[Photo provided to China Daily] The late literati Qian Juntao was hailed for his versatility. He achieved success in classic Chinese painting, calligraphy, poetry, music and book publishing. Two years before he died in 1998, Qian donated hundreds of his works, seals he carved and his own collection of Chinese paintings and artifacts to the city of Haining in East China's Zhejiang province. A museum named after him was built there based on his donations and was opened to the public immediately after his death. A selection of this personal collections are now on show at the Zhejiang Art Museum in nearby Hangzhou through Nov 5. Scorned by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, loathed by President Donald Trump and his allies, accused by the Justice Department of overreach -- and now furiously protested as he delivered a convocation address at Howard University. Former FBI director James Comey could be considered a divisive figure, but he doesn't seem to be dividing much opinion these days. For a variety of reasons, Comey might be one of the most roundly disliked people in American politics right now. September has been a cruel month for the former head of the FBI. After it was revealed on the last day of August that he drafted a statement clearing Clinton in the email server probe in advance of its conclusion, Trump pounced early the next morning. "Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over ... and so much more," he tweeted. "A rigged system!" But that was a love-tap compared to the accusations leveled by Clinton, who has been quite clear on how she perceives Comey's role in the 2016 election. (At a Women for Women International event in May, she famously told CNN's Christiane Amanpour, "If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president.") With the release of her book, "What Happened," Clinton has re-released some of her ire in Comey's direction. "He, I think, forever changed history," Clinton said during an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper on September 13. "No nation, particularly an adversarial nation, can mess with our democracy," Clinton told Cooper, describing what she would have done if the election had bounced her way. "I would have had an independent commission. I would have done everything I could to get to the bottom of it because it's not going to stop. That's what I'm worried about." The connection was clear -- in Clinton's analysis, Comey had cost her the presidency and with it the chance for the US to conduct a wide-ranging inquiry into the scope of Russian meddling during the campaign. At Howard University on Friday, the anger was just as fresh, if more deeply rooted. Protesters chanted "we shall not be moved" and "white supremacy is not a debate" as Comey, the school's Gwendolyn S. and Colbert I. King endowed chair in public policy, eventually fell silent for 15 minutes. Among the complaints: Comey's suggestion in October 2015 that police officers were being unduly cautious in response to increased scrutiny following the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri -- the so-called "Ferguson Effect." "In today's YouTube world, are officers reluctant to get out of their cars and do the work that controls violent crime? Are officers answering 911 calls but avoiding the informal contact that keeps bad guys from standing around, especially with guns?" he said then. "I don't know whether this explains it entirely, but I do have a strong sense that some part of the explanation is a chill wind blowing through American law enforcement over the last year. And that wind is surely changing behavior." Those comments drew pushback from the former Obama White House. Former press secretary Josh Earnest said, "The available evidence at this point does not support the notion that law enforcement officers are shying away from fulfilling their responsibilities." HU Resist, a student activist group, handed out a statement on Friday condemning the remarks. "James Comey represents an institution diametrically opposed to the interests of Black people domestically and abroad," it said. "The 'Ferguson Effect,' for example, is an outright racist lie designed to undermine Black Liberation Movement." As he wrapped his speech, Comey said, "I look forward to adult conversations about what is right and what is true," and he did eventually leave to a standing ovation. But how his presence will play during what has been billed as a lecture series remains to be seen. If the past few months are any indication, there could be more choppy waters ahead. CNN's Laura Jarrett contributed to this report. Eight former federal energy regulators including five former commission chairs oppose a Trump administration plan to bolster nuclear and coal-fired power plants, arguing it would raise prices and disrupt electricity markets. The former officials, who served under presidents from both parties, call the plan "a significant step backward." The plan by Energy Secretary Rick Perry would reward nuclear and coal-fired power plants for adding reliability to the nation's power grid. Perry says the plan is needed to help prevent widespread outages such as those caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. The plan aims to reverse a steady tide of retirements of coal and nuclear plants, which have lost market share as natural gas and renewable energy flourish. President Donald Trump has vowed to revive the struggling coal industry and expressed strong support for nuclear power, while casting a skeptical eye toward renewable energy such as wind and solar power. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is considering the plan and could decide by mid-December. A letter signed by eight former energy commission members said "subsidizing resources" such as coal and nuclear plants "so they do not retire would fundamentally distort markets ... and inevitably raise prices to customers." The plan could backfire as investors lose confidence in energy markets, the former officials said. "This loss of faith in markets would thereby undermine reliability," they wrote. The letter was signed by officials who served under every president since Ronald Reagan, including former FERC chairs Elizabeth Moler, James Hoecker, Pat Wood III, Joseph Kelliher and Jon Wellinghoff. Moler, Hoecker and Wellinghoff are Democrats, while Wood and Kelliher are Republicans. The American Public Power Association also urged FERC to reject the plan, saying in a statement Monday it would "impose significant costs on customers without any justification." Energy markets "need significant reform, but the DOE proposal would take us in the wrong direction," said Sue Kelly, president and CEO of the power group, which represents community-owned utilities. The Utility Workers Union of America, meanwhile, supported the plan, noting that nearly 8,000 jobs have been lost in electric power generation by traditional fossil fuels since 2011, with another 6,500 nuclear jobs lost during that same period. "If baseload coal and nuclear generation are not properly valued for their services, thousands more workers are at risk of losing their jobs," the union wrote. Perry's plan would compensate power plant owners that maintain a 90-day fuel supply protected against the elements. The exact cost is unknown, but critics say it could result in subsidies worth billions of dollars. The proposal has drawn opposition from an unusual coalition of business and environmental groups that frequently disagree with one another. Environmental groups say the plan would boost dirty and dangerous fuels, while the energy industry warns about interference in the free market and manufacturers that use huge amounts of electricity complain about higher energy prices that could be passed on to consumers. Opponents say there is no evidence of a threat to the grid's day-to-day reliability that would justify the emergency action Perry is seeking. An Energy Department report in August called reliability "adequate," citing significant additions to the grid from natural gas, wind, and solar. Democrats in Congress have denounced the plan, while Republicans have generally taken a wait-and-see approach. Two Florida cities have made National Geographics list of the happiest places to live in the United States. Those cities were not in South Florida, but along the states west coast: Naples and Sarasota. The Naples area was ranked number 11 on National Geographics list, noted for its tropical climate and Gulf Coast beaches. The areas of Immokalee and Marco Island were also included in the ranking. The Sarasota metropolitan area (included with Bradenton and North Port) was ranked number 14, lauded for art galleries and circus exhibits. A total of 190 metropolitan areas were analyzed for the study. Along with a team of Gallup social scientists, bestselling author and National Geographic explorer Dan Buettner used a specially crafted index to pick the 25 happiest cities in America. According to the study, 15 key metrics were measured to determine a citys happiness, including healthy eating, civic engagement, vacation time and financial security. The happiest city in America, according to the study, is Boulder, Colorado. The Islamic State militants came into the Syrian town with a hit list. By the time they left three weeks later, more than 70 civilians had been killed shot or beheaded, their bodies dumped in farms and ditches. The apparent revenge killings in the town of Qaryatayn underscore the ability of the extremists to inflict heavy losses even when they're in retreat and portend more violence as they fight to hang on to their last strongholds in Syria. News of the gruesome slayings began to emerge late Sunday, after ISIS militants were driven out by advancing government troops. Terrified residents said they watched the slaughter from their windows or in the streets. One former resident said his surviving family members walked for miles to find cell phone coverage so they could tell him of the deaths of his uncle, two cousins and a fourth relative. Another uncle remains missing. "They came into town with a hit list," said Abdullah AbdulKarim, adding that 35 of the 50 militants who overran the town late last month were originally from Qaryatayn. He said the militants accused many of their victims of collaborating with the government but many others were also caught in the revenge killing. "Our curse is from within us," he said, speaking to The Associated Press from northern Syria, where he fled years ago. Once a predominantly Christian town known for its ancient monastery, Qaryatayn has changed hands between ISIS and the Syrian government several times during Syria's civil war. Parts of the 1,500-year-old St. Elian monastery were demolished the first time ISIS took over the town in 2015 and thousands of its Christian residents fled, fearing the extremist group's brutality. An AP video, filmed as Syrian government troops recaptured Qaryatayn on Saturday, showed several bodies lying in the streets. In the video, a town resident said ISIS "monsters" killed more than 100 people, including soldiers and civilians. "These are people who don't know God, they don't know anything. They killed children and women with knives, they beat women, broke their arms," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity out of fear for his own safety. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it had documented the killings of at least 128 people in Qaryatayn, including at least 12 killed by government forces on suspicion of aiding the ISIS militants. AbdulKarim and Mohamed Hassan, an activist who runs the Palmyra Network News, put the death toll at 75 civilians, saying many more remain unaccounted for. They said the dead included some who were shot by government forces. But Hassan said most of the slayings were by Islamic State militants. "It seems it was mostly revenge," he said. Another activist network, the Palmyra Coordination Committee, released the names of 67 civilians who were confirmed killed and said the number was likely to rise. It said at least 35 of the dead were found dumped inside a ditch. Talal Barazi, the governor of Homs province, said ISIS "terrorized" residents for three weeks, adding that most of the dead were townspeople who were government employees or were affiliated with Syria's ruling Baath party. He said at least 13 residents remained missing and six bodies had not been identified. ISIS militants first seized Qaryatayn in August 2015, and relied on its strategic location to defend another of their bastions, the historic city of Palmyra. With Russian backing, Syrian government troops regained control of Qaryatayn in April 2016. But ISIS, facing major setbacks in Syria and Iraq, launched a new offensive on the town in late September and recaptured it. AbdulKarim said during the three weeks that ISIS controlled the town, the militants went door to door looking for people they accused of collaborating with the Syrian government. He said his uncle, who was a local mayor, and two cousins were shot after they were taken to an undisclosed location. Another uncle remains missing. "They took people to show them bodies dumped in an open area to let them know they were killed, but also to terrorize the public," AbdulKarim said. He said the extremists barred residents from burying their dead. He said the advancing government troops also killed civilians, but residents were too afraid to report the government killings. AbdulKarim and the Observatory said the militants took Qaryatayn's police chief, his wife and other security personnel as hostages to negotiate their exit after government troops encircled the town. About 200 militants evacuated the town, before government forces marched in, they said. Associated Press writer Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria, contributed to this report. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has signed an executive order banning the state from doing business with companies that support boycotts of Israel. Hogan signed the executive order Monday. The Republican governor says requests for future bids on state contracts will include language certifying that a company has not engaged in a boycott of Israel. Hogan also says he is asking the state pension system to divest itself of companies who have participated in the movement known as Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. BDS was founded in 2005 to protest Israel's actions toward Palestinians by boycotting Israeli products and companies. So far, 23 states have enacted laws or issued executive orders banning state business with companies that support the boycott. A campaign mailer funded by the Democratic Party of Virginia is sparking criticism among Republicans. The ad authorized by Kathy Tran, a candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates seat for District 42, warns residents of the Springfield area about Republican candidate Lolita Mancheno-Smoak. "The Halloween season, protect your family from the scariest threats," the mailer says, showing Mancheno-Smoak's smiling face alongside a metal mask and a snarling wolf mask. John Whitbeck, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, implied on Twitter that the mailer was racist. "If the @VA_GOP did this we would be called racists instantly. It would be on @Morning_Joe, @maddow and all over @CNN" he wrote. Later in the day, he posted, ".@vademocrats cry racism over Eds public safety ads then compare a Hispanic woman to a dog and a serial killer." Mancheno-Smoak said the mailer was "debasing," but not because of the illustration. "It's a pretty good photo of me," she said. Rather, she objected to what she called "blatant lies" about her policies. Virginia House Democratic Caucus spokeswoman Katie Baker defended the ad. "We compared Lolita Mancheno-Smoak's policy positions to masks from the Halloween aisle at Target, while Republicans attacked Latina candidates with the words 'thugs, violent criminals, gang members and child predators,' and images of bullet holes, guns and men in hoodies." Tran said the mailer was intended to highlight Mancheno-Smoak's "frankly scary" policies. Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate for governor, accuses Democratic candidate Ralph Northam, the current lieutenant governor, of failing to crack down on the MS-13 gang. Latino activists say Gillespie's TV ads about the gang demonize their community. "A Latino myself, I was very offended that in Gillespie's ad Hispanics were only portrayed as MS-13, as gang members, as violent, and we are a robust, diverse community," said Michelle LaRue, Virginia director of the immigrants' rights group CASA. Del. Dave Albo, who Tran and Mancheno-Smoak are vying to succeed, said he was glad he'll be done soon with the meaner parts of politics. "There's many reasons I retired. One of them is the campaigns have gotten so nasty," he said. Voters head to the polls in just two weeks, on Tuesday, Nov. 7. A 3-year-old boy who was taken from a Virginia home Wednesday has been found safe, but his alleged abductor is still on the run, police say. Cayden Thomas Merchant was last seen at a home in North Chesterfield, Virginia, about 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 23. An Amber Alert was issued for the little boy about 10:45 p.m. The alert was canceled just under an hour later when Merchant was found. Investigators did not say where Merchant was located. But police say his alleged abductor 40-year-old James Benjamin King is still on the run. King is described a black man with brown eyes and a short afro. King was last seen wearing a Deadpool insignia T-shirt with light-colored blue jeans. Police say he may be driving a red 2016 Hyundai Elantra with Virginia license plate XWS-1828 and may be headed to Petersburg, Virginia. Anyone who thinks they may have seen King or the car is asked to call 911 immediately. The body of a man who was once on the Frederick Police Department's most wanted list was found in a wooded area of the county Sunday. Two hunters found Gennady Errigo, 19, of Walkersville, Maryland, dead along the wood line at a farm on the 9300 block of Liberty Road. Errigo was wanted by Frederick police for first-degree burglary, vehicle theft and theft. Maryland State Police investigators said Errigo was wearing grey sweatpants, brown boots and a black shirt tied around his waist when his body was discovered on Oct. 22. The medical examiner will determine the cause and manner of death. Police are asking anyone who may have information about this case to contact police at the Frederick Barrack at 301-600-4150. To celebrate Samhain, a Wiccan festival that falls on the evening of Oct. 31, Washington, D.C. resident Elizabeth Stephens usually prepares a pot of jambalaya to honor her late grandmother and a plate of roast beef in memory of her parents. She marks the festival with witches and fellow Wiccans, who offer their own dishes as a part of the days feast. The table they set becomes patterned with platters that were the favorites of family members and friends. As a part of the celebration, a black cloth is held above the heads of the attendees and cut with a knife through the center, representing an opening between the spirit and material worlds. After some time has passed, participants encourage the spirits to return to their realm and the cut in the cloth is sewn. Images of witches being veiled in darkness, casting spells over cauldrons endure, but a new generation of Wiccans and witches have established growing communities in D.C. and across the country. Like other Wiccans and witches, Stephens has come out of the broom closet -- a term that refers to publicly revealing ones beliefs as a Wiccan or witch. They are fighting back against misinformation about Wiccans and witches. Stephens said she loves Halloween. Its a celebration of the witch. You can have sexy witches, you can have scary witches, but its still a celebration of the witch. Even if the witch isnt shown in a positive light, said Stephens, a 37-year-old Wiccan who also practices witchcraft. Teighe Thorsen is a 29-year-old D.C. resident and witch who cofounded the group CityWitches in 2016. Thorsen said she created the group, which includes Wiccans, Pagans and other occultists, as a place where the alternate outcasts of magic can actually come together and talk. Were getting a lot of youth, a lot of people generally under 30, although not always, who are trying to find somewhere in their life that they actually have power, she said. Theyre trying to find it in something that is non-dogmatic and something that is just their own -- mystical, different, badass and empowering. Since starting CityWitches, Thorsen said she has seen an increase in interest from those inspired by her magic, including the rituals she writes on her Instagram, and a rise in members on the group's Facebook page. On her Instagram, Thorsen posts pictures of and describes in detail her magical practices. In one photo, she set up candles around a pentagram, with tarot cards, amethyst crystals and feathers surrounding the shrine. She occasionally posts photos of herself that show her colorful hair and amulets of jade and lapis lazuli. Witches have repeatedly captured Americans' imaginations. The Craft" and the Harry Potter series are all hits, along with television shows like American Horror Story: Coven." But the visibility can create problems with perceptions. This Halloween version of witchcraft has made people assume about what Thorsen's practices are, she said. Those are fantastical interpretations of what a witch is, but there is a little bit of truth to it, Thorsen said. There are things that you can do to affect certain results around you that most people wont pick up on but you know how to do it. All magic involves completing certain things, like spells, to create certain consequences that a witch wants, Thorsen said. It [magic] is a tool for personal development and empowerment as well as for changing your environment, for helping the people around you, and fear is never welcome. Fear is the antithesis of forward momentum, Thorsen said. "What I practice in magic is fearlessness. Whereas witchcraft includes magical practices that can change from witch to witch, Wicca is a religion with a set structure, according to Penny Verin-Shapiro, a professor in the anthropology department at California State University, Fresno. Verin-Shapiro spoke to Wiccans and witches, studying their separate systems of beliefs, for her 2014 book Central Valley Pagans. Verin-Shapiro found in her interviews with Wiccans and witches that many of them didnt seem to fit into the religions that they followed previously and stumbled on something that made them want to convert. She said that the influx of information on the internet has contributed to more individuals identifying themselves within modern-day witchcraft and Wicca. Its [the internet] made it a lot easier to find out information that was hidden before and to find a group, if you want to a group to work with or to learn from, Verin-Shapiro said. Theres just a whole lot more information out there now that is easily accessed." Along with the availability of information, a more accepting attitude toward other religions has allowed Wiccans and witches to be more vocal and visible with their beliefs, according to Verin-Shapiro. The general public has become more accepting that not everybody has to be Christian, that there are many ways to worship, she said. So it has become easier for some people to come out of the broom closet. Being out of the broom closet hasnt always been an option. For centuries, the word witch was associated with witch trials, including the famous Salem witch trials in the 17th century, which accused some of practicing and performing magic. Witchcraft didnt begin and end with the witch trials. From Caribbean Santeria to Italian Stregheria to various voodoo practices in West Africa and Louisiana, witches have discovered methods to magic and medicine within themselves in the past and present. Modern-day witches have created their own collection of magic practices, inspired by centuries of witchcraft from across the world, according to Laura, a 58-year-old Wiccan high priestess who asked News4 to withhold her last name because she does not want her children to be harassed because of her beliefs. She said she has considered herself a witch for more than 30 years. Within every faith, you can find some sort or form of magic worker or belief in energy, in that you are able to work with the energy forces, Laura said. Not all of those people would have necessarily called themselves witches, of course. But they were working with the same constructs. Laura said she has been interested in magic since childhood. She found Wicca through a teacher, who said she could trace her teachers back to the founder of the modern-day Wiccan movement. Gerald Gardner, a member of the Masons, combined elements from ceremonial magic and folk tradition into what he coined Wicca, which means "to bend," according to Laura. She studied different degrees of mastery in Wicca to become a high priestess. For me, it is literally seeing the giant web of life and how every touch upon it affects something else in ways that are often unexpected," Laura said. From honoring an earth goddess with a mindfulness about ones effect on the environment to an awareness about the three-fold law, which says that any action put out into the world comes back to someone three times, the Wicca that Laura follows teaches her that we fully responsible for our own words and that includes what goes beyond ourselves. Laura said that her teachings and traditions in Wicca arent all necessarily followed by other Wiccans or witches, who may observe a completely separate set of customs. If you talk to five witches, you are going to get 10 different answers, she said. Laura has heard others describe what they think her religion is about: dancing naked, worshiping the devil and sacrificing animals. Those ideas are far from the truth, she said. She said she knows a man who lost visitation rights to see his child because a judge misconstrued his beliefs with Satanism. Ive had people not take me seriously. Ive had people be very condescending to me. Are you a good witch or a bad witch? kind of thing. I kind of looked at them and said ... 'Find out," Laura said. Stephens too said she has seen how stereotypes have seeped into how people understand her beliefs. Once, when she was reading a Wiccan book of spells at a McDonalds, a cashier asked her about the book. While Stephens explained her faith, the cashier told her that Evil never makes sense. It was the worst experience that Ive had as a witch, Stephens said. Still, in the coven of three other witches that shes a part of, Stephens has found a family that she sees almost every week in Virginia. A lot of people think that were evil, that were spawn of Satan, that we worship the devil. We dont even believe in hell, much less Satan, Stephens said. Were people. We have as much variety within ourselves as a group as any other group." Were not all painted with one brush. There are witches that I would not associate with, but there are Christians that I would not associate with and Muslims and Jews and Hindus and Sikhs, she added. Every faith has its own share of bad apples. But just because there are a few bad apples does not mean that we are all bad apples. What to Know Girl reported missing Oct. 7 after father said he placed her outside when she refused to drink her milk. In a statement to police Oct. 23, girl's father said she choked on her milk and died and that he removed her body from the home. Dallas County medical examiner confirmed through dental records that the child found Sunday was Sherin Mathews. The body of a North Texas child found in a drainage culvert Sunday has been confirmed to be missing 3-year-old Sherin Mathews. Richardson police released new details to NBC 5 and confirmed the finding late Tuesday morning, citing a report from the Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office saying the child had been positively identified using dental records. Richardson Police Sgt. Kevin Perlich gives an update on the case of Sherin Mathews. The girl's adoptive father, Wesley Mathews, was arrested Monday night after changing his story, telling police he "physically assisted" his daughter in drinking milk and that she died after beginning to choke, according to an arrest affidavit. He then told police he removed her body from the family's Richardson home. Today Dallas M.E. has confirmed the identity of child recovered on 10/22 as 3yo Sherin Mathews using dental records. Cause of death pending. pic.twitter.com/Xkhg0TeEo4 Richardson Police (@RichardsonTX_PD) October 24, 2017 After being read his Miranda rights, detectives said Mathews told them had been trying to get his youngest daughter to drink milk in the garage but that she wouldn't listen to him. "Eventually the 3-year-old girl began to drink the milk," the affidavit said. "Wesley Mathews then physically assisted the 3-year-old girl in drinking the milk. The 3-year-old girl began to choke. She was coughing and her breathing slowed. Eventually, Wesley Mathews no longer felt a pulse on the child and believed she had died." Mathews told police he then removed the girl's body from the home, though no further details were given about where he left his child, according to the affidavit. Mathews, who was out on bond after being charged with negligence, was re-arrested and charged with felony injury to a child Monday night. His bond on the new charge was set at $1 million. NBC DFW was reaching out to his attorney. The body of a child found in a drainage culvert Sunday has been confirmed to be missing 3-year-old Sherin Mathews. Sherin Mathews was reported missing Oct. 7. Wesley Mathews initially told police she went missing around 3 a.m. after being told to stand outside as punishment for not drinking milk and that she was gone when he checked on her 15 minutes later. In his original story, Wesley Mathews told police he went to look for the girl but returned home and did some laundry while waiting for her to return. Just after 8 a.m., nearly five hours after she disappeared, Mathews called police to report his youngest daughter was missing. NBC 5 News After a night of heavy rainfall Sunday morning, the body of a small child was found in a drainage culvert not far from the Mathews' home. Richardson police said late Tuesday morning the Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed the child was Mathews using dental records. Earlier Monday, Wesley Mathews and his wife Sini Mathews attended a court hearing to determine whether they could regain custody of their biological 4-year-old daughter, who had been placed in protective custody after her sister was reported missing. The body of a child found in a drainage culvert Sunday has been confirmed to be missing 3-year-old Sherin Mathews. The judge postponed the hearing until Nov. 13 to give Wesley Mathews time to hire a civil attorney, said Marissa Gonzales, a spokeswoman for Child Protective Services. The girl will remain in foster care at least until that hearing or until a judge orders a change in custody. Wesley Mathews Arrest Affidavit A new bike lane in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has put bicyclists at odds with local business owners. The lanes, which extend along Brattle Street and Cambridge Street, were implemented over the summer. Since then, businesses along Brattle have complained of a lack of parking for their customers, as well as safety concerns. "I haven't spoken to one human being who looks at this and doesn't think it's a mess," said Randy Ricker, owner of Brattle Square Florist. While the lanes only extend along a quarter mile of Brattle, Ricker said they have created confusion for residents and drivers. While Brattle is a one-way street, the city removed a lane of its traffic to create the two-way bike lane. The goal was to create a safe space for cyclists to travel in and out of the bustling Harvard Square area, however, Ricker contends that it has made driving more dangerous. "It's become a lot more crowded because there is now less space for cars," he explained. "You can't see some bikes that are coming down Brattle, so if youre going to take a turn onto it, you have no idea if cars are coming." Adding to some frustration is the removal of parking spaces. While the city tried to limit the impact, the project did require the removal of 15 metered spots. "Business has gone down, customers have been saying we are not coming in, there's no place to park. It's ridiculous," said Mariana Maradianos, who works at Hillside Cleaners. However, the lanes have been a welcomed addition by bicyclists. After two bike fatalities in the city last year, safety advocates worked with the city to come up with solutions. One of them included the new lanes, which offer a partition to separate the cyclists from cars. "There wasn't even a bike lane for people riding here. Give this type of infrastructure a chance," said Becca Wolfson, executive director of Boston Cyclists Union. The Brattle Street lanes made sense, Wolfson argued, pointing out that the city determined car traffic would not be impacted with the reduction from two lanes to one. City data shows it was also a popular stretch for bicyclists in the evening. Approximately 150 riders traveled the road after work on any given evening in the spring. City leaders plan to study the section next year to determined the lane's impact. Furthermore, Wolfson contends, many customers in Harvard Square commute by train or on foot. "For any business that says they're losing business because people can no longer park here, I have a hard time believing that," Wolfson said. "Hardly any legal parking was removed to implement this facility." But business owners still believe there is a better solution for both drivers and cyclists. More than 30 businesses have signed onto a petition with Harvard Square Business Association to urge the city to reevaluate the program. "I just think it's totally counter-intuitive," said Ricker. "It's a disaster." The White House on Tuesday said the Justice Department should consider a criminal prosecution of former FBI Director James Comey, claiming he had leaked privileged information to the press and offered false testimony to Congress. "It's something they should certainly look at," press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters when asked whether the administration should prosecute Comey. She acknowledged that it was "not the President's role" to determine which criminal investigations are taken up by the Justice Department. The question arose as Sanders defended Trump's decision to fire Comey earlier this year, a choice Trump's former chief strategist called a mistake this week. Speaking to "60 Minutes" on CBS, Steve Bannon called the Comey decision the worst mistake in "modern political history." Sanders countered that Trump has been "very happy with the decision" to fire Comey and felt "fully vindicated." Trump abruptly fired Comey in May, initially explaining his decision as a response to Comey's handling of an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server. Later Trump suggested the firing was actually a response to the FBI's investigation of Russia's election year meddling. Comey told lawmakers during congressional testimony this year that Trump had pressured him to drop the investigation. Trump has denied he ever made such a request. Sanders suggested those remarks to Congress, along with Comey's directed leaks of his memos to reporters, could be grounds for prosecution. She said legal action should be considered for what she described as Comey's fireable actions. "If there's ever a moment where we feel that a person has broken the law, particularly if they're with the FBI, that's something that should be looked at," she said. A few weeks back I told you how white box vendors, those Chinese-made, unbranded server vendors that compete with HP Enterprise and Dell EMC, were taking a sizable chunk of the business from the brand-name vendors. Well, now HPE has made it official and announced it will no longer try to sell commodity hardware the cheap, low-end servers used in abundance in public-facing data centers to tier 1 customers like Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft. Also on Network World: How HPE plans to spin out its software assets HPE president Antonio Neri made the announcement at HPEs analyst day event last week. He added that HPE would continue to sell higher-end servers to those vendors. Its not an original strategy. Oracle made the same move in 2010 when it acquired Sun Microsystems. One of the first announcements Larry Ellison made was that Oracle would not pursue the low-end commodity market, and hes been true to that word. The company doesnt sell a lot of Exadata, Exalogic and other network appliances, but when it does they are massively decked out with lots of CPU cores, memory, flash storage, and traditional storage, and they sell in the millions. Also, to a point, IBM did the same thing when it unloaded its x86 server business to Lenovo in 2015. IBM had been paring down its commodity businesses for some time, and that was just the latest. The companys hardware business is now confined to z Series mainframes and Power-based servers, which, like the Oracle servers, dont sell in massive numbers, but they are very high end and very expensive. The move also reflects HPEs continued efforts to pare down its business and focus on the more profitable lines. It sold off its software business to U.K. software giant Micro Focus (that Autonomy purchase really worked out well for them, didnt it?) and sold off its services division to independent services giant CSC. Its not like HPE was spinning its wheels in the cloud infrastructure market. According to Synergy Research, HPE held an 11.5 percent market share of cloud infrastructure servers in Q4 of 2016, a respectable showing. Chinese 'white box' makers gaining a foothold in the U.S. But its a crowded market with low margins and a lot of competition, and the Chinese are gaining more and more of a foothold in the U.S. Companies such as Quanta and SuperMicro are becoming real competitors. And they are perfectly willing to live with single-digit profit margins, whereas their American competitors are not. I like to read one of the last computer print publications out there, called CPU, or Computer Power User. Its for geeks like me who prefer to build their own PC. Amid all the ads for water cooling and colored lighting, I regularly see full-page ads from SuperMicro, offering things like all-flash storage arrays and ultra-dense compute racks. SuperMicro isnt foolish. They know that CPUs readers are system builders. They are going where the influencers are. I expect to see more from its competitors before I see ads from Dell EMC and HPE. So, how long before you have a white box server in your data center? Fires have laid to waste huge swaths of Northern California. The deadly blazes have burned through more than nearly 400 square miles forcing 100,000 people to evacuate, and destroying over 8,400 structures. How do firefighters respond to such a disaster? Where are they dispatched? When and where are evacuations ordered? How can a fire being propelled by 78mph gusts of wind be contained? How do planes know where and when to deploy fire retardant? Sensors, drones, fire-cams, crowdsourcing and geographical information systems all help minimize damage and deaths. Background The latest count on the Tubbs makes it by far the most destructive fire in our states history, said Daniel Berlant, the assistant deputy director for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire. The biggest problem in most of the fires was the countless embers that were carried a half-mile to a mile in front of the flames. The embers rained down and ignited homes, which fell like dominoes. Technology brings a new level of precision and a data-driven approach to managing wildfires. Real time data about fire conditions is collected and blended with predictive data such as current wind speed and direction. It showcases the value of Internet of Things (IoT) in action with (1) data collection (2) real time analysis and (3) optimizing the response. Collection: gathering fire and environmental data Aerial Reconnaissance Fire incident commanders in the past often had rely on information which was out of date while fires continue to burn. Aerial reconnaissance has changed that. It helps fight wildfires using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) such as Insitus ScanEagle that are equipped with High Accuracy Photogrammetry (HAP) sensors. They use military-grade electro-optical (EO) cameras during daylight, and infrared (IR) cameras for night-time imaging. These UAS can penetrate smoke or darkness, gathering and still images which are used to create geo-referenced, high-resolution digital fire progression and suppression maps. Data is fed into a geographic information system (GIS) customized for firefighters and hosted on Esris ArcGIS platform. It provides data collection, analysis, and decision-making information to manned firefighting fleets operating in difficult terrain and smoke conditions. The aerial remote sensor imagery provides near-real time live, web-based video feed of thermal images to FireWhats ground-based mobile command centers. Esris Drone2Map creates 3D imagery from these still images and integrates them into a dashboard map for optimal situational awareness. Drones are used to map the fire perimeter, and to identify thermal concentrations in the fire where fire retardant should be deployed. This dramatically improves firefighters tactical awareness and decision-making. Helmet cams Helmet cams worn by firefighters such as the FireCam transmit live video, audio, high quality snapshots, and GPS location back to command centers while still recording video on the camera unit. Esri incorporates these live video feeds and other data feeds into real time maps. Crowdsourcing is vital to information collection. Residents with the free Waze app in states that also have Esri's ArcGIS can both enter and receive alerts about fires, road closures and other conditions through the Waze Connected Citizens Program. The app is both a data source and a real-time dashboard. When Wazers enter the data, it can be displayed with the Citys data in ArcGIS online to present a real-time picture to the city and first responders. Community members can also provide on the on-the-ground insight into fire damage in their neighborhoods with Esris Survey 123 for ArcGIS. Analysis:converting fire information into actionable data Field observers, safety officers and division supervisors, depend on accurate information on fire perimeter changes, proposed drop points, targets for aerial support and road closures. These insights enable improved request accuracy and better situational awareness. How is this provided? Weather conditions such as changing winds, humidity and temperature all influence a fires intensity and growth. Weather and environmental monitoring sensors capture this information and relay it to Esris ArcGIS GeoEvent Server. Data provided by the USGS, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service and the Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination Group gives near real-time understanding of the situation on the ground. This information is analyzed with an ArcGIS server along with data from first responders, fire cams, annonymized Waze data, weather sensors and drone generated imagery.The results are shared back in real time with municipalities and firefighters to coordinate responses and alert residents. Act: responding in real-time Real-time data feeds is integrated into maps with Esris ArcGIS Online and StoryMaps. They provide fire personnel with comprehensive situational awareness through in-vehicle computers, handheld computers, and mobile devices. Updates can also be easily transmitted from the field to the common operating picture in dispatch. The fires in northern California have devastated thousands of acres, killed dozens of people and displaced thousands of others. Thanks to the brave firefighters helped with technology, the damage and suffering is being minimized. You can help by donating to the recovery services. Production downtimes days are limited thanks to the industrial Internet of Things (IoT). Machine-embedded, network-connected sensors along with the collection of massive amounts of data will allow for self-healing manufacturing, scientists say. Thats the concept behind an enthusiastic research project called SelSus currently being explored by multiple European academic institutions and manufacturers, including Ford. Also on Network World: How industrial IoT is making steel production smarter The idea that the team proposes is to not just detect weaknesses during production, but to also fix the potential issues automatically through a kind of mathematically calculated self-healing. The scientists say diagnostics should supply recommendations before a piece of equipment has failed. That self-healing aspect would take equipment monitoring to the next level. The aim is not just to monitor the status of the machines and components, says Martin Kasperczyk of Germanys Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, one of the participating organizations, in a press release. The plan is to detect potential weak points or signs of wear and tear early enough for the system to be able to predict potential malfunctions. It should also correct the defects, too, in some cases. The team has already gotten some of that to work. With one of the EU-funded research partners systems a robotic arm for engine production the device will self-heal when it starts to fail. If it were to detect resistance, for example, it would back-off rather than snap, the researchers explain. The system can also calculate the probability of a stressed cable breaking under load. How the self-healing technology works Mathematical models called Bayesian networks that compute probabilities are behind the networked sensor-driven tech used. It, along with learning software that analyzes how the machine should run compared to how it is actually running, is part of the algorithm makeup. It hasnt been easy, though. You dont get there just by programming a couple of algorithms, Kasperczyk says. Model data is captured during machine setup and also in a test under load. Its then compared to actual running conditions, along with an alert to human machine operators. The major challenge is building up the models both for decision making and simulation in a way that they reflect the real manufacturing environment, says Fraunhofer IPAs Michael Kempf on the projects website. Ive written about other kinds of IoT machine-failure sensing before. Sound monitoring sensors, connected to IoT can predict mechanical failure. Ultrasonic and vibration-sampling sensors, along with algorithms, can advise operators that theres trouble ahead based on the noises the machine makes it wont sound right if theres an anomaly. One of the players in the SelSus (Health Monitoring and Life-Long Capability Management for Self-Sustaining Manufacturing Systems) project is Swedish home appliance maker Electrolux. It wants a decision-support system to predict failures in its laundry washing machine manufacturing plant. Sensors monitor excessive power use, heat generated and machine oil usage. They are all indicators of trouble. The number crunching provided by the SelSus project should ultimately keep the plant running all of the time. Often the problem is only a small defect or normal wear and tear. However, if left undetected, these can lead to major disruptions and production downtimes, SelSus researchers say. Read more: Lymphogranuloma venereum represents an uncommon sexually-transmitted disease caused by the invasive serovars of an obligate intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis. It belongs to the genital ulcer disease spectrum (alongside syphilis, chancroid and herpes simplex type 2), and the main site of action of the putative organism are regional lymph nodes. The only reservoir for Chlamydia trachomatis is human, and the disease is transmitted via sexual intercourse when a direct contact with an open lesion ensues (albeit indirect or non-sexual transmission is sporadically described in the literature). Untreated patients remain infectious for years, while the spread of the disease is further perpetuated by poor hygienic conditions. Although lymphogranuloma venereum most likely affects both males and females equally, the condition is more commonly observed in men. This is probably due to the fact that early disease manifestations are more discernible in men; therefore, the diagnosis is established more readily. CDC microbiologist Dr Cheng-Yen Chen, was shown preparing a pyrosequencing experiment in order to differentiate between Chlamydia trachomatis L-serovars responsible for lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), and other chlamydial serovars. Organisms of the same genus are further subdivided into serovars, or serotypes, which group these organisms based upon their constituent intracellular antigenic profiles. Image Credit: CDC/ Hsi Liu, Ph.D., MBA, James Gathany Endemic Regions for Lymphogranuloma Venereum Lymphogranuloma venereum is still endemically present in heterosexuals in West and East Africa, certain parts of Southeast Asia, South America, India, and the Caribbean basin. It usually appears in the classic form of the disease, manifesting with genital ulcers and lymphadenopathy (but without the presence of proctitis). Clinical case series of patients presenting with genital ulcer suggest that lymphogranuloma venereum is not a common cause of genital ulcers in Africa. However, ten percent of all patients with buboes (i.e. swollen, tender and enlarged lymph nodes) that present to STD clinics in Bangkok are harboring these invasive serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis, while large epidemics were reported among the users of crack cocaine in the Bahamas. The prevalence of the disease in Jamaica in 1996 was 2.63 percent (as determined by cross-sectional surveys), while in Madagascar eight percent of genital ulcer diseases in 1997 were diagnosed clinically as lymphogranuloma venereum. In Nigeria, lymphogranuloma venereum was the most common cause of genital ulcerative changes for years in women that attended STD clinics. Spread across Europe and the United States Until 2003 only sporadic cases of the disease were reported in Europe and North America mainly among travelers, military personnel and seafarers who were infected during their visit to endemic regions of the world. These infections were, therefore, considered imported. However, after 2003 the disease became established mostly among men who have sex with men (MSM) that exhibit high-risk sexual behavior. The predominant clinical presentation was proctitis, and the spread started in the Netherlands, which was followed by other Western European countries, North America and Australia. Based on the data between 2004 and 2008, there is evidence that the disease may be endemic among MSM in the United Kingdom. In the beginning, no national reporting or universal surveillance was instituted in the United States, thus the true incidence remained unknown. However, soon after European experience the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offered assistance for lymphogranuloma venereum testing, and a study from 2011 that evaluated multiple countries in the US found that one percent or less of all rectal swabs obtained from MSM were positive for Chlamydia trachomatis L serovars. Almost all those cases of lymphogranuloma venereum have been caused by the L2b variant of Chlamydia trachomatis (conveniently dubbed the Amsterdam variant), and usually confined to individuals co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and/or hepatitis C. The number of lymphogranuloma venereum in MSM populations is still on the rise. Moreover, more recent reports of endemically acquired disease among heterosexual individuals in the Netherlands, France and some other Western European countries means that transmission is occurring outside the initial close group therefore close monitoring is warranted. Sources https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26602624 http://www.cfp.ca/content/cfp/62/7/554.full.pdf http://www.scielo.br/pdf/abd/v85n4/v85n4a15.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4381887/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1744436/pdf/v078p00090.pdf de Vries HJC, Morre S. Lymphogranuloma Venereum: A Concise Outline of an Emerging Infection among Men Who Have Sex with Men. In: Black CM, editor. Chlamydial Infection: A Clinical and Public Health Perspective. Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, 2013; pp. 151-157. de Vries HJC, Reddy BSN, Khandpur S. Lymphogranuloma Venereum. In: Kumar B, Gupta S, editors. Sexually Transmitted Infections, Second Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014; pp. 506-521. Further Reading Last night, five surgeons received the 2017 American College of Surgeons (ACS)/Pfizer Surgical Humanitarian Awards and Surgical Volunteerism Awards in recognition of their selfless efforts as volunteer surgeons who provide care to medically underserved patients abroad. The extraordinary contributions of these five award recipients were recognized at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2017 during the annual Board of Governors reception and dinner. The awards are determined by the ACS Board of Governors Surgical Volunteerism and Humanitarian Awards Workgroup and are administered through the ACS Operation Giving Back program. The ACS/Pfizer Surgical Humanitarian Award recognizes Fellows who have dedicated much of their careers to ensuring that underserved populations have access to surgical care and have done so without expecting commensurate compensation. This year, humanitarian awards were granted to two surgeons. Robert E. Cropsey, MD, FACS, a general surgeon from Ypsilanti, Mich., received the Surgical Humanitarian Award for his work in establishing two hospitals and serving the needs of patients in the West African country of Togo for the last three decades. Dr. Cropsey began his medical career to become a surgeon so that he could live in Africa and offer his services to those in need. After completing his residency, Dr. Cropsey and his family moved to Togo to provide care to the medically underserved people of the country. In 1985, Dr. Cropsey, collaborating with locals and other medical professionals and missionaries, opened the Karolyn Kempton Memorial Christian Hospital (KKMCH), Togo. Since then, Dr. Cropsey has served as the hospital director, chief of staff, and chief of surgery. KKMCH admits more than 3,000 patients annually, and houses an adult intensive care unit (ICU), pediatric ICU, ultrasound rooms, isolation rooms, and two operating rooms capable of supporting most major operations. KKMCH trains medical students and surgical residents and is also in the process of establishing, with the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons, a five-year residency program to train local surgeons. In addition to his work in establishing KKMCH, Dr. Cropsey helped to open the Hospital of Hope in Mango, a remote community in northern Togo lacking modern health care. Between 2005 and 2015, Dr. Cropsey traveled between Togo and the U.S. to plan, coordinate, fundraise, lay out, and build the Hospital of Hope, which opened in 2015 and now sees thousands of patients who were previously unable to receive care. The hospital also provides community health education services, mobile clinics, and community development services. Francis Robicsek, MD, PhD, FACS, a retired cardiothoracic surgeon from Charlotte, N.C., received the Surgical Humanitarian Award for his more than 50 years of work in providing medical care, particularly cardiothoracic surgical services, and establishing a medical infrastructure in Central America. Dr. Robicsek began his humanitarian work in the early 1960s in Honduras, treating surgical tuberculosis patients. He then moved on to providing direct surgical care to patients in Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Eastern Europe. Dr. Robicsek was the first to perform open heart operations in Honduras and Guatemala and initiated and assisted the first open heart procedure by a native surgeon in Belize, where he maintains an active open heart surgery program. He has also brought sustainable medical aid to the Central American region through training medical professionals, delivering supplies, and helping develop local health care infrastructure. In the 1970s, Dr. Robicsek arranged to have patients from Guatemala flown into Charlotte for operations, and he accepted Guatemalan surgeons for training fellowships. His work with the Guatemalan government and health care system led to the founding of Unidad de Cirugia Cardiovascular de Guatemala-;or UNICAR-;the Guatemalan Heart Institute, where more than 700 heart operations are performed annually. To help these efforts, Dr. Robicsek arranges to have more than $1.5 million in new and refurbished hospital supplies delivered to the region each year. A major part of Dr. Robicsek's humanitarian work focuses on training Central American surgeons in Charlotte so they can return home with the skills necessary to care for their native populations. These efforts have led to the establishment of burn units, mammography services, echocardiogram networks, catheter labs, and more across Central America. The effects of Dr. Robicsek's work in this regard continue to grow each year. The ACS/Pfizer Surgical Volunteerism Award recognizes ACS Fellows and members who are committed to giving back to society through significant contributions to surgical care as volunteers. This year, volunteerism awards were granted to three surgeons. Sherry Wren, MD, FACS, a general surgeon from Palo Alto, Calif., received the International Surgical Volunteerism Award for her work with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF, also known as Doctors without Borders) in several African countries, as well as her work in the U.S. aimed at preparing surgeons to provide international humanitarian aid. In more than 10 years of doing volunteer work with MSF, Dr. Wren's work has covered a wide range of surgical disciplines, particularly general, obstetric, and orthopaedic surgery. She has provided surgical care and humanitarian aid in countries including Cote d'Ivoire, Chad, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Dr. Wren's first long-term project was at the University Teaching Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe, where she created a surgical residency exchange program with the University of Zimbabwe that was recognized by the American Board of Surgery. The program allowed surgeons and residents from Stanford University to travel to Zimbabwe to learn and assist. However, unlike most international programs, this one created the opportunity for surgeons and students from Zimbabwe to train at Stanford. Dr. Wren also launched a medical student interest group in surgery for women in Zimbabwe, where there are no female general surgeons. She has directly trained more than 40 Zimbabwean surgeons in trauma, ultrasonography, low-resource laparoscopy, and other procedures. Her work in Africa led to Dr. Wren's election to the College of Surgeons of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA), a group similar to ACS for the 14 participating countries. During the 2014 outbreak of the Ebola virus, Dr. Wren worked extensively with surgeons in Ebola-ravaged African countries. In 2010, Dr. Wren designed the International Humanitarian Aid Skills Course at Stanford, which was the first in the U.S. to offer physicians the knowledge and skills to function in a low-resource environment. Since it was created, the course has been offered 10 times and has more than 400 graduates. It offers didactics, case studies, simulation, and video-based teaching for critical areas including tropical medicine, low-resource anesthesia, burns and wounds, orthopaedic trauma, head injury, and post-partum hemorrhage. CAPT Zsolt Thomas Stockinger, MD, FACS, a U.S. Navy trauma surgeon from Fort Sam Houston, Texas, received the Military Surgical Volunteerism Award for his service during a U.S. military mission to Haiti to provide medical care after the 2010 earthquake, as well as his service during voluntary deployments to Afghanistan. Dr. Stockinger has consistently volunteered for difficult missions to provide surgical assistance in austere environments in Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, and other countries. Following the earthquake in 2010, Dr. Stockinger volunteered to deploy to Haiti and serve as a clinician. Once he arrived, he realized there was a need to assist with the planning and organization in addition to medical care. When the USNS Comfort became the referral center for Haiti's medical facilities, Dr. Stockinger developed criteria for accepting incoming patients on the ship, as well as patient flow and discharge plans. He was one of only four general surgeons aboard the ship for the first three weeks of the mission until additional personnel could arrive, and the only U.S. military general/trauma surgeon present for the entire seven-week Comfort mission. In 2011 and 2012, when Dr. Stockinger was chief of trauma at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) hospital in Kandahar, he was involved in efforts that led to the Afghan army's regional hospital becoming the Afghan Level I trauma center for the region. The NATO hospital then became the subspecialty referral center for complex cases. In 2013, while volunteering as a NATO regional command surgeon in Helmand province, Dr. Stockinger worked with coalition and Afghan army personnel to establish a temporary facility operated by Afghan surgical teams that had been deployed to Helmand from Kabul. By the end of his tour, funding was secured and construction began on a permanent facility, which was the first ever Afghan army surgical facility in southern Afghanistan. In addition to these missions, Dr. Stockinger has volunteered for foreign training assistance missions since 2006. He has established self-sustaining war/trauma surgery courses in Pakistan, Georgia, and Ukraine. He has conducted site surveys in Ghana and the Philippines to help increase U.S. humanitarian assistance to underserved populations, and he helped the government of Mauritius develop a nationwide disaster response plan in 2008. Yihan Lin, MD, a general surgery resident from Denver, Colo., received the Surgical Resident Volunteerism Award for leading the effort to create a national surgical and anesthesia plan in Zambia, and for providing patient care and education in other underserved countries. Dr. Lin has been an active medical volunteer since she was a medical student. She served as student director for the Stout Street Clinic for the homeless in Denver from 2009 to 2010, and then began to work internationally. Dr. Lin traveled to Ecuador, where she worked with the local community on culturally acceptable methods of birth control. In Uganda, Dr. Lin sought to bridge the gap between medical visitors and the community by compiling a dictionary of medical phrases in the local language, Rukiga, and creating a visitor's handbook for traveling medical professionals. She also performed a needs assessment of hospital technology and equipment and built a storeroom for supplies donated from Project Cure in Colorado. In 2013, Dr. Lin spent a month in Leogane, Haiti, where she operated with local surgeons, sought donations for the local hospitals, and cared for patients in emergency room and clinics. Beginning in 2015, Dr. Lin participated in the two-year Paul Farmer Global Surgery Fellowship program, which was created to train leaders to promote surgical care, research, and educational issues pertinent to global surgery. During this fellowship, Dr. Lin spent more than a year in Rwanda, where she worked with the Rwandan Ministry of Health to help develop a national surgical, obstetric, and anesthesia plan, with the goal of increasing surgical access to all Rwandans. This involved designing tools to collect baseline surgical data, and will contribute to future work with stakeholders to further develop the country's surgical priorities in the future in the areas of infrastructure, workforce, information management, and financing. She also spent time in Zambia, where she worked with the Zambian Ministry of Health to create a national surgical and anesthesia plan that has since been signed into law and incorporated into their national health plan. This year, Dr. Lin has also worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, with the goal of advocating for basic surgical care to be a part of universal health coverage. This included the publication of a baseline surgical assessment for countries to use when developing national surgical plans.. Getting enough vitamin D during infancy and childhood is associated with a reduced risk of islet autoimmunity among children at increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes, according to a study published this week in the journal Diabetes. The study's lead author, Jill Norris, MPH, PhD, of the Colorado School of Public Health at CU Anschutz, and her co-authors examined the association between vitamin D levels in the blood and islet autoimmunity. Islet autoimmunity, detected by antibodies that appear when the immune system attacks the islet cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, is a precursor to type 1 diabetes. "For several years there has been controversy among scientists about whether vitamin D lowers the risk of developing of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes," said Dr. Norris. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease that is increasing by 3-5 percent annually worldwide. The disease is now the most common metabolic disorder in children under age 10. In younger children, the number of new cases is particularly high. And the risks seem to be greater at higher latitudes, further north from the equator. Vitamin D represents a candidate protective factor for type 1 diabetes as it regulates the immune system and autoimmunity. Moreover, vitamin D status varies by latitude. But associations between vitamin D levels and islet autoimmunity have been inconsistent. This may be due to different study designs, population variation in vitamin D levels, or a failure to account for the combined effect of exposure and underlying genetic variation in the vitamin D pathway. The findings are part of The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study, a large, multi-national study funded by the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today TEDDY's effort began in 2004 with children from six clinical centers: three in the U.S. (Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes at CU Anschutz, the Pacific Northwest Research Institute in Seattle, and Augusta University in Georgia) and three in Europe (Universities of Turku, Oulu, and Tampere in Finland, Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen in Germany, and Lund University in Sweden). The aim of the study is to search for triggers and protective factors for type 1 diabetes in 8,676 children with elevated type 1 diabetes risk. The TEDDY children were followed with blood samples drawn every three to six months from infancy, to determine the presence of islet autoimmunity, as well as levels of vitamin D. The authors compared 376 children who developed islet autoimmunity with 1,041 children who did not. The authors found that in children with a genetic variant in the vitamin D receptor gene, vitamin D levels in infancy and childhood were lower in those that went on to develop islet autoimmunity compared with those that did not develop autoimmunity. This study is the first to show that higher childhood vitamin D levels are significantly associated with a decreased risk of IA. "Since this association does not prove cause-and-effect, we look to future prospective studies to confirm whether a vitamin D intervention can help prevent type 1 diabetes," Dr. Norris said. Benzo[a]pyrene is a potent carcinogen and mutagen present in cigarette smoke, automotive exhaust, burnt wood fumes, barbecued and smoked meat etc. Understanding the mechanisms whereby benzo[a]pyrene, which belongs to the class of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), may induce malignant transformation of human cells is the aim of a research project supported by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and coordinated by Ana Paula de Melo Loureiro, a professor at the University of Sao Paulo's School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCF-USP) in Brazil. According to Loureiro, the idea is to identify the cellular pathways or sequences of biological reactions involved in the development of cancer and hence find possible targets for prevention or treatment of the disease. "Tests have shown that supplementing cell cultures with nicotinamide riboside, one of the components of vitamin B3, protects cells and prevents malignant transformation," she said. "We now want to find out exactly how this happens and whether the compound in question can be used in chemoprevention." A substance intensifies cell metabolism In experiments performed with regular lung cells - more precisely bronchial epithelial cells - cultures were exposed to 0.5 and 1 micromolar (M) benzo[a]pyrene for seven days. Recent data in the scientific literature suggest that the appearance of tumors is closely associated with genetic alterations and also with epigenetic alterations, which may activate the expression of protumoral genes or silence protective genes, for example. What most drew the scientists' attention, however, was a significant drop in the levels of metabolites involved in the production of energy for cells shortly after the first hour of exposure to benzo[a]pyrene. Throughout the exposure period, the cells readapted metabolically, and by the end of the period, the levels of metabolites had risen in exposed cells compared with the control group. Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today "It was for this reason that we had the idea of supplementing the cultures with nicotinamide riboside, a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [NAD+], which is essential to cellular metabolism and to the production of ATP [adenosine triphosphate, a molecule that stores energy for cell use]," Loureiro said. Supplementation with nicotinamide riboside (1 M) began 24 hours before exposure to benzo[a]pyrene and was renewed daily with the latter. Because benzo[a]pyrene is absorbed rapidly and biotransformed, it has to be replenished in the cell cultures every day, Loureiro explained. Understanding the connection between benzo[a]pyrene and tumoral development At the end of the seven-day period, the cells were transferred to a semi-solid medium containing agarose, a polysaccharide obtained from algae, in order to prevent adhesion to the culture dish. The researcher says that a normal epithelial cell is unable to grow in this semi-solid medium without Anchorage. "To make this possible, the expression of a number of genes and proteins must be altered so as to favor tumor development, for example by silencing the expression of cadherins [calcium-dependent adhesion molecules that form junctions to bind nearby cells together]," said Loureiro. Analysis performed during the incubation period showed the occurrence of DNA alterations - both genetic (lesions that caused mutations in the nucleotide sequence) and epigenetic (increased levels of 5-methylcytosine, which alters gene expression). Cells grown in the semi-solid medium displayed global hypomethylation (reduction in levels of 5-methylcytosine), a characteristic of tumor cells. Supplementing cells exposed to the carcinogen nicotinamide riboside yielded positive results since they proved unable to grow in the agar medium, displaying similar behavior to the control cells, which were not exposed to benzo[a]pyrene. Delivering news about end-of-life issues is one of the most difficult tasks clinicians encounter in medical practice. Researchers from the Texas Medical Center on behalf of the ETHICS study investigators, in Houston, Texas, aimed to assess how prepared health-care providers feel in communicating end-of-life issues and determining if proper training had been given to health-care providers. A 30-question survey addressing opinions regarding ethical issues, religion, and attitudes on specific group of patients, and communication skills was administered in 174 different institutions across 40 countries. 10,106 surveys were completed, showing that 30% of all health-care providers, and 11.5% of physicians let someone else give notice of a patient's death to the patient's relatives. The authors concluded that only one-third of the health-care providers surveyed had undergone formal training in delivering bad news. Medical students received less training than other health-care professionals. Among physicians, more years of experience appear to compensate for the lack of training in delivering bad news. The study also found that nurses with no ICU experience do not deliver bad news to patients or their families. Women were more likely to communicate the death of patients than men. "Learning good interpersonal communication skills, including delivering bad news, should be part of all health education programs globally," states lead researcher Dr. Joseph Varon, "efforts to provide tools for communication skills are necessary for delivering better patient care." Further results from this study will be shared at CHEST Annual Meeting 2017 in Toronto on Wednesday, November 1, 1:30 PM-2:30 PMat the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall, Poster Number 105. For millions of Americans, their world is dissolving into an unrecognizable blur. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease affecting one-third of the estimated 30 million Americans who struggle with diabetes. As the patients' vision slowly fades, it never recovers and few treatments are available. Researchers at University of Utah Health have identified a protein (ARF6) that when inhibited reduces diabetic retinopathy, a condition that results when blood vessels at the back of the eye leak fluid into the eye, impairing vision. Published in the October 23 issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation, these results offer an opportunity to develop new treatments for this eye disorder. "What is exciting about this study is that we and our collaborators identified a compound (NAV-2729) that inhibits ARF6, which is crucial for the development of diabetic retinopathy," explained co-first author Weiquan (Wendy) Zhu, Ph.D., research assistant professor in Internal Medicine at U of U Health. Studies were conducted in rodents treated to simulate the diabetic condition. By injecting NAV-2729 into the eyes of these animals, vessel leakage, as well as, the overgrowth of blood vessels, another driver of disease, were significantly reduced. The long-term efficacy of treatment remains unknown. It also remains to be determined whether the drug will be suitable as a therapeutic intervention for people. "ARF6 acts like a traffic cop at a busy intersection within a cell," explained Dean Li, Ph.D., vice president, Head of Translational Medicine at Merck & Co. and senior author on the paper. Li is the former associate vice president and chief scientific officer at U of U Health and co-founder of Navigen Inc. "ARF6 orchestrates multiple inflammatory signals that contribute to inflammation common in many diseases, including diabetic eye disease." ARF6 amplifies and maintains the signal protein (vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)) receptor, which stimulates a series of cascading responses, leading to a diseased state in the eye. Today, patients with diabetic eye disease can receive monthly anti-VEGF injections directly into the eye to reduce inflammation, a treatment that is successful in only 40 percent of patients. In the study, injections of NAV-2729 into the eyes of diabetic mice were more effective in reducing blood vessel leakage than the anti-VEGF injections. Drug Discovery eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today "Diabetic retinopathy can develop over time, leading to dramatic vision loss that may not be improved with glasses," said M. Elizabeth Hartnett, M.D., professor in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at Moran Eye Center and a contributor to this study. "New treatments are needed, because diabetic retinopathy is increasing world-wide and anticipated to increase more in the next decades." Also new to this study, the researchers identified two proteins GEP100 and ARNO that play a critical role in the signaling process. These proteins activate ARF6 at two different locations in the cell to continue the signaling cycle. "We think these results are important because they identified a mechanism by which ARF6 controls VEGF receptor signaling and therefore may have much broader implications, extending to other diseases that involve VEGF receptor activation, such as cancer," said Shannon Odelberg, Ph.D., research associate professor in Internal Medicine at U of U health and corresponding author on the study. According to Odelberg, ARNO activates ARF6, which shuttles the VEGF receptor into the cell where its signal can be amplified. GEP100 activates ARF6 to recycle the VEGF receptor back to the outside of the cell where it can be reactivated for the signaling process to begin again. This signaling loop triggers disease by increasing blood vessel leak and the formation of new and weak blood vessels. The team of researchers plan to continue to explore the role of ARF6 in other inflammatory diseases. NAV-2729 was identified by A6, a subsidiary company of Navigen Inc, a Salt Lake City drug discovery and development company, whose research scientists contributed to this study. According to Zhu, A6 researchers are pushing forward with development of other compounds, which are more suitable as potential new treatments. The World Health Organization is working to contain an outbreak of Marburg virus disease (MVD) that has appeared in eastern Uganda on the border with Kenya. At least one person is confirmed to have died of MVD and several hundred people may have been exposed to the virus at health facilities and at traditional burial ceremonies in Kween District, a mountainous area 300 kilometres northeast of Kampala. The first case was detected by the Ministry of Health on 17 October, a 50-year-old woman who died at a health centre of fever, bleeding, vomiting and diarrhoea on 11 October. Laboratory testing at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) confirmed the cause of death as MVD. The womans brother had also died of similar symptoms three weeks earlier and was buried at a traditional funeral. He worked as a game hunter and lived near a cave inhabited by Rousettus bats, which are natural hosts of the Marburg virus. One suspected and one probable case are being investigated and provided with medical care. An active search for people who may have been exposed to or infected by the virus is underway. The Ministry of Health has sent a rapid response team to the area supported by staff from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFNET). WHO is providing medical supplies, guidance on safe and dignified burials, and has released US$500,000 from its Contingency Fund for Emergencies to finance immediate response activities. We are working with health authorities to rapidly implement response measures, said Ibrahima-Soce Fall, WHO Regional Emergency Director for the Africa region. Uganda has previously managed Ebola and Marburg outbreaks but international support is urgently required to scale up the response as the overall risk of national and regional spread of this epidemic-prone disease is high. Marburg virus disease is a rare disease with a high mortality rate for which there is no specific treatment. Source: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2017/virus-uganda-kenya/en/ Cosmic Ghost Rider takes on his own doppelganger in his new ongoing title Cosmic Ghost Rider is riding into his first ever solo ongoing series this March A Northwestern University and MIT study of automation and unemployment risks suggests that small cities will be less resilient than large cities in weathering the impacts of automation. Cities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants will experience more disruption. Smaller cities have proportional more jobs that are routine clerical work, such as cashier and food service jobs, which are more susceptible. The city has proven to be the most successful form of human agglomeration and provides wide employment opportunities for its dwellers. As advances in robotics and artificial intelligence revive concerns about the impact of automation on jobs, a question looms: How will automation affect employment in cities? Here, they provide a comparative picture of the impact of automation across U.S. urban areas. Small cities will undertake greater adjustments, such as worker displacement and job content substitutions. They demonstrate that large cities exhibit increased occupational and skill specialization due to increased abundance of managerial and technical professions. These occupations are not easily automatable, and, thus, reduce the potential impact of automation in large cities. Their results pass several robustness checks including potential errors in the estimation of occupational automation and sub-sampling of occupations. Their study provides the first empirical law connecting two societal forces: urban agglomeration and automations impact on employment. To construct a comparative picture of automation in cities, their first challenge is to get reliable estimates of how automation impacts workers. Existing estimates are wide ranging. Frey and Osborne estimate that 47% of U.S. employment is at high risk of computerization in the foreseeable future, while an alternative OECD study concludes a more modest 9% of employment is at risk. Note that these results do not tell us about the impact of automation in cities as they are presented at a national level. Differences in these predictions arise from discrepancies over two main skill dynamics: the substitution of routine skills, and complementarity of non-routine and communication skills. Additionally, technology-driven efficiency may redefine the skill requirements of occupations and actually increase employment in low-skilled jobs. Nevertheless, even if we take current estimates of the absolute risk of computerization of jobs with skepticism, these estimates can provide useful guidance about relative risk to different cities that is robust to errors in the estimates. Large cities have more unique occupations and industries but distribute employment less uniformly across those occupations. This juxtaposition of both diversity and specialization in large cities is reconcilable through the division of labor theory. What do large cities specialize in and why? The division of labor encourages worker modularity, which has the potential to impact whole groups of workers who are competing with automation technology. Therefore, specialization alone is not enough to explain the resilience to automation impact that we observe across cities. For example, Detroit, which is famous for its specialization in automotive manufacturing, has experienced economic down turn, while the San Francisco Bay area, epicenter of the information technology industry, continues to flourish despite the dot-com bubble (perhaps due to its support of a creative class of workers). Their analysis highlights specific occupations, such as Mathematician and Chemist, as well as specific types of skills, such as Computational/Analytical skill, that explain the increased resilience of large cities. These occupations and skills may inform policy makers in small cities as they identify new industries and design worker retraining programs to mitigate the negative effects of automation on employment. By quantifying relative impact, we provide an upper bound for technological unemployment in cities. Changing labor demands produce systemic effects, which make it difficult to precisely predict employment loss. For example, the introduction of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) suggested a likely decrease in human bank teller employment. However, contrary to this prediction, ATM technology cut the cost to banks for opening and operating new branches, and, as a result, national bank teller employment increased. However, these bank tellers performed different tasks, such as relationship management and investment advice, which required very different skills. Hence, by impact, they refer to the magnitude of the skill substitution shocks that cities just respond to. The actual technological unemployment in a city will be shaped both by free market dynamics (e.g. shifts in supply and demand curves) and by economic and educational policy (e.g. worker re-training, or skilled migration). Despite being seemingly unrelated societal forces, they uncover a positive interplay between urbanization and automation. Larger cities not only tend to be more innovative but also harbor the workers who are prepared to both use and improve cutting-edge technology. In turn, these workers are more specialized in their workplace skills and less likely to be replaced by automated methods in the foreseeable future. These findings open the door for more controlled investigations with input from policy makers. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe The American Red Cross is encouraging people to give blood in advance of the upcoming holiday season. Red Cross officials said many regular donors delay giving due to holiday activities and travel between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. Upcoming donation opportunities in western Wisconsin are as follows: Nov. 2Altra Federal Credit Union, 1700 Oak Forest Dr., Onalaska, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 7Church of Christ, 825 Nelson Pkwy, Viroqua, noon to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 8Comfort Inn & Suites, W10170 Hwy 54 E., Black River Falls, noon to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 9First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave., Tomah, 10:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 13Coon Valley Lutheran Church, 1005 Central Ave., Coon Valley, 1-6 p.m. Nov. 14Presbyterian Church, 625 W. Franklin St., West Salem, 12:30-5:30 p.m. Nov. 17Viroqua High School, 100 Blackhawk Dr., Viroqua, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. To make an appointment, download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767. A blood donor card or drivers license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Medicares annual open enrollment period, which allows enrollees to choose their health and drug coverage for 2018, started Oct. 15. All enrollment choices for next year must be made by Thursday, Dec. 7. Some current Wisconsin beneficiaries will need to choose new prescription plans for 2018 as two Medicare Part D drug plans have announced that they will be shutting down effective Dec. 31 First Health Part D Premier Plus and Wellcare Extra. All beneficiaries impacted by these plan terminations were sent a mailing by their plan in late September or early October. If they fail to choose a new plan for 2018, they may risk having little or no drug coverage. In total, 25 Part D plans are available in Wisconsin for 2018, with premiums ranging from $19.70 to $157.70 per month. This total includes two Part D plans offered by Cigna-HealthSpring which are no longer under sanction by Medicare and will be able to accept any new enrollments. Additionally three new Part D prescription plans are being offered next year. There are also two new Medicare Advantage plans being offered in Vernon County for 2018 from United Healthcare Care Improvement Plus and Care Improvement Plus Premier. Both of these plans offer both health and prescription benefits, along with extra benefits relating to fitness, eye care, hearing and dental services. There are 6 other Medicare Advantage plans available to Vernon County residents 4 from Gundersen Senior Preferred and 2 from Humana. There are also two choices for Medicare Savings Accounts, which are similar to a health savings account. Premiums for these plans range from $0 to $173.20 per month, in addition to the deduction of the usual Part B premium. For assistance in reviewing options for 2018 drug and health coverage, contact the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) serving each Wisconsin county. For Vernon County, the phone numbers for an appointment at the ADRC are 608-637-5201 or 1-888-637-1323. Other resources for help understanding and comparing plan options include contacting Medicare at 1-800-633-4227 (available 24 hours/day) or on their website at www.medicare.gov. Another resource is the Wisconsin Medigap Helpline at 1-800-242-1060 for help with Medicare Advantage and Supplement plans. Also there are two government-funded, impartial prescription helplines for Wisconsin residents. Call either the Wisconsin Medicare Prescription Helpline at 1-855-677-2783 for persons age 60 and over, or the Disability Drug Benefit Helpline at 1-800-926-4862 for those under age 60. Medicare enrollees may also work directly with an insurance sales agent to review their 2018 health and prescription options. Sales agents are licensed to sell the plans offered only by the companies they represent, so beneficiaries may not receive information on all plans available for 2018 from every agent. All of the government-based resources listed above also have information on assistance programs to help with Medicare costs, such as Part D plan costs and Part B premiums. Dear reader, we're asking for your help to keep local reporting available for all. Your financial support keeps stories like this one free to read, instead of hidden behind paywalls. We believe when reliable local reporting is widely available, the entire community benefits. Thank you for investing in your neighborhood. Start your day with LAist Sign up for How To LA, delivered weekday mornings. Subscribe Eighteen protesters were arrested Monday after staging a protest at the front gate of the Aliso Canyon Natural Gas Storage Facility near Porter Ranch, while a truck driver who drove up to the group as they blocked the entrance was detained. The protest took place on the two-year anniversary of the massive gas leak at Aliso Canyon. A video of the event (below) was taped on Facebook Live and later put up on the Save Porter Ranch Facebook page. At the 3 hour and 18 minute mark, the truck can be seen driving up to a crowd of protesters who were sitting on the ground. Since the truck is coming from off-screen, it's hard to discern how fast it was going, but an officer later remarked in the video that it was "kinda going fast." Several people got up from where they were sitting as the truck stopped right in front of them. Are you crazy? one person can be heard screaming at the driver. I dont think he saw [the protesters], one of the officers said, though he added later that they would be taking down the driver's information. "He was definitely laughing in the car," said the person behind the camera. Sal Ramirez, a public information officer with the Los Angeles Police Department, told LAist that 18 protesters were arrested for failing to disperse. He added that the driver of the truck was detained according to ABC 7 the driver will be investigated for possible assault with a deadly weapon. The Aliso Canyon gas leak was a massive environmental disaster that started in October 2015 and went on for months until SoCal Gas finally declared that the leak was plugged. It's estimated that it spewed roughly 100,000 tons of methane gas into the air, and boosted California's methane emissions by 25 percent for the four-month period. More than 3,000 households were evacuated, and two schools were temporarily closed. Locals reported that they suffered headaches, nosebleeds, and other health effectsthe concerns have led researchers to launch studies into the long-term effects of the leak. Protesters have urged for the Aliso Canyon gas fields to be shut entirely. Several minor leaks have cropped up in the Aliso Canyon area since the 2015 disaster. Additional reporting by Emma Specter. Dear reader, we're asking for your help to keep local reporting available for all. Your financial support keeps stories like this one free to read, instead of hidden behind paywalls. We believe when reliable local reporting is widely available, the entire community benefits. Thank you for investing in your neighborhood. Start your day with LAist Sign up for How To LA, delivered weekday mornings. Subscribe Jonathan Gold's much-anticipated 101 Best Restaurants for 2017 dropped Monday evening, and Vespertinethe 22-seat, $250+ per person spaceship tasting menu restaurant/immersive theater experience in Culver Cityhas taken the top slot. The annual guide is now live on the L.A. Times' website as a subscriber exclusive, and the premium print edition will be delivered to Times Sunday subscribers on October 29. Jordan Kahn's hypetastic hot spot has received both heated criticism and mixed praise, and Gold begins his first place blurb by "address[ing] the spaceship in the docking port here not everybody is going to be ecstatic that we are naming Vespertine the best restaurant in Los Angeles." Though not a complete shock (Gold mainly praised the otherworldly experience of Vespertine in a September 1 review), the choice still feels like a bit of bummer. Part of what makes Gold's Los Angeles and, by extension, his 101 Best Restaurants list, so vibrant is that his reviews always feel like an exhortation to explore the city. Providence, which Vespertine unseated after four years in the top spot, is also a top-tier fancy restaurant with the prices to match. But their basic tasting menu costs $120 a person, or less than half of Vespertine's opening bid. Providence is very fine dining, but it's not a 22-seat, high-concept "gastronomical experiment seeking to disrupt the course of the modern restaurant," to quote Vespertine's press release. Then again, I can't really knock VespertineI haven't been there. Not a single person I know has, which is maybe the problem. Along with Providence and Vespertine, Spago, Lukshon and Taco Maria round out the top five of the 2017 list. Notable additions for 2017 include the Arts District's sublime Italian newcomer Rossoblu (Gold's number 10 slot, and we should note Rossoblu's pastas also made LAist's extremely competitive The Five Best Last Meals To Eat In L.A. Before A Nuclear Attack list earlier this year), Sara Kramer and Sarah Hymanson's Kismet (number 21), Heres Looking At You in Koreatown (number 26), Brentwood's Pizzana (number 36) and Mercado La Paloma's Holbox (number 39, in a joint entry with Chichen Itza). Chinatown Filipino restaurant Lasa emerges in the number 18 slot after being name-checked in last year's Far East Plaza entry while still in semi-permanent status. Ricardo Zarate's new Peruvian restaurant Rosaline is another notable addition (number 70), as is Santa Monica's Erven (71). One notable exclusion? Venice's Felix Trattoria, which was named as LA Weekly's 2017 pick for best new restaurant in Los Angeles, and topped Esquire's recent best new restaurants in America list. Here's Gold's previous Felix review. Did GST, demonetisation hurt CG employees? The reason the government is not giving into the demand of the CG employees is because there are not enough funds now. The economy has slowed down and also taken a beating due to GST and demonetisation and hence the hike of Rs 26,000 cannot be fulfilled officials say. Notebandi hit everyone While the decision on GST has slowed down things, the government says that it is only temporary. Demonetisation on the other hand has affected several persons including the CG employees. Due to these factors, the government has decided that the basic minimum pay would be hiked to Rs 21,000 and not Rs 26,000. Not in position to accept demands now The government says that it is not in a position to accept the demands of the CG employees now. The government has lost money due to GST and demonetisation. If the government decides to go accept the demand of the CG employees, then it would add to the burden of the exchequer. The Indian economy has considerably slowed down due to demonetisation and implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST). The GDP growth came down to 5.7 per cent in the first quarter of the financial year 2017-2018. 7th Pay Commission is last, pay will vary However not all is lost of the CG employees. While the 7th Pay Commission is likely to be the last, the government is now proposing a variable pay hike for CG employees. The government is set to take the decision on pay hike in January and following that the pay hike would be variable and would be reviewed from year to year. A year since demonetisation: Opposition to hold massive protest India oi-Vicky By Vicky On November 8, a year since the decision on demonetisation was made a united opposition will hold a nation-wide joint protest. Some opposition parties led by the Congress met in Parliament to chalk out modalities for the proposed joint agitation. Leaders of six opposition parties - the Congress, the Left, the BSP, TMC, DMK and JD(U)'s Sharad Yadav faction - who are part of an opposition coordination committee, today met in the chamber of Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad over the issue. After the hour-long discussions, Azad told reporters that it was an initial meeting and he was asked to consult all 18 opposition parties before finalising anything further. We will discuss with the other opposition parties and come with our plan soon," he told reporters. Sources said the opposition is planning a nation-wide protest on note ban anniversary to highlight the "ill- effects" on the economy hard and the job market. "Today the opposition coordination committee met. Representatives of six parties were present. We decided to meet again before parliament session. We will announce our plan tomorrow," TMC leader Derek O'Brien said after the meeting. Recommended Video PM Modi's Demonetisation was the largest money laundering scheme says Arun Shourie | Oneindia News O'Brien said the opposition parties discussed the economic situation in the country, including demonetization, GST and other issues. "Today we met to discuss the economic fallout in the country and discuss various aspects of it. Ghulam Nabi has been given the responsibility to discuss the issue with other opposition parties. We will meet again to chalk out our plans," said CPI leader D Raja after the meeting. The opposition parties today also discussed the case of Sharad Yadav's disqualification from the Upper House, which is pending before Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu. The Nitish Kumar-led JD(U) had sought Yadav's disqualification from Rajya Sabha after he revolted against the party's decision to ally with the BJP. The sources said the opposition leaders have decided to speak to the Vice President tomorrow at a luncheon, where he has invited all leaders of opposition parties. TMC leader O'Brien said his party feels Yadav is been targeted by his party JD(U). "This MP was elected by people on 'mahagathbandhan' ideology. He didn't break the ideology, others broke it. Why should Yadav be penalised ?" he said. Sharad Yadav, Satish Chandra Misra, Derek O'Brien, Kanimozhi and D Raja were among those present at today's meeting. Another member of the coordination committee Ram Gopal Yadav of Samajwadi Party could not attend. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 7:30 [IST] BJP slams West Bengal govt over dengue cases in state India pti-PTI Kolkata, Oct 24: West Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh on Tuesday criticised the state government for allegedly failing to control the dengue outbreak. He said the state government is busy "hushing up dengue cases". The state government and the health department should ensure proper treatment and diagnosis of dengue patients, he said. "The state government has completely failed to tackle the outbreak of dengue in the state.... My question is why is the state government trying to hush up the matter, instead of providing better treatment facilities to patients," he said. West Bengal BJP on Monday staged a protest rally in Salt Lake area of North 24 Parganas district against the 'failure' of the state government to tackle the outbreak of dengue. The party also demanded resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee from the post of health minister. PTI Why Taj Mahal will not be illuminated with tricolor lights this Independence Day Bomb threat at Taj Mahal, police say it was a hoax India oi-Vicky By Vicky The Agra police went on a wild goose chase following a bomb threat to the Taj Mahal. An unidentified caller said that there was a bomb at the Taj Mahal following which scores of security personnel were pressed into service. A search operation was launched and the bomb disposal squad too was called in. The Tajganj police station in-charge Raja Singh said that the call was received on the emergency number at around 9.40 pm on Monday. Is Taj Mahal a temple The lights at the Taj were turned off and the dog squad too was brought in. The search operation concluded at around 9.40 pm following which the bomb threat was declared a hoax. The phone call came on a day when a dozen youths belonging to Hindu outfits were caught reciting Shiva Chalisa on the premises of the Taj Mahal, causing tension at the iconic monument, which, they claimed, was originally a Shiva temple. OneIndia News We have not exhausted ammunition on rate cuts, policy actions: RBI Governor Bank holidays in April 2022: Here is the full list of non-working days Govt infuses Rs 2.11 lakh crore in public banks to boost economy India oi-Deepika By Deepika The cabinet has approved an unprecedented public sector bank capitalisation of Rs 2 lakh 11 thousand, the Finance Ministry said Tuesday. Out of this, Rs 1.35 lakh crore will be through the recapitalisation bonds, while remaining Rs 76,000 crore from the budgetary support. "It was decided that a bold step needs to be taken by the government to recapitalise banks," Arun Jaitley said while addressing a press conference on Tuesday. "Between 2008 and 2013, public sector banks engaged in indiscriminate lending, which led to the rise in non-performing assets," he added. The rest 76,000 crore of the total allocated 2.11 lakh crore would come from other sources, Arun Jaitley said. He also said the capital infusion would be accompanied by series of banking reforms which would be spelt out in the next few months. The nature of the bonds and details of the bonds would be made public during course of time, he said. Non-performing assets of banks have increased from Rs 2.75 lakh in March 2015 to Rs 7.33 crore as on June 2017. The finance minister said banks would get Rs 18,000 crore under the Indradhanush plan. Under Indradhanush roadmap introduced in 2015, the government had announced to infuse Rs 70,000 crore in state- run banks over four years to meet their capital requirement in line with global risk norms, known as Basel-III. OneIndia News #WATCH: Fire rages at a building near #Ludhiana's Shingar Cinema, more than 12 fire tenders present at the spot. pic.twitter.com/m8CWgJ6Jnm ANI (@ANI) October 24, 2017 Ludhiana fire Twelve fire brigades were present at the spot. Police sources said that the fire was so intense that a portion of the building collapsed. Shops on fire Earlier today, a major fire broke out at Delhi's Kamla Nagar market in which over a 100 shops were gutted. The incident happened at around 1:00 am when the fire department got a call regarding the fire at the Cooler Market area. At least nine fire tenders were rushyed to the spot to douse the flames. The extent of damage due to the fire is yer to be ascertained. No casualties or injuries have been reported so far. (Image credit - ANI/Twitter) Massive fire in Kamla Market Kamla Market is a popular market in Delhi near Minto Road. In July this year, a fire broke out at a footwear godown in north Delhi's Kamla Nagar. (Image courtesy - ANI/Twitter) Over 100 shops gutted Over a 100 shops were gutted in flames, which have now been brought under control. (Image courtesy - ANI/Twitter) No decision yet on joining BJP or AAP, says Hardik; hails saffron party over Ayodhya issue, Article 370 Is Hardik Patel joining BJP today? This is what he says Did Hardik meet Rahul? The guess work continues India oi-Vicky By Vicky Recommended Video Gujarat Assembly Elections : Did Rahul Gandhi Hardik Patel, the firebrand Patidar leader from Gujarat has kept everyone guessing. He denied reports of him meeting with Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi at a hotel in Ahmedabad on Monday. News of Hardik meeting Rahul cropped up when local channels ran footage for the former entering the hotel's premises late on Sunday night. The footage also showed him emerging out of the hotel at 4 pm the next day. Incidentally Rahul arrived at the same hotel at around 1 pm on Monday. While there was footage to show Hardik entering and exiting the hotel, there was no evidence of the meeting. Congress state president Bharatsinh Solanki earlier told mediapersons that Gandhi's meeting with Patel had been postponed, and the two would interact during his next visit through November 1, 2 and 3. The 24-year-old Patidar leader, in turn, said interacting with Gandhi this time would be difficult because he was busy with rallies in north Gujarat. During Rahul Gandhi's visit to Gujarat, the Congress invited three representatives of the OBC community for talks. They were Alpesh Thakor, Jignesh Mewani and Hardik Patel. While Thakor formally joined the Congress at a rally on Monday, Mewani decided to give the meeting a skip. Patel on the other hand remained non-committal. He said that he was busy and would speak with the media later. OneIndia News Bengaluru comes out against Mahadayi verdict amidst cries of "we want justice" Ktaka polls: Will scientist-turned-AAP leader be able to defeat Jagadish Shettar in his home turf? Industries need not wait for statutory clearances for 3 yrs, can start work in K'taka Did Jagadish Shettar dress up as Tipu Sultan? India oi-Vicky By Vicky A photograph of former Karnataka chief minister Jagadish Shettar dressed as Tipu Sultan has gone viral on the social media. This provided much fodder to the Congress which has been criticised by the BJP for celebrating Tipu Jayanti on a grand scale. Former Deputy chief minister R Ashoka and former Lok Sabha member D B Chandre Gowda are also seen wearing the headgear in the photograph. The Congress was quick to react and said that this exposed the double standards of the BJP. Shettar however denied that he was dressed up as Tipu Sultan. He said that the photograph was from an award function of the party's minority morcha and they were given headgears and swords, he also said. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has said Shettar had written a foreword to a book praising the valour of Tipu. Shettar had called Tipu a patriot in a book written by historian Sheikh Ali. Many BJP leaders, including Union Minister Ananth Kumar Hegde, had refused to join the birthday celebrations of Tipu Sultan, terming him "anti-Hindu and anti-Kannada." BJP general secretary and MP Shobha Karandlaje said the party will launch a protest if the government goes ahead with the celebrations. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 6:44 [IST] Former J&K CM Farooq Abdullah demands opening of dialogue with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue India oi-Amitava By Amitava Jammu and Kashmir National Conference leader and former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Farooq Abdullah opined that the appointment of an interlocutor to resolve the Kashmir issue would be a futile issue unless dialogues are initiated with Pakistan also. Incidentally the Union Government has appointed an interlocutor to carry forward a sustained dialogue in Jammu and Kashmir. Rajnath Singh, the Union Home Minister announced the Government's interest in starting and continuing sustained dialogue with stakeholders on the Kashmir issue. "We want to open dialogues with elected representatives, political parties, individuals and associations of Jammu and Kashmir. We want to understand the aspirations of the people" stated Minister Singh. Dineshwar Sharma, former IB Chief has been appointed the interlocutor to carry out the task. Sharma a retired IPS officer of the 1976 batch of the Kerala cadre has a good understanding of the Kashmir issue. He is also credited for bringing peace in certain regions of the North East also. Former Jammu and Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah has however criticized the move and demanded that dialogue should be initiated with Pakistan also. "Pakistan occupies a part of the State which India holds as her own. To resolve the Kashmir issue Pakistan has to be consulted also. Pakistan is also one of the parties to the problem" demanded Abdullah. National Conference is of the opinion that unless dialogue is initiated with Pakistan appointment of interlocutors are a futile exercise as with the cases of past instances of appointment of interlocutors. However Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti has welcomed the appointment of Sharma as the interlocutor stating that Sharma in the past has been closely working with the Kashmir issue and has a sound understanding. "This dialogue initiative is in line with P.M @narendramodi's 15th August speech na goli se, na gaali se, Kashmir ke samasya suljhegi gale lagaane se (sic)" she has tweeted, hailing PM Modi's initiative. Sharma has stated that he would leave for Kashmir in the next 10 days. "My role is different from the police and army. My job is to ensure peace in the region and find out a permanent solution. I am open to talks. I will talks to anyone or any party interested to talk to me" stated Sharma. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 12:12 [IST] Clothes, footwear, cab fares to get costlier from January 1, 2022: All you need to know Gabbar Singh Tax or Good and Simple Tax: Whats your full form of GST? India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Recommended Video Gujarat Assembly elections : Rahul Gandhi calls GST as 'Gabbar Singh Tax' | Oneindia News New Delhi, Oct 24: Oh, Indians truly love to quiz each other to test the other person's IQ (Intelligence Quotient) level. Talking about IQ level, how could we not mention a popular television spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) who recently announced that Indian film stars have "low IQ". Anyway, from films, let us talk about the country's economy. And when it comes to economy we Indians have in recent times beautifully embraced both the controversial demonetisation and Goods and Services Tax (GST) into our lives. Now, when it comes to the GST, since it was rolled out in July at a grand event in Parliament by Prime Narendra Modi, we all have our own take on it while expanding India's current favourite acronym. Immediately after the GST was launched, PM Modi called it "Good and Simple Tax" to stress on the fact that how the latest tax regime is easy for all to adopt. But what we witnessed was something totally different. The complex GST has created a lot of confusion in the minds of not only the aam aadmi (the commoners not so adapt with audits and tax slabs), but also experts, traders and government officials, leading to massive loss in the economy. On Monday, the GST re-entered our lives, this time in the incarnation of Bollywood's dreaded villain Gabbar Singh from the all-time classic, Sholay. Taking a dig at the Modi government regarding the 'faulty tax regime' that is destroying small businessmen and industries in the country, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi dubbed the GST as "BJP's Gabbar Singh Tax" at a public meeting in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. "The government ignored all our suggestions on the GST and introduced it with celebrations at midnight. In their GST, there is the highest 28 per cent tax and three return forms that makes the GST Gabbar Singh Tax," Rahul said. Demonetisation and GST together have ruined the economy, the Congress VP alleged. "With one stroke of demonetisation, Modiji ruined the economy but he did not stop there. He went ahead with the GST, which has derailed the small businessmen and industries," Rahul said. Now, by bringing "Gabbar Singh" into the whole GST debate, Rahul literally touched the raw nerve of the already weary people, especially those who are active on social media. Thus on Monday, the hashtag--#GabbarSinghTax--trended on Twitter and everyone was seen cracking a joke or two at the expense of the messy tax regime of the Modi government. The twitter handle, @RealHistoryPic, threw the question, "What's your full form of GST?" that elicited tremendous response. Here we bring you some of the responses to the question: Whats your full form of GST? History of India (@RealHistoryPic) October 23, 2017 Greatly Screwed-up Tax Omar Abdullah (@OmarAbdullah) October 23, 2017 Gayi Sarkar Tumhari Rachit Seth (@rachitseth) October 23, 2017 Go Sell Tea Uday Menon (@Uday47) October 23, 2017 Godse Savarkar Tax Tempest (@ColdCigar) October 23, 2017 Now, it's your turn to define the GST in your own unique style. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 8:28 [IST] Who will win Gujarat 2022 polls? Here's what ABP-C-Voter survey says Gujarat bribery allegation: Narendra Patel demands court-monitored investigation India oi-Deepika By Deepika Narendra Patel, a close aide of Hardik Patel, on Tuesday filed application in Gandhinagar Court seeking a court monitored probe in alleged Rs 1 Crore bribery case. Earlier on Sunday, Narendra Patel, who belongs to the Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) led by Hardik Patel, had said that the BJP attempted "to purchase him for Rs 1 crore and Rs 10 lakh was paid in advance". The claims were made by Narendra Patel only a few hours after prominent BJP leaders of Gujarat announced his joining the saffron party on Sunday evening. Narendra Patel in the press conference called Sunday late claimed that he was 'made to say' that he was joining the party after being offered Rs 1 crore. A few hours after Narendra was inducted into the BJP, he convened a press conference late on Sunday night displaying bundle of cash, summing up to Rs 10 lakh, which he claimed was the first instalment of a crore used to bait him into joining the BJP. "Varun Patel offered the Rs 1 crore deal on behalf of BJP. He gave me Rs 10 lakh in advance. He told me that they will give me Rs 90 lakh rupees tomorrow," added Narendra Patel. He further said, "If they give me the entire Reserve Bank of India they will not be able to buy me." He also displayed bundles of Rs 500 notes that he claimed were given to him as part of the deal. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 19:47 [IST] Why NOTA, a blank vote, is a waste with no impact on election results How BJP's win in Gujarat, HP is spreading happiness in the Indian market In new Himachal Assembly, 52 out of 68 MLAs are crorepatis Himachal Assembly elections 2017: 15 companies of paramilitary forces roped in India oi-Vicky By Vicky Ahead of the Himachal Pradesh assembly elections 2017, 15 companies of paramilitary forces will be deployed. Security will be particularly high on the inter-state barriers to check movement of cash, drugs and liquor aimed at wooing the voters. A total of 93 such barriers have been operationalised on the borders of Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, UP and J&K. Una, with 25 barriers, has the largest number, followed by Kangra with 21, DGP Somesh Goyal informed. A total of 65 companies of paramilitary force -23 from ITBP, 15 each from BSF and CRPF and 12 from SSB, will be deployed for the elections by the state police. Besides, the state police will mobilise approximately 11,500 policemen alongwith 6,000 homeguards to provide security during the electoral process. Himachal Pradesh Elections 2017: 275 nominations filed on last day Recommended Video Himachal Assembly polls to happen in single phase on November 9th, says ED | Oneindia News Himachal Pradesh has close to 87,000 arms licence holders, which is one of the highest arms to population ratio in the country. Over 36,000 arms have already been deposited with the police so far. Also, more than 27 lakh Indian currency have been seized by various agencies in the last 10 days. The state police alone have seized Rs 23.87 lakh in cases, where the carrier did not have any plausible explanation for carrying cash. The police have also registered 35 cases under the NDPS Act and booked 38 persons and recovered 11.68 kg charas, 9 kg ganja, 7.7 kg poppy husk, nearly 1 kg opium and some quantities of heroine, smack and capsules in the last 10 days. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 6:20 [IST] How Pakistanis are posing as NRIs and marrying women from Punjab India oi-Vicky By Vicky Recommended Video Pakistani spies target women looking for NRI husbands, reveals investigation | Oneindia News The arrest of Ehsaan-Hul-Haq a Pakistani spy has led investigators to discovering a brand new modus operandi in Punjab. Haq who held a fake Aadhaar and Pan card had managed to remain undercover in the state of Punjab for long. On the target of the ISI according to Haq are those women who are in the lookout for an NRI groom. The ISI has been training its men to speak in the local dialect and also pose as NRIs. The ISI which gives protection to the Khalistan militants has roped in several members and infiltrated them into Punjab. They have been tasked with cheating the women and getting married to them. In this modus operandi, the ISI hopes to disturb peace in the state and also provide a safe haven for the terrorists to operate in the state. Haq was arrested following an operation by the Jalandhar police. At the time of his arrest he said that he was an Australian national. During the course of the interrogation, the police learnt that he was originally a Pakistan national. He too had indulged in a similar modus operandi as mentioned above. He is suspected to have been sent to India by the ISI to collect vital information. He was married to an Indian for the past five years. Prior to that he was married to an Australian, the police also say. The police say that he had taken his wife several times to Pakistan. He had faked his identity and claimed that he was an Indian national although he is originally a resident of Sarja village near Nankana Sahib in Pakistan. In India he managed to get an Aadhaar card and Pan by giving an address in Salempur village. He had also purchased a plot in Alipur and built a house, the police also say. The police say that the investigations are ongoing and they are trying to find out if he was a spy. The police suspect that he may have been sending confidential information from India to Pakistan. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 7:49 [IST] One dead, several others injured in grenade attack at Srinagars Amira Kadal market Mohali attack: TNT used in blast; no one present at office when incident occurred, says Punjab DGP J&K: Grenade attack on police patrol party in Tral India oi-Madhuri A group of militants lobbed grenades on a police patrol party in Tral area of Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday. It is learnt that the militants hurled a grenade on police party in Tral area of Pulwama. However, no loss of life have been reported so far. This is the fourth attack. Earlier on Sunday, one CRPF jawan was injured as militants hurled grenade at the residence of a National Conference leader in Jammu and Kashmir. On Saturday night, suspected militants also vandalised the residence of a PDP leader in Tral. Armed with guns, the militants reportedly barged into the house of PDP zonal president Peer Mohammad Ashraf at Dadsara in Tral and vandalised it. They alleged that the gunmen fired shots in the air before fleeing. OneIndia News Karnataka bans riding pillion on 2 wheelers with less than 100cc engines India oi-PTI The state government has decided to not allow two-wheelers below 100 cc to have pillion riders. , giving effect to a 2015 court order. The transport department also banned registration of such vehicles. "Not only has the registration of such vehicles which have seats for pillion rider been banned but also riding pillion on two-wheelers below 100 CC is prohibited," said a government order issued by the transport department on October 13 last. The order was issued based on a Karnataka High Court order in a case relating to the award of compensation to Hemanth, a minor riding pillion who was crippled for life following a road accident in Mysuru in March, 2009. Hemanth and Nithin, who was riding the two-wheeler without a licence, were both aged around 14 then. A recklessly driven car had crashed against their vehicle. While Nithin escaped with minor injuries, Hemanth was crippled for life with serious head injuries. In its June 15, 2015 order on a petition related to compensation claim by parents of Hemanth, the court had taken note of violations of rules and issued a slew of directions to the education and transport departments and the police to prevent minors from riding motor vehicles above 50 CC. It had directed that to avoid repetition of similar situation, the transport department should not register vehicles below 100 CC with a pillion seat attached to it and not permit riding pillion on such vehicles (already registered). There should not be any seat for pillion riders in vehicles below 100 CC as mandated under Rule 143(3) of the Karnataka Motor Vehicles Rules - 1989, the court had said. PTI For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 15:52 [IST] Why Taj Mahal will not be illuminated with tricolor lights this Independence Day Members of right wing groups detained for chanting shiv chalisa at Taj Mahal India oi-Vikas By Vikas Members of Rashtra Swabhimaan Dal (RSD) and Hindu Yuva Vahini (HYV) were on Monday detained for chanting 'Shiv Chalisa' on the premises of the Taj Mahal. They were, however, released later after they submitted a written apology, said reports. The situation could have led to tensions as some right wing groups claim that the Taj Mahal was originally a Shiva temple. Several BJP leaders have in the past gone on to state that the Taj Mahal was in reality a temple. A petition in the Supreme Court had sought to declare the Taj as a temple, but it was struck down. Historian P N Oak had written a book, Taj Mahal a true story, in which he argues that it was a hindu temple. Some believe that the term Taj Mahal is a corrupt form of the sanskrit term Tejo Mahalay. [Is Taj Mahal a temple] Last week, BJP MLA Sangeet Som had stirred a controversy by saying that the Taj Mahal was built by traitors and that it was blot on Indian history. Currently, only Muslims are allowed to worship at the site, offering Friday prayers at a mosque attached to the Taj Mahal. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 10:41 [IST] Ex-president Ashraf Ghani says he fled Kabul to save 6 million people in the Afghan capital Did Ghani flee with millions of dollars? US watchdog to probe Modi, Ashraf for closure of cross-border safe havens to bring lasting peace India pti-PTI Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani syressed that closure of cross-border safe havens and sanctuaries were essential for lasting peace. The two leaders also "positively assessed" the support extended by India in the defence and security fields, including training of thousands of Afghan defence and security with New Delhi agreeing to extend further assistance depending upon the needs of the Afghan defence and police forces. Detailed discussions were held between the prime minister and the president in one on one format, restricted meeting and a working lunch, a statement by the external affairs ministry said. The Indian leadership reiterated its support for a negotiated political reconciliation in Afghanistan that is Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled, the statement said. During the wide-ranging talks, deep appreciation was expressed for the bravery with which the Afghan forces were fighting terrorism imposed on Afghanistan. "The support extended by India in the defence and security fields, including training of thousands of Afghan defence and security personnel was positively assessed. The Indian side agreed to extend further assistance depending upon the needs of the Afghan defence and police forces," it said. MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar tweeted, "Prime Minister Modi and president Ghani discussed range of bilateral, regional and global issues, express firm resolve to end menace of terrorism." This was President Ghani's fourth visit to India in the last 3 years and 12th personal interaction between the two leaders, the ministry said. "It was emphasised that renunciation of violence and terror, and closure of cross border safe havens and sanctuaries were essential for any meaningful progress and lasting peace," the MEA statement said, in an obvious reference to Pakistan. However, the statement did not name Pakistan. Ghani's visit also assumes significance as it comes ahead of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's talks with Indian leadership tomorrow. The US wants India to play a greater role in Afghanistan. Tillerson had also made an unannounced trip to Kabul yesterday and had met the Afghan president. Reiterating their commitment to their strategic partnership, the two sides positively assessed the outcomes of the recent high level bilateral exchanges, including the visits of Afghan chief executive Abdullah Abdullah and Foreign Minister Rabbani to India last month and that of the National Security Adviser to Afghanistan last week. The two sides agreed to further deepen the bilateral strategic dialogue and consultations at all levels in order to achieve the shared objectives, it said. The New Development Partnership that was launched at the meeting of the Strategic Partnership Council on September 11 was assessed as a "significant step" in building upon the highly successful development cooperation of the past 16 years. The new generation India-assisted projects, including in the fields of health, agriculture, drinking water supply, education, renewable energy, infrastructure development, skill development and capacity building, among others will further contribute to Afghanistan's reconstruction, economic development and effective governance. The statement said that the two sides agreed that the recent convergence and alignment of views at regional and international arenas have created opportunities for bringing peace, security and stability in Afghanistan. Issues related to connectivity were discussed in detail with the two countries acknowledging the establishment of the air freight corridor as an important factor in providing Afghan farmers a direct and easy access to the Indian market. "The efforts for early operationalisation of the Chahbahar Port, including the shipments of wheat in coming weeks to Afghanistan through the Port was considered as a step that would shape new trade and transit opportunities for landlocked Afghanistan," the statement said. The Indian side reiterated the readiness of its Integrated Check Post at Attari for receiving Afghan trucks carrying goods to and from India. The two sides agreed to work closely with the regional and international partners; and consult, coordinate and cooperate in various international fora, with the view to further the objective of seeing Afghanistan emerge as a stable, peaceful, united, progressive, prosperous and pluralistic nation. PTI Need to embrace Kashmiris and ensure peace: Dineshwar Sharma India oi-Vicky By Vicky It is a big responsibility for me and I have to live up to the expectations, former Intelligence Bureau director, Dineshwar Sharma said after he was appointed as the representative for a sustained dialogue in Jammu and Kashmir. "The government has decided to start a sustained dialogue in Jammu and Kashmir. Former IB director Dineshwar Sharma will be Government of India's representative. Rank of Dineshwar Sharma will be equivalent to that of a Cabinet Secretary," Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh said at a press conference in New Delhi. Sharma took time off to speak to OneIndia, about how he plans to go about the issue. Who is Dineshwar Sharma, the Centre's special representative in Kashmir Peace is a priority he said while adding that all modalities would be worked out. On being asked whether he would speak with the separatists in the Valley, Sharma informed that he would like to talk to everyone. I will speak to all who want to restore peace in the Valley he said. Peace is a priority and all doors are open to everyone, he further added. On being asked if he would manage to restore peace, the former IB boss said that he hoped to live up to the expectations and it is a big responsibility he is shouldering. For me the rank does not matter. What matters is that peace has to be restored at any cost. That would be my priority Sharma also said. In Kashmir, we need to find a permanent solution, he also said. Explaining the way forward in Kashmir, Sharma said that he would be there in another 8 to ten days. The first step would be to assess the situation in the state. Following this, we will think of how things can be taken forward. We have to work towards the goal. We need to embrace Kashmiris and ensure that there is lasting peace in the Valley, Sharma also said. OneIndia News Man rapes 8-year-old to use her blood for removing obstacles to his marriage Protestor beaten up for protesting against eve teasing on the fringes of Kolkata India oi-Amitava By Amitava Though the recent incidents of violence against women in different parts of the country has raised questions on silent onlookers; incidents of violence against protestors is being seen as a reason for silence among onlookers. Barasat in West Bengal was a witness to such an incident. A group of around 25 men barged into the residence of a 30 year old and thrashed him in front of his family. The incident took place in Barasat in North 24 Parganas bordering Kolkata on Monday. The father and brother of Krishna Saha were also roughed up when they had come to Saha's aid. The 30 year old had saved a group of girls from being harassed by a group of inebriated youths at a prominent Kali puja pandal. The accused were arrested by the police. Trouble had started on Saturday night when Saha was manning the gates of a popular Kali puja pandal. Incidentally Barasat is famous for Kali puja. Some volunteers complained to Saha that a group of inebriated youths were passing lewd remarks and making dirty gestures at a group of girls. Saha had immediately intervened. A clash had ensued but soon the inebriated youths were overpowered by Saha and other volunteers. Police were called in and the youths including the prime accused Manoj Lohar were arrested. They were however released by a Barasat Court on bail on Monday. At around 11:30am on Monday, when Saha was having lunch at his residence, a group of around 25 men barged into Saha's residence. "I was dragged out and mercilessly beaten. My father and brother tried to save me and were also beaten up" stated Saha. Saha who works as a civic supervisor at the Barasat Municipality, with injuries in his eyes, head and back is at present ailing at the Barasat district hospital. A fresh FIR has been lodged against 11 persons. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 16:57 [IST] India's stand on Rohingyas gracious so far but housing them would be risky Rohingyas are not refugees but aggressors/invaders, fresh plea in Supreme Court India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Oct 24: A day after India's external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj expressed her concern over the growing Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh, a fresh plea was filed in the Supreme Court on Monday favouring the Centre's stand to identify and deport 40,000 "illegal Rohingya Muslims staying in various parts of the country" to their homeland Myanmar. The latest plea on deportation of Rohingyas is likely to be heard by a bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra in November. The apex court bench is already considering various petitions on Rohingyas, including the lead Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by two Rohingya Muslim refugees, Mohammad Salimullah and Mohammad Shaqir, challenging their deportation. The SC has already fixed the earlier pleas for detailed hearing from November 21. The fresh plea has been filed by Binay Kumar Singh, a national executive member of Kisan Morcha of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), T Raja Singh, a BJP member of legislative assembly (MLA) from Goshamahal in Telangana, and Sunil Kumar, an activist. Recommended Video Rohingya crisis: Is Myanmar ready to take back Rohingyas ? | Oneindia News They have sought impleadment as parties in the ongoing matter and alleged that the illegal Rohingya immigrants are not refugees but should rather be seen as "aggressors/ invaders". The plea has raised the issue of Rohingyas settled in Jammu and Kashmir saying Article 370 of the Constitution imposed restrictions on Indians but these people have been allowed to stay there. "If Indians are not allowed to stay in the State of Jammu and Kashmir then even the illegally immigrated Rohingya community cannot be permitted to stay nearby the sensitive Pakistan border," it said. "No foreign national or power may be permitted to force our hands to let them live here as they like. The (Rohingyas) petition makes an outrageous demand that people who have not obtained refuge, who have not been granted refuge, but are admittedly illegal immigrants be accorded shelter by the nation. It plainly is a blatant disrespect to India's sovereignty...," the plea said. The Rohingya immigrants, who have filed the PIL, had claimed they had taken refuge in India after escaping from Myanmar due to widespread discrimination, violence and bloodshed against the community there. Besides the present plea, former Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) ideologue and Rashtriya Swabhiman Andolan leader KN Govindacharaya has also moved the SC seeking to intervene in the pending PIL on Rohingyas. The Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) and the youth wing of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) CPI(M) have also moved the court and opposed the Centre's move to deport Rohingyas, saying the deportation of Rohingya children would be in violation of the provisions of the 1989 United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child. According to an estimate, at least 600,000 Rohingyas have fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh since violence broke out in Rakhine State on August 25. Bangladesh has urged Myanmar to take back the Rohingyas and initiate the process of their re-settlement and rehabilitation as it is running out of space, food and water to take care of the unprecedented flow of refugees in the recent times. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 6:49 [IST] Shooting the Valley messenger: Attacks on those perceived to be pro-India India oi-Vicky By Vicky In the past week, terrorists attacked the houses of eight political workers in Jammu and Kashmir. With such attacks on the rise, the Intelligence Bureau says that this is a pattern that is being noticed and the idea is to shoot the messenger. With the frequency of such attacks rising, the IB says that it is a systematic pattern that is being followed by terrorists. Those perceived to be pro-India are the ones under the radar, the IB officer also said. If one goes by the pattern of killings in the past few days, it becomes amply clear that the terrorists are trying to wipe out the informants. A teacher, a police man and a sarpanch were killed in separate incidents over the past couple of days. This is a systematic pattern that is being noticed and the idea is to create fear and also wipe out the informants. The recent killings of terrorists has been precise in nature. This is thanks to very good ground level intelligence. The people of the state as well as the local police are helping both the Intelligence Bureau as well the Army to identify terrorists and this has led to them being taken down. Moreover there is a deadline that the forces have given themselves to wipe out the top command before the winter sets in. Infiltrations are almost nil during the winter. The Army feels that if the top command is wiped out before the winter, they could control the state and restore peace. In a bid to beat the Army, Pakistan has planned a huge influx of terrorists into the Valley. They want to ensure that at least 100 are pushed into the state so that they could continue with attacks during the winter as well. In a bid to achieve this plan, the local terrorists have been told to identify and kill informers. This they feel would cause panic among the people and they would distance themselves from the Indian establishment. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 9:05 [IST] The joy of our lives: Sushma Swaraj's husband warm birthday wishes for late leader Remembering Sushma Swaraj on her death anniversary: Facts about Iron Lady of India Sushma Swaraj calls on Afghan President, discusses bilateral, regional issues India pti-PTI New Delhi, Oct 24: External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj called on Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, ahead of his talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on promoting security and stability in the war-torn nation. "#Neighbourhoodfirst. EAM @SushmaSwaraj calls on visiting Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in New Delhi. Bilateral & regional issues discussed," MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said in a tweet. Ghani, who is here on a one-day working visit, will hold talks with Modi on furthering the shared objective of promoting security and stability in Afghanistan, and efforts to combat the menace of terrorism. They will also discuss regional and global issues of mutual interest. During his visit, President Ghani will meet with his Indian counterpart Ram Nath Kovind. The invitation to Ghani was extended by National Security Adviser Ajit Doval during his trip to Kabul on October 16. PTI Syed Salahuddins son, the man with the money transfer codes in Kashmir India oi-Vicky By Vicky The arrest of Syed Shahid Yousuf, son of globally proscribed terrorist, Syed Salahuddin is a major breakthrough for the National Investigation Agency. The arrest was made in connection with the Kashmir terror funding case which is being probed by the NIA. NIA officials say that Yousuf is a key link to those persons from Pakistan who had been transferring money to fuel the Kashmir unrest. The NIA would now probe his links with his father who has been instrumental in fuelling the unrest in the Valley since the death of Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani. According to the NIA, Yousuf played a key role in moving the money into the Valley from Pakistan. He was in touch with a key financier in the case, Aijaz Ahmed Bhat a resident of Pakistan. NIA arrests Syed Salahuddin's son for Kashmir terror funding case NIA officials say that Yousuf's role came to light after it was found that he had been in telephonic contact with Bhat. Yousuf was given codes by Bhat. NIA officials say that these money transfer codes were given to Yousuf and the same had been used to transfer money to those persons who were fueling the unrest in the Valley. The NIA will now seek to get the larger picture from Yousuf. The probe is at a very crucial stage and the questioning of Yousuf would help the NIA understand better the role played by his father. His father has been shown as an absconding accused in the case. The NIA names Syed Salahuddin in the chargesheet. The NIA says that Salahuddin has been proscribed as a global terrorist and a Red Corner Notice had been issued against him. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 16:07 [IST] When this mom got a surprise gift, her reaction was 'gold' | Watch Tillerson arrives in Delhi: Key regional issues on agenda India pti-PTI US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived in Delhi on Tuesday from Pakistan and will hold talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on Wednesday to discuss further strengthening of Indo-US strategic partnership in key areas, and collaboration on security in the Indo-Pacific region. Tillerson, who is the second high-ranking official of the Trump Administration to visit India in the last two months, will call on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and hold talks with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. US Defence Secretary James Mattis visited India last month. Ahead of Tillerson's three-day visit, the external affairs ministry had said that there will be detailed discussions on further strengthening of Indo-US partnership. Strengthening cooperation in strategic areas of defence, counter terrorism, security, energy and trade are expected to figure during the meeting between Swaraj and Tillerson. Tillerson will meet with senior Indian leaders to "discuss further strengthening of our strategic partnership and collaboration on security and prosperity" in the Indo-Pacific region, State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert had said in Washington last week. The US Secretary of State, who paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan yesterday, said the Trump administration was of the view that India can play a positive role in creating a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. He also asserted that America's relationship with India is of strategic importance which is not limited to South Asia. In a major India-policy speech, Tillerson said last week that the US is India's "reliable partner" at the world stage in this period of uncertainty and angst. He also referred to the rise of China, saying its behaviour and action were "posing a challenge to the rules-based international order". "China, while rising alongside India, has done so less responsibly, at times undermining the international, rules-based order - even as countries like India operate within a framework that protects other nations' sovereignty," he had told a Washington audience ahead of his maiden visit here. "China's provocative actions in the South China Sea directly challenge the international law and norms that the US and India both stand for," he had said. The two sides will discuss key bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest. Tillerson's visit also comes at a time when the Trump Administration is "considering" India's request for armed drones for its air force. Earlier this year, the IAF had requested the US government for General Atomics Predator C Avenger aircraft. It is understood that the IAF would need 80 to 100 units making it approximately a whopping USD 8 billion deal. PTI Ready, get set, go: Rahul Gandhis Bharat Jodo speeds up in Telangana TSPSC Forest Section Officer answer keys to be released, how to download India oi-Vicky By Vicky The TSPSC Forest Section Officer answer keys will be released soon. Once released it would be on the official website. Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) had released the hall tickets for written examination to the post of forest section officer in Forest Department. This TSPSC recruitment process began few days after August 15, when Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has said that the government is all set to fill up close to 85000 jobs. TSPSC has also released the hall tickets of Civil Assistant Surgeons (Specialist) in Telangana Vaidya Vidana Parishad computer based recruitment test. The hall tickets are available on tspsc.gov.in. How to download TSPSC Forest Section Officer answer key Go to tspsc.gov.in Click on "TSPSC Forest Section Officer Answer Key 2017" Link Choose your set and download the FSO Answer Sheet Cross check your answers and mark your obtained score Take a printout OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 11:45 [IST] Shoaib open fires in UP university after trying to start conversation with girls; arrested Humanity at its worst: 3 men hang dog to death in Ghaziabad Watch: Sukhoi jets carry out flypast during IAFs landing exercise India oi-Madhuri As part of emergency landing drill, a set of 16 Indian Air force aircrafts took part in a touch and go excercise on the Agra Expressway near Bangarmau in Unnao district about 65 km from Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow on Tuesday. The first transport aircraft, a C-130J Hercules, landed and took off on the Lucknow-Agra Expressway. It was a short landing trailed by Garud commandos and their vehicles. On disembarking from the aircraft, the commandos took position on either side of the 'air strip' to cordon it off for fighter operations. Also, two IAF Sukjoi fighter het aircraft also carried out a flypast during the landing excercise. #WATCH 2 IAF Sukhoi fighter jet aircraft carry out flypast during IAF's landing exercise pic.twitter.com/3Y8TY1cthu ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) October 24, 2017 A large number of people have congregated to watch IAF planes land on Lucknow-Agra expressway. Sixteen aircraft, including two AN-32 transport and fighter planes such as Mirage 2000, Jaguar, Sukhoi 30 MKI are taking part in the exercise. The AN-32 are meant for humanitarian assistance and relief operations during floods or any other natural calamity. This is not for the first time the IAF is carrying out such kind of drill. The Indian Air Force wants new public roads to serve as runways for their warplanes. Meanwhile, traffic has been restricted for the commuters until 2pm. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 12:28 [IST] 'Enduring defeat of IS must be the goal' Trump ousts Tillerson as Secretary of State, replaces him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo Trump enters US state department for first time as his favourite Mike Pompeo takes over as secy Weaponisation of Guardian drones likely to be discussed during Tillerson's visit India oi-Vikas By Vikas India is likely to rake up the issue of weaponisation of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Guardian with US secretary of state Rex Tillerson, who will arrive in the national capital on Tuesday evening. The US had agreed to sell 22 Guradian drones to India during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Washington visit in June this year. The drones would significantly enhance Indian Navy's surveillance capabilities in the strategic Indian Ocean region. This is the first time that the US has agreed to sell Guardian drones, manufactured by General Atomics, to a non NATO nation. According to reports, 22 Guardian UAVs, priced at around $3 billion, would be more cost-effective if they were weaponised. The weaponised version of the Guardian is called the Sea Avenger, and it comes with a top-of-the-line synthetic aperture radar and an electro-optical targeting system for firing Hellfire missiles and laser-guided bombs, an HT report said. Earlier this year, India received 10 advanced Heron drones from Israel for $400 million, making Israel a weapons supplier competitor to the United States. During his two-day visit, Tillerson will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. Bilateral relations and issues realted to terrorism are likely to to at the centre of discussions. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 9:47 [IST] FM Nirmala Sitharaman hints at possibility of Centre considering restoration of state status to J&K Who is Dineshwar Sharma, the Centres special representative in Kashmir India oi-Vicky By Vicky Dinewhwar Sharma was appointed as the Centre's special representative in Kashmir. He returns to the state in a hope to restore peace exactly 25 years after his first posting in the Intelligence Bureau in the state. Sharma's appointment has been hailed and those who have worked with him say that his affable approach will give him the edge. He will speak to all those who are interested in restoring peace in the Valley. Sharma who held the post of IB director has immense experience in tackling terrorism. Besides Kashmir, he has also served in the north-eastern states that were hit by militancy. It was May 1992. Militancy was at its peak and Sharma, then 36, arrived in Srinagar after completing a year of customary training at the Intelligence Bureau headquarters in New Delhi. Need to embrace Kashmiris and ensure peace: Dineshwar Sharma The Kerala-cadre officer, who was posted as assistant director between 1992 to 1994, went on to head the IB from 2014 to 2016. "It's like homecoming for me. I am sure that I will be able to fulfil the expectations of the government and people of the country," Sharma said. The 61-year-old -- at present the Centre's pointperson for dialogue with Assam-based militant groups -- said he feels honoured that he has been assigned such a challenging task. Kashmir has been a running thread through his career. After his return from the Valley in 1994, Sharma was again posted at the Kashmir desk in the national capital. "The times were tough and I hope that now we will together bring peace in the Valley," he said. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 7:08 [IST] 'Enduring defeat of IS must be the goal' Trump ousts Tillerson as Secretary of State, replaces him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo Trump enters US state department for first time as his favourite Mike Pompeo takes over as secy Eradicate terrorists operating within Pakistan's soil: Tillerson tells Abbasi International pti-PTI US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday bluntly told Pakistan's top leadership that it must increase efforts to eradicate terrorists operating within the country. Tillerson arrived here on a whirlwind visit to reset bilateral ties strained after President Donald Trump accused Pakistan of providing safe havens to terrorist groups. During his meeting with Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Tillerson discussed the bilateral cooperation and partnership, expanding economic ties between the US and Pakistan, and Pakistan's critical role in the region. Abbasi chaired an inter-agency meeting attended by Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif, Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal, Minister of Defence Khurram Dastigir Khan, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua, Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa, ISI chief Lt Gen Naveed Mukhtar and other officials. The US embassy here said that the Secretary reiterated President Trump's message that "Pakistan must increase its efforts to eradicate militants and terrorists operating within the country." To address those concerns, the Secretary outlined the United States' new South Asia Strategy and the vital role that Pakistan can play in working with the US and others to facilitate a peace process in Afghanistan that can bring stability and security to the region, the embassy statement said. "The Secretary noted that Pakistan and the United States share common interests in establishing a stable, peaceful Afghanistan, defeating ISIS in South Asia, and eliminating terrorist groups that threaten both Pakistan and the United States." During the meeting, Abbasi assured Tillerson that his country is committed to the war against terrorism. "The US can rest assured that we are strategic partners in the war against terror and that today, Pakistan is fighting the largest war in the world against terror," Abbasi said. Abbasi said Pakistan is "committed in the war against terror." He said Pakistan has produced "results" in its war against terrorism and it was looking forward to moving ahead with the US and building a tremendous relationship. So far no official statement was issued by Pakistan but Defence Minister Khan talking to Geo TV said that all aspects of relations were discussed and there was agreement to increase cooperation to defeat militancy. "They asked Pakistan to take action against groups which are involved in militancy and also urged Pakistan to help create peace in Afghanistan," he said. He said the Pakistani side insisted that its efforts for peace were derailed twice -- once when the news of the death of Mullah Omar was divulged and second when Taliban leader Mullah Mansoor was killed. He said Pakistan the tone of the US delegation was reconciliatory and it insisted that Pakistan's role was important for regional peace as it lies between India and Afghanistan. Khan said that Pakistan also highlighted the issue of Indian presence in Afghanistan and raised concerns about New Delhi's role in security affairs in the war-torn country. "We said that we do not have any issue with Indian development work in Afghanistan but we have issued with its security role," he said. He said the US official tried to "tell us that India is not a threat to Pakistan but our perception was different". He said Tillerson expressed gratitude to Pakistan in securing the release of the Boyle-Coleman family from Taliban captivity. Earlier, Tillerson quietly landed at a military airport in Rawalpindi in the afternoon and was driven to US embassy where he was briefed by senior US officials about relations with Pakistan. He later met Abbasi at the Prime Minister House and held detailed talks on various aspects of relations. It was Tillerson's first visit to the region after Trump unveiled his policy for Afghanistan and South Asia. Trump's remarks in August unruffled the ties already under strain due to various issues. Pakistan regularly denies that it hosts terror groups fighting the US and Afghan forces in Afghanistan. Trump's criticism led to further strain in US-Pakistan relations with a peeved Islamabad saying the president ignored its efforts in the war against terrorism. PTI Father of missing Indian girl Sherin Mathews arrested, body still not identified International pti-PTI Houston, Oct 24: Wesley Mathews, father of missing three-year-old adopted Indian girl Sherin Mathews has been arrested, a day after body of a small child was found in a culvert, less than a mile from the family's home. Sherin Mathews, who has developmental issues and limited verbal communication skills, was last seen outside her family's backyard in Richardson city in Texas on October 7 after her Indian-American father Wesley Mathews upbraided her and sent her alone outside late at night as punishment for not finishing her milk. Wesley was arrested last evening and faces charges of injury to a child, Police Sgt. Kevin Perlich said. Yesterday, Wesley and his attorney voluntarily arrived at the Richardson police station and shared a different account of the girl's disappearance than his original statement, Perlich said. "He provided an alternate series of events from what he had previously given us," Perlich said. PTI ED is 'completely independent' in what it does: Nirmala Sitharaman FM Nirmala Sitharaman hints at possibility of Centre considering restoration of state status to J&K India will continue to rely on close cooperation of US to address global economic challenges: Sitharaman Terrorism, radicalisation are serious threats to societies: Sitharaman International oi-Vikas By Vikas Emphasising on the global security situation, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday said that India has taken "resolute measures" to fight the menace of terrorism. Speaking at the ASEAN defence ministers' meeting in Philippines, Sitharaman said, "Terrorism and radicalization pose one of the most immediate and serious security challenges to our societies." She said that global security situation is constantly evolving and has thrown up serious challenges. "New developments in Cyberspace have expanded threat, as these are exploited by terrorists to develop ways of manipulating minds...India has taken resolute measures to fight the scourge of terrorism from across its borders," she added. Association of Southeast Asian Nations Defence Ministers' Meeting in the Philippines began today and will end on October 25. Sitharaman is also likely to meet US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis on the sidelines of the meeting. [ASEAN meet in Philippines: Sitharaman to meet Mattis] This would be the first meeting between the two leaders after Mattis' successful trip to India last month. Mattis had said the ASEAN defence ministers' meeting will be an opportunity to recognise ASEAN for 50 years of promoting peace and stability in the region. ASEAN, Mattis had said, provides an international forum, giving voice to those who want relations between states to be based on respect, not on predatory economics or on the size of militaries, in an apparent reference to China. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 16:05 [IST] US military to pursue Niger operations after deadly attack International pti-PTI Washington, Oct 24: The United States will maintain its large military presence in Niger to assist local forces despite the deaths of four American soldiers in an ambush, the Pentagon's top officer has said. Nearly three weeks after jihadists attacked a joint US- Niger patrol in a sensitive border area, General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the US is firmly committed to supporting Nigerien forces in counter- insurgency operations. With some 800 US forces deployed in the country, "our intent is to continue operations there," Dunford told a news conference yesterday. The October 4 clash, the deadliest US combat incident since President Donald Trump took office in January, has shocked many Americans unaware of the military presence in the African country, the largest US deployment on the continent. The four troops died on a reconnaissance patrol on the Niger-Mali border directly north of Niamey. Dunford said five Nigerien solders were killed, and another two Americans wounded. The 12 American and 30 Nigerien soldiers on the mission were attacked by about 50 fighters Dunford characterized as locals associated with the Islamic State group. Questions have been raised over why it took hours before backup support reached the patrol, and why one US soldier's body was left behind and only recovered the following day. Dunford said the October 3-4 mission was originally approved based on an intelligence assessment that they were "unlikely" to come into conflict with any local forces. The unit went to a village near the border and was attacked as they returned to their base to the south. Dunford said that, based on what investigators know so far, the patrol did not call for support until one hour after first being attacked, suggesting perhaps they believed they could handle the situation. A surveillance drone was sent to the location quickly after they did call for support, and two French Mirage jets arrived overhead an hour later. But Dunford gave no details of what took place on the ground, and said he did not know, for example, why the French jets did not drop bombs. "This is a very complex situation that they found themselves in," he noted. "When they didn't ask for support for that first hour, my judgement would be that that unit thought they could handle the situation without additional support." The incident has drawn calls from Congress for an investigation into the US presence in Niger. A US special operations raid on Mogadishu in 1993 became a massive firefight leaving 19 US soldiers dead and resulted eventually in the pullback of US forces from Somalia. The 800 deployed in Niger are part of around 6,000 US forces on the continent, mostly there to train local partners. "We mitigate the risk to the US forces with specific guidance that we will only accompany those (local) forces when the prospects of enemy contact is unlikely." Dunford said the Niger clash reflects the globalisation of the fight against IS, even as it loses ground in Syria and Iraq. PTI US visa processing time expected to fall by mid-2023, says official US to withdraw aid to Myanmar military over Rohingya violence International pti-PTI Washington, Oct 24: In the wake of massive exodus of Rohingyas, the United States has announced it was withdrawing military assistance from Myanmar units and officers involved in violence. "We express our gravest concern with recent events in Rakhine state and the violent, traumatic abuses Rohingya and other communities have endured," State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in announcing the punitive measures. "It is imperative that any individuals or entities responsible for atrocities, including non-state actors and vigilantes, be held accountable." The State Department said it has already cut off travel waivers allowing current and former senior military leaders into the country and was considering further actions to impose economic measures against those responsible for atrocities against Myanmar's ethnic minority. The department said that all military units involved in operations against the Rohingya were ineligible for American aid. PTI USA considering economic sanctions against Myanmar over Rohingya issue International oi-Amitava By Amitava In what could be a major financial crackdown on Myanmar the United States is mulling economic sanctions against this Southeast Asian nation over the Rohingya issue. It has just been a year that the US has lifted a decade long trade sanctions from Myanmar. Reinstating sanction would hit the economy of this developing country hard, feel analysts. In a statement released late on Monday, the U.S. State Department said it was considering "economic options" to target individuals associated with atrocities against the Rohingyas. Washington is also "exploring accountability mechanisms available under U.S. law, including Global Magnitsky targeted sanctions," the State Department stated. Incidentally The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act authorizes the administration to sanction foreign individuals for human rights violations and corruption. This move comes on the heels of more than 40 lawmakers of the House of Representatives calling for stringent action against military leaders of Myanmar. The USA had earlier lifted all trade sanctions from Myanmar in October 2016 with the return of civilian rule in 2015. However the military junta still exercises a strong grip on the Government led by Nobel Laureate Aung Sang Suu Kyi as defacto leader. The USA is also consulting with allies on accountability options, the statement continues. Along with this, arms embargoes would also be effective, stated a recent note from Amnesty International. The State Department has further stated that all units of the Myanmar security forces involved in Rakhine operations from participating in U.S. assistance programs. Reinstating of economic sanction could create a major dent in Myanmar's newfound status as one of the most upcoming frontier markets. The Rohingyas are an ethnic group, majority belonging to the Muslim faith, who have lived for centuries in Myanmar. Currently, there are about 1.1 million Rohingya who live in the predominantly Buddhist country. The Rohingya speak the unique Ruaingga dialect but are not considered one of Myanmar's 135 official ethnic groups. They have been denied citizenship in Myanmar since 1982. This has rendered the Rohingya's stateless. Nearly all of the Rohingyas in Myanmar live in the western coastal state of Rakhine in camps. Time and again there have been allegations of Myanmar embarking on ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya's which the country has denied. Following an attack on the police posts and an army base in Myanmar on August 25 that left 12 officers dead, the Myanmar military has imposed a crackdown on the Rohingya population which they have dubbed a clearance operation against an insurgent terrorist group. Due to ongoing violence and persecution, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have fled to neighbouring countries either by land or boat. India however has announced a different approach to the Rohingya crisis. Sushma Swaraj, External Affairs Minister, Government of India in a statement issued after a joint consultative committee meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh to discuss India- Bangladesh ties had stated "The only long term solution to the situation (Rohingya) in Rakhine State is rapid socio-economic and infrastructure development that would have a positive impact on all communities living in the State." OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 11:48 [IST] Xi Jinping named in Chinese constitution, elevated to status of Mao, Deng International oi-Vicky By Vicky The Communist Party of China (CPC) on Tuesday endorsed a second five-year term for President Xi Jinping. Further it was decided to amended its constitution to add his name and ideology, elevating him on a par with party founder Mao Zedong and his successor Deng Xiaoping. Former leaders Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin also had their own ideologies incorporated in the constitution. But unlike Mao and Deng, their names were not included. Xi's concept of "socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era" was added to the constitution at the end of the CPC's week-long Congress. The amendment to the constitution was approved, making 64-year-old Mr. Xi's ideology as a new component of the party's guide for action, according to a resolution of the 19th CPC National Congress. The conference, attended by over 2,350 delegates, ended at the Great Hall of the People, the seat of power of China's Communist leadership. Xi and Premier Li Keqiang (62), ranked number one and two in the CPC hierarchy, would continue based on two five-year tenure convention for top leaders. Five new members will be elected to the seven-member Standing Committee of the party. Xi and Li took charge in 2012 and set to continue till 2022. The new standing committee will be unveiled for China and the world on Wednesday when they would formally appear in front of the media in a live telecast. Reports in the Hong Kong media said that Xi may not have his way at the congress, as his closest aide Wang Qishan, who led the massive anti-corruption campaign in which Xi's opponents were allegedly crushed, is likely to step down from the powerful standing committee, belying speculation that he would be retained by overriding the 68-year retirement rule. Also the congress may keep the number of the standing committee members to seven, contrary to reported preference of Mr. Xi to reduce its number to five. The new committee may retain balance of power among various factions within the party though Xi may still remain powerful with the induction of some of his close associates into it, the reports said. As China enters a new era, the CPC must write a new chapter, of 21st century Marxism with a broader vision to achieve the goals set at the milestone congress, Chen Shuguang, a professor with the Party School of the CPC Central Committee told state-run Xinhua news agency. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 16:19 [IST] Even as some Democrats are at long last growing frustrated with the lack of actual evidence for the past several months of stories about Russia stealing a U.S. election, Russiagate has penetrated so deeply that Trump's ambassador to the United Nations has declared Russia's alleged crimes to be acts of war. That Russia's fictional actions being warfare would make Donald Trump guilty of treason is really a minor glitch not to be fretted over if we step back and view the situation calmly and wisely from the point of view of the weapons dealers. The University of Virginia's Miller Center has hardly met a war criminal it didn't love. It's now planning three days of nonstop Russophobia: "Since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the United States and Russia have been geopolitical and ideological rivals." That's one way of noting that the U.S. and its allies immediately sent their militaries into Russia to fight against the revolution -- an action which had absolutely nothing to do with defending the United States or upholding the rule of law or preventing genocide or expanding women's rights or spreading democracy or respecting national sovereignty, or any of the other pieces of nonsense put forward as excuses for wars these days. In fact, this warmaking was a blatant violation of the sixth of Wilson's 14 Points, and of each of the first five general Points as well. "In aftermath of the First World War, the Bolshevik challenge to American ideals of democratic capitalism set the tone for the rest of the century." So, the U.S. sending troops into Russia didn't set any tones, but the Bolsheviks' disagreements with the "democratic capitalism" that is working out so well for us did that. "Despite a period of partnership during the great war against Hitler, the USA and the USSR viewed one another with deep suspicion and eventually came to see the other as an existential threat. Even with the collapse of the Cold War order, America and Russia could not develop a stable, mutually beneficial relationship, and since the advent of Vladimir Putin to power in 2000, the relationship has reached a level of mutual enmity not seen since the depths of the Cold War." Putin, huh? His offer of friendship and support and gift of a memorial following September 11, 2001, his willingness to help with a U.S.-led attack on Afghanistan just doesn't exist? We have to jump straight to the decline in relations that began when Putin would not support attacking Iraq, and pretend it happened three years earlier? Boy was he wrong about attacking Iraq, eh? That sure has paid off big time and set a moral standard for a world full of slimy rivals. (That the year 2000 is the wrong date on which to begin the "enmity" is acknowledged by one of the Miller Center's articles.) "This conference aims to place the current US-Russia relationship into broad historical context by returning to key historical moments of crisis and controversy as well as restraint and compromise. By exploring U.S. presidents and their ties to Russian and Soviet leaders, and by analyzing the perceptions of the latter, we hope to illuminate the real nature of the bilateral relationship: the underlying forces, ideological, geopolitical, strategic, historic--that have placed the United States and Russia at cross-purposes for the past century." Sure you do. In preparation, the center has published several articles online. Here's the conclusion of one that begins with Wilson and Lenin: "Putin, we are told, sees international politics as a great power game, governed by that old Thucydidean maxim that might makes right." Never mind by whom we are told this and what value it may have! "This was precisely the logic of the pre-1919 world order that both Wilson and Lenin rejected. They both wanted a world governed by norms and institutions of international cooperation; they founded the League of Nations and the Third International, after all, around the same time. Wilson, of course, wanted an order that reflected the principles of democratic capitalism, and Lenin, those of Communist internationalism. Both, however, would have rejected Putinism as an abomination." Putin is very quickly transformed into "Putinism" on the basis of what "we are told," and then denounced as an "abomination." Egad! What can we do to avoid this abomination? "The United States, then, has two choices in its general posture toward Russia today. One is to accept Putin's premise and shape its policy based on the principles of great power politics. Washington still enjoys vast economic and military superiority over Moscow, and this, combined with America's favorable geostrategic position, gives it considerable leverage. Such a strategy, however, would require a clear definition of strategic priorities and some recognition, however distasteful, of Russia's perceived interests in its own near abroad. As much as Washington opposes Russian involvement in Ukraine, for example, or a potential incursion into the Baltics, how far is it really willing to go to stop them? "The second choice is to adopt a more principled, Wilsonian perspective, as Wilson himself did toward Lenin. In this scheme, Putin's refusal to abide by the international norms and institutions crafted after 1945 under US influence (if sometimes flouted by US policies) would render his regime internationally illegitimate. The United States would rally like-minded allies (presumably, mainly in Europe) to tighten economic sanctions and further reduce diplomatic contacts." Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Let's read a New York Times editorial from Monday: "The United States has been at war continuously since the attacks of 9/11 and now has just over 240,000 active-duty and reserve troops in at least 172 countries and territories. While the number of men and women deployed overseas has shrunk considerably over the past 60 years, the military's reach has not. American forces are actively engaged not only in the conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen that have dominated the news, but also in Niger and Somalia, both recently the scene of deadly attacks, as well as Jordan, Thailand and elsewhere." That's a big "elsewhere" that includes Libya, Pakistan, the Philippines, etc. "An additional 37,813 troops serve on presumably secret assignment in places listed simply as 'unknown.' The Pentagon provided no further explanation. There are traditional deployments in Japan (39,980 troops) and South Korea (23,591) to defend against North Korea and China, if needed," The gratuitous claim that what U.S. troops are doing halfway around the globe is defensive helps explain why this extreme militarism is tolerated. This editorial will go on to scratch its head in bewilderment, but the U.S. would not have gotten into these wars without the hard work of the New York Times, which has so normalized the mouthing of patent nonsense in defense of permanent war that it goes unnoticed even in an editorial lamenting permanent war. "" along with 36,034 troops in Germany, 8,286 in Britain and 1,364 in Turkey -- all NATO allies. There are 6,524 troops in Bahrain and 3,055 in Qatar, where the United States has naval bases." Plus 14,617 in Italy, 12,489 in Afghanistan with 4,000 more on the way, 12,342 in Kuwait, 5,963 in Iraq, etc, etc, plus many more mercenaries and contractors than troops in some of these locations. And of course "has naval bases" in plain English is "props up brutal dictatorships with horrific results to come." "America's operations in conflict zones like Africa are expanding: 400 American Special Forces personnel in Somalia train local troops fighting the Shabab Islamist group, providing intelligence and sometimes going into battle with them. One member of the Navy SEALs was killed there in a mission in May. On Oct. 14, a massive attack widely attributed to the Shabab on a Mogadishu street killed more than 270 people, which would show the group's increased reach. About 800 troops are based in Niger, where four Green Berets died on Oct. 4." The pattern of increased terrorism following the spread of "counter terrorism" can be found, but is never pointed out, in the New York Times. "Many of these forces are engaged in counterterrorism operations -- against the Taliban in Afghanistan, for instance; against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria; against an affiliate of Al Qaeda in Yemen. So far, Americans seem to accept that these missions and the deployments they require will continue indefinitely. Still, it's a very real question whether, in addition to endorsing these commitments, which have cost trillions of dollars and many lives over 16 years, they will embrace new entanglements of the sort President Trump has seemed to portend with his rash threats and questionable decisions on North Korea and Iran." When the hell were we asked? Are there polls showing that we've embraced these wars and the warmaking that they "require"? "For that reason alone, it's time to take stock of how broadly American forces are already committed to far-flung regions and to begin thinking hard about how much of that investment is necessary, how long it should continue and whether there is a strategy beyond just killing terrorists." How in the world could any of it be necessary? Why must the New York Timescreate that assumption? "Which Congress, lamentably, has not done. If the public is quiet, that is partly because so few families bear so much of this military burden, and partly because America is not involved in anything comparable to the Vietnam War, when huge American casualties produced sustained public protest. It is also because Congress has spent little time considering such issues in a comprehensive way or debating why all these deployments are needed. Congress has repeatedly ducked efforts by Senator Tim Kaine, Democrat of Virginia, and others to put the war against the Islamic State, which has broad popular support but no specific congressional authorization, on a firm legal footing." That "broad public support" is very dubious and not documented here in any way. Polls have often shown the same people horrified of ISIS and wanting ISIS destroyed opposing continuing or escalating U.S. warmaking. The "firm legal footing" is a highly dangerous lie by one of its top promoters: the New York Times. None of these wars is legal under the UN Charter or under the Kellogg-Briand Pact, and there is nothing that Congress can do to make them legal. If some foreign nation attacked this one, the New York Times wouldn't look into the manner in which that nation's government decided on war and whether it was in compliance with that nation's constitution. It would recognize that a criminal cannot legalize a crime through a proper criminal procedure. "President Trump, like his predecessor, insists that legislation passed in 2001 to authorize the war against Al Qaeda is sufficient. It isn't. After the Niger tragedy, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker of Tennessee, has agreed to at least hold a hearing on the authorization issue. It is scheduled for Oct. 30." Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Congress Switchboard: 202-224-3121 "Rob Kall's book, Bottom-Up: Tapping the Power of the Connection Revolution has really caused me to relook and reframe many of my thoughts on where our connectedness using social media tools like LinkedIn is headed, and not just for career trajectory but for life. If you are looking for a new perspective on our sometimes zany digital world we live in, this book will keep you reading and may ultimately revise but for sure challenge your current paradigm." Wayne Breitbarth, author of The Power Formula for Linkedin Success: Kick-Start Your Business, Brand, and Job Search Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. From Consortium News Last Thursday, President Trump gave his administration a "10 out of 10" for its handling of the hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico, However, even as Trump was patting himself and his team on the back, the power grid in San Juan went down again throwing the city into darkness. More than a month after Hurricane Maria made landfall on Sept. 20, many Puerto Ricans remained in dire straits, especially those needing electricity for respirators or dialysis machines to treat medical conditions. Some back-up generators were burning out due to overuse. Meanwhile, those living in more remotes areas of Puerto Rico like Vieques and Culebra were still living without any resources, often left to fend for themselves, forced to drink highly polluted water from rivers, or other sources, including those directly connected to superfund sites. Given Puerto Rico's ongoing crisis, some officials of the U.S. territory have tried to avoid angering the President. At one point during the meeting in the Oval Office, Trump turned to Puerto Rico's Governor Ricardo Rossello and asked, "Did we do a great job?" Rossello finessed the President's question: "You responded immediately, Sir." But San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz quipped that Trump was right about giving his administration a "10" if it was out of 100. "If it is a 10 out of a scale of 100, of course, it is still a failing grade," she said on CNN's "New Day" on Friday. In an interview late Thursday, I spoke with Flashpoints contributor Judith Berkan in San Juan, whose electricity had again failed, along with millions of other Puerto Ricans. Berkan is a human rights activist and attorney who deals with land rights, and has been a resident on the U.S.' island colony for the last 40 years. Dennis Bernstein: What's the latest regarding the situation on the ground? Is the situation beginning to improve? Judith Berkan: In some ways, the situation keeps getting worse. For example, just a half an hour ago most, if not all, of the San Juan area lost electricity. The power comes and goes. You get it for a couple days and you get a sense of some routine in your life and then it disappears again. So the San Juan metropolitan area, which in some ways is the economic motor of the country, is still in the dark. I live in an apartment building which has generators. There has been a fire sale of generators here at very exorbitant prices. People are being gouged. Dennis Bernstein: Talk about the situation in terms of power at medical facilities. Judith Berkan: I just spoke with a friend of mine who spent all day waiting for ambulatory surgery and then the lights went out. About three-quarters of the hospitals on the island are working but most of those are working on generators. Generators cause all sorts of other problems. The air contamination is frightening and we are seeing more respiratory diseases. Because of the uncertainty of power, hospitals are limiting their operations and sending people who can afford it off the island to have operations. Because doctor's offices are closed by and large, emergency rooms have become, in effect, doctor's offices. There has been a propagation of contagious diseases. Pneumonia is showing up quite a bit. We have had torrential rains this past week. In October, so far, we have had over six inches of rain, which has resulted in huge floods. The water is still contaminated by animal carcasses and rodent urine and that kind of thing. We are seeing scabies, which is one of those diseases that can pass from an animal to a human being. We also have a devastating situation with the tarps. Something like 250,000 homes have totally lost their roofs and many more have lost part of their roofs. The FEMA director here was saying that the only tarps that have been distributed were some 45,000 that were on stock here in Puerto Rico. When the request was made for more tarps to the States, they said that none were available. So now they are being manufactured and they estimate that next week 500,000 will arrive. As far as the job that the US is doing, they are not offering enough aid, they are offering us loans at a time when Puerto Rico's indebtedness is extraordinary to begin with. There are still communities, 29 days after the storm, who have not been reached by a single governmental agent. Only about 10 percent of roads are passable and there is still debris all over the streets. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From WSWS When former Trump Senior Adviser and current Breitbart News editor Steven Bannon told delegates at the California Republican Party convention that "there has not been a more destructive presidency than George [W.] Bush's," he was greeted with loud applause. The very mention of Bush, the party's previous president, and of 30-year Senator John McCain provoked boos from the audience. Bannon's attacks on Bush and McCain follow public statements they made against Trump in recent days, although neither used the current president's name. Speaking in New York on Thursday, Bush took aim at Trump, saying, "We've seen nationalism distorted into nativism" and "our discourse degraded by casual cruelty." Last Monday, McCain attacked Trump's "half-baked, spurious nationalism." Leaving aside the highly hypocritical character of such condemnations from the perpetrators and apologists of the Iraq War and other imperialist slaughters, the fight between Bannon and his allies and the Republican establishment is developing into an internal fight that could destroy or radically alter the 163-year-old capitalist party. Bannon is fanning and exploiting the escalating divisions to carry out his long-term goal of either transforming the Republican Party into an explicitly fascistic party or splitting sufficient politicians and donors from the Republicans to establish a new far-right party of his own. This perspective animates Bannon's effort to recruit challengers in the 2018 Republican primaries, which take place in the spring and summer. He recently pledged to "wage civil war" on Republican leadership, singling out enemies like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, and others. At the California Republican convention, he said he was trying to build "a grassroots army" to "revolt against Republican establishment." He seeks to ensure the primaries take place amid a political climate of reaction, jingoism, and anti-immigrant hysteria. But his current tactic is also aimed at appealing to lower-ranking Republican officials and their financial backers to join him in opposing Republican leadership. Referencing Trump's 2016 victory, Bannon told the California Republican Party that Trump's 2016 campaign was based on a coalition approach: "This is why it had to be the Republican establishment, it had to be limited-government conservatives, it had to be libertarians, it had to be populists, it had to be economic nationalists, it had to be evangelical Christians." The aim of this maneuver, offering of the olive branch to sections of the Republican establishment, is two-fold. Bannon hopes to build a political bridge between the far right and the Republican Party's wealthy donors. And he hopes to drive a wedge between the so-called establishment section of the party and its financial and fundamentalist backers. In this way, he can either isolate and purge the pro-McConnell and neo-conservative elements or win sufficient support to justify formally breaking with the Republicans to found a third party. Bannon has been traveling across the country in recent weeks, raising money for Breitbart and for efforts to fund primary challengers to a number of Republican senators. He has boasted on Breitbart that he is winning support from a number of wealthy Republican donors, including Dan Eberhart, John Childs, Susan Gore, Eric Crown, and Sheldon Adelson. On Wednesday, he met with a group of establishment Republican donors in New York to "pitch his 2018 midterm strategy against Republican incumbents," according to Breitbart. Bannon says he will back mainstream Republican candidates in states without Republican incumbents, but that he will challenge six of the seven sitting Senate Republicans who are up for reelection in 2018. The coalition Bannon is constructing will be based on mercenaries, war criminals, speculators, evangelical preachers, and out-and-out fascists. He is urging Erik Prince -- former Blackwater CEO and brother of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos -- to run against Senator John Barrasso in Wyoming. He is also supporting challengers in Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska, and Mississippi, where some of the candidates Bannon supports have closer ties to the Republican establishment. In Alabama, Bannon backed the evangelical zealot Roy Moore, who defeated the establishment candidate Lester Strange in September's Republican primary run-off. Bannon also met with former-Republican Congressman and current Breitbart correspondent Tom Tancredo last month and the two discussed Tancredo running for governor of Colorado in 2018. Tancredo is ferociously anti-immigrant and has called for the establishment of brownshirt-style neighborhood militias to fight immigration and Islamism. In other words, Bannon's coalition would weave together the most reactionary threads of American politics, drawing veterans of the criminal wars in the Middle East, the Southern evangelical churches, and the anti-immigrant militia. The Republican leadership has thus far attempted to downplay the threats from Bannon-backed primary challengers, calling the schism an "interparty skirmish" that will harm the Republicans' chances in 2018. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). (Image by Egberto Willies) Details DMCA It is clear that Bob Corker does care more for the country than the Republican Party as he made it clear that Trump is a clear and present danger. Asked if the President is debasing the country, Senator Bob Corker could not be clearer. "I don't think there's any question but that's the case just in the way that he conducts himself and goes to such a low level," Corker said. "I just. I do. But look, I mean the rest of us need to do what we can to act as statesmen and to try to move our nation ahead and a time when we have a leader such as we have now." Corker gave his Republican colleagues a pass in response to a reporter who asked if they need to speak up. "I can't speak to what other people should do. Corker said. "I would never want to you know do or say something that puts people that I serve with, in an uncomfortable place." A reporter asked if he regretted campaigning for Trump. Corker said he really did not campaign for Trump. He said he went to Raleigh when Trump was considering him for the Vice Presidency. He said he told the Trump then he wouldn't be Vice President and in an embarrassing moment the president called him out on stage. Corker gave a harsh parting shot at the end of the interview. "But look, we are where we are as a country and again I think what we need to do is support him when he's right," Corker said. "Check him when he is wrong which is plenty. And try to conduct ourselves in a manner that brings out the best of the American people when our president obviously does not conduct himself that way. His governing model is to divide and to attempt to bully and to use untruth." When will the floodgates open from the Republican Party? Senator Corker and a few others are giving the timid ample opportunity even if to simply use his quotes. It is likely just a matter of time for this president. From Strategic Culture Two very different faces of world leadership were on display this week. In Beijing, President Xi Jinping delivered a bold, outward-looking vision of Chinese global leadership. Meanwhile, in Washington President Donald Trump was embroiled in yet more egotistical infighting and tawdry claims of media lies. Addressing the 19th congress of China's Communist Party, 64-year-old Xi was reelected for a second five-year term. He is being talked about as the greatest Chinese leader since Mao Zedong who led the country's founding revolution in 1949. With dignified composure, Xi spoke to the Great Hall of the People about "a new era of modern socialism... open to the world." The Washington DC-based Council on Foreign Relations headlined: "Xi Asserts China's Global Leadership Role." The BBC reported Xi as telling the more than 2,000 delegates: "China has entered a new era in which it should take centre-stage in the world." Reuters reported: "In what was probably an indirect reference to US President Donald Trump's America First policy, Xi promised that China would be fully engaged with the world, and reiterated pledges to tackle climate change. Trump this year opted to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate pact." "No country can alone address the many challenges facing mankind; no country can afford to retreat into self-isolation," Xi told delegates during a three-and-half-hour address. Reuters again: "Xi set bold long-term goals for China's development, envisioning it as a modernized socialist country by 2035, and a modern socialist strong power with leading influence on the world stage by 2050." Fair enough, cynics may balk at "promise fatigue" and snipe that the Chinese leader's rhetoric was heavy on aspiration and light on specific enabling details. However, there is no denying that Xi was this week offering a vision of ambitious possibility for social progress and internationalism. Contrary to American leadership and Trump in particular, Chinese characteristics of global leadership are not marked by knuckle-dragging domination, militarism and aggression. The emphasis from the Chinese leader is on global cooperation and multilateralism. In short, a peaceful and prosperous world. Contrast that to Trump's tirade before the UN General Assembly last month when he rhetorically swaggered and threatened nations with "total destruction." In that regard, Russian President Vladimir Putin shares the same leadership qualities as China's Xi. No wonder the two leaders are visibly comfortable when they meet publicly, as they have done more frequently than any other two current heads of state. Quietly, with dignity, the two men seem driven to create a more progressive, peaceful world of co-development and co-existence -- in spite of American proclivities to create a world of chaos, conflict and hegemony. While Xi Jinping was conducting himself with dignity and dedication, on the other side of the world, physically and metaphorically, Trump was behaving like the antithesis. Again this week, Trump was bragging about massive tax cuts for the already mega-rich; about imposing stricter travel bans on foreigners; about ripping up international accords (the Iran nuclear deal); and showing appalling disrespect for his own country's military men and women -- despite at other times boasting about American military might. Trump's embarrassing boorishness is getting so bad, senior Republicans are deploring the country's "lack of leadership." Arizona Senator John McCain lamented that "America's leadership and ideals are absent." Last week, another senior Republican Senator, Bob Corker, said Trump was behaving like someone who should be confined to "an adult care center" and whose reckless rants are endangering the planet with World War III. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). By Dave Lindorff This past weekend, my wife and I drove up to Connecticut to attend my 50th high school reunion (which was a great event). But on the way there, we stopped off at a local B&B to drop off our luggage since we'd booked the place for that night. While we were standing just outside the open entryway of the 250-year-old house talking with the innkeeper, there was a loud explosion and a blast of air. It turned out there had been a gas explosion in the inn's kitchen which, while it didn't ignite a fire, did severely burn two chefs whose restaurant was catering an event that evening, as well as three waiters. The victims were brought outside the home and laid on the ground with blankets and we all tried to ease their intense pain, to comfort them as best we could and to keep them from going into shock while waiting for fire trucks and rescue vehicles to arrive. I mention this because it was so impressive to see the mostly volunteer firefighters from this rural area who raced to the scene in minutes rush straight into the house, unafraid of another blast, to search for any possible victims still inside and to insure that there wouldn't be any further explosions. Meanwhile, a few firefighters with EMT training started more serious evaluation and treatment of the victims' injuries. Firefighters have always impressed with how astonishingly dedicated and brave they are -- and the volunteer ones especially, since they put their lives on the line all the time like that for no remuneration. This came to mind as I thought of President Trump's stuffed shirt chief of staff, the retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, and his recent dissing of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL), whom he disparagingly called an "empty barrel" and just a former public school teacher. In Kelly's stated view, America's soldiers, especially the ones killed in battle, are the "finest one-percent" of all Americans "because they are the very best this country produces, and they volunteer to protect our country when there's nothing in our country anymore that seems to suggest that selfless service to the nation is not only appropriate, but required." He also said that America's soldiers "are not making a lot of money," but "love what they do." Clearly, Gen. Kelly thinks that America's firefighters, it's EMT workers, or others who work in dangerous, stressful, and often low-paid jobs that are critical to the functioning of this American society, are of a lower caliber than soldiers like himself. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). .youtube.com/watch?v=Lp2y64IPeVw PSSD Interview with Anna from Croatia Professor David Healy is a world-renowned psychiatrist, scientist, author, and a leading psycho-pharmacologist who is studying the condition called Post-SRRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD), an incurable, permanent illness that can occur after taking SSRIs or other modern antidepressant drugs, which does not go away after stopping the medication. PSSD sufferers say life feels pointless and that they no longer feel sexual or romantic feelings and so cannot fall in love. Many children and young adolescents who are given these medications who then go on to develop PSSD say they have no idea what sexual or romantic feelings are like. Professor Healy believes the condition might more common than previously thought because it unreported as doctors usually dismiss it when their patients say their sex drive has not been the same after taking antidepressant drugs. Because of the nature of the condition patients feel too ashamed to mention it to anyone else. Many sufferers are lonely because their lack of sexual feelings and romantic passion makes relationships difficult. A number of years ago the medical journalist, Robert Whitaker, wrote an article about it but no newspaper, magazine, or online media outlet would publish it. When the Oliver James, the left-leaning British psychiatrist who often writes for the MSM, was asked about it he said it would be difficult to publish. Apparently, newspapers rely too much on drug-company advertising and don't want to upset their customers. Professor Healy is trying to raise money for a $100,000 prize for anyone who can develop a cure for this dreadful condition. If you wish to donate, there's the link below. Please re-blog this post. https://rxisk.org/prize/ Reprinted with permission from Rxisk David Healy This prize is part of a two-pronged attack on the unwillingness of the medical and regulatory establishments to listen to people with adverse events in general -- not just the sexual dysfunctions mentioned here. The second front in the attack will be unveiled in a few weeks' time. The problem The idea for a RxISK Prize began with our involvement with sufferers from Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) some years ago, and soon after people with comparable problems following Accutane and Finasteride. The motivation and endurance of those affected has been inspiring. A complete and permanent wipe-out of your ability to make love is among the most debilitating side effects of a drug imaginable. In the case of all these drugs when it happens it affects men and women, young and old, can appear after a few days on the drug or only after treatment stops. It can last for decades, perhaps longer. It leads to suicides, the break-up of relationships and job losses. There is no upside to it. PSSD shares many common features and looks like it is closely related to Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS), and Post-Retinoid Sexual Dysfunction (PRSD) triggered primarily by isotretinoin (Accutane). Isotretinoin is both a serotonin-reuptake inhibitor and a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (5ARI), so it could give rise to PSSD or PFS, or all three conditions may have something else in common. We have recently submitted a paper for review describing 300 cases of PSSD, PFS and PRSD, and we are aware of many more cases and comparable phenomena happening on some other drugs. There may be tens of thousands affected as some evidence suggests that less than half of those who have been on SSRIs for months will regain full and normal function. There are communities online and linked to universities researching these conditions as vigorously as the AIDS community once got involved in the search of a cure for AIDS. The most successful of these so far have been linked to PFS, with sufferers having created a Foundation to promote research on this condition. The research done by these groups have followed up all of the obvious treatment leads but nothing so far has worked. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). See original here By Lorraine Chow The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt has been noted for taking unusual steps to operate with extreme caution at the job -- including the installation of a $25,000 soundproof communications booth and contravening a bi-partisan EPA transparency practice of keeping his schedule secret. Now, CNN reports, the EPA is expanding Pruitt's security detail with an additional 12 agents, meaning his total security fleet stands at 30 bodyguards. This will cost the department $2 million a year in salaries alone and does not include training, equipment or travel. Meanwhile, President Trump's budget blueprint would cut the EPA's funds by more than 30 percent. Before the new hires, Pruitt's security detail had already demanded "triple the manpower of his predecessors" and is forcing "officials to rotate in special agents from around the country who otherwise would be investigating environmental crimes," the Washington Post reported last month. No other administrator has needed 24/7 security but Pruitt has reportedly received more death threats than any other EPA chief. The inspector general said the office has launched investigations into more than 70 such threats. "We have at least four times -- four to five times the number of threats against Mr. Pruitt than we had against Ms. McCarthy," said assistant inspector general Patrick Sullivan, referring to President Obama's EPA administrator, Gina McCarthy. "The EPA is a lightning rod. We get threats from both sides of the spectrum," Sullivan told CNN. "Some people believe the EPA is not doing enough to enforce environmental laws, and they're upset about that. Other people think the EPA is doing too much, vis-a-vis enforcing environmental laws and they're upset about that." However, eyebrows are raising over Pruitt's questionable use of taxpayer money. In August, the inspector general launched a "preliminary investigation" into Pruitt's frequent trips back to his home state of Oklahoma "at taxpayer expense" following congressional requests. Airfare for these trips reportedly cost more than $12,000. From Paul Craig Roberts Website Once upon a time the left-wing of the political spectrum was committed to the advancement of the working class and its protection from political and economic abuse by the owners of the means of production. Consequently, the left-wing was politically potent and reached a pinnacle of power when Henry Wallace was selected by Franklin D. Roosevelt as his third term vice president. Despite his wealth from the company he founded, Wallace stood for the farmer and the working class. The Democratic Party power brokers refused to accept Wallace as the vice president candidate until FDR told them he otherwise would decline the presidential nomination. Wallace was Roosevelt's and the Democratic voters' choice for vice president in Roosevelt's fourth term. But Wallace's progressive views had alienated the party bosses, Wall Street bankers, anti-union businesses, and America's British and French allies with his support for labor unions, women, minorities, and victims of colonialism. When he called for the emancipation of colonial subjects and for working with the Soviet Union in the cause of peace and working class justice, he sealed his fate. Despite a Gallup Poll released during the Democratic national convention in July 1944 showing that Wallace was the favorite with 65% of the vote and Roosevelt's announcement that if he were a delegate, he would choose Wallace, the party bosses chose Harry Truman who was preferred by only 2% of Democratic voters. This was a turning point in US politics and world history. If the people had prevailed over the corrupt Democratic party bosses, Wallace instead of Truman would have become the first postwar US president. Most likely, there would have been no Cold War, no Korean War, no Vietnam War, no NATO, and no decades of mutual distrust between the US and Russia that today threatens life on earth. Moreover, in place of today's highly skewed income and wealth distribution toward the very rich fraction of one percent, there would be an equitable distribution that would support a strong consumer market instead of declining real incomes and debt expansion that threatens economic growth, business profits, employment, and high equity values. Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick in their best seller, The Untold History of the United States, describe the Clinton-style Democratic Party corruption that was used to block Wallace as the vice presidential candidate: "Party insiders made sure they had an iron grip on the convention. Yet the rank-and-file Democrats would not go quietly, staging a rebellion on the convention floor. The groundswell of support for Wallace among the delegates and attendees was so great that despite the bosses' stranglehold over the proceedings and strong-arm tactics, Wallace's supporters almost carried the day as an uproarious demonstration for Wallace broke out on the convention floor. In the midst of the demonstration, Florida Senator Claude Pepper realized that if he got Wallace's name into nomination that night, Wallace would sweep the convention. Pepper fought his way through the crowd to get within five feet of the microphone when the nearly hysterical Mayor Kelly, purporting that there was a fire hazard, got the Chairman, Senator Samuel Jackson, to adjourn the proceedings. Had Pepper made it five more feet and nominated Wallace before the bosses forced adjournment against the will of the delegates, Wallace would have become president in 1945 and the course of history would have been dramatically altered." The next day Senator Jackson apologized to Senator Pepper: "I had strict instructions from Hannegan not to let the convention nominate the vice president last night. So I had to adjourn the convention in your face." Thus was the power of interest groups to prevail over democracy 73 years ago when there was still a press that would on occasion speak for the people. Dave Kranzler and Brett Arends describe the power of the interests and the degeneration of the media today: "It's been my view since circa 2003 that [the oligarchs] would hold up the system with printed money and credit creation until every last crumb of middle class wealth was swept off the table and into the pockets of those in position to do the sweeping. "Obama delivered nothing on his original campaign promises. He was going to 'reform' Wall Street. But the concept of Too Big To Fail was legislated under Obama, and Wall Street indictments/prosecutions fell precipitously from the previous Administration. "Obama left office and entered into a world of high six-figure Wall Street-sponsored speaking engagements and to live in a $10 million estate in Hawaii paid for by the Chicago elite (Pritzkers etc). Now Obama will be paid off $10's of millions for his role in aiding and abetting the transfer of trillions from the middle class to the elitists. Look at Bill and Hillary -- need I say more? Trump has reversed course on his campaign promises twice as quickly as Obama. Almost overnight after his inauguration, Trump became a war-mongering hand-puppet for the Deep State's 'Swamp' creatures." "The media has been willingly complicit in this big charade. Much to my complete shock, Brett Arends has published a commentary on Marketwatch which, from an insider, warns about the media: 'Do you want to know what kind of person makes the best reporter? I'll tell you. A borderline sociopath. Someone smart, inquisitive, stubborn, disorganized, chaotic, and in a perpetual state of simmering rage at the failings of the world. Once upon a time you saw people like this in every newsroom in the country. They often had chaotic personal lives and they died early of cirrhosis or a heart attack. But they were tough, angry SOBs and they produced great stories. 'Do you want to know what kind of people get promoted and succeed in the modern news organization? Social climbers. Networkers. People who are gregarious, who 'buy in' to the dominant consensus, who go along to get along and don't ask too many really awkward questions. They are flexible, well-organized, and happy with life. And it shows.' Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). The leader of the dark forces of Shi'aism in the world Grand Ayatollah, Sayyed Ali Khamenei of Iran By Hamma Mirwaisi The growing power of the follower of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan's is deriving the leaders of the countries above to mental instability. The US government's support of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Syrian war is driving the above leaders to act not normally. The Syrian People's uprising began in mid-March 2011. The revolt quickly was taken over by the Islamic Sunni Arab extremist organization to remove Allawi President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. The Syrian people's nightmare started by the so-called 'domino effect'. Hezbollah of Lebanon of the Islamic Shi'aism loyal to the Ayatollah of Iran rushes to support fellow Alawites (the branch of Islamic Shi'aism) of Syria. President Erdogan of Turkey had the dream to establish new Islamic Empire similar to Ottoman Empire to lead Islamic Sunni extremist in the world to wage war against Russian and Europe and exterminate Kurds loyal to Abdullah Ocalan as Kurdish leader. The Persian Gulf Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia and Qatar supplied Islamic Sunni Arab terrorist forces to destroy Syrian government with the blessing of the Obama administration. The Syrian government was about to fall, Iranian government called on Shi'a extremist to save Allawi President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. The Islamic Sunni Arab invited Islamic Sunni extremist around the world to join them to establish the Islamic Sunni caliphate (Empire). President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's dream to become Islamic caliphate led him to open the gate for the Islamic terrorist forces around the world to join Islamic terrorist forces in Syria. Russian President Putin saw the weakness of the US President Obama in Syria; he took the opportunity to send forces to Syria to save Syrian government and establish the alliance with Islamic Shi'a Empire led by Ayatollah of Iran. Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan need one another's help one more time. The Islamic Arab extremist wanted Syrian Kurds to join them in the fight against Syrian government. Majority of Kurds did not want to do so; they wanted peace in their area and did not want to join either side. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan encouraged Islamic Sunni Arabs and Turks to eliminate Kurds in that region of Syria because they helped PKK in Turkey. Kurdish followers of Abdullah Ocalan, teaching established YPG local forces to defend Kurdish people in Syria. YPG success drove Massoud Barzani and Talabani mafia families to seek support from Turkey because both of them were afraid of growing power of Kurds loyal to Abdullah Ocalan's teaching. Both Barzani and Talabani mafia families kept the good relationship with Iran too. But to take the side in critical time, Barzani wants to be the servant of Turkey and Talabani wants to be the servant of Iran for families' protection from Kurdish people. Israeli leaders who involve in corruption are favoring Erdogan and Barzani to make money. The corrupt leaders in the US, EU countries, and Israel are in favor of Erdogan and Barzani and against Kurds loyal to Abdullah Ocalan's teaching. Ocalan's teaching is against corruption and Mafia families of Barzani and Talabani are for corruption. Oil deals divided people and countries in that part of Kurdistan. President Donald Trump helped the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in bringing benefit to the people in the US in the long range. And the SDF success led to the establishment of strange alliances of on and off between 'Russian, Turkey (puppet of Turkey is Barzani Kurds and corrupt ex-leaders from the US, EU countries, and Israel), and Iran (puppet of Iran are Syria, Iraq, Talabani Kurds and Lebonan). Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Right before election day 2016, I was worried about whether Clinton had enough of the millennial vote to beat Trump . Looking back, this concern was well founded. Clinton didn't have enough support despite policies that would have favored millennials. Millennials are the nation's largest age group, with voting power that often goes unheeded by those who have it. The lack of millennial support helped spur Clinton's defeat. Regardless of Clinton's shortcomings, if we could have expected an age group to vote against Trump, it would have been millennials. A Quinnipiac University poll found 64 percent favored Clinton before the election. Trump's campaign didn't look promising to the mainstream press, partly because 61 percent of millennials had an unfavorable opinion of him, and millennials make up 31 percent of the electorate, which rivals baby boomers. Looking back, polls now mean less than the press would like them to. When it came down to it, about 55 percent of millennials who voted cast their ballot for Clinton. In 2012, 60 percent voted for Obama. That drop off of 5 percent hurt Clinton a lot, because a 60 percent millennial vote would've meant 1.2 million more votes for her. As it was, she only needed a little more than 50 thousand votes in three states to beat Trump. The same percentage of millennials who voted for Mitt Romney voted for Trump--37 percent. It's a wonder even that many voted for him. Is it because of economic problems? While Clinton campaigned partially on ideas she borrowed from Bernie Sanders--easing college debt and paying for college--Trump made it sound like he was going to stick it to big corporations, bring working class jobs back to America, and give companies incentive to raise wages. Millennials are a big part of a workforce for which wages are stagnating. Wage stagnation has caused a lot of millennials to take side gigs, but side gigs aren't worth a lot: the average side gig nets about $299 a month, and only 15 percent of the people who work a side gig make over $500 a month. The millennial who works a side gig is left with less time on their hands and has to watch as the enormously wealthy and corporations catch huge tax breaks. Now, if Trump succeeds with his budget, millennials will have to watch this disparity grow even further. Trump is promising $4,000 will go back in people's pockets if his budget passes. But this promise is a Trojan horse to sneak enormous tax breaks in for the wealthy. Taxpayers would see a 0.8 percent break on income taxes --thus the $4,000--but the top 1 percent would see far more than that, with a bonus of 10.2 to 16 percent more after-tax income. As Bernie Sanders points out , the Koch brothers will get a tax break of $33 billion, the Walton family of Walmart will get $52 billion, the Trump family $4 billion. Trump's budget amounts to a massive money-grab for the wealthiest individuals. The top 1 percent will reap 80 percent of the benefits, the top one-tenth of the 1 percent will see 40 percent of the benefits. The tax plan also calls for reducing the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent. The idea here is if you lower taxes on businesses, they'll be able to pay workers more. But The Balance points out that most large corporations don't pay more than 15 percent anyhow, because of loopholes. Some don't even pay any taxes because they pass them onto shareholders (who, in turn, only pay 15 percent). If corporations are already paying minimal taxes now and it hasn't led them to raise wages, why would it be any different once the corporate tax rate is officially lower? At the heart of it, Trump is promoting Republican ideology; he just makes it seem more extreme through his rhetoric. As the Republican plank goes, it's up to businesses and individuals to decide what to do with their money. But millennials are big on corporate social responsibility--70 percent say a company's social responsibility policies and commitments influence their choice of employer. Is it a corporation's social responsibility to raise wages for impoverished workers? You'd think so. There's a veiled threat here. According to Ohio University, "Millennials are particularly tech savvy, and they don't think twice about researching a company and looking into its ethical record and labor practices. Many feel like it is their duty to do their part in making the world a better place, and this burgeoning generation does not want to be associated with or support companies who do not take responsibility for the world and the people in it." In other words, if a company doesn't act right, millennials will vote with their wallets and support companies that are socially responsible. Donald Trump isn't just a person, he's a corporate brand, a brand that hasn't been socially responsible, to say the least. The ironies keep piling up. Millennials, who care so much about social responsibility, also granted a socially-irresponsible Trump enough votes to put him over the top against Clinton. Maybe there's just something wrong with the education system that helped raise millennials. Correct me if I'm wrong. But as a psychopathic Trump parades destructively down Main St. waving guns, too many millennials are too busy working side gigs and staring at their smartphones to know what's going on. Smartphone Image Sensor Market: Dynamics, Segments, Size and Demand, 2017-2021 https://marketreportscenter.com/request-sample/556830 https://marketreportscenter.com/request-discount/556830 https://marketreportscenter.com/reports/556830/global-smartphone-image-sensor-market-research-report-2017 The latest industry research report on Smartphone Image Sensor by MRC provides a thorough analysis of the global Smartphone Image Sensor market. The report scrutinizes the market by different segments including regions, applications, competitive landscape, etc. over the predicted time frame. This report provides 360 Degree perspective of the Smartphone Image Sensor industry with an all-inclusive discussion of definitions, classifications, and market players in the industry chain structure. It features qualitative and quantitative analysis of the industry taking into consideration the significant development factors, competition in the market, and important reasons impacting the market growth.Smartphone Image Sensor Report by Material, Application, and Geography Global Forecast to 2021 is a professional and in-depth research report on the world's major regional market conditions, focusing on the main regions (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) and the main countries (United States, Germany, united Kingdom, Japan, South Korea and China).The report firstly introduced the Smartphone Image Sensor basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the world's main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.The report includes six parts, dealing with:1.) basic information;2.) the Asia Smartphone Image Sensor Market;3.) the North American Smartphone Image Sensor Market;4.) the European Smartphone Image Sensor Market;5.) market entry and investment feasibility;6.) the report conclusion.Get sample copy of this report @Table of ContentsPart I Smartphone Image Sensor Industry OverviewChapter One Smartphone Image Sensor Industry Overview1.1 Smartphone Image Sensor Definition1.2 Smartphone Image Sensor Classification Analysis1.2.1 Smartphone Image Sensor Main Classification Analysis1.2.2 Smartphone Image Sensor Main Classification Share Analysis1.3 Smartphone Image Sensor Application Analysis1.3.1 Smartphone Image Sensor Main Application Analysis1.3.2 Smartphone Image Sensor Main Application Share Analysis1.4 Smartphone Image Sensor Industry Chain Structure Analysis1.5 Smartphone Image Sensor Industry Development Overview1.5.1 Smartphone Image Sensor Product History Development Overview1.5.1 Smartphone Image Sensor Product Market Development Overview1.6 Smartphone Image Sensor Global Market Comparison Analysis1.6.1 Smartphone Image Sensor Global Import Market Analysis1.6.2 Smartphone Image Sensor Global Export Market Analysis1.6.3 Smartphone Image Sensor Global Main Region Market Analysis1.6.4 Smartphone Image Sensor Global Market Comparison Analysis1.6.5 Smartphone Image Sensor Global Market Development Trend AnalysisChapter Two Smartphone Image Sensor Up and Down Stream Industry Analysis2.1 Upstream Raw Materials Analysis2.1.1 Upstream Raw Materials Price Analysis2.1.2 Upstream Raw Materials Market Analysis2.1.3 Upstream Raw Materials Market Trend2.2 Down Stream Market Analysis2.1.1 Down Stream Market Analysis2.2.2 Down Stream Demand Analysis2.2.3 Down Stream Market Trend AnalysisPart II Asia Smartphone Image Sensor Industry (The Report Company Including the Below Listed But Not All)Chapter Three Asia Smartphone Image Sensor Market Analysis3.1 Asia Smartphone Image Sensor Product Development History3.2 Asia Smartphone Image Sensor Competitive Landscape Analysis3.3 Asia Smartphone Image Sensor Market Development TrendChapter Four 2012-2017 Asia Smartphone Image Sensor Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast4.1 2012-2017 Smartphone Image Sensor Capacity Production Overview4.2 2012-2017 Smartphone Image Sensor Production Market Share Analysis4.3 2012-2017 Smartphone Image Sensor Demand Overview4.4 2012-2017 Smartphone Image Sensor Supply Demand and Shortage4.5 2012-2017 Smartphone Image Sensor Import Export Consumption4.6 2012-2017 Smartphone Image Sensor Cost Price Production Value Gross MarginChapter Five Asia Smartphone Image Sensor Key Manufacturers Analysis5.1 Company A5.1.1 Company Profile5.1.2 Product Picture and Specification5.1.3 Product Application Analysis5.1.4 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value5.1.5 Contact Information5.2 Company B5.2.1 Company Profile5.2.2 Product Picture and Specification5.2.3 Product Application Analysis5.2.4 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value5.2.5 Contact Information5.3 Company C5.3.1 Company Profile5.3.2 Product Picture and Specification5.3.3 Product Application Analysis5.3.4 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value5.3.5 Contact Information5.4 Company D5.4.1 Company Profile5.4.2 Product Picture and Specification5.4.3 Product Application Analysis5.4.4 Capacity Production Price Cost Production Value5.4.5 Contact InformationThe research report focuses on the analysis of its major geographies, and different segments. This all-inclusive study discusses the current market development and trends, important factors driving market growth like drivers, restraints, market projections, and market structure for each region and its sub-segments. It also provides glimpses on the recent technological advancements in the market along with detailed profiles of key industry players. The report also includes an analysis of the micro and macro aspects noteworthy for the present active and the new entities apart from the study of the value chain.Check Discount on Report atKey Topics Covered in the Report:Comprehensive overview of parent market with market definition, classificationRecognition of factors influencing the market scenarios and analysis of market drivers, barriers, and their impact on the market growthCurrent and future market trends, market scope and detailed market segmentation on the basis of application, region, and competitive scenarioValue Chain Analysis, Strategic insights, and market estimationsTechnology, trends, developments, and changing market dynamics of the Cannabis Testing industryFacts, stats, historical data, market size forecast regarding volume and valueAnalysis of competitive landscape and assessments on a regional scale with company profiles of leading market players, finance metrics, product offerings and key business strategies and growth prospects for the projected periodInsights on prospective opportunities and challenges, success and riskThe report brings to your attention analysis of the Smartphone Image Sensor market in major geographies including North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World. This research report provides a complete insight of the market trends and guides in making informed business decisions. It gives a clear understanding of the competitive environment, key market players, their portfolio, and strategies. It also features a technological growth map over a time and helps understand its impact on the market.Market ScopeThe research report takes different facets into consideration to scrutinize the global Smartphone Image Sensor industry. It brings to your attention market overview, market trends and future outlook, market growth and dynamics, market challenges and opportunities, competitive landscape, and potential investment segment.Report Details @About Market Reports Center;Market Reports Center is an e-commerce platform obliging the needs of knowledge workers, experts, professionals who are subject to market research information for their work, or to make strategic business decisions. We are dedicated to create a comprehensive offering of market research which is accurate, credible and affordable.Market Reports Center currently has more than 5,00,000 plus titles and 50+ Publishers on our platform and growing consistently. We cover more than 35 industry verticals being: Automotive, Electronics, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Chemicals, Construction, Agriculture, Food, Beverages, Banking & Finance, Media and Government, Public Sector Studies.Connect for more details:Sam CollinsMarket Reports CenterHouse 421 Hudson Street New York, NY 10014, USA1-646-883-3044 (US) Gas Generator Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of 8% from 2016 to 2023 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/4364 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/gas-generator-market-4364 Market HighlightsA Gas Generator is a device normally used to generate electricity, by propelling the gas over the turbine in a compressed state. Gas generators have been in use as auxiliary power equipment for a long time in residential households.Currently, the market is experiencing strong demand for generators with capacity less than 300 kW and above 1 MW. Generators with capacity less than 300 kW are primarily used in small-scale industries where the total load is less and the operation is of short timeline. The demand for these category of generators is likely to come from emerging industries in the developing nations such as, China and India, as these countries are the center of small cost-driven businesses who are slowing grasping market. Also, the growing power outage rates in this countries have certainly increased the demand for gas generators.The growing need for uninterrupted power supply during power outages and power failure has boosted the adoption of gas generator in all major sectors. Phenomenal growth in healthcare infrastructure, rising demand for data centers & IT facilities and rapid urbanization in developing countries are driving the global gas generator market. However, limited power generation capacity, high maintenance & operating cost and rise in transmission & distribution expenditure may hinder the Global Gas Generator Market.Gas Generator Market is expected to grow over the CAGR of more than 8% during the period 2017 to 2023Key Players The key players of global gas generator market are APR Energy (USA), Siemens Ltd. (Germany), General Electric Company (USA), Aggreko plc (U.K), Toshiba Corporation (Japan), Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan), Hyosung Corporation (South Korea), Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (India) Perkins Engines Company Limited (U.K).Request a Sample Copy @Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow at the fastest rateThe gas generator market in the Asia-Pacific region is currently leading and is followed by Europe market. The rapid industrial development in the countries such as India and China, where there are issues with continuous electricity supply, is driving the market for power transformers. Also R&D and utilization of ultra-high voltage transformers in China and India will drive power transformer market.Scope of the ReportThe scope of the study segments the global gas generator market by its power capacity, by end-user, by regions.By Power Capacity 300 kW 301 kW-1 MW < 1 MWBy End-User Residential Commercial & Industrial UtilityBy Regions North America Asia Pacific EuropeRest of the World .For further information on this report, visit @Table of Content1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology2.1 Scope Of The Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market Size Estimation2.4 Forecast Model3 Market Dynamics3.1 Market Drivers3.2 Market Inhibitors3.3 Supply/Value Chain Analysis3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis4 Global Gas Generator Market, By Power Capacity4.1 Introduction4.2 > 300 KW4.3 301 KW-1 MW4.4 < 1 MW5 Global Gas Generator Market, By End-UserContinue.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: akash.anand@marketresearchfuture.com Impact of Surgical Robots on Global Surgical Equipment Market Surgical Equipment Market - Outlook and Forecast 2017 - 2022 https://www.arizton.com/reports/healthcare-lifesciences/surgical-equipment-market-global-outlook-and-forecast-2017-2022 https://www.arizton.com/reports/healthcare-lifesciences/surgical-equipment-market-global-outlook-and-forecast-2017-2022 https://www.arizton.com/reports/healthcare-lifesciences/intraoperative-neuromonitoring-market-ionm-market https://www.arizton.com/reports/automotive-mobility/wheelchair-lift-market https://www.arizton.com/blog/surgical-robots-will-impact-global-surgical-equipment-market/ Modern invention and innovation in technology has captivated almost all industries and is continuously influencing the market growth across the world. The surgical equipment market is also influenced due to product innovations.A recent report by Arizton Advisory & Intelligence, which includes the study of global surgical equipment market has provided some evident that the launch of advanced products is likely to impact the global market. The report Surgical Equipment Market Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022, states that the advent of surgical robots is expected to drive the market growth.View Report: Surgical Equipment Market Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022Demand for surgical robots to drive global surgical equipment market growthThe increased need for robotic surgery will likely drive the demand for surgical equipment. Robotic assisted surgeries require the integration of various surgical equipment, including power tools to perform various procedures. For instance, surgical robots work with four arms, which increased the demand for various surgical equipment, including power tools. For instance, the University of Washington has developed surgical robots that can use multiple surgical tools during operations. Surgical robots are self-powered, computer-controlled devices that can be programmed to aid the positioning and manipulation of surgical instruments. Advantages associated with these systems will drive the adoption substantially. For instance, surgical robotic systems provide less post-surgical complications and help in reducing labor cost. Therefore, large-scale hospitals in developed and developing economies are looking to prefer automated surgical robots that can be integrated with surgical equipment. For instance, the number of surgical procedures that use Intuitive Surgicals robotic machines stood at approximately 0.7 million in 2015 (worldwide), indicating an increase of 15% over the previous fiscal year. In developing countries such as India, the demand for robotic surgeries is expected to increase and hospitals are increasingly adopting surgical robots. About 30 healthcare facilities in India have already adopted surgical robots to provide better patient care. This indicates that there is an increased adoption of surgical equipment required to carry out robotic surgeries. For instance, in 2015, more than 4,000 surgical procedures were witnessed in India. Therefore, the shift to robotic-assisted surgeries will increase the demand for surgical equipment.The report also provides a detailed study of major trends in the global market that are likely to affect the growth during the forecast period.Innovation likely to change global surgical equipment market dynamicsContinuous focus of innovation will certainly bring substantial growth opportunities in the market. Vendors are increasingly pursuing new product development strategies to bring innovative products into the market. For instance, in October 2016, InTech Medical SAS, a launched a new Wayvio platform, which is dedicated to drive standalone surgical instruments with smart communication tools.View Report: Surgical Equipment Market Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022Related Reports1) Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2017 - 20222) Wheelchair Lift Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2017-2022Source Link:About AriztonArizton Advisory and Intelligence is an innovation and quality-driven firm, which offers cutting-edge research solutions to clients across the world. We excel in providing comprehensive market intelligence reports and advisory and consulting services.Arizton has gained a paramount standpoint in the market research arena as it offers top of the line solutions to clients to assess market landscape and to finalize foolproof business strategies. We are committed to provide inclusive market research reports and consulting services to clients from diversified industries including Consumer Goods & Retail Technology, Automotive and Mobility, Smart Tech, Healthcare and Lifesciences, Industrial Machinery, Chemicals and Materials, IT and Media, Logistics and PackagingArizton comprises a team of exuberant and well-experienced analysts who have mastered in generating incisive reports. Our specialist analysts possess exemplary skills in market research. We train our team in advanced research practices, techniques, and ethics to outperform in fabricating impregnable research reports.Arizton Advisory & IntelligenceChicago, Illinois, 60605Mail: enquiry@arizton.comCall: +1-312-465-7864 Global Nail Enamel - Industry Size, Share, Trends, Analysis and Forecast 2017 2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/897687-global-nail-enamel-market-research-report-2017 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/897687-global-nail-enamel-market-research-report-2017 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/897687-global-nail-enamel-market-research-report-2017 https://www.linkedin.com/company/wise-guy-research-consultants-pvt-ltd-?trk=biz-companies-cym https://www.wiseguyreports.com Global Nail Enamel IndustryThis report studies Nail Enamel in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with capacity, production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringOPIBobbi BrownNarsCNDCover GirlSally HansenZaRevlonAnnaDiorORLYCOSMAYLoreal ParisEssieRevlonJapan GlazeTry Sample Report @Market Segment by Regions, this report splits Global into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of Nail Enamel in these regions, from 2011 to 2021 (forecast), likeNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaSplit by product type, with production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided intoType IType IISplit by application, this report focuses on consumption, market share and growth rate of Nail Enamel in each application, can be divided intoApplication 1Application 2Buy now @Some Major Points from Table of content:2 Global Nail Enamel Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Nail Enamel Production and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.2 Global Nail Enamel Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.3 Global Nail Enamel Average Price by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.4 Manufacturers Nail Enamel Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Nail Enamel Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Nail Enamel Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Nail Enamel Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion3 Global Nail Enamel Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)3.1 Global Nail Enamel Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.2 Global Nail Enamel Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.3 Global Nail Enamel Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.4 North America Nail Enamel Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.5 Europe Nail Enamel Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.6 China Nail Enamel Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.7 Japan Nail Enamel Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.8 Southeast Asia Nail Enamel Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.9 India Nail Enamel Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)4 Global Nail Enamel Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)4.1 Global Nail Enamel Consumption by Regions (2012-2017)4.2 North America Nail Enamel Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.3 Europe Nail Enamel Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.4 China Nail Enamel Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.5 Japan Nail Enamel Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.6 Southeast Asia Nail Enamel Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.7 India Nail Enamel Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)5 Global Nail Enamel Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Nail Enamel Production and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.2 Global Nail Enamel Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.3 Global Nail Enamel Price by Type (2012-2017)5.4 Global Nail Enamel Production Growth by Type (2012-2017)6 Global Nail Enamel Market Analysis by Application6.1 Global Nail Enamel Consumption and Market Share by Application (2012-2017)6.2 Global Nail Enamel Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2012-2017)6.3 Market Drivers and Opportunities6.3.1 Potential Applications6.3.2 Emerging Markets/Countries7 Global Nail Enamel Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 OPI7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Its Competitors7.1.2 Nail Enamel Product Type, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 OPI Nail Enamel Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2015 and 2016)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Bobbi BrownContinued..For Detailed Reading Please visit WiseGuy Reports @About UsWise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available.Contact Us:Norah Trent+1 646 845 9349 / +44 208 133 9349Follow on LinkedIn:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdPune 411028Maharashtra, GlobalPh: +91 841 198 5042 Fresh Meat Packaging Market - Industry Shares, Market Strategies And Key Players https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=23129 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/fresh-meat-packaging-market.html http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com The global market for fresh meat packaging has witnessed an impressive rise over the last few years, thanks to the increased shelf-life of the meat products, a growing demand for customization in meat films by meat producers, and the benefits of flexible film packaging over rigid packaging.With various beneficial characteristics of fresh meat packaging, such as low carbon footprint, reduced energy consumption, decreased raw material consumption, and low wastage, this market is likely to continue its growth trajectory over the next few years. Apart from this, the increasing rate of urbanization in emerging regions, such as Asia Pacific and Latin America, is also projected to cause a massive shift towards the preference for packaged food among consumers, further stimulating the market.In 2015, the overall opportunity in this market was US$1.92 bn. Rising at a CAGR of 2.30% between 2016 and 2026, it is likely to reach US$2.47 bn by the end of 2026. A number of lucrative opportunities for players operating in the market are expected to arise in the near future, especially in the Asia Pacific region.Get an exclusive sample of this report @Adoption of VSP Technology in Fresh Meat Packaging to IncreaseModified atmosphere packaging (MAP), vacuum skin packaging (VSP), and vacuum thermoformed packaging (VTP) are the key technology types used in fresh meat packaging. Among these, VSP technology enjoys a significantly high popularity among consumers. Its popularity graph is anticipated to continue increasing over the next few years, resulting in the segments lead with a share of 32% by the end of 2026.The main types of materials used in fresh meat packaging are PE, PP, BOPP, EVOH, PVC, and PA. The PE segment has been leading the global fresh meat packaging market currently and is expected to remain doing so over the forthcoming years, thanks to a number of factors, such as lower cost of production as compared to other materials and the elasticity.Browse Press Release of this Research Report @North America to Continue its LeadNorth America, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan, and Japan are the predominant regional markets for fresh meat packaging across the world. North America, among these, holds the dominant share of this market at present and is expected to continue to do so over the next few years on the ground of early adoption of fresh meat packaging among meat producers. The North America fresh meat packaging market held more than 36% of this market in 2015. This regional market is projected to gain considerably in the years to come from the increased research and development activities, boosted by the mounting investments.Asia Pacific excluding Japan is also expected to witness a substantially high growth over the forthcoming years. The rapid industrialization in this region is likely to boost the Asia Pacific market for fresh meat packaging in the near future. Alongside, the increasing investments by companies for research and development in this field in Asia Pacific is also anticipated to propel this regional market over the next few years.Amcor Ltd., Dupont, Bemis Co. Inc., Berry Plastic Group, Winpack Ltd., Sealed Air Corp., Crown Holdings, Reynolds Group, Coveris Holdings S.A., and Sealpac International BV are some of the key companies involved in the business of meat packaging across the world.About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.coWebsite: Global Beauty Devices Market is boosted by growing prevalence of skin diseases and growing appearance consciousness https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/consumer-goods/beauty-devices-market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/consumer-goods/beauty-devices-market/toc https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/consumer-goods/beauty-devices-market/sample-request https://www.variantmarketresearch.com Global Beauty Device Market Report by Variant Market Research, estimate that global market is expected to reach $113 Billion by 2024, from $29 Billion in 2016. The report will include detailed analysis of beauty device market with respect to major segments such as device type, usage area, and geography.To browse the complete report, visit at @Beauty devices denotes to the services and products that help in enhancing or improving physical appearance of an individual. These devices have several advantages as they are suitable to use and also, portable. These devices help in rejuvenating and cleansing the skin, and are also helpful in treating aging-related problems such as acne, wrinkles, scars, hair loss and spots.Get Table of Content (TOC) @Increasing geriatric population shall drive the global beauty devices marketAwareness about the accessibility of treatments and associated devices for treating aging skin has been boosting the global beauty device market share. Despite observing a considerable increase over the last few years, knowledge concerning the risks associated or linked with using these devices is hindering the markets growth. The advent of these side-effects can slow the process of skin treatment. Also, many popular beauty devices emit intense pulsed light that can result in side-effects such as oedema, scarring, postoperative erythema, and superficial burn. Minimizing these side effects will definitely work in increasing the global beauty device market size in coming future.Market SegmentationsDevice type, usage area, and geography are the major segments in the global beauty devices market. Device type is segmented into skin dermal rollers, cellulite reduction devices, hair removal devices, hair growth devices, cleansing devices, rejuvenation devices, light/LED therapy & photo-rejuvenation devices, oxygen, acne devices, & steamer devices, and others. Usage area is further categorized into salon, at home, spa, and others.Hair removal devices and cleansing devices dominated the device type segmentHair removal and cleansing devices dominated the device type segment majorly due to growing prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and other hormonal skin problems amongst females. Cleansing devices due to increasing awareness or consciousness for appearance are expected to lead the market. Increasing use of these devices in daily life by the females is expected to boost the beauty device market forecast.Salon accounted for the largest market share in usage area segmentSalon accounted for the largest market share due to increasing number of salon and also due to increasing disposable income of the people which can afford the service. Busy lifestyle and increasing need for lavish lifestyle are also the factors leading to the growth of this segment and are considered as the major beauty device market trend.North America held the highest market share of global beauty device marketNorth America has been the largest market for beauty devices, with U.S. as the basic contributor to the market as compared to Canada. The factor driving the growth of North American beauty device market comprise of growing aging population and increasing prevalence of skin and skin related problems in the region. U.K. due to high acceptance of these devices also commands the significant market in Europe. Developing economies such as India, China are expected to provide large opportunities for these devices in the coming year.Click Here to Request a Free Sample PDF of This Report @Competitive LandscapeKey players in the market are collaborating to deliver better advanced beauty equipment or devices. In January, 2017, L'Oreal engaged in an agreement with Valeant pharmaceuticals to acquire the skincare brands including AcneFree, CeraVe, and Ambi. The acquisition is majorly aimed to expand the LOreals active cosmetics division.The major players in the beauty device market includes LOreal S.A., Koninklijke Philips N.V., Syneron Medical Ltd., Panasonic Corporation, Nu Skin Enterprises, Carol Cole Company., Procter & Gamble, Home SKinovations Ltd., TRIA Beauty, Inc., and Lumenis Ltd., among others.Scope of the Global Beauty Devices MarketDevice Type Segments Cellulite Reduction Devices Skin Dermal Rollers Hair Removal Devices Cleansing Devices Hair Growth Devices Rejuvenation Devices Light/LED Therapy & Photorejuvenation Devices Acne Devices Oxygen & Steamer Devices Other DevicesUsage Area Segments Salon Spa At Home Other Usage AreasGeography Segments North Americao U.S.o Canadao Mexico Europeo UKo Germanyo Franceo Italyo Others Asia-Pacifico Chinao Japano Indiao South Koreao Others RoWo South Americao Middle Easto AfricaAbout Variant Market ResearchVariant Market Research offers syndicated and customized reports to fulfill clients' objectives. We also provide customized data pack proposing market sizing in an Excel/PDF/PowerPoint or Word format as per the requirement of clients. We cover several industry domains, namely Semiconductor & Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Chemicals, Industrial, Mining Equipment, Automation, Manufacturing, Construction, Energy & Power, Defense & Aerospace and Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI). Our expertise are data triangulation, competitor benchmarking, parent market benchmarking, estimating market size and forecast of the market from 2016 to 2024.For further information, visitMichael MendesHead - SalesVariant Market Research649 Mission St, 5th Floor, San Francisco,CA 94105, United States.Tel: +1-415-680-2785Fax: +1-415-680-2786Email: michael.mendes@variantmarketresearch.comEmail: help@variantmarketresearch.com Flexible Packaging Market - Growth Forecast Analysis by Manufacturers, Regions, Types and Applications to 2021 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=22523 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/asean-flexible-packaging-market.html http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com The use of flexible sheets and films in the packaging industry has been present for a substantial amount of time, but has seen commercial success only in the recent decades. Modern flexible packaging provide varying levels of flexibility while maintaining the highest level of durability possible, keeping their primary job of protecting the contents. These factors have strongly championed the use of flexible packaging in the ASEAN regions, where high population density, growing consumerism, increasing need for brand appeal, and the savings in size of package and space that they can achieve.The ASEAN flexible packaging market is likely to show an optimistic CAGR of 5.7% within a forecast period from 2016 to 2024. It is expected to reach US$6.71 bn by the end of 2024, from its valuation of US$4.32 bn in 2015. The primary propellant for the market currently is the large scale consolidation efforts taken by the leading players in the market. The market also benefits substantially from factors such as economic advancements in the region, increasing rate of investments by multinational players, and dynamic characteristics of the population. Megatrends such as the flourishing modern retail industry and the increasing growth of food and beverages industries is also contributing to the growth of the ASEAN flexible packaging market. Food and beverages in the ASEAN region takes up a majority of the market for flexible packaging. Therefore, product development efforts initiated by manufacturers of flexible packaging in the ASEAN region are targeted towards key food and beverages clients.Get an exclusive sample of this report @Indonesia to Continue to Shine in ASEAN Flexible Packaging MarketBased on ASEAN nations, the flexible packaging market has been segmented into Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, and Myanmar. Indonesia is currently estimated to constitute the leading share in the ASEAN flexible packaging market, with Thailand in second place. The markets in Philippines, Vietnam, and Myanmar are likely to show a relatively higher growth rate over the coming years. GDP growth and a rise in disposable income in the ASEAN region will play a key role in propelling the demand for flexible packaging over the coming years.Browse Press Release of this Research Report @Pouches to Maintain Dominant Share, Multi-layered Packaging Gains TractionOver the coming years, the ASEAN flexible packaging market is forecast to swing from single layer packaging to multilayer variants. The latter segment can be divided further into two layers, three layers, five layers and seven layers. Five-layered flexible packaging and seven-layered flexible packaging are expected to take up the greater shares in the overall market for the given forecast period, with the market segment on the basis of layer types. However, the multi-layered packaging segment currently shows greater barriers to growth, such as high costs of manufacturing and overall reluctance of consumers to purchase the items with costlier packaging. The promotion of this segment as a highly hygienic and safe option for packaging of food products is likely to boost its demand over the coming years.Based on products, the ASEAN flexible packaging market can be divided into pouches, bags, films and rollstocks, and other flexible packaging products. Pouches took up the leading share in the market in 2015, in terms of demand volume and growth rate. This segment is additionally expected to remain a highly attractive over the forecast period. The pouches segment is further divided into standup pouches, retort pouches, and vacuum pouches, among which standup and retort pouches are forecast to show a profitable future. The segment of bags is divided into wicketed bags and gusseted bags.The leading players in the ASEAN flexible packaging market so far, have included Sonoco Products Company, Bemis Company, Inc., Amcor Limited, Constantia Flexibles GmbH, Mondi Group, Berry Plastics Group, Inc., and AR Packaging Group.About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.coWebsite: Online Portals Help Aspirants to Get Govt Jobs Information https://www.ejobtime.com/category/state-government-jobs/west-bengal/ Good News for aspirants of state govt jobs and central govt jobs. Now, they will be able to get all information they require through different websites on the Internet. So, those who were missing out on application dates for their desired government jobs can now apply successfully within the last date. Moreover, all these websites offer first hand information on the eligibility criteria and mention links of official websites where the aspirants can find details information regarding each posts.Whats on offer?From a govt. job portal like Ejobtime, one can gather all necessary information regarding the vacancies announced and the eligibility criteria for each post. Thus, the aspirants could check every detail before applying for their dream posts. Moreover, regular updates and information on both central govt jobs and state govt jobs will help the candidates to focus on what they are planning to apply. Sometimes, even if the interested candidates hear the news of a recruitment drive, they are confused regarding the portal from where they could gather all necessary information. But not anymore! Ejobtime is one of those sites where there is every piece of information as well as the most valuable links to the official websites where the interested candidates can get data like age limits, syllabus, and other things.Checking information on a govt. job portalThe websites that offer information on the vacancies and recruitment drives for Government jobs, offer information promptly. Thus, by following these websites, the interested candidates do not have to wait for long to apply. Moreover, it helps the aspirants to apply for both central govt jobs and state govt jobs well within time. Last dates are not missed and proper documentations help the applications to be accepted.No wrongful information providedA reputed govt. job portal like Ejobtime offers the most accurate information on the different vacancies that are announced by the government. Thus, it helps the candidates to decide whether they are willing to apply for any particular post. As these websites or web portals offer comprehensive information, a candidate do not have to visit the official websites or read elaborate information to find out job details and specific requirements.Owing to these benefits the govt job aspirants trust the information on a job portal for both central govt jobs and state govt jobs.It is a reputed govt. job portal for all central govt jobs and state govt jobs in West Bengal. It is here that the aspirants can get all information on the announced job vacancies.EjobtimeJirat Kaliagarh Balagarh Hooghly West Bengal Pin: 712501Biman Dasinfo@ejobtime.com+919681110474 Feminine Hygiene Products Global Market 2017- Competitive Landscape, Strategies, Share, Trends, Segmentation, Growth Forecast 2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/1308011-global-feminine-hygiene-products-market-professional-survey-report-2017 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/1308011-global-feminine-hygiene-products-market-professional-survey-report-2017 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=1308011 This report studies Feminine Hygiene Products in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2012 to 2016, and forecast to 2022.This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringRequest a Sample Report @Procter & GambleUnicharmJohnson & JohnsonKimberly-ClarkSvenska Cellulosa AktiebolagetEdgewell Personal CareBellaBodywise (UK)CoraCormanFirst Quality EnterprisesFujian Hengan GroupLil-LetsMasmiMoxieOntexPee BuddyKaoThe Honest CompanySeventh GenerationVivanionBy types, the market can be split intoSanitary NapkinsTamponsPantylinersMenstrual CupsFeminine Hygiene WashBy Application, the market can be split intoPhysical StoresOnline StoresBy Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want)North AmericaChinaEuropeSoutheast AsiaJapanIndiaMake an enquiry of this Report @If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Table of ContentsGlobal Feminine Hygiene Products Market Professional Survey Report 20171 Industry Overview of Feminine Hygiene Products1.1 Definition and Specifications of Feminine Hygiene Products1.1.1 Definition of Feminine Hygiene Products1.1.2 Specifications of Feminine Hygiene Products1.2 Classification of Feminine Hygiene Products1.2.1 Sanitary Napkins1.2.2 Tampons1.2.3 Pantyliners1.2.4 Menstrual Cups1.2.5 Feminine Hygiene Wash1.3 Applications of Feminine Hygiene Products1.3.1 Physical Stores1.3.2 Online Stores1.3.3 Application 31.4 Market Segment by Regions1.4.1 North America1.4.2 China1.4.3 Europe1.4.4 Southeast Asia1.4.5 Japan1.4.6 India2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Feminine Hygiene Products2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Feminine Hygiene Products2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Feminine Hygiene Products2.4 Industry Chain Structure of Feminine Hygiene Products3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Feminine Hygiene Products3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global Feminine Hygiene Products Major Manufacturers in 20163.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global Feminine Hygiene Products Major Manufacturers in 20163.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global Feminine Hygiene Products Major Manufacturers in 20163.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global Feminine Hygiene Products Major Manufacturers in 20164 Global Feminine Hygiene Products Overall Market Overview4.1 2012-2017E Overall Market Analysis4.2 Capacity Analysis4.2.1 2012-2017E Global Feminine Hygiene Products Capacity and Growth Rate Analysis4.2.2 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Capacity Analysis (Company Segment)4.3 Sales Analysis4.3.1 2012-2017E Global Feminine Hygiene Products Sales and Growth Rate Analysis4.3.2 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Analysis (Company Segment)4.4 Sales Price Analysis4.4.1 2012-2017E Global Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Price4.4.2 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment)5 Feminine Hygiene Products Regional Market Analysis5.1 North America Feminine Hygiene Products Market Analysis5.1.1 North America Feminine Hygiene Products Market Overview5.1.2 North America 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.1.3 North America 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Price Analysis5.1.4 North America 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Market Share Analysis5.2 China Feminine Hygiene Products Market Analysis5.2.1 China Feminine Hygiene Products Market Overview5.2.2 China 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.2.3 China 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Price Analysis5.2.4 China 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Market Share Analysis5.3 Europe Feminine Hygiene Products Market Analysis5.3.1 Europe Feminine Hygiene Products Market Overview5.3.2 Europe 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.3.3 Europe 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Price Analysis5.3.4 Europe 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Market Share Analysis5.4 Southeast Asia Feminine Hygiene Products Market Analysis5.4.1 Southeast Asia Feminine Hygiene Products Market Overview5.4.2 Southeast Asia 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.4.3 Southeast Asia 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Price Analysis5.4.4 Southeast Asia 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Market Share Analysis5.5 Japan Feminine Hygiene Products Market Analysis5.5.1 Japan Feminine Hygiene Products Market Overview5.5.2 Japan 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.5.3 Japan 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Price Analysis5.5.4 Japan 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Market Share Analysis5.6 India Feminine Hygiene Products Market Analysis5.6.1 India Feminine Hygiene Products Market Overview5.6.2 India 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.6.3 India 2012-2017E Feminine Hygiene Products Sales Price Analysis5.6.4 India 2016 Feminine Hygiene Products Market Share AnalysisContinuedPurchase Report @Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.ADDRES:WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Encryption Software Market Size & Forecast 2022 Profiling Microsoft, Sophos, Checkpoint Software Technologies, Trend Micro, Symantec Corporation https://www.marketstudyreport.com/request-a-sample/546242/?utm_source=OPR-AN https://www.marketstudyreport.com/check-for-discount/546242/ https://www.marketstudyreport.com/reports/global-encryption-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022/ https://www.marketstudyreport.com/reports/global-north-america-europe-and-asia-pacific-south-america-middle-east-and-africa-construction-project-management-software-market-2017-forecast-to-2022/?utm_source=RR-AN https://www.marketstudyreport.com https://www.marketstudyreport.com/category/news-releases/ New report of Encryption Software Market Report communicates about the manufacturing process. The process is analysed thoroughly with respect three points, viz. raw material and equipment suppliers, various manufacturing associated costs (material cost, labour cost, etc.) and the actual process of whole Enterprise Encryption Software market. The Enterprise Encryption Software Industry research report is a resource, which provides technical and financial details of the Enterprise Encryption Software Market (Volume and Value).This report studies the global Encryption Software market, analyzes and researches the Encryption Software development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, like Microsoft, Sophos, Checkpoint Software Technologies, Trend Micro, Symantec CorporationRequest a Free sample PDF of this research to evaluate more:Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers United States, EU, Japan, China, India, Southeast AsiaMarket segment by Type, the product can be split into Disk Encryption, File Encryption, Database Encryption, Communication Encryption, Cloud EncryptionMarket segment by Application, Encryption Software can be split into Bfsi, Healthcare, Government&Public Sector, Telecom, Retail, Aerospace&DefenseIf you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Get Discount on this Report:Table of Content for Global Encryption Software Market Size Research Report:Industry Overview of Encryption Software MarketGlobal Encryption Software Market Size Competition Analysis by PlayersCompany (Top Players) ProfilesGlobal Encryption Software Market Size by Type and Application (2012-2017)United States Encryption Software Market Development Status and OutlookEU Encryption Software Development Status and OutlookJapan Encryption Software Development Status and OutlookMarket Forecast by Regions and Application (2017-2022)Encryption Software Market Size DynamicsMarket Effect Factors AnalysisResearch Finding/ConclusionAppendixFor More Info on Market Research @Related Reports: -Global (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa) Construction Project Management Software Market 2017 Forecast to 2022This report studies the Construction Project Management Software market, Construction project management involves the planning, coordination, and control over the various tasks involved in construction projects. This could include different types of construction projects, like agricultural, residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, heavy civil, and environmental.Marketstudyreport.com allows you to manage and control all corporate research purchases to consolidate billing and vendor management. You can eliminate duplicate purchases and customize your content and license management.Market Study ReportThe Green Suite #4594,Dover, DE 19901United StatesPhone: 1-201-355-0868US Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150Email: sales@marketstudyreport.comWebsite:News: Global Application Security Market For Mobile Applications And Web Application Advances in web technologies coupled with a changing business environment, mean that web applications are becoming more prevalent in corporate, public and Government services today. Although web applications can provide convenience and efficiency, there are also a number of new security threats, which could potentially pose significant risks to an organizations information technology infrastructure if not handled properly. Application security encompasses measures taken to improve the security of an application often by finding, fixing and preventing security vulnerabilities. Different techniques are used to surface such security vulnerabilities at different stages of an applications lifecycle such design, development, deployment, upgrade, or maintenance. Need to protect enterprise applications and data, stringent government regulations, increasing sophistication level of cyber-attacks and increasing deployment of third-party applications are expected to drive global application security market in near future. In terms of revenue, global application security market in 2016 stood at USD 2,710.7 million and is expected to reach USD 9,442.3 million by 2022 growing at a CAGR of 23.7% from 2017 to 2022. Browse the full report at http://apexmarketreports.com/Marketing-Research/Global-Application-Security-Market-Size,-Status-and-Forecast-2022 On the basis of type application security can be classified as mobile applications and web application. Web application type occupied larger market share as compared to mobile applications. While, mobile applications type is also expected to grow at a faster growth rate during the forecast period. Region wise global Application security market is segmented into the U.S., Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and RoW. The U.S. held the largest market share followed by Europe. China is expected to grow at a fastest growth rate followed by Japan. In the past two years, China has a downturn in the economy, due to a series of factors like excess production capacity, decline of export and domestic demand. But the application security develops rapidly and increases continuously. As we know, the mobile internet is developing fast in China, due to the large population and the rapid growth of Internet economy. In the future, China will keep the high-speed growth. Japan is also an important market, with mature market, large population, completed infrastructural facilities and high-leveled skilled labor. Similarly, India is a country that has large population and high developed economy, especially in software industry. In the following years, India will be the country that has fastest growing economies in the world. Southeast Asia is also a large market, with 11 countries and a population of over 500 million. In the future, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore will accelerate the application security growth. Some of the global major players operating in the application security market include Trustwave VERACODE Synopsys WhiteHat Security Optiv, Accenture Denim Group Applicure Entersoft, Security Innovation, Aspect Security, Black Duck Software, IBM, Redspin, Fortinet and ARXANamong others. The Global Application security market is segmented as follows: Global Application Security Market: Application analysis Mobile Applications Web Application Global Application Security Market: Region analysis U.S. Europe Japan China India Southeast Asia RoW About Us: Apex Market Reports offers elevating market research globally. We have collection of various syndicated reports of different categories. Apex Market Reports provides you to best services, weather youre searching for new trends in market or competitive scenario in emerging market. Customers can buys different reports across various categories such as Chemical and Material, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Food and beverages, Automobile and various sectors. Our Website offers safe and secure online ordering experience, convenient payment options. Contact US: Frank Valadez Corporate Sales Specialist 155 North Wacker Drive, Suite 4250 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: +17739042683 Email id - sales@apexmarketreports.com Website - www.apexmarketreports.com This release was published on openPR. Permanent link to this press release: Copy Please set a link in the press area of your homepage to this press release on openPR. openPR disclaims liability for any content contained in this release. Global Ebola Virus Vaccine Market 2017: Latest Innovations, Drivers, Dynamics And Strategic Analysis, Challenges By 2022 https://www.reportsmonitor.com/request-sample/?post=393634 https://www.reportsmonitor.com/global-ebola-virus-vaccine-market-professional-survey-report-2017-2/ https://www.reportsmonitor.com Ebola Virus Vaccine Market is set to Grow according to the Expcted CAGRThe research report is worms eye view of Ebola Virus Vaccine market for 2017-2022 . The report provides data for business growth, revenue, market share, strategy planning chronicled cost and the key players in the market. It gives specification for business mappingThe report is split segment wise considering the following key regions1.North America2.Europe3.China4.Japan5.Southeast Asia6.IndiaAnd more.The report covers major commercial contenders and there market valuation including the prices, revenue, growth rate and market share with below mentioned top players1.Bavarian Nordic2.Crucell3.Fab Entech4.Inovio Pharmaceuticals5.Microbiotix6.Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma7.Profectus BiosciencesAnd moreAccess a sample report on:Browse Full Report from:The report discusses the following contentTOCChapter 1 Industry Overview of Ebola Virus Vaccine:1.1 Definition and Specifications of Ebola Virus Vaccine1.1.1 Definition of Ebola Virus VaccineChapter 2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Ebola Virus Vaccine:2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Ebola Virus VaccineChapter 3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Ebola Virus Vaccine:3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global Ebola Virus Vaccine Major Manufacturers in 20163.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global Ebola Virus Vaccine Major Manufacturers in 20163.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global Ebola Virus Vaccine Major Manufacturers in 2016Chapter 4 Global Ebola Virus Vaccine Overall Market Overview:4.1 Global Heparin API Consumption by Region (2012-2017)2012-2017E Overall Market Analysis4.2 Capacity Analysis4.2.1 2012-2017E Global Ebola Virus Vaccine Capacity and Growth Rate AnalysisChapter 5 Ebola Virus Vaccine Regional Market Analysis:5.1 North America Ebola Virus Vaccine Market Analysis5.1.1North America 2012-2017E Ebola Virus Vaccine Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption AnalysisAnd more...To summarize the Ebola Virus Vaccine market research report covers the current as well as future prospects of Ebola Virus Vaccine market. It is primary as well as secondary research performed to predict the diversity, growth, revenue and market share for 2017 to 2022.About UsReports Monitor (ReportsMonitor.com) is a platform for companies looking to meet their market research and business intelligence requirements. Our aim is to change the dynamics of the Market Research industry by providing quality intelligence backed by data. Your requirement for market forecasting is fulfilled by our exclusive quantitative and analytics driven intelligence. We have a vast collection of reports, covering maximum industries worldwide. Our process is meticulously planned and executed in order to use maximum resources and explore the market for getting genuine insights. The prime focus is to get reliable data, Decision makers can now rely on our distinct data gathering methods to get factual market forecasting and detailed analysis.Contact UsJay MatthewsDirect: +1 513 549-5911Email: sales@reportsmonitor.comWebsite: Global Digital Signature Market to reach value of US$4,983.6 mn over 2017-2025 https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=1068589 https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=1068589 http://bit.ly/1TBmnVG The report on the global digital signature market provides analysis of this market for the period 20152025, wherein the years from 2017 to 2025 is the forecast period and 2016 is considered as the base year. Data for 2015 has been included as historical information. The report covers all the major trends and technologies playing a major role in the digital signature market growth over the forecast period. It highlights the drivers, restraints, and opportunities expected to influence the market growth during this period.The study provides a holistic perspective on the markets growth in terms of revenue (in US$ Mn) across different geographical regions, namely North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and South America. Report highlights the key trends affecting the market in each region mentioned above. Furthermore, region wise prominent countries/regions covered in the report includes the following - the U.S, Canada, Germany, France, the U.K., China, Japan, Australia, GCC, South Africa and Brazil.Click to get sample PDF with TOC:The market overview section of the report showcases the market dynamics and trends which includes drivers, restraints, opportunities and trends that influence the current nature and future status of this market. It also provides an overview about the key market indicators given across the five geographical regions. Under the porters five forces analysis section, a brief analysis of the level of competition within the digital signature industry and business strategy development is provided in order to determine the competitive attractiveness and intensity of the digital signature market. The report also includes key industry developments covering significant advances made by leading market players.Based on different deployment options, the report segments the digital signature market into on-Premise and cloud. In cloud-based deployment model, documents can be signed digitally with the help of cloud hosted signing solutions. Here the user is not required to have a locally installed digital signing software. Whereas in on-premise deployment model, digital signature solutions are locally based and is not required to be connected to the cloud.On the basis of industry vertical, the market has been segmented into BFSI, real estate, education, government, healthcare, retail, transportation, legal and other (nonprofit etc.). The segmentation provided has been analyzed thoroughly in the report. In terms of geography, the global digital signature market is classified into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America.Global Digital Signature Market: Competitive LandscapeThe report provides the competitive landscape for the digital signature market, thereby listing out all the major players according to their geographic presence, market attractiveness and recent key developments. The competitive landscape section of the report gives an overview about the market share of several key players in the market for the year 2016. The digital signature market data estimates are the result of our in-depth secondary research, primary interviews and in-house expert panel reviews.These market estimates have been analyzed by taking into account the impact of different political, social, economic, technological, and legal factors along with the current market dynamics affecting the market growth. The competition matrix benchmarks leading players on the basis of their capabilities and potential to grow. Factors including market position, offerings and R&D focus are attributed to companys capabilities. This section also identifies and includes various recent developments carried out by the leading players. Moreover, key takeaways section provided at the end of competitive landscape section would help the operating companies to make the best move in this market.Enquiry:Adobe Systems Incorporated, Gemalto NV, Secured Signing Limited, SIGNiX, Ascertia, Entrust Datacard Corp., eSignLive, RPost, DocuSign Inc., IdenTrust, Inc. and Thales e-Security, Inc. are few of the key players which have been profiled in this study. Details such as financials, business strategies, SWOT analysis, and other such strategic information pertaining to these players has been duly provided as part of company profiling.ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: aspaNETCONOMY: SAP(R) Partners NETCONOMY and ASPA Consulting join forces aspaNETCONOMY https://www.netconomy.net/aspanetconomy www.netconomy.net www.aspaconsulting.com Madrid, October 11, 2017The SAP Hybris-specialists enter a strategic partnership and establish a joint venture, aspaNETCONOMY, located in Madrid, Spain.Coup within the central European SAP Hybris-Eco System: The renowned IT-specialist NETCONOMY further expands dynamically and founds a joint venture with its Spanish partner ASPA Consulting. Core business of the newly formed company aspaNETCONOMY will be the development of international markets with cutting-edge and industry specific SAP Hybris Omnichannel solutions.We have taken the opportunity to enter into a strategic alliance with a strong partner in the Iberic area, states Martin Barzauner, CEO NETCONOMY. Along with more than fifteen years of experience in SAP Hybris, the Software and Consulting specialist will offer its profound Sales- and Marketing Know How in the joint venture.This is an ideal opportunity to position ourselves as a leading SAP Hybris Partner in Europe, adds Jose Manuel Gonzalez Cid, CEO ASPA Consulting; highlighting the all-European growth prospect and dynamic ramp-up of aspaNETCONOMY.Based upon the impressive track records of its founders, aspaNETCONOMY is about to become the largest SAP Hybris Partner in the region. It is planned to expand quickly and grow to around 100 employees within the next 18 to 24 months.Solidly set up like this, aspaNETCONOMY will support its clients with their digital transformation and seizing sustainable competitive advantages - thanks to smart digital business models based upon powerful Hybris-software platforms.About NETCONOMYNETCONOMY supports internationally renowned customers in the successful implementation of digital business models and seamless integration of SAP Hybris-based Omnichannel solutions. More than 300 Hybris experts accompany companies in their digital transformation - from requirements analysis to the formulation of viable Omnichannel concepts up to their implementation and operation.NETCONOMYS satisfied customers include companies like Migros, the XXXLutz Group, Wacker, AVL, Swarovski, Bosch, Beiersdorf, BASF and Red Bull. NETCONOMY was named "Global Most Innovative Partner of the Year 2016" by SAP Hybris and offers "Recognized Expertise" (for HANA and Commerce in AT). Furthermore, NETCONOMY is a certified "SAP Partner Center of Expertise" and is "SAP Partner of the Year in Specialized Solutions". In addition, the company was honored as "SAP Hybris EMEA Partner of the Year 2017" and named a finalist of the prestigious SAP Pinnacle Awards.Read more atAbout ASPA ConsultingASPA Consulting was founded in 1996 to provide technology services to the leading companies of the retail, manufacturing and services sectors. Having been focused in services around ERP systems, eCommerce technologies and optimization of logistics processes, today ASPA is one of the leaders in Spain when it comes to services using SAP ERP and SAP Hybris technologies.With more than 200 projects carried out in several countries, in ASPA we work with our clients in implementing SAP ERP and SAP Hybris Omnichannel solutions that help companies to make the digital transformation that consumers demand today. We aim to achieve a unique and consistent customer experience across all channels and touch points, leading to customer engagement.We provide a wide spectrum of services covering all the phases of the journey, including: Omnichannel strategy, design of the digital user experience, implementation of SAP Hybris solutions (being the first company named SAP Hybris Gold Partner in Spain), content and campaign management, marketing analytics and customer engagement analytics.Read more atNETCONOMYSoftware & Consulting GmbHHilmgasse 4, 8010 GrazAustriaPress Contact:Doris SalchingerMarketing Manager+43 664 60 801 822d.salchinger@netconomy.net The rising importance of pre wedding ceremonies in Indian weddings https://www.chococraft.in/pages/invitation-for-wedding-ceremonies https://www.chococraft.in/collections/wedding-return-gifts Indian weddings are a grand ceremony celebrated with great fervour in every part of the country. In almost every culture the wedding ceremony itself is a solemn ceremony that is officiated by a priest. The couple is guided through rituals that are hundreds of years old in the presence of elders and family members. After all your wedding day is perhaps the most important day of your life and definitely deserves its due reverence.Perhaps to balance out the seriousness of the wedding ceremony itself Indian weddings feature a lot of pre wedding ceremonies that are more about fun, music and laughter. Popular ceremonies that are often scheduled before the wedding are - Engagement ceremony, Mehandi and Sangeet. These occasions dont have many formal customs or rituals associated with them. They are an opportunity for the family to come together and party with music and dance featuring prominently in them. Guests are frequently given separate invitations for mehendi or sangeet () as they happen before the wedding.Return gifts at pre-wedding ceremonies are also becoming very popular. A lot of the guests that participate in these ceremonies are not present at the actual wedding ceremony. It is great idea to ensure that they carry their memories of the ceremony home with in the form of a return gift. A lot of brides and grooms are opting for customised return gifts. These wedding return gifts () are a unique way to ensure that your engagement, mehendi or sangeet ceremony becomes a treasured memory for your wedding guests.There are several reasons why these ceremonies are becoming more important. One could be the influence of television and Bollywood. The grand ceremonies features on the silver screen often inspire young couple to plan their own. In fact a lot of weddings that earlier did not feature these ceremonies, like traditional Bengali weddings, have now started including them at the insistence of brides.Another reason no doubt is the growing affluence. With a rise in incomes people want to make sure that their wedding is a memorable event. These pre wedding ceremonies are a great way to make the whole wedding more enjoyable for the guests. Sometimes customised return gifts may be given at an engagement or Sangeet ceremony.There is also a great overlap in the different cultures in the country and pre wedding ceremonies are now becoming almost essential in all weddings, no matter which part of the country they are happening in!For wedding planners, wedding return gift suppliers and even for wedding invitations these ceremonies offer a great opportunity to come up with creative ideas. For the bride and groom it is a chance to highlight their own unique style and ideas. Their funky style is often reflected in unique and creatives invites for these ceremonies.Our bespoke wedding invitation gifts ensures every celebration for the happy couple is personal and unique. Beautifully crafted chocolate gifts for Indian wedding invitations.CHOCOCRAFT F-1099, PALAM EXTN, SECTOR 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI - 110077 Digital Shadows announces its Digital Risk Management Technology Ecosystem Alex Seton, Digital Shadows VP Business & Corporate Development www.digitalshadows.com Dubai, UAE, October 24, 2017 Digital Shadows, the industry leader in digital risk management, today announced the launch of its Digital Risk Management Technology Ecosystem. Formed from almost a dozen technology companies, with more expected to join in the coming months, they all share a vision for how security analytics and security information and event management (SIEM), product orchestration and automation, risk & compliance, intelligence and network enforcement, must work together to best protect customers from todays digital risks. All initial ecosystem members will bring their individual, industry-proven strengths to enhance Digital Shadows intelligence and digital risk management capabilities which extend across the widest range of data sources within the open, deep and dark web to protect customers around the world.Cyber and physical threats, combined with data, brand, VIP and infrastructure exposure along with third-party risk, are continuing to grow in complexity and volume. Organizations need a rapid and coordinated approach to analysis and response, but their existing solutions typically arent validated to work together to facilitate these efforts. To meet this need, Digital Shadows developed the Digital Risk Management Technology Ecosystem to give customers a tightly integrated portfolio of third-party technology products and services, enabling enhanced threat management and remediation capabilities to protect customers business, brand and reputation, while simultaneously accelerating return on investment for existing security solutions.Todays digital economy indexed on the use of digital technologies requires that organizations gain complete visibility into their digital footprint to understand their external risk exposure and enable threat mitigation actions, said Doug Cahill, Senior Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group. Such a holistic approach requires collaboration and integrations that when realized, would enable organizations to take a huge step forward in business efficiency and security effectiveness.Alex Seton, Digital Shadows VP Business & Corporate Development said, Customers seeking to leverage Digital Shadows Searchlight intelligence and digital risk management service with third-party products will now be able to more effectively respond to digital threats. Through a framework created with leading industry partners, Digital Shadows customers now gain even greater insight, a streamlined approach to workflow and remediation, and network-level resolution to verified threats.Initial digital risk management technology ecosystem partners include:1. Security Analystics/SIEM IBM Security, Splunk, Micro FocusDigital Shadows Searchlight integration with products IBM QRadar, Splunk Enterprise, and Micro Focus ArcSight.2. Orchestration & Automation Digital Shadows Searchlight integration with Phantom, ServiceNow, and DemistoPhantom supports the Digital Shadows Digital Risk Management Technology Ecosystem as a clear way to connect our industry leading security automation and orchestration platform to threat management and mitigation solutions aimed at protecting customers businesses, brands and reputations, said CP Morey, VP, Marketing & Products, PhantomIntegrating the leading digital risk management solution from Digital Shadows with the automation and security orchestration capabilities of Demisto allows our customers to more quickly detect and remediate threats by automating routine tasks, said Rishi Bhargava, Co-founder, Demisto. Effective security is all about speed to remediate threats and intelligence about the risks faced by enterprises from inside and outside the organization is critical to success. 3. Intelligence - Digital Shadows Searchlight integration with Anomali, ThreatConnect, ThreatQ, and TruStar TechnologyIntelligence and context is critical to effective cybersecurity and by partnering with Digital Shadows, our customers can leverage and operationalize this information to identify and remediate security threats, said Colby DeRodeff, Chief Strategy Officer at Anomali. Together, we enable enterprises to discover security incidents, provide richer context on threat actors and their campaigns, and drive more efficient response. "We are excited that the ThreatConnect and Digital Shadows longstanding partnership continues to strengthen, said Dan Cole, ThreatConnect's Director of Product Management. Our integration helps customers better understand adversaries and mitigate threats, and with the new Digital Risk Management Technology Ecosystem, those capabilities will be enhanced."ThreatQuotients goal is to deliver our customers and partners a platform that allows them to make their threat intelligence as effective as possible to secure their business with confidence, said Haig Colter, Director of Alliances, ThreatQuotient. We are proud to provide security teams with the ability to utilize Digital Shadows insight as part of their integrated security operations and management.Combining Digital Shadows with TruSTARs threat intelligence platform helps SOC analysts achieve a real-time understanding of their events and how they fit in the wider threat landscape, said Paul Kurtz, Co-Founder & CEO of TruSTAR Technology. Our sharing group and enterprise customers clamored for this partnership and were pleased to finally be able to offer this invaluable layer of insight.4. Enforcement - Cisco Cloud Security for Digital Shadows Searchlight integaration with Cisco UmbrellaDigital Shadows monitors and manages digital risk across the widest range of data sources within the open, deep, and dark web to protect an organizations business, brand, and reputation. The Digital Shadows SearchLight service combines scalable data analytics with human intelligence analysts to manage and mitigate risks of an organizations cyber threat, data exposure, brand exposure, VIP exposure, infrastructure exposure, physical threat, and third party risk, and create an up-to-the minute view of an organizations digital risk with tailored threat intelligence. The company is jointly headquartered in London and San Francisco. For more information, visit:Conrad Offices, 19th FloorSheikh Zayed Road, Dubai Aroma Chemicals Market : Segmentation, Regional Outlook, Growth Drivers And Key Players https://www.alltakemarketresearch.com/enquiry/request_sample/12334 https://www.alltakemarketresearch.com/report-detail/Aroma-Chemicals-Market Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Aroma Chemicals in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaGlobal Aroma Chemicals market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingBASFSolvayKaoTakasagoBell Flavors and FragrancesSensient TechnologiesSymriseVigon InternationalGivaudanRobertetT.HasegawaTreattJiaxing Wintrust Flavours Co.,LtdYingYang (China) Aroma Chemical GroupSilverline Chemicals LtdPFW Aroma Chemicals B.V.Request For Free Sample Of The Report @On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoNatural Aroma ChemicalsSynthetic Aroma ChemicalsOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of Aroma Chemicals for each application, includingFoods and BeveragesCosmeticsPersonal and Household Care ProductsObtain Report Details @If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.About UsAlltake Market Research is division of the Alltake LLC. that offers premium quality market intelligence, market research, industry analysis reports & forecast data for different domains across the business industry.Alltake Market Research understands the importance of market analysis for any strategy that is implemented in any organization or association. In order to provide the best solution, Alltake Market Research have associated with major organizations within market research and consultancy firm. This portfolio offers market analysis report at one place for different business verticals. Alltake Market Research ensures to offer you with the most reliable and quality market research available.Contact UsAlltake Market Research16192, Coastal Highway Lewes,DE 19958, United StatesUS - 188 8587 9717UK - 4480 0680 0195Email sales@alltakemarketresearch.com Metallic Stearates Market Intelligence Study for Comprehensive Insights 2017 - 2027 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3722 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-3722 www.futuremarketinsights.com Metallic stearates are long chain fatty acid compounds with metals of different valencies. Metallic stearates can be used for a wide range of applications, owing to their versatile properties, such as lubrication, separating properties, water repellence, gelling, stabilising, foam inhibition, and others. Metallic stearates have high melting points and are thermostable in nature. They are mostly derived from animal or plant based fatty acid sources. Aluminium and magnesium stearates are widely being used as stabilizing agents in many suspensions. Metallic stearates are used as lubricating agents in the plastics processing industry. They provide excellent resistant to colour degradation at elevated temperatures. Moreover, Zinc stearates are used as mould release agents in a number of applications.Global Metallic Stearates Market: DynamicsDrivers:The global metallic stearate market is driven by the increasing demand for PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) and other polymers, which use metallic stearates in various types of processing. The use of metallic stearates in the manufacturing of different polymers, such as phenolic resins, polyolefin, polystyrene, and others is expected to drive the global metallic stearates market.Request For Report Sample@Moreover, there has been an increase in the use of metallic stearates in the manufacture of soaps and detergents, due to their hydrophilic properties that prevent particles from absorbing moisture and thus, prevent agglomeration.Restraints:A major factor that acts as a challenge for the growth of the global metallic stearate market is the problem of filterability of chemicals by the use of these stearates. Another problem faced by the addition of metal stearates is that of corrosion.Trends:Manufacturers are focusing on the development of tailored solutions. Special customised metallic stearates are being manufactured as per requirement. Based on specific needs, such as water repellence, stabilising properties, acid scavenging, and others, different types of metallic stearates are being manufactured.Global Metallic Stearates Market: SegmentationThe global metallic stearates market can be segmented in a number of ways. Some of the prominent classifications being on the basis of product type, end use industry, and form.On the basis of product type, the global metallic stearates market can be segmented as:Zinc stearateMagnesium stearateCalcium stearateAluminium stearateOthers (Nickel, Copper, Lithium, etc.)On the basis of end use industry, the global metallic stearate market can be segmented as:Building and constructionPharmaceuticalCosmetics and personal careLubricantsPaints and coatingsPolymer and rubber industryPaper and pulp IndustryMining and metallurgyFood and beverage IndustryOn the basis of form, the global metallic stearate market can be segmented as:Fine powerFlakesPellet/granularAqueous stearate dispersionsGlobal Metallic Stearates Market: Regional OutlookAsia Pacific is anticipated to hold a major share in the global metallic stearate market and the region is projected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. There has been an increase in the demand for metallic stearates in Asia Pacific, owning to an increase in the number of major end use industries, such as polymers and rubber, and building and construction, among others. China is a major market for metallic stearates, followed by India. Europe and North America are also anticipated to hold a significant share in the global metallic stearates market. This can be attributed to a large base of manufacturing industries in the region that require metallic stearates for various applications. The Middle East and Africa region is anticipated to show relatively sluggish growth over the forecast period and the region is expected to remain a relatively small market for metallic stearates. Japan is projected to expand at a moderate CAGR over the forecast period.Visit For TOC@Global Metallic Stearates Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants identified across the value chain of the global metallic stearates market include Baerlocher GmbH, Dover Chemical Corporation, Brenntag Specialities Inc., PMC Group Inc., Valtris Specialty Chemicals, James M. Brown Ltd., Faci S.p.A, Hallstar, Peter Greven GmbH & Co. KG.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Content Analytics Market : Rising Digitalization of Government Sector Drives Demand from Content Analytics Market https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/content-analytics-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/report-toc/13382 www.transparencymarketresearch.com The global content analytics market has been driven in the recent past by the steady development of big data analytics, which has enhanced the utility of content analytics to enterprises. The intensifying competition in application sectors such as retail, telecom, BFSI, and manufacturing has thus made content analytics valuable, driving the demand from the global content analytics market at a steady pace. The growing use of digital resources in various end use industries and the increasing acceptance and popularity of digital tools among the population is likely to enable steady growth of the content analytics market in the coming years.The global content analytics market was valued at US$2.5 bn in 2017 and is expected to grow to US$8.1 bn by 2022 at a strong 26.1% CAGR therein.Obtain Report Details @Here are the key insights into the global content analytics market:The rising use of big data analytics for customer interaction and product advancement is likely to remain a major driver for the global content analytics market in the coming years. The growing use of digital information input channels is leading to rising use of big data analytics in the corporate sector, making content analytics ever more important. Big data analytics are thus likely to remain important to the global content analytics market, especially due to the rising volume of unstructured data received by enterprises.Text analytics is likely to remain the dominant application of content analytics systems in the coming years due to the rising popularity of text input in various media, including but not limited to social media. Accordingly, social media analytics is also likely to remain important for the global content analytics market in the coming years due to its growing popularity. Text content forms the bulk of the material processed in the content analytics due to its widespread use. Text analytics accounted for 24.3% of the global content analytics market in 2017 and is likely to retain a similar share through the 2017-2022 forecast period. The segment is expected to rise to a value of US$1,783.9 mn by 2022.North America is expected to dominate the global content analytics market in the coming years, with the regional market expected to exhibit a robust 26.5% CAGR in the 2017-2022 forecast period and rise to a valuation of US$2,547.5 mn by 2022. The North America content analytics market was valued at US$787.1 mn in 2017. The widespread presence of leading content analytics end users as well as developers is likely to enable steady dominance of North America in the global content analytics market in the coming years, as the telecom and retail sectors are likely to exhibit rapid growth in the region in the coming years. Content analytics are likely to be vital to players in these sectors due to the advantage it can provide against growing competition, making steady growth of the content analytics market likely in the coming years.Request to download and view full ToC @Europe accounts for more than a quarter of the global content analytics market at present, but is likely to witness a drop in its market share over the coming years. The Europe market is likely to drop 197 BPS over 2017 by 2022, but is likely to remain important to the global market due to widespread adoption of digital resources in the highly developed region.Competitive DynamicsLeading companies in the global content analytics market include Google Inc., IBM, Microsoft Corporation, Oracle, SAS, OpenText Corporation, Nice Systems, Adobe Systems, HPE, and SAP. The global content analytics market is likely to remain intensely competitive over the coming years due to the widespread demand for content analytics, which will lead to proactive action from all established market players.Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendationsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Forecast on Magnetic Bearing Market for the Period 2017 - 2027 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3752 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-3752 www.futuremarketinsights.com A bearing is an element of a machine generally used to support other moving parts of the machine. While carrying any load, it helps in the relative movement between the connecting surfaces of the machine. Majority of the bearings are used to support the rotating shaft of the machine by holding it either radially or axially. Similarly, a magnetic bearing supports the load using magnetic levitation, without physical contact. A shaft is radially surrounded by magnets, which allow the shaft to spin in the air by levitation this is the basic working principle of a magnetic bearing. Additionally, magnetic levitation is a method where magnetic force acts as a counter force to the effect of gravitational and other forces.Magnetic bearings are mainly of three types, namely active magnetic bearings, passive magnetic bearings, and hybrid magnetic bearings. An active magnetic bearing offers friction free, clean, efficient and reliable operation, and eliminates many other components of the machine. These magnetic bearings employ only electromagnets and are used in high speed rotating machines. On the other hand, hybrid magnetic bearings use a combination of electromagnets and permanent magnets for performing the operations.Request For Report Sample@A passive magnetic bearing offers contact-free magnetic levitation with the help of repulsive and attractive forces of permanent magnets. Also, according to configuration, a PMB supports tilt, axial and radial direction of stabilization. As these magnetic bearings do not require actuators or power electronic components, they are available in a comparatively small size and at a low price. Also, passive magnetic bearings cannot be used in the axial direction, and hence they are less commonly used.Magnetic bearings offer low friction, require less or no lubricant, and can work in vacuum and without mechanical wear. They are used in high temperature and high-speed applications, where normal bearings fail. However, it is important that there must be no friction, for efficiency in operation and safety reasons.Magnetic Bearing Market: DynamicsMagnetic bearings offer reduced transportation cost and better supply management. These advantages propel the demand for this market, and hence act as key drivers for the industry. Additionally, the rising demand for innovative products, such as cost-effective and advanced technologies, energy-efficient flexible solutions and high quality can also be considered as the drivers for the industry. Increasing use of magnetic bearings in HVAC, defense, and aerospace applications is providing several avenues for growth of the magnetic bearing industry.Increasing demand in niche markets of healthcare, such as cardiology and ventricular assistant can prove to be opportunities for the industry. The manufacture of generators, motors, and turbines with improved speed, efficiency and services are identified as notable trends in the magnetic bearing market.Magnetic Bearing Market: SegmentationSegmentation of the magnetic bearing market on the basis of type:Active magnetic bearing (AMB)Passive magnetic bearing (PMB)Hybrid magnetic bearing (HMB)Segmentation of the magnetic bearing market on the basis of application:CompressorsTurbinesPumpsMotorsGeneratorsSegmentation of the magnetic bearing market on the basis of end-use industry:Electrical industryHealthcare industryRailway industryMagnetic Bearing Market: Regional OutlookAsia Pacific dominates the market for magnetic bearings with a comparatively high market share, followed by North America. However, China and North America, together hold over half the market share. Also, the Middle East and Africa hold significant market shares after Asia Pacific, followed by Western Europe. The increasing demand for industrialization and construction, and the rising application of magnetic bearings in the cardiology sector of healthcare are expected to act as drivers for the market.Few countries in Europe are adopting off-grid power systems, which increases the demand for magnetic bearings. Therefore, a substantial increment can be expected in the market share of magnetic bearing. The sales of the magnetic bearings is expected to grow significantly in some regions, such as the Middle East & Africa and Asia Pacific over the forecast period.Visit For TOC@Magnetic Bearing Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants in the magnetic bearing market, identified across the value chain are: Siemens AG, Dresser-Rand, Waukesha Bearings Corporation, Calnetix Technologies LLC, Advanced Motion Controls, Comsol Inc., Mecos AG, Simply Bearings Ltd., NSK Europe, KML Motion Industries Co. Ltd.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Linear Actuators Market Research Study for the Period 2017 - 2027 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3778 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-3778 www.futuremarketinsights.com Linear actuators assist in converting energy into straight line motions, generally for positioning applications. Most of the linear actuators are either mechanical or electro-mechanical devices that provide controlled movement and positioning. These actuators are primarily used in industrial machinery, computer peripherals, valves, and many other places where linear motion is required. A typical linear actuator generally produces push and pull action. As most processes across a variegated range of industries gets automated, the global linear actuators market is expected to expand with an impressive CAGR throughout the forecast period.Linear ActuatorsMarket: Drivers & RestraintsThe major factors boosting the growth of linear actuators market is rising automation across manufacturing industry. Industrial objectives such as achieving complete factory automation, and integrating Industrial Internet of Things are some of the prime reasons that will drive more demand for linear actuators. While, rising industrialization particularly in the third world countries is another factor that will drive the demand in the global linear actuators market, on the backdrop of increasing number of factories. As the number of research studies conducted increases, demand for telescopic actuators is expected to increase significantly. Also as companies overcome their legacy systems to achieve higher efficiency, and replace existing actuators with new ones, demand for linear actuators is expected to rise. Furthermore, as an increasing number of industrial process adopt self-control and positioning demand in the linear actuators market is expected to continuously rise.Request For Report Sample@However, as concerns regarding employment rises among most countries on the backdrop of increasing automation in factories, demand for linear actuators might get sluggish over the end years of the forecast period. Adoption of 3D printing in many industries is another factor that will restrain the demand for linear actuators, as usage of machines will decrease.Linear ActuatorsMarket: Market SegmentationThe Linear Actuators Market is segmented into two parts based on operation type and end use industry:Based on operation mechanism, the linear actuator market is segmented into:MechanicalHydraulicPneumaticPiezoelectricElectro-mechanical actuatorsBased on End Use Industry, the linear actuator market is segmented into:AutomotiveMedical/HealthcareEnergy and Mining,SteelConstructionMilitaryChemicalOthersLinear Actuators Market: Regional OutlookGeographically, linear actuators market has been categorized into seven key regions including North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, APEJ, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.A prominent share of the demand for linear actuators comes from North America, and the region is expected to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. Furthermore, with more inclination towards shifting manufacturing in US from China and other ASEAN countries, demand for linear actuators will further rise in the region. Asia Pacific Exc. Japan is another prominent shareholder in terms of demand for linear actuators, amid, large manufacturing sector of China. Moreover, with India and Indonesia picking up at a fast pace, demand for linear actuators is expected to expand with a bullish growth rate over the forecast period. Being home to large automotive and research base companies, Western Europe is another prominent region generating huge demand for linear actuators. Eastern Europe is also expected to generate descent demand for linear actuators, particularly from energy and defense sector. Rising industrialization and the already dominant oil and gas industry of Middle East and Africa is the prime reason driving automation in the Middle Eastern region. Thus driving more demand for linear actuators. Japan is another prominent industrial nation, which drives demand for linear actuators, due to high automation penetration in their industries coupled with growing semiconductor industry of the region.Visit For TOC@Linear Actuators Market: Key PlayersSome of the players identified in Global Linear Actuators market are:-Duff-NortonHelix Linear Technologies, Inc.Altra Industrial MotionTolomatic, Inc.Fabco-Air, Inc.Actuonix Motion DevicesTusk Direct, Inc.Bishop-Wisecarver CorporationBEI Kimco MagneticsBurr Engineering & Development CompanyDel-Tron Precision, Inc.Rollon India Pvt. Ltd.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Smart Kids Shoes Market Trends,Share,Size,Growth ,Status and Forecast 2017 to 2022 https://www.researchbeam.com/global-smart-kids-shoes-research-report-forecast-2017-to-2022-market/request-sample https://www.researchbeam.com/global-smart-kids-shoes-research-report-forecast-2017-to-2022-market/purchase-enquiry https://www.researchbeam.com/global-smart-kids-shoes-research-report-forecast-2017-to-2022-market Research Beam has added a report on Global Smart Kids Shoes Market Research Report Forecast 2017 to 2022.A brief overview of the Global Smart Kids Shoes Market is provided in the report based on product scope and market status & outlook. The market is segmented on the basis of type, end-users/application, and geography. The report provides information about the production, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate of each type. Geographically, the market has been analyzed across North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India. The status and prospect through 2012-2022 for each of these regions are listed in the report.Get Sample@The report entails the qualitative and quantitative analysis of current and future market estimations. It also divulges details about the mode of research methodology used for the study. It includes data from primary as well as secondary resources. The report is a useful resource for industry players, new entrants in the marketplace, and investors as it helps them plan their business to gain fruitful and meaningful outcomes. It makes them aware of the production, capacity, revenue, supply, consumption, export, import, the challenges and risks associated with the industry, and much more. Factors that drive the growth of the market are detailed in the study. Key players are profiled in the report and their developments in recent years are mentioned, which helps in understanding the competitive outlook of theGet 15% discount on this report @The Global Smart Kids Shoes Market report has a mention of the industrial chain, sourcing strategy, and downstream buyers. This incorporates the overall industrial chain analysis, upstream raw materials sourcing, raw materials sources of the product major manufacturers in 2015, and downstream buyers.The report also throws light on the marketing strategy used for the study. It includes marketing channel (direct marketing, indirect marketing, and marketing channel development trend) and market positioning (pricing strategy, brand strategy, and target client).The Global Smart Kids Shoes Market report also covers an analysis of the market effect factors. This includes the technology progress/risk (substitutes/threat and technology progress in the related industry), consumer needs/customer preference change, and economic/political environmental change.The key players which provide solutions in the Global Smart Kids Shoes Market Fibretronic Limited Heapsylon LLC Intelligent Clothing Ltd. Interactive Wear AG Koninklijke Ten Cate Nv Milliken & Company Performance Fibers, Inc. Schoeller Textil AG Textronics, Inc.Information about the production, capacity, price, revenue (value), and market share of each of these manufacturers from 2012 to 2017 are clearly described in the report. In addition, the report details the basic information, manufacturing base, area of sales, and competitors of each of the players. The trends and marketing strategies such as mergers and acquisitions, adopted by each of the manufacturers provide an understanding of the level of competitiveness prevailing in the industry.Check Full Report With TOC@About Us:Research Beams uniqueness lies in its highly ethical reports at economical rates because we value your relationship and growth more than money. Your growth is our aim. With the arsenal of different search reports, we help you here to look and buy research reports that will be helpful to you and your organization. Our research reports have the capability and authenticity to support your organization for growth and consistency.Contact Us:Global Head Quarters5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,#205, Portland, OR 97220United Statesphone+1 (800) 910-6452mail help@researchbeam.com Aragonite Market Report Actionable Insights and Recommendation 2017 - 2027 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3790 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-3790 www.futuremarketinsights.com Aragonite is a carbonate mineral and is polymorph form of calcium carbonate. Aragonite occurs in two different places. One during the metamorphism of deep-sea basaltic rock in greenstone likewise is formed at a relatively low temperature of the high pressure in a pocket of Moroccan lava bed. The other major occurrence of aragonite is in the sea life where it is formed in carbonate shell. Aragonite in sea life is formed due to the chemical condition such as the concentration of magnesium, which favors formation of carbonate shell. Aragonite is metastable at the surface condition and is reverted to calcite on heating it to 400 degree Celsius. Single aragonite crystal is shaped more like prisms or tablet and multiple twins makes aragonite in pseudo-hexagons shape. It is most common naturally occurring crystal forms of calcium carbonate similar to other minerals such as vaterite and calcite. Aragonite is colorless in its pure form, impurities in aragonite lead it to form in different variety colors. Aragonite commercial use is similar to limestone and high calcium carbonate material. It is popularly used in reef aquariums to replicate the sea like conditions for aquatic animals. Aragonite is also used as a gemstone in jewelry. It is used, along with soda ash and sand, in making glass. Properties such as rich in calcium carbonate, low in magnesium and alkaline in nature are found in aragonite, and it can be used in agriculture to help to condition the soil which results reducing the acidity in the soil.Global Aragonite Market: DynamicsAragonite in its raw state helps to add biological benefits to soil and limit the amount of the use of fertilizers as aragonite stimulates the microbial life in the soil that giving nutrients available for plant utilization. The factor is the key driver of the growth of global aragonite market. Aragonite sand replicates to natural properties likewise sea for aquatic animals in reef aquariums and thus shows potential factor for the growth of aragonite market. Moreover aragonite sand for aquatic animal keeps the pH of the water to the natural level which helps in to prevent the dissolution of biogenic calcium carbonate. Another potential factor to the growth of aragonite market is aragonite treatment removes pollutants like cobalt, zinc, and lead from contaminated waste water. Calcium salt powder as a derivate of aragonite is used therapeutically as a phosphate buffer in hemodialysis patients which helps the patients to filter, remove waste, such as urea, from the blood and eliminate extra fluid from the body is an additional factor driving the growth of global aragonite market. Application of aragonite to soil gives enhancement by giving 30-35% of calcium and less than 2% of magnesium with an array of trace minerals like iron, copper, and zinc. Restraint to aragonite market is the availability of aragonite is high as compared to limestones and other nitrates.Request For Report Sample@Global Aragonite Market: SegmentationBased on color: Aragonite market is segmented intoWhiteRedYellowOrangeGreenBrownGreyBlueBased on crystallography: Aragonite market is segmented intoPseudo-hexagonalAcicularReniformColumnarInternally bandedPrismatic crystalsCoralloidalStalactiticGlobularPisoliticBased on form: Aragonite market is segmented intoSandStoneGlobal Aragonite Market: Region Wise OutlookThe global aragonite market is divided into seven regions, namely North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan and the Middle East and Africa (MEA). North America dominates the global aragonite market. The region has aragonite sand at beaches in Florida which are a driving factor for the region. Moreover, the growing reef aquarium at domestic places and high-end restaurants brings in demand for aragonite is a potential factor in the forecast period of global aragonite market. Followed by North America is Europe which is growing due to its application in soil, giving increased fertility to soil condition and reducing the application of fertilizer. North America and Europe is estimated to witness healthy CAGR in the forecast period of aragonite market.Visit For TOC@Global Aragonite Market: Prominent PlayersFew of the key players of global aragonite market areU.S. Aragonite EnterprisesREAL REEF SOLUTIONS.Red Sea.The Fertrell CompanyThe global woodworking machines market is highly fragmented due to the presence of large number of regional and global players. Regional players choose quality service and competitive pricing as their winning strategy over global players. In response to this, global players are largely involved in merger & acquisition and partnership activities in order to enhance their profitability margin and market share.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market to Exceed more than US$ 1 Billion By 2022 Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market https://www.marketresearchengine.com/electrophoresis-reagents-market https://www.marketresearchengine.com/electrophoresis-reagents-market https://www.marketresearchengine.com/ The Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market is segmented on the lines of its product, end user, application and regional. Based on product segmentation it covers dyes, gels, buffers, others reagents. Based on end user segmentation it covers academic & research institutions, pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies, hospitals & diagnostic centers, other end users. Based on application segmentation it covers protein analysis, DNA & RNA analysis. Based on technique segmentation it covers gel electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis. The Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market on geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geographic market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.The Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market is expected to exceed more than US$1.15 Billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 5.4% in the given forecast period.You Can Browse Full Report @:This report provides:1) An overview of the global market for Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market and related technologies.2) Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2013, estimates for 2014 and 2015, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2022.3) Identifications of new market opportunities and targeted promotional plans for Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market.4) Discussion of research and development, and the demand for new products and new applications.5) Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the industry.The major driving factors of Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market are as follows: Increasing occurrence of cancer, infectious diseases, and genetic disorders Expanding funding for genomic and proteomic research Highly increasing geriatric population New innovations technological advancements in electrophoresis reagents Expansion number of industry academic research collaborationsThe restraining factors of Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market are as follows: Time-reduced operations and limited sample analysis through gel electrophoresis Safety affairs Associated With Mutagenic Nucleic Acid Dyes Presence of alternative technologies offering better efficiency and resultsRequest Sample Report:The scope of the report includes a detailed study of global and regional markets on Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market with the reasons given for variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions.Table of Contents1 Introduction2 Research Methodology3 Executive Summary4 Premium Insights5 Market Overview5.1 Introduction5.2 Market Segmentation5.3 Market Dynamics5.3.1 Market Drivers5.3.1.1 Rising Incidences of Cancer, Infectious Diseases, and Genetic Disorders5.3.1.2 Increasing Funding for Genomic and Proteomic Research5.3.1.3 Growing Number of IndustryAcademic Research Collaborations5.3.1.4 Rapidly Increasing Geriatric Population5.3.1.5 Technological Advancements5.3.2 Key Market Restraints5.3.2.1 Time-Consuming Operations and Limited Sample Analysis Through Gel Electrophoresis5.3.2.2 Presence of Alternative Technologies Offering Better Efficiency and Results5.3.3 Key Market Opportunities5.3.3.1 Rapid Growth in Emerging Countries5.3.3.2 Increasing Demand for Personalized Medicine5.3.3.3 Shift From Plant-Derived to Genome-Based Drug Discovery5.3.4 Key Market Challenges5.3.4.1 Safety Concerns Associated With Mutagenic Nucleic Acid Dyes6 Industry Insights7 Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market, By Product8 Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market, By Technique9 Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market, By Application10 Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market, By End User11 Global Electrophoresis Reagents Market, By Region12 Competitive Landscape13 Company Profiles13.1 Introduction13.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific13.3 Sigma-Aldrich Corporation13.4 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.13.5 Qiagen N.V.13.6 Merck Millipore13.7 GE Healthcare13.8 Agilent Technologies, Inc.13.9 Lonza Group, AG13.10 Takara Bio, Inc.13.11 Harvard Bioscience, Inc.13.12 Sebia GroupAbout UsMarket Research Engine (MRE) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. MREs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each Market Research Engines research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Media ContactCompany Name: Market Research EngineContact Person: John BayEmail: john@marketresearchengine.comPhone: +1-855-984-1862Country: United StatesWebsite:Address: 3422 SW 15 Street, Suite #8942, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, United States Astellia and Three UK team up to drive customer experience in all telco cloud network Rennes, France, October 24th 2017 - Astellia, leading provider of network and subscriber intelligence for mobile operators, announced that it has signed a major contract with Three UK to successfully transform their network to a virtualized and software-based architecture. The agreement aims at providing the visibility and the capability to improve network performance and customer experience.In order to maximize network resource utilization, reduce operation and maintenance (O&M) costs and be better equipped to respond to future industry changes, Three UK developed the network transformation strategy aiming to fully virtualize its traditional networks using NFV/SDN.Astellias vProbes-based virtual monitoring solution is designed to effectively monitor traffic within the virtual infrastructure of Three UKs network, raise alarms for performance degradation and troubleshoot issues. The solution will interface with the NFV orchestrator which controls the integration of new network services and virtual network functions into Threes virtual framework.Based on a big data architecture, Astellias solution will provide comprehensive network, subscriber and service analytics to improve customers quality of experience. The solution will support Customer Experience Management (CEM) use cases that will be used by multiple teams from across the business. They will address topics such as churn prediction, usage-based segmentation and customer experience for voice services (VoLTE, VoWiFi, etc.), video streaming, web browsing and messaging.Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We were the first UK network to introduce all you can eat data and we let our customers roam abroad at no extra cost in 60 destinations, says Adam OKeeffe, Head of OSS Transformation at Three UK. Astellias technology will help build upon our already excellent customer experience by deploying the capability to monitor the performance of services and customer experience on our new virtualized technology.Customer experience management becomes even more critical with the emergence of on-demand and virtualized services. We are looking forward to accompanying Three UK achieve the efficiency and agility they seek with their shift towards network virtualization, help them strengthen customers perception of their network and maximize the value extracted from network and subscriber intelligence, highlights Sebastien Schultz, Managing Director Europe at Astellia.About ThreeThree is a communications company. We are focused on making mobile better for everyone. We want to give customers a quality mobile experience and address the industry issues that frustrate them. We continue to look at ways of improving the experience we offer our customers. Three carries 39% of the UKs mobile data. Our network covers 98% of the UK population. Three UK is a member of CK Hutchison Holdings, which also has investments in mobile operations in Australia, Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Macau, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Vietnam. Three employs over 4,400 people across its offices in Maidenhead, Glasgow and Reading and its 347 retail stores. For more information visit three.co.ukAbout AstelliaAstellia is a leading provider of network and subscriber intelligence enabling mobile operators to drive service quality, maximize operational efficiency, reduce churn and develop revenues. Its vendor-independent real-time monitoring and troubleshooting solution optimizes networks end-to-end, from radio to core. Astellias unique blend of products and services provides automated optimization, actionable geolocated insights and big-data analytics to Network Operations, Service Operation Center, Customer Care and Marketing teams. Astellia has close partnerships with more than 120 telecom operators. Headquartered in France, Astellia is based in Canada, Lebanon, Morocco, South Africa, Spain and the USA. Follow Astellia: astellia.com, LinkedIn and @Astellia_news.ZAC Airlande, 2 Rue Jacqueline Auriol, CS 691232 Rue Jacqueline Auriol SWISS-BELHOTEL INTERNATIONAL CONTINUES EXPANSION IN SAUDI ARABIA http://www.swiss-belhotel.com http://www.mpj-pr.com www.swiss-behotel.com Continuing its expansion in Saudi Arabia, Swiss-Belhotel International (SBI) has signed Swiss-Belhotel and Suites Jazan. The announcement was made by Mr Laurent A. Voivenel, Senior Vice President, Operations and Development for the Middle East, Africa and India, Swiss-Belhotel International. Featuring 210 keys, the upscale 4-star property is owned by Cardamom International Property Management LLC and is superbly located in the port city of Jazan with direct access to the beach.Swiss-Belhotel and Suites Jazan enjoys close proximity to Red Sea coast merely 20 minutes drive from Jazan regional airport. Boasting 210 keys including 140 well-appointed rooms and 70 studios plus apartments, the hotel is being designed to cater to a diverse mix of travellers. Included in its extensive facilities will be an array of business and lifestyle features making it the ideal address for both corporate and leisure guests. On site are four dining outlets, a spectacular ballroom and three meeting rooms, a health club with steam and sauna and a swimming pool. Among these a key highlight is the beautiful marina and restaurant on the beach that will be exclusively dedicated for the hotel guests.Mr Nawaf bin Mansour bin Saleh Al Sharif, Owner of Cardamom International Property Management, stated, We are delighted to collaborate once again with Swiss-Belhotel International and are confident together we will make Swiss-Belhotel and Suites Jazan a preferred choice for residents and travellers to Jazan. It is a market that is currently under supplied in terms of hotels and is, therefore, projected to show strong growth in the near future and we are keen to take advantage of this massive opportunity.Mr Gavin M. Faull, Chairman and President of Swiss-Belhotel International, said, As part of our global expansion strategy, we are dedicated to enter new markets and particularly excited about our debut in Jazan with a reputable partner like Cardamom International Property Management. Jazan is witnessing major economic development in KSA and we believe our brand will be ideally placed to cater to the needs of travellers to the city with an exceptional property like Swiss-Belhotel and Suites Jazan.Mr Voivenel, stressed, We are delighted to expand our footprint in Saudi Arabia strengthening further our relationship with Cardamom International Property Management LLC with whom we had recently signed Swiss-Belhotel Al Aziziya Makkah. The new agreement demonstrates the confidence of the owners in the strength of Swiss-Belhotel International brand. Jazan City is a significant market with a growing demand for hotels. The development of Swiss-Belhotel and Suites Jazan will enable us to cater to travellers looking for quality accommodation with world-class facilities at a great value.Saudi Arabia currently has the most hotel rooms under construction in the Middle East and North Africa, with 36,742 keys in 85 projects. In addition to massive development of hotels, the Saudi government is investing in major infrastructure projects to grow tourism. Jazan has got some of the largest and most significant infrastructure projects in the country worth billions of dollars including Saudi Aramcos 400,000 bpd refinery with associated terminal facilities on the Red Sea.For further information visitFor media contact:Hina BakhtVice PresidentMPJ (Marketing Pro-Junction)Mob: +971 50 697 5146Email: h.bakht@mpj-pr.comAbout Swiss-Belhotel InternationalSwiss-Belhotel International currently manages a portfolio of more than 145* hotels, resorts and projects located in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Australia, New Zealand, Bulgaria, Georgia, Tanzania and Turkey. Awarded Indonesia's Leading Global Hotel Chain for six consecutive years, Swiss-Belhotel International is one of the world's fastest-growing international hotel and hospitality management groups. The Group provides comprehensive and highly professional development and management services in all aspects of hotel, resort and serviced residences. Offices are located in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Australia, China, Europe, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.*Numbers may fluctuate1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAE1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAE U.S. Small Arms Ammunition Market Trends and Opportunities Report 2017 http://www.indexbox.co.uk/store/us-small-arms-ammunition-market-analysis-and-forecast-to-2020?utm_source=opr http://www.indexbox.co.uk/store/us-small-arms-ammunition-market-analysis-and-forecast-to-2020?utm_source=opr IndexBox has just published a new report "U.S. Small Arms Ammunition Market. Analysis And Forecast to 2025" ().This report is best suitable for you if you: Are planning to enter a new geographical market and wish to know which one is best for your product Are planning to enter a new product market and want to have a detailed overview of the market before entering Already work in a given market and want to update your knowledge on the topic Are developing/reviewing your company strategy and wish to know the existing trends in the market Want to find the best country to import a product from Are consulting a client in the given industry and wish to get a deep understanding of the situation in the market Are planning to open new production facilities and wish to choose the best location.The report serves the above mentioned purposes by providing a deep survey of the key indicators of the small arms ammunition market. It includes a market overview, which consolidates the key conclusions made from the analysis of the market survey, giving insights on the most extensive markets based on the comparative analysis. The report also provides a forecast of how the market is expected to change in the coming years, based on historical trends, external and internal factors, and the main drivers changing the market. Each section contains a an in-depth analysis of the data provided. Specifically, the report covers the historical developments and current prospects of small arms ammunition production volumes, consumption data, as well as producer prices.The trade section provides crucial data, such as historical data on imports/exports, changes in the direction of trade, as well as import/export prices. Analysis of small arms ammunition trade shows the opportunities that are opening before producers and suppliers in a changing market.Product coverage: Small arms ammunition.Countries coverage: the U.S.Abstract:In 2015, the value of small arms ammunition production in the U.S. amounted to $3.1B, declining by -1.0% against the previous year level. Overall, the U.S. small arms ammunition output pursued a perceptible growth from 2007 to 2015. The total output figures increased at an average annual rate of +7.2%. The trend pattern, however, indicated some noticable fluctuations throughout the analyzed period. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2012, when the output figure increased by +20% from the previous year level. Over the period under review, the total value of small arms ammunition shipments in the United States attained its maximum level of $3.2B in 2013. Afterwards, the growth in terms of the small arms ammunition production failed to regain its strength through to 2015.Data coverage: Small arms ammunition market value and size; Major trends in the small arms ammunition market; Forecast of the market dynamics in the medium term; Exports, imports and trade balance; Import and export prices; Life cycle of the small arms ammunition industry; Number of establishments and their locations; Small arms ammunition industry productivity. Key market players and their profiles.Methodology:Our methodology consists of obtaining information from various trusted sources (both paid and open), which include, but are not limited to: International official statistical agencies Governmental statistical agencies Official trade statistics Paid trade databases Industrial associations Company reports Industry experts.Companies mentioned:Remington Arms Company,Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation,Hornady Manufacturing Company,Nosler,Sierra Bullets,Fiocchi of America,Starline,Precision/Delta Corporation,Precision Gun Works,Vista Outdoor Inc.,Berger Bullets,Nonlethal Technologies,Berry's Manufacturing of Utah,Kent-Gamebore Corporation,Galion,Barnes Bullets,Federal Cartridge Company,Freedom Arms,Amron,First Defense International,Beta Production ,American Rheinmetall Munition,Fs Technology,O I Inc,Environ-Metal,Gti Systems,Lightfield Ammunition,West Coast Shot ,P & G Imaging Technologies ,Prograde Ammo Group,Wright's Ammunitions,Vista Outdoor Sales ,North American TradeOur research team compare the information gathered, confirm it with sources when required, and analyze the collected data, developing a full clear picture of the market and coming up with the final numbers. It is crucial to understand the trends of the market, for which we do provide study, taking into account events in the market, in adjacent and related markets, raw material markets, and markets, which are the main demand creators for the product under research. As for the forecast, it is conducted using analytical models of data on consumption, production, exports, imports, prices, as well as the industry trends, economic trends, consumption trends, possible political and technological trends.Source:IndexBox is a leading market research publisher in the world. You can find more than 25,000 research reports in our web store, which cover global industries and regional markets. All the worldwide marketing data you need is at your fingertips.Company Name: IndexBoxContact Person: Kirill BezverhiEmail: kirill.bezverhi@indexbox.co.ukPhone: +44 20 3239 3063Adress: United Kingdom, 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML11 0QW Global Color Coated Steel Market Trends, Analysis and Market Research 2017 https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=957826&type=E https://www.qyresearchreports.com/report/global-color-coated-steel-market-research-report-2017.htm https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=957826&type=D http://www.qyresearchreports.com Qyresearchreports include new market research report "Global Color Coated Steel Market Research Report 2017" to its huge collection of research reports.The business landscape of the global Color Coated Steel market is undergoing dynamic changes. In order to facilitate a complete understanding of the complex industry scenario for clients and thus enhance their decision making process, the study on the global Color Coated Steel market presents a methodological explanation of this dynamic market scenario. The research study also offers the growth prospects of the global Color Coated Steel market in the coming few years.The research study begins with a brief overview of the industry and enlists details such as the definition, specifications, and classification of the global Color Coated Steel market. This section of the report provides to business professionals the key historical developments of the industry with details such as applications of Color Coated Steel and industry policy analysis. The manufacturing cost structure evaluation in the research study delivers an extensive analysis of the labor costs, equipment suppliers, and raw material suppliers, and manufacturing cost. In-depth segmentation analysis of the global Color Coated Steel market by key criteria with the growth prospects of the key segments paints a clear picture of the growth framework of the market.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @A strategic business forecast for the volume and value of the global Color Coated Steel market is covered in the report. The global and regional trends that will impact the growth of the various segments of the market further give insights to readers into the market scenario. Description of key strategies of the major companies operating in the global Color Coated Steel market allows readers to estimate the competitive framework of the market. Further, the study offers details such as each key companys profile, contact information, sales, sales price, sales revenue, and gross margin analysis. Actionable insights from expert analysts on the new project investment feasibility of the global Color Coated Steel market will support clients in forming sound business decisions to boost ROI.This report studies Color Coated Steel in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with capacity, production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringBlueScopeArcelorMittalNIPPON STEEL&SUMITOMO METALThyssenKruppUnited States Steel CorporationCoated Metals GroupYieh Phui EnterpriseBaoSteelDongbu SteelJFE SteelBenbow SteelsRuukkiBrowse Complete Report with TOC @Table of ContentsGlobal Color Coated Steel Market Research Report 20171 Color Coated Steel Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Color Coated Steel1.2 Color Coated Steel Segment by Type1.2.1 Global Production Market Share of Color Coated Steel by Type in 20152 Global Color Coated Steel Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Color Coated Steel Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.2 Global Color Coated Steel Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.3 Global Color Coated Steel Average Price by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)2.4 Manufacturers Color Coated Steel Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Color Coated Steel Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Color Coated Steel Market Concentration Rate3 Global Color Coated Steel Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)3.1 Global Color Coated Steel Capacity and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.2 Global Color Coated Steel Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.3 Global Color Coated Steel Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.4 Global Color Coated Steel Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.5 North America Color Coated Steel Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Get discount copy @List of Tables and FiguresFigure Picture of Color Coated SteelFigure Global Production Market Share of Color Coated Steel by Type in 2015Figure Product Picture of PE Color Coated SteelTable Major Manufacturers of PE Color Coated SteelFigure Product Picture of HDP Color Coated SteelFigure China Color Coated Steel Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022)Figure Japan Color Coated Steel Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022)Figure Southeast Asia Color Coated Steel Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022)Figure India Color Coated Steel Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022)Figure Global Color Coated Steel Revenue (Million UDS) and Growth Rate (2012-2022)Table Global Color Coated Steel Capacity of Key Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)About UsQYReseachReports.com delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from QYReseachReports.com feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact Us1820 AvenueM Suite #1047Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: sales@qyresearchreports.com Printing Machinery and Equipment Market in the USA - Industry Growth, Size, Forecast, Analysis, Trends, and Share 2017 - 2025 http://www.indexbox.co.uk/store/us-printing-machinery-and-equipment-market-analysis-and-forecast-to-2020?utm_source=opr http://www.indexbox.co.uk/store/us-printing-machinery-and-equipment-market-analysis-and-forecast-to-2020?utm_source=opr IndexBox has just published a new report "U.S. Printing Machinery And Equipment Market. Analysis And Forecast to 2025" ().This report is best suitable for you if you: Are planning to enter a new geographical market and wish to know which one is best for your product Are planning to enter a new product market and want to have a detailed overview of the market before entering Already work in a given market and want to update your knowledge on the topic Are developing/reviewing your company strategy and wish to know the existing trends in the market Want to find the best country to import a product from Are consulting a client in the given industry and wish to get a deep understanding of the situation in the market Are planning to open new production facilities and wish to choose the best location.The report serves the above mentioned purposes by providing a deep survey of the key indicators of the printing machinery and equipment market. It includes a market overview, which consolidates the key conclusions made from the analysis of the market survey, giving insights on the most extensive markets based on the comparative analysis. The report also provides a outlook of how the market is expected to change in the coming years, based on historical trends, external and internal factors, and the main drivers changing the market. Each section contains a a comprehensive study of the data provided. Specifically, the report displays the historical developments and relevant prospects of printing machinery and equipment production volumes, consumption data, as well as producer prices.The trade section provides crucial data, such as historical data on imports/exports, changes in the direction of trade, as well as import/export prices. Analysis of printing machinery and equipment trade shows the opportunities that are opening before producers and suppliers in a changing market.Product coverage: Printing presses, all types; Binding machinery and equipment (including paper cutting, collating, and gathering machines); All other miscellaneous printing trades machinery, including typesetting machinery (excluding justifying typewriters); Printing machinery and equipment manufacturing, nsk, total.Countries coverage: the U.S.Abstract:In 2015, the value of printing machinery and equipment production in the U.S. amounted to $1.7B, increasing by +2.6% against the previous year level. Overall, the U.S. printing machinery and equipment output pursued a moderate decline from 2007 to 2015. The total output figures decreased at an average annual rate of -2.0%. The trend pattern, however, indicated some noticable fluctuations throughout the analyzed period. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2015, when the output figure increased by +3% from the previous year level. Over the period under review, the total value of printing machinery and equipment shipments in the United States attained its maximum level of $2.0B in 2008. Afterwards, the growth in terms of the printing machinery and equipment production failed to regain its strength through to 2015.All other miscellaneous printing trades machinery, including typesetting machinery (excluding justifying typewriters) accounted for the highest share (56% in 2015) of U.S. printing machinery and equipment manufacturing, leaving a considerable room for printing presses, all types (29%). The other related products with less notable individual shares together comprised approx. 15% of the total output.Data coverage: Printing machinery and equipment market value and size; Major trends in the printing machinery and equipment market; Forecast of the market dynamics in the medium term; Exports, imports and trade balance; Import and export prices; Life cycle of the printing machinery and equipment industry; Number of establishments and their locations; Printing machinery and equipment industry productivity. Key market players and their profiles.Methodology:Our methodology consists of obtaining information from various trusted sources (both paid and open), which include, but are not limited to: International official statistical agencies Governmental statistical agencies Official trade statistics Paid trade databases Industrial associations Company reports Industry experts.Companies mentioned:Sandhills Publishing Company,Manroland ,Brown Machine ,Andy Mark' ,Anderson & Vreeland,Weber Marking Systems,Pamarco Global Graphics,Futurelogic Incorporated,The Exone Company,vNilpeter Usa,Graphic Innovators,Mark/Trece,Baldwin Technology Company,Epilog Corporation,Bmp America,Goss International Corporation,Prestone Press,Manugraph Americas,Macdermid Printing Solutions ,Domino Amjet,Altair Corporation (del),Shps Fulfillment Services,Chatham Corporation,Pamarco Technologies ,North American Cerutti Corporation,Xerox International Partners,Muller Martini Mailroom Systems,Delphax Technologies ,Presstek,4l Technologies ,FisherGraphic Industries A California Corporation,M & R Printing Equipment,Aleris Ohio Management,MAI HoldingsOur research team compare the information gathered, confirm it with sources when required, and analyze the collected data, developing a full clear picture of the market and coming up with the final numbers. It is crucial to understand the trends of the market, for which we do provide study, taking into account events in the market, in adjacent and related markets, raw material markets, and markets, which are the main demand creators for the product under research. As for the forecast, it is conducted using analytical models of data on consumption, production, exports, imports, prices, as well as the industry trends, economic trends, consumption trends, possible political and technological trends.Source:IndexBox is a leading market research publisher in the world. You can find more than 25,000 research reports in our web store, which cover global industries and regional markets. All the worldwide marketing data you need is at your fingertips.Company Name: IndexBoxContact Person: Kirill BezverhiEmail: kirill.bezverhi@indexbox.co.ukPhone: +44 20 3239 3063Adress: United Kingdom, 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML11 0QW Trends and Forecast of Oil and Gas Hydraulic Equipments Market - Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Growth, 2015 - 2023 https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=1352325 https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=1352325 "Oil and Gas Hydraulic Equipments Market - Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2015 - 2023" The Report covers current Industries Trends, Worldwide Analysis, Global Forecast, Review, Share, Size, Growth, Effect.Description-Increasing demand for energy has made the oil and gas exploration and production companies to search for new oil and gas reservoirs. These companies are willing to invest in drilling technologies to locate new offshore and onshore oil and gas reserves. As a result of such activities market for hydraulic equipments used in oil and gas application can see significant growth. Hydraulic equipments are used in jackup vessels, jackup platforms, floating production storage and offshore facilities (FPSO), catenary anchor leg mooring systems and pipelaying vessels. Moreover, the advancement in underwater technologies has enabled the companies to perform operations at greater depth that require the use of specialized hydraulic equipments. Owing to the advancement in technologies the companies are now able to perform drilling operations in deep and ultra-deep waters.Get Sample Report With TOC @The segmentation of the oil and gas hydraulic equipments market can be done by application area, type of application provided and geography. Hydraulic equipments used in the oil and gas application can be used to carry out both offshore and onshore oil and gas operations. However, offshore applications require greater investments due to the use of specialized hydraulic equipments. These equipments can be used for turret connect systems, turret mooring systems, buoy locking and buoy pulling systems, hawser reeling and hose reeling systems, jackup vessels, jackup platforms, floating production storage and offshore facilities (FPSO), catenary anchor leg mooring systems and pipe-laying vessels. Hydraulic systems can also be used for stinger shock absorption systems, stinger handling systems, cantilever skidding systems and special handling systems.The regional segmentation of the oil and gas hydraulic equipments market can be done by identifying the countries with major offshore and onshore oil and gas reserves. Major onshore areas include the United States, Canada and Mexico in North America; Russia in Europe, India., Indonesia, Australia and China in Asia Pacific; Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Angola, Libya and Nigeria in Middle East and Africa. The Rest of the World (RoW) segment includes the Latin American countries such as Venezuela and Brazil. Major offshore areas include offshore regions of Mexico and the United States in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM); offshore areas of the United Kingdom and the Norway in the North Sea and offshore deep water areas in West Africa and Brazil. Shale gas boom in the United States has lead to the increase in the demand for the hydraulic equipments in North America.The increase in the oil and exploration and production activities, advancement in underwater exploration activities and shale gas discovery in the United States are the major drivers for the oil and gas hydraulic equipments market. Moreover, increasing investment by the exploration and production companies after the end of economic slowdown is another factor driving oil and gas hydraulic equipments market. The stringent government regulations and the capital intensive nature of the market are the major restraints to the market for hydraulic equipments used in oil and gas application. The expected oil and gas discoveries in West Africa and expected shale gas boom in Argentina can act as the opportunities for the oil and gas hydraulic equipments market.Some of the key players in oil and gas hydraulic equipments market include companies such as HMS Group, Denley Hydraulics Limited, Aberdeen Dynamics, Inc., Allison Hydraulics Ltd and Accelerated Production Systems.This research report analyzes this market on the basis of its market segments, major geographies, and current market trends. Geographies analyzed under this research report includeNorth AmericaAsia PacificEuropeMiddle East and AfricaLatin AmericaThis report provides comprehensive analysis ofMarket growth driversFactors limiting market growthCurrent market trendsMarket structureMarket projections for upcoming yearsThis report is a complete study of current trends in the market, industry growth drivers, and restraints. It provides market projections for the coming years. It includes analysis of recent developments in technology, Porters five force model analysis and detailed profiles of top industry players. The report also includes a review of micro and macro factors essential for the existing market players and new entrants along with detailed value chain analysis.Reasons for Buying this ReportThis report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamicsIt provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growthIt provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to growIt helps in understanding the key product segments and their futureIt provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitorsIt helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segmentsIt provides distinctive graphics and exemplified SWOT analysis of major market segmentsNote: Although care has been taken to maintain the highest levels of accuracy in TMRs reports, recent market/vendor-specific changes may take time to reflect in the analysis.Report Enquiry and Other Query @ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Researchmoz Global Pvt. Ltd.90 State Street,Albany, NY 12207,United States,Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free),Tel: +1-518-621-2074 Industrial Sugar Market: Cane to Dominate the Source Segment for the Foreseeable Future https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/16633 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/industrial-sugar-market/toc https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com The global industrial sugar market is shaped by factors such as the average international price of commodities, sugarcane products value addition by way of integrated sugar complexes, industrial beet sugar market growth, and expanding sugarcane production. In addition, the consumption trends of packaged food & beverages and new innovations leading to the use of sugar in products marketed as health products should certainly benefit the industrial sugar market. The industrial sugar market is anticipated to witness a moderate CAGR of 4.7% for the period from 2017 to 2022.Request Sample:The sweetener segment accounts for approx. a third revenue share of the industrial use segment in the year 2017 but is nonetheless predicted to lose share going forward. The sweetener industrial segment is expected to be worth more than US$ 35 billion by end 2022 and APEJ alone contributes two-fifth of this. Sweeteners have become increasingly popular across demographics and key stakeholders are advised to take this into consideration. Bakery products are a close second and represent a revenue share of just under a quarter of the industrial sugar market in terms of industrial use. Companies could target the Europe bakery products market as the continent is well-known for its diverse range of tasty cakes and pastries all of which require a huge amount of sugar sold in the industrial sugar marketThe confectionary segment is the third largest in the industrial sugar market and is likely to lose share during the course of the forecast period. Both the APEJ and MEA region are predicted to record a robust CAGR in excess of 5% from 2017 to 2022 but the former is assessed to be nearly six times the size of the latter by the end of 2022. Beverages are a comparatively small segment in the industrial sugar market and have a revenue share in single digits. However, the beverages segment should grow in the years ahead making it unwise to overlook this segment of the industrial sugar market completely. The maximum potential for the beverages segment thus exists in Europe and the APEJ regionsDownload TOC:Pharmaceuticals are an industrial use segment that may require an increased use of industrial sugar in the days ahead. Even though the pharmaceutical segment has a single digit revenue share in the industrial sugar market, it is poised to witness a robust CAGR during the period studied. The APEJ pharmaceutical segment alone is assessed to push past a value of more than US$ 2.5 billion by the end of the five-year study and companies are recommended to devise their long-term investment strategies accordinglySugar is easily one of the most important commodities worldwide, if not the most important, as it is widely consumed in a variety of different foodstuffs. The global industrial sugar market is largely shaped by expanding sugarcane production, rising prices of sugar, trends observed in the industrial beet sugar market, and the consumption patterns of ready to eat foodstuffs and drinks. In addition to this, innovative product launches that allow the use of industrial sugars in even more use-cases is poised to benefit the global industrial sugar market. The industrial sugars market is predicted to record a moderate CAGR of 4.7% for the five-year study from 2017 to 2022.About Us:Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact Us:305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United States+1-646-568-7751+1 800-961-0353 (USA-Canada Toll free)Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWebsite: Air Conditioning Market - U.S. Industry Growth, Share, Analysis, Trends, Size, and Forecast 2017 - 2025 http://www.indexbox.co.uk/store/us-air-conditioning-air-heating-equipment-and-refrigeration-equipment-commercial-and-industrial-market-analysis-and-forecast-to-2020?utm_source=opr http://www.indexbox.co.uk/store/us-air-conditioning-air-heating-equipment-and-refrigeration-equipment-commercial-and-industrial-market-analysis-and-forecast-to-2020?utm_source=opr IndexBox has just published a new report "U.S. Air-Conditioning, Air Heating Equipment And Refrigeration Equipment (Commercial And Industrial) Market. Analysis And Forecast to 2025" ().This report is best suitable for you if you: Are planning to enter a new geographical market and wish to know which one is best for your product Are planning to enter a new product market and want to have a detailed overview of the market before entering Already work in a given market and want to update your knowledge on the topic Are developing/reviewing your company strategy and wish to know the existing trends in the market Want to find the best country to import a product from Are consulting a client in the given industry and wish to get a deep understanding of the situation in the market Are planning to open new production facilities and wish to choose the best location.The report serves the above mentioned purposes by providing a deep study of the key indicators of the air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment market. It includes a market overview, which consolidates the key conclusions made from the analysis of the market survey, giving insights on the most influential markets based on the comparative analysis. The report also provides a outlook of how the market is expected to change in the coming years, based on historical trends, external and internal factors, and the main drivers changing the market. Each section contains a a detailed analysis of the data provided. Specifically, the report reveals the historical developments and current prospects of air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment production volumes, consumption data, as well as producer prices.The trade section provides crucial data, such as historical data on imports/exports, changes in the direction of trade, as well as import/export prices. Analysis of air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment trade shows the opportunities that are opening before producers and suppliers in a changing market.Product coverage: Heat transfer equipment (excluding electrically operated dehumidifiers), mechanically refrigerated, self-contained, excluding motor vehicle mechanical air-conditioning systems; Commercial refrigerators and related equipment; Refrigeration condensing units, all refrigerants, excluding ammonia (complete); Room air conditioners and dehumidifiers, excluding portable dehumidifiers; All other miscellaneous refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment; Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, excluding automotive; Warm air furnaces, including duct furnaces and humidifiers, and electric comfort heating; Parts and accessories for air-conditioning and heat transfer equipment; Unitary air conditioners, excluding air source heat pumps; Air-source heat pumps, excluding room air conditionersGround and ground water source heat pumps (single and split systems); Air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment manufacturing, nsk, total.Countries coverage: the U.S.Abstract:In 2015, the value of air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment production in the U.S. amounted to $31.6B, increasing by +6.0% against the previous year level. Overall, the U.S. air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment output pursued a measured growth from 2007 to 2015. The total output figures increased at an average annual rate of +1.3%. The trend pattern, however, indicated some noticable fluctuations throughout the analyzed period. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2010, when the output figure increased by +7% from the previous year level. Over the period under review, the total value of air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment shipments reached its maximum level in 2015, and is likely to continue its growth in the immediate term.Heat transfer equipment (excluding electrically operated dehumidifiers), mechanically refrigerated, self-contained, excluding motor vehicle mechanical air-conditioning systems accounted for the highest share (24% in 2015) of U.S. air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment manufacturing, leaving a considerable room for unitary air conditioners, excluding air source heat pumps (23%). The other related products with less notable individual shares together comprised approx. 53% of the total output.Data coverage: Air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment market value and size; Major trends in the air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment market; Forecast of the market dynamics in the medium term; Exports, imports and trade balance; Import and export prices; Life cycle of the air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment industry; Number of establishments and their locations; Air-conditioning, air heating equipment and refrigeration equipment industry productivity. Key market players and their profiles.Methodology:Our methodology consists of obtaining information from various trusted sources (both paid and open), which include, but are not limited to: International official statistical agencies Governmental statistical agencies Official trade statistics Paid trade databases Industrial associations Company reports Industry experts.Companies mentioned:United Technologies Corporation,Ingersoll-Rand US Trane Holdings Corporation,SPX Corporation,Emerson Climate Technologies,Goodman Manufacturing Company,Lennox International ,Carrier Corporation,Rheem Manufacturing Company ,Hussmann International,Modine Manufacturing Company ,Tecumseh Products Company,Standex International Corporation,Amsted Industries Incorporated,Nortek Global Hvac ,York International Corporation,Nortek,Evapco,SPX Cooling Technologies,Air System Components,Lennox Industries ,Connell Limited Partnership,Nortek Air Solutions,Air Distribution Technologies,Trane ,Goodman Global Holdings,Pi. US Holding,Thermo King Corporation,Goodman Global,Trane U.S. ,The Trane Company,Chill HoldingsOur research team compare the information gathered, confirm it with sources when required, and analyze the collected data, developing a full clear picture of the market and coming up with the final numbers. It is crucial to understand the trends of the market, for which we do provide study, taking into account events in the market, in adjacent and related markets, raw material markets, and markets, which are the main demand creators for the product under research. As for the forecast, it is conducted using analytical models of data on consumption, production, exports, imports, prices, as well as the industry trends, economic trends, consumption trends, possible political and technological trends.Source:IndexBox is a leading market research publisher in the world. You can find more than 25,000 research reports in our web store, which cover global industries and regional markets. All the worldwide marketing data you need is at your fingertips.Company Name: IndexBoxContact Person: Kirill BezverhiEmail: kirill.bezverhi@indexbox.co.ukPhone: +44 20 3239 3063Adress: United Kingdom, 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML11 0QW Global PPC Software Market Insights by Size, Status and Forecast 2022 https://www.htfmarketreport.com/sample-report/756081-global-ppc-software-market https://www.htfmarketreport.com/reports/756081-global-ppc-software-market https://www.htfmarketreport.com/buy-now?format=1&report=756081 https://www.htfmarketreport.com/enquiry-before-buy/756081-global-ppc-software-market HTF MI recently added a new research study in its database that highlights the in-depth market analysis with future prospects of PPC Software market. The study covers significant data which makes the research document a handy resource for marketing managers, analysts, industry executives, consultants, sales and product managers, and other key people who are in need of ready-to-access and self analyzed study along with graphs and tables to help understand market trends, drivers and market challenges. Some of the key players mentioned in this research are SEMrush, Optmyzr, RocketROI, Marin Software, WordWatch, Shape Integrated Software, Omnia, AdStage, Balihoo, Varazo, IgnitionOne, Ferzy, Kenshoo & Apex Pacific.Get Access to sample pages @The research covers the current market size of the Global PPC Software market and its growth rates based on 5 year history data. It also covers various types of segmentation such as by geography [United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia], by product /end user type [], by applications [PC Terminal & Mobile Terminal] in overall market. The in-depth information by segments of PPC Software market helps monitor performance & make critical decisions for growth and profitability. It provides information on trends and developments, focuses on markets and materials, capacities, technologies, CAPEX cycle and the changing structure of the Global PPC Software Market.The study also contains company profiling, product picture and specifications, sales, market share and contact information of various international, regional, and local vendors of Global PPC Software Market, some of them are SEMrush, Optmyzr, RocketROI, Marin Software, WordWatch, Shape Integrated Software, Omnia, AdStage, Balihoo, Varazo, IgnitionOne, Ferzy, Kenshoo & Apex Pacific. The market competition is constantly growing higher with the rise in technological innovation and M&A activities in the industry. Moreover, many local and regional vendors are offering specific application products for varied end-users. The new vendor entrants in the market are finding it hard to compete with the international vendors based on quality, reliability, and innovations in technology.Global PPC Software (Thousands Units) and Revenue (Million USD) Market Split by Product Type such asThe research study is segmented by Application such as PC Terminal & Mobile Terminal with historical and projected market share and compounded annual growth rate.Global PPC Software (Thousands Units) by Application (2016-2022)Market Segment by Application 2012 2016 2022 Market Share (%)2022 CAGR (%)(2016-2022)PC Terminal xx xx xx xx% xx%Mobile Terminal xx xx xx xx% xx%Total xx xx xx 100% xx%Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and market share and growth rate of PPC Software in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), coveringMarket Segment by Regions 2012 2016 2022 Share (%) CAGR (2016-2022)United States xx xx xx xx% xx%EU xx xx xx xx% xx%Japan xx xx xx xx% xx%China xx xx xx xx% xx%India xx xx xx xx% xx%Southeast Asia xx xx xx xx% xx%Total xx xx xx xx% xx%Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @The research insights solutions to the following key questions: What will be the market size and the growth rate in 2022? What are the key factors driving the Global PPC Software market? Who are the key market players and what are their strategies in the Global PPC Software market? What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Global PPC Software market? What trends, challenges and barriers are influencing its growth? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global PPC Software market? What are the key outcomes of the five forces analysis of the PPC Software market?Buy this research report @There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the Global PPC Software market.Chapter 1, to describe PPC Software Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of PPC Software , with sales, revenue, and price of PPC Software , in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the Global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of PPC Software , for each region, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application [PC Terminal & Mobile Terminal], from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 12, PPC Software market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe PPC Software sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.Get customization & check discount for report @Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.Contact US :Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private LimitedUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA 08837sales@htfmarketreport.com+1 (206) 317 1218 Global And United States-Defense and Security: Leading spending for military supremacy (Strategy, Performance and Risk Analysis) https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/sample/1350032 https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/reports/1350032/united-states-defense-and-security-leading-spending-for-military-supremacy-strategy-performance-and-risk-analysis-market-research-reports https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/enquiry/1350032 https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=1350032&licType=S http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/ "The Report United States-Defense and Security: Leading spending for military supremacy (Strategy, Performance and Risk Analysis) provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. - MarketResearchReports.biz"About United States-Defense and Security MarketThe US ranks 17th globally in terms of level of conflict and third in terms militarization. The USs involvement in the armed conflict against Islamic State, including several airstrikes on IS-held territory, drastically increased the countrys international conflict score. The US ranks ninth in terms of economic impact and violence, seventh in terms of military expenditure (% of GDP), 14th in terms of the costs of terrorism and 20th in terms of the business costs of crime and violence.Get Sample copy of this Report @MarketLines Premium industry reports provide a comprehensive market view, including sections on: key industry trends and drivers, industry SWOT analysis, industry benchmarking to compare key performance indicators with regional and global markets, competitive landscape, and innovation.Key HighlightsDeclining revenue and capital expenditure is expected to change over the forecast period:Capital expenditure in the US witnessed a CAGR of -5.2% over the historic period, from US$227.2 billion in 2012 to US$183.5 billion in 2016. However, the countrys capital expenditure is expected to increase at a CAGR of 2.8% over 2017-2021 to reach US$198.7 billion. This increase is mainly due to the countrys focus on replacing the damaged and obsolete defense equipment used in the Iran and Afghan wars. Similarly, the countrys revenue expenditure observed a CAGR of -5.2% over the historic period, from US$418.2 billion in 2012 to US$338.1 billion in 2016. This decline was primarily due to sequestration measures imposed by the government. However, it is expected to increase at a CAGR of 2.8% over 2017-2021 to reach US$386.4 billion. This growth is primarily due to the countrys increased spending on training activities and its efforts towards maintaining military superiority.View Report @The USs total defense expenditure posted a CAGR of -2.6% over the historic period, from US$645.5 billion in 2012 to US$580.3 billion in 2016, but is expected to increase at a CAGR of 0.7% over 2017-2021 to reach US$599.4 billion.Aircraft and C4ISR electronics & IT segments led in terms of capital expenditure:In terms of the different defense segments, aircraft and C4ISR electronics & IT led in terms of capital expenditure, registering US$82.0 billion and US$54.9 billion respectively in 2016. Aircraft expenditure in the US stood at US$81.9 billion in 2016 and is forecast to increase at a CAGR of 2.7% over 2017-2021 to reach US$91.4 billion. This growth is primarily driven by the replacement of aging aircraft, equipment and technological innovations in the industry.C4ISR electronics & IT expenditure stood at US$54,945.5 million in 2016 and is expected to witness a CAGR of -0.5% over 2017-2021 to reach US$55,845.9 million. However, the DoDs (Department of Defense) aim to develop next generation C4ISR technologies such as AESA, hi-tech radars, cloaking technology, un-jammable imaging systems, and Video Synthetic Aperture Radar (ViSAR) will maintain C4ISR segment expenditure.Strong tie-ups with overseas countries:Even though the US has a highly advanced military industrial base, making it a high military hardware exporter, it imports arms in order to build strategic relations with countries such as the UK, Germany, Canada, and Norway. The country imports military hardware primarily from European countries. Germany is the largest supplier of arms to the US, followed by the UK and Canada. The US and the UK have also built strong military relations through mutual cooperation, such as the joint operation of the British Armed Forces and the US Armed Forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom.Send An Enquiry Request @Scope- Industry Snapshot and Industry View - Key defense and security industry statistics including total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure are analysed to reveal the key issues and trends driving market performance in the US defense and security market.- Industry SWOT Analysis - Discover the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats impacting market performance and investment in the US defense and security market.- Industry Benchmarking - Benchmark how the US defense and security market is performing compared to regional and global markets in terms of total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure to gauge potential for growth or market entry.- Competitive Landscape - Analyze and compare the performance of the leading players in the US defense and security market by business segment on metrics such as arms sales, along with detailed overview and product offerings of the leading defense and security players in the US.Reasons to buy- How is the market performing in terms of: total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure?- How risky is it to invest in the US defense and security industry compared to other North American countries?- What is driving the performance of key industry segments such as C4ISR Electronics & IT, aircraft, and others?- Who are the leading players in the US defense and security industry and how does their performance compare?- What trends are being witnessed within the US defense and security industry?- What are the US defense and security industrys Strengths and Weaknesses and what Opportunities and Threats does it face?- What are the recent developments, innovations and deals in the US defense and security industry?Table of ContentsConflict &Costs Index 3Industry Snapshot 7Industry View 26Industry SWOT Analysis 30Industry Benchmarking 36Industry Performance 55Competitive Landscape 70Innovation 79Deals 82Key Developments 91Appendix 95Buy Now @About usMarketResearchReports.biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: sales@marketresearchreports.biz Turkey-Defense and Security: Shift towards indigenous industry (Strategy, Performance and Risk Analysis) https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/sample/1350030 https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/reports/1350030/turkey-defense-and-security-shift-towards-indigenous-industry-strategy-performance-and-risk-analysis-market-research-reports https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/enquiry/1350030 https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=1350030&licType=S http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/ "The Report Turkey-Defense and Security: Shift towards indigenous industry (Strategy, Performance and Risk Analysis) provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. - MarketResearchReports.biz"About Turkey-Defense and Security MarketTurkey ranks ninth in terms of societal safety and security as an increase in internal conflicts has driven the country to spend more on the segment. The country ranks 14th in terms of militarization due to its conflicts with Russia and Greece. Turkey also ranks high on level of conflict and its associated costs.Get Sample copy of this Report @MarketLines Premium industry reports provide a comprehensive market view including sections on: key industry trends and drivers, industry SWOT analysis, industry benchmarking to compare key performance indicators with regional and global markets, competitive landscape, and innovation.Key HighlightsDeclining revenue and capital expenditure affects Turkeys total defense expenditure:Turkeys capital expenditure witnessed a CAGR of -5.8% over the historic period, from US$4,415.5 million in 2012 to US$3,509.2 million in 2016. However, this is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% over 2017-2021 to reach US$4,713.6 million, attributed to the procurement of advanced defense equipment and the countrys focus on developing its indigenous defense industry. Turkeys revenue expenditure observed a CAGR of -6.1% over the historic period, from US$10,048.5 million in 2012 to US$7,796.2 million in 2016. However, it is expected to increase at a CAGR of 7.4% over 2017-2021 to reach US$10,976.2 million due to an increase in expenditure towards military training activities.Turkeys total defense expenditure posted a CAGR of -6.0% over the historic period, from US$14.5 billion in 2012 to US$11.3 billion in 2016. However, it is forecast to increase at a CAGR of 7.2% over 2017-2021 to reach US$15.7 billion. This is due to the countrys strained relationships with Russia and Greece, continuous threats from the Kurdish Workers Party, and the countrys active participation in peacekeeping missions.View Report @Aircraft segment leads in terms of capital expenditure:Turkeys aircraft segment capital expenditure led over the other defense segments. It registered US$4,535.6 million in 2016, increasing at a CAGR of 1.9% over the historic period. Aircraft segment growth is primarily driven by the countrys increasing procurement plans and its focus on boosting its indigenous defense industry. For instance, in October 2016, Turkey agreed to order a second batch of F-35 Lightning II fifth-generation multirole fighter aircraft as a part of the multinational Joint Strike Fighter program. Aircraft segment capital expenditure is expected to register a CAGR of -0.16% over 2017-2021 to reach US$7.0 million.Geostrategic location:Turkeys historical and geostrategic importance has been a key driver in terms of the development of its defense capabilities. Turkey is a key NATO member located between Europe and the Middle East. Turkish armed forces also rank as the second largest armed force in NATO. The country shares its border with Iraq and Syria, which has driven the country to continuously undertake procurement plans to advance its defense capabilities and maintain a competitive edge over its neighbors. Turkey also shares border with Iran, which has an advanced ballistic missile arsenal that puts Turkey at risk. As a result, the country has made significant efforts to acquire foreign missile and air defense systems, as well as developing them domestically.Scope- Industry Snapshot and Industry View - Key defense and security industry statistics including total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure are analysed to reveal the key issues and trends driving market performance in the Turkish defense and security market.- Industry SWOT Analysis - Discover the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats impacting market performance and investment in the Turkish defense and security market.- Industry Benchmarking - Benchmark how Turkeys defense and security market is performing compared to regional and global markets in terms of total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure to gauge potential for growth or market entry.- Competitive Landscape - Analyze and compare the performance of the leading players in Turkish defense and security market by business segment on metrics such as arms sales, along with detailed overview and product offerings of the leading Defense and Security players in Turkey.Send An Enquiry Request @Reasons to buy- How is the market performing in terms of: total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure?- How risky is it to invest in the Turkeys defense and security industry compared to other Middle East and African countries?- What is driving the performance of key industry segments such as Aircraft, Homeland Security, and others?- Who are the leading players in Turkish defense and security industry and how does their performance compare?- What trends are being witnessed within in Turkeys defense and security industry?- What are Turkish defense and security industrys Strengths and Weaknesses and what Opportunities and Threats does it face?- What are the recent developments and innovations in the Turkey defense and security industry?Table of ContentsConflict &Costs Index 3Industry Snapshot 7Industry View 20Industry SWOT Analysis 24Industry Benchmarking 30Industry Performance 49Competitive Landscape 63Innovation 68Deals 70Key Developments 72Appendix 75Buy Now @About usMarketResearchReports.biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: sales@marketresearchreports.biz Solar Micro Inverter Market to Reflect a Significant CAGR of 16.6% During 2016-2026 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/solar-micro-inverter-market https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/REP-GB-1766 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/solar-micro-inverter-market/toc https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/1766 www.futuremarketinsights.com The demand for solar micro inverters is expected to witness a significant upsurge on account of increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) installations and the need to improve overall system efficiency and safety. In 2016, the global solar micro inverters market is anticipated to register a y-o-y growth of 11.4% over 2015, and reach US$ 488.2 Mn in terms of market value. The escalating demand for solar micro inverters will continue to penetrate the market for module-level power electronics, owing to falling prices and upcoming products.Browse Complete Report @The higher adoption of photovoltaic installations is a key factor driving the growth of the global solar micro inverters market. Moreover, rising preference for fully integrated PV modules or AC Modules, is anticipated to fuel the demand for solar micro inverters. The U.S. National Electric Code (NEC) also favours the usage of micro inverter technology and is driving the demand for micro inverters in the North American market. However, the use of power optimisers as an alternative to micro inverters can restrain the growth of the global solar micro inverter market.Request and Download Sample Report @On the basis of system type, the global market for solar micro inverters is expected to be dominated by Stand Alone system sales, followed by micro inverter systems sold for developing AC Modules, named as integrated systems. In 2015, the stand alone solar micro inverter systems procured global market share of 96.7%, and are expected to attain estimated revenues of US$ 471 Mn by 2016-end.By end-user type, the residential segment of the global market will continue dominance over the commercial segment by attaining a market share of 76.2% in 2016. Among residential end-users, changing consumer preference for more efficient and safe inverter alternative will prompt the replacement of conventional inverters with solar micro inverters. Dropping prices and rising commercial scale PV installations will incite extensive growth in the demand for solar micro inverters among the commercial segment as well.View and Download TOC of Solar Micro Inverter Market Research Report @Due to the varying use of micro inverters across the world, global players are concentrating on regions where awareness about using renewable energy resources is higher. Robust adoption of PV storage systems in the U.S. will continue to fuel demand for solar micro inverters in North America, and the region is expected to attain market value of US$ 282.2 Mn in 2016. Moreover, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) is expected to be a lucrative region for the growth of the global market. The growing trade of inexpensive inverters in China and India will boost the demand for solar micro inverters in APEJ region. The key players contributing to the growth of the global solar micro inverters market include, SMA, Darfon Electronics, ABB, APSytems, Chilicon Power, iEnergy, Enphase, NEP, SunPower, and Sparq Systems among others.Long-term Outlook: The global solar micro inverters market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 16.6% during the forecast period 2016-2026. Over the forecast period, North America and APEJ will continue to be the most profitable regions for the growth of the global market for solar micro inverters.Buy Full Solar Micro Inverter Market Research Report @About Us:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Global and United Kingdom-Defense and Security: Modernization and procurement to drive expenditure in 20117 https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/sample/1350031 https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/reports/1350031/united-kingdom-defense-and-security-modernization-and-procurement-to-drive-expenditure-strategy-performance-and-risk-analysis-market-research-reports https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/enquiry/1350031 https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=1350031&licType=S http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/ "The Report United Kingdom-Defense and Security: Modernization and procurement to drive expenditure (Strategy, Performance and Risk Analysis) provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. - MarketResearchReports.biz"About United Kingdom-Defense and Security MarketThe UKs total defense expenditure witnessed a CAGR of -2.8% during the historic period, from US$60.0 billion in 2012 to US$53.5 billion in 2016, owing to government initiatives to reduce the countrys fiscal deficit and the removal of troops from Afghanistan. However, it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3% over the forecast period, from US$55.0 billion in 2017 to US$65.2 billion in 2021, due to the governments procurement plans.Get Sample copy of this Report @The aircraft category remains one of the UKs key segments in terms of defense and security, with capital expenditure on aircraft accounting for 43.1% of total capital expenditure in 2016. The C4ISR electronics & IT segment accounted for 40.8% of the total in 2016.Market Lines Premium industry reports provide a comprehensive market view, including sections on: key industry trends and drivers, industry SWOT analysis, industry benchmarking to compare key performance indicators with regional and global markets, competitive landscape, and innovation.Key HighlightsRevenue expenditure to account for the majority of total defense expenditure:During the historic period, the share of revenue expenditure as a percentage of total defense spending increased from 77.1% in 2012 to 79.1% in 2016, with the remainder spent on the procurement of equipment and services. The implementation of budget cuts and reform measures are unlikely to affect the UKs revenue expenditure over the forecast period. Therefore, the share of capital expenditure is expected to remain at an average of 21.1%, while revenue expenditure would account for the remaining total defense expenditure.View Report @UK undertakes various peacekeeping missions:The UKs armed forces are actively involved in a number of peacekeeping operations. The country has deployed troops to the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali), and the UN Mission in Sudan. Participating in peacekeeping missions gives UK the advantage of being able to establish army bases in various countries. As it stands, the UK has deployed forces to Afghanistan, Africa, Baltics states, Belize, Brunei, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Gibraltar, Iraq and South Atlantic Islands.The country is making efforts to strengthen its domestic defense industry:Armed force modernization plans with smaller budgets are driving procurements from domestic firms. The UKs defense industry comprises a range of advanced technologies and products with proven capabilities. It is also home to BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce and Babcock International Group. A numbers of UK-based firms have entered into joint development programs to enhance their competencies and capabilities.Scope- Industry Snapshot and Industry View - Key defense and security industry statistics including total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure are analysed to reveal the key issues and trends driving market performance in the UK defense and security market.- Industry SWOT Analysis - Discover the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats impacting market performance and investment in the UK defense and security market.- Industry Benchmarking - Benchmark how the UK defense and security market is performing compared to regional and global markets in terms of total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure to gauge potential for growth or market entry.- Competitive Landscape - Detailed overview and product offerings of the leading defense and security players in UK.Send An Enquiry Request @Reasons to buy- How is the market performing in terms of: total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure?- How risky is it to invest in the UK defense and security industry compared to other European countries?- What is driving the performance of key industry segments such as aircraft, C4ISR electronics & IT, naval ships, helicopters, military vehicles, and others?- Who are the leading players in the UK defense and security industry and their overview and product portfolio?- What trends are being witnessed within the UK defense and security industry?- What are the UK defense and security industrys Strengths and Weaknesses and what Opportunities and Threats does it face?- What are the recent developments and innovations in the UK defense and security industry?Table of ContentsConflict &Costs Index 3Industry Snapshot 8Industry View 26Industry SWOT Analysis 30Industry Benchmarking 36Industry Performance 55Competitive Landscape 70Innovation 78Deals 80Key Developments 84Appendix 89Buy Now @About usMarketResearchReports.biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: sales@marketresearchreports.biz Air and Gas Compressor Market - U.S. Industry Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Forecast, and Analysis 2017 - 2025 http://www.indexbox.co.uk/store/us-air-and-gas-compressor-market-analysis-and-forecast-to-2020?utm_source=opr http://www.indexbox.co.uk/store/us-air-and-gas-compressor-market-analysis-and-forecast-to-2020?utm_source=opr IndexBox has just published a new report "U.S. Air And Gas Compressor Market. Analysis And Forecast to 2025" ().This report is best suitable for you if you: Are planning to enter a new geographical market and wish to know which one is best for your product Are planning to enter a new product market and want to have a detailed overview of the market before entering Already work in a given market and want to update your knowledge on the topic Are developing/reviewing your company strategy and wish to know the existing trends in the market Want to find the best country to import a product from Are consulting a client in the given industry and wish to get a deep understanding of the situation in the market Are planning to open new production facilities and wish to choose the best location.The report serves the above mentioned purposes by providing a deep survey of the key indicators of the air and gas compressor market. It includes a market overview, which consolidates the key conclusions made from the analysis of the market study, giving insights on the most valuable markets based on the comparative analysis. The report also provides a forecast of how the market is expected to change in the coming years, based on historical trends, external and internal factors, and the main drivers changing the market. Each section contains a a detailed analysis of the data provided. Specifically, the report covers the historical developments and existing prospects of air and gas compressor production volumes, consumption data, as well as producer prices.The trade section provides crucial data, such as historical data on imports/exports, changes in the direction of trade, as well as import/export prices. Analysis of air and gas compressor trade shows the opportunities that are opening before producers and suppliers in a changing market.Product coverage: Air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps, including value of drivers; Parts and attachments for air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps (excluding refrigeration, ice making, and air-conditioning equipment); Industrial spraying equipment and parts and attachments for industrial spraying equipment, sold separately; Air and gas compressor manufacturing, nsk, total.Countries coverage: the U.S.Abstract:In 2015, the value of air and gas compressor production in the U.S. amounted to $10.3B, declining by -4.4% against the previous year level. Overall, the U.S. air and gas compressor output pursued a moderate growth from 2007 to 2015. The total output figures increased at an average annual rate of +1.3%. The trend pattern, however, indicated some noticable fluctuations throughout the analyzed period. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2012, when the output figure increased by +10% from the previous year level. Over the period under review, the total value of air and gas compressor shipments in the United States peaked at $10.8B in 2014, falling back in the following year.Air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps, including value of drivers was the major product category in the U.S. air and gas compressor manufacturing, with a share in total output standing near 69% in 2015. Industrial spraying equipment and parts and attachments for industrial spraying equipment, sold separately lagged far behing, accounting for only the 14% share. The other related products together comprised approx. 17% of the total output.Data coverage: Air and gas compressor market value and size; Major trends in the air and gas compressor market; Forecast of the market dynamics in the medium term; Exports, imports and trade balance; Import and export prices; Life cycle of the air and gas compressor industry; Number of establishments and their locations; Air and gas compressor industry productivity. Key market players and their profiles.Methodology:Our methodology consists of obtaining information from various trusted sources (both paid and open), which include, but are not limited to: International official statistical agencies Governmental statistical agencies Official trade statistics Paid trade databases Industrial associations Company reports Industry experts.Companies mentioned:Dresser-Rand Group,Nordson Corporation,Elliott Company,Fs-Elliott Co.,Ariel Corporation,Dresser-Rand ,Compressor Engineering Corp,SEC Energy Products & Services ,Ebara Technologies Incorporated,Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.,The Graham Corporation,Campbell Hausfeld,Wagner Spray Tech Corporation,Bauer Compressors,Atlas Copco Compressors ,Rogers Machinery Company Inc.,Atlas Copco Comptec,A G Equipment Company,Packaging Service Co.,Gardner Denver Thomas,Falcon Safety Products,United Air Specialists,Saylor-Beall Manufacturing Company,Rodriguez Chavez Corporation,Sundyne,Gast Manufacturing,Devilbiss Air Power Company,Mat Industries,Wagner Holdings ,Neuman & Esser Investments,Texas AirsystemsOur research team compare the information gathered, confirm it with sources when required, and analyze the collected data, developing a full clear picture of the market and coming up with the final numbers. It is crucial to understand the trends of the market, for which we do provide study, taking into account events in the market, in adjacent and related markets, raw material markets, and markets, which are the main demand creators for the product under research. As for the forecast, it is conducted using analytical models of data on consumption, production, exports, imports, prices, as well as the industry trends, economic trends, consumption trends, possible political and technological trends.Source:IndexBox is a leading market research publisher in the world. You can find more than 25,000 research reports in our web store, which cover global industries and regional markets. All the worldwide marketing data you need is at your fingertips.Company Name: IndexBoxContact Person: Kirill BezverhiEmail: kirill.bezverhi@indexbox.co.ukPhone: +44 20 3239 3063Adress: United Kingdom, 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML11 0QW Europe Multiple Sclerosis Market, Patients By United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/sample/1351210 https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/reports/1351210/europe-multiple-sclerosis-patients-by-market-research-reports https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/enquiry/1351210 https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=1351210&licType=S http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/ "The Report Europe Multiple Sclerosis Market, Patients By (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain) By (Injectables, Infusion, Orals) provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. - MarketResearchReports.biz"About Europe Multiple Sclerosis MarketEurope multiple sclerosis market potential is of more than US$ 5 Billion by 2022. But only more than half this market is expected to be actually achieved. This huge difference between actual market and unmet market is due to gap between number of patients who require multiple sclerosis drugs and number of patients who are receiving disease modifying therapy.Get Sample copy of this Report @Orals mode of administration is Fast growing disease modifying therapy in the European regionOrals mode of administration is fast growing disease modifying therapy in the European region. Injectables and infusions multiple sclerosis therapies are steadily losing their ground in the European market.Germany is the clear winner in the Europe multiple sclerosis marketIn the Europe multiple sclerosis market, Germany is the clear winner, but its losing its market share year on year. The other important markets in the European region are France, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom.View Report @Europe Multiple Sclerosis Market, Patients By (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain) By (Injectables, Infusion, Orals) published by Renub Research on Multiple Sclerosis Market. This 86 page report with 73 figures and 1 Tables provides 5 Countries: actual and unmet patient numbers and market. This report also explains multiple sclerosis disease modifying therapy (DMT) mode of administration.Actual Market is the current market which is already presentUnmet Market is the market which can be accomplished; but it has yet not been accomplished due to demand and supply gap. At present DMT receiving patients are less than total number of multiple sclerosis patient numbers.Top 5 Countries Multiple Sclerosis Market & Patients TreatedUnited KingdomGermanyFranceItalySpainMode of administration - Market & Patients TreatedInjectablesInfusionsOralsKey Questions Answered in the Report?What is the Europe multiple sclerosis market and its growth potential in near future?How many number of patients treated by disease modifying therapy in the European region?What is the multiple sclerosis market in European countries (UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain)?How many multiple sclerosis patients living in European countries?Which mode of administration (Injectables, Infusions, Orals) is gaining more popularity?Send An Enquiry Request @Table of Content1. Executive Summary2. Europe Multiple Sclerosis Patient Numbers (2011 2022)2.1 Patient Number & Forecast2.2 Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) Patient Numbers & Forecast2.3 By Mode of Administration - Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) Patient Numbers & Forecast2.3.1 Injectables Patients Numbers2.3.2 Infusions Patients Numbers2.3.3 Orals Patient Numbers3. Europe Multiple Sclerosis Market (2011 2022)3.1 Unmet Market & Forecast3.2 Market & Forecast3.3 By Mode of Administration - Market & Forecast3.3.1 Injectables Market3.3.2 Infusions Market3.3.3 Orals Market4. Europe Multiple Sclerosis Population Share (2011 2022)4.1 Patient Numbers Share & Forecast4.2 Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) Patient Numbers Share & Forecast4.3 By Mode of Administration - Patient Numbers Share & Forecast5. Europe Multiple Sclerosis Market Share (2011 2022)5.1 By Countries Unmet Market Share & Forecast5.2 By Countries Market Share & Forecast5.3 By Mode of Administration Market Share & Forecast6. United Kingdom6.1 Multiple Sclerosis Patient Numbers (2011 2022)6.1.1 Patient Number & Forecast6.1.2 Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) Patient Numbers & Forecast6.2 Multiple Sclerosis Market (2011 2022)6.2.1 Unmet Market & Forecast6.2.2 Market & Forecast7. France7.1 Multiple Sclerosis Patient Number (2011 2022)7.1.1 Patient Number & Forecast7.1.2 Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) Patient Numbers & Forecast7.2 Multiple Sclerosis Market (2011 2022)7.2.1 Unmet Market & Forecast7.2.2 Market & Forecast8. Germany8.1 Multiple Sclerosis Patient Number (2011 2022)8.1.1 Patient Number & Forecast8.1.2 Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) Patient Numbers & Forecast8.2 Multiple Sclerosis Market (2011 2022)8.2.1 Unmet Market & Forecast8.2.2 Market & Forecast9. Italy9.1 Multiple Sclerosis Patient Number (2011 2022)9.1.1 Patient Number & Forecast9.1.2 Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) Patient Numbers & Forecast9.2 Multiple Sclerosis Market (2011 2022)9.2.1 Unmet Market & Forecast9.2.2 Market & Forecast10. Spain10.1 Multiple Sclerosis Patient Number (2011 2022)10.1.1 Patient Number & Forecast10.1.2 Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) Patient Numbers & Forecast10.2 Multiple Sclerosis Market (2011 2022)10.2.1 Unmet Market & Forecast10.2.2 Market & ForecastBuy Now @About usMarketResearchReports.biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: sales@marketresearchreports.biz Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market Report for Period 2017 till 2022 Sensible Medical, Noninvasive Medical Technologies and Others Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market https://goo.gl/445h1A https://goo.gl/445h1A https://goo.gl/445h1A http://marketreportscompany.com Global Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device market report provides detailed analysis of companies namely Medtronic, Sensible Medical, Noninvasive Medical Technologies and Others. This report study includes global market statistics and analysis for example, company performance, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2022, etc.Patient fluid status monitor device generally refers to device used clinically to measures hydration in a patient, to determine whether or not the patient is dehydrated or retaining fluids. By quantifying fluid volume status, clinicians can optimize medical regimens and hydration critical in the management of heart failure patients; besides, patient fluid status monitor device can also be used in the treatment of hypertension patients and ESRD patients. Currently, there are patient fluid status monitor device produced by two manufacturers available in the market, which include Medtronic and NMT (Noninvasive Medical Technologies). Besides, another company, Sensible Medical had launched a new type of patient fluid status monitor device called SensiVest.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market 2017Top Company Profiles and Analysis included in this report:Noninvasive Medical TechnologiesMedtronicSensible MedicalOthersGlobal Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market: Key Product TypeInvasiveNon-invasiveOthersGlobal Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market: Key Application TypeHeart Failure TreatmentOther Disease TreatmentOthersGlobal Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market: Key RegionNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)The Global Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities happened in current and past few years. The Global Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors.Enquire before Buying @Table of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Market Segment Overview1.1.1 Product Definition1.1.2 Market by Type1.1.2.1 Invasive1.1.2.2 Non-invasive1.1.3 Market by Application1.1.3.1 Heart Failure Treatment1.1.3.2 Other Disease Treatment1.2 Global and Regional Market Size1.2.1 Global Overview........................Continue (Global Patient Fluid Status Monitor Device Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Us:Market Reports Company is a global research and consulting company. We provide customized reports. We can study and analyze any market based on wide range of parameters. We can provide market insights for any particular region, country across the globe within shortest possible turn around time.What we offer: Customized Reports: we provide customized report study on any market or industry. Region Specific Study: If you need region specific or if you are searching for particular region market study then, we have expert research team for that. How we work: We work in all domains and industries, you name it and we provide the market research industry report analysis of it. Expertise: Superior Research Team, 24*7 Customer Care ServiceContact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website:Email: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Healthcare BI Platform Market : Government Regulations in Developed Economies Compel Adoption https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/healthcare-business-intelligence.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/report-toc/2322 www.transparencymarketresearch.com In the increasingly competitive vendor landscape for the global healthcare BI platform market, the rising number of solutions and service providers are focusing on expansion across emerging regional markets and the leveraging their capabilities to exploit opportunities offered by the cloud platform, observes Transparency Market Research in a recent report. The number of strategic collaborations with peers and healthcare organizations have increased in the market in the past few years as companies seek to expand their product portfolios and consumer bases. In the near future, the market is expected to witness the emergence of companies offering pure cloud-based services and a number of old vendors are expected to actively move towards strengthening their cloud-based services.Some of the leading companies in the market presently are Microsoft Corporation, OpenText Corporation, Oracle Corporation, IBM Corporation, SAP SE, SAS Institute, Inc., and Information Builders.Obtain Report Details @Transparency Market Research estimates that global market for healthcare BI platform will exhibit an impressive CAGR of 11.7% over the period between 2015 and 2023, rising form a net worth of US$1.5 bn in 2014 to an opportunity of US$3.9 bn by 2023.North America Market to Lead the WayFrom a geographical standpoint, the market for healthcare BI platform in North America held the dominant 47.8% of the global market in 2014. The rising healthcare expenditure, pressure to reduce costs, and the well-established and digitized healthcare infrastructure are the key factors attributed to the strong demand for BI platforms in the region. The region is also expected to retain its top spot over the reports forecast period.In terms of deployment, the segment of on-premise deployment accounted for the dominant share in the overall market in 2014 in terms of revenue contribution. While the segment will continue to account for a significant share of the market owing to demand from consumers concerned about the safety of business- and patient-critical data, the cloud segment will see the most promising growth owing to its benefits such as low cost, high speed of deployment, and ease of use.Government Regulations in Developed Economies Compel AdoptionOne of the key factors fueling the uptake of BI platforms in the healthcare industry is the massive volumes of data generated by healthcare establishments, whether they are fully or partly digitized. Although the data is vast, ways of generating business critical information, which could have a massive impact on the decision-making process and outcomes in the form of clinical performance, disease management, patient management, and cost and waste reduction, are not implemented to their full potential. As healthcare establishments realize that business intelligence plays a key role in realizing all these benefits of drawing information from raw business data, an increasing number are adopting BI platforms.The market for healthcare BI platforms is also fueled owing to several government regulations, including the Affordable Care Act in the U.S. (2010). As such regulations require the healthcare industry to replace outdated healthcare platforms with advanced ones, healthcare organizations are compelled to give into the reformative changes, pushing up the uptake of BI platforms, especially in developed economies. While the market has witnessed a slow pace of growth in emerging economies and less-developed countries so far, encouraging government policies and actions aimed at the improvement of healthcare infrastructure could lead to promising growth opportunities in these regions in the near future.Request to download and view full ToC @This review of the global healthcare business intelligence (BI) platform market is based on a recent market research report by Transparency Market Research, titled Healthcare BI Platform Market (By Function - Clinical Analytics, Financial Analytics, Operational Analytics, and Others; By Deployment Type - On-premise and Cloud; By Model Type -Self-service BI and Corporate BI) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth Trends, and Forecast 2015 - 2023Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendationsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Data Protection as a Service (DPaaS) Market: Comprehensive Analysis and Future Estimations 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/data-protection-as-a-service-dpaas-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/report-toc/11144 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=11144 http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com The three leading providers of data protection as a service models in 2015 were EMC Corporation, HP Development Company, L.P., and Amazon Web Services, Inc. They held leading shares in DPaaS consistently till now and are additionally showing a high rate of growth over the coming years. The data protection as a service models provided by IBM Corporation are considered to hold strong potential.As per a new publication by Transparency Market Research, the global market for data protection as a service is in a state of intense competition, due to the high proliferation of cloud computing in multiple industries and sectors around the world. With data recovery and disaster management of data fast becoming the top priorities of both large enterprises and SMEs, the providers of data protection as a service are situated in a highly promising position of growth till 2024.Obtain Report Details @The global market for data protection as a service is expected to show an astronomical CAGR of 30.1% within the forecast period from 2016 to 2024, with respect to its revenue. The revenue is expected to be US$5.66 bn by the end of 2016 and is projected to reach US$46.40 bn by the end of 2024.North America, with its massive IT industry and the growing scope of cloud computing in the public sector, is expected to retain its dominant share in the global market for data protection as a service. By the end of 2024, North America is expected to generate as much as US$14.07 bn in DPaaS revenue.Download Table of Content @Asia Pacific on the other hand is expected to be the faster region in terms of demand for data protection as a service. This regions DPaaS market is projected at a CAGR of 33.6% from 2016 to 2024.Globally, the private cloud has been the more preferred deployment model for data protection as a service. This segment is expected to generate US$20.123 bn by the end of 2024. Meanwhile, hybrid clouds are expected to show the faster growth in demand as far as the deployment of DPaaS is concerned. It is projected at a CAGR of 31.1% from 2016 to 2024.One of the key drivers for the global data protection as a service market is the staggering volumes of workload taken up by the cloud computing application markets. There is a very high degree of virtualization today, with SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS being pushed across multiple industry verticals. The overall workload is rapidly migrating from conventional data centers to cloud-based platforms.With greater cloud-based workloads will come a greater need for data protection. This is where the providers of data protection as a service come in, supplying the needful, states a TMR analyst.DPaaS solutions can be extremely complicated in nature when it comes to deployment. This has to do with the current IT systems and infrastructure already in place. This system can be quite complex and detailed, and to replicate the same on a cloud platform can become very difficult and time consuming. There is a relative lack of redundancy solutions being offered by DPaaS providers, further increasing the restraining factor on the markets growth.Request A Sample Of Report @There is also the issue of compatibility when it comes to the cloud applications and their use in multiple industry verticals. Most data protection as a service solutions are high-transaction and critical in nature, thereby allowing little scope of creating archetypes that can be applied across different vertical, thereby restraining the markets growth.The analyst adds, There is still an immense scope of growth left for data protection as a service providers in emerging economies, especially the Asia Pacific region. India, China, and Southeast Asia are expected to become key regions in the utility of cloud computing, thus becoming key sources of finding users for data protection as a service solutions.The information presented in this review is based on a Transparency Market Research report, titled, Data Protection as a Service (DPaaS) Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2016 - 2024.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. We have an experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, who us e proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR Syndicated Research report covers a different sector such as pharmaceuticals, chemical, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, our syndicated reports thrive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.ContactTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: MI Neurosurgery Devices Market Report for Period 2017 till 2022 Smith & Nephew, Boston Scientific, Richard Wolf, Medtronic, Stryker Corporation, NICO and Others MI Neurosurgery Devices Market https://goo.gl/rRq6xw https://goo.gl/rRq6xw https://goo.gl/rRq6xw http://marketreportscompany.com Global MI Neurosurgery Devices market report provides detailed analysis of companies namely Conmed Corporation, Zimmer Holdings, Richard Wolf, NICO, Achkermann, Integra LifeScience, Medtronic, Stryker Corporation, Olympus Corporation, Boston Scientific, B.Braun, Carl Storz, Smith & Nephew and Others. This report study includes global market statistics and analysis for example, company performance, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2022, etc.Patients benefits Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery offered like less recovery time, shortened hospital stay, greater accuracy, less pain and muscle sparring which is making minimally invasive neurosurgery a preferred option for the medical practitioners and surgeons. This report covered Miniature video cameras (Endoscopes), Special surgical instruments and External video monitors used in the intracranial surgery, endonasal neurosurgery, and spinal surgery and so on. We also have reports about minimally invasive surgery market.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global MI Neurosurgery Devices Market 2017Top Company Profiles and Analysis included in this report:MedtronicStryker CorporationOlympus CorporationBoston ScientificB.BraunCarl StorzSmith & NephewConmed CorporationZimmer HoldingsRichard WolfNICOAchkermannIntegra LifeScienceOthersGlobal MI Neurosurgery Devices Market: Key Product TypeMiniature video camerasSpecial surgical instrumentsExternal video monitorsOthersGlobal MI Neurosurgery Devices Market: Key Application TypeIntracranial SurgeryEndonasal NeurosurgerySpinal SurgeryOthersGlobal MI Neurosurgery Devices Market: Key RegionNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)The Global MI Neurosurgery Devices Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global MI Neurosurgery Devices Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities happened in current and past few years. The Global MI Neurosurgery Devices Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors.Enquire before Buying @Table of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Market Segment Overview1.1.1 Product Definition1.1.2 Market by Type1.1.2.1 Miniature video cameras1.1.2.2 Special surgical instruments1.1.2.3 External video monitors1.1.3 Market by Application1.1.3.1 Intracranial Surgery1.1.3.2 Endonasal Neurosurgery1.1.3.3 Spinal Surgery1.1.3.4 Others........................Continue (Global MI Neurosurgery Devices Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Us:Market Reports Company is a global research and consulting company. We provide customized reports. We can study and analyze any market based on wide range of parameters. We can provide market insights for any particular region, country across the globe within shortest possible turn around time.What we offer: Customized Reports: we provide customized report study on any market or industry. Region Specific Study: If you need region specific or if you are searching for particular region market study then, we have expert research team for that. How we work: We work in all domains and industries, you name it and we provide the market research industry report analysis of it. Expertise: Superior Research Team, 24*7 Customer Care ServiceContact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website:Email: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Switch Wired Scalable Infrastructure: Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2017 to 2023 https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/sample/1351194 https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/reports/1351194/switch-wired-scalable-infrastructure-shares-market-research-reports https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/enquiry/1351194 https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=1351194&licType=S http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/ "Switch wired scalable infrastructure market steady growth is anticipated because the adapter units are offering breakthrough node to node integration capabilities that further automates a data center."About Switch wired scalable infrastructure MarketThe 2017 study has 214 pages, 104 tables and figures. Worldwide markets are poised to achieve significant growth as the artificial intelligence software, IOT Internet of things, drones, self-driving cars, and all manner of automated process increases use of the digital economy. Scalable Data Centers depend on infrastructure scalability excellence, which is achieved with a two-layer architecture utilizing adapters and processors described in this study.Get Sample copy of this Report @Data center solutions are moving in the direction of being open standards-based, software-driven, and able to work seamlessly with DevOps to achieve cross-domain automation. The aim of IT is to meet agility and efficiency goals. Scalable data center wired switch represent one component of the move to a digital economy.Speed is the new currency of business. Digital disruption is illustrated by Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Among many other well-known digital disruptors Salesforce stands out. These companies have IT that is characterized by the ability to respond to opportunities quickly. It is no longer possible to beat the competition by having a better product, lower prices, and the best people. That still matters, but is not enough.To win, companies need an agile IT architecture, less expensive by a factor of 50 than existing IT, and that helps companies respond to the next big wave of opportunity and ride it faster than the competition. While corporate management is consumed in managing people by setting rules and creating workgroups that are effective, and things that are put in place to let people do their work, IT is consumed with increasing the levels of automation, making more parts of the organization automated. It is significant that no IT manager has ever become CEO or CFO of a major corporation, illustrating that the corporate management and IT functions are different.View Report @IT organizations have become more complex, managing more endpoints that bring more data into the same IT center. The IT departments work to achieve end-to-end connectivity and services with a mandate to move to cloud computing.In this context, servers, storage, cannot always be moved into a hyper-converged cloud infrastructure. Broadcom intelligent interconnect solutions are a key part of supporting Scalable Infrastructure inside any IT organization, supporting both cloud and existing infrastructure that is in place and functioning.Broadcom is a leading vendor of switch semiconductor solutions focused on high-performance interconnect. It has successfully launched several generations of InfiniBand and Ethernet data center products. Strong competencies are provided for integrating mixed-signal processing and integrating complex ICs. Software development capability is a key strength because all complex integration is managed with software.Software allows offering more complete solutions. A significant portfolio of intellectual property, IP, permits Mellanox to offer industry leading integration of signals at the chip level. This is a major shift in the way IT is conducted with integration of systems previously happening at the API level. Broadcom has significant IP and a large number of patents.According to Susan Eustis, lead author of the team that wrote the study, Market growth is a result of the ability of the switches to work inside a fiber infrastructure data center. Broadcom dominates its market segment. Switches are used to manage data transport inside the data center to move data much faster in the network inside the data center, to create any node to any node data transmission within the data center, and to process the mountains of data being generated by digital economy up to 1,000 times more efficiently than is now the case with traditional systems.Send An Enquiry Request @Scalable Data Center Market ForecastsScalable wired infrastructure switch market forecast indicates that markets at $5 billion in 2017 are expected to reach $26.3 billion dollars worldwide by 2023. These represent a very specialized type of analytics systems able to address a wide range of issues that can be newly managed with digitization. Steady growth is anticipated because the adapter units are offering breakthrough node to node integration capabilities that further automates a data center. Steady growth is anticipated because the adapter units are the best device for implementing efficient operations at low cost.Companies ProfiledMarket LeadersBroadcomQuantumMarket ParticipantsAlphabet / GoogleArris / BroadcomBrocadeCiscoFacebookMellanoxIntelIBMCaviumKey TopicsSwitch Wired InfrastructureScalable InfrastructureScalable Data CenterReplacing All Existing Enterprise Data CentersScalable Data Center Wired SwitchesHyperscale Data CenterScaleAutomationCloud ComputingCloud 2.0Automatic RulesPush-Button ActionsCloud Application IntegrationContainer Control SystemOpen Source ContainerTable of ContentsAbstract: High-Performance Switches Implement Software Defined Data Center1Scalable Data Center Wired Switches: Market Shares, Market Strategies, and Market Forecasts, 2017 to 2023 1Scalable Data Center Wired Switch: Executive Summary 17Scalable Data Center Wired Switch Market Driving Forces 17Scalable IT Infrastructure Data Center Switch Market Driving Forces 20Suppliers of Intelligent, Highly Scalable Interconnect Solutions 21Data Growth Continues to Drive Infrastructure Scalability 22Scalable Infrastructure Data Center Switch Shares: 25Scalable Wired Infrastructure Switch Market Forecasts: 261. Scalable Data Center Wired Switches: Market Description and Market Dynamics: 281.1 Critical Challenge of Handling Exponentially Expanding Volumes of Transactions And Data 281.1.1 IT is Everything for the Business 291.2 End-To-End High-Performance Interconnect Products and Solutions for Artificial Intelligence 331.2.1 Scalable Infrastructure Data Center Components 331.2.2 Server Computing and Traditional Storage Systems Being Replaced 341.2.3 High-Performance Interconnect Solutions Value 351.2.4 High-Performance Interconnect Solutions Replace Existing Server Architectures 361.3 Challenges Addressed by High-Performance Interconnect Switch 401.3.1 High-Performance Interconnect Switch Manage Increasing Complexity 411.3.2 Advantages of InfiniBand 411.3.3 Scalable Computing Uses a Network to Enhance Processing Performance 451.4 Superstar Companies That Are Able to Leverage IT to Achieve Growth 451.4.1 Using Digital Technology To Create Market Disruption 462 Scalable Data Center Wired Switch: Market Shares and Market Forecasts 482.1 Scalable Data Center Wired Switch Market Driving Forces 482.1.1 Scalable IT Infrastructure Data Center Switch Market Driving Forces 512.1.2 Suppliers of Intelligent, Highly Scalable Interconnect Solutions 522.1.3 Data Growth Continues to Drive Infrastructure Scalability 532.2 Scalable Infrastructure Data Center Switch Shares: 552.2.1 Broadcom 612.2.2 IBM's OpenPOWER Initiative 622.3 Scalable Wired Infrastructure Switch Market Forecasts: 632.3.1 Facebook Fabric Next-Generation Data Center Network Design: Pod Unit of Network 702.3.2 Mega Data Center Server Pods 722.3.3 Exchange Of Data Between Servers Represents A Complex Automation Of Process 732.3.4 Network Disaggregation 742.3.5 Scalable Infrastructure Data Management Component Application Segments 772.3.6 Super Computing 812.4 Scalable Infrastructure Data Center Data Growth 842.5 Scalable Infrastructure Data Center Components Challenges 852.6 Scalable Infrastructure Data Center Component Prices: 882.7 Scalable Infrastructure Data Center Components Regional Segments: 923. Scalable Data Center Infrastructure Switch Products: 943.1 Broadcom 943.2 Quanta 953.3 Mellanox Delivers ConnectX-4 LX for the IBM z14 973.3.1 Mellanox IBM z14 Supporting Resources: 993.3.2 Mellanox Leading Supplier of InfiniBand ICs 1003.3.3 Mellanox Leading Supplier of Scalable Infrastructure Ethernet Adapters 1003.3.4 Mellanox Strategy 1013.3.5 Mellanox NPS Next Generation Network Switch Unit (NPU) 1033.4 Intel Omni-Path Architecture (Intel OPA) 1043.4.1 Intel / Mobileye 1063.5 IBM 1073.6 Facebook Aggregation Switches Are Lashed Together Through a Set Of Non-Blocking Spine Switches 1083.6.1 Google Network Called Jupiter 1093.7 Microsoft Cloud Data Center Multi-Tenant Containers 1103.7.1 Microsoft Azure Running Docker Containers 112Buy Now @About usMarketResearchReports.biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: sales@marketresearchreports.biz Managed Print Services Market: Latest Trends and Forecast Analysis up to 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/managed-print-services-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/report-toc/7859 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=7859 http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research entitled Managed Print Services Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2016 - 2024, the MPS market is expected to reach US$ 94.97 Bn in revenue by 2024, rising from US$ 26.18 Bn in 2015. The market is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 14.8% during the forecast period from 2016 to 2024.Browse the full Managed Print Services (MPS) (By Channel (Printer/Copier Manufacturers and Channel Partner/Core MPS Providers); By Enterprise Size (SMEs and Large Enterprises); By Deployment (On-premise, Hybrid, Cloud-based); By End-use (BFSI, Telecom and IT, Government and Public, Health Care, Education, Legal, Construction, Manufacturing, and Others)) Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2016 - 2024Obtain Report Details @In a cost-sensitive environment, organizations are highly influenced by the cost benefits offered by MPS by reducing the operational costs of their printing activities. This is one of the major factors attracting organizations to adopt MPS. The need for the streamlining of the printing workflow and for monitoring and control of printer usage by employees have added to the cost reduction benefits achieved through the implementation of MPS. The growth of the MPS market is also expected to be driven by environmental benefits such as a reduction in paper wastage and efficient use of energy achieved through the implementation of MPS. Growth in awareness about the benefits of MPS in the SMEs is expected to further boost the growth of the MPS market in the coming years. The SMEs segment of the MPS market is projected to grow faster than large enterprises in terms of the adoption of MPS during the forecast period.Download Table of Content @Channel partner/core MPS providers accounted for the largest share of the total MPS market in 2015. In order to cater to the ever increasing demand for MPS in the discrete SMEs sector, lead MPS vendors have turned to channel partners in order to expand their customer base by targeting untapped opportunities. Furthermore, cloud-based deployment was the largest segment of the MPS market in 2015 and is likely to dominate over the forecast period. The cost effectiveness of cloud-based MPS deployment and reduction in the burden on organizations internal servers are some of the major factors expected to drive the cloud-based MPS market in the coming years.Request A Sample Of Report @The government and public end-use segment was the largest in 2015 and is likely to hold its top position in terms of revenue share the forecast period. Government authorities deal in a high amount of paperwork and their high preference for security of these vital documents/data has influenced the dominance of the government and public sector segment in the MPS market.The major key companies operating in MPS market include Xerox Corporation, ARC Document Solutions, Inc., Ricoh Company Ltd., Lexmark Corporation, Canon, Inc., Konica Minolta, Inc., KYOCERA Corporation, Toshiba Corporation, HP Development, L.P., and Print Audit. Key players are focusing on increasing the number of channel partners and geographical expansion to increase their market presence.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. We have an experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, who us e proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR Syndicated Research report covers a different sector such as pharmaceuticals, chemical, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, our syndicated reports thrive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.ContactTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Pediatric Healthcare Market Report for Period 2017 till 2022 Mead Johnson, Nestl, Abbott, Sanofi and Others Pediatric Healthcare Market https://goo.gl/5bSzkc https://goo.gl/5bSzkc https://goo.gl/5bSzkc http://marketreportscompany.com Global Pediatric Healthcare market report provides detailed analysis of companies namely Sanofi, Perrigo, Mead Johnson, Nestl, Danone, Abbott, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co., Pfizer and Others. This report study includes global market statistics and analysis for example, company performance, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2022, etc.Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants and children, the age limit usually ranges from birth up to 7 years of age. Correspondingly, it is obvious that pediatric healthcare mainly involves in nutritionals, vaccines and drugs, all of which the purpose is to help children to grow up healthily. Millions of pedia die from disease, malnutrition and virus each year, as a consequence, it is quite significant to study pediatric healthcare.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Pediatric Healthcare Market 2017Top Company Profiles and Analysis included in this report:AbbottAstraZenecaGlaxoSmithKlineMerck & Co.PfizerSanofiPerrigoMead JohnsonNestlDanoneOthersGlobal Pediatric Healthcare Market: Key Product TypeVaccinesDrugsNutritionalsOthersGlobal Pediatric Healthcare Market: Key Application TypeProphylactic ProductsTherapeutic ProductsOthersGlobal Pediatric Healthcare Market: Key RegionNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)The Global Pediatric Healthcare Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Pediatric Healthcare Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities happened in current and past few years. The Global Pediatric Healthcare Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors.Enquire before Buying @Table of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Market Segment Overview1.1.1 Product Definition1.1.2 Market by Type1.1.2.1 Vaccines1.1.2.2 Drugs1.1.2.3 Nutritionals1.1.3 Market by Application1.1.3.1 Prophylactic Products1.1.3.2 Therapeutic Products........................Continue (Global Pediatric Healthcare Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Us:Market Reports Company is a global research and consulting company. We provide customized reports. We can study and analyze any market based on wide range of parameters. We can provide market insights for any particular region, country across the globe within shortest possible turn around time.What we offer: Customized Reports: we provide customized report study on any market or industry. Region Specific Study: If you need region specific or if you are searching for particular region market study then, we have expert research team for that. How we work: We work in all domains and industries, you name it and we provide the market research industry report analysis of it. Expertise: Superior Research Team, 24*7 Customer Care ServiceContact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website:Email: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States HIP Replacement Market Forecast to 2020 http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/hip-reconstruction-devices-market-76831539.html http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownload.asp?id=76831539 http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsample.asp?id=76831539 The report "HIP Replacement Market by Product (Primary HIP Replacement (Cemented, Cementless), Partial HIP Replacement, Revision HIP Replacement, HIP Resurfacing), Geography (Americas, EU-5, Japan, BRIC, South-East Asia, MEA) - Forecast to 2020", The global hip reconstruction devices market was valued at USD 4.8 Billion in 2014, and is estimated to reach USD 5.9 Billion by 2020, at a CAGR of 3.0% from 2015 to 2020.Browse 105 market data tables and 114 figures spread through 228 pages and in-depth TOC on "HIP Replacement MarketEarly buyers will receive 10% customization on reports.The Global Hip Reconstruction Devices market is expected to witness substantial growth due to increasing number of arthritis patients, favorable reimbursement, and technological advancementsThe global hip reconstruction devices market growth is attributed to the rise in the number of patients suffering from arthritis, technological advancements, and favorable reimbursement. Despite this, the pricing pressure, waiting list and risk of complications after implantation are some of the major hindering factors.The government initiative of allocating new funds and development of new policies have reduced the waiting time for hip reconstructions, and increased the number of operations. However, it is difficult to achieve 90% threshold of patients that receive care within the regulated time.Get PDF Brochure Here :The technological advancements in hip reconstruction market, such as newly developed prostheses with improved strength and reliability of joints are reducing the need and cost of revision surgery. The minimally invasive techniques for hip reconstruction surgery will improve the precision and accuracy of surgeons, thus reducing the time of surgery. The emergence of these techniques and other improved surgical tools for the treatment of arthritis is expected to address the rising demand for surgery during the forecast period.In 2014, the global hip reconstruction devices market was dominated by North America. This market is segmented and forecast on the basis of product, and geography. The product comprises of primary hip reconstruction devices, partial hip reconstruction devices, revision hip reconstruction devices and hip resurfacing devices. The primary hip reconstruction devices are subsegmented into cementless and cemented reconstruction device. The market is further segmented and forecast on the basis of major geographies such as North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. These major geographies are further sub-segmented into major countries.The market in North America is growing due to rising pool of arthritis, and favorable reimbursement. The European market is growing due to the technological advancements and is dominated majorly by Zimmer Inc. (U.S.) and Depuy Synthes (U.S.). The Asian market is growing due to growing health awareness among masses, along with increase in the spending capacity of the Indian population. Also, increasing number of population suffering from musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), government initiatives, and rising awareness towards hip reconstruction are propelling the market growth.Get Sample Report Here :This report also includes the market share, approach for arriving at the market size, new technology developments, product matrix, life cycle analysis, Porters five forces analysis and price analysis by product. In this report, market metrics are also included such as drivers, restraints and upcoming opportunities in the market. In addition, it presents a competitive landscape and company profiles of key players in the market including major companies which provide hip reconstruction devices as a product.The research study is aimed at identifying emerging trends and opportunities in the global hip reconstruction devices market along with detailed classifications, in terms of revenue. It provides comprehensive competitive landscape and identifies the key players with respect to market size and market share. The research study also includes a detailed segmentation of the global hip reconstruction devices market, on the basis of product, and region.About MarketsandMarketsMarketsandMarkets is worlds No. 2 firm in terms of annually published premium market research reports. Serving 1700 global fortune enterprises with more than 1200 premium studies in a year, M&M is catering to multitude of clients across 8 different industrial verticals. We specialize in consulting assignments and business research across high growth markets, cutting edge technologies and newer applications. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors.M&Ms flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "RT" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. The new included chapters on Methodology and Benchmarking presented with high quality analytical infographics in our reports gives complete visibility of how the numbers have been arrived and defend the accuracy of the numbers.We at MarketsandMarkets are inspired to help our clients grow by providing apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository.Contact:Mr. RohanMarkets and MarketsUNIT no 802, Tower no. 7, SEZMagarpatta city, HadapsarPune, Maharashtra 411013, India1-888-600-6441Email: sales@marketsandmarkets.com Global Green Coatings Market 2017 - BASF SE, HEMPEL A/S, JOTUN A/S, PPG INDUSTRIES, AKZONOBEL NV Global Green Coatings Market https://goo.gl/wwcbSA https://goo.gl/7usH17 www.apexmarketreports.com Apex Market Reports, recently published a detailed market research study focused on the "Green Coatings Market" across the global, regional and country level. The report provides 360 analysis of "Green Coatings Market" from view of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries. The research report analyses and provides the historical data along with current performance of the global Green Coatings industry, and estimates the future trend of Green Coatings market on the basis of this detailed study. The study shares "Green Coatings Market" performance both in terms of volume and revenue.Get Free Sample Copy of Report Here:Top Manufacturers Analysis of This ReportAKZONOBEL NVASIAN PAINTS LIMITEDAXALTA COATING SYSTEMBASF SEBERGER PAINTS INDIA LIMITEDDEUTSCHE AMPHIBOLIN WORKS SE (DAW)HEMPEL A/SJOTUN A/SPPG INDUSTRIESTHE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANYThe market research report explores the Green Coatings market across the globe along with major regions and countries. The research report provides a detailed study on each and every aspect of "Green Coatings Market". The research report studies the entire value chain from raw material to end user industries. The report also shares import/export statistics along with production and consumption for all major regions and countries. Moreover, the research study classifies the Green Coatings market based on major product types, application and end users industries of Green Coatings. Besides, the report also covers geographical segmentation for Green Coatings market. The report further provides production, capacity, price per region, gross margin, production cost, for all major regions and countries listed in report.The competitive landscape of the global market for Green Coatings is determined by assessing the major industry participants, production capacity, production capacity utilization rate, Green Coatings market's production chain, pricing by each manufacturer and the revenue generated by each manufacturer in the Green Coatings market globally.Inquire Before Buying @The Global Green Coatings market 2017 is further analyzed on the basis of product pricing, Green Coatings production volume, data pertaining to demand and Green Coatings supply, and the revenue garnered by the product. The report provides upstream and downstream analysis covering major raw material used in manufacturing of Green Coatings along with detailed manufacturing sources. The report also shares list of major raw material manufacturers along with their manufacturing locations. Detailed raw material price trend analysis along with manufacturing cost analysis is also incorporated into the report. Various methodical tools such as investment returns, feasibility, SWOT analysis and market attractiveness analysis has been implemented in the research study to present a comprehensive, detailed study of the industry for Green Coatings across the world.Apex Market Reports offers elevating market research globally. We have collection of various syndicated reports of different categories. Apex Market Reports provides you to best services, weather youre searching for new trends in market or competitive scenario in emerging market.Customers can buys different reports across various categories such as Chemical and Material, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Food and beverages, Automobile and various sectors. Our Website offers safe and secure online ordering experience, convenient payment options.Frank ValadezCorporate Sales Specialist155 North Wacker Drive, Suite 4250Chicago, IL 60606Phone: +17739042683Email id - sales@apexmarketreports.comWebsite - Peptide Synthesizer Market Report for Period 2017 till 2022 Intavis AG, Hainan JBPharm, PTI, Biotage, Activotec and Others Peptide Synthesizer Market https://goo.gl/yMHQLQ https://goo.gl/yMHQLQ https://goo.gl/yMHQLQ http://marketreportscompany.com Global Peptide Synthesizer market report provides detailed analysis of companies namely Shimadzu, Activotec, CS Bio, Intavis AG, Hainan JBPharm, AAPPTec, PTI, PSI, CEM, Biotage and Others. This report study includes global market statistics and analysis for example, company performance, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2022, etc.Peptide Synthesizer is an instrument used for peptide synthesis according to the principle of solid phase peptide synthesis. Peptides are used to prepare epitope-specific antibodies, map antibody epitopes and enzyme binding sites and to design novel enzymes, drugs and vaccines. Peptide synthesis is characterized as the formation of a peptide bond between two amino acids.As the introduction of peptide synthesizer, the development of polypeptide therapeutic market is becoming faster and faster, which drives the development of peptide synthesizer industry in return.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Peptide Synthesizer Market 2017Top Company Profiles and Analysis included in this report:AAPPTecPTIPSICEMBiotageShimadzuActivotecCS BioIntavis AGHainan JBPharmOthersGlobal Peptide Synthesizer Market: Key Product Typemcg ~ mgmg ~ gg ~ kgkgOthersGlobal Peptide Synthesizer Market: Key Application TypeUniversity LaboratoryBiopharmaceutical CompanySynthesis Services CompanyOthersGlobal Peptide Synthesizer Market: Key RegionNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)The Global Peptide Synthesizer Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Peptide Synthesizer Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities happened in current and past few years. The Global Peptide Synthesizer Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors.Enquire before Buying @Table of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Market Segment Overview1.1.1 Product Definition1.1.2 Market by Type1.1.2.1 mcg ~ mg1.1.2.2 mg ~ g1.1.2.3 g ~ kg1.1.2.4 kg........................Continue (Global Peptide Synthesizer Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Us:Market Reports Company is a global research and consulting company. We provide customized reports. We can study and analyze any market based on wide range of parameters. We can provide market insights for any particular region, country across the globe within shortest possible turn around time.What we offer: Customized Reports: we provide customized report study on any market or industry. Region Specific Study: If you need region specific or if you are searching for particular region market study then, we have expert research team for that. How we work: We work in all domains and industries, you name it and we provide the market research industry report analysis of it. Expertise: Superior Research Team, 24*7 Customer Care ServiceContact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website:Email: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Durapak Supplies Offers Industrial and Retail Packaging Supplies http://www.durapak.net/ Durapak Supplies is a global supplier of the broadest variety of packaging and shipping products to meet all industrial, retail, and individual needs for storage, improving the attractiveness of items, marketing, and transportation. Operating from their warehouse in California, the company has developed a massive distribution network and enhanced processing of orders meeting their clients demands in the shortest duration. As the direct source of their products, Durapak Supplies provides their clients with customization options both in size and print to meet each unique demand in the market.Speaking about their range of products, the Stores Manager said, Our inventory is a comprehensive collection of top quality packaging and shipping supplies suited for any business or personal use. Falling under major categories such as shrink products, boxes & cases, bags, cable ties & twist ties, gift & ribbon packages, and shipping supplies we have hundreds of items you can select from. Research and compliance to market trends have also seen us constantly introduce new models of packages to cover emerging areas of interest.Air cushion bubble wrap and mailers are primarily preferred when packaging or shipping products that require interleaving, void fill, cushioning, and surface protection. Constructed with pockets of air locked between the top and bottom layer of low-density polyethylene film the wraps provide a secure layer that protects fragile products while in transit. Durapak Supplies is offering bubble mailers in bulk for companies that want a lightweight but safety enhanced packaging material that will significantly reduce their shipping costs. The bubble wrap and mailers are sold in rolls which are perforated after every 12 inches to avoid hand cutting.On their customized bubble envelopes and pouches, the Sales Director said, Some items require protective shipping but are too small to be packaged using larger bubble rolls. We have designed tough; waterproof bubble lined envelopes with self-adhesive strips for ease in transporting such items. The outer covers of the envelopes are made of a strong goldenrod kraft paper making them convenient for use in mainstream shipping options. We also have self-sealing bubble poaches for inner packaging of products that are combined shipped but require minimal contacts to avoid damages.Clients looking for a clear folding box for sale made of PVC, PET, or PP have the most extensive collection of patterns, sizes, and thickness at Durapak Supplies. Folding boxes are popular for their appeal when used for retail packaging with their usage being widely for jewelry, gifts, flowers, decorations, and wine packaging. Among the types of folding boxes Durapak Supplies supplies include those with auto lock bottom, handle top, tuck top & bottom, favor boxes, round boxes, pillow boxes and cylinder boxes. The folding boxes have been designed to ease their assembly with some such as telescope and heart boxes delivered when fully set up.About Durapak SuppliesDurapak Supplies is a one-stop solution for all packaging and shipping supplies requirement. Serving the global market the company has set the highest standards for its quality of products which it offers at the lowest market rates.Contact DetailsCompany Name: Durapak Supplies1900 Tyler Ave, Unit N, South El Monte, Ca 91733, USATelephone Number: 626-350-0868Email: info@durapak.netWebsite: Pertussis Vaccine Market Report for Period 2011 till 2023 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Astellas Pharma, Beijing Tiantan, Biological Products, Astellas Pharma, Minhai Biotechnology and Others Pertussis Vaccine Market https://goo.gl/6Agcx9 https://goo.gl/6Agcx9 https://goo.gl/6Agcx9 http://marketreportscompany.com Global Pertussis Vaccine market report provides detailed analysis of companies namely Life Sciences, Beijing Tiantan, Biological Products, Chengdu Institute of, Biological Products, Sanofi Pasteur, GSK, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Astellas Pharma, Minhai Biotechnology, Wuhan Institute of, Biological Products, Changchun Changsheng and Others. This report study includes global market statistics and analysis for example, company performance, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2022, etc.Pertussis vaccine is a vaccine that protects against whooping cough. There are two main types: whole-cell vaccines and acellular vaccines. The whole-cell vaccine is about 78% effective while the acellular vaccine is 71.85% effective.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Pertussis Vaccine Market 2017Top Company Profiles and Analysis included in this report:Sanofi PasteurGSKMitsubishi Tanabe PharmaAstellas PharmaMinhai BiotechnologyWuhan Institute ofBiological ProductsChangchun ChangshengLife SciencesBeijing TiantanBiological ProductsChengdu Institute ofBiological ProductsOthersGlobal Pertussis Vaccine Market: Key Product TypeWhole-cell vaccinesAcellular vaccinesOthersGlobal Pertussis Vaccine Market: Key Application TypeChildrenAdultsOthersGlobal Pertussis Vaccine Market: Key RegionNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)The Global Pertussis Vaccine Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Pertussis Vaccine Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities happened in current and past few years. The Global Pertussis Vaccine Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors.Enquire before Buying @Table of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Objectives of Research1.1.1 Definition1.1.2 Specifications1.2 Market Segment1.2.1 by Type1.2.1.1 Whole-cell vaccines1.2.1.2 Acellular vaccines1.2.1.3 Others........................Continue (Global Pertussis Vaccine Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Us:Market Reports Company is a global research and consulting company. We provide customized reports. We can study and analyze any market based on wide range of parameters. We can provide market insights for any particular region, country across the globe within shortest possible turn around time.What we offer: Customized Reports: we provide customized report study on any market or industry. Region Specific Study: If you need region specific or if you are searching for particular region market study then, we have expert research team for that. How we work: We work in all domains and industries, you name it and we provide the market research industry report analysis of it. Expertise: Superior Research Team, 24*7 Customer Care ServiceContact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website:Email: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Physiological Saline Market Report for Period 2011 till 2023 Cisen, Denis Chem Lab Limited, Otsuka, Kelun Group, Baxter, Hospira (Pfizer), Fresenius Kabi and Others Physiological Saline Market https://goo.gl/cHxjtW https://goo.gl/cHxjtW https://goo.gl/cHxjtW http://marketreportscompany.com Global Physiological Saline market report provides detailed analysis of companies namely CR Double-Cran, SSY Group, Cisen, Denis Chem Lab Limited, SHREE KRISHNA KESHAV, Pharmally, Baxter, Hospira (Pfizer), Fresenius Kabi, BBraun, Otsuka, Kelun Group and Others. This report study includes global market statistics and analysis for example, company performance, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2022, etc.Physiological Saline is a mixture of sodium chloride in water and has a number of uses in medicine. Applied to the affected area it is used to clean wounds, help remove contact lenses, and help with dry eyes. By injection into a vein it is used to treat dehydration such as from gastroenteritis and diabetic ketoacidosis. It is also used to dilute other medications to be given by injection.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Physiological Saline Market 2017Top Company Profiles and Analysis included in this report:BaxterHospira (Pfizer)Fresenius KabiBBraunOtsukaKelun GroupCR Double-CranSSY GroupCisenDenis Chem Lab LimitedSHREE KRISHNA KESHAVPharmallyOthersGlobal Physiological Saline Market: Key Product TypeFlexible BagPlastic BottlesGlass BottlesOthersGlobal Physiological Saline Market: Key Application TypeHospitalClinicsRecovery CenterOthersGlobal Physiological Saline Market: Key RegionNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)The Global Physiological Saline Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Physiological Saline Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities happened in current and past few years. The Global Physiological Saline Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors.Enquire before Buying @Table of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Objectives of Research1.1.1 Definition1.1.2 Specifications1.2 Market Segment1.2.1 by Type1.2.1.1 Flexible Bag1.2.1.2 Plastic Bottles1.2.1.3 Glass Bottles1.2.2 by Application1.2.2.1 Hospital1.2.2.2 Clinics1.2.2.3 Recovery Center1.2.2.4 Other........................Continue (Global Physiological Saline Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Us:Market Reports Company is a global research and consulting company. We provide customized reports. We can study and analyze any market based on wide range of parameters. We can provide market insights for any particular region, country across the globe within shortest possible turn around time.What we offer: Customized Reports: we provide customized report study on any market or industry. Region Specific Study: If you need region specific or if you are searching for particular region market study then, we have expert research team for that. How we work: We work in all domains and industries, you name it and we provide the market research industry report analysis of it. Expertise: Superior Research Team, 24*7 Customer Care ServiceContact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website:Email: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Global Takeaway Food Market: Industry Analysis & Outlook (2017-2021) https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/sample/1351214 https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/reports/1351214/global-takeaway-food-industry-analysis-market-research-reports https://www.marketresearchreports.biz/sample/enquiry/1351214 https://www.researchmoz.com/checkout?rep_id=1351214&licType=S http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/ "The Report Global Takeaway Food Market: Industry Analysis & Outlook (2017-2021) provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. - MarketResearchReports.biz"About Takeaway Food MarketThe term take-away food, describes a way of eating restaurant food outside the restaurant or a growing variety of prepared foods that consumers purchase from food stands and drive-in locations. The concept of takeaway food lies in the changing lifestyles and eating habits of people, who largely prefer takeaway food due to busy life schedule and increasing traffic congestion.Get Sample copy of this Report @Takeaway food orders are made via telephone, restaurant websites and apps, online restaurant places, and dine-ins. The US stood as the largest takeaway food market with highest revenue contribution, whereas, the UK was the largest takeaway market within Europe. Growth of the market was driven by increased urbanization, increased usage of internet worldwide, and rising use of mobile internet. Some of the noteworthy trends of the industry includes emerging multicultural population, online market place convenience and strategic mergers and acquisitions.View Report @Key challenges include barriers to entry because of high logistical complexities and tedious development and implementation of systems that accept orders online. Setting up things turn out to be very expensive and time consuming for new players in the market.The report Global Takeaway Food Market: Industry Analysis & Outlook (2017-2021) by Koncept Analytics provides a comprehensive study of global market and major regional markets. The global takeaway food market remains highly competitive consisting of several large enterprises including Just Eat Plc, Grubhub Inc., Takeaway.com and Delivery Hero. The competitive landscape of the respective market, along with the company profiles of the leading players are discussed in detail.Send An Enquiry Request @Table of Content1. Market Overview1.1 Take Away1.2 Methods for Food Delivery Orders1.3 Benefits of Food Delivery2. Global Market Analysis2.1 Global Food Services Market by Value2.2 Global Food Services Market Forecast by Value2.3 Global Takeaway Food Market2.3.1 Global Takeaway Food Market by Value2.3.2 Global Takeaway Food Market Forecast by Value2.3.3 Global Takeaway Food Market by Country2.3.4 Global Takeaway Food Market Penetration by Country3. Regional Market Analysis3.1 The US3.1.1 The US Takeaway Food Market by Value3.1.2 The US Takeaway Food Market Forecast by Value3.1.3 The US Online Food Delivery and Pickup Market by Value3.1.4 The US Online Food Delivery and Pickup Market Forecast by Value3.2 The UK3.2.1 The UK Takeaway Food Market by Value3.2.2 The UK Takeaway Food Market Forecast by Value3.2.3 The UK Takeaway Food Order Per Household3.2.4 The UK Takeaway Food Order Per Household Forecast3.2.5 The UK Takeaway Food Order by Volume3.2.6 The UK Takeaway Food Order Forecast by Volume3.2.7 The UK Takeaway Food Market by Commission3.2.8 The UK Takeaway Food Market by Commission Forecast3.3 Brazil3.3.1 Brazil Takeaway Food Market by Value3.3.2 Brazil Takeaway Food Market Forecast by Value3.3.3 Brazil Takeaway Food Market by Platform3.3.4 Brazil Takeaway Food Market Forecast by Platform3.4 Germany3.4.1 Germanys Takeaway Food Market by Value3.4.2 Germanys Takeaway Food Market Forecast by Value3.4.3 Germanys Takeaway Food Average Order Size3.4.4 Germanys Takeaway Food Average Order Size Forecast3.4.5 Germanys Takeaway Food Market by Commission3.4.6 Germanys Takeaway Food Market by Commission Forecast3.5 Netherlands3.5.1 Netherlands Takeaway Food Market by Value3.5.2 Netherlands Takeaway Food Market Forecast by Value3.5.3 Netherlands Takeaway Food Average Order Size3.5.4 Netherlands Takeaway Food Average Order Size Forecast3.5.5 Netherlands Takeaway Food Market by Commission3.5.6 Netherlands Takeaway Food Market Forecast by Commission4. Market Dynamics4.1 Growth Drivers4.1.1 Rising Urbanization4.1.2 Increasing Traffic Congestion4.1.3 High Food Pricing4.1.4 Increasing Internet and Smartphone Penetration4.2 Key Trends & Opportunities4.2.1 Emerging Multi-Cultural Population4.2.2 Online Market Place Convenience4.2.3 Mergers and Acquisitions4.2.4 High Growth Prospects in the Emerging Economies4.3 Challenges & Issues4.3.1 Barriers to Entry4.3.2 Seasonality of Demand5. Competitive Landscape5.1 Global Takeaway Food Market5.1.1 Revenue Comparison5.1.2 Market Cap Comparison5.1.3 Active Users Comparison5.1.4 Functional Operation ComparisonBuy Now @About usMarketResearchReports.biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: sales@marketresearchreports.biz New Trends of Offshore Support Vessels Market with Worldwide Industry Analysis to 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=2168 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=2168 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=2168 Global Offshore Support Vessels Market: OverviewOffshore support vessels are a crucial class of vessels essential for the smooth function of offshore oil and gas operations. Offshore support vessels fulfil all the logistical needs of offshore petroleum platforms. Due to this, they have taken on an important role in the global petroleum industry following the acknowledgment of the declining levels of petroleum in terrestrial reservoirs, which has led to intense focus on offshore exploration and production of petroleum. The global offshore support vessel market is thus likely to grow steadily in the coming years thanks to consistent utilization in the oil and gas industry.Global Offshore Support Vessels Market: Key TrendsThe prime driver for the global offshore support vessels market is the rising investment being made in underexplored regions such as Africa and Brazil for offshore petroleum exploration and extraction. The West coast of Africa and the East coast of Brazil have become important regional segments of the global offshore support vessel market and are likely to be developed further in the coming years, resulting in steady growth prospects for the global offshore support vessels market.Request Sample Copy of the Report@Other emerging economies such as China and India are also likely to increase their investment in offshore petroleum exploration in the coming years, which bodes well for the global offshore support vessel market. Meanwhile, the North Sea has also become important for the global petroleum industry and exploration and extraction projects in the region could also generate significant revenue for the offshore support vessels industry.On the other hand, the capital-intensive pricing dynamics of the offshore support vessel market have reduced the number of viable players claiming a sizable share in the global market. The steady decrease in petroleum prices in the last two years has also had an adverse effect on the global offshore support vessels market, as it has reduced the spending power of even some of the top companies in the global petroleum sector.Request TOC of the Report @Global Offshore Support Vessels Market: Market PotentialAdapting to dire pricing dynamics has forced many offshore support vessel manufacturers to fold up or accept inconvenient mergers. According to 2017s Annual Offshore Support Journal Conference, this is likely to remain the status quo in the global offshore support vessel industry in the coming months, with many more players likely to turn to mergers in order to sustain their business. The expected recovery in the petroleum sector in 2017 and 2018 could bring comfort to the offshore support vessel industry.Offshore support vessels designed to minimize their environmental impact are likely to become popular in the coming years. Norway and other countries using the oilfields in the North Sea have been among the first to use electrically powered offshore support vessels, and vessels with onboard batteries could soon become the norm rather than exception in the global offshore support vessel industry. Battery systems can be retrofitted on many existing designs of offshore support vessels, which could further increase the scope of their adoption in the offshore support vessel industry.Get Discount @Global Offshore Support Vessels Market: Geographical DynamicsNorth America, led by the U.S., is likely to remain the leader in the global offshore support vessel market in the coming years. Asia Pacific countries such as China and Latin American countries such as Brazil and Venezuela are also likely to feature prominently in the development of the offshore support vessel market in the coming years, whereas Western African countries could also benefit strongly from the increased offshore petroleum sector operations.Global Offshore Support Vessels Market: Competitive DynamicsThe leading companies in the global offshore support vessel industry include Tidewater, Inc., Farstad Shipping ASA, Gulfmark Offshore, Inc., Havila Shipping ASA, Swire Group, Ltd., Siem Offshore, Inc., Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc., Bourbon Corporation SA, The Maersk Group, and Seacor Marine, LLC. With steady consolidation likely to be the order of the day for the offshore support vessels industry in the coming months, larger players could benefit significantly from acquisitions and profitable mergers.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Mozzarella Cheese Market Report for Period 2017 till 2022 Groupe Lactalis S.A, EMMI, ARLA Foods, Trevisanalat, SAPUTO INC. and Others Mozzarella Cheese Market https://goo.gl/7foFko https://goo.gl/7foFko https://goo.gl/7foFko http://marketreportscompany.com Global Mozzarella Cheese market report provides detailed analysis of companies namely Granarolo, SAPUTO INC., Groupe Lactalis S.A, EMMI, ARLA Foods, INC., FROMAGERIES BEL S.A., Trevisanalat and Others. This report study includes global market statistics and analysis for example, company performance, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2022, etc.Mozzarella cheese originates in Italy where it was initially made from buffalo milk and eaten as fresh cheese. Mozzarella belongs to the pasta filata group of cheeses that are characterised by a distinctive fibre-like structure, which occurs as a result of kneading/stretching fresh cheese curd in hot water.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Mozzarella Cheese Market 2017Top Company Profiles and Analysis included in this report:ARLA Foods, INC.FROMAGERIES BEL S.A.TrevisanalatGranaroloSAPUTO INC.Groupe Lactalis S.AEMMIOthersGlobal Mozzarella Cheese Market: Key Product TypeFresh Mozzarella CheeseProcessed Mozzarella CheeseOthersGlobal Mozzarella Cheese Market: Key Application TypeResidential UseFood processOthersGlobal Mozzarella Cheese Market: Key RegionNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)The Global Mozzarella Cheese Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Mozzarella Cheese Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities happened in current and past few years. The Global Mozzarella Cheese Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors.Enquire before Buying @Table of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Market Segment Overview1.1.1 Product Definition1.1.2 Market by Type1.1.2.1 Fresh Mozzarella Cheese1.1.2.2 Processed Mozzarella Cheese1.1.3 Market by Application1.1.3.1 Residential Use1.1.3.2 Food process........................Continue (Global Mozzarella Cheese Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Us:Market Reports Company is a global research and consulting company. We provide customized reports. We can study and analyze any market based on wide range of parameters. We can provide market insights for any particular region, country across the globe within shortest possible turn around time.What we offer: Customized Reports: we provide customized report study on any market or industry. Region Specific Study: If you need region specific or if you are searching for particular region market study then, we have expert research team for that. How we work: We work in all domains and industries, you name it and we provide the market research industry report analysis of it. Expertise: Superior Research Team, 24*7 Customer Care ServiceContact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website:Email: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems Market Research and Forecast Analysis Report of Top Countries 2017 - 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=2171 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=2171 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=2171 Global Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems Market: OverviewPerimeter intrusion detection systems are made up of sensors and other instruments that offer protection to end users by helping them detect intrusions in their perimeter/property in time for assessment and action. The various types of sensors used in these systems, include infrared sensors, microwave sensors, radar sensors, and fiber-optic sensors. They can be deployed in open area, fences, and underground. Some of the common verticals where these systems are used are military and defense, transportation sector, government, industrial, commercial, and correctional facilities. Based on service, the global perimeter intrusion detection systems market can be segmented into managed services, risk assessment and analysis, system integration and consulting, and maintenance and support.Global Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems Market: Key TrendsOver the past few years, there has been a sharp rise in terrorism and infiltration activities. To maintain the security of the common mass and data of high importance, governments worldwide are investing hefty sums in security systems, which is, thus, fuelling the global perimeter intrusion detection systems market. Moreover, the enforcement of stringent government regulations on perimeter security is working in favor of the market. These systems enable significant reduction in the cost of manpower, which is helping the global market in gaining tremendous momentum.Request Sample Copy of the Report@On the flip side, the high rate of false alarms with the existing perimeter intrusion detection systems is hampering the growth of the global market. Furthermore, issues pertaining to the integration of existing systems with new technologies are keeping the market from realizing its utmost potential.Global Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems Market: Market PotentialA trend that is likely to revolutionize the global perimeter intrusion detection systems market is the emergence of video surveillance and analytics. The rapid pace of technological innovation in video analytics is adding extra value to intrusion detection solutions. The vast improvements in efficiency, capability, and reliability are pushing analytics from the periphery to the mainstream and thereby, pushing the global market. The prospects of this trend are likely to attract players in the global perimeter intrusion detection systems market to focus towards incorporating video analytics in their offerings.The practice of collaboration and agreements between market players is also paving way for breakthrough technologies that will shape the future of the global market. For instance, in April 2017, Magal Security Systems Ltd. announced a corporation agreement with Dynamatic Technologies Ltd. to provide smart perimeter intrusion detection systems to address the security challenges and prevent infiltration by terrorists in India.Request TOC of the Report @Global Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems Market: Geographical SegmentationThe key segments analyzed in the research report are Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Rest of the World. North America will be a prominent destination for market players. The growth of the region can be attributed to sizeable budget allocated by governments for the defense sector and pressing need for security against terrorist activities. Moreover, the rapid advancements in the underlying technologies and high focus on product innovation are propelling the growth of the region.Latin America is expected to emerge as an attractive pocket for global participants. Continuous innovations in perimeter intrusion detection systems to effectively counter intrusion threats are supplementing the growth of the region. Countries such as Brazil and Argentina will be sights of high growth rate in the region.Get Discount @Global Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems Market: Competitive LandscapeA raft of players in the global perimeter intrusion detection systems market are adopting mergers and acquisitions as key growth strategies to expand their offerings. Besides this, key participants are paying high attention to product launches and partnerships to ensure inorganic growth in the market. In addition, players are pouring large funds into research and development of advanced products, which will help them in boosting their visibility in the market. Some of the prominent companies operating in the global perimeter intrusion market are Honeywell International Inc., Tyco International Plc., Schneider Electric, Axis Communications AB, FLIR Systems Inc., Senstar Corporation, Advanced Perimeter Systems Limited, Anixter International Inc., and Southwest Microwave.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Micro Turbine Market Key Profile- Capstone Turbine Corporation, FlexEnergy, Inc., Ansaldo Energia S.p.A, Eneftech Innovation SA, Microturbine Technology BV, Calnetix Technologies LLC https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/4099 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/micro-turbine-market-4099 Market HighlightsGrowing clean electricity demand coupled with growing concern for reducing carbon footprint and the aging grid infrastructure, will boost the global micro turbine market over the forecast period. Micro turbines are used as an alternative energy source for power generation. They are widely known for their function of cogeneration of heat and power.Micro turbines are widely accepted across the world in the industrial & commercial sectors owing to growing demand of combined heat and power in industries such as, oil & gas, construction, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, waste water treatment, and mining among others.Micro Turbine Market is expected to grow over the CAGR of around 10% during the period 2017 to 2023Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the marketNorth America led the global micro turbine market, owing to increased consumption of energy and growing awareness of carbon footprint in the region. The U.S. dominated the North America micro turbine market, due to several potential advantages over other technologies for small-scale generation. The shale gas activities in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico is expected to contribute in the development of micro turbine market in the region.Request a Sample Copy @Key PlayersThe key players of the global micro turbine market are Capstone Turbine Corporation (U.S.), FlexEnergy, Inc. (U.S.), Ansaldo Energia S.p.A (Italy), Brayton Energy LLC. (U.S.), Eneftech Innovation SA (Switzerland), Microturbine Technology BV (the Netherlands), Wilson Solarpower Corporation (U.S.), ICR Turbine Engine Corporation (U.S.), Calnetix Technologies LLC (U.S.), Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan), Bladon Jets (Isle of Man) others.Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 50 market data tables and figures spread in 110 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on Global Micro Turbine Market Research Report Forecast to 2023Scope of the ReportThe scope of the study segments the global micro turbine market by its power rating, application, by end-user and by region.By Application Cogeneration Standby PowerBy Power Rating 12 kW -50 kW 50 kW-250 kW 250 kW-500 kWBy End-User Industries Commercial ResidentialBy Regions North America Asia-Pacific Europe Rest of the WorldFor further information on this report, visit @Table of Content1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology2.1 Scope Of The Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market Size Estimation2.4 Forecast Model3 Market Dynamics3.1 Market Drivers3.2 Market Inhibitors3.3 Supply/Value Chain Analysis3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis4 Global Shunt Capacitor Market, By Application4.1 Introduction4.2 Cogeneration4.3 Standby Power5 Global Shunt Capacitor Market, By Power RatingContinueAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: akash.anand@marketresearchfuture.com US Automotive Parts Aluminium & Magnesium Die Casting Market Report 2017, Trends, Analysis, Share, Estimates and Forecasts to 2022. http://www.strategymrc.com/report/us-automotive-parts-aluminium-magnesium-die-casting-market-outlook http://www.strategymrc.com/report/us-automotive-parts-aluminium-magnesium-die-casting-market-outlook The US Automotive Parts Aluminium & Magnesium Die-Casting report provides an in-depth analysis of the various market segments and its sub-segments.Product types Covered: Pressure die casting Semi-solid die casting Squeeze die casting Vacuum die castingApplications Covered: Body assemblies Engine Parts Transmission parts OthersFor More, Please Visit:The report focuses on current and upcoming market trends such as Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, and Challenges, technological advancements, Porters Five Forces analysis to assess the intensity of competition in the market. The market values are presented in the form of tables and graphs for better interpretation.Market Size EstimationsThe market assessment is made by the core industry experts using our 360 research approach. The data is derived from the most reliable, authenticated data sources and is validated by the industry experts (Primary Research). Both top down and bottom up analysis are implemented to enhance the accuracy of the market figures. The market projections are calculated for the next 8 years using the actual market numbers of previous year as the base year.Company ProfilingThis section provides the overview of the key players that are leading in the industry, covering their business operations, financials, list of products & services, SWOT analysis, major developments such as mergers & acquisitions, agreements, partnerships, joint ventures, new product launch, expansions etc.Report Highlights:- Market share assessments for all the mentioned market segments and sub-segments- Market share analysis of the top industry players- Strategic recommendations for the new entrants- Market forecasts for a minimum of 8 years for all the given segments- Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)- Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations- Competitive landscaping, mapping the key common trends- Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments- Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancementsFor More, Please Visit:We offer wide spectrum of research and consulting services with in-depth knowledge of different industries. We are known for customized research services, consulting services and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) services in the research world. We explore the market trends and draw our insights with valid assessments and analytical views. We use advanced techniques and tools among the quantitative and qualitative methodologies to identify the market trends. Our research reports and publications are routed to help our clients to design their business models and enhance their business growth in the competitive market scenario. We have a strong team with hand-picked consultants including project managers, implementers, industry experts, researchers, research evaluators and analysts with years of experience in delivering the complex projects.STRATISTICS MRC17049 King James Way, Gaithersburg,MD, 20877, USA Thermal Energy Storage Market is Anticipated to Show the Robust Growth During 2017 - 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=2180 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=2180 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=2180 Global Thermal Energy Storage Market: OverviewThermal energy storage systems consist of an insulating medium or combination of media that can hold on to captured heat for long periods. Thus, thermal energy systems are essentially thermal batteries that store energy in terms of temperature difference instead of potential difference.The rising awareness regarding the adverse effects of the use of greenhouse gases for energy generation has been one of the key drivers for the global thermal energy storage market in the recent past. While the use of renewable sources of energy has picked up steam in recent years, the renewable energy sector faces a considerable problem in the lack of consistent energy production from renewable energy sources. Thermal energy storage has been mooted as a solution in this regard and is likely to become a key part of the global renewable energy market in the coming years.Request Sample Copy of the Report@Global Thermal Energy Storage Market: Key TrendsThe rising use of combined energy generation units, wherein energy is harnessed from two or more renewable sources simultaneously, is a prime driver for the global thermal energy storage market. Solar and wind energy generation can usually be conducted on the same site and often on the same device. However, both solar and wind energy suffer from the lack of a reliable energy storage mechanism, as both energy sources are available infrequently. A rising number of residential as well as commercial consumers, particularly in developed countries, have started to install combined energy generation systems on their own land, which is likely to drive the demand for thermal energy storage systems in the coming years.Utilities distributors are also playing an important role in the development of the global thermal energy storage market. While the use of smart grids will help distributors provide utilities uniformly, the installation of thermal energy storage can help further smoothen the process.Request TOC of the Report @On the other hand, despite the steady rise in the demand from the thermal energy storage market, the high cost of thermal energy storage technology is likely to hamper the growth of the market to some extent. Despite the rising demand for thermal energy storage technologies from the utilities sector, the thermal energy storage industry needs to achieve parity with other non-storage options.Global Thermal Energy Storage Market: Market PotentialDue to the high costs of developing and installing thermal energy storage systems, the market needs government support to enable widespread adoption. Developed countries such as the U.S. are likely to be at the forefront, with Maryland becoming the first American state to incentivize the use of energy storage with tax credits. The bill was passed in April 2017 and could be the first step in establishing a well-maintained and efficient power storage and distribution infrastructure that takes into account the variety of energy sources used in a modern economy.Get Discount @Global Thermal Energy Storage Market: Geographical DynamicsThe global thermal energy storage market is expected to be dominated by the Middle East and Africa (MEA) in the coming years, as the region receives abundant solar power and is also home to a power-intensive industrial sector. Europe and Asia Pacific could also play key roles in the growth of the global thermal energy storage market in the coming years due to the rising emphasis on solar power in both regions.Global Thermal Energy Storage Market: Competitive DynamicsThe report also discusses the competitive landscape of the global thermal energy storage market in detail by profiling the leading players operating in it. The key companies examined in the report include Ice Energy, Calmac, SolarReserve LLC, and Abengoa Solar.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Medical Imaging Reagents Market | Analysis and Key Trends 2019 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/biologic-imaging-reagents-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/report-toc/2263 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=2263 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=226330 kgs), by application (Fruit- Whole Fruits, Fruit juices & Smoothies, Breakfast Cereals, Salads & Desserts, Bakery Foods, Yoghurt and Others), (Vegetable-Whole Vegetables, Pizza Toppings, Salads, RTE (Ready to Eat Foods), Noodles & Pastas, Soups, and Others) and by Region - Forecast to 2027Research Methodology for the Frozen Fruits and Vegetables MarketStudy Objectives of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables MarketDetailed analysis for micro and macro marketsTo estimate market size by type, sub-type, form, packaging and applicationTo understand the supply and demand dynamics including supply and consumption concentration mappingTo provide region level market analysis and future outlook for North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW) and their countriesCompetitive landscaping evaluating key strategies taken by top players in the marketCompany profiling of major players in the marketValue chain analysis and supply chain analysisAnalysis of historical market trends, and technologies, and current government regulatory requirementsKey Findings:Increase in demand for confectionery, bakery and dairy products specifically in berries will drive demand for kiwi and apricots among the frozen fruit segmentsIncrease in demand for RTE foods will drive demand for frozen spinach and other legumes among the frozen vegetable segmentsVolume wise market size will continue to be higher under APAC region with more than 50% share. With rise in disposable incomes in India and China and growing demand for healthy foods will drive higher demand for frozen fruitsKey PlayersThe key players profiled in Frozen Fruits and Vegetables are Dole (U.S.), Ardo NV (Belgium), HJ Heinz (US), Simplot Australia PTY Ltd (Australia), General Mills (U.S.), Findus Sverige AB, (Sweden), Pinnacle Foods Corp. (US), and Bonduelle Group (France).Browse Complete Report @Intended AudienceFrozen Fruit manufacturersFrozen Vegetable manufacturersCold Logistics companiesReefer companiesRetailers, wholesalersE-commerce companiesTraders, Importers and exportersReasons to buyThis report includes in-depth study analysis of frozen fruits and vegetables marketIt covers market segmentation by type, sub-type, form, packaging and applicationIt helps in identifying region-wise major suppliers and understand consumption patternsThe report will provide useful and premium insights that will support in investments for frozen fruits and vegetables and allied companies providing details on the fast growing segments and regionsIn addition, it will provide key findings that will help the companies to improve profitability by using supply chain strategies, cost effectiveness of various products mentioned in the reportThe data used in the report is primarily based on primary interviews with the major producing companies and industry experts and also supported by authentic industry data from secondary sources.Table of Content:1 REPORT PROLOGUE2 INTRODUCTION2.1 DEFINITION2.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY2.2.1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE2.2.2 ASSUMPTIONS2.2.3 LIMITATIONS2.3 MARKET STRUCTURE3 RESEARCH METHODOLGY3.1 PRIMARY RESEARCH3.2 SECONDARY RESEARCH4 MARKET DYNAMICS4.1 DRIVERS4.1.1 INCREASE IN DEMAND FOR CONVENIENCE FOODS4.1.2 INCREASE IN DEMAND FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES4.1.3 USE OF EFFICIENT MATERIALS AND ADOPTION OG ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES4.2 RESTRAINTS4.2.1 LOSS OF NUTRITION DURING FREEZING4.2.2 PREFERENCES FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES4.2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT4.3 OPPORTUNITIES4.4 INNOVATIONS IN PRODUCTS & PROCESS4.5 MACRO-ECONOMIC INDICATORS5 MARKET FACTOR ANALYSIS5.1 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS5.2 PORTER'S FIVE FORCES5.2.1 THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS5.2.2 THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES5.2.3 BUYER POWER5.2.4 SUPPLIER POWER5.2.5 INTENSITY OF RIVALRYAt Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Market Research FutureOffice No. 524/528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Akash Anand,Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Global Cancer Biomarkers Market Trends and Forecast for Six Years!!! https://www.researchbeam.com/cancer-biomarkers-market/request-sample https://www.researchbeam.com/cancer-biomarkers-market/enquire-about-report https://www.researchbeam.com Cancer biomarkers market are biomolecules that specifies the existence of cancer or cancerous cells in the body. These are generally molecules that are released due to the presence of a tumor or a particular indication in the body to the presence of cancer. These molecules are densely distributed in tissues, urine, serum, blood, and other body fluids. Their expression levels serve as the basis or indication of any abnormal process or a disease.The market size of the global cancer biomarkers market was valued at $6,521 million in 2015 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 13% over the forecast period to reach $15,737 million in 2022. Market growth is attributed to the increasing incidences of cancers such as lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer among others coupled with growing importance of biological and targeted drug therapies and technological advancements in the field of cancer treatment. However, unregulated government laws and reimbursement policies; as well as high cost of drug development and threat of failure are anticipated to have an adverse effect on the market growth. Nevertheless, advancement in cancer drugs research and significant unmet need in cancer diagnosis are estimated to overshadow these restraints.The global cancer biomarkers market is segmented based on profiling technology, biomolecules, cancer type, application, and geography. By profiling technology, the market is segmented into omic technologies, imaging technologies, immunoassays and cytogenetics based tests. Based on biomolecules, the market is segmented into genetic biomarkers, protein biomarkers, and glycoprotein biomarkers. Amongst these, genetic biomarkers are widely used in the market owing to better diagnostic and therapeutic usage as compared to protein and glycoprotein biomarkers.Request for Sample Copy@The various cancer types include breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, and others. Amongst these, lung cancer is the major cancer type where biomarkers are being used for detection. Owing to high tobacco consumption and smoking, lung cancer has increased at an alarming rate. CEACAM-5/CD66e, Cytokeratin 19, EGF R/ErbB1, Enolase 2/Neuron-specific Enolase, Lactate Dehydrogenase A/LDHA, Lactate Dehydrogenase B/LDHB, Napsin A and PDGFRL are some of the major cancer biomarkers used for lung cancer detection.Geographically, North America is the leading revenue generating region, due to high incidence rate of cancer, growth in awareness towards cancer and higher cancer biomarker testing. Asia-Pacific is growing at the fastest CAGR due to rise in awareness, increased disposable income, and affordability for advanced cancer treatments.Companies have adopted collaboration and partnership as their key development strategies. Increase in focus on collaboration and partnership is mainly for the development of innovative technologies in the field of cancer biomarkers. In May 2016, Roche received an approval by FDA for its first anti-PD-L1 cancer immunotherapy namely Tecentriq (atezolizumab), thereby expanding its product portfolio.For Purchase Enquiry@KEY BENEFITS FOR STAKEHOLDERS The drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the global cancer biomarkers market are expected to help in understanding the market behavior better. The market estimations are a result of high-end analysis of the key market segments for the period of 20142022 Projections in the report are made by analyzing the current market trends and future market potential for the forecast period in terms of value. The analysis helps in understanding the strategies adopted by various companies for the growth of the global cancer biomarkers market. Country level analysis has been done to provide micro market sizing of cancer biomarkers in different regions Porter's five forces model gives an in-depth analysis of bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, threats of new entrants & substitutes, and competition amongst the key market players.About Us:It is crucial for market players to take leaps strategically and update themselves with recent trends, opportunities, and emerging investment pockets. We, at Research Beam, adhere to these factors and offer a wide range of reports that are detailed and enable our clients to achieve their goals with long term planning coupled with competitive advantage.Our database includes a broad array of various market reports from numerous publishers across the globe. These reports of several market categories and sub-categories help our clients to find the exact report they are looking for. We are instrumental to provide quantitative and qualitative insights in their area of interest and bring reports from various publishers under one umbrella to save their time and money. Our clients across the world are gaining profits from the information given in the reports sourced by us.Contact Us:5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,#205, Portland, OR 97220, United StatesDirect: +1-971-202-1575Toll Free: + 1-800-910-6452Email: help@researchbeam.comWeb: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Market 2017 Global Trends, Market Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities and Forecast to 2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/858561-virtual-reality-and-augmented-reality-in-retail-fad-or-future https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/858561-virtual-reality-and-augmented-reality-in-retail-fad-or-future https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=858561 SummaryRequest a Sample Report @Euromonitor International's Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Retail - Fad or Future? global briefing offers an insight into the size and shape of the retailing industry, highlights emerging trends, their effects on retailing in markets around the world, on the development of channels and consumers shopping patterns. It identifies the leading companies and brands, offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market be they the developments of new store types, the importance of non-store retailing, economic/lifestyle influences, private label or pricing issues. Forecasts illustrate how the market is set to change and criteria for success.Product coverage: Non-Store Retailing, Store-based Retailing.Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.Why buy this report?* Get a detailed picture of the Retailing market;* Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change;* Understand the competitive environment, the markets major players and leading brands;* Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.Euromonitor International has over 40 years' experience of publishing market research reports, business reference books and online information systems. With offices in London, Chicago, Singapore, Shanghai, Vilnius, Dubai, Cape Town, Santiago, Sydney, Tokyo and Bangalore and a network of over 800 analysts worldwide, Euromonitor International has a unique capability to develop reliable information resources to help drive informed strategic planning.Enquiry Before Buying This Report @Table of ContentsScopeWhat virtual and augmented reality have to offerKey findingsWHAT ARE VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY?What is virtual reality (VR)?What is augmented reality (AR)?FAQs: Understanding the basicsFAQs: Common confusionsWHAT POTENTIAL DOES THE TECH HOLD?The two share something in common: N oveltyVirtual reality pros and consAugmented reality pros and consCURRENT BUSINESS PURPOSESGeneral business purposes for retailersDriving traffic to storesMarketing tools : Pre- and post-purchase s ervicesMarketing tools : Turning this tech into the new direct r esponseMarketing tools : Brand experiencesVirtual storefrontsUSE CASES BY CONSUMER VALUE, BUSINESS PURPOSE, AND LOCATIONRevisiting the existential questionsWhat value can VR and AR bring to the customer?Predicting potential over time by business purpose: Traffic driversPredicting potential over time by business purpose: Marketing toolsPredicting potential over time by business purpose: Virtual storesLocation matters when you consider which technology to usePRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATIONRevisiting the practical questionsWho will you be targeting?PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATIONWhat devices and platforms should you use?What sort of content do you need ? What are the building blocks?Will it go social?FAD OR FUTURE?Growth is predicted to continue regardless of retail reactionNew technology needs to reflect the customer for them to use it..Buy Now @Continued..Contact Us: Sales@Wiseguyreports.ComPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US) ; Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)ABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.ADDRES:WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Chagas Disease Treatment Market, By Distribution Channel (Hospitals pharmacy and Retail Pharmacy) - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2017-2025 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/934 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/chagas-disease-treatment-market-934 http://www.coherentnews.com American trypanosomiasis also known as Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (T.cruzi), which is transmitted by the bite of triatomine bugs. The parasites hide during the day time and become active at night and feed on human blood. T. cruzi can also be transmitted by food contaminated with the parasite, blood transfusion, transmission from infected mother to newborn during gestational period, organ transplant, and laboratory accidents. Its symptoms are not severe and are often not diagnosed. The parasites hide mainly in the heart and digestive muscles during the chronic phase. After years of chronic infection, it become an important cause of human heart diseases (30 %), megacolon, and megaseophagus. Chagas disease is one of the neglected parasitic infection in the U.S., however it is targeted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for community health action.People living in rural part of Latin America are primarily affected by Chagas disease. It is mostly found in the 21 endemic regions of Latin American countries. According to a report by WHO, 2017, over the past few decades, there has been increase in the detection of chagas disease in Canada, European region, and western pacific countries mainly due to increasing influx in the population of Latin America According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in 2017, around 300,000 people are estimated to be affected by chagas disease in the U.S. Furthermore, World Health Organization (WHO) stated that, around 6 million to 7 million people are expected to be affected by chagas disease in 2017. Vector control is the most useful method to prevent the spread of Chagas disease in Latin America. High incidence rate and easy transmission mode is expected to increase the demand for treatment of Chagas disease. Non availability of vaccines and biological treatment, is expected to create opportunity for the market players.Request Sample Copy of the Report:Chagas Disease Treatment Market TaxonomyBy Distribution ChannelHospital PharmacyRetail PharmacyBy RegionNorth AmericaEuropeAsia PacificLatin AmericaMiddle EastAfricaUnmet need of safe and effective drugs is expected to fuel the chagas disease treatment market growthCountries like Venezuela have successful vector control program based on the improved rural housing and vector control. The use of nitro derivative compound drugs, which are associated with the host immune response, help to keep the disease in check and to avoid parasite proliferation. None of the drug are able to completely cure the disease. Drugs used for the treatment of Chagas disease, benznidazole, and nifurtimox, have serious side effects such as headache, skin rashes, photosensitivity, chest pain, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, jaundice and among others. Medication with less side effects is the unmet need of the chagas disease treatment market. Active partnership of state and local health department to educate them the way to take care of patients, is expected to propel the chagas disease treatment market growth in the near future.Approval of first safe and effective therapy for Chagas disease by FDA, expected to propel the market players to develop novel drugsIn 2017, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved benznidazole for use in children between the age 2 and 12 years affected from chagas disease. It is the first approved safe and effective therapeutics in U.S. for the chagas disease treatment. FDA granted benznidazole priority review and orphan product designation, as it is a rare disease and there have been no approved drugs for its treatment in U.S. This approval is expected to propel the manufacturers to develop new drugs and biological products for the prevention and treatment of rare disease. Some of the major players operating in the global chagas disease treatment market include F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., KaloBios Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Bayer AG., and ELEA SACIF Laboratory.Complete Report Details @About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit our news Website: Ignition Coil Market: Global Industry Analysis & Opportunity Assessment 2023 Ignition Coil Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3019 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/ignition-coil-market-3019 Market Highlights:The global market of ignition coil is growing rapidly. Technological advancement and heavy investments are helping both automotive glass manufacturers and consumers. Major factors such as rising automotive production, government initiatives, and strengthening transportation infrastructure are some of the factors driving the market. The use of new and improved electronic ignition system provides lesser deposits and a much cleaner combustion than the conventional ignition system. The global automotive ignition coil market is driven by continuous growth of global automotive production. The high growth in automotive production, especially in developing countries such as China, India and Mexico, is expected to spur the global ignition coil market.Request a Sample Copy @Key Players of Ignition Coil Market: Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany) BorgWarner Ludwigsburg GmbH (Germany) Delphi Automotive PLC (UK) Denso Corporation (Japan) Federal-Mogul Corporation (US) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan) Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas, Inc. (U.S.) Wings Automobile Products Pvt. Ltd (India)Market Research Future Analysis:Market Research Future analysis show that the global market of ignition coil is estimated to grow at a CAGR of around 3.8 % by the end of year 2023. Demand for vehicles is consequently high in Asia-Pacific, with China and India projected as the most promising markets. Lower manufacturing cost with cheap labor, advantage of location of production base and short-distance supply are some of the factors, which boost the market in Asia-Pacific.Brief TOC:1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology2.1 Scope of the Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market size Estimation2.4 Forecast Model3 Market Dynamics3.1 Market Drivers3.2 Market Inhibitors3.3 Supply/Value Chain Analysis3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis4 Global Ignition Coil Market, By Type4.1 Compression Ignition4.2 Spark Ignition4.3 Battery4.4 Others5 Global Ignition Coil Market, By Component5.1 Introduction5.2 Spark Plug5.3 Ignition Coil5.4 Capacitor5.5 OthersContinueAccess Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Technologies and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Global Tableware Market Size and Trends Study Released by Top Publisher at QYResearchReports https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=1040674&type=E https://www.qyresearchreports.com/report/global-tableware-market-2017-industry-research-report.htm https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=1040674&type=D http://www.qyresearchreports.com Qyresearchreports include new market research report Global Tableware Market 2017 Industry Research Report to its huge collection of research reports.The business landscape of the global Tableware market is undergoing dynamic changes. In order to facilitate a complete understanding of the complex industry scenario for clients and thus enhance their decision making process, the study on the global Tableware market presents a methodological explanation of this dynamic market scenario. The research study also offers the growth prospects of the global Tableware market in the coming few years.The research study begins with a brief overview of the industry and enlists details such as the definition, specifications, and classification of the global Tableware market. This section of the report provides to business professionals the key historical developments of the industry with details such as applications of Tableware and industry policy analysis. The manufacturing cost structure evaluation in the research study delivers an extensive analysis of the labor costs, equipment suppliers, and raw material suppliers, and manufacturing cost. In-depth segmentation analysis of the global Tableware market by key criteria with the growth prospects of the key segments paints a clear picture of the growth framework of the market.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @A strategic business forecast for the volume and value of the global Tableware market is covered in the report. The global and regional trends that will impact the growth of the various segments of the market further give insights to readers into the market scenario. Description of key strategies of the major companies operating in the global Tableware market allows readers to estimate the competitive framework of the market. Further, the study offers details such as each key companys profile, contact information, sales, sales price, sales revenue, and gross margin analysis. Actionable insights from expert analysts on the new project investment feasibility of the global Tableware market will support clients in forming sound business decisions to boost ROI.Table of Contents1 Tableware Market Overview11.1 Product Overview and Scope of Tableware11.2 Tableware Segment by Types21.2.1 Global Production Market Share of Tableware by Types in 201621.2.2 Glass31.2.3 Plastic31.2.4 Stainless Steel41.2.5 Ceramics41.2.6 Other41.3 Tableware Segment by Applications51.3.1 Tableware Consumption Market Share by Applications in 201651.3.2 Commercial Use61.3.3 Residential Use61.4 Tableware Market by Regions71.4.1 North America Status and Prospect (2012-2022)71.4.2 China Status and Prospect (2012-2022)8Browse Complete Report with TOC @2 Global Tableware Market Competition by Manufacturers192.1 Global Tableware Production and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)192.2 Global Tableware Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)222.3 Global Tableware Average Price by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016)252.4 Manufacturers Tableware Manufacturing Distribution272.5 Tableware Market Competitive Situation and Trends272.5.1 Tableware Market Share of Top 3 Manufacturers272.5.2 Tableware Market Share of Top 5 Manufacturers283 Global Tableware Production, Revenue (Value) by Regions (2012-2017)303.1 Global Tableware Production and Market Share by Regions (2012-2017)303.2 Global Tableware Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Regions (2012-2017)323.3 Global Tableware Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)343.4 North America Tableware Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)343.5 Europe Tableware Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)343.6 China Tableware Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)353.7 Japan Tableware Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)353.8 Southeast Asia Tableware Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)353.9 India Tableware Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)364 Global Tableware Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)374.1 Global Tableware Consumption by Regions (2012-2017)374.2 North America Tableware Production, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)394.3 Europe Tableware Production, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)394.4 China Tableware Production, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)394.5 Japan Tableware Production, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)404.6 Southeast Asia Tableware Production, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)40Get discount copy @List of Tables and FiguresFigure Picture of Tableware1Figure Global Production Market Share of Tableware by Types in 20162Table Classification of Tableware2Figure Product Picture of Glass3Figure Product Picture of Plastic3Figure Product Picture of Stainless Steel4Figure Product Picture of Ceramics4Figure Product Picture of Other4Figure Tableware Consumption Market Share by Applications in 20165Table Applications of Tableware5Figure Commercial Use Examples6Figure Residential Use Examples6Figure North America Tableware Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2017)7Figure North America Tableware Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate (2017-2022)8Figure China Tableware Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2017)8QYReseachReports.com delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from QYReseachReports.com feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.1820 AvenueM Suite #1047Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: sales@qyresearchreports.com Automotive Carbon Fiber Composites Market Is Expected To Grow At A CAGR Of 10.6% By 2023 Automotive Carbon Fiber Composites Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3116 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/automotive-carbon-fiber-composites-market-3116 Market Highlights:The global market of automotive carbon fiber composites around the world is growing rapidly. Carbon fibers are molded with other materials such as plastic resin and graphite to form carbon fiber composite. It is the fastest-growing automotive composite driven by its high demand for chassis & powertrain components application. Technological advancement and heavy investments for automobiles are helping automotive carbon fiber composites market. Increasing vehicle production, growing implementation of environmental regulations are some of the major factors contributing to growth of the global automotive carbon fiber composites market. Automotive carbon fiber composites market is consequently high in Asia-pacific, with China and India expected to be the most promising markets.Request a Sample Copy @Key Players of Automotive Carbon Fiber Composites Market: Cytec Industries (U.S.) SGL Carbon SE (Germany) Toray Industries, Inc. (Japan) ACP Composites, Inc (U.S.) Clearwater Composites, LLC (U.S.) Owens Corning (U.S.) HITCO Carbon Composites Inc (U.S.) Mitsubishi Rayon Carbon Fiber and Composites, Inc. (U.S.) Polar Manufacturing Limited (U.K.) Rock West Composites (U.S.)Market Research Future Analysis:Market Research Future analysis show that the global market of automotive carbon fiber composites market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 10.6% by the end of year 2023.Asia-Pacific is the biggest market for carbon fiber composites and expected to remain at the top for the forecast period. Need for lightweight and fuel efficient vehicles shifted manufacturers focus towards automotive carbon fiber composites. Improving economic conditions in the APAC region are expected to open up enormously potential opportunities for the manufacturers which helps to grow the market.Brief TOC:1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology2.1 Scope of the Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market size Estimation2.4 Forecast Model3 Market Dynamics3.1 Market Drivers3.2 Market Inhibitors3.3 Supply/Value Chain Analysis3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis4 Global Automotive Carbon Fiber Composites Market, By Production Type4.1 Introduction4.2 Hand Layup4.3 Resin Transfer Molding4.4 Vacuum Infusion Processing4.5 Injection Molding4.6 Compression Molding5 Global Automotive Carbon Fiber Composites Market, By Application5.1 Introduction5.2 Structural Assembly5.3 Power Train Components5.4 Interior5.5 Exterior5.6 OtherContinueAccess Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Technologies and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Free Space Optics Market Evolving Technology, Trends and industry Analysis https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=3263 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/pressrelease/free-space-optics-market.htm https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=3263 www.transparencymarketresearch.com The global Free Space Optics (FSO) Market features a highly dynamic landscape wherein numerous technological advancements are taking place at a rapid pace and companies are compelled to focus more on development of innovative and more reliable FSO systems and solutions, observes a report by Transparency Market Research. Key companies in the market, including Trimble Hungary Ltd., Optelix,Mostcom Ltd., AOptix Technologies Inc., LightPointe Communications, Inc., and Harris Corporation are also under constant pressure of competition from existing players in fiber optics and wireless communication technologies.The market holds immense growth potential owing to the vast rise in demand for high-speed, low-cost, and secure communication methodologies across the globe. Transparency Market Research estimates that the market will exhibit a remarkable 39.5% CAGR over the period between 2016 and 2024. Expanding at this pace, the market is expected to rise from an opportunity of US$81.3 mn in 2015 to US$1,306.1 mn by 2024. Of the key application areas of the FSO market, the segment of data transmission presently holds the leading position. North America is the leading regional market, accounting for a share of over 30% in the global market in 2015.Sample With Latest Advancements @Rising Demand for High-speed Communication Channels to Boost Adoption of FSOThe ever increasing demand for data streaming and multimedia services across communication networks and the unprecedented growth and demand for higher bandwidths for high-speed internet has resulted in the congestion of conventional radio frequency spectrum despite rapid advancements in the networking sector. This is a key factor compelling an increasing number of network providers to switch to FSO technology as an alternative to overburdened conventional technologies for outdoor networking. Other advantages of FSO technology, including low operational and start-up costs, rapid deployment, high data transmission security, and high fiber-like bandwidth have also enticed network operators to increase the adoption of FSO technology.Browse Our Press Releases For More Information @The market for FSO technology is also driven by the rising usage of this mode of communication across a number of military applications. Some of the most promising areas in the military sector where deployment of FSO technology can prove to be highly effective are ship-to-ship communication, ship-to-shore communication, and communication between military bases where bases are located within the range of 2-4 kilometers. Owing to the usage of modulated light in FSO, it is capable of supporting larger bandwidths than radio frequency spectrum. The collimated laser energy of FSO offers properties such as low probability of detection and interception, which are highly desirable for applications demanding high security. These factors are collectively expected to have a significant impact on the overall development of the market in future years.Signal Quality Constraints Due to Environmental Interference Raise Concerns Regarding FSOs ReliabilityIn most optical wireless technologies, the light being transmitted through free space needs to contend with the interference presented by the complexity of the surrounding space. In case of FSO communication also, the space through which FSO signals propagate presents fundamental limitation to the reliability and robustness of FSO systems. In locations with link ranges over 200 meters, weather conditions such as fog and atmospheric turbulence could lead to temporary link outages and result in the deterioration of communication signals in terms of factors such as quality, speed, and efficiency. These factors could make the consumer weary about FSO systems and act as a key restrain for the development of the market.Browse Our Table of Content @Nevertheless, with increased focus on research and development activities, service providers are introducing FSO systems and solutions with technological advancements that can eliminate the impact of these interferences. Attempts are being made by network operators to eliminate the effect of scintillation on the quality of FSO transmission with the help of spatial diversity, which refers to a multi beam approach that exploits multiple regions of the space.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. We have an experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, who us e proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR Syndicated Research report covers a different sector such as pharmaceuticals, chemical, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, our syndicated reports thrive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.ContactTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Automotive Fuel Filter Market: Worldwide Industry Growth, Share, Trends, Statistics, Opportunities & Forecast 2023 Automotive Fuel Filter Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3187 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/automotive-fuel-filter-market-3187 Market Highlights:The automotive fuel filter is used to prevent the dust particles from interfering with the system. It eliminates the dust particle from the fuel, preventing the dust to enter into the fuel pump. Fuel pumps are generally used for controlling emissions to protect the environment. If dust particle enter the fuel pump, they cause a system breakdown. So fuel filters are widely used in automobiles to reduce instances of breakdown. The major drivers for the automotive fuel filter market are increase in the vehicle production and stringent government regulation for the emission control. Other factors that are responsible for the growth of this market are growth in automotive industry and technology advancement.Key Players:The key players in automotive fuel filter market are Mann+Hummel (Germany), ALCO Filters Ltd (Cyprus), Ahlstrom Corporation (Finland), Cummins Inc. (U.S.), Sogefi SpA (Italy), Donaldson Co. Inc. (U.S.), Mahle GmbH (Germany), Clarcor Inc. (U.S.), Denso Corp. (Japan), and Hengst SE & Co. KG (Germany).Request a Sample Copy @Market Research Analysis:Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the automotive fuel filter market during the forecast period due to the rising vehicle production in the developing countries such as India, China, South Korea, and Indonesia. The rising per capita income in these countries is also expected to result in the growth of this region. North America is expected to be the second largest region in the fuel filter market due to the increase in the number of the eco-friendly automobiles and stringent government regulations for the use of eco-friendly components in the vehicles. Europe is expected to emerge as a small portion of the fuel filter market during the forecast period. The global automotive fuel filter market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5 % during the forecast period.Browse Full Report @Scope of the Report:This study provides an overview of the global automotive fuel filter market, tracking three market segments across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume and share for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Rest of the World (ROW). The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segments the global automotive fuel filters market by its vehicle type, by fuel type, by sales channel, and by region.By Vehicle Types Passenger car LCV HCVBy Fuel Type Gasoline DieselBy Sales Channel OEM AftermarketBy Region North America Europe Asia Pacific Rest of the WorldAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Telemonitoring System Market to Forecast throughout 2017 2022 Reports Monitor https://www.reportsmonitor.com/request-sample/?post=382768 https://www.reportsmonitor.com/world-telemonitoring-system-market-research-report-2022-covering-usa-europe-china-japan-india-south-east-asia-and-etc/ www.reportsmonitor.com Telemonitoring System MarketWorld Telemonitoring System market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.The industry report lists the leading competitors and provides the insights strategic industry Analysis of the key factors influencing the market.The report includes the forecasts, Analysis and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates and profiles of the leading industry Players.For Requesting a Sample Copy of This Report, Please Visit @Global Telemonitoring System Market: Product Segment AnalysisCOPD Telemonitoring System, Glucose Level Telemonitoring System, Blood Pressure Telemonitoring System, Cardiac & Monitoring SystemsGlobal Telemonitoring System Market: Application Segment AnalysisUSA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East AsiaThe Players mentioned in our reportMedtronic, Philips Healthcare, St. Jude Medical, GE Healthcare, Nihon Kohden, Abbott, Honeywell , SHL Telemedicine, TeleMedCare, Boston Scientific CorporationBrowse Full Table of Contents and Report Description @Table of ContentsChapter 3 World Portable Concrete Mixer Market share3.1 Major Production Market share by Players3.2 Major Revenue (M USD) Market share by Players3.3 Major Production Market share by Regions in 2017, Through 20223.4 Major Revenue (M USD) Market share By Regions in 2017, Through 2022Chapter 4 Supply Chain Analysis4.1 Industry Supply chain Analysis4.2 Raw material Market Analysis4.2.1 Raw material Prices Analysis 2012-20174.2.2 Raw material Supply Market Analysis4.2 Manufacturing Equipment Suppliers Analysis4.3 Production Process Analysis4.4 Production Cost Structure Benchmarks4.5 End users Market AnalysisContinuedAbout UsReports Monitor (ReportsMonitor.com) is a platform to meet the market research and business intelligence requirements. Our aim is to change the dynamics of the Market Research industry by providing quality intelligence backed by data. Your requirement for market forecasting is fulfilled by our exclusive quantitative and analytics driven intelligence. We have a vast collection of reports, covering maximum industries worldwide. Our process is meticulously planned and executed in order to use maximum resources and explore the market for getting genuine insights. Decision makers can now rely on our distinct data gathering methods to get factual market forecasting and detailed analysis.Contact UsJay MatthewsDirect: +1 513 549-5911Email: sales@reportsmonitor.comWebsite: Spa Resort Market, By Spa Type (Salon Spa, Medical Spa, Hotel Spa, Others), and Geography - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2017 - 2025 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/913 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-discount/913 Spa is a body relaxing activity, which makes use of mineral rich water for medicinal baths. Spa offers various medical treatments known as balneotherapy. Spa resorts are special places where treatments and various facilities are provided for health and wellness. These places are popular destinations for body relaxation and health management processes. Spa provides massages, salon services, skin treatments, Ayurveda medicines, and yoga therapy, among others. Spa is often used as a medium for managing stress, treating medical problems, reducing weight, boosting immune system, and detoxifying the body.For more information:Increase in travel and tourism activities coupled with increasing global health awareness are driving major growth of the spa resort market. Fast paced lifestyle, hectic work ethics, and high costs associated with healthcare are further expected to drive growth of the spa resorts market over the forecast period. Furthermore, increasing working population in emerging economies, have resulted in unhealthy lifestyle characterized by high levels of stress, coupled with increasing disposable income among the populace have boosted the demand for spa services, in turn propelling market growth.Spa Resort Market TaxonomyOn the basis of spa type, the global spa resort market is segmented into:Salon spaMedical spaHotel spaDestination spaMineral spaOthersSpa Resort Market outlook:Europe is the dominant region for the spa resort market and is expected to sustain its dominance throughout the forecast period. Growing focus and awareness on health and beauty, increasing expenditure on services such as massages, and facials, along with relatively high revenue generated in the region are the major factors fueling the spa resort market growth. Moreover, customized and mini treatments are driving growth of the market in this region, owing to the busy and sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore, tourism boost demand for spa resorts in the region. The region witnesses the presence of a large number of certified nutrients and cosmetics experts in spa resorts, in turn contributing to significant growth of the market in the region. According to the European Spa Association, Europe has over 1200 medical spa and health resorts in the region. European tourism statistics stated that over the period of 2006-2015, the average stay at tourist accommodation increased by 22%.Asia Pacific is the fastest growing region in the spa resorts market. Economic growth has led to the increasing personal disposable income in the region, which in turn, is expected to boost growth of the spa resorts market in the region. Emerging economies in the region such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand are lucrative tourist destination and are emerging as major spa resort spots in Asia Pacific. The profound impact on the spa industry of the region is a result of various regional practices such as Thai massage, Yoga, and Ayurvedic medicines that attract various tourists, annually. In 2015, international tourist arrival in the region increased by 6%, recording 279 million from around 110 million in 2000. Number of spa resorts are expected to reach 535 million by 2030, as stated by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).Get best discount on this report:Key players are adopting various inorganic growth strategies. For instance, Hyatt acquired New York-based Miraval group, a wellness resort and spa company in 2017. Major players operating in the spa resorts market include Emirates palace, Four Seasons Hotel limited, Massage Envy Franchising LLC, Jade Mountain Resort, Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas, Lanserhof Tegernsee, and Gaia Retreat & Spa.About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Tel: +1-206-701-6702Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Tel: +1-206-701-6702 Automotive Electric Bus Market Is Expected To Reach USD 82.5 Billion By 2023 Automotive Electric Bus Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3202 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/automotive-electric-bus-market-3202 Market Highlights:The global market of automotive electric bus around the world is growing rapidly. Technological advancements and heavy investments are helping automotive electric bus to grow. Developed countries are replacing their existing diesel and natural gas based public transit to zero emission buses. The surge in urbanization, along with lower operating cost of electric buses is propelling their growth in the developing countries. New trend shows that research and development is being carried on by automotive electric bus manufacturers to introduce innovative features and technology, which is pushing the market towards growth.Request a Sample Copy @Key Players of Automotive Electric Bus Market: Daimler AG (Germany) Anhui Ankai Automobile Co., Ltd. (China) Volvo Group (Sweden), Wright Enrichment Inc (U.S.) Shandong Yi Xing Electric Auto Co., Ltd (China) Zhongtong Bus Holding Co., Ltd. (China) BYD Auto Co., Ltd (China) Iveco (Italy) Ebus (Singapore) Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd. (China)Market Research Future Analysis:Market Research Future analysis shows that the global market of Automotive Electric Bus Market Is Estimated to Grow at USD 82.5 Billion By The End Of Year 2023. Currently, Asia-Pacific is dominating the market. Countries such as China and India give this market a competitive advantage over the other regions. China is one of the dominant region for global electric bus market, due to the improved in drive quality and power and are designed exclusively for commercial purposes. Moreover, Indian bus market is fast moving towards electric and hybrid solutions.Access Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Technologies and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Intraoperative Neuro- monitoring (IONM) Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 20172025 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/939 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/toc/939 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/intraoperative-neuro-monitoring-market-939 http://www.coherentnews.com Intraoperative neuromonitoring referred as intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IOM), is an integral part of surgical procedures that use electrophysiological techniques such as electromyography (EMG), Electroencephalography (EEG), and evoked potentials to monitor the integrity of the neural structures. These neural structures include neurons, spinal cord and several parts of the brain. The IONM helps in the risk reduction from the iatrogenic damage to the nervous system during the surgical procedures by surgeons and anesthesiologists. The intraoperative neuromonitoring techniques have helped to reduce the mortality and morbidity levels to a significant rate without the new addition of risks. Therefore, the intraoperative neuromonitoring techniques have helped to reduce the costs of health care.Request Sample Copy of the Report:The iatrogenic damages during surgical processes responsible to fuel the demand for the intraoperative neuromonitoring systemsAccording to a fact sheet of 2015 by Sci-Info-Pages, 12500 new spinal cord injuries occur each year and nearly 300,000 people in the United States are currently living with the spinal cord injuries. Also, as per a scientific paper published in 2014, Deutsches Arzteblatt suggests that the iatrogenic nerve injuries accounted for 17.4% of the total traumatic nerve injuries. Moreover, according to World Health Organization (WHO) factsheet of 2015, 80% disorders in the disabling conditions are neurological. These high incidence rates of nerve and spinal cord injuries can be lowered down with the use of intraoperative neuro monitoring due to the alerts provided as early warnings regarding the sensory and motor functions. This leads to the reduction in the chances of manual errors by surgeons while performing a neural procedure.The Outsource intraoperative neuromonitoring segment is anticipated to show dramatic growth in the forecast periodThe global intraoperative neuromonitoring market can be segmented on the basis of type of monitoring and geography.On the basis of type, the global intraoperative neuromonitoring market is segmented intoInsource Intraoperative Neuromonitoring System,Outsource Intraoperative Neuromonitoring SystemThe Outsource IONM is the fastest growing segment as well as gaining popularity due to the constant modifications leading to the improved performances of these systems. The additional benefit of outsourcing the intraoperative neuromonitoring systems is that it eliminates the cost of purchase and cost of maintenance for these systems by the hospitals making them a more preferred option than the currently dominating insource intraoperative neuromonitoring systems.Request TOC of the Report:North America dominating the global intraoperative neuromonitoring market owing to consistent development within the fieldBased on the geography, the global intraoperative neuromonitoring system can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The North America accounts for maximum share in the global intraoperative neuromonitoring market followed by Europe. This attributes to a constantly improving scenario in these regions in terms of reimbursement. The patients are benefitted by the insurance companies with the clear defined codes of the procedures, making it easy and convenient. Additionally, the vivid guidelines mentioned in the implementation of neuromonitoring systems makes the job easy for the hospitals and the medical personnel. However, Asia Pacific is anticipated to exhibit maximum growth in the forecast years owing to the growth of awareness among people about safety and precautions to be taken during surgery as well as rising medical tourism in these countries.Vivid reimbursement policies making the global IONM market to accelerate the demandsThe high probabilities of major surgeries to pose a risk to the nervous system that necessitates the intraoperative neuromonitoring is the prime reason to drive the global intraoperative neuromonitoring market. Moreover, the favorable reimbursement scenario is also responsible to fuel the market growth. However, the lack of skilled persons and technicians to operate these systems as well as the unawareness about the neuromonitoring facilities in the developing countries are some factors that are responsible to restrain the growth of the global intraoperative neuromonitoring market.The dominant players involved in acquisition policies for expansion of the IONM servicesThe key players operating the global intraoperative neuromonitoring market includes Accurate Monitoring, Neuromonitoring Technologies, Natus Medical Incorporated, Medtronic LLC, Biotronic NeuroNetwork, NuVasive Inc., Sentient Medical Systems, and SpecialityCare. The dominant players are indulged in acquiring smaller companies so as to expand the product offering as well as to establish a strong geographical presence in the global intraoperative neuromonitoring market. For instance, the NuVasive, Inc. was acquired by Biotronic NeuroNetwork LLC for the expansion of Insource and Outsource IONM services.Complete Report Details:About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit our news Website: Automotive Wiring Harness Market Is Predicted To Grow At A CAGR Of 5.6% By 2023 Automotive Wiring Harness Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2408 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/automotive-wiring-harness-market-2408 Market Highlights:The automotive wiring harness market growth is majorly driven by the booming automotive industry and increased income levels of people in the Asia-Pacific region. Countries like China, India and Thailand are registering huge sales in the automotive sector and there is a pressing demand to meet the stringent vehicle emission norms in the countries. Also, the increased sales of two wheeler segment in the region is also adding to the drivers of the wiring harness market. However, the growth of this market can be restrained by the cost of the technology and the continuous research and development that is needed to update the system.Request for Sample Copy @Market Research Analysis:Globally, the automobile sector has been witnessing increased sales in the recent years. This is mainly due to the increased purchase capacity of the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, wiring harness of automobiles have gained prominence in recent years because of increased demand for the fuel efficient as well as reduced emission vehicles and rising demand for passenger vehicles.The Asia-Pacific region is expected to be the largest market for automobile wiring harness especially because of countries like China, Thailand and India in the region. The wiring harness market in North America and Europe is driven by the strong aftersales market in the regions. Global manufacturers are required by law to reduce the emission from automotive engines and also increase cleaner burning of fuels. All these factors are contributing to the growth of the automotive wiring harness market.Scope of the Report:This study provides an overview of the global automotive wiring harness market, tracking three market segments across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume and share for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Rest of the World (ROW). The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segments the Global automotive wiring harness market by vehicle type, material type, applications and regions.By Vehicle Type Passenger Car Light Motor Vehicles Heavy Motor Vehicle OthersBy Material Type Copper Aluminium OthersBy Application Engine HVAC Body Chassis Sensors OthersBrowse Full Report @Key Players:The key players of global automotive wiring harness markets includes Delphi Corporation, Yazaki Corporation, Leoni Group, Sumito Electric Industries, Furukawa Electric, Fujikura Ltd, PKC Group, SPARK MINDA, THB Group, Yura Corporation and among others.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 524/528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Automotive Interior Leather Market Is Expected To Cross USD 32,000 Million By 2023 Automotive Interior Leather Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3411 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/automotive-interior-leather-market-3411 Market Synopsis of Automotive Interior Leather MarketAutomotive interior leather is designed to provide comfort and to improve the visual appeal of the interior of the vehicle. It also leaves the vehicle with a remarkable appearance and feel. It is used widely for automotive interiors across the globe, especially in midrange and premium passenger vehicles. Growing spending capacity and rapid developments in automobile manufacturing, are pushing the market towards growth. The interior of a vehicle that adds to the aesthetic appeal of a vehicle, is also a major factor that influences consumer buying decision.Low cost, longer operational life and extended warranties are some factors helping the market growth while high initial investment and improper disposal of effluents, act as barriers for the interior leather insulated market.The global automotive interior leather market was valued at around USD 26,000 million in 2015 and is expected to cross USD 32,000 Million by 2023 at CAGR of 5.1 %.Request a Sample Copy @Key Players of Automotive Interior Leather Market: Johnson Controls Inc (U.S.) Toyota Boshoku Corporation (Japan) Lear Corporation (U.S.) Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. (Japan) Faurecia S.A. (France) Gst Autoleather, Inc.(U.S.) DK Leather Corporation Berhad (Malaysia) BASF SE (Germany) Alea Leather Specialist Inc / Sunguard Group (U.S.) Grammer AG (Germany)Brief TOC:1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology2.1 Scope of the Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market Size Estimation2.4 Forecast Model3 Market Dynamics3.1 Market Drivers3.2 Market Inhibitors3.3 Supply/Value Chain Analysis3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis4 Global Automotive Interior Leather Market, By Material4.1 Introduction4.2 Synthetic Leather4.3 Genuine Leather4.4 OthersContinueRegional Analysis of Global Automotive Interior Leather Market:Asia-Pacific is expected to remain the largest region due to continuously growing automotive sector, owing to the presence of manufacturers in the developing nations such as China and India. Increasing necessity of owning a car, and the improving living standard, are some of the factors that help in the market growth. Moreover, rapid economic growth and rising population are driving the demand for automotive interior materials in countries such as India.In North America, the U.S. has been showing steady growth and is one of the dominant automotive interior materials markets in the world.Browse Full Report @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com HbA1c Testing Devices Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 20172025 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/945 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-customization/945 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/hba1c-testing-devices-market-945 http://www.coherentnews.com HbA1c test is used to screen and diagnose for diabetes and prediabetes in patients. Hemoglobin molecule from the blood cell sticks to the glucose that gives rise to glycosylated hemoglobin molecule termed as hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C). Patients with high glucose level have more HbA1C present in blood. Average blood glucose level of a person can be diagnosed by measuring this glycosylated hemoglobin molecule. It is important for diabetic patient to know the glucose level, as there might be risk of diabetes related complications. HbA1c test is considered more effective than checking the blood glucose level. Blood glucose level gives the presence of glucose at a single point time whereas, the HbA1c test gives blood glucose level status for 2-3 months.Request Sample Copy of the Report:Increase in healthcare expenditure over diabetes management is owing to the growth of HbA1c testing devices marketGrowing diabetes patient population globally is one of the important factor driving the growth HbA1c testing devices market. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the number of patients with diabetes has increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Around 5 million deaths were reported in 2015 due to diabetes and 2.2 million deaths were attributed to high blood glucose level. The data given by International Diabetes Federation showed the expenditure of 673 billion USD on diabetes in 2015. Additionally, rise prescription by physicians for HbA1c test is contributing to the growth of HbA1c testing devices market. Moreover, factors such as growing awareness about diabetes preventive care, rise in geriatric and obese population which are more prone to diabetes, upgrading technologies for management of diabetes are expected to fuel the growth of HbA1c testing devices market. However, some factors are likely to hamper the growth of HbA1c testing devices market, such as high cost of testing devices and limitations for the results of certain population, which include pregnant women, elder people, and non-Hispanic black. HbA1c testing devices market have opportunities in future, due to untapped market and rise in demand for medical tourism.Wide use of bench top devices in diagnostic laboratories owing to domination of device segmentThe global HbA1c testing devices market is segmented by device- type, by technology, by end users, and by regionOn the basis of device- type, the HbA1c testing devices market is segmented intoBench top device,Handled device,.On the basis of technology, the HbA1c testing devices market is segmented intoAssay,Enzymatic Assay,Turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay,Chromatography,Ion exchange HPLC,Affinity binding chromatography,Others,.On the basis of end users, the HbA1c testing devices market is segmented intoHospitals,Diagnostic laboratory,Research institutions,Homecare,.Ask for customization:Rising diabetic population is attributed to the growth of HbA1c testing devices market in Asia PacificRegional segmentation of HbA1c testing devices market by Coherent Market Insights comprises of North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. The increase in number of patient population in North America is fuelling the growth of HbA1c testing devices market. Furthermore, the factors like established healthcare infrastructure and adoption to the technologically advanced medical devices, are helping North America to dominate in the HbA1c testing devices market. According to recent data given by International Diabetes Federation, there are around 109 million people in China and 69 million people in India with diabetes. The large number of diabetic population, unmet health needs, and development in healthcare sector are fuelling the growth of HbA1c testing devices market in Asia Pacific.Product development is helping the organizations in HbA1c testing devices market to hold the top positionKey industry players operating the global HbA1c market includes Abbott Laboratories, Transasia Biomedicals limited, Alere Incorporated, Arkray Incorporated, Danaher Co., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Siemens Healthcare, F.Hoffmann-La Roche Limited, and Trinity Biotech Plc. The industry players are likely to get involved in product development for higher accuracy, reliable results, and quicker turnaround time for the analyzers. The factors like product development and approval of devices for diagnosis of diabetes are helping the organizations to hold the maximum share in the HbA1c testing devices market.Browse Full Report at:About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit our news Website: Beverage Refrigeration Market to exceed $4.5bn by 2024 https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/2111 https://www.gminsights.com/industry-analysis/beverage-refrigeration-market https://www.gminsights.com/inquiry-before-buying/2111 https://www.gminsights.com/ Beverage Refrigeration Market to be valued USD 4.5 billion by 2024; according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc.Escalating demand for refrigerators to store and serve drinks for social gathering and private events, is a key factor driving beverage refrigeration market growth. Ongoing technological advances to reduce the overall cooling time and consumer demand for distinctive features such as bottom freezer drawer and powerful filtered water will boost beverage refrigeration market size.Request for a sample of this research report @Increasing consumer preference for packaged drinks which are convenient to consume at home will support the product demand. According to recent statistics, the global consumption of packaged drinks was estimated more than 1.05 trillion liters in 2016 and Chinese consumption amounted to about 178.6 billion liters.Manufacturers are anticipated to invest in new product development to comply with new energy standards implemented by the regulatory bodies. Further, increasing penetration of refrigerators that employ specific features such as modifiable shelves to accommodate bottles and cans will boost product sales.Under counter beverage refrigerator was valued at over USD 1 billion in 2016. Product offering such as stainless-steel body or custom panel-ready fronts are stimulating the demand. In addition, better shelving and temperature control will support segment penetration over the forecast period.Rising demand to preserve milk in dairy shops will propel coolers demand over the projected timeframe. Diary companies are upgrading their existing capacities, and setting up cold storages along with the processing plant. This will generate the overall revenue over the forecast period.Storage beverage refrigeration estimated to register over 4% CAGR in terms of volume by 2024. Increasing demand of premium refrigerators with aesthetic features in high end restaurants, convenience stores and professional kitchens will propel industry size.Browse key industry insights spread across 270 pages with 537 market data tables & 14 figures & charts from the report, Beverage Refrigeration Market Size By Product (Under Counter Beverage Refrigerator [Gliding Door, Swing Door], Countertop Beverage Refrigerator [Gliding Door, Swing Door], Storage Beverage Refrigerator, Milk Coolers), Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook (U.S., Canada, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Russia, China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Nigeria, Morocco, Egypt, South Africa), Growth Potential, Price Trends, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2017 2024 in detail along with the table of contents:North America beverage refrigeration market size is anticipated to surpass USD 1 billion by 2024. This can be credited to escalating consumption of refreshment drinks and technological improvements in refrigeration systems. In addition, government encouraging utilization of energy-efficient and eco-friendly technologies in refrigerators.Asia Pacific market holds over 20% of overall industry share in 2016. According to industry estimates, the region is anticipated to account for more than two-thirds of the global beverages consumption by 2020. The region accounts for 60% of the world population and increasing consumption will provide lucrative opportunities for manufacturers.Global beverage refrigeration market is fragmented in nature. Key industry players are Electrolux, Daikin Industries, Avanti, Dover Corporation, KingsBottle, Whirlpool Corporation, Edgestar, Haier, Ford and General Electrics. Other Industry participants are Koolatron, Coca-Cola, Danfoss, Gamko, Liebherr, Marvel, Kegco, Danby, Johnson Controls, U-line, HABCO, Allavino, Kenmore, Marvel, United Technologies Corporation and Illinois Tool Works.Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @Technological advancement is expected to positively influence the industry size. Mergers & acquisition is anticipated to be key strategy to widen their geographical presence and improve their profitability.About Global Market Insights:Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Contact us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone:1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb: Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Treatment Market By Drug (Jakfi) - Global Industry Insights, Trends https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/930 https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/myeloproliferative-neoplasms-treatment-market-930 http://www.coherentnews.com Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs) are a group of rare disease, in which the bone marrow produces excess blood cells. It can be white blood cells, red blood cells or platelets. The overproduction of blood cells by the bone marrow creates hindrance in the smooth flow of blood, which leads to various symptoms such as progressive cytopenias, cachexia and weight loss, splenomegaly, and blastic transformation. These conditions are developed gradually over a period of time. Most people are diagnosed after the age of 60 years, when they were accompanied by many other health issues, makes the treatment more difficult. The major symptoms associated with MPNs include bleeding problem, anemia, chest pain, fatigue, enlarged spleen, and weight loss. According to Annals of Hematology, approximately 90% of patients has experienced MPN-symptoms in past 12 months, wherein women are reported to have higher overall burden than men. The treatment for myeloproliferative neoplasms is mainly aimed to reduce the excess number of blood cells circulation. The concept of myleoproliferative disease was first given by hematologist Williom Dameshek in 1950. However, in 2008, World Health Organization (WHO) classified hematologic malignancies and renamed myloproliferative diseases to myeloproliferative neoplasms.Request For Sample Copy@Rising awareness of molecular abnormalities and cellular pathways involved in the pathogenesis of MPNs is expected to facilitate the development of novel drugs, propels the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms treatment market growth in the near futureMyeloproliferative neoplasm can significantly affect the quality of life of the patient. The complication and treatments as well as the physiological strains of cancer diagnosis can affect the physical and emotional wellbeing of patients. Effects of complication vary from depression, fatigue, pain or depression with suicidal ideation. Moreover, patients can experience few or no symptoms for a longer period of time. MPNs can be cured with proper monitoring and treatment. There has been a major revolution in the management of MPNs by introduction of JAK1 and JAK2 inhibitor and ruxolitinib. Ruxolitinib inhibits these two enzymes in order to manage MPNs. The drug has also been proven as an alternative therapy for the treatment of polycythemia vera. Further, the therapeutic armamentarium for MPN is still inadequate for normalization of life span, reduction in cardiovascular complications, and prevention of hematological progression.Rising awareness of molecular abnormalities and cellular pathways involve in the pathogenesis of MPNs is expected to facilitate the development of clinical trials with novel drugs, either alone or in combination with ruxolitinib. Interferon (IFN) is a drug that has proven as an effective alternative for MPNs patients. Better understanding of its mechanism of action for MPNs could lead to better interferon compound and potential drugs. In 2017, MPN research foundation have initiated a MPNRF Interferon (IFN) multi-center project which is expected to bring together internationally recognized experts to determine cytokine-driven pathways that affect the path of the MPNs. It is a closely-related group of progressive blood cancer which is also among the lucrative opportunities for major players in the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms treatment market.Collaboration among the biotech and pharmaceutical companies to identify new drugs for MPNs is expected to accelerate the market growthNovartis AG and Incyte Corporation are among the key players in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms treatment market. According to MPN research foundation, biotech and pharmaceutical companies are expected to propel the demand for improved treatments and quickly connecting patients with latest treatment options. It is expected to lead developing relationships with biotech and pharmaceuticals companies to identify new areas for scientific exploration. For instance, Incyte Corporationis is developing inhibitor for Janus Kinase (JAK) and also focusing on the discovery, development, and commercialization of proprietary therapeutics globally.Get More Details On this Report:About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr.ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email:sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit our news Website: Insulated Lunch Box Market 2017 Global Analysis By key Players THERMOS, Tiger Corporation, Zojirushi, LOCK&LOCK, Gipfel, Asvel Insulated Lunch Box Market 2017 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/2424420-insulated-lunch-box-global-market-status-trend-report-2013-2023-top https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/2424420-insulated-lunch-box-global-market-status-trend-report-2013-2023-top https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=2424420 WiseGuyReports.Com Publish a New Market Research Report On - Insulated Lunch Box Market 2017 Global Analysis By key Players THERMOS, Tiger Corporation, Zojirushi, LOCK&LOCK, Gipfel, Asvel.Insulated Lunch Box-Global Market Status & Trend Report 2013-2023 Top 20 Countries Data offers a comprehensive analysis on Insulated Lunch Box industry, standing on the readers perspective, delivering detailed market data in Global major 20 countries and penetrating insights. No matter the client is industry insider, potential entrant or investor, the report will provides useful data and information.Key questions answered by this report include:Worldwide and Top 20 Countries Market Size of Insulated Lunch Box 2013-2017, and development forecast 2018-2023Main manufacturers/suppliers of Insulated Lunch Box worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the Insulated Lunch Box marketMarket status and development trend of Insulated Lunch Box by types and applicationsCost and profit status of Insulated Lunch Box, and marketing statusMarket growth drivers and challengesGet a Sample Report @For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comThe report segments the global Insulated Lunch Box market as:Global Insulated Lunch Box Market: Regional Segment Analysis (Regional Production Volume, Consumption Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate 2013-2023):North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain and Benelux)Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia and Australia)Latin America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia)Middle East and AfricaGlobal Insulated Lunch Box Market: Type Segment Analysis (Consumption Volume, Average Price, Revenue, Market Share and Trend 2013-2023):Stainless Steel Insulated Lunch BoxPlastic Insulated Lunch BoxGlobal Insulated Lunch Box Market: Application Segment Analysis (Consumption Volume and Market Share 2013-2023; Downstream Customers and Market Analysis)ChildrenAdultThe AgedGlobal Insulated Lunch Box Market: Manufacturers Segment Analysis (Company and Product introduction, Insulated Lunch Box Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin):THERMOSTiger CorporationZojirushiPacific Market InternationalLOCK&LOCKGipfelAsvelZebraBentologyKitchen ArtHaersTAFUCOSUPORASDJieyang Xingcai MaterialGuangdong ShunfaKing BossGuangzhou Zhenxing IndustrialGuangdong DongchengShanghai HongchenXiamen GuanhuaIn a word, the report provides detailed statistics and analysis on the state of the industry; and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the market.Ask Query About Report @Table Of Contents Major Key PointsChapter 1 Overview of Insulated Lunch Box1.1 Definition of Insulated Lunch Box in This Report1.2 Commercial Types of Insulated Lunch Box1.2.1 Stainless Steel Insulated Lunch Box1.2.2 Plastic Insulated Lunch Box1.3 Downstream Application of Insulated Lunch Box1.3.1 Children1.3.2 Adult1.3.3 The Aged1.4 Development History of Insulated Lunch Box1.5 Market Status and Trend of Insulated Lunch Box 2013-20231.5.1 Global Insulated Lunch Box Market Status and Trend 2013-20231.5.2 Regional Insulated Lunch Box Market Status and Trend 2013-2023Chapter 2 Global Market Status and Forecast by Regions2.1 Market Development of Insulated Lunch Box 2013-20172.2 Sales Market of Insulated Lunch Box by Regions2.2.1 Sales Volume of Insulated Lunch Box by Regions2.2.2 Sales Value of Insulated Lunch Box by Regions2.3 Production Market of Insulated Lunch Box by Regions2.4 Global Market Forecast of Insulated Lunch Box 2018-20232.4.1 Global Market Forecast of Insulated Lunch Box 2018-20232.4.2 Market Forecast of Insulated Lunch Box by Regions 2018-2023Chapter 3 Global Market Status and Forecast by Types3.1 Sales Volume of Insulated Lunch Box by Types3.2 Sales Value of Insulated Lunch Box by Types3.3 Market Forecast of Insulated Lunch Box by TypesChapter 4 Global Market Status and Forecast by Downstream Industry4.1 Global Sales Volume of Insulated Lunch Box by Downstream Industry4.2 Global Market Forecast of Insulated Lunch Box by Downstream IndustryChapter 5 North America Market Status by Countries, Type, Manufacturers and Downstream Industry5.1 North America Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Countries5.1.1 North America Insulated Lunch Box Sales by Countries (2013-2017)5.1.2 North America Insulated Lunch Box Revenue by Countries (2013-2017)5.1.3 United States Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)5.1.4 Canada Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)5.1.5 Mexico Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)5.2 North America Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Manufacturers5.3 North America Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Type (2013-2017)5.3.1 North America Insulated Lunch Box Sales by Type (2013-2017)5.3.2 North America Insulated Lunch Box Revenue by Type (2013-2017)5.4 North America Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Downstream Industry (2013-2017)Chapter 6 Europe Market Status by Countries, Type, Manufacturers and Downstream Industry6.1 Europe Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Countries6.1.1 Europe Insulated Lunch Box Sales by Countries (2013-2017)6.1.2 Europe Insulated Lunch Box Revenue by Countries (2013-2017)6.1.3 Germany Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.4 UK Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.5 France Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.6 Italy Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.7 Russia Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.8 Spain Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.9 Benelux Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)6.2 Europe Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Manufacturers6.3 Europe Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Type (2013-2017)6.3.1 Europe Insulated Lunch Box Sales by Type (2013-2017)6.3.2 Europe Insulated Lunch Box Revenue by Type (2013-2017)6.4 Europe Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Downstream Industry (2013-2017)Chapter 7 Asia Pacific Market Status by Countries, Type, Manufacturers and Downstream Industry7.1 Asia Pacific Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Countries7.1.1 Asia Pacific Insulated Lunch Box Sales by Countries (2013-2017)7.1.2 Asia Pacific Insulated Lunch Box Revenue by Countries (2013-2017)7.1.3 China Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)7.1.4 Japan Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)7.1.5 India Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)7.1.6 Southeast Asia Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)7.1.7 Australia Insulated Lunch Box Market Status (2013-2017)7.2 Asia Pacific Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Manufacturers7.3 Asia Pacific Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Type (2013-2017)7.3.1 Asia Pacific Insulated Lunch Box Sales by Type (2013-2017)7.3.2 Asia Pacific Insulated Lunch Box Revenue by Type (2013-2017)7.4 Asia Pacific Insulated Lunch Box Market Status by Downstream Industry (2013-2017)Continue.Buy 1-User PDF@For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.Office No.528,Amanora Chambers,Magarpatta Road,Hadapsar,Pune-411028. Food & Beverage Plastics Market Expected To Witness The Highest Growth Food & Beverage Plastics http://bit.ly/2z3rlLE http://bit.ly/2yKXwOt http://bit.ly/2yKXwOt https://www.qyresearchgroups.com The Global Food & Beverage Plastics Market Research Report 2017 to 2022 renders deep perception of the key regional market status of the Food & Beverage Plastics Industry on a global level that primarily aims the core regions which comprises of continents like Europe, North America, and Asia and the key countries such as United States, Germany, China and Japan.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @The potential of this industry segment has been rigorously investigated in conjunction with primary market challenges. The present market condition and future prospects of the segment has also been examined. Moreover, key strategies in the market that includes product developments, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, etc., are discussed. Besides, upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis is also conducted.Report Includes:-The report cloaks the market analysis and projection of Food & Beverage Plastics Market on a regional as well as global level. The report constitutes qualitative and quantitative valuation by industry analysts, first-hand data, assistance from industry experts along with their most recent verbatim and each industry manufacturers via the market value chain.The research experts have additionally assessed the in general sales and revenue generation of this particular market. In addition, this report also delivers widespread analysis of root market trends, several governing elements and macro-economic indicators, coupled with market improvements as per every segment.Global Food & Beverage Plastics market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players including:Chemson GroupConstantia Packaging AgLimburgse Vinyl Maatschappij (Lvm)Solvay S.A.SolvinTotal PetrochemicalsArkemaGlobal Closure Systems (Gcs)Uponor CorpVinnolit Gmbh & Co. KgNova Chemicals CorporationAdvanced Drainage Systems, Inc.Aep Industries, Inc.American Excelsior CompanyBrowse Complete Report with TOC @The report is generically segmented into six parts and every part aims on the overview of the Food & Beverage Plastics industry, present condition of the market, feasibleness of the investment along with several strategies and policies. Apart from the definition and classification, the report also discusses the analysis of import and export and describes a comparison of the market that is focused on the trends and development. Along with entire framework in addition to in-depth details, one can prepare and stay ahead of the competitors across the targeted locations.The fact that this market report renders details about the major market players along with their product development and current trends proves to be very beneficial for fresh entrants to comprehend and recognize the industry in an improved manner. The report also enlightens the productions, sales, supply, market condition, demand, growth, and forecast of the Food & Beverage Plastics industry in the global markets.So as to fabricate this report, complete key details, strategies and variables are examined so that entire useful information is amalgamated together for the understanding and studying the key facts pertaining the global Food & Beverage Plastics Industry. The production value and market share in conjunction with the SWOT analysis everything is integrated in this report.Check for Discount @Some points from TOC:-1 Food & Beverage Plastics Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Food & Beverage Plastics1.2 Food & Beverage Plastics Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Food & Beverage Plastics Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2012-2022)1.2.2 Global Food & Beverage Plastics Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 PET1.2.4 HDPE1.2.5 PVC1.2.6 LDPE1.2.7 PP1.2.8 PS1.2.9 Other1.3 Global Food & Beverage Plastics Segment by Application1.3.1 Food & Beverage Plastics Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2012-2022)1.3.2 Fruits and Vegetables1.3.3 Bottles/Containers1.3.4 Dairy1.3.5 Bakery1.3.6 Meat/Poultry/Seafood1.3.7 Frozen1.3.8 Other1.4 Global Food & Beverage Plastics Market by Region (2012-2022)1.4.1 Global Food & Beverage Plastics Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2012-2022)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Food & Beverage Plastics (2012-2022)1.5.1 Global Food & Beverage Plastics Revenue Status and Outlook (2012-2022)1.5.2 Global Food & Beverage Plastics Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2012-2022)About Us:QY Research Groups is a company that simplifies how analysts and decision makers get industry data for their business. Our unique colossal technology has been developed to offer refined search capabilities designed to exploit the long tail of free market research whilst eliminating irrelevant results. QY Research Groups is the collection of market intelligence products and services on the Web. We offer reports and update our collection daily to provide you with instant online access to the world's most complete and current database of expert insights on Global industries, companies, products, and trends.Contact us:Email- sales@qyresearchgroups.comWeb- Global Lactate Esters Market Professional Survey Report 2017: Vertec Biosolvents,Florida Chemicals,Cargill Inc. https://www.qyresearchreports.com/sample/sample.php?rep_id=1228940&type=E http://www.qyresearchreports.com This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringArcher Daniels Midland CompanyBASF SEBioamber Inc.Huntsman CorporationE.I. Dupont De Nemours & Co.The DOW Chemical CompanyVertec Biosolvents Inc.Florida Chemicals Company Inc.Cargill Inc.Cremer Oleo Gmbh & Co Kg.By types, the market can be split intoLactateEthyl LactateButyl Lactate'Download Free exclusive Sample of this report:Table of ContentsGlobal Lactate Esters Market Professional Survey Report 20171 Industry Overview of Lactate Esters1.1 Definition and Specifications of Lactate Esters1.1.1 Definition of Lactate Esters1.1.2 Specifications of Lactate Esters1.2 Classification of Lactate Esters1.2.1 Lactate1.2.2 Ethyl Lactate1.2.3 Butyl Lactate1.2.4 Others1.3 Applications of Lactate Esters1.3.1 Coating1.3.2 Spices1.3.3 Synthetic Resin2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Lactate Esters2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Lactate Esters2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Lactate Esters2.4 Industry Chain Structure of Lactate Esters3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Lactate Esters3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global Lactate Esters Major Manufacturers in 20163.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global Lactate Esters Major Manufacturers in 20163.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global Lactate Esters Major Manufacturers in 20163.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global Lactate Esters Major Manufacturers in 20164 Global Lactate Esters Overall Market Overview4.1 2012-2017E Overall Market Analysis4.2 Capacity Analysis4.2.1 2012-2017E Global Lactate Esters Capacity and Growth Rate Analysis4.2.2 2016 Lactate Esters Capacity Analysis (Company Segment)4.3 Sales Analysis4.3.1 2012-2017E Global Lactate Esters Sales and Growth Rate Analysis4.3.2 2016 Lactate Esters Sales Analysis (Company Segment)4.4 Sales Price Analysis4.4.1 2012-2017E Global Lactate Esters Sales Price4.4.2 2016 Lactate Esters Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment)5 Lactate Esters Regional Market Analysis5.1 North America Lactate Esters Market Analysis5.1.1 North America Lactate Esters Market Overview5.1.2 North America 2012-2017E Lactate Esters Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.1.3 North America 2012-2017E Lactate Esters Sales Price Analysis5.1.4 North America 2016 Lactate Esters Market Share Analysis5.2 China Lactate Esters Market Analysis5.2.1 China Lactate Esters Market Overview5.2.2 China 2012-2017E Lactate Esters Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.2.3 China 2012-2017E Lactate Esters Sales Price Analysis5.2.4 China 2016 Lactate Esters Market Share AnalysisQYReseachReports.com delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from QYReseachReports.com feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.1820 AvenueM Suite #1047Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: sales@qyresearchreports.com Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market 2017 Global Analysis By key Players BMW, Daimler, General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen, Arada, Autotalks Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/2424622-automotive-vehicle-to-everything-v2x-global-market-status-trend-report-2013 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/2424622-automotive-vehicle-to-everything-v2x-global-market-status-trend-report-2013 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=2424622 WiseGuyReports.Com Publish a New Market Research Report On - Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market 2017 Global Analysis By key Players BMW, Daimler, General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen, Arada, Autotalks.Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X)-Global Market Status & Trend Report 2013-2023 Top 20 Countries Data offers a comprehensive analysis on Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) industry, standing on the readers perspective, delivering detailed market data in Global major 20 countries and penetrating insights. No matter the client is industry insider, potential entrant or investor, the report will provides useful data and information.Key questions answered by this report include:Worldwide and Top 20 Countries Market Size of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) 2013-2017, and development forecast 2018-2023Main manufacturers/suppliers of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) marketMarket status and development trend of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by types and applicationsCost and profit status of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X), and marketing statusMarket growth drivers and challengesGet a Sample Report @For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comThe report segments the global Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market as:Global Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market: Regional Segment Analysis (Regional Production Volume, Consumption Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate 2013-2023):North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain and Benelux)Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia and Australia)Latin America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia)Middle East and AfricaGlobal Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market: Type Segment Analysis (Consumption Volume, Average Price, Revenue, Market Share and Trend 2013-2023):V2VV2IV2PGlobal Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market: Application Segment Analysis (Consumption Volume and Market Share 2013-2023; Downstream Customers and Market Analysis)Road Safety ServiceAutomatic Parking SystemEmergency VehiclesAuto Car ServiceGlobal Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market: Manufacturers Segment Analysis (Company and Product introduction, Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin):BMWDaimlerGeneral MotorsToyotaVolkswagenAradaAutotalksCohdaDelphiDensoeTransKapschQualcommSavariIn a word, the report provides detailed statistics and analysis on the state of the industry; and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the market.Ask Query About Report @Table Of Contents Major Key PointsChapter 1 Overview of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X)1.1 Definition of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) in This Report1.2 Commercial Types of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X)1.2.1 V2V1.2.2 V2I1.2.3 V2P1.3 Downstream Application of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X)1.3.1 Road Safety Service1.3.2 Automatic Parking System1.3.3 Emergency Vehicles1.3.4 Auto Car Service1.4 Development History of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X)1.5 Market Status and Trend of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) 2013-20231.5.1 Global Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status and Trend 2013-20231.5.2 Regional Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status and Trend 2013-2023Chapter 2 Global Market Status and Forecast by Regions2.1 Market Development of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) 2013-20172.2 Sales Market of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Regions2.2.1 Sales Volume of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Regions2.2.2 Sales Value of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Regions2.3 Production Market of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Regions2.4 Global Market Forecast of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) 2018-20232.4.1 Global Market Forecast of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) 2018-20232.4.2 Market Forecast of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Regions 2018-2023Chapter 3 Global Market Status and Forecast by Types3.1 Sales Volume of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Types3.2 Sales Value of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Types3.3 Market Forecast of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by TypesChapter 4 Global Market Status and Forecast by Downstream Industry4.1 Global Sales Volume of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Downstream Industry4.2 Global Market Forecast of Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) by Downstream IndustryChapter 5 North America Market Status by Countries, Type, Manufacturers and Downstream Industry5.1 North America Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Countries5.1.1 North America Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Sales by Countries (2013-2017)5.1.2 North America Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue by Countries (2013-2017)5.1.3 United States Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)5.1.4 Canada Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)5.1.5 Mexico Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)5.2 North America Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Manufacturers5.3 North America Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Type (2013-2017)5.3.1 North America Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Sales by Type (2013-2017)5.3.2 North America Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue by Type (2013-2017)5.4 North America Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Downstream Industry (2013-2017)Chapter 6 Europe Market Status by Countries, Type, Manufacturers and Downstream Industry6.1 Europe Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Countries6.1.1 Europe Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Sales by Countries (2013-2017)6.1.2 Europe Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue by Countries (2013-2017)6.1.3 Germany Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.4 UK Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.5 France Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.6 Italy Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.7 Russia Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.8 Spain Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)6.1.9 Benelux Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)6.2 Europe Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Manufacturers6.3 Europe Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Type (2013-2017)6.3.1 Europe Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Sales by Type (2013-2017)6.3.2 Europe Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue by Type (2013-2017)6.4 Europe Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Downstream Industry (2013-2017)Chapter 7 Asia Pacific Market Status by Countries, Type, Manufacturers and Downstream Industry7.1 Asia Pacific Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Countries7.1.1 Asia Pacific Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Sales by Countries (2013-2017)7.1.2 Asia Pacific Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue by Countries (2013-2017)7.1.3 China Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)7.1.4 Japan Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)7.1.5 India Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)7.1.6 Southeast Asia Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)7.1.7 Australia Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status (2013-2017)7.2 Asia Pacific Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Manufacturers7.3 Asia Pacific Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Type (2013-2017)7.3.1 Asia Pacific Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Sales by Type (2013-2017)7.3.2 Asia Pacific Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Revenue by Type (2013-2017)7.4 Asia Pacific Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Status by Downstream Industry (2013-2017)Continue.Buy 1-User PDF@For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.Office No.528,Amanora Chambers,Magarpatta Road,Hadapsar,Pune-411028. Alcoholic Beverages Market Analysis, Production, Key Players, Size, Share, Future Demand and Foresight to 2023 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3190 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/alcoholic-beverages-market-3190 Market ForecastGlobal Alcoholic Beverages Market is anticipated to be driven by the increasing per capita disposable income of the consumer in developed over the past few years. Also, the increasing purchasing power of the consumer in developing nation is considered to be the significant for the rising growth of alcoholic beverages in the near future. Changing lifestyles of the consumer to adopt western culture in Asian countries is anticipated to stimulate the sales of alcoholic beverages.Manufacturers are launching new products in various flavors and colors to suit the specific requirement of the consumer. Also, the manufacturers of Alcoholic beverages are focusing to enhance its packaging solution in order to attract new customers.Alcoholic is an odorless liquid obtained by fermentation of sugar. Various types of compounds are present in the alcohol. However, ethyl is considered to be food grade alcohol in maximum alcoholic beverages. Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol is manufactured through a natural process when the yeast transforms the sugar contained in fruit, cereals, and sugar-canes, into alcohol. The process used for its preparation is called fermentation.Sample Copy of Report @Competitive Analysis-The major Key Players in the Alcoholic Beverages Market are Anheuser Busch InBev. (Belgium) Carlsberg Group (Denmark) Diageo Plc (U.K.) Heineken Holding Nv (Netherland) Accolade Wines (Australia) Beam-Suntory (U.S.) Constellation Brands (U.S.)Alcoholic beverages market is highly concentrated in Europe. Asia Pacific has massive potential for alcoholic beverages, as there is an increasing consumer awareness regarding the alcoholic beverages coupled with the per capita disposable income is anticipated to fuel the sales of alcoholic beverages during the forecast period.Downstream Analysis-Distilled spirit segment is estimated to account maximum market proportion during the forecast period of 2017 to 2023. Among the distilled spirit segment, whiskey is estimated to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period of 2017-2023. Beer is projected to witness highest growth as compare to the other segment. In terms of distribution channel, supermarkets & hypermarkets is likely to hold maximum market proportion during the forecast period. However, online sales is gaining momentum in the developing nation which is projected to observe maximum growth during the review period.Access Report Details @Regional AnalysisAlcoholic Beverages Market is segmented into Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and rest of the world (ROW). Among these, Europe region is expected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This is attributed by the increasing per capita disposable income coupled with the changing lifestyles of the consumer in the Eastern Europe economies. North America is also estimated to hold healthy market proportion in the Alcoholic beverages market. Asia Pacific region is projected to grow at a substantial growth during the forecast period. However, China is projected to register maximum CAGR during the forecast period in Asia Pacific region. Especially China and India offer a lucrative opportunity in the Asia Pacific region for the Alcoholic beverages manufacturers. Latin America & Middle East region is projected to show a high potential in the alcoholic beverages market due to the rising disposable income of some of the countries.Key Findings: Europe dominates the alcoholic beverages market followed by North America Asia-Pacific is the fastest growing region in the alcoholic beverages market. India and China has shown huge potentials for alcoholic beverages market share during reviewed period of 2017-2023About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Telemedicine Technologies and Services Market Future Forecast Assessed On The Basis Of How The Market Is Predicted To Grow https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/telemedicine-technologies-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=108 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/pressrelease/telemedicine-technologies-market.htm https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/report-toc/108 www.transparencymarketresearch.com According to a new market research report published by Transparency Market Research Telemedicine Technologies and Services Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2015 - 2023, the global telemedicine technologies and services market was valued at US$ 21.1 Bn in 2014 and is estimated to reach US$ 86.7 Bn in 2023, expanding at a CAGR of 17.2% from 2015 to 2023.Browse the full Telemedicine Technologies and Services Market (Component - Hardware, Software, and Services; End-user - Telehospital and Telehome) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2015 - 2023 report atTelemedicine is the union of health care and telecommunication/information technology aimed at providing assistance to individuals in remote areas who do not have access to health care centers in times of need. Critical care and emergency situations are the primary areas for which telemedicine evolved in practice. The health care industry has always been one of the most lucrative, yet steadily growing, industries across the globe.Sample With Latest Advancements @Requirement of health care is termed as critical and crucial to the sustenance of life, hence considered an important industry. Growth of the telemedicine market is primarily attributed to the rise in quality health care services and products adopted by patients worldwide. The telemedicine market has been largely driven by increasing reimbursements received by health care insurance providers that trickle down to the patient population.The rising geriatric population along with increasing cases of physical disability promotes usage of telemedicine among a significant portion of the global population. However, dearth of medical practitioners dedicated to telemedicine service is a major issue globally. Moreover, growing concern among patients about the inadequacy of virtual consultation presents a challenge to the growth of the telemedicine market. The global telemedicine technologies and services market was valued at US$ 21,124.2 Mn in 2014 and is projected to reach US$ 86,754.8 Mn by 2023 at a CAGR of 17.2% from 2015 to 2023.Browse Our Press Releases For More Information @Based on component, the telemedicine technologies and services market has been segmented into hardware, software, and services. The hardware segment has been categorized into videoconferencing unit, imaging unit, vital signs unit, ECG, and others. The videoconferencing unit sub-segment accounted for the largest share of the hardware segment in 2014. The segment will continue to dominate the market until 2023 due to increase in preference for videoconferencing units for telemedicine solutions. The imaging unit segment is expected to expand at the highest CAGR from 2015 to 2023 owing to high demand for imaging services, mostly preferred for radiology and digital pathology services, and rapid technological advancements in the imaging segment. However, concerns over confidentiality of patients medical information is likely to hamper the growth of the telemedicine technologies and services market during the forecast period.Based on software, the telemedicine technologies and services market has been segmented into integrated and standalone. The integrated software segment dominated the market in 2014 due to high adoption rate and technological innovations. Telemedicine services (interactive, store and transfer, and chronic care management) is the most promising segment of the telemedicine market owing to worldwide popularity and ability to provide high definition and quality medical services in remote areas. People in developing nations cannot afford technologically advanced products due to financial crisis and low disposable incomes. Hence, they opt for cost-effective and consistent telemedicine services. Therefore, the services segment is likely to gain momentum in developing countries such as India, China, Brazil, and South Africa.Browse Our Table of Content @Based on end-user, the global telemedicine technologies and services market has been segmented into telehospital/teleclinic and telehome. The telehospital segment dominated the market primarily due to high adoption rate of technologically advanced and cost-effective innovative telemedicine services and products and rising preference of patients toward telemedicine services for telehospital.The global telemedicine technologies and services market is characterized by the presence of major companies such as Aerotel Medical Systems Ltd., AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc., General Electric Company, Honeywell International, Inc., and LifeWatch AG.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. We have an experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, who us e proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR Syndicated Research report covers a different sector such as pharmaceuticals, chemical, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, our syndicated reports thrive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.ContactTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: United States Breast Cancer Screening Market Analysis: By Type, Share, Cases, Clinical Trials Insight, Reimbursement, Competitive Strategies and Forecast, 2017 - 2022 United States Breast Cancer Screening Market Analysis: By Type, Share, Cases, Clinical Trials Insight, Reimbursement, Competitive https://www.reportsworldwide.com/report/united-states-breast-cancer-screening-market-analysis-by-type-share-cases-clinical-trials-insight-reimbursement-competitive-strategies-and-forecast-2017---2022 https://www.reportsworldwide.com/enquiry?report_id=41632 ReportsWorldwide has announced the addition of a new report title United States Breast Cancer Screening Market Analysis: By Type, Share, Cases, Clinical Trials Insight, Reimbursement, Competitive Strategies and Forecast, 2017 - 2022 to its growing collection of premium market research reports.United States Breast Cancer Screening Market is expected to reach more than US$ 5.8 Billion by 2022.Longterm Growth Projection: Mammography grasp the dominant share in the United States Breast Cancer Screening Market Breast MRI Screening market is likely to reach more than US$ 350 Million by 2022 Number of mammograpy screening population in United States will increase to more than 50 Million by 2022Market growth can be attributed to factors such as increasing incidence of breast cancer, increasing awareness related to early breast cancer detection, growing government investments and funding for breast cancer screening, technological advancement in breast imaging technologies and implementation of several initiatives to create awareness about the early detection of breast cancer.United States Breast Cancer Screening Market Analysis: By Type, Share, Cases, Clinical Trials Insight, Reimbursement, Competitive Strategies and Forecast, 2017 - 2022 provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the United States Breast Cancer Screening Market. The report provides an indepth analysis of the breast cancer invasive, in situ and men cases and added breast cancer death figures of both men and women in United States. Furthermore, the report also covered mammography screening population from 2010 to 2022.Market outlook in value terms has been analyzed based on historical, current and potential trends and the market is projected from 2017 to 2022. The breast cancer screening market is segmented based on its product types: Mammography, Breast MRI and Breast Ultrasound. Additionally, the report includes assessment of clinical trials and reimbursement pattern. The report also explores detailed description of growth drivers and inhibitors of the United States Breast Cancer Screening Market.The report concludes with the profiles of major manufacturers of Mammography, MRI and Ultrasound such as Hologic, Hitachi Medical Corporation, Siemen Healthineers, Philips Healthcare, Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation and GE Healthcare. The major manufacturers are evaluated on various parameters such as business overview, marketed products and latest development and trendsTo view detailed description and Table of Contents of this report please visitKey Topics Covered in the Report United States Breast Cancer Cases (2010 - 2022) United States Breast Cancer Mammography Screening Population (2010 2022) United States Breast Cancer Death (2010 2017) Market Overview: United States Breast Cancer Screening (2010 2022) Market Share: United States Breast Cancer Screening (2010 2022) By Types (Mammography, Breast MRI & Breast Ultrasound): Market Size & Analysis (2010 2022) Reimbursement Policies of the United States Breast Cancer Screening Breast Cancer Screening Market Clinical Trail Insight by Phase, Company & Country Key Drivers and Inhibitors of the United States Breast Cancer Screening Market Key Manufacturers AnalysisMajor Breast Cancer Screening Analyzed Under This Report Are: Mammography Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) Breast UltrasoundMajor Companies Covered in This Report: Hitachi Medical Corporation Siemen Healthineers Philips Healthcare Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation GE HealthcareTo Get Sample Copy of this report please visitAbout ReportsWorldwide.comReportsWorldwide.com is a leading provider of global market intelligence reports and services. With research reports from top publishers, consulting and advisory firms, ReportsWorldwide.com offers instant online access to a growing database of expert insights on global industries, companies, products, geographies and trends.Press Contact:Abigail CrastoSenior Vice President101, Arch StreetBoston,MA 02110USPhone +1 (617) 398-1947abigail@reportsworldwide.com United States Pediatric Vaccine Market 2017 Demand, Insights, Analysis, Opportunities Segmentation and Forecast to 2024 United States Pediatric Vaccine Market 2017 Demand, Insights, Analysis, Opportunities Segmentation and Forecast to 2024 https://www.reportsworldwide.com/report/united-states-pediatric-vaccine-market-2017--demand-insights-analysis-opportunities-segmentation-and-forecast-to-2024 https://www.reportsworldwide.com/enquiry?report_id=41809 ReportsWorldwide has announced the addition of a new report title United States Pediatric Vaccine Market 2017 Demand, Insights, Analysis, Opportunities Segmentation and Forecast to 2024 to its growing collection of premium market research reports.United States Pediatric Vaccine market is likely to reach nearly US$ 10 Billion by 2024.Growth in US pediatric vaccine market can be attributed to factors such as increased disease awareness, growing public acceptance, increasing government focus on immunization programs and increased government funding for the vaccine development.The research report titled United States Pediatric Vaccine Market 2017 Demand, Insights, Analysis, Opportunities Segmentation and Forecast to 2024 examines the market dynamics, competitive landscape and discusses major trends. The study describes an indepth analysis of the United States pediatric vaccine market.The report contains a granular analysis of the market segmentation, reveal facts on the market size, volume and revenues and provides forecasts through 2024. The report also provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the top 10 pediatric vaccines by disease indication. On the basis of disease indication, the top 10 pediatric vaccines provide an in-depth analysis of doses administered, number of children being vaccinated and market size. The report also explores detailed description of growth drivers and inhibitors of the United States pediatric vaccine market.The report concludes with the profiles of major players in the United States pediatric vaccine market. The key market players are evaluated on various parameters such as company overview, pediatric vaccine portfolios and latest development & trends of the pediatric vaccine market.To view detailed description and Table of Contents of this report please visitMajor Pediatric Vaccines (Disease Indication) Covered Under This Report Are:Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (DTap)Hepatitis AVaricella/Chicken PoxPneumococcalHaemophilus Influenzae Type B (HIB)PolioRotavirusHepatitis BInfluenza PediatricMeasles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)Key Companies Covered in the Report are as follows:Sanofi PasteurGlaxoSmithKline(GSK)Merck & Co.Pfizer IncGrifolsKey Deliverables in the StudyMarket Definition for the specified topic along with identification of key drivers and inhibitors for the marketIt provides a growth map over time to understand the industry growth rateIt provides a seven-year forecast assessed based on how the market is predicted to growIt helps in understanding the key product segments and their futureIt helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segmentsA comprehensive list of key market players along with the analysis of their current pediatric vaccines portfolios and latest development and trends.To Get Sample Copy of this report please visitAbout ReportsWorldwide.comReportsWorldwide.com is a leading provider of global market intelligence reports and services. With research reports from top publishers, consulting and advisory firms, ReportsWorldwide.com offers instant online access to a growing database of expert insights on global industries, companies, products, geographies and trends.Press Contact:Abigail CrastoSenior Vice President101, Arch StreetBoston,MA 02110USPhone +1 (617) 398-1947abigail@reportsworldwide.com Microarray Analysis Market Share: Worldwide Demand, Applications and Opportunities Market Research Report 2027 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/777 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/global-microarray-analysis-market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/check-discount/777 Microarray Analysis Market Reports comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance.Life science relates to the study of living organisms which includes plants, humans, and microorganisms among others. With unparalleled connectivity, evolving demographics, impressive growth in patent applications in emerging markets and pharmaceutical demand changes worldwide, the trend of Life science is also changing and improving.Get Sample Report @Global Microarray Analysis Market is driven by factors which include increasing government expenditure, growth in research and development activities need for early cancer detection, increasing healthcare expenditure, and diagnosis and large-scale DNA/gene chip initiatives. Microarray helps to reduce criticality occurred during the understanding of the cell and its associated diseases. It is used for the study of biological materials such as DNA, RNA, small tissues, or protein, by immobilizing them on silicon-thin film. It is estimated that 2 million engineering and life science jobs will become open during forecasted period due to continue rise in aging population. Microarray, the combination of robotics, chemistry, computer science, and biology are used to study many points within a genome which is composed of thousands of genes at one time.Competitive Analysis:Affymetrix, Inc., Agilent Technologies, Inc., Sequenom, Inc., Roche NimbleGen, Illumnia, Inc., and Applied Microarrays. Other companies operating in the global microarrays market are biome rieux SA, Discerna, Gyros AB, Luminex Corporation, NextGen Sciences, PLC. and ProteoGenix.Global Microarray Analysis Market Report: ApplicationThe factors such as global innovation, increase taxation by government, awareness about education in Life science field, improved R&D expenditure driving global demand for genetic study which includes Microarray, population genomics, and molecular biology among other life science study areas.Microarrays are useful for processing thousands of samples cost-effectively to identify transformations and structural variations in gene expression and methylation. Microarray analysis is been used in various industries such as healthcare, life science, medical among others. For instance, cancer germline mutation analysis is used to study cancer predisposition, cytogenomics is useful in detection of low-level mosaics, CNVs, LOH, across the genome, Agrigenomics genotyping is used for the study about plants and animals, and many more.Browse Report @The advantages of Microarray analysis includes:Reproducible, high-quality data at a low costSupport fast, high throughput, multiplex processingAvailable in expert and custom formatsGlobal Microarray Analysis Market Report: Market SegmentationGlobal Microarray Analysis Market can be segmented into types, methods, applications, and end-users.Global Microarray Analysis Market by Types:DNA Microarray, LOC (Lab-on a-Chip), Protein Microarray, Tissue Microarray, OthersGlobal Microarray Analysis Market by Methods:Human genotyping, Non-human genotyping, Gene expression analysis, Methylation analysis, Mutation analysis, othersGlobal Microarray Analysis Market by Applications:SNP detection, Genotyping, Forensic analysis, Research, Diagnostics, OthersGlobal Microarray Analysis Market by End-users:Pharmaceuticals, Medical, Healthcare, Laboratories, OthersGlobal Microarray Analysis Market Report: Regional AnalysisThe regional analysis includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and rest of the world.Increasing clinical trials and drug discovery activities, upgrading technological advancements such as Chip-on-chip, CGH, splice variants and microRNAs, wider application area of microarray and government initiatives and support are expected to develop new market opportunities for the Global Microarray Market. Moreover, increasing mergers and acquisition, growing collaborations and partnerships, and product launches are some of the latest trends in the Global Microarray Market.North America:North America is dominating the Global Microarray Analysis Market followed by Europe. Increasing technological advancement, improved healthcare industries, growing research & development activities, increased usage of personalized medicines, increasing cancer incidences and growing government support are the major growth driven factors of Microarray market in North America region.Asia-pacific:Asia-pacific is the emerging market in Global Microarray Analysis Market during the forecasted period. The improving healthcare infrastructure, growing prevalence of chronic diseases, increasing government expenditure, growing drug discovery and development activities are the major growth drivers of Microarray Market in Asia-Pacific region. The China, Russia and India are the emerging economies due to improved lifestyle, growing awareness about biological terms and its benefits and government support in Asia-Pacific region. In India, top Indian pharma companies are now partly foreign-owned and are already generating more than half of their sales outside the country. Besides this, economic growth has increased the buying power of Indias middle class for healthcare services in general, particularly medicines. Emergence of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer has increased the demand for medicines.Global Microarray Analysis Market Report: Latest NewsMolecular Devices Launches High-Content Imaging System with New 3D Analysis Software, announced on 19th April 2016.The Agilent Cary 8454 UV-Visible spectrophotometer builds on 30 years of experience in photodiode array (PDA) technology and delivers an updated instrument that is easy to use, is ideal for routine applications, and meets the compliance needs of global pharmaceutical companies.Global Microarray Analysis Market Report: Market InfluencerAdoption of personalized medicines, wide range of application areas, and technological advancements are other factors which are driving the Microarray market.However, standardization in microarray data and lack of skilled professionals are some of the major factors hindering the growth of the Global Microarray Analysis Market.Get Discount @The reports also covers brief analysis of Geographical Region includes:AmericasNorth America, US, CanadaEuropeWestern Europe, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, U.K, Rest of Western Europe, Eastern EuropeAsia PacificAsia, China, India, Japan, Rest of Asia, Pacific CountriesThe Middle East& AfricaAt Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for , regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: akash.anand@marketresearchfuture.com Organic Sugar Market to Exceed a Healthy Growth Rate at CAGR 15.55% from 2017 to 2022 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/4252 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/organic-sugar-market-4252 Market Overview:Organic sugar is made from sugar canes, grown in an organic way without synthetic herbicides or pesticides. It may be lightly refined or almost pure white. Organic sugar is a great substitute for refined sugar because of resemblance in properties of the two. Organic sugar contains of 17 amino acids, 11 minerals and 6 vitamins which include antioxidants that aid to converse oxidative damages. Organic sugar is majorly used by ready to eat food manufacturers which include chocolate & confectionery and bakery products. Also, carbonated beverages manufacturers are also increasingly using organic sugar owing to the rising demand of organic beverages in the developed countries.Competitive AnalysisThe major key players in organic sugar are Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Limited (India) Mitr Phol Group (Thailand) Wangkanai Group (Thailand) Cosan Ltd. (Brazil) Tereos Internacional (Brazil) Shree Renuka Sugars Limited (India) Raizen S.A (Brazil) Bunge Limited (Brazil)Key players are focused majorly on acquisition of small players to expand their business and penetrate the global organic sugar market. Expansion is also one of the key strategies followed by acquisition. Expansion will help in capturing the untapped markets and increasing the production capacity to meet the rising demand from consumers end thereby further contributing to the increasing revenue. Acquisition and expansions are evaluated to be contributing to more than 30% of strategy share and is facilitating the companies to penetrate the potential market across globe.Request a Sample Report @Market ForecastThe global market for organic sugar have witnessed continued demand during the last few years and is projected to reach USD 1314.53 million by 2022. The world demand for organically produced foods is growing rapidly in developed countries like Europe, U.S., Japan and Australia which is further influencing the demand for organic sugar. Sugar is an essential part of foods and beverages and hence is majorly used as an ingredients in the manufacturing of food and beverages. The increasing consumer awareness about the harmful effects involved in using conventional sugar and the chemicals used in the creation of such sugar will mark a huge demand of organic sugar in food preparation.Based on the application, personal care products is expected to witness the highest growth rate (~16%) on a global level. Food & beverages based application of organic sugar will hold a significant share and will also witness a steady growth during the given forecast period. Pharmaceuticals is likely to experience a high and is estimated to hold a market share of more than 5% during the forecast period.By Downstream AnalysisBy 2022, organic sugar will reach a market value of USD 1314.53 Million on a global level. Potential applications of organic sugar in food & beverages, pharma and personal care industries have a positive impact on its market share growth. Based on the application, personal care based application of sugar will experience the highest growth rate of more than 16% during the review period. However, food & beverages based application will dominate the market is will account for a share of more than 90% of the overall organic sugar market.Access Report Details @Regional AnalysisAmong the regions, Latin America will continue to dominate the organic sugar market with more than 55% of the market share and it is projected to reach more than USD838.17 million by 2022. Latin America will witness the highest growth rate (~15.88%) during the forecast period 2017-2022. Growing popularity of organic sugar owing to their potential applications in food industries as well as pharmaceutical industries is supporting their market growth on the global level. Rising health awareness and increasing disposable income have been playing a key role in the organic sugar growth from the last few years.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Medical Sensors Market is Expected To Be Worth US$ 15 Billion Globally By 2022 Medical Sensors Market https://www.marketresearchengine.com/medical-sensors-market https://www.marketresearchengine.com/medical-sensors-market https://www.marketresearchengine.com/ The Global Medical Sensors Market is segmented on the lines of its product, application, end user and regional. Under product segmentation it covers pressure sensors, image sensors, temperature sensors, accelerometers, biosensors, SQUID sensors, flow sensors and others. End user segment is classified into hospital, nursing home, home healthcare, physician offices and others. Based on application segmentation it covers surgical, therapeutic, diagnostic and monitoring. The Global medical sensors Market on geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geography market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.The Global Medical Sensors Market is expected to exceed more than US$ 15 billion by 2022 and will grow at a CAGR of more than 8% in the given forecast period.You Can Browse Full Research Report:This report provides:1) An overview of the Global Medical Sensors Market and related technologies.2) Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2013, estimates for 2014 and 2015, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2022.3) Identifications of new market opportunities and targeted promotional plans for Global Medical Sensors Market.4) Discussion of research and development, and the demand for new products and new applications.5) Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the industry.The major driving factors of Global Medical Sensors Market are as follows: Rising incidence of chronic diseases Increasing utilization of medical sensors in laboratory practices Increasing aging population Increasing patient preference for home health care devicesThe restraining factors of Global Medical Sensors Market are as follows: High cost of sensors for medical applicationRequest Sample Report:The scope of the report includes a detailed study of global and regional markets for Global Medical Sensors Market with the reasons given for variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions.Table of Contents1 INTRODUCTION2 Research Methodology3 Executive Summary4 Premium Insights5 Market Overview5.1 Introduction5.2 Market Evolution5.3 Market Segmentation5.3.1 By Application5.3.2 By Type5.3.3 By Placement5.3.4 By Geography5.4 Market Dynamics5.4.1 Key Market Drivers5.4.1.1 Increase in Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIS) Technological Advancements in the Market Such as Wearable Devices and Disease Detecting Devices5.4.1.3 Demand for Personalization of Healthcare Systems5.4.1.4 Increase in Life Expectancy and Ageing of World Population5.4.1.5 Increase in Individual Disposable Income and Awareness of Preventive Measures5.4.2 Restraints5.4.2.1 Inadequate and Irregular Reimbursement/Limited Warranty Coverage for Medical Devices5.4.2.2 Slower Rate of Penetration of Advanced Medical Systems in Developing Regions5.4.3 Opportunities5.4.3.1 Emerging Wireless Sensor Devices5.4.3.2 Emerging Applications of the Capacitive Sensors in the Field of Nanotechnology5.4.3.3 Increasing Number of Merger and Acquisition in Growing Economies5.4.4 Challenges5.4.4.1 Stringent Regulatory Procedures for Product Approval5.4.4.2 Security Concerns in the Devices and Connectivity Problems5.5 Pricing Trends6 Industry Trend7 Medical Sensors Market, By Sensor Type8 Global Medical Sensors Market, By Sensor Placement9 Medical Sensor Market, By Application10 Geographic Analysis11 Competitive Landscape12 Company Profiles12.1 Introduction12.2 GE Healthcare12.3 Honeywell International Inc.12.4 Stmicroelectronics N.V.12.5 Measurement Specialties, Inc.12.6 Analog Devices, Inc.12.7 Medtronic PLC12.8 First Sensor AG12.9 Smiths Medical12.10 Texas InstrumentsAbout UsMarket Research Engine (MRE) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. MREs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each Market Research Engines research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Media ContactCompany Name: Market Research EngineContact Person: John BayEmail: john@marketresearchengine.comPhone: +1-855-984-1862Country: United StatesWebsite:Address: 3422 SW 15 Street, Suite #8942, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, United States Bacterial Cell Culture Market: Global Major Manufacture Profile Chemical Co, Ltd., EMD (Merck) Millipore, Hi-Media Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Neogen Corporation Bacterial Cell Culture Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/696 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/bacterial-cell-culture-market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/request-toc/696 www.marketresearchfuture.com Market Research Future published a half-cooked research report on " Global Bacterial Cell Culture Market Research Report Forecast to 2024" - Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, TrendsBacterial Cell Culture Market Research Report, by Consumables (Flask, Plate, Petri Dishes), By Instruments (Incubator, Centrifuge, Spectrophotometer), by Media (Complex, Simple), by region (Europe, North America, Asia Pacific) - Global Forecast to 2024It is the process by which bacterial cells are grown under controlled conditions to determine the cause of infectious diseases. Bacterial culture is essential for the study of bacterial genomes, pathogenicity and antibiotic areas. The major reasons for culturing bacteria are to purify DNA and to express protein. Microbial cultures are the basic diagnostic methods used in molecular biology as a research tool. These microbiological cultures are grown in petri dishes (cylindrical dishes or plastic lidded dishes which biologist usually use for their experiment) which have a thin layer of agar based growth medium. Another method of Bacterial culture is liquid culture where researcher can inoculate liquid broth with bacteria and let it grow overnight.Request for sample report atBacterial Cell Culture Application:The major application areas of Bacterial cell are Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food & beverages. The instrument nucleometer is used to test the number of somatic cells in a milk sample. The other consumables such as petri dishes and flask are used by Scientist or researcher to do various experiments which result in some productive results. In pharmaceuticals industry bacterial cell culture provides very useful results to develop & improved drugs and medical antibiotics..Bacterial Cell Culture market segmentation:The Bacterial cell market currently has a global market of around $ 3 billion and is showing rapid growth in the upcoming years. The major growth factors are raising demand for advanced antibiotics, increase in fund of life science research, growing food microbiology and increase ratio of foodborne diseases.The bacterial cell culture market can be segmented into types, instruments, applications, consumables, medium and region. Bacterial cell culture market by types: Bacterial culture and eukaryotic culture. Bacterial cell culture market by instruments: Spectrophotometer, incubator, centrifuge, automated cell counter and nucleometer. Bacterial cell culture market by consumables: plate/dish, flask, roll bottle, and petri dishes Bacterial cell culture market by medium: Simple, complex, synthetic, and Special media Bacterial cell culture market by region: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Rest of the WorldThe major growth restraint is the high cost of various media and instruments and untrained professionals in the market.Bacterial Cell Culture market regional analysis:The regional analysis of bacterial cell market comprises of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and rest of the world.North America:North America is dominating this market on the basis of its revenue followed by Europe. North America region is benefited by the presence of large number of biopharmaceutical industries, and research institutes. The various segments such as instruments and consumables with latest technologies is used by this market and thus is showing good opportunities in future.Asia:Asia region is also showing good opportunities in this market in upcoming years. The major growth driven factors are the rising health care expenditure, rising focus on food safety, and growing demand for antibiotics. As developing countries India, China, and Japan where health related issues and food related problems are the major concerned areas; the bacterial cell culture technology is expected to offer opportunities in these countries.Browse Complete Report atBacterial Cell Culture market major players:Becton, Dickinson and Company, bioMerieux S.A., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Eiken Chemical Co, Ltd., EMD (Merck) Millipore, Hi-Media Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Neogen Corporation, Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, Scharlab S.L., and Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.The reports also covers brief analysis of Geographical Region includes:Americas North America US CanadaEurope Western Europe Germany France Italy Spain U.K Rest of Western Europe Eastern Europe Poland RussiaAsia Pacific Asia China India Japan Rest of Asia Pacific Countries Australia New Zealand The Middle East& AfricaGet a Table of Content atEvery report of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.About usAt Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Akash AnandP: +1 646 845 9312W:sales@marketresearchfuture.com Intraductal Papilloma Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of ~ 4.4 % % by 2023 Intraductal Papilloma Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/4450 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/check-discount/4450 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/intraductal-papilloma-market-4450 Https://Www.Marketresearchfuture.Com Market Research Future has a half cooked research report on the global intraductal papilloma market. Intraductal Papilloma Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of ~ 4.4 % % by 2023Intraductal Papilloma Market Information: By Type (Central/Solitary, Peripheral/Multiple), Diagnosis (Mammogram, Biopsy, Ultrasonography, Computerized Tomography (CT)), Treatment (Microdochectomy, Total Duct Excision), and End User - Global Forecast till 2023An intraductal papilloma is a benign, noncancerous, breast tumour that forms in a milk duct and is made of gland and fibrous tissue as well as blood vessels. These generally appears as lumps after breast examination and may cause nipple discharge or bleeding. Intraductal papilloma most commonly occur in women between ages 35 and 55. Central/solitary papillomas are generally benign while multiple papillomas, have been associated with a slightly higher risk of breast cancer.The symptoms of breast enlargement are breast enlargement, inversion of the nipple thickening or swelling of part of the breast, changes to the breast or nipple skin area, such as dimpling, redness, scaling, peeling etc. Multiple papillomas consist of about 10 % of all intraductal papillomas. Intraductal Papilloma comprise of approximately 10% of all benign breast tumour types. Intraductal papillomas of the breast are benign lesions with an incidence of approximately 2-3% in humans. Risk factors such as obesity, alcohol consumption, postmenopausal hormone therapy, medications containing estrogen and progesterone such as birth control pills, menstrual cycle abnormalities, physical inactivity, not breastfeeding the child etc. increase the chances of intraductal papillomas. Additionally, mothers who have their first child after the age of 35, or never have one, also run equal risks for this condition.Product development represents the best strategy for dominating the market as surgery is the definitive treatment for intraductal papilloma market. The advent of minimally invasive treatment has changed the market landscape for surgeries to a large extent. Miniaturization of surgical instruments and development of non-invasive treatment such as radiofrequency ablation is expected to drive the future market. The growing demand for better minimally invasive surgical procedures is the greatest unmet need of the market.Get a Sample report atGlobal Intraductal papilloma Market PlayersSome of the key players profiled in the report are Allergen plc, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc., Entax Medical, Olympus, Boston Scientific Corporation, Medtronic, Cook Medical, Cook Medical, Inc., and others.Regional AnalysisThe Americas account for a significant market share owing to extensive volume of surgeries performed and high expenditure on the health care. Additionally, the fastest uptake of new products and surgical procedures in the US drives the intraductal papilloma market. Also, concentration of major healthcare companies in the developed countries of this region coupled with the larger insurance penetration is adding fuel to the market growth. Moreover, the US expend high on the healthcare, which accounts for 16% of GDP also cruises the sale of intraductal papilloma treatment.Europe is the second largest market in the world due to high income and strong healthcare penetration. European market growth is led by countries such as Germany and France. The UK is expected to be the fastest growing market over the assessment period.Asia Pacific region is expected to grow rapidly and China and India are likely to lead this market due to fast growing healthcare sector and large unmet needs during the forecast period. South East Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia are projected to contribute highly to the market growth.Gulf nations such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE are estimated to drive the Middle East & African market. Other Middle East nations to watch out for will be Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt and Iran. The African region is expected to witness a moderate growth owing to poor economic and political conditions and poor healthcare development.Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 50 market data tables and figures spread over 80 pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content (TOC) & market synopsis on Global Intraductal papilloma Market Research Report Forecast till 2023.Get a discount atSegmentationThe global intraductal papilloma market has been segmented on the basis of type, diagnosis, treatment, and end user.Based on type, the market has been segmented as central/solitary papillomas, peripheral/multiple papillomas and others.Based on diagnosis, the market has been segmented as examination, ultrasonography, biopsy, mammogram/galactography, ductograms, Computerized Tomography (CT) and others.Based on surgery, the market has been segmented as microdochectomy, total duct excision, drugs and others.Based on the end user, the market has been segmented as hospitals & clinics, academic and research, and others.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Browse Complete Report atTable Of Content1. Report Prologue2. Market Introduction2.1 Definition2.2 Scope Of The Study2.2.1 Research Objective2.2.2 Assumptions2.2.3 Limitations3. Research Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Primary Research3.3 Secondary Research3.4 Market Size Estimation4. Market Dynamics4.1 Drivers4.2 Restrains4.3 Opportunities4.4 Challenges4.5 Macroeconomic Indicators4.6 Technology Trends & AssessmentAbout usAt Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact:Market Research FutureMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@Marketresearchfuture.ComWeb: Orthokeratology Lens Market Report for Period 2017 till 2022 Alpha Corporation, Lucid Korea, Brighten Optix and Others Orthokeratology Lens Market https://goo.gl/gzEVHY https://goo.gl/gzEVHY https://goo.gl/gzEVHY http://marketreportscompany.com Global Orthokeratology Lens Market report provides detailed analysis of companies namely Alpha Corporation, Lucid Korea, Brighten Optix and Others. This report study includes global market statistics and analysis for example, company performance, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2023, etc.Ortho-K is a non-surgical refractive treatment. In order to correct your short-sightedness and astigmatism, the cornea has to be re-shaped. Our optometrists tailor your Ortho-k lenses with highly permeable lens materials according to the precise measurement by the Corneal Topographer.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Orthokeratology Lens Market 2017Top Company Profiles and Analysis included in this report:AutekEUCLIDParagonAlpha CorporationLucid KoreaBrighten OptixContexProcorneaOthersGlobal Orthokeratology Lens Market: Key Product TypeBoston MaterialParagon MaterialOthers MaterialGlobal Orthokeratology Lens Market: Key ApplicationTeenagersAdultsOthersGlobal Orthokeratology Lens Market: Key RegionAsia-PacificNorth AmericaEuropeSouth AmericaMiddle East & AfricaThe Global Orthokeratology Lens Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Orthokeratology Lens Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities happened in current and past few years. The Global Orthokeratology Lens Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors.Enquire before Buying @Table of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Market Segment Overview1.1.1 Product Definition1.1.2 Market by Type1.1.2.1 Boston Material1.1.2.2 Paragon Material1.1.2.3 Others Material1.1.3 Market by Application1.1.3.1 Teenagers1.1.3.2 Adults1.2 Global and Regional Market Size.......................Continue (Global Orthokeratology Lens Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Us:Market Reports Company is a global research and consulting company. We provide customized reports. We can study and analyze any market based on wide range of parameters. We can provide market insights for any particular region, country across the globe within shortest possible turn around time.What we offer: Customized Reports: we provide customized report study on any market or industry. Region Specific Study: If you need region specific or if you are searching for particular region market study then, we have expert research team for that. How we work: We work in all domains and industries, you name it and we provide the market research industry report analysis of it. Expertise: Superior Research Team, 24*7 Customer Care ServiceContact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website:Email: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Antihelminthics Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of ~ 5.3% from 2017 to 2023 Antihelminthics Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/4500 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/antihelminthics-market-4500 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/enquiry/4500 www.marketresearchfuture.com Market Research Future has a half cooked research report on the global Antihelminthics market. Antihelminthics Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of ~ 5.3% from 2017 to 2023Antihelminthics Market Information: By Type (Benzimidazoles, Abamectin, Salicylanilides, Praziquantel), Application (Schistosomiasis, Fasciolasis, Filariasis, Angiostrongylosis, Ascariasis, Giardiasis), End User (Hospital) Global Forecast till 2023Antihelminthics Market are prescribed to kill parasites (helminthes). Common parasitic infestations include amebiasis, malaria, giardiasis, hookworm, pinworm, threadworm, whipworm and tapeworm infestations. The drugs function either by destroying the worms on contact or by paralyzing them, or by altering the permeability of their plasma membranes. According to World Health Organization (2014), over 1.5 billion people are infected with soil-transmitted helminths worldwide. Additionally, According to the latest report published by WHO, more than 880 million children are in need of treatment for these parasitic diseases. Increasing prevalence of parasitic diseases, rising demand for the treatment, and increasing number of patients drives the growth of the market. Moreover, changing lifestyle and increasing geriatric population have increased the probability of causing digestive tract infections, thus helps in driving the growth of the market. Additionally, the increasing need for the cost-effective treatment and increasing per capita income have fuelled the market growth. However, antihelminthics drugs are slightly toxic and some of the side effects are observed in some patients. This factors may restrain the growth of the market.The global antihelminthics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~ 5.3% during the forecast period 2017-2023.Sample Report Available atKey PlayersSome of key the players in the market are Abbott (US), Novartis AG (Switzerland), ZEISS International (Germany), Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc (US), Sanofi (US), Merck & Co., Inc. (US), GlaxoSmithKline plc (US), Astellas Pharma Inc. (Japan), Bayer AG (Germany), Mentis Pharma Ltd. (India), Pfizer Inc. (US), Sanofi (France), ALLERGAN (Ireland), and AstraZeneca (UK).SegmentationThe global antihelminthics market has been segmented on the basis of types, application, and end user.On the basis of types, the market is segmented into benzimidazoles, abamectin, salicylanilides, praziquantel and others. Benzimidazoles is further segmented into albendazole, mebendazole, benzimidazoles, thiabendazole, and others. Salicylanilides is further segmented into niclosamide, oxyclozanide, rafoxanide, and others.On the basis of applications, the market is segmented into schistosomiasis, fasciolasis, filariasis, angiostrongylosis, ascariasis, giardiasis and others.On the basis of end user, the market is segmented into hospitals, clinics, and others.Regional AnalysisThe Americas command the major share of the market owing to the large patient population, strong government support for research & development, growing prevalence of digestive diseases. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, over 135 million people are suffering from GI infection in America. Moreover, increasing geriatric population has fuelled the growth of the market.Europe holds the second position in the global antihelminthics market followed by Asia Pacific. The growth of the European market is majorly attributed to the increasing geriatric population, government support, and well-developed healthcare sector. Asia Pacific is the fastest growing antihelminthics market. China, and India are the key contributors to the market growth due to huge patient population, rapidly growing economy to support the population, increasing healthcare expenditure, and huge population base.The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait are expected to drive the Middle East & African market. The Middle East & Africa holds the least share of the global market due to limited availability of medical facilities and poor economic condition in African region. However the growth of the Africa market is high due to presence of opportunities for the development of this market.Browse complete report atThe global antihelminthics market is segmented on the basis of types, application, and end user.On the basis of types, the market is segmented into benzimidazoles, abamectin, salicylanilides, praziquantel and others. Benzimidazoles is further segmented into albendazole, mebendazole, benzimidazoles, thiabendazole, and others. Salicylanilides is further segmented into niclosamide, oxyclozanide, rafoxanide, and others.On the basis of applications, the market is segmented into schistosomiasis, fasciolasis, filariasis, angiostrongylosis, ascariasis, giardiasis and others.On the basis of end user, the market is segmented into hospitals, clinics, and others.On the basis types, benzimidazoles holds the major share in the market due to their long history and efficiency. A number of different types of benzimidazoles are available in the market, however, certain side effects are observed in the patient, which may slow the growth of the benzimidazoles market.BRIEF TOCChapter 1. Report PrologueChapter 2. Market Introduction2.1 Definition2.2 Scope Of The Study2.2.1 Research Objective2.2.2 Assumptions2.2.3 LimitationsAsk Question to Expert atChapter 3. Research Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Primary Research3.3 Secondary Research3.4 Market Size EstimationChapter 4. Market Dynamics4.1 Drivers4.2 Restrains4.3 Opportunities4.4 Challenges4.5 Macroeconomic Indicators4.6 Technology Trends & AssessmentChapter 5. Market Factor Analysis5.1 Porters Five Forces Analysis5.1.1 Bargaining Power Of Suppliers5.1.2 Bargaining Power Of Buyers5.1.3 Threat Of New Entrants5.1.4 Threat Of Substitutes5.1.5 Intensity Of Rivalry5.2 Value Chain Analysis5.3 Investment Feasibility Analysis5.4 Pricing AnalysisAbout usAt Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Akash AnandP: +1 646 845 9312W:sales@marketresearchfuture.com Neurorehabilitation Devices Market Quadruples To USD ~ 2.25 Billion Posting A Whooping CAGR By 2023 Neurorehabilitation Devices Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2210 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/neurorehabilitation-devices-market-2210 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/enquiry/2210 Https://Www.Marketresearchfuture.Com The Global Neurorehabilitation Devices Market is growing with the rapid pace; mainly due the burgeoning Healthcare Sector and the rising prevalence of neurological disorders.According to a recent study report published by the Market Research Future, The global Neurorehabilitation Devices Market is booming and expected to gain prominence over the forecasted period. The Market is estimated to demonstrate a huge growth by 2023, surpassing its previous growth records in terms of value & volume. The market for Neurorehabilitation Devices is expected register an exponential growth by reaching ~ 2.25 Billion in 2022 with a striking CAGR.The global Neurorehabilitation Devices Market is predominantly driven by increasing prevalence of neurological disorders and government funding. Heavy investments transpired in to the field of R&D by the manufacturers to develop advent devices provides impetus to the market growth.Rehabilitation of cognitive function involves methods for recalibrating neural pathways or training new neural pathways to improve cognitive functioning that has been weakened by trauma or other neurological disorders. The recent advancements in the technology can make a significant improvement in the recovery of the patients suffered from the head injury, stroke, spinal cord injury and some neurological conditions such as Parkinsons disease. Some of the big companies in the business are employing robotics in the rehabilitation technologies in order to enhance the scope of the rehab process.Sample Report Available atNeuro-rehabilitation services are essential in reducing post-stroke impairments, enhancing independence, and improving recovery in hospital and post-discharge. However these services are therapist-dependent and resource intensive. Patients disengagement and boredom in stroke units are common which adversely affect functional and psychological outcomes. Novel techniques such as use of iPads are increasingly researched to overcome such challenges.In January 2017, a student research team conducted a study to determine the feasibility, effectiveness, acceptability, and barriers to the use of iPads in stroke neuro-rehabilitation. Studies were included in accordance with the review selection criteria. The majority of the studies focused on iPads use in speech and language therapy. Although of small scale, the studies highlighted that iPads are feasible, have the potential to improve rehabilitation outcomes, and can improve patients social isolation. Patients stroke severity and financial limitations are some of the barriers highlighted in this review. This review presents preliminary data supportive for the use of iPad technology in stroke neuro-rehabilitation. However, further research is needed to determine impact on rehabilitation goals acquisition, clinical efficacy, and cost-efficiency.Neurorehabilitation Devices Global Market Key PlayersThe Neurorehabilitation Devices market is widely expanded and highly competitive with the presence of a numerous major and small players operating at international level and regional level around the globe. Based upon product differentiation, portfolio, and pricing these vendors are competing against each other. Furthermore, the competitive strength of these market players is dependent on product precision, product pricing, versatility and product reliability. The market will witness a fierce competition due to the expected extensions in product & service and product innovations. Manufacturers operating in the Neurorehabilitation Devices market strive to develop devices with adept technology with unrivalled design and features that support the fastest recovery from the years old (chronic) disability of patients and enhance their quality of life. They are extensively adopting the advent technologies such as IoT, nanotechnology, robotics, wearable technology and non-invasive medical technologies to support the development of Neurorehabilitation Devices. Acknowledging the augmented need of the time, these key players are extensively developing a line of devices with advent technology and efficacy.Browse complete report atNeurorehabilitation Devices Global Market SegmentsThe Neurorehabilitation Devices market can be segmented in to 4 key dynamics for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding;Segmentation By Product Type : Comprises Neuro-robotic devices, Wearable Devices, Non-Invasive Stimulators, Brain Computer Interface and other.Segmentation By End User : Comprises Hospitals/clinics, cognitive care centers, research institutes, and other.Segmentation By Application : Comprises Parkinsons Disease, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain Trauma Injury, Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, Schizophrenia, and other.Segmentation By Region : Comprises Geographical regions - North America, Europe, APAC and Rest of the World.Ask Question to Expert atNeurorehabilitation Devices Market Regional AnalysisGlobally America is the largest market for neurorehabilitation devices eventually contributing to the growth of North America Market. Europe is the second-largest market. Furthermore Asia-Pacific market is expected to be the fastest growing market for neurorehabilitation devices. However high cost associated with the purchase and implementation of these devices is impeding the adoption of Neurorehabilitation Devices in APAC Market.MRFR Analysis indicates that the grand growth of North America and Europe Market is attributed to the augmented prevalence of neurological disorders, Technological advancement, increasing awareness of populace towards neurorehabilitation devices and centers, and the accessibility to the state of art healthcare infrastructure.About usAt Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact:Market Research FutureMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.ComWeb: Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Global Market Surging With A Striking CAGR; Asserts MRFR Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1532 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/enquiry/1532 Https://Www.Marketresearchfuture.Com Market Research Future published a Cooked research report on Global Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2027A contract manufacturing organization (CMO), in some cases called an agreement improvement and manufacturing association, is an organization that serves different organizations in the pharmaceutical business on a contract basis to give extensive services from drug advancement through drug manufacturing. This permits major pharmaceutical organizations to outsource those parts of the business, which can help with versatility or can permit the major organization to concentrate on drug discovery and drug advertising. The Global Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market is growing with the rapid pace; mainly due the burgeoning Healthcare Sector.According to a recent study report published by the Market Research Future, The global Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market is booming and expected to gain prominence over the forecasted period. The Market is estimated to demonstrate a huge growth by 2027, surpassing its previous growth records in terms of value & volume. The market for Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing is estimated to increase by a substantial monetarily growth by end of the forecast i.e. 2027, with expansion rate of a considerable CAGR during the period 2017 to 2027.Sample Report Available atThe Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing market is predominantly driven by the augmented global demand and supply for the medicines, growing demand for the generic drugs, huge pipeline of drugs manufacturing and growing number of patent expires. Additionally, factors such as increasing geriatric population, and technological advancements in the medicinal field are providing impetus to the market growth.However, augmenting complexity of clinical trials and lack of in-house laboratory capacity are some of the factors may pose challenges to the market growth.During the analysis, MRFR Research team observed an interesting trend in the market that to gain competitive advantage, pharma companies are increasingly emphasising upon R&D of drugs rather than getting involved in the production of drugs.Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Key PlayersThe Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing market is widely expanded and highly competitive with the presence of a numerous major and small players operating at international level and regional level around the globe. Based upon pricing and services of array these vendors are competing against each other. Furthermore, the competitive strength of these market players is dependent on Service precision, Service pricing, versatility and Service reliability. The market will witness a fierce competition due to the expected extensions in innovations. Manufacturers operating in the Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing market strive to offer services with adept technology with unrivalled design and features.The Players operating in the market are looking for rapid expansion and integration set for 2017-2018, with which these key players continue to build a pharmaceutical services company with complementary offerings in key regions to serve the rapidly growing market. They ensure that the acquired company has significant professional experience, state of the art capability and a long history of delivering high quality pharmaceuticals that meet or exceed customer expectations and regulatory requirements in every major market around the world.Browse complete report atIndustry News:On Oct. 6, 2017, Avara Pharmaceutical Services (Norwalk, US) announced that it has acquired to acquire the Reims, France manufacturing and distribution facility. This key acquisition is another important component of their strategic plan that further expands their services.On 13 October 2017, Piramal Pharma Solutions, the contract manufacturing division of Piramal Enterprises (India) announced the investment of $55 million in capacity expansion in expanding manufacturing capacity of APIs across sites in North America, Asia and the UK.It will also expand capabilities for APIs with higher potency at its plant in Riverview, Michigan in the US, while augmenting early development capabilities out of Ennore, India, through additions of good-manufacturing-practices-compliant kilo labs and a pilot plant.Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market SegmentsThe Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing market can be segmented in to 2 key dynamics for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding;Segmentation By Types : Comprises Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Manufacturing, Finished Dosage Formulation (FDF) Secondary Market, and other.Segmentation By Region : Comprises Geographical regions - North America, Europe, APAC and Rest of the World.Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Regional AnalysisGlobally North America is the largest market for Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing. The North American market for Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing is expected to grow at a substantial CAGR and is expected to reach to astronomical amounts by the end of the forecasted period. This is due to increasing consumption of medicines around the world. Europe is the second-largest market for Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing which is expected to grow at a considerable CAGR. Whereas Asia pacific is expected to be a growing market for Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing market and expected to grow at a rapid rate owing to the availability of skilled manpower at a lower labour cost are some of the factors propelling the rapid growth in this region.Ask Question to Expert atPharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Regional AnalysisGlobally America is the largest market for Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing eventually contributing to the growth of North America Market. Europe is the second-largest market. Furthermore Asia-Pacific market is expected to be the fastest growing market for neurorehabilitation devices. However high cost associated with the purchase and implementation of these devices is impeding the adoption of Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing in APAC Market.MRFR Analysis indicates that the grand growth of North America and Europe Market is attributed to the augmented prevalence of neurological disorders, Technological advancement, increasing awareness of populace towards Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing and centers, and the accessibility to the state of art healthcare infrastructure.About usAt Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact:Market Research FutureMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.ComWeb: Connecting your phone to your Windows 10 PC has never been easierand with the hints Microsoft has dropped as part of the Fall Creators Update, it looks like the phone will be a big deal in future PCs. Right now, if you own either an Android phone or an Apple iPhone, you can reply to texts right from your PC. In the future, youll be able to take webpages you were reading on your train ride and send them to your Windows PC at the office. Passwords? Who needs em? And now, with a dedicated Phone section within the Settings menu, Microsoft appears to be setting up a framework for even stronger connections in the future. For those of you frantically waving Windows phonesyes, you too can connect your phones to your PC, via the Continuum experience Microsoft debuted a little more than a year ago. Unfortunately, with limited hardware and tepid customer support, Microsofts Windows phone aspirations are basically dead. Instead, Microsoft has focused on bringing its ecosystem to the far more popular iPhone and Android platforms. The best thing is all of these features are live within the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. 1. Reply to texts right within Windows If youre like me, you probably work best without distractionand most of your electronic gadgets are primarily designed to distract you, with notifications, popups and audible tones to get your attention. Texts and phone calls are the worst, in part because weve programmed ourselves to prioritize those needs above everything else. Now, Windows 10 allows you to treat a text like just another email. Mark Hachman / IDG Cortana (here, for Android) is the app youll need to link your phones texting ability with your Windows 10 PC. Heres what youll need: an up-to-date Windows 10 PC, an Android phone or iPhoneand, most importantly, the Microsoft Cortana app for Android or Cortana for the iPhone. If you wish, Cortana can step in and largely replace your phones digital assistant. Even if you refuse her assistance, however, Cortana operates behind the scenes as the connective tissue between your phone and your PC. Weve used the most popular phone platform, Android, for this article. The key to connecting your phone and your PC lies within the Cortana apps cross-device settings (Go to the apps hamburger menu in the upper left-hand corner, then go to Settings > Cross device.) Make sure that the top three settings (Missed call notifications, Incoming message notifications, and Low battery notifications) are all toggled on. You can also toggle on App notifications sync, though of the four apps Cortana detected, some were obsolete (my discontinued Basis Peak fitness band app) and others were of dubious value, such as Googles VR services. Mark Hachman / IDG Toggle these Cortana options on to get your phone talking to your PC. A bit strangely, the ability to sync Cortana itself is off by default. If you toggle it on, the app warns that Cortana will have the ability to read all your messages. For now, there doesnt seem to be any reason to do so, though its certainly possible that in the future your spouse might be able to text you a reminderpick up eggs at the store and Cortana will interpret it as a formal reminder. As you might expect, the capabilities that the Cortana app toggled on enable the corresponding abilities within your PC. When your phones battery drops below a certain point (usually about 15 percent) a low-battery notification will slide in from the lower right-hand corner, and will archive itself within your Action Center notifications. If you miss a phone call, another notification will appear. Texts sent to your phone will also appear as pop-up notifications. Mark Hachman / IDG Texts sent to your phone will turn into pop-up notifications What makes this especially convenient is the ability to reply to phone calls and texts right at your PC. If you miss a text, for example, you can click the notification (look for the downward-pointing caret) and a text box opens up. Within it, you can send a reply, and Cortana will talk to your phone and send it on its way. Even if you miss a call, you can send a text letting the other party know youll respond soon. Windows doesnt allow you to actually call the other party backeither by phone or by Skypethough this could, presumably, be added to the future. Mark Hachman / IDG but if you miss one, you can still reply right from within the Action Center. Unfortunately, this feature doesnt allow you to actually initiate texts from the Action Center notifications. You can, though, send texts from Cortana. Mark Hachman / IDG Say Hey, Cortana, text John: We were going and the rest of the text to send SMS texts right from your PC. If theres a drawback, though, its that this capability still isnt as reliable as it needs to be. If you move among multiple Windows PCs, Windows can get confused about which one youre working on, and send notifications to another. But even if youre not switching PCs, Windows has an annoying habit of not always sending notifications until you shift focus between apps, or resume working from sleep or hibernation. Then a string of notifications pop up on your PC. Fortunately, you can still go into the Action Center and respond via text from the notification itself. 2. Pick up where you left off, on the web Microsoft is still adding features to the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, and Windows 10 Insider Build 16257 finally added one of the features Microsoft had originally promised: the pick up where you left off capability for phones. The idea is that you should be able to move seamlessly between Windows devices, specifically your phone and your PC. Again, this should be eventually part of the Fall Creators Update, due in September or so. To enable this feature, youll need to do two things: link your phone within Windows, and download the required mobile app. Mark Hachman / IDG Meet a newcomer to the Windows 10 Settings menu: the Phone settings. Insider Build 16257 adds a new section to the Settings menu: the Phone settings menu. There, the relatively spartan Phone settings asks you to connect your phone to your PC. To do so, youll need to enter your phone number to text yourself a link to the app youll needMicrosoft Apps, which began life as an index of the Microsoft apps within the respective app stores. A recent update enables the app to connect your phone to your PC. (Its not clear whether youll eventually need both the Cortana apps as well as the Microsoft Apps to connect your phone to your PC, but for now, you do.) Microsoft You can share a Web page now, or later. Now, when you surf to a webpageeven on Androids Chrome browseryoull have the option to share it to your PC, just as you might share it to Twitter or Facebook. Youll have the options to share it now or share it later. Sharing it now immediately opens a webpage using Windows Edge browser. Sharing it later should place the link inside the Action Centers notifications for later viewing, though a bug seemed to prevent that from working on my machine. (It appears that Build 16273 may fix this, based on the update notes.) Mark Hachman / IDG Share a Web page with the Continue on PC function, and Microsoft Edge will open it on your PC. Right now, the sharing options are not available on the mobile Office apps, though you can always auto-save documents to OneDrive for later editing on the PC. Note that Microsoft already provides a PC-centric pick up where you left off capability within Cortana, where users who work on more than one PC can theoretically resume their work on another PC. However, its of limited use. Click the Cortana search box, and then the Ive got more for you box just above. Cortana will then show you the apps you were previously working on. Thats of limited use: Youre really going to forget that you were working in Outlook?) Mark Hachman / IDG Not so useful right now. 3. Bypass your Windows password and use your phone instead By now, youve probably heard of two-factor authentication, where your phone is used as an additional authentication beyond your password. Use it! But you may not know that you can avoid using your Windows password and use your phone as the primary login method to certain Microsoft apps and servicestheoretically, at least. Remember, two-factor security is based on any two of these three factors: what you know, what you have, and what you are. Normally, two-factor authentication works by asking you for your password (what you know), then texting a code to your phone, or using an app (what you have). Microsofts Authenticator app for Android and iPhone is the approved way to receive that code. The combination of the password you know and the code Microsoft sends to your device secures the transaction. IDG If you want, you can turn your phone into your primary authentication device. But you could also go a step further. Normally, if for some reason the Authenticator app cant access the server and approve the transaction, the app can automatically generate an eight-digit code that changes every 30 seconds. To access it, you may need to tap the downward-facing caret next to your account, which displays the code. However, the Authenticator app offers a second way to authenticate thats not immediately obvious. If you tap that caret again, a second menu will open up, offering the ability to set up phone sign in. Heres how it works. Some pages that ask for your Microsoft password have a small text link to Use an app instead. Authenticator becomes the first factor in the pages authenticationremember, your phone (with the Authenticator app installed) is the what you have factor thats unique to you. Youll still need a password, though. And in place of your Windows password, youll either enter your phones PIN unlock code (what you know) or touch your finger to its biometric sensor (who you are). Note that this works only for personal Microsoft accounts. Though the Authenticator app is available for Windows phones, this feature wont work with them. (If that makes you mad, you can always complain in the comments section on the Authenticator page.) Microsoft also promises that more and more webpages will use this method to authenticate thembut for right now, we havent been able to find any. Which method is superior? If you have a complex, unique Windows password (you do, right?), entering it and using your phones Authenticator app as the additional factor is probably more secure. However, its up to you. Unfortunately (or not) Microsoft still hasnt enabled this method for unlocking your PC, though you can set up Windows to lock your PC when youre away, if your PC senses you (and your phone) have moved away. Go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options, then scroll down to click the checkbox for Dynamic lock. Now, if you walk far enough away (with your phone), your PC will automatically lock itself to secure your privacy. Over time, its likely that Microsoft will try to tie the phone even more strongly to the PC. With over half of Americans now owning a smartphone (and millions more users overseas), its easy to understand why. This story was updated on October 23 to reflect that the new feature is in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, and to add new details. Password manager Dashlane and PC maker Lenovo are among the first consumer-facing companies to take advantage of a little-known feature within Intels 8th-generation Core chips that could become much more popular: enabling two-factor authentication with just your PC, and not your phone. What Intel calls Intel Online Connect (or, more generically, Universal Second Factor (U2F) authentication) lives within the 8th-generation Core architecture. Typically, two-factor authentication (2FA)recommended for years as an additional security measure for email, online storage, and other datarequired that a code be sent to your phone either via an app or SMS. Intels 8th-gen Core architecture and its associated software cuts out the need for a phone, simply requiring you to click a software button to authenticate the 2FA transaction. Intels Online Connect improves on a related technology Intel introduced in its 7th-generation Core chips, known as Software Guard Extensions, or SGX. SGX is essentially a protected area within the chip for storing encryption keys. But only two services announced support for SGX: Dropbox and Duo Security, which announced proofs-of-concept earlier this year. Lenovo is the first PC maker to announce support for Intel Online Connect in both some of its older as well as its more recent PCs. On Tuesday, Lenovo announced Intel Online Connect support for the Yoga 920, IdeaPad 720S, ThinkPad X1 Tablet (2nd generation), ThinkPad X1 Carbon (5th generation), ThinkPad Yoga 370, ThinkPad T570, ThinkPad P51s, ThinkPad T470s, ThinkPad X270 and ThinkPad X270s. Intel Online Connect can be either downloaded from the web directly, or will be made available via Lenovo System Update and Lenovo App Explorer on all supported Lenovo devices, the company said. Why this matters: Breaking into your PC is bad enoughthats why theres Windows Hello, user PINs, and Windows passwords. With web services accessible from just about anywhere, however, theres a need for a second layer of security to differentiate you from the bad guys. Two-factor authentication helps secure those online transactions; U2F promises to make them less of a hassle. Ryan Whitwam Traditionally, two-factor authentication assumes the use of a phone, though a dedicated USB key can also be used. How U2F works within Intels Core chips Once the 8th-generation Core chips ship, Dashlane will immediately be able to take advantage of the built-in technology and use U2F as an additional form of authentication, Allison Baker, the strategic partnerships manager for Dashlane, said. She confirmed that U2F will work with 8th-gen Core chips for consumers, and dont require Intels vPro technology for businesses. You dont need a phone or anything else, besides a compatible Intel-based PC, Baker said. The FIDO Alliance developed U2F as an open authentication standard, designed to help simplify two-factor authentication. For the purposes of registering with an online service like Dashlane, two keys are created: a public one, which is registered with the service itself, as well as a private one, which is stored within the Core chip on the client PC. According to Dashlanes Baker, the clients private key signs an assertion that the service can verify as coming from the client PC. But the signature is only released after the user verifies his presence by clicking a button on the screen, displayed by Intels Online Connect middleware. Intels been busy working on PC security solutions for years; last year, Intel showed off its Authenticate technology, combining fingerprints, PIN, paired phones, and more. According to a GIF Dashlane prepared to demonstrate the process, authenticating with Dashlane requires entering your password. Intels Online Connect will then find the security key. Sending it on its way requires clicking on a button that appears randomly within a separate window, within 15 seconds. That window uses whats called Intel Protected Transaction Display technology, which actually generates the screen from within the Intel chip itself. The user sees the button; according to Intel, any man-in-the-middle attacker would merely see a blank, black box with no indication on where to click. It appears, though, that U2F places more of an emphasis on the first line of security used to defend your PC: Windows Hello, a PIN, or a password. If an attacker were able to guess your PIN while you left your eighth-generation PC alone to buy a cup of coffee, theyd still need to know your Dashlane master password to log in. But with traditional two-factor, phone-based authentication, a service like Dashlane would also buzz your phonewhich you might have in your pocket, alerting you that an attack was in progress. In any event, though, services like Dashlane appear to be preparing to take advantage of the U2F capabilities built into Intels Core chips. Passwords used to be sufficient, but complex, hard-to-guess passwords can be a pain to use repeatedly. The challenge is to offer security without imposing too much of a burden on the user, and Intel and its partners appear to be zeroing in on quick, convenient security methods. This story was updated at 11:40 AM on Oct. 24 to note that laptops and tablets from Lenovo now support the new Intel Online Connect technology. Do you have free WiFi? Thats becoming an increasingly common question for small business owners. And with good reason. Studies show businesses see a 72% success rate in increased sales after implementing free WiFi. Accenture reports that 64% of consumers make a restaurant decision based on WiFi availability. Reaching out to wireless influencers, we discovered three main areas or focus for business owners who offer, or want to offer free WiFi: security, speed and management. Heres what they had to say: Meeting customers expectations of blazing fast free WiFi, and keeping your business safe dont have to be mutually exclusive. According to a dozen experts we consulted, there are a host of best practices and practical considerations that will get small business customers online safely, while protecting data and identities belonging to both parties customers and businesses. And its not just free WiFi thats expected; customers expect fast and reliable WiFi as well. Offering slow, glitchy WiFi can be worse than no WiFi at all. Installing a reliable business network can turn out to be a difficult task that could trip up small business owners. Theyre concerned about cyber security risks and lack of control. And theres the possibility that network administration can take away from their core mission like selling coffee, or sandwiches and reflect poorly on their company. The biggest challenges Ive seen with free WiFi are security and speed, says Jeff Cutler, technology consultant and writer. The best solutions for business owners regarding free WiFi are to establish a secondary channel for anyone visiting your facilities. This prevents many security concerns as the separate network can be monitored and secured apart from the companys main systems. And it ensures limited lag as the guest network can run on separate servers and be fully controlled by IT. Separate networks for administration and public consumption was echoed by several of the experts. Free WiFi needs to be completely segregated from the companys network, says IDTheftSecurity.com Robert Siciliano, CEO. Chad Schlotter, Bluelock Solution Architect, joins the chorus with this recommendation: Keep your internal WiFi hidden and only broadcast your free WiFi. Maintain as much separation from the internal WiFi and the free WiFi as possible and limit the amount of bandwidth available to the free WiFi to not allow those users to consume it all. Slow speeds and other glitches in the user experience can reflect badly on the business almost a no good deed goes unpunished scenario. The user experience is key. The biggest challenges and glitches I see for SMBs offering free WiFi are customers who cant connect or when they do connect cant get past the captive portal system (the WiFi landing page) to enjoy the Internet, says technology content consultant David Geer. Speed Thrills Once connected, speed is critical. To avoid common glitches, SMBs should adopt best practice approaches to WiFi installation and consider aspects such as sufficient fixed backhaul capacity and suitable locations of access points (not behind pillars) so they are close enough to the users, says Saul Friedner, associate director, Spectrum Services at LS Telcom. Also, if SMBs can determine the existing usage of WiFi within the area of their business (best to do this prior to deployment) that will help them know in advance if there is already extensive use and thus likelihood of poor quality of service. That pre-installation phase can help assure success, says Tom Hollingsworth, Founder of The Networking Nerd. Its important to make sure to offer enough capacity to meet the needs of a growing mobile workforce and customer base without causing issues with airtime contention, he says. Be safe and secure Rivalling speed for importance to small businesses offering free WiFi is security. From passwords to data protection to guarding against third-party attacks, here are some pointers from our influencers. System administrator and popular blogger and YouTuber known as Jessassin emphasizes passwords. One thing I see done incorrectly on public wireless is not having a passcode. Password protection should be considered a critical part of any network rollout. IDTheftSecurity.coms Robert Siciliano offers these guidelines: Create a secure WiFi that requires a user name and password to join. This may not prevent all kinds of e-crimes but its a start to improve your WiFi network security. Confirm you are on a business account [with your ISP]: Many small businesses may set up under a personal account because it might be a bit cheaper. But that personal account doesnt enjoy some of the protection and indemnities that a business account would. Free WiFi: Good for Business, But Must be Managed Small business WiFi is here to stay, and growing. The WiFi Alliance reports that with more than 3 billion WiFi device shipments expected in 2017 and more than 8 billion devices currently in use around the world, WiFi is playing a more prominent role in the expanding communications infrastructure, including consumers expectations of free, secure and fast access from small businesses. Says Jeff Cutler, From coffeehouses to global headquarters, Ive found most are now facing the reality that all visitors want access to the Web, and providing secure passage to guests data is often as valuable as protecting your own. Click here to learn more. Harbor Springs frees up funding with public safety millage The Harbor Springs public safety millage will free up some of the funds impacted by the Headlee Amendment, but city officials say it isn't a long-term fix. a brand new 10-mile flow trail outside of St. George, Utah About DMBTA: About the Calendar: 2018 Fundraising Calendar for Dixie Mountain Bike Trails Association 2018 Cover January February March April May June July August September October November December Each year Chasing Epic creates a mountain bike photography-based calendar to sell, with all proceeds benefiting a non-profit mountain biking organization. This year is no different, as were selling a calendar to help fund. The trail project is being overseen by the fine folks at DMBTA the Dixie Mountain Bike Trails Association. If youve ever ridden any of the epic trails around St. George and Hurricane, Utah (with us or on your own), then you know how awesome these guys are and they need help funding this new flow trail that will be just as epic.Starting on West Mountain Peak, the new flow trail will be a 10-mile directional trail thats sure to create some incredible memories and even better riding. The fine folks at DMBTA will work with the BLM to get a matching grant with this donation, in essencethe amount were able to donate so buy a lot of calendars!The Dixie Mountain Bike Trails Association is a mountain biking access and trails advocacy group formed in June of 2010 in response to the BLM travel planning process. We are located in the Southwest Corner of Utah known as Dixie; current projects include continued master planning for BLM trails and access, the developing community relationships and infrastructure, existing trails maintenance coordination, and ethics awareness activities.- Each calendar is $22, which includes shipping within the continental United States.- There isto the number you can purchase; we recommend buying a lot of them so we can donate even more money to build new trails!from the calendar sales will be donated to Dixie Mountain Bike Trails Association, with 100% of the money going towards building the new West Mountain Peak flow trail.- Calendar orders will be taken until December 1st, and the calendars will be mailed in time to arrive at least a week prior to Christmas. We typically shoot for the second week of December.See below for the images in this years calendar. You can purchase the calendars at the link below. If youd like to pay by check, please email us directly at: info@chasingepicmtb.com and well send you more information. I've always been drawn to the Canadian North. It gives me gratitude for how large, beautiful, and untouched Canada really is. The Trance is the ideal bike to explore this. It's light and agile for long climbs to remote zones, yet eats almost anything while descending. When the trail can be uncertain ahead, it gives me confidence knowing I'm on the right bike Advancement in Wound Dressing Market begins years before when the film and hydrocolloids introduced. Advanced Wound Dressing accelerates the healing process by keeping moist environment around the wound along with medicines like antibiotic and painkillers. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 10:59:20 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 395 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Advancement in Wound Dressing Market begins years before when the film and hydrocolloids introduced. Advanced Wound Dressing accelerates the healing process by keeping moist environment around the wound along with medicines like antibiotic and painkillers.Advanced Wound Dressing used to heal acute and chronic wounds especially in chronic wounds. Advanced wound dressing has shown very significant results in diabetic patients as well in chronic wounds that takes a long time or cannot be healed by traditional wound dressings.Browse Full Report With ToC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-807 Advance Wound Dressing Market: Drivers and RestraintsAdvanced Wound Dressing market is growing as the number of diabetic and chronic patients increasing rapidly worldwide. Major drivers for the Advanced Wound Dressing Market is ageing population, increase in incident of accidents, increase in adoption rate of Advanced Wound Dressings like hydrocolloids and wound contact layers, continuously advance improvement in dressing like combination of antibiotics and painkillers with dressings. However, high price and lack of adequate reimbursement policies in developing countries are the main hindrance of the market growth.Advance Wound Dressing Market: OverviewAdvance Wound Dressing Market is growing with a significant CAGR because of its high adoption rate in treatment of chronic wounds. Developing countries is growing with a higher CAGR compared to other parts of the world.Advance Wound Dressing Market: Region-wise OutlookDepending on geographic region, global Advanced Wound Dressing market is segmented into seven key regions: North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan, and Middle East & Africa.North America contributes maximum in global Wound dressing Market Share. European countries showing a good growth as the adoption rate for Advance Wound Dressing is increasing for diabetic patients, burns, and chronic wounds. Asia Pacific is growing with a significant CAGR for Advance Wound Dressing market due to increase in healthcare awareness. Amongst the Asian countries, India and china are more promising due to large population pool and increased number of hospitals.Request For Report sample @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-807 Advance Wound Dressing Market: Key PlayersKey players of Advance Wound Dressing market includes Smith & Nephew, Molnlycke Health Care, Paul Hartmann, Covidien, ConvaTec, B. Braun Melsungen, BSN medical, 3M Health Care, Systagenix Wound Management, Derma Sciences, Coloplast, Laboratoires Urgo, Johnson & Johnson, Kinetic Concepts, Inc and Others. Local Players also have a significant presence in Advance Wound Dressing Market. Aircraft Cleaning Chemical Market PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 11:56:50 Press Information Future Market Insights CONTACT: Future Market Insights Abhishek Bhudoliya 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, United States T: +1-347-918-3531 F: +1-845-579-5705 Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.com Website: www.futuremarketinsights.com email Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 667 Words CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: www.futuremarketinsights.comAbhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 The external climatic conditions and temperature variations associated with of aerial transportation has generated the need of operation and maintenance activities in aircrafts, which in turn has generated a considerable demand for aircraft cleaning chemical. Stringent quality inspections and related checks are conducted during every scheduled take offs and landings of an aircraft. The aircraft cleaning chemical ensures the performance, safety, and aesthetics of an aircraft body protecting it. This involves periodic cleaning with appropriate aircraft cleaning chemical safeguards the aircraft from such damages and extends the shelf life. The excessive grime that may get collected on the exterior body, wings and pilot window screens of an aircraft can cause adverse effects on performance and safety of the aircraft thereby requiring regular cleaning of aircraft. Aircraft cleaning chemical is made for specific purposes, which includes manufacturing, maintenance, and testing of aircraft. Apart from these, aircraft cleaning chemical is useful for polishing, coating, etc.There are many chemicals available for cleaning aircraft to keep the aircraft at its best in all weather conditions. Aircraft cleaning chemical is used to keep the components of aircraft in safe and working condition and also protection from metal corrosion.Request For Report Sample@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3155 Aircraft Cleaning Chemical Market: Market DynamicsThe demand of aircraft cleaning chemical is highly driven by OEMs and after sales service industry. The high growth in aircraft after sales service industry is expected to drive the growth of global aircraft cleaning chemical market. The future of aircraft cleaning chemical market looks stable with opportunities in commercial, military, and personal segment. It has been estimated that with the increase in air passenger traffic, air travel increases, which creates a positive growth for aircraft cleaning chemical that caters to the demand of maintenance and operations activates. It has been also estimated that the major demand of aircraft cleaning chemical is from the commercial aviation industry.There is stringent regulation by the authorities in respect to the aircraft cleaning chemicals which is required in aviation industry to ensure the safety and effective functioning of the aircrafts. The development of aviation chemicals meeting all regulatory guidelines along with maintaining their profitability is expected to remain a key challenge among aviation chemicals manufacturersAircraft Cleaning Chemical Market: Regional OutlookNorth America is expected to be a relatively large market of aircraft cleaning chemical as it covers one of the largest aircraft fleets globally along with a large number of airlines in the world. Maintenance chemical usage is directly proportional to aircraft fleet size, and an increase in number of aircrafts is a growth factor for this market.The regions with cold climatic conditions will always be major consumers of the de-icing / anti-icing purpose. Asia Pacific is expected to grow with a high CAGR, due to the expansion in aircraft fleet. The increase in passenger traffic across end use sectors in turn is expected to increase the scope of operation and maintenance activities thereby driving the aircraft cleaning chemicals market.Aircraft Cleaning Chemical Market: Market SegmentsThe global market for aircraft cleaning chemical can be segmented on the basis of product type, chemicals, and end user.Based on nature of chemicals, the aircraft cleaning chemical market can be divided intoOrganic ChemicalInorganic ChemicalOn the basis of end user, the global aircraft cleaning chemical market can be divided into:General aviationBusiness aviationDefense aviationCommercial aviation.On the basis of product type, global aircraft cleaning chemical market can be divided intoAviation Acidic Cleaners & DegreasersAviation Neutral Cleaners & DegreasersAlkaline CleanersMetal Pretreatment ChemicalsPaint and Coating RemoverCorrosion InhibitorsAircraft Polishing ChemicalsAircraft Dry wash Cleaner & WaxGrease Cutting AgentsOthersVisit For TOC@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-3155 Aircraft Cleaning Chemical Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants identified in the global aircraft cleaning chemical market are Callington Haven Pty Ltd, Spirit Group International, ALMADION International, Jaco Aerospace., Velocity Chemicals Ltd, Crest Chemicals, and Z.I. Chemicals, LLC among others. Anesthesia is the combination of the endpoints which are reached by drugs acting on different but overlapping sites in the central nervous system of human body. General anesthesia has three main objectives like lack of movement (paralysis), unconsciousness, and blunting of the stress response. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 10:57:32 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 406 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Anesthesia is the combination of the endpoints which are reached by drugs acting on different but overlapping sites in the central nervous system of human body. General anesthesia has three main objectives like lack of movement (paralysis), unconsciousness, and blunting of the stress response.Anesthesiology as a specialty has spread its hold in the hospital care system. The anesthesia machine is one of the most important medical apparatus in the hospital. The goal of anesthesia care is to ensure the safest possible experience for the patient. Anesthesia machines have evolved from simple, pneumatic devices to sophisticated, computer-based, and fully integrated anesthesia systems.Browse Full Report With ToC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-789 Anesthesia Machines Market Drivers and RestraintsPresently anesthesia machines global market is driven by the technological advancement, aging population, increase in the prevalence of chronic disease, increase in the minimal invasive surgeries around the world.Anaesthesia global market drives by the aging population, technological advancement, rise in the number of surgical procedures, Medical tourism and rising healthcare expenditure in emerging economies. However, lack of skilled and trained Anesthesiologists is the main barrier for this market.Anesthesia Machines Market OverviewWith rapid technological advancement, aging population, and rise in the number of surgical procedures around the globe, the global anesthesia machine market is expected to have healthy growth rate in the forecast period (2015-2025).Anesthesia Machines Market Region-wise OutlookDepending on geographic region, the anesthesia machines global market is segmented into seven key regions: : North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan, and Middle East & Africa.Asia Pacific is emerging as dominating markets for anesthesia machines market due to their high healthcare awareness and augmented disposable income. Amongst the Asian countries, India and china are more promising due to large population pool and increased number of hospitals.Request For Report sample @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-789 Anesthesia Machines Market Key PlayersSome of the key participating players in anesthesia machine market are GE Healthcare, Phillips Healthcare, Smiths medical, Spacelabs Healthcare, Infiniummedical Co., Supera Anesthesia Innovations, Dameca AS, Dragerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, and others.The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The researchreport provides analysis and information according to categories such as market segments, geographies, types, technology and applications. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 03:09:42 Press Information Big Wet 3 Green Street Doveton, Victoria 3177 Australia 1800 061 205 email http://www.bigwet.com.au/ Published by Cam Wilkes 006499503888 e-mail https://www.pureseo.co.nz # 330 Words 3 Green StreetDoveton, Victoria 3177Australia1800 061 205Cam Wilkes006499503888 Natural spring water delivery service Big Wet has announced a special refreshment bundle for its new customers. When customers rent a free-standing hot and cold water cooler for just $49 (plus GST) for one year they will get four 15-litre spring bottles, cup holder and a sleeve of cups absolutely free. They also get a $25 Coles/Myer voucher.Customers have to nominate the freestanding cooler or bench top cooler with the order. This limited time offer gives a saving of up to $100. The deal is available online through the companys website or phone orders. Customers must also sign up for an ongoing direct debit facility in order to qualify for this deal.Big Wet delivers quality bottled water, free of charge, to all of metropolitan Melbourne including the expanding Northern suburbs, Bayswater and the Yarra Ranges, Geelong and the Bellarine peninsula, plus the regional area of Gippsland and the Bass coast. The refreshing quality water is popular in homes and offices around the region. The company has customised solutions available like water filtration, water bottle delivery and cooler delivery. They will pick the empty bottles and keep track of ongoing needs.With busy lifestyles and to manage complex office needs having a bottled delivery service makes things simple. Cool, crisp water available readily is necessary for homes and offices. The cost effective service from Big Water ensures there is constant supply for quality water. The company has the necessary equipment and expertise that allows them to service the Melbourne region effectively.Big Wet sources water from two deep underground springs from picturesque hills of Daylesford Victoria. They deliver sustainable one-stop solution for all bottled water related needs. The spring water employs a team of reliable delivery staff that is committed to providing courteous personalised service to all its customers. They will deliver the bottled water on a regular monthly cycle and also make frequent trips when arranged.For more information: https://www.bigwet.com.au/shop-online/spring-water-gift-card-promo.html To call: 1300 699 965 PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 15:01:00 Press Information Transparency Market Research U.S. OFFICE: State Tower, 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany NY - 12207 United States Rohit Bhisey Head of Marketing +1-518-618-1030 email https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ # 579 Words U.S. OFFICE:State Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesHead of Marketing+1-518-618-1030 Global Bio Based Lubricants Market: OverviewThe increasing depletion of crude oil resources and the increasing awareness about their environmental implications have led to the development of environment-friendly lubricants. This is because crude oil based lubricants have health implications and are also a cause of pollution that environment-friendly products are free of. Lubricants usually impact the environment at all stages from production to use to disposal and thus need to be non-toxic to humans either through inhalation or contact during production and use.Request Sample Copy of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=2920 Bio based lubricants are mainly synthesized from vegetable oil and oilseeds. Bio based lubricants are mostly made of esters, which are either natural, oleo chemical, or complex. While natural esters are triglycerides of vegetable oils, oleo chemical esters of fatty acids are polyol esters and diesters and complex esters. These lubricating substances are synthesized from numerous cultures, usually rapeseed or sunflower, but can also be produced from exotic oils. Moreover, depending on the usage, fatty acids can also be derived from palm oil and coconut oil and these oils have distinguished properties in comparison to the oils that are commonly use, predominantly in terms of oxidation stability.The report is a complete study of current market trends, growth drivers, and restraints that will impact the growth of the global bio based lubricants market between 2014 and 2020. Using validated research tools and assumptions, the report presents market size estimates and competitive structure of the market until the end of the forecast period in 2024.Global Bio Based Lubricants Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe implementation of mandates for the usage of bio based lubricants and growth in end-user industries such as transportation, shipping are some of the major factors driving the global bio based lubricants market. The increasing use of bio based lubricants derived from renewable resources is also due to their low toxicity, high biodegradability, and environment-friendly nature. Due to the natural abundance and high lubricating properties of vegetable oils, they are increasingly finding application in hydraulic fluids, petroleum fuel additives, engine oils, and metalworking fluids. With increasing demand for vegetable oils, their production is also on the rise. For example, the annual production of vegetable oil increased from 55 million metric tons (MMT) in 1980 to 100 MMT by 2000 across the globe. It is projected to reach 200 MMT by 2020.However, factors such as fluctuations in mineral oil prices and the high cost of production of bio based lubricants are slowing the growth of this market. Nevertheless, rapid industrialization predominantly in emerging economies is expected to offer ample growth opportunities to the growth of this market.Oil spills and fires that happen due to crude oil based lubricants can impact environmentally sensitive areas such as waterways, harbors, forests, construction sites, agriculture, and mining. Thus, increasing public response to prevent such situations the stipulation of norms that encourages the use of environment friendly lubricants are desirable. This has created an opportunity for the production of environmental friendly lubricants that are synthesized from natural esters such as vegetable oils.Major Companies Mentioned in ReportSome of the leading players in the global bio based lubricants market are United Bio Lube, Soyatech LLC, Renewable Lubricants Inc., and Nio-based Lubricants LLC among others. Each of the companies is profiled for their attributes of business position, recent developments, product portfolio and specification, and SWOTs.Request TOC of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=2920 Biochemicals control market has witnessed significant rise over the decades owing to technological advancement in healthcare industries. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 11:07:03 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 615 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Biochemicals control market has witnessed significant rise over the decades owing to technological advancement in healthcare industries. In a growing healthcare market where profits and growth prospects run together, many companies are vying to plunge into this untapped market. Though the healthcare industry has seen immense technological innovation over the years, the market is getting complex owing to emergence of critical healthcare illness. One such healthcare illness that has strongly affected the mankind is prostate cancer. Cases has been seen where biochemical recurrence has led to biochemical relapse, thus leading to re-emergence of prostate cancer among survivors. According to a recent study conducted by University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center in Madison, USA, 35% of prostate cancer survivors are susceptible to biochemical relapse within 10 years of receiving treatment. Also, as per the World Cancer Research Fund International, prostate cancer is one of the major cause of concern globally, recording more than 1.1 million cases in 2012. Of these, 68% of the cases are recorded in developed regions. North America is the prominent region where mortality rate from prostate cancer is scaling the peak. Search for effective yet reliable technological innovation for biochemicals control in prostate cancer is offering new business horizons to healthcare industries.Browse Full Report With ToC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-804 Biochemicals Control Market: Drivers & RestraintsThe biochemicals control market is expected to grow exponentially during the forecast period, primarily due to the changing lifestyle, physical inactivity and prognosis of patients with biochemical relapse of prostate cancer treatment are some of the key drivers of this market. High prevalence of prostate cancer among middle class population is another significant driver for biochemicals control market. Though the market seems optimistic in coming years, preference for alternative treatment, high costs of treatment, along with stringent regulatory procedures in some of the key nations can led to some negative impact on this industry. However, this million dollar industry is expected to witness upward trend during the forecast period 20152025, primarily due to rise in effective prostate cancer treatment.Biochemicals Control Market: SegmentationBiochemicals market is broadly classified on the basis of therapy and regional prevalence.Various therapies are used depending upon the feasibility of prostatic cancer conditions. Among all types of prostatic cancer, hormone therapy is the widely accepted treatment method. It blocks the testosterone signaling pathway at the androgen receptor. This therapy is followed by adjuvant chemo-hormonal therapy, and combined chemo-hormonal therapy methods. Though these treatment options are viable and has proved effective, companies are emphasizing on R&D to offer innovative and robust healthcare solutions for biochemicals control market.Biochemicals Control Market: Region-wise OutlookDemands for biochemical control market is expected to generate from developed economies including North America and Europe. Increasing prevalence of prostate related cancer, government focus towards providing reliable healthcare solution, increasing healthcare expenditure and key innovations driven by some of the key industry leaders in the region is expected to boost the overall sales of prostate cancer therapies in North America and Europe. More than 40% of the demand for biochemical control is expected to generate from North America and Europe. Asia Pacific and Latin America are next in trail. Increasing healthcare expenditure is one of the key driving factor in Asia Pacific. Around 15% of all prostate cancers diagnosed globally are from Asia Pacific. Increase in irregular lifestyle in most parts of Asia Pacific is expected to entrap more people in coming years. Healthcare solutions to battle prostate cancer is widely needed globally.Request For Report sample @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-804 Biochemicals Control Market: Key PlayersSome of the key market players in prostate cancer treatment and biochemical control are GlaxoSmithKline, Accord Healthcare Inc., Biologics Inc., BioZyme Inc, Juno Therapeutics, etc. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 18:43:02 For Immediate Release: October 24, 2017 BOISE, Idaho - Boise Cascade Company (NYSE: BCC) will host a webcast and conference call to discuss 2017 third quarter earnings on Tuesday, October 31, at 11 a.m. Eastern. To participate in the conference call, dial 844-795-4410 and use passcode 1613314 (international callers should dial 661-378-9637). To join the webcast, go to the Investor Relations section at www.bc.com and select the Event Calendar link. A replay of the conference call will be available from October 31 at 2 p.m. Eastern through November 7, at 1 p.m. Replay numbers are 855-859-2056 for U.S. callers and 404-537-3406 for international callers with a passcode of 1613314. The archived webcast will be available in the Investor Relations section of Boise Cascade's website. About Boise Cascade Boise Cascade Company is one of the largest producers of engineered wood products and plywood in North America and a leading U.S. wholesale distributor of building products. For more information, please visit our website at bc.com. Investor contact: Wayne Rancourt, 208 384 6073 Media contact: John Sahlberg, 208 384 6451 This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Boise Cascade Company via Globenewswire PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 13:50:01 Oslo, Norway, 24 October 2017 - IDEX, a leading developer of advanced fingerprint solutions for mass market applications, is pleased to issue this invitation to a Capital Markets Day in London on 2 November from 10am GMT. The event will be held at The Clubhouse Bank at 1 Angel Court, in the City of London. The IDEX executive team will present a detailed update on strategy and progress, with a focus on the biometric card market. The market for biometric cards is now on the cusp of commercialization. On the back of widespread adoption of biometric solutions in mobile devices there is significant demand from customers including; banks, retailers and government institutions for biometric card payment solutions. IDEX is confident that it is in pole position, and far ahead of the competition, in the market for biometric cards by virtue of its deep partnership with one of the leading providers of card payment systems based on IDEX's first of a kind biometric payment card technology. The previously announced partnership on the next-generation biometric card with global payment provider, Mastercard, has advanced in line with plan. It has undergone several successful real-world customer trials with large multi-nationals including; ABSA Bank, Unicredit Bank and retailer Pick-n-Pay and is progressing into the certification phase prior to commercial rollout. This initiative is attracting new entrants from across the value chain to participate in what is increasingly expected to be a huge global market, thereby validating the momentum in the biometric card payment market. IDEX's sensor solution is the central component of the complete system required for a biometric card, and IDEX is one of only a few vendors capable of providing fingerprint sensors that meets the performance, cost and volume requirements for mass deployment. IDEX is receiving strong interest from the wider industry and expects to be a supplier to many of these new entrants, who together with IDEX, will assist card manufacturers in developing their own range of card solutions as the biometric card payment systems become ubiquitous in the market. The key elements in moving from prototypes to mass commercialization are: Low cost for biometric solution, Compliance with exacting performance standards, Scalable channel to market and deployment path. IDEX's pre-eminent position in providing convenient and secure biometric solutions for cards is supported by the following: Fundamental off-chip advantage for card sensors with low cost and bendability in card form factors as the sensor is made from standard polymer material IDEX solution requires no battery or special components for contact or contactless cards For a 9x9mm image sensor IDEX's solution occupies 1/8th of the silicon area compared with on-chip silicon sensors and does not require the added process steps for thinning the die or protective packaging, resulting in significant cost savings compared with alternative technologies. IDEX solution has benefited from real-life tests and bank trials (e.g. user misplacing finger, rotation, partial touches, limited attempts). IDEX can further shrink the die and reduce solution cost without compromising biometric performance. IDEX can increase the size of the sensor image enabling exceptional user performance and simple enrolment with a range of existing matcher solutions. IDEX has been working closely with the global payment provider and with a leading card integrator, which delivers over 1 billion cards per annum, for more than two years creating a technologically superior, robust and proven biometric solution suitable for standard manufacturing processes and ready for EMV certification. Formal certification is critical to go to market. IDEX is ahead of the competition and expected to certify shortly. Other available solutions depend on a complex inlay, which is comparatively expensive and not scalable, in production giving a price of over USD 30 per card, whereas IDEX polymer sensor enables a card solution of one third of that price, reducing significantly in high volume production. IDEX is the preferred sensor partner to the leading innovator in global payment who has strong end customer relationships and is the de-facto market leader in the biometric card market. The payment provider drives customer engagement and relationships. The banks and other issuers procure the payment products from the payment provider, and card integrators subsequently deliver an end-to-end solution integrating IDEX's biometric card. IDEX has invested beyond the sensor to offer critical integrated biometric card solutions. This is demonstrated by the innovation agreement by which IDEX will deliver a patented solution to low-cost on-card remote enrolment in the home and a breakthrough compact matcher for commercial deployment in 2018. This provides our customers with a fully integrated, highly secure, convenient and low cost biometric solution that is unique to IDEX. IDEX is looking forward to providing further details on the Capital Markets Day. Please find a detailed invitation enclosed. Contact: Charlotte Knudsen, Director of IR and Communications, +47 9756 1959, ck@IDEX.no Henrik Knudtzon, CFO, +47 9302 2827, hk@IDEX.no About IDEX IDEX is a leading developer of advanced fingerprint sensor technology and products. IDEX technology is used in a range of biometrically enabled applications within three core markets: smartcards, mobile, and Internet of Things (IoT). IDEX's addressable market represents a fast-growing multi-billion unit opportunity. IDEX technology includes both a conventional silicon sensor and a unique off-chip technology, which means that IDEX can offer its partners solutions which are flexible and cost efficient. IDEX ASA (ticker IDEX) is a Norwegian company listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. For more information, please visit www.IDEX.no This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: IDEX ASA via Globenewswire Cargo Shipping Market PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 13:29:43 Press Information Transparency Market Research Transparency Market Research 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany, NY 12207 Tel: +1-518-618-1030 USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.com Website: http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ email Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 635 Words Transparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Cargo shipping means transportation of goods of various types through ships from one location to another. The cargo transported by ships can be of various types. Dry cargoes are common traded goods such as scrap metals, white-goods, paper, etc. that are transported by ships. Shipping cargoes are transported through large cuboidal shaped containers. Reefer cargo or refrigerated cargo means food and perishable items. They are transported through special dehumidified containers providing a temperature range from ~ -35 degrees to up to ~ +30 degrees when the ambient temperature is up to 50 degrees. Food items, rare and precious items, hazardous items such as chemicals and coffee can also be transported by ships. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an index with provides information on prices of moving raw materials or cargo by sea. The indictor is issued by London-based Baltic Exchange. The cargos that are generally shipped are electrical and electronics equipment, iron ore, diesel, petrol, fruits, drinks, solids, manufacturing raw materials, bulk cargo consisting of commodity, materials and oil.By cargo type the market is segmented into dry cargo, hazardous cargo, reefer cargo and over-sized cargo. By vessel type the market is segmented into less than 2,300 Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU), 2,300 4,000 TEU, 4,000 6,000 TEU, 6,000 8,000 TEU, 8,000 10,000 TEU, 10,000 13,000 TEU, 13,000 15,000 TEU, 15,000 18,000 TEU and more than 18,000 TEU. By industry the market is segmented into food & beverages, chemical, manufacturing, oil & gas, white-goods, etc.Browse Full Report With ToC @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=28655 By geography the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America is a prominent cargo shipping market in the world. The U.S. is the largest market in the region. Canada and Mexico are other major market in North America. Europe is one of the largest cargo shipping market in the world. Germany, Italy, France, Spain, the U.K, Belgium, Sweden and Netherlands are major markets in Europe. Asia Pacific is one of the largest cargo shipping market in the world. China which is one of the largest exporter in the world is the largest market for cargo shipping in the Asia Pacific region. Japan, India, South Korea and Australia are other major markets in Asia Pacific. Middle East and Africa is a significant cargo shipping market led by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and South Africa. Latin America is another major cargo shipping market led by Brazil and Argentina. Brazil is the largest market in the region.Rising imports of soybeans, coal and iron ore to China from Australia, Brazil, etc have not increased the shipping rates and increased the demand for cargo shipping. Due to increase in new shipping vessels, shipping prices of commodities have not increased. Growth in foreign trade agreements such as NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement), TPSEP (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership) and AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area), etc. is increasing the demand of cargo shipping market. A restraint for cargo shipping is goods and materials transported through air. As air transport is faster than transportation by ships, the former is the preferred mode of transport for quick transportation.Fill the form for an exclusive sample of this report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=28655 The report mentions the diverse competitive strategies implemented by key players operating in the market to gain market share. Company profiles mention company details, market presence by geography and segments, strategic overview, SWOT analysis and historical revenue. The report also contains details of market share analysis of key players in the market. The major firms operating in the market are A.P. Moller Mrsk A/S (Denmark), Mediterranean Shipping Company SA (Switzerland), China Cosco Holdings Company Limited (China), CMA CGM S.A (France), Hapag-Lloyd AG (Germany), CEVA Logistics (the Netherlands), Panalpina Welttransport (Holding) AG (Switzerland) and Nippon Express Co. Ltd. (Japan). PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 14:30:58 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 841 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Chikungunya is a vector-transmitted viral disease caused by chikungunya virus i.e. CHIKV. CHIKV is an RNA virus belonging to Alphavirus genus of family Togaviridae. The disease was first detected in 1952 in southern Tanzania during an outbreak. The term chikungunya, which is borrowed from Kimakonde language, literally means to become contorted. The term was coined due to the stooped or curved appearance of sufferers having arthralgia (joint pain). Chikungunya is transmitted by day-biting infected mosquitoes, which are primarily of two types: Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. The virus may also be circulated within different animals including rodents and birds. The disease is characterized by fever and joint pain. Other symptoms such as joint swelling, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, nausea, and rash are also observed. Most people suffering from chikungunya recover within a week; however, joint pain is often unbearable and it varies in duration. The disease can be diagnosed by testing the blood for antibodies against the virus (i.e. serological testing) or by detecting viral RNA in blood (i.e. molecular testing). Often the chikungunya infection is misdiagnosed with dengue or Zika virus in the areas where the latter two are prevalent, as all the three infections manifest similar symptoms.Request Sample Copy of the Report@According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chikungunya occurs in Asia including the Indian subcontinent and Africa with relatively low levels of human infection. However, in the year 19992000, a large outbreak occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in 20062007, in India and Gabon. Thereafter, several cases were reported in other Southeast Asian countries and also in European countries. Since 2013, cases have been reported in France, North American countries, and Latin American countries also. So far, chikungunya is a disease with no cure or vaccines. Treatment is generally symptom-oriented and it aims at relieving the symptoms. The disease prevention is focused on the prevention of mosquito bites and prevention and control of mosquito infestation.The global chikungunya diagnosis market is witnessing rapid growth, owing to the increasing incidence of chikungunya worldwide, rising awareness about mosquito-transmitted infections, and government initiatives regarding the prevention and control of mosquito infestation and the disease. Other factors driving the market for chikungunya diagnosis are constant government efforts regarding the prevention of mosquito breeding and general awareness among people about mosquito bites and the resulting infections. Additionally, the rising unmet needs for chikungunya diagnosis in Asia and Africa are likely to provide growth opportunities for the global chikungunya market during the forecast period. However, lack of appropriate treatment and vaccines and misdiagnosis of chikungunya with dengue and Zika virus infections may hamper the growth of the global market during the same period. Also, factors such as lack of awareness in certain underdeveloped countries, shortage of proper diagnostic services along with skilled professionals, and scarcity of funds in these countries may lead to sluggish growth of the global market in the near future.The chikungunya diagnosis market can be segmented on the basis of technique, end-user, and region. Chikungunya can be diagnosed by serological testing techniques or molecular testing techniques. Serological testing involves enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) carried out for detecting the presence of IgG and IgM anti-chikungunya antibodies. Molecular testing involves reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) carried out for detecting the presence of viral RNA. The market can be segmented on the basis of end-user into diagnostic laboratories, hospitals, and others (academic & research institutes, biotechnology & pharmaceutical companies). The diagnostic laboratories segment is expected to account for a major share of the market during the forecast period, due to increasing incidence of mosquito-transmitted diseases and high investments in diagnostic laboratories.Geographically, the chikungunya diagnosis market has been segmented into five regions viz. Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America holds a major share of the global market, due to extensive R&D activities in the health care sector in the region including ongoing corporate and government efforts for the development of new products. The market in Asia Pacific is projected to expand at a rapid pace, due to high prevalence of mosquito-transmitted diseases. Additionally, alliances among the western market players is another factor stimulating the growth of the chikungunya diagnosis market in the region.Key players operating in the global chikungunya diagnosis market are Abbott Laboratories, Alere Inc., Becton, Dickinson and Company, bioMerieux SA, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Danaher Corporation, Hologic, Inc., MedMira Inc., Merck KGaA, QIAGEN, Roche Molecular Systems Inc., Siemens Healthcare, and Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.Request TOC of the Report@The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications. Contact Lenses Market by Material (Soft, Silicone Hydrogel, Rigid Gas Permeable, Hybrid, and Polymethyl Methacrylate), by Application (Therapeutic, Cosmetic, and Others), by Design (Spherical, Bifocal, Orthokeratology, and Toric), and by Region - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (20162021) Browse And Choose From Our World Class Research Reports PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 12:07:51 Press Information Market Data Forecast 2nd Floor, Lakeview Plaza, Kavuri Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana Abhishek Shukla Sales Manager +1-888-702-9626 email http://www.marketdataforecast.com/ # 954 Words 2nd Floor, Lakeview Plaza, Kavuri Hills, Hyderabad, TelanganaSales Manager+1-888-702-9626 According to the report Global Contact Lenses Market published by Market Data Forecast, the global market projected to reach USD 15.1 billion by 2021, at a CGSR of 7.60% from 2016 to 2021.View report at: http://www.marketdataforecast.com/market-reports/global-contact-lenses-market-1697/ A contact lens is a thin and curved lens which is placed on the surface of the eye. They can be used for cosmetic and novelty purpose or for vision correction. Contact Lenses are medical devices, regulated by Food and Drug Administration (USA) hence requires prescription. The various types of contact lenses are Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses, Soft contact lenses, and Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses, among others. Contact lenses come with particular wear schedules such as Extended Wear Contact Lenses and Disposable Contact Lenses. Extended Wear Contact Lenses can be worn overnight for a period ranging from 6 to 30 days, whereas Disposable Contact Lenses can be discarded after use. As contact lenses, do not contain water traces, it can withstand any deposits build up.Download free sample report: http://www.marketdataforecast.com/market-reports/global-contact-lenses-market-1697/request-sample The growth of Contact Lenses market is majorly driven by factors such as rising public awareness, affordability, convenient to use, presence of umpteen numbers of brands, improving economy, growth in online sales, increase in disposable income, wider range of products, growth in eye disorder, and consumers preference for lenses over glasses. Additionally, consumer group, specifically youngsters are drawn towards cosmetic lenses to improve their appearance, thereby spurring up the demand for the product. The rise in aging population is also expected to increase the demand for the product. The advanced technology in contact lenses made it possible for people suffering from astigmatism and presbyopia to opt for contact lenses, thereby spiking the demand for the product. The key constraints of the market are increase in demand for corrective eye surgery (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis LASIK and Photorefractive Keratectomy PRK), cut-throat competition, economic slowdown, and serious hazards of contact lenses (infections, eye dryness, itchiness in the eye, conjunctivitis, and corneal ulcer, among others).Inquire before buying: http://www.marketdataforecast.com/market-reports/global-contact-lenses-market-1697/inquire The products are segmented based on Material, Application, and Design and studied for a deep-level understanding of the Contact Lenses Market. Each sub segment is accompanied with Market Size Estimations and Y-o-Y Forecasts as well.Buy now: https://www.marketdataforecast.com/cart/buy-now/global-contact-lenses-market-1697 Key Points from Table of Contents Overviewo Executive Summaryo Key Inferenceso New Developments Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, and Challenges Analysis (DROC) Industry Segmentationo Based on Materialo Based on Applicationo Based on Design Geographical Analysis Pipeline Product Analysis Strategic Analysis8.1 PESTLE analysis8.2 Porters five analysis Industry Leaders' Analysis Competitive LandscapeThe market has also been geographically segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle-East and Africa. North America is expected to command the major market share of 37% in 2016 followed by Europe. Asia Pacific is anticipated to be the fastest growing region for the product with a CAGR of 8.16% during the forecast period 2016-2021.Geographical Segmentation: North America Contact Lenses Market Europe Contact Lenses Market Asia-pacific Contact Lenses Market Latin America Contact Lenses Market Middle East and Africa Contact Lenses MarketThe key players in Global Contact Lenses Market are Johnson & Johnson (USA), Bausch & Lomb (USA), Carl Zeiss AG (Germany), CooperVision (USA), Alcon Laboratories, Inc (USA), Hydrogel Vision Corp (USA), Abbott Medical Optics, Inc. (USA), CIBA Vision (USA), Essilor International (France), and Contamac (United Kingdom).Future trend of Contact Lenses is Smart Contact Lenses mains that a contact lens integrates a set of electronic components and forming a specific function. They may be used to monitor diabetes by measuring intraocular pressure, tear glucose, or for presbyopia and myopia control, low vision.The Contact Lenses Market study offers the following deliverables: Global, regional and country-level analysis and forecasts of the study market; providing Insights on the major countries/regions in which this industry is blooming and to also identify the regions that are still untapped Segment-level analysis in terms of Material, Application, and Design along with market size forecasts and estimations to detect key areas of industry growth in detail Identification of key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges (DROC) in the market and their impact on shifting market dynamics Study of the effect of exogenous and endogenous factors that affect the global market; which includes broadly demographic, economics, and political, among other macro-environmental factors presented in an extensive PESTLE Analysis Study the micro environment factors that determine the overall profitability of an Industry, using Porters five forces analysis for analysing the level of competition and business strategy development A comprehensive list of key market players along with their product portfolio, current strategic interests, key financial information, legal issues, SWOT analysis and analyst overview to study and sustain the market environment Competitive landscape analysis listing out the mergers, acquisitions, collaborations in the field along with new product launches, comparative financial studies and recent developments in the market by the major companies An executive summary, abridging the entire report in such a way that decision-making personnel can rapidly become acquainted with background information, concise analysis and main conclusions Expertly devised analyst overview along with Investment opportunities to provide both individuals and organizations a strong financial foothold in the marketAbout Market Data Forecast:Market Data Forecast is a firm working in the area of market research and business intelligence. With rich experience in research across various business domains, they cater to the needs of both individual and corporate clients. From all-encompassing umbrella markets to extremely specific niche markets covering all the major regions across the globe as part of the research scope, their research services offer one of a kind specialities with competitive pricing options. For more info kindly visit, www.marketdataforecast.com PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 15:00:49 Press Information Transparency Market Research U.S. OFFICE: State Tower, 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany NY - 12207 United States Rohit Bhisey Head of Marketing +1-518-618-1030 email https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ # 624 Words U.S. OFFICE:State Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesHead of Marketing+1-518-618-1030 Global Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Market: OverviewCyanoacrylates, also referred to as super glue, are covered under the famous family of adhesives used for application in industrial, medical, and household sectors. These adhesives usually have a shorter shelf-life. If unopened they can last up to a year, however, if opened they hardly last for more than a month. Cyanoacrylate is the generic name used to connote ethyl-2- Cyanoacrylate and 2- octyl- Cyanoacrylate.Request Sample Copy of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=2756 Industrial cyanoacrylates are known as instant adhesives, which provide high strength glue to bond unlike materials such as plastic, rubber, and metal. Furthermore, thermoplastic resins can be obtained from these adhesives at room temperature and at a rapid speed enabling it derive its fixture strength within a few seconds and complete strength within a day. For the purpose of the study, the global cyanoacrylates adhesives market can be segmented based on products into toughened adhesives, general purpose adhesives, low bloom adhesives, flexible adhesives, light cure adhesives, and thermal adhesives.The report provides a holistic analysis of the global cyanoacrylates adhesives market covering the various growth drivers and restraints impacting its trajectory. The effect of Porters five forces is studied to gauge the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, the prevailing competitive strengths, and challenge posed by the entry of new players and availability of substitutes. To study the vendor landscape, the report profiles some of the leading companies operating in the global cyanoacrylate adhesives market and conducts SWOT analysis on them. It is thus compiled to help readers gain a 360 degree overview of the global market.Global Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Market: Trends and OpportunitiesCyanoacrylate adhesives are used across diverse applications such as in flying model aircraft, assembling prototype electronics, and retention dressing for nuts and bolts. In addition, these adhesives are used as finishes in wood turners, besides in automotive assemblies. The application of cyanoacrylate is extended across the medical device sector as well, where it is used for bonding needle and syringe.However, industrial segments to continue being at the fore of the global cyanoacrylate adhesives market, projects the report. For instance, the market will gain from the increased use of plastic in the appliance industry, as these adhesives are used for bonding plastic cabinets, doors, appliances, shelves, and liners. Additionally, the increasing use of reusable plastic in the appliance industry will bolster opportunities for the application of cyanoacrylates adhesives. By using this, the industry can ensure minimal plastic disposal. While factors such as limited technological advancements can hamper the markets trajectory in the near future, it is expected to gain significantly from the growth of various end-use segments.Global Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Market: Regional OutlookRegionally, the global cyanoacrylates adhesives market can be segmented into Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, and Rest of the world. Among these regions, North America is expected to demonstrate lucrative opportunities due to the growth witnessed in the regions rigid bonding and transportation segment. Besides this, the market will also witness robust growth in Asia Pacific due to the rapid expansion of plastic manufacturing industries in China and Japan.Global Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Market: Vendor LandscapeSome of the most prominent players operating in the global cyanoacrylate adhesives market are ITW Devcon, 3M, Bostik, Henkel, Permabond, Lord Corporation, and Hernon Manufacturing Inc. An analysis into the policies adopted by these companies can present insights into the factors influencing the prevailing demand and supply forces in the market. Besides this, marketing strategies and business policies adopted by the companies to strengthen their hold also have a considerable influence on the overall market operations.Request TOC of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=2756 3D Bioprinting also known as additive manufacturing is used to make three dimensional solid objects from a digital file which is achieved by using additive processes. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 11:02:08 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 512 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 3D Bioprinting also known as additive manufacturing is used to make three dimensional solid objects from a digital file which is achieved by using additive processes.3D Bioprinting technology developed from prototyping in various applications for development of actual usable parts and products. 3D bioprinting market facilitates the opportunities for prosthesis, dental implants, hearing aids, contact lenses, hips implant, custom made knee and etc. that are customized and personalized according to the individual, one of the advances of 3D printing is known as bio-printing or the ability to print living tissues. 3D printer use bio-ink, a blend of living cells, the bio-printer create a structure from these cells, layer by layer, to create human tissue. By the help of 3D bioprinting physicians can use patient-specific data to capture, modify and at last apply various physical solutions of all shapes and sizes to the patient, without such application or technology, personalized treatment to patient would be difficult, as patients will need unique parts that can be rapidly and simply manufactured. Its also helps to reduce surgery cost, time, trauma and healing period which is beneficial for both patient and surgeon.Browse Full Report With ToC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-808 3D Bioprinting Market: Drivers and RestraintsPresently, global 3D healthcare printing market is driven by the advancement in technology, increase in the percentage of aging population as old age is considered as the high risk factor for the development of various disorders, improvement in the healthcare infrastructure, and increase in the investment in research and development sector.Technological advances in this dynamic industry are ever ongoing applications of additive manufacturing in healthcare are expanding. However, lack of skilled professional act as a major barrier for 3D healthcare printing global market.3D Bioprinting Market: OverviewWith rapid technological advancement and increase in the investment in R&D sector, the global 3D bioprinting market is expected to have a healthy growth rate in the forecast period (2015-2025).3D bioprinting global market is expected to witness significant growth, owing to intervention of government for improving healthcare infrastructure and increasing investments in R&D sector. In addition, healthcare professionals increasingly explore 3D bioprinting because it reduces the risks associated with anesthesia during long surgeries and improves healthcare.3D Bioprinting Market: Region-wise OutlookDepending on geographic region, global 3D bioprinting market is segmented into seven key regions: North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan, and Middle East & Africa.North America is the leading market for 3D bioprinting whereas Europe is expected to capture the large market shares followed by Asia Pacific region where the market is expected to grow due to rapid technological innovations, huge investment on research and development in these regions, large consumer base, and high disposable income.Request For Report sample @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-808 3D Bioprinting Market: Key PlayersSome of the key participating global players in 3D bioprinting global market are Stratasys Ltd., 3D Systems, Inc., Materialise NV, Organovo Holdings Inc., SOLS Systems, Youbionic, The Pexion Group, Oceanz 3D printing & Additive Manufacturing, and others. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 14:44:05 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 646 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by muscle degeneration and weakness. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) cause due to lack of protein known as dystrophin which causes muscles deterioration and break down, leads to difficulty in walking and general mobility. DMD is a one of the most progressive childhood neuromuscular disorders. It affects mostly boys, but occasionally girls are affected. According to Muscular Dystrophy Australia, in 2016, Duchenne muscular dystrophy affected approximately 1 in 3500 male births across the world. Symptoms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy are frequent falls, muscle pain and stiffness, trouble running and jumping, and difficulty getting up from a lying or sitting position, among others. DMD can be caused due to cardiac, neuromuscular, and orthopedic disorders.Request Sample Copy of the Report@Increasing research and development, introduction of novel disease therapies, rising demand for effective therapies among patients, and increasing disease prevalence are projected to fuel the growth of the global Duchenne muscular dystrophy market. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2016, prevalence of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DBMD) was 1 in every 7,250 males aged 5 to 24 years. Rising prevalence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, neurovascular, and arthritis, and increasing health care insurance coverage are the other factors likely to accelerate the growth of the global Duchenne muscular dystrophy market. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases accounted for 17.7 million deaths in 2015, representing 31% of all global deaths. However, stricter regulation for product approvals and high product cost are likely to restrain the Duchenne muscular dystrophy market.The Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) market has been segmented based on treatment type, diagnosis, end-user, and region. In terms of treatment type, the market has been classified into drug therapy and novel therapy. The drug therapy segment has been sub-segmented into corticosteroids and others. The novel therapy segment has been categorized into gene therapy, stem cell therapy, utrophin, and others. In terms of diagnosis, the Duchenne muscular dystrophy market has been classified into blood tests, gene tests, and muscle biopsy. Based on end-user, the market has been classified into hospitals, specialty clinics, and ambulatory surgery centers.Geographically, the Duchenne muscular dystrophy market has been segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America dominates the global Duchenne muscular dystrophy market due to new product innovation, high health care expenditure, and government awareness programs. The United Parent Projects Muscular Dystrophy initiated World Duchenne Awareness Day. The aim of Duchenne Awareness Day is to raise awareness about Duchenne muscular dystrophy across the globe and September 7 has been declared as Duchenne Awareness Day. Europe is the second largest market for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The market in Asia Pacific is expected to grow at higher rate due to rapid rise in population, growing prevalence of chronic diseases, increasing health care coverage, and rising investment in research and development. Emerging regions such as Latin America and Middle East & Africa will create a large opportunity in the global Duchenne muscular dystrophy market due to growing awareness among people, increasing public and private health care insurance coverage, etc.Major players operating in the global Duchenne muscular dystrophy market include Pfizer, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Nobelpharma Co., Ltd., Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc., Tivorsan Pharmaceuticals, Acceleron Pharma, Inc., BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc., Asklepios Kliniken GmbH, FibroGen, Inc., and Santhera Pharmaceuticals Holding.Request TOC of the Report@The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 09:01:34 Press Information Francesca Jewellery Shop 212, 70 MUrray Street, Hobart, TAS, 7000 Australia Francesca Jewellery Company Representative 0487 893 650 email https://www.francesca.com.au/ # 363 Words Shop 212,70 MUrray Street,Hobart,TAS,7000AustraliaCompany Representative0487 893 650 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Jewellery designer Francesca Collections is fundraising to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation. They have designed a stunning pink Aragonite and solid sterling silver bracelet that consists of 6mm beads threaded onto industrial strength elastic. Handmade in Tasmania the bracelet costs $39 AUD. By purchasing the awareness bracelet $20 will go directly to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.This month provides everyone an opportunity to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected by the disease. In Australia it is the most common cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). While survival rates continue to improve, there is a great need to continue to deliver the message of early detection. Self-examination or finding a health professional to check changes in the breast is the best way to detect any potential issues.As this is a charity donation, the awareness bracelet from Francesca does not come with other discount codes and does not have exchanges or refunds available unless the product is considered faulty. It is available in the standard size, but can be made smaller or larger by discussing this with Francesca. Gift wrapping is available and can be selected from the shopping site. Customers can also customise this bracelet by adding a letter charm.Francesca is passionate about women living the life they love and feeling empowered by spreading the lifesaving message of getting checked. They aim to create a brand with a conscience, one that focusses on the bigger things in life. Giving back to the community is a huge priority and every month Francesca fundraises for a charity through their exquisite Awareness Bracelet. It is designed in the colour of their cause. Through I=Change social platform and their efforts with Be Her Freedom for victims of human trafficking Francesca is on its way to be an internationally recognised brand that fights for womens rights.Francesca jewellery started as a small stall in Tasmanias Salamanca Market. Today they have a thriving online store and in 2016 opened their first Melbourne store.For online shopping: https://www.francesca.com.au/ For more information about breast cancer prevention in Australia: https://canceraustralia.gov.au/healthy-living/campaigns-events/breast-cancer-awareness-month PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 15:00:50 Press Information Transparency Market Research U.S. OFFICE: State Tower, 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany NY - 12207 United States Rohit Bhisey Head of Marketing +1-518-618-1030 email https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ # 598 Words U.S. OFFICE:State Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesHead of Marketing+1-518-618-1030 Furan resins are heterocyclic organic compound polymers manufactured from furfuryl alcohol. It has applications in solvents, foundry, plastics, wetting agents, adhesives, automotive and in gas hardening processes. The raw material furfuryl alcohol is obtained from sugarcane bagasse and corn cobs, wheat bran, oats and others. It has application in rocketry as a hypergolic fuel which ignites readily in presence of fuming nitric acid and red fuming nitric acid. It is also used as raw material for other specialty chemicals for various applications.Request Sample Copy of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=2761 Increasing demand for bio-based products owing to increasing awareness among consumers coupled with rising environmental regulations is expected to drive the furan resins market. Furan resins are manufactured from renewable raw materials such as sugarcane bagasse, wheat bran and oats. Environmental regulations favor eco-friendly products over synthetic counter parts. Furan resins find application in paints & plastic industry which is anticipated to drive the market due to increase in demand from construction and paints industry. In addition, growing demand for furan resin in foundry application is expected to drive the market growth. Bio-based resins and paints are gaining demand from developed countries with strict environmental regulations. Furan resin derivatives are waterproof, acid & chemical resistant and offer high weight to strength ratio. These properties make them indispensable in construction and industrial structures industry. Further demand for furan resins from automotive industry is expected to boost the market growth. Furan resins and its derivatives are used in different parts of automotives to reduce the weight. For example, epoxy furan is used as matrix material in automotive manufacture.However the safety issues regarding transportation and export rules of different developing countries is expected to restrain the market growth. Furan is highly flammable and volatile at room temperature that makes transportation difficult. Environmental regulations are imposed with exposure limits of furan resins and its derivatives due to its toxic nature and potential to cause cancer.Research and developments in the field of rocketry are expected to provide immense opportunities for manufacturers of furan resins in the near future. Furan resins with reinforced material are highly resistant to high temperature and chemicals that is used in protective structure of the rocket parts while re-entering earths atmosphere. Further novel furan resins application in composites is expected to open up new opportunities in the near future.Asia Pacific was the largest producer and consumer of furan resin in which China contributes to the highest consumption. Proximity to raw material and increasing applications in plastics & resins are expected to drive the market in this region. Foundry industry is the major contributor towards the growth of furan resin market in this region. Asia Pacific was followed by Europe in terms of consumption owing to increase in the application area of furan resins and eco-friendly nature of furan resin based products. Research activities in the field of wind energy and rocketry are expected to provide opportunity for furan resin market in this region. North America is expected to grow at a faster pace owing to increase in availability of raw materials and rising demand from construction and paints industry.Some of the key players in Furan Resins market include DynaChem Inc., The Chemical Company, Hongye Chemical Co. Ltd, Penn A Kem LLC, Nova Molecular technologies, Continetal Industries Group Inc., Shenzhen Shu Hang Industrial Development Co. Ltd., SolvChem Inc., NeuChem Inc., SweetLake Chemical Ltd., Ideal Chemical & Supply Company, Novasynorganics, International Process Plants among others.Request TOC of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=2761 Europe OTC Orthopedic Braces Market By Product, By Indication And By Region-Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, And Forecasts 2016 to 2021 Europe OTC Orthopedic Braces Market PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 07:56:07 Press Information Market Data Forecast 2nd Floor, Lakeview Plaza, Kavuri Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500033, India. Abhishek Shukla Sales Manager +1-888-702-9626 email http://www.marketdataforecast.com/ # 524 Words 2nd Floor, Lakeview Plaza, Kavuri Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500033, India.Sales Manager+1-888-702-9626 The Europe OTC Orthopedic Braces Market is estimated to be growing from 294 million in 2016 at a CAGR of 5.15%, to reach USD 377 million by 2021. The market is showcasing evident growth potential in the mentioned forecasting period and is also predicted to grow in the future years because of the developments in medical sector.Browse more details @ http://marketdataforecast.com/market-reports/europe-otc-orthopedic-braces-market-3059/ Orthopedic braces, also known as orthopedic splints, provide the joints with protection, stabilization and correction of injuries or abnormal structure of bones. They have a wide range of applications including injury rehabilitation, prevention, and more. The braces are also designed in a way to compensate for muscles which have little or no strength in them. They also provide corrections in the structural anomalies and help the doctors to detect cerebral palsy, spina bifida, as well as to treat the symptoms of stroke.Increasing geriatric population, developing research activities, advancement in technology, rising disposable income and growing awareness of public regarding different treatment options for orthopedic conditions are propelling the growth of the OTC orthopedic braces market in the Europe region. However, high cost, insufficient reimbursement scenarios and growing preference towards other treatment alternatives are the factors that prove as major constraints for this market.The Europe OTC Orthopedic Braces market is broadly categorized on the basis of Product into Lower Extremity Braces, Knee Braces, Foot & Ankle Braces, Upper Extremity Braces, Shoulder Braces, Elbow Braces, Wrist Braces, Back & Hip Braces and Other Braces. Based on Indication, the market is segmented into Prophylactic, Injury, Osteoarthritis (OA) and Other Indications. The prophylactic braces segment is expected to hold the largest share of the Europe OTC orthopedic braces market in 2016 owing to increased participation in sports, studies proving the efficacy of prophylactic braces in decreasing the injuries, and increased awareness.Download Free Sample Report @ http://marketdataforecast.com/market-reports/europe-otc-orthopedic-braces-market-3059/request-sample On the basis of region the Europe market is analyzed under the regions U.K, Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. These countries are highly developed in the medical sector and hence prove to be a major hot spot for the growth of OTC Orthopedic Braces Market.Some of the major competitors dominating the market are DJO Finance LLC, DeRoyal Industries Inc, Breg, Inc, Bauerfeind AG, BSN Medical, Otto Bock HealthCare, Medi GmbH & Co. KG, Thuasne Group and 3M Company.Market Segmentation :1) Product2) IndicationInquire before buying @ http://marketdataforecast.com/market-reports/europe-otc-orthopedic-braces-market-3059/inquire About us:Market Data Forecast is a firm working in the area of market research and business intelligence. With rich experience in research across various business domains, they cater to the needs of both individual and corporate clients. From all-encompassing umbrella markets to extremely specific niche markets covering all the major regions across the globe as part of the research scope, their research services offer one of a kind specialties with competitive pricing options.For more information, kindly visit, www.marketdataforecast.com Contact us:Abhishek ShuklaSales Manager (International Business Development)Market Data ForecastDirect Line: +1-888-702-9626Mobile: +91 998 555 0206Mail:abhishek@ marketdataforecast.com Visit Market Data Forecast Blog @ http://www.marketdataforecast.com/blog/ View latest Press Releases of MDF @ http://www.marketdataforecast.com/press-releases PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 15:03:01 LAS VEGAS, Oct. 24, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gainsight(TM), the Customer Success company, today unveiled a new solution on its Customer Success software platform called Gainsight for Services Success, designed exclusively for professional services teams. Now, for the first time, services teams have access to a technology platform that will enable them to drive a seamless customer journey from the handoff from sales to the realization of specific business outcomes. Over the past 10 years, with the rise of the subscription business model, companies have increasingly begun to offer their customers new services as a way of providing value on top of their products or to drive entirely new revenue streams. According to Gartner, by 2020 more than 80% of software vendors will change their primary business model from traditional license and maintenance to subscription. To make this shift successfully, businesses need to engage with their customers in an entirely new manner. Customers of subscription-based services are intensely focused on time-to-value as well as the achievement of specific business outcomes. As a result, the traditional approach of services organizations, which is focused on project success (time and budget), isn't enough to succeed in the subscription economy. Therefore, Gainsight is extending its Customer Success platform with Gainsight for Services Success to enable professional services organizations to quickly and efficiently onboard clients at scale, as well as measure service engagement results based on business outcomes. As a result, Gainsight for Services Success can complement an existing Professional Services Automation (PSA) solution investment which is focused on project success but missing critical customer context. "While professional services teams have long been at the forefront of customer engagement, their tools have been very internally focused on the management and control of their project-based business," said Nick Mehta, CEO of Gainsight. "As companies shift to subscription-based offerings, they need a tool that bridges the gap between managing the internal operations of their services business and managing the higher expectations of today's customers. With our focus on Customer Success, Gainsight is uniquely positioned to help professional services teams thrive in the subscription economy." Gainsight for Services Success Solution Highlights Success Plans: Ensure smooth handoffs from sales by capturing the customer's desired business outcomes during the sales cycle, and stay aligned with those goals throughout the customer journey Customer Journey Orchestrator: Create seamless engagement across the entire customer journey using a mix of human and digital touchpoints Create seamless engagement across the entire customer journey using a mix of human and digital touchpoints Service Performance Surveys: Capture customer sentiment through a turnkey survey program to get the pulse on projects, from start to post-completion Capture customer sentiment through a turnkey survey program to get the pulse on projects, from start to post-completion Service Scorecards: Tie project goals to tangible metrics to measure the impact of a project with sophisticated scorecards Tie project goals to tangible metrics to measure the impact of a project with sophisticated scorecards Project 360: Centralize project information, customer data, and intelligent workflow to maintain a comprehensive picture of the customer and proactively address project risk and escalations Centralize project information, customer data, and intelligent workflow to maintain a comprehensive picture of the customer and proactively address project risk and escalations Proactive Calls-to-Action: Manage project risk or capitalize on a sales opportunity with automated alerts triggered by trends in data "Giving our Onboarding Team access to Gainsight has allowed us to improve our enterprise Onboarding CSAT from 8.25 to 9.15 (out of 10) over the past 18 months," said Domenico Batteate, Program Manager, New Customer Experience at Adobe. "With Gainsight, we can streamline the onboarding experience, consistently measure the impact and ensure our customers are receiving the outcomes they purchased Adobe for." "Gainsight has enabled us to streamline our onboarding program without compromising the experience and outcomes we can deliver," said Bharath Devanathan, Chief Customer Officer at Belong. "Giving our onboarding team the tools to contribute to the initial customer journey ensures a strong foundation for long-term customer success." Founded in 2011, Gainsight's mission has been to deliver the technology, expertise and community companies need to turn their customers into their best growth engine. As the shift from one-time sales to recurring revenue accelerates, the only way to to drive profitable growth is to improve customer retention and expansion. According to the investment bank Pacific Crest's 2015 survey, it is 6x-8x cheaper to retain or up-sell an existing client than it is to get a new one. With a suite of offerings designed to unify customer data, provide strategic insight into your customer portfolio and drive integrated human and automated action, Gainsight is widely considered the leading provider of customer success solutions. For More Information: Learn more about Gainsight for Services Success: https://www.gainsight.com/customer-success-products/services-success/ Read more about Gainsight's customers: http://www.gainsight.com/customers/ Join Gainsight's growing team: http://www.gainsight.com/company/ About Gainsight(TM) Gainsight(TM), the Customer Success company, helps businesses grow faster by reducing churn, increasing upsell, and driving customer advocacy. Gainsight's product helps you touch customers effectively, track customer health consistently and transform the way your company orients around the customer. Gainsight provides a 360 view of customers and drives retention across Customer Success, sales, marketing, executive and product management. Learn how leading companies like Adobe, Box, Cisco, DocuSign, HPE, Marketo and Workday use Gainsight to help their customers succeed at www.gainsight.com. Connect with Gainsight: Blog: www.gainsight.com/blog Twitter: www.twitter.com/GainsightHQ Facebook: www.facebook.com/Gainsight Contact Mike Moeller Aircover Communications 408-439-4169 mike.moeller@aircoverpr.com Global Bluetooth Speaker Market report offers a detailed insight into the upstream raw material analysis and downstream demand analysis along with crucial elements Research Trades PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 11:54:24 Press Information Research Trades Office No.10, Wing C, Rajhans, Baner, Pune-45, India Deepak Chaudhari Digital Maraketing Executive 7507349866 email https://www.researchtrades.com/ # 430 Words Office No.10, Wing C, Rajhans, Baner, Pune-45, IndiaDigital Maraketing Executive7507349866 - Festive Month Offer -20% discount on purchase of reports from 1st October to 31st October.For more offers post 31st October, kindly contact us. * Terms & Conditions apply!!Contact No. : +16269994607 (US), /+91 7507349866 (IND)Email: sales@ researchtrades.com Report Overview:Global Bluetooth Speaker Market report offers a detailed insight into the upstream raw material analysis and downstream demand analysis along with crucial elements of this market report for furthermore highlights key proposals for new project development along with offering an assessment of investment feasibility analysis. This study is a useful guide to all investors to identify the lucrative market avenues across different segments and geographical regions. The market entry conditions along with emerging avenues will help the new entrants to gauge the pulse of the market. Furthermore, the study tracks industry news in terms of new mergers and acquisition made by prominent companies to expand their product offerings across various countries. The report is a useful guide to market players, all stakeholders, interested market participants and investors to formulate their strategies.Bluetooth is simply a wireless technology that lets two devices talk to each other. In the case of Bluetooth speakers, your smartphone, tablet, or other device transmits to the Bluetooth speaker which uses its built-in amplifier and speakers for playback.Get sample copy of this report @ https://www.researchtrades.com/request-sample/1217576 Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Bluetooth Speaker in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers Bose Corporation, Sony, Beats Inc, Harman International, Yamaha Corporation of America, Audiovox Corporation, Poineer, Logitech, Sennheiser, Polk Audio, Altec Lansing, Creative, Samsung, Philips, Panasonic, LG, Doss, Edifier, Bowers & Wilkins.Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, covers Portable & Fixed.Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Home Use & Commercial.Key Chapters of this report1 Market Overview1.1 Bluetooth Speaker Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Portable1.2.2 Fixed2 Manufacturers Profiles2.1 Bose Corporation2.1.1 Business Overview2.1.2 Bluetooth Speaker Type and Applications2.1.2.1 Type Type 23 Global Bluetooth Speaker Market Competition, by Manufacturer3.1 Global Bluetooth Speaker Sales and Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.2 Global Bluetooth Speaker Revenue and Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.3 Global Bluetooth Speaker Price by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.4 Market Concentration RateContinue... Global Colposcopy Market report offers a detailed insight into the upstream raw material analysis and downstream demand analysis along with crucial elements Research Trades PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 11:12:52 Press Information Research Trades Office No.10, Wing C, Rajhans, Baner, Pune-45, India Deepak Chaudhari Digital Maraketing Executive 7507349866 email https://www.researchtrades.com/ # 459 Words Office No.10, Wing C, Rajhans, Baner, Pune-45, IndiaDigital Maraketing Executive7507349866 - Festive Month Offer -20% discount on purchase of reports from 1st October to 31st October.For more offers post 31st October, kindly contact us. * Terms & Conditions apply!!Contact No. : +16269994607 (US), /+91 7507349866 (IND)Email: sales@ researchtrades.com Report Overview:Global Colposcopy Market report offers a detailed insight into the upstream raw material analysis and downstream demand analysis along with crucial elements of this market report for furthermore highlights key proposals for new project development along with offering an assessment of investment feasibility analysis. This study is a useful guide to all investors to identify the lucrative market avenues across different segments and geographical regions. The market entry conditions along with emerging avenues will help the new entrants to gauge the pulse of the market. Furthermore, the study tracks industry news in terms of new mergers and acquisition made by prominent companies to expand their product offerings across various countries. The report is a useful guide to market players, all stakeholders, interested market participants and investors to formulate their strategies.Colposcopy is a medical diagnostic procedure to examine an illuminated, magnified view of the cervix and the tissues of the vagina and vulva. Many premalignant lesions and malignant lesions in these areas have discernible characteristics which can be detected through the examination. It is done using a colposcopy, which provides an enlarged view of the areas, allowing the colposcopies to visually distinguish normal from abnormal appearing tissue and take directed biopsies for further pathological examination. The main goal of colposcopy is to prevent cervical cancer by detecting precancerous lesions early and treating them.Get sample copy of this report @ https://www.researchtrades.com/request-sample/1230337 Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Colposcopy in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers Leisegang, Welch Allyn, Philips, Olympus, Zeiss, other.Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, covers Electronic Colposcopy & Optical Colposcopy.Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Cervical Cancer Diagnostic, Physical Examination, Other.Key Chapters of this report1 Market Overview1.1 Colposcopy Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Electronic Colposcopy1.2.2 Optical Colposcopy2 Manufacturers Profiles2.1 Leisegang2.1.1 Business Overview2.1.2 Colposcopy Type and Applications2.1.2.1 Type Type 23 Global Colposcopy Market Competition, by Manufacturer3.1 Global Colposcopy Sales and Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.2 Global Colposcopy Revenue and Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.3 Global Colposcopy Price by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.4 Market Concentration RateContinue... PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 16:23:13 Press Information Published by ACCESSWIRE News Network 888.952.4446 e-mail http://www.accesswire.com # 401 Words ACCESSWIRE News Network888.952.4446 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Golden Ridge Resources Ltd.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Kelowna, British Columbia (FSCWire) - Golden Ridge Resources Ltd. (TSX Venture:GLDN). has issued a press release with the following headline:Golden Ridge Resources Provides Corporate Update and Completes a 14 Hole, 4,250 Meter Diamond Drilling Program at Hank PropertyTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Golden Ridge Resources Ltd., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: http://www.fscwire.com/public-company/Golden Ridge Resources Ltd.Source: Golden Ridge Resources Ltd. (TSX Venture: GLDN)Date: October 24, 2017Time: 10:22 AM EDT--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Golden Ridge Resources Ltd. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: http://www.fscwire.com Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. http://www.fscwire.com Copyright 2017 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) Graphene Nanocomposites Market PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 11:55:35 Press Information Future Market Insights CONTACT: Future Market Insights Abhishek Bhudoliya 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, United States T: +1-347-918-3531 F: +1-845-579-5705 Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.com Website: www.futuremarketinsights.com email Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 669 Words CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: www.futuremarketinsights.comAbhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Graphene, an allotrope of carbon, is also the basic structural element of several other allotropes such as charcoal, graphite, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. This material finds application in high-performance markets such as electronics, medical and military among others, and could re-define the nanocomposites market in the future. Graphene nanocomposites have shown a great growth potential in certain industry segments such as electronics, aerospace, green energy and automotive. Over the past few years, technology has advanced significantly and the synthesis of graphene in bulk amount became possible. This is a milestone in the development of graphene based composite and hybrid materials.Owing to the high cost of material manufacture and production techniques, as well as the high cost of technology and patent protection, some materials in the nanocomposites market have posed difficulties in terms of costing and manufacturing delays for various high-performance end-user segments. Graphene based polymer composites show prevalent mechanical, thermal, fire resistance and electrical properties in contrast with a routine polymer.Request For Report Sample@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3154 Its contribution to the host framework enhances electrical and mechanical properties superior to different Nanocomposites, for example, clay and carbon nanotubes (CNT). In spite of the fact that CNTs are practically identical in mechanical properties to that of graphene, graphene nanocomposites are ideal over the previous one due to its better electrical and thermal conductivity. The exceptional thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of graphene nanocomposites are expected to propel the nanocomposites market growth. Graphene nanocomposites also possess the properties of fracture toughness, lightweight, fatigue strength and cost-effectiveness. All these features promote its usage as primary filling agents in conventional composite applications.Graphene nanocomposites are also utilized in energy storage and conversion devices such as lithium (Li), Li-sulphur Li-air batteries and super capacitors or ultra-capacitors. Graphene nanocomposites exhibits fabulous material features, for example, quicker recombination rate and longer stability. Li-ion batteries by means of solution blending improves the recharging capacity and its performance level. Research & Development to utilize graphene nanocomposites in microbial fuels are being carried out in order to generate electricity from organic matters.Asian countries such as Indonesia, South-Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China and North America region are the major manufacturers and consumers of graphene nanocomposites in terms of volume. Major growth in these countries is expected from the growing electronics & electrical, packaging, automotive and electronics & semiconductor sectors. The presence of a large number of manufacturers, research institutes and universities, combined with an increased demand for graphene nanocomposites, the global graphene nanocomposites market is projected to witness an exponential growth over the forecast period.Global Graphene Nanocomposites Market: SegmentationGlobal Graphene Nanocomposites market is segmented as followsBy Type;Graphene Oxide (GO)Graphene Nano Platelets (GNP)Graphene PolymerBy Application;Electro catalystsHigh performance materialsBiosensorsBiomedical materialsBy End-Use;PackagingBuilding & ConstructionElectronics & ElectricalAutomotiveMedicalGlobal Graphene Nanocomposites Market: Key Trends and DriversThe swift growth of electronics industry and perennial development in technology drive the graphene nanocomposites market growth to an extent. Because of certain unique properties of graphene nanocomposites such as high carrier versatility, good electrical conductivity and direct optical transmittance, they are used as part of electrode applications for manufacturing active solar cells, liquid crystal devices, field emission devices and natural light radiating diodes, which drives the graphene nanocomposites market. Graphene nanocomposites are also suitable for biomedical applications such as gene delivery and nano medicine, which bolsters its growth in medical sector also. Another major application of graphene nanocomposites is ceramic-based nanocomposites. They exhibit excellent electrochemical properties with high carrier features applicable in energy sector. The relatively high cost associated with the production of graphene nanocomposites is expected to hamper the market growth.Visit For TOC@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-3154 Global Graphene Nanocomposites Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants identified across the value chain include, 2-D Tech, Abalonyx AS,ACS Material, Angstron Materials, Applied Graphene Materials plc., DFJ nanotechnologies Co Ltd, Gramor, William Blythe Limited, Graphene Laboratories Inc., Graphenea and Graphene Tech, among others. HbA1c Testing Devices Market PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 15:54:48 Press Information Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Mr. Shah CEO +1-206-701-6702 email https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com # 784 Words 1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154CEO+1-206-701-6702 HbA1c test is used to screen and diagnose for diabetes and prediabetes in patients. Hemoglobin molecule from the blood cell sticks to the glucose that gives rise to glycosylated hemoglobin molecule termed as hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C). Patients with high glucose level have more HbA1C present in blood. Average blood glucose level of a person can be diagnosed by measuring this glycosylated hemoglobin molecule. It is important for diabetic patient to know the glucose level, as there might be risk of diabetes related complications. HbA1c test is considered more effective than checking the blood glucose level. Blood glucose level gives the presence of glucose at a single point time whereas, the HbA1c test gives blood glucose level status for 2-3 months.Request Sample Copy of the Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/945 Increase in healthcare expenditure over diabetes management is owing to the growth of HbA1c testing devices marketGrowing diabetes patient population globally is one of the important factor driving the growth HbA1c testing devices market. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the number of patients with diabetes has increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Around 5 million deaths were reported in 2015 due to diabetes and 2.2 million deaths were attributed to high blood glucose level. The data given by International Diabetes Federation showed the expenditure of 673 billion USD on diabetes in 2015. Additionally, rise prescription by physicians for HbA1c test is contributing to the growth of HbA1c testing devices market. Moreover, factors such as growing awareness about diabetes preventive care, rise in geriatric and obese population which are more prone to diabetes, upgrading technologies for management of diabetes are expected to fuel the growth of HbA1c testing devices market. However, some factors are likely to hamper the growth of HbA1c testing devices market, such as high cost of testing devices and limitations for the results of certain population, which include pregnant women, elder people, and non-Hispanic black. HbA1c testing devices market have opportunities in future, due to untapped market and rise in demand for medical tourism.Wide use of bench top devices in diagnostic laboratories owing to domination of device segmentThe global HbA1c testing devices market is segmented by device- type, by technology, by end users, and by regionOn the basis of device- type, the HbA1c testing devices market is segmented intoBench top device,Handled device,.On the basis of technology, the HbA1c testing devices market is segmented intoAssay,Enzymatic Assay,Turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay,Chromatography,Ion exchange HPLC,Affinity binding chromatography,Others,.On the basis of end users, the HbA1c testing devices market is segmented intoHospitals,Diagnostic laboratory,Research institutions,Homecare,.Ask for customization: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-customization/945 Rising diabetic population is attributed to the growth of HbA1c testing devices market in Asia PacificRegional segmentation of HbA1c testing devices market by Coherent Market Insights comprises of North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. The increase in number of patient population in North America is fuelling the growth of HbA1c testing devices market. Furthermore, the factors like established healthcare infrastructure and adoption to the technologically advanced medical devices, are helping North America to dominate in the HbA1c testing devices market. According to recent data given by International Diabetes Federation, there are around 109 million people in China and 69 million people in India with diabetes. The large number of diabetic population, unmet health needs, and development in healthcare sector are fuelling the growth of HbA1c testing devices market in Asia Pacific.Product development is helping the organizations in HbA1c testing devices market to hold the top positionKey industry players operating the global HbA1c market includes Abbott Laboratories, Transasia Biomedicals limited, Alere Incorporated, Arkray Incorporated, Danaher Co., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Siemens Healthcare, F.Hoffmann-La Roche Limited, and Trinity Biotech Plc. The industry players are likely to get involved in product development for higher accuracy, reliable results, and quicker turnaround time for the analyzers. The factors like product development and approval of devices for diagnosis of diabetes are helping the organizations to hold the maximum share in the HbA1c testing devices market.Browse Full Report at: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/hba1c-testing-devices-market-945 About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@ coherentmarketinsights.com Visit our news Website: http://www.coherentnews.com Industrial Burner Market PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 11:59:15 Press Information Future Market Insights CONTACT: Future Market Insights Abhishek Bhudoliya 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, United States T: +1-347-918-3531 F: +1-845-579-5705 Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.com Website: www.futuremarketinsights email Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 514 Words CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: www.futuremarketinsightsAbhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 An Industrial burner is a mechanical device which uses gas or liquid fuel to produce flames in a controlled manner. The efficiency of a burner depends on the mixing rate of air and fuel which affects flame stability. An industrial burner is a crucial component of an effective combustion system design. Some crucial functions that industrial burners need to perform include fuel preparation, distribution of air and fuel and combustion control. Industrial Burners have many applications in various industries like chemical industry, automotive industry, food processing industry, etc. Various features of a good industrial burner are:Less PollutionLow NoiseLong lifeSafety in operationStable operationAs almost every industry uses burners during the manufacturing process, it becomes extremely important for manufacturers to do regular maintenance of burners to avoid breakdowns in operations, unnecessary failures, etc. Also, timely maintenance of industrial burners contributes to energy and fuel savings.Request For Report Sample@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3382 Market Trends, Drivers, RestraintsIndustrial burners are an integral part of the operations in all industries as they provide thermal energy needed for transferring of heat, generation of steam, heating of fluids, etc. The extensive use of burner management systems (BMS) in various industries will have a positive effect on the global industrial burners market. Burner Management Systems help in safe start, operation and shut down of the multiple burner furnace section of a boiler. The increase in demand for industrial boilers in developing countries due to rising industrialization has fueled the growth of the industrial burner market.Due to the various regulations introduced by governments across the world, it has become important for all manufacturers to produce energy efficient burners. Also, many manufacturers are now focusing on new technologies that will reduce the cost of production, apart from also reducing emissions from industrial furnaces. Industrial burners bring about complete combustion of the air and fuel which, in turn, reduces carbon dioxide emission. Many companies, in the steel industry specially, are now focusing on research and developments to produce energy efficient industrial burners.One of the major trends being seen in the industrial burner market is the use of renewable fuel oil. With increasing focus on reducing emissions so to avert negative changes in climatic condition, it has become important to use renewable fuel for operations. Companies are investing hugely in R&D for developing such industrial burners.There are various challenges that the industrial burner industry is facing at this point in time. Retrofitting of industrial burners is a major concern, which may also hamper the growth of the industrial burner market in future.Visit For TOC@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-3382 Examples of some of the market participants in the global Industrial Burner market identified across the value chain include:Alzeta CorporationANDRITZBaltur S.p.A.Bloom Engineering.Forbes Marshall.Honeywell international Inc.LimpsfieldMITSUBISHI HITACHI POWER SYSTEMS LTD.OilonQED Combustion.Selas Heat Technology CompanyWESMANJOHN ZINK COMPANY, LLC.IBS Industrie-Brenner-Systeme GmbHFaber Burner CompanyWeishaupt GroupOxilon Burners CompanyESA Pyronics InternationalBABCOCK WANSONAGF Burner, Inc. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 15:00:54 Press Information Transparency Market Research U.S. OFFICE: State Tower, 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany NY - 12207 United States Rohit Bhisey Head of Marketing +1-518-618-1030 email https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ # 590 Words U.S. OFFICE:State Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesHead of Marketing+1-518-618-1030 Inorganic pigments are obtained from mixed metal oxides and are produced by a high temperature calcinations process. These pigments are not affected y strong acids, base and oxidizing agents. Also inorganic pigments are non-migratory, do not bleed and are non-warping. Most inorganic pigments can withstand various temperatures and bad climatic conditions; they are heat resistant, have resistance to other chemicals and are easy to disperse. There are a variety of inorganic pigments available and are classified primarily from the source they are derived from. Some of the inorganic pigments include Chrome, which is derived from lead, Cadmiums, which are derived from cadmium compounds, and Irons that are derived from various iron oxides among others. Inorganic pigments are solid materials that obtain their transparency owing to their extremely small size and shape.Request Sample Copy of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=2903 Inorganic color pigments are used in various industries, which include coil coatings, powder coatings, industrial coatings, architectural coatings among others. They are also used in the coloring of plastics, buildings, constructions etc... It finds its application even in the automotive segments as a colorant for engineering plastics. Owing to the quality of industrial products, which have been improving over the past few years, the demands on their appearance and durability are increasing as well. Due to their fastness properties and their tolerance to adverse conditions, they are the most preferred pigments used in constructions. Inorganic pigments are the most stable class of pigments that have been manufactured as of today.The key drivers for the inorganic pigment market include rapid growth in urbanization, the paints and the coatings market, the construction agency, the building material and plastic industry. The demand for inorganic pigments is expected to be the highest in developing countries. These inorganic pigments are mainly used in the automotive industry due to its durable properties. The market for automotives in developing countries along with the plastic, paint and coatings industry is growing at a rapid pace especially in emerging economies like India and China and hence the demand for inorganic pigments is anticipated to be high in these countries. The main setbacks of the inorganic pigment industry are coping with continuous globalization, markets that are mature in a few applications and regions and the excess production of commodity pigments.The adverse environmental effects inorganic pigments cause can be a restrain for its market especially in Europe. However due to the lack of stringent regulations in Asia Pacific countries especially in countries like India and China, inorganic pigments are used produced and used on a large scale.The key segments for this market include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the world (RoW). The most widely used pigments are manufactured from iron oxide. The largest manufactures of inorganic pigments is China, followed by North America and finally Europe. Demand for inorganic pigments is seen to be declining in western countries while demand in Asian countries is increasing especially in China. The inorganic dye market is mature in Japan and is not likely to increase by a huge margin over the next few years. The consumption of inorganic pigments is expected to grow significantly in India and China in the near future.Some of the key companies profiled for Inorganic Color Pigments market include Ferro Corporation GmbH, Shepard Color Company, Bayer AG, Rockwood, Atlanta AG, Apollo Colors, Honeywell International and Todo Kogyo among others.Request TOC of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=2903 Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices Market PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 14:37:29 Press Information Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Mr Shah CEO 2067016702 email http://www.coherentmarketinsights.com # 762 Words 1001 4th Ave,#3200CEO2067016702 Intracranial pressure is the pressure inside the skull that might increase due to rise in pressure of cerebrospinal fluid or it may be due to rise in pressure within the brain. Intracranial pressure might arise due to a brain tumor, fluid around the brain or bleeding into the brain, or swelling within the brain. Increased intracranial pressure can be observed in hepatic encephalopathy, head trauma, hydrocephalus, and cerebral edema. Elevated intracranial pressure can lead to death in neurosurgical patients or it may cause cerebral ischemia. To avoid this circumstance, rapid recognition and monitoring of elevated intracranial pressure is important. Elevated intracranial pressure can be measured, either clinically or quantitatively.Growing population with the neurological disorders globally is certainly driving the intracranial pressure monitoring devices marketA Number of neurological disorders and traumatic accidents are increasing day by day. According to the United Nations data of 2007, around 1 billion people, that is, 1 in every 6 of the worlds population suffered from neurological disorders, epilepsy, Alzheimers, strokes, multiple sclerosis and migraines.. The increasing number of population with neurological disorders is the major factor that is driving the intracranial pressure monitoring devices market. Additionally, According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 2.5 million cases of traumatic accidents are registered in U.S. that lead to brain infection, meningitis, and aneurysm globally, results in the requirement of intracranial pressure monitoring and hence propels the growth of intracranial pressure monitoring devices. A Large amount of funds have been invested by the government for the improvement of the healthcare sector, expected to boost the intracranial pressure monitoring devices market.Request For Sample Copy@However, the high cost of this monitoring devices and lack of skilled professionals for handling the devices are the factors which restraints the growth of intracranial pressure monitoring devices market. Intracranial pressure monitoring devices which are mostly used today are with certain limitations hence the development and validation of intracranial pressure monitors that would measure absolute intracranial pressure is expected to create the opportunity in intracranial pressure monitoring market.External ventricular drainage segment holds the largest share in the intracranial pressure monitoring devices market due to its accurate measurement of intracranial pressureThe global intracranial pressure monitoring devices market is segmented by product, by application, by end users and by regionsOn the basis of product type, intracranial pressure monitoring devices market is segmented intoInvasive,External ventricular drainage,Microtransducer ICP monitoring devices,Fiber Optic devices,Microchips,Others,Non invasive,MRI/CT,Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography,Tympanic membrane displacements,Fundoscopy,OthersOn the basis of applications, intracranial pressure monitoring devices market is segmented intoTraumatic brain injury,Intracerebral hemorrhage,Meningitis,othersOn the basis of end users, intracranial pressure monitoring devices market is segmented intoHospitals,Clinics,Private medical offices,Trauma centers,Government and research organizations,OthersRising awareness about neurodegenerative diseases is expected to propel the growth of intracranial pressure monitoring devices marketRegional segmentation of intracranial pressure monitoring devices market by Coherent Market Insights comprises of North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, and The Middle East. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in U.S, there are around 2 to 3 million Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) cases registered every year, that eventually lead to the more usage of intracranial pressure monitors in North America. Hence the rising number of patients with such diseases and increase in the usage of intracranial pressure monitoring devices are the factors that leads to domination of North America in intracranial pressure monitoring devices market. Rising government initiatives to generate the awareness about the neurodegenerative disorders also propelling the growth of intracranial pressure monitoring devices market.Mergers & acquisitions are helping the industry players to obtain the maximum share in intracranial pressure monitoring devices marketKey players operating the intracranial pressure monitoring devices market includes Codman & Shurtleff Incorporated, Sophysa, Gaeltec Devices Limited, Integra Lifesciences Co., Raumedic AG, VITTAMED, Orsan Medical Technologies, Haiying Medical, and others. The industry players had adopted the strategy of mergers and acquisitions, and partnership to hold the largest share in the intracranial pressure monitoring devices market.Get More Details On this Report:About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Coherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email:sales@ coherentmarketinsights.com Visit our news Website: http://www.coherentnews.com PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 14:59:32 Press Information Persistence Market Research CONTACT: Persistence Market Research 305 Broadway 7th Floor, New York City, NY 10007, United States Rahul Singh Marketing Head 800-961-0353 email http://www.persistencemarketresearch.com # 583 Words CONTACT:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United StatesMarketing Head800-961-0353 Global LRVP market will witness promising growth in the first half of the forecast period (5.5% CAGR), which will incur a slight dip post-2020, (4.9% CAGR). However, the overall CAGR of the market estimated for 2016-2024 is estimated at 5.2%.View Full Report: https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/liquid-ring-vacuum-pumps-market.asp Research Analyst, Industrial Automation Domain, Persistence Market ResearchAccording to Global Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps Market Industry Analysis and Forecast 2016-2024, the global liquid ring vacuum pumps market will reach US$ 2,871.3 Mn by the end of the forecast period.Regional analysis indicates that the US$ 535 Mn North American market will rule the roost with an estimated 6% CAGR over 2016-2024. Towards the close of 2024, this region is expected to attain revenues worth US$ 851.1 Mn. Latin America, Europe, and Asia Pacific are identified to be the next key markets for LRVP. North America, Europe, and APAC will collectively hold a whopping 75% share of the total market size in 2024.In developing economies within Asia Pacific, leading LRVP manufacturers are tackling the competitive pricing issue in order to deliver customer-centric products. Moreover, China and India host a swelling number of small manufacturers specifically serving pharma and chemical process industries. These factors will play a vital role in pushing the sales of liquid ring vacuum pumps in near future within Asian markets. Reaching a value beyond US$ 504 Mn, APAC market is likely to expand at a moderate CAGR of 5.3% over 2016-2024.Request to view Sample Report: https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/12991 LRVP market expanding at the backdrop of a slew of factorsIncreasing demand from oil & gas, and power industriesGrowing preference for high capacity-high cost liquid ring vacuum pumpsExtending applications in chemical and general process industriesConstant innovation by manufacturersStrict EPA regulationsPromising emergence of low water consuming pumpsBurgeoning M&A between key playersLucrative opportunities in Asia countriesSegment analysis: Consumption by oil & gas segment crossing US$ 931 Mn by 2024In terms of capacity, 500-1500 cfm segment will continue to lead with the maximum revenue sales, followed by < 500 cfm segment. However, < 500 cfm segment will possibly thrive fastest at a CAGR of 5.2%, followed by > 1500 cfm segment with an estimated 4.4% CAGR over 2016-2024.Request to download and view full ToC https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/liquid-ring-vacuum-pumps-market/toc Considering material type, cast iron segment will continue dominance with over 60% value share, reaching a value of US$ 1,718.2 Mn in 2024. This segment will also demonstrate the fastest CAGR of 5.3% over the forecast period. Stainless steel segment will also grow moderately at 5%, attaining a value worth US$ 876 Mn in 2024.Based on the end-use industry, oil and gas sector will retain dominance over others, with over US$ 931 Mn by the end of 2024 in terms of revenues. Chemical processing and general process industries will continue to maintain the second and third largest segments respectively. Among these, general process industries will display a higher CAGR of 5.8% over 2016-2024, bagging the revenues of over US$ 511 Mn. Paper and pulp, and power segments are expected to grow steadily throughout the assessment period.Buy Now This Report @ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/checkout/12991 View Report Table of Contents, Figures, and TablesReport analyzes the key company profilesDekker Vacuum Technologies Inc., Busch Vacuum Technics Inc., Flowserve Corporation, Tsurumi Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Atlas Copco Airpower N.V., Gardner Denver Nash LLC, Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems, and Graham Corp. are some of the key players that constitute the competitive landscape of the global liquid ring vacuum pumps marketplace. Persistence Market Researchs report includes in-depth profiling of key companies. PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 12:24:08 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 565 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Global demand for magnesium metal will reach 1,085 KT in 2016, representing market value worth US$ 3.13 Bn. Steady automotive sales in the US and Western Europe, combined with a rapidly growing Asia Pacific automotive market will continue to drive demand for magnesium, as manufacturers increase their emphasis on fuel efficiency and emission control. Magnesiums applications in making automotive wheels, transmission cases, and engine blocks will continue to fuel demand in 2016 and beyond.Browse Complete Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/magnesium-metal-market Environmental and legislative influences will continue to promote the use of magnesium vis-a-vis steel and aluminium. As lightweight and fuel-efficient vehicles gain centre stage in the automotive landscape, magnesium is gaining traction as a preferred manufacturing material.Application-wise, magnesium alloys and die-casting will continue to remain the largest segments, accounting for 349 KT and 302 KT respectively in 2016. Demand will also be supported by magnesiums growing applications in iron and steel desulphurisation. Magnesium will continue to witness stable demand from the aerospace sector, owing to its excellent properties as a reductant in manufacturing titanium.Request and Download Sample Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/REP-GB-1550 While magnesiums excellent properties will continue to boost its adoption in end-use industries, slower economic growth and stringent import regulations can impede demand in 2016. Leading players in the magnesium metal landscape are expected to focus on capacity expansions and capacity additions to address these challenges.Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) will remain the largest market for magnesium metals, accounting for 518 KT of magnesium in 2016, up from 482 KT in 2015. The region accounts for a major share in overall global automotive and steel production, and magnesium is widely used in these industries. China will continue to be the most lucrative market for magnesium of the overall global magnesium production capacity, around 85% is concentrated in China, while the remainder is distributed in pockets across the globe.View and Download TOC of Magnesium Metal Market Research Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/magnesium-metal-market/toc Key China based players include Taiyuan Tongxiang Magnesium Co., Ltd, Shanxi Wenxi Hongfu Magnesium Co., Ltd.,Wenxi YinGuang Magnesium Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., and Shanxi Wenxi Zhenxin Magnesium Co., Ltd. among others. Some of the key players based outside of China include US Magnesium LLC.; Dead Sea Magnesium Ltd.; POSCO; RIMA Group; Solikamsk Magnesium Works OAO. Players based outside China are channelising efforts towards ramping up production capacities to better cater to growing magnesium demand across the globe. Over the next two to three years several new magnesium production facilities are slated to become operational across the globe.Long-term Outlook: The global magnesium metal market is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 7.1% during 2016-2026, reaching 6.2 Bn in revenues by 2026. APEJ will remain the largest market throughout the forecast period, increasing at a CAGR of 7.3% through 2026.Buy Full Magnesium Metal Market Research Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/1550 About Us:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@ futuremarketinsights.com Website: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com PR-Inside.com: 2017-10-24 12:34:22 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail http://www.futuremarketinsights.com # 665 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Leading market intelligence firm Transparency Market Research (TMR) has released a new market research report. The report, titled Magnetic Materials Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2013 2019, details the market in terms of its historical development to 2012 figures. Based on these figures, the future trajectory of the global magnetic materials market is predicted.The report states TMRs estimations that the magnetic materials market is expected to grow at a robust 8.9% CAGR from 2013 to 2019 to reach an end value of US$87.18 billion. This represents a significant rise from the global markets 2012 valuation of US$48 billion.Of the three types of magnetic materials on the global market, semi-hard magnetic materials have historically been the dominant product segment of the market. Semi-hard magnetic materials took up a 55% share in the global market in 2012. They are expected to remain the dominant category over the forecast period, though in large part thanks to the headstart they have accumulated over the years. Easier availability of soft and permanent magnetic materials is expected to propel demand for these two segments at high rates over the forecast period. The high performance of permanent magnets such as NdFeB is a boon to the modern industrial sector and is expected to result in high demand for the permanent magnetic materials segment.View and Download TOC of Magnetic Materials Market Research Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/report-toc/1894 The report also provides detailed quantitative and qualitative information regarding the various applications of magnetic materials. The growing automotive industry is one of the two major end users of magnetic materials in the current scenario. Diverse applications of various magnetic materials in automotive design have resulted in high demand from the global magnetic materials market. The strong rise of the Asia Pacific automotive sector will help keep demand for magnetic materials high in the forecast period, allied to steady demand from the historical automotive powerhouses in Europe and North America.A good opportunity for major magnetic materials manufacturers catering to automotive giants is the growing interest in hybrid electric cars. Because magnetic materials are important components in electric powertrains, this sector will generate steady demand for magnetic materials in the coming years, said a TMR analyst about a promising opportunity in the global magnetic materials market.Request and Download Sample Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=1894 The energy sector, though, is a rapidly developing application segment of magnetic materials and is expected to grow in terms of demand for magnetic materials at a CAGR of 8.8% in the forecast period. Wind energy claims the largest demand for magnetic materials among all energy generation mechanisms. Growing support for wind energy from various governments around the world will result in an escalating demand for magnetic materials from the wind energy sector in the forecast period.The report also details the competitive landscape of the global magnetic materials market by profiling major players in the market, such as Molycorp Inc., Tengam Engineering inc., Hitachi Metals, Ltd., OM Group, and TDK Corporation.Buy Full Magnetic Materials Market Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=1894