was dedicated to improving the lives (of) and serving our nations veterans, Kind said. The bill before us today will honor the memory of Dr. Kirkpatrick by helping to make sure no one will have to go through what he did. The bill, introduced by Sen. Ron Johnson, passed the House unanimously and now heads to Presidents desk. Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, said the passage brings the nation " one step closer to better protecting federal whistleblowers and providing better health care to the finest among us our veterans." VA Secretary David Shulkin has pledged to bring greater accountability to the governments second largest agency, which provides medical care to millions of veterans. In July, Shulkin began posting employee disciplinary actions and announced that he would require approval by a senior official of any settlement with a VA employee over the amount of $5,000, citing unnecessary payments to bad employees. A month later, he ordered a review to expand VA reporting requirements for bad workers. During the 2016 campaign, Trump described the VA as the most corrupt, promising to protect and promote honest employees at the VA who expose wrongdoing. Pretoria (AFP) - An anti-apartheid activist who died in police custody 46 years ago did not commit suicide but was murdered by officers, a South African court said Thursday in a historic ruling for campaigners. The court called for an officer involved in covering up the circumstances of the 1971 death to be investigated as an accessory to murder. The packed courtroom in Pretoria burst into applause after the judge delivered a damning indictment of how police treated those who opposed white-minority rule. Ahmed Timol, a 29-year-old campaigner against apartheid, was arrested in Johannesburg in October 1971. After five days in detention, he died after plummeting from the city's police headquarters. Officers from the feared security branch that held Timol said at the time he took his own life -- a verdict endorsed by an inquest in 1972. But his family fought the ruling for decades and campaigned to secure the legal review, which finally began in June. "Timol did not jump out of the window but was pushed out of the window or off the roof," said judge Billy Mothle, reading a summary of his 129-page judgement. "Members of the security branch... murdered Timol." The judge called for security branch officer Joao Rodrigues, who admitted helping cover up the murder, to be prosecuted. But he acknowledged that the men who were directly responsible have since died. "Most of the main perpetrators have since passed on (but) all security branch officers responsible for guarding and interrogating Timol are collectively responsible for his injuries," said Mothle. 'Viva Ahmed Timol!' Members of the South African Communist Party to which Timol belonged who were present in court shouted "Viva Ahmed Timol!" as the judge adjourned the hearing and the public gallery burst into applause. "Judge Billy Mothle delivered a fine -- a superb -- judgement," said Salim Essop who was arrested, detained and tortured alongside Timol in 1971. "He concluded that the police were responsible for his death... they did have the risk of killing him by torturing him and in that respect they were responsible for his murder." Mothle called for families who lost relatives in circumstances similar to Timol's to be assisted in reopening their cases -- especially where suicide was recorded as the cause of death. Between 1963 and 1990, human rights activists say 73 people died in police detention, sometimes in circumstances strikingly similar to Timol. Former anti-apartheid activist and Nelson Mandela's lawyer, George Bizos, right, was accompanied to the court by Imtiaz Cajee (left), Ahmed Timol's nephew. Cajee was praised by the court for his campaign for an impartial probe into his uncle's death George Bizos, an anti-apartheid icon who was close friends with Nelson Mandela, welcomed the outcome and said the case showed that police were still unaccountable for their actions under white rule. "I hope that what has happened today will happen again in relation to the others (who died suspiciously). Justice has a way of actually reaching the top," said Bizos, 88, who was visibly emotional during the hearing. The judge also praised Imtiaz Cajee, Timol's nephew, for successfully lobbying for the case to be reopened. "His efforts should be elevated as an example of how citizens should assert their constitutional rights," said Mothle. But Cajee expressed frustration that the former security branch officers called to give evidence had not been more open about their conduct. "They lost the opportunity to help South Africa's greater reconciliation," he said after the ruling. For many, the case -- the culmination of a relentless campaign by the activist's family -- brought back raw memories of life under apartheid. During the review, the Pretoria court heard from pathologists, former security officers and victims of state brutality. Their evidence triggered anger in court 2D -- including from the family who have been present at every hearing. "The Timol family has been driven not by vengeance but by the pursuit of truth and justice," retired archbishop Desmond Tutu said in a statement read to the courtroom after the hearing. The Turkish Airlines Sales Festival has presented an opportunity for the general public to enjoy heavily discounted tickets on Turkish Airlines and fly from Accra to over 290 destinations around the world. The airline's vast network in Africa, from where it connects passengers to destinations in the Americas, Asia, and Europe via Istanbul, makes it the carrier of choice for passengers seeking a great travelling experience at a competitive price. Under the two-month-long Turkish Airlines Sales Festival, the Istanbul-based airline is currently offering passengers heavily discounted fares from Accra to major destinations such as Washington for US$999; Amsterdam, US$539; Dubai, US$549; London, US$639; and New York, US$999. Under the promotion, passengers are to book by November 30, 2017 for travel before December 31, 2018. Families would have the opportunity to purchase their Christmas holiday tickets early and save hundreds of dollar during the Turkish Airlines Sales Festival. It is also an opportunity for anyone who will travel before December 31, 2018 to book their tickets at a cheap price now. Ferhat Yerli, Turkish Airlines' General Manager, Ghana, said the Turkish Airlines Sales Festival is to afford the general public the opportunity to see the world at a cheap price. Families can book their Christmas tickets now and save hundreds of dollars that can be used for other family expenses. Mr. Yerli added that Turkish Airlines will continue to offer the best of service to our passengers in Ghana. African Air Expo Support Istanbul-based Turkish Airlines is also supporting the maiden African Air Expo, scheduled to take place from October 24-26, 2017 in Accra, with an amount of US$15,000 (GH65,000). The contribution of the airline is to ensure that Ghana successfully holds the well-advertised event. Ghana's Ministry of Aviation and the Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL) are the hosts of the event while Dubai-based 4M Events, organisers of the acclaimed Abu Dhabi Air Expo, are the event organisers. The event is to serve as an ideal medium for the exchange of aviation-related know-how, fostering of closer collaboration between airlines operating in the country and their foreign counterparts, who are expected to be in attendance. It will also provide the opportunity for service providers to meet potential clients. Turkish Airlines, which has been operating in Ghana for years, noted that the event would put Ghana on the world aviation map. GLICO LIFE, a brand of choice and leading name in Ghana's life insurance market, has presented Information Communication Technology (ICT) equipment to the Ghana Police Academy. The donation of laptops and projectors was in fulfillment of GLICO LIFE's corporate social responsibility in the area of community involvement. Presenting the laptops and projectors, the Chief Business Development Officer (Group Business) of GLICO LIFE, Stephen Badu, remarked that GLICO LIFE appreciates the dedication and service of the Police Academy to train personnel for law enforcement and security of Ghanaians. He added that as an indigenous Ghanaian company, the security of GLICO LIFE's policyholders is paramount, the provision of ICT equipment would go a long way to facilitate the training of Police recruits for the benefit of all Ghanaians. Receiving the items on behalf of the academy, the Commandant of the Ghana Police Academy, ACP Fosu-Ackaah, thanked GLICO LIFE for their kind gesture. He indicated that GLICOLIFE, as part of its client relationship building exercises, contacted the Academy some time back and enquired how they can support the training school. We realized that the Academy as a matter of urgency needed a projector and a laptop. We are therefore overwhelmed that they have over-delivered. The presentation ceremony was held at the Police Training Academy in Tesano and was attended by management members of GLICO LIFE in the persons of John Ekar Smart-Chief Business Development Officer (Individual Life) and Christina Alale-Mensah Business Development Coordinator, Accra Main Office. Commendably, GLICO LIFE is an insurance company that gives back not only to its customers (policy holders) but to all stakeholders and Ghana in general. For this reason, it takes appropriate actions to give back to the Ghanaian society through various campaigns, donations and partnerships. GLICO LIFE is currently the only life insurance company in Ghana rated B by Standards & Poors Rating Agency. A Business Desk Report The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has indefinitely postponed the date for the changing of the cryptographic key that helps protect the Domain Name System (DNS) in Ghana and across the world. The changing or rolling of the key was originally scheduled to occur on 11 October, this year, but it is being delayed because some recently obtained data shows that a significant number of resolvers used by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Network Operators are not yet ready for the Key Rollover, BUSINESS GUIDE gathered. There may be multiple reasons why operators do not have the new key installed in their systems: some may not have their resolver software properly configured and a recently discovered issue in one widely used resolver programme appears to not be automatically updating the key as it should, for reasons that are still being explored, according to a statement issued by ICANN on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 to announce the postponement. The security, stability and resiliency of the domain name system is our core mission. We would rather proceed cautiously and reasonably than continue with the roll on the announced date of 11 October, said ICANN CEO Goran Marby, adding that it would be irresponsible to proceed with the roll after we have identified these new issues that could adversely affect a significant number of end users. Changing the key involves generating a new cryptographic key pair and distributing the new public component to the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)-validating resolvers. Based on the estimated number of Internet users, who use DNSSEC validating resolvers, an estimated one-in-four global Internet users or 750 million people could be affected by the KSK rollover. ICANN is reaching out to its community, Regional Internet Registries, Network Operator Groups and others to help explore and resolve the issues. A new date for the Key Roll has not yet been determined. ICANN's Office of the Chief Technology Officer says it is tentatively hoping to reschedule the Key Roll for the first quarter of 2018, but it will be dependent on more fully understanding the new information and mitigating as many potential failures as possible. In the meantime, ICANN remains confident in the security of the current cryptographic key and by extension, the security of the DNS. By Melvin Tarlue Universal Merchant Bank (UMB) over the weekend held a thanksgiving service at its Airport City Office as part of activities to climax its 45th Anniversary celebration. The event, presided by Most Rev. Professor Emmanuel Asante, the immediate past Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church, was attended by dignitaries such as Deputy Finance Minister, Abena Osei Asare; First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy in Ghana, Hiroki Yamashita; Nii Kpobi Tettey Tsuru III, La Mantse; Nanahemaa Adjoa Awindor, Development Queenmother of Afigya-Kwabre District and Nana Agyapomaa II, Kontihemaa of Assin Ngresi. Other guests included customers of UMB, shareholders, UMB board members, UMB Foundation members and UMB staff. The event was a moving and emotional one, as all in attendance gave thanks to the Lord Almighty for making UMB one of the leading banks in Ghana. Elizabeth Zormelo, Board Chairperson of UMB welcomed guests, most notably its loyal customers, that have helped the bank to reach the milestone of 45 years of banking excellence. The CEO John Awuah noted that recent developments in the banking sector rightly demonstrated the daunting challenges that banks in Ghana faced daily. He said: On this day, we cannot help but express our profound gratitude to God. We give thanks and praise to the Lord for giving us the capacity and the wherewithal to thrive in this competitive industry. Indeed, we continue to succeed due to God's many blessings and thanks to the Lord Almighty we are a strong bank, both spiritually and financially. Earlier on Friday, officials of the bank paid a courtesy call on the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu as part of the celebrations. Mr. Awuah said that on the occasion of UMB's 45th anniversary, the visit was to strengthen the bond between UMB and the Muslim community, as well as show appreciation and gratitude for their tremendous support over the years. The delegation to the National Chief Imam was led by the CEO. A business desk report Nairobi, Kenya, 12 October 2017 The Bank Groups Resource Mobilization & Partnerships Department (FIRM) in collaboration with the East Africa Regional Directorate (RDGE), has concluded its first regional Business Opportunities Seminar (BOS) in Nairobi, Kenya. The three-day event (2-4 October) falls within a series of Bank activities, aimed to step up its partnership with the private sector and highlight their role in implementing the continents transformation agenda, as enshrined in the High 5 strategy of the Bank. During the event, the Bank showcased its strategic direction, operational priorities and vision, as well as its procurement rules and procedures, and how the Bank Group supports regional integration through decentralization. The speakers touched on key development challenges, and the solutions being implemented by the AfDB and its private sector partners. The discussions also highlighted the financial products and business opportunities available to both public and private sector actors. The meeting brought together over 200 participants from 25 countries across the globe, including key players in East Africas private sector. Following presentations on the Banks various operational departments, the BOS focused on guidance to the private sector for ensuring cost-effective bids and proposals, among other issues. The Bank acknowledges the private sector as key to transforming the lives of the African people. In this regard, the BOS not only aimed at increasing the pool of competent providers of goods and services to participate in Bank-financed projects, but also to crowd in private sector financing to scale-up its delivery of transformative projects. In this regard, the event highlighted the Bank Groups work in the area of public-private partnerships (PPPs) and its successes in the provision of credit enhancement instruments such as Partial Risk Guarantees (PRGs). The Director-General for the East Africa regional hub, Gabriel Negatu said that a number of partnerships and financing opportunities had been identified, through which the Bank could further its support for private investments. He added: we all wish to successfully implement projects and contribute to development impacts on the continent. The value of the Africa market is quite impressive. The Bank Group is committed to organizing at least two BOSs per year, one at the its headquarters in Abidjan, Cote dIvoire and another in a regional member country, in order to ensure its financing is utilized by the most competent, knowledgeable and rigorous implementation partners from across the continent and the world. The BOS provides a sound understanding of the Banks priority sectors, projects, procurement procedures and possible areas of collaboration, and helpful tips to contractors to allow them to submit responsive bids and proposals. Participants in the East Africa BOS included individual consultants and consulting firms, major partners for infrastructure development and civil works contractors including Engie and Eiffage, local manufacturers, suppliers and SMEs, commercial attaches of embassies, Export-Import Banks, and peers in the development finance community. The Resource Mobilization and Partnerships Department is part of the Finance Complex and has the mandate to mobilize Bank-wide resources from bilateral donors, co-financing partners and non-sovereign entities. It develops and maintains corporate-level strategic linkages with partners and collaborators. The AfDB held the first 2017 edition of the BOS on 20-21 June 2017 at the Banks Headquarters in Abidjan, Cote dIvoire. Research and education think tank Africa Center for International Law and Accountability (ACILA) has urged diplomats at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, to make recommendations to Ghana to ratify and domesticate international instruments to which it is a signatory when Ghana appears before the United Nations Human Rights Council next month for a review of its human rights record. ACILA executive director, Mr. William Nyarko, who made the call to the diplomats during a presentation to the UN Permanent Missions on Tuesday, noted that even though Ghana had made commendable progress in implementing some of the recommendations that the diplomats had made in 2012, a lot remains to be done by Ghana to ensure compliance with its obligations under international law. Mr. Nyarkos call to the diplomats comes barely one month before diplomats on the United Nations Human Rights Council will review Ghanas human rights record in Geneva on November 7, 2017 under the UN Universal Periodic Review mechanism. Under the UPR, the human rights record of all the 193 Member States of the UN is reviewed every five years. The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights. Prior to Ghanas impending appearance at the Human Rights Council on November 2017, UPRInfo, a Geneva-based NGO that aims to promote and strengthen the Universal Periodic Review process organized a pre-session for NGOs working in human rights in Ghana to make presentations to the diplomats and share the human rights situation on the ground with them. Ghanas human rights record was reviewed by the Human Rights Council in 2012. Continuing, Mr. Nyarko explained that at the 2012 UPR cycle, Hungary and Tunisia made a recommendation to Ghana, which Ghana accepted, to domesticate the Rome Statute, which Ghana had ratified as far back as 1999. In April 2016, Ghana drafted the International Criminal Court Bill but the bill has since not been laid before Parliament for deliberation, passage, and signing into law. This state of affairs is attributable to lack of political will and lack of public demand for responsiveness and accountability from the state, he noted. He urged the diplomats to recommend to Ghana to pass and sign the International Criminal Court Bill into law before the end of 2018 in order to establish a legal framework to enable Ghanaian courts to try offences committed under the Rome Statute as well as enable the ICC to prosecute cases in Ghana where Ghanaian courts are unable to do so. Touching on the signing and ratification of instruments, Mr. Nyarko recalled that at the 2012 UPR, about 20 recommendations were made to Ghana to, among other things, ratify before the end of the third UPR cycle those conventions to which Ghana is a signatory (Hungary); ratify OP-CAT (Luxembourg, Australia, Tunisia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Spain);ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (Australia, Spain, Rwanda, Switzerland, France, Uruguay, Norway). He said while Ghana had made some progress by ratifying one of the core human rights instruments, that is, the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OP-CAT) on September 23, 2016, majority of the instruments have still not been ratified or remain unsigned. In the case of signing and ratifying the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (ICCPR-OP2), he observed that, Ghana, an abolitionist in practice, constituted a Constitutional Review Commission, which recommended in 2012 for the replacement of the death penalty with life imprisonment without parole. According to Mr. Nyarko, this recommendation was to be put to a national referendum because the death penalty is an entrenched provision in the Constitution; however, the referendum has not been held. He encouraged the diplomats to recommend to Ghana to ratify the international instruments to which Ghana is a signatory by December 2018 and put the recommendations of the CRC to a referendum by January 2020 to inform Ghanas decision whether to sign and ratify ICCPR-OP2. In the meantime, Ghana should continue to commute death sentences to life imprisonment, he added. A development as simple as ensuring direct flights between Benin and Ghana, will be critical to entrenching the bond between the two countries, and strengthening the ECOWAS community, in President Nana Akufo-Addos view. Speaking on Wednesday when the President of Benin, Patrice Athanase Talon paid a day's working visit to Ghana, President Akufo-Addo said, We should endeavour to establish direct flights between Accra and Cotonou to facilitate the movement of persons and goods. We should further try to establish direct shipping lines, linking Accra to Cotonou, to facilitate trade between us. We need to push for the Sealink Shipping Project, an ECOWAS initiative, to help link our two countries. With West Africa's population set to reach some 500 million people in 20 years time, there are immense opportunities to bring prosperity to our region with hard work, enterprise and creativity, the President added as an indication of the prospects for the sub-region. Revitalizing the PJCC President Akufo-Addo, however bemoaned the fact that only one meeting of the Permanent Joint Commission of Co-operation (PJCC), has been held, despite the good relations that exist between the countries. A preliminary Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in 2016, after Benin requested assistance in the exploitation and exploration of hydrocarbons, reactivating the Permanent Joint Commission for Cooperation. Other areas of cooperation, per the MoU, include fisheries, security, communication and education, among other sectors. President Talon President Nana Akufo-Addo stressed that, there is the need to reconvene another session of the PJCC, and I propose that we hold the next meeting in Cotonou as soon as possible. Not only will the PJCC serve as a platform for enriching commercial relations between our countries, it will also facilitate the implementation of regional instruments such as the Common External Tariff of ECOWAS, he said. He also assured that, Ghana will continue to co-operate with Benin within other multilateral frameworks, such as the Volta Basin Authority, to promote and safeguard the equitable sharing of common water resources of the Authority. By: Delali Adogla-Bessa/ Nairobi (AFP) - Kenya's government on Thursday banned protests in main city centres, citing lawlessness during opposition rallies against the electoral commission ahead of a scheduled presidential poll re-run. The move comes as opposition leader Raila Odinga called for daily protests next week to keep up pressure on election officials to reform, after his refusal to take part in the October 26 vote plunged the country into uncertainty. "Due to the clear, present and imminent danger of breach of peace, the government notifies the public that, for the time being, we will not allow demonstrations within the central business districts of Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu," said Security Minister Fred Matiangi. "The inspector general of police has been advised accordingly." Opposition MPs said they would defy the order and continue the protests which have seen hundreds of opposition supporters march through the streets, sometimes burning tyres and clashing with police who have used tear gas to disperse crowds. Though relatively small, the protests have caused outsized disruption, forcing shops to close up and deterring some from visiting city centres on demonstration days. There have also been incidents of pickpocketing and muggings on the edges of the protests. Matiangi said the protests had resulted in "attacks on police stations, attacks on police officers occasioning grievous bodily harm, serious disruption of normal business, assault on innocent civilians, destruction and looting of property," and threatened legal action. "It is the responsibility of the organiser that all participants remain peaceful. The organisers shall be held personally liable for any breach of law during the demonstrations," he said. Stage set for clashes? Odinga said this week that he was withdrawing from the scheduled re-run, against President Uhuru Kenyatta whose victory in the original August poll was annulled last month by the Supreme Court citing widespread irregularities. Odinga said that without fundamental reforms to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), the vote would not be free and fair. "All indications are that the election scheduled for 26 October will be worse than the previous one," he said, announcing his withdrawal Tuesday. The IEBC has dismissed most of Odinga's demands and on Wednesday said that he had not filled in the appropriate form withdrawing from the re-run and therefore was still a candidate alongside Kenyatta. The commission also agreed to add six candidates who contested the original poll after the High Court ruled they should not be excluded. In the most recent protests, on Wednesday, several people were injured in the western city of Kisumu, an opposition stronghold, where protesters clashed with police. The banning of demonstrations sets the stage for more violence if NASA leaders push ahead with their threat to protest, with the next one promised on Friday. Violence in the days following August's vote left at least 37 dead, according to a rights group, with almost all of the victims killed by police, according to a local human rights group. President Akufo-Addo has disclosed that a payment of GH560 million has been made as part payment for the total debts of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA). This has facilitated the revival of the scheme. Before the Akufo-Addo administration took over from the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) owed GH1.2 billion. He indicated that his government is committed to paying the balance of the debt within 12 months. President Akufo-Addo lambasted the NDC for not being able to manage the NHIS implemented by ex-President Kufuor but rather leaving behind debts. The service providers were no longer prepared to put their service on credit but needed cash and that was the problem, he hinted. It would be recalled that most hospitals, especially those in the Northern Region, were crying foul about the non-payment of their claims. The president has, however, assured that all such hospitals would have their concerns addressed and claims paid before the end of the year. Some years after its inception, the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) which was started during ex-President Kufuor's regime faced a lot of challenges which almost led to its collapse. The scheme which was implemented to replace the cash-and-carry system forced suppliers on the scheme from supplying drugs to the various healthcare centres. Subsequently, the cash-and-carry system slowly made it way in some parts of the country due to the inability of some health facilities to purchase drugs and pay for their supplies. As part of his campaign promises, the then flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akufo-Addo, assured Ghanaians that when given the nod as president of the country, he would revive NHIS and get it working across the country. Barely a year after assuming office, President Akufo-Addo has paid parts of the debts insured by the scheme which nearly collapsed it. FROM Eric Kombat, Nalerigu Striking lecturers at the Accra Technical University have stated that they intend to return to the classrooms once the issues they raised about the poor teaching and learning conditions in the school are addressed. The lecturers declared a strike on Tuesday over what they say are deplorable conditions at the school, which they claim negatively affects teaching and learning. The situation appears to have forced the management of the University into action, with assurances from them that the numerous issues that plague the school will be addressed by the end of the week. Speaking to Citi News, the Chairman of the Local branch of the Technical University Teachers Association of Ghana (TUTAG), Jones Ntiamoah, said that once their challenges are addressed, the lecturers would return to the classrooms. Yesterday [Wednesday], at 4:00pm, the local executives together with the national executives met management and after a long deliberation, we were able to agree that the issues we have raised, numbering about eight, could be addressed by the end of the week, he said We could then meet on Monday, assess the situation and if it demands that we return to the classroom, we'll do so. We are very hopeful with the assurances given us by the acting Vice Chancellor that come Monday, something positive will come. He insisted that their strike had the backing of the students who they would contract to assess the work that was being done and report back to them. The action we've taken has the support of almost everybody on campus including students. They are ready to sacrifice lectures for those basic conditions to be met. I'm even meeting the SRC executives this afternoon. We want them to go round and assess the ongoing works and report accordingly, he said The issues concern basic classroom amenities; projectors, lecturers' pulpits, sanitation issues, washrooms, water flow, sockets for projectors; basic things you'll find in a typical University class. By: Edwin Kwakofi/ On Friday 13 October Mr Kofi Annan, Chair of the Kofi Annan Foundation and the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, will brief UN Member States on the Advisory Commissions main findings and recommendations for Myanmars troubled western state of Rakhine. In his capacity as Chair of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, Mr Annan presented the Commission's report Towards a Peaceful, Fair and Prosperous Future for the People of Rakhine in Yangon in August 2017. The report puts forward recommendations to surmount the political, socioeconomic and humanitarian challenges that have long existed in Rakhine State and have contributed to the current crisis. The Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, which was disbanded following the completion of its mandate in September 2017, focused on long-term solutions for improving the welfare of all people in Rakhine State. Its final report addresses many of the root causes that underlie the humanitarian crisis. Towards a Peaceful, Fair and Prosperous Future for the People of Rakhine and the recommendations it contains have been endorsed by the Government of Myanmar and widely welcomed by the international community. In his briefing to Council Members and other Member States, Mr Annan will present the main recommendations of the report and discuss their implementation in the context of the violence and displacement that has taken place since the Commissions report was published. Mr Annan will urge stakeholders to use the report as a roadmap to peace and development in Rakhine State. Mr Annan will stress the need to quickly end security operations, facilitate humanitarian access to affected populations and ensure protection of civilians. The briefing will begin at 15:00 EST. It will be held under the Arria-formula to allow for participation from all United Nations Member States and accredited non-governmental organisations. Mr. Annans statement will be made public at the time of the briefing. About the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State At the behest of the Ministry of the Office of the State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and in collaboration with the Kofi Annan Foundation , the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State was established in September 2016 as a neutral and impartial body to propose concrete measures for improving the welfare of all people in Rakhine state. It was disbanded following the completion of its mandate in September 2017. The Commission was composed of six local and three international experts and chaired by Kofi Annan. It released an interim report in March 2017 and its final report in August 2017. The reports considered and provided recommendations on humanitarian and developmental issues, access to basic services, legal questions including citizenship and the assurance of basic rights, security to all people in all communities and other issues central to building lasting peace. The challenging economy of Ghana is partly as a result of our poor transport system. 60years after independence and freedom revolution , Ghana has rather perform worse in the area of transport than the era of Nkrumah's governance. Ghana's population has grown and the "business powerhouse" cities has been overcrowded with activities, businesses and human settlement. Our leaders havd either failed to vision for this day or have failed to implement what were visioned for this day with respect to spatial planning and transit network. The AYALOLO Transit System and a well designed Railway network system will surely contribute to boosting the economy by 70% in GHANA. SINGAPORE has one of the most cost-efficient public transport networks in the world, according to a study conducted by London consulting firm Credo. The study sought to calculate the "economic cost" of inefficient transport to the economies of 35 cities, as well as the economic benefits of investing in transport. It derived the cost of commuting using factors such as journey time, fares, crowding levels, and ease of using the network. The study found that in Singapore, the economic cost of transport to an individual commuter is 8.9 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. This rating describes the proportion of a person's time that is unproductive due to transport. In Ghana, can u imagine the value of our time that goes unproductive per capita of GDP due to transport OR in simple terms per day of our income as business men or companies? In Ghana our transport system are so poor that in crowded cities like Accra and Kumasi, u can averagely run business errands just once and the day comes to an end. A transit from Madina to Accra that can ideally takes 25minutes or lesser will in all real cases takes more than an hour because of long traffic and poor road network. Now convert these hours into economic business value of cost and you will be amazed the money we have been throwing away per day. Let Consider; For example, SOBOLO Distribution Company Ltd located in Lapaz makes Ghc10, 000 worth product distribution sales within 2 hours of return trip to and from Madina: Let do the mathematics. Assuming they open at 8am and close at 5pm, they have 9 good hours to do business. Each trip takes 2hours meaning they can effectively go for 4 trips per day and makes a total of Ghc40,000 sales that day. Now imagine we have a good transit system that takes just an hour for a return trip from Lapaz to Madina. This will mean SOBOLO Ltd can actually transit 9 trips per day amounting a sales of GHc90,000 What is the cost of the unproductive time due to poor transit system? Ans Ghc90,000-Ghc40,000=Ghc50,000 Wow! This is a lot of money more than their actual daily sales of the first condition. Consequently good transit system augment the economy, cause for more labour hands(employments) and expansion hubs for SOBOLO Ltd. This is how hugely the Ghana economy will be impacted if we improve on the AYALOLO Bus Transit and developed more better Transit Network system to connect cities and interconnect cities & villages. Timing Transit Stations that depart on time and arrive on time must be installed. Citizens will be more time conscious and diligent to work. Take away the trotros from the roads, absorb those drivers into the Transit System as conductors and Derivers. Pay them well. Private car owners will always prefer to park their cars home and take State Transit bus or rails to work simply because it is reliable , fast , economical and safe. Justice Offei Jr Adjei Onanor Street, Adenta (0245719992) Abidjan, Cote dIvoire, 12 October 2017 The connections between international arbitration and economic growth in African was the subject of the recent East Africa International Arbitration Conference (EAIAC), held in Kigali, Rwanda. The 28-29 September conference gathered more than 300 arbitration practitioners, users, and government representatives who engaged in productive discussions on how international arbitration can be deployed to promote growth on the continent. As a strategic partner to the event, African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) staff actively participated in the deliberations. Amanda Dakoure, Legal Counsel at the ALSF, shared her thoughts with a panel which sought to explore and clarify emerging issues related to the Financing and Negotiation of International Trade and Investment. He was joined by Patson Arinaitwe, Senior Associate at Sebalu & Lule Advocates, and Lawrence Muiruri, Registrar of the Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration. In her presentation, Dakoure described the mandate, activities, and objectives of the Facility: The ALSF provides technical legal assistance to African countries to strengthen their legal expertise and negotiating capacity in matters pertaining to investment agreements. Following an exchange with participants seeking clarity on the ALSFs mission, Dakoure drew the attention of the audience to a number of successful, recently-concluded ALSF projects The panel discussion explored a broad variety of press subjects, including intra-African trade regimes, investment treaties, and financial investment. Organized this year on the theme, Linkages between International arbitration and Africas Economy, the 5th East Africa International Arbitration Conference drew attention to the economic implications of international arbitration, while simultaneously promoting training and capacity-building in the field. In addition to the litany of legal practitioners in attendance, the conference benefitted from the participation of the Chief Justice of Rwanda, Sam Rugege, as well as the President of the East African Court of Justice, Justice Emmanuel Ugirashebuja. The East Africa International Arbitration Conference is organized on an annual basis, and aims to highlight and strengthen the connection between effective dispute resolution, foreign investments, and economic development in Africa. Its organizers promote arbitration centers, law societies, and law firms in the region. Greetings distinguished Mentors and Role Models. As I watched the documentary video sharing highlights and a bit of insights on the impact of the group over the space of a decade, I thought to myself that it is important to recognize how such modest contributions by a critical mass of young individuals have impacted so many people. Samuel Agyeman-Prempeh tells me that himself and a number of colleagues started Role Model Africa whiles he was in second year in Achimota School. Then it was called INVENTS. He explains further that the name originally was an acronym for Investment and Entrepreneurship for Students. And the goal as at then was to encourage himself and fellow Motowners (as you will have it) to Investment their money in various Investment portfolios and use the returns of the investment for various entrepreneurial activities. This took off well coupled with various workshops and conferences. It was when his team was in the Tertiary that I first interfaced with them, I do not recall clearly but Samuel explains to me how Laine supported a few of their events but unfortunately I could not honor their invitation as they expected. I am glad to know we supported them, although I cant clearly recall and I have kept my promise to make up to the team anytime they call on me. I have been a part of Role Model Africa in a few ways, I got the opportunity to write the foreword for one of their books tilted Courting Greatness, which shared in a story telling format aspects of the Role Model Africa story and Samuels personal writing and Entrepreneurial endeavors. I was at the launch of this book to join other persons who believe in supporting a worthy course. And of course the Role Model Africa series-The team visited my office to grant me an interview, and hey, Im told that video is still being edited, I look forward to it. I have observed the She Magnate project and I must commend the team for their Investment and belief in women. Worthy of a clap here. Very importantly today is the fact that one or many of these interventions by Role Model Africa has helped give someone hope, made one or more people start a business, get people to do more introspection of themselves and prayerfully consider the life purpose. For me, if all that Role Model Africa have done over the past 10 years have made a young man or lady say and belief that there is hope and it is possible here in Ghana and Africa at large, I think the team deserve your appreciation. Lets face it, Role Model Africa have not directly placed money in peoples pockets, but they have empowered more people to create wealth. These are young guys who whiles in senior high schools and the universities, thought not of themselves alone but painstakingly denied themselves and continually go out of their ways to help more of their colleagues. The lectures they missed, the assignments they couldnt submit and the deadlines they were unable to meet, all have connected today-I see lives touched, lives impacted and lives transformed. I must on behalf of the team thank you for joining us for our 10th anniversary. Yes, not only do I feel a part, I am a part. Role Model Africa wants to do more of these in the next 10 years and can only partner with you to make this a reality. We say Happy Birthday team Role Model Africa, happy 10th Anniversary. Mg 7040 Mg 7275 Mg 7295 Mg 7300 Mg 7342 Mg 7366 Mg 7406 Mg 7432 Mg 7436 Mg 7438 Mg 7444 Mg 7456 12.10.2017 LISTEN Liberia is a unitary sovereign state divided into counties for administrative purposes. The form of government is Republican with three separate coordinate branches: the legislative, the Executive and Judiciary. Consistent with the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances, no person holding office in one of these branches shall hold office in or exercise any of the powers assigned to either of the other two branches except as otherwise provided in this Constitution; and no person holding office in one of the said branches shall serve on any autonomous public agency. Article 3 (1986) Democracy is a culture like most of the traditional cultures we have in Ghana with their specific principles that makes them unique and well defined. These cultures possess their formula of performing rites. Deviation from performing the desired rite as is ascribes vitiates normalcy of the rite and it could be translated to mean something other than the required rite. In the absence of consistency with the performing act of a prescribed rite to the extent of its being inconsistent, makes it void and attrition to the rite within the concept of the cultural intake. Cultural practitioners at various Ghanaian cultural centres flamboyantly perform cultural acts on stages without them belonging to any of the tribes or ethnic society for which tradition they perform its culture and so is the practice of democracy and practitioners of democracy. So if the decision of the people of Ghana is to practice democracy as a system, we must rethink the Constitution 1992 and the democratic principles enshrined under it especially the legitimacy of coalescing the Executive and the Legislative arms under democratic principles of separation of powers. We the people of Ghana having admitted into practicing democracy under Article 35.1 Ghana shall be a democratic state dedicated to the realization of freedom and justice; we must sit-up to reconnoiter to gaining back essential democratic principle missing in the formulation of our democratic constitution knowing that sovereignty resides in the people of Ghana from whom Government derives all its powers and authority In the practice of democracy depending on the system chosen, consistency with the principles of separation of powers, checks and balances are very paramount, especially the electoral system towards establishing such powers shall be consistent with the principles of democratic evolution and it shall not be violated. Coveted words to grant inconsistency in the fundamental concept of separation of powers booked in the fundamental laws of the Republic, to the extent of its inconsistency, violation or perfidiously manipulating the system to invalidate the principles of separation of powers, checks and balances and transparent electoral system towards the powers established under the principles of separation of powers, renders democratic principles booked in the fundamental laws of the land void if it is not consistent with democratic principle of separation of powers. Political actors of now must recognize the condition under which the 1992 Constitution came into being and get to understanding that, we are near lost to the core principles of separation of power under democratic principles if we get not to think to call for amendment of Article 78.1 where the President shall appoint majority of his ministers from the Single Chamber Parliament of Ghana. Horrific dazing gaze starring at us in a broad day light contemplating the hands of Single Chamber Parliament tied behind them by the executive under Article 78.1 of the 1992 Constitution and that is serious. It is mind-boggling to conjecture the horrendous efforts catapulted to electing a member of council of state by a region regardless of its population for only the President on his own discretion to appoint more members than the entire nation to council of state. It is more horrific to think that, under Article 91.3, the advice of the council of state is not binding if it is requested or on its own initiative consider and make recommendations on any matter being considered or dealt with by the Executive or the Parliament. Would there be anything the Executive or the Parliament shall deliberate upon that experienced and conscience thinking old guards of the nation could not prove to have an astounding crouch? Advocacy for the practice of democratic culture by astute democracies are purposely directed and intended to give meaning to peaceful election of national leadership associated with transparency, fundamental human rights, and equality of persons and annihilating corruption of all traits. These are best found in the culture called Democracy and that therefore are the thrust for which other nations like mother Ghana would forgo all other political systems including systems our forebears had bored to keep us progressive in diversity including the 1960 Constitution of Dr Kwame Nkrumah. We should not forget the several empires in Ghana including the Asante Empire which, strategically was governed with elements of democratic prudence under which most democratic nations of the world have continued to retain in pursuit of electing their heads of state and heads of government. Democracy as it is has in-built mechanism for eschewing corruption and establishing fundamental rights for all its citizens as equal citizens and a needed diversity towards common goal- prosperity of the people of the nation. However considering the Parliament of Ghana as it stands today, is half the executive presidency in that the most powerful among them are made prime members of the executive arm of government of Ghana. The essence of executive system of presidency as is known in the democratic circles runs contrary to what is established under the 1992 Constitution. Democratic principles of separation of powers are lost and totally lost to the people of Ghana in the name of a lame hybrid constitution which is far away from the French hybrid Constitution of 1958. It is in the light of these thoughts that we have observed, the people of Ghana under the 1992 Constitution have been deprived of some of the essential potency of democratic principles and veers away our nation from democracy and instils unto us full fledge oligarchy that may guide us to nepotism and lead our nation into an autocratic bulwark, where only a selected few, shall at all times be the decision makers of our nation and shall divulge laws to suite themselves to pay-off debts accumulated for the expensive electoral laws we have carved for ourselves. They shall continue to divide us as a nation of with us or against us in seeking our votes whilst up there, they shall conceal but their wrongs against the entirety of the nation. Munir Saani Safe Democracy Ghana. Accra: October 9, 2017: For just the first half of 2017, the Domestic Tax Revenue Division (DTRD) of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has mobilised almost eight billion Ghana cedis in tax collection through the further deployment of the Total Revenue Integrated Processing System (tripsTM), representing a seventeen per cent increase over the same period in 2016. In 2016, more than eleven billion Ghana cedis was also mobilised through tripsTM compared to the almost nine billion Ghana cedis and three billion Ghana cedis mobilised in 2015 and 2014. Data shows that more than 154,000 tax returns were processed through tripsTM between January and July in 2017 representing a 43% increase on the same period in 2016. From January to July 2017 over 151,000 new Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) have been issued bring the total since the launch of TRIPS to 890,000. The Total Revenue Integrated Processing System (TripsTM) is an e-tax solution software for tax administration under the e-Government project by the Ministry of Communication. tripsTM, the first in West Africa, was designed and deployed in 2011 as a business automation process system that seeks to streamline and bring transparency in the business operations of the Ghana Revenue Authority. The e-tax solution package was developed and deployed for the Ghana Revenue Authority by the Ghana Community Network Services Limited (GCNet) with a self-service portal that provides online services to taxpayers. The system supports a full range of tax Administration functions including: Registration, Returns Processing, Automated Compliance, Collections, Taxpayer Accounting, Revenue Accounting, Refunds, Risk Management, Case Management, Audit, Objections and Appeals. GeGov Project Manager at GCNet, Mr. Chris Holden, noted the system exchanges real time data with a number of other Government Systems including: the National Identification Authority, Driver Vehicle Licencing Authority (DVLA) and the for the online validation of Individuals identity documents; Registrar-Generals Department for the automated creation and sharing of Tax Identification Numbers; Customs for the identification of Importers and Exports; and also share data with the Controller and Accountant Generals Department. He was confident that with the expanded roll out of tripsTM across all offices of the Domestic Tax Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority nationwide, more individuals and entities will be roped into the tax net to enhance revenue mobilisation efforts to meet national development needs. Currently, 38 offices of the Domestic Tax Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) nationwide have been migrated onto the use of tripsTM with an additional 21 offices to be on-boarded. The Total Revenue Integrated Processing system is a software which processes the business functions of the Domestic Tax Revenue Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority. It forms a component of the eGovernment Project which seeks to promote transparency and accountability in various Government Agencies. As a business process automation system, TRIPS is designed to integrate various tax modules as well as interface with third party systems. The outcome of this makes is easier for taxpayers to transact business with GRA, thus enhancing compliance and consequently increasing revenue mobilisation in the course of the next 6 weeks. This is expected to expand coverage and access to the citizen and corporate Ghana as part of the moves to improve revenue mobilisation. Training workshops are also ongoing nationwide to sharpen the skills of tax officials who register and migrate taxpayers and process returns through the system to improve customer service and revenue administration. Promoting the use of trips In order to promote the use of tripsTM, the Ghana Revenue Authority and their Private Partner GCNet in November 2016, initiated an internal campaign in the form of a competition and awards scheme to motivate staff to use tripsTM for TIN Registration, Tax types Registration, Return Processing and the other modules. Five tax offices (Large Tax Office, Spintex Medium Tax Office, Teshie Nungua Small Tax Office, Madina Small Tax Office and Adenta Small Tax Office) were recognised as joint winners in the first quarter competition for their continued use of the Total Revenue Integrated Processing Systems (tripsTM) in revenue collection efforts of the Authority. For the second quarter, another five tax offices (Kasoa Small Tax Office, Spintex Medium Tax Office, Agbogbloshie Small Tax Office, Asokwa Medium Tax Office and Sunyani Tax Office) were recognised as joint winners in the competition. Ghanas Second Lady, Hajia Samira Bawumia, has donated a large consignment of surgical equipment and medical supplies to the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH) worth over $60,000. These include boxes of canolas, disinfectants, monitors, catheter, boxes of NG tubes, suction device, syringe pump, pulse oximeter and minor surgical and OPD equipment. The donation was done through her benevolent organization called Samira Empowerment and Humanitarian Project. Hajia Samira Bawumia in a brief speech said the TTH is dear to her heart, hence the donation. The Second Lady reiterated the commitment of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addos administration to improve the countrys health sector. The TTH acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO), David Z. Kolbilla, extolled the Second Lady for placing premium on the major health referral facility, serving Northern Ghana and beyond. Dr. Kolbilla appealed to government to fix the hospitals myriad of challenges including staff accommodation and hostels for patients relatives. He bemoaned the hospitals broken down oxygen plant leading to the erratic supply of medical oxygen to patients. He also raised concern about infrequent water supply and shortages of basic consumables. Dr. Z. Kobila exposed some selfish staff who illegally extort monies from patients and called for a stop to such inhumane practice. The Northern Regional Minister, Salifu Sa-eed, on behalf of the chiefs and people thanked the Second Lady for her kind gesture. He admonished her to do more since she has the hospital at heart. Salifu Sa-eed urged management and staff to improve their cordial relations. Donations to basic schools in Tamale Hajia Samira Bawumia earlier donated library books to three selected schools within the Tamale Metropolitan Area. She symbolically handed the donation over to the school heads at the Zogbeli Block A cluster of schools. The second Lady impressed upon the pupils to read wide and work hard to attain higher academic laurels. She cautioned the school heads against diverting the books for their personal gains, and promised to sustain the donation to promote literacy and as well overturn the falling standard of education in the area. One of the school heads of the beneficiary schools, Madam Henrietta Yaro, on behalf of her colleagues, commended the Second Lady for the support. They promised to put the books to good use as they are needed to improve pupils reading skills. By: Abdul Karim Naatogmah/ Once again, Nordic Ghana Investment Services (NorGhis) would make Ghana exceptionally visible at this years Nordic-African Business Summit in Oslo on October 26. This Business Summit is the single largest Nordic Business Conference focusing exclusively on African markets in the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, including Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Aland Islands). The theme for this years Summit is How to Invest in Africas Transition; and His Excellency Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, is a keynote invitee. Messers Rich Ocloo, Francis Kwamena Acquah and Tete Kobla Agbota have made this invitation possible. They formed NorGhis in 2011 with the goal to make Ghana a visible investment destination for investors and businesses from Norway and other Nordic Countries. According to Tete Kobla Agbota, the CEO of NorGhis, a central strategy to achieve this aim has been to get prominent Ghanaians as keynote invitees to Nordic-African Business Summit. Besides making it possible for prominent Ghanaians to be keynote invitees to the Business Summit NorGhis relays information on business to authorities to advance the interest of Ghana. For instance, when we had the information that Norfund, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries had decided to open an office in West Africa, we alerted President Mahama. We relayed what we have done for the office to be located in Accra. Acting upon this information, he met with the main decision makers when he was in Oslo in 2014. Norways Ambassador to Ghana, Ms. Hege Hertzberg also gave us support in this respect. Eminent Ghanaians that have been to the Nordic Business Summit are His Excellency President John Dramani Mahama, Hon. Fiifi Fiavi Kwettey and last but not the least His Majesty, the Asantehene Otumfuor Osei Tutu II. Mr. Agbota disclosed that it has not been an easy job getting these prominent persons to Oslo; it requires hard work, perseverance, patriotism, dedication and a large portion of voluntary spirit. We are grateful that Mr. Eivind Fjeldstad, the CEO of Norwegian African Business Association (NABA) agreed to invite His Excellency Vice President Mahamadu Bawumia as the Keynote Speaker for the 2017 Summit. NorGhis would be responsible for organizing the special session for businesses and investors interested in Ghana. To the question on how NorGhis maintains its contact with the Ghanaian market, Mr. Acquah said they have built a network of reliable individuals and organizations in Ghana, because to be a relevant conduit between investors and projects you need reliable partners in Ghana who can identify investment opportunities. For instance, we have cooperation with INNOHUB Ghana via Mr. Nelson Amo and with Debenture Trust Company Ghana Ltd., via Mr. George Ahiafor and Mr. Kwaku Agbottah. On what message NorGhis has for the Vice President, Mr. Ocloo underscored the comparative advantage of Norway in Oil and Gas and Aquaculture. He disclosed NorGhis has plans on how these two areas can be harnessed to create wealth, jobs and reduce poverty. Monrovia (AFP) - Liberian presidential candidates George Weah and Vice-President Joseph Boakai dominated partial tallies released by the country's electoral commission on Thursday, but the results showed the vast majority of votes are yet to be counted. Political parties have expressed concern over polling-day hitches on Tuesday that have caused significant delays to the results, with one party calling for a halt to the ballot counting. Weah and Boakai are expected to top the first round of voting, according to analysts, though former Coca-Cola executive Alexander Cummings is considered to have eaten into their support with an innovative campaign strategy. The only county with more than 30 percent of votes counted -- Bong county -- showed Boakai and Weah neck-and-neck with a slight advantage on Weah's side. Weah was also leading in Montserrado county, his stronghold, which although just 14.8 percent of ballots have been counted dwarfs Liberia's other counties in representing 778,000 voters. If no candidate wins over 50 percent of the presidential vote nationwide, a run-off between the top two contenders will be held on November 7 -- an outcome deemed a near certainty. Jerome Korkoya, NEC Chairman, said the commission was "committed to the release of timely results but this cannot be done at the expense of accuracy," after foreign observers began to apply pressure over the long wait. "This commission has not declared any winner," Korkoya added, saying the results remained too partial to declare a runoff. Korkoya also hit out at false reports including a tweet by Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger that Weah had already been declared the winner. "Reports going around that somebody or some people have already been elected, we are not aware of that," the NEC chairman said. The chairman of the Liberty Party, whose candidate is not expected to make the run-off round, on Thursday urged the "NEC to immediately halt further announcements of election results." "If NEC does not cooperate with our request, we will take the appropriate legal action," the party's chairman, Ben Sanvee, said. Turnout for Liberia's first democratic transfer of power in seven decades was exceptionally high, the NEC has suggested. Given the delays, the European Union observer mission had urged the NEC to be as open as possible about the details of the final results. "In order for the final result to be credible, the Liberian authorities will have to show the greatest transparency regarding the handling of the result for the polling stations until the validation," the chief observer of the EU's Election Observation Mission, Maria Arena, told journalists in Monrovia. She also called on the authorities to ensure that "potential complaints are handled with the utmost impartiality" in a tense environment. The Carter Center, an NGO founded by former US president Jimmy Carter, said "prompt release of results" would help in "building confidence among the electorate and preventing confusion and tension." So you mean to say that Ethereum is like a conduit, an infrastructure, the pipes of the a new internet? Yes. A-ha, I think I get it now. This is typical of how a lot of my conversations go these days. I travel a lot, within the UK, across to Europe, the US, Asia and back home to Australia. Inevitably, wherever I go these days Ill come across a friendly person who just wants to have a chat. Sometimes thats in a pub. Sometimes its in an airport lounge. Sometimes its just friends and family, or friends of friends and family. The usual pleasantries are exchanged. Hello, Im [so and so]. Hi Im Sam, nice to meet you. Hi Sam, so what do you do? Im an Editor. Okay so for a newspaper, or magazine? No we publish financial newsletters. Provide advice to subscribers. Stocks, investments. Cryptocurrency. Oh cryptocurrency, yes Ive heard of that. Bitcoin, oooh thats gone up a lot hasnt it? You get the gist of it. The price people, and the smart ones Pretty soon the conversation gets a little more detailed as people cant help but want to know about bitcoin and why its so expensive. I help to educate them about its origins, why it exists and the problems of relating its price into fiat currency all the time. At first most people dont get it. They just want to know how to buy it and where they can sell it back into dollars (or pounds). Theres not too much point going into great detail with these people. Theres plenty of info available out there from the mainstream about buying bitcoin and selling it back into fiat money for fiat profits. But some people, the smart ones, want to know more. They want to know more than its price. They will ask questions like, I dont understand the value behind it? or, Can you explain how you can actually use it? Theyre deeper questions about not just bitcoin but the entire crypto world. I enjoy speaking with these people because they have a thirst for knowledge. They want to understand the mechanics of it, and the bigger picture ideas. I help them on that journeyif Ive got time. But typically Ill help them to understand that theres something far bigger than just bitcoin and etherum in play here. Sure bitcoin and ethereum are the two big boys of crypto. And a lot of people have seen or heard about these before. But I explain that these are just two of an entire new world being built, effectively, from scratch. How cryptocurrencies are creating an alternative financial system, digital infrastructure, networks to secure identities, data marketplaces, privacy-centric payment systems, messaging and communications platforms, blockchain based digital apps. I open their eyes to a whole world thats being created, developed and built right under their noses. And none of them really know its happening yet. They see the mainstream cover the price of bitcoin. They hear Wall Street big-wigs calling bitcoin a fraud. They hear about China banning it all. They are fearful and scared of getting involved because its all too dangerous for them. But when they understand this is an exciting, innovative, fast-paced world it is, they do start to see the significance of this creation event. And its only when you start to explain how a crypto like ethereum works, or why litecoin is like a test-bed for bitcoin that they start to understand. When you explain there are development projects in play to decentralise computer storage and processing power, their eyes light up. When you tell them about payment technology on the blockchain with mobile wallets and payments cards, they go positively bonkers. Sometimes they get there quickly. Sometimes they take a little longer. But everyone thats genuinely interested in whats really going on always end up with an a-ha! moment. Its a wonderful thing to see. Their eyes open. They smile. They glance off into the distance. You can see their mind whirring away at a million miles an hour. You can see them trying to piece it all together. Theres nothing I enjoy more than being in the presence of someone having an a-ha! moment about cryptocurrency. Very quickly after that moment theyre desperate to know more. They want to understand the different types of projects in the works. They want to know how to get bitcoin, ethereuem, and a whole range of different cryptos. They want to know what apps they can get their hands on to escape the fiat system. They want to know what are some of the upcoming opportunities to get involved in new cryptos. The excitement that people get when they truly understand whats happening is palpable. Time to go Of course by this stage Ive usually finished my beer (or two). Or its time to catch that flight. Or its just time to leave. And I dont give personal advice or give away my recommendations for free. Its why we have services like Sam Volkerings Secret Crypto Network. Its for people who are just starting out with cryptocurrency, maybe havent had that a-ha! moment yet, but want to know more. They want to know more than just its price in fiat money. They want to understand. Secret Crypto Network is a perfect way to get started. But theres also that crypto user who wants to take things to the next level. They want bigger opportunities in cryptos. They want the highest-risk, potentially highest reward opportunities that come my way. They want to know about ICOs. Theyve bought bitcoin or ethereum already, or both, and they know how to move it around. They know the risks, and are ready to accept them. They want to supercharge their crypto holdings, and they need help to avoid the scams, the fraud and the worthless coins. And thats why weve been working on a special project specifically tailored just for this niche area within the crypto world. Its certainly not for everyone. In fact its definitely not for beginners. But its a solely dedicated crypto project, the likes of which weve never done before. In fact, it may very well be the only service of its kind within the country. And its coming soon. Very soon. Regards, Sam Volkering, Editor, Australian Small-Cap Investigator For every Uber theres a Didi. A Tujia for every Airbnb. And an Alibaba up against every Amazon. Yes, China has been famous or should I say infamous for its strategy of imitation. Especially of innovative foreign companies. Theres practically a Chinese version of every well-known growth story. As a game plan, its working for them. For a brief moment on Tuesday, Alibaba overtook Amazon to become the worlds biggest e-commerce company.Im And yesterday, Airbnb clone Tujia raised US$300 million to fund a rapid expansion plan. Theyre looking to capitalise on a surge of Chinese families taking overseas holidays. Imitation is nothing new in China. Its ingrained in the culture. When I was in China five years ago, I noticed the glazed rooftop tiles around smaller city landmarks were the same as those found in Beijings Forbidden City. The distinctive tiles were direct clones. As I travelled around, there was a lot less regional variation than you get in other parts of the world. Perhaps thats just due to long term dynastic traditions? Either way, seven decades of communist ideology in theory at least doesnt create melting pots of independent thought. Until recently At the world-famous Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2017, a slew of Chinese companies exhibited. 700 of the 1,575 Chinese companies were from the Shenzhen area. Chinas own Silicon Valley. A fresh focus on innovation is increasingly high on the ruling partys agenda. But it might be too late to ease tensions with the US. The Trump administration is currently probing Chinas intellectual property (IP) practices. Its adding more powder to the already volatile political mix. It could even be the spark that sets off a trade war. The US argues that Beijing forces US companies into giving away IP as the price for doing business in China. They siphon off the IP, and give it to state-backed companies like Huawei. In the most obvious cases, Chinese clones of American companies then spring up. Stealing business ideas is one thing, but its the deeper technology insights the US wants to protect. Especially in the fields of artificial intelligence, big data and advanced technologies. Daniel Patrick McGahn, chief executive officer of American Superconductor Corp. wants China to understand that American and Chinese companies all should be subject to the same rules. A level playing field. China, for its part, is playing dumb. We are quite confused and greatly concerned about the investigation, said Chen Zhou of the China Chamber of International Commerce. Its yet another front in a trade war simmering beneath the surface. Tensions will remain as each seeks to advance their own interests. Everything from labelling China a currency manipulator to increasing import taxes are up for review under Trump. No one wins in a trade war So far, its mostly been words and accusations. Not actions. Which is good. The two biggest economies going toe to toe would be bad for everyone. Trade wars arent the sort of battle that you win. As the economist Adam Smith showed three centuries ago, trade is a win-win scenario. You produce what you are best at, I produce what I am best at, and there ends up being more for everyone. As China starts to grow its economy and wealth, it will need to start accepting a more level playing field. Research costs are huge burdens on technology companies. Theres only so much free riding they will take. No doubt China understands this. But its in their own interest to negotiate every inch. And in the meantime grow Chinas wealth, its companies and its technological know-how. How Trump reacts to this is the big unknown. As the great deal maker in chief, hes unlikely to fall for such stalling tactics. He would prefer a straightforward deal. Perhaps that will come by way of a North Korean solution? Perhaps thats been Chinas bargaining chip all along? Or perhaps Trump has other cards left to play? I dont know. Im not a master of the art of the deal. But I do hope the two superpowers find a way through this impasse. Because it will be a win for Australia. In fact, our future economic hopes hinge on it. Good investing, Ryan Dinse, Editor, Money Morning 'The big truck is still on ... A state bill targeting so-called sanctuary cities and counties would sow fear among Wisconsins immigrant population and impede police cooperation with them, its critics told a legislative panel Thursday. The Republican sponsor of the bill, which requires local law enforcement agencies to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, said it would help them apprehend dangerous criminals who also are immigrants living in the country illegally. The bill got its first public airing of the year Thursday inside a packed hearing room at the state Capitol. The chairman of the committee that heard the bill, Sen. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, also is its sponsor. A Milwaukee group opposing the bill, Voces de la Frontera, said it brought at least 500 opponents of the bill to the Capitol from Green Bay, Manitowoc, Milwaukee and Waukesha. The bill faces an uncertain future in the Legislature. It is similar to a Texas law that was partially blocked from taking effect by a federal judge earlier this year and is now before a federal appeals court. An association representing Wisconsin sheriffs has said a provision of the bill, also one of the parts of the Texas law that was blocked, may require county jails to detain people unconstitutionally. Critics of the measure, including state Rep. JoCasta Zamarripa, D-Milwaukee, said Thursday that the election of President Donald Trump led to an increase in anti-Latino rhetoric that also is driving support for the bill. The president of Voces de la Frontera, Jose Flores, testified that hes living in the country illegally. Flores told Nass he has four children, all U.S. citizens, and he fears what would happen if he is deported. We are hard workers, sir, Flores told Nass. We are not criminals. Nass responded that his bill isnt meant to help law enforcement apprehend law-abiding immigrants, but rather the criminal element. Earlier in the hearing, Nass testified that these politically correct (sanctuary) policies actually increase the risk to public safety. Walker doesnt commit on bill Nass bill would bar local municipalities or counties from enacting or enforcing any ordinance, resolution or policy that prohibits enforcing any law relating to illegal aliens. It also requires municipalities & counties to comply with detainers issued by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, which ask local authorities to continue to detain people past their release date to give ICE agents more time to decide whether to take the person into federal custody. If a court found a municipality or county violated the bills requirements, it calls for the state to reduce aid to that municipality or county by between $500 and $5,000, depending on its population, for each day of noncompliance. Gov. Scott Walker is noncommittal about the bill, with his spokesman only saying Thursday that the governor will review the bill if it gets to his desk. The state Assembly passed a similar bill last year during the previous legislative session. It died in the state Senate, where Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, declared it wasnt a priority. Nass testimony named only one local government as a sanctuary that would see potential impact from the bill: Milwaukee County. In April, President Donald Trumps administration threatened to cut grant money for Milwaukee County over so-called sanctuary policies though the administration on Thursday said Milwaukee County is complying with immigration law. Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney told The Capital Times he does not let a detainer prevent inmates from posting bail or leaving once they have completed their sentences, unless he receives a warrant ordering the person to be held. Mahoneys office and Madison police could not be reached for comment Thursday to say if the bill would affect any of their policies or operations. Madison was among the cities that Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, said last year was being targeted by the bill though Madison officials disputed the term sanctuary city as accurately describing their policies. It typically is applied to cities or counties that refuse to cooperate with federal authorities to enforce immigration law. Constitutional concerns cited The Badger State Sheriffs Association, in written testimony to the committee, flagged the provision requiring compliance with ICE detainers. If doing so requires the person to be detained past what is allowed under the charge or charges for which they initially were detained, it cannot be done without violating the persons constitutional rights, the association wrote. National sheriffs groups are working with federal authorities to resolve this issue, the association wrote. Darryl Morin, a spokesman for the Wisconsin chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens, or LULAC, said the bill would send a message of fear and division and have a chilling effect on police-community relations. Many who came to testify against the bill could not because the buses that brought them to the Capitol departed before the hearing ended. They included 12-year-old Isabel Martinez of Manitowoc. Martinez said her father was deported to his home country of Mexico in 2012, when she was six, after having lived in the U.S. for 16 years and having four children here. I dont want other kids just like me to experience what I experienced, Martinez said. Martinezs mother, Jennifer Estrada, also of Manitowoc, said she agrees with Zamarripa that treatment of Latinos has changed since the election. Estrada said another of her daughters was bullied on her school playground shortly after the election and told by another student to go back to your country. We think its sad Wisconsin is trying to push the racist agenda coming out of the White House, Estrada said. Mark Twain Medical Center View Photos Originally posted at 6 a.m.: San Andreas, CA Mark Twain Health Care District officials, as they weigh the merits and charms of two suitors, are happily touting the district is in a fortunate position. Over the past several months largely behind the scenes officials and consultants have delved into careful analysis of the districts options and negotiated with long-time partner Dignity Health Care, which co-owns Mark Twain Medical Center assets with the district. MTHCD Executive Director Dr. Randy Smart has been driving the process since taking over the helm over three months ago, as reported here. It was at the boards most recent meeting Sept. 27 when Smart was able to report that Dignity Healths completed proposal had been submitted and was now on the table. It is a reasonable proposal that offers us choices in the future, Smart maintains, adding that the offer will remain in hold mode while the district negotiates possibilities of working with Adventist Health. As reported here, among the options before the district regarding its lease agreement with the medical center are signing a new agreement with Dignity; going with another affiliate; running the hospital as an independent operator or through a management services agreement. This last choice is the only one that does not require securing final local approval through a voter measure. Both Dignity, Adventist Health Very Interested Since a new lease must be in place by the end of 2019, district officials are feeling the heat to come to a decision before the end of the year so there is time to prepare a measure for the June 2018 ballot. I can tell you that both organizations are very interested in Mark Twain Hospital, Smart confides, describing them both as very professional, very reputable. Enthusing, he adds, I will tell you what I am telling employees and leadership at Mark Twain: this is the best position that you can imagine to have. Many of these small rural hospitals have nowhere to turn I mean they have nobody to talk to they are trying to talk to banks rather than partners. To be in a position where you have this level of competence and financial security willing to talk to you is just incredible and if anybody out there is worried about [the future of] Mark Twain, they dont need to be. Smart muses that ahead of its ultimate decision the board will have more to weigh than just numbers. You want to make sure that you are not just a percentage of the booksyou want to know that [affiliate partner leadership/administrators] care about you and they want this to work and understandwhat rural health care is going to be like and respond to these national challenges as we need them to. Along with financial there are cultural aspects to consider as well as which affiliate might best improve upon current abilities to deliver excellent customer service. On the other side of the equation, Smart notes are fundamental questions for the entire county of Calaveras to consider, including do residents really still want a local hospital? He has been floating that question at business and community events, wryly emphasizing, It will not matter who runs the hospital if you dont use, care about and respect it it is going to go away. Public Hearing Dates, Final Decision Coming Soon Currently, Smart projects having more meaningful details to share about the side to side proposals in a few more weeks. Whether that will be by the boards next meeting on Oct. 25 or in early November depends on the progress of negotiations with Adventist Health. He anticipates that the district will schedule public meetings to hear comments in November, perhaps vote at the Nov. 22 meeting, and then make a presentation of the districts chosen proposal to the county supervisors during a public hearing in December. With regard to the Dignity Health option, the board received two petitions supportive of continuing the quarter-century-plus partnership at its last meeting from Mark Twain Medical Center staff; one signed by over a hundred personnel members and the other from physicians with over 20 doctors signatures. Speaking for Dignity Health, Mark Twain Medical Center President/CEO Robert Diehl gratefully acknowledged the support. Now, more than ever, as other rural communities across America are losing their hospitals due to financial pressures, Diehl states that his company is working to put its best foot forward as the district considers its options. If you ask me, I feel strongly that the Mark Twain Health Care District, together with Dignity Health, can look back and take pride in the high quality modern hospital we have, the clinics, the health care services that have been delivered here. Among beneficial provisions in recent years, he points to expansions in medical staff, new specialties and tele-medicine access as a few of the advancements that have been made. According to recent figures of unique visit statistics, Diehl shares that last year over 21,000 Calaveras residents experienced Mark Twain Medical Center/Dignity Health care in some form; either an in-patient hospitalization, an emergency or clinic visit or a surgery. Subsequently, he says, So that means just over 47 percent of us come here and to me that means the pressure is on us to continue to make those services available and grow and expand for decades to come. For their part, Adventist Health officials, since they are still busily in the process of tendering their proposal, are reserving comment for now. Watch this space for more details as they become available. The former executive director of the state Democratic Party could face a first-degree reckless homicide charge for the drug overdose death last month of a woman at his home in Fitchburg, according to a search warrant filed this week. The search warrant, filed on Monday but not made available until Tuesday, states that Jason T. Sidener, 42, told Fitchburg police that he took the 30-year-old woman to St. Marys Hospitals emergency room on Sept. 12 after waking up that morning to find her breathing really weird, suspecting that she may have used heroin at his home on Bantry Lane in Fitchburg. The woman, identified as Monique E. Allen, of Madison, was dead upon arrival at the hospital, according to the warrant. An obituary for Allen says she is survived by three children. Sidener has not been arrested or charged with any crime. Fitchburg police filed and executed the search w arrant for his home and vehicle last week as part of what is still a death investigation, said Lt. Don Bomkamp. Police have sent evidence to the state crime lab for testing and are also still collecting data evidence from a cellphone. Wed like to know where the drugs came from, Bomkamp said. The warrant said the items being sought at Sideners home may constitute evidence of the crime of first-degree reckless homicide. The warrant doesnt indicate that anyone other than Sidener and the woman were at the house during the time of the incident. Under Wisconsin law, anyone who provides an illegal drug to someone that causes an overdose death may be charged with a felony punishable by up to 40 years of prison and extended supervision. Bomkamp said Sideners lawyer has instructed police not to ask Sidener any questions. The lawyer, Jonas Bednarek, did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday, and Sidener did not respond to a text message. Sidener was hired in December as executive director of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin after serving as political director of AFSCME Council 32. According to an affidavit filed with the search warrant, Sidener was recently fired from the job because of work performance issues. Democratic Party spokeswoman Melanie Conklin said Wednesday that Sidener took a leave of absence in early August, returned briefly in mid-September and left the job on Sept. 14 citing that it would be the best thing for his health and that the road to full recovery would be longer than expected. The party is cooperating fully with police and deferred questions about the investigation to police out of respect for all those involved, Conklin said. Conklin said news of the investigation has been heartbreaking and that legal obligations keep us from commenting on personnel matters. According to the search warrant affidavit: Police were called to St. Marys Hospital about 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 12, about two hours after Sidener brought in Allen, who was dead. An autopsy did not immediately determine the cause of death, which required additional toxicology tests. Last week, results from the tests showed that Allen had died from an overdose and had multiple drugs in her system, including heroin, fentanyl and a fentanyl analog, and cocaine. Sidener told police that he had picked up Allen at a Far East Side motel the night of Sept. 11 and brought her to his home. He said they hung out all night, and she spent the night there. He said he and Allen used only marijuana and when he fell asleep between 1 and 2 a.m., Allen was fine. When he woke up at 5 a.m., Sidener told police, he suspected Allen had possibly used heroin, that she was breathing really weird and her body was like a pile of mush. He told police he watched over her for about an hour, and when she didnt improve he carried her to his car and drove her to St. Marys Hospital. Police obtained cellphone records for Allens phone and found text messages between Sidener and Allen that started the morning of Sept. 9 and ended the night of Sept. 11. In the messages, Sidener wrote that he is doing the hard stuff and he will bring the hard, meaning heroin or cocaine. Allen wrote that it would be fun to do some with him. Breianna Hasenzahl-Reeder, compliance and operations director at the state Democratic Party, told police she suspected Sidener was using opiates because of his behavior at work, which included disappearing for long periods during the day, falling asleep or nodding off during meetings and being incoherent at times. According to an inventory filed with the search warrant, police searching Sideners home and car found drugs including crack cocaine, and drug paraphernalia including pipes, digital scales, baggie corners and needles. Police also seized computers, several cellphones and a notebook and ledger with names and dollar amounts. Atlas Fire burning in Nappa and Solano counties View Photos Update at 7 p.m.: The death toll continues to climb in the Northern California blazes marking a tragic new record. The wildfires have now killed 31 people making this the deadliest week of wildfires in state history. Sonoma County officials report tonight that two more people have been confirmed dead. The single deadliest fire was the 1993 Los Angeles Griffith Park fire that claimed 29 lives. (Below are also details of CAL Fires investigation into what sparked the blazes and whether the warning system did its job.) Update at 4:45 p.m.: The Northern California wildfire death toll has risen to 29. The Yuba County Sheriff has confirmed that four people died in the over 10,000 acre Cascade Fire, which is burning 100 miles north of several blazes in wine country. CAL Fire reports hundreds of people are still missing and loved ones looking for missing relatives are asked to register them on the Red Cross website. Original post at 1:30 p.m.: CAL Fire is trying to determine what sparked the deadly Northern California blazes and whether the warning system did its job. The wildfires are already well on their way to becoming the deadliest in California history and show no signs of slowing down. Steady winds with gusts up to 45 mph and humidity plunging near zero are expected to descend on the areas north of San Francisco where the death toll is now 24. As of today, as many as 18 fires are burning in nine counties and an estimated 20,000 people have been evacuated. CAL Fire investigators are looking into whether downed power lines and other utility equipment failures might have sparked the massive wildfires sweeping through the wine country. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection spokeswoman Janet Upton stated that its unclear if downed power lines and live wires resulted from fires or started them. CAL Fire Chief Ken Pimlot recognizing that there was not much time to warn residents by any means as the flames ripped through whole communities Sunday night wants an assessment on the states alert system, which include text messages, phone calls, emails and tweets. Those methods will be checked to determine whether it was even possible to reach everyone with so little time to react, according to state authorities. Additionally, the heavy smoke in the skies is creating delays and has even caused some airlines to cancel flights in Northern California including more than 80 Thursday at San Francisco International Airport. The average delay time for flights is 30 to 45 minutes at that airport. However, the Federal Aviation Administration notes that some arriving flights have been delayed more than three hours. According to reports released by the UN, the population of Nigeria as at 2017 is estimated to be 190.4 million. According to forecasts, this figure will rise to 194 million by 2018. Births are expected to exceed deaths by up to 5.1 million, which denotes a positive increase. However, it is also expected that the population will decrease due to migration; in the previous year, the number of people leaving the country was higher than the number of those visiting. In this article, we will review the latest published data on the population of Nigeria by states. Nigeria population by state The latest information on all 36 states in Nigeria was collected in 2006. According to latest Census, the following list shows the figures in millions for each region: Kano - 9.3 mln people; Lagos - 9 mln people; Kaduna - 6 mln people; Katsina - 5.7 mln people; Oyo - 5.5 mln people; Rivers - 5.1 mln people; Bauchi - 4.6 mln people; Jigawa - 4.3 mln people; Benue - 4.2 mln people; Anambra - 4.1 mln people; Borno - 4.1 mln people; Delta - 4 mln people; Niger - 3.9 mln people; Imo- 3.9 mln people; Akwa ibom - 3.9 mln people; Ogun - 3.7 mln people; Sokoto - 3.6 mln people; Ondo - 3.4 mln people; Osun - 3.4 mln people; Kogi- 3.2 mln people; Zamfara - 3.2 mln people; Enugu- 3.2 mln people; Kebbi- 3.2 mln people; Edo- 3.2 mln people; Plateau - 3.1 mln people; Adamawa - 3.1 mln people; Cross river - 2.8 mln people; Abia- 2.8 mln people; Ekiti - 2.3 mln people; Kwara - 2.3 mln people; Gombe - 2.3 mln people; Yobe - 2.3 mln people; Taraba - 2.3 mln people; Ebonyi - 2.1 mln people; Nasarawa - 1.8 mln people; Bayelsa - 1.7 mln people; Federal capital territory- 1.4 mln people. READ ALSO: The most developed state in Nigeria 2017 Top 10 of most populated states in Nigeria Here is a detailed report on the most populated regions of the country; this information is based on data collected by different sources and not based on an official census. An official census was supposed to take place in 2016, however the exercise was postponed to 2018 due to the crisis in the country. The most populated state in Nigeria is Lagos. The population of Lagos is 21 million Nigerians. This region has long been the most densely populated in the country, but was second to Kano in 2006. In 2012 the figure was estimated to be 7.68 million people but the state government claimed that the figure had reached 17.5 and called for a review of the report; investigations into the matter revealed that the organizations involved in the calculations were found to be unreliable. Lagos currently has a population of 21.6 million Nigerians and has the title of the largest region in Africa in terms of population. In addition, it is the 2nd fast-growing city on the continent and the 7th in the world. Kano is the former most populated state in the country; it currently has a population of 14 million. In 2011, this figure was estimated to be 11 million. Oyo state has a population of 15 million Nigerians this year. In 2007, their population was 6.6 million. The population of Kaduna state is currently 12 million. Rivers state has a population of 10.6 million. Katsina has a population of 10.1 million. Bauchi has a population of about 9 million. Anambra is the most populated state in the South East, with a population of 8.3 million Nigerians. Jigawa has a population of 8.1 million people. Benue State is last on this list with 7.99 million. Other useful demographic data If you want to find out more interesting info about your country, consider this data released by On average, 20.9 thousand Nigerians are born and 6.9 thousand die daily. The population of the country increases by 13.8 thousand persons per day. The rate of population growth in comparison with the previous year is 2.67%. In 2016, births were more than deaths by 4.99 million people. There are more men in the country (95.9 million) than women (93.5 million). The ratio is 1.026:1. This is quite an atypical situation for global practice. In 2016, the world recorded a ratio of 1.016/1. An average of 205.2 citizens live on every square kilometer of Nigerian land according to reports in October 2017. This figure was obtained by dividing the total population by the area of Nigeria (923.22 thousand square kilometers according to UN statistics). During calculations, both land and water surface areas related to national boundaries were taken into account. According to statistics, there are very few elderly people in the country. The percentage of people older than 65 years is 3.1%, while that of people aged 15 to 64 is 55.9%. Also, in Nigeria, 40.9% of the population are children under 15 years old. As for elderly, women tend to live longer than the men. The ratio of men and women over 65 is 2.8: 3. For the remaining two categories the male gender is more numerous. A large number of people of working age and children are obvious proof that Nigeria is a developing country. A low life expectancy indicates certain problems that exist in our state like low standard of living and a poorly developed health sector. The average life expectancy of Nigerian citizens is 47.6 years (46.8 for men and 48.4 for women). This indicator is not impressive, especially since the world average is 71 years according to the UN. Only 59.6% of citizens over 15 years are able to write and read, the rest are illiterates. Men (69.19%) are more educated than women (49.68%). As for the younger generation of people aged 15-24, 72.8% of them are literate. We hope that this information was interesting and useful to you. The chances of an increase in population is encouraging, but the state authorities need to work hard to create a safe living environment for the elderly people and deal with medical issues, so that life expectancy can increase. READ ALSO: North East states in Nigeria Source: Nigerians are the largest African group in Ireland. And since the Irish are a fellow English-speaking country, its no wonder that a lot of people want to travel there. If youre one of them, you can find everything you need to know about Ireland visa application in Nigeria below! Ireland visa requirements A citizen of Nigeria can travel to numerous countries without a visa, however, sadly for us, Ireland isnt one of them. It doesnt matter if you want to take a trip to Ireland as a student, traveler or to conduct business, you need to get a visa first. To apply for an Irish visa, you have to go to wither the Ireland embassy in Abuja or the consulate in Lagos, depending on which is closer to your location. However, getting there is one thing, but you also need to know the Ireland visa requirements for Nigerian citizens. To find out which type of an Ireland visa you have to apply for, youre going to have to figure out the primary purpose of your trip and the duration. Depending on your goal, you may have to obtain a Tourist, Business, or Student visa. If youre planning on staying in Ireland for less than 90 days, a short-term visa will be your choice. However, if you need to be in Ireland for three months or more, youll have to apply for a long-term visa. Below youll find the visa requirements for all three types, but theres one point that is needed in all cases. To apply for any kind of visa, you need to fill in an online form. Along with the application form you also need to complete a separate questionnaire. Important: This questionnaire is a mandatory addition to the form! Without it, all other paperwork would be in vain. Tourist Visa Requirements To apply for a tourist visa, youll have to prepare a handwritten letter of application with this information: The reason youre traveling to Ireland; How long are you planning to stay there; Contacts of any relatives that may be residing in Ireland or other EU countries; Valid return ticket to Nigeria; A written promise that youll leave Ireland before your visa expires. Business Visa Requirements READ ALSO: How to write a guarantor letter for visa? This type of visa is needed when you need to travel to Ireland for work-related meetings. As this is a far more official and responsible reason, there are more requirements involved. Two passport-sized pictures; Valid International ID; Copies of expired International passports; A hand-written letter with the following; The reason youre traveling to Ireland; How long are you planning to stay there; Information about where youre going to stay for the duration of your trip complete with booking confirmation; Contacts of any relatives that may be residing in Ireland; Bank statements for the last six months; An official invitation from the party expecting you in Ireland; A copy of your hosts id with all the essential information; Information about how much youll be paying for the trip and what amount will be paid by third parties; A written promise that youll leave Ireland before your visa expires Valid return ticket to Nigeria; Proof that you are obliged to come back to Nigeria. Student Visa Requirements This type of visa demands the least amount of paperwork. However, you can obtain a Students visa only if an Irish educational establishment has already accepted you. If yes, then this is what you need: An official document confirming your acceptance into the college youre going to; Evidence that you have the necessary funds to pay for school fees; Personal medical insurance; Confirmation of having three thousand Euros for living expenses during your stay in Ireland. Note: Even if a single document is missing, your application will be declined. Be sure to double-check everything! Now that you know all the requirements for Nigerian citizens, lets talk about the Irish visa application process. Ireland visa application in Nigeria Below youll find a complete, straightforward guide on how to apply for an Ireland visa. Remember that you have to submit the documents three months prior to your trip! Make four printed copies of your online application form and questionnaire; After youve collected all the necessary documents and confirmation for your desired visa type, its time to visit the Visa application office; Submit the documents along with your valid passport and a couple of passport photograph. Friendly reminder: If the committee that issues visas has any doubts regarding your documents or goal, you may be invited for an interview that will decide your fate. Buy an A3 envelope so that your documents and passport can be sent back to you; Pay 13,500 Naira as an application fee; Pay 9,500 Naira as VAC commission fee; Pay 400 Naira as a bank commission fee; After you make all the necessary payments, submit your application; Get your fingerprints taken. Thats it! Tip: To know the current status of your submission, you can visit the official website of the Visa center. Now you have all the crucial information about the Ireland visa application process. Be sure to share these facts with your friends that want to travel there. We wish you luck in obtaining your visa, and dont forget to bring back souvenirs! READ ALSO: How to migrate to Australia from Nigeria? Source: - The minister of health, Professor Isaac Adewole, has stated that the monkeypox disease which has been reported in various parts of the country, is only a suspicion at the moment - According to the minister, the disease can only be confirmed after laboratory tests have been conducted - Samples from patients have been sent to the World Health Organisation center in Senegal and test results are expected within 48 hours Professor Isaac Adewole, minister of health, has described the monkeypox disease which has been reported in various parts of the country, as only a suspicion at the moment. According to reports, the minister made his comments in a chat with newsmen at the end of the Federal Executive Council meeting at the Aso Rock Villa, Abuja. READ ALSO: The North is not afraid of restructuring - Tambuwal gathers that Adewole stated that the disease can only be confirmed after laboratory tests. He said that samples had been taken for analysis at the World Health Organisation center in Senegal. He stated: We will know within 48 hours if what we are dealing with is monkeypox. The minister further disclosed that states did not report the outbreak of the disease on time, but urged Nigerians not to panic. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app Meanwhile, previously reported that Dr. Jide Idris, the Lagos state commissioner for health, said that two suspected cases of monkeypox had been recorded in the state. Idris speaking at a news conference said that the two suspected cases were currently under observation in health facilities in the state. Monkey Pox has no known cure, Nigerians should be careful - Doctor warns - on TV: Source: - The EFCC said it traced N2.114 billion to Patience Jonathan's dead mother's account - It accused the former first lady of perpetuating fraud through her NGO - Patience has accused the EFCC of causing her psychological trauma The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has traced N2.114 billion to the bank account of Magel Resort Limited allegedly owned by Mama Charity Oba and her daughter, Patience Jonathan. The Punch reports that an interim report of the EFCC accused the former first lady of perpetuating fraud through her non-governmental organisations. According to the EFCC, the total amount of money traced to Mrs. Jonathan is now N17 billion although she has filed a N2 billion fundamental human rights suit against the EFCC accusing it of subjecting her to psychological trauma and unnecessary persecution. READ ALSO: We are ready for Nigeria's breakup - Ango Abdullahi According to the report: Another company owned by Mrs Jonathan is Magel Resort Ltd. It was incorporated by Mrs. Jonathans late mother. But Patience Jonathan became the sole signatory to the account of the company by board resolution upon the demise of her mother. Though registered as a resort agency, sources at the EFCC disclosed that the agency was probing the circumstances in which the firm secured over N200m IT contract from the National Information Technology Development Agency. The contract was allegedly bankrolled through the National Information Technology Development Fund. Several other persons under investigation for money laundering by the anti-graft agency were discovered to have made payments into the companys account including a hotelier in Central Area, Abuja, who has been invited for questioning. The total sum allegedly laundered through the account of Magel Resort Limited, owned by Mrs Jonathan and her late mother, is put at N2.114bn. The EFCC also alleged that an NGO, Ariwabai Aruera Reach Out Foundation, owned by Patience had several account but one particular one received several payments from several government agencies. A total inflow of N2.4 billion was allegedly recorded in the account between 2009 and 2015 with some of her domestic servants used as directors. Investigations equally discovered that Mrs. Jonathan maintains a dollar account with Diamond Bank which received huge financial inflow from her domestic aides. Some of the domestic aides that made payments into the accounts are also trustees of her so-called NGO and director in her companies. The balance in the account was $12,831,173. Another dollar account of the former First Lady was discovered in Skye Bank. Inflows into the account came through deposits by domestic aides of Mrs. Jonathan. Intelligence reports indicate that most of the purchase of luxury items by the former First Lady was through the Platinum card of the account. The total amount in the account is $7.9m. Another discovery was the N2.1bn and N1.8bn deposited into the accounts of AM PM Global Network Limited and Pagmat Oil and Gas Limited respectively, between 2009 and 2015. Both companies are linked to the former First Lady. Another N1.140bn was also allegedly laundered by Mrs. Jonathan through the account of Lawari Furniture and Baths Limited, whose address is given as 100 Akamfa Road, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. The bulk of the money was deposited by Bureau de Change operators, the report stated. The BDC operators have also been invited for questioning. Belema Meshack-Hart who is the chief press secretary to Patience denied that she was perpetuating fraud with her NGO and accused the EFCC of engaging in media trial. PAY ATTENTION: Watch more videos on TV I wont exchange words with them since the matter is in court. The House has invited the EFCC chairman many times but he has refused to honour the invitations. Let him go and tell the National Assembly what he knows. However, it is not true that Dame Jonathan used her foundations to launder funds. The foundations helped over 700 people with heart diseases, she said. Meanwhile, the acting chairman of EFCC, Ibrahim Magu, was summoned by the Senate over the freezing of seven bank accounts of Patience Jonathan. The summons was in respect to a petition Patience Jonathan wrote to the lawmakers through her lawyer, Charles Ogboli, alleging that the EFCC and the NDLEA had at differed times subjected her to dehumanizing treatment. The EFCC stage a walk against corruption on TV Source: - About 86% of displaced people in Borno state are still too scared of Boko Haram to go home - One of the reasons is that attacks against civilians are on the rise, and communities feel scared - This was revealed in a new study by the Norwegian Refugee Council on the IDP camps A whooping 86% of the 1.8 million Internally Displaced Persons in Borno state, have said they are still scared of going back to their communities months after the military liberated them from Boko Haram control. This was revealed in a new study by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) tagged 'Too Scared to Return'. Jan Egeland, NRC Secretary General, who is currently visiting Nigeria, said: When 86 per cent of people tell us they arent ready to go home yet, we must listen. This cannot fall on deaf ears. People must decide to return of their own free will. Coercing communities to move home is a deadly recipe set to worsen the conflict. The NRC said it sought the opinion of 27,000 people in the research which it said was one of the largest pieces of research carried out on the displaced population. Egeland explains: 60 per cent of people who are unwilling to return home in the immediate future cite insecurity as the main reason for staying put. Attacks against civilians are on the rise, and communities feel scared. The Nigerian military recently gained ground in the fight against the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. In response, the armed group has stepped up attacks on soft targets, including markets and sites sheltering displaced people. On the other hand, many officials of the Nigerian government are keen to see communities move back home. While the end game is for communities to return home, the unfortunate truth is that pushing people back now will have harmful consequences. An overwhelming 85 per cent of people living in formal camps tell us they feel safer there than where they were before, despite the deplorable attacks on camps. Today I met a woman in Monguno town who fled her village two years ago after Boko Haram set it ablaze. Shes eager to bring her six children home, but she told me its too soon, that the armed group are still present, Egeland said. READ ALSO: UPDATED: Army kills 15 Boko Haram terrorists in Gwoza Some of the reasons for their fears are explained in the report, which says: Even if the security situation improves, half the displaced people interviewed say their houses were destroyed in the conflict." About 48 per cent of people interviewed do not have information about the current state of their homes, indicating that this figure could be much higher, added Egeland. The report recommends measures needed before they can return home safely. Firstly, the overall security situation must improve so communities feel safe. In addition, resources must be channelled into rebuilding homes and re-establishing livelihoods. It is important that displaced communities are involved in developing these programmes. People need a roof over their heads and the prospect of making a living, if they are to have any chance of rebuilding their lives. We are ready to work with the government to help displaced Nigerians return home. But movements must be voluntary, safe and informed, the report stated. PAY ATTENTION: Watch more videos on TV earlier reported that the Nigerian army has given account of how brave soldiers were able to repel an attack carried out by Boko Haram terrorists killing 15 of them. In a statement by Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka Usman on Wednesday, October 11, the operation took place at Yamteke axis of Gwoza local government, Borno. Boko Haram abducted my husband and the Gov't forgot about him - on TV. Source: - The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) Kaduna chapter has slammed Governor Nasir El-Rufai following his statement on teachers of the state - Adamu Ango, chairman of the state chapter of the NLC, said El-Rufai's statement is just a cheap media propaganda - He, however, said the governor's claim over the teachers poor exam performances is not true The Nigerian Labour Congress Kaduna chapter has condemned Governor Nasir El-Rufais recent disclosure of about 21,780 out of 33,000 teachers failing the primary four test in the state. Premium Times reports that Adamu Ango, chairman of the state chapter of the NLC, said El-Rufai's disclosure about the teachers' performances was not true. Ango, however, challenged the state government to make public the comprehensive results of the said test alongside the international standard of teachers competency examination criteria. READ ALSO: Southeast residents insist that armys free medical outreach was a ploy to depopulate region He said: ''This is the third test conducted on teachers. Where are the rest of the results? What are the criteria, who are the bodies that are supposed to conduct these exams? What is the agreed internationally accepted pass marks and the unconcluded verification exercise? PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app ''Or can the government organise examinations for medical doctors or lawyers? You cannot just come and set examinations and call it primary four exam when we know it is not for primary four. ''This is just a cheap media propaganda. There is also more of politics in this examination than even the standard they are talking about. They just want to give a dog a bad name to hang it. ''What the government is saying about teachers in the state is not correct. By tomorrow, we, together with the Nigeria Union of Teachers, shall ensure that the correct results are available to the public to judge.'' Meanwhile, had reported that the state governor said about 21,780 teachers failed the primary four test administered to test their competence by the state government. Who should get higher salary - doctors or teachers? - on TV. Source: - The NNPC scandal led to Reno Omokri accusing a former United States ambassador to Nigeria, John Campbell, of working for President Buhari - Campbell refuted the accusation saying that he is not a consultant to any Nigerian, nor to any Nigerian corporation - He however maintained his assertion that the influence of Christians was most pronounced in Jonathans government Reno Omokri in a statement on Sunday, October 8, said that a former US ambassador John Campbell was trying to divert attention from corruption allegations currently rocking the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation in order to protect President Muhammadu Buharis public image. Omokri said: It is most unfortunate that the former US Ambassador to Nigeria, John Campbell, who is now a consultant to certain Nigerians and a self-confessed admirer of President Muhammadu Buhari, would again insult Nigerians with his procured opinions meant to divert the public from the monumental $26 billion corruption scam recently uncovered in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation of which President Muhammadu Buhari is the supervising minister. He was responding to a blog post by Campbell published on the website of Council on Foreign Relations, a public policy think-tank which has its headquarters in New York. In his article, Campbell criticised the Nigerian House of Representatives for issuing a warrant of arrest for the acting chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu. He also said the arrest warrant was orchestrated by most Christian Nigerian lawmakers and they were hounding Magu for daring to go after Mrs Patience Jonathan, from whom they benefitted while her husband was in power. Omokri said Campbell was ignorant of issues in Nigeria, adding that Mrs Jonathan had been a businesswoman. John Campbell, on Tuesday, October 10, replied Reno Omokri, saying that he mistook his appreciation of Buharis anti-corruption efforts for consultancy services. READ ALSO: There is no democracy in Nigeria! - Reno Omokri says as Fayose's finance commissioner is arrested Accoridng to Premium Times, he said: I am not a consultant to any Nigerian, to any Nigerian corporation, to the presidency, nor to any part of the Nigerian government." "Contrary to what Mr. Omokri seems to imply, I did not maintain that the PDP dominates the House of Representatives. Rather, I said that the Committee on Public Petitions move to issue a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Magu was led by PDP representatives, as it was. I did not comment one way or another on the justification for the arrest warrant, which is controversial. Nor did I comment on laudable steps taken by the Jonathan government for the empowerment of women. I share Mr Omokris concern about corruption within the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation." The diplomat, however, maintained his assertion that the influence of Christians was most pronounced in Jonathans government, with the exception of some powerful Muslims in the cabinet at the time. PAY ATTENTION: Watch more videos on TV earlier reported that Reno Omokri made known his intention to democratically remove President Muhammadu Buhari from office. Omokri, who is a known critic of the Buhari-led All Progressives Congress administration made the statement on Tuesday, October 3, via his twitter handle shortly after an interview with the BBC. Everybody is the Buhari of his own life! - on TV. Source: - A bill which will enforce that an elected president and vice president of Nigeria be inaugurated at the premises of the National Assembly has been passed - The House of Representatives must agree with the senate on the bill and the Executive will still have to assent it before it becomes a law - The practice will follow that of advanced democracies like Unites States of America and Britain The Nigerian senate has on Thursday, October 5, passed a bill which will enforce that an elected president and vice president of Nigeria be inaugurated at the premises of the National Assembly. The bill was sponsored by Ike Ekweremadu, the deputy senate president after several debates on the report of the senate committee on special duties. READ ALSO: People sending money to Nnamdi Kanu from abroad did not If the bill is agreed to by the House of Representatives and assented to by the Executive, then the inauguration of president and vice president will be done within the confines of the parliament. This will follow that of advanced democracies. Inauguration of Nigeria presidents and vice presidents, before now, takes place at the Eagles Square in the Federal Capital Territory with the chief justice of the federation administering the oath of office. Meanwhile, had earlier reported that the House of Representatives on Thursday, October 12, considered a motion on review of the national minimum wage in order to avert nationwide strike action. Nigerian Labour Congress has demanded an upward push from N18,000 to N56,000 as minimum wage. PAY ATTENTION: Watch more videos on TV Nigeria's lower chamber resolved to urge President Muhammadu Buhari to direct the minister of labour, Chris Ngige, to commence the process of negotiating an upward review of the current minimum wage rates. Who should get higher salary - doctors or teachers? - on TV. Source: - The minister of defence, Mansur Dan Ali, says IPOB is determined to bring confusion in the country - He states that the group is supposed to explore constitutional provisions in making their grievances known - The minister says the Operation Python Dance currently being carried out in the southeast is not targeted at the pro-Biafra group The federal government has alleged that the double barrel rifles intercepted by the Nigerian Customs Service at the tin can port were imported into the country by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). READ ALSO: Army displays weapons, armoured vehicle recovered from Boko Haram (photos) The minister of defence, Mansur Dan Ali, made the allegation in an interview on Channels TV published on Thursday, October 12. Ali said that the group was responsible for the importation of arms from Turkey into the country. He said this was one of the reasons why the federal government labeled the group as a terrorist organisation. The minister said intelligence reports had shown that the group was determined to bring confusion in the country. He said IPOB should have explored constitutional provisions in making their grievances known instead of trying to cause chaos in Nigeria by producing weapons. The minister also said the military operation tagged Operation Python Dance currently being carried out in the southeast was not targeted at the pro-Biafra group. PAY ATTENTION: Watch more videos on TV Meanwhile, commissioner of police in Abia, Anthony Ogbizi, has said lethal weapons, including petrol bombs and one double-barrel gun, were recovered during the October 8 raid on the residence of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu. Ogbizi told newsmen on Thursday, October 12, that the items were recovered during a joint operation by security personnel in the state. According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), he said that the petrol bombs were found in buckets and incriminating documents and letters, concerning IPOBs activities and plans, were also recovered during the raid. He said that the raid was carried out based on an intelligence report, regarding the continued activities of some members of the group. Biafra Security Service (BSS) inaugurated by IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu on TV Source: This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 1428 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in the financial realm. Please join us and participate via our donation page, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Read about why were doing this fundraiser,what weve accomplished in the last year and our current goal, more original reporting. Yves here. Im of two minds of inviting discussion on such a charged topic, but the commentariat had a go at it a few days ago and comported itself well. Lets see if we can continue this trend. Some additional factors to consider: 1. IMHO, guns should be licensed. Fees can be made progressive and even waived for people who have guns for sustenance hunting (but let us not forget that hunters are require to buy licenses to hunt during hunting season). We require licensing to operate cars and boats, equipment which is deadly only as a side effect, not its sole purpose. There is also strong evidence that people who are trained in gun safety before they get a gun have vastly fewer accidents and incidents of misuse (like kids killing themselves or family members because guns were not well secured) than people who get gun training after they get a gun. So there is a generational problem in trying to improve public safety even if you take fairly mild measures (a training requirement) to 2. The article underplays suicides. There are nearly twice as many suicides by gun in the US as homicides, and thats before you get to the fact that some of those homicides were accidents. In 2016 in the US, 10 million people thought seriously about killing themselves, almost three million made a suicide plan, and 1.4 million tried to kill themselves but failed. 42,000 people killed themselves. Suicides by gun in 2014 were over 21,000. The reason for singling out guns is the high completion rate relative to putting a plan in motion. With other methods of killing oneself, the greater time taken to execute a plan also gives more opportunity to reconsider. And dont tell me people dont reconsider. The fact that some methods of suicide can also result in permanent debilitating damage (as well as high medical bills) if they fail is another deterrent to carrying out plans. Now you might argue that some people have good reasons to kill themselves, like having a terminal illnesses and a poor quality of life. While true, the suicide rate is lowest in the population where youd anticipate that motive to come up most often, old people. 3. I am bothered by the normalization of the idea that its OK to kill people over property or even mere threats to property, which is the implicit justification for a lot of gun ownership and carrying. I lived in NYC after the fiscal crisis. I had my wallet stolen quite a few times and I had a lot of friends who had their apartments broken into, a few while they were there. No one, and I mean no one then, would have though it reasonable to use a gun in those circumstances. If you were going out at a time of day or to a hood that wasnt very safe, you took mugger money, as in $10 or $20 in a pocket. If someone accosted you and asked you for your cash, you handed them that money, and that was always the end of the matter. One proof of the importance now placed on protection of property, as opposed to personal safety, came decades later. I took a self defense course, more out of curiosity and the interest in mastering a skill of sorts. Except the philosophy wasnt defensive. The class was designed and taught by the man who had developed the hand to hand combat training program for the Navy Seals and had continued to refine his approach. The course presupposed that you were smaller, slower, and weaker than your assailant. If you were in a situation where someone intends to hurt you, you need to, as the instructors put it, inflict sufficient trauma so as to shut their central nervous system down. That entails hitting two vulnerable points in succession hard enough to do damage. The class was about 80% male. The instructors devoted a considerable amount of time (including showing CCTV videos) stressing that students should never fight in a social violence situation or a theft. Walk away from verbal fights or a drunk grabs your girlfriends ass. And if a robber wants your cash or your car, let him have them. They described the cost of involved in the criminal justice system, particularly if you killed someone (not hard to do, all it takes is having someones head hit the floor or a sharp object). We also learned via sparring that a bludgeon is a much better weapon than a gun in close quarters. By Silvia Merler, an Affiliate Fellow at Bruegel and previously, an Economic Analyst in DG Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission. Originally published at Bruegel On 1 October 2017, 59 people were killed and another 489 injured in what is currently the deadliest mass shooting in US modern history. The author reviews recent contributions on the economic cost of gun violence, as well as the impact of regulation. The Washington Post makes the math of mass shootings.There is no universally accepted definition of a mass shooting, and different organizations use different criteria. The Post piece uses a narrow definition and looks only at deadliest mass shootings, beginning August 1, 1966. Based on this criteria, they identify 131 events in which four or more people were killed by a lone shooter (or two shooters in three cases). An average of eight people died during each event, taking the total death toll to 948. Its worth checking out the Posts piece for their impressive work in collecting details about each case. Vox has 17 relevant facts on gun violence in the United States. Looking at the number of firearm homicides per 1 million people, the US, has 29.7, which is about six times as many as Canada (5.1) and nearly 16 times as many as Germany (1.9). While accounting for about 4.4% of the worlds population, US accounts for almost half of the civilian-owned guns around the world. Since Sandy Hook in 2012 (the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, before the one of last week) there have been more than 1000 shootings in which four or more people were shot at all. Under the broader definition of mass shootings, the United States have nearly one mass shooting a day. Every mass shooting resurfaces a debate about gun control, which revolves around security on one hand and constitutional freedom on the other hand. Opinions diverge widely when it comes to the effect of tighter regulation on guns. A heated academic and policy debate concerns the relation between the strictness of gun laws and gun violence/crime. Vox points out that firearm homicides, like all homicides and crime, have declined over the past two decades (although that may have changed in 2015 and 2016.) Theres still a lot of debate among criminal justice experts about why this crime drop is occurring some point to mass incarceration, more and better policing, and reduced lead exposure from gasoline. The question of whether right-to-carry (RTC) laws have an important impact on crime has been at the centre of a vast production of literature. Source: Vox One theory is that more guns deter crime. In 1997, John Lott and David Mustard argued that RTC laws decreased violent crime (More Guns, Less Crime hypothesis). Using cross-sectional time-series data for US counties from 1977 to 1992, their results suggested that allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons deters violent crimes and it appears to produce no increase in accidental deaths. The theory has been questioned by much contemporaneous as well as more recent research. TheHarvard Injury Control Research Centre has a literature review on the relationship between guns and homicides, supporting opposite conclusions. Ayres and Donohue argued that, estimating on more complete county data, in most states shall-issue laws have been associated with more crime. The apparent stimulus to crime tends to be especially strong for those states that adopted in the last decade. Donohue, Aneja and Weber replicated very recently some of the previous research and found consistent estimates showing RTC laws increase overall violent crime and/or murder when run on the most complete data. They also use a synthetic control approach to generate state-specific estimates of the impact of RTC laws on crime. Their major finding is that under all four specifications tested, RTC laws are associated with higher aggregate violent crime rates, and the size of the deleterious effects that are associated with the passage of RTC laws climbs over time. Ten years after the adoption of RTC laws, violent crime is estimated to be 13-15% percent higher than it would have been without the RTC law. Using a consensus estimate for the elasticity of crime with respect to incarceration of .15, the average RTC state would have to double its prison population to counteract the RTC-induced increase in violent crime. State laws on firearms vary considerably across the US. Coates and Pearson-Merkowitzz examine policy spillovers, by looking at how different state gun control policies affect the migration of guns between states with lax regulatory environments for gun purchasing and licensing to states with strict regulatory environments. They use data from 2007 to 2013 from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms on presence of criminal guns and from the Brady Campaign on state gun control laws. Results suggest that a large proportion of criminal guns in states with strict gun control laws were originally purchased in states with fewer regulations. There is a direct correlation between where criminal guns were originally purchased, where criminal guns are uncovered, and the strength of state gun laws. The framework of state gun control laws is prone to policy spillovers, to the extent that they shift the market for criminal guns to purchasing locations across state borders where purchasing is easier. Todd Frankel at the Washington Post argues that one reason why policy positions are so intractable is that no one really knows what works to prevent gun deaths. Frankel argues that gun-control research in the United States essentially came to a standstill in 1996 when the Republican-majority Congress threatened to strip funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The so-called Dickey Amendment introduced after lobbying by the National Rifle Association mandated that none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the CDC may be used to advocate or promote gun control. Frankel argues that as a result, the CDC stopped funding gun-control research which reduced money for almost all public health studies of the issue nationwide. A history of the Federal funding freeze is outlined by Christine Jamieson, on the website of the American Psychological Association. Frankel also highlights that the National Institute of Justice funded 32 gun-related studies from 1993 to 1999, but none from 2009 to 2012, according to Mayors Against Illegal Guns. The institute then resumed funding in 2013, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting the year before. Gun violence is terrible and has many unquantifiable effects. Nevertheless, economists have tried to quantify the economic cost of gun violence. It is a daunting task. There is an obvious health cost, but also more indirect economic costs at the national and local level, as well as general social costs. Such an analysis, of course, is never a substitute for the ethical and moral consequences of gun violence. A recent Johns Hopkins study analysed data on treatment costs resulting from gun violence based on a nationally representative sample of 704,916 patients in the United States who arrived at an emergency room alive for treatment of a firearm injury from 2006 to 2014. The research team found that firearm injuries were ninefold higher among male than female patients and were highest among males 20 to 24 years old. The average emergency department and inpatient charges annually were $5254 and $95887, respectively, resulting in approximately $2.8 billion in annual charges for the group studied. The overall incidence of ED admissions for firearm-related injuries decreased 22.9% from 2009 to 2013. However, emergency department visits generally increased for those older than 30 and increased overall for the entire study population in 2014. The proportion of patients who arrived with a previously diagnosed mental health disorder rose over the study period. Besides direct health-related costs, gun violence can have other economic effects. Despite broad interest in estimating the economic costs of gun violence at the national and individual levels, we know little about how local economies respond to it. A recent report by the Urban Institute finds that higher levels of neighborhood gun violence can be associated with fewer retail and service establishments, fewer new jobs, lower home values, credit scores, and homeownership rates. The report is based on interviews with local stakeholders (homeowners, renters, business owners, non-profits, etc.) in six cities across the US and provides estimates for the effect of increased gun violence on the growth of business activity, employment and house prices. Previous research by Cook and Ludwig tried to figure out what sorts of costs gun owners impose on the rest of society. They estimated the effect of household gun prevalence on homicide rates, and inferred the marginal external cost of handgun ownership. The estimates utilized a proxy for gun prevalence, the percentage of suicides committed with a gun, and used county- and state-level panels for 20 years. The estimated elasticity of homicide with respect to gun prevalence was between +0.1 and + 0.3. All of the effect of gun prevalence is on gun homicide rates. Based on Cook and Ludwigs assumptions, the average annual marginal social cost of household gun ownership is in the range $100 to $600. A report compiled by Mother Jones together with the economist Ted Miller puts the total cost of US gun violence at about $229 billion per year, or about 1.4 percent of GDP. Although gun suicides now outnumber gun homicides, much of the direct costs of gun violence comes from homicides and assaults mostly reflecting the cost of imprisoning the perpetrators. Noah Smith argues that the Mother Jones analysis is problematic, because of the assumption it makes in order to estimate two overwhelmingly important indirect costs: death, and loss of quality of life for victims of gun violence. Mother Jones values each human life at $6.2 million dollars, based on the results of lawsuits. It also calculates quality of life by looking at court awards in wrongful injury cases. One cost that the analysis does not look at Smith argues is that of wasted resources: when gun violence is high, people try to protect themselves by getting guns of their own; this boosts the size of the firearms industry and provides jobs to people who work in gun factories, but those are resources that would be put to better use if people felt safer. Overall, Smith argues that the question cannot be put in purely economic terms because the economics profession has few reliable tools for putting a dollar figure on these costs. Maybe this is one of those cases where popular sentiment and moral principles should take precedence over the calculation of economists. This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 1440 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in the financial realm. Please join us and participate via our donation page, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Read about why were doing this fundraiser,what weve accomplished in the last year and our current goal, more original reporting. Yves here. An important bit of history that cant be repeated too often: when the Clinton Administration decided to move NATO into former Warsaw Pact countries, violating a understanding made as part of the peaceful dissolution, George Kennan said it would prove to be the worst geopolitical mistake the US ever made. By John Helmer, the longest continuously serving foreign correspondent in Russia, and the only western journalist to direct his own bureau independent of single national or commercial ties. Helmer has also been a professor of political science, and an advisor to government heads in Greece, the United States, and Asia. He is the first and only member of a US presidential administration (Jimmy Carter) to establish himself in Russia. Originally published at Dances with Bears Joseph Alsop and George Kennan started the kind of Russia-hating in Washington which, today, President Vladimir Putin, like the businessmen around him, think of as a novelty that cannot last for long. Alsop was a fake news fabricator, and such a narcissist as to give the bow-ties he wore a bad name. Kennan was a psychopath who alternated bouts of aggression to prove himself with bouts of depression over his cowardice. For them, Russia was a suitable target. The Washington Post was the newspaper which gave their lunacy public asylum. This, according to a fresh history by a university professor from California, started in 1947, long before the arrival in Washington of the anti-communist phobia known after the name of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Russia-hating was an American upper-class phenomenon, cultivated in the offices, cocktail parties, clubs, and mansions of the deep state, as it emerged out of World War II. It needed a new enemy to thrive; it fastened on Russia (aka the Soviet Union) as the enemy. McCarthyism was an American lower-class phenomenon. It focused on the loyalty or disloyalty of the upper-class deep-staters. That wasnt the same thing as Russia-hating; Wall Street bankers, Boston lawyers, homosexuals, Jews, communists, were all the enemy. As the Senator from Wisconsin characterized it himself in 1952, McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled. He implied without a middle-class tie; certainly not an upper-class bow-tie. Russia was not an enemy which united the two American lunacies, for they hated each other much more than they hated the Russians. The Soviet Politburo understood this better then than the Kremlin does now. Gregg Herkens The Georgetown Set, is so named because it records the activities of Alsop, Kennan and several other State Department, Central Intelligence Agency and White House officials who lived as neighbours in the Georgetown district of the capital city, together with Katharine (Kay) and Philip Graham, proprietor managers of the Washington Post. The district once a chartered city of Maryland and river port, which was absorbed into the federal District of Columbia in 1871 was expensive, relatively speaking then; more so now. The richest of the set, including Alsop, had town houses in Georgetown, and rural retreats in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. They were a set because because, as Herken said succinctly to an interviewer, they got together every Sunday for supper and, basically, they ran the country from those meetings. As the book elaborates, they thought they were running the world. With a longer time lapse in which to view the evidence, they were also losing it. Newspapers exposed in the book for collaborating in all the deceits, failures and war crimes of the history have reacted by calling Herkens effort a provincial corner. The New Yorker opined that the Russia-hating and Russia war-making which Herken retells are dead and gone. The guests at the Sunday soirees no doubt felt that they were in the cockpit of history. But the United States is a democracy, not a Wasp Ascendancy There was once an atmosphere of willingness that made a system of bribes and information exchanges seem, to the people involved, simply a way of working together for a common cause in a climate of public opinion that, unfortunately, required secrecy. No one got rich from the arrangement. People just lost track of what was inside their bubble and what was outside, as people tend to do. Vietnam was the reality check. Ive Seen the Best of It was the title Alsop gave to his memoirs. Things hadnt been the same since, he felt. He was right about that, and we should be thankful. In the New York media business these days its possible to publish a selfie of pulling your own leg. The Washington Post has deflected the indictment against itself by describing Herkens work as a very strange book(A) a rehash of the history of the Cold War as experienced in certain Washington circles and (B) an almost obsessive recapitulation of the life and journalism of Joseph Alsop. Alsop is dismissed as unworthy of a history at all because he was utterly repellent: arrogant, patronizing, imperious, uninterested in anyone except himself. Thats the truth about Alsop. The truth about the Washington Post is buried in this line by the Posts books editor about the hand that fed him: it must be very hard for people who did not live through the 50s and 60s to understand how obsessed the American people were with the threat from Moscow. That line appeared in print on November 7, 2014. It was already history, thats to say, a misjudgement. How monumentally mistaken is obvious now. In covering the period from 1946 to 1975, Herkens research does repeat much of the history of the Cold War which has been told elsewhere. It starts on February 22, 1946, the date of the Long Telegram, No. 511 Kennans despatch from the US Embassy in Moscow to the State Department, setting out his strategy of so-called containment and much more besides. Read it in the declassified original. Most of the war-fighting and other war crimes which the telegram set in motion under Kennans 1948 rubrics, organized political warfare and preventive direct action, are reported in Herkens book; so too are Kennans frequent funks, failures of conviction, reversals of judgement, and pleas for help. The book ends on December 30, 1974, the date of Alsops last column. Alsop concluded with the line: I have never known the American people to be really badly wrong, if only they were correctly and fully informed. Herken shows how self-deluded and professionally delusional that was not because of Alsops character but because of his sources. Herken documents that they ran upwards from foot-soldiers (also lubricious sailors) to presidents and cabinet secretaries. Herken doesnt think the same of Kennan, who gets to walk off stage, aged 101, sounding more sceptical of overthrowing Saddam Hussein than he ever was in his prime and in power to direct schemes of what we call state terrorism today. Left to right: Kennan died in 2005, aged 101; Alsop died in 1989 aged 78; Frank Wisner died in 1965 aged 56. The deeper Herken gets into the private papers, the more he refers to his subjects by their diminutives and nicknames Joe, Oppie, Beetle, Dickie, the Crocodile, Wig, Jack, Wiz, Soozle, Vangie, et al. What is fresh about the sources is that Herken has had access to the private notes, letters and diaries of the Alsop family; the Kennan diaries and letters; and the private papers of Frank Wisner, the first director of covert operations against Russia. Wisner went mad and killed himself, as did Graham. Theres no doubt about the suicide outcome of their madness. In the case of the mad ex-Defence Secretary James Forrestal his fatal jump from the window of the Navy hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, in May 1949 might have been a homicidal push. Herken concludes that Forrestals death was the first senior-ranking American casualty of the Cold War. Herken thinks of their madness as anomalies. The history shows they were normalities. Missing from this history is any reference to official documents, now declassified; press reporting of the time; or interviews with veterans of the same events but on other sides Russian and Soviet; British; German; French; Polish; Vietnamese; Chinese. This isnt so much a fatal flaw in Herkens (right) book as the reason why his history is repeating itself today. Call this a variation on Karls Marxs apothegm that history starts as tragedy and repeats itself as farce. Herkens blindness to this is as revealing as the Washington Posts madness, not yet as suicidal as its former proprietors, today. So mesmerized is Herken by the moneyed backgrounds of his subjects and sources, and by the amount of black cash from the US Government they spent on operations, he forgets to report what they did to fill their own pockets. The claim by the New Yorker that no one got rich from the arrangement Alsops fake news fabrications is false, but Herken touches only in passing on how they made (or kept) their money. Alsops column, for example, was sold to 200 newspapers, and at one time claimed a readership of 25 million. His family inheritance is recorded, but not its annual revenue value. Alsops payola included silk shirts from Alfred Kohlberg, a textile importer from China who backed Chiang Kai-shek against Mao Tse-tung, as did Alsop. Alsops patrons included Convair (General Dynamics), the company building the US Air Force Atlas missile for procurement of which Alsop reported fictions about Soviet missile strength. In the US power which Alsop, Kennan and Wisner believed without hesitation, Herken is not less a believer. Anything could be achieved, Herken quotes a New York Times reporter quoting Wisner. When the US force multiple changed, however, and US allies or agents were outgunned, outspent, outnumbered, or outwitted, they were unable to acknowledge miscalculation, attributing defeat instead to the superior force or guile of their adversaries, especially the Russians. This is madness, and there is good reason for recognizing the symptoms again. In 1958, when Herken says Wisners paranoid manias were becoming obvious to his friends and colleagues, Frank put forward a theory that the careless comment which had gotten George Kennan kicked out of the Soviet Union was evidence the Soviets had succeeded in an area where the CIAs own scientists had failed: mind control. Some agency hands alleged that Wisner attributed his own increasingly bizarre behaviour to the Kremlins sly manipulation. A cell from the comic Is This Tomorrow? America Under Communism(1947). Test your mind, read more: From Washington in 1958, fast forward to Washington in 2017; for mind control and sly manipulation, read Russian hacking and cyber warfare. From Wisners and Kennans balloon drops of leaflets and broadcasts by Radio Free Europe, fast forward to Russia Today Television and Russian infiltrations of Twitter, Google, the Democratic National Committee, and the Trump organization. It stands to reason (ahem!) that if you think what the US Government and its journalists were doing then was mad, you are might conclude that what they is doing now is just as mad and not very different. When the incumbent president and his Secretary of State publicly call for IQ tests on each other, all reason has failed. The nation, as Alsop had written, had simply taken leave of all sense of proportion. That was in March 1954. If you fast forward to now, theres one difference. Today the lunatic Russia warfighters dont retire. They also dont fade away. Todays sleek successors to mad Wisner and mad Graham sleep easily in their beds a-nights. For what theyve done and do, they wouldnt dream of taking shotguns to their heads. Herken retells the story of the campaign Alsop waged against McCarthyism at the State Department, against McCarthy himself, and the vulnerability Alsop himself presented until the Boston lawyer Joseph Welch put an end to McCarthy on June 9, 1954: Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Welch famously said. Have you left no sense of decency? The recurring history reveals why, even if there are plenty of people to say the same thing today to the Washington Post, New York Times, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the madness will continue repeating itself. This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 1429 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in the financial realm. Please join us and participate via our donation page, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Read about why were doing this fundraiser,what weve accomplished in the last year and our current goal, more original reporting. The Trump Administration just did the IMF a favor by calling attention to a new report that supported the idea of taxing the wealthy more heavily. And in picking this fight, the Administration also tacitly admitted that its very sketchy tax reform plan is going to favor the rich, despite repeated denials. Even though the IMF report some attention in the financial and business press, its not the sort of thing that has much impact in the halls of Congress. Admittedly, the report also took a fiscally orthodox line, urging that US tax reform not lead to bigger deficits. But the fiercely hawkish CBO is likely to give the Administration plenty of grief if its tax cuts arent matched by spending cuts or tax increases elsewhere, and the CBO has vastly more sway in Washington than the IMF on budget sausage-making. So getting upset about the IMF report elevated it when it would have been wiser for the Administration to have shrugged it off. And the Administration was upset. Look at the whinging: Mick Mulvaney, head of the Office of Management and Budget, told the Financial Times that sceptics of the plan were heavily invested in it not working out. The Financial Times comment section had fun with that line. For instance: onomasticator Its terrible how people can become invested in evidence-based policy and rationalism. Maybe you should provide some evidence supporting the premise that such tax cuts generate growth and revenue as opposed to the mountains of evidence that suggest otherwise. While the Trump Administrations hostility made for some good headlines, the new IMF paper is significant even though its endorsement of using government policy to reduce inequality is measured. Weve embedded the section on inequality at the end of the post. Bear in mind that this document is part of the, The Fiscal Monitor, which the IMF publishes periodically. It has more political importance than its typical research pieces and hews more carefully to official positions. By contrast, the research side of the IMF has been putting out articles for years that often buck economic orthodoxy. If youve been paying attention to economic research, it has become more and more widely accepted that high levels of inequality lead to lower levels of growth. Some economists argue that the impact on demand is a big culprit (rich people dont spend as much as lower income people); others contend that it lowers productivity (cheap workers reduce the incentive to invest in labor-saving equipment and methods). And there are plenty of other theories. But even if you agree on a diagnosis, what should be the treatment? The IMF argues that using fiscal measures wont hurt growth and will probably help. The agency also says in passing that higher inequality increases political divisiveness, so one could also argue that even if you werent sure about the economic benefits, there are other reasons to pursue more redistributive policies. Having said that, perhaps due to the undue preoccupation in the US with taxes, a lot of the media accounts say the IMF recommended raising taxes on the rich. Thats not quite right. The IMF paper looks at the taxing and spending side together, which is the only way to look properly at the effect of government action on inequality. It also then looks at tax issues (its notably tentative about taxes on capital), a UBI, and more progressive spending, particularly on health care and education. Even then, I have no doubt one could argue about methodology. For instance, the paper focuses on income inequality, as opposed to wealth inequality. It points out the two are correlated, which is true, but they are more accurately seen as entwined. But parsing out how policies also favor financial and real economy asset-holders is an even bigger task. The reason that looking at more than taxes matters is that in the US, our tax system at the Federal level is somewhat progressive, but budget experts tell me the spending is net regressive, so spending undercuts somewhat the impact of taxation. The IMFs own data show how much an outlier the US is. Look at how little we do in terms of reducing inequality compared to other countries. As an aside, I have doubts about the Greece data point because Greek shipping magnates manage to escape reporting income in Greece by having their ships flagged in the names of other countries so as to evade taxes and liability. A lovely business model. Notice how this chart also makes clear how important transfers are. And the IMF points out that the impact of tax-based redistribution is probably overstated: In reality, tax systems may be even less progressive than suggested by these measures, because wealthy individuals often have more access to tax relief and more opportunities to avoid taxes. For instance, since households with high incomes are more likely to be homeowners, they benefit more from deductions for mortgage interest, where applicable. Any allowable deduction is also worth more at higher marginal tax rates. In addition, the wealthier have more resources to dedicate to tax planning, as well as greater incentives to engage in such activities. Having said that, the IMF does make tax policy a major focus of its analysis: How has income tax progressivity evolved, and can it be increased without adversely affecting growth? Should marginal income tax rates be increased for high-income individuals or has increased mobility of capital and high-income individuals undermined the case for such policies? Is a wealth tax a good alternative? It is too bad that the analysis is silent on institutional factors, namely the legal regime and the formal and informal rights conferred to capital and labor. The IMFs focus completely omits ideas like the fact that the US had a policy which President Kennedy threatened to have made law if major companies failed to adhere to it, that the benefits of productivity gains would be shared between the businesses and workers. The abandonment of government backing for that approach is a, if not the, proximate cause of real wage stagnation in the US since the 1970s and the start of the explosive growth in inequality. But the IMF is a diehard believer in labor market reforms, meaning undermining what little in the way of worker protections that still remain. The IMF will never acknowledge that weakened labor rights are a major cause of rising inequality. Nevertheless, tax policies have clearly changed to favor the rich: Having said all of this, this is still a very cautious document. But it does show that even strongly neoliberal organizations are telling Davos men that they need to heed the case for having the lower orders get a bigger piece of the pie. (Natural News) The man behind the recent Las Vegas massacre has something in common with the perpetrators of many other mass shootings in recent years: Psychiatric drug use. A court deposition in a civil lawsuit filed by Paddock over a slip-and-fall incident against the Cosmopolitan Hotel that was obtained by CNN provides insight into his state of mind, showing he often gambled all night, slept during the day and avoided the sun. According to Paddocks own testimony in the case, he had no criminal record, no history of addiction, and no mental health issues. Nevertheless, he said that Nevada internist Steven P. Winkler prescribed him Valium for anxiousness. He did not say how often he took the medication, but he guessed that he had around 10 to 15 pills left in a 60-pill bottle that had been prescribed for him a year and a half earlier at the time. When asked if he had a good relationship with Dr. Winkler, Paddock bragged that he had him on retainer and had good access to him because he paid a yearly fee. While its not yet known when he last took the drug, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that he had been given another prescription of 50 10-milligram diazepam tablets on June 21 by Dr. Winkler, according to the prescription drug monitoring database of the state of Nevada. He filled the prescription with insurance the same day it was prescribed at a Reno Walgreens and was supposed to take one pill per day. Valium can make people more aggressive Valiums active ingredient, diazepam, causes side effects like aggressiveness, rage and irritability. Diazepam is part of the benzodiazepine class of sedative-hypnotic drugs, and studies have shown they can spur aggressive behavior. Chronic use can even trigger psychotic experiences. Experts told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that people who have underlying aggression problems can become even more aggressive when you try to sedate them with the drug, and its effects can also be magnified by alcohol use. A Finnish study published in World Psychiatry in 2015 that examined people convicted of homicide found that their odds of killing were a remarkable 45 percent higher while they were on benzodiazepines. Psych drugs a common theme among mass shooters The use of psychiatric drugs is an all-too-common theme among mass shooting perpetrators. Eric Harris of the high-profile Columbine school shooting took Zoloft and Luvox before embarking on a killing spree with fellow student Dylan Klebold whose medical records have never been made public before killing 12 students and a teacher, wounding 23 people and killing themselves. Sixteen-year-old Jeff Weise was taking a high dose of Prozac when he shot family members and students at his school in Red Lake, Minnesota, before turning the gun on himself, killing a total of 10 people and wounding 12. Reno board-certified pain medicine specialist Dr. Denis Patterson believes that Paddock might have taken diazepam to make him more relaxed in order to shoot better; he said that marksmen regularly use it. He even theorizes that he might have invented symptoms in hopes of being prescribed the drug. His doctor is not allowed to divulge the reason for his prescription under federal privacy laws. No one knows for sure what Paddocks motivation was or whether he had a diagnosed mental illness, but one thing is for certain: He took a psychiatric medication that raises a persons killing behavior by 45 percent and had the doctor who prescribed it to him on retainer. The loved ones of the 58 people who died and the hundreds more who were injured might be wondering how things could have turned out differently if Paddock had never been given these very dangerous pills. Sources include: (Natural News) A petition at is calling on the Trump administration to free an Amish farmer from Kentucky who was imprisoned for six years after being harassed by the Food and Drug Administration over the mislabeling of an all-natural salve. According to published reports the farmer, Samuel Girod, and his family have been selling herbal, natural salves out of their home for more than 20 years. But in 2001, an agent from the FDA told him that his product labels were making misleading and unauthorized medical claims regarding certain healing conditions. At that time, reports the Kentucky Free Press, the labels said that the salves were good for all skin conditions, including skin cancer, cuts, burns, draws, and poison ivy. Girod proceeded to change his labeling and in particular removing any references to skin cancer. Afterward, Girod did not hear from the federal government for years until someone contacted the FDA in 2012 and reported that a store in Missouri was selling the salves made by Girod and his family and that medical claims were being made about the all-natural mixtures. But in fact, the so-called medical claims werent real; the anonymous caller to the FDA failed to mention that the claims were, in fact, customer testimonials that were contained in a brochure that accompanies Girods products. The reality is, the testimonials were no different then when someone writes approvingly of a product sold on Amazon or Jet. However, since Girod reprinted those testimonials in a brochure that accompanied his products, the FDA classified them as medical claims made by the manufacturer, which then, of course, put the salve under FDA regulatory jurisdiction. And poof just like that Sam Girod became a criminal. In addition to asserting that testimonials amounted to the same thing as a manufacturers medical claims, the agency said it had found a Missouri customer who said theyd been harmed by the Amish farmers bloodroot salve. So, based on that claim of harm and the printed brochures, the FDA filed a complaint against Girod and forced him to appear in federal court. During the legal action, the FDA sent some of its agents to Girods home and demanded to search it reportedly without a warrant. But in an effort to appear cooperative, Girod said he would agree to the warrantless search on one condition: That no photographs be taken, since the Amish community in which he lived had religious objections to being photographed. The Kentucky Free Press reported that agents agreed to that condition and began their search. Soon, however, once engaged some took out cameras and began to take pictures of everything, claiming it was evidence actions that did not sit well with Girods Amish neighbors. It gets better. Or worse, depending on your point of view. (Related: Medical police state: Cops arrest NURSE for refusing to break the law and violate medical consent) As the court case in Missouri proceeded, the Girods discovered that the alleged injured party was never identified. Furthermore, it was revealed that the bloodroot salve that caused the alleged harm in the first place was not a product made by the family it was someone elses product. Nevertheless, the judge issued an injunction on Girods products with three stipulations: Nothing further could be sold until all medical claims were removed, a reference to the brochure that accompanied the products; The bloodroot salve, in particular, could not be sold at all anymore; The Girods had to permit the searching and inspection of their property for five years. Sam Girod complied with conditions 1 and 2, but he stopped short of permitting the searches after the first one. That led to criminal proceedings against Girod for failure to comply with the injunction, and on June 30 of this year, Girod was sentenced to six years in prison and handed a $14,000 finefor nothing. If this outrages you as much as it did us, please sign the petition here at J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel. Sources include: (Natural News) A new lawsuit that accuses a pharmaceutical company of conduct that is nothing short of evil echoes the sentiment of many people who have suffered or lost loved ones due to the unsavory practices of Big Pharma. Big Pharmas list of wrongdoings is rather lengthy, but the offense that is at the heart of the lawsuit in question filed by New Jersey officials is its deceptive marketing practices and fraudulent payouts. Last week, New Jersey Attorney General Christopher Porrino filed the lawsuit against drug maker Insys Therapeutics of Arizona. Insys is the producer of the controversial fentanyl medication known as Subsys, a powerful synthetic opioid painkiller. The suit accuses Insys of flagrant legal violations in its aggressive push to get New Jersey doctors to prescribe it in higher doses for conditions that it has not been approved to treat. According to Porrino, Insys defrauded insurance firms by giving doctors who overprescribed Subsys payouts in various forms, including as fees for fake speaking events. In addition, the lawsuit pins the death of a 32-year-old New Jersey woman on the company; she overdosed on Subsys that she had been prescribed for fibromyalgia. Porrino didnt mince words when describing Insyss conduct in a statement. He said: The conduct alleged in our lawsuit is nothing short of evil. We contend that the company used every trick in the book, including sham speaking and consulting fees and other illegal kickbacks, in a callous campaign to boost profits from the sale of its marquee drug Subsys. Its nice to see someone in such a powerful position calling them out on their horrific practices. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has long been trying to spread the word about the pharmaceutical industrys criminal racket, summing up their modus operandi nicely when he writes: To defend Big Pharma today is to defend a cabal of criminal corporations that have proven they will do anything absolutely anything to keep their profits rolling in. It makes no difference who they have to bribe, what studies they have to falsify, or who has to be threatened into silence. They will stop at nothing to expand their profit base, even if it means harming (or killing) countless innocents. He also made Americans who are drugged out on opioids and other medications the topic of a recent studio news video after a disturbing study in the Annals of Internal Medicine revealed that 38 percent of Americans were prescribed these dangerous medications in 2015. Insys, who has not commented on the New Jersey lawsuit, is also facing litigation in several other states, including allegations that six of its former managers and executives bribed doctors to prescribe Subsys. Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey recently reached a settlement with Insys, who did not admit to wrongdoing but paid out $500,000. The medication made up 98 percent of the firms net revenue in 2012. Big Pharma a big driver of the opioid epidemic Their behavior is particularly concerning as the nation struggles with an opioid epidemic that is seeing record-setting drug deaths. In fact, drug overdoses have now become the top cause of accidental death for people in the U.S. under the age of 50. According to estimates from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 71,600 people are expected to die from drugs this year, which would make it the second consecutive year in which drug deaths surpass the American casualties of the Vietnam War. The number of people who have died from fentanyl overdoses doubled in just one year, according to the FDA and the CDC, making it clear that those who push these drugs on the masses need to be held accountable for their actions. Its unconscionable that pharmaceutical companies and even doctors would try so hard to get people to take dangerous drugs they dont need all in the name of profit, and we can only hope that the New Jersey Attorney Generals lawsuit against Insys and others like it will be successful. Sources include: (Natural News) When it comes to scientific facts, we are reliant on what we are taught by people that we perceive to be authorities on the subject. And for a while now, the pervasive message about carbon dioxide (CO2) has been that it is a dirty pollutant responsible for man-made global warming. If levels of CO2 do not drop drastically and quickly, experts warn, global warming will do irreversible damage and essentially end life as we know it on our planet. Trustworthy looking people show us graphs and diagrams and shake their heads sadly at the impending doom. And we believe them, because thats what weve been taught to do. In a world where fake news and fake science is pervasive, however, we can no longer trust what intelligent looking people with fantastic science pedigrees tell us. We have to dig deeper and seek the truth for ourselves. A truly shocking example of this was when Bill Nye, the supposed science guy, insisted that transgenderism is an evolutionary fact, totally ignoring the actual scientific fact that gender is a biological binary trait, rather than a choice each person gets to make. This is the same guy who many of us grew up trusting as a reputable source of scientific information. The reality on the ground is that many scientists are available to the highest bidder and will spout any nonsense they are paid to regurgitate. That includes the catastrophic man-made global warming narrative. While there are many sincere people out there who genuinely believe in global warming and think were headed down a path to annihilation, there are also people out there who have their own agendas depopulation being one of them for wanting us to believe the climate change narrative. Think about it: If all life is dependent on CO2 (and it is), then wont reducing the levels of CO2 benefit those who believe we need to drastically reduce the number of people on this planet? What we need to do is think about the whole thing logically. The fact is, without CO2 there would be no life on this planet; that is an indisputable fact. We all know that from studying the process of photosynthesis in school, and yet we happily throw that knowledge out the window when we vilify carbon dioxide in our minds. [Related: Read about how a top university stole millions from taxpayers by faking global warming research.] Many sincere environmentalists are sipping on green smoothies as they urge others to get involved, sell their cars and walk or bike to work. What they need to stop and consider is this: Where did all the nutrients in that green smoothie come from? As Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and founder/editor of Natural News explains: Not only is carbon dioxide necessary for all plant respiration via photosynthesis, its also the key ingredient used by plants to synthesize nearly every medicinal molecule thats loved by herbalists, natural medicine practitioners and even medical cannabis advocates. With 29 states legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana in recent years, it is obvious that people are waking up to the miraculous health benefits of this plant. Where did the cannabinoids and THC in marijuana which are responsible for many of these health benefits come from? Carbon dioxide, thats where! Without CO2 we simply could not survive. All those scientists and members of the mainstream media need to remember that fact when they spout all their doom and gloom stories about the dangers of CO2. This vital molecule is, in fact, the very stuff of life! [Related: Over 30,000 scientists insist that the catastrophic man-made global warming narrative is a lie.] Sources include: The National Hurricane Center has issued storm surge, hurricane and tropical storm advisories for parts of the U.S. Gulf Coast as Tropical Storm Nate approaches. A storm surge watch has been issued from Morgan City, La., eastward to the Alabama-Florida border, including the northern and western shores of Lake Pontchartrain. A hurricane watch is in effect from Morgan City eastward to the Mississippi-Alabama border, including metropolitan New Orleans, Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas. Punta Herrero, Mexico, to Rio Lagartos was also included. A tropical storm watch has been issued from the Mississippi-Alabama border eastward to Florida's Okaloosa-Walton County Line. A tropical storm watch was also declared west of Morgan City to Intracoastal City. Tropical Storm Nate was blamed Thursday for at least 22 deaths in Central America as it dumped rain across the region on a path that would carry it toward a potential landfall on the U.S. Gulf Coast as a hurricane over the weekend. Louisiana officials ordered some people to evacuate coastal areas and barrier islands, and evacuations began at some offshore oil platforms in the Gulf. The NHC said the storm could cause dangerous flooding by dumping as much as 15 inches of rain in western Nicaragua and southern Honduras. As of 5 a.m. Friday, Nate had maximum sustained winds of 45 mph. The storm was about 75 miles east-southeast of Isla Guanaja, Honduras, and was moving northwest at a speed of 12 mph. It is likely to continue over the Gulf of Honduras Friday and across the Caribbean Sea. Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday urged residents in Florida's Panhandle to keep an eye on the storm, and declared a state of emergency for 29 counties in north Florida and the Panhandle. Scott was in Pensacola on Thursday morning, meeting with city and emergency management officials. He said in a news release that the order helps ensure that federal, state and local governments can work together easily and make sure storm-related resources are provided without delay to local communities. The western part of the Florida Panhandle remained in Nate's forecast track, along with Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. In Nicaragua, Nate's arrival followed two weeks of near-constant rain that had left the ground saturated and rivers swollen. Authorities placed the whole country on alert and warned of flooding and landslides. Nicaragua's vice president and spokeswoman, Rosario Murillo, said that at least 15 people had died in that country due to the storm. She didn't give details on all the deaths, but said two women and a man who worked for the Health Ministry were swept away by a flooded canal in the central municipality of Juigalpa. The government closed schools nationwide. Costa Rica's Judicial Investigation Organization blamed seven deaths in that country on the storm and said 15 people were missing. Flooding drove 5,000 residents into emergency shelters. In Louisiana, officials ordered the evacuation of part of coastal St. Bernard Parish east of New Orleans ahead of the storm. Earlier Thursday, a voluntary evacuation was called in the barrier island town of Grand Isle south of New Orleans. New Orleans officials outlined steps to bolster the city's pump and drainage system. Weaknesses in that system were revealed during summer flash floods. The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement's New Orleans office said in a news release that as of midday Thursday, six production platforms, out of the 737 manned platforms in the Gulf, had been evacuated. No drilling rigs were evacuated, but one moveable rig was taken out of the storm's path. The agency estimated less than 15 percent of the current oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has been shut-in, which equates to 254,607 barrels of oil per day. The forecast track showed the storm could brush across the tip of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula late Friday night and then hit the U.S. Gulf Coast as a hurricane by Sunday morning. Forecasters said hurricane conditions were possible in Mexico Friday night. In the Pacific, former Tropical Storm Ramon dissipated off the southwestern coast of Mexico. Update: In response to a post on Daring Fireball saying I had incorrectly stated things about the Mac, I have written a reply Rebuttal to Daring Fireball: FreeBSD, Intel and Microsoft did save the Mac which includes a correction and clarifications. ---------------------------------- This post is an excerpt from a talk I gave at the Reality Virtually Hackathon that makes a similar comparison between virtual reality and augmented reality and the Mac. It holds true for the Internet of Things (IoT) and every emerging technology. Many IoT devices makers build on proprietary platforms. Proprietary hardware is an advantage during the emergence of a new platform until it is not. A proprietary platform protects intellectual property from reverse engineering because the software is tied to the hardware and it can be tuned for performance. Custom-designed hardware performs better until it doesnt. For example, when supercomputers, video bridges and CAD simulators were first introduced, all took advantage of custom, proprietary hardware to gain time to market. Now mature products, almost all the supercomputer, video bridge and CAD simulator suppliers use x86 and Nvidia platforms because these they have open ecosystems that add capabilities and value while reducing cost. How Apple turned to an open ecosystem to revive the Mac In 2007, the Mac was on life support. Consumers and companies bought Windows XP and Vista machines instead of Macs. The Mac had been very proprietary up until then. The hardware platform was based on the Motorola 6800 family, which came in third behind Intel and AMD and the PowerPC. It ran a proprietary OS with components of FreeBSD Unix, but it was not Unix compliant. The Mac transitioned that same year. It had been a proprietary device running a proprietary operating system, with a beautiful proprietary user interface (UI) in an elegant ergonomically designed enclosure. Apple pivoted by shifting to the Intel platform and FreeBSD Unix, complying to the Single UNIX Specification (SUS). The Mac today is a PC running an open-source operating system with beautiful proprietary UI in even more elegantly designed enclosures. FreeBSD influenced the evolution of the MacOS. Since the transition, many FreeBSD Unix components were rewritten and many APIs were added. Also on Network World: How to speed up IoT deployment: Give each device an identity The Mac gained two advantages from the FreeBSD and Intel ecosystems. Firstly, though, the Mac has always been premium priced compared to PCs. In 2007, it became overpriced because the scale of the proprietary hardware components used to build it was dwarfed by the scale of x86 microprocessors, which were built by Intel. Intel owns many multi-billion-dollar advanced semiconductor fabrication facilities (fabs) optimized to reduce manufacturing cost and ship large volumes of devices. Secondly, SUS compliance brought with it a robust toolchain for Apples internal and external developers. After the transition, Apple could focus more engineering on its UI, integrate with other Apple devices and make the enclosures even more elegant. Apple eliminated redundant development but maintained a high degree of product differentiation. IoT needs to grow a robust ecosystem Right now, proprietary is a good approach for IoT device makers. During this nascent stage of IoT adoption, makers need to optimize low-cost, low-speed and low-power devices. They must also run a minimum OS to spare the lightweight platform and minimize the time to market of new and improved products. But IoT makers cannot wait for someone else to build the ecosystem. If IoT makers really want to accelerate adoption, they should identify all the non-differentiable and redundant development and apply open source and open innovation to eliminate the redundancy. The lead engineers at these competing companies should form alliances to open the parts of the IoT platforms that do not differentiate their products to the IoT development community to inspire an open ecosystem. Also on Network World: IoT standards battles could get messy The device makers should press IoT microprocessor and microcontroller makers such as Intel, TI, Microchip and STM to invest more and iterate this new class of silicon faster. IoT requirements are not the same as embedded systems, often incorrectly included in IoT forecasts, because by definition, IoT devices need processors and controllers that include integrated low-cost and low-power radios that in New Jersey parlance says easy, does hard. The best thing that happened to PCs was the x86 architecture, and the best thing that happened to smartphones was the ARM architecture. Discrete components were integrated into single dense systems on a chip (SoC), reducing the design engineering needed by PC and smartphone makers to build new products. IoT should not follow Apple to the letter Though I admire Steve Jobs product design and development, Ive never quoted him as a guru because he was mercurial and mean. Others are willing to overlook this, and some even accept that as a necessary element of Apples success. But companies such as Google and Facebook prove that mecurial and mean leadership is not necessary for success. Apple has not made a big contribution to the ecosystems from which it harvests openly developed technology and the works of other people, though Apples horde of lawyers has protected the company from licensing lawsuits. Apple hired FreeBSD founder Jordan Hubbard, who stopped contributing to FreeBSD. In 2013, Wireds Klint Finley wrote: It's telling that during his 12 years at Apple, Hubbard didn't contribute code to the open source project he himself had founded. Facebook and Microsoft both are represented on the FreeBSD Foundation board of directors because they want to guide development to remain open, meet their needs and contribute to the robustness and evolution of FreeBSD. Apples taking without contributing is not limited to FreeBSD. Apple should give back. It should pay its taxes to support the community from which it thrives. But it doesnt, except perhaps in proprietary open-source projects like Swift. Apple Photos blatantly leveraged a decade of open AI research by universities, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and IBM, as well as open source software, to create its Photos app. Further, Mashables Jenni Ryall wrote that Nicholas Negroponte, co-founder of MIT Media Lab and One Laptop Per Child, told the crowd at the World Business Forum in Sydney: [Apple] has not written one research paper or attended any external research meetings, such as working groups, government-funded workshops, or held their own onsite research meetings with external scientists in the way Google, Microsoft and Facebook often do. IoT desperately needs to cultivate an open ecosystem. No company in IoT can afford to wait because none has Apples reach. None can afford not to contribute. Stevia is a natural sweetener obtained from a shrub called Stevia rebaudiana. It is generally found on the continent of South America. It is 200400 times sweeter than sucrose and it is a non-caloric sweetener. Hence, it replaces sugar, corn syrup with high fructose, and other artificial sweeteners. The sweetness of stevia is due to compounds present in the leaves which are extracted by soaking these leaves in water. The sweet extract contains steviol glycoside, which has two main components: Rebaudioside A and Stevioside. Stevia is rich in flavonoids and terpenes. Steviol glycosides are partially metabolized in the body and digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, stomach, and small intestines. Stevia finds its use in jams, soft drinks, ice cream, cakes, desserts, dairy products, and alcoholic beverages. Sugar substitute Stevia plant and extract powder. Image Credit: govindji / Shutterstock Benefits of Stevia Stevia has enormous advantages in the field of: Therapy: The therapeutic effects of stevia include Anti-hyperglycemicit has the ability to increase the activity of pancreatic cells, insulin sensitivity, and promote insulin production and utilization. It is helpful in the treatment of Type-2 diabetics. Anti-hypertensivestevioside reduces the blood pressure by preventing calcium ions from entering the blood vessel endothelial cells and thus reducing vasoconstriction in hypertensive patients. Antioxidantit contains huge amounts of natural antioxidants including opigenin, kaempferol, and quereitrin. These help to prevent damage to DNA strands, angiotensin-induced cell propagation, and endothelin secretion. Anti-carcinogenicsteviol glycoside consists of four constituents, namely, stevioside, rebaudiosides A, rebaudioside C, and ducloside A, which strongly inhibits the inflammation caused by 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), indicating its anti-carcinogenic activity. Antimicrobialstevia has the ability to evade the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria and prevent other infections. Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatorystevia is also helpful in decreasing inflammation and immuno-modulation. It reduces the synthesis of inflammatory agents in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced THP-1 cells by intervening in the I-Kappa-B kinases (IKK-beta) and Kappa B signaling pathways. Medicine: The medicinal effects of stevia include: Cardiovascular activitythe cardiotonic action of stevia helps in enhancing the actions of the circulatory system of human body when it is used for a long period. Digestive tonic activitystevia helps in improving the digestive system and maintaining appetite. Dermatological activitystevia is considered to be an effective medicine in the treatment of various skin problems such as acne, seborrhea, dermatitis, eczema, and wounds, helping them to heal without creating a scar. Regular use of stevia also improves the skin texture and prevents sagging skin. Health Concerns Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today The consumption of stevia can induce various side effects in humans, which include bloating, nausea, paining and weakening of muscles, dizziness, and allergic effects. In addition, it may also interact with drugs used for cancer, microbial infections, calcium channel blockers, and lowering cholesterol levels, and lead to other side effects. The diuretic action of stevia inhibits the natural mechanism of lithium removal from the body, leading to the accumulation of lithium in the body, causing severe side effects. Various experiments were carried out in rodents based on this factor. The results indicated the occurrence of infertility in rodents due to lithium accumulation. Stevia has an adverse effect on the blood flow, renal activity, flow of urine, and excretion of sodium in patients with renal disease. It is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation. Safety Aspects Stevia is considered to be safe and harmless compared to artificial sweeteners. Experimental studies have been carried out for a long time to investigate its health outcomes on humans. Toxicologists at University of California carried out work to investigate the development of cancer due to genetic mutation caused by the intake of steviosides. In Japan, artificial sugars are completely banned and they started using stevia as a natural sweetener. Also, they performed several experiments and affirmed that the use of stevia is safe. The Food and Drug Administration of U.S (FDA) approved the use of Rebaudioside.A (extracted from stevia leaves) as safe for use by humans. However, it has not approved the use of whole stevia as it is found to cause certain health issues. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved the use of steviol glycosides for human utilization with an Advised Daily Intake (ADI) of 4 mg/kg. Later in 2010, the European Union confirmed that it is safe to use steviol glycosides as food additives. The Joint Expert Committee for Food Additives (JECFA) revised the safety of steviol glycosides in 2000, 2005, 2006, 2007, and in 2009 and fixed the safety margin for daily intake level as 4 mg/kg. The research panelists considered the use of steviol glycosides that fulfill the conditions of JEFCA to be non-carcinogenic and non-genotoxic. Further studies are required for clarifying the role of stevia in humans in weight management and energy reduction. References Further Reading A flexible, biodegradable optical fiber that can deliver light into the body for medical applications is the latest work of a collaboration between electrical engineers and biomaterials engineers in Penn State's Materials Research Institute. The ability to deliver light into the body is important for laser surgery, drug activation, optical imaging, diagnosis of disease, and in optogenetics, the experimental field in which light is used to manipulate the function of neurons in the brain. Yet, delivering light into the body is difficult and typically requires the implantation of an optical fiber made of glass. "The problem is that visible light can only penetrate to a certain depth, maybe hundreds of microns," said Jian Yang, professor of biomedical engineering, Penn State. "Near infrared light might be able to penetrate a few millimeters to a centimeter, but that is not enough to see what is going on." Currently, people use glass fiber to get light into biological tissue at depth, but glass is brittle and is not biodegradable. It can break and damage tissue if implanted. Researchers are beginning to look toward flexible polymer fibers as a solution. Yang previously invented a polymer based on citrate, a naturally occurring key ingredient in metabolism, that he developed as a general platform for biomedical applications, such as biodegradable bone screws for bone fixation, scaffolds for tissue engineering and nanoparticles for delivering time-released therapeutic drugs. Now, he is collaborating with Zhiwen Liu, Penn State professor of electrical engineering, using Yang's citrate-based polymer to create a step-index optical fiber for light delivery inside the body. A step-index fiber has a core material that transmits light and a cladding that protects the core and keeps the light from escaping. Yang's lab makes and tests the polymer and then takes it to Liu's lab to turn into a fiber. Once the fiber is tested and fine-tuned, Yang's lab implants the fiber in biological tissue for testing. "The present work demonstrates the first citrate-based flexible biodegradable polymeric step-index fiber," said Dingying Shan, a Ph.D. student in Yang's group. Shan is co-first author on a recent paper in the journal Biomaterials, which describes their work. "The use of the citrate-based polymers enables ultrafine tuning of refractive index differences between the core and the cladding layers," added co-first author Chenji Zhang, a recent Ph.D. graduate in Liu's group. Because the core and cladding have identical mechanical characteristics, the optical fiber can bend and stretch without the layers pulling apart, as can happen with dissimilar materials. The two materials will also biodegrade at similar rates in the body, without harm. "We believe this new type of biodegradable, biocompatible and low-loss step-index optical fiber can facilitate organ-scale light delivery and collection," Shan said. "And that it will become an enabling tool for diverse biomedical applications where light delivery, imaging or sensing are desired," Shan said. "This new type of fiber creates a transparent window for peeking into a turbid tissue, and can enable new opportunities for imaging," Liu said. As a preliminary step, the team first measured light propagation characteristics of the fiber and then used this information to demonstrate image transmission through the fiber. "Because the material is nontoxic and biodegradable, the citrate-based fiber could be left inside the body for long periods without the need for a second surgery to remove it," Yang said. "In addition to sensing and imaging, we can add therapeutic chemicals, drugs or biological molecules for disease treatment." A protein known to play a significant role in the development of psoriasis can be prevented from functioning without posing a risk to patients, scientists at King's College London have found. The study, which was supported by the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London, confirmed that a group of inflammatory proteins called 'IL-36' play a significant role in the development of psoriasis and can, in theory, be blocked without posing a risk to patients. Psoriasis, which causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales, affects more than 1.8 million in the UK alone. The findings of this study, although still at an early stage, open up the possibility for the development of new drugs to tackle this often debilitating condition. Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today Dr. Francesca Capon, who led the study at King's College London said: "There was already some evidence to suggest that IL-36 played a significant role in psoriasis. Having confirmed this was the case, the question for us was whether we could block this molecule without posing a risk to patients." To tackle this problem, Dr. Capon and her team contacted the Born in Bradford (BiB) project, a large study led by Prof John Wright at Bradford Royal Infirmary which is tracking the health of over 13,500 local children and their parents. "We know that genetic mutations are more common in communities where parental relatedness is widespread and we found 12 women in the BiB cohort who carried a defect that naturally blocked IL-36," said Dr. Capon. "After a series of tests carried out by Dr Satveer Mahil at St John's Institute of Dermatology, we determined that the lack of IL-36 activation had not had an adverse effect on their health which suggests it would be safe to block this molecule in patients with psoriasis." Medical technology which would enable the blocking of IL-36 group of inflammatory proteins in patients with psoriasis is already widely available. Helen McAteer, Chief Executive of the Psoriasis Association, which part-funded the study, said: "Research into psoriasis is enabling us to not only understand the condition better, but the treatments better". "Current research is having a positive impact on clinical effectiveness, better understanding is providing better treatment outcomes, ultimately improving the lives of those affected by psoriasis." Current methods of detecting lung cancer consist of imaging methods and invasive biopsies, which can be stressful and painful for patients. Yuze "Alice" Sun, an assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at The University of Texas at Arlington, has received a $199,999 grant from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas to develop a non-invasive means to detect early stage lung cancer through biomarkers in a patient's breath instead, saving the patient from needle biopsies and extended waits for a diagnosis. Sun plans to develop an optofluidic gas-analyzing microsystem to separate and profile chemical compounds in human exhaled breath, then search for those that may indicate lung cancer. The new technology may eventually offer a noninvasive way for doctors to screen patients for lung cancer at an early stage, when the treatment is the most effective. Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today "The key component is determining how to process and distinguish the thousands of chemicals in the breath. Some are biomarkers for lung cancer, but they are in very low concentrations and are difficult to detect," Sun said. "This grant will allow me to develop a sensing technology and prototype a device to look at human exhaled breath and determine with high confidence if there is a correlation between these biomarkers and the presence of lung cancer. If I am successful, the next step would be to collaborate with doctors to fully develop a device that could be used in clinics." CPRIT grants reward high-risk, high-impact research that can result in major breakthroughs in detecting and treating cancer. Sun's research is an example of innovative thinking in the area of health and the human condition, a theme in UTA's Strategic Plan 2020: Bold Solutions | Global Impact, said Jonathan Bredow, chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering. "This grant is exciting because of the potential discoveries that could result from it. Dr. Sun has devoted a lot of time and energy to finding ways to detect cancer earlier, faster and in ways that keep patients comfort at the forefront. Her work is expanding the boundaries of photonics applications in healthcare," Bredow said. Researchers from NYU School of Medicine studied the effects of Caesarean section on the weights of the offspring in laboratory mice and found that they are more at risk of becoming overweight and obese. They noted that mice that were born via C section gained 33 percent more weight on an average in 15 weeks after they were weaned compared to mice that were born vaginally. Female offspring were found to gain 70 percent more weight. The study was published online in Science Advances yesterday. The team of researchers looked at the differences in the gut bacteria or the microbiome that lives within the intestines and provide animals with assistance in immunity, metabolism and digestion. They speculated that there might be alterations in these gut bacteria due to the advent and rise of antibiotic therapy as well as due to C-sections. And they decided to see if this had anything to do with the rising rates of obesity. The World Health Organization estimates that Caesarean sections are needed in around 15 percent of births due to risks posed to the baby and the mother. However actual numbers show that one in two babies are born via C-Section in several countries notably Dominican Republic, Brazil and Iran explain these researchers. New baby being born during cesarean section. Image Credit: Chattapat / Shutterstock Human studies in the past have shown connections between C-sections and obesity. The whys and wherefores of this has not been explored and microbiome as the reason for this has also not been explored. This study was an attempt to understand this connection. The researchers explain that the maternal microbes are transmitted to the babies as they are born vaginally and these microbes help teach the developing immune systems of the baby. Lead researcher and microbiologist Maria Dominguez-Bello, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Medicine at NYU School of Medicine, explained that this was the first study that showed that there was a direct association between C-section and increased body weight in mammals. She added that because the number of caesarean sections are on the rise, the effects of these on obesity becomes more and more important. Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today For this study the team chose 34 laboratory mice that were delivered by C-section and compared them with 35 mice that were born vaginally. They then checked on the weight gain of these mice and simultaneously used genomic techniques to analyse the DNA of the various gut bacteria that these mice were carrying since their birth up to their adulthood. Earlier studies provided a template of which bacteria normally colonize the guts of mice pups. Now they compared the gut bacteria of the mice born either by C-section or vaginally. Their study revealed that the mice that were born via C section put on more weight and also had a significantly different gut bacteria. Gender did not play a role in these differences. Mice that were born normally with time had a normally maturing gut bacteria. Among mice born surgically, the microbiome developed rapidly initially but later in life they became relatively immature. Bacterial groups that are found more commonly among babies delivered vaginally include Bacteroides, Ruminococaceae, and Clostridiales. Earlier studies have shown that these bacteria are associated with lean body weight. Dominguez-Bello is also leading a pilot study that checks for changes in the gut microflora and associates it with weight gain and obesity. That study found that if the babies born surgically could be swabbed with the mothers birth canal fluids, they could get the bacteria that they would have if delivered via the vagina. More research is needed to this end to check if this is really feasible and holds true for large populations. A new science program for people with intellectual disabilities has found the program has delivered great educational, social and economic benefits to students. Students begin building working models, creating controlled chemical reactions, and tracking processes in nature such as plant growth. Image: Phil Roeder, Flickr The program, developed by a PhD scholar at The Australian National University (ANU), uses science to engage students with intellectual disabilities, help them observe what is happening around them, evaluate what it means, and then help them provide a reasoned response. It has been implemented in three schools over the past 10 years, with around 60 students going through the program in the past two years. Program developer Vanessa de Kauwe said specialist schools who had implemented the program had reported overwhelmingly positive results. The results have been overwhelmingly positive. Some students even go on to work, adult education, or both, said Ms de Kauwe from the ANU Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science. Students begin building working models, creating controlled chemical reactions, and tracking processes in nature such as plant growth. Some reports show that students who previously did not interact with others started talking at home and school. Others started communicating with notes and drawings. Participants are always in a situation where they are learning to communicate with others and share ideas, which helps with their daily living skills. Ms de Kauwe said feedback from schools and parents found students became more independent in daily life. She said people with disabilities were the greatest experts in their own experience. She said radical changes were needed for educational practices and policies for students with an intellectual disability. I have spent more than 20 years working in disability and education in Australia and overseas and they are one of the most undervalued groups in society, something I wanted to see change, said Ms de Kauwe. A number of young adults with intellectual disabilities are now assisting me to explain more empowering teaching techniques to science educators from all around the world, and this is how it should be. Atomo Diagnostics, a world leader in innovative point-of-care, rapid diagnostic devices, announced today that its Atomo HIV Self Test has been granted CE Marking by a European Union Notified Body. The Atomo HIV Self Test is the worlds only integrated self-test device, providing greater convenience, ease-of-use, and infield diagnostic performance when compared to other multi-component HIV test kits. Atomo Diagnostics is now actively engaging with commercialization and distribution partners to make the test widely available in European and other global markets during 2018 via retail, e-commerce and public health channels. Designed as an at-home self-test, the Atomo HIV Self Test is a rapid, lateral flow in vitro qualitative immunoassay for the detection of antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Type 2 in human whole blood. The Atomo HIV Self Test needs only a single drop of blood, obtained from the fingertip using the built-in safety lancet. The test device also incorporates a unique blood collection and delivery system to further simplify the test procedure and eliminate user errors common to other test kits. An accurate result is provided in minutes. When used by untrained users in the field, the Atomo HIV Self Test demonstrated 100% concordance to laboratory results in independent studies, making it the best performing self-test approved to date. Additionally, as a 3rd generation test, the Atomo HIV Self Test can detect HIV antibodies earlier than established 2nd generation competitor tests. Self-testing is facilitating greater access to HIV testing for previously hard-to-reach and high-burden groups. Studies have also shown that our test has a high degree of acceptance and take-up amongst the young, which could be central to stemming infection rates and increasing access to treatment, said John Kelly, Chief Executive Officer of Atomo Diagnostics. CE Marking means that the Atomo HIV Self Test can now be made available to anyone who wants a safe, convenient, accurate and private way to find out their HIV status in minutes, he added. HIV self-testing is increasingly seen as vital if the global health community is to achieve the goals of the 90-90-90 initiative of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). The aim of the initiative is to ensure that by 2020 90% of those living with HIV will know their status, 90% of those individuals will be on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 90% of individuals on ART will be virologically suppressed. To achieve even the first 90% is a major undertaking: UNAIDS estimates that, as of July 2017, only 70% of the 36.7 million people living with HIV knew their status. HIV self-testing has the potential to be a game-changer in achieving the UNAIDS ambitious goal of 90% of all HIV positive people knowing their status by 2020, said Linda-Gail Bekker, President of the International AIDS Society, and a member of Atomos Clinical Advisory Board. Atomo is proud to be playing its part in helping to achieve the first 90-90-90 milestone, also announcing today that it has obtained CE approval for the 3rd generation version of its established professional use rapid diagnostic test, AtomoRapid HIV (1&2). Approval of this more sensitive 3rd generation test will further support early detection of HIV infections and facilitate more effective interventions. Source: The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The nuclear-powered submarine. Ultra-advanced stealth bombers and fighters. These all represent the most lethal, sophisticated and expensive weapons in the US militarys mighty arsenaland they might soon all be close to obsolete. The aircraft carrier, stealth fighters and submarines will still be useful but they will have new vulnerabilities that will limit operations (especially against well funded militaries like Russia and China). The US will also be able to exploit these against the same weapon systems for China and Russia. It could cause a shift to different more cost effective weapons. * new technology could allow stealth planes to be detected at longer ranges * submarines * Aircraft carriers are very vulnerable to new missiles and pervasive satellite detection Operating the carrier in the face of increasingly lethal and precise missiles will thus require the United States to expose a multibillion-dollar asset to high levels of risk in the event of a conflict. A saturation attack of missiles against the carrier from a variety of platforms and directions would be difficultif not impossibleto defend against. Exposing Submarines The ability of submarines to hide through quieting alone will decrease as each successive decibel of noise reduction becomes more expensive and as new detection methods mature that rely on phenomena other than sounds emanating from a submarine. These techniques include lower frequency active sonar and non-acoustic methods that detect submarine wakes or (at short ranges) bounce laser or light-emitting diode (LED) light off a submarine hull. The physics behind most of these alternative techniques has been known for decades, but was not exploited because computer processors were too slow to run the detailed models needed to see small changes in the environment caused by a quiet submarine. Big Data processing enables advanced navies to run sophisticated oceanographic models in real time to exploit these detection techniques. As they become more prevalent, they could make some coastal areas too hazardous for manned submarines. New sensors and related improvements to torpedo seekers could enable completely new approaches to finding and attacking submarines. Today short range detection requires difficult and time and resource intensive submarine hunting. New sensor and seeker capabilities could instead enable a fire and forget approach in which ASW (anti-submarine warfare) forces detect a submarine at long range and apply computer processing to obtain enough precision for an attack using long-range missiles with torpedo warheads. This kind of attack may not sink the submarine, but would likely compel it to at least evade, breaking its initiative and making it more detectable. Stealth planes detection National Interest Defense Editor, Dave Majumdar describes the situation. China appears to be building a new high-frequency radar on an artificial feature in the Spratly Islands that could allow Beijing to track even the stealthiest American warplanes, including the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and even the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit. HF radars actually operate on low frequencies relative to the VHF, UHF, L, S, C, X and Ku bands, which are more typically used by military radars. These low frequencies have waves that are several meters long and, consequently, most stealth aircraft show up on HF radar. In order to defeat low frequency radar, a stealth aircraft has to eliminate features like fins, which is why the flying-wing shape is the best way available to avoid detection. That is because there is an omnidirectional resonance effect that occurs when a feature on an aircraftsuch as a tail-finis less than eight times the size of a particular frequency wavelength. As a result, there is a step change in radar cross section once that threshold is exceeded. Since every stealth aircraft currently in Americas fleet exceeds that thresholdeven the B-2 is not large enough to avoid most HF radarsevery U.S. aircraft would show up on the Chinese radar. Indeedall stealth aircraft will show up at some frequency. As a young man David Clyde DC Davis, adamantly denied the possibility of working in ministry. Yet years later, thats exactly where hes found himself the youth pastor at Tomahs Lighthouse Assembly of God ... and he loves it. A native of Hilliard, Florida, Davis got his first inkling that he might end up working as a pastor in 10th grade. He was performing in a Christian talent show at West Nassau High School in Florida doing an imitation of preaching, poking fun at it. When doing it I just felt in my heart that, hey, you need to stop making fun of this because youre going to be doing it one day, he said. That thought stayed in the back of his mind even as he was filling out college applications during his senior year, determined to go to college and be a meteorologist. The voice told him to fill out at least one application to a Bible college. So he did, all the while thinking that even if he got in, he was going to attend another college because he didnt want to be a pastor. I was an A and B student, I had a 3.5 GPA, I had a scholarship, and then all the colleges I applied for denied me but the Bible school, he said. So I was like, OK, I guess this is where Im going. After his first year at the Jacksonville Masters Commission in 2008, Davis warmed up to being a pastor. I felt like this is where Im supposed to be, he said. Also at this time Davis found his passion for youth ministry. During the first year at Bible college students were required to work with all the different ministries for about two months each, Davis said. They started with childrens ministry and worked their way up to seniors. We got a taste for every age group where there are ministries, he said. Then at the end of my first year, we were told that if you come back for your second year, you need to choose which you want to do most prominently. While Davis eventually chose to work with youth, it was the childrens pastor at the schools church who most influenced his decision. He was telling me to fill the void if you see a void, fill it, he said. He was trying to promote me to take childrens ministry, but at the time the middle school was lax no one wanted to deal with middle school or high school; they thought all the kids were crazy. Actually, these people need the most help. So thats how I got involved with youth ministry. They needed a leader, and I fell in love with it my second year, returned my third year, and it has been youth ministry since. He graduated from Bible college in 2011. Davis said what he enjoys about being a youth minister is the chance to help teenagers better their lives. I think every student needs to feel like someone cares and that someone hears them and to be by their side through the worst things and through the best things in life, he said. It doesnt matter how many friends they have or dont have, some of them feel like no ones there for them. For me personally, its cool just to be there and push them say you have this and you can make yourself a better life, whether they come to the Lord or not. My personal goal is that they come to know Jesus and get saved, but also that they can become good citizens in this community help them change their life for the better. For me I think thats the coolest thing. While a Florida native, Davis comes to Tomah from Rawlins, Wyoming, where he has lived for the past five years with his wife Danielle and two-year-old daughter Nadia, as a youth pastor. The Davis family is expecting a second child in November. About a year ago Davis and his wife began searching for a new job, and they found Tomah. They came to Tomah for an early August visit and wound up moving to Tomah Aug. 28. It seems like a good fit, Davis said. Were really liking the community; its really nice, he said. It feels like a small town but filled with city life too. You can go 10 miles out and youre already in the country or you get the city feel. He also enjoyed being involved with an established childrens church, which his church in Rawlins didnt have. Pastor Kirk Brown of the Lighthouse Assembly of God said hes happy to have the Davis family involved. They bring a lot of light and energy, he said. Theyre easy-going people that love God, and we love having them here. In his first year, Davis hopes to get more youth involved with his group. Right now we have about 20 students right now, but there are tons more out there that arent being reached or being cared about or feeling important, he said. My goal is to make Frontline Youth (the name of our youth group at Lighthouse Assembly) a known name in the community, as a place parents trust and a place students feel safe and can have fun while at the same time being encouraged to make a difference in their life and community even as a teen. Westby City Council is still weighing its options in regards to converting the 100 block of East State Street into one-way driving and parking after the proposed change was met with more resistance in regards to how it was handled at its Sept. 19 and Oct. 3 monthly meetings. During the Sept. 19 meeting, alderman Lyle Lund debated the agenda wording which was very vague and did not clearly specify a vote to convert to one-way parking. Lund, who is not in favor of the change, was also troubled that two council members, Ann Kurth and Mark Hendrickson, were not present to weigh in at that meeting, making it the wrong time to make such a decision. All council members were present at the Oct. 3 meeting, but the proposed change was then questioned by Joe Devine, a city resident who resides on East State Street. Devine said the city should have contacted the people on East State Street first before making a decision of that magnitude. He also questioned if they had all their ducks in a row on how the change would affect the direction of emergency vehicle travel and businesses who currently uses the area as an unloading zone for freight. Devine said he was not opposed to the change, but was opposed to the lack of public input the council sought before hand from residents who utilize the intersection on a daily basis. The entire issue came to light after Vernon Communications purchased the Corner Mechanics business lot in downtown Westby, in order to create a public downtown green space. Westby Chamber has since been put in charge of developing the area, which in turn opened the door for the city of Westby to restructure parking in front of the area. Last month the city street committee, (Rick Rognstad, Russell Haakenson, Lyle Lund), voted 2-1 last month in favor of the one-way street conversion. Lund provided the nay vote and told the council that the people he spoke with were not in favor of the change and he personally felt it would make driving in downtown more confusing. Mayor Dan Helgerson, argued the change would create less congestion all around at the State Street intersection and help with traffic flow. Tabling the item again allows the public and downtown businesses more time to weigh in on the idea. The council also agreed to contact all residents residing on East State Street in regards to the proposed change. If anyone has concerns or thoughts about converting the 100 block of East State Street to one-way parking please plan to attend the Westby City Council meeting at 6 p.m. on Oct. 17. You may also contact Westby City Hall at 634-3214. MINNEAPOLIS Xcel Energy has proposed splitting its utility operations in North Dakota and Minnesota, telling regulators that widening policy differences between the two states over clean energy have caused stresses that might best be resolved through a breakup. But a consultant for the North Dakota Public Service Commission is arguing against the separation, saying there would be no long-term benefits for North Dakota, only a substantial likelihood of higher costs for customers. Minneapolis-based Xcel Energy has long had a single subsidiary for its electrical and gas businesses in the two states, Northern States Power Company-Minnesota. Xcel says its been a successful arrangement for nearly a century, but the policy priorities of the two states began to diverge almost two decades ago, and the best alternative may be a North Dakota subsidiary that wouldnt be subject to regulatory decisions by other states. Xcel serves around 93,000 electric and 24,000 gas customers in the Fargo, Grand Forks and Minot areas of North Dakota, making it the largest utility in the state. But Xcel says its North Dakota customers consume only about 5 percent of the total load on its upper Midwest system, compared with 75 percent for Minnesota, 15 percent for Wisconsin, with South Dakota and Michigan making up the rest. Altogether, the five-state system serves over 1.6 million customers. In response to Minnesotas push for cleaner energy, Xcel is phasing out two older coal-fired generators at its big Sherco power plant in Minnesota and has been investing heavily in wind, solar and biomass power. But that shift away from carbon fuels toward renewables comes with costs that Xcel has sought to pass along to customers, leading to pushback from regulators in North Dakota, a major oil, gas and coal producer. We believe that this path to a cleaner and more nimble fleet is both in the best interests of our customers and consistent with our business plans, Aakash Chandarana, an Xcel regional vice president, wrote in a filing with the North Dakota PSC this summer. We also recognize that this path is consistent with Minnesotas legal and regulatory priorities. We appreciate, however, that this path may not be embraced in North Dakota. James Heidell, an outside consultant for the North Dakota PSC, wrote in a filing this month that many projects North Dakota has disputed werent needed to meet energy demand, and that Xcel pursued them at above-market costs to comply with Minnesota mandates. These legislative requirements of Minnesota are not shared by North Dakota. NSPs requests to recover a share of those costs from North Dakota customers is essentially asking for North Dakota customers to subsidize Minnesotas energy policies, he wrote. However, Heidell said, a separation isnt necessary. He said North Dakota has several options that could reduce conflict while allowing Xcel to earn a reasonable profit there, such as a pricing mechanism that doesnt pass along costs of other states mandates. Another option could be selling off Xcels North Dakota operations, he said. Xcel proposes a gradual separation that could be completed around 2020. Xcel has estimated the one-time costs at $8 million to $15 million, half of which would be allocated to the new subsidiary. Chandarana acknowledged the process could get acrimonious. North Dakota Public Service Commissioner Brian Kroshus said the PSC plans to hold a formal hearing in late January and decide later. He declined to predict the outcome but said a top priority during the review process will be whether North Dakota ratepayers benefit. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission decided last month not to take further action unless and until Xcel presents it with a formal proposal, but to monitor North Dakotas proceedings in the meantime. 100% of Americans Support No sales to known or suspected terrorists Expand mental health treatment Stronger sentences for illegal guns Report lost or stolen guns Universal checks for gun buyers Bar sales to all violent criminals Bar sales to convicted stalkers Centralized record of gun sales Require safety training 3-day waiting period Bar sales to mentally ill Require gun safes Universal checks for ammo buyers Require gun licenses Fingerprint gun owners Ban on Bump Stocks Govt. buyback of banned guns Assault weapons ban Honor out-of-state conceal and carry permits Gun purchase limit Guns that microstamp bullets Ammo purchase limit School weapons ban Semiautomatic gun ban EXperts say not effective High-capacity magazine ban Experts Say Effective Workplace weapons ban Demonstrate a need for a gun 0% of Americans Support 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 100% of Americans Support No sales to known or suspected terrorists Expand mental health treatment Report lost or stolen guns Universal checks for gun buyers Stronger sentences for illegal guns Bar sales to all violent criminals Centralized record of gun sales 3-day waiting period Bar sales to mentally ill Require gun safes Require gun licenses Fingerprint gun owners Universal checks for ammo buyers Govt. buyback of banned guns Ban on Bump Stocks Assault weapons ban Honor out-of-state conceal and carry permits Guns that microstamp bullets Ammo purchase limit Gun purchase limit School weapons ban Semiautomatic gun ban High-capacity magazine ban EXperts say not effective Experts Say Effective Workplace weapons ban Demonstrate a need for a gun 0% of Americans Support 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 100% of Americans Support No sales to known or suspected terrorists Universal background checks Expand mental health treatment Bar sales to violent criminals Bar sales to mentally ill Require gun licenses Ban on Bump Stocks Assault weapons ban School weapons ban EXperts say not effective Experts Say Effective Ammo purchase limit Workplace weapons ban Demonstrate a need for a gun 0% of Americans Support 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 A ban on the bump stock devices that made the Las Vegas attack so deadly would enjoy broad public support, according to a new poll. Yet gun policy experts say a ban would probably have a negligible effect on mass shooting deaths. In the aftermath of the attack, in which 58 people were killed at a country music festival on Oct. 1, the only gun-related legislation generating any serious political discussion is a ban on bump stocks, devices that enable a semiautomatic weapon to shoot nearly as fast as a machine gun. A bump stock ban was supported by 72 percent of registered voters in a survey conducted last week for The Upshot by Morning Consult, a polling and media company. The measure even garnered 68 percent support from Republicans; Democrats favored it by 79 percent. Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, had affixed bump stocks to a dozen weapons found in the hotel room where he conducted the shooting, and the pattern of his fire was consistent with their use. His is the first high-profile mass shooting to involve such a device. But several gun policy experts said it was difficult to assess the safety benefits of making such devices harder to obtain. Until now, bump stocks have been a non-issue in firearm homicide (mass or not), wrote April Zeoli, an associate professor at the Michigan State University School of Criminal Justice, in an email. But now that the door has been opened for their use, I suspect that future mass shooters may use them. Ms. Zeoli was one of a panel of experts we surveyed about an array of gun control ideas last year. On average, the experts we were able to recontact thought that banning bump stocks was likely to have a small effect on mass shooting fatalities. They ranked it similarly to requiring gun owners to complete safety training and requiring technology that stamps each bullet with a mark that can trace it to a particular gun. Our poll last year showed that the public favors many gun control ideas, including some that our experts thought would be more effective than a bump stock ban: Universal background checks and restrictions on guns sales to people with violent misdemeanor convictions were substantially more popular. Last week Politico and Morning Consult conducted a poll on those very same measures, and public opinion about them hasnt shifted much since last year. The future of a bump stock ban is uncertain. Legislation from Senator Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, has received a warm if not enthusiastic reception from several Republicans in Congress. President Trump said the White House would look into the idea, despite promises to use his presidency to expand gun rights. The National Rifle Association, which is generally opposed to any gun restrictions, did not entirely reject the idea, though it indicated that it hoped for regulatory restrictions and not a legislative ban. But the legislation has not progressed and might not. The wildfire that raced toward Santa Rosa, Calif., late Sunday night, arrived so quickly that the citys sleeping residents had minutes to escape. At least 1,800 structures were reduced to ash, making the fire one of the most destructive in the states history. A Fast-Moving Fire The inferno, officially called the Tubbs fire, started around 9:43 p.m. on Sunday near Calistoga, a small town in Napa County known for its wineries and mud baths. Approx. extent of fire as of 11:27 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 8 Calistoga Tubbs fire CALIFORNIA Extent of fire four hours later Santa Rosa Pacific Ocean Sonoma Napa Petaluma Area of detail 5 miles Approx. extent of fire as of 11:27 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 8 Calistoga Tubbs fire CALIFORNIA Extent of fire four hours later Santa Rosa Area of detail 5 miles Sonoma 2 mi. Approx. extent of fire as of 11:27 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 8 Tubbs fire Calistoga CALIFORNIA Extent of fire four hours later Santa Rosa Sonoma Source: NASA MODIS The fire moved quickly, traveling about 12 miles in a little over three hours. By 1 a.m. Monday, the fire had reached Santa Rosa, a city of about 175,000 people in Sonoma County. Christine Sims, a resident of Coffey Park, a neighborhood where several hundred homes were burned to the ground, said she could tell the fire was headed their way based on the wind. When we opened up the front door, the wind was blowing so fiercely, and there was so much smoke, Ms. Sims said. She fled at about 2 a.m. When she looked back, the neighborhood was glowing orange. Flames Flow Like Water Rushing Across the Ground The winds that drove the fire from north of Calistoga to Santa Rosa are common in Northern California in October. At about 4:30 a.m. on Monday, these so-called Diablo winds reached a peak speed of more than 60 miles per hour, according to the National Weather Service. The map below shows the wind conditions around this peak time. Wind speed Wind gusts Faster Slower 20 15 10 5 Calistoga Extent of burned areas as of Oct. 10 Tubbs fire CALIFORNIA Pacific Ocean Santa Rosa Sonoma Petaluma Napa 5 miles Novato Vallejo Calistoga Extent of burned areas as of Oct. 10 Tubbs fire CALIFORNIA Santa Rosa Sonoma Petaluma Napa 5 miles Calistoga Extent of burned areas as of Oct. 10 Tubbs fire Santa Rosa Sonoma Napa 5 mi. Sources: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (wind), Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination (fire perimeters) Winds in excess of 50 miles per hour will cause flames to sheet across the ground, said Janet Upton, a deputy director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. It was literally parallel to the ground, racing across, almost like water rushing across the ground. Development in Wildlands Worsens Fires Many of the homes that were incinerated were inside what are called wildland-urban interfaces areas where homes and businesses are close to or intermingled with otherwise undeveloped wildlands. Sources: Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination (fire perimeters); SILVIS Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the United States Forest Service (wildland-urban interface) Development in wildland-urban interfaces increases frequency of fires and contributes to the ferocity of a fire, said Volker Radeloff, a forest and wildlife ecology professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. When you have more people in an area, the chances that something will go wrong and a fire will start is higher, Dr. Radeloff said. Its not only that the fires ignite the houses, he continued, but then the houses kind of fuel the fire. Burned-down houses in Foxtail Court, Santa Rosa, which lies in the wildland-urban interface. David Mcnew/Getty Images High-velocity winds in combination with this fires proximity to an urbanized area made it especially dangerous, said Jan Null, a meteorologist and adjunct professor at San Jose University. A Drought, Record Rain and Another Dry Spell A six-year drought was declared over in most of California in April, but dry vegetation still litters the state. Record amounts of rain fell at the end of 2016 and in the beginning of 2017, which triggered new plant growth. Since then, there has been extreme heat and little rainfall, causing much of the new vegetation to become tinder dry by the fall. Monthly rainfall in Sonoma County since 1999 15 10 5 0 Jan. April July Oct. 2017 15 10 5 0 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2017 Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Conditions were further exacerbated when the relative humidity reached single digits in recent days. Anything below 22 percent relative humidity means that there is a likelihood that something could ignite, said Ms. Upton of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. An aerial picture of Coffey Park taken Wednesday. Josh Haner/The New York Times The dry conditions made it easy for the fire to spread as winds blew flaming embers onto withered trees, grass and brush. Rahul promises old pension scheme in Gujarat if voted to power In J&K, more rot weeded out as administration suspends 5 employees for terror links For govt jobs in Goa, one-year work experience will be a must, says CM 7th Pay Commission: New salary, fitment factor all details for TN govt employees India oi-Vicky By Vicky Recommended Video 7th Pay Commission: New salary, fitment factor for TN govt employees | Oneindia News In a major bonanza for the Government employees of Tamil Nadu, the Cabinet approved the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission. This move would benefit more than 10 lakh state government employees. A cabinet meeting chaired by chief minister Edappadi K Palaniswami approved the pay commission recommendations after a high-level committee headed by finance secretary K Shanmugam submitted its report to the government recently. Hike in salaries The cabinet gave its nod for the order to be issued. There will be 20% hike in the salaries of government employees and teachers. Tamil Nadu chief minister Edappadi K Palaniswami said the hike would cost the exchequer Rs 14,719 crore annually. Detailed Pay Structure table The 5 Members High Level Committee has submitted its report to the Government on 27th Sep, 2017. New Pay matrix, fitment factor, min and max salary Pay Band and Grade Pay: Pay Matrix (32 Levels) Minimum Pay: 15,700 Maximum Pay: 2,25,000 Fitment Factor: 2.57 (For Pensioners also) Minimum Pension & Family Pension: 7,850 Maximum Pension & Family Pension: 1,12,500 & 67,500 Gratuity Ceiling: 20 Lakhs Annual Increment: 3% House Rent Allowance: 250 to 8300 City Allowance: Double Dearness Allowance: Same as Central Govt Employees Agitation for 7th Pay Commission Government employees had held a series of agitations in the past few months, seeking an interim relief until the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations. It even led the Madras high court to pass an order staying the protests as they violated service rules. The employees and teachers withdrew their strike after a stern warning from the court. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 6:50 [IST] Places of Worship Act: SC gives more time to Centre to file affidavit by Dec 12 Aamby Valley auctioning: SC raises objections over Sahara's letter to cops India pti-PTI New Delhi, October 12: The Supreme Court on Thursday objected to the Sahara group writing a letter to the Pune police raising the issue of law and order at its Aamby Valley property, which is undergoing a court-mandated auctioning process. Taking note of SEBI's allegation in this regard, a bench headed by Justice Dipak Misra said the group should not have entered into a communication with Pune's Superintendent of the Police (Rural) on the issue since the auction has been ordered by the top court. The bench, also comprising Justices Ranjan Gogoi and A K Sikri, directed the Director General of Police, Maharashtra to see that the property is handed over to the official liquidator of the Bombay High Court within 48 hours. "If any impediment is caused in the auctioning process by anyone, he shall be liable of contempt of this court and sent to jail," the bench said. The apex court asked the official liquidator to go ahead with the auctioning process under the direct supervision of the company judge. The bench also said the official liquidator shall take guidance from Justice A S Oka, sitting judge of the Bombay High Court, in the matter. At the outset, senior advocate Arvind Datar, appearing for the SEBI, referred to the communication addressed to the SP of police and claimed that due to this, the police has taken over the custody of the property. Senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi, representing the Sahara group, countered the submission and said the custody of the property has not been handed over to the poilice and "completly wrong statements are being made to prejudice the court." The top court was hearing SEBI's plea seeking contempt action against the Sahara group for allegedly obstructing the auctioning process of Aamby Valley. However, the bench clarified that they were not initiating any contempt action at this stage. PTI Even after release, Talwar couple to visit Dasna Jail every 15 days Nupur and Rajesh Talwar walk out of Dasna jail Aarushi murder case: No appeal from CBI yet against acquittal of Rajesh, Nupur Talwar SC to hear CBIs appeal against acquittal of Talwars in Aarushi murder case Timeline of Aarushi Talwar murder case: What happened since 2008 India oi-Madhuri Recommended Video Aarushi Talwar Hemraj Murder Case complete timeline | Oneindia News Allahabad High Court is likely to deliver its verdict on a plea filed by Rajesh Talwar & Nupur Talwar, parents of Aarushi Talwar who was found dead in her bedroom on 16 May, 2008. Aarushi murder case: HC verdict likely today on Talwars appeal Following is the chronology of events in the case: 2008: May 16: 14-year-old Aarushi Talwar Aarushi, who was in her teens, was found dead inside her room with her throat slit in Noida's Jal Vayu Vihar. Domestic help Hemraj, a Nepali, suspected of murder. May 17: Hemraj's body found on the terrace of Talwar's residence. May 18: Preliminary investigation in the case suggested the murders were conducted with clinical precision and an inside job was suspected. May 21: The Delhi police joins murder probe. May 22: Family under suspicion, probe begins on honour killing angle, the police quiz Aarushi's close friend whom she spoke to 688 times in the 45 days preceding her murder. May 23: Rajesh Talwar arrested for the twin murders. June 1: The murder case has been handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation. June 20: Lie detection test of Rajesh Talwar conducted at CFSL, Delhi. June 25: Second lie detection test conducted on Nupur Talwar. Her first lie detection test was found inconclusive. June 26: CBI declares the case to be a "blind case". Rajesh Talwar refused bail by the special magistrate in Ghaziabad. July 3: The Supreme Court rejects a PIL which challenged the conduct of narco-analysis test on the accused. July 12: Rajesh Talwar freed on bail from Dasna Jail in Ghaziabad. 2010: January 5: CBI moves court to conduct narco test on Talwar couple. December 29: CBI submits closure report. Clean chit to servants but points fingers at parents. 2011: January 25: Rajesh Talwar attacked in the Ghaziabad court premises. February 9: Court takes cognisance of CBI report, charges Aarushi's parents with murder and destruction of evidence. February 21: Couple approaches the Allahabad High Court for quashing trial court summons. March 18: High Court dismisses their plea to quash summons and orders initiation of proceedings against them. March 19: The couple approaches the Supreme Court which stays the trial against them. 2012: January 6: Supreme Court dismisses Talwar's plea and allows the trial to proceed. May 25: Talwars were charged by Ghaziabad court with murder, conspiracy and destruction of evidence. 2013: May 6: Trial court ordered to record Talwas' statements. November 26: The CBI court in Ghaziabad announced life imprisonment to the Talwar couple, sent to Dasna jail. 2014: January 21: Rajesh & Nupur Talwar move to Allahabad High Court against CBI court's life term order. May 19: Allahabad High Court denies bail to Rajesh & Nupur Talwar. 2017: January 11, 2017: Allahabad High Court reserves its judgment on an appeal filed by the Talwar's, challenging their conviction by a CBI court in 2013. September 17, 2017: Allahabad High Court keeps its judgement reserved in the Aarushi-Hemraj murder case. OneIndia News Anupam Kher says his mother now 'healthy', will be quarantined at home Anupam Kher owns an impressive resume to head FTII; problematic area is his closeness with BJP India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Oct 12: The appointment of veteran actor Anupam Kher, known for his power-packed performances in some of India's best films, as the chairperson of the prestigious Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune, Maharashtra, should have uplifted the mood of all film lovers, especially after the end of the controversial term of former head of the institute, a little-known actor with equally little contributions to cinema, Gajendra Chauhan, on Wednesday. However, times are different and so are the reactions. Along with congratulatory notes received by the 62-year-old actor, who made a stellar debut with his magnificent performance in Saaransh in 1984 and followed it up with many such brilliant acting outings both on the silver screen and on the stage, for being appointed as the head of FTII, there were also loud noises of protest from several quarters (including students of the FTII) opposing the latest decision of the Information and Broadcasting (I&B) ministry. Protest over Kher's appointment as the chief of FTII did not come as a surprise, as many feel that the actor, who has dabbled in all genres of cinema, got the plump position for sharing close ties with the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) like his predecessor Chauhan. While appointment of Chauhan, whose only claim to fame was the role of Yudhishthir he played in BR Chopra's hit Doordarshan series, Mahabharata, and appearances in several B-grade films, was met with stiff opposition by students of the FTII and several well-known names from the film fraternity, including Kher in 2015, this time around noises of protest against Kher's appointment too can't be ignored. Kher's association with the saffron is not only the fact that his wife and actor-turned-politician Kirron is a BJP member of Parliament (MP) from Chandigarh, but the actor himself is a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP. The Padma Bhushan winner's first big brush with "politics" began when he took out a march against the "Award Wapsi" campaign in the national capital in 2015, stating that the opponents of the BJP and the PM were painting a wrong picture of the country by raising the issue of "rising intolerance". "India is a very tolerant country. Some people have coined the term 'growing intolerance'. They are very few. Not every Indian thinks like that. We are secular people. We do not believe in pseudo-secularism, selective outrage or selective patriotism," Kher had said then. "We had a meeting with a lot of writers, artistes, filmmakers and they also believe that there is no intolerance in the country... This march is a symbolic gesture on part of a lot of people over here who say India is one and free of intolerance," he added. Since then, he has been vocally lambasting critics of the Modi government on social media and his tweets are a testimony to it. Sample this tweet of Kher in 2015. "Some more usual suspects who never wanted @narendramodi to become PM in d first place have joined the #AwardWapsi gang. Jai ho.:)." His support for the saffron party was out again when on February 20, 2016, he tweeted against protest led by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student leaders like Kanhaiya Kumar and Umar Khalid. Kher tweeted then: "Gharo'n mein pest control hota hai toh cockroach, keede makaude ityadi baahar nikalte hai'n. Ghar saaf hota hai. Vaise hi aajkal desh ka pest control chal raha hai" (Cockroaches, insects and vermin emerge when a house has pest control. It cleans the house. Similarly, there is pest control going on in the country"). On March 19, the same year, Kher visited the JNU to promote a movie and tweeted, along with pictures of the crowd, "Slogans of #BharatMataKiJai & #VandeMatram today purified #JNU of slogans chanted earlier on 9th Feb.:) #Patriotism". Once again, on February 28 this year, during a time when a soldier's daughter, Gurmehar Kaur, said it was war and not Pakistan that had killed her father in Kargil, and when demonetisation was a current issue, Kher tweeted: "The Intorant Gang is back. Same faces, different slogans.:) #Intolerance #AwardWapsi #Emergency #DemonitisationDisaster #BharatKeTukde". Kher is also closely associated with a news television channel known to be run by a BJP MP where the actor does a film-based show. The actor's soft corner for right wing politics came to the forefront on several occasions as he spoke passionately in favour of the Kashmiri Pandits, who were forced to leave the Valley due to the alleged persecution by the native Muslim population. In July 2016, he posted controversial pictures of Kashmiri Pandits and tweeted: "Here is pic of butchered bodies of Kashmiri Pandits killed by terrorists. No outrage or concern by Pseudo liberals!" After being criticised for the pictures, he responded: "Remember brutal killing of innocent people is not supposed to have an expiry date." He also posted an angry tweet after getting snubbed during the Padma awards back in 2010 when the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government was in power at the Centre. However, when he was honoured with Padma Bhushan in 2016 by the present BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government he was full of praises for award ceremonies. "AWARDS in our country have become a mockery of our system. There is NO authenticity left in any one of them.B it films, National or now PADMA," Kher's tweet in 2010. "Happy, Humbled & Honoured to share that i have been awarded The PADMA BHUSHAN by the Govt. of India. Greatest news of my life:) #JaiHind," Kher's tweet in 2016. Along with blaming the Muslim people of the Valley for the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, the actor is also known for his anti-Pakistani stand, which is in sync with the present NDA government. Earlier, Kher claimed that Pakistan had denied him a visa to attend a literature festival. "Has my visa been denied because I speak about India's rich tradition of tolerance or I am a Kashmiri Pandit who may expose Pak terror nexus?" he tweeted. The Pakistani High Commission responded with a tweet that it had "never" received a visa application from Kher, so the question of "issuing or denying him visa does not arise". After the news of Kher's appointment as the head of FTII came to light on Wednesday, it already became "political" as the Congress was one of the first few organisations/individuals to question the choice of the I&B ministry. "The country is seeing what all he has been saying. Less to do with cinema, more to do with politics", the Congress said on the appointment of veteran actor as chairperson of the FTII. Congress spokesperson RPN Singh told reporters that Kher was a good actor who had given some immense performances on TV as well as on big screen. "But you and I and the country knows why he has been made the chairman of the FTII...," he said. Even students of FTII said the government's move to appoint Bollywood actor as its chairperson was "crazy" and "another joke" after Chauhan's appointment triggered 139-day strike in 2015. "How can Kher head FTII when he is already running a private acting school?" Harishankar Nachimuthu, a student of the FTII, was quoted as asking by Hindustan Times. Kher runs the institute, Actor Prepares, in Mumbai. Nachimuthu said the students at FTII don't see any difference between Chauhan and Kher, both known supporters of the BJP. "We had expected this from the government," Nachimuthu told Hindustan Times. Regarding the "clash of interest" that the FTII job poses since he owns and runs his own acting school in Mumbai, Kher was quoted as saying by The Quint, "Oh them! They have always been around whenever I have been given a governmental position. When I was made the chairperson of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), they said there would be a clash of interest with my relationship with producers and the film fraternity. "When I took up stage acting very seriously they said there would be a clash of interest with my film assignments... so if they had not come forward now I'd have missed them. But no, I am not worried about any clash of interest. I prioritise my various commitments in a very systematic way." As far as the students of the FTII are concerned, Kher told The Quint, "Wait and watch. Let me first catch my breath, interact with you and then let me do my job. Judge me after that." Kher is right in a way. His critics should give him sometime before judging his efficiency as an administrator to run the country's premier film school. Or, should Kher take all the criticism in his stride to uplift the morale of the students of FTII by bringing much-needed changes in the way India makes movies through a bunch of aspiring filmmakers, technicians and actors? OneIndia News Bimal Gurung who is in hiding to depart for Delhi soon Bimal Gurung pins hopes on negotiation committee to help resolve the Darjeeling impasse India oi-Amitava By Amitava Darjeeling, October 12: With the Centre failing to meet the self-proclaimed deadline to announce date for talks with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM,) Bimal Gurung is now pinning hopes on a committee which, according to media reports, has been constituted by the Union Government to help resolve the Darjeeling impasse. According to media reports, the committee, working in tandem with the West Bengal Government will thrash out a permanent solution for the Darjeeling impasse. Incidentally, on September 26, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had made an appeal to Gurung to lift the bandh. Singh had assured that a meeting between the Union Government and the GJM to work out a permanent solution to the Darjeeling impasse will be held within a fortnight (from 26th September.) Based on this Minister Singh's assurances, Gurung had ordered the lifting of the bandh from September 27. The bandh had then hit the 104th day mark. With the "fortnight" deadline for the meeting having expired and the Centre having failed to announce the date for the meeting; Gurung on Wednesday had claimed that Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia is taking care of things in Delhi and would announce the date for the meeting on Thursday. On Thursday, there were newspaper reports that the Union Home Ministry has formed a negotiation committee to initiate a dialogue with the Mamata Banerjee Government and GJM to work out a permanent solution to the ongoing impasse. The report claimed that the Union Government will not directly intervene but will help the State Government work out a permanent solution. The report further claimed that date for talks will be fixed in consultation with Mamata Banerjee. Recommended Video GJM suspends indefinite strike after Home Minister Rajnath Singh's appeal | Oneindia News Gurung reacting to these political developments, over phone from an undisclosed location stated "The Centre has constituted a committee. It is the fruit of the sacrifice made by the people for 104 days. Something great will transpire. However we have to remain patient and without getting worked up emotionally." When questioned on the Centre's decision to involve bete noire Mamata Banerjee led Government to resolve the impasse, Gurung stated "The State Government has to be involved. We are not demanding a separate country. We are demanding a State to be carved out of West Bengal. The West Bengal Government has to be involved in the process." stated Gurung. Political pundits however speculate that if the committee constituted by the Union Government approaches Mamata Banerjee for tripartite talks and even if Banerjee agrees, she will definitely negate any scope of dialogue with Gurung. She will instead press for Binay Tamang and Anit Thapa to represent the GJM in tripartite talks. There are posts doing the round in social media that Gurung will make a public appearance on October 30 in Darjeeling. When questioned on this Gurung stated "I might come out in public on October 30. People want me to come out. I will come out with thousands of supporters from the Hills, Terai and Dooars." Incidentally, Gurung charged in numerous cases and also under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA,) is on the run. There are a Lookout notice and an Arrest warrant in his name. Political commentators feel that Gurung is merely testing ground. The Government has managed to successfully isolate him. There have been a number of raids by the West Bengal police in Sikkim. However, he had managed to slip away. Meanwhile, the Janmukti Asthahi Karmachari Sanghatan (association of adhoc GTA workers affiliated to the GJM) dissolved the old committee and constituted a new central committee on Thursday in Darjeeling. The new committee with Anil Rai as President has pledged support to the Binay Tamang faction of the GJM. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Friday, October 13, 2017, 0:12 [IST] Clearing the air about the Supreme Court verdict on sex with 'minor wives' India oi-Shreya By Shreya The Supreme Court in a landmark judgement on October 11 held that sexual intercourse with 'minor wife' - between 15 and 18 years of age, would be considered rape despite consent. The Court read down Exception 2 to Section 375 (rape) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) which allowed the husband of a child between the age of 15 and 18 to have non-consensual sexual intercourse with her. And the husband could not be charged with rape. Prior to this, as mentioned above, the act of sexual intercourse with a minor wife between the age of 15 and 18, even if non-consensual would not be considered an act of rape, and hence this judgement by the Apex court is being considered historic. The Court in its landmark judgment observed, "The issue before us is limited but one of considerable public importance - whether sexual intercourse between a man and his wife being a girl between 15 and 18 years of age is rape? Exception 2 to Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (the IPC) answers this in the negative, but in our opinion, sexual intercourse with a girl below 18 years of age is rape regardless of whether she is married or not. The exception carved out in the IPC creates an unnecessary and artificial distinction between a married girl child and an unmarried girl child and has no rational nexus with any unclear objective sought to be achieved. The artificial distinction is arbitrary and discriminatory and is definitely not in the best interest of the girl child. The artificial distinction is contrary to the philosophy and ethos of Article 15(3) of the Constitution as well as contrary to Article 21 of the Constitution and our commitments in international conventions. It is also contrary to the philosophy behind some statutes, the bodily integrity of the girl child and her reproductive choice. What is equally dreadful, the artificial distinction turns a blind eye to trafficking of the girl child and surely each one of us must discourage trafficking which is such a horrible social evil." Politicians, women's rights activists hailed the court's judgment. However, the Top Court made it clear that the judgement has no reference to the ongoing debate on marital rape. On the issue of marital rape, the court said, "We make it clear that we have refrained from making any observation with regard to the marital rape of a woman who is 18 years of age and above since that issue is not before us at all. Therefore we should not be understood to advert to that issue even collaterally." The judgment through welcome by all, triggered a question - Is isn't 18 the marriageable age for girls in India? How can the Supreme Court even consider anybody below 18 as a wife? Here's what you need to know: According to the Court's judgment, it mentioned that "The counter affidavit of the Union of India refers to the National Family Health Survey - 3 (of 2005) in which it is stated that 46% of women in India between the ages of 18 and 29 years were married before the age of 18 years. It is also estimated, interestingly but disturbingly, that there are about 23 million child brides in the country. As far as any remedy available to a child bride is concerned, the counter affidavit draws attention to Section 3 of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 (the PCMA)." So, in spite of the marriageable age being 18 for girls in India, there are 23 million child brides in the country. Here is what the law says: Under Section 3(1) of the PCMA a child marriage is voidable at the option of any contracting party who was a child at the time of the marriage. The marriage can be declared a nullity in terms of the proviso to Section 3(1) of the PCMA through an appropriate petition filed by the child within two years of attaining majority and by approaching an appropriate court of law. It is also stated that in terms of Section 13(2)(iv) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 a child bride can petition for a divorce on the ground that her marriage (whether consummated or not) was solemnized before she attained the age of 15 years and she has repudiated the marriage after attaining that age but before attaining 18 years of age. In other words, a child marriage is sought to be somehow 'legitimized' by the Union of India and the onus for having it declared voidable or a nullity is placed on the child bride or the child groom. Let's break it down in simple words and understand how it works. What it means that if a girl is married below the age of 18, the marriage is voidable, but not void. The difference being, in case of voidable, the marriage remains valid until challenged in the court of law. However, if challenged, the marriage will be considered null and void. A child marriage can be annulled only if challenged in court under Prohibition of Child Marriage Act. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 18:46 [IST] Commuters, students, women hit the streets in Delhi to protest metro fare hike India oi-Shreya By Shreya The Delhi Metro Commuters' Association (DMCA), on October 11 along with students from different universities took to the streets to protest the fare hike in the metro for the second time in the year at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, and demanded immediate roll back of the fare hike. The protest was also supported by activists from Krantikari Yuva Sangathan (KYS). DMCA also submitted a memorandum to the Union Minister, Shri Hardeep Singh Puri through his Personal Secretary, Baldeo Purushartha to demand an immediate revocation of fare increase made this year. Recommended Video Delhi Metro fare hike : Delhiites react to an increase in charges, Watch Public reaction The demands made in the memorandum submitted to the Union Ministry are: A Review Committee involving all stakeholders including commuters' representatives should be formed to look into prospects of running metro with special concern towards affordability of metro ride. The increased fares of the metro-ride including the increase made in May 2017 should be immediately rolled back till the Review Committee decides on the issue. Special concessional ride-passes should be introduced for students and people from economically weaker and laboring sections. The DMCA also pointed out that the increase in the fare will cost a loss of ridership as many would not be able to afford the increased fare rates. DMCA had in May protested against the Urban Development Ministry and DMRC for bringing in anti-people step to benefit the Japanese Bank. The DMCA said, "One of the reasons given for the increase is the urgency of loan repayment to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which had financed the construction of Delhi Metro. Of the amount i.e. Rs 3,770.79 crore paid to the agency till now, interest paid was Rs 2,263.67 crore and principal paid was Rs 1,507.12 crore. A further 26,760.28 crore needs to be paid to JICA in order to clear off the loan. Clearly, such a loan repayment structure seems to benefit the lending agency more, since the interest is more than the original amount loaned. Also, such loans have are highly profitable for the lender as they come with certain provisions such as technology transfer which are made mandatory along with such loans. Moreover, if the loan repayment amount is affixed to the metro fares so as to levy the cost of construction and expansion of metro infrastructure from the commuters themselves, the costs would become prohibitively high for them to use the metro." Women who took part in the protest also spoke about the problems they are facing due to the increased fare, which forced them to take to buses. They also shared how it has affected their safety and security, as harassment is common in crowded buses during peak hours. DMCA has resolved to take its campaign further if its demands are not met immediately. It has also decided to intensify its struggle by gheraoing ruling BJP's MPs and MLAs in the coming days. Not only the DMCA but the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee also launched a week-long campaign against the fare hike against BJP and AAP. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 6:07 [IST] CPAT 2017 results declared, how to check India oi-Vicky By Vicky The CPAT 2017 results have been declared. The results for the Combined Pre Ayush Test is available on the official website. As per the official notification, CPAT 2017 results were expected to be released on October 12, 2017. However, the results are now available online. Lucknow University has also released important counseling guidelines on the official website. Candidates are advised to go through the same as well. Tentatively, the online registration and choice filling would be conducted from October 13 - October 15. The first college allotment list is epected to release on October 17, 2017. Document Verification and Fee Submission would be done at National Homeopathic Medical College, Viraj Khand, (Near Hanumann Chauraha) Gomti Nagar, Lucknow and Institute of Tourism Studies, New Campus, Lucknow University, Janki Puram, Lucknow. Candidate can go through the counseling guidelines on the official website. The results are available on Recommended Video IBPS RRB Officer Scale I Prelims Results 2017 out | Oneindia News How to check CPAT 2017 Results: Log on to On the home screen, click on the tab for Result A new window would open Enter your roll number and date of birth and click submit Your result would be displayed on the screen Take a printout OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 7:14 [IST] Cross border drug smuggling down despite volatile border with Pakistan India oi-Vicky By Vicky The Indian security agencies who face the heat everyday due to a volatile border have been successful in brining down the number of smuggling incidents along the Indo-Pak border. Data and comparative statistics available show that cross-border smuggling has dipped since 2015. The BSF seized 344.5 kg of narcotics in 2015, it came down to 222.98 kg in 2016. Till October 10 this year, the BSF has seized 163.52 kg, according to official data. This is a major achievement considering the fact that cross border hostilities thanks to Pakistan continue to remain. BSF officers deployed along the border said over the past few months, the strength of the border guarding force in Punjab has been busting various cases of drug smuggling. The BSF has also come up with the idea of installing laser walls to plug riverine gaps where fences cannot be put up, but there are some technical glitches and drawbacks in the system. 64 kilometres of the border in Punjab cannot be fenced, Union Home Ministry statistics reveal. In addition to the increasing to the border vigil has also come up with a new project called the comprehensive integrated border management. This project would cover the stretch of the Indo-Pak border across four states. This involves a "smart fence" equipped with intruder detector sensors and alarms backed with CCTVs that pinpoint the exact location of the violation. Quick reaction teams would then respond to the threat. The BSF has also taken up several issues with the Punjab Police, which includes shortage of nakas or police check posts in some sensitive areas and ensuring joint interrogation of smugglers apprehended by the state police, sources say. A joint committee will identify tactical points in areas close to the border where nakas can be set up. The Intelligence Bureau has however said that being the border forces cannot afford to be complacent at any time. Pakistan relies heavily on drug smuggling to fund terror activities. Pakistan uses the Dawood network to move drugs between Afghanistan and the rest of the world through India. OneIndia News Delhi district courts lawyers to protest against misconduct of judges on Oct 13 India oi-PTI New Delhi, October 12: In protest against the alleged misconduct of some judges, the lawyers of all six district courts in the national capital will go on a day-long strike tomorrow. "The reasons for calling a complete strike are misconduct of judges with litigants and huge corruption in the judiciary. We have already given the names of erring judges to the High Court but no action has been taken so far," advocate Jaiveer Singh Chauhan, Secretary General of the coordination committee of Delhi bar associations, said. In a unanimous resolution adopted by the Coordination Committee of all District Court Bar Associations here, it was alleged that some judges were repeatedly misbehaving with the lawyers by treating them as subordinates. The strike is likely to paralyse work in all six district courts at Patiala House, Rohini, Saket, Tis Hazari, Dwarka and Karkardooma. Extending the strike to all district courts tomorrow, the coordination committee unanimously "resolved to observe complete strike on October 13 in all the district courts of Delhi to draw the attention of judicial administration to take action against the erring judges so that the judges act in a judicious manner and not treat lawyers as their subordinates." The lawyers at the Tis Hazari Court had on Wednesday went on a strike to protest against the alleged "rude behaviour" of a magistrate. PTI -: Randeep S Surjewala (@rssurjewala) October 12, 2017 Congress questions EC "It is very clear that Modi government and BJP is putting pressure on the Election commission to delay Gujarat elections. The way Rahul Gandhi and the Congress exposed 22 years of misrule in Gujarat, people want a change there. BJP is scared now and want to lure voters by some schemes. We demand that Elections should be held simultaneously in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat. The model code of conduct must be enforced in both states," Surjewala said. Modi will try to lure voters in Gujarat: Congress Congress alleged that the "delay" in announcing Gujarat Assembly election schedule was to enable Prime Minister Narendra Modi to act as a "false Santa Claus" to offer sops and use "jumlas" (rhetoric) during his October 16 visit to his home state. The model code of conduct would have come into immediate effect in Gujarat had the poll schedule been announced, it said. Congress MP Ranjeet Ranjan Congress secretary incharge for Himachal Pradesh Ranjeet Ranjan also raised questions over the Election Commission delaying the announcement of outcome of the assembly polls in the hill state by over a month till Gujarat elections are held. She claimed that the BJP "fears" that Gujarat may "slip away" from its hands given that the opposition party is "gaining support" there. Welcoming the announcement of Himachal polls, she said her party is in "full campaign mode" and is banking on the performance of the Virbhadhra Singh government. India's stand on Rohingyas gracious so far but housing them would be risky The Rohingya influx continues as Tripura police nets seven of them Experts explain why Rohingyas are not entitled to refugee status in India India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Oct 12: Amid the ongoing debate in India whether Rohingya Muslims taking shelter in various parts of the country should be allowed to stay or be deported as planned by the Narendra Modi government, a group of experts at a seminar in the national capital on Wednesday discussed whether Rohingyas are "refugees or illegal infiltrators". The seminar hosted by the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) sought to differentiate between "refugees and illegal infiltrators", with the premise that Rohingya Muslims are "certainly not entitled" to the refugee status. Noted scholars and foreign policy experts expounded on the topic -- Refugees and Infiltrators: India's policy towards them: A historical perspective and some thoughts on the current scenario -- even as the Indian government has already termed them as illegal immigrants who "will be deported". Saradindu Mukherji, member of the ICHR, an autonomous body functioning under the Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry, said the Rohingya crisis was the "main provocation" to organise the event. Recommended Video Rohingya crisis: Is Myanmar ready to take back Rohingyas ? | Oneindia News The seminar's concept note released by the ICHR says: "Victims of religio-ethnic cleansing from the neighbouring countries which were part of eternal Bharat since time immemorial but got separated from us in 1947, are entitled to shelter and rehabilitation in India, but illegal infiltrators from outside India are not." "Rohingyas are certainly not entitled to the refugee status," it adds. Former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal said India is a highly densely populated country and "we don't need more people". He said Germany's decision to accept refugees was based more on their "huge demographic problems" and hence, that cannot be compared with the Rohingya situation in India. Sibal claimed that some human rights bodies are raising humanitarian issues about the planned deportation of Rohingyas from India, because they "want to look good in those circles". "India accepted Tibetan refugees as it acknowledged the occupation of Tibet by China. Besides, there was a humanitarian and cultural basis to what we did. In case of Rohingyas there is no such consideration," he said. India government has maintained its stand that the "issue of national security is involved with regard to illegal immigration which our country cannot undermine". The government had on August 9 told Parliament that more than 14,000 Rohingyas, registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, stay in India. However, aid agencies estimate there are about 40,000 Rohingyas in the country. Besides, there is a worry that "are there terrorists hiding in that big pool of people", Sibal asked, adding India is not signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention, so "we are not obliged to accept them. "So, there is a very good reason to deal with that issue the manner in which the government is doing. But, I do not see if they would be able to deport them in the foreseeable future," he added. Tripura Governor Tathagata Roy, who was the chief guest at the day-long seminar, made a reference to the persecution faced by Hindus in Bangladesh in 1971, and the migration the Liberation War had triggered, to emphasise the issue of refugees. Roy, author of "My People, Uprooted: A Saga of the Hindus of Eastern Bengal" shared the history of the region and the bloodshed it has suffered. Retired IPS officer RK Ohri alleged that several Rohingyas have slipped into Mizoram and the neighbouring regions, and their presence would affect the demography and peace in the region. Scholar Jawaharlal Kaul said Rohingya Muslims have a "tendency to get radicalised" and therefore the government is right to take a decision to protect the national security. "The Indian government must closely liaison with its Myanmarese counterpart on this matter. The Centre should collect state-based data on them and their foreign funding must be probed," he said. Illegal immigrants cannot claim fundamental rights which are otherwise available even to non-citizens, the Centre had told the Supreme Court early this month in its fresh response to the PIL of two Rohingya refugees challenging their deportation to Myanmar. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) had in August issued a notice to the Centre, saying "India has been home to refugees, for centuries" and from the human rights angle, its "intervention is appropriate" in the matter. However, there are others who strongly support asylum to Rohingyas in India, especially at a time when millions of Rohingyas are fleeing their homeland Myanmar to Bangladesh to avoid violence and persecution at the hands of Myanmarese military. Noted Supreme Court advocate and founder of Human Rights Law Network, Colin Gonsalves, writing an opinion piece for Hindustan Times, stated that the law is clear that India can't deport Rohingyas. According to an estimate at least 40,000 Rohingyas are currently staying in various parts of India. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 6:36 [IST] From Kanyakumari to Darjeeling- spreading the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita India oi-Amitava By Amitava Darjeeling, October 12, 2017: Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita have always been a great inspiration for R. Thanga Raja. Armed with the teachings of the Swami, Raja who is differently abled, will be completing 4300 km on a scooter from Kanyakumari to Darjeeling in West Bengal. The journey is to mark the 150th birth anniversary of Sister Nivedita. Raja will be reaching Darjeeling on October 13, the death anniversary day of Sister Nivedita. He will be arriving as the ambassador of peace in strife torn Darjeeling. Sister Nivedita, the most prominent disciple of Swami Vivekananda and a social reformer, was born as Margaret Elizabeth Noble on 28 October 1867 in Ireland. She had breathed her last at Roy Villa in Darjeeling on October 13, 1911. Located on Lebong Cart Road, Roy Villa was owned by Dwarka Nath Roy, the brother-in-law of eminent scientist Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose. An ailing Sister Nivedita had arrived at Roy Villa in October 1911 to spend the puja vacation. An ailing Nivedita had breathed her last at the Roy Villa on October 13, 1911 at the age of 43. At present the Villa houses the Ramakrishna Mission Nivedita Educational and Cultural Centre (RKMNECC.) "From a young age I have been inspired by teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita. With the passing of time the Swami's teachings are becoming more and more relevant. Swami's sayings like- Service to mankind is service to God has always motivated me. Spreading such messages I am undertaking this journey. It is also with the prayers of peace for Darjeeling" stated Raja talking to Oneindia over the phone. 37 year old Raja, coming from a humble background, had done his schooling from Vivekananda Kendra, Kannyakumari. After having completed Diploma in Electronics and Comminication Engineering, he is presently working at the Vivekananda Kendra and Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari. He had started his journey on September 23. He will be arriving at Roy Villa, Darjeeling, on Friday. "In the past also I have undertaken such journeys" added Raja. He had completed 1100 km from Kanyakumari to Chennai in 16 days by tricycle on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda in 2013. The same year Raja again completed 2900 km from Kolkata to Kanyakumari in 54 days by tricycle. In 2014 he completed 2800km in 16 days by Scooter from Timtala, Maharashtra to Kanyakumari to commemorate 100th birth anniversary of Eknathji Ranade. Ranade was a social activist and leader. He had compiled a book on Swamiji's teachings and was instrumental in the construction of Vivekananda Centre and Vivekananda Rock Memorial. "Till the last day of my life I want to spread the teachings of Swamiji. The teachings help youths develop themselves thus contributing to nation building" stated Raja. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 13:19 [IST] Hafiz Saeeds political ambitions dashed as ECP rejects application India oi-Vicky By Vicky An application by a political party headed by 26/11 mastermind and Lashkar-e-Tayiba chief Hafiz Saeed has been rejected by the Election Commission of Pakistan. Saeed had launched a political front called Milli Muslim League (MML) and filed an application for recognition before the ECP. The decision was taken on basis of a letter that the Pakistan home ministry had sent to ECP last month asking it to avoid registration of MML as a political party for its ties to banned militant outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the parent organization of JuD. While hearing MML lawyer's arguments on the matter, chief election commissioner Saradar Muhammad Raza Khan suggested that the party should clear its name with the home ministry before applying for registration. "Under which law the party should consult the interior ministry when it had fulfilled the set criteria of the ECP for any political party's registration," MML's counsel questioned the Khan-headed five-member panel of ECP. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 6:18 [IST] Honeypreet, main handler of cash that triggered violence: Police India oi-Vicky By Vicky Recommended Video Honeypreet Insan confesses of inciting Panchkula violence | Oneindia News Honeypreet Insan headed a crucial meeting ahead of the conviction of Gurmeet Ram Rahim to plot violence at Panchkula, Haryana, the probe by the police has revealed. An August 17 meeting decided to send scores of people to Panchkula ahead of the verdict by the special CBI court against Ram Rahim in a rape case, the probe has further revealed. While Honeypreet has denied any wrong doing, the police say that they have ample evidence against her. She was the main handler of the money and have even sanctioned Rs 1.5 crore to trigger the violence, the police say. The testimonies of the other Dera Sacha Sauda members clearly indicates that she was part of the meeting to plan the violence, the police also say. The police meanwhile continue to look for her laptop and mobile phone which according to them has a mine of information. The police are relying heavily on this evidence ahead of Friday's court hearing when her remand ends. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 6:32 [IST] Is Modi only a speaking PM? Mayawati accuses so India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Lucknow, Oct 12: Those who are thinking that Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati is lying low post humiliating defeat at the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections earlier this year, they might be little wrong. After continuous verbal attacks on the Narendra Modi government by Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi in the recent past, it is the turn of Mayawati to hit out at the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government at the Centre and PM Modi over price rise, rise in unemployment and lack of healthcare facilities for common man on Wednesday. Along with targetting the ruling BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government at the Centre, Mayawati also hit out the BJP government in her home state, Uttar Pradesh. Taking a dig at BJP president Amit Shah's recent statement in Amethi, UP, that the party has given a "PM who speaks", Mayawati said "the nation needs a PM who works rather than a merely speaking one". Accusing the NDA government at the Centre of doing nothing to control price rise, arrest unemployment and improve healthcare facilities, the Dalit leader said the UP government was turning out to be similar to the one at the Centre. The BSP chief said she was happy that albeit late, the BJP chief had admitted the "bitter truth" that PM Modi was a "speaking PM", as he failed to bring "acche din" to the country as promised during the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. She added it was for the first time in the history of free India that there was a PM who gives monologues, does not believe in two-way communication and one who misuses government machinery to further his own personal and party's agenda. "At a time when every voice is being suppressed, the BJP is patting its back for having given a PM who speaks," she said. Mayawati, the former Chief Minister of UP, criticised the incumbent CM Yogi Adityanath and said mere reviews of various issues by him was not going to help improve governance and end problems faced by the people. "The situation in the state is going from bad to worse with every passing day," she said. Now, we have to wait and watch to see what the BJP is going to say in reply to Mayawati's criticism against the PM and the saffron party. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 8:37 [IST] FM Nirmala Sitharaman hints at possibility of Centre considering restoration of state status to J&K In J&K, 14,000 dropouts find their way back to schools One Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist gunned down in Jammu and Kashmir PMs dream of development in J&K is becoming a reality: Puri J&K: 1 Jawan, 1 civilian killed in fresh ceasefire violation by Pak India oi-PTI A Jawan and one civilian was killed as Pakistan resorted to ceasefire violation along the Line of Control (LoC) in Krishna Ghati sector of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday. Meanwhile, the mortar shelling and firing by Pakistan is underway and the Indian Army is retaliating strongly to it. Earlier in the day, the Pakistani troops fired from small arms at forward areas along the Loc in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir. A senior police officer said Pakistani troops opened fire at forward areas in Khadi Karmara along LoC in Poonch sector this morning. On October 6, Pakistani troops had opened fire in Baba Khori and other areas in Rajouri district. The year 2017 has seen a sharp increase in ceasefire violations by Pakistan. PTI Another targeted killing: Two non-locals killed in targeted attack in J&K 40 down and counting: Forces on the verge of wiping out Pakistani terrorists in Valley Terrorist involved in terrorising Pandits in Valley gunned down Mubin did it in Coimbatore: Why do Islamist terrorists shave their body before a suicide mission DGP Kerala orders FIR against The Kerala Story after TN journalist forwards complaint to CM J&K: Terrorists loot cash from J&K Bank branch in Anantnag India oi-Madhuri Terrorists on Thursday looted Rs 5,39,000 cash from J&K Bank branch in Marhama Sangam in Anantnag district. Earlier on July 31, terrorists looted a ban at Anantnag in Jammu and Kashmir. The terrorists robbed the bank at gunpoint reports stated. There have been several successful attempts at robbing banks in the Valley since November 8 when demonetisation was announced, suggesting that the terrorists are facing a cash crunch. The hawala trade is at standstill even as a series of moves by the Centre have dried up terrorists' financial resources. OneIndia News Only those from political families can eye a CMs post in Congress: Amit Shah Jay Shah row: Congress demands CBI probe India oi-PTI The Congress on Thursday demanded an inquiry by the CBI into a media report alleging that the turnover of a firm of BJP president Amit Shahs son Jay grew manifold after the saffron party came to power in 2014. The charge has been rejected by the BJP and Jay Shah, who termed the report as "false, derogatory and defamatory". Congress spokesperson Priyanka Chaturvedi said, "I wonder if the prime minister can explain to us this model of getting Rs 15 crore loan for our businesses. He needs to tell us." She alleged that agencies like the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Income Tax department and Enforcement Directorate were being used to silence the opposition after the BJP-led government assumed office. "These agencies have become a tool to silence the voices, and, for the CBI to function independently this is an important case," she told a press meet. Chaturvedi said that the BJP initially had come up with the argument that Jay Shah is an individual businessman and he is carrying out his business and, hence, no one can target him. "However, we had a Union minister coming in support of Jay Shah and giving him a clean chit," she said. She alleged that the Narendra Modi government is trying to protect Jay Shah, who is just an individual businessman. Chaturvedi sought to know if it is not a case of "conflict of interest" that Additional Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, who is supposed to defend the Union of India, is defending Jay Shah. "Two days before the report came out, he applied for leave to fight this case," she claimed, and asked, "Isnt this a conflict of interest?" PTI For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 18:16 [IST] Deprivation point to be brought back for PhD students in JNU JNU Admissions 2022: PG First merit list to be released today; how to check Scuffle between two groups of students in JNU; 2 injured JNU row: HC sets aside disciplinary action against Kanhaiya, 14 others India pti-PTI New Delhi, October 12: The Delhi High Court on Thursday set aside the disciplinary action taken by JNU against 15 of its students in connection with a controversial event on February 9 last year in the varsity. Ex-JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar was one amongst them. Justice V K Rao remanded the issue back to the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) to be decided afresh after allowing the students to inspect the records and hearing them. The court told JNU's appellate authority to pass a reasoned order within six weeks of hearing the students, who also included Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya, that the varsity did not give them due opportunity to defend themselves against the charge of indiscipline. The students in their pleas had also challenged their punishment, which ranges from rustication for a few semesters to withdrawal of hostel facilities. The appellate authority of the university had rusticated Umar from JNU till December this year, while Bhattacharya was asked to be out of the varsity for five years. Kanhaiya, Khalid and Bhattacharya were earlier arrested in a sedition case in connection with the February 9 event on the campus against hanging of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru during which anti-national slogans were allegedly raised. All of them were later granted bail in the case, however, chargesheet has not yet been filed. PTI Tell me if view on Savarkar is yours or that of Shiv Sena: Chavan on Rauts comments Nanded Municipal Corporation Election Results 2017: Congress sends BJP packing India oi-Anusha Congress led by former Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan registered a thumping victory in the Nanded-Waghala municipal corporation elections. The Congress has registered a victory in 73 seats leaving the BJP and Shiv Sena far behind. "This is a tight slap to the BJP politics of splitting other parties and importing leaders from other parties," said Ashok Chavan reacting to his party's victory in the poll. The BJP won six seats while the Shiv Sena managed just one. AIMIM failed to open an account while an independent candidate managed to win a seat. The high stakes Nanded Municipal Corporation Election was a battle of prestige with the Congress fighting to retain power in its traditional bastion. Given the recent victories that the BJP has been registering in all local body elections, Nanded Municipal corporation election was expected to be a three-way battle pitched between the Bharatiya Janata Party, Congress and Shiv Sena. Polling for the Nanded Waghala municipal corporation election 2017 was held on Wednesday and the counting of votes took place on Thursday. The voter turnout for the civic body polls stood at 60 per cent. For the first time in a municipal election Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) mechanism was used for Nanded polls on Wednesday Nanded was a personal battle for Congress leader Ashok Chavan since his father late Shankarrao Chavan nurtured the constituency. During the last election, the Congress had won 41 seats of the 81 in the corporation. The Shiv Sena stood a distant second with 14 while the BJP won only 2 seats. Sharad Pawar's NCP won 10 seats, AIMIM won 11, one seat was won by an independent candidate and two more by other parties. OneIndia News People's movement alone can help achieve New India: PM Modi at Governors' conference India oi-Deepika By Deepika Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday addressed the opening session of the Governors' Conference at Rashtrapati Bhawan. He observed that all Governors can become 'catalytic agents for change in society', while upholding the sanctity of the Constitution. Mentioning the target of New India by 2022, the Prime Minister emphasised that this can be achieved only by making it a people's movement. The prime minister encouraged Governors to interact at length with students and teachers in this regard. Giving the example of the recent Hackathon conducted by the Union Government, where students had proposed technology solutions to several problems, he said Universities should be centres of innovation. In the same vein, he said that youth in every State must focus on one sport. He encouraged Governors to lead by example on the cause of Swachhata or cleanliness. He said Mahatma Gandhi, whose 150th birth anniversary will be celebrated in 2019, is a source of inspiration, as we work towards an Open Defecation Free India. The Prime Minister said that festivals and anniversaries can be great motivators and energisers in the quest for change. Engage MLAs in pushing development agenda: President Kovind President Ram Nath Kovind who presided over the conference said that "Governors can provide a new dimension to development of their states by communicating with legislators and inviting them to Raj Bhawan to deliberate on subjects related to public well-being." "The obligation of Governors to preserve and uphold the Constitution and commit themselves to the service and welfare of the people is even more pronounced in the current paradigm of co-operative federalism, " the President said. President Kovind said that given the magnitude of this task, it is necessary that the entire country works unitedly and is on the same page. "Governors should inspire and connect with all relevant stakeholders in their respective States." The conference is being attended by 27 governors and three Lieutenant Governors. The administrators of the UTs of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu as well as of Lakshadweep are also participating as special invitees. OneIndia News Perverse, says Smriti Irani on Rahuls women in shorts comment India oi-Vicky By Vicky Reacting to Rahul Gandhi's women in shorts comment, the BJP has said that the Congress vice president has a perverse mind. Rahul Gandhi had recently claimed that he had not seen a single women in an RSS shakha wearing shorts. Interacting with students in Vadodara as part of his second leg of Navsarjan Yatra on Tuesday, Rahul had said: "Have you seen a single woman in an RSS shakha wearing shorts? I have never seen any. Why aren't women allowed in the RSS?" Slamming Rahul for the comment, Irani, leading the Gaurav Yatra at Dediapada in Narmada district on Wednesday, said, "The women of Gujarat and the nation will not forgive the Congress leader with perverse mentality for insulting women." "Will Gujarat, and its women, be safe in the hands of Rahul Gandhi," Smriti Irani, the Union Textiles and I&B minister asked. "His mentality is such. The RSS works for the development of nation by keeping everyone together. Is this our culture... Should we support a person who insults women?" In Rajkot, CM Rupani's wife Anjali joined a protest held by BJP's Mahila Morcha against Rahul's comment and raised slogans. She said: "Rahul probably didn't know that women are active in the RSS since 1936 - well before India won freedom, and well before the Congress vice-president was born." She said Rahul had shown his ignorance on Indian women with his remarks Gujarat BJP Mahila Morcha president Jyoti Pandya also condemned the remarks. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 6:23 [IST] Punjab farmers Stubble burning is the deliberate setting fire of the straw stubble that remains after wheat and other grains have been harvested. The practice was widespread until the 1990s, when governments increasingly restricted its use. Courtesy: ANI news Smoke billowing out of the field In an order issued, in late September, the Punjab government has told revenue officials to note violations in red ink in the land record of defying farmers. Restrictions have been imposed on many others. Courtesy: ANI news Ban on stubble burning causes labour crisis The farmers are also alleging that the government's decision to ban burning of paddy stubble has resulted in a labour crisis as many farmers are avoiding harvesting with combine harvesters, which spreads paddy straw in fields, following which the manual harvesting cost has increased to Rs 7,000 per acre from Rs 5,500. Haryana farmers protest against the ban Challenging ban on stubble burning, farmers in Haryana's Sirsa gathered outside mini-secretariat in protest with a memorandum. Haryana Farmers have demanded Rs 300 per quintal for not burning paddy stubble. Courtesy: ANI news 'Kantara' box office: Even as Bollywood's Akshays and Ajays struggle, this one hits Rs 75-crore mark Sasikala Natarajan's parole ends, to return to Bengaluru central jail today India oi-Madhuri Deposed AIADMK leader VK Sasikala leaves for Bengaluru's Central prison as her five-day parole ended on Wednesday. She will return to Parappana Agrahara central jail in Bengaluru today. Sasikala visited her husband M Natarajan, who underwent liver and kidney transplantation at a hospital in Chennai, on all five days of her parole period. During her five-day parole period, she stayed at the residence of Krishna Priya, daughter of her sister-in-law Ilavarasi. According to Gleneagles Global Health City, Natarajan, is recovering well following liver and kidney transplantation, adding he is now in the Liver Intensive Care Unit and requires close observation. Sasikala, who was removed from the party in September by Chief Minister K Palaniswami-led camp, had arrived in Chennai on the night of 6 October to an enthusiastic albeit subdued welcome. Granted emergency parole from 7-11 October, she was asked to adhere to several conditions, including a gag order on interacting with the media. Sasikala has been lodged in the Parapana Agrahara central jail since February this year after the Supreme Court upheld her conviction by a special court in a disproportionate assets case. OneIndia News (with PTI inputs) For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 9:29 [IST] The persecution of Hindus in Pakistan continues with a Hindu girl forcibly converted and married Hindus in Britain are very well behaved, smart and rich SC bans firecrackers during Diwali: Hindus are being targeted, says Ramdev India oi-Madhuri Patanjali founder Ramdev has voiced his opposition to the Supreme Court's order on ban on the sale of firecrackers and said selectively only Hindu festivals are being targeted. He said that the way Hindu festivals are under radar is wrong. Talking to a television channel, Ramdev said that the government must appeal against the apex court's order. He said that it has become a common habit to approach the court over each issue and this practice must be stopped. The yoga guru also attacked Shashi Tharoor on the issue and said that 'an intelligent man like Tharoor must not talk like this.' Earlier, Congress leader Shashi Tharoor said,''Sacrificing goats, cows, animals... it also harms everybody, contributes to the pollution level. A wise person like Shashi Tharoor shouldn't talk like this. It takes 100 kgs and huge amount of water of grain to make 1 kg of meat.'' The Supreme Court has brought back its November 2016 order suspending all licences permitting the sale of fireworks, wholesale and retail, within the Delhi-NCR. OneIndia News "We are of no use to society": Elderly couple write to President seeking euthanasia Right to die in dignity: What the laws in India say about euthanasia Death tourism: Why Noida man wants to go to Switzerland for euthanasia? SC might recognise execution of 'living will' in cases of passive euthanasia India oi-PTI New Delhi, October 12: The Supreme Court of India hinted it might recognise the execution of 'living will' in cases of passive euthanasia, as a right to die peacefully is part of fundamental right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution. The apex court, however, said there should be adequate safeguards and implementation of living will be subject to medical board's certifying that the patient's comatose state is irreversible. A five-judge constitution bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra reserved its verdict on a plea seeking recognition of 'living will' made by a terminally-ill patient for passive euthanasia. Living will is a written document that allows a patient to give explicit instructions in advance about the medical treatment to be administered when he or she is terminally ill or no longer able to express informed consent. Passive euthanasia is a condition where there is withdrawal of medical treatment with the deliberate intention to hasten the death of a terminally-ill patient. The apex court had recognised passive euthanasia in 2011 in Aruna Shanbaug's case by which it had permitted withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment from patients not in a position to make an informed decision. The bench, also comprising Justices A K Sikri, A M Khanwilkar, D Y Chandrachud and Ashok Bhushan, said that Right to Life does not mean right to die but a dignified life would certainly include right to die with dignity, as advance directive would take effect once a medical board affirms that the patient comatose state is irreversible. "One cannot say that you have a right to die, but you have a right to dignified death. If we recognise the right to dignity in death, then why not dignity in dying," the bench observed, adding that life must be preserved but not prolonged in suffering. It said that living will may be there as right to die peacefully is part of a fundamental right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution, provided there are adequate safeguards. It also said if a medical board certifies that the health of the patient is irreversible and cannot be kept alive without artificial support, then the living will's role may come in. Additional Solicitor General P S Narasimha, appearing for Centre, opposed recognition of 'living will' and said the consent for removal of artificial support system given by a patient may not be an informed one and without being aware of medical advancements. He cited examples of various countries in disallowing creation of living will by patients. Narasimha said a draft bill, based on the guidelines framed by the apex court in Aruna Shaunbag's case, is under the government's consideration. He said the decision whether to remove life support or not, can only be taken by a medical board after examining the condition of a patient. Advocate Prashant Bhushan, appearing for petitioner NGO 'Common Cause', said safeguards are needed while taking a decision by medical boards to withdraw life support of a patient. Senior advocate Arvind Datar, appearing for an intervenor NGO 'Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy', said that the apex court has recognised the distinction between the active termination of life and the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment with the latter firmly recognised as an expression of autonomy, bodily integrity and right to life. He urged the court to declare that advance directives are an extension of the right to refuse medical treatment and the right to die with dignity and recognition of the legal validity is necessary to give effect to the rights of incompetent patients under Article 21 of Constitution. Article 21 provides that "no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law." The bench then observed that it is to be decided whether mercy killing can be declared as a right under article 21 of the Constitution or not and said that the advanced directive was a subject to the medical boards interpretation. The bench expressed its inclination for constituting medical boards across the country in each district and said it should be obligatory. Yesterday, the government had opposed granting legal validity to "living will" in cases of passive euthanasia, by telling the apex court that it could be misused and may not be viable as a good public policy. The bench was hearing a PIL filed in 2005 by the NGO, which said when a medical expert opines that a person afflicted with a terminal disease has reached a point of no return, he should be given the right to refuse life support. On January, 15, 2016, the Centre had said the 241st report of the Law Commission stated that passive euthanasia should be allowed with certain safeguards and there was also a proposed law --Medical Treatment of Terminally Ill Patient (Protection of Patients and Medical Practitioners) Bill, 2006. The Centre had said that on specific occasions, the question of withdrawing supporting devices to sustain cardio-pulmonary function even after brain death shall be decided only by a doctors' team and not by the treating physician alone. PTI For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 10:33 [IST] SC pulls up government for legitimising rape India oi-Vicky By Vicky Recommended Video Supreme Court directs having $ex with a Minor wife amounts to rape | Oneindia News Successive governments have blinked at the incongruity of Section 375 (2) of the Indian Penal Code which absolved a husband of rape charges even if he had sex with his wife who was below the age of 18. The court had on Wednesday held that sex with a minor wife would amount to rape. Referring to the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, the Bench comprising Justices Madan B Lokur and Deepak Gupta said POCSO Act provides that if a person related to a child below 18 years of age commits a penetrative sexual assault on that child, then he would be liable for aggravated penetrative sexual assault. Sex with wife below 18 amounts to rape: Supreme Court "Therefore, if the husband of a girl child commits penetrative sexual assault on his wife, he actually commits aggravated penetrative sexual assault as defined under Section 5(n) of POCSO Act and is punishable by a term of rigorous imprisonment of not less than 10 years and which may extend to imprisonment of life." "The duality therefore is that having sexual intercourse with a girl child between 15 and 18 years of age, the husband of the girl child is said to have not committed rape as defined in Section 375 of the IPC but is said to have committed aggravated penetrative sexual assault in terms of Section 5(n) of the POCSO Act." "The only difference is that the definition of rape is somewhat more elaborate and has two exceptions but the sum and substance of the two definitions is more or less the same and the punishment for being found guilty of committing the offence of rape is also same under IPC and POCSO Act. POCSO Act was legislatively intended to override all other laws." Articles 1 and 34 of Convention on the Rights of the Child obliges Indian government to undertake all measures to prevent sexual exploitation or sexual abuse of any person below the age of 18 years since such sexual exploitation or sexual abuse is a heinous crime. "What has the government of India done? It has persuaded Parliament to convert what is otherwise universally accepted as a heinous crime into a legitimate activity for the purpose of Section 375 of the IPC if the exploiter or abuser is the husband of the girl child." OneIndia News Separatist leader Asiya Andrabi makes it to J&K achievers' list, Mehbooba orders probe India oi-Anusha Jailed separatist leader Asiya Andrabi has been included in the list of women achievers by the Jammu and Kashmir government's social welfare department. Andrabi's photo features alongside Mother Theresa, Indira Gandhi, Kiran Bedi and Mehbooba Mufti herself on a government poster promoting the "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao", campaign. The government poster has an image of a burka-clad Asiya Andrabi. She has been credited for her "achievement" as the founding leader of Dukhtaran-e-Millat, an all-woman outfit. The gaffe did not go unnoticed with the Congress tearing into the BJP-PDP government in Kashmir. AICC spokesperson Randeep S Surjewala took to Twitter to slam Mufti government for treating a separatist as their "mascot". BJP-PDP Govts latest mascot is Asiya Andrabi who shares stage with Mumbai Terror Attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed!Desh Bachao or Beti Bachao1/ Randeep S Surjewala (@rssurjewala) October 12, 2017 The poster by the social welfare department features 12 women achievers including Kalpana Chawla, Lata Mangeshkar, and Sania Mirza. The same was displayed at an event meant to highlight Prime Minister Narendra Modi's flagship 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' campaign. The poster was put up on Wednesday in Kashmir's Kokernag town at an event being headed by BJP MLA Sajjad Gani Lone. Snapshots of the poster went viral and came as a massive embarrassment to the government. Mehbooba Mufti ordered a probe to find how Andrabi's picture made it to the poster. Following the criticism that Mufti government received, child development project officer Shameema Akhter was suspended. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 15:16 [IST] Why the arrest, capture or killing of Madvi Hidma would weaken the naxal movement further NIA charges lady naxal in connection with murder of Araku MLA Fighting a naxal plague which caused destruction at many levels: NIA Six PLFI militants arrested in Naxal-affected area in Jharkhand India oi-PTI Khunti (Jharkhand), October 12: Six People's Front of India Limited (PLFI) militants were arrested by police from two different places in the Naxal-affected Khunti district. Acting on a tip-off that some active PLFI ultras have assembled at Balo under the jurisdiction of Murhu police station, Superintendent of Police Ashwini Kumar Sinha constituted a police team to conduct a raid, the officer said. The police team reached the spot and arrested three ultras, Superintendent of Police Ashwini Kumar Sinha said. The ultras were identified as Devendra Gope, Mangra Barjo and Linus Kundalana, he said. They told police that they had assembled at Balo to hand over the organisation s letterhead and a mobile phone to Bagrai Champia, the area commander. The letterhead, a mobile phone and a motorcycle without a registration number were also seized, Sinha said. In another incident, three other PLFI militants were arrested from Sawda village under the jurisdiction of Karra police station of the district. The ultras were identified as Kisto Kashyap, Anand Munda and Anup Verma, the SP said. A motorcycle, two mobile phones and six PLFI leaflets were recovered from them, police said. PTI For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 8:41 [IST] Allahabad HC to hear today plea to cancel Union minister Ajay Mishra's bail in 2000 murder case HC says Arya Samaj certificate not enough to prove marriage Muslim man can't remarry if he's unable to take care of family: Allahabad HC SC sets aside Allahabad HC order granting bail to two accused in Owaisi car attack case Aarushi murder case verdict: We have got justice, says Nupur Talwar India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar The Talwar couples heaved a sigh of relief after the Allahabad High Court absolved them in the murder case of their daughter Aarushi. "We have got justice," that was Nupur Talwar's first reaction to the court's verdict. Accused Nupur and Rajesh Talwar were nervous ahead of the judgment. Recommended Video Aarushi murder case : Allahabad HC gives relief to Rajesh Rajesh Talwar broke down after the verdict and hugged jail officials. His wife, Nupur Talwar, was praying when the verdict was announced. BG Chitnis, Nupur Talwar's father told a TV channel that "We've always known Talwars were not guilty... Thankful for the positive verdict. Don't want to hold anyone responsible at present." "Have seen them suffering. It has been really testing. I am emotionally drained," he said. Vandana Talwar, Rajesh Talwar's sister-in-law, said, "Deeply relieved. Had suffered for 10 years. Grateful to High Court for acquitting them." Grateful to judiciary. Have seen them suffering. It has been really testing. I am emotionally drained: BG Chitnis, Nupur Talwar's father ANI (@ANI) October 12, 2017 "Rajesh and Nupur Talwar are happy, and said they have got justice," DR Maurya, jailor, Dasna Jail, reported ANI. Maurya said the Talwar couple's release is likely on Friday after they receive the court judgment through official channels. Rajesh & Nupur Talwar are happy, and said that they have got justice: DR Maurya, Jailor, Dasna Jail #AarushiVerdict ANI (@ANI) October 12, 2017 Nupur and Rajesh Talwar have been serving their sentence in Ghaziabad's Dasna jail. Aarushi was found dead inside her room in the Talwars' Noida residence with her throat slit in May 2008. The needle of suspicion had initially moved towards 45-year-old Hemraj, who had gone missing but his body was recovered from the terrace of the house two days later. After the Uttar Pradesh Polices' botched-up investigation the then chief minister Mayawati handed over the probe to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). OneIndia News Aung San Suu Kyi calls for unity, says Myanmar holding talks with Bangladesh International pti-PTI Yangon, Oct 12: Myanmar's embattled leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, called for national unity on Thursday and said she has created a committee that will coordinate all international and local assistance in violence-struck Rakhine state. More than 500,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled from the state to neighbouring Bangladesh since Aug. 25, when security forces responded to attacks by a militant Rohingya group with a broad crackdown on the long-persecuted Muslim minority. Many houses were burned down. The U.N. has called the violence "textbook ethnic cleansing." Suu Kyi acknowledged in a speech on state-run television that the country is facing widespread criticism over the refugee crisis, and called for unity in tackling the problem. She said her government is holding talks with Bangladesh on the return of "those who are now in Bangladesh." She gave no details, but officials have suggested they would need to provide residency documents, which few have. Myanmar's Buddhist majority denies that Rohingya Muslims are a separate ethnic group and regards them as having migrated illegally from Bangladesh, although many families have lived in Myanmar for generations. Suu Kyi did not use the word "Rohingya" in her speech, but referred to several other ethnic minorities by name. Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former political prisoner, has been widely criticized outside Myanmar for not speaking out on behalf of the Rohingya. She said in her speech that those who return from Bangladesh would need to be resettled, without providing details, and that development must be brought to Rakhine, one of the country's poorest areas, to achieve a durable peace. She said she would head the new committee, the "Union Enterprise for Humanitarian Assistance, Resettlement and Development in Rakhine," and that it would coordinate all efforts to create a "peaceful and developed Rakhine state." The government has tightly restricted access to Rakhine for international aid groups and journalists. Suu Kyi said her government has invited U.N. agencies, financial institutions such as the World Bank, and others to help develop Rakhine. Myanmar officials deny there has been ethnic cleansing. Myanmar's ambassador to Japan, Thurain Thant Zin, told reporters in Tokyo today that his government was providing humanitarian aid to all affected by the violence and denied reports of human rights abuses by the military. "To say the Myanmar military conducted those illegal acts is untrue and cannot be true," he said. "The Myanmar government protests the use of such terms as ethnic cleansing and genocide." PTI North Korea: Missile tests were practice to attack South, US North Korea denies US claims of supplying arms to Russia Nuclear weapon is 'sword of justice', says North Korean Foreign Minister International pti-PTI Moscow, October 12: North Korea's foreign minister has described his nation's nuclear weapons as a "sword of justice," reported Russian state news agency Tass. Tass quoted North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho today accusing US President Donald Trump of "setting a fuse of war" with his September speech at the United Nations. Trump threatened in the UN speech to "totally destroy" North Korea if forced to defend the US or its allies. Ri told Tass that the North's nuclear weapons represent a deterrent to protect the country from the US. He said the North's strategic forces have "inexhaustible power that won't leave aggressor state America unpunished." Ri further said that North Korea's "army and people are persistently demanding to settle the final score with the Americans with a fiery hail, not words." PTI With the number of anonymous rogues from Pak rising, here's how BSF is beating down the drones Takes two to tango says Pak army chief on peace with India International oi-Vicky By Vicky It takes two to tango, the Pakistan army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa said on peaceful ties with India. Speaking at a seminar on 'Interplay of Economy and Security', General Bajwa also said that Pakistan needed a comprehensive effort to pursue the National Action Plan and remove vulnerabilities well before they turn into threats. "Our external front which continues to remain in a flux. With a belligerent India on our East and an unstable Afghanistan on our West, the region remains captive due to historical baggage and negative competition," Bajwa said. "But on our part, we are making a deliberate and concerted effort to pacify the western border through a multitude of diplomatic, military and economic initiative, not to mention the phenomenal boost to human security that we have provided in FATA and surrounding areas. "We have also expressed and demonstrated our genuine desire to have normal and and peaceful relations with India, however, it takes two to tango," Bajwa said. Bajwa also expressed concerns over the country's "sky high" debts, saying the abysmally low tax to GDP ratio must change if the country has to "break the begging bowl". "Growth has picked up but the debts are sky high. Infrastructure and energy have improved considerably but the current account balance is not in our favour," he said. According to figures released by the finance ministry, Pakistan's foreign debt and liabilities are around $58 billion. "In order to secure our future, we have to increase our tax base, bring in fiscal discipline and ensure continuity of economic policies," he said, adding that economy remained one of the highest concerns during National Security Council meetings. Bajwa also said when enemies of Pakistan wanted to damage it, they targeted financial hub Karachi and tried to destabilise it. He said the authorities had put peace a top priority in Karachi and want the city to return to its old economic growth. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 6:28 [IST] UN's efforts at Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar Anticipating a possible outbreak in the Rohingya refugee camps, UN and partners launched the second biggest mass oral cholera vaccination camps in Bangladesh. The drive began on Tuesday with the first of 9,00,000 doses being delivered to newly arrived and host communities in Cox's Bazar. Second largest after Haiti in 2016 The drive is aimed at protecting 6,50,000 people from the deadly diarrheal disease. The massive camp is second only to the one organized in Haiti in 2016. 12 makeshift settlements and camps that has been housing more than half a million people who have been arriving since August was UN's first stop. Yellow flag means 'life' The spots where the UN and partners teams are administering the vaccine has been marked by a yellow flag. Mobile teams have been administering the vaccination while others have been promoting the vaccine's importance amid ongoing challenges with access to water, sanitation, and hygiene. To help improve hygiene, a bar of soap is handed out after each vaccination. World organizations come together for Rohingyas The massive drive is led by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of Bangladesh. Multiple parties including WHO, UNICEF, IOM and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance have partnered to make the campaign a success. The first round is expected to cover 6,50,000 people of all ages. Round two from October 31 The second round of the drive will commence on October 31. The partners aim to reach out to at least 2,50,000 children between the age of one and five years. This time around, the vaccination will come with an additional dose. US visa processing time expected to fall by mid-2023, says official US withdraws from UNESCO, accuses organization of 'anti- Israel bias' International oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Staff Writer The United States on Thursday intimated its decision to withdraw from UNESCO, the United Nations' cultural agency. In a press statement, US government spokesperson Heather Nauert stated that US' withdrawal will take effect on December 31, 2018, until then, it will continue to be a full-time member of the UNESCO. "On October 12, 2017, the Department of State notified UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova of the US decision to withdraw from the organization and to seek to establish a permanent observer mission to UNESCO," the statement read. The statement minced no words and claimed that the decision had been arrived at over UNESCO's "continuing anti-Isreal bias". "The decision was not taken lightly and reflects the US concerns with mounting arrears at UNESCO, the need for fundamental reform in the organization and continuing anti-Israel bias at UNESCO," the statement added. The statement added that US desired to remain engaged with UNESCO as a non-member observer in order to contribute to views, perspective, and expertise on some important issues undertaken by the organization including the protection of world heritage, advocating for press freedoms and promoting scientific collaboration and education," the statement said. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, October 12, 2017, 19:32 [IST] From Palestine Chronicle Image created from image crediting (Image by Ramzy Baroud) Details DMCA Some promises are made and kept; others disavowed. But the "promise" made by Arthur James Balfour in what became known as the "Balfour Declaration" to the leaders of the Zionist Jewish community in Britain 100 years ago, was only honored in part: it established a state for the Jews and attempted to destroy the Palestinian nation. In fact, Balfour, the foreign Secretary of Britain at the time his declaration of 84 words was pronounced on November 2, 1917, was, like many of his peers, anti-Semitic. He cared little about the fate of Jewish communities. His commitment to establishing a Jewish state in a land that was already populated by a thriving and historically-rooted nation was only meant to enlist the support of wealthy Zionist leaders in Britain's massive military buildup during World War I. Whether Balfour knew it or not, the extent to which his short statement to the leader of the Jewish community in Britain, Walter Rothschild, would uproot a whole nation from their ancestral homes and continue to devastate several generations of Palestinians decades later, is moot. In fact, judging by the strong support his descendants continue to exhibit towards Israel, one would guess that he, too, would have been "proud" of Israel, oblivious to the tragic fate of the Palestinians. This is what he penned down a century ago: "His Majesty's government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation." Speaking recently at New York University, Palestinian professor Rashid Khalidi described the British commitment, then, as an event that "marked the beginning of a century-long colonial war in Palestine, supported by an array of outside powers which continues to this day." But oftentimes, generalized, academic language and refined political analysis, even if accurate, masks the true extent of tragedies as expressed in the lives of ordinary people. As Balfour finished writing down his infamous words, he must have been consumed with how effective his political tactic would be in enlisting Zionists to join Britain's military adventures, in exchange for a piece of land that was still under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Yet, he clearly had no genuine regard for the millions of Palestinian Arabs -- Muslims and Christians alike -- who were to suffer the cruelty of war, ethnic cleansing, racism and humiliation over the course of a century. The Balfour Declaration was equivalent to a decree calling for the annihilation of the Palestinian people. Not one Palestinian, anywhere, remained completely immune from the harm invited by Balfour and his government. Tamam Nassar, now 75 years old, was one of millions of Palestinians whose life Balfour scarred forever. She was uprooted from her village of Joulis in southern Palestine, in 1948. She was only five. Tamam, now lives with her children and grandchildren in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp in Gaza. Ailing under the weight of harsh years, and weary by a never-ending episode of war, siege and poverty, she holds on to a few hazy memories of a past that can never be redeemed. Little does she know that a man by the name of Arthur James Balfour had sealed the fate of the Nassar family for many generations, condemning them to a life of perpetual desolation. I spoke to Tamam, also known as Umm Marwan (mother of Marwan), as part of an attempt to document the Palestinian past through the personal memories of ordinary people. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Even if the U.S. Constitution were obeyed 100%, it would not prevent some people from becoming enormously rich compared to most others. It would not stop our society from being one in which money is power. It would not prevent a very wealthy upper class from having far more power--over both the private sector and the government--than ordinary people have, despite the fact that ordinary people have "one man one vote" and the rights in the Bill of Rights. It would not, therefore, prevent class inequality. And class inequality is the root of our worst problems. As is acknowledged by academics who study the question rigorously and even by the business press, the United States presently is an oligarchy (or plutocracy--same idea), not a republic or a democracy. In other words a small number of very rich people make the important government decisions and ordinary people have virtually no say in the matter either directly or even indirectly by means of representatives that truly represent them (as some people say would be the case in a republic). This is the conclusion of a widely cited academic paper reporting on a study with an enormous data base, online here and also here(Business Insider: "Major Study Finds the US is an Oligarchy") and here (TPM: "Princeton Study: US No Longer an Actual Democracy") and here (BBC: "Study: US Is an Oligarchy, Not a Democracy"). Additional proof is provided here. Some people say that yes, this is the case today, and it is the source of many of our worst problems, including Orwellian wars of social control based on lies (wars that also enrich the plutocracy) and much suffering by the many for the benefit of the few. In order to make things right, they say, we need to make things be the way the U.S. Constitution, which is unfortunately being ignored, says things should be: a "representative democracy" otherwise known as a republic. The problem with this "solution" is that it doesn't eliminate the root of the problem, which is class inequality. Class inequality in our present United States takes the form of some people being very rich compared to most people, and our society being one in which money is power. Billionaires thus have the power to shape society by their values (inequality and using divide-and-rule to keep things unequal); regular people do not have the power to shape things by their contrary values. The power of money makes one-man-one-vote a meaningless right. Big Money dominates the decisions the government makes. Elected representatives are influenced by Big Money, not their constituents. This is a fact that is plain to see. Why is it that the poorest people do the hardest work and enjoy the benefits of socially produced wealth the least, while the richest do the easiest work in great luxury or do no work at all, and enjoy the lion's share of these benefits? It's not because poor people don't have "one man one vote"; it's not because poor people are not "represented" by congressmen and senators the way that the Constitution spells out (for what it's worth, which obviously is not very much!); it's not because poor people lack the rights of free speech and freedom to assemble, etc., in the Bill of Rights. It's because these rights count for diddly-squat in any contest between people with billions of dollars versus people whose net worth (assets minus debts) is close to zero--less than zero for one in five families! Why is it that when the rich want to wage a war, they do it regardless of the majority of the population opposing it? This was the case with the Vietnam War, which went on until the refusal of GIs to fight it forced Nixon to withdraw in 1975, seven bloody years after a majority of Americans came to oppose that war. The billionaires can do this because when they want to do something, their Big Money gives them the power to do it regardless of the fact that the vast majority who disagree have all of the useless rights in the Constitution. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights or the (legally ignorable) Declaration of Independence that prohibits some people from being extremely rich and, thus, having far more actual power (over government decisions as well as private-sector decisions) than other people despite the fact that everybody gets only one vote. In fact, the Constitution protects the right of the very rich to remain very rich. Here is how it does it, as reported by PBS: "The Fifth Amendment protects the right to private property in two ways. First, it states that a person may not be deprived of property by the government without 'due process of law,' or fair procedures. In addition, it sets limits on the traditional practice of eminent domain, such as when the government takes private property to build a public road. Under the Fifth Amendment, such takings must be for a 'public use' and require 'just compensation' at market value for the property seized. But in Kelo v. City of New London (2005), the Supreme Court interpreted public use broadly to include a 'public purpose' of economic development that might directly benefit private parties. In response, many state legislatures passed laws limiting the scope of eminent domain for public use." The reason that the rich can ignore the Constitution when they feel like it is because they are powerful, and nothing in the Constitution prevented them from becoming powerful or prevents them from being MUCH more powerful than regular people. Honoring the Constitution to the letter would be, at most, a nuisance and an inconvenience for the rich. It would not prevent billionaires from running the show; it would simply mean they would have to be more careful and creative about how they used the power of money to get what they wanted. (A wonderfully insightful cartoon shows some corporate managers sitting around a table and one of them says to the other, "These new regulations will fundamentally change the way we get around them.") The U.S. Constitution HELPS the Rich Dominate the Rest of US Indeed the U.S. Constitution, far from being an impediment to the power of the rich, makes the U.S. government one that is extremely useful for the rich to dominate the entire American population. How so? It does this by making the government one that is based on the authoritarian principle. The authoritarian principle says that one must obey the highest body of government no matter what. In our republic (which is what the United States Constitution makes the United States) when the members of Congress write a law and the President signs it, everybody in the United States must obey it. Ditto when the members of a state legislature write and the Governor signs a law, everybody in the state must obey it, no matter what. The authoritarian principle (if the population accepts it as legitimate, which is unfortunately often the case) is a veritable "welcome mat" for rich people to dominate the entire population merely by using the power of their money to control a relatively small number of individuals who constitute the highest body of the government. (The authoritarian principle was also a "welcome mat" for the Bolshevik Party leaders to dominate the entire population of the Soviet Union by controlling--by hook or by crook--the relatively few people at the top of the Soviet government.) Oppressive ruling elites LOVE the authoritarian principle, and the U.S. Constitution is pure authoritarian principle! Why do people accept the authoritarian principle? (They sometimes don't, as you can read about here.) In the United States a big part of the reason why people accept the authoritarian principle is that people have a misunderstanding about democracy (including representative government, a.k.a. republics). The misunderstanding is the false belief that there can exist today in the United States a democracy (or a republic, if you will, and now I'll just use the word "democracy" if you don't mind, OK?) of ALL the people. By a democracy of all the people I mean a system of government in which all conflicts and disagreements among the entire population of citizens are resolved peaceably by mutual agreements and compromises according to some agreed-upon method of decision-making (such as the principle of a majority vote of elected representatives) without the use of violence or even the credible threat of violence by either side when there is a conflict. The fact is that there CANNOT exist today in the United States such a democracy of ALL the people, for the reason discussed in the following paragraphs. What purports to be a democracy of ALL the people is in fact a fake democracy that is really an oligarchy. The authoritarian principle derives its legitimacy from the idea that we really have a democracy of ALL the people, in which the laws written by the government reflect peacefully made mutual agreements and compromises among ALL Americans, and should therefore be obeyed. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From The Nation Bernie Sanders supporters (Image by Gage Skidmore) Details DMCA What scares the members of Congress who for decades have collected hefty donations from the insurance and health-care industries and then used their positions of public trust to sustain and protect profiteering by those industries? The threat of a single-payer "Medicare for All" health-care system. By replacing the bureaucratic profiteers with an efficient system that would guarantee care for every American -- and fair compensation for doctors and nurses -- single payer would not merely make health care more accessible and more affordable. It would also make politics more honest and responsive to the will of the people. House Speaker Paul Ryan has, through the campaign committees and political action committees that he guides, collected millions of dollars from Wall Street interests, insurance interests, pharmaceutical interests, private hospital and nursing home interests, and "health products" interests over the course of a political career that has seen him go to the mat, again and again, in defense of Wall Street interests, insurance interests, pharmaceutical interests, private hospital and nursing home interests, and "health products" interests. So is it any surprise that Ryan keeps trying to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act with measures that benefit his crony-capitalist campaign funders? Single payer is a bad idea for senators whose political survival is based on banking checks from health-care profiteers. But it is a very good idea for America. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has, through the campaign committees and political-action committees that he guides, collected millions of dollars from Wall Street interests, insurance interests, pharmaceutical interests, private hospital and nursing home interests and "health products" interests over the course of a political career that has seen him go to the mat, again and again, in defense of Wall Street interests, insurance interests, pharmaceutical interests, private hospital and nursing home interests and "health products" interests. So is it any surprise that McConnell keeps trying to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act with measures that benefit his crony-capitalist campaign funders? Click Here to Read Whole Article Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. From Paul Craig Roberts Website At 0:09 the people start to make their way to the exit on a cue that sounds like an indian battle cry. Even the cameraman is baffled and says WTF is going on? (Image by YouTube, Channel: WSA) Details DMCA Dear Dr. Roberts: This note is in response to your invitation for medical professionals to comment on the LV shootings with respect to the authenticity of the publicly available videos and whether they prove or disprove that actual victims were injured or killed. I am a retired surgeon with experience in managing patients with massive blood loss in an operating room setting and in other in-hospital cases of marked hemodynamic instability from hemorrhage. The retired surgeon from Florida made many excellent points already and I will try not to repeat them. Here are some additional problems with the scene as presented in the publicly available videos: 1.) We do not see CPR being conducted on anyone that I am aware of. This would be extremely unusual for a massive shooting. Surely someone would have captured it on their cell phone. Even if it took a while for the EMT's to arrive, it would be reasonable for non-medical personnel in the audience who have taken a basic CPR course to have started it. 2.) Given the alleged number of victims, we should have seen some evidence of arterial bleeding, no doubt at least several instances of massive hemorrhage (arterial bleeding is often associated with blood being ejected from the site of injury, a so-called arterial "pumper"). What is the probability that no one captured an example of it? 3.) If some of the rounds were from a fully automatic high caliber rifle or machine-gun like weapon(s), some of the victims should have had obvious massive and visible trauma to the head, neck and extremities. So far, I have seen no evidence of it. 4.) There is a complete absence of the kind of urgency one would expect from the professionals who allegedly responded on display in the videos available. Where are the EMT's with their stretchers rushing to the victims? We see pictures of people in the audience crouching down, laying down, crawling, walking and running away but no evidence that any of them have sustained a gun shot wound(s). 5.) If hundreds of people were actually injured (not counting those who allegedly died at the scene) and taken to local emergency rooms, someone should have captured evidence on their cell phones of severely injured victims being wheeled into ER trauma rooms and being taken to surgery. I have not seen any videos from emergency rooms in which victims with actual wounds are displayed. Surely some of the local media would have arrived at the local hospital ER's to take pictures and to interview the uninjured persons accompanying their friends/relatives. No interviews have appeared in which surgeons who attended the victims have been carefully questioned for the extent of injuries sustained. Similarly, no pathologists have been interviewed about their necropsy findings. 6.) Where are the death certificates of those who died at the scene? Where are the autopsy reports which would have been mandatory? I have seen pictures of alleged deceased persons but not actual proof of death(s). Moreover, why have there been no news conferences from the hospital(s) reporting on the progress or subsequent deaths of injured patients? Surely, someone with critical injuries must have died by now if the event was not staged. The only videos I have seen depict alleged shooting victims who do not appear to have sustained a GSW. 7.) If hundreds of injuries/deaths occurred, the video evidence should have been overwhelmingly in support of it given that almost everyone has a smart phone with camera capability. Yet, we have clearly been shown videos which do not support it. That is very strange and suggests that better video evidence is lacking, as would be expected if much or all of the scene was staged. 8.) It has been reported that a mass casualty drill was taking place in LV either at or prior to the alleged mass casualty event. Many false flag events have been preceded by a drill that "went live." It has also been reported that citizen researchers who have called the closest local hospitals have been told that they had no record of gunshot victims. These claims need to be substantiated. 9.) The fact that advertisements/requests were placed asking for "Crisis Actors" in the LV area strongly suggests that the event was either partially or totally staged. These represent only a few of the problems that come to mind at this point. This reader writes that there was an active shooter drill underway in Las Vegas: Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Dispatches From The Edge Ballingarry, Republic of Ireland This tiny village in the heart of County Limerick, with its narrow streets and multiple churches, seems untouched by time and untroubled by the economic and political cross currents tearing away at the European Union (EU). But Ireland can be a deceptive place, and these days nowhere is immune from what happens in Barcelona, Paris and Berlin. Ballingarry -- the place my grandfather emigrated from 126 years ago -- was a textile center before the 1845 potato famine starved to death or scattered its residents. Today it houses five pubs, "One for every 100 people" notes my third cousin Caroline, who, along with her husband John, live next to an old Protestant church that has been taken over by a high tech company. When the American and European economies crashed in 2008, Ireland was especially victimized. Strong-armed into a "bailout" to save its banks and speculators, the Republic is only beginning to emerge from almost a decade of tax hikes, layoffs, and austerity policies that impoverished a significant section of its population. The crisis also re-ignited the island's major export: people, particularly its young. Between 2008 and 2016, an average of 30,000 people, age 15 to 24, left each year. The Irish economy is growing again, but the country is still burdened by a massive debt, whose repayment drains capital from much needed investments in housing, education and infrastructure. But "debt" can be a deceptive word. It is not the result of a spending spree, but the fallout from a huge real estate bubble pumped up by German, Dutch and French banks in cahoots with local speculators and politicians, who turned the Irish economy into an enormous casino. From 1999 to 2007, Irish real estate prices jumped 500 percent. People here have reason to be wary of official government press releases and Bank of Ireland predictions. The center-right government of former Prime Minister Enda Kenny crowed that the economy had grown an astounding 26 percent in 2015, but it turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of multinationals moving their intellectual property into Ireland to protect their profits. The forecast has since been labeled "Leprechaun economics." Former U.S. Speaker of the House, Thomas "Tip" O'Neill -- whose ancestors hailed from County Donegal in Ireland's northwest -- once said, "All politics are local," and that's at least partly true here. The news outlets are full of a scandal about the Irish police, the Garda, cooking breathalyzer tests to arrest motorists, an upcoming abortion referendum, and a change of leadership in the left-wing Sinn Fein Party. There is also deep concern about the Brexit. Britain is Ireland's number two trading partner -- the U.S. is number one -- and it is not clear how London's exit from the EU will affect that. There is also the worrisome matter of the now open border between the Republic and Northern Ireland, accompanied by fears that Brexit will undermine the Good Friday peace agreement between northern Catholics and Protestants. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). At the end of August (2017) I published a column that focused primarily on the four-way Presidential election of 1860, while presenting it as a forerunner of what may well be seen in the U.S. election of 2020. This was about two weeks after Steve Bannon had been "fired" from the White House staff. I put "fired" in quotes because at the time I saw this as the beginning of a set-up for things to come. (No less a reactionary than Robert Kagan seems to agree with me.) I suggested at the time that as things got tighter and tighter for Trump in the various investigations that, waiting as long as he could, but surely before the trap or traps was/were sprung, after granting pardons far and wide, including to himself, he would resign from the Presidency. (Trump likely has one or more spies within each of the bodies investigating him, and thus has a very good idea of how far along they are.) He would then immediately set up a new Far-Right party, with himself as, let us say, The Leader, and Bannon as his Consigliere AND Underboss. Trump Breitbart Bannon (Image by norbet1) Details DMCA Trump's Party would be to the Right even of the present pretty-far-Right Republican Party, the product of the next stage of the Right-Wing Imperative which has governed Republican politics since the 1960s. As of this date (Oct. 12, 2017 --- interestingly enough, the real Columbus Day), one cannot be certain that this is what will happen. BUT, very briefly here, consider the following. Bannon backed a far-rightist (even in the Repub. sense) in the Alabama Repub. Senate primary, seemingly against Trump's candidate of choice. But in his speeches Bannon was sure to say that "Judge" Moore was really the Trumpite (although Bannon did not use that term) in the race. Trump allowed that Moore would be OK with him too. And now, separating themselves from the Bannon/Trumpites, the Republican "establishment" in the Senate is beginning to turn against Trump: see Bob Corker and Ben Sasse. (Ironically it happens that Corker was elected to the Senate for the first time in Tennessee very likely because at the last minute he ran an openly racist ad against his Democratic opponent, Harold Ford, Jr. Until that time, Ford had been ahead. The DLC-Democrat Ford declined to challenge Corker's racism, lost the election, and in recent years has spent a lot of time on MSNBC's "Morning Joe.") Bannon has now declared that he will be running primary opponents (or trying to at least) against every sitting Repub. Senator, other than Ted Cruz. Why not Cruz? Because Bannon (and Kelly Anne Conway) was an integral part of Cruz' staff before he dropped out of the race for the Repub. nomination. When he came over to Trump he brought Cruz' Mercer Money with him. And it is Mercer money which is now at the center of Bannon's new initiative. So what is happening, very quickly? Might not Bannon's prediction that Trump would have only a 30% chance of finishing his term, rather than resigning being removed from office under the provisions of the 25th Amendment, play into all of this, with Trump resigning under pressure first? In my view, it is the formation of a new Far-Right party, of which Trump would become The Leader, of course after he resigns the Presidency, which must be of great concern. (And of course the premier announcement of the formation of the new party would be made by Trump on the Sean Hannity show.) This Party, while not at the beginning openly fascist, will certainly ride on the wings of authoritarianism. Trump's close affinity for authoritarianism is currently symbolized by his call for an end to freedom of the press. (Historically , in many countries the drive to the establishment of an authoritarian regime began with attacks on the press and the independent judiciary.) Trump will be presenting himself to his hardcore racist, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, and possibly openly anti-Semitic base as the Leader who can "get things done," once he is rid of all those inconveniences like the Congress and the independent judiciary. Which brings us (or at least it brings me) to THE Prince of Wales . There have been many Princes of Wales in British history, because it is the title that for centuries has been given to the (male) heir to the throne. But thePrince of Wales (and I did pick the Encyclopedia Britannica for this reference), who held parts of the world in thrall in the period between World Wars I & II, was special. Because before he could be crowned King after the death of his father George V, he abdicated (that is resigned) his position. Which of course brings us to Donald Trump. Not an exact parallel, but close enough. Prince Edward was a Rightist. Prince Edward was an open admirer of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. Prince Edward had an authoritarian streak and flirted at times with ignoring/bypassing the British Constitution, which, although unwritten, and controls by "tradition" and "understandings," has had a powerful impact on British life for centuries. Hitler openly admired the Prince as well. There has been speculation, from the late 1930s onwards, that if Germany had defeated Great Britain and occupied the British Isles, Edward might have been prevailed upon to play some role in Nazi/British government with, of course, Parliament and the British judiciary discarded. And so, on to the story of the Prince of Wales (later the Duke of Windsor), most especially the political aspects of it. When I was growing up in the 1940's and 50's Edward, the former Prince of Wales and the former Edward VIII (for most of 1936 --- the year I was born --- but never crowned), then holding the honorific title of the Duke of Windsor, although he was quite alive was an almost legendary character. Born in 1894, he was a great grandson of Great Britain's Queen Victoria, a grandson of the also legendary King Edward VII (legendary as himself a one-time Prince of Wales for his exploits with members of the opposite sex before he became king, a role that the Duke would assume some years later when he became Prince of Wales), and son of a very distant father, George V. He became the Prince of Wales when his father became king in 1911. Since his father's reign lasted for over 25 years, this Edward was the Prince of Wales for quite some time. He became quite famous. In the Army during World War I, although never allowed to get too close to the front lines, he did see some action in France, and certainly made sure that he was seen, in photographs, in his Army uniform. After the war, he was the first British royal to travel widely, both around the Empire/Commonwealth as well as in the United States and South America. And he loved the limelight, getting photographed and getting written up in various newspapers and magazines all over the world, for many years. There were pin-ups, cigarette cards, and men imitated his dress and his tie-knot. As noted, he was also known as a womanizer, although he didn't marry until the time came to do it. But when he announced his intention to do so, to a U.S. divorcee who was still married to her second husband at the time, he rocked the Empire. But of more interest to this columnist and our readership are the Prince's political views. It is to that subject that we shall turn in Part 2 of this short series. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the history of the "Prince of Wales/Duke of Windsor" era, although I knew some of it from a variety of sources (including some from my childhood when after the War, the "Duke and Duchess," living in exile in France, were a recurring item in the media of the time), I am much indebted to a marvelous book: 17 Carnations by Andrew Morton (Grand Central Publishing/Hachette, 2015, trade paperback edition, 2016). The title of the book refers to the 17 carnations that Nazi Ambassador to Great Britain von Ribbentrop apparently sent regularly to Wallis Simpson to commemorate the number of times they had been to bed together (while she was also beginning her relationship with the Prince of Wales). (Article changed on October 12, 2017 at 14:29) (Article changed on October 12, 2017 at 15:50) The media is scrambling to try to find out what Trump really meant when he made this cryptic statement; "Maybe this is the calm before the storm." When asked to explain, he smiled and said, "You'll see." What now? What does he mean by this ominous sounding remark? Well, most likely the answer is that he means that a war with North Korea is getting close because he followed up with, "We have the world's great military in this room." That's in line with his recent tweet in which he hinted at military action against North Korea, saying, "Only one thing will work on the secretive communist state." We never know what this highly reactionary and very volatile individual is going to do. That statement about a coming storm alarmed the members of the media and, no doubt, many millions of Americans. I guess we will find out if he was, once again, bluffing or if he is determined to launch a military attack that would be disastrous for the entire world. On the other hand, this comment could have been about Russiagate, the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in our election process; and possible collusion between Russia, Putin and individuals in the Trump administration, or even Trump himself. Watching as this investigative scenario plays out one thing stands out. Mr. Trump continues his verbal wars, fighting constantly with almost everyone around him, some of those in his cabinet, and various elements of the media. But guess which country and leader are never, ever insulted, strongly admonished or subjected to any vicious verbal attack? If you guessed it is Russia and Putin then you are correct in that Trump never says anything derogatory about either. However, he knows full well that the U.S. and Russia are on opposite sides in the Syrian civil war and that, very recently, they engaged in highly dangerous military confrontations in Eastern Syria. Any other U.S. president would be condemning Russia and Putin, and demanding that they leave Syria. But not this president who remains completely silent, not saying a peep about any relationship he might with Russia. This is very strange and may be an indication that he has been compromised in some way by Putin; that Putin has some kind of damning evidence that, if leaked out, would destroy Trump's presidency. It may be that Trump believes that Mueller & Co. have unearthed clear evidence of collusion in which he is involved and he is signaling that he is going to fire Mueller and bring this entire investigation to an abrupt end. If he does Washington will be engulfed in a tremendous firestorm. What else could this be? This calm may be the period before Trump is ready to initiate yet one more startling firing or forced resignations of someone in high authority in his administration. Now who might his latest target be? How about Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who seems to be at odds with Trump on U.S. foreign policy and who, in a strategy meeting, supposedly called Trump a moron? Then again Trump's mysterious statement could be nothing more than another diversionary tactic or playing mind games with the media. While the members of the media were tying themselves in knots, trying to figure out exactly what he meant by his cryptic statement, he was probably ecstatic at how he, once again, threw out some red meat and they immediately took the bait. No one really knows what he meant and, quite possibly, we never will because he was doing what he does best; keeping everyone off balance trying to figure out his next moves. But think about this: it's possible that he may have, unwittingly, described a storm that is growing in strength and gathering momentum just off America's horizon, not yet visible to us; something that may happen, that he could not begin to imagine. What kind of storm? Well, as we have seen with the frightening hurricanes that have caused great destruction in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, meteorologists don't really know the exact path hurricanes will take, if and when they hit the mainland of some country. Sometimes they remain on the predicted path and hit populated areas or they suddenly veer in a different direction and go out to sea. The storm that I'm describing in this analogy is the latent but massive power that the people of America possess, coupled with a great degree of growing anger, frustration and feelings of hopelessness. This could be called a "societal storm" by which Americans have finally arrived at a point where they have totally exhausted their patience and can take no more. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Alon Ben-Meir Website Creating harmony from our differences (Image by Petra HARRIS) Details DMCA The current efforts to reconcile between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas will be doomed to fail just like several previous attempts, unless both sides agree to resolve three major obstacles -- a united strategy to find a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the fate of Hamas' cache of weapons, and the Palestinians' future government -- that have haunted them since Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007. Given their mutual animosity and deadly rivalry, the question is, will the Palestinians be able this time around to play their cards right? First, agreeing on a peaceful solution to their conflict with Israel remains the central issue over which they must reach a consensus. Whereas the PA has long-since recognized Israel on the basis of the June 4, 1967 borders, Hamas -- even though it has stated its willingness to negotiate with Israel on a two-state solution -- continues to call for Israel's ultimate destruction. If Hamas were to join the PA and the latter assumes the responsibility to negotiate with Israel, neither the current right-wing nor even a future centrist/leftist Israeli government would negotiate with the PA unless Hamas first recognizes Israel and renounces violence, which it is unlikely to do. Since it is widely assumed, however, that without Hamas no Israeli-Palestinian peace can endure, the question is how to persuade Hamas to accept the two preconditions without losing face. The answer lies with the Arab Peace Initiative (API). Acting as the mediator between Hamas and the PA, Egypt's President Sisi should insist that Hamas embrace the API and join the ranks of the rest of the Arab world. The US and the EU should lend public support to this effort, which will open the door to legitimize Hamas as a partner in negotiations with Israel. In the main, the API stipulates that recognition of Israel is conditional upon returning territories captured in 1967, a "just solution" for the Palestinian refugees, and East Jerusalem becoming the capital of a newly-established Palestinian state. By Hamas embracing the API, it will strengthen the hands of Israel's center and left parties who will then be in a strong position to present to the Israeli public a credible framework for peace. I maintain that short of achieving that, the PA and Hamas will continue to shuffle the cards, yet neither will score a winning hand. The second major obstacle is Hamas' possession of thousands of rockets and the determination of its military wing to retain them under any circumstances. PA President Abbas is correct to demand that Hamas must surrender such weapons, insisting that he will not allow Gaza to mirror the situation in Lebanon, where Hezbollah maintains a de facto state within a state with a huge arsenal at its disposal, free to operate as it deems fit. Moreover, any Israeli government, regardless of its political leaning, will insist that a future Palestinian state be demilitarized and will not negotiate with the Palestinians under any threat. Given the unlikelihood that Hamas will surrender its stockpile of rockets to the PA and its desire to mend its differences with Egypt, President Sisi is in a position to insist that Hamas store its arsenal with Egypt. In return, Egypt will open the border to Gaza and be in a strong position to coax Israel to gradually lift the blockade to ease the humanitarian crisis of the Palestinians, which Hamas desperately wants to alleviate. This was indeed one of the main motivators behind Hamas' willingness to end its discord with the PA. Egypt's role as a go-between is indispensable, without which the prospect of a sustained unity agreement between the PA and Hamas is next to impossible. Moreover, the fact that Egypt is at peace with Israel puts it in a perfect position to also help shape the unity agreement between Hamas and the PA and make it ultimately conducive to peace with Israel. In this regard, it should be noted that Sisi also wants a demilitarized Gaza and Hamas' full cooperation to combat terrorism in northern Sinai. Thus, if Hamas wants to reconcile with the PA, it must work with Egypt to resolve the weapons problem, without which there will be neither a unity agreement with the PA nor a solution to the conflict with Israel. In this connection, the PA must also deploy its security forces into Gaza to take charge of the crossings into Israel to ease Israeli concerns and restrictions. The third obdurate issue is the political nature of a future Palestinian government. Although both sides must remain committed to a democratic form of government, the Palestinians should agree on deferring general elections for at least five years, which the US and EU ought to support. In the interim, the PA and Hamas will establish a proportionate representative unity government based on the current demographic composition of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Both sides would select representatives to fill all major government posts, with decisions made by consensus rather than a simple majority vote. Due to the current political environment between the two sides, and given that it has already been established that the unity government will be led by Abbas, the prime minister should be selected from Hamas. General elections will be held once the transitional period passes, allowing new leadership to emerge. Both sides will have to fully abide by the results of the elections; otherwise, they will end up again as bitter rivals. It should be emphasized that all cabinet members and other top officials must be apolitical figures -- skilled, professional bureaucrats who will focus mainly on social programs, reconstruction, healthcare, education, and economic development both in the West Bank and Gaza. The transitional period is particularly important not only for the Palestinians to reconcile many of their differences, but also for advancing the peace process with Israel. Indeed, if peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians resume now, they will simply fail like all previous attempts since the 1993-1994 Oslo Accords. Israel and the Palestinians must first engage in a process of reconciliation to build trust, which is totally lacking, and mitigate major security concerns before they can resume negotiations in earnest. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Baby Care Products Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, and Forecast 2025 The Global Baby Care Products Market is drastically increased, owing to increase in infant population and high spending capacity of the people. Baby care products market is anticipated by the positive impact of rising number of women in the workforce, which is accounted to be on an average of 4.1% globally over the last three decades. Moreover, health concerns of consumers and desire to purchase products at premium prices has led to the growth of baby products market globally. The choice of baby care products by consumer depends upon various aspects, such as product sustainability, cost efficiency with value perceived, health benefits, and convenient usage, which is further driving the growth of the baby care products market.Request Sample of Baby Care Products Market:Manufactures are promoting baby hygiene with the help of government and NGOs, in turn is fueling the demand for baby care products during the forecast period.Global Baby Care Products Market TaxonomyOn the basis of product, the baby care products market in segmented in:Baby Skin CareBaby Massage OilBody LotionsCreams/MoisturizersTalcum PowderBaby Hair Care ProductsBaby Shampoo and ConditionerDetanglesBathing ProductsSoapsBubble Bath/Shower gelBaby ToiletriesDiapersBaby WipesBaby Fragrances/PerfumesBaby Food & BeveragesBottled Baby FoodBaby Fruit & Vegetable JuicesPureed Baby FoodBaby Food CerealsBaby Milk ProductBaby Food SoupsOn the basis of distribution channel, the baby care product market is segmented as:HypermarketsSupermarketsSpecialty StoresConvenient StoresOnline MarketsOn the basis of category, the baby care products market is segmented as:Premium ProductsMass ProductsBaby Skin Care products and Toiletries segments holds the highest prominent share in baby care products market, due to the increase in awareness of child safety and increase in the standard of living of the people.Furthermore, in toiletries, baby diapers holds the largest market share in the baby care product market, owing to rise in expenditure of healthcare, increasing awareness in personal hygiene and sanitization, urbanization, and cautions taken by parents. However, baby hair care products hold relatively smaller share in the global baby care products market.Baby food products holds the second largest segment in the global baby care product market, as it provides various nutrients such as protein, vitamin B12, iron, and carbohydrates to the baby. On the other side, baby bathing products is witnessed to have a significant growth in the baby care products market.To Get discount on this Report:Global Baby Care Products Market OutlookThe North America accounts to largest share in the global baby care product market and it is projected to continue dominance over forecast period, due to the high spending rate, advanced technology, and infant safety. According to National Centre for Health Statistics, the birth rate in US is up to 12.4 per 1000 people. Europe, Middle East, and Africa are projected to have the significant growth rate with high share contribution in the baby care products market.Asia Pacific is witnessed to be the fastest growing region in the baby care products market, due to rising birthrate among the emerging economies, such as China and India with increasing demand for infant care items over the forecast period. Additionally, changing lifestyle, rise in disposable incomes, increasing awareness of infant nutrition, hygiene, and safety is driving the growth of baby care products market in Asia Pacific region.In India, key players such as Johnson and Johnson, Nestle, and Danone Inc. are aiming to grow the market up to 15% on account of increase in spending capacity per child. Furthermore, it is projected that the number of babies between the age group of 0-5 is witnessed to increase from 127 million to 135 million over the forecast period. This will further enhance the global baby care products market.The major players are adopting organic and inorganic strategies such as, focusing on increasing their presence through mergers and acquisitions. For instance, in 2016, Dabur South Africa (Pty) Ltd., acquired South Africas CLT group of Companies personal care, hair care, and cream businesses.Check the Trending Report of Baby Care Product market:In July 2016, Johnson and Johnson acquired Vogue International LLC which manufactures and distributes hair care and other personal care products.Global Baby Care Product market is dominated by various companies such as Procter & Gamble Co., Kimberly Clark Corp., Johnson and Johnson, Unilever Plc., Abbott Nutrition, Nestle S.A., BABISIL, Cotton Babies, Inc., Danone S.A., The Himalaya Drug Company, Farlin Infant Products Corporation, Avon Healthcare Limited Company, Bonpoint S.A., Dabur International Limited, Burts Bees Inc., LOreal S.A., etc.About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact UsMr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comWebsite: 2017-2022 Hydroxyapatite Report on Global and United States Market, Status and Forecast, by Players, Types and Applications This report studies the Hydroxyapatite market status and outlook of global and United States, from angles of players, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global and United States market, and splits the Hydroxyapatite market by product type and applications/end industries.The major players in global and United States Hydroxyapatite market, including FLUIDINOVA, Bio-Rad, BONESUPPORT AB, Sigma Graft, Berkeley Advanced Biomaterials, ALB Technology Limited, SAI.,The On the basis of product, the Hydroxyapatite market is primarily split intoMedical Grade Hydroxyapatite (HAP)Research Grade Hydroxyapatite (HAP)On the basis on the end users/applications, this report coversOrthopaedicDentalOther medical useChromatographyOther applicationsTo Download Sample Report With TOC:Table of Contents2017-2022 Hydroxyapatite Report on Global and United States Market, Status and Forecast, by Players, Types and Applications1 Methodology and Data Source1.1 Methodology/Research Approach1.1.1 Research Programs/Design1.1.2 Market Size Estimation2 Hydroxyapatite Market Overview2.1 Hydroxyapatite Product Overview2.2 Hydroxyapatite Market Segment by Type2.2.1 Medical Grade Hydroxyapatite (HAP)2.2.2 Research Grade Hydroxyapatite (HAP)2.3 Global Hydroxyapatite Product Segment by Type2.3.1 Global Hydroxyapatite Sales (K Metric Tons) and Growth (%) by Types (2012, 2016 and 2022)2.3.2 Global Hydroxyapatite Sales (K Metric Tons) and Market Share (%) by Types (2012-2017)About delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact UsBrooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-618-1030Email: Bio-butanol Market - Global Industry Insight, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis 2017-2025 Bio-butanol easily blends with gasoline due to its low vapor pressure. It contains as much as energy as gasoline and its non-corrosive nature gives it advantage over bioethanol.Bio-butanol is an alcohol, which is used as a fuel or organic solvent. It is prepared by fermentation of sugar, starch or cellulosic feedstock such as wheat, sugar beet, corn, straw, and wood. The purpose of using bio-butanol is to reduce consumption of crude oil. They have higher octane number, larger flammability limits, higher flash point and higher heat of vaporization. Bio-butanol easily blends with gasoline due to its low vapor pressure. It contains as much as energy as gasoline and its non-corrosive nature gives it advantage over bioethanol.Request Sample of Bio-butanol Market:Bio-butanol is also used as cleaner, adhesives, jet fuel, synthetic rubber, as a solvent in paints, bio-based plastics and fibers. They are also expected to meet 20% of the worlds fuel demands. The requirement for clean energy is the main driver for the use of bio-butanol.Bio-butanol fuel Market TaxonomyOn the basis of raw material, the bio-butanol market is classified into:WheatSugar beetCornStrawWoodOthersOn the basis of application, the bio-butanol market is classified into:AcrylatesAcetatesGlycol ethersSolventsPlasticizersOthersOn the basis of end users, the bio-butanol market is classified into:Petrochemical industryAutomobile industryAviation industryConsumer goodsTextile industryOthersThe raw materials used in process of bio-butanol are wheat, sugar beet, corn, straw and wood. The availability of raw material is a major concern with the bio-butanol preparation process. The properties like polymer chain formation, blending, paint and cleaner makes it applicable for the products such as acrylates, acetates, glycol ethers, solvent and plasticizer. Bio butanol is used as a fuel in internal combustion engines in petrochemical and automotive industry. Bio-butanol has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by 85% compared to gasoline. It is a possible large scale alternative to gasoline.Bio-butanol Market OutlookNorth America is the largest bio-jet fuel market due to the presence of low temperature weather in most of the countries followed by Western Europe which is second largest. Bio-butanol used in automobile sectors are the main reason for these largest market industry. Significant investment in R&D in these regions has resulted in alternatives for petroleum derived fuels.Asia Pacific is estimated to be the fastest growing market in the forecast period due to the population increase and demand for greener paints and coatings. India and China are expected to have the most demand in the bio-jet fuel market in the forecast period due to rise in the aviation and transportation segments.In Europe, demand for bio-butanol is increasing due to the government initiatives and stringent environmental regulations to shift away from petroleum products. These regulations are result of meeting the aims set out in Kyoto Protocol.In Middle East, the crude oil derived fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and kerosene and jet fuel are very cheap due to proximity to the resource. This makes it very difficult for bio-based alternatives to enter the market, as they are easily out priced.Check the Trending Report of Bio-butanol Market:Bio-butanol Market ChallengesThe variation in availability and cost of raw materials is a major problem as it increases the production cost of bio-butanol. Currently, bio-butanol costs more than bio ethanol. Also the government regulations against the use of raw material are the challenges for the bio butanol market.Some of the key companies dominating the market are Biobutanol include Bioenergy International, Butalco GmBH, Cobalt Biofuels and Arbor Biofuels backed by oil manufacturers like TetraVitae Biosciences and Metabolic Explorers.About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact UsMr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200 Seattle,WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comWebsite: Oxygen Concentrator Market To Witness Enhanced Usage For Medical, Water Treatment, Pharmaceutical Production And Glass Manufacture Applications Till 2021 | Million Insights Million Insights - World's Fastest Growing Market Research Database Global oxygen concentrator market is segmented on the basis of product type, application and geography. An oxygen concentrator (also sometimes called oxygen generator) refers to a medical device used in delivering oxygen for patients. Oxygen concentrators are normally acquired via prescription and therefore cannot be purchased over the counter. Technically, oxygen concentrators are induced by plugging in to an electrical outlet or using a battery. Battery powered concentrator are needed to be charged by plugging into an outlet. A compressor, sieve bed filter and circuit boards are some parts that make up a concentrator.An oxygen concentrator possesses a compressing element, and hence it should not be interpreted as compressed oxygen. Instead, a tank has a set amount of oxygen for dispensing. A concentrator filters in air, compress it and release the air constantly.The air supply will never run out hence, the concentrator just needs access to power instead of refilling compressed air.Full Research Report On Global Mobile TV Market Analysis available at:Growth in geriatric population on a global scale induce rise in homecare oxygen treatment. Patients with respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis and emphysema have benefitted greatly with innovations in oxygen concentrator technology. Some of the new and improved versions of the standard large and bulky devices include AirSeps LifeStyle Portable Oxygen Concentrator, Inogen One G3, VBOX Trooper, EverGo, Invacare XPO2 and iGo.On the basis of product type, the oxygen concentrator market is segmented into portable oxygen concentrator, stationary oxygen concentrator and so on. On the basis of application, the oxygen concentrator market is segmented into medical, water treatment, pharmaceutical production, glass manufacture and so on.On the basis of geography, the oxygen concentrator market is segmented into Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. Asia Pacific Excluding Japan oxygen concentrators market is projected to register a significant CAGR during the forecast period. Improving economic conditions is fuelling the growth of oxygen concentrators market in Asia Pacific.Request for Free Sample Copy:The key players of oxygen concentrator market are Air Liquide, CareFusion, Braun and Company, Chart Industries, Covidien, Dr?ger, DeVilbiss Healthcare, Drive Medical, Fanem, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Bio-Med Devices, Invacare Philips Healthcare, CareFusion, DeVilbiss Healthcare Sequal, Respiration Equipment, Jiangxi Teli Anesthesia, Newport Medical Instruments Inc., Inovo, Impact Instrumentation, Respironics, Providence Global Medical, Percussionaire Corporation, Vortran Medical Technology, Smiths Medical WinterGreen Research Inc., Eget Hi-Tec Co. Ltd., Race Medical & Beauty Equipments and Maquet.Related Reports of this Category available at Million Insights:Million Insights, is a distributor of market research reports, published by premium publishers only. We have a comprehensive market place that will enable you to compare data points, before you make a purchase. Enabling informed buying is our motto and we strive hard to ensure that our clients get to browse through multiple samples, prior to an investment. Service flexibility & the fastest response time are two pillars, on which our business model is founded. Our market research report store, includes in-depth reports, from across various industry verticals, such as healthcare, technology, chemicals, food & beverages, consumer goods, material science & automotive.Office No. 302, 3rd Floor, Manikchand Galleria,Model Colony, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, MH, 411016 IndiaPhone: 91-20-65300184Email: Epoxy Curing Market Key Players analysis - Evonik Industries AG, BASF SE, Huntsman International, Cardolite Corporation, Kukdo Chemical Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Chemical Synopsis of Epoxy Curing Agent MarketCommenting on this report, an analyst from Market Research Future (MRFR)s team said, Global Epoxy Curing Agent Market size is expected to grow at USD ~ 5099.32 million by 2023. The market witnessed a significant growth over the forecasted period owing to growing applications such as into into adhesive, coatings, composites, electronics, and others (Wind Energy, additives, etc.) across various industries. Global Epoxy Curing Agent market is expected to grow at ~6.8% CAGR during 2016-2023The Global Epoxy Curing Agents Market is observing high growth with increasing demand from the APAC region, particularly from China and India due to the healthy demand for durable, high performance, and the cost-effective nature of epoxy curing agents. These properties are driving growth in the use of epoxy curing agents in various application industries, such as coatings, adhesives, electronics, and compositesMarket Research Future (MRFR) recognizes the following companies as the key players in the global Epoxy Curing Agent market: Evonik Industries AG (Europe), BASF SE (Europe), Huntsman International LLC (US), Cardolite Corporation (US), Kukdo Chemical Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Aditya Birla Chemicals (India), Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (Japan), Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. (US), The Dow Chemical Company (US), Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (US), and Others.Request a Sample Copy @APAC region dominated the global epoxy curing agent market in 2016, and is expected to continue the dominance during the forecast period. This region accounted for 48% of the global market share in 2016. Asia-Pacific led the epoxy curing agents market in terms of value and volume both in 2016, due to the rapid industrialization in countries including Indonesia, India, China, and Malaysia. Among all the countries China and India considered as the two major markets due to cheap labor, huge customer base, and flexible norms resulted in various manufacturers starting their firms in this region. In addition, the APAC region is a developing market for various industry including electronics, automotive, construction, and other industries. In this region demand for epoxy curing agents is driven by increasing consumption in composites, coatings, adhesives, and other industrial applications.North America is the strong region which holds second position in global epoxy curing agent market, including countries such as U.S., Mexico and Canada. Growth in this region is credited to the increasing consumption of end user industries such as marine and automotive industry particularly, in U.S. and Canada. Companies are investing in R&D to renovate new products for varied range of applications. In addition, an investment of US$ 1.6 billion through Dow chemical in R&D was used to improve the epoxy technology and offer a huge range of high quality of epoxy curing agent products. Manufacturing companies are launching low emission and waterborne curing agent products including the Huntsman International LLC and The Dow Chemical Company are including environmentally responsible formulations of epoxy curing agent products.Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 50 market data tables and figures spread in 110 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on Global Epoxy Curing Agent Market Research Report- Forecast to 2023If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Study Objectives of Epoxy Curing Agent Market: To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next 7 years of the various segments and sub-segments of the Global Epoxy Curing Agent Market To understand the supply and demand dynamics including supply and consumption concentration mapping To provide region level market analysis and future outlook for North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW) and their countries To provide competitor positioning of the market To provide company profiling of major players in the market along with their production and capacity To provide regional trade analysis To evaluate historical market trends, patents and technologies, and current government regulatory requirements that are relevant to the marketContinue..For further information on this report, visit @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Container Liners Market Trends, Growth Research Report 2017-2022 Global Container Liners market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingSINOPACK INDUSTRIES LTDGreif Flexible Products & ServicesBerry PlasticsMondi GroupBemis CompanyPremier Tech ChronosPOWERTEXNorsemanBoxon GroupBulk Handling Australia (BHA)Big Bags International Private LimitedJumbo Bag CorporationUnited BagsIntertape Polymer GroupGet Research Summary Of The Report:Table of ContentsGlobal Container Liners Market Research Report 20171 Container Liners Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Container Liners1.2 Container Liners Segment by Type (Product Category)2 Global Container Liners Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Container Liners Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.1 Global Container Liners Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Global Container Liners Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.2 Global Container Liners Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.3 Global Container Liners Average Price by Manufacturers (2012-2017)About delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact UsBrooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-618-1030Email: Cadwell Industries, SpecialtyCare, Natus, NuVasive , Medtronic , inomed Medizintechnik GmbH are going to lead the IONM market in North America. IONM Market in North America Market ANalysis by Arizton Advisory & Intelligence The IONM market in North America will cross $ 2.1 billion by 2022, growing at a impressible CAGR of 8.14% during the forecast period 2016 2022. The US accounted for the largest share of the global IONM market in 2016, and it is expected to rise at a slightly higher growth rate than the North American average during the forecast period.View report: IONM Market in North America - Industry Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022IONM Market in North America: Key Vendor AnalysisIONM equipment manufacturers dominate the marketAlthough the IONM market in North America is dominated by the equipment manufacturers, the number of establishments manufacturing intraoperative neuromonitoring equipment is limited.Major vendors profiled in the report are as following:Cadwell IndustriesSpecialtyCareNatusNuVasiveMedtronicinomed Medizintechnik GmbHOther emerging vendors are Accurate Monitoring, Computational Diagnostics, Bromedicon Neuromonitoring, Clinical Neurodiagnostics, CNS Neuromonitoring, Dr. Langer Medical GmbH, IntraNerve, Medsurant Health, Neuro Alert, Neuromonitoring Technology (NMT), Nihon Kohden Corporation.The report provides the analysis of the key segments of the market by source types, methodology type, application type, key countries, and vendors. It provides a detailed analysis of revenue from various segments:Source TypesIn-sourcedOutsourcedMethodology TypesEvoked Potential (EP)Electromyography (EMG)Electroencephalography (EEG)Application TypesNeurosurgeryOrthopedic surgeryENT surgeryCardiovascular surgeryNeurosurgery segment is going to dominate the market during the forecast periodThe in-sourced market is forecasted to increase at a minimal pace in the foreseeable future as it is being replaced by out-sourced services. The out-sourced intraoperative neuromonitoring services market in North America accounted for 45.10% in 2016. It is anticipated to grow at a rapid CAGR of 14.00% during 20162022. The out-sourced services market will dominate the IONM market in this region by the end of 2022.In terms of modality, the growth rate of these EEG and EMG modality types are anticipated to be almost equal during 20162022. The primary driver for all intraoperative neuromonitoring modalities is increased in their utilization rate across varied surgical interventions. In terms of the growth rate, orthopedic surgeries are likely to grow at a higher CAGR than other surgical types. However, neurosurgery will remain the major revenue contributor during the forecast period in the application segment.View report: IONM Market in North America - Industry Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022Related Report:1) Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2017 - 20222) Surgical Equipment Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022About AriztonArizton Advisory and Intelligence is an innovation and quality-driven firm, which offers cutting-edge research solutions to clients across the world. We excel in providing comprehensive market intelligence reports and advisory and consulting services.Arizton has gained a paramount standpoint in the market research arena as it offers top of the line solutions to clients to assess market landscape and to finalize foolproof business strategies. We are committed to provide inclusive market research reports and consulting services to clients from diversified industries including Consumer Goods & Retail Technology, Automotive and Mobility, Smart Tech, Healthcare and Lifesciences, Industrial Machinery, Chemicals and Materials, IT and Media, Logistics and PackagingArizton comprises a team of exuberant and well-experienced analysts who have mastered in generating incisive reports. Our specialist analysts possess exemplary skills in market research. We train our team in advanced research practices, techniques, and ethics to outperform in fabricating impregnable research reports.Arizton Advisory & IntelligenceChicago, Illinois, 60605Mail: enquiry@arizton.comCall: +1-312-465-7864 MEA Color Masterbatch Market Projected To Grow Radiantly at USD 413.2 million by 2027 Market HighlightsAlthough color masterbatch have a large number of advantages, the most important is their versatility. The increasing need for plastic and packaging across all modern applications is driving the growth of color masterbatch market. This has also resulted in the development of newer and improved application and performance properties; color masterbatch that are fast, easy, and low cost are in demand. Such newly developed color masterbatch include fast curing white, black and standard color masterbatches.Key Findings MEA color masterbatch market is projected to reach USD 413.2 million by 2027 with 6.35% CAGR during review period of 2016-2027 Africa region accounted for largest share due to growing application industries in this region Among types, Black Masterbatch has acquired the market share of 26% in 2015 with the market value of USD 53.1 million in 2015 growing at a CAGR of 7.31% till forecast period. Among applications, packaging industry emerged as the leading application industry in MEA color masterbatch market.Request a Sample Copy @Key Market PlayersThe key players in MEA color masterbatch market report included are A Schulman, TOSAF Compounds, Polyplast Muller, Polyone Corporation, Hubron, Clariant Masterbatches, Cabot Plastics International, Ampacet Corporation, Ferro Corporation Astra Polymers.Market Segmentation AnalysisMEA color masterbatch market has been segmented into type, carrier resin and application. Among types, the market has been divided into Black Masterbatch, Standard Color Masterbatch, White Masterbatch, Additive Masterbatch and Filler Masterbatch. Black masterbatches has accounted the largest market in terms of value and volume. This market was valued at USD 55.0 million in 2015 which is projected to reach USD 119.5 million by 2027 with a CAGR of 7.31%. The major reason behind this exponential growth is due to the increasing number of small and medium scale producers and several key manufacturers focus shifting towards MEA market and increasing demand from plastic and consumer goods industries have propelled the demand.Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 50 market data tables and figures spread in 110 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on Middle East & Africa Color Masterbatch Market - Trends & Forecast, 2016-2027Market SegmentationThe Middle East & Africa Color Masterbatch Market has been segmented into types, carrier resin and application.By Types Black Masterbatch Standard Color Masterbatch White Masterbatch Additive Masterbatch Filler MasterbatchBy Carrier Resin Polyethylene (PE) Polypropylene (PP) Polystyrene (PS)By Application Packaging Automotive Consumer Goods & Retail Textile Agriculture Building & ConstructionFor further information on this report, visit @Table of Content1 Report Prologue2 Market Introduction2.1 Definition2.2 Scope Of The Study2.3 Research Objective2.4 Assumptions & Limitations2.4.1 Assumptions2.4.2 Limitations2.5 Market Segmentation2.5.1 Types2.5.1.1 Introduction2.5.1.2 White Masterbatch2.5.1.3 Standard Color Masterbatch2.5.1.4 Black Color Masterbatch2.5.1.5 Additive Masterbatch2.5.1.6 Filler Masterbatch2.5.2 Carrier Resin2.5.2.1 Introduction2.5.2.2 Polyethylene (PE) Polypropylene (PP) Polystyrene (PS)2.5.3 Application Introduction 22ContinueAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Air Beds 2017 Global Market Expected to Grow at CAGR of 3.16% and Forecast to 2021 Air Beds Market 2017 Air Beds Market 2017The Air Beds industry has also suffered a certain impact, but still maintained a relatively optimistic growth, the past four years, Air Beds market size to maintain the average annual growth rate of 3.16% from 2150 million $ in 2013 to 2360 million $ in 2016, The analysts believe that in the next few years, Air Beds market size will be further expanded, we expect that by 2021, The market size of the Air Beds will reach 2580 million $.This Report covers the manufacturers data, including: shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including market size, volume and value, as well as price data.Request a Sample Report @Besides, the report also covers segment data, including: type segment, industry segment, channel segment etc. cover different segment market size, both volume and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers.Section 1: FreeDefinitionSection (2 3): 1200 USDManufacturer DetailINTEXJilongBest WayInsta-bedColeman CompanySimmonsFOXSection 4: 900 USDRegion SegmentationNorth America Country (United States, Canada)South AmericaAsia Country (China, Japan, India, Korea)Europe Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy)Other Country (Middle East, Africa, GCC)Section (5 6 7): 500 USDProduct Type Segmentation (PVC, Rubber, , , )Industry Segmentation (In-home, Out-door, , , )Channel (Direct Sales, Distributor) SegmentationSection 8: 400 USDTrend (2017-2021)Section 9: 300 USDProduct Type DetailSection 10: 700 USDDownstream ConsumerSection 11: 200 USDCost StructureSection 12: 500 USDConclusionAny Query, Submit Here @Table of Contents Analysis of Key PointsSection 1 Air Beds Product DefinitionSection 2 Global Air Beds Market Manufacturer Share and Market Overview2.1 Global Manufacturer Air Beds Shipments2.2 Global Manufacturer Air Beds Business Revenue2.3 Global Air Beds Market OverviewSection 3 Manufacturer Air Beds Business Introduction3.1 INTEX Air Beds Business Introduction3.1.1 INTEX Air Beds Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2013-20163.1.2 INTEX Air Beds Business Distribution by Region3.1.3 INTEX Interview Record3.1.4 INTEX Air Beds Business Profile3.1.5 INTEX Air Beds Product Specification3.2 Jilong Air Beds Business Introduction3.2.1 Jilong Air Beds Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2013-20163.2.2 Jilong Air Beds Business Distribution by Region3.2.3 Interview Record3.2.4 Jilong Air Beds Business Overview3.2.5 Jilong Air Beds Product Specification3.3 Best Way Air Beds Business Introduction3.3.1 Best Way Air Beds Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2013-20163.3.2 Best Way Air Beds Business Distribution by Region3.3.3 Interview Record3.3.4 Best Way Air Beds Business Overview3.3.5 Best Way Air Beds Product Specification3.4 Insta-bed Air Beds Business Introduction3.5 Coleman Company Air Beds Business Introduction3.6 Simmons Air Beds Business Introduction....ContinuedWise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India The Seated Stair Lift Segment to Post a CAGR of 9.7%.during 2016-2022 Stair Lift Market Report by Arizton Advisory & Intelligence The global stair lift market is likely to cross US$1.7 billion, growing at a CAGR of 8.4% during the period 20162022. The growth is primarily driven by the inclination of the aging and disabled population toward active and independent living and substantial growth in the second-hand market for stairlift. While seated stair lift constitutes more than 72% of the total market revenue, stair lifts with integrated wheelchair platforms are growing at a faster pace. The market in North America will witness huge growth during the forecast period.View report: Stair Lift Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022Stair lift Market: Key Vendor AnalysisThe market holds high growth prospects for vendors.The market can be termed as attractive due to the growth prospects it holds. However, the market opportunity can be termed to be small to accommodate many players and large enough for the existing vendors to scale up. The competition among vendors is often termed to be in terms of diversity of functional offerings and market reach rather than price.Major Vendors included in the report are as following:AcornBruno Independent Living AidsStannahHandicareThyssenKrupp AGOther prominent vendors in the market include Platinum Stair Lifts, Harmar, Otolift, MediTek, Savaria, Sugiyasu, DID Daido, Kumalift, Hiro Lift, and Access BDD.The report includes a detailed study of growth drivers, trends, and restraints and profiles the leading vendors in the market and other key vendors. The report also provides in-depth analysis of the global market and provides the growth forecast for the period 2016-2022The report takes into consideration the sale of stair lift and spares to the first buyers from various end-user segments, including individuals, hospitals, medical centers, and commercial clients. The sale of both straight and curved stair lift was considered across various sales channels, including direct sales online and offline. The market research report provides the detail of the market size in the following segments:Rail OrientationCurvedStraightUser OrientationSeatedStanding and perchedIntegrated wheelchair platformsInstallation TypeIndoorOutdoorEnd-user TypeResidentialHospitals and clinicsOthersMajor GeographiesAPACEMEALatin AmericaNorth AmericaKey CountriesCanadaChinaJapanUSThe US to remain the largest market in terms of revenueThis report considers four major regions: APAC, Europe, North America, and RoW. It also provides the market size and growth in major countries along with the driving factors, trends, and restraints.The US is the largest market in terms of revenue generated not only for the stair lift market but also for the mobility-assistance and devices market. Rising geriatric population and increasing incidence of disability and obesity in the US are major factors driving the demand for mobility-assisting equipment in the region. Also, the presence of leading manufacturers of mobility-assisting equipment, including wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and chairlifts in the region further contributes to the growth of the market in the region.The UK is the largest market in Europe followed by Germany and the Netherlands; wherein there is a high ownership of mobility-assisting equipment and devices among the disabled and elderly population. Also, APAC is expected to grow at a faster rate driven by continually improving healthcare infrastructure and expanding target audience in key economies of India and China.View report: Stair Lift Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022Related Reports1) Wheelchair Lift Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-20222)Surgical Equipment Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022About AriztonArizton Advisory and Intelligence is an innovation and quality-driven firm, which offers cutting-edge research solutions to clients across the world. We excel in providing comprehensive market intelligence reports and advisory and consulting services.Arizton has gained a paramount standpoint in the market research arena as it offers top of the line solutions to clients to assess market landscape and to finalize foolproof business strategies. We are committed to provide inclusive market research reports and consulting services to clients from diversified industries including Consumer Goods & Retail Technology, Automotive and Mobility, Smart Tech, Healthcare and Lifesciences, Industrial Machinery, Chemicals and Materials, IT and Media, Logistics and PackagingArizton comprises a team of exuberant and well-experienced analysts who have mastered in generating incisive reports. Our specialist analysts possess exemplary skills in market research. We train our team in advanced research practices, techniques, and ethics to outperform in fabricating impregnable research reports.Arizton Advisory & IntelligenceChicago, Illinois, 60605Mail: enquiry@arizton.comCall: +1-312-465-7864 Syngas and Derivatives Market is Poised to Exhibit A Moderate 9.40% CAGR by 2024 A new study by Transparency Market Research (TMR) states that the degree of competition between BASF SE, Air Liquide SA, Sasol Ltd., and The Linde Group defines the competitive landscape of the global syngas and derivatives market . Over the coming years, the rivalry between these players is likely to increase substantially due to their rising involvement in mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships.View Full Report:According to the research report, the overall consumption of syngas and derivatives which were 115,000 MWth in 2015, is likely to swell at a healthy CAGR of 9.40% during the period from 2016 and 2024 and reach 256,605 MWth consumption volume by the end of the forecast period. Biomass gasification is the most applied technology for manufacturing of syngas and derivatives across the world and is likely to remain so over the next few years.Global Syngas and Derivatives Market to Remain Dominated by Asia PacificIn this research report, the worldwide market for syngas and derivatives has also been analyzed on the basis of geography. As per the study, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, North America, Europe, and Latin America are considered as the main geographical segments of this market. In 2015, Asia Pacific led the global market with a share of more than 52%. The regional market is anticipated to retain its dominance over the forecast period, thanks to the availability of coal and natural gas reserves in abundance. The rise in urbanization, infrastructural developments, and the continual discoveries in the field of oil and gas are also projected to support the Asia Pacific market for syngas and derivatives over the forthcoming years.Request to view Sample Report:The market for syngas and derivatives in the Middle East and Africa, which stood second in 2015, is anticipated to maintain its position in the near future, owing to the augmenting usage of syngas for the generation of power electricity. On the flip side, the markets in North America, Latin America, and Europe are predicted to witness a sluggish rise over the years to come, notes the market study.Concerns over Limited Number of Fossil Fuel Resources to Prompt Shift towards Syngas and DerivativesThe increasing concerns over the finite number of fossil fuel resources, coupled with the rising level of pollution caused by them in the atmosphere, has fueled the need to reduce the dependency on them. With syngas emerging as a promising alternative to fossil fuel, its demand has swelled substantially, resulting in a significant rise in the global market for syngas and derivatives, says a TMR analyst.Request to download and view full ToC -Apart from this, the rising usage of derivatives in a number of industrial applications is also reflecting positively on this market. Going forward, the growing demand for fuel, electricity, and agricultural products is expected to boost this market considerably in the near future. However, insufficient capital investment and funding may hamper the growth of this market over the next few years, reports the study.Global Syngas and Derivatives Market Report is available at US$ 5795 -About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.TMRs data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With extensive research and analysis capabilities, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques to develop distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.ContactTransparency Market ResearchState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Polymer Grade Segment of the Global Isoprene Market to Touch Robust CAGR of 5.1% throughout the Assessed Period MRRSE Isoprene is basically an industrial chemical which is largely used in manufacturing several products such as pesticide, various automotive parts, synthetic rubber and some other chemical products which are refined like perfume, plant alcohol and so on. In the projection period of 2017-2022, the global isoprene market is likely to perform well with a steady growth across the globe throughout the assessed period. Considering the rising development and progress of this market, Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has decided to add this report in its database with the title, Isoprene Market: Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017-2022, that tracks the performance of the market during the five-years of forecasted period.Request Free Sample Report:Global Isoprene Market- DriversThe report has listed some of the factors which are fuelling the growth of the global market for isoprene. These drivers are as bellowsRising demand of isoprene for the manufacturing of tires. Tires with the usage of Isoprene chemical give qualitative ride to the consumersIncreasing usage of isoprene chemical in footwear and in medical sectorGovernments regulations related to manufacturing of rubbers and variation in the prices of crude oilTires with low rolling resistance and their improved performanceGlobal Isoprene Market- Segmental Analysis and ForecastThe worldwide market of isoprene is segmented into product, end user and application segment. On the basis of product the market is further segmented into chemical grade and polymer grade. The segment of polymer grade grabs the market share of 54.2% and is likely to be valued US$ 1,151.0 Mn in the year 2017. This particular segment is expected to gain US$ 1,477.4 Mn at the end of the projected period, i.e. 2022, expanding at a health CAGR of 5.1%. The segment of polymer grade is likely to increase its revenue share up to 55% in by the end of 2022 and this is the largest share than the revenue share of any other segment of product.The end user segment includes industrial rubber, tires, adhesives and others. Tires keep on constituting the most noticeable chunk of demand for isoprene. Tires that are produced using polyisoprene provide features, for example, durability, sturdiness, wear protection, quality, and versatility. The sale of vehicles are increasing and due to which the demand for tires is also rising which will support the growth of worldwide isoprene market. The application segment consists of speciality chemicals, isobutylene-isoprene, polyisoprene and styrene-isoprene styrene segments.Browse Full Report with TOC:Global Isoprene Market- Regional Analysis and ForecastAlthough Asia Pacific region is estimated for greater growth rate, North America region is the most profitable region in the market of isoprene. With moderate CAGR of 4.5%, North America region is anticipated to be valued US$ 611.5 Mn in the year 2017. This value will be increased and is likely to reach up to US$ 761.5 Mn in the year 2022. Densely populated Asia pacific region include two encouraging economies such as India and China which has have flourishing industry of automotive and a large scale of consumers. Thus this region is expected to expand at a robust CAGR of 5.1 % between 2017 and 2022.Global Isoprene Market- Key VendorsAjinomoto Co. Inc., Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Bridgestone Corporation, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, GlycosBio, DuPont, Petroleum Pte Ltd., The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Fortrec Chemicals, SIBUR, Shandong Yuhuang Chemical Group Co. Ltd., and Kuraray Co. Ltd., are some of the competitive landscapes operating in the global market for isoprene.Enquire About this Report:About UsMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of market intelligence reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTelephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Motor Control Centers Market - Developments and trends, Potential of the market from 2017-2023 Market HighlightsThe need for continuous uninterrupted electric supply is growing because of the worldwide rise in population and rapid industrialization.The increasing need of reliable electric supply and subsequent investment in transmission & distribution network, grid expansion, and developing safe electrical infrastructure is expected to drive the growth of the global motor control centers market.The Motor Control Centers Market in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow the fastest during the forecast period. The rapid industrialization, urbanization, and fast economic growth with growing electrical infrastructure in the countries such as India and China, will drive the market for motor control centers.Global Motor Control Centers market is predicted to grow at approximately 5.95% by 2023Request a Sample Copy @Key Players:The key players of global Motor Control Centers market are General Electric (U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), ABB, Ltd. (Switzerland), Schneider Electric SE (France), Rockwell Automation (U.S.), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan), Hyosung Corporation (South Korea), Larsen & Toubro Limited (India), Technical Control Systems Ltd. (U.K), WEG S.A. (Brazil).Market Research AnalysisIndustrial segment of motor control center is expected to grow at the highest rate in the motor control centers market from 2017-2023.The industrial usage of motor control centers currently holds a large share of total volume of motor control centers and is expected to dominate the market during forecast period. The increase in industrial development across the globe leading to the wide application of small and medium voltage motor control centers in industries for safe operations, will further enhance the industrial motor control centers market during the forecast period.Growing electricity demand coupled with growing concern for safe transmission & distribution of electricity and the increasing grid infrastructure, will boost the global motor control centers market size over the forecast timeline. The motor control centers provides the most appropriate method for grouping electrical motor control, automation, and power distribution in compact and cost-effective package.For further information on this report, visit @Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow at the fastest rateRapid urbanization & industrialization in countries such as China, India, Indonesia and Australia demand continuous electric supply for the operations of industries, data centers, emergency services, and commercial & household purposes. Ageing conventional transmission & distribution network often hinders the supply for continuous power. This is creating a lucrative market for motor control centers in this regionTable of Content1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology2.1 Scope Of The Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market Size Estimation2.4 Forecast Model3 Market Dynamics3.1 Market Drivers3.2 Market Inhibitors3.3 Supply/Value Chain Analysis3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis4 Global Motor Control Centers Market, By Type4.1 Introduction4.2 Conventional Motor Control Centers4.3 Intelligent Motor Control Centers5 Global Motor Control Centers Market, By VoltageContinueAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Gas Meters Market to Register a CAGR Growth of 8.10% between 2016 and 2024